Class stratification in Chetan Bhagat's The Three Mistakes of My Life

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Class stratification in Chetan Bhagat’s The Three Mistakes of My


India is called the largest democracy in the world and

Indian are proud to be called so. It is a country where people

have freedom to express and the right to elect their

representatives. These elected representatives are supposed to

work for the welfare of the public. It is believed that a

political system without parties is a ship without rudder. The

presence of parties is essential in strong political system

because in every democracy, the existence of parties, groups and

association represent diverse cross sections of the populace

which is a must for proper ideal functioning. In the current

scenario the wide spread disillusion in ur political system is

quite evident. The poverty, unemployment, poor literacy level

and unequal distribution of wealth indicate the inefficiency of

our political system. Marxism calls into question the social

system and living conditions which is built solely for the

maintenance of the status quo and to support the privileged

position of bourgeoisie. This is witnessed in the novel Three

Mistakes of my life as people in India are stratified on the

basis of caste, creed, religion, economical status and so on.

Class antagonism and social stratification have always been

a part of the societies from the dawn of human history.

Literature, being a mirror of the society, has often reflected

this class warfare quite profoundly and abundantly. Societies are

not divided only into proletariat and bourgeoisie but there are

numerous other subdivisions too. Every single aspect of man’s

life is an expression of his class. Their language, food, dress,

the ways of living, sleeping and eating speak about their class.

Chetan Bhagat has perfectly juxtaposed the societal

stratification stemming out of the economic stratification.

Three Mistakes of My Life is a realistic exposition of class

difference betwixt two opposite strata of society between which

gap is impassablely wide and it is still widening

The novel is about the life of Govind Patel, a poor and a

young business man in Ahmedabad of Indian Sub-continent and his

two friends Ishaan and Omi. The prologue introduces the story in

a dramatic fashion. The writer receives a mail about a suicide

attempt of a business man in Ahmedabad. Besides introducing the

story, it builds curiosity and gives a read tone to the story

that is to follow. The story covers various entities like

business, cricket and more importantly religion as the title page

promises. Though cricket and business dominate the novel, there

are elaborate descriptions of poverty, class conflict, religious

disharmony and individual struggle for a better life in India.

As the story begins with the author reading a suicide mail

from a boy named Govind from Ahemedabad, Gujrat, the horrified

author frantically contacts his ex-teacher and explains

everything to him the matter and tells him to save the life of

the young boy. After a few hours, the young boy is found in a

hospital being treated for consuming nineteen sleeping pills. The

author decides to meet him to know the reason for taking the

drastic step. He leaves for Gujrat next day. The boy initially

refuses to say anything but after a while he starts narrating his

story to the author. Govind, Ishaan and Omi are new graduates

and best friends studied in Municipal School, Belrampur. Govind

comes from a poor family with only a mother who struggles to meet

her needs by running a homemade food shop. He earns money by

taking tuition in Belrampur. He doesn’t want to do Engineering as

his mother wishes him to become an Engineer. Supporting his mom

in her business and his tuition does not allow him to prepare for

entrance examination to IIT. He wants to business and become rich

as every Indian citizen dream for that. Ishaan is very poor in

studies. His only passion is Cricket. His father is totally upset

with him and always nags him for his uselessness. Omi comes from

a staunch Hindu family and his father a Pujari (Priest in Hindu

temples) of a Mandir. His father expects Omi to become a pujari

which he always swats to escape.

Amid these circumstances, one day Govind comes with an idea

of opening a shop to sell cricket stuffs. Omi convinces his

parents to rent a small place within the mandir premises. While

Govind handles the accounts, Omi and Ishaan will run the shop.

Ishaan has a younger sister, Vidya whom he is very possessive.

He request Govind to teach her maths for her upcoming medical

examination. With reluctance he agrees. Vidya is an immature

young girl who has no interest in maths and medicine. She wants

to have freedom to live her life of her own.

The shop runs well with occasional ups and downs. Govind

plans an initial payment for the shop in a new mall which will be

opening shortly. This is considered to be his first mistake. In

the midst of all this routine occuls, a natural calamity- a

devastating earthquake which destroys many buildings and mall

with the dream shop. Govind is heart-broken but after the support

from his friends and mother, he gets back to handling his small

shop. They are often visited at their shop by Omi’s uncle-

Bittoo Mama, who is a member of a Hindu Political Party and a

devotee of Parekhji, the leader of this party. He often takes

the three to his political meetings. Meanwhile Ishaan hears

about a very talented boy named Ali who hits a six at every ball.

Ishaan checks him out. But Ali gets tired after every fourth

ball and has a terrible headache. He takes him to a doctor who

says he has been blessed with exceptionally fast feflexes and

this puts a pressure on his brain. Ishaan decides to coach him,

builds up his stamina and prepare him to be a national team

player. He gives Omi the responsibility of his diet as he is

malnourished. Omi first refuses because he is a muslim and the

son of Bittoo Mama’s arch rival- a leader of Muslim Political

Party. He later agrees to help Ali but keep ti all a secret.

After considerable time, there is improvement in Ali’s

stamina. Ishaan wishes to take him to India- Australia match to

introduce any influential person who could help Ali to be a

successful cricketer. The three along with Ali manage to reach

the VIP lobby. There they meet an Australian Cricketer Fred who

sees Ali’s capacity and promises to help them and arranges for

their tickets to Australia. Govind after much cribbing spends

his savings going to Australia. In Australia which he denies

saysig he is too patriotic and will only play for India. Oneday

on Bondi beach in Australia, Govind realizes he is missing vidya.

He calls her and refuses to express his feelings openly. But

love blossoms between them. The three along with Ali return to

Ahmedabad and get back back to their routine. Romane peaks

between Govind and Vidya. Oneday, on her birthday under Divya’s

roof top café, they commit the unforgivable sin. It is

considered to be Govind’s second mistake.

Amid all this drama, breaks a religious unrest when a train

bogie of Sabarmathi Express near Godhra station in Gujarat

carrying a troupe of staunch Hindu supporters along with Bittoo

mama’s son Dhiraj is supposedly burnt by Muslims. Trouble has

started in the city. One of the major in India where one group

which is a minority community is always offended and trashed.

Hindu agitators along with Bittoo mama burn and kill several

muslims in neibouring villages. Ali comes down for daily

practice to Ishaan at this crucial time. He takes the boy to a

safer place an ald bank building where these friends gather. Omi

and Govind also join him. The frenzy mob reaches the building

demanding Ali to be killed as revenge. Omi tries to save his

friends and Ali from his drunken Bittoo mama. Mama’s trishul

enters omi’s stomach in the frenzy fight. Omi dies an

unfortunate death when he tries to save Ali from his uncle’s

lunatic behavior. Govind misses rescuing Ali by a split second.

Ali’s wrist gets cut rendering him handicapped to play. This is

Govind’s third mistake. Bittoo mama gets killed in the fight.

Ishaan is upset with Govind for thinking selfish and delaying to

protect Ali. He also discovers his relationship with his sister

and is mad at him. Govind blames himself for all the sad events.

Being a poor, trying to become a big business man, becomes upset

over the sequence of events that disappoints him. He takes a

decision to commit suicide but fortunately he is saved.

Govind’s mother convinces Ishaan to forgive him. Ishaan

with his sister come to meet Govind in the hospital and become

friends again. Govind promises to pay for Ali’s treatment. Ali

gets a sugery done which turns successful and he once again

starts practicing cricket. Govind agreeing to help the author

writes a book on his three mistakes. The plot ends with the

epilogue which brings us back to the hospital where the prologue

had left us. It ends in the usual happy note, Ish forgiving

Govind and Ali becoming a cricketer.

Being an Indian, Cheten brings out the overwhelming

enthusiasm of typical Indian in the novel. Though the novel

gathers momentum when a tragedy strikes in the form of the 2001

Gujarat earthquake and the 2002 Godhra riots, both these

calamities expose the chinks in the armour of the friendship

between the boys. They also throw open the can of worms that

brought to light the tainted Hindu-Muslim hatred, one of the

darkest chapters in the history of India and Particularly


“Whenever the caste issue is raised, it is alleged that

it is a nefarious design to divide an otherwise united

Hindu community and a problem that is internal to it.

How is it a ‘Hindu problem’ when Islam, Christianity

and Sikhism in Indian are equally bedeviled by it?”

(The Hindu, The Echoing Silence of Caste, April 15,

2014, Editorial).

Class stratification is falsely considered a natural way of

human life on earth that cannot be abolished. Class is a human

construction arising from man’s lust for the possession of power.

Money, being one of the biggest sources of power, is used for the

division of human beings and societies into various classes and

the maintenance of these classes. Three Mistakes of My Life is an

exposition of working class in India juxtaposing high class

people of India and their life. It highlights the class

stratification in Indian society and in the sub-continent,

presenting Govind as the working class hero.

In the prologue of this novel, the protagonist confesses in

the tone of depression he is from a poor family from Ahmedabad.

“This E-mail is a combined suicide note and a

confession letter. I have let people down and have no

reason to live. You don’t know me. I am an ordinary

boy in Ahemedabad.” (TMML Prologue)

Rich people get proper medical fecilities and treatment in

India but poor people to go government hospitals where state-of-

the-art medical facilities are not properly used, sometimes

unavailable and sometime inaccessible. This sense of difference

is explicitly conveyed in this novel. When Govind patel, the

proletariat, admitted to a civil hospital, the writer is informed

about it by Professor Bansant. There comes the reality in

Government hospitals.

“What are the doctors saying?” I said.

Nothing. It is a Government hospital. What do you

expect? They will flush his stomach and Send him home…

(TMML Prologue XVI)

And then,

“Next I called the civil hospital. However the

operator did not know about the case and There was no

facility to transfer the line to the ward either.”


Cricket is a passion for Ishaan and billions of dollars are

profited by Cricket board in India and other related firms and

organization every year. As the three friends of the novel

belong to poor family, from working class family, they are not

able to go and watch cricket match once in their life time. A

cricket match in India attracts atleast thirty five thousands

audience in average. Forty nine International grounds are there

having the capacity from twenty thousand to sixty seven thousand.

Middle class and rich people frequent seasonal cricket festivals

like Indian Premier League and International One-day cricket

matches in India but poor boys like Ishaan whose father is a

Government employee, Omi whose father is a priest in a Hindu

temple and Govind whose mother is working for a daily wages can

watch those matches only on televisions. That too, Govind and

Omi have to watch in his friend’s house as the facility is absent

in their house. This is a pathetic situation of working class

people in India. Govind says

“The match was in Vadodra, just two hours away from

Ahmedabad. But we could not go- one because we didn’t

have money; and two because I had my correspondence

examination in two days. (TMML 2)

In all facets of life, inequality is widely prevalent in

India. People of working class have to put their heart and soul

to uplift their status to some extent to be recognized in the

society. The protagonist, Govind and his friends are in low

strata of the society. Govind clearly expresses his position

comparing himself with his friends.

“I am easily the poorest of the three (though I will be

the richest one day) even though Ishaan and Omi aren’t

particularly wealthy. Ishaan’s dad works in the

telephone exchange and while they have lots of phones

in the house, the salary is modest. Omi’s dad is the

priest of the Swarnibhakthi temple, which actually

belongs to Omi’s moms family for generations. And that

does not pay well either. But, they are a lot better

off than me and my mom.

Govind’s mom runs a ‘Gujarati snacks business’ (TMML 6) and

Govind’s runs a tuition centre from which he generates a little

bit of money to support his family. There is a significance

difference between the living conditions of Govind and Parekh-ji,

a senior leader of a political party. “It is the grandest house

in Gandhinagar” (TMML 33) whereas Govind’s, who represents

working class, house is not even properly ventilated. He says,

“I switched on the tube light inside. The homes in our pol

required light even during daytime.” (TMML 11)

Bittoo Mama wants all the three friends to meet Parekh-Ji

and takes them to him. Parekh-Ji house is the grandest house in

Gandhinagar. Parekh-Ji is a symbol of bourgeosis. Bittoo Mama

tells “He heads the biggest temple trust in Baroda.” India

stands 8th on global list of millionaires but there is still

poverty that stifles Indian economy. Poverty line is fixed to

measure and to alleviate poverty. There are three components in

poverty line: food consumption, expenditure for non-food items

such as education, conveyance, clothing, house rent and

behaviorally determined expenditure. India is two countries into

one, India of Light and India of darkness. It is largely based

on the living conditions of people in the country. Parekh-Ji’s

house is the grandest and luxurious whereas Govind’s house is

very simple even without proper ventilation. It is seen by all

the three when they go for a meeting in Parekh-Ji’s residence. It

is the grandest:

“We reached Parekh-Ji’s residence at around eight in

the evening. Two armed guards manning the front gate

let us in after checking our names. The entrance of

the house had an elaborate rangoli, dozens of lamps and

fresh flowers.”

Higher education is of vital importance for a country, as it

is a powerful tool to build knowledge based society of the 21st

century. There is a growing size and diversity of higher

education sector particulary in terms of course, management and

geographical coverage. A research says there is inequality of

educational oppurtunities in India with the help of National

Sampling Survey Organisation (NSSO). In many of the Indian

states, incidents of rural povery and urban poverty are at its

high level. This becomes an impediment for poor to pursue their

higher education. This educational inequality is evident in

Three Mistakes of My Life as the protagonist Govind struggles to

study Engineering in a good college as his mother’s wish. Govind

studies in ‘Belrampur Municipal School’ hundred meters down Nana

Park. It is not with high standard learning as private and other

kinds of schools in India. Private and other kinds of education

are affordable and accessible only to rich people like Parekh-Ji

who has studied in ‘cambridge, and then Havard’ (TMML 34) and he

has played for Cambridge college cricket team but Govind studies

in ‘correspondence’ (TMML 2) course as his family situation

demands him to play a role of bread winner for his family. Govind

describes the situation of his school as:

“I studied as much as I could. Our School was not

Oxford and emphasis on studies was low with more

teachers bunking classes than students” (TMML 9)

Though Ishaan is passionate towards cricket, he comes only

as a local player and is not able to play even for a college

team. As Parekh-Ji is afford to education in England, he plays

for Cambridge college team.

In Economics the term poor is the person who has less

purchasing power and the rich is one who has more purchasing

power. A person with less purchasing power is deeply affected

because he cannot afford Goods and services which rich can afford

and it’s safe to say without that he cannot changes his life

style and standard of living. Poor rich gap can be in different

forms some of the fields where the gap exist are Educational,

Income, Life style, Housing requirement, food needs. Poverty is a

major hurdle for Govind’s higher education. Even though he is

talent, yet he is not able to afford engineering degree as his

mothers wish. Chetan brings out a desolate gloomy realistic image

of it.

“Govind tops maths in every single year. People think

he is gifted when he hits a hundred in maths in class

X. the news spread across and Govind becomes the only

maths teacher in Belrampur” (TMML 10) and he finds a

new source of income from his tuitions to support his


Govind is not able to study for Indian Institute of

Technology (IIT) entrance examinations owing to his familial

circumstances and his aspiration to become a prosperous business

man. He says:

“My love for business began when I first started

tuitions. It was amazing to see money build up. With

money came not only things like coolers and sofas but

the most important stuff-respect.” (TMML 11)

Unless a person has money in India, no one respects. Money

plays a very important role and it gives recognition to an

individual in the society. It is power and capital. Govind says

after starting earning money from his tuitions:

“Shopkeepers no longer avoided us, relatives re-invited

us to weddings and our landlord’s visit did not throw

us in to turmoil.” (TMML 11)

Govind is more realistic. He says ,”My dream was more

realistic. I would start slow and then grow my business from a

turnover of thousands, to lakhs, to crores and then to hundreds

of crore.” (TMML)

The concept of class struggle will not arise but for the

fundamental issues of inequality of means and social status in

the society. All men are born equal irrespective of race, color,

gender, religion and status.” Sometimes people are classified

geographically that severs for victimization of an indiavidual.

There is such a kind of difference depicted in Three Mistakes of

My Life. Though the protagonist belongs to ‘Old city’ and he is

proud of it, there is no common provisions of basic

infrastructures and amenities for common good but the ‘New city’

is relatively luxurious and grand. Govind does not defend being

called a small-town-person as it is a real India.

“… Gujarat is a dry state. People get drunk on food… “

“Yes Ahmedabad is my city. It is strange…

“.. I know it is not one of theose hip cities like

Delhi, Bombay or Bangalore. I know people in these

cities think of Ahmedabad is as a small town though

that is not really the case.”

“.. I know Belrampur is not Bandra, but why sould I

defend being small-town-person as it is a bad. A funny

thing about small town is that people say it is the

real India.

“… Yes I am from the old city of Amdavad and proudof

it. We don’t have as many fashion shows and we still

like our women to wear cloths.”

Religious violence in India includes acts of violence by

follower of one religious group against followers and

institutions of another religious group, often in the form of

rioting. Religious violence in India has generally involved Hindu

and Muslims. Despite the secular and religiously tolerant

constitution of India, broad religious representation in various

aspects of society, the root causes of religious violence often

run deep in history, religious activities, and politics of India.

India has witnessed several religious conflicts throughout

history. Some events are very aggressive and brutal in nature.

There is conflict and this is a power struggle. Muslims are said

to be minorities and Hindus are the real descendents to rule.

Sectarian politics plays a destructive role to suppress the

minorities. In Three Mistakes of My Life, religious violence is

quite clear and the root cause is in directly expressed. Parekh-

Ji is a Hindu political leader and he is very powerful. Bittoo

Mama is a staunch follower of Parekh-Ji. He organizes meeting

where the three friends go and listen to the speech given by the

politician. He says Hinduism should be a way of life. He is a

symbol of saffron politics in India that wants to carry the

nation to the pinnacle of glory, through organizing the entire

society and ensuring protection of Hindu Dharma.

Some sectarian groups and political parties politicize the

Religion for vote bank. It is claimed by the Hindus that 430-

year-old Babri mosque in Ayodhya was built over the birth place

of the ancient deity Rama. The site is indeed a Hindu monument

before the Mosque was built there. This is reflected in Parekh-

Ji’s speech. He wants the crowd to think about the situation and

he explains.

“And right now, I see injustice again. Hindus being

asked to compromise, to accept, to bear, Hindus asked

for the resurrection of one temple. Not any temple, a

temple where one of our most revered gods was born.

But they won’t give it to us. We said we will move the

mosque respectfully, round the corner. But no, that was

considered unreasonable. We tried to submit proof, but

that was suppressed. Is this justice? Should we keep

bearing?” (TMML 43)

Ishaan says to Govind that it is politics, ‘pure simple

politics’. In the mean time Parekh-Ji continues his speech

bringing out the power struggle which started roughly thousand

years back between Hindu and Muslim and he justifies his stand.

“Parekh-ji continued:’ I don’t even want to to into who

this country belongs to. Because the poor Hindu is

accustomed to being ruled by someone else- 700 years by

Muslims, 250 years by British. We are independent now,

but the Hindu does not assert himself. But what makes

me sad is that we are not even treated as equals. They

call themselves secular, but they give preference to

Muslims? We fight for equal treatment and are called

communal? The most brutal terrorist are muslim, but

they say we are hardliners. More Hindu kids sleep

hungry every night than Muslim, but they say Muslims

are downtrodden.’ (TMML 43)

Chetan has described the way Parekh-ji politicizes the

problem and incites the crowd to think against Muslims in India

for vote bank and it is the reality in India. Religious

disharmony is let loose not by the common people but power-

hunger politicians. The victims are common people of both the

class. Bittoo Mama says to the three boys that “Parekh-ji not

only knows the CM, but also talks to him twice a day.” (TMML 33)

At one point of time, Ishaan meets a boy whose ‘long hair

neatly parted. His young and fragile body resembled a girl’s.he

looked like an arts or music prodigy, not a cricketer. His name

is Ali, twelve year old working class Muslim boy studying in

class VII C who has hyper reflex. It is aberration in medical

terms, but proving to be a gift for cricketer. With this, he is

able to hit every ball to six. Ishaan wants to train him. His

father is a Secular political party leader who is an arch rival

for Bittoo Mama. Ali’s house is also in a ‘squalid pol.’ Ali’s

father says no to cricket pointing out that he cannot afford it

because of poor economic condition. He points out some of the

cracks his rented house has and ask a question to the three.

“‘look above’, Ali’s dad said and pointed to the

roof,’look, there are cracks on the ceiling. There is

this room and one other tiny room tha I have taken on

rent. Does it look like the huse of person who can

afford cricket coaching?” (TMML 64)

Omi is horrified at the idea of eating in a Muslim hame. Omi

repeats Parekh-ji’s words when the three friends are asked to

come to the secular party’s office. He strongly believes that

people listen to Parekh-ji because somewhere deep downs ‘he

strikes the cord, a common cord of resentment.’ (TMML 69)

Class antagonism and social stratification have always been

a part of societies from the dawn of human history. Chetan

Bhagat has delicately brought into light with his character.

Though Omi’s argument with Ali’s father that surprises Ishaan and

Govind, they have difference of opinions. Govind says fight is

created and Ishaan says it leads to another and so on. It cannot

be stopped by man. The comparison with Chimpanzees and a

husband-and-wife life bring a reconciliatory mechanism to all the

war fares between groups. Chetan is realistic and practical in

this view and leads for a reconciliation to fight for power.

“’Good point, the fight is created. That is why I am

never big on religion or politics.’ I said.

‘Once a fight is created, it leads to another and so

on. You can’t really check it.’ Ish said.

‘You know I used to teach zoology in college’, Ali’s

dad said. ‘And I once read about chimpanzee fights that

may be relevant here.’

‘Chimpanzee fight?’

‘Yes, male chimpanzees of the same pack fight violently

with each other – for food, females, whatever.

However, after the fight, they go through a strange

ritual. They kiss each other, on the lips.

Even Omi had to laugh.

‘So Hindus and Muslims should kiss?’ I said.

‘No, the point is this ritual was created by nature.

To make sure the fight gets resolved and the pack stays

together. In fact, any long-term relationship requires


‘Any?’ Ish said.

‘Yes, take any husband and wife. They will fight, and

hurt each other emotionally. However, later they will

make up, with hugs, presents or kind understanding

words. These reconciliatory mechanisms are essential.

The problem in Indian Hindu-Muslim rivalry is not that

that one is right and other is wrong. It is…’

‘That there are no reconciliatory mechanisms.’ Ish


‘Yes, so that means if politicians fuel a fire, there

is no fire brigade to check it. It sounds harsh, but

Omi is right. People feel inside. Just by not talking

about it, the differences do not go away. The

resentment brews and brews, and doesn’t come out until

it is too late.’” (TMML 71)

Hindu- Islamic relation began when Islamic influence first

came to be found in the Indian Subcontinent during the early 7th

century. Hinduism and Islam are two of the world’s three largest

religions. Hinduism is the socio-religious way of life of the

Hindu people of the Indian Subcontinent. Islam is strictly

monotheistic religion in which the supreme deity is Allah.

Conflict between Hindus and Muslims in India has a complex

history which can be said to have begun with the Ummyyad

Caliphate in Sindh in 711. Chetan is straight forward in his

depiction of the 2002 Gujarat Riot. He said in an Interview to

The Indian Express,” Nobody can deny what has happened in


The aftermath of the Partition of India in 1947 saw large

scale sectarian strife and bloodshed throughout India. Since

then, India has witnessed sporadic large scale violence sparked

by underlying tensions between sections of the Hindu and Muslim

communities. These conflicts also stem from the ideologies of

Hindu extremism versus Islamic extremism. The burning of a train

in Godhra on 27th February 2002 which caused the death of 58

Hindu pilgrims and religious workers returning from Ayodhya is

believed to have triggered the Gujarat violence in 2002. This has

been very carefully presented in Three Mistakes of My Life.

Bittoo Mama, a staunch believer of Hinduism, sends his son Dhiraj

to Ayodhya with Kar Sevaks. He is burnt in the incident of

Sabarmathi Express.

“At least fifty people died and more than a dozen

injured when miscreants set fire to a bogie of the

Sabarmathi Express near the Godhra station in Gujarat

on Wednesday Morning. The channel dialed in a railway

official from Godhra on the Phone” (TMML 214)

‘“The mob had muslims. They had an argument with Hindu

kar sevaks and burnt everyone – women, children.’ The

tea vendor said’” (TMML 215)

Bittoo Mama wants retaliation to his son’s death. He wants

Ali to be killed but he is in control of the three friends

Govind, Ishaan and Ali. Bittoo Mama and his supporters goes

street by street in search of the boy. Muslims are brutally

assaulted and killed. Their houses are burnt. The frenzied mob

with Bittoo Mama reaches the Old Bank office where Ali is

protected by the friends. In an attempt to save Ali’s life, Omi

is unfortunately killed. “Fire dotted the neighborhood skyline.

The weather didn’t feel as cold as a February night should.”

(TMML 231) says Bhagat describing the communalist riot. It is

clear by the conversation between Bittoo Mama and Parekh-ji that

the attack on muslims has political influence.

After a thorough analysis, it becomes clear that the

political system is riddled with lack of accountability, entry of

criminal into politics, the dominant influence of muscle power

and money power, the pernicious influence of religion and caste,

oppression of marginalized groups.

Govind, the working class boy, is disappointed and dejected with

his failures though he is talent and determined. He goes for a

suicide attempt and saved. Once he clearly understands his

position. He says

“Talent is the only way the poor can become rich.

Otherwise, in this world the rich would remain rich and

the poor would remain poor. This unfair talent

actually creates a balance, helps to make the world

fair’, I said. I reflected on my own statement a

little.” (TMML 98)