Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination

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Transcript of Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination


June 2, 2018 and June 3, 2018

Celebrating the

25th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination


1993 ~ May 22nd ~ 2018


Liturgical Ministers

11:00 a.m. Liturgy

Clergy: Fr. Brian Mason, Pastor/Presider

Fr. Leonard Barbian, Concelebrant

Fr. Dominic Caldognetto, SX, Concelebrant

Fr. Joseph Simmons, SJ, Concelebrant


Celebrating 25 years of priesthood

Fr. Brian’s dream: To see parishioners walking with parishioners on the journey of faith intentionally

Following his ordination in 1993, Father Brian Mason was appointed an associate pastor of St. Veronica in

Milwaukee. “When I was sent to St. Veronica’s, I thought I knew it all,” he said. “I served there with two older

priests – they were older than my parents. I found it hard to be in the spotlight and live up to everyone’s

expectations.” Twenty-five years later, he notes: “Now, I am a lot more aware of the things I don’t know. I am

more patient.”

During his three years at St. Veronica Congregation, Fr. Brian was also an assisting priest at Sacred Heart in

St. Francis. “Being split between two parishes as a young priest was difficult,” he said.

Next, he moved to St. Matthias in Milwaukee; then St. Mary in Waukesha; then three years as associate vicar

for clergy, an archdiocesan post, which also included serving as pastor of St. Richard in Racine; as an associate

pastor for two parishes – Three Holy Women and Old St. Mary in Milwaukee, and then a member of a team of

priests that served four parishes – Old St. Mary, Saints Peter and Paul, Three Holy Women and Our Lady of

Divine Providence, all in Milwaukee. “That last assignment with four parishes was difficult. You were only at

each place once a month,” he said.

Fr. Brian noted that the two older priests at his first parish were gracious and kind, helping him grow into his

role. From his earliest days, Fr. Brian delivered his homilies without notes, a skill he continues today.

In each of his parish assignments, Fr. Brian has tried to honor the past leadership of the parish and traditions.

“When I arrived at St. Matthias, I was associate pastor and director of liturgy. A person asked if I was going to

change the way they did Communion. I asked why? The person responded: ‘We want to do it right.’ I

responded: What makes you think you are doing it wrong?”

Moving to St. Mary in Waukesha, Fr. Brian experienced his first assignment as the sole priest at the parish. “It

was scary. I was feeling the weight of the place, which had a debt – money problems.”

Throughout his various assignments he says he has learned to listen more, observe and be more confident in

making decisions.

Reflecting on his ongoing recovery from alcoholism, “the diocese sending me for treatment was a profound

change. It forced me to re-think everything I knew about God and my relationship with God,” he said. It is

through the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) 12-Step process that he has developed a deeper, more personal

relationship with God. He always had the “professional relationship,” as he called it, meaning the relationship

that came about through his theological studies.

Staying faithful to the 12-Step philosophy means Fr. Brian participates in AA sessions three or four times a

week. He often works with men who are just starting the process or are returning to it. His closest friends are

those who are walking the same 12-Step process with him. “12 Steps must be part of my spirituality now,” he


Of all his duties as a priest, Fr. Brian said celebrating Eucharist, preaching, hearing confessions (he notes he

doesn’t hear enough of them), anointing of the sick, one on ones with people, funeral planning, and marriage

preparation are most rewarding. “The more personal contact, the more I feel most effective,” he said.

“However, this is a large parish and I can only be in one place. It’s easy to let this office consume you.”


Being pastor also has its challenges. Fr. Brian said he worries about parish finances and about failing in his

ministry. Though not an obstacle, he admits it is not easy to talk about the church’s position on issues that are

polarizing, where the church has a stance, such as immigration. “There’s a fine line between helping people

understand. Sometimes even just dipping one’s toe into an issue can be too much for people to hear,” he said.

Fr. Brian is grateful for the support he receives from fellow priests, especially our regular help-outs – Fr.

Leonard Barbian and Fr. Dominic Caldognetto. “Leonard and Dominic are so gracious,” he said. His first

contact with Fr. Leonard was when Fr. Brian was ordained. “He was the associate vicar for the clergy and a

priest with many years of experience, and well-known and loved. I was scared to death of him.” Later, when

Fr. Brian and Fr. Leonard were pastors at neighboring parishes in Waukesha, Fr. Brian came to know him

better, erasing the fear. “Fr. Leonard has always treated me well. We are fortunate to have both of these priests

minister to us here at St. Mary.”

Being a priest for 25 years has been both rewarding and daunting.

“When I can help someone, when they send me a note or tell me the difference I made in their life, when you

can help somebody leave feeling differently than when they came in - that’s when you recognize the power of

being a priest. I help people know that God isn’t angry with them or displeased. But, priesthood has been hard

for me. I have fought it. Because I fear that I am not up to the task. ‘God you have to find someone else to do

this,’ I have often thought. There can be a lot of doubt, fear. But then something always happens, and I say, ‘all

right God, this is why I became a priest.’ That’s why I am still here. God wants to keep me here.”

Fr. Brian notes that hearing from the people is important not only to him but to all clergy. It makes his day

when he hears someone say they love coming to his Mass or hearing his homilies.

He also asks for our prayers. “A number of people tell me they pray for me. That is very humbling that I am a

part of their daily prayers.”

He also strives to be seen as human. Having his large black lab Molly at his side in the parish office often

breaks down barriers and aids in being perceived as human. He said families who come in to plan funerals for a

loved one often ask if Molly can be in the room. “She adds a calming, warm presence,” said Fr. Brian.

Fr. Brian has introduced several new opportunities at St. Mary for spiritual growth including the Peace Prayer

and weekly adoration of the Eucharist.

“The Peace Prayer I started four years ago after an American journalist and Marquette University graduate was

beheaded. This was so jarring and so unbelievable for a young man to die in such a gruesome way. We can’t

look for peace outside ourselves. Now, after making this prayer part of our liturgy, I’ve had people say don’t

get rid of that Peace Prayer. It reminds us of who we are supposed to be. That’s why when I introduce the

prayer before the end of the Mass I note that we pray to be God’s instruments of peace.”

As to the Eucharistic adoration day, Fr. Brian said “I am convinced that a parish is strengthened by the prayers

of its people. We need to rely on God and ask for help as much as we can. There is a powerhouse there in

prayer and we need to avail ourselves. This is ultimately the parishioners praying for the parish.”

Looking to the future, Fr. Brian’s focus is for us to have a genuine concern about the welfare of others –

whether parishioners or not, especially for people who come for whatever reason. “We must take a step beyond

welcoming, wanting people to feel they belong. We must minister to people between the ages of 20 and 50.


They are largely not being tended to. I would like to instill in us such a conviction about who we are that

someday when there is a change in pastor people have so invested themselves into new ways of thinking,

serving, reaching out and welcoming that the people cannot and will not let go of what they have created

within the parish. Priests come and go, but this is your community. There needs to be a real sense of


“I want us to learn how to accompany other people. I want to see parishioners walking with parishioners on the

journey of faith intentionally. This will strengthen the church. That’s why I push so hard for these new ways of

thinking. This is totally new; I did not learn this in seminary. It’s not easy to change, mostly because it is new

to me, to our staff and our parishioners.

“I have the privilege of serving as pastor. I feel privileged to be here and am thrilled to celebrate this

anniversary here.”

Fr. Brian, we, the catholic faith community of St. Mary, are grateful for your ministry, your leadership, and

your faithfulness. We walk with you as disciples of Christ as you continue your priesthood.

Interview and article by Bev Jurkowski, parishioner



Gathering Alleluia! Sing to Jesus


Hymn of Praise Glory to God

continued on the next page


Opening Prayer


Liturgy of the Word

Hebrew Scripture Isaiah 59:6-9

Responsorial Psalm Psalm 116: I Will Take the Cup of Salvation

Christian Scripture Philippians 1:20c-24, 27a

Gospel Acclamation Halle, Halle, Halle

Gospel Matthew 20:1-16a



Profession of Faith

Presider: Do you reaffirm your renunciation of evil, and renew your commitment to Jesus Christ?

All: I do.

Presider: Do you believe in God, the Father?

All: I believe in God, the Father Almighty,

creator of heaven and earth.

Presider: Do you believe in Jesus Christ, the Son?

All: I believe in Jesus Christ, the only Son of God,

who was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit,

born of the Virgin Mary,

suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified, died and was buried.

He descended into the land of the dead.

On the third day, he rose again,

in fulfillment of the scriptures.

He ascended into heaven,

where he is seated at the right hand of God.

He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

Presider: Do you believe in God, the Holy Spirit?

All: I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the Lord and giver of life.

The voice of the prophets,

who proceeds from the Father and the Son,

and who, with them, is worshiped and glorified.

Presider: Do you believe in the Church?

All: I believe in the Holy Catholic Church,

the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins,

the resurrection of the body and everlasting life.

Presider: Will you proclaim the Good News both in word and example?

All: I will, with God's help.

Presider: Will you continue the tradition of the church - that of teaching and fellowship, breaking the

bread and joining in prayer?

All: I will, with God's help.

Presider: Will you persevere in resisting evil and, when you fall into sin, repent and return to God?

All: I will, with God's help.

Presider: Will you see and serve Christ in all people, loving your neighbor as yourself?

All: I will, with God's help.

Presider: Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, respecting the dignity of all created life?

All: I will, with God's help.

Prayer of the Faithful Lord, hear our prayer.


Liturgy of the Eucharist

Presentation of the Gifts Heart of the Shepherd

You know, given my 53 years of Priesthood and given my priestly assignments, I am familiar with most of the priests of the Archdiocese, although not so much the younger ones. Let me tell you precious few can hold a candle to the passion Fr. Brian has for the Lord, for the Church and for ministry. He is passionately committed to what Priesthood is all about: serving the People of God. His love for the people of St. Mary is so evident and his desire that the parishioners are constantly growing in their faith is a joy to observe and the hallmark of a great priest. His 25 years in the active ministry have not been without heartaches and headaches, but Fr. Brian has persevered and for this I congratulate him and wish him many more years of fruitful ministry here at St. Mary and wherever God needs him in the future.

--Fr. Leonard Barbian


Prayer over the Gifts

Eucharist Prayer

Preface Acclamation

Mystery of Faith Acclamation

Concluding Acclamation


Communion Rite

Lord’s Prayer

Sign of Peace

Breaking of the Bread Lamb of God

Congratulations, Brian, on the anniversary of your ordination to the priesthood. It was a privilege, Brian, to have ordained you. I hope your heart is full of gratitude today that Jesus selected you to share so intimately in his mission of building his Kingdom for these past 25 years. Many times in my own life I felt it would have been so much more effective if He had simply sent down here Michael and a whole army of his angels and get the work done in a day. But he chose weak, ineffective humans like you and me to continue his mission, because it is one of changing hearts and minds and not one of power and might. We should be grateful he did so. Rejoice and celebrate that you have been among those chosen. And many thanks for your excellent work in the vineyard for 25 years. --Rembert, Archbishop Emeritus of Milwaukee, OSB


Communion Procession

Make Us One in Christ

O Taste and See

Communion to the Sick

Prayer after Communion


Song of Praise

What Return Can I Make

Dear Fr. Brian, My warmest congratulations on your 25 years of Priesthood. I think of the many people who today join their voice to yours in thanking God for this milestone. They do so because you touched them in your ministry; you comforted them in moments of pain and suffering; you held them up in time of difficulty and discouragement; you offered them hope when they felt hopeless; they found in you a companion for the journey on whom they could lean when the future looked rather bleak for them. You made, and still make, a difference in their lives. To bring about “God’s dream” at St. Mary is your vision and goal for the near future. It might very well be the challenge God offers you for the years to come. God was always there for you during the past 25 years. No doubt, you felt His presence - especially when you felt “tired” and the going was getting difficult. He will continue to be there for you, for He is a faithful, loving and merciful God. Let me close with a personal word of thanks. I have been given the privilege and joy to minister to your people at St. Mary’s for about 23 years of my priestly ministry. Thank you for allowing me to still minister to them today and hopefully into the future. My prayers are with you. May the Lord fill you with His love, joy and blessings as you continue to serve the Lord and his people in the years to come. With prayerful best wishes and heartfelt congratulations. --Fr. Dominic Caldognetto, SX


Blessing of Fr. Brian

We stand with you we pray for you, O ho – ly one of God!

Leader: God, our loving Father, bless Fr. Brian as he celebrates his 25th anniversary of priesthood.

Uphold him as pastor of St. Mary Catholic Faith Community.

Through the intercession of St. John Vianney, patron saint of priests,

may he continue to guide us on our path to heaven.

Leader: Christ our Savior, bless Fr. Brian.

May he be a healing presence to the many he serves

and may you bless him with good health in mind, soul and body.

Entrust him with gifts of healing

so that walking in Uour light,

he may bring to the people of this parish Your own healing love.

Leader: Holy Spirit, source of all wisdom, bless Fr. Brian with teaching gifts.

Empower him to spread the Gospel

to all nations and peoples through his ministry at St. Mary.

Give him the grace to believe what he reads,

teach what he believes

and practice what he teaches.

We stand with you we pray for you, O ho – ly one of God!

Text by Mary K. Matestic, parishioner

We stand with you we pray for you, O ho – ly one of God!





Concluding Rite

Sending Forth Holy God, We Praise Thy Name

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Peace Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace:

Where there is hatred, let me sow love.

Where there is injury, pardon.

Where there is doubt, faith.

Where there is despair, hope.

Where there is darkness, light.

Where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,

grant that I may not so much

seek to be consoled, as to console;

to be understood, as to understand:

to be loved, as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive,

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,

and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.