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ARKANSAS METHODIST"1Dwoteil, totho fntorasts of the JWetbod,ist Episoopal,, Chnrah,, Sot1,tlt, im ArlcansaaI

*SV: i"i$j HST*TEI), D. D.

I Edrtors, " Bpea7c t7t ozt,t7ue tTtinge u;7uia7t,becom,e sound, d,oatrirte," 1 IN ADVANCE.ISBUS, lonoY€er, jl 60

( gtx MoDtbB, Z6

YOL. .4. LTTTLE I{OCK, ARKAr{SAS, JUNE 2O, 1995. r{o. g

General News.Dnglanal.

The prlnolpal event abroad the pastwoek was tho roslgnatlon of the Cllad-stone mlnistry. It produced qulte agensatloo fur London, and has beenthe oblef topio of conversation andnewspapor dlsougglon elnoe. It isnoteworthy and slgnificant that Mr.Gladstone should neet and oYercomosuoh detormlned opposltlon ln thestormy and oritioal periods whenKahrtoum fell, and Glord.ou w&s IDur-dered, andlater when Buesla lavadodAfghanlstan, whon his poiioY w&s eoseverely oriticleed and oonderaned,that after an honorab,e adJustment ofthese quertlons, he should flnd him-self vanqutshed, when no gt&v€r {u€s-tlon was under dlsousslon than a twooent tar on bser. Tho conservativeshave notblng wheresf to be proud, asthelr vlotory w&s won by an alllanoewith the Prirrnellites, who hate thogovernmont on aooount of lts Irishpolloy, and they took advantage oftho absenco of many llberale, who bythe vay ought to havo been ln thstrseats, and perhaps would hove boen,and olosoly followed thelr leader inanyother orusade thqn ag&tnst thetrfavorlte bevoroge, beer. Tho Queeuastonlsbed, all by her qulok aooeptmceof Mr. Oledstone'g reslgnotlon, as shetelegraphed lt to London from Bel-moral, lnstead of sendtng lt as'usualb;r a royal oourler. The Marquls ofBellsbury has beon invlted by theQueen to form a oabtnet. ' Ee may flndthst it was oaslor to kiU or destroythan to make allve. Mr. Glladetone lsgreater out of office, than hls suooes-sors ln powor. Notwlthetandlng theQueents gratlfloatlon at hts defeat &rdroalg:utlon, shd. wlll yet neod hlsgreat brain endwlsecounlels. It hasoome to llght slnoe Mr. Clladstonstareslgnatlon, that hor MoJost5r, theQueenof England, hasopposod to btttenress the poltoy of the government,and that Mr. Glladstonc wag dlgtacte.ful to her whel he oame to power, andthat rhe reJoloos that a tory and anarlstoorat ls ln tbe premlershlp again.That ehe wlll favor tho roocoupadonof the Boudan, by an aotlve and vigor-oui oanpatgn, the retentton of Egypt,the settloment of the Anglo-Russiandis$ute on tho bagls of tJre Glranvtlle-Deg{ers agreoment, the ronewal of thealliance wlth Glermany; an entente,

wtlh Turtey, and no apealal entente

wltJr Franoo. This polloy, it is said,has met the approval of the Brltishforelgn oflce all the whller and withwhom the regi-me of the T:x-P1smlg1hag been intoasely unpopular.

IrelandIs rejololng over tho dofeat and roslg-na,ffon of the Gladstone nlnlstry, butlt ls quite posdblo that the new ad-mlnistratlon will bo loss favorablo toIroland than theh predeoessors.

BpalnEas a oholere soo,ro; geveral doathsh&veooourrod and thespreadof thesoourgets greatly fea,red.

BusslaNotes the ohange ln the Engllsh mln-lstry wlth undlegulsed Lnterest. Whatwill be tho forelgn polloy of the now.arlmhletratlon ls the absorblag ques'don.

tr'rarroo.Admlral Glallbos, rrTlnlstor of Ma-, &nnounosd the death of AdmlralCourbet. Ee dtsd on board hls shlp;caused by over-work and montalanxtety. As a ma,rk of respeot, theChambel of Deputies lnmodlatoly ad-Journed.

Cb-lne.The Emperor of Ohlna has ratlfled

the Pekln treat5r as its troaty of peaoewlth Franoe.

(,u orvr Oou.ntry.,

The Presldont fu sdll besleged wtthoffics-seekors, who demand hlc atton-tlon during the day and force hlm f,swork late at oight The N. Y. Eeraldnrges htrn to shut the door ln the faceof this llttle, oontemptible, ofroe-huntlne brleade. wlth a baw th'a,t oanbo hearA all'ovoi the Untted Btates.

State New6.Glreat complalnt of rugt ln wheat ln

Pope county.

Plnnaalo Bprlngs proposes to havean old fashioned oamp moetlng.

Rov. Dr. Wlthere leotured iast\f'eilnesday nlght, at Malvorn, onspfritualism.

Judge Cates of Jonesboro, andJudgo Banders of E[elena, have beenexohanging olroults;

A. F. Maberry and W. T. Trloehovestorted a paper at Cotton Plaut. \il'ewleh our old frlende great suocese.

Rev, I[. D. MoKennon bas suooeed-ed, ln establishlng a dletrlot oonferenoeat Arkadelphia. We oongratulatehtm and hls dtstrrot.

Crops alt ovor the etlte, we belleve,are clean, bave lison well workod, andnow that the raln has oome tho yteldpromlsee to be abundant.

" A littlo flve year old glrl, daughtorof Mr. l)onis, near Malvern, fell lnthe well whlle trylng to draw woter,and was drowned. a few days tgo.

Melta Pauly, a young Glernan llvlngwlth our old frlond, B. B. ConuerrnearAugusto, went to town lastweek andwent ln waohlng ln the rlvor, and watdrowned.

Bro. A. Owen, of'Cypreru Rldge,oalled Tuegday,and reportg health lndorops good, and Rsv. Thomas whltta-ker,.P. C., dolng well, alao PrestdlngElder Clark.

The Boaroy State Wheel E:nterprlsesays three hundred and flfty-dx agrl-oultural wheele have been charted lnthls etate, and Grand Seoretary Mc-Cullooh, olroult olerh of rhlte oounty,ls extendlng the order lnto Teres andTennegeee.

Argenta oonttnuer to lmprovo. Newbuildlngs are sprlnglng up. Our hueand d.eor ftlend T. W. Bald,wln, ls re-building on a larger soale then ever.We congrat[lsf6 hlrn and hls gootlwlfe, who are trueand helpful frlendsto their pastor.

Mlss Blanohe Pette, doughterof ourold frlend Col. Sam. Pette, of Batos-vllle, was examlned reoently at ateaoher,s meeting, and glven a oertlfl-oate, although she was only 16 yoareof age. We romomber llttle Blanohewell a1; Jaokoonport, and her nowsalntod mother. God bless hor.

Monday nlght a storm doshed lnlbthe Northwest part of the State, fromwo know not where, whiah sweptdown the rtver and rallroarl foster thanthe boats or tratns eyer oarne. I!dashed tnto thie olty between li and1 otolook, andJust auch a lowerlng ofwlndows and oloslngof doors wehavonot heardln some tlme dldntttarry long here, ho$ever, buthurrledon whither we oannot tell. W'e haveheard ofno serlous danage doae er-cept at Knorvllle, on the X'ort Smlthrallroad, fort5r mlles thts stde of tr'ortSmtth, whore lt blew down four orflve'houses, among gthers, the Moth.odlst ohuroh thorewas destroyed.

The Searoy College oomnenoemontererolsog passed off qulte pleasantly.We had the pleasure of hearlng B,ev.Mr. Long, pastor of the Churoh of theStrangers, Memphls, who preaohedthe oonomencoment germon. FIls ser-mon in the mornlng and at ntght die-playod breadthand dopth of 'thought,and lndusffiouo researoh, whloh madethem oreditable to hlmself, and or-oeedlngly entertalning to hls heerer!."Ele made a flno lmprerelon ln Eloa,roy,and we believo hewas eqoally pleas-ed, as he bought a lot near the BprtngPark, and will spend hl! gummersthero hereaftor. We also attended theoonoert on Monday night and foundtt exoeedlngly turtererting. Prof.Tharp ts geatly enoouraged, and or-peots a larger attondsnos noxt gosglon.'We wish bln. abundant suooess.

Persorial.Mrs. Joe Coffman, Portla, writes

she oannot do wlthout the !finrsoDrs,T.

Rev. E. F. .Earven Bearoyclroult, isdoing feltbful work, and is planntngfor a revlval all over hls oharge.

Col. Eltas Moore, Seorotary of Btate,wlll aooeBt our thanks for a copy ofthe aots of tho last General Assem-bly.

Rov. F. A. Joffett preaoLed the com-mencement sermon at New EopeAoademy, Indtan Natloh, lagt Eab-bath.

Rev. A. S. Blaokwood, Augusta, lsengaged ln a protraoted meetlng, andsonds us a Masodonla oall. Wtll golf we oan.

Prof. Russell, T:onoke, and Prof.Eowell, Morrllton, wero honored wlththe degree of A. M., by the ArkansasUnlveraltSr, leet week.

Gen. D. MoRae, the aooompllshed,soorotlr;r of the Arkansas conrmis-doners, at the T!=porltlonl has r€-turned to hlr home ln Seoroy.


Rev. J. M. Clark, P. E!. of tho Eele.aa dlrtrlot, expeots a la,rgeattendanoernd e good noet'lng at blr approooh-tngDistrtot0onlef,enoo. Bo naytt be.

Preatt W. D. Vendlver, CaleclonloIarfltute, Mo., wrlter,'.we have hada flne tlne at oommenoement, e largenumber of preaohera and other vtgl.tots.,,

Rev. Thomas Vlnsont bas sent ustwelve subrorlberi, and says he hasmore to follow, and that hls peopleare gonerally dellghted wlth theMurgoprsr.

Mr. Earry Warner wlll ltart a pa.per in Argenta thte week. e says ltwlll bc tJre llvert pepgr tn the 8tsto.We wlsh hlm abundant euooogs ln hlsncw and ample fleld.

Rev. Il. N. Xlvans oays they areslatlng tJre roof of the new ohapelrandwlll oooupy lt ln about threo weokg.We eongratulate tho young pastorand bullder, and hle oougregatlon.

Mr. EatUey Ean Walnut Rldge,oaled last week aud gnbsorlbed fortho MErEoDrgr, Ele wanted,a tom-peranoo leoturer for a Fourth of Julybarbeoue. Hemust be acoommodated.

Bev. B. A. Morris, Walnut 8idge,wrltes uc lnvlting and. urgbg one ofue to attend a gtand temperanoe bar-beoue at Mt. Zlon, on the X'ourth ofJuly. One of us wlll try and bethore.

Mojor C. B. Moore and wlfo havethe unfetgned synpathy of our ontlreolty ln the losc of thelr brlght andmanly boy, Corl. Ee was bathlng lntho Arkrnrar rlYer, Just above theolty, and was drowned.

Rey. Nat. Gl. Nunn, O. P. nlnlster,formerly of Laoroose, le now preaohlngtoooongregadon st Benton, bndone.ot Der Aro, elternetely. W'e wereglad to meet ourold frlend o fewdaysalnce. Our Methodlst Bastors wlllffnd uo trouble ln fratornlzlng wlththis osthollo splrtted 6lnlgtsi.

Rov. J. R. Moore, Arkadolphla,oalled Monday. Ee ls holptng Bro.Car, at Plnb Bluff, thls wesk. Bro.Moore preaoherl the GommenoenentEermon at Altus, and reports aD ox-oeedlngly lnterestlng time there. eseys our Senlor's atldress to the grad,-uatlng olass was the flnost offort ofhis life.

Mr. Ed. W. Wlnfleld wlll be ln thlgofloe for e ehort tlme, as both theBenlor ancl the Junlor wlll be abgentnuoh for some weekg attendlng dlst.conferonoes, Mr. Ed. wlll answer Gor-rospondonts, enroll eubroribers andentertal-n our frlonds who oall to seeus. Eeposloles, we belleve, furhappyoomblnatlon tho exoelleut qualldos ofhls father and mother.

Field Notes,\il'e begtn thls wesk wlth a klnd

rness&go sont us by BrotJrer Cllne: "Agood Bapttst lady at Korr's Statlon,who subsodbed fot our paper fm sixnaonths on trlal, renews and soys shewlll. nover do vlthout lt, as lt ls tJrebest paper she knowe A.verysenslblo lady. '

Another, a good brother, ren6ws,aad eays, 'rI eend you 76 oonts, ondwtll do better whon dmes are easier,but I must have the Mnnsootsn andwont do wlthou! 10.,, Meny thanks,.Brother Bhook, andyou shall have lt.

Next comes Rev. J. M. Cantroll.trom Batavia, and of oourse lt rs goodand savory. Bead: r.Thls ls Mondaymornlng and I am seated to reprosenttbis port of the Arkansas fleld. Ireaohed the Wtlcoekeln olroult theflrst Sunday ln Deoember, preachodtwloe thot day to good congregatlons.Fllnce, I have had good oongregadone,good. attendon,and have not missedan appolntmont thls year. EtghthaveJolned the churoh, one oonverslonand soveral are earnost seekere aftertruth. Soon ofter Ioame to my worbI learned that st sone of my appolnhments there were gultable houses lnwhloh to worsblp, and at sone therewero not. I began talklng aboutbulldtng ohuroh housesl nnd at oneappolntment the brethren and frlendereoponded; the wlnter belng rultobleonly for talk, wo put ln prett5r goodtime a,rranglog antl plan.nlng. Sowhen eprlng oame and.,tho road,s got'tled so that haullng Gould'oomm€noe,we began to put our talk lnto effeot.We seoured a deed, to about sevenecres of land and began to build.'Wo have Just finlrhed the hull of thehouge.. Wo wlll get oue hundred, dol-la,rs from the C. E. fund, whloh wlllenable us to complete the houre, andwhen comploto we wlll have e houseworth aboit geven hundred dollars,whloh the Methodlrt ohuroh end thlsoo-munlt-v wlll be Droud of. I amdolne all l- o&n to clrolulate our lltepture.- Many of my people rcad theMnrEoDrsr and there are more whowant to read lt. You may eend theMnrsoprril to J. M. Rogers, Earrison,Ark., and lwlll send you pay as eoodae I flnd out for oertaln who elee wentsto read the Msrnoorst. Thll ls agood oountry, end f am glad that Ioan say that the splrltual oondltlonof the-ohoroh on Chie workis verygood. We are pr.lying"thy.kingdonoGOmO A,nc ovor &Il Drevall." I ologenow to read the Mnironrsn, whtoh IhaveJustrecolved.t' IIow well thatsound.e, klnd words and gentle smilesfall on the needy sptrit llke raln dropson the parohed soil.

Next oomes our brothet, O. W. Ear-rls, from Cato, ln the midst of thowork of that great worker, Rev. I!. C.Caetleberry. No bottor Ee,rr or morofaltbful one in Arkansa,s. Ee ls a realItinerant: ".f venturo towrltefor your@lumng a brlof connunlgetlon, andespecdally as I ree nothlng ln thenafrom tbts part of our State. Wo mustbe heard fron, aud know of f,o betterpode than through tbe colunns ofthe MntrEoDrBT. Thls le, lndeed, obeautlful oountrf nature and'a,rtoonblned has made lt ao, rnd themost boantlful feature abont it ts thattt ls gettled up prtnoipally by a olever,soolal and ohdstlan people, and ImeanJ ust what I say. Mothodlsm ts largelyrepreeentod hore, nea,rly eyery oneare Methodlst, arid noemberg of thatohuroh. Churohes a,re numerous sndthe people generally turn out ln fullto hear our beloved preacher (BrotherCastleberry,) at all of hls appoturt-ments. We all love hlm dearly andhardly seo how we oould ever glvehlm up, and heknows how to lnfusothe true eplrit lnto the ohuroh aadkeep her allve, and he suoceeds adml-rably tn so dolng. Elo preaohed agood sermon at Mount Carmol ohurohlost Sunday, and was full of tho EolyGlhost as usual. All wero deeply in-preored and a grand rprltual feastensued. and thls wrlter had partakonso larE'€ly of the feast thatas couldnot r€i-tsf gtying tho preaoher o w&rtn



gglity,fs goodn.oomparqtively, b6Iittle sioknoEe Ju6t nod. rEeliirm#pr,9 ?ll]oly worktng thotr oropo, a,nE,

9m!ra9e; all seenoed to enJoy tt an!,

Lil: ?ffin:TF" oolf,nud' "t6

?[i: ff #to be there.

out the farmcrs? The! are tho bonoand slnew of the coudny, and I iasony to p-ay are not appreolated rsmuoh-?s they should be 6y eome peemuoh as they should be 6vple. Most o_i- our great anhuuuu au ulrt J. Enoul(l oo Dy gome Derple. Most ol our great and sood iaenwere on€o tillers of the sot[ While

gr-e g-ll busy wbrklng tholr orops, q,nEI beueve aro hopoful and anGlolpiltc ngeod yield. It is to be hoped. arilcashth&t no one will be dtsabpotntod i[geod yield. It Is to be hoped. adtcasEth&t no one will be dtsabpotntod tdthat. Eow oould wo eet'&ione witL*out t4e farmers? They are tE'o bono

all olasses &ro more or legs dependenton eaoh other, lot us not forsei to holEin hlgh estlniation tho huhble tiileof the goll.,,

Here we wtll glve a full report of cneost wonderful work of graoe tn Rs6.sellvlllo. The whole town was stirr€&and tho flre is oatshing in arljotniagtowns. We reJoloe with our BrotherMeltsn and hls people. Read ad'prepete to pralse Ctod: ...Last nighGolosed one of the most wonderftrl revivaLs thet was ever known ii tUohietory of thls town, lf not tho mostwonderfol revlval ever known ln thohlstory of .the State. fwolve dayrwork resulted ln sonethlng near throhundred converts to the rellglonofJesus, together wlth rnapy 366lqn1-tlons. The meeHng was oonduot dby tJee Rev. W. M. Roblson,of MllrrqTenu., a preaoher of the C. P. Ohure\who lsnow devodng bls tlme to evongelleflo work. Eo ls a duplloate dour Bam Jones. Ee oane to us as thoSavior"went to tho tomple, with cplatted Boourgo, and ohl how hedMply it. Backsliderg and hypoorltcrecelved suoh oastlgatlon as I nevcwltnesged before. No oharaoterof sLaand worldllnoss w&s lett uatouohed-To degorlbe the man and hls methoflgls lnposslble. W'e oan only say rothe Sanorltan wotn&n, "Cone s@ lrnsn whe told us all tblngs that eveewe dld.rr From what f have seon oE

BanJone!, through tho papers, theyare on the frame Une. One thtng Irsure, Glod ls wtth Brother Roblso!"Ee speoks 8s one havtng authorttY.Elssaro&Em^ls keen; hts hunoroon-vuldlng, and his pathos touohlng"

e exoltes frownsr and smlles, andtears. almost slmultaneouslY. Fmabout two dqye, at the beglnntng"RusseUvllle was ln a perfeot bubble"Soms were for hlm and some agalns&hlm. Some blessed hlrn and. otheruoutsed b'lm. But he took lt aU ln *good humor, &nd was as JollY as rsohool boy. Eo saldr '3the woln&ntook the broom and swePt ttU ehgfound the pleog of sllver. She rale€d,i

tbe dust, no doubt, a,s we are raising.It ln Russell{ille, but ls mY broon'and your The seoret of hb'suooesB ls, that he has fa,tth ln God,i

anddareg to tell the PeoPle theuu'varnlshed truth. The good thet hitvtslt has done thls town catr not beestlmated. Anathts vlslt dtdnot onlycffeot the townr but the oounbY formlles around. Mon from Da,rdanellqDover, Pottst Statlonr &o., oomo to sGand hea,r and were gonvorusd. JohllO,rdnn. the sherlff, ond Rtoe Eogan,the exjsherlff' w-ere both drewn dowufrom Pover irnd oonverted.- PverYtomahawk ln town wel.bufled' a,nd

Bf ffi,f:glf,'ftp,tffifft #A;f,"flJ?flfhfehest. pe&ce on earth,.good wtll tom6n.,' 'Iiro. Roblson begtns at Dar'danelle, Eaturday nlght'.the 6tF ins-t.tand we hooe he maY De olessec es trowas here. i I hoPe we maY- be .able tokeep him ln Ark&nsas a,u t4!E Ya&r.

#Bi;'"t"'+'i,-t3""JS""Ys:ilf "f ;has aiso pedtlons fiom Dover, Qla,rks'viiie. Ozdrk and Van Buren. It te tobJ-doned hs witl also be solioited foeo to ConwaY, and go- and turn it uP-Etit; d;ffi. id.u tndcnurohes of Ru-6'sellvttte wlll reap la,rg-ely.of the h.ene'ffts of tbls unpreoecentefl revlva,l.grothers Great[ouse, Ma,ssey' lTlll,Smitn. Bteel and llatthews' of outonuioti attendod, and Bro. MorPbls,;f ;h; c. n.

"h"rdh, at MorriltoniDr.

Faitonl oi the o. 8.-P. ohurch, of Dar'danelld: Dr. Searoy and Revs. Roovsstrid Bo*, of the Bapdst c]'q5ch' bestdotho rigldent pastors.D Thls is,a longfleld note. but everyoocy wut enJoyIt, and th'on wo all toke e rest for &week.



gaTUBDAY, JUNE 20, 1886.

The OxforQ. IJed,gus.& Cgwlnulrrel Coxr.EnnTon AorroN.

TheContennial Conferonoe, held inSsl6lmoreDooomber, 1834, appolntodo,sommlttee to oonslder tho subJeot oft&o @xford Lebugue. This oomuifteemaasisted of Dr. J, E. Vlnoent, ohalr-manl I)r. M. C. Brtggs, Iientenent-Eovornol G. D.Shands, 3ev. E. A.Monroe, Judge J. Iil. T.. White, Rev.Btr e. B. Galloway, Rev. C. g. Smith,Eev. J. E. Anderson,and .Rev. X,. M.Hlqmilton.

Shs oommltteets report was adoptedns follows, wtth a eltght ameiidmentss lootod, below:

Tho Oxford I:eogue has for ttg ob-@sr

I" Theoommemoration of the meetfings of oertaln studonts at Oxford,Sngload, bofween 1229 and 1?8?, pfln-@ollyunder the lsademhip of Johnsmd Charles Wesley, from whlohueotlngs wero developed the greatrellgious awakerlngs and revlvals oflhelagtoontury by whfoh the doo-tulnee and splrlt of the aportolto@huroh wereg{ven ln thelr fullnese to0&oworld, and tho power of the primt-ffio Ohurah onoo nore egtabUshid.

T[. Thefurtheranoeof tho fourfoldo&$oets ofthe ortg{nal Oxford Club:

X. The more oarful and dovout atudyof theEoly Sorlptures.

2. The cultlvadon otofa nobler andgxsro! pgrsoDal Chnsdan oharaotor.

3. The studyof the anolent*otrasBlosSol llterary oulture.

4. Tbedevlsingofme.thotte for do-tug good to otliers.

Tho Oxford League wlll, tn the ful-&rdevelopment of this soheag en-eoltsrago Methodlst youth,

l.-To study the Eoly Borlpturosirifih a vlew to the promoffon oi per-macl ploty.

8' ?o besome fanllisr wtflr the blb-SpI ortgtn of ths d.ootr{nes, tptrlt,rcd noethods whlch oharaoterize thefi'rryp Ohuroh.

S. To trase the prosenoe and d,evel.onlmont of the Methodteflo fqroo lni&o Eoly CathoUo Churoh from ttedoys of the apoiles to the p""r*it8rme.

4. To-traoe the orlgtn of tho modernwongello&l and apostollo revival.iFnown &s Mothodlsm_,,Christtanlteto earnegt"-tn the reotory

"rnpr"iill}bs^holle of Orford, and In tA"'oorJanrted homes of the best nngllen;o-$Sf; anC topromote rtort ipp""Jo1P" 3.trh9 e-Grengrh, .unorrrrhri,

"olarg0i6Jz of the movement.

- 6, ?o promote pereonalcona"o"rU-o"

,,b_gl-raotloal work, oarr;rlng tUe Cos-;reXfopereoual servloe to .thg Enosta,aedy and to the most Oegraaea,


{&,egodlesspoor and to tf,o grdl"u.:iclb,_readlng to the bedrldd"" ila il;}liod, visiting the elok_room, tnelosl{g:r"l.rhe prteon, t""ki"g ;;;;"

. :rury-foml||'es oomlng tnto thJ com.-JuT, a.nd taviflng ohildren and. ad.-*--t" the gunday-sohool and thelpX!fio sorvloo, etudytng the varlousEnovotenceo of the Churoh, and thus.el$ivotlng tnlelltgent enthustasm ilrnr9lnnro work of the Churoh.

6' ?o promote tntelleotoal hatn-lnemdor tle auspioer of the d;;iEsB@g thosewho no longerud;;;wh_ool, and thus to develof, u.uHo*fmd leffned Chrlgdan eootal ltfe tnIl1?n ?:"o-pn_shed peopte may nuCm8p.rra9l9n' and Doople of llmtied on-ryT-Tg". be brought rnto genfl'e,maooung', and eanodt5dng iettowldlXrs.

_7. To further these varlous ondl byfre publtoation aud clrsuLatton of p#see€at documehts devoted to -tle

H:1y, phtlosophn CbonUos, rnsui:rrtrons, and ashlevementg of MetUod-i5qnp.

* !hg: Orford Leaguo may bef$tu-q by the several Uranonis oi&othodiem, eaoh Churoh p;ill;gpanoral plans and ltteraturg througfiP 9-" publlehlng houses aud trrderLElowD authortty.

..,1T*"O*lor! leasue may beorgan-rjrofl' rn any lndlvldual ohuroh.

Bl Thepastor should be ex offiolo

presldont, wlth an asslstantwho shallbo nonlnsted by thepastor, the lroague, aud elled ..I:oad-er of the freague."

4. There may be l,hreo clasAes ofmembers:

1. VoLUNTAnyRnr,pnns, who neednot belong to any Churoh, but whspromlse to do the requlred reading offtre rnlfii6l. Grade. Theso readersmay attond the regular neetlngs ofthe League, but rhall have no voioeinlts oontrol

2. RrrGrslEB$D MmrrrBnns,who ehallbemembersofthe Ohuroh, and whofromlse to do.the requlfod readlng: ofthe Intttal Grade, and to attend thofour regular moetlngs of the Ireagueeaoh year. Those nombers shall havea vote ln the approval of the lreader.

8. aorrvn Mntcauns, who, bolrgnenberers of the Churoh, pledgethomselves to do thorequired readlngof tho Inttlal and Seoond Glrades, andto attend, at least four rogular audfour speolal meetlngs ot the Leagueoaoh year. All the buslnosg of 6heLooal Loaguo ghsll be tn the handsof the aodve members.

6. Ilaoh branoh of the great Motho-dlot lamlly, adoptlng the OxfordLeague, nay appolht suoh oourses ofreodlng as the authorttieg of suohChuroher nay approye, tn Churohhls-tory, general amd denomlnaffonal; lnrellgiour llterature, blblloal, dovoffonal, and blographical;' ln benevo-lont work, aLllon&ry, tenperanoo,eto.; ln goDeral llterature, Bolenoora,ndart; ond shalladopt suoh regulatloasoonoornlng terns of naemborrhlp, lo-oal oonhol, reports, eto., as they naydeon'best.

Rev. Thomas J. Nooly.In January la,sb I had the pleaeure

of soveral oonveroations w.ith theaboved named venerablo mlnlsfsl,nowtheoldeetnembsr of the Mom-phls Conforonoo, boing ln the 82d yoaroi his &go, &nd & Methodist, prbaohorfor 69 or 63 yeers. I was mueh lnter-ected ln thero oonversadons, andtook notss of them at tho tlme ln or.der that eonetblng mlght bo pr€ssry.ed of a llfe whtoh runs bsak to thoherolo age of Methorllsu, aird whorool&rloa voloe was awatsonlng slnnelsthroughout the wilds of Tennossoolong beforo Bost of yoEr roadors weroborn. I give ao nearly ar posslble tnhls own languager 6 brlof skotoh ofhls ltfe.

.3rI w&! bbra tn WllU&ngohTehn., on l:eaperts X'ork

.ooun8y,of West

Earpeth, Deoember 28, 1808. f wasthe third ssn of MaJor James andEleanor Glully Ncely. My fatJrormoved to Butherford oount;r where Iwas prtrc.oipally raisod. Eq wes aflne fld.dler, and rent hls three olalestohlldren to danolng sohool to pollshourmannors. Thenelghborhood eon-tlnuod a roal frollolng csmmunif,y ua-tll tho great revlval of L820.

r'Thero wd,t acamp-moeting comlngou at Norval,s oamp-ground in Bed-lord county, my fathor looked uponeuohplaoesas un0t for deoent wo-men, and oonsldorod the Mothodlsttswild, lanatloal peoplo. Throughgreat persuaslon of my mother, whow&s &a Old Sohool Presbytorir,n, hoallowed brother Frankltu and glgterEuean hnd me to go, all of. us pro.fessed rollgton Baturday evenlng,Augurt 6th, 1820. Two hundred and.flft;r persons vore oonvorted a6 thlsmeetlng. My brothor &nd slstorJolnod tho ohuroh ot my nothor, 'butmy bearb was warned teward thoMethodldts. I knew but llttle abouttheno, and, my motherts slotor iebukealmefor thlnklng of leavlng the voner-able ohuroh of my mother, to oonee:twith a wlld, fanatlcal seot, that nolady oould serrnf,s1s116e. Thls coa-fused ne, I went to my nother andtsld, horthot Auut Nanoy deslred meto joln her churoh. My mothor askedme whero I oould bes.t enJoy rellglon,aad I at onoo answored, with theMothodlsts. She then told mo toJoln the Methodlsta. I thon Jolnod aUttle olses of glx menabors at Alexan-der,s Meedng Eouse, on Stoiro B,tvernear whero the terrlblo battle wasfought h fS02..

r'John Brookee g,pe preacbor lnoharge, and Jos. B[r: Wlnu, juntorpreooher. I was {radA, e-f&es Loader,and at onoe appoi4tpd q ;proyer-moot-ing at Col. Bam. Hinnlhtr'house everyThursday nightjii A\oujlf,pret pr&yer-neetlng two nogt iu'tei:ils.(ing youngladleg wore oonverted. :

.rFrom.thls lltUe DraJ; lr-tueetlng a




,i il,li*

gteat revlval broko out, great nurn-bers wete oonverted and our littleolass rosefrono slx to seventy oddmcmbors tha,t yga,r.

'rFrom holdlng these prayor-meet-lnge I learned to [alk ln publio, endthe olass reoommendod. me to the DIst-rlot Conforence held at Thomas CampGroundfurWtlliamson Couuty. Thos"L. Douglass wasP. Il. The DtstrtotCouferenoe reoomended me ts AnnualConferonce for admtgslen lnto thetravelliog conneod.on. Thte was ln]82A.

"I was appolnted one of the Juutorpreaohers on the Naehylllo olroult.Whilo I w&s on Nashvllle olrouit, Bro.Dougless dlvtded the two slx weeksolroulte, Nashvllle and Lebanon, lntothree four weohs oiroults, aud retain-ed F'hoh P. Soruggr, as P. O. oa Leb-anon olrouit, wlth me &s Junlorpreaoher. About thls tino Bro.Douglass seid to mo: 3.Now, my gourlf ever vou have to nogleot olass-moet-lng or preoohlng, bo 661fntn fpleot the While onappolntment I was oured of thohoad for all tlmeto oome, and ltpened ln thls wlse:



.rDr. X'lggers and wife Jolned thoohuroh, as seeiers, and I went to hlcbouse to irreaoh. I dld notknowhowto preaoh; I oould toll my exporlence,and that vas aboui ell. Itoldtt thatday yory happtl& ond, after dfnnslthe Dootorand I took a walk, and hesald ts Eer..Bro. N@ly, you preaohed,the best serrnon f ever heard.,, Itnearly ruloed me, I was totrly .flt toburst wlth sptrltual prlde. X'or trroweeks I could not preaoh or exhort atall, and fell Into the d.epths ot humili-6dea S[lnklag my usofulness was gonebut when I reeovored, the btg-headwas gone (orover.

"'When I enterod the mtnlstry, my.father was muoh oppoeod to lt, andthought 'hlmsoU dtsgraood, bu6ohangod hts mlnd before he dlod.flMynextappolntment wae to gan-dy olrouit with Bro. Soruggs as p. C.My Presbytertan Aunt at thls flmeoffored to pay my expenses U f wouldlooateand. geta llttle eduoadon. ThlsI agreed to do, and looated for oneyear and went toSalen Aondemy.

"In the fall of 1824, et Codfotonoe a,tthelbyvtllo, f reJolned tho €onferenoeand was appointedpreooher in ch&rgoof the lVayuo ''olroult, wllh WileonlVc.Ullstor as junior proaoher. f re-ceivod twonty dollars quartorago thatyoar, aud we had a grand tirno, andgood revlvals all over the otroult.

oNoxt year I wonb ro Iiorked Doerolrcuit, havlng ae my oollo&guo, Thos.It. Garland, a brothor of your dlsttu-gulshod ienator, A. I[. Gtarland. .We

had 81 appoiutmonts to frll ln 28 days.Garland was a talented man, ho flnal-ly located and dled whtle ln tha t re-latlon. IMas a man of zeal and pow€r.I rooslved 960 thatyear, and thoughtI vas dolng ffnely, we had aeveneountles in 6ho olrouit.

.rThenext yoar I was p. C. of WolfRiver olroult, a slx weokc olroult, ool-leaguoa, John X'. Ford and Thoe. f.Etllott. Memphls, then an &p-polntm.ent on that clrouit, oaUodChlokaeasy Bluffs, wae a lltfle vlllagein the woods, and had aframe shantyfor preaohlng place.

In the fall of 1828 I marrled SallieN. Putney, a daughter of Capt. put.ney, of North Carollna. 'When f uar-rted I looatod, f remalned looal for tenyeare, untll 1838. I had by tbls mar-rlageone son, Dr. Blohord J. Neoly,whodlecl from exposure durlng thew&r. Dr. Dlxon C. Mol_reod, persuad-ed me to reJoln the oonfereuoe, whlohmet at EuntsVille tn 1838. I was op.polnted to Eatohle olroutt wlth JamesYoung, (who ls now a great temper-anoelooturer, andwastheh a boy ofabout 17) as Junlor preaoher.

.3In1840 f rodeTreuton olroult, and.then for geveral years I was Eieslon-ery to the oolored peoplo, as I \ilas aslaveholdor, and tbat was deenedprudont.

.3I afterwards eerveal varloue, ap-polntments, asbestf oould, unt[ 1gyears slnoe, when I was superanuaGed.and, have sitroo rem&tned tn that re-latlon. I amnow past Blyearo of age,theovenlngof llfels at hand, I amthe lagt of my anolent oourad,es.Rsbert Palno, John Butoher, Wno.MoUahon, James Gw;rnne, Thos. ll.Douglacs, Thos. SDAlth. All havegone,

..I feel more lndebted to X'Inoh . p.Soruggs fgr hls lovlng klndness andserylcos than to any other ono man,

he would go in advanoe, and open upthe w&y for nog, and dld rn6 onnum.bored servloos.

"P. P. Noely, a younger brother,whom l^eduooted, provod a greatpower ln - the utntstry, and I leelgra,roful at having beon the humbleinstrumont ln etartlng out suoh ashinlng ltfuht.

'rMygrea,t, great grand father oamefrom froland and settled ln Botetourtcounty, Yirglnla, he harl four sons.John, Willlamr James and Robert,Wtlltam was my grand father and.was a soldlor ln the Rovoludonarywa,r. My father was a soldler tn thewar of 1812, and fought undor Jaohsonat New Orloans. The orlglna;l silell-ingof our name wos Neelly, but p. p.Noely, Gen Nooly aod I dropped one..1.t,

"Now, revlewlngmy past hlstory,thore are two thtngs I reJoloe ln: Inmy youth I was a strong uan, but Ineverluiposed upon mortal man, bg.oause f had theablllty. Agaln, whonI left my fathertg house he iaid, t,goln peace-but I do not oore lf I nevereeo youagaln, as iou wlll be a dls-greoe to meltt butln lattor yoare I hadthe pleasure of helplng.hlm to efluoatehis ohlldren, snd 6f sfl,rlng ln hte eup-purt, and he dlod ln the triumph ofthe fal.tb, acorlbing to ne a part ofthe oredltof brlng{ng hln to the oross...f have no regrets for tho pest, ox-oept that I would llhe to have besnmore useful. Itrtth decllnlng days,religlon grows brlghter aud moreoomfortlng. Mi oolleagues and oont-pahlots ofyounger d.ays are all gone,and I am sonowhat llke an old euper-anuated horse torned out to grazo.

"Nodoubt the younger generadonlook upon me, an old worn out hulk,who having llved. out hls days ofusefullnosse, ls by some mystorlousdispensation of Provldenoe sparedto grumble at tho degeneraoy of mod-ern days. But I bolleve thrngs nustbe rlght or God would not allowthom, and for myeeUl oan say,. .All lswell, all ls well., tr.

Brother Neely lnformod ue that hewas so muoh ploased wlth the reUglousand temperanoe atmosphoreof i\rkan-eae, that he had lallen ln love wlthour stats and people, anrt if he wasnot so old would bo temptod to enol-grate to thls growlng oountry.

Iret sone of out preaohers who thdnkthey aro overwdrked and, underpaidthlnk on the sevoo oounty olroultsand$20a4rd 960 ealarles, and perhapsthoy wllt not feol so blqe.

J. B. Surrr,EB.

To tbe _P-jegiding Elld6rs, WhtteRlver Oonforonoe.

Your Sunday-eohool Board submitth6 tollowing as a prdgramme for ilretime that you o&n devote to consldor-atlon of the Sunday.sohool work, atthe sevoral Dlstrlot Gonferenoos :

QUESTTONS r.OB D$lOugsIoN.I The importanoo oI havlng clasges

for the older people.2. Dnty of parents and older peoplo

to tho work.8. Is there danger of the Bible beirg

orowdedoutby losson helps? lfso,the remody.

4. Elow'and by whom should teaoh-ere bo selootod ?

6, Should a spirlt of emulation bearoused tn tahtng oolleotlons?

6. Is it absolutely nooeseary thatoountry sohoolg should suspend lnwlnter? ff not, ts lt not thon ourduty to sustaln them, even at greatsa,orlfloe ?

7.Should a teaohor or scholar beabsent for less oause than the super-lntendont?

8. Should prlzes bo offered, for pro.flolenoy in etudies?

We reoornmend that Saturday beglvon to tho Sunday-sohool work; Ifnot tho whole day, at least the after-noon sesslon, aad that a meotlng. beheld on Sunday ofternoon, and the?th questlon be roserved fgr disoua-elon at that megting.

'We further reoonmend that oaohPreeldlng. Ellder appolnt a sultableperson, elther'olorloal or lay, to leadoff on eaoh ono of t[.e toplos rn a shortaddress, to be followed by genoreldlsoupslon, and, after suoh a seleod.onof sultable porsons to notlfy thena byletter that they may oone prepared.

'We earnestly ask 0h&t you wlll slvethls mattor the at6ention lt deserles.both now and at the Dlstrlot Conferlonoes, and not be oontent wlth morooas uel or perf uno tog. n "J{ETH*.

Socty Conference S. B. Board.IVhito Rlver Conforen6o.

DDrroEs Mnrnoonn:-you are notalono on your posltlon on the eohoolquestlon. Ia my mlnd, I gave youthe rtght h&Ed of followehip, soon &BI saw the full alze ofygurfoundsflon,aud now f g{ve tt by iotter, and toBros. J. B. Suttleri X'. -D. Vanvalken-burg, end oth€rs, who have heartfelt,prblio echool rollg{on, end pray forthose who havenot and hope to seethem oonverted. Slnoe you beganstlrrlng thp matter I have talked, wtthEany; somo dootors, lawyers, ner-ohants, fariuerq preaohere, and good,olear headed women, aud the btg noa-jorit5r eay, ..Dr. ffirrfleld ts rtglt tnthe-publio school quesflon, and bobngright he wlll wln.t, Wo all undei-stand you who want to do eo; ihoeewho don't wont till they are over.whelmlngly oonvlotod and happilycomrerted, and a publlo eonttno€mt lnyour favor and whiah you are fastgalning, wlll be the ovorppwerlngmea,ns ueed ln brtngtng ln 6hose re.belllous and errlng goal of publlosohoollsm. Comd ln, prof. p.; I on.A. A. C. R., and othors, and swell theohorus of r.readfng, wrldngand arlth-metlo le a necoeelty, and beyond thtsls aluxury, aard beyond thls the Stateshould not go, and beyond thls theBtate should not go-ropeat 'I knewlf you evot got on tho trlpod ,youwould work the odltorlal podak, and,the Journollstlo organ would bellowloud, and long, and lts doep bass notoswould aound along the llno, rhp.hlngthe oitadel of the ..Old Ladytr eysn,and all the gtrle tn the State that dldAOt lllre tho,,Ohttrert end the gyegt4ot9n bf tenor and alto are heard olearand dlsttnot above all, and the rich,harmonloue strains are oalling hun-dreds of vsloes to Join ln the song ofreadlug, wrltlng and arithmedo, &0.,&0, J. B. g. is right when he eaysglvo a boy these and you glvo hln theloundation for all the balance. . Thesefor whlah you oontond wlll glve us anlntelllgent ballot, and a better systenOftrado; oonfldenoe wlll return fiko adove of poaoe wbon thls ts dono. Letthe nogro and poor white man be a-bleto slt dowu andadd up, and subtr&ot,and multlply, and read, and they wlllsee the man who sells ooffoo, o&Uoo,and, overything else to them, ls rlghtwhen he eays2 and Zaro4rand know-ing tbts he wlll leavo. the ofros sads-fleal not to go and hunt up Eorne nurrt-skull to add for hlm, who knowg bqtllttle more than he, and henoe Eakes2 and. 2-6, and says he dtd not payyou enough, srgo baokon Mgf"chants toll ne that an llllterate ous-tomor ls muoh herdor to please andsottle wlth (ae a rule,) then a, matrwho can elt down and oount flgures;aud lt ig nay hunoble oFlnlon that un:der tho presont mlsapplioadon offuudstp hlgher eduoadon by theElbate,thls striug of llltteraoy wtll increaso,and I want to eay hero ln the wordeof Rev. Gl. A. Danuolly, t.that all theillitgr&oy ln Arkansas was uot bornherel much of lt cane here from othorStates.,, Agaln, you a,rB rlght onwhieky and tobsoeo, and although Ismoke f oantt defend lt from a sorlp-tural positlon, and henoe shall nottry, but f dontt feol llke rt ts a sln.Maybe I wlll, and when I do I wlllquit. \ilho ie ..R. Glnlt? Ee saystho whisky men went to pov lloenie.\'YeIl, f beleve my part ot ihat. andmy part ls thle: That there ls ilot aliquor doaler ln the world who wouldpay a oont of revenue lf the law waceilent and dtd not demand tt. Thevpay lt llke men pey tuxes, because th{uhaoe to, Ifsome oneelsedoes not oaithelr respeote'to hlm, f fhtnlr I wlfi ihtho near future. Lot hlm wrlte on:no m&n can guooesgfully attaok a fodwithout knowlng wherre he ls. andwhat his strength-ls. Feeurr,ns.

"It Knooks the Spotsr"and everythlng ln tho naturo of erup-tions, blotches,plhples, ulcers, eorofu-'lous humorr, ancl lnolplent Gonsnlnp-flon, whloh ls nothtng more nor lessthan sorofula of the lunga, oompletelyout of the rystem. It sdmulates andlnvlgorates the llvor, tones up thestom&oh, reguLates the bowels, 'purl-flos the bloodriand bullds up t[eweakplaoesofthe body. It ts a purolyVegetable oompound, and, wlll domore than ls olalmed for tt. Woreforto Dr. Pleroests ..Glolden Medloal

The Arkadelphla Dletrlot Oonfer-ence will meet at Eot Bprlngs, Julyl-6. Openlng aormon on the lst at gp. n, by Rev. L. Gl. Johnson, of Ard-ty. Ifould be ploased to have theMErEoDrs[ ropresentod at the oonfer-

H. D. McKnrsoN, P. E.


saTuRDAY, JIJNTI 20, 1886.

Eern pera,rLce-Spenoerrthe Eero of Bpenoervillel

-EDItoBs MErEoDrsr:-The Powerof the precr lr proverblol. That powornay be for good or evll. For thlsro&Fon I wtsh to show at leaet a Partof the other slde of the picture pre'senteal by the reporter ot the Arkan:sas Gazette, of a thlef from Tennossee,aftef eoventson yeert roaldenco in Ar'kansa,s transformed lnto a groatmorolhero. and whose reformation le her-alded to the world ln the ' Glozetto'wlth approprlate head llnes to attraotattentlon. I do thte lost eome of ourboys are affeoted thereby, ae ts knownto be .the ooee wlth sorrro of the read-erg of Dtme Novels, and followlng inBpenoerts stops be tempted to robsome oltlzon, moke a fortune with themongy, be afterwards orrested andturn out to be a great hero-wln theadmlratlon of tho worldinsteadof tbepenltentlar5r, he po rlohly cleserves.In dolng thls I r'nothlng extenuate,or aught set do\rn ln malioe,t' for Itemember never to have soen tho manbut onool but thls onoo was sufficlentfor no.

ft was my mlsfortuno to rent abouse for a short whlle ln a mile ofBpenoervllle. I went to hle store toget a small qurntlty of family eup-plles for presont uee. As I enteredhe handed a o,ountljrman a couple offlagks of whtsky over the oountor andlnvlted me to " I promptlydeo[ned. I goou found oqt from. theoontlnuous sberm to hlc store oI"lewdfellowr of the baeer sort,,, whatklnd of a storo ho kopt that lnvltodthem to opond tho nonoy thelr wlvesand ohtldreu nceded, and returntngmake ntght hldeous wtth thelr yells,vulgartty and profanlty. ft wa,s un-derstood that hts nodo of'deallng out"the dark bovorage of hellt'-whlsky-was not origlnal nor unlquerbutsuoh&B w&s so oommonly praoffood.ln Ar-kansas by hts aort, es to oause ihelegtclature to nsko lt a orlme tottgtve away whlsky.t, ft wos under-stood he pald no reyenue to Jaoksoncount5r for lloonse to aoll wbJsky torhe dldnot sellwhtsky. Buthewouldsell three rslslns or o oraoker for sonuohand g{vo;the whlsky. .A.sblsgtoro was on the r'Irlandrrr that rioh,alluvlal bottom, ln a few mlles ofNewport, so produotlve of cottonlthere were a greet nany tenants ororoppors-both blaok aud whlte-fronwhom ho gathered a rloh haryest, es.peoially ln the X'all and Wlnter, whenthe Island was fllled wlth oottou-plokers from the pooror hlll oountrynorth of it.

To annoy the owners of theso Blan-tatlons by havtngnlght mado hldeouswlth drunken orgies, wlves and chlld-lon robbed of tbeir husbands andfatherst wagss \r&s nbt all ths evllsthls man dld, but I have seen a phy-slolan of talent reellng home fromSpencerts store, utterly lnoapablo ofbuslnese, and that ..lowly thing, adrunkardfs wlfert, uslng every rdseher wits suggested ,to sober hlm up,or provent hls roturn to the store formore whlsky. I have ssena so-oalledmlnlgfol qf tho gospel, after lytng outln the aorner of tho lenoe dll Do&rlyftozen, qnd attsr belng' warmed ln anegrote house tlylng to talk sobor ondonly betraylng by the effort that hehad, bought .tr&islnsD at Bpencer'sstore. It w&s undoretood. that anotherso-oalled mlnlster of the gospel andhie grown sons were sonae of the buy-ots of raielns at Spenoertl store, andthat lt was probably hero and at thlsttme that he and bls sons-boarlngtho honored D&DtoE of R. E. Ireo and{eff, Davls-began thet downwardoourse whiob onibrolled the rathor lnan oftray, a,nd ln a,n efiort to olea,r blmof the law, one of the sone ln theorlme of perJury, for wbloh he wassonten€od to tho penltenflary at Ltt-tle Iook. ,Twag near Bpencer's storethe two men stald, and who perhaps,had bought raleins at Spenoerte store,that flred furto orejwds of oltlzons pro-nieouously-r Fllllng a, strenger ln New-Port' for whtoh they were taken outof jail and lynohed. Thoge a,re a few.and only a lew of the eing for whto[thlg Tennossee thlef wlll hove to an-swor at tho judgment day rnless heropelrtr. ANlrr-lYErsK,Y.

(To be e,ontdnued,.)

.Ar€ Eou,, Golra-g toKansae, &Jlissou rio Colo-rado, Galifornia or

anv Gf the West--ern states?Ifso you shorrld avail yorrrself of the

aclvaut&ees that ore rrorr'. oil'eted bv theKnnear Eity Rorrte. the onlydlrectioutefrorn the Srruth to the Wesc anrl North-wert. Thie llno rune itc cnrire trails.with Palaee Sleelring Carsanalfree Reclirring Ohair Clarrr from itern-phis to Kuuga"g (.:l[t, Baving nranv'lrorrrgtimeoverRny olher rout€. If you areBging Wtei io5 :uil srtveJnorreybyprrr-cnasrng y(rllr UcKet vla tloxle or' Nlem-phie and tlre Kangrn City Rorrte. Seudfor large rnap of this Shott Routelmailetlfree. Arldrese.

J. D. l,ocK$'ooD,Kangns Ciby, Mo.


Seed.s, Pranps, Dra,la. Fllpe-oB:

Farm Implernonts,Wrtte to

Dudley E. Jones Go.,- LTTTT.T!ROCK, ARK,

Eid.- Ee,rton-,: WIIIE

ME$ER[, noffisc$lLD lnoTflt$s,EATS' CAPg'Alf-D UMBREIJJAS.4C/'J- & 4OG -itr E road.r*za5z,


Of Ltttle Rock, fuk. esto-rrllshetl Ja,n 19.1874; incorpor&t€d Oot L 188L Bosnretovlsltor address thls collem lor clrcular beforo soltrs€lsowholo. a aEON BALES. Prestd--onL-




Skirt.Supporter,(bEHll€s'hg Dog!

rdrdsA to t&.otu|€aat styld of ab@.3.d slotyall lsa4lsgrd@f€[B. PdcotfThafl eLgO.


Arkansaw Stcam Dye Go.,

No. nZ Menr Srnwr,LITTLE ROCK, ARK AlVgAS,

.Wttl DSre E:a,C.les' Dreegeevrltbou.t rlpp1:ng rrp-

Gent's Eine Clothing Dyeil. Will notColor the Linlng,

$ah, &r,, tlEuol in ths hst of stdo,Clennius Juits. $2.50.Dyeing" r' -93.00.

.3 Latlleet Dresses, $2.00.feb9'1 A. J. CARDEN, Uarager.

The Mirroris no flatterer. Would voumake it tell a sweeter tile IMagnolia Balmis the charm-'er that almost cheats thelooking-glass.



PTIIE! EITTIFF, AR K-Mauufraotsre anil Repdr Englnes anrl Bollers.

S-peclal afiention palg go repairs-on plantation a:rd.eaw mill nachlnery, bhathngpulleys, puDrps, pipe flttinge and brass goods of all slzee always on hand.'

ENGINES AND BOILERS BOUGHT AND SOLD._ C-orresponde-nce eolicited on_et'erything r-elating to mnchine shop and fountlrgbusinees. grri-u16g furrrished on application. . lept8rt83-tf


I,IH'ru A$$$CItATI0N,Con Mdn and Seconil Sbeets, LITTI'E BOCK, ARK

fs conducted upon the Ageeesmont or Co-operote Plau antl iesues Sinele Policles I

to malo or female- anplicants. and Companion Policies to husband ancl frife. or anv I

tw^o persons ngvi,gg i legal lirtbrest in -each other. ., At the death of tho .holder df Ia Companlon Policy, the whole amount due on both polloles ls paltl to the euryi-vor. Actlve agents wanted. Atldress

J. R, RUTHERFORD, Secretary,




6.22 Maln St.. .- - LITTLE ROCK, ARK.

'We nare a speotalty of han$ltng Country Procluce on conslgnment, antl un.

dor prompt acoount eaies.

B. LOWENSTEIN & BROS.-wEoI/ESAI_/E-Dny Goods,Notions, I{osiery,


242,244 & 246 MaIn Sbect, - MEMPf,IS, TEI{N

Our Spring Stooks a,re now ready ln all- deparfuents. They are la,rgeltmore varled-and nore oomplete ln everyrespeot than anywe have everoffered.

'We buy Domeetlo Goods-from. Manufa,otuiers only, and aU X'orelgn Gloodswe lmpoft ourrelves. Eenoe we do not pay a proflt to mtddlo nnen, and as webuv oflv ln laee quandt'tes. and always eioluslvely for e,sh. we dil not hosl-tadetoiuaranlee-tothelarirestand dlosest buyer-s that wb can soll themqoods aE low as they o&n buy then tn the Unlted StatcF, and ofter themr &sl-nduconents they oannot fnd ln dlstant markets,

Lro'rqzerFrelgbts, Qr*lclser itrla.e ared ='rlgSrter tre'rzel'i:rg: E-5:e=LEes;.


1886B. ALLIS.

ffiamsffi&ffiffi & &Fire, Manime, Cyclone and LIIe

i,JIruS[JRAzuOffi AffiffiruT$,2o4 W. Markban Etreetr LITTLEI ROOtr, A&8.

f;,1t11X'""",""1*B?' Amregrto Allgts $yeuty'firu $ifliou Doilau, *Y"ll'"T5;S""1Hi]'3,"*IncludlngEdw and Claining fiflillsn Gins and

Farm Property.

THE II'NEAT,H & $TffiTHffi$ CCI.3O4 Main $t,, I.ITTLE ROCK, ARK.



BOOIG AND STATIONERY,^Oou.rt-.Records and Gounty Glerks Supplies"a$peeialty.

SchooT, Boolas a,t Net Whol'esal,e Prlces.' M^r" Oaosns RncnrvB Pnoupr Amnntron




iltDEUBLE nfK.No preperaton rnd oDlg I



Ba,llroad Ma,nacer.s aro rsqusstad to Do@tvcoE oh&ngss, tJut-tho rlme -oard moy ee &4egorreot.

8t. Louts, rron iloiliistn & southena@




.........u:['olll..'......'.?:$p!ts.........ll:Etro,........, 9:mD..........10Sril

reYos.I]itue Book 2:06 alnrriTos &t Momphia,........... 850q]nArksnsos Yalley Boute.



Leavofor Xrort gnlth. ,.,.. ,..... .. .,..11:!5r,in-Arrivs fron trt Smith. . . . .. , . 8:L,D E.eLeavs for ArkaDsa€ City.............,.8S0 b.E-Lsavo for Arkansas Olty rfrelqht), . , , I z45-a.a-Arrlvo from Arkansas Clty. . . . .. . . ... ll:20a.8-Alrivoftom Arkans&s City (frst8ht)...I:46 p.E-

Hot $prlngs Ballroarl.Passenger, depart, Malvorn... ..,, . .. ..2:46 ntrFroight aid -[ccom. rlepart Malysrn...2:O -&tnPa.ssgnger a,Fivo Ma,lvern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 :10 EigX'roight end Acaom. arrlve, Malvern.,, 6 :65 pln

Arkensas Mlillanil BallroaiLlhalns. Depart. Arris.

EolonaMlx€d.,..........,.8.80-D m tro.16&nOlarondon Mixed..,....,.,6.00im ?.80XrIr



St. LouisIS TEE





2 Ilaily Trairs 2

FAST TIMEI$uperlor 666emmoilaflon$8

F. CTTATVT)LEB,Gen. Ticket Agont

L. C. TOWNSEND,Gen. Pqssenger,Agtt.

Elt. Loors, Me

WELLS & DIJNCAIU,Ge,E e,rad. Stea,m. Flttls.g'"

FI'qrrrlcirrg',DflffifiNS Il| WOOD Al{D MOl| ilffiS81? MArN St., X,ITTLE EOCKT. aRK.

N.B. WITIIAMS()N"2OB EaEt Ma,rklra,n"

TONSORIAL ARTIST,For a clean, easy.Ehave, practlcal hai?

cut, and splonclid baths, Williamson's iothe-placeto go. He has no superior.


\PELil.rIet \4clifA.GR"

T0NS0HAI AnTNT,eer Main Streot, LITTLE ROCK.

For a clean, oomfortable shave, hair cut,and enjoyable bath,McNalrtsle the placo to go. Ee has no superior lni;hissity. may-171y


622 Menr Srnmr, - Lrmr,n Boor, .constantly on hand




cBbrod at tbe PoBt off,oe at Llttle nookArk.' es a€GoD.d,-olass msll mattor.

S!8Ao€! 914 l-P East !'Iarlrham gtroot.


SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1885.

Iri,ttl,8:Ro ak,'.Juru 75, 788 5.

$ E.:8. SQAIRES, Adeentantfor Mi;tch.-EW,$ Beilib, ilo hneby ceilnfgithat 21'8!0

WWrs i.s thp rwmltr prdnted' for the Arkah-i&BMethodist d/,/,ring the monlh, of Mag' 7885.

E. E. SQATaES.Snsmtoanil subsoribed beJore me, dhis

ffi. 15th dag of Juru, 7885.JAMES IJ. DAIaIB'

Notary htbli,c.

Joshue, was on the rtght llne whenFa ea,id, "But as for ne and tny houseB@ will sorvo tho Ee oould!filosk for hlmself and his famtlY.Svorythtng was deba,ted and dsolded'ud hetntended to be aohrlsdanmanrad have a ohrlgt1anhousohold. Itlsth"oolviagL

Dr every assenblage of nen and inwory oxpresslolr E&de bY them, wefud the gre&t power of womanly ln-flnonoels reoogntzed and her power6*toIed, and all the good of the world& ssortbod to ohrlotlctr wlves andiuothers, and sdll _the slmple and@llgh ore dlrposed to oontend for,w@Eran's rtghts. Sad day for thouoEld whon the mothors of tho coun-.foy ehaU exohange thelr home work&r the huetlngs and the pLotform."Wslnsigt that the ohrlstlan nothersdthe country will aooompllsha groatflsal moro good by tho bome f,lalnltrgsf the ohildren, than they ever wiUbyrithurg5lgjyI:g

Ssaven ls said to be a rest, but howmn peoplo rest unless they are tlred.that le the average churoh memborof to-day engaged ln to nake restulthor pteasant or deslrable. Theywi0her plan orwork, butsimplykeoptbelr names on the roll.

,@nr Bavlour w€mt out early to hlrebhorers ln hls vrneya,rd. He dld notmek for dress olrole people, who elm-gtfgoto ahurch to seo&nd be Been,6othesoughtforlaborere. Toomanygnople arecontentlng thensolvos wltha*rnply dolag no harm, but they noverW to do *y goo,l.


Who does thlg flt? Bund,ay nora-frag-Bleeps a llttle lator than. aon-'eon. Breakfast late. Next, roadsi&e datly paper. Then a talk onrorldly matters. I{alkg lazily toabuaoh at 11. Takes a baok pow andletsns to hls postor as lf he were per-'&rmlng pena,nce, and then returns.'iome to find fault wtth him and rulnw3r good thrt he moy havo dono hls:,rhfll{1srl. Study that paragraphelouoly,y:3j5lryIt:

.&nother picturo. Up early-Broak-ibotready, and prayers over by tlmes.'3hp Advooate and MgrRoprgn arefoo&ed lnto, hls blbleis read, and thenEi,s soul hungers {or the word of llfe.&s seeks the anoen oorner and he wlllfrsy a,rnen, and two parties will be.Bessod that day. Tho preaoher feelst&ereaodnglnfqgass as hesees theped effeot of hls sermon on thls goodSilener. Re*, whloh wlll youtuittots?

@We hear no rnore of pound portios.

Wo ruppose our peoplo have comedovn to roal buelness, and, are nowFirrd ot work paylng theli preaohere.toglve ts good, to poy ls better, ondbdo both ls tho voty bsst tor mon-Eel ud pr"*h"".__

We heard one senslble. prosoher Eayffitt _bfo oharge was behind slt[ hlmfuoor three hundred dolla,rs, and they.odlcrod to glve hln a_sult of olothes,rbloh he fefused, and told then that$o greatly proferrod to buy hls owndother, and oould and. would do so lfflhoY would PaY hlm uP. A YerY sen-dbloman.

Erof. E K. Taylor, of LoganFemalefiollege, wtll be ln the olgr between6Fe 26th and 80th of thls nonth. EeuilS.vtslt dtfsrent pordonr of our sta,tej&.fiieinterests of his colloge. Adr€xt voek. Prof. J. W. Shipp, late oftho Yanderbtlt University, will bc intbe Otty of Roses wlthln the next ton4a.ys.

BOESISM.Oneoftho 6vil tendonoles of the

ffmes le euperollloue aod overbearlngbosslem. It ls neon in both ohurchand state. From tho leadt ofro!&lrdressed up ln a little brlef anthorlty,to our hlghost offioors. X'rom the lit-tle ealoeman to a bloated bondholdor.X'rom the cterk to tJre banker. AUolasses sebm dlspoeed to usurp au-thority and eierolse power to oppr€8cthoseunder thou. Pollttool boeslsmbeoame so rampant as to oa,use thetrr&ss€s to rlgo and drivelt frono power,pnd the sane wlll happen wlthmoney boeses ll they are not aw&ro.'It ll desplsafle everywhere, at alltimes ancl ln'all placos. Uurlng thowar lt wa,s a tof,ror. A ltttle two orthree strlppgd lleutenant oould puton nore alrs than Btonewall Jackson,and no! a lew small men made colo-nele, and somesmallerones stlll nqadebrlgadlers, oould put on more et;rleand beoone as haughty and lnsolentas a Russlan Czar, oran anolent auto-orat. Thls sptrlt of bogelsm some-dmos shorr ltsff ln tho ohurch, andthen lt ls worse than brasg buttons.X'or ilstanoe, a boy only two yesrsold tn tho ntnlctry, and not yet grad-uated ln Brush Colleger le Eent to C.oiroult to take.oharge of& le\r hund-rsd members and to build up the ln-tsrestsof thoohuroh, e beg{as bysaying that he ts golng to Bethlehem,snd show old brother Jones thathete ln oharge of C. otroult, and hehad as well undorst&nd at once thcthe lntends to have hlsown wa,y, andoldBro. Smlth msst oome to ffmeand work by hll orders. fhat boyaeeds some one llke old Blshop Souleto settle hlm. Ilere comes & nswfledged P.8., froshly made by thecablnot, and ho ts fully of the opintonthat he lg the flrst P. E. ever put on adlstriot, andall that evor wont beforowere fallureg. Ilow he struts ! Ilowgrandly he appetre in takt"ng theoharr, and dlreoting the old secrstalyhow to begtn hle mlnutos, aod to tellthe experienoed P. 0. how to make hisreports. Ile ls bou, and overy bodymlght as well flnd lt out and aot ac-so3dlnglJ, and he lntends to shorrthe Blshop and hls oabinet that howlll have hts own way. But howmuoh worge thir aplrit of bosslemwhen lt appears enoDg Blshops. Afew instanoes mlght bo etghted, rndtho (leneral Conference of 1858 showedveri gulckly and very decldely thatMethodlem rould never tolsr&te &ny-thtng of that kind. We hopo thatve shall nover seo anything more onthat llno, but we speak our mlnd. as&nounoe of preventive ls worth apound of oure.' Methodlsm loves horDplsoopaoy, and sho wlll never dowlthout it; but don't bo deceived,Methodlsm vlll novor tolerato EighChurohlsm or Bosslsm. Mothodlsmnevor has,.aud ngver wlll reaognlzsbut two ordors ln the chrigtian nlin-lstry and our falth ln the Eplscopacyisfounallntho old Latln expreeslgn,

"Prlmug lntot pares,,t whioh being in-torpreted is f,rst &mong oquals, thloand nothlag moro. Chlef Pastors areoutoforder, end out of order wlthold Mothodlct usage. 'We be brethrenMethod.lst preaohera, as well as Meth-odlst people, are loyal andfull oflovelor the ohuroh ot our fathers. Wodontt want bosses, but overg€org,nade suoh by the oall and baptlsn ofthe EoIy Glhort. The ohuroh wIIl ncttolerate eny Ban who attempts tolord. lt oyer &dtl herltoge. Our peo-ple want to bo ruled by the law ofklndness, and our preaoberr wIIl re-spoot and obey our Blshops aslong as they rulewlth 'the splrtt andte4per teoonnended by the apostle,and so fully exhlbtted tn thei llves ofour Palne, Pleroe, Kavanaugh, ParkerandMarvln. Bleseodnont Theydldfully tn houor preferone another, andmay thelr n&ntles iall on worthyBnooessots. Let ur Leep to the oldland na,rkr, and letpurpreaohers and.people hoep Mothodlstn fteo ftom, allstlffness, &nd ohuroh erlstooraoy. Ageneral who wlshes to have hlg lorcesweUlnhand for good flghdng andfalthfsl rervloe, will alwaye ouldvatethelr oonfldenoe, a,nd Bsok thelr love.So let our Bishops aot toward thepreaohors, and the preachers towardthe peoplo, and our great eoclesiaotlcalmaohlnery wl! move on grandly 'tilthe world ls oohvertod tolGod.

'Rev. J. X'. JerniganAnderson ln hls revivallast week.

assisted Dr.a.t Baterville


Leavlng Llttle Rook at 2:45 p. n.Tuesday, the 9th lnrt., wlthout lot orhlndrance, we found oureelfat g thesame evening in the speolous audlto-rlumof Central Collog{ate Instltute,looated at Altus, lletlnlng to Rev. Gt.W.rlldollverlnga fins address onChrlsdan eduoation. ft was a Oneefort, and wouldhave done orodlt toany man ln our ttate. Our peoplewere dlsappointed ln not belug per.mitted to lletgn to the oloquent oratorol Eelenb; but slokness preventod hlsattendence. Wednesdoymornlqg' weharl graduatlng exerolses. X'our youngladles graduaterl with digtlnotlon.Their oseays wete of a flne order, ,verychaste aad bsadbiful, and read wlthwonderful olearnegs and flno empha-sls. l'hen thls wrlttr triod, hls hand.or rather bls tongue on a bacoalau-reate address. The Presldent sald.hewas well eatfufied; but he ls a verykind and pollte gontleman. The au-dionce'yas good and the mornlngoool, so the people dtd not suffef agreat deal ln body, however'muohthoy were lmposed, upo!., on the men.tal slde of humanlt5r. The Bpard otTrustees perfooted thelr organlzatlinand put ln some very hard work.Pregldent Rurrow wao re.oleoted, andProfesgors Parham and' Coleman re.turned to thelr rerpeodve ohalm; Mr.Eenry Penn, ason of Rev \[n. Penn,of the Arkansas Conferenoe, war add.-ed to the faculty. Thlr scrlbe was al-lowed to holp supply the plooeof the absent menberg from tho lrtttle Rock Conference. Eope they wtlldo better horeaf0er, partlcularly aathe flnanclal agent ls ordered to paytlretr travelllng €xpenaes. We foundthe lnstltudon growlng aad prosper-lng in evory respoot. Altus ls boau-tiful for sltuad.on, aud tbe Instltutebuilding is a msdel of orcbiteoturalelegance. Some of the scones lromthecollego tower, and Cho turround-lng mountains, aro perfeotly splendld.Wo thought a vlew wo had from anemlnonooln Euntsvllle, .A,la., on thofar away Cumborland. ollffs, and thebeeutlful vallet of theTennessoe, waeone rarely enJoyed, and porhape notto be surpassed, but we nuot yleldthopahcto the gorgeous gceoe fromtho college tower, away toward theeetting bun, aE lts goldon radlanoebathos the hoights of ths MagazlucMountatns, and lts aellow tlntt lsseen upon tho wators oI the rmir,blc,worthloes old Arkanear, vtrh itaalluvial valley, only oqualed by thevelloy of the Nlle, and unsurpassedby auy in the world. lYe were prom-iood a grander view than oven tlds,lf we couid only havo gone to thomountuln to see the Conatsor tspring,now beconrlng fa,nous aE ono of thebost o{ our stato. Bnt roln and busl-ness provented, eo we had to oontontourself with the roport ot othors. Ourconferences qust rally to this fns$-tute. Tre must pay for the proporty,aud then noake ltono of the very beatin tho South and 9Vort. Arkans$must educate hor own gong anddaughtors at no distant day. 'We

had the ploasure of moetlng the fol-lowlng brethren: Boswell, Elarlan,Martln; Glreathouse, And,orson, Mas-sey, Johnson Boyles, Illll, of the Ar-kansas Conforeuce, and J._ B. Moorqof our Conferenoe, who had oharnapdevery body wlth the oommonoementsermon the Bunday beforo. Trlspraise was on all tongues. Bro. Clay-ton was thoro worklng up tho .BlslngIVave. Our homewagat Col. Okaneteand we weredellghtfully enteltalned.Thursday morning we dropped baokto Clarksvlllo l,o neot wlth the salntgin bonnetts, who woro to assenble aethe Womauts Mlsslonory sooiety of theArkansas Conference.. That evenlngat 8:80 wo had e preparatory neetlngand had muoh good earnegt talk fromthe slsters and a real heartlness tnprepartng work for the oonferenoe.Mrs. Tuaker had. oons frou, Yellville,aoross the mouatalns, to appear lnherplace as Prerldent, and sever&lwere pr€sent frdm Ozark and otherpoints. P. Il. Earlan aud P. C. Mas-soy wero present to help tho lsdleg lnwordanddeecl. Thursday ntght wohad a rouslng noetlng. Mrs. MaggleMaKtnnon read a aplendid welOomoaddress, and Miss Betfi.e Corter madsa capltal response. The addresg ofMrs. President wes olegant and gweet-ly softoned by thetouoh of afflotion.This rambler was then brought lntoservlco lor an address, '.On Yllomans,

work for Woman.t, Wo had a flneaudlenoe, and every thing indloatod adp top meoflng. 'Ws saw presldentBurrow gettlng off the traln as wewore leavlng, q,nd we know they bqda loyous ttme ln Olarksvllle. W6found thls toivn of the .rgood old d.aysof Arkansarrl on a boom.. One ofthe best school bulldlnge ln the statels now on the mountaln top overlook-lng the oity of the vale, and, .houeesare rpringlng up ln every dtreodon.Theoldrguarels begtnutng to lookoldfled and therele a brlght future be-foro thle old town of pleasant andsod menoueg. Of -oourge wg weredonnlolled at our Olarkevllle honeritJr our good, frlends, Judge X'loydand hie most esdmable wlfo. We hadthe pleasure ofbelng at tea wlth Col.JordanE. Cravons oud hts oulturedwlfeon the oooaslon of thelr BoveD-teenth marrlage ailniversary. It wasa pleasant ttne and we wlsb themmanyJoyous roturns of tholr nuptlalday. Frldly nornlng we &re off torCllnton, vla Plummervlllir, and, nextweek we wlll report further, but lotus glve thls itentoour readerg: OurJunlor hasreoelved. the degree of D.D. fron Arkansas Industrlal Unlver-slty, not thst our dlvinity ls slok,but that we tnn,y keep tt healthy.

gT. P.A,UIJ'S WORDS.Pleaso turn md read what St. paul

eeys ln the 9d ohopter of Phllllpptans,oonoerning the"ohuroh of Maoedonla,ln betng ever ready to supply biswants and mlnlstg; unto hls neoessi-tler. It lr touobtngly beauttful andweflndourselves at a loss wbloh mostto admlre, lthe ohrlrttan generoeltyaad thoughtfulness of the Macerlonionohuroh or tho elegant noannor lnwhioh the apostle makes monf,lou otit. Wethlnkit wtll holp some ohuroh-oE wo wot of to read aftor the apostleandpastor ofthat old ohuroh. Eowmany of the readors of thts papor hastoken palns thls year to flnd out thetenporaloondltion of their minister.Wo have heard one reoontly speak ofbefurg prossed wlthdebt, and burden-ed wlth want. Eowdtffioult topreaohwhen that"ls the oarc. Come, nydear brethren and tlrters, Bee afteryour pastor. Flnd out ebout thep&ntry, oloset and granary. Smebout themllk and. butter. A half-ctarved preaoher, wrll harclly proaohtothosdl0ootlon of &ny one. want yeql mlnisf,sl to stand be-foreyou poorlydressed, and,.then hlscoanty wardrobe unpald for. Beoem-bor our God oan,t and. wont blece elth-er stingy ahurohee or olose-flstedmombers. Uuloak your orlbs, openyour pantrioe, go lnto your stores andgrooerlos, and then let your pursestrlngs rolax, and never stop ttll yourmlnister is paid ln full, and has overythluglnabundanoe. a revlval oon-menolng on thls lluo wlll last tothe mtllonnium. Ilow many ohuroh-es wlll try it. We hopo to hoar many[esPonBsg.


The Gill EouseAt Soaroy, ls oneofthe oloanest, bostkept housos ln the State. Commer-olal men are regord.ed ae the beotJudgesofhotelr,ard they have puther at thohead ofthe ltst. Sho butlther hotelln Se4lcy when lt wae. great-ly needed, as t$ere w&s noae there ctthe tlnoc, and although she praotloal-ly held the fleld, she attempted, noextordcn, nor will she now resort tothat small, sharp praodoe of ..outdngratee,t fur ordor to seoure patronenge.thojls attreless workor,. keeps oveiy-thlng aboot her house and groundsneat a_nd. olem, her beds sre of thebost, and. her table ts furnlshed wlthwith the best the narkot affords, andhen prloes are moderate. Eearoy harhad oonslderable roputetlon &B &hedth resort for several yelrs, audnany have been cured, and manyothersgreotly benoflted by her Bul-phur, Chalyboate and Alun Sprtngs.Shoul.d you go there thts Beason, wehave no doubt you would be bene6.tred, lnd lf you stop at the GUI Eouseyou wlll be klndlyand hospttably en.tertatled, ,Bee lllrs. Glllts aal. ln thtcptp"r W"ootallully*ndher.

Throw Awa,y Trussee,whon our new method ls guaraateodto pemanontly cure th.e worst .oasesof rupture,wlthout the use ol tJreknlfe.Send L0 conts ln stamps for pqmphletaud refereuces.'Worldts' DlrpensaryMediool Assocladon, 653 Maln Street,Buffalor N. Y.

.A.s OtherB See IIs.Most every mal.l brings us worde of

approval of the Mnlsoprsr ftomsome quarter, and reml-oooasloaallywe hear.from a oomplalnor, but voryrarely lndee&. The following fronthe Arkansas Demoorat ls republtsh-od for the latter obsa:

..Ono great re&sonfor the unpreoe-dented suoosgs of the An'KANsasMtrnoDrstr-the tmrnenss olrouladonthat tt has attalnod wlthin the las!yoar-ts due not only to theunflegingenergy ofits proprletors, but largelyto the faot that it ls a good nlwtpuparln ad.dltion to lts exoellonse &s a re-ItgioueJournal. Whllettts a dlsdno-tlvely rellgtour paper and a d.enomln-ational orga,n, tt sffU reoognlzes thefact that to suooe€d lt muct prlnt thonews. Thls lt does every week iu avory attraotlye way.t'

A Dellebtful Resort.The pressure of the heat of sunomor,

and your ologe oon0nement to yourbuslnoes, are beglnnlng to tell uponyou, and you are castlng about tnyour mlnd vhat to do. You need,restand reoreadon. Yeu want a ohangeof dlet, rognery, water, assocladou,rest. That ts what youneed,. ond ltafiords us pleaeure to t€U you thatthe ea,ne ney be found, at GrlflnSprings, three and a hrlf mller northof Booroy. ffyou ere siok, rerd thelred. aud sce what d.llergcs have beenoured there. The gentlemenly pro-prtetom wlll sparc no palnr to ma,keyour 6tey pleasant and proflteble.One of them, Dr. Crider, le an experl-enoed and sklllful phyalcian, andyouand your famtlies would be ln goodhandrlfyou should get rlok. .AldCol. Buok Eonderson ig oneof naturoenoblenen, and thslr estlmoble wlvesare a deblded lrnprovomont upon thelrhusbandA, and all conepiro to mlkotheirhomeand lts oomforte, yours.Wrlte them at onco for term.s and, par-ffoulars.

Fiae BluffDistrlot.Eorrons Mnnnoorcr:-Permit ne

through the Mdrnoprsn to make thlerequest of the preooherr and of alt thomenobers ot the Plac Bl.uff DlshlotConfcreuoe. Let ur obscrve the Frt-dly before the Dlstrtot Conferenos-that lr to roy, Frldly, July 1?, as edayoffartlng and prayor. I:st urabr,se oursolves before tho Lord, withoonfession rnd repeatauce, and earn-ertly lmploro hle blesoing upon theohuroh throughout the Dlstrtot, thatthore may be o go4eral awaksningand,rcvlval through all our borders.T:et ug pray mutually onofor auothorand for the oharge an-d mlqtstry oteaoh, and for the peaco of Jerosalemovery where.

And wlll all the members of thsohuroh throughoub Plne Bluff Dlstriotioln us ln this solemn servioe, soetrtngthe Lord wtth fasttng and. with sup--plloatlons, that he wlll hear and lookupou us in Eeroy, and vlsit hts peo.ple. J.E. Bre- , P.8.,

Notloe.The tluie of the X'ayetteville Dlst-

rlct Confercnoe lb ohanged to July 80.Thls ohange ls maalo ln order to sooure the presenoe, of sone vldtorswho oould not be had at thetlme for-merly given. On thepreoedtng ntght,Jaly 29th, the introduotory soruonby Bro. Burns wlll bedellvered. TheQuerterly Conferenoe for Bentonvllleand Sogers wlll be JuIy 29rh, that ofthe Boonsboro olrouit wtll be heldJuly26and 26, ln. aooordanoe vlththe abovo ohange.

Jes. A. ANpmsox.

"Ag Glood ag Newr'rare the words ussd by a la-dy, whowes Bt one tlme given up by themost eu,laent physlolane, and left todlo. Reduoedto anereskoleton, paleand hbggard, not able to loave herbed, fron all those dlstresslng dl; peoultar to sufferlng fonales, suohar dleplacement, leuoorrhea, lnfla-madon, eto., eto. She began taktngDr. Pieroets'rI'avodte Presorlptlonrttand'aleo uetng the loosl trettmeDtgteoomlnended by,blm, and ls now,she says, "as good &E new.t, Prloerednoed to ono dollar. By druggiets.

Rollglon doeg not oonslst in feellng,but we desplse a rellglon that hls nofeeling ln lt. fi we live by prlnolple,and work lud.ustriouely for God andhan, the feeling wlll be abundantand constant.






SATURDAY, JUll.E t0, $ry.

Dlstrtot Oonferenoeg.Dardanello distriot oonferenoe oon'

vones at Dardanello, Yell oountYtJuno 26. Rov. W. D. Mattbews' P. E

NewPort dletrlat oonloronoo con-yenos at Pocahontas July 9rt85. M. M.Snlth, P. E.

Jonesboro dtstrtgt oonfetenoe oon'venos atParlgould, July9, t85. S. Ir.0oohran, P. E.

Batesvlllo dlstrtot oonforenoc rndSunday-sohool conforence oonvene atSaleno, Fultonoounty, July 16, t86. E.M. Ghanade, P. E.

Montloello distrlot oonferenoo oon-voDes a,t Rook Sprtnge, July 16, t86. T.E. Ware, P. E.

tr.t. Snith distrlot oonferenss oon-veneg at Parls, July 16, t86. Rev.M. E. Butt, P.'8.

'Washlngton districG oonferenoo ootn-

venes a,t PuDop Bprtnge oanp ground,truly 22, t85. D. 1I. Eolmos, P. E.

f,'ayotteville dlstrlot conference'oon-venes at Bogers, July 30, t86. .. JemesA. Aadergon, P. E.

Camden dlgtrlct oonferenoe Atlantl, July8, '86. J. J. Jenklne,P.E

Pine Bluff d,lstrlot oonferencs oon-.venes at Toledo, July 23" ,86. J. EBtggln, P. E.

Irtttle Rook dirtriot aonfercDoo oon-veneg at Benton, July 23, t85. C. C.Godden, P. .8.

Searcy dlsffiot conferenoe GoD-venos al, X'renchmgntg mountaln, July29, t85. F. A. Jefiett, P. E.

*To the Frea,ohers of Cila,rkesvillri

Dlstriot Oonforonoe:Dnen Bnprsnpnt:-Please sond me

tho namor ofydnr looalpreaoherr anddologates to the Disbriot ConferenoeBoon to bc held at Mnlberry. Ploleesond then without delay; aad if anyof the preaohers lntond bringtng theirwlies, they will pleore ialibrm mo atonoo. G.'TV. Bovrs, P. C.

June 18th, 1886.

To thE Freaobors and Dclegrter oltbe Fort Smtth Dtstrlot:

DEAR BBETr-Rut:-Our Dlctrlot Con-ferenoo wlll convene at Parlr, July16th. Plearc wrlte mo lmnerdlrtolyhow you wlll oome-lf by prlvrte oon-Yoy&noer hor many horsor? Therowtll be room for the wives of all thspreaoherl, ro brlng them along, breth-ron. Fratenally,

BENJ. C. MAtrTEElrl.Paris, Ark., June 13, 1885.

In a pianoforCe for private homeuse, the very fl.ret and ohle( requlsteie refinement and puriby of tone. 3'oruseln.a conogrtor other large room.this ls not so lmportaab, as the rough.ness of tone is not so percoptlble.Tho now Uprlgnt Planos of the Mason& Eamlln Organ Company have thisfor thelr promlnerit attraodon, .thatthoir tonee a,re so pr1ro and fre€ flomall nolee wtthout pttoh. In part, thlsorrmes lrom their aew method of fas-tenlngs lnstead of by mere plns drlvenlnto wood.-[Bostou Traveller.

On sale at Smlth & Go'r MusloIlouee. Ma,ln gheet, Llttlo Rook, Ark.

sAM JONES..tEEnMoNs *oT^"ro*s or, Bat{ Thsvolume ls Esde tonshorth&nd reportsofthe unlque and

poworful dleoouraeg of tho tanous

Svongellst. Prloer6fty oentr by mall.Btampr, of two-cent klntl, ta&en. Dls-

eount td the trado o,r person! taklnga dozen coples. Addrcss, JOEN J.

IJAFFERTY, Pubfsher Chrlstlan

. Advooate, Rlthmond, Ya.

Dudley E. Jones Co., Llttle Rook,solls roofng folt, tar and oakum.


for every foro ofgKlltsnilBI/QOX)


gtfiruE$ I0 !080[uu.

Warning Order.In tho Pulaski Chanoory Court.

Jennle Roo, Plalntlff.Yg.

E. B. Boo, Defendant.The delendant, E. B. Boe,lr waraed,

to appoar ln thts court withtn thlrtydayr, lnd answer the complatnt of theplalnffi, Jonnle Roe.

J. W. Cer,riew.nv. Clerk.A true oopy fronthoreoord.[Attert:]

J. W. Cer,r,ewey, Clork.X'. G.Lusk, for Plalnfiff.Z.P.E, Farr, Attty adlltem.M*y ?'2,1885. Juue 6.4t

lflarning Order.In tho J.P.Courtof L.B. Perklne,

Juetlog of the Peaoe, ln ind for HlllTownshlp, Puloski County, Ark.

Baldwin & Caldwell, Plaintiffs.YS.

M. R.'Whtte, Defondant.Tho defond.ant, M. R. 'Whtts, ls

warned to appoar in this court, on orbelore the 161,h day of July, 1886, andanswer the oonplaint of the plalnfi ffs,Beldwin & Caldwell.

L. B. Ppnx.nss, J. P.May 28, 1E86. June 6-4t

. Commf,ssdoner,a Sala.Norrct rg EnEnBY crvnN, thrt ln

pursu&noe ofthe authority and dlreo-d'sns oontalned tn the dcoretel orderol the Pulaskl Chanoery Court, ren-dered ln the ooure pendlng tn sdd,Court, whereln Joha E; Meodor, lcplalnttff, and Xlllas Ellonbogen, et al.,lre defondants, the underslgned, lrComnlsdoner of gald Court, wlll offcrand sell at publlcoutory, to the blgh-est bidder, at the front entranoe totne buitf lng in whloh thie Court lsheld, ln the vest wlng of the StatsElouse, in the Ctty of Littlo Rook,

betwoen tho hours for Judlotaleales, onSoturilay, the 20th ilay of Jano, 1886,

the followlng desorlbed traot or plrcelof land, to-wlt: Lotr nine (9), ten (10),el6von (11), and tWelvo (12),ln blooktwo hundred and fourteon (214), ln theCtty of Llttlo Book, Ark.

Tmnrrg op Ser,n.-On a Ored,lt ofthreemonths, the purohaaer bolng re-qulred to exeoute bond with approvodseourlty, and a llon retalned on thepremlees sold. to seoure tho paymentof tho purohase money.

J. W. O^r.r,awaY,Commlerlonor.

Rataltffe & I'letoher. Solloltors forPlalndff.

May 80, 1886. June 0-Bt

ouR scHooLs.

VNINRBIIT UNIVM$ITTIiraela.tzt :ULen EFen :1.

Solliol l0lt,!, lopdal hdomm[ $?00,000,

The Acaclemlc, Blbllcal and Law De-partments openSeptemberl. Thelf,ed-ical, Dental and Pharmaceutlcal Departmerits open October 1. Fees : AcadbmloDepartrnent, 965; Biblical, 916; Law,$100; Medical, $90; Dental,g66; Phar:maceutical, 965. TheSchoolsof Sclenceare supplied wlth the moetlqproved oD-paratus. The School of EnEi-neerlng iesupplied with a workshop for pracdlcalinstructiqn. Two Post-Graduate Fel-Iowships, worth $d00each, andfour Grao-uate Fellowships, worth'9300 each, areonr'uallv awarded.

Board from $12 to $20 per month. TheAnnual Register is sent ou applicationto JoEv 'W. Sslrp. Secretary of theFacultv.-

Ir. C. GABIr\NDr Chnncollor.


Opens the 8th annual term September4th,1884.

Thursday anrl Friday, students wtll beexanrined and classes organized.

Sunday, 7th, at 11, a.m., tho OpenlngSermon, by Rev. '[T. E. Par'hem, A. M., r. u.-A Lecture or Sermon for the

beneflt of the two organioed Literary So-cleties, and a Young-Menst Christlair As-sociation to bo organized.

,Ad,aamta!os,Eight experienced, Chrlstlan teaohers,

wide-awake in their placeo, and up withthbtimee.

Boarding accommocladon ample andgood.

A School Building. ln many respects,equalto the bestinthe Southwest.

Locatlon most boautlful and healthful

-has no equal ln the State. Every scloolconmon to the best colleEes aro tauEhthere. It is a co-educatioial school,butnot properly a! rnlved one.

Girls are admittetl lnto all classes whereboys are taught.

Rev. IV'. C. Parham, an A. u.. of Wil-liam & Mary College, Ya., takes theschool of La rn and Greek, with theEnglish Language.

German and French, Drawtne andPaintlng. will be taught by a nadve ofSwitaerlanrl-an oreellent gentleman.

The management of the school seoureFfre begt morIl, mental and religious ln.terest of puplls .

-Fteperugegare light, owinE to loeatlon. &o.

luil-toi from $i.60 to 94,00.'Music from $3.00 to g4.00.Ioarding 910,00 for echolastic montJr.For Circular or Catalogue, Address

Rev. f. L. BIIRROW, Pres.Or, J. P. COLEMAN, Secty.

fiHffiII,I HfifiTIIHHS & [0,,Etea,d.qrla,rtets for

B. F, Avery aild $om's Plows,

-a5ifD-Rarndolph Combinefl

3lo & 312 Front Street; MEMPHtS,

Gf. EUf. Tffrr,n rmKDletr.4O7 L-2 \zfa,i4=S- _t_-,___Littlfe Rocl=-,

eur{ s, d'tf{ltH'Y*ruRES,Amunition, Pocket Cutler.v and Fishing Tackle, Calerlonian Minnows, Arear va-riety of Spoon Trolls, Spinners, Frogs and Crawflsh, Jointed Rotls. Biaitred. Ltn-gn anq Silk r:ines, oiled sea cirag.s lines,-Tloats,

^all elzes Eooks of the beet niakee,

from the smallest to the largest, Trammel Nets, &c.Special attention given to repairing. All se1'[ guaranteed.March 1st 841y. -

R. L. 0OBB. T. EARTMAtrt.

R. Ir. COBB & CO.,\lE ar rL u. f a, c t rr r e r s' Ag.ieer.te


wEA, (CEtr t IRir ffi ffiB':5rSouthwestern Founilry amd lffiashino shop.

Ilanrow and Cultivator. T& 3l2 Front Street; - - - MEMPlltS, TENil:


Altus, Ark. julyl9,84-f.










QTtrira,44a.3irffiAI,E AND FEUATE COIfiEGE.

Quitman, fuk.

Facrilt5z:REV. S. E. ISABCOCK, Presldent,

And Profoseor of Mental tnd MoralPhllorophy,

Mrs S. M. A. Babcock, I:at'n andSngltrh Llterrturc.

Mrs. M. J. Eoklbs, Moclern lJ&Dguegooend Solenoe.

Prof. Elebury Tra5rne, Mathemaffos.Mre. W. Wcekc. PrlmoryDopart entMlss Eelen Pedfuott, Mu-sio. -

Loooteri near the center of the state,,lmong: thg hills of Cleburno county.

Puro air, good wator, quiet villago,removed from conupdng lnflugao€g

EXPIINSESPEB IIONTE:Tuition ln primary department S1 60Tuition in IntormAdiace rt $2 00Tuitlon ln oollege dopartment $4 00Musio,Uso of instrumont, - - $1 00Board. with best famllles. lasludingwashiirg, Iights, &c., $10 d0.

Studonts may elect their own etud-ies, but it is altogether dosirable thattheyconform to-the regular collegecour'se, and thus seoute a full diplo-m&.

Wcpledge ourselvos to the moraland lntolleotual .oulturo of stud,entsoommitted to our oare.


SIOK I{EADACI{N AND }iILIOUSNESS.Sold by Wholeealo and Rctail Druggists everywhere.

Iv. H.-f,IBKwOol|, r'roprtotor, SL f,ortsr Mor

gtr Llttle#Fo c1=, Aul=a,rLsa,s-?




The'Waters of these Celebratecl Sprtnge cure T(lclney. Llver, and all MaluialDlseases i and ls especlally goocl for all Female Complalnts. .

Daily.Hacks from Searoy to the Sprlngs, a dlstance of only three antl a halfmtles. Only Four Hours from Little Eock

-A. Glood. Elote1 a,a.d. Octte,gee Eile,rze Elee:e. =luXfq =lfqlring tJrls a favorite resort for the bost people of Ltttle Bock, Plne Bluf, Clas-

endon, Augustar &o.Moderate Terno, Goocl Fare, Cholce Boclety, and mogt anitbeetof all

F,ES|trOR EID -=ElAIJlflH, aPrltls d



tre,cJ<so:4., ltrenra.-

0Bmts--i-ffiffi@l#i-,ffi ft-r:ln"tff itxuF,ffi.dl


l '

-O3rerae Ar*gr*st 45, 1ee+.

Dr. Garland, of tne Vantlerbilt, eays:"The Academy of the Messrs. W'ebb hasno superlor within my knowledge in theSouthern Statee.t'

Blshop McTyeire says: I how not ltesuperlor;'lts eqtral r['ould be hard to flntlfoi al,l, thb porf,e of

Prof. Eumphreys, formerly of Yander-bllt, now of the Univeroity of Tewsn,says: "The young men who come to theYanderbllc University from the echool ofthe llfl.eesrs. Webb, at Culleoka, eyhibltas t)rorough preparation in Greek asanystudente I have ever met with, whetherln this institutlon or in Itrashington andLee Unlversity, where for several yearsI tauEht studdrits prepared ln the- bestclaesiial schools in Yirgtnia, as well ast -j?.\'lrBt]* states or-t'he union"'


Ial[ltn 00t[H00,ATEENB, GA. '

Chartereil 1843. The property ofNorth Alaboma Conference, M. E.Church, Soubh. Fall sesglon opens tJre

lst Monclayin Bepfember, l8S5 Eealthyloeat:lon, beautiful qrorflds ancl eommo-ttious buildingt. . f)ompetent facult5/,Every depnrtuc nt i horottghly eqttipped.Cheaprates. To::tI expenses for flyemonths seesiou, illltttling board and tui.tion,$90. Fbr further inforuation acl.tlress, Rxv. M. G. Wrr,r,reus, Pres.


PIPE fIRGAil,w'e have gucc€€tled a,ft€r Dany years of stualg

aDal exDerlment ln Droduolns a-Dirrtable GZ.ltl-VITrE PIPp OEe4f whton fus tho nla.cobstrsesn tho H reed organ antl thg cliurr',bqrrpe)orgatr.-.ds theiarious ptpes a,re s€oureal tn$hotr Dlac€gthe iDstru- m€nt reqtiros no s€tqng up, buf l,o aiotroe reaoy lor u-se when unD&ck€d.

It cen bo eold at a motlerato advance above thoprlc€ charAdd by relieble ma,korts for f,hsirb€tt4F6lass of redd orians. anal it ls lnst what has lorEbeon needed for-ematl.Churchd. ChaDels. Lilsef,guBaloy Schools &ntl the Parlon -HILBORNE L. ROOSEVELT,

llanufaotulel of, Ohr1rt& {}rEaEl/gt l47!I{9wef.tl8thsltq New Yo:E,

_____,.._q .4--

T:ICZEM-A. orSaItBheum. wlth its asoxizira11 itcnilE anA lurning, instautly reliev:ed by E\earm bath wilh CUIIIC[IBA SOAP rntl asinElea,pDllcatiotr of CUTICUBA. tho fcoa,t Skin Ouie.-This rsD€atod daile. with f,wo-or three do8e8 ofCUlfICuiu' BESOLVENT. the New Blood Puri-fleil. to keep the blood cool. the porspiratioh puresnd udrrltatins. the bowets oion. the liveriandkidlevs activo. *lll spsodilv ciro'Eczsm&. Tst-ter. BinEworm, Psoriieis, Licheu, Pruritue, ScallEead. Dsndrnfi. atral eierv sDeciesol ltcbinc.Scslv'snd Pimnlv Eumors dt tt-e Skin and Scali.wltli Loss of Ebii, whon tho bost physiciens &nAsll known remeallas fail.

CUTICUBA nEMEDIES aro absolut€ly Dureand the dnlv inlallible Btood Puif.em an[ SkinBsautiflors lros from Doisonoug inqrsalisnts.

Sold sverywhero. Price. Cutic-ura. 60 cents:SoaD. 25 conts: Resolvent. S1: Prenared bv POTIT EA DRUG a'nd CE ErvfiCAI CO .: Brstod. Mffi .

&s$ond for 3'Eow to Cnre

d. d,f"ril__ __ ;. f-J! _'r,4s.

.6ffiKAN$I$ MATffiO$I$T.


Erlttle Ei[elpere-E. U. 0BANADET Eilitor.

Batssville' Ark.

"A.n Induetrious Glrl.

Drnan Bno. Gn.Ex.e,on :-Papa takesthe Anr.r.xsAs Mr[Eoorst, and Iloveto road tho "Idttle Eelperstt page.My sieter Llzde has goue to WestPlalns,

'twent;r-Mo. f have one dollar andetght oente ln my bank, onda

rnonoy to go ln my bank. I ge toBuriday-sohool every Sunday.'Well,I nust olose.

Your frlond,Eon.o, TgonNBrIBorr.

Powhatan, Ark., May 80, 1886.

Doar Llttlo Edna, I &m so glad to

hen settlngand maks

get yoursdll lovels agootlens na,y

aud wtll eell my chlokonsrnoney. f nake all ay

letter, and to know that youto rrworkfot Josus." Yoursexamplo. Ihopeyourohlok-do woll, and that you ma,y

learn nuch at tho Sundoy-sohool,My love to all. Lrot us all be goodand true.

Bnorrns Gln.Axeon:-we ere a,twork and feel liEe, though ovor sollttlo, lt wtll be aooeptable vtth youand tho Lordl a,ad whlle othsrs aredoing mpre, wo hopo ours will be llker'the poor wldows mlte.t, We havenotforgotten thePraln you read forus, a,nd your klnd talh aboqt the'roedarg of Lebanon.,, Pray that wcnay be ao rooted ln Gtod ltke the oedam,that. the advorse wlndsmay notrffeetus lu thts Ute, ei.d thnt we may bosaved ln heavon.

Your'tLlttle Eelper,t ln the Lord,MANEeya IfoopoosK.

Manerya, I rm glad you ienemberabout the treer planted. ln the houseof the Lord., and. hope you wlll growevery day and brtng forth muoh goodftuit. -Remember a few good apploson a little tree are bettor than a wagonload, of bod onesbn a blg tree. ..Bythotr ftults ye shdltknow them.t,

Bnoruns, Gnelreon:-Ae the ohlld-ten sonaedmes wrltg to you, I wtllwrlto. Wo have a bank and a,re atwork, and hopo byoonferenoeto havetwo or three dollars ln ic. Pray ferus. Eope the good Irord will give usaooess to the hoarts of the people inthls great work. We hope you wllloone to see us agaln. 'We have notforgotten your klnd talk to us, espe-orolly on whtsky and tobaoco. Godbless Brother Granade. Your ..LltileIlolporrr ln Chrlst, Jomr llrrrnay.

Johnny, Iamgladyou areat workand that you do nol, forgot good ad..vioe. I do lovotoenoouragsboysandgtrls who love to lsarn. I shall trynot to g{.veanybatladvloe. rtRemem.ber now thy Creator ln the days ofthy youth.,,

Dnrq' Bnorsnn GnaNeon :-papatakes theARKANSAs METEoDTBI endand I love to ooming. papakeeps a buglnesg houso .ln Antolne,ald he gavo mo a ltttle tln bank toput all f oan colleot foi mlsrlonarymoneyin. Thoreis no Sunday.sohoolhore, but Ilong to have one here. Ia,n a ltttlo glrl, 12 yoars old. f havothree Uttls brothers and one llttloglster. Your noleelonar5r servant,

Nexorn C. GpNnny."A,ntolno, Ark., May}2, 1886.That's rlght, uy Uttle holper; b5r to

got up tho Flunday.sohool. Go andsee fl{ty poople about lt, and. don,t letthen off. W'ork and pray and Gtodwill'bless.

.4. Deflnltioa . of, .A.rlstoora,oy.

'rI llke tho Amerioans lmmensely,r,sald. an Englishmair who had boonhospitably entertained ln Amerloa..rI ltks them lmmensely, but I r'IVhat ls that?tt askodhls Yankoe host. "I mieg tho arls-toctaoy,tt replied tho ltrngllehman."What aro th6y ?rr "1lhe arlstocra,oyt,,eaid the nobloman surprlsed. ,'Why,they are peoplo who do nothing, youknowl whose fathors dld nothlng, youknow; whoss grandfathers did noth-


(Suecesgors'to l[mqDr,rcrg s l\

Monwfa,ctwrors, utod, Doalors imFALNTS, OILS E, WINDOW GLASS

$ash, lBoons amd Slinds,$rATTIT PAPER &'\^rI}[DO'W' S=tAI)ElSl

Ptcfure Franes, Moulilings,. lmmors, &c., &0.216 Mary Srnmr - TLITTLE ROCK, AEK.

Apr 1.4, '83-1,y



Iummr$$ifin ffInruhilnt$,r-

214 Gravler Btreet. | 108 S. Maln Btreet.NEW ORLEATIS, r,A. I ST. t OUIS, MO.


ffiI&T,, T(INTAINE & O[!..

@ottore. Fa,retrors-AND-

Commi$$ion MerchantsaL€Sor+tb,A4e,ln gtreet, I496 & 2,eg Fzorrt Ettreo.l,

STtr.I{OE TlSt, AdO. I AEEX\dP=EIS, EtrEl}if:Nf,

Dally $10.00per.yea,r; Weekry$.60i Sundsy $l.


J[lB DEPARTMENTILargest ond nost oonplete ln South-west.

BINIIERY trtrel-orase ond tworlr werranto.L

FINE WtlRK A SPECIALTY,Addregs Glazette Prfnting Oo.r.Llttlo Ro&,


Com.FOnSZ,umLE [00tr, a$8,

Manufacturing J ewe I er and En graver,116 lflatn Sheet, LITTLE BOCK. ARK.

Tho llrge_stland best seloated-etogk of _Itratn_hes-pta.*oiai. " ]"#'u-ri"l""sir"b and silver-Platea'ffi6.Clooks, Razqrp, Slqgors, Speotacles and lEyeGlassesilooke. Razore.

-Sissorg. Speotaclos and lEveGlasses.The only FtrshClass' Manufaoturiag 'J6weler and

Engraver-in the Ctty.$otary Seals g4 % oach, aod. mad.e ln: one hourts

We make Dlamond Mountines ol all'desorlptlon.odel Work ol all kbrds. and wddo all kluds of'GtenjMoclol Work ot all klnds, and we do all kluds of Gtenl

eral W'atoh and Jewelry_Bepatring.

SE!\AZISVG \IE-A.CE: T}!'E!,Wirtftb JVow ,At-tq,ohrnomts*T'h,a Timest and, Bost in, th,e

JWarlaot. Tho Eosiestto Sol,l,. .

lf thero ls no Dealer ln your town, send for descdpdon of the LEADER.G. A. STOCTON & CO-

504 Main St liitle Rock, ArE;

lL@urs G. tsE]RINTAVSe


,;._ , .'FINE CrrrNA TEA SETS,

-r---j\ND A eENEBAT.LII{E OI|-r




CBO EqY, GTASSWARE,Lanrps and Chandeliers,

';;.\.i-t . \, 1

1,i .








Eil.8" ffi 8,D TTEr .ls.. ffi B, EE 9Iron, Nails, Cutlory, Axes,

Cooking anal Heating Stoves,Cbrry ln stook ths well-known

Cha$er Oak, Rose CiW,aad Bio Gtaarle Cooking

Avory &$'Plows, 0liver Gbilleit Plows, Rubber anil Ier BelilIg, Ice Gream Froezers and hehigerators"

Our stock ts both largo and complete; havtng a resldent buyer ln NEW YOBBwe aro enabled to oompete wltJr any market.




Sole Agents For

Steinway & Sons and Knabe

PIA[[ 0 $ i -*tulttffi?,'ot'J,,,

E: $filElft Bl-




d'AMES ffi=.@mw@m,l85l Establiehed 1851.

(succnsson 19 Mgtlr,rrrdrvr a'q$c\)\XZlrol?=_?ffi,*tpd E3 eta,lt


Trupses,Fl,a'eltrolret="H5x3ffi3t??n?FrEfa;5 ertrr-za'er5za=&

Plt y sioian s Pr es orip tiott s .A ccwr atoly C omp own cl,@d;, l

Este,lcllslred. 1:a. aeSV -

-DEAr,rtR IN-


Solid Stlver antl Bilver-PloteclW'aro. Golcl Pens, Peicflsand Tooth-Plcks. Goltl"Silvo.r antl lvory-Eeacled Canes. Opera, Field ancl Marine Glasses. Spectacleeancl Eye'Glaeses. Compasses. Thermometers. Gold and Sllver Thlmbles, etc.

Oct 4'84-Bm.


9?t\olble.)rdlrDlFll iFLssea'hsoEe?elE(?lrl




decs,Bgn IMRS.J. A. GlLIr, , Proprlobess



fi gnn'^mrail$as uBTEoIl$r. PRIIFESSIIINAL CARDS,

SATUBDAY, JUNE 20, 1885.

i. o",TuARtEs.Ouron.-Elmore Guloe, son of Jas.

!-. and M16.

- Gulae, was born ln

Iranklln county, Mlsl., Nov. 7r 1868.

Se oamo with his Paronts to BradleYounty, fuB., h 1883, fro44 thence heuovod wltli htg parents to OuaohttaXarlrh, Ira., where he dledr LPrll 22,

.1886, aftor a short lllnsgs. Elmorevos oonverted aud Jobred the Metho-dlrt Eplscopal Churoh, Eouth, 1n Au'grst, 1888, at Good EoPe, New Edln-bug otrculq.under the ministryof therv:iter. tr'rom a note Just reaelvodfrom hlg bereaved.father, Ilearn thathls ltfe has bcen that of a

iohrlstlan. fn some respeotb he was a'mpdel boy; he had never been use profane language, nor lts eub-'ishtute, by-wordb. Els father wrltes





BoBnngo.r.-Slster 1'. C. Robersonwas born in rhe State of Alabama,

; Nov. 11| 1817; diod Fob. 10, 1886; pro-: feseed religlon at 13 years old. Slsteri, Roborson rras an exemplary ghrlstlan,l' fullof ratthand good, works. She was

truly an feraelite in whom there wasi1 no guile. There were none more self-' saorlffclng : It seemeal to be one groat

slm of her llfe to make others happy,' and she wes wllllug to saorlfloe any' prlvatlons for the happlness of her

" frlends. There were noao rtrore sJrm-pathetio. She wag always ready to

, , wegp wlth thoae that weep, ancl re-{'i. Joice wlth thoee that reJoloe. There

wero none more oharltable. the oould. gtve the rtght hand of fellowehlp to

all ohrlstlanp, ond wotshlp God tur

overy ohuroh. She was oheerful and, happy, for she had gteat fatth ln her

i God, though she was a great gufferor.I[er death is a logg to her'lamlly, aloss to the ohuroh, a loss to the oom-mgplty tn whloh shs lived. Eler re-mahie were lnld to rest ln the oldfamily burytng ground, wlrere sleep,nany thet are dear to the busband.Her grave will eoou be green and the{vy wlll oreep around the tombstbne;,but tn thererurreotlon mornshe, wlththe rest, shell.come forth and bask ln

I the ltght of eternit5rte gun torever.O. C. BoBrBTsoN.

@r. L. n. BqrsAK,Orrrop :-604 Main Stroet.Rssburon :-121 Iouleiano sbeot.

DR. D. J. PRATHER.Oflce-112 TV'est Seventh street, near

corner Seventh antl Matn.

Besidence-Corner Fifteen antl Arch.

' Sept. 18 '84-1y.

Dr- tr- T. AEo.A1s.or:.t.Omror-213 East Eighth Street.

BnsrDnNca-800 Cumberland Street.oot.11 '841y.


BS, B00lH & l$lllacElB,

Ltttle Rook, ArlsOFFICE-Adame Bloik, corner Maln

and Markham Streets. SePt.13 84.


Ueatherford & Estes'\ ATTORNEYS,

228 iatn St., . - - tr[EMPtrIS' TDNN.Pra;tice in the Courts at Memphis ancl

in Errtern Arkttre.Refr to the -Editors of tbis paper.

Searcy CollegettALE AtrD FEMALE,


Seven progreeeivtteachere. Completocourso of studf ir each department.College within 200 prds of tho celebra-tto TIIhite Sulphur lprlnse. Prohibi-fonin fullforce. Teins Eneral. Sendforcatalogue.- W. E. TEARP, Principal,

r, Searcy, Ark..\

"a:J"i!FA$ffi}i*T,'y*'H: I loun v. $patNfi, M. lf.

preparadon for the solemn dhange. l- ---'But he wrlbes: "Thanks bs unto 9d, l=y., Ear, Itrle.roa,t da lqoee.we know how he llved." The Itfe rs | -*^* r m^v,AD 4 .*

,' Jt,r"-r'i niJtt"J r"a"i't" p"r"r * r | .^o-**ou

ovEB n' rJ' lraYLoB & oo'

, tbe home of onr departed, toved onee. l-t+ly PINE BL'lUf'F' ARK.

i["ffi'#r-lT;i:i""'"""sT il::t I waq s.qEgr.c'rlotn;'h'" and Eteadrast,;'ir'i iu"y I nff[}hNEY AT LAW,

f#"r$l}S"l"t'"1Ti#,'ffi$ I 60 cou'r srRr*r,ir,auterrsorewtped"Tuy-. _..__ | memphis, Tenn,- E. Ir.BraRP. l#i cndrtuoAdvooatepleasorpi. I Dr. T' E. Murrellt1, ts*offi w. D. | __3"'_It.lEtg s*'^ut

borrl ,tbeb heads ln submlsslon to tht I Operates fo_r_piles or Eemorrhoi"$ {1.-wlll of the Lord, knowing him to be{.tuta'in eno, IJlcer, Fissure, and all dis-l^^ d^^,r l^ da '-rana --Jr^^ *roo e^Feases of tJreRectum. Guarantees a curetoo good. to do wrong, aod too rvlse tor.eas-e-s-of theRectum ' Guaranteee a cure

err,iu r doerh an rh6s;;u';;ui,U,lnru3?:"$ 1*:,"*.'i""hf*H 3i

'Snd Ilattte J. Brown, was bom Oot. lE'frrrLE RacI<' .At:E="hs, teez. antl dled Feb. 7, 1886, h Glar- | Praodce llmtted to

.11i'gc.o1t1^.'n. ro_li,lg:"1:{',"HlDileues of th Eye, Eal, Ihroat ani Noss,that ..Dsath lovos a sni.1_llglerlr'

| --On"" lo"-ij ".-. t,

!%n.; 2 ta 6fritrle Robert wes e very brightr lron- | - ----lsing child, wlse beyond hls 5eare; l{'*'hle monlyandwlnnlng waysendq,rod Ion. r. cnoss. DR. c' warrrrs'

ffii';ify;-J,lTffiffil cnoss & wATKlils'to th€ n€a,rts ol ols t&tner an(r ruoqor. I

but Christ hod a use for him and bni I Omce t Over Oetrander & Eogan's,eud carrled Little Robbey ho1e, I

hardware stote, corner Main and Thlrd,wherd he wlll rest foreverl he is iot |

8creet8.idead but sleepetfu, and wiil rtse aglin I Resialences. Dr. Croes, 620 West

ln 0h,at brieht noorninc ot the regttr- | fUid street I Dr. 'WatHns, 411 Cum'in 0bat bright rnorning ot the r€l$- I rhud srxeer;

'reotloa. May God help the fath\r I berland street'

andfr.bther or r,ittte Bobbey to me6 lm 11thetr boy ln heaven, pnd may the; I &r.l- Y r -v-' --tr*;

Young Elnore leaves behlhd e large I

take-oare of the oleeplng duot of lout6tscured furniehedat oftce, corner

J..M. ARMrrEr.D. I iept 6-'&l-1y.

Robbey, ln Fourohe Lahe graveyard, lllain arrd Secoqtl^,-over Eall 4 l4ritthews',until thb Judgment Day, and then ri.ll-t-tilS.IlSk;.^9$:u.hoqtll{lv, except:-*- '-- ---".1;- ;;;;- | tundays), 9 to 12 a, m., 1 to 4 p. m.will rlse and oome to^to:

t,3t**li I c"oJ.rrt"don free. parients can come' ehillng a1ge1. 1l'o mlss hlm, but

I ro"Jli*out any part of the strrre, re-. wlll meet hrm agaln. lciive trettmen[.airtl return same ddy.



r-: ;#-



New Goods 0peninl llaily'throughout thc Year.


Entrance, 896 Main Steet, : : : Memphis, Tenn.

THE I/AREDST ESITABIISEIIDNT of tr btn inthe Southern States.BUII/DINO DtrENSIONS' 116 by 326feet, runnlng through from

M*inissec6ud Streets.





Br rlealiug tliiect, you save Agent sComrniseions, and. get the best

aucl cheapest work.Connssporonron Sorrcrrxp.

fiFDesigns sent on application.SEELLS for Orngmenting Graves

aod Gardens etc.605 Main Jt. LITTLE BOCK, ABK.

J&n I '&l-tf


PATEITX REEEBENOE INDD:E.'The creat€st lrnnrcvement la book-mrklng tJrat

As been uinde ia a huldted yosrs."tteOut gives butao tncompleteltloof lb uflltty.

TIII STANDAED.A IlTll lYebstortt irs! 11E,O{X) Wordr,tr5.I3?3P.#,ff&Tb",.ah-"*irT"-

TEE'F,SH'.s"ffJilffi Ht8.".f'lSalb ao to I of anv other rerles.

BDSTffir.ffi#H*"*f,#HFWebster is Standard Aqthorttv vltl"Afr. *

ltuDrome court. Recommenaled bf thc€trtbBu!,ta of lornob in gO gtst€s, a,nd-.Dl ftlr 50OollegoPreeldents. .t..A LIBRARY IlT T[SDI.F.' 'c. ,

Th6 lBtest €ditioD. ln ths qnFnttt!' of lnt*ar tr '

contains. ie belleved to bs tho lrrrort voII.$lublisbdd. It, hoF SOOO moreWor-dBlri,l*.6iebularytban are found in a,nyolhsr An"!lgt?.Nd nearly 3 tiees lhe nnEbsr 6f EpSlsvfngt ,

13 fu tnc test pEodcf EalUrhDlotiol3Sr,ortsnt.-brfunQlnrtnlyEfiiat ;

Il lr m ever-ror6.ont aDd rclbbL rclidol- ...

Eact€rto tha rholo faDllr.-'g g. Eer&{ .-G. & C. f,EBRIAI & Coa Pub'r+6prlndctttr{dlkf

Y* '.


Boots and Shoe



609 Ualn Stleet, Ltttle Boots, A.rts.

The only Southern Methodlet .Eo& Concern ln thel State. Carry t'he ldfoe-ons of tlie Southern Methodtst Publishl4g Eouse,_ Nas_hville, Tonn.g the loratlons of tlie SouthernMethodtst Publishtng Eouse, Nashville, Tonn.lthe lora

hymn and tune church andflunclay+clool eong books. Alsojstantlartl oecrrar pr$oa-tlons antl perlotllcals, stadonery, mdons, oto.

Gooil Qualityr anil Close Prices.Prompt attcndon gtven all ortletE. mar l2{4 til


0. L. BYRD 80 00.,

JEWELERS, ms0lt & milHll 0Bctll tll[ Pltt0 00,mSfOil,t64TlentontSL CHIGAG0'|49WabrshAtl

XEW IORICIIB Estt t4E 31 1ual61 Squ$.)290 atn Stroet, Cor. Maillson, . IIEIIPEIS, TENN.


Best Assortnent in the soutb at Lowest Prices.

Our repairing and mauuracturing departmente wereneyer as complete as now.Wotches oi Jewe-lry seut to us by exlresi or m&il, for rcpairr, wlll recelvo aeproapt atteutenffon as if left ln person..



AGBEMSE G@ffiEN.417 M.lrr ,S*r", between 4th e 5th. Lrmr,n Rooq Apr.

Oldest Jewelry House ln the Gity.* SPECTACLES A SPECIALTY.. AGE\T|tr FOF,

JOHN HOILAND'S CEIEBEATAD COI.D PDNS.Splendid Stock of Wetohee, Clocka, anel Jewelr5r. Pereonal atten-

Jan. l, L883-tr tion paid to repairs'


GISBtASSrk00,,8r4 &

"Ly#"*HTllH,*11F aRK"



YANIDTY, STLYES, QUALITY AND PBICD$The Goods a,re equal to custom-made and a PERFEGI FIl'. In connectlon

wlth the enormous Stock of Clothing, we have a woll and Careful eelectecl Stock of

Dry goods, Notions, Ladies'

-ANDGE \r |tr'S --ttndF,nlitr-IsE.fir G G O ODS

,it woBrE,s,I,

'Irl'lblt€d et ALL tho tmportant WORT.DtI ltrFffiBIIBIAI, COIETifIfTIliE EXEIBITIONB TOI-llvEliIT&F,lI !'narrs, Mmr & Eemur OrgEDtbrvegftermoFtrlcld €xaEhatlona&ud c{lmpafllon&D6'AI.WAYS -FOIIND BEST. 8N.1, AWABDEDEtsEIfn Eo$oasi nt ao.* it oilaean Sm?frura

ftTXT'ORGANS A;trffiw.!w

wbloh bav.uabls la s|tttr

ln sheen- RNslaend Turlov Bhidlnda-

t885, OF

GARDEN.'' €Dbrdng[6 Eailed on recelDt ol 8t!mp8lcDt lrm withoEt alrpll6tloL



BATpRDAY, JUNE 20, 1886.

. -lSBrdS-One Year. ln advance.91* 146aihs " "

BATAS OF ADYEBTISING.,8pace 1mo. 3 mo; 6 mo. 1yr.

$16 00260080 0060 00


$t Fo76

I Square2 Squares3 Squaresff column

$3501$7001$10001600110001 15001800112001 18001

1600126001 36001

For larqer epace. speoial contraotssill bo maAe. -

Yearly adverdsements payable quar-torly in advance.

All hansient advertlsementg must bepaid for at the tlne of flleir ineertlon.- When ths number of inserEions ls notspeoifecl, tho advertieemert will be in-Eorted until forbid, and charged for ac-oordingly.

No comnurrlcadon wlll be publishedfnless the authorts name is 6own by

All communlcatlons for publlcatlonor on business, should be ad:lressed tbArreNseg MErEoDrgr.


- a,B.d,fashlon. No. 1l Jofferson Etreet,"- YemPhls'.aenn-- t - --- -. | $flrethrenr wlll contlnue to send ug

. ''Itbfd4fortes and obttuarles, but ploase

; c;i'edef*ritinem, so-that tJrey may all

. We are authorlzed to announoe Eon.D. E. Barkor, of Drow, as a oandidatefor the Forty-nlntb Congrege from theThbd Dlstriot, subJoot fo thoaotlonofthe Demooraulo Nomlnatlng Conven-don. :

'We h,re authorlzod to annourrogJudee J. T. Boarden. ofOuaohlta. asaoanilldate for the F'orty-ninth 'Con-

[TesB from the Thtrd Dtstrtot. subl€otEo tJre aotion of ths Domooratlo No-mi-trattng"onvent$:__

We a,rs authorlzod to announoo l[ou.Thomas C. MoBee. of Nevada. as aendtdate for the'X'orty-nintfi Con-gress from the Thtrd Distriot, subJeotto the aotlon of the DenooratloNo-nl-natltrg Convondon.

kias, JutJge Waesel, Dr. Peytoi. -!tai.Jno. D. Adome, Gen. B. IT. Greeri.Fones Bros., Yieg Ohrlgma,n, Capt. J. ElEanoy and bthers.

;i. l- .l,tt.. i$.,,o !!r't' r'i

.The Prtulily f,ouse.Thts houser formerly known as the

Comnerolal Eotel, lr prepared to ac.comnodate the bavellng publlo, andalso to lurntsh rooms and good. boardto regula,r monthly boarders. Thisboirs€ fs well furnlshed,, ls olean andngot, &nd, the servants are pollte endattentlve; Ths tsbls ls well suppltedwlth good eatables, well oooked andsorYed ln very sa6sfaotory style.The Kansas Clt;r meaG, lmFortod by

. the Gloyer Cold Btorago Componn loursd and ls very doglrable to loversofgood moat. Thls house ls oonduotedwtth a vlew nore to tho aomfort sndoov€nlonce of the guests than to style


TOM4r[oNE S, STA]ITUABY, & c.8. E. Coniei Ssoonal sad. at€fforson Strcetgr

' rrrntr[prrrg, TE1{N.

dc wor\Monnmerits.erected by us tn Mt- E

'We make a speoialtyof fine and artie-l worh and refer to tho followinprefer to tho following:tecl by us t'r.Ml. Eolry

Cemeter{, at^.lttlle R-gck.. _ Jutl ge Wai-ki'e, Juali]e Waesel, Dr


' , Thif,fipular- aohool for young lartleeTttrtr9j qtrrene-rl ulider enCtrely new\ aqBp-logs Fbptembor gth, 1896, wtth

'spletrJl{,,bull-dlngs and ortflt, Dr&g-

. -{fi.geU--, boundry and ollmate, a faoul-- !$ dneroglled, r{hdcharges reasonable.

No lusdtution ofiers greeter lnduce-meits to pdrenteor pupllg. For catarlogues, eto., 6ddross-,

nsv. CADESMAN pOpE.Presideirt.

r trilillerrburq, Kpntuoky. --------'

,"f. ffi" Vemn g ff[!.,IMPOBTEA,g AND DEALERS IN

. Marble anil Granlte nonnmsnts

th,{hle.papor, rcot to elthortaii.fuut to rhe ABKAN-

Qnes Co", Llttle H,ook,foncs wlre and farm bells.

IIID B[[T$.$1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00| 'Prob&b\r asver. slnoo &e lnvontloDof Oorsets; ?.ag edt l9,fto a ileEsnd.

. elther tlto Oorset or ihg Bolt, NIIBSINGOOB,SDI! Prtoo,01.60.I aBDOMTNA.DOOnSET, . 8.OO..

WW"splr1 1'os6r1larDffiffitffiirfljiffilr'.d:igitihi,ill;id[]Fdi[l'Wl$d$[ oN TRta^rl.puu corrrururar

ffi$jfi;fi'ftidffii?i*li,?$t1,ffijtffiffil1$1ffiffi 6t0t tsH sareeru

@A Goodr Dlvd Oa,aiasslngi AElentYrAlffBD ln your towr for thea€eDlonindly aalvertf,s€il and best sell-thg godals |tl the ma,rke(i trIBEiRAITPAY, C}IIIOK, SALES.i BatlsfootlonGldarant€ed. Apply af onoo.


Dr;,Soott's EleotfloE6lrBraBh€Br01.OO, el.Eo, gr.OO,' 8S,OO. Itr.gcotttsEl€strloToothBru.ah€a,

l|0$" t, 2, g aN[l E* IlvoubdYeur/



$tanlu ilftf, Fanuy ilrfffiosfler , $rames, mstflflEms,

$radfes ffin.den$

Millinery and FinenffiffiSSffi

Q,uim& GLITT!.E

'w:. N" wfi$fiKffiR$oNW:HOITISALfi DSAITXRS IN

3O7 & 3O9 hfiaEn St


foft Smfth Dtstrlct-'.-ThlrilBordo.lE. E. Butt. P. E.

Charleston, June 13 14

Fort Smith Statlon, 20, 21'Waldronr 27r 28Cantham, Jqyf. i

Fourcher 4, 6.Fort Smith Cuircult, 11, 12Parieantl Rosevllle, 16, L9

Nattonat Sprlngs, 2lMagazlner23Boonevllle, 26, 26Greenwood, Aug 11 2Witchervllle,.S, 4


-- ?

Eackett Clty, 8, I ,

Dtstrtct Conlerence at Parls, July 16antl 19.

Yollylue Dtstrlot.---Thtrd BouDil.lI. I[. O. Btrmtngho.ln, P. S. .. ,

Yalley Fprings, at Kings'Prairie, June

Candy,Cbal Otl.Errplonr'Graln-oars,

corrr, ehelled,.. .rn cuf,Eay-prlnle'ler ton

25 to 3Co.20 to 26o.

12|c per rloz.Ilc per doz.

$1 to I 25per bu.1.26c per bu.

$2.60to 3 per doz.

6%to 7%$1 60 to gt 66$825to$425.

6% to goI to t2)(

_ l0to14/,l0 to 20c" 06 ro -c.25c per gal.

65 to 60. 70c per bu60c per bu

l0 00 to l? 60

' PBOVISIOIIS.Bulk meats-long clear DS 6 7-8Bulk meats-shoit clear DS 7r,/Breakfaet Bacon 12V to B*Suguar Cured Eame ttt-z tdfa' 79/o

'Y60per eal6 00to 7 00 per b:bl.

Lard. tierce.. 'half tiorce'" bucketsCotrcn eeed oll

Flour,qnoqEBtEs--IN &ouND f,OTS.


ff"fr:."*t"w orleans. t{;iz


lO to 74ftaYato 8t4o


8O Stores Under one IWe keep ovetyready made a,rtlolo Vo* Uy ladter, gentlemejAU coodg varrantod up to the hlsluet gt&nderd. , ,

. E_ld-meter ppde-lor lqlblshtng Cdpots, Curtalns, Crookeryato Eotol.g'and famlllsg. . ,

Elress Strairin$ a+d Mill'gtn the bosfetyle of the arts. . it

Clods out and sold In small qutntitlee ln retatl dena,rtme*merohantg at wholoss,lo prloes. lq

Sarngrles Sfrt atu /tfrl,l,catC,src. |[Onr Sprlng Ca-t_alogue_wtll be rgdy for dlstribudon abotrt Atri

your name. -AddresE all oommurloadons to -0.


Yellvlllo clrcuit, 27, 28.Yellvills and Ilarrieon sta, at Yellvllle,

July 4,6. I :

Leatl Hill. rrt Slgar Orohard, 11, 12.Berryville, lt Berryville, lg, 20Moult.ain flome, at Big Pond, 25, 26Big Flat circuir, atOold lMarter,Aug 112Copeland, at Red River, 8. IWiley's Covo circult, at Mapel Grove,

ll, 12 l, r,Wilcocsoq at Bethel 16, 16.Carrollton, attr'airview, 19, 20Ifuntsville, at ;22r23Dureka Eprlngs sta, 29 30

District Conference at Berryville,ufyl6-f9. Openlng sermon Tfettn6s-

tlay evqning, by Rev. Alex.Mathls;


WUITE BIYTB CONFEBENCE.S6aroy Dtstrlat-iTblrdlFouril

tr'. A ileffottr P. E.Augusta eta, June 27, 28.

. Argenta nrlts, July 4, 6.Bearcy sta, 11,12.

.sjpF,pp, 18, le."Brryrr',roMeto ct, 26, 28.

:gffia6raf ct, Augusi 1, 2.El Pqsso ct: S, 9.

Jucleonia dt, 16, 16.Fearcy ct, 22123. ,

Gum Springs ct, 2!),30.Cleburne mlss, September 11 2.Ilnlgfr*il Reyels, 6, 6.


12ft to 16ot%o r2)/7 tog

"0-0mp[Jn"Eru$yt*Fiffiffisrrr. ra:mtlon dleEry,ot& .Eqomn Eail.Oct%tb.qoyd-t .'I!asfi@t ts notrerelyto rednce thg amout oilat,-b[t by afegdug tho rcurco of obsltt to ttrdE@ am@t om of tJre dl8eag Mr. R. malice no Glmw@€yert ay p€Fob,r:tch ot l@!,@ obt4ln hls Fo;I

glluw$ffiffiF"-*ffi* itWoil, Paper, gl,e,et MusCnt trlqtdmts,



g{_s.}!nri1g everything in ca1 load lots, vr€ can glvopuyers IrO\MER FRICES antlItrERAllS than our competitore. :

ffiAffiffiffi E ffiffiffiffiffiT


,Im ail,itl,tC,on to oalr lan"ge I'C,n'e of EngC,nes, Boit,

ilIdtl,s, &o,, xoe haad i,n SIOCKT 'ready fdr immeiliatl



M0WERS, REAPEIS Ai{D HAy RAKES, "'"&W$S,1+Also. Cane Mills and 'fyaporators. Threshers anrl Fans, Corn and T -

Gllrrs, Feet-lrrs and Conrlenters, Cotton and Ifay Presegg..i

Tho Blakeslco Steam ?umpe, Shafting, Ledther'antl'Rubber Beltin- 'Boxes aih Eargerr.

Fenmnitl'E coLt-EcE,,l' ;;li*. IIIJNTSYILLET,ALA.

T3{TP.TY{SLtQ,F SE SSION BE GINBIT-ecluesJay" Sopte'iber 2, 1886. Healthy,woll furni$bed, firJl firculty.o Offerethorough inptructiq'i in oll Departments

:["#*-r'f; ;4tfi ''',*;u. 1 $"J.-tll*logues and+pricia{i n-fr;rnration, apply to

Bav. A.'-]1. ,, oxre, A. II-.,-J . presiclent.


{L.i.- ri-r'.,$f,Ib?

;lii {1,l.irii-[r

, "l l!

Drugs, Ivledlicines,Glassrfare, Pdnts, 0lls, surgical hstuments, X





FtneTotlet Soeps, Brushes, Conbs, Perfume# ond tr'anoy l

€€4 AEe,!.n Street,


IAAPET AtUililffifiUilil$

Rlce,SaltCorn MeaJ-perCrakers,Ginger imppe,uneeSe,

Dry Hidos,Dry Salt,Grebn Salt,

MARKETS,Correoted weeklyby E. D. Smtth &bq 622 Maln EtreeL-

B OOUOT.Cre4mer]F Butteq,Dairy Butterl


N. B.-speorar drgoount " *,MHLWH[,. B

T ZTLSQD|T dz212'hilAlN $T.n