an analysis of students' interest on local culture

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Wira Yudha Wastuti. (15040081). Analisa Minat Siswa Pada Materi Teks

Budaya Lokal Dalam Kegiatan Membaca di SMAN 1 Enam Lingkung.

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat,

Padang. 2019.

Minat dalam penelitian ini merupakan motivasi siswa dalam membaca. Penelitian

ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui minat baca siswa terhadap bacaan teks yang

bernuansa budaya lokal pada kegiatan membaca siswa kelas X.MIPA di SMAN 1

Enam Lingkung Kabupaten Padang Pariaman. Jenis penelitian ini adalah

deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggambarkan minat baca siswa pada materi teks

budaya lokal dalam bahasa Inggris. Teknik dalam pengumpulan data berupa

angket dan wawancara yang diambil secara acak. Teori yang digunakan adalah

teori dari Prasetyono (2008) dengan lima indikator minat baca yaitu: 1.Perhatian

(attention), 2. Kebutuhan (needs), 3. Kesenangan (pleasure), 4. Keinginan (desire)

dan 5. Tindakan (action). Hasil penelitian ini berupa persentasi pada indikator

setiap indikator minat baca siswa. Pada indikator attention didapatkan minat siswa

74,49%, indikator needs didapatkan 72,42%, indikator pleasure didapatkan

73,05%, indikator desire didapatkan 62,15%, dan pada indikator action

didapatkan 60,13%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa minat

siswa pada materi teks budaya lokal adalah tinggi yang dapat dilihat dari

perhatian siswa.

Kata Kunci: Minat Baca, Materi Teks Budaya Lokal, Membaca




Alhamdullilahirabbil’alamin. Firstly the researcher would like thanks to

Allah SWT, who has given blessed the researcher mercy, chance, and healthy to

finish this thesis. In addition, thanks to prophet Muhammad SAW as his

inspiration to keep fighting and finish this thesis entitled “An Analysis of

Students’ Interest on Local Culture Text Material in Reading Activity (A Study at

SMAN 1 Enam Lingkung) ”.

Then, the researcher expresses gratitude to the advisors. The first advisor

is Dra. Yelliza M.M.Pd and the second is Dona Alicia M.Pd, who have guided her

in complementing this thesis and correcting the draft until it has come out as the

present form. The researcher also expresses this gratitude to all the examiners,

Dra. Riny Dwitya Sani M.M.Pd.,Belinda Analido M.Pd.,And Dian Mega

Putri,M.Pd, who have given contribution in complementing the researcher‟s

thesis. The researcher would like thanks to Suharni, M.Pd, as head of English

Department and Belinda Analido, M.Pd, as secretary of English Department

STKIP PGRI Sumatra Barat. Moreover, the researcher express this gratitude to all

lecturers for their supports and who gave educated since the first year studied in

STKIP PGRI Sumatra Barat. Then the researcher also thanks to Dian Mega Putri,

M.Pd, as the academic advisor.

Therefore, the researcher expresses the gratitude to beloved parents

Rajab and Mawarni who have given their love, pray, care and attention for the

researcher life. The researcher also wants to say thanks to sisters and big family

and then to all my friends also who have given supports and motivation in

finishing this thesis.

Padang, August 2019





ABSTRAK .........................................................................................................i

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................................ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................iii

LIST OF FIGURE.............................................................................................v


LIST OF GRAPHIC ........................................................................................vii

LIST OF APPENDICES...................................................................................viii


A. Background of the Problem .......................................................................1

B. Identification of the Problem .....................................................................5

C. Limitation of the Problem ..........................................................................5

D. Formulation of the Problem ......................................................................6

E. Research Question ....................................................................................6

F. Purpose of the Research ............................................................................6

G. Significant of the Research ........................................................................6

H. Definition of Key Term .............................................................................7


A. Definition of Reading ................................................................................8

B. Local Culture Text Material in Reading ....................................................10

C. Students‟ Interest .......................................................................................12

1. Definition of Students‟ Interest .............................................................12

2. The Indicator of Students‟ Interest ......................................................14

D. Review of Related Findings .....................................................................16

E. Conceptual Framework .............................................................................20


A. Research Design ......................................................................................21



B. Participants .............................................................................................21

C. Sampling Technique ...............................................................................22

D. Instrumentation ......................................................................................23

E. Technique of Data Collection ................................................................25

F. Technique of Data Analysis ...................................................................25

1. Reading/Memoing.................................................................................25

2. Describing .............................................................................................26

3. Classifying ............................................................................................26

4. Interpreting ............................................................................................26


A. Data Description......................................................................................28

B. General Description ................................................................................28

C. Specific Description ...............................................................................29

D. Data Analysis .........................................................................................42

E. Interpretation ..........................................................................................45


A. Conclusions ............................................................................................48

B. Suggestions ............................................................................................48

REFERENCES .................................................................................................50




Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework ...................................................................... 20




Table 3.1 List Quantity of Students ...................................................................22

Table 3.2 Indicators of Students Interest ............................................................24

Table 3.3 Alternative Answers for the Questionnaire ........................................24

Table 3.4 Criteria of Interpreting Score .............................................................27




Graphic 4.1 Students‟ Attention on Local Culture Text Material ......................30

Graphic 4.2 Students‟ Needs on Local Culture Text Material ...........................33

Graphic 4.3 Students‟ Pleasure on Local Culture Text Material .......................35

Graphic 4.4 Students‟ Desire on Local Culture Text Material .........................38

Graphic 4.5 Students‟ Action on Local Culture Text Material .........................40

Graphic 4.6 Students‟ Interest on Local Culture Text Material .........................42




Appendix 1.Table of Indicators Students‟ Interest ............................................53

Appendix 2.Students Questionnaire Form ..........................................................55

Appendix 3.Questionnaire Tabulation Form.......................................................63

Appendix 4.Percentage of Students‟ Interest ......................................................69

Appendix 5.Students‟ Answer for Each Item in Questionnaire ..........................71

Appendix 6.Transkip Interview ..........................................................................74

Appendix 7.Documentation ................................................................................79





A. Background of The Problem

Reading is a process to comprehend the meaning of the word in sentences.

The process is an interaction or a way of communication between the reader and

the writer through a text. It is the process by the reader to get knowledge about

something through read the text. Reading is a skill to understand a text and an

activity to get information. Reading is important aspects of learning English

because that activity wills help students‟ to know the meaning of the words and

understand the writer‟s purpose of the text. Reading as activity is defines as an

activity that helps students‟ focuses on aspect of the text and understands it better.

The goal of this activity is to help leaner‟s to understand of the text. It is very

useful for students‟ to additional knowledge and understanding of reading text

materials. Reading text material should easy to understand for students‟ and can

get their attention to read and then, the text is familiar and students‟ have

background knowledge about it. So students‟ are interest to read and enthusiastic

to learn because they are familiar with the text materials.

Reading text material that is given by the teacher has influence on

students‟ interest in read the text. The students „pleasant reads to the text if their

interest what the text tells is. Student interest refers to their attention. It is related

to student pay attention and enthusiastic in reading activity process and their

contributions like active, make assignment and enjoy the process. They need to

learn English especially reading activity more enjoy and easy to understand.



Overall, the reading text materials have influence on student interest in reading


The example of reading text material is students‟ have background

knowledge on local culture text material. Local culture is the culture in our

residence it is relation with students‟ environment. Local culture has connection to

all aspects in students‟ daily life, including: art, music, history, historical place,

traditional food, folk tale, legend and so forth. Local culture text material is the

content of the text tells about students‟ environment and daily knowledge.

Students‟ who read local culture text material will interest to learning because

there have background knowledge about what will learn.

Related to Mahardika (2018:1) the teaching reading material should also

take into students‟ culture and background knowledge, because the language is

inseparable part of culture. Therefore, when teaching English in the context of

English as a foreign language, the both of the English language culture and the

students‟ own culture must be taken in to the reading text material to make

students‟ interest read the text. Local culture text material can be a great help in

teaching English for non-native English speaker likes Indonesian students‟.

Background knowledge is an important aspect to successful reading and studies

show the lack cultural familiarity with the subject matter has a greater impact on

reading text. It means that background knowledge is one of the aspects that will

support students‟ interest toward reading activity in the class.

The researcher did practice teaching at school exactly at SMAN1 Enam

Lingkung Kabupaten Padang Pariaman on October 2018. The researcher found


students‟ has good score when the teacher used local culture text material in

reading activity. Students‟ quickly understudied the text given by teacher and they

seem happy when the teacher gives the local culture text material and teacher

asked about their understanding of the text that has been read. More students‟ got

the good score in reading local culture text material and then, a few a students‟ got

bad score. It means students‟ interest in this text material because only a few

students‟ cannot reach the best score in reading.

In summary, reading is the complex process to understand the content of

the text especially in English text. Because of that, the background knowledge is

one of the aspects in support students‟ interest in reading. Students‟ do not have

background knowledge about that tells from the text has lack interest in reading.

Then, the data show students‟ SMAN 1 Enam Lingkung get best score in reading

using local culture text material. So, concern with the explanation above, the

researcher interest to do analyze students‟ interest on local culture text as material

in reading activity.


Example descriptive local culture text materials

Source:Pedoman Pengintegrasian Pendidikan Al-Quran dan BAM Pada Mata

Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris (SMA)


B. Identification of The Problem

Reading as the activity to getting information from the text is one of the

lessons that student learning English. In accordance of the explanation in the

background reading text material need suitable with students‟ knowledge. In fact,

there are phenomena in learning English especially in reading activity. The

students have a good score when the teacher gives the text about local culture text

material. After that, students are happy follow the teaching learning process in the

classroom. Students are active to answer the question and ask to the teacher about

the local culture text material. Next, the text is interesting for students because the

text familiar for them. The students‟ ability to get‟s information and makes

inferences when they are familiar with the text. The materials should near

students‟ environment and there have background knowledge about that tells of

the text. To get students‟ interest in reading activity, teacher can use the local

culture text materials because the text is tell about student environments and

students‟ have background knowledge about it.

C. Limitation of The Problem

Based on identification above, the researcher will focus on local culture

text material to gets student interest. The researcher will analyze the local culture

text materials on students‟ interest in reading activity because the text is include

students‟ background knowledge and the topic usually near with student daily

knowledge and their life experience.


D. Formulation of The Problem

Based on limitation of the problem above, the researcher wants to identify

the general problem of this research that the students‟ interest on local culture text

materials in reading activity at the class. From the general problem researcher will

formulated as question follows “are students‟ interest on local culture text

materials in reading activity a study at SMAN 1 Enam Lingkung?

E. Research Question

In accordance with the formulation above, the study aims is to answer the

question: how is students‟ interest on local culture text materials in reading

activity a study at SMAN 1 Enam Lingkung.?

F. Purpose of The Research

The general purpose of this research is to describe students‟ interest on

local culture text materials in reading activity a study at SMAN 1 Enam


G. Significant of The Research

The researcher expects this research can describe students‟ interest on

local culture text materials in reading, this research is purpose to give contribution

as the students‟, teacher and readers and researcher itself. The first for student is

to gives information and add them to interest in reading activity through local

culture text material. Then, for the teacher, it can help the teacher get information

about students‟ interest toward the use of local culture text materials in reading

activity. Next for the reader is to give new information and additional knowledge

about the applicant the local culture text materials in reading that are beneficial for


the students‟ learning process. The last for the researcher it is hopes can give

knowledge and experience about students‟ interest on local culture text materials

in reading activity study at SMAN 1 Enam Lingkung, Kabupaten Padang


H. Definition of Key Term

To avoid misunderstanding on some conceptual terms in this research, it is

necessary to define them. The key term uses are follows:

a. Students’ Interest refers to students‟ feeling and how their respect and

attention about the local culture text material.

b. Local Culture Text Materials is content of the text that it contains the

information about activity, stories, tradition, beliefs or things that grows and

develops in an area of students‟ environment.

c. Reading Activity is refers to the students‟ activity to get information, ideas,

and knowledge when read a text.




In this chapter, some theories from experts will be stated. Related to the

title “ an analysis of students‟ interest on local culture text material in reading

activity”, that researcher going to discuss about reading, local culture text

materials, students‟ interest, the characteristic students‟ reading interest, review

of related finding and conceptual framework.

A. Definition of Reading

Reading is one of the basic skills in learning English that students‟ should

capable. It means that reading is the path to success in school and life. The skill is

understands of the written word, the understanding of the content and the

construction of meanings in the text. Reading is very important in learning

English as second language, because it will give a great effort for students‟ to get

information in English reading text. Reading is also a productive skill in that

students‟ are both receiving and transmitting information in the text and the

purpose is to get the information.

Mention to Seyler (2004:3) reading is the process of obtaining or

constructing meaning from a word or cluster of words. Reading is process

comprehend the word in a text where the reader can get more information and

knowledge from them. It means when students‟ read the text the student try to

search the point or the information from the word in text. In reading activity

teacher need to know student attention toward reading a text and how them

understanding about it.



According to Donal (2015:30) reading is an activity how to comprehend

the author‟s idea so it can add new information or idea to the reader. It means that

reading likes interaction between the reader and writer. The interaction in reading

is analyzing the idea that gives from the write then student will get new

information from it. Reading is good an activity in the class because it is useful to

students‟ knowledge. Reading is known as process of interaction among the

reader, the text and context. A reader reads to understand, to remember what is

understood and put the understanding to use. It is show that reading is complex

process to be understood in reading texts. Then, in process reading student not

only interaction with the text but also overall part the text likes the topic, context,

and purpose of the text should understand for student. So, the text should familiar

with student to make them interest and follow the activity in reading and make the

class situation more attractive and the text must easy to understand for student.

Moreover, Cline, Christopher Johnstone, & Teresa King (2006:2) define

Reading is the process of deriving meaning from text. For the majority of readers,

this process involves decoding written text. Reading is decoding and

understanding text for particular reader purposes. To understand reading text,

readers engage in constructive processes to make text meaningful, which is the

end of reading to be achieved. Decoding requires translating the written words

into the spoken words. The students‟ decode each word in text automatically

comprehend the meaning of read.

Related to the explanation above, the researcher concludes that reading is a

skill to understand a text in complex process to gets idea. It is start from seeing


relation among word, connection an idea, translating words and understanding the

context. It is complex activity in digesting the word and gets the meaning from the

text and automatically additional knowledge. To make student covered all of the

process the text should interest to them. Then to make students‟ can accept all of

the process teacher give text that student have basic information about it.

B. Local Culture Text Material in Reading

Local culture is the culture that growth and develops on the society in

hereditary. The term of local culture is commonly used to characterize tradition

group of people in particular area. Local culture is everything that we create and

share as part of our lives in the place where we live. Local culture is relation to

our residence with the environment, in our local music and artistic expressions, in

our community‟s history and contemporary social issue and our family stories.

According to Syahri & Susanti (2016:98) local culture text material refers to the

text which present the theme of the reading text based on learners‟ own culture.

Usually, the local culture texts materials are tells about objects, actions and

behaviours that reveal cultural meanings in particular area.

Moreover, Royani (2013:132) local culture is the culture where the

students‟ live. It means that local culture growth in students‟ environment. The

local culture text material in this situation refers to students‟ regional culture. The

local culture text material is relation between texts and the topics that contain

about the students‟ daily life. Then it is a social behaviour and norms in student

life, the culturally localize reading materials is beneficial for students‟ and the

recognize elements of culture that are interesting for student. Local culture in


Indonesia is reflected in the diversity of cultures and customs of the society.

Ethnic groups in Indonesia, such as Javanese, Sundanese, Batak, Minang, Timor,

Bali, Sasak, Papua, and Maluku have customs and different languages. Each of

these tribes grows and develops in accordance with the natural environment.

According to Budiyanto (2017:93) penggunaan kata “lokal” dalam

kalimat “budaya lokal” secara tidak langsung telah menunjukan batas wilayah

asal atau tempat berlakunya. Namun petunjuk batasan wilayah tersebut bersifat

relatif. Bila yang dimaksud wilayah adalah Indonesia, maka bagian-bagian yang

ada didalamnya seperti (Jawa Timur) disebut local.

It means the term local culture is relative, it is depend on the objective

which the region that researcher mean. In this research researcher emphasis the

local culture text material on students‟ regional culture, it is refers to West

Sumatera culture, because the SMAN 1 Enam Lingkung located in Padang

Pariaman district at West Sumatera. Overall, that local culture text material refers

to the human beings‟ way of life, festival, historical place, history, art, music

dance and food which come from West Sumatera region.

It is supported by Ningtyas, Diem, & Vianty (2016:1252) local culture is

students‟ native culture, either regional or national culture. It means that local

culture text material growth in students‟ region or national environment and

students‟ common with the culture. The local culture text material is idea of the

text and everything that recognizes that people‟s daily knowledge comes from

shared life experiences and information. The local culture text is only the topic

which is inserted in the text.

To sum up, local culture text material refers to the text that tells about

culture likes history, traditional food, dance, custom in a region or country,


legend, folk tale, story tale, and so forth. Students‟ familiar with the text because

they are have background knowledge with the text. In local culture text material

students‟ have basis information or background knowledge about that tells of the

text. Background knowledge is one of the important aspects to make student

interest in reading text. Local culture text material is one of the important aspect

that teacher teach in reading activity. The concept of reading material is not

change the English material that teacher should teach for student, but the teacher

create the material can be implemented in reading and the topic appropriate to

students‟ knowledge. The local culture text materials can be interested by

students‟, because they are known about the materials.

C. Students’ Interest

1. Definition of Student Interest

Interest is a person or students‟ feeling to concern and attention to

something. Students‟ interest is very important in reading activity. Student will

get more knowledge and information when they interest to read something.

Students‟ who have interest will try hard than the student less interest in reading

something. The best interest will give influence on student activity. Students‟

interest to read local culture text material is related to student attention, response

and feeling toward the text.

According to Xiao & Zhang (2016:15) Interest is more related to

performance than students‟ beliefs about the importance of effort or natural

abilities. It means that interest in reading activity refers to student action from

student motivation and their desire to get more information from the text that they


read. Kusmaryati & Amertaningrum (2017:186) students‟ interest is important in

learning and interests also play an important role in developing students‟ thinking

ability. Interests powerfully influence students‟ academic especially in reading

activity. When students‟ are interested in what they are learning, hopefully they

will pay attention; they will also process the information more efficiently, and

employ more effective learning strategies, such as serious, critical thinking, and

making connections between knowledge and understanding. Further, when the

students‟ are interest in a text, they will work harder and bringing more of their

self skills better.

In addition, Kahu, Nelson, & Picton (2017:57) Interest is theorized as both

a motivation and an emotion. Motivation related their students‟ desire to pleasure

and the emotion is the mental stated or feeling to something likes love, happy, fear

hate and others to read local culture text material in reading activity. In other

theory from Harackiewicz & Hulleman (2009:42) being interested in something

can mean that we care about it, that it is important to us, and that we have (mostly)

positive feelings towards it. The statement above signs the interest in reading local

culture text material relation to student themselves to give positive feeling and

their attention to read the text.

Mention to Ahsbahs (2002:98) interest is an individual concept which

requires an appropriate approach that is psychologically focusing on individual.

Its mean the interest is as motivation that comes from student itself. It is student

desire and feels to interest to read the text, and the impact who student interest


toward the content of text will give their attention more while learning on local

culture text material.

In brief, the interest comes from personal of student that is psychologically

students‟ feeling and desires to do care something. Students‟ interest in reading

refers to students pay attention and focus toward the situational in English

learning process. It is will support students‟ knowledge and making enjoyable to

follow the process. The students‟ interest on local culture text material could the

teacher look from the criteria students‟ interest and their feel about the text


2. The Indicators of Students’ Interest in Reading

Students‟ reading interest can be defined as students‟ condition to desire

and willingness to perform reading activities. It is refers to students‟ eagerness

and pleasure to reading local culture text material. The indicator is measurement

to indicate level of something. In this research is to indication of students‟ reading

interest on local culture text materials in reading activity. It is recognize to

characteristics students‟ attention toward local culture text materials and how

them feel. s

Mention to Dai (2013:165) reading interest refers to the awareness,

attention, and curiosity towards a certain subject, activity, pursuit, people, idea or

place achieved through reading. The following are considered in reading interest:

the first is the extent of interest in reading; it is the range of students‟ interest in

reading text materials that is including (very much, much, not much, not at all).

The second is specific reading interests; it is kinds of text that students‟ read. The


specific reading interests are adventure, historical, fantasy, horror, humors,

romance, biography, and others. The third is types of reading materials. The types

of reading materials are magazines, newspapers, books, comic books, comic

books. The last is specific reading habits, it is about reading during free time,

finding time to read, reading materials required in school only.

Next, Kasper, Uibu, & Mikk (2018:604) indicate the questionnaire for

measuring students‟ reading interest was compiled in consideration of the

background question. The first reading for fun, reading for fun or pleasure means

any reading that is primarily for enjoyment. Second reading to learn something

new, it is meaning students‟ read the text to gets some new information to their

additional knowledge. The last reading for certain among of time per day, it is

relation to students‟ number of minutes spend reading each day.

According to Prasetyono (2008:58) “Rasa keingintahuan atau perhatian

(attention) terhadap suatu objek menimbulkan rasa ketertarikan atau menaruh

minat pada sesuatu. Anak yang mempunyai perhatian akan menjadikan aktivitas

membaca bukan hanya sekedar membaca, tetapi untuk mendapatkan sebuah

informasi (needs). Di balik aktivitas membaca, terdapatjuga tujuan yang lebik

spesifik yaitu sebagai kesenangan (pleasure). Rasa ketertarikan akan

menimbulkan rangsangan atau keinginan (desire) untuk melaksanakan membaca.

Keinginan yang tinggi membaca pada anak menimbulkan keinginan terus

membaca (action)”.

It means that students reading interest can be seen from internal and

external factors that come from students‟ it selves. Reading interest is relation to

students‟ action to attention, need, desire, pleasure and action. The first is

attention, attention is the act to watch and focus to something. The characteristic

student‟s attention can be look from student concentration, focuses and active to

the read text. The second is need, needs is a condition in the person of a student


who driving him to certain activities in order to achieve a goal. The criterion

students‟ needs read the text can be seen from students‟ purpose to read the text

material likes to gets information. Third is pleasure, pleasure is students‟

enthusiastic and motivation to read the local culture text material. Students‟

pleasure to the text material can be seen from students‟ read the text material

without the force from teacher or others. Fourth, students‟ desire read the text

material. It is related to students‟ activities reading text material like read the text

in the library and home then. And the last is students‟ action toward the text

material. Students‟ effort to find the text material in other sources likes internet.

The students‟ activities like ask to the teacher about the material and make a note

and students‟ action to find the text material likes visit the library or bookstore.

In brief, the indicators of students‟ reading interest can use as instrument

to measure students‟ level of reading interest on local culture text material in

reading activity. From explanation above aspects of students‟ reading interest can

be seen from students‟ attentions, needs, pleasure, desire, and students‟ action to

reading text material.

D. Review of Related Findings

In supporting the strengths of this research, the writer reviews some related

findings that related with analysis of the use of local culture by teacher in reading

text. The first related finding is reviewed a thesis written by Amin (2017) in his

research title about Local Culture Stories as Alternative Reading Materials for

Students’ (A Contextual Teaching and Learning for High and Low Interest).

In this research the researcher examine the effectiveness of contextual learning


using local culture based stories to improve the students‟ reading skill in MTS

Nahdlatul Muslimin Kudus. The study was conducted use quantitative approach

which uses statically data and using factorial design. It is one of the experimental

methods with two research groups and two control groups. The data were

collected by using a pre-test and post-test. The instruments of pre-test and post-

test were tried out to 35 eight grade students‟ in class C of MTS Nahdlatul

Muslimin Kudus in academic year of 2014/2015 which has same level and

characteristic. It consisted of 30 items of multiple choice of reading

comprehension test. The results show that there was a significant improvement

between pre-test and post-test in both control and experimental group with the

level of significance. It is mean the methods are effective in improving the

students‟ reading skill both for the students‟ with higher and lower interest.

Then, Utami, Nitiasih, & Artini (2014) in the research title is about

Developing Culture-Based Supplementary Reading Material For The Eighth

Grade Students of SMP Laboratorium Singaraja. In this research, identifying

the potentials and problems in reading in EFL classes, describing the outlook of a

well developed culture-based supplementary reading material, analyzing the

quality of the newly developed culture-based supplementary reading material for

the eighth grade students of Junior High School. This study was based on the

result of the preliminary observation which showed that there was a need to

develop reading material which contains some cultural aspects in it. This research

employed Research and Development model adapted from Sugiyono (2011) R&D

model. The culture-based reading material developed in this research was in the


form of supplementary reading. The first finding identified topic selection,

pictures or illustration and kind of reading activities as the problems in reading

and they were used as the consideration in identifying the potentials in developing

reading material. A well developed culture-based supplementary reading material

can be described from five aspects: construction, content, language use, physical

appearance, and reading activities. There were four themes in the material; they

were Balinese traditional clothing, Balinese food and drink, Places of interest in

Bali, and Balinese traditional dance. The material was evaluated by the experts for

its validity. The validity measurement showed that the score given from all

experts showed that the prototype had excellent quality where the mean score of

the experts was 4.58 and the excellent category was Sr < 4.485. In addition, the

practicality showed that the students were doing excellent during the

implementation of culture-based supplementary reading material and both teacher

and students gave positive attitude towards the implementation of the product.

Next, Rodliyah, Imperiani, & Amalia (2014) in the research title is about

Indonesian Tertiary Students’ Attitudes towards the Use of Local Culture VS

Target Culture Reading Materials in English Reading Class. In this research

researcher employed descriptive qualitative design to gain more information on

students‟ attitude in English reading class. The subject of the study is first year

English Education department student. The date was gained by delivering linker

scale questionnaire with a total of 8 items to the students‟ on their attitude toward

the reading material given to them in one semester. In addition to this, a semi-

structured interview was conducted to verify the data and there were 10open-


ended question to gain further information. The finding reveals that in general

they show positive attitude to both local culture and target culture reading

materials with the majority of them prefer reading interest target culture reading


In conclusion, regarding students‟ preference toward the use of cultural

content of reading materials in the classroom, the data show local culture text

materials is students has positive attitude. The local culture text material can

improve them score in reading activity. It means that helps the students‟ in

learning English especially in reading activity. Then, using local culture based

stories effective to improve the skill of students‟ in reading comprehension. The

different research from the above, researcher wants to analyze students‟ interest

on local culture text material in reading activity a study at SMA N 1 Enam



E. Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework is the steps for researcher to do research. In this

research, researcher will analyze the use of local culture text to gets students‟

interest in reading activity a study SMAN 1 Enam Lingkung Kabupaten Padang

Pariaman. Therefore, the conceptual framework of this research:

Figure 1

Figure 1.1Conceptual Framework

Based on conceptual framework above, researcher did the research about

analysis of students‟ interest on local culture text material in reading activity.

Researcher did analyze student interest with the questioner and interview. Then,

researcher did the research to see the students‟ interest on local culture text in

reading activity at SMAN 1 Enam Lingkung based on the indicators from


Local Culture Text Material

Reading Activity

Indicators Students‟Reading


1. Attention

2. Need

3. Pleasure

4. Desire

5. Action




In this chapter the researcher discussed the point about research design,

participants, sampling technique, instrumentation, data collection and data


A. Research Design

Design of the research is a process to collecting the data and advancing the

knowledge process of designing. According to Akhtar & Islamia (2016:68)

research design is the plan, structure and strategy and investigation concaved so as

to obtain ensured to search question and control variance. In this research, the

researcher used descriptive research as research design because the researcher

analyzed students‟ interest on local culture text material in reading activity.

Kothari (2004:310) says descriptive research studies are those studies which are

concerned with describing the characteristics of a particular individual, or of a

group, whereas diagnostic research studies determine the frequency with which

something occurs or it is association with something else.

B. Participants

In this research researcher used the participant as the sample. Participant is

a person or subject who participates in research. According to Gay & Arasian,

(2000:209) participant selection is to identity participants who can provide

information about the particular topic and setting being studied. The participant

can provide the information that researcher need. The participant of this research

was students‟ at SMAN 1 Enam Lingkung Kabupaten Padang Pariaman,

especially a study at tenth grades students‟ of science studies (10th

.MIPA) there



are X.MIPA 1, X.MIPA 2, X.MIPA3, X.MIPA 4, X.MIPA 5, and X.MIPA 6. The

total of students‟ science studies X.MIPA show on the table.

Table 3.1 quantity of Students X.MIPA

No Class Quantity

1 X. MIPA 1 31

2 X. MIPA 2 33

3 X. MIPA 3 30

4 X. MIPA 4 32

5 X. MIPA 5 27

6 X. MIPA 6 34

Total 187 Source: school administration of SMAN 1 Enam Lingkung

C. Sampling Technique

Sampling technique is act or the process analysis the data. Sampling

means selection of individuals from the population in such a way that every

individual has equal chance to be taken into the sample. In this research the

researcher used simple random sampling. According to Gay & Arasian

(2000:134) simple random sampling is the process of selecting a sample in such a

way that all individuals in the defined population have an equal and independent

chance of selection for the sample. Then, Gay and Airasian adds descriptive

research common used sample 10%-20% from the participant. In this research

there were six classes of tenth grades students‟ of science studies (10th

.MIPA) at

SMAN 1 Enam Lingkung with total 187 of students‟. Thus, researcher took 20%

from the total of students‟. So, the total of sample of this research was



D. Instrumentation

To find the students‟ interest on local culture text material the researcher

need the instrument to provide the information. According to Gay & Arasian

(2000:145) the instrument is a tool or something that is used to collect the data. It

is measurement tool that researcher used in gathering of data. The instruments that

researcher used in this research are questionnaire and interview.

1. Questionnaire

In this research, the researcher used the questionnaire. Questionnaire refers to

some questions that researcher gave to respondent to answered it to get‟s the

data. Nayak & Singh (2015:97) say questionnaire is a research instrument

consisting of a set of questions (items) intended to capture responses from

respondents in a standardized manner. Questionnaire is simply a „tool‟ for

collecting and recording information about a particular issue of interest.

Questionnaire is a form prepared and distributed to secure responses to

certain questions. In this research researcher used the likert scale in the

questionnaire. According to Gay & Arasian (2000:157) a Likert scale requires

an individual to respond to a series of statements by indicating the answered.

Each response is assigned a point value, and an individual‟s score is

determined by adding the point values of all the statements. Likert scale is

type of rating scale to indicate response of students‟ interest. The likert scale

used to ask students‟ level of interest on local culture text material in reading

activity. There are indicators of students‟ interest that researcher used in this



Table 3.2 indicators students’ interest

No Indicator Sub indicator Number

of items

1. Attention

a. Focused and concentration in read

the text

b. Active in the class

1,2,3,4,5 and 6

2. Need

a. Read the text material as

additional information

7,8,9,10 and 11

3. Pleasure

a. Enthusiastic to read the text

b. Enjoy in reading text material

12,13,14,15,16 and


4. Desire a. Students‟ eagerness to read the


18,19,20 and 21

5. Action a. Visit the library 22,23,24 and 25

Source: Prasetyono (2008)

Table: 3.3 alternative answers for the questionnaire




Always 5

Often 4

Sometimes 3

Ever 2

Never 1

Source: Sugiyono 2013

2. Interview

Interview is a process communication between the participant and the

researcher to collect the information. Gay and Airasian (2000:219) Claim that an

interview is a purposeful interaction, usually between two people, focused on one

person trying to get information from the other person. The researcher used

unstructured interview in this research. Unstructured interview means that the

interview without any set format but the questions based on the respondents‟

responses and the interviewer may have some key question.


E. Technique of Data Collection

In gathering the data the researcher used the questionnaire and interview.

Before do the research, the researchers arranged the research schedule. The first

step researcher prepared the instrument from the questionnaire. Then, the

researcher went to SMAN 1 Enam Lingkung as the place of researcher participant

and permission to the staff and teacher do research in the school. After that

researcher came to the class bring questioners and asked the respondent

(students‟) fill the questionnaire. Next, researcher interviewed a few of students‟

to getting the more data. The last researcher collected and analyzed the data the

researcher used the steps analyzing the data from Gay and Airasian.

F. Technique of data analysis

Techniques of data analysis is technique to process, describe, illustrate or

evaluating the data. After collecting the data, the researcher analyzed the data

based on instrument. According to Gay and Airasian (2000:239) there are four

steps of analyzing the data: reading/memoing, describing, classifying, and


1. Reading/ memoing,

The first step in analysis of data is reading/ memoing. The process focuses

on becoming familiar with the data. In this step the researcher read all of

data to found the information about students‟ interest on local culture text

material in reading from the questionnaire.


2. Describing

The next step was describing. The goal is to examining the data in depth to

provide detailed description of the setting, participant and activities. In this

stage, the researcher described the data from questionnaire and interview

to get the data in detail.

3. Classifying

The classifying is process categorizing and coding of data referring to the

result from questionnaire and interview. In this step researcher classified

and categorize the data students‟ interest with indicators and classified

them in to formula by Riduwan (2012:89):


P= Percentage of student interest

F= Frequency (total of students‟ response)

N= Total score ideal of item

4. Interpreting

The last step was interpreting; interpreting and synthesizing the organized

data into general conclusions understanding. In this step researcher

interpreted the data of students‟ interest on local culture text material in

reading activity. The criteria of interpreting score based on Riduwan



Table 3.4 the criteria of interpreting score

No Score Criteria

1 0%-20% Very low

2 21%-40% Low

3 41%-60% Enough

4 61%-80% High

5 81%-100% Very high

Based on the criteria above researcher determine students‟ interest on local

culture text material.




In this chapter, the researcher talked about result of the research. The

researcher discussed about data description, general description, specific

description, data analysis and interpretation. The researcher has been found the

students‟ interest on local culture text material in reading activity. The data of

students‟ interest on local culture text material in reading activity show in this


A. Data Description

In this research, the researcher gave the questionnaire for students‟ science

studies tenth class at SMAN 1 Enam Lingkung. The aim of this researcher was

analyzed of students‟ interest on local culture text material in reading activity. In

gathering the data the researcher used the questionnaire and interview as the

instrument; the interview used to gets students‟ interest description about local

culture text material in reading activity. The questionnaire arranged from the

theory by Prasetyono (2008). There were five indicators students‟ interest on local

culture text material in reading activity are attention, need, pleasure, desire and

action. Thus, the sample of this research was 37 students‟ science of SMAN 1

Enam Lingkung grade tenth. There were from six class students‟ science grade

tenth of SMAN 1 Enam Lingkung.

B. General Description

The questionnaires created by the five indicators from student‟ reading

interest. Before distributing the questionnaire the researcher validated the

questionnaire by the validator. The researcher distributed the questionnaire to the



students‟ in class X.MIPA 1, X.MIPA 2, X.MIPA 3, X.MIPA 4, X.MIPA 5, and

X.MIPA 6. The researcher took six students‟ each class. The researcher used the

simple random sampling to choose the sample.

The questionnaire consisted of 25 items that contained of 6 items for

attention. There were stated about students‟ focus on reading local culture text

material and actives in the class when the teacher teaches local culture text

material. The next indicator is need, the need contained 5 items that talked about

students‟ need to read the local culture text material is to gets more information.

The information is about students‟ surrounding in their province area. Then, the

indicator pleasure is stated about students‟ enthusiastic and enjoy read the local

culture text material. This indicator contains 6 items. The next is desire; the

indicators contained 4 items that stated about students‟ desire in reading local

culture text material. The last is action, the action is students‟ visited the library to

read the textbook especially about local culture text material or find in another

sources likes internet. The indicator contained 4 items.

C. Specific Description

1. Attention

Attention is the act to watch and focus to something. This indicator

contained of students‟ focus and active doing activity in the class especially the

English text tell about local culture text material. There were six items for

indicator of attention. The number start from item number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and the last

is number 6. This indicator asked about students‟ attention on local culture text


material. The statements asked students understanding of the text. The detail data

show on the graphic bellow:

Graphic 4.1: students’ attention on local culture text material

For the item number 1 “saya berusaha memahami bacaan teks budaya lokal

secara mendalam” the result is 74.59% and the category of this item is high. In

this item, could be seen nine of 37 students answered always try to comprehend of

the text, fourteen of 37 students answered often to try to comprehend of the text,

ten of 37 students answered sometimes, three of 37 students answered ever and

only one of 37 students answered never try to comprehend of the text material.

Then, based on the group of respondent this item got 24.32% students stated

always, 37.83% students stated often, 27.02 % students stated sometime, 8.1 %

students stated ever and 2.7% students stated never try to comprehend of the local

culture text material.

For the item number 2 “Saya dapat menjawab pertanyaan terkait teks

budaya lokal dengan mudah” the researcher got the percentage is 87.02% and it is

very high category. In this item nineteen of 37 students answered always easy to



68.10% 68.64% 67.02%













item 1 item 2 item 3 item 4 item 5 item 6




answered the question related to local culture text material, thirteen of 37 students

answered often to do it, four of 37 students answered sometime, only one of 37

students answered never and no one students answered never easy to answered the

question related to local culture text material. The percentage group of respondent

in this item is 51.35 % students stated always, 35.13 % students stated often,

10.81% students stated sometime, and 2.7 % students stated never easy to answer

the question related to local culture text material.

For the item number 3 “Saya dapat menceritakan kembali isi bacaan teks

budaya lokal” the percentage is 68.10% and the category is high. It means that

five of 37 students answered always can retell the local culture text, fourteen of 37

students answered often; twelve of 37 students answered sometimes, three of 37

students answered ever and never to do it. For the group of respondent, there are

13.51% students stated always, 37.83% students stated often, 32.43% students

stated sometime and 8.10% students stated ever and never.

For the item number 4 “Saya mendapat nilai yang sangat baik ketika

menjawab pertanyaan teks budaya lokal” the result is high with the percentage is

68.64%. In this item there were seven of 37 students answered always got the very

high score when answered the question related to local culture text material , nine

of 37 students answered often, fifteen of 37 students answered sometime, and five

of 37 students answered ever and one of 37 students answered for never to do it.

The researcher got the percentage for group of respondent were 18.91% students‟

stated always, 24.32% students stated often, 40.54% students stated sometime and


13.51% students stated ever and 2.7% students stated never get the very high

score when answered the question related to local culture text material.

For the item number 5 “Saya sering membaca teks budaya lokal” the

percentage is 67.02% and it is high. It could be seen five of 37 students answered

always read the local culture text material, eleventh of 37 students answered often

to read the text, thirteen of 37 students answered sometime, eight of 37 students

answered ever and no one of students answered never to do it. Based on the group

of respondent there are 13.51% students stated them always, 29.72% students

stated often, 35.13% students stated sometime 21.62% students stated ever to read

the local culture text material.

For the item number 6 “Saya tertarik dengan membaca teks budaya lokal”

it has percentage 81.62% and the category is very high. In this item, there were

thirteen of 37 students answered always interest to local culture text material,

seventeen of 37 students answered often, five of 37 students answered sometime,

and only one of 37 students answered ever and never to do it. For the percentage

group of respondent, the researcher got 35.13% students stated always, 45.94%

students stated often, 13.51% students stated sometime and 2.7% students stated

ever and never to interest for this text.

2. Needs

Needs is a condition in the person of a student who driving him to certain

activities in order to achieve a goal. There are five items for indicator needs. The

items number start from number 7, 8, 9, 10, and the last is number 11. The


indicator of need contained the statement of students‟ need to get information in

reading local culture text material. The specific data show on the graphic below:

Graphic 4.2: students’ needs on local culture text material

For the item number 7 “Membaca teks budaya lokal untuk menambah

wawasan tentang daerah sendiri” the result is very high with the percentage

82.16%. It means that fifteen of 37 students answered always read the text to

additional knowledge, twelve of 37 students answered often, nine of 37 students

answered sometime, only one of 37 students answered ever and no one students

answered never that read the local culture text material to additional knowledge.

Based on the group of respondent in this item, the researcher got 40.54% students

stated always, 32.43% students stated often, 24.32% students stated sometime,

and 2.7% students stated ever.

For the number 8 “Saya membaca teks budaya lokal tanpa keterpaksaan”

the percentage is 68.64% and the criterion is high. There were six of 37 students

answered always read the local culture text material without the force from other,
















item 7 item 8 item 9 item 10 item 11




eleven of 37 students answered often to do it, fifteen of 37 students answered

sometimes, three of 37 students answered ever and two of 37 students answered

never. Then, based on the group of respondent the researcher got 16.21% students

stated always, 29.72% students stated often, 40.54% students stated sometime,

8.10% students stated ever, and 5.40% students stated never read the local culture

text material without the force from other.

For the item 9 “Saya mendapat informasi baru yang belum diketahui

tentang daerah saya melalui membaca teks budaya lokal” the researcher got very

high percentage it is 83.24%. For this item researcher got the result is seventeen of

37 students answered always, thirteen of 37 students answered often, four of 37

students answered sometimes, two of 37 students answered ever and only one

students answered never. Based on the group of respondent in this item are

45.94% students stated always, 35.13% students stated often, 10.81% students

stated sometime, 5.40% students stated ever and 2.7% students stated never.

For the item number 10 “Saya menghubungkan apa yang sudah saya

ketahui dengan informasi baru yang ada dalam teks budaya lokal” the result is

high with the percentage is 68.64%. For this item there are six of 37 students

answered always, thirteen of 37 students answered often, ten of 37 students

answered sometime, seven of 37 students answered ever and only one student

answered never. Then, for the group of respondent there are 16.21% students

stated always, 35.13% students stated often, 27.02% students stated sometime,

18.91% students stated ever and 2.7% students stated never.


For the item number 11, “saya membaca teks budaya lokal karena memuat

informasi penting tentang daerah sekitar saya” the percentage is 59.45% and the

category is enough. In this item only one of 37 students answered always and

never, nine of 37 students answered often, sixteen of 37 students answered

sometimes and ten of 37 students answered ever. Based on the group of

respondent there are only 2.7% students stated always and never, 24.32% students

stated often, 43.24% students stated sometime, and 27.02% students stated ever.

3. Pleasure

Pleasure is students‟ enthusiastic and motivation to read the local culture

text material. Students‟ pleasure to the text material can be seen from students

read the text material without the force from teacher or others and students‟ happy

and enthusiastic in reading the local culture text. In this indicator, there were six

items relation to students‟ pleasure on local culture text. The number of item

started from number 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and the last number 17. The detail data

show on the graphic below:

Graphic 4.3: students’ pleasure on local culture text material












item 12 item 13 item 14 item 15 item 16 item 17




For the item number 12 “saya lebih suka membaca teks tentang budaya

lokal dari pada teks yang lain” the researcher got 68.10% and it is high. It could

be seen four of 37 students answered always, seventeen of 37 students answered

often, eight of 37 students answered sometime, six of 37 students answered ever

and two of 37 students answered never. Based on the data questionnaire the

researcher got 10.81% students stated always, 45.94% students stated often,

21.62% students stated sometime, 16.21% students stated ever and 5.40% students

stated never.

For the item number 13 “Saya bersemangat untuk menbaca teks budaya

lokal” the result is high with the percentage is 73.51%. In this item, there were

nine of 37 students‟ answered always, eleven of 37 students‟ answered often,

thirteen of 37 students answered sometime, four of 37 students answered ever and

no one students answered never. The researcher got the data for group of

respondent is 24.32% students stated always, 29.72% students stated often,

35.13% students stated sometimes and 10.81% students stated ever.

For the item number 14 “Saya senang membaca teks bahasa inggris yang

menceritakan tentang budaya lokal” the percentage is 69.18% and the criteria is

high. In this item, there were ten of 37 students answered always happy in read the

local culture text material in English text, six of 37 students answered often,

twelve of 37 students answered sometime, nine of 37 students answered ever and

no one students answered never. The percentage for group of respondent is

27.02% students stated always, 16,21% students stated often, 32.43% students


stated sometime, 24.32% students stated ever and no one students stated for never

to do it.

For the item number 15 “Saya senang membaca teks bahasa budaya lokal

dari berbagai gendre teks” the researcher got 71.89% with the criteria is high. It

means that seven of 37 students answered always, eleven of 37 students answered

often, sixteen of 37 students answered sometime, and three of 37 students

answered ever and no one student answered never. Based on the data researcher

got 18.91% students stated for always, 29.72% students‟ stated often, 43.24%

students stated sometime and 8.1% students stated ever.

For the item number 16 “Saya suka untuk mencari informasi yang belum

saya ketahui melalui teks budaya lokal” the result is high with the percentage is

76.75%. It means that ten of 37 students answered always, fifteen of 37 students

answered often, eight of 37 students answered sometime, and four of 37 students

answered ever. Based on the data questionnaire, researcher got 27.02% students

stated always, 40.54% students stated often, 21.62% students stated sometime and

10.81% students stated ever and no one students stated never to do it.

For the item number 17 “saya senang apabila guru memberikan bacaan

teks budaya lokal” the percentage is 78.91% with the criteria is high. The

researcher got ten of 37 students answered always, eighteen of 37 students

answered often, six of 37 students answered sometime, three of 37 students

answered ever and no one students answered never. The percentage for the group

of respondent could be seen 27.02% students stated them always, 48.64% of


students stated often, 16.21% of students stated sometime, then 8.1% of students

stated ever and no one students stated never.

4. Desire

Desire is a strong feeling of wanting to read the local culture text material.

It is related to students‟ activities reading text material like read the text in the

library and home, then make a note that students‟ read. There were four items of

indicator desire. The number of item start from number 18, 19, 20, and 21. The

detail data show on the graphic below:

Graphic 4.4: students’ desire on local culture text material

For the item number 18 “saya akan segera membaca jika ada teks bacaan

bahasa Inggris tentang budaya lokal” the result is high with the percentage

64.86%. In this item, four of 37 students answered always, twelve of 37 students

answered often and sometime, seven of 37 students answered ever, and two o 37

students answered never. Then, for the group of respondent the researcher found

10.81% students stated always, 32.42% students stated often and sometime,

18.91% students stated ever and 5.40% students stated never.














item 18 item 19 item 20 item 21




For the item number 19 “Saya bersedia membacakan teks tentang budaya

lokal” the percentage is 55.67% and the category is enough. In this item, three of

37 students answered always, seven of 37 students answered often, twelve of 37

students answered sometime, nine of 37 students answered ever and six of 37

students answered never. The result for group of respondent is 8.1% students

stated always, 18.91% students stated often, 32.42% students stated often, 24.32%

students stated ever and 16.21% students stated never.

For the item number 20 “Saya tidak pernah merasa bosan membaca teks

budaya lokal” the result is 69.18% and it is high. In this item, five of 37 students

answered always, twelve of 37 students answered often, fifteen of 37 answered

sometime, five of 37 students answered ever and no one students answered never.

Based on the percentage group of respondent the researcher got 13.51% students

stated always and ever, 32.43% students stated often, 40.54% students stated

sometime and no one student stated never.

For the item number 21 “Saya memiliki koleksi bacaan teks budaya lokal”

the researcher got enough criteria with the percentage is 58.91%. In this item

could be seen two of 37 students answered always, eight of 37 students answered

often, sixteen of 37 students answered sometime, eight of 37 students answered

ever and three of 37 students answered never. The percentage group of respondent

is 5.40% students stated always, 21.62% students stated often, 43.24% students

stated sometime, 21.62% students stated ever and 8.1% students stated never.


5. Action

Action is students‟ effort to find the text material in other sources likes

internet. There are four items questionnaire in this indicator. The item is number

22, 23, 24 and 25. The items ask of students‟ action toward reading text that

relation to local culture text material. The items stated about students‟ do to get

the text material likes searching in internet, going to library or bought the book

about local culture text material. The detail data show on the graphic below:

Graphic 4.5: Students’ action on local culture text material

For the item number 22 “Saya pergi keperpustakaan untuk mencari buku

tentang teks budaya lokal” the result is 55.13% and the category is enough. In this

item only one of 37 students answered always, six of 37 students answered often,

eighteen of 37 students answered sometime, seven of 37 students answered ever

and five students answered never. The percentage based group of respondent can

be seen 2.70% students stated always, 16.21% students stated often, 48.64%


67.56% 62.70%











item 22 item 23 item 24 item 25




students stated sometime, 18.91% students stated ever and 13.51% students stated


Then, for the item number 23, “Saya mencari sumber lain dari internet

tentang teks budaya local” the result is 67.56% with the category is high. In this

item six of 37 students answered always and ever, tenth of 37 students answered

often, fourteen of 37 students answered sometimes, and only one of 37 students

answered never. Then, the researcher got 16.21% students stated always and ever,

27.02% students stated often, 37.83% students stated sometime and only 2.70%

students stated never.

For the item number 24Saya meminjam buku teks budaya lokal pada

teman” the percentage is 62.70% with the category is high. It could be seen five of

37 students answered always, eight of 37 answered often, twelve of 37 students

answered sometime, and eleven of 37 students answered ever and only one of 37

students answered never. The researcher got the result for group of respondent is

13.51% students stated always, 21.62% students stated often, 372.43% students

stated sometime, 29.72% students stated ever and 2.70% students stated never.

For the item number 25 “Saya membeli buku bacaan tentang budaya

lokal” the researcher got 55.13% and enough for the criteria of the percentage.

The researcher got four of 37 students answered always buy the book, seven of 37

students answered often, eight of 37 students‟ answered sometime and twelve of

37 students answered ever and six of 37 students answered never to do it. The

percentage for the group of respondent is 8.1% students stated always, 18.91%


students stated often, 21.62% students stated sometime, 32.42% students stated

ever and the last 18.91% students stated never buy the local culture book material.

D. Data Analysis

Through this research, the researcher did answer the research question.

The research question is “how is students‟ interest on local culture text material in

reading activity?” The result of the questionnaire can be seen as follow:

Graphic 4.6: students’ interest on local culture text material

1. Attention

Based on the data questionnaire, the researcher found the indicator of

attention got the total percentage was 446.99 with the average of percentage was

74.49% and the criteria of this indicator was high. It means that students have

attention on local culture text material. Students‟ attention on local culture text

material can be seen from students can answered the question related to local

culture text material in easy and this item got the highest percentage in this

indicator. Then, the students‟ interest to read the local culture text material, the

student try comprehend the text material in deep, next students got the good score

74.49% 72.42% 73.05%

62.15% 60.13%










Attention Needs Pleasure Desire Action




when answered the questions about local culture text material, after that students

can retell of the text material to others, and then students frequency of read the

local culture text material were enough. Based on the data interview, the

researcher got that students stated about local culture text material was easy to

understand and the local culture text material is interest to students read. Then,

students were easy answered the question related to the local culture text material

because students were understudied. Overall, students are interest to attention on

local culture text material in reading activity.

2. Needs

Based on the data questionnaire, the researcher got the indicator of needs

had the high percentage, it was 362.13 and the average of the percentage was

72.42%. It means that students‟ need of read the local culture text material in

reading activity. Student‟ needs for the local culture text material can be seen

from students got the new information through read the local culture text material

about their environment. Then, students read the local culture text material to get

more information related to students‟ environment. Next, students were read the

local culture text material without divorce from other. Then, students can be

connected about the information that students already known with the new

information and students read the local culture text material because the text

contained the important information. Based on the data interview, students read

the local culture text material make students know about students‟ own culture,

place or the best destination in students‟ environment and students got more

information about their environment.


3. Pleasure

Based on the data questionnaire, the researcher found the total percentage

for the indicator of pleasure was 438.34 with average of percentage was 73.05%

and the category was high. It means that students‟ pleasure read the local culture

text material. The students‟ pleasure for the local culture text material can be seen

from students‟ happy when teacher give the local culture text material in reading

activity. Then, students‟ happy to found the information that students already

know through the local culture text material. The next, students are enthusiastic

read the local culture text material. Students‟ pleasure read the local culture text

material in various kind of text. Then, students were happy to read the English

text that told about local culture. And students more like read the local culture text

material than other. Based on the data interview, students are happy and

enthusiastic read the local culture text material because students already known

about the topic of the text. For example students have visited the place that told in

the text.

4. Desire

Based on the data questionnaire, the researcher got the total percentage

248.62 with the average of percentage was 62.15% and the category was high. It

means that students‟ desire to read the local culture text material. Students‟

expressing their interest on local culture text material was the students‟ eagerness

to read the text. Students‟ desire for the local culture text material can be seen

from students never bored to read the local culture text material. Then, students‟

willingness read the local culture text material. The next, students have the


collection of English reading about the local culture text material. Based on the

data interview, the researcher got that students‟ category desire read the local

culture text material was enough, because students read the local culture text

material when the teacher gave the material at the class, and students only have a

few topic about the text material.

5. Action

Based on the data questionnaire the total percentage for the item action

was 240.52 and the average of percentage was 60.13% and the criterion was

enough. In this indicator students‟ expressing their action to read the local culture

text materials are through searched the text material on internet, buy some books

or borrow to others and visited the library to found the text. Based on the data

interview, students are rarely visited the library to read the local culture text

material. Usually students searched in internet to get the local culture reading text


E. Interpretation

Based on the data analysis above, the researcher can interpret of students‟

interest on local culture text material in reading activity. The researcher got the

data of students‟ interest on local culture text material was high. The percentage

was 68.48%. Based on the criteria interpreting by Riduwan that criterion is high.

It means that students‟ interest read the local culture text material in reading


The first students‟ interest on local culture text material is attention. The

data show the indicator of attention got the highest percentage, it was 74.49%, and


the accordance with the criteria interpreting by Riduwan the category of

percentage between 61%-80% is high. It could be seen students‟ attention to read

the local culture text is students‟ often read the text, easy to answer the questions

relation to the text material and students‟ understand the text in deep. After that, a

student was easy to understand and answered the question related to local culture

text material. It means that students was focussed and active when read the local

culture text material in reading activity and then, it was suitable with the theory by

Prasetyono that students are attention could be seen from students focussed and


The second is pleasure. According to Prasetyono students pleasure can be

seen from students‟ enthusiastic and motivation on read the local culture text

material. In this research, the researcher found that students happy of read the

local culture text material because students already known the topic. Then the

percentage of students‟ pleasure was 73.05%. After that, based on the category

interpreting from Riduwan researcher can interpret the result was high category. It

means that students are pleasure read the local culture text material.

The third is needs. The indicator of needs got the percentage 72.42%,

Based on the category interpreting by Riduwan the result can be categorize is high

percentage. The researcher found students read the local culture text material to

get more information and knowledge about students‟ environment. Then, it was

suitable with the theory by Prasetyono that stated characteristic students need in

students reading interest can be seen from they need read the text to get


information. So, researcher can interpret that students are need to read the local

culture text material.

The next is desire. The researcher found students desire on local culture

text material was 62.15%. Based on the criteria from the Riduwan the result is

high category. Students‟ desire on local culture text material could be seen from

students willingness read the text. It was suitable based on the characteristic of

students‟ desire that stated by the Prasetyono.

The last is action. The researcher found the result of students‟ action on

local culture text material was 60.13%. Based on the criteria interpreting by

Riduwan percentage from 41%-60% was the enough category. It means that

students‟ desire on local culture text material was enough. It could be seen from

students are rarely visited the library to read the text material.




Related to finding of this research, there were two points which will be

described in this chapter. There were conclusion and suggestion.

A. Conclusions

The researcher did the research to get the data about students‟ interest on

local culture text material in reading activity. The researcher used the

questionnaire and interview to collect the data. The researcher distributed the

questionnaire sheets for students‟ class X.MIPA 1 until 6. After that, the

researcher found the result of this research. The researcher arranged the result of

percentage for students‟ interest on local culture text material in reading activity.

The first highest percentage is 74.49% for attention. The second is 73.05% for

pleasure. The third is 72.42% for needs, the fourth is 62.15% for desire and the

lowest is 60.13% for action. It means that students‟ interest on local culture text

material at SMAN 1 Enam Lingkung is high. In this research the highest

percentage for students‟ interest on local culture text material is attention. The

characteristics of attention could be seen from students‟ focus and concentration.

Students are active in the class.

B. Suggestion

Considering the result of the research, the researcher wants to give

suggestions to the teachers based on the result of students‟ interest on local culture

text material. It is better for teachers to give more assignments to students‟ to

answer the question related local culture text and teachers can ask students‟ to



make summary about the text and retell the text in front of the class. Then,

teachers provide the local cultural texts material that contain the important

information about students‟ area and it is become an additional knowledge for

them. After that, teacher can provide the local cultural text material from various

genres by varying of theme, so students are happier to read the text. Next, teachers

provide more the collection of local culture text material. The last, teachers give

students‟ more assignments to look for local cultural reading texts such as

searching for them in libraries or the internet. To sum up, the researcher suggest to

the teacher to give the local culture text material in reading activity because

students‟ have high interest on the local culture text material.



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Indikator Minat Baca Siswa Pada Materi Teks Budaya Lokal Dalam Bahasa


Indikator Sub-indikator Pernyataan





membaca secara


Saya berusaha memahami bacaan teks

budaya lokal secara mendalam

Aktif di dalam kelas pada materi

teks budaya lokal

Saya dapat menjawab pertanyaan terkait teks budaya lokal dengan mudah

Saya dapat menceritakan kembali isi

bacaan teks budaya lokal

Saya mendapat nilai yang sangat baik

ketika menjawab pertanyaan teks budaya


Saya sering membaca teks budaya lokal

Saya tertarik dengan membaca teks

budaya lokal




Membaca untuk



Saya membaca teks budaya lokal untuk

menambah wawasan tentang daerah


Saya membaca teks budaya lokal tanpa


Saya mendapat informasi baru yang

belum diketahui tentang daerah saya

melalui membaca teks budaya lokal

Saya menghubungkan apa yang sudah

saya ketahui dengan informasi baru yang

ada dalam teks budaya lokal.

Saya membaca teks budaya lokal karena

memuat informasi penting tentang daerah

sekitar saya





Senang membaca

teks yang

bernuansa budaya


Saya lebih suka membaca teks tentang

budaya lokal dari pada teks yang lain


membaca teks

budaya lokal

Saya bersemangat untuk membaca teks

budaya lokal

Saya senang membaca teks bahasa

Inggris yang menceritakan tentang


budaya local

Saya senang membaca teks budaya lokal

dari berbagai gendre teks

Saya suka mencari informasi yang belum

saya ketahui melalui teks budaya lokal

Saya senang apabila guru memberikan

bacaan teks budaya lokal





Keinginan siswa

dalam membaca

teks material

Saya akan segera membaca jika ada teks

bacaan bahasa Inggris tentang budaya


Saya bersedia membacakan teks tentang

budaya lokal

Saya tidak pernah merasa bosan

membaca teks budaya lokal

Saya memiliki koleksi bacaan teks

budaya lokal






Berkunjung ke


Saya pergi keperpustakaan untuk mencari

buku tentang teks budaya lokal

Saya mencari sumber lain dari internet

tentang teks budaya lokal

Saya meminjam buku teks budaya lokal

pada teman

Saya membeli buku bacaan tentang

budaya lokal




A. Pengantar

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Terlebih dahulu ibu mendoakan semoga ananda dalam keadaan sehat

wal‟afiat dan sukses dalam menjalankan aktivitas sehari-hari. Angket ini

bertujuan untuk menganalisis minat baca siswa pada materi teks budaya lokal.

Ibu mengharapkan ananda dapat mengisi angket ini sesuai dengan apa

yang ananda alami dan mengisi semua pernyataan tanpa ananda lewatkan satu

item pun. Jawaban ananda akan dijaga kerahasiaannya.

Sebelum menjawab bacalah petunjuk pengisian angket ini. Atas

kesediaan ananda mengisi angket ini ibu mengucapkan terimakasih.


Padang, April 2019

Wira Yudha Wastuti


B. Petunjuk Pengisian

1. Berilah tanda (√ ) pada salah satu pilihan yang kamu anggap sesuai dengan

keadaanmu yang sebenarnya.

2. Apapun jawaban yang kamu berikan tidak akan mempengaruhi nilai

pelajaran kamu di sekolah.

Ada lima alternativ jawaban dengan keterangan:

SL = Selalu : 5

SR = Sering : 4

KD = Kadang-kadang : 3

JR = Jarang : 2

TP = Tidak Pernah : 1

Anda diminta untuk memberikan tanda checklish (√) pada salah

satu kolom yang sesuai dengan keadaan yang ananda yang sebenarnya.


No Pernyataan SL SR KD JR TP

1 Saya memberikan tanggapan tentang

isi teks budaya lokal yang saya baca

C. Responden

Nama :

Kelas :

Sekolah :

D. Pernyataan

No Pernyataan SL SR KD JR TP

1 Saya berusaha memahami bacaan text

budaya lokal secara mendalam

2 Saya dapat menjawab pertanyaan terkait

teks budaya lokal dengan mudah

3 Saya dapat menceritakan kembali isi

bacaan teks budaya lokal

4 Saya mendapat nilai yang sangat baik

ketika menjawab pertanyaan teks budaya


5 Saya sering membaca teks budaya lokal

6 Saya tertarik dengan membaca teks

budaya lokal


7 Saya membaca teks budaya lokal untuk

menambah wawasan tentang daerah


8 Saya membaca teks budaya lokal tanpa


9 Saya mendapat informasi baru yang

belum diketahui tentang daerah saya

melalui membaca teks budaya local

10 Saya menghubungkan apa yang sudah

saya ketahui dengan informasi baru yang

ada dalam teks budaya lokal.

11 Saya membaca teks budaya lokal karena

memuat informasi penting tentang daerah

sekitar saya

12 Saya lebih suka membaca teks tentang

budaya lokal dari pada teks yang lain

13 Saya bersemangat untuk membaca teks

budaya local

14 Saya senang membaca teks bahasa

Inggris yang menceritakan tentang

budaya local

15 Saya senang membaca teks budaya lokal

dari berbagai gendre teks

16 Saya suka mencari informasi yang belum

saya ketahui melalui teks budaya local

17 Saya senang apabila guru memberikan

bacaan teks budaya local

18 Saya akan segera membaca jika ada teks

bacaan bahasa Inggris tentang budaya


19 Saya bersedia membacakan teks tentang

budaya lokal

20 Saya tidak pernah merasa bosan

membaca teks budaya local

21 Saya memiliki koleksi bacaan teks

budaya lokal

22 Saya pergi keperpustakaan untuk mencari

buku tentang teks budaya local

23 Saya mencari sumber lain dari internet

tentang teks budaya local

24 Saya meminjam buku text budaya lokal

pada teman

25 Saya membeli buku bacaan tentang

budaya local

“Terimakasih atas partisipasinya”








Tabulation Form

Nomor Siswa Items of Attention

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 4 4 4 3 3 4

2 4 5 4 3 4 4

3 3 5 4 4 4 1

4 4 5 3 3 4 4

5 5 5 4 5 5 5

6 5 5 4 5 5 5

7 4 4 5 4 3 4

8 3 3 3 3 4 3

9 2 3 2 3 2 3

10 2 4 3 3 2 5

11 3 3 2 3 3 3

12 4 5 3 5 3 4

13 5 4 3 4 2 4

14 4 4 3 3 3 4

15 5 5 4 5 5 5

16 3 4 3 3 3 4

17 5 5 4 3 3 5

18 4 5 4 2 2 4

19 1 4 5 4 4 5

20 5 5 4 4 4 5

21 5 5 5 5 5 5

22 3 4 3 3 2 2

23 4 4 4 3 4 4

24 4 4 1 2 4 4

25 3 5 1 4 2 5

26 5 3 1 2 4 4

27 4 5 3 3 3 5

28 3 5 4 1 5 5

29 5 5 3 4 4 5

30 3 5 3 3 3 3

31 4 2 4 4 3 4

32 2 5 2 2 2 3

33 4 4 3 5 3 4

34 3 4 4 3 3 4

35 4 4 4 4 2 4

36 4 5 5 2 3 4


37 3 5 5 5 4 5

Total 138 161 126 127 124 151

74.59 87.02 68.1 68.64 67.02 81.62



Nomor Siswa Items of Needs

7 8 9 10 11

1 3 4 5 3 3

2 4 3 3 2 3

3 5 4 5 4 3

4 5 3 5 5 4

5 4 5 5 5 4

6 4 4 4 4 3

7 4 4 3 3 3

8 3 3 4 2 2

9 2 3 4 4 2

10 3 3 3 2 4

11 3 2 5 2 2

12 4 3 4 3 4

13 5 3 5 4 4

14 5 3 4 4 3

15 5 4 5 1 4

16 4 3 4 4 3

17 5 4 1 4 5

18 4 5 5 5 2

19 4 5 5 3 4

20 3 5 4 4 3

21 3 5 5 5 4

22 4 3 5 4 3

23 5 4 4 3 3

24 4 2 2 2 2

25 5 3 4 4 1

26 5 3 5 2 2

27 3 2 3 2 3

28 5 4 5 3 3

29 5 3 5 5 3

30 4 5 4 3 2

31 5 3 5 3 2

32 3 3 2 3 2


33 5 1 4 4 3

34 3 4 5 3 4

35 5 4 4 5 2

36 5 1 5 4 3

37 4 4 4 4 3

Total 152 127 154 127 110

82.16 68.64 83.24 68.64 59.45



Nomor Siswa Items of Pleasure

12 13 14 15 16 17

1 4 3 3 3 4 4

2 3 4 4 3 4 3

3 4 4 5 5 5 5

4 4 5 3 3 5 4

5 4 5 4 4 5 5

6 4 5 5 4 4 5

7 3 3 2 3 3 3

8 3 3 2 2 3 4

9 3 3 3 4 3 3

10 2 2 2 3 2 3

11 2 3 2 3 2 3

12 2 5 3 3 2 4

13 4 4 4 3 3 4

14 5 3 4 4 4 4

15 4 5 5 5 5 4

16 4 4 3 4 4 4

17 5 3 3 3 4 4

18 5 2 5 4 4 2

19 3 4 3 3 4 4

20 4 5 3 5 3 5

21 5 5 5 4 5 5

22 2 2 2 2 4 4

23 4 3 3 3 4 4

24 4 4 2 4 4 4

25 4 4 3 3 5 5

26 4 3 5 5 4 4

27 1 5 3 5 5 5

28 2 5 5 5 5 5


29 4 3 5 3 5 5

30 3 2 4 2 2 2

31 2 3 2 3 3 4

32 3 3 3 4 4 2

33 4 3 2 4 3 4

34 4 4 4 3 4 4

35 4 4 5 4 3 5

36 1 4 2 3 5 3

37 3 4 5 5 4 4

Total 126 136 128 133 142 146

68.1 73.51 69.18 71.89 76.75 78.91



Nomor Siswa Items of Desire

18 19 20 21

1 3 3 4 3

2 3 3 4 4

3 4 3 4 3

4 4 3 4 3

5 4 4 5 4

6 4 4 5 4

7 2 4 3 3

8 2 2 4 4

9 2 4 2 3

10 2 2 3 2

11 2 2 3 2

12 3 2 3 3

13 3 4 4 4

14 4 3 3 2

15 4 5 5 4

16 3 3 3 3

17 4 5 5 5

18 5 2 2 2

19 3 3 4 3

20 3 3 5 4

21 5 4 4 3

22 2 1 2 1

23 4 3 3 3

24 1 1 4 1


25 4 5 4 5

26 5 1 3 2

27 3 1 3 1

28 3 2 3 3

29 3 3 3 3

30 3 1 2 3

31 2 3 4 3

32 3 2 2 2

33 1 2 3 4

34 4 3 4 3

35 4 1 3 2

36 5 2 3 2

37 4 4 3 3

Total 120 103 128 109

64.86 55.67 69.18 58.91



Nomor Siswa Items of Action

22 23 24 25

1 3 4 3 3

2 4 3 5 4

3 4 3 4 4

4 3 3 4 3

5 4 5 5 3

6 5 5 5 5

7 3 4 4 2

8 3 3 3 2

9 3 3 2 2

10 2 3 2 2

11 2 3 2 2

12 2 5 2 3

13 4 4 4 4

14 2 3 3 1

15 4 5 5 5

16 3 3 3 4

17 3 4 5 3

18 2 3 2 2

19 3 4 4 2

20 3 3 3 3


21 3 1 4 4

22 1 2 2 5

23 3 4 4 4

24 1 2 4 1

25 4 4 3 5

26 3 2 3 2

27 1 5 2 1

28 3 4 2 4

29 3 4 3 2

30 2 3 2 2

31 2 3 2 2

32 1 2 2 1

33 3 3 3 3

34 3 4 3 3

35 3 5 3 1

36 1 2 1 1

37 3 2 3 2

Total 102 125 116 102

55.13 67.56 62.7 55.13





Percentage of students’ interest on local culture text material


X 100 = 74,59%




























Students Answer for Each Item

No Scale Students‟


1 Never 1

2 Ever 3

3 Sometime 10

4 Often 14

5 Always 9

Total 37 Table: item number 1

No Scale Students‟


1 Never 0

2 Ever 1

3 Sometime 4

4 Often 13

5 Always 19

Total 37 Table: item number 2

No Scale Students‟


1 Never 3

2 Ever 3

3 Sometime 12

4 Often 14

5 Always 5

Total 37 Table: item number 3

No Scale Students‟


1 Never 1

2 Ever 5

3 Sometime 15

4 Often 9

5 Always 7

Total 37 Table: item number 4

No Scale Students‟


1 Never 0

2 Ever 8

3 Sometime 13

4 Often 11

5 Always 5

Total 37 Table: item number 5

No Scale Students‟


1 Never 1

2 Ever 1

3 Sometime 5

4 Often 17

5 Always 13

Total 37 Table: item number 6

No Scale Students‟


1 Never 0

2 Ever 1

3 Sometime 9

4 Often 12

5 Always 15

Total 37 Table: item number 7

No Scale Students‟


1 Never 2

2 Ever 3

3 Sometime 15

4 Often 11

5 Always 6

Total 37 Table: item number 8


No Scale Students‟


1 Never 1

2 Ever 2

3 Sometime 4

4 Often 13

5 Always 17

Total 37 Table: item number 9

No Scale Students‟


1 Never 1

2 Ever 7

3 Sometime 10

4 Often 13

5 Always 6

Total 37 Table: item number 10

No Scale Students‟


1 Never 1

2 Ever 10

3 Sometime 16

4 Often 9

5 Always 1

Total 37 Table: item number 11

No Scale Students‟


1 Never 2

2 Ever 6

3 Sometime 8

4 Often 17

5 Always 4

Total 37 Table: item number 12

No Scale Students‟


1 Never 0

2 Ever 4

3 Sometime 13

4 Often 11

5 Always 9

Total 37 Table: item number 13

No Scale Students‟


1 Never 0

2 Ever 9

3 Sometime 12

4 Often 6

5 Always 10

Total 36 Table: item number 14

No Scale Students‟


1 Never 0

2 Ever 3

3 Sometime 16

4 Often 11

5 Always 7

Total 37 Table: item number 15

No Scale Students‟


1 Never 0

2 Ever 4

3 Sometime 8

4 Often 15

5 Always 10

Total 37 Table: item number 16


No Scale Students‟


1 Never 0

2 Ever 3

3 Sometime 6

4 Often 18

5 Always 10

Total 37 Table: item number 17

No Scale Students‟


1 Never 2

2 Ever 7

3 Sometime 12

4 Often 12

5 Always 4

Total 37 Table: item number 18

No Scale Students‟


1 Never 6

2 Ever 9

3 Sometime 12

4 Often 7

5 Always 3

Total 37 Table: item number 19

No Scale Students‟


1 Never 0

2 Ever 5

3 Sometime 15

4 Often 12

5 Always 5

Total 37 Table: item number 20

No Scale Students‟


1 Never 3

2 Ever 8

3 Sometime 16

4 Often 8

5 Always 2

Total 37 Table: item number 21

No Scale Students‟


1 Never 5

2 Ever 7

3 Sometime 18

4 Often 6

5 Always 1

Total 37 Table: item number 22

No Scale Students‟


1 Never 1

2 Ever 6

3 Sometime 14

4 Often 10

5 Always 6

Total 37 Table: item number 23

No Scale Students‟


1 Never 1

2 Ever 11

3 Sometime 12

4 Often 8

5 Always 5

Total 37 Table: item number 24

No Scale Students‟


1 Never 6

2 Ever 12

3 Sometime 8

4 Often 7

5 Always 4

Total 37 Table: item number 25




Respondent 1:

Researcher : Vita suka membaca?

Student : Ehm ya.

Researcher : Apakah Vita tertarik untuk membaca bacaan teks bernuansa

budaya lokal yang berbahasa Inggris?

Student : Ya, saya kadang suka baca teks budaya lokal karena bisa

menambah wawasan tentang budaya lokal kita sendiri trus dapat

menarik perhatian banyak orang.

Researcher : Bagaimana perasaan Vita ketika membaca teks buday lokal?

Student : Perasaan saya seperti dapat mengetahui budaya lokal sendiri dan

dapat menghibur diri kita dengan mengetahui tentang teks budaya


Researcher : Apa Vita senang membaca teks budaya local?

Student :Ya.

Researcher : Apa salah satu contoh teks budaya lokal yang pernah Vita baca?

Student : Yaitu salah satunya seperti cerita Malin Kundang atau Batu


Researcher : Menurut Vita, teks budaya lokal itu mudah atau tidak utuk


Student : Ehm. Mungkin ada beberapa yang mudah dan beberapa yang


Researcher : Apakah ada manfaat membaca teks budaya lokal dalam bahasa

Inggris bagi Vita?

Student : Ada. Ada manfaatnya agar kita bisa menambah kosa kata dalam

bahasa Inggris.


Respondent 2:

Researcher : Angketri apakah guru pernah memberikan teks bacaan tentang

budaya local?

Student : Pernah buk

Researcher : Apa salah satu contoh teks yang pernah diberikan?

Student : Teks tentang cerita carocok

Researcher : Apakah anda berusaha untuk memahaminya?

Student : Ya

Researcher : Bagaiman perasaan mela membaca teks tersbut?

Student :Terhibur.

Researcher :Apa yang didapat dengan membaca teks tersebut?

Student : Tau tentang carocok, seperti apa aja ada disana

Researcher : Apa anda punya contoh teks tersebut?

Student : Punya. Yang carocok itu buk

Researcher : Dimana didapatkan teks tersebut?

Student : Kemaren tu carinya di Internet buk

Researcher : Apa pernah mencarinya di Pustaka?

Student : Tidak buk. Kalau tugas sering di Internet.

Respondent 3:

Researcher : Apakah Ravika pernah membaca materi teks yang bernuansa

budaya lokal?

Student : Pernah

Researcher : Apa salah satu contohnya?

Student : Bukittinggi

Researcher : Bagaimana perasaan Ravika membaca teks tersebut?


Student : Senang. Tu jadi tau sejarahnyo jam Gadang tu dan tau tentang

sejarah Bukittinggi

Researcher :Teksnya dalam bahasa Inggriskan?

Student : Ya.

Researcher : Bagaimana pendapat ravika tentang teks tersebut?

Student : Mudah dipahami

Researcher : Menurut Ravika apa manfaat membaca teks budaya lokal itu?

Student : Lebih tau daerah-daerah dari bukittinggi.

Researcher : Dimana Ravika dapatka contoh teks budaya local tersebut.

Student : Dari ibuk

Respondent 4:

Researcher : Apa Fitri pernah membaca teks budaya lokal?

Student : Pernah

Researcher : Apa contoh teks yang pernah Fitri baca?

Student : Teks seperti Harau

Researcher : Bagaimana perasaan Fitri tentang membaca teks bahasa Inggris

tentang budaya lokal?

Student : Mudah dipahami dan dimengerti

Researcher : Apakah Fitri ada mendapatkan manfaat dalam membaca teks

budaya lokal?

Student : Ya, kita paham tentang keindahan alamnya.

Researcher : Dimana Fitri mencari tentang teks Harau ini?

Student : Dari internet.

Respondent 5:

Researcher : Apa Nelsy pernah membaca teks budaya lokal?

Student : Pernah


Researcher : Apa contoh teks yang pernah dibaca?

Student : Teks yang menceritakan tentang pantai carocok

Researcher : Bagaimana pendapat Nelsy tentang teks tersebut?

Student : Teks tersebut menceritakan bagaimana pantai carocok tersebut

Researcher : Bagaimana perasaan Nelsy membaca teks tersebut?

Student : Senang. Karna teks tersebut mudah dimengerti dan saya pernah

mengunjungi pantai tersebut

Researcher : Apakah ada manfaat bagi Nelsy membaca teks tersebut?

Student : Ada. Agar lebih mengetahui bagaimana tempat wisata tersebut,

lalu juga bisa memberikan informasi kepada yang lain.

Respondent 6:

Researcher : Apakah Gita pernah membaca materi teks yang bernuansa budaya


Student : Pernah

Researcher : Apa contoh teks yang pernag dibaca?

Student : Teks tentang puncak lawang

Researcher : Bagaimana tanggapan Gita tentang teks tersebut?

Student : Teks tersebut menarik untuk dibaca karna bisa melihat keindahan

puncak lawang dimana tempat puncak lawang

Researcher : Apakah teks tersebut mudah dipahami atau sulit?

Student : Kadang sulit, kadang mudah. Sulitnya karna keterbatasan kosa


Researcher : Apa ada manfaat bagi Gita membaca teks tersebut?

Student : Ada buk.

Researcher : Seperti apa?

Student : Menambah kosa kata baru dan informasi tentang tentang puncak



Respondent 7:

Researcher : Apakah Rani pernah membaca teks budaya lokal?

Student : Pernah

Researcher : Apa salah satu contoh teks yang pernah rani baca?

Student : Teks yang menceritakan Istana Pagaruyuang

Researcher : Bagaimana menurut Rani teks tersebut?

Student : Mengenal sejarah berdirinya Pagaruyuang

Researcher : Bagaiman persaan rani ketika membaca teks tersebut?

Student : Saya merasa terhibur, bisa mengetahui tentang sejarahnya


Researcher : Apakah ada manfaat bagi Rani ketika membaca teks ersebut?

Student : Ada. Mengenal dan mengetahui bedirinya istana pagaruyuang