2003Tawana.pdf - Amazon AWS

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Transcript of 2003Tawana.pdf - Amazon AWS

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When I Was a Bulldog ....

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Trenton l-ligh School 1 41 5 Oklahoma Avenue

Trenton. Missouri 64683 660-359-229 I Enrollment: 3 6 7

Stude nts at Tl-IS see history being made as:: they stand on Oklahoma Avenue sending their farewells:: a nd good wishes to the I 2 2 I battalion as they deport from Trenton to do their part to help with the war in Iraq.

Ta\IVana 2ooa Volume 65

title page I

THS • s tudents solemnly march o utt1de to i:ay their farewells; :'nd good w ishes to the Tre nton infantry preparing to go to war.

Sclnfors Jesse we~t and K. • • inn1son McK~y get all e.xcited about re-turning to ~heir old s;tompin grounds; at Rissler, where thes~ Bulldogs le.arned to re d a .

Trme.1:: change and namei;: ch ~ut memories don't. Senior:~~~~ Ober~ and Eric Hoffman return

t~ their alma mater at Adams M iddle School, where the1::e. Do s learned about adaptatio g change. n and

2 opening

When I ••. , .. -" .. Was a •.• , - Bulldog .... ~

••• . .,, ·~ •• •


T he career of a true Tl-lg Bulldog began in kindergarten at g.M. Rissler with Mrs • Weatherfield and Ms. Provance. W e learned to

share our Playdough. count bears in the halls. play on Timbertown. color inside the lines. and play in the big playhouse. When we got bigger a nd older w e had to learn to add. subtract. divide. multiply. write in cur­sive. play tetherball. and learn how to cooperate. Then came the big move to Adams Middle gchool. It was there that we learned to c hange classes. adjust to not having recess. play competitive sports with other schools. have pep assemblies. and walk across the street for lunch.

Finally. the turning point in our lives came. We moved to "the big house ... aka Trenton l-ligh gchool. After middle school the adjustment or transition went pretty smoothly. We had to overcome being the 'new kids on the block. "but that too passed. We now found that life became somewhat more complicated. what with fi-

nals. research papers. essays to write. more homework and de­mands from the teachers: and there were more extracurricular activities that demanded our time. l-lowever. there were a lso more privileges and fun things to do. We now had l-lomecomings. proms. Barnwarmings. trips. driv­ers· licenses. creating wonderful memories.

The. road to b e.ing a Tl-IS Bulldog culrninate.s at Trenton l-ligh School. It's been a long trip. but these senior Dogs. Ashley Schmidt. Kyle Chenoweth. Annie K ing. Charity Brown. and junior Wayne Jones prepare to take the final steps.

opening 3

6 J-brnecorrirg

8 ~~~

ro Two-by-Two

r2 I=~ ~ l=ad-ic:n

(4 Spirit WeEl<.

(6 Barrwanrirg

rs Tha;e Pea1:l ~

20 Ca.ntwarrrirg

22 Top3

24 l=rier£k

26 Mf# Life

28 Prom

30 UiC1-JB trlvidJals

32 GraciJation

~anocani~ 2002

1:20021-b'necarirgthetnew;s 'RJftdogPcvacfse. "i-0ne­ccmrg festivities kicked off~. Ctiober 14. with pLn;

decoratirg lak ard class ard orQCrizaacnar floats ard spirit week. Senors dooinated the~ decoration ~on ard won first-place with their tiki 1-ot ard kJau bar.

Trenton B.lBdog fans gathered Thir~ tight at the pep~ for introdJCt:ions of fa! sports rnernbers. ird.idrg terris. golf, Vci!epa!I. softball ard footbct Student Co.irial rnernbers Tara Rob­erts ard Derek SpeJ-x:er cm.vned the 2002 hornecotrirg <1-Jeen ard l:>rircess. l=resftnan Acticre Hoffrrm w;s cro.vnect princess ard ~or~ Lattirnore w;s cm.vnec1Tl-IS1-b'necanirg q.ieen for 2002. Terna Roberts ard 1-larnah Robinson were crown bearers. Conducirg the introd.sctions ard coronation w;s the bonfire. spcn:;cred ey the M booster ci.Jb.

The am.ta! 1-bnecornirg parade w;s held at 2:00 P.M.. ard the fresftnan float won first place. .J.riors earned second place

hot-ors. The parade followed the f:rad?cnar route. fran the CO!!ege on Man Street to Mc:Donakf s on~ Street. The Grard Marshal w;s ret:irirg ~nterderrl: ~ Vv'heeler. Prior to the game with the Leblorrl Eagles. the Tl-IS 2002 royc¥ty ard their fathers were introcLcecl on the ~d line. The M colorguard ard ~ participated in the pre-game activities. The ~ ard cheerleaders

also J:>erfarned dJrirg f"aftirne. The Trenton B.J!ldog; were victori­as. with a score of 53-7.

The 1-/anecanirg festivities airinatecl on Satu~ everirg with a dcrce held in the tl~ scl'OOl 9.Jn fran 8:00-11:00 p .M. Bailey Sl:ucio was on ta-id to ta<e pictues of the sb..iclents wf--o Poood in front of a beaJt:iful tropical back~. desig1ed ard ~ by ~Ot Adia Meek.

Serior pal!; M°""' . l(j · t · · - ~ N'll:exi. Tara Roberts. Kaycee West ard Jes~ West the OQether for the bonfire held at the granckl;anck_ · ga r

Tl-IS 1-lomecoming G.\Jeen Linckey Lattimore and Princess Adriane 1-loffrnan pose lor a pic­ture IO(Jowing the crowning cerernory.

Good friends: Misty McClure and Josh Carter ~re a great evening together at the 1-lome­coming dance.

--------~ Wearing unique attire. seniors tric

-- --- ------

Lorenz and David Sager make a grand entrance into the dance.

4. ~ores f\Jatafie Cos;bey and Crist en 1-0charckon P<l!:J their admission to t he dance.

Ollensive serior tackle E;ric 1-lof lrnan burcts through the 1-lomeccmng nng . . that was decorated by art instructor Lana Beverlin A victory agaird the L~ond Go!den t ag!es is y.t four quarters away.

. B ! senior: trin Peters. senior: Queen Lind:;~ 2002 l-DMtCON11'JG ROY AL TY f:ront row: Case\! l-lahn. senior: Me~n p!~;e: and ~ Lovell. pnior. f?ack row: Phi11p

. . I hman: Jenna Owens. _o . I eshman: Joe 8fackbum. Lattimore. senior: Prince!:>: Adnane l-loll~an. res . . JooJ Peace. <;enior: ..li>trn Anderi;on. r ~ E;niott. >enior: Kinni"on McKay. ~enior: E;nc l-lollrnan. 1:eruor. wphornore: and Jordan i:erguwn. }Jl'1ior.

• ~ornecornrng

• rnernorre~ ....

-While cheering the t:earn on at evel'\l football game. 1-lomecomng >eemed to be the one I lelt: rnod: enH-u.;iastic about.- -v~ Alen. n



-I thought that everytt-4ng about 1-lomecomng wa> coot The game. parade. and dance were all very festive. - -JJ;tin Shaw. 12

"I felt embarrassed the wa\l l had todressuplor the parade: however. it really was a lot of fun being involved.· -Melissa Clark. 9

-, spent the wt.o!e right ol ti'e dance with ~ date. Anna sru!er. we had a lot of fun together: we even had dimer together. ..

-~George. 10

~omecorning 7

l=aculty ~~

"When I want to make others laugh. I i~rson­ate Ozzy Osborne or dance like a cheerleader. That wil crack 'em up!"

-Ni;. MicheGe Ganes

-My greatest concern right now is ti-irking aOOut: the war in Iraq and going into theNav!:l alter grad::r­ation."

-Bi\i Bartow. 12

"Rna1s stress rne out arxJ the d<!IJ: when I have a Uq. '-':<!r\J test It seeir.. the l&.3Chen; often add to t:he pr~re."

-Qyri Ad<rns. 9

l deal with deadlines and pressure by si~ wait­ing unt~ the l~t rnirute to do ll'l!:j homework: then I go to Mrs. Jones· room and lirish it there.·


ldeal with stress by tum­i~ ~o ll'l!:j hobbies: h'king. !1sh1ng, Mting. pi<l!:jing with Brylee. scuba cfN­

ing. model airfplaine col­lecting. taxiderln!:j. etc.·

-Mr. T .J. Peacher. the stierce teacher

"Qtess? Deadlines? I

~ ll'l!:j W<l!:j of ti-irking IS }JSt to go Wif:h the flow. It will get d . one. wont it? Yeah. sure!"


8 Bloopers and B1unders

Clever minds? Careful plaming and or · t· L-1 t A

· . gar.za ion '"" P o e~e the tension of meeting research paper deadline!: for scphomores shley Baker and Valen Arderscn

Ptit on a ha""'· I . ...... ,,, ace. Nicole Whitl preparations. ey. .Lst IOOking h

al>P!:J can erase the <'tr . .. ess of finals. yearbook deadli~. and weddin9

Graduation? Ian? k:aiah? Califorria? Marriage? It's a lot of stress lor serior Doni OMngs-1-lemandez to cope with. so she sits and rellect~

·1ii••i::f1nEI ~·you're t e!ling me tha.t I have to be "" at the Qcric to cock breakf~t at

what time?" asks Brady west.

"Balls whizzing pact my head. in my glove.

'-----------" and all for the game I love!" thirl<s col­

"Y "Yeu mean I arn not ~ed to behere?Wherearnl?" asks a lost Kinnison Mcl<3!:J-

lege-bound Taron Brewer.

.A. Ma.};;e yOU can fool people into believing yOU need corrective g!a$S&s for a few laughs.

1-le\:J· Mark Wood?

t isn't ~easy beirg a true QJ!ldog. Stress sane-­time& gets fte bet±e'" of you. Yru work. !:PJ listen. !:PJ h.irry. !:PJ meet: deaclines ard detn;:n:k. ard after

awhle !:PJ }Et have to releas;e a litt:le pent 4' stean. YOJ kroN. Ike &e Little &gne Vito Cotid? WeJ.. !:PJ feel lff<e ~ !:PJ CC¥1't. so !:PJ pUI t.;> c¥J that is stirrirg up in !P1f irQdes ~ !:PJ ~it as an ~on on !P1f face. Sanetitnes scary. we have to cdrit.

sanetime& rps frierds are there to ~ ease !:Pl fTroutji fte "release." They rrijlt even get !:PJ to fadl it c:XJt. Aryt:firg is bet±e'" ttli¥"l doing wt-at sometime& feels lff<e &e nab..rra ~ to cb: ctddrg saneone to death or beatirg a roll of ooft dourjl to a ~ Ease it c:XJt. l.at.igll Cry! DeflJ! Do wt-at rn.id be dale. but get it a.rt:. R9eat;;e that dre!;!;f

Qomeb'mes when the ctress get!: l:oo rruch for serior Catie Powel. she }JS!: br~ out

in toa oong.

Bloopers and Blunders 9

....,.ulldog . ~~~---

u dd i e~ ......... He wm:Jer of friencthip

aving someone you can laugh with. cry with. and love is really ini:>ortant to teens. One of the rnost impor­tant lessons in rtfe is reartzing that a truly good friend

is hard to come by. In high school. good friends come and go. but enemies accutrutate. No matter if you have one good friend or ten good friends each becomes important in his or her unique. indivicLal watj.

ThrCXJgh the years we learn to laugh and cry with each other about almost ~hing. When we're with our friends the stupidest things seem so funry. and the smiest things can get us into a ridiculous fight. But if you have a real. true f riencl. the bad times come very inf requenlly.

A true friend is someone who will sta!:l around through the hard times ard help you get through them. You can talk to your friend and share secrets with him or her and feel confident that no one else wm ever know.

A true friend will not go behind your back and SCllJ things that you don't want repeated or revealed. You can tell your friend your hOll8St opinion about arything and the!:j will respect you. even if they don't agree with you. Your friends will be honest and truthful with you and they expect to be treated likewise.

To have a good friend you have to be a good friend. You have to be there always. not }Jst w!--en the good times roll around You have to be a shoulder to cr!:l on and a sounding board to listen. A true friend will always be your friend.

10 Bu'ildog ~

£ver!:JOl"lE! reeds a 1'09. wheU>er ~are up or down. Good friend!: Courb'e\:j Cox and ~ Swark w e rnallJ rug; and SJri'.es logell-er .

'Y ~resfvnan fri~ Adriane J..loffrnan

and Alana T Olle get flowers lrorn their ~eel:hearts.

~ £ven cfac;c; levels can't teparate frie~p. Ask senior Jessica Waits ard t or-«xnore fllegan Burgec;s.

Guy and gal frierds ~..e ngrahatn ard ' ~ Perry .)Oke arourd logeHier.

A Good lrienck Cr~tal Rutsell and Tocarra Jasil'1".ki ~hare a lot of t ime at school and away.

,. -~ .... ,~ I·""' __ _, peroonal probi~. like Zack 'ti omen tr""'"""'· <;c "-""· "" JU I buddi~ t""'. can share Heir car trouble1; WI " w .. £ven dJdes 'IC!Ve .... • ~

~and Robert~

. L- •,.,;ng hand. fiteral!y. . ood friend gives !JOU a '""'"' Gomebrnes a g f 'end Angie Lober. a<; Anna Shier Uf~ up her n

. ••"""'n • <ci<ef! and CJ. Brown 1 ·enc1sJ.norc;,.=,,.. '" Classmate!: and n . t re at the Winter 1-lomecoming pose for a chummy pre u danee.

-""Y best friend ic:. Ryan Durkin becauc;~ I've k~\lf\ him for mod of rry Ule. and I can tell him arytreng

«L- ..L beina • """"" - -Abby~ I \VIUlVU\. -~

·-• r\l1y frieN:k cl-eer rne up by singing ok:l song<; ~ Snoop Dogg and taking to rne about what c;

boH.ering rne. - ~Otega fO

l rnet rry best friend. Katey Grooms. wl>en I first moved l>ere a<> a Ired-man We !>at togetl-er at lunch and alter that we 1-i.Jng out ever!Jday and still do." -AiciaR;w.10

· .v.y best friend is rrybest friend becauc;eshe cares about rne no matter what f ~ or have done. ard !;he alwa~ treats rne as rne.


Bulldag buddies II

111& c:oet ot 1..ook!ne Gooa 1n 2002-&t of ~ $25.o&JB Hair~ $30.00 ~ $4000.00 Cav6ra£J6) 6ott.i., of (11 tid polleh! $6.00 Par of Doo ~ $125-150 A\

J Hairout.: $6-18 • 1~~:$5.00 rannrne: $2.00 a e6eelon or $30.00 for a mont;h

A ~~~ $59.oo ff~ II D~ Tommy~ or~ «lfrt.! l~JJ''J)}LJo $18-29.50 }, ~ or Luoky blue~ $40-90 CllnttU& foundstton: $19.50 m ~ 0!16 ~ pflOM ~ ~ /J

$30.00 a mont;h ~ _

~ 1-fip-roggers ard a peasant blouse

make }rior Megan Mcke!I look ver!:l "vog..,e. -

ha~ J-lappening fads;. f a~hions;, and trend~

A the ochool years ro8 by. people d1crge ard 00 do the styes of dotting we wear. We"ve gone from 9f'l.1"9:J. to tdey. to preppy. to retro. Some ird­

vid.JCE have even uriq.Jely gone their own way. As Acidas. B.m. CK I CcMrl Kleinl. ard Polo have cooled down in the dotting irdstry aver the past co.¢>le of years. ncroe brcnJ dof:lirg s;uch Cl; AE I America'\ tage!, AIS IAbercrcx-roie ~ !;"itch l. l-ldlici:er, ard Lucky have become very popular ctnong ~·s ~students.

gh.dent:s af: n-s ca'\ be seen wearing doffing that best fitswt-o they are. Gins CCf"I betnost:ly seen wearing '"prepr:;y'" dof:lirg. aa--g with ··preppy·· stlOeS. Gty; t:erd to go for the casual l0d< ~ C¥;; blue jea'lS ard t;..g.vrt& Sane fellows even Ike the "af:titu:fe" stirts with tunoro.s expressic:ns on them

~thestyesof dotfirghereaf: ~havechcrged Oler the years, fast-ion is still a~ way students express f:hetnselves.

Besides d0tting, students aso are into heir ard tna<e­up cr'd nails. a<. oriy thegns are into tra<e-up ard nails. but ~~get li~,gts or a t:ot:al bleach or dfl jOb. Mary grls work J.d; to tnaint:ain their rals ard ~ tna<e-up. ard. let's face it, tnOci: oriy wcrrt the t:q>-of-f:he-line. H: ~ that the more !P.J ~· the better !P.J'R loci<. You &irk? Both sexes aso tan. \Nhle few br'l year-rot.rd. rncry t;,egn t:cning in ~ or March to prepare for prorn ard vacaf:j~

Be;;ides fast-ion. students' tastes in tnlsic. !;;parts. TV. movies. cr'd other forms of ent:ertarment are aso w;:y; that ~ ~ess cr'd fit'd t:hetnoo!ves.

World-Wide ~aclion Trerct; 2002-03 • 11-e 1970's ~ts shirts are alive and well.

• K-Mart reJNenates Joe Boxer braf'd of underwear.

• ~~wk makes a hair-raisi1'9 comeback • Digital 1rrovations incJude camera phorv.as.

• Tl-e COia war int rOduces Dr. Pepper Red Fusion. p,,,.,,.; ,..,,, -<ltd V<lf'l1Ja Ccke. -.-•• 0 '-""·

• T urq.,oise ..fQWe!r!:l is the newest fashion trend

c= «L. -

. L-- "~~~reTI>acJDamarhasacioset - • he Jt t-~rtswithwitty S<l!Jllg!:O!'lb,.,uL»vy,.vuv A bigfashiontrend forthe C<isual~ W--<£t nove ~ bles had to die for yaur stupid salad?" full of the fun !:hirt s. This one S¥= I-low rnary vege a

The Year in Review 2002-2003~

~Bowl~ Tarnpa Ba!:J ~ tJ9 World gen~ ~ Anaheirn Argel£: '<:JY t\BA ~ L.A. Laker£: Bes;t TV Drctna genes; "The Wed Bes;t TV gjtcan: "!=riend£: .. ~ T a'k gJ,ow 1-bd: Oprah Bes;t Piclur~ Chicago . . Bes;t Actor. Adrien Brod!:J in The P1anirt Bes;t Ad:ress: Nicole Kidrnan in The I-lour~ Whe f'lu A Cl~ of the Year: "Where Were You n '-4V~ .;:>\JI".=:! • ?" h. . Alan Jackso

the World glopped T umrg · v=i

CMA f:ernale Voafid of the Year: Martina McBride

McJe Voafid of the Year: Alan Jackson


police~ay ...

"The Ol"lyjl?Wetry I wear is;~ f=:OSSJl w::tch. I should

be arrested by the fa~on police. I rn not too


-, go to the sl:.y'isl: eve'!:! month. I go to Perfec~ tions. 1 use hairspray on l1"'::J hair ard lnfusiurn 23.


-1 thirk the big fashion trerd right now is wearing ·7o·s clothes. I love that fashion.·

-Abby 1-lendersoo. n

"I thirk the big fashion trends right now are clog boot!:. t ie belts. lace-up shid:s and pants. Gketch­ers and K-Gwi~. I rove fashion. My favorite outfit

is l1"'::J Gil ver Jeane; without pockets an:i a black s~'Ort-sl.eeved shirt with rulfled sleeves.

-Brittary Gwark.10

What·~ 1-lappening I~

mg expl~ with ~rit

·rit week 2002 kicked off in fu11 force on Morx:lay. October 14. with a slew of activities. The theme for

ondaywas "Jorn W~ ~ .. Students dr~edup in their favorite cowboy attire. or a~ other attire the "Man's Man" John W<ltjne wore in a~ of his fil~. Tuesday was "!=avorit:e Character or 1-lero Day." Studentc;; dressed in codurnes of their favorite characterc;; frorn the big c;;creen. TV. cartoons. or bad«;. Wednesday was "Gender Bender Day. w What an uru;uaJ day! McJ.e dudentc;; carne dresc;;ed as girls and girls came drec;;c;;ed as guys. Pretty wacky. f-.oh? Qi Th.Jrc;;day dudentc;; were asked t:o dress in _Jerc;;eys or c;;port:s shirts representing t:heir favorite professional or college t:earn. !=riday of course was t:he traditional "Black and Gold Day."

In addition t:o drec;;c;;ing up each day. t:he dasses also held a hall decorating contest. The seniors were overwhelming wirners by carrying out: the t:herne of "Bu11dog Paradise" to incorporate a bl<i bar. They chose to tum the bar acrOSc;; the office into an island oasis. They also used t:he t:iki rot from t:he 1-lornecorn;ng decorations t:hat: were used as a picture backdrop as part: of their theme. % also put: up t:iki rnasks with the football players' names on them.

The week of festivities culminated wit:h t:he spirit: parade. The float cornpet:il:ion was won by t:he frestman dass.

14 spirit week

... l:v en ·Dishwasher Dave· Burke\J>lle get s into gender berd­ing.

"'4Gerior cheerleader Adria Meek fires up the =-iOf cia!;S dJring the ~

cheer ~titian

Barbie-wanna-be freshman V~!:a I-Janes is her idOI for a d<l!:J.

.A .l.rior CNis ShLer and sophomore Cliff Rob­ert!: are ·altnc>d • too cute ac; girk.

. t ·or,. K· h> Borte11 and Peering forth from the tik1 hu are sen - ~ t Trey~F'romtheloci<rnntheirfaces. the!:etwoareup o !:Otne&ing.

During Gender Bender Day Tiflary LaSalle opts to be a rna!e. whle Brett Mathews goes female.

Waiting PatienUy for the rru;ic to dart for a ct-eerleacfng clai)Ce routine ic _µ-ior Suc;an ~

We've got spirit! Ye;, we


J.rior<: Krista Gordringer and Cari amstead are Veg<;j; T a!es Larr':! the Cucumber and Cari Carrot.

All dazzling and 9iZ':J i!: !:op/iomore Thad Damar in ~ cheer1eading outfit.

·1-1ow ':J<l doin ". Pilgrim?- asks Jol11 W;,._re waTlabe _Jrior Kasey Baley.

J.rior 1-ilar':J l.Joletnan worl<!: on the ].rior lloat ruing f-Jotnecorring week.

~pirit week 15

Barnwarrning Banter. ...

·1 thought the 111.ia hoop c~tition wac; fun The }riors got secord bocaute Avery got stuck.·

. ~ 1-lcie!nan. n

·11y lav°'!te co.dry sor-g the DJ played at Bamwarrrwng \V<l': ran N'cG<aw's "Red Rag Top. -

-E!rett Matk!ws.10

·1 llirk thal Bamwarmng wac; the ~ dance of the sc:l-ool !J!ar. It ~great fur{

-Al<r.a Tole. 9

16 Barnwannirg

Advi~rDerrisGutcilaJJ~theroa-hoopcont~Sopl-.o­The ~ bales come in hardy as ~tudents waiting for their pictures to be taken by Bailey gtudio get comfortable and rested more Ivy gwark strugg!es to get the hoop I rom under her feet

Gtudents harY,J out on the~ the Barnwartring ki bale<; as l hey patiC!ntly await l he I

ng arxJ QJeen wi'll be. re<:.ult-:; of the 9atr'oe$ competition and ba'loting to find Oul wf.O

to over her head so she can ~ it on to Wirie T urne1

~or Derek Spencer en.JOYS the ever;ng with pats Jesse hgral1'lM ard Wade Peter!>.


~TakingintheeveringevE.YitsperC:OO atq> a bale of hay i~ fresknan Mitch Briegel.

·......1o about on the A Several of the r:FA bqfi ,.,.,,, """ danee /loOr between danees.

2002J=FA • arnwarrn1ng

A rockin' night at the Rock Barn

tracitioo played out ooce agc¥n His ':P the cnual ~being hed at the Ban 00 ~ Noverri:ier 22. 2003.

1lis ipar's l<l~ Cf'd ~ were soptanore Sade ...k:nes Cf'd .}rior Jesse~ The kirg Cf'd ~were cto;en by a vote of tto;e atterdrg the event Cf'd by cm ~oo in the gc¥neS played that rtjlt:.

Representirg the senor cm in the carpetit:jcn; were Casey Beverlin Cf'd Miey Sckridf:. The Jllcr C3'ddates were Jesse ~an Cf'd ~ ~ Jesse f'/eli<.. Cf'd Sade ...k:nes represented the sqi-o­rnore cm. Cf'd the fresknen were represented by Derek none Cf'd Todla ~ A ralrg ccries±. tug­of-Wc¥". Cf'd other gc¥neS were~ the~

The Rock Ban W;£ ck!corated in the mens- of Cfl

dd-time bc¥Tl dcrce. There were bales of hay stacked cixxJf: for sitf:irQ. Cf'd rncry Western artides were lu1g. lcid. Cf'd ~ cixxJf:. The DJ for the event w;s out of Qt.

Joe. ~ played a vaiet:y of rru;ic that kept the dcn::e floor hoppin'.

2002 ~~ ROYALTY Front row: fSackrow:

Bamwarming 17

What were you thinking?

Ah! What a ~eet. pleasoit face serior Catie Powe!! l>a<; on her face. It maces one wonder.

It !:ee1ns that "Big Dave· ~r is lliri<ing about s~ng other than what is going on arCJurxJ him La-la-land?

Vipers! J:resiman Amanda ~. has t that~ ~ ~ µ realized

has l"()t Cllle. but three more years of high school left to COll"fllele.

Thaf~ right. J.rior r....,,,_ v~-- . """""~"""r1sbadand ·

l'is: team the gt_ Louis Car"'"- '- so 1s '-'" ''"'" or whatever.

18 The PicttJre ~ It All

OK. ~ doe; oopl-.omore Jeff gtevens thiri< his temic; racket is a pcry or sotnelling to ride?

We're at a loc;;c;; here. We have no idea what is going on in the minds of oophornores Thad Dannar and Chric; !'.arr.

·~111@~ {\;'.'II~ ay~lt

T: he phrase "One piclure is worth a thousand words" was coined by !=red R. Barnard in a magazine called Printer's Irk. Barnard coined the phrase on March 10.

1927 and called it a Chi~e Proverb ro that people would l~e it: seriOEl!:J- Qeri()Us;fy? Well. when we discovered the pictures on these two pages;. we could hardly take them seriOtls;fy: however. each one speaks for itself.

Each of these piclures has a caption. but: Mr. Barnard is right:. we could have written more than a thousand words about: each as we tried t:o figure out what caused each of H-ese people to give the expression he or she is giving. We can only imagine what: goes on inside the buman brain. We did thiri< it: would be fun to print these piclures. We eruGyQcJ them and we hope you do too. Maje you can write a thousand words about: each one. MaJe not:.

~~· ~~~ cb.--.t is 90ing on }Jnior W:>< ""' Jones is: on a afferent wave Ieng • t. - -- na e • ~: -,,. ·- • W"' ~- hes no ,,,.., •or Jaime Kempf. We thiri< Jaime is ·on task. whle ":1' _ ..

It appears that either Ired-man David ..Jornoon is in on a Joke. or good-naturedy is part of a joke..

'Y Poor Mrs:. Coon II: s;eems that her rurroers aren't adcfng up ac;;

the!:! are supposed to.

<11111 We tlirk Mr. Ockenlek has p:t reaized that he loc;;t the bet to the softball grt; and is die for a haircut.

i:rom the look on her face. not IO.Jdl geb; past i:CCLA adviser Connie I-Oiiman.

A J:rom the sheepish look on Mr. Jones' face. he knowssotnetlingbesidesrnathwecloo'tknow.

inter 1-f anocanirg

A ~y sweetreart &etne

Whf:er l-lanecaning was a "sweetheart" of a day. Al~ the corel"laf:ion took place on Tuesday. ~ebruary II. the dar¥;e was held on ~riday. ~ebruary

14. Valentine·s Day. Going a1Dr'9 with the special occasion. decoratiON; of a Valentine t:herne were tnade and ~ by senor Adria ~. with the help of art inst:ructer Lana Beverlin and several student ccxml rnetnbers.

The background for the pictures consided of a beautiful archway decorated with btllowing wNte gc>ssarner. T}e blue backgr0t6'ld was covered with silver hearts ard two large hearts bedecked the arch Mar'y sweethearts and friends had pictures iaen by Bailey gtudio as they slOOd in the beautiful setting.

On T uesc!ay evening. follOWing the girts' basketball garne. Queen Casey ~ ard King gcott Qharp were crowned by student CQ.Jnal secretary Casey Beverlin and couna1 ~r Tara Roberts. The other serior candidates were aro introcLced prior to the crowning cer~: Adria /I/leek. Taron Brewer. Lir'dsey Lattimore. Cary ~r. Seth Cox. and Philip 8!iott. Qophornore couna1 rnetnber Courtney Cox introcLced all of t he cancidates. irduding the at ten­dants. freshmen Alana Tolle and Erl!' 1-lowe. sophomores Corbi I-lanes and Drew Dudey. and }.riors gtraussy Winters and Matt gpears_

20 Courtwarm~

~Dating cCXJp(e Shai.=y Winters and Logan~en.JO.:lbeinglogether.

4 i:r~ 'Mil:ney ~en.JC¥ dancing a slow da'Ce wil::h Jrior T !}er 1\1\c:J<ibben

~ e with !:epter ard crown Co..rrtwanring King Scott S/iarp and G.\Jeen Casey pO!; .

T 00! oopl-anores Drew Dud~ ard Cdbi 1-l<nes. ~ors ~~ROYALTY i:rest-men &~ l-0.ve ard ~ ~c;eriorcarddate£CarySager. TaronBrewer.Seth MattSpearsandS~Winters.KingScott~ardG.\Jeen ~ Cox. Adria Meek. Ph1ip t.!Sott. and Li~~ Lattimore.


Photogeric &in Peters ct:ops: dancing with her partner to l;lnlle for the~

As dates for the evering. }.riors: Cas~ Barlei:i and Krida Gondringer reflect their mood with their wann l;lnl1es;.

Despite the obstacle of Brett Mathews in front of them. «Jphomores: Cdbi I-lanes:. Valeri Anderoon ard Me!ic;c;a T readwel are having a great lime.

Sophomore T !Jer Greenwood looks sharp in t-i.; blue driped c;weater.

Courtwarrning 21

...... . . . . . . ...... ...... . .....


a1d~at II l9 whaf~ top on ~ d~· rim. am whaf ~

rncking rew~

•••••••••••••••••• •••• • r-------------. • I F.worite GlntJy &a1r • I • • J=ave Reality 9.how I • • I •

1. Snickers • I 1. ·-Rea11 ~orlcl-· I • • • • I I • z. Twix . ' I

z. ·-Fe...r F...aor-· I • a Reese-s • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••

Fa1vorite 1V Sitcom I. ·~riends"

2. 'Tha t ·7o·s Qho w " 3 . ·wm and B rac e ..

Favortte Stt.com Aotreee 1• ~enn~er Anirton

2. U\Ar~ Prepon d>onN on .. ~ .. "10.S Show;

a Counney Cox-ArC(U<!lte

• • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••• : Fa1vorite Rock Sons : : 1. "Alwaya" : : 2. "Adriane" : : 3. "Craw}Jne" : ••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Favo rite Qitcorn Acto r 1. Ash1'on K.utcher z.~Lea~

a Wilmer Yealc:lerr~ (fez on .. ~ ·"10·s Show;

F4'vorite School lunch •

1. p1.Z.Za1 2. biscuits • sr ... vy

3.MOZ.ZRella" sticks

I 3. .. -o,e &a"Chelor-- I .. ____________ ..

Fa1vorite Rest..urM\-t 1. EI l oro'e

2. Appte!?ee' e 3. Be!jln(3

• Feave Music Yicleo • : 1. ··I n 11ie Club-·



• • •

: z. ·<oncr~e An.9t!t· • : a ··Who·s your DNc:lyr· :


• • ' ·········· ······ ·······

Fa1ve Sort DrinK I. MD Code Red 2 . Dr. Pepper

3. gprite

r-------------. : Feavorite Te-'Cher : I 1. Mrs. arinKley I : z.Mrs.~ I I a Mrs.: Cox I .. I ____________ ..

• • • • •••••••• • ••••• • ••••• • • fav8~~ • • • • • • I. Dragonfly • • • • 2. Aud.in Power~ • • • • 3. B M17e • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••

• •••••••••••••••••••••• • • Fav e Clothes B r an d • • • I. l-tollider • • • • •

2. Aeropodale • • • • • •

3. American Eagle • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••

Fave Danc e Song

1. ··&a"by a.o-r &a1Ck" z. ·<M-CN SlkJe-·

a ·<otton-eyecl ~OC!""

Favorite Raaio Statton

1. 93..3 2.. ....

3. 101.7

••••••••••••••••••••••• • • : Favorite Country Arttet : : 1. Kenny Chesney : : z. F-1i1'h Hill :

a Toby Kei'f\, • • • • • • •••••••••• • ••••••••••••

F-1vorite Movie orye1r I. 9weet J..lorne Alabama

2. J..low to L~e a Guy 1h 10 Day.; 3. Thel<lhg

J=avorite J=act J=ood Place

1. Txo &ell1KFG z. Sonic

a. Subw6'y

r-------------. I F.worite C...- ~ye1t I I I I 1 . M~ I I I 2. Eollpe6 I I 3. YN~ I I .. ____________ ..

Fave Class o f the V e ar

I. ~ical education 2. art.

3 . Cornrnunication Ar~ n

••••••••••••••••••• •••• • • • • • • • • • •

Feave 3"eM\S lreanc:I

I. Lucky 2. 9.nver~

3 . American Eagle

• • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••• ••••

Favorite Rock Artist

1. Llnk!n park 2. 6altva

3. S!mpie Plan

r-------------. I Favo rite l-langout I I I I 1. Friencls· homes I I z. Cruisin~ i~ vehicle 1 I a SOnlC I I I .. ____________ .. • •••••••••••••••••••••• • • F4'vorite Coun1l-y Sons • • • • • I. "Angr!:J American" • • • • !Crurt~ of Red. write. ~ 9UeJ • • • • 2. "Corcret:e Ange( • • 3. "I Believe" • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••

favorites 23

special shared rnornents ....

Someti .. when toe<; it s a good Uing to act a Iii:& goo11 ,

'fl' are working with frierds "' get!> to be too rruch. ard the work Lovell ard "L-·...J.: .1st IOci< at }Jl'iors Abby

....,~ l~una Woodard

24 friends

Alter WOl1<ing on their d<11ctHOJtire. students in Mrs. Jackj I-Oil . . Melissa TreacM!el. <rd Anna Shi.er. gather for a 9rc:J1.4' ~ rnansphpcaled.Jcationd<Ks.MeganBurgeso;;.AngieLober.


~Sh,, ' ~ \ J }.

,. ~ooo ·r ;-...:

/ ~

ore than

riend~ ghared rnornent:~ and good t:irne~

Wt does it ta<:e to be more than frieN:k? wen.

veryone knows that yau ~ve to have one good end to share yaur secrets with. but you also have

to have that special group of friends that yau share all the good l:itnes with. gornetimes when some of those good times are happening and morn or dad or t he teachers or some other people aren't too happy with your shenanigans. yau wonder if they really are "good times:M but when yau reflect back on them ~ter. yDU

say. MYep. that was one good time we all had.1-tl! 1-tl! Going to school sporting events and cheering on the home

team is one way to have a good time with yaur friends. Being a Part of a team and sharing camaraderie is another way to share friendship. I-tanging together and planning a campaign election format is another way to share the good times with friends: ~ when !:P.J don't win. hey. those same friends are stm there to give you a pat on the back and ten yau how well yau did Working together on something that is difficult becomes a more pieasant task when it is done with good friends to share the load

gorne teachers even make friendships more bonded gome teachers encourage friends to help each other and have fun together. I-tanging out together at school danCes is anc:ither ~ to share the good times together. gometimes pst being with a

QrOLJp is fun in itself. You can all reflect on the good times yau have already shared The times spent with others are the best of


i:er . . .___,, ~ t~t~ Asrber [)ariek. ~or 'of~ plai,Er Taron Brewers final ,..,. . ~::t'"·-· rtnE!!,J co spe1 out ~r Vandevender. Kendall l'Jer'h!Ser . ..)erna ()wens. and COu x.

aren's name on their t-d-irts.

These two together. Adam George cm~ ~tchen. cause caicem for I:~ cm lrierxK a.'i'ke. The two defiritely have a good time together.

T ~ven de<ring up a mess is more IU'I when Jordan Ferg_$on cm K~~ Baile!;j do it together.

~Sophomore bu'.k T!Jer Green­wood cm COl.rtney Cox en.P.:I sperdr1g fine together. even at !:dOO asserrbliec;.

Good friends ~ Bexley cm .Jessica Waits put 1:1-eir heads to­gether to come up with a plan.

.A. l=CCLA members David .Johnron. Lance l-lorl:on. cm Bi1y Bartow fmd WOl1<ing to­gether tnakei; tre !:ask of enterlairing !:jOUng'"


gharingthe Night Life ...

11 I have to WOik at i-y-vee. I prefer wcxi<ing arec:u,i with the CU!>tomer ~ a checker. -

-Ncole Alen. ID

-~ t ime I delivered a pizza and the customer paid rne for the entire pizza with perries."

-J.stin Shaw.12

Trn known a:: 01P of l:he ev91"\J ai>le .,~ i-y-vee: helpiiJ 1:miles ~find in

-Arm !lhJer. 10

26 ni~t rife

.lrior Jatrie Leafgreen docks prociice ~part of her jOb description at 1-Y-Vee.

Putting r~· -- • ~ ........ "'°rented rnov· 1..-~ IQ<; '-'dCK 00 f:he

shelves jo ""'rl Of - "

0 >enior ~lh Co · x i: JOb at Mr. Movi~

ife • 1n rertm

crui~ing. working. vigf:ing. rnovi~. etc.

1 n &e town of Trenton &ere reaty igi't that much for young

people to do. During the nights. kick often cruise up and down gu, gtreet for entertairment. hoping to run into some friend!;

in another car they can hark at or maybe pull over and chat with gtopping at Q.onic and talking with friends in and out of cars is anotoor pastime. T ee.ns discuss their dan~ activities. friends. as wem as foes and woes. They t aB< about what they have done

throughout too week and what plans they have for the upcoming

Weeks and weekends. Kids also go to one another's homes and hang out with

groups of friends. At friends. houses. teens watch TV and rented Videos. play video games. play cards and board games. play pool

and Ping-Pong. or pd have late night talks. ~teens have jObs after school and into the evenings that

take up most of &eir free time or everings. gtt.Jdents work at 1-ly-Vee. IGA. Parnida. gonic. McDonald's. ~rdees. Taco BelV ~C rursing hemes. Total 81tertairment or Mr. Movies. Pizza ~ or Rayal m: and some work for incivid.Jals. like lawyers CV"id

dentists. Night fife in Trenton is not exciting. but teens sornehoW

always find something to do. even if they have to leave Trenton and go to too city shopping or to Chillicothe to the movies.

~or Jason Browring keeps aR the t~ in neat order at Pamida

A popular ha'lgout for Tl-lS duclents ~the Serie Drive-h Senors Linci>ey Lattimore and Taren Brewer hMg out in una.ey·s: Gra-d cr.erci<ee.

• gerior ..be! Peace en..ioyc; a~ of food>al at tis 1-<lrne.


TI &ene for prom. "Dreatrir'9 of You." was chosen the ].rior prom ccmnittee. The colors chosen

ere lavender. pearl. fight blue. ard ~lver. Act:ive corrmtteetnernberswereAbbyl-fendersori.JarnieKernpf. Abby Lovell. kNey 1-Ltchinson. glr~ Winters. Susan 1-t:!nes. i-&ry 1-lo!etnan. and Kari ~son. The corrvnit­tee. wTth sponsor Miche'!e Gaines. decided to hold the event at the flenior Center. The Grand March began at 8:00 ar'd Bailey Qtudio was available at 7:00.

R~ c~ of~ carrldat~ Tara Roberts. Casey~. /Vegarl Bosley. ard ~e \Vhite. Kir'9 carrl­dates were Coley Ornsf:ead. Joel Peace. Kimron McKay, am K!Je Cf-enoweth. The 2003 kir'9 ard q.ieen. Megan B~ ar'd K.yle Chenoweth. were chosen by a vote of the J.riors ard seniors.

Qorne of tre SOf"9; chooon to go with the theme were "Pic~e" by Kid Rock crd ~~ CrCMt. "IWiU Always Love You by 'Ntitney 1-b.Jst:on. crd "1-t1ve YCXJ t ver" by Br~

The evenr'9 of flash crd glcmour ended at 11:30 with the last dcr'lCe ca'!. gt:udents then moved on to one Cf"lother's hanes to COtrlllete the everir'9 in more pri­vate set~

28 prom

PrcmQ.ieer.2003 ~Bosley~with ~ king. K!le Chonowet.h.

Dimer at Was:hington Street in Cl~llicotl-e preceded the evering of dancing for }.ricr Shau!;~ Winters and date Logan~

~ ~ 1-lanckomety attired Mario Gomez ,.._ . ..,.,...._,_, and date Kristina Wil!cuts sit one

.. Good friet'ds Megan ~ckell and Kaycee 9!attner !:hare a rug.


Senior Sk!-Jar Betz and }.lnior Mar& rums Gr!J<>:J a Peix;i break.

4 ..lrior~ Rachel T ajor and Keli Stewart are having too rruch fun.

Frcm the m'll°les on tteir lac~. ~ors K~e Fri~ and BradJ W~ are en.Pjng the evering of dancing.


rt. and date Tara Roberts are n~- Beve 1n n~ ~try lover .....,,..ey ch vuu• • . Grand Mar introdJCed clJring

Abby ~son pose with s:rnles of _lriors Ryan [A.O<ln and blisc; for the camera.



-iViy rno.;t rnemorabkl moment at prom _was: dancing with someone I didn't even know.

-Misty foh::fi.se. n

""Before prom I took rry date. ~Meo.my. to Washington Street for dimer.

-Kerry Chase. 12

l Wll remerrber prom becauc;e Seth's !Cox!~ kept la".ing down and he had to b..y susperders.

-~ Scl1ridt.12

·1 en_JOyed the Grand March rood about .pr~-' was ~orted by rry brother. Michael Bntlain

-Su;ie 'N!-ite.12

prom 29

a m11le is; like a ray of runs;tine, or ....

W:t tna<es peq:i1e smile? Well deperdng on your Mie of mind. it can be alrnod: aryf:hing. Y 0-1 may

be &irking sweet: thcx.Jghts. or you may be contemplating how you'd like to see sotneone who ~ been extremely irritating get his or her~ due. Whatever the reason. we love to see £tniles adorn the face: of those

arourd us. Despite all the carry witticisms about smiles. it is a sad day wt-en you don't share one with someone. ~ people are constan~ smiling. and gooc:hess only

knov.ts wty Y 0-1 kncMt the coes. like Mark WOOd. Kaleb 9Mlett. Joe 91ackburn. Amber Vandevetrler. Jake g,yuth, Jason Browning. and Catie Powell. We have no idea what these folks find to be so constantly Jovial abcxJt. ~ th% are the ones who have litl:Je deviant thCXJghts. Y 0-1 thirk?

Whatever there is to smile about. rtia<ing a good grade. meeting a friend in the hallway. hearing some QOOd news. hearing a Jd<e. finding ex.it you don't have to do sotnething you were dreaang having to do. being in on a practical jd<e.

seeing a newborn ~ or a small ch1d. or thirking aboJt that specia someone. there is ~ something you can share a srnle about. Go on. Rash those pearly whites!

~or f:us;ie write has plenty to SIT'Jle about &e>e ~ ,,..,,..e is tm 1 ' " _, . iling now l:>ecau!:e sre·!: trirking about prom <rd wearing the beautiful dr~ ~ has.

T Getting to go on an island vaca­tion ~ Katey GrOO!ns to smle.

<1111 We <ii know that Mr. Sager is !;fl'll'. ing because he is going into >emi­retiremenl

Being in a good retatior.sNp cau!:£!S

oophanore Megan Sclmdt to grile.

tn \\ J-• Uies!:~'sr~burmecJ.i;ophomoreClaire ~r is amost ~ ariling.

Good-natured rophornore Wil Jackron C3'1 amod a'w.¥ be seen wearing lit lrierdy smle.

mor T !Jer T d'.e ~ 1-.e smlei; often bec:a.lte someone a'w.¥ seem; to be 1.4> to i;~

.. ~ .. . . .

' I '

~.'V .- . ·. ~-: '. . \ . . . : I , . . ' , \ ' \ t

.'.. ~ \ . \ ·. ··. . ' t , • .. . ,, \ •l •' \\ # • .,. I '% f t. \ .... • ' .. ,., "' . . \, " . :· . : : , . '

one 01 t.~e questionable smile!:. . Doni 1-lernandez to smile . it making that causes i;enior II: CCltJ!ct be the lace that f\icole WN~

"Accorcing to m,,i baby book. 1 ~ve been m111ing 1:ince I ~ lour month!: Old

-.Mtin ~cks. g

1 ti-irk tp.i fukl tmle oft~ because there is no reason to be mad or upsel

-Outney Gtlei;, g

1 smle often because ~le sholid a'w.¥ be fun when tp.i're 17(

smile!: 31

Graduation rnernorie~ ....

Grad.rate gtept1drie gmtr. is very concerned that all of her cotlars and ropes !oci< appropri­ate before ~ enters the auditorium.

Grad.ration is serious busi~ for Zach Plumb as he enters the auditorilln

Senor ~t Talun enters the dressing roorn at li'.etcl'l.lln with lis decorated hat ~--' . 1-«'d. <OI IU QO\Nl1 lf1

lt'silllJQrtn to CaiL" R . look u1n obinson to have her hair

good <!I'd the l:as:se! on the rig,t side.

32 graooal:ion

n.ig a\.Jrrv-&a Dana Peters gives 6tl:le sis trin a rug before t rin Joins the proces!;ion.


Valedictorian ~ , o-.L­.ey n cn 1 addresses her fellow d

atsrnates. farn.1 and I . . Y· nend<; pnor to the presentation of diplomas.

I Mom gives ~torian Chari!:!:J Brtown a lew words of encouragement about her speech.

• ~nior Marci Harrington plans to contirue her rursing sludies after graduation.

• f\li'J\MSU is the next stop for graduate

T ocarra Jasinski.

A tither Grand River Tech or NCMC ~11 be ~ next stop .J.istin gt,aw t akes on his educa

t ional path.

I! 1

the jOJITletj down the long. wirdng road begi~

T he motto for t:heserior cla!;s of 2003 was I an not afrcid of tctnorrON. for I have s;eeri ~erday. C£d I love today. llis group of eig1t:y-gx graciJates ~their jOUmey in ife

beyond ti~ rooo on Wed-te!;day. May 14. 2003. at the Tent:h Street ~ ct-urch with bac:c:aa.Jreate services. The g.Jed ~er for the evering was Wes l-lcttl. rniru:ter of Grace Felow­stip ChJrch <¥"rl the father of gaciJate Casey l-lctn. Alro ~ was Marian Goocin. a 1l-lS teacher <n:t rnot:her of senor ..k>el Peace. N\s. Goocin spd<e ~ 'tveryt:.tirg I Krow I l e<rned in Kirdergalten. .. She tad< each senor back to tiSl1-er pre-kirder­~ ~ Cy gving the gradJates the pre-erro\'nent test for kindergarten.

Corrrnencernent exercises were held at Ketm:m Cc:1muif:y Center on Sunday. May 18. 2003. at 2:00p.m.The1l-lS concert bard performed as the 2003 gaciiates entered. Serior Catie Powell SCfl9 ''The Nat:k:lrS Anthem" The 2003 valecictoria1. Casey ~ <¥"rl the 2003 ~. Charity Bro.vn. both adctesood their dassmates. f.:m1J. <¥"rl friends. The Top Ten St:udent:s were recogized ey 1-i~ school principal Fred Beed The Top Ten St:udent:s were Charity BroNn. ~ l-lctn. Tocarra .Jasins;ki. Alicl-a .Jncl<s. krie King. Llrrl;ey latt:irnore. Kirrison McKay. Eri1 Peters. Catie PcJ.wll. <n:t ~ Robinscn Folowing the present:at:ion of~ the 1l-lS oorior drir rnerrtiers ~ 'We've Cane So Far." The 1l-lS arr.a mater was then g.ng. folowed Cy the recessional, "Qncta Be.adi March M

Assistant Principal Becky ~echt ~s Chelsea Orndorff in seeing that her mortarboard i1; on securely.

graduation 33

36 Faculty



56 ..1.riors

64 Senors B.AN

64a Senor Tip-in

"My~ wae an edooator, my motheit wae an edooator, eo It jUet f61t llk6 1*16 ~ ~ t.o ao."

-Lana Beverlin

" ''WMn I had to '16Glar8 a map In

~, I '16cJa6d to ~lnto~­tlon."

-Sarah Oannar

"Aft6r wori:lng In

oth8r Gar88re, In-

oluar~ journalletn 1n 'I .' [[ and dairy f~ I

~IWouJdf#V6 ~aehot;.'' -Bsrah ~/,en/Jorn

"At aeo 32 after

I had~~~ puttinemyh throueb a6ntal echool and ~ was In eohool, I d6-oJa8d t.o "6ootn6 an Bduoi:roor."

-Barbara Cox

36 faculty ~ ruff

pl-ysical education <¥.:sici:ant prircipal

i ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ u.

Vocal music art

J l

c. 0. t. tng!ishlyearbook

J ~ ] j

rnathanatics citizenship


American l'listor1:1 tnglidvcornpo!::ition co.Jnselors' secretar!:J mathematics social ci:udies science

! ! :5

~ j ~

! d5

~ ~ ~ cS . ~ .

principal counsf!Jor instrumental rrosic tnglish/at-ri9< ISS supervisor A+ and ag s:cierce

! ! ~ 1 ~

Sparish l=.A.C.S. p!ysical education I health

J ~ Q)

& cS ~

science Tl-ls social worker PFsC

A.fter a r · . nd ophomOre Ryan 1-lugh!: iring. taxing class. bothMs. Goodin a s get a little s1.1pport from the podium.

facult!J s ci:aff 37


~ l ~ ~

~ ~ ! computers rnathernatics alternative school special seNices para custodian

counselor social studies special services special seNices para science

., the office. secretaries Carmen Coon cr'id Tori B00ne t-L -e care Of o::croa business_

38 faculty s staff



~ f


ag science

j ~ ~ i ~

librarian a.;sistant special seNices

science tedroogy alternative school

j ! ~ ~

8v:J!ish speech/drama

alternative school

ult ard staff members Tirn During the Christmas a.;sernbl!:J.

1~ !:l "belt· out a Chrisl:rnai:; Gi1ham. Dave Burkaj:>lle. ard Sarah amar

' ·-""

-~·· I

''E.xoue6 tn8. I am juet a Yot.tne pup. What le t6tlt6m8l'lt

anyway'?' -r.J. P&le!wr

f£ST' -IA~ · 11 ... D:~l, ,,..\ ~ s


• .st<..t.O'\~

~.lf )6.:c.W.~

!l"'t · ) <


"Oh, I oan't watt for thoe6 9:00 wakB-up oalle. No more (36ttlne up wrth 'ttl6 ohlok8ne."


"I look forward to retne aPie to 11rt tM road or th6 eklee and t ravel wh6118V6t I want."

-OtJan SarJer

"' look forrara to epenaJne tlm8 wrth my @'attdohlldt6~

playtne eolf, and otMr '61t3Ut6 aotlvl-tlee."

-Ruee8o C/orJBh

facult!:l s staff 39

-wro had a locker ·~1 r-t.. I tn~ !C¥• VI 1, ~·

1>' "°"6 time I went I t.o my looker and

couldn't r81118rnber what order th6 nurnrera W8nt, 00 I

. 6tood tlwre and

I.;; ~ aGtea Ike I ioiew ~A: what was eolrl{3 on." ~ -B,,thany Hun

"I didn't blow my ooml:ilnatton l:i8-oauae aom6one etol6 my ~r, and th6y haa 001'~ It out."

-Eryn How,,

l ''So far thJa y6ar I J Mv8 ndt 6Ven ueea my~ at all. N8v6r."

''Thia Y6ar oom6-

0n8 wroto 'bad' words on my foot­

ball ~a on my look&-."

·Mntion /Vnn,,y


-Matt Ml/hr

~ lwo heads will work better than one. ii Zachar!:l Locke arP LaW\:On are working together on their research paper<;·


~ ~

I ~-- ~ ~ ...... u.&M.1.11111

~ T~I~ ·~

~ ~ I .... .II

l ~CLASS~ t=ront row: RJ1~ Spercer. president: a-.cl Codc.:J Md-largue. sruco rep. 8ack row: Alana ToUe. ~ecretarWf:rearurer: Adriane 1-loHrnan. Sn.JCO rep: a-d Sena Arnold. vice

~ president.

C7! lreskrnen 41

Whenever you see Allyson Waker. Katie WNtt. aJ"U ~Arnold. you can always expect to see Sfnlles. you can always expect to see exuberant smiles.


lh-Oh. .. Josh Thomas is N>I "'ht · ~ ........,,, 1n a tight squee 1 ~ ladder. not lhroug. it. Josh ze. Go over the

j 42 fresrmen

~ ~ J ] ! s;z

~ .1 1_.,o11- ~ r ......

~ ~ i 8

& _. ~-'' -~ .. -,:~ ! "' / /....- ~-- - -

"You <:JO from being the top dog to "I don't think there le anything wrone "~ a freehman, I'm not even old V8Jne th6 low dog on the dog ~m With being a freehman." -Juet1n Ktient>r enoueh to drive yeti" -r oeha A/tee pole." -Caee~ Murphy

-expressecl 1W! ~orst-n.ins e1bo\At beins ~ f"reshrwwn. ''f\ckine up the &Id markere 1n band le the woret ''You ™n't know how to ac1; and you feel llttle."

thJne wout being a freehman." - Van8~a Hawe -Alana rol18

y.. -' ,/' ''°Jll8 woret thine wout veJng a freehman le velng new to the

/> .--_.,..,,-- plao8 and veJng oonfueed wout olae£;6e." -Sloan FtlrfJUtJOn

lreskrnen 43

"I ~myroo!<e ~ ~ _J

ruicJ M!fi Shaw 1 { h6~me~th8m !JP· Thanke ~ ~~I

Juet1n." -Santana f!JJoe

"Many of th6 up- ~ i. pBto~n T,6 my~~tpy

~ .)lJet e~ ·V Ot1 j ~A 1t ~'?' lt'e .... ,nn.RY W~,."

nJoo to 1"8 rooce-n!Z&i.''


I i I g 4 4 freslmen

[ _J ~ ~ ~

~ j ~ ~

t j ~ ~~

It's time for N\eli~ Clark to take a bre<k from school work. ~ kicks back and relaxes as she ~miles

for the camera.

~ - ""\ r-I

l ...

~ ~ l l ~ ~ ~


i i i C/J J

1 ~ i f I-fr~hrnen 45

A.e they ddng homewori< or goofing arCA.trd? You never krow when !PJ're re/erring to% T ajor and ~na Bernett.

!="r~ HomecOIT'ling candidate Adriane Hoffman ard esc r . t are 1ntrodJc.ed al the pep rall!:r 0 t ~bn Anderson wear big smiles as they $ 3 46 fresl'fl'len

~ ~------.........c:_.i ~

I-laving fun waking in the 1-lomecomng parade. AsNey Brewer throws car4:I with a smle.

r~--. - - - --- r

·- J ··---·· .. ;· ·- -



_who te&; cixx.rl: a ti~ school teacrer or~ who has been helpful or~

"Mr. P6aoher do66tl't gtve muoh hom6work and he le

really oooL" -..lu6ttn H8ndrlcke

"Mre. MOOl:6 le very kind to 6V6!°YOl16 ru)d le r~y funny. St-16 n1atJ6 work1ne on our Hom60om1n0 float tone of funl''

-Kst0 l-\.1iJtt

, I A ..

''Conru6 Hoffman le

always ~ to helpwh6n6vor I nBtJd tt."

''The i;eac;her who i;eac;h6e that Vuel-118ee olaea le ve.ry h6lpfui. f 60ple W6r6

aeldne h6r wher6 to 00 and sh8 poln't.6d out and ~6 a!roo­tlone."

-N1ckoltJ Marr~u1n 3.._ ____________________________ __

~~;tj lres"hmen 4 7

-wto recaDed ri~ first CCV" date.

I ''Charb6 Baoott and j I w611t to Ho~-~ at; ftt6nde, ~ ~ ru1tJ W6

1t'6 atlll .}lJ6t

good frlende." -Brtttany Swank

i "Kyl6 Ch6now6th

I ruvJ I wtmt to the movtee 0t1 our flret ~

I dat.6. W 6 are atlll a ~ dating auo."


"On our flret aat,e l!l ~ ' Tyoon Thomae and I

f W6"t out; to dJnn6r. ~ Tyoon ta In th6 Navy, W6 at6

atlll datfne.'' -Ivy Swank

"My ~lftl6na and i I W6nt tO t:llhiwr

~ ru1d th6 mov!ee. W6 ~ for itVout ~O)'l'are. vut now W6 ar6 no ~r to~r."


I j >

1 ~ F

~ f

~ doe!:n't fittle Megan Burge£s Jlist look t he picture of imocence ;r f1tnesl: Cla!:I:?



j ~


] ~ ~ i ~

! i f l { ~


i j

! ~

] c - of torture Jes1:e Me0t. deci~ to puD tl'e braid!; out o f hi!; hair that his sii;ter worked ro hard

~ After rnary ,...,..,rs · braiding.

sophomores 49

Whle get ting r~ for Ii~ da!;s, 1-lamah Tau! works on some of her stret ches: however. she seeln!;;

to have gotten stuck

gophomore Jerna Owenc.: repr t he

~ . . , esen s r dass as a 2002 1-l corning pnnc&.;s candidate. Jerna' . orne-

s escort 1s Joe Blackburn.

50 sophomores ~ ~ ~ l ]

SASSY SOAIOMORE. w "T6r66a Appl61:iury th!nkE; I'm jU6t ai:i all-around futmy peroon. He-hel"

-&th Yv'httham

"Natalie Coo!:iey alwayfJ mak6'3 my o~fJ lnt6refJtlng."

-Who~~ who WtlS 11w! cltlSs down. "In A~!:ira II, Tiffany LaSalle and Mr. Jonee exchange "I fool that Brett Matnewe 113 the oophomore olae6 humorollt3 qulpe. lt'6 quite amllt31ng'' - fsb!tha Axt;.,D olown l:ieoallt36 he 113 alwayfJ making futmy oomment6."

-Cindy GtJ8J"Jn

i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ K ff ~ ' l' n f>it\\ 1'

i ~




~ CLA,gg ~ h front: gtepharie Gutshall. president. MidcDe row: Amanda Ricketts . treasurer: Logan CatnpbeB. gruco rep.: ard Megan ~idt. secretary. f?ack row: Courtney Cox. gruco rep.: ard ~e Jones. vice president .

~ ~ ~


I i ~ I ,(./)

- ~

.u I iii

! ,Ql

~ ~

~ ...J I ~

f i


j ~

j ~

·~ ~ !

~ <S:

~ 8

i ~


"/vs a oophomore, I rrtl66 tM fun-lovine 2002 eeroore;and my t&iohere ar6

Ml-der thle year." - Tlfftmy /..aSsJh

"it' e a wHOl6 lot b6tt8r than J,.,~ a fr&lhman. °(QU kli7N ~ Wt:ry atOund ttl6 OOljOOI, and you \row who not t.o 'ni'6oo wtth;'"

-KaU>y Groome

sophomores 53

''footVan le er-eat! Beattne South Hamoon wae eN6-

eom8. It wae @'oat

1'6!ne 4-0 and 1'6fnf3 etartln{3 '\ uarter­baok." -W~ PtJ1:8re

•'j ennls and ehow oholr ~two "eat aotMtlee I partlol­

~ lnA ettU~ whon I thk1k arout 18~ Tiffany at Royid Inn."

-.kff Stc,v8ne

54 c;;ophomores

''Color~a hae veen mY"favortt6 activity "6oal.Je6 I like au th8 glrle. Rlf'8e are prao­t !cally famlly tO me."

-Anna Shuler

"Band 16 my f avortt.e eohool aGtlvtty ve­Gal..le8 l'v6 6n.JqY&:I an th8 tripe and qompe-tltlons W6'V6 hi.id."

-Samantha Waehburn

~ ~ ~

Jl'\ll\RASR..1 i~~



CX D on·t paric! Tre bruise on Kristina Wikut!; ¥ i<; from theater class. rot from power puncNng pal Nal:<iie Co.:bey.

When he is in art~. all Thad Damar's attentioo is given to lie;; art project.

sophomores 55

-tens what ~sre ~ forwcrd to as 2004 oorior.

" I want to have fl'16 !;>Bet and moet

tMmornJ;.16 ~­tlon day 6V6r.'1

-Jaaob /'bwton

decJelon.•• -V~AlitJn

"I am~ for­

warato~ ~ In our. eonJor 2004~. t Will v., (:J't'at."


..___ _____ ---' l 56 }JT'iors ~

~CL.MS~ Michelle Gai adv" Be Ash! Hut hi . . nes. i!';er: thary Adatr¥.;. !';ecretar!:l: Abb!:J Lovell. president: la!:! c nson. vice president: and Str~ Winter!';. trearu-er.

j r _.,._. · ·~ l

f.lomecorning pril"C(!!';!'; candidate ti.hh.. L . ~·~ ally h.. ~ ovell 1c escorted at the

r ~ Jordan l=erQl.J!;on. pep ! 58 )Jriors { . .~ ~ua,ia.

~ •••

" On my way home one night, I htt a "I aoold6ntally VaGked Jnf,o r yler lolle' 6 GOW and It flipped over the top af my "I eat pulled over go~ aown a <JM-Way

ttuold My oar euffored." -/<.seey /3sdtJy oar." -Tars f'owt're ~t." -Kr/eta GondrinfPr

"I almoot had a wrook with Athy Hentfereon when I trl8d to paee her on Ninth 5tr66t." -John Sampeon

" I wae drlv~ and eaw Jatnl6 Kempf' e oar t.:116 on Ninth ~t." -Zaok Cnm~!I

" I wae 1nVolved In a htt-and-run one nl{3ht. I htt a oar and ran, and now I am payln{:J for It." -Mstt Sp&v-e

_µior!; 59

When a round of appl~e is needed. T !}er McKibben is the man for the job.

If there is a camera around. Desti~ l=erris. Aidan gtevenson. and Cari Buzzard are on hand to down arourd.

When ycx.i put a skirt on Robert 1-lughs. ~ Gamon can't res· t · · is sweepng hirn off his feet.

60 }Jniors

i ~ ~

~ f

1 ·


H..in- loving couple C hris: D o rris: and Chris: Shule r e njoy a nig ht: o ut: a t: a h ome foot ball gam e .

! i ~ ~

I ·~


"I wae rBa!ly em­barraeeed when Mre. Brinkley r6ad my haiku In oopho­more~"

-.181Je8 /11{Jr8ham

~,Z)(:,r• · ~~


"On Ge~r 13ender Day I eaw two ~e ~~andfllrt-

lne-" -Amb,,,. CstptJnt;(Jr

" I f ell on my f~ whlle I was w~ down the hall.''

-J8eeJca Mamxi U1n

Juniors 61

School worl< ic; important to Rachel T ajor wro alwayc; gets her work done on time.

"°"6 ~t of vefne a junior la having to pay oia66 dUBe f.i?1d th6 dU6e of ltfo. Nati" ·Chr1et1na Woodard ''Wrtt!ne Mre. Slobenborn'e deta!l&:I reeearoh paper

was not my lka of fun." -Joraan Fereuoon

''Th6 NO Fun Po[Joy {36te to m6, and 1t

~ ~hlfl Woree." -Abby li8ndereon

62 }Jlllors

'~and doooratme for prom wae t18rV6"'Wtaokfne and fruetratme.''

-66thruty Mame

~ ~ .... ~ ....


03 1-fomecoming 1-fQ tnay not may be ~he 2t0 everyone 's: vote ql.tQQn, but Ryan Dunkin go

()I) 9ender Bender Day.

Q h for Jos:h Duncan ~hoot may Jus: t be too muc t:() L nandte.

j J CJ) CJ)

L.ilwo.M.IMM.o.-....i U1Uf..Lo.;.:..i ~

j ! f ~

~ >-I l ~ Cf)

J.iniors 63

64 s:erion:

Senor ~Westl-e-:agoocHirneget­ting cte:r..ed aid reacy lo J.frt> rq;e in a race dsing Senor Mg,t.

Walch o..t. Jerry Springer1 You~ be seeing Chandra 1-Jerdrix and Bil::J Barlov.i d1 talc thew. accorang to tt-e votes of tt-e senor class.


~ Ci.ASs ~ Pr~dent &in Peter!;. Vice Pr~ident C<r~ ~ ard ~ret:an \:VT rearurer linckey Lattimore.

Serior<; voted l'3Virg &e "Best 1-lar -are lirdsey Lattirnore ard ..b:I Pe.ace.

5'nJors vot&l ''Most J.t.t,iy'' Nv:Y;;t. likey to succeed: Arnie King e Eric 1-/offman Nv:Y;;t. likey to day in Trenton: fU;ie White and

Michael Wagner Frierdiest (flirts): Adria Meek and Kevin Wille~ ~ CJown!;;: Taron grewer and Kyle gorte/I Shorted Fuse: Nicole l/Vhitley and Zach Plumb Nv:Y;;t. 9Ulible: Dani 1-/emandez g Ja~on &ro1111r1ing

seniors 65

Ac demics 68 Study skills

70 On your feet

72 ~ands-on

74 Mass media,(journalism

• I

etuaytne a ektll'? W6 think oo. SlnG8 W6r6 }Jet W66 ~ W6 had to

how to attJay and how to learn. w 6 ~ wtth the taak af learnJne to ~ alone wtth 0!18 another. For 60l116 af U6 who W6t6 ua&:f to the apotllght1 thJa WM a mapr ak!ll to aocompllah. w 6 aloo had to '6am to count, &la, aul1trac;t, dM:lo, prtnt our 16tt6re, wrtt-6 our 16tt6re, put 16tt6re ~r to make woraa, put woraa ~r to make eentenaea, and now W6 ar6 ~ mor6

c;ompllcatea taaka llk6 etuaytne for map t6eta, wrltln{3 rM6aroh papere, and or~­

tlonal ektlla. Some af ue find that the nolel6r It le, the

b6tt6r W6 16arn. Some af ue eet Into the attJay mod6 by orank!nfj up tl16 muelo and flopplne on our b6da or tl16 oouoh. Othere af ue, on tl16 other hant:I, must hav6 total qUl6t to r6taln any Inf ormat!on. Sh-h-h. Some 6tue!ente ohooee to attJay with a partner or partn6te, othf>re af U6 llk6 to atlJay oolo. Chooeme the rteht 6t!Vlronment and way to attJay le deftntt.ely a ak!ll.

Then, W6 had eotn6 admit that they find that If they i:lo the work In olaoo and ll6ten to the teacher and 1:akt> eood notee, they really don't hav6 to atl.lay. They ar6 eaturated with tnf ormatton aa eoon aa they 16ave tl16 olaoo­room. For oom6, 16arnJne oomee 6aally; and for othere, W6ll, 16t' e jUet eay they hav6 to put a lot mot6 6ffort and tlm6 Into olaesroom and t6et pr6paratlon.

OtuaYfne a ektll'? D6ftnttely. Anyway you do It, jUet 1'6 eur6 you do It.

T 9!.:t ta<ing rrusl be done by reading and COl"""ehendi I t

. · r ~ eac ' ~ ion as. toplxitnore gil3N100 Fetzer does.

68 ct:ucy d<.ills


.1Jrior Jordan Ferg.Jton resJ:>Ol'(k t Ockenlel!; room. • 0 a .JOumal prompt in Mr. Careluiy !:JOll have to translate the autror's words inlO iJ11

OWn when doing a research paper. Right. Willie Tunnen?

Ille · 'l'latter ••"--•t Witt •• , "'t the task. senior Car!:J ~r alway!: tackles

' a srn.ie.

SOmetimes µ;t gelling into a reciring or prore position 1$ make the la9< of slucljng easier lor !;t;rior Asliey ScJmdt.

Sophomore cmten Richard!>on explairY> 4' the work thal went into I-er Science Fair experiment.

- t bemre•,,..,putthenote. tnepagerunber.the Youhave o > W ::i-- t d- rk _ _, the topic on ever!:! no ecar . rerna s source rumber. "' "' . tL- ,.__

,,,,.,,., ' Bnll ~ she works in "'' "" .,ry. sophornore ..,._. ·.,,

Cornp()!;ition re!>earch papers cauoo µ;t a fittle ~r= in senior Joel Peace"s life.

From tl-elook onM~ Goodin"s face. it appears that someone !ailed to stucy.

~e Tr~ Bn.ner is in deep u-.oug,t as he fill!; out hi~ enrol'Jnent forms for his }rior year.

Bec<U:e he ha!: a de!;ire to go into the Arm,i. }Jl'ior Laree ~ton~ for advice from an Arm,i recruiter. Mr. Adwel

The }Jl'ior cour.seror. Mrs. Moore. gives an encouragng N.Jg to Aver!:l Jerri~ as Aver!:J lik CXJt Choic~ information


Ole of &e tti~ Caitlin Robin>On has to do before moving on to Wirdn Jewel is Ii~ her ~aon paper.

Orgarization i~ a big part of -rnovin' on - ~ . McClure keeps orgarizecJ with a full backP<lek. or Misty

· L'nd'il'J Yet another !:Cholarship application for ~en1or 1

Lattimore to fill out. ~t~lnes at T\-lg are nearl!:J come to an end for Air

£enior Tim Yardley.

Ver> career ac:!Vice to 2003 grad.i­CounsefOr Mrs. Gibson 91

ate Dustin ~ins.

-ns etud6nte are w~ no time th6ee aaya £!6ttlne ready for their futurea. They are eoon ~ out a.ppllcatlone for

collefj6a and ooholarehlpe, ~ out their four­year plane and enrolllne In ola.eaee for the fo~ year, prepartne and taJang Acre, enrolllne In vooatloMl-teohnlca.l ola.eaee, ~ COE ola.ooea to fj6t In work expertence, and ~their attention to pre~ for the real world: collefj6, vo-teoh oohoo~ the work foroe, parenthood, or the mllrtiary.

Ca.rtlln RoV!noon aa.Jd that foll~ @"adu­atton ehe plane to work full-time during the aummer, move to L!P6rty In Auguat and~ claaeea a.t Wtllla.m J ewell, and eventua.lly l:iBCOme a. lawyer. When W6 a.eked Adam Da.nna.r a.Pout 1w future, he aa.Jd he plane to ua6 A+ and go to Penn Valley.

To go with the theme of th!a page, we a.eked a. few what the phra.e6 ''mov!n' on" tn68.M. Nloo18 Koloaz!8.Jak1 aa.Jd It tn68.M l8avlnfJ oome~ you've known to eta.rt a.new with ootl16~ unknowfu N1col8 wa.nta to be a.n lnt-erlor dea~r. Kyle Chenoweth aa.Jd It }Jet tn68.M good~ to him.: Kyle plane to go Into the Navy. Ca.rt Olnwt6a.d, who plane to l:i6 a. GOUna6lor at a. youth oenter, aa.Jd It mea.na completJne ott6 ~ and game on to the next adventure.

To quot-e ootn8 aenlora on movme on follow­

ing @"8.duatlon, Jeaaloa. Bye aa.L::I ahe Will r68.lly mJaa her frlenda when ahe movea on. Don1 Owlnge-Herna.nd6z aa.Jd ahe Will mJaa her frlenda and ahe hat6a loa.vl~ oome of the f8.0Ulty that have r68.Ily lnaplred her throu#Jout the

Lile £ee~ to get more confusing as the future I~ ahead for l:erior E:ric 1-0ffman.


With ~tute attention. sophomore Meli= Treadwell car f~ paintt a poster to help out N\r>.. Beverin. e-

SoplxJmore Krictina Willcul!: works in the libr for her biograpry research paper. ' aryonnotecards

72 harrl:-on experiences

As part of an experiment in pl-ysics d<Kc.:. AsNey Schmidt w~ ~· ard Charit!:J Brown tr!:l to recoil a SJirl<!:J afte; stretcl-ing it be!:jord repair.

in Touch

Carefully o;erior !:rin Peters cute.: up potat~ for her out£ldi education cooking unit.

~ecar ~ 9ivec.; els provide a crutch for sopl>OlnOre Thad Damar as

a !:Jleech before the ctudent t:>oO,t

This is fiterally what we ca~ "fiard!: on.· Senior Bfll!:J Barlow p..rlsinsome time clearing and repairing theschool lor credit.

ant.Uron part;JGlpa't;lon can "6 Ei66n thr~ every olaeeroom at

6. Studente are @Vln(3

epe6Gh6e, creating projeote, do~ exp6rlmente, ~ anlmale, planting plante, and varlou5 other actlvttl6e. Some oan "6 Ei66n with a pa!ntlm.!eh or a 6k6tohlne penoU In hand, or you rni{3ht even find a otudent hara at work on a pro.}6Ct that requJre6 the tJe6 of a computer or wora prooeooor. Beek:lee ue~ a computer and typ~ some otudente even r66ort to ue~ the old pen and paper and aGtually wrtt;e 6eeaye and aool@Un6nte out.

Hara work and attention to detail and even putt~ pen to paper are the ~edlente that are tl606Eieary for

making llfo more rolltltl&:l Exper1enre le

often the beet teacher. One can l6am by actually eettJng exp6rl6t1G6. After all, l!f6 le mor6 than r6adlne, wrtt~ and artthmetlo. We are the oompoett.e of our experl6t1G66. r ry hard, work hard, and you will eUGG66tl Get your hands tn and eet airty.

Serior Adam Darrar is the rnan to calf when !:JOll need to batter lit h for lr!ftlg.

harrl:-on experie~ 73

rae flaehlne, attltl.Ji:l8e claehlne, and of crazy lcl6ae ar6 tho 6lell16nte that

mak6 up tho maae rT18Glla and .JoUtnallem c~. k; tak6e tho eood With tho lia.d eom6tlm6e

to '36t tho ct6atlv6 pcee flo\.vlne. lrytne to mak6 deadlln6e and making eur6 tho truth le told can lie ~ tlrtne work. ~66lne on ld8ae, plane, methode, and procedur6e can also W6ar on tho ol' nerv6e, for !Studente and teachere.

It; le not 6asy cr6atlne a puPllcatlon, wh6thor It lie a monthly !10Wepap6r or a y6arly rook. It; tak6e a lot of ~. dot6nn!natlon, lrna@M­tlon, and tlm6. It; alwaye e66me that tlll16 le of tho 6fle611C6. D6adl!n6e hav6 to 116 1116t. 5oll16 doadl!n6e ar6 e6t by tho ln.etructor, liut many ar6 e6t by tho puVl!eh6r ae W60.

Moot etudonte on tho y6arl7ook etaff would eay that you hav6 to hav6 a lot of patl6nc8. iher6 }let len't enoueh of tho lnetrwtor to eo around.

Sfl6 can't lie everywh6re and ruiew6r every question.: and wh6n doadlln6e noar, ehe appeare to lie oowher6 n6ar wh6n you need her. Sha le epread too thln. There also ar6 not 6noueh comput;ere; ani::I, of coure6, It would lie tiU If eve~ work&:! wh6n and how It le euppoe6d to. Thia year tho etaff eat a nlc8 dleJtel camera and a prlnter for el{;ntne a now contract With ..loet8ne that can lie

ueed by liotft pumal1em and yearJ,ook claeeee, liut tho prlnter e1;art;&:I ~ jlJet wh6n tt wae t166ded moot. Hence, the e8COtld thine a etaffer muet learn 11' &xll:illlty. You learn to uee what you have to tho lieet of your alilllty In ordor to lie moot productive.

I ruet uel ThOe6 nowepapore, year17ooke, video newe iiulletlne, and oth6r worke of joUmaltem tlo not COll16 Without a prlc8! tlll16, patl6nc8, and flextlitl­lty. Brtne on tho lylenoL

Joumalit 111 ctudent~ C..J. Brown and Slrausc;y Winters video­tape the children a~ liiei:J enter tho Stuco!J:CCLA carnival.

7 4 headrr~ ~ deadlines

Alter atlencfrrng the '--te JJ• re fai1 yearbook works! · s . . l Red Lobcter. IOI> in l. ..k:Y.eph. the yearbook ctaff enJO<fa a fine dining experience a

MASS MID1A Sn.DENTS Ch ~ floor: l'-Scole WNtle\l­SiWng or kneeling: Tara Roberts. Cary ~r. tric 1-loffman. <¥'d ..les!:e West. g/:ardf9: Stepl>arie Smith Adria /IAel/J<. l<cycee West. ~ca Waits. and Dori O.vingc;-~.

vQ;irbook !.\tell! . ~tall members Tara Roberts. K<l\jCee West. and C11ifll-:e Stnith open and !;Ort through the 2002 fall

1'1l 01 yearbooks.

rn.ISS rnecli-1 • jOUrMlisrn

~ SllOOITS ~rant row: ~ 1-trl:clinson. Straussy Winters. ~ I-tries. c..J. Brown ~ l'-ickel. and Jori Smith Middero.v:Krist:a Gordringer. Cari arnste<id. Jordan Fer~. Roc:k\J ..Ja-.es. and Brent Stevers. Back ro.v: Ka>ey Barley. Jeff ~son. Matt Spears. and Ethan


. Waite and Nicole Whitley peruse a Staff members ~1ca , . . yearbook to st~ 1ayoul and de!;1gn ideas.

Prior to the MSP review and to make the rocm more attractiVe. jOUl1"1(isn dudenls ~ Barley. Ethan Cr-00'>. and Brent Stev~ cjve the dari<rocm a fresh coat of paint.

When the fan shipment comes in. staffers Dori Owings and ..les!:e W est sort threugh lhe returned ba~ pictures used Ofl the senior salutes.

headlines s deadlines 75

Organizations 78 Group pictures

80 Group pictures


84 Student Council

86 ~A/Cadet Teachers

88 vocal Music

90 FFA

92 Instrumental Music


du~ & organization~ --------------------------~2\

Frcot row:Slajar Bat l:ner. Thad Demar. B~ Barlow. ard Cocy Md-largue. fJecord row:

Rebert Lee .. Br\Jan Adam!: . ..U:tin Bernett. Ashley Brewer. and T.J. Peacher. adviser.

7Nrd row. Michael Britta'n Matt Austerger. Jacci> Martin. La-ce J.lorton. and J:nithal Gooctnan. l?ack row. K¥OO Bat!:ner and


Frcnt row: T ocarra .JaQn;ki. Kimson McJ<~. Lindse!:J Lattimore. Kyle Bortell. Taron

Brewer. Trey 1-le!d. and~~ /VVd:!e row. .kJel Peace. Adria i\'\eek. Cary ~r.

Al::Cy 1-lerderscn. ard Al'rie Ki!Y::J. f?ack row:

J?Jrie Kempf: Larr!:J Damar. adviser: and Tif­

f3n!:J La~.

Front row: W ayne Brassfield. adviser: gtephanie gmith. Ka!:Jcee West. Doni

~mardez . .,les<;e West. ard Tara Rci>erts. 9econd row: Susie White. Lisa gtewart. Ai1i::! ftm. Jestica !?ya. ard McJ'rl ~en n ird row: BiD!:J Barlow. KJje Bartell. Michael VJ~. and Tom Marsh. l?ack row. Zach

Durb. Jacob Martin. ard ~r Bet:z.

78 dubs/organizations

") oould havo ohoeon to eot out of eohool 8 arly or oom8 In lat8, vut ( ohoeo to vo a toaohor'e atefo and an offlo& aid&. I onjoy worklne with Mre. 6rrokoy-Jonoe and Mandi Simpson In tho off loo!'

~Watt;e, 12

Frcot rCMr. ~ Devo-ss. Ciy;;tal ~. David gager. Jessica Waits. and Mandi

g;rnpson. ~row: ~t.her Gonzalez. Chelsea OTdorll. Mcole WNtley. 1-lciY Kis­ter. Adria Meek. ard Joel Peace. fSack row: Kenn!:J Chase. Philip t llioH. and Nathan


")t'e fun volne an of.. floo aldo. I aotually havo pormleelon to eo Into tho olaeeroome and d8llvor notoe and m8eeaeoe to tho etudonte. iho down elao le havlne to mako ooploe. Somo toaoh· ore want ondloee numvore.

.Jo& v~voree, 12

1t)aoht)rs' Atd&s Front row: Tina Gearin. Kinnison McKa!:J.

Ashle!:J gchmidt. Taren Brewer. Doni

~rnandez. Jessica Waits. Jesse West. and John Weaver. Midde row: Charit!:J Brown.

...les$ica B!:JE!. Catie Powell. Mco!e WNt1%. Holl!:J i=-oster. Adria Meek. and Joel Peace. l:?ack row: T ocarra Ja!;in;ki. Mark McClure. Kem.:J Ch<=. J.l!:tin g/,aw. ~ott g/,arp. and Bl~e Baug-er.

dubs./organizat ior¥.: 79

H-mt row: Tosha Altes. T <Ditha Axtel . .Arrie King. Abby 1-lerderson. Erin Peters. Angie

Lober. K~ Blattner. ard Ac;Ney Baker. MO:te row: ~Smith Brent Steven;.

~ ~ Alicia Jrd<s. Mck Borretl Taran Brewer. ard Lirxlsey Lattimore. Back row: Amarda Gra!:J. ~ Walker. and

Gk!:Jar Blattner.

Frmt row: Barb Cox. aclviser: Joel Peace. f'.fegarl Bo<oley. ~ i:octer. Tara Roberl:.s. ard

Caf!:J Gager.~ row: Alisha Jncks. Caitfin Rcbiran ..!=ica Bye. Kapie w~. Jesse w~. ¥a! ~. Mccie Whitley. M<!rd Sirnpwn. Jessica Marroquin. and Hilar!:J Hoiel'Jw1. Trird row: WCIJ¥a Jone:;. T ocarra .JasirS<i. Casey Hat-n. Li~ Lattimore. Adria Meek. Erin Peters. Charitl:j Brown. Ashley

Gclmdt. Kyle Cl-enoweth. ard .Jamie K~. Fourth row: Vanessa Allen. ~ila Carter.

Kinnison McKa!:J. Catie Powell. Jarnie

Leafgreen. C.J. Brown. Str<U;S!:J Winl:.ers. David Gager. Kasey Bailey. Kari Epperson. ard Aver!:J .Jenings Filth row: Ckistina Woodard.

CoibyOmct:ead. kd;J Cox. Eric Lorenz. Jor­dan l=erguson. Krida Gondringer. Cari

<:m;l:ead. ~1-lrl:d-inscn Abb!:j Lovet. and Susan Hanes. IJack row: Dest iny l=erris. K<l!:JC€9 81aHner. Abb!:j Henderson. Stepharie Smith. Eric Hollman. Casey Beverlin. Zach Wilsen~ Herrlers:on. ~..e rg<Nrn. Ethan Cro;<;;. and Brent Stevens.

Front row: Catie Powell. Kristi Dittrner.

Tocarra .JasirS<i. Cr!:JSl:al Ru<.:sell. Mc.cie Whit­laj. Caitlin Robinson. Charity BrOM'l: and Barb Spel-cer. advi!>er. fiscCXY:Jrow: ..Jacd>Ewirg. 1-iai'!:J Hcieman. Kari Epperson. W CIJ¥a Jone:;, John Sampson. Jake Srnit h. and Sean Silkwood. Tflird row: Matt Ausberger.

~ !=ider. Matt Arthaid. Thad Damar. ~ Bn1. Tiffary LaSai!e. ard Un:.e Horton Back row: Kel'i Stewart. David Johnson.

SarnanU.a tAedlin. Josh Thornas:. Brent Applebury: ard Sara, Damar. advioor.

80 clubs/organizati~

frait ro.,v: N'lis:l:!:J McCLre.. Ardrea 1-lil. l-ilary Hcieman. .Jessica Marroq..Jin.. Avef!:! ...l:lrrirg;. ..bi Smith Nata.'ie Lovel. ard Jeff Stevers. fisccro row: Cari Ornstead. N\eg<!ll Scl-rridt. Stephane Gutshal. Arrber Vardeverdef. Kari

Ewerscn ~ B.irgesi;. Ci-e!ooa Woodard. Rachel Anderson. Maria Waldo. Tfvrd row: Sade Jone::. ~ S~v.:¥i<. Sf-eena Perti:J. Brit­~ S\v.:¥i<. Ame Hooker. Cassie ~­~Waker. Mckcie M<¥Toq.in Sierra i:rey. ard CMs Donis. Fourth row: .JeTia 1-W>on. Megan W!:Jant. Callie Woldridge. Catie

Provan:.:e. Kristi Ditl:mer. Casey Harn .JeTia C>.vens. AsNey B<ker. Valeri Andersen K!Je Borte!I. and Zach Can1ibeJL Back row: Susie White. Karla Lovell. Nate Udovich. Col~

B<ker. Matt Ausberger. Rocky Jone::.~ Cf-eek. T~ Bnre-. Jo;h Di..rca1. ard iWtd-ell Mi1ler.

frmt row: Holly l=oster and Tara Roberts. Back row: Joel Peace. Megan BOSiey. and

Car!;j Sager.

iHS Csa&t i &soh&rs

FrCX1t row: Casey Beverlin. Tara Roberts. Trey

1-leld. Taron Brewer. Megan BOSiey. Mandi Simpson. Joel Peace. Cary Sager. Nicole

\Nlitley. Jesse West Kascee W est. and Jes­sica W ait!:. fisccxrJ row: Zach Wilson. Joe DeVors:s. Col~ Omstead. Tocarra Jas:ir.00. ~ Ris:sell. Erin Peters. Lindsey Lattimore.

Kimson ~-Stepharie Smith Adia N'eel<.. andDcriC>.virg;-Hemrdez. Trirdrow:Caitin Robinson. Jessica B!:JB. Ho!!!:J l=ost er. Lisa Stewart. Catie Powell. AsNey Sci-midt. Tina

Gearin.. Chant!:! Brown. Qu::ie IM-il:.e. and Arrie King. fSack row: Eric 1-foffrnan. Scott Sharp.

K!:jle Chenoweth. Phlip Eniott. Eric Lorenz.

Seth Cox. J.istin Shaw. and David Sager.

clubs/organizati~ 8 1

+ Watc:rirg~studentsrucceedatcoo­te;t is cre of t:he ~ reasoo; that I cc::nt:ioJe to teach.

-rm. Girger Brickey-..hles. advioor

+ Wcrdtot:hewise: Da:lt1et ~ ~ have &e ccrnera! -Erin Reters.12

• TI-e:irotri of cr-d gopd ~that R3lA has rpen me is~

-Eric l-bfftncr1.12

+ Tuo.qo_,t ~ schocilai"il as life gee; on. rm. Brickey-~ has been a true inspiraticn -Ccitin Rd:iinron. 12

+ R3lA has rjven me rray ~ that will help me complete ~ goals ~~life. - Jaime Kerrpf. n

+ l~state~wasalotof fun. Tlis was the first cp- I car¢ed at a ci:ate level cm it was v~ exciting.

-K9e Cheooweth.12

+ R3LA is a fu'I orgas izatioo that I <¥n

pro.q to be part of. cr-d I <¥n excited to serve as the 2003-2004 R3LA presi-

denll. D sctmdt.10

+ I never knew that tt:e ~ proc;edJ'e caJd be 00 cfffiaJtl

-..bet peace.12

+ I've~ en~ al the opporb.rities R3lA has rpen rne. l-igl sd-od woJcri't have been the sctne wittOJt it.


+ F8lA has been a good ~ence. It has ~t me great leadersNp Clrl busi­ness skills. It's Cf"l opporhrit:y to see the real world at work. -Casey Beverlin. 12

82 Fl3lA

gpcn;ors Girglr and John Jones pose in front of the Navy Pier in cticago while on the ffiLA trip.

~ . ._. ' ..Lnior Af'4:J Cox a~ senio~s gcott ~rp ~:: 1-loffrnan en jDy dining on pizza while in Ch

The Parliamentary Proced.Jre Team. Eric 1-loffman. Tara Roberts. Tr~ ~d. J...filary 1-loleman. and Joel Peace. placed third at Didricts in Mar~

Vice President ~~Beverlin s~s to the mem­bers at the R31..A!Hne Arts Banquet held in the ~ Comtnon!;.

rresrman gena Arnold placed third in Word Pro­cessing I at gtate competition in Columbia

~Fi trow: AcJvi~er Ginger~ . .Ja'me Kempf. Jes<;ica Waits. C<Key Beverlin. trin Peter~. K!Je Ch2noweth. ~ . ;:;_iro<;ey Lattimore. gecond row: ..brdan Fergu<;an Sena Arnold. Megan Sdmidt. Kris.ta Gordringer. Abby Caill!Tl J<()binc;;on. l-lQlemarl. Adria (V\ef/i<,. ard Tara Roberts. T1ird row: W<!OO Peters. Cary Gager. Joel Peace. ~ Perry . ~son. 1-lilar~ 1-k>Oker. f'/l,egi!ll Burgess. AsHey Baker. ard f\fckde Marroquin. fourth row: Jema f.Ukon. Amarda Gray. Br'.Hary ~warl<.on ~ g;~on. Megan Bosley. Trey 1-lekl. JJstin g/,aw, Scott g/,arp. Kari tpperson. and Kirrison McKay. f:iftf, Cr1~tenRi~hards . vanessa Allen. Tor-ya Yardey. Tocarra ~ird<i. Qheila Carler. Logan Campbell. Jeff Stevell!i. Christina row: Angie Lober. w eaver. gixth row: Seth Cox. A~ Cox. t ric Lorenz. Calio Dowell.1-loi.y l=octer. Jes!;ica Bye. Casey 1-lahn. Woodard. and~ ff man gacJ< row: Kenry Chao;e. Jesse Ingraham. Abby LoveO. Straw;sy Winter~. Cari Omstead. La T ~ha Phi1ip tlliott. and l:nc 0

"......i,.,i.. '' !!· and Thad Damar. ,Jackson. Autumn Go.rifer. Teresa~

t petition senior Cas~ 1-lahn wait~ patiently for her evenl While at da e com R3LA 83

President Eric l-loffrnan. dressed as a fronl:iermlan. poses with a frH!eOompa Loornpa. Mrr.. Orncteacfs grarrl:on. who is doing the ball toss.

Serior duco member Jesse Wed enjQ§ coloring with the kids at the 9tucofrCCLA carrVval.

S11.DENT ca.m_ Front ro.v: Kirriron~ vice Pfesidenl: Ca<..ey Beverin. !:ecretary: tric 1-loffrnari. president; Tara Rob­erls. ~ Weci:. Mia ~. cnl 1-tly Foster. Mickle rew: Malt Spe<ifs. Kari ~soo. 1-lilary l-lolernan. Ethan Cr0<;;c:;,

Courlney Cox. Adriane f-Offman. arY.I Brittney Swark flack rOW: Jessica Marr~n. Abby lovel. Strausc::y Winters. Logan Cal"pbe). Sk!Jar0aHner.Kaycee0attner. a'd %Nlcl-larg.;e, f\bl. pictured: Trearu-er Derel< Spercer.

84 dudent COUllCll

To go along with the theme at state convenl:ion. 2003-04 council members. Jesse N\e£!,<.. gtepharle Gut:shal. Abby Lovell. and Courtney Cox. dress in 1-lawaiian sfirls and beads.

V~!:J cafefull!:J duco member Kaycee Lee Blattner pain~ the face of a little girl at the Stuco/J=CCLA carrwal.

Co.rnalollicen:KinnisonMcK:::ll •andCas r>~ • build 1 ~ E!yot:!verhn

props or the backgrcx.ind set used 1 . l:ures at 1-lornecorning. or pie-


Pr~ident ~ric 1-1oHrnan spe3<s to the crowd. at thel-lomecomingpepra~heldon Th.irsdayevening

at c.F. ~sen 9tadium.

genior executive rnernber Tara Robertsaddss~ final touches to the tiki N.1t w;ed for 1-lornecornrng.

+ Gel:ting out of schoci crd gdf9 to the 9b.Jco 9tate Coovent:ion in Liberty was a blast We got to sb3y with the 1-8 fa'n'Y. al fcor of us. We en_j()yed the rneetirgs a:xJ mee£irg new ~ ~favorit:epart was~they haathe raffles cm the skits. Tl-ey were tGias I went: when I was in rridde scl-od. ¥,it was rniCh more ftll to go tlis year. I reay loO< forward to beioo a sb.x:lent COJnal officer next year. -cattney C.Ox.10

• I was proud to save as 9b.Jdent Can::rl preg­dent tlis year. It was rrore work lilCl'l I~ it was going to be. but it was ftll working with Mrs. 8riridey and with tne otter officers. We al had a great time when we went to ~ to the state convent:icn The trip ~ like it wcUd never end I wi1 never forger having to stq:> at the Chlicothe hospita beca ise Kirrisoo ha:! poison ivy.: then we had to go to ~Vee to get tis prescription filled We all ate breaaad Wt-.ie he waited for them to fil tis ~ipticn ~ was a uttJe testy and worried that fe wo.Jd be ugly and the gris WOl.llct'i't be attracted to litn. l:ot: t-e cleared up witlin 24 ~ &i'c l-loffrral.12

• As I was stanc;ing nea- a fire tyrant whle

ta<ing ~ neig-.bofs ~for a wal<. I bega1 to tNrk...I }JSt want to do sornetling ~ whle 1·rn at TI-IS. it could be to save the schoci or receive a f\bbel Prize. but instead I decided to run for a student counal office. I cm I wen It-ope I ~e a ciffererce. -Matt g~.11

• lwashorored to ba'Vewon the s~ Coun­al scholarstip. I~ glad that I~ The ~oo wil cane in ~ in colege. -caooy Bevmn.12

+ I cicti't get to~ with the l-laloweer'l carrivat. but I cii!f ~ with the 1-bnecarirg coronaticn I crowned the q.ieen, I~ collected ba1ots ciJring sefrinar for both l-lotnecbrring and Winter 1-lorne­caring. I was the ~ )Jtior officer tNs year.

~ gpercei-. 11

• As a student counal ~I had a blast dressing up like a~ andjKljfi9 the Costume conted at the 1-~·n:ar-MiL l


+ The fem~ we stayed with in ~ was r~ cool crd the house was awesome. I was ~ to stay. Tl-ey cicti't even have kids in Ii~ school. !:J9i: they volunteered to Jet us day with them in tf-.eir 1-oge log cabin home. I still CCV'l't believe Mrs. 8riridey asked me if I was the vice president.

-Kirriron McKay. 12

student council 85

+ Ari experieN;e I wrl never forget was when a it±le ~in first~~ at rne that he tai to poq>. i-e was readrg cm the roan was silent.


+ Ny mod ~ e<penerce was _.gcirg with ~ N.cDooalcfo fcirlh gade class- to the ~ in Jeffersoo City. -Kye Cheroweth. 12

+ I cfo;e to be a cadet teacher to e<rn ~ A+ hcus. and I enjOpd helping the kid!: in f'/lrs. Coci<sey's fifth gade da!;s. -Man !Jirnpr;ai.12

+ I cid evefJ:jl:Nrg as a cadet teacher fra:n teach­

irg basket:ba'l skils to ~ with the kids to reacirg bod<s. Ny e.xperiGnce was al good

-tric l-loffman. 12

+ ~ t:he kicE in~ wntf s da!;s. I also 'qiies. worked on projeci;s with ttan. cn1

wac t stage manager for The Music Ma'l.

-catie Powel.12

+ Qie of the ~ act:.ivities we cid in ~ Jacd:)s s.eca-d gade class was making ~es cUing a lrit on rneasuetnents. -.Jesr;ica B!:fo. 12

+ I loved it when I pret:er-ded to be the Easter burry cm the kids asked rne if I t-oo seen the Easter burry when t:hel.:I CCfne back from recess. I told them "no.'' cm t:hel.:IJ.JSt kept going on crost ho.v the Easter ~ tai been there. It was so cute.

-Kay;ee West. 12

+ I d-ose to be a cadet teacher to see if I would en.JO.:l beirg a teacher. -trin Peters. 12

86 l=T A/cadel teachers

~rom the look on her face. !>erior Asl"ley Sclmdt en~ helping a student d.Jring her cadet teading experience.

Cadet teacher Charity Brown gives individual help to one of her ruicients.

·o,e of the nice thi~ about cadet t eaching is having the kid!> a!I cuddle around !:PU· In fact. the rug.; were the best thing about cadet teading." ~ Nicole Whitley.

~ir!>l: grade students in Debbie Ycx.mg's class all gat~ together for a picture with their cadet teacher _Je';~ West.

FTA~ CAD!:Tn:ACl-ERS Front row:Ca>ey Beverfn. Tara Roberts. Trey 1-leld. TaronBrewer.N\eg<Y'l Bosley.M<rd g;~ Joel Peace. Cary Sager. l'Jccie INNtle,J. ~West. K~ West. ard ..le!:sica Waits. ~codrow.Si'Eila Carter. Zack \Niten~ DeVortS. ~ 0.m>l:ead. Tocarra ..IDrd<i. Cry>tal ld.1.;sel. trin Peters. Llnckey Lattimore. Clvistina Woodard. Kirrism McK<lJ. Slepl1'rie Ssrith. Adria~. ard Dori ().virg;. Trird row.Caitlin Robinson. V~ Alen. S~ Winters. l-ial'l:J Hcen<n Ab!:y Love.I. A~ 1-titdircon. Avery ..an~. Ab!:y 1-lerderson. Kari tpperson. ~ ~ lina Gearin. Su;;;e \M'i!:e. Krista Gcrdringer. ard Torya Var~ Fa.irth ro.v. Desliry Fenis. J<me K~. CJ. Bro.m Lisa Stew<rl. Catie Powel. Sus:an 1-lcnes. ..le!:sica B!,e. ~!=oder. Astley ScNridt. Charity Bro.vn. 8ic 1-0ffm<n Armer Carpenter. and Arrie King. Fifth rOlv.Scott ~. K!Je Chenoweth Seth Cox. ArrlJ Cox . ...b'dan Hl!"gJ>On. ~P E:iott. 8ic Lorenz. Cai Qazard N\egCY'1 Md<ei. ~ Blat.trer. ...b'i Eiott. K~Baley. ard..ti>eyCl-eek 8ack ro.v.lll l-0.vard Wapa ..k:res. Brent Steven;. Ja!;sicaMarroqin. Etf-a'lCr=.

Matt Spear!; . .J:lff ~ David Sager. Md< BaTett. Matt .Ausberger. J.JSt.in Shaw. Mario Getnez. and J<Ke Snith

. . rd that 1 grew quite fond of the kid!> I was with." ·· 11oved IY1l::J cadet teaching brne. l fou

The s1n1le says it all. Serior Adam Damar en_ioys his cadet teaching. especially when heard his !:JOUng buddy get to swing during recess. remarks Je!;sica Waits.

l=T A/cadet teachers 87

+ B.mner! We cict"l't: get to go t:o Six Flags becase a tornado was rine ~'les away.

-Britl:3t!:J gwa*, ID

• Receivirg a 1-rat:irg for c:ctt:ert choir at Dis­trict c:rntest: in Mayvile was the rigli~ of the year for me. -Arrirea l-lu1. to

• The cacert drir got-a 1-ratirg cm the st-ow choir got: a 2-rating at Pacific l-lig, ~ in gt:,

Louis. -Megcri Al:>air;li. in!>tructor

• Ny g-eatest acnevement l:Ns year was rd fal!irg off the risers ciirirg ~ of the concerts. ~ goal for the ft.fse is"t:o il'flll"'OVB ~ voice oo I CCl'l

be on "Atnerit::cwi_lci:ll." -Troy Bn..ner. to

that 1-loiY i:oster tl'lrij!:!flni:!i" in sf-ow choir.

-Arri!:J Cox. ff

• I've been inchoi'.f r ~s. <rd ~favorite "Jrg ha;; been ~e I~ it is oo pretty.

-Autc.mn ~er. ID

• ~ favorite sag is: "~ of Love" from Rent. We're singng il:'for gaciJation <rd ifs such a g-eat saig. ~ g-~ ac:hevernent ha;; been berg selected f1Nf0'61 ~Choir~ ~goal is t:o ~ 11 t:t-e ~choir at Culver­gt:ocktcn Colege, Vesper-~ were rice f:Ns year. The charmer drir fiaa ~Prewitt~ the tap for us '!/~_sag Tus Chld. TNs Kirg." I S<¥'lQ "O l-loly ~~~a ooro. cm a~ gorup of women. a group of tnen. Ch:! seriors each SC¥1Q

a song. -catie PoweJJ. 12

n.is Sl-OW Cl.a< !=ront rov.r. Arne King. Jordan !=er~on. and Cari O!rndead Middle row: Philip Elliott. Kri!:ti 1

Dittmer. Wa&?. Peters. Erin Peters. Ardi:l Cox. Catie PoweO. Krista Gondringer. gJ(~ar Blattner. ~rah Morse. and Kas~ Bailey. f?ack row: Jamie Lealgreen. Cas~ I-lam. Eric Lorenz. Logan Campbell. lirdc;~ Lattimore. David Sager. Trffary Lc&a!le. !;:eth Cox. I-lolly !=ester. and Jeff gtevens.

~~~n~,F~~~::: . Angie Lober. Asht.en Witten. Katie Whitt. Jason Meek .. f~ Qecond row Ms Allb · h Ca Ricketts. Ash!e!:l Brewer. Jonathan Weaver. and Zane Robin• cf Adriane ~off~"'n ·9 Lhaug · d!:J. Taylor. gena Arnold. Ka!:Jla Slater. Adarn McClure. Travis Pe!::it__~

'· ,., · e\. a~ I-lull Nickole M . ,.,,,b('r ,.. 1

Bennett. Catie Powell. ~rah ~orse arroquin. Andy ~ahn. and Eric Lorenz. Third row: ~ f110 ~ooker. Wade Peters. and Due-tin · gcott Sharp. Kenton Kinney. Alana Tolle. Beth McCulley.!" r{J'J

c· TRENTON HIGH SCH8'0t· Allyson Walker. Andrea-I-lull~~ &ack ~ow: Me~an McCloud. Chelsea Woodard. 8nt~i~ 88 vocal rn.i,.ic .. -... Lt BR A RY · 1 a Gonclringer. Kasey Baney. Jacob Tabbert. and Ryan OU

cactl<T CJ...01< ~Front row: Catie Powell.~ 1-lahn. and Alana Ga.D RUSl-f ~Front row: tric Lorenz and Erin Peters. Back ro.v: Tdle. Midde row: Chelsea Woodard. Jonathan Weaver. Scott Sharp. and ~Cox. Casey 1-lahn. Cari Ornst:ead. and Sel:h Cox. Krista Gondringer. {Sack row: Kent.on KirN?!:J. Travis Peyton. and Kasey Baney.

% . ist McClure. AshlG!:) Birkhead. Brandi 1-lacl<ins. . 1... ~ Front row: Will Jackson. Santana Dias. M !:I T ·...i.an Locke Sarnantha Washburn. v<ltl 'tt . M'cidlB row: n~\. . 4_, .•. !:lit Duncan. La Tasha Jackson. and Michael Bn ain. 1 L · on nails eack row: Qocha Williarns.

"CtJf'n K ' B nnell and aws ~ . 4.tt il 9nuffer. Derek Lowre!:J. TrO!:J Bruner. !:l·e u · nd M Allbaugh. ilq ghtiler. Colbi !-lanes. V.aoessa Peyton. Clair Draper. a s.

Senior Catie Powell is reall!:J proud to be a part of the Concert Choir that got a I-rating for the first t ime in five ~ars.

vocal tn.isic 89

~eral !+A members ride on the !+A 1-iomecorn­ing float. Waving is President ~ Sdmidt. Their theme is -Plow ·em Over. Ma<e ·em Sore.-

!+A member freshman Lawson Ralls enJD!:JS a game of air hockey d.Jring the lock-in held at the Chillicothe YMCA

..lirlor !+A officers. Courtl'le!:j Cox. Stephanie Gutshall. Sadie Jones. ard Megan g&mjdt. don cowboy hats at the National Convention in Louisville. Kentucky.

<ao g&m;dt tric 1-bffrnan. gean ~wood. and ~ 2-03i:J:A~Frontro.v.~l-lanes. Kari tpperson. AsHey ard oestiry i:erris.

Mc.A.tee. £1ack row: l-lilar!:J l-lolernan. tthan Cf()!;';. 131ake Baugher.

~~ ~lt'\Cln Cross ~ the larnil!:J's t ractor to pull the !=FA in lhe 1-lornecoming parade.

~re R!:J<ln 1-lughl; and senior Zack W~!:On fr!:J up bacon COrYurxmil!:J appreciation breakla!:t.

+ ljcined FFA so lcoucH:~.e st-q, classesal year. -.Jod, Mathew.;, ID

+ ljOined FFA because I tro.Jgit it rorded !=UJ1 I also ml excited abCXJt having the ft.n of meeting new people ard doing more acl.ivities.

-Alena Tde.9

+ fly favorite part of FFA was beir'9 rn a cro­test: tem1. going on trips. ~ events. ard rncry other ltings we cfd -kftc:fie# ~. 9

+ fly favorite~ of FFA was the oo trip at Weston. ~. ..()udin Kocn. 9

t fly favorite pelt of FFA was wor1<irg together with the~ Ike oo Barrwcrtrirg.

..<Jaie Prov<rce..10

+ fly mod prized ad1evetnent ~ year was receiving rry State FFA Degee.

-fric J..lolfrna"l.12

t Wh1e at R=A cell1'· rry teml ~ed in the ~ ProcecLre contest ard it started pouring ard we all had to nra to the mess hal We all were c:rerd:ied ~ Wf:l'Ti.10

+ FFA ta; actt!d to rry entire tijl sd-ool expe­rience. I ~ to <;P ~ ard oo ~ I rrifj1t r-even hav had the qiportirity to do.

-.Joe OeVCXT;!;. fl

+ NY mod bonored adiev~ was receiving rry ~ D,egree. -Ma* Went. to

+ Tl-e bed lting abCXJt l)eirg FFA pra;ident was al the qiporhriOes I had to meet peqile ard ~re excelenl: ~ OOk.


+ I felt r~ proud when our Dary Foods teml went to Districts. -..kke eauccm. 9

+ It was r~ COOi when I <;Pt a gold for rry record bod<. -.Jacd:> T<hbert. 9

+ I like R=A because I like being in the st-q, ard working with rry hcvrl;. -Kye Giles. ID

+ I'm loci<ing forward to Sffiling ilis next year as FFA president. FFA is sometNng that I en..JOy doing and I have ~ ilis for a long time.

-Kari f pperron. ff

!+A 91

+ I &irk ev~ had their cb.i>f:s abcx.rl: &is !:PC'· but as s;oa, as bard ~ was CNer. I realized that: in!;tead of rling excited ~ en­t:hi!;iastic Ia-cu ~-1J.e enthJsiasm was

~there. -~f17maprlMcCJcui.fO

+ Wrth Mr. Grlicin as t:henew instructor. I four'£l rry.;elf more invdVed f:.tis • -Jemy f?ni. to

+ I love tru:ic' t:firg I like abcx.rl: bard is the ftsl we had. ol even INher) I dropped a drum or whatever. It's al )Et m-fin: besides the rrusic

~all t:hat. llike~~ whenlseeabrQ(en pcir of dun sticks.

11 ~ cid it ~.

That citJr'nstick • <¥"Ot:herl ci1.Jrn.ctick or some­one: it's great! -::::JHAritn;[ Arl:haxi, (0

+ I like bard~ it,is oomething that I have aways WCV'lted fc> do. I ~ watch the bands in the~ I love t:O read~ play rrusic I like to play in t:f-e bard: it haS gven me sanetting to c:b in rry spare titne. -Clins ~arr. to

The x~ophone is played by sophomore percus­sioost Matt Arthaud.

92 indrumental music



CQ.Cl<GlJAJ(t) Front row on floor:· v . c,al1 Provcne. Ttffary l.aSa!e. a'd ~ <iressa l-lcnes. Kristen K_rau:. Jessica ~- Apra R~. Karla Lov~- d:JI· Jessica Wail!:. Captain f\l'legan BO!:""'. Barb.v. f]ack row: ~ma Barron. C<lpl:an .Jerna 1-0:kOn. Arv,:J1e L

~·Anna Sl'l.ller. /V\egan Burgess. and ~brina Berrett.

i::reshman flag member ~brina Bennett gets into her performance cLring a pep assembl!:r

~or co!orguard member Jessica Waits pre­Qs to perform cLring the Christrna!'.; a!'.;sernbl!:J·

Drummer Nate Udovich gets down to serious business when he performs.

Senior Amie King pla!fo the belts a~ wen as mary other instruments. inc:Juding the l=rench horn

MD CCtCTi GlJt>W h frcn/;:. Drun Maprs Ame IGng ard ~ McCk:ll.rl f:ront row:~ Cox. Tabitha BAf-.D ~ Amarda gpercer Nate l.klOVich. Ckis l=arr. Socha Wiliams. David ~- A~ Brcrrblett. ard Winters. Matt Arthaud. !Jee.and row. V~ Allen. Samanlha Wast-bum. Cristen Richardson. Meg;!ll Wyant. Beth McCWly. Bardnaci:er Tirn GilflCYT\"~. T"'" ard Je!;sica Pash T1ird row: Se<¥1 StN'ltruff. Gloar"le l=erg.,;m ~I-lain Kenton Kimey. i,,,y.,,Bnl.Arry.Jrcks.~ "!:!'~· 11~ ,.,_,,. JC'·~ Gc>cxtn<n gzabethSrriU\ ~1-l<M. MmMcClire. ware ..ITes. crdlogan~,t"""'-~ row:Br~ Steven;;. ..tinathan . A tel l\ickole Marrocf-in Dwaj'1e Fider. Charily Brown. Jac.:orl Bro.vrmg. ard &ic Mr£. fdfles on left: Matl SJ:ears. T abilha_ x W ".ts and Je!;sica Bye. {41/e Captain in rridde: MegJi BO>'ey. f4fle5; on rigit: Arna ShJ!er. Angie Lober. c.atie Provarce. Je<;sica . a~ _.:, •. A .... ~ RQc..s. Karia Lovell. Sabrina Bemetl. Sabrina Barron. C,aptcin Jema ~ludson. Kristen Kras. ardNleg<VIBur~ r:Jagt;tnDd<J'·.....,. Adiey BarlCJw. Ttll<V"Y L~· and V~ ~

instrumental music 93

~lver rnedalc; are won by fresimen Amanda Gray ard Melissa Clark in the Chapter ~case.

Students attending the Cluster Meeting pose outside of the arch in St. Louis. Those attending in the front row are Karla Loven. LaTasha Jackson. Autumn 9ruffer. Kayla gJater. am 9.arah Morse. Sitting in back are Bryan Adams. Vanessa Peyton. ard gJ(~ar Blattner.

FkfSl..IMANFCCLA ~Front row: Cassie ~r~ Kafe g· Adriane 1-loffrnan. Allyson WaD<er. AsrJi:i. 'Brewer nd "~- r rrnpc;on. Rachel Anderson. Melissa Clark Wh·te A. IB - ::i .a >-lllkjrdaGr~ . Middfi D ·

'. . ne rown. Tosha Altes. Kaja giater. Jade Mock Bra -::I' e row: evin McGuire. 9.abrina Collins. Back row: Zachary Locke Jessica n..._h A· F · rdy 9.tewart. 9.arnantha Medlin ard Fer . · ,....~ . ::.1erra ri:i. , Amber p . D · 1c1a and Bryan Adams. -::i· · nee. ave Johnson. Kenton Ki~.

FCCLA President Bel:hary Adams hopec; t 94 FCCl...A raffk~ tickets she purchased to aid the ~t her

gooety are wirners. ncer


FCCLAN'B!l88<S Front row: Kristina Willcuts. Cristen Richardson. Tocarra Jasinski.~~. Catie Powen. 8ethary Adams. am Karla Lovell fJecord row: Cassie Lamp. Jerry Barlow. David Brown. Katie Ashworth. l-lo!Y Qcheib. Cassie g&,eib, Amber Carpenter. ard gJ(!:Jar Blattner. TNrd row: ~n gq.iires. laTasha Jackson. Autumn 9ruffer. Teresa Applebury. Matt Ausberger. Kelli Stewart. ard Amber Dickinson Fourth row: Natalie Lovell. Billy Barlow. Alica Rapp. Arnarda Still. Tina Gearin. Lisa Stewart. g/-,eiJa Carter. and Vanessa Peyton l3ack row: Zach Lee. James Li~tner. Brett Mathews.~ fl/lfxse. Shaman Fetzer. and Katey Grc:x:xns.

~ of the freshman FCCLA members "ham it l~ for the camera at the State Meeting ~d at

Ho!iday Inn ~ecutive Center in Columbia.

Senior Catie Powell participates in the talent show at the Region 2 Meeting in Liberty.

After pulling his duck from the pond. so~ornore La Tasha Jackson offers s()fl'l€ candy to Sp1derrnan.

• The best tNngs ao.rl: beirg in FOO.A ~ gdf'9 00 trips crd ma<lrg frierrl;.

-Ketitii Kifhey. 9

+ Officers for 2002-2003 were ~ Adcm;, pres.: Karla Lovel. vice pres:: Teresa ~ t:re3Sl.nr. Cristen Ride eta I. secre­taiy: Aida~. reportec <ri1~9lattner crd

Catie Provcr'lc:e. m.dent ~representatives.

+ Beir9 in FOO.A is~~ beca ic;e I have grown as a person crd have~ ta" to be a leader. ~Clerk. 9

+ Ny favorite activities &is geai: were going to see the play ~ey.Joe'sCafe crd altel d-g the ST AR events at CM9.. -Kaya f:Jafer. 9

+ FOO.A is i~ to our carmrif:y be­ca.JSe we heir> with the corrm.rity blood rncbc1e C¥"ri the l-Jalloween C3TivaL -Arie Brown. 9

• The best ttings about berg in FCC!..A ~the !earring~ crd the social relatia Q~


+ FOO.A is ~ to our ~ be­caise it alcNJs l£ a way to sto.V them that we ra"l one day be ~ -(]ar;iie Mts#iy. 9

+ I enpyed being c:i'l FOO.A officer b0caic;e I love

to f'0aj with people CV'ld excha"lge cOd ideas. -ADy;cn Waker. 9

+ Ny fav • activites ttis year were.the i-t¥­Joween cam~.~~. crd the faaJff:y crd staff brec»<fast. -ga;j)na 'Nlite. 9

+ I &irk the best activity of the~ was the St:. Louis trip. C¥"ri the l::e;t tring about FCClA is ~ ciit the corrm.ri~ -LaT adla Jackoon. ID

+ FCC.LA week was Februar!:f 1044. Activities irrl.Jded a facUty ~ staff breadast. T eacher!Staff Appreciatioo Day. Student Appreciatioo Day. lip sucker sales. crld a caned fGOd dive.

• The pu;ter ~ was held in St. Louis: the grcx..p traveled by train from ICC.

+ ST k Events !Studerd:s T~e Action for Rec­ogil:ii wg-e held on r Oat TMs.

+ The ~oo 2 Meeting was held at the P!eas­ri v~ ~st Ch.irch in Liberty oo QJtober 23.

• Mary of the 9th grade rnerrbers attended the A+ Conference at the la<e of the Ozarks Octo­ber 27-28.

~CCL.A 95

9ports 98 football

100 girls tennis

102 softball

104 volleyball

106 girls golf

108 cheerleaders

110 wrestling

rr2 girls basketball

114 boys basketball

116 boys tennis

118 boys golf

120 boys track

122 girls track

---.::__ ____ /\

, ~ la..g-ed wt-en ~ Bevefin said Yoo·re Goat if I cal tp.J Goat. Goat. -

~c l-lolfrrm.12

1 ~most~ wt-en I toctieci the bal on a kick-off. <rd try pera:ira ~ ~the l.atkq:> gctne. • ~o Ganez.11

20?2 ~. i:oc>iBAl..L TEAM Front row: Aaron Waldrep. &\fl 1-lowe. Zane Rdiiri:;cn Mitch Briegel. Derek Thome. Mkide row: ArrlJ I-lain Lawson Rak. Sloane i:er~. Adam McCLre. ~ Spercer . .Mtin Anderron. Back row: K!Je Sharp. &ic Collin!:. .Ldin 1-lerdricki;, ..Jaoon Meek. Kenton Kirney. ard Brent ~ebury.

98 football

~~a ~ Vsre1ty Record: 7-B

11i6 Yl6ttor-s. l-larrison 26 18 D¥neron 42 7 Latrrop 14 13 t.~ 55 20 Carrollton 48 0 Plattsburg 21 4 7 leBloncl 53 7 Broddield 35 23 Marc.eline o 6 PtJl:ncm Co. 21 64

.N Roaord: 5-4 ~ Rooord: 3-1-1

·o.r l:eam strength; were tklt we al got ala-g <rd had excelerit leaderstip. I l:tirk we had a good overa seascn • -~Mode. 10

tric ~ w;r; U-e rood irqlimg beca£G t.e bmffe ro rn.ch Gner9:J t:o &e te<tn beielted in L5 al <rd U-e g..y 10\l9' football" - .JoO Bl.lO:bun. v

Dl.Jrirg an afterroon praclice. D-Backer!; Wille T l.IT'teG. ~ Melli<. Je!;se ~ ~ Scott Sl-ap gather for sane words of wi!rl:m frcm Coach Jon Act.vell . :

~~ ~ # tre baD . ~ • o,iraham fi~ts to the bitter end to gain control of a loose bait worturllldl of

53_; recovered by LeBlord. The Dawg-:;. however. go on to defeat LeBloro with 3 ~

Gea~n l-lighlightc C• T~ !hits rut C<¥roltoo wil:n ~

scae of 48-0 en the Tro.,JCn> b.Jrf • .N ako had a shit-a.it: gcine


•I• ll-tSscoredsspdntsagciN;t~ B.Jchcmn IGowerl. ruiring their ~

··~· 1l-tS wa; rai<ed3rd in the~ a -~~for

the Q.dldog;.

1et. Fred-men rot aiy beat CHicothe W en Chlicothe b.Jrf. but they shit

U-ern rut wil:n a scae of 6-0.

1t~• ~ Ma"celine QCfffi W<£ a hecrl-• brea<er for the Dawgs. as it de­

stroyed al 1-opesof aDist:rictcrrcm­pionstip.

C• 1l-IS went en a five-gcme wirrirg strea<. triil t:hey root the•2 rai<ed Plattsburg T igen;:.

•Jt• A 46-point victory aver 8ist-q>­.., leBlord made for a-1. oh. so sweet


Serior capt3n!; tric 1-lofftnan. Zach Anderron. <rd Joel Peace rout OJt to center fte!d for the coin ~

2002 F001BAl..L TEAM Front row.Wade Peters. Phllil> 8iiott. Joel Peace. Zach Arderscn tric 1-loffman. Scott Sl-ap. Cod,J tN::.Cdun Male row: Coach Rich Griffith. Coach Jorn ..Jooo;. Wil ~ .Jordan Ferguson.~ Beverlin. Sath Cox. Coach Jon Adwell. Coach Rich Johnson. David Sager. Brad,J Wed. Mario Gomez. Skylar Blattner. Thad Damar. Coach Chris Park l1ack row: Coach Vince f:ender. Coach George Moore. Joe Blackburn. Nick Bcrrel:t.~~Brent~tepl'Ert>. T ojer Tolle . ..le= kigraham. ~ Cox . ..le= fo/leEk. T y1er Greenwood. <rd Willie Turnell.

football 99

\ ( ~

"Os ~ was; c:artieOtive 1:1-k tp.11: kept: the gig CJ'I tt-eir ~ - -fuaci1 #Ice ISosley

100 terris

Qe.a~n M ightights

.•..I .. The gns' terris te<tn had a~

._ .. on t:he road &is .par dJe f:o pitiful t-ane-court concftj()J)!;,

•.!lf Trent:oo tod< first place in tte ~ Canerrn To.im<rnenl

•I• Al ag-eed that: Sa~ W2S t:he la-ge;t and word bu!> t:rip of t:he season.

•2• "~ favorite recoOed:ion of t:he ~ OO:C¥;a'l wa:; getting to know all

t:he grls and Boz better." ~na Barron

•I• "~ bed memory &is~ W2S winning third-place at the Chlicot:he T o.irn<rnent."

-Chekea Woodard

•2• Trenton tod< ttird-place honors ~ in t:he Mar5hall T o.im<rnenl

•2• crnstina Woodard placed fifth in ~ sirges at cKtrick held at Noyes

Carls in gt;. Joe.

l'-bt even ran that ~ the match C3"I d<trflen t:rB spirits of SE!fiors Jesse West. Tara Roberts. <nl ~ Kirrioon

• T al<ing is an important Stept,arie Gut~ ~ to get practice started for sophomore!; Sadie Jones ard

l went cut for terns becaJSel ~went to t.erris cart> . .ro ii:~ prepcre me for ~sd-oolt.erris~" -Al:byLovel

"Dl.ring al9 of ~ rnatcf-es. I was: reactirg for the ball arxi JOOcl acm;s the COtrl arxi fel down." ~ l3a;fey

A long !:l:retcharxi a wirring sml9 ~ Jlior Abby Lovel smash the ball over !Te net

"Ny pem:.nal 1-igwg.t was: wt-en I be<Y1ed a gr1 with the ball becase she rad a bad attibJde. - -Ma'd 1-/iin"ingtm

l en P.:JEld plajng the rr.00: wt-en I was: with ~ dc:dlle!: p;ytner, becase I ci<h'I: have to be by ~.- -Acticre 1-lcifrrm

2002 OOL.S lBNS TEAM gjtting: ~­tina Woodard. Kaycee Blattner. Beth Mc~. ard Katie Wl-itt. !;tardng: Abby Lovel. Kari ~son Anctea 1-U. Sade ..mes. Cl-ekea Wooclard. Sabrina Barron ard Adiane I-Oiiman h truck: stepharie

GuW'3l Ch truck: f./let;J¥l ~ Ch ladder: Mandy Kinnison. Jes;s;e Wes:t. Marci ~rrington. Tara Roberts;. and Coach Mil<e Bos:ley.

terris IOI

"We l"0d a vesy ~ ip. I en.,JC.yed plajrg with the g~ a-ct for Co<dl Ock."

-Tar::n E:?rewer.12

~a~ rnessl Theg~ drl en.JOy a-ct den t sl-y away from sipping a-ct slicing in the ITlJd Wing sicfng practice.

2002 sa:TBAl.l.. "TEAM Frait row: nr~ ~. Coibi l-lanel:. Jerna CH.tens. Kendall f\ierh&ar, f\icole Alen. Co.rlney Cox. Am­ber Dariel!;, AsHey Stiner. Ast.ton Witten.

WN~ ~. andCoach Kris; Ockenfels. h driver's; teat AtHey 1-«Jlc:Nriron. h car: Strar Wrnteri;. A!>Ney Brewer. Alana TOI Jl'~tica Pai;h, C.J. Brown. Taren Brl!W" Armer Vandevender. <rd Coach Si.QQ Vardeverder.

102 sofl:bal

"WI-en WG ~ 01to tJ-e field iM tp. we s:f'()WQj olNlr te3n!; that - had tl-e wi ;rd dl!tEmiration town· -M-ley 1-Udinwn. 1

With her ¥ on the ball. oophomore Cobi 1-1<¥'-.es: prepam; to i;enct the ball salng out:. out:. out into the outfie!d

"'Ire~ was ft.o a-ct we each stepped ~ cm ~ as a te<tn &pesierce wiJ rr-0<e next op even better." ~ Wi~.n

l en .AJed plajng. We l"0d a fLn sea>a1. ard I look forwNd lo next op- plajng <!!> a J,rior." -Atri:Jer V;rdeVerder. IO

..... ~Or · • I epares to Mt the ball. hopeflly. l>~t t Pitcher A~Ney ~tchinson i$ in rnid-W1rd-uP a-; !> ie pr

he bat or her opponent.

s.\eas:on l-lighlightc

•l•l..hdefeated at horre 5-0.

•J• Trentoo's first wirritg ~

.~.!="IVe-gM1B wir1ir9 s:b'ea<, begtr

.. rif'9withsmthvilecrd~with Mid-BJchancn

•~•Taran Brewer and Amber .., Vandevender named AB-Dis:trict


C•JV t eam coached by Susie Vcrdevender firist-ed se.asal with a record of 3-4.

•J• Setior Taren Brewer is Hird mg gad offered a scholarshp from ~

.~.mg places 3rd in ~Ta.ma­.., rnent cnt 2rd in ~


!="ie!:'ty senor T aron Brewer~ a ball as I-er pitck!r. A!>Ney ~lchinson. s;ai'k it across; the pate.

lt Wt?& exciting having a Wliling ~ ard it~~ OlS t::lird 4P· It~ !feat to see the g~ wori< s;o hard ard itf'4lr0Ve to reach tl-eir t;pJs." -Coadi Od<.erlek

~d ~ 12-10

1-laritoo Plattsburg Saidiury s.~

Brod<fielcl Lath'q> Macoo Pl'inootO\ fNal l<imon Srrit.hvile P\Jtran Co.Ry LeBlord Cameron />Mew Co.Ry ~ Tina-AV<kln MarcEine ~~ CNicotl-e Brookfield


THS Y1e1tor 7 2 0 2 3 10 2 2 9 0 4 8 8 17 14 I

6 3

12 2



5 3 3 2 0

12 I

2 9 3 4 5 4 5 8 3

0 6 3 6

softball 10 3

l gol: IOJlrifoon n.srber~becase the lriform w.:r; the ri!tol size. Al the c..wer­cla!ismen gol: lirddOce. - -fJeti>ayl-U. 9

Ire best bu; trip of the ':P w.:r; the one lane fran Savcr-ncti wl-.en we stopped at WertiJ's. - -Megcrl Wyn. 10

Seticn T ClC:3ra Jat;inslQ and ~ 1-1a1-o and J,ricx Cari~ are alert as: the b;j ne¥!; them

v~ players. J.ricxs ems Donis. Kei Stewart. and Sl-ela Ccrler, al ride oo the -voGaj:ial float - in the 1-lcmecaril'YJ pcvade.

• A/te-Q>C ye<R. it WCI!> wonderlU

b9ifYJ cille to ~ we finaly beat ~ riv*. the CNlcothe I-ler­~. -Coach RusGel CJrugi

104 vo!lepall

~~ ~t.C6-8 0

iront:on Sooro Given~ Plattsburg 11-15 15-6 15-13 ~ 15-1 15-9 Ccfneron 8-15 5-15 ~Prep 15-0 15-0 Lafayette 12-15 13-15 Lawson 11-15 1-15 ~ 15-13 8-15 15-8 Savarncti 6-15 10-15 Bistq:> LeBlond 15-17 9-15 Ch"Uicothe 11-15 15-11 10-15 La&rop 12-15 15-5 9-15 ~Prep. 15-0 15-0 Polo 12-15 10-15 Ch1Iicothe 15-8 15-13

l ike plajng at heme becauoo I feel less pre;stEe. I also feel more coe-m-cne with 'OJ dad INf-o referee;. - -krie Leageen. n

~.~ Seriorl> Li~ Lattimore. Cr!:f=tal ~Wll. and Tocarra Jacinski are in pcY.;itid' o re.....,, n the volley to their OppOnent(;. court.

Q eas:on l-lighlighk

•I• First ':P' to beat Ch"icdhe ,

.v. First ':P' to play secood-rcx.rd at ~ District pialpffs.

.v.mor Jcfrieleafgeen k¥; a t:e<¥n ~ ~ 76 assirls.

•J•Serior Lirdsey Lattimore k¥; -=i

record li9-i of n2 ldls.

•!l•Seniors Tocarra Jasinski and ~ l.irrl;ey Lattimore tie for t:e<¥n tijl ~ points of 59. Senor Jeni­fer Carron comes in secorrl with 58 • .1.rior Jcfrie Leafgeen offers up57.

t!lf A t:e<¥n t-19-i R9 service points C¥"e

~ e.c:¥'Tled by !Sier Jerrifer Ca-ncn l.irrl;ey Lattimore dips in 117.

t!lf A total of 59 ~were played ~ His sea!>Of'\.

Po.v! Sophcmore Tabitha Axtel puts her al in!:o serdrg the ball back in!:o her opponent't court on a return v~

2002VCllEYBALL ~geatG<t¥3 l ~. Jerriler Carron Tocarra ..Jasind<l.

Catie Powel. Sl'6l1a Carter . .mie lealgreen. Bethary f.U.1-ilary 1-ldem;n Mel;};!ll WIJ<ri.. and ems Dorris. gtarang: ~ Stewart. Lindo;:ey Lattimore. Ca1:ey 1-lahn. Krio;:ta Gondri~r. Cari Om.;!:ead, Katie Ashworth. 1-lannah Taul. 8izabeth Qmith. Keffi Stewart. and Tabitha Axtel. Not picttJred: Kristi11a Wilcuts. letley Garct-g. Brandy Stewart. Taurren k'eland. and Arrber Price. Te;m coades:: ~ croug.. T eni Dun Jl.'1alag­er>. James; ug,tner anc1 t-Jck Jeamoutot.

volleyball 105

·o-e of cu- goal!; tlis seasa-. was to reb.rn to Sl:ate. By fin­is:liing oocond in our District T~ we reached that goal - -Coach Am Car;t;ri;

Soortwoard ' ~ y ardl:y Rooora: 11-1 1

. 1HS ~

Chlic:ol:he 192 204 1..af¥tte 203 269 Chlic:ol:he 186 202 Sdaje!- Ccxrly 175 no~ocore

Brocidielcl 169 222 Bentrn 185 268 P!att:sh.a-g 185 240 Bentrn no~ocore 232 MaJ;Vl1e 167 227 Chllicothe 194 190 ~ no~ocore 198

T~ St. ..be Ca-W 3rd Placa 367

Ricknc:rd 5th Placa 377 Sedaia 7th Placa 362 Galatin !st Place 355

Brookfield !st Place 381 Districts 2nd Place 381

State 7th Place 404 & 389

J.ricr Va'Sity Nerrben;: fV\eg;:;l ~dt. g@rina Berrett. To.:ha AIW.:. Sena Arnold.

Arlflori Waker. Arncrda ~- and Kaja Slater

9.aa~n l-lighligh~

•l•Tl-.fS took first-place at the Brookfield Tournament. beatin9 Kirksville.

• ..-. Four grls placed in Districts. AvenJ • Jerrirg;. Brittcry Swarl<. MriB

I-Ocker. and st-eena Perry. Tl-B team rec.eived secord overall.

•V• ..lrior Avery~ !;fd: e-Jen'

• par twice. orce at the Brod<fiefd Toumcment. where she received first-place. and agan at a ~ tneet.

•~•Again. ™S placed first at tf-8 .._, GaDat:in Tournctnent with a ~

score of 355. the t.e<ro's ~ score of the season .J.Jrior Avef!:J Jerrirgs ~ placed first.

•I• The team firisted 7th as a~ at the Sf:ate T~ at ~ Greens in Sprirgfield.

. ~ ..Lrior gaffer Avery .Jerrings keeps her si!tit on tr.et;.a.'I ~~ tees off. Avery firished in fird-place at both the Gaffal:l" t:he Brookfield hvilaticmls.


'VvQ 61.;~ ~wrote t:he ncme of the g.y we i~ bi, Oti Our ball!:. We seemed to &irk that

<:xigt,t us good tuck." -Brif:tary Swari<. 10

·'Pfajng golf ll'l3!J be viewed as an i~ci.lal sport but at 11-lS it is a tea'YI sport.

. -AmandaGray· 9

F~ va'Sity ~ ~e M.Jrpty pre­pares to tee off at a va'Sity golf rroot at Chlicothe·s Green I-ills Golf Course.

lhe mod inspiring grf on the ~ was Averi:i Jesvi~ She r~ helped eveiy­bod!J out a lot." -~ W<l<..er. 9


2002 GA.S Ga.F 1EAM 01 tire: Sabrina Berl'lett. g tancfrg from left: Kaja Slater. ~e M.Jrpty. Amarda Gray. To.:ha Altes.

Megan ~hlnidt. Avef'!J Jennings. Sena Arnold. Britta111 Swark. and Coach Am Cendant. 01 top: Ame 1-loci<er. ~ W<li<er. and steena Perry.

To ~ate a little pent 4' enerru. Brithv-y Swark. Averi:i Jerrings. and Arrie 1-loci<er "db" aroc..nd a it!:Je befcre a meet.

··"'\J perscoat liftli!tit was INl-.en I lit the ba'.I aver the pond and onto the green ~ firi:t try... -Sena Arnold. 9

girls golf 107


1li6 yell raJeere get the orowae on their feetl Memori~ a l-lighligh~

108 cheerleaders

t.V• The football cheerleaders and • tnascot:s earned honors at: MU

Cheerleacfng ~. Cf'lCf Ckist:ina Woodard Cf'lCf Zach Purb both made the AD-America'! Te<:m

•I• Vv'hen mr-g; got: t:eN:e Cf'lCf t:te wresting cheerieaderswereabout: t:o lose their zip. oophcxnore Mel­i~ T reacMteJI <!Jwa:J> found a way t:o cheerevenpe1.4>Cf'ld get t:hem back 00 t:rad<.

,.v. The bad<et:ball cheel1eaders had a • lot: of det:errrinat:ioo. They le<vned

t:o work t:Ncx.9' tfir-g; t:oget:her Cf'lCf ~ lod<.ed like they en-­JOyed what: they were ctlirg.

..... AD of the foot:bal cheel1eaders had • a cutrm.Jlat:ive GPA of 3.8 <rd

received Cf'I Acadetric Excellenc:B Awardfran~


FOOTBAl..L Cl-EW..fADms ~ MASCDT t#' PUrb. Adriare 1-loflrnan. and Arne S Ch the grOJnd: Aver\! Jerringc;. Chekea woodafd~ Josh Thomas. ard Adria Meek I-looker. Ch the tra1h:Courl:ne!:JCo)(. Christina Woodard.~

It w.¥; g-eat d-eering on n.s a; cu B.1-cbg;beat tte BroddieldB..11dog;crdCoach ~ - -AdriaMeti<. 12

1 thouglt it wa<> a real 1-oot wt-en £pcno­Jad<ie l-lofffralasked c:u~wt-et 'f!N<.e's 1-tard lemonade' W¥..- -<:hiWtra WQOd3d.I

SophomOre wresting ~ Clair Draper crd ~ Tr~. cheer on a n.s mat rat at a lane d.B

l~worerneout. Theyweretoo la-g crd tte ~were rlwafl too hol­

-MB's:sa T~.IO

"Ny perro-0 1-i!ti!# W<I'> wt-en ' le3ned !'ICM' to do~ backta-d;prirg crdmade tte !:q.Jad a; a frnstm;n - -Adri;re l-lolfrnal. 9

BASKETBALL ~Rl.£~RS ~ront row: Vanessa I-lanes. Sabrina Bernett. and Amanda Gr.y. h bad<: Vare;<;a Peyton

d-eerleaders I 09

"l an gad that I got the~ to wre!>t!e oo the vnty ~ try fresl-mr't op.·

-#itchel fSriegel. g

"1 en.P.:Jed wresting ag<inct 1:¥"1 ~ the most bec:a.se that. I felt. was try best mal:.ch of the season " -..les!;9/\lleek.10

..lrior T !)er T oie l:a<es I-is place oo the Serior Zach PUrb hold; I-is own in a match P<Xfun at the Quad-Stata ~c. at Trentoo ag;¥m rival Chllicot:he.

~was:a~of~ The~l-ed troJile wil:ti weigit and keeping f<lCl&9d. but I an gad to have th"ee s:t:ate qafi­ers.. -coadi ell I-if

110 wrestling

~a ~~d:5-5

.......... Trent.on Opponent; Benton SI:. Joe Central Kirksvile Carrolton Polo Brod< field Marceline Ch'icot.he s. 1-lanison C<meron

46 27 39 51 63 26 33 6 69 31 T~

30 43 31 26 15 44 45 66 9 43

M<rceire ro lean scores Trentco sixth place

Pieas:rd; I.ft Dual 0 -5 Broddield fc:xrlh place

Maryvile frft:h place Districts sixth place

Iha worst bus l:ripof the op was: g:)ng to Districts. The heater oo the bus cfd1'hvoil<."


"tty ~ was a.it !>hort: when I con­l:radedmcro. Whal: a burmer. lfelt I lei: the whole t:.e<tn dolNn." -ggtf, Cox. 12

After se<:lionak ti th . zitJ' Plumb. t · ie ree state qualifiers po.;e for a picture. The qualifier-; are senor ophomoro ~te Meek. and senior Matthew Chamber~

Aeacon l-lighligh"

•l•Tuee q.JCified for date: Matthew Ckfrbers. Jesse fled<. Cl'ld Zach PUrb.

···~~placed sixth at: state • in the 152 pa.rd weiglt dac;s.

t.!l•Zach Purb earned Cl1 irdvidJal ~ record of 27-8.

•J•l-ig.est teem points Cl'ld ruroei­of pin!; wac; a ~ best by /IAaf:..-thew ~with 170.S Cl'ld 17.


t.!l•A ~best of 54 ta<~ ~ wac; earned by ~er Zach PUrh

·••.Staternedcid Jesse~eamed • a necr- fals ~ best with 39

Cl'ld 41 rev~

•••• T ecrn brd<e even with ciJals. with W a record of 5-5.

Assistant Coach John Jones and state quaSfier Matthew

CJ>amber> anxiousy await Matt's tum to grapple at a home Wal.

~Tm TEAM Front row: Duron~ns. Mattheweh<wnbers.Phlip9!iott.BillyBarlOIN.

Seth Cox. Joe Devorss. Blake Baugher. Zach PLmb. Midde row: ...bsh Thomas. Matt Miller. Justin 1-lendricks. Brent Stevens. Adam

/11\cCJure. Justin Ander!:on. T oJer T die. Mitch Briegel. Andy Cox. Matt Spear!;. lSack row: Mar<iY;Jer 1-ilar!:l ~ Joe 91ackbum. KentooKime!:j.~/11\cCcbn.Jes!:eN'oeek. R~n Tromble!:j. Sloane Ferguson. Nate U:lovich.Set:h Vvtil:km.and Marragn~


wrestling 111

~"TEAM Froot row: Apnl Ross. A~ Stirer. Whit ~ Back row: Maria> Moore. A~ Brewer. Katie Whitt .,.._, ney nes. Alana To!le. Witten. · """"'ca Pash and Coach Kirn

112 girls ba9<el:ball

Qea~n Mightigh"

•••• 2002-03 W<£ Trenton's fourth • consecutive wirrirg ~ •I• ConsolaOon chcropic::>N; at the

Pt.rt:rml ~ T~

•l•..N record 13-4. 1-lotne record 7-0. Trenton TOt..ITTI?y ~

•.!.!• ArrberV<nleVerderled te<tnwit:h ~ average3.5 assists cn:f 2.8 sf:.eals.

•••• TNs W<£ Trenton's fifth 15+ win • season in girls' basket:bal.

•.!.!• Tl-S places ttird in the Gallatin ~ T Ol.Jl'T'lCtl1en

•.!.!• Te<ro co-captcins were Taran ~ Brewer cn:f lirrl;;ey Lattimore.

Lirdsey led the te<tn wit:h a 75% F.T. %. Taran led the te<tn wit:h a 30.9% 3-poinl: FG%.

.,.Cl'\listina Woodard led te<tn wit:h 13.2 gctne point: average cn:f 7.1 rebounds.

•.!.!• Soptanore Courtney Cox led the ~ te<tn wit:h 44.4% tol:3 FG%.

·a...r team riWal ~ prajng before every 9<fne ard ajng believe.' •

-T arrrenlrel<rd. 9

. ~·~a Two Brookfield players put up a defensive ro-een. but it ~ 'tr~~ for the rebotrld ac; a host of too late. Serior T aron Brewer ha;; already released tte fr~ on grl!; battle for the ball ac; it ring:

ball to t-er t~te.

1reaylaug-edwhenMley1-Ltdi~ 1-oo on t-er black shorts before a lone~·

-Ivy gw;rl, /0

Ste~! Aim! .irior Christina Woodard dands on the free-l:trow fine geWrg r~ toletgoofa!>l-ol:.

V.AASITV ~ BASKEra · . Vandevet'der. lv!:I Swark A Ail Front ~ow: Tar~ Brewer. Li~ Lattimore. Back row: Coach ~ ~.l\Rgfry TEAM Front row: ~hten Witten. Sadie JoneS. ~an Schmidt. Back row: Ockenfet<;. Krista Gondringe~~-tchinson. Kan fpper!:on. Courtney Cox. Kaycee Blattner. Coach il~ ~rlii<ikitri Witten. Stepharie Gutshall. Coach Kris ()ckenfel!: . .Arne Hooker. Taurren Ireland.

and Coach Kirn Witten. '· •na Woodard. Gheena Perr!:!. Amber Vandevender. Straussy Wint8 '*in. Colbi Hanes. and Coach 9usie Vandevender.

1 en.P.J9d plajrg at Diruict ~ ag;.inst LeEllcrd. We proved to~ we coUd can­peta ag;.inst a ~t:e-rai<ed tea'n. •

.Ny per'OCOal Ng-eg,t ~ when 11-urt try

foot. I believe I played with roore teart after­ward;.. -lirrkey Lattirncxe.12

-cMmna Wocxl<nf. a

"Ny~ ~twas when the tean won Trentoo's Sooth g<f09 at South ~ aloo. it was cod when the tean beat me

at kroci<out." -Coad> Kn"s Ockerlek

Latrrop 58 51 T ri-Cot.tity 70 18 1-l<tnlton 5 7 63 S.~ M 63 ~ Co<rly M 37 Sdujer Co<rly 33 54 Brookfield 50 39 Carrolton 55 M Gallatin 42 52 Uiwron 59 34 Sa~ 47 57 Macon 54 38 Marceline CNlicothe Al>IY-y Latrrop 1-l<tnlton Kirl<svlle ~Co<rly

Cameron Princeton

LeBond Brooklie!d s. 1-lanison s.~~

Lel3k:rd !Dirlridsl

65 54 59 48 53 40 51 57 60 30 48 61 28 35

48 56 38 56 45 79 70 35 30 48 42 46 18 49

girls baci<elball 113

".Altto..9"t tm wasn't a geat ~I have to~ Cl.I" entire l:.e<Vn ~with t-eart."


"Ny petSCfl3I ~ wcs wt.en rry ~ to Ferg tock u;; Lt> by ere pdnt in the ~ g:<tne." -Trey f.4eld.12

"Ny petSCflal !ig-ig.t wcs wt.en I made a deal at the erd of the Mm g:<tne. -

-Troy fJn..ner.10

"Ny~ ~twas being the 1eacfrg l scorerairnosteverygcwre. t scored 24 points in aie gcwre. • -z me Rctirt!XXl. 9

~VARSITY 1tAM Froot row: T!Jer Mcl<Jbben. l\ick Barnett. ..Je!se '1graliam. Brian 0-tega Midde row. Derek Spencer. ~ Blattner. Tray Bn.ner. Jobey Cheek. wa,re Jones. Drew~ f?ack row: M<nager ~Jones. Thad Damar. T !Jer Greerwood. Logan Calrfibe!i. and Trav1~ ~ton. SeriOf Trey~ pt;¥-t; Ns strategy befOfe passing the baD off to a t;eMYnate.

"As&e~~rodd or sl<ik Cf1d or l:.ean c:oqiera-

tic:n" -.Jon Adwe!t . ..N coach

114 boys b~etball

SooroVoara ~a: 12-10

1H5 ~--latl'fop 52 57

'N\aj;Vl~EI 56 46

'1-tYnllon 40 57

'Gallalin 50 40

'Scollird 41 4 2

' Mil<wi 40 39

'Gdajer County 46 23

Carrollton 54 62

Ga1alin 49 36

~ 34 31

M<J;;,ai 36 53

Marcelline 52 54

CN1Jicolhe 39 56

' laH'fop 55 47

·w~t Plalle 46 70

'Ga.!al:in 38 44

Kirkwille 46 70

lav.ll:on 30 4 2

Uionvi11c 42 55

Cameron 42 76

Princeton 44 26

LeBla-d 35 46

Brod< field 47 52

Bethary 40 53

" Maryvillo [)io:lrictl 42 65

'hic:ates a~ g<rre JI

~ BOYS BASl(£TBAL1. Front row-: Zane Robinson. Lawson Ralls. l:f'\/l 1' ~ ..las:on Meek ard Derek Thome {Sack row-: Ar4J µaf'fl. CoO:l McJ.larg.iB. Jacob

t. °'-'st:in Koon. ard ~ Speneer.

con l-lighligh·--

•J• Ten ~lettered tJi!; ye;r. eiglf: sa-iors. ere pier. crrl a-eoopf-o-rnore.

•Jf-.bl M.vel coacted .N crrl Pk:h Griffith coacted tte fra;.tmen. The .N record was 5-14. cr-d fteffe!;h.­rncri record was 2-a

C•Serior Cary ~ had a 48.21% two-pdnt: average crrl scored 117 points tJi!; ~

., . SeriorTreyl-leld SCO"ed2t9points tNs ~<rd rnade35 of no 3-poitlters t-e ~

.,. ~ Bortell had 28 ~ crrl tearmate Jorcm J=erg.soo had 26. followed by Trey l-leld <rd w.re Peters with 2s each

•I• Bortell a1ro led tte tectn with roo reba.rds. fCllo.wd by w.re Pe-ters with 97. <rd David ~ with89.

....lrior .xirtm Fergu;oo druggie!> for the rebard and receives bado..p from ~te grior ea-y Sager.

BOYS vNisfrY'TtAMFront row:KirrisonMcKay. Joel Peace. Treyl-leld. l:ric Hoffman. K!i~Borte!I. [Sack row-:...brdan ~ergu<;on. Wade Peten;. Gcotl Sharp. David Sager. Car!! Sager. boyc; ~etball 115

~was a tnq.s:ea!>alfa me. Ny~ record was 5-14 <rd lr!:J OCtt>les record was 4-13. -David f:ager. f2

1 am really lodcing ~d to ll"!:J senor tp <rd new ccuts:. Naj;e we'I have the hotne-co..rtadvcriage." -Jelf~.11

SoJ;rotr-ae Jelf Sl:evens: ~ toward the bal a.. il canes inlo tis COt..rt cllirg Ii~ mat.ch

Weairg tis Nil backwards~ a ittle U:k to senor Kerry Cha..e wt-o t-es: an 8 -8 dcxbles record

"The team W<K competitve wil:Nn Tl°tS!:j do.ved lots of ifn.. provemenl: tt-rougOJt the~ s;on. ;rd they played well in can­petlt:ion • ..CoacJi Pwfi; {]O!iey

116 ~terns

4 5 4 0 7 7

3 2 0 2

5 4 5 g

2 2 4 2 3 g


Benlon Ki~le

Sa~ Chlicot:he l>.WYya Lafayelle Sa~ LeBlord Benton ~ Ccmeron ~ 0

T~g Cameron - 7th place ~-4th place

~-6th place Ch"icol:he - 5th place


Dirnicls - 6th place

1 was a rruc:h better learn cheerleader !kin I was a player tNs ~ I dd get to play both varsity <rd .N.- -.Jdvi~.11

II: was greal wirring fird-place in cb1ile: al Chllicothe. I alro felt I had a pretty good CNera~· -TroyBn.rer.10

Serior &ic Lorenz wat~'-- t'-- b . . ..... ..,_ '"" all 1nlenting -:;o as to make the return volley.

9 aacon l-lighligh~

•I• Bn..r.er <rd l3tat±ner placed first in t2 Dobles at t:heeh"ic:of:he Tour­ncme.nt crd 2rd at the Benf:m­Sav.rncil T~

C• T rent:oo placed sixth in t:heDistricl: T c:uncment oot of 13 tectr&

••--'• J.rior Varsity record was 3-5: • Trenton cl<tri:ed Benton 4-0.

c·~TroyBn.rerhadawin­~seasonof7-6 in~crdn-10 in dcUiles.

1•__t • .1rior ..ti-n ~ had a win-• ~ record for t:he ).rior vcrnty.

with a 3-2 ~record <rd a 2-2 doubles record

e_!l•Twenty-&rne bey; went out for ~ the terris ~ ttis seasorl. AB

VcV"Sity plap"s lettered.

Sopl-ano.-e Skijar Blattner serv~ l4' the bal to tis oppo­

nent at Ki~"Ue. Trenton beat Kiri<~ine 5-4 in ciial CO!rfle­lition.

BOYS TBNS~Frontrow: tric lorenz. Kenny Chase. David Sager. and K!::Jle Chenoweth Nidde row: Logan ~­.b;hMat:hei.vs:.SkijarB!attner . .tlieyet.eek. TrqiBru-er.Dw.yeFder.<rdMari<Wood. Back row: Coach ~ Woke! Bodey. Jeff 1-lerderscn ~Med<. t lkln Cro.:s. Bryan Adams. tric Coli~. Jell Stevens. .Lrun ~cks. am Rocky~

boys terns 117

1 WC!!: r~ proud of lie ~ tm yez. ecpecialy of Car1J ard .be!. Ifs too bad we ame 1.4> ooe Wdc:e stiort at Distridt. •


~v?~ ~ne 158 151 Broddield 150 154 Meadville 158 Carrollton 150 Le91ond 159 Kirl<svllle 158 Ch'Uicothe 163 ~or gpc;rg; 163

Sava-ncil Ccmeron Plafuburg Ptatte Coc..nt:y Ch"'Bicol:he Ridmcrd Disf:ricl 12-Al

Id place Sl:h place 3rd place 3rd place 2rd place

16th place 3rd place

204 172 204 155 160 147

321 317 2 30 343 155 34 3 357

Prior to a mal:ch at Riverside with Broddieid. senor Joel Peace practices lis puttirg.

s.\ea~n l-lighligh"

•"•Serion;CCf!:! SaQerard Joel Peace • go to Stata ard ICl"k 34th a-d

31st. reqiectivey CcYy rai<ed 7th at Districts ard Joel ICl"ked IOf:h.

•"• The v.nit:y ~ even in d.Jal!; • with a 4-4 record

•I• The j.rior v.nit:y ha!; Cf) if'r4:>re>­sive 4-t record

•• ..-. !=oor senon;. two J.riors. ard ~ • fresf-tncr1 letter. Derek Thome IS

the ycxrged tectrmate to letter·

.~.The~ placed Id in the SaV<YY • rm Tourney with a score of 3~·

They placed 2rd in the Ch'Dicol:hB TCXJl'TlCfl'lent with a score of 155· ard the ~ placed 3rd at t:re Plcfuburg. PlatteCo.ri:y. cn:!Dis­trict 8 12-Al ~ ~ <Ko p1acec1 rrff:h at t:ne caneron toomey.

Senor Trey 1-leld putts out ori hole two at Riverside-

I \

~\\fas reany g-eat beirg able to go to State ~ Of tt-e fOUf !J!<¥'S I played at n.s. ·

-Caf11Sager. 12

I I ---

1 felt lou>y about lie way I played at Dis­tricts. I WC!!: having a pretty good a!a!;OO

lllbl tnat day. - -Andy Cox. a

200300YSGCUltAM Frrxit row:Ka;ey Balley. Joel Peace. Cary Sager. ard T!P' McKibben ESack row: Derek Thorre. Andy Cox. ~Weaver. Trey 1-leid. ard Andy 1-lafn

ha meet agand ~at lie River­side ~ Cti>. pier Andy Cox pre­~ to~lis~!:l-ol:.

• Ny pemni ti~ WC!!: wt>en I tied for first at Ch1icothe." -Derek Thorre. 9

boys golf 119

* •

toys Trcack Kyle ~n w 6tate ohamp1onl Mernori~ a

Mighligh~ •J• Five school records set: K~te

Bartell. no t-orc1es: w~ Peters. triple ~. 10()-yard dast\ and 200-yard da!;h: tfrowers' reJay. Sloane Ferguson. Mck Bomett. Thad Damar. and ~c 1-lofftnan 151.81.

1••, Two state cµilffiers: K!Je Bartel. • no t-orc1es U5.341: and w~ Pe­

ters. triple ).ltr4>. K!Je won fird­place in state. and w~ placed sixth 141.05.51.

•l•~'sA'W<!r<!c.NDst~se­r.or. K!Je Borten: most valuable ~. Zcre Robiroon: and tifll point men w~ Peters. 215.

1••, Trentoo ~ firished tre state • rneet with 13 points fora ftff:eenth­

place firi!>h

• .vy first inl orjy ':Pl" in track has been a bia!;f;. I decided to seek~ t:emtay tlis ':Pl": -KirrironMcKay.12

~the 9l6\ sords fcr the 4x800 relay. State ~on KoJe Bortell wins at Districts and g:p;<f' , r!h~legDrewDucseyta<esoff.~inthe to place first at state in liift t-c..rrcles.. ~ are Koon. Bel"'1J. and Greerwood

"nis !P~ ~ awesanQ !P for me. Wt tlqo

i!> <fw¥ rcxm fa irr(orcMlrnenl It ~ geat going :rd placihg in date." -Wroe Pet.ers. /0

~ W'°3 Peters ecwns ~in cfsl:ricts and sixth at Jefferron City 111 the


120 boys l:emis

BOYS TRACK 'TEAM ~ .• if.,/ K!,je Bertel. and Jar~= row.llic:k Bomet:t. Zach DUrb. ~ott Sharp. tric Hoffrn<n Kirrison~ Casey Kitchen. and Will :rn Mickle row. T oJer Greenwood. KoJe Sharp. W<!De Peters. tajeS .~ Thad Dannar. Dustin Kaon ~ f?ack ro..v: Coach Rich .Jol'llon. Drew Dudley. Chris ~arr. Zane RcP

· oane l=erguson. and Kenton Kinney. ~· s: best Pde-vaulter. ~Kitchen. vaults a personal-record of "·6·

1 ~ en_P.Pd nrrirg the ~ta ice

events. I hqie to~~ recads as a pi or." -T !)er GreerMtr:xxl.10

"A!tt-ooug> I cfd'l't ~ ~ sd'Od records cr q..raify for state. it was an honor to receive the coach's ~d- -Zane Rdirt;ai. 9

~Drew Dl.dey inl ToJer Breen.vood <Ye strofng aver to get rec4J for the 4xSOO rr.eiar relaif

boys tennis 121

~ TRACJ( ~ ~ront row: Apr~ Rlxs. Ashten Witten. C.0..-l:ney Cox. ~81alt:ner. Cobi~ andeh"i!;­tina Wocx:lard Micklerow:S/-eena Perry.

Sabrina Bernett. Arrie 1--0cker. Amber V<rdeverder.Ll~Latt:itnore. Taren Brr Sacie Jones. ard Valeri Ander­;.a.. ..Jack row: Coach ems Parks. Ivy Swa•. Alana Tole. Stacey Stl. Karia Lovel.Cari~.StepharieGutthal. Mckale Marroquin. Jerna 1-lud!;on. and ~ica Marroquin.

122 boys temi!:

Tr.-ck Mernori~ a Mighligh"

•I• 4x800 meter relay t:ectn firished in trird-place at state with a time of 9:59:41. Merrbers of the t:ectn were Kaycee Blattner. Lind!;ey Lattimore. Aden Witten. and Arrber Vcroeverder.

,v.~e Arrber vcroeveroer • also woo ei~ place in the triple

J8r1> with a recorded~ of 33' 1". She also brc:ke the sdOO record

.~. Girkplacefirst in the TrentmG.\Jad ~ with R5 points and in the Trentm

relays with 17 4 points. The grk also placed first in the 1-fgtjN;Vrle relays with 160 points.

.~.The grk placed trird in the Didrict ~ 8 Class 2-A competition with

865 points. First-place firid-ers were Atrber Vcroeverder in the triple .J..nl> 134'4 ')and the 3200 meter relay team. Blattner. Vandevender. Witten. and Lattimore. with 10:07.92.

Sopliomore ArrberVardeverder 11r6 her leg of tTe 32()()rf1 relay &at tock Hird at state.

"A ritual.we had before nrrirg ~ ajrg the lords prayer with the~ 4x4 tecwn •

-Aslit.en Witten. 9

-~~ ~~wt.enlbrd<e&e triple-J.l1l> record at 3f4. at districts..

-Alrber V~.IO

State-bard merrbers of tre 3200rn relay tB<tn Moten Witten. Kai,cee 81att:nef, Linct;ey LatUncm and ArrDer V;rdeVender. a-e al smles.

ll-e most irt;pirirg ~co the t:ean was Kaif:ee 81att:ner. S1-e c:a"l rm forever and never ~ • -lirds:ey lattitnae. 12

Qi the outside and in front: ii; sopl-anore Ivy Swai< rurring the IOOm <Sh

I t's; t:ime to move on. s;o fina l hugs and faraw a lls; are in o r der. a t laa~t with friend~ from TJ-IS. Goodbya. Philip Elliott. Casey J-lahn. J-lolly Fo~ter. and Andy Cox.

~enior ~eth Cox ha s; been wait­ing !or t~is; day for thirteen years. J-le rs; going to s;ail on out of TJ-IS and into t he real world.

After c laaning o ut her loc•-~ e • T ~gr, s; nior aron Bra w e r prepares to s;ay he r fina l goodbyes; t o her happy rnernories; at Tl-IS .

124 dosing

l I p=<

When I ••. , ~~•War:; a

C• ~ Bulldog ....

••• •• ••• '""6i ••• ... ·'II

t certainly has been great going through the changes and stages of finally becoming a true bulldog. We've grown physically. mentally. and

emotionally. We've gone from having someone tie our shoes to tying yellow ribbons in remem­brance of the sold iers who have gone to fight for our right to be bulldogs. We've emerged from little bulldogs learning to play together on the playgrounds to big bulldogs struggling with our opponents on the fields. courts. mats. courses. and track. We've also discovered that the opposite sex doesn't really have cooties. and they are pretty neat to take on dates. We've gone from counting bears in the hall to counting down the days to graduation. We've gone from Timbertown to hitting the town on

Saturday nights. We're no longer driving J.4ot Wheels. but real wheels. The simple life has become real life as we've learned that more freedoms equal more respon­sibilities.

J..4ow great it is to look back and reflect on the moments that have created the won­derful memories of how I be­came a TJ-49 Bulldog.

Junior T iffany LaSalle is dress;ed as if t o tell us t hat s;he is; g lad that the war in Iraq is; o ver and she · .. ready to move on too.

dosing 125

Adams. Bethary 56. 58. 62. 94. 95 Adams. Bryan 8. 40. 78. 80. 94. R7 Adwell. Jon 36. 98. 99Jl4 Albrecht. Becky 32. 36 Albrecht. Q.senan 36 AllbaJgh. Megan 36. 88. 89 Allen. Nicole 24. 26. 48. 102. Allen. Vanessa 7. 26. 56. 80. 83. 87. 93 Allgood. Tabatha 56 Arte!;, Brandi 65 Altes;. Tosha 6.17. 40. 43. 80. 90. 91. 94.

107 Arderron. Jacob 48 Anderron. ..1sf:in 7. 40. 46. 90. 98. Ill Anderson. Rachel 40. 94 Anderson. Valeri 8. 21. 48. 122 Anderoon. Zach 64. 65. 99 Applebury. Brent 40. 80. 90. 98 Applebury. Teresa 48. 83. 9S Applegate. Brent 40 Applegate. Naf:han 32. 65. 79 Arrdt. Angela 40 Arnold. Sena 40. 41. 42. 83. 88.107 Arlhaud. Matt 48. 80. 92. 93 Ashworth. Katie 56. 95. 105 Audierger. Matt S6. 78. 80. 87. 95 Auwarter. Matt 56 Axtell. Tabitha 48. 80. 93. IOS

Bailey.~ 15. 21. 2S. 56. 59. 75. 80. 87. 88. 89. 99. 119

Baker. Ashley 8. 48. 80. 83 Baker. Colby 48 Barlow. Ashley 48. 92. 93 Barlow. Bill!:J 8. 25. 64. 6S. 73. 78. 95. ur Barlow. Jerry S6. 90. 9S Barron. Sabrina 40. 90. 92. 93.100. 101 Baucom . .Ja<e 40. 90 Baugher. Blake 6S. 79. 90. 91. m Bennett. Sabrina 40. 46. 88. 90. 92. 93.

107. 109. 122 Berry. Mi.jes 48. 120 Betz. Skylar 28. 6S. 78 Beverlin. Casey 17. 29. 64. 65. 80. 83. 84.

87. 90. 98. 99 Beverlin. Lana 36. 72 Birkhead. Ashley 41. 89 Blackbum. Joe 7. 48. 50. 90. 98. 99. ur Blarkenship. John 41 Blattner. Kaycee 28. S6. 78. 80. 84, 87.

100. IOI. 112. 122.123

Blattner. Skyler 49. 78. 80. 84. 88. 94. 95. 99.114. 117

Boland. Fred 36 Bonnett . .Lstin 41. 78 Bonnett. Nick 56. 80. 87. 99. 114.120 Boone. Toni 38 Bertel!. Kyle 15. 65. 78. 114. 115.120

126 index

Bosley. Alex 49 Bosley. Megan 7.14. 25. 28. 65. 80. 83. 87.

82. 93.100.101 Bosley. Mt'ke 117 Brassfield. w~ 36. 78 Brewer. Ad-iley 6. 41. 78. 88. 90. 94.102.

112 Brewer. Taran 9. 21. 24. 27. 65. 78. 79.

80. 87.102. 103.112.122. 124 Bridger. Stan 41 Briegel. Mitch 17. 41. 90. 98.110. IR Bnll. ~ 49. 69. 80, 93

Bri~. Martha 36 Brittain. Dean 65 Brittain. Mr'ke 49. 78. 89 Brown. Ariel 41. 94 Brown. C...111. 56. 74. 75. 80. 87.102 Brown. Charity 3. 32. 6S. 72. 79. 80. 86.

87.93 Brown. David 49. 95 Browning. Jason 27. 6S. 93 Bruner. Denise 36 Bruner. Tray 49. 70. 89. 90. 114. 116. 117 Buchanan. Joseph 56 Bumell. Ky!e 41. 89. 90 Bur~s. Megan 10. 24. 48. 49. 83. 90. 92.

93 Burkeyb~e. Dave 14. 39 Buzzard. Cari 31. S6. 60. 87. 90 Bye. Jessica 65. 78. 79. 80. 83. 87. 92. 93 Campbell. Logan 20. 28. 49. S2. 83. 84.

88. 90. 93.114.117 Campbell. Zach II. 56. 59 Cannon. Jemifer 65. IOS Carpenter. Amber S6. 61. 87. 95 Carter. Josh 6. 41. 44 Carter. Shella 57. 80. 83. 87, 9S.104. IOS Chambers. Matthew 6S. 90. 110. Ill Chase. K~ 8. 29. 65. 79. 83.116.117 Cheek. Jobey 49. 87.114.117 Chenoweth. Kyle 3. 28. 65. 80. 83. 87.117 Clark. Melissa 7. 41. 45. 94 Clay. Josh 6S Clough. Russell 36. 39. 104 Collins. Eric 41. 44. 93. 98. 117 Colrrns. Felicia 41. 94 Coon. Cannen 19. 38 Cosbey. Natalie 6, 10. 49. SI. 55 Cox. Andy S7. 80. 82. 83. 87. 88. 89. 99. Cox. Barbara 36. 80

Cox. Courtney 10. 20. 25. 49. 52. 84.102. 108. 112.122.123

Cox. Seth 17. 20. 21. 26. 65. 83, 87. 9 8 , 89. 93. 99.110. 111.124

Cross. Ef:han 24. 57. 75. 80. 84. 87. 90 91.117 .

Curd. Chris 57 Daniels. Arnber 2S. 49. 102 Dannar. Adam 65. 73. 87 Dannar. Larry 36. 78 Dannar. Sarah 36. 37. 39. 80

Damar. Thad IS.18. 49. 5S. 73. 78. 80. 83.

99.114.120 Devorss. Joe 64. 6S. 79. 87. 90.111 Dickinson.ArnberS7.95 Dickinson. Anthorg 6S

Dickinson. ~ S7 Dies. Santana 41. 44. 89. 90 Dittmer. Kristi 6S. 80. 88 Dorris. Chris S7. 61.104. IOS Dougan. Dor1'la 37 Dow. Tristan S7 Draper. Clair 30. 49. 89. 109 Dudley. Drew 21. 49. 90.114. 120.121

Duncan.~ 49. 89. 90 Duncan. Josh so. 63 Duri<in. Bobbie ..k> 41 Durkin. Ryan 18. 29. S7. 63. 88 Dustman. Jean 37 Elliott. Joni 6S. 87 Elliott. Philip 7.17. 21. 6S. 79. 83. 87. 88.

99.111.124 Epperson. Kari 24. S7. 80. 83. 84. 87. go.

91. 100.101.112 Ewing. Jacob S7. 80 Farr. Chris 18. SO. 93. 120 Fender. Vince 37. 99 Ferg.iron • ..k>rdan 25. S7. S8. 62. 68. 7S.

80. 83. 87. 88. 99. llS.120 Ferguson. Sloane 41. 43. 90. 93. 98.111.120 Ferris. Destiry S7. 60. 80. 87. 90. 91 Fetzer. Shannon so. 68. 9S Rdler. Dwayne 50. 80. 93. 117 Foster. I-lolly 14. 65. 79. 80. 83. 84. 87. ae.

124 Frey. Sierra 41. 94 Fries. Kellie 29. 60. 65 Gaines. MicheHe 8. 37. 58 Gannon. Andy S7. 60. 90 Gardner. Lesley 42 Gardner. Lindsey 42. 44 Gearin. Cindy 50 Gearin. Tina 6S. 79. 97. 95 George. Adam 7. 2S. so. 90 Gi~on. Sara 37. 71 Giles. Courtney 31. 42 Giles. Kyle 50. 90 Gtlharn. Titn 37. 39. 93 Glenn. Tabi 42 Gomez. Mario 28. 57. 87. 98. 99 Gondringer. Krista 15. 21. 57. 59. 75. 90. £38·

87. 88. 89. IOS.112 Gonzalez. I-leather 6S. 79 Gonzalez. Travis 42 Goodin. Marian 37. 69 Goodman. Jonathon 42. 78. 93 Gray. Atnanda 18. 42. 80. 83. 106.107.109 Greenwood. Tyler 21. 2S. 30. so. 51. 99. UA-·

120.121 Griffith. Rich 37. 99 Grooms. Katey 30. 50. 53. 94 Groves. Nikki 58 Gutshall. Dennis 17. 37. 90

Gutshall. Stephanie 50. 52. 84. 90. 100.101. 113.122

~.Mr'ke42 Hahn. Andy 42. 88. 89. 93. 98.115.119 Hahn. Casey 7. 21. 33 6S. 78. 80. 83. 88.

89. 124 l-larrulton. Shawn 42 I-lanes. Colbi 21. so. S3. 89. 102. 112. 122 I-lanes. Nie 58 I-lanes. Susan IS. 17. 24. 58. 72. 75. 80. 87.

90.91.108 I-lanes. Vanessa 14. 42. 43. 90. 92. 93.109

I-lanes. Whitney 20. 42. 90. 102. 112 l-larrington. Marci 32. 6S. 100. IOI l-laskins. Brandi 58 l-laskins. Dustin 65. 71. 89. Ill 1-feld. Trey IS. 64. 65. 78. 83.

119 ~rson. Abby II. 13.18. 27. 29. S7. S8. 62.

78. 80. 83. 87 ~rson. Jeff 58. 75. 80. 87. 116. 117 1-lenc!ricks • .!stin 31. 42. 47. 98. 111.117

1-lel'ldrix. Chandra 64. 6S \.!Offrnan. Adriane 7. 10. 41. 43. 46. 84. 88.

94, 100.101.108. 109 1-lOfftnan. Connie 19. 37 1-lOffrnan. Eric 2. 7. 24. 28. 6S. 71. 75. 80.

82. 83, 84. 8S. 87. 90. 91. 98. 99.115.120

l-!Off rnan. Jackie 37 l-!Offrnan. Kristen 58 l-loternan.1-lilary IS.16. 21. 24. 57. 58. 80. 83.

84. 87. 90. 91.105. Ill 1-!00ker. Annie 50. 83. 113.


I ~on. lance 25. SO. 70. 78. 80 rd. B.J. S8. 87. 90

~e. Eryn 21. 40. 43. 98. 115 I..!. .~on. Jenna SI. 80. 83. 92. 93. 122 i.;;hs. Robert II. 58. 60. 90

4.iii9hs. Ryan 51. 90. 91 ~·Andrea 51. 88.100. IOI. 113 ~ Bethary 40. 43. 88.

chinson. Ashley S8. 75. 80. 87.102. 103,112

~chison. Kyle 51 ~ st.Ronll8

r<lharn. Jesse 10.17. 31. S8. 61. 80. 83. 87.

~ 98.99.114 ~<lhd. Taurren 43. 90. 113 ~ aef. Christina 58 ~son. LaTasha 51. 83. 89. 90. 94. 95

1 son. Will 31. 51. 89. 99. 120

~sitiski. Tocarra 10. 32. 65. 78. 79. 80. 85.

-h..~7. 9S.104.105 ~~ot. Nicholas 43 ~ings. Avery 56. 59. 70. 80. 87.106.

Ji 107.108 Ji l'tc:ks. Alisha 65. 78. 80 JNl'tc:ks. Afn!:j 51. 93 ~on.Dave37

~on. David 19. 2s. 43. 80. 90. 94


Jotnson. Rich 37. 99.120 ..k>nes. Girger 38. 82. 83 ..k>nes. John 19. 38. 82. 99. m ..k>nes. JoshJa 43 ..k>nes. Rocky 59. 62. 75. 114. 117 ..k>nes. Sadie 17. 28. 51. s2. 90. roo. ro1. 113.

122 Jones;. wa.re 3.19. s6. s9. 72. 00. 93. 114

Kelsey. Verna 38 Kempf. Jaime 19. 59. 78. 80. 83. 87

Kesner . ...klstin 43 Kincaid. Misty 43 King. Anrie 3. 65. 72. 78. 80. 87. 88. 92.

93 Kinney. Kenton 40. 43. 88. 89. 93. 94. 98.

111.120 Kinnison. Amanda 6. 65. 100. IOI Kitchen. Casey 25. 51. 120. 121 Knapp. Wes 51. 90 KolodziejSl<i. Brian 52 KolodziejSl<i. Keith 59 KolodzieJ>ki. Nicole 44 Koon. Dustin 44. 88. 115.120

Kr~. Kristin 52. 92. 93

Lame. Ross 52 Lamp. Kassie 52. 95 Lasalle. Trffan;:i 15. 51. S2. 53. 78. 80. 88. 92.

93.102 Lattimore. Lindsey 7. 21. 27. 6S. 70. 78. 80.

83. 87. 88.104. 105. 112. 113. 122.123. 125

Lawi:on. James 44 Leafgreen. Jamie 26. 59. 80. 88. 104. 105

Lee. Amanda 44 Lee. Robert 78 Lee. Zack 59. 95 Lightner. James 52. 95 Urrl<emalll'l· John 59 Lober. Angie II. 24. 48. 52. 80. 83. 88. 92.

93 Locke. Tristan 89 Locke. Zachary 44. 94 Lorenz. ~ric 6 . 65. 80. 83. 87. 88. 89.116.

117 Lovell. Abby 7 . 24. 58. 59, 80. 83. 84. 87.

100.101 Lovell. Karla 52. 92. 93. 94. 95.122

Lovell. Natalie 59. 95 Lowrey. Derek 44. 89. 90 Marroquin. ~ca 60. 61. 80. 84. 87. 122 Marroquin. Nickole 44. 47, 83. 88. 93. 122

Marrs. Jacoby 44 r.11arrs. Zachary 65 Marsh. Torn 65. 78 Martin. Jacob 65. 78 Mathewi:. Brett 15.16. 21. 52. 95

Mathew~. Josh SI. 52. 90. 117

r.11attson. SonJa 44 Mautino. Chris 52 Mautino. gcott 44 May. Lacey 65 McAtee. Carolyn 38 McAtee. Jonathon 60. 90. 91

McCloud. ~ 52. 90. 93 McClure. Adam 44. 47. 00. 90. 93. 98. m McClure. Mark 65. 79. 90 McClure. Misty 6. 29. 60. 70. 89. 90 McCo!lurn. Cacy 52. 99. IOI McCuDey. Beth 52. 88. 93.100.101 McGuire. Devin 44. 94 Mcl-largue. Cacy 41. 44. 78. 84. 115 McKay. Kinnison 2. 7. 9. 6S. 78. 79. 80. 83.

84. 87.115. 120.121 N\cKibben. Tyler 20. 60. 88. 114. 119 Mc.Vay. Graham 38 Medlin. Samantha 44. 80. 94 Meek. Adria 14. 20. 21. 65. 75. 78. 79. 80.

83. 84. 87.108.109 Meek. Jason 17. 44. 88. 98. 115. 117 Meek. Jesse 20. 49. 52. 84. 90. 98. 99.

110.111 Miller. Mathew 40. 45. Ill Miller. Mitchell 4S Mock. Jade 45. 94 Moore. Kay 38 Moore. Mariah 4S. 90. 112 Morse. Sarah 52. 88. 94. 95 Mu~. Cassie 43. 4S. 94. 107 Neff. Eric S2 Newton. Jacob 56. 60 Nickell. Megan 11.12. 28. 60. 75. 87 Nierh.Jser. Ket'dall 25. 52. 53.102 Ockenfels. Kris 19. 38.102. 103. 112.113 O!tndead. Cari 15. 61. 75. 80. 83. 88. 89.

104.105.122 Qtndead. Colby 65. 80. 87 C:Xrnstead. Camie 38 Orndorff. Chelsie 32. 65. 79 Ortega. Bryan II. 48. 52. 90. 114 Owen. Shawn 53 Owens. Jenna 7. 12. 25. 50. S3.102 Owings. Dani 9. 31. 65. 75. 78. 79. 87 ·.

Parks. Chris 122 Pash. Jessica 45. 93. 94. 102. 112 Peace. Joel 7. 27. 65. 69. 78. 79. 80. 83.

87. 99. llS.118. 119 Peacher. Lisa 38 Peacher. T . ..l 8. 38. 39. 78 Peasley. Megan 4S Perry. gtieena 10. 20. S3. 83. 107.112. 122 Peters. Erin 7.14. 20. 21. 33. 64. 65. 72.

80. 83. 87. 88. 89 Peters. Wade 17. 27. 53. 54. 83. 88. 99.115.

120.121 Peterson. Mary 39 Petrie. Jeff 65 Peyton. Travis 61. 88. 89. 114 Peyton. Vanessa 24. 53. 89. 94. 95. 109

Pilcher. Kelly 61 Plumb. Zach 33. 65. 78. 108. 110.111.120 Powell. Catie 9. 18. 65. 78. 80. 83. 87. 88.

89.95.105 Powers. Tara 59. 61 Price. Amber 45. 94

index 127

I '!

l.: .· )


Provance. Ca!:ie 53. 90. 92. 93 Ralls. Lawson 45. 89. 90. 98. 115 Ralston. Marlene 39 Rapp. Alicia II. 53. 95 Richardson. Cristen 6. 24. 53. 69. 83. 93.

95 Rickerson. Eilen 39 Ricke!:!:s. Arnarda 52. 53. 88 Ricke!:ts. Carl 65 Riley. N.yes 53 Roberts. Cliff 14. 27. 51. 53. 90 Roberts. Tara 2. 6. 29. 64. 65. 75. 78. 80.

83. 84. 85. 87. 100. IOI Robinson. Brian 39. 90

Robinson. Cai!:lin 33. 65. 70. 80. 83. 87 Robinson. Zane 45. 88. 114. 115. 120. 121 Ra;s. Aprij 45. 90. 92. 93. 112. 122 Dussell. Crystal 10. 65. 79. 80. 87. 95. 104.


9ager. Cary 6.13. 21. 24. 28. 65. 69. 75. 78. 80. 83. 87. 115. 118. 119

9ager. David 6.18. 65. 79. 80. 87. 88. 93. 99.115.116

9ager. Dean 30. 39. 117 9am~on. John 59. 61. 80. 116 9cheib. Alex 45 ~ib. Cassie 53. 95 ~ib. I-lolly 53. 95 ~Iker. Gene 39

~idt. Ashley 3. 14. 17. 20. 29. 65. 69. 72. 79. 80. 86. 8 7. 90. 91

~hmid!:. Megan 6. 28. 30. 52. 53. 83. 90. 107.113

~ward. Pa!:ricia 61 ~rp. K!:Jle 45. 98. 120 9harp. ~o!:t 8. 21. 65. 79. 82. 83. 87. 88.

89. 98. 99.115.120 ~w . ..listin 7. 32. 26. 65. 79. 83. 87 9hifle!:!:. Kaleb 53. 90

gru1er. Anna II. 24. 26. 54. 89. 90. 92. 93 m'(.Jler. Chris 14. 61. 62 9iebenborn. 9arah 36. 39 9ilkwood. Gean 62. 80. 90. 91 Gitn~on. Ka!:ie 45. 94

Girnpson. Mandi II. 65. 78. 79. 80. 83. 87 Girns. Mandy 28. 62 Qla!:er. Kayla 45. 88. 90. 94. 106.107 9rnith. E:lizabeth Ann 62. 93.105 9rnith. E:lizabeth Diane 54. 80 9rnith. Jacob 62. 80. 87 9mi!:h. Joni 62. 75

Qmith. 9tephanie 33. 65. 75. 78. 80. 87 9ruffer. Autumn 54. 83. 89. 94. 95 9pears. Matt 21. 59. 63. 75. 84. 87. 93.111 9pencer. Amanda 45. 90. 93 9pencer. Barb 39. 80

9pencer. Derek 6. 17.18. 62. 63.114 9pencer. ~e!:I 41. 45. 98. 115 Squires. Erin 54. 95 Squires. ~wn 65 9tantruff. Michael 54

128 index

9tantruff. Michael 54 9tanturf. ~an 65. 93 9teinhoff. Trent 45. 90 9tevens. Brent 63. 75. 80. 87. 93. 99.110.


9tevens. Jeff 18. 54. 83. 88. 90. 116. 117 Stevenson. Aidan 60. 63 9tewar!:. Brandy 45. 94 9tewart. Kelli 29. 80. 95. 104. 105 9tewart. Lisa 65. 78. 8 7. 95. 105 9tm. Amanda 54. 90. 95 9tm. 9tacey 122 9!:iner. Ashley 46.102.112 9tiner. Charissa 54

9uarez. An!:hDrl::J 46

9wark. Britta~ 13. 48. 54. 83. 84. 88. 107 9wark Ivy 10.17. 48. 54. 90.112. 113.122.

123 Tabbert. Jacob 46. 88. 90.115 T alle!:I. Dorth!;j 65 Talley. Ke~ 46 Tatum. 9cott 33. 65 T aturn. Thomae; 54. 90

Taul. 1-lannah 50. 54. 88.105 Ta!;jlor. Caci::J 46. 88. 93 Ta!:llor. Rachell 28. 62. 63 Templeton. Cassandra 65 Thomas. Josh 16. 42. 46. 80. 90. Ill Thomas . ..listin 54. 90 Thorne. Derek 17. 46. 90. 98.115.119 Tolle. Alana 10. 16. 21. 41. 43. 46. 88. 89.

Tolle. Tyler 21. 31. 63. 99.110.111 Treadwell. Melissa 12. 21. 24. 54. 72. 109 Trombley. R~n 63. Ill Tunnell. Willie 17. 54. 68. 98. 99 Udovich. Nate 55. 93.111

Vandevender. Amber 25. 55. 102. 112 Vu . ..lilie 46. 90

Wagner. Michael 12. 65. 78

Waits. Jessica 10. 25. 65. 75. 79. 83. 87. 92.93

Waldrep. Arron 46. 90. 98 Waldrep. 9arah 55

Walker. All!;jSon 42. 47. 80. 88. 94. 107 Walker. Elaine 39 Ward. Chris 4 7

Washburn. 9amantha 24. 54. 55. 89. 93. Weaver. Jo~ 65. 79. 83. 88. 89. 90. 119 West. Brady 9. 29. 65. 99

West. Jesse 2. 6. 64. 65. 75. 78. 80. 84. 86. 87.100.101

Wes!:. Kaycee 6. 65. 75. 78. 80. 87 White. 9abrina 4 7. 94

White. 9usie 29. 30. 65. 78. 87 Whitham. Seth 51. 55. Ill

Whitley. Nicole 8. 13. 31. 65. 75. 79. 80. 86. 87

Whitt. Katie 42. 47. 88. wmcuts. Kevin 65 Willcuts. Kristina 10. 28. 55. 72. 95

Williams. 9ocha 55. 89. 93 Wilson. Ashley 55 Wilson. Dustin 55. 90 Wilson. 9tacy 55 Wilson. Zach 65. 80. 87. 90. 91 Winters. 9trausS':J 20. 21. 28. 58. 63. 7 4.

75. 80. 83. 84. 87.102.112 Witten. Ashten 47. 88. Woldridge. Callie 55. 90 Wood. Mark 9 . 55. 90. 117 Woodard. Chelsea 47. 89. 100.101 Woodard. Christina 24. 62. 63. 80. 83. 87.

88. 100. IOI. 108. 109. 112. 113. 122. 123 Wrigh!:. Kelli 39

Wyant. Megan 55. 90. 93. 104. 105 Yardley. Tirn 65. 71 Yardley. To~ 63. 83. 87

Love. Dad. Thomae;. T ravic;. Grandpa Don. Morn.

Grandpa Roy. Grandma Donna.

Ulcle Troy. Aunt Rinda. T abb<j. Bailey. Urcle Vince.

Aunt gondra. s ~bo~ .,

Congratulations. Scott!

senior salutes 129

C07!f!l' ozz:u!czzz'OlLJ'. ffn~I

Corgratutati~. Trey!

130 !;enior salutes

W B'rB oo proua of you, atJtl Wl6h you ~ In th6

yBare to 00tl16.

LDYe. hlonz. Doze/' (100/l or Zac;f

' WQ am proud of you.

Love. MorngDad

Congratulations, Cary!

We wish you happiness and success as you

make your dreams become reality.

Love, Dad, Mom, and Craig


Nathan! Love,

Mom, Jeremy, and Brent

It is an honor Congratulati~. and a privilege to have you as

.. . . , .

a son and brother.

r~ I Cl 1C.


Weare ro proud of

yaul f\/\arl. Dad. ~· ~ g{:jrkerbelle


Bla'<e! Weloveyaul

Mom and Dad

oonior salutes 131

Annie. We love yau and

wid1 yau happi~ and contirued


132 senior ~es



C07!!71 dlu!atzon.r. 7occz11cz.I

W e cz1r;,

171oud31'{;lou! LDJ/C.

M o1n cznd'Vcza

Congratulaticn. Jacob! We are very proud of you.


Mom. ~rah.

f?en. Kaitlyn.

Grandma. and Grandpa

I-leather. From the moment you arrived and every day for­

ward.~ ·ve been a blessing and brought encll~ joy. Now t hat you've grown and are eager to dart life on

your own. I pray life's little !~()!'"¥.; and God's loving hand g.Jide you on. Know we will al~ be with you and be here for you. There is no way to expr~ to

you how much we want all of your h~ and dreams

to meet your every expectations. May God's end-

less. ~ing love always be with you.


Mom. Dad Travi~. JJtl1h. and Mal1~~ia

C07l571czru!cztzo7lJ·. JVt0tz/ May y&tre to OOtl16 VrJng you

r,uoo&:;f; ru1d happln6eel Love

Dad, Mom, Aaron, Staooy, and Gtrw

Thank!; for all t:re laughter and jDd 'dru've alwa~ brought: to our home. We are !;O pro.id of tre

unique !:JOLin9 rnan yau are!

Alwa~ rernetnber Proverbs 3: 1-8!

Ph Dip


Dad.Mom. Kayla. David. and~arnt7y

senior salutes 13 3

Matthew We are !;;Q proud of the young rnan that you have

become. !=ollow your dr~ and you will find !;;U~ and happi~s.

CO\IGRA TU.A Tl()\Jg! Love.

Dad Mom. Jererry. and the res;{; of yaur fa1n17y

Cmgrat:ulatiorG. John Congrat:ulatior-¥.; and ~ wi~~.

Dad. Morn. Brad. Janet. Toni.

T a;ha, BriH:any. and Brandy

134 senior !:alut e!:

JJdin! Morn. Dad. and Jirn

C~~'Onf, fTuJtOa

Reach for the ctar~ That:'~ where you'll find your dr~

. . +~


Love. Morn. Doug. Jeff.

Jo.;h, Kyle. and Keenan

We are prood of Yo-1 a-rl love ya..! Dad. Jean. Jonathan. and Craig

·~~ ~·en;. Catie You tnake u~ proud in everything you do. May you alwa~ follow yourdr~

Love. Motn. Dad. and Beth

~tulatlone, Charltyl

Nothing has ever been too rruch for yOlJ to accornplicll when ~· set yOlJr mind to it. We know that whatever goals yOlJ set for the future. yOlJ will achieve thern.

senior saiut~ 135

Love. Morn. Dad. and

Cree. yoor Veach farn~y. and

your 9everfrn farntty

136 senior salutes

Adarn. Whab~ver frfe holds for you.

we're sure it will never be dJll. It's; been fun watching

you grow up.

Wid1ing you happi~ and rucc~! Love.

Morn and Dad. TI-ere~. David. Kelly. and Thad

Casey Congratulations. Jesse We are proud of your

good character. May all your dreams come true.

r/ 6Zm JO pouc/ ff'flou! Love. Motn

C071!JT62Cu!6lilmw: (TesJtcal We're very prOJd of all ~ have accotnplid-ro

We wi~ ~ happi~ Ya.r'll alW¥ be OJr ITttle girl.

Love. Mom. Tim. JQ. gfiara. £/izabeth. Grandma .Jxiy. Grandpa Allen.

and Grandpa Phtl

senor salutes 137

Nicole. We love you!


C Trevor.

Ongratuf ation~! and Matthew

C077g1czru!czUmu . J<.d!ze

138 ~enior salutes

We are very proud of you and all of your accornplicilrnenCT;. We wi£:h you the betl in all you do.

Love. Dad. Motn.

Charta. and Evan

Jessica-You are our '°guns;hine:· We. are. proud of you. rm~ Good luck in all that

you d~! We. love. ya. Gus;s;ie!"

Jim. Pattie. and t?il!

Congratulation~. Erin! We wi~h you t:he be~t: in all you do

We are ~o proud of you. Love.

Morn. Dad. Dana. and Wade

C01751aru!atz(JlLJ'. S re;; li'cmze/


A/10112 a1id'Scz11zcm£!fcz

sel'lor salutes 139

I .........



Marci you were a cute redhead then redhead now. Alwa kee . and a beautiful never lo.;e s:ight: of ~ d P your great: m1ile. and proud of your reams:! We are s:o very

you. And we love you 00 very much.

Motn.1-4eat:her. Dus:t:in.

Cf°rl McKema



Love. Dad Mom.

f?rian and Mindy. Grandma and Grandpa


?{hropvud7 ifi/oul

Frorn a mlnetJ baby. to a beautiful ~ ladj.

Congratulation~. Tara Beth! We love you!

Mom, Dad Tia. and Tenna

The challeNJe may rot be ea9j.

Daddy~ girl

142 senior ~es

b_t it 1~ ~bla

!=or now ard alwa_J;. Love. Man ard Dad

Congratulation~. Adria! Toge.t:he.r we. have. e.xpe.rie.nce.d so

much fun and laught:e.r. so many t:e.ars and se.t:backs. and through it: all you

have. be.come. a wonderful young woman. We. are. very proud of your a c complishme.nt:s. and we know you wm con tinue t:o achieve your goals.

We love youl Mom and Jesse

Rerootnber !:P-Jr I~~: I. Learn as tn.Jch as you can.

2.Always do your bed.

3 .Believe in yourseH and all thing.; are pa;gble.

Congratulati~. LirrkBJ! Love.

Morn and George

Congratulations on all your accornplicilrnents. L • e L o find success. and We pray you conunu \. ..

mber t omorrow is only a vrsion. always reme d but today well-lived makes every yester ay a

dream of happiness. and every tomo:ow a . . of hope. you are so very special and vrsron

we love you very much. Grandma and Grandpa Lattimore


'What we a r e is GodS: g ift to us. W hat

we become is our gift t o


-Loui~ Nizer

Grandma Cleta a Grandpa Bob

senior salutes 143

Eric M ay your days be filled

w i t:h blessings LJke t:he sun t:ha t: lights

the sky. And may you always

have the c ourage ;.,. To spre ad your wings

and fly. Congratulations to the class of ·o a 1



Love.. Dad. Mom. and


We are all ~o pr01d of y01!

Man. Dad. ~· ~ Mid!J 144 senior salutes


Congratulation~. Kaycee and Brady

Love. Morn ard Dad. Chris;. Tai. Brad. Abbie and Adrienne

C Ol'ij!l'czl?,t(CZ!?onJ', _ .-~=J· ~ M o/cz?i

we are proud o f youl

Love. )1/111· r a1Jz1lr;l

For 18 !fiars lfl-J've shared lfl-Jr birthdays. lfl-Jr secrets. lfl-Jr friends. lfl-Jr lives. You have a special bond that only twins can experience. A& you now separate to follow

lfl-Jr own dreams. never forget the memories yOJ share...or the love!!

A s a lways--so pr oud of y o u Bot:M May God keep you safe.

Thru the y ears; you've always; made us; proudl

senior salit:es 145

• 146 >:enior salut~

MO-fAEL From the little boj on the go ... to the man we are ~o proud of.

We love you ver~ rruch. Dade Mom

ratulaticn;. David!

Dad. Man. 9arah. Arre. and Martha


.. T ocJay i~ tre fir~ ~ of tre red: of yD-Jr life.··

We are proud of youl

Love. Mom. Coy. Jut:tin. Aunt Jenny. and

Uncle Bert

senior salutes 14 7

We are proud of you! Love.

Dad. M orn. and gis

What a world of Pd yo.i have ~t to OE world

~for~ a.Jr SCJl crrl brother.

Love. Dad Mom. Mardy.

Jared Jacob. and Cari

148 oonior salul:~

One of the greatest gifts in

our lives was getting to raise you. You have

always made us proud.


Gran~ ~ Grarnpa

serior sak.JI:~ 149

.. ...._._&£ ii -.-.-.. '··.-:::::::~:' m·ermH


. r ._

, I

11111lliilili111m 111~1111 1111 1 ' . •