Tugas B.inggris Unit 3

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Transcript of Tugas B.inggris Unit 3

  • 5/20/2018 Tugas B.inggris Unit 3



    Drug Abuse

    Drug abuse is the non-medical use of a drug that interferes with a healthy and productive life. Drug

    abuse occurs at all economic levels of society, from the wealthy to the impoverished, and among the

    young people as well as adults. Many young people begin to use drugs or alcohol to experiment with

    the pleasurable effects of drugs, to fit in with peers, or to try on adult roles and behavior. Most

    people who experience with drugs or alcohol do not become addicted. When a person becomes

    dependent, the drug becomes so rewarding that it may drive the user to continue taking it despite

    harmful medical or social consequences.

    Penyalahgunaan obat adalah suatu penggunaan obat secara non-medis yang bertentangan dengan

    kesehatan dan hidup yang produktif. Penyalahgunaan obat muncul pada masyarakat di semua

    tingkat perekonomian, dari yang kaya hingga miskin, dan diantara remaja seperti halnya pada orang-

    orang dewasa. Banyak remaja yang mulai menggunakan narkoba dan alkohol untuk mencoba efek

    menyenangkan dari narkoba, untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan kawan sebaya, atau untuk mencoba

    peran dan perilaku orang dewasa. Kebanyakan orang yang mencoba narkoba dan alkohol tidak

    menjadi pecandu. Ketika seseorang menjadi ketergantungan, narkoba menjadi sangat berharga

    hingga dapat menyebabkan penggunanya terus mengkonsumsi dengan mengesampingkan bahaya

    medis dan konsekuensi sosial.

    Some of the most commonly abused drugs can be purchased legally by adults. They include alcohol

    beverages, tobacco, inhalants and prescription drugs.Alcohol beverages are one of the most

    commonly abused drugs in the world. Alcohol is a depressant that decreases the activity of the

    central nervous system. It also interferes with thinking, concentration, judgment, and movement.

    Somepeople who repeatedly abuse alcohol develop a dependence on it.

    Beberapa obat yang di salahgunakan yang paling umum dapat dibeli secara legal oleh orang dewasa.

    Yakni meliputi minuman beralkohol, tembakau, obt hirup dan obat dengan resep. Minuman

    beralkohol adalah salah satu obat yang paling umum untuk disalahgunakan di seluruh dunia. Alcohol

    adalah depresan yang menurunkan aktivitas sistem saraf pusat. Alkohol juga mengganggu pikiran,

    konsentrasi, pemutusan, dan tingkah laku. Beberapa orang yang terus-menerus menyalahgunakan

    alkohol perlahan ketergantungan terhadapnya.

  • 5/20/2018 Tugas B.inggris Unit 3


    Tobacco is among the most addictive drugs. The addictive element in tobacco product is nicotine.

    Nicotine is a stimulant, a chemical that excites the central nervous system. Nicotine addiction causes

    withdrawal symptoms when a person tries to stop smoking. Theymay also experience craving for


    Tembakau adalah obat-obatan yang paling adiktif. Elemen adiktif pada produk tembakau adalah

    nikotin. Nikotin adalah stimulan, sebuah zat kimia yang meningkatkan sistem saraf pusat.

    Ketergantungan nikotin menyebabkan gejala withdrawl ketika seseorang mencoba berhenti

    merokok. Mereka mungkin juga mengalami desakan akan rokok.

    Inhalants give off fumes that are inhaled for their intoxicating, mind-altering effects. They include

    glues, nail polish, gasoline, and aerosol sprays. Inhalant takes the place of oxygen in the lungs,

    depleting the amount of oxygen available to the brain, creating an intoxicating effect. Inhalants can

    make the user feel relaxed, restless, uncoordinated, and sometimes delirious. Some fumes can cause

    lung, liver and brain damage. They may also lead to heart failure, coma, and death, primarily due to

    oxygen depletion.

    Inheler mengeluarkan uap yang kemudian di hirup untuk efek memabukkannya, efek mind-altering.

    Obat ini meliputi lem, kuteks, bensin, dan semprotan aerosol. Inheler mengambil tempat oksigen

    dalam paru-paru, menghabiskan sejumlah oksigen yang tersedia untuk otak, dan membentuk suatu

    efek memabukkan. Inheler dapat membuat penggunanya merasa tenang, santai, tak terkoordinasi

    dan kadang mengigau. Beberapa uap dapat menyebabkan kerusakan paru-paru, hati, dan otak.


    Prescription drugs can be obtained and used legally only when prescribed by a physician. Many

    prescription drugs have a high risk for abuse when taken in greater amounts than prescribed or

    when used by people for whom they are not prescribed. Commonly abused prescription drugs

    include stimulants called amphetamines and analgesics (pain relievers), tranquilizers. Steroids are a

    special type of prescription drug used medically for a variety of purpose. However, some athletes

    abuse anabolic (muscle building) steroid to increase muscles size and strength.

    In many countries, it is illegal to sell any drug, including alcohol and tobacco products, to children

    and adolescence. Many other drugs are illegal for both adults and minors-that is, under most

    circumstances their possession and state are forbidden by law. Illegal drug include marijuana,

    cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, club drugs.

  • 5/20/2018 Tugas B.inggris Unit 3


    Marijuana is the common name hemp, a tall plant that grows in most of the world. The main

    addictive chemical in marijuana is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which can be detected in urine.

    People usually smoke the dried leaves and flowers of the plant in cigarette or pipe. Some may mix

    marijuana with food and beverages. A sticky resin of the plant, called hashish, can be eaten or

    smoked. Cocaine is a powerful stimulant made from the leaves of the coca plant native to South

    America. Cocaine is often snorted through the nose. It can also be smoked in a form called crack

    cocaine or injected intravenously. Injecting cocaine increases the risk for inquiring HIV, the virus that

    causes AIDS. Methamphetamine is an addictive drug that strongly stimulates the central nervous

    system. Methamphetamine has some limited medical uses, primarily in the treatment of obesity.Heroin and a group of related drugs called opiates are made from the sap of the opium poppy.

    Opium, the dried sap of the poppys seed pods, contains a potent chemical called morphine.

    Physicians use morphine to relieve severe pain. Club drugs are created in laboratories. They are

    known as club drugs because people often use them at nightclubs, at dance parties called raves, and

    at other social gatherings. Common club drug include Ecstasy, GHB, Rohypnol, ketamine.

    (Adapted from English For Medical Science, Fatimah siti:2009)

    A. Answer the following questions based on the text above.


    Who can be a drug user ?



    2. Why do the young people have contact with drugs ?




    How many kinds of abusing drugs are on the text? What are they ?

  • 5/20/2018 Tugas B.inggris Unit 3




    4. How can alcohol influence our body?



    5. What things belong to inhalants?




    What will happen to the inhalant in our body?



    7. What does an athlete abuse the drug for?



    8. How can a prescription drug be abused?



    9. How do people usually abuse cocaine?




    Ecstasy is well-known as club drugs, Why?



  • 5/20/2018 Tugas B.inggris Unit 3


    B. Choose one of the provided words that best keep the meaning of the underlined


    1. Many young people beginto use drugs or alcohol to experiment with the pleasurable effects

    of the drugs to fit in with peers, or to try on adult roles and behavior.


    to wear c. to addict

    b. to consume d. to abuse

    2. Drug abuse occurs at all economic levels of society, from the wealthy to the impoverished,

    and among the young people as well as adults

    a. the healthy-the sick c. the rich-the poor

    b. the abuser-the dealer d. the low class-the high class

    3. When a person becomes dependent, the drug becomes so rewarding that it may drive the

    user to continue taking it despite harmful medical or social consequences.

    a. Addicted c. effected

    b. Abused d. influenced


    Nicotine addiction causes withdrawal symptoms when a person tries to stop smoking.

    a. to finish c. to end

    b. to pass d. to conquer


    Inhalants give off fumes that are inhaled for their intoxicating, mind-altering effects.

    a. Smoke c. fragrant

    b. Air d. flavor

    C. Based on the text, what do the underlined words refer to?

    1. It also interferes with thinking, concentration, judgment, and movement


    paragraph, line 4 ) It refers to _______________________________

    2. Some people who repeatedly abuse alcohol develop a dependence on it (2nd

    paragraph, last

    line) It refers to __________________________________________________

    3.They may also experience craving for cigarettes


    paragraph, last line) They refers to ___________________________

    4. They may also lead to heart failure, coma, and death, primarily due to oxygen depletion (4th

    paragraph, last line.

    They refers to _______________________________________________

    5. Many other drugs are illegal for both adults and minors-that is, under most circumstances their

    possession and state are forbidden by law(6th

    paragraph, 3rd


  • 5/20/2018 Tugas B.inggris Unit 3


    Their refers to _______________________________________________


    Complete the following sentence by choosing A, B, C or D.


    Drug abuse is the non- medical use of a drugwith a healthy and productive life.

    a. To interfere c. Interfering

    b. Interfered d. Interferes


    There are many reason for young people.drugs, one of them is to try on adult roles.

    a. In using c. Use


    Used d. To use


    Dependent person often continue.drugs although they know how harmful it is.

    a. To take c. Taking

    b. Took d. Takes


    Most peoplewith drugs or alcohol do not become addicted.

    a. Experienced c. To experience

    b. Experiencing d. Experiences


    Alcohol..by adult could make decrease their nervous system.

    a. Consumer c. To consume

    b. Consumed d. Consuming

    11. Sometimes, people will be more confident and feel happy afterdrugs.

    a. Consumed c. Consumer

    b. To consume d. Consuming


    abuse drug in the world isnt easy, but its possible.


    To stop c. Stopsb. Stopping d. Stopped


    People use drugs or alcoholpleasure experiment of it.

    a. Got c. To get


    Getting d. Gets


    The activity of the central nervous systemby alcohol can make users movement

    be more slowly

  • 5/20/2018 Tugas B.inggris Unit 3


    a. Decreases c. Decreased

    b. To decrease d. Decreasing


    Most of truck drivers have bad habit;

    a. Smoking c. Smoke

    b. Smoked d. To smoke


    .their selves be relaxed, drug users use inhalant despite the negative effect in

    their brain.

    a. Made c. Make

    b. To make d. Makes

    17. Being restless and uncoordinated are the effects.from inhalant using.

    a. Causes c. Caused


    Caution d. To cause

    18. Recently, abused drug is a big problem.by Indonesia government.

    a. Faced c. facing


    Face d. faces

    19. Serious rehabilitation is an important way should beby a morphine addict.

    a. Taking c. Takes


    Took d. Taken


    prescription drugs in greater amounts than prescribed have a high risk.

    a. Took c. Takes


    Taken d. Taking


    Identify the underlined word or phrase bellow which needs to be corrected.


    To have experiment with the pleasurable effect of drugs, many young people begin

    A B C

    used to alcohol



    Marijuana, cocaine and heroin are drug illegal.

    A B C D

  • 5/20/2018 Tugas B.inggris Unit 3


    23. Sell any drug, including tobacco products to children in many countries is illegal.

    A B C D

    24. Marijuana is the commonly name hemp, a tall plant growing in most of the world.

    A B C D

    25. In consuming marijuana, people usually took some of it in their beverages.

    A B C D

    26. Hemp has sticky resin call hashish.

    A B C D


    Snorting through the nose, smoking in a crack form or injection it intravenous are the

    A B C

    way used by people to enjoy marijuana


    28. Opium is the dryingsap of poppysseed pods that contains morphine.

    A B C D

    29. Physicians have medical treatment to relieved severe pain by using morphine.

    A B C D

    30. In social gathering, dance party, people use ectasy and ketamin wih their friend in a

    A B

    group called club drugs
