terapi biolistrik

Post on 16-Nov-2014

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Terapi BioListrik adalah Jenis Pengobatan Arternatif yang mengunakan Media Listrik dengan Cara SENTUHAN JARI.Untuk Melenturkan Urat Syaraf Dan Melunturkan Lemak Dalam Darah(kolestrol). Terapi listrik berfungsi menormalkan fungsi saraf pusat. TERAPI listrik dapat meningkatkan vitalitas tubuh dan membantu menyembuhkan penyakit Terapi listrik juga dapat membakar gula dan lemak, melancarkan peredaran darah

Transcript of terapi biolistrik

Bioelectric therapy

Pakde jongko

081 7654 0345

Pengantar • Terapi BioListrik adalah Jenis Pengobatan Arternatif yang mengunakan

Media Listrik dengan Cara SENTUHAN JARI.Untuk Melenturkan Urat Syaraf Dan Melunturkan Lemak Dalam Darah(kolestrol). Terapi listrik berfungsi menormalkan fungsi saraf pusat. TERAPI listrik dapat meningkatkan vitalitas tubuh dan membantu menyembuhkan penyakit Terapi listrik juga dapat membakar gula dan lemak, melancarkan peredaran darah. Menyembuhkan Penyakit antara Lain 1.Asam Urat2.Darah Tinngi3.Kolesterol4.Keseleo5.Diabetes6.Stroke Sudah Lama Mau pun Baru7.Lemah Syhawat8.Ambeyen9.Rematik


• Electrotherapy is the use of electrical energy as a medical treatment In medicine, the term electrotherapy can apply to a variety of treatments, including the use of electrical devices such as deep brain stimulators for neurological disease. The term has also been applied specifically to the use of electrical current to speed wound healing. Additionally, the term "electrotherapy" or "electromagnetic therapy" has also been applied to a range of alternative medical devices and treatments.

Sejarah electrotherapy• During 1855 Guillaume Duchenne, the developer of electrotherapy,

announced that alternating was superior to direct current for electrotherapeutic triggering of muscle contractions

• During the 1940s, however, the US War Department, investigating the application of electrical stimulation not just to retard and prevent atrophy but to restore muscle mass and strength, employed what was termed galvanic exercise on the atrophied hands of patients who had an ulnar nerve lesion from surgery upon a wound

• Although a 1999 meta-analysis found that electrotherapy could speed the healing of wounds,during 2000 the Dutch Medical Council found that although it was widely used, there was insufficient evidence for its benefits. Since that time, a few publications have emerged that seem to support its efficacy, but data is still scarce


1.Asam Urat2.Darah Tinngi3.Kolesterol4.Keseleo5.Diabetes6.Stroke 7.Lemah Syhawat8.Ambeyen9.Rematik

Titik therapi ( accupunture point )

Meridian paru paru meridian usus besar

Meridian lambung meridian limpa

Meridian jantung meridian usus kecil

Meridian limfa meridian ginjal

Meridian selaput jantung meridian 3 pemanas

Meridian kandung empedu meridian hati

Meridian du ( GV ) dan ren ( CV )

Peralatan biolistrik

• Dimmer

• Potensio 1 M ohm

• Bohlam

• Kabel

• Stop kontak

Skema dan rangkaian

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