
Post on 01-Oct-2015

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Transcript of Subjunctives

SubjunctivesSubjunctive adalah bentuk kalimat pengandaian. Namun topik Subjunctive ini berbeda dengan Conditional. Conditional adalah kalimat pengandaian juga namun perbedaannya adalah Conditional dilengkapi dengan syarat-syarat tertentu untuk mengandai-andai. Misalnya "Aku akan mengundanya jika aku jadi kamu.". Berikut ini adalah penjelasan tentang Subjunctives.Struktur Subjunctive

be (past) I were you were he, she, it were we were you were they werebe (present) I be you be he, she, it be we be you be they beKata kerja lain (past & present) I work you work he, she, it work we work you work they workPenggunaan Subjunctive

Kita menggunakan subjunctives ketika kita berbicara tentang suatu kegiatan yang sebenarnya tidak akan terjadi. Kita menggunakan subjunctive ketika berbicara tentang kegiatan yang seseorang: Inginkan agar terjadi Harapkan akan terjadi Membayangkan akan terjadiContoh: The President requests that you be present at the meeting. It is vital that you be present at the meeting. If you were at the meeting, the President would be happy.Subjunctive biasanya menggunakan kedua struktur berikut: Kata Kerja: ask, command, demand, insist, propose, recommend, request, suggest + that Ekspresi: it is desirable, essential, important, necessary, vital + thatContoh: The manager insists that the car park be locked at night. The board of directors recommended that he join the company. It is essential that we vote as soon as possible. It was necessary that every student submit his essay by the weekend.Perhatikan bahwa struktur berikut ini, subjunctive-nya sama. Tidak masalah kalimat itu tenses-nya past atau present. Contoh: Present: The President requests that they stop the occupation. Past: The President requested that they stop the occupation. Present: It is essential that she be present. Past: It was essential that she be present.Kita selalu menggunakan were sebagai pengganti "was" setelah if (dan kata lainnya yang memiliki arti yang sama). Contoh: If I were you, I would ask her. Suppose she were here. What would you say?

Mengapa kita menggunakan "I were", "he were"?

Kita sering mendengar orang berkata "if I were you, I would go" atau "if he were here, he would tell you". Memang normalnya adalah: I was, he was. Tetapi struktur if I were you tidak melihat Past Tense". Struktur tersebut hanya mengenal past subjunctive untuk "to be" nya. Perhatikan contoh kata-kata/frase di bawah ini untuk struktur di atas: if as if wish suppose If I were younger, I would go. (FORMAL) If I was younger, I would go. (INFORMAL) If he weren't so mean, he would buy one for me.(FORMAL) If he wasn't so mean, he would buy one for me. (INFORMAL) I wish I weren't so slow! (FORMAL) I wish I wasn't so slow! (INFORMAL) I wish it were longer. (FORMAL) I wish it was longer. (INFORMAL) It's not as if I were ugly. (FORMAL) It's not as if I was ugly. (INFORMAL) She acts as if she were Queen. (FORMAL) She acts as if she was Queen. (INFORMAL) If I were you, I should tell her. (FORMAL) If I was you, I should tell her. (INFORMAL)Note: We do not normally say "if I was you", even in familiar conversation.

Beberapa ekspresi menggunakan subjunctive. Contoh: Long live the King! God bless America! Heaven forbid! Be that as it may, he still wants to see her. Come what may, I will never forget you. We are all citizens of the world, as it were

THE INFINITIVE Bentuk Dasar Kata Kerja A. Infinitive with to. Kita menggunakan infinitive with to, jika : 1) Didahului oleh kata-kata kerja yang sering diikuti oleh infinitif. a) Tidak mempunyai sebuah objek agree (menyetujui), refuse (menolak), promise (berjanji), propose (bermaksud, berniat), decide (memutuskan), determine (memutuskan), hesitate (ragu-ragu), hope (berharap), regret (menyesal), learn (belajar), manage (berusaha), arrange (mengatur), undertake (berusaha), remember (ingat), forget (lupa), seem (rupa-rupanya, rasanya), try (mencoba, berusaha), fail (lalai, lupa), neglect (lalai) contoh : He tried to fix the car He fails to return the book, etc. b) Boleh diikuti objek ask (minta), help (membantu), expect (mengharapkan, mengira), like (suka), prefer (lebih suka), mean (bermaksud), intend (bermaksud), want (ingin, menghendaki), wish (hendak, menghendaki) contoh : He asked to be allowed to enter I helped to open the letters They asked me to wait a moment I helped him to paint, etc. c) Selalu mempunyai objek advise (menasehati), urge (mendorong), tempt (menggoda), encourage (membesarkan hati, mendorong), warn (memperingatkan). invite (mengundang), request (minta, memohon), teach (mengajar), instruct (memerintahkan, melatih, mengajar),remind (mengingatkan), tell (mengatakan, menyuruh), command (memerintahkan), order (menyuruh), compel (memaksa, mengharuskan), oblige (mengharuskan), allow (memperkenankan), permit (mengizinkan, membolehkan), forbid (melarang) contoh : I advised him to give up smoking I urged him to persevere, etc. 2) Didahului oleh ought : Contoh: Children ought to obey their parents. Anak-anak seharusnya mentaati orang tua mereka 3) Didahului oleh to be Contoh: He is very naughty to tease his friend. Ia sangat nakal menggoda temannya B. Infinitive without to, digunakan jika : 1) Didahului oleh kata kerja bantu kecuali to be dan ought Contoh: He can swim very well. Ia dapat berenang dengan baik sekali 2) Didahului oleh need dan dare dalam kalimat menyangkal dan kalimat tanya Contoh: He neednt go 3) Didahului oleh had better (lebih baik), had rather (lebih suka) dan would rather (lebih suka) Contoh: You had better go there at once. Anda lebih baik pergi kesana segera I had rather stay at home than go to the cinema. Saya lebih suka tinggal di rumah daripada pergi menonton bioskop 4) Didahului oleh kata kerja to see, to hear, to feel, dan to watch Contoh: I saw her leave the building. Saya melihat dia meninggalkan gedung itu I heard him speak in English. Saya mendengar dia berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris atau boleh digunakan gerund : Contoh: I saw her leaving the building Kalau kata kerja see, hear, feel, watch dipakai dalam kalimat pasif, infinitif with to harus dipakai. Contoh: She was seen to leave the building 5) Didahului oleh kata kerja to have, to let, dan to make (dalam pengertian menyebabkan) Contoh: I had the tailor sew my shirt. Saya menyuruh penjahit itu menjahit baju saya You cant make her understand. Anda tidak dapat memaksakan dia supaya mengerti C. The two kinds of infinitive (dua jenis infinitif) Ada dua jenis infinitif, bentuk sama tetapi fungsinya berbeda : 1. The noun infinitive (infinitif kata benda) 2. The gerundial infinitive (infinitif kata kerja yang dibendakan) 1) The noun infinitive boleh dipakai sebagai : a) Subjek terhadap kata kerja To err (= error) is human To forgive (= forgiveness) is divine b) Objek terhadap kata kerja Contoh: We expect to succeed. Kita mengharapkan sukses c) Komplemen terhadap kata kerja Contoh: She appears to be a wise woman. Ia kelihatannya seorang wanita yang bijaksana d) Objek terhadap kata depan except, about, but, than, etc. Contoh: He desired nothing except to succeed. Ia tak menginginkan apa-apa kecuali keberhasilan e) Bentuk eksklamasi/seruan : Contoh: Foolish fellow! to suppose that he could be pardoned! orang tolol! siapa kira bahwa ia dapat diampuni! 2) The gerundial infinitive dapat dipakai untuk : a) Memberi sifat kata kerja, dalam pengertian tujuan/maksud, sebab, atau hasil. Contoh: He came to see the flower show. Ia datang untuk melihat pameran bunga b) Memberi sifat kata benda, dalam pengertian tujuan atau maksud. Infinitifnya mungkin atributif atau predikatif Contoh: An apartment to let. Sebuah apartemen yang disewakan (pemakaian atributif) This apartment is to let. Apartemen ini disewakan (pemakaian predikatif) c) Memberi sifat kata sifat, dalam pengertian hal atau maksud : Contoh: Slow to speak and quick to hear. Lambat berbicara dan cepat mendengar


Gerunds adalah kara kerja (verb) yang ditambah ing (verb + ing) dan berfungsi sebagai kata benda (noun). Dengan kata lain, gerund adalah kata kerja yang dibendakan/diubah menjadi kata benda dengan menambahkan ing. Dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris, gerunds mempunyai peran sebagai:

1. Gerunds as subject2. Gerunds as object 3. Gerunds as subjective complement4. Gerunds as object of preposition5. Gerunds after word NO6. Gerunds after possessive adjective7. Gerunds after certain verbs8. Gerunds as appositive

Gerunds as subject

Berikut ini contoh-contoh gerunds yang berfungsi sebagai subject:

Reading is not my hobby.Swimming is better than running.Hiking can be very strenuous.

Gerunds as object

I like reading.She goes swimming every morning.Their favorite sport is running.

Gerunds as Subjective Complement

Gerund sebagai pelengkap subjek dalam kalimat biasanya selalu didahului tobe yang terletak di antara subject dan subjective complement, contoh:

Her favorite sport is swimming.

Gerunds as object of preposition

Gerund sebagai objek dari preposisi terletak setelah preposisi, misalnya; for, before, without, in, at, after, dll.

Contoh;I will wash the dishes after eating.You cannot be rich man without working. Gerunds after NO

Dalam kalimat larangan, kita sering memakai kata No dan setelahnya biasanya diletakkan verb + ing yaitu gerunds. Contoh:

No Smoking!No parking in this area!

Gerunds after possessive adjective

Gerunds juga sering kita jumpai setelah possessive adjective. Misalnya:

Thanks for your coming.

Gerunds after certain verbs

Dalam bahasa Inggris, ada beberapa kata kerja tertentu yang bila kita ingin memasukan kata kerja sesudah kata kerja tersebut, maka kata kerja setelahnya harusnya berbentuk gerund atau verb + ing.Berikut ini daftar kata kerja-kata kerja tersebut beserta contoh kalimatnya:

Admit : He admitted cheating on the test. Advise : The doctor generally advised drinking low-fat milk. Allow : Ireland doesn't allow smoking in bars.Anticipate : I anticipated arriving late. Appreciate : I appreciated her helping me. Avoid : He avoided talking to her. Begin : I began learning Chinese. can't bear : He can't bear having so much responsibility. can't help : He can't help talking so loudly. can't see : I can't see paying so much money for a car.can't stand : He can't stand her smoking in the office.Cease : The government ceased providing free healthcare.Complete : He completed renovating the house. Consider ; She considered moving to New York. Continue : He continued talking. Defend : The lawyer defended her making such statements. Delay : He delayed doing his taxes. Deny : He denied committing the crime.Despise : She despises waking up early. Discuss : We discussed working at the company. Dislike : She dislikes working after 5 PM. Mind : I don't mind helping you. Dread : She dreads getting up at 5 AM. Encourage : He encourages eating healthy foods. Enjoy : We enjoy hiking.Finish : He finished doing his homework. forget : I forgot giving you my book.hate : I hate cleaning the bathroom.Imagine : He imagines working there one day. Involve : The job involves traveling to Japan once a month. Keep : She kept interrupting me.Like : She likes listening to music.Love : I love swimming. Mention : He mentioned going to that college.Miss : She misses living near the beach.neglect : Sometimes she neglects doing her homework.permit : California does not permit smoking in restaurants. Postpone : He postponed returning to Paris. Practice : She practiced singing the song. Prefer : He prefers sitting at the back of the movie theater.propose : I proposed having lunch at the beach.quit : She quit worrying about the problem.Recall : Tom recalled using his credit card at the store.Recollect : She recollected living in Kenya. Recommend : Tony recommended taking the train. regret : She regretted saying that. Remember : I remember telling her the address yesterday. Report : He reported her stealing the money. require : The certificate requires completing two courses. Resent : Nick resented Debbie's being there. Resist : He resisted asking for help. Risk : He risked being caught.Start : He started studying harder. Stop : She stopped working at 5 o'clock. Suggest : They suggested staying at the hotel. Tolerate : I tolerated her talking.Try : Sam tried opening the lock with a paperclip.Understand : I understand his quitting. Urge :They urge recycling bottles and paper

GERUNDGerund adalah sebuah bentuk ing pada sebuah verb yang dibendakan (digunakan sebagai benda). Gerund ini penggunaannya seperti benda (noun). Fungsinya ada beberapa:1. Sebagai subjek. Eg : Writing is very much good.2. Sebagai objek yang mengikuti kata kerja. Eg: I like writing very much3. Sebagai objek yang mengikuti kata depan. Eg : Im interested in writing.4. Mengikuti kata go untuk verb-verb tertentu. Eg : Chris went swimming the day before yesterday.5. Mengikuti expressions. Eg : She is lying on the bed watching TV.6. Mengikuti prepositional object, seperti : to be used to, to be accustomed to, object to, look forward to, to take to, confess to. Eg : I object to doing that, Emile confess to stealing that cheese.7. Membentuk noun phrase (frasa berupa kata benda). Eg : reading book, lying egg, boiling water, boring Dave, dll.INFINITIVESInfinitives adalah bentuk to yang ditambahkan pada kata kerja. Fungsinya:1. Sebagai subjek. Eg : To sing is hard for a person like me.2. Menerangkan tujuan. Eg : Simon comes here just to see you. (prikitiuw, wkwkwk)3. Untuk kalimat passive. Eg : I was told to be mature. 4. Setelah objek pelaku. Eg : Brian asked me to listen to him closely. Christine get Theo not to run away from home.PERBEDAAN GERUND DAN INFINITIVEMengikuti verb tertentu yang berbeda Verbs yang diikuti gerund: avoid, admit, appreciate, anticipate, continue, deny, detest, delay, enjoy, excuse, finish, forgive, fancy, keep, mind, postpone, prevent, risk, resist. Sedangkan, verb yang diikuti infinitive : ask, allow, advice, beg, decide, expect, hope, intend, invite, instruct, learn, mean, need, purpose, promise, permit, want, warn, would like, tell, teach, urge.Dalam hal Prepositional Object: (To be) used to Bila dalam infinitive, misalnya : I used to cry every night. Maka itu kebiasaan lama, si I sudah ga nangis tiap malam lagi. ^^ Sedangkan dalam gerund, misalnya : Im used to crying every night. Maka itu kebiasaan sampe sekarang, si I sampai sekarang masih suka nangis tiap malam. @.@Perhatikan bahwa untuk gerund kita pake to be, sedangkan untuk infinitive tidak. Perbedaan MaknaAda kata kerja yang bisa diikuti ing (gerund) atau diawali to (infinitive) yang tidak berbeda makna (jadi bisa bebas kita gunakan). Yaitu : advise, begin, continue, dislike, hate, intend, like, love, prefer, propose, start. Namun ada kata yang bila digunakan dalam bentuk gerund akan berbeda makna dengan yang dalam bentuk infinitive, yaitu forget, remember, stop, regret. Contoh : I forget cooking a bowl soup for you (si I lupa kalau dia sudah memasak sup untuk you) I forget to cook a bowl soup for you (si I lupa, dan belum memasak sup untuk you) The chef stops cooking (si chef berhenti masak) The chef stops to cook (si chef berhenti untuk memasak)