Pemeriksaan Neurologi

Post on 27-Jul-2016

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pemeriksaan neurologi

Transcript of Pemeriksaan Neurologi

Speaking of undisbursed loan banking , is still very large . It is estimated , Swelling due to macro economic conditions .

National economic conditions assessed increasingly erratic . Moreover, after the Bank of Indonesia ( BI ) raised the BI rate and the exchange rate is kept depressed . This makes the banking industry lending brakes . As a result , Undisbursed Loan banks , perched at the level of Rp 800 trillion .

Economists from , Indonesian Economist Forum , Destri Damayanti said , talking about the outstanding loans , undisbursed loan is still very large banks today. Swelling was estimated macro- economic conditions of the middle uncertain . The banks began to be careful .

" The economic conditions amid an uncertain world . Domestic also slowed . There is also a problem curent account deficit . So banking brakes , "said Destri , told reporters , the Economist Forum Indonesia, BRI Building , Jakarta , Monday, December 2, 2013 .

Meanwhile , on the same occasion , Economist Aviliani judge , Indonesia experienced a demand side that does not go downhill . This is why credit demand continues to grow . However , no doubt quite large undisbursed loans banking today.

"If it was my undisbursed loans increased more sense to wait and see . But , it needs to be braked as central economic conditions like this , "explained Aviliani .

Some policies already issued by Bank Indonesia to strengthen Indonesian Rupiah, one of them by raising interest rates continuously. It is considered to cause bad loans in the banking industry.

The weakening lately, making Bank Indonesia (BI) raised its benchmark interest rate (BI rate) in order to increase the attractiveness of Indonesian rupiah in the foreign exchange market (forex).

Economic Observer, Aviliani said, with the decision of the Bank will indirectly have an impact on the national banking industry. BI's decision will complicate the banking industry, especially in the credit sector.

"BI rate continues to rise, this will have an impact on bad loans in the banking sector, which was not problematic because the BI rate even so problematic," said Aviliani, the discussion of banking economist in Jakarta, Monday, November 2, 2013.

Aviliani requested that economic actors and relevant agencies should be able to pay attention to further the impact of rising interest rates above the benchmark since June 2013 and to this day continues to rise 175 basis points (bps) to 1.75%.

Because the BI rate hike is in addition to an impact on the credit in the banking industry is also expected to impact on other sectors outside the banking industry. "If interest rates continue to rise

could impact on other sectors such as real sekto, and this should be a proper way so that the BI rate does not rise steadily," he said.

According to him, the statement that was declared BI BI intervention was not associated with a weakening rupiah. He also requested that the Bank statement noted. Due to the fore, BI strategy should be compiled so that the weakening rupiah happens not lead to the economic crisis.