Mencari Genre Game yang Sesuai Passion - Cipto Adiguno (Ekuator Games)

Post on 11-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Mencari Genre Game yang Sesuai Passion - Cipto Adiguno (Ekuator Games)

Genre and PassionCipto AdigunoEkuator Games

Celestian TalesA debut title with one of the most complex genres to create.

PassionTo make your dreams come true, you have to know what it is.

FocusKnow what you want. Define your vision. Prioritize.

VisionOne man has limits. Make others believe in you.

FreedomEvery person is different. Respect them and they will respect you.

ExpressionThere’s no wrong way to make art. Your craft is a part of yourself.

CourageThere will always be risks. Everyone has doubts. Fall and stand up.


PrideMake a great game that you’ll be proud of.