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  • 8/10/2019 MATERI SHAHADAH




    Two sentences martyrdom is a testimony that there is no mandatory that free with

    love but only God's sake only. Then Muhammad's testimony that free is the messenger of

    Allah. Syahadatain This is the spirit that underlies the beliefs, thoughts and actions of

    believers. To realize believer must interact with the content through several stages

    syahadatain meaning of love and redha namely God, Islam dam Apostles. Syahadatain

    based on love and redha be sibgah to the heart, mind and body. Some definitions of


    Statement (pledge), namely a statement about the Muslim faith. This statement is

    supported by his deep powerful God, the angels, and the people of knowledge (of the

    prophets and the believers). The result of this pledge is our duty to uphold and fight for

    what is sworn.

    Oath (qosam) statement namely the willingness to accept the consequences and risk

    in the practice of martyrdom. Muslims who call asyhad means prepared and is responsible

    for the establishment of Islam. Violation of this oath is hypocrisy and the hypocrites is hell


    Treaty firm (mitsaq) namely the oath of allegiance to hear and obey in all

    circumstances to all of the commandments contained in the Qur'aan and Sunnah. With

    syahadah someone should mention him as a Muslim, martyrdom as a door for the entry of

    a person into Islam. Comprehension Muslim relies heavily on confrehension to martyrdom.

    With martyrdom as a basis, a Muslim can make changes to the individual, family or

    community. In the history of prophets and apostles, who fought for martyrdom as

    sentences and sentences that move is preaching prophets and apostles. End all, with

    syahdah course every Muslim will get many rewards and a great reward from Allah SWT.

    Syahadatain is the first pillar of Islam. Martyrdom is his deep interest of martyrdom as a

    basis for the other pillars of Islam and the pole to pillar Faith and Dien. Syahadatain is a

    spirit, the core and foundation of all the teachings of Islam. Therefore, it is very important

    in the life of every Muslim martyrdom. Syahadatain so heavily championed by the friends,

    even those willing and not afraid of any threats infidels. Companions of the Prophet such

    as Habib brave face Musaylima who cut his body one by one. Bilal bin Rabah endure the

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    crush of big rock in the middle of the day and a series of other names. They maintain

    syahadatain. Comes the question of why they are willing and daring to maintain the

    sentences martyrdom? This is due to his deep martyrdom sentence contains a very deep

    meaning for them. Erties martyrdom for them and the actual definition includes pledges,

    vows and promises. Majority Muslims understand martyrdom as a pledge of other features,

    if they do know that martyrdom also contains erties vows and promises, and do know that a

    result of the promises and vows they will actually practice Islam and faith. Faith as a base

    and also the result of a true sense of martyrdom. Faith is called the mouth, is also believed

    by the liver and acts as practiced by the true sense of faith. If we apply martyrdom and

    underlying faith consistent and focused then some of the results will be felt as courage,

    calm and optimistic life. Then Allah Almighty give them happiness in this world and in the



    Two sentences martyrdom is a testimony that there is no mandatory that free with

    love but only God's sake only. Then Muhammad's testimony that free is the messenger of

    Allah. Syahadatain This is the spirit that underlies the beliefs, thoughts and actions of

    believers. To realize believer must interact with the content through several stages

    syahadatain meaning of love and redha namely God, Islam dam Apostles. Syahadatain

    based on love and redha be sibgah to the heart, mind and body. As we know Ashaduallah

    ila hailallah waashaduanna muhammadarrasulullah means is: I bear witness that there is no

    God without Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah Two sentences Shahadah

    Two sentences martyrdom is at the core of this religion. On a regular basis is a

    revelation in the form of the book and the Sunnah. Islam contains height values can not be

    compared with the concepts, systems and other religions.

    These ideas are central to the concept of ignorance and ignorance outlook. Included

    in this group are all forms of isms (schools) such as materialism, communism, capitalism,

    nationalism, humanism, and various forms of ideological idealism samada localized

    international. The main basis is ro'yu (reason) our other features.

    Laa ilaha illa Llah:

  • 8/10/2019 MATERI SHAHADAH


    1. Laa (no - rejection) word meaning reject rejection contains all the elements behind

    the word

    2. Ilaha (offerings - which was rejected) offerings namely words rejected by laa earlier,

    namely any form of a false gods. This definition contains two words bara (innocent)

    3. Ila (except - affirmation) word bererti exceptions confirming and strengthening the

    words behind it as the only one that is not rejected

    4. God (who confirmed or excluded) were excluded by the word illa. Lafzul jalalah

    (Allah) as exempt.


    1. Valuable foundation of Islam


    Differential between Islam and Infidel

    3. An absolute requirement entered jannah / heaven. Rasullah said : anyone who said

    syahadat there is no god except Allah, and Muhammad is the Allahs messenger, so

    Allah will prohibit their body to be touched by hells fire.

    4. A key or something acceptable worship / practice. (Al-Furqan 25:23)

    5. A requirement to get the intercession of the Holy Prophet on the judgement day. It is

    a condition of the guarantee of property, life and human dignity. Rasullah said : The

    lucky human being will get my blessing in dooms day, it is anyone who said

    lailahailallah honestly from heart and soul.


    1. The first fillar : 2 statements of syahadat

    2. Syahadat is the confession statement, confession of something. It is an obligation

    Islamic matters of someone. The first syahadat is Lailaha Illallah it means : there is

    no god except Allah.In this statement contains the tauhids meaning, it means that

    there is no god that must be worshiped except to Allah SWT. Talking about syahadat

    its not enough, if we just say it, but we have to apply and implement it in our life

    and every action.

    3. So, it is useless although we say it every time, everywhere, and everyway if we are

    still doing something that worship to beside Allah SWT such as honoring the holy

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    trees, giving ritual offering to our god or to our family who has died and so on. Those

    things can make our essential of syahadaH faulty although we dont commit it, even

    though the refusal to syahadah has been described by those action.

    4. The second syahadah is we confess that Muhammad is Allahs messenger .

    the application of syahadah are :

    a. following what Rasullaah commanded

    b. approving what Rasullah said

    c. dont worship to Allah SWT except it is proper with what Rasullah explained.


    We have known that syahadah is the base important to uphold Islamic totality. Islam

    is never upright if the basic pillar of it is not upright, and four basics pillar wont be upright

    if syahadah is not upright perfectly, moreover theres no Islam before syahadah. Syahadah

    symbolized the Islams totality, like spirit thats always there in human beings. The

    importance of syahadah in Moslems life, because syahadah is as the base of Islamic

    pillars, it is a spirit, the core in every Islamics doctrine.

    These are the relevance of syahadah for our life below.

    1. The entrance into Islam Received the faith and action of someone is with statement

    of syahadah. Without saying syahadah, so every action that people have done its

    useless, like dust thats seen but nothing. It is as distinguishing factor between Islam

    and infidel. Allah SWT recites in the holy Quran : And we shall turn to whatever

    deeds they (disbelievers, polytheists, sinners, etc.) did, and we shall make such deeds

    as scattered floating particles of dust. (Q.S Al-Furqan : 23) The perfection of

    someones faith depends on comprehending and applying of syahadah. Basically

    every human being has confessed that Allah is as their God when they were in

    mercy. Admission of Allahs oneness needs to be perfected in this world with saying,

    comprehending and doing syahadah appropriate with Islmaics doctrine

    2. The core of Islamics doctrine Comprehension of Moslem to Islam depends on

    comprehension to syahadah. When someone tries to comprehend the meaning of

    syahadah truly and know the obligation of it, actually they have comprehended the

    core of Islamics doctrine, because in both of these statments contains 3 the

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    important things. The first : statement of Laa Ilaaha Illallah is acceptance of servitude

    to Allah SWT. The essence of servitude in someone just to Allah that has created the

    human beings. Allah recites : And I (Allh) created not the jinns and humans

    except they should Worship Me (Alone). (Q.S Ad-Dzariyat :56)

    The second: the statement of Muhammadan Rasulullah is confession that

    Muhammad is Allahs messenger, example and model in following the Allahs rule.

    As Allah recites in the holy Quran : Indeed In the Messenger of Allh (Muhammad

    Sal-Allaahu 'alayhe Wa Sallam) You have a good example to follow for Him who

    hopes In (the Meeting with) Allh and the Last Day and remembers Allh much.

    (Q.S Al-Ahzab : 21)

    The third: worshiping to Allah SWT includes every aspect of life. He arranged

    the relationship of human beings with Allah, with their selves and with citizens.

    Every life activity of human beings individually, sociable and country must be

    showed by serving to Allah SWT. Allah Recites : "And Verily, This (i.e. Allh's

    Commandments mentioned In the above two Verses 151 and 152) is My Straight

    path, so follow it, and follow not (other) paths, for they will separate You away from

    his Path. This He has ordained for You that You may become Al-Muttaqn (the

    pious - see V.2:2)." (Q.S Al-Anam : 153)

    The base of changing Syahadah can change the human beings in faith aspect,

    thinking, and lifes way. Change includes every aspect of life individually or with

    citizens. There are the differences in receiving syahadah in the fist generation of

    Muhammads community with this generation certainly. Those differences cause

    comprehension to the meaning of syahadah with linguistic and meaning, and

    consistent to syahadah in applying when receive or ignore. The previous people

    changed directly when they got syahadah. So they were stupid become smart, kufur

    become iman, astray become right and there are many changes because of syahadah.

    A change of individual happened to Mushab bin Umair that before he follow the

    Rasulullah preaching, he is glamour. But after getting and receiving syahadah and

    entered to islam, he was being a simple boy, as a religious preacher in Madinah and

    he has died in The Allahs way (Syahid) at Uhud war. The several reactions of

    Quraisy people to the statement of syahadah is various. People that use their

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    rationality will be easy to receive the Tauhids statement, on the contrary if they use

    their desire and there are many things that make it so difficult, they will be hard to

    receive and comprehend about it. Allah recites : Truly, when it was said to them:

    L ilha ill-Allh "(none has the Right to be worshipped but Allh)," they puffed

    themselves up with pride (i.e. denied it). and (they) said: "Are we going to abandon

    Our liha (gods) for the sake of a mad poet? Nay! He (Muhammad Sal-Allaahu

    'alayhe Wa Sallam) has come with the Truth (i.e. Allh's Religion - Islmic

    Monotheism and This Qur'n) and He confirms the Messengers (before Him who

    brought Allh's Religion - Islmic Monotheism). (Q.S As-Shafaat : 35-37) 4. The

    essence of every messengers preaching Every messenger from Adam A.S until

    Muhammad SAW take the same mission of in their preaching, it is Tauhid. The

    Rasulullahs preaching always brings people to worship just to Allah SWT. Allah

    recites : Say (O Muhammad ): "I am Only a man like you. it has been inspired to

    Me that Your Ilh (God) is one Ilh (God i.e. Allh). so whoever hopes for the

    Meeting with his Lord, let Him work righteousness and associate none as a partner In

    the Worship of his Lord." (Q.S Al-Kahfi : 110) 5. Having the big prominance There

    are many rewards that will be given by Allah SWT and promised by our prophet

    Muhammad SAW. This prominence is always correlated with application and

    implication of syahadah in our life. The biggest prominance is Allahs heaven.

    Rasulullah said : two things that are sure. So a friend asks him, what it is?

    Rasulullah answer : anyone who has died in the situation that they dont worship

    except to Allah, they will enter the heaven (narrated by Ahmad).


    2 statements of syahadah are the first islamic pillar which is contains two confession.

    The fi rst syahadah is Laa Il aaha I ll all ah, it means : there is no God except Al lah ; and

    the second syahadah is Muhammadan Rasulullah, it means : Muhammad is Allahs

    messenger. Those statements are called by Tauhid sentence. Saying 2 statements of

    syahadah contains the consequence that someone becomes Moslem and undertaken to them

    all of islamic law. With saying those statement must be followed with doing all of

    command and avoiding all of prohibitions that Allah has revealed to Muhammad SAW. So

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    those people have moved from kafir to islam, that if followed by doing all of the islamic

    laws will be helping someone safe in the world and afterlife. 2 statements of syahadah are

    as a key that with it, we can enter to islam, and with it too we can enter the heaven if in the

    end of our life we say syahadah, like Rasulullahs hadist thats narrated by Ahmad and

    Abu Daud.

    Confession to Allahs oneness as the one God, contains perfection of faith to him

    from two sides : The fir st is Rububiyah, it is the character of oneness thats created the

    universe, maintained and educated it. The second is uluhiyah. This part is the consequence

    from the fisrt side, it means that just the essence of Allah that we have to worship to him

    and the one God and the place to ask the help. The statement laa Ilaaha Illallah is

    arr anged in one form, start wi th eliminating, it is there is no God, then fol lowed with one

    affirming except Allah. It means that moslems in their life must clean every god, faith,

    aqidah and so on. There must be just one god in their soul, its Allah SWT. If we believe

    in one God, one faith and aqidah, with rububiyah or uluhiyah, we will be avoiding from

    every disaster and deviation, and we will get the safety and the real hapiness in our life.

    High or low the value of our life it depends on our faith and trust, trust to Allah SWT is the

    right value. 2 statements of syahadah are oath of someone to Allah, that someone believes

    fully, confesses that there is no God except Allah and Muhammad is Allahs messenger.

    Someone who has confessed of cour se there is an obli gation to his or her self, fu ll y

    doing what Allah commended and what he forbade. Internalization of someones

    character is very important , so that every moslem who has confessed to Allah SWT, he or

    she can place them in expression, behavior and action. The base consequence is appearred

    the awareness that the real existence is only Allah. On the contrary the existence of human

    beings is mortal. It means that eternity, certainty, perfection, dignity and bravery are had

    by Allah SWT. So, i f someone has comprehended the consequence of syahadah, they

    will act humbly to the others and they wont see the others low, although the human

    thats seen is a stupid or poor man. Whereas someone who fells more noble, smarter,

    richer, braver, more beautiful and nearer with Allah SWT, basically they are people who

    feel higher than the others. People are like that aware or not, they have placed their selves

    between Allah and human, it means that they want to make their selves as God or same as

    him. Someone who has comprehended and appl ied the consequence of syahadah , so they

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    can act democraticall y to their selves. Because the concrete example of actuali zation of

    syahadah is being able to act democraticall y, according the holy quran and confessing

    that the extent of human beings is same, except their vir tue to Al lah SWT.But we have

    to remember that someone doesnt judge the virtue of human beings because they havent

    go the right of it. Judging the virtue of human is Allahs right. Oblige to people not to

    judge and assess in virtue and faith aspect of human beings.

    The human beings is required to respect the people who was born and life with the

    good aspects of islam or we can call they are the shaleh people. On the contrary we dont

    follow to people that have damaged the islamic aspects. Moreover we can punish them, but

    we have to know too that this is not our right but governments right. With syahadah we

    are required to respect the others. We dont think to the others badly and feel the truest.

    Because of it we must make a fellowship with the others and make the safe and peaceful

    situation. With syahadah that we have confessed, lets renew our behavior and actions that

    aims to qurani democracy. Amin