M i s a H U T U K I 3 5 filetahun hari jadi UKI di Keuskupan Agung Toronto. Misa pada hari ini akan...

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Transcript of M i s a H U T U K I 3 5 filetahun hari jadi UKI di Keuskupan Agung Toronto. Misa pada hari ini akan...

0 | M i s a H U T U K I 3 5

1 | M i s a H U T U K I 3 5

Saudara-saudari yang terkasih, selamat datang di Gereja St. Anselm. Hari ini

adalah hari istimewa dan penuh syukur bagi kita semua, karena kita merayakan 35

tahun hari jadi UKI di Keuskupan Agung Toronto. Misa pada hari ini akan dipimpin

oleh Most Reverend Vincent Nguyen. Intensi misa pada hari ini adalah

mengucapkan syukur atas perlindungan yang diberikan Tuhan selama 35 tahun

kepada UKI, dan mohon penyertaan serta berkat-Nya bagi perkembangan UKI di

masa mendatang.



Datanglah Tuhan Lilik Sugiarto

======= _____ ======= _____ ======= ===== === 1> 7< 7< 7< 7< | 1 1 7 7 7 7 | 1 1 7 7 7 7 | 1> 1> | 2> 1> 7\ . . | 1> 0 1> |

Hei, si gu le gu lem-pong si gu le gu lem-pong si gu le gu le, gu lem- pong gu _____ __=== _=== ____ 7\ . | 1> 1> 0 1> 1> | 1 . | 1> . | 1> . 1> 1> | 1> 1> 0 |

le lem-pong si gu le si gu lem-pong ____ _==== ___ __=== _=== ___ ____ _____ __==== ___ |: 1 1 2 192 | 3 1 0 1 1 | 2 . 1 2 | 3 5 5 5 | 3 3 2 1 2 | 3 1

Da-tang-lah pa- da-ku ting-gal di ha- ti ku. Ha-nya Eng-kau dam-ba-an ji- wa-ku, ping- i a – ku s’la-lu di –se-tiap lang-kah-ku.Ha-nya Eng-kau-lah a–rah ja-lan-ku __=== _=== ___ ========= 1 ___ 2 0 1 1 | 2 . 1 2 | 3 3 2 1 2 1 | 1 . 9| 1 0 5< || 1 .9| 1 0 |

te-tap di ha-ti- ku se-ka-rang se-la- lu dam- te-tap di ha-ti- ku se-ka-rang se-la- lu…….. Refr: ___== ==== __ ___ __== ==== __ ____ __== ||: 6 6 . 6 | 5 3235 | 5 . | 0 3 3 5 | 6 6 . 6 | 5 3235 | 5 . | 05< 1 2 | 3 . 2

Da-tang-lah O Tu- han, dam-ping-i a- ku s’la-lu Tu -han kar-na Eng-kau-lah __== __== __== __ ____ _== __== __== __== 3 .2 | 3 . 2 3 . 1 | 2 . | 0 5 1 2 | 3 .2 3 . 2 | 3 . 2 3 . 2 | 1 .9| 91 0 :||

ha-rap-an ke-mu-lia-an, na-ung-an a- ba-di hing- ga ak-hir ja-man ____ __==== ___ __=== _=== ___ ____ _____ __==== ___ |: 1 1 2 192 | 3 1 0 1 1 | 2 . 1 2 | 3 5 5 5 | 3 3 2 1 2 | 3 1

Da-tang-lah pa- da-ku ting-gal di ha- ti ku. Ha-nya Eng-kau dam-ba-an ji- wa-ku, __=== _=== ___ ========= ___ 0 1 1 | 2 . 1 2 | 3 3 2 1 2 1 | 1 .9 | 1 0 5< |

te-tap di ha-ti- ku se-ka-rang se-la-lu dam-

2 | M i s a H U T U K I 3 5

____ __==== ___ __=== _==== ___ ____ ____ ======= | 1 1 2 192 | 3 1 0 1 1 | 2 . 1 2 | 3 5 5 5 | 1> 5 4 5 3 4 |

ping- i a – ku s’la-lu di – se-tiap lang-kah-ku.Ha-nya Eng-kau-lah a–rah ja-lan-

___ __=== _=== ___ ======== 5 5 0 1 1 | 2 . 1 2 | 3 3 2 1 2 1 | 1. 9 | 1 0 |

ku te- tap di-ha- ti-ku se-ka-rang se-la-lu Refr: CODA: ========== ___ ======== ___ = ========= ____ ========= 0 1 1 1 2 | 3 3 2 2 2 2 | 1 1 1 1 1 2 | 3 3 2 2 2 2 | 1 ....

Si – gu – le-gu-lem-pong si-gu- le-gu-lem-pong si – gu –le-gu-lem-pong si-gu-le gu- le




3> . 3> | 2> . 2> | 1> . 1> | 7 . . | 6 . 6 | 5 . 1> | 1> . 7 | 1> . . | Ky –ri – e e – le - i - son Ky –ri – e e – le - i - son ________ _______ ______ ________ _______ _______

1> 2> 3> 1> 71> | 2> . .|6 7 1> 6 (3)4 | 5 . . | Kyri- e e- lei- son Kyri- e e- lei- son _______ ________ _______

6 7 1> 6 | 5 3> 3> . | (2>)4> 3> 2> | 1> . . | Kyri-e e- le-i- son e – le–i - son 3> . 3> | 2> . 2> | 1> . 1> | 7 . . | 6 . 6 | 5 . 1> | 1> . 7 | 1> . . | Chri – ste e – le - i - son Chri – ste e – le - i - son ______ _______ ______ _______ _____ ______ _______

1> . 2> 3> 1> |5> . . | 6 . 7 1> 6 | 3> . . | 6 .7 1> 6 | 5 . 3>4> | 3> . 2> |1> . . | Chri ------- ste, Chri ------ ste Chri ------- ste e –le –i - son 3> . 3> | 2> . 2> | 1> . 1> | 7 . . | 6 . 6 | 5 . 1> | 1> . 7 | 1> . . | Ky –ri – e e – le - i - son Ky –ri – e e – le - i - son

KEMULIAAN / GLORIA (Misa St. Joseph) _______ _________

1> . 1> | 7 . 7 | 6 . 6 6 6 | 5 . . | 4 . 4 | 3 . 5 | 1> . . | 7 . . | Et in ter–ra pax ho-mini – bus bo–nae vo- lun-ta –- tis ______ ______ _______ _______ ______ _______ ________ _______

1> (1>)2> (3)>1> | 7 . 7 7 | 6( .) 7 1> 6 | 5 . 5 5 | (6) 7 1> | 5 . 5 1> 2> | 3> . 2> | 1> . . | Lau-da-mus te bene-di----cimus te ado- ra- mus te glo-ri-fi- ca-mus te ___________

5 6 7 | 1> 1> 1>| 7 7 7 | 6 . . |5 . 3 3 | 4 4 6 | 5 5 4 | 3 . .| Gratias a-gi-mus ti------bi propter magnam glo-ri-am tu-am

3 | M i s a H U T U K I 3 5

___________ ________

1> 1> 1> | 7 7 7 7 | 6 . . | 5 . 5 5 | 6 6 6 | 2> . 1> | 7 . . | Domi-ne De-us rex coeles----tis Deus pater om-ni po-tens ______ ______ ________ _______ _________

1> (1)>2> (3)>1> | 7 . 7 | 6 6( )7 1(> )6 | 5 . 5 5 | 6 . . | 5 . 4 | 3 . . | Do mi- ne Fi---li u--ni –- geni-te Jesu Chri------------ste ______ ______ _______ _______

1> (1)>2> (3)>1> | 7 . 7 | 6 (6) 7 1> 6 | 5 . . | 6 6 1> | 1> . 7 | 1> . . | Domi—ne De-us A-gnus De---i Fi--li-us Pa------tris ________ ________

0 0 5 | 1> 1 > (7) 6 |5 . 3 | 6 . . | 5 . 3 3 | 4 . 6 | 5( .) 4 | 3 . . | Qui tollis pec--ca-ta mun—di mise- re- re no---- bis ________ _________ ________ ________

0 0 5 | 1> 1> (7) 6 | 5 . 3 | 6 . . | 5 . 5 5 | 6 6 6 6 6 | 5 7 1> | 2> . Qui tollis pec—ca--ta mun--di Susci-pe deprecati- o-nem nostram ________

5 | 3> 3> 3> | 2> 2> 2> | 1> . . | 5 . 5 5 | 6 . 1> | 1(> .) 7 | 1> . . | Qui sedes ad dexte-ram Pa----tris mise-re-- re no------bis

0 0 0 | 1> . 1> | 7 . 7 | 6 . 6 | 5 5 5 | 6 . 6 | 5 . 4 | 3 . . | Quo –ni-am tu so-lus sanctus tu so--lus Do-mi-nus ________

0 0 5 | 1> . . | 7 . 7 | 6 . 6 | 5 . 5 5 | 6( . . | 2> . )1> | 7 . Tu so---lus al--tis--si-mus Jesu Chri------------ste ______ _______ ________ _______

5 | 1> 1>2> 3> 1> | 7 . 7 | 6 6 7 1> 6 | 6 5 . | Cum sancto spiri--tu in glo-ri-a Dei Pa-tris __ __

6 . 1> | 1(> .) 7 | 1> . 1> 2> | (3)> 2> 1> | 2> . . | 1> . . || A-men, A------men, Amen, A- men,A----men




Pembacaan dari Kitab Ayub:

”Aku dicekam kegelisahan sampai dini hari.”

Di dalam keprihatinannya Ayub berbicara kepada sahabat-nya, “Bukanlah manusia

harus bergumul di bumi, dan hari-harinya seperti hari-hari orang upahan? Seperti

seorang budak yang merindukan naungan, seperti orang upahan yang menanti-

nantikan upahnya, demikianlah aku diberi bulan-bulan yang sia-sia, dan kepadaku

ditentukan malam-malam yang penuh kesusahan. Bila aku pergi tidur, maka yang

kupikirkan, ‘Bilakah aku akan bangun’. Tetapi malam merentang panjang, dan aku

4 | M i s a H U T U K I 3 5

dicekam oleh kegelisahan sampai dini hari. Hari-hariku berlalu lebih cepat daripada

torak, dan berakhir tanpa harapan. Ingatlah, bahwa hidupku hanya embusan napas.

Mataku tidak akan lagi melihat yang baik.”

Demikianlah sabda Tuhan. U: Syukur kepada Allah


Mzm. 147:1-2, 3-4, 5-6; Ul: 3a

____ ___ 3 | 6 6 7 1> 6 | 7 . 1> 2> | 3> 2>9 1> 791> | 6 . . || Tu- han me-nyem-buh-kan o-rang yang pa -tah ha- ti

Sungguh, bermazmurlah bagi Allah kita itu baik, bahkan indah, dan layaklah

memuji-muji Dia, Tuhan membangun Yerusalem. Ia menghimpun orang-orang

Israel yang tercerai-berai.

Ia menyembuhkan orang-orang yang patah hati dan membalut luka-luka

mereka. Ia menentukan jumlah bintang-bintang masing-masing dipanggil

dengan menyebut namanya.

Besarlah Tuhan kita dan berlimpah kekuatan-Nya kebijaksanaan-Nya tidak

terhingga. Tuhan menegakkan kembali orang-orang yang tertindas, tetapi

orang-orang fasik direndahkan-Nya ke tanah.

BACAAN KEDUA / SECOND READING (1 Kor. 9:16-19, 22-23)

Pembacaan dari Surat Pertama Rasul Paulus kepada Jemaat di Korintus: “Celakalah aku, jika aku tidak memberitakan Injil”

Saudara-saudara, memberitakan Injil bukanlah suatu alasan bagiku untuk memegahkan diri. Sebab hal itu adalah keharusan bagiku. Celakalah aku jika tidak memberitakan Injil. Andaikata aku melakukannya menurut kehendakku sendiri, memang aku berhak menerima upah. Tetapi karena aku melakukannya bukan menurut kehendakku sendiri, maka pemberitaan itu adalah tugas penyelenggaraan yang ditanggungkan kepadaku. Kalau demikian apakah upahku. Upahku ialah bahwa aku boleh memberitakan Injil tanpa upah, dan bahwa aku tidak mempergunakan hakku sebagai pemberita Injil. Sebab sekalipun aku bebas terhadap semua orang, aku menjadikan diriku hamba dari semua orang, supaya aku dapat memenangkan sebanyak mungkin orang. Bagi orang-orang lemah aku menjadi seperti orang lemah supaya aku dapat menyelamatkan mereka yang lemah.

5 | M i s a H U T U K I 3 5

Bagi semua orang aku menjadi segala-galanya, supaya sedapat mungkin aku memenangkan beberapa orang dari antara mereka. Segala-galanya itu aku lakukan demi Injil, supaya aku mendapat bagian di dalamnya. Demikianlah sabda Tuhan. U: Syukur kepada Allah


6< 7< 1 3 . | 4 3 1 3 . | 6< 7< 1 3 193 | 1 7< 6< . |

Al -- le - lu - ya, al- le- lu - ya, al – le – lu – ya, al - le – lu -ya

Yesus memikul kelemahan kita dan menanggung penyakit kita Refr.

INJIL / GOSPEL (Mk. 1: 29-39) I : The Lord be with you U: And with your spirit I : A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark. U: Glory to You, Lord As soon as Jesus and his disciples left the synagogue, they entered the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John. Now Simon’s mother-in-law was in bed with a fever, and they told Jesus about her at once. He came and took her by the hand and lifted her up. Then the fever left her, and she began to serve them.

That evening, at sunset, they brought to Jesus all who were sick or possessed with demons. And the whole city was gathered around the door. And he cured many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons; and he would not permit the demons to speak, because they knew him.

In the morning, while it was still very dark, Jesus got up and went out to a deserted place, and there he prayed. And Simon and his companions hunted for him. When they found him, they said to him, “Everyone is searching for you.”

He answered, “Let us go on to neighbouring towns, so that I may proclaim the message there also; for that is what I came out to do.” And Jesus went throughout Galilee, proclaiming the message in their synagogues and casting out demons. The Gospel of the Lord. R: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

6 | M i s a H U T U K I 3 5



I believe in God,

the Father Almighty,

Creator of heaven and earth;

and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord:

Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,

born of the Virgin Mary;

suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified, died and was buried.

He descended into hell;

on the third day He rose again from the dead;

He ascended into heaven,

and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty;

from there He will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the Holy Catholic Church,

the communion of Saints,

the forgiveness of sins,

the resurrection of the body,

and life everlasting. Amen.


Imam / Celebrant

Aware that only in Christ do we find true freedom; let us present our prayers, interceding for the church and all in need …

Lektor: For Pope Francis, our Bishop, and all the ministers of the Church, that their preaching and example may encourage the faithful to stand firm in their belief as witnesses of the Gospel. We pray to the Lord…

Umat: Lord, hear our prayer

Lektor: For Government officials, and all in service to the common good, that

through the gift of heavenly wisdom, they may never tire in their work to

uphold religious freedom, social justice, and conscience protection for all.

We pray to the Lord…

Umat: Lord, hear our prayer

7 | M i s a H U T U K I 3 5

Lektor: For those discerning God’s call in their lives: may they be open to listen to

the Lord’s voice and find support to say ‘yes’ to his invitation to serve freely

in love. We pray to the Lord…

Umat: Lord, hear our prayer

Lektor: For the sick who long for healing, for the dying, and for those called to heal

and comfort the sick and suffering: may they be free to follow their faith,

and believe that they never walk alone while fulfilling their duties, for the

eternal hope comes from You. We pray to the Lord…

Umat: Lord, hear our prayer

Lektor: For those who have died and for all who grieve and mourn their passing

from this life: may the promise of resurrection for the just give hope to all.

We pray to the Lord…

Umat: Lord, hear our prayer

Lektor: For all of us who gather in prayer, especially for UKI families for the 35-year

journey of Indonesian Catholic Community in Toronto, We thank God for

His endless blessing for this 35-year journey. May we, through the gifts of

the Spirit, have the wisdom to walk stronger together, to know God’s will to

serve Him and find courage to stand up in witness to his love, for the glory

of His name. And may God always bless UKI’s upcoming journeys, trusting

in God’s grace to save. We pray to the Lord…

Umat: Lord, hear our prayer

Imam / Celebrant: Almighty eternal God, in whom we find true freedom and lasting peace, look with favor, we pray, on our needs and, seeing the faith that inspires us to pray to you, grant what we truly need, especially the freedom to serve you in love, through Christ our Lord.



Bawalah Persembahanmu

Bawalah persembahanmu nanti, ke altar yang suci

Semoga Allah Bapa berkenan mengambil tanda cintamu

Bawalah hati indah berseri ke altar yang suci

Semoga Allah Bapa berkenan mengambil bunga hatimu

8 | M i s a H U T U K I 3 5

Lenyaplah kesan hampa gulana, semarak kini medan berbakti

Berhiaskan niat warna warni, bagaikan kembang mekar berseri

Bawalah senandung pasrah diri ke altar yang suci

Semoga Allah Bapa berkenan mengambil bakti dirimu


* Mukhalis: Penyelamat




KUDUS / SANCTUS (Misa St. Joseph)

1> .. | 1> .. | 000 | 1 .. | 5 .. | 6 .. | 5 .. | 4 4 4 | 3 .5 | 2 . 2|2 ..| 000| San-ctus, San-ctus, San-ctus Dominus deus Sa-baoth 3 3 3 | 5 5 5 | 1> . . | 6 6 6 | 2>( .)1> | 7 . . | Ple-ni sunt coeli et ter--- ra glo-ria tu------a

9 | M i s a H U T U K I 3 5


0 0 5 | 1> . . | 5 . 5 5 | 6 . . | 5 . 5 | 1> . . | 5 . Ho –san – na in ex-cel – sis, ho-san-na __________ _________ __________

5 5 | 2(> .) 7 | 1> . 1> 2> | 3> 2> 1> 1> | 6( .) 7 | 1> . . In ex-cel-----sis in ex-celsis, in ex-cel----sis 0 0 0 | 3 . 3 | 4 4 3 | 2 . . | 3 . 5 | 6 6 6 | 2> . 1> | 7 . . | Be-ne-dictus qui ve –- nit in no-mi-ne do-mi-ni 0 0 5 | 1> . . | 5 . 5 5 | 6 . . | 5 . 5 | 1> . . | 5 . Ho –san – na in ex-cel – sis, ho-san-na __________ _________ __________

5 5 | 2(> .) 7 | 1> . 1> 2> | 3> 2> 1> 1> | 6( .) 7 | 1> . . In ex-cel-----sis in ex-celsis, in ex-cel----sis


When we eat this bread and drink this cup,

we proclaim Your death Lord Jesus, until You come again



BAPA KAMI / THE LORD’S PRAYER (dinyanyikan / to be sung)

SALAM DAMAI / SIGN OF PEACE (dinyanyikan / to be sung)



1 . . | 5 . .| 6 . .| 5 . 5 | 4 4 4 | 3 . 5 | 2 . . | 2 . .| 3 . 3 | 4 . 3 | 2..|3..| A – gnus De – i qui tollis pec-ca-ta mun–di Mi-se re- re no- bis 1 . . | 5 . .| 6 . .| 5 . 5 | 4 4 4 | 3 . 5 | 2 . . | 2 . .| 3 . 3 | 4 . 3 | 2..|1..| A – gnus De – i qui tollis pec-ca-ta mun–di Mi-se re- re no- bis 1> . . | 5 . . | 6 . . | 5 . 5 | 4 4 4 | (3) 5 1> | 2(> -.- ) 1> | 7 . .| A – gnus De – i qui tollis pec-ca- ta mun– di ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ _______ _______ _______

1>2> 3>1> 71> | 2> . . | 67 1>6 34 | 5 . . | 6(7-) 1> 6 | (5)3> 3> . | 2>4> 3> 2> | 1> . . | Do..............na, do ............na Do...na no-bis pa-----cem. 2x

10 | M i s a H U T U K I 3 5



Ajarilah Kami Menjadi Gembala yang Baik L. Putut Pudiantoro / A. Susilo Wijoyo, Pr.

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 3<94< | 5<91 1 . 3< 5< | 5<94< 6< . 2< 3< | 4< . 4< 5< 4< 3< | 3< . 0 3< 3< 4< |

Di- ka- la ka-mi hi- lang ter-se-sat ja-uh da-ri-Mu Kau ca-ri ___ ___ ____ __== ____ ___ ___ 5<91 1 . 5< 1 5< | 7< . 6< 6< . 1 6< | 5< . 5< 4</ 6< | 5< . 0 3<94< |

ka - mi Kau reng-kuh kem-ba-li de-ngan ka- sih cin-ta-Mu. Di ___ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ___ ____ ||: 5<91 1 . 3< 5< | 5<94< 6< . 2< 3< | 4< . 4< 5< 4<93< | 3< . 0 3< 3< 4< |

ka- la ka-mi ja- tuh ter- lu- ka tak ber- da- ya Kau ang-kat ka – la mu-suh da- tang me-nye-rang i- man ka- mi Kau ja - ga ___ ___ ____ __== ____ ___ ___ ___ 5<91 1 . 5< 1 5< | 7< . 6< 6< . 1 6< | 5< . 1 1 7< | 1 . 0 1 7< 6< |

ka - mi Kau sem-buh-kan la- gi de-ngan ka- sih cin-ta-Mu Ka-mi ber- ka - mi Kau ku – at- kan ka-mi de-ngan ka- sih cin-ta-Mu Ka-mi ber- __= ___ ___ _=== __ ____ __== __ ___ __== __ ____ 7< 9.1 2 . 7< 1 2 | 2 . 5< 5< . 1 7< 6< | 7<9. 1 2 . 7< 1 2 | 29. 3 3 . 3 2 1 |

syu-kur ke- pa-da-Mu Ye-sus, Kau gem-ba- la kan ka-mi dom- ba- Mu de-ngan pe- ___ _=== ____ ____ _____ ___ ___ ___ 6< 3 2 . 5< | 5< 2 1 . 6< 7< | 1 1 1 1 1 6< 7< 1 | 2 . 0 5< 5< 5< |

nuh ka-sih dan se- ti-a, kar-na Eng-kau-lah Sang Gem-ba-la ba-ik; A- ja- ri __ _____ __=== ___ ____ ___ ___ __=== __ ___ 3 . . 2 1 7< | 29. 1 1 . 6< 6< 6< | 4 . 3 2 1/ 3 | 39. 2 2 . 5< 5< 5< |

lah ka–mi men ja- di gem-ba-la yang ba- ik se-per- ti- Mu ba-gi se- ___ ____ __== ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 5 . . 4 3 2 | 2 . 1 6< . 1 6< | 5< 5< 1 3 . 2 | 2 . 0 5< 5< 5< |

sa - ma ka-wan-an dom-ba de-mi mul- ya-lah Na-ma- Mu. A- ja –ri __ _____ __== ___ ____ ___ ___ __=== __ ___ 3 . . 2 1 7< | 29. 1 1 . 6< 6< 6< | 4 . 3 2 1/ 3 | 39 . 2 2 . 5< 5< 5< |

lah ka-mi men- ja - di gem ba- la yang ba- ik se-per- ti- Mu ba-gi se- ___ ____ __== ___ ___ ___ I II 5 . . 4 3 2 | 2 . 1 6< . 1 6< | 5< 5< 1 3 . 2 | 1 . 0 394< :|| 1 .

sa - ma ka-wan-an dom-ba de-mi mul- ya-lah Na-ma- Mu. Di Mu Coda: ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ 0 5< 5< 5< | 5 . . 4 3 2 | 2 . 1 4 1 2 | 3 5 3 2 . 1 | 1 . 0 ||

Ba-gi se- sa - ma ka-wan-an dom-ba, de-mi mul-ya-lah Na-ma-Mu

11 | M i s a H U T U K I 3 5

Sabda-Mu Bagai Air Segar




Puji dan syukur pada-Mu ya Tuhan melimpah berkat-Mu serta pengasihan Kuasa kasih bimbingan tangan-Mu menuntun hidup kami selalu Hadirlah Tuhan di antara kami, jadikanlah kami gereja sehati Dimuliakanlah nama-Mu ya Tuhan, segala puji syukur kepada-Mu Upaya kami membangun dunia setururt semangat Yesus Tuhan kita Curahkan Roh-Mu kepada umat-Mu, dampingi kami Tuhan selalu Anugrahilah s’luruh UKI agar hidup rukun damai sejahtera Kami bersujud kepada-Mu ya Tuhan, Engkau yang maha murah, maha besar

Dirgahayu UKI ke 35