Kebiasaan Orang Barat vs Orang Timur

Post on 17-Feb-2015

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Transcript of Kebiasaan Orang Barat vs Orang Timur

Kebiasaan orang barat vs orang timur

1. Pendapat

B: Langsung menuju inti dari pembicaraan

M: Muter-muter melulu, jadi rancu deh

2. Waktu

B: Tepat waktu

M: Jam karet (ngaret)

3. Relasi

B: Hubungan hanya keluarga kerabat saja

M: Semua teman, saudara, relasi luas

4. Emosi

B: Marah ya pasang tampang marah

M: Marah tapi kok tampangnya ramah?

5. Antri ketika menunggu

B: Biasa antri teratur

M: Siapa cepat dia dapat (rebutan mode: on)

6. Liburan

B: Menikmatinya dengan caranya sendiri

M: Lebih senang memilih ke tempat keramaian


B: Bebas berkelompok dengan grupnya masing-masing

M: Semua fokus menuju satu acara yang diadakan EO

8. Di restoran

B: Ngobrol pelan-pelan agar tidak mengganggu yang lain

M: Berisik, bicara keras-keras nambah pake ketawa pula

9. Jalan-jalan

B: Lebih suka melihat-lihat pemandangan, yang penting menikmati

M: Yang penting foto-foto, buat kenangan

10. Mengatasi masalah

B: Lewati masalah dengan berani mengambil resiko

M: Sebisa mungkin menghindari masalah, jangan sampai meninggalkan jejak

11. Jadwal makan

B: Makan kenyang sekali sehari

M: Tiap kali makan ya harus kenyang

12. Kendaraan

B: Dulu pake mobil, sekarang udah tau pemanasaan global, pake sepeda

M: Dulu sengsara pake sepeda, sekarang bergaya pake mobil

13. Kehidupan masa tua

B: Sudah tua ya sendiri, paling cuma ditemani snoppy

M: Masa tua ngga kesepian, asal bantu nemenin cucu yaa

14. Mood dan cuaca

B: Logikanya, jika hujan pasti jadi repot

M: Banyak hujan banyak rejeki

15. Bos

B: Bos juga bagian dari tim

M: Bos selamanya menakutkan

16. Apa yang trendy?

B: Makanan asia yang sehat

M: Makanan barat yang bergengsi

17. Memiliki anak

B: Punya anak boleh, ajari dia berjuang seperti orangtuanya

M: Kerja jatuh bangun, semuanya demi sang penerus generasi


Ps: thanks 4 great post by kaka_seven@kaskus

Habits of the west vs. the east1. opinion

B: Get straight to the core of the talksM: muter-muter exclusively, so ambiguous deh2. timeB: Right timeM: Hours rubber (ngaret)3. relationB: Relationship of family relatives only justM: All my friends, relatives, relationships vast4. emotionB: Angry yes looks angry tideM: Anger, but why he look friendly?5. Queue while waitingB: Ordinary orderly queueM: Who are quickly he can (conquest mode: on)6. vacationB: Enjoy it in its own wayM: It pleased the crowd chose to place7. partyB: Free groups with each group

M: All the focus towards a single event held EO8. in the restaurantB: Talk slowly so as not to disturb othersM: Noisy, loud talking pake adds laughing anyway9. WalkB: More love to see the sights, which are essential to enjoyM: What is important photos, create memories10. troubleshootingB: Skip the problem with risk-takingM: As much as possible to avoid problems, not to leave traces11. meal scheduleB: Eat fed once a dayM: Every time eating it should be satisfied12. vehicleB: First pake cars, global pemanasaan now already know, he wore a bicycleM: First miserable pake bike, now styled car pake13. Life of the elderlyB: It's ya own parents, most only accompanied snoppyM: The lonely old guns, aids origin nemenin grandchildren yaa14. Mood and weatherB: Logically, if the rain would be a hassleM: Lots of rain a lot of luck15. bossB: The boss is also part of a teamM: The boss always scary16. What is trendy?B: Food asia healthyM: Food west of the prestigious17. Having a childB: Have a child can, teach him to fight like his parentsM: Work and downs, all for the successor generation Ps: thanks 4 great post by @ kaskus kaka_seven@kaskus