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Transcript of DAFTAR PUSTAKA


DAFTAR PUSTAKABehrman R.E., Kliegman R.M., Jenson H.B., 2004. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. Edisi XVII. Philadelphia: Saunders Co. Hal: 606-607.

Commitee on Fetus and Newborn Controversies Concerning Vitamin K and The Newborn. PEDIATRICS Vol. 112 no.I Juli 2003. Hal 191-192.

Markum. A. H. 1991. Trauma Lahir Intrakranial. Buku Ajar Ilmu Kesehatan Anak. Edisi I. Jakarta : Bagian/SMF Ilmu Kesehatan Anak FKUI. Hal 274 - 275

Samuel Lazuardi. 1999. Hematoma Subdural. Buku Ajar Neurologi Anak. Edisi I. Jakarta : Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia. Hal 461 465.

Victor M, Ropper A. Adams and Victors Principles of Neurology. 7th ed. International edition 2001. McGraw-Hill Comp.

Wahjoepramono EJ. 2005. Perdarahan Intrakrnial. Cedera kepala. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Pelita Harapan. Hal 53 - 62.

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www.neonatology.org/classics/green.html. Haemorrhagic Disease Of The Newborn, 2003.

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