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  • 7/27/2019 applevsproview.docx


    Apple inc. Vs. Proview: iPad Trademark


    iPad yang menguasai pasar tablet dunia, kena sandungan di China. Hal ini terkait

    dengan perkara nama iPad yang diklaim oleh sebuah perusahaanberbasis diHongkong sebagai miliknya. Proview nama perusahaan tersebut mengklaim

    bahwa nama iPad yang telah mereka jual kepada Apple Inc. tidak termasuk

    untuk diperjualbelikan di negara China. Oleh karena Apple Inc. kemudian

    memasarkan tablet tersebut di China, Proview mengajukan gugatan kepada

    pengadilan yang kemudian oleh sebuah pengadilan menengah di Huizhou,

    sebuah kota di Selatan China dikabulkan.


    April 2010

    Kisahnya sudah cukup lama. Pada bulan April tahun 2010 yang lalu, Apple Inc.

    menggugat Proview atas kepemilikan merek dagang iPad di China. Gugatan

    Apple Inc. tersebut ditolak pengadilan dan Apple Inc. melakukan banding.

    Proview sendiri mendaftarkan nama iPad semenjak tahun 2000.

    13 Februari 2010

    Sebagaimana diketahui, tablet iPad buatan Apple Inc. dirakit di Foxconn sebuah

    perusahaan berbasis di China. Dengan adanya permintaan pelarangan ekspor

    serta impor iPad oleh Proview ini berarti penghentian penjualan iPad secara

    global. Sebelumnya pada tanggal 13 Februari 2012, pejabat China menyita

    sebanyak 45 iPad di Shijiazhuang, ibukota provinsi Hebei di utara Cina terkait

    dengan keluhan Proview. Hal ini diberitakan

    14 Februari 2010

    Situs teknologi beberapa waktu terakhir ini banyak mengutip sengketa antara

    Proview melawan Apple Inc. ini. Sepanjang bulan Februari ini ada beberapa

    berita yang memuat perkara ini. Pada tanggal 14 Februari, Proview sebagaimana

    dikutip oleh Business Week mengklaim bahwa mereka adalah pemilik merek

    dagang iPad untuk China dan meminta badan pabean lokal untuk menghentikanekspor serta impor iPad milik Apple Inc.

    17 Februari 2010

    Pada tanggal 17 Februari 2012 sebagaimana dilaporkan oleh AFP dan dikutip

    olehGoogle, Proview mengancam akan menggugat Apple Inc. di Amerika Serikat

    sebesar 2 miliar dollar atas sengeketa pemilikan nama iPad. Dalam laporan yang

    ditulis AFP tersebut, Li Su yang mengepalai Hejun Vanguard Group yang bekerja

    bersama kreditor untuk merestrukturisasi Proview mengatakan bahwa mereka

    sedang memilih satu dari tiga Law Firm untuk menggugat Apple Inc. di Amerika
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    Serikat sebesar 2 miliar dollar AS. Ia mengtakan Proview merupakan pemilik

    nama dagang iPad di China.

    Putusan Pengadilan

    Tidak lama setelah ancaman gugatan di Amerika Serikat ini, kabar baru muncul.

    AP sebagaimana dikutip oleh Google, melaporkan bahwa sengketa Apple Inc.

    atas merek dagang iPad makin dalam setelah perusahaan Cina yang mengklaim

    kepemilikan dari nama iPad tersebut telah mendapatkan keputusan pengadilan

    terhadap penjualan komputer tablet iPad di Cina.

    Xie Xianghui, pengacara Proview Teknologi mengatakan Pengadilan Rakyat

    Menengah di Huizhou, sebuah kota di selatan China provinsi Guangdong, telah

    memerintah pada hari Jumat yang lalu bahwa distributor harus menghentikan

    penjualan iPad di Cina.

    Carolyn Wu juru bicara Apple Inc. mengatakan bahwa Apple Inc. telah membelihak merek dagang iPad dari Proview secara global di sepuluh negara berbeda

    beberapa tahun yang lalu. Proview menolak menghormati kesepakatan mereka

    dengan Apple Inc. tersebut di pengadilan China dan Hongkong sehingga mereka

    berlawanan dengan Apple Inc.

    Menariknya seperti sudah disebutkan di atas, iPad dirakit di Foxconn yang

    berbasis di China. Dengan basis di China, penjualan iPad di pasar China tidak

    terelakkan. Selain itu, iPad juga cukup populer, tidak hanya di China tetapi juga

    di seluruh dunia. Dengan dikabulkannya gugatan Proview ini keingingan Apple

    Inc. untuk memasarkan iPad lebih banyak di China akan terhalang. Namun

    demikian, efeknya terhadap penjualan iPad mungkin sedikit saja, namun

    keinginan Apple Inc. untuk memasarkan iPad lebih banyak mungkin saja


    Apple Inc. menjual sebanyak 15,4 juta iPad di seluruh dunia pada tiga bulan yang

    berakhir Desember 2011 yang lalu. Tidak dirinci seberapa banyak penjualan

    yang berhasil dibukukan di China.
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    Perbedaan Proview iPAD Proview dan Apple iPad

    iPAD versi Proview (Internet Personal Acces Device)

    iPad versi Apple (Tablet Computer)

    iPAD versi Proview (kompas)

    Berdasarkan bentuknya, iPAD bukanlah sebuah komputer tablet, melainkan

    sebuah All in One PC yang mirip dengan produk iMac dari Apple, yang kala itu

    dipasarkan pada 1998. Secara spesifikasi, iPAD dibekali monitor CRT 15 incidengan resolusi 800 x 600, prosesor 256MHz, RAM 32MB, media penyimpanandata 16GB, dua port USB, 2 jack RJ-11, ethernet, port microphone, dan earphone,

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    port keyboard dan mouse, serta port untuk koneksi dengan printer. Sedangkan

    sistem operasinya, iPAD berjalan dengan Linux atau Citrix. Produk iPAD initermasuk dalam bagian produk iFamily dari Proview. Perusahaan ini juga

    memroduksi perangkat lain, yang semua penamaan produknya diawali dengan

    huruh 'i'. Contohnya adalah iDVD, iClient, iPDA, dan iNote.iPad versi Apple (wikipedia)

    IPad generasi pertama, Apple memiliki dua jenis model, yakni Wi-Fi dengan Wi-

    Fi 802.11a/b/g/n dengan berat 680 gram dan telah dipasarkan sejak 3 April

    2010 dan model Wi-Fi + 3G yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk menggunakan

    jaringanHSDPAdengan berat 730 gram, yang telah dipasarkan sejak akhir April

    2010. Produk ini memiliki desain layar multi-sentuh 9.56x7.47incidengan lebar

    layar 9.7 inci atau sekitar 25 sentimeter (cm), yang dilengkapi LED backlight

    dengan teknologi IPS (singkatan dari In-Plane Switching), resolusi 1024x768

    piksel, kapasitas memori flash drive mulai dari kisaran 16gigabita(Gb) hingga

    64 Gb, prosesor 1 gigahertz (GHz) Apple A4, baterai lithium-polymer yang dapat

    bertahan hingga 10 jam pemakaian, mendukung pemutaran audio dengan

    formatAAC,MP3, VBR, audible, apple lossless, AIFF danWAVserta mendukung

    format video H.264 hingga 720p, .m4v, .mp4, .mov, dan MPEG-4. Selain itu juga

    terdapat Bluetooth 2.1, kompas digital, GPS, Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n), dock

    connector, built-in speaker, mikrofon, 3.5-mm stereo headphone jack dan

    menggunakansistem operasiyang sama dengan sistem operasi iPhone.

    Referensi dari Kompas

    pple.Dilarang.Pakai.Merek.iPad - Apple dan reseller China sedang menjalani proses hukum di

    pengadilan karena Apple ternyata tidak berhak menggunakan merek "iPad" di

    China. Apple dianggap melanggar hak intelektual sebuah perusahaan China yang

    telah memiliki merk dagang "iPad" sejak tahun 2000. Awalnya ProviewTechnology (anak perusahaan Taiwan, Proview International) menggugat Apple

    sebesar 1,6 miliar dollar AS pada Oktober 2011 untuk pelanggaran hak cipta.

    Apple membela diri dengan menyatakan bahwa perusahaan sudah mendapatkanhak cipta atas merek dagang tersebut dari induk perusahaan, yakni Proview

    International. Namun pengadilan China menolak pembelaan Apple. Applebalik menggugat untuk mendapatkan hak atas merek dagang setelah ditolak oleh

    pemerintah China. Hasilnya, minggu ini, Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court

    malah memutuskan bahwa Proview Internasional memenangkan kasus tersebut

    dan Apple dipersilakan untuk mengajukan banding. "Orang selalu berpikirperusahaan kecil yang selalu melanggar hak kekayaan intelektual perusahaan

    besar. Apple sudah memiliki citra yang baik, sehingga orang tidak akan bisa

    membayangkan bahwa Apple telah melanggar hak intelektual kami," ujar XiaoCaiyuan, pengacara dari firma hukum Guangdong Guanghe yang membela
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    Proview. Setelah putusan pengadilan tersebut, Proview langsung bergerakcepat untuk menghentikan penjualan iPad oleh reseller di kota-kota China

    Selatan seperti Shenzen dan Huizhou. Dalam delapan minggu mendatang

    perusahaan ini juga memiliki rencana besar untuk operasi reseller Apple di

    seluruh China.

    Proview sebetulnya sudah bersedia untuk bernegosiasi, namunApple belum memberi tanggapan. "Kami harap negosiasi kami dengan Apple bisa

    sedikit lebih mudah," ujar Li Su, perwakilan dari Proview.

    Belum ada pernyataan dari Apple apakah akan membeli kembali merk dagang

    "iPad" ke Proview atau menjual produk iPad dengan nama lain di China.

    Landasan Hukum

    Apple v. Proview (Dan Haris)


    A reporter called me the other day on the Apple-Proview trademark kerfuffle.

    She kept wanting me to give her a quote on what foreign companies should take

    away from this dispute and I kept parrying with her, unable to give her just one. I

    kept finding myself saying its probably more complicated than that.

    Let me back up a bit. As many of you no doubt know, Apple is in a massive

    trademark fight with a Shenzhen-based company called Proview. Near as I can

    tell, the facts are as follows:

    Proview-Shenzhen registered the iPad trade-name before Apple had evermanufactured an iPad.

    Proview-Taiwan (a Taiwanese company that is not the same company asProview-Shenzhen) entered into an agreement with Apple (or, more

    accurately, a company acting on Apples behalf) to sell its Asian iPad

    trademarks to Apple.

    Apple claims that agreement with Proview-Taiwan included the PRC iPadtrademark, but Proview is claiming otherwise.

    Apple sued Proview (I think Proview-Taiwan, but I am not sure) in HongKong and the Hong Kong court ruled that Apple is entitled to use the iPad

    trademark on the Mainland.

    Here is where it gets so complicated and here is how I see it:

    Proview-Shenzhen still shows up as the owner of the iPad trademark inChina.

    It is not clear if Proview-Shenzhen ever contracted with Apple to giveApple the China iPad trademark or any sort of license to use that


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    It appears that Proview-Taiwan did enter into some sort of trademarksale or licensing agreement with Apple (again, actually the company

    acting on Apples behalf), but since Proview-Taiwan did not own the PRC

    trademark for iPad, there are some real issues as to the validity of such a

    sale or license. Did Proview-Taiwan have any interest in the PRC iPad trademark such

    that it could transfer or sell that interest to Apple?

    Did Proview-Shenzhen ever agree to sell or license its iPad trademark toApple?

    What I find really difficult to believe is that Apple and/or Apples attorneys

    would have done a deal to acquire rights to the iPad trademark in China without

    having done real due diligence on that trademark. Basic due diligence would

    have revealed that the PRC iPad trademark was registered to Proview-Shenzhenand at that point, Apple would have required Proview-Shenzhen (not Proview-

    Taiwan) sign on to the contract to assign or license the PRC mark. So the first

    thing to be learned from this (maybe) is to do your due diligence and make sure

    that when you are buying something or securing a license to something that you

    are in fact doing so with the company that is actually authorized to sell or license

    that item.

    This all came to the fore when Proview-Shenzhen started asking trademark

    officials in various Chinese cities to start pullingiPadsfrom store shelves

    because those iPads infringe on Proview-Shenzhens trademark. Some cities arepulling iPads from store shelves and this is obviously not good for Apple. [Full

    Disclosure: I have a disproportionate percentage of my retirement savings

    wrapped up in Apple stock]. Some cities seem to be refusing to do so, in what

    appear to be political, not legal, reasons.

    Now Proview-Shenzhen is saying that is going to ask China customs to block

    exports of Apples iPads from China because they infringe on Proview-

    Shenzhens trademark. The media (and even Proview-Shenzhen itself) seem to

    believe this will not happen because it would look so bad for China politically.

    This is where the real lesson lies. If you are not Apple, I can pretty much assureyou that all of your iPads would be off the shelves in China by now and they

    would also not still be leaving China via export. The real lesson then is on how to

    prevent this from happening to your trademark and that lesson is really quite

    simple. If you want to avoid your product getting pulled off shelves in China

    and/or prevented from leaving China, make sure that the trade-names and

    trademarks you put on your product (or on its packaging) are actually registered

    (or licensed) to you in China. And just to be clear, in China, for purposes of

    Chinas trademark law, does not mean in Hong Kong or in Taiwan or in Macau or

    in the United States or in Australia or in any other country. If you want Chinatrademark protection, you must register the trademark in China.
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    Assignment Agreement

    I was going to give this issue a rest for a couple days, but apparently thats notgoing to happen. The challenge of commenting on this case is that new

    information keeps coming out. Gives me something to write about, but its tough

    on continuity.

    OK, latest issue is that the 2009 trademark transfer agreement and at least some

    of the related evidence that Apple introduced both in the Shenzhen court case

    and the Hong Kong action has been published online. Ill take a look at the

    agreement below and leave the rest to another post, if anything in there is worth

    talking about.

    Big disclaimer: the docs are on theAllthingsD site(h/t Paul Denlinger

    (@pdenlinger) for the link). I have no way of verifying the authenticity of these

    documents, nor do I know if they have been edited or are otherwise incomplete.

    If any of this is true, my analysis might be way off, and Ill be really annoyed (but

    hey, Ive come this far, so I cant resist.)

    Ill try not to get stuck in the tall legal grass and keep it simple, but there are

    some legal procedures at issue here. Lets start with the Assignment Agreement,

    which is between Apples intermediary, IP Application Development, Ltd. (lets

    call them IPADL for short). Remember that big brand owners commonly use reps

    like this to disguise their purchases. Apple didnt want to reveal itself as a deep

    pocket for fears of getting taken advantage of; in this case, those fears were

    certainly warranted!

    Some miscellaneous points about the Agreement:

    1. It appears to be two pages long, unless Im missing pages. This is not

    unprecedented, but I would never allow a client of mine to sign something like

    that unless it was a friendly arrangement, such as parent-subsidiary. Although

    the basics are included, there is nowhere near enough protection built into the


    2. The signatory is Taiwan Proview. I wasnt 100% sure about this before, since

    they do have a Hong Kong holding company.

    3. The payment is 35,000 pounds for the entire portfolio, and the marks are all

    set forth in an appendix (Schedule A) as one would expect. I dimly recall writing

    about this many weeks ago expressing shock that a deal would go through

    without the trademark particulars being listed in an appendix like this. So to

    confirm, that was in fact done (I would say properly).

    4. Post-execution responsibilities. This is the main event, folks. If you look at thepayment clause (Article 1, page 2), it specifies that in consideration of the 35K,
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    Proview shall transfer the marks. In addition, for each jurisdiction, Proview

    shall also execute an assignment document which IPADL can record in that

    jurisdiction to evidence the transfer of that Trade Mark.

    This is very important! Ive discussed this assignment document several times

    before. While the Assignment Agreement we are talking about is the commercialarrangement between the two parties, the assignment document is part of the

    application package that needs to be filed with the Trademark Office to

    effectuate the transfer itself. You dont just file the contract.

    When a commercial transaction requires docs like this to complete the deal,

    there are two ways to do this. First, if its possible, you can require all parties to

    sign everything and present it at closing (in this case, when the Agreement was

    executed). However, this is not always possible or desirable, for a variety of

    reasons related to government procedure or payment mechanisms. This can get

    complicated, but there are many options, including having multiple payments to

    secure cooperation.

    Second, you can do what IPADL and Proview did in this instance in Article 1,

    which is to include language requiring the IP owner to cooperate with the

    purchaser after the Agreement is signed. This is also a very common approach

    and one I have used on many occasions.

    What if the seller fails to cooperate? Then the purchaser, who has already paid,

    has to rely on the contract to enforce their rights. In other words, you can take

    the other party to court for breach of contract. As we know, Apple haspursuedthis in Hong Kong, but their limited victory there in an interlocutory ruling does

    not translate into getting the trademark back in China. (Another complicated

    matter relating to cross-border litigation and enforcement.)

    What was the proper approach in this case? Well, Option 1 is always preferable

    to the purchaser, assuming you can do it. We dont know whether it was

    discussed or not, but this is still my #1 question about this whole dispute: why

    didnt IPADL require Proview to present the assignment documentation at

    closing? There might be a reason for this, but I still dont know what it is. My

    criticisms of Apples lawyers, including Epic Fail characterizations, are mainlyabout this issue.

    One more quick (very technical) disclaimer. If youre a practitioner, you might be

    thinking, Stan, youve got it all wrong. The assignment application system

    doesnt work that way in China. Correct, sort of.

    It is my understanding that within the past two years, the Trademark Office has

    changed the rules slightly because of a problem with fraudulent transfers. These

    days, even if the purchaser files all the docs, the original owner still must

    respond to an official notification from the Trademark Office. In other words,

    under current rules, Option 1 is no longer viable for trademark in China you
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    will always need the cooperation of the other party post-execution. However, the

    iPad transfer deal went down in 2009, before these new rules went into effect.

    Bottom line: looking at the Agreement doesnt fundamentally change my mind on

    any of this. Proview still broke its promise and Apple still didnt mandate the

    best closing procedures. The only surprising bit is the length of the agreementitself. Apples best shot here is still the Shenzhen appellate case that will begin on

    February 29.

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