Download - VideoNewslettersTutorial_EN.pdf - Talk Fusion


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Connect with customers and enhance relationships with Talk Fusion Video Newsletters. Create your own one-of-a-kind multimedia message to stay in touch,

share your brand, increase responses and build your contact list.

Pantone SC 1235C

Pantone SC 240C

Pantone SC 382C

Pantone SC 2747C

Pantone SC 2613C

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The Video Newsletter Design Studio is where you select a Video Newsletter Template, and customize it to create the perfect Video Newsletter for your needs.

1. Log in to your Video Communication Center, and click on the “Video Newsletters” icon in your Quick Launch menu. You will be taken to the Video Newsletter Design Studio.

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2. To begin, give your Video Newsletter a title that is easy to remember and relates to its specific use.

3. You can create your Video Newsletter using the default Custom Video Newsletter Template, or select one of more than 400 designs using the Template Options Menu.

Click on any category to select a subcategory and see a Template Gallery. If a category has no subcategories, the Template Gallery will open automatically.

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4. Select the Video Newsletter Template you want to use by clicking on it. Your Template will appear in the Video Newsletter Design Studio.

Now it is time to create your perfect Video Newsletter! You can customize your Video Newsletter Template in a number of ways:

• Add your own headlines and body text. When you arrive in your Video Newsletter Design Studio, your template is in Edit Mode. Just double-click on the area you want to change, and a pop-up mini editor will appear. Highlight the example text, and type or paste in your own!

• Upload your own banner and images. Hover your mouse over a banner or image, and the “UPLOAD” icon will appear.

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• Delete or move images, text and video. Hover your mouse over an image, text area or the video player to highlight it and make the “REMOVE” icon appear. Click the “REMOVE” icon to make the image, text block or video player disappear!

To move images, text or the video player, click on the “Arrange” button just below the Template. Now, you can just click and drag these elements right on the Template to create your own unique look!

NOTE: The “Arrange” button will change to “Edit” when clicked. To return to Edit Mode, simply click the button again. You may switch back and forth between Arrange and Edit Modes as often as necessary when creating your Video Newsletter.

5. Add the perfect video to your message.The Video Newsletter Video Player works exactly the same way as the Talk Fusion Video Email Template Video Player. You can create a new video using your computer’s webcam; import a video from your camcorder, phone, hard drive or other device; select a video you have already saved in your Video Communication Center, or choose a professionally recorded video from the Talk Fusion Pro Video Library.

In this tutorial, we will use a Fusion Pro Video, so click the link in the Video Newsletter Template Video Player with the Talk Fusion logo and the words “Fusion Pro Videos.”

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6. In the pop-up window, select a category of Fusion Pro Videos. We’ll select “General Business.”

7. Check the boxes under the videos you would like to use. You can select just one video, or as many as you like! When finished, click the “Use Selected Video”/”Sort Selected Videos” button.

8. If you selected more than one video, a new pop-up window will open with your videos pictured vertically. You can reorder them easily by clicking on the images and dragging them up and down. When you have the videos in the order you want them, click the “I Am Done Sorting” button. You will be returned to your Video Newsletter Design Studio, and you will see your video playing in your Template.

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Pantone SC 382C

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Pantone SC 2613C

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9. Your one-of-a-kind Video Newsletter is almost ready to send!

To see how your Video Newsletter will look when it is sent, click the “Preview & Test” button. In the pop-up window, put your own email address in the empty field at the top, and click send. Close the pop-up window and take a look at your Video Newsletter when it arrives in your inbox.

10. If your Video Newsletter test appears in your inbox the way you want it, return to the Video Newsletter Design Studio, where you may either Save or Send it. Click the “Send” button to be taken to the Compose Message Page.

Pantone SC 1235C

Pantone SC 240C

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Pantone SC 2613C

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• Gill Sans (Light)

11. The Video Newsletter Compose Message Page works exactly the same as the Talk Fusion Video Email Compose Message Page.

Here, you can add recipients by typing in their email address or simply importing contacts from your Address Book, and compose a subject line for your Video Newsletter.

You can even edit the business and personal information that appears at the bottom of your Video Newsletter to customize it for particular groups or recipients!

You can also enter the URLs of your own Facebook and Twitter profiles, or remove the Facebook, Twitter and Talk Fusion Blog links from your Video Newsletter completely.

NOTE: By default, Facebook and Twitter icons link to Talk Fusion’s official profiles.

12. When your Video Newsletter has the proper recipients, subject line and links, just click “Send Video Newsletter Now.” It’s that easy! You can also schedule the Video Newsletter to be sent automatically at a later time.

CONGRATULATIONS! You have just sent a one-of-a-kind Talk Fusion Video Newsletter!

Pantone SC 1235C

Pantone SC 240C

Pantone SC 382C

Pantone SC 2747C

Pantone SC 2613C

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• Gill Sans (Light)

13. Every time the video in your Video Newsletter is watched by a recipient, you will receive a View Notification email within minutes!

Now, let’s take a look at the ways you can track and manage your Video Newsletters.

14. To track your Video Newsletters in even greater detail, hover your mouse over the Video Newsletters Tab in your Video Communication Center, then select Send Report in the drop-down.

15. Your Video Newsletter Send Report lets you know that your Video Newsletter has been sent. It also keeps track of:

• The number of recipients who have watched the video

• The number of times your Video Newsletter has been forwarded to others

• The number of times a forwarded Video Newsletter’s video has been watched

• The number of times your Video Newsletter links have been clicked

• The number of Spam Complaints and Undeliverable Emails (Bounce Backs)

Pantone SC 1235C

Pantone SC 240C

Pantone SC 382C

Pantone SC 2747C

Pantone SC 2613C

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You can even click through to see who’s watching, forwarding and receiving your Video Newsletter!

Use this valuable information to customize your Video Newsletter content and campaigns, and to build your Contact Lists!

16. The Newsletter Manager and Scheduled Report also provide more information, along with multiple options for organization and editing.

18. Your Scheduled Report keeps track of all the Video Newsletters you schedule to be sent later, or on a repeating schedule.

Now you know how to create, send, track and manage The World’s First Video Newsletters.

THAT’S IT! Talk Fusion Video Newsletters are as easy to use as they are beautiful, flexible and customizable. Practice makes perfect—be sure to use Talk Fusion Video Newsletters at every opportunity to engage your audience and build your business!

17. Your handy Newsletter Manager contains a list of all created Video Newsletters. Here, you can Edit, Copy and Delete individual Video Newsletters, and check their status (Draft, Scheduled, Queued or Sent) at a glance!

Pantone SC 1235C

Pantone SC 240C

Pantone SC 382C

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• Gill Sans (Light)

Share your brand, connect with customers and increase responses and click-throughs