Download - V. Dintchev. On the Ethno-cultural Features of the Village Population on the Present Bulgarian Territory in the IVth Century AD. – Archaeologia Bulgarica, II, 1998, N 2, 64-87.





Niko/ov, V. : The Circumpontian Cultural Zone During the Neolithic Period . . . . 1

Chohadziev. S.: А Contribution to the Studies of the Earliest Recovery and Workiлg of Copper in the Basin of River Struma (Southwestern Bulgaria) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 О

Themlossiev. N. : Sanctuaries and Cult Places in Nothwestern Thrace during the 1st Millenium ВС . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Damyanov, М. : The Matrix from Gurchinovo: ProЬlems of Origin and Dating . . . 28

V/adimirova-Paunova, V.: Ап Unkno\vn Rich Grave Find from Thrace (4th с . ВС) 40

Vassi/eva, М. : Zeus Bennios: А Few More Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Go,.banov, Р.: Rбmische bronzene Matrize und Kleinbronzestatuetten in den Fonds des Historischen Stadtmuseums in Nova Zagora (Sildbulgarien) . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Dintchev, V.: On the Ethno-cultural Features of the Village Population on tlte Presertt Bulgarian Territory in the 4th Century AD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64


Fied/e1·, И. : Studien zu Gri.iberfeldern des 6. Ьis 9. Jahrhunderts ап del' unteren Donau. Teil 1, 2. Universitiitsforschungen zur prahistorischen Archi.iologie. Band 11. Verl~g Dr. Rudolg GmbH. Вопn 1992. (Angelova, S.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

Ym·clanov, У. : Handbook of Anthropology for Archaeologists. St. Kliment Ohridski University Press. Sofia 1996. 96 pages, 92 ill. ISBN 954-07-0988-1. in Bulgariaп (Konclova, N.) .. .. . .. : ... . ............. .. ... ... . , . . . . . . . . 94

Editor: Пr. Lyudmil Ferdinandov VAGALINSKI (lnstitute of Archaeology at Sofia)

ARCHAEOLOGIA BULGARICA is а four-month journal (thrice а year; 20,5 Х 27,5 cm; 1 ОО pages and са. 80 illustrations per а number; coloured cover) which presents а puЬiislti11g forun1 for research in archaeology in the widest sense of the word. There are no restrictions for time and territory but Southeaster11 Europe is the accent.

Ohjective: interdiscipliпary research of archaeology. Contents: articles, reviews and news. Language.\·: English, German and French. lnrendecl. reader ... : Scholars and students of the following fields : Archaeology, Numismatics, Epigraphy, Ancient History, Medieval History, Oriental Studies, Pre- and Early History, Byz­antine Studies, Anthropology, Palaeobotany, Archaeozoology, History of Religion, of Art, of Architecture, ofTechnology, ofMedicine, Sociology etc.

011 thc covcr: А с1ау vcssc1 with in1aid dccoration found Ьу Nova Za.gora (Southc1·n Bu1g<trial. latc 11colitl1ic

pcriod. History muscum at Nova Zagora.

ISSN 1310-9537

Arch. Bulgarica II 1998 2 64-87 Sofia




The proЬlems of the re1igion and the re1a­tion between the religion and the ethnic affili­ation are of an indisputaЬle importance for the ethno-cultural features of the village popula­tion, which inhabited the present Bu1garian territory in the 4th century AD1

. The analysis of the archaeological data on the village cult buildings and the burial custom of the village popu1ation is an important contribution to the study of these proЬlems. А lot of village pagan sanctuaries from the

present Bu1garian territory, functioning dur­ing the first centuries AD were excavated and puЬlished . Part of them were closely related to settlement structures - е. g. the ones near Gaganitza, Berkovitza region (Морфова 1957, 302-308), Liutibrod, Vratza region (Джин­гов/Машев 1985, 39-40), Devetaki, Lovech re­gion (Миков/Джамбазов 1960, 181 - 186), Le­sicheri, Ve1iko Turnovo region (Герасимов 1961, 245- 253; Султов 1977, 23, 53; Църов 1988, 103- 104; Църов 1991, 106), LiuЬlen, Targovishte region (Овчаров 1974, 346- 352; Овчаров 1979, 33- 46), Ko1artzi , Dobrich re­gion (Бобчева 1973, 43-44; Торбатов 19989, 34-37), Gallata quarter in Varna (Мирчев 1953, 7-8, 12-21;Тончева 1968, 17-27;Герасимо­ва-Томова 1972, 29-32), Daskalovo quarter in Pernik (Любенова et а! . 1980, 15-140; Митоnа-Джонова 1983, 128-129), Baika1-sko, Pernik region (Дечев 1933, 383-386; Митова-Джонова 1983, 18-19), Stre1cha (Цончев 1961, 44-46; Цончев 1963, 37), Di­u1evo ( Ботушарова 1948, 61-74) and Ogni­anovo (Добруски 1896, 403-423; Гочева/ Пенкова 1988, 122) Pazardzik region, Koma­tevo quarter in P1ovdiv (Джамбов 1959, 155,

161- 163), Kirillovo, Stara Zagora region (Ка­царов 1913, 310-314; Герасимов 1943, 227-229; Герасимов 1946, 180-181 ), the two sanc­tuaries near Кrun (Табакова-Цанова 1959, 97-11 О; Табакова-Цанова 1980, 1 73- 190; Овчаров 1978, 191-193) and the sanctuary near Videп (Табакова-Цанова 1961, 203- 209), Kazanlak region, the sanctuary near Kasnakovo, Haskovo region (Венедиков 1950, 105- 1 1 5; Аладжов 1962, 4-18), etc.

Other pagan sanctuaries seemed to Ье rat11er isolated but attended mainly the vi11age popula­tion within the relevant loca1 settlement sys­tems- е. g. the ones near Makresh, Vidin region (Велков 1924, 21 0-212; Атанасова 1980, 80, not. 2), Li1iache, Vratza region (Венедиков 1952, 195-213), Zlatna Panega, Lovech region (Добруски 1907, 3-86; Велков 1952, 378-380), Kreta, P1even region (Велков 1934, 82-91; Митова-Джонова 1979, 48), Manastira lo­cality near Svishtov (Митова-Джонова 1961, 21-24 ), Obedinenie, Veliko Tarnovo regioп (Цончев 1934, 92-100; Стефанов 1956, 63) , Draganovetz, Targovishte region (Констан­тинов 1980, 142- 172), Botunetz quarter in Sofia (Петков 1933, 376-377), Gar1in Vartop 1ocality near Slivnitza (Николов 1983, 22- 24; Ботева 1985, 23-3 7), on Petrovski krast peak near Dragoman (Николов 1978, 40-52), Giueshevo (Бръчкова 1920, 138-139; Дремсизова­Нелчинова/Слокоска 1978, 1 6) and Kopi1ovtzi (Филов 1911, 261-263; Кацаров 1914, 80-1 12; Дремсизова-Нелчинова/Слокоска 1978, 19), Kiustendi1 region, BaЬiak, B1agoevgrad region (Домарадски 1984, 46-47; Тонкова/Гоцев 1995, 56; Тонкова/Гоцев 1996, 31 ), the so­called St. lvan sanctuary near Bansko (Меламед

1 Thc cthпo-cultural characteristic of the people, who inhaЬited the military citadels апd the fortificd non-urbaп settlements (castella , rppo11p1a, etc.) from the 4th century AD is not а subject of the present study. We regard as "village population" the inhaЬitants ofthe unfortified settlements (vici and KWJ.iaL) and the ones especially , \vhicl1 structurc lacked town components and were villages in fact. Sec also note No. 6. The autlюr has writteп а stt1dy iп Bulgarian of the specificd problems (Динчев, in print) .


Оп tl1e Ethno-cultura/ Features ofthe Vi/lage Popu/ation оп the Present Bulgarian Tet·ritory ...

1990, 171-172; Меламед 1991, 166-167), Varvara (Цончев 1941, 61-78) and Patale­nitza (Tsontcev 1941, 9-80), Pazardzhik re­gion, on Ostretz peak near Velingrad (Дома­радеки 1990, 50-51), Bossilkovo, Smolian region (Радунчева/Кисьов 1988, 70-71 ), Ruchei, Kardzhali region (Герасимов 1939, 323 - 327), Lozen (Кацаров 1925, 127-168; Аладжов 1974, 20) and Stalevo (Аладжов 1974, 33), Haskovo region, Drianovo, Yambol region (Илиев 1980, 35-42; Илиев 1980а, 45-80), etc.

Almost all mentioned sanctuaries func­tioned during the Late Roman period also, during the decades after 313 AD inclusively, with the exception of а few sanctuaries from the central and the eastern parts ofthe Danube Plane, е. g . the heroon near Liubenovo and probaЬly the sanctuaries in Manastira local­ity, Svishtov region and at Obedinenie. They stopped to function probaЬly as а result of the invasions in the middle and the second half of the Зrd century, i. е. when the related villages had been demolished or abandoned. А consid­eraЬle number of the village pagan sanctuar­ies in this region continued to function how­ever during the 4th century - е. g. the ones at Kreta, Lesicheri, Draganovetz and Kolartzi. ln some cases even ifthe vicus had been aban­doned, the population, part ofwhich probaЬly still living in the vicinity, continued to main­tain the sanctuary and it functioned during the following period as well. The evidence from the vicus near Goliama Brestnitza, Lovech re­gion, which was abandoned in the second half of the 3rd century, proves the existence of а important cu1t center (Велков 1927, 11-12; Герасимов 1959,339-341;Петков1960,25-

28; Бенедиков 1961, 224). lt was not found until now in the vicus area. However on the ter­ritory ofthe neighbour modern village ofZlatna Panega, not far away from there, а sanctuary of Asclepius, still functioning in the 4th century, was excavated near the famous mineral spring G1ava Panega (Добруски 1907, 3-86; Велков 1952, 378- 380).

An indisputaЬle examp1e for а village pa­gan sanctuary, abandoned in the first half of the 4th century does not exist until now in Northwestern Bulgaria, along the northern

Bulgarian coast and in South Bulgaria. There is no data availaЬle about precisely stratified finds from village sanctuaries in these regions or if some data exists, it concerns few finds only, dated until the end of the Зrd century. These are chance finds however and have never been а subject of а proper archaeologi ­cal study - е. g . the sanctuaries near Mak­resh,Vidin region and Stallevo, Haskovo re­gion, or have very badly preserved remains and damaged cultural deposits- е. g. the sanc­tuaries near Krun, Kazanlak region and Drian, Yambol region. That is why no reliaЬle data re1ated to the present study could Ье derived from the respective evidence. This a1so con­cerns the badly preserved or found Ьу chance pagan sanctuaries, the finds with fixed date, the ones from the 4th century only- е. g. those near Baikalsko, Pernik region and Komatevo quarter in Plovdiv. The evidence from the in­vestigated and better preserved village pagan sanctuaries in the mentioned regions proves indisputaЬly their functioning during the 4th century - the sanctuaries at Gaganitza, Berk­ovitza region, Liliache, Vratza region, Gallata quarter in Varna, Garlin Vartop 1oca1ity near S1ivnitza, Daskalovo quarter in Pernik, Kopi­lovtzi, Кiustendil region, Varvara, Diulevo and Patalenitza, Pazardzhik region, Viden, Kazan­lak region, Ruchei, Kardzhali region, Lozen, Haskovo region, etc. What is more, the prevail­ing number of the finds in some of these sanc­tuaries consists of а 4th century finds.

Over 350 from the puЬlished 430 coins, found in the sanctuary of Asclepius near S1ivnitza, were minted in the 4th century. Be­sides the most numerous are the coins minted during the third quarter of the 4th century (Колев 1985, 96-163, 168-170). The latest coin among all is а coin of emperor Theodosius 11 (Колев 1985, 163). The numismatic collec­tion from the sanctuary of Zeus and Hera near Kopilovtzi revealed almost the same picture. The total number ofthe 2nd-3rd centuries coins is 45, while the 4th century coins are more than 300, and the latest among them with а readaЬle inscription was minted during the reign of em­peror Arcadius (Кацаров 1914, 88-89). We have а similar proportion regarding the finds


Ventzislav Dintchev

with а fixed date, the coins from the sanctuar­ies at Gaganitza and Patalenitza, and Gallata quarter in Varna. А lot of coins were discov­ered in the sanctuary in Daskalovo quarter in Pernik but they are not puЫished yet. Still ап information is availaЬle that: "the latest coins ... are the ones from the beginning of the 5th century" (Любенова 1980, 139, 140, not. 5). All of the coins found in the sanctuary near Viden were minted in the 4th century (Табакова-Цанова 1961, 218). The coins from the sanctuary of the Heros at Varvara, which number exceeds 60, were also minted in the 4th century (Цончев 1941, 74-76).

The presented data proves the intensive functioning of the village sanctuaries during the decades following the edict from 313 AD. With view ofthe intensified settlement activ­ity in some up-1ands at and after the beginning of the 4th century (Динчев 1996, 20), one could not exclude the possibi1ity that new vil­lage pagan sanctuaries were estaЬlished at that time. ProbaЬle objections, that the Late Roman coins got Ьу chance into the sanctuar­ies or were offered Ьу peasants, secretly abided Ьу the paganism, after the sanctuaries had been demolished, would Ье insignificant. The Ьig number of coins yielded Ьу regu1ar cultural deposits indicates that they were of­fered in functioning sanctuaries. lt is neces­sary to point out that the Ьigger number of the discovered 4th century coins in the sanctuar­ies would Ье the natura1 consequence of the

intensified coin circulation during the period. The increased number of the coins compen­sated the decreased number of special voti ve monuments during the 4th century, including the votive reliefs, which were more typical for the cu1t practices of the preceding centuries2


The number ofthe Early Christian 4th ceп­tury cult buildings from Bulgaria, discovered out ofthe walls ofthe military fortresses, for­tifies settlements and their suburbs, is com­paratively small. No Christian cult building, constructed for sure before the time ofthe Mi­lan edict from 313 AD, was excavated until now. Such date was recently suggested for а small "church-baptistery" near Panagiurishte (Меламед 1992, 51-54; Топтанов et al. 1994, 99-101). Because ofsome uncertain aspects of the characteristics and the construction periodi­zation of the building, its erection before 313 AD seems rather questionaЬle3 . lts later appear­ance would indicate it was а part of а suburb of an important fortified settlement "from the 4th-6th centuries", the so-called Krassen kale (Топтанов et al. 1994, 85-96).

According to the excavators, the earlier ba­silica at Khan Krum, Shumen region was erec­ted in the first half ofthe 4th century (Антонова 1968, 64-65; Антонова/Дремсизова-Нелчи­нова 1981, 21 ). However the precise analysis of the date available (Антонова 1968, 57- 65; Антонова/Дремсизова-Нелчинова 1981, 15-21) suggests а later date4

. The basilica could Ье contemporary to the single-nave church ехса-

2 Тlte usc of votive reliefs in general and those of the Тltracian horseman in particular, а pltenomeno11 supposcd not to conti11ue bcyond the boundary bctween tlte 3rd and the 4th centuries, was recently re-dated until tl1e c11d of thc 4th - tlte beginning of the 5th centuries on the basis of strong arguments (Vagalinski 1997. 46- 49 ).

3 When pLtЬiisl1ed for thc first time, the building was cal\ed "а sma\1 baptistery" and was dated i11 "the 4th-6tlt ccnturics" (Топтаноо et а\ . 1989, 143) . Later on the excavators stated that "t\1e excavated buildiпg had function originally as а church and after . . . 313 AD was transformed into а baptistery" (Меламед \992, 52; Тоnтаtюн et al . 1994, 1 О 1 ). Т11е joint between the apse and the interior arch of thc piscina, and thc coi11 of Galeriнs , fонпd iп

onc of the joint (Меламед 1992, 51-52) \Vere stated as arguments . Thc шasonry of the interior arch of tltc piscina and the apse was one and thc same howcver, "made of crushed stones joint with yellow clay" (Меламед 1992. 5\-52), and tltere was no data about differences in the levels oftheir substructions. Therefore tl1e interval betwee11 the construction of the building and the equipment of the piscina- if any, because the joint migltt not Ье rcga1·ded а diachronic indicator in this case- was very short. As for the above mentioned coin, it is just tenninus post quem for the construction of the building and the piscina iп particular.

4 The excavators dated the earlier basilica in the first half of the 4th century because of the style of its frescoc~ . Other cxperts assumed that thc same frescoes could date from "the 5th ог the 6th ccnturies" (Овчаров/Вакли1юва 1978, 25 ). Most of the coins discovered during the archaeological excavations dated froш the second half of the 4th - tlte beginning of the 5th centuries (Антонова 1968, 58; Антонова/ Дремсизоnа-Нелчинояа 1981, 17 , 21 ).


Оп tl1e Ethno-cultю·a/ Features o/the VШage Population оп 1he P1·esent Bulgarian Territory ...

vated пеаrЬу, which existed "from the епd ofthe 4th to the middle of the 5th ceпtury (Анто­нова/Дремсизова-Нелчинова 1960, 34--38; Анто­нова/Дремсизова-Нелчинова 1981, Ю-13).

The Christiaп cult buildiпg excavated пеаr Krichim dated also from the 4th ceпtury (Тан­кова 1983, 90-91; Танкова 1984, 94). The pu­Ьlished iпformatioп does поt provide opportu­пity to fix its chroпology апd coпstructioп pe­riods . The crusiform martirium пеаr Vodeп, Yambol regioп was also dated iп the 4th ceп­tury. Later оп а Ьig moпastery comp1ex was bui1t arouпd it (Танчева-Василева 1993, 73- 91; Алексиев et а1. 1994, 116). The experts as­sume that the erectioп of the basi1ica пеаr Bнhovo happeпed iп the time sрап betweeп the 4th апd the begiппiпg of the 5th ceпtury (Иванова 1934, 300-309; Чанева-Дечевска 1974, 262). At the middle or iп the secoпd ha1f of the 4th ceпtury the siпg1e-пaYe church of the Late Romaп vicus оп the Tzarevetz hi11 in Veliko Turnovo was erected (Ангелов 1973, 272-273, 332, 335; Ангелов 1986, 41) . Prob­aЬly the second half ofthe 4th ceпtury was the time when the church iп the пecropo1is of the orc-miпiпg vicus at Popoviane, Samokov re­gioп was coпstructed (Митова-Джонова 1975, 74-75; Митова-Джонова 1977, 2). Мау Ье it was also the time ofthe coпstructioп of the basi1ica at Strumsko quarter iп B1ago­evgrad (Манова/Балканска 1965, 78; Дрем­сизова-Нелчинова 1987, 123 ). The probaЬie vault coпstructioп however, wou1d Ье ап ar­gumeпt iп favour of а later date ofthis basi1ica (Чанева-Дечевска 1968, 20-21; Чанева­Дечевска 1974, 253). The basi1ica пеаr Gorпi Vodeп, Asseпovgrad regioп is supposed to Ье constructed in the second ha1f or to Ье more precise, at the end ofthe 4th century (Морева 1983, 13- 17). About the end of the 4th ceп­tury the origiпa1 tetraconcha1 building near

Perushtitza, traпsformed 1ater оп iпto the so­called Red church (Ваклинова 1985, 149; Vak1iпova 1989, 641-643). РrоЬаЫу related to the Christiaп re1igion and probaЬly contempo­rary was the tetracoпcha1 building in Veranito locality near Lesicheri, Ve1iko Tarnovo regioп as well ( Султов 1977, 23 ). The list iпс1 udes also the siпgle-пave churches iп the settle­meпts, estaЫished оп the ruins of villa N 1 пеаr Мопtапа (Александров 1983 , 64-65, 73) and the villa iп Chatalka locality, Stara Zagora region (Николов 1984, 23-26, 55). lt seems that the humЫe basilica, found during the archaeological excavatioпs of villa N 2 near Montana (Александров 1980, 39-44) also belonged to а similar settlement (Динчев J 997, 40-41, 1 10-111, поt. 35). These post-villa set­tlements were estaЫished after 378 AD, рrоЬ­аЫу before the last and in the last decades of the 4th century (Динчев 1997, 34,37, 63).

These are the Christiaп cult bui1diпgs dated from the 4th ceпtury known unti1 поw, which fuпctioп could Ье related to the village people's life in preseпt Bu1garia at that time 5.

With the exception of the churches in the vici оп the Tzarevetz hi1l in Veliko Tarпovo, Pop­oviaпe, Мопtапа region and Chatalka local­ity, Stara Zagora regioп, the settlemeпt con­text ofthe rest ofthe mentioпed cu1t bt1ildings is still uпclarified. Some of them were parts of unfortified settlement structures, contaiп­iпg other representative buildiпgs as well and their remains coveriпg 1arge areas today. Iп this iпstaпce it is the dimeпsioпs of the sites that questions their ideпtificatioп as village vici 6. For example, it was poiпted out that the tetracoпchal buildiпg, uпderlyiпg the so­called Red church, had belonged to а coпsid­eraЬle settlement ceпtre "with а towp-like cul­ture" (Ваклинова 1985, 149; Vakliпova 1989, 639), i. е. to а semi-urbaп vicus. As for others,

Tlte stratigraphic context they camc from was not а reliaЬie one, but still they could Ье regarded а kind ot· а rcfercncc point for thc timc of the first phase of the site, and the basilica inclusively.

5 ln this paper we shall not stop our attcntion on the Christian cult buildings known until now from prescпt Bulgaria, constructed at the end of the 4thlthc bcginning of the 5th- thc first half of the 5th15th centuries.

6 Together with the villagcs, thc unfortified semi-urban settlements were а basic settlement type in Bulgaria during the Roman and Latc Roman periods. According their juridical апd administrative aspects , thcy wcre the same as vici , i . с . tltcy did not have the status of а town (Динчев 1996а, 99-1 02) . The unfortified semi-urban settlcrne11ts , (Jct"ined al so as "small towns", "agglorncrations secondaires", etc., were а typical phenomenon for thc rest of tl1c Empire as well (Wcbstcr 1975, 53-66; Ferdiere 1988, 291-300; Hingley 1989, 26-29,78-80, 86-94, 111-116; Burnhaш \995 , 7-17; King 1995, 183-192).


Ventzislav Dintchev

е . g. the basilicas near Buhovo and Strumsko, and the two cult buildings near Khan Krum as well, it is still not clear whether they were closely related to any settlement features. Some of them could have been parts of mon­astery complexes. The latter, in view of their principles and activity organisation, could not Ье regarded а direct indicator for the religion and the life as general ofthe village population of the relevant regions, in comparison with pa­gan sanctuaries and consecrated grounds the sirnilar in location 7.

Even accepting the definition "village" for all mentioned Christian cult buildings, their total number is still smaller than the number of the listed above village pagan sanctuaries (fig. 1). What's more, in contrast to the pagan sanctuaries, functioning from the beginning of the 4th century, most of the mentioned Christian cult buildings were built up as late as the end of the century. lt is also an indica­tive fact that no one of these Christian build­ings was erected on the ruins of an earlier pa­gan sanctuary. The earliest traces of direct acts of religious antagonism in the country re­gions led to а demolition of pagan sanctuaries and the construction of Christian cult build­ings on the ruins - е. g. the buildings near Li­utibrod, Vratza region (Джинrов/Машов 1985, 40, 53), Draganivetz, Targovishte region (Кон­стантинов 1980, 157), Gallata quarter in Vama (Мирчев 1953, 21) or Komatevo quarter in Plovdiv (Джамбов 1959, 163), dated from the very end of the 4th - the beginning of the 5th centuries. А consideraЫe number ofvillage necropo­

lises, used in the 4th century but functioning as early as the 2nd-3rd century are known from the present Bulgarian territory. The Late Roman burials there were done according the pagan rites, developing in accordance with the tendencies from the preceding period (Гетов 1970, 1-12). The Late Roman burials from the

following necropolises contained cremation or inhumation burials according to pagan rite: the flat necropolises near Drashan, Vratza re­gion (Машов 1975, 41-50; Димитрова 1985, 26-27), Kragulevo, Dobrich region (Васил­чин 1985, 321-327), Yourta locality near His­saria (Маджаров 1981, 69) and Liaski, Gotze Delchev region (Дремсизова-Нелчинова 1987, 83-84; Божинова 1995, 102-103), the tumular necropolises of the loca1 settlement systems in the valleys of Gorni Passarel (Милчев/Петков 1962, 202-211, 221-222, 251) and Batak (Цончев/Милчев 1970, 151-174, 194-200, 203), the necropolises of the vicus in the modern town of Strelcha (Китов 1979, 59-60; Китов 1979а, 3-4, 20-21; До­марадски et al. 1990, 1 08), the tumular ne­cropolises near Yana, Sofia region (Петков 1933, 373-374), Chernozem (Детев 1971, 39-61) and Popovitza (Цончев 1954, 217-228), Plovdiv region, Kirillovo (Герасимов 1946, 181-184), Staroseletz (Николов et al . 1979, 51; Кънчев/Борисов 1985, 165; Дан­кова et al. 1991, 307, 312-315), Kovachevo (Панайотов et al. 1989, 46---47) and Glavan (Китов 1990, 35-36; Китов 1991, 58- 59) , Stara Zagora region, Liubenetz (Кънчева et al. 1989, 57- 58) and Radetzki (Кънчев/Борисов 1983, 93-94), Nova Zagora region, Merrich­leri, Haskovo region (Аладжов 1965, 77-122), Mladinovo, Svilengrad region (Миков 1934, 109-121), Ruen (Карайотов/Кияшка 1986, 117; Карайотов/Бонева 1987, 84), Vi­zitza (Господинов 1988, 68-69) and Fakiia (Дражева/Балболова 199 5, 1 О 1 ; Дражева/ Балболова-Иванова 1996, 45), Bourgass re­gion, etc.

Burials according to Christian mortuary practices or at least influenced Ьу them were done also in quite а lot of the excavated vil­lage necropolises, which started to function before the 4th century. Sometimes there were coins in the relevant graves. That was the way the secondary Christian graves from the tu-

7 Among tl1e Late Antiquity monasteries known, the one in Arbanas quarter in Radomir dated from the 4th ccntury (Любенова 1985, 26; Любенова 1988, 118-119; Любенова 1990, 98-99). Its sett1ement identification- situated in isolated locality or relat~d to а kind of а scttlemcnt feature - is sti\1 uncertain. The e~taьtishment of tl1e monastery complex in Tritc Chuchura locality near Stara Zagora is also supposed to date from the 4th century (Буюклиев 1994, 221-237). Being c1ose to Augusta Traiana, it сап Ье dcfined as an suburban mor1astery . Thc fortificd complex in Orlandovtzi quarter in Sofia, \vhich we assume to Ье also а suburban monastery in the vicinity of Serdica, was built up in tl1e 4th century (Диrrчев 1997, 96-97) as wel\.


Оп the Ethno-cultural Features ofthe Village Population оп the Present Bulgarian Territory ...

muli of the village necropolis in Chatalka lo­cality, Stara Zagora region were dated with the help of the coins of the emperors Theo­dosius 1, Honorius and Arcadius (Николов 1984, 53-54; Буюклиев 1986, 46-56, 58-62, 94-101). The lower chronological margin of the Christian burials in and around the mounds in Vesselchani quarter in Kardzhali (Дремсизова-Нелчинова 1988, 36-44; Ку лов 1991, 131; Кулов/Нехризов 1990, 69) was fixed Ьу coins dated from "the end of the 4th and the beginning of the 5th centuries", yielded Ьу one of the relevant graves (Ку лов 1991, 131 ). А golden coin of emperor Zeno, found in а damaged grave (Дремсизова­Нелчинова 1988, 39), proved that the ne­cropolis functioned at least until the end ofthe 5th century 8. The graves from the flat necropo­lis of the vicus near Barutin, Smolian region (Дамянов 1988, 189-190; Дамянов 1990, 93, 94-95), oriented according to the Christian re­ligion, have the same chronology as well 9.

The secondary Christian funerals in the exca­vated tumulus of the necropolis near Haskovo were done definitely after the 4th century (Аладжов/Китанова 1973, 70-82; Аладжов 1979, 4-5). Two coins of-emperor Anastasius were discovered in one of the relevant graves (Аладжов/Китанова 1973, 71-73, 80).

Christian burials or at least ones under Christian influence were done in other village necropolis in Bulgaria as well, which started to function before the 4th century- in the flat (mixed ?) necropot·is of the vicus in Kokidava locality near Varna (Минчев 1985, 12-13) or in the tumular necropolises near Kalugerovo, Paz­ardzhik region (Гиздова/Колева 1977, 62-63; Гиздова/Колева 1978, 90-91), Koprinka, Ka­zanlak region (Чичикова et al. 1979, 108; Чичикова/Ка раниколова 1980, 1 06- 107),

Obruchishte (Буюклиев 1962, 50-55) and Bogomilovo (Янков 1979, 105-1 06), Stara Zagora region, Tvarditza (Кънчева-Русева et al. 1995, 77-79) and Levka and Raikova mo­gila, Svilengrad region (Китов et al . 1995, 73-75). Finds with а fixed date were not dis­covered in the relevant Christian graves, which appeared to Ье secondary for the tumu­lar necropolises. In some of the necropolises, the ones in Kokidava locality near Varna, Kalugerovo, Bogomilovo and Tvarditza how­ever, pagan graves dated from the 4th century were excavated, а fact suggesting а later date for the Christian funerals there. The Christian graves from the necropolises near Levka and Raikova mogila were defined as Early Byzan­tine, i. е. after the end ofthe 4th century (Китов et а1. 1995, 73).

Part of the rock graves and tombs of the necropolises near Kamen Briag, Kavarna re­gion, assumed to Ье used during the 3rd-4th centuries, were рrоЬаЫу Christian ones (Сал­кин 1985, 79-80; Топтанов 1986, 199-205; Салкин/Тоnтанов 1986, 112-113; Сал­кин/Тоnтанов 1987, 162-163; Салкин/Тоn­таиов 1988, 123). The mortuary practices and the date ofthe burials- many ofthe tombs were re-used during the mentioned period as well -are still uncertain because of the lack of а com­prehensive puЬlication of the excavations.

Among the village necropolises in present Bulgaria known, there were necropolises which started to function as early as the 4th century or at least ones, in which no earlier graves were found until now. In many ofthem the Late Roman burials were done according to the pagan mortuary practices. For example, just а small part, no more than 15% of the above 1 ОО graves excavated until now in the flat necropolis of the ore-mining vicus near

8 The first excavator of the Yesselchani necropolis in Kardzhali made obviously а mistake, assuming that most of the graves dated earlier than the middle of the 4th century, because they were "earlier" than the tumuli (Дремсизова-Нелчинова 1988, 40). These graves were secondary in fact. They were dug-in into the foot and the lower part of the tumulus, presented in the puЬiication . Later on, the upper part of the mound spread out and CO\'ered the graves. lt becomes clear from the presented situation towards the configuration of the mound (Дремсизова-Нелчинова 1988, 37, fig. 2) . The burial goods with а fixed date are from the 5th century (Дремсизова-Нелчинова 1988, 38-39).

9 1 \vould like to thank to the excavators N. Damianov and А. Kiriakov, who provided me with an additional information about the flat necropolis near Barutin as а whole and for the chronology of the burials, oriented in accordance with the Christian rite in particular.



Fig. 1. See the next page!

~ ~· Tomis8

Оп the Ethno-cultural Features ofthe Vi/lage Population оп the Present Bulgarian Territory ...

Popoviane, Samokov region, were Christian ones, and the rest were cremation burials (Митова-Джонова 1975, 73-79; Митова­Джонова 1977, 2-8). The pagan mortuary prac­tices were practiced in this region until the end of 4th century. The latest find with а fixed date, was а coin from 384 AD yielded Ьу а cremation buria1 (Митова-Джонова 1975, 74). The Chris­tian graves, situated around the small single­nave church mentioned above, contained scanty grave goods and 1acked finds with а fixed date (Митова-Джонова 1975, 74-75). The various graves did not over1ap, а fact which was considered an indication that "the two burial customs existed contemporary" (Митова-Джонова 1977, 2). The contempora­neity of the two kinds of burials must have been а partia1 one, even iftwo different buria1 customs existed simultaneously, in view with their quantitative proportion, i. е. the earliest Christian buria1s there would hardly Ье done before the middle of the 4th century.

Different pagan rites were practiced in many other village necropolises in present Bulgaria as well, which started to function or

at least contain graves from the 4th century­е. g. in the flat necropolises near Obrochishte, Dobrich region (Тончева 1962, 55-56), Kre­men (Стоянова-Серафимова/Колчагова 1969, 1 03- 115) and AЬlanitza (Домарадски/ Кулов 1977, 84-85; Дремсизова-Нелчинова 1987, 41; Домарадски et al. 1990, 1 ОО), Got­ze De1chev region, Beden - Chereshovo neighborhood (Райчев 1976, 34-35; Дамянов 1990, 95), Lucki (Джамбов 1960, 50-52) and Grohotno (Дамянов 1990, 93, 95}, Smolian re­gion, in the grave mounds near Gorun, Dobrich region (Василчин 1978, 111-116), Trapok­lovo, Sliven region (Танчева 1976, 53-54), Ko­chan, Gotze Delchev region, (Гергова/Кулов 1979, 52; Гергова/Кулов 1982, 34; Домарад­ски et al . 1990, 104 }, Ostrovitza, Kardzhali region (Дремсизова-Нелчинова/Балкански 1972, 12-14) or in the mixed necropolis near Borino, Smolian region (Кисьов 1986, 53; Кисьов 1987, 81-82; Дамянов 1990, 94, 95; Прокопов 1990, 61-62). Several necropolises could also Ье mentioned here, containing sec­ondary tumular graves from the end of the 3rd

Fig. \ . Village cult buildings in the 4th century AD on the present Bulgarian territory (made Ьу the autlюr) .


-·-·-·- modern state border; 8 - capital of а Late Roman provincc; В- pagan sanctuary, functioning during tl1e 4tl1 ccntury;ffi- pagan sanctuary, functioning until the bcginning of the 5th century inclusive% А- pagan sanctuary \Vith unccrtain final date within the period of 4th - the beginning of the 5th centuries; * - Christian CLIIt building, constructed until 380 AD;~- Christian cu\t building from the end of the 4th- the beginning of the 5th centuries; Ь, - Christian cult building with uncertain initial date within the period of the 4th - thc beginning of tl1c 5th ccnturies;L:J};/1.- cult building of uncertain villagc bclonging.

1 - Makrcsh , Vidin region; 2- Gaganitza, Berkovita region; 3 - Liutibrod, Vratza region; 4- Liliache, Vratza rcgion; 5- Zlatna Panega, Lovech region; 6- Devetaki , Lovech region; 7- Kreta, Pleven region; 8- Lesichcrski stalb locality near Lesicheri, Vcliko Tarnovo region; 9 - Draganovetz, Targovishte region; 1 О- Kolartzi, Dobrich rcgion ; 11 - Gallata quarter in Varna; 12- Botunetz quarter in Sofia; 13- Garlin Vartop locality, ncar Slivnitza; 14 - Petrovski krast pcak, near Dragoman; 15 - Daskalovo quartcr in Pernik; 16 - Baikalsko, Pernik region ; 1 7 - Giueshevo, Kiustendil region ; 18 - Kopilivtzi, Kiustcndil region; 19 - Bablak, 8\agoevgrad regioп; 20 - St. Jvan locality пеаr Bansko; 21 - Strclcha; 22- Varvara, Pazardzhik region; 23 - Patalenitza, Pazardzl1ik regioп ;

24 - Diulcvo, Pazardzhik rcgion; 25 - Ognianovo, Pazardzhik region; 26 - Ostretz peak near Velingrad ; 27 -Komatevo quarter in Plovdiv ; 28- Bossilkovo, Smo\ian regioп ; 29 - Kirillovo, Stara Zagora region; ЗО- Viden, Kazanlak rcgion; 31 - Bostandzhiiska koria Joka\ity near Krun, Kazanlak region; 32- Attemov Orel1 locality near Krun, Kazanlak region; 33 - Ruchei , Kardzhali region; 34- Kasnakovo, Haskovo regioп; 35 - Lozen, Haskovo regioп; 36 - Sta\cvo, Haskovo region; 37- Drianovo, Yambol region; 38- "villa N 1" near Montana; 39- "villa N 2" ncar Moпtana; 40- Veranito Jocality near Lesicheri, Veliko Tarnovo region; 41 - the Tzarevetz hil\ , Veliko Tarnovo; 42 - Khan Krum , Shumen region; 43 - Khan Krum , Shumen region ; 44 - Buhovo; 45 - Popoviaпe ,

Samokov region ; 46 - Strumsko quarter in 8\agocvgrad; 47 - Krassen kalc locality near Panagiuris11te ; 48 -Krichim ; 49 - Pcruslнitza ; 50 - Gorni Voden, Assenovgrad region ; 51 - Chatalka locality, Stara Zagora rcgion; 52 - Vodeп , Yambol region.


Ventzislav Dintchev

and the 4th centures - е. g. the ones near Boliartzi, Assenovgrad region (Морева/ Ан­гелова 1968, 33-3 7), lvailovgrad (Младе­нова 1971, 38-51) and Brani Pole, Plovdiv re­gion (Китов/ Маричков 1990, 36-37; Китов 1991 а, 58; Китов 1992, 55). In these cases the tumuli themse1ves were piled up either for burials before the pre-Roman period, е. g. Boliartzi, or were related to some kind of cult practices, е. g. Brani Pole and рrоЬаЫу the tumulus excavated near lvailovgrad as well.

Christian graves or at least graves orien­tated according to the Christian rite were also excavated in some of these necropolises, е. g. in the flat necropolis near Beden - Chere­shovo neighborhood. The lower chronologi­cal margin of this necropolis, and the Chris­tian burials in it inclusively, was defined Ьу а coin of emperor Arcadius, discovered in а child's grave (Райчев 1976, 35). Two of the secondary "east-west" oriented graves in tu­muli, which were excavated near Boliartzi, yielded coins- а coin of emperor Constantius Il and а coin of emperor Gratian (Мо рева/ Ан­гелова 1968, 35, 36) 10

. Half of the skeletons of the secondary graves in the tumulus near Ivailovgrad have а Christian ori.entation. А coin of emperor Probus was found in one of the graves (Младенова 1971, 48, 49). This ap­pears to Ье the earliest fixed terminus post quem for а presumaЬle Christian burial in Bulgaria. However ifthe necropolis dated from the end of the 3rd-4th centuries indeed, the chance of be­ing а village one is too slim11

. Christian or influenced Ьу the Christianity graves were ex­cavated also in other necropolises listed above - part of the flat graves in the necropo-

lises near Borino and Grohotno, the secondary graves in tumuli near Ostrovitza and the graves from the necropolis near AЬlanitza, where the bones of the buried people were "piled up" (Домарадски/Кулов 1977, 85) . These graves either lacked grave goods or it was not possiЫe to fix the date of the finds. The relevant burials were not done in the last two decades ofthe 4th century because the pa­gan mortuary practices in the same necropo­lises had been performed until the end of the 4th - the beginning of the 5th centuries inclu­sively. So the latest coins from the cremation burials in tumuli near Borino belonged to em­peror Arcadius (Дамянов 1990, 95) . The north-south oriented cist graves from the ne­cropolis near AЫanitza yielded "5th century AD" coins as well (Домарадски/Кулов 1977, 85). An argument in favour ofthe later date of the Christian graves (the ones yielding evi­dence of pagan relicts inclusively) from the mentioned necropolises in the Rhodopes is also the chronology of other Late Antiquity necropolises from the same region, containing graves similar in mortuary practices and fea­tures.

Late Antiquity village necropolises con­taining only east-west oriented graves and lacking the bones of the buried people were excavated in different regions of the Rho­dopes - near Ribnovo, Gotze Delchev region (Кузманов/Маринова 1983, 173-183), Nova Mahala (Меламед 1993, 36-37, 41-46), Fot­inovo (Василев et al. 1987, 277; Меламед 1993, 39) and Sarnitza (Панайотов/Димитрова 1986, 114 }, Pazardzhik region, Skobelevo, Plovdiv region (Кузманов/Маринова 1983, 180, бел. 14; Меламед 1993,38-39,46, not. 6) .

10 А grave with а coin of emperor Licinius was excavated in this necropolis but unlike the graves mentioned above in the text, it was puЬiished that the orientation of this skeleton was "west-east" (Морева/ Ангелова 1968, 36). There is no information in the paper what direction the heads ofthe buried people pointed to . lfthe head pointed to the west and the orientation of thc skeleton was "cast-west", the grave which yielded the Licinius's coin \vas а pagan one . lf the head pointed to the west and the orientation of the skcleton was "west-east" , the graves with а later terminus post quem, mentioned in the text, were not Chri.stian ones and this fact questions the Christiaп burials in the necropolis as а whole.

11 The tumulus with the secondary necropolis was situated only 250 m away from the famous villa in tl1e Armira valley , which had existed from the beginning of the 2nd to the end of the 4th centuries (Младенова 1971 , 50). Therefore, if the necropolis dated from the end of the 3rd-4th centuries, it had probaЬiy belonged to tl1e staff, serving the residential part of the villa and/or working in the pars rustica.


Оп the Ethпo-cultural Features ofthe Village Populatioп оп the Preseпt Bulgariaп Territory ...

These necropolises were assumed Christian ones and the lack of skeletons in the grave pits was considered а clear indication ofpagan rel­icts in the mortuary practices (Кузманов/Ма­ринова 1983, 180-181; Дамянов 1990, 95-96; Меламед 1993, 39- 40)12

. Coins, the latest readaЬle among them minted in 383-395 AD, were discovered in one of the graves of the necropolis near Ribnovo (Кузманов/Ма­ринова 1983, 178). The date is а terminus post quem for the relevant burial and for the ne­cropolis in general. The rest of the necropo­lises did not yield finds with fixed dates but the pottery found in some of them, е . g. near Nova mahala and Skobelevo, indicated also that their use started not earlier than the end ofthe 4th century (Меламед 1993,37,38-39, 41-46). The estaЫishment of а complex with а single-nave church (monastery ?) at the end of the 4th-5th centuries, excavated nearby, could Ье regarded an indirect indication for the chronology of the necropolis near Nova Mahala (Меламед et al. 1987, 236; Мела­мед/Меламед 1989, 156; Меламед 1990, 111 ; Меламед 1993, 36) 13.

Late Antiquity village necropolises con­taining on1y inhumation graves, oriented ac­cording to the Christian custom are known from various regions, the Rhodopes inclu­sively, and they are usually assumed to date from the 4th-5th or 4th-6th centuries - near Gorna Koznitza, Kiustendil region (Стайкова 1984, 91; Домарадски et al . 1990, 1 02), Dren­ski Rid lokality near Dupnitza (Алякова 1994, 82-83), Akandzhievo, Pazardzhik re­gion, where the Late Antiquity Christian gra­ves were dug-in into pre-Roman mounds (Гиздова, 1984, 52-53; Гиздова 1985, 100-101), Dolen, Gotze Delchevo region (Божи­нова 1990, 203-204; Домарадски et al . 1990, 102- 103), Goliamata Chorkva lokality near

Beden (Ваклинова 1972, 141 - 156), Pavelsko (Миков 1941, 29-33) and Gella (Деянова 1970, 26; Vaklinova 1987, 121), Smolian re­gion, Borovitza (Хаджиева 1989, 163-164; Хаджиева 1990, 172) and Star Chitak (Хаджиева 1991, 169)14, Kardzhali region, etc. The graves or at least most of the them in the necropolises near Dolen, Beden and Pav­elsko contained grave goods, everyday pot­tery mostly. In one of the graves near Pavel­sko, containing two skeletons, а consideraЫe amount of coins was discovered. The latest coins belonged to emperor Theodosius 11 (Миков 1941, 30, 32). They are terminus post quem for the douЫe-burial as well as for rest of the burials in the necropolis. Most of the secondary Christian graves, dug-in in the pre­Roman tumuli near Akandzhievo, did not con­tain grave goods but in one of them "а coin from the first half of the 5th century" was dis­covered "beside the head of the buried per­son" (Гиздова, 1984, 53). The coin is also а terminus post quem for the relevant burial and for the Christian necropolis as а whole. The 1ack of grave goods or the scanty number of object in the grave pit, а typical feature for the graves in the rest of the mentioned necropo­lises as well, indicates for а stricter observa­tion of the Christian burial custom and there­fore а later initial date of the necropolises, probaЬly the middle of the 5th century or 1ater. The later initial date for the big Chris­tian necropolis near Gella conforms also to the chronology of the basilicas excavated nearby (Деянова 1970, 26- 28 ; Vak1inova 1987, 120- 125).

The heads of the persons buried in Tuzlata locality, to the north ofBalchik, pointed to the west. The few excavated graves there con­tained grave goods, dated from the "3rd-4th centuries" according to the excavator' s opin-

121 intcntionally do not di scuss the proЫem of the presence of pagan relicts in the cast-west oricntcd graves , empty or conta ining а skeleton with а head to the west. 1 would just point out that it is possiЫe that sоше of these graves belonged to а population sti\1 pagan but influenced Ьу the Christian mortuary practices. For such cases the defi­nition for the graves should not Ье "Christian graves with pagan relicts" but "pagan gra ves under Christian influcnce" .

13 Rcrnains of contemporary settlement were discovered in thc vicinity as we\1 (Меламед et а\ . 1987, 237 ; Меламед 1990, 111 ).

14 1 was provided witl1 an additional information on this necropois Ьу D. Hadzhieva, whom 1 am very thankful.


Ventzis/av Dintchev

ion (Тончева 1953, 119-123). However they contained no finds with а fixed date. The Christian burial rite in this case, apart from the orientation of the skeletons, is also ques­tioned15. Мау Ье some ofthe graves in the ne­cropolis, located in the south part of As­senovgrad, were Christian ones. The puЬlish­ed data does not provide enough information for the mortuary practices and is contradic­tory as far as the chronology is concerned (Морева 1981, 146; Морева 1982, 96; Морева-Арабова 1989,211, 212) 16. lt seems that the graves discovered Ьу chance in the eastern part of Devin, had also Christian ori­entation. One of the graves yielded coins, "badly preserved but dated from the 4th cen­tury most probaЬly" (Ваклинова 1976, 117). The similarity ofthe grave goods and features of these graves with the ones from other Late Antiquity necropolises in the Rhodopes is also an argument in favour of а later date, about or after the end of the 4th century. The necropolis, used as early as the first half or at the middle of the 4th century, underlying the center of the modern town of Bourgas, was probaЬly а Christian one. According to the ex­cavators, the necropolis belonged to а big set­tlement near а road station (Лазаров 1967, 48-53; Балабанов 1979, 28). If confirmed, the semi-urban nature of the pointed out set­tlement would require а similar identification for the necropolis as well.

Nevertheless there are several necropo­lises from present Bulgaria, which could Ье defined as village and Christian ones and star-

ted to function before the last quarter of the 4th century. For example the partially exca­vated necropolis near Brashlianitza, Pleven region was а Christian one. Не had functioned during the first half or at the middle ofthe 4th century; two ofthe graves yielded coins ofthe emperors Constantine the Great and Licinius (Ковачева 1972, 7-11; Митова-Джонова 1979, 35). The necropolis near Peichinovo, Russe region could Ье defined as а Christian one as well though displaying some pagan rel­icts. The graves were east-west oriented. All heads except one pointed to the west. There were а lot of coins among the grave goods and the latest ones belonged to the emperors Con­stantine 11, Constantius and Constantius 11 (Димова 1966, 13-27). They were the finds to fix the chronology of the necropolis. It seems that the graves, discovered Ьу chance in the Late Roman necropolis near Koriten, Dobrich region, were Christian ones too. Among the grave goods, puЬlished as closed complexes, the latest finds with fixed date were "coins of ... Constantine ll" (Тончева 1962, 57-60; Бобчева 1973, 44). We cou1d also add to the list the earliest Christian graves from the necropolis in Strazhata local­ity near Pleven, preceding the estaЬlishment of the fortified settlement Storgosia situated nearby. Most of the finds with а fixed date among the grave goods ofthese graves- coins and crusiform fibulae, decorated with emper­ors' images- dated from the reign of Constan­tine the Great {Табакова-Цанова 1981, 104-105,110,111-112, 114, 136, 169, 173-176)17.

15There were three persons buried together in one of the grave pits (Тончева 1953. 120). А gravc-stonc "with а rough image of а sanding human figurc" was found on one of the single-graves (Тончева 1953, 119, 123 ), which was Jtot typical for thc Christian grave-stones.

16The graves, most of them lacking grave goods, had been "east-west" oriented but thc position of the heads was not specified. At the beginning the necropo\is was considered "Thracian-Roman dated from the 2nd-4th centu­ries" ( Морева 1981, 146). Latcr on the necropo\is was dated from "the second ltalf of the 4th ccJttury" ( Морева 1982 , 96) or from "thc 4th century" ( Морева-Арабова 1989, 211 ).

17 Coins of emperor Constantius 11 were the earlicst 4th century finds with а fixcd date, discovered during the excavations ofthe fortified arca ofthc Late Antiquity Storgosia . This information was providcd Ьу Т . Kovacheva, whom 1 am vcry indebted. The puЬ\ication of the data on the coins is forthcoming- lvanov (ed.), in print. Therefore the necropolis in Strazhata locality could Ье regarded а village one, at least for the initial phasc of its functioning, until the estaьtishment of the fortified semi-urban settlement. ln fact we could not Ье ccrtain for direct relation between this necropolis and the Latc Antiquity Storgosia, even aftcr the estaьtishment ofthc \attcr. The necropolis was situated abotlt 0,5 km to the north-east of the Storgosia fortrcss but the steep slopes of tltc Kailaka valley separated thcm.


Оп the Ethпo-cultut·al Features ofthe Village Populatioп оп the Preseпl Bulgariaп Terrilory ...

The data for the necropolises as well as the information for the cult buildings indicates that the village population, which inhaЬited the territory of present Bulgaria continued as а whole toobserve the pagan beliefs and cus­toms almost until the end of the 4th century. The number of the known village pagan ne­cropolises exceeds many times the number of the contemporary, similar in belonging Chris­tian ones for the period ofthe last two decades of the century (fig. 2).

The acceptance of the Christian mortuary practices in the village necropolises as well as the construction of village Christian churches оп а larger scale started at the very end of the 4th century. Burials according to pagan rites were still done ho\vever in the beginning of the 5th century. Some ofthe mentioned pagan saпctuaries still functioned at that time. Therefore the \оса\ population accepted com­pletely the Christian religion поt earlier than the end of the first quarter of the 5th ceпtury.

Still the data for the пecropolises and the cult buildings iпdicates that the spread of the Christianity amoпg the village population started before the last two decades of the 4th century. This statement raises the questioп about the way it was done. Our answer Ьinds together the appearance апd the initial dis­semination ofthe Christian religion iп the vil­lages with the ethic belonging of the relevant popu1ation.

The proЬ\em of the ethno-divisional iпdi­catioпs in the cultural assemЬ\ages in the Late Aпtiquity, the 4th ceпtury in particular, is а comp1icated one. There is still no system de­ve1oped of criteria for ап ethnic, поn-Thracian separatioп of the archaeological assemЬ\ages. The proper ethпic interpretation of remaiпs and finds of а рrоЬаЬ\е поn-Thracian origin is much more proЬ\ematic and the reasons are поt only subjective. The new sett1ers acquired soon most of the artificial components of the provincial Late Roman culture and in their turn influenced the formation and the devel­opment of some of them, i. е. there was а cer­tain level of unificatioп of the artificial cul­turc of both locals and newcomers. That is why every attempt for а coпtribution, even а

partia1 one or countiпg оп iпdirect proves, is important for the ethno-divisional proЬ\ems. As for the proЬiem on the ethnic structure of the village population in Bulgaria in the 4th century, 1 think that its solution, at least for the differentiation "loca\, Thracian - new set­tled, non-Thracian" is related to the pervasion of the Christianity as well.

Among the presented sites with excavated cult bui1dings aпd/or necropolises, it is the Late Roman vicus on the Tzarevetz hill in Veliko Tarnovo that was supposed to Ье in­haЬited Ьу поn-Thracians. The experts relate its estaЬiishmeпt, the siпgle-nave secular church inclusively, to the migration of the so­called Gothi minores in 348 AD (Ангелов 1973, 272, 333; Ангелов 1986, 40-42; Алек­сиев 1994,23; Velkov 1995,491-496). Theset­tlemeпt is situated in the mountaiпous region of the territory of the Roman town Nicopolis ad Istrum, an area where accordiпg to the written sources, the mentioпed Gothi, uпder the leader­ship ofЬishop Ulphi1as were settled down (lor­danes, Get., 265-267 - ЛИБИ 1958, 359; /si­dorus Hisp., Hist. Goth., 1 О- ЛИБИ 1958, 382). The finds from the end ofthe 3rd- the first ha1f ofthe 4th centuries (Герасимов 1973, 200-20 l; Дремсизова-Нелчинова 1983, 16, 20; Попов 1985, 214; Вълов 1992, 183) and the Thracian name Zikideva, which was inherited Ьу the Early Byzantine town center on the Tzarevetz hill (Dintchev 1997, 67-69) do not permit the acceptance of the "Gothic" thesis about the estaЬ\ishment of this Late Roman settlemeпt without asking some questions. Still the finds from the Late Roman layer on the Tzarevetz hill indicate the Gothic presence there (Vel­kov 1995, 493) and prove at least, that in the second ha1f of the 4th century the inhaЬitants ofthe vicus had а heterogeneous ethnic origin if not а Gothic one.

lt is supposed that inhaЬitaпts of the ore­mining vicus near Popoviane, Samokov re­gion were of non-Thracian origiп as well (Ми­това-Джонова 1975, 76; Митова-Джонова 1977, 2, 7-8). The impressive number of flat Late Roman cremation burials rich in grave goods, which were discovered in the necropo­lis of the vicus, is а firm ground for such sup-



Fig. 2. See the next page!

Оп the Ethпo-cu/tura/ Features ofthe Village Popu/atioп оп the Preseпt Bu/gariaп Territory .. .

posaJ 18. Therefore the change in the mortuary

practices detected there as well as the con­struction ofthe cemetery church, reflected the conversion of а population of а non-Thracian origin.

The presence of new "ethnic groups, which kept to а certain extent their cultural tradi­tions in the Roman environment" is supposed for the people, buried in the necropolis in Strazhata locality near Pleven as well (Таба­кова-Цанова 1981, 173-174; Станчев et al. 1961, 40-41 ). There was also а change in the

mortuary practices there - from pagan to Chris­tian ones - as early as the first, "village" phase of the necropolis 19.

We could assume that the people, buried in the Late Roman village necropolises in nowa­days N orthern Bulgaria, was of foreign ethnic origin too: the necropolises near Brashlianit­za, Pleven region, Peichinivo, Russe region and Koriten, Dobrich region. All of them, si­milar to the one near Pleven, functioned as early as the first half or in the middle of the 4th century. Such date was not found out until

18 Flat cremation burials dated from the 4th century were excavated in necropolises, supposed to belong to а Thracian population, е . g. in the mentioned necropolises near Drashan, Vratza region, Kragulevo, Dobrich region and Kremen, Gotze Delchev region . There is not а big number of 4th century flat cremation burials . The mentioned necropoliscs are not an exccption and most of the graves excavated in them were dated from the previous period, е . g. the onc near Drashan (Машов 1975, 41-50) or other burial rites were practices as well, е . g. Kragulevo (Василчин 1985, 321-327) and Kremen (Стоянова-Серафимова/Колчагова 1969, 103-115). Actually in view with the impressive number of Late Roman flat cremation burials, there is no other necropolis in present Bulgaria to compare with the one near Popoviane. For this reason , notwithstanding the Jack of а detailed puЬiication of the finds, we could accept that the necropolis belonged to а population of а non-Thracian origin .

19 The graves discovered in Strazhata locality at the biggest depth , i. е . the earliest ones, were "north-south oriented" (Ставчев et al. 1961, 33, 40; Табакова-Цанова 1981 , 168, 170-173). There are three of them and their number is many times exceeded Ьу the number of the Christian graves in the necropolis .

Fig. 2 . Village necropolises in the 4th century AD on the present Bulgarian territory

Legend : --·-·- modern state bordcr; 8- capital of а Late Roman province; \FJ- necropolis containing pagan burials

from thc 4th century;~- necropolis containing pagan burials from the 4th century and Christian burials before

380 AD; W-necropolis containing pagan burials from the 4th century and Christian burials of uncertain date

in the 4th - the beginning of the 5th centuries; W- necropolis containing pagan burials from the 4th century

and Christian burials from the end of the 4th- the beginning of the 5th centuries (5th century); ~- necropolis

containing pagan burials until the beginning of the 5th century inclusively and later Christian burials;W­

Christian necropolis, estaЬiished until 380 AD;W- Christian necropolis from the end ofthe 4th- the beginning

of the 5th centuries;\:}?tf:!/i"\J? - necropolis of uncertain village belonging.

1 - Drashan, Vratza region; 2- Kragulevo, Dobrich region; 3- Obrochishte, Dobrich region; 4- Gorun, Dobrich region; 5- Yana, Sofia region; 6- Gorni Passarel valley; 7- Liaski, Gotze Delchev region; 8- Kremen, Gotze Delchev region ; 9- Kochan , Gotze Delchev region; 1 О - Strelcha; 11 - Batak valley; 12- Yurta locality near Hissaria; 13 - Chernozem, Plovdiv region; 14- Brani Pole, Plovdiv region; 15- Popovitza, Plovdiv region; 16 - Lucki , Smolian region ; 17 - Kirillovo, Stara Zagora region ; 18 - Staroseletz, Stara Zagora region; 19 -Kovachevo, Stara Zagora region; 20 - Glavan, Stara Zagora region; 21 - Liubenetz, Nova Zagora region ; 22 -Radetzki , Nova Zagora rcgion; 23 - Trapoklovo, Sliven region; 24- Merrichleri, Haskovo region; 25 - Mladi­novo, Svilengrad region ; 26- Ruen, Bourgas region; 27- Vizitza, Bourgas region; 28- Fakia, Bourgas region; 29 - lvailovgrad; ЗО - Kamcn Briag, Dobrich region; 31 - Popoviane, Samokov region; 32 - Boliartzi, As­senovgrad; 33- Kokidava locality near Varna; 34- Kalugerovo, Pazardzhik region; 35- Barutin, Smolian region ; 36- Grohotno, Smolian region; 37- Chatalka locality , Stara Zagora region; 38- Bogomolovo, Stara Zagora region ; 39- Tvarditza; 40- Vesselchani quarter in Kardzhali ; 41 - Ostrovitza, Kardzhali region; 42- AЬ\anitza,

Gotze Delchevo region ; 43 - Borino, Smolian region; 44 - Chereshovo quarter in Beden,Smolian region ; 45 -Strazl1ata locality near Pleven ; 46- Brashlianitza, Plevcn region; 47- Peichinovo, Russe region ; 48- Koriten, Dobrich region; 49- Bourgas ; 50- Ribnovo, Gotze Delchev region; 51 - Dolen, Gotze Delchcv region; 52 -Nova Mahala, Pazardzhik region; 53 - Skobelevo, Plovdiv region; 54- Devin; 55 - Pavelsko, Smolian region; 56 - Goliamata Chorkva locality near Beden, Smolian region .


Ventzis/av Dintchev

now for Christian burials in village necropo­lises of undoubted Thracian belonging, even with clear pagan relicts, е. g. in the Rhodopes. At the same time the Late Romaп burials in the village пecropolises kпоwп from Northern Bul­garia, ascribed to а Thraciaп population, е. g. the ones пеаr Drashan, Vratza region (Машов 1975, 48), Kragulevo (Василчин 1985, 325) апd Gorun (Василчин 1978, 116), Dobrich re­gion or iп Kokidava locality пеаr Varna (Мин­чев 1985, 12-13) were done in accordance with the раgап mortuary practices.

The earlier Christian burials meпtioпed above from preseпt Southern Bulgaria, the опеs in the mound near Ivailovgrad (?) апd uпder the modern ceпtral part of Bourgas, were probaЬly поt village ones. Their prob­aЬle ethnic ideпtification, for the burials from Bourgas at least, could Ье non-Thracian20.

The aпalysis of the presented archaeologi­cal data proves that the earliest manifestations of the Christiaпity in the country areas of the preseпt Bulgarian territory were due mainly to а nоп-Thraciaп populatioп. The written sources provide informatioп about the perva­sion of various "barbarians" at the end of the 3rd - the епd of the 4th ceпturies in preseпt Bulgaria, at that time being in the provinces of the dioceses Thracia and Dacia (Тъпкова­Заимова 1971, 45-46; Велков/Тъпкова­Заимова 1979, 413-41 7; V elkov 1977, 262-264, 274-279; Velkov 1985, 157-160). А big part of the пewcomers, regardless of probaЬle differences in their social status, settled there as couпtry people. Some of them came as Christiaпs, е. g. the Gothi minores, the пеw iпhabltants of the vicus on the Tzarevetz hill in Veliko Tarпovo iпclusively . Others should have Ьееп pagaпs but the пеw political and economic environment made them more pli­aЬle to the Christianity, е. g. the people buried iп the necropolis near Pleven and the inhabl­taпts of the ore-mining vicus пеаr Popoviane.

The analysis of the archaeological data at­tests also, that at the beginning the influence

ofthe Christiaпity was stronger in the country areas of preseпt Northern Bulgaria апd to Ье more precise, in Central Northerп and North­eastern Bulgaria, е. g. the church of the vicus оп the Tzarevetz hill in Veliko Tarnovo, the necropolises пеаr Pleven, Brashlianitza, Peichinovo and Koriten. These were the re­gions affected most badly Ьу the 3rd century invasioпs апd regions, where the percentage of the nоп-Thracian country population iп the 4th ceпtury was the highest опе. The sources about the Christianizatioп of the Balkaпs also support indirectly the earlier date of the per­vasion of the Christianity among the couпtry people in present Northerп Bu1garia апd, the stroпger preseпce of the non-Thracian coun­try ethnic e1emeпt there respectively.

At the very end ofthe 4th century, famous church authors glorified the conversion of "the bessi", i. е. the Thraciaпs, Ьу Niceta, tl1e bishop of Remesiana (Euseblus Hieronym .. Epist., LX, 4- ЛИБИ 1958, 217; Paulinus Nol., Carm., XVII - ЛИБИ 1958, 257-259). These authors and Ьishop Niceta himselfwere representatives ofthe Roman-Latin Christian­ity, struggling with the Constaпtinople church at that time to take the upper hand over the Balkans (Кочев 1995, 101-105). The Con­stantinople church also undertook similar missionary activity among the Thacians-pa­gans. It becomes obvious from the speech of the Coпstaпtinop1e patriarch Johп Chrysos­tom from 398 or 399 AD and especially from the paragraph concerniпg the "barbarian" trans­lations of the holly books, including the trans-1ation in the laпguage ofthe Thracians (Ioannes Chrys .. Нот., VIII, 1 - ИТМ 1949, 420). The mentioпed writteп sources were discussed many times (Велков 1958, 735, 739; Бешев­лиее 1965, 55-59; Фол 1966, 46-47; Mi­hailov 1981, 3-7; Симеонова 1982, 194-198; Тодоров 1984, 259-260, 270- 272; Марков 1995, 26-27, 39-40). Now we could accept that they concern the mountainous and hilly areas to the south of the Balkan Mountains in

20 The gravc goods of the relevant graves are scanty and it was not possiЬie for the excavator to propose any ctlшic identification (Лазаров 1967, 48-53 ), i. е. а non-Thracian origin is also probaЬie. Thc wcst Black Sea coast region in general and Bourgas region in particular was а heterogeneous cthnic zone during the wholc period of thc Antiquity.


Оп the Ethпo-cultural Features o,(the Village Populatioп оп the Preseпt Bulgariaп Territory ...

general, populated Ьу compact groups of country Thracian population and reflected the true course of the conversion process21

. The lack of information about missionary Chris­tian activity in the border provinces of Thra­cia and Dacia, and in present Northern Bul­garia inclusively, analogous to that from the very end of the 4th century is quite indicative in this case. lt means that in the border prov­inces the Christianity had won recognition in the villages as well and such activity was not necessary there.

So, the presence of the Christianity in the country areas and regions of Northern Bul­garia and of present Bulgarian territory in general in the 4th century was due to great ex­tent to the non-Thracian ethnic element, Gothi and other "barbarians" of northern origin pre­dominantly. It is true however that а smaller number ofthe latter lived to the south ofSrara Planina (Haemus). In fact the Christianity pervaded the town centers of Thracia and Dacia in similar way and the difference is that the emigrants from different eastern prov­inces played а significant role among its be­lievers and disseminators in the towns of the diocese Thracia (Velkov 1977, 270-272, 281; Бешевлиев 1983, 31-33). The second main difference is the time when the Christianity won recognition as а dominant religion. It

happened at the middle of the 4th century in the towns, which had been the first centers of dissemination in Thracia and Dacia (Hosek 1990, 309-323; Марков 1995, 23-26)22. The Christianity began to dominate in the villages as а whole and especially among the compact groups ofthe Thracian population to the south of Heamus а half а decade later23.


Аладжов, Д. 1979. Хасково в древността. Матери­али за археологическата карта на Хасковски окръг 9. София.

Аладжов, Д. · 1974. Селища, паметници, находки .

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окръг 6. Хасково .

Аладжов, Д. 1965. Разкопки 11а трако-римски мо­гилен некропол при Меричлери. - Известия на архе­

ологическия институт 28 , 77-122.

Аладжов Д. 1962. Светилище на нимфите и Аф­родита край с. Каснаково . Материали за археологи­

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Аладжов, Д./Китанова, А. 1973. Разкопки на мо­гила N 1 в Хасково.- Археология 15, 3, 70-83 .

Александров, Г. 1983. Антична вила No. 1 край Михайловград. - Известия на музеите от Североза­

падна България 8, 37-81 .

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21 According to some authors, Т. Todorov for example, the mission of bishop Niceta from 396 АО and the speech of John Chrysostom from 398/399 АО appeared "а final termiпus ad quem" for the Christianization ofthe Thra­cians (Тодоров 1984, 270-271 ). The author refers to the geпcral tendency of strengthening the positions of the Christianity in thc Latc Roman lcgislation but does not rendcr an account of the fact, that the periodical issuing of regulations at the end of the 4th century, almost identical in content, indicated they were not workable or at least not efficient enough. The large-scale Christianization of the isolated areas and regions became possible during the reign of emperor Theodosius 1, when the temples in the towns had been closed (Ангелов 1976. 94; Марков 1995, 17). Moreover the Christianization of the country areas and regions and the especially those, inhabitcd Ьу compact groups of pagan population, what were actually the mountainous areas, populated Ьу the Thracians in the 4th century, was а longer process occupying at least two ог three decades. Therefore the men­tioned sources and events fixed the beginning and the course of events of the campaign for the large-scale con­version of thc Thracians but not its end. According to V. Beshevliev for example, "one could conclude from а fragment of the writer Olympidorus of Thebes- FHG IV/27 that the Thracian sanctuaries in the Rhodopcs had already not existed in 421 АО." (Бешевлиев 1965, 55). This is more ассерtаЬ\е as а final date for the mentioned campaign . The archacological data alrcady prcscntcd also supports а latcr date of the Christianization of the Thracian country population.

22The analysis of the archaeological data about the pervasion and strengthening the positions of the Christianity in the towns of Thracia and Dacia will Ье а subject of another paper.

23 We could assume in this context, tltat the intensive functioning of many village pagan sanctuaries in the second half of the 4th century was partly due to adherents from the towns, whose possibllities for cult activity in the very towns were restricted at that time.


Ventzis/av Dintchev

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Веицислав Динчев


С безспорно значение за етнокултурната характе­

ристика на селското население в днешната българска

територия през IV в. сл. Хр. са въпросите за неговата религия и за връзката между религията и етническата

му принадлежност. С несъмнен принос към изясня­

ването на тези въпроси е анализът на археологичес­

ката информация за селските култови сгради н за

погребалния обред на селското население .

Почти всички селски езически светилиша от nър­

вите векове сл. Хр. у нас функционират интензивно

и през IV в. Преустановяването на дейността на ня­кои светилища през втората половина на 111 в. сс дъл­жи на поражеttията от варварските нашествия, дове­

ли и до унищожаването нли изоставянето на селища­

та, обслужвани от тях. В сравнение с езическите све­

тилища, известните селски християнски култови

сгради от IV в. са много по-малко на брой и np11 това се отнасят предимно към края на века (fig. 1 ). Пока­зателно е, че през IV в . няма случай на изграждане

на християнска постройка върху останки на по-ранно

езическо светилище .

Оп the Ethno-cultural Features ofthe Village Population оп the Present Bulgariaп Territory ...

Към аналогични изводи ни насочва и анализът на

данните за nогребалиии обред. До nоследните едно­

две десетилетии на IV в. селското население у нас се nридържа като цило към езическите си традиции в

погребалната nрактика . Броит на известните селски

езически некроnоли от този период многократно над­

вишава този на синхронните, сходни no принадлеж­ност, христиински некрополи (fig. 2).

Утвърждаването на християнекни обред в селски­

те некрополи, както и nо-масовото строителство на

селски христиински църкви, започва в самни край на

IV в . Погребении по езически обреди обаче се извър­

шват и в началото на V в. По това време действат все още и никои от селските езически светилища. Следо­

вателно, окончателното налагане на християнската

религия сред местното селско население е факт не

по-рано от края на nървата четвърт на V в. Все пак данните за некрополите, както и за култо­

вите сгради, показват, че разпространението на хрис­

тиинството в селските области на днешната българ­

ска територия започва преди последните две десети­

летия на IV в. Днес има основания да твърдим, че

това се е дължало до голяма степен на нетракийско

население - готи и други "варвари" предимно със се­верен произход. Анализът показва още, че първона­

чално христиинството присъства по-осезаемо в сел­

ските области на днешна Северна и nо-точно на цен-

траляа Северна и Североизточна Българии - църква­

та на късноримското селище върху хълма Царевец

при гр. Велико Търново, началната фаза на некроnо­

ла вм. Стражата край гр. Плевен, некрополите при с.

Бръшлиница, Плевенско, с . Пейчиново, Русенско, с .

Коритен, Добричко. В тези области щетите от нашес­

твнята през 111 в. са най-значителни и именно в тях про­центът на нетрuийско селско население през IV в. е


В косвена подкреnа на по-ранното проникване на

християнството, респективно - на по-значителното

присъствие на нетракнйски селски етнически еле­

мент, в днешна Северна България е и липсата в изво­

рите на съобщения за мисионерска дейност тук, ана­

логична на тази на епископ Niceta, например, в пла­нинските области на юг от Стара планина . Това озна­

чава, че в късноримските долнодунавски провинции,

включително в днешна Северна България, христнинст­

вото е значително разпространено в края на IV в. и в селата, поради което тук не се е налагала nодобна


Dr. Ventzislav Dintchev Archaeological Institute and Museum 2 Saborna Str. BG - 1 ООО Sofia