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■ * • ^ I -.’. 1^1.





P«Pri.lK ONE.

Y««r «f l.Minr a l.!t1lrraNoe*! Ikr !!•«« la UvaiaHrf


I'nttnirt ow t Krl(ltt> t Ih til** 'iMH'ial {•niiiiir) to nomtnair raiidi-dai» !• for J.nim of |tmbat< to lakt* th«’ Iliac* Ilf I)« :in \\ Kcllcx. xx lio xxaa ap* jKiJntf.l bx iliix W. N K* rria to fll! ♦he «caiii > ' au^•'rt hy th« ih'ath ot JiiilfC' (* .M Merrill

III an ••dltorlal "The Ia*KalWax fh*- Heat.” the man who will pro­fit Ti.ort hy Mr Kelloy a removal, try-- to rhoxx that the holdinx of a priiiiarx at thix time IN nex-eNNary It la arxuexl that the r**rall of oflIcialN. after thex art • lecixMl coat money, but thex are hehl JiiNl the Name There In no com- l»;<riNon vxhalever between a recall eleetlori xxhere the p«*op|e |H-tttlnn for an eleeilon atiil thlN primarx which b cslletl bx the IliHehIneN to help the part y b«>iiN

While It in the opinion of a number of till beet atlorneyn that u priiuArx x allexl by the NU|>erxlNorN at thla time IN llleKal. and that .Mr Kelley could continue to hold the office In aplte of aiich election, IiIn frlendN will aee that he !• nonilnatexl and It 1* bellevxMl that the people of th* cxuinty. re*ardlesa of partx. will elect him by a fine major­ity The attempt of the machine to oum Mr Kelley I- frowned ilimn bx the IM opb irenerallx The luemb**'^- of all partleN will rlae above panx iNilltlcN and irixe the tioNNeN wrhat thex deaerx* for tiot renixectlnB the rov- ernor - apixuntti’ent. and for apendlnir the tavpayerN" niotiex foollahlx

■Vll fin talkinK the oriran can do will not '-ak* .1 Minjorltx txf the voterNthink It In rluht to put .Mr Kellex oii'•f thi proti.iii- office thiN fall

UITKIIN t»K «l»r>TY:Th> "till. Ilf I’robate .liidae doeN no*

• leserxi to tic trcati'd ar a !*|»oll of part;N..n (Kiltth Tlo x’arltJiiN dutli'> and f’Mictlotih winch fall to the Prixbafi l our* r*<iutr. that thlN court -hall hi fret froiii tin taint or NUNpiclon of per -onal or par’' -ilti-hticH*.

When I a-ki <l for tin ap|iointiiii nt fron; (oixerror Kerris, tux aitplicatlo* Was not prc-ititixl to hiti; un a iiart;- matter .\s many endoreemeniN wer> sent to tin iJoxenxor from promlnen* Republican- .and l*r*>*reNfilx• a .»► xcer -••n* >•> It." tnberN of irx oxvn partyAfter ' .ippolntment tix tin (lovernor. the numerous letti-r^ xxrhlch I reieixed comir.ftidinK my appointnn nt \x eri without retard 'o party affiliation

The -f.iteiiieni winch lia- he'ii c u- lated t<- the effi rt that I intend to r^l '■n tr ' aitiKiintmeni from 'oixertcr K- tt- .md ii ■' ' III r 'In prtii. ir'

!i* r f.: nrr -il' d* sir* und In ’ ;rf u” ■ .ineiiN which ha'e rtr 'li that t', ,..t ont of tiovi *

’. = • rrit iM • ■ n«lor-e<l hv the■ 'U I • *.j •• ; . . ;nt> V I.

■ t!; Ill- cut ot o|'f'p::! Mt. . :ni: ■ ■■

cftli idi 'i - nd t . U. •!' r- t ... r I it’' sT)c. hi proper for n •; nter into ni. ..ctlve and aBRr»H!-iv*

1 t. Tn: tmii the uip'. rc .1 •’ le oph of th 1-..IJI'

t p nt o'?i« .xh .. \’ ..l;il eXI’i 1 ' . t

r ' tr ' ept. and 'In-h •• • r 'f il reeanl for

i- I,,.;:.\ K.


1*1 TKMPIil *»k l•Yr!ll^^NISIT.Hs |\ 1 W

Thi litth .Xiinual 8e-«ion 1 f thi tlr ind Tem|M*l of I'xthi. n S'-ter- itrainl .lur- tsdlction of Mnliitcan w •- ael.l Se|»t 2'.Hh. :oth and «»»t l-i at th A dn *r iiitii lliitidinx.’ .saKinaw Th* f'oiowlnt xSrand xiffix-er*. vieri e|*cted 'larr IiJaK-hhead. I’ f! I* .Anna S lenne. Crand t'hief Katou RatiidN: \ddtc Kemp fJraiid .-enior Tipton, R»»Ne <Sate« (irnnu lutilor Mxiremn, Ida M Kyan. tiraiid Manaaer. Caro, lennle K. Doyle C, .M of H and c Pontiac; Klla F Iordan t; M of K !n*rf»li: .loMlf Adatnn Craiid Pr'iiei or l.lti h field. Maltb VA'hltnex Cirand Ciuard. Hildmui. .•Rella D Molly (Iraiul Trn«

Y|>«llantltSrand Temple olflcere gave a

receptlof to th«* xlelrgatee In the |»ar- lors of tin Raiicroft llouNe, TuemI evening Forty-four repre«entallve^ wen maxi* metnher- of the (Irai d Tempi*- W»Hln*.Ndax morning. Amoi-..; the number were Marlon K lM»dre and Ida Danlex of Harmonx Temple No tfi Mt John-

RIK TV PI Pill. AYR miNAKTlie kind that breed large liiterw and

u*alir larg* hogs Seven aow- farrow ed aevent) pigs taat April and May

Our pig- are »lred by Hiiater No NN.’iAX a xer' large smooth hog. and nut of a flin liiinrh of aowr Our price* an ll" h' .-axh. thl» month fb* aiir*' and " ■ ’ur line of atock l>efore buying M. alN<- offer two ehoiciabon horne : • ilD M srdo llanerofl. Fowler Mk?- R K D W Phonx,Maple Rapid- 'r. 2I^’M klf

>**ril I.. TVM'W I IIM I will !u at th* '‘tt ' krk- !'

everv iJteriii. n iHt! T r*b r nol.r t r* celvi f>.

WM M FIKI.DMlOwl C11 \ Tr« a- ir« ’

Met Pin* Tree TImothv Meed -’s Ih-^ Esal—and get it at Mlllteon g Feed lor*!. ttf

BAMsY MIMW.Joyce Botaford, dauchter of Vartan

Hotaford. formerly of thla city, waa quite badly burned a week aco ant- urday in her room at Karannha. where ebe la attending achool. Sie entered the clfieel In her room tu gel a bottle of alcohol. KvIdoBt!} the bottle had been loft open. a»d m ahe lighted a match to find where it waa, ll IfQitted and set (Ire to her

'Moihea. A woniao Urtnn on the aatne (toor. extinguished the flames, but af­ter she had been burned quite badly. *

DIAHffND WBBBIMt..Mr and .Mrs Auguai Martin of M’eat-

phalta celebrated their dlaniond wtxd- dlng Sunday nt their home. About lOo gueatN were present. The Weatpbalis I'and fiiriiighexJ tin- music. Mr. and -Mrs. Martin xxer* married In Westpha- ila in iKui. .Mrs Martin's maiden iiaiiix* was Agnes Schmidt.

rOI YTY f'OYYRlVTIOK.The .N'uliiUial Progresslvx* party will

meet ai PrixgreNBive lix'adquariers in this city, Saturday, October 10. All inenibera of the i-ounty ronimittee and candidates for county offlees will h*' preN**llt



HRttC 27





The lox-al high school lads burlx'd th * laxUNing Reserx«>N under a burst of touchdowns last Saturday, running up a score of 4&>0. Promptly at three o'clock, the referee blew his whistle for the game to commence and both teams started in action with ginger. It was not long, however, before It wa« evident that St Johns was setting a pace which the visitors were unable to exiiial During the game [.ginatng waa fort ••d tf> punt four times and was held for downs four limes to St. Johns' one. Ocx aslxinally long runs by ('aateel, which wen- interspersed by many -Imrter hut •■*|ually clexer runs by I>*.* and Lyon, katured the contest. In de- b nslve work iliilse proved a lower of str**ngtlt as lim*. after time he wt'sei'^d his opitonents bx fulilx> attempts at Hue plunging The visitors were weak ‘.n interference and defensive line work, whit*' St .Iitlins slicixv*.d |>*>or fortu on kickoffs and punts. However. If may be said that the local eleven show***! much Imprxxvernent over their playing tin pr*.x*dliig wxxek*'-upl,anslng Kcucriew u.

I. K .hihtis; I,. T.. Scha(T**r; L •!.. \\ .ik'Mi au: (’ .Mullen; R. M., Duiiphy,|{ T Siilall. R K.. Chamberlain. 'J.. Mlshop. I, M.. k'ranklin: R M Car- p* til* r. F It Hesh.

.St. Johns lA.R i: D-Vrieh. R T.. Huls*-. R. M..

I) Clark; (’. Ilrittoii, I.. M.. Rullard. Tt-Are. L T.. Keenxxy. DeU'Rt; L. K. Town-enii. LnuuIs. Q.. M Clark, R M., 1.»‘* I. Ii Cnste**| |C t; F It . Lyon. T<iui hdoxvn.v CaNt* ..| i. I,y*»n 1. S Clark ; I.«t*- * Coals ('asl*-cl .j R*-f-r*.* Rad* lift rii.itir* Muls** Mead I .III*'-ll.all .'lt^lrm^ Timck'•■i**-i. Iii*l<l T u * of *1 i.irf'-r- iiiinm* .


ill's R| I I N| II Ml KI.R 111 |(2.INHI hM \Rt |\ I.IM.FM M.l.k.

.-up’ F !' Itu> k *•! iii St loans , V. 1 . .n.T : . ' " • - k

'■ *h i ’i'll ■up* rhit* *1*1* nt of -< in ’ .r< * nx 111* . at a salary of

• .ir w-.-uhl liav*-p' Mi ' 'tpp >rtnnltx for pr<»-

aiUfUI It i.irg*T plax e. Ihtr*T• llii. .ilitl ! a: .1 in VX i vhino-

’ .i*-. Ml it t. l**l*l th* ■ that ll*•vxiuhl not hink *>f *.r«=akinK his on- ’fa*'! In-r- tior 'xoiihl in- consixix-r.irKiiig *ii' ;i**ol ixturu 1*1 r*-l*-as*' himfr*i*i fliat ' ontr.act

Mr Ruck has oxcupiiMl the position of Slip* rintx'tident of scimols her* f*»r th* past four >*’ar.' coining her* Hu- latter part of l'Jl*i Me has l>een an alih man for the |>osltion, affairs in till s( huxils txeing in (setter condition than ever liefor* Ml Johns people should x iingratulai*. themse|x*es for th*' fact that he will remain

FKl.L KKDM l..inDKK.Fron Klsle Correspondent

Dll .Monday Rorier Janes of Fair- field .»scen«liHl a l*5-foot ladder to ger som* hax f«* f#**Ml his horses t)n reaching the top of the ladder h* placxMl his left foot on th* top of th*’ ladder, and plax-exl his weight on I* the foot sllp|ix*d and h*- fell to th** cement l1*M»r Mx‘diral help was sum moned from Klsle and Mt Johns, and It was founxi that his lower extremity was paralysed, both as to motion and sensation At this writing (Tuesday morning I he is resting fairix well

TAKE MH^RRY TRIP.Mr and .Mrs W J M’hltlock and Mr.

and .Mrs C C Mmiley relumed Wed* neaday from a fmir weaks' trip through Indiana. Illinota, Kentucky and Ohio, vlsling reiativea and alghl-seeing Mr Whillox'k says that with the nxceptlon of the rxxuntry near Indianapolis. Clin­ton cxMinly has the better farming eiMintry Mr Whitkick says, however, that all through the country, the mad- arr far ahead of anx !n Michigan in eom*. pUx-es, they found as inanx .is elghix miles of hnllt road

RIRTRH.Itx>rii. ixi Rex and Mrs t; Hosmer.

Dfiober « a daughterItorn to Mr ;ind Mr*^ J*»« VaiixXm

Viiihurg T't*.sdax October klh. a xjaiighter

Cr**an. Kggs and Poultry Having installed an electric power cream test­er and can washer, we are prepared to give quick and acrtiraf*. service Market pricxx*. guaranteed rash aaet to rural patron- tnstand of checks


Had Haan III AAmM a RaiHJi Whan Ra Pnssad Away


Sfih Hunt iiassed away ml his home two miles Miiith uf tnw-n, 4:.‘<0 o'clock Saturday momlng, October 3, 1911, agxHi Hj y**ars Hardening of the miis- cies of the heart caiisexi his death, after about u month's lllneas. It was his request that his funeral be held on Siiiiuay, so it was held Sumlay after­noon. 2:30 o'cloT'k, at his home, Rex. Aldinger of the Cnivemalist church of latnslng. iifflciatlng. Interment was made In th*. SI. Johns cemetery.

The following obituary was written bx the decxuised. March 27, 1901 •

Seth Hunt was Imm in Whitehall. Washington xounty. New York, in the year Ik29. His father was horn neat Mount Tom in Massachusetts in th*< year IKIKi He died at the age of 7" years Tlix- mother of Seth Hunt, who died at the age of 40. was of revolu- tinnarx strx'k Her father served in the war of 1K12, .xnd ills brother, who was several years older, and who llvexi with her father, was a cripple for life, occasioned hy chains u|ton his limbs, iisf^l to cnntlne him on hoard a llrttlsh prison ship in New Y'nrk harbor. He. together with two comrades, managexi tu esca|>*., and after various hardship- and several close chances of being re­taken, got through the skinner or neu iral ground and joined their friends of the American army Hunt for several years in cotn- paiix with his brothers, Wesley and John, iM.<idl**<l goods in til*, towns l»or d**rini: <m laik** t'huiupiain He also taught schoxil in Putnam. Tieonderng.a and th* villag* of Moriah, N. Y" In Ik.'ri. ll). w*'nt t*> Iowa ami stayexj about eichtx-en months, during whic'i tinu* he taught two schools, *ine it Richmond and on** at Washington

Returning to .Moriah, he marrl«Nl Amelia t’onn. and in the spring of !'xr,7. moved with her, and her father family t*i St Johns. Midi., where hr has sill*-! residx.d His business her* , with the exrepti*m of teaching aix terms of scluxoj. anil serving as town tr*.asurer for two x*uirs. has been work-

((■onilnu*f| on Page Two.i

PARK TH lYNTHTT PAIR.Mr. and Mrs. W. H. l.lnAnhHry.

cuMstaa of Mrs. William Moreland, mo- ior«d through from Detroit to the fall laat week. It waa the Amt time they liad been in HI. JfshM for aeveral yeara. and came eapectally to the fair, which they had heard much about. They aoaouared It <iae of the l>eai county faira they had ever attended,

said tljey SI Johns wa<^.' a very prx‘1*^?'' for a smali one

RARMIAHK LU'RYHKH.Royal Kincaid. Riley; (JIadya (,'raun,

Rileyiixiwurd J Mcf’iow. Maple Rapids;

Regina Mutt«Mi. Fowler.Harold S Heardalee. Ovid; Ida

Moulton. Dvid.Dennis J. O'Connell. I^ebanoo; Rer­

ihs Welch, .North Plains. Ionia coun­ty

l•ielln A Davis. Hiiighaiii; l<uc> Ral- llnger. Methany townahlp, Oratlot co.ititx

Peter l■en•terhlum, Portland; Hchm .Marion Fernholx, Westphalia.

John Schmitt. Dallas; Margaret Till- inan, YVestphalla.





SCMOOI, YOTFS.Miss l.*’.onH Kruse has enter*^! high

-*'hool in th*' N*»pho!nore classTli* n*'xx tlag was displayed for th

llrsf ilm*- TuesdayR*.|Hirt I ards ar* •uil ihi- w**ek l.htyd Mio< rck f**ll Tu*'»dax at -* hool

iiiul linik* Ills l*'ft arn, lM*fw..en th* .■Hiow .xu'i w ri ■

Ma/.*'l .-*i*'x*.UH xxas .ixrard*-l the gold uar fi'r *h* higli*- t p<’r* *.nlag* iti Up l.iti n (h p.»rtTii nt for th* flv* A*.*s- T!.* purple ha*lK*‘s '.x^^r*:i"arih - .*- f>»ll*»ws I’eri-hl.'i Fruti’ Virgil, fe rtnid.' Wlllia***Cle* ru,

■ fi T<* <■ .r, Harel St*x*.ris .timD* I‘ ri . ft*'«t v**n’ laxnn

MFMIH'R HI sT\ I I, I'HMMI ITFK.D < Hollstt-r of Victor was •’l<"rt*-l

x • : r xf *h* -tai*. central * tuiimlt-I* it th* Tiattiiiial pr'»gr*'-six 1 -la *- <■ ■■n riil*i:. li*-!d ai H:*' '"ilx last W**lii*-*lax




Deh-gat*'- from llann*‘r lieiigal, liingham, K-sx*x. Wacsxusla, Dewitt and Dllv** grnng*‘S wer*- present at .x *'nunt> eonventhm Tu**sday afternoon at the court house, to elect delegatoi« to represent the various granges o| the county at the state grange at Rat­tle Creek in l>erember

They el*>rted Mr. and Mrs K .\. Winegar of Wax-ousta, with Mr. and .Mrs Oscar Clark, as alternates; and Mr and Mrs Jerome Dills of DewRt. with Mr and Mrs KImer lainkion as alternates

Dand) hard maple mill-wood at CIIJJHON’g FKRD 8TOHK Off

WF.LI. ATTRYHRD.Th* sacred *-on€t«rt givan b> Miss

Lyla !<. Smith, aoalated by Rev. Ray M. Hardy of Iguiaing. at the Congregation al church Sunday evening, was well attended, and pronounced splendid hv all



Th* regular meeting of the Ctmgre- gaiintial Church Auxiliary was held at th* realdenc* of Mr. and Mrs M E Malsworth on west Cass -ireet. Tues- dax *sTening

A < ommltt*-e was appointed to in- x**sttgate the .idvisahlllty of presenting John Wilson I>«v|ge's opera. Th* Dlp- -X Rover «ome time during the win­ter

A part o; the x. nii.g -.<b- i • lening ti> phonograph records. Ire ream .and wafers wer* ^crvexi

Th* Indiai* Txiotorry«’|« wop th* Clinton ■'■’o’lnty Fuir races i;»i5 mod­els out Oct 12 Agent for Clinton and rfhtawaasee counties. I,. P Hall. Owou- ao, Mich t^'are of C H Allison 4k Hon, Jewelers Idwl

The iMMrd of eounty road cxtmiiiiN- sloners made out their first annual re- |H>rt last week, to be submitted at th* next mi-eting of the l>oard of super­visors. In this report, they rerom- m*>nded that certain roads lie made next year, and gave summary of the work done from September, 1913. to October. 1914.

The reported the following road riia- chlnerx piirchaaed: A lO-ton mor*nr drivxm r*^-roIler. a .No. 2 road entah- er with screens and bins, an engine grader, four wheeled scrapers, a No 21 road rooter plow. They also rented .i 12-tnn l*ort Huron st<Ml-gear st*»a*ii roller, for which It pays the sum of $300 for use from the tlrst of the Sep femher to the first of December, with an option of purchase of same at $l.7** t and if purchased, the rental price will Im* applied upon th** purchase pric** *1 the machine The hoard believes it n*«*-ssarx and tliey rerntnmr ad its purchase.

The actual expenditure for ma« iiin- *rx. and the additional expense, in *he shapx- of ••ngineering inquiry and sup­plies. livery hire and taking otllcialK of the Slate Highway department on iiis|>ectlng trips, that in the opinion of the Itoard clearly belongs to the entire Vxuinty. together with the rental of th** steam road roller amounts to l.^.

There are at present time, two plex-tm of road in Dallas and Diiplain town* sliips lnap**clexl and approvexl by the .Stale Highway department Sev«*ral otliert- are nearly «v>mplel**xl and readx for inspection.

At th** m**eting of the itoard of eoun ty road * omniissloners Monday, th** iKxard arranged with William Dowding to eonstrurf the road in Victor town­ship


sKYI.ItVI, I \.S4> IMMM>M;|» HF MHMtW.

\ lx t<ir ( lax**) .xa- .irr.iign*-*! lu < Ir * -'It * ourt .Mondax h* tor* J dg*- S*‘arl I hargeti with violation of tli** l ^ al op- tii'i! law H*' pl**n*l guiltx. and xx ^ fleas***! lo app* ar at th*- D* * *'iuli* r t* rni of (oiirf. Hi: hail xxas eon*inu. *l.

I'* .xri W*' f wi; rr..:u*i' i rliarg- of fxirg* r. ll* ij 1

nd wa tohl •> J*.*lg* .Se..-! :: .i* w: ’.*1 gix* Ilf: ht- ''■nt I • ■’ 1 ii;iUut Moiida.x -x^-ninc Fi.hik I'r !*ridR< of .Merit- ih-a* h. xx lu’ w .is ui f.***il of a farii hanxl, got him off on protialion to work for him. H*- is 'o rejsirt lo Ills probationer every montli. H* iiiiihl not drink, nr *‘ntor a sal*>nn tilt outsitl*' III til** -tale, or xiolate .mx laws of the slat* during that time

Hienn Coleinan and Frank Rliynurd of Washington township, (Srulio' eoun ly. xxiui were arr**slx**l a sh*>rt Itin** ago. chargetl with xinlation of thx* l(M-al option law, were arraigned .Mondax. plead guilty, ami were plaied on twxi y#*ars pnitxation Thex paid 12* eo-ls each

Thx* casx* «if JefTersxin K hkldx, gen­eral guardian of lairinda Howard, vs D<'we\ s Howard and Eunice H*>w • ard. was begun .Montiay afternism and is still lieing heard. It will prniiahlx hx* (inishx*d some time ioda>.

It is a suit to set aside a ilexMl of acres of land, which Mrs. Howaru

owned, and which in 1907, she deeded to the defendants, who are her grand­children. on the ground that slie was mentally incouipeienn at that time. Hhe has no other property and needs it to support herself, her condition being such that she needs a personal attendant all the time. The parties a'l live In Koste township, and the land is situated there

K H. Lyon and II. K. Walbridgt- are attorneys for the guardian, and Wil­liam M Hmllh for the defendants

A decree of divorce waa grantexi .Men. day in the f:ase of Floy A. Diinlap ver­sus Frank it. Dunlap.

RR.kYH TRI'YK RY. MYNTFMt’iiangi xxf lime. Octotier llth, 1911.

hJlTectlve Driober llth. Trains No. 2h and 21 will be o|>erated xm pri*senl schedule between Iketrolt and Drand Itapidh onl>. and will be dlscontlnux><i between (Irsnd Rapids and Hrand Hsxen For further informalioii s'* lirand Trunk .Agent. tadv ■

Hpes'ial -bowing of winter luillin* rx Prida> Drioher '.♦th Thos larg* x* ' vet hats s<» popular for dr* -- " .r 'xls*> th* f-lxtse-fittlng styles f*»r -t^* ■ i New line of children s hsi- f.-ither- liie .«ti*"> ns n <f**o H Fhsp' nii s Slur** isd

YYRfI IPFLI'H..*4nnw** and other -ating 'arietle*.

*»n sal*’ now at fkanley's ator*- 'I*** orders in quick as season will soon he

,over indv.i

■MMIMCT ttcmccoii cmiitt


Fine l*rsHniis Hens Hi»o« BalliAfteraesa aad F.«eaiav

The sixi*>enth conxeniixm of the .Michigan branch of the International Drder of the Kings Daughters and S*>iis was open«‘d at the Congregation­al church WxMlnesday afternoon.

The church was decorated with lialms and ferns and the colors of the order purple and while.

Many of the iiierchanta paid a tri­bute to the King's Daughters by dec­orating their store winiW»wa in their colors. The Coiiimercial Club put up a large i»anner at the head of (*linton avenue. Maying "Welcome! King's Daughters."

Delegates wer** arriving all day Wednesday and lieing assigned to the different homes of the members, where they are lo Im* entertained during their stay here.

liie program o|M‘n*>d at 3:*H) o'clock Wednesday afternoon with a hymn. Rev. C J. Kruse of the Methodist F'piscopai church conducted a short dex’otional serTlre of reading and pray­er. Mrs. C. A. Rlshop. state president, then opened the convention. Mrs. D. H. Hunt presented the program. Mrs. R. L Whitney, Michigan's member of the central council, gave greetings from the central council, and Intro­duced .Mrs W A. Kvans. international president of the order, who gave a short talk A violin duet was given tiy .Mr- Eugene IJvingston and Mrs. F. A Dimond, with Mrs C. E. Bishop,

Miss .Mattie Jones of Durand gave a paper. "The l*ers**nne| of the !iec*iiid iiiiernalional Convention"

The principal address of the after* iioxm was given hy Father Lynch, who said during his talk. "The aim ot this orxiar should be supplemented hy a higher ambition. The aim of this or­der is "In His .Nam**" This may well h** -upplem**nted hy "For His Holy .N'aiu* .\ name has ever lead the world, haj* endowed itself in Its cause. Th** p**ople. who have been associated with it, have lieen filloA vlth Inspira- tixm ami vigor The a|pi and object of the King was to save fallen man. to reach out a hand to auffetlng humanity This work lias been <'ontlnm»d. It has Imm»h continued by some in one line of wxxrk, tix some in others, hut it has all been *lone ’In His .Name ’

H* <*)iii'luded hx -uying that the "«»rk of 'h*' King s Daugiit**rs has been .'i n**. .t I'oiitlniiatlon of th*' xvork of til* King himself Th** King'- Daiighter- and their work are th* King righi liaml

TIm •*ssi*iii 1 1*>.-:***1 lix pr;ix<*r hx \lr»> \\hlin**>

Th* -^t loiiii- ir*!* r held a bar *111* t for rh iR'l* gal - »l i|i** Mafxoni*1 lupl W**f|;i«*s*la >*-nirig at ♦>

Til* f*illoxxitig :i:«*nu w.*s -**rv*-*l ii >ntlii.’*d -n In i*l* pagei

M\shMI I'IKTY.TIm* Fellovx< r.ift •'!’ “Ill gtx*

■ Ian* !ii^ !■ r”. It '’a ioni T -iopI* T o-*la ■ tiing *)*'tM!)* r ” .Ml M*■ -*n .»n<l •h**!r !.tdl* n ;’


\ l lt»..Y|IH;>CK Hi HR. \NT» HRS. F. I. MIHHN Hl»M>\Y i:VK.

FLAnM RmALLRWRR.The beartag of clalnui in the William

J. Van Vslaor estate of Victor, with Nellie A. VaaVoleor, aiaalBlgtratfls. was held et the prohate oRee Tues­day. before Judge Dean W. Kelley.

,The claim filed by Fnuik VaaVelsor. a brother of the dsceoead. claliniag to repreoent other brothera aad sistora of the deceased, upon notes amountlBg to $400. wae ditfillowfid.

RRTIfrR.Hegtnoing October 1&. by order of

the post oflR*e departaeat. the car­riers' window at the post ofiR*e will be closed. Hereafter those pereows whose loall is delivered will be unable to get mail at the post ofllre at any time. (adv.i





BIHRtTOR «F NTATE BANK ---------Arthur K. M'ilson has been elected This YseMr*s Fair \

one of the directors of the Stale Bank Hwtn lalo succeed C. B. (ilffels, who has moved *"to l>etroli. Kxcsillent Wi

Wt-nz's Capital City Orchestrs Aiit* phone 3H2.'*. laxnsing. Mien. ladv.i



Francis M Squair passed away at the home of his aon. Dr. H. D. Squair, on north lainsing street. 3:30 o'clock Hun* day morning. October 4. 1914. aged 73. Faralysls caused his death. For the past fourteen or fifteen years, be bad suffered with heart disease. The last month he had been confined to the house with an altzmk of bronchial pneumonia, but had naarly recovered from that, when he was stricken with paralysis laat week Monday.

Funeral services were held at 2:0'* o'clock at the home. Tuesday after­noon. Rev. Matt. Mullen of the Con­gregational church, ofllclatlng. Inter­ment was mad** in the Ht. Johns cem­etery.

The deceased was lK>rn in Bowman- vine. Ont.. March 7. 1839. In 1882. he cam** to .Michigan and settled in Hi. Johns. The foRnwing year he mov*^ tn Ionia, returning to St. Johns after two years He was in the produce and grain business for several years, and spent seven xears in the elevator huatness. In imrtnershlp with Chat Sprague.

On July 9. Dx.'.9. lie was unit«Ml in msrrisg*- to Delilah (Rfford of Bow- Tuanville. Ont Five children were iumi to this union, two of whom are living. .Mrs FrexI K. Swain and Dr H. I). Squair of this eity Me also leaves txxo sisters. Mrs. David Innes of Car­thage. .Mo , and Mrs. Oorge Cild*lls of Windsor. Ont.

A sp**cial *u*‘etlng of th*,* .*^1 .lohn- Wiunaii H Dulld xvlR Ih* hel'f .i The home of .Mrs. E. H. Lyon ’it*\* M nda ■ afternoon at 2’'mi o'clock Tli - pur- l»os*' of th** m*-*-ilng is t<» ••I* *1 pr* -i- dent and *»«*cr**iary to fill ..•v..n<'> ami transact olh**r liusiness

A larg* t-rxixxd uit»*n«l***i the farexxoR rxH-x'plIon glv*-n for Rex and Mr-. Malt Mullen at th*' residence of Mr and .Mrs F C Mason Monday eve niiig .A very enjor.vble evening wa- sp*’nt

.Mrs Burl Claspie gave a x’oeal solo, •T<»stls •Cooxl-Bye’,' with violin oh* ligato. hx Mrs FYank A Dimond. Mrs. Dtmoiid also render***! a violin aolo. "The Old Oaken Bucket.'' (Fantaaie). hx A K Harris Mrs Roland Frink sang "Somewhere, ,\ Voiee Calling Me. ' by Newton. Mrs E P^Hender- shoit gave a reellalion in her iisiiai pleasing manner Refreshments were servtsl

Rex. and Mrs Mullen left M'*>dnes- dax for Cadillac, where they will make their future home Mr. Mullen has accepted a position as dlslrirt sup­erintendent of the antl-saloon league.



Considerable <ianiag* was done t*» the kitchen of n*Hjrg** Igxiinshury's res- ld**n«'e on **asl (’ass street Tuesda* noon, when fir*^ broke out. caused hx the gas tn a gasolin*- stove ninning ov**r and igniting Th** fire depar' inent was rall*^! <»iii almul n«xon and hx 12 3o it was .ill xnit

Th* d.iiuas*' 'xa * overe<| i»x Insu' an*

FOR HU.KFrt*' ...ira,' a *>r* liard- Cit> p» o-

|J ;xnil f’lri’ r ord*r >oiir winter {*p|x n > • at reasonahl* prices

.Vo 2 hand plck -xl. assorted. 3.'** |»er bn (’xxfxking apple** drops as«oried 3*.<" p*»r ’*11 No 1 fancx as to varieix.

to II 0*1 per hu Reason will olos. in ten days to two weeks Apples in stork now at my ator*'.


(;**l x*uii ni**al- *»n th** hti:; * at tin* Carnet lH»t*’l. .icross '.out'i fr«»tu th*' (Sraml Trunk d**i»ot ’•> < J;i*ii diti n< r .Suinlax • lailv •


VI III! BF.I'VKT.MENT wIHltrH!• ;i It. II. I II VI'M \>.

F:;*! • ■*X I lung, <’'I'* ■ r • 'XlR i;.; 'll*' Fall >|)* lung ■**> H i^api: ;U. Departtni'nt Stcir* . -.’.ii*. public*

I'ordlallx inxii *<l Tn* -tor** li.i- ti*'en **t‘pex i.xRx *1*'* .Tat* ll for tlu <<i-ion .uul .1 pi-ai-aiit '.ening is -ur* 1*1 hx* -p**nt hx ai: pr .< lU Th’ r*- will !>*' man> li *autiful goxvtu., -nits and

'Sts xxorn I*.' lixing 'no*i*'ls Th* l*.»' til* . Dr* l***str;i will f rnl<«l tti*’Hiring th* ’ xening

I. V.NHI.M. Hlt.lYB Hl'KKA.Th»* most liuer**sting and iiniHirtanl

theatrical event of llu- present season, and mor** **spe<'lally in th«* minds of inuai* lovers, is the coming to the Cladmer Th**atre, Lansing, on Tues­day night. Del 2ntli. of the famous Sail Carlo (;rand Di»era Company, that auperl) organization of Italian song­birds which is scheduled to furnish the grand opera season in most of the larg*- rules of the country this y«ir.

The organisation, whicli numbers upwards of one hundred eniin*mt sing­ers and players, will bring to lainstng fifteen eelehrni**d vocal stars, a large and capable grand opera <ircheaira and a line singing i horus. The opera scheduled for produetton is Donisettl's great maaterw*»rk, latria IW lawnmer- moor. with Its charming chomees, thrilling arias. dueU. ensembles and laatly. the ever-fnmous Hestette. which will be sung by six of the aost dls- Ilngttlshed arttats of the company.

Mme. Bdvige Vorrari. the celebrated (mioretura soprano, who has been termed hy well-known music critics ”nie Herond Tetnuslni." wrlll sing th* leading role, and she is said to be worth going a long way to hear The other members of the cast will In- rliide HIgnor (Biiseppe Agostini, tenor;

tcnatinued on last paire.*

The big attendance at the fair last week '-nabled the aaaoclatlon to pay off its indebi*Nln**ss of S2.912.4n and have about S.'ttMi left. The gross re­ceipts were $7,7(i<t.09 and disbura*”- menla were lietween S4.(I0<I and I4.SOO. At the meeting of the directors held al the c*>urt house Tuesday afternoon, it was unanimously voted to pay off the mortgage and leave the aaaocla­tlon free from debt. This was done yesterdax by the president and secre­tary.

The people of Clinton county en­joyed the tmst weather for the fair last w*>ek. that they have In aeveral years The weailier was ideal all the weak, warm enougti to be enjoyed, and not too hot to l>e uncomfortable. Tbura- day was probably the biggest day In the history of the fair, the gate ra- celpta being $3,800. There was proba­bly a crowd of i.3,uoo fieople that day. and about I2.inni Friday. Marly in the morning long lines of carringee and automobiles itegan to file In the fair ground gates.

The rae<>s went off all three days as schedul**d. Th**y couldn't have bean Ixetter The free attractions. Veda aad Qiilniamw on the rolling globes, and the dog.-, ixonies. mule and naoskey in Shaw's European comedy clrons kept the crowd in the iteai of spirtta.

The firat rare on Thursday, the 2:37 trot, was won by Th** Fjarl, of Mason. Allerwin. of l/xwell, coming In esoond, and J. A S of Clarkston. a close third Th** other horses taking part wer* Hlark Ed of Pinckney, Irwlng Strong* mont of Haranar. and Angeltne 8. of Alma

The second race Thursday was th*> 2’Ik pace. Five heats were raced Thursday without a *leclsion for the first and second places. It was x clos** c*>ni«'st betw*‘en King B. of Royal Dak. and I.jidy Hicok of Alma The two final heats were run Friday after­noon. The first was a dead heat, both horses going under the wire at exactly th<- .same time. In the next and final heat. King B. went under the wire alxnut a half-length ahead of Lady Hlr- ok. th**r*‘hy gaining first money.

The motorcycle race was nin late Tliurs*lay. after It haxl begun lo be dusk It xv.-xr w*»n by .Mat Houer of Flint. (! .Sp**igel and Karl May of Dwokso getting second and third pla* - *■•- resp**ctlve|y

Frl*lav's ra*'**s 'xent off fine, th' judges ileclarinr the fr<'**-for-aII pace, being 111*' best rnri' ex*en run on a lialf-nill* tra* k In the state, the first Ixeiiig run In 2 12'*.

Waunetft Hal of Clarkston won firs’, plax ’ in th* 2 2.*. pa* ' , ' omlne In ahead iu ihre*- h**als

Four heal.- of the 2 'i trot were rtir., ilie K.irl. of Mil *>n . t.ning three Ttlieiii, and getting ’ > I'Ud In the other Josle It of Foxviervill* xvon **K;on’.. .ind \le\ M.'ir’ gor »f Hreckenriijg • third

111 111* fr*** f*»r-.ill pace Tn-xcal Dp-ion -xf Detroit won first plac** wit'i

Hal i; of \';:-. a .:lx>-< . onJ, Haln a gp-at raea John McE"' *'

(( >ntlnii’’I 111 insifh page



NHTirE.The burning of leaves in the fire

limits is strirlly forbidden by ordi* iianc*e


I*)«1 Fire Wardens

IBNin l.tYll!perhaps it is. but ll ***.i'i rai-* \

Ix-tter crop of wheat If you would iw* Buffalo Brand Fertilizer '1 t it \t LILI.IHDN'.^ FEED «»TDUF Ttf

FOR HU*r..Karin consisting of 12n acres, tw**

M Ilf* east and three miles south of Fowler John i4ehomlsh lOwSpd

I*on t suffer with that RFFTPRE (Ml tn ('(NiPBR. If he falls, you fiH x-our .noway bask aad ISS.9e oaab.

OBORnB D. (DOPBB. fiwl

The marriage of Miss lajcy BalUoger. daugliter of Mr. and Mr- Fred E. Bal­linger of St. liouls. Mich., and (Henn A. Davis, son of Mr and Mrs O. A. Davis of Bingham took place at l:t»0 o’clock this afternoon at the Free Methodist parsonage In Pontiac Rev. Marwhall Hoyt, brother-in-law of the bride, per­formed ihe ceremony. The fwuple left for lietmll. and will spend a few days at Ihe home of th** bride's parents tn St. Louis, before returning to their n#w home on the (leorge Morton fgmi. east of Morton's crossing, soath of towm.

Both vouag people are well knoarn In 81. Johns. Miss llalltnicer bavinc liv­ed the hast ten years with Mr. and Mra. Ellsworth Tallmadge. Mr*. Tnlltnadfia being her slater. She attended the 81. Johns high school and graduated fmsn the Clinton county nonnal in 1911. She has taught school the past three year**, oae year In Olive and the other two In Bingham. Mr. Davis Is wall- known in Bingham, where he has workexi for his father on the farm.

FOB HALR.A xerx desirable farm with firat-

ctaas buildings. xHinslattng of 110 acre*. 90 acres under cultivation. 30 acros of timber. Ixicaled 2 miles w««at of Frm- ler Write, or call »in. «dther Augwst Miller Stl Johns. Mich or Frederick .Miller. Fowler. Mich lOwl

POiaTBY WlYTEDHighest market price paid for poul-

tr>, hld*Hi pelts furs, et* l*hon»' or write m*’ before vou sell F (»ruler. Fowler Mlx'h iVwlrtpxl

Buffalo Brand Fertilliers ar*- (h* best 'Jet then: at (;illla*»n’s F *ed mor*

M tlYRD EXAMINATION.Bert Rohrabaeher. who waa arrested

.iifiii* lime ago. f«ir violation of the kv- eal option law. eras brought bafiare Juatipe J. Charles Plyan Bntnrdfiy. 11a waived egamtnatlaa aafl was hoaad over to the Dweaihar tam df oaatt.



PnlilUliad •very ThuraAar M 116 Walker streal. aMi. 8C Jobas. Mlrblsan. b> the tft. Jokni> News Priaitiig t’onitMt))

rsisrs MmM slMii. Thsgr ass dfm to m I saps saloat. wMsR «§• usll) loss hMsii tiHMi cksiirsli aaiwhirh bleoA iBio Mock otbor with niorr beaut) .

In Ml far ae Aowirtraa Mills iiaAer lirrwrni war cooPHloas are asparl* ll•enllnc with aew djMs. thwy will tad tliai Mrtii ('olor* will be aaptwelaied b> « am wing Dumber uf |>eople.

rilABLBtl A. CLABIt. KdllM.

mm TV%BMX WIFrTBH mmmr MimiA


^rver of dallr


TN»: KN» m ymAKAMM.

To the pltilssophir ohi Hfi*. llie «io»e of the liaeeball BnaaQa ulTere food for reflertloa. There haii iioH ««iiiie to 4ii end for (he year 1914, out of (he leadlna M'dvttiea of (he Aiiit-ru an iieople. It eould |ierha|ia

la panaBlad toPS. tad write with w fpssdom.

tha woHd a ihfllllta•rtta AMI aaetltass r.f Muoleoiaa eallisslhsat

to bis owB rowtiTMao. alatlaa. aad allrlte hop

fhta, ^assHiaiMpeiwiiiooolati^lMRd atetaIlls iMsd, israsMd by sarvias sa»hsMlhMi. Uisa lihwwiia fa .Hipsigs be- . _______ ____mmm it givas wartuim u«at yoM aiw #«•»• • optlaoaa rrsM First raps*)drawtitayuur saptey at iM*r\«MS taefu. 'bte at (be earptatar trada. Ha balpad I'nlaM yoM atop tha BHrnial laligwa aiel {••Atld (he brst achosi boaaa la m. haiM up yoar aervaa you will 1m fartu* - Jahaa. aad taudht the Aral aaba if you asaapa iier^tiua lurabtlown. |lh that boaaa. Aasistad by


deare. It aroaaaa (be adMlralloa aaJ aowia form of pairalyMs or otiiar aavata 'Drown, be taught fbe suoeaadlag wla* aympalh) of neutral natloas When'The nuMbar at papflAthe cwaaor ruts out the aaara. be ruts

It Is natural that mllllary

i is, af nmrm. dwirahla Ita aak

. 1.. 1 t. . aaWaiii thaiu while tliey are kart twotlariiaadartt .hnuld wi^ to < oa< eat move. ^ \vflh»i«.Tink PiUam.

. . ____ , iiyare aware of thru. I. |»or imllcy. if »»>. [‘X

Uiaelemeiilj»tlwner%fe iMwu. Tlwtreat*a araiibfr rior) of pant events U


Twl ^Tl•n^T:l v: m:

Kntefed itt' ^ t l.ll-t 1 •• •e ..( .'•■( - I «•

i^aii iiiilier tile .. :March InT

, .owvratw t’mm wmmw the hrst term w'as kb. aad of tke ae« * alwatra powalde mihI liaitte to iMtIeterred. oad. 2U.

the llae of rouiinualrstloa with home Wiui aullH-iMit tvei tlM* nerv-m will tiaiid Hla wtfe died tn Ikhb. The) hadeathuaiaani. tlMOMelvea up. Kai.'tiig in iliia, ynanaad four rhlldrea. Adas. Dora. .Nellie and

aometliiiig ilmt will iMiild tlirui up aiul Ida. uf whuiu two. Adna aad Nallte,are Biill living

^ . ( l>f (he (ea ehlldren rompoalng hismenu of troops. Hut to conceal theae are prnlwMy ane<|uall*til lorttiia iMirpaaa. fsther'a famil). there are two broth•movements iiatll long after the enemy Tliey_ iKuhl np Um< iiertra in Un: onl^ ,,.r^ left. \Mlllaiii F. Hunt In MIsaour.

and Hmilh A. of Fowler. Mich.uaat evenia U ___ _ ■ i . f obllunO eulog) waapaai eTenia la ia»»iie of miliitioii of tl»e nervw «rrltleii Mr Hunt in (HU?-

Ih* demuiivtraled that mon- people' promptly sent home by writers tralu* ceIN, renuiriiig a imm*.»I»oIi*»!i" t*»nir a ul I, . ..tia\. a.-«-n liall gamer the part sum- ed to observe and te|| what they ae«- "'•‘•‘"•w’ •'” >» P'Ha lu»»e prove*! * *•'*'“>• >*»•• '*••* follow..... .. «»«*"• o' - -«Hen, mean, of el.cIlInK rrte,lr\aT"'*^iTir.":rriilr^^ r«r ret U i

,churihe> or achtxila. home support and winiitiig favorahh* for any form «*l nervuna •Idulity. Tliey i*«oii.sentiment has lieen set to work. ••oniaiii no ofiiat** or hamifni ilms. ' De tias s«M*n his last day, he lias come

A little Issik on Nerioij* Dinonlera will *'*• night,H’ll.lT TMK lliINDKN I'ONTFATh ^*** iwiii fo** on »i hv tie* Dr. \X*il- tearfiill) hur>’ him out of your

Ii.nus .Mi*»lii*iite < <»., .'^•iwiei-iaily, N Y. i stght.. 41* * I . I .til •lnnr/i*t»e*ll Dr, W ilhaiiis Pink l*illa. |j|j j,pj awa>, the spring hasA great many cities and towns h«v * j-. i ••

(teen holdina garden comiietlttuns


,\ few moralists of estreme seventy sa> it i-iirourages men tn waste vat* liable lime. <vnd Incites to the vice «if (tettliiK As to (be gambling, that la rattier ini uleiilai For the great ma* h»rit>. It is a form of happy artlvlty that w<irks .iguinsi tiiaii> evils

jU fellow Is howling tin the grund island. Ill eiiruiirageiiient of nihletle skill. h« la nut iiijiiriiig his ImmI> with dissipation, nor isilliitlng his mind with low thoughts

! There Is one ohjectlofi w«irth eon*! sidering. That Is. the passlveness uf

TNC I'lM'.NTV FtIM FtblMh |the sm-r tutor's alllliide to the ganu>. |• tne of Hit nutsi picturesque tvi>es'lt em-ourages luo much the attitude,”"* easll> to imoks is

adaptive In other wa.vs Me freqiien*- Dome «t«d s«hO€il gardens is ready of speech in the ordinary i«"e «»f Die miwt useful of tlJes.- «iut-


<ir;i(luHti‘ ni (.‘efiar Kafiids Collejjr »»f .Music,

anti .-Kiiierican C'linsorvainry ol Music, Chicajfn,

l*U|»il i»f < .Vel.soii Huh, and Karict(»n

llackett. W'tMi ilif < ioltl Medal at the .Aiiierican

t’(Diservaiory ol .Music in

.Vli>s Smith is t(» estahlish a ktuflio in St. hthii'

anil will he rea<l\' lo receive |)Uf)ils ahniit < >rt<dier H).

Location of studio will be announced week.


til*When 11**"** suiiiiner Newspa|ier evchange* ov*>r •‘inpliasiie*! Tim* tniieli reading

bring man) reisiris of prlres awarded *»"* »““*> '“«*‘es the lai> overmuch of In Dies* « untests. It Is often notid " s|.*^ lator Ills energ) Is salisfteil that children han* won out In Dies*. ii^e thrill of reading how other r«»ntests who never stiMal well In th*'ir ‘in ihmgs Meaiiwhlli- th<* dulliNMik work III school **<»> Is out selling his |ia|>ers or rals-

ruii dr>.* There Is nought for him now hut th**

tear III )our eye;Dr«ip It gently, an offering over Dn*

tuinli.It tna> lighten the shadow of hiiinani*

tv's <loom.Ia«.v the old tiiaii awav. with his hu|M-s

and his fears.ForniiTl) th«- Ihi> who could not i**" |H»iuH>es. and slow!) winning mj, funn^ t)|), failings, his smiles!

of Aiiierltaii life is found In Die fak* of seeing other iieople do things

learn leasons readitv was set dfiwn as hl<M-khead Yet the l»o> who does

often ver'

Ills wa).K»er> sctuMil should have some out-

hu for the children who an slow at

and his tears;IJfe's htstor) Is ended. Die view can*:

not slay. |With the luist it Is blended and fading j

Irs, Itarkers. side-show men, and rounders ol a thousand kinds who fol­low (he count) fairs, circuses, and iHher places of nut'door amiiseinen'. One ma> well wonder what be<-nmes of these fellows when Oclnl»er fmsis cUmm up tb*‘ tmslness of oiam-air en* tertaiiiment

The iiarker is the h4>iiI <if ail these mldwa)s Were it not for his gmal hunioreil and |^enluaslve eloquence some of the jolly frauds would get their heads punched. Tlie hark**r turns it oft into a jok«- and drops tin-j

Wla*- suggestion that those who arej stung would look hahilsiiiner If th* \ j kept «ifil I

Head) and faclh- H|e'*-eli is the »ec- : r*-t of success in Dm- Imsiiiess of run­ning tiles,' catch iienti) sld*-'Sliows ) Mall) of thes, midwax orators liux'-, a quick wit and (uiwer of pi<-Mire<.i|iie | d**scrlptloti that could le- mad* xiil* i.ttiie It. a ii.or* -ulistanlial cMliini'

of lll•'lIl Would t» found (<• I 1*.* w»>h ••durat*il men TIo rolls «»f ^ most -I liiMil.s .tllll colleg* !:i*X*- t|i*»se. i w ho (r'>i< i|lssi|iaiion or itidoi«‘n« • . | dr«»|i out t»f th* ratiks ■>! orgatiir-d toll Manx a tnati wtu* |ir<M-)aims tii*- won*l* r of tb* suak* i MarMi* r or tlt*-| f>»riiin‘ t* 11* r ati quoi* his Virgil orj his Mor.i< I

<‘ould t.ik*- .1 < •■tisiis *»f ilii-gx pHX frini'*- of lb* amiis*-m*‘nt world.' It would SIihIiIix <*•>*■. x\ .r|' it Is x.r <if Isnira- -

Th* i.*Kirs amt ln*-\tH rieti* on *1 *>•' ' 'lax f*-* I i|utt*b* iak*-s Ills t<.^t girl to

U*lien a player knocks a home nut or fields a swift and stinging ball, the "fan" feels a thrill of elation M» Is .IS proud as If h*- had done thething hliiiseir. That may tend toiliscoiirage him from doing things In life, anti ma) lead him to find his rewards, not In his own achievement, tint In w-.-iichinr *ithcr |H**ip|e achieve,

.\s an <niflel tor silimrfliiniis efiergx and a dlstraitlon from vice, liaaehall iniiBi have an incalrulahle Influencelor wholesome living and thinking. It is a mistake though, when the "fan ’ lets his Interest ileter him from .ic*<liiirtng -kill of his own in some fa* xtrril*' game If he Is so iiusx c<itii* puling the iwrrentages and discus* iiig the plays of the league leaders. |

Dial he lias no lime left to practic*- i s*ime faxorit* .mil h*>althful s|*ort of i Ills **wii baseltall has not had its best j r^-siilis for hill) i


.\n uiitisiial incident In the tlnaiii ls| j world liappen*-<l th* past W4*ek, when i

I matters of daily life, lactftil In what I he says, w ith a gift for leadership and 'doing things.j In the old'fashloiieil schtsd, the l»o>I who was dull at his lNH>ks was proq. ided and spurred along Hie thorn) luilh j which he was never filled to travel. I Somehow he never t-oiild s**«> things I through a printed iwtge. !*ut him *im I ill a garden, and give him com s«H>d. ho*- and s|>ade. or put him on the hall- ground. and he might rais«- a crop or play a gam*' much sii|terior to th*' laiokish Imx's

Hooks ar*- the rt-t-onl of th* world * wisdntii. Imt their us<- should not In-

lets. Drt'ssniaklng and ctaiking class­es teach an art that lies at the founda­tion uf home economy, .ind which the axeragt- mother falls to impart r-t tn«*r*‘ than half of th** Itoys. success in life Is to Ih- ri'acbed through skill of Die hand rather than through the print*'*! iiag*-

awa)laty the old man awa>. no fear taken

vow,.\<i church nor state (-an worry him

DOW ;laiy him genii) away, for he hath a

leaaeTo the bright realms of order, and the

W'lille robes of |N*a*'e

There Is no guilt where he g*»es, no rrtm*' or inlalakes,

Dante .Nature, our mother, there all the law makes;

.No envy or iiiwllce. no rancor or race, (’an meet him with anger or comba-

Dv*' face.

*w*AT out,.


Hlaiplc KnaasbHere Is a simple (*atch that may

iKfiher you soim-.•All o •.Not much in II la-rhaps. hiil emnig!i the *dd man awa). we max tnonm-

to make It trouhl*MM>ine fiillx seeToo hard' Who have llv*'d•Xrid xel It s ‘nothing, after all."

the years

('lexeland Fluiti

,x larg* Mix k of .New York t’ltx *» iier (* til 'xinai- xx*-r*' oft* red at par I' w;i». but .» xerx f**w xeiirs .igo that i ImiiiiI of this ' lass sold to bring onlx .ilxiiu ;i (; iht cent The tlnan* l:il wis*-.(* r**s of tliat re« *-nt dale pr*'d(c*- *-(l that int*-r* St rixi*'s would lx- stea*l> ll.x tailing .\s tli*'x saw it, ther*- wa-i

I- nun)*-roiis |•opulatlon | •* surtilus of loanahl*- i-apituiir.-ss vxilx .iml .-iuslx. of , **'*«» ‘ni* would In. iIm.iii

ertixm biirdn* ss ot l»* * . j'*"“ *' ^iiartiii*--- .tllll K'tidix 'rill*'I'' *’* 'nii * tii stt-urlix

Tb* rai'ld .ts*ent of ili* :tii<'r*-si r.ite llx* ft*.;: .inaiDrlix , ^•'*’‘*^*‘** Di*--* pr*'di( tintis Kx*-n :i

Th* xai iuw f«-ll*ixx j'•■•**■ Di* : aiiag*-r of .t larg* andl**ril w h*-a j ^”''*'** J'****' i>ro|>«isition in (•o|**r.vdo•Unix fa r

ili I"


ri t.1


allj which hr is fr»*e.,Th*- ligiits and the shades, th** loxe I and the strife.

How It ends, how It rade>, with the j (losing of life.

I^ix the old man awa), naught can tie said.

..No Ipse *11x11 ■ (-«»mes (rom the d*-a4',Koll ifown the (iirtain. this is the last

pin)..Mourntull). Inxiiigl) la) him awn)

tile old man axxnx. for that is Just how,s|(nk* the sam* words xoii listen to now ,

\s tile tiiirden h* iiore of lif* - fadii < (tax

*.Mx 'larliiigs inx < hlldnm lax me aw ax

for good •mok——cigTs« tobacco or eigirtfi form the habit of patronteini u*. We carry all the pomilar brand*. In addition wc elwye beep >tocbod up on high grade kinda that aomc of the regular dgar atores do nor handle. Some of the beet ludgee of good maolMa heve been coming here for jaeara. Some dir wImb you went aomething different drop in mad ma our •*»»**« We can turely auit you.


Scih Hunt, near St. Johns. Sunday. ' DlMd)s and Plorsmce Stanipllx of KImer Dc« ke of ('hicago vlailcd Mr. (Juiinis«»nv|||e and Hlmnche Heabler -jf

and Mrs. S. W .Norris Iasi Steurday. Hew testk supiier with Mr. and Mrs T Mr. and .Mrs. Varney Fearre callid Haldwin last Friday night and wer-

on Mrs Ida Hrink In S». .lohns Sxinday over-night guests llier**. evening. Hertiert Kreu of Travis fit) xlsti***'

Dr. and Mrs .Soiilliworth. .Mr. and his sister. Mrs mice Forbes, last week •Mrs fash Tucker of Partelln. Mr. ami The Woinan's society of the HapDst •Mrs. Vl'lll Hrinkerhoff and daughter of church will meet with .Mrs. A H. foon

ltd man .ixvax. Ills jo) .tiid hi-

fac*- with its (-rown of

Th*who n*

fellow who x*-r dill

.ilwaxs 1 (tuld. bip

Th*- inaii who .ilxxaxs *tiscnnrHg* hut nexer * ncoiirages

Til* |M>int< it I |ieni .itirt til* t .if (O III- 'i:

*-rmai(l (ii* -* j ’il*-|tlO(ll *■( Hoix'iplMirtiinfX .)(


Hf* Xrpinng In p* n* (rat- f*-ri*'* of t!.*- iiiixi-rs* li* r* .ii *-• for a «lim* fiat •antioi b* ifladlx paxs th*T:;rn gain- iii- * worlil l» max ••f III-.- K.ittOll

»;.\i*);i{iHi;N rix.

Illd*i I*

1* douiitful rr-'x* II ii|i*'\

'••III. n jir Y to ( ||»S. quit*

'n*-asiir. •-x*n If Do- war w* r*- ‘xui. In»er*‘st rst****


*>! til* in* Id* nts ol t||, '.\Hi -Il­ls III* dtniciiltx \tn*-ni an la* - .ir* tinding in st-riiring ox. Th* result will ti* an *-fl[ort to

mak*' dx*'s In this c«»iintrx fhi-r*- will In- -.(im* ttiiproxemi'nt in this xerx in>|HirtMnt brani-h of textii*- Itidnstrx

It is r*-inarkMlil* wiiat |MNir work in the us* *if im|Mirt*-d dx*- -tufts and it.

H* is on th* joli lat* and *>urlx (*-||- iiig of Di* gr*'at things he has dntf .md th*- opii'irfinitles h** lin- lost

off* ring ' |N-r cent for mnn*-x ^ u, ii,.\,'r tuad* anything. l>*w-»ns*‘ li* f*-« x.-wrr ago K.i-t* rn inx* sf*>r» w*'-"jha*l n** faitli in himself to accniuplish gla*i to gel s*nind r* estai* iiuirt■ ; Dial h* lulght haxegag*-s ti th* \\*-st for fix* .tnd six je-r * "T*" Diiiigs h* tias *l*di*. wliiih .ir*- of

,, , .11*1 a* t'*>iini. but which furnishes himif flits (-oiiipaiix . . , .1' .1 sul>)*-«*t f<»r I oiixersation regardingfi*r 1') p*-r c*-*it I f,!,, ,,v4|| greaftiess cnnld b*- on

'*ta' ! f|-.*- l>Mi k of II iNtsfal curd, and notTh* iow ♦> Hid |,rt* .-s iinw pr* v.iilinr I bull fill i>

..r* of iiwrs* dll* In larg* m*asiir. I D* hat* *ni* r|iris* .is li* .itxiiulnai*-s work

Til* onl.x itiiprox••tii*-iii in wi.-ln-s to ,-*-* mud* 1- .in *'asl*'r !>ed m ahu l

II ik'hl i...t r.ill x.-rx mnci- Half of th*-|lii.siness rii*'n *if K'ir<»p* (•*nild not; j|^ imind liowling igalnst high

j |iax th*-’r debts without nnli/lng an'taxes but bus little *»r ni» tax It* pa) (lo-ir -•< unties (hir |H>op|,- must tak* j H*- wusi**s ni*»r* linnrs ever) w*'ek

I lip *h* *io*ks .iml iMiml- that at Ih*-| H glxcn to some useful .>mpl«i>-1.1,... ,1. ..Ill a J m*-nt would |MX all th* ta\**s :iss*'sse«lI ( los* **f th* war will no«>d our tii.-»r-■ .i against him for u xear'set I

Ther* was never aiixtliing *>rgan- l*riil*Mi>lx ■ ' ('bodtrr- will lie fsr jjj^j j,,,,, nuhi (t, kuK the nian who |s a

'reaching Municliuilltie** will lisx*- *o|«'hronic "fault tinder"I pax mile' higher rate* for nionex i The srhixils ar* n»>t run as h*- In— '.Making piibli* Imiirovements and (»Mx.lHexes (hex should be. why h. cannotImg for them in Uxng term tmnds w|lh'-|»’ ""', sch**ols. l*« .1 «-o%t|x pro|M>sltlon The imv-a--' ..Til* clinr* li**s ar*- • iDier lo«» rellg-

'Ttiai IS be «>w 11**1 th* ground where the jfowi, ;.as been iniili

H* n*'xer r.qised a Iiaiiii to fell u . tr* *• or split a rail; never ch-ared uii)- iDimg well In his life but his plat- at tb* table, where h* was in «*xldenc*' bnlh earl) and lat*

H« sli* ller*-d his fainllx In .» shat k .am! Ills pig- found a n*'si in th* fenr* corner

His -l*>*'k Was *>n|x half f***! and th* l»la* * h*' . all***! home alwa>s look*>d as If It tiaii ii*'*-n strtick t*v a eye Ion*

M h*-n .iiix thing ha- l**'*'n aci'oiti- plisio'd h\ a friend or ncighlMir h*- Is prt-s*-ni* to f*-ll the waiting » r»iwd Di* misfiikt's th*-x hax*- tiiad*- .md just how Di* tiling -htfiilil In- don*-

|4«X tilcar*-.

The familiar grex hair

His s(.ilwan worth, his hiimaiiltx strong

.whall i>*- noi*-s tn th* hirtli «>f inetn- orx - song

His ill*' Is .1 glum itig xears.

Th'- not»l* udvaiif n*'ers.

.\ll h*-arts in their gri age |iay,

.\- w* siniMitli his l.i-t pillow and tax him .IW.IX

*xl the long, ffow-

*>f our tni* |Uo-

w ill irii*- ho*T.-

luinslff^. Mr and Mrs Willis McI.g>uDi. Mr and Mrs C hlarl Hcoti and daugh­ter. Mr.s Hattie f’liolahaiJ and da.igli- fer. .Mr and Mrs Fenton Drink and I hlldren. Mr .ind .Mrs Charles Hey nolds and children. .Mias Certrud' Howe Mr- llert l>»ffler .iml iiaby «»f Olixe aiid .Mr and .Mrs ,\. I'ealNMlx calle<| at the home of Mr ami Mrs F Tucker .Siinda)

lutlle Coldie Slov*- of Olive has been xerx sick with pneumonia

Mrs Henry Tuhhs and Yaiiz xlslt*>d Mr and Mrs Wm H H Knapp in Hilex Sunday.

W**dne-dax. October 14. 1914.


Your attacks of lujiiibago are not m-arlx so hofN'Iess as thex seen) Y*». can relieve them almost instantly by a simple application of Sbxmn’s IJnt- mt>nt on the bark and loins I.,iiml>x- go is a form of rheumatlso). and yieldsI»erferll) to Sloan's, which i*enetrute-

Havmond quirgiy all In through Die sore, ten­der muscles, limbers up the hark ami

.. ^ .... makes it feel fine (let a i*otlle *»fMr anff ^rs Halph < arrier. ( arrie moan’s Idniment for 2.* cents of an'

I*-**!*..'’" -nd have If in the house* against I'Oids, sora and swollen joint.-

\y longing glaiii * l>ack

*f d*'Mr frli'mls

■n h* lorigiiiglx

hx xoiir d*-:ir

.N**to it- faiill

I jNiInted

brick block was ever built thut of «-'>nstrncilon r*>u|d not h It lix the •chronic fault find

IM f.

the I (dors of tw-en uc**-pied in man reall/*-s how

lnM>on*-d g*>«ids has the past Kverx

l»adlx th*' ux*-r;*g*

xoii-c** iMilic) will Ih- Imifer than ever Halintads ami public service cort»ori'

I lions w ill hav<- t*> offer .ilmosi pho- |hlblilv«- interest rates on ••nlarg*>- t men IS Mther the pnhllr will hav*- topax higher .barge- or it will have to c<»nten* lf•*•lf without the (mpr*»r*»- tm-nts it *|eslres

Hut it is a gr*'Ml *lav ft»r th*- man wiiti a dollar to Invest

neglige* shir* holds its i-olor D s*-eins to tnak* IlHl*- dlffer*-nc*' wlo-ih ' er th*' ii.aterial i- exi*ensix*' or not (>fi*m half a do/*'ti washing*- (ad* D*e shirt S4. much thst It l*>oks **ld and worn out W*»m<ii. of (oiim*. ;inil s*mllar imiihb- in manx kinds *»f th*.r:

If’FNWIWMIF 4Nn TMl; ITIR ««R.A iiianiifa<-tiirer of textile- was, RFAF4INPFNT

.isked Whx he did not lake mor* p<«ins | When the ««r Itegan. the news . en- 1*. tun. out fast .olors H* laugh* d sor and his hig hliie pencil were verx at Ih. .inesilmi, and admitted that if .,bx|..n- tine could hardiv le|| wheth- would r.Hit hut a trilling fra* I Imt of »'er a dls|>alch was deimrlhlng the bat- cent a xard mor* to ns* *o|ors that'ti,. of Waterloo in IVK would t>* pra'tballx fast Hiit who*|jege In 19(4 ;4i, th* .W. uld t.iix lh*‘ni Ii* ask*-d i»ee*|od, the lid

onlx 11

If >-r*-i't*d ti> -«itti*' fore«ighte«| (|||. -eii wh*i s;*w th* |Misslh|||i*'s in hnst- lo's- and growth, the chronl*- fault tinder was there to prcM'lalm that lie

• could hax* tiought the land when It was staiidliiK u iteaiitlfiil ••dlflc*- for t*'n dollars :in .«rr*

Mx friends, we have all seen or !h*'ard the chronic fault finder H** Is .( t)|N' of citir* n to lie found in every

,r**mn unit) " |I H*- 1- without influence or wiihont iihe Iqisl* principle from which men I and women who do things in and for ^ cnmmiiiillx ur*- made

Honest < rttlcism i- n.-cessarx .md wli*»le*om«-. hut liefnre w* engag*' in

hiisinevs of finding fault with the ing to (h.'^lews held l»y the "chronic other i»e«ipie are <|o|ng. let ns (.vk**fault Under, h** should see to it from gceoiint of stork and *4e«* just what that very lioiir that nothing went ,».* have accomplished oiirselv*'s |wnmr in the i-*nnmitnlty in which he 'live- I -D'** remember the busy man is not

grumbler nor a fault finder; he is

are •Hher too ions *'ls« they ar*' not religioo-

, en«)iigli rhex ar*' either to** arist**- , eralle els*- thev are too demoeratb

I ig ni.'^l

km*w not th on Ills Hi*-.

Mel bx th*- .b-*'n*i .iitd wlf**

W*- know mif lioxx of**- i-ri*'*!

Ijix 111*' :*;> f btldr*-n.:ii*>»li* r -id*-

Th*- lollowing was wrltt**n bx Mr.Hunt .ind read at his grav**(iiir Mx*-s ar*' river- gliding fr*-**

To that unfathom*'<t iKiundU'ss s* a Th* silent grave*

Whither all *'MrDi s |Hxni|> and ImmsiHnll to )i*' swallow I'd up at th*- lust

In *in<' dark wax**'

riie Imst .Irmsilc..S*i I olNiltetit to th*’ law now fall.Kiiwrap|N-d in shroud Tlie l*»ve. jox.

f*'ar .md hateThe s*'ene- of Uf* that com*- and go

(or all.How -oon .ir* iwssed; now (piitklx

shut th* eat*

Hark* something fainllx whia|N*rs (ii th*' *-ar.

r|Mtii aiuxher stir*' and certain soun«lNew. on*- is Of the Heaven, Oh h<*w

near.The *»lher Is the dropping of a elml of


Mr and Mrs K D Williams Sunday.Mr Date- had the misfortune to get

hi- foot injured ipiite tta<ll) last week.Vlr .111*1 Mrs Kugene Hohinson of

Hilex visll.'d Mr and Mrs Will foie Siiiidu)

Mr and Mrs San Hiintoon of Ding ham ami Mr ami .Mr- James Hiintrai*! *»f K.igl*‘ visited Mr anti Mrs fhnrl"- t'ol*- last .Saiurdux

Mrs Minnie Dali. Mrs \nn Hunger- ford Cjirl Dali Mr- K H W(km1 ann •iMiighlers vlsli**d frleiwls In Shepanls- xille .Siitida)

Mrs Viola Dage and .Mrs Minnie H*-eve of laansing vislt**d Mr .md Mr- H X. (’ar|»enler last week

Dr and Mrs .Soiithwick and Mr an*l •Mrs Cash Tucker of Pariello visiiev) Mr and Mrs A I’eatiodx of Prairi* f're**k Sundav

rheumatism, netiralgls. sciati* ana Ilk*' ailments Your inonex hack if not -atisfied. tint it do*-- give almo-* instant relief ___

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ CFNTKR ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Hex Kruse will preach in the hall n*'Xf .-tiinday af 2 .'b*

Mr and .Mr- I>*vl Frishx of Owos- so xisltitl at Mrs A <’ Hlakeslee- .Siindux

.Mr and Mrs o (' l.>on will ep. lertain th*- Hengui .M. K aid aocletx

•Mrs oral HIdIreth *if Merle Heach «• Imme next Thursday. Orioh"e cmII*'.! on Mr and Mrs Col** .Monday : '•*• •" o'clock All ar*- cordially in-

Mr .md Mrs Wm CcHik of Rlvertia'c '“.■d to attend, xisied .Mr and Mr- T W Haldwin last .Mr. and Mrs. Vemie Strong and fam- Frlday ily and Mias Hesale Hirks s|>ent Sun-

.Mrs Dates Is able to l»e up part of da) at the home of Mr and Mrs. Cha- fh*- time Sheehan in Victor

His religion should enable him to hunt out every thing evil and make It pur*w.-ml. no dlalr*MM. no suffering crea­ture human In his religious )»allwirk.

If the profeaaor of religion wore a long (are. was both whtake) aad


The hiisx mall Is iisiiallx above intri­gue; he U atKxve the *lolng o( little


or that of amiiaign pro-

lifted quite a litH* '»«'nl on to -ax that th* onlx Itle The world could see and hear the'a brief biography of egery dweller of lerest

iN-opi* That seem to have « desir* t*ijrlash of Armageddon Hnl last weeki***^ town; If It were given publlritx. Hes**lxe that )*mi will never ^00^ « g** fast tolors ar* th«uM- wh*i ran s* iihlngs • to hav* tightened down '****' *'*'*' '‘****^” *** ^•’"'*»»»*>lty flljrhronlr fault flnder; that y*>u will notfor»1 t*. throw awax clothes long 1* (again

Di*'' ,xr«' wornman factiirera < o|**r- f-»i f: I*

ixiit Probatilx , Ii (serhaps taken for granted that do i>«*f Ilk • »'wgr movements mnsl lie condiieted in

•' ^.ecrecx Yet rm« Can't help feelingcourag* ce-'j • to w*>ar c|.*the« t.H, that a war correspondent performs 1 long That would hurt Ira**' Uerv Important function and «»ne that

Th*' de" and for better r-(*b m-- e armed force diatlnctlv need- levtlle- ha- had much to d<» will, ibej n u the bn-mess of the train.Ml spread of -ecent years of th* arts andjmilltflrv writer to present a vivid pi- -rafts nmv^mrni These worker- dugjtwr. of the work of th* soldiers If IP the *ive iwmks of their grand th* preparation of this arco«mt is lef*

ti others when fabrics wer* often |to ihe pres* agent- of the war *»ff»rea woven and • olored at home an-l .all the color of Ihe pictnre Is left out when material was mad* m wear it becomes as pale and flat aa a law Thev tested fabries with long expos brief with Mttle to arnttae enihuslasn

a*-roni|illshltig lieca*ia«’ he Is hiisx; he• and Vl'ritehVIThei^’shouldX' no

nr fak*' one on the men In the com-__________________________________ti'unit) who Ilk*- himself, ar*-

The (IKS *»f Dus place will serve diner at their hall *>n e|f*ctinn dax «n .N*»v*-itil»er

Jos«-|>h VoughI of Alma visited <-oti-- Ins in this place last week.

Mrs UandaD Headle of flare vlsli- •■d In this place laal week

Horn 1*1 .Mr .md Mrs. Fri'd Tncker. Thursday, October lat. 1914. a nod. He will an-wer to Ihe name of Arnold f

-Mr. and Mrs VaiiFleet and Mr and Mrs Carl VanFIeei and son motored to flare last Satiirdax to visit Mias

to llv* woald be the Vhmatc fault rail at ev rvfhing which has ».een nr- la-lah VanFIeei Mrs Headle accom-flndrr ' himaelf ganDed In ’h* world for the benefit of lanied them ther*

H. lakes pnde In pro* lalming that mankind j„|,^ Dr-gory of Hath Is raringh* has no resiwnslhlllty; that h*-1 That xou will through hnnestx and for Mrs Fre«| Tucker and voung son wants mme, hut he traduces the char-1 rig.*’! living .md right doing win for Mrs laiitl* Martrke of Olive was a acter of thoa* In th*- *oinmimlty who < vonrself a pla* * of Influ-nce in ihe <-aller at th* h*»me of .Mr. .md Mrs

tobacco clean, hut dlscorsed **n the'’I*"****' Ihe saying of littlesins of tiiaaklnd In the preaence of 'b'bgs; he is a 'uan of arc*>mplishmenl the "chronic fault finder," he would f*e pros|»erliy Is his reward termed a nulaDOce and ail of his kln*t It'- the voung men and the young ‘'stumbling blocks" in the i«th of pro women In the fleid where the newsfM- go»ss i^r which carries this article In them

He (arrtee in his mental calculator for reading ar* that w-e wish to in-

haveAs told by himself, he i- th* *>nl)

honest character In Ih*- entire town, hi- virtues and his vires are evenl.v haiancful In that he |>nasesses neither.

^ he Is like a tree In Ih* orchard which never hears fruit always bar-

Iren, but which substats tiecauer of as ' sociathm with Its neighbors I prndtie*

I May hark in the earl) history of th* community he owned all of the town

conimumt) xou ir- to call voxtr h.vmeIbttng this xiHi wIP b* a xounr man

of a*-cntiip|ishmen(. vou will esrlx in life h«-« <>m> a saver to th*- • nd that xou may hecuf-.* sn owner and a do-r

Hring x«* ir deposits to The dtate Hank of *4| J*)hns aad <lo a IKD* plant


who do Ing for future harvesting

THI NTATt illNk 4»» HT. JllllNia. J, M, tlfegerDM. I'awMbr.

Yarn*) |^'ar( •• Hatiirda) nightNiarlv everytuvdv In this place at __________________

iend*Mi 111* (oiintx fair •A son w as liorn to Mr and Mrs Pur-1 Include tn roUT orduT

lev of l.alngshurt last w*mk Mr and |Mrs Purl*-' wer* former residents oflU'Witl f

Mrs H'dh Hiinmaii and son. Frank. ! of (Hive visited Mr and Mrs Mon roe j Col* Sunday |

Mr and Mr- Jerome Dills. '<••• QrOCCt and Bnller Ht< vens and Mr and Mra \aniexl P-nrcf iitei«d*ul the funeral of Mr I

The Costof (Nike matemis it hifiMr tkwo orer. Everr woman kaona tkat, nntl DO doe* the hittband who get** the bilJ. That'i whr mors sonii' hie woman than etrer bar their caket, iNtetrr, bread and other things from thui bakerj. It’s cheaper aad no liother. Prieen remain the mme. Our high (pialitT never traries.

K.islcr ('hf)|i .ind Marruir-tt ('hofi -Oelicidus tiavtir

C. A. PUTTBt. JoHnRs Micih.

**^MartelluM 9f

tkt 5GgmrofQmalky

Now on Moio moot ooorywkorm

FOWLEBOMIiiar) ml riM*. Haakr;. a

Mr ('hab. Maukey dird at hib hum** > fuirthH*»at of Koalrr, afi**r a llmcfrlnv tllnt^ao of lirart dia4‘aa«-, laat Hiinday nifcht ui ih** a*f of H.'i yi^arv Mr Man* | ke> waa Iturti in Ormaiiy A|irll 10. lb;;*, and ramt* In thla country when hi- aaa 2’> years old and later sent for his father and brothers He was rnwr- rieil to -Mias Klizatieth liaiiiiiRardner. i April ir>, 1N<2. and to theni were born on< bon. Jacoii of l*oiii|ieli and three duuchterM. Mrs .Martha Schulte of this place and Mrs t’arrie Itudzier ot Fi-rKus. and Mrs lieorae Wideiiieir. who lives with her (larcnts The fu­neral was held Thursday. October I, at the laitheraii church, Kcv. Jules Held oin« latina. Internient will Im- made Im- side his father, thre*- miles south of town.

HmI) TrtoHj riinrriila's! .'Sunday afternoon at Hire

o'clock the Itosary. and the Idtany of the lllessed Virgin and a s|ie<-tal lail- In prater was said for iieace for the waring eountries in Kiirofe

.Monday there was a itequiiia Higli Mato for the eleventh anniversary of the death of Mr. Igiiatr Koenigsknei hi

Mr (’has Lindemann went to iroit one day last week to visit ho daiighters and friends

Miss Pauline Mur'in of Westphalia, visited her parents. .Mr and Mr.-- .\duii. Martin last week

.Mr and Mrs Peter Piing visiteil llieir *>011 Kdward Piiiig and family if Itengal, la-t .*«unday

Air anil Mrs Jos llowerv <if Pewaino liM>k Mr» .Vdain Marlin and Mr ati.l Mr- K \\ Celler ami family in their auto to vlsiiitl relatives and fri>‘nds near Westphalia and Kagl* la-t Sun­day

Mr- .Allan. Martin and .Mrs K W tieli-: a*nt to Portland last Alonday *0 Msl* relatives ;tnd friends

Mr- Jo- Powers ol Pi-wamo went to l►••tr«^ll last Tue-das to visit liee father .lo- (Seller and other r»|..tivifor ei h

Mr- John Kin* i„ .imi Air- Jenii’4 urtin to luiroit Friday evening t(** .itt< nd tin funeral -il a nephew am' e .Mr John .-ii liiuuck

Mr- (’ .\ Ceurnsy oi .Mlddlet<iivisile,1 her parents .Mr and .Mr- Wn.Kll eT the first of Hie wes-S

.Mr Kre«l Ntver tripped <i|i the aali. in troni of her lions* one ihiv Iasi .\» eL n irt Ipt km« and .irmrjuil* -e\e--,.|v

>il* playing on Hi, m to nil groiind- 1.1-1 Monday. Jennie Ion*— snrain*-d her •' risi ijuit. hndly

Mi- Kalii litifnagel <aiii) .Monua'- To .sii frl*-nds in t«iwn. She reisiri- her . oiii. r l•■<-llng flm sinee r*iurn- in;: ;iotn Poniia* las* .-taliirday wlp ri sfi* i .id ll••en taking freaimeiiis for III, |»a-t .-lx Weeks

Ml-.- Mary Kramer visited friends in tivwn Iasi .Sunday

Atv.-i Hafm r visit*-*! relative.- an** fro-tnl- 111 li*-irnlt ih** first of Hie w*ek

Mr Uiehard .**«hnclricr rciurmsi to hi- ,iom* In Iowa last week Mondav. afi-r visIHiig his hroihcr. t’asper

ttnclder and family th* i»Bst month

a RecordJCvrfA’ tarmiT shrmld iia\ r

Kodak and a noitt iu «*'k with which H> kffji a r*'r*inl of h i s work .A {licttirc of tn** Niock or j»rains m ihr v.iriotin sta<.^r'sot

tan l>* i*irrr. Ml .ii,*! I’omii.irfd with the next yar s |»r«*<ltirt - th«*r* li\ rt »wi!- whi4 h of thi rn* fh »♦!' ' isth* h« sr k* a i arti"! • »—in*-vs larnvr jui.;’- 'tlH* of ihf Kt»*'.ik *•: t • ' *rin

’t Jewdry Store

Mrs. Math Htbmp rcturn«Hi from the Hart hospital last Haiurday, feeling very much inipr*»v«««l.

Mr. Clark Perry. Mn*. (’has. Travia and daughter. Nellie, visited Mrs. M. A. Travis last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs James Whittaker, hlaniest C ruler and his slaters viaitiHl their sister. .Mm .M. K. Kverts an*' family last Sunday.

Mr. Frank and John Wilbur went to f I rand Kaptds last AVednesday return­ing Thursday

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar A’ahbarh and .Alias .Minnie Caers retiimi^d to l>etroit the first of last w**ek after visitior Mr. Fred and Herman Miller and fam­ilies

•Mr. Clifford Mansfield visited old friends and schoolmates in town last w'e**k.

Kllen Pierce and brother. .Michael of lauising. were home over Sunday to visit their {Mirents. .Mr. and Mrs. John IMercc and family.

AVni. Kudgers of Pewnmo. is In town calling on friends.

Miss (ieiiriide Ma<-Pheraon return'll i«i her home In l>etmlt last Tuesday

•Mr. Italpli Platts of Detroit, visite*! his wife <iver Sunday at the horn*- of her grandfstlier. Mr. I^vi llaldwin

Kr*Ml Hearndi of Alerle Hrach, visiie«' bis hrniher, (’has and family last Sun- 'lay

.\. H (Seller and son, Paul, went (o Detroit Iasi Saturday to visit relativt-s.

The fourth grad*' have lieguii a course of drawing to t>e used in card iMtard construction

The third and f«uirHt grades are getting a < ol|f«ctioii of Insects whii h they will study during the winter

Tb*- primary department has started a picAure fund. The children of each family r«‘presented has lieen asked to I'oiiirihute fiv*' cents a month Thi* m«»ney will ii< us*-<l to iiiiy pictures for Hi*' M-hool room

Olga AA’hIttaker visit*>d In Hraiol Kapids one day last wt-ek.

Mr and .Mrs H J (Jeorg** *'nter- iaine«i friends and relatives at their home last Sunday evening.

.Air AA'ni .'tpitzley of Westphalft. WH.- a t aller in town last .Sunday.

.Air and Airs .la- J .Alarttn v|slt*>d her sisi**r. .Air- Frank S* hneider. an*^ family last Sunday

Air .itnl Air- Corwin Siurgis visii,*j li*r l*r*»tli*r. Wu. Hayt. of A’.-rtmmt- ville last Sunday

Kit .'^lo-ldon iias movi-d hi- family into ilo- AA .ig,-r !i«ius*- last week Tile-. day

Kll .sip'irlon was in ilrand llapid^ la-t AA ••dtH'H4|a> ami Thurs*Jav

l-asf .s.tiiirdav iimniing Ml- It gin.* Sutton .iikI Mr fAlward Apt’low of .Ma- pl* itapid- \v»'r» aiarrp'd by the Pap- tist mltMst*-r l(*-\ Poli*r at St Johns. Fr*im Hi* r* they w**iit to Crand Ituptds to -|M n<i a «h*»rt lioneynKMiii aft* r t tl.< V ini* nd to llv** on a farm near Alupl. itapid- Th* brid*'. Hi**

= < oiiii daugliler of Mr and Air- Har- riMin .Siitton. Is an accnniplish'-d voijiig lady, having l***en telephoii* op* raior for th* past fiv, or six y*'«r . Tt' gr*M»m is a young farmer, also a iio'Tiib* r of th*' Maple Rapids bami Their many friend- of Fowler, wish iiiiich Joy and hap|dn*-ss through Ilf* together

Air pet*-r Kdiiiger and sous, .Alarttn .tnd Ia4wr*'iice. wem m Craiid Rapids last .Saturday to vinit relatives over Sunday

Air I’has Avery of latnsing. visit*-*! hi- wif*>s parents. Air and .Mrs J*ihn Pier*'** *(ver .Sunday

Mrs Jos Cas|>«*r is visiting li T mother. Airs T AV SneRing. in KIsI** this w**ek

A larg* crowd from her** atten<lcd th<- fair Ml St .lohtis every day while it lasted

Kiigene Itrnste had the iiilsforiiine to have his fingers crushed in the c*ig- wheeis while working at th*' stone crusher on the road north of town one day last week, so badly that the two small fingers of the right hand had to Jh* amputated Dr Schemer perforiii*>d I the 0|ieraHoti

After a short llln«>ss of five daya I duration, the young wife of Mr. Jn<H>ph A. Thelen dM laat week TiitNutey of pneumimta. leaving a husband, a five dam oM Infant son. also a gti»f atrick- en mother. Mm. Fmnn {taitgtm of AVestphalla. whoae only daufckter she was and four broihem at ike age of 23 yearn Mr. and Mm Thelen were married at Westphalia last October, and bought the Matt Stump farm laat spring and were Just nicely settled when death stepped In and broke up

house once so dear. The young hiis- >>and has the sympathy of the whole ■ onimnnIH In Ihl- sad bereavement.

I Mmlnt(TnNII.AX

f I T R01. \ \Rest thing for < *mstipaiion. -our

sromacb laty liver and sluggish bow- i-'U Stops a stcli headache alnifvat .st om^ (live* a most thorough and sa* -factory flushing no iialn. nn nauses

F*-ep- your ivsiem '~|eans««i, sweet and whole»ooi*’ R R Rasniusccn.: .s* anaua Mich, writes, 'ritrolav si r‘ fin* laxative pleasant tn 'sks and *lM»er Hi* work In 1 V . ry *hor«>t!gh M.anner ChlMren love It VanHtc.c.l. a (ilsspl* (sdv

I Itlle hews linars Rnainess gaMagp.

«|Ma ky tfea mmmww of tlM VMni Nn- Uooni bnak to famat aat tiHi pwpn trutocs of upartMM im daMnr hlllo oa tbair hnak. Ha hnpia by aafelas n tkaaanyti aaanMaatina of Um bMlo. It would naaai that a aood aaarnrai caald ■aka a dapUeaio *K aay baak bUJ that would ba paMdlcally patfart. Bat na ■attar bow ■Mh com b# imts oa It tbare will bo dlffaroaeoa. Ua tbana Ulla tbotw waa a mlablture llkonoaa of tbe lltMi eectwiary of tba trooaaiy. Tbara was a (llffefoac*» batwaan tba valbl and stnirious picuiras In tba rlplit niMtrll. the left **yabrow and a llaa running batweint tba noao and tba laft cheak.

Rut Ibl- was of uo OMsUM-nt to the drttKrtIve cscrtM to enable blu lu spot one «>f ibc t'uuntcrfctiM wlicn be saw It. It tikl not h*>lp him In ninuiug down the Louiiterfeller. lie knew that car- tain persoits were going about buying articles worth various sum- from od cents to or $3. offerlug uoe of tbe citunterfelt ttm dollar hills ami racalv- lug the cliaage in guoil iiiouey.

Uoelf Inierriewed several of tbe iwr- aont on whom ibeiw* spuiions Mils bad lieen (Missed—a young wvfmau caablar In an ice cream aaitMNi. Sbe aald tbat a young man bad brought In a girl, or- daring l(*e c-ream. cake and *Hber arti­cles r«»r iMth of tlMSn; Imd |wld fur wbat he Imiight with a t**n tiollar bill ami received PI*. 15 <'liauge. Afler tbe *lcfMirture of tbe wuple lb# bll! was foumi to l*e counterfeit

Tbe only iiersuu wbo aaw Ibis young man and woman was tbe casblev bar self. Who waited «)0 them, no atber par aon connectMl with tba aatoan being preaebt hut ber deen1ptl*M> Milled with tbat of otbera-tbat la. tbe d*s- scrlpdon *»f the young man. for this waa tbe only time be waa reported In company witb a girl.

Boair gave a teiepbone number to the proprielom of a certain at*Mw <jn the main shopping street of tbe town and asked them, if any one paaaed tba spurious bills, to call bim up amf bold on to tbe iier-oo who liatl oflerixl It. Theu he l<M>k a novel, sat down by tbe instnimt'iit. r*-ad and wailed.

«>n the tlilnl *lay *>f his waiting he was mug u|» from a cigar store. A young man had <'all***|. iK>ught a haml- ful of cigars. *»frer«'d a <'«>uiiterfclt ten •lollar hill, receive.1 pH aiMl -*»m*' mII ver In * hangc. llghleii a cigar and gone out suHtkiiig. The pnM»rictor ln*l teie phomsi R**elf and sent a boy to shad- | ow tile young man Roelf w»*nt t«i the cigar si<»ri*. amt wlicn Hie ls»y r*- turnr<i lie i*h«*w«>*| tin* *lele«'Hv*- a bouse whi* li tin- .v«>iing man bad *-nlcre*l.

Roelf rcmcnil*en**l that tln*re were •lllTerent |s*s»IIiIIIIm-h *'*»nu***'t*'*l witli ! ibi- young man Tin* bill might have I lie»*n p.x'—••*! «*it him. he Iteing tuillrely I inno* i-iit of the miitler He nught lie j passing th*' bills for Hie maker. The , hoUM* li** **tii**rtsl might lie in m» way | •'onii***^***l wnil Hi*' 'fs»iiiil**rf<*iting It j might l*c Hu* i»ln* ** when- H»e bill* j V* ••re m.i«l*- It l*elioov*s| Roelf, Hier** I for**, to Ih* I arcful In his 1 n vest 1 gal urns 1 :cst in* clth**r <s»nie down **11 lnn<M-ent |H*rsoii- tir frlsbi**n Hi** *siuiii**rfclt»*rs ^ MWiy vvlHi all iln*lr parapbcmslla. |

AA'Iist h* «llil wu- in *»li*.**rv** Hic ; li*»u**»* H** l••ll•*l»H1 n«-ar It f**r half .1 ■ d.xy f*» s**e vvh*» mill** from anil went I fo It .So *>11** enlcnsl It. iuit a woman j• am** out !

TIm* usual way for *lcl***'ti\**s t<» j wall'll a sus|H**'tisl li«»u«c Is to bin* .x ; riMtui ••|i|H*slii* R**elf *11*1 tills ami kept <'l**sc ol>-«‘r\alloii on tbe bous<* tbe young m.iti lia*l culensl AVithIn a f**w *la.vs auoHi<*r *-nse of pas-lug the bills wn- r*-iH»rt*Hl t<» hliii .A y**uiMf mHn -verv likely Hn* same ihtsvui as j U'f*»re bad lH**isht a bat with one **1 Hieui Tin* !dll hs*l Ih*«-u *letiH i»sl, Hie piin'liawr hail l***«*ii follow*s| and had **nicr.*d Hu* luMisc Roelf was watching

This rrm**Vfst ail ibuiht Hiat the guil­ty iM*r*voii o«'«^ii*l***l tin* li«*ost* III i|ues H*ifi R**elf iiimie arrangements to ralil It. but »oocIii*I*h1 to get what ad- illthuial luformalioii he was able be ri>rc •loing so He ki-td up his wateb. liiit Hu- only i*en**Ui Im* saw < ome out <rr go ill was a y*»iiug girl. It seemed 1*1 Roelf that there was something fa­miliar to him aiHuit tier, liut lie could not Irll wbat It was He never I'sugbt u fair gllro|MM* of her fai-e, for when ever sin* **mergid from the liouse. If the weatlier was fair, alie put up a (Minisol and If It raineii an umbrella

Roelf now gave orders among the sh«H>s that If any one imsetd one of tbe Spurious Mils atwl It was defined before tile person (Msslng It got away he was tn tie *letalne<l If this eras not poiMtble Roelf was to lie telepbonod of tbe faet and he wouM arreet tbe rwon terfeiter If he retiiriied lo tbe bonae.

One aft*wtM»«n he ixs-elved a tato- phone Hiat a young man of eBemlnate appearance bail rntrred a drug stofO. hougbt a pair of halrl*msbe« and pansesl a <'«Minlrrfelt bill Roelf went «>*tt on the street and walke*! haek and forth fiw some lime, whet* he saw a y oung man who answere*! tbe detK-rlfv Hon of the counterfeiter making for the sns|M>. ted honsc .As be was shout to enter Roelf rlapp«Hl a haVid «m bla sbotibler with a gruff -l want t*hj ”

He was stsrtled by a slirlek such aa might come fnmi a woman

.Ami It ilhl When the person ar -este*! was hnuight to face amisers• he tsrned *»*tt to lie the cashier of the toe cn-am s.aloon w ho claimed to have had **tM* nf th*' «'*»unlerf*dt hills psaaed epon her

Mr. am Mt*. PMd Omtt am db^- tnr. HMkr. wMHkd Mr. am Mm. Cima.Wkbdt at PAmrlMr, OamOajr.

Mr. and Mn. O. C. Pirn of Ovid. apMt tintuntoy amt Buadair at Marla Baarh with bar brotbar. Cbaa. Daaa.

Mr. Amoa Palmar la am tba alek Hat. Mr. Arthur Bllaaard la vary III at

this tarlUns.Mr. abd Mra. Albart Hiarr from Lab-

aibb. apabt Hoadby bt Marla Haarh.Mra. M. Uawta from Orlim. la viati*

Ibs at Morla Hoarh.■aa BmRIi from Bt. Jabba. vlaliad

Manuorlie Deon laat Thuraday at Marie Uaacb.

Jay Karris and Haory Jackson of Fdwier. spent Halurday at Merle Reach fishing

Duu't forget tba dabce at Merla Haai-h house Frlila) eve. Dct !*.

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ MM’TM BINUU.IM ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

A’criiun .Meriibeu of Flint was * ail­ing on old friends and neighbors re­cently.

.Mr. and Mrs. Dan (iag* of AA’eldiiian visited Mr. Cage and Mm. Crlfflti Inst week. *

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fowler of Okla­homa (’Ity and Mr. and Mm. Willlnm Fowler of Alma were guests of Mr. and Mm. K I*. Roughton last Sunday. Mm. Webster ibiughlon and daugh- er. I^elyu, of lieiroli were gu«-at- dur ing fair w«>ek.

fitlyK fllUNHK Pranrbm for INC lb. Itl4.

0|teiftBg song. My Mother's Prayer; roll coll, name a home or (arm im- provnient made this year; reading. An­na .Nichols: selection. Karl Spay*l. *lu*uill(Mi. How ran the grange help the man who Is clearlg bis fimi fPe or ten acres?. Riley laniibersion; story. Worthy fivemeer: recitation. Ainlel Hugulet; dlsciisalon. Rainy dav Job at the bam. led by Amos Palmer; l»oem. Waunita Rockwell; selection. AA'innIe l*hlllipa: question. What luirt should the ajtricultumi college have In the future development of our state? led by Charlie Rockwell.

Mr. abd Mm. Riley laiinbersion and Mr. and Mm. ('bnrlle Rockwell were elected delegat<*s to the County Con­vention held in St. Johns. Oct. *i.

(•rang*- iu«wis every two weeks until farther n*>Hce. Th*- third and fourth degrees will b*- conferred. A picti'.c supper will lie servediby fb*- riieinliers Crange will furnish i-oHee and meat.

le*tHe Hiigiielet. lariurer.


uensE-iT nrs

IIOb*t know Tboy Hbve•Many St Johns (leopli* have chronic

api>enirttls (which Is not very t*alnf(il) and think it is Just bowel or stomach trouble. Some have doctored for >«*ars for gas on the aturoach. sour stomach nr cnnstlpalloii and VanSii kle A Claspie stale if they will try simple buckthorn hark, glycerine, etc., as ('om|M»titid*Hl in .Alder-l-ka. the (.erman apiiendlcttts remedy, they will he »ur- imsed at the QCICK rf*suR. .A .-HX- Cld;] dos*' stops these troubles IN- STA.NTI.Y.


t KIVKBMIlIf; t♦ -x* ♦

Air- Fuink f’eiiter was In Holt Sun­day.

.Air and .Air- Rert Taylor B|*ent S»in *lay with Air .ind Mrs Charles l.ut/ <if Hlast lainsing.

Mr and .Airs Char!* - Cliapln < f latingshiirK. wer*- guests o( .Air- I'h*'**- h* \A*-hh and Air anti Air- IP'iiry V AA’ebn Tuesda* and W*-dn*'S*la>

Miss .A|argu**rii*' AA’omlrun visit*Hl Altss H*-I*'ii Dills Monday afternoon

Til*' m*'ml*er- of Hn* D<*'vltt Chat** » (1. K .‘t will giv* a 'tinner ai Hi* ti .ll♦ lection day. .\o\ 3

.Airs Klla llrinkerhoft -imiii S>iii *lay with her hr*vHier (in nr D' .u. ! family

.Alls- Margi*' l.yoii- ol l-a.i-lii u guest of Mis- HlaiD ' Hi.ii' r'< ..11 over Friday night

James Ranney iislte*! his wif* in Howard City from .'Saturday until M**ii *lay.

Mrs Klla RriiikerhofT vlstt*al in i-tt. Johns A\'«'dneiMlay and Thiirs*lay. Hi** g«i«*st of .Mrs Lydia Pennell

Air and .Mr- AA’ni Scott and Mr an I .Aim Kd Reynolds of laxnsiiig. w**r*' guests of Mr and Mm Pet* HMll**r- man Sunday

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ SMKPAKI»MVILI,i: ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Mrs AVin Kvrresi has l>een enter­taining a sister from Hrf>oklyii, .N. Y.

Mr and Mrs Albert lamgcor an** daughter are visitlag her imrents tn Sislerville. V’a

Rlfer Itntlon of Detroit and J L Hatton of To|e«|o. were guests of their mother. Mm. A. Hatton, the fimt of

dm of tM Bm Vokos im a

SOiSsii, PtacUcal CoedErne Mad


metiCBl mat for ovorydBy woor, madi op In Blaek Boaek. Three^uarter bmmM with i

which buifl^k attachod military cm. whbii oecbbion raquiiwii. I^t

."?■ >•

. _____Jttonn in front at comersoecbbion raquires. Flat, fkrured velvet collar whieh oan be

turned Belted beck, button-trimmed; cut full and hassiaa in greeeful folds. Front slightly longer tium be^; faoey button- trimuMd in front; self-lined. A rare value et $10.00.

6AElja@* ATArt

ssvnahv or


-----w!Mn Krae B»

PUftel Poet

quite III Is much Improved.Miss Anna Olson of luiiay City s|ienl

IMirt of last week with her parents. .Mr and .Mm. A. Olson.

Mrs. John Walker of Bt. Johns, visited her mother, Mrs. laiiim (’ole- man. .Mosilay.

Mrs Burr Kverleth.and children 'if Corunna, were guests of her father. Jas Hdwards. W**dnesday and Thurs­day. of last week.

Mr. and .Mm Kenneth Kultler of De­witt. spent the week end with Mr. an-l Mm. P. K. Hazel.

Mm I. J. Frishie Is ill with tonsil­litis

Mr. and Mm. AR>eri Frishie. Mr*. J. H. Aldrich, the MIssas 1.,. Belle ann M. Ruby Winfield called on tbeir aunt, Mm <’. Hayes, tn Klale. Bunday.

Miss .Mary Olson returned home 'rhiiraday after a two weeks’ stay in l>etrolt.

A full hoiis*- greeted *iur new pas­tor Bunday mtirnlng. He most ably filled the pulpit giving a very fine serinun.

A puhlir re«-eption will Ih* lender»d Rev. and Mm. Roshall Thursday ev**- ntng at the church.

The M. K. L A. S. will meet with Mm D. R. ,She|Nird. Thiirsilay. Octo- l»er ir», at 2 |) m .-(upper will be -erv- »hi by se<'Hon ;;


N*» us** to fuss an«l try to w**ar It out It will wear you *>ut inst**ad. Take Dr. King's .New IMsrover.v, re­lief follows quickly It checks your Cold and .Soothes y<»ur Cough awav. Pleasant. AtiHsepflr and Healing. Chil­dren lf<<e It. (let a M** l»ottl** of Dr. King's .New DIsiovery and keep It in fh«* hous*' ’’Our family Cough and (’old DcK'tor' writes I^-wi- (’haiiiber- lain. Manchester. Ohio .Money hack If not satisfied hut If nearly always liel|»s.


KKU ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

All members of Orabam Hive are requested Ui be present at the meeting

'Bnturday. October 10. as It is the in- I stallation of *>fllrem. Refreshments will he served at the cl*»ae of themaatint.

C. N. AA'Ilkins and family of Hath. .Mm. C. (1. Chadwick and children spent .Sunday with tbeir father and aunt. W, K. Bypher and Mm K D. Bird.

Mr. and Mm. Hen lg>tt of Ounnls«*n-' vllle. were Sunday callem at K. V.

‘ Chndwick'a.I'*** week It was fair all the weei*

and this week It is wrork.W’lllle and T. J. Bjrpher have gone

to Hubbardston to vialt tbeir mother land slater and husband, who have re­turned from Texas

! Mrs. A. 1.4-frier spent Saturday and Bunday with her mother at Fred Tiirk-

j er's.

IJ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

!♦ HATH V'♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Roland Sw**ef is leader for the Kp- worlh Ijeague .Sunday evening. Oct. 11. tChrtstian Stewardship) the rhrtstian suggeMiloti of profit sharing, .Arts 4. 34 to .IT; 1 Cor DJ. 1. 2.

.Mm la*ona Hodge and daughter Marvu'l, s|tent from Thursday night un­til Sunday night with Mr. and .Mrs. AA'Ilson .Shaw at Hay (’Ity.

There was n*i -chtwil in this plate last Friday on account of the .Sf Johns fair.

.Mis- Luella Harrington and her brother. Albert, whom she wa- calle*l tn Detroit to rare for. on account of

bis serious illness, arrived home tba for*' parr of the week.

The annual fair of tbe Haptiat church will be held at their hall Bbt- urdby evenlnc. Oct. 10. A chicken pia supiier will he served.

Mr. and Mm. Albert Hall of lamalng. spent Sunday with their iwrenU. Mr. and Mm. AV. .s. Hall.

-Mr. and .Airs Henry Dell and Mr. and .Mm. Rennie Dell and two chlldrsn and Mr. and Mm. Wajmer of Bnnnlater. wer fuesu of .Mr. and Mm. A- B. Klooze Suiida.v

Little .New* libera-


H. J Patterson, of St. iohns, announets himself >• .'anaidat*' for Judge of probate and aaks the votem of Clinton c*»untv to give him thsir supi>ort at the special piiniary held Friday. October Itth. Ihmiighout the county of Clinton


Mr Patterson hag tor years l*een a reshicn* *»f. county and of the »’Unton bar Mis election to the oftt**.- woul*' be a fln*' tribute to an h**nnmble cRIzeit a* well as r’ward to an old v*'i**ran (adv *

ilort bar mMid Imnltb whefbcobabiieAion <*iisla. Moat

>aitibennii wneib cobmiiieuon <*ii peoftla aofler froan tlos caiiae t

•ny are chronic victiii*#. Btiangaly ebooglt, tite ohl-time

dlaa lor Uiia very i,*mmoo romptaini xreie nanaanting doass ami an pnwerial Umi tliev often nuuie tlie contliiion worse thiui before. TIh-u i1k*t woreontin tli**tr •ffeoi eo ibni it wa** ii«**'*uirT to take a Uv|mr nad larger * lose Tlie tiiwt attempts •t improvement smight to make the dns# more pbbMalkle Itut to •lM;.’iii-e the ta*ie the aiae was increoM',i ami rrstiibi w* ro nnmtislariofy.

In this age nf pmerewsit wa* imp*Miil>le that «l<Mwa resemblitig Imr^ me>iictne ahmikl oenlinne tn l<e tal«'n Ly hmnsn beings. In tiie new laxative. nnk)r*«, ia prsasntmi a lUoity, siimr-* «>ai*'*i f ill, hbfxliy larger tliaii a trrsin of mnstar*!, that ia (tee fniiit unpk-wjuint etreci*, ti< es HIM npsei tlie e*<Mi»a* ii I 'tr gripe I ut ■imply gireiinaUi'>'tlience.l#*la— -i*Pre Plakl^ also a^i-i liigeviKWi ami are gaeil In take after a full n«r«U. Once U'ei linklete and y<v« will never return tn •ahs, oil ami hardi tmreat>'>''«

Ynwv nwn ilmgr»«t ewu stii rdy vnuwiih TIabIsbi ev they will le mrn% by biail, nesigatd, by the D* AAilluime MMiKina fVx , Rt brnw-f ty. N 1 , st eeala per belkr Sr«w1 (w hrlnfwl r swislitst

An AUTOPIANO for H. M. S. ^Syduey^



70 im mm

iT HK nlciers and men ef His Majesty’s BMp "Sydney.” built In Bag-

land for the Navy of the * AuatralUn Cotntnouwaaltb.

re* enti)* purchwaed anautopiaho.

This la the lalaat ahtp o? tbe Rngllah Nary to adopt the AirTOFlANO. THE AI*TOPIANO la boeomlng "The Choice of all Nartee” aa It has been for yearn the ••Choice of the United RUtea Navy” whom ever 70 ere in xme

The record of THE AirTOPlANO on the high sfsis is one of nnparil- leled llellahlllty and Dam- Mlity unilcr theos moat •vsettng mndilhww

•niE AirronANo has

peratttie from tmptca to tbe polar cirrlaoi It has seen <*onatent aervlee on rounU- tbo-werld trips. Us sound- lag boards and delicate parta bare witbatood tbe sboek of baavy gun practice on tbe North Atlantic Fleet

It haa ao aueeeaafully met tba damanda of aervtce in tbe Fleet tbat every few weeba aaotber AUTOPIANO Is sold to some Man-of- War herr or abroad.

But Reliability la not the only vlrtu» 'f TIfF. ACTOPIANO. I; 1 hi-*fi enade ptsno I* i. piarer p*a»«i o( unequill i mertU It la taro instr.,-

manu In <nm. for It canalao he plajrad aa a ptaaomanually.

It haa mealved the oem- mendatlon of the gfuaiaat artists and compoaem In tba wrorld It has recotved IS Ocid Medals and highaat Awards In tJ^ piMt Am years.

The achlovomants of THE AUTOPIANO iMbe It 'TIE PUATKR PIANO of International Diatinetlon.

iiHi cannot afford to buy . layer pluao until run 've Investigated

'ri::: autopiano w# winYOU a Juet alkvwaaee

on yuia ’’blleat’’ Ptaao.

El. M. Smith0«»a«sit« Poataffifae. tt Jattna.

Natweedy xsu puen tbe PteyeePmwe wwi why we reeenMweud tb

t*wea ua tbe tsbot teeubtr In axeanxf feed awe gugsbntae

• •atnew *wiiz ex

The kind that it pays

best tt) buy, will b«? found

at our st«»rr .it prices

that are within the rfach

of all

IMMi. .11

It froB TiiMity

J. M.

C. I). Wooley aad wife JolMis vialtors on Thursdmjr.

A. F. Ryder wm 1b Sastoa*week OB buetBOBa.

W. dmltli aad wife and Mr. Mn. flheriBaB Smith atteoded <MlBton rouBty fair on Thurada>.

Fred U PMmh i uatil Tliuradsy Is

Qslte s aiuaWr 1b this victalty st* tesdBi the ooeaty tair In St. Johns TSsrniny aad FHdny.

Mr. aad Mrs. Pater Pnaa of Fowler. I visited their eoa, Mward Puag. aad IfsiBlly last Saaday.

Mr. sad Mrs. Fred C. Tledi sad irhlldrea. Mias Martha TIedt spaat ,Saadsy erealas with Mr. aad Mrs. HeraMB Mohahe In Sooth Beaanl.

Freak Phylllsare of near (^areoa saeat last Tharaday with Mr. sad Mrs. Bert Slasfneae.

Mr. aad Mrs. Theodore Honp sad sea, Henaaa. Mr. sad Mrs. Henaaa Floater aad soa. Lewis, of Riley rtalt> ed Mr. aad Mrs. Fred C. Pascb last Huaday.

Mr. aad Mrs. Fred Moknke, Mr. sad Mrs. Fred Martin of Soath Beaanl. Mr. and Mrs. Heary Martin aad chlMrea.

were St.! Ors Csboon of Haransr visited rela itlves here a part of last week.

last Rer. and Mrs. A. Ostroth of Owoeso Mr. aad Mrs. Hoary Kruran aad chll- {were puests of I. .N. Kaeple sad family ! dren. Will sad Mlnale Sehrader of

and I a part of last week. ' South Riley, and Mr. and Mrs. Frsdthe I Mr. and Mrs. ('has. H. Tomer and TIedt and Mias Martha TTedt spent

! daughter. Bleanor. Mr. and Mrs Karl Soaday with Mr. aad Mrs. Fred C.Bert Ullhen and wife hare moved j Kirby and son. Ktrard. and Mrs

into roon»o over I’. (’. Beemer's aen- eral store.

Mrs Judd ('or »nd children have re- toraed fmtn St. Johns.

Mr, and Mrs .N'. E Slusser. Mr. and Mrs. J. U. (Sander. Mr and Mrs.Elmer Hofferburf and Mrs. .N'etUe Mell attended the (Tiiistlan church ser­vices at Eureka on Sunday afternwin.

P. T Henneft and family are spend­ing a f,*s weeks h»*r«' with her parent-,Mr. and .Mrs I* (* M••,'m••r

(U<'nn l’e< k of Duplain was h chII* » in town «Mi Tu**Hd«>

H. J. I TTedt all ooralag in their auttw.Turner, all of I>etrolt. vtallad rela-1 School cowimiaalooer Ttieodorr lives and friends here last wooh. ^Townsond visited the Bonk school

l>. M. Kittle and family of Flint via- Monday, ited his brother. Rev. O. M. Kittle. Rev. aad Mrs. Julios Held and chll- here the latter part of last week. dren of Fowler, spent several days

Mrs (ilenn Ihirks Is on the sick ’ with Mrs. Fred L. Pasch this week, list ai this writing. The Hoak school close«l Thursda>

.Mrs. J. Hankey is visiting her duugh- and Friday for the fair, ler. Mrs Kale Seifert, at Mt. Pleasant - _ .

Here are the smartest new Fail

Srib - Ovnrcssb •»l(F»to*2S«

Practically every man that sees them concedes that—and the way they are hurrying out is another proof of their superiority'. Nothin)^ short of tinusual values could have brought such crowds of men and young men to this store as have boen here during the past week. For instance, this week we feature—

at $12 anci $15The season’s newest patterns and models

this w**^kThf llt*.»v|v Family itavi* a tin** ••n*

I* r^Tliiiii' ir n < onin-«'lhui with a t»-m* P‘'rnnri l«-»-i*irf at fh« .\dvcnf IihII Inst '■atiirdnv -111111; to a uimkI i«ir«-il iiu- •IP n« ••

Kiirl Klrt»> U HiMi.dliig ih**

♦ ♦♦ MUST Ml Pl,\l> ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

Howard .itid tihnii ilun:fi>H hav - • r< ii* IldUK liif lath.-r. .1. K Klrlo. 'IsIHiik thi-ir parf-uu a (oiipP ot ;

Ills lioiis*- lM-f«ir* r*-turnliiit 'o uavs during iht- fair Tto-r*- u.-r* ills hom« In n**tro|f alMuit iw«*nt> iciit--is raiiM- to siirpn->'

Tile <’ K tiuHlness .iiid social me« »- them rhiiriuiax loeiUnK at lh« honn oj iiiK «ill Tne. f at Hr 11r< tf<»rv*‘ H'-'i Hi.-lr pareiiitt. Wm IturK'-!- Frlda> ex. iilni; lIv.-rviiiHl) Is rordia’ Th.- (’ K. l onxeiiUuii .it lleinlerNon. 1\ )nvit«-4t to I oim "eKlnuliiK .S.*pt. and lusitng two

.Mr- It M Kltth has ln-en in Detr. It <Imvs. was \er> Hiueessful. There •liirliiK till pa-i we.-k re. elving tr«at- -'ere twenix-iwo from Itiiplaiii. Hire, itieiii for her eyes froiii .Saginaw, five from itwossu. two

Mrs Will tiherlln and i hlldn-n vis- from Eastern two frotii Ituraiid, two tied her parents at laiingshurg last Irom Flint and ope from lleaverlop w.:-!; Miss .Mary llurgess visited t'hurle:*

.1 .1 Keis.r HiifTered a llKht stroK. «<id iHirotha Morriee a few days itof aiMiplexv last .Sunday afternrsin. Hr Knapps of .si Johns where they hut at last rejKirts was resting eom- ar.- rfsimlng and attending st inai! fortahl> and rhiuignt to he icainini; While eoinliiK home from the fair

Ih-rt ':r< n of .Shepard vtsli*d rela- Thursday ex.-nlng an antu struck .Mr H\e her. .(lid ’.n this vlnnltv last .''aninel lloiid'- huRgy Ihrowiiig Mrs week r. >nil out, hilt neither of them wer**

Mr- \dam Itiiss.-ll is on Hw sU’' --rlously injured list if this till,, Mr and Mrs. Murry iTev.-laiid an»‘

Mr .itol ^lr.- J (' Hav and Mr tiid l.iinily hav. moved from iniplain oe •Mrs t’ha« Sorue of I'arland wer - Mr W'illlatti Could - farm, .iiiarter of |

asi of th

Born, to Hugh Hafelin and wifi o”Moiiduv .s.-pi 2Mh. a iluiighter

P t* He«>iiier and fnmily moved t:.',' we..k *0 it;*-!r new home w-htch tl piirch.i e»| ,if I! I' flllhert last May

Miss Tint.- 1-ain • has returned fr<> •Yisting relativ.s in Dliio

It H .-!•• . Tl and family ha\e iiioVi-d into the lioM-' vaeat«-«! bv P C lleemer and family

.X L Sn kel- of Klslf was a htislne-s visitor her* *>11 Tin-sday,

.Mr. and Mrs Murdock of Ox id hav.- rented the t* nant rooms over P (’Beemer s stor* ami are moving In this week

Mrs laivina Mmixer of Ithaca xva«111 town several days this w.-ek

A Siitfin and wife wer* .St lohn- visiiors on Thursday.

The -ugar l»eet weighing stations are all In oiwratlnn here now and beei hauling Is the order of the day for the farmers.

I^ewis Nagel* is lying very ill at thehome of his brother, southwest of gu* ^ts of Mr .md Mrs I W Iiagg* tt a mil town His re(ox**ry is verx doubtful las- Friday

Mr .tiid .Mrs ('has l{orkw«>il and Waiinltu. *)f Merl«- ll*-a* r.

if Mr. .md Mr-

<»ar departBMial I* cwmplHc t« Insnrr every


Wilson Bros.‘The Store for Ond and the Boys*

Ask for Premium Tickets

SEE OUR WINDOWS?St Johns, Michigan


Miss Ethel IleeTiptt return'd to herborne In jUMroit I-Tiday after a w*-«-kv j,j„jThter visit with friend* here.* .-^uiidax guests

As* Bigelow *»f .Ashlex transact'd Hiigueletbusiness hen on Saturday Waddle and famllv visited rel-

H<.ni. to Karl* P* terson .n<i wit*, -in FowN-r Sundavw^nesday. .Sept ; u son .miepar.l vis‘i*-d hi- sis-

Wm. Mrown of Xshl.-y •ransart**! , r. Mr- I-rane Mill. last w. ek hualnes- I'* r*- . n Monds' ^Ir an<l Mrs .\rthiir Hawkins vis-

Mrs A I- Itxder left ii* r* P'l*-uax |,, ,j j.^j. nm Mr ;rn,j Mrs .\ J for H visit with r*-latlv. - in H- tml- n.,r, at W .(-hiiigion C nter S indax and Roiuiiliis -^1^, Floyd ||ill and -*1**

Adam .St*-iii!*>*•-• r .Old wi(* will .vil*-ti, were gu*-sis of tli*-lr uncle, .Ins '.nuvc into th*- hoii-* vacaoul hx 11 !l Hill, near Merle Heach. over Siinda • Hteen- and family Mrs. H. Metzger and daughter. WH-

r A T*»wiisen*l of Ashl* X was In ma. of Washington Center wer* gueststown on tmsin*-a« Mondax of her daughter. .Mr- W'lll Hryani.

A. F. Ryder Is atrendiiic < • irt a- 'a-t -.veekBay t’liy this w*'«*k The X. K. Wash aid society wll^

.ludd t*<»\ .md faiiiilx xx«r* in Klsl* iio-et with Mrs Harold Marnahy, W*-d- OT. Tuesday nesday. Oct M, with a chicken-ple din-1

111 for the past x**-«‘k. Is bette r.Mr and -Mrs C I Itlchnmn.l ;*iul

Mr. and .Mrs t'haiicey Kiehm'iml and ' baby w*-n- In .Maple Hapids Snnda*.

I'aiil S<-liafer and Ivn Slevn- of Mupb- Kupids visited at (’!inrl*-y Fr*-*-li- ' ell's Sunday.

.Mrs. Michael S«-hnelder and .Mrs.( barley Fr*-<-h.-ii were m We-tpha’ln Monday.

Mrs. .Alb-*' Thomps*in an«l ehlhlr*-?' i of latnsing xisiteii relatives in th's| ii'-ighlMirhoxid last w*‘ek.

.Mr- .\ora .M*-sser and son, Oim. •-l*eni Sun«lay x»lth .Mr-. Iliirweli in ,Kss«*\

.Mr C***rg*- Corwin of rft. Johns and Miss .Jessie .McIntyre of (Iraiid la-dg’ xislt*'d .Miss lira**' Corwin Sun,i.iy. 1

.Mr and .Mrs M. M. Messer and Mr I Itoxxell s« hiH.lhons*-, I end .Mrs Caleb Wicks .md daughter.

jlKirotliy. spent Sunday with Mr an** „7ad»' hi .Mrs .\iil<-s Tail, m-ar Maple Rapids

.Mrs John Miller and .Mrs. .N'Ick MU’- *-r visit*-*! Mrs Michael Thiirmlav


Reard-nies fwllewlMr lung illness.

I’ Ii Ki-)*-s passed away Sunday

OwoMso vl*il*-d with .Mrs. t:«*o slee Sunday ufternooti

Th** King’- Heralds m»-t W. dn*-s*lit>’.;ft*moon at 4.'. o’cUs k xxith Mrs. Friday morning for the|r new hornafleriKMin at th* hotii* «if Ills -lsi* r.

.Mrs C K Ja* ksoii, after an lllii*—s of s*-v**ral y**ars xxith jiaralysls .Mr.Key*-s was taken de* bbullx xvors* Sa'- iirday morning ami sti-adlly grew w*-ak*T until th*- en*l «-am*- Sunday af- t**tiHsm H*- was a nativ*- **| .N**w Yorkslat*- tieing »Hirn at H*»II*y. Td years ....................................ago For the past two y* ars he has vlslt.-d with frieii*'

Ralph Aiiltiiian of lain.-dng att'-rnleu the V*KJrh***-s-Sciiaflrer wedding In Ovid last Wedn**-day

K. I Ib-elH- of Iretrolt has been .i-- iting xvith lith family In Ovid a siior* tim*-

•Mrs I .I .Sag*' r*-turii*'»l h**iu*' •'10.i; Peiimkey Thursday, .if ter spaii'ling several weeks there.

-Mr and Mrs ll*nry .SmIHi spent s' V- *'ral days in St .lohns last w«-ek

Rex an«l -Mrs. Ia>iiis lleiaimarter leftIn

♦ ♦♦ BEST I.EIUMIX ♦♦ ♦

islt-.MIs- Ruth Flslwr *>f SI. .I**h! s • *1 r* lailx*-s h**r* over;

Mr and Mrs Will W*Ti;*-r sp**iu 1.1-t Fridax in Westphaliu

A large niimher from thl- iieigh'Nir- 1i<hm1 ,«lt*‘nd*-«l th* St w •-.-k

Mr and .Mrs ll«-iiry drill and chll- lavnsing Saturday and visited the M. <lren of Hiihhardston spent .Siind.iv .A. C with Mr and Mrs la*xi Mesacr

Addison Frank visited relnMv*u* In

lion* xxith his sister. Mrs.C K. Jackson, who with H II Keyes ot St .b'lins ami several other r*-la-

S< hn«-blcr j .j,.,. nioum his loss The' reiiiains wer*- tak*-ii to Holb y. ,N' V

Mr. and Mrs .H-ssb- Hal*-of Vlck**ry-1 .Momlay ext-nlng for burial ville s|*ent last Friday with Mr. ami -------Mrs. I»e«i Hale. HnMMW Reels. . , ,4

1.-- 11..1 ......* ... 4’..r.u.n <..* . . . icr. Kiiiily, attendexl th* fairMr- !»eo Hal* W*iit to (arson S.i -j r* gular m*-etliig of Hi* '*'1.1,,^^. Thurs4lav afierntsm urduy Her IHtb- nephew, t layion i;i-j,|,u,. uRl Im- hehl Friday afiern*»*>n,M*-nJamlii, remrii***! with her. (lctob«*r 'Mh. at T.lHi o'clock, standard

Hilisdai*-Miss*— M;:d*-lin< .md Horcas R|. • of

iiwt.aao visll*'»l a tth*- hoin<- of .X’r V. W Jenks lust W'dnesday.

\lrs Claude Hi* i»k of Alma has '.-. t: .1 gii*-t at th*- hom* of Mr and Mr-

K.-nnefh CuH.-r at-.l •>“'<‘'l h V..ungF d ( ampie-|| x isii*'il frl* luls m

(IXX0--0 Tliiirsday.I. T .-!»orr* r w«*nt to C.raiid Rupi.'-

011 liiisin*--s Thursday.■Mr- F .A .Marshall liaa been xislltn.:

halaoii Swarlliout-Mr. and .Mrs (:*-org« Higler or Trav­

erse City were gii«*sis of .Mr. and .Mr* Almond Jolly over Sunday.

.Mrs I) latmb of (Iwoss*! was m (lxId culler .Sunday.

Mr. and .Mrs

III (lx Id .SaturdayMiss .Mabel Jenks of tlwoas** xislt*-d

at her hom*- in Ovid th*- latter part o'the xx'eek

day lord tlb asuti of lamsing B|M-Tit with Hr and .Mrs. Walter Taylor it Satiirdax and Sumlay at his hom*- In P*vH* rvll|* for s«*veral days Ovid -Mr ..nd .Mrs Joseph Young w»*r. t

Hr and Mrs H I. Hates .ind daueh- -St John- Fridax atc-ndliig the fair111 .-j| R. H .Atkinson of drand R.i.u -

sp* nt S nday at tin home of Hi a id llert .Stull has inox.-d his family b* -Mrs J. T. .Abbott.

lAnia. xxher*- he I* cftnducHiig a bla* k -'Ir. and .Mrs. Elmer Vantlllder irln«heTano'rwV. ranged Hiulth shop in luirtnerahlp wRh Harold lamsing visited relatives In Ovid Sv-

loliDs fair last l*-d by .Mrs. Patrb-k (tallngher and follows; Roll call of olllcer* will (ivVrisons *if Hengal. made an auto trip to reaiKwided to by **a»-h naming

founder or (-arly worker in the drnnge;

l-jtiislng last w*-*‘k

, , , , opening -ong by (.range; selection on ,Mrs .Nancy Brooks wishes to thank ^r,ph„ne: 'Which will bring thei***'®. .. ..

her mail) friends who remembered her j.^geet dividend for money investerl. V^ J*

urday and Sunday.L J. Ikiyd Is inoxlng his family to

Ills farm nonh of town. Alfred Jones will occupy the Boyd pro|>erix or*

Hunter was in St. Johns >'H'eet. which he reeeniB uur-

Mrs PTnnk Remaly and children hav*- lieeii visiting relatives In HIIH-

wlih <*ards on her birthday. Sh«- was ^ herd of rattle or a dairy herd.Miss Knima HiifTcr was in Ionia last eighty years old Sunday, hut her Jolly

on business Thursday.Mr. and Mrs Bert YanlAeiisen at-

chase*!.Roy .Slone ul .Saginaw visited re;..-

Tu*-sday dls|»osltlon makes her seem much reading by Mrs. Harley Hubbard;'"*"***^ Thursday.; tives in (Bid th« first of the week.Mrs. Calvin Henjamin. who has been y.mnger. She received seventy card?. jon *m graphon* ; "Which is the

better for Wheat. Iione or acid pho^>

Harold Flucke


Many New Winter CoatsOn sale every day at from $€.S0

to $15.00. ■r

Modish Skirts and Wmsts prices that will sait you.


of lauismg visltrd Lloyd .Siowell Is acting as 'naiing- r with his parents. .Mr. and Mrs A. K. for tb*- tivid branch of the Eckenberg

.. ........ .. Flucke. .Saiiirdav and .Sunday. iConipany. Frank Breen, the form-rphate by Kniory Marren; \Mtli the Hazle of She|»- manager, resigned last week,outlook for the future and . ardsville were Ovid callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs Arthur Treat and -o?..prices would it be adviaable to lii- Wallers of Hetroll visited with Stanley. w*-re caller- In St. Johns *inecrease the f1m-K_of_sheep? «Rw'••jelon | p^^

from one of country. By

These garments come the best makers in the making a large purchase we were able TO get a special concession from the price they were made to sell lor. Therefore we are able to offer these latest models at such low prices.-All we ask is that you give us a chance to show you our splendid line before you buy. Ask to see these garments.n e wtsh fo dtilyttur iiitfftnftfi tu out' mw lint’of MiHinet'v,

I'ini ni’U’ s/ii/fifi, from to $ f.t/S


I*-*! by (IfMirgc Hathaway and Albert M'nrr*-n: select r*‘aditig. Mrs Ed Vln- r*-tit, ' The names of som*- iioletl w<*- meii and why they ar*- noted.” Mr- E E Warren, Mrs XV«a»dworth and Mrs (;*-org«- Smith; dialogue by Misses Ver­na and Marx N'ours*-; selection by gr:x- phone

Mr .tnd .Mrs W .1 .Martin and fam­ily werevislior- In tlwoaso Fridavevening.

Mr. and .Mrs. .1. E. Cerow. HonalJ Hathaway. Ijiwrence Storrer .md Charles lleebe attended the Fr*-shman Rush at M. A. C. Seturdav.

MIsa Thelma Valentin*- of IIw<«bso was the guest of Miss Vera Smith *»ver Sunday

Thomas .Marvin s|»ent Sunday ani .Mondav with .Arthur Marvin at Elm Hall.

Hart H<M»ker went to Hetmlt last wt^ek where he has accepted a |>osi‘ Bon.

Mr and Mrs Havid Allen of lAe- trolt have Iteen the giieats of Mr. and Mra. W. R. Shaw for aeveral days

E. T May of St Johns was In flvld on V AI. C. A. business Wednesday .md Thursday

jMirt of the w<-ek.•Mr. and .Mrs. F. 1) Fox wer*- caller-

lii St. Johns ThursdayFloyd .Squler, Honald Edauti an*l

Earl I’ayne were callers in St Johns Thursday.

.Mrs. t> B Campbell was a culler in Hetrvdt on business several days last week

Willard Jolly of .St Johns vlslte*! friends in tivui om- <lay last week. '

Mrs Floyd Blair of Owosaii was a caller on friends In Hvld last Wednes- ; day afternoon.

Mrs James W'todw.irth and mother.' •Mrs Wright. s|»ent last Thursday with ' Mr .md Mrs Ia*on .Miner in Hwoaao.

Mr. and Mrs .All»ert (Iroat vlslte*! relatives In l*ontls« the latter part of the week.

.Mr and Mrs. Cunts Simmons ar*' visiting with friends near Vlt Clemens for several days

.Miss Iva Hoe went to .Midland last w**ek. where she will remain Indefin­itely.

•Mr. and .Mr* Havid Allen of Hetroll and .Mr. and Mra. W R. Bhaw attend­ed the (Tlnton county fair at 8t. John' NV*‘dnes4lay.

.Alias Hazel Kelly and Jay V'oorhees Arthur O’Conner of Detroit called rallers in lamsing last Wednea- ;

Airs Han>ld Hume .md daughter. I'atricla. of Owivsa** v|s|i**d at the home of her parents. Air. and Mrs. E !> Heebe, AA'edBesday.

Miss Ruth Hemingway retiimetl 'o her home at I-ak** Orion Saturlav

(Continued on last page.)

on friends In Ovid Friday.Frank Smith liaa piirchaaed a new

Studebaher car.F. A. Maratiall visited with Hr. and '

Mrs. Walter Taylor In l•nt^er▼llle Mon­day and Tiieaday.

Mr. and Mrs. John .Myers of Battle ( reek have been vlating relatives in 1 Ovid aad vicinity for a short time.

F. W. Redfem of .St. Johns ritited ' at the home of his «on. Hcott Hedfem, Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Armour of Brand Hapids were giieats of fTiends , in Ovid the latter luirt of the week

A. H. Speller of Freemont. Ohio, la > visiting with Ilia brother. John Spell-1 er. for aeveral days.

H W PVrgnaon of Owosao called on : Ovid friends Saturdav evening

Mrs Henry Waite visited with her brother In Ihiplain the last of th-- w«'«k.

Mr. ami Airs John Oberlin of Fontia* visited friends In Ovid last week

Airs, (ieorge Klasalev wna a caller In OwosMi one day last week.

Mr and Mra l^>on Woodworth and family aad attende*! the fair at St. Jolins Friday.

Rev. (}, H. Peters gave an address [ on -’Cliiiallaa kklncatlon'* at the Fr'-ei] MathodMi church Monday evealag

Mra Kudora Brynoa aad daaahtct. Nona. Mlae .Newcome and Mr. Wloe off

day.E I). Beebe, (ieorge Rohaou. Ijiw-

rence Storrer and Charles Beeb*- were In St. Johns Friday.


\Vc buy and |i:iy the hikThcsi market jirirc

ffir .A I dairy butter .inti fresh e<r)^s.

Hnth Ph«»nes (»el



(Theap §9e m • poor iavettoMaL Tkefc't piMly ol it on iIm Don't bny it Whnl's the me ol ^laiiint • food

urilk widqr>w«hy iMi dial ItanM a t—cMy tmle in iko ■di ad hnrmi the ajmeni? We mI only food eoia ll*• diMpefI in the end beoanie it fivet

Emythinf lor yon in ini clan


Airs M U. Vanli«*us*‘n of JniinM, %aK u Kiiost in town

Mr and Mrs IfuKh IIm1« e'lilertnin- • il a famil> |»urt> of flv«- on Hiinf1a>

<'lur<- tiM*' r>-i-i-ivii| notlr<‘that h* has |»ass<-(1 tin t'Ivtl S**r\U‘«* t'xaminallnii

Tli«' S4 h«Hil tH-ll raiia a Mf|«onii round Monda> aftt-r tin- two wit'kr fiifop •tl varaltnn Onr -rhaMil Is Iihi is«'fnl iinal* r prfs.-nt «ondttions to l»< villini;l> ^|iar«Hl

Mr and Mr> S|M*rlM-<’k ••ni«-ria;i!-*hJ th« lr dauKhtor, Miilix an«i hiishand = <f llhaa.i, o\fr ftif wtH-k-a'lid

Mrt Kdlih S< htnidl has r' ltirna >1 Iron, a fHai a•••■k^ vlalf to h«-r tirolh « r - It. I >♦ troll

■\'»'r> sliirhil> and sIomIx am ’ha'.am th* Ijiia*si r<-|Kir' froni i’hu» -rn.; IT' fraaiii Ills iiinma-r haniat- na-ar

•• ta.^n. \Mr Ita laa a kali N\ <trn*T spa-nt la«l • A th ii»-r ’< r Mr TvhlisMr anal Mr- I It l»aiwna\ mi

Bett^KscoiisBakedYon never tasteddaintier. Iitfhtrr, HnfRer laseukU Ilian ttuiae iMknl with Calumet. They’re al.vayi IfiNai dtlicioHt,For CaluiiK't ill* aum |icrl’ect liakinj;.

RECnVEDmcMDTAWAlOSytrntU* rmm4



dauchtrr. Meriuni, apr-nt thr week- awid at Wrnon.

The M. K. (* ladle* and their fain- I lie* surprised C. M. Sheldon Wed- neadax, the urraslon helnc the birtli*

Ide) a»r hiniM'lf and one aif the guests. I Mrs. Rose Hleks.' Mr, and Mrs. Wllhnr .N'tirrls of Crand Rapids were giia'sis of relatlv«*«a hera- aiva*r the we«-k*eiid

I Ue\ anal .Mrs XVIlka'nsoii aif tlw.M K rhiirrh were aiiesls aif Mr. and .Mrs Milan Kiiiinons Saturday

Mr. and .Mrs Frank Clement an .«» Ml t'|eina*ns where Mr CIi*inent h lakinte nl•‘ali< al tn-alment

.\nhr»’> Shadaltni »pa-nl Sunday at Ml IMaasant

Mrs .\ K Caihh Is a»n tha* sick INt,‘ \ K Cadala .iltd I \ \VatS«»n WaTO

III t'hapln aaii hiislna s> am Sumla.v i;a*rn taa Mr anal Mrs Riidol|ih

Ta-thal. ain Frid.av • an x innindlaai>

Mrs Cairn, ll an v .iiiaaraisai Ind.. Is visitini; InT hraitha-r. Warram TaMiipla

Samuel |(nn\Hn a. la *iraiisl his sist hirthalax last k>idn\ hy ..ntertatniiiK

’.A r*.lallvi- Maal a- h« Is alTa-«-.tionala lx a .ali'sl lix hls (n.-tid.- s.»\s ha is naal olal v.-l h<- inta-nal- taa llvaimlll !la is

Mr- laihn frainar ; .ml. rialnlnt:an a nt from n’-tiIi .*t ar

Mr- liaaal IVit:- ra' fraiii Vri ■n.i ,i«t Frial.a>Tl.ra na*w n.i-nilai r- ol '‘’.r t'ai".

main Co ;iia 11 ara Ktilni: »<• i«ii in el- tn. llitht-- It: iha- fntura

Mr- .la-sa Main* r 'iia i xitli .i l*ati' f 1 .11-1 Ilia nf last Frida' drixti.uinto aliairca- Mai-t' Tin- InntS'laiixht tree throwin* to r In sna h .i mannaT .as to hra.i*k ImiiIi arms .mil tha- lior-a traiindeai on ha-r InfllrtMiK a Ions ila-a-p I'lit In ha-r U-k

Mr- Mvrtia- Tlllo'«"n Is .issiaatin.;Miss Kn ,1 th. Ilaiiken- i la-Xala r

It Is ra-|aiirtasl that ox.t <2ts' -xa- lak.n fro. Fl- ie r-lii/an a» tha i-onn- l> fair hy pla'k*|Hskeis last wa.ek Richard Firieel re|Mirts tha- loss »fH.'a.oai

Ma-salaija-s Xniia Kuiniuad and <» liixraa-tii and Dewex Clark ara- i-on- x alesf a-nt tr»»m ra’ca-nt Illness

Mr and Mrs Mark laeMnnyon "t llwiissai. w.-ra. Xllests aif Mrs Malld Cli'XlfixaT last XX'a.alna*sila>

Mr anal Mrs tleai Hurt are vlsltmx relatlxa— tti ttaklatiil o»Minty

la-ssa IIhII has piirrha-aMl a lari?' fartii in ttaklatid I'ountx

Frank Sawver Itas piirrhasaM .i Foral a ar

Mr Thai- .Sii.-llliiK was In Fliishmi:ii'l h* r al.iuxhia.r. Mrs X’a—

ra 1 as|M-i retiirna'ai horn*- with ha‘r Mrs Frank c.nniher aif Carson C»a-,

was a est of her pan-nts. .Mr ainl XIrs X C ARaanxh the firs’ of Co Wa-a.k

Mr Real was u Kuest of Mrs Ma Kax It llhaia on .stalnralny

xtr .-tiiwxiT of Crand lailue tratisai t|nx in this via-tni'x

Mrr CeceliM Collins was a wi-ek ■ ital ittia-si alt villaae fiiends

Hama N.iinri- -iiillaKl and h•■l|l♦’^l to lirmx aini an imustiallv laraa a onxri Kattotl at tile first -a-rvlae Iasi ll> tpi iia-w luistiir Ust .>xiinilax tnornlnx

XIrs Xlahala Itraal-haw is verx isior I;. at this Aritinx

i:ien .Aaldlson ; the new apiira-titie.- a; III. Allen je>x.-lrx stair.-

i: K .'ilia IliiiK Is wadah-masta r n tha las al Station aif th. .Alma Hnx’ir ( *11

IS aiiiaanK th*. all*Uttla lainis. Iinx

Mr? M I lallor iRad at her h«ini. near tha Colon) Thursala.x asawl M Fiina-ral .it XI K church on Salurday, ItiirlMl at InipUin cemelerx

Sxallia-' .'taiuira's l»f Cwossai Was -11 taiwr on Fiidax

A purtndRi fla-w .iKatnst one ol J A llrandaii s larx* shaiw wlndtiws, Frida), with such force .is to tireak



Th* •liehy. CamwH«IUia Mms Hm im BaMad In Lampa. Waahad Oawn

WiMi Sau^^Whan AHawtad «a Bland and liardan II la Uaad Far Bnllala.

Dnmbajr. tha uallMiai dlah of Ld- barta. la one of tha wroHd's gnatro nanilc wundara. If allowed to ataod long aflar halag prepared for tha tnhla it baaoMMa varj hard, tirohao plaeaa of it balag a fhrorfta kind of ahot for naa to tha lang omasla kiadliig guna of tho nailTan A cnalag of dumtior la alao uaad to atlffaa tha laathor ahaathe of tha natlTa awarda and hnliraa. accord- tag to U. N. ColHao la a romaiaalca thw to tha Watlanal Uaogniphic oodaty at Waahingtoa.

*’To attanpt tho deactipcton of aair aaom food la llha attaapUag to da* oerlha a huidoaope.” wrltaa kir. Col

**Ttia coootttoaot paito oaif ba da- aerlbad and tha maanar la wbleb tbay ora combtood. but It raqatroe souae tblag mora than accurate deociiptloB to reprodnea tha aaaaatloo of tha orlgl- aal. Tha prtactpal tagrodlaot of dnia* boj Is caaaora. or caaaoda.* aa it la callad la Ldbarta. Tha adible roota of

I this plaat ara tha aourre of tapioca ' aod some forma of sago.

’*Tt> pre|u«rv the routs fur .lumiKxy tbex sr«* I’eeied. troUed anti all fll.ers

' iroiii Ihe center removed The a-amkeal roots are then placeal In a larve tvotsl eu mortar aud beaten xxliu u henxy (lestle 'rata tieatlOK rts|iiirea cousUl emlilv skill and exiwrience In llae

( bauds of a novk-v Ibe rt^aull Is iuinpy and Inedible.

"Tbe beatlnK requires als.iit three quarters of nu hour anil is harxl work As tbe liealeii iua«s lieconies hou.o geneaitis the |»es|it. praNtua-es a '.uud crack each time It Is alnixrn from the mortar. Tbewe sharp re|M.rts a an I* lieanl loiij; dlalMiices Ihrout’h the for- eet nnal are verx xvekxiine sa.und* at Ibe a.nal of n day's jaiiiniex

’’XX'beii tbe diiiiilsi) reaches Ibl*, atnxe the o|ierator ni.ix

injury to the piataiu. i. l>e(itliix Is carriisl pit-i must ii«f mpltllx coiiip alltllllMiX |.|||ell at aim a- I It Is aciualtx alanxc’xa'i* t>o) that has stassl ta-- fexx iiiinntes after It I' •

".\.s sasin as the Ih- . the iluuilsty is taken fr and plaa-etl In iIh* sp tsau U The nutixe Uia' i the entire a|uantllx In from xvtna-h all the pan sa-r- a-at. It ilixiiletl the itistomarx p- tl.iii fa r each (terson Is n piece alHmi Mae s le of an ordinary !o«tf a»f hreail

saallp x» lip-li Ums • . ell pi epJira d while the alnmlsay x«us I- nc I a-siti.u I- iiaaxx |smrtsl mil) a*uch I- srtsit vurlity in the parts most ot the tasp There Is always a sIim k of meat. This m.iy lie • deer, llah. monkey oi Iteef To this are atlilaal tables ns can be ubialiia «l

**Aa noon a* tbe soui s aiideil tbe dumtHiy la ready to u eaten, and. while the Injrrtdlerils .u.. suroewbnt bizarre, tbe methid ol . itini; strikes tbe traveler a* e«en m rr startling Tbe mans of dumlauy. xx hicb rnn best be ilesK-iibed aa a stlikx lioiiirb. will adhere liisbintly to anxi ■’ dry. but Is readily cut with a w.- -.n Iftbe a|ioun I* kept ma>ls| xxii .

■’.Xii Increallbly Inrua. pi. •. i- it cfT with ilir moisteiMsI «|N*.t n upwith n a|Uailllty of sa.Up .u.a. - . ..a.wi-alwhole .Vo oue thinks ot cIk-xx ;up jt. tiiial It Is <-us|oniary to caiilli'n tie n<-x Ice by tales of the frlirlitfui ois-rat;. n liai'essary to m’purute the Jaws once Ihe teeth are buriet: in the sticky mass

•*.\s might •■e a.X|>ea-ieai. few Kuris peons like iIuiiiIm.x ..n nr*t arqualn laiire. nnd with sam e the Initial dis­taste prevents furtliei e\|erimeuU. If a second of tiilral Nltempt Is made, however, aiwl tlie illsli tuis tieen prole

, eri> pretwrtd. the loala t is usnally formrai. ami before lonx every n.gbt a|ieut ill the bush wRhauit a meal of duDiboy Is rsiuutetl a privation. Among the while residents of IJIaer'i fontl- ueoa for tbe dish amounts alnax>st to a cult It la regardetl as a son of guar*

' anty llial one's tenderfoot days are oeer.'*



H\%H imiLHiiiMKyT «»rn'fM'LB rMI*f*LK I’flLLIfie.

As to the silk Industry. Mr. Rlrbard* son says there Is no dllkruHv In get­ting all the silk required. The dye

. pro|Mjaition Ik uot bothering either. 'The a»nly difference between comll* tloiis now and urrilnailly Is that there Is more economy In -lotng dye aiufTs None la waaled.


iWKXKfiail PfITATMHit TB BK I HBirr l5fTB M. Sfl’MIUAN

Cadlllnc -in a abort time three po- iLnto a*xperis from M. A. (!. will ccune

Kast loinalng In hts annual report to the slate board of agrlruRure, which he will preaeni at the meeting in tie-i. ... , .tober. rresldent J. U Snyder of the V"**"*^ •*^.**"Michigan Agricultural college, gives ronalderable apace to the englneerlag depanmeut. which baa been tbe ob|*ct of much crillclam re- €*enfly.

quantity of the llae potatoes grown In this re^oa. The potatoas will be aant

me oerenae oi rouatlea of aoalhem MIchlgaalo be used as aeed polatoea. Southern Michigan farmers are having trouble this year with dlaeaaed potatoes aad

He maintains the enctneerlng de- ■ |, because the tubers In this vldnlty partmenf cannot he ahollabed becai^ diaaaae that the Ag-of certain reatrlctlon* placed oa tbe . rtcnltural college aatboiitiea are to ae- college by the I’nlted States Sovnra*||^t |||e aeed from XVexford cHwiBty.meat. If the laalltnllon la lo receive! ____federal aid. He alao aoaerta Ihe abol- Isbmeat of tbe departamot would crip­ple tbe agrtruttural conrae. The ag- rtcultural students, he stales, have to



Marshall------Farm land in lose town- *— .K.. •*** soaring Saturday when coaluse the equipment and take Instruc- ^ _____^ '»'•» discovered on Hiram Sandburg s

Ikat h bee tolheieaBmlhe


SI a

■ Itimut t t* the

•' int ItI the

. . I S HIlV.O eul duui

:ii)ir«- tliiiti a liena IS fm.'liexl :i the m«>rtnr:1*XX W|M.<l.-n• I I) to place

i* latpe Is.ui.

tlon In many branches of tbe engin­eering department, and If the depart­ment were lo be abollahed, such branches as physics, surveying, draw. Ing and shopwork would have to be continued for the agricultural coarae The expenaa- of this would t»e nearly aa

I great as one-ihird the cost of con- I ducting of the engineering course, he says.

I in regard to the rollegf-, duplicating Ih* work don*, at the I', of M., If iiiNinuins Ih*. engineering deiwrt- iii* nth. Ill iHitli iiisiltuttons ar>- crowd- **d. and •MIX* If the M. A, <1. depart- Tiu-nf w*-r*- r*‘mf*v**d to .Xnn Artuir th* stall- would he pul to gr«*at expens*- to erect new huildings

MnDMOBHi NUmiES Fom Hen YPSiLiiiiTi


Ypsilaiitl Frank J rtuggitt, aged 21 x«-ar*. •»! this cltx whl)*- ruling a ‘imiort-yrl*- was seruuisly lnjur*-«l?.etw*-eti Slu'hloii .iiid iJenton. when he co|lid**<l with all aiitoiiioliti*’ H* sus- taliieil a eompoulwt fmi-titre of the 1* ft leg III- xvHs nislie*! »o ih«- I’nlver- • Ry hospiial, al Xiiii .\rl*or. wher* hl> oQdIttoii was said 'o 1>*- crtlicnl

The -aaille .lUloUlolule •Aiih Mr iiid Mr- XXild

ho w*-r*- elos*. behind m**torryr|i Th*-x x.-r*njur*-*!

Th. auloiiioitll)'. It is iimnmg wlihoui lig (». an<l in*i*-ad nf aiding th* injur*-*! per-ons. thos* nTl*. maehin*- hurri*-«l away, after re- -noxitig th* liccns* tag ami th* **ngini-;iimil*er

A tester for fit*, loiieral Motors c»in - .«n\ : roiight th*- injured |•.‘rsoIls h*-r«.

! fanii. where a well ia being driven. The I well had reached a depth of 16 feet whea hard rock was encountered. At 21 feel the |iolnt was pulled oat and foiiad to b*- covered with pleeea of a gfiod quality of s«dt coal of the West, Virginia kind. Samples will at once be sent to the Houghtoa Slate School of .Mines for analywis.

also eollideii ■ «if this cltx .''Uggitt oil I n«if seriously

.illeged. was

XXI Tl.* rc Is wtiun Ini

to the d'sh. • f some form I her chicken, .•veu canntsi -« many vege


MHNKOi; H«»V KKM.IHIIKIl KOItwxxim; ihki. kk»b i.ivi: wihk.

M«»nr«* Al a rally -lax service .i»


Constantine Tlie rich farm lands lying tn the north and west of Con* siantin*. iu-longlng to J, Mark Sarvey. I* being lainverfed Into a celery farm. Here "Kalainaz«N)" celery Is to he rniseft In large quaiititlea and export­ed to the markets in the east. XVhen the work is well underway there will Ih- quit* a colony of Hollanders who jMtrtlrularly well understand the rais­ing of celery .Already six houses ar*- In pr«>resi- of construction and hy *-arl> spring will be ready f*ir fh*- men with th*lr tanillle-

♦ ♦♦ Xl.M XKII L.lkF ♦♦ ♦

Horn, to .Mr and XIrs. Albert I’hln n*-y, an --ll. daughl.-r, 0<-tob«-r Mh

R*»lM>rT .\orrl- *|*etit Sunday with Rax Voting III ••asl Dewitt.

Mr and XIrs Frank laH'h*-r and fam­ily -Item Sunday with Mr .tnd .Mr- Farl Craiiiplon in Mlngham.

Mr and .Mr- XX'III <'«H»k of Rlxcrdale xialted Mr and Mr- John law her from Thursday until .Saturday.

Mr and Mrs Charles Col* of l«un- -mg spent Sunday with XIr an«l Mr« .Xlbert .Martzk*' and family

Mr and Mr- T Maxion of Jacks«tn ar* visiting .XIr and Mrs Krnle Holley and family.

'>tr and XIrs Fr*d Huot and s«»n. latxxrenr* . spent .Sunday filth Mr and .XIrs Marry Moles in Iodising

Frank King and daughter. Myrl, nt XX'atertowti t*i<»k illnner with (leorg*- Hrown and family .Sunday

Frank MiifTnian and mother spent Sunday with .Mr and Mrs Monro*- Col** in Dewitt

Xllsses liessu Slampfly and Kthel Saolt ot liewiti s|H*nt Thurs«lax night with .Xliss XX'nunita Hockw*.n

.XIIss ii*-nrude M«>w-*- of (Mlv** Center s|>eiit the week-end with Mr and Mrs

U Reynolds and faiiilly. and aeom-

I get Ike rliBl hbS

•db ooIt the bed grade ef geaefiee. It gives fel aeee-

The price dtergsd is as lew as

____lie.Oar gasoline wtU ran year car

farther ud coat yoo leas in tbs end.

Test it


MlgHmas Bt. Wms Bt. JoKa»e. Ml«lk


means honestv, GomJ ^ servicT — honesty — is the

keynote of all hii.sincM.Th«‘ butcher xvlu» short \vrigh.i

you. xvho ovorrharecs yon. xvim four flu.shfs .on ({mtlity, is jfivtnu crooke*! siervicc. H***s .•us (ii.shon- ost us tin* man who skips town without puyinp his hill.

Straipht service is the braml you’ll ipet here — none other. We’re in busincs.s to *^t your tnule .iiul keep it. Our meat .int! our methiMi.s xvill please y*»ii.



th* Kvaugelieal church lier*' uwlay. *Hex K C. Frye, th* luistor. presented ‘•‘••ni on an auto trip ta* t.randHalpli R e.rsesstey, eight years *>ld. nieml*er *if th** Sunday schooi. the hero

la*dg* Sunday thuilr*’sses «iutside and heavy beams sir* et They will reside with his grand-■Mr and .Mr** James Clayton and .Mr. inside A lower T*t feet high was i*arenis. Dr and Mrs XX' A. Davis, on

nodal awanle*! him by th** Ralaiun **•’** (;**<»rge Drown and daughter. Imllt on th** Miuthwesi corner, but It west Front streetla>uls.I'lirlna hen* *-*»muitssb*ii of .St

MoXX'hll*. walking along the atr*et

\ g ist 13 (;ra*-s-|e\ -*a'x .XInrgarct■ r.eiiing '. y*-ar- old. |iIck up a llv*-

e|j tru light wlr<- Jtystan<l**rs w*-r«- *t<*iiisli***l when th.- lad rush*wl up.. ,/* il her hy tin- gartr- nt* aiol pull*.*!*' D-’^'o tion uud*.m.i.**llx save*l her *•( >««»« |.eople fr..m XVaterlown w*-re '.f* Tb* girl was »*.v. rely hiirn**d

Margaret, at* nd*-<l the funeral of Mr .•Aeth Hunt. h*-ld at his home in lliiig- ham Sunday

XIr .iiid .XIrs .Mark Mill enterialiie*! Mrs IJhhle H*etl of west tRIvi- XX'**«1- nesday and Mr and Mrs J«»hn .N'orrin and Mrs Minnie Mall of south Dllv.* XX'*.dnesdax evening

XX'lllts Muni of lotnsing and a partx

ram*- down at the time of the great earihiiuake In 1;«*h;



the large i*aii* its **wn n**ck ln-ur**«l

Ilf gia*?s as well as Th*- giaos was par*!)

riirclt Kidarx I rwaMr al iNm*c.There is such readx action In Foley

Kldn*> I’llls, xou f**ei their hcalina from th-- verr flrst d<»se. Ilarka* he, weak, -ore kidneys, painful blaaider and lrr**guiar action disappear with their use ti Calmer, flreeii Hav. \V|s itaya 'My wife Is rapidly re- (overlng her health and strength, du*- solely to Foley Kidney |>|||s " And XX' T Mulehea* .\lr»b»lson. rja. «avs. Just a few i|€»se- mad*- me fee| bet

ler. and no** my (tains and rheuma tism arc all gone and I sl*ta*p all night long. VanRIckIc A llaaple ladx t

l» XITIM*.ttx • ba* M Armstrong

In ten** expetianc). we waP F*ir new* of the awful fate t»f thousands of *wir fellnwmeu In the inhuman grip of XA'ar. Tho«isands ar*- lighting, dying, Trampllag each in others gore The ohferi sad motive for It all.Is the iiaholT avarirt- of Dreed. Dalaed only hy Ilealh and Fall.

Curvature at tha Bartt*The earth's carvature Is very nearly

eight Inchee for tbe Arst mile, thirty- two for Ibr secoad seventv-two for the thinl. I2h for tbe fourth, sod so on. loiw: Carvature of tbe earth's siirfscv on a true plane at sea level la close to the iirralnct of right inches muitlpIlMl bv Ihe square of the nnm

, her ref»rew4-nHng nllea Thus 1191 ' e«)ual* eight multiplied hv four equar- i ed. e*iuals eight roultiplle*! by sixteen

— New York Journal

AffaMe Felha."Roaton iwufUe are migtitv nice to

book agents '***Do(«l custiMneTs. eliT■•Noi sn much Ih^t Thex re r» a«l all

!be l«**oks III tbe work! H*il they re si arsys willing to dl*ciiws em with )*'U '— loHilsville Courier JiMimsI

Thou moat aMMint op or •ink dewn. moat rate and win or serve and «e. osHfe* at triomph. be anvil or i.ais. mee tlaetbe


EUflOPEM m WILL ffi 1ELP TO BELDHIDihimxichmin hii.k id. rti HANr* rxiTI’Hi: I'MtM'Ml'TIMi cdtthn.

H*lUliig D*-**rg*- !’ Rtrhards«*n of :.;cagu. h**a«l of th* U;* hardson Hllk

ompany. was in the Ify last we«*k working *>iit an i*l*-.> ahlrh will re- -ilt :n Ih* eiiipio)inent of a goo*ll> numb*-r of additional •»i*er*tnrs In th* Kirtiardson eontpaiiv's mills her*

C S|(wuldlng «>f Itetroll. on** of the Arm of the Moladax laiiuhcr Cnniiuinv. was ill town SalunlaX

•Mr. and Mn* Cotlelh xiaier w.-nt to Ionia .*taturda> evening

.M**rle loinre of lh*‘ I.. H C was Arthur XX'vekoff of .St. Johns and home Saturday ami ..sundny

and XIrs lauii* .Myers and -on. Jam*** XX'nghi and family will in«ive

entertained at t;*orge Mmwn s Thur day evening

•XIr and Mrs tSeorg*- M>*rs ent*-r tallied Mrs (b-org** F*»ereh and gr.ind- daughter Ruth Marshall and .XIr an*l Mr Mr

A sad areldeni *»reurr*sl Friday morning aiHuil •■Ight orlo<'k In tbe J*’nnl*- *ir*HM sewers, when .N'elaon Rolieris of louising lost his life while at work twenty-two feet Ih>Iow the sitr- fare. hy the Itanks raving In u|kmi him. d<*alh l>e|iig instant»n*H>iis

Jay Tlnkhani ha- purrhase«| th* Manly pni|N-rt> anti Is hnxing the house* rem«*de|e«l

James XX'iiinle, Hoy .XIcCulcheoo. Ro!>*-rt Ksler. Dewx llattimond and XIrs MullH-rt an- ••ach building new houses

Mop rTh.-y

w*e Fortyhung on

Rreneliial I 'tHail winter if

Havmond. of M* rl*- liearh. Sunday to M«>we|| this we..k. wh*-r*- Xtr XX’rtght <-heeketl. and (»ave the way for scr- •Mr and Mrs Carl .Staub enlertain..<i has a |M>sit|oii ;ii the I’ M. <|e(Hd lous throat and lung diseaaes Del a

Mr and .Mrs l>-on .Salisbury and fain- XIrs Amy XX'ells will «|ietid the win- Imtlle of Foley's Himey and Tar Com- llx and Mr and XIrs Judd XVillson and tor with friends in .Alma. isiund. and take it freely. .Stof>afamily of near Fowler. .Sunriav

.Mr and .Mrs C T Roekw*dl and liaughter. XX'aiitiita. iuntnr»d to KIs*** Sunday and calletl on Mr and Mrs Ia>wls Muguelet In Kureka

XIr and Mrs J I* Muot and Me and .Mrs Fr***! Miioi entertain*^! Mr

•XIr ami XIrs M**nry Sweagles ar>* coughs and colds, heals raw, InAamed going lo s|H-iul the winter at th*- .Sol throat, liMiaen* tbe phlegm and ia diers' Mom* ir 'Iraml H.ipids mildly laxative ('has T. Miller. Bd.

.A D loti- tnd fumilx motoD-d to Knquirer. Cannelioa. Ind. had bron- Dewltt and l-iiiinliiK Sundax chlal trouble, got very hitarse. i-ough-

xvartl D.vvi- son of tb** tale XX’. K <h1 constantly from a tickling throat. Davis, and pro|»n*’tor «*f the Palm Dar- Me used only Foley's Money and Tor

and .Mrs Marrx Fowler of Dklalionia den. was n arri**<l XX*-dne**lay evening Compound. XA'as entirely rellevad.City, Dkia.. and Mr and Mrs XVIIIiam Fowler of Rutnner, Salurday afl**rn*M»n

Th* l*l*H of the HIcliardton ••ompany evening to anutactiire knitting and ••ro- (. j r,h kw.-Il will .»n.

eting <*»itoii In the Richanlaoi) mills i^rialn the Alwarri Cemeterv **icie*v

to lAicile Ripley *xf this city home of III** hri*:* **n n«*rlh

at the XA'nnts others to know of Foley a Hon- Hridge.ey and Tar. X’anSlckle A Dla»ple.

;n R*-l*llng This *‘otres as a direr* re suit of th*- great Kuropean war

In Alsa*e-la»rralne \n Orman), la C‘ larg* com-ern i*f Dignus Meggs Sr

which manufacture- the famous ,* XI C crochet «ottnns This com- : anx cnqilovs thoueaml* «>f bands and t« pr**diirts ar»‘ known to almost ev­

er- woman in the land Inst a« soon •• 'h* war hrnk*- niii In Kur*»|**- th*-

’?!cnard«*»n |*e**pl*'. kt-owing that |)|g . »• M*-gg* A C«* wots!*! '*e unable

Friday. DrtotH*r M». for dinner cordlallv Invited to ronie


f'HI’llf'N HI'll.T FBIIB \ TRKK Magic Dlaat Ncdawml of falWaraia

FaratslN*d Kaaaali Bale rial far the WImiIc Mractarc.

In Hanta Rosa, Cal . Is a llapllsi chiir* h building, the product <if a sin- gl<* giant redwoml tr*M. which gr*»w

tn In the neigbtiorbtKMl of Diiernevllle. a r-s .-ed with their Tan tfa* luring ae- few mile* distant froni wher*- It n*xw

fixities, decided to n'ai > crnrhei rot- stands .\*»t fUilv Is the main sinic- ton In th*-lr •Ilk ml1l« *.»-r* and take tur* imllt from the one tre* hut the advsntag' of the •oimuon provldevl tntertor finishing- except ih*

. ’h. war which » of ptne ar* nf th*


|M*rienec Is typical Thoxisamls hav*- laken this remrxl) with remarkable benefit. It la known everywhere.

X. R. HOHHb KNDb wriiMXI'll bl'K-fknind bi'icki.x with MWITN

RONBFNFCI. HKBFinA XV Mubbs of H*)l Fast Main Ht.. Mavr's XVoaderful Slomarb it* uiedy

fl*»**r. Jackson, Mbh after .ib<*iit fifteen rItHirs the digestive IrscI af mucoid sam*- tears of suffering fr*>'i •»*'rau-;i-m*qils arrrriions and removes 1101.-000 la

laslall R**a*lcrfwt MaeNlac. w»»o*l beam* pulpit and seatings. not .»f th* stoma* b and dlgestlx. tract, matter ll brings swift relief to suf-Alreadx a womterfiit machin* hs» u (lanlelt of plaster «»r other •Imtiar t,Hik Xlaxr s XXoml -rrul -atii!iia* h II* m ferers from atomarh. liver and tt.»we|

used in this remsrk*teen nstslled In the tIII* here for msD-risI being : aking rrochei roltor. This will h* abb buildingI slied th*- H. M c R|i hardson Mer Th* fr*T when sawed yielded "v.ihm*

rir*d Cixtton .md wIP be Just ■ f**-i nt lumber, and after Ihe htilldinga-'tlv t(>* same as H*. ’* M C. which was finished In even nnrticuiar.

*vi) M«» got the surpn* - of 'ds Iff*- troublir and many ileclar*- It ha* and •‘wift relb-i saved them from ilangernns o|»era-

Mr M<»bb- •i.,- fold h»s o*xn •t*>rr *’tn a letter, (tart of which • given here their llxes

v*n now is dlflXciilt t** obtain In Arne-- rn<*uth material was left to nianiifac- irniodx -**!!*^ ••••* -»•• pe«*ple who have chrvw-be a tur* «everal thousand shingles be

aes-iT Pifs

an tore,* Tto' R Xf C will•-rfeet substitute -xblcb the merchant sides a quantitx of scantlings. Joists

^ffer tn the rii-tc- - -- . ailing f**r and *vther •llmenslon stuff R*» rare- \l C Bull) were th* iletails planned aad

T /r> more machine* >-ave been or-wkllfiillv was the der*d by express and will be Installed gefher. that the tniliders of this one a* once "TT)*- Richardson Rltk Com-;tree church declared It lalghi he as nanr will puah this work Jaal aa hard enduring as the old Haxon churches .■s It can " said Mr Rlchardaoa to the ,of Hagtaad built rcatiirtas agn out of sttMauch Rcaiod) r^aviaces sufl Danner, 'and man) more girts will he Dative timber aad still la uae. It la of Its martt. Maa) have foaad •wirloyed ** gothtc la aiyle. ftnlahed wfUi aMmalvejODe daae uaBMoDI Mr. Hahhi

I am m leTrecl cfxn- stomach trouble or ronstlpalion. no dition I have not felt r e|| *or ,matter *»f h«*w long siaadtag. to try fifteen )*.ars Mayr's XVoadarful Mom-

__ **l ran e«t aiirthlng now and P ftoe- ach Remedy oar done will rmavtaoefraaiework pat to- '’®* dlatreas me t hop - fH»s*’ affect-1 you Thla Is the medlclae ao laang

•wl as I was will proceed I't get )onr inf our people have heaa takteg with remedy at once ' surpristag reutilta The wmm thmr

The first doee <if Mxvr's XXnaderfnI eugh syatem cl Mayr's Wonderful saw aaM hy leadt


l» hV ar

MV—ThtM hmt wMm aad am t ni siMr. fte4« CMaM. CUataa

m&Mf WUlMi. Hf

MV—Ob tiM PbwIbt roai nmlBr aai 9L Mum. Mi mi tfOBBEfB. Lm«« at Wtia St JotaBaai rBMlBB ramtm is>iM


BAL MVAn Otu-Ptew bM villas* PfPPMty for Mia. TMlnr Braa.. Davttt. Mleh. CM- aaM' piMM. Mf

SB MIiW—Hoti*« aad lot wfM* 7M CHatoa Avo. 8.

('All or

SB Bill! Tallman Swot apploa— AaSrow PowoH. R. F. D. f. IXMm pbOM. SSt~lL-t8. lOwlpd

A TBimi BTVBT BABBIBB CMTPLSaad tlUMr contomplatliic marrlacv •Iwuld haw. ladlaa thla will In- toTMt you. Win aaad propald oa receipt 11.00. M. D. R.. ISS TaaalBg Buildlna. I.Aii»lna. Mich 1(Hr4

FSB HALK—About <0 White Leghorn cockerrle. Price $1.00 each; also a fee liene Thle stuck is all full blood and icnud indlrldtials. Aoyom wishina to Miart breedina lilab ols'^r poultry will do well to purrh»s>' Mime of thi*se birds to beitin witli , tieo. Msrroti. Nt Johns .10. ('Union photii 2”.’ low2|Ki I

MN’OMin iVK FINKBK5i- <)o. to tl.'.o {

per molitli. We want appliranls for ' {•ositioiih .IS loroiuotive ftreiiien. Ad- j dress I'-irox *.3, .mstloii II Itetroit.j Mif'h ]ow||(d

KI»R H.ILK .'*oe Hiid iiiio plKs In­quire of Alliert Wnldelirh t'liiitn’i phone HNK. low I pi!

PSB HALK t'hul<-« Poland-Chinu juks of April farrow, either sex Hulls all sold. F. M. I'lKSOtt. Fowler Mleh

_____ left

rSR MALI: .Seven ( IKS .(lid four brood sows due .N’oveinber 1 K J lUeter. Phone 2*3 Mlsek lotf

_ WANTEDW.4IITBI» <!lrl for K<-neral house,

wort. Mrs U .1 Kellv to: blast Walker .St lotf


ML JehBs, BIrh.tKesourres f CSk.Ooo.uO i

Pays Z^,<€ loterest on Oeposlts. Ijutknm MOBoy on mortgages, bonds and other approved security.

JOHN C. HICKS. President. COOLER' B. BALI.. Vice Pres

R. C. DEXTER. Treasurer.

(’AKD »P TBA^KH.We wish to render our thanks 'o

the neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted us in our beresrement, also to the pastor for his kind words of romfon. and the C A K and W. R. r. for their iwoiitlful floral offer­ings. aJao to the choir.



CABB »P THAXMH.We desire to h(*reby express our ap-

preelaUon of the synipnthy of all who ministered to our loved oae. Mrs Ad­dle B. Taylor. In her Iona illness, and for all the tieaullful floral tributes



I’lBD OP TNANKH.To the many friends who so kindly

aided us durinc the Illness of oor father, to thoee who furnished the benutiful flowers and music aad to those who aaalaled at his fnaeral. we tender our heartfelt gratltade.

Mr. and Mrs. Roas R. Brooks and family.

Mr. aad Mrs Adas Hunt sad fMally.

mtntb.To St. Johas (auMi Conpaay. David

Warrao. (nara Potaan. Mary P. FBalgB. (3olainlMM P. Pnitroy. Bahart dM AMie .Nugaa. aad all odiara latar- aalad la the followlag propaaed iai* ptavaaeiat. rlt- The rnaatniBlIaa of a aamer. eoaunparing at the oMBhale at the lateraectlon of Whlttemorr aad BaMwla streets, ruaalaa north WMtlaawre street 3da toot.____ SlVdd that sseess-

No. M, Inr the above men- •WOM lllhtovemeal. has been duly *tdB* tiy the Board of Aaseoaore of the City of St. Johaa. aad has been filed In the oBee of the city elert for pnb- Itr onaariantloa: aad that the Counrlt aad Baard of Aanaaaore of the said Hty will meet at the ronacll rhamber la anid city on Thuraday. the ath day of Ortoher. A. D.. 1*14. at 7:1* o’clock, p. m.. to renew, correct aad conflrtn aald mmmtmmi, aad to hear any oh- yaetlana thereto

naiad. Septeather n. Itl4.By order of the ('oescll of the ettr

of 81. Johaa.t«« WM. CDTHRANE. City Clerk

Detoher «. 1t14'A. B Braaa. Mbw Ra«M1. Oran Waiaaa. P H.

DavM Barr. Bra. el Oapwaai. B A. s Wm n. Braa-


This store is heavily in debt to the estate of Chas. M. Merrill, deceased, and in order to settle his estate, we are, forced to pay them their money within the next thirty days. We realize to raise this sum of mon^. in the given time, requires the rTK)st drastic price cutting, and this will be the most babarous buttdiery of high grade merchan­dise ever witnessed in Clinton Co. Tkmk mfk—The finest Overcoats, Suits, Balmacaans. Mackinaws. Rain(X>ats, Sweater Coats, Hosiery. Underwear, Shirts, including Lion Brand. Hats and every other article for men and boys, which this store has always carried, right now at the beginning of the season at less than )K)u would expect to pur­chase them at the close of the season. The store will be closed Friday to arrange stock and tfiark down prices. Below we quote a few prices just to illustrate to you the extraordinary price cutting and please remember the usual guarantee will go with*every purchase, also every representation made by sales people will be guaranteed and vou may return, exchange or get your money back on any purchase. ^ at ^

Men’s and Young Men’s

OVERCOATSI'he most beautiful stock of overcoats andb.timaca;ins we have ever shown.

522. .11111525. Overcoats Public .Sab- - $16.455 I S. and 520. ( K’ercoal.s Public .Sab $13.45Si 5. and S 16.50 < tvercoals Publb .Sa N- $9.855iO. and 512.50 Overcoats Publit .Sa !•’ $7.85( Die spt'cial lot ( ‘verco.'iis $6.50Those are new coats this tali and s b» overbwikod at th* prices <|uot» «i.

noi.!<! n‘ i

Men's Medium and Haavy Weight

UnderwearC'Dliins H»*allh. .M unsin^s. and C< ••(•♦•r made "hirts, tlraw»Ts*and union .soils.M»*n’s ht-avy flrf'ctj-Iint-d shirts .inti drawers50c value. .Sale Price ____ 33cM»*n’s natural wool shirts and draw**rs stan­dard $1,25 value Sale Price 84c.Men’s strictly all w<m>1 shirts and drawers 51.50()u:iiity Sale Price ____ $1.15Collins He:ilth shirts and drawers, heavy all

wool ;;arment.‘' 52.50 values at $1.79.Munsinj; light anti heavy weight. w<m*1 unionsuits '» off the standard regulation price.

Swiss AaMricna Umon Suili5i.(X) grade - 84c 51.50 grade - $1.19

52.00 grade - - $1.45

Men’s heavy fleeced unitin suits 51.00 gradewhile they last at this sale____ 73cM en*s vilastic ribbed unittn suits 5i.oo values this sale _______ 84c

SUITS for Men and YoungAX-------iriCn

Kuppenheijn**r. suits and m;iny other worM rennwnetl makes. .All hantl tailor»Ml. pure w<mi1 suits, in blue serge, brown worstetl. rash- men* tartan, biacks in both staple .ind english mntlels. I'liese e.xrep- titmal suits sold tor 522.50 and 525.00. 'Phis I’ublic .S:tle BCat the small pri(<* of

THIS LOT of 200 suit's ol blue, brown and gray in worsted and cashmere that sob! lor 5i8.oo to $20, tm account of iht-ir e.xrellent values. I'his f ireat Public Sale siltsONE LOT ot lot) suits that .sold formally at the prict* of Am 515. and 51(1.50. I'his ( ireal Public SaleOne small bit of suits that .sold for 510.00 and 512.50. Phis (in at Public .Sale $7.85

Boys’ and Children’sSnils and Orerconts

'! his ilepartment has always be «*n the talkof the entire countv. ’These brand new suitsan* matle up of every wanted stvie and cob*ring.

.All boys’ 53.(X). >4.50. 55.00, 5() 50 .Dul5(''. > suits .Dul overcoats at a

BIG REDUCTION(>ne special lot of suits that s old ..p .IS

high as 56.(0, this sale at$2.50

Don’t Forget dm Opening Dnie

Saturday, Oct 10Men’s Fur Conts

Just arrived a shipment ol new Galloway and .-Xngora Fur coats, Reading, Robe ik Tanning Co.’s make. These we are forced t<i put in this sale at wholesale prices. coats _ ____ fsaao#.;5.oo coats $iaoo532.CX5 coats _

FurniAing Goods25c sus}ienders 18c50c suspenders 3Bc25c garters 16csot Utys’ knee pants 38c75c boys’ knee pants 9Bc5iiboys’ knee pants __ _ .79c51.50 Inyys’ knee pants $1.15

CHILDnEN'S WASH WAISTS50c grade tapeless blouse _ 39c

MEN'S MESS HOSE50c wool cashmere fine soft hoac 38c25c wotti cashmere fine soft hose .18e50c silk hose in black, tan and navy ate23c cotton lyle ____ _________ ..18c15c cotton lyle 11c

HQSStYHeavy wool. 50c grade. Cooper Wells make.

at 37cHeavy wool. 25c grade. Cooper Wells make.

rn. ■ ... .. IBcCotton work sox. extra heavy weight.

3 pr* -................................. .-28c

*THE SA’nSFACnON J. MERRILL♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦! will m to Hartford. Conn., wh»rv Mr. day. i# ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦|ai Uie koma at Frtd C. Paneh. »♦ niCoak’* brothor llv««. aad tlwy i^xpoet^ Mr. John Rlilaa* of Wa*lila8$** 0*a-_____ ^1 J*to Badtiar, Mra. Jafea Boaaow aad' ^♦ WBnr ABMiHT nito ao to Bostoa boforr thoy rotura tor waa in Rl. John* 'Tnoaday oa baa»- [♦ BBIWAL-BALLAB ♦ Hanaaa Paaeli opaat froai Friday oatil •e ♦ h«ao Thoy ow! to bo anaa almal aoao. !♦ ^ ♦ lliaday with lalaUvaa ta Forgaa Ttioy ae ♦ ♦ e ♦ BlV ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦!•»* wort*. Mr*. Jota *rrtaiMo opoat a faw daw mado tbo trip by aato.

_______ Mr aad Mr* Howard Warf aad chll- laai wook wHh hor faUmr. Mr. Mom-1 ----------- FrmI L Paach wa* taMr. aad Mr*. Brata Bovoo aad ohll-*

draa of Onntaaa woro Waa day rallova| at tlio kmma at Will Ixiokwoad. *

dtvtt apaat last Wuaday with Mr. aad bow. soar 8L Jc Mra. l^yaa Holaloa. ibla

wbo lo vary fio-


F L. Cmak aad IIUI* Ml last Satarday tor

Mra. W. foil laot 81

8taaotnat> of aoar Ola r aad broko bor ana


Frod L Paarb roooatly pai DOW barao.

FMat. wbofo tinp will vMt Mra. Oaafe'a braibor. F. Baiw, aad fianlly far a

Canra aM

Mr*. Altoo Bbyaard of Aabloy ■p*adtaa a f»w daya wttb bor para Mr. and Mr*. Jaha Rirby. aoar W*

Mr*. Aaa* HoBor. wba bad aa op- >.««». (. .ttiM.(.«iM. ,

Mr*. Jaila* HaMMrs. Jobs Ktray I* alak at tbiv wiM-«•Mrs. AMs* Ladd t* warbldf far Mra.

la IB atrr«d U

froai Taaaday aatU Tbaraday. laf tbo Bopabilea

Tbo Boaml tawae tbo bnau of Fkad U

ObaHi* L. BMimHi Baiaiday wiib rriaadi

9 f $ $ $


There am mof qmatitf of

SAFE BAraCSI'hr country is lull oi them.THIS IS ONE.'^uir iuanai;enient is cnterprisin}', yet are made with an eye to adequate secur­

ity first, last and always.We come to you with a record un8urf>asse<i as a safe

custodian of private funds.Do not hesitate to open an account just because it

must be small to start with.We make no stipulation as to the amount, except

that it shall be at least a dollar.Will you talk it over with us?

aoncM aniinr{S4Viiics ukST. JOHNS. .MICHIGAN




at Mr. t. F. Tsft Tuw-

Attjr. 0. li. Hunter o1 Ovid v«s In tnwo Moada.v.

Mr* O. ('. riarli iMt Thuraday.

was in LADsihg

Carl Zachaiiat is spending thr week la Fnwlsnrills.

Mias (trace Adams was la Ionia flat- ariay.

UayUM Judd was la I^oas Tveodajr evealne.

F. C. Masoa was lo (traad Raplda Tuesday on business.

Mrs. Fred Uanioo of Fowler was in town Tuesday on buslotws.

Fred and liswis I^ron came Tuesday from Oregon to visit relatives.

W. H. Bower of clMoaalBc caawTaoaday to vlait bis brotber. Dr. H.Dosror.

Dr. James Myelop. former pastor of tb# ConereBatlawal rbatrrh. Is visittasfriends here. -------------

Mrs. Webster Houahtoi. sad daugb-' ^ 'Tf*ter, Kvelyn. of Detroit are >1sitlna Mr. tools.^ ^ . .. u Tk' »'“<' •••

Mrs Harvey BklDner and Mr. Mary Tbursda) and FHday aad Uie fenceBalUy of AIM went to l*outU. distance south of theneedny to visit their brother, Bd. Hem- ^nuu! stand to the road fence was "**•**■ i lined with apectatore.

Mrs. Klleu Drake, who was here forj -------------the funeral of her brother. W’llliam Baker, returned to her home in Flint |Wednesday. I

Mr. and Mrs. H. (Ileno Henderson and daughter, Mary Kilsabeth. visited Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Henderson Sunday

__ 1

miTMBAT KAtm Stf7 Tret.

3 1AllerwinJ. A. H. ____Inrlng dironsmontBlaefc Bd....................Aacellae 8. .—....

Time — 3:1«H; t:U%:


Mr. and Mrs. James Chapman left Wedaaaday for a week's vtail with friends In (Jraad Kaplds. .Moniaaiie. 3:».aad Howard City. | '

Jnmos Acklea and dnuchter. (Iretiia.!of Wolverine cnuie Tuesday to visit • King II. ... ........... .. 112 2 4Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McAuslan aad Mr. i hady Hkok -------- — 3 3 112and Mrs. D. M. Hoag. .Huron Hnl ------------------ 2 2 3 4 2

Mr. and Mra. Frank Fields aad ...............-— } J J ? *Clalnad BelfHdae of Lnaaing vlalted,^ :r:at the hOHM of their parents. Mr. aad' ** aacouni of M ThneMiev I hour. the mce sma dnlahad Friday af-^ "y^-. T***. . kim B. >»i L.O

'^*V*”**L*** Hloofc. The Ant waa a daad haat. andWnlnwell Bauwdny. after

a month with relatives. They spent the laat two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. (leturve Harpor.

King B. won the second, winning the

Kvenis ef tim Woeli in At. Johns

Joseph Stead was in Ptint Wednes­day and Thursday on business.

H. M. Ford of Urand Rapids was In town Tuesday on husliiess. enroute to

.Miss Itertba Hauer of I'ewamo was Ashley ki town .Monday. Mrs Julia l**-rry of I’llrs Is vliltlne ’«'"'ia> afl» rntKin.

Cuy Kaegle and Jess, lisnrrofl wen- »« N'- *'"< Maple ItapK's Halllnifer.Pewanio Sunday. frleiuls

Max l.eHarnii was home from Mia Mrs I'hae. Manley went to Detroit .Kaplds over Sunday \V.«lnesda>. when- she will mak.- her

.Mias Helen Beckett was. liotne fr.c;* fulur.* home (.siisinc over Sunday Miss Klixuheili VaiiDeiisen went to

Bert f;r..en of Shepard s|e nt Sun- Mnnr.e- NV.-.lnesda.k to visit her sister.

er at the home of the former last Sat­in honor of Miss

cay with C. K. Maker..Mlse Drace Mack was home from

.anklni.' over Sunday Mr and Mrs M .1 .Merrill w.-re lu

' rand KaphU .SundayM>- li.dllh t'lark was hono fnrn

-i.iivt'iirc ov»-r Sunday.nivii li It ::fT of t..unsinr was in

^ vr, Th. !att» r part of last week '•’r-: K N .so-yens .,nd daughter.

"• r* III Mannist.-r Sunday.'* I,y*»n of l.;tnslnr vlsjt.*d St

Ji T- '-■latlVl•^ th- las! of the w.-«-k.

.Mrs M A Diib.yMr*- C A Himver w.mi* ‘o vlletfaii

W.-dn.-sduN to visii her jsro* M:tii.:hter Mrs (o-o Mlo>i« for a week

Mr .ind Mrs Kdwin .Adatii' and chll- dr»*n of I.4tuiasl>ura s|.ent th.- we..k-»-nd with friends In .St Johns.

.Mrs H••n^y I’arr w»-nt to Flint \V.-d- n.-sday t>> visit h.-r son, l..vinan. Mr I’arr will - .iid Sunday there

Mr .iiid M.'’^ Fr.ank Dlnioiul and llttlv -on. Mole-rt. spi-nt Sunday at tht- ' -.M'* <»f Mr< David Midrews

.Mrs. liatii.- Ksler »ntert.«iiu'.l sev- ••ral of the Kastern Star ,it her h>une on Spring street Tuesdax • vr-n.i'g In honor of Hev. and .Mrs Matt .MuH -n. Mrs Anna Dov n* r and Mr- •». .V Steel


i(*onliiiu.-4l fro Fruit cocktail, iioa' sauce, srallupeti jioi ’• peas ..nd carrots in tit’ ’ fro/en punch, salteil iii.i cuk**. . off.-.-. Mii^h vv,.

F’rst I’ag.- tloaf, tomato

■Mr-Mr .\ai> r'lursion .m-l ila'igiiicr. |t||. the han<|uet as folio'

\nna < l..rk -p»-nt I-ridax ,tnd o .•.fiii t.i \\ • dio ;-la,, -•‘jogv” cuiv.-ntlon; v.s“hMir‘;.«x Ml, Mr and .Mrs M S.I ;-

Mr ..lid Mr- Kd VIk* - .if (ikeiiios Mr iiid Mrs \V L, Dutche-


V -it ---r ihiiiKliter Mr- 1. rov Mr and Mi< I-*-.' Hart of

l.-da* -. •nt Sunday with .Mr .md Mrs. \i:ilrew Mldrldir. and Mr and Mrs F Falor

Mr- .illiaii Carr.dl w.iH lo Detndi Clarence Dninun of Fowl.-r ind.-t Saturday to visit her sister. Mrs. S. w^nt an at lh«- Mint hosjii- Walker tnl last Thursda- M< is ree<" ering

Miss F-rn Miiin.-r of D.-witt siieiit uhel'

allied rolls, ream, I diir- •oxol-

Mrs .Mrs


1 Hmc — 2:1844; t: i844: 2:2844;2:2444; 2:14%; 2:1844 : 2:25.

'Mat. Hauer. Flint ........ . ...... lat placeG. Spiscai. Owoaao___ ......... lad placeEarl May, Owoaao ------ .......... 3rd place*Tlni«- <;54. Dlstaace. 5 mllss.


Wauaeta Hal-------------- .......... 1 1 1Boater Davia-------------- .............. 2 3 7Dillard Carlton .............. 4 2 iMinor Bin ........... 7 2 «Fred ('. r» 4 jJenison K ( ■little Kva 9 »: ,

Time 'J Di%: 2:194, ; 2:17%.2llh Tret.

The Karl . I 2 1 IJoslc U. 3 12 2Alex McBregor 2 3 .5 ;i

Time 2:254; 2-H“* : 2:2II»4; 2:2k.Frae.Fer- 111 Pare.

li(M-al Option 1 1 2Hul B. 2 1John .McKwen '.* sM. K. 4 •: •;Donnald B. :’. 1

Time 2-124: 2 K.. 2 13.

! AniMMiicaneiits

4 t

^ Falarr Events •»( Impsrtaaea 7t Thmogbeat thei

Couatj. 1

The .North (Hive M. K. aid so«-lctyXXIII meet with Mr and .Mrs. Frcl Fos-

f'on. Thursdax tiill Sunday xxlth Miss 'vi ;a'

Mr- Vina M’T.'tinan of Saginaw I*!lrig a f»-v liavs iih Mr- C.-.irge

'• .'III'Ir- .) I. Sllshiirx .Old Miss

. -.•n of Shejiarusx ill. wen- In town -atrdax

l*r and Mrs H. V Abbott of Shep-

Mr .md Mrs K. .1 MeiMoiigh of Ma (lie Itapids went to C.rand Rapids Rat- ttrdax to s|i. lid a f-*w dax s xxl’h relatlx

Mrs W J .Mlt< hell rei-irn.-d t.> h r h.ime in U, Dnt . .Snturdax. after Hp. Tiding .« xxe.-J, with h<‘r unele, C \V Kliuhall

Mr and Mrs K M. Parr and son. ^ York City. Mr- F K Dean, of MIg Hapids. spent from FrI-igav.- a reading, and Mr

urri spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs fT. ,j||y ,intll Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. la xocal solo V -trnfleld Henry I’arr

Mrs Jos.-ph Terry and Mias Mertha |)|. Hart was railed to Klsl. ;vtlchler sttent Sunday with Mrs Driev \Vi.,jn.-s.lax. m . ounael with Dr. M. il.|I hadwick in Olive ^ ,,f the fracture of the ver-j

Claude Black and Paul Peck re tuhm.- of Porter .lames, w ho fell *n I t ;rne<J .Sunday to Albion, where they his bam there Ii-re attending -choiil pt-,.,j Datnnn returned to her

Theron and Mary .Messer of Fowler hotiie in I’ewamo .Saturday, after!. -ted .Mr and Mrs J Fisher the |at- k|e-udlng u week with her -on. nar-!P .• jiart of last week . nc* Itamon

-Mr and Mrs H O CorryeM of (Ties Mrs James Dinghaiu of MIg Raiiids tilling s|.ent Saturday with Mr. and in s|iending th.- we.'-k with Mrs Frank

0.-O H Chapman v md Mr- Frank Diirkee and'I' (Ilffels left Tuesdux (or l>etrol<. t.lher ‘

x-j.r. < will join hl« famllv. who virs c F Fuller returned t<» her. i ove«j ther. in Augiiat home in l*nntlar .Saturday

n- II ' m-un \V K.dley.• rand Robert C. Muek.

.Aff.-r the bati«|iiei. xas gixen It XXah o|

M»lo by .Mrs H K. ridg. Mrs ter. Wednesday afternoon, tlrtober 14Dewttt H Hunt gax.- M,- addre-- of All arc cordially Invited.we|c-.>roe. and was re-| nded tc> byMrs F .V Conn of Durand Mr- M Th.- Mliighain I' M. aid horlety will \V.-||er inlri>iluce<| th- toa«iinlstr.-s8. n eet with .Mrs. .Vniia Hulsey Thur-- Mrs M L. Whitney. wh« gav.- .. short day, «ktul>er I.'-, for dinner, talk The following tea-' wer* glv.-n tatioii for exeryone to come'Dur opporiunlll.-s.” .Mr- M I. .Sny- --------------der. Fast lainsiiig; ‘■Th. Ideal Circle.Mrs W S Hinsdal.'. \nn Xrbor;■■Charitx Whut Is It*’" Mr- HenryI’aluier, .St -lohiih, ’'Tlr.- llm-d of the Order. Mrs. C A. Misho, Flint. The .Next Thing.” Mrs W ' Frans. .\ew

Hendershott Frank Stone.

Fal Shown at TheirBot-This k Styieplns Week


jaa to

CLARKSt Johns* Largmat Cloihwrs

HULSESt Johns, Michi§an


Tii.-r. will hi- a dancing i*arty at th- Itaiin.-r iirange. Friday evening, Dc- i.ih.-r I*-

The annual county i-onvcntiou of th.- W (’. T. r. win be held at the Duplain M. K. church. Iteginning Wed­nesday. n.stn, October 14, and ending ThunuJay afternoon, October 15. The public Is invited.

h the QicrchesiMwniif—rswta of ««'vlrvs ig Ike < bawAms «tf At. J»hBa, (nni« trlbglMl by fbe pasterv

The Band of Workers will meet with .Mrs. J H Harper. October 14. There will Ite a p.M>luck supper.

•Mrs J il Wise win , Michardnon Kiubroidery honi- hVIdax. OctolK*r H.

t'brKlten Aelewr. w.i.’.iy.

The Woman's Social la*ague ' me*.! in 111.- church parlors at Tiieadav evening. October 13.

.Xddle V!. Dunn was bom June Tth, .An lnvi-(iK63. and died at her home in Duplain.

September :iu. IHM, aged ."»1 years, 3, nionths and 23 days. ;

.Sh.- was united In marriage to H. J = Taylor. January 6. lSk6. To this union on. - hlld, Vera Frances, was liorn, who dl.fl four years ago. N'othing we can say would add more Ixeauty to her character than the life she has lived She became a member of th«- M. F. | church In her youth, was ever readv to help In any goca! work as long as her h.-alth would i>ermlt. so (latlent through all her sickness, anxious for the welfare of the ones she left.

She leaves to mourn her death, a husband, mother, sister. iMuildes rela­tives and friends In the words of i the poet. I

"Sometime we'll catch the broken ; threads itgaln.

And finish what we here tK-gati: Heaven will all the myateiies explain.

And then, ah. then we’ll understand.

Long I^ianocEunners

--ntertain the Club at h“r

M.-gular servic*-s .-v.-r- riUayShe was I "lorning at lu-30 A m. '-iio.. I r te-.-

Ml-- Lillian .Martin returned Friday ht-r.' to .ittend tin funeral of her fath-F^Tuonles everv W»stnesdav evening -t f’-; .;rand Mapids where she s,^nt er William Maker • <•' .'4ub)e. t of tin-les.on-sermon for•-0 weeks with relatives Mr .,nd Mrs Jacob .Schoendorf

Mr^ H W Anger of Brand Hapids Fraud R.ipids retiimetl home Mondav j^n^Vd^o ,11 toVtteid these ser--i -ntth* latter lairt of last week with after sio-mdng a week with .Mr and ^Mr and Mrs O A Wilson. Mrs .1 J SchoenUorf |

•'We'll know why clouds instead of sun Were over many a cherished plan;

Why song has ceased when scare- begun;

Tis there, sometime, we'll iinder- sisnd.”

Mr and Mrs (leorgc Thomluirn of Mr and Mrs Alfred ('<«k of Kala- Holt s|,ent Thursday .vnd Friday with rnazmi have i„-en visiting at the bom-

.Siindav M-hool .-iiindav morning at

Mr and Mrs W W. Hodge. of Mr. and Mrs John Bond of Breen-Mr- Walter Merrill of ’h’ past w^-kMr and

•'■rand I>-dgc s|,ent Ritnday ‘ <»me of Mrs C M Mef?Ttl.

11 4' All under twentv ,ire welcome

at th- Hr. and Mrs B LtaTiUe mtuniAd to their home in t'oluinbla Bity. Ind.,!

Lyman Young of Pcrrlnton spent from W-dnes4lay until Saturday with his sister Mrs Kate Mlshop.

Mr and Mrs Charles Zimmerman of Ashley spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs. John T. Lyon.

"• !>. Chapman and daughter. Flor­ence. of f^esanlng spent .Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Beo H. Chapman.

Mr and Mrs r Maarman and daugh­ter. Hazel, of (irand Rapids spent .Sun­day at the home of John PiiTtls

MrDuplain spent Thursday and Friday with Mr and Mrs. Harvey Parks


with Miss Anns I toolingMr and Mrs J M. Sleeper x>f Flba.

.N* Y-. and Mr and .Mrs Frank Seeley '’f -Mason. vlslte«l .Mrs. B F Corwinand Sunday

Mrs Mall .stump, who underwentan o|»erailon at the Hart h->apltal sev-j,,,. service

BIPTlfrr I lll'RI'H HEKVII I.S.Siindav, Detober 11. '.!*ll.

lo ;:o A. M sermon -cihle*--. Working Church."

12‘UP M nihle school.( 30 I*. M. Vesper Circle *; -a, p M. M Y P. F 7‘Ik* F’ M Fvangellstlc «.-rvlce

Sermon sublcct. ‘A Crooked Womai, .Msde StrmlAbt **

Thursday 7 3o I’ M nil-pr- c*. |,niv-

Mrs \ K Coon callc,! on Mra. Fred Tucker of I’rnirie ('reck last Monday.

Miss Fth-‘l Scott visited Mr. and Mrs. C T Rockwell last week and aiicndcfi the county fair.

Mrs Ural Hildreth of .Merle Reacii '-•alleii on Mr and Mrs. ('ole Monday.

MflMME RR1'?flOh.The ••-cond reunion of the Mor—

family was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Frank HIM. Detober 4lh. 1914. nineteen being present. After a sump­tuous dinner, the meeting was call^ i to order hy the president and the fol­lowing oflicers were elected for the enauing year; I’realdent, Mrs. RIancy

eral days ag««. returned to her home In Fowler .Saturday. |

Mrs. Jeanette Stewart and .Mr^l. K.! Herzog of Kenosha. WIs.. who spent | the past week with Mrs. A R. Bleland. -

and Mrs ^leorge Patter^n of j,, (;re«nvtMe Monday to visit!relatives

Mrs Joseph Mosher and Miss Anni j Mother returned to their homes In I

Fvervone welcome to a,I -«ervlres.

Mr and Mrs Wm. Cook of River-1 Lyon; secretary. Mrs. Rmma Irer; -Isle vislieii Mr and Mrs. T, W. Bald-1irensiirer. Mrs. pimnk Hill; organist, win last w*-ek. I Mrs. Bmre Lyon.

Mrs Sidney Bates Is able tt> be up I Then s fine program was rendered part of the time now. isnd Bral HIM trented the crowd to

Bladys .md Florence .StampAy of wntermelona. which were greatly en- Biinnlsonvllle and Florence Beeler of joyed by all. A photo of the group Hew took supper with Mr. an«l Mrs. was taken. The next meeting will be T. W. Baldwin last week FrMny night held at the home of Mra. Rtaacy Lyon, and were over-night guesta there <S«pt. 28. 1815.

Mr and Mrs \ amey Peai^ '^*,***‘1 The relatives who attended frou, ed Mr. snd Mrs Fred Tucker Tuesday.),^yMrs B 7. Reynolds of losing took j ^ Wlllle. of WeMinan. Mich..

4 That 18 a good detaipdon o^ oyr watch- ^ ^ et. They are carehiily legukled befcae^ . ' ^ beiiH allowed lo go out ol our Imk

_ 4 Tahe our time if fou want tof*kmp . <1 •- J

WALTER EMMONSJkkUlgr «mI RbRniver. At JaRm. UMl

LiMle News Litri BlgRpiuili

Mrs 'leorge IJbey went to Mt Clemens Saturday to make an eg.end- owendale ami Flint Monday, ed visit with fHenda aad relatives .,H.„dlBg s few dsvs with Mr-

Mr and Mrs Mary Dutcher of Bni>.zwosso spent Sunday with Mr. and j n vinni^y of .Saginaw and

At. John** CbniTb.Flghteenth Sunday after Trlnlfv Holy ('ommunion. kput o’clock Morning prayer and sermon. lO'io,.Sunday -chool. 11 • 45 a. m Kvenlng prayer and addreaa. 7 p. m..Motto "Mothlng Is at last -acred ('omstock visited hla family In this

after jK,It the Integrity of your own mind.” place over Sunday and also vislled his C. A I , ■ mother. Mrs. Agnes Scott.

David Tlbhllts aad son. Avery. o(,

dinner there hj._ ^^rwood Morse of Jackson, iMrs Agnes .Siott of Watertown mci, __Hrs. Rmma Irer. User.

very po«»rlv at pressnt | . .___________Kllswortli Scott and aon. Hiram, of _______ ____ ____ ___ j


Mrs Chas Ridenour In Breenbuah .Myron Wise of Kvart visited at the!

8T. jcmisAt. Jabni, MkMpnn.


Hurvllle. Willard Tlbblta of Armada The Rev. C. J. Kmse. minister. Mr. and Mra Wnlt and son of Un-

Mr- Wm H. Fields went to Brand hont. of J B Wise the past week Mr.! Morning worship at 10;Wi Aetm»<m visited Mr. mt Mrs KllsworthRaptds .Saturday to -pend two weeks wise and famllv tis»k them to fhei, Iheme. The Trinmph of the (lood. Seott last week with her sister. Mrs H A. Stroud hoi,.. ,n -laclnsw Sunday Sunday school at noon. Mr .lohn c. xevtson Roborta. well known In P. A. TRAVIS.

Walker, superintendent. (’lasse- for }|( Johns and BrbI for some time M. WRLIsKR all. peat as teerher of ptaa.. and violin, J. W*. FTTZBRRALD.

I -AAetli* st g * in ll m. TonicHiiisr and Miss Kdtth

I’realdent Vice President

('ashlerhoiii. in -^aclnsw Sunday.

Mr and Mr- Sie|M»e„ Parr spent u Holmes. .Mrs BlennMr-'^ H H r’lrt™51der*‘whcl’^l v r u«'!S?*s^d*^lIls‘1-^th ‘ Uagm al d JOp m. Topic. iuk1 Inioly removed to l.aaalng. la now E A. TAIJsMADOE. Asalatant ('ashler

. I. 'J-n- Mrs LB Hulsr snd • The <h list Ian Sugaestlon of PmSt- mwilTiBg s class of mnair students E A. TALIJIADOE. TellerLeon. ( laxton and Karl ^hav^ .*f iHinn attended the fumrsl of Mrs j^harlng " Miss Aletha Kelssr. leader, if, Dewitt To the end that the pnhilc Three per cent Interest paid no cer-

(trand F.edg» here iMt Herman Taylor In Duplain .Ha untax Rrenlng service at 7 3« Sermon hy heeome more acquainted with ilbcates of deposit snd on savingsIting friends and attending the rate, |, Cijoper was <-allsd to I>e. jh,. minister Theme. "Blvlng Rn- him and his work, be will give a re- hook accounta Drafts laaued good on

Mrs .Nellie VaoHotisen left Tuesday tr.HI by wire laat week on a esse -if ,nuragement.” rlial in the Baptist church of Dewitt any part of the I’nited States or Can­tor Ml-^hawaka. Ind . to attend lh« fni,- strangitlated hernia, which he reduced Special music- Tenor sol«» by Mr m, the evening of Tuesday. Detober 13. ada and In the principal cities ofspsi of her slater. Mrs Marv K Wood snd lh«- iMtlent i-anw* here from De Washhum In the morning Specisl beginning at 7 30. standard The pro- Kiiro|-e Accounta of fnmieni. msr

Henry Kelly returned to her irolt 'Sunday for further irestmeni ,mulnc In the evening. _ .... gram win he -nade up on the lecture chants or mechsnics received on fav-riemens Salurdax. aft.-r The Hev C. K Bishop attended the* Tuesday .-venlag at 7 3<*. the Wo- pfiogratn. a description accnmiuuiytBc orable terms and every arcoinoda-Mr

hott- IB Ml , -spmidlnr a week with Mra N. J. CRn- Central Convoratton of the Diocese of man's Social T^agnc will meet in the numbers .No charge for admta* tion extended consistent with snfe In. .Michigan, at l*ort Huron. Tuesdsx and parlors of the church ,iv||| n*. made, aad the pnhilc is banking Superior flK'lIltle- for mnk*

Mrs Dans Drove. Mr. snd Mrs Wll- Wednenday. snd vras one of the s,xeak-1 Thumdav evening at 7 30. regular cordially Invited to > ome and collections of all kinds lldin Harris and chlldivm at Pewamo era 'Mlsstondry Work In Ike Clfles.*’j weekly hour of prsver Bring your Bl- a mnalcal evening with Mr, Roksrts | Moneywero In town the latter part of last Mr and Mrs Charlas librenz and Me whether tntereoted In the quiatlOT of lies __________

Mra. liouls , . __________ :i—j—____ mnalc leaanns or not. ('ome ami dotj RlmntnnHkMargaris and! acquainted wMh him. He will m-|J. Rrov^. Otia ^Har

^ A.TPidIn Dr. M Wallor

loaned on approved securl-

Alvln. andSamuel Straus of Dreenhuah Drake and daughtors.

who undsrwsnt an ope rat Nm at th • Liielle. of Dewitt rlalted Mr. and Mra. I HMt lMMP*^l snvtmni days apn. re 8 C. and Mr. and Mrs T. W. Stand | tarmnd home Bntordnr. ^Rwinir.

atstad la Mm propram by Mra RsRavts.’J. mmaem Wlm mil aM name rakilaii snd oRmriF. L

aumimra ky way at rarlHy. Idml IW. yita—raid.

ArMiar E. Wll

WithrverN* barrrlof Marvel Flour we arej^ivin^ the rinest article for the kitchen that a housewife ever had.

The b«ikeri|is have been iisinj; marvel ami this is what they s.iv

“The Best I'lour I ever used” Wm. J. Murray

Makes more per barrel ;ind better bread than .illy we ever used” E. B. Parr

Tr>' a'barrel and >vrt that souvenir.

Gea F. Dinood Co.Phone 40 St. JohftR. Michtgan

a. tm.

musrass FiuaBrs r4a

M i»ia AM


MnMCMPi M-nMyinxd oraH^-FEflllKI

.1 l.mir Will Wait War aiaM.

iiGiiEM«iniE-ni.1 (4rMl


JOHN AMHlaKY.To NUiM^t that own«>ni t>f « bu0dr«d

•quart* of land and over Invent In a ramera and a note<book mny aound

WeHh High Prices Right On the Head

lUnWAKETry U»— Best Goods

III order to teed our cowa balanrfd aniiiwlnff, bat onee tlie pmrtieni worth Irallunn. at- niuat knua why a Iwlnnced of theiK* two eye-opener* la appreri- ! ration la oBaentlal to eronomlc produr-|ated all doubt a* to the value of the I lion. There are many dairymen who Huaneatlon will vanish iatiiild like to feed wisely, hut imafftnej The first question asked will be I that, in order to understand halauelnK, what use ran be made of them? Th* I rations, they must fake a rourse In an reply Is alven In the form of an 11-

Isa l***^**'****'"^* ‘Ollene. whereaa a very everyjutne study W€>uld soon bfina the idea llmwn owns a ten-arre property on

jrlearly before them. | which he Uvea. He is interested in se­wn. 4 ninnm 4^1- mv kV k««awhnlH nftimsila. flOOD I '*'*’** P''‘nrlples of animal (eedlnn are rlculture and desires to use the beatWhen yon want RIGHT tools. CHEAP honnehold nteiMUe. uwu ve«et*bie feeding in the method*. In growing his crops, raring

■aints end vnrnishss, nnili. kitchen ware, stoves, hiofoe, icmwn, bolts, latter raae we know that certain eie-jfor hi* pasture, and feeding hla four * , . . UVRV TonHI AAVS ! compounda (two or more rowa. home, swine and poultry. Nowkninss and n hondred other Uungs CXJlLb ILnita. xouu am.^m necessary to the well- the methods in the locality where the

I l>eing of the plant, that each serves Kxperiment Station (from whence hla I certain definite mda. and that, except bulletins come) is situated, may or within prearribed limits, one cannot may not be suited to hla soil. etc., and take the place of another. Thus we the only way to find out la to test them, know plants are not nourished by man- 8«> he plants a field of com. using the urc or fertiliser, as such, but take fertilising ingredlenia In the propor- froti) them certain essential compound* lion* and according to directions In In dellnlte pro|M>rtlon. The same la the bulletin. The crop in due time ap-

_________________________ animal*. A cow la not nour- i>ears sad (losalbly develops unevenly^■^■s—fP— 1 lalu'd by eating hay, oat*, or «*om meal, or goes too much to leaf or the leaves

11 t ■ 1 4 »u ** but her syateni Is able to take mm .vellow. or. on the other hand. It‘This IS simply ^in inuStr;illtM)—Wt* St*ll I-lllSt?t^ti IJII nt inc them elements necessary for the iiiHy prove to be a remarkable crop

' eeonoiiilc production of meat, milk, or itrown takes bis camera, secure* aev- muscular energy. To feed wisely, then, t-ral iihotographs of his com in Its we must know what elements and different stages of development, and comisMinds the animal iMidy and ani- (iaate<> them in hla note-lsiok. making mal product contain, and what ingre- comments under them



mark»tt prict*."

A Time to Economize

tar a private

so proMaMa thatpnrcal-post tn tBny ship naif dtMw away with all chaace of aay de­fective oaes. A home-amde oaadllag outnt Is a very simple aflatr. coaste'* lag of an ordinary small hand laaip and a corrugatad paaieboard box. wllli the lop and bottom reoMived. large en«iugh to boM the lamp oat tall and olg enough to prevent all danger of fire. A small round nole should be cut u«i a level with the flame of thf* lamp and several notches along the edges tm which the box reata for air to get to the lamp, and the deed U done.

The eaadllag. of coarse. Is done away from any strong llglit luaually In the dark, ttet the <'oaditloas of the eggs may be clearly seen, (iraat care should also ba UUiea la shipping. There are packages of square block tissue paper coatalBlng ■'••fi sheets which are ex<*elleat for wrapping around oarh egg. and the Iteat coa- coBiainers for egg shlpmeai are fibre- board boxes fitted with corrugated pasteboard lining and pariitloar. each tque having a wrap of r-orrugsted pasteboard. The part ^ be opened aliould be clearly maraed so as to iadlcale at oare the place to pull up or out.

dtenis In food* go to form them.Hliidyimr the r«w’» li«Mly.

Yoa wfl save 56cls. per gaL^ THIS IS HOW

Buy 4 gal. L.a M.SenilAHxed Real Palat,at $2.10 per gal. t S.40

And 3 gal*. Linseed Oil to mix with it • 2,40Ycxi then make 7 gal*, oi pure paint for flilOi

ITS only S 1.3S per gaLAn-, body can mix the OIL with the PAWT. Whereas, if you bu>- 7 gals, d ready-for-uae paint io CANS, you cay S2.I0 a gal. or $14.70.

Th* L A- M SEMI MIXET. RE.M PAINT u PL RE WHITE LEAD.ZINC 4«d I.'NSEED OIL. the bm krwwn r.-uunik ior 100 wso.

t<Be a gal. out of any L.a M. PAINT you buy and II not ttic best paint made, return the paint and net ALL your money back.

HUNTS DRUG STORESSt. Johns. Michigan ^ Dewitt, Michigan

' .rear, he plant* mm again in th«- »ame manlier, but using different se»-i| .^gaiii he phologr.’iplis his crop, takine

A cow's lNMi> «oniiiln* dHTering its* the sniiie niinilier of picture* and in - *•., Hiich a* hair, lir.iiti. hone*, mu*- i)h sam*- stage* of deveUipnient. Ae* < |cs ell ., and ii*ore,,\. r. th* l>«'d> and <ordtng to tlie re« nrd he Diid* theri ar­il-. prialiiet, if.ilk. coiiialn many c«»»e niore and larger ear* or smaller and ple\ coni|Niunds Kor the purttose d |*>iirer one*, as th*- « a»e may In Th- >ttid>inK *hi- prin-Iples of f-e«llng. |N)|ni Is he has -oiuitllsIuNl a valuiildc t||c«f> may I— ga*here«| under th»- f-»l visual record There is no "If I r---

Waraa-WIWariKarl Wlllert aad Miss Jennie Pierre

of Middleton, were married at the t'lirlallan parsonage by Rev. J. \V. Yanlls at if o'clock Huaday evening. Karl la the asalataoi barber aad aon of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wlllert of Mid­dleton. Miss Pierre Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Pierce also of Middleton. The young pooph- went

The fallowing'to (Irand Kapids Monday for a short

Ml. \.\f4



♦ ♦♦ tllVIMN ♦♦ ♦

Mr and .Mr* Kug-n« l*•..r■ -■! K1--*l>ent .'hfi U-'! ..t-1family

Hotiert |•*■p|>«•r uin. laniily, Wil; 1...- and famllv .ind .Mr and Mr* James i'olemaii attended »h* fair .i- Johns ’ Thursday

■Mr* Alfred .'<«*mer' Is "i. ih- sick list

Mr* Ktlii Sonier- 1* *|>*’.'.;nir th<

a it :i -t- Mr« t'has I'ox

Vl-r* 11 V ,ii!'- n-- n --J KI— ha- in** r, - t.iii; A||il*i-‘ sith ill* lar-ii

■ Tk .1 !• ' •!.*' ''A Hold : ii- til- --nts’d- sork <>ii . A .‘Hiiii n- ar|x tiniBhed 1<- Xppletx- and wif»- H|tenl .'*illl*

dav .ttternooii still tJeorgi I'heip* and fan. > near KIsie

Itui-ert Pepp«-r and stf* called on Fr* d Kvans and famll\ Sunday aft» noon

Win .-soni-r and wif* «|ient Sunday xfterntMin Aith Mr and Mr* Jndson ^^irrsv ;n Mrad.\

lowiiiK head* I'roieiii. fat. wai-*r aii-l iiitnerni matter or ash

K-rtiiniit' l> nearly every ration -on* \niri* a -iifhcient amount of ash. and w.nier s- all knos I* Indlsnensahle. so flies*. ISO ( (mslltllelll* n‘-ed h*- l■0|l*id• re«| no further I'aklng up protein *-• hnd It to he a name a)»pll**d to *- \-*ral <«*i' iHiiinds whieh "lak*- up’s of Ih- lH»n«*s. miiseles, skin, hair,• .trlllage, etc .\|| fh*- comiMiunds in-• hi'led inder prnt-ln 1 ontalii nitrogen ti' allx nr--ent to the amount of from

to 17 per c--tit la-aii m«‘nl and cas<- in f milk l*e|i»iig to fills clas-

K t. u-iiall> f*iiiiid in all j.arts of tli- N. cont.Tin- i-arlioii. h\drog«-ii. .ind

<- •. yen Tit no nitrog-ri T)n- elenu-n'- c fat ar- primanh d- ri\*«l f’-oni t|i-

f- r plint*. fnrni'li th- muti rinl ft '! '» :iic)i a c-iA lira V* her fni, an»lf» - .iir th-.'I t - -rlMiti hxdr< o\'';--n

. h .1 •fiosNilr- Ilf what th- ani- Tcj.i l.« d\ cciiiain* " • sill n-\i weeli fat- lip f-NMl- .md !• t'leni will rtmlth' -•an e ei-'tii* ni- prot. In. fat, w.i I- r lint a*-h In v-g* ’.liile f<a» I- ar.t-.ard >*1 i-'diflon criid- Mhr- an«l tii- tr- ; fr- - xtract inaft- r


trip hefor** commencing housekeeping In the Southeast luirt of town.

Hattwa-Mcl'lmwHai M« ('low of till* place and Misa

Kcgina Sutton of Kuxx |er xxere •jiiletly .married at the coirt house In St. John* Sstunlay morning The young IMMiple left lnimediai*‘l> for iSrand Itapid* wlier*- they sill H|tend a few day* le-forc |(Mailiig on a farm south-

least of this village.;i eiiilter right, -tc.. ' about it. th an there iM-fore him

waiinr Money on Pig>.The satin is tru- i>f his garden his Win Kow |er and w ife of Sumner

poiiltrx. swiiie. -ic Por tnsiaiic*-. he ll•■nry Fowh-r ami wif*- of Oklahoma has h..efi rr<omm«-nd*-d dig*-ster. tank- Ciiy wer- gneHi» of .\ J. .Miilfnrd and ag-*. and alfalfa for lil* growing pigs family .Sunday and .Monday Last x**ar h«- fed bran, middlings ami K J Tinker and wife, .lolin Kerris ground oat-, and whil* his note.lKvil; and Mrs M Tinker of .Sumner wer»- showf.*] a giHid growth, the gain wa* guest* of Harry Oraham and wlle.Sa' ' mail-' at .• * onsid'-rahle e\|H‘ns*- for iirduy night anti Siin«la>. Mr Tucker! f*- d .So he f« ghnl to try sonieiliing playe«| in th* tiaiid .Saturday night. | that I rotnls* * to I**- eln-aie r Thu* n H*- is ••«»iisidere*l om- of tin- *nnM»ilie*t 1 a !iiindr--«l wax - th- caim-ra ami n«»tis soloisi* in this part of the tiiuntry , hnv*. loM-ii of r*-al x'aliie. i TIniugh tin- i(an«l pla>*-*l at a great 1

Th- n*‘\l om-ttiofi will h-- what disadvantage Satiirday night on ac-l kind *»f a *-an - ra 1- 'o to r*fomnnnil- i-ount of tlr***! 1I|m,. Mr Tucker s|»eaks • • *1'’ That d«-p-mls on th*- amount -if a gisMl -xord ftir lh*-ni .money on-- I- Aiiling to inx--si ('.im-' .Mr.- !.aiira Hasting* and i hililr* .* jera* ••oim- in xarnms *i**-*, raii:rinK in ar* xi*iiing r*-lailx*— in I.MUising for .«j

.o-rc f^-m whiefV'p’lani-i «•(»•. r. *!*• few day*. |l-' nding oil III*- I* n* K«ir ordiiiarx J«i*eph WiiM »Mii-*|i*»*r work fit* * ame*-a. with a his neic*-, Mr*

’. who has h-n visiting ii**org<' .S'asii. reiurn*-i!

Ligkl Yam Hmam mmi Banm—Ccoh Ymm mrnk With Hamm Math Acmtyimnm

And MrIm Your Acolylouo With mmoc ijsnm( rmne

PQot plants make Acetylene automatically a little at I a time as yoa use it in 3mur gas cooking stove and in | your lights distributed throughout your hfjuse, your bams out-buildings. You simply fill the i^enerator with the gas-producing stone “Union Carbide” and water about once a month.

Pilot plants are approved by The Nat .on;.! Board of Fire Insurance Underwriters.

All told, over 250,000 country are using Acetylene made the Pilot way.

A complete Pilot plant, constating of 7 lerator. pipes hand* some light fixtures and gas cook stove. c?.;i be :nstall'.*d in an>' country home in a couple of days’ tune.

Such a plant is a permanent improvemer.t and will furnish you with the cheapeat, safest and most practical light ^nd fuel now available for country home requirements.

Write for our illustrated cataiegs and descriptive booklets giving all the facts. :m

A. R. GRAHA.M808 Mason Street Flint, Mich.

Managing Salatmanfor

OXWEU> ACETYLENE CO.. CHICAGO(Latgwsl MoImvs of Country Home Light and Fuel PUnU in the World'


THF SPOUT OF TIWP-imOOTIlie.ri the M<*t* Join a tinn I lab.

rapid r*-* linii*-ar I* ii*. will .-('I* h .1 i-;im*‘rii -xill tak«- ahull! It.’-v;?.*- in* h**s ill sir*

iKin't try tn il<>\*-|op Hi*- dims; -lllwr aH*’ Mi*-m l** a l**cal phi>i«* grn|»h*-r nr -♦•ml th*-*!' m th* FLisimau K'**fak (■**.. H*m Iwstrr .V Y.. and almv*- all fi>l|nw th*- dlr*--Hnn- sent with (In • ai. iTii ,h«»**Iat*-lx


If You Knew What We Doii \ • II rmilii -ce tLe care taken in tan*

nine the leatiier ior Kouge Krx Shoe* in our own tannerv, and then could iullow the leather through the factory and see the solid leather counters, heels and in­soles. and the kind of leather we put in the soles, alsote^t the thread writh which we stitch these shoes, you would say


Yoo do on h»vr ihi« opp*-rtnnity; but call nr v«.iir ii*'«irr xn-i ptamine tbe \ho€ A%k lo m«. No.4te hkxmin'the laaiher tough

pliable. Mrviceabie. Not* the beaxry uiichicg the waterproof aoi^s the double thickoew on the to- and it yoo waul a reallv goo<: shoe vou will not he-itaie to buy No 40R Look (or the trade mark on th* aoic

Write Ueft. C l€>r tr*^ .leaenpilre ti««>k

HIRTH-KR.AUSE COMPANYNMr *0 .SOoe Tmmmrrt mmtl .Shot .Maooracfurrra


t«i hi* hniiie in itiifTuUi Satiirdu.xChari*--* Htmker anil daiigli(«>r. Mr*

W .*J Itariiard. *»f m-ar IN-rrinnui. * all -*l **ii fn--iid* in t**-*ii \N- dni-silay

l>a\- Hit hard* and daiighl**r. Julia v».‘r* in I .ansing Friday |

Mr* F’annv Allen, Mr* .N'lna Hl»»t. Mrs lira-*- Cram and .Mi** .Miiini*- H* *-*! att* tidttJ the dlMtrif'l r*»ii»*-nllon

,.ii lotiiiiing FTIday Mias H*^*d art*-d J,' i|e|*-gal*- from K*s*-x N»> IT

.Mr*. James Hiitlrr and daughter.I .Myrza. vlatetl relative* in Ht. .I«»hns j several daya la*t week I .Mr and Mr*. Inlin lotmble vlali*>d j their son, Claud, and family at .Mid- j dietnii F'rlday.I Mia* Mabel Hnr wa* in Ionising

. . . . . . Friday.Of curse Hie days off ” '•>' "‘•’"I .Mr and Mr* C. I. Henedlct and Ly-

.. _ land women who would like to mak*- m Corunnatheir living by farming, or gardening sundav

iilee«*.i '■nising. that the *ert..u* ‘ Mr. and Mr*. .S. I* Horr. .Sylvia' druwha. k to it is the great Irregular-j ,.hvll)s Horr and Mr. and Mr*.

It) of ln< *.nie during the r*-ar 1 ,;,.„rg,. Vn-her were In (Kid. FlUle.tuiiaielv. *lm-. the development .rf the Sunday.|iarre| ilila tli*>ory hold* good m

Almu*t *-very romimintty of any air-- hii* a gun *-lub to-day, where member- -hli* may Ih- IiiuI for a iiHKieat *iiiii. and wher* *lioolliig at th*- trap* la a fiixorit* M|Hirt lix* pigeon *h4Mtiing at the traps ar* atmtii *»ver, mall) deeming it i-niel anil un-|iortsiiiaiillke. but rlny *h«s*tlng I* mar* iNipular than ever The novice, however, who roe* in for’ It will do well to vi*it his rliih a few tlm*s at I1r*t and wairh «*xme of the! meiiitH-r* *h<Mii, noticing ihe gun* in II**-. ell-., for on Ih*- pro|H-r choii-e of gun will de|H'n<l rnii* h of hi* future pli-asiir*

Th** *♦ < rei of o gtMMl gun 1* iiior*- in III*- (Ii than ill 111*- make It is gener­ally con**'*l***l that for irap-w*»rk. a 12-guuge gun weighing iiImmiI T t-i |H*un«l* i* l»e*t, either H «ingle-sh<>l r*-p«'aler. or *louble-l*Hrrel, whl* hexer i* personally (ireferred In ItMikliig ov*-r a niimiH-r of guns It will Ih- ii«»- tl»-»sl that the *t(H-kn an- dllT*-reni iM*m*- having mor*- of a *lrop from th* ■■»**iiih" (II tioint on the *i(N-k near th* hreech endl to th* 'heel'' (at fh*- h- (t end I than other* Without ing to go into tn«> many explanation*, fh*- lieginner *hnuld iia*- a "sfralgh! *i<N‘k." which is the one that haan t t»*t much "drop'' t«i It .V* a gen*-ral rule, a cun with a drop of inrhe* at th*"heel" will give satlafa<-tion, Anothei )Mdnt tn he considered I* the ihicknea* of the *iock: the ihin-faced man will

I’Ml V**nr K«»s in I'arle


I .Mr .*nd Mr* NVni. .Martin, who re- *ld*- near I'errlntnii. w.-r*- gue*is *xf relatives In town Sunday.

! .Mr and Mr* .1 W Smith. .Mr ami •Mr*. Kiifiia inirldn .md family wer<- giiesiK of frit-nds in Sumner Sunday

•Mr ami Mrs Harlow Ikn-kc of Hock-n

• longer. .1* farm imMlm-ts of many kiml* ar* -iiarket*-*! over a wider ar**.i than *-ver iMTfor*-. not only with an in- cr*-a*«- of ln*-**me. but with a lieiier *11* trihiilinii «if It tlirniighoiit tiie year

Flag-* In parllcijhir have found fh*-)iarre| |K**t a happy medium for tbelr „f Mr and Mr*. Wtran-|Hirfailon. the producer ‘'o'ldng ,he last of fh* week.Into dlr*-* t relation* with the ccHisuni-1 Mr and Mr* Myron KIdrexl. Mrs er therehy and as a result the hnii*.'- ! Klilr*-«1 and Mr and .Mr* T M.fodder gelling l*ei|er egg* for a lo*er i^naing F'rlday. Theprice and the pnaiucer receiving high- aH*nd**l ih* l>egr*e of Honor*-r prh-*-* with mor*- regularity If Dij^irn-t iitn\entlon In the aftem<*on. th* iwiultryniHii treat* hi* rii*tonier* Fnmk Hudson of Cadillac. *4.11 .»f lirnnipily and fairly there |» little dlf-, wm i; Hudson, forni*-rly of ihi*. firiilty in .-eiuliliKhing a |»ar»e|-|H»*t visited his aunt. Mrs Ullietrad* and a reputation for s*flctl.r 1 Saturday.high-grade g*KKls once made the seciir- Mr and Mr* .la« kway «if Si Johns ing ..f new customer* i* a *iniple mat-j^„,j ,|,„ghter. Mr* Fred Hoger* of

«;**org* c.ladstone a |>ortinn «»f th* pa-l XX fx-k

(>*T>rK*' OfobiM-k wa* in ttiwn Sat­urday (or a *hort visit with friends.

.Mr .md Mr- llell I'ayne left .Mon da\ for l.igoni*-r. fndiana. for a short visit

(•eorg* Clark of F*-nt«in tran-aif*-*! hiislii*-** in Maple Hapid* Wedn*-<Miay.

C M Hedfern of .St. Johns was *n tow non huslnea* the ftr*t of the week.

♦ ♦♦ (fl.lVF; I'KATKK ♦♦ ♦

•Mr .tnd .Mrs iU-rl CaNe spent n ilay in the l.**ni* of tier brother. FTar! Vim-*-nt near St Johns

Mr and Mr*. Als«>n Hamilton ent -r* (aine<l Mis* Mary Miller of Dewitt ls*v w«»ek al*o .Mr*. William llerkhousen

Mrs (Hen Otto and tmhy returned daughter, lleulah. of Majile Rxp-t«i (heir home in lamsing Thursday.

Mr* A M Creaslnger wa* in lain- sing last Tuesday.

Dr H H. .Sanborn received tb* sad new* that his hrother. (Jeorge. who re- sld*M) in California, was dead.

Charles Fisher of lamsing is visit­ing his iiinther, Mrs A. H, Darker


Ids. a |»arT of the week..Mr. Robert Wilcox of IMnckney wa*

•-ntenain*wl ^tslllrday night and day' in the home of ('. A. McArthur

Mr and .Mr* Kllsworth latllmadge and children. Ikmnu and l>ean. w->re Sunday callers In the homes of R '' Warren and C A. .McArthur.

Mr* John Trimble of Washing'.>n. Center. s(>ent a |isrt of last week in the home of her brother. A. T. Mern-



Mild Havana Cigar in aJI sians -5c up to 2Sc

ter A small .»dv**rtl*cmeni In Ih t«iwn |ia|M-r often bring* the desired trade, or a printeil notice sent to local

Relding. wer Sunday guest* *»f Mr and Mr* Klmer McCrat-ken.

F: C Henient of lotiising wa* shak-Tomb" and tw«, Inches at Hie «‘»4''.'”e* stating Hie price and num- with old friend* here Tue-

her of eggs available

LUMBERHave yi*u hdiicfht the Riaterial T**r that n*\y l)i*H-t* -t harn yet? v'*»nie in *ur ntVirt* and let ii« riirnrc «in them wi'h you.

Parr Lumber Co..St. lohns, Michi’x^an

day.lalartlle Kn* Ire Nrsl. | Mr and Mr*. Prank laiinpher*-. Mr*

............................ _ T«i retain a good trade with custom-|C FL Heist .md Miss MsIdle .Newton'finds stork’wltli a thick weR-roiindexI, direct, only eggs produced hy j visited relallv*** and friends In KIsIc comb more to hi* liking, while the op- '“*'»’»>«. Healthy hen* kept under clean-1 Tuesdayisisife is true of the round, plump-|ly •»»4 proper <-ondlHon* should Iw; Georg* Fox and daughter. Vera, cheeked man. To find out If the ’ »hlppe«l. Infertile -ggs. gathered wer* gueats of Mr. and Mr* Guy HR-i 5a stock fits a* to length, place the fln-.*'*^*re a da.v from the iiiHiis. slricHy vernall. from W*-<lne*day unHI Sun-1 ^ger naturally «hi the trigger, then sHli »»»»'" picked up las washing th- day. “kt-eping the nnger on the trigger, take ’'**»* removes the natural miicilagin'^ Mrs llaifir RcRows starte*! for her,^ the gun fnmi th* sh«mlder and let the o'»" T-ostlag sad opens the pores cf hiime in llr«>okl>D. N Y.. after *i*endbutt re«i In the hollow *»f the srni.Mbe shell! .md then sioresi In s cool | ing mime lime with her sunt. Mrs.with the miitxle iminting upward If properly ventilated, are the ktn«lno -eadinstn-eni of the posit'on n( Ih*

Two of thm brnttoY eiam of Cigars aoid mvmrywhmrm

O. P. Dewitt & SobUMcmniion

^St. Johns,

fina r on th*- trigger I- ne* e»ear), then th*' gun Miock fit* a* to length, a trit:- ger pull of atiotti four (lounds is ssHs- fsetorv.

Refore going tn the cluh to shoot buy a hand trap (they cost almiit ft*.' go OIK into some Held and practice J a bit. Have a doxen or two bird* re- j leased *omc twenty vards distant, so, that they fly at right .-mgle* to you. and as they aiart throw *ip the giia behind the bird, swing after it. keep­ing the eye on the black disk, and as the miiixie come* into the scene hark of the bird, swing qnlckly past It. and pull as you iMisa: don't stop the gun nr }erk the trigger; tak*- It quietly and slow ly; snd «1on t he surprised If Toil fail to hit the drat twenty dtak*. The imtnt la tn get the habit of swing­ing oa past the clay and releasing the trigger anionthly as you go With a little experience Ihe knack will come to you an<l the sport become more and more tatereating Always ramember thst a gun ahould he kept in good rwa- dltlon aad ahould he put away la Ha

Mskcbens sad pul-

I irtuiay lutw ami keep 1 ' them laving allwtaser' by fivtnx thsai

Poultry Regalator]lakes tbe loafers lav ami gives

Csi bwt oi rgga lees. .All ynvir ols keep bealtby and re<|uire

less fee*). It artualiy save* itsivut. Ossts aas**** s»«, a, (Msa r-sml

s»seae«»a» r*Me«« m shvs., .|p<vsa ••eMSVtH.CW.IlMV.t.M.

r. a. V—

Ticlinor, and «*ther relatives henMr and Mrs J. M Roberts were In

Ht John* Monday.AImiuI twrnty-ihre«* friend* an«l

sch«x>lnia(e* of Mis* lllanch Randolph gathered at her home lor a siirpris*- )»arty Saturday *-vrnlng. The affair would have been a ■uccese If Ml*** Raioiolph had not seen some invita­tions and received muie A must eo- )oyahle time Is reported, and the guruis departed near midnight, wish ing Miss Randolph many diipllcale* of this, her Mixieenlh birthday.

Mr and Mr* Frank M*s*racken. two children and mother. Mrs Antis of lleiding, were giieals of Mr. and Mrs. FI McCracken from Friday iinlil Sun­day

Wni. Hunicr and son. Attorney Geo. G. Hunter, and George Davis «if (Kid were in town Satiiixtay.

Ashei and l*ee Terwllllger and Heri Minn of Crystal wer guests of Mr. and Mr" Thomas Terwllllger Saturday and Sunday

Mr. and Mr*. .Nathan Kilts of St. Johns were in town Sunday.

Mr. aad Mra Stephen Downs of Nnahrille arora ggeala at Mr. and Mra L

The Wood StoveIn the kitchen will soon be fired up

for winter rvaSiing

A lot of houaewlves biiv from, the -taker during the hot months; but shell It is c«JOl enuf ti) cook, then th* family cheer up They ar* tired of frtber < onklag aad want home-mad* bread. <-akes and pastry The firat aid tn g<Mid cooking Is Go<m1 Flour

GiiRRii 4 nkvtk «ir -n-RF iMmt:FMII'R THiItT !






SMi UiMi III tilt Hmm TImITivAittMiytMMtftlii

MA.NT a |Mru«nipU is tW mmw frvai tlMp Kuropaau war aaaa ^ a atorjr tu llaalf. Moat at tiM bam at tbaaa itkla llgbla

111 tba anaad oawHrt at uatlawa aiw Claan batwwltb. Thay larlata atlrrtmi «iaa4a of bafwiaai am tha battlabald aai uauaual larMaalB.

A iMiar to cko klM at tba “-‘ft—nwrtttoii by Uaaatal laaian. tba batoAr Balctan commmmdtr of tba Ua*# fWta. Iwai aftor ba waa takae prtaaaar boa baao OMda paMIc. Raforrlbt to tba iaairaitiuij at ran Lowata. Uawaaal Lo> ■Bb wroto:

‘Tbat I 4bl oat laoo aiy Ilfo in that•Moatropbo la dao to mf aoaon. wbo bbaw no fraoi a anronsbald wbllo I wna baing anObaacab bf tram ospAobab paaagar. 1 waa ooaaopad to a traaeb. wlMfo I foil. A Oomao captain gaao ■a m drink, and I waa laado a prioaaar and iakoo to Llago. 1 would wUUagly bav* rlroti my Ufa. but doatb waa not graoioil to IDO.**

‘*«aMa Wm lafarabl.**Quuttui: rrotn a lottar rarolrad from

a Krvnrli utBrrr, ■ Bonloaui corro- »|w>iHl4‘iit hoo- :i I'rpuoh (*arali7dii.'-ioii li»*M ill I'lif, k nvo (•**rtiiati i< r|.» for rtiiii iHMim

•Wln-ii III*- Itt*riii:uio «*T»* lullfri'iii III** iKirtli «i«- *v«*n- «inl«*r*<il ii*li* 1*1 ;i i frialii vlli.ti;** ul iili ««*«in ivllti H ;* w ipiifk llriii*: kuhn aiul fni.ilry It Oil. It lM*r«tlt ctiifrin ikf. ■■Ill wf HOC r***-i|*-*l

iiUiki i. i** iran .n tin* nicrtiiii;; A l*•r: ii. l->uii ..riliufiil w.i. uiaintiiiii***! ill ti.iy SlifiU<>\i-*! «*»*-r» !«n!<liii;; .m,! tin- u;i«.f*Tljal \V«* liatl iM MT«*.iiii .Hill .liiiiit ail iifili-f. Ill*, cljtirrli tou**r »*.i' atriM'k ii> 11 <«li*>ll ill til*- ttiiuWi* i-r luul til);lii ami • ••iliip.MHl

"K.ii > p tti«* lll••^lllll^ w** |••tr•-Ml••«|uti<i<*r ii II.Ill i>f .||••||. aft«*r iijow 'iir diio'ii iiiii- Ilf «:*>riii.iii Uiliitiii > W ••................. iriiii :n ili** iv ii i*dnv . all.I •<>ir ••\|in*it |. ll|.•l.•«**'. Ill iiiiiiii ••l•l••l•. ao a ifii

il> ffii.ii.- I I i.ii ••

Decorated on BattletieidT ll»' •rii .«*|l ..f ,1 i\ )•l|||l|•■<| I mill;.

^>*-ii. li «.!lh . r \!|»*rt r.»iii|.i.i i.ii rii. l,* of iiiiiii* fi.r liiiii til. |,.•.’l«>llcf ll*»in*r I ..>iiN>r:ii ,,i ft,,, i.-iiii.tlrak'''»ii. »• •••*• Im-;;Iiiiiiiik ‘if lli«* ";«i}*ala|ill> t'M.k |,;|ll I, i, |«-.,||t oltli III. «;.>iiiiaiis III III., till, k ..f Ul** li.itti** 'Imllti;; liiH lail.iiH-' Mi.iiii.l ♦il :iu*l li* i|>'f>.. tic -ii«|ii.*« III III. al*l b<i|.tc«l liiiii I-III .li.iii .li-r. iimluiiilcr I mill tit liinc ;.*iiii l.iiDci. iiiiii ..iicu i.i iitc I'rt iK li line Til** ..iiii*- >1 \ I'llaiilix n:i* |ir.allot*.1 to I*** a i.t-l M*'.'! Ill

Htutti aft«*i \x aial, atlliutiiiti vx^ouiided. )!*■ dliitliixnl«li*5l tilin**«*ir In another nf fair. U'iiiiliic a charx** of hl« Miuad axalii*-! tlx* ltHil*‘ii uuiinl. ho.** Kinnd anJ he liliii.**^ <*u|iiiireil \\4iiiii.|«^| hr a hull xvlihh imil |iter<a**! tliroiixh the lower (lurt of lil*» *t|<>iiia- li and l oviTe*! with I.Hiee tliniMti., lie «x:i. miiuvi.l frt*iii the tij«iilell«*l«] tliirliii: the nlciit «imI l**.'4rn**«l ih.1t he hail iN-en |•rutllole*l to Im* a Ktiliheiitenani ami inimifiare<l to tie chernll*»r In tin* I.**j:hin of lloncr

TUI« lnehl«‘nt i*f ili.uratlnx a aoHiler oii the liiiitl*>iiel«l reeall. .N'a|M>ie<tolr Utlie.

A Boy Scout Wuader.*rhe h*-i>> lit Itelcintn I** a Imit «-aiut,

I>cx<ien. •l**«-*ir;ii*il In Ivinx .\ll>ert for i.i. lulor iiml «l<>«.iti«in to hn* eouiitry

rh|. .x.Miii;; luiii who wraa liorii at Li**»re. ii* t|**., rllM**] by I.** I'lxaru aa of aliuoat iin< .iiiiiv .har|inea«. with M*nae<* and |H'ri .■|•ti••n•> aa keen a* a aavaxe lie wa. ill to nml bU way |bruui:h the w«M«|. .iiid {la.M th*- at'iitltiels of the etieiin "lili >iii**riiu(; ar4 tiracy.

l.ey«**n ni:i«h* Ida way thruitKl' the tienii.ifi line, from Antwerp for tin- leiitli tune arryliiK dla|iatrhea to ae 'ref >l•t•^e.e|•tnt|re« *»f the lielcUin X'n • rniueiii III |{rua«ela He has ilia e<trere<l .•.•Ten lierUl.'in aplea In llel nuiii ami iierfornieil « variety of otbei i>*-rvi.-e. .imJ all without Impaliititt bia tioyUli .lui|illcity

Thnee Shot. Dnf Refbfe.A reinarkulilv atory of a aoldlor

rauKUt In ti trap amid a rain of hulloto. who dux hi. way to aafety with bla tayopet. waa told In 4 boapiial at Po- trograd

**A hiMly of Uii.atan tmofMi waa Itired Into the open Ihtouch the flying of a while flac." the aoiiller aahl. “wbeo tbe iMilleta iw-can to min upon ua. There waa ih> ' «ner In aight. ami I be can to die a hole witli my twyoncC Kitiier It won HI t*e m\ crave or my proterilon fn>m ttie rttl** nre. One bol let hit me hut I «•*^nllnlle.| to dig A aeeoii*! Iniltet hit me

'^tic lioie w.ia half ttid.lo-d when a Iblnt hid ••! -irm k me 'ii tin* le* Final ly I tini'loHl the ho'e .iimI tiimhival Into It Jii.l •» . fourth !n't Idt *iiv other lec 1 I**- ime l■l)•.•n••ion■ himI r*‘mea)lier pntliiiic '= -ir*- 'infll I wok*- :p herw.”

A Derman (MRccr'a Dtgrr.y l!*«i.-ii orreat«tiid*’iil Imv uiitalne«t

!!••««... 1..11 (if |||«. diari of a Oemnh et who aurrend'-reil to a t'^Ov ot

•trnc-'er. I id .|;; ■»*•• the follow Ihk' fro*. It

‘*Ah7 •' <Mir •**..»*. iiMlii) iieforel.lcfp- tiave hevn frichifni .Never

•And: It la all ailnwud tor. Bacliae. tb* fbllM are only Pnllab bagtanara. tba tottllBg of wbaaa bAaad wiU aprand tba war laat at bnaa a aaraaaary fbetor.

**A«g. tl.—Aad new far tba Kagllto. Tbnlgbt Wllllaai tba CIraular baa ghran aa baauUfbl adrica: 'Tan Cbtob aacb day of year laiparnr. Da nai fargat Oad.’ Bla maiaaiy aAmnli iWMtobar tbat tbtoblag of bAm wa Iblab aT Oad. tor la ba net tba Aiailgbty*e rappHan* mtaa la cbli glarAana igbt tor tba

**Aag. 12.—TbAa la riaarly to ba as artlUary arar. Aa tea foraaaw. tba to* tantry cenata far notbiag

**Ang. 14.—Brary idgbt saw a ebap* tor of tba war of IBID la read to an Wbat a graat oatloni Bat la It naaaw aaryT*

“Ang. !&.—Wa aia oa tba frentlar. Why do we wattf llaa BoaaAa lanliy

j dared to lorade uaT

**tltowaTt af laUiac Blan.’*SpeakiuK of tb# ttgbtlag on tba

Marne, a Krenrb uergaaut said: **1 ba* gati to i-oiiut tbe dead, but soon found that liiifMei.iiiie I suddenly beard a greni "tioiii iiiid .;mv h i>ici>t that made my hciirt .Mml .till

“Mill iix.ihy x»»*re liinrciiiC d*»w n on III* enemy . inx.tlry in tin* hneht •.iiii.niiie I li.-ir lame, nmi MnlH'i.10- ik*.| like .how'T. of fallliii: vtJin*. TlM*r** wa. Ill It li'iii-tie of li.eii ami hor.«‘. ami *••>11 .I* *'.

iince cap. wcic hirti In tlie en einy . lank, •■eiiii.n hol•..•lnen aeeiin e*| to t •■nlfch tiiio Hi.* earth There iiiii.I lH*l|.*tc Ih* no dollht thill the tide then in ••nr ( '

Swarmed Like Ant«."ill.* .:ll•l■♦• w.- Ktlh*«l tin* more they

■♦♦.•Mieil lo Ih*« •.•I.**. ' niild an ofhi"er who ill— i.ii ..iiio* of III.- »*arM*"r t»li.i.e. Ilf ih.' hiiitl*' iii**t .warm**i| like ;iii|. < oiiitiii.* .11 11. itioiiuhr:ii*'h .••**klni: to*.- ••onlin'l. for theyleiiriii.l to ie'*..-t otir rit1.-<f .Hid iinti*- net* Mil till, ix.ini tiler,. |. iint>re)<i- dll ••<! (• IInioiiy

\ ie>ii>-oiiiini....>n.i| •i.'hcer of the fill. .11. n •• »•• Itill. !.lle a lellel ;i. -'tilHiii on I ^.*•rlll.•l: ••!* ••r tvllii Wii. I. Ii.l tt hill- defeiidllic III. h ilterv In tt. '. ttei all* Ihe.*- .•-nii li-.-.

*:••■ IIIIIII Inl.inirt an.i .-iitalrv will11- >* ittiii k Ul.- Fn.'il.h Infantry :iiid l atairt at el....- <|ii:irtci. I lo-ir tire I. mnnli-roii. '2 h.- onit wiit m attaok them . w Ifti artlll*-rt ■'

Carcav Seized Horve%Th •! .orrow III . h- tin- i.artinL'.

ii.;tt..-n lln.h■•llll. .ii.d w.t.-. iinl imi •'lit. iml • hlldii-ii III III*- oiint'le. in t.lit I.I III the cie..l ' -r III* .*-|«ara lion tif |•eil..lnt. from tin- diiinh liruti-H that have nerveit tlietn wuib mil fnltie fully and whh h are I'omtnandeereil for the arniie. In almovt aa loiirhinc to wati h. I. tlie dei'laratlon of a NVa»hlnc- ton w'omnii w ho ha. re«-entl,v returmil to her iMiiiie She wav In Cerinati.v cn mute to Munich when war waa de clari.l. ami all thrim-.-h h* r journey Inca III the . duinlnlon. .he witne.M-«l what well- etl.lelitly le.-ll iM-rea t elllellta of thi. kind.

“I initv .loiiil np|M-aiint; (•♦•.ivanfa.'’ ahe .iiid. “U*iidink’ t>' the de|Ntta the al**ek farm h*ir.**. w |i|. h h.-id Iven the im-Mi. o' iiiikin-j flieir little farm.

.•• ■ . ■ <• III .1 III many i-.iaev. wert*the (H-|. .if tile family After tiimini; th**ni .Iter to the #-r. in I'h.irce. they w.nild .till i-IIiib to them nililiiiic .mil piitini: their iio.**. mil. in soiin- ca-M*.. tin-y would t-in-ak hi' k ac-im later III tin- diiv for one more ciireaa and to h-iive 1 few liiiiii'v of aucar or nn e.iH-cliilly .in 'iileiH i .irrot.”

Order of the White Feather.Mow the women of l.iiiilmd are iinr

liiB till tn.-n to tisihi f'r Ihe union jack 1. Ilidicl||.|| III e\|.-ilte||lV adi>f>t *vl In .*-ter.r town, rei enlly to ahaine ah •' lin n wh*i Inite mi far imt iin.w.-r*-il the - Jill. At Ileal a croup of (•relit cir ' •li.tiihitt.d white fealherv to i. r<*wd of ••line men. who ii< i'r|it •.| thwin lokinclt ill •*fat>ir." and wore lh•■nl III liieir hiiiionlio •*.

Th*-y w.*re ci**ally ilia, .•mllleil a little 'il**r w ii*-r the low II crier hhiouiimiI Ihr.>iIBle>ilt Ihe cHt iliat the men had l«e«*n ■■•I*--oiiH. d with the order of tin- Willie l-e.iitn-r for .hirkliic their diitt md liaiilm; to re«i*.md to tba rail for .lef. mier. of the union jack.”

Ferocioni Bayonet AttacksThe woiimleit in Faiia dw-

clare the ltritl«h h.-ive ri*i»orl»-«l almost ev.-lu.|tely to Ihe «i*-ei in iiie recent nBhtiiii; Tile III ijoiitv of the ttermans admit lliet liive |m-<-ii iinihle to with- •tan.l the frr«*.-ln .»f ihe*>e ittarks K.prr'iill) ferrlftliii: are r**tN»rted to lie Ih** Invh and S*-oi« li 'i-cimer.ta The rlviilry iH-tyn.-ii ih*-.e tw«» iMtIonail fl«*. |« aeiite. ami et.-ry time tbat a S< oli'h I.*'110111 •llvIliiB**- Itaelf ll»e Irt-ili III l»e •l••^M•Il.||.| III to attempt to •cilfi.e It It fin* iievt ••pp••rlllnilv

Scattered Hit Kittea ■*A mii{niti'-enl ••onion lilBhlander re

rent V iitr* i*.| iftinfl**n at the Care dn V«.*a1 ■ f •ll•c^1|*ll. 1 '^»rre*(*i»mlentfrom Fart- ‘He ■• •. In tin*- hnmnr, allh'iiist) u- »i:*i !**-**« w«nind*<*| in the •id* In t!; ’tit II ■ >: TIo- \| rm- Me hail . w- . Hi III* hand w'i|. h M** ea- pta)ii*.| In «.l fi ; ii|r*.|| fnirn uhlan dlix-tlv ifri-r the • hail .truck

la aaa IT ba araa badly bare Aa tab maiad cunvemitius fuMuwed. Aa blgblandac. analaue in •speeaa bbi gyabHade lu iba Kiuntfa Flur«ur« NigbUn*

tt uiiittMfiftCw t^ttii ImblaaMi ail at tbani uu Hie ebueba. Tba eiwwd rbeerad deligbiedly. and Iba nurawi were not In tihr lansi alatalMd.**

OhiliTCa WaaliA to flgitt.4 Bourgaa cutTewpundrai aayot

'‘Aluuug Ibe klwt Ulura acclaUMlng tba Pruneb artillery peaeittg ibruugb bera were four lads, tbe ehleai aliuul tblr* teeu. gevural u»arv*bea later tbe twya were found lb a circle of tbe treepe partaking of tbe luaae

**'rbejr swore to foilow until tbay raaw In itmCact with Ibe enruiy and to lay dewu tbeir Uvea for tbelr country. A coUeettou was launedlaicly raised aatoog tbe aeldlsra. Tbe boye were torrlMy dapieeeed at being compelled to rtonm beam atoet. rbarged witb ragabandage under tbe military law. Tbe amgtotnite. witb Mara la bla ay an aagnlited them **

WgBBto lM«lrt IB Bbttla.

Ameng Ibe wenndad arriving at Matay-le Bee. France, a town la tbe dn- pavtaMnt at tbe leAne and near tbe Onreq canal, waa a youag laandiuaB In a aoMlaFs ualtorm. Wto bad fal­lowed a oompany of Benavea and bad fougbt alongKlde of Umb In tbe trench*aa. Her Ideotlty waa not diacoverad till abe was wounded. Iiefore aautting her to tbo rear tbe commanding otocer compllmeuted ber on her bravery.

When flcbtlng waa general about Rniaael*. woineti of the Belgian capital motonvl out to watch iMttlew In Ibe '•ml of ihi- .ifii*rin*on im un< •m. I'rneillyl. tlioiich ci'inc lo file rsi *•.

Child Flayed Amid Dead.M«ti* I. (i.iri ol tin* •!••.« rtplloii of

kcoii*-. ••!! tin- lNittlfhi*ld. on tin- iMHiki of III** Miirm* .1. to il I** .1 Fiiri. . •»rr«- r|M.iidi-nt lit III! **y «*w till. ■.

“Ill tin* hluxinc .nn.hii.e I .iiw ii lit Ih* iNit. Mill of II I'liri.o--tin* Turkov iifti'ii hrlnt; th**(r tt|t.-. .iml • hll lt«>ii on iir iiciir tin* h.iitlctn-iii Mi- had a rith-of M.iiit* woiindi.l ... tlii-r which he Wii. hiic.:inc in lii. !|lth- iirni. :i. If il wi-r*- ti !••> Ml* wii. | huppy eiirtiiundivl l*y etul.-n.i-. “f ilmiih. de- )>lr . .ii(Ti‘rin;; ihmI hiiHHl III. f:i.tloT wii. lyini: woundi-il in a y ilhiKe ell*..• lit Till-child liiid ••' wuv”

j Must amn wbo have amcNuited to anything ainrtad with noibtng butll ability and determinatlan- a oomMn* atlnn wbicb rerogalioa no inan*made |

^ llmitattada.) Any kind of work Is better than idle* i neea which la directly reeponalMe fori iiMMl of the uabappiaaaa i* Ihle world.

Idleaeea la a dangeroua thing; It ^gnny grow into a habit that might rtlch to you after you get back In hameaa, and the luaa who loafs on bis job la| wni) fooling hlmatlf.' Ktemal. Intelligent edort la the I ' price uf iomatorrial growth aad where I there la no progreeelon there U tioiina to be retrogreaalou. Busineae la

• eouieihlag like aeroplanlag; to atop ia to drop and to drofi Is generally to| bust.

I Pin your faith to tbe law of eo«t*j .panaallon. but doa't take any .itock in the law of cbaBM; thore'a no such thing. Waiting tor anmathlag to turn

I up in tbe belief that thiaga arebnun<]|I to come your aray eventually la throw­ing dice with fate. Many a good dog I

i nevor got a decent toour until his teeth | were gone.





Oddities In the !rin* .-Ill- |. il tliiii-.. . . out

sklrtM of Mlli-lhiHl^i-n A lit of• ••■riiiiin .coutv dii.h*-. ■• tin* fl'Hifof III*- oidy Inn in tin • lhH.’i-, |M>.ts nit Ii ill tin* diM.rwiit • <1 •-nli-ring. hlni.i-lf Hi H d*-:il I ••**.

M*' <lriiws hi. .iilter .i (•nH It nutlie tiihti- ill III. .ide iitid nh-i. fo>>i)

Tin- \dl:H;«* WiilliT I. • li.. tn the |N‘- Cit.loli lit- cue. to iH> Itlioll.e lllltl f* lc|)**t> il hay fork iind | .n «*. it nt Ibe utln*r .idt* of till- \ Ihiio-

'*Slo(i! WliHt diH**. il;|.'" rnam the U*-ui< fiirinu.iy

"Wht ■■ .. I.I tin-' r tnii.*. • nll.r. (•••liitinc to th*- .iilter. “I riiought that w.i. t..iir kniti-. Ml I I > ucht you a fork to mill, il

Frisonen Roped In Bof.A Fetrocrad l•l»rr••.| ridi-nt tele-

graphv the fnllnwiii:; *' ••ugiigciuent at Kiinlia. Iietwi'en l.uh i)< and Kliulw. wliere tin- .\iivtrlan. . .t almut iMmh> piiMuieni iind .evt-rnl x’li'*- wrtHi deeid* *vl hy a l•nyunet ••liarci- ** .Mivtrlaiiv got **nl:ingl*vl in a Im>c mui which, after lh*-lr »iirrt*iiiler. tl.. t had to l*e estli<'nt*vl with |tn- -.Ivtaiii'e of ro|*ev "

Ktery Frenrb ami Km h name tiav dlita|i|H-iirivl In Iterlii.. ->■ ding to i-u- III**.. Ih*- NV**.tiuliiv|*-T • •-■*»mlngtin* Siatinn hotel and i: it dillyt-af** the Vnlerlanil • •• • ••wel*i-r.’ w|n«l«>w.. forinerlt -• Iheimur In ••.ich i-iiuial of •!.• nowhiivi- (laiier pijitivl over tti* n.inn*. of l.oiidon. Farlii, .**1 Fet*-r.|.'in: and Ilru..*-I.

Fifhtiac In a Fish Pond..\mong dminallc Im idi-nt. In the re-

• l ilt tik'htliig may l>e m* nlioitevi tlie krini work nl Ihe an iei.t ti.h ((uimIv Krmenoiiv die. I’nHn e. Tliew |H'ii«tv iii'e viHii In hy high trees. I>iiv- Ing the i-ni-niy ihrougii IIk* wimnIs. a s. of-Il regiment hn.t.i.l iii* foe. right Into tile tivb (Mindv. Ibe Scot< bmeu juniping In after Ibe Certuani* up to tin- iidddle to tliil.ti llieu. In tbe water

Slam as He Prods Shirkers..\ t.uHig ii-ierve olli'er wIk. nas re

liiriHvI to Farts, relating how he I'aF liinvl tin- .vtord uf a liat itan colonel saHl

“When charging tlie Hnvarians I m* Ihivl that lln-lr oh-nel wa* trtkliig ills own men with hi. .ttord to |ire tent lin-m from tuniilng aw.jy Me was M. iM cn|iHv| In IhU I list lie forgot IlH* a|i(»n»iili of tlie Freioh .ind wa. shot dead '

Difs Pifkt For Haaton.The ileigtan uewspai-er Fatr.ute leli*

this storyA iHVtfery of Iteigtaii mlirallletise.

w nv .nrri>und*-*l w ln-n tin Ir aiuttium Hon wii. exll.l•|.t*.||, nnt 'In men ile termliifil to make a ruvh with - liihlinl rifle. ii‘lng lln-lr l•:ly•>n*•t' ns digger. \s f.imlllnr w ;tii Iti .gliim kijow^ dog. all i-ti-r "?■*•(• n*iv1 foi Aalil draft, nml nMltali •• *• t-atierle* lie np..liv ilriiwn t*' flu* -n -lal. tig ili.-ir ni.isier* r»>iigliiv tn-iitvl liiI hni.d I** h Hid llgtil th* log. iolin-«lII •«. **fli--tunllv -iv to ell.;--'* tin gun ler- to hmk thmugh

A -••Idler irrhvl one of ffir«e t»erti|< I- ii«i~ 111 hi" nrm«. for If hn1 i hiillet thr->'-:,l Its pan. Inf It d:d imf whin* iml k*-rvt Ifeldng tlie tmiti . iMtal with Its grt-nf h*H t**ng»M*


Ioo**** ••••o*•••••o•••••«oooooooooooo


ooooooooooo*•••••••ooooo •ooooo •ooooo oooooo •ooooo •ooooo oooooo ooooo* •ooooo •ooooo •ooooo •ooo«• ••••oo•ooooo



News A actionAds


•ooooo •ooooo •ooooo •••••o ooo*oo ••••a•


oooo «• •000*0

Bring Home the Btacon!

if yoB rnBtfmpidtr Inyim ai i^dioD

Sale, bfkertne k m Tke News aod yoB wtt kbve t big crowd.

A big erawil toeaw tobrebetter prices far



Let US do your Job We wii



St. Johns News •ooooo








a MM.

’News Short Story99

The i Divorcees

lim Mmmd fm In 4

Second Norriage


T»*»* l.i.Hr* im f nf :t is.-ttri! t \ru wh«T»* l»»erf »rrt« i r««>|rtttv

•'\Vh> >1 (iron•I"* oil** nttht U< to thf oKitT

•W • \ I.. rii ('itici* 1 I" ttl' ' I

•1) -Af J.'.IMO.I oil loMliO- !•If! ;ico

.\or .vuu."Itiil i nill •• III 1 I ||,= I

pTf»i;l>-«- -Ml II I II Iil;i .. Iimnrfinfo i«> I•♦•••<*ir'"

■’1 ilUIO « «*rt(4llllV lHM*tl UlllortlllliilH Mr' iMTiriKlf Snilili iiiul Mr^ Mur

Sarct .lotHu wort* nt l«M«t fortiinati* lu |Hi«Mn^iMC vi>rv iiiiiiinoii tiHiiH** ill till* tbnt wort* !u*tter to losrth*‘UiM’lIn n iiiaco wlifri* nil tmo* •i«*iil rrHl«l«*iil' wm* kuonn to Im* »«• qulriiu; i-ltUfii'lilp that tvould tniablo thrill To »:«*l illvi*n‘#*i» Tin* two woiurii cotiipnml notii» a* folion^

Mro Hiuitli liait noon after Imviuu Ci-llrsr iiiol n man wlio nrroird to her to I**! iHTfr* il III ill* wns affiihir. In telltprnt (iiiil 1*^^1110*111 nit n man. Hr hail ilrfrrnti to lo*r In rrrrrthlnK uti til tlirv tvrn* marrtt*il, thru lie bad rbanartl Wlirn* lirforc Ih* bad aanur ««1 her Hint lirr will wan Inw with tilm. DU MMinrr bad ttiry rrtunirti from tlir botirriuiMiu than h** .»fi|toar«| brr In rv- ervtlitiit; T'lirr.i^oiiablr wat* no word for It. .'tlo* lind utiiillnt liU I'omfort In •vrrt waj -It'' • onl*l think <if If tlo-rr ws' nn> dnliitt fitihl lo* lik<*<l 'hr li:ol takm palii' t*i provi*!** It for tio- taldr If hr l» »no* worn wlili linniiif"•br would hull out to (I


k'f*v I -

"J I 1.1 111rtI ni » I H MaK tvr> \i tni;\

Iwi.. Ilti :i||m;. ti'l •.•Itili'II '.»! d.l*: I- J.t

ho h<*iii< .in I t'-- "IN- wi*[.i~l to lot wii!^ ;,.T Unt MatMM liritat

111* hiol di'dari'l oiuc tlii*rr aifuiti

I iifh tIoT.*

.loro*' look* III nr 'lll'•ll.lnd n

fsl* til*' llll't* i.iil .llld tbnt 'to- 'll "lid tiot 'w |j!-i; Ik- .< I*. *1M ;l»

.\' tlllK 1*01111 .N|;*"V n llatr di-*M ril*.-d a *»id> Willi i« It 1' 1 • I'.-m*'lii*'r In ..iw iimI niv Ini'liand U n« iinr*-..'•iiirtUi*- It*. >oiir*., tiionuh loir dif n< iiltt i- til l•*v••r>•♦• <ii toiirv lie III ni.'t' on li.i\iiiu III' iiiotli«*t litc with Uj* Trio* 'lo* li.t' iio tioiio* .•111*1 i« v»*r> l**IO*lt Mini lilt ll•ll•l>.ln•l I* lirr olll.t •■hlM 'Ivin;: I will i:i\** brr rrr*lll f**r lirlir.; • lo*«*rtnl. .•in*l ’»lo* d<*r'ii t lni**r frr* with III** it nil Itiit I nrirririih* : '**11 .umI n«*' li**r. airl I will not I*** 1mi**-'*-«l ii|*oii l*y h it lint lirr with m** da'* ill iml •la> **iit "

'I Ini' dill tin*'** niiK'li aliii<M'| w*>uirii |H>nr tlirir irouho*** Int** rai h **lhrr'a ra*- iirliloT 'if thrni nvilltins that ahr ' -tt* triliiii; II 'tort a* old a' thr rit* 'if niarrl iKr ll*rlf Hut nrltlirr of tio'iii I'oiif**'*Mil till' rml rranon why alo had cltm up try Inc to art on tin drr tlir nialrinionhil r*>kr Tl»r ran- ar>’'o 'vht lint toki- w.i*> iiiipirnaant wrr** pifiitlfiil. tint tlo* *>nt*iiialn rraaoii wh* .li t had d* < nlt'l to throw It off W4' n:*i ntriitl**iM*il 'it rliltrr When Mf ''inlth hiol i'k*N| t|r** J<*nr* If ah* tii**iiaht >ii«< w*>iiid rvif roarrt •ir ftr* hcriiiK *M-itml lirr dl t r . to- !■ *t| Iht'iwii nr h*-i handu

liniii;:• •III** I'.notnrh for nil

I, i-rill tir*.f If «h«I fr**li !i r T*rr-i-iit h''

our at ttPMity! awl tUrbrti a« older iwa ^iti* way lu a wuiuuu ft tvaa lu ba aiMiimud that br would twep nf> Ma itrfrrrntv* In tbr marrM statr.

**11 la alnsttlar.” aoM lira. Jonm. ‘-Imiw our raaok acTrr. 1. too, bavr ntrt jnai mu h a man an you dawribw* not iiiir of tbow* UMHi wbwar drfrmtrr N aivraU It* liiaiui-rrlly, IhH Ibrrr la anmr tldiii; itriinlio’ that ••|M>aks fur Itiwlf

fwmi »ALIWlMrwc daCault baa bnaa mad# In

Uir pajrvMnt at tba amotMM aaeurad by a mofftnue of data tba ICtb day of May A. O. 1911, aaacnird by HIrmai W. Halkiek aad lUud Halloek. hla wife, of tbf Vlllase of Maple Raplda la niaton f’ouaty, MlCklnaa. aa inort* ■anora to J. Karla Broam of the City of St. Jaluw. CUntaa County. Micbl- soa. aa martsasaa. wkldi aald mmn-

waa raoordad In tba oMea of theRadaiar of Daada tor aaM County of

* I I w. ^ i. .1. . Clinton on tba lltb day of May. 1911, .i..|uinlr.l by a fluurl.b that nr Mortsagaa at pa^ 390;aad wharaaa tba aOMMiai claimed to bo due on aald mortgase at the data of

Volt liiiti* ii'ki'l un*. dear. If I will tbla nottca Is tba aum of 1719 00 of tba marry aKiiin In i a»e I ;:et uiy dlvuive. | piiarlpal aum. aad Intaraet thereon ia I will unki* one l•\•-et*ll*»ll auMHut ail the Huni of iPo.ll. loaeChar with the the men of the World if the one I ;auni of $11.26 being the amount paid <i|H*(ik of thoiild n»k me 1 will iM>t luiv i f>> the said inortcacee for taxaa duly II.III I would refii'e him ^naaeaaad upon and aaainat the lands

rpmi till** ..*nie'.i..n Mr' Smilh let I*"! Pr*"’**^ mentioned in said mort-oiit a III tie II lele.ileil Mil*l*aril* iiiar frietnl tl.irerl tt* ninke lull* to lier lM*f**n* Imi 'e|*:ir«iii<*n timl

..... Unit .he had imt vet f*'**........ If.' . I that her ..wi. ' Ijr. ’ t *1/" i^*""***^

; sttinilated for In said mortaage, the. whole amount claimed lo be unpaid on Haiti mortaage being the aunt of $K47.oT; and no suit nr pMM'eedina

|ha\log been inHtiinted at law to re- jio\er the debt now renialnlng securati } by said mortgage or any part thereof, j ami the power of sale contained In jsaid mortgage baling herome opera-

III. t 'iie IkoI r*'|M*ll**<l him. w lit*reti|Min he '••«*m«*il l*|**kell lle.irli'l. If her ptvw- eill iHtiitl' Were *.i*»en*«l tiliil 'lit* *'OUltl Il'teii lo till' *.lher l.*\* without 'liame she wu' not Hiite Inn that 'he nilshi yield

l)«*y*iiitl IhtH the * **nii<l*-ii. e dhl ia»t tl'c'••yleml. I*t*rii.ipH biul the hi*li«*H l*een Now therefor** notice i» hereby glv- a d*»wii year* y<*unk'e* eH<*li mi‘.:lii hiive • eii that h> virtue of the saiti power of tokI the «>ihi*r the mime iiml home of [Sale and in pursuance of the statute her aumlrer iiml «' mu* li **li*e nImiuc I such rase made and provided, thebiui an 'he...Uhl .all up Hut at thlr '»‘'‘»rtgage will he foreclosed byty-two U not 'o ..iilhle.itidl as at vr^mlsm therein described,twenty H**'*itleH. tlier.* w as a s|w*« iaireaHttii why neither .•ar.'l to tell 1**.* much ivn<'h of th.''e men. '«* tlelen‘n ttal lu the wishes of the woman he admireil. had a wife of whom he was

I the hanie lietng as follows' those cer­tain pieces or parrels of land situate and being In the Township of Bsaex. t'Jlnton ('ouniy. Mlcblgan. more par-

iiiciilarly described as* Commencing 10 rods south and 10 rods Bast of the

trylug to get rkl. tu. If ibis is stating | Northwest comer of the .Northwest the caM* liH. str**ngly. his wlfi was try ; quarter of the Houthegst quarter of tbe lag to get rid <*f him ' Northwest quarter of rtectlon H, Town*

There was one I'.uif.irt in this heart i ahlp k, North of Range .1 west, thencematter whK h |s*rtuiiie«l i«* Is.ili of Houth 10 rods, thence West 10 rods to tbi*.u* ladles .Neither had aift * hliilren , of street, thence .North 10 rodsThere wen* no liuus-eni' i** l*e wruui; ' *benre Kast lo rods lo place of be-by iKirenlal inf.*li* tile'

i<i lie wrung ' Ibenre Kast loThe law Ih* **"•**•»* *"** *•*“* commencing at. the

lot .■, .-..I, «*.. uu >1.. w,T to'<“5'’"*' ... I I 1 quarter of the Houtheast quarter tl^ >he had marrtetl a iMd man 1 xorthwe., quarter of Section 8 ami bad lM*«*ti made unhappy and she

IPHb Coaaty af CAt a aaaatoa of tbe Probata Court

tor tbe Caaaty of (’llatsia. baMaa at the Probate OMce, In tbe City of H:. Johns, on Saturday, tbe Mtb day of Boploniber. la tbe year <iae tbouoanJ. nloe hundred aad fourteen.

PreiuMt, HKA.N M' KKKl.KY. Jiidgi of Probate

In the mailer uf tiie estate of Hoorwr M. iaM* dereaaed.

On reding and filing the petition, duly veiibad. of Ada M. Judd, praying that she aad tiayiao Judd, or aouie other suitable iiersoo, may be appotnt- od admintatnUrlk aad adnilatalratoi. respectively of said estate;

Thereupon It is ordered. That Thuiw. dgf* tbe day of IMabor, A. l»l«

’CaaatF ti■TATM or IMOWOAN f'llaiaa—m.

At a aoaskia at tbo Probala Oaorttor tbe Cnuatjr of Cllatoa boliM at the Probate OMce. in tbe City at It. Joboa. oa Tburaday, tbo iTtb day of Hoptomber, in tbe yoar. oao tbousaad nine huadrod aad fourtaoa.

Preaeai; HOK OKA.N W. KMUJCV. Judge of Probate.

In the matter of the •sUte uf Ffud. cffMl Tm Mpaobs doe—sod.

l*evi II. Mbaddurk admlaiatrator of said estate, having made appHcatlait fur ihe allowance of his iinal aocount and fur his discharge;

Thereupon it is ordered. That Vbaia* dof. Ibe IMb day of fMdabw. I. 1* 1914, at 1 o'clock la the afternoon, beassigns>d for the eaamluntlan of aatd

4« at 1 oclock in the afternomi. b*iar4 0uni. at the Probate OMce In tbea—lgned for ;hc heaniig of said im*M-|cH) o1 Hi, Johns And It Is fiirtbar tlon. a: the Pml’Mi* omcr ta the (*lty ordered. That nolle, he given to tbe of 8t. Johns. And it Is further order.*.! 1 {N^rsoiis interested In said ea—ic, of that notice he alv.*n t the persons in , the lime and place of said b—ring by terested in said .'state, ..f Ihe time and j causing a .op> of this order to he place of said hearing, hy causing a j published in The H|. Johns .News, a copy of this or.ler t.> Im publiahed in' iiewspa|M*r printed and circulating in The Ht Johns New*, a newspaper 'sid i-ouniy of CUnton for three suc- piinied and . Irciiiailng in said county i f *-rsive weeks previous lo aald day of of CHntun, for thre. suc t-saive we«*k.t' h**urlng previous to .nai.l .Imv of hearing

l»KAN W, KBLKKY.IDA .M. I'.MtKKH, ludg* of Prohau

l(•■<lsler m |'r*>hNlt t A t rui .'opy • • *'w;;

JiKAN \V KKKl.KYJii'lgi uf I'r*l*.

(leorge K. Plowman to fbudarlck A. Travis aad wife, s>s of aw^ of dse IS. twp. of Huagal.

Ctaud Culver to Karl flaadrtrh aad wife, lot i. t*ulvsr‘a plat of Poffe Lake addltltm on 8ac. n. twp. of Hath.

Kdward K Heob to fjoorsr U French aad wito. aH of sH of aetk of awSk of dec. It. twp. of Dowttt.

Aiubo A Keller to Peter Huba aad wife w't of aet4 of S—. 15. twp. of Westphalia.

Jacob (*rlsl to Lsiwruace Crtot and Frank CrHI, ekj of neH of dec. 7, twp. of Kagie

Frederick DeCamp e< al to Cheater K. JackaoB. n .**« ft. of blaek '•P.** Ovid, alao land conin.enrlng at ae corusr of hl.M'k ‘P." no >« line of dec II. twp. of 'tvid. thence w 21 rods on % line.

|n *'• ft.. 21 rds.. s t* ft., to place of itealnning

Helen <* Hewitt to Jerome T. Shaw

—abma Oaly bigne of In One balitan Vill aooot— of tbo Qiainbaritod. btnanbod batbar Tban Tarrldad.'*

In tbe Ontkmk Albert B. WUUaani writ— vividly of bla —pertewc— In Belgiom after the Harman Invaotoa He toHs amoug bis eaperl—cm tbe fot* lowing:

"We were Up on tbs little bill tMCk ef Meacli just — tbe sun w— ainklug. and for the drat tine war. In all Its terrthie spectacular aptsodor. amois me bani. I'lom tbe hill at my fast there Htret<-lie«l a great plain IUle.1 with (I .leiiiM* mass of soldiery Oo<*

Ih*Township H, .North of Range .1 West.

w..uld Im* al.le t.. im.rry a guu.1 mau. running thence .North 1* rods and wh«» woulil l»* ;i"iug to her. What fourteen feet, thence i*:—t lu rods, woh t<* iH't.m.* .»f the'.* tw«. unworthy i thence Houth 1* rods and fourteen f—t, men n.*lther w ife < *insidere.| | thence West 10 rods lo place of begln-

It IS a long road that I.S' no cimI nlng; and land conitnenring 20 rods . . ...nn.l l»th the*** ladle' at last found west of the Southeast comer of the| **''^'**'**‘* print*. ,tii. .irrii a Ilieinselve*. fre** fr*iiii one m:.tiiiii**nlnl j Northwest «|iiarter of the S<)utheast ’**'* * *** • i.t-.v n* ■ t.*\*jok.* nn.l dellKhteil at iIh* pr<*«|H't «»f quarter of the Northwest quarter of taking .HI aimtlier Mrs Smith' ivetl Township H .North of

w.-'t lM** ame es u* Wn f. J'""!!*'!'', then..- West 10 rods, thence .North lUarller than .Mo. lon.-s.

he deparietl f*>r the east Hv this IJ]() rods .md 14 feet, to III.)** Ill** b«*'<*m frieiid'lilp **f their ' ,. of beginning, 2 rods on Kastyounger *1;..' had hl****s**nii..l again, ; aid* reserve.! for street And said and each ii..d atli.dft*‘.l t«* the <>thrt id*scrll>ed premises will be sold at I

den.*** In th. Miry a ni**itlh .11*1

IMIlllt.tTi: OKIIKK..STATK t»K \IIiIM';A.N. f.iunt. Ot

< Union H*.... .11. ... I > II .1 . .1. . ....J 1 -M a 'e"U»i. .if the Prohut* t'ourt fi*rthat as H.H.u as the kmU wan untied P .h i. anr Ion to the hlghe-l bidder ,,,. ,, ,,

I”'"'....... - " ••'• iirMnan-lf iat th* ^r^nt «f tbe Court......... . b*- f.*...Hl t.* It* ..n**iher .ne »<«• ^ W'-t^hns. on .Monday th* 2lHt d»v of .Se ,Hef.*r.* Mr' Smith ' .leparture It had the 2»th j ,h. tear on* thousandhe**n •igr»***<l l*«*tx..***n tU** t'v** that sh** ' !* .nine hun<lr**4l aii.l fnijrt*'*‘ii

anil wife. awK and swi^ of nwi4 of PMOHATK liRDRR. j .*4*.* ig. twp of Kasex

STATK DF MICHIfSAN. County ofi Charlc* F S.udder to Hoy Parmen t'ltotun e* iter ne», of m**, of Sec 22. twp of

At a se'SK.n ol the Pr*ihali* Court jovid.MT\TK OF liirHlls.41% Tbe Ppabati I'"' tb County of Clinton, holden ui . Vettl. A .MiinPM k to Robert H.

r««rl fer tbr r—aly wf (Tlatoa. Mb*- prnhal* Olflce. m the city of St. .s|i«m. lot li. and n»- of lot 9. block At u 'ession of sold Court, held at •lohii;- on .Monday, ti.e ‘Jlst day of .Sep-1John-

th.- Probate Dtli. c In th. City of St., t**mb#*r. In the year *nie thousand, nine. I.uwretice A DuvU to Charley Hchu- .lohns. Ill Huld Co'inty. on the 17th day btiiidred un.l fourteenof Si-pt.'nih.r. A. 1* I'.Mt ! Preaetil DKA.V W KKI.KKV. Judge RUey. containing 10 acres.

Present HO.N |iK.\N M KKKKKY, >1 Prohate Wellington H Covert hy adni. toJudge of Probutc In the matter of the estate of Jalm William Allen, wk^ of neV« of aeVi

In the matter of the estate of Fred. 0*1 Haaell, de. ease<i |„j ,4 |„ township of Rath, con-eriek T— Hr—k. d. < •■ased. *>n reading and tiling the l»*‘tiilon.. talning 2t> acres

l4*v| H Shaddiuk administrator of duly xerllie.!. of Dennis O'f'onnell. Kydia'correll to Charles K. Pull, said esiai. hating tiled In Mild court praying that the last will and testa- t.'.. of n S of nw'« of nwK of 8ec. 22- his |>eittloit, praying for llrcnse to sell ment of said deceased may be proved the interest uf said estate In certain and admitted to prnnate. and that Kd- real eslat* therein <|eaciilie«l. for the dh* llollaorn or 'ome other auiiablo ptiriMMH- of iMiying debts and ex|M>nses |M*rson may he appointed admlnistra- of administration tor <if said .*ataie;

It Is or.ler«*d. That the lalb day af Thereuiwn It Is ordered. That Tbara*OHaber. \, 11^ 1911, at ten o'clock in day. tbe itmt day of Oeiaker, .1. Dmthe forenoon, at said probate oIBce. 1914, at I oclock In the afternoon, be n***, of Se« |s twp of Rssex con-he aii.l is herehx ap|H)lntcd for hear- assigned for the bearing of said pell- fninmif 14' ^creiiIng said iiettilon. and that all |>ersons lion, and that the heirs at law and i Hj,rrlei Anderson to Klisha Miidge ' •“king Die warning and comingInterested in said estate api>ear before legatees of said deceased and all other commencing 4«i rods w and 64 rods 1 by the thoti'Sials aepNw the lurder iiit J

n of >4 iiost tietween .Secs .7 and M j lAmhourg. their only haven of safety twp of Kssex. running n to s hank of. When we down from the hi Maple river, thence w to highway. | Into K.vwlrn we were lu tbe midst o'

It i' further ordered. That public 'how cause, if any there he. why the 1" amne e U^nt lit I *****^ I*ea;-»t* Hecinu iM-fore tin* r.*.tnotic.- iher.sif h*- given by piiblirallon will should not Ih* approved; I wav to .mint w of sisrtins nnint '

........ " '■ r’;rressiv.- weeks previoiis to said day Of th*- h** gnen to th** iM.rsons interested'^ acres on oi of «wt of ‘tr, •hearing In Th* St lohns .News, a la said est.,.. of the pendency of the i' .Vancy^Ide^lla AtkInJn to James

hearing thereof hy .auslng a ^py of.this order to be published In The .St. j „.lohns .News a new-pafier prlnte.!(n ulaiing In said * ounty of Clinton, j A Terrv to Rohen D Mor-

lor thr**.. smecs ve w.*ek, previous tosaid dax of hearing -

' ' ' ' ’ i Kmeat J {.arkins to Isaa. c Cress-! «man. lot 21. hl.M'k I. Hrown's siih-dix ***^ Candy H.s ■—t Pvssp-x'’*

“In III.* looming I i'liml*.si to the

maker, sw-i* of sw ', of He*- 12. twp of' could scan-e lM*lleve tliat they wereMddiers imj well «II>1 tbeir gray greet. iMMls blend with tbe latMlacatw >ne might lielieve that ibey were ind—d s part of It could be not feel tbe ainios pben* fairly vlhraut wltb tbe masw l•e^M>llallty of tbe myriad warriors

twp of Hingham tramping .lown tlie crops of tbe (•—aArchie Smith to William O'Conner, anta

e4 of ne*, of net, of He* 2k, twp nf| "Those great busts on tbe plaloa be 10*1141100. D—tb bad furiilabed tbe picture wltb

Charlotte M I'ect to loiella Hiir-, n re<|^ luminous iMckground masle of well wild Hurwell. n«A of ne»i ,bc hiaxmg iowi« of M.Hiland and "^^1- ' ! acre^ of s‘, of ^1..* tire was .wt as a warning

said court, at said time and place, to |H*rsons Itiirresied in said will, are re show cause why a license to sell the quirf*<l to ap|>ewr at a session of said Interest of said c'late In said real es- i«»urt th*'ii l<i Ih* holden at the Fr«*- tat** sh.Hil.l not h>- grani**d: 'hate office in the city of St. Johns and I


DK.V.N w kkkij*:y Il>.\ .M IVAHKKH. Judge of Probate

Hegisi*'r of Ppihai*(A tru* I upy 'xx 1

tip Into the sky The* came abamhiliig In with u few imhmm— olons that they Iia*l iiiirrie.||y laid tli *; bands on. singly or in ranilli.*'. a pitt ful proi-.*sslon of tile dl'iriherlted Some of Ihe men* iii.Miiiing *-• they man’lH'l •('•tig hot most 'tf t’lem wen* taking I| xvlih the tragh rcslgnv lion of the |s*a'f«ni. not undersliinitiiig stafietir*! rather tli:iii i.'riilie.l

ropy Jiidg*- of Prohal*! of niil-lnt "J ’ .*41 .lohns.

should XX .lit f**r her frieiid t.i.d Hint the. 't.**ulil Ite tiiarrie.l at the '(.in.* time

luitiiig the n.'Xt iiK'iitir** '«*pamtl<*ti lell••r' p:."i-*| lM*txxe.*ii tli**m 'Ir* .sniPli XX riling **f th** 'Uli|e*’it**ii .*f h**t tlsie •- to her 'lighl*-'! xxhlin aiiil M- Jon**' *-han:ig u*ii|er th*- .h-mx in h*• *wn • •miiig t III*Ainl II 1' X' ■rill. "1

txx.* in.-ii XX'!■> \x (*-itt * r f.i *. r III*XX It ll f 'l* '.* t '* ■ '» .O' lug |..*"* -.Ill I*. Ilit-lr

.\ f. *x d . :.f!<-*•*1 li*-r lit- : • *• '.I****f \.*xx V .rU Mi.l met ftieii ; Mr-r 'III f .- f. -'u. ■ t’

in ' III* 1 ■' t':.

oV hv k in the afterufMvn of said dav. | .1 KAUI.K HHOW.N. Mortg.ygee ;

Dated the doth day of July . A. D.. 1914.] V.'.tKIlRIDDK A KKKKKY. Attor-1

n* > for Mortgagee Hiislness ad-| dress St .lohns, .Michigan, "•ywicl


I r -in'l <• * !■ ! .* f.. u- . f th* p.iti

I.- ' d'*- i'i*-i '.*n.*.'1*1 li**ur iiid !i !*!I ''U^i 'tllfal i;g tl

• fi..',i hing niiirri.'. iirx 1 h«- ri

' nil** ha|>|*>ije'» l■••nll■*ll tln'l th**

lilt- off their - I fx

XX .•(-•* ;ii'*i l•'.k\x |i xx*-d<hlig'

'>1*1 I :li l**«l ll. Itl*- ■ - III.*- **X eliin.

Ill II jir; .It*- u .'.nt Th**

*'*• *f 'IlllI.:.I 11. f*-.l h* •

Pres* III 'of l’rol*at-j In th* mati**r of tin- *‘siut*- f 'Iteorgr M. Mel rum ll. dec.-i.sed I Thou .1 II Kddy • xcciiior of '.td **stut** luixing n id* .ippllc:iil<*n for

----- — ith«‘ .illowaiit * of hi.* dniil a«*ounr .indPIHlHiTF HRUFi; stale of Klebkrnn. 'H*'!»«rg*

• nt' :'f cilnnui -' Th rent on it j- nrd* r* d I hat Thur**-\* a '* ion .d th*' Probat* l ourt for Nx'yrmlwr. .\. IK

•1 . • oi.nty of t'Miiton. hold* n at th-!**••*• •*• " < hH-f u ll.. afe rn.»*nI’r ...I. tim< * In the citx of St. lohns. 1 '•>•' ‘''nminatlon of said

M<«n<l..\ th- 2lst dnv of S**pt< n -' ‘»‘l -*• IToi-a'* lift;., it. •*r ill III* XI- r Of..- thi> .>;.n«l rilt!*"''* *•

In.nilr*-.! and foiirt»*enI’r. .-nt l.i:\N W KKKKCV .I du

'•r *• .7 ft in width of lots hl.H-k ^ .*41 John'

Charles .M Andrus tt» Washington A. Sllvernall **; of 'jv*^ ..f nw', of Se. 27, twp of (treenhiish

.lohti C Hr:*.* t«* Ceorg* P.-ifT.-r .uid ( of .-lee

IN CH.l.NrKKY.-Jtai* of .Mi< h:gan c*Minix of t'lln-

ton. ssI»al**d Sept-mher l*t. .V li.. 1'.»li ' lar* Mlgt.**. . o:ijplaln.ini. V' May

K Hlghee Def-ndint.'iiilt iiending in tt,.- Cirti.i' t’ourt

for th* I'oiintx if Clinton In Chan- wIP- *•*•? of n • ery. at th*- fit -if .St John- on Mi* Westpliall.-i Isi day of ,'!epien-.per A D 1911 Franc**** F Stitt ux attorin-x lo Cco

In this • aus*- it .ip|K>aritig fromaffi-‘A Harror and wife, e .7.7 ft In xvidth davit on fil*-, Thar the Defendant. May] of lots 11 ami 12. hl«M k 12. .St. .lohns K Mlgl»e«* is no* .. resident of this Fr**iencK K Makler to tnistee* of Sratc. hijt r«*side' th** I'ltv of First Maptisr chimh of Haih, lot 4,MrrKiklvn in rh*- .'I'.ite of .New York, hl«*i-k 2u ept » feet off n .'id*- vlll- •?' n oll.iti ol W.ill.rula* -lud K**lley, as*' of HathOi plainant - It is ..rd*re<l Trust*-.- of Flr't luptlst church *»f

*haf th*’ said i»ef--:jdai:t I *•*• X..US.- h -r*’*s!


•»i. •n* f

1.* IN-Iorc tlu- ••I. long < hat >lli**r **ii li.'i

‘ •* u*l !•**• ap xxlth a prill-• of *•'- arrlx.-.! '.mu!

•II m* f** tl-*- <li'in —«*1**V;.l..! .11*1 XX **reI.r.-..-ii .* .tf fhetr

in- luetii, tlie nt

’• « ll Ih- ''111*- I'l lull til.- I i: .-«•» :il tin* -alil*■ -l.lll* llll. Mil- III.-

■*V|- Sum' -.11.1 Ml .hiii,*''- ■rii.-*x* wn- • *»ii*l**rnrtt|.*u oil the face

•f* . ■ ll ind .•x**r -*11* «*f the four.

!*rot*at«ll. th- matt* r of the --.srat* >f lainic

Vlwanl. *1* ( eased'll r .sdiiii: in- ;llliig *1,.- ’-•'*l?l >*i

, ■ **rin.-.l of I hnrl*-- 11 \’xx nl nrayin^ tin ■> rt to def**rmin* an*l olhnlU at* X* ho :ir*- '*r w*>re. at fl;. time of her ileath th*- legal h*’ir> -.f -ai*l *1*1 *'.!'• ll -’Utlll^Ml In th*-

liixx <if thi: d.Ti* to Inherit her real *•*■1 'r ;ind th- '*’ or |Mirtlon ther.'1 • ach of -aid heir' wer- -ntltlei*

lo at that till)*', ami th*' right, title and int* r»-st that each of th--r; or fhel* h* irt or as-lans :av now have th* r>ill •

! i.* reupon It P order**.! That Thars- ilay. tbe lath .lat of IMober, D., 1911, at 1 o clock in the .yftern.M>n h<* ..'-iirn*-*! for rp. hearing of -aid |M*ti- tloii at Ih- I'rohat* ttffiee In th* Cltx of St lohti And It Is further ordercl that nolle* h> given to th. heir- ar law

of .'ll .lohnor.l'*r*-ii riiai noi,.*P- r-'ins int.-r* -t.-ii ir, rh* ! llll* .li d pho < of c ' ing .1 * =>pv of this .

i it-1; d II. ttl- St lohn-. p.ip* r -rltii**! .llld - in

Vn-i II Is fur*'- glV’tl to 'll*

■ an! *slate. 'f .1"! toaniig !**• nl* r to te put* \* X s. a n-w •

ui.itliiK in 'si't-I ' linr-.n lor ti.r- *I ' - 'I* .»n! lia' of h-ar

.V rrl»i:\N 'A

.l.olg*KKKKKV of Prnt-i*-

'r - Smith tl-.ii-*• n .i' vir .lones. i of sal.I *1*'eas*-.! and all other person- I M*' .l**ui ' tHii* ** xxi.s Mr Smith Inter.-'t.-.l In said estate, .xf the tlm*

r* - .*u..*«l f--! iluu* fliif tile eml«r plai* of -aid hearing hy eaiisinrr-"*! -lit xx.»u'*l Ih* lilt-'*ui|Urr:.hh* -iimI

' 'll <*ii' xx.ix -uU of tin* .-..litre I -Ml- XV I* (**1 tin- part' to s<-atter '! 'Ill,*' ;tddi**"ing hi' re* ellt w|f.' : V - I

M ih’ II . f.;.*:i'.* eypt.llli "X... ' 1" virs. .lone'for

C -'.*.-i,.i5 .*xt*lriiriilou tint Mrs

a i-opy of this order to h*- published In Th* |4I .lohns Newn a newspaper printed and clreiilatlng In said roiintx of Clinton for three surressive weeks previous to said dav of hearing

DKAN W KKKKKY K\ true ropy - s..7 .lodge of Probat*


PIHIItvri (MIIH'.U..'-TA I K iiF Ml' HHKV.N Co<in»x of C|in- i.* x *pai

lollAt -« -ion ol 'h- pri.1.ati our.

, fl i th « ouiiiy n: 'lintoii. hold.-n u tin I’r.ihal* Ort-I . ill th* City of St

'.loltii- o|i T r-tlav Ih* *ilh ilax of ' »* tohi r III ll.* ':-iii on*- tlio'irand iitn*

'hundt*-.l aiol lourtf-rii j Pr*’ DKAN W KKI.KKV .Knlr- li.f Pro!.Ill-I In Ih* .itti-r of til* -slat, o*I Hawkins. d*-. * a'.*<l ' Alt* *- K It.K K ailtiiinlsIrHlrix of 'a d ••stall 'luxtng made applii allot, for M .VKIIKIIh;)- Ih* .illowain* of her tlnal a.-i «iiint an.i

, for her ills* liarg*There';|H*n M is or'h-ri**! That Tbnrs-

:«ay. Ibe 29tb day of itotober. D,.1911, at i»< |o«-k in Ih*- afi*'mof>n *e-

jassign*-.! foT the I'VMiiiliiatlon of said ■ Hii'oiini, at the Prohall Dffir*- m the ,citx of .si J.ihns And It is further That notice In- gix.-n to th -

|M*rMin- itileresi**d In said estate.

fe|n xxifhin '!' .late of *h. -nl! r ..p) • ir xnian'vx.-r • * 'h* •' ' plain' llt;. r- f tl t-e -; 1.*’riant Sf» r'• l;i-. - ift< r

: -a.-! tdp ,*;•: ■ r*-"' -at- ■ i..• ..... ! I.'. .i:! •at:!

r.-l ' - fV* it III f xv eiji V 1., V ir ' ,i .s* .1 hot: p- dished it) ’*!*

printir* ulaiing 11. « :

e!> pul'll* n'i*u. t* er* :n at i*'a-«t for -i\ wi*k r;ll- I'atls* a ee.px vf p.'rsonally '.-rx**! • 11*1)1 Itefendant 1 In-fori tl).- HU" ; .-1 her apiM-aran- ■

Kelly .S .S-ar; ' .lohn Walk* r


May K Mig- to h*- »-nt' r-

month- from -ind In ■ a-- of

.1* »!:= I isc per: • p' .;tit’> Hill of ii!*-*l ..nd .1 .'(.v•' -ll -aifl C.I-l;." xt'hln fiff* n

i I- r >>t - c 'px' . p dcf.i'i

taken -n• t -lih'llt I*ef 'p

xrder-ilh .'.lid Coiiipla t this order '**

Johns New=

dh* continued In «*a*-h w. "r

■•'Sion or fh-it this onh-r 10 h.-

--r. said non-resi-* ..St fwentx dax'

■xx. prescribed for

' iri lilt Judge H* gi-iier in t'han-

Mayes K Jolty to Kdward K Keis- lookout on the hlU The Cerm.iti' liadand H, all gone I xv.-ilkiil over to wt.**re ttie

great N»qherl.iiMl' flag (inH neu tral 'oil I 'howi'l iiiv |m's fr*>m Mniovirl.'tit, and xvuli *uie '*ep | wi. *»ver tl..* fM»r*ler into.Heigiuiu, ..•xw un

Iw-'p ' of Kerman Juri'*li*-ti**u Tin* lielm**- e«i Mililiers m-rosH tl..* xvav liHik** I n.*ltli**r tier*'.* leir 'lerr Iti foei in- gm-t.'l me with ;i sniil* I eSpl:.lti**l that 1 xv.-i' to go tlir**iiuti to Ki- .r- Was If |»*"lhl**? They 'hrugL*'*l tli-* shiuil«li*rs Was It iHTigi*r.*ii- V*»t Ihe least Th** Derniuii' xy«*i** rigfiII wns n*.t ilang**rotts ■ti».<it Is. for th l•'erm.lU' Hy (>ns‘!.')iniing tin* everlasilujf frieml'hl** *»f liermany md .Vaserii'a aad loi'siu^; uul 'Oiii** - I'l-**- - late*. I ma.le goad fHemla *>n the horn-* Iwae

".V li.vlf 11)11*’ .iml I . aine foi the firs* time a. tUallT fM<-i* t<* file.* xvlth Ih • w’.’i'te o' TIu’r.* was xyh;it -.n'** wn' Mottlaud. the ilffi*’ rlllag** I In seen humiiig ttl** night In-for*- II and tlii’re ,. Iioiis** liad i*scn|M'l f *• torch In th*- sma«li*>i| wrindow ..f -me hoM'** a lirtgiit geraiiiuiii hl«r"**iiii'i It >M*emeil ti> r> (**r xvap'r. l.ui 1 ihir*'l not turn ri'hl*- Iti the l.vst h<*.isc as 1 l••fl the vliiag** n ns’klng iM.rse with Its hen.l 'til' k through tin* i>p,*n *l*e»r smiletl Its xv<Hsh’ti smile, ns though It at least rviiiiit k.*ef* ginsl rh**er tli<>tich the r«M»f' nilglit full

■'One Helglaii ha.l 'ought for bis own

Math to Kdwiinl S laa.Nohel. ♦* 1; ro.i' oft . III! if O’ I r.iork s Xlllage of It I'


.. iv .*41 .lolin- p ptemi er P'l i

‘ •*. Ill’eiiiig of III*’ Coninioi) » ,„:inii o! 'h. C’lv .,1 .St lohn- wa-

.i.ihll'h***! andi t,„i,| tm tin- ..hox. uai, Ma or U.-orgi* o'lnty .vnd that ,, , ,1,,,^

III* 'ouii'li xxai- ■ .tileii t<* ord*'r at 7 .u o hu k p rn, Pr**'enf Aldermen

KKKJ.Y. Complain*

< orkiii iM'Witi Trwiichell. VauCon-' Ixcnedt t** coi.i ithil.* tin- <ix>rinans. an.1 'uni Walker and Waisworth as the kaiser’' tnexps at the turn tf

r..** max or .'iHte*l that he hud cali«**l the nuiil -** iifHin hls house then* t m**'*tli)g II!'. HicoiiDi i>f the varan was the'or's enil.l.*m raised to I - In fho off... of lit. tre«sIIn-r ! greet them Th.* man ha.l imIImI It (;*.,','****,. '1*1 **"‘***'“’*’ ' *’•' Tn-u'urer , iiitii up ||, m, afiph* tree tiMt tbvy

1 , ‘ ... ,,, , * mlclif not ir.lsiake hls attitude of truevr;:r,i;;'-;' . . . . . . r-r-. . . . . . . . . .mans that they ha.l shown tbeir con

|..r.. w .. i)ii.-i|iial to th*- t .skhui.*' .•nil-.’ I-* th** fr»*nt ton se

Mx fri.-ri*|. h** '-.hi. "It Is evident »• -esslon of Ihe Pfadwti four .......... ................................... .........................that XX,. uio*. ii.’ixe 'waiqwHl wives and ' (ounty of ( lliiton. hohlen j printed and eirnilailug it

-. h.x. 'wapiMMl hiishands isa id .•otinix of (’Mnint) for thre** sue- w,1 w. (.Ill . . 'Johns **11 Tuesday, the 6th .lay of xm--M Miillh. 1 l.axi* heanl what a tviTl- 1. . . » .., .. ^ . I toiler. In thi- year one thousand, ninhi*. f.’IMw v.ii; ,r. ll. live With, and I fourteen.

Present DKAN W’ KKKKKY. Jiidr* of Prnhal.

In the iiiatler of th*- estal« ofWirbavl Hvd’artj, dereaaed

itn reading and niliig th« petition, duly verified, of Helen Me<’any pray­ing that the last will and lesiamen*

..nt ' solP-iior' U stness .nidr**

.-4! Johns M’ I ir***r lor Hi.- remainder or the I•;w6 '‘hdiiig April, 191.'.

- Ax.- Ahlermen Corklii IieWiti.♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Tram hell Walker and W’alsworth♦ ^ .Nhxs Alderrnai. \ auConsant♦ Fin. lllHT. s KHhF\ ^ .Mnx*-d iiv .Alderman l*eNVItt sup♦ ♦' I*, rti'l hx Alderman rranrhell that♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦<•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 'h*- lusiirwiice un.lcr the workman s

.viiiMiriisaiioii law |»- renew «*«| with

tempt for this trracliery h,v rasing Ibis Imuse to tlie gPMin.1 and tbe poor fel toys had lost hls uonl along with hls earthly frcas.ires

hnv,- 1.1* d**ul’t von have heard what a lerrll.le f.*ll**w I am to live with. My ••t*ii>i>*i. I' ttuil i.oii* **f O' ire going to twite*- iiiirsetye'tix ftierhange Madge. I profHw that M.* make iif* and get rnarrle*! agalt. ~

“I I'.ie xir" said Mr Smith, “wltb

.Mr. f* ATK Df Ml HIOAN ( oiinix of l>h-,t|„ n„„ pi*,*,. ,,f aald hi-aritiK hy c p .Smith m.j family xi..*ie,| at,**'** ••••’•• Insiirwn*-.- De)iar*ment atcausing (1 *«*py of ihl' order lo Ixe ih, ht.tu* oi K A .’■(uiill. and family j *•“•'••••*• -Michigan, puhiisheil In Tin St Johns .News, e .Sunda.v j Ayes Aldermen t'orkin DeWitf

Will Mill and family tnov.-d last * Tfa*** hell. VauConsaiit. Walker and eek on Ills brother (J.-orge « farm, 'Yalsworth Ns - none,

sslve w«ei. - previous to said dax of near l*om(w|| .'f*»yec .Viderman Waiaworth.Mrs H D Morrison i» on th** sick!'“•Pi**»rie*l i>> Ahierman Corkin that

list this week Mis*- Flossie .M*-t*o.)i-{ the primary election to be held on her *>f Hrldgexllle Is ..ssisting her wllh ►Ytday ihe '*lh day of Drtnher. 1914.

I hearing

IA lru«- 1 opy 1DKAN W KKI.KKV

H»-.1 Judge of Proh'f*

jiimi’K,' To John SiNiyd. W. C Watkins. N* S Pamiele*-. lortils Hattler. Mrs K H**r-

; man, Alice Tows. Mrs I' Mahar. J «>

her work shall in- held at Ihe following placesThe Home Comfort (T.ih will lue-l j fNrst W'aril at the Kagine House,

wllh Mrs Charlie Mallory for dinnei . .*4ecnnd Ward at Waahbnm s shop Octotxer I6ih j ThirtI Ward at the Salvation .Aarmy

Halph ( owl..' and faii.lly and Mr. 1 Hoxim Wewi Mlgbam Street and Mr- F K Day Is visit .1 ij.e Com-! Axes Aldermen t'orkin DeW’ltt.



thI s -il/T*-r*-iii lu* I?


-6 ll*

;-s fni

i P Tit *•• ,|„,k,- of .1. I ■ In hl«

Tl '•:' Iwet)t-'t !fii..(**-* .n«l hull

‘ I*. giT. way t" ni ft.-f"' whi h

- f-. huu...* I*er’ -llrU" TX .1-

*. -t.-'-* I nils' a«

".'-•.It.- IS.t.,"u-i! ti.vxe <liniier f*»r I lu-vx l »ve t'.t.'l. r

Xtul I " « Xtrpm

Ttl. • f. -if *1-, .>||9UI>|< ■] n.-'T'i h'l.* .XV I M t* * , —Vf, ■ * . **- . -I



s -.-I i- ... I .T •*« f» . If ileiv yted ’ ■-

Dtie*! The* all 1 ,1;-.' *’ * t* )- ' *

'• - tUan ti Ca->i of

sal*1 Mr -I'vnes "let itlllon and that the heirs .it law and sod t'lark -fre't»I hav* l•ee|| hnagry 'legai.-es <i{ said diu’- ased and all ol*i*’r N*xtl<* I- ' • r*-t

I am i; .w hungry for I" interesie.1 m -xald will ar-r'-qtiired to ap|*ear at a session of said

- ■ |(■*^urf th.-ii to be holden at the Protral* office In th* City of St John an'* she If any ther* Im why Ih**vvil. j.i.ulil n*»i !*• pmhated furth.'r ordered that nolle*III it . |v.'r«*>na inter* stfd In ' r* wHi : *1la'- Of th*- i»«-o«lcn' X of th* hearing inpj . pv Ihe^rrof hy . a'lstng a ropy of this order Ortnh f lo h* published In Th*- Si Johns New»- - . , ,B newsiwper printed aad rirtMla'uit In salil .ounty of Clinton f<»r *hre. siirren«|«, week*. |.rei'l<-'i- t-- 1; -Is*«*( hearing

•liniier snd 1 *1' washed

'tf ban.• Tf. man

.-r'.*.t each •I -ind eoeh

'i-xme. SSI’•"*1 gthrer**

the Ills •, w I- know

Th*- follow int I'upll# *>' .*■ CoiiMyglyen th .t .1 *• s I n* '* hool xxt-r- neither ios, ni nor

m*-n* roll "1 for th* .it»<»ve e-m lanD Pa din* .•^f- x»-ii- K>*i>s* and tlon*'d I: nroxe'i-ent has !*een -P |y Fl'>y.l liruhauali Ivan XXym...i. Ilh**a It ad- !»' 'h; H*xard of Xss*-.*xrp of the .Xtillm Xlth**w sn ! • vrll Stnit’i ui.d Ma ( |t ■ of S' Ichn*- .in<l has h** .p ;t *,1 1 x* . «»: .i..dy' vy oav**' t x-h* rIn the "fl.i of 'h* CItv Clerk for 1 ub-

Xnd It is Hr luminal u. ixnd th.M the '‘.viiu* • Kill* Xfll K sTOMtlN AND I.IYFK h- g|y:-*i >ind l!;0.,r-1 • X t xor« of the said -pv III \I.TNA

1 ’ ! ouncil chamber it'*'*T- :rsda> Ihe »th da* d I' ci ; ,1 * r •*

iOn at 7 yn o'eior^ r .,i»!crT'ir*-" ! and r*mflr ! i >*•' Klf* I

Frank K .'*t*xne ftrst XVanl Kmeat H Par*!**. -er.Kid ward XX’illiatn il Field thir.l ward

Xyes Xlil*rni*-n t’orkin. I***\X’ltl. I ran* h*-ll X a.i('.-nsaiii XXalke* and X'aDworit Vay** non*

A Wwosao's Way of Courtiftf Favor. "I saw IH.W a few hoiMew with stgu*

of Iff.* and a little below Argeataau came iifum several buckets of watar In front of n Ihhhw. with a paoaant wo man statMlInc hv them. I taqalnd what tliewe wrens for. tllte bad aa tlm~i to esplaln. for s rohimn of soldiaai at that very momenl caoM* ptoddlag Maw- ly along

"As noon as sOe aaw tbo aoMtom Mtora was s noille on bor face wMrb W em- leoleil liar snxiofy. Hbe pototad to Dir palls .ki tbe sight of tba wgtoT a tbirwtr ooMlor bore aad tbara waaM break from the ranko. mab to tbo palla tabe tbr prq^ervd cap. aad baoCUy owallow down the ruoltag draft, aad alwavs with s smile or «r|tb a waid of

i graritiide band Ihe cop fo tbo wotoan I and rvish lNi* k again to hts place la tbe

primary •'••••(’“I folhiwe*! tlie mail n*.w tradlai down

Ibfswigh the lone street of JnplUoa Ho I anivfst <xn the oitlwklrtn of KMae ■nd . i|*erted lo wee a Iwttered c|ty. aft er all the iMwnlwnlments |t had wader ewe tint It neemef! to bave sndbred

I rot*lT hnt tittle, coosklering It'"'*** •'■ ......" alsworth sui(. 11^ .•enter around yy nl<•t» the

|n»ne<l i.y Abiermaii (orkln thai J.S X' Iriiit li P '-as** and 1. D Farr



heor any oh|.

•r t-1 1911 I -"ncll of 'fi

I. ,i»i ! |M-r(* < ’ w <*rkg It i .r iina i'***" ' Is .> , wUt -IS*- Dr King ..

Thex insiir*- g.MsI1 ' on»ilpaiiua and

a* tom effect on th** "al'**o*ft* if '* voiir hlfsMl an*l "'••-

I* ap|Niin'*’*t ♦!**<non cf.mnilss|on.*r*' f«*r 1! fiMiar- » • rtion to l*»- held on kVtrta t.rtot*. *!»' r*l«

Are- Alderii-. u ( orkin lW*\V|tl Tranrueli Xa .- ••i-sant \\ allP»r an*!

Nsx - n* n«-i-iii S' upiMwir ng Oi.

horth* had been raging for orar throe Weeks *

I A tru* ropy !••DKAN U KKl.tA:\

ludg* .»f Proh-- .ItiANK ( Hx IIX *'lf 1,11Vsnoicui- y

l> I'Xison' ihrxNigh 2 -* at x‘*ur Drug(tiaspie ta«ix .

Ill I'h'u th*UM

ouni .i adiiMinted ' (Xi'DUANK (MIX t'lerk

spill:' A aw * WtoF t"

%mm: t:M tm 4:M 9- mmm OHmt homm kgr aMalM-

SMBt Mrijr. Om ISMiirQriHrwUCB ^

•MB. (NUm ov«r PMMir'a dwa. Of* Sm IMS. It •• 11 a. Ik: S t» 4p. a.: 7 t* t p. am Jiia 1. 14

W. A. KQTT. PhjrdcloB aid SiirsMB 3litt tn. ItoS. 7iotp.a. OllMr booM aat gwtay bjr aptidf dt

■OBBKT C. BITCK. M. D.. didaaa of rto ay. oar, mm aad tkraat oaly. OSm ovar Ciuipcaaa'M Mora.

J. B. IIOIMIB. M. D. OSra and roal* CMica ovar Spanldlns'i bardvraia. oppoalta Steal. ________

J. A. CULUN8. O. 0.. Ooteopatkie payaldao. ito-lli NatloMi Baak Bldjc. Ofltee houy 8 to 12 a. am. 1 :o j p. ni. Unkia Phone No. 7. Oat IS

___ BKNTIflTN.

DR. II. C. LiBV'ANSKLER. D. D. 8- fhce ovC? HUIr Hank. 8t Jokni.

TPOS4A8 MANN. I>. D S—Office over 'hapiiian't etore.

ARTHUR ('OKIIIN, lienUi>t—Office at :s»- head of ninion Avenue.



H .: WalbrldRe, D. W. KallaygaLHRIDOE a KELLKY. Attoraaya

at l^aw. over Comer Dmc Stefa Money to Loan. St. Johna. Mlab.

J ZARLE BROWN. Attomay at Law. fflraa ovar State Baak. St. Johaa.

WILL H. BRUNSON. Attorney at Law ?T Johna. Mich.

LY N A MOINET. Attoraaya at Iaw. *’ Johna, Mich. Offices In new .N .tfonal Bank Building.


M .NISY TO lAlAN—On morttaga oa- c.iiity at peaaoaabla rates aad on iatiafactory terms at The State Hank of St. Johns. Larsa or small aniounu Call and see ua. J. W. ritziterald. Caahlar. tf

IBIS, by M Wistin


^;plKMIKUSWB6MAuclkor of **R«b«eea of Sunnybrook form

CHArrcR III. tamathinp of a Hero.

IVfiRV aent Into (be little ^bad

ixtoan oft the kitrheii. «-bsnae>l Ills (noddy boots for mII|i(n*i^ and insik* Uliuseir Kcuernlly tidy, ibeii

be came iMCk to (be liviii;; moui brins* Inc a pine knot wbicli be tliiiiic oil tbe lire, waklne it to a britiluiit ijoie

“We can be as lavlab .is nc like with tbe stumps aow. mother, for spring Is coming.'* be said, as be sat down tu bis meal

‘*l've been loukitn: out more tbau uaoal this afternoon.*' sbe repllad. "There’s hardly any snow left, and though tbe walking Is so tiad I’ve baao mtber expecting .v««r father before night You remember be said wtiao be went away In January that be should be hack liefore tbe mayftowera bloom, ed’"

It did not do any good to aay: "Tas. mother, but tbe mayflowers have bloomeil ten times since father went


Mr Jnbaa* HlftbiMaL4 tllfHBBCIAL AND AATINBb.

CAi’lTAL PAID IN FULL. 150.000. F A TRAVIS. PrealdcniM. WKIJJSR - Vice PrantdentJ W KITZCKRALL - - CashierE TALI^MADUK Aasi»tant (.'ashler E TALLMAIM5K - - Teller

Three per cent Interest paid on car- ur.t'Atea of deposit and on savlnga book accounts. Drafts Issued good on ac' iiart of the Cnlted States or Can- aoji and In the principal cities ofE. .rop«' Accounts of farmers, mer­chants or mechanics received on fav­orable terms and every accomoda­tion extended consistent with Mfe banking. Superior facilities for mak- Inc collections of ail kind.’'

Mcne> loaned on approved securi-t»e» I

IMIlKUTflK.'v.J. .r-rtfle Hrown, Otis PullerJ W. Pltzxemld. H H KneelandF. L. Thoiiia, F A TravisC. T Babcoek. Dr M Wellei

C. n C.lffeU


Ti ■ tabb Mr ;;i. Il4Uisina«MI. Jehnv Bivisiaa.

:..-ave St Johns tor l..anstng—A. M T . ’J.lli. 11: lb P. M.—1:10. 3;lu.^ 1 , 7 10. !♦ 15. n.45 l.^ave DeWltt for l-tosinc A. .M -7 2.'.. 25. 11.2.*..U .M 2.25. .7 2' 7 J-'.. .• 40.:12 '7 a. m (night).

i.M-avtnc lamsinc for Do Witt and S:Ji Ln^ A M . « ou. »! .')(). :* 40. 11 4e ; •' M I 4«I. 2 4U. ' '22.

lauisiM*JMkMn DivlaiaB.Lr-ave latnsinx as follows. Umlt-

\ .M 4c. ' ::2. .72. 11 ‘.’I’ I'7M ! 22. 2 22. 22. 7 22 laK..i—AM •». 20. K 05. 10.05 P M.. 12 05.2 t 05. 6 05. »:05. OtSO. ll.OO

|.awslnft*Dweaaa Dlvlsian.• v«‘ l.ansinc as follows .A. M

r 2 ' 22, 1<> 22. I* M.. ’2 22 2 22. ■I <1.22. 7 25. :• .20. 11 <Hi

• Except Sunday♦ Capitol Flyer tbmugb car to Dc-j

tro:* Makes local stops l.antinx to; Jacksnii. !_ j

TKU'HKKN’ EX.lVI.NATIONb.i util further notice Teachers' Ex-

an.lDstlons will be held as follows.St. Johns. In Court House, begin-

nine second Thursday of August.8t. Johns. In Court House, becln-

atng last Thuraday of April.Pmgfwm

F^rst day—Morning. Orthography, apelling. arithmetic, oral aad writ­ten; theory and art Afternoon, geo­graphy. Covemment and I’. 8. Hla- tery.

Second day—Morning. Crammer, Pbystolog), Reading Afternoon. School Law, State Manual and Courm of Study. Algebra. Botany and Phy- ales (aecond grade), (>neral History, (Second grade).

Third day—For (Irst grade appli- can* only) Oeneral History. Physics and Oeometry.

Ccrtlftcates of all grade* will be granted at the examlnatlows In Aug­ust April

All eiamlnatloBs will begin at 8 a K



»#., «. V »

^tRAND trunk r. r.TIME UAKD

la»l kerviee befweea iHtrell and Brand KnpMs will be re««med and all will ma as feUowsi

Train* EmI frem 81. iebns L - al* 7 *5 Expr^«s* ' IT a.iuI^al* 12 a*» p.m.l-^ rfrUl Ikuilted* 27 p m.

T ■■ p.m

Tvnin* West frem SI, John*(irand Rapid* Utni'^d* I < 4i lairal* ll*% a.m.lAcal* 3 *4 pmSteemboni Kipr-~«* 7 37 p.m.locate 8 te p.m

• imlly except Sunda:- * Dally.

“I'v* besri loehtrig «wt more than usual this aftemeen.*’

away " He li ul trlMl lliat. iccnfly xml (»*-r»l«lcntl.v when tlr*i Iht mlml Iw-gau tu le* .lUifUMil. fpiin ktricf .itidhurt love, '.iiii'Wcii pmle .iiid si< k hu* vieii**

instead <»f that |ror> mniMl the *ut» Ject <'ti,i«.rlly, .*Myinu. '’"‘ell. we're *ure of • ;r(H>i| iwwmiii. I ttiini, Tltere'* Ixien a eraiid *ii<iwfal' and they aM>, 1* the |rw>r man ■> manure liial and I will put In rn<»re corn and (*•(« tiM— thi* >ear 1 *h.iirt )ia\e in work *(ncl*- handiil «ert f<»r he i- umwIna t'» )»• U'Jlte :• farmer'’

■Y'Uir father wo-, vert f..iid of ;:ri**-f' corn, hut he ne\er ■ are<l f«»r j •<ie-. .Mr«* llovnturi anid. vaguely takit'C ufi her knittitis "I hid ^r.-a*pride In ni) coMUlng. hut I eould never get your father to ndl'*li iiiy |eitati>e* '

•■\V»dl. hi* *••11 due, il|t>W:'\ Hurj re(dle»l. Itelpiiit; hlui^ell |•''•■utlfllll.^ from a dl«h held um- ui ni, mother’* Im**I iniiitM lliili, |mi|;|T'M», minced line and imt toyethei Intu itu- ■pider wllli Ihlii tdl-, u( |Mirk and all hrowntni tugetiier.

"I *aw the Itnxtei aiiU molher.*’ he contlnudl not i»e<-au,«- tie ho(>e<i abe would alve ant h*-«*l to wriiai ajild, hut fmm the «heer loiiKlue for compniilon*tdti 'The deai-oii dnue off with Iwiwyer \VI)*on. who w.iiiliil him to give testimony In «ome ca»e or other down In ^lllltnwn The minute I’altv aaw him ixoIiik up Saco hill *be har nesaed the old starved Baxter mare, and the girl* started over to the lAwer (*omer (o see ««>me frlend* 11 aaerosIt’a I’atly * hlrtlidny. aial lliey were eeletiratirig I met them just as tbey were coming hark and hel|ir«1 them lift (he rickety wagon <ail of tbe mud rbey were stuck In it up to the bobs of the wheels I adrls«s| tiieni to walk Dp the Town House hill If they evar ei(»ec(e*l to get the horse Ihvitw ’’

••Town House hill!" *sld Ivory’s m«»fher. dropfUng )»er kiditing "Tbsi was where we had su< |i woudeiTuI meet tug. Truly (he I/ml waa present In tnir mid,I And oh Dory, the r| vittii, ne saw ill that pla'f wlien Jacob ♦ ^-lir.uie first unfolde<| Id* g«**|tel to

W .1, er sMcli a maur*|*niMtiM tioi nedfier' remarked

iTfir- dr»|>A lo wer> ,|Maklii_' uf Ifw' Itazier*

1 feieenilsT i(*elr home and ll»e little girl ' lei «i,«s| io *iaii0un the gateway and wsl' li o hi-fi we came mil of meet­ing 1 heft- wa* a l•al»T Isn’t thare a Hnxlrr lsil»y. Ivory?'

*'HK«’ dtdn I slay a taihy Pile 4* sev enleen year* old Inilay. motber'’

“You surpThw me loH ehlldreu d«* grow very fast Abe bad a atrangs name. Iwii I mnixot recall It

"flei liMiue U l':lll•■nce, hill uulMsIy but tier father calU her anything but l*ati\. w hich ,uH, her inu< h lieiter ”

"No: tile name wnsn't Patience, not tbe one I mean "

■’Tile older s|,ter Is M’nilsllli I*er- tui|>* you mean her" .Ami Ivory aat down liy the fire, with his l>ouk and his |d|«e

"Wuilstili; \Vail,|ilC 'riiat Is it: Nneti n Iteauilful iiame!"

"Nile's a Iteauilful girl ’*’•Waltsiill' ’They als«i Serve who •miy

stand and wait ‘U'alt, I aay. on (be luird ami h*- will give ilo-e the desirsa of tb.v iHsirt ’ T4to*e were wiindeffol when we w-eiv caught up out of (be Issly and mingitsl freely in the spirit world ’ Ml, Itoyiiton was mtw folly started on ilie ttifd* that nttsortieil her luliid. and Ivory coiiid no iMdbiog hut let her (ell the story (hat ahe liail tohl him a humlrtsl limes

“I n-meinlier when hrst we heard Jarsd) t'lS'liraiM* i»|H-ak ' 'Till* was her iiaiial w.ay of liegiiiniiig • "Your father was a pr«»a« lier. a* \ou l,iiow. Ivory. iNit you will nerer know a won derfiil prewelier lie wa* My grand father. iM-ing a hue and a governor, would leit give In* is>ii,ent to my marriage, hut I never regreitisl it never: Your fatlier ,.iw llhl. r < <s h rsne at a revhal meeting o' the I’ree Will Itni'IKi* III SearlH'rii .uiil was much im|'res,«sl wlili him. .\ tew d.iys later he Went to the funeral of .1 t hild III the same n«‘ighlsii'li'SM|. .\<i one wtm was I lien- «oiild ever forg«*i it The miiiisier made III* lung (irayer when a man sudiletily eiilerisl the riatm. eaiiie low.trd (tie <orbii ami tda< «s1 his hand on the ' hll'l * fore head The nsuii In an liisbiiit was as still ns the deatli that harl eullisl us (o griher Tin- stranger was tall and of 'ommandlng prisM-mv, his eyes pierced fuir v«‘ry lieart*. and fii« marv<-loun V*»|ce pelo-tlnl«sl |o oeltths ||i oUr auuls Itiai had never (ss-n reached iH-fore."

■ he a iH-iiei ,|s-akei than lu) »atherT' ask**! Iv..ry. who <ln-Hd«sl hia mother’s hours of cumpieti* Kllein eeven more Ilian tier |s-rnsls of remlnls- ceo<'e.

"lie S|s>ke as If ttie LunI of litrSt.s had given hliii insiumtlon; na if the aiigela were (siuring words Into hia mouth Just fur liiin to utter." replievl Mrs Ihiyiiton "Your father was spell- (s'uiiil anil 1 only Ics so When be «s-as<sl s|H‘akiug the ciilld'a motber crosstsi the r'Miiii and, swaying tu and fri', tell at his f«-4*t sobldug and wall- lug and iiiipluriiig fi'sl lu forgive her sins They • arried tier upstairs, mihI wtieii we liHvkcl HlKiiit after the ixin- tusioii and exclteiiieiii the stranger hsd vanished Hut we found him againl .Vs Elder Cor-hran said. 'The prophet uf the lionl ' .-III never tu* liij, nu dark ness Is thick enuiigh to cover blmT There was i six weeks' revival meet­ing in North Maoo, vvhere .’iisi aoula were • fuivertesi, and vur father and I Were among them We had fancied 'urts-lves true l»elleverH for year*, hut Jaisdi (''M-hraiH- unstopped our ear* so that we 11111111 hear the truth* re- vealevl to him hy (he Almighty' It was all so simple and «<a*y at the tie gtiiulng, h'.it It grew hard and gtievoii* afterwnnl. hanl to keep the |Mitb. I mean I never oulte knew whether tiud was angry with me for backslid­ing at the end. but I could not always ae»-ept the revelations (bat Elder Coch­rane aiMl your father had'*’

liuls Iloynlon’a hamla were now quietly folibsl over the knittlug that •ay forgotten In her lap. but her low, tbrillliig voice liad a note In It that did not lielong wholly to earth.

Then* was a long allen'e. one of many long silences at tlie Boynton flrealrte. broken only t»y the ticking of the cluck, the purring of tbe cat and the clleklnc uf Mni Itoynton'a noadlea. as. her (wroxyam of remlnlacenc* over, ahe knitted cea*ele«*ly. with her eyes on the window or the door.

"It’a aliont time for Hod to be com lag ••ack. lan’t If'" asked Ivory.

"lie ought to lie here oonii hat par- bapa ha *• gone for good It may hathat be thlnha be has made ua a lonft enough visit I dun't km>w wbatbar your fathar will like tbe Imy wban ha comes liuitie He ivever did fancy rom|Niiiy In the bouoe '

I Tory l«"*k€'il up In astonishment from his tireck grammar ThU waa an entirely new turn of his motber’t mliMl (ifien when abe was more than usuiilly rontus'sl he w«»ul»l try to dear the cobwebs from tier l*niln by gently questioning her until *he brought her- aelf laick to a clearer underaiatiding of her own thoughC Thus far her vaga­ries had never made her unjoat to any human creature Nhe was uniformly sweet and gentle In spearh and de mearmr.

"Whv do roll talk of Rod a vtnlUaft ns when he Is one of the familyF* Ivory aafeed quietly

•‘la ba one of the familyf I dldnT kiHvw It.** rapttad hia mothar ahaantly

"l/tali at me mothar. atrslght In tha aye ThaUa right Now liaten. dsor. to what I any "

*^M*Md? lma!*ll!rSw*Sl!lM taw after fhthar wmH aamir.** lawr taMPh- "I was a Uttla boy. hawr. Tw and fathar liad aavad aawolhihd. thwawaa the farm, you worhari Ilka a olava, I betfuMl. and we llvad aaaaahow. do yxm iwmenilierT’’

“I do Indeed It waa cold, aad tha nelghlMWw Mere ertial. Jansb foehmaa had gone away, and hi* dlax*4plaa wxwa out alwn.r* true to bim Whaa tha magnet Ism of Ida ineoenee waa with drawn thev eould not follow all bla ravelall'Uis and lliey forgot how be ba«l an akeiosl I heir »|iii1liial life at tbe nr«i uf Ills iHtsiebiug Yuiir father was always a siuiieh liellever. liUt when he sliirlc'l 'Hi Ills mission and wmi to ParaoiisUeld lo help Elder C'ts |ir;;oe III his luesdlng* the aelgb- bora lM*g:iii tu crltletse bIm Tliey doxdMevI liim Yun wen* tou yming to raallze it, but I did. and It alnuMt Iwoko my lieart **

"I was nearly twelve ytwrs old. Do you think I ew-aiird all Hie gusslp, motber?'

"You never spoke of II t«» me. Ivory."**Nu. Ibere U luiieh that I uever spoke

of to you. inuther. hut some time wlieii you grow simiucer aud .rntir memory I* batter we will talk (ugetber. I>o you re tuamlier the winier. long after father want nwny. that Paraou l.atiie aeitt me to Knirtleld academy to get etmugb Qfuek and laiUu to make me a whuol- inaater?"

"Yea." she answered iiiH-ertalnly"Don't von remember I got n frae

ride ilowortrer one Friday ami came home for Sunday. )u«t to aiirprlsx* you? And when 1 got here I found you ill In bad. with Mrs. Maaon aiNl Dr. Parry taking care of you. You eould tMH opaak. you were ao III. but they tokl me you had been up In .New Hampshire to ace .vnur sister, that she bad died, and that .von bad brought bock ber hoy. who wa* only four years old. Tbst was Rod. I took him into bad with ma that night. iKwr. Iioina- stek little fellow, and. at you know, mothar lie'* never left u* wlncv*"

"I didn't ramemtiar I had a sister, la she dead. Ivory?*' asked Mrs Horn- ton ragiialy.

"If ahe were not dead do .rou *ap- poaa you would have kept itodmaii with ua when we hadn't bread enough fpr our own two (south*, (uother?*' queatluoed Ivcwy imtlently.

"No. of roorue not 1 can't think bow I can be ao forgetful. It’* worse aometlmea than other*. It's worse to­day because I knew the may (lower* were blooming. sihI that reminded me I* was time for your father to come borne. You must forgive (ne, desr. and will you excuse me If I sit lu tbe kitchen awhile? TIh* window by the side dour liMiks out toward tbe mad. and if I put a candle on Hu* *111 It shine* <|ulte a distance The taiie is BUeb a lung one. .nid your father wan alwnr* a nad stnmider In Hie dark! I shouldn't like him to think I wasn’t looking for him when he'* twen gone since January '*

Ivory's pl|>e went out. atxl hi* book alipiNai frvmi til* knee uiinoticeil

III* mother was (non* •■onfused than usual, but stie alwsys was when spring eauie to remiiHl her of her hu* twind's (trouiise So((iehow. well used as he was ti* tier mental waiiderlngs. they m.ide liim uneasy lonlsht ills father had left home oil a fancied mis­sion. a 'lilty he lH-llev«sl to lie a revela­tion glv<-(i ity tiisl Hirougli .laeidi Cuch- raiie Tin- farm dal not nnas him mucti at tlr*t Ivory reths ie«| (dtter iy, for since hi* (aii.itleal espousal ivf Corhraulsm his father's interest in Slick mundane matters as household ex|H*nNes had diuiliiiahed mouth hy muiitb until they had no im-anliig for him at all l-etler* to wife -iml Is»t had come a« tirst. but after six (notiths. dunug whici) he liad written from many tda<'e^ <mntlnually deferring the date of his return, they had c«*ss»*f| nl- I'rgellier TIm- re«l wa, »J*-tiee. Itu mors of III* pr*-s* lire i>.-ri- or ilt**re came fmm lime (o time tnil lliough Parson I..aiie and Dr Perry did their t»e*l. none *if Hn-m wen- ever sulmtso- Haled

When- had Hiose years of wandering be«*n passeil. .ind tis'l they .ill iieeii given even to an iniaglnary and fag- tasllc servha* of t!>•>!’' Wh* hi* father Jead'; If he wi-n- aim-, wlial muld seep him from writing; .N'oHiIng Irut X very strong n-tisun or a very wrong one. ae hi' s,in Hionghi at ilm«>*

Mince Ivory had grown to luan's cu- tate Ih* urMli-r*'tiaal Hial in the later days of t'la hrane’s piem liing hi* "vl- sl'ins.” •InspIraHous" and ’Tevela- tlon»" -ontaTiilng the marriage ImukI were a trifle siarHInc fnwn the old faahloned. orthodox |■•lnl of view His most ad vancell diselfiles were to bold themselves In roadlni-s* to n-nnuDCU tbxdr former vows anil an-k "sfilrltoal

Iftffily tta wite of hia p«Mh. Ita aota* ar of Ms hop? If m ta ftMOl hMw m- aHota te wtaC atraMo ta waa oahlaet- taw ttaote. Ivory tata Ml fafffiPMM ttaoM 8104 row yoM* of ghmUm P*v> •ffty. anxiaty awl oMpoaM Bis oiilta- ST'S mlml had stead tta otoato tanvoly. but It ftova way at tamt; aot. Imaravar. uMlI that fatal wlater Jatmmy to Now Hampatalio. wtaM coM. aspooaao ami fattcuc dM ttaatr wavnt (or taor wook body. BallgfoM aotkaaioat. aaalted aad lazpraaaiaoalilr. Miiural myotic, aha bad probably always Hmo. far omm m hi leuipcramaal. tadead. thiui hor hoa- iMud: but. altboogh aha laft baoM as tbat journey a frail and hMitatek wo­man. abe rutumad a different crMtMu aitoarlber. Murrvd and '-onfWad te mind, with douded tncmary and Irm- Uonal fanciea

Hb«* must have given up bopo jaat tbeu. Ivory tbuugbt. and ber lava was Ml deep tbst when it was uprooted the soil came with it. Now hope bad re­turned heeauoe the cruel tuemory bad faded allogHlier. Mbe oat hy tbe kiCeb- en wIimIow lu gentle es|iectatlon. walrhiitg. always wntchlng.

.VimI this Is the way (uany of Ivory Hoyiiloii’a evenings were spent, while the heart of him. Hie Itve-and-twenty year ukl heart of him. was longing to feel I be la-nl of iinuHixw heart, a girl's heart only n tnih* or uiofe away. The Ice In Maco water had broken up and Hie white tilu- ks sailed rnajaatlcall} down towani the sea. Map waa okoant Ing and the eint treea were bnddlnc: Hie trailing arbutus was bloosomlng In ibe w<M«da: (be rablns had come—ev­erything was aniiOUUclDg Hie spring, yet Ivory saw no ebangteg osumm In hia future; nothing but winter, eternal wlater there:

CHAPTER IV.Patiewea and I mpa*****oa.

PATTY lieen aearcbloft for

eggs ill tbe iMm cbainber amL 'stming down the ladder fmm Hie haymow, spied ber father

waabiug Hie wagon by tbe wallatda near tbe abed door, t'epbaa dole kept store for him at meal hours and when­ever trade was unusually bilok, and tbe Baxter yard waa so happily sit­uated tbat Ok! Foxy i-ouid watch both bouse aud atorv*.

There never was a good time to aak I>earoii Baxter a favor, therefore this moment would serve as well aa any other: so. appmadilng him near enough

b Yoffif Phriof Up to PeIc?

MO room in tbe bouse is more important in the aeleotion of GOOD FURNITUUK than the PARLOR or LIVING ROOM.

This is tbe room where you entertain your friends or live moat j*mr mlf. You naturally want it to be tbe BEST in yonr home. If jooi are just startinj^ at housekeeping or wish to add from time to timp a piece of furniture look over our LARGE, INVITING and BSA- SON ABLE stock. You get atjla, quality and priea.

W. R. OSGOODTtam Usadimrtmllmr mssB P«sa»saitssaM Dmmimr, Jt. JtetbSMh




A True Memorial

Is ot rnduriii,^' (juality wrouv^hl in .Artis­tic proportions and }^ricr"t*u! lines by Skilled i\and;:’r;ttt. .Se*- our work

our desii^ns and let u* quote you prices on < >:i.ility .Monument.s.

St. JfAns Granke Co.C. J. Sowle J. P. Emffille

. 4 • sJs^ .


-CM saas.*' uw •sty mmw Wnaxis Umir.MISisa ea. Im*. h*. I'nOsW* Si>4 1*?*-

«»r»ia !•*«* iMa^^ntrs* • ••*>«•, Maos naOsat

TMflhV«•«**'•'■*«"Si f'v dmaamMH caadaasSB Sluds^ fwl •» Ma til—I. zir ^tflr*s*W, Iw.

'aa(mRftRV"<i*hCBH ("'-•* a T'Rh-tvemmsaS sMPasainr •OBsassasM ioi aiic.

■aaos, sM ■■■as- ■fSTSsJ la S.W *»»■••, sak *»■*<* iw I* asaO- wi.MCt wa' sw (mm*, mitk sf—as. M.((,»■» >■■!»» *4mm *,««> Ik* kHM r«S SSM kMtSS* »k» MOS ts kk—eel Wks TS»aka» iSkST* ■ ptS

A _rsr «•-/ /a*rr,f Wa»«mrSkn»( aT

Ik, tm f*4

"Oae't ansvksr m« backl"

I" Im* lie.-it'l Hii'"Ugti Hh* rubbing su<l Hpliisliiiig. lull (III iie.-irer than was nec- essi,r>. I’iitiy aal'l

"^’Illbel '-ail I g" up t'» Ellen Wll- sun's this )i(icrtiu"U iiiui stay for tea?I wuii I start till l‘ve ii'Mie a giMwl 'lay’s wurk. .'tu'l I'll '•"III'* huiiie «*nrl)'

"VVliiit 'I" you w:iui tu gu galllvnntin' to Hic iii-igltl'"ra fur? I uev«*r saw HiiTtliiiig like Hie girl* u«»wrulay*— higliiv tiL-lity. (tiiiiiitin (r«l|>stir. rtl- (llir irullups, ev’rv "tie of 'em. that's wti;ti (lie% ire. iiii'l Eib-ii Wilson'* one 'll Hie iniliii'-si ViMi re old enough now to sijiy (o IruKK- where you lielong oimI iiinki- nil effon tu «*am your board aiHl cl"tlM-s which you can't even If yiui try "

.Sfiiitti,. reitl siiiiud pure *puok, stait- ts| S4>(itew here III Fatty and coursad Hirougti her like wine.

"If It girl's ui«l eiHMigb tn atay at buiiie and work I shuiikl Hiink sbe WM ukl eii'Migli 1" gn tMit aial play once In awhile'' I'attv was sHlI ton HmId to make thl« remark more Hum a '.'uor- leuiis suggest ion, s«> far as Ita tone was tsMi'-eriied

"Ihui t jiiiswer me itark: You’re full of uew irleks. niui yoxi've got to atop ’em ngbi vrlierv- you are or thare'll be trouble V'Mi wen* whistlin' juec DOW up in tbe liam phanilwr Tbat'e oM 'vf tbe tilings I won't have arouMl my jifvinlses--a whlaHIn' girl”

••Twns s MalHsith school hymn tbat I wa* whtsilliigr’ Till* with a crodlta- •te imltaibai uf itellau'-e "Thill don't make It any lietlar. Slug

roor hymn* If y«>u ibu«t n«ake * note* while you're wwkin' "

"ll'k the saiiie iiM"Uh that makea the abistle ami sings He* soug. so I don't

why '*n«*’s .inv wickeder than the diver "

"Yovi 'lotv’i have ('» see." reptled thu deamm grliidy ".All yui have tu do la to mind wlwn vuu’re spoken to Now nin ‘long 'Isait jour work "

•q'nn’l I go up to Ellen's, then?" "AA'hal’s gnin' on up HiereT'"liist a frolic There's always a good

time at Ellen'*, and I would ao Ilka tha

eight af a hig. rich houaa now aud thau.*"

*' 'Jusi a frolU;. l.aiel IbwbM. bear tlw gtrlt Ttebt 'vf a Ns. neb botaae.' imteMl* AVIll there ha any hoya at tbe (larty'''

"I a pnae ao or ’twnnidn t he a fraltc,** mill Fatty, with awful dartug. "hut

there won’t la- tuaii) <>oly a few of Mark's frleud.s "

"\V''II. then- .Tin t gum' to Ite no more argyfyin’’ 1 won't liav'- any girl •>' mill'- fnillckin' with lioys. s.i Hwl's the eti'l of It You re kind crazy lately, rlggln' yourself >>ni with a rlblsvn here

.umI .* flower there aud pullin' your lialr 'l*»wn o\'*r your i-ars Why Jo you want to '-over vour ears up"* What are they for?"

"To bear yai with, f.ilber." I*atty replleil. with bon.-y sweet voice anti eyes that blazeil

"Well. I liu|M- they'll never bear any­thing worse" repli'sl l»er father, fling­ing a bucket of wnier over the last of the wngoii wli*s-ls

"Thry muhtn't'" Thess* words were never spoken al'Uiil. but. 'vh, how Patty longed to shout them with * clarion vob-e as she wnikeil nway In perfect silence, her majestic gait showing, she hopxal. how she n-seiiitsl the outome of the Interview

"I’ve sioutl up to father'” ahe ex- clalin'sl trtuuiphaiiHy as >be entered Hie kitchen aud net down her yellow Imwl of eggs on the table. “I stood up to him ait'l answered him back three tlme«r'

WaltsUll was tiusy with ber Satur day morning cooking, but she turuad In alarm

"Patty, what have .rou said and done? Tell me 'lulcklyT

"I 'argylled.* but It didn't do any good lie won't let me go to Blleo'a party."

Waitatlll wl|>ed ber floury band* and put them on ber slster’a shonldem.

"Heur wbat I say. Patty: You mMt not argue with falber. whatever be Mya We don't love him and so tharo Isn't the ligiit rrapeet In our bMttS. but at laaat there can be respect In our roaoucra"

"1 don't believe I can go oo for yaufo boldiiic in. AValtatilir Patty whtwp- erad.

"Yea. you can I haver’"You're different. Waitatlll.""1 wiun't so different at sixteen, hut

that's Are rear* ago. and I’ve got con­trol of my tongue sihI mr tern per atace then. Sometime, (terliaps. when I have a grlevan'-e l<"» great to la* rightly ls»rne. sometime when you are away frv»iii herv* In .t home of vonr «»wn. I •hall s|ieak out to father, just empty (iiy heart of all the dliMppouiimeat ai'd bliiemesk ,-iimI relw'llluii Some- (•-sii ought to t''il him Ibe (ruth and |H-rlisiH- It will Ih* me"’

(Coniinnetl next *rek

♦ ♦♦ I INT DEWITT ♦♦ ♦

Mr aad Mr* A'ol.inet wore ini lAaktua duadav |I i**<er Mukley of B«tt. •»* i^cen

llireHiimg In this place th«- i>ast week

A larc' number from this plate at- t'-iided tile <'»unt' fair .»t .'4t. Johiin th* iiasi w««*k

Albert D«it\ was tp. guest of iUdph and How.ird )*elt|er laxi .Saturday.

Ml-.- .\or:i llaiimgardlier of l,ansitig wa., a re't ilt visitor of .Mr and Mrs t'harle, ll'-il'-r and fMiidl.v

.loliii M;(iiKh>iiaii of Bath attended s'Tvbek .it .Ml Mar> s t'atholic church at l,ankliiK last .'■tiitiday

t'lajtoii F'-lib-r. who ha- tieen sivend- lug ii numher 'd week»i at Petoskej, r'iiirti**<l to Ih*' home of his (larenta. Mr .ind Mr^ .\oal. Wilheliii, .tnd fam* ll>

Mr and Mri> Charles Heller of Dewitt s|H-ut .'tiiiidav uftern'KMi with .Mr and ■Mrs |»iim Voisinct

.Mr-. Webb of l.,a(iMiig Is spending a spent Suiidav with her parents Mr and .Mr^ C Heller :tiid family

Janu- Uaiiiiey I* spending a few davn with his wife at Howard City, whef ah' Is III at the honi'- of her pwreni, .Mr ami .Mrs Oliver .loaeph i'eltler lx ultending lo hi- work duringhix ah-em-e

Miss .losephlne Heller of lainstng W'-ek with Mrx^ Jane Dryr

Mrs Jam Dryer of this place and .Alrx AA'ehh of lamslng spent one day last W'-ek visiting friends at Rew .md Ollv.

Frank Irish of west Olive *|ient Sun- du.v with his slxt*-r Mrs. Flovd Clark, and fatiiil)

Mrx Jan' Dryer lx visiting relative* and friends In Kiley

Fred and Hay Triimhie presented their teacher. Ixuls J A’otslnet. with a hum|HT' watermelon last week, which

Hpited the scale at 21 lbs

‘ HI'

Olw« s tirimant gtoMT sIMa Ik »*• aot f!-it «.*T er «la*i oft—OMt stesJ* to the (t-n thsi lesle (MVaee as le«( as eav other.

Is (a s I'Uss hr 11,0!' It'* rmtrfmjtf ms<ls sm) !■«*« IroM krttrr MSSW*

T«tH so *<mS>■**««, rsH'<->*•-* •“*«•XT Mt •' .-<■If I SkIiiIS,VT- r ■••<*. »H«r h*r4«sr« sr

n—W44• 4


American Barfain

1 4ar aMtalns.I MIm Mrra Jaelmna aeeaaipMlai/ Mr M bar wKla. P. B. Itora. te'l

,lar. N. Y.. MonBar avnatas.HaroM Maarialai awa la 8L JoBaa

St JoIhm, ■’ll


New merchandise is arrivinjj cver>' day and we will soon be in « |>osition to show you S4>mc of the {greatest values ever put on the markf't. Watch our ads and watch our windows. You*! mmpw tmmmfaft dw -f-

Conmoa Pim■rcx>d (|uality. •-"ge pick age. f' ;• «wC

Ena mcled Tea ICattiMVrood ^ MA

Ladies* 50c Coraefts

29cChildraB*s Sdiool Hand*

liMncliiefstliree for - - • fw*

Houae BroomsExtra gocnl tjua* lily, for - - a#5C

Toilet Pbfwrregular 5c value |>er roll • - -

Tin Kettle Covers;'.It sizes. Satur- J dav .... 4

BMir«lB8 afiar vtoltlas wItB Iwr aaai Mfa. I.4itli«r Stoaa, fsr two waaka. .on buvlaaaa McisSay.

_________ 1 Mr. and Mrs. 8. 8s«l*r ol t’aiuiMsi*-- • '■•• witb tkair ana.

waww Psspir flsMIr ■him. \lfrad Dkvlar.Mlaa Ida Moallon ami Mr. HaroM 8. William Rokoaa of Uatfoit rialtaS

Baardalaa. promlarat Ovid roung pao- wlUi Ovid frlaads Uiv Sral of tha waak. pla. wara («alatlr raarrlad Wrdaraday Prfid Diasivr wa» a 8t. Jokaa callar avaateg at 7:Si o'elaek. at tha Ooa* MaeBar.MBSriaBSl pavsaeaea. F. W. • Mr. aad Mrs. Nawuio Colvta ratim*■ataa. oMriatlag. uatag tka iupraaalta ad to tkair boam la Hamkarg. N. Y.. rtag aarvloa. Tha oaraaMar waa par> Tuaadriy inoralas. altar a two woaka’ farawd In tka Ikraiar koiat of tha visit witb Mr. aad Mrs. L. 1). Littla* graaai. wbara kla paraats wora bmt- 8#M.rlad thlrtr-Sva raara aeo- Oalr thalr Mr and Mrs. Alfrad Bgular aad aaa. immodlata temlllaa srara praaaat. Tka Floyd, aad Mr. aad Mra. 8. Sgular srara roaag paoala wora uaatfBrd. .ratlars In Owoaao TuaaBay.

Mr. aiid Mra. Baardalaa ara popular K. !*• Hubbard of Mllwaukaa. Wts., Ovid yoaag paopla. who bavo Itrad bara baa baan a guaat at tha bcMaa of his thalr aallta liras, both baring gradu* | unela. H. W. Hubbard, tor aavaral days, atad from tba Orld btgb school. Mra. I Kmory l^^laad Is ballBlng a large Baardalaa latar attaadad Albion rol- addition to tha rear of his garaga on laga and is an sccompllshad muslrinn. <sMt Front eraat.Mr. Raardslaa has bald a position lu (.’harlas Allan was in 8t. Johns Tuan* tha Ovid Htnta Hnvings Hank sin^a bln day. wbara ha iHirrbnsad aa automu- gradiinilon. aad si prasant holds the blla.pcwltlon of tallar. f Mr. and Mra. Herbart Hankias of

Mr and Mra. .4. H. Moulton wit* Kiv«> FlusblBK wera guasu at tba home rf' a raraptinn at Diair home iki .N'nrth Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Htaoton Bondar. .Main sira4>t Friday <*v/>ninK in honor of Harold Jonas and friand of Ionia v|s-

itad with his parants, Mr. and Mrs. (iporga Jonas. Hunda>. !

.Miss Isabella Kinney was a vlsltur | in 8t. Johns Monday. •

James Devereaux of llatrolt called

White Envelope*good stock. 2 pkgs. F tor «

New Stockof Rayo reading ,75 lamps, each, -

New Stockof umbrellas ladi»*s aiv'^ents . 4Bc nn<i 75c

the vm ns_ couple

I.ratara r«arsa tipaaad With Fine Rn. tavtniaaiawt.

The Oxford rofnimnyo^ncdf he I.<-. ^ business ,our.w. "(the ladles club. T.ies* .dsy evenina. «»» business T..e«iay afternoon. I

« -Vii “'■ A little .mn was luirn to Mr. andMrs Hart WilklnMin. T.iewlay. ()cU>- givm In the llrs. enlertainrreiit. M'- |^j. !

ery member of the .^ompan: v^as an mvltation. have been isauad by Mr. II »*“* *^***“‘ ** t'ampball of Holly2L' musical entcr.aln.uent. nutmuia of tbeir dangbtar. Bd*

nmnhTr ^ “• • Jill*"- to Mr. Roy D. Thayer. The ‘caramony will taka place Wodnaadny I

ail a ( anal, to l>e gl'en Wedn-vl.-i.. e\.w ^e^noon. October 14th. at S:00 o’eloeV.I iiiuR. .Noxemlier ..1th. Campbell Is a former Ovid girl, j

I ndias* I'rasrant <iah.


A wonderfully attractive collection of new Wooltex garments is here to help women dec'de on their early appsrel for autumn.

The models shown are in the most charming effects that the semson has produced.

The fabrics are in very' wide variety, and the garments arc tailored in the painstaking manner for which Wooltex apparel is famous.

j ust at this moment every woman is anxious to have at least one smart suit and all will be delighted with thc artistic .styles in this W'<x)lte.\ collection.

CasrUsW I


UBMBNBtJBH FAIMIMF CLUB.Thr nrccabush Farmew' Club will

_ (Contlnuad from First Paac. i j hold Its Octobnr mssttfig at 'OrchardThe l.adiM' Crescent riu». were en- LI.YIUMU HRAND OFRBA .Home" with Mr. sad Mrs. Bdgar Bark,

tertained Monday evenlns at the home ‘Alea^dro Modosi baritone-i«t wklch time the club fair will beThis ueing Hedelmsyer. dramatic so^ ^ chickea pie dinner will btof Mrs P tv. Holland

ST. JOHNS MARKETS.St. Johns, Thursday. Sept. 17, 1914.

fHUmB.' Wheat, white .new or old.'?r.'r.'-.rrunusually large number were present k,„iiio Hesona oae of Italy’s roost i members and thalr Invited gueets

After a short business session, roll Alfredo oVaslaoi. tenor, aad I Program: Murtc by the club; reCTII was responded to with "The nan e |..„,|||^ Sesona one of Italy's moat' F**^**** Ixtrd's Prayer In unison; of an early (lermsn sovereign :ind a hassns now tnakin. hi. tmtiai reading of minutes; mlseellaneona

Com. shelled _______ ___ .72Rye . ...................... H)(Torn, In ear ____ .35Choice band pick beans __ 1.75

6 cents off for each lb. pick.Clover seed. Jum- ... $4 to |MClover seed. Mammoth .. . SS to tX

l« to Id

♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ nH.IKRN I'KOHNIMi ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

. .11 ^ d ..4, . • oolvd baasfM. now making bis Initial; roodlag . „ . -fac t about him, Mrs. F. C Smith f»»l- I’nlted SUtes buaiaeas; araullng. Mra. J. R. Jelliwys;^n-| y^e lieautlful Donisettl opera will Mra T. J. Hoate; aong bvlal solo The retiring president. Mrs ,jven u line stage settlag aad the Quortette; dinner; roll call, anawered

IF. M. l.ose> then gave an addr*^. At ,^rfonuanre will be on a plan of mef-!»>y fo»orlte fruit; paper. C^ Stevey;I the clo^- of the address the new ol Ic ropolltan luagnlOrence. The opera '«««■«. Mrs. (lay «l»«n»all; so^ b) ^ers took their places and the follow ing | quartette; view exhibits. An effort LITE WWCK.program was listened u> ' Tl,. Karly *,ve plan as in the great music cen- Is being made to secure a speaker fromlllstorx of llernjany was read hv .Mrs. jthe M. A. (’. Sheep -------- —................_...a4 JoI??" “ '‘•F**’- ClmvaHerClusepia. Angellnl.thedls-! ----------- -------------- VraV^a/i^^T* ..........

I Ufi the An< lent (.ernian. was given tingulshed Italian maestro, will direct HINIillAH URANHE. Ho*, ner cwt 17 75lh> .Mrs U-wis siieldon .he progrim {H-rfomiance. A noteworthy feat- Program for itiaghani (Irange. No., i tsVi

111 •‘I*'® 'irc of ihls Imimrtant engagement is tuj, Saturday evening. October lOth: DRBI4HBD MEATS..... »»'»t the same scale of prices, koII call, resfionded to by promiaruous drefsed*** 'n jO

••s pres*'nf(Irange closed from 4th degree'

held an opening meeting. The follow ing program was given: Two se- ♦

(♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ H't' l»n»gram. in ,,r,.vall as obtains In the large unotations; sele. I ♦ ^ I h<»nor of the new ofTlcers Tli ' li'tmeHs where the ( omitany appears, the chestra’ reading.

♦ PRICK 4'serve«l refreshments The iscles am novels ranging in price froni 12 to ip^wle Uealer* reI congratulating themselves iiikmi their -o ,.pnis

selection. Blagbaiu or-; po,.,. PressedKlla Snyder; music. dressed .......... ..........

liemie Uegler; reading. Bnri ImrklnB: ' LITE POUL'TOTrauaic. Mabel Marsh; selection. Laona


Kverybod.x is Improving the fin weather lo get their fall work done .-x? far as poe^ihle

lections h> the orchestra; reading by.Mrs Kedfern of Kssex grange; "Why -------------w-e should have our names on our Mr. and Mrs Henrx' Montague and farm buildings?*' Jerome Dills. I)e- .\ir ^nd Mrs Jacob KIserman .tnu Witt, who thinks he would enJo> trav- daughter. .Maiidie, motored to Rlle>

Mr and Mrs Harr> Smiley of r.reen- through the countr> much l»et- Siinda>bush 8|K-nt Saturday night and S'in- (pr |f people would put their names James .McTaggart ofdaj with the latter's imrents. Mr. .md on their buildings. Hro. Charles Jone> visited at the homes of HenrvMrs Watts Denton of Riley of Hmgal also talked on the tame sub- Montague and Ada Arthur a couple

Mr and Mrs Robt Atkinson of llh- jprt Duet. and Cleo Sowles. fol- vxpek. and attended th*-aca came l.nt w*-ek to attend the conn- lowed by -nrore: ''tVlIl our taxes be j.j j<,bns fair Thursday and Fridax.

♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦,♦♦ ♦ ' '• *• number Hrya;’ story. Orley .N'orris; music, or-iti'V 7 f!*''! '!*** condl- of uiiisic enthusiasts from this town chestra: reading. Herbert Drmes; **tions In that countrx TJ’*' themselv«‘s of hearing the »oag by (Irange. "The River of'Ttrae’'; K

’wUhxJ^^'Ti^.rxVi'neJ distinguished company of artists ppony .March Mr^ Charles Marsh. C

called on old friends anu rc-assessed bv th«- fax commissionert> fair, al neighbors

Mr andAlmond nt Sunday with Mr .xnd Mrs. Carl xoauls. of Merle Dcach

Mr and Mrs Hobi Xtklnson o< Ifh- at a -le-nt Tuesdav w ith .M*- .and Mr^ Waifv Denton

Mror su|»ervlsor*" oi»ened by Tyler Mill xu inliv

ii». Cr«'!»sman and sott. of Dengal and well discussed by allpresent, orchestra music; talk, F W .Redfern. on "Ufth Delglum reading,.Mr- Ksfella Dills; duet, l-eo and Cleo Sxiwle; talk. 'Wliat Is one of the greut- fst needs of farm roniinunity life to­day? Th«*<Mlore H Townsend Mr.Town*>»nd thinks co-«»peratlve enm- !iiunlt> spirit one of the great needs, and thinks we lose hold of •uirselve^ nn«l b«*co!in' a part of commtmlty life

.Me.‘ttng • losexl until next regular meeting .Novetnixer 5. with Danner ' !r iiig<

Stereo C|e*e Karl}.Th»- ma)orllx of the st«»rcs l eguii

Mondax evening. Octolier Ml;, l-l•>'>ing at <i'clo<-k The evening trade atthis time of the year Is prsctlcillx? nothing, and the merchants txellex-c In

McTaggart was once a farmer In , giving their cleri-s the extra hxmrs af­ter s-n-per The' win ojH-n for l " eek

Dr MHlIlllcuddy of Dvid. assisted ihoMdax time by Dr Scott of St Johns and Dr. Par-Ish of (Kid. oixeratexl for ap|.endlcltl- H«*«««' Flwes..lxe * luhon Clifford Walters Tuesday morning, i M<»niaiis 1 rogressix. ( lub nehlThe operation was a sum hut .. I» rst mee.h.g ..f the xeir Mnud.xy xerx severe case, gangrene having set =*'

lecturerThe Nsek and Thraat.

Now ibal the Idoii-*- xvilh tite o|M>n lie* k l» iIm' thing wear It liehfexre* * xxiuiieii M fak** great care of ttie i«kin of iti«> .'iiel tliioiii, w bi< b. if onx-eillexxtHl |<. ie.1 .tiid iM-or«-hed Jthrough -uiiluirii. hxtUK very unsightly < li'h—<1 .S^IUJC |w«»|iie it I

llll'i* toe Ih- I


•f Wm livft BaalMatv. raprwiwtMl

aad la ■Isaiy.

Hooster^ flees*Turkeys, large fat Ducks

HinEHDeef hides

•f Korapr Are H®«'*<' *>We.s , :er :; of file iixer girl, but We women often suffer from derange- .\o. 1 Ttiuoiby .!•. i.o( el urowi, iM .Miiiiigiv. ami In ments that an- purely feminine N'o. 2 Timothy

PttMtiNt DKtXiK.('Union t niintx Pomona Craug* met

at Maple Hapid- October T. 1914 with a good attendatice.

Short 'th degree ses.sloii wa.- held In the foreiHHtn, followed :»y dinn-r

\ft«-rno<ui openml in the 4th d* gre« •Mintiie;. nt last meeting Imld at South Illiex Jum l'*tli read Dengal Dan­ner lUngha:' Dwltt K^’<e.x and 0|i- grangt wer* n-|M»rte(i pnispering no -uher rec-ort from 'he other gran--

In. We hopx hx- niay recover from this ojieratlon, and he one among us again. J MDs Thompson of SI Johns D car-j Ine for him I

Rex Roehelle f-reached his first ser ' iiion at Pru e <-huri h .'Junday night. j

The ladle- aid met this week Wed nei-duy with Mrn Fowler

.Mr and .Mrs K C W.ilt s|H»nt .-iim-' dax in (Kid

■•III ........... . i.iniiing ind brownlllllles l•‘“ ( ' u uil . Mi-lil ire (eiUlhi b* hariii

Woodw-ortli on Ka«i DsK street .4 tin- --m ui tbn- Anr-e If xoii make a

l.ittle \exx« llaero llu«iiie«« getter^.I.lttle >ew* liners llu^lne*'


larg* number of th- ladb-s wer |ire<*.• •nt Poll i-all was re^iionded lo with ■Vatallon Kclnxe- Th«- provref; was

o|M-n<-d with th-- ‘President's M<-»sa«- ill' Mrs A .1 l,«-w|s Th- ;iap«r "V;i- I ration. Iis r..--s and Abnses. b Mr- j.l T Abholt. -.x.i- ff»llow«-<l hx ,t dis e-i). on of th-- -uhj-f l hv all th m-m

I b* rs of th- eliib. .Mr- Wlllluni Moiita giie b‘M«ilng A short busin- hs ll•-«•f!ng I--- in-i wa^ '.--td In wiitrh 'Ir*. (' V Dar*-!*- >|h-ii-1

irellerk.' " " adtnltte<l to r» *‘Tul*er.'<hlp md Mr- II D Put -r wa-- •-|*«l fi)

J all-nd tin- n--eilng of the Stal- '•'•il- -railnf of Women ('lub- to '»•- h -ld in Adrian th-- latter jjsrf of Di-tob-r T|- t,.)--tliig was .o!)<uirn«*'l ti» 'le*-* til two *Ui» Mrs I- K Tu -er

--11 t!o- in.

Ian «•: I ' b'-lll I .x--nl|.-n I-


< Calf sklDs. gr^n PRODlirE. YEHETARLEN.Duller

The hearts of the women of America K*Kt- inie. ad UP IP their sisters In Kurope who Potatoes

-.line bi--wii whicli I- 1^11 Ip iniserv and want. American UAV. ?4TB.lf4. WtMlII11 •>.'>»

_________ 9,0)At the 11 rat symptoms of any de- No. 1 Clovar, baavy migad S* to l<

ranreiiient of the feminine organism st .Vo 1 Clover light mixed .. IS to I»any i>erbMi of Ilf-- th*- one safe, really Wood hard 12.50helpful remedy is Dr Pierce’s Favor- Wooil mixed S2.3Slie Prescription Wood, soft 1.50 U 12 ’)■)

It Is a woman’s medicine and as such Wool, medium ......................... ..........-.ttvIts might' and niarveloii- restorative Wool, fine and Delaine 14 Q 17|K>wcr Is acknowledged the country Fanners should l»e very careful not over to bring In any wet wheat as the ele-

Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription is x«ior.- will not lie In s position to r-*- u Inn- friend to wom-'n In times of c- lv-' |ttrial and times of luxln when the or- ______ ____gaits are not performing their func­tions For hesdarho. liackachc. hot dashes, i-atarrhal eondition. bearing- down sensation, mental ilepresslor. dlz7in--.-‘s fainting spells lassi- tud- and exhaustion, wotnfn should never fall to take fhD tried and irm- women’s m*‘dlclne

pra-*1'----I ">-.«iing h-" n*•^-K^•^l bl<>u«e.’« --lit lit d'-»i-- -l-iu t f<-!g--l .v«»ur sun flijiih* ir! I'i:- .1 lit lb- gl.v---rill ami — a ;e; -. . i nn.. ftn- -kin --f lln-ibn-.ii ; J n. u n few miniiti*- l»efore g--uig --UI. xstpn. It "If gain with u M*ft tow- ’ rin-ii d'. ■' --vt-r with a illtii- I-.- • -I Mil- .iii-


lb I-

ain|>:e pr-- ., -if <itui--«-, ytiu rt of your iiiite -<‘.i-i<|i If you

K-nI bioll — ‘> f-u l-*i -'-re


HATHKK .IT LINCOLYN STATfft ('hUdna Naaoi to Heeatraite I omasa*

iiNi aad Frtoad in Rraase RefMfio. -entatlofi of ProsMeat.

In lb- eltx of .Vewark. .V. J.. stands on the plain in front of th-* loiirthous- .1 hronre statue if .Xbrs-

Mi«<-e||une<iii- Hkoxixer.M-Mlatii*- ‘ dward VanDxn- .'tnl

How- to Walk Correctly."Tin- ;-r i|m-i w n- w k. -,iys a

w-rli--- III IU-- V. -III.II. » ii-iiin- • •-mi-sn l-ii Ih ,ifi Hi-- f---f iilni-~i flat so

ileorge M arr-n cav*- a mlsrelUin-ius that tin- "- i^li! --i tb- b-lx at toich \ shower Ssturdiix ufternimn in honor of h|,.|, ,, dKti b-ui-il -\--r tin- i-nllre mib* j

llraai Haak Kfarx Winaan HhaaM Hava.

Owing to the ill hesuth ot my wife 1 will sell at public auction on

Saturday, Octoberat 3:00 sharp

my restaurant and rooming house at 69 Clinton Ave. N. This includes ail equipment for both ends of the business. This is a good paying business, and it will pay you to inves­tigate this offer.

Remember this is to be sold on the above date, and if you want an A ! -“ must bid on it at that time.TERMS;—Cssh p?yment and balance in bankable notes.

It s not u secret remedy for all the ham {.unculu The figur- of Linoola Ingr-dienth ar< printed on the wrapi>er. in seated on a bench on which rsgM Sold in either tablet or liquid form, the tall list that th-- pn-sldent was .xc*

------- - ciistomed to wear. Frequcntl) yonsee men standing rSere. looking at this remarkable statue, and It seems as if they were in confidential chs'

"If you will pay the luaillag charges figure of bronie, so naturalwhich are but a trifle,'' says Dr. Plarce. j, pose"I will send you my cloth bound book Kv«.r> day the little children play

over l.OfWf i>agM with color platra about the statue To thorn It Is the with •ach numerous illnstratlons ud of a companion and friend. It

step; u-t th,- arms -xring iinturally st to aae a child nosUodIW.rn. Saturdax Octol-er .Ird. 19M. Dm shl.-, ami take a imajcrately Urns Over a million copies of The People a jl-***^*r "it'R^emtlT'T

to Mr «n«1 R. H Alkln^n or stride. If .x-u dx. ..-nslderable walk rommoa Sense Medical Adriaor uiree childran thera. OaTlIttle(•rand Rapids, a son. .Mrs Atkinson lug ami ti-l«l He* lealx erect xvlth Dm-, now In the hands of the people. It' ^ of IJacoln's kneeg-Is at the home of her jxarents. Dr and chest high yo,i m-ml n,»t worry about Is a book that everjroae ahoald have -nother little alrl »*—« with croaoed Mrs .1 T .Abbott, hh- ,*nrre--t xxn.x. iie«'aiiae In order to and read In cnae of aoeldaat or *Ick- arms on the other knee swh looked

th- bride-elect Miss Ida Moulton, at I the former s home in Ovid At an ap- ' (Kxlnied time, the bride's gifts w -r-. I showeri-d u|ioii her from an iinbrella

Mlse Deasie Kiimsex presided in th- rooni.

of th-* ii-t'.iii'—I f---i Til,* h,*el shoiilil t--ii<-li the gr-Miml IIikI iihI f-sti i-olm strnighi ali-*,-! |K> n-u ali,*mpi |osiinr«-o the knees ill iiiiltiarx style, hut let Ih'-tii gix,- Hiiiiiexvluil

Mrs Ceo Deardsle,- visile,! fii-nds rapidly y,Hi will strikethe groximl with the heels flrat, an*! ®*® ®** uadorataad It.In a long walk any imh- who toes out will idsM-rx-,'Inrrrasing temlencr to point the foot straight abend.*

in (iwosso TuesdayMrs (leorge Harvey. Jr . and little

daughter left Thursday for their home In .Vew York t'lty. after an extende.i visit with Mr. and Mrs (leorge Hsrvev of Ovid

Harrx Kahr spent Sunday with . i.friends in H*ailB» Orahaa

Mra Jennie Jarvis and Mrs. BHsa _________^(Ireen were callers in Owonno Friday. ^ im, -■___ --------------------

Mrs. (’ora Ratlla left Bataiday for troy8t Haul. Mlaa. where she will visit ^ sneb as to osad la waoh-for an IndeSalte time at the home of *'•« •*(• dishes, wttlwut drat rahMOff her M»a. Roy Rlalny. j '^••Hloe well into thma Pat foar

Mr and Mra. Ooorge Yonng arc ex- hands In the xvnter an Httto oa PSSM-

It to so plainly writtan that any- up into the grant henevolaat Caca: and the third child, a little cotorad boy.

. ■*•*?•*• ^•rj’^****; stood oa the sBBie kaaa. wound hlathat there Is an ever nlSSir *v lovt^y ahmt the naok of thall••>cr fn noist fh. foot ! **“®®*®- ^**2? I chask aoalaai ?hafn noinf to. mmi , ^ racnrn mail, all btoaae noaa.

chargoa prepaid, this valaaMe booh. I TiMar apoataaaoaa trlbutaa of al*faetloa frooi tha ehlMrao maat aaia*♦ ♦ d^*# ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ ♦

♦ RTPLAIB ♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦


pected boom this weak after a three weeks' vtolt la waatern New York

Mrs. M. K Nathaway Is vtoltlag with friends snd relatives In KIsle for a few days

Mrs M* J. (iraham snd son. Mark, were guests of friends In t'sriand sn,1 KIsle the latter part of the week

Horace Keyes of Dattle ('reek was called to Ovid by the death of hi- brother the flrsi of the week

Dr snd Mrs V D Snover have re tumeS from s two weeks’ visit In the eastern part of th- ^tste

John H,mh‘ xlslted with relatives In loiBstng snd DPcondale Tueadsy

Mrv WsDer Kesbx will rei-irn Ihl- week froii. Fsirporl N Y.. where *h' WBS railed hx the death of her father last wrel

'•r* • A Johnson wa* ?* caller In KUl, '»! 1. isitxe*-. Xl'todax

Mr snd Mr* K V Voorheea vlsllcl Willi their daughter. Mrs Onlex Schaf­fer in Jackson tVednoadax


j The coaamualty waa saddened by tha iiam UaeolB daath of Mra. H. J. TSylor. which oe-

icuimd at har luMaa. Ba^. 7ath. Darlal I sarvicea ware held at the M. M churrb. roadneted by her pastor. l,eToy' Rchta-

ly siattly the arttot who daolBBad iRa atatna. tor thay ohaar hoar raaoiR- ahly ha baa hmaght oat tha gnat imrn ter humaatty that was pathapa IRn

eiharae tartaric of Abfh*-Yontli'a Coon

Me flaa a dtoh OMp or ctath la vi lag op dtohes.

Aftar flntohlag tha dtohoa claaaaa aonyonr hand* thnrsughlv la a lathor of **• Armour sad wife sad son. 'All-

Ham. vtolted at O W. I*esrr- Hniur-gtsMl toitot soap and hot wntar. ApFly glycerine and rosewater ami wsnr a pair of i-haroots leather gloves for a whlh-00 YOU SUFFbI

Wlirn Tour kidneys are waak and toqml they do not properly perform their Dinrinxns; .vour hack sen • and y--n d«> not fetl like doing much of auxtiiKu;. V,ui are likelv D- h,- de.|t--n-|-’fii an,l In borrow troiibii . jnsl aa it ,v<-u hadn’t em-iigl' al- rea,lx. It-m’i he a vieiim an.x l<-u.: .

Tue -i-i rrliable mclietna, IbsMi a .Ssraa|>arilta, gtx-as strength an«i loe^e I - the kHlnevs and Iraild* ui*

day.Harry Cleveland has moved his fam­

ily on the Mr* Ooold farm, west of the rolooy

Thare ara throe cooiaMa diooaaaa. Scrofula, ratarrh aad rwMaotorioh. The Srat aad aaoaad ooaaaMialy fa baad In baad. aad aeanttmaa the third lolaa thaai.-^ droadfal trio!

Why rail aitoartan to tham*Simply to tall what will rallavs

serofnis aad caiarth aad In maayIt laMr and Mrs Sheer lef* fxr their

home la Saattia Wash.. Isci week Mrs. H N. Kills has returned to htr

home In very poor health Mr*. l»al

Hoad's Saraaparllla In the fall the progress of thaaa

A.MWI. of mu 1.0.1.. for horMrs Jor Coleman -atertalned her kv began at oace

aunt and cousin from ryesanlng over Sundsx

thr funeral of Mr* Merinati Tsvl,»r xi w4i«4b •x*iem- Oat it todajo

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoaaaaaaatf ymm mmmt kAifmr

nif rBsw/li

tkA Newsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

ftarryBradpA’Roai KstsSe aad lasaraaee fH. hre Ol It I LaRariNi’s graearyriota. SL Jatoi. Mb MR