Download - The Hartford republican: 1919-12-26


Fln« Job Printing. DhVOTHI) TO Tlir INTIRlSrS or A 1,1, TIIF. I'lOPl.H ()|- OHIO OlMY Subscription $1 .60 per Y«ar




DtpradalioiM RelatMl

By Widow

nnd wn bmvtltallr decorated with

('hrlstmaR bella and kollf «a4 the ef-

fect wns very rharmlnit.

('hri^tln:ls IdPiis wore rarrlod out In

iill (Id alls Aftor sovf-rnl gaiiios of

lirdRri-ssivc rook wcit' ciijoyod, n

. , _ , ' luncheon conaliting of delicioun

Sftiloff'* Anp«»t And Other ^„


Thoee present waire: Mesdamee R.

T. rollin*. C. O. Huater. Hooker Wll-

llnniH. M K. Mlaekke, A. C. Porter,

K. ('. I'.arr.iKH, M. L. McCracken. W.S. Tiii-l.'.v. Ml (I '1" lliinis, Mrs. I,y-

liiMii (;. It.irri'll iiiiil MNn's SiipHiii

Wdi riii r iiiid l,('ttlt» Marks. Mrs. Ira

1). Uean, Mrs. L. C. Acton and Miss

Laelle Barrett were faeats of hoaor.

WashlnnKili. I>rc 22. -Uoprcspti-

tutlons of the Meslran Kovcriiiiii nt In

^ two aaparate easea Invulving protec-

tion!* of Amerlcaa lirea weat forward

from tka SUte , Dapartneat todaf

thrntigh the American embassr at RATMm W. TimunrM"vi<„rlty ! OmB3r ADVAXCKMBNT

liilOrmi'il liy lln- Aiiii-rlraii roiisnl[


fat .\lHzallaii. Mc\ . tliiit llu- two

Aiiii>rlciin Hallors iirrcstPd tluTi' Nu-

veinber 12 In connection with a Rtreet

flght were, betas held "on varloca

prrtwita." the department Immediate-

ty inatrueted Charse Summerlln at

Mexico Citr to mako rpprMentatlona

to Ihn ('iirr:'.ii7a >;oV('rn'ii<".il.

No rr,

I'lon v.Hs luitd)' tho consul tn

his report as to the aatara 9t tke


. Th<> emhasBjr at the fttcxicanicnpital

was directed In another dfiipatch to

Inalst that t*ie Mex*i t<n ft'>venime:it

taki' steps :i.\v lid till' ,i'iMr !M't<'lnn of

){ii.MMi r \V. 'riiisli y. (if tills place,

who Joined thi' forces of the U. S.

Government, Department 'of Juatlce,

bnrean of iareatlcatlon, at the out-

break of the war. has been transfer-

red from the Waco, Taiaa office to

HouKton. yrhere lie will ^ In cbarKe,

cfferlive .TanilHry 1st.

Mr. Tliisley fi-st went to the Saii

Antonio office wlmli i- the central

or chief office fur that territory.

While there he was made assistant,

bat some 15 moatha back he waa sent

to Waco as chief of that division,

hut .sincp the war has tarmlnated the

li.'inillts who rapliireil and held for;need fo rcontinnou'fi senrlce there has

1.111 oiM I"r.iiiilc-k llim". Aiiieriian

raiirlier ,ne:ir .Mii/.i|iii/.. Mex. Altl'c

offS lal Infi rniMtion thit IIiiKO had

been r«lea«e<l rpacbed the department

aeveral ttmin> aro. It was nut teamedby o. u. Ill today *h*i tn wu*

libentri'. un^.i a p'omli-- to p'ly

^1,50(1 rJHisoin within twelve days.

El I'liso. Tex.. l)e,. 2J .Mrs Su-

san A. Moore, widow of .lohn J

Moore, a storekeeper kiile-! JuriUK

the Viya raid on CoJumbuK. N. M,March t. at a hearlag todarfor the Senate sabeommlttee'^

^ >; iliiiK .Mexican affairs, testlflpci con-

crniinK the killing of her Luskundand the lootlag earrlsd oc^hl the


Report.s that ('oluielui* -.vls tci !i»

1. raided had been received by Mr".^ Moore and other* la Colnaihnb dar-

iBf six weeks proTtoas to the raid,

she said, but little credence was sivea


n<*Kin licariiiK Simih

'i lie lieariMK wa.- c indilcted hy

MttJ. Dan M. Jackson, of Kl I'uso.

.aecretarjr of the aabeominittec. Oneothff wUaesB, Joe Allen Richards

who dlscorered the bodies of the

United States aviators, l..leut8. Cecil

Connelly and Pred \V«lerhou»e. Ir'i.T ( .iliicrnia, where they \v(!ie

tdiied It) (li'sceiiil alter heinK lout on

a fllKhl from San Diego, Cel., will

be beard by Major Jackson previous

to opening of hearings on the bor-

der br the three Bbnators comprlslni;

t4ie coinn'ittee. It waa said Richards

would ti'siity to the affect the Amcr,-( ans were iiairdiTi'd by MexicunH.

Major Jackson said today the com-

iiiittee would begin hearings on the

i>urder soon after January 1 at San

% Antonio, Tex. Sanator Fall, chair-

man of the aabeommltiM, left here

yeeterday to spend Chriatmaa with

relatives at Nogales. Arii.

Mrs. Miiore in her te>iiiiiony sali

llie lianillts came to their resldencp

^ iiliout one anil one-quarter nillea'froi'l

Columbus and broke in. They ah--c

aad stabbed her hasband aad before

he dlad Htn kls elothaa (rom him.She also was the target for manyliiilleis when she tried to oscupc aid<iiic liil lier In the let!. She siiccee I-


1 il 111 escapiiiM ^111. 1 liiilliit: liy a feiic

w liei

The MexIcuMH so hudly mutilated

her husband that after hia death Mrs.

Moor* waa not allowad to aae his

body, ahe said. Despite her woundsshe accompanied the body to her hus-liand's former home In Ohio l)Ut could

only watch the funeral from a cot

near u window, she said.

The Moore store at Columbus was


tented. Mra. Moom taatMM. Ik* alao

told of fteatlag aad talklag with Mre.

Maad M. Wright, who had been captured and held prisoner nine days b./

the \ iIIIhIhh previo(!8 to the Coluniblls

raid .Mrs WilKht was taken after

her hUAliand hud been killed and h< r

( hlld <ti len by the Mexicans. Mrti

Moore preteated a claim tnr t4«,«00ta Iha •Mtaa NpitaMtlai her

iliiiiini ii> il so that the field can be

handled from one of the other offices.

The Houston division ranks with the

idost important in the district compos-

ed of three or tour statee. •


tJeorgo S. Williams died last Thurs-

day afternoon in tlie I". S Hospital.

Oteen, near Ashevllle, N. C, after a

protracted Illness of tubarcnlar trou-

ble brought OB by Inflamua aad dou-

ble paeumonia, saatalned last year

in Govemmeat senrlce.

The remains were brouRht hark to

this, his native county for liurial.

which took place Sunday afternoon iu

the Paxton Cemetery, near Thylor


¥he Deeaaaad was tweaty-lovr

years of age, aa axeelleat type of

young manhood and was nnnsually

Tigoroua and strouK before he enter-

ed the service of his Coiinlry from

which he had not lieen illsiharKed

He was a son of .Sciulre ilaive Wil-

liams, deteastd. and Mrs. Williams,

of near Taylor Mines, and a nephewof our towt^man, Mr. . O. Barraaa.



(Ry T I) Claire.)

Strange, l^i it s true. It is the

"morning attoH' and no headaehe.• • •

The high coM nf living is the cam-ouflage of the cheapness of money.

• • •

Come on. "Cnt'e," with your social

column. Variety is the spice of life.

» • »

He of Kood cheer. Fluke. Everyilourl has a silver lininK, nnd the

"moonshine" days are coming.• • •

Success Is the coetllest of humantreasures, and must be bought at an

Infinite sacrifice of what tke lidolent

most e-ifteem—leisure.• * •

To till- man who l.< at the sametime n husband, a rath<>r nnd a grand-

father, the inventor of the ten cent

store was a beaefaetor.• ••

If I eould'^nd a friend who wouldappreciate a cut Rlass decanter and

a sliver mounted corkscrew, I'd give

a couple of Xmas prdsenta.• • *

. ror twenty years I delighted to

come to Owensboro to spend a part

of the Chriatmaa hoUdaya. and nowI would be delighted If I could spend

part of the holidays away from It.

• * *

Waste not your sympathy on thost

who have lost no more than friends

and fortune. Rather reserve your

pity for that wretched heart whose

firaa of Ioto hare burned torerer out.• • •

It Is slranRe the li(|iiiir people nev-

er thouKht of siimiiionliiK a lot of

eminent alienists to prove ihat t'on-

Rress was suffering (rom a brain-

storm 'when It passed the dry law.

and having It aet aside.

















I o










.Mr. \V. II. Hunt, of Waverly. I.Ii It.n

county, compl''tpd details here .Mon-

day by which ho acquired the coal

mines on the I. C. R. R.. at Horton.

This property embracea about 10 o

acres and has lately been opened, andliut little of the coal removed. Mr.

.\lvah Knrnes formerly owned andcontrolled the mining property.

Mr. Hunt proposes to push opera-

tions at the mines Just aequired ahdhopes to be rannlng at tall capacity

at an early date, which nrlll be a ma-terial aid to that eommaalty.

A fi'w li-i 'iKi- and rehiiivc; i)f Mrs.

Mary Leucb gave her a surrris'j din-

ner at her home on Clay street,' Fri-

day, Decembftr 19th , In honor o( her

birthday. A ''•lamptdoaa dinner «a*served, and those ptaMnt to enViy

the occasion were: Mrs. Mnry I.en-h,

j.Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wilson. Mrs. l.iril.s

'Turner, I'rof. Henry Leach. .Mrs It.t

It. Wedding, Misses Annie iliidson

and Minnie Leach and Haymond Cole.

The out ot town guests were: Mr. aiid

Mrs. W. O. Cote and son Clarence,

Mesdanies Watt Steveiu, Kelson

Cole, Willie Itussell aad children,

Vernard and Kuuice. All loined In

wishing .Mrs. Leach many ^ppy ^<>-

turns of the day. I


This Issue marks the last

to go throuch our press In the

year i li I !t For The Hepuhll-

can. the year nenring its close,

from a business standpoint,

has been aacoeesfnl, as to the

aatlsfactlon given It's nheertb-ere and patrona othera must be

the judges. We have lost ex-

ceedingly few snliscriliers in

cam I'lliilloiis and our tirowth

lias lieen sleaily, even I'Xceed-

ing our bopes. Ho much for

the year 1119. As we start

the new year with the comingIssue we ask the support of sll

who think tlii'v may see any-

thinc of merit in tln' paper. Wehave 1 11 h:iiicli( ,1 ;.;ie(l liy hav-

ing too much work to do. Theduties are so numerous andvaried that no one man can at-

tend to all of them and do tall

Justice to any, except he be aaexiiert in many lines and weare not an expert or adept in

any. We shall put forth all

reasonalile i flort to give our

readers the local and county

news aad we eamestty craTe

and ask for your asalstance

In every way convenient to'

yon, t'l the end tliat the Ke-

pul)llc;.n may he hi tter diirli'.g

the coining year.. We are in-

~deed mindful of the debts of

gratitude owing to many of

our frienda. and to all patrons

we acknowledge our aineere

thanks and wish for all, that

the year Just dawning mayhold peace, happlneaa andplenty.

ooooooooooooooA spumiMDmmAK oomb.

• tor land ownera, aad |S.o« tor ranters

olor tenants. These tees are to be

of paid annually and are to cover theo


state and National dUOa from theo i County OrK.inlzatlon.

o| Motion was madi- and passed to

o have luo members enrolled beforeo perfecting the permanent orianiia-o tlon. As there nre now about 70 odd0 men who are rltally lataraatad In theo Farm Bureau it Is expected tkat manyo more than the required 100" will beo enrolled (hniiiK the next weeko i .Memher^hip blanks are now on the

o press and will h(> in the hands Ot the

o 'ommittee this week,

o The next meeting Is called tpr in

o o'clock Tuesday morning, Januaryo the «th, this will be the first Tues-o day la Jan. 1920, the meeting w ill l)e

o held In the Court Mouse as hefore,

0 and the session will convene with the

o I'isriil Court. Besides the question

o of the permanent organization, sev-

0 eral other matters ot Importance to

0 nil Farmera will ba takaa np, and0 every Farmer la urged to be ptesent.

o Mr. Walter 0. Tri^e, County Agerto if Warren County, was jireseiit at the

opening of the meeting and made a

very siroiiK talk explaining the pur-

pose of the Farm Bureau, the atti-

tude ot the U. 8. Oovemmsnt towardhis moToment. aad what the Farmer*ought to make it.



U. S. Senator Says Pries OfFuel To Go Up OrAnother Strilc*


"The marihiKe of MlSS BereniceVirginia .May, of Louisville, Kentuc-ky, and .Mr. Arthur Dale Kirk, wassolemniked Saturday afteraooa at S

o'aloek at the iMNua ot the hrlde'a

cousin. Mrs. Ernest WxM>dward andMr. Woodward, in Deer Park, the

Uev. II, W Tll'laiiy offi. iii^

Amerleaii soldiers found her .\rtie .May, sh tc r of t he hriilc, was the

muid of liiiiioi- and .Mr. Cjoodeil Woo-ten, o( Hartford^ Kentucky, the best

tka mU.

CM It MDKTS\l 11 II .MIIH. ILtltltKi r

Mra. Lyman U. Barrett entertained

tha («4Ma' laalal Otab la hmt

BoCora tha earamoay IClia Iiahalle|

Headricks, ot Hardlaabarg, Ky., sang"Oh Promise Me" and "I love you

truly " The liridal party entered tho

draw lug rixnii to the strains if the

Lohengrin Wedding .Maiih, played

by Miss Lola Klelils, the ceremony be-

ing yorformad under tka areh be-

twaaa tka drawing imbs' aad laaap-

tlan rOMB during which "Love* Con-

fessfoa" waa very softly played. The\ver,e dewBlsA VlIB IhW Md

pot flowers.

The bride was sttlrvd in her trav-

ellag saU of mldnlgBt M«a (ftaoUaa

aad wHk tkia wof* a alaM IMMng hatto awlsk. Mar flaapata waa* a oar>

sage boaaet ot Mia. Ward raaaa.

.Miss .Vrtie May was gowaed In blue

cliarmi'use with ua uvdrd.'t'-^s ut

Kciogelte .She wore a pIcMiri hsl

and carried .Mrs. Wi:id rohe..

After a tvedding ittp through iht

•oalB Mr. aiU Mn. Ktrk k« at

Hartford's High School Team reg-

istered on the right side of the card

by the score of 21 to 17 in as good a

game ot haaket hall wtth tha iCaatral

City High School Boya, aa oaa could

ask (o see, here last Friday night.

They were as close to six of one anda half dozen of the other as posslDle

to tiiid. as the score would Indicat".

There was not a draggy spot l'>. th.'

entire contest, every man bein; wi i>.'

awAe and on the alert during tue

whole melaa. Frot. Naal at Ceatral

City aad Mr. Whlttler Rogers of

Beaver Dam, did the retereelng whichwas satisfuctanr to batk pta]


At the end of the first perio 1 C-^n-

tral City threw three fresh men into

the game In aa eiitlart to tarn the

tide in their tatrar. whleh atood at 12

each, but to no avail. Thoee partici-

pating in tlie game were. Central

City: Heliincoe. Sharp. .Moore. F.

Thompson, Cbrlstiun, The^ley. J.

Thompson and Finch. Fur Hartford:

Williamson, Darrass. Hoover, Harper,

"Goaf" Williams and U, Bills, Sub,

Mrs. Mary Pendleton Taylor, wife

of H. P. Taylor, of this place, died

at her home last Friday morning at

ten o'clock, ot organic heart trouble.

.Mthougli a periodical sufferer fromthat malady for some years, she was

apparently in unusual good health

Immediately prior to the tatal hoarot her demise.

Funeral services were conducted In

the home at two o'clock Saturday af-

ternoon by Uev. R. D. Bennett, after

which the remains were deposited in

Oakwood Cemetery.

Mrs. Taylor was a splendid type

of womanhood. Imbued with a fine

sense of genuine aontheirn hoapltall-

ty, and with an erer pleaaant recog-

nition she greeted her acquaintances

and frient!~ wherever met. These

qualities endeared her to all whoknew her.

The Deceased waa a daughter of the

late Dr. John B. Pendletoa, bornFebruary 13th, 1868 and united in

marriage with H. P. Taylor, a promi-

nent attorney of this place. .Marc!.

•- el , 1S&4. Besides her hushaad

she is survived by one daughter. .Mrs

Wolfolk Barrow, ot Lexington, anda son. John Pendleton Taylor, of

thia place. Alao two alatere andthree brothera, Mrs. Howard Gray,

of St John. Kansas; Mrs. Tulah P.

Cummins, of Richmond. Va.. andCharles M Pendleton, of Miami, Fla ,

John Ed Pendleton, of Tuiala, Ukia..

"A TltlBl'TE OF LOVE."

and Dr.


Bugene B. FeadlateB. ot


One of the best dances of the sea-

son was given Tuesday night at the

Opel a tlollse The music w as fur-

nisheil liy I'urr lliiiihers original l)lx-

I lulund Jazz Band, of Louisville. Parr

Brothers are the beet aaalelaaa that

hava haaa kam to aaoM itaM. Ikalr

maalt waa vaMartal. There waa a

large aravd to alCandaaaa.. talta a

laraa naaikar al aal at pwats

nut s.M.t' —\'l ui reji of luiiii .III public road,

good t-room house, well ig gofch.

fraM traaa. alaa afesii


On Friday, Deceml>er the 19th, a

meeting of the representative farm-

ers of Ohio County was held in the

Court House in Hartford, Due to tiie

bad roads and aevara weather, only

aboaV aaa halt tka aaahar eapected

ware able to attend, but what was

I ickinc in numbers was fully made upIn enthusiasm and eurnestnes..^ of pur-

pose. At ;>(> of the best farmers

Iu the County braved the weather to

expr^aa their confidence In this

moveBMBi tor tka hattanaeat of

Ameiloaa FgnBtog Baatnaaa aad Con-


A temporary organisation was p«r-

fected, with .Mr. K O Austin, of

Boa\er a..> I'roldeni ; .Mr 1. II

Ticbenor, \'lc« PrasiUaai; and .Mr

Watt Taylor, of MatoBSMk M Socre

tary aad Tteasarer,

A FahMaHy CaauaMaa af tka fol-

lowing uii»u was apiMlntsd: E. U.

Kodgsrs. Heaver Dam; Asa Kelly,

Fordsvllle; Watt T.iylor. Cenlerlown;

M. L .McCrucken. Iluiiford

Coiuwlii>e 111! Dmunlxutlon U" tol

lows: J. K. MUchsll. Uuadee, L. U.

TUhMor. MartfoMl: W. C. BlaBkan-eki» liiiHwii Ja4» MNb Oouk.

Mr.«. Mary Pendleton Tiylor Is no

more; her departure was (aim andsweiH as liefit the passing of one so

h'entle. yi't so brave. She realized

that her going away would be suddenyet she radiated sun^ne and happi-

ness, loTlng and being loved as only

one BO richly endowed by nature can

Mrs. Taylor w'as a woman of bril-

liant intellect, cultivated hy year.s ot

devotion to the best in literature and

art. She was passionately fond of

music and her familiarity with the

classic aad modam aekoola wasamaalag. -

Until her health became Impairedshe was one of the leading lights of

the Woman's Club. Yet as wife,

mother, sister, neiglibor, friend, wasthe wealth of that generou.s heart

avished in unstinted love. Her kind-

ness of heart waa proTerbial, ahe wasnever known to say an unkind word,

but a smile and kind word from her

has often brought comfort and cour-

age to an aching heart.

Slie lives in the hearts of those

who loved her. wonderful

legacy she bequeathee to those she

ieavee behind—legaey oif aanaysmiles, legacy of kind words, legacy

of noble deeds, legacy of tender andhoughtfiil ministrations.

Adieu! dear friend, until we meet


B. B.


tjlil'T OK 2 COLLK.lGl'KS

Washington. Dec. 22—Entering In-to the controversy raging aliout thoijovctMHPiit 's nroposaU for settle-

ment of the roal strike. Senator Fr*-linghuysen, Reiiubii.»j, Now Jerear.chairman ot the Seaate Commlttaa hi-veatlgatlag the coal situation. In aformal statement tonight declaredthat In the Government's negotiations"there must have been some sort ofa secret deal made in addition tO tBOsigned statement,"

Explaining that he apol^ Mhimself only aad aot tor otherben ot Mis committee. Senator Fre-linghi^ysen reviewed testimony ad-duced by the comlttee hearings to

(late and .idiled that, out of the settle

ment of the strike, 'in any event thepublic may look for an increase in thit

price of coal or another strike."

The New Jersey Senator ekarae-terlied the settlement proposal, asput forth by Attorney General Phlraer

and accepted liy the miners, as "aloaded dice for the Amerii an put)llc."

The Executive f'oinmiitee ot coal

mine operators, followii<g their stnie-

nient ot yesterday declaring that tha

<loTemnient'a proposal u tIaaUrdratted waa virtually d{ffor<>nt fromthe plan formulated by former F'uel

Administrator GarfleM and wbicli

they hound the .i-rdv es to accept*

maintained silence today.

The operators decided during the

day to call oft a general meeting ot

the Seala Oommtttoa ot the Cantral

Competitive Field, which had*1

called for Tuesday !n Cleveland

At the conference which will

place after Cristmas, it win saici,

the operators expo.';t to fc nulate a

decision aa iii tlie policy tlkey will

adopt toward the 4oven]i.ient'8 pUnand Ihe eommlsston app-ilnted Satur-

day by Preeldrat Wllaon to idjudlrato

the minera' claims. >


Washington, Dec. %l—Senators to-

day received as Chriatat^ presents

neat doth aaaka ' aontalning five

pounds Of Louisiana cane sugar.

The sugar was the gift of Senators

Randsdell and Guy, Louisiana, w'|iu

last week led a vigorous fight in the

Senate againat further impoaition of

Oovaramant eontrol over the Brtea at

that prodact.

So far as csn be learned, not a

single Senator declined to r-'neive the

gift. In most cases they v.vaiXh baste

to bestow It aaratally in aoma Udlngplace.


Owing to tha taaraaaad aaat olJllmsand other sapeaaas wa are toreed t j

either Bsa a mwA cheaper aervlee.

advance th* price ot admiaalon or

close our do-^rs Cheaper filini;

would III- iiii?,ilislaci(ii> III 1 \i-ry'lOdy

.So we have decided to hold tbt. scr-

vieo up and advance the price of

admiaaloil to !• eeata. afteutlve onand after Daa. tird.. aad If attend-

aaaa 4aee aot juatlty oparatloa vuwfll be compelled to take the latter.

Course, oi|i house

Uours open 6 45 Show begins

7: It.



We ii 'siri toMaakour many rela-

ilvch and irleada for their klndneas

nd .'<.\nipttthy shown u.^ In tlie deaih

of uur dwAi »uu and brut her. Geurg*

a. Williaw*. wbu deparle.l this lile

T- Mkir IT nilWS If

Everet Porter, ^cHenry R. 1, to

Gussle Browa< McHenry R. t.

John H. Stewart, Select to M»Luck, Beech Orove. 4>y^

J. W. White, Whitp.svllle Route 2.

*o Lyis Uliker, Heaver Duin, Route


Willlo Allen, Horse Branch, tb Ar-.

tie Haalallp. Roalaa. ^it-a Bartlott, imimaM* ftottoa.

Agnes Evans, Fordsvllle,

Marion W. Hell Ceiiiertown R. 1,

to Nola G. Tichi-nor, Centertown R,,


V. B. Wbituker, Beaver Dam, to

Qenava Leaeh. Beavar Daa.Charlie Burtoa, Harttord, to Wt%

.Mai Decher, Echols.'

James Chesttjr ToniesT HarttOrdto Lillian Stone, Hartford.

Hell GAodwine, Horse Branok* |B 1

Hena Martin, Horse Branch.

B. O. Craig, White Run. to Pearl A.

Keowa. White Ran.Wtllard ' Baagha. Narrowa Boata

2, to Kathlaaa Kalth. Hartford. R. c.

Claud Weedman, Caneyville, to Lo-rine llavis, Reiifrow.

Jolin Ward, .McHunry, to BulahWalker, Huntsvllle, Ky.

John WillU, Hartford, to LdrigoYork. Hartford.

Lawellea Fraacia, Slnunaaa. t*sa Bell Young, Simmons.

.Anderson Kratcher, Horse Braneh*to X'ergie Young, Horse Branch.

sirguri Giiistragk Maat li*9BlfetoBaixe, Select,

Harriaon Goodmaa. flarttont |gPearlla HaaUtoa. Karttord.

Clyde Kaowa. Hartford RoaU g. toBva Kevltt. Hartford, Route 6.

John Phelps, Morgantown, to Aivia

I'helps. CromwellHebert Huff, iteynolds Htation, to

Amby Craig, Fordsvllle.

Clayborae PIrtle. Beavar QMk toBBa Tartar, Baavar Bmb.

Vlrgll H. Jardaa. Leaveawortfe.lud., to Ella Yoaag, Horae Braaah.


Purlii'K liuleiiii d to me will piMsepay their uooum^ ,it mica u | waatIu balance my bowks hjr Ik* atois althefasg. M I gvai pMi via

Blawto«afML i. t. BIAM.

fiaaacial Statement ef Obio Ceiiaty.

Tu • >>

IV, •.

; lAi. > i /> I );mi;nt of oiiiu Couuiy, Kentucky, nhuwlng Runimary. .iiiii .lisiiiM'-i'iiiiMiiN. rroin .lannarjr lat, 19X1 to JaBuarx lat. 1*18.

, ,1 ( oiiti I'f Ohio l iiunl> :


v, , M,nnMs>i()ner» heretofore a»potat«d to invvatlnte aa

.-mil Disiiiirs.-iiients of Ohio CoHt/ for th« jrear _1»17 aiidto tbeto aa-

4te r.ooKty'a finaactal xnuitilon on JaBvary lat. b«f to rtport


»l«..»inrti\j1t<riwll on Hand In Ueiifriil Kuiwl

MM. w/iioiiiii i;ish on hniid In SinkinR Fund . . .

tMt ri-<i>)v. .l If in s (> 1\ ••«n. ShiTirf. for taxe*

'r,., , u. ,i liiiui W I . lll.inkon.xhli>. Co. Clk., land aale*.

. i^ . ii from Edgar Barnard, loan to Coaatr>




tOk. r«>ieiv.Mi Horn OrayHon County, paymaat on kridge.


mM. ror.elv.wJ Irom Stall-, on H-irtford and COBtortOWB road

Jmml Mth


I* A.t4'h1 \>

i •"i


.rocRtvad from s (). Kpowh. Sheriff, for taiaa

'racnlved rosl. .1. I. .Miller, road casp 24.90

.ra<i«>iv«d from O Keown. taxes l.diMi.ilO

voroived from l^atnbasco Hank, loan lo County 9,475.00

i.Tfivi 'l from S. () Ki'ovvii. dolinciuont taxes 78.(8

riM nivi d from .S. O. Keowii, balance on aettlement . , . 33.81

.^ rprolvcd from B. K. Rogers, sale of scrapers 7.76

.•\ remfved from sale of scrap Iron 86.00

3Ah rMceired from State, on Hartford and Morgantown road. 7,>79.S6

)*th. rerelTed from Cane ellation of Fire Insurance 39.80

Ape J«ti\.^FifielTed from Ben W. Taylor, bnlanro on nails .65

JiiJv -:».h rofleived from J. R. Miller, for dyiianiiie 10.00

jftjuj »;.t'. .'•n'-elved from K. K. IloKeri'. for dyiianiifi^ 10.80

An» .'poelveti fmni S (). K' uh n. for laxu" 1,638.03

Ahx- > •"••'-h received from Bank of Hartford on loan 6,000.00

tk-J. received from 8. O. Keown, for taxes 2,<99.10

Ittiif. »t.h. received from B. O. Keown, for taxes 9,47g.61

SfJJt, received from 8, O. Keown, for tasea 10,000.00iKf.. received from I. C. R. R., rebate on frelgbt 46.38

4s.n !|*'^;Davi

Total Of all moiicv l ec ' ivi'ii $66,645.09DISIU ISSKMI^MS.

A\.'-'\i' i.i>id out of f;i'ii(>ral i;.\|(i n-" Fiiiul, on County Warrants.* !>.47G..'>S

Jiitrtcut--: paid out of Walaiy Kuud. for Salaries . ;!,T4:<.05

Amount jwld 4Uit of Charity Fund, Paupers in Alma House. . . . 1,893.40Amatt.tti j»ai(i ant of Charity Fund, Paupers not In Alms Houiie. . 190.84

hi^xr.'nK Warrants i.ssu^d for borrowed money 14,67fi.S9

riv.'} out on account of Vital Statistics 40S.00»;iM on Hartford anil Owensboro Stale Aid Koad l.Sit2..")ii

.i.iidl on ilarltonl an.l .Moi Kaiituwn State .\id Knad . . . ."i.4:!:'..4.")

,;'Jiid on llai llord ami i Ciili M ti>w:i State .\i(l K^ad . . . . 2,484.91pal'l on other niaiN ami iuiilu'c^ 16,683.95set aside in the Sinking Kui:d, for the purpose of liqui-

v*3»tinj; County's Indebtedness 2.468.46JUguFuxt of clainiii allowed prior to Jan. 1st. 191S. and not paid . . 1.202.39Kifc£ajfi-i» OD hands. .Jan. 1st., litis 7.2M.67



Orajui:! T('ti<) nf all dislmrsenients, cash in Sinking Fund iic* 6.'>.tj4.T.O!)

jivjc •<i.\ki\(i I I \i> »»r rni; foi NTV IH am POLLOW.S:Jan. la*.., JJ»57, cawb on hand iu Sinliing Fund $ 4.521.S.T

: j^aced tn Sinking Fnnd during the year 1917 2.46S.4$

.16.990.31BfakazaeniAnU from Sinking Fund, during the year 1917, Interest

_ . •« jPandlng Bonds, paid :\iareh 1917 ,| 1.200.00litaieet on Funding Bond-, paid s -pt . i5th, 1917 1.200.00MitiMjtte Jo Sinking Fund, Jan. 1st, 1918 4 r.^it p.i

lOsi sH

iCax2ej>tedness of Ohio ( i.aiity on .KiuaaryPB»tllux Honda UutHtunding .

Warranta issued for borrowed money, *e

$ (;,!iitii..". 1

1st, 1918, is as follow-:$48,uUU.Ui>19,765.25

• n liaiids .Tun.

tju liaiid.s .Ian.

Ca»h on hands .

fcmlobtednena, Jan.

1st. 1918. in General 1918, in Sinking Fund ,

lat, 1918

$68,266.25. .$ 7,281.67

... 4.590.31






AW .1 ^'I"•'"'••I'tcd. approved and ordered published, by- iflAgAl Court of Ohio County, on the 8th day of October. 1919


1« - elnlm. to th. forgoing condSUd'i^uS to^ fol-

Th*- Voregoing report

> following is a complete li»t ofKbiM» allowed by Ohio County Fis-•fcCiofcrt. during the year 1917, for

labor, teams etc.:M «, "< s . loofinK IHai-M-:!. .\ I', tile

Bniu'-- ' ''.'ii' It Co., recordv....

ib<«>. .S'U. IbrSarnie. li>r

Blfualijtahihiji. W. C. cost road,taxx» . .

Bbuiii. X'ost road caseSMki»-. Services as Clerk8ai»r. !'iT DiemBorCMK. JI li.. Coiiiiu'r


31.4024.00 I


8.15 !




Barn».s. E. P. ii

Ba/o «> fX U

^mjft- ...

C:lui>mkn,ff . a.




Hro.. wire . . .


Comm r road

team un road 1:

T. N., conveying pau-

Vcr Diem .

i- ii ridge Coi/riiiv . .

. ii)'.-

< 1. . T'ci

Works i[


HlU»f.'>'rj" Hro.-. r^

Hmy^ufi itepul'l

Pl5».'.v John. I.M .1

Ho'-«K.<",i. >\ . -.-I I

NiM:Ji*.r Jh'r.

V.ii .u .• •' O . Tr: a

i- .•J\1


.\l«t. Co


3 00.•!.40





1 1 S7I ; >; <

ti U'*

Siiulliard. .1. K . |e;ini on roadSouthard Talnian.\ .-aine ....Southard, J. L.. -a meSmith. Winson. 1 du com. . . .

Same, Per OlamShown. Ed. Per DiemShultz. Ozna. Salary, 1917,1000.00Tinsley. W. S.. election coai'r 20.00Tichenm . Dr. II. F.. expeuHes

to Louisville

I'endlelon. Dr. K. li., Salarv.1917

Taylor. ./. W.. lumberT. y!or. 1!. !,.. liaiiliiiB

Vichenor, Worth, hauling . .

Ticbenor, R. C, 3 da Com. ,


Same, Per Diem






<.'ii. Adv11 r . u' . .

I (I I. nil!


urer. Sal-



l<<^4. » 1.

K«<> v «

a . \ >.

Kirs ;


, ind-^ie Cl. House. .

U .M . Cowm'r road

11 s. rvlces Co. Atty.! • relit

•ary. 1917S () . cost roail easeS O . cost J. O. .Uc-

> K i-.isi-

) , Atcy fee road case, Eakel, labor on road

Laliw. viiiiard. nails *e....I.^UK s W , Per DiemytiWiiiV.. \V P, Cash petd atl>

\)'' .' Mi'.ve.s




M •




••: iti»; prisioH'rs . .

W . ii;iils . .

i- K of 1', rent ou

.* T ai<' I >

H M.. hauling ou roadL . f faiii on ruad. .


V 'I . lumberS I. Poll tax re-

t$«lary, 1917


S , CoBi'r road

>f ' 1 < < II I )i I- le.iiii on roadhuiiliuK uu ruad

!>•>: It A. c , Cireutl Clerk.CdM liiirrunghs. Add. MB*

• i.> < « •

){'. • >' A 11 . iiit|u«iat. . .


jl.iiy. l'j|7 ....... 1 1 • 'iiiu'r road ca4«

. I-' i'' 1'I 'H J l

Mail >

>; • > <

W Y luiu'r road

.\ III'. 1. liurllllK »!

W .N. Klevituit tuiM r



:: Oil

s ;.. )

'i CI)

, 1.7$




9.003. 103.766.266.00

7 0035 2ti




1 r.o

too. Ill)


ti III)

IJb no8 OH6.UU

7 2 no

:l uo4 51

T yior. H W.. Per Diem\\ ail ice I'orter. n. 'diclne. .

V.'eiler. .Mrs. S. .1.. liiiiilier .

Whiltingliili. I. II . liiiiibi'r A^c

Webster Stone Co., stone. . . .

Walker, Martin, Resettinggrates

Wilson. Jno. B., salary, 1917Acton Bros., Mdse. A. Housei!eatty H:>nry, bttUding gridgeliai/.e. .\ R., Tax Hupervlsor,

1 II 1 7

Heniiett. .1 C., same .....Hariies. It, II.. sameliiaiiketi^bii). W C . s.ime . . .

Si' me, Heaver D un roadcase

Same, Services as Clerk....Same, I'er DiemBrown, H. L., hauling graderBennett, S. F., livery , . .


Cooper. Frank, road eom'r.


Dean. W S . I'er DiemKullier^oii. S. I. , Per Dteoi ,

''.' ic, •u-h paid out

liw. .lohn, com'r. B. Damload case

Janiea, Henry, board O. ft H.road

Kirk. A. D., Atty. fee BeaverDam road case

Kf>own. S. O.. .S. O. C. cost B.

Dam road «'ase

Ta.x Supervisor.




1 . 5 II





850. oil

12. S520.00





16 4."




Bc.iver Dam P.rlok Co. .brick.Bank of Hartford, interest on

F. C. W. No. 802Curtis, Ernie, nails and la-

borC«r;>on <i Co.. Mdse. AlmsHouse

Combs, i,e-"ir\ vii'wer roadcase

Combs. H. .M., sameCecil. Jas. 8., strawChinn, T. H., sills

Cnrtia, V. B. labor ......Dnke, Almond, viewer, road

ease, J. U MillarDavis, 3m, T.. damage, roadm.^e

y.\ e|yn. iame .•

\iiiaiiila. sameDavl-. W. II. \- heii s. same . .

Duke, J. A., repairs courthouse

Dean, W. 8., 1 da. commit*

Same, per diemFulkorson. I. 1).. lumber. .


Pulkersoii. S. 1... per diem.Ford. J. W.. pains Air

Grim. .Mrs. .Mi KKie, interestOllliain. Lon, h.iuling Lbr. ..

Olenn, J. S., settling with 8.0. r

Haynes. Allison, woi k as hidp-er

Hull ClothlnK Co.. Mtlse. Almsllnu-'e

Hagermun. .loe. viev. , r andwitness. .1. I,. M. road ....

Hartford Kepulilican, adver-tising

HInton, Willie, witnessHartford Mill Co., Are brick


and brick

Jack.^4on, K. T., lumber....1 Keown, S. O.. cost J. It.

I Miller road caseIKirk. Dean, conveying patt-


KliiK. .M. D.. unloading cul-verts

Keown, S. O.. Sheriff servicesLamasco Bank, discount...Leach M !> . hauUnR. gradeMil'^ v. i; ei.l:i. hmiliiit: sills

.MliikiiT. W I', services asjailer

.M.iy. .Ml-- Dee. damape. J.

1. .Millir MadNational Supply Co., disinfect-

antPirtle, H. M., viewer, J. L.

Miller roadRobertson, Joe, viewer and

witness, samelUce. H. F.. per diem ....Stevens. W. N.. hauling....SproTile. W. v.. work on

bridgeSmith. Charlie, services Alms

House keeper.Stevens, W. N., viewer and

witness J. L. M. road....Standard Oil Co., oil......Swain. Robert, making roaddiae

St^^uarl, .1. .1.. pauper .shoudStepliensbiirg Stone Co.. stoneSmith, Winson, per diem. ,

Shown. Ed., per diemiTaylor, Berry, hauling' Taylor, R. L., witness J, L.

Miller roadTichenor, R. C, per diem .


Wedding, Hillary, lumbar .


illankenship, W. C., per diemDean. W. S . sameFulkersoii. s. 1..^ sameLeadi. S. W . . sameRice, it. F.. sameShown. K(l.. tameSmith, Winson, nameTaylor, W. B., aameTichenor. R. C, aameHlack A.- iJirkhoad, pauper

shrniidI'.eiian y. J. A., dynamite ftclieaiK it, Kd.. liveryItl.iiikei'.^liip. \V. ('.. per dji^Mi

Carson, W. U.. (board) H. &.

O. roadDean, W. S., per diem...F-lgin. Virgil, haulingFerguson. V. 11. . lumber . .

Fiilkerson. S. L.. per diem. .

Iliiff. Scott, lumberHiiitiiii. T. M.. teamHumphrey, W. il.. board..James, J. S.. lumberLlgon, V. P., surveying....Leach, S. V.'.. per diem .....\ildkift-. W, P .. coalRusher, sl'.erd. lumber ....Itice. I;. F. piT diem.Sosli. ;i, c<,al Kil.. >ui v 'yi'.ii; .....Si.h.e. per liieiii

Shown, Ciold'.-n, surveying. .

Smith, Winson, per diem ....Taylor, B. W., 1 da. commit-

enI I.e:i( tl


107 I'o







S W., Per Diem .... fi.H'i

s 1 i,:c I iia, com. 3. nil

l.iKon. V. P., work on road.. 62.ii<i

.Mosley, B. K., dynamite .... 3. SO

.Martin. Rftlll, work 2.8iB

Mldklff. W P.. wall paper S i'*!

Same. Services as .lailcr. . . . 66. 5i'

Mufleit, .inbn. lumber 100.00.Ma-s|... .1 I, . Int. on r. C, W..No 1 759 . . . : •

Norris, Mai y F.. roail bed . . .

Pirtle, Jas.. hauling bridge..Ralph. R. P., road bed . . ,


Ranney, Lee., workRice, B. F.. 4 da. ComSame. Per DiemStewart. (Jolda. road bed ....

fit ^u40.ll!>

l.'i I





1 1) III) Shown. K<i . work on road .

10.00 Same, Per Diem12.00 Stewart, Rrnest. work on road

Smith, Winson, 4 da Com...7.10 Smith. Winson. Per DIera . .


Smith. Willie, reporting evi-3.00 denre 25.006.00 Smith. Charlie, Servlees. A.

7!t.4S| House keeper 305.256. 110 ITaylor. It W.. 3 da. Com S.Od

3.S.9S Same, work on road 15.0031.50 Same, exprn-^e paid for H.6.00 o. roail 26.15

Same, Per Diem 3.01110.00 Tichenor, K. C.. ,Same 6.O11

inme ,rommittee 3.00S.oo Vhitfaker. Will, hauling .... 3.00

WIls< . K m m;, sills 14.4042.10 Wehsi r S Co.. StOBe Bea-

ver Dam l ike 257. 0.s

3.00 White. Fran';, drag 2.50Wedding, A. II., nails 3.65

4.00 Acton Hros.. .Mdse A. House 9.601.00 Browder. W. W., Servioos

Farm Agent 600.001.25 Bank of Pordiivllle. onsh pd.3,7."> for work on road 27.01

Hrowning. .las., ao'dii liie . . . 2.5oS.30 Ulair, W. .\.. work mi bridge 4.50

Balrd. A L , haulinc 16.003.50 Burroughs Add. Mch Co.,

juilgnient 277.23Dlankenship. W. C.. Services

as Clerk

TWfOwv oi iiw rnio«j m«tM wt >««<'••• "j-'JlHanirly «ik - half, nf all Ihf niilnr* «' IM ,«nrM.. Tlw{

Mrnr t vartv Iralfi*- M MUrk„|li,T ..iiinlry thai llMTCiltMlv —— r—-llKin<<l. lbr IralRrofMylwa Mlitiiii >t»y •»

balii lot roapari*











4.009 so

Same, Per DiemBennett, S. B., liverySame, loading tileReniiett. D s . haulingItradli'y (iillnTf Co., file boxesHall/ell. |», . lumber.Same. Iiiiiiler

Daniel, Wesley, himber ....Carden, Wilbur, team work .

Cheek. J. P.. lumberCarden, C. B., team work . ,


Cobb * Richards dynamite 4kcCarter. R, 1) . timber Ac( arson & Co.. Itbery .'.

Compton. F. I,., pauper coffinChanvelior. Adam, iron *c

I... liimlier ....freight on tile.


l/iirhaiii. S.

!)• an. W S..

Same. 2 da.Same, PerEmbry, il. E


6. Oil





16.25I..-. 11


N oe3.911


2 oil



ana. inr iramr HItint fippfot' h tti# rumiMrrvil BTI rnilw kVB.

Ask Any D()imliI)oyWho

Was "Over There" -.SS?



he will Icl

lu'st ill llic

1 da. Com..

lumber ....C, clerk ser-

C PKeown1 1) I 7

l.igiei. Vroad . .

Loach, H. WMilligBa. H,

8or, 1917 .

Pecklnpuogh.grader . .

P . siirve.soi II & O.

. I'ur Dieiii ....J., Tax Hupervi-

A M , moving

U nd>road

Ulie. I(

S.iiii'^. I'



Tom. Com r. I). Dam

K , Imil 2 da .....el Uleni

W. K. paiuiiiiK bridgeUd., work on road.


Hume, Per DiemShown. Uulden. WMkM PBBdSmith, Winson, I 4a. oom...Same, I'er DiemSaiidelur. J V . load bed .

Taylor, W li.. work on ruad. .

w.iiker. Martin, reaetllBgKrute-i

w.iid. Kddle, (board) H. *.0 ruad

ABdeniBB. Mnt. HerdlBk BlBMfraMla work

Allslill tleber h.lUllllR

llelUiio I A liaullllK KlKdefIII < k 1. )ii|i \\ C

. rtMtl J. i.

\llU>l l( '.l-e

Matuu, f*' do'iii

T II vii<»rr road




2 00

19 50




:; ou6.003.006.00

11.003.00K 75K III)



4 00


13 5

3 oil

\fk Oil 'KirkI Sai •

lit «ii

4 00


SaiKc. per dieinTichenor. It. ('..

.^ame. jier diemWedding. H. A..

Dlankenship, W.vices

Same, per diemBennett. S. K.. liveryBennett. I). S.. haulingBartlett, Dudley, 2 meals...Henton, Ray, building bridgOlloswell. .Mex. roud bed...(•..;, -r (• \ _ ill .

< o . K I..

.V 1. ruad UracCook. .Mack, haulingCunditt. Mrs. A. L., board,.Casebicr, W. A., fliling mudholeCanipfleld, O. W., lumber. . .


i>ean. W. S.. freightSame, Per Di<'mSame. L' (la>s ComI )au ~oii. lliuik. Iiaiili: a . . .

Itavl.s, .N. I!., teuiii work ....Uuke, iCdward, 3 da. work on

roadRlgin. VtrgU. sameKskrldg*. Dooley, road dragKeller. Oeo, F. 4 Ca, P^vQIo

pan^rl''..iM.^. aluriou. vt'ork on roadl^'i \ lulre, Uanilolpli. auie . .

Karria, 1, S., luuiii 4c labor. . .

rnrailM. T. B., vopalrlngbride*

ailstrap Sandford. workroad

(ileiin. Ilowurd. same(ileiiii. .1 S . house. ri'Ut . . . .

<;eriiio .Mfg Co., dlsliifeet . .


Ilailt .rd KepuUtoBB. bkUlBC'i'a \ book.-.

liiMiki-r. I'' .M . dynaiiille . . .

Iiuui|ihii-y, W. il., work BvoB roaad

Hub t'lothlBR Co., Md*s Alaulloui>e

Suiiif. xaiiie for Co. lall ....Juli:i.soii. Ilurnrv. lawhar

A. I).. l'o<lag« Aa., ....ofrir* r«ui

K' ouii S. U., Sorvices as S.

<i cl.o>d. T 1. . luMibrr ....htguB. V. P , 3 da^ira wh .

• a a • a .

Fulkerson, S. L., holding In-quest

Same. 1 da. ComSame. Per Diem ...Foreaian. li. F.. making fill.

Same, road iird

Ford, Joe, luiuherFarmera' Union Milling Co..

lumber 11Fiilkers ) i. r^. D. Inmber ....Foster. .Mrs. Isaac, boardingKuK H. & O. road

Goff. John, moving fence . ..Gray, Tom. lumber & teatn .

Gabbert, K. F . making fill ,.Gillespie livus, repuirlng gra-

der 14.76Haden tt McDanlel, Mdse. for

PauperHudson, i rin, work on bnlg.Hudson, .leff, tetim on road. .

Hewli tl. K. .1.. liimbe.- A-c..

Harrison. Corba. lumber . . .

Hoover. Clifton, road lied

Howe, Abe, road bedHInton. Tom, hauling ftc . .


Hub Clothing Co., Mdse. Co.Jail

Harl Jas. C, Arresting ft

convoying C. AullHi'it'pbrey, w. H., road en-


.lobnson. Itoy. building brdf..Jacobs, F. T.. lumberking,' Wilbur, work ou road .

Keown. S. O., Services asSheriff

King, Dan. repairins'Leach. S. W.. Com. daSame, Per DiemMurphy. J. It., build^ll^' bnlK .

kc-Martowe, 1... team on roud.Mitchell, J. E.. haulingMiller, Rob. road bedMcKlnney, J. C. work on gra-

derOhio Co. Drug Co., Acct to

datePark. Dr. A li.. Post MortemPark, T. C . lumber A: nailsi'owers, Leslie, work on grad-

erRiggs, Mary, sills

Same, road bedRiley, Dr. A. B.,' holding Ib<


Renfrow & Co., nailaItalns. L.. haulingKenfrow ti Dean, lumber '. . .

Hie \ M F . Com. 4 da. ...S,.iiie, Per Dieiu.Stum, H. li.. haulingStevena, George, labroStevens, <Clarence, labor ....Stevens, Hubert, laborSmith. (Charlie, Servlees A.House keeper

'^liodnrass. .le :se. road IumI . .

Hlewarl. James, hauling \-c . .

Siiillej. J. W . licil . . .

Smiih, Wiusoii, cash pd, re-pairing

Same, Per DiemSame, Com, 2 da.

3,50 i Stewart. J. H.. Burial etotlMaIt Pharris

Shepberd. J. T . lumber.iiiiilli. Hill, lumber>li.ii|i. C U . liiniber . .

Shown. Kd., I'er DiemTbomaa Bros.. Aeet. to dateTaylor, L. J., lumber fte ....Taylor, Wayae, haBllaa ....Trogden, 1.., haultaig StTaylor. Theodore, work on

bridaeTaylor. J W . Iiiuibi-r

Tatlieri. M II . Kiigiiieeriug . .

Tu.> lor. II W Coin « U«. . . ,

S'ime. boldini: imiueslSame, Per l>leiii

.tlekoBor, K c , Cow, I iB . . 3.6Bjtane, per Diem 6.MWilson. Olli.-. sleilgf l.BB«\ll>oli. A .\ . Ilir it lalHir 16.U'llllamx. J C

. paiipi'r corfiii )> 00Same, luiiibi r : ouWc<l4ilug. Thoiiian. luiiibvr 4V !tu

Wright, L. T , iHiubvr tu •?WeMerfMd, J. M , lumber. . . 6.76WIIIUws J. D. tohar A r«»Bln |9.«gWBtlera«i. aBB4BUa Mfk ... I.M






I..-, 11




10.9 9



1.S.5 2

9.00. . :;.i)o







1 . 4 1/





3.75 I

4.60 i


15.7515.0025. fill


6111 3615 0042 13

3 2 602 47


17 ;^3 (0


'.* lie










3.00.'7 5030.4744.0015.0013.25


14. 13


32.PO3.00» '-0

6 UO

20.002. 1 5




I Mill that American railroads artwiirld.

lie saw tlic foreign ruMils — in Knglaml andFrance, the best in Eun»i>? — and in other Cob-tiiKMiliil rdimliifs — and lie ktiovvs.

The part railroads have uhi.ved in the develop-

ment of the United States is beyond measure.

.Vnicricjiii niilniiuls liavo acliicvcil lii^h stand-

ards of pubHe service li\ far-siglited and courage-

ous investment of ca])ital, ami by the oraatantstriving' of managers and men for rewards for workwell done.

We have tlic best railroads in the world—-wtmust continue to have the best.

lint tiicy nui'<t irniw.

To the .$'J0,0OO,()(IU,0il(> now invcsfnl in ourrailroads, there will have to lie added in tlic nextfew yc;irs. to keep pace with tlic iiatioii's liii^irie><s,

liilliiiiis more fur addilimial tia(l.>. stations andtenniiials, ears and engines, eleelrie power lu>

and trains, aiituiiiatie si^Mials, .>,afety devices, theelimination of ;;rade ero»iiiits - - and for reeon-striiclidii and eii;;iiieering eeonimies that Will rO>

diiee tlie cost of t raiispurtat inn.

To attract to the railroads in tlie future the in-

vestment funds of many thrifty eiti/.ens, the direct-

ing ^renins of the most cai)al>le hiiilders and man-agers, and tlu' skill and hiyalty i>f the liest work-men — in comi)etilion witli otlier industries hid- .

ding for, managers and inqn — the mi Imadindustry must hold out fair rewards to capital, tomanagers and to the men.

American railroad:> will eontinue to set worldstandards and adequately serve the Nation's needsif they continue to he built and operated on theAmerican principle of rewards for work well done.

Uliii^ admliMWcnt l) publi shed hif the

TkoM dttirini i f̂anuUm ttneimimg tk» rpilnmJ iAin

tHom mmf.oiiai* IttrwAiM l|r Mritiiif t> !%« ^iMocMa

Horn tf BmbMg ftwwirtw^ U Brotdm^, Ittm fedk.


Balie, BlUa, haulingUarr. O. G., lumber Ac ....Bean, Marvla. lumberBean. W. J., Fire Ins Alma

Hons.'Hliiiil\enslii|i W <'.. I'l r 1)1. Ill

itiink lit I l.irt t'onl. Inl 011-

Kuiiiiiiin lion. I . . •.

Cole, Itiiy, Work oil Krailer.sCole, Kriient, someChiPk. Will, hauilnsCrowilcr. C. K., naiUCoiiili.s. Will . repairing graderCoope r. Kreil, coiive.viiig |P|s> t'oiiit

It^'iiii, W S.. < 0111. :; (la• iiiie^. I'.^r Oil -I

I.>uke, K. K.. iiuil.s


. s.imeW., lumber ....U.. Com. 1 da. . .

UlemEngineers Ser-

10.1)0 1 uean. W. S

ICord. Joe.

lodging itclumber 41. h6

2.00 Siime. C.r46.47 .Sliuwii. Kil

13.44 Taylor, J.

'Taylor, W.62.50 Same, Per3.00 Talbert, H. M.

I vice10 00 'Tichenor. R. c

. per tllem . ,

22.10 Wewterflfld. l.i iia. board4.50 Amlersou. llinle W.. Comth Ta3.00


.Mose Wilson1.00 !.\ml,ro:... J. II., lumiicr . . .

S.OOjSume. lumber *i nuilii ....Allen. Krank, rock wall , .


S.OOIAlexander, H. C, surveying .

9.00 Acion Hro!<., .il for Alms3.00


House1.75 AilMiii.s. J 1). Co, i,.|i;i|riiiK


6.00 Vnlkeraon, 8. Com. 8 da1.162.001.52

1 2.00li.oi),50

20s 61."1 004.00


6.1518.146 on

7 7-15



:l 751 11 00111 7«Iti.UU

II. hauling &c


o., .Md»u Alms

lumberrepalrinK hrdgli.iiiliiig ....

.Vlty (ee.


repaira Co.

•''ulkersun, 8. L., Per DIamfiniy. Tom, sIIIm &c<!lll.--iiie. II. H., work ....Iljiri .111. Cnlli.', work on


Humphrt^.v. WHoward, Kml.Hub Clothing; (

House ....Harrell, Chan.Howiinl. K .\I

IIoi Im i. W Wlle.ivriii .Martin,llarii.ira .Mill Co.


King. 8. L., nallHKInkado, W. B., work on roadLeach. Dudley. buildlBi bNa.Loa. h, .s. w.. Per Worn .77I.euch. James, lumber .....Miili r. Price. haMllBS.MaKaii. John. wk. OB grader..\ia<iilo.\. c. T., making road




Oldham,Park. TItlce. KKenfrow

.1 U.lK.^


6.00Austin. Harrison, const ructiiin


6.M!l{l>".6.M Btime

B. K., nailsW. P., senrleea bb• •••eae******es«a. D.c

. lumbery work M _

. \ H . conveying

James, woik ou roadII K , Com I da ....IVr tHviii

8T laI 60• oa

aharp, turn, iMmharMaaau. rraak, work oa road,tfehroader. Kohi H . baullagBBitum Jubu. • Dill

Hnillh Wllliur work on l.rldKe.Siiiilli Th u> I. .|||>

Siiilih. Wlillr A, iv|M«rllug.»|.U'iic«

Kawe, aamei'terlle, Horfleee as A

2.00».758.00 '





6.652. SoU.OO





5 00:i uu3 003.UU3.87a. 75

13.33]II aul

:i 002 ill

ft 003.«v

8.00 Uradley « Gillierl l o.. Elec-13.70 tioB BiMWiies40.45 Bradley * Ollbert Co., bind-

ing AssesKorM books . . ..'

.Saiiie. Uook.iliarnes, U«e, lumber 4e ....Heaver Dam Tla Shr.p. entUaa


Brown. Oliver. Work on ro.iil

o nn *'l"Moii. bauilng Ihr••??iBell, Jeff, lumber *c. . . .

Baiue, lumberlieuiiott, IL a.. rioorlBs tor


KelUmy, Ben, Inmber Ae . .


H' ll. H. W., flooringItell, Charle.s. sameItenn.'tt. I,. IV liiiiii„.r A;c .

Hariies. J Ciieen, i.mveNlnKprlHoners

Brown, C. P.. work on r.eid


Brown, John, haultag tile . .

Boone * Park, work on roudBennett, 8. H., ^ahtrBartlett. D. ., MpaiHaa- ^.'*'«*«-

Bell, s w, iiii.iber

Balrd H A work on road .

lienneit. s K. lua.lInK piBS

Itlankeiiship. W c, tiervlcea

ClerkKame. Per Ulem ....!!'.!'BrowB. Joe. InmberBrowder, W. W.. Prewlnw

Agrlc-uliura Club %BnrgL-M. oii«, road bwi . . . !


Bank of iiarirord. claimHartfuni 11. piiiiiicMii

Carwon, J II 11 < itnvexiBB•'"'>

, . ,


CHiiibiiiu. C .M . Mall. . .

CbaHlM. Id.. Pick* I >rCo ..'.

« arOea. WUhar. work ua road

^'1*11 '• • '.• • •


67. S23.003.00

34 60.1 ro


1 0 lie

;'i o u

14. De








11 7.1


:u> I'll



36 »7lf.60IM:i 0.

10 0.)









I !..

1 VOt.»l>




FARM DEPARTMENT.Madw of OM l^mt CwwHeriiMy Ito>

Till' stiii k-i "f (lid f'liin on fiii'pn

N..v.Ml!..T 1 I. i'sllMKilfl :il 72.:!l!:!.-

lllll) IptI drl' ,! 1' 'I I > |. ' I Mil of

the litis rrop. Tin- I on i s|iiiu(!iii;.',

flgnre year ngo wan 114,67s.ihmi

buthela, and th« aveniRe of the prc-

certlnR five jreara was S7,377,-

OOO buaheli..

with iK'itPr profit. Tha »t!iM OM Im

obtaln<>d fm om reqneat.

HIkniM lie Qwnrathwd.

:\l;iiiv iictair. li' lU'Vf lliiil niy-

')Mi' wJki li: s II l);irl ciild iliniiid lir

ci>iii|)l).<iL>ly Isiiliiii il In |ir<-v<'ni other

niembcra o( ilv in ^nily and aH^oclatca

from contracting the UlMoane, aa coliln

Are nbout aa eatehins aa meaalcn.

One thing *nre—the aooner oM rlda

Iilmx.'lf of n mill lh»- Ipm ths danffer,

and yfiii w i!l lonk ;i ^'niid will!"' Ii fori!

iiiiii il IhIIit iiK<ili('iii.'> than(• >.• t'l' iiiiiii's CniiKli Remedy to aid

V(i;i i;; .1 i il, r ,i .IT Rl


i l(K.\< H AlltMAN MAKKMM*KBD OF am Mium

Parlo. r>*»r. H—A hurst of npoed of

ii|i|>rii\liiiiiti'l.v L'jn iiill"^ an hour waasfori'd Ijy SadI l>'<id)iii', I ho noted

l-'ri n> h iivialor. In an ciflii lally tlni-

I il Hirpluno tcHt today. Lecointe, who

I''ni'»li'i»a Scliinds l';iiriit.«*,

8oiii"thii A of 'li" i''.iararM"r i>f i<'-

ronHtructl"!! wtiil; imiIiij^ oti ;n aiTl-

(nitui-al dinirli'tH '<r Itniy run i<'i ^alii

I'd fro i: liiitn rereptly coniplled l>>

111'- States RflatliMV I orvlcp ol lli'

I'iiltvd t a'rs Dcjiar! ;ii"iit of ARfi-

I llltlll-" c !;•.< Tnla)', 111 .TTa"' .MKrl-

Mlit'ilal .11' 1 1 ii'-t inn 111' thai roin.'iy

AccnrdinK t«i ihf Iiin-st siail i, - i!u

idrmera »: lialy hav-> ind ih" '>;ntfii

of iniitrui tlon from S78 agrisnltural

profeHKorfi whO trnvcl thmngli the

I'otiij^y Klvlng abort conraen. which

a,., both and pia.ii. al in,^^,^,^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^j^^^

. harn. u r. Th.- ro>i of ihl- L,„j ^roke the Tmch apeed fecord

J ":'1l..Ht September, covered the dlaU^mexpense Ih shaieU by the Stato. i\e ^ h,i„„,„,„ ,„ ,e,t at an av-prrTlrc. and iome local organlintl.;.!

.^j,^,.,, .,,,^ 225 kllometen.

Tfclrty^Bght of theaa Itinerant pn.-, ^^^^ _ , ^^.^^^

fea.orH r4>pclall.e In iinch •'>bJ«- i - „„g his fllRht h-,h.-.s.. iiKiklME. Silkworm ralsinir.l^^^^^^,,

, ^p,,p,, „, H ^„„„„,„.,.,mulborry . ninn... Mii. ninn-,

I (22, mi|e„ an hour, or about 3 3-4culture, and imliit di...... . L,,,., « mlaute.the cloHe of ihe war niaiiy niiir.i -s ^ ^have boen conductod In farm nu-han- Heartbnm la a aymptom of Indl-

Ica to tnatruct laii-i laborura in theigp^,,,,^t^),,. ,, ,i„..,. „f n,.ri)in.- in

uae and repair of farm machinery. Ig,,^,,,.;,^„., xii<' p.iin disapiicar'i In-

Cour.ti'K In farm hookkoopInK for ^t.,„,jy Th- l- uii.rai.' <p'r.,ii-

yonng laeu and women have also beenjy „„,| y,,„ f,.,.] fine_ vigorou.s and

contamplated.1 cheerful itl o «0c. Bold toys Ohio

Cuiinly Drug ('o Bl

poHiilon. <>iidliiK ih'< riRht of aeveral

Idnya agalnnt thi' ni'viMin'' Pnrchnne and xalo by the United

SUtw Sntar Bqnalisatloa Board, both

of itoreiin and domeatio growa aagar,' la anthortaed by the bill, whieh wotild

leinpower. liHt not diroct, tho Prenl


dt'nl lo rontliiii)' Iho board nnlll Dg-

oemlier HI, l!t2'i. if foiiiMl n.nwsnry

for the piildir pond and lo •ei iiro fair

prices and iM|tial dlMlrMmnon. Thebill apecificaily provides, howeverthat prodneera, reftnem and dtotribn-


tors of sugar shall not be llcenacd as

ban boon the prnrilcB under the Lever

jr»i(Ml coni ml act


' I ndi'r III.- bill lb- ' m IV contro'

ovi r (liiiiH sl il' snuar wmilil In- Kinltd

to September :iO, l»i». when tho beet

and cane cropa in thia eovntry edmein.


"Do yon suppose the siifir.iplNls

will 'kiiifi'" any of oiir parly leudcrH

when <li> .\ I 111' ' li:iilotT" UkOd tho

old-fashioned pullticlan.

"'Knife.' sir?" replied Mr. Dub-walte. "1 hardly thinit ao, bnt I've

heard aeveral belligerent ladies aaythey had hatpins nut 'for certain

Hlatesnien who oppose the ratification

of the suffi U ' .1 uendnient."

RXaCUTK M\\ WHO< .\i si:i» » ZAlf .s i)i:.\ui

Ton of lluiter a Minute.

The batter industry of the United Ill'liOMC PLAUUU UHUAKM I

OUT IN TVRKUH CAPrTAIijBtatea la ao large that more than a

ton of butter was made for every min-* nte. day and nlnht. Inst year, accord-

ing 111 dairy sp.'iiili-ls of the fnltrd outbreak of th

Stales 1 ii'inrl iiient o'' Avirii ulture. ' Consllnnple .ir"

Geneva. Dee. 20.— ReportK of an

iiilionic plaRae at

iiiiniii'l ill a lele-

Yel even this I'tiorninils lirnillictlon Kram reielved llTe l.r.jay .It 1 il" i>(-

acarcely meets domestic needs.jflees of the International Ked C

The output of factory butty haa : organliation. The telegram said the

Increased approximately 200.000,000 diaeaae waa spreading in the poorer

iioundn each 10 yeara since 1880. distrlcta of the Turklah capital, and

Farm liiiti' r aiakiiiK reached iis niax- thai in some inatanoea It had Invadod

iaiiiiM pi". la. lion ai I 1 mm The ihe Kiiropean qnarters.

pri'-'llt III II. I iinll.ali -- thai it wl'l , * •bHConie o les.s and leoh iniporlaut fae- I WheozInK In the Iniit;* indir.ntes

tor in the nation's butter in the that phlegm hbstnutiiiK t*!" air

United States ahowa a more rapid I paaaagea. Ballard's Horehound 8y-

general upward arend than la ob- rap looaena the phlegm so that it can

-i v. il In any foreign country from be coughed up and ejected. Price 26,


\\hl. h dependable butter figures have I 50c. and $1.00 per bottle. Bold by

been obtained. The number of such Ohio County Drug Co. mcountrleii. however. In relatively I • •small, rroductlon of r»?novat.'d but- ' TIIAXHITLVANIA CAMI'i

Copenhagen. Dec. 20—The Soviet

anthorltlea in Raasia have pnnished

by death the indivldnal hold Im-' mediately responsible for the execu-

tion of former Kiiipi lor Nicholas and

his family at YekaterinluirK in .liiiie.

im.**, when the ("zeclKi-.SIova k troops

jwere approaching the city. wber.e the

ilmpsrlal priaonsra wers then being

hold priaoher. according to a dls-

1patch to the Polltiken, from Kovnotoday.

IA message quotes the Bolshevik

newspiipcr I'n.v.iila of Moscow as SB-

thority for llils statement.

The I'ravaila's acroiint states .that

.M. ilachoutott'. a member of the Yeka-

terinburg Soviet, has been condemn-ed to death and executed at Permfor orderlnK the execution.



ter in the United Statea is declining.

ThIa condition of low-quality farm

butter, the chief product from which

renovated tmtter Is made.

Will 11 you start oui lo make peace

111 a ii.'.Kliborlio.i.l iiii irrel. be sure to

keep pretty well to one side. There

are times when it is dangerona, to

step between diaputanta.

iieiter Kit along without a newsuit than without some new books

and magaxinea for winter reading.


Provide Deddtag For The Stocit,

Just now every one who keeps liv

stock through the winter should layj

up in siori' .1 K'lod supply of iiialerlalj

to be Used a- lii'.liliiit; in ibe si. ills

where animals are lo be kepi. Kor-

tunate Indeed is the furinur who bus

a quantity of wheat, rye, or oata

straw, aa any one of these makes ex-

cellent bedding for live stock.

I find that there Srs a good manyfarmers who do not have straw of any

kind, and where this is the case a

good supply of forest leaves, which

are a very good substitute for straw,

should be gathered bolors tbs late

fall raina or heavy Snows eoms. andplaced under cover In SOOM place

tonveiiieni lo Ihe barn.

.\iiy one ol ilies,. luai'i'iials will ab-

sorb the lli|iild muliure, whieh Is tho

The CampuB of Transylvania Col-

lege at Lexington covers ten acrea of

land In the heart of the City. TheCollege is Just across the street from

thi' CiniiMie I.iliiary. and sliidents

theri'loie. are close to thai ilislitU

tlon as well as havhiK the advanlage

of the rare old library of Transylva-

nia, which haa attra.cted the atten-

tion of seholara the country oyer.

Sickly children need White'a Cream

Vermifuge. It not only deatroys

worms, if there be any. but II acts a.i

a sin ni-ibeninn loni.' in th" stomach

and bowels. I'rice i'.nc per buttle.

.Sold by Ohio rmmty Drug Co. in

Cigareltes mademeet your taste!

Camels are ofiered you as a bigarette entirely

out of the ordifiary—a flavor and smoothnessnever before ett. c d. T<j brst realize their qual-

ity compare Ccmcls with mny oigantte inthe world at ar.y price!

Camels fiavor is so refreshing, so enticing, it will

win you at once—it isio new and unusu.-il. That'swhat C:'.mels frprrt blend of choice Turkish andchoice Domestic tobacco gives you! You'll prefer

tiiitbtafid to efthtr kindoftxrfMCCOBinDkedStraight!

As you smoke Camels, yoaH note absence of

any unpleasant cigantty aftertaste or any un-pleasant cigaretty odor. And, you'll be delighted

to disoover that you can amdn Camds UbaraHywithout tiringyour tMflTake Camels at any angle—they surely supply

cigarette contentment beyond anything you ever

experienced. They're a cigarette revelation!You do not miss coupons, premiums gifts.

You'JJ prefer Camels quality/

CumelB an Bold mvery where in aciertifieaUy ttaJed pack'mitm of30 eiatwUm* or Im packmtea i300 clfnlfa) In •glataiif'pi^r-eowand carton. Wa alron$ly neommondthia carton for the homa or offica aupptyor wttanyou travel,

R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO.. Winiton-Salem. N. C.


Washinnlon. Dec. Without de-

tiate, tho Senate toiliy passed and

sent to thp. Mouse a bill inukinp; K>>I<1

certificates legal tent'icr in paymentof debta and dues. Passage of the

meaaure waa urged by Saeretary




Koxlngton, Ky., Dec. 20—Protea-

sors of the University of Kentuckysaid today they had formed a chap-

ter of the American Aaaoclatlon of

Univeroity "Professors, "devoted to

protection of i:ilere.-ls of lis iiieii'-

bers," They sny it will not at'fiiiatc

with tha American Federation of La-I bor.

The Tranavaal prohlbita the aale of

llqnora to colored peoplo.

Do You Enjoy Vonr Meals.

5IlnnPii|iollR. Minn., Dec. JO—Hlb-

blliK. .Mian., is nuiiii; to move a«ain.

TlM» entire town 'block and barrel."

will shortly ehaage lu plaee m the

map.Valuablo Iron ore depcslts have

iieen discovered' under Hlbblag. ao

Hibblng will bo moved In ordar that

the ore may be mlaod.

It will be the second time Hibblng

has inovHil. Several years ago ore

waH located under the town and it

was moved a half mile.

But Hibblng. at that. wU) not havemoat valuable portion, and Increase raeoHl (or moving. Bvaleth. a

tho auppty of maaigro. A decided dit- to^i, of 10.900 aaarby. haa beentaronee will be notteod In tha haalth | ,„ovpd three time* withia the pawi

and general appearanee of the anl- ',^^,.|,,v ^. ^s to penult the working of

mala. Besides, it will add to the |||i,„.s i„uii,i under the place,

pleasure and comfort of liiose w)i 1

tend the stock Too many farniei ;

wade about In stalls 1 liroiiKhoiit the

Winter that are literally a sei^ of slop

and mad. whaa laat a few hoi^ra work

would provide boddlat aultMaBt t»

keep them in good condition.

Some one ha.s suld that the eye of

the master fatien.^ bl. callle. Well,

and good: but let nie add that I be-

lieve lha* It is l ir^elv H ni.ill. r of llu<

kaart. Let us be human in our Irest-

MBt aC atock. Lot aa gat busy and

yroTMe for the aalauia oaalortable

tieds III winter, while wa aaloy tha

warmth and comfort of oar own.

I, l» S.\.NI)I,IN,

III .'^iiiil berii .XKI'leillluriMl.

Kvee mm for GfaaaHwi

"Kaoeh-dMra" ar ^artaUa graaa-

rtea can ba used tu ear* for whoal aa

Ihe farm, plant for whieh havo haoa

publUhe.i iiy the I'altMl Btataa P"-

^rluicui <f Agrltuliur^ The

SurKeons aKree I hat In cases of

cuts. hums, bruises and wounds the

flrat treatment is inuMt important.

Whoa aa atSelent alvtiseptic la ap-

pUa4 praaipUr, thara la ao daagar of

Infeetloa aad tha woaad hagUm to

heal at once. For uae on man or

beast. Ilnrosone is the Ideal antiaeptlc

an>l liealliiK aRenl. lliiy li ii»w and

be ready for an emerKeiicy. I'l ice

^.^c. 6(lc, $1 Oil and tl &U Sold by

Ohio County DriiK ( ompaay. ui

If you do not enjey your meals

your diBesiion is faiiiiy. Kat mod-

erately, oapeciuliy dt meats, masti-

cate your food thoroughly. Let five

hoara alapaa between maal|i and take

one of Chamberlaln'a Tableta Im-

mediately after supper and you will

soon find your ii.eals to he a real

pleasure. m


poles to a atone; thence W. 100 poles

to a beech on the bank of Pond RunCreek; thence N. with the original

line to a stone In Isaac Brown's


fence; thence with Brr.wn's fence to

I the beginning, containing 111 acres,

'more or less. Excepting all mines,

jveins and seams of coal and other

'minerals underlying a id lands andall rights and privilegea conveyed to

Taylor Coal Company by deed of date

August 26. 1902. and of record In

1). e.i iinok 27. page 96, Ohio C<v>nty

Court Clerk's Office.

Levied upon as the property of E.

A. .Davenport, Defendant herein,

October SS, 1910.

aivea under my hand thla the 15th

day of December, lOlO.

i^. A. nn.vxrHER.Sheriff Ohio County.—

Spleodid Cough Remed)'.

"Aa I feel that every family ahonidknow what a aplendid medicineChamberlain's Cough Remedy In. 1

am only too pleased to relate my ex-

perience and only wi.^h tiiai 1 had

known of its merits years ago,"

writes Mrs. Clay Fry, Ferguson, Sta-

tion, Mo. "I give It to my children

when they ahow tha aUght^aat aymp-toma of bolag eroupy, aad when I

have a cough or cold on tha Imsa a

very few doses will rallava aa, and by

taking it for a few day* I BOon get

rid of the cold." m^»

TAX sAumoncB.


TO HER BEDSiEfix TsMtAfSk nUht She Dis, Ssyt Tsass Id^, Wm]

Us li a W4i ikisg Wmhb sil PMm ChM fuL

Hhp KicieTifj*

Bayaa Ctty. Tm-Mn. Vary Kii-

auni. af thla pUMa^ aaya: "Aflor the

btrth nt my Uttle girl. . .my side com-

menced to hurt me. 1 had to go back

to bed. We called the doctor. Be

traatad ma...hal I gM aa hottar. I

gat worse and worae until the misery

waa unbearable... I was In bed for

three montha and auffared auch agony

that I ma Jaat drawa ip la a knot. .


I HM ay iataaJ if >a mtfld gat

me a bottle of Cardul I would try it . .


I commenced taking It. however, that

tvantasg I eallad my family about

me... for I knew I could not last

Baay daya ualaoa I bad a ehaaga for I

the batter. That waa alz ye«m mtTand I am atlU here and am a aiiH,

atrong womani and I «w» ma^ m» asCardUL I had only takaa^ ha» «h»bottle .when I began to tea' tatiaa.

The misery la my aide got leaa 1continued right on taking tbO' CaaMuntil I had taken three bottlaa aadi Idid not need any mora for I mmwtMand never fait bottar la my lltak..M. Shave never had any tnoUa ttom Iftgft

day to thla"

Oo you kuffar from BeadkcBe^ baali^

ache, pnlns In sides, er otb' • Cn>i-uat-

forts. each month? Or do rem

trial Xn

Ohio Circalt Coait.

O. Harrel ftc. Plaintttfa.

vs. Sale notice.

E. A Oavenport, Defeiidaiil


lly virtue of a jiulgnieiit of 'he

Ohio Circuit Court lendereil at its

special April term and execu-

tloa No. 1101 laauod thorola from tha

Ohio CIroalt aark'a otttoa aa tho

3rd day of October. 1010. I will of-

fer for sale at the Court Houae door

in llartfonl. K> , on .Monday, Janu-

uury il I'.tllo. al alu'Ul 1 lock I' .M,

at piiblic outcry, to the liiKheMt and

beat bidder, upoa a credit of three

moatha. tha 9a>cku*r belag re-

qulrad to aaaeato boM with apgror-

ed security, tha foOavIng described

real estate, or ao much thereof as maybe nec-HMury to satisfy I'laiiititfs

debt, of One Cent and Interest al li

per cent from the '^2 day of .\piil.

1110 aad tha farther aum of |4u uo

wllk Ifea eoot of levy,

aM tha aoat al thla ad-

Wuxhinglun, Dec IS.—The.Varv Idll, under \vtii ll n.i\ . rn 'i • '.l

eUUtrul of HIIKUr would be < n.'lt IllUed

er >• .11'. ^^as ptiHM'd today by the

aud aeut lu the Houae.

aa aa laaaN vale aad ioa-

atiirs Kaaadall aad Qay, of Loalalaua.

who leil Ike o|^Mltl'>n. made ao fur-

^ th*Me .tore-houses of'eii . i.ibl.- Iker aiiempi 1.. .1 •m •

^.n. -ten-

10 ^gf^ yrudacv ! atar Uay utaUe * bii«i uUJivo lu up-


A .eri.iiii Ira.t or p.iri • I of land In

Ohio Couiilv. Ky . on ib. w iters ot

I'linU Hun Creek, uiiil bonnileil nt («'.

lows: lifgiublug at a siooe n«ar

laaae Browa'a teaaoi raaalag . with

Ihe Hagh Itaa ahaal galoo to a

sioae; theaaa B. M galao to tva post

oik* and tniall rod aakt thaaea W•4 polaa to a alMMi llMMa M. 01^

As tax collector for the town of

Centertowu, Ky., I will offer for sale,

for cash, nt the court house door in

Hartford, Ohio county, Ky., on the

6th day of January 1920, at about

tha hoar of oae o'clock p. m.. the

foUowtag daaertbad property: A eer-

taia parcel of land, lying and being

locatad la the incorporated town of

CentartSWa, Oluo ruunly, Ky.. and

bounded aa follows: Beginning at

II. C. Warden's corner In the side of

the road, thence South 48^ Poles

to a atoaa la Robart Bowe'a line,

thaaeo Waat aiH Polaa wlU Robert

Rowe'a line to two white oaka and

two black oaks, Robert Rowe's cor-

iier in Cieorg'' Howe's line, theiici;

Noilli 47 I'olcH til a slone in the side

of the road, thence North 8 7 degrees

ISast 33 Mao ta tho baginnlng cun-

tatalag oaa aera auira ar leaa, boing

tha aaaM laad eoavoyod ta A. B.

Rowe by O. F. Chapman on the 10th

day of January 1903, and recorded

111 the Ohio Coimly Court Clerk's

otrire In De.'d llook 35 «l page 'iitb.

i.i'vi.'d on .1- I lie property of A. B.

Uowe fur his taxes for the year Itii

tor the aum of $4.00 aad penalty II

eu, total IS.ll aad ll.OO far tha ad-

vertlaamaat of aaid property fur aala

making a total of i<l I

And levied on ii • .tlix^ i . 'i for

ilie year I9H fur th'- -ii u 'i ;"> To

JuU iMualty in ih« «um of • t <'fui«.

luaklag a total of M.oa aad 11.00

for lha advartUauient for aala, mak-ing a total of OT.VS.

\ ' I ifvlod oa as a' < < -r

t *t HIT for thv - I. I >: 7f

and penalty S4 cents making a total

of $t>.04 .nud the sum of fl.OO for

the advertisement Of aama, -malting

a total of $7.09.

And levied on aa above set out for

the year lOlt, for tha aum of 14.50

and paaalty fbr tha earn ot 17 eonta,

and the further sum of fl.OO for the

advertisement, making a total of


And also levied on as above set out

for the year lUlll. for the sum of

$4.20, and penalty fur the sum of 25

centa aad tha aum of $1.00 tor the

advartlaamaat tharaot tor aala. makng a total of tl-4>.

The total sum of all tha toxaa aa

above sei out agalnat aald abova

Ipropel I y being Thirty-one dollars aad

filly tliiee cents ($:!1.5:»), 1 will of-

fi r tor sale at public auction at Ihe

Court Houaa door la Hartford, Ohio

couaty. Ky.. aa iaaaanr.tha Ith lt2o

at about the hour of oaa o'eloek p. m..

said date being tke flrkt Monday and

Coniiiy Court day, Ihe above Net out

and ilesrribi li property for cash, for

th iiurpose of payftMtalddofet, pfu-

aitlaa aad coata.

TMo Mb Ant at Dacember 1919.

MMM T. ROWkThi CaUaalav oC OMMartava. Kjr.

Theao UbMap, I tally for liidigaalioa

III, 11 I III V lonu up tha atomaeh aad

I'liable It lo pi rfonn It" fuiictlnlls ii.i

lurally. They a.l genily on the IIm r

aad batrola to n b<'uiiby coniini' '

Whaa yaa taal dall. aiupld aad lo.i

slipalad Sl*o IhMB • Yo"

r*Ha|a la So HggMi VMS IMV •(

fan. M

aoiO>0>g>»00»0000»»0»» aaa




CsBtsfftowiii lCy»

Offices over Morion s I'.frag:

Store. Call Cuiub. IMu lu- lii.

aooooooaoo^oaaaaai'K a^

Ohl I Seel

Bred Cilts and young

PedigTM furnmfa<c\il.

LOYALL r. BENNETT.7 Hai-tfoc< Cj;.


kawMvikki, av.

aa4 twil ««lMM lie.a

XFURSMia** »»4


The Hartford Republican

nmmiio ooMPAmriMntpanrtetf

JK. S. TI\sl.K.\ .V.i\\u,r

' Had BaslaeM Manager.

Mnd teeordtag to law at tbafoatolIlM, Hartford, Ky., aaattar oC tfeo aaoMd tlaak

Ad(lro'?> fll rnniiniint

The Hartford Uri>u!)llr:ili


UtorirK TO snisciunKHs.abaerlbers desiring the pnpor aont

to a new nddro^is must rIvp tlie old

•ddrosM In innking tlif> ro(i\iPsr.

Husiiiiss Locals Rnd NoticoB lOeyt^T iiiH>. ^iiid B« par ItM Dsr aMItlon-•1 iDsertion.

OMtnarleg. ReROIutlom and Cardidt Tkaaks, 6c per lino, moner in ad-

Ohareb Notices for servlcea freo,

feat other advertlfiementa, 6c por lino.

Anonymous coinmnBleatknia Will

rooolTO no attontion.

TKIJBPHOlfM*Oaaiboriaad 198

Mataal M

We suggest that a pood way to ^ct

rid of Victor Berger and the fifth

Wlaemain district would bo to amend

tka paaeo trfiaty aad maka Qarmanytakalt.

If we lived anywhere ne;ir the port

-in Itussia to which Madam Eiiiiiiii

Goldman and the other 260 followers

of the scarlet rag are to be landed,

wa wovld at one* taka to tlia Ull^

aad klckor gronnd.

The stii-(in of the veai- ior f-'ood

roads talk Ls just about due, ')iit 't

looks very much -like the poopl-; of

Obio'County really prefer thf siubwny

to tbo top, at tbey bavo repoatedly

voted acalnst paying tor ImpruTed

bighifays, and snrely no on« la going

to wiih good roads apoa us.

Wa wrote an article Ia«t week

boadod "The Coal strike" but owing

to onr crowded condition \ve had it

^Mt aside. The articlo in fact bears

bnt little If any on tke strike, be-

cause ns we acknowledge, we knowso little about the conditions and dif-

ferences. W'l' iiiurely wished to state

uur position with reference as to v i.o

Is right or wrong. We are rurnliit?

the ailicle this week which will in a

measure, explain to those who have

sent in articles upon the itrltce

tlon as to why their articles have not


Attorney c. 'n.'iMl Taimer an-

nounces, ati be has repeatedly been

doing, that the high cost of living is

now under control. About which

there is no doubt or contention, but

the tioiiiil" i^, ii i iiiiil' T control of

the f>'llnw wh,. • Such silly stato-

Iiients oujrlit to bi' proliiliited. or giv-

en to some insane asyliiin. as every

one absolutely knows better. Only

last month all reports showed that

tbo cost of living bad materially ad-

vanced. In fact everything, except the

farmer's hogs and cattle is climbing

aUU fclgber.

as to wheih- r Ih' Miner de^r-d t'>

receive a week's work of that number

of bourn, or siropi; wished to work

thirty hour* in s we*K. and receive

a sum tLerefor rnfflclenf unto all of

his needs of both mind and boil\. \V"

hiive hail pecpl'' rirpu" .» both w.i..

to us. As before slnlcd. there arc ;.

lot of things ab«iut ih- .Miners"

we know nothing about. We know

but little of the merits or demerits,

as the ease may be, of the recent

strike. Wo did say In these columns

that strikes of thit- wh.»r.ti'er were

n di!<grncf> to our boasted cpili^ation

and fcrm of government ?rii we n-

peat tin e h(»re, aa will every per-

son not a lunatic. There is not only

• wo sides to the c6ntrorer5y perhaps

I "t there H the t^rd sMa, that "en-

J ved" by the other people. We do

not know a.s to who Is to blame. Wedo believe however, as almost all will

agree, that I lore ;ire opeiators whowould p4y their men only a bare

,Mtt.iare, would keep them in rags

and Utter*, subsisting upon corn-

crust and wnter and for tbeir product

tbey wduld make the people pay

treble the sum now paid If they

iciilil pet iiw iy with It, and we as

firmly l)elieve that there are mine

to be found who would take unto

themselves the entire proceeds of

their Mbor and eatortlon on the peo-

ple equal to the aboTa>maationed op

erator. if they had the opportunity

But while we believe those things,

we do not however, think for n mo-

ment that either class is in the maJority, on the other hand they are a

very smali minority. We flirther be-

lieve that the operator is gettlag en-

tirely too nioch fi.:r his coal, more p«r-

liaps in proportion to the cost of pro-

duction than ever before, which

would have a tendency to ^bow that

some one was not being i>aiil a sum

equal to their fair share in the busi-

ness, or else that the fellow who v.-»^

paying both operator and miner was

being held up. We ^Iteve that if

the price of coal could be reduced,

the price of elothiuK and the olh '

necessaries of life brought back t.i

earth once again, the miner and ev


(Br naka MeriBka.)

We hung our sox up night before

l.nst and found nothing bnt boles in

thein the next A. M., so wa says to

our wife, dan theM old so*.• • «

Thcf-e f'lirlst Ilia'*; usRCs haint what

they u->(cr;ie when looked at from(ho silt receiving staadplat. No,not by a JugfuU.

• * •

If Vick Berger finds tke latch

Ktring hanging ont for' him when belaiwts at the door ef the National

house of representatives, let's changeit's nana.

• • •

.\ headline in a paper Says ''See

America first" In another place it

says "1.400,000 gallona of whiskeyto be shipped to France." Why notsee France first and coma back byAmarlcar

• • •

As we kamaar onr old Oliver, try-

ing to fOtch ont this staff, she makesstraaga and harsh diteorda with the

sweet atralas of soothing ransic as It

floats to ns from tbo room Just across

the alley, where tha big Holiday ball

Is in full sway.« * *

When a fellow has to work the daybefore Xmas, the day of Christmas

and is still at It the day after, all, I

under tbeaa abominable wartime!conditions that might have been end-


ed by the President and that contra-


ry U. S. Senate had they goticn to-

gether some time in the pnrclu'd uppast. No wonder Knuna Coldmnnand her pals consented to leave tbei




The HolidaysARE WITH US!

Ohio Circuit Court.Ella Huff, et a!.. Plaintiff.

vs. Notice.Onis Westcnield. et al.. Defendants.

1I'ursui'iit to a judgment and order

;of .sale of the Ohio Circuit Court, en-

j tered in the above styled action, at

Christmasy the day of good cheer;

New Yeai^s, the day of good reso-

lutions. We wish our patrons ^^A

Merry Chfistmas and prosperous

New Year." This wish comes fromthe wannest comer of our hearts,

as we fully realize that our efforts

to please our' rapidly increasing

patrons has been fully appreciated.

So start the new year right by lay-

ing something by. Open an ac-

count with uso

^ J , ij u. iIts November term, 1919, directing!

arybody else would be immeasurablyas commissioner to sell tke herein-

after described real estato, for thebenefitted. We write tbia artlele on-

ly for the reason that we bava reealv-

'd several articles on the strike ques-

tion, some good and some otherwise.

.Some of which criticise us. even for

the little we have said and doubtless

purpose of first paying the etwt of themove styled action and the cost ofthis sale, and dividing the remainderof tti." iiroc.'cils tbi ii'of anioiiK' tb^'

parlies entitled thereto. I will oi'icr

for sale at public outcry to tb biub-

if we had never mentioned the sub- 1^**' ""i'"'^.''"''^


.jjjjjjjjg Kentucky, onJect we would have been criticised

just the same, tor all of which we do

lot especially care, except we do not

wl.sli to be und-'rstood as taking sides

with, or for aii.\<>nc in the matter

.Ve invc SOI " :m rii [.."•-o:ial friclid-

inione the raiuers and if we di<l not

know a single one of tliera we cer-


Monday, January 5, 1920, ( It beingthe fir^-t day of the regular terra ofthe Ohio County Court i at about thehour of one o'clock 1'. .M.. upon acredit oi: six and twelve months, thefollowing described real estate situ-

t ' ;<!. I bt>ing in Ohio County, Ky.,:rnd bounde'I as follows:

First tract; Beginning at a stake, S. K. corner lo the original survey on

should never think of doing uorth sida of Yv hitesvllle and Bell's


Any an injury. Again referring to tho| Run road; thence N. 14 K. 63 poles

It is with much pleasure that we

note that Governor Morrow and all

of the newly elected State Officers

are to hold semi-weekly meetings for

the purpose of discussing together

those things that appear to be lo the

best Interest of the general public anil

Kentucky in particular. That sy.-teio

if strictly adhered to, will do more

|or the good of the State, and Inci-

dently for the Republican Party,

than anything iio.xslble to think of.

No man who follows the .CdTleO Of.

or is guided by the opinion of a body

(Ji iiieii >U(li as has been leconlly

elected to the various state offices is

Ukaly to go very far wrong In the

disekarge of his official duties. But

on the other hand, their acts general-

ly, are uiii-l .ei iLiiii to meet with the

iil>proval of au overwhelming majori-

ty williin Ibe ,<tate. n'gardless of

politics. Un that goal should their

tbougku bo eenterod dnrtaf tha aoM-

Ing iaar yoW'

THK ro\l. STItlKK.

Wc have said lull liili" »llh r'fi-r-

iMi cc III I III' coal 1 1 1 Im w bu ll ha-- liei n

temporarily Milled, sellleU in such a

auuiaer that the majority of ibe mlii

ore. ws tak* it. have retnmed to work;

at lesst that is the report. Wo did

h|ie;,K III a rather Jocular manner.

pcrb.i|i eritlc.ill.. of the pi opoi.|tioii

o( ihe MX till II <luy and lite d.iy

w.«k and du not believe I bat mie

oni of iweniy would Indorse ihi'

at a awa worblag only that

leaslk of lime aad ospoet other peo-

gla lo l*ay 'or ihi-'pruduelt of his toll

a anffitleiii >uiu in keep ho and hie

family la th. r<i iilt«Ml Hi AMerlran

work I I I a II, I bi hn.sahaM sheuM1.1 I « ,\if««'rtc.«»i la.

Uiti»t il )"U t< .' the f. " .r

iHMHOs aaeror tu 'i"»' ill's 't> ' <'• '

.1 bi i|, t "Lik* Miili n

to* >« tt.<«.(.r* «•w out fviiiilai

communications, we are forced to de-

cline all for publication, they cometoo thick, we can't possitily handle

them on account of lack of sjiaee. and

if we luul the space, we can't afford

to have a continuous argument, or

discussion through our columns by

^•very person who may wlab to air hi.s


l.\ .MK.MOUV.

and 8.10 links to a sialic on saidroad; thence N. 75 W. !i4 poies and1.') links to a stake in Frank Wester-field's line; thence 8. 13^ W. 63poles to a stake in W. boundary lineof origina! survey; thence .S. 75 E.94 poles and 15 links to the begin-ning, containing 40,44 acres, beingsame allotted to the boirs of L. O.n."terfleld.

.s..conil tract: I?eginnliig at ai ,|,|,. j,, six and twelve

.slone. \V. A. Russelberg s S. K. cor-; ipg interest at the rn-

Of Mariab Altba Leach, wife of

Jasper N. Leach, who departed this

lite Nov. 2S. i;tI9 at the age of 56 1 iiiiuitbs and '11 days.

Slie Nva'- sieli only a few day.s but

all that willing bands could do, was

done to keep ker a Uttle longer, but

Ood, who knows beet, needed her for

His Celestial band.

She was a biviiiL- uif-, a kind

iiioilier, and a friend in e\eiuiiie. Sheleaves a dutiful liusbanii. one brother,


ner. It being the N. K. corner of th^original tract on W'hiiesvllle audBell's Run road: thence N. 77 W. 28poles end 18 links to a stake; thenceN. 13 K. .'0 feet to a stake; taeuc.'i

N. 77 \V. ."jO yds to a stake; thence.S. i:! \V. ."lO Ket to a stake; thenoeN. 77 \V.-5ii po'es and Hi lin;(s to astake. W. A. itusselberg's S. W. cor-ner: thence S. 13V& W. 54 pcles toa stake; thence S. 75 E. 94 polerf and16 links to a stake on the aforaitaidroad; thence N. 14 B with said road31 Doles and 9 links to the beginning,containing 26 acres.


15< ing same allotted to the hel'':i o!

J. h. We-ilerfieid.Third tract: Heirln>'iiw-' • ^toiie.

.\. Uiis.--e|l)ei .S. K curlier, ii be-

77 K. no poles to a stake on tucaforesaid roai' : ili<m e N. 14 E. withsaid road, lo poles and 15 links tothe beginning, containing 4 acres.

Being same allotted to J. L. Wes-terfleld as a homestead.These tracts will be sold separati i;


Tracts Nos. 1 and 2 will be --did

as a whole and out l ight. Tract .No

3 will be sold Subject to the homestead of Rebecca We.sierfield.

The purchaser will be required to

execute bonds immediately alter sale,

with scurity to be approved by theroniinlssioner. in equal Installment^

months, bearlof 6 per cent

one daughter, five sons and a host uf

relatives aad friaada to monm her

To ns. she was tha tmaet. noblest

Met woaua on aarth, because

she was our mother and her death

and <lernal absence from home re-

moves the greatest eliariii that whave ever entertained and Ihe little

tomb, which marks her final resting

place, will evoir roaaln tha aaddes:

monnd in all this world.

She lived a tnember of Qreen River

Kaptist church for several years, hav-ing joiiie.l when a young girl.

Oh dear iiiiitlier. bow we miss you,

It was 1.1 --.iv »?iiod-by.

Yet we hope lo greot you, that feagM UtmA lha ky.

A proelona OM from ns has gone;

A voice wa lo«a Is kiiii;

A plaee la viaeat to our home,

WMih novor eaa h*

lug Ibe .N. i:. corner of origina I iract on

While-^ville an<: lie'.l U'ln loail.

thence 77 \V lilt j.oles and 1;! link-,

to a .~iel>e; ilieiice \. i:! K. feet

to a slake; tUenco N. 77 W. 50 a suke tkenee 8. IS W. 14 polesand It links to a staka; tkenaa

per aniiiiiu from d it,' unli' piid^aiiil

to have the fince and effect of ,t

Judgment. .\ lien will be retained onthe land sold as additional security.

Given under my hand thla tha litbday of December. 1919.

OTTO C. MARTIN,Master Commissioner (). C. C.

Woodward k Kirk. I.. Heavrin,Attornex ~

FAK.M km: maul

My f.iriii of 70 acres at Horse

Branch, Ky., about 46 acres in woods,

emaiader In high state of evitlvatlon.

Fine young orchard, new house andother buildings; a real bargain. Im-mediate possession. Also one extra

large bay luuie. .

V. M CUOWDKR.1216 Walnut St.,

S4II. Owanahora, Ky.


Ntw Form oi Liquid Iron Feeds the Tissuet

Ibmfli the Blood -Bailds Finn FImIi


Weep not that her tolls are over,

Waop not that har mee la nui.

Ood graat wa hmt real aa oalaily.

When our work. Ilk. hers, la doae.



ttV flUJUUIb

wiirsr&'iisiR^stfasaerawny and 'below weight," you

I't help but feel u«nsitivo and en-

sad an

Bnt there Is knot I

rii are uauaUy sick

mm oat duM nut give

a» »•

MM beirlf.We M lnh to e\l 11.


tkaiilt- 111 our kT.i I'

i.iiihriiliy ciii»d for I.I.

'I M M lluiil- I, l<>

. ' ii .|, lib diy


1 I

ii r '111 III

(tad's tt»bt>.i

if ,11 |VO,1.- il.ii' '1 IIU ilX'li

_ ve tttem tht) prvp.nourishment 4.r pi-rha|jit they• xlreri.. ly LervouH. The bliMid

• L || e H.i. ;ij'lh «h<l iU-rvo

and t^t b!: I 1 > , ,11 t!.e II irinal

p< rimn.

it iii . . : , ] n-11 .1-

of Ac. J 1- 1 M 1. : i.l I'll .

Ural form ul < .. Iilo iri'll iIi.iliI.^u

r:r«al diMih Ituiii iiMT. Th<na»i.i4« «,hoitl.. It |in<t sfLT • oKort ti. I.l tlist

flesh baeooMt ilrm and haalthy, thateven within so short a spaaa aa asingle month, n liecominK plu

ana soft curved ImeH of iMaulylreplaced iingU .^ and scrawniMMLAnd v\illi tiii.i inc-eaiivd Wa||M

C'liiieH a Ix-iter u| |M-tit«, IMM "W*fii -.:iie.t(i>:c. paiidL marlHilMliggill viuur in every way.

Tlivi people can tako Aeid IresMineral t j improve their appearanee,

and thev will And their health ben.-litted at the same time. Physicians

I M.v that this powir t-i liuild newI I mu«<s and hriii fleMh \k ,Iu>' t4i theextri. 'rJiiuiry atUaitiou


' i» f .r


Vm MaW tit ulMo « iu %'r%D l>»tU « «». H»tyr|>».feir^ MaMlonl. M|r.

To OurCustomers

This is 1

1: V old world and in the stress of our busi-

lus.- affairs we .'Jonictimcs foiyet to speak thf

word of appreciation and gratitude that ii! in

our hearts. Hereitis, now, toyou: Just a lit-

tle word of thanks for the business you have^ivon us and for the cheerful co-operation ex-


During 1919, iiiospoiity has been pretty generallyfelt throughout the UniU'd States and wc hopeyou Wijre most lil)erally renienibei cd. We liave'

endeavored through conscientious service to

merit our share and we are finishing tiv yearwith the feeling that it has been one of the mostsuccessful periods in the hist9ry of our organi-zation. •

YOU have contributed to our success, .so htra'ihearty hand-grasp and a THANJC YOU.


With eager antici) ation we turn our attention to

1920. We aiv making many improvments in

our facilities for serving your interests more .sat-

Isfaetorily and promptly than ever before and byso doing we hopt to aarit a ^^rrtimiinft of youi-


AMtpt our bMylgr, food wUMt lor a Many Cltftot

aoMi ftMoot ProopoiOM Wow Yoar.

Carson (Si Co.••rtiordg Kentucky.


We want ^to xtend to our fHends

and patrons out heartfelt thanks for

their liberal pa

year 1919.

By your

made this the be

We have dot

your wantSy and

courteous treat

favor extended

ery one of you a

sincerely, trust th

onage through the

operation we have

year in our history.

utmost to supply

Lve tried by fairand

jnt to merit every

Weextend toev-

:rry Christmas^ and

the New Year will

bring you happinip and prosperity*


BIG NEW YEAR'S DANCEHartford, Ky., December Slat

Blakemore's Saxiphone Orchestra, ol Hopkinsvillet Ky.» will furnish the

music. tUs MUSIC IS GOOD. We tUnk this wiU be the best dance of the

year. All dancers, both far and near, are invited to attend.



see of the 2

aagers. i


Mr. Everett RhaTcr. returned liomn

Tui sdny fioiii Akniti. Ohio, to hju'IkI

ihc hullUuys with hlH parents, Mr. and

Mr*. J. T Bhavar, of near towa.

Mr. R. B. Martin, of CromwaJI. wr.4

hir.> .Sunday and Monday, Tlsltln*'

his 8on, Otto C. Martin, and family

and attendinK to i)ii^in<'Hs mattem.

MiM ftnnie Mae Parrti, danghte:

of Mr. and Mra. B. 8. Parrla; of soar

Beaver Dan, kaa sona to Bkawnee.

Ok In., whero ah* it aaiMed In aehoc


Mr. OIney B. Richardson, a student

of State UnlTeraitjr, Is apendlng the

holidays with bis parents, Mr. and

Mrs. J. I|. Richardson, of near Crom-


Mr. and Mrs. U. W. of Moor-

man, are,apendiDg a tew days here

with Dr. B. B. Pendleton and family.

Mr. and Mra. Froat will retam bom'


I am paying more cash every day

in the weelE for Povltrjr, Bgga and

Cream tban any bnyer I know of.

L,T. RILBT,Hartford, Ky.

Setb Riley, who is employed in

Akron. Ohio, riinip hoMi'^ Monday tu

spend Christmas with hiH parent:*.

Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Riley and family

llnrry I). Walker, who has a poxl-

titin in Akron, Ohio, arrived here

.Sunday to spend tke holidays with

hla parenu, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Wal*ker.

Dr. .M. 1). Miiddox. of LoiiNvillp. i?

Visiting his .sistrr. Mis .1(' Mill, of

this place. I>r. Maddox will visit hir<

parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Maddox.tit Bquallty, befor* returning to huhone.

Nearly $200,000,000 Paid To

The Tobacco Growers

Marekt closed until Dcccmbe r 29tb.

Opening sale Decembe,. 29, Kastern Zone—Daviess County; Laneeater follow ing

I'ryor .Sales Friday lbs.. for

Mrs. A. W. Logan, who has been

wifh .Ml'. I.oK.-in. who is in a ho-piial

of l..cNlngton, . for trcntment. rcnini-

I'd here Saturday to attend tlw furi'T-

nl of her sUter In-law, Mrs. H. PTaylor.

Mr. Henry H. Loyd and Mr. AntaI.lts.'v. sliidrnts at" I'lilv' rslty.

arc sinMidiiiK the holida>s with thuir

parcnt.s. .Mr. and .Mrs. J. If. Loyd anil

Mr. and Mrs. June Litsey, at FordK-


Miss Ma<lK<' Tort'T and >nss Sue

Magruder, of Louisvillf, kix-iu Mon-

day and Tuesday of this week, as tho

guests of Miss Anna Barnes, at Bea-

ver Dam.

Mrs. W. W. Harris and little son.

•Willis It., and Mrs. Harris' nieco.

Il.iK'ilu Harris, left yesterday for

Morton's Gap. to spend a week witb


Delker Buggies and OwensboroWagons are made of good material

throughout. We have them here at

the old price.


Owensboro 281.979 Iba., tor |60,«

98(.SS avf. 118.08.

Laneaater. St«,450 Iba., tOf $49,-

193.20. avr. $16.

Equity Home, 169,410 lbs., for

$27,604.32. avr. $16.29.

Daviess County, 217,545 lbs., for

$:!7,O0S.O2 av. $17.

Total Pryor 965,372 lbs., for

$1«4,854.0«. avr. |17.0T.

Bwley Mea FrMay


Owensboro, S6,760 lbs., for flO,-' 610. 77. av. $28.81.

Lancaster, .'16,345 lbs., for $11,-

412.43, av. $31.04.

Equity Home, all Burley sales re-



Daviess County, 14,I»S lbs., for

I$3,894.18, ar. |28.

Total Buiicy, 87,790 Iba., for

$25,417.33, av. $28.01.

I'lyor Sales for WeekOwensboro, 568,775 lbs., for

$104,666.52, av $1S.;!8.

Laneaater 437.060 lbs., for $72,- $49,926.08, av.

969.68, av. 91<.«9. "| Fi

Iba., tor

Iba.. tor

lb*., Sjt

Lancaster^ 1,608,055

1279,719.04. av. 918.47.

Equity Home. 94S,9t8i Iba., tor

$171,970.44, av. $18.18

Field Bros., 734,015

$129,311.51, av. $17.62.

Owenaboro, I,7t9,l08

$340,511.05, av. $18.72.

Farmcm'. 1 ,5.">4,705,

«aoe,aauo,' av. 919.07.

BIrk, 7S4.00S Iba'.. for 9148,774.-

13, av. 919.69

Total Pryor sales, 8,378,770 Iba.*

for $1,553,833.66, av. $18.54.'

Total Burley Hales for Season

Daviess County, 110,880 lbs., fov

$34,010, av. $30.40.

Lancaster, 266,990 lbs., for 994^080.60, av. 99B.9S.

Equity Home, 994*St lbs., tar

926.470.62, av. $27.(9.

Field Bros., 31,406, lbs., tor |7,p

299.49, av. $23.25.

Owensboro, 141,5|^, Ibo., tor


tor VIB^

FhA Hartford Republicar |lr. and Mrs. a ,T, Burns left Wed,6n« nmw\iw%M . f

naiiliiy for Owensboro. where they go

UKC'ICMUKU 'm'**'"'"'•''>•' relatives.





jilr. S. L. King eaiiie up fro'" !)• -

atpr. Ala.. .Saturday to reinalii nep'

bis Uuiily until aflt^r the boli-

Mrs. A. J. Williams left Saturday

for Chicago, where abe goes to spend

Christinas with her daughter, Mrs. K.

U. Turley. .Mrs. Williams will return

this week.

"Orandtother" Rowan .Holbirooi;

received a cablegram Tuesday from

his son, McHenry, who is with the

International Banking Corporation,

Yokohama, Japan, announcing the

birth of a aon.

Remetnber it yon wish to save one

third or more of that high-priced fuel

and keep your rooms good and warm,you may do so by putting in one of

those famous Air-tight Heaters, sold


Fjiiniei's', aaoAOO Ibm^ tor 987.

a.-va.-a. av. )|ti8.:t».

Equity Home, 312,340 lb«.,

$54,142.60, av. $17.33.

Field .Bros., 312.820 Iba., tor

$61212. av. 916 88..

Birk, 825.269 Iba., tor 901.607.-

26. av. $18.94.

Daviess County. 425,075 lbs., for

$7:i.5h:;.7,s, av. $17. J9.^

Toliil iTvoi' sales. 2.747,425 Ib.s..

for .*4s.-,, .-,:",:!. 52. iiv. i?17.60.

VI7J», av. 99SJi«.

Birk 24,675 lbs., for 96,721.2^

for av. $27.39.

I Total Burley sales for season,

716,130 Iba.. tor 9U9i7*<-*^$32.12. - I

Total Pryor "kales betore Christ-

maa, 1918, 6,919,416 Iba., tor 91^036,993.17, av. $14.97. ^


Total Burley s.'iles before Christ-

mas, 1918, 218,175 lbs., for $41,-

,',7:;.:':!. av. $19. or,.

Hoy Barnhlll remained over to at- .>r. and Mrs. J c Her and chil-

tend th* "Big Dance." ran. of l.oui-viilr. arrived hern ypn-

to spend u week with rela-

John H. Stewart bias been appoint-


ad postmaster at Select.

Mr. Rowan Holbrook, Poer-tarv

TroB&iirer of the Farmers' Loose Leuf

Tobacco Warehouse Co., of Owensbo-ro, spent from Saturday until Wed-nesday here.

Mr. Edward D. Render, of Ft.

Worth, Texas, arrived here Mondavto spend a few days with his failM^r,'

Mr. W. R. Render and ftmlly. Tbtb

Is the first time Mr. Render has vU-ited III Kent II. \v in ten yeara.

Total Burley sales foe week; 239,-

460 lbs., for 973.141.52, av. 980.64

Pryor Sales For Heaenn

Daviess County. 1.172.805, lbs.,

for $202,904. 81.^ av. 917.99.

Sales previous to Chrlstmras, 19-

17. 680.475 Ibs.^ tor 9'l.229,99tJl.

av. 916.47.

Sold before Chrtatmaa tUa.yanr

9,094,900 lbs., tor 91.799.ipf^on I / ill

We pay ( ash every day for eggs and'

poultry. W. K. ELLIS & BltO.

H. D. Bennett filled the palpit

M. B. Church Sunday in the

ice of the pastor,. Rev. B. Watt

I Aunt Koseaiiiia Chiiin. an awed and

respecteil colored woinau, died at

her biyne near uere Friday night and

wal buried at the colored eamotary

Sunday att'imobr..

Miss Laura Hurt, of Barreti s Kit- holid.i; s wit)i relatives at

ry holds the record price tor Burley I Mr. L. H. Combs and son bt

tobacco In tbe entire history of the ver Dam vlaited liis mother, Mra. ITOwensboro market. Miss Hurt sold i A. C^mbs last week. Mr. Combo and

500 pounds for nearly $400, and one ' family will go to Ark. soon to make

Squire, J. L. Pattou of Italpb, wan

In Itorttord Monday, on bvalnaii. ,

Mr. Carl Hoover loft last week for

Dyersburg, Tenn., tor <in exttaried^


II. W. .'slcunrt. of Croiiiui'll.

her daughter, Mrs. K. K. Uuke.

Ir. 0«ko tram >«nday nntll


W. L. White and family, of

Miss Margaret Williamson, of Wv- rtfc.rd, Houto 1. left Monday for

an, apent Saturday and Snnday here rra ii.uiie, ind., what* they go to

wttk ( their lioiiie.

Mrs. Nancy Vitula Ashby. whosomaiden nime wa«. Shown, died at her

lioiiie near Croiiiwell la.s' Thursday

uiKlit and was buried at Ureeu Uivcr

tho dny toUowlnf


Coninion«"atth's Attorney, C. E.

Smith returned from Owensboro,

Saturday, where he had been engaged

In Circuit Court during the week.

Mrs. Smith, who apent the week-end

with Mr. Smith, also returned.

i)a.-ket of her leaf sold for one dul-

lar a pound. Her brother, Lioleu

Hurt, sold a baaket ot Burley at 99


Mr. Arthur Kprk, who la employ-

ed by th^ Womans Oil Co.. of Beat-

tyville. Is spending the holldaya with

bis parents. Mr. and Mra. J. W.York, of near town.

Mr. Hey; L. Taylo: . of Tn' f in. C:\,

eame up t'l" ft' tins wed; tu

spend the holidays with .Mrs. Taylor.

Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and infant child

will return to tho South about the

first of the year., where they will

make their future home. .

Come In and get your share ot meat

quick, if you don't it will all be gone.

A. J. WILLIAMS. 1St Uell, a student in K. S. U..

on, la spendlnc tiM hoUdayas parenta, Mr. and Mn. S. ^near Buford.

Ir. W .iiier K r.rown and Mr. Jew-V

Mr. Clyde Landers, of HarrlsbnrK.

Ark., is a guest of Judge and Mrs.,

S k. Waddinc i'"'' -Mleb., are

idllK "ho holiday!.- with their

at MaHwury.Messrs. Carl H. Praim and R. T. i '9^

Her. ol liorkiiort. attaadad tke bailj

here 'rutv-diiy nlKhl.

Mr. J. II. Himes, of Hotikport, spent v

Tagoday and Wedaeeday here witb r

Mioen. Mr. WIU HJwea

iLueHe Barrett, eC Bamtt'aspending the holldaya here

brother. Mr. Lyman O. Bar-

Mrs. Barrett.

Miss Mary Foreman, ot Narrows,

is spending u few days bero with Mr.|


pM Mrs. Foster Bennett.

|ns JaineH 1). Sory Jr., and

Bourland. ot MadlioavUle,

Iguasts uf CMtolS AUtaon J.


- Mm. T> B. PMrle, of indlunaiiolls,

1M < l9 hgr« vlth her tether. Judge •!

J. 0 Kafla. vko it 9«ltou

^d MrH. V. 9. U&m, ot Hen-

aanie up Wedueaday to spen'

days Willi Mrs i.ig<m'B parents.

>lr. J U I'Irllu.

Mrs. J. N. Thomas and son. Undaa.'

of Owensboro. aN spendinic the holi-

days with relatives at .Narrows.

I. ol Akron. Ohio, l > oaad falatlvee hero aa4»

Mm tka MMaw

Ueanett. who la varklaftlolda ut


heM Miaiir 19lib il9 iMllly.

Mrs. Woltolk Barrow, of Lnxiug-

tOB. Mme here Friday night to be

proaaat at the burial, oC ker mother,

Mn. H. Taylor. Mn. Bamw ra-

turaed to her bonM today.

Irene. th< year old daughter of

Mr Ivoscoe .Stone, came near suffer-

iim a serious a cider.t a few days ago

while standing before sti open grute

[when her clothing caught fire.

i Mr. Stone and another ot his daugh-

iters sueeeeded In ridding t^^ girl

of her burning clothing witbont

:damage, other than slight burning

of the daughter's iiar.ds, who assisted


For Pale School

r Children

Mr. and Mra. Brnest Bennett

their future home.

.Mr. W. F. Cornell, of BowUnsGreen is here tor a tow daya witb hla

family. ^

Mr. and M/s. W. K. Harbin aB#daughter spent Monday and Tnaadayat MeMenry. S,

Mr. Lawrence Whobrey waa at

Litchfield a few days last week.

Mr. Hiii; Ilaushn and family ii.ov-

ed this week to the farm of .Mor^ua

Ashley's, near Adaburg.

Mr. J. D. Miller aad famUy apeat

Saturday nisht aad Auiday with thair

parents, Mr. aad Mrs. J, B. Mtllar.

of Magan.

Miaa Blaiii'b lliikey spent a few

days laBt week with relatives at Ilea-

en- ! ver Dam.

tertained with

Friday nlgbt.

Mr. Walker CaHeir la

a poaad party last


Mr. and Mrs. Herman Crowe, are

In Fordsville spending the hoUdaya


'«-|ilii->liiiiKaii (^ives IIh* lli-lp >l>e

llu«ly Meeds To Maius^Ulcli,

Miss Knilly Fair Tbonuis, who Is

lea<-!linK in tl e l.lvem ore lllull

School, came home last week end toj

spend the hoUdaya here with ben _^ .

motMy. Mn. Waa'a Tbaian , ,. l .


Messrs. William Jan*a. Cheetar '

Main. I'uul Kspey and William Mad- tktid by l>riiKK<sl" in B<>ili l.l<|ul<l an<l

dox, all of whuin hold positions in

Detroii .Mil tl , an- .ip-'iidliin the hol-

idays with their parents, at .Mcileary.

year atemaeb'a aake aae amalleabU Maaarok laag^ YlUaaaaenameled. IMt 99916 ttl 9l9fl9ir


' BMver Duiii, Ky.

Tablet Kurui—.HiHlii'iiuU

Mlaa Ruth BhMfelll. ot Madlsoa-

al Mlaa

iiw ni, \MiiiaBm.aaia4aBllBK M I'

l«s«in>tua. kt a9MMllag (he t'hrt»i r,

with tht> hieiie

nard Wallaee an.i Mi vndv

III leave aesi werk for

ilu, whan Ikty 9** t** spoud

[slpdar al tlw

Mr. gad Mm. UmMm U Csram, haj

wku have bMU la Ahrwk OMa fw 'a^

•uwe iMuaihs have niaraad la Hart

iughi earwngoii ill

u( y«ta.


1999M Uam. K|

ll99laMmaeedsy of

c.lllie up ta


Mr. lialivy Urey XUddux arnve.l

yesterday from Weot Polat idllliaiy

Aaademy, tu ipsad lha Christmaa

holiday8 with hla panala. Mr. aa4Ml < 'ill Mad^oi, of H»vi«r. Ky.

.Ml .UaO.I I' 4 Kr.iOui«i«tf| the high

al WealJUU'

Tho lasaoas an hard aad the cbii

droa an btowiaf. Wateh their

haaltfc aad if 1^9 baaama pato •» >

llatleea and doat want to warh i r

piuy eoiisuU at once a good i>h>~i

I I.1II It ><>(i su.speoi any serlou^ nliiiMil The slileiulld tunic. l'>i/'>

Mangaa, 11 given dally for a t* .

will in most cak* restore

aad atari Um yaaas luu

oa tha laad la bm4 MaMb ag<i >

Yaatk ngpaatfa «alekly. Yoa <•

bay Fopia-Maasna hi tablet o.-

<iuld form u( your drafglst an l

.ilM.iys !)• miio of the geaulii


iiHiklng for lb- iiMiif liude'a"

the paehace. Wilhuui the in

"Oada'e" II to aai N9«a Maniaa.I* a flae laate aad M»oti>inakrr r '<

Ike wkale lamlly fh-">l«l«a«

where h»ve UMd fttf ihir</'

yean — tAuvsiti- . . >

FOR SALE!70 acres of land in Raluh precinct. Cheap. Will

take town property in exenange.

70 ac'iv.s OIK' mile and a (luarttM* from the Couit One-half bottom, the rest uulanU.

5() aci-es four miles from Hartford, on good ioad.

78 acres near N't wville. 5 rtxim cottage, lltble,

barn and other buildings. Price $3,500.

119 acres on Gramey Creek, 86 aeras hill land.

10 acreu wood, aix room htuisc, two bani.s, close to

school house and church. $55 per acre, |1«000 cai^i,

balU..c« on . lo..|U»«.^^ ^ ^,acre.


MAmm coMMiNHioxami mia

V/"OU cant help cutting loose joy'us

I remarks every time you flush your

smokespot with Prince Albert—it hits

yoa 80 fair and square. It's a scuttle fiiU ofjimmy

pipe and cigarette makin's sunshine and as satisfy-

ing as it is delightful every hour of the twenty-fourl

It's never too late to hop Into tfie Prince Albert plsaaurs

pasture ! For, P. A. is trijrger-ready to give you more

tobacco fun than you ever had in your smckecarwer.

That's ibecause it ham the quality.

Quick n yoQ know Prince Albert youll write it down

that P. A. did not Dite your tongue or parch your throat.

And, it never will! For, our exclusive patented process

cuts oat bite and parch. Try it for what ails your toogne I

7o00y fd hmmi, tUy ni Hm, hmtdtomt aomd and hidf pomd Ufhumidon—aid-thai elmftr. practical pound cpttalgla„_„. ,

j/oM hamidor

tpongc 'moiiitencr Topthat keep* the tobacco in tach ptrfect condition.

R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N


Ohio Circuit Court.

X. F. I)iik<\ < ! ai., PlaintlfU.

V8. Notice.

Jtjntto Armendt, et al., Defendants.

By virtue of a Judgment and order

of sale pnterpd at the N'ovemlxr tpnn.

litlft, of the Ohio Ciriuil C'imil. in

the above slyli'd adion. (lircctiiiK mo10 Koll the hprcljKift'T described prop-

erty, for the purpose of payiiiK the

sai.l creek: thence S. SO '4 S. 125 MASTER COMMISSIOJIEirS MIX.poles to the beginning, containing 6S

acres, more or leas. |

For a more fuller deicrtption bpo >

deed book 34. page 423. Ohio County|

Clerk's office

The purchaser will he required to

pxpcufp lioiids with security to he iip-

liroved l)y the coninilssioner. ininiedi- after sale, payable in equal in-

stalinients in six and twelve months,hearing 6 per cent Interest from date

01\i.i ( ir'''ilt Court.

May Frani is. Pl:imtiff.

vs. .Notice.

Titus Francis, ei ,\1 . 1 >leiidants.

Hy virtue of a Imli. i i. ni and order

of sale of the Ohio i ri uit Court en-

tered In the abovi> H'yled action, at

Ohiq CircaH Co«rt.W. W. Duncan, et al., Plaintiffs.

vs. Notice.Katie n. A M-y r( :,1.. DefiMi.laut-

Pur nan' to ;i tuditaipnl and order6t«li'' 1 I'ireuil Court. e:i-

tered ' - ;i',l). r. 1 !• 1 !• term,


In the alii " e 'lyU cl aciion. dIrecM 1,5

;UK' to .-e.l thi h.'relnnfior (h'ltcrlit '.l

prnperiv. for lh>> purpone of pajrIiiK

! the pono, iif thl^ ni tion. together wiiii

.the cost of thl* Dale, and dividing the

ireniHludPr of the proceeds nnionr the.parties onlitled tliereio. I «lll offer

for Kale lit puMii oulirj to the bish-I p«f and 111 si liidil T. ;il the Courtill.iir-e li.Mii- ill ll;iiifiird. Ohio Coun-' ly. Keiilin Uy. mi .l.iuilary i'>. litJU.

(it iieiiiK regular county court dayi atabout one o'clock p. ni.. upon a credit

I of six and twelve months, the follow-ing described property, to-wit;

The followitiK lots are parcels ofKroiiiid. locMteil at .Millfury, Ohio( oiiiiiv. Ky . :i!id lioimd' (I as lollows:

• 'lie pare. I 111 hind ill Mclleniy. I\y.

kiiu\Mi as the home pliice, consistingof three different lots, together withthe Inipruvements thereon, boundedas follows:

Lot No. 1—Being a strip of landI lyins south of I) .M. Duncan's present

,lo! Ill said 11 and lieluK all the l.ind


lyiiiK belueeii bis lot and llow.irdislreel; tile -iri]! of land Inn in i nn-

Iveyed is 54 feet north and south uud

i 150 feet eaat and west.Lot No. S—A lot ia tfe* town of

McHenr7i Kjr., bounded as follows:Beginning at D. M. Duncdn's N. B.

comer and running 110 feet to .lane

Street; thence with .lane .street ii:<

feet to R stone; theiice west .'!0 feet

lo a stone: Ihiiire south 11 feet to

liensou H. UcnnetCs N. E. line;

thence west with said line 87 feet toD .M. Dnneaa'a line; thenee Northwith said line to tke bagiaaiat.

Lot No. 8—Said lot eoBiBiaaelaRat the upper edge of the MeHaaryCoal Company's lot on the dividingline between the Render ConI Coni-liaiiy and C \V Iteiider's said lot,

running east 2'>% feet to a stone;thence S, 209 feet to a stake: thencewest 256 feet thence North 209 feet

to the beginning.Being same lots conveyed to Daniel

M. Duncan by E. F. Render and wifeby deed dated .\pril 2o. issfi. and ofrecord in the Ohio County Clerk's of-

fice in deed book ". pa^e ISl. and byDavid S. Duncan and wife by deed

i dated ."^i pt ember fi. 1 ,v ,s :;, deed of re-

1 coril in the Ohio County Clerk'.s ofllce

in deed book 433, and by Maryt and David Duncan by deed dated Peb.

IS SO. and of record In the Ohio• lointy Clerk's office- in deed book1. pane l^s.

,\Iso th' ridlnnfii;; lot or parcel ofland in .Mclienry. Ky.. tocelher withthe iuiproviiienis thereon: lliKiiiningal a point feet "west of center ofC. O. * 8. W. R. R. in the line be-tween J. L. Render and McHenry Coal

jCompany; thence west 128 feet to n

Istone; thence south 171 feet to v.

j stone or stake: thence east feei


to a ^1 Mil' iir St ii kf ; tb>'iii-e north 1 7 I

;feet to the lieKinniiiK. cimiaininK onehalf acre more or le^-^. The iniMeiMl


jiidK«>— u. W. Black, Owaaaboro.

Com tli. .Amiia^i g a. SBttS, Mart-


Clerk—A. C. Porter, Hartford.

Mmiot Coiailsaloaet—Otto C. Mar-

ttai Hartford. '

TrBNteo Jury PaaS 0>l F.


Monday In Mnrrh—ktCoui'th. and Civil.

Monday In May— 12 d«TS—Civil.

Monday in July—18 days—Con'th. and Civil.

Monday la Se>t—>ec 11 days


Monday in N'ovi mber—^11 Sayi

—Com'tb. and Civil.






ootJifTY com*.Meet! first Monday In

Judge—Mack Cook.

County Att'y.—A. D. KIrk.

Clark—W. C. Blaak«Mhl».BhwMI— S. A. Bratdiar.

BnperlateadeBt—B. S. SavarS.Jailer—Worth Ttchenor.

Tax Commissioner— U. E. WafS.Snrveyor—C. 8. Moiley.

P. Kodgm.

lii:\\ i:K DAM.

,.„,„„. |'.l-W. T.

^ W. King.

j,„ii,e .hidge—J. "W. Coosar>,

j««r»iiai-i« F. Starma.

I i>i:i>sVIM<R.

CI, Ml 11- I'o.inl \V. K. Jones.

I J elice Judge— C. P. Kesslngar.

Marshal—Orant Pollard.


Coiiiiiy it<Nird of Kducatlon.

K. s. Howard. 8. 8. o. C.

Dii. No. 1—J. M. Hoover. Uart<>

or I Ky.

I ,v No. I—O. W. OnS. Pordarllla^

uiv. .No. S—n. L. Cartar. Narro«a»

'div. Na 4—Robart OoS, Ro^lM*.

DlT. No. B—Otto H. Stavaaa, Beav-

Dam. Ky.

Dlv. .No. «— Nat Llndley, Center-

%-n, Ky.

Time of Meeting I'-i Monday lo

Fabraary; lift Monday m April; IM

Maaday la Juno; lat Monday In Aa-

gatt: lat Moadaf la Octobor; liT

nsCAL COVBT. Monday la Daeaabar.

^ ' County Board of Bxamlaera l»lt—

ocSS? ^- ^" ' * °-

lat Diatrict—Ed Shaws. arttani '


Route 3-"""T j.n ,4 *8_Comraoa iebeo»

and t- s.« L. Staw b4 ««P>««V "•rt'ort.

jjj^jjj JBeaver Dam and Pordsvllie.

8rd IMstrlct—Q n. Drown, .'^ImmoB • » 1" <'"in; inn SChOOl

4tb Dtotrlct—O. W. Rowe, Cent| ,

I'eav* r Dam and KordHville.

tawa. I . May 18 and 17—County teacharT

8«h IMalric» -W. C. Daagkarty,Bal»|Bzamination. (White) Hartford.


I May. 23 and 24—County teachera'

Stfc District—W. S Dean, nundee. I.xiiniriatlon (ndoredi ll.irtfor.l

7th IMatrlct— B. K. Rice. KordsvUle I June, 20 and 21—County and State-

8th Disirirt— B. c. Rkaadaa, Hart

ford, Route 6.

HARTFORD.Mayor—J. E. Hean

Clerk—J. A. Howard.Pollea Jadga—C. -M. Crewai

Manbal—B. P. Caaablar.


Ck'm'a. Board—Jaaiaa. wnaoa.Clark—Ruahiag UaatPolico Judge—Joha T. Jaekaea

Marakal—WIU Langford.

Its November. 1918 term rtirectliig,,„,,pr,y,„g , is reserved with the

me to sell the herelnofter described| ,,„,., j .u ,

costs of this action, "together with tho unftl paid. To have th

coat of .this sale, and dividing the re- (ect of a Juilginent. and

mainder of the proceeds among thewill offer


fiire and ef-

li. n will besold as add'-

partlea entitled thereto, I

for sale at public outcry, lo the hisb-

est and best bidder, al the CourtHouse door, in tlartt'ord. Ohio Coun-ty. Kentucky, on .laiiuary .'>. lHJo.

(irbeinn regular County Court day t

at about one o'clixk I'. M.. upon acredit of six and twelve months, thofollowing described property,. to-wIt:

A certain house and lot In thetown of Dundee. Ohio County, Ky.,

on the west side of the Hartford andI'onlsville imldic mad and boundedas I'nllows:

On the east I'v said road; on thenorth by ilarlliird and .Mamilton's

Ford public road; on the south andwaat by a lot or parcel of land ownedby the heirs of W. H. Duke, deceased,said lot being Tn feet or more In

width, fronting on Ilarlforil andFordsville piiblir road, and 140 feet

or more in leimili biniliuK on Hart-ford and llainiliun's Kmil road; andlieing a jtart of the s;ciiie land con-veyed to Henry F. Armendt and A. T.

Hiaes and wife. Sarah J. D. HInea. bydeed of date March Ist, 1886, and of

record in Ohio county Court Clerk 't>

office, in deed book. No. 7. page l .'i

The piirchiaer will be re(|ulred toexecute bonds with security to he ap-jiKived liy ilie Coiiiiiiissloner, ini-

uii-diately alter sale, payable in equalinstallnienis of 6 and 12 nionthH,

baariag • per cent Interaat from dateuntil paid. Said bonds to kavo theforce and effect oF a Judgmaat, aad alien will be retained on tho laad ioldas additional security.

Givon under my kaad tkla tfca 18thday uf Dee. 1919.

OTTO C. MARTIN..Master CuunniiiiilOBar O. C. C.A Smith. .Mtorneya.

retained on thetional security.

Oiven under mv hand this the IStli

day of Daoember. i!tr.t.

OTTO C. .MARTIN,Master Commiasloner O. C. C

.lohn T. Hone, Attorney.


Ohio Circuit Court.

.\rrlson Daiiglierty, i'laintilY.

vs. .Notice.

Mary Hell Daugherty Lindsey, et ul.,

1 tefendants.I'nrsuant to a judgment and order

of sale of the Ohio Circuit Court, en-

tered at Its November, 1919 term, in

the above styled action, directing hip

to sell the hereinafter described

property, for tlie iniii)ose of payiuKthe losir. of Ibis action, together with

the cost of this sale, and dividing the

remainder of the proceeds among.theI will offer

property for the purpose of first pay-

the cost of the above styi d ac-

tlo:i and the «•..• of It.:- .nile. .-.A di-

viding the remuiniler oi t'he proc. "ds

;iaioii;; the parties entitled thcielo. I

will o(fer for sale at public outcry to

the highest and best bidder at the

Court House door in Hartford. Ky..

on Monday, January T>. 1920 (It be-

ing ihe first day of the regular termof the Ohio County Court) at aboutthe hour of one o'clock p. in., on a

credit of si.\ and twelve months, thefollowing described i>roperty to-wit:

A tract or parcel of land in OhioCounty, Kentucky, aituate and de-scribed as follows: Beginning at a

-tone. N. R. corner to T.. T. Cole;thence K. i:!0 poles to two dogwoods,black oak and white oak; thence S.

4 0 def;rees W. J 1 .'i poi' -. to allot lier

of Cole's corners; theme with Cide's

line .N. 4 1 i|. >;rees W. 1\ p<de< .North

:!2',jl degrees \V. Zl poles N. !»U pole.s

to the beginning, containing 77 acresmore or less, and being the same landconveyed to .M. J. Francis byliaiu Davis and wife, by deed of re-


right to enter, mine and work th^

I same.Being same lot conveyed to Daniel

' M. Duncan-by J. L. Render and wifeon OctiMier 2 7. I'^ft:!. and of record Indeed book 14. pane 2o6.

.Mso anotlier lot or parcel of


uroiind in Mi Meiii y. Ky.. bounded a-'

1 follows: lieKinning at I'hipps street

I9:5 feet from the Southeast corner of

Dlock 17; thence with said street to

said comer; thence with' Howardstreet west to southwest comer ofsaid lot; thence with Jane street

North 98 feet; thence to the be-ginning, being a strip off the southside of block 17. !•:! f"et wide at thewest end. .Mining privilenes aie r-'-

served.Being same lot conveyed to D. M.

Duncan by P. G. Cargal and wife b.v

deed dated November 1st, 1880. andof rei iird in the Ohio County Clerk'sofffii in ill I'd book 11. page 3^11.

or parcel

parties entitled thereto, . ,

, r.i..-w'.for sale at public outcry to the high-! cord in the Ohio • ounty Clerks of-

est and best bidder, at the Court


Ohio Circuit Coart.V. C. Bullock. I t ul., PlaiatlMS.

VM. .NoUci'.

Peurl Neal. d ul . Defendants.liy virtue of a judgment and order

of aaie of the Ukio Circuit Coart ren-dered In Iha above tlylad anion, at

the NovembKr lerni. I»l». directing

mv as CoiiiinlHsloner of xal.t court, to

tell the lieri'inufler UeNcrlbed landfor tb<- piiriiK.-e of fIrHt pu>hiK thecitsl of I be aliiive at) led aciiiiii iind

the iii-l- iif lhl> i-ale uiid dlvullUK Ihii

n-iititladcr o( the pr«M'«<eili> uiiiuiia Hienartlea •ntlilMl ikeretw. I will u((t<r

rer sale at public oalcry to the hightsi aad bMi bidder ai the court keaaedeer la HaHlard. Ky . onjMnuar> . l**:')! Ill iK'Inii ika tlratiIm« III III. r<K.ii..r ii if'i i f iSa OMa( ..ii ii . ' h.- knur iif

lillt ' ' dlt of !«and ' ' i> ii' i' iiuiikiiia dv-M>rtlH-t| ri>«l •iieslml and %m-

laa la oblu Cuaeir Keaiatky. aadI pert al iSa Sa^oalaaS al Ike

JsBiaa I'eHr

Iif B •

hill 1.

JaiMv* *

• Ik* hu'i.

la a a«rib>rl>

iJke eM laa" <« '

lb« f t M.i I I.

Ike W sKleK lta>

UItm w sf4ea

< *ll4*-f 4 «I«.UV tl,

ll 1 I Hb tl ll

. i.l«.k

House door In Hartford. Ohio Coun-ty. Keiiiiicky, on January .'). l!iJ".

(it being regular county court day i

at 'about one o'clai k p. ni.. iilioii a

credit of six and twelve months, the

following described property, to-wit:

A certain tract of land in Ohiocounty, Ky., consisting of .10 acres,

more or less, bounded as follows:

On the east by the lands of A. F.

Butler, on the south by the land? of

Cathena liiniiaii^; mi the wi-si bv

the lands i,\ .1 .\l White, iiid on the

.North by the lands of J. .S. Daugherty.The purchaser will be required lu

execute bonds Immediately after sale

with security to be approved liy the

cummlssioner, payable in eiiual in-

StallnientH In six and twelve monlhs.beariiiK InteicNi iii the r.iti' of »i per

cent per aniiiiin fioin d.ile until paid.

to have the force i,llil ell.ct of a

JiiilKinent, and a lieu will be retainedon the land karala mM aa addlttaaalHecurliy.

UlvaaaadarMf kaad. this the iKth

day of Deeeaiber. 1819.OTTO c .MARTIN.

.Ma-ter Coiiiiiiii'-liincr O, C. 0.M. L. Ill > "11 A""i

HowV'Ihis?We affar One llniKlmi linllarn Tti-ward

8Br aay raa* uf CitiHrrh lhal cuniiul

eOMd by iitirs CuUrrH M«i4irtM.Hall's Caiitrrh Madk im- hits Iwva )ftk> n

ay mlarrti >iiRi-r*r« U'T pad llilriv

at* vi>jr>. unit hu iMieii.c ti flow II a> lti«

mu*\ rvlUblr •• lul Cal'iTili Mill'*

ralarvb MaeMn* a>ls t)o>i i' > HIi»mI unMuMMa •ariar -a rsi>.lhiii; l*i>- I'ul-

aee kem iha HUmmI uuu Ii> altua (Ik 4U-

M.iiii III* r< I

yti .ll liiii'i

ll- alia K) '1

«tiw> al 11



CASTOR lAf )t lafaais ami ('b'Mrrii

InUMr^rOvsi 30Y««rtAtwefa beat*

.M il ;iiiii!lier Idt

g.-oiiud in .\i 11' iiry. toj;ether with the

^yjj. I jiiiproviiienis thci euii. liounded as fn]-

lows: Coiiiiiieiiciiij,' iit the s(iuth«< <i

corner of block 17; running east withHoward street, 70 feet to a stake;thence North to Mary M. Wilson'seast and west line; thenee west withsaid line 70 feet to Jane street;

Ca-vory Womaii WantH


Dissolved in watar for douche* aloi I

pehric catarrh, alcaration nnd inflanJartae RecwwewdaJ by Lydia i|

Pfaddtana Med. Co* for tea yaarlA healing wooJar for nasal catarrT•ore throat and sora eyas EconominHu iibuidlufy^dcaauo^^ and acnr irti'il

i>. I

l>r |A».laMi I

acbera' aiaaftaatloa (irklte) Porda>


Jane. 87 and 28—County aaState teachera' eumlaatloa (colored I


July. 7-11—Ohio County Instltate,


Sept.. 19 nnd - County anditate teachera' esamlnalion, (whlte>


Supt. 28 and 27—County and State

achers' eiaminatloa (colored) Hart*


lice ill dee'd book .'i7, page 168.The iiiircba.sei will be required to

execute bonds iiuiiiediatidy after sale,

with security to he approved by thecommisslouer. payable la e«aal m-jthenco south with said street 96 feet

stallments In six and twelve months.beating per cent Interest per annumfrom (late iiiitii paid, .mil to have th't

force and effect of a judgment. Alien will bo retained on the laad sold

as additional security.

Given under my hand tkla tka IStbday of December, 1919.

OTTO C. MARTIN Master Com-miasloner Ohio Clrtfalt Court.

Woodw aril Hi Kirk. Attoraeya.


Ri A

BittersiSucceed when everything e1»e fai|

In nervoua prostratiom ai'.d ft

.vsaknmi thaj aia the aarramadn « Ihousanda have tesi


ll Ii Sw best madldne eveiadmggiar'a counter.

For the Children

A Safe, Old-fashioned

Remedy for WomsScT«nt7-flTO mrs* rnnUnv*

caa UM* la U<«t tMtiniMMMKi;t:Y*8 VKIUIirtUK cau uif. r


KMpSb<>tU« Rl<v«fS *>n hanil.It will hrl|> ki-ri> ths llltl* oftcslupfijr siiil h«*«lUir.ZV. • b<>tll0 St imir dniff-

Cist's or tfeiupnil sti>rr ; or 1(

yiiur (l«uil«r i^sn't supply jrttii

•snij hie nam** ttn<l 'S^'. In atAiniMSMit Mi>'i; a«i)J yvu a l>.<ui«

i'l 1 iiiii'ti )'


What it MeaR«

hav.' lakrn Han** Palarrli• i.i.i I I I,* ) >>u alll aa- h

i> VI, I III \ ..'ir tfvHai *.

. I ,k 11 . 1. • I' ll 'I til U- ill

I. I . .11 1 1 1 aaaJ

EGG-A-DAY HEN TONICHav» you gotttn yourj

packaKi' of Egg-A-Dljr HMllsky

Tonic at the store imintyour home?

lie sure yuur hens have awarm neat of attww, goodfotxl niixt'd with Gffg>A-DayHfii Tonic- and clean water,

(iivc >our lieiw a chance andwith iUK't •! aeventy-flvt

etata a doaoa tkay will payhig (lividfndu

For bait kgr

A bad bri n:'<

liiihatartaia nil

to the bcKiiHiiiiK. lu'lUK Ihi' wi'st endIif .M^iry .M. wiisim s lot. All mineraliiiiiii'i' >^;iiii hiuii betas raaarved aadniic riiiivi yril.

HfiUK saiiif jiii i.inv^rad to Diui- . _J n rri

ii'l .M. Dunrun by Uavid S. Duncan; A \^l\'^\r\A VCiXlCTW^and wife by deed dated November 16. XX V^Uclt ^Vt J». Vf\

1KS6. and of record In the Ohio I

CiiuMty Clerk's ofdre in dcrd hook7. piiKi' 29.'>.

Till' |iuiiliii!-pr nlll 111' ri'(|iiirii| tu 1

c.xiM nil' lidiiiN iiiiii.i iKiiii ly iiiii r ^iili

with •iiiirlly ID 111- api rMM il liy III"

c ih;ll.l---iiillrr. Iiuynbli II ..;u;ll ill

Htulliiii-niH in ilx iinil i .m Iw mouthii.

bearing lalareai at the rate of • yercent per annum Imm date until pali,lo havi- thl- ;'o.-.'«> \\w\ cffi-rt of a

JudKiui'iit, and 11 llfii will be ri-luln-

nil till- land hiTt'iu .miIiI ;is aildll Iniial

.M rui II >

Uivi-ti«uiiili'r >ii.' Iiaiiil llll.'^ iMlilit III ri>iiilii<i', IHlll.

OTTO ('. .MAKTl.N, .Master CommlMiloner Ohio CIreaM- Caart

1.. Ilt-avrln, .Mtorney.

m.nli'il ti'iicu'

,^'iiiir I. nil ili


Otiildren OryPN rinsmrt



« Kk«A *' UaaaS. aaala*. Kr

I l«a«« S Narrlsea. NurnKX. H.

A. W. mSSHt. Nerfww*. M M«I. r M—»ea • Saa, l*aa«ef«ava

ouiu C.I. Itraa I'u . Il<riferd. K>V l(. a(i»* d Cii K^MMOs.Ik'«l>««« * I'-irlar. Ciu„ia«ll.

Al S. tkOMa, Ua4ilelS-




c I C II' I

ll,.' I


l lll II



K-n 'I



111 ai

Wm a


as (Iradlv M a snake's veiim

Tlif lisir ix'K lu a guardwell- 111 I lit! ,

killing aiiil llif rii<

astii-i Iruiu ilut gfuaral circuU-

A bloekalM la ths Isteatii^J

a heavy bwiMi spaa Ha* I

tht; intoalioea ar« clMka4ur<I |i. thu cireulatlua of tki

r<i-iiii>H iMiiMimtl anj thl.''

11 Lcuiitce tuailtMl with Io.m

and w« auffer from k-uiij^l


Mr SM.j, «U-biliiy,


Of eyea. At aiich tmuI.. I ..|i'i I .! I'l . |jWJ

liVi.. buch a MM* uatisWi Wavea af alua

inlu i vii4y • tu'ti- fiM

I'l -ll'..

Ill ur'v I / y«a{

k.ili| I ^ •. . I . ' Uy ,

lUii'M^ae e>»


iTmhMl'for WEAI



FOR ONE MONTH'cMtW. ^alaa la ch«al. nIfM •weaittrbagrf, wr ik lunifi or i onaunplUM* II M••I bsip you il costs you avllima. ^





For Lazy Liver ul

uy all/

Prel rl/lit iill t'n iliiiii. Ituii't lay oflfrmii Miiik i.i l.y tukiiiK laloOMi^«Im)II |iivit>itiil /.IV- War-tiu k>r|ia )u«ea jreur (aet, while ri li>'vn,t(\i .irU<iul..

k Safer tua, aad easy tu tak«. liunttakejuurthk^ al^k T«l - *

ktvmuimI rti

la lie etaaea aaa firi.,iiiiii r.

«Ma'lbalM(V' / V'.'

C4iMi|4atele Saitlu I u, ««m|hullui. CMIilrMt I .11 >..« II ly mJ%kiih tmrfM-i aaf>.i , t.ii,|.. lu tfli•^>>ii.*«l. Via and II III U^ii|««. r.i«ii«

giiittli'M aitliwul tliii hkiiii M a<..l atifM*ule ««i 1. K. Uiiaa<« 1 1 « k« . 1


i ll VIUiAMI^



M'nnilniiPil friilM 2n<l paRo.


<'raiR. I'has.. work on rond . . 7.50

( Mr oil A CO.. MdM for Co.

Jiiil IV in

CHrtiT. U l»., lumber «r . . . ; i -,

CdIiIi a;- Ul< ii;iri1s iivniiinli'' a;-!' isn:;\V A . I i;:;

< '|i>iiii>Mt>>. iliiil. niMitu; ilili'li tl .'lO

( iirliH. .1. K . Iiiiiiliiii; 'J nil

l)<!niili», t'. luinher .... «.; i

Davli. N. B., taanling 7.0 i

Dennlx. T. P.. work on road ».7r.

Detiiil-. •' <, Kniiip 3,7.f,

Doiici I . 1; l» . HlIlM 12. ltd

Hit -< r. lolin. iimIIh A work. . . 7. no\>r.,u. w s. t'i'-'iRht' OB pipe 4.:!0

S.llll''. I'lT llli'lll 6.00imki'. K K . iiiilN 4 II.",

l>f\iiT *: Vliu'^-nt, dynuiiilti'

Ar 1H S!l

IXirham, 8. L.. lumber Ac , . . 3u.»ii

Dmn, W. 8., Com. 2 da. ... Coomilott. C. L., haullnR Ac . . . T.RoKvaiip. Prtfnk. lumbar 41.00Krviiilrc. T. B.. bnlMinn

tiriilc" Srr . . IH.IIO

K irii-. I riM'.iirnn: lirtiiRe . :;.iio

I'.irrI--. .Miirviii. .>^iimr :i.i|0

I'lilk'Tson. I.. !».. Iiimlinr . . . a6.:!7

.Murray. Iiiiiilmr .... l!t.:io

Puqiife. Albert. lumlMr .... 22.9<i

ForiUvillf PlaninR Mill Co.. \s. t 'loiilili' Iri'i'.s He 2.95

\\<f iiKiii. II 'i' . liaiillnK .... 7.00l'iilUi r<iin. S I, . Inliiir l:i.70

SaiM.-. r. r IMi'lii Il.ilil

l'" r. Air'- I Mill . lid.inl .... 14.110

Ki li\. I, ii\ iiioii.i, wh III! riiiiil .I. noOuln--. \V. .S., work on roml.. . 14.(io

Oodsey. Thoma*. hauling . . . t.OoHub ClottainR Co.. Mdaa tor

Co. Jail *r !«.-, .-,

lliiinphrey, \V. H . surveying .'• nnIliiri. itl. Imuliir milHmvih's. .Mllsnii. liiiiilH'r . . I's.l'L'

II11 l,cy. T. 1. . work on . . lo.iMi

lli( lix, \V. J . Imiilifr 9.00it.iriler. C. 1. riiud lied lOU.OOHayrraft. Odi«. work on Mko. 6 onHlnmt. Mra. 1. B., lamb«r . . . 2.2.'>

JacnbH. P. T . Same 7.48Jnnon. Jno., work on road. . . 3.171

.InliiixoM, Tilili-ti. saiiin 4.60Siiiiii'. saiiH' JS.on.lllllir^. r. K. IllMllK'r S.fio

K il 1 lii'lis. ("(ililiiil)ils. rii:i(l lii'il llli.oii

Kiowii. S. {)., Scrvlrt-.s anSh.Tlff 233.30

l.unuin. R. S., ruad bed .... 17.60LMeb. Q(>a.. &e. building

brldgp 25.00Laws. J T replacing bridge " 7",

I4111I1. .1 N . work on bridge' Kilnd. same :!.••"

I. .Ml ii. s \\ . Com'r &c .... 11.:'.'.

.Saiiii'. I'.T Hii'in 6.00l.IKi !!-. T . haiiliiiK ..... 8,00Marllii. A. L... IiiiuIkt t.OO

Martin. Eatill. aame 23. 2i)

Mldlclff. W. P.. coal 4.9r.

Siiiri". s«rvice> a* Jailer. .. . 201.711

Millir, T.iiiii'rt. lumber .... 4."..:iii

Mosi.y. Maivln. lumber .... 2:i.6.'>

MiilliM. .Inn. saini' S.6i«

Miil' r. I.i'f I' . f.iuif 9.«r>

.Mlll r. J K , same 186.90Mitiiu'll. .Mrs. Uuttle, rd. bed 45.00

Miller. Konda. bulldlBS brdg 28.45

Mitchell. J. E.. Tiewing road . 2.00

Sanip. ronvrylni? K <" 2.00

Martin. Wallai i-. work <>n rd. 25.00Ohiii Co Mriin Co . Kalaiiop

( iiiil rai l .Mil -iv Arc . ..Mi. 1 0

riilliiini. Clar<-iiri'. hauliug . l.&O

rrolMi^. W .\ . nails »6Turk. John, Imiiber 2.00

Porter. L. L., work on road SI.76Price. Jno.. aaroo 20.00Tutton. Clarence, lumber . . .


iMiiiniiipr, Robert. Pauper'aCollin II'"'"

Iti-ii.l.T. I, 11 . < onvfyiuK (!. I'. 1.00

Kaviui r. Ci'plia!.. work on rd. :t.7.''>

I'aili-v. '1. I... liridKi' sills . . 11.65

Riley. C. R.. luinbor 18.76

Ruheruon. P. A., aamn .... J-OO

Roberta, A. M.. aanw S0.49

Koekport Coal Co.. flooring. . 4.60

Itoberte. Jasper, work on road S5.0 0

.SaiiK'. liaiilinR 7.00

Rirr. 11 F . w ork aa Com'r. . I '

Sam. . IVr DIoin S oo

III iiirnw, K. & Co., dynamite4(0 : . . 20.03

Rice, B. P., Special Com. . . . 15.00

Stewart, H. J., building brdg. 13.00

Stewrat Bvfioa. .e

Stewart. J. H., CoKIn 4.80

Seott.'O. B., work on road.. 9 T5

Smith. Will A., roportlpgovldenoe -fi '•''

Sniiih. Chas., services June to

.\iiKiist aS.S.fii'i

S|iioiiii> W. v.. repairing brdg 2.60

Houthard. .J. B.. flooring . . SJ-SJStovtna, JMM. work oa brdf. 6.86

Smith. WtuMia, Comm'r onroads IS *^"

Saim-. I'lT IHnm."^liown. Kil . snine 8.00

.SI. v. U.S. W .N . ElectionCiiiiinilstiion<-r 20.00

Shiridh, Rlrhards, rool of pa-per «•••

Travla. W. J., work oa rond . !•»•

Tate, Thoa., lama ••••

Taylor. J. \V ,lumlipr

Tate. .M. M.. liiilldluK liridK"' H'

Taylor. Thuniian & Hro., Ibr. 6'> I'n

Taylor, C .S . lo'd "0

Taylor. J \V ,IuimIht .!T.9!»

I' It \V . I'' r Uii-iw ••••

Same, Committee :: du ••••

Tlchenor, R. C. aama ••••

Same. Per Diem ••••

Taylor. Jno R., helper 4 da 6.t0

Taylor. Ciuyle. suine 8.78

TInsley. \V. S . Kleeilon com-niUaiiunor

Willie. (I I' .haiiliiiK • » «J

wis.iu. riiiiiiiii. work OB road

\\ alia. . , \V A , four aoNUU It OO

Whiiii. r, Jno. work oa *aM 'J.;"Whiitler, Jewte. aameWaddlug. cube, nalU -

Ward. H «'.Iiiiiil>er '- *"

Woddlna. J W roailb04 ...

Ward, pen . w . ik ...I road ..

!• »•

WIUoM. Jn.i V li' l|.er » ««

huu. Kills .i|,.'oliiN road » •«

liuitl. It, U l» . »orli ua road l» o*

Itrudie), Ullbert Co., teak .. ««

Haute. aiWl* ••• }: ?IHartleii. fraak. Ilaibor »• »•

Hlrkboad, K IM-»»ge ...

lUlid. I>r X C S r*l.e, live

M lit*•••e

Miank.u'blii \\ • l -.lo-m »

CarMiM. r rt dyuuuilie 3S «"

« a«rWer J r uatU ^ [HI4u..h. K K . r..-ak|i#g....

•k Baiirg" •'•rh <•» "•>' '

w 'i< nn road. same

1 1. a III & workwork

8 daya .


Hi. . . It y. I'er lHom

Sli.iw n.. Kil,s;in\p

! Smith, W'inson. snino


Show II, llerlierl, rep'r liridgaTaylor ». W,. Por Diem ...

I Tlchenor. R. C. aameI

Vance, vv. i) . pulling grader


Amo«. Qettle, team *e ....{Allen. l.on„ bnllding brdt...Snnte. work on rond.\sliliy. Miilli.'. roail lli'il . . .

Ilriiwn c II., work on r.ind

Hrown. Jnn.. haulli.KIiaixe, Ut>wey. work on levy .


Krnwn, H. J., lumber......iinlla. H, D.. work on road. .


Iiiilze. V R . lumberliiaiik. iisliip. w. r.. Per DiemClici.k. .1 1"

, team ...i Craw ford. I'rank. uk cm rii:i.l

iMiirull, J. ('.. repulrliiK l<'vy

'Davi!^. Seth, work on road,.lienn. W. 8., Per Diem ...Daii.'herty. E^•till, wk. OB road

.K'l ih. W. R. A Bro. t'lo *0..iKvnns. R. ().. lumberf vans. Frank, wk. witk toamKvans, Willi.*, sameX'lv.ards. Clay, lumber . . .

F i'lkorsnn. 8. 1... Per Diem .

Kn kerson. I... D.. lutuber ..

1 1' iilkerson. S. Ij.. 4 da, Co:u.K;iiiiier. Dave, road bei ....;^i(|nn. Tab, lumberPord. Will, team AcC.llllani. .M. K.. flooring ....(iraves, W 1'

, repairing brdg.(:ill>-s|ij. iir..- iii.i. k.siiiithing

.Harrison. C. <;.. liinilo'r ....ftoiiKland Marion, iii.ivlim dirt

Hunter. (}. H., powder ....Hoover, Leslie, work on roadlloovpr, r. W., samenines, c c. expensea to E'-


Huff. Iris. tPiini work ....Ililil. Ollle, work on load Air

ll.i.ivi'i. Clifton, same ....Hoover K .M . dynamite. Ac .

Hayes. Dee. burial robeIlerrel. W. O.. work on road.Her, Dedan, SameJames. U. P.. silla

Jackson, P. E., sharpening

Krader bladeJew. 11, J. K., sills

,Klrk. W. D., work with teamKatlerjohn, P. W. A Co.,

Ililli'stone .

I.ea. h. N. I) .

l.ia.h, cyinrlii

I.i iK h. (leiPlK..


I.elhiire. J . ()..

i Leacb. 8. W.. Com. flame. Per Dieml.antian. I'ol''. wk. with teamMosl. V . .N W . lumlierMlll.'r. .\. H . sills

Mi.i|iifl. W I*., 'oal

M;u|il<i\. I). I. .liaiilliiK . . .

Miilll. an. J V . road lied . . .

Midkur. Sum. work on hill,.

Magan, O. C. sameMarshall, W. H., team A workMatthews, Prank, same . .

Martin, Kstll. «anieMcKinley. Chas.. niovlng dirl .

.McKliiley. K. .M.. powd. r . .

New.'oiii, W. K. lumber....Ohio Cii DriiK Co., Drugs Ac

' Same, liodkii

I Park. Johnm, sills

I Porter. L. L., work on hill..

iPatton, Cliironoe, lumber...,Phlpps. .Mrs Kllza. road bedRIc .'. II. K . I'er DiemSame, ComRlr.'. F. I. .


It.iiierts. .\ .\1 , lumber . .


Royal. .Morris, t«am & workRogers, Ton, workHeld, Mattle A., road bed . .


Sharp, Cllbert. bUlK bridge

tevens. W. N.. wk on liriilpe

Schniadi'i-. M. C . wk. on roail

Shav. r, Sam. road lied

Siiiiili Williur, work on road

Siiiii h. Winsoii. Com. Ac ... .

Stewart. J. A., work on road

Stewart, A. T., aame ....

iSandefur. O. V., same


Smith, Charlie, servtres Alms

IHouae keeper

Smith. WInson. I'er Diem . , .

Shown, K.I., sani.'

Stom. II II . work on road.

Taylor, I. 1., lumber ....! Same, work on road ....

i Taylor, Basil, silla AcThomas Bros., Mdse. for Co.,

Trogden, !< T.... road bed . . . •

Taylor, Hen W., naila ....I Same. I'er DiemSame. Coin. 4 daTaylor. .1. W .

lumber. . . .

Saiiii'. saiiie

Taylor. Kv. rell, work on roadTavlor, Tliuriiian. bids, bridge

Ti. honor, K. C. Com. 5 da .


Same, Per DiemWhobrey. c .n inmiter .


Whllehous... .\ A , work oil

brIdKeWilliams. J C., coffins

Wlikllffe. Kobt.. expensea for

I prisimerii


Wade. R. C, work A teams .

'woner. Omar I., work on roadWIthrow. J. I., road bed...Adklns. Vurdy. blaeksmlthingAaderaon. Iilr.lle. reporting

Conith' .\shby. Hiili.Tt. t.-aiii w.irk,.

Mill iiltf. .leff. samelA.lkiiis. Vurdy, blurkauiltktas

;Hell. T. H.. work. l9Xt, .

' llrown. Pellx, work

IBrown. C. H.. same

lUarneii, (Jeu.. road drag . • • •

1 Blankeusbip. W. C, aarvleeaI aa Clerk'Same, Per Dtein

|rr.i».'. c \ liiiiili.'r

iCasebier, J. P., dynaiulte.,..i'ooinba, W. M., iHBlkor. . .


Chancellor. Adam, bolta

Campfield, (I. \V . lumker. . .


I Cobb a Rlrhurila, nalla

Icarden, Wilbur, ranlrtBgbridtt..

ri.irk W A .nulla

i I ii<. I .\ . vturk on J. dcUuriiaiii. s 1. , loam Ac. . .


Mum.' laiiilier

I Duk.'. K F , nalla

I liuke. iildhani work un ruadUurnull Waller. I'alnling brdgilKid»»o. Jno work oa raailltvau W .S . Com lt4iSaiiie. I'er L>leiu

Blr. irii II I' a Mupply Co.bluo plllll. 1»I7

Alberi. aallaTurn, laborHaatl, illU

H I, . r«>«d4 lied

TWkaanr K C 1 ..ui t .U ..

Ba'u*. t'vr Di.'u.

Ta>Uir Ii \N I*. I lo«"i

Tt'heaui v\iii o .ii. * i«awTayltM. M w .

Cult. J lU . .

WaNBM. Maf^la. mu,k aa fd

WU«*a. J W , kauilaaWeddtaS. ff


a. on3.008.00l.tltMS.««



1 0.0010.0020.6010.6087.6040.00'22.60


2.» 004 603.00

30.004a. 70.T.I '.'S


111. 00If. 00

:> 0007 5li

1 t 9676 03


r. ' 7


' 30.8238.107.76



I Kaalua.I tuulvy.



10. fill


10.̂ o16.5027.286.00



2.007..". I.







lit. 7 II





so. 004.Ml5.00

1 S (10

1 .",00

14. OU6.769.003.75S.OO






12.0027. .10











181.00> 6.90

s nu1 603.00

84.30Id. 10

4HIt SI|« .Ml

g Oil

I 4.^


168 M«.t«• •«

11«4 »•• »<t


Kiirmer. C H , work(list , MiiKh. wk on roadUabbart, K. K , sflnie

Hiaoa, Moao. saaia. ..\Harrltoa, Thos., nameHnfC Ollle, sn l ie

Hoover. 1.. s . n-iii

Hnrkrr * K. iider, coal ...Johnson. Itaiiiie. ri'i'av lirilK

Katlerjohn. F W., stone . . .

Laws, J. T.. Iiimherbench, I.. P.. nails

LIvermore, Hdw. Co dynamttoLake, H. C. Vork .........Loney. Emmitt, samoI.,each, 8. Com. ........Same. Per DfrmMl linary. T. K , IiMr. brdg . .

Vaitln. T C . wiirk on bdge. .

Miller, J. K , Imiilipr

May. 8. S., workMathowB, P. C, akarpoBlBS

graderi Murphy, W M., workIMileheii, J K.. hauling ....;Mldkllf, W P., services ....Martin. U, It,, workNi lson. .1. D.. sills

Ni'lsoii. .M H . siirveylUK . , .

I'aitoii Clarence, expenses . . .

;Pickerlll. Jeff, hauling

' Roach. Chester, lumber ....

I Renfrow, C. P.. An. haulingI Roberts, A. 7k}.. lumberRobertson. Homer, lumber.Itenfrow, F. & Co., dyuamltORi. lianlson. S. I, . work ....Itiic. K F . haiilliiK

Rice. U. F.. ComSame, Per Diem'Railey, C. K., work*Itanney, same .


Rogers, F. i: . Imse Ac......Soott. <). K w.iik

Sh.'lli. lil. A A., sills

Sharii. C. W , liiiiiln r

Smith, Wllliiir. liriilK'. w k. . . .

Smith. A. K., dynamite : . . .

Stewart. J. H., nalla

I Smith, Jno.. lumber,Swain. R. 1.. sharpening gdr.

; Smith, A. C.. dynamite ....' Smith, Wlns.m, Com' Same, Per DiemShown. Kd. Per. DiemSiiillh, J. I. . bdRP. work. . .

Wallace. C. P., building bdge.


White, Abe., road bodWilliams, J. D., material for

roadSame, blaeksmlthingiWhittaker, work ftc i.

Austin, I. F.. team, on road.*.

AddlnRton, Kay. inlls

Asklns, 1-. M., team Aic

Uaird. E. C water liui kel Acc


Beaver Dam Coal Co., -dy-

namiteBarrasa. E. O.. lumber ....

1 Benton. M. B.. repairing bdgeiRennett. H. R.. lumber ....Hlankenshlp. W. C, Senrlces,


us Clerk


Same. Per . MemReaver Dam PlaniliK .Mill Co.,

\ (illllK liooths

Sam.', bridgoHainett. A. M., repar. bdge.


ituughn. Otis, work on roadI Beaver Dam Brick Co., briek


batsIlrnwn, .1. S.. IuiuIlt .......

I, K. K , team work*;...' Heniii'lt . .Mont, labor '


(ii.seiiier. ,1 F.. dynamite...Same, s.imeSame. «»aiue

Chapman. J. A., work on rd.


Carter. J. M.. Ibr. Ac'Carson, U. S., dynamite'Ciahan & Smithm, bal.

In full

Chancellor. Adam, bolts

Diiki-. 10. F , nails

Dnlv.', 11. ().. lumber &c. . . .

D.'aii. W. S.. Copj. 6 da ....Sami'. Per UleuiPulkerson. 8. L , Com. t df .


Same, Per DiemPordsvllle Pig. Co., bolta Ac.Poreinan, K.I., work on bdge.Same. bldK. bridge(iillespie iiros., blackamlthingSame, bolts

(list. IIUKh, team and labpr. .

Uilliam, Lon., teamHub Clothing Co,, Mdi*. A.House

Hocker & Heiider, I'oul

Hoover. Clifton, wurk 011 road

lliin>phrey. W 11 . sanu- ..*?

lloi Uer, Sci.ilo. lililK bilne .

Jlowaril. W. F., labor Ac teamsMi. U. y. T 1. . sills AcHoward. K. M., laborHarder, Irvln, aamaHardlster. Tom, haallngHaynes, Waldon. team, labor

Haynes. Allison, work on roadHarl. J arre.sllng H.

KiowiiHart lord l!i |uiMii an. iiriiiliiiK

lloaglund. Deunit;. hauling Ibr

I Her. W. Q., UroryI Her. J, C Mdae. Co. Jail. .


jJaaies. Clarence, powder A«• Johnson, teams A:C

Katlerjohn. F W, Con. Co..

] ston.'


Kell.'V. C .\ .luiiibi'r

Kiowll. S I) , servit-.'s sh. iiff

K.'lliy At Foreman, lumber.King. J- U.. sameKirk. A. D.. Office roat

iLogadon, J. N.. labor Ae. .


I Leach, Oeo., laborLrftaey, Bmmiit. teaai work.Leach, 8. w . Com, tda.SnniP, Per Dii iii

MMrtlii. W K . t. aiii work. .

|Saiin'. . iilive) IIIK Com'rIMaiiii.'x. w II .

laiior oa roadMuffeit, Joliii. lumberMiller. Luth. r. silU

'Martin, A 1. labor on roadiMooeley. .N W. lumber...


Mupleii. Frank, silln

lorr, Ollle. work on road

,I'ait.iii. Clurenee, lumber...Palloii I 1. .

labor AcI

Porter. I. I. . »llls AeI

Hame, labor Ac

IPirlU, Jamea. ruckRalph. II W . luaiharRug»r». Tom., laborItobvruun. p. A., lamher . . .


Row A H . blaeksaitibui. hHrd>on. W. v.. wpairtas

111 iiigd

(•aai work .


iMua wk. • id..


. Com. I da. ...memM liiMiber

T i.iiii.liiiK i..ia<'

* \S > .ik.'i l.irU




Fi Kii .. V.

Rl> ». K I.


Hte«. M. rSaoM. PerHuburti. AUu.M'll V


EnaU r J W ...^i

Haaa, J M «>*i^ "uMkli. lUrl.

bOs*taaai A klkaf


•aitib. Wiaaua, l*ofli Idaaw*. P«r iMiPiii

•kalu. l.aik«i !•



7 00'I'.

Ill T I

2 2011



12 no6.004 .".0






118. :!0

19 747.506.266.006.00

16.003.00S . ,1 n

4 2.7.-.





6.0 )

6.0041.0016. ()0


7.201 Il.liti

III 007.011








• 4. on

3.752. .50


la.TlIS 18S.OO


821 275.4U9.50












4N2 9.1

107 6929S 70135.88li.»4••.•078 221:! r.o

7 0016.009.00


SI.OO16.163 005 25





' 6.41

• oa7.6a7,6d

6 411

I J 11.


IS » •

U v«4 Ik

II }i



Swain. C. M., Acrt. to date.. 3.60

St. Clair. H, A., work oa road 74.71Sekroader, M. C, work ob rd. 8.60Swain, P. A., nallli 1.15

Smith, flherman. lumber ... loooSllmson .1 V ft Co., lumber 19. «9.smiih I II .ill''. Serrices, Alms

Hon-.' ke.-i.'r IS.^I 12Stiniiif. W A. Itii.^rest . . . :!7fi:t4

Shown. Kd. Per Diem 9.00Thomas Bros,, handlea Ac. I.80Taul, Clarence, hanllBC 6,60Trogden. flbelby. labor 19.26Taylor Albprt, labor 7.88Thomas Bros., nails ftp.... "..75

Taylor. \ es , sills .'..00

Taylor. II W, f^WU ftc .... Hi. 20Same, Com .". da LI. 00Same. Per Diem 9.00Taylor. BattI, team work ... 8.76Taylor, L. J., lumber 14.00Tichenor, R. C, Com, 1 da . . 3.00Same. Per Diem 9.00WeddlnK. T. N.. labor 1.50Waile. C. N., blasting rO«k. . . 9.T,it

Williams, C. P., .sills 1.50Whittaker, .Jesse, haiiling Ibr. 2.50White. Abe, labor ftc 6.00Westerfleld, Bart, repairing

bridge * 6.60Wilaon, C. A., iBBibar 26.00Wedding. J. W.. work with

.team 10.50W.'diiinK Alphiils, same 3. HoWerlciinK. .1. W.. lumlier Air. 16.30Wlikerson (l.MirRe. hauling &a 10.00Austin, Hcber, same 4.U0Same, same I;00


Allen, John, team 4,00IActon Bros., chairs 16.76Same. Jail 1SL60lAdkliis, Virdy. blneksmlth . . 7,10Hlanl>..nshlii, W. C. hinil-er l."..iiii

IS. me. SiMvic.s ( lerk IJrt ;iii

Same. I'er Diem fi onliarnard, J, T., lumber 16 12Drown, ' eorge labm*.. .. 83.36Boxarth. Ira, lumber 2.24Beaver Dam Briok Co., bats 4.30Butler, .Mrs. T. E.. team Ac. . C 00Haljie, Ellis. bullriinR l^vee. . 25.00^Henton. Roy. lirlilRi' .',000

jllennett. '.v. P.. axel (jreiie. . 6 45! liei.'i. tf , W. C. same 1 55lluir.l. D.. S c, servit'M.. -1" r.'i

iChl.K, Ambie- workonro«i .151/

Cbinn. Wilbur, same 1.4 )

Chick, Raymond, namo .... 8.67Carson, John, aama S 38Chiiin, Dep. same 3 00Chl.K, Will, team wprk 2.00chliin. .\rlhiir. same 17Coolier. W. C.. riial 6. on

Crowder. E. C, team ft labor 3.5o

Craig, C. A., same 7..'iii

Caaebier, J. F., dynamite Ao 14.7 5

Dexter, Otha, conveyiagGrand Jury 2.00

Duke, H. O.. team 7,00Duff, Ollle. team 6.00

Dow-pll. Riifus. lumber 51.05Dean. W. S.. Com. :i da ... 9.00Same. Per Ulem 6.00

Duke, J, A., repaira imiElectric Blue Print Co., paper 5.45

Pord. J. W., repairing bdge. 33.62Pinn. S. P., same 8.00Parmer, Dnve, lumber Ae. . . . M.66

I Fulkerson. .s. L., Com. Ae. . . I.So' Same. Per Diem


1.00!(iray. w H. hauling ...... 4.00Same, same 2.00

iClist. Hugh, team &c 21.00Uilliam. W. H.. work on road 29.25Qillaapie Broa.. blackamith.. I.80Glenn. J. 8., house rant... 16.ooHodges. J. T.. labor 3.32Hunter. S. ( ., l opalring bdge 7. .10

HInton. Ci. H . powder .i.oo

Huff. C. 1... liiMilier 2.25

Hoov.'r. 1.. S \- Son, Coffin. . S imHartford .Mill Co .

grate back .7,''i

Hocker ft Render, coal . . . 2. SOHarrison, C, Q., labor 9.00Havens, Arthur, same....... 4.60Holbrook, Rowan, expesM OB

flag pole . 8.00

Her. R. K.. medicine 1.65

Jackson. R., S.. hauling .... 4. 00King M. D.. conveying G. Jury 2.00

King. J. E.. hauling 1.50

Leach, Ueo.. work on road. . . 16.75Leach, S. W., committeo .... t.OO

Same, Per Diem 6.00

Leach. Chester F.; labor 4.50

Monroe, \'. same it. 6


1Martin, W. K . same 6.00

'Moaeley. K. K.. nails 2. 7


Martin, R. H . land for road 50.00Mvers,, work on road 15.00

MidkKf W. P., services Jailer, 66.95Ohio Co. Drag Co., aokool

hooka 11,10'Same, drugs 11.84.

^Same, atationery 8.60Patton, Clnreaoa, lumbor . . 35.00

Park. Dr. A. D., Vtalta OookI

childn-n 5.00

IRogers. K E.. engineer .... 16.00

Same, team 8.00Robinson. Homer, lumber . . . 19I.00Rogers, G. E.. telephono 4.70

Rice. B. P . Coinmittoa. . . . 9.00Same, Per Diem 6.00Rogers, Tom. labor....... 15.57Rog.'rs, Tuell. labor 2.50Stevens. S 1... team 4.00Sleven-. Olis. s.ui... 4.00Smitb. Winson. Comuiltlee. 9.00

Same. Per Diem 6.00Shown. Bmest. lumber .... 11.20Smith. Bari, team 31 5o

Smith. John, lumber i.'> 00Sutton. John, coal 26 fi."

Shown. Kd . I'.'r Di.'iii 6 no

Smith. Charlie, sirvices keeper 152. 6.'.

Scott. Jno. T.. caring tor C.children It.Oo

Taylor. Henry. kaaUac .... 4.00

Same, same 3.00Tate. .M . M., labor 14. ouTavliir, P L.. laaSI 100ia>i..i . J. w,. Hiakif. ILOlSani... team 6.76Thonia» llr.x u\.'U ftc . . . 10.33Taylor, Thomas, tuaiu 7.00

nekeaor, Doward. haaUat • 7.3o

'.ichenor. R. C, Per DIom . . , l.ouTaylor. » w , same 6 o.i

"Taylor, Courtland, wop-k , . 4 60VIck. Al. X work 00 briii,<e BooV i.ile. Cin -I. r 1 i'",

WhltllUKblll, 11 O , le-in »tc 29 10

Williams, J. D. A Son. black-smith 4.SR

WHaoa. Jan. B.. repairs . . dd.oogame, aspeuiee .. ..... I.SlAndvraon. lilrdi*. rfport in ;

evldvui'i* . . . , 4k N'*'

Peep-MalMi ruagba thai resist or

lliiai. r<io,>'i r«.|ulrt) b it li vtivrual

.u.t liii.' ii.uiiii.iii II wiu buy

4 dolUi boliu- I'l H.ilUi.l -. Iloiv

bwaad dyrap yon set ihe teu i> ii.»

dkM vMi aoad tor ifea plia »f 'i»

Tkoee Ii •

l.aih«i I'l... I I


The Dp Laval Is the

most efficient means of

oparatiat amm from

milk. It is efflclent be-

cause 49 yoBfa of aepar-

ntor bBitdiat taporlaaaa

has hrotight the best con-

struction In every detail.

That's wky tfee Da Laval

skinis so close, turns ao

easy and lasts so long.

Tkera ara mora Da Laval

separators in use than

all other makes combin-

ed. Make It aa X-nasinesetit. One that your

wKe will enjoy twice a

day. OTery day la the

year, and It will pay for

itself every year you asa

it. Ask us about It.

J. D. Williams O SonsBeaver Dam, Kft


»»»»»A 0»da»MdMdM»dd»Mdd»»»»Wddd»M»


Prob.nMy there i ; noothcr car every dayin the year incets tlio demand of the physicianas does the Ford Coupe, •v>\th its permanenttopj its broad seat and deep upholstering, its

sliding plate glass windows, bywhich ina minutethe car is changed from a closed car to an opencar. Equipped with an electric starting andlighting system, dcmountaWe rini3 with 3jj

inch tires all around and ciiiho.lyit-.j all tl;:

established' merits and economies ot the ForJcar. Let us look after your Ford and youv-ill get genuine Ford parts and skilled worfe-


. P.

Beam Daa. Kr-




tl n»l iho Siomachsand^^"


A helpful l^m| «|^|;|;^,,


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Mothers Know That

fimiM Cittirii


Beats the





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Thirty Years

rail III! Thf Hartfiuil I{i'|>iihli


(ContlaaMI from gAvrntli Pm*->

liiiiiliflr ....I' . lumber . .


\^ . v.. Per Dl«mronvejrtng road





lllii . 30.14I., holding In-

VcT Dtsin ....I iialring bdg«.

fur .1



Sftmr. sninp .

Ba}tw>ll. WinBarrel nn. .V


CurflH. .1 I-;


Klli«i . r I.

.'miKh', r 1.


Saiii''. Trr Oiriuli'oni, Sht ll^j, irii'im &rGnriiii. W T . sill]" . .

Ii«rlf(r<1 MrrHld, 'I'v

Hak notlilng Co .~<

Hamc, Mdxe. AIni'- li""

HarvU. \V. O.. imikiiiK

< ll I » crl

Kpovvii, S ().. sorviirs

NeaJ. Will. haulliiK

RobtirtKon, 1>. A., lumber. . . .

Rtot, B. r.. Pot DlamSfeowa, riajrton, Inmbar. .


SnUon. .Ino.. roni

Spenrpr. C. .M.. hauling, t..ShnuD. l-il . fi r Ulem.Smith. Wiiisdti. Pfir Diem...Tavltir. U. W.. Per Diem ...Tich'-nor. It. ('., I'nr hu'in . . ,

Wrixht. Ube. repairing graderWlUiama, J. C, coffinBrowdar, W. W., farm Agt.


BIrction (>rH<<TN, AagaatClark. J. I.. Eloction-ottiow.


Ko.>!ti'r. J. W.. 8anieMil."-, J. H.. same.Af;i (ill's. Enrl. »nmpl.uTiKl'nril. W. I., .j uiie

Keuwn, N. H., sameRaanay. C. W.. aaemLaagforrt. Brerett. aame ....FrymJrR. T. B.. tame

, saino ..*....samo

II.. same ^

. .sum I'

. H . same ....., Hanie

4. SO15.903.2!i


Nil nil*



Geary. V.MHJer. Ji)<\

AIcUmiiI. I. .1.

1U1l\v. (" KTh«)ni|)si)n, t'

liatler. W. WUiea,' Everett, santa . .


Satltli. Ellia, aamo ....Raid, D. H., aameRender. L. H., same ...Barnps, K. 11.. saiiu* ....KnroiuHKf. II. H.. saiii)> . .

Wlin.ini.x. .1. I>.. N.uiio . .

Barofs. K. II.. sanii- . . .

ThoBias, VV. v., same . .


Sncll. S. U.. aameAaatln. J. A., aame ....Render, K. P., Hamc . .


Smith, A. .M., name ....Reader. 8. H . .<.ame#. . . .

Boyd, T. U.. same -. . . .

Ho4 k('r. Sdoto. same . .

Ui.~<hi>;i, (). .M.'. same . . .

Addingtun, \V. M., name .

Vtaaea, A. L.. kame . .


nil), J. C. aam*Barnanl. H. O., aamC . . .

Tru:ii:in. L. W, aame...Vni Will

. '^^nmi-

Mill. r. ^\ H . ^iuiif ....Miller. ('. K . came ....Utsey, June, Same ....(JOveK, J. I'., nameXaovn. ^fi. T., aame . .


MlJJer. R. I., aameMeKtnley. Q. O., same . .


Vada. W. t... aame . .


Hajroeg. J. C. same ....PhillipH. W. 11., same .


Grajui. A. U., same ....Tijw. .'/.*.

. 'ftufu^. same ....XV.^^ninnhlll C. T., samePettj. Uacar, aame ....PauuraoD. M. 8., aame .


Tramau. B. W.,•vnM%, M. B.,WMx. H. T.,

Blair. W. P..

Jtagiin. o. ('., aame . .


Bol.'iroiik. .1. O., lamo .


Hadson, ('. I)., aame .


iutlMt, D. B., aame .


Havai-d, Ira, same . . .

Shtiv. n, Hosea. RAme<.,


AKK'nriey. Chua.. aan*.W.;iT];i'ii.'v Rnftis, name, .

TTbarlct. L. R., parae ,

(>v.rn. ltd.v.. .-^.ime . , .

Ki ' !in, W. M . same . .

Xiiiinivll, I., A^'same . .

Barnard. W. P.Bverly. C. B.,

Cbnncellor, Wm.. aame. . .


Mali. J. N.. Election ottloer.Undley. N'at. HauieTittloT, I. »

. s.imaluauH, S. R., .umeBr.tvfrow, .\. !< . samu ....Rt i:;<1'l . -Sain, ^.iiiie

Shiilt/. .1. T . xrime

Ckiier, C. C, sameI>attoa, J. L., aaaaaKa>Btond, J. A., aana ....Ci>-*r, J. A., lamaOu n, i{. A., lawaS4'>>it. () fa:., saiuo

I m il. T. \\'., sameTavlur. 11 U.. aamo8)i<:pli«rr!, J. J., aume . . .


Miliir. Virgil, aamaBardatte, 0. If., aaaaa ....Mayara, H. W., aamaHMkitf, s. c . aama ....Byera, J. It., .sameStrattun, K. J., aame ....UowelT, O. B.. aamaJiini's, Ii'a, .^ameIah.!-) . I,. I!., sameKtcuart, John, aamaPark. IX M.HcParlaad. L.Moor«, J. .M.,

Rannt'v, Uny.«:huii I' V \i !•

80i:i !. u il. .1 i:

Bli'tlliiu oriix rs NoveiiilMT,

Comk.s, Leslie Klectlon oftlctsr

Vauwii, t.\ F*., aameBaraard, 13. P.

Kllia. 8. H.. aaoMRilty. 8. r.

Thauaa, J. H.,

Barnett, S. T.. same .


llartla. Oito ('. .same .

Shou n. (' H., same . .

I! 1 J .1 .\ S|i "IH ....

Iluuiplkrey, W. H., aamafarka, W. Q.. aama . . .

Westerftrld. J. O.RaafTow. W. V.Mltckeii, J. &,Waller. Late,Wvatvrfield, J. C.

Taul. W. A., aama .


UKonkn. .V C, aama .

]dt>.'ltiy. 1'. W., aama '.

siivkarta Del mar, aamalUv»a, C. D.Bkielda. Warraa.Taylor, Bbermaa. aai

Taylor, .N' Mtvum, II A

iium. I) Mll.mielt. \V I

WaiMlburu, U

uaama .

same .


Hoatek. J. I., aama . .


Maddox, D. L.. aama .


Mnplpi*. 9 O . ^'\vn^' . , .

Clark, J. I , same ...

.v.ilox, J. H., same , , .

Hunter, S. C, aame . ,


Stewart, J. H., aama .


Drake. Virgil, aama .


Langford, Willie, aameKeiinii. N. H.. snme . . .

JlooviT. W. H , siinii- . .

Krt yinli e. T II.. .^ame .

Mlllrr. .Ii)"\ saiiie . . .

W.iiki I . Jat k. same , .

.•ni\Ml.>r. H. T.. nameP.iiins. K. H. taiie . .


Lllea, Braratt. aama .

Monroe. J. B. aama .

Miiith, Ellla, Mr.ii>

Reid, D. B., aame . .

HeMfler. I.uther. ^;iiur

' Miller. .Mien, saiiiv . .

llarneH, K. 11.. same .

,Wllliama, J. D., aama .

Cook, W. R., aame .

Thomaa, W. P.. aama .


Mocker, I,. W., aame .

' Rogern, E. P ,

! Smith. A. M.TIcheiior, S J

K-nil r. S II .

llriTWii. W K . siiiiie . .

(,illi)'va\ . w K . same .

Ill>hi>p. ( > .M.. same . . . .

I 'ii\. I >(

' . snmeKrancH, A. same . . . .

Maddux, W. P., aama . .


Barnard. H. 0.. aama .


Milter, C. B., aame . . .


Rohy. J. W., aama . . .


MllliT. Wni.. same ...

Ilrowii. S.inilforil. sameI.ilsey. .luiie. sameKeown. (i. W , aame . . .

Walker. I)., sameRoberta, J. H., aama .


Harriaon, J. B., aama .

MrKlnley, F. T., aama .

I'hilllps. W II., aame .

Itli.'i.iW. f. It . sa-ne . .


\'il ~iili. .1 irk .- nil" . . . .

Ki-eiie. W .('

. saiuo . . .

Pell V, O'-i ar. "ame . . . .

OiiCf. I) \V . same . . ,


Pttterwn, M. S., aame .

Hoover, J. R., aama .


t.'V.y. II. T. si.nie . . .


White. N. n . ame . . .

Magnn, (). ('.. same. . . .

HIair. Waller. s:inn- . . . .

Holhi'ui:.. J 1/ . iti'.lua . . •'. I> . same . .


Hnrtli tl, I). U., aamn . ,


Howard, Ira, aamePunk, J. R.. aame . \ .,

Shown, Hosea, aama . .


Rufua. tkm4


18.001 nr.

(i IM<

9. inS.O.'i






400.001917. 002.003.953.862.002.002.808.808.002.002.8C2.802.002.00


3.003.1)0 I

Willlama2.002.00:! 1.-,

:i 1.'.



3.908.902. JO2.0 0


6.SC5.2U2.0U2.00.1 so6.602 I'O



2.008.00n.4o:!.40 902.002.004.404.402.00S.OO4.604,B0


3.802.002 OUCOO«.00S.OO2.00r> 406.402.002.002.808.80S.OOS.OO3.50:;.."io

L' Ml00



3 «02.0 it

2 iiO

4 404.408.00S.098.I*I.OO1,001.004.604.502.002 004.U0


Owen. Itov. s;'mp . . ,

Heflin. W M . same . . ,

rarnei . T. I-'., s imo .

Kliiuii-l. h. A., same .

.Morris. C. P., swue .


KulkeraoD, Alvia, aama'Wood. J. H.. aame .


Miulley. Nat. aame .

.\.iii. J .N . aame'I'aylor. T II . -<ame . . .

.'aiiii's. S It . .anil" . .

ll"iifriiw, .\. II., same .

Ttinnias. .1. W.. same .


Carter, C. C aama^. . .


Boawell, T. 8Owen. R. A.,

Raymoml. J

Harder. ( I

(Ireer. .1 \ .

Scott. O. K..

Menni !l. T Wl a.s-hier. W

BlactioB offleer.v.. aama. samesame:.aiiie

. sameA . samesimeTaylor, H. H.

Hurdatt, O. M., aamaMilter, Virgfl, aameMIdkiT, 'irinf .same

Huynes. .Mli^on, samaByi-rs. J. It . sameHow.-!l. (). II.. sameArnold. C. W.. sameAlford. P. H.. samePark, U. M., aameStewart, John, aamaLoney, 1/ B., aameMrFarland. L. M.. sama.Moore. J. M., sameKinley, Kti.. samePh'pps. (J. M.. same .

S.iMlh i:(l. J i>. sameList of claima aliovratf

lilnv. iug on road, 1917.• Auatin, Albert, t day* work

, on road .».••»•,.•..yozarth. Clayton. Hi,Barnard, K P.. 7,

Barnard. Ceell sameBennett. Hen II .1. same,niack. .\ W.. I. same . .

lilark. K(l, 1. sameKlack. Frank. 1. samu . .

Coppage, Wlllla, 1, tama .

Same. 1. aameCollins. Mabe. I, same .

CiimiiiinKS. Jim, 1, sameCaiii|i)iell Waiter, 1, aameChinn, T. H., 3H. aame. .


Sain.', t'oal . . .


2. (HI

J on4,004.0U8.008 on4 4r4 402.002 004 404.40S.OO2.008.9r.

:! II 'i

;' Oil

2 II I

•j ^ ' I

2 Sit

2 002 Or2.>St>

.8.808,008.008.003 002 oo2.00:;.15

3.1 r,

2 002.008,808,801,008,90••.SOs.soS.OO2.0O6.206.202.002,006.BO6,602.002.0U« 6!)


3 'Ji ,

3.902.002.003.403.402 Oil

1 003.SII

2.002,003.903.902 no2 004 !

4.402.002 liO

4.504.602.002 003. SO.!.8.)

2.002 Ok6.006.002 no2 O'l

6.406.402.002.002.802. .SO


2 on3..^'|

3.5"2.002 t''»


VV«. )len, OoodeV 1, same . .

Womark. Roaeoe, 1, aame.IVhltnman, Wm., 6, aame, .

York. R W.. 4, aame...flanip. 4 bdge. ailta

M. L., da. work on

plow .


3 da. wk wttiC

, aame . .

; . san^e . .

2. .same3. samo.sima .


, aama . ,


1, aauia

, 4. aam»i4, saiim ,

'. 1, SMI.l.

6. saaie .

, same, etc.


Duval I,

road .....Same, repairaDphn«jy. L.. P..

teamDavlH, ll'iiii ri.

Danl I. .1 U .


Daniel. Jaiii.>,

DOMll I. .'• -SI-,

ii.M'ii I l.ii.v, :!

I>uvall, Mose, I

tlUlH. ». K . 2, aamaForeman, Roy. IVfc.aamo

<: iir J4m*a, M,tlrlffin, J kn.


8ai.ia, 1. "-a.),!:

Hork(>r, .• A.

II..W Ull. I .\

.Inii.l .oil. .>.li<

l-.M,Wll S. () .

KiiiR. Krton, 3


Laakbrooka, Rutua, 8, aama.Malta. N, A., %. same.Moore, Energy, 1, aaaie . . . .

Moore, J. M., 1, aama ....! Miller, Charlie, 2%'Murphy. A.. 7, saiiie, . . .

Maples, Frank , 3, aameMliter, Luther, .'I, aameMlatoa, Loaay. 8, aama ,

May, Van, 8, aama ....Milburn. J R . 4. aam*Nail, J F.. i^i. sama ..

Piekerell, I.. J , ^ dajT.

Pirlle. Henry, 1. aama. .

Itoach, X'eola. 3, sameRoach, Chester. Vfc , Baiiia

Roader, J. W., 4, aama .

Rock, Skalbjr, 1^. lamaRkoada, B. B., 8)4. aamaRuaaall, Barrett, 6,

mitb. J. P., 8

flmlth. Irvio. 5, same

4.002 00

8.008.008 002.002. -10




2.001 60

6.002 00



a••. I I

8.666. orou

r- OA8.0MS 00


Slutlb. C, 4,

Siiavi r. J 'I'

S' .uul. 1)

Tally. F W.,X'uyiea, 1., V.

same ....2. same

I . 2. sunn-

1 Vk , same, 2, aame.


-; 00.'


4.S04.001 502 oi:


12 on4.00

10.008.004 004 OU3.004.60


Raird, J. A.. 1, dafa irorkwi'h I '. I S 00

hoiiii. II .\ . IH, aame, . , , 4.6o'.Saiii" J. same 2 0'!'

I i\:\\Ti<. c N . aema 4 ooiienn.'tl. I.. P., 2Vfc, S teams 10.00Caateei, H. .M., 3 dajra work

with team 6.00C trMm, W.^. 1, aama S 00I) .iinpy. Lnther, H> >ani . .

,* 1.00II i.ikI mil. ,1 T. 2. aame.... 4.00iio^Ki.nii. \v p. 8 aama 7.0011 ni> i: K.I. salt e 2.00;i;,mI- II . I . same 2.00lohn^oM, C W . 0. sacm. . . . 12.00Hame, 1. same. 2 teama 4.00.fame, for aills ' S.40Uadlajr. H, H„ 8 dajra witb

6 koraea IS.00Rowan, A. .\ . 1 'i. sami". . . . 3 OoHtarena. It it . l'^;. saoie. . . 3 ooStratlon. T Wnde. 1

'.f, , same 3 00.-^i.'i . ns, W F , 2, snme .... 4 ooll'isley, II (i . 2. same .... 4.00Ward. Itirhanl. 3, same. . . . 6.00Same. 1. same 2.00Whittaker. Jeaaee. 7, aama. 14.0»'

Wallace. H. C 1%. sama. .. 3.00Whittaker. c. c

. r.. sama. .. 10.^0

.Hiilpliur SprlBlPk

Aldridge, Jeff, 1 ^ . aama. . . . 8.00Bean. W. P., 3, aama 6.00Bartlett, A., 1, aame S,0(<

Baker Bros., 3 aame -8.00Brown. Fi'llx. IH, aame... 3.00Ileniii'it. .1 v.. 6. s.-ime - 12.r>o

ilallHr'il, .laiiM's, ><., , aame. . . . l.ool)i>/arth. Ir... 2. aama 4.00Same, 1 1.| . .laiiie 2.2.~>

Baxtey, C. C, 1, same 2.00Rerry, W. K . 1. same S.OOBaker, Byron, 2, aama 3.00Baker. Tarvtn, 4.*ame 4le. . . 13.00Baker, W. K . 14. same l.o,>

Same, 1, smui' 2. onSame. 3 . 2 t"'ams 14 00ItakiT, Th e, 1,' 2.0oCuots. Palestine, 1 same.... 2.00Cox. Earl. 1'-. aama 3.00Dever, M, U . 2..santa 4.00Dever, Wayne, 2 4, aama... 6.0 1

Dod'on. J. n,. 1 H. snma. ... 3 <*e

Duke. It A . i , saioMa... . 3 00Duke. II () . 4. 'aiu.i. 8.00Duke. K l> . :;. same 6 00Duke, K l> . 3 daya withteam on road 6.00

Foreman. J. U., a, aame 10.00{

Flener, Burkey. 1. BBine..., 2,00Ftener. Buck, bridge sUla... - 3,ni»

riKner. B., 1. aame 2. 00Kerjrusou. V. R., t%, aama. . 1:: <>i.

i'lMiii. .s. P., 4^, aame !• 01,

I!.. , l',4. same 2 2'i

<;alibert. E. F., 9, same is 0.1

tioiUey. James, 6, aame.... 12.00Uist. Hugh. 3, same 6.0AMnyes. L. T., Va, aam^.... 1.00Hunt, J. I,., m. aame 2.25HInton. Will, IH, aama-... 3 00Johnson. Wilburn. 1. snina.^. 2 00Same, 'j .sameKinc. J P. . s.iiiii' (1 00!, '!!.

. \V 1; . I , saaii' ... 2 oi'

!.,ee. Itobi rl K.. 5 V» . same ice 11. oy.Magan, Clyde. 4. 1 team... . 8 OO.Miller, A. B., 2, aame 4.00Sama. 1*%. aame C 00Mnrphy. W. M.. S. aama 4.00Madeii. Karl, t '« si me.. . oii

.MUrhi'lI. .1 I!. IT. sumo.... 31 00

.Mltehell. John. .*i. same In 00

.Mitchell, J E . 12. aam,'. ... 24 00Pollard. iUiruii. 2. s.itne. . . :> OUPat 1,111. James, 2. sa' .e . . . . 9.00Pierre. W. Vl.. 2H, aame 6.S»Renfrow, Cland, 2M, aame. . 6.00Renfrow, W. H.. 2, aama. . . . 4.00SI, Clair. H A.. 3^, aama. . .

' .' ooSt. Clair, liny. 7. aama.... 14 t'O

.^plnks. C. W.. 5. aame 10.0't

Turiihain. Tom. 6. same..,. 12.'l'l

Taylor. It I... 2. same 4.00|"iini^ .\ T . '.J ,

same .75Whiti'. (• W . I '-J. same. IH16 2.26


Kaitbiit. II I.., 6<i., same... 13.00liaiihitt. s. F., 3, aame.... 6,00Same. IV*. aame 3.00Callaway, A. L.. 2. aama 4.00Coppage. J. M.. 3H, 3 taama 14.00Evans. Mr^ Elton. 3. aame. . . 6.00EdRi . J s . t. same * aailt. . 3.25


KlilKe. I.OU, I. aame 1.50Fuqua. It. II.. 2, same 4.00Fat luer. J. W.. 4. same 8.O0HendrlX. C. F ,

.">. same 10.00Melton, J. T.. 2. same 4.00Hagan, Celatain. 2, aame. . . . 4.00Helton. Tom, I, aame>.... 1.60Johnson. Harnii'. I.saivie, Ac. 4.00JohiL-ioM. ciia- , same.. T.ool.aiiham, ..Mi'A, I. same 2 OoSan^c. :!. same li 00


,'saiiie. 1 . s iioe 3.00I.aiiham. .Voali, 2. same 4.00I..oiiey, Emuiitt, 2, aame... 4.00Lewallrn. Alex, 1 H • aama. . . 3.00Millar, Nolan, 8 aama 4.0«Millar, Lee. ft. same 12. onMiller, Thi» . «, same 12. iM)

Mlilklff, (;•(., 1*4, saem... .! ,".0

MiiKaii. ,1 (•, same 10 00

MiilKiff. I>. I)., .'i. same.... 10 00M i-. li-v. N. W., 1V4, aame, . . :r.oo

.Mu.seley. B. K., 2, aame 4,00t>Iii.seUy. N, 4, aime.... K.OuMiller, Thoa., 3 aaaM 7>00Miller. I. e. 6, aama XO.OONeiahiiin.-.. w. W., 4H dajra

with Irani 9.-00

S.uni , 4 ' . -ami' . . 9.00Italpti K W.. 4. same 8.OO^;l|'Vl'lls. .\!r^ .Maud, IVi aama 3 ooSame. 4':>. same !>.0o

Smith, Birt, 2H, aama 6.OO,

Taal. C. D., 2H. aama .. 6.0UWhtrehouse. Oiilre, 8, aame 4 00Wright. .Mrs. .Met ,. 3. aame . . 6. 01

Weddlag. c. V., 6, aama>.. 10,00WrlBht, J. W 10.00

CrpwwaU.Amoa. A. B., 6. aama.i. . . . . 12 00.11 :.. .i I. . I. same 2 »oHoller. Jim. 1 . ..aoie 2 00Uurnard. It I . V, same 12.00Black. J. H., 6. same 18.60Coleman, Sheriuau. 1 Vik, aama 8,00Crowdar, Bsra. 4^, aaaio. . «.76Itattcharty, Geo.^SVk. aaaM. . 1.00Havaa, J. N . 2^. aamo.... t.OOHaraa, Arthur. 1. sama... 8.00Haycraft. o<lie, 1, aame 2.00Herulil. Searey, 2, aama.... 4.0UJai'ksoii. K W . 24. aame. . . 5.00Ueach, Harlan It., 1, .same, . . 8.00Leach. Jake, 1, Httnie S.OOtcDaaial, O. &. 1%. aaaw. . . 1.00Peak, Bam, 4, aama 8.00Porter F I) . 3. same 6.00Itarreity. F H I 4, aame. . . 3 00UiiKers. K K . 2 . HUtna. ... ''> 01

Shields. Wai reu, 4. saOM. . . >^ »<

Stevens, J. T.. 3, same H.tiu

Taylor, H, C.. 3. saiue. . . . 6.00

Taylor, C, M,. S. aame 4.00

Trout, R. B., 6, aaiM... ... 10.00

Taylor. P. L.. O^.aaaM *«. . 18 71

Ft J, W«» Ot lUiOa • • • • M.M

Why Should You Own a ^

Stanciardized Wabm* Wagcm?SoM in dM Soatkhml ataea 1848


It will longer than the old-slyle 60-inch wagon; . •'

It will i un tnore smoothly than the oid-atyle wide-track wagon;

It Will help maintain thn uniform 56-incb rut# made by the automobile;^

It aave automobilr tiresi. and reiliKW reiMir billa on both wagon and Mloi

it allows the whfela to follow road conditiona without any twiating atniiii;

It haa th«; heat ronatrurtt-d front gear ever put on a wagon:It will idTi'ifv > iMi as jiioRie'sivf iarnier,

_ j 1 s_The 60-inch wagon lius been out of date since all motor vehiclea wera made onljr la

56*tedi track; .


for ymoi' niMMy whaa youAnd—moat important of all— you get aMM fwl ymtum tor youC' niMMgr wiwa you

buy • fiftb.wlMel> awiyel^chicoupling ati^ndMdtead, a«le4radtWdbw waffon than hi

lha purchaae of any other w-ik"" ^'i' market

Tha.ncrt tima you happen to be in to'


dvop. ua and lat'a have a little wagon


mr sfMinirR-i "taf*-'; "a^'f vnoi'iKD im ">6" Ai^ro irack wagon


Brown. C^rl. 1, aamaMrown. Newt. 4. samellrowM, Otis. l'^. aame..,.Ileuloo. Iti>y. sameItrowii, C. N.. 2, aameIll iiyinaa, A. C. 2. anmeSame, 100 tL lumberBerryman. J. N., 8 daya witkteam >

CHiopfleld. Jess. 4 H . aame. .

Cox. 1. 'r , 2. sameI >uvi'ii|(iirl . U V . 2. 2 '.'iims

liavi'Mpiiri 1.. St, r, I'-,;. 1 teamI ).,Mlil>iirl . K V . I. suiiu!...

l>orti-h. HaiviT 2. same....Hllluti. liriiii. 0, aameKllioti, Clark, 1, aamaBiliott. DoociaaO) aama . .


Kul«ht, J. T. Jr.. l\k. suaeLae, C. it.. ::, aameI.eBrh. .1 \.. :t. same ,

Maxi>. Jill'. 1, saiueMutlilox, S. W , 2 aame. . .

ShultM, Joe. Z, aamaShuitz, Stun, 3, aameaicOn, Jake, 2. aamaSmith, Logan, 3, aaamTaylor, Raymond, 4, aama. .


Taylor. C. W. 3, aame....Taylor, J. C . sameTa> lor. K. 11 . 2, sameTaytr>r, H, I.,., u, aameSame. 2. aamoTaylor. H. A., 8, aamaTaylor, N. M., S, aama....Woonek. Cat, 8 daya arlth

NuffCft Raalt|NMF6 KawBrows, Ailedore, 2, aama...Carter. J.-irkson. 2, aama...FrHiM.'. w s.. :;, KameM.iiii'...' \v s., 1. Hame. . .


.Madiiox. .\. t... 2. same...Noiiiii ItiK'kpurt No. 7.

;(>v,'rlon, \T. ('.. 2. xame. .

Shull. \V, D.. 4. same... I.

Taylor. A. W.. 2. saiee.. .

Williams. B: 4. same. . .

Y«nts, it. A.. 5. .sameBroirn, P. C, m, aama...Brown, N. A., S, aaiaaBrown, C. H.. 1, aamaSame, lumber .<....lirowii, C. P .

:!>', (lays withteam

Chinn. T K . :[. .sameCox, L, T., I. sameClark. J. 1,, 2, uameUprtch, MSA., 8, aamaKey, A. B., 3^, aameRoss. .Marvin, 2. same......Stum. I-I. il.. I . same .....SouthtirU, ilayle. l^,Mma.

Seh-rt.Austin. 1 1'

. 7. same .....Allilli. -.1 11 . I. same . .

Alliiii .laiMi"-. 1, same. 2 teamsAlliiii, J»~ r> , 2, same . . ,

Baize, ICIilH, 4, aameBalse. J. O.. 4 H, aama. ....Balte. Lather, 4. aame....llatze, .MathluK. 3, aame....Draku. VlrKe. ;i, saemDauKherty. Harvey, 2. samu.Daagherly, .-^helhy. ."!

, sameKdlsoii, 1.. 1) , :!, same(Same. 2, sameI Kvana, Steve. 2. same


Faught, Ouy, 4, aama• Hatler, Jamea, 4, aaaM. .


.Martin, Kstlll. 3 aama.Miller, C. F . 2. same


MrQuaity, T. W , 1. sama. . .


I'lii'Kiey. Dwi-ii. sama ....


Itaiiney. l.ei-. 1 , same ,' ,-it i-w a rl . .1 11,4. sameTayiur, Wuliuu, aame. ..

Theauw, C. C, 4Vfc, aaqiaWtlaon. T. G., 4H. wma. .


Home BraaakkWlliton. Herman, 2, awN.,.Wilson, T. li . samaAllen, Ji romc 2. saaM. . . .

Arnold, Ira. 0, sameArnuld. Ivaii, t>, same...^.


.\rnuld, li. J., 6, same....Autrey, Jake,' 4, aameAlien, Jerome. 2H, aame...Same, 2, sameBaixe, U. c . ::, aamaBrateher, Musker, 4H. aame.Ilruli'her, Itohert, 4. .same . . .

Ilrairiier, If A . •>. same. .

Ilasliam. Krinsi. _'. same...Cruuie, Li. \V . 4, sameChristiau, Marvin, 2, same. . .

Chrlatlan,. O. J., 2, aame...Daugharty, J. P., 6, aama. .


DvBMB. A. T., 6, aama . ,


Gterito. I.



r, no4.004.008.SS




8.U04.0V'i 006.011,004 Oil




4.004.0d6.002 004 00

4 ro

^»ao4 OU5 UO


ti ."II


14.00S ,


. I«,002,




iRmltry. Alie, 6, aamaKIsler. Kd.. 1 . sameFaiinm. F , '!. saTiii-


Farris. Isoni. 2 day.s withte.iin

FMiKht. Kmmitt, 3, name. . .

Ford, Jeaae T., 1, aameOoff, Lawrence, S. aame. .


Geary. V c., 1, aama '.

Goff. II. G . 2, aama.Heath. I'. .M.. 3. HameSillier, Wni., 6. sameMorris. J.ime.,. '2^. same....MuiptHv. ( 11 . 1;, same..,.Park, Karl, ii. sameRenfrow, Jao, O., 8, aama . .


Renfrow. J. C, S, aama. . .


Renfrow. Manrla, 8H, MimaIti'iifrow. Everett, 8, aama. .


Ilaiiey, Worth, 3. aameWilson. Joe S.. 3, saem ....Wilson, .Mtisker. 3. same. . .

Wilson, Tom. .3 H • same,.,Wo«mI. Itoseoe, fi. same


Armstrong. Cm , same , . .

Allen. Frank, 2. sameAlien, Uscar, 4. sameAmoa, Oeltla, 14Vfc, aama. .


Aahford. 8. F., 8, aamaHriiwn, M.. 2'-;, sameItashaui. .\ndy, 2. same. . . .

Hniliw.-. (iranvllle. I. same. . ,

l<r> am ,(' .\ . ,"i ' J '•aiiie . , .

Itai/.i', K. ('. same

Hai/o. It I, , r,. sami'itaize. Waliie. 2, xameOumaa, Floyd, 2^, aame. .


Cooper. D. N.. 2Va. same.'..Crnmes, C. W., 4, same. . . .


.Cam|), N. C . 4. aameCrowiler. Tlioiuas, 1 >4 . same.Panlel, (). (

, ;!, sameFaiiKht . T. I... ."1. sameFostiir. SpurReoUj 1, same. , .

Goff, Uobert, 2, aameQaray, V. C, t, aamaGoodman, J. K., 6, aama. . .


Goodman. Jno.. 6^, aama. .


Gofr, Robert, 2, aamailoskln. Pate. 2. samaiiatiiM , w. w.. 5, sameSame. 2, sameSame. 4, sameHiues, T, H,, 2V», sameHall, Oaley, 4, aamaHammonda. L. T., 18, aama.


Ilatler. Joe, 6, aamailuKhes. Walter, 1. aama....Hurl. 1>,. 4. nfimeHons,.. V. 0 . 1, .sameIll r. .1. I! , *4 , sameJamisiiii, Sa m, 2 U- . same. . . .

Leuch, W. ij., 4, samuli^h. N. D., 8H, aamaSame, 6, aamaI.eai'h. James. 4, aama...,..Morris, Oranvll, 2, aama....Morris. Mason, :!. same.Monroe, Will,. 4, sameMiller, L. J., same.Monroe. J, \ ., tl, sameOwen, H, L,., 2, samePaaeh, Willia, l, samePlarea, W, H.. IH. aama...Ratlay, T, L., S. aaoM,. ......Railey, WoHh, S «ay» wttkteam

Itagland. Thornton, 2, aaau.


RaKlaiid, T. A. 2. same....Stewart .W. J., 4 '.j , sama. . . .

Stewart, A. T,, 2, suuieStewart, Wm,, 2, aameStewart, J. A., 4. aamaStringBald. WU. %^mmm. . .


Smith. Wm..^aa«i«Smith, W. r. 4. aaaaSmith. Bill, Sk aamaThomas, J. W . aame. , .

Taylor, T W . li. same ...Thomiibon, C. II., ;i. same. . .

Thompson, R. D., 2, same. . .

Taylor, E, C, 8^. HameVance, T. J.. t\k,Wilson, Justice, 8,Wallace, C. F,, 5.

Wilson, Willie. 3, MM. ...Wilson, C it , 3. same..,..Wilson, iliil), :;. sameWilson, 1.. i-;., 3, sameWiisou. C. it., 3. sameWright, J. H. C. 3, same. . .

Wright, Rl M., 8, aamaSame, IVi, aamaWright, J H. C, t^.iWiisou, Justice, t, {

Yoitiic Wm.. 1.

.Black, ThumgaMl. I.lack. T, .. I.




12.00Vi 0 0

12 0010.004.004UI07.00V.90«.onK.oo6.00Too

12 00



10 wo10.0010,004.00S.OOS.OO8.008.003 00.-i.i.'i

111 00





p. • a • % .






12 00li 004 0 0

6006 004 r>()

4 503.008.004.00t.oo




^. aama,same . . .

same . . . .

2, sa me . . .

1, same.1 . same . .

1 . same . .












J.swell. W. O., 1, aaaM.i

.s.i me. 1 1.^ . sam<?MlarK. T. !>., 1 Ms. sameDaniel, Oe<i.. 'j. sameKmbry. .1. T., 1'.^, same....Hazeirtgg, Jno., 3 saem. .


HndaoB, jeaae, 8, aama....Ja'ckaon. R. S., 3, aameLeach, D, c. IH, aame

D. c, 2H. aama. . .


\. I... 1 . snmeHiram. .1. sameK. S . sameJ. P.. 1, |»am.-

Will. 2. .sameD. H., IH. aame

Bandlfer, R. S,. 2. aama , . .


Sandifer, N. T.. S, aama....Smith Bros., 4H, aamaTaylor. H. I.,.. IM-, same, . , .

Same, 5, sameTaylor. W. Ii.. 13. same &c. .

Taylor. I„ee, ,">. sameTaylor, Henry Will, 3, sameVeller. Mrs. Jno., 8, aame..Weaterfleld. P. F., 1.wiilUaa. Ilia., I,willtama, O. W., «.

W. BammBaagh. Boyd, 1, aamaChtan, A. 8., 4, aamaPaxton. J. P.. 1. aamaPaxton. J W.. 2^. same...Reld. Gordon. 1, sameWard. Emanuel, 2. same. . .


Wada, Dotan. 1^4. same...McHenry.

Chinn. Solon, 1. sameChinn, E. L., 1, same. 1916. .

Chinn, ElTia, 1, aameChapman, Henry. 1, aame . .


Chapinan. K. F.. 4. aama.i..(livens, Levi. 1 day with team.MrKenney . K. .M.. 1. same . . .

^'" Cbas., 21.4. aame.

Smith. A. .M., 3, samei

Stevens. Jno., 2. same••••Jj I

Tichenor, S. J,, 7, same....*»'J*l8ame, 4, aame, 1916S.OO welU, Coleman, 3H. aame. .


Ceateatowa.^ . . Aahby, Judaon, 1, aama. . .


»I Aahby, Emery. 1 H . aame. .


l YJ, Aahby. Perry. IH. aama,Addingtun, J. It., 3 S , same.


Barnard. L. T.. 1. sami. 1916Buckley. H. H.. 2

',a , same. . .

Boyd, Clifton. IH. aame. . . .

Uiabop, Roaeoe, 2H, aame. .


Baraaa, B. 8. 1 H


Brown. Arlay. IH,Brown, Lewis. 3. same.Brown, w. R .

Carter, K A ,

Carter. \\ S .

Carisle. L. W..Chapman, Henry, 4, sa . . ,

Carter, E. J., 6, same iic. . .

Calloway. W. .. SH. aama.


Carter, W. 8., 1, aamaDurham. C. C, 2, aama. . .


DurHam, it. J., IH, aama...Durham, S, L., 1 H . same. . .

Heflin, France, IH. same. . ,

Jumes, V. F., 3. sameJamea. A. W.. 2H> same. . . .

Same, 3, sameJamai. U. 0.,.°S, aamaKlaehaloa, T. R., 8, aama. .


Loyd. O. J.. 3, aame 1017-16Martin, H. B.. H, aama.Montgomery Hros.. IHtMIMSame, 4, same ^ • • •

Same, for graderOldham, O. C. 8 daya withteam

Ogleaby, W. R., 4, aameRender, 8. H., 3, aame....Stewart, Chaatar. l\k 3amastearsman Handeraoa, S^amaTooley. Dick & Casa, 2H,

sameTichenor. Kverell,Wblteh.aii. W (V

Whitehei'd, J It ,


AddiUKluu. H. P., IHi\>l<lia«loa, Ray. 8,lioona, Fred, 2H,Uurnard, J. T , 3H, aama.'. . .

Cox. O. ('. .'i

>.ii . sameCraiK It ti . I . sameliai per. \\ .M . :;. same ....Hail, (;. D., 1 ty, sameFlener, Hardy. 2H, same..,Ferguaou. T, U.. 1 H> aama. .


NaalTinilah. ItS. aama....Meal, Andy. IH, aameWoulcott, Lewia, 3. same..

(C«ui»tto« iteu Wook.)




2.001.602.002.008.00S.OO2.005.0 0




6.0 I

2.002 002.00



