Download - The Gentleman's Magazine de febrero de 1738



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The Gentlemans Magazine:St JOHm GATE.

la st-ea jcttcE a M ‘Voinu

ft.H C a p i P < 5tcrarei

0Omfi<hmT f tP P ' sacra

' ’'hirehilK^

B M ilp ii^ fc C o n a lO K . M ndfRg

t f ^ t o R M B .'p . jpoa C a n . A^cnft

vJCiin&ui^ 2 ::: ::

C i c u t 1 : ! : li-'a;cpftn: ^a?f9em ron tfiouceflec::^tam fojB •;

■5>“g[^o«ni. >CfiflinbKto T y r t t 6 iiro 5 pf!in'^ ha. ■ Ii-aam;!«.

.I'lrtatft'ifrc.tC antram p.fHirbaniSKs&djS a 'lo n :. t:3 arfnibi^:- la m a ic a ^

F o r F E B R U A R Y , 1 738.C O N T A I

j '■ ®” ^< ne^ »t!t!tp.8nttgrrsm © ;incfp.

d r i ^ t < »nd A le.T ^ *■ ^ Demoniacfcs in tlie N ew T e ^ . ^ r . 7- Q s J « r , f b „ ^ ^


g i i 'f ‘rB iia

o f the U- DecifiouSun’j p » S i « «“ ^«niing the

«-S5* T » fro p , t i e w e e i ly Pap«s.

N I N G ,

tfrah onp !?Boh of rta Sirnb anh Ptttr.'D eiib , InHdek, ^ e . a]l a^ainll chp Church o f Zn^.atid. On "Boarding* Schools. O iig in o f Childrens P layt Abufe of Tafte. T h e British Rights in y*»eriV« ■ aflertcd. Tieatm ent o f Female* in th e Married State. Letteie

. o f Marque. EnthuQafra. VoJu))tuous Eating. Indecent Writersi T h e Fear ot‘ Death, ^^c. & e .

lY . F o e t r y . An Ode on the Times.T h e Univerfal Charm er. T o a Lady

,,in a Feather-Hat. H r War£» Pctlcioo to the D ii^ o f D tT ^ fhirc. On the Death o f Capt. WieV.y, Tobacennift. O n Brandy. T o M iis B —». J.Bifnch^ Poet, to T. jir is'. Printer. Piologue and Epilogue to the C aidefs Husband, by aPerlon o f CJiialirv. On the Death oftheCBiecn. T h e Wife^(i-e. all new.

Fo r e i g n A f f a i r s , &(•&(■ &•;.•V.

^ 7 S r i r j N V S V R B A U, G en t.

.B o o lftd l^ ^ f “ at S t J 0 H N’a G a t s , and Sold b f eIr

a'fo complete Ser« *"*y ** F*d any foirmet M onth,a ^ '"'"'■ "•F=‘P « begin aih g w ith the Y ear 17 3 1.

r— 1 7 3 7 , Aviih a M a p o fth eG a rd e m o f Ei7ei>

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

o N T E N

T h e Charge againfl the Gentleman's M agazine, in Common Sinfe, confi- “v on the Preface to

the Suppement o f the londim M agazine

a«*np«odw m H a y o f^ ^ p re t

Eflay on Generofity g jThe GcDcrous Alan illuftfated b rh i« Op*

police ' ^R e p ij c o n n i n g a Cjueftioo relating to

G o d 's Eterm t/ ® g ,A B.'s lalt Arrwer to R. r on nrab-sA ge, Account of the Gatien of Eden 66

Its Guardians, defetibed 67 ttympcoois peculiar to Wme and A le-D rm i

* * Author of the Examry im

accounted ft* 70^ ‘1 Spirits to be dreaded 71Defence of thcquaJters Plea agaitift x/tties

Power to live c f the G tfp l, what it implies

to LuciUa lb. A / d fW a T » the Scheme 77

^ ‘=*'» f«c*da!ous A r t i i^°he ^ k f e l le r s , Adyertaties toiMc itertltm an i M agaTjre »?«

®“ '^'''8-Schools 70* dren Paflimes of Chll-

pre^ituted among the QuaUtr f t % ^ 'fp a n o f their Tabic T a l ^ ^ s l ^ X p lian i dieted their Kings 81 GC r^ ifm an 't Defence o f his Criticifin m

'■ "S'' 8 iH ^ , W idows and young Gentlewomen

may live com fortrbly on 15 /. a Y ear fie Treatm ent o f Females in a Married State

Grange Alteration from M ieu /i so W ife t s Or indcccni Writer! * * 6 7©f Letters of Marque 09O f finthufiafm

s.^ j h R ighn in America aflerted yil

Cafes relating to a K i«

^ n g o f Spain out-law’d in E n elan i S l O f Voiupiuous Eating * i;|Againft the f ta r o f Death «ilA ^ s and how ruin’d u\

t h l 'T ^ f^ 'h e Comroverfy e o n ce n ^ l m e Sun s Parallax teu

^ ® P^fl*ge fro«|

Fondnefs cured J l

. F O E T R Y.A n Ode cn the T im e s; iutoibed to

H o p s of Br i t a i n

^ painting j S - i ? i f tu r c ._ i; ie U niretfal ch.-rn

«!?» L ad y in a Feather-Haty o ln WarAs Petition to the D— o f D ett

/ t w — H ». Lib. II. Ode i c — On Thiw F air (inferred brD elirtl

— A Rtddle— On the Death o f Caw ' ,b y a smoakerj

Brandy.— T o M ifs B— n jo

hisbeingenamour'Jj I —-An Epitaph for a young Ges

i w Sm all-p’x ,-

^ J , |T o M r L— iy , oa being defired by him d l Tr«Y, “ ! '*’ ' Queen's Death v By H f-jfEpitaph on an anticni Lady.— ToiMW« isj| A m ^ e m e n t-T h c W ife.^Anacreon, 4^1

Ode.— Bouts R im ez j ; ;|T o M r Tio. Are/, Printer. By M r 5%i»l

oonfKS ic jl^ lio to a Friend in the Country l o j A dvice to CtHa ■, fet to Mufick 10_ * ’ ^ 0 R IC A L C H R O N IC LE. .■ T^eaionable Libel at Ltkefter i«^lOrder o f the Lord-Mayor for keeping tW|

Lord's-Day “ ^a\T ry al between 3 Governor and a Car

‘iA\N ew Members and Sheriffi i-y l

o f Stocks and Bill o f M ortalirr ip | Lifts o f Births, Marriages, Deaths, i d l i ORz i g n A ffairs. O f Cer&a, R u ^ l

the r«r*/, and Count atcktndorff. i i j Rcgiftet o f Books n i l

• -n u n r, T ■ ' ^ E R T I S E M E N T .J Poems m tleS u b jea ^w ere ^ Gentlemen,

Ayuntamiento de Madrid


Gentlemans Magazine-'FEBRUARY, 1738.

Sikl> a i fee into the A rtificet and Intereftrd V ie w ^ W riters, need not he h !d ihict there has h en a niery Cmtbinatien e f Bookfellers, and their Defendants, the A u h trs and Printers t f feveral News-Papers, in order, h j RidieuUus P o fs, P a - ragraahs tt B,^jim erj, and laHacieus Advertijem ents, to f i t the Puhlick againti this M A G A ZIN E , sthicli i: entirely independant o f them : Bxt as a great Number ^ oar Caunsry Readtrs .i:euuaeiiHain:sd w ith fueb A rts, toe hope to beexcufidinfirting the folkmin^ Remarks ix ear IfujliJkation.

H E A V Y Charge againft th is M A G A ZIN E (as loTiie fiippofe) ha»iag been maHe by the Common Senfe Journal o f W hite-friers, yanuary 28. it may feem to deierve acrcat ''eal more Regard, chan any cliiag alledgcd by Perfems apparently and highly Interelled to link the fiiperior Credit and Sale oi our Book. Bitr, when it is coniider’d, that this C la rg e frwn this Author (called CtBTjiwn &»/f) is not fupporcci

one loftance i when it is eviderK, that Refentment; iji, for our not giKxing any Thing from h it Paper, but from the other Coirmon Senfe, in the foregoing Month ; id , for 5>«r faying the ether bids ftir f ir the Attention o f the P u ilic, becauie the Printer eif j* had the Fortune to be taken into C uftody; and ^dly, for our inierring the Epigram •pp. 74.7; I fay, when Refentmenton thele Accoucks may be leafonabiy taken for the

Groand ot his Charge, ( if really meant amioft thisMj^?.) his ventii« the fine Naines, Stealer, Mangier, Dqaeer, Batcher and Murderer o f Common Senfi, can be * Proof only o f his blind Pallion, as die corapa-ing his obfoene EiTays to the Spet~ »*-9r;and raf/err is o f his ettrerae Vanity; As to the Share o f Credit this Jonrnalift defrrrcs, it is ^ v lv difcoverable frooi his ftafeonade Saying, chat “ his Papers have« .'•_i_____r__> t ■ j n ___ !_. 1 . . . __________ _ - -Is— u... i_ n _

S ii

; Proprietors o f the London Magazine have catcfi'd up this a i^ ry < mail’ ! polite Expreffons, omitting what he fays o f their M tuslly Rciheries, and have »lfo trumpeted forth, (in their own mefi accurate Phrafe,) their havingMsrreer/eff E x-

fevstr Faults and m m Perf.Ti’:r.:, t may be found by thofe who will tnake the C -mpanibn, that tlieir are n otfop erfeB , ( if thereby they meanfive is\A fa ith fu l) as inche G E N T l i t M A N ’s M A G A Z I N E . T o biiiig one Inllance out o f many, let us fee how perfeBly tiiey extrafl a Paffage from an E£- « y . which they tell us is mofi tt thePurpofetsf any Anfwer to the Critidfm in the Cm h * 7 U ttm al upco theft Lines o f IC rffl,

— ^ C)dit & Rifbekiy juftiflunus unuQui Aiit in TeveriSy ic squLDiis aliCFf Ttfiim 1 ■

^ ith relation to this, the London Magazine for January^ i j , makes his Author far . “ ^ 'Pl’oft, for the fake o f the Comment, the Expreinon were flr icily arA literally

P'efcrved in cbereadingj fomething after siSvV Manner ” Nett

thrir bte Prfjace bang up ai» Curi^tv in Grejixm Colkgc 5 whfw Coi«mUte« of Cak- P art to meet on the firtl of ^ enqolre into the mcajun| of a ftrfttj Extract (or

and 0/ P e » f « c t loH F a u tT$.

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

6 o T h e G z i i T L i U A V * s M A G A Z I N E i V o l . V l l f .Nett perifli’d Rifitas, in th' oiwjual fteife ; N o d s l i v ’d m o re ju f l , o r m o re d d e rv in g life .

But Hearer thought


thcir O rainal Pieces ( o f which the fiid Preftce re th f/ affirm, tW j

. z^sts^si'.} .“ would b e e ify . ) fo r ns “ >l

G^vemtnenc o f our Couotry, as i f there were b^t ^ n concerned m cWlwhether their or Hsaa'/had m nfe5A »r;»rh’r flopping ro eix;uirt|

then w e find, that they w f s ^ o T n f rh ^‘'* 1Biiferably ^ tc id th e fine M d rift c£ c h e ^ l J e f C o ^ i^ ^ d jP m c fl- , thev ha«| ninning ; t i y have made 3 ^ - 2 , / j**/« »/ Cmroww by Jeavi.ig out t e n Wordi* Pet f ood’ t he A b a tes, tho* fud you’ll find Correa in the ^ t’'“ nd«,thefe and more Cm ffieiua, r u , , ©bvi^s t o ' "*? ** excuW

for a A ftitr o f S jxech esY su c h

inw^ot, t ^ S no p m o f the ProceedS A ie a s had been from ^ ^ our A £ « « /.e . tho’ thefe

S S i g - ® 5 ? s s t l g S

ttu'f DetJ, (Kke t ie p atlf(fi’d Brtthtr) l l f j uU jBu, hath k e n ~ a very great S.n,U 'b m ’er it taat-dene iy am ber.

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

A S p e c im e n in jH dging aitd Writing, 6 rc . 6 iCommon S i N S E ,y « .7 . 7 ht Impenanee of iht L ih n j ( f tbi Prtfs.

It^den hlag. for J tn . f . lo . Par. i . GntltTnon'i Mag. & r Jaa. f . i8 . Par. a .T here arc Arguments w hich m ight ’77r af^ehi/uUd, || an Attempt to put, & ( .

be improper for me to mention here, but w hich, I believe, for fome T im e paft, have rais’d an Appreheiifion in tveiyconfiderate Breaft, th a :|{ in A t-

Paragraih 3.W e need not loob far back for an

Itftince o f the Ufefulnefs o f this Liberty, w hen w e recoiieft, that ]|

^ | tt may be objefled that we have here (to ufo M r Cmmaa Start's Words) c»t u j ^ fM n g ihat LOOKS like S r iK iT in w itia fi but M y one may fee that the SfWt//7ttwe

B y this

Paragraph 5. f . i j B,A s t t the Uj'efilnefs o f this Liberty,

•j^ nervcnis Arguments ; and, cis hoe d, tne t'uouc will allow, as they in our favour, that Argem m t is the C hief Obje£f o f an Abridger.

This Precaution, togetiier with the Q oicaefs ol ou rT yp ts, demonllrates, that w * mote m «Euar.nts anbtitcatet Uarfet?« See. noiwitmtaading the AfTui-ance of

Jhofe, who, as they have fervile^ copy’d our T itle, Plan, and M e e W o f PrintiiK, “ *h eyd on ot ftick to ufe thofo Words oUentatiotiily, and falfdy, which d ie G E N ­TLEM AN’S M A G A ZIN E has verily'd from the Beginnirw to this Day.

Toretum totheaforefaid &mo\^ Preface, we can^ forStar giving our Readers afl. t ^ ' V m r Paragraph, where the Lm dm Magaziaers (tho’ they have conftandy

^ > e d Poems, from us and others, without memi.ming whence they had them) fay* ^ We ihall never pretend to taim upon the W erld any prim ed PamjAlet, P o e m or ^ Pawr, by w ay o f an original M antfirift o f our o w n ; at Jeall w e flitil never data ^ to do aiw fiiuh thing knowingly, and with a D d icn to impofe upon the Publick j foi-

'be LoGofourCuifom ers w iu ldb e ^Teafl Releatment w e couid expeii."* ^ < y have (knowingly or very ignorantly) infereed as Originals, handreds of' Pieces, r ' . ’rrrd biferei bat there is ne im g/r{tU l they can w rite better) that they Jbmid palm i i *

w ay o f original Manoforipts c f their own apon the IVrrld, excett tha t P m y j f ftr w hich thefe fa lla c in t Pafft, and their Raree-jiow Advertifem em s'are cakula-

they gt m that delicately reafirsinr “ In Love Affoirs indeed, little Frauds ,,*nd Imp;i!itions, e v e n when fully d tte ik d , are often excufed; but this is an In- ^omgcnce peculiar to Ixivers; e v e n in Fritndfhip it feldom or never takes Place;

^ t h f . r e e o r e w e think it would be the heighc o f Impudence in a Printer, .1 . bhiner, o r Booi.fcller, to expefi any fuch Indulacnce. "— we gather frim

— an Indulgence in often excuiing Frauds and Impolicions, e v e n when aeieited, feem s a new, and i v f u a rieoMw, glgalityd ifitv er'd ia Lovers. And

« « r Readers w ill certainly be dejireus o f knowing the Authors o f facb a Uathm, who [peak E X P E R I M E N T A L L Y , we con d> nolefs than ocenaint them that i t is

pv^-mulgated in ci.e Names o f and learnedC . Ac k e r s Printer, the^ ‘ te and T . C o s urrder the Royed Exchange, the eke-i.-r.t and com ly I.

'b e im defl, c iv Q ,^ iaaiem s T . A s'i l e y ot S t P a tls -ers. Thefe arc the gallant and eradite Gentlemen fo skill’d in

y p y vw«/rrand ItHujgences! Thefe too arc the Bookiellers whodeclarc it theH -.Vfe

. , tvi-N heybod GrsM rffT forW h e r e r K - , - ^ - - I'uhi.c-Houfcthe R , - auures me, mey have Grniipht ever to their Aid ro Icfs a Peribn than

ii'is M afkrs and MiftreiTes jiift in the

np-’ h " b h p a t Im rm , I Thfrefore take c-re c f Fir- and Candfc-ilihr;wcreallM lKbkwnupM M jfiw ! 1 Foc’Csavcryoldwint* tofot>oiA'.;jiA

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

62 Tferf G e n t l e m a n ’ s M A G A Z I N E , V a L . V I I I .

G E N E R O S I T Y . rnzruty. without regard to Self-.ntsrdI - i according to its Derivat!- cannot boaft o f high Eirrh aalV _ i on from the O rigin al,* is properly. "K ien t Pedegree. Mora.^Philofopha " i i ? ' .^nd general Scnfe, that «')}' “ e generous, who does gwHabit o f Mmd, by which a Perfon isdif- unconditionally, tho’ born cfm ean Pa

d to imitate the Virtues o f his An- A *■ «''»£« i and him ungenerous and dege in his Behaviour toothers: O r. "crate, w ho by his Inhumanity a n d i-------- ' • • ■ - Vicesobibures the Loftre o f htsP»

genitnrs, tho’ defccuded o f the bell f t >ni lej. A s that Horfe is counted o f W Value, which retains little o rn o n eo ftl

orSwiftnefs o fth eS h f

T m fcv«^uci5; \ atT e m p e ro fS o u l, which caufes him to order his Adlions after a Noble and Oentlcman.iike manner, with refoed to his high Birth and Family. Ir is a forto !ra ra ily ,^ r e l^ e a n d h e re d ita r y Q iia . 'S^engtn, orawittnefs ofth eSWhty, by which he is excited, either th ro 'n '^ h o.fa js the Poet, W i l l call that M« a laudable Emulatinn, or an inherent N o . “ who has made himlcJf unw»bility o f B l ^ and Prehcminence o f N a- Family, and is famous onlyth'^’ p- o f doing ^■ ^cy.are re be deric1- 1 . 1 T ui aojnethat which is F ita n a R ^ h r, Good anS Kwiitable, and o f promoting the Happi. *’ c ' s « rjbers. And this too, not f^am any feiiifh Motives o fln terc ll nor Iromuuves or in terctt; nor from ‘ '^ r « auriu/, and yet. in fpire o any hear, Slum e, o r Compullions but C obfeure Birth, w e admire and « to li rTOm a tree, boW. Prifi Ir^U for tbe Gr^arneA nr c.

Iays.,£;i'»«||, w ho tols up their Heads I r a fo n o t the Deeds o f their Parents aJ, Anreftors. For we know not who vvin| Kai^hcr o f M/r/ur, and yet, in fpire o fnhli^ii^sk __ J.. r * . . .. 1 4 v t-ajuumon? out

from a tree, boW, innate Prindpic o f ( ^ c r e f s , and from tlie ReafonaSlenefs or 1 nmg;«

The Nam e o f this Virtue is not. I be. lieve, to be found in all our Holy Bible

fhe Words, Piety, Amt«.’ “ '* tne Mind, tliat mafNobiiCT, aivj (everal others now in n * ^^°^lcman and a Gentleman, raifing

^ ^ " ^ 1 r ’ recorded ^ > '» ''e his low Birth and Fortuidome noble Eicamplcs o f the Thing. ' ’"’ y valuable Nobility a

for the Greatnefs o f his Actions. So ' do C»u, Serviliui, Uufilllus, ard Romd 5o K « 4.firRpiits the Qitellion. WhoL generous Man ? And then anfwers it tha W hy, he w ho is well form’d by Katuf for Virtue. It is the Mind, that maft

Neither do I remember that I have {^n anuch o f It in any Mural Trcatifo, being I^ h ap s but fuperficially handled, under ^ N o tK m o fa fe c o n d a r y and derivative

'5 ^ and j w en oom, well endovunderftood, i r ^ from written Rules, E and wcU bred 5 tho’ it is con fet’d, t y e t by raafcirw ObferratiMis upon human f"*?y ^markable Infrances o f it are to-Nature and Adhons. So al(b, in the bed " ' ------C:ia.ucfc f A ^ o r s the Abftrad is never foiir.d, but t ^ Concrete conftantly de- n otesJom e Excellence, either natSralJy d e riv ^ from a m ble Stock and Lineage^o r d ie flCGUir’d sn . i ^ *

Genriiity, and there can be no true biLty and Gentility without Vim ie. nerofity then is properly the Virtue Gentlemen, Philofophers, Scholars.ChH Itians, Perfons w ell bom, well endow l' and well bred 5 tho’ it is t ' many remarkable Indances ■ in the lower Road o f Lite.

T^is is a pleafanr. a comeN, a plan, ble Virtue! o f a beneficent, princely Nature ; walking not in th bteps o f the Vulgar, but in a Sphnr ^ir. *ucs.anQ Lineage, “ " f f ‘ “ c vulgar, nut in a Spl

or cite arauir d m remembrance and im i-F them ; difpofing the Ho f 't - Thus, i f apply-d to Men -

and W oniM, a generous Peiftn . a gene, roui Rival, agenerous Qiieen, is one de-

endued with a Manners, in contpi.

dilhndiion to others o f mean ParentaS,X arts, and Eduut^on. {f

CO do ^1 that is p o d i^ ibr® the Bene both o f private Perfons and pubiick So

S and this too (as I have hinted'm t with finifler Views, and Hopes*-,

leparate Advantage ; but in fome Cafe| i-arrs =rvi t l iz ir i . Pain, and rw n ;l

f ' apply’d to ^ ou'-feJves. There is one fix’d an^lf r *’ ‘ A " * ! ™ ? HoiTe.^Bird.f^ •?^."’g P ‘;focipie o f all the ThcujghtsaD^*

I f ' " A Q w ^ o fa g e n e re u sM a n , frem^Whk*' M d gen^ o.« r S ' " ' ’'" ” ® W ine, "C''«r dfpans, and that is. T o do «'

Bm howevCT '*‘ c l« t S o r t . w°"Id beS o n eb y: O other w ot*:our nowevCT Tim e and (He have now T o do every thing accordine m Hnno*

b rw ig h tit to fign liy indiiSrently a W R an-l Confdence. toHono*.1° which [3 Be the Condition o f a generous Ma*

Se^iv^^^roin.n f '^ 'y 1!- H S '^ “' you .w ill. H igh or t o w . Rich fG c^ n efr o rs^ u l Greatnefs and V •> one "acuraily made for tMuoodnds o f Soul, and a true Scnfe o f H u. ° f «hers, and a common Bic/W

• ^ Cr«^, 4 H e r V - ^ gc wherein he livcs: A ilin g,----------- . . . . T H e r . V i , . |



Ayuntamiento de Madrid

E S S A Y on G E N E R O S I T Y .

mterdXh, 291>(bphd es gw M n P »

d deas u id « hisFio >eS F> I o f Id r o f i he Si* lat M* iinwo* )tily leric eadj ICSa « a : ■ ('I 3li So

'ho rtthi N'at ma.linginu,tyle

fcyPalTion, bucReafotij not by Intereft, w tH ooour; avoiding difhoneft things, n a fo much bccaitfe they are unlawful, a b eau feth ey arc lhameful *. One o f his Ruks o f fch icks is. T o do, not meer- Jy what is lawful, but what is decent t-

nemy, b u t g re a te r to give o n e ^ o w r i j fe for a Friend.

And now then w hat a conremptiHIc Figure is a narrow Soul, and a fclf-ended Pwfnn, who, having no Bowels for his fellow Crcatuies, is fo void o f commoniy what is lawful, but what is decentt- . fellow Crcatuies, is lo v o ia o i cui liuo.i

The NoWlity o f his Thoughts Iteeps him Senfe, as to think hitnfelf bom only tor above his ^ u a ls , and equal to his Supe- himielf, to regard only hia o w tinglelion. It is his B ill in g and Delight to make others happy, and tberefove him- felf is the happieft o f all M en; his Fa­vours beftow’d on the Diftrefs’d and Indi­gent return w ith BlefTings on his own

Pleaiure and fntereft! H ow little does fuch a one delerve the Prote^ion and Comfort o f Civil Community, who will do nothing to fiipport i t ! T niely, i f w e contemplate Man, w e fhall find him aKit return w ith Blellings on tits own contemplate wan, «•■ ■ ■ .m... >

ad. For the divine Oracle affirms. It g nobler Animal, than t_; have w n d e itg n d k mr.— r.u rtij n i . . -K«., rr. niirelu to (erve himfelf. T h e hrame otIS more blefled to give, than to receive. This agrees w ith the Cuftom and Maxim of Futemy, the S o n o fi-» g * ri, who took great PlcaSire in making his Friends vich, faying. It is better to make rich, than to grow rich. And the like thing b tecoroed o f Hierm o f Syrat^e, that he *vas fo geoeroudy inclined to Benefits, as ^ to be more ready to give, than his Peti- tbners were to receive. The large un­bounded Sf«rit o f a generous Perton de. n « the Cenfures, and refufes to M o w the Precepts and Examples, o f narrow Souls, and eixicraSed Underftandlngs, o f%bnL‘k W>,

p ire ly to ierve himfelf. T h e Frame o f our Nature, and Manner o f its Siibli- ftence, plainly fpeak, that w e w ere noc bom only for ourfelves; and that it is contrary to the true Rcafon and Intereft o f it, intemperately or fok ly te regard private Advantage.

This Virtue snight ftill be farther ex­plained and recommCiidcd in the general, by comparing it with the oppolite Tem ­per, as a Piiffure receives its Beauty ftom a Comraft o f L ight and Shade. A gene- itrusPerfon wilH uStrfom c Inconvenience himfelf, in order to help the Miferable :^ 18, and ecHitratted Underitandmgs, ot mmien, m oracr to ucip uic .

VKhieh he is by NatOre the very Reveife. d But an ungenerous liad rather fee all Pc<^ In fhort, A generous Perfon gives w ith- pie miferable, than be but m the lealc

Asking, rewards beyond Delert, does

E>d freely, requires no Gratuity, /peaks Mind openly, pities the Miferable, re­

lieves to Effedl, Mtes to be Covetous, fcoms to be Revengeful. His Ixive is without DiiTimulation, he abhors that „ which is evil, cleaves to that which is ^la uvil) V>C««C9 VV aiiKi. VTi*iv>* '•*good, is kindly affbSioned to every Man, ?nd bie(l« thofe that perfecute him, do- ''ig Good for Evil, aiw ovenxm ing Evil With Good. I f wealthy and powerfiil, his Life and Siibftance are fpent m exten- nTeQiaritic5,anduniverfalGoodnels: Fori'Teaiaritic5,anduniverralGoodoels: For tns Mind witn tne pji'anng Ik fiequently dilhibutes to the Nece.Tities F o f paft Adions, l iv i^ ^ dvmg w mnF vVa ___I ____I- u.-,/* I Ant)i3iii(! Oi NUTu irKi I

matter a Sufferer him felf One is more afraid o f his ow n Honour and Confeience than o f any other Controller: But the other has no Honour nor Confeience, i f he has noihing elfe to fear. A generous Mind can turn a Plebeian into a Gentle­man : But an ungenerous makes Scarlet as contemptible as Ruflet. Fcff what intrinfick Goodnefk has any erne, but the W ill to do good ? and what publick Elii- raation, Uit what arifes from vifible V ir­tues? A generous Peribn can entertain his Mind with the pleafing Remembrance./* .. fi l2M«nev U/lfn••w uf^yuciiciy Ciiimyuica t'A lac

o f the Saints, and is much given to Hof- I^tality.

Were things to be weigh’d in the Ba­lance o f Truth, I believe it would be found, that there is no great Man with­out the Virtue o f Generofity, nor little

the Love and Api'laufe o f Marucirw : But an ungenerous dares not admit any R e- fleilion o f thar nature, living and dyuig defpis’d, hated, and curfed. Want or Generofity hath been the OccaiiMi o f many Misfortunes, and much Mifohief inwii. uic virtue ot trttieroiicy, nor luuc iii«uv i . u j r j . . - . . - - , ......— -

o n e w ith it. I f C v/ir’$ profufe M unifi-f- t h e w o rld ; But Gwdnefs o f Nature, and <*uce and applaudH Mercy made him ®

Seater than all hi* Conquefts: So did at Servant who, in the C ivil V ’ars o f

R a w , vnluntarilv perfonatsd bis beloved M^fer, and readily dy’d for him, fhew *hat he had a Heart as b"ave as C e jir ’s. For, 'tis great to fpare the Life o f an E-

the Lord is the greateft, being notonly the Embellifhmenc o f Man, and the Btening o f Society, but alfo the very Charafter o f the Siiprcnie Deity.

A s it may be a good Office to defciite and recommend vvhat is confeflcdly ami-• o r , m great to lnare tne cite ot a n t - ivw uuiivi^ .......- - - j — -

‘ „ -H a H e in itfe lf . and beneficial to others: So, • q m im p a f-nt jj be feaM ablc to do it in an A ge,

it aoncars to be much upon the


........Jed qiad deca. J ^ I b n , F. 13.

^"d f i . g . ^ F L i n ’ n iv S hms ecefdeni d !y A ll- •h°uy > Ph*dria bis S i w died in bis SiiaSL

,L iM-j ------- — - -- — 'wherein it appears to be miicli upon the Declenfion. F o r tho’ our Nation juftly boafts o f forae extraordbary Inftanccs o f

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

&4G e n t l e m a n *, m a g a z i n e , V o l V m

Iimrcd . ’ O t . V I I I .

t ie c h e r w ,h C o rn .p tiS ^

p i i S S I

confcgiiffltly, if the Bern* o f God i iwafiircd by an ctemil Time, w Timg n tm « d eternally by SucedBon, hem ^°® ° * ^ « » t h a a be v,-as atthcC rraZop- Patheofha-H and. if Go^V p^wry IS not to be meafured by a^v fuccA

/ w Duration, if there benoL liV hiSf c i f Thiol!^h , u hij K m w kdte bi(

the R ? ,• ^«™«y tnafm-ed by aS T -^^^ 'noo 'vcaJth s fkmriflT^ Theh " « ? ^H ib n e a /iimilL us with frequent e7 '"*?« Reason why I feted m’’y l " in high and’ low Life w that Manner was thi*

wm^crfiil’ that the Foondat«

S U s s ' i S s s

m s m m ^ r n ^and iVtHe . j \no'W“ “ Aaioos lov

n ^ Z,........- '-tycuKin w ere only pm— i>

ly implies & B:^zKx/n^

r __ S r ’ T oo io i?e lu re to deny th a t

gIvm |^anyA nfeerlo^hirg“iL "y e t^ h f

€ f h Term Oiairi? So thatw e have here his Own inn •/

f«//» h and has interred a 5 e-

w ith o j; a n K t e S ° f l i P « f fattem ^cd. ( S c e | . ^ T r ^ f ’ °“ ^ h a d

t.! ^r, hljn that wSl bi h“ R«£on can't but fee.

«that Tin rateeVrihlt U rn f u "

m S S fS S SiJne

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

A . B. io R. Y. concerning Sarah being Ifcah.’t» be bounded »c a u End by a tfiven

P«M .'^W hac Nonfenfe th i, il\ at

hl5 ~(U * .™ P'y ‘iM thir End ?


n ta . W s Sate the QiwftiOT thus,— Sopprting ^ Poffibly _be) a rig L L in f

^ Doreircr svm, t>y Its hrft Copyifts, intended to be a gemime Ccgy o f the Original j Enit on th« contrary, 14 a {puriom Cc^y. made at the time ot the Separation, in the Sarnariean

W ords more,” and all this In 4 or y Woids, IS a thing unprecedented in the Htbren Code, and would be a Matter o i

5 « S a r tu tr ita n P tn ta lX h f d il3 ^ r W iri, -^T /''PP2 ‘'" S monlh-ative Proof, were there no ocIict

‘■ f P ' f P n e i th e r is. *I I S 'i* * * h o n for further puzzling t h e ' ' - - - • -^ hy fuppoling a n o th * Im-k another mfinite right Line ? Is

WK w»t»s innntfdy extended Jt ever has been by orthodox 7^»/* m

Point . N ow as the Gentleman fia o U y ac.

~t- 1 '^ m ay f j ,b ! , 7 v w h ic h is w h a t I h a v e a t I c a f tp re .i n J 'h iie I t IS n o t ; a n d i f a n y fu m p tiv c ly p ro v ed , a n d in f tro n g c r T e rm s

Ills “ l^eadthereforrrfli^iCtn/JH !,^^'?-’ ' ’ P « '« & sxeepe Sc” iW qiSitv o f « u U h a v e Droved, that Ai/!cah was noe

lis hart no more confeqnently char*' l>’s Eternirv'^f h . 5 '*** p t c ^ p t iv e Pro^f£ i l i S r s ? s r s , ? I O T i “ i Affh( havmg been able to dacover


,<• -—. . m.. „ _ 1. , , •.,.- fetioo of the cootrarr.4 he ^ tp dacover I am wiJliqg to ifippofe, that, as the

Sirt=rof/rMi6. Daughter o f t o , a ^ c^hl-fc * o f Wi6flr, had ail lier C hild rw to

h*t Ccaidirin h y o u r Correfpondent, on g theNiimber o f eight Sons, s/rrr Abraham ' » ^ t o m I ’ 1° he ^*11 » s r d tfartedfn m Haran tho’ ’ tis iJoU Jp fihie fhe living i t Ur might have had ’emhj. I ’ ^ isO o D any older now i^nrino k i, *% .» , — __ - _ j . . .^ he was at the Creation ? K .r .

Oe th t Subjiff e f Terah’r

diiniig his X?»de at Horan, and yet he not hear o f it till aiterwards; but che Gentleman goes cm and lays, " c o n fe -

i*- B ’ / "a ■ '•' " '■ ■“ ' ■ ' " “ '1^ ""y he above 10 or 30Y- p n vin gfrem n when the Departure happened j”

, „ ^ t h t d i f arzuir^, (Voi. V II. I OCK only deny to be any Cnnfc-t b a l h ts k e a fe n in r is in c t ttc h - a o e t v e a r a l l l.iir v .n i . u - .

‘ ^<^dh:si:i^E.U.m tho% Fiundssm.^ U r b a n ,. - R O A N , Aug. 7 .1 7 3 7 .

A e C3 my Miftake about Aarm 's Name

, . _• woultf have done h im leif jnoie H o. r I 'F il-V j .S’K n ills Aigum cnt more ^^rt n ,i j h ' locanm d, as only to

“ *hr, as it really was, an

-ufz, Whe- hut i4 j when he died, or

afTerts,andaswM migtit nav<to agree H go,^W .ri*i ........................

w as,on her Account, a little Supematii.^ » U tter ^ *?*’ ' ' « » '! 'hat &m cer o r tw o nuftakea r t cvro c.ung happened to M ilcak, even at the


q i i ^ e at all, but will prove,' that it cialhes with the natural Scope and T e­nor o f the T ext itle lfj and yet this A f. fertion is all the Ground-Work the Gen­tleman ^ to build his pretended D c- nionllration upon.

N ow tho* Sarah was 6 f, at the Tim e o f the Depaiture from Haran, and con- leqtiertly ijilca h , her elder Sifter, mull as J e it be 66, w e may fujipofe 705— Where is the Irapoffibiiicy, where theDiffintity ol her having 8 Sonsafter f age (tho’ fhe might have born them before ?) A ll this m ight have come to pafi before Ihc was

- ‘•’s A ge when Ifaac was born :

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

'66 GEM TLiM AN’i M A G A Z I N E , V o i . V III.fim c A ge, much lefi ten Years foooer.

But cfiat M ilcth was not a young W o­man o f but 20, or at moft 50 Years o f A ge , at the time o f Abntham 't Depar. tore from Harm, is ftrongly intim at^ from Gfti. xxii. 20. " '

is both more expreflive, and w l l lm o t la eafiiy form aSyn rix o f dofe C o n c o iil 3 chan the W ord ICndred; and upc« t b t d whole, the Words in Queftion ought to J C ^ ren dered. A n d G td h iif/u d , Gettha fl^ xwouwiuu, yina zx^fi'Jua, tmi s sjs a j

lit t/n Brttia-Kahnr. Ar«- ii.a .u..Ai u .... *M f h t hath him , unit thy B ru hv^ dhor, jbe hath hum Children^' In this em­phatic Manner it is that the Original ex-

frelTes the Thine, by ufing the feparate ronoun 64i n hivK. and that force-

0 V j 1 ' “J “ urirrjniM *etc. And thus I have, even in the Ge» e tleman’s "own Terms, proved, that tta i Context indifputably juftifiei the tn rf 0 lating, in this Place, the prefix’d Veri 0

vaijostmer, by a preter-plu-ptf c ■ Me Particle Q J gam, alft. befides im- j, f t a Te‘nfe, hadfaid. CL E . D. A . i | ^

plying a Repetition o f the V erb : And theretore from hence it is no left than imidicitly aflerted, that MiUah was at rri__ _. A- - - f - - — j M M ox.

th e T tm e of the Departure even from H tfititam ia, pretty well in Years, that is to fay, tam ed ot yo at leaft, and per-tiaps had then been looked upon for fome „ • ‘ t 4 Words comai*tim e, as a barren Woman iotherw ile th e^ ^ 10 Letters, -w i. asunder. Comp*

P . S. According to the Method ( writing Numbers in Words a length 1 H ibrea, i+y. (a Number not once meed onfid in the Hibrtm Code) requires' whole Words, e^ refs’d in 14 Lectos and 20 f, is exprefs’d in 4 Words comai*

the former with Gen, xxiii. i. where n» « found the Number m t hundrtd twat! fe-jen, and Gen. xxv. the Num b« » hundredjeven^ fiv e .

five »jid year, f,ttv and vear, to*B ' o m n jB » a a i H i r u r n « !

ywin.: d ’ : v

year. 200 and wars five ms n j i ? D ’ n N Q i O ’ j B ’ v r d


tim e, as a barren Woman ■, otherwile the N ew s of her having Children, would nm have been to ldto full, ornear 60 Years after the Departure from Huron, for a W onder, whereas it is plain from the Manner o f its bdng delivered, that it was told him as fu ch ; and yet no ■ Miracle neither. And thus I have provrf D that Mr R . T.'s Q . E . O. is groundlefs, and his impregnaiU Ftrlrefs, as he calls it, fiunded ufm the Sand. Q,. E- !>•

1 fhall now draw one Argument more from what the Gentleman himfclf grants, with rcfpaft to his own Chim era eC God’s fpeakmg the fame Words to ..^ a h a m tm ee-, and fo have done with * rhe Stibjea. He allows {!b. H ) that were the Words, niij Land i f thy N iU ivhy, mentioned, his SuppuJiflon had indeed been a Chimera : I really think the W ords o f our Own Verliw), tJn Kindredand tfy Father's Hmfe, are of little lefs ana not ratner wniiiqForce, than the word N ativity itfe lf-F . “ P 'heir Habitations about A rtBut the Gentleman would have done well', thhad it been pollible, to have proved that the H ibrev word ^ S t o imUd, in eon-

ftniflion * 1 TBtlad, does not fignify,

Accexnt the Garden ^ E d e n , iy” A uthir ifth e Aenunt i f the Old 'i/oA (See Gent. Mag. PW, V I. Page 732.^

f i/ fO S E S tells us, thattiiw A rkret f f i uym the hbuntainr i f Ararat, W viii. 4. And chatanerwatds Mankind j * n n ed fa tn thence, andfettlrd in riw i * f Shinar : H ow they came to be for ti U n i Jixm ^ , and not rather willing'

V A stes IT—LIa— . t- -

i t ^ g h r in rh;. ^ ^ ''^ 1 to him, when'Puniihment which W

c L overwhelmed the reft o f Mankind;c f^ ller^ ierlJ rJ : therefore w e can difeover the P lace-f f he c fn ^In^hn T v ? r ' • ’* ®tnong the AntedihiG « x f r . ’ rin w J teforted to worfhip G o d , w e »

f°r tfiis Journey i jS ^ T i i / r i ^ ^ by a H t ie Z a ji. and make fevera-[ curious P

coveries, which tlie World in theft Oi igiM l, ^ yn ed m dofe C o r^ rd ; and ter Ages has not thought of. th erefore,befidestheW ordn‘7 lQ w I« rf, N ow that the Garden of£<fo» 'w*’

fliall be the S iil^ ft o f our Enquiry.As N iah was a ju f Man and p efeS ‘

his Generatim, w e cannot doufit but Habitatiof! iefere the Find, w « near tj Place which G o d had chofen 11 »*/*

. . . — J . L . 1 * ^ . ^

naturally frgnifylng N ativity , this Word

fcisw I.ri CtUiO -P*»ee facicd to G id t ill the F ind, w e

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

IlnKR 'Dco: Ml tbi ?ht t»| '■ ettki



O f the Garden o f E d en ; (See the M ap in laji K l . ) 6 fM i f w e do blit confider that the heads the whoU Companv o f B ilu

hence ,h e r a ^ „ p ,;< r „ ® J ' ;i! " , P a n d iervice o f crying one to another----- H oty.H t'i Hoh

?cc-;King to the Pattern ZX)RD O F HOSTS, Jfai. v^-6. A nd a c l 9 when the Army o f f W

^ ' . 9 ' ' ” - through the Wildernels. it was« *iii. 12. l» ,c an Refemblance I It; A i ■■ — iff. There was the iame

^ t ^ e into both,/Hf;&e£a;?; The Way w the Tree o f Lite was on the Eafi-Side

!- iii. 24. and the great DoorTaiernacie and TtynpU trotued the

t-ml. E-r J . w.'— f ______i

^yided into _/»«• fquare Encampmentsr T h e hrft was the Cam p o f Jn iuh, j h . char, and Zebulm, to the Eart, who Iwrc in their Sejmrr the F igu reofa Lyon- tlic f«ond was the O m n o f Reuben, Simetn, and C ad to tne South, who bore in their£ j Cv j ‘ W 'n e South, who bore in their

WkL I T * ^ ' ‘ e x p i r e d » Bam ,^ the Figure ot a M tn j the th rdvm. Id.---------zdly. There was was the Camp o f Zohralm , M jeatirehXitd.

I •j's fame Cherubim in both.' ’ Gen. iii 24. I ig , IP, 20, 21.

f ,L all our Divines, w ho have . of_ this Matter, would have theI in Eeien to be A ngels; But, II vi»k.i-''f'* T h ey were Forms

_ , -----T ,— irAjupuj/erj, iUKI^ ja r m n , to the W ell, who bore in their B am ^ the Figure o f an O x : and the tourth was the Cam p ofD ^ o, NaphtaU, and ^efiier, to the North, who bore in their Banner the Figure o f an Eagle • In

‘ °''^En^P£n■ enr»vJTdli T ***‘*^*^c. 1 ucy were rorms■ hl .u **’* m ortal E je , w h o w e ie fet , p/J"*''^■ ‘ ‘ i s H T y to vaarifth at facred ' i ^ ‘J^y^^J<:<^ii^dCherubimhy iidam .

C ^ the Multitude (a j o f their V i- I ’a '^ l delcribed by E zekiel andQ . - ' i ' T h e y had four Faces, t« *. '- '« w < ” !,w n ic n w a s a ;/ rp fo fth e P '

% * " t ° J D""-^J’ “ '°™ P ?f'dofthoi/m u rP 2rtSi the r-d v • /■ L° ' - e a c h Face ot the Cherubim, beingha/i , E t rF - I. f . T hey Icated m the miAtt r .f r - . __ . ¥ ., 1 " hx Wings, 2112. T w o with which th». '■ °''«ed their Faces, tw o with which "ey covered the Wateis o f their Feet,

vi; 2. or (4/ Etekdel fays) ciietr Bo- fturr * e hi a flying Po-

— .— . „»,iipmenr»Tabernacle o f the LO KD O F

HOi7 S. and the Cam p o f L rv i, his Mini. Iters la Ifrael: So that it is evident thepartiimiar Figures in the four a®»aerr. be-ing added tciether, made up that o f the

the fPZw/« and

. ,— — uciiiK thusIcated m t ^ mid/l ot the Camp. iS a ve. ry beautjtui Manner, looked over tha* Part ot the Array o f which it was the jiecuiiar Emblem, (e l

But it hw been faid, that Mtfes by the Cherubim in Edm intends the Angels,

T l»v h>d '• * ; commodate his Speech to the Capacities

i f c ^ « t K ’e l l ' SF(v.h ^ o t a C a l f s'• I ' Their Appearance was

^ •h « n g, like burniihed &ra&, or like hence it is that l(ai~

Seraphim, {e) ptlii-rk '‘ ‘'5 o f the Cherubim was_ ^ H tc ii {d) o f C h r i s t , as it compre.

rV i 3 i ' k O n ' a Multitude. dw h i he made, butIn , „ here this feur-foid Figure, jL a b^ ’ ‘*y that U n^Jlanding, Courage, q _________ _______________quires with _which G o p re- into their Mouths,------ ‘ Thou wait

and halt redeemed U s to G o d by thv Blood, out o f every K iN D R in and T o n c u i , a n d P io p i E , aad N a t i .

‘ o n ' , A m . V. 5 .Alliuion to this Difpofition o f

j j the H cfl ot Ifrael, St John, in his Drferip- ^on ot Heaven, has placed, fc it the Throne o f G o d . then the 24 Elders, or the Mimfters or the O ld and N en Teda.

r-u f. - F A ’ ;i r .“5 “ “ t tneGlcsy c ^ h e Cbenbim m the Taberna. c te .b t better inabied to irarae an Idea ot the Grandeur o f chofc immortal Spitita. ~ I a n ^ e r. That making life o f the Name ot Things which they knew refer­red «//ro chemfelves, wasa very odd W av

g iv i^ People u Notion o f the A n g l heal Worldi and it is impoilibie to prove that th i, Nbwr is given to a created An- Se\, ip m odi as once, in all the facred H9itingt. In fliort, the Dciign ot the

q u i r i - , k * ^ w>tn w n ic liG o D i ’ /.,V~L Com m andstobe executed, th i r i f , . ‘ ^^Jeraph/m o f Ifaiah, and aoo» f^ ?^ ‘” ’ B zekiel are the lame, dirii*'* al* manner o f Contra-C ^ l ; fhe Scene o f the Vi-other Temple) and iiom every^ 'j^ ^ ^ r'o fch o D e lb iip tio n ./4i -it; ‘ ■ •u k>cimption.B -n Cfjcrubim, or the fturthe r ’ ** tliem, falluding toftverifn*^ Standards o f thev ,e ^ ‘. i ^ ? f ” . " f the Wildernefs,)ty thar ' l ^ ^ '^ k f appears plain

“ at rcniarkable Speech which is putinto

” f«f i then the four Bealb, or the Cam o ot JJraet bearing theie in their Banners; then an innamerabtc Co.nipany o f A n­gels. R ev. IV.


Ayuntamiento de Madrid

6 » G e n t l e m a n ’ s M A G A Z I N E , V o l . V l l tjIL S tK iH T T in placing the Q htrulin in EHen, being to m ew the Sonj o f jid sm the Ktffr In iftijib ilitj o f ever olwaining rlieir_A-f HailtatCm , thereby rolHr them up to (ecnre their Interell in the C ove- . ran t o f G race} it is very plain, that * Ue R rm i w ere much more proper than irrvifihU S fir its for this Piirpoie; and one might as w ell believe, that the /f<s-

StpotJ was ftir itu a i and invijibU , aa that the Chtm bim w ere Co.

Bat to proceed j As there was the fame W ay o f EiKrance, and the fame C b m - B i'.m , fo there was^— »dly, the lame m tti M y Place towards tf»e Weft, both m Bden, tYtoTabernatU, and tiisTernyhi and confequer.tly thufe Latter were made in Imitation o f the Flrfi, and as they were built for Places o f Diriiie Worihip, the ocher muft have been fo before them. T his being preinifed, it tb H o w s,~ 4 tiily , q T h a t there was the lame Manner o f W or- Dvp performed in A s Adam , after the F»B, was obliged to worfhip m thsut the m oll holy Place, before the Cherdim , and cimfeqaently ttrrards the fo did the Ifraelitt} in the great Ctert o f the Ta~ iem ade find Tem fh j by which the Charck w as then taught, tin t there was no Way to regain eternal Happinefs, but by a ^ Return to that G o d , from wliom the fk S Man revolted. Upwr tlie whole, there- fort, w e m ay obferve, that this W ay o f W orlhip f w * . without, towards the was in u lesn the C h m h , Irom the Fail o f Man till the Death o f C briji ( f) , when Pam dije was r ^ t a e d . Death overcome, Satan van q u iih ^ the Kit^dom o f G o d E begun, and Life and Immortality brought to "Light by the GojfeL

T is true, as G o d ihewed himfelf more piacanle to rhe Worid, after the Flood, than he had done before, fo there was Jbme Difterence in the placing cf the Che- r -iim ; T hole in Eden w eie let w ith a

Sao-ilice wa* accepted* and i f not, that it was refilled. So chat there was then nu Room for Men to play the ffypterite be­fore G o d , nor (as there are no F oot-ft^ of, fo there was^ no Room for Idelaiff (g ) in chat A ge o f the W orld; but wkiw M Men, when they law them felvesr* mfed, i f they continued Impenitent, they

3 reed from the Prefence o f G o d i* , and paid no more Homage to th

A l m i g h t y : And this wa* fh great Caufe o f that herrible Wlckedm aad yiclence w hicL then reigned in tut World. ®

H aving thus dilcovered the A ntedlld y im Place o f W orih^, I lhall only ob ferve funher, that 'die Garden o f EM was a Peniajkla, lying on the Eafi-Batl or the a tited Stream c f Euphrates and Ttgrit, and formed by it, bei'ore k agai divided and ran down the tw o Sides < the Perfiait Gulph, as has dcfctlbe (i^. So chat Eden was not pri^i-ly daa, but the new htrderini Country ‘ the Seath o f ChtUdaa: In the Tim e c Aerabam it was called E la ^ , and h* a King o f its own, as well as Shinar (k Gen. xiv. i . In the Day* n f Smnachtri it was called, by the AJJ^iant, THapt at appears by the ila'feem M S MeJfjge <■ that Monardi to King liezeklab, a Kitfotiic. ia . where he jsJes------ H ave tht*Geds delivered the Children e f Eden k TeUITar ? (1) ^


(g ) T h e fir fi Idelatry that was cvsl praiofed, was a cermpt Imitation o f tK Antedilavlan Worftiip. TfuisGrcox/weit the firft Temples, in Imitation o f j ai the Terttphim the fir fi Idols, in imitark* o f the Cherubim. H in rid was il*

fitm in g Srttrd, thereby to deter our rirll p Parents from ever thinking of regaining their loft Happinefs, by Virtue o f firfi Caim a:a * btu the other in the Tabernacle

firft Inventor o f this W orlli p, a* I ba*< proved in a Wiicrtation, w h .^ will 1* printed, ilG»<f Ipares my Liie and Hi altb

(h) For one great Caule fee G e* M tg. Vol. V I . p. Coa. H.

were placed npon a Mercy Seat, to encou­rage Mankind to lay hold upon the Jeemd.

G ive me leave to add, ’tis prnbabje that when the Bum l-Ofiirings ot the A ntedi- isviaas w ere broiiglit txrfore the Chert- 2 bim-, ir they '.vere .tnl'-imed by the bam- ing Stssci-.d, it was a c_. ta'ta Sign that the

(i) See Map o f the O ld World.f k .....................................

( s ) l'P.eH :a\:.;:s v'.orihipped the con­trary W ay, — probably the D evilwould have it fo, tiiac they miglic thus t, fliew tli 'i; < •-■ h nCtiutfirji S.evolt, and, in a nianiuir, cor.fenc to that Breach between tlrui; and their Creator,

k,) And hence it isevident, that It cod nrx be (eaced in Chaldaa, which is a P>d o f ShlnssT.

(1) I cake it fo r granted; th ir r

Siarrel between Hezekiah aod SetsnMhi’ , was on a relip ou i A cen n t— HezP

klah liad before fiibmitted to SetsrtacUrIh and paid him voo Talents >f Silver and ^ Talents >f Geld-, z Kings xv; .. 14: 8^ this would not fotisr'y chat pretd Prltd he would needs let up the '.V\.rihip o f I own God, in Je»ry -, H /trkleh would H'- fuffer k , hut defirr/ed th:lr A i'a rt, sfd ewemandtd the P.eple t» worjh'p only Jerulilcm . a Kings xvlii. a i . .So that sW





Ayuntamiento de Madrid

After wh*t has been faid, there can no Qwbt be pade, but the Habitation o f «\_before the Flood, was near the Cht- rw w on the E afi.fidt o f Edat^ before which be ctnffm tly reforred to worfliip God , and where he built the and A

ailifted in that Undertaking by Methv- / w , Lamich, and other pious M en : S!o that the tm Reafon o f Noah’s taking that

* *55 from the Eaji, was in Search 'ill o fW o rih ip } which

|when he came to, and found it dcftroyed ®T the Deluge, be, at GOU’s Ccm roand. p

(m ), crois’d the Tigns with hiS rarnily, and fetticd in Shin/rr.

From the W hole therefore it is erident,^ ® ^the ,^ 4 diiringrAir77?»eof the Flood

, “ ’ d niored Eafivard trom Eden to ylra- Breadth o f the preferg

h^pire o f Pcrfia 1 and confequently it Wuft be a fVep-iVlnd th if brought the ' W upon the Earth j ercn that gentle C

which has always been invocated ^ ih e choicdl o f Bleffin^ i and indeed a

commonly turns the greaceft « flin gs into the feaereft Curfc.





P a r t ic u la r E f f e t l i o f W i n e a n d M a l c - L i q u o r s . 6 9

one V iew , in diftinft Clafles, the difterenc Confequence o f theft general Drinkables, every Man may eaiiJy judge for liimftif, which o f the tw o is the molt healthful L i­quor, when he chufts a cordial Draught on ly; or, even, which is the Icaft o f tw o Eviis, when he has a Mind Perzr^rcari.

I have couch’d the feveral Particulars under Technical Words, as being much more comprehenfive, and fittle left intel­ligible to fuch Peribns w iw are at a ll liKcly to confider this SubftA. A s a P h y - fician, I can juilhy the Trutb o f every Article, as Matters ctf' F ait, which have occurr’d to m e in Pradficc.

Perhaps, you may hear further front me, in like Manner, concevuing Simple and Compound Eatables.

IVitK-^inkcTi have ^ie-driniers have t'oeUs R tfju ia ,Tremor Nervof.N rihritis,

^Iphem y was more diredly againftGoD , ’ "d he more interefted in that Qitarrel, p, w w moil People are apt to imagine.— —1 think that ^ hlhakeh calls tfie Inhabi-

of TeU far, <The Children o f Edtjo, ~ ^ n a t that TeUJper was called Eden at ™ t Time, but it being then w ell known I'^t Eden was there feared, he names it to mhmate, tliat i f the God o f a Place fb w r d could not preftrve ir, how fhoiild E *hnr G o d fave Jerufalem.

(m) N odoubtbiu G oD gavetH sC om - ^ i “ ment for their De^Hyture fW>m Eden, ™*t fo Mankind might nor iM ix e a Place "oofe Worihip he had put an End to.

R . Y .F

^ U r b a n , Durham, i/ tS .

r U X u R y being an Evil much com- P,“ '"ed of, as vihbly encreaSng a-

us, and the tw o Non-naturalX o f ^ Drinking, contributing large.

J to this V ice} I am under a ftrong ^ ^ P ta io n to exhibit to the Publick, by „

o f your Book, a fmall Attempt to . U ■ rds correcting the Errors o f my G xm - ^ m cn , with refpeft to the latter j fo Ur ^ c ^ e T O the Health o f them. In or- y.‘ , 'his, let me only recotnnjend to

Reaieix, the Perufai o f the two j^-rvvtiiten Columns 5 which are a C a . .‘ .jgiie od f;,me o f the peculiar Difeafts u

^ tirta ln EfiifJs, Irom immode- f^, i2“ ' J o f Jf'rn.-; as ah K thofe that

" y . Iprlog iroro Excefs in drinlfmg i hlah Liquors. By thus having a:

Fasces O iefa, lin o r Ahdominsil. . Litpitado,Laedtas Fiiref. Nouj'eti,Morass Regius,Hydrops,R bjxm atifnut,

1 am 2'outs, 8ce.

H . B.

Nephritis,Rjm enatifm us,D iabass,Hydrops,Morbus R sgiss,Cephalalgia,Paralyjis,Siccitas Nbrof.Naajea,

Ti the Author o f the Enquiry into the Meaning o f the Denioniatkt in the N e w Tdlam ent, and the Defence thereof, in jinfw er to the R ev . Mr Twelis, dec.

& I R ,

I Have lately read yotir ingenious A t­tempt, to prove that the Peribns who

are filled by the ftcred Kftoriansand which onr Tranflators ren»

der, theje pojjejjid a ith D t'M s, and w ho w ere miraciilouiiy cured by our Saviour, were eitl'.er Epilepticai, « M ad-menj and that there was m fuch T hing \ s a real corporal Poflellion by evil Spirits, c i­ther before or fince thofe T im e s; And af­ter having comidered w hrt you h ate oS- ferad to the W orld upon this imjxMtant S u b ^ , I had a pretty urgent Deurc to td - dieft you in a few Weeds w k h Reiation bereuntu} but living atiD K lan ce from the Great C ity, and having not the leail p « fo - naJ Knowledge ot'yoii, I tliought it might not be improper to convey w h it I had conceived m my Mmd lo you, by means o f this Paper, w hich, I hope you wiH not be ofFunded at, in regard that your Performances are made ffak'.Vi ju ris, and expufed to tile V ie w and Con;i3eratioti o f all that arc capable o f .-eading rhem, or forming any Judgment about iliem.

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

70 G e n t l e m a n ’j M A G A Z I N E , V o L . ’V lIf.1 fh>U begin with hinting, th it it is SohicIonyoucouHinventdoee.Ithink.ftil .].■

o f m y D eliM to enter into a par- leave us in the M ire; for. I doubt, tbei* i„5ticulav Diicuiiion o f the Suiyedt o f your are few o f your Readers who will be ia 5,, Enquiry. I do freely own that you have clined to believe, that fo vaft a Numbe ftcw nyourfclfagrcacM ailerofit,and have ^ o f Swine ftijuld be frightned to fuch— lufficiently difcovered your Acquaintance Degree by a Couple o f Mad-Men (an |y, w t e that Part o f Learn ii^ com m aily that too, lb far as it appears by th cbcalled PhiloloCT. I cannot pretend to imitate, tho’ I 00 truly admire your criti. cal Skill in the Greek and H elrea Lan­guages. E ft m i h i fMU curia Suoellex-, et

l2 M ‘ ‘ f ^ AM «A . «, hAM

fpired Writers Account, after their Mai nefs was departed from tlrem 1 as to n -.y for Shelter into a Lake, where inftead t |

res angufta D tm i. ' I’ is not in my Powerfinding Refuge, they met an univcii ; Ruin. I womd twt be ludicrous in K t) iL

to procure many Books, either o f the A n - b u t I can fcarce help faying, that* f ftipnts, or Modems; b i i I have read my Creek Teftamcnt w ith fotne meafurc o fCare and Diligence, and what I have to offer w ill be founded upon that; yet I api very far from blaming your Endeavours to explain by the Life ot Words in profane as

cording to the common Proverb,They m ull needs whom the D ev il drivtthe Matter is not fo very flrange : But appears to me very odd, and unaccoi<» able, that the mad Pranks which we yg played by tw o poor Men, who had bei , (jj

w ell asfacred Authors, what muft be ac- but o f th'eir W its, but had now te g a io A ^ knowledged to have a great deal o f Diffi- ^ them ftho’ if you be in the Right, the Jc u k y in it : Andwhaieverbecom esofyour H jntthefts, foT I can as yet look upon it under no higher a Charafler) even tho’ «t fhould be found not te n ^ k at laff, yet w h at the Poet introduces Hellor faying in a Dream to uEneas, with Reference

was a large Spice o f the Diforder left ft bchmd) mould have fiicli a prodigii>^"/, E tlefl upon thefc unhappy Brutes, as i * . , , caufe them all to drown tiiemfclves t rs the very laft H og. 4 y,

As to the other SuppoGcion, concen tu the Defence o f his beloved Tfsy, (S i _ Ing tlie Dlftcmpei’s pairing from the M< Pe^am a dexiradefendi eiiam hue ^ to the Swine ; I chink it can ferve only figd ejafa fu ifth tt) may be, with great Rea- explain ehftxnan per ehjherius, and till y ,’Ion, and without a Compliment, applied eo your Performance. I believe, ir willb e generally agreed that you have done w h at carl be done for the Proof o f your Aflertkm ; and I am particularly lea fed

can form any Idea about it, I can fay » : thing at all to it, and you yourfelf i'eo ■ to lay but little Strefs upon it, judging former Part o f the Akemative the :ii, probable, and conceiveable; and indeed I

w ith the C lofe lA your fccond Difeourfe, r. me they are much alike.V A V. a . . AA a J a /X I . . 1a A««A MA.&A ^ t 1*1^.^^.. ¥ . . .in which you moddUy leave yoitr Readers to judge whether the Method you have taken, or chat which your Aaverferies efpoufe, tends m oll to make Revelation clear and inceiligialc, and free from real O bjeflions: Concluding with this very good Prayer, ‘May God dii-eil us all to

In fhore. Sir, I apprehend that in ti Affeir you were almoft ashard put to )q i: as the kam ed and ingenious Theoriil w wo, to find Go? and Magpg in Iiis new Ead e & aftei the Confragration, when he had ■ ad other Expedient left but to raife them o| qfe ofM ud llkeTadpoles.calling them Wn

‘ the Knowledge o f the Truth, and may p Terrigenas, TerrieftUos, eLim aprtgntw k ^ ; ‘ that be deemed and followed as the on- fte r TrruUrum M im alium (though by.>*^t.

ly ^ u lc o f Aflion, by all that love the ‘ l^ rd Jefus Chrift in Sincerity.’ T o w hich I do mod heartily fay Atsm .

I fhail m ake no farther Refie^icn upon any T hing you have propofed for clearing th e fcvei al Narrations, that w e meet with

way Equivocal Generation had Seen IU 5 2 ciently exploded by the beft PhilofopW th ere he framed his Theory.) T h is is ^ ut ; ly reprefented as an imfurmountable ^ ' in ficulty in the D oiior’s Hypothefis, by tl iiijj curious Author o f the new admirable B ifet

in the Gofpe), concerning our Saviour’s G raphrafe and Notes upon the lievelaft'dirpofreiling o f Demoniacksi but only eftv ferve, at a chat k feems to me,w hen you come to the Hiliury o f the Man, o r ^Men, cut o f whom our Lord call a L e^ o n o f Devils, that by his Permiffion entered into a Herd o f Swine, who preci­pitated thcmfelves into the Sea, and were

page 151.But to return from this D igrellion; tl* -lity

which Ichietly intended toliOTi^ to jsityby giving you the Trouble o f this f I ft*Coo tiafty) Scrawl is this, it/a,. T hat wW >teseverbecom esofyoiir Notion, with refKWTV« A¥V\|S.«Uj ¥¥4111 • *‘rii

. .................. - ...............- .............— ------- to the Scripture Demmiucks, and the ^ 'anrufJocated, to the Number o f about 2000: H ftindlion you make, and feem very cod ftioI fay, Sir, it feems to me that you are dene ought to be made, inter ^ |here reduced ad Ineitas, and that ylqua I fliouid be very thankful ’ fo,tjk i kora in chi* Jafljncei and the bell you woyld be fo good a* to explain yc> ftli;

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

O f th e D e m o n ia c k s in th e N e w T e f t a m e n t .

^ Freedom as to the7 1

Scriotures, in which w e are exhorted to^1^ •••-••»■ aavwMWat* «»P L>VI1L*UIU It* VYIU ** *TW *UW VAIK IIWUbe b kf '"k *■ prsfume you will not refill the Devil, that he may flee from us,

lumto ' ” ^ r ® '■ ” B-PtemNature fuch and bidden to take unto us the whole A r-w_ “ iignanc and milchievous Beings, as are mour o f C?od, that w e may be able to

( a called D cyilsj but I could hear- £ (land againft the Wiles o f the D evil, andth i n 3’' “ coM us your Senti- arc told, that our Adverfary the Devil asr ^ wits more openly. I would by no -tn n y ° " Offence, or put•ead I **™arhable Coiilh-uflion upon wtiat

***‘*> cir w hat you have omitted ‘ your Enquiry: But 1 muff acknow- ^ it would be a great Satisfadti-hat *

a roaring Lyon walketh about feeking whom he may devour. It appears to me pretty plain from ali thele Pafl^es, and ftveral others, which m ight be produced, and which I cannot fiipt»re you to be a

_ Stranger to. T hat thele formidable Ene- "m ie s o f ours, are not fo chained up ac

prefent, (tho’ they are indeed rcfeiyed xiiito everlafting Chains, for ib the origi­nal Words fas you w ell k n ow j may Tic properly lenderid) that w e have little o r nothing to fear from them, which yet

Lw lay, JOT ana O il your Exprelflons would fat leall w/ta* 7C J T t“ ! iMt im a g in g Stings. This C/«f/«Xccin 10 infinuarc; and i f I have

g r e a t .to roe, i f you would condefeend to de-• - «a j v u » » u u j u v u a u c i c w j j u u c *

* little more plainly and particularly, d'_ “ t you are willing to admit the

jver and Agency o f Evil Spirits. I • ^ « thityou tell your Anfwcrers, p. y j. j yp'i'' fecond Enquiry, that it is notliinc oalB uT; I® f*y» ^ D ev il and U s

fern' to grant after a Sort, or forSake; but immediately add

u 1 ^ Peaeriv « ; and (xerclfe this Porperfi

tceajion Difeafes. And in p. yy. you mcert Demons t i fien ify fattente M< helieve tm dt'-m hlt: f,anlv' Demons in that Senje ^I rill ^-ave any Powera» o - t J j ’ ^“dies $ f f.Ien, or that hodity : Yia are caufed bjt their Infiuence:^ t! ' ^ ” ^ y rejirved in ever.

^ a in s under DUdutefs, ante the ^ D a n and w hilfl

\ f ^ fica r'd , there i t no fuch ^ n tl» ri?” 1.*®'’’ faem. And thus you leave t toJ inirh as to any fiirther Concef- i l l«" »TDor^P'*?“ ^ <iHp°icri to make inEart 1 , ' ^ . ° ' the common, and, as I think,

iad< ad i* ** !*’ Account ol'thefc Matters, ■ moi ^t'ce be Ib free with you, as

^flj^'ltcExprclEon ofMrTawWr, which

mifapprehended your Meaning therein, I heartily crave Pardon, and fhall ^ m oll ready to make ail due Acknowledgements o f my Millake, whenever you will be fo hind as to convince me o f it, and make it plain to every Body, that you have indeed a due Reverence for divine Revelation, according to the Proiefiion which you have made. I hope, I am very remote from that aueiiai/j::ti» o f Thiofhrafius, which you take notice o f in the 68 Page o f your fecond Enquiry; but I cannot read the Bible without thinking that poor Mor- tabarein no fmall Danger from, and conle- quently ought to be continually upon their Guard agaSift the Snare andTemptarionsof the apoftate Spirits, who are always ready to do all the Miichkrfthat polfibly they can to our frail Bodies, and efpeeially to our immortal Souls, during our Continuance, in this probationaiT State i and w e have a great deal o f Reawn to be thankfrtl unto

tot i which I cannot F God for fumifliing us with fuch a Panoply3y rklt^ returning again upon yourfelf,

soba I tarn negUeenter[5 ^ pardon me, tho’ I fay

more accurate Eaqni- jv't^ ifch J r ” ®’’ Moment, and')e P* :frn- V 1 taken notice o f in theiatib ®’ " '°u ld be (in m y poor tens us, w e are

^ n icn t) more ufcfulandeaifying(e<pe-^ and which fure Scepticifm and lo fi- rra\ Reinps .• Am

invifible Powers are by fo i'fc* “ fd derided, as merewh*! 'tei’o f ,efl^ ^tat^ Imagination) than yourle ^ Wt fi, *"1. elaborate Dilquilition

as St Paul at large delcribes, and recom­mends to us in the iall Chapter o f his Eplllle to the E fh ^ a n t i that by the Ufe thereof we may uiecefsfully fight with, and happily overcome thole Principalities, and Powers, and fpirituai Wickednefles, o r moil wicked Spirits, wliich he there tells us, w e are called to wreftle with, and which fure are not imaginary, but real Beings: And (as I have already inti­mated) r Ihould be heartily glad, an4 think m yfelf greatly obliged to you (as I doubt not many others would do) i f you would employ your excellent Pen a little more particularly upon a Subjedl chat.IIV.-, JQt -k k, i,;iiqumiion a- more paiukuiai jy upon « ouoicm. u

corf ScHi'rf ,V ''w .Tellam cnc Dojwi/W ir. h can n a but think very worthy o f it.■ „t I oq, p|7 tnmk It would be well worth I could ealily fay a great deal more, as fu! > t*i, j . 'I? S " ’* us fuch a clear Illuilra- to what concerns the Being and AgencyycHiJ itli ,k] * uantioc doubt but you are very o f evil Spirits, and our continual D arker•’ fcJ * W w>, u f the h o m in g q f thqfe ftqm Poyi'eii Rage and Malice. whet|


Ayuntamiento de Madrid



7 a T b t G e n t l e m a n ’ s M A G A Z I N E , V o l . V II I .j l l ’nlghty C id 3s pleifcd, for wife R e i- fons, to permit them to exert the fame. But I m ull Qot expatiate lurther, left the

great Length o f my Letter fhould

• R ufri, oo^ttobe drme.’ Bot I i»t pve Mm'cn, but oife’d ay Reafm for I popoferf an Expedient, which anfwered the Ends that a wift or a ^uftiCler ynsafl

difeouragethe Puhliiber'of t h e l * r j i / « a i* 'll,.**"”,.**” ?from alfowing it a Room tberein: But Why t h ^ ^ e ought1 lowing . _ ................ ....... ......tho’ I lhall fay little more at prefeiu, yet I could not well fay fels, wfien I coniU dered the fatal I 'en den ^ o f fomc late At­tempts in favour o f Infidelity, and pani- cularly o f a very late one, by a vile aban­don’d Apoftate, I mean the infamous, im-

thia in Rujtn to be done f What does mean by rqefVing my Advice and ArtiSa (and yet (p. 543 asks its ilrefh) vritbout M

the InfufEciesKy of my Scheme, or pssf another ? In fuppoit of Tytfaes, the

At^meitt which this Author telics throughout his whole Difeourfe is, that

moral Author 01 a m tS blaft^emous B A ' * fr fT ty as they JtBook, fa'felv. and im m .rW Ii, ont.rlc-rl 71%. rvtrlcat iansar or) RtsardM nUtnusCnBook, faifcly, and impudently entitled, Tlbe Msral P iilo fith e r : A PPi-ttch, (whoever he is) o f wh<m I cannot fpeak with Tem ­per, and Patience, and on whom I cannot think without a ju ft H onor and Indigna­tion ; wlierem, I hope. Sir, I am not withoot jm ir Concurrence, and that o f

Astt?^ m Regardtr niignustrations } The ^ ttot of which jsfrom what I oUerved in my laA [p. 314), dI quote ficen Dr. Cant, that the primilChriftiam tefufcd to pay the Taxes ratedthem for the Supfxm of Heathenifm. 'this Gentleman might have told them, . . . . . . ^

’ rspci

AppHiatim e f ' tir ir T asai, i l is m M r it D tm trit in js u i Tear Pnfecalisns art therf caning lo aurmg fa tin g cut at f ir ft , and ■ rmfe^evoat and errm zas Priacifdt, that je tt the cn^ y a c ^ btnv ar^ in injfvttf

nthOQt Concurrence, and chat o f p ju a iy as ih« Qjukew, (p. 5ij4» ( ^0 ^ 11 good Chriilia.TS. But 1 fhall leave him ^ « re _y» k-u the Pakid fatUs Prepirs > the CorreSioo o f his own guilty Con- Tiu art m ucs r unatmei in tbt gxd a

ftieiice f it it be not altogether cauterized) ..... -and to that o f the ingenious Author <>f T ie I.r.snaralitj i f th i Ucral PhH tftther: and may it pkafe God to give him 'hepen-r ^ e , i f he I w not Imned the Sin unco M re/JnV c're & pnvidtd fir , i c . But Death (tor the Remiflion o f which St r , all this plaufible R eif»i4 , the priraid 7 oiin could give us little Encouragemtnt . . . . . . ato pray) as to which I muft own I am not without m y Fears, for iurely he, if any Man, is fi^»*vx»fiTcc, in whatever SenC: that Word is to be taken, and wilibe, here or hereafter, ia.i.surtutf*untn: And

^ f 4 'v F ‘ Laws r f tr r c r a u n 4, dc^’ t' wemdijhe may not be fo m a fad Etermty. E . fo, ^ ^ ,,,

Chriftiani would not p;v 'ihrie Taxes, would they pay o B iv t Chtdience to any h which interfer'd with their Religion. Oo fuch OceaJions their ctumnon Anfwer was, am a Cbrifitan ; or clfc they talk’d in the U ga>K o f Tm aHiaa, where he fays to the Sc* of fJMir ( ^ 1 . O u I .) I f I impeach J<

I add no m oie, but that I am,n a rs, A s’ o n y w u s .

»«•••» sow a, ,n I a .te < n a a ,< a a»A U “

SKZ fir September !A , figned T. B. and tt mat in fafp rt jfTytnea. ^

A D t v i N c t ^ r i e Q o a e k s P l i a ijunyS T v t k x s .- /e fin e Reflefhons ca a

tbt G x N T i t i e a m 's M a g a -» lt name

T h i s Gentleman in his firft Letter on the Sut edl r f Tjtbei, (See A£i- geojnt for Apr:l)tR, p. 149.) profeffi-g a gesie-

rous Cosieein for the Sufisrii^ of the dcclaratthathisl'ifsci in writing, is, my Afijifanct, to djfcovet the true Caufos of dieEinh ta4 laintd if, and what m Rrafsn ought , , -to be done to prevent them. To whuJi I an- G facb Satiemem r f P ’vptrtf fir C irfita * fweted, (Vol. VII. p. 326.) In my Op!- nfiers as 'Tythts are. For then, i f my Rt* nion (and hv which I had given my Reafom) duly refiedre upcai it, he will £k that our‘ tb ^ Evib_are really owing tnthe Eimr of thor’s Reaibnbiv coualiy affec'h the pri:

not the untning Wiiitom 0/ God —* 6.) ’T.s K t Ansipury, or thcAaiicnt• the Law-giver, hot an experienced U f ' wfs and Efoity, that recommenb a Li ‘ Twrefcre when they have not thefc neeei# ' Q^ities, we have Realcxi to find T* ' with ’em, tho’ we find re cur Ctfi that tJ ‘ are iUll in Force-

■ Wberefore it comes to this at laft, TW the primitive Chiiftians then (and the Quail now) rlever obiected to the ennnai SettJ^ncl*, Property in aU civti Cafts j yet as the, rtf* to pay rrdfi:r3 Taxes, tho' fettled in the •• fame hlanncj as other Taxes wrre, fo it J remains fir metormve that Cfr.)f, iti Afim and tbrprnnarnx Cbrfiians art attfirmii

jaiu ru cm cceo, wracrerore ir a lurm,—; e rim, — — if a Law was made, irnpowerir clear this Point, ail this Gentleman’s read^* the Clergy to take ail fin s <d 'Tythc by from the Anabaptifts making a wrong ia*eti* ytfitta Wafraut atfy, where could be die H from feme Places of Scriptare (if he‘ Damage to them ? — — The Q^Icer too them truelj) cesnes to nodiing, and alfe* would be grea Jy relieved, ^c. To w hich that he feys aboufVroperty: And this is " r

Ihall endeavour to inalce more fuilytJJBiy Corrofpjodent now replyv, (p 541.) ‘ I * do out ask what in yswr d f m n , h u t w w its is my laA, in which I Oiiiaiid then have '

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

D ife n c e o f th e P l e a a g a i n f l T y t h e s .■MR cxpliut, but mMrly for BRvity't lake, and becaufe I thM |h t that tn^ DtJJertatim (which wii left at the Printer’s) had come to my Corre- Ifoadem's Hands as well as to the Hands asa- • I others. .

I aifrehmd (hat ChtiA and his Apoftles “ hne recommended m ly a vokntary and mo- dtrme Su^fifiiJKe for Minifieis, during luch Part <t their 'Time as they a n ci^tged m the W orkcf the in d ri»t mt t» ^ tnjtfitd’mUn it a me freely effered: m Oppe^evon to all <fahiifhed Maintenance for Mmjfters^ fuch at Tythes ate, wbick (as lihew'd in my laft) were _ produced into th it Nation l^F w ce and r m d , B and have ever itnee been Supported by exrrayr-

fecere L a w if and may therefore jnftly be ^ to be fr e e d Cyttributi m f i l l j for wmch

time V^otbtft^alriiJbesMaimenaiiee, and firu d Ceeitributiem, when applied to Tythes,^ convertible T ctitu, and carry the very lame

with them. When ! % , W hether T ftbei

id , 4 c. have Reference to Chrifl’i cv r. D irtt- tiom , they molf be undertJood in the feme Senfc ; and are a to thia Chapter, and to all Jjch like Pkflages in the NewTeftament. Theie- fbre the moft Mtrnfive OMflmdiLon that thn T e n Will admit of is, that as the A ffih s e ,h k t rta fim ti^ ex p rS U nd 'T n a tm o , f i f f t i 'a e A tcm m A arim i» rhiir T n n x h , p S t P ta liv n U tavr the Corinthians sfen-Uarted, a r j treat aS C eM M im fim ia U h M aaier. Heopfeintfaim-fcathw i ( I Cor. it . 4 .J < Have w enotn;w er ‘ to eat and drink > have vre am Power to lead * about a Sifler a Wife, as well as other A io-

ftles, and as the Brethren of cor Lord, Xsd ' CefbuT Oflonlyaodijrna&sijhavewenot ‘ Power to forbear vrorkii* ? As i f he had laid Is ittMtrealbnablethayoulbouldallowuai ’

/« if S n i^ fK ijin d neceliary Chriftian Atteml whim we are in our Travels, as well as cne Brethren o f the Cheumcifion ? I t would be hard- that we fliouki be obliged to work for our B iW— n..ii men,, rejiai j la j, rv y io rj t‘“ C we laoun ueooiigea tO work for our Brwl

* " fr a CanmfeiKMr «r x Coalriiatrm s, i t is C weare employed in preaching the c \^ * ■Wrlr its Condefeenfioo to mv Antaeccift. M v kfline Onfivl nfr.lfc„na C .L -;__I r ___ .— • J'** W '•J tetMCt'dCWdlbrU, tl.19^^cerly jg Coodcfccnfkio to my AnUgcciiL My M o c ^ chat i» they a n ippointed in a

*' etoer different to what Chrift, his A ^ le s , the primitire Chnrcla direct, {eau them

he w ili) they «ani»t be fubmitted tc, *tthot2C breakUi| that fondamental Law <3$ ^^ ih an ity or c£ > r^ rd » | Chrift as ovrJupreme

^ K jn g in religious fta ttcri 5 f> t i i t thi« ^ ^ ways af7e& any wealthy Qoaker who preaches ^ OoTk I f re ^ a w hen Chrift font forth ^ IMfciplca to preach the Oofpei, he command- ^ them to provide nothii^ for w eir Journey j

for he, the Werkjneot it w r t ij ^ t it M eat: a. 10.) Allb [Luke x . 7 ,) when

g w forth the Sevea^, he foys, w the fam e

MingGof[iel ofLifeasid Safvatkmmycw e&e^ c iilly .S « r« i„an d n iy fclf, whohavu lab o S dto much amongft you. A g re e ^ t» th;s Con-

Dr. P y i paraphrafes that Saying of M fn , Tbev Jhalt me mteezU the M-etrh e f the O xikatlrtadrtbiM ibeC em -. -T is thereiosa-

manded ('feysbe.fJew.snrv, 4 . ; that the ve- ty p a that laboun in trading the O r a (bxsld

• be(uffered toattheC orn«ifA irvM s a t the ‘ XaiiM r.’

So tliat this P « « r t i l iv e ^ t ia G e p r lh f ^ free Oftcriogs of Chiiftians 1s not t R i i t ta

M a in e m t, becaofe a Minifi;.^-" may happen to preach amonBft them once a W eek

2 ‘vnn toe oewnre, ne says, r» ice ja m bat only a rtapaalk E e ^ a lio a to have preAef •j^je eating and drinhdgfm h T b 'ig i a t c for his A d it L o b a r Mncmft them -5^3 few , fr r tie Labmrer U vxnb> c f b it Kor has Chrill told bis Difci(*« y a s ^ Corrv.'

!. D», -L - «WS* - k )!/<..« Ss #w ll/C«ajL«-.. J*____J_____ ■__.a*., t rr' ^ • " J wrVX»€jor UK trarrmrtr ti ^vjney tj as

Ity the Wood M eat in S i Mattbeeuy ’tis ^ to conceive, that no mote was intended than * ^ ^ h e ESftiples might reafonably «peft all T ^^^ry Accomnsodations of the Petrie tb n

’’’d’ f i TTwe •ana taken h tie tl” M hafry ; fbi we cannot eatend itV roe ir m p r j ; lot we cannot eatend it about Maintenance, much iefr take any M-ched

F » * 'J p 'i« ® > '> it ,b u t were only ( A L t t .t . JtsnatIcaHe Words of our Lord, (M swi. ‘ ix .) re h i i t e ft lA-/)„«*/■ ,A-v r.

witneajt putting great violence upon resnatIcaHe Words of our Lord, (M atib.

^ • ) Prteiy you bdcie nem fed. fr ee h r tv e : ajH ^ the W<ad b in in St Lake imprts no more, wl.1 v preceding Part of the Verie,^ c h etplaisB i t Iqfthele emphatical Words, a V? ^ driakim fneb rlinrs as they w ive: k i a ^ Ihc learned Dr. Sasn. Clarke uuderllands ,v FaraphrafeonthePalSigecfStLalenuissT ^J, Per as a Workman has i. \afr Riwbt tow'flver, c, ..j..-,. __ u,__' < . r • .1 1

---------------- —• H . J V V l t C 'foondent veiy prftively aflrtts, p ,4 5 2 -j,J that they * s /w e i a W , for he has eaprefelr provi­ded chat ID cafe the Peopledid not receive them that is, as Dr. Clrriparaphrafea it, r^ aJedueZ. tertasn them, they were isot to make a Clarnoor about Maintenance, much iefr take any MrthcdV n fivwswv *at i b L . . * _____ ____ 1_. ’ f » a .

W*------------- ' *'•*> TVW.V V«J<f I d * U .H . Xm14.; u p a k e e ff ib e D a p ^ their P a r , and i , d q a r t} which neceflirily might diiige them tanetimes to work for their Liviiw. WhenSt PaWwriting to ‘7ra*efy,ftys('.5^,.;v. ir .Medetate cn theje Things, g iv e tb f p t f vahdk aarjifew ;('2 iZ7»i.i i , AbAlrerluevwrref* tn - tanpetk bim felfm ib the A f airs e f tbit L ip ■ , H e tells him act that, beaufe it might be lik Duty to dedicate himfelf entirely to the Service o f thehb * '* , . r w otKmann* a y ^ ttagu to to dedicate himfelf entirely to the Service o f the

W el& J^ 'L ? V T '**' ^ theiefore he may jufth’ expcdl a' » ^ s S ^ r ’'n ”“Z V baton th e e S r t r a ^ r ^. , to be fuft&med by taem fir toe »r>irvi* him ^r/w mi e. 9 s^ . « m-i .d-e v»« a-

The learned Dr. Prideaux fO tig. wadJ v P Bt»nt» that St. P a dfo both thefe Commands of our Saviour

•n 'y1,^1 m the Tem pi

Tem pi, and itafe vjhe

^ "V DOTH tnele C o m m a n ds o t o u r S av io u r, r r " ™ * D / i C o r . i i . i j , s4 .; That

^ ^ '”g‘ f Tem pi f the Tem pi, and itafe vjha

the A Sar mere made Partaken efrthe W ■ '? f >>»> t‘»frtabo

( Iu o r . IX. oicaf beh

the lU m i tie the .AEar

. . . ------- WA j wr%ak w.« VJXC W U tJ J I T

mindshimir/w. vi. b—* , afo .; TiatGoeL’inip1M b Cememmeae is g n a t G a n , ami i f be lu d

Fsed a n d R m n w ft ta he there^tnrh eo*7tent $A a much aa to % , in alllikelihood, thofe to whom thou adminiftrellfpiritualThii^ will a i- miniftcr fulficient temporal T liinp again, fa Ja r as F a d and Raiment, with whiSi I advifc theo to be content, and great Ihall be thy Reward in the K'nedom cd Heaves. I t U thus that Oriren, C irjfA .m e. J e n M .n n i th« Co*ncd at Anteaeb,dlftftly apply thdfe T^*lk.

i . T ( .

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

A'7 4 G e n t l e m a n ’ j m a g a z i n e V o l . V I I I .

S . A . B . b/ G reat Yarmouth, W . V II p 6^x-AS- U R B A N , ^

A ‘ a < t'" ' ' *’ ‘"6 th e Values <£ 1^ tw o diftinift Anniunes o f < ol. each, to coacinue during the re lw aive Live? o f Jhe Annuitwts i rte laid VaJucs may, without any d iif ic u l^ b e found bythe method and curious Table calculwed by the learned Dr H , * y .^ w ^ r^ n fio m t t e _ ^ m e enervations made in the Q t y o f BreyZ.», the C h a n ^ o f MoHalitv^re *L exhibited : But as the Sum of the Procefs. by which the true Solution is

^he R ^ u l/ S r ,!^ f ''^ ^ * h '''' ' ? ^ *’ *1= inferteth it will be fufficiew to Ihewthe Reiulc thereof, and how tome one o f them is perform’d, fince the reft are nothintr

and therefore, as an Example^I feall tore give the Inveftigation o f the prefeni W onh o f the i J h h1 lf.?ear]vT avI m a n becoming due at t ^ End o f 5 Years: And firff, cither by L ^ a r ith r S or Ta^

^^^*7 a“t ?he Fnrf'nf f M o n e y ^ iU be equivalent^ z s 1. at tlie End o f 6 Years i and by the above named Table it a p ^ r s that o f aoT Pertons Iivin-,_of 44 Yeats old, ^ t j+S o f them an ivc to y o ; t ^ f o r e f fav^as

^ ^ P''**” '’ ^ Gendenun’s I3fi& half-year!ly Paymem, COTlidering the Annuitants as independent on each other, which, m re. ^ a . t o the Seller, w o i^ be the fame Thing, a iS therefore can caufe no E r r S in the Solution. Again, becaufe out ot 397 People oT ^y Years old, but ayy ari“ e m m I fav

W h° to > E x ^ a c io n la f U d y ’s ]\t% Pay-W i 6n H - ! S .7S = ? l.+ y is the Value o f ^ e tw o Payments t a k e n S!.u ir> /vf 1 ^ <« according to this Method, after a tedious Procefs, t £ « .

^ ° “ f “ • '• T*** o f the propofed Annuity toc o i^ e n c c immediately 1$ found 1331/. but to commence at the eiW o f z . * , 6 8 or 10 Years U 48, ^8y, $4y, 7 1^ M-di^/. refpc£jjyj]y.

S/r U R B A N , ^

• n ^ H lS O iie ft io a depending upon the mnft equitable Method o f reducing the Un.

rt^ m in g one Life a Leafe o f 7 v V ark tw o a

^m petent Judges : Accordmg to it. I have, in the foibw ing T a ^ . firft -e S ic y the Lives :n Q.ucftion to pu-chafaSe Terms o f Half-years, it bemg by the Oueftion fn re

d e m o S r a t ^ fol?’ n ' ' 'h f " " an miverTal Theorem (MaS'ematbally to« aemonttrated) tor purchafing Annuities; being a fo the fame hv wMrh c i. f c ./JV em s’s T a b fe for renewing Y^ears lapfed in Le^es are c ^ ^ a ' d k n d i T u S t e f a f

on lym yO lcu latio n sraa y be examined, but the fame ThingB u j e r t d S l i e f "P n i K K i ^ ^ e S lS I

Firft, J fu tw fo every Life, after it has pafs’d the dangerous Period o f 7 Y m , . m

^ o n d , I uwm every Life, particular Reafons to the Contrary in n»n-!o,!,r

S S r ' k ” ' ’ ■ “ 5 * i f . «■ - half the T im e cV its '^ o U b baccording to the above SuppofitiOT. ^

TOird, I luppofe ten Lives, none ot ’em under 7, to be a ourchafable T ..™ nf

Fifth, iru p p o fe tiire e L iv e sto b e a p u rc h a & b le T e rm o f U o f t h e mean Tim e eft lr e ir ^ b a b e Continuance: Four Lives to be and five L i« s « . * r and fo tc l

It ranft next be n a c d , that (fie Annuity in Qiief^bn, is in its nature double, and' i«

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

Anfwirs to the Annuity Queftion.


73I '? '® A n n u ]c i« iW j. One o f 50/. on one Life, andone o f yo/. o n tw o L iw *

uied in r^ fc Cales, I havecaJailated the Annuities at ea. or g

each o fn ■* * ««'cc*eiLauatCQ CDC Annuities at eachAl& « d =■“ “ p “ 4 & « . J i i j



™ ^rin. ro negin immeoiateJ On one Liie o f a j , which reduces to ta half-

yearljf Payments, and is worth Two Lives 44 and = j 40 Half-yeais

The w h ok double Annuity "g TjTgy

I T w o Years hence,w one Life 4.7 = 50 Half-yearsTwo Lives 4<f and 47 = 38 Half-yearsThe whole double Annuity a Years hence Po be paid fta- now , at 4 per C t. fbt the Rev.

Four Years hence.^ one Idfe 49 = : a8 Half-years T w o Uves 48 and 49= s 3f Half-Years The whole double Annuity 4 Years hence i 0 be paid for now, at 4 Cent.

Six Years hence.^ one Life j i = i « Half-years T w o Lives yo and y i = 33 Half-years The whole double Annoity 6 Years h e n « fo be paid for now, at 4 ^<r Cenr.

Eight Yeats hence.JJi one Life f 3 = 14 Halt-years fw o Lives y t and y3 = 30 Half-years The whole double Annuity 8 Years hence To be paid for now, at 4 per Cent.

. T en Years hence.JJti one L ife yy — 12, Half-years ^ 0 Lives y4 and yy = i8 Half-years ^ e whole douWe Annuity 10 Years hence * 0 be paid for now, at 4 per Cent.

at any given Rate, for the Tim e between each Paym ent: Then, “ ' ^ - p

*'> the Cafe in qiieftion, a, wilibealwavs— ro ,.- ; B _

« W the heght required fcr every number o f H a ffV w ,? t ^

7 . i.

? JS 7

^ d83 >4ia ;c 14

S S9 18€6]

laze i 31 I U 7 ‘ 9

5916 i y

i i f ?987 10

f o j?95 14

1102 14874 2 I

4 7 1 17JW 18

10J2 I f75-2 j

441 9f2» 4p 4v ! 3ltfyp ll

l a t d ^ C / .d.

^ 1 thi Jt) with the pnxifc T ^ ; iuZhirh w '.. but neither sgree-JJ'Aget are lb near equal, J eftetm it more e«uitaKt t ""u Juftlcej became as? Live,. th ere^ iii „ a S '-trivcrV rW i^ » a Leafe* “ble or tiipfc to each other. unequal Cootinuance, u if the A jes had been

5« a ™ V r ‘ i E s s ^

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

; 6 T h e G e n t l e m a n ’ M A G A Z I N E , V o l . V III .Mr Benj. D in in g » f Hull,H x s^ v ^ lm h a ljt /tnfver'dhy hfr Turner,

Scktci-M jtflfr i f Beaconsfield in Bock?. K r Cakulatim s (rrt on till ^elUwing S a fp o ja iin , viz.

T h a t the A m o f Man (according to ^ Seripture Account) is 70 Years;

and therefore as J Annuitants are allowed to be o f healthy Coniliciitiona, they arc to be fuf^jofed to arrite at that A ge j and confcquently at 4 f , there remains ay Y ears to be mtrehafed j and as there is but one Y ear oifference o f their Ages, he B fuppofcs the Survivor to the other one Year, which at yoA ay Years in Re* verfion, at 4 fe r C a t. be Values at 18 A or. Sd. © Sum be adds to ay Years An­nuity o f to o l, which at 4 p ir Cflir. ac- o r d in e to his Tables, comes to lyfiaA 4 r . I a. and the whole double Annuity to p ly S o i 4-r. i<£ T h e dedufiiag a Years *" iefpe>3 ivcly every dme from 4y Years, and difcoonting the Intereft at 4 per Cent, he values the prefect W orth to commence 1. s . d.

T w o Years hence at i j p j la 7FottrYearshencetobew orth la i? 4 nSix Years hence loyfi o d D£ i ^ r Years htmes p o i 19 5T e s Years heiKe ; f i j 3 o

T h e firft Annuity T w o Years hence Four Years hence SU Years hence Eight Years hence T en Years hence

m n ieiunder.

t k

1. S-.997 l iZ jz l iySp 63 « ; 02.ZZ !1 1 9 >9

Mr. U k b a m , Ostfwd, fVi. 15. *737-8

T H E followirrg Query is propofedyour Isstaed Corrapondrats. W e fini I

many of the N e ir m proper N am a in the O il I Teflament eaprr3iveof the Charaftera o f t!« l Petlona who Sore ’em j as for Inflance,

N i m k o d , rdiellioui.A s * AHA M, Father o f a great Multkndc,

iA c o n , aSupplanta.ALEB, a goM Heart, or hearty.

J o t , focieat, &c.Ntiw how could th u b e widwutaparticu*I

h r Rerebtion, i f given in their ItAncy, ar i ( | □ fualw hhta? ifnecthen, a t what Age were I they p*en f or were they named affelh, by t lu l W titersof their H iA orjf *

TiurtCa i a i r a i

Te L V C I I, t A.

ASitiJljmce o f enotixr A a fetr.

S the Q uery flared by the Gentle­man o f G rtit Ttnm usb admits o f

Y o u r laA Favour gave me an agreeabft DifappmatmeiC, kavii^ done

much to fijrfac your genteel CorrejJoodeiBce. L I am from hence at prefent inclined to beliefs I you a good Being, (however I may fbmetiims fa pretty deal o f Variety, I could not for- E 7™ > 6“- f nay fhmetima

bear fpending fome T iou gh ts about i t : Infidel^) airirixsefore dodx notT h e Hypothefis o f Dr lU U g publilhed 40 Years ago, feems to me ftill the laoft

nn^. fiwvM -.1. _______

7 7 7 .

^ .^ W .A .W . . . .C » v « h l l l SJlt„

raciCTial onc; Jt was from this that my Tables (pobliflied about 7 Years fince in the Gent. Stewnrd) were Calculated ; But to the QuefHon; P

r apprehend that the Gentleman’s *’ Meaning is, that the InKrefl to be dif- counted is that o f i per Cent, for S Montlis; 1.« . at the rate o f 4 err Coir.

, the A a n u ify o f 100/. (at 4 per C l.) for the lyoyn c Lives, is (by m y Tables) worth

And the Annuiiy o f yo/. to c«n- mence at the Death o f one <jf the Lives, and continue duteing the L ife o f the Survivor, is worth a .58 Years Value

T o commence a Years hence 4 Years hence <S Years hence 8 Years hence „..o

10 Years hence yj4

I have dlfrcgardcd fmallFraaioos, as ufe- lefs in (^culations o f this Nature, and »ra. Sir, Zhrt, J. JUchai dibn

y«i will forget a Fault, H av e repented of}I efacially as i t pmceeded not from Ill-natme* f of. which your {elf has acquitted me, but fro* an odd fort tfScheme I hadfjolUhly enough contrived c f finding out my unknown Char-1 iner. M y dear A i ^ , I am hem ily aflam 'il M f i f jiat U/fid Di.lvjt and Slutidiij lb Ijuftly eondarmed by ^1 that f iw it j as teiogl wrote not rt o f# W » , but to fomethiiii, as 1 1 imagine, ■

— expafiteh / « ,fVltcb 'llmfbe can't noth •

.I f 70U think my Faith foffidently exercii’H with Riddle, and Obfeurity, reward it with I t o e further Difcoveiy, a id lead rw , heavealj t ^ i * . into the fabled Fields of Elyfium, |

Wherever, verdant Meads, and porlmg Rilh i Where Amaranthijis Groves, & c . ' '

419 Theiew e lliall enioythe foireft O----- you of telling, ind 1 of hearii^ the19*5 (Zf' How fliaU r be ravifted w ith W | n i* R=n can give foch E fe li^ Ns ^ , H y*'*’ Pleafore from your Infrrufticai8 5 ; ” 1 ^ . . . . ,ba, Grand fL m r iu . » ' j ( 739 Tiian . — W ith what Amisement bed j oz« mv Enchamw& apUin h tt teem and wo*' I

derful Art o f fietig mg h Ox— , when l | j. _ J 6 ***' VVIJCdfi •» ITulgiT Eyes I a p p e a l in a very diifanc Pl*c«J 1

the mean time tb lr i fevogrably*!aad Jiamai thcHappinels yocpmmil*

C a S T A I s IO*



Ayuntamiento de Madrid

tk Occaliatlon o f A L D E R A R A N , ^ c . y y

7 - U


*fr U r i a h ,

I Hope the Moon « that fix’rfstar o f J firft Mag-

"itwe, A ldeiarm , will oblige the C u rl. , Sudi Oirfervacions being o f great ^

^ in determining and compTeating the •fowls Theory. It occurs March i+, y s ! , at N igh t; and is vifible to us ill M^Und tho notfo large as in fome Parts ot jim cTtca:) I have w roi^ht it for the Tuwn o f Kidderm it^tr, Cat. sS ' Nwth, and io j}''^ W ell Long, from B

and reduc’d it to correfpond with ^ A p p earan ce at Birtnin^havi.


■ AUdgran enters the dark Horn o f the near her upper Limb ; and ap-

, I*ars again from M r illuminated Horn, v i vi«<, vv,ui Rivards the w ellem Lim b o f her Perl- c* » d W ifd o m ? P h ^ , as by Figure.^,Tne Moon being in the Occidental g ^ r a n t , and near the Horizon, her en- jw tened Horn is turn’d towards the

or, as the Vulgar (peak, tn krr Back, as by Figure.

all due Siibmlllion, there are fome few Things in the former Part n f the D if. coiirfe, which want to be clear’d up by him. He fays, p. 3 ,4th Edit. ’The Rea- ' ion o f Things, is that Difference which ‘ tefults from ihe unchangeable, eternal• Nature o fR ig h t and W rong, Good and ‘ Evrl.’ And p. 5 . he fays, that, 'as C ' d ‘ is the tirft Caufc, fo ot courfe he is Aij- ' tecedent to Things therTfeives, (>:ay* tv e n tt ideasi) and o f Cei feguence to‘ the Relations and Reafons ot Things.’ Is there then any Piiorirr, ary Antece­dence in Eternity ?— But, God, h t declares, is Antecedent even to W luc, orw hole Idea: ? Ours ? That cinnet be the ingenious Author’s Meaning. IsG cdthcn Antecedent to his own Ideas ? N o, futels. D id not the infinite Mind o f God eterraiy comprehend all die Ideas o f Jiii!ii.e and Goodnefr. and Truili, o f Regularity sr.d Beauty, m ? And docs not the Deity pro. cetd and act continualiy according to the Ideas o f his own Mind ?

Page 7. The Autlior iayf, ‘T hat the ‘ Relations and Rcafoas ot Things R‘ /.• ‘ from God's own interna', inv^ri.'ble ' Reairude.’ And is not Crd-i RtwHtude, fltiflly and properly fpea .irig, E m r a i?

' Is it not o f the fame DurMioi; with the Deity k fe lf? And i f fo, with whar P:»- p ie ty can God be faid to be Aattctd,:;: to the Kciat.ons and Rtafons ot' Tt.irjjS; tbefe very Reiatipus and Rcafons whicii flow from G j< s inteinaJ, invarlaWe R tu '- tude? Woii'd not the Aeguifoion c f a -.evv Idea be inconfrftenc with the P crfiS .'ct o f God, with relpeil to his Kn-,,wledge

T#acr, H v i L L K a i f

' t o 57 s9““ nernonjO rB e-la - M i n g f

Conjunraion 10 77 17 ^ “ lo n .o rE n d 11 13 32 ” ho!e Duration o 35 14

J>w/, & e .

.... ^ ................

h ttb il-, That a sG td Is th ifirfiC a iiie, fo n-mj o f cturfe he i t antecedent, [v e t to Man’s

K i^ ^ m ' a t B!rm D * h ith is a mtdiojs A^tn'.tn, nor -j

I V I. / . 0. Zff.


his own Ideas, vkich is a tafU til grtusee 'd Saffo/hion] but he is antecedent to the « i- firaU ed Reajtnt ^ Things, and tke Id,a: about them.

When God it fa id to be antecedent to Thirijn, and th t Ideas about then , i t i t

Jtgnifitd, that the Idea of Cod, acenrd r.,; ' r , • j f i t our.Coraprcl'cnitnn, mufi be j r b r to

O m ie liiit- £ gfi-cf. johatJoevtT. -sah.n-the^tsvLQtfW riterJays, thett tk fe Iu.,-t

I u „ j \ . . . . o fI o ‘ «SiI»ianeceJJ^ilyfrom I'r: divisse»Ia5 Seimon, entt- Mind, he can b a r% mean, that there i t

f " Point ( f i r m thfpofable, nrhen the d l- Morality, and revealed Religion. - i i s u ----- .-a.., . .

t .

38 53 10 yd 4210 58 4+11 12 JOo 3d 17

K Ts:t

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

G e n t l e m a n ’ s M A G A Z I N E , V o l .V IIL7 » < j 5 * » j> ^ U t t e k w«j f m i y fm e

l*Utr in LoDdjo, tt bt Jhtam t> sht jlu - t h r « f G i n t l e m a n V Ma g a - "iiHi-.andAjterthat tthavt it fnblijb'il. Mr~ U r b a n ,


Pofiuon which has fiom Tim e to Th) been made to her. She is the Eye-foi o f Popery, whofe Pen and Sword ha

. pointed againit hei ; While i various & iis , difTcnting from her, ha been left umipleiied, nay romerii^ .V.,, ui.iuLtiuico, nay lomeri

H E diTingenuoiis Manner o f vour F’’**.™ ^ ‘'n Complaifance r.r.: ?av " ........ '• - ' having fuch elRntial Flaws and De'J Proceedings in many

^ lomcthing ib mean and unliir m It, clue w e could not forbear riving

notice n f one pitiful undermining A r- t* c e , which perhaps you may be igno­rant of, -uus.

A ll your Maf esdms for Jajuary and ^ fk T n m s , wnichare fold in this City • J * the Operation o f thefeinclos d Covo-s, which you may p e itave to v c been unftitdfd from your Book, and nave had parted on them the inveterateArt arv «- L.l2A_1J . . aRT .Jr »'***‘« cucm cnc inveterate ‘ -xn vau *uiiuci, enc ooaitea

Advettifcracnts pnblifh’d againft you bv ° Bigotry and Piieftcraft, is peFj>e Ptop ^ tors o f tiie Lm iim MagazinJ. C ? fhe fame bitter Root.T/Wlr . 1/1.____ . . o _ . nrkur u p rt <

L ▼ v.AvaacJA* r.aRVV9 AliU IXm their Compotition, as give no Uml:.., to the Court o f Rsme, confident i f i eaiy Vidtory over them, when u.ifif [W e d by the Dignity and Esc.dlcncei the National Religion. N ay feme ofiher

“ arejuftly W iev ed to be the Offspring i Popery itfclf, and one Contrivance ■' f***' reftlefi Patty to divide a Ciiur which, united, was furc to be triumph overall her Adverfaries.

T h e modern Infidel, the boafted fr m y CO Bigotry and Piieftcraft, is perh- Kite i w n c D icccr K O o r . c

however that be, Deiftnisunqueftionab Beligion o f the lefuits, who r« ai

only their political Ends; For Deilml d u ally convenient for thofe, w ho by pk frauds for th a r ownAdvantage woi maintain among the People a filfe Re

u i , . axainit you mV P ro jw to rs Of tlie Lw W * Mugazini.Your Books alfo appear cat in an unufiial 1 ^ 1 ^ , and what other Injury is done, tho we iiave Reafon to fufpea. we do not

“ iotmation, rather the Efrcit cA common Juftice due to all Man.kind, than any paaicular Partiality in 'ft'™ "* " sm ong the People a fiilfe f

K ’ f t o be made a proper D indulge to f : W efliailon ly oblerrc.that w hM '’ ■ 'Pleufure, wookd have none at i

Merchants, or Bookfellers. take the Liber- ^PPe^tsnees, and prevents tty o f dwacing c«e another’s Warns, as odious Appellation o f A th .'cliey p ifs through their Hands, and pub- “ liberty to frame ttlim Jfiaiu jidvertifim ew s in the Names 2 'X'L, "*®o^P*‘ th and Prafricc, and ci 01 thole they would rivalin Trade; they ’ ‘'H ^ * y F o ev « y C o rru p ti(» o fth eH « i^ ft.tliC T cb y g iT e th e W o d d a T e ry lo w T . . God his brOpinion o f their Imegrity. A s fuch FaSs ^ P‘'" * d to reveal his Nature and An

in chcmrelves, thehigbeftDemonftra- Men m « h t not M into^ ...................

upon the Indignacivn fhown on this Occa- h o i, frKh Practices are not likely to meet wftii tncouragemeiu in this Mercantile Cffy.

iVe art,tiu rs, See. anhittm,

A . A . B .B . C . C .

S IJ J £ S T / O N.

^ - V D Efau fa id in b is Hcnrt, the Days

out ofW oo d or SR X V U .+1. •' J - I " T h e Relation and Fitnefs o f ThingsJtxvii.

^ » 7 , W hy fhould Ep,a choofe the Days ot mourning for his Father, before

i” l‘« to be 1 eveiised o f liisBrother Jaetb for ftpaling the ?

E .T .

- T “ IX m i into O''4 ^ oftencial to their l*i

rcftion in Life, and the fcveral It; and the Duty o f Man is written ■ luch large Charaoets, that he who ri» may read them. But this once fee afid

F t ^ r c w ill in a Senfe, as many forts* C ^ s , M there are Men, and Degrees • U o d e r fta i^ g and Wickedoels imo* them. When every one is to find ' drew, out his God, he w ill do it accordig to nis Whim and Convenience, and w» make him what he pieafes, as eafily * with a Cluftel out o f Wood or StontJ

From the JPcrtlp JKifedfanr, No. aSj.

DeHb, I n ^ I s , Diflcnters and Papifts,^ t h e Cbnrch i f

has received great Honour, eveo from the o p .

---------- « a» u i ’ U » J C l5 O t I n i n S S i f V

^ « be clwfes to fee th a n ; and his Pb ot Duties, i f he ever makes any, fliall 1 1“ '* "Ot to interfere with his Pleafure ‘ his Profit: His Idol fhali hare as muCi o f one Attribute, and as little ofanotbej as he t o occafiw, fo r ; and his U w s

H be eafy enough, fince the fame Pert? inakes them, who Is to obey them, ^ b a r ^ n c r a tis a g n a t many tth> Shafts the InUdel afn-zesi in a i bang thwarted h j the Chtrch o f F.nglaO*l flx sherefert tnciers b it b*tteili> iJf> !iaM

t ;


Ayuntamiento de Madrid

E s s a y s »« F E B R U A R Y , i 73^ ’

The U ttratP toutirc of GruWreet. No 5. F e i . 1.

OiJirvMimt m B O A R D I N G - S C H O O I - S .

Th e Origin!] o f Boarding Schoait feems to be owing to various Cau-

les___ Sir has 1<^ his Lady by the fatalHindot’ Deach} and then a pretty Houie- keeper, or a new Spoufa, becomes » «e- ctflary or decent Companion, and young Mifter's Prcfeoce grows ifft fafio a Nui- face .— .VtSifaw may have lb large an Ac- ^uainrance, char three Maids and a F o « - »an may have enough to do to riM her MaHjmfKm ivir for. and w ait upon lie

may;ep i^ lit­

tle R ^ u es may ipoil Sport. And in ge­neral, \ is very hard, chat a Ladv o f F w - luoe fliould execute the mean Office o f a School-miftrels. W hat teach Children ? trnlyWs— enough to beget and bear them. (

Among a lower Rank, Mrs St i t c h puts on a pleafaac Air, when fhe can an- fWer a Tea-table GolTip, inquiring after Majier’s Health, T hat he is at a Boarding- School with Uafttr firch a one, (Son to hcf Husband’s f>cft Culiom er;) and tis

*^ am {h ip out for, and w ait uponlier in B shew o f Progrefs in Learning. ’ Ti berVilits: Or, pa-haps ftie may have an obferved o fp H iL iT , Father o f A fatigu e o f that Nature, that

79A s to the M aralitj: There is a Vice, ot

w W ^ a Boarding-uhool feems a very fer- til Nurfery. Savants, hath Men and Maids, are gen aaily well verfcd in this Cafe, and are ready to oNige young Ma- fter with a Share o f their Knowledge.

A Parent muft have a very good O ^ i - on o f a School-mafter, to think him ei­ther more capable or mtM-c willing to in- ftiil the neceUiry Diredlions o f Life into his Son, than he is himfcif. A School, mailer ftems generally very well fatisty’d, i f bis Pupil oners no Complaints againll the Orders o f his Honfe, and makes a

T isw e H A l e x ­

a n d e r the Great, that he was bred .tor ibme Years in the H o d e and under the Difdpline o f the brave and learned Er a - M iN oN D A S: by which the Aurhorieems juflly to afiribe his fucceediiw Gjandeiir to the earW loftruSions o f that great Man. A Child, educated u n d a the llea- dy Difeipline of a knowing Farha, and a virtuous Mother, is lefs expofcd to the Cheats or Vices o f the Age. When a Child comes Home but twice a Year, the Parent has but little Tim e to iofpeii

Wty to deprive Mrs St i t c h o f an agree- ^ the D ifp o ^ ^ o f his M ind; and prob^abfc Pofture o f h a Eyes and Momh.----- ^ bly the Cliud tb n k s it b s Bufinels to beThe DoBtr has a good Share in this Cafe: v e ^ tireumftedl that Tim e. Tis re- He often has SkiU enough to know that quiiite, thatSchooUmaflerslhoukl beC.en- tfaturi is the better Phyiician o f the tw o, tlemen o f as complcat Mc^ality, m eoa- and thea Change o f Air becomes a fove. fummate Learmng j but ^ t^ c ii^ he ex-teien Remedv - ____ I cantxvt deny, b « pedted, that a SchooUmafter fhooid have* i i Manner o f Education m ay. in feme either Capacity ot Improvements eq ^ l to Exigencies, be very convenient 5 nay. e- E all the ^ Noble-Ven MceCirY But I w ilh that the good man mull be bred a a Com -

the Child may. in general, be the pre- m o n a a Commoner, and w ho canng M ot.--, - _

WeB, let us e m a the Houle. T lw e We may obferve the D iet, the M trahej,

be bwter abie to qualify them for their fisveral Stations o f Lite, chan thole that reptefent chofe very C h a ra d a s in L ift ?

A s CO the Learning, it may be as got dand tb<; , AS t o t n e w ^ m r , rtm ay Dc a s ^ aI will not iudgt all MiftmlTes o f B oar^ p as m other P b c « . I k » w ™ l i i ^

jag-fchools ^y one. w ho, I am well af- ment s* K « . . This may f a ob-fupd, was wont to order the C ook to lend in the Meat Iwlf-drefled, left the Cliil- dren thould eat coo much. This may fa n otri, that iVtrmen, who have the Inten­dancy o f the Diet, are, for the mort Part,

i n " ' ^ m ^ ^ ' vJith"a fu l G M™chs brtire a Vacanjii, ufed to e m ^ y Bellv Befides ’ tis the Ecneral Cuftom his Pupils m Authors far fiipenor to their

e> . _ . Standing or Capacity; and then aflaretheir Parents that tiiey were Prodigies,

fervrf, that an immediate Account is not tak ai o f the expedled Pre^refi, and if a Boarder fells into a la iy Fit, i f the Mailer fa not very vigilant, the Habit will fa ftrong fafoie the Parent difeovers it, I knew one old So^Aillcr, who, about tw o

oelly. . . . __„ .o f Boardiiig-fchools to fw eaen the T oothwith extraordinary Entertainments on the Approach o f a Breaking-up; which has a vilibie D elign ; And ’tis well known, that a Paftrv C ook meets with good

could conftroe fuch a Book (naming one above their Years) in any Place ; For the Proof o f which, he would refer him ftlft h a t ! Paftrv C ook meets with good Proot ot vynicn, nc wouiu i c i« mmieii

Neighbours in Boarders. By this ftiorc h to the accidental openiM o f the Allowance CWldren incur an infatiable which doubtlels would fal[into tliat Pofi. Gliatcmy, foexpenftve to themfelves, andoffcnfive to others.

tiori, in which the jioorBoy and preiled it for tw o Moat(ts

Ttars, & e .

had held it pall.

E . M . O s^ tfm a .

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

S o 7 b e G s « T L t U A H * s M A G A Z I N E . V o L . V I I I .

Tf.* Cfarniitan P A 4. k " 4-4.

A Minufcript writcn by t VntUoi mint, who dy’d foon atcer the x

«in»/«/»icartie lately into my Hands It S. V > < > « m e RC£ futceedtiIS a Sort m 'chrosoloeicai An/inadverllon ^--------.............................. n xYlf a«. a s , J *1.. —3 -_.

_ w n w laieiy into my Hands. ItIS a Sort CM chronological Anj'nadverlion upon the P l» jt intl P s fim !, of Children 1 by comparing <i with > Timte, when He idpp 'fes them to be inyeated, he would Ih tw that thxy w ere fo many p tliti. t t . SM tm . to ridiojie fuch RUits and Com ptiem . as ir was not fate to do rn ant other Manner— My Uncle was a n very bm ijt M in , a great Lover o f L ih r . ty , m the main a Man o f Stnfe > hut a tittle whimfical ia his Writings, as will be feen by this Abftradt * f his Mamefeript.

Hot-codiles, and more Sacks to w M ill, Wfl-r c^talnly invented in the hieht/l iim ti 9T imuranc'^ .tmJ ’

to the .Span ardi. But -mhen that eku !ot» ^ « n had reveng'd the Injuries o f her S e h e B s ^ n that pyratkrar Kati m , she P l» l 5|rCc._MHERc£ and vat

vcftmmy lavtnttam ttse htehtSt f , Ig«>^ran« smd Sujieilhtton 5 * * " - - 2— -7-

•Khen the I ^ y a y htodwitdt'd. and a C J ‘ t » '» -......... itheirB acks. - W / U w «

• iii iV - ^ ijr, rmrt thereat.Hm Nat. on. v ts v ttn A c .d theaUfing if

» / b-(h?wiv k c h lafted tiU the P ra tr o f the Star. Chim ber c t^ ta n t, that to ox.

fo jj and<ytitulett else G am e»/S n i 1 1 * j »a irn!ght,lyM /^ 'dtt.

the T ro u ts, to Crois Pnrpofes . v iie h ^ Children o f all Pairies.

the Death o f that tnllruldtd K ine, Charles the tft, the Ridicule f the U m r

t h ^ r Monarchy j v L h , d u rin gm t^raTOnwealth, was kurP quiet hr ty tr y C h ild sn V irew . .u . m .y% j^yCTy tenrt htogw.sut’d, and a

Bimeman’s f u S wees , RicCenU mow, % 5 tesutber^ I ? W ooifer, where the your W an, th in i s A/aje.O iH m al Mmtfter was iewildering h it Hv w if i h

^ r , dndgiw7 him ^ 0 ]h tP ti:,^ ,the chief Diver-

■ sA the Refhsratim u f j

cut. ^eiK« w r jartb er advanced, *n d rsesng d the Abbey-Land, h^d been aisen^ed, hot th e C ieigy m retain'd fenu Power, the Play m ofiin Fajh'm was. i am upon the Frvar’s trimn^f

■ JZ the 2d,y - « ‘-••'rr, o M f^ m o fte n fa jh m w a s, ' f hea¥\cuCmec7 am upon the Fryar’sGround, p ick in g ,u p G o i D and Si l v e * . ">y i^ v e with

Edward the 6th was a Ch-'ld hlm felf- 5 » Flower and ■ I a d v . — m — .het a C hild o f a flo u t astd ftud'tus D 'fpt/iltiexi and thet good Eeamtle o f the ¥ {Zeswas gewera'y follow'd iy h i, Ptothe, who W t/c T ls^ ftlv es up tnore u Snidi ibawP la ;, w h c l was het lin k fra S ifed ieitk-s

an A , p u ’ 1 w e ray U>ve withl ^ v 4ir £ c’ l j ' I 5 W I am a lofty W roer j whith that merry Monarch

Hi'm/e/f, ^ " rL id ie s ; m ^ rh e

on a long Time, t o tR k hefe eileminire Plays.

c *he P « fle itgan fer in fy n re-* „ ; '? * * « Mary’r Relpu, T a g was a t R ^ ora-

^ iai^/‘n e t hioetidf h r T,u1 , «J?. and what i l l^ ch ,n g cold \ T o n ~ By th is i t > »^ ^ •< itt)h e w the Severity o f thtCheerch F « mt f i and that i f Pe^ U had owe ? J a j* * T '■ •''/en'! the

g o ff e f to the Returmers, ri?* th n were Liberty o f the PrefsWilhng to return to their a/q r j . l - f . -L .. Pi->. t i— 'J • - .wmji do it upon3W , this Play ra tn u en alter'd amonufi

’ „ ^ ‘ ‘lS ^ a t R eafintohelstve, raytmoU nde t ^ Qaem Elizabeth herf/lf in . o f f ; , T 3 ‘..hiidren vented the Play. I am a SPA KrsH M e . ?T f-!»Oiildi-en o f a fewc H A K T t^ iw irA a r Burle4 hV c " ^ A ^ . c ^ ? ^ ^ ^ ^ Gi«nte U m

£ i*a ^ Sale'w hat He a ll People re-k u h not k , H -„.s ™ ^*y‘ ^ .y ‘^ ''h-:herty.theC }ii)dren play'd

P '4 U t lt C U O X l n ^ __ . 'rw a tie^ whar Game They likedIsnpm iaU tj o f an H itm an acbKwledgt that the m of

hard T em s— B i ^ ’i^ Z ® ^ ‘" 'f f a ’td d a n d m j^7 , this Play hath ken alter'd amongfi L ,W ? '." '^ threaten'd t ^ rChildren o f Oiwiity, hy teuh in e o f " f Ourntry/iK?eAi/f Iron. ‘^ ‘? ^ ’*t”filvef.thePi3yswereehasir'i

'his R d s lla T iT a

« »t« ,p rf



f • ’ ’ J r -ir j ie«C

hath not his Handforfeits----- This » « j ...#*» befrtHim to Tradw

meant,m t

or teacher. He no Doubt, at giveCueU t m to nsofi

fa .

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

I flisll now fee down the Game of ^ i i i s at large, wtth roy U n tU 'iK e."Kiions upon it.

« D oukPalw J have taXen to find out whar J ,«

e6e fb.ced Innuendoes W a r . C «>e»nc by the 'tt'ord and whether rh^r* J^ ry Judgments o f tb . S t * r - C h a « . who ufe" It o f t ^ f f i u n y

l^ J j ‘ ‘P ’ - ‘ ” L -^ they have raeriiiced k to ^ nV j/ « h i, m i, C tn . imaginary one. o f which they can rf^eno‘^ 7 ' f -I- ‘-C " " *‘“ Ti A cc« in t.~ T h ey boHd Houres k Ta/V

Essays i« FEBRUARY, 1738. g-r^ young, that ft It fii]l h tO i

^ nw rs of a^ R oom .ir^ f a fifth /» t ie d'ft'nguiJh d Tbemfc^^^

• 4 ? -‘ - f - f ™ . p ofiiT o ,. , . s K r i K ; " U n " ; r c »Impunity.

ciirraon ,»tnfr, F«b. , , .

O f T iJfe/jf/trjo-^er im/e, „„d th e A k r t Bf i t amtng th t QuaMty. ^

T A O T is now the fafliinfMWe W ord ° f 'h e lalhionaWe World, eve.y

fi.r?uf he done with T a fit^ th u U icttfetij but where and what that Tafte« , » n « qmte fo certain, for after all the Pains 1 have t^ e n to & d out what was

im J roiK uors Are tnUenB,< m m t,th tr~ rh i, av./

d « ridicult th , k re m itin ,

' » A / CiHld f iy that i t fs w t u , wHth“f ‘^ ‘Shf th , G :ii- „

•jjn o f Eogland. h th Ipitltuai W tem. B

h W w o ra iisd► V>i i f " h ' ' > ‘ ’rf. h fe > « r i,V Forfeit,

u dtmand , / h : J .--simn ^ ^ 'h e whole

««'■ «/ f/!fe F o r fe l

r«i^red u g ive' W ; which J a p e ,fif f ir

----- Sh/nin|V F o r ^ A Bifliop— A CucJww

irna -PirA __a c___:/i. t . i

• » v.»tvj *>11 ( ii VC in .,,,., ^Q '* ~ 'h e y fiiffer with Impatience the Mufick they pietend to heaTlvith R a Z ture, and they even eat nothing t k v like, lor the Sake o f eating ia Talfe ’

a ln iji.m u jick jtb , PiBrn-,,.Po p s .

r oret-*-A'A “ A S p an iifiT adyTiidj '^ « e r — T w W ord whijper'd was ^ O u v i^ e z , Prhr^.kVnifrr

-4^ ' ^hiv each Pa-fin was litkcr t» »»f dim iUtud, h ,.

I ft Conde W t lx Word He ta-je ■i jU h a l^ c n c k

*«»A„hard and heavy o f — ' - la i t an Urchin ; far Ht

x I ' m thatnearijhtt Himj ‘ r^'t h'avtiirs art

^ ’d r £ •".h^trfixt f the m fi de- . Conftinitions.— Shining Sand,

w«/w<uHrBealls o f V » Fweet, four «r<fintoii.

§ > i tthich c o n -4’ X h ^ " ’ h « m g - ^ C uckow ;

<h t Cj h it Fam ily— ^reil’d— adP ti.

j >7 'Wi<ferr tht ItmocnMr,

“ ^ 'efflon upon M e, dioush I w S

^ I r t^ for the& n fition o f the Patate, which is its pro. per Sginficatjon) to be a Metaphor to e»-

V h l a n forms to Things, which arc not

r a n d m ^ y certain Rules, and which idm it o f no Dcraonliration j thus O r '

T afle, they m ull be as they a re ; but the ^ u t i diawn in, or the Ma.Kuais tiiey w e made of, depend upon Fancy or T ^ . — In Building there w certain n e ^ a r v Rules fou n^ d upon N a !

T ,a t t ^ Z ^ & t ~ G Jhe^Weak«“h ir-'fa ^ a rs art c T n v S ^ ’ l t ^ ; ' ’ "

a r e ' t ^ ^ O b ^ ' r f T aftc j h en ^ arjfes rhe Propriety ot the Metaphor, ^ a u f c Talle in ^ eT ? T h iiS

Palate, and all other Seoftsj nay even outP 4 f,^ "t « a t o as ouPalates, by the fame Tbiog, when thofe

« • > T y 5 ^ ^ t .tain a and demonllrated.

'» 'i'n S for one-lelt, w h iA feems to be the catuial P ri. v i l e a ^ ^ Mankind, is now totally Cir. render d even ia the proper Scale o f the

Word.Ayuntamiento de Madrid

82 7be G e m t l j m a n ’j M A G A Z I N E , V ol . V III.Word, and i f a Man would be w ell re» ceiv’d in good Company, he mull ear, cho’ with Reludlance, according to the L aw s o f fome eminent Glutton at Parh, promulgated here by the lad imported

rough conceal'd, but eameftly defired e* know their Sentiments, and begg’d they wou’d tade it with Attention.

T h e Company, after proper Delibcra* tion, replied. T hat they v«re o f hii

frfTii'ib C w k , wilhing all the while with* ^ Lordihip’s Opinion, and that theGarlickin himfetf, that he diird avow his naiu. ral Taile, for good native Beef and Pud* ding.

T h e Abfiirdity as well as the real ill Coaieguenccs o f this prevailing Affodia* tion has, I confels, excited my Wrath, and I refolved that the Nobility and Geo* B try o f this Kingdom ihould doc go on to ruin their Fortunes and Corulitutions without hearing, at lead, the Reprcfen- latlons o f Common Senfe.

Earing itfelf feems to me to be rather a Subjea o f Humiliation, chan o f Pride, fince the ImperieQion o f our Nature ap* ^

Ers, in the O ailj Neceffity w e lie un* o f recruiting it in that Manner. ^

that one would think the only Care o f a rational Being Ihouid be to repair his de* caying Fabrick as fubdantially and as cheap as gofCble. But the prefent Faihi* on is direuly contrary, and Eating now is

did indeed a !d ii* iilh itfelf too much! But the Maitre iW o te l mterpofing re* preiented, that they w ere now dronger than ever in Garlick at Pan's j upon w h id the Company, one and all, ftid,— 7^^ altePdthe Cafe.

My Lord having fagadoufly (melt the Breech o f a Rabbit, wiped his Nofo

SVC a Shrug o f foms Diflatisfedion, atii siinftrm ’dfC om p an y, l i t was not al>

foUicely a bad One, but chat he hearrilj w idi’d it had been kept a Day longer i

faid Sir Ihemas, with an Empfiafca Rabbit mufi be k e ft,----- asul v .th ekCuts in to*, added the Colonel, r the D* v il rn d d itat eat it . Here the Siaics D ’Hotei again inteipofcd, and faid, tbsi they eat their Rabbits rniicb fooncr now thLi they ufed to do at Paris— A ie yo fore o f that, faid m y Lord, w ch fo® V lvadty. Yes, replied the Maiti-e D ’Hij

the general Pride, B iin efs , and Expence D tel, the Cook had a Letter about it h1* ■ 1. . 1 ____.... __ Wo f Liife; and that too' not to fuppor^ but to deftroy Nature.

T h e trugal Meal was antiently the Tim e o f unbending the Mind by chearlul and improving Converiiuion, and the Table- T a lk o f ingenious Men has been thoughtw orth traminiriiog to Poderitv.----- T h e gMeal is now at once the molt frivolous and fcrious Part o f Life— The Mind is bent to the utmod, and alt the Attention exerted, for what ? T h e criti­cal Examination o f compound Diflies, and i f any tw o or three People happen to ( a r t fome ufefui or agreeable Subjedl o f

Night. I am not forty for that, rejoio my Lotd, for to tell you the Truth, naturally lore to eat my Meat before dinks. T h e red o f the Company, as even the C o k s e l hitnfelf, confels’d u fame.

This ingenious and edifying KindConverfarion ccsitinued wittioiit theInteirupciai ^ r a Common Senfe, tto four Cotirfes, which laded four Ho® till the Company cou’d neither fwaU» nor utter any T hing more.

T b o ’ fuch a Degree o f affefled & tony, accompanieo w ith fiKh frivols

Converlaiion, they are foon interrupted, Dilcourfes, is pardonable in thofe ^are little fuperior CO the Animals they Iand overpower’d by the extatick Inter- are little fuperior to the Animals they

£xcei!e?it! E x^ tijite! D ei'eim s! votjr, and who are only fr« g« csjijio vrar tafle th is, yn never eat a better not!, I am furpriied and hurt when Ira j tajie th is, j t t never eat a better 'Ihinj^ in jv tr L ife: Is that xo*d? Is it tender ? Is it feafin'd em ajh f W in'd it net have betn better J* i O f fuch wr«ch*

Totjr, and ...... . . . jn : '., I am furprized and hurt when I’ Men o f Parts fall into it, fmee it not ly fulpends the Exercife t£ their Par^ the fwefent, but iimrairs them, toged7J9t fm 'W i v a n j v t * c i i c is u c L ijv m >

ed Scuff as this does the preienc Table- 6 with their Health, for the fiwure; a®v T j.s i fcwwaavist ww. vtsw .Poob cou’d contrive, I fhould rhioX f had contrived this Method o f brio( Men o f Senfe down to them ■, lor J cettain, that when a Company is.** goi-ged, glutted, and loaded, there i^the lead Difference between the

T a lk wholly coniid, in opien Defiance o f all Converfation and Common Senfe: I could heartily wifh chat a CollefficHi o f it w ere to be publilh’d for the Honour and Glory o f the Performers ; but forWant o f that, I fhall give m y Readers a ____ __________ ___ _ .Ihort Specimen o f the mod ingenious j . dupid, and the wittied Man in it.Table-Talk I have lately heard and car* 7,-n..-_ .« • > ._ __- t . b . j .

ried on with mod W it and Sprit.My Lord having taded, and duly con-

fjd « 'd the Bechamde, fhook bis Head, and then olfer’d as his OpiniOTi to the C ^ p a n y , chat the Garlick was not e*

W hat L ife in aS that ample Bedj, What Heavenly Particle infpires lae ^The SealJubJides, and w ickeaj in eli^ ^ Ttfeem e tt im. ta l even in fitatd

•Kiim gSo;


With *ion i Jrilyl Mtroif L iLionRule*eciic|ted,<«ol>ii, .T h«on,


“ lat p,“ o A !

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

E ssays F E B R U A R Y , 173S, g j

Ijcra*f hit »r!ick nich:g re*


leic NofcI, ao nc ab" rartil) neer ?nafit 'th tit htD t ilait* , tM now

e yo ro»

r y j* k I) :joW uth, ifort

fcTho• *n E ! ^ in Wine it highly * ’ much mote par.

ab,c, ts f progrdlive Steps in it are ^ r t u l . animating, and feducingj^ Me- •acholy arc lor a while reliev’d, J Grave

enliven’d, and rhe W itty and the

Nature, and only fiich as fWeeten’d theJ- Juices cool’d their Blood, and enliven’d

Faculties, i f they had any.T iw common People o f this Kingdom

are dieted ^ Laws, for by an A & ^ s ’d about tw o Years ago, not left advantage-

>w carries Dulnefi and Stupidity alone w sh it. r / s.

Moreover, thefc glorious Toils are ^ w n ’d with the juft Rewards o f all ^ ron ical Diftempers; the Gout, the


®CFcr f i l in g Trophies of* ih « r Acchi<Tc» ments.— Were thefc Honours like fimple f^ighthood, only to be enjoy’d by thofe Who had merited them, it would be no |teat Matter ; but unfortunately, like Baronetlhip, they cldcend to, and vific their innocent Children— It is already ^ »ery eafy to diftingiiifli. at Sight, the ^

n Son o f a compound Enfremea, frum Jfty OfT-fpring o fB ee f and Pudding- tod I am pcrfuadca. the next Generation

« the Nobility will be a Race o f pale, ^ d , fpindle-lhank’d Lilliputians, theJA rU r . . . t i l _ . .

M i^ s and their Bodies was wifely pro. hibited, m d i , repeat,d yISfi ^ ParUa- m m , th iT R td „ r id u cd tt a <very m d ttl L v T t/v '” ” ' Surely then

the Nobility and Gentry o f the Kingdom ?«<"ve foroe Attention too, not fo much

Sake o f the PuWicfc, which is in fom c Meafure under their C a re ; For i f a Por­ter w bra fuU o f Gin could not do his B u. finefi, I am a w to think a Privy Coun. ft!lor when loaded with four Courfea will but bun| le at his.

^ ppofe, for Inftance, a Number o f Perfont not <nw »t beft, ihoiildm eetot an Evening to concert, and deli- berate upon publick Meafiires o f the u t. T j Co''<5q'i,en«. grunting under the Load and Repl«ion o f the ftrongeft Meatsn.'JntfTiiT 7n r>° . . »

to an Abortion o f Jftfoj »f G « n f ’s • nor D i Thouglit, and re.^ s the Mifchief e v r i V l ^ e ' for 2 r ^ t ‘*Rei;™ s‘ o r the M-n . .f “ - lavory Ketums ot an Olio, what nop Here, ror as ^ Men o f Faliion frequently conde*•tend to communicate themfclves to Fa- tollies o f infetior Rank, but better Con- Jtourions, tlwy enervate thofe Families S ? ’ ^iifprefene them with IkWy help-*f*» Children, to the great Ptciadirr o f n I f ' ? ' ’ -----“ '" .'7 ‘ oonucco me Urders

T , « „ . . . .

I I ’ V • WllAl 000(1froto f'ich a Confulta.

tjon . T h e bell one cotild hope for would that they w«rc only afTcmbled Ibr

Shew, M d not for Ufe j not to propofe or advife, blit lilent^ to ftibrnk to rhe Orders

-Kingdom.P«>plc have imagined, and not w*heitt bmc Degree of Probability, that

}imal Food communicates its (inlities us Nourirtiment.—In this Supp .

^ It was, that AihiUet, who was not j i >y bom, and bred, but fed up too for a

was nouriOi’d with the Marrow Li^j and we all know what a fine

?®,tom’d (Hit at laft.— Should thishold, It muft be a melancholv R e . n "d ruuiicK is lu

' ' ' ^ i t y i s E ^ - e . y Sw i n e . ^ were » wifo Na- j^i thought fo much depended upon

i»rr -I . Kings, andQ-uaSy and

U lc o f his Underllajiding,I ^ u W therefore recommend it to the

Cbnfideratipn o f the LegilTature, whether It may m * be neceflaiy to pafs an Ai3 , to r ^ a i n the L icattm fn tjt e f Eating, and

certain Diets to certain R a n g and -----f would humbly fuggeft the

»* the propereirainiftc- rial D w , being exceedingly tender a f k-^!^ •'®t®*ties m whicti the Publick is fo

^ a n titv o f their Food. It is much to 'te nred, riiat thofe Bills o f Fare are not

r . ^ k 'r " ’ 1^ f«t'Ou% recommend it G » thofe who, from their Rank and Situ,

ation m Life, fettle the Falhions, and whofe Examples will in thefe Sorts o f Thiitfs always be tbllow’d, that they w ill - f f o . /which will be moreettcaual thin any Law ) not only put' a Stop to, biit r ^ r m the ridiculous, expen.P''=feived\o”chUTiTC;"fi^ce7 b^v‘‘m ichl t ’ f i ’idicnlous/exiii:

? * ' been o f fiogalar Ufe fo aU ?k Lusutv o f Tables; L _

.7 ®P‘«.thac they allow 'dtheir Kings Aliments 01 a bilious or a ebolcriot

- .wj/.v rvatvai micriorRanks imitate, as far as they are able. Midcommonly much farther;---------Irisrhcirfatal Example that has feduced theG cn-

wy..Ayuntamiento de Madrid

G e n t l e m a m ’j m a g a z i n e , V o t . V II I .try, and P « ^ e o f fmiUer Ft»tun« into this nifty and ruinous Exceft.--------Lettheir Example then, at lail, reclaim theinj — Let tnolc w ho ate ahlc to bear the Ex- petire, and known not to grudge k , give

they bad condemn’d Ibr guil^- T h e ftrongell Partiality in Favour o f a People, hofn whom the Rem m r boafted clieir D dccnt, could not polIjUy craze the Me> mory o f thofc black Crim ei, ft>r which

tiie B ili Blow to this cxtravagaoc FoUy t > they were doom'd to fufler To feTeie a 'L e t them avow their own natural Pun.ftimenr. 'T is not irnjxobable that

T afte (ibr Nature is in every Thing plain and lluple^ and zratiiy it deceady, at a frugal and wholelonae Table, initead puichaiiog Stupidity and DMlempert at the Expence oi their Thne and Eftates: And they may depend upon it, that a Fa^

f^ rgil had read that beamitul Ode o f hi* Friend Hrrace, (Book III. Ode in which he introduces 7 m charging Fraud, Breach o f Contradn Sacrilege, smd Per* jury upon Tr$)r, as (o many nadonal S n s :

But undoubtedly f 5rgiV muft have read,fhioo lb convenient to tlte Fca-CUDes, and B betcre heconcluded his /Ene'd, that paiuo* Confticutioiis o f their Fellow Sut^tti, w ill ^ n .'j. n , . —cheariudy ^ ibUow’d, and unlverially

frevail, to the great Advancagt o f cIk ubiick.

Qtte Sotiloguy o f D id i, in wfai<^ Ok a pear Tnj,pears ooiuaoas o f the Peijuriea o f the

Nation,-tftfiir , htu, ferdita, tuedum

iS. No. £od.^ LM nudtracx fe ia it P trjtriu G tm 'rf And h one ihouid object, that this may be nothing more than a fpfaciul KeflefikM o f a thfappdmed Woman, enraged for an Injury received from her f» g itiw M h u s, the Poet ellewhere repeats tlK fame, fpeaking in his own Perfon j— ■ Ja tit ja m tr id tm SxigutT U m jh t

L ttm ed tm lite fu m u i P erju rin T iv jt i!

Atefirm ou, Fa

Mr D ’A h tv iR s,

T Find my Uft (Sec Pagt id , e^t.j has tncHt grievoully nettlM the vtcrcinarj

Zcriblas, I'mce th ; ee o f them have uncon- Icionably fallen foul upon Me ail at once (See «. 15O which I am not a little fur»prifea at, ffnee my Remarks had no R e- eh« Crimes alreaBy fpedtied, to.lation to M j e ^ were D gather with others bereaft^ to be menti.tnt.rcjy co-nn'd to thole o f Truyj a C ity were not o f a Nature lirffidcntlfdcm jlilhdalm oft s ^ y e a r s . malignant to lay TVs/ level with thb^ e x ^ a e d , that I ihould a ^ w fr all their oronnd. I Ihoulrf be glad to be inform'd Cav.fs, I murt reply m the Words o f Pe- ^^hen any Nation may be faid to haveTieiepe in O v'd .

K .x Priamns tm ii, totiq-, T n ji fv 't .fill’d up the Meafure o f its Iniquiti«.

Since therefore y irg ii could not be ifr•L.aW 'T—bb, l_a J b_/K . /IbIT.— i B

fem e few Animadverlions on the Ddilp Gazetteer o f Jan. 18. in which he en« deavuurs TO vindicate his Mifconftrufiion o f one Paflage in FTrgiV by another, whichh r codhues as abliirdly.

tent from that aiSx’d to it in the Gazel' teer 5 and what fo natural and obvious, a> tlic Idea convey’d to us in the very &y» mology o f the Word innneritam ? lmner<‘«i*r* •! > 1b iM LiK. rfi fAimTncrifdnn}

fi -L I, - r ^ fays the learnedt ^ B tkhm dw hnzU t. Gen, iJraerlta muft be - that the Gods fultcr d a Man to be taken

‘ of^ who feem’d by his Jusfke tode& ive * a longer Life. Is i: not as protaoe,

an undeferving Hacien; a Naticm o f ^ Merit ■. a tMrthlefs P ettit ■, and confe*

• aUcrc, th K the a whole W rath f in t d lt D efinaion.. feem d to deferve a b a te r i h e 5 a«r/rtr, therefore, ia d little Res.. And vrr rhr f,.n r i^ « ,f firw. fen tO exportoUte. « he t t e . m a t Ml*-

G jurer de^ruSivt rt his Petplt did ever K i^ Priam enter xpen ?— iVas T roy ^ fhty’d by the m ijafl Government e f PriaiD^

Pate ? And yet the ,famc f^ rgil Hogy ‘ buldiy »ut in the next Bcc^,* PsH iftax res A fut, Prlatni^i ev e rter e ‘ Imimritam viftraSltpeTis,— - ' [Gca.'tas T h e Word hrsmeritam, according to our C ritick. implies that the Trejan Realm deferv’d a better Fate; or, as Mr Trapp renders it, was gytUthfs. N ow , with ail

Children knne the centritry. Neither Children, nor Men can know tW

contrary, when they reflect that this i*” tal Quarrel with M aulm s, which

u 0 ^ % ' ° “ * ^ . 1 V ««n<led w iih ih e total Ru*5abU I cannM Ik pcrfiiadcd that « ^is People, was uniuftlygroimded,

menc to that o f the Deities j or peremp­torily prceouucc a Naclua iv a c n ;, wliira

m iniftration in that m ftrtunate B rif^H ow much better had it lieen for h im ^ have follow’d the Advice o f that d ifc ^



Ayuntamiento de Madrid


:r< .

JV eekl-j E ssays in F E B R U A R Y , 173S.ted honert C o u n c i l o r ; and, by jetering to h fr imured Husband, hstve put an End to the ^Var lie had lb in-

S 5would be, the Inteveft o f every Society to have m fuch TscS-bred L m His belonging m

S' “ S forrhofe wtvn are not roamufe ^ fid erate ly e n g a ^ m, than by Force themre]vcs»;>/i.«!i,.'»?Gr,d.geneiallv/«ni « Arms and an ^ i n a t e Reliltance o f A amufe theinfclves Wr/- dthittuff C^uffa^atg CrvPfwr ^ J Jthe Ctni'iderati Grtekf, to vindicate the ^ v / jh r . w1k> had bafely abitfcd the Ho- ^italKy o f a f»artw8i and unfuf^eBingMo^ »archi May we not exclaim, with out in­comparable Tragedian, O f iw .' ff'hc TBit! the Cwje i f a lerie Ten 2iart IVer.jtm J IjmiJ /« li T*_

tEtrSl? TOlTitlkir, Feb. 17. N® 169.

The Difadvantages i f the fem ale Sex in a tiarry'd State.

- T Know nothing that can more di'poie *.ehdlaidatltJtc!dTToyin./^herSVioraai>. X Man to receive the P eceiys o f•-------‘ Not half fo much as Priam . B (^ iffU m ey than a raricnal and vin xiu t

A ar W i d o w s and Y o u n g G e n t l e ­w o m e n , may live cm fertable ;n • Teav, in a n fx ern th eQ jtefiio n f.^ .H .

Afr U r b a n .

Commerce with a m c^jf Woman. 1 1 ,ac •isiartionof Wird, That 'id cr-


inward Satis_____ _____ly Occonomy in the Frtri:y. That Regu­larity o f Behaviour w liid i would be the natural Refult o f fuch an iwrceable Har-

'HE Propoier o f the Queftion in theN a m e ^ an O rfk ^ , is to obferve. C encreafmgaVirtuocsFrame

teat Gentleman wtjo advanc’d th jt an ^ fh a n might live ccsnfbrtably on i f l . a

did it by way o f Anfwcr to the ^yeflionsagam ib lowering theintereft o f Money r . } fer Cent, and on a S u p ^ i- ^ n , chat lb;ne oi the m oll burtheniome

I lhall mention here a fallii inable Pradice, which betrays the.«TMfcy7 Cor- ruption i f Heart, and want (if Gtcd m an. r e tf, I mean, immed fl W riting!: And I Jthow no Author who has r'.bre notori-

T « W w o« id hi (^ntcq.'4“ ce r f f i^ r R e " *”dsamn be taken olF. And it feems that D ^ ‘ " 'T - "i'-O fails« fo o n astheD«/«onG»8/r.C.a»(tfcrand ^ p , Ihould be taken oiF, a Company o f ^ rchants o f this C ity intend to nt up a ^ 6 5 Houfe, where any Gentlewoman o f * good Chaiailer niM Beard and Lod^W H ithing. provided llie can either

fpin, b lit, embrtider, or TBork Plain- „ and will do as much W ork in a

for the Benefit o f the Company, as ^common w orking Woman uluaiiy does

a Day. Both the L o d g i^ and ■‘w ia B arc to be as good as any Gentle- ^'oman can d d ire ; and in Cale^ 0 «f(<u on Tea and Sugar ihouH be ta-

Tnev are likewife to f e a t - - Ihtckd and endeavour to avoid tl-d ^ ^ e d by Phyijcians, at the Com- p ^ y’s Kxpence, m aH Difttmpers but the

and are to li» furnilhed with “ Joks o f all Kinds, except Romance!, Ne.

and fmuety P la ji or Poemi: Thcre- ~te> the ’OrsiiCT, wh» delii-ed t-. know q ^ ^ re (he might live ennfm ably un tyl. l j « r , may, upon the Ceafing o f tliefe ^ ‘ cr, live mire cm ^irtaily, even in tire

o f Lrwdnmip'fi i ; l . a Year, than (he ? • ' n ta do upoo 7.0L a Year, provided r ' bifen tai^ ht to rneave Lace, foiit,!~'t, m hriider, or t>irk Pltin-W trk ; and

Paper Commin Se^e. T il's Author, though reputed a dencUmen, an cA fehtial Part o f whofe C haiafter is G W - ' brted'nz. has fo fiiperlatively offerded by cbe_AW*< o f his Images, that

delcend to PartickU rt w i-h^ ^ d efilin g iny own Ten while 1 correcT ^ t/.'tm - tiiafite!} o f h's. it is as i f a Cent', lorgi^ml o f his DiiKniftion a-vl t inarsfier, fcoitid inn naked alvtit the St-cer*. all over dawb’d w nh Mud ard worfe NallU

•» cinjcaYuur i'» uvutu ireSight o f him, bur nobody would care for the OiPce o f taking him up.

The tm Paraygephi akeve are lariie ^ Mr Hooker, to intriduce th- foUeiaing Letter, Jrom a Female Cirre/ptndeni. Satirix^ng the Vices or Follies o f W’o i

men is become the Threadbare Ti pic o f every Sivibbier. Rut i f it be true that the Women are daily going on Ifi.ra to w n ifc . la m (i're the Men have not Iii the leaf! receded-n m their antientPii- vilege o f walking betVee us.

But what can he (aid Wlien a Man cord-to his

b n«.w f . f r k V- r ’ ou cw n atca n o eia n iw n en a M a. r o l le r o j there i««/J Employments H p’a-ns that his Wild is imfaitKul ____

Bed, when at the fame time he keeps her- fclf '^ ‘5^ 'han one M ijlreft, w1tll.,uf

»M v eil bred-, but, w e ate fare, ic ifiaking either a Saiip le, or a Sec-et o f

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

S6 T b e G E N T L E M A N ’i M A G A Z IP T E , V o t . V II I .it, litice he findi it does not in the leaft impair his Credit, cither at C em , or Exchai^t. Anotlter is fo untbmmaic as to have one that ioves a Dram, and by tho Force o f a wretched Habit is unable

mour, his Conveniems, or even his Ple*^ fiire, and that fhe b to e*peft no more Favour from him, than be in great Con- defcenfion thinks fit to gran t; I W iev c there wmild be few Women, io this cafe.

^ however young or weak,__ that would ac-and tells all the World o f her: For pof- fitly thofc Moments, in which her Strong- water warms her Imagination, are the only OMS o f her Life, wherem file can forget her Mifery, and fancy berfeif hap-

Merit, w ho are fo mutually e S a r i ^ puted Right of the to fpend his g with each others Converiition, that they

,n a Tavern j x worCe Place i really th b k , it would be tbe h ig h ^

cept the Ofier. But to fet the matter in the moll favourable L ight let us look jouad among the People ot' a more ele­vated Rank and Capacity j and fingle out from them two Perfonsof diilinguiftied

Eveuinjls in . ____ ____,and, i i& a d o f coming Home a D-iexd or Ctm taniut to his W ife, either naufeates her with tulfomeCarefles, or terrifies her with the Dread o f feme unnatural VIo-

H ^pinefs o f their Lives to fpend them together. But now the Gentleman made eafy, feettred in the Pofieflion o f his U - loved Miflrefs, and certain that he can have her delighrffi] C o m p ly whene’er

. . . . ■ - he plcafes, betakes hirafeif with frefhwho has tyunniK d from Che fo i l Month C Pleafure, to tb e R e ld j and after h b A b- o f hts M arria ^ a ^ w h o fe private 0>n- fince has been regretted fiir almoll half verfation untR his W fe confills chiefly in the Hours in tbe four and twenty, comes O^tlir and Cwjer, f l ia ) l j 'e t ^ _ « t r e ^ ly home and entertains his kind expefling

W ife with fome extraordinary Expkar, performed by himfelf, his Horfe, or l i - vourite Hound; and with t o next Brearh

lence j juft as tbe Liquor operates upon h b Tem per, w ^ nftitution. A thir^

offended at a dry or harfti ExprelTion, ^ k e n at a Tim e when in fubhe he a t fumes the Air o f a good humoured mer-

m oil rid'euious Folly expeam g that the W iman, who is not allowed to have half fo many, fhoitld be as fauldefs as an A * ie l! Let usfuppofea Perfon free from enormous Vices, tnd with the Reputati-

half a Dozen Friends, that is, fucli as hang upon h b R rtiau o r his PUaftre, to come and takea Dinner with him} which b no foener over, but tbe fine Lady re- tirea to her Nkrjhy or her C M t, to di-

o n o fa n h -n d l good nuured M an; and E vert herfelf for'the reft o f th T B ay- a Woman virtuous, and in the general '- o n.. agreeablM^mighc not fuch a Woman with fom ^ p p eatan ce at leaft o f Rcafon and Juflice, expedl Protedion and Indul- gtnee, according to their rircitmllances o f Life or Fortune, while fhe continued innocent and obliging: And if fhe fhould p ^ fle ft any fuptrior Graces o f Mind o r ^Body, might ihe not hope for fome far­ther Allowances o f Tendemcfi and Re- fpedl from fuch a Man ? N ow pray tell mb, where is the Basc/ieltr that w ill not

left fhe b now and then called out to partake o f the improving Converfadoa o f fome o f their Tenants Wives and Children. Thus would you pnrfoe the Thought throiwh every Amiftement or Employment o f l.ifc ; through every dif­ferent Tafte or Turn o f M M , you will find tiie Sequel muchthe fame. Bur Oh.' w hat Pen can delineate, what Words ex- piefa the Anguilh o f tbe chrobbirg Heart, confeious periwps o f no greater Crime than a Tendemeft that makes ft too feo- fibie o ( W rongs; whofe O w ner remem­bers a Tim e when every Accent o f her

Vrem ifiM this, and more than this, while He is making hb Court? But, c o ^point me oiit the Man that performs this, T o ^ u e was hearkened 'to with'EWisiw t a t half - f this after h« Marriage. H ow G £ a ^ Motion o f her Eyes watched with foan IS the pamted Sceoe changed, and ^the fame Woman, that Juft now perfo- nated a Lady, b anon to be a U 'ailing. m aid, a Cttle, and a tfjr fe : And well it is, i f after all (he can gain the Applatife and Approbation o f her Proprietor. N ow i f a Man would in fo many plain Words tell

alliduoos C are ! And th e ieaft h « v in c o f her then undifturbed Bofbm, inltjired either Hope or Fear! M hen fhe corot* m find the fame Perfon, him to whom fhe only can, him to whom fhe only waiM complain, deaf to her S i ^ . re-

a Man would .n fo many plain Words tcU gardlefi o f ' the fileat L a n g u a g r o f hera Woman that, when fhe has iniirely h Eyes, and v ie w M all ber®Afiions with giveu on her Fortune, her L i^ rty , and fo cold an Indifference as neither to beher Pe.fon inM h a Keeping, fh e is im - pieafed w h « Oie is ehearfol, nor con-mediately to become the Slave to his H u- cemed when Ihe is linluBg under Pain or


Ayuntamiento de Madrid

fT e e k ly E s s a y s in FEBRUARY, 1738.Sorrow! But, fuppofing a Calamity, o f HhatSTar kind k be, flion’d fall to y Huf- im iifi Share, how would ali p u r Sex, how would even eur ttm exclaim a ^ iift the H'naan that fhmiH behave in iuch a

Cm m en Pecflt, I agree, they appear po& felled o f the way ot Thinking that uled to be peculiar to the loweil cd that C la & The Papers o f Jart. n , and J a j. i8 . ieem to be wrote by the veiy Infpiration

manner to him ! Then the tender Wife, o f Gin, and calculated for the Am ufe. _e kind Friend, the diligent Nurfe, the " " ’ - -

faithful Servant, would ^1 be expeftcd to twicenter and exert chemfelve/ in her.


c y indecent W ritm .

AS i w Papers are intended for fhort Eluys o f Morality.— [ fhall leave to

the Authors o f, th e full YoirelTion o f their Puns and Ordures, both now and evermore j and to the G*- xetteer the happy Talent o f fuch eafy Ppiegyridt and polke Satyr, that none o f his Readers would be able to guefs what Paragraph was defign’d for either, i f he tfd not with great Humanity inftnifl us m his Meaning, by_ fignifying to us the Names o f thole he intends to write of

I would willingly renew, amoDgft Rea. w rs, that T alle which was once lb uni. •erfai, when S r Richard Steeit entei-- tain’d, before he appeared attached to any Parw , but that o f Virtue and g o ^ ®tnle.— That Gentleman had the d lo ry ^ pleafing, without the Adiftance either ^ o r AfaiVc.— I am wiLing tobelieve there yet remains lb much Polite-

ment o f all the blind Allies in and about Helinm , Ficet-Ditek, and the Seven-Diidi. There are Icauered in them many anti, ent Water-Jokes, which Ihew the Au* tliot’s Inclination to Plagiary, tho’ he wants Tafte to ftcil what is valuable,

B and puts me in Mind of Pccty-Larceticy Dealers, w ho with great Art and Co d . trivance rob Country Yai-ds r f oJd ^ooins, broken Glafe-Bottles, and decay’d W afh. ing-Tubs. Thefe very Fellows would perhaps fpare Plate or Jewels if they lay 111 tlieir W ay, either from Ignorance o f

- their Value, or not knowing what to do with them when they had got them < but

I do not think the Meanocls c f the Mi& chief any Excuie for committing it.* When a Creature does all the Harm in its Power, tho’ that (hould h a {^ n to be but very little, it is a very miichievnos Creature; anda/ff<sisasravenoia aices

D Bluod as a L im , and has no better Plea for Mercy.

I am exafperated by thefe Infulrs on Modefty, tho’ I am convinced the A t­tempts are too dull, and too grofs, to oirntM even the lowert Form in the Boarding-School; and I am more than

jjtfs in the l^ingdom o f Great B ritain, g ever detei m in^ to write in Defence o f* gtsat Number o f both Sexes arc moral Virtue, tho’ 1 fhould be oppofed by

t o I cajable of beingdelighted with what all the Printers, Miniftert, ana Patriots « rational, rather chan what is abfurd,*>d do not want any o f thofe Haut-Gvutr to relifii a Paper.— It is indeed a Proof of L ^ t ty depraved Appetite, when the faile o f reading mull be excited by coarfeRaillery, or fuch wretched-«fMi/7c Enttn- the moil important Matrers have been

as mean but one T hing— Such ' confidered. I am a Friend to Mirth, butJ/"t*rs feem to have ibrgot the great la m Ihock’d with it w b en it isimprsper- Authoriti« o f the Earl o f K ifc tn tm in , ly imploy’d, orendcavour’d to be raifed

all the Printers, Miniilers, that flouriili in this Agr.

The T alle o f the Times is wholly turned to Joking, and the general At- ftflation o t i t has even introduced it In­to the moll ferious AJlemblies, and where

Jl's Earl olM ulgrave, and Mr C a v la ; the * ^ o f thefe has declared, tha t the want 5 "teeircy h the va tit t f S e n s e , and in L ^ A tto f Poetry, we find this manner o f ®tyle inentioned w i:h the greateft Scom.

Bam iy tarmac'J, that forr P n ta a to Wit. C

So Mr O ttlry, fpeaking o f W it, .Modi Ids tan that have any Pbee,a F*"-Sj™ Dmfi the Fire muftpui^e away. ’Tis iufl aoe Author bloAthere- wh— th. B —.1.-™.,,

at the Expence o f Decency or Morality. TuUj has laid juilly. I t i t a ttrjp ffh le r» w tx trm t H affy m thtut hting extreme Afcr- ly j and I have often obferved the loudeft laughers to be the dulleil Fellows in the Company.

I would for once addreftm yfcif to fuch, tho’ I can liope for imall Amendment from thofe wiio feem to have W l all Senfe o f Shame.

A^ Itirds, Gm tlenun, and Othert,I d ) verily believe there is not one a-

thor blofli there, where the Revler m i^.

It is impoifible to avoid thefe Reflofll- - - , ....................... ...........reading the late Produftions o f ” m ongftyou, b w may in feme Capacity

"J® Club o f People who think they have other, be Uteful or Ornamental, cither Monopolized Cemmtn-Senfc; and i f they to ti.e Publick or to your own Fanilies. «ean by that Pretemion, the Senfe o f the Yuor very Papers, fuch as they are, ihaw


Ayuntamiento de Madrid

T h e G e n t l e m a n ’s M A G A Z I N E , V o t . V II I .8 S

S S x£?crH *m ar J*thap, y « , Cce thro’ the ^al-

ol theni>oiirrelves, are neceUiry to W p.opat^cd, and without them, even y ^ , witii ail yctir W it, Beauty, and ^ i m o g . will be cuckolded and cheatedby y o u ? w 'ves and r cneated paid her, they do not prefu t.lfo’ira t ih VO, B to guarrel in l« r P r in c e .alfo that it you go on in writing at this dirty Rmc, it wnl] be in the Power ol a very ordinary Author to out-write voi» in your own StiJe, erpecUlly i f he can at- ford to keep a. Girl that underftands her p a d e ; Take iny Word for it, thefeftalc Attempts at Humour meet with no A p. plaiile, bait trom the Admirers ot' Du^je/s C Ballads, who hng the » 7*-Ae^„ Cinift- ning, becaiife tliere is a iwetcv Jell in it. U a v e th e m tothem iferable Writers for D aily with tl>e Two-pences thattlicy cnllfdl byfnch IirtleArrs from Green-

M ife , and Boys, before they oave learned L stin , ^

When a Nation raifes herfclf to be o f this Confeq^uence. /he appears amoneft « h e r States like a Qijeen amongil her Act w d ones,— inch i$ tke Refpedi that Is paid her, chey do not pi-efiimc fo much as

Canmtan a w f c ; or the -rnjIffftman’S u o a n u h K t i . i8. No. 5J.

o f Letters e f Ma r ^ d e .

I L ook upon Gr.-ijt Britain, with re- tpe<a to Its Neighbours, to make much

tne iame-Fignre as yfthens did o f old a- monglt the States o f Griece. E

D fm jlbem t in lome Orations to the People, tells them, t h a it was n-ot the Policy 01 uthens to enlatse her Terrico- nes j that it was her Charaaer neither to commit Infults herfeie nor to bear them *r?'? «bers5 that this Reputation had

fo^r'‘ wh'll U'PP',':' t 1

As to the Treatment w e have receiv’d Irom for many Y ean pall, i can- n « t i p thinking that Sp^'n has been co lvem d hy very falfe Politicks^-----theiiventuring to i o on thus, plunderina out M erchant, after fo many repeated Com - piamti, has fomething in it diat C om m ai icnie «nnoc account fo r: It amajea me tta t they Ihould not Band in A w e eu‘ the great Abilities o f our prefent Mi. nillersi litre the Fame o f their Wifdoni mull have .reach’d beyond the PUlars o f sL-rtk/et.-----

' t » not prudent toj j proclaim War immediately upcm a Ship o f

an«hcr Nation plundering one o f M r M ercto ts , but as our IVfcrchants have tJcen Jong complaining o f the Robberies committed upon them, let us enquire what has ^ n i praaifed, at otlier Times '^nenthe like has ha^^aed.

SubjeSs o f £ » g /W have twm plunder’d upon the Seas, it has been ufital TO grant kertei s o f Marque and ReprifaJ to the Sufferers, to male e o ^ t h « Lofles upon the Subjefis o f chat Ptmee by whom they were plunder’d.

The Author o f a Treatife eoiitled, De jure v ^ h im t. et ntmstU, tells us, that nos only by the Jus Gentium and G vi] Law , but by the municipal Laws o f this King-that while proted^ed che W eak v Laws o f this King*

kept the AmUricajs in A w e • that fhe did ^ Merchants that hare beenplunderdo p w the Seas have a Right to Lettersni MamiT and D*n>:Al /?-_i r» .

r *»i T v * v c j m a c i J i C O l d

not only, preferve her own Liberties, but Was the common Patroeeft ol’ the Liber­ties <rf Mankind; and that her DeciBon was t ^ Law o f Nations: But lince you have h id the Misfortune (lays he) to be govern d by MagiBraces weak, ignorant and corrupt, how is tlic Majcfly o f G tbe?ss funk! whatever DiBur^jnces now h a p « n II Grtice, no .State reforls to you lor Jud l c , for.what PioceQion can they M jiecl r - nnd from thofe w ho iiave tioc Cou-age to defend their own. R i o t s ’ Every J ^ y brings an Account o f foine new Ontrage «m m ;tied againft yjur-

^ . ------- . . - . w * i M g u s . t U LiC tCCTS

01 Marque and Reprifal, under fuch R<- ItrKibons and Limitations as are piefcri- bed by Law.

Firft, for Example. Oath mud be made the Depredation committed, with the

Time, Place, and to what Value..N ext, an Entry mull be made in the

" iS b O w n o f Admiralty o f the Names ot the Ohips or Vefleis hired out to maketheie Rcprifali.-----— theiv exadlBurtheo,------- their Number o f M c n ,~ -G u n itAmmun.tion,-------- for how long V ia ival d, and the Names o f their Commanders.

All tills mull be done before the Shipsfeive- r u i i i n j u ; « H

lolc you- Seof r of ” l i t S ’ i f f all''*' ^orma-iL v o h c a r d a n h e r o ic S a y in g o f .M i. S t i r f f c Uu^t^ T m ™


Ayuntamiento de Madrid

W cel-j E s s a y s in F E B R U A R Y , 1 7 3 8 . 8 9

As firft, Applicition to thePrinc^(by P refem tio n ; when it was found that onemkofe Subiedu thefe Depredations were Man could not guard himfcil againlt V io .conunittedj for Reftitution: T his is to lence by his own ling.e Strength, he en-U: done by the M iniikr o f the Nation ter’d into a Compact with utners in the_whofc Merchants have been plunder’d, . likeCondibon,airdthi<wastheO iigm alof refiding at that Court \ i f dreic m no Mi- ail Government; as theie Societies grewmilcr,^y the C onful; i f no Confui, the very populous, they lound it recellii y toMerchants themfelves may appoint fonie apjroint fome Perlons amongil them toP e^ n to follicit for them, M ving Let­ters o f Reqtieft from theM iuilleis ot their own Prince.

If Jullice be either de.iy’d or delay d, Cilir in thefe Cafes a Delay is looked upon

watch ibr the pub.ick Weal, and to c >n- nibutefom e fm ailPart o f tnu, Property to make a Publick Stock tor their De­fence j fo that whenever a Member o f a Society was attack’d either in his Perlbn

t i fame T hing as a Deniall then Letters B or Goods, it became the Quarrel o f theof Marque and Repti&l are to be granted.

The Reafon w h y Delays are looked open CO be die fame Thing as Denials, is, tnac where the Depredation is proved, and Princes have no Mind to make Reili- tiition, they never peremptorily lefufe todo fo, their Curtom is to deter the

whole, and the Publick Stock, as well as Publick Strength, were to be employ’d ia his Dctcnce ; h e had a Right to Protefli- CKi becaufe he pay’d ier i t ; and i f chat Publick Fund to wluch he had concri- biiced, inilead o f being employ’d in de­fending its Members Irom violence, was

Matter from Tim e to Time, under va- c dilfipated in maintaining a few Particularsnous Pretences, that the Suiferets may be Wearied out, i f not ruin’d by applying— fe chit the Tim e limited ibr full Reftitu­tion to be made has ufually been i8 Months from the firft Application.

in the Reign o f K . Charles the fecond rwo rich ^ ip s , the Bena Efferaaza, and _ well pcoteUed: I f our Taxes aie higll we •he Henry BoaeadvenrisTe, belonging to Sir fee good Armies and good Fleets main-

Cturten a i i Partners, w eie plun- tain’d out o f tliem, and fo fer from be-

in Luxury,----- Government, which wasintended as a Benefit, is turn'd into a Curfe upon Maukind.

A s to our Parts, it is certain no People in the World M y lb much for Procedtion; but then no People in the World are fo

^ r ’d by the D»rci6,— the States General Were applied to for Satisiacrion to be Wade to the Owners, which being delay’d, hectets o f Maique and RepnTaJ were granted, in which L ite r s o f Marque there >» the following Claufe.

And whereas fcveral Addreftes mode by Sir Giurze Drtming Knight and Baro- ttet, our Envoy Extraordinary to tlie States General, fco whom w e gave our Special Command fo to do) nothing et- eftiial has been done for R elief or our

ing atraid to grant Letters o f Marque and Repriial, that w e are able to blow any that ftiall infult us out o f the Sea j yet I cannot help being o f Opinion, that i f thefe Letters o f Marque had Seen grant-

E ed fcveral Years ago, it might have favedfome Millions to this Nation. What I have to prefume in this Cafe is, drat our Merchants did not apply for Letters o f Marque and Repriial, or that fome o f the other Formalities requifice w ere not ob-

_________ . ferv’d ; i f it be fo, they have noRight tolaid Subjefes, (vhem -we take ourfelvet in p complain ; for we are not immediately to kiantur and Jujfice c n c a iid ta fee Jatis- declare W ar, efpecially wlierc lefi ex[«n-fiedan dr^ aid) w e lately commanded the faid Sir George D taning to intimate and ligaify to the faid States General,

w e expeiSled their final Anfwer, °nceiQing lull Satisfeflion to be made for tile fajd Ships and Goods, by a T im s then prefix’d, and fince elaps’d”, that w e G tnight govern ourfelves thereupon, that « it Suoiefes aforefaid might be relieved *ccoiditw to R ight and Jiiftice, and yet txi Satisfiflion hath been made, fo that We carmoc but apprehend it to be not on­ly a fruitlels Endeavour, but aproftititting

five Methods o f doing ourfelves Jufticc lie open to us.

«0 ! 6 nSldS- F t a . a j , No. 155.O f E N T H U S I A S M .

WH E N this Religious Knight-Er­rantry gets into a Perfon ol a reft-

lels Spirit, it works up his Ambition to the utmtrfl Extravagance, by periiiading him that he is lingled out to exeaiie the Defigns o f Providence. From chat Mo­ment he is flung with a Fury not to be

. . „ controlled: Unable to rdift the violent^ r Honour and Dignity to make fur- jq Impnlfc, he hurries into Afeion: Conli-

Applicaiion, a.'ter fo many Delays deration would be Lofs o f Tim e ; and he "Jd Sliahtings.’ ftands acquitted to himfelf, by a promptMen hrft form’d themfelves into Soci. Obedience to the fancied Call. Thuspow -

*-‘es lor the Sake c f mutual Defence and erliilly pgfleft, every wild Projedt thatglows

Ayuntamiento de Madrid


9 0 n e G iM T tE M A N ’j M A G A Z I N E V o i . V III.

l*«c).s^vecommonMirchie»,a5dre»it:s T iiV v e ^ ^ l'now ot nothing l«fi than overturning chi . “ ^ " T ?Laws atxi Caniticution either o f his own A worft TTiS^ n f r j - i- &0 -..wtry, o r w the Nations be intends to rK,, Entb'ifiafal

«h. •; “ '>• lie intenos to

Jivatlo. So that from one who mighthave proved an achveMieficial Member o f

DeJuiion o ftjKtm fiafin, become a iaodlihed Diihirber

i-w ''^ ‘ jv- « t-ntftuiialml withat re difpoTes Mea to be cruel In prole- ts cwing their Defiens, and tyranoical h ttx Excrcifc o f Dorainion^ w htn ther obtain jt. * ^

* * Enthtifiaft fears above al kthe Rules o f Juftjce and Equity, in fort* 7in c his Scheme* nrvin i-ha __ .And fir^ fe l.r n .n u ff l;^be“ bte'll^lc B t f « ^rt*----- , K r ,, - ocaote to ac-

e^hplilh hH foantick Pinpofesi yet the Miienet, the Coniuiton, and c b e M o la . r >n, h.s very i^ em pts are often attend- ea with, are fitSiaenc to make fober Jfcn dread c iie fic^ Ci-nfequences, whichever! *n rinfueceGiul Swlhujisfm may produce

But L.iCn If « ti-i k*


* . V’ vi^ii ujc ouppoittjon 0a Divine Authoncy, there is no Reafon to beueye, that he will ftoop ro thofe Re-

hns in rhe.Profecution o f his val

§ “ ■ 11 Argument tsall his C nm es} they are DiviM

^rons ; the W ill o f God is notifiedrn nim . Wrii t_ . . ■ .^ But t :« ; ft“4 C t h f t ^ iL

c»hd»aed by ^ e n e e . mao L a w s ^ Human Reafon; he h i a p o ft ^ Commiflion to fee it execu^ w a Tittle : Whoever, therefore, pre- «uds to wrthfta,^ him, oppofes the Al-

f u- til' Infolenceo f this Enthufiall more Mfnppoiuble is, that while he deals out MifehiMs wWiouC

? ’ 'y f‘''tjring the Happl- nefs of Mankind, and Ihowcring doi^

wt w . wijuu^cu uy rnwcnce.N o Malignity fpreads its Infeiftion fpee- and rnore univerfallv through tlie y polace. than E n th u ju L : theThrenzyot it f^ ke a-,y other Madnefs) ^ s , ror ihe Time, double the natural &rength and Orant o f Mao, and animates ^ to exert his Vigour to a D ^ e e fccrningly more than human. T h e ln fi ’ tirati^ ot the E jhuiiaft foes him above ahe Rear o f Death, , f he happens to foil “ J ActiOT, or to fuffor for h k Crim e by the

S i m s e s

siSRi?Eii"r™V?]\J„..J y r .n m ium in me tw curion ..............

5 w S * c S & ; :uiion ot fos be wholly groundJels, yet

as long as he ischoroi.ghly polfoffod there- with tt prompts him on with the fame Kdoiutioa and Vigour, as i f it were unde-

as animates' "5 fon«raes horrid

uncraaame througn Force of Reafon, muft be convinA

Imprifonmenis; by Racks and Gibbets, arxf Flames; in order to

Afoearten and teirify his A dv^ f.ri,.’him dots, in Proportion,

A ^ a rre n arid teirify his Adv^rfartes:His Rage and Derperatenefs in «tacking ins Eiiemes, makes them weak and tr.mid m their owri Defomre. Upc« the r f h . i r f " — is the Influence 1 Vo^thfrp/M r'rf Io f ,h4 fctoxicaatx,, when it aauates a w i t h Q i . o m i U ^ ^ k S t c f d i l

The Craftfrann, F * i . ly , n «, to^.

Br:tip> Rights in America njjirtcd.

T H E Spanijh Advocate, in anfwec to rhi* - Set ouf

Tre»»t f

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

H^eekly E s s a y s in

fene tjo f *ftd Article 14. o f that o f i67o_ ^ ic h ait: nothing to his Purpofe. For’ wthe firll Provifion is made, that no X,er.

F E B R U A R Y , 1 7 3 ? . p r

Afr D’ a n v e p s ,jj~ J A v in s read fome o f yc«ir Papers,

“ tar filch Demands: And yet hare we Mt m fevcral Cafes waited to no Purpofe 7 or S Years ? Is not this d ^ in g tx an-

id ds/^i’»gjidbice? ^ the otherTreay. 'UTK. o f 1570, T h e lOni’ whofe Subjects firffbjWrong, mayAipcnDncisior

may exafliy tally with tlie C ale in Point, nor fogged any proper Merhcd o f R c- drefs to tiie ar:hafpy ^sufferers; j ct as . ’' j arc remarkable in their Kind ;'.cynia-r at lead divert lome o f your Readers.

‘ K inc Ffrdm m d • Having appealed t ;

nr to irioe :jlred DimHa.has




;nce■ is.out.jpf-IWS>w

z2nd , !d4



^W^ o f ju ftk * grant L ite r s o f Repri&l. b ‘ theDiliurhancesorhis Kingdom, marclf.JV ith the lame that be gives • u , —a «c a _ . . ------i.

®5 our R i ^ to Cam fttuhj, he dii^ fesat the Head o f a powei nil Anr.y ajssKi.l

‘ the hdeort, advancing as fer as 'la rttf, ‘ where a remarkable A iddenr ..a >cn*d ‘ to him j to wit, two Brothers, P iu r ^nd

♦ whole Kingdoms, that were oevcrcan- S *r’d by the Sfituiardt, particularly Da- "/», which is in Pofielfion o f the A ieri-

I w ih , for the Sake o f m y Coun- ’T i be had not foifted in that uaftarunate ^ ' der o f G om tx^ Bm avidti, who was a! bipedition o f the S o ts, which can never ‘ fafiinated at P a im ia : for wl.ich Crim e ‘'•mration’d but w ith Diilionour to the ‘ foneotberperfon had been bciore taken

‘ J th n d i CtiTTiajiU Hon-A, were u eo , ‘ into Cnliudy uponSutp'eion u; the M ur.

Nation.Reowf i f the B tsrd, in relation »

^ B a y or Cttm feM ly, he pafles over in b*i>ce. tbo’ made by Perlbns o f Expefi- *P* and ^eatAbliities, and fum ilh’d w ith ^^ b e n tic yu cha-f, and praptr Paotrt to kW ort their Opinion.

The fcllowit® Paragraphs in it I fhall ' '^ r n e n d to the Confiaeratkin o f him

his Mafters:, |Therefore we are humbly o f Ofnnlin,• tSLj*'® y * " ’ M ajefij’s .o iik:i. iuum.eiH.y, ana a j^ a i i.J * p o m . for fn.Tie Years before, as K ‘ to his Tribunal, tow hich they fummon’e . a sjfter t ^ Coodufian o f the A m - • the Ki'j^ to appear in Days Time. H

‘ la n d ’d atT rttn , in idyo, did enjoy an un- , !*erruptetrLiberty o f cutting Logioetd,, **h e L ig ia u de Tcmdtus, and in other , p » « i not inhabited by the Spm htrdt , ? . w Province o f Jucatan, ckher thro’

S t^ a n e t, or Inial^ ilie.Amrrican 1>eatf did „

• £ 5 * ^ * BJght in the Onwn o f Grr,»f . to the Lapina de Tirminos, and, ra m adjacent j thrde PJices, at the < o f the and for fem e Years« b d S’ afiually in the PolTeilion

’f^ E n g lifiiS a h je li,

‘ up and examined, but nothing appearing" ‘ againfttbem , were Hilirhargiui. In fo'C,‘ tiefe tier irmoeent Gentlemen were try’i ‘ and condemn’d on citarmlfamtial E v i- ‘ denoe only, and that very ftivuiois. ‘ T heir Punifilment was to be thrown ‘ headlong from a Summit o f a Rock. ‘ Great Inteicelfions w ere made to th e ‘ Xl’»^ in their Behalfj but he would noc ‘ grant their Pardon. As they were le*J- ' ing to Exenicion, they invoked God to ‘ witnels to their Iiinocency, and a|^al*d

■ ■ ' ' ichtheyfumiDon’dyo Days Time. H e Nevertbelefs fome

Days after he fell fick, and went to a> ‘ Place call’d A kaadtt, to divert himlelii ‘ recover his Health, and (hake off th e ‘ Remembrance o f the Sommons, i f h e ‘ could. Accordingly the 30th Day be- ' ing come, be (bund hftnielt much better, ‘ and after (hewing a great deal ot‘ Mirtii ‘ and Cbearfulnefs on that Occafion with ‘ his Couniers, and ridiculing the Ilkfim , ‘ retired to his R ril, but was found dead ‘ in his Bed.

' The King o f S*mn (fays Mr f Selden)Ma. l J TT-lJ ¥ 1-..

againff‘ Suit, which bccaufc be could not get, w e ' advifed to have him outlaw'd, foi notap* ‘ pearlng; and fo he was. As foon as ‘ Gm dm er heard that, lie prefently fere ‘ the Money, by reafon i f liis Majler had ‘ been ntlaw 'd, he could noc have d ie

1 ^ 0 — • " •■ ''■ '-‘ •“ ‘i . ‘ Benefit o f the Lmv, which would havetbe CoocliiioR o f the American „ ‘ been very prejudicial, there being then

,y("r^_M^fty (hould ‘ many Suits depending ti'tween the K ing r, , . . . ‘ o f Spa/a, and our £».///)>

treaty, loraimucn as me • on the Tratie to the Lapaut de‘ 4 7 " ” W' Was thereby Imerpreteffan In-

the L-.FKMd Cattert ac- Pyratet. ^

' aw u y°‘" ' M jeffy’s Subjefls hav- ■ r s j ’®®" ( k lead) fuffer’d to enjoy the ' lagm ed as aiorefaid, “ytore theCooclidicaa n f rh^

Hot ;i-iT looiua‘ on your faid Right to the La-

^erminit, yet that the samh ‘ ioorfv 't abfiluteh granted and cm-

R i efG m m erfe made at

1 am, S I R , Sec.• Richets’t 'A lrit^. e f the Hijt. i f S,'z-n,

jya4, p, i86.f 7«#ik t a p , i d £ iilia i, p . 8 9 .Ayuntamiento de Madrid

9 2 The G e n t l e m a n ’ ; M A G A Z I N E , V oL. V III .

Thelon^on 5 outmI. Feb.tJ. No. fSS.O f f'tluBtktU! Zating.

7 h t m '.fh tj TaUnti ^ Man's n tb le Mind,t%at fer fenfual Jtys they’re net de* a

Jign'd iB ut as ally'd by Htatien's /Stherial Fire, M 'ith Gaddile F ievs they fyeuld the foul


with a Rolling-Stone an Hour befcrf and four in the Afternoon.

A t the ftated Day, he produced him, fo pertefdly cured, chat his Friends, wlio ac hrft fcarce knew him, paid the M ne

many T hanks,, it the goo

T 'H E R E was nothing formerly more contemptible in Britain, than a

Canon recovered liis Wits with his Health, no doubt he was as wellpieafed as any or his Relations.

Nice Eating dcllroy* the Health, let it, be ever fo moderate ; for the Stomach, as e v ^ Man’s Experience muftiaiorm

profound t f h i s ^ g t but o f U tc B K d s ^ g J ^ t e f S T d i S ZatJnr is become a Seiesite, and. which ri/-h run, ° .u._Eating is b ra m e a Scieiue, and, which is ftiU more extraordinary, a ^ putaiU Seieiue, A Man is not only heard with Patience, but with Attenrio i , i f he runs thro’ the CorapoCtion o f the Oglio j and a very conGderable Library might te drawn together, where a Man can af-

the feveral aifgxfzfng Feed.H ow many o f late place all their Hap-

pinefs in living afterthis Manner, and are mad enough to lay they cannot live without I t ! But without what ? W hy, without chat which a wife Man would fcom , and a good Man d e le ft} without the Happinds o f a Sow, a Creature flaced in the lowed Rank o f Beafts, for D being naturally what tliefe Men make thcmfelves, gluttonous and infttiable. Bat to what End is allthis wafted ? W hy to deftroy the very Appetites they WMiId gratify. That M jbarp Steinach it the htji Sauce, is a Saying as true as it is common.In Ulrick Hutltn’s Book on the Virtues o f

■ I e"-*""' 111 oigeiringrich Dilhes chan Meats plainly drefled; T o a found Man Sauces are needlels; to one who is difeafod, they nourilh no* him, but his Diftemper, and the Intern- wrance o f his Taftc, betrays him intir the Hands o f Death, which cou.d not, perhaps, have malter’d hb Conftitucion.T n > a T aaaa.'a /^ aa^ . a—_ L .........._ 1 - 1 •

fe lf into a very wretched Condition, wtuie a yoimc Man, by indulging h.s Tafte ; yet when he had once taken a Refolitfon o f relbaining it, Narute did mat which Pbylick couln do ; it re- ftored him to peiiitift Health o f Body and Serenity o f Mmd, both o f which he enjoyed to an extreme old Age.

But, it may be, fome o f our fine Gen­tlemen wiii o ^ f t , chat a grand Table is the greateft Ornament o f a great Bor- tune; which in lome Senfe may be true, la m no Advocate for Penury,or a

" * X Living j Hofpitalky is an annent Virtue, and was never praiitifcd

'a n y where more remarkably, than in..Lu..,ui M if wnere more reraarkaoly, than n t^ r e « a very Angular S m ij £ Britain : But Hofpitalitv b cfeilroyed bf

on rhis ^ubiecr; he fa vs that the R elan* . . . . . a .a ^ .- V /a Lon this Subjeeft he fays that the Relati ons o f a very rich German Eccldiaftick carrying him to drink the W aceisior the Recovery of his Health, and palling by the Houfe o f a famous Qjiack, ne en-

Jtii'rd what was the Rev. Gentleman’s 'blemper? T h ey told him, atotalD eK -

tw enty Legs o f MutroB would have made a Marriage Fetft lor ° “ t A nedtors; w e now mangle them to lum ifh out a Difh, and that but a fmallw ' r be called Luxury otMadnels? A Man’s Table ought to be proportionable to his Eitate j but it b the

P ht no Eihce, and to agree--- / • • • • • • - » .* A .,* » . J k.A w

view ing his enormous Chin, and cumpa ring it with the Size o f a no ls& enor­mous Paunch, guefled tightly at the C aufe of his Efiftemper, and agreed, fca- a certain Sum, to bring him home, on a D ay fixed, pcrfedfly cured. Upon thb

with no Stomach. T hele ftrange extSick Modes o f diigrtifinc B r itiji Meat have JiittOTuced foch a Multitude not only t» Technical but foreign Terms, tiiac I would recommend it to fome Conn aileiir in Eating, who would at once difplav his

f r i l l a _ aJ a. a ? _ _1- _ rv I t ' . r /tr £ d h - ” ^ h who G Skill, a l l gain the Punihafe o f a' " p y Dinners, to compofe a Leli»» '

H e fui nifoed h m every with half a Calinarium, or ud D i.^ im ^ , f Kitcht* Pound o f excellent dry Bisltet, to moi- Terms, h r tf-eXtl/ef fte n w h ich h ea llo w ed h im th ree P in tso f o/et s « ^ Ei'igliLl.'^ I d a r r & v f£-b « very g ix^ Spring Water t He fuffored one would meet with a great many ful''’

*?<> H ‘ • ibers, erpedally if it w lr^ p ro irV ’^ 'u r ^‘3 c-'’ ® ' ' ' " y G e n t L t ^ mi#*

i f / i T a t - w S i? S i l l ' s " " "■ ■” * "O '”


Ayuntamiento de Madrid

'nocnv m, fy fho at I ncygoodralch, i any

k t k,l nach, iiornil rfting iTed;

P F eg kly E s s a y s in F E B R U A R Y , 17^ 8.the pvefent Phraft is.

9 3

^ JchiefM^^Jes f e i o T o f T i!^Vianals, let ™ e cn t« a tth e fe G en tIe n « „* i f

trenHemm, that it /hews a Mao to be a sU v t, in th e S en feo f the Phaofophers. and certainly cjtpolU him to a Muhirade o f Inconveniences, which bnt for this pre»>llerous induiciog o f his Appetite, could never a ffta him. Irem xn

to confider that, whatever thofe Gentle- nten who dine with them may tell them, let Hiftory hath recorded, and recorded ^ith Ignominy, ftich as have pion’d w m feives upon Eating, or iaviihed E- Jmcs to fupporc tlie Exceiles o f their Table. LuchUhi, one o f the greateft o f ^* y R m m s, a Man who had endeared wniielf to his Coiintiw by many glori* ous Aftions, attd w hole Virtues will ever “wite him remembered, rendered himfelf contemptible while living, and hath tar-*ulh^ r hat Glory which would have at- y-> anie trom Mature, can never be wnded h u Memory when dead, b y a f - C fotinded on Realon and Virtue • T h e w tm g to be the niceft Man o f his Tim e. Majority o f Manliind ebufe to live • bul

niiiljftfei * p rr t5to?.

ji^ ainp the Fear i f Dcuth.Lent.


jln E f s j f t r

UNwiliingnefs to die, tho’ it fremt to ariie from Nature, can never be

••••v iviMiJ VI IIU i

ttsrch has given us fuch an Inftance o f I fils Tafte, as may ferve to flicw us, that I tho’ w e may be Fools in the fame W ay,

yetfrw o f us can hope to be as expenlive rools as he : M. Titl/iu and P im fty tbs

met him one .Afternoon in tire J%-

Why ftould they hx on fiich a C hoke, Imcc <0 fcsv, IQ the coitm»4Mi accepced Seme o f Pelicify, can be account^ f u o py ? Why { ^ \ d the Miftorlry, w ho ar« ^Twowy with Senfe and V iitoe, be w v

iiicL liim one .utem oon in tire K - „ Willing to die, when they cannot be haiv t ^ i and t.iat they might fee whether® p v ’tillD eath ? Is this U v e .if Lite, froU wnat the World reported o f his Luxury the Sweetnefa w e find in its Solaces, in

clw Enjoyment Pleafure, and the G ra- tmwtion o f our ^ u etite s? Or is it tb d Pam o r H t^ ro r Death that affii j i t s »s ? Is it the Fears and Doubts ot' what m ^ l become o f u» hereafter? O r rather,

what the World reported o f his Luxury true, or not, invited themiyves

^Supper, on Condittem that he would 1 nothing e x f aordinary for them ;I w which h r yielded, provided th<^ would

&ve him Leave to tell his Servant in...... to Lcii Ills servant in oecorae of us hereafter? O r ra'her"hat Room lie would fup : which was E is it not the Guiit c f Confeience ahhrdv

tO C ir S f o e f l l io f l r r r t r r tM - m n v 4 ^m rk ln i> nw U .. . u .Side alfo accorded. LutuUui *‘*h called o«it to his Slave, G» h m t, uU ! V 5 rT’« « f I pip in th eA ftU i. When ^ H o u rc a m e , they went all together, l ^ w ere entertained in a Manor luperior I f ° . Report. W hen this Myiiery cameto iL V . V " " tame m w giiic: one we lee Jome as wlllinptoW • « appeared tfiat p die, as others to-live ; fem eas w i l ln l w^ given Name t i evervDimnir«Rfv>m leav^ W^rU >1. ^

condemning us, by the Prc.anprehjiiiort o f future Pimifhment? I f Dearti w as n all equally ten-ible, w e might rcafooably i « r w d ic j there wouJd be then more in IV atn, ana even more in Life, rlian w e im agine: Bjic we fee fome aa to

I - 1 given Name t-i e v e y Dining-Room I Houle, and fixed Bills o f Pare for

*®*at iignifying only ^ r e he intended to fiip, wasinltruflion

■ y^ 'ienr tor his Steward and Cooks : was indeed the chief, and rhe

appointment ibr a Supper there

leave the World, as th e w ife Man. w h c ij old, IS to leave the C o u rt; fome, wrth Rehgnation, meet it in all its Tortures - lome feernmg ptoufly to with for i t ; and *11 ihofo are Perfons who are efteem’d Wife a< well as virtuous.

^ ^ n tm e n t for a Supper there w a s . Every Man in the Play o f this World •ft/V ^ ^ ‘" g Aftor,^ is a SpeQator? celebrated fine Eater, who,

I ^ Ik might enioy all Things in a grand I ‘ y. fet apart ninety Millions o f Sefter-

h ' ' ' the Service c f the Kitchen, but fa^.this immenie Sum being in a great

, .JIfunre wafted, and great Demands

likew ifei V^hezt the P h y i . n e T g ^ with him that is in his Youth, it prnnufes H> much tliac he is loth to leave it • When rt grow s towards the Middle, the A ft o f Manhood, then he perceives r te Scenes grow thick, and as they are fill’d with B-(mes,_ would g'adly underftand tlw

i l l t i ^ ® o f Accmirws, that there H draws near, and he knows what it wiH

T h e Notions o f Death are different in tw o dilfcrcnt Sorts ol Men : One Kind

M live*

I v Y ^ u c u , M t u ^ r c a j L ^ r m l i n f r eI w “s forced, againft his W ill,k , Affairs, whenlmdingiipon

!• rtSfing o f Accoiitws, that there I® fhan E igh 'y Thoiifand

j 'nds Sterling left, he was fo frighted at jic^Pptehenfion o f not eating f> nicely

‘WtneidJ', that he pt^faned liimfclf.

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

94- *Ihe G e n t c i m a n ’ s M A G A Z I N E , V o l . V I I I .

Irvft in a full Joy, he lings and revels, and fports as i f nis Harvell was continual, and as i f the whole W orld was as mad and wanton as him fclf : This Sort o f I I

From the Gazettters.

feveral G a z b t t e e r s of thisMondi AfrFRfciiMAN g iv ts Kt Mfr

hlan would do any thing rather than d ie ; A moirs o f lalfe P a t r i o t i s m :for he tells us by expreilive Adtions, thn’ his Tongue mention it nut, that he ex- i ^ s a worfe Eftate hereaiter : Another lives hardly, with a heavy Heart, as if h e was only bom to ttie Sad Man’s Part, and then d ie; this Man often wilhes


tCf ii’t jeHea him ixee P tn ic u lsn , it mij fii^ e t» ju r e feme Pt^aget fa /be» firfi D rift i f his A ftm en t.

Whenever (fays he') > Pi elTure of foreip Affairs would permit, die yishtnisns werealways divided into Parties among ti»on*

fo r Death, and hath it n o t; intimating, g felves. Such as were for the Coiflituii-that by Death he expefis a far better " .................................Condition. T hefe Inltanecs ffiew, thatthere is expefled a M'iery or Joy to at­tend a Man after his D ^ r tu r e from h e n ce ; The like is allb evident in the good Man and the b a d ; one avoiding w h at tlie other would wilh, at leaft not w ith Unwillingnefs refufe the O ffer; for

on, were, geoeraily fjx-akia^, lield pulv lick Enemies, asd thofe wIkj were fotputting all into the Hands o f the Penpie, were eried up as the only tr u P ttrins, the generous Champions o f LliiCity, and Pillars o f the State o f M hcns. B i : i* theD ayofD iffrefs. the People knew weH enough where to look tor Coiiritilcfl

the good Man I reckon w ith the w ife .C and ■ Generals, and had W it enoiieh »MM I . m M In m L m m a . n *w h o can equally die or live ; he knows

w hile he lives the Supreme Being will

Erotedl him, and when lie dies receive im I and it was an excellent Reflefiion

on Death, made a Father o f the Church, when he laid, itm 'jix i, ucW vixiJJe pviUat ; net m cri tim ei, quia ____ _______ _______ __banum huiei Dtmiwem ; I have not fo D and i f they did not t i t e liv 'd , that • am a fe m ’d that I have liv’d ; ly, were b m tijh ed .

chufe thofe whom they hated w iitn ia Profperity, to take the Helm < f the Re- publick, when the W aves ran high. Yfi when the Storm was over, the D .m tff gnes, i. e. the P itiiier Orators, were ex­alted to tiie Skies, and the Nobles wbl liad fought and toixjuei-ed were neclectcA

am iJior do I fear to die, as I have a merciful

T h e State o f Living I fhould think could never be quiet, till the Fear o f Death is entirely coi^uer’d : Every Spec­tacle o f Mortality affrights ; every cafual Danger terrifies : The Fear o f Death is

The femife Creatures o f the Peoph procured Decrees, wliereby the Fuw which had fupported Fleets and Annirt were alfigncd to the T heatres; in ConC*’ guence o f which, their Youth becam* W ltlines, D m i-C fiticks, and Speu^ttm

w o rle than Death itfelf: T h e Fear of Dy- E Juts, inflead o f good Citizens, Rood Sci« n < v L a l T ^ f-rKWK L<tl ! • I i ~ ___O , a ^Sng often kills us. Death can kill us but o n c e ; I like thw efoie the Saying o f the Emperor Julian in his iaft Moments; He that would nor die when he muft, »m lie that would die when he muft nor, are both Cowards a lik e : W hat w e know we imift pner do, why (hould w e be afiaid to do

diers, and honeft Men. N o Wonder th< when the jithexiens funk lo far belo« their Anceftors, the State dedined apart but raeft amazing it is, that while thrf lemained the moil penetrating People if the m oll polite P ait o f the World, nrt ther the Exhortations o f Friends, not tV

k a t M y T i m e ? W hat w e cannot do till ? RefledhoiBofEnemies, hadForceenou^our Tim e comes, why fliould w e feek to do it betbre 1 That Peifon is m oll happy w h o can die willingly when God wotild have him die, and can live as willingly w hen God would have him not d ie : T o fear Death argues an evil Man, at leaft a

to make them enter into their ow n C<*’ dudi, and perceive the Folly o f all MW fores, except a thorough Refbrmati<* But incorrigibly fond o f that Licence tW mllcalled L ih m y ; t h « abandoned P* moflhenes, biikiades, ThemifteeUs, Ci0*

»ndG & c. wbofe Treatment hewifeft Men in the Pagan Hiftory has fei a n ouble Example for a Behaviour in rela­tion to the Unwillingnefs to d ie ; It was Socratis-, who told tlw ^ b en ien s. That they could do nothing but what Nature had ordain’d before, condemn him to die : H ow unmov’d did he drink his

reates.concludes thus.— I have Ihewn, that ytthexs role and was ungrateful to F* Patriots, lb fhe was undone by her giu*'' ing fond o f fa lfi Oms.

R . Fb i e m *'*

EUe_: H ow rnimovd did he drmk his J V / T R Fr e e m a k in the G A Z iT T lt? Poiioni how bravely did he meet the A p -H i V i o f the 14th, proceeds to prove proach o f l^ ath; N ih:l e ji in m m e quid the Soartan Hiftory. that ch e P e o i^ - 'm e tu a ^ ^ fim h il timendsim idea im m U the ^ fb ir i in their^Na'mes,' gettiog p

.............................. "" ■ great a Share o f Power, kept theirf t : I Xath IS not terrible, i f our Life hath not made it Co,



Ayuntamiento de Madrid

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

m G e - t l e m a h V m a g a z i n e . Vol. VlII.9 ^<upp*tob8«onvet; that 8iIfca»J thenrfUli. nearS«£ti«M the Mcxio would amear curvili- 1 ^ , With their Convexity turned toward the Ax»s o f the Eyc-gla6.

«3' Now, accordJig to Sir Ifiuu N evxm , the betwren tbofe two M a n a n will be but

Iraalij aiw w illnotaniounttohalf anHour e14- B it, accordiM to my Dimonfttation»,

^ t V ry lame ■tur.*5/e T im wiU aro.wm to a- bout four a ^ perhaps three quartan. A D ..t rcDce eafily obfetwble ertn ^ Petfins un­acquainted with Atowomy ; but helped with a

t^ptm ens o f the MMicns o f W Moon' And th ia I appal to the Heavens and to Man-

r ' Obfervatiom Rth sU rt, for a clear and fenhblc Doeifioo of °

t^CiiW roveriy, between S h Jfaoc Ifo n tm or to F o .,o w n j and m e ; concerning the Sun's

1 * '^ ' Afeoooraershave w l i i i . norlec- to obferre tiwfo nwA irapotunt

w i^u tn, Seflkpn of the M o«i appear, flra%lif. ’ a i . 173S. N .F aT io .

T o theAutlwTof th eG iN T t,£ M A N ’s M a -G ASl N Be

^ ^ I / Rofcommon £air«f im iu-cdcot & « « , / Paftor Fido, tr Faithfjl Shepherd c f Q iu r jsi, M r Lockmaa far k r h d:rt

e f fK th r , TOfeVi 4s r'«rr.*r« i f(M rotm ,4s, S ,r Rkhard Fanfltawe’a Tnr,.

UM rrarr „ * , Q t } fur that tie

EarP, I irrkaw otW e.;, „ 1 ^ brf,„ ,U PafA *-5,-rRichard’s

S i> R i c h a * d F A N S H A w e V .

2*"*“ « Stir R os I ,'^ * ^ ^ '* ® * * o <i up in leaves^ did fats

Under the lahle canopy o f night,’ « '> t '” h e l5 rft lig h t

i s ' 'sn'ler eve.When whi^fp-ring B-ts fuck Neflar as ^ ; v fh - • Then to the Sun, which on it, form doe7^ ’

pTifumed breaft difpUys •^ t i f i t b e not gather'd th e n ,^ It JtiS d by the meridian ray, ^^ r e ^ Sun to t'o ther world be fted,Upiir Its n ^ n t ia g flalk i t h aM the head -

w ' t b o u ^ itihows That one cart hardly lay i t was a R o s s •So a y o ^ Virgin, whilft her mother’s cam

r “ V A " 2 ^ to o again ll d if i r , 7 ’But tf (h i f in i feme amorous youth k eye her.

ib aT h tiS r

_bod. Tike i worm i'th*

We, in her im a sk cheek fucfcl,, the bleed t>fth»t fimlaftj

And all her lovers, when her heauq’s j«n.

Jr: tbef; s is , are 7 a^ e t, ■ wbrtber tb m a%

m A T r a e jk ::: ,^ lo o Year, /n e iir^ , m vef Afr. Lcdtman & Jeckied.

2« V I R G I N ^ * / tiv R O S E . E By M r LocKacAv.

A S in fiiine rnra] paradife a R o s rf W hich veil’d fcy leaves, and hujh’d in

calm r pofe,Btneat h the dnflty mamic of the Ifclei.On Its fiir lUlk, in fwcet oblivion Iksi

^hflum bru ignature from itstraofi.ntdreim : 'T oF firin ,, w.ho i a g W h ^ form beholds, A ^ jc m , r;ch with ciiaafon hucj, unfiids •

»:"E’d be: ffcft-bteathini tmexous 2 « t i ^ the lucid Kclar as he flies: ffijhs)B M floww ! and yet if it ungathev’d flayiil3 h - |b cjoujited. dart afcorch'Mrav,

J t droops with the dedminc; ^*way from ^

ih iis thc)*o«ng Vi BGi K, whilft her mo- tner*t care

Ftoin flatt'ring man conceals the darlirw fai,.•The fair fclodes love’s ardours fiora her hreafi.^ f l ! r a maiden’s refi.But ^ u U .a m e T h ^ j dart a wanton eye,^ f l s e attend to the Iweet tempter's figk J n t o t her heart it, inmoft f jd s difnlays.A nl her, now love-fick foul, is e« 4 blaxe.T t o , i f or ball/uincfi or fear refttain

To hat^filujee doom’d, (he wespng lies, 5 Eclip. d the lovely luftre o f h e r l ^ (H it graces fade, aad ftie untimely dies. J


Falfe Shepherd ! now fome other fool Think, Ihe thy heart pefleffe.

A worthlefi conquell fliaU 13w fi„d .Like me thou loon w .lt leave her.

thee in thy kind . W ilh pleafure I’d foijive her. ^ ’

Eager you cbip’d me in your arms

Sw^re, P iM eh wa, all o'er charms.Her kilTes heara in bloffcm.

Wiih M .jf;„ ,n yen arbour. 'A ^ c a l Deer sny manly pride

Forbad me to unhaibour.Enwire and Love no ri val bear.

Too near was injur’d Daurm i I .m now too wile, as then leli Air

To play that filly game on. ’

C o ^ and pearl thy mouth adoim,E*ch exceeds a rubyj

“ y f®®®" feonn The leavings of a booby.

Came r « fire for this M a o a » i n i ,

' L a u e e a t , M.

•Bj’ R lC H A a ? 'S A V A G E % /y52. L iita « M r. Lockmao’r Lyrieh.3. f ^ n f . a R tv . « » / Mefr

dertr t f Fr-wli F.jy,, *

l i e Firft -uill k printed f r . U .

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

Poetical V .is n 'i i in FE BR U A R y, 7738.



c hfr, bt her


i .

t i m e s .------ , / & H o r * e / B . i T A j | .

• \ / ttK ld O g n u kri, ftkk a lim tJ T K r/a tb iri'a ea , m dK ur m e .

- f T f J o « ’>fifp € » iid W ,Bio m , in l i t v in d ia n xfin ,72» rta ^ lir it’ mng ta v e 'd io f i t ,

■ ^ndUtfi M r im lt^ n d l

^ J e y t t , OBritons, « * > 'tiip v tn‘ t diprsatt c f ended heati'n j

C tajt, uireptniinr, tiprifum e,^ h fiedink fr a U fitf iis r a il,O rk n g er f^ a im p im s age,

Devatedte lie ir _ III.

I iawlels Force, and fecret Wilei,I ouraU-eermJttd Ifiei j ' En»y pm iai her JUngt i

jacTsan/e, aeifoul debate ;V&rr reflJefi filffions t t x thefiate.

From I r r e l i g i o n /

I direjim re fie nafiiiiii e-aieI late £ jh e ji, andprejent w e ,I nanh jaundic'd n et t

" m e Pride, tia tfm lb l i t vulgar great,\ -fa /P ow 'r taith lU -g ain 'd w S ri elan.

Rapine n/e,

j • ^ e m defi Merit Ties etfieure, m ^ a m a iv ihenxrtueuspser •

a favm i^ erirtcii,^ f< 7, iniperiMS, fixfiin g tides,

I ,'*,1' “ Fomine'i e«in»i inks,r'asn, egnaraxt, and hud.


I , > 1‘J‘ i uudfiem tU irfiree Ig '^ litcrr esa lecri alaeg,Banhgreasa bentstb the d m ia t lt im ,

istfetuaa in theirciarfe !\ p V II.

pigmy ■ oMhpganticfiridet,•jiHw. tmniptltui derides.


I to^'a’ Bhfphemyic.rii Wit's a/a(,

' “ "fiK cisa k n e, nor eon ferju a je,I J^ “rei tvitb irfim al fury d iven

* .m rfn th ,

nfin'dl\ < f fiate IS ih a i, or read,

^ J "m eju !, as ts hsczuthecreed,>» euUnate l i t mind.

r.r X-5 - ^ , n Se, ietren, mifmsle,

m ’ lygain/u/w ie,I t , ’ ^ S '‘ ' f ^ f ’ < i^ n oed ifp ife,

.4 ^ " Virtue vitich tue hale,\ ^ Jfiefunm anijye ccnidiuigreat,

‘ ‘^ ’nodcrntsrlite rife.

XI.A ncten n h itr , v ers'd in iS , BoldCaium m , refekrt to ta ll!

A hrU n g tisief, vntb meanfurprixts k fiS tu s SlarJcr, fin kes tbebLta,7ia t none the muid'rer’siandm at h m j.

M’&A Virtue bteedtnr dies!X lf

I s ’ Treach’tjt fpreads bergm l^ tfnans, E nw tieraasly friendfliip wears j

A ndB rib'ry k m w ith powerful gold: Set Hnoeft)' knaves decoy'd, Bebsldjuperior Wcath defircy'd.

A nd migh^ K ir^ m s Jo u t

f o Civil Dilcord Jhaket the hud, A m b itio n i^ i her flaming brand 5

TceFuiyJlies w i^iarb'rous hafie, 7rampies iv in e andbuman law s,A ndm ftmeroyalmadsrasn'scaute

Lt^ s the Cieation wafie.X IV .

Is aan by naiurt thus deprav'd, T b u sly co i^ a J v ice enfiav'd F

Fern in a fia te o f w ar andbkod, H avew enohuetfbitm asitdnd,H o fa cia l virtue in the m ud.

H o principle t f good fXV.

Or have w e n tilltrp cw 'r n cr w it, ByeorfiiiuiiM gcad, o r illf

0 ! better w e bad never b ea ,V. ‘"m sfw a y the vebok.I f fubule matter be the leal,

A ndm anapeoratam ne'XVI.

O rfiy , does Intereft Hem ibefcale,Seif»»tv'rjthongbtpm oedir

Does tba tjelesiu iivep rom eacbihedf h tb a t ibefiartofieeroitrtim fi fD o tnee and virtue fh m that fourte

FrecariaefiyprcceedT ''„ XVII..Far W O f^ Jfucbth ose^ iprtpban e, in^rotejiuj fortkdi, w ak a.r^^K !

Direjebem es.' w tieb knons darih tlase Im adiiufiy.w iiheitrfiilefrn ‘A t mee tojiuk the power £vine

A nd digni^ o f nusn.x v m .

" X ’ who degradeAbm vaedreas'ning to a troth,

Bew tid'riegus w ith vain dskeetet:(h ^ tjen a a trifiesto d ev ife,t f rat makes us nor mart gasdnOT w ife.

B ut rania us w vb ibe k u ie i' ‘XIX.

S n , bydmrees, freeu habit grows The banefilfourte i f temae w e tf

A t w keb ear belter naturesfiart a T ill in our bru fi t ie wseefer ktaJs, ‘ ’ f^ ' ^ f'sm advtn tiiicm ieeds,

jvsdforeign to the heart.X X .

J - if nutninievctrupeidyxth, t^ s h purity o f temune truth,

Inehnei roffkW nnrtuds rood-,W \th h i ertatcr'simageboim,T it w orldtegevernardadirn,

yia gerea f t e s Qod!

^ X X L

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

9 8 G e n t l e m a n ’ s M A G A Z I N E , V o l . V I I I .XXI.

E r ty tt m U /r the u n d ^ n tf ,£ « Guilt b tiir n a i’d t ie i iM t f f ix r ,

H 'lJk o B fi cBmpU •wtmid w tiet T yitbfctrm td ixim p rtffit'd , r c tv , J V c d ^ a the Siten’j w .

The b ia n S fin m itt^ Vice.

72*! a n lth rm eem s tejtm /earn the nuhnm itt-^ Sin,

jindfraW fevrixu <wit6 Goliah’j

TZt anmee, ihe C t i y A nd tern the S v iig L ea d ,'

x x in .

7 <j -ma^m, hrte^,E x iim m lii’ig the heati'ti^

Itd ibn r tin aaede^hmlray, jy iiltp v .rh tia il* tdm D riaU poj,

Arulnoander ia the dark.XXIT.

Z c ’. V itx lh a tfr m a fiiin y r tfe ,' L ik e Y im t eaebhear, etichmamat^rvaBt,

Ti/1[■ we/En to enontans Jitce,Caeb'ring aecumniaedftreapb, Tatv'riinjrem earth tc h em 'll, at len pi


Frem Cuftom dale freg r^ n x Sin,^ / ia ll it anarchy •vuitien,

7 x^ pa/Bcnt rare eeethaat aaanvl, Ulujtful Awnite nafiixiM

Unguarded K«aibn^vw 2vrrnrear, Andfenfua/htet^joa/,

XXVLTiJufhiftt, j t detrafhrs in m ,

T m t ChiMce B eradi ffcM fi.-a ;kdiyX te^n& Ctbti^decrtaf

Fcrr’ d h na ai^ late m am J, ix e r tt a ij the fanner e f jo u l,

A n d w th R cS ,^o o free,X X ^ I.

l a ! ene'ninth^edegea’ naet'atet, Fclhaedvntb nejbnmt trhem ,

Onem anamagfi in ' tattainttdfenc.W ho dare! ingage in Virtue’i teaje, A ndfland ibe cia n ieei ^ ter Im u ,

h^ubaat a venetvieno.x x n i L

Cen'nm s in mamert at at hJendfMe tcvt'rt by inchnrtim p e d ,

Snferier to ihenaihes f f a t e ;W h ft native nwrtb ev'n cenertt rejin'd, M et nevercmidcormfa am ii^

Infienib/e a tfete.XXIX

*Tiy delegeete, fa r bail,* * * ••* , vm bedetthy even fca/e,

A nefnl, eeiieAedandprefar'd,*TeyjdcredAM eiet te ib y ,7c rnie tie land w iih rt^em eijneajf

Andpunijb or rew rd .XXX.

Freedom erf W ill (wrf/Wn*! Choice,In hem QcaUfi/enee Slander's vclee j '

Tkerrveieav'u f i^ e d in H i ’*rnt,M iW ..jf.e to b itffe e ttife n ts,

'r.\ t f lie w rM it /haitii,a ffa ir . __iA nJ/iw id i f lamap Mkd,

Ta M r. H — E at K th , m PAAing B------- ’ i P i cT tra E.

TNEcniouc Painter, whofe nice aitHath drawn the nymph that (v.iys a tj

Say, did thy pencil ever trace Such fymmetry in ary face ?Thou by her tratcldeu form art taught. W hat bau ty is vvithont a feulc.

driving once tb fraoje The pourtrait o f a Grecian dame. Enamour’d of her features grew.And languilh'dfor each ^ c e ho drew*Tell me, by vlrtoe of what charm,Didft thou cfoape recriring harm ?So many darti were flying round,'T is ftrange that thou tufl felt no wound There mud be more than e ^ e ’s fight T o bear unmov'd fi> ftrong a light.Oft as her beauties I furvey.They ftcal me from my felf away. Trembling and pale, e ^ lisile I ' lofo,M y ia lth ij^ torque foigeti its ufe 5 M y head with d iuy bi^uor fwims.Am chilly damps bedew my Liiobs.Thee with the lame aimae I view.As men afhipwrack’d ihilor do,Who guided by ibsne unlcen powW,Unhurt laft reach’d the diftant fhorr.

Haft thou not read Sa/iwimi' ftte , ‘ Who ralhly dar’d to imitate The arm and thunder of great f i v e T Noilefr our wonder doll thou move.W ho w ith advent’rtajs hand durft try T o reprefent B • • « a * r, eye.

H e Ueweifal Cn AasaEE.

WHEN C o n n , whofurprizeshotll Strives to extend his fway.

At df'renifuiaiiit he throws his darts, W ho diff'rtni rymfbt obey.

H it fond mamma, love’s paw'cful <pxtEg Aftillii^ hia defign.

Gives tbii a foce, and that a mien.W hich moil refiftkfs Ihine.

But when they would maulfityi lubdise, By the moft certain aim.

Let }G tij Dajbnoeod cosne in view, She’ll a ll tie naerU euIaiBe.

W . B-7c a yaaes Laefy on ft iiig ter in a F e A'tf

H a t . By aScotdh fnm g Centbini^^i

Na t u r e for th « has cull’d her Then why O iou'dll thou, £md

Pretend to make thybeaittyirwre.In borrow’d charnss array’d ?

The radiant plumes no moredeiight,Nor once our thouahts employ.

While thy own native charms excite Our wiEider and our yoy i

Believe me, Nymph, their cli ties lude. Plac’d near thy brighter eyes j

BriUiaots on you appear dcQ) 'd.O n others they'd Cirprirc. _

Since ihen^ H eav 'n .dc^’d, youwinafil^ Make drefi no more your care;

To mcaiwt bcnutlei leave thofo etti^ W hich j'Cotsfs wclj can/ivK,


Ayuntamiento de Madrid




P o e t ic a l E s says i« FEBRUARY, 1738. 9 9^ th e D v h D ev o m sh ik c ,T ie P a itta i t f J o h n W a » d.

• IN ttrm j moft humble preCents to your Grace* H.s very Jmall fortune, and very hard cafe ;

Tijt oft di&ppomted on none he depends, lot is left to the world without merit, or friends. Utttquaiat'd with mrties, uuknewn to the great, Baaceuftom’d to toil, yet the pilHme of fate, loriaken o f all, all methods he tries,B otght may a^ail, to make him&lf rife.Wlw? only eftate ia exalted fo high,Dell moteJsconttirin it, as plac’d in the sky. f » wits, let their fame be as great as they will, A-c the oftijTiog of fl-ilh and poverty ftill, TitlaftingnefJtJlQf the yain and the mad,7 tt the feouTge of the fbolilh, and laih of the bad, hair'd to no trwle, and hroughr up to no art,Sot help'd by acquaiotance, nor crown’d with

defert,To mankind in vain I flwuld call fbrrcdrefe,^ « c know my occafions, and few men will gttefe. hifiate moll defponding, 1^ the light < / a taper, With thoughts dull and dartc as my wax or my

W tr,^et ftill moft fiibmillive I come to your Grace, Inaccentsmofl modcli tobeg fome (mall place ; Styne pretty neat portion in th ' army or Hate, for life not'wo Cntll, notfor »inue too great.

llJb w ith fuch eafy and competeis wealth,I ni'4ht drink once a day your Lorddup’s good

health ;A a ln t lafoevffi, fuffirsent a way, fcorn tf' €onni»c Fbf <3€ ^ pay.

P night 1 oficc get a TabtiAence 6) (ai r , (ait;wiit€ DO mow rhiines, n-x bulM tovros in tUt

^ faulr* of my youth and my life Td reclaim, know Inf more guUt, would bn curft witb

more ihame ^fit down in quieta in no great man I 'd truii,

my thoughts cairn, in all a^iniK juft,Jhe ceufure* of tete and ( / pride I’d defy,

mortal, my I^^rd, wou’d be morcblcft chan I. pleas’d with the hope, I already prepare

my gloom, aiid to bamJh ray care* ^ « might X behold that moft fortunate day,

Grace’s moft thankful for ever ftiou'd pray, 10 F et, 1737-8. J ohn W a u d .

HoftAcE L . Its O d e 19.J N life, my mend, when rocks appear,

Too ftir to tmft th e a u ia forbm ;^ kiod wboa winds and billows roar,To firefe Coo near the fijelvy (hose.•^hove the hamlet's humble lccns>

thebufUing pomp of ftate,^ man who io m the golden mean,

^foapes at once contempt and hate.JjKfollcft pins s tcmpcft rends;^he tow’r in iinculdiing ruins bends ;?*.r can* the mountain's height feeure ^ fummit from tire lighoung’s pow’r,^ man colleftcd, finn, a ^ wife,

flattery fooths ; no ftraights appall } ho hopes again to rife.

And when exalted, dreads a 611. f e S o n alternate feafons farms,

frafen fill’d with calms and ftorms > forartitnea tunes the lyre

- m dtio i Hrains o f foftdeiire.

O n f t t i i f M ifs Ba c o n , M i j i D ashwood, and Afr/r A rrL E C K , at .Baiy fia;>.

W H I L E an eftatc, not teal lore's the fnare,

W hich into marriage often temMs the felr,Aixl thence of bitt'teft woes cnfuc a tnun.Which theymuftfeel, yet,fed:t^,notcomplaia5 Three nymphs together Bury F air adorn'd.W ho all th*is view fo mean and fordid fmrn’d. W ho ill, w ith the moft gen’roua minds endu'd. Thus to their fex a bright example fliew’d j Since them alluring riches foil'd to move T o wed thofc men, they thought they could not

love.T o whom belongs this glory ?------ '” '1**' name,*Tis B jcsn 'i) i)j/bsiA>ad'a, and 'cia fomc*

A R i n o L E .

fO R finm nor fubftwice in my bring lhare.I'm neither fire i xh* water, earth nor air*i

Seni mution’i force alone my birth derive,1 ne’er candle, for never was alive;And yet with fuch extenlive empire reign.That very few efrape my tni^ick chain.Nor time nor place my wild excurfions bcaind,I break all o r ^ , nature's law sco i^n d ;Raife fehemes without contrivance or d c l^ .And snake apparent contradidlinna .ioui:Traiwfcr the TIwrcs where G angn' waters roll. Unite th ' e q ^ o r to the froaen pole ; iA iU Z m h la 't k e bid blofluM rubies glow.And Hritijh harvefts Uoom in StytUau inow ; Caafc trembling (lories to skim the raging main, Arri fcsly fifties graae the verdant plain J Make light d efec t, and heavy bodies rife, _Scin {ink to earth, and earth afoend the skies.I f nature lie deform’d in wintry frolt,A'Vd all the beauties c f the fpring be kft,Rais'd by my pow'r newveniure decks theground, Andfmmngflow'tsdiflufe th rir fweets around.T he deling dead I fammon from the tomb.And oft anticipate the living’s doom ;Omvey ofttnden to the focal tree.When’ law or fttatagem have fct them free.Aw'd by no checks, my roving flight can foar Beyond imaginadlon's attire pow’r j I view e « h countiy of the Ipadous earth.Nay vifit realms that never yet hid birth.Can trace the pathlefr regions of the air.And flv with cafe beyond the ftarry fphtre ;So Iwirt my operations, in an hour I casi deftri^ a town, w build a tow’r.Hay tricks would puale all the iearch of wir.And flvjw wfojle volumes shat were never ’• t i t .In fare records my mvftick powr’s confeft.W ho rack’d with cares , haughty tyrant's breaS, Charg’d in prnphetick emblems to relate Approaching vTOth, and his peculiarfate.O ft to thegoodby beav’n ln mercy font.I ’veirm ’d theirthoughtsagainft tone dire event p As oft inchainspfriuraptuous vilfoins bind,Ar,d haunt w ith reftiei fears th ; guilty mini.

E licav

■VrHsrs ce she Daasb ofC a p t. W e e k l e V, ih t la te em in ev t Tob^tconift m Fleet-ftret.

Wrote when finoilcii^ tone .bad Tobacco.

O Tbcu 1 fwhal a’er thou art, where e’er ia- flirin’J . l

'i'tiatoiKCWa(t.T*’>i' tu rn th j kind regarS

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

JOO Tbs G e n t l e m a m V M A G A Z I N E , V o l . VII.A whi le iwme,— Behold ire fit dilcoafolite' W ith down-cafi eye, ly viU munduigus eoril! y « thus depteis d, marie Cwarm-d with jmteful

lovejM y fmkinf genius ftruelit^ w ith her 6te, Clafp thelift remnant of dg w tii* foag j ^ a i m tofigh in mournful'founds thy praife, i i^ w th y re iju ie m in her latell rerfe.

Oh I fiiend to life; CO virtue i fcul of both ! v iao r, n » a eltdlive foe '

O h ! kind dilpenfer of the foverdgn plant.W ith idl Its virtues, genuine W t s ,^ a did thy hairf with touch uahallowM dare Debafe for gain what god-iikt fiawfoVA gave — Wow ^ v e I Lefi’d thee, whrn fuirooadirs Joys B ought on tlie hatoy «Ie ('the z i^ y r s loft f l i j k pJain^'have clapt their wings,A tri h o w d wind my foul! when all the A i« W itheaoh delightral whiff have pour’d their 6icsm Itreems r f tranfeon on m j fwelliiw hreift! W hen Jaruw i fmil'd, at oeilcloua bis aiafi,ihusintroducd,wouldrnove than douKy pkafe ,

W hen ^ " w s h u g h d w ith a l lh e r L o v is i i^ , ’ J ct and me Loves fo t / r an4 fa.r, ’ r Whatever « m c n ^ and foj, „ « v ^ )V « i i T k S c y hreese.Y et IhU the W C U r guaidiaa, F a £ i, ntvr JShun d the faifc yoy ot^he foperilunu, gUfi,"

W to t fulka m i^ u iv rife at partial fete'W hile with j ^

T ? ^ ’. ^ P™"P“ . »ia 'i he tip e tm al, void c / genuine io» •^ l a t w i t h d w a r f i l i ^ l ^ n ^ ^

” !*«* .*iS»;«itk drunJc’nefe’cB. Refleftine ^ on a ll the v uy ii^ woes,In i ^ m g that load the w ii« of time ® \f " ~ « ? < P ^ r tw ith fu U u n a ry ^ . '

««icni o f deluded ^ n .For ever bodjj^ future wants and woes,

th e i r e x iW a i r ,

St? k ^ tfk’ hand that b le fd fo ^I h y hand now cold: but ah ' thev hsik- ’

M ort (truales bmail - but - puff ^ ' S dp-wlv werH . . k;~i_____

J ^ t raised ihejonal fong ? what mirthfol gist 1 ne hum rout guefi ? the converfetion free >

Made m ^ d , prodigal, dull coxcombs finan. Gave c o th e b a ^ l , to iW , the coward, heart > i W hat clw d the n y m ^ s rcfctve, the lover’s fen Iwaa BaAKDY, Ba ANn y , that rcnoirt

Monfieur!From fe lle f i wines, that light and thinly flen

This pow rftl lymph’s onginal we owe i ^ Not as of ^ n o u s native birth we find From malt produc’d, a grofi degca’rate kind !Nor filch as artifins, by novel skill.From laifim, o f from orchaid fruit diftil:

that from A a«s or Cewrari’s choicer name Long known, ddetv’dly plac’d the chief i

rWIghfuI dram ! i f plain aiid (imply ua’d, *Or drankwith J*afer;..r’s cordial d iig infiis’d Kiel; ^vour d by the cool fiipplv.Or tinfhir d with the C a r d 's ^ \ e dye ^

M u 'd with the m i l / Sh eriff-, attempta

TTw pjmteous fioods lururious PawA produce, m the ample bowl prepar’d by art,

W h a t^ io e ingredients theirfupplies impart! ioluieign cUmrs the venfrous feilir roves, ^ f e e k s the Orar^intheirfragrantgjovisj i A i^ the rich fp.«, th e fiip r’s lufcicus lloie B r ^ , i^lcomc freight, from /'aSr’sdiftant/hott

How in the ^imwee’s thir/l-inciting h-,ur,‘ho « lid1»w ’r

..a...... wd.xx kikATueim me ire« ‘ng pcWhen (low when dully on the minucls roll; How does th ; focial evemng fweetly pjfs,^ Oh h i 'h y oalit'mng glafs'

O h! Who my nightly Hep (lull f,i,najy juas

( w b .wls the waitiiw A 'a/jJ, filllOr let m e_4!A ^j rafteooWh.rc od ro;is orangerpeels, in rows thicfc-nriffl*. i tophiCT o f num rous part expkiiis are .

w ^ to m a n - h ^ grown mature a r j 'rip.^ Wou d I each eve exhale th ’ ambrofal pipe • e x te n t and pleas d my humble fortune Norctaveth immorialnedlar of theakict.

To Afifi B ----- K.

“’y troubled foul;--Pfr— — Xi./ orwit — Uut — ouff 9kf V A riiJ .k J •xxvxmuu w c coflfui'dfy rW

•Var fimt Liret calUd Th^ ^ t — c. .. . wncoF- M ac/. >

B » a » c t . .^ a n a r A .

L o v . d w . . „ ^ „ , ^

rujn dciufe:

w k >1. k -ll T % m m WHO wriWhile here I pUi my aiuiogs hour* alope" l y r o c t i iA hf nt .roin her I Iwe, from all chat’s i s r .

No more thy n-.ufick charma m yhS’n i j . i r .* ' ' 4»5g w ! wheret / i I c o n d w ^ ’

^ wbere allay theanpuilhof my mind »Wbeie can my tortur'i fool obtain „ j i r f y Orwhem O B — - n . ' cafe m y rachii^ grief?B lieyc me. only thy m eM oui ftisins la n -ull rnytormems, or can (both my pains j

A while they might my love-fick thoughtsemlJ«r'AJxiyieldmjbrjalJaijiomcmaijjcy

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

iful g!a •ee?man, leart ? 1 er’s fee rcnoirt


Poetical E s s a y s /a FEBRUARY, 1738,.:j - 1 11 . * / O



But tW . fcfl-id ^ and all the powersaboye“ “i f , ito l l muft I «»e, ,n „ i „ , ^ ft;,,

^ nr«i;(h in m y h fa r t tb e g k jw in g fire 'I tium j m y e y « reveal th e in w a r i r je e ;

Nogay aimiftinent <an the heat all'waee.Either, ye Cods I confiime this vital feme, Cr<Mlteexnnguifli the tormenting flame'I M f . <lay I fpend, — b u t o h ! w hen night

cheering light. and«iA fcrday a g i i^ ^

T fe wrfc t f e 5 » , „ writnefe r f ™^ i f b y c ^ e , loft Humber, clofc^.^ eyes. Then her fur .mage doe, in 6ncy tifc r1 gam w i i t r a n ^ on h er beauteous 6 c e ,

the lo v e ly lhade embrace :

T f e I w ith figh , entreat a 1« ^ ftay j

B u t d e a f t o c t j e . , i t v a n i f t e , m l d r ,

I f 'L S " thy heart tY * " th o u f e l l ,» i f i i ,n „ h i s 5a r t ;

h a , kn ow n th e pain.B <«« blooming fwain ;5 ^ ~!'h wnfulfen theft mr moumfo! ftrai^ ^ teU nvnsph that c a X all my mins, S T ' o T ' r t H ~ T -ti* for h « r S ; 5 -

H ^ r ^ * f ° inline‘" s r e w as m ine, rtvrard th y friendly m e ,

F r ^ a happy, as it made thee ftir rF r« n dangers Cnefa thee, guard thee from aU

^ j r ^ ' ^ o « ^ . « * S i o u , toneuet.

P a l A a io s r ,To Mils H -

^ ^ trwr /tmw fo hM «, r ^ V I v t i v 'd f j r - O ^ s n l -

A,atJxr dr’A ^ e “- '^ S ^ r / » " c s io eb 9V • ^ > a . , rein/, wAvDeli,',^-; '


S ’" r c e r ir 5^ Delia’. «e.

An E r

T O IP t o i o o n e --------- „ fZ* Citelefr Husband

afled frroatttj. [B j a Ferfin r f a / i y ) ’

T f ■=oro*> (ifoM engag’d elTewhere)i invire you to an enteitainraenthete.'

i o-mght a u P ^ i Lat/rfar makes a fcaft And hopes t t th difh is feaftWd to vour taftc - S u ^ i a l ^ you’ll find, « y C w ^ u ’wilh. A rd fpnp of w it to gamilh every dilh.

[ « 1 A C rr«^sift.A aadontheboardw elar' fe tthat'sacom m ondiA , perhaps you’ll f t . . ’The neat left emunon is ,------ an fd I eafy wife -A fpare-rib felctomfbu^inmodemliie. ^ ’arhen.forthedilhcsonthefide,, we fct

■? “ *oomb, and a lilft coqu« arfopflsouldbeafiicaAbecompIeat,

-1 w a drds’d a t Parr', by the laS receipt s Aadfure tlu td ia m u ft pleafeaa£,g^2,’„a,;o„,

haw: been Co long 4 e ° f fifty and above,

W e X ‘ ftill beat, a match to lore.------b"t this cold p/e

mk ?V’?‘hiy grown w ith SandingJ h o J h e j i a ^ will tell yon to herShehas hadedieninher youngerdavtA r i ? " * have another cover s

4 ^*iL2‘? ^ " ’''' 'K h u ¥ . W % lover: W hobefthis mdbeft luvea, when worftlhc treats

him,A s f tw n a lie r fc p -d c g ^ , when m oftlhe beats » r e him.& t I f o i ^ net yer havetold you a lls ^ h a v e t e ^ a picklM [ / ] m o her raiftrefe, - and O I ftd diftfler • W ill uodeita^ more work, and ferveb^mafler. I^pare your Ih.mach, for the treat w ch rii^T he doth la hud,.,, the bell juft going t o ^ ,

A on his beii^ enamour’d a t firft S i|h t.

i-^ y Eafy. oeuv Modiilu

r > 1 T J %‘r «

— , 1 ■! h^diy,

, .X < f Ftmp.ngton, and d L a ^ Gtave-Aiti. r . l

t/JEdsing.L d Morelove.

X>;jA^«r-EyrtocuK H the H u s s a k c ,

Ca « z i i s i


ITAZH defign’d forayoung Oentleman who dud c f the Sn4 l - t o .

f-X ^ flru ,gfnm d.Jt, re dufi r,,urr, W e •

d^,, a , filte r pm,

rie,, «fo yj,, r ,p g m t-U t n u b ,

b a ,m : , > tc , y b o M , f d ,c : b . J a’son.

B y L j B. M o b is h , o n rfZ rfF o rrjK G T o n .

C l 7 now weVe dene. I ’ll A., t. u ' e f«>i tny fee’s feiliis, O f ^ ^ , ? “ fop , and give a loofc t o ^ u * .O f all the M S m hfe, the part moft oddift

I ------o ftd y B s T T Y M o d is h ''*1 g ro t you, ,here's no pan in town. _ Is half ib odd------A .v V " i . , E ic ^ L o rd F o r r iN G T O tr .

A h i t . r i i i th ........ ftr-s ftirly „ •, , . , together, .«And weigh your pride____y ®*'-J ------ ^ i n f t your Lordfiiip's fia-

j. . ther.^ Fop.] A fethcr’s light indeed, I mull

"®t fo light as woman’s vanity. b jB i t .] Hold th*i'e;m yLotd,Ifi„tyyoo-re

_ forgotYou wear a fi^tair, and ihouldei knot.For what s that « |^ccm b 'd prim around ym r

F ^ w h i t , th«coatall“ er bedaub’d with lac. > F « w ^ , , t h e laroeof all yourdreft befAe?

------hut van.ty and pride ?•t^Fop.j 0 ! Ipi.t me, rat me, f e p S y vi-

tA breath! ThisAyuntamiento de Madrid

102 The G e n t l i m a n ' s M A G A Z I N E , V o l . V l l f .This wwnan’s wagne«iU tiJk a man to death.

Bet.] For pride, my Lord,and to »t:ra£t the thror^,

Your pided chariot rc U in pomp along : Witbinyou Wl with cafdAair,and eafy,And think you charm each female eye t^ fcesye. I TOw,for my own fingle part, that I A s IboB ctwld kwe a gaudy htifterfiy ;A while they teoae m, and then disappear ; ^■ But fo^ait dronei that piagoe mall the year. > lAnd bu* their tender nonfenfe in orte’s ear. J

Ld Fap.] Hercbek ufteB jifpoflible, HI try I f I can pat a word in hy the hre ;Taalts Iinavhawe, ynftill I am no ftam, i i y te fc iiicortrs what I trurfyam.A poor infold thine that’s made for fhow ;For lenfe, — Bone tmnksto find it in abem.Bat a coquet’ s a two-bg’d walkii^ cheat,'Whofeea'cry look, and motion ---- .deceit.Alt every glah ytw meet, yonr arts you cry,T o imile afTofted, and to play your eye;Yonr cheeks arc redden'd with veimillion art,T o make your face as fiilfe a i r your heart}Nay, ev'n your drefi la tte r than your far, Andyoorrwnwiwk’eput offktnsyirien bci,

iySeC .] A truce, finee both our ’fctltcheoiB have a blot,

\ L d Fap.'] Ani we but playthe kettle and thepK j

lyj Bct.J ^ as be warn’d, ye feir, be warn’d ye beaus!

For merit 13et not in embroider’d clothes.Ld Fop.] Within bellow your fin’ry arri ci-


She, that watgood, and lovely, greatand wifit.Is now bv Dtatt hcH at hit carv 'd prize I — But tW triumplu o'er herimtrtalpart. Her fn n and /w/ tow’r kr above hit dart;To time’s |ie.n period her juft^ * e lhalHive,And to all future ^ e«o a pattern give j H a M tStxtda cheem py^ heighc,Aiai fhins difthupaifti’d in the reahm of light { WeU Ihe tbofo bli4 itil regioes could eaplm.Her Mnveilatica oft war these before ;The rob' nEiighceoufaefe fhe ib^puU on,Her fto iy hitl^ aal charity had wen ;Her eartluy djkk.m, unconcern'd, laaddowit. With raphjte there receivta her hmv’»^ etowng T h ' illuftrkaia Q u ssN isglorify’d a S a i j i t ! ------ • But heee • -----EotcIBui £uk - - - aud ev’n ideas balnt. . [eflay ;

Let Y ----KE, andL----- t the t emeEagUts, undaunted, (aca tlufoant of day ;The Aiuft her g!owi% fire bseath'd in each breaft. Both ate with learnicig and a genius bleft ;'Tis tbeiri todjaw thro’ cv'ry foleadaf fcene.The PruK^, Gaumliaii, and tfce glofiout

While I ctsucmplate in her prioale bfi,T h‘ inftnjdhiic farm , and the prudent w ift:How w iii! how hsg^ ! the well-jiKl|mgiij’w, Who eanukxes her in domeflic feme !In whom the focialsvews allecetibine.Which buelylhoi¥>in royal C a s o l i k e s Who copies her matemai caieandlove.With precept and oamplc can improve ;Who love, with duty, knows to reconcile.And awes her ^tcous cd&piing with a fissile | With temper rules, and with difcreticsi guides.

Airil^TOtm indsw ithviittieandwithloire; Bleftfimify! w heje> tia w./e p e ^ ! % wt-J alone are catight In cccKtanls Sued ia the greateft Uefluig man can haw.

fisares.Fop.] Aadoaly coxcombs prizecoquetti/h

aits.E j Bet.] Id cut fir Charles, aisi in Ins virtuous

wife,l.^Fop.J B.bold two patterns for the nuiriage

life.L j Bit.] Like her, gallants, may all your wives

befiim'djEd Fop.] Your husbands, ladies, like fit

Charles reclaim’d.

Andfuchclrej^e^,whkhiKav’iuoH-c>-EZ pve.M ......... A.

EriTA PH lyery antieat and pita* Eadj,

as age advanc’d, her virtue pew.

3 a M r L .. . .ty , at fm g h b'mdejind 't} von'.v avrfifQ jiE M h Dtah.

And hcav’n, her aim, ftili nearer ftione in viewy.

So sail ih’ ijrereafe at leogth, foith charg’d CO fight, Andthefollprofprfl beam’d,intenfely, bright; Mortality, f rprels’d, no mote could bear } .But rimktOT^,and fieepsln filencehere.

Hcrgriefi la tears, and not in numbtr^flow. NorCrWv, norCravtonow, to veriein^te.Jlcn pussd dcSpis, nor royal pians delight j Crim Arrest’ (petads an univerJa! gloom,For Death emits o’er C.v »o l in a ’i tomb.

* An end of all perfechion now we’ ve feen,*A ll human g t ^ in the imtchicfi 2 »eoi.She, that invirTOe as in rank eirelft.She, \rho was bleft as often as beheU 5 Siie, who ne'er fpoke, but hearts with rapture

glow’ d,Fotw'iSiom fiora her tongue in kiivhseS flow’d ;

■ TV D E L I A .'p H O ' nffw,,nw Defer .' we muft part.

Yet full w ith thee I leave my heart j Tho* fiite forbids theamhous k i i ,■Fet ftill, my dear ! deny not th k s Receive the giseft, fsoT 1 him come Sullen, and difeontenced home j Give him that placewhcrein to reft,iitv : A.U _a* 3t.r _ _ . « . .1 r ^Oivc him {hat pbcevrrrein to reft, 7 which his afteflioa paiuts the beft, > Excufehim — i f ’tis inyourbreaft! — 5

She, who religion early made her choice.Nor Itften’d to ambicion’s trmptii^ voice ; She, who for Briuia't hapninefc was bom. Ordain’d to blefi, to govern, and adorn j She, whnwasiovfd, rever’d, almnft ador’d, By_werpiBg_jiar;jo now, in vain ’ deplor'd i

lay him there, and amply blend Him with his deareft charming friend j Let himwith tianfpomfelze tny heart. And, thus united, can we part ‘No. DtSaf no, tho’ adv^ie poles Our firms may hold, yet ftill our Cxsls, M’ ithoul thea’d of for tune's grace. Will mingle in a fw-act embrace ;Enioy the dear tranfporting bllfa.And D i l j Sircphaa, fir e ^ jn D elta kifi.



Ayuntamiento de Madrid

Poetical E s s a y s in F E B R U A R Y , 173 8 . l O i

A M U S E M E N T .

V A riow m ylonn, toTariourtBlksafl5gn’d,1 pi— of mtnVimA.

A nearer acce& to the fair 1 gain.Than all tbeir beau'admtrencanc^Hnini T h e j, without blulhing, fu6er me CO lip T he meltii^ neSar d th ra balmy Bp.But, in another drefi, when I attend ’em,A guard to what may m is tily befriend ’em ;The’ I appear more neat, more fpruce and brigh^ They’ll even naufeaCe at my r a y fight.

Yet higher baiuura fome efraem my due.Than ever tyrants wifli’ii, or vutuoua prlnoa

knew.Tramform’d, byothers, 1 muft needs appear

A drag<Hi, lion, H^rplon, or a bear;Nay, fome will whimfically change rr.y To Tari, or F ife , to m agpe, ce an ape.

I 'm capable nature arma to bear,And, thusequi^, infenfible o f fear r But, arm'd or not, my ftation I maintain,Tho’ forc’d from hiil to hill, from plain to plain: I ’malways SiitMjl on whate’et employ’d.And never quit my poit before 1 am delbroy'd. a B. B.

9?« W I F E .T J O W happy he, and how fincercly blda’d !

The mao who by propitious fate.Is of a virtuous wife pofrefr’d !A carefril, kind, arsd loving mate ;

No cares nor fears his quiet can deftroy.Nor fluke the folid haSs of his joy.

T he fweet, the winning, gentle air,T he fofr, enga^i^ gmcefril mien,Peculiar to the virtuous Fair,Where channing innocence iaieen,

D IM the rugged &Mma that break hasreft,And calm the anaoustuiculu of his breall.

I f ibrtune throws her adverfo dart,I f cares and lolfos are a lT ^’d ;She fooths his grief, and chean bis heart.T o bear them w ith a fteady mind ;

Difrrdlcs in her prefonce die away.And grief tefigra to joy her fway.

But if a fofrand milder fate,I f Ikies lerene his journey crown,He's doubly bleft in thiseSate,Fnt all her joys inhance his own.

Equal their joy or grief, one mind, onefaul,. lolnrms, and ads, and animates the whole.

Hew bleft muft fuch an union be,W hich Hjmm makes, and virtue binds 1 How nsuch heaven’s frcvourltc is he,Who this cizleltial cteafuse finds!

Their joys Jhail as their Icrveimmortal prove, Encee^ed only by the blell above.

V . Om .

Fr:m the Greek < f the ^ b O C i t f Anacreon.

2^4 Trtifmxfera tenfrttpn e/ius fv umtrj,A ut P iry fia viriiH rccubamfub

Eflxadv curat, rscdz ublitaSuierum,icrJma iatifici duem ccrxbt a Bacebi.

afr fidiirvj, tumcamcervict htJijt, ‘‘cuU/u/feJiui iniiimiliflrru Lj'fu,

Ebm f ikU tm lacri UAweur u m fxrt eJtrfii, Au/ugiuKtnmjuam redirurce tcm fcraint^ Fracipincitiora N ^ , vobrcnjaejagitia, yam cd^ itvT t^ foxabajiam rvrm tfa A tm p a , (g fu lid s , ttm ifp u jaedna/s am lra.^ i d due fm jm rte S^maatia u h B*cchi Fnrsis b m i, due u H i lu m , duejaagmue Jdero fg h id v a it a iig u m k ,J e r ii^ erm rtfijm U n m ?A lfa tiu s, dumra, ^frwjiwi, &atrajm rvm ' D m atifr'fiU , deem, jupnvapttnudii carbarn,7u fe liu s i^ t efaffls inur tm feraJeriii,E l «mby*r^ioiefe rap«r m y n in f, Sabteaf Ebtiaf^l m biJerm a pri^auteptieBdm.Nem prius aaeboreat cteei irremeaHMt sm §u m rjjtar, wapis aniuum vekfiherearril,

Anonymus T ickic-P itcia',

Remdeder t f the Bo u t s R im e s frme Vcd. V II. 761.

I.■ y^H ILE fome at crowded levees meanly Term

On garter’d knights, or prelates rob’d in L owm While fome on riches {dace the veoul M m tAndotberstaikof CajM^sgentk D a rtGive me, ye Gods 1 io cahn retreat to S t^ And lhade m e iafe benesth the Mefes IfTvg

3-When e U x finiles in youth and heau^ Warm

W hen M epid frowns without the power to Charm The ioulTo love when Chlir'a accents BrmtThe ear w ith din when A f r o ’s clamouis ft Read Doubtful I ftand, unknowing where to 7armFor here alas! I ihiver, these I S u n t

Ea e d« b.

T iy H E N S y h ia fmiles, le6 gay 4 an I the Knew * That wanton frisks aksig the i W ’iy L a m

Sudi plrafiog rapures playh^ munj my HeartAre owing, G j^lf / to ^ golden D mThis prompts my rnufe in jocund frtains CO SragA id tile fisccefifmoD a bolder Wta^

}■W hile, Pepe, thy tune&I linea ourbofoms W arn

Not lore itfelf can with luch raptunn Cior* But if with Af—— we’d our cares un- 'ten d W ith the harfii ongle (hock’d, the page we Read In vain to hum for finfr his leaves wc Then rife imag'd, and the dull Bane


2 .TITHF.N on a (uinmer’scve I view’d a FusW

W ith fpottfiilpby bound o’er f-flow'rj Ljo k I thought (he was an emblem of my dlrjttB jfjtc it w»s tninsfii’d by Ci^iTs DartBut nowin vsun I hearths warblers SrfJAs thro’ die verdant groves thcli way they W fn

I like the nymph w^uie left sO nai-L , Warm T he yieWng h » tt , and all the leofes d o rm T o loch a late who cannee chufe but S ia JMy heart, alas! tiis{'never fall to R k JBut when with nautual love Ihe makes re- rmaIt. a a ’i « liauiu wlio wsuld not cUnic Sura

T om^Tk c m * .

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

104 y^sG cN T L E M A n’s M A G A Z I N E , V o l : V II I .T i l fiSvarn^ E p ijil, sa-itim fim e M m rbi

^arr, ^ John Bancks, a r ta y w

Si^rif^im ia ivx Voluma, 8»*,

So A*-. T h o m a s A » is , Trim rr.

JU S T fev’nty-two ftorl Linos, you Ly ( And you infift to iu»e your wiy 1

Adorn'd with notes upon the text,Should Hind, “ TheSpecimen annext.” W ithout this tafe, by way of bribe.You'll not i»ocecd : for who'll fubfcribe ?

Sere, Sir, you'll read brfoie you print (See what my manofeript hath in't.Tales, Odes, Epiftles, Fables, S o i» !Say to what mv Mufe belongs t H er various merit wko can reach,Except fhe ves a tafte o f each ?

A tale or ib i^ , of proper i ^ h .May Ihcw her wit, but not her fttoieth •For this (be (bars to Jove's abodes.In grave Eflays, antf mim’rous Odes i N or thefe, nor thofc, cm aptly prove H er paft’ral art, and warmA fo low.

For B u tk r 't manner when vrelook.W e dip at random in hit book i ,Be or H uSbnifi h ^ r ^ j i iw .W e think of hypocrite and n e in a .But I Ihould sal) that leaf a liar,"Which held a fpecimen of Prior.Bead E rm a , Si&aon and C arvtl,H is varied numbers make you marvel I Yoirf wife has bough: a //»2w ftaock.Knows die by that the draper’s flock ?O r China could aerate ,For having leen a Angle plate ?

Your words t ie Able r f » tub.” . .I d « n o t fpeak - in lodge nor dub I ^ d m ; my ftiend may aft his wiU:

I mud yet conceal my skill •^ wilfol wits ibouid think at once d he prmter apt, the hard a dunce'You then, whofe method ftilJ abides, d he (arne in two SI twenty (ides,

M aypnnt «v'n this, to prove your a r t : Mine the two volumes (hall irnpart.


j An E r r s T t to s Friend in the Country.

■ d ^ V f w ’ ^ ^ - ’* * ' ‘5fChloeaemrrirV, .

mnd. ^ ’‘• n x n x io a , cares

---- • — * ^ s.s^ .v SMW> iYet neither chapman can compareWith me — forcboiceofdiftVntwarel

30- . . . . . . . . _ - v w j , . . u i i i s r n t w i

" A rm s and the man” (ball we begin. Ana fiU your ears with pompout din » Excite the Mufe to (hew her beft.And leave the world to judge the reft > Ere (he can reach the epic road.She names her theme, invokes her Gcd • That h , emplcys above two p^es j ’ Then, b j degrees, her work einges ' And fore, ’twere but an awkarfway.To give the Prologue for the Play.

A lady’s charms ao hard recounts, Andtakesher jiifta i vshenflic mountsi But let the Graces round her meet,And then (he wounds acioh the ftreet. 'T is juft the dune with lady J li^ e! Herufualforms would yourefiale.And bring her forth on great affaira,Before (he paints, and lays bw pray’s f

Thus you have reafcn and example ■Why my propofols (hew no (ample.

to negtefl them would be rude s This we (hall prove, and then ct»cIode.

Firft, I have toil’d by day and taper s Cali off mv lines, b e lik e the paper }And p id th ' engraver for two plater__You know, few balds have large eflates!

My truth, my honour, next depends: For 1 have nrornis’d all my frieixls :T h ^ crar where e'er I walk about,

W O l! *om; thefe propol^ out ?




V~- " ’’“ ^tytoeraj/eirrfe*/ i. ^ Belinda's irm,rw&-urV.’ vsrtisoai raptare taSt ■

R.linda pastern to her ch m rA lfex ,B o r i ^ to ittiih t, a n d n e t ^ x :

t^ M -w & n /h e i , T a r. ’ n -b n Summer ArSuor™ pltajure (trtadt

A t^ npm ng fr a it ajragranl lA u r M , i •e CT Suminer ftu m t^vtvn its pooaerjal fw a i

fr u it her fn a te te r ^ e b a r ^ j^ ’ . Autumn w a , the h a d rro a n d

^ pT fr-^ '/ta r r .fi g a i^ a r o a n d , ‘ ’^ r s ^ firm er fea w tb clL rfu Iry e,A n fr a s ^ f r e a ll bss labour,B u tfijr , d o a r fr it^ l Belinda’* iZ u tittjie ld

^ Winter's okilh t ^ s betmmi t k fin a h ,^ flfr tr p sn g teU ftta f tiro’ ourfrxm x i r i T ? "

ra th tb efiJ lim fm ,vj *

I ft iy B p tin d a /« i/« ,tisf ,a ii~ wretoucr’dpaafutson ;

f t m 't er h a m.-ondrm%oauty Sbo drjplap,ErJestmug , . , , „ « • _ Uom Uaau i 'A*r can rfo flafom e fio a 7n ,, cciev L , . '

Bvr h f i s m xu'd paint bapp, bate ■M y n .n d m a b oaimonsy, v x e i ^ ’0 awl ttofifeena t f rural [nums, m friend A nd to mu }ra tefi4 a tte n d j L it not tie C a a tty -, too id t in r c L ,


t t ie C a a try ', tea im xtitT ,--’rrh etp tb eefim m J^ rm a rm :

R tturr, return eo Delib's asltnuyfuidue the 2 id.

^ 'tr r obduratepm x,^ b f in h ^ e o y a m w o flT .,I h j h t n ^ p ■ witfanay m heavy p i t f . A n d g m n^ tortur'd ifo m fim e r e S f

55 D e l io .

Alice la oer (iiodTwai lo-ll• k. I*®*® *•< we-e T2ro«r d wi £i' * ’ « f v B » « a . p a f e n i , u i u



Ayuntamiento de Madrid

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

i o 6 ^be G e n t l e m a n ’ s M A G A Z I N E , V o l . VIII.f l u t e .

J3 h

5 ^

o .

Hiftorical Chronicle, 1 7 3 8 .F E B R U A R Y .

^elll^tiaE), F i b k v a z y I.L e i c e s t b r .

S E rO R E Day*]jghc was af.T fixed here in fcv'cral Place*

a n»oft fciDdalous, fediti., otts, and rreafonable Lii>el,

purportmg, ‘ T hat a Play, A — anwf t vi l eandt r ea-

fo B a b k la le to it , wwild be perform'd on the lo th o f 7 io»#next, and that Ibmccer- tarn Paper* would be then burnt.’ His M ajdty has proraifad his gracious Par­don to aj^ one the Perfons * n - cem rt, that Ihall difcover his Accompli- c « , to a stb e y m a y b e c o n v ifie d i and a «

o f ‘ o any Pertoo raaktog " iuch Dilcovei% o n th eC on T ia ion o f any ^ e o f the Offenders i or, in cafe there Ihall be isore, yo /. tor every Criminal coDviaed.

S f l t i r ^ e p , a .Being Candlemoj-Dajt, was obferred at

< ^ u n as a hteh Feftivai j the Knights o f C G w e r , Thiftle, and B oth, appear’d

m ^ Collars o f their refpeaive Orders.T h e l^ e w a s k e p t b y t h e 7 « .r a s a fo -

lem nbalt, on A ccoun cof their Law be- i n gU irn t in a late Fire inZ)*jlf’s P ltce.

#tttap, 3.

I t when E kaion s were madeo f the feveral Committees for rhc Year C^iune, v iz . For the I r ^ S sciiij, the C ity Lar^s, G rr/bra cW m ictee , the Manfion-Houie, and Comiaiflioners o f the bcw tri.----- R ^ ,lv t4, T hat the Qpa-

b fiw io n o f aSh eriff £otL m d m m iMid dlefex, for the future Ihall be is .o o o i and the Court returned Thanits to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen for their daily Attendance in their Turns to adminilier Juftice K Guild-haS.

T h e Dealer* in Spiritnons|LiquorshaTe found a W ay to defeat Informatiors, viz- The Buyer comes into the Entry o f the Houfe, and cries Puft, to which a Voice from within anfwers M i» ; A D rawer is then thruft out, into which the Buyer puts his Money ; the D rawer being pull’d in, is toon alter thruft out again, with the Quantity o f Gin required.

t^nbap, ro.Oxford. T hhhels^ StSchelaJlic/i'sO iy,

a certain Number o f theprinapalB urgw tos did p u b ik ily pay each OnePenuy, to Token o f their Subiniffion to the Ordei* and Rights o f the Univerfity. ITie Oc- ^ o n o f this Ciiftom and C o r in g , was a barbarous and Uoody Outrage committed

a the Citizens in the Reign o f E dm ui ■ againft the Perfons and Goods o f ft-

ycral Scholars, which drew a great and toft Amercement upon the Criminal*"

C ity prcteixJed diey were not able w

a the Fine, without their utter Ruift did humbly pray, and at laft obtained

a M iti«tion from the Univeriity. An annualPaymcnt o ( loo Marks was tbe“ acccfsed; And this, by ih cfirtfaerfa ' vour o f the Univerfity, was dianged into a fmall yearly Acknowledgement, ai'*' That the M ayor, and 6 i fiich TowafctoO

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

H I S T O R I C A L C H R O N I C L E , 1 7 3 8 . 1 0 7


as had been fworn that Yeartopreferve the Priyileges o f the Univerfity, fliould yearly, upon this D ay, repair to St Church, and fliould then and there offer 63 Pence, in Memory o f th e barbarou* Murder o f 63 innocent Scholar#.

iDonhas;, 20.About S o’ c lo c k the tamoiis D r V rim ,

having fom eTim epaft beenpoflefled with a violent Frenzy,, broke ioofc from hi# Nurie, and nm all thro’ the Streets o f L»ndm and difttibuting Ciu*tk-Bills, fwearing he would go vifit his beau-

*4-A remarkable Trial happened at Guild-

hull, the Decificai o f which muff very mu<^ inffuence the CondiiOt o f all military Officers in Garrifons belonging to G rtat Britain ■, feme Account o f it Wiil be ac- ce[«able to oui Readers in fuch Placet.

A Carpenter who had lived for fbme Tim e in Gibraltar, had a W ile who pleafcd one <£ the fubaltem Officers there lb well, drat they had frequent Appoint­ments together. T h e Htisoand one Day happening to difeover the Houfe where

riful Garden t f Eden 3 ravmg againftCcw- g they w ere, vrent to claim her, and did m n Smfe, and the Lm dtn Magazine, and it in (0 impolite a Manner, that the Lieu*c — •---------- j r — V... o . tenant canK to turn him out o f the

Houfe 3 on a Struggle enfuing the Lieu­tenant getting the tetter, threw the C ar-

Eter to the Ground, where he kept 1 untill a File o f Mufqueteers was 1

for, w ho condufled the Carpenter to a

ffnging a mad Song fet to Muiick by Pe­ter the I fild Tenth 3 but being at lait fe- cured, was conveyed to his Lodgings in Meerfieldi, where he continues uttering horrid Imprecations againll feveral Book-fellers ancl Printers. ’Ti# thought this --------------------. . . . ___ _ _fetr Man’s Misfortune is ow ing to his ^ Dungeim. N ext D ay he was tried by ahaving lately perplexed him felf with B i­blical S>e;jiims, Mathematical Preilem s, A ^tnom ical Etptatiens, and Methods to find the Longitude. _ 'p iit fil^ P a -ragrofh, a n d fich like B u^ nery, in fe r f ed in the Nlwr Paper! a t the Charge « f the Prtprieters o f the London Magazine, d any Court Marlhal o f which he him felf

Court Marlhal, who lentenced him to re­ceive 300 Laflies at the Whipping-Poft, and to be banifhed theT ow n . T h e Rea­der muff obferve, that the G overow o fG i­braltar, for the Tim e being, has Power to mitigate o r to remit the Sentence o f

i i a il the Anftoer given to the Remarks on their inim itable Preface, J im Pajaget of Tohich are quoted in the ^jgiVw/iJg i f th‘ t hlag^ine.

His Majefty held a Chapter o f the Carter in the old Council Chamber at St Janiei'i, when he was pleafed to create _ fhe R ight Hon. the Earls o f E£ex and ^ bb'aldigrave Knights Companions o f that nioff noble Order, in room o f the Earls o f Peterborough uiid Berkeley deceafed,

S lK ^ b s p , 3 1 .T H E Poft-Boy bringing the Brifiol

and Bath Mail to London, was fet upon and

is not the PreUdent, and likewife cJiat fuch Sentence m ull be cemfitmed by him. A s the honourable Perfon wbo is Gover­nor there noav was not in the Court Mar- fiial which fentenced the Carpenter, therefore, all diat was done inPurfuance o f their Sentence, was, in the Senfe o the Law , conffnied to be done by the Order o f the Governor. T h t Fort Ma­jor, whole Province is to take Care that all military Semences be duly executed, had Orders alter the Caipenter was ffriix and tied to tlie Whipping-Poft, to miti­gate, or to remit the Sentence as he

»nd rte b ’d by a f iig lc Perfon on Foot, F faw proper, i f the Delinquent would ask ieten o ’ C lock in the Evening, Pardon. This he bravely refufed to do.*bout leten o . ..

I t the End o f Smm’ng-Lane, tw o Miles 00 this Side o f Paading.

— T h e Poll Mailer General thinks pro- psn to make it publickly known, that whoever lhall apprehend the Perfon who

Saying, He had been guilty o f no Crime, and fo o d in need o f m Pardon. Accor­dingly the Sentence was inflifled with a C at and tw elve Tails, three excraotdina* n having been added to the f in d in g In-

committed this Robbery, w ill, upon Con- g Itrament on this Occafioa 5 fo that the’tiflion, b c e n titW to a Reward o f 200/. wades the Reward by A fl o f Parliaraei* w apprehending H ighwaym en; or i f any Accomplice in the faid Robbery fliaU make _ a DtfeoverV o f the Perfon who c ^ n u tted the Faff, fuch Accomplice will w entitled to the faid Reward o f 200I.

Sum total o f the Lalhes he received was jdoo. Itwaslikeirfifeproved, rhatevery lecond L a ili brought aw ay the Fleffi or Skin from his Back 3 affer this he was banilhed the T ow n . Upon which he brought his AQion before a Londm Jury

. . . -- .— __ ________ _ and an Judge for 10,000 i. Dama-Wa alfe have his Majefty’s m oll gracious H ges againll the Governor.

•— Inthe Pleadings noncofthe M aneisT h e Perfon w ho committed this Rob-

is deferibed to a middle liz ’d bhm, * Great Riding-Coat, with a

'vUtfilh Velvet or Plulh Cape.

o f Faft, as ilated above, were denied by the Council for the Defendmt, w h ow erc M r Serjeant Skim er a:^ Ivfr Marfb : But


Ayuntamiento de Madrid

7A « G e m t l i m a i *’ ; m a g a z i n e , V o l . V I I I .i o 8

they attempted to prove, chat under fcr- m er ^ e r n o n tlie fame Power had been

Inhabitants, and that ^ Plaintiff, as being employ'd in Works w i g g i n g to thcG arrifon, was properly lubjeft to a Court Marfhal. T h e G w e- rals H ’ de, C rtve, Bttrrell, and a great many other Gentlemen o f the Arm y were examined as to this F aa, and it appeared that aT aylor had been ibrmeily bang’d there for T heft : But it was r ^ l y 'd V M r Strange and M r M urrtj, w ho were ^ i n c i l tor the Plaintift ift, T hat i f t ^ r e was fuch Precedent, it could have no ® W eight in the prefent C a fe ; (or it was found neceflary for that, and other Steps o f the fame Nature fem e Years ago, tliat the Crow n fliould pafs an A ft o f Indem- " 'fy for all the AAions of the Gentlemen w ho had been Governors o f Gibraltar during the Tim e o f their Govcmment’ c j"!- That the Plaintiff was a Man o f ^ibflance, and was an Inhabitant o f the T ow n , wherein he had feveinl Houfes and was employed by the Ofikers o f the Oarrrfon only as they would do any other

T h e Bufinels o f the Houfe o fC om - mons was interrupted from the 21ft to

honourable .dfriiisr being greatly rndifpofed.

■ i j r s ’- . . E r s i t .tnd a great fore Lord C h ie f J u f t i c e U and a'/i^ eSi

G ^ ltj ^^oghc m cbeir V c id ia

^ L » T . / B l » T H i y 5r t ir Y s A S lyjg.

Jan. 3 0 .T A D Y Francu Harpxr, Sifter

\trc. c I? andW ife o f John Harpir, Efqj deliver’d o f a oQn and Heir.

- o f ' D \ ' . g S

— o f f s V ^ 'h e Lord yere Btaucltre.

LIS T j f M A » » J A s * I ySr ,i< Yjj,. , J.

Jan. Ix.Tp^xnU ndtrvocd. Elq; o f End- r D- r j T .i'‘ 'r ' “ arried to the R d ifi

o f K tch o d D arbj. Efqj late Treafurer o f &r,T* s-Inn.W orkman Iielongmg to the to 'w n ■ " ........................

which was proved By feveral W icneft« „ '<>• T rw y m UioTns. Efoi o f i>e«.from G ibralt^ . jd ly . T hat they were® ^ ‘ ”1 ’ Mifs Sm ithoiStoke nearready ro'A roTvl................... ,• . .Sfn^Jhire, m th i;,o o o l.

• . . . . . . . . . m . j , , , ,

f r o m G iW fs r . tney wereready to produce (and it was accordingly p r o r f u ^ an authentic C opy o f a Lencr from Mr Pelham, Secretary at War, to

Advocate, by which the Power“ 1= Anvocate, t>y which the o f judging and determining fb civil was velied in the faid Judge Ad


Wfcn iy,ooo/,

* '• '^ ^ ^ 9 M achine

Godfrey r.larke, <,£ Chilcot near Mils P d e Daughter o f German

i*Ot£ of Ra/Tn/fltett in rk* __ r«<V.3S v e lir i m the faid Judge Advocate P ile Daughter o i GermanM d tw oM erchantsof th e C t y ; and that 8 m the faid County, Elq;n the Carpenter had been guilty, his ^ V ^ - Tennifon, Chancellor o f t i i l-rim c properlycam ctindertheirrA-rnL D iocefeot Ojrfrrk— to M ifs ^ / rA , — /

. la u ocen gu llCrim e properly came tinder their Cbgni.

< o>’ncil for the D efe^ ant mhlted much upon the Governor’s private Charaaer. upon the ftrka Eye which a Governor o f a T o w n , furroimded as G ib r^ ta ra with Enemies, and that too=.

thelnhabnanrs, m d ontbe R ^ u r w h^ h i'nidence obliges him to oWS-ve in d if

the leaft Encroachment upon the Rights o f thcG arrilbn. ^

— A fte r a T ry a l o f about nine Hours bef 're i Lord C h ie f Juftice Lee, the fuiy pave the Plaintiff t o o l Damages ’ C o ils o f Suit. ^ '

-^ L i s t ./•D sA T H $ > -£ irY iA » 173S.

Jan. ii.'T ^ H O . Bn-tghttn, Lieut. Cover* -* nor o f South Carolina.

? 1. Lady E>owager De la Waro Merch.K ith . P rjfe o f Trewyl/an, Afivitf*.

m ryjhre, Elq; juftice o f Peace fortuat Cciunry under Arne, for whofe Me- t^ r y he had fuch a particular Refpeit. that he defir’d to be biiry’d as near her

' t ’A r , <<>‘' ‘ l>-yardaspoffiHe,and C which was done acca dingiy.

c / i H reacto at Sc John's__ perkenwetl, and Leelurer o f Sc Duntian’s

in the W iji. ■'Wti. Joknfon, Efq; a Clerk in the iJa iy

Ogsee.■ Hen. finch, Efq; at Laughton, Sufex.

6. Rev. Mr iU ibtnds, Vicar o t'n tten -

F e b r u a r y 5.?,

the Chri/hm Revelaaonin jh eij a U r h t

ham , MiddUfex, and Junior Cardinal o f ^orjtdence, a ^ e f ,U the other P o in ts St Pauls, L ondtn.

Author o f?V .H , I S Cline ^ T o t n e f s Addreji 'Jtrlifyd, &c» » « n d , and V1.I be l i f t e d inournexc. j-M ifsP / r f, J i H a ju k, aged ip ; her





Ayuntamiento de Madrid

D e a t h s , P r o m o t i o n s , t^ c . i« F E B R U A R Y , 1 7 3 8 . 1 0 9

tm u R e 2 A o ^ g o « to I^ S ifter ,ig e d 17. Capt. ZJ^^^.-appoIntcd O p t . o f Gre- 10. L m t, Eiq; Capt. o f M inde. nadiers in the firft Reg. ofFoo^uaxdj

pe^ent Company i m R iJ-Lym -fhctt. B.-njamln U t^ k n . I f o i - C a , ; . Tn Ma- IVmGrt-,^ o iD v ’h lk r i, ^ General Kirk^s Reg.'at d L lt a ru . M r IVm B c^ k j. the Antiquarian, ^ Capt If'a tfin ,-C z p t. o f the G arbm

r .„ , , , ~ , Man o f War.® sirI r R « - / Z -t/ / ,- L e i 'snb-brigadier o f

'5 V r ' ^ f ' " ' Troop o f Horfe-guards, in ro o S^ t h c la « K . G ttrge; Jie came from o f Capt. P rev deed.“ Wice in the Year 1730, and had lately _____ po. n,...!,.. . »•

livrf'm ^ 7 " ‘’ ' I * I* ' for y « ^ i - L i e m 7 nI J r f much beloved anJ died greatly la- C o l. C l ^ b m Comp{ny, 1? ^ id Re" I , 1' _ CL V r , re i Sitfent ot Footgiiardf.

^ S e S ^ ' I" diet Guards, in room o£ Sir C & ^/erff.-

I , ^frr.ud R^Jfel, Efq; Sheriff a f Londen ^® the Mayoi alcv o f Sir Francis Child. S H E R rF FSyffr//& tf Y ear 1738.

Miniite^''' ^ “ ^ “ Tenting ^ o „ y ,a ll. John Honey, ^ Trenant, Efq;7« « r H ^ e i f , E f q ; o f . M « , , D n « » . Francis Dretv. ,rO r a « .e .

Bettefm rth, Dept Governor o f

Oirsu>«, Efoj Member for Ciithero,o f a ^ nfum peion at U

y " "J V.

IHon. and Rev. Dr Pinch, at Tirk.

I >f. W'r»;Aftf^»rf^,E<q;aclittleCi</ft/». StnuUing, R elifl o l'S ir E d a jrd

^ ‘ *hng. Bait, and Sifter o f late Lord

»rl^ 7 <tceb B jn ckf, Efu; Member for

r * 3- S i r IPit/i (lately) Brigadi er _ and Col. o f the Royal Regiment ^

• « « r Fuiiliers. He fervM in iPanders file Reigns o f K. ftin and

D evm , Francis D r e w ,V Grange’ £/^ L / W s / i. S t John Wells, e/A lford, £ « i AngUfea, Win Robeits.i5‘'Bodear, £& j Radnur, 5;V Robert C om w al, Burt.

Memhirs elctltd.CtckirmcHth William Cnrwen, Efa^

E L tw it John Trevor, Efy-,M idhirll Sir John Peaciiy, Birrt. iPev»rk LorcT William Manners. S t^ ir d jo h n L d P 7J;im t Chetwynd. W irK htlf* Robert Biiilow, Efy-. iria^e

alfo C lerk o f the G reei Cloth, in room o f his Father, Heceafed.

Tarmouth H wi. Roger Towndiend, EJif,

-- i \ , ry m «iiu.Mil. gjji'w yi, Agent for iPen England,


‘*I-ljT ^ P k , m o t i o n j _ ^ f ir Year 173?.

^ •■ \RL cXOrannrd, A p p o i n t e d Go- I vemoiir o f iJfw Terk, in Room o f


A L i s t t f rcc le fia flica l P a m i M i x T S .

Re v . M r L t Mtiae, Cliaplain to the D iik e o ff ’tfrr/W.PRLSF.NTP.D ,'by

his Grace) to the Rectory o f E verln , W ilts, worth joc/. p tr A m .

M r A d rlch .— lo the Retflwy o f St jeh n 'i Chapel CUrkemtill.

M r K em tt, Son to the late Bp o f Fe- terU rttgh,— b y die prefent Biftiop, to the Livings o f Penkirk and G ln ttn , void by

.s..., „v..u. the Death o f !> Cwnifr/iiuif.Gfo-ge Un'der-Sheiiff. M r Luke Hid,— to the R eflcry o f Srrer-

Infpeflor-General o f the ^ fo 'd St Andrev Suffilk.^ s , in room o f " Mr The. Jtbnfen,— to the Vicarage o f

^ "a tle Walpole, ECj;— Uflier o f B'Otnferd Sfeke, D «i«i.Ow M r Sfl/tfr,— Prebendary o f G kucejer.

I L 5J"? Brentm , Eigj— Paymafter o f the Mr Bsmy,— C lerk in Orders to St y ? ’SSi in room 01 late Tia. Spence, Efqj James'' Church Wcpmlnjlcr.

frw('?«,— Ijd Lieurenant o f the _ Mr W illiam s, — P r c b c r tiir y o f Eueier,^ 'R 'a .n g o f Terijhlre, iTid Tovm and in room o f Mi Wi/rwyjw deed, r^ nty of Hull.

Hoijf/,— Govenioiir o f South C s- I room o f kebe J.hnjin, Ei^j deed.

in room o f

Ayuntamiento de Madrid

n o P r k t s

S i 0 C K S .S .S .S to c k l o i ^

-A n n u. 11 z f N e w A nnu. i lO ^3 f t r C . A n n . 10 6 3 S . S. Bonds 63s- pri- Bank 141 4------ C iicu l3 7 J .P re .M il. Bank 123 India 1 7 6 5 — Bonds 7/. IS. K t t o N e w 6/. A f ik a n 1 4 R o y al A ff . i l o Lon. ditto 1 4 %7 p. C .E m .L oan 110 5 / . C . D itto t o o 3 Eirglilh C op . z l. 18s. W e ^ d ia o 15 s.


o f Stocks, h e . in F E B R U A R Y , 1 7 3 8 .

M m tbly B IL L » f frem J a n . z^ . la Feh. 21

7 «dDied rnider j Years old—5 — - 2Z4Between t and

Benteen 5 and Between 10 and 20 — Between 20 and j o — Between 30 and 40 •— Between 40 and 50 Between 50 and 60 — Between 60 and 70 — Between 70 and 80 — Between 80 and 90 — Between 90 and 100 —

100 I I I



Within the walk Without the walk In M iii. and Snrry Cit>-indSub.BS'eA


Weekly Buriala.

7- S J -

* i . — h

Peck LoafjWheacen— at W heat 301. ffr

Hay per load 5^.

thatE x tr a s ^ a Letter frtm the IJU e fC o w s

an the Caaji af St Domingo in the Weft-Indies, 0 3 . f , 1757.

Sept. § , b«w ecn 4. and j oXllock in the Evening, w e had one o f tfte moll dreadful Hurricanes that ever was ren^tni- bered in thefe Parrs; T h e Tow n o f St L a a is was entirely levelled w ith the Ground, except the Church and tw o Houjes, thofe o f the Fort Sc Laait were Mown down 5 the Ships at Anchor under tnat Fort w ere thrown upon the Coaft, o r jbimdered en tlieir Anchors, and feve- ral Perftms w ere drown’d j all the Siigar Canes and Cotton-T tees are d eftro yed ^ T h e Mafter o f a Ship from St E^fiafia reports, that when he left that Coarf, he fa w above 20Btetsperifli, thattheTow n is almoft all blown down, and the Country ruined. The T h u t^ r and Lightning fell in feveral Places, and burnt divers Ships and M agarinci.

€ iK ^ p > 14-A t a Court o f .Aidemen held u G u lL L

haJI, they came to a Refolucion to put the Law s in Force for keep n a llri^ly the Sabbath; fince which an Order hasoeen iffued from the Lord-Mayor, ftriffly charging and commanding the Marlhals and all Conftables, Beadles, and other

Eiblick Officers o f Landan, to u(e their ft Endeavours to prevent any Perfon

er Perfora hereafter from felling or ex- pofing to Sale, any Prait, or other Tilings in any o£ th ep abljfk Streets, or

common Paftages within the C ity or Si* borbs i and to apprejiend ail <«h P f Tons w h o fhall infeft the laid publk Streets and Paflages, on Pretence o f cltiW/t.aVWV9 AUU I T lCttTJt.Cf j f Shtei. on > Lord’s i^ y ; aod to ta n Notice o f all fuch P^ntners, Althaa,heeptn, C^eelmCt-kieper:, Barhers, others, w ho filafi a: aiw Tim e bereaki cxercife their ordinary Callings orTriJ 00 the Lord’s D a y ; and that they I caieiiil and diluent in aiiprehending « leiod (f^rnen, fPhares, earnmen W alkers, .and ether len d and difaraf PerfoDs. And to the End tbNiriigerue, Pssrtiality, Censu-vaiue,s-iem ssiity, \jetsauDtaice, ather vtU ttfa l o f the aforeftOfficers, may not prevent the DifeorC and due Pimiftimenc which the La* have appointed to be inflifted on fuch 0 fenders, the Court recommends it to " " the Citizens and Inhabitants within - C ity and Liberties, who fhai] at any Tid h e r d e r have Knowledge o f any Offences, and delires antJrequires tK* to give Information thereof, as weU aJ* the Negligence o f any o f the O fii^ aforefaid, to his Lordfhip or fome od*’ Jttftice i and the M arihak o f this ^ were ordered by the Lord Mayor, j give the feveral Conftables Notice, to fend any Perfon e> the Comptert j Bridewell till after Eleven o’clo ck Night, for that his Lordftjip, fo t^ Eafe o£ his Fellow C itiicns, w ill do®' ftneis till that Time.


Ayuntamiento de Madrid

F O R E I G N A F F A I R S .

Fr o m Vltmur, Th»t the real £nd o f the journey which the Marquis d»

ia ta has taken to Pttersburg, is to re- ptefent at the Rvjpan Court, that the Sir>iAP*>K#i A I » - - — --- . —*H _

I l l

turned w ith great Brisknefi and Obfti- nacy on both Sides, until at laft the Gejioefi w ere obliged to furrender at Difcretion. T h e Aflailanta loft 2 Lieu-: r . e r M A A v i v t M j u . a u c A u a n a o r s l o l t 1 L ! C U «

^ o n o f Affairs in f fa w ^ y w ill ro t A tenaart, and 72 Soldiets, and o o lf 40 o f pentlll CUc Jemoerop to deter anr lonver ihe CloreiiVn .1 :_/r<permit the Emperor to d A r any longer the Conclufion o f a Sufpenfion n f Atm s with the 0t#rnj4B Porte; H e h a s it lik e - wiic in Commillion to arauaint that Court, that upon the ftr ia e lt Exam ina­tion intoCount Seiktnderff’t A ffa ir, this Lord has not been f o u ^ guilty o f any

ihe Gatrilcn remained a liv e ; T h e offi­cer who commanded it, writes to the Marquis at T h a t hearid his 4p Men are Priloners o f W ar, and treated with great Humanity byehe MalewncentSi but that hit Lieutenant, a Cvrjicm hy Birth, being difeover’d to— 6-. . , , V, A c irtn , oemg aucover’d to

japital C r ^ 5 and that therefore the 0 be one o f thofe concern’d in a Confoi- IfDDcrill Court w ill TtwHrn^nTaMp Mj*v a»ainiV 'i _ «...Imperial ^ u r t w ill be iiiifp cn fably obliged to fet him at liberty. T hisfeem s ^ i t e l y to agree with what has before been faid on this A ffair, that the long Confinement o f that General was partly the E f fc a o f the ill W ill which the Court o f R u fia bore him.01 oorc mm. out ms Tongue, and chopping oS hig

From Fe<frt^p^,*ihat the BaJhaw o f C H a n d , that they then faiten’d him toCZaioiD. Prffrin^ <if fhi< CArv it an. nC __ j . . ................-

racy a w im t the Life o f the Baron ^ tsn u h g a little tim e after his A rrival in the Jlland, had but a quarter o f an Hour allow’d him to prepare him felf foe Death i that his Execution had been very cruel i that they began it by cum og out ^ Tongue, and chopping c t f hig

^ Zakovi, Ptifoner at this C ity, is au­thorized by the Ottom an PorU to fettle the Preliminaries c f Peace with the Crown o f RjiJpa. T h e fame Letters fay, that the intended Siege o f OczakoV) is *0 A ffair coocetted between the two

the T op o f a Poil, ^aced in the M idi! o f a Heap o f Wood built up as for a Bcxifiie 5 and that in this manner they burnt him alive. T h e Officer adds, that he and his Men were forced to be prelect at the Execution ; after whicli«iiv ,w u <iicnxecuiion 1 after w

rowers, the Ottoman Porte having abib- D Count Cohama addreli’d him felf to y e i y determined never to conclude a r<ace which Qiall leave that Place in the Hands o f 5 it has therefore been regulated, that the Turkj l i i l l again be- hege it, that t h e f is i^ * ; fhallonly make J'th a 'D efeixe as to appear not to vo- JMtatily give it up, and that it fliall be uitrender’d to the Par#* by Capitulation. E

The brave Cor^cans continue to re*^ v e frequent Afiubincefrom their King.

the yth o f laft Month a VelTel witli- 2“' Cel' uts brought thither feveral c£ bis ^ fid e n ts and Uomefticka, together •® eoreign Officers, a great many Chells

d w: h Arms both mounted and un- "*ounted,and iso Tons o f Powder, Lead, p

Steel, and other Ammunition: p iey deliver'd Letters from Theodore to

chief Men o f ihe Country, who were ■ ^kis’d with the Contents, that they W et'd 7> Dtttm to be feng, and Bonfires

lliuminacioos to be made ail over

Officer a i^ his Men is riie fijJlowins W ords: T beL kM em n ta p u m /ied m th f i mneh Rigour, for having m t onfy been a Traitor to h it King, h it al/oa R eM to his Country. A t to you, m e rntind to treat you as Prifrnert o f iVar, and m tth the humardtj becoming d ir ih -

j me lope your M afiers m ill aH the fam e Way by u s, i f Occojien offers.

Letters from Omfiantmople fa y . T hat the Grand Seignior has declared, in an e x tr ^ d in a ty Divan, that it being not conCitent with his Honour to IcaveOtZa- kom in the Pofleffion o f Ragia, he had refolved to retake it, coft what i t w ill , and that, i f needs mult, he would facri- hce part o f his own Treafure for that E n i And they add, T hat being abfo. Iw ely refolved upon it, without asking the Opinion o f hisMinifters as ufual helu d fe n th is Orders to the A rm y to de­tach a great Body o f Troops towards that

A-tunt iuMonna wno inuui c- *^m 'd there, and with him nC erm an

and more Ammunition, i t is J e t t e d , that he has brought along with ’ '■ h the neccfiiry Orders for m akieg an

{^ Ifland. About a W eek afterw ards^ W « « '- T h c ^ ^ / jb frT O ^ "’1n”iS V r'ro jM e d Ccunt Co/onna, who is ir^ucfi c- be forced todifeharge their Duty, areob-

Wged to take a new Oath, drawm up by the Mufti, wherein they declare, P ja t i f th e y ^ n c lfy h t 10 the U fiDrop of tkerr

s uK. iicvciur/ KiTiicTa lu t an B/ocafor t ie M^inUrtAfice ^ t t i C lcn^ « m p t upon B ajita; As to the Place o f the Ohoman/Ireur, they m ill (on jen t'iat J f 'w e t 's Relideoce at pcefent, it is a i , only to be pan<jhed uson Ilartb, but al/o r i i t c r y unknown to every Body but the after tk a ih , and to fefo r ever deprne.fnt ,?j^riD cipal Chiefs. The W eek after t ie Felicity t f t ie true Belie-aeTS,aKd-‘ the

»^ 4 '5 Arrival, he made an Attack ^dapphiefs of fir n g tU Great Prophet Va-^ the F cn rtft ia the ifola, which cvn - homet m hiaveo.


Ayuntamiento de Madrid

A REGISTER of BOOKS in FEBRUARY, 1738.^ O ^ E ^ T h ^ S o o t h e T i l l i ^ o f Irthnd.lA* tj*c Ku^^^evr irrAS9a._ Printed at D u ^ in } and reoriniftl for T. i ,9optr^ pr. 6 d»

*;/n>e Ufefijlneli o f the S ew to Relirion aad Government. Printed fcr 7. H ertur, pr. u .

3. A (hort Narrative o f tiae Proceedings of the Gentlemen concerned in citaining the Bridge A ft. Printed far 71 Cr:per, pr. j s.

4. Lettred’unFiancoisaSoaAm ya Londns.Sold '7 Cooper pr 6 d .

5. thoughts on Dreaming. %•<‘Tho. Branb. Prm ed for J . J o ljffe , or. i $. 6 'd .

6. Tiisee Letters relating to the Gin Aft,smd common Informen, For W'. pr. 6. d.

7 * T he Touchitgne j or, Pmdoxea orver yet refuted. By Sohnem Lenvt. Printed forJ fc c iT , p>. 6 d.

8. The mifcrable CaleoitSie B riiiS i Plantas. Printed for R ff 'h 'ilK f, p, i s.

9. C«»’s Letten on Liberw and other im­portant S u l ^ . The 4th Edition. Printed to iJ .O A n K ,p - . 106.

10. FriendJliip in Death. By Mrs. E £ z.Edition. Prated tor S-

Jfire, 8ro.pT. 5 s,11. AnEn^uiry into the Meritof Ailiirutt-

tiMt. tainted for 71 Gayer, pr. I. s. 6d.r , ®i **>' Modern Printed for J .

Traders Pocket Companion j confift- r r ” " ^ Tabka ready ealcnlated. By

J m H em t. Printed for A . BentfuKrth and t .A if f i j& c .p r .ls . 6 d . Sheep,C dfas.

14-ThetnoraJPhlloiocher. TheadEdicion, Sold by the Booldellers, I 3vo. pr. $6. 6 d .

15. M r. Ceirr’s laftPaper, deUvered to the t ig h Ccnlbble c f at the Piace of“ Oration. Sold at the Pamphlet Sbcfs, p t.6 d .

10. Some Thoughts on the Intercfl c f Mo- "fy in General, and particularly in the PuMielc

Printed for y . R tirntty m. is . ( i ,>?■ T ie Divine Avenger; or, & o fiittl Con-

fogoences ot Murder, pr. i s.18. BarM and F em e jaT reatifcof Law and

■Lyity cooeerning Husbands and Wives. The 5® Edition. Printed for T. WaUrr, pr, 6

19. Reports cf S ir E J tc jr il Coke, K nt. in EfgSJh com plat, w ith the References. In 7 V iS 8to. pr. 2 1. 15 6. 6 d.

20. Ordo Judicionim ; five Formuilarium in Negotiis A Lit'bus in Foro Eccle/iafHco-Civi- U, per 7%i. O s^rnr, voL ii. DclrTeied to Sublcribera by H . IV a tifril.

11. The Law Citalogue ; w ith the Ptices cf all Law Book, continued to the prelent Time, Printed for 71 H 'aJltr, pr. 15.

22. The fitft Book of T ajfo 't leiufiiltm > tranllatcdfrom the ia/rim. B y 7 7 «i*cif<. To be continued. Sold by G. i i ic r im , j>r. i 5. 6 d

2 3 . The (ante Book W a ite d ^ V ^ - E r x ie Ptmted or R , pr, I s .

_ Pietas Academim Oxonienlis in obltum " 'S 'l i* Catoiin*. ap«ii y . K ’Up!-m ,N . 5.6d.

»S-Pietas ArademiiB Cantabngieitla in Fu- nere Rrguw & R jji, . ,Hd, 5 t.

?®' Odes o f Ihract imitated.Printed for y . R rim s. pr. i s.

ay. The Coffoe-Houfe. A Dramatick Piece Printed for y. W an t, pt? 1 6.

28. Arc and Nature. .A Comedy. Printed fb r^ , W ta ii, pr. 1 1. fid.

29. The Neft of Plays j confining cf three new Comedies. Printed for W . L n a s , pr. 1 s.

30. Tew AT I' ■ ’ $ 5 o r , t h e Papbian G ro v e , with the various Humourt o f Crveiu-GanUn. Printed for 7 . TM uck, pr. i s. 6 d.

31. The Delight of the M ufa. Printed for y . OAonte and y . B a tlg , pr. 2 s. 6 A

32. The i i t h EpilUe of the firil Book ofimitated. B p G tc r n O ile ,K .

33. The Portiod Remains cfM ajor P a ckti with his lift W ill and Teftament. Pr jited for E . CurU, pr. a s. 6 d.

5A The traeGofoelof^rfaiCfv^afTerted, , m 7 « . Cbaht j to which is added, a ihort Dif- fcrtatiwi upon Providence. For T . C « , pr. 4 r.

35. The Divine Legation cf M tfa 4emnn- ftraoed on the ftinciplei of a religicius Drift. In fix Books. By W . iVariartoa, M . A. Print­ed for F . G iiti, 8ro. pr. 6. s.

36. Difcmirfa deUveted in the Pubiict AT- feinbly cf thy People called Q ^k cn . By 7bs. Stray, Sold by 71 Csyrr, w . 2 s.

37. An Appeal to the People of E n g ia d in Defence r f th e dergy, tgainfl M r. S ijg ra v e't I.ettef. Printed fiirfJ. E dTH W T, pr. I Ss € d.

38. The Doftrines o f the G o l^ l vindicated. In anfwet to M r PbiSp G ib it's Letter, pr. 11.

39. The Blefiings o f Chrifiian Phifofi^y / beijw a Trealife on the Batitudes. By A r titr . S t G ttrgt, D. D. Printed for W . Aiys&e.

40. A S «« SI 0 K peached before the HouTe « Lords, ytm . 30. 1737-8. by the Right Rev. M arlin Ld Bifiiop o f GJourejirr, Printed for 7, P tm ttn a i, pr. 6 d.

41. before the Houle of Comirms. By yeba W ilcox, D. D. Printed for F . Gyles, pr. 6(U

■ before iheLord Mavor, ^ e . ByRichard M . A. Printed'for M l Zvsysand R . Maaby, pt. 6 A

on O fM tr 30.1737. By Ceettc W cuitr, hd. A , Printed for y . Roberts, pr. 6A, 5,P ------a t5t .7 iieiW afe> iiv. B y G .W h i-

p ild , A. B. pr. (j A45' ” 1 Great Sr. Helen:. By the fame. Both

printed for y , Huuojs, pr. 6 A4®' ------ a t Sc, Pen.’s Covens Carder, Bf

y ep tta AMen. Sold fn E . Littleton, pr. 6 d .47' -------- at a ViiKaticei. By ychn Mantxr,

D. D. Sold by MelT. Ksupton, London, pr, fi d-4 8 .------occaficsied by the Death o f the

Qiieen. Bv W . ^ h , A. B- Minifies- of St. M ary’s in D oier. Printed for y . Roberts, pr. fid.

49* Ad Index to the Serm,itis publifiied fine® the Reftoration. Part II. Printed for S. Hard- ing, pr. Is . fid.

50 The Hiftory of our BleJTed Savioar'sTemptation confider’d and eiplain‘d. In 4 Scf'moas. By Robert B yre, D. D. Printed k*C. Rfvngfs a, pr i s .

A <»dean eomeovrU r,commended, it ejnS%t c jc ^ 'n t U C ^ n y oj a frrv a u ruler in ary dentleman’ t Fjmr'.V.

H e n y ^ h a r d ^ h a fjly :^ f . M r. E nW A an C a v k , er St John’i Gate, or b y d ir c flif* le tte r to Q .D . robe t j t u i M r W itk » C s^r-iiaye « * • LlccoiB Cs»-'r;f, QafcrA ^

Ayuntamiento de Madrid