




OF 2015/2016


Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement to obtain Sarjana Pendidikan

Degree at English Education Program Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo










You can when you believe.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and

expecting different results.

(Albert Einstein)

Allah never changes people’s fate, only if they try to change


(Q.S. Ar-Ra’ad:11)




With a great love, this thesis is especially dedicated to:

The great of Allah SWT “May love toward you never can be separates, I love

you not only to hope you heaven, but purely as form of an honest devotion, a

pert whatever your reward.”

My beloved parents, Mr. Moch Slamet and mom, who always give me the

best. No words to describe your kindness. It is the worthiest grace to be your

daughter. Thanks for your love, prayer, advice, support, and motivation

every day, so that I can finish this thesis. I love you so much. . .

My beloved brothers, Rofi’I, Nawawi and Muhammad S thanks for their

affection, prayer, patience, and support physically or materially. I love you


My sweetest sisters, Tity, Himah and Sholicha. Thanks for your help, love,

kindness and cheerful.

My funny nieces, Zahra, Bagus, Nayla and Najwa, you give me happiness

and create spirit for me when I feel tired.

My consultant Zahrotul Muniroh M.Pd, M.A and Tusino M.Pd.B.I who has

given me advices, correction, and attention until this thesis is finished



All my lecturers in English Department of Muhammadiyah University of


My close friends: Nur Rokhmah Suci, Vita Pramesti Dewi, Nurul Istiqomah,

Wahyu Catur Putri, Dewi Maqnu’ah, Elisa and Awang Romadhon, S.Kom.

Thanks for all incredible and unforgettable moments we have passed and

share, thanks for togetherness.

All my beloved friends in the English Department and other Department of

UMP especially for class “B”. I can’t mention all of you one by one. Thanks

for accompanying me . . . I miss you all. . .

And all who help me finishing this writing.

My PPL Friends, Nurul, Oxa, Isty, Rysna, Khilya, Ela, Putri, Nisa, Reffy, Tia,

Wahid. Thanks for unforgettable moments and togetherness during PPL.

My KKN friends, Izma, Dewi, Santy, Fatma, Karti, Lisa, Harry, Kiki, Riski,

Eko, Agung, Andika, Banat, Indy, Maryani, Sinta, Citra, Ayumi. Thanks for

unforgettable moments and togetherness during KKN.



Kulsum, Umu.2016. The Effectiveness of Using Picture in Teaching Writing of

Descriptive Text at the Eighth Grade Students of MTs N Purworejo in the Academic

Year of 2015/2016. S1 Thesis. English Education Program. Teacher Training and

Education Faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo.

This research is aimed to find out the effectiveness of using picture in teaching

writing of descriptive text at the eighth grade students of MTs N Purworejo in the academic

year of 2015/2016.

In this research, the researcher took one class as the sample. The subject research

is class VIII which consists of 28 students. The instrument used in this thesis was test. In

collecting the data, the writer used pre-test and post-test. Before conducting post-test, the

writer gave treatment. After getting enough data, the researcher calculated the data using t-


Based on the computation, the mean score of pre-test is 70.50 and the mean of

post-test 80.54. To see whether the hypothesis is accepted or rejected, the t-value is -5.989

consulted to the t-table at the -2.05 significance level. It means that t-value is lower than t-

table, that is -5.989 < -2.05. So, it can be stated that the hypothesis “the use of picture in

teaching writing of descriptive text at the eighth grade students of MTs N Purworejo in the

academic year of 2015/2016 is accepted”.

Based on the result finding, it can be concluded that the data presented is there is

an effectiveness of using picture series towards students’ writing ability in descriptive text.

The researcher hopes that the result of this study will be useful for students and English

teacherin education field. The English teacher should improve their competencies by

improving their material mastery, making use of appropriate and interesting media, so, their

students’ English ability will be developed.

Keywords: picture , writing ability, descriptive text.


TITLE ................................................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL SHEET ........................................................................................................... ii

RATIFICATION SHEET .................................................................................................... iii

MOTTO ............................................................................................................................... iv

DEDICATIONS ................................................................................................................... v

STATEMENT ...................................................................................................................... vii

ACKNOLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................................... viii

ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................... x

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................... xi

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................... xiv

LIST OF CHART .................................................................................................................. xv

LIST OF APPENDICES ...................................................................................................... xvi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................

A. Background of the Study ..................................................................... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ............................................................. 3

C. Limitation of the Problem .................................................................. 3

D. Statement of the Problem ................................................................... 3

E. Objectives of the Study ....................................................................... 3

F. Significance of the Study ................................................................... 4


A. Theoretical Review ............................................................................ 5

1. Teaching and Learning Process .................................................... 5

a. Definition of Teaching ........................................................... 5

b. Definition of Learning ........................................................... 6

c. Teaching and Learning Process ............................................. 7

2. General Concept of Writing .......................................................... 8

a. Definition of Writing ............................................................. 8

b. Writing Skill .......................................................................... 9

c. Genres of Writing .................................................................. 12

d. The Concept of Teaching Writing ......................................... 14

3. Media ............................................................................................ 17

a. Definition of Media ............................................................... 17

b. The Kinds of Media ............................................................... 17

4. Picture ........................................................................................... 19

a. Definition of Picture ............................................................. 19

b. Some Roles for Picture in Writing ....................................... 20

c. Types of Picture ................................................................... 21

d. Source of Picture .................................................................. 25

e. Using Picture in Teaching Writing ....................................... 29

5. Genre of the text ............................................................................ 31

6. Descriptive Text ............................................................................ 34

B. Previous Study ................................................................................... 36

C. Conceptual Framework ....................................................................... 37

D. Hypothesis .......................................................................................... 38


A. Research Design ................................................................................ 40

B. Place and Time of the Research ......................................................... 40

C. Population and Sample of the Research ............................................ 41

D. Variables of the Research .................................................................. 44

E. Technique of Collecting the Data ...................................................... 45

F. Instrument of the Research ................................................................ 46

G. Technique of Analyzing Data ............................................................ 47


A. Data Description ................................................................................ 52

B. Data Analysis ..................................................................................... 67

C. Discussion of the Research Findings ................................................. 73


A. CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................ 78

B. SUGGESTIONS ................................................................................ 79

REFERENCES ................................................................................................................... 80

APPENDICES ................................................................................................................... 83


Table 1. Table of classification of the students’ achievement ................................. 53

Table 3. The scoring technique in writing ............................................................... 53

Table 4. The result of pre-test .................................................................................. 56

Table 5. The result of post-test ................................................................................. 60

Table 6. The descriptive analysis of pre-test and post-test ...................................... 64

Table 7. Frequency and percentage for both pre-test and post-test.......................... 65

Table 8. The normality test of pre-test ..................................................................... 67

Table 9. The normality test of post-test ................................................................... 69

Table 10. SPSS Calculation of normality score pre-test and post-test ..................... 71


Chart 2.1. The Chart of pre-test writing skill ........................................................... 59

Chart 2.2. The Chart of post-test writing skill ......................................................... 63

Chart 2.3. The Chart of writing ability result of pre-test and post-test .................... 66


Appendix 1. Permission Letter of The Research

Appendix 2. Certificate of School

Appendix 3. Surat Keputusan Pembimbing Skripsi

Appendix 4. Thesis Consultant Log

Appendix 5. Lesson Plan

Appendix 6. Pre-test

Appendix 7. Post-test

Appendix 8. List of answer sheet pre-test

Appendix 9. List of answer sheet post-test

Appendix 10. T-Table

Appendix 11. F-Table

Appendix 12. The Result Score

Appendix 13. Descriptive Analysis Using SPSS

Appendix 14. Picture of The Research




A. Background of the Study

Language as an important tool for the people to communicate such as in

school, company, organization, group, home etc. The language for society tells a

lot about that society, so it can be further emphasized that language and society

are inseparable. In society, language has many functions to the society include

the followings expression of thoughts, politic, administration, education, social,

religions, legislation and so on.

Language is complex, specialized skill, which develops in the child

spontaneously without conscious effort or formal instruction, is deployed without

awareness of its underlying logic, is qualitatively the same in every individual,

and it is distinct from more general abilities to process information or behave

intelligently (Brown, 2000:5).

There are many languages in the world. One of them is English. English

is one of the international languages used in countries throughout the world,

including Indonesia. As an international language, English is very important

because it is required as a bridge of communication. In Indonesia, English is

considered to be the first foreign language. There are four basic skills that must

be mastered by English learners in learning English, those are listening, speaking,

reading, and writing. Four of them have to be mastered by someone who teach

and learn English because it is a key to interact with people in the world. One of

them which is difficult to understand is writing.


As the one of English important skills, writing becomes the most difficult

skill experienced by Junior High School students because it has close relationship

with English grammar and vocabulary. For Junior High School level, it is started

from introducing dialogue text (Interaction and Transactional). It will be

continued with study types of texts, for example, descriptive, procedure, recount,

narrative, and report text.

In teaching writing, especially for junior high school student, the teacher

should pay attention not only on how they can implement the right techniques but

also on how the techniques are be accepted to the students. The goal is to make

the teaching learning process to be understood, interesting, and motivated for the

students writing skill is need one of visual learning media. The teacher must

selecting appropriate media in teaching learning process.

Many techniques in teaching learning process to increase students writing

skill. The teacher should be able to support the students to expend their writing

skill. Using the picture for teaching learning process can solve the problem of

difficulties in writing and to create the students’ idea to make good sentences.

Hopefully, this media can solve the students’ difficulties in writing, that caused

the lack of their mastery in grammar and vocabulary. It becomes good influence

for their writing.

Based on the statement above, the researcher is interested to conduct

research in using picture as a media to improve students’ writing of descriptive

text at the eighth grade students of MTs Negeri Purworejo in the academic year

of 2015/2016.


B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the study, the identifications of the problem

in this research are as follows:

1. The students have the different intelligence, low motivation, poor

vocabularies, and difficulty with sentence structure or grammar.

2. The students are still difficult to recall spelling, punctuation rules, and

organizing ideas.

3. The teachers still have difficulty in determining appropriate learning media

for students in the process of learning English.

C. Limitation of the Problem

In this research the researcher will focused on the effectiveness of using

picture in teaching writing of descriptive text. The researcher wants to conduct a

research at the eighth students of MTs N Purworejo in the academic year of


D. Statement of the Problem

Based on the previous paragraph from background of the study,

identification of the problem and the limitation of the problems, the problem in

this research can be formulated as follow:

“Is using picture effective in teaching writing of descriptive text at the

eighth grade students of MTs N Purworejo in the academic year of 2015/2016?”

E. Objective of the Study

Based on the statement of the problem, the objective of the study is: to

find out whether using picture as media to improve the writing ability of


descriptive text is effective or not at the eighth grade students of MTs Negeri

Purworejo in the academic year of 2015/2016.

F. Significance of the Problem

The researcher hopes this thesis will be useful for readers especially for

the teacher, the students as the object and the researcher.

1. For the teachers

a. After knowing the result of the study, the teacher is hoped to select an

appropriate media in the process of teaching learning.

b. This study will help the teacher to improve students’ achievement in their

writing skill.

c. The results of the research are expected to be an alternative media for

teachers to create their meaningful and interesting teaching process.

2. For the students

a. The result of the study is hoped to motivate the students to participate in

the process of teaching and learning at school, especially about teaching


b. From the result, the students are expected to improve their writing skill.

c. The students can express their idea by using their own words, and then

the students can write them into a sentence or text.

3. For the researcher

The researcher suggest to other researchers in order to prepare

everything in the study do that the result is useful.




A. Theoretical Review

This study is related to term that are defined as follows:

1. Teaching and Learning Process

a. Teaching

According to Sanjaya (2011:96), teaching is a process to give

information or knowledge from teacher to students. This process is

believed as a process to transfer the knowledge.

Hamalik (2011:7) says that teaching or instruction is a goal-

directed teaching process which is more or less pre-planned. In

teaching, formulating the objectives is the most important and every

teaching process is hoped can reach the objectives.

According to Brown (2000:7), teaching is guiding and

facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the

conditions for learning.

Brown (2007:7-8) says, teaching is showing or helping

someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in

the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or



Teaching is a process of interaction between students and

teacher and learning resources in a learning environment (Suja‟i,


From the definitions above, the researcher concludes that

teaching is a process for someone to give experiences to the learners

about something.

b. Learning

Sanjaya (2006:112) states that learning is the process by which

an activity originates or changed through training procedures (whether

in the laboratory or in the natural environment) as distinguished from

changes by factors not attributable to training.

According to Richard (2010:328), learning is the process by

which change in behaviour, knowledge, skills, etc., comes about

through practice, instruction or experience and the result of such a


Besides, Brown (2007:7-8) states that learning is acquiring or

getting knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience, or

instruction. Brown (2007:91) also states that learning as the process of

acquiring material as discrete and relatively isolated entities that are

relatable to cognitive structure only in an arbitrary and verbatim

fashion, not permitting the establishment of relationship. Learning

involves the mental storage of items having little or no occasion with

existing cognitive structure.


Based on the definition above, the researcher can conclude

thatlearning is the process of activity to get new something in order to

be better.

c. Teaching Learning Process

According to Harmer (2001:25), the elements in a language

classroom to help students learn effectively are engage, study and

active. The details of these elements are as follows:

1) Engage

Engage is the point in a teaching sequence where teachers

try to arouse the students‟ interest, thus involving their emotions.

Activities and materials in which frequently engage students

include: games, music, discussion, stimulating pictures, dramatic,

stories, amusing anecdotes, etc. teacher also can ask students what

they think of the topic before asking them to read about it. When

students are engaged, they learn well than when they are partly

wholly disengaged.

2) Study

Study activities are those where the students are asked to

focus on language on information and how it is constructed.

Students can study in a variety of different style, such as: the

teacher can explain grammar, they can study language evidence to

discover grammar for themselves, and they can work in groups


studying a reading text or vocabulary. Study means any stage at

which the construction of language is the main focus.

3) Active

This element describes exercise and activities which are

designed to get students using language as freely and

communicatively as they can. Active exercises offer students a

chance to try out real language use with little or no restriction a

kind of rehearsal for the real world, typical activate exercise

include role-play, advertisement design, debate and discussion,

describe and draw, story and poem writing, writing in group, etc.

Teaching learning process is very influences to reach the

goal of education. The third elements such as engage, study and

active will help students learn effectively. As the subject of

teaching learning process, the teacher and the students have to do

their responsible. Good teachers keeps a record off their student‟s

achievements so that they are always aware how they are getting

on. Only if teachers keep such kinds of progress records can they

begin to see when teaching and learning has or has not successful.

2. General Concept of Writing

a. Definition of Writing

Writing is one of language skills besides speaking, listening,

and reading. Writing has always occupied a place in most English


language course (Fauziawati, 2010:45). In writing, the teacher needs

the concept to start writing. Writing is viewed as communicative thing.

Kirby and Crovitz (2013:6) state that writing is an act of

creation, which makes writing instruction uniquely different from

many other kinds of teaching. Writing teachers impart to the students a

body of knowledge, but they also teach habits of mind, choices for

self-expression, strategic thinking, and self-awareness. When they do

all of this well, their students are able to assess new situations and call

upon their skills to literally create something new that fully meets


Based on the theories of writing, it can be concluded that

writing is an activity in order to express idea in the written form.

b. Writing skill

Writing skill is known as the ability to write some information

or stories. Writing skill is usefeul for communicate our ideas into a

written text so the readers will understand and know the aim of our

written. Brown (2004: 218) states that writing skill is a necessary

condition for achieving employment in many walks of life and is

simply taken for granted in literature cultures.

A good writing skill will not appear at once. According to

Harmer (2004: 4-5), writing process is the stages a writer goes through

in order to produce something in its final written form. Not every

writing task passes through every stage, however. Williams (2003:


106) states that in some situation, a writer may not be responsible for

editing. Nevertheless, these stages are believed to reflect in a general

way how successful writing develops:

1. Pre-writing

Pre-writing is generating ideas, and information for a given

writing task. Pre-writing activities take place before starting on

the first draft.

2. Planning

Reflecting on the material produces during pre-writing to

develop a plan to achieve the aim of the paper. Planning

involves considering rhetorical stance, rhetorical purpose, the

principal aim of the text, how these factors are unrelated, and

how they are connected to the information generated during


3. Drafting

Drafting is producing words on a computer or on paper that

match (more or less) the initial plan for the work. Drafting

occurs over time, successful writers seldom try to produce an

entire text in one sitting or even in one day.

4. Pausing

Pausing is moment when the writers are not writing but

instead are reflecting on what they have produced and how well

it matches their plan usually includes reading. Pausing occurs


among successful and unsuccessful writers, but they use it in

different ways.

5. Reading

Reading is moment during pausing when the writers read

what they have written and compare it to their plan. Reading

and writing are interrelated activities. The reading that takes

place during writing is crucial to the reflection process during


6. Revising

Revising is literally “re-seeing” the text with the goal of

making large-scale changes so that text and plan match.

Revising occurs after they have finished their first draft. It

involves making changes that enhance the match between plan

and text.

7. Editing

Focusing on sentence level concern, such as punctuation,

sentence length, spelling, agreement of subjects, predicates and

style. Editing occur after revising. The goal is to give our paper

a professional appearance.

8. Publishing

Publishing is sharing our finished text with its intended

audience. Publishing is not limited to getting a text printed in a

journal. It includes turning a paper in to a teacher.


If the students have a good writing skill, they can

develop their idea into good paragraph. For example, they can

make a letter, story, descriptive paragraph, etc.

c. Genres of Writing

There are many genres of writing according to Brown (2004:219),

those are as follows:

1. Academic writing

It is used for formal writing, such as papers, essays, journals,

technical reports, theses, and dissertations.

2. Job-related writing

It is related to job activities, such as messages, letters or emails,

memos, job evaluation, project reports, schedules, labels,

advertisements and announcements.

3. Personal writing

It is used for something personal, such as greeting cards,

invitations, notes, financial documents, medical reports, diaries,

personal journals, short stories and poetry.

According to Meer (2011:20), the genres of writing are as follows:

1) Expository Writing

The main purpose of expository writing is to explain. This

is a subject-oriented writing style, in which the author tells about

the focus on a particular topic or subject without voicing their

personal opinions. Type of essay or article provides some relevant


facts and figures but does not include their opinion. It is one of the

most common types of writing.

2) Descriptive Writing

Descriptive writing's main purpose is to describe. It is a

style of writing that focuses on describing a character, an event, or

a place in great detail. It can be poetic when the author takes the

time to be very specific in his or her descriptions.

3) Persuasive Writing

Persuasive writing's main purpose is to convince. Unlike

expository writing, persuasive writing contains the opinions and

biases of the author. To convince others to agree with the author's

point of view, persuasive writing contains justifications and

reasons. It is often used in letters of complaint, advertisements or

commercials, affiliate marketing pitches, cover letters, and

newspaper opinion and editorial pieces.

4) Narrative Writing

Narrative writing's main purpose is to tell a story. The

author will create different characters and tell you what happens to

them (sometimes the author writes from the point of view of one of

the characters—this is known as first person narration). Novels,

short stories, novellas, poetry, and biographies can all fall in the

narrative writing style. Simply, narrative writing answers the

question: “What happened then?”


d. The Concept of Teaching Writing

Accordingto Harmer (2007: 41), when helping students to become

better writers, teachers have a number of crucial tasks to perform.

Among the tasks which teachers have to perform before, during, and

after students writing are the followings:

1) Demonstrating

Students need to be aware of writing conventions and genre

constraints in specific types of writing; teachers have to be able

to draw these features to their attention.

2) Motivating and provoking

Students often find themselves „lost for words‟ especially in

creative writing task. This is where the teacher can help,

provoking the students into having ideas, enthusing them with

the value of the task, and persuading them what fun it can be.

3) Supporting

Students need a lot of help and reassurance once they get

going, both with ideas and with the means to carry them out.

Teachers need to be extremely supportive when students are

writing in class, always available (except during exam writing

of course), and prepared to help students overcome difficulties.


4) Responding

When responding, they react to the content and

construction of a piece supportively and often (but not always)

make suggestion for its improvement.

5) Evaluating

When they do want to evaluate students‟ work, telling both

them and theirs how well they have done. When evaluating

students‟ writing for test purpose, they can indicate where they

wrote well and where they made mistakes, and they may award

grades, but although test marking is different from responding,

they can still use it not just to grade students also as a learning


According to Brown (2004:222), a limited variety of tasks

are commonly used to assess a person‟s ability to produce

writing like the following:

1. Copying

There is innovative or modern about directing a test-

taker to copy words.

2. Listening cloze selection tasks

These tasks combine dictation with a writters script that

has a relatively frequent deletion ratio (every fourth or fifth

word, perhaps). The test sheet provides a list of missing

word from which the test-taker must select. The perpose of


this stage is not to test spelling but to give practice in

writing, to increase the difficulty, the list of words can be

deleted, but then spelling might become an obstacle.

3. Picture-cued task

Familiar pictures are displayed, and test-takers are told

to write the word that the picture represent. Assuming no

ambiguity in identifying the picture (cat, hat, chair, table,

etc), no reliance is made on aural comprehension of

successful completion of the task.

4. Form completion tasks

A variation on pictures is the use ofa simple form

(registration, application, etc) that as for name, address,

phone number and others data. Assuming, of course, that

prior classroom instruction has focused on filling of such

form, this test becomes on appropriate assessment of simple

tasks such as writing one‟s name and address.

5. Converting numbers and abbreviations to words

Some tests have a section on which numbers are written,

for example hour of the day, dates or schedule and test-

takers are directed to write out the numbers.


3. Media

a. Definition of Media

According to Sanjaya (2008:204), the words “media” comes

from Latin language and it is plural form from medium word which

has meaning delivery or mediator.

Media is anything that can be used to deliver messages from

the sender and receiver so that it can stimulate the thoughts, feelings,

interests and concerns in such as a way that learning occurs (Sadiman,


Levie and Lentz in Arsyad, (2009:16-17) proposes that there

are four functions in learning media, especially visual media those

functions are as follows:

1. Attention function is abstract form, it means that visual media

interest and aim students attention for concentrate with the lesson

which interrelated with visual purpose that appeared or participate

in material lesson.

2. Affective function is visual media can be seen from students

amenity level when learning (or reading) texts which illustrated

picture or visual symbol can grouse emotion and attitude of the

students, for example information that involve social and race


3. Cognitive function is visual media that appeared from finding

research which express that visual symbol or picture accelerate of


achievement purposes to comprehension and remember information or

massage that contained in picture.

4. Compensatory function, learning media that appeared from

research product that visual media which give contexts for

understanding texts help the students which lack of read for

organization in the form texts and remember it. In another words,

learning media have function to accommodation the students that lack

and late receive and understand learning content that serve with texts

or served as a verbal.

Sanjaya (2006:170) states that media can be classified as


1) Audio media:media which can be heard or only has voice element

likeradio and recoded.

2) Visual media:media which can be watched and does not have voice

element like photo transpiration,printing picture.

3) Audio visual media:media which not only has voice but also has

visual element which can be watched like video recorded,film and


Media serve a variety of roles in education.Their primary role

is to facilitate students‟ learning. So, the researcher concludes that

media is allcomponents which can be used to transfer information from

the sender to the receiver,so it can make a stimulus of mind, sense,

attention and will which can make a effective learning process.


4. Picture

a. Definition of Picture

According to Wright (2004:2), pictures are not just an aspect

of method but through their representation of places, objects and

people they are an essential part of the overall experiences we must

help our students to cope with.

As cited by Mansourzadeh (2005:47), Hill (1990:1) states that

pictures are one of the valuable aids which bring “images of reality

into the unnatural world of the language classroom”.

According to Arsyad (2011:91), picture is a kind of visual aid

that can facilitate the understanding and strengthen the memory.

Visual aid also can add the students‟ interest and give the relationship

between the content of the subject matter and real world.

Harmer (2001:134) states that teachers have always used

pictures or graphics whether drawn, taken from books, newspaper and

magazines, or photographs to facilitate learning. Pictures can be in

forms of flashcards (small cards which we can hold up for our

students to see), cue cards (small card which students use in pair or

group work), photographs, or illustrations (usually taken from text


Munadi (2008:89) states that a picture can show the meaning

clearly. The use of picture is more efficient and practice than words,

they are easier to recall and to remember than words. A creative


teacher will be able to create technique of using picture in teaching

and learning activities.

From the definition of picture above the researcher concludes

that picture is a kind of visual instruction materials might be used

more effectively to develop language skill and teaching.

b. Some Roles for Picture in Writing

Pictures have been suggested as teaching aids in the classroom

also used to help students understand various aspects of foreign

language. There are someroles for pictures in writing (Wright,


1. Pictures can motivate the student and make him or her want to pay

attention and want to take part.

2. People contribute to the context in which the language is being

used. They bring the world into the classroom.

3. The pictures can be described in an objective way or interpreted or

responded to subjectively.

4. Pictures can cue responses to questions or cue substitutions

through controlled practice.

5. Pictures can stimulate and provide information to be referred to in

conversation, discussion and story telling.

Pictures may also be used to test the students‟ knowledge.

But, before pictures are applied in the classroom the teacher must

consider some criteria of how they are used in teaching and


learning process. There are five criteria as selected by Wright

(2004:3) as follows:

1) Easy to prepare. The pictures should be easy to prepare to be

used by the teacher in teaching and learning process.

2) Easy to organize. The teacher has to decide whether the efforts

of organizing the pictures are complicated or not.

3) Interesting. The pictures as the material given should be

interesting to the students and the teacher.

4) Meaningful and authentic. The pictures should be meaningful

and authentic when it is used for learning the new language.

5) Sufficient amount of language. The activity gives rise to a

sufficient amount of language in the language lesson.

From the explanation above, it can be assumed that the role

of pictures is really essential in teaching English. It can be said

then, the role of using pictures is quite appropriate in teaching


c. Types of Pictures

There are twelve types of picture as quoted by Wright

(2004:193) including picture of single objects, pictures of one

person, pictures of famous people, picture of several people,

picture of people in action, pictures of place, pictures from history,

pictures with a lot of information, pictures of the news, pictures of

fantasies, pictures of maps and symbols and pairs of pictures.


1. Pictures of single objects

Pictures of single objects describe about general things such

as food, clothes, cars, animals, and gifts.

2. Pictures of one person

Picture of people invite us to speculate who they are what

sort of people they are (age, family, work and concern) and

what they are thinking and filling.

3. Pictures of famous people

It talks about identify (reason for fame, achievement,

evaluation of what they have done / are doing / will do),

character (background, physical, description, like / dislike /

admire), and would you like to be that person? (role play the

person, pretend to interview the person).

4. Picture of Several people

It talks about speech and thought bubbles cut out of sticky

paper can be stuck on the picture. Students imagine what the

people might be saying and thinking.

5. Picture of people in action

General things to talk about everyday activities, sport,

hobbies, entertainment, work, travel and transport, and



6. Pictures of place

It might include home or abroad, landscapes, townscapes,

single building and view.

7. Pictures from history

Pictures illustrating scenes, costumes, objects from history

can be used like other pictures but have the additional quality

of inviting the use of past tense form.

8. Pictures with a lot of information

Some pictures are full of information. There may be a lot of

people doing different things, or it may be a landscape or

cityscape showing lot of objects, building etc.

9. Pictures of the News

News pictures invite identifications of the incident, what

happened, where, when, and to whom. They are normally

linked with captions and articles, and it is usually a good idea

to retain the texts event if they will not be read in detail.

10. Pictures of fantasies

Fantasy pictures can be cut out of all children‟s books.

They often illustrate everyday activities, for examples, eating,

sleeping, running etc., event if the characters are from the word

of fantasy.


11. Pictures of maps and symbols

It can be found in road traffic booklets, holiday brochures,


12. Pairs of pictures

They are useful. Two copies of the same issue of a

magazine will provide pairs of pictures.

There are three types of picture as quote by Arsyad (2011:113)

including painting, photograph and sketch. The main purpose of

presenting all kinds of picture is to visualize concept that will be

delivered to the students. There are many kinds of pictures used for

learning process, such as composite picture, individual picture and

series picture.

Composite picture are pictures that are electronically built up

using multiple layers to hopeful produce convincing looking fake

pictures. This technique is computer version of using scissors to cut

out part of one picture to paste into another. It is effectively an

electronic version of college making. Composite are used to

supplement a reconstruction wherever authentic visual material is not


Meanwhile, individual picture are single picture of person,

subject or activity. Individual picture usually teach vocabulary in order

to introduce the word.


Series picture is a series of image that are intertwined to form a

series order. Series picture usually used to help teach of present writing

subject, because series picture tells the students activities from

beginning until the end. It is like story, presented in chronological


d. Source of Picture

There are many pictures which can be used as the material

and it‟s easy to findout at least in some free or cheap picture

materials. The choice of pictures reallydepends on the subject and

the necessities.There are some sources of pictures as mentioned by

Wright (2004: 182-187):

1) Newspaper

Pictures in newspapers are not reproduced very well.

However, oldnewspapers are available everywhere and in some

countries are themain sourcesof free pictures material. The

pictures in newspaper are usually small and tooindistinct for use

with the whole class, but they are usually topical and linked

withthe text, which can lead to particular activities.

2) Magazine

These are the major source of useful picture material of a

high quality, thoughthey are rarely free. Full page pictures are

big enough for class use, while othersare more appropriate for

individual work.


3) Advertisements and publicity

These include direct mail leaflets andadvertisements in

magazines andnewspapers. Sizes vary, there are two features

which make advertisement picturesspecial: the pictures are

meant to persuade us to buy the product andadvertisement

pictures are nearly always accompanied which provide

authenticmaterial for reading.

4) Catalogues

Catalogues are an amazingly rich source of picture

material. There are alsospecialist catalogues, for example, of

toys, cars or gifts, and charity cataloguesmight be a source of


5) Calendars

Calendars are usually illustrated and, furthermore, the

pictures are usually bigenough for class use. Sometimes it may

be an advantage to keep the calendardates.

6) Greeting card

Most greeting cards are illustrated. It is often worth

keeping the text and thepicture together.

7) Postcards

Every possible subject is illustrated on postcards.

Postcards are associatedwith writing and thus postcards not just


pictures. Two great advantages ofpostcards are that they are

made of card and all postcards are about the same size.

8) Reproductions of arts

Paintings, drawings, and art photographs are reproduced

on postcards,greeting cards, calendars, in books and as separate

reproduction available in shopsand galleries.

9) Posters

Posters are designed to be big enough to be seen a

distance and they are thus ideal for class use. Posters can be

advertisements or just intended for decoration.A huge porter

may show one object or it may illustrate a lot of information.

10) Wall charts

Wall charts are produced by some institution to explain

what is donein or bythe institutions. These wall charts are very

often free or relative inexpensive.

11) Instructions

Instructions for carrying out a process such as cooking or

putting on a lifejacket are often illustrated. They can be used in

sequencing activities.

12) Old books

Old children‟s books are particularly good source of

illustrations which canoften charm older students. Old school


books are often too decrepit or dated tokeep but they may

contain unique illustration.

13) Comics and cartoon strips

These are heavily illustrated. They are sequences of

pictures which are closelyrelated to a narrative text.

14) Stamps

Most stamps have picture on them. The most obvious way

of using stamps istoo talk about them as stamps: where they come

from, why the design were chosen,how much they are worth, etc.

15) Playing cards

Many playing cards have illustration. The cards can be

used for their originalpurpose and the students asked to play the

game in the target language. However,the cards can also be used

for the pictures that are on them.

16) Wrapping paper

Wrapping paper is often decorated with pictures. The

repetitions of the Designmeans that pairs of pictures are available.

17) Course book

There are usually illustrations in the course book. These

illustrations can oftenbe used in ways which the author does not



18) The teacher‟s and the students‟ own drawing

Pictures can be drawn on the board, the overhead projector,

large paper, flashcards, group playing cards, handout sheets, or

college sheets.

19) Photocopying

Pictures can be photocopied but, if they are in copyright,

only by permission.

Based on the opinion above, it can be said that the choice of

pictures depends on subject, necessities, and the goals of teaching

and learning process.Consequently, in this study in conducting the

technique of using pictures the writer uses pictures from many

sources as the teaching aids to make the students easier in

understanding the writing lesson.

e. Using Picture in Teaching of Writing

Teaching writing skill is recommended in the junior high

school because writing is very important. Writing closely related

the grammatical structures and vocabulary that we have been

teaching our students. When people start to write, they become

very involve with the new language, the effort to express the idea,

hand and brain is a different way to reinforce learning. They often

discover something new in their expressing idea. They discover a

real need to find the right word and the right sentence. The


relationship between writing and thinking makes writing a valuable

part in language courses.

Davidson and Dowson (2003:149) stated that teachers

should be able to explain and justify the function and positioning

of writing activities in the sequence of a lesson or scheme of work,

often the emphasis is on using speaking, listening or reading to

help develop achievement in writing, but writing should be used to

help develop the other student‟s skill.

The common ground between wide ranges of media

products means that in order to achieve a „consistent lone of

enquiry‟. Masterman in Davidson and Dowson (2003:191) a

conceptual, rather than a content or text based framework is more

examination specifications to organize their media in English

teaching. The aspects of media education in provide a

comprehensive that is useful for both media and English.

The student can easier to learn and to write when they are

stimulated by showing picture as media. By using picture, it is easy

to explain the lesson and the students will receive the lesson, not

just imagine for the students can also expand their writing skill

when they found it interesting and easy to do by following the

steps of the picture.

Teaching writing using pictures is beneficial because it is

one of educational media that is interesting. It can help to present


thing that cannot be presented or seen in the classroom. Picture can

also guide the students to write description and narration. By doing

writing the students can also get more new vocabularies based on

the picture. In presenting the lesson, the teacher is really expected

to be able to motivate and support the students in order that they

have readiness and confidence in learning English. Therefore,

teaching writing by applying picture is simple and effective, but it

needs careful taught and good preparation.

5. Genre of the text

According to Harmer (2001:27), the researcher can describe

different type of written (e.g. film, noir, animated cartoon, teenage horror

movie) as different genres.

Hartono (2005: 4) explains that genre is kinds of particular text-

types, not to traditional varieties of literature. It defines as social process

which is goal oriented and whose purposes in stages or steps. It is

manifested differently in different cultures. People in different cultures use

particular genres to realize their different social purposes. The ways in

which the goods and services, values and experiences are expressed, differ

in distinctive ways in different cultures. Therefore, all cultures have

distinctive patterned in specific ways to realize their goals.

There are a lot of kinds of particular text-types in English. They,

however, are categorized into two kinds, namely; literary text and factual

text (Anderson,2002:1). Each text has a common and usual language.














The schema based on Anderson (2002: 1)

Hartono (2005: 6) defines genre to two parts that are story genre

and factual genre. Story genre includes some parts as follows:

1. Narrative

Narrative text is a kind of text which amuses and entertains the reader.

It deals with actual or various experience in different ways.


2. Anecdote

Anecdote text is a text which shares an account of an unusual or

amusing incident.

4. Recount

Recount text is a text which retells events for purpose of informing or


3. Spoof

Spoof text is a text which retells an event with a humorous twist.

While the factual genre includes some parts as follows:

1. Procedure

Procedure text describes how something is accomplished through a

sequence of actions or steps.

2. Explanation

Explanation text explains the processes involved in the formation or

workings of natural or socio-cultural phenomena.

3. Report

Report text describes the way things are, with reference to arrange or

natural, manmade and social phenomena in our environment.

4. Analytical Exposition

Analytical Exposition text is a text which persuades the reader or

listener that something is the case.


5. Hortatory Exposition

Hortatory Exposition text is a text which persuades the reader or

listener that something should or should not be the case.

6. Discussion

Discussion text presents at least two points of view about an issue.

7. Description

Description text is a text which describes a particular person, place or


8. Review

Review text uses to critique an art work or event for public


6. Descriptive Text

There are many texts have been taught in Junior High School. But

in this thesis, the researcher focuses on descriptive text. According to

Hartono (2005:6), descriptive text is texts that describe a particular place,

person, or thing.The purpose of a descriptive is to tell about the subject by

describing its features without including personal opinion.

The social function of descriptive text is to describe a particular

person, place or thing. The generic structures of this text are:

a. Identification: identifies the person, place or thing to be described.

b. Description: describes parts, qualities and characteristics.

According to Gerot and Wignell (1995:208) the generic structure

and language features of descriptive text are as follow:


1) The generic structure of descriptive text

a) Identification: identifies the phenomenon to be described.

b) Description: describes features in order of parts, qualities, and


2) The language features of descriptive text

a) Use of simple present tense.

b) Frequent use of epithets and classifiers in nominal groups.

c) Use of linking verbs or relating verbs for the identification and

showing qualities.

d) Use of attributive verbs to give detailed description of the object‟s


e) Use of action verbs related to the topic, especially when describing

behaviors or personalities (for person).

3) The example of Descriptive Text

Borobudur Temple

Borobudur temple is a great Buddhist temple.

The temple is located in Magelang on the island of Java

in Indonesia. Built in the 9th century under the Sailendra

dynasty of Java, it was abandoned in the 11th century and

partially excavated by archaeologists in the early 20th

century.Influenced by the Gupta architecture of India, the

temple is constructed on a hill 46 m (150 ft) high and

consistsof eight steplike stone terraces, one on top of the





other. The first five terraces aresquare and surrounded by

walls adorned with Buddhist sculpture in bas-relief; the

upper three are circular, each with a circle of bell-shaped

stupas (Buddhist shrines). The entire edifice is crowned

by a large stupa at the center of the top circle. The way to

the summit extends through some 4.8 km (some 3 mi) of

passages and stairways. The design of Borobudur, a

temple-mountain symbolizing the structure of the

universe, influenced temples built at Angkor, Cambodia.

Borobudur was rededicated as an Indonesian national

monument in 1983 following extensive reclamation,

aided by the United Nations.

B. Previous Study

The researcher took some previous studies as inspiration and

consideration for conducting the study. There are some studies about teaching

learning using media and teaching writing which have been conducted so far

and have been becoming the inspiration. The first study is entitled “The

Effectiveness of Using Pictures in Writing Descriptive Text to the Eight Grade

Students of Junior High School (A case Study at the Eight Grade of SMP

Negeri 26 Semarang in the Academic Year of 2008-2009)”which is written by

Sofia Winda Nur Fitriani. The result showsthat the obtained t-test is 4.816,



whereas the t-table is 2.00 for α= 5%. The t-test value is higher than the t-table

(4.816 > 2.00). Based on the result, pictures are effective as media in

improving descriptive writing skill in SMP N 26 Semarang.

The second study is entitled “The Effectiveness of Using Picture

Sequences in Teaching Narrative Text to Improve Students’ Writing Ability in

the Eleventh Grade of MAN Kutowinangun in 2012/2013 Academic Year

”which is written by Tentrem Wiji Asih. The result shows thatthe obtained t-

value is 4.526, whereas t-table is 2.000.The t-value is higher than t-table

(4.526>2.000).So, it can be stated that the hypothesis “the use of picture

sequences in teaching narrative text to improve students‟ writing ability in the

eleventh grade of MAN Kutowinangun in 2012/2013 academic year is

effective” is accepted.

The differences between previous study and this research are firstly,

the previous study is using picture: therefore, this research is using picture as

media in teaching writing. Secondly, the previous study focus on narrative

text, meanwhile this research focuses on descriptive text.

C. Conceptual Framework

Teaching writing plays an important role in language acquisition.

Writing is one element that links the four skills of listening, speaking, reading,

and vocabulary all together. From the various theories in this study, it can be

understood that teaching-learning writing for students need more attention

from the teacher in order to be successful in learning English. One of the


factors that affects learning English in the motivation of students to enjoy and

to be interested with English. In this study, the media of teaching-learning

writing is very important to motivate students and make teaching-learning

process enjoyable. One of media is by using picture. Picture is one of the

techniques used for language teaching that is now commonly used for teaching

and learning process. Picture can make students understand the materials

easily and not feel bored when teaching and learning process. Of course, they

have to select the pictures which are suitable to teach a certain item on suitable

to the theme. The teacher should create some interesting media by using

pictures in teaching writing process.

In other words, by using pictures the teaching and learning process,

especially in writing can be succeeded. Most of the students like pictures so

that it can help them more understand in writing learning by the teacher in the


D. Hypothesis

Hypothesis is temporary answer about statement of the problem

(Sugiyono, 2012: 96). Hypothesis that will be tested is named work

alternative hypothesis (Ha) whereas the opposite is null hypothesis (Ho).

Hypothesis is a formal statement about an expected relationship between two

or more variables which can be tasted through on experiment

(Arikunto,2010:110). Therefore, in this research, the researcher would like to

formulate the hypothesis as follows:


1. Null Hypothesis (Ho)

Using picture as a media is not effective in teaching writing of descriptive

text at the eighth grade students of MTs N Purworejo in the Academic

Year of 2015/2016.

2. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

Using picture as a media is effective in teaching writing of descriptive text

at the eighth grade students of MTs N Purworejo in the Academic Year of





A. Research Design

The type of this research is quantitative research with an experimental

method because the researcher gives treatment in teaching writing.

In conducting the research, the researcher uses one group pretest-posttest

design. It belongs to pre-experimental design. The design of this research can be

illustrated in the table below.

0₁ X 0₂


0₁ : Pre-test

0₂ : Post-test

X : Treatment using Picture

(Sugiyono, 2015:111)

B. Place and Time of the Research

The research has been carried out at Mts N Purworejo. It is located at

Jl. Keseneng, Purworejo. The research was held from April 28th

until May12th

2016. The first activity is giving pre-test. The second is giving treatment. The


third is giving the post-test. This study is conducted to find out whether the

use of picture is effective in teaching writing or not at the eighth grade

students of MTs N Purworejo in the Academic Year of 2015/ 2016.

The researcher uses experimental design using one group pre-test and

post-test design.

C. Population, Sample and Sampling Technique

1. Population

Arikunto (2010:173) says that population is the whole subject in the

research. Meanwhile, Sugiyono (2012:61) defines that population is the

general area which contains object or subject that has certain characteristic

and quality that are established by the researcher to be studied and then to be


Derived from the explanation above, the population of this research is

the eighth grade students of MTs N Purworejo in the Academic Year of

2015/2016 consisting of 240 students.

2. Sample

Creswell (2012:142) states that sample is a subgroup of the target

population that the researcher plans to study for generalizing about the target

situation. In this research, the sample is VIIIB class of MTs NegeriPurworejo

consisting of 28 students.


3. Sampling Technique

Sugiyono (2015: 118) states that sampling technique is a technique

that explains about how to take a sample. There are two kinds of sampling

technique that can be explained as follows:

a. Probability Sampling

Sugiyono (2015: 120) describes that probability sampling is a

technique that gives the same chance for each component of

population to be chosen as a sample. There are four types of

probability sampling, they are as follows:

1) Simple Random Sampling

Simple random sampling is a technique where the researcher takes

a sample randomly.

2) Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling

This technique is used when the component of population is

heterogeneous and in the proportional level.

3) Disproportionate Stratified Random Sampling

This technique is used when the level of population is not


4) Cluster Sampling

Sugiyono explains that, this technique is used when the object of

the sample is in wide range.


b. Non Probability Sampling

Non probability sampling is the kind of technique which does not

give the same chance for each components of population to be chosen

as a sample. According to Sugiyono (2015: 123), there are six kinds of

non probability sampling technique, they are:

1) Systematically Sampling

This technique takes a sample based on the member of population

which has given a number in a series. It can be done by take an

even or uneven number.

2) Quota Sampling

This technique is used to determine a sample from the population

which has certain characteristics until the researcher gets the quota

sampling that the researcher needs.

3) Incidental Sampling

It is a technique where the sample is taken without any intention

before. When the researcher gets something and it is suitable with

the with the researcher’s need, it can be used as a sample.

4) Purposive Sampling

It is called as purposive sampling because this technique is done

by drawing out the sample based on the specific purpose. The

researcher uses this technique because some considerations such as

to limit the time, energy, and finance.


5) Saturated Sampling

Saturated sampling is a technique which all the components of

population is used as a sample. It is done by the researcher when

the number of population is small.

6) Snowball Sampling

It is called as snowball sampling because at first the number of a

sample is just small but it is getting bigger.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher uses purposive

sampling. Purposive sampling technique is used by the researcher

because some considerations such as to limit the time, energy, and


D. Variable of the Research

Creswell (2012:112) defines variable as a characteristic or attribute of an

individual or an organization that researcher can measure or observe and varies

among individuals or organizations studied.

In this research, the researcher uses two variables, they are as follows:

1. Independent Variable

The independent variable is an attributes or characteristics that

influences or affect an outcome or dependent variable (Creswell, 2012:116). It

is symbolized by “X”. In this research, independent variable is the use of



2. Dependent Variable

The dependent variable is the variable which the researcher observes

and measures to determine the effect of the independent variable. According

to Sugiyono (2015:61), dependent variable is the variable that is influenced

because of any independent variable. It is symbolized by “Y”. In this research,

dependent variable is students’ writing ability.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

Data is very important in doing research. It is needed to know much

information about the subject of research. There are three activities of

collecting the data:

1. Giving Pre-Test

Pre-test is the kind of test which is given to students in order to

measure how far their understanding in writing experiences. Pre-test was

given by the researcher before giving a treatment to the experimental class.

This test is asking the students to write descriptive text and they have to finish

it in 45 minutes.

2. Giving Treatment

Treatment is conducted by the researcher at the tenth grade of MTs N

Purworejo. The researcher gives a treatment by using a media. The media is

namely “Picture Media”. There are five steps by the researcher in conducting

a treatment:


a. The researcher informed the students about the material will be

discussed, it was about descriptive text.

b. The researcher asked students about their experience related to the


c. The researcher explained about picture as media, and how to use picture

series in writing descriptive text.

d. The researcher gave an example of descriptive text using picture series,

and explained the example to answer the questions.

e. The researcher gave a set of jumbled pictures, and the researcher asked

the student to rearrange the picture into a story and the students tried to

make descriptive text based on them.

3. Giving Post-Test

After giving a treatment, the researcher conducted post-test to measure

their writing skill. This test is asking the students to write descriptive text

based on the picture. They have to finish it in 50 minutes.

4. Scoring

In measuring the students’ writing skill, she will use the marking

scheme by Brown (2004:244) as follow:

Aspect Score Performance Description Weighting



5 The topic is complete and clear and the

details are relating to the topic

3 X



- Topic

- Details

4 The topic is complete and clear but the

details are almost relating to the topic

3 The topic is complete and clear and the

details are not relating to the topic

2 The topic is not clear and the details are not

relating to the topic




- Identification

- Description

5 Identification is complete and description are

arranged with proper connectives

2 X

4 Identification is almost complete and

description are arranged with almost proper


3 Identification is not complete and description

are arranged with few misuse of connectives

2 Identification is not complete and description

are arranged with misuse of connectives




- Use present


- Agreement

5 Very few grammatical or agreement


2 X

4 Few grammatical or agreement inaccuracies

but not affect on meaning

3 Numerous grammatical or agreement



2 Frequent grammatical or agreement





5 Effective choice of words and word forms

2,5 X

4 Few misuse of vocabularies, word forms, but

not change the meaning

3 Limited range confusing words and word


2 Very poor knowledge of words, word forms,

and not understandable




- Spelling

- Punctuation

- Capitalization

5 It uses correct spelling, punctuation, and


0,5 X

4 It has occasional errors of spelling,

punctuation, and capitalization

3 It has frequent errors of spelling,

punctuation, and capitalization

2 It is dominated by errors of spelling,

punctuation, and capitalization

( )


F. Research Instrument

Research instrument is a kind of tool or facility which is used by the

researcher in collecting data. Instruments include a part of the way use by the

researcher to collect the result of obtaining the data.

In this research, the researcher uses a test as the instrument for collecting

the data. According to Arikunto (2013: 193), test is a series of questions or

exercises to measure the students’ skill, intelligence, and talent. The kinds of test

can be multiple choice, matching, true-false, completion, and essay. This research

is using essay test.

G. Technique of Data Analysis

This research belongs to quantitative research, so it needs a data analysis.

To analyze the data, the researcher applied an appropriate technique to find out

the influence of both variables of this research.

1. Descriptive Analysis

The descriptive analysis is used to describe the variable of this

research that is the effectiveness of using Picture in teaching writing of

descriptive text.

The researcher takes some simple formulas through these following



a. Mean

According to Sugiyono (2012:49), mean is gotten by totaling data

of all individual in the group, and then that data divided by the number of

individual in that group. The formula is as follow:



In which:

M : the mean of score

Ʃx : total score

n : the number of sample

The table below will show the category of the students’

achievement in their writing skill:

Table 1. Table of classification of the students’ achievement

Value Grade Level of achievement

80 – 100 A Excellent

66 – 79 B Good

56 – 65 C Sufficient

40 – 55 D Fairly sufficient

< 39 E Poor

The level of ability shown in the table is defined based on the

criterion references scales (Arikunto, 2006:245).

b. Median


Median is one explanation of the techniques based on the middle

value of the data which have been organized from the lowest to the highest

or from the highest to the lowest.

c. Mode

Mode is the technique to explain the data based on the value which

is popular or which often being found.

d. Variance

Variance is used to explain the homogeneity. The formula is:


)( 2





In which:

2s : sample variance

n : the number of sample

e. Standard deviation

Standard deviation is a measure of the dispersion of a set of scores

from the mean of the scores. The formula is:

SD = 1

)( 2



In which:

SD = the square of the deviation standard


2)( xx = the square of each score subtracted by mean score

n = the total number of the student

2. Inferential Analysis

In this research, the researcher analyzed the data to the hypothesis.This

analysis is to find out the effectiveness of using picture in teaching writing of

descriptive text at the eighth grade of MTs N Purworejo in the academic year

of 2015/2016.

Inferential statistic analysis in this study aims to test the research

hypothesis. The discussion of the test of normality, test of homogeneity, and

test of hypothesis finding will be explained as follows:

a. Test of Normality

This test is to find out the distribution of the data both of the pre-

test and the post-test whether the distribution is normal or not. This test

uses the test for normality distribution with the chi square technique (x).

According to Sugiono (2009:172), the formula is as follow:

2 =


)( 2



In which:

2x = the chi square value

fo = the observed frequency

fh = the expected frequency

df = degree of freedom (the total class interval – 1)


The result of computation is consulted to the table. The data is

normal if 2x value of the data is lower than the critical value of

2x in the

table and are not normal if it higher than the critical value in the table.

b. Test of Hypothesis

This test is used by the researcher to know whether Picture is

effective or not in teaching writing of descriptive text at the Eight Grade

Students of MTs Negeri Purworejo in the Academic Year of 2015/2016.

In other words, it is used to decide the hypothesis will be accepted or

rejected. The formula is as follow:





















In which:

1x Mean of pre-test

Mean of post-test

1s Standard deviation of pre-test

2s Standard deviation of post-test


1s Variance of pre-test


2s Variance of post-test

r Correlation






A. Descriptive Analysis

Analysis means categorizing, ordering, manipulating and summarizing of the

data which is obtained to answer the research question. The purpose of analysis is

to reduce the data to be intelligible and interpretable so that the relation of research

problem can be studied.

Before the researcher described the research finding, the researcher would like

to describe the condition of the sample. The researcher takes data from the eighth

grade students of MTs Negeri Purworejo as the sample of the research. The eighth

class consists of 28 students, the amount of the students that the writer was going

to take to be the sample. The number of students were complete, and there was no

students being absent when the pre-test and post-test were held.

By using the test, the writer collected some data concerning the test result. To

compute the English writing test result, the score was based on criteria of scoring.

In this chapter, the researcher wants to show the scores of pre-test and post-

test which is done by the students of MTs N Purworejo.

1. The Result of Pre-test

The researcher did not give any treatment in getting the scores of pre-

test. The data were taken on April 28th 2016. Here is the result of pre-test.


Table 3

The result of pre-test

No. Name Score

1 Aditya Dwi Hermansyah 73

2 Andy Tri Cahya Ramadhana 75

3 Angga Saputra 70

4 Anis Triyana 55

5 Annisa Dian Mawarni 75

6 Dina Rosita Anggraeni 72

7 Eko Misyono 68

8 Fatayathul Latipah 85

9 Fitria Rahma Rinati 78

10 Indahlia Nurul Jannah 81

11 Isnaini 82

13 Mahardika Dinda Setyawan 70

14 Maulana Eko Putro 55

15 Maulana Sidiq 68

16 Maulida Ustariyah 67

17 Maya Daniada 67

18 Muhammad Musyafa Ali 79

19 Niatik 62


20 Nur Wahid 63

22 Putri Utami 86

25 Salma Nibras Gitaratri 67

26 Tri Yana Khoirunnisa 69

27 Winahyu Putri Radhite 64

28 Wresthi Wahyu Saputri 65

29 Kartika Sekar Jingga 80

SUM 1974

The researcher calculated the result by using formula as follows:







The mean score of pre-test was 70.50. It can be categorized as

sufficient or good. The data obtained to show that the highest score

was 86 and the lowest score was 55.


After knowing the mean score of the students in pre-test, the

researcher calculated the standard deviation (SD) and the variance

(SD2) of the pre-test as follows:

Standard Deviation (SD):


)( 2







Variance (SD2):


)( 22




17972 SD

56.662 SD

From the data above, the researcher finds that the highest score

(H) is 86, the lowest score (L) is 55, the range is 27, the total score of

pre-test is 1974, the mean score (M) is 70.50, the median (Me) is

69.50, the mode (Mo) is 67, the standard deviation (SD) is 8.16, the

variance (SD2) is 66.56. The result of pre-test is categorized good or

sufficient, for the mean of pre-test is 70.50.


Chart. 1 The Chart of Pre-test Writing Skill

This chart shows the pre-test result of writing. There are 5

students get score A (17.86%), 16 students get score B (57.14%), 5

students get score C (17.86%), 2 students gets D (7.14%), and no one

gets E (0%).

2. The Result of Post-test

The data were taken on April 28th

2016. Here is the result of post-test.












Table 4

The result of post-test

No. Name Score

1 Aditya Dwi Hermansyah 76

2 Andy Tri Cahya Ramadhana 74

3 Angga Saputra 71

4 Anis Triyana 64

5 Annisa Dian Mawarni 86

6 Dina Rosita Anggraeni 76

7 Eko Misyono 70

8 Fatayathul Latipah 95

9 Fitria Rahma Rinati 78

10 Indahlia Nurul Jannah 92

11 Isnaini 79

12 Lusi Fajarwati 72

13 Mahardika Dinda Setyawan 78

14 Maulana Eko Putro 89

15 Maulana Sidiq 80

16 Maulida Ustariyah 78

17 Maya Daniada 79

18 Muhammad Musyafa Ali 85


19 Niatik 78

20 Nur Wahid 78

21 Nurul Muarifah 85

22 Putri Utami 87

25 Salma Nibras Gitaratri 92

26 Tri Yana Khoirunnisa 95

27 Winahyu Putri Radhite 78

28 Wresthi Wahyu Saputri 80

29 Kartika Sekar Jingga 80

SUM 2255

The researcher calculated the result by using the formula as follows:







The mean score of post-test was 80.54. It can be categorized as

sufficient or good. The data obtained to show that the highest score

was 95 and the lowest score was 64.


After knowing the mean score of the students in post-test, the

researcher calculated the standard deviation (SD) and the variance

(SD2) of the post-test are as follows:

Standard Deviation (SD):


)( 2







Variance (SD2):


)( 22




17972 SD

55.662 SD

From the data above, the researcher finds that the highest score

(H) is 95, the lowest score (L) is 64, the range is 33, the total score of

post-test is 2255 the mean score (M) is 80.54, the median (Me) is 79,


the mode (Mo) is 78, the standard deviation (SD) is 7.55, the variance

(SD2) is 57.07. The result of post-test is categorized good or sufficient,

for the mean of post-test is 80.54.

Chart. 2The Chart of Post-test Writing Ability

This chart shows the post-test result of writing. There are 13 students get

score A (46.43%), 14 students get score B (50%), 1 students get score C (3.58%), and

there are no student gets score D and E.











3. The Result of Pre-test and Post-test

Table 5

The Descriptive Analysis of Pre-test and Post-test

Score H L R Me Mo T M SD2 SD



86 55 27 69.5 67 1974 70.50 66.56 8.16



95 64 31 79 78 2255 80.54 57.07 7.55


H : the highest score T : the total score of the students

L : the lowest score M : the mean

R : the range SD2 : the variance

Me : the median SD : the standard deviation

Mo : the mode

To take more clearly of the calculation and to ensure that the result of

manual computation is correct, the researcher encloses the computation

SPSS. The table below will show the result of SPSS.


Table 6.

The Descriptive Analysis Based on the Computation of SPSS

Table 7.

Frequency and Percentage for Both Pre-test and Post-test

Score Grade

Frequency Percentage

Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test

80 – 100 A 5 13 17.86% 46.43%

66 – 79 B 16 14 57.14% 50%

56 – 65 C 5 1 17.86% 3.58%


40 – 55 D 2 - 7.14% -

< 39 E - - - -

TOTAL 28 28 100% 100%

Chart 3 The Chart of Writing Ability Result of Pre-test and Post-test

This chart shows the significant effect between pre-test and post-test.

So, it can be concluded that the use of picture in teaching writing of

descriptive text at the eighth grade students of MTs N Purworejo is















B. Inferential Analysis

1. Pre-requisite Test

The researcher employed the statistical analysis in this case is T-

Test to analyze the data. Before employing the statistical analysis, the

researcher mainly applied pre-requisite test analysis to test the normality

and test of homogeneity.

Normality Test

To check the rate of normality of writing mastery score in pre-test

and post-test, the researcher used chi-square. This technique is done by

using Ms. Excel. A data could be concluded normal if the Chi Value was

lower than Chi Square table with six intervals.

Table 8

The normality test of pre-test






INTERVAL Fo fh fo – fh (fo – fh)2 (fo – fh)


55 – 60 2 1 1 1.55 2.05

61 – 66 5 4 1 1.47 0.39

67 – 72 11 10 1 2.08 0.22

73 – 78 4 10 -6 30.87 3.32

79 – 84 4 4 0 0.04 0.01

85 – 90 2 1 1 1.55 2.05

28 28 0 38 8

The value of fh is calculated from: 2.7% x 28 = 1 (integrated to

1); 13.53% x 28 = 4 (integrated to 4); 34.13% x 28 = 10 (integrated to

10); 34.13% x 28 = 10 (integrated to 10); 13.53% x 28 = 4 (integrated

to 4); 2.7% x 28 = 1 (integrated to 1).

From the table, the Chi Square value is 8. Then, it is compare

with the value of Chi Square table with the df (degree of freedom) 5.


Based on the table of Chi Square value on significant level 0.05 is

11.07. Since Chi Square obtained is lower than the value of Chi

Square table (8 < 11.07), it means that the distribution of the data of

pre-test is normal.

Table 9

The normality test of post-test





INTERVAL Fo Fh fo – fh (fo – fh)2 (fo – fh)


64 – 70 2 1 1 1.55 2.05

71 – 77 5 4 1 1.47 0.39

78 – 84 12 10 2 5.97 0.62

85 – 91 5 10 -5 20.76 2.17

92 – 98 4 4 0 0.04 0.01

99 – 100 0 1 -1 0.57 0.76

28 28 0 30 6


The value of fh is calculated from: 2.7% x 28 = 1 (integrated to

1); 13.53% x 28 = 4 (integrated to 4); 34.13% x 28 = 10 (integrated to

10); 34.13% x 28 = 10 (integrated to 10); 13.53% x 28 = 4 (integrated

to 4); 2.7% x 28 = 1 (integrated to 1).

From the table, the Chi Square value is 6. Then, it is compare

with the value of Chi Square table with the df (degree of freedom) 5.

Based on the table of Chi Square value on significant level 0.05 is

11.07. Since Chi Square obtained is lower than the value of Chi

Square table (6 < 11.07), it means that the distribution of the data of

post-test is normal.

Table 10

SPSS Calculation of normality score pretest and posttest


2. Pre-test and Post-test Finding

The calculation of the mean score of pre-test and post-test was 70.50

and 80.54. If we compare the two means, it was clear that the mean of the

post-test is higher than the mean of pre-test. The difference between the

two means is 10.04. It is indicates that the treatment is effective. The

researcher uses T-test to test the hypothesis:











































Take more clearly and to ensure that the result of manual computation

is correct, the researcher encloses the computation SPSS. The table below

will show the result of SPSS.

Table 11

SPSS of T-Test

The result of t-test is -5.989. It will be discussed in hypothesis testing.

C. Test of Hypothesis

There are three points involved in testing hypothesis. There are levels

of significance, null hypothesis and test of experimental significance. The

three points above are presented in the following.

1. Level of Significant

In testing hypothesis, the researcher uses the level of significance to

minimize the false conclusion of the research. This is applied to reject the

hypothesis in order to gain the objective conclusion. Generally, the level

used in any research is 5% or 1%. In this research, the researcher uses


level of significance 5% level. It means that the falseness of conclusion is

5% and the truth of conclusion is 95%.

2. The Null Hypothesis

In testing hypothesis, the researcher commonly faces with the null

hypothesis. By using the null hypothesis, the hypothesis will easier to be

proved. The research hypothesis (Ha) says that using picture is effective in

teaching writing at the eighth grade students of MTs N Purworejo in the

academic year of 2015/ 2016.

To prove whether the hypothesis is rejected or accepted, the researcher

changes the research hypothesis into null hypothesis. Therefore, the null

hypothesis (Ho) says using picture is not effective in teaching writing at

the eighth grade students of MTs N Purworejo in the academic year of

2015/ 2016.

3. Test of Experimental Significant

After getting the rho value, the researcher consults the critical value on

the rho table to check whether the difference is significance or not. Before

the experiment is conducted, the level significance to use is divided.

The result of the computation of the t-test is -5.989. To know whether

the hypothesis is accepted or rejected, the t-value is consulted to the t-table

at significance level of 0.05.

The number of subjects in this research is 28 students. With degree of

freedom (df) 27. The degree of freedom can be found with the formula n-


1. For five percent significant level and 28 degree of freedom, the critical

value on t-table is 2.05.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the t-table is -

2.05. The obtained t-value is -5.989. Therefore, the t-value is lower than

the critical value in the table, it is -5.989 < -2.05.

Based on the hypothesis testing above, it can be concluded that Ho is

rejected and Ha is accepted. Therefore, the hypothesis of study which said

“using picture in teaching writing of descriptive text at the eighth grade

students of MTs N Purworejo in the academic year of 2015/2016 is

effective” is accepted.

D. The Interpretation of Research Result

In this section, the researcher was going to describe the interpretation

of research result about descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. The

following are the details:

1. Descriptive Analysis Interpretation

After describing the analysis in the previous section, the

researcher will discuss more about the interpretation of the writing ability

result of pre-test and post-test.


a. The Writing Ability Result of Pre-Test

The highest score of the students pre-test result was 86 and the

lowest one was 55. The mean of pre-test was 70.56 and the standard

deviation of it was 8.16. It means that the students pre-test result have

good result on their writing ability. From 28 samples, there was no

student (0%) belong to poor category, 2 student (7.14%) belongs to

fairly sufficient category, 5 students (17.86%) belong to sufficient

category, 16 students (57.14%) belong to good category, and 5

students (17.86%) belong to excellent category.

b. The Writing Ability Result of Post-Test

The highest score of the students post-test result was 95 and

the lowest one was 64. The mean of post-test was 80.54 and the

standard deviation of it was 7.55. It means that the students post-test

have good result on their writing ability. From 28 samples, there is no

student (0%) belong to poor category, no student (0%) belong to fairly

sufficient category, 1 students (3.58%) belong to sufficient category,

14 students (50%) belong to good category and 13 students (146.43%)

belong to excellent category.

2. Inferential Interpretation

In this section, the researcher would interpret the hypothesis testing.

As method above, the hypothesis of this research says “using picture is


effective in teaching writing of descriptive text at the eighth grade students

of MTs N Purworejo in the academic year of 2015/ 2016.”

From the previous analysis, it shows that with the amount of the

samples (N=28) and the level of significance is 5%, the result of the

computation of t-value -5.989. Based on the t-value on t-table for N=27

and the significance level is 5%, the value of t-table is -2.05. The

computation shows that t-value is lower than t-table is -5.989 < -2.05.

Therefore, the hypothesis is accepted. It means using picture in

teaching writing of descriptive text at the eighth grade students of MTs N

Purworejo in the academic year of 2015/2016 is effective.

Writing ability of students at tenth grade of MTs N Purworejo is better

than before they were given the treatment. In pre-test, the students’ writing

ability is in good category with 70.50 and in post-test, the students’

writing ability was higher with 80.54.




A. Conclusion

There is an effectiveness of picture in teaching writing of descriptive

text. The mean of the post-test is 80.50, and the mean of pre-test is 70.50. By

analyzing t-test formula, it is found that the t-table is -2.05. The obtained t-

value is -5.989. Therefore, the t-value is higher than the critical value. The

obtained t-value is lower than critical value on the t-table, it is -5.989 < -2.05.

It can be concluded that the use of picture media is effective in

teaching writing of descriptive text at the eighth grade students of MTs N

Purworejo in the academic year of 2015/2016.

B. Suggestion

Based on the research findings, there are some suggestions which are

addressed to the teachers and the students.

They are as follows:

1. For the teacher

a. The teacher should try to apply an interesting media. Picture series as a

media can be used as an alternative for teaching descriptive text to the


students. Teaching and learning writing, especially descriptive text

using Picture as a media will motivate the students.

b. The teacher should be as creative as possible in teaching descriptive

text by using Picture series as a media.

c. The teacher should make the students enjoy activities.

2. For the students

The students should participate in every activity that is done by

the teacher through media, also these activities, because studying English

usingpicture series as a media will make them interested to study English.


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Satuan Pendidikan : MTs Negeri Purworejo

Kelas/Semester : VIII/II

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Materi Pokok : Descriptive Text

Tema : I Love My Cat

Skill : Writing

Alokasi Waktu : 6 x 45 menit ( 3 pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli

(toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara

efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan


3. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan

rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait

fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

4. Mencoba, mengolah, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,

mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak

(menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang) sesuai

dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut


B. Kompetensi Dasar

1.1 Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa

pengantar komunikasi internasional yang diwujudkan dalam semangat


2.1. Menunjukkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan komunikasi

interpersonal dengan guru dan teman.

2.2. Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya diri, dan bertanggung jawab

dalam melaksanakan komunikasi transaksional dengan guru dan teman.

2.3 Menunjukkan perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta damai,

dalam melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional.

3.10. Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi

sosial teks deskriptif dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang deskripsi

orang, binatang, dan benda, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks


4.11. Menangkap makna dalam teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, pendek dan


4.12. Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, tentang

orang, binatang, dan benda, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1.1.1 Siswa dapat mengungkapkan rasa syukur atas kesempatan dapat belajar

bahasa inggris dan manfaatnya.

2.1.1 Siswa dapat menunjukkan perilaku peduli dalam pembelajaran

2.2.1 Siswa Tidak mencontek dalam mengerjakan tugas/ulangan/ujian

2.2.2 Siswa dapat Menyelesaikan tugas individu maupun kelompok tepat


2.2.3 Siswa dapat mengungkapkan perasaan terhadap sesuatu apa adanya

2.2.4 Siswa dapat menyelesaikan tugas yang menjadi bagiannya dalam kerja


2.3.1 Siswa dapat menyelesaikan tugas individu maupun kelompok tepat waktu

2.3.2 Siswa dapat menyelesaikan tugas yang menjadi bagiannya dalam kerja


3.10.1 Mampu memahami contoh-contoh kalimat-kalimat untuk menyatakan

dan menanyakan deskripsi tentang orang, binatang, dan benda

4.11.1 Mampu mengidentifikasi dan menentukan makna dan struktur teks

deskriptif tentang orang, binatang, dan benda.

4.12.1 Mampu membaca nyaring teks deskriptif tentang orang, binatang dan

benda dengan pelafalan dan intonasi yang tepat.

D. Tujuan Pembeljaran

a. Melalui langkah-langkah dalam indicator peserta didik dapat

mengidentifikasi bagian-bagian yang dimiliki oleh kucing.

b. Melalui langkah-langkah dalam indicator peserta didik menyebutkan

bagian-bagian yang dimiliki oleh kucing.

c. Melalui langkah-langkah dalam indicator peserta didik membuat esai

pendek sederhana berbentuk descriptive text.

E. Materi Pembelajaran

Descriptive Text

F. Metode Pembelajaran

Direct Method

G. Media Pembelajaran

1. Media : Picture Series

2. Alat/Bahan : Laptop, LCD, Speaker

3. Sumber Pembelajaran : LKS “Bahasa Inggris” dan Internet





H. Kegiatan Pembelajaran / Langkah-langkah Pembelajaran

a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 menit)

1. Salam dan doa

2. Guru mengecek kesiapan siswa belajar baik secara fisik maupun


3. Memberikan apersepsi berupa pertanyaan sesuai dengan manfaat

pembelajaran ungkapan menyatakan dan menanyakan kemampuan

dalam kehidupan sehari-hari

4. Menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai

5. Menyampaikan garis besar materi dan penjelasan tentang kegiatan yang

akan dilakukan

6. Guru membentuk kelompok dalam rombel yang heterogen terdiri dari

laki-laki perempuan,siswa dengan prestasi tinggi dan rendah.

b. Kegiatan Inti (60 menit)


Siswa mengamati beberapa gambar yang berhubungan dengan topic

Siswa diberi contoh/model cara membuat teks deskripsi dengan

gambar tersebut

Peserta didik menyebutkan nama bagian-bagian yang ada di dalam


Guru mengajak siswa untuk mengamati bagian-bagian yang ada di

dalam pada gambar.

Guru memperkenalkan Adjective atau kata sifat (beautiful, tall, small,

big, etc)


My cat is a beautiful cat I have.

She has a peach fuzz.


Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa mempertanyakan antara lain

perbedaan antar berbagai ungkapan menyatakan dan menanyakan

deskripsi orang, binatang dan benda. dalam berbagai konteks.


Guru dan siswa mendeskripsikan keadaan sekitar sesuai dengan tema.

Siswa menjawab soal pre-test yang diberikan oleh guru.

Siswa mencoba menghafal kosa kata dan mendeskripsikan gambar yang

sudah disediakan.

Guru menyiapkan materi dan sebuah gambar

Guru menjelaskan tentang topik utama berupa descriptive text.

Kemudian siswa memahami topik yang diberikan.

Guru menyuruh siswa untuk membuat sebuah kalimat dari gambar



Guru menyuruh siswa untuk membayangkan salah satu binatang yang

disukai dan melakukan indetifikasi terhadap bagian-bagian yang

dimiliki oleh hewan tersebut.

Siswa kemudian diminta untuk membuat deskripsi sederhana dari

hewan yang disukai dan menyebutkan bagian-bagian yang dimilikinya

secara tertulis.


Siswa diminta untuk mengumpulkan hasil deskripsinya dihadapan guru.

Guru memberikan reward kepada keberhasilan siswa.

Guru memberikan post-test untuk siswa.

c. Kegiatan Penutup (10 menit)

Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa membuat rangkuman/simpulan


Siswa dan guru melakukan refleksi pembelajaran.

Guru dan siswa (pada siswa lain) memberikan umpan balik terhadap

proses pembelajaran.

Guru memberikan kegiatan tindak lanjut berupa penugasan.

Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada pertemuan berikutnya.

Guru menutup pembelajaran dengan salam.

I. Penilaian Hasil Pembelajaran

Rubrik Penilaian (Writing Competence)

Aspect Score Performance Description Weighting




5 The topic is complete and clear and the

details are relating to the topic 3 X

4 The topic is complete and clear but the

- Topic

- Details

details are almost relating to the topic

3 The topic is complete and clear and the

details are not relating to the topic

2 The topic is not clear and the details are not

relating to the topic




- Identification

- Description

5 Identification is complete and description are

arranged with proper connectives

2 X

4 Identification is almost complete and

description are arranged with almost proper


3 Identification is not complete and description

are arranged with few misuse of connectives

2 Identification is not complete and description

are arranged with misuse of connectives




- Use present


- Agreement

5 Very few grammatical or agreement


2 X

4 Few grammatical or agreement inaccuracies

but not affect on meaning

3 Numerous grammatical or agreement


2 Frequent grammatical or agreement





5 Effective choice of words and word forms

2,5 X

4 Few misuse of vocabularies, word forms, but

not change the meaning

3 Limited range confusing words and word


2 Very poor knowledge of words, word forms,

and not understandable




- Spelling

- Punctuation

- Capitalization

5 It uses correct spelling, punctuation, and


0,5 X

4 It has occasional errors of spelling,

punctuation, and capitalization

3 It has frequent errors of spelling,

punctuation, and capitalization

2 It is dominated by errors of spelling,

punctuation, and capitalization

( )

Purworejo, 20 Juni 2016


Guru Mata Pelajaran Peneliti

Sujanwo Budi Susilo, S.Pd Umu Kulsum

NIP.196510221994031002 NIM. 122120067

Disetujui oleh,

Kepala Sekolah

Drs. Sudarno

NIP. 19580318 198303 1 001

LAMPIRAN 1 : Materi Ajar

Descriptive Text

1. The Definition and Purpose of Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its

purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.

2. The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

Descriptive text has structure as below:

Identification; identifying the phenomenon to be described.

Description; describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities, or/and


3. The Language Feature of Descriptive Text

Using attributive and identifying process.

Using adjective and classifiers in nominal group.

Using simple present tense

4. Characteristics of a descriptive text

The communicative purpose of descriptive text is to describe a person

(usually the appearance of person), thing, place, an animal, plant etc. This text

highlights the object, it can be mentioned as the participant (person,

something, a place, an animal, a plant, etc) specifically. It conveys a lot of

information of the participant.

5. Examples and structures of the text

My Cat

My cat is the only pet I have. He has a little hair but is not totally hairless as

he has a peach fuzz over much of his body. His coat is often a warm chamois. My

cat has a normal cat proportion.

I like his tail although my mom say that it is like a rats tail. I love his usual

color varieties including, tortoiseshell, chocolate, black, blue, lilac etc. he is really

an amazing cat. Believe or not, he is very intelligent cat. He can respond my voice


He is really funny as well as my friends get a joke. I love him so much as I

love my mother.

Activity 1

Make a descriptive text, choose one of them based on your knowledge!

a. Person

b. Animals

c. Place

Activity 2

Look at the pictures below and write a descriptive text!

Instrument of Pre-Test

Name :

Class :

Make a descriptive text, choose one of them based on your knowledge!

a. Person

b. Animals

c. Place












Instrument of Post-Test

Name :

Class :

Look at the pictures below and write a descriptive text!














The Result Score of Pre-test and Post-test

Name Pre-Test Post-Test

Aditya Dwi Hermansyah 70 64

Andy Tri Cahya Ramadhana 68 74

Angga Saputra 60 71

Anis Triyana 55 64

Annisa Dian Mawarni 63 86

Dina Rosita Anggraeni 87 76

Eko Misyono 55 66

Fatayathul Latipah 55 95

Fitria Rahma Rinati 65 78

Indahlia Nurul Jannah 55 80

Isnaini 66 64

Lusi Fajarwati 63 69

Mahardika Dinda Setyawan 63 78

Maulana Eko Putro 55 89

Maulana Sidiq 56 73

Maulida Ustariyah 62 78

Maya Daniada 66 72

Muhammad Musyafa Ali 63 64

Niatik 55 66

Nur Wahid 63 75

Nurul Muarifah 66 68

Nurul Muarifah 86 71

Rachmad Nur Affandi 55 64

Salma Nibras Gitaratri 67 83

Tri Yana Khoirunnisa 69 91

Winahyu Putri Radhite 55 76

Wresthi Wahyu Saputri 66 80

Kartika Sekar Jingga 55 80

Mean 58.80 69.83

Median 63 74.5

Modus 55 64

SD 8.40 8.69

Max 87 95

Min 55 64

Varians 70.59 75.49

Descriptive Analysis Using SPSS