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The Dark Matter with similar characteristics to the Water Crystals.

Author; Rogelio perez casadiego

This article makes an association of the dark matter with crystals of water, which have similar characteristics, such as invisibility, the lens effect and the anisotropy in the universe, in addition to presenting some similarities between the way that it verified the theory of the relativity by an eclipse, with the atmosphere of for way, and optical effect produced by the water crystals in the atmosphere, which show that the optical effect that present water crystals, and its possible association with the gravitational lens effect with which we are familiar with the dark matter, could not be a coincidence of nature, but a double explanation of the same optical effect produced by the water crystals.


Dark matter, water crystals,


This theory presents an association to one of the biggest mysteries of the universe known as the dark matter and the water crystals. In 1933 Fritz by Zwicky was the first to suggest the presence of invisible matter in the galaxies, following their observations in the Mount Wilson Observatory seven of them in the Coma cluster, but hardly convince his colleagues about the importance of his discovery, which will be forgotten by almost forty yearsi.

Dark Matter: this is the name that has been designated to everything that astronomers cannot see or detect directly, but that becomes evident through its gravitational pull on other celestial bodiesii.

In astrophysics and cosmology physics is called dark matter to the hypothetical matter that does not emit enough electromagnetic radiation to be detected with current technical means, but whose existence can be deduced from the gravitational effects it causes in visible matter, such as the stars or galaxies, as well as in the anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background present in the universeiii. 

There are also some ideas about what dark matter could be, called, Wimps and Axions, first there are several experiments without being able to find them, and the second (axions) the theory that predicts the existence of this particle in practice is not met. “The Dirac-mass chaos eventually destroys the exotic surface state,”magnetic monopoles or of axions.iv

But it was Einstein who introduced his general theory of relativity in the year 1915. Describes how any object with mass generates gravity,and the gravitational field cause a curvature of space-time. In a similar way, also the light of distant stars should be deflected by the sun. And the May 29 1919 the astronomer Sir Arthur Eddington decided to carry out expeditions to Brazil and Africa to observe the total eclipse, which dramatically confirmed the general theory of relativity of Albert Einstein. Two British expeditions observed, during a solar eclipse, that the gravity of the Sun bends the light of the stars that are behind, as Einstein predicted. For this reason they appear to be displaced in the skyv.

And although the day of the eclipse, thick clouds they covered the sky on Prince, that only a few minutes before the celestial spectacle liberated the sight to the Sun, in the end the target is achievedvi.

"This first practical confirmation of the General theory of relativity caused waves of shock in scientific elestablishment", said Pedro Ferreira of the University of Oxford.

This effect, called a gravitational lens, became one of our most powerful tools for the study of the universe, stressed Richard Massey at the University of Edinburgh, member of the expedition of Ferreiravii.


But when Sir Arthur Eddington presented their results, only one more person, apart from Eddington, saw all the photos. This person was C. L. Poorviii,

Here are a couple quotes from summary of Poor: "The mathematical formula, with which Einstein calculated the deflection of the sun's ray’s interns on the edge of the sun, is a well-known formula of opticsix".

"None of the main concepts of variety of time, or curved space time, simultaneity or the relativity of motion are not in any way related to the suggestions of Einstein of the bending of light"

"Many expeditions related to solar eclipses were put in a dummy range. Their results can neither break down nor confirm the theory of relativity”.

What are the crystals? Comes from the Greek word krystallos. Initially the name was coming of "kryos" that means cold,, alluding to the formation of the ice from water. Later the name change in connotation referring rather to the transparency, by what the Greeks gave the name "krystallos" quartz, initially believing that it was a variety of ice that is not licuaba to ambient temperaturex.

The crystals are formed in the atmosphere, when the hot air that contains water vapor rises. The temperature of the atmosphere decreases an average of 0.6 °C per 100 m. Upon arrival in colder areas the water vapor condenses to form clouds (of water droplets or ice crystals)xi.

Halos can be seen all the year round from the tropics to the poles. Ice crystals in cirrus clouds produce them. The clouds are 3 - 6 miles (5 to 10 km) high and are always cold regardless of their location. Halos are the collective glints of millions of crystals. Regardless of their overall proportions, all ice crystals have identical interfacial angles.  It is this constancy which gives regular and predictable halosxii.

Why are the crystal angles always the same? The constancy comes from a deeper order at a molecular scale. In ice, individual water molecules are linked together

and arranged in a regular lattice. This submicroscopic order and symmetry gives us the halo forms and symmetries of the skiesxiii

A material is a crystal if you have essentially a diffraction pattern sharp. The word essentially means that the greater part of the intensity of the diffraction is concentrated in relatively sharp Bragg peaks, in addition to the always-present the diffuse scattering. In all cases, the positions of the diffraction peaks can be expressed by;

Here and h are the vectors of the basis of the network and integer reciprocal coefficients, respectively, and the number n is the minimum to the positions of the peaks can be describe with integer coefficient hxiv.

The crystalline state of matter is the higher-order, that is, the one where the internal correlations are greater and greater range of distances. And this is reflected in their properties that are anisotropicas and discontinuous. Tend to appear as pure entities, homogeneous and with defined geometric shapes (habits) when they are well trainedxv.

The crystals are distinguished from amorphous solids, not only by its regular geometry, but also by the anisotropy of their properties (they are not the same in all directions) and by the existence of elements of symmetryxvi.

The behavior of light in a crystal is primarily controlled by the crystal structure. In this sense the most important property of a crystal is the refractive index (n), which is determined with respect to the air. 

The refractive index of the air (Vv/V) to the pressure level of the sea is 1.00029 indicating that the speed of light in air is weakly less than its speed in a vacuum. Normally this value is set equal to 1 and all of the values of indices of refraction of the crystals will be higher than this value as the light diminishes its speed when entering them. Most of the mineral crystals have refractive indices between 1.32 and 2.40xvii.

The relationship between the incident Ray and the refracted Ray paths were determined by Snell's law (1621): being ni and nr the indices of refraction of each medium and sen i and sen r sinuses of the angles of incidence and refraction with the normal.

As well, the trajectory of light during this process of refraction caused by change of means (e.g. , air/crystal) is determined by the Law of Snell, with ni = 1 (air): nr = sen i / sen rxviii.

The crystals can also be studied by x-ray diffraction; x-ray diffraction is the physical phenomenon which manifests the fundamental interaction of the x-ray radiation with crystals (the orderly matter). However, to be able to describe the phenomenon, it is recommended that you previously some physical models that, like all the models, they do not explain fully the reality, they are an idealization of the same, but we serve to understand the phenomenonxix.

According to quantum mechanics, a material will be transparent to certain wavelength when in his scheme of energy levels there is no difference of energy that corresponds to that wavelength. Well, the air and the glass is transparent, because in their schemes of energy levels (or bands of energy, respectively) there is no difference in energy of the order of the visible lightxx.

What is the anisotropy? (Opposite of isotropy) is the general property of matter according to which qualities as: elasticity, temperature, conductivity, speed of propagation of the light, etc., vary depending on the direction in which they are examined. Something anisotropic may present different characteristics depending on the direction. The anisotropy of the material is most pronounced in the crystalline solids, due to its atomic structure and molecular regularxxi.

In a more general sense, refers to anisotropy when there is any change of scale of a figure or a body, as in a graph x - and with different factors (or depending on a function) in each coordinate.

The business of mapmaking is complicated when the stuff being mapped is invisible and millions of light years away. To spot dark matter, astrophysicists must pick out distortions - caused by dark matter's gravitational "lensing" of passing light - within very accurate images.

The distortions are much smaller than the warping of light by our own atmosphere, and even the irregularities added by the telescope itself. So those quantities first have to be subtracted.

"Most of the hard work goes into trying to remove those effects, to be able to uncover the gravitational lensing effect underneath,"Prof Bridle saidxxii.

Materials and methods

The method to perform this research was the method analytical and synthetic, because the method of scientific evolution should be mixed, both for the discovery to science instruction, which is we use two species of method


1. The name of dark matter is the name that has been designated to everything that astronomers cannot see or detect directly because it does not emit enough electromagnetic radiation to be detected with current technical means.

The behavior of light in a crystal is primarily controlled by the crystal structure, and the main feature of the crystals is its low refractive index of light, which in the

ground is between 1.32 and 2.40. But in the vacuum of space this level decreases making them invisible to telescopes on Earth and almost invisible to the located in the space, and that you have to add the great distances of space.

2. The feature of the dark matter and what they can know the scientists that exists is from the gravitational effects it causes in visible matter, and its main effect qualified of gravitational lens is the best way of the study of dark matter.


But the water crystals can also mimic this effect and an example was a natural phenomenon produced in Taiwan;


3. Another way to infer the existence of dark matter also we can see in the anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background present in the universe.

The crystalline state of matter is the higher-order, that is, the one where the internal correlations are greater and greater range of distances. And this is reflected in their properties that are anisotropicas and discontinuous.

For this reason, the anisotropy of the material is most pronounced in the crystalline solids, due to its atomic structure and molecular regular.

4. The General Theory of the Relativity of Albert Einstein. It was verified by Two British expeditions that they observed, during a solar eclipse with the atmosphere of for way, that the gravity of the Sun curving the light of stars who were behind, as predicted by Einstein. For this reason, they seem to be displaced in the firmament.

Water crystals are formed in the atmosphere, when the hot air that contains water vapor rises. The temperature of the atmosphere decreases an average of 0.6 °C per 100 m. Upon arrival in colder areas the water vapor condenses to form clouds (of water droplets or ice crystals).The which diffract the light, producing the optical phenomena similar to those of the gravity of the theory of the relativity.

5. According to Dr. C. L. Poor, "The mathematical formula which Einstein calculated the deflection of the sun's rays interns on the edge of the sun, it is a well-known formula of optics".

The retractions of the light by the crystals cause optical effects, which are studied by the mathematical formulas of the optics.


As conclusion we can say that the known characteristics of dark matter as they are; invisibility to the technical means used by scientists, the effect of gravitational lens that presents and anisotropy in the cosmic background microwave of the universe, all are reproduced perfectly in the natural characteristics of the water crystals, also the measurements to verify the effects of light by gravity, Themselves the way in which measurements were made that verified the effects of light by gravity, taking water crystals in the atmosphere, producing the same effects, and the mathematical formula of optical phenomena with which gravity data were processed, takes us to the final conclusion that the relationship of the dark matter with water crystals, are not a coincidence of nature, but a double explanation of the same optical effect produced by the water crystals.


i Организират конференция, посветена на родения във Варна астроном Фриц Цвики» (en bulgarian). Днес+. 13-02-2008. Poor, 1930; Brown, 1967.

xiii de Snellxviii de Snellxix