Download - The Cybernetic Rift of the Dead Meets Psymposia



A starting point: Big Sur, California

What is the Esalen Institute?

A community of practice. A place of pilgrimage. An integral learning environment devoted to pioneering deep change in self and society; in heart, spirit, and bodymind. Esalen is where seekers serve seekers, and where the veil between what is actual and what is possible is as thin as mist.

What is the Esalen Institute?

From 1962 to 2015,

Not another retreat center but ...

"The epicenter of what was once called the human potential

movement."Wilder, 2013,5.

The Human Potential Movement

What we’re doing now is seeing how education allows us to move toward more joy, more reality, more connectedness, more accomplishment and more opportunities for people to grow."

Virginia Satir, 2011 (1964).

J.C LillyS. BrandG. BatesonS. GrofF. VarelaA.MaslowA. HuxleyT. LearyT. McKennaR. SheldrakeH. Von FoersterV. SatirR. AbrahamEtc ...

HPM, Behind the scenes

Cybernetics + Psychedelics + Oriental philosophy =

Shintaro Kago

“Like a computer, if a human being has a bad file-system format, a bad operating system (Culture), and bad software programs (erroneous and dogmatic beliefs), their output (Behaviour) onto the screen (Life) will also be bad, and will contribute to deteriorating conditions on a mass scale.”

Mark Passio, 2014.

Human beings are programmable,

much like computers.

Inputs - Outputs

Each input counts.The quality of my

reality depends on the inputs I get, and the way I process them.

Cybernetic model

The way we process the inputs depends on the way we think

Boxes Vs Network

Esalen Heritage en brefEverything is connected. (T. De Chardin)

High importance of the experience. (W. James)Coding and Decoding. (J.C.Lilly)

Psychedelic Experience. (T. Leary, A. Huxley)The Internet. (DARPA, S.Brand)

What about now?

Human Potential Movement is has been.Now they say transhumanism.

But here we'll talk of transpersonal posthumanism.

Transpersonal PosthumanismTranspersonal Psychology + Posthumanism


When W. James Meets H.Von Foerster ...Radical empiricism meets radical constructivism

Experience, reality, consciousness and autopoïesis as key concepts

1842-1910 1911-2002

Transpersonal Psychology

Posthumanism (Discourse)

Applied to the social world

Eduardo Kac, GFP Bunny Alba, 2000

Applied to the social worldPosthumanism

Stanislav Grof's problem"One of the tolls that westerners have had to pay for rapid technological progress is profound alienation from the fundamental biological aspects of existence. This process has found its most drastic expression in relation to the basic triad of life – birth, sex and death."Grof, S, 1980, 5.

Stanislav Grof's problemis also

Our problem.

Stanislav Grof's problemis also

Our problem.

Let's free ourselves from the binary way of thinking

(There is no birth, no death, but an in-between state).

Let's be the experience itself.

It is not Yin and Yang.It is Yin-Yang.

Consider new technologies and

spirituality side by side


Our solution

Let's be the experience itself.

Virtual Reality

«Virtual reality technologies (…) function to expand the scope of natural perception, to tap the technics at its core. »

Hansen, 2006, 4.

Our choice:

Virtual Reality

"The Rift is essentially a psychedelic experience. Like it’s the case for shrooms, weed, DMT, etc... It destroys your conception of reality for ever, and chips some bits away from your ego."Source:f Sorrow_Scavenger,

What about reactivating the ancient Manuals of Living and Dying in the Rift?

Cybernetic Rift of the Dead Project

Cybernetic Rift of the DeadFrom aesthetic thinking to metaprogramming of

the self.From metaprogramming of the self to a better

world.Immerged in a virtual environment users are invited to

get more familiar with transpersonal posthumanism core's concepts. After 39 trainings (EEG,

Breathworking, etc) users will have developed enough skills in order to metaprogram themselves.

Currently in discussion with

the Ayahuasca Foundationfor the creation of more serious games with

therapeutical usages.

Carlos Tanner

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