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Eflgliflied both in Profe

and Metre.

With AnnomionSj opening the mrdt

4ndfentences, hj conference

mth other feriptHres,

Seyifiled witfs the Spirit: /peaking fo‘jeuf

felves inP/^lms,and hyn^nes,anafpi-^

ritualSings:fmging^ making

melodic in^pouHf^hart

to the Lorfl.

Imprinted at Amllcrdara,'

By GitEs Thorp,A®, pi, I^IS,

A Preface, declaring the reafon and ufc

of this Book.Have enterprifed (Chrilb'an reader) this work, with regard ofGods honoai*,.

& comiort of his people; that his word might dwel in us richly,in al wifdorn;

and that we might teach and admonifh our felvcs, in pfalmesic hymnes andfongs fpiritiiai. This I have laboured to effect, by fetting over into our tonguethe Pfdms in metre, asagreable to the original Hebrue, as are other uliul

tranlktions ,For the better difeerning hereof,! turned them alfo into profc,

and fee thefe veiiions one by another, to be the more ealily compared* Andbecaufe the Pfalmes , have hard words and phrafes : I have added notes to ex-

playn them with brevitie; which was to me as laborious,as if I had made a larger comentarie.

TheText I fetdown in fuch maner,asl neither omit the grace oftheHebrue tongue,(w herin the*

Pfalms wer firft pened,) minding how theApoftles writing in Greek,doo chufe many Hebraifmes,

as having their weight: neyther yet ufe I fuchamcouth phrafes, as the comon reader underllands

not; having herein both rule and example in^the new Teftament, as the learned in tongues dooknow, & I occafionally manifeft in fundry annotations * For this caufe I add neceflary wordsofexplanation, which may be knowen by their different letter

;and which by warrant ofholy

feripture may be exprefred,as 1 pix>ve in the notes on Pfal. 2,7,8. & 10,10. & in many other pla-t^

ces. I differ fomewhat in phrafe from our former Engliflied Bible, not becaufe I affedf novelty,*

but in Chriftia libertie(which is not tyed to words,)I ufe what Ijudge beli,without pr^'udice toother. And this falleth out to be the more , becaufe thefe Pfalmes were not onely tranflated,

but many ofthem printed, before I could fee our late wel amended Tranilation . In pawfes^(which are more frequent here;) Iffolow the Original text: where moe are to be feen than oufingliflt can wel admit of; ferving both to fhew the fenfe, and to read with confideration*

In the Metre I ufe fomewhat more liberty,partly for playnnes fake , as putting UlOlb|S,for

m0Ut(j, PfaU49,i4. tfjdfeflfor]^fal),PfaKi37.^«andfbndry the like which in fenfeare the fame,,

and cafier for the limple: partly for neceffitie,addingfometime words,W'hich yet are inchided iathe Hebme; as to Pfal. 103 . 1,2 . wheras in the profe,I ufe onelv btf but the

feripture proveth to be included in our blcfPnG ofGod,for whe one Evangelilf fayth fjC

Irl^eb, Math.2^,1^. another faythgegabc tfjanbjS ,Luk. 22, 19. The like I doo in many other

cpithites, taken from the force ofthe Hebme word, as the skilful in that tongue know; and thenotes hereafter naanifefl.The name ofGod,*3ffrobt^ (or keep in the profe alwayeSj

as I find it written; becaufe ofthe force therof, lliewed in the note on Pfal.83 . 19 . and to diffin-

guilb it from which we Englifli^OJb: but in the veife, 1 am forced fomtirae to con-tradit into (which is alfo the feripture name, Pfal.<58,j.) fometimel tiirnit as

the new Teftament exprefteth it : and fomrime 1 add the word etcttldl, as the French Verfion

tumeth it , and the Hebnre 31^JobaB implieth *

The Verfe is much of that meafure which we had before , but becaufe many pfalmes ,(as the

119, and other) foil our better in a long^verfe often fyllables , which without too much adding;

ordetnr^ngleould notwelchange ;I have therforefofetthem. And becaufe it is our man-

ner to have the verfes anfwer ech other with like founds at the end,I alfo keep the fame, withoutIfiolating

( as I truft ) the text: neythens it to be condemned, feeing our language fo ufeth, as

alfo the Hebrue in fome Pfalmes^beginneth verfes with an order of letters AlphaSetwife , as in

Pfal. 25:, & 34. & 37. & 111.& it2. & ri9* 14^. Yet rather than I would ftray from the text,

rftreyii now and then,with the rules ofour Englilh poefie in thejuft ending alike of both verfes,

&fomtimc in the quatitie of a fyllable;which in a work of this fort,I truft al lincere minded wiFfbigive. Tunes for the Pf^mes , I find none fet ofGod : fo that ech people is to ufe the moftgrave,decent,and comfortable manner of finging that they Know,according to the general rule,

r.Cor.i4,2<^.4o. The finging notes therfore I have moft taken fro our former Engliflied pfalms,

when they wil fit the meuu*e of the verfe : and for the other long verfes, I have alfo taken (fo:

the moft part) the graveft and eafiejj tunes of the French aud Dutch pfalmes.

The Annotations, are partly to open the Hebrue words and phrafes; partly to fiiew the mea-

;hc eext^ whew I find it opened by other feriptures : for otherwife I chofe rather to


, The Preface to the^eadcrsaicnt, Afld herein conference of the new Tettament with the oWy glveth much light-to manj- !

»ytteries, as may be feen in the z. the the ii.the 40. the ^8, the 1 10. and many other pfalmes.;

Among the tranllations which I have compared, 1 much refpe6t the Greek work of the Lxx* *

interpreters, which beingabroad before the ApolUes tinges, they much folewed, even where it .

varied from the Hebrue in words,but no t in meaning: as 5tngel^,Heb.z* 7 . for Pf*8,^. abobp tIjouOaPfttteb tome, .10. for, uitne ear^ tljougaflojemb, Pf.40,7. and fundry

th • like» Hereupon it is , that! fo often folow and mention the Greek. Yet bind I not my fe^

JaI.yayes‘to'their.veHionifin4iogthem often to rniliake things, feme ofwhich the holy Ghoft

'S corredleth : as Mat. ^ . ly. Out of-igypt I called it^ fortj which the Lxx, had turned


tb^en>Hof. 11,1. And where they tranlIated,;©eatljfP|et)apUng6atft (toaUobJfbup, !fa.25,»\

the Apoftle amendeth it,;^eat|) fUJaUoVueD Up in wCtopei(0| for ever,) i . Cor. 1^,54. wheretheyhad weakned the text, Exod. 9,1 eJ. turning it, t{)OU j)a(t httw feept alive until ItoUl} hefisore fully exprefleth it,3 fiaUe taifcb t]^ce Up-, Rom.9 .i7 * Wifdom therfore would not have us

to folow them in al things, but to weigh the force ofthe original Hebrue. The CftalbCC pata«

plipfc being made by ancient lewes neer the ApolUes time,l ibmtime allege for the meaning ofIbme places. Some ofthe annotations are fpecially for them that havejudgment in the Hebruetongue, the proprieties wherofthey explayn : others are for more general ufe of al, that wil tak®

. payns to compare the feripeures. The ^abUin the end, is to help the reader to find rea-

dily the places where words are once opened : as <5ob,Ho^b,and man)r other whichar often iifed, and but once explayned, the table direbleth to Pf. 83. 19. Pf. 3. j.Pf.x.4. wherein the annotations on thofe places, the explanations ar found. By this alfo the reader may fee

the reafon offome words added in the metre, which els might feem ftrange;

as wher I fay 4^O^b^llip (fapeiS, Pf. 7 3 . io . when in the profe it is but4^ llo^b; ifhe look the place where this

word “J^^b is opened, Pf. 2.4. he fbal find the Hebrue to ligmty mp (fapfSl, or ^wfrcpilcrjSVwhich cheifore for the verfe fake I fometime annexe. Now to Ipeak a word oflinging

in general. The feripture fheweth us two forts of pfalmes, Firll fuch as were written by the Pro-phets, (and fpecially l!)avid-,) to be left unto the church as a part ofthe Canonical word ofGod«luk. 14. 44- Secondly fuch as were uttered by voice in the alTemblies, and not written, but

ferved for the prefenc ufe ofthe church, as other gifts of dodfrine, interpretation &c, 1 . Cor.14.16. The firft fort being G ods infallible word, were fung in his Church,with harmonieofvoices, and the other Icripturcs were read, I. Chron. 1^.7. 8 . 2. Chron. 29,iy. 17. ^o. Adt.

ly. 21, The later fort being bat ihferiour gifts, were fung by him that had them,andjudgedofby thofe that heai*d j even as dodfrines*, interpretations and other like gifts,i .Cor.j4.i<^.2y.32«

Pfalms ofholy feripture, are perpetually to be fung in the church. For God hath given his

word, partly in profe, to be read:partly in metre to be fung Luk, 4, 2 Sam. 23,1,2. Colof.j,

i5, 2 Chron. 29,zy,27,30. Pfal. 98, 1,4. &c. o God hathjgiven men the facultic not onely of

fpeaking^butoffinging : andal tha t is in us^j^s to to the fawding ofGod, and edifying

pfhjs ^Mrch7P^3^3 3 i i And although pfalterleiS) and other inllrur-

iTienfs were ufed in Ifrael with the fong , Pfal.i yo.3,4,y. z Chron,29,2y,26,27, yet dooch not the

ccaling of that mufik, abolifh the linging ofpfalms with melodic in our harts :any more than theceafing ofincenfe, which was burned with prayer, dooth abolilh now prayer out ofthe church.Pfal. 141,2.* Luk, 1,10. But great ufe and benefit there lhalbe alway oflinging pfalmes; as

The celebrating ofGod,his name,& works,Exo.iy,i. Pf.9^aia3,43 & 14731# The teaching, in-

drudtingjComforting ofour felves,Pf.3 2,1,8,8c 7 8, 1,2. Coiof. 3,16, The alaying of our inordi-

nate pafiioris,anger,greif,care &c. Pf. 773^.7. 1 Kirig.3 . 13,i4,iy. Styrring up of good afifedtions

in us;joy,c6fort,tervencie in the fpirit,&c.2,Sa.<j, 1 y,i6.Pf.42.X2.&y7,8,9,io.Faciiitie&eafe for

us to learn the law ofGod with more delight, Pfal,49.2,3. &c, & 78,2,3 ,8cc. Deut.3 1,193X^,30.with other like comfortable ufes, as the godly doo feel in themfelves.

To help therfore the faindls,in the cofortable vfe of this exercife; have I imployed my ftrength

in this work: Scfhal think itwd befiowed,if it may ferv toGods gloiy8cthe benefit ofhis peopU^



BlefTcd is the man


that dooth not walk,

'in thecounfdof the

Iwicked; nor ftand in

the way of fynners:

nor fit, in the feat of

'the fcornful.

But, his delight, in the*law of Ichovah : and in his law

dooth meditate, day and night.

j. And he ihalbe , as a tree,

planted by brooks of waters;

which ihal- give his fruit,in his

time; and his leaf (hall not fade:

and whatfoever he-(hal-doo,(hall



, ,

4. Not fo,the wicked : but as

the chaff, which the wind driveth


5 . Therfore, the wicked (hal not

ftand upjinthe/odgemenc : and

fynners * in the af&mbly of the


For lejjovah knoweth ,the

way of the juft: and the way, of

the wicked ftial-peri(h.

Pfalm. T.‘

pkj[ed nffm^that dooth not in the )^ick^ds com*

fd Walk^: norfiandmfynners ay I norfit in feat of


fcornfuU{o\k.z,Bht fetteth in lehovahs law,his flea-

JiireJul delight ; and in his law dooih meditate,' by day


4mdel{tby nights

^nd hefhdbe ,Itke^as a tree^

by water brooks planted;

Whtchifj his time,fnallgive hisfruit


hU leafekefhalnotfade;

md \^hatJo€ver he fisall doo ,

it profiprouflyJhal thrive,

4, Notfi^e Wkksd: but as chaf^which \^ind away-^dooth^-drivcm

/.Therefire,the Wickedfljalnot in

the sudgemerit ftand-upnghti

and in th'afjemblie ofthe iufi,

not anyfipjfiil^wight,

6 , For yofi the iufi, fehovah he

,acf^iowledgeth the Ws^i

andWay, of the vngracioHS

Jhal Htterly-^dec(^,


Wttt t* O Blefled] 0| Q hap]^, OJ Welfares the man.^ lOpful actlamatioit fd^tije man^lotlfare anh faicttic^J/ajs going-^gh^fo^ward, aidj fo ftahtng goch fucreffe^ Contrarp fierce • •

tettoijtWoe, o;t Alas: Ecclef. 10 . k^. f7.Luk.^.io.z4. iBOtb Aftireim tge l^ebiue/isS

ciPSUeila {0 an otj^t afcttbo i d

2 Pfalm. I.

# l3Ct!)h5 (©obm;bmctt,Pr. n^. ij.i 8 .tI)ef6tran’\i3Tjerte!^,cmfedjPral.57 .ii# <fotfinoci«T uaik] mi, hath not walked. 23iit tl}c time pajl,aui) time tti frmc^ave tn tftVi>clinte cftm\)fct>

fo? to f tommtti nctiou0:Walking fi^^nifietl) o\:t^ conveiiatio.botlj toitr!!)ia^i fait!) miijII^. I. Gen. f. 14- CCniparct* lUU!) Heb. II. 5. 6, z.Pct, z, lo.Tud. II. v.^alk

in the counfei £1' eptStC tO DOC tljep aiJDifc fugacft.aji OtD rvf)a5jal| i.Chroft.z2*

5 : 4 . T .0? bp nnifatio to boo liTie otJiei 3^ bcfo>eui0 bib3;fvaci uic.6 ,i6. Xmt in rbcip refyett,tjjr coiiniel of the wicked ffiOllbb br fart from lob. ii. & Z2. i8.

Wicked] tjjiati£i,vngodly;fo o^r €n^J'ilT)mo^bm:anctb/bciacmabc oftfjCcIbtDanini

drftf•0^ bJCmap cal tljcm accojbing to tftC O^ .^tnall / RetUes, turbulent, unjuil, ungra-*

^ _ Clous. l^cbiUe rafliangh ^(iijmfirtg rdHdnes,miib Oyp0^’; b tO quietnes^Iob. 54 . zf7 •

^iich men aft luitbout peace in tbcmielbe^/ aub fceii to bijlurb anb molcfr Pro. 4 .

liihcneb tlicrfoic to tftc rac?.iu$i: fca/ ifa. 57 . io . z i . bccmife foj tl;cir cbil beeb^ t|^ep

at often bit5iiof>tfD^tbbjubp,cment/ anbcoubcmiicb: tbcrfojcio tT)i0 name gibento con-•demned yerfon'biPiai . lo^ . 7 . lob . 27 . 7 . !^b ab to make )uR, or to acquit cr abfuUbl iubgementi Plal. 82.3, fo/ to make OJ pronounce wicked, i^ to condemn^ Pfal .37.33. & .

y . ,

2,1. Dent. ir. I. Way] track, Outrode. ^f)i5 tOOlbaIfofi!3Uifietb anp akg’on,dodrine,marv-tiers, adions, adminillxatic'% O^courfe oflife. Pfal. 7. y. & zf. 4. & 8^^. u. Act 18. 25'. 16. 3ciz,

4.2.Pet.z.z. ij.zi. fyafic*s] 01‘ mil'doers, erroneous, enormous. •€rf)0n^5 ti)Cr ij^ nC ma“iUdn )uPonfart||/tI)atbootf)!Ciooba«bfpnnetbnct:Eccle.7. i2.pct fucgarufuanpcalebfynners,

' £1^ be giben to bic?/ anb babe tge courfe of tbeir life/ ebit Gen. 13 .13 . i . ham . u . 1 8 . pfal . z

?.& I04.3^^.Mac. 2^.4s.Liik.7.37. lohn.^. i^^.3i. fjn tljloi rcfpcct / t()cp tfiat at bojn bf<5ob/arfapb/ notto fynj I. John. 3.9. anb ^obmouoppofetfl tj)efynn'ertotf)egood man^Ecclc.^.z. ^ec tIjenoteonPlal. 4. ^ norfitin the feat], cj/ and hath not fitcen&c.

T <irohttbtO abide, continue, dwef, Pfal. 2,4. &ioi.^. 7. & 132. i4* tO compan}^, anb have

urf» ^^^*^^li^ntyU:i'0anp;Pfal.2^r.4.5. !^btl)co^gtiialrao{habf|cte€n6liff|cbf^^^^^ tdbiberflpilfcb, aj3/f0^a feat ejehayrtofit On/ i. Sam. 20. zf. lob. 29. 7. (ml^JltOtetft autft02itiej)f0l^^^time / an habita rion 0^ dw'ellingj Pfal.107.4.7.&132.13. fometilttC au affife, Teifioaj 0^ ai^lemblie ;Pfal.T07.32. !^ub fo map it Jece be tabeu/fo^ tllCaiTemblie ofthefcoraful.

The fcornful.] Prowd-rhetorical-mockers : Lofels. VUOtb imp0^t£tj| pride; a^^/tfi^

llorbffornctift tbefcomers^Prov. 3.34. tbatlb/refl(h:tlJ t(jcprowd;Iara. 4, 5. iJ^et.r.j.SCimplietfi alfo clcqumce / ofteubfebinmocfeiS^iob. 16. 20.

z.Hath his delight] o^his pleafureid. law] o^dodlrine. ^CCt^C nOtClehqvali] 0itheLordia’ti :iK<5iceb/anbtl)cnfU5'5rcrtamcntbfualIpcppiTffctr;tt. Clje 0peniilg oftl)ld name / fee on Pfal. 83.19. dooth-meditate ] CJ Ihal meditate :t}iat 10, ufually


meditateth. ^;E:(ndbJoibimjciit:tb/ ftubtc anb eretcife of tbcmmb/tufticbofteiiburftetSmit into boicc. gt iss nfeb fei mufmg fn tbc minb o? kiart/ Prov.14 .2. iia. 33 . ib . fo| muttennj*

teitl) tfK niDutb/ tbatlubiri)tbe{)artmmbetfj/ Pfal. 2. i.&37.3o-P^‘ov.8.7.iia.s9.3-butC|-I,j;Irith a lorn imperfect boicc; Ifa. 8.19*. day and night] oi ,

by day and bp night tjjat i ,5

" ^ contituially. 30erf* 3 Brooks ) 02, becks, riv ere ts : ht


iCJfbpie Caleb Plagim, tlb^ati^ divifions partitions; being litlc preme.b becfocb/eptficc

from a great libcr/ aiS Pfal. 4^^. ^ oj from a mdl c^fountapu/ aji Prov. s. o? fromemp o?

tftcr ficab/ lob. 29 . t?. S\n bot coimtrteb tbcp ufc to plant gai bmiE^/ neer mclfpringjS of Uiai^

ter; from mbieft tge biifbanbman bcrib tb nianp litlc becbiS oj vibercto/ to run on tfje roetj^

oftlietrccj^frtin aremi Uifteibn tl)ep annetftneb anbmabc fruitfu!!. ^ccEzek. 31.3.4.

yjo Ecclef. 2 . t;. ‘^CCO^bing to t\0/ ^€f)rip 1^^ Caleb tlje fountay rz of the gardens, tfiat ib / Cf tftc

’ tbmTbeb/Song.4.u.itlfomTer. i7'8.tbcsoblpmani3Slibene!!toatrecpitintctjbpmatcrd/

mfticb tbniflrtfj out bib rcotb bp tfte vxbcr/ anb feelctb net mben tfic bceit cometb/ anb ra^*

ijvjrctbnot fo2 tfte pear ofbrought/ not ceafetb from mahing ( oz neftbiug ) fujtt. m lus”

• time] tljatiOindue tyme oifeafon.foPfal. 104.2-^. & uT. i 7 . Levit. 2^. 4. wkar-

foeverhelhaldoojo^al, tliatit ihal make; o;yejJ.d:mca;;{rifirbcrreC/ tjcitfciublouccfftl’c


Pfalm. lit . jr

Itliin. fGl Cl tree IiS fnpb tn fruit, Vafjm it bc.^reth OJ ycildcth ft* I er. t? . S. ^0 fll Mat


-8. lo, \jal)crenrcn arc trees , tl)ctr fruits ,ru!ucl) tftep make Ojyeild. Shall pi

fper ] 0^ thrive : h\\t^ fo ht ofgood ufe .‘^uD i^ tn a tvcc / UJijcn tljc friut id fci mcatiaabld)C leaf/ fo^ mibifiue3 £zek. 47 . . Thejulf mans fruit, t^$ ti)c fruit of the tree ot life. Prov,


4. driveth it a\va\ ] 0^ toffeth away*. Confriate loh . 11.18. Pfal. Hof. 13.3. ^iwo’ti/ it. Is at)Dcb fo^ sdinucucp fal:c/anb uiap be omitteb in our encbffVa?:^ it ib fenuime

in tt)c bruc; i . chro . 1 8.3 . fontparcb ijauf) 1 . King . 1 6


.pet furI) maraicr. of fpeerlje^i tfle

43frTk alio in tl)c nelu c cllaiumt/ rfctlji Rev .1.^.9.

%, Itand-up] 0^ rife up : confilt: Icand-fure : oppofeb tO bending OZ falling down Pfal. 18. 3^


^ 10,9. t^ob ib i)c t|)at vifctljup to jubgeinent/pral. 10. anbmen bco^Rand cjfaltl>crin/’ -y

UJrprn tficn ar iu^lficb 0^ COllbannCb.See Mat. 1 1 .41 .Rev


6 . and fynners: ] tO bOCCt/ ibal

not Rand up. Cpc foznicr benial/ not, is agapn to be bnbai^eeb: as in Pfal. 9.19,

knoweth] o;i acknowiedgeth. 'S^ijtOlubzb alfo impOJtCif) regard aub care of- aS/ t^C V *1


jujtman knoweth, (tl)titiS/ regardeth )i)is beans life: Prov. 12. 10. jclob. p. 21. i.Thef. s-*

!2tlfo to approve, 01 alloWi aS Piai. 101 . 4 . Korn. 7 . . i . lohn. 3.2. if’nb aS <i&ObSj^nowledge

of ips/implietl)t^r eledtion 32 . Tim. 2 . ip-. fo I)iS not knowing of tl)C loifbcb / implictfj ti)f ir 1 3 ji

re;e(Sion: Mat. if . 12. & 7. ^ 3 . lhal perilh.] oi, be doon-away,decay,belort. ^0 tjjiS way of*'

the wicked, Uillirb perifheth; iS Oppofcb the good way, lul}icl} iS everlaRing ; bJflCrein ^abibb.fitCb <0Ob to lead him. Pial. 13P. 24.

PJdlm 2.

T^7Hy,doo-the hethenstu-

V V Imultuoufly-rage : &thepeoples, meditate vanitie.?

2. 1 he Kings oftheearth/et-tbe-

fclvesi & the Princes doo plot togi-

ther; againft lehovah,and againft

his Chrift*

3. Let vs break,their bands: and

caft, their cords from vs.

4. He that- fitteth in the heavens

laugheth: the Lord,mocketh at the.

/ .Then wril he- fpeak vnto them

in his anger: and in his wrath,he-wil

fuddainly-trouble them.

6. And I,hav anoynted my King;


Sing this as the 18. Pfalm.

/. \ 7\ 7 helhem rage- iHWulth*cpfJly{

\ V ^ridpeofleSyWedMeonva^itj}

Kings of the eartfs^ ihmfelves prefeming-fetl

And princesfor to plot togither-get:

, againfl fehovahygainjl his Chrifl

s ’Breaky^e^ their bands:and their coras^fro vs thro\s^l

t . He laiighethy that, in hearvens dooth refickl

the Lordyhe them death moekjngly-deride,.

r. Then in his anger fpeakjo them Will heel

and in his Wrathythem tronhle-faddaMemr, i*And ly anoynted-have my King: upon

the momtayn ofmy hofynes , Sion.

T^PWil-f the decree: fahfiydto mee^tfm arc my fen;this cLy begat thee.

Upon Sion, the mountayu ofmy ho* ty^fj^ mCyand I-Wilghe thyne heritance,


hethens: and earths ends, thyfirm-retcnancel

y.Iwiltd, the decree: Ichovah, f^Thoa^Pialt them roughly^rale With yronrodti

fayd unto me, thou /trt my Sonjl, this m Totters vejfel fcatter them abroad.

^^y begat thee, ^

^ ^zo. nAnd

S. Afkofme,and I-wil-gIvc the hethcns,/9/thineinheritance: and the ends ofihe catth;^fpr thy firm-poffeflion. g. Thou flialt-roughly-rule them,with a rodgfytoni asthe yeflel^ofa potter thou flialt>feattcr-them in peeces»

' “‘

.10, And

Pfalm. II.

10 Andnow 6 yc Kings be prudent; /a ^ndnffw^yeKinpbe^ijeihtikrtHred,

be nurtured ycjiudges of th’earth. // ye earths fudges. fehovah ferve dreadi

1 1 Serv-ye lehovah with fear; & be- /^ and toy, ^ith trembling . Ky^ the Son, leaft he

12 gladjWich trebling. KyfTe ye the be \\>ro^ ,andperijh in the '^ay dodye;

Son,leafthe-be-angrie,and ye-pc- ^^hen burn-Jlsallfhddatnly his'

rifli in the way ; when his anger dial- O blejfed ,all their hgpe in hm that place.

burnfuddainly; O bleffeial that

hope-for-fafetiein him.



^ L t Why ) Oh * ^Dabib tge \aiitct of emb bf5«nictft

T r inatbdm0attl)ei*ageaubfolIpoftlje3c\jjejSflnb4&etitilcj^, inperfexmwa €flriltanbl)tjs

C&urcftj Aa. 4 . 3 ^.&c^

,• Tuinukuoufly, rage ;] O^/hurtle togither^convene with rage and yprore^mutinoufly

io alfobfebmti^amcli^fafe/Dan.^. e?. ij. and after mPral.<?4.3.^f)c <i5|ceficphiua-xan UJfierebptl)el|olp43{)o|Uranriatct5itA(5l.4. bmoteth rage i>ziie anb ficrccnc^/

"of l)o^fe0 tgat neigh anb rufh into the battel. peopls]o^ nations :bnber thefe nmne^/

ar comp^ehenbeb the3^VueiS \Oith th^ 45cntilcsl. A6l. 4 . Z?. 18. meditate vanity.] mutter

avayno^empty thing, MMtly ftal Ijabe no effect. 2titb hi^e the^juechangeth the time

(aiS it booth berpoftett other tt»h^te/)wil-meditatc, nothio bp fuchpljrafe a continuance of

the actio,ao then that bib (lil 0? iifuallp mebitate bapn thin5}^.25iit the holp <©hoP inAa.4


M. hcepeth lihc time iytxt/at^ before; mijofe eyam^le3 foUom/acco^bing to the prop^tetp cfour tongue,^o after in thijS Pialm,onb nwnp otper.^he ^ebrnc tett it felffomtime boothstj)elihe:ai5iia.37.33.comparcbU)ithiKing.i^.33.^ec the note onPral.18.7.

31»n * ^ . Set themrelves]o^ prefent themfelves : wil Hand up, notiUfl a fetleb purpofe in the hatt/:


' Inith a panbing up in perfon/ to act tpe fame.i . chron. 1 1 . 14.

pnnees] rulers, oj pri-

. vy counfeilors, fufatile/ prubciit/ aub implopcb in mahino becreepj Prov. 8 ; i j . nejet therfoje• • in place to Kings, anb jopneb Vuith them/ ajs here/ fo in ludg. ^ . 3 . Hab. i . 10. Prov. 31.4.

.plot] confpirciO^/ ar tounded, that ideate their fouubation/ plort or grour.bUiojh lapbj a^S

lixod. 9. i8. iia.44. anb thiP^bpaffcmblinganbconfuUing/ anb id thetfc^eintcrp^t^tcb/

' tt/ngathered-togither:A(H.4.i<^. Chrili] 01 Anoynted:mIJ?brUC,Mai'hiach o^Mef/iaSjpJhuij

• ” Vno^b/ though it be general fo> tftc ancient Hsingd I anb |pieiil.d/anb ^pphetd that lucre

nopntcbluithoil: (Pfal. 89. zi. & lo^. if.ifa. 45:. i. Num. 3 3. i.King. 19. 16.) pctiditpriiv^

ripallp the name of the ^on of o3ob our fabicur/ Dan. 9 . b)ho bjad bnclun in3,frad

fapthenamcMefTias jloh. 1. 41. i)'.artbamoitfl<6rccRd/bpthe n»im:ChriH5of\uhcni

Vue tpat bclccb in hid name/ are alfo cnlcb chnihans, Aa. 1 1 . z6, bccaufeme habe an Auoyn-ting trom him thatfs holy, i. lohn. z. zo. zy. huufelf being firft anoputeb miththe ^pllit/anb UJith the oil of glabncd abobc hid fellomcdjhuk .4.18. Pfal

. 4 r . 8. him id tljibi^^alm

intetp^teb bp hid ^poPlCd/fapingfot'a tiUth,'5Lo‘lb a^amH thy holy child leius, whom thouanoyntedH, gathered were both Herod and Ponciifs Pilat, with the nations and peoples of If-

jacljto doo whatfoever thy hand & thy couniel had fore-determined to be doon. A<fl. 4 . 27 . z8*•

* 3 • their bands .] ^h^e bjcre figncd offubicction/ ler. z7 . z. 3 . t; .7 . !^inb thud the ^kiagsl

? wbnatioud fpeab/ refufing to ferb though hid poke be cafn. Mac.i i . 19 .30. ler.f .y.

/^hel^ebruephiafemo, impo^^teth then* banbd.aiib his, fpenfiing ofthe father anb the^on |Opntlp/aiib ofthe^cn in fpcfial: but he that honoureth not the Soii^honoureth not the;

father which Tent him :lohn. s'. 13 • ^0 in the berfc foflcming,/the lord mocketh at them attb

at himj meaning them aj jointlp, anb cdj febcrallp* Che URe manner offpeerh fee ifa. 53 . 8.

& 44. ly. Lam. 4, 10. Pfal. r. li. &. n. 7. &. 4^. 14. &- lob, zz. 19, Sxo. if, if.Deut,

J cords] 0^ ropes^thick twilled bauds: figned alfc Ofhbjjcttio oiU) veffrc^nO

Kalm. II. f

lob. 13, Ezek 4 , s, flnb fomttime fif lotf; Hof, 1 1, 4.

A. 4, The Lord] tn ^:bjue Adoruij in fpitvii^ tijc pccttliar tide of^o^ftabing

tiK fO?.m plural/anO b0\ueljj of lehovah : mpflicaUp ftg^.ufping my iLiyes, 0^ my Sulhyners,my ** x

piliars.^iD ujfjet til onc place Adonai ufeO: an otf)r c fpeafixnn oftge fame tttns Ijatft fcm^**'

tlm^ lehovah : ^ce Pfal,T7, lo, \lritft Pial, io8, 4,g', COmetj) of>^£den, a bafe bl Pillar tofittO

fuftepaetltanptbrng. <aur€ngUf&U30^d Lord,^)atftmutf|U^efojce/ bcmg contracted of

tftC old ^ajCOn Laford, OlHlaffordj m^tCljCOUtCtf) bfLaef, tafufteyn, refreih,cherilh,,

mocketh] wil-mock; deride. tmpdetlj bot]^ tbeir fcU‘^; tljm pumfbment fojttj andftom^obmincabtbembelplcbtntljexrmtfrf^^ pial, s^,^,Prov, i,

U an^^er] ire, 0llt\)JarlStntI)eface,grame,gnmnes0jfeircenes ofcountenance. <^TgeO^I^' •


. and Angersath out threatnings & .

lnl)trb of tfte tmo to meant: tboiigg

foimttmc it tb doubtful^ Ob Pfak 1 3 S, 7 . wrath] fervent ire- inflamed-difpleafure.

lUO|d Charon, UOteti) burning OJ infiamation ofCbolei*/fomttme Of gretfj Gen. 4, S, Ion. 4,

' fOltltum of other affrcttonb; Nehem. 3, lo^ fnddenly-trouble) Ojvex, apall,fright- ‘make •.'r*

them to fturt. llOtCtb halHncs offear and trouble^ oppofed tO firm flayednes. .

$.6. And I ] die UJo^d And,tb here a ftgnc ofindiguanou llprrcd; abmabm the !j(pc(t!e, i. /.nl,

tolxen be fapds And hctell thou to judge me Src. Ad, xj, 3 j 0^ and, map be ufed here foj butj ai5

tn'Gen. 4X, 10,, xo,aud OftCn Other Inhere. have anointed ] OX powred-out, ' n^Dltbat tb, ordeyned, authorized^ bp pobjrtug oiit tbc oti of tT)c fpint, Oil of oladtifb^ ab tjS

* • • ^

tiotcd on verfe 1. <©ftbi'b UJ0;d Nafac t^at figufftctl) tO ilied Oj powr-out, Nafick isi ufCd fbjagovernoiir,0^oneinautoritie.Pfal.83,iz,Iol.i3,2i,Mic. jr, f, Dan. 11, S.-KCCO^dingberCtO, :

tbernifdomof <J5od faptbProv8,23, I wasanoynted ( ozautorized) from everlalHng. 3^H

#abid €b^r{t^ figure, U)ab oxitmardlpperfemed^lnbni ftc ma^ anopnted Mug, tottg

OpI. I Sam. 16, 1, 13, & 2 Sam. 2, 4, & 5,3 . upon Sion) 0|,over Tfijon: name Of ail

Ltgb moimtapn in3erufalcm, on top mberofbxab a jlrongfojt, bJbieb ftetben Stbuft^'

feobept bp fojcefrom 31frad, ttl^abidb dapepsioh if,^?3,xSam. ^, 6, 7,butbetoohttfro

tfKUL foutfied it, and caled it tJDabidP citpj i cbron . 1 1. 4j, 7. near bnto tbtb vuab mount

Aiorijah,^ \Dbcrort ^olomou butlt tb^ temple, 2 chron.3 ,i,i|cteupon Serufalcm tuab railed

the holy city, Nehem. i, i, 18, Ifa. fx, i, & 48, 2, Mat. 4, t, pjttb ^-uk. 4, 9, and Sion I'b namedtbellozdO holy mountayn, loci. 3, 17, lulueb ijt loPed, Pfal. 78, 68, fro\x>bteb tbclabjfbould

comcfbitb,it^.x,3, mid mbeve be mould dUJclfojeber, Pfali32, 13, 14. ^OTbetfoyemabita

of CbHlIiS Cfptreb? Heb 12,22, Rev I I, Ifa 60, 14, mountayn ofmy holmes.] 0| ’ mount ofholynes,tbat ip my holy mount,ap tb^e <0^eeb tumetb it.^0 tbC. Temple ofGods

’ *

holynes, Pfal. 79 yi> Olid people of his hotynes, Ifa. 63 , 18. 3illd ill fpeccb tO ^aiu'cl, ^crufalS

iPcalcd, the city ofhis holynes, that tp, his holy ci tie, bp binU>aepcmed and regarded; Dan*X4

. ^ufb i^ebrue pbrafep, beeaufe tbepii*yj moje fo|cdb!e, tbe '^ipoftlcp nften ufed ii.i

<0zeeb,to inure the <l5entilcp initb tbmi: ap €l)vi\l ip ralcd tbeSon ofGods love,tbat tp, biJ^

beloved fon. Col. i, 13. our LordTeius Chrilf ofglory, tbat ip, our glorious Lord, lam. 2, i,

andmanp tbelifie.

7 I wil-tell,] telling, fp oftm Ufrd foz preaching, declaring, fliewing: aP Pfal. 21, 23, mitg nnO


Heb.2,i2,Exo.i?,i6, wkhKom.p,T7.^obcrebp €1)11(1 uctctb bij^ pecpbedfid ofRce. the*

decree] 3§ere tbe l^tbruc el, fcemetl) tobeufed fo^ethmpeihaderech, aChron. 6, 27 , iptbeHup

fam^ that eth haderech, i King. 8,36. b)C map alfo read it tbup, I wil tel of the decree^ el bcj»

!ngmanptimepufcdfojof;apGen.2o, 2,iob.-42, 7,iKing.i^,32,ier.n, 6o, ^otbe<6^ceb :•

pros (anfmering to tljS l^ebiue d,) ip ufed foi of, 0^ concerning, Heb, 1, 7, & 4, 13, decree] |Vfr: ppprefeript-law 0| ftatute.^be 'i^ebrue Chok,ufuallp denctctb tbe rules decrees and ordinances

about <6odpmo^fbiP;i^)^ tbe decree of the Paflbver,Exo. 12, 2^, 43 > tbC decree ofd^Cfflltg tbe

I ampp Exod* Z7jiip oft|)e J^jeittp office and gacimitp t exo, 2)?,^,oftbeir mafbing,Hxod*A i .


6 Pfalni. II. III.

3o,iT,(5f is, n, anb imnp otijtr tfnXOf^ <6ob^ffrbfff.'

^0 map it ^cre be tabcn, tfjat Cl)ii|t preojcneth the decree 01 rule offiumg fulfilled ofbp faptln arit? cbcbmice to gofpcI,bjf|cn t^efc legal ofbinoncejji l>ab an enb. lohn,^, u,

n »JJ &c. thou art my fon] Cf^JUgb iJClpmm be caleD tb^e Sonns Cf <3oD, Deut,i4,T, Ionn»5' I, mibltfEebanre 38,7/^2110 tbiatbleiiatur*^^ &y?:cuiiar toour ili 1^3,:?

' fu0, t!)e oitelp begotten of tljt i^^tger j ^bbereupan tljc ^^oflle faptlj to which of the Angeh,

.layd he this at any time? Heb.i,f. CbcUJOlbart, 10 fupplieb bp tl)C ‘^Ipof tlC Ad. 13,33, tfte

like i0fomtime in tbc'lKbruc text ^ the word,f Kmgio, ^^jU'^flnua chr6.' y.t0True the word: fo. Thou leading out, i Chron.ii,!. Thou walHeadingouc, 2 Sam.f,2,,

.l^ljO in tbe d^jeeb of tb? ni'VU ''^cflammt,Sommer neer,Mat.2i,ji^Sommer is neer,Luk.2i,3o«

Ovn -t^5 bio’t* this, to cftai omuteb in tl)C i}cbniCi ao Dcut.

“• V,4,8,3i?,& J,r,3, & 16, 17,i8,aub oftaU0f]l'prftTcDa0Deut.2,25,3o,&4,2o,i?c 2^,I(^,&: Z7f>^

'<0f tljio p0puf,tfl^l^» fpealtcrijtbt^ ^^pofrlt'.Touching the piomiie made to the Fatiici's,God Jiath

fulfilled it unto us their children, in that he rayfed up lelus, as it is written in die iecond Pialm,' ^Thoaart my fon, I to day begat thee. Ad. 13, 52,33, ^CC alfc Tom. 1,4.


*^ thine inheritance] 0^,t0 be thine inheritance. '5Li)i0notCtl)tl)CfubKftioncftbcha<

-V tiou0, to t()e fon of 45ob3a?5 ttk Uiie manner of fpceeb imiJO^tctbiHa. 14. 2, zeph ,2, Levit*>r*

2f, 46. Itjcrrupon Clj^tfl io CafeD heyr,tl>u I0,Lord ofal: Heb. 1,2..for thy firm-pofi'ef-

rnx fion]o:,tc be thy tenement : to have & to hold, ^jc foi/oifom: flicb Itlif-tO {)a:e tO fcc

i*'.-*’’ imberjtoobjaubfomtunctbcl^brucftprffieri) it: aothehoufc.i King.7,fi,mfteDoffor the

howfe iChro.T, I. Sel•^ ams iChro.i8,Gin^tJ0fforfervants,2Sam.8,6.anDfmibjpt{)r lifer.

„ . . roughly rule them] Ot; brule,cmlh the.^f)c 000^0 ftgr.ifictlj tO intreat-evil,0^ ngoroufly:*• anotbioto ment of€l);lf^^^Fi^^nur0. potter] o^fonneroftlieclap:tbi^figtufirtbtl)eii:

utter ddlrudion; foia potters velfel, broken,cannot be made whole agayn. Ier.9jl i, Ifa.30,14*

^ ,, in 10. be prudent] be skilful,oj, behave your lelves skilfully, prudently, wifely . fee mir«

tfured] 01, rellreyned, chailifed, difciplined,

ib. II. be glad] ^1)10 \J30jb figuiflCtfe openanb manifeft icy, exultation, 0^ outward glee.

Gladnes and trembling gr fieiT jopncb tOgltfecr 3 a0 fear anbjoy 3Mat.18, 8.

’*$.12. I^ffe the Ion] Kylling,\3aa0 ufCD III fign Of love and Of obedience, Gen.4 1, 40, i Sam.'

- 10,ijtmaoufebalfamwUgiinianbDiotucmDjIbip,^ Kmg.i9.i8,Hof.i3^2,iob.ji,27.M

tfiefe are buc to €b;^ifi:but 3liba0 betrayed the Ion ofman with a kyfle.Luk.21^48. periili

bttheway] OJ, from the way. /^o peri iTi OZ be loft in the way, impO^tetl) fUbOmbcfltUrtioiT,

iin lubilc0tl)cparo bomgt^iramon0:topenni from thew^ay,i0toU3aubet orlocfctj^c ri^• jU5ap,anbrUrtlaiomtiJl)l£Scr^0OC. ^0Deut.32,28,penlliingin(0J from)counlds,t0t(3

I'l be void of counfd, not feUOUJing Ul^at to Deliberate. when his anger fhal] 0^ for his

anger wil burn: 0Z,hisangry-coimtchance. fuddainly] 0Z,very foon: Cravciy iitle: tlp$i

manner of fpcctbfonitiuu:in:rvnabaihorttime,fpeediiy,pUl,8 i,ir,ifa. 2G zo, zChr. 12 ,7,

fometunc, a Utle deal3 ao lla. i, 9, /IClfC dpjmibm tlimetfe it foon 0| fuddenly. §>tt fllfo

Plal. 8, 6. that hope-for-lat'cde] or,that flipowd^ that rely-confidently, that betake them-

felves for refuse and fafey vnto him.jfoj, l)^ 10 ma*0t tf)f. author oi eteraal lalvadon, to ai dutobey him. Heo. 5,9.

Plalm. 37

2 . A Pfa(m ofDavid, when he

fled, fro the face of Ab-(halomhisfon.

a.TEhotah,how many-are my di-

X ftreffers i many, that rife-vp

gaiaft me*


Ow wAny my difirejfsrs beej'fak:

how doo ayydnfimuX


Pfalm. III.I

3 . Many/aying ofmy ther^u nofalvation/or him in God Selah.

But thou lehovah , art a Ouild a-

boutme; my glory, and lifter-up

of my head


j. Wifi: my voice,I called unto leho-

vah: and he anfwered me, fro the

mountayn of his holyne.s Selah.

€. I la)i-dovvn,and dept; I wajeed-up;

fl>r, lehovah fuftcyned me.

7. 1-vvil-not fear,fer ten-thowfands

of people ; which round-about,

doo fccagainft me.

J\ .Rife vo,Iehovah;favc me myGod;for Uhpu Tmitefl: all mine enemies

Gfj- the cheek. bone: thou breakeft

the teeth ofthe wicked.

To lehovah the falvation: upothypeople, chy blefiing Selah*

How ofmyJowlfiying hee:

there is no hedth^ fir him mffod Selahl

4, But thou, a fiictld ahom m 2lxz^ 0 hhlmy ^lont, 4nd 'er ofmy head.

/. Itofehovahjwizh my voite^ $ded:

he heard me^fiom his holy mourn SeUh.

6. f Injd me down , andJleftt ^ vakin^-rofil

fir me lehovah firmly-up- dtd-bear.

7 . Forthow/ands-ten offilk ,I ^ilmt fiir:

which me befitting round-about incloje

5. ^itfc thou-Hp^ five me my Godfi'^ahl

formalmy fies thou finitefi on cheek-bone; •

f. breakfb Wickeds teed). To lah filvation'

thyblejfing^ on thj people Selah



Vctf. I . A Pfalm] falcb f‘l fjehtue mizmor,

ting-off fupcrfluoiid tljuigjj; anb appitcb

tDfjct? ntanp are rat atoap. ^cr be tgree bmb of fonois'mcnttoi

ttcb hi tftlO booh; I .Miznior,Uj <J5tteIi Pfalmos,a pfalm: z.Tehillah ,(» <$^eeh hymnos,a hymnor Prayfe ; 5 . aiib Shir, in <0ree{i ode, a fong b;i laie. Mi tiyxtt $CpofrIc mentionetg

together, VOftCT Sc bjillcth IMS to fpeah tOOiafclbClStoith Pfalmes&rhymnes & fongsfpiri-

tual. Ephe, r, 19* ofDavid] 0^ to David : atlbrfo aftCt 111 tfjlO bOOb ufuallp. 25l!t the

brlie fpcech UjetS tbefc mbiffcrentlp;a^ lafderoth 2 Kmg§. 1 1, it, anb hafderoth 2 Chron. 25*

14* lammao;hnaloth anb hammaghnaloth, Pfal. 1 10, i , & 121, i ^0, tf|C ftOOjb oflehovah

ier.47/,t.he prophet of lehovah, i kiiig.22,-,2 king.3,1 i,aiib niaiiptlje iibe.^o in

Difo'pi to thee, Mark. 2,


3 , anO difciples of thee ,Mat.?, 14, at Onc anb tf)efainr* ^from

the face r> prefence,* Ct ior fear 0F5 ^0 tSC bJCmon fl?b from the face Of t^C fCl pcnt^ Rev. 1 2,

14 . <Of tl.^aV.iby fiig|)t,it io tSub Vmittrnj Then David %d to al his fen-ants that were with' him in lerUiaiem :Rife up and let us flee,for we lhal not efcape ci01 fro the face ofAbihalo^ makefpeed to depart, leaft he come luddcnly and take us, and bring evil upon us, and fmite the cjty

widh the edge of the fword« So the King departed, and al his howihold after him* 2 Sam. is»

14 ,

betfu how many are] pihow multiplied are.Jo^ jthe confpiracie was great, and the people

Uriviltiplied fdl with Abfhaiom : 2 Sam. n 1 1*

3 . Many faying] 01 many doo fay ? ofmy fowl] tSot ofme; ofmy life; concer-

ning me 0J,to my foul, no falvation] C^,no manner falvation;ltO health help OJ deliverance

at a!* tue iiatf) a letter mojc then oxbrnojp,to incrctifc tftc firjnification* ^Ijc hbcill manp otgev places; aOPfal. 44, 27, &?2, ik,&?45 j 7,& 53 , s,


i2f, 3,10b.

God] ra l^cbcuc ^lohiin^paljufj 4^ t|)t fitp name UtSerbp tfic creator of caUeb in fenpi» ^ -Alure

T r

s Pfklni* T 1



titre^Gen^i/i^ICnbtt ftj in tfie plural munber,tofi0niffetBeitipPerfe of*

bmttcoftfje<J5oDf)eaD r, anDt§eiforcij;J)opttcbcomnimilpvaitbDtl>crtoo^Oboftl)efm?.^^^imutber, anb fomtmt e oft5cpluralvu^bimT:mtlPiap:,/£iphim he went, i chron* i7,xv, and

y itlohim chey-went i Sam,?, PfaU j8, ii, gjt (cmetime ItftiJ(tDougl) mcje• m t\jt fojm fingular


jPfaU 18,3 1, &c, it map be brnbcb ^tjerfrcm VPl^cft

?? ftSinfictlj Mightyj a ntj (*0 increafe of tj)c luojD, tlje fignifilcattcn io iucrca|cb. Molt mighty

r N 01 tfte Almighty: 0|^ from Alah to abjure; btcaiife oft^e co'veharir,oath, and exfecration, wrier-

X- with we'aVe bound unto Godi actO?btug tOtjattnDcut,z9, n, 14, i^,Nehem. 10, 19, Eccicj

/58,2* ^1)10 ftonot itablc name 10 ol(o otoen to Angles pfaU s,6, aub to ^Dagiflratc^ '

p^^i,i-^,b?caufe<0ob' ^atljconimunlcatebmi!®tgcmJ()l0\oc^Daohn*io,u,5rt ff Seli^]^l)10j^ i^cbcuebJojbflo mftetljElevation, o^liibngupjmijttSercftgemmbjtomarbiOjofmeboiccj

fcia placed,,P ru & s j\ 4, Hab* 3,3,^. Vufcere it to fetm tljc miDb0 * Cfialbcg

yavapbiajl, ibfomeotfteri^cbnie^ljauenimebtt^ Forever <^0c4&jcefebtifioii,imliC0ijitamufical mmon,.Diaprainia^

J4^ a nU i about me]0| for me: tjat 10, a prote<flor a defender.^0 GenaT, i.Deut.33,2^*^

PiaU 843 1 2


jr' gloty)o^ honour, uihicl) in tgc ©i brue j&atj) tignification of weigr-

nes O^gravi ty^lbyK^ tlie i^pojtlc fanietptorsfpcct, mentioning tfie eternal weight ofglc




a Cor. 4. 17 .^apiDberexaUctljGod J)i0 glorie, voi}oi)abal)banc€b Junto luriglp bigmtpj

fnej a0 CU r ^abiour rallctj glorie-, Mat.6 , 19 the lifter up ] 0^ exalter oimy head;

ijat i0jgi' elt me vi<5toiy, honour, and triumph. ^0 pfaKz?, & i lo, 7.*

. he at ifwered:]o^ heard; but tO anfwer ip tO tettifp bp tOmc imana0, tjat Je gfaretj iU0bp help 0? beliberance from banger, Pfai. zz, zz* ifa.4 1 , x ? . ( fo to anfwer by lyre, x King. i s,

lu) tjerfi )^e it impo^tetJ mo^e tjen bare heanngjiia. 30, xi?. & 58, 5?.;

fu6» Ibrydown&c.] ^JipfpcccJ bcnctetj lafety anb fecuride from danger and dread 0f


. Levit. z<^, 6^ lob. 11,19. pial. 4, 9, Ezek. 34, Z5, prov. 3,Z4*

l^erf ;» doo fet] to bJect themldves in leager , 0^m battel-ray3 0^ fee tJett mgxn0 ^0 Efa#


, 8‘« on the cheekbone] a fignalfo ofrepeatJj 00 lob. I 10.

1 n 'S ^erf '»> To lehovah the lalvation] tO bicet, isj 0^ belongethsO^, Oflehovah i0 ialvatIon,heIp,

Oj delivtTance ^0 prov. z i, 3 x. Ion. z, 19* ^tljo Rev.7, 10, anb 19>I. The falvation to cur|ya*v27’n God. %ibefpeecl)C0 arC,HolynestoIehovahExod. z8. 3^. To lehovah the warr: i Sam. 17


47. To lehovah the earth, p lal. 14* i anb manp tjc liflC. thy blefling ) <^Ji0 tUOJb, bajcrt

n JvD-i D It i0 fpofecn ofi <^5ob tobaarb0 men , (a0 hi tJib place)fignifietJ a plentiful bellowing ofgood'

* things jCartJlpo^JcabCnlp. Gen.24.3r* Deut. Ephe. 1, 3, Gal. 3. 8. ®jctliti0|pohenofmentobjarb0 43ob, itbetohenetj praiie o^yhankfgivmg, bpboo^bojbecb*pent. 8, 10, pfal. 103, i, z, Luk. i, 6^^ 8c z, z8* mb tjat b3jifJinMath.25,z^.t0 talleb bief^

ling : in tuk. 2z, 19, !0 caileb thankfgiving . t©Jen it 10 fpoben ofmen tobuarbt^ men, it lig^i!

llifietj fometimeialut:ation,a0Gen.47,7, I bam. 13,10, fometime,a gift, 0^ a benevolence,

a0 X Sam. zr, 27 , zCor.9.r, z Kings j. ir. fometimea pronouncing (bp boapofp^pet ojj

mopjefte) ofgood things in tJenameof^obja0Gen. 14, f9,zo,Nuii)*G^3>^4» 3i^tji0||iflnipcation,theleireisblefledofthegreater. Heb.7 * 7* ^

Pfalm. 1 1 II.

Pfalm. 4'.

Sing this as the i, Pfalm*

2. f^Odofmy jiiflice^\\>heri / cdl^

,VJ me atj^ver in didrefthou madf me roomdi

:fnv-^race to me,

• and hear thou my rcciuefts,

tJhierjsforms,how long fjullmy glork

toignominie bccj

'^tllye lovevamtie: SsLh)^fl ye feekfilfitte}

4, But h^2owye,ti)evL fehovah hath


hisgracious fehovah hears,

Whers vnto him I cry,

5, Beflyrredy and comtt notJyni


^tthmyour hart,vpon your

and he you still Selah. >

6, The fie rtfices ofmftice

frficrtfices-fay :

and confidently-put-yoHr-trufi

in th'ever-hewg-fah.

7, Many ther bee doait. fiyfi Veha





pfalm. 4.

I. To themayfter^/ themu-^,

yTi^on Neginoth,

a Pfcihn of '




T^THen Icall, an0.vermc,o-

V V GodjOfmy julHce; in di-

' ftrefs, thou haft made roomth for

me : be gracious to me, and hear

3‘ my prayer. Spnns of man, howlong fhill'my glorie be to ignomi-

iiie,will ye love vanitie : wil ye feek,

4 , a lye Selah? But know ye,that

' lehovah hath marveloufty-Pepara^

ted, a gracious- fain(5: to him: le-

hovah wil hear, when I call unto

5 . him . Be ftyrred, and fyn not;

fay in your heart, upon your bed;

. and be ftill Selah. Sacrifice ye

the facrifices of juftice; and truft,



unto lehovah . Many doo fay,

who wil caufe vs-to fee good? lift

thou up over us, the light ofthy ^tll caufe vsgood to fee}

S . face lehovah. Thou haft given doe light^fehovah

, of thyfitce

joyin my hart; wortf than of the vp on vs lifted bee


time ^hen thci’r corn , and their S,Thougivefl icy mto myhamnew-winc were multipled. more then the tiryte

, wheriti

9 . In ^ace togither,wiI I lyc-down thevr corn., and-alfi their new-Wimand fleep: for thouleho- have multiplied been,

yah alone , wilt feat 9* togither^ lay me downme in confi- and-alfofleep Wil fi

dence. for thou LO lip Wilt done mefeatlin confdemfafitie^

x^nnoUtions.I i;j

$f. I. To themiyfter, oftgf mufiWo^.To the overfeerjto him that excelleth:<5rRc C^fcilfai .

tOO^tl Menatleach figntftetg OHE tOSt vrgeth the continuance ofany thing unto the end bl the ff-Xgoingforwardwithaworktilitheovercome.zChro,i.i.i8.&j4iii.i?. gzra t 8 9 kntt/’”hiwuft6,tBeretom1lebite!Sawomtetifo? fcDeral butieo, an&fcjiie lenatfeach to>iie,oi«v'tofetfonvard,antibeovert]bert(t, iChron. if .ti. anbtljefe toetefmfiasmcllcb irtf!eavt/i<^offingittfl anb plaping on m(!tmnfnt0,totogomfunbjp ^falratg areintftuleb,t»iat bpcaw «a> bivwtiotijtgep nufljjt.ftf fwiu cytcttentlp )wto#snb, tow? in S(iaci,fcinr

, ^?t;it?i3:ty




im Pfalm. I nr.^mfe^unbn3otTtfrf^flrCi?. i.chron.^.35.

on Neeinorh ] tgat iU fringed inllruments ofmufik, played on with the hand. ffif-


2* when I cal] OJ, in my calingi whiles I cry: fohftev, in bcvf* 4. God of myjuftice] tjjat 103 .myjiillGodj author of niy julhce , ai'.b avenger of my juft caule,

iiidiftreCs] 01 3 in ftreightnes, thou Ijaf? widened OJ enlarged fc^Uir*

EIsZ£Li_] appeal, intcrpelladon interccffion, cfcm* fdbCiS' • ;C?otrjerbtDtf)c iuDpcmmtofiS^oti, falingupou!]im,’appenltai3taldmfo^ng!]t, pvaping

figai! ft CDiitJf mr?attcn,oi tf\t litre* fc} ti|e #:t!rue ujojD Tephillah,comefin of Pillel ro)udge

deternune cdufepfcilbluci) appralb atC niftbC, r. Sam. 1.25. OithPelilim, arrludge^.o^Arbiters; Exo. ii . 22 . mpcn, to pray^jS m^|tbl'Ue hithpalkl , ap it \3Jete to appeal 0^ pre-fent himfeU auD his cauie unto ,the T udge

: 0^ to judge ones Pdf. , .

3. Sonns of men] ^erfbp to meiit , Great men, tlicd^rbnie t^cingifh, biljifg

name ofman in refpcctofbib power anb dignity; abappearetbaftit in Pfal. 4^. 3.

fljal my glor}^ be to ignominy ] O^jlDilpc tUtP. my honour, to defamation, flander anJicaiumnie.(^5ob fjab' pz^mifcb ^abib tlje ftonour of tfte ftin'otbomrAnbirb ^aul ipitb gi^^ no*»

bSed,foihjbt to befatn anb raliminiate, anb fo turn it tof^ame aub rcp^clu wil ye feek

ja lye? ] 0^2 3 ye fedc alye , 0^ ,

deceivable-faiilpod . Ye feek that which ilial not come to' pals. Cbei?cbrnc‘Ca^ab ‘(baeufeb)ibfucJ)aiy*e^, a^ bexdbetb meuiS ejcfpectation* iob.40,•^S.Pfal. 89. 5 (5 .Ifa. 5^. 11.2. King.4.

4* marveloufly-leparated : ] fele<5led in wondrous fort •, exempted a^ toitbfeme ligne of ejcceilencici culled out. ^0 <t3ob marveloufly fevered tlje ^fraclitcjS from tf^e

Aigp^ianb:Exo. 8.22.&9.4-&H.7. alfoPfal. 17 .7 .Exo.3 3.1-?. a graEious-fain(ft]

O^jpious, holy, mercitul-onenufar.inodiimfclf. d)C:l>ebrUC Chafid, { \Ubifl) t?)e |!^*

mnit in calctb hofios, Ujirit ib pious holy; Aa.13 .3 5.) fignifietb one tljat batfj obtepj*

neb mercy, goodncs,picty, grace anb benignity from tbelLc^b ; aub 133 a^apu (after <@0b^(jeample

)pious, kind,.gracious a?;;b mercitul to OtherjS: Nehem. 13 . 14 • ^cePfal. 13


5 . i.

to him ] tftat ib,his giacioasfainfl; a0 tf)? <6iceutjrplainetg it: oj ateferriitg it totgeformer, he hath feperated to himfclr, a gracious man


Wn y. Beftyrre<l ] o^ZBecommovedf Vollich lU-'p be imbfrpOCb ,Be angry ,Begreived

0^ tremble. ClK Opgiual tOv^b Ragaz notetlj aap iluiTing Cl moving;lob. 9.. 6.ai3,t0 be movedCJ tremble with feare]. Pfal. 18. 8. Dent. 2. 25. lia. 14. 9. to be moved with greif;i. Sam. bellyrredUlitb Anger; Proy. 29. 9. 2. King. 19.17. i^.Ezek. .i(<.43. ^f;i{3 b]ter tf)^ dSteel^

firre fololoctb, faning Be angry and fyn not-, a:!b the ‘Kpofll. IjiXtU the fame '030105 Eph. 4.26?.

unyi fyn not] ci mifdoo not . inoib figunetb tomifs of t^e toop o;i liurh : abiil'lud. 20. J 6 . liien coulD flhtg iloncd at an Ijapred bcedtii, anb not fynn-, that id, not mifs : anbProv. 19.2. be tljat id balto \nitb bid foot,iynneth-, that oi fvvai-v.?th. gp reli^sion; .

<©obd!aU3 idonr Uiaparb marbd'romUJbicbb5bni\peiuiavbU;Gfpnn*^bftfoKf^

.*5fiPebtobe TranfgrelTionoriaw; Olviilawfulnes..i.loh.3.4. fP fay in your hm] ,tbat ‘3533

^ id, mind feriohOy UJitat pCU bOO, m>b Vcilbf Confider witE Jmur lelv^s: CljC


lihepbhlfeid Pfal. 14. 1. &35. ir.Mat. 24.48' ^ .he.hiii] Clhlent, m'Ttamed; Hay, pawfe;ad i.Sam. i4.9.iof. lo. 12. 13. o^p.tbi!^ bJOlb, id OftenmmUn ffiipture '

iiinobcrtqpietiiedoftbemmbAbetroublebaffcctiondbemgaUapcb* ^eePfal. 131. 2.^37*.f: 2. Lam. 3. 26?. - .


,fy 6 , Sacrifice] UJOlb ftgiAfietTj Killing OJ Slaughtering;ad bcafld \Sittt Mlcb fo^ CffC:* ?

ringdto<£>ob:fi-^nnn'Tmandmo2tification, c2bringtofpn.Pfai.51. i^. facrifices

- ©fiuiHce]fucb jB.:‘f^dfpea%tbofDeut.33. 19. anb tSabibafter\3jarb Pfal, ii.zi.meardnofacrifices juft and rigri t, anb in faitb, accoibiug to tbe intenbement of <6obd labo. Cemtrarp ^

*.* •*

tOtfjOfelllbifStbepppbCtreprobrtft, Mai. 1. 14. fofaenfices of triumph, oijoy, Pfal.27.^.

are loyful jacrifices^ cfftreb glabUCd « ^ab the way of juftice Mat. zi.jz. fo^ a juft, oj


Pfalm. nil. jf

ftght way . fT< truft :] o^,be conTideriCjhave llediall hope, fecure and firm confidcnc^^

It id G|JpC5fcb to feeblcnes ol mind, tear aub doubt. La. ii. i. Prov. z8. i.

M >ny doo lay] ftre faying: UjLicil map bf turned doo fay^ ad tn Mat. ii. . hoi

legonces, t'ayingjid inM.arK. II. i8» houines lege ufi, which fay. fr who wil caut'e us to ff

fee] tjiat 10, CO iiijoy, OJ have the trumon or go.;u: Pial. 50 . 15 . ‘^ud t!)td Id tf|C tc^m cfC Vutf!);

ftd tI^abtdii:fkcD and fapd, who wil give me drink of die water &c. i. Chron. ii. 17 . and,/,

who wil give me wings as 'a dove; Plal. ss . 7 . and maup Uhr* ' the_light of thy_tacel

tfjat 10, tnv ligiicionie cherei ill face OJ looks : mva!liofj tavour, grace , grid tIjC blelhngs^^

ot' Uitomlebgi oiiuh^tjop &rc. tjjat flom t^eifrom. C!)ih t0 in !0 botft tftc Light'’*-:

and tj): face 01 pretence of<^0d, Luk. z. 31 . Exo. 33 , 14 . and tjji' Angel ofhis face, lia.

2iCC0,lDt-ig to t])l0 ^iolomon fapt^, in ihe light of the Kings face is life ;and his favour,-^

tjti as a cloud of the later rayn. PrOv . 16 . 15 . alfo Pl^h 44- 4 . & 3


. 17 . zi. & (^7 .i.Iob. z^.3 .

8. naitgiven joy] lhalt give,- 0^ put )0p: fo giving 10 tjfed% putting OftCH UmC0. Pfal.

8 . z, dc 40 . 4 . ^ 33 . 7 . & 6'^, iz. & Sy. zb. &• 39 . :6 .& 119 . no. more then of the time]

ti from of the time, i^cbi’ue p Ipafc, tjiefi'aae of cempavifon 10 vuautmi^; a0 Gen.

38 . 26 . Plal. 19 . II. & 130 . 6 . CljviUiel0aifojut!)v<i^^eefttouguc;a0Luk.i5.7.&i8.4.'^nbct|3p in l)ar‘oeftm()Ctucptc 10 iiicrcafcd, fireifa. 9 . 3 .ioel. i. n. iz.

togither] tl)ati0, 1 wil lye down and fleep bctf) togither;nctban0 d!fqutcttbbctt8fearo^carHKePtaI. 3 . 6 . o^ togither 3; and otljct0 Votti)me.cj,3 »ipfclf wholyand alone. *r*-*

tJ)C note on Ptal


33 . 1 s. yf ^one] Cbc iJibrilC phrafe j0, in lonedom; 0^,in folitari-

nes. imp be referred ( bp tl)c biftmcnonD to tljeio^d, to!>o alone featcUi 1)t0m Vafetp: -r ..

C?,tO ti)at folCU)etl),chou wilt teat me alone in fafety;i§crcm loobmg tO blcffui-j

Peut. 35 . z 8 . 3frac! tborUelll fafely, alone; and fO m Num. 23 . 9 . ler. 49 . 41 * ^})U0 it

10 a bkfTmn to be alone from mimiep: otijeiUJife to be alone from* freiud0,i0 a note of affltr^*

tt3n;a0:fefaLiO 2 .8 ,Lam.i. i.' wilt teat me^tljat io'caule me 16 fit/iwdo^ remayn. in

confidence] 0^, to confidence, 01 truth ulnes;w-ith hope :tf)at 10 ,confidently CZ truiffullv; \u|}tc^

hp confjtiuaice mcauetl), lecurtiy, lafely . ntnd tl>t0 bja0 a bleffmg piomikdm tljt iabJ^Le-Vit. z6. j. Deut. iz. ID.

^ ,

Plalm. 5 .

I . To the mayfter ofthe mufik^ onNcchiloth ; a Pfalm

of David.

'Hear thou my words, leho-

.vah: vnderhand my medica-

3 . tion. Attend to the voyce of

my cry,my King and my God: for

vnCO thee wil I pray...

i|. Ichovah, at morning, thou-ihalt-

hear my voice : at morning wil I

orderly-addrefs unto thee, and

j . wil look out. For, thou art not a

God delighting wdekednes : the

evil , (hal not fojourn with thee.

Vay nglorious-fooles (lial-not-feC

thefclves, befote thine eyes: thou

Fjatm. 5 .


Ear thoH mj Words; & ^derftand my me^


duatiofj^ojah* Aify kir?^ my God^to voice at*


. tend ofThy cty: fir to thee fray.

4.^ehQvah^ hear my voice fhalt thou

at* morn': at* morn Wil I addrefi

/, to thee, And Wil look^ out, Eor^ thofi

no God delightmg Wickednes:

JSlonejvtl, Wnk thee fijournJhaL

6* ZJainglorious-fiols,Jlsdl fire thtne eye


hateft all itiX-yroik payaful-ini- ^

B a f.ThoA

jz Pfalm. V.

<?7.’T1iou wilt bring to perdition, the

thatfpeaka lye:thc man of bloods

and of deceit, lehovah dooth-ab-"S. horr. But I, in multitude of

thy mercy,

wil come into thy .

howfe : wihdoo worOiip toward

\ , • the pallace of thy holynes,in the

fear of thee.

’^*9, Ichovah,leadmein thy judice,be-

^ caufeofmy invycrsimak-lkeight,

before me thy way.

10. For,in his mouth is no certayntie;

their inward pern's woeful-evils;

their throat is an open grave :

their tongue they-make-fmooth.

• II. Condcmn-thou-them-as-guil-


ty, 6 God ,let them fal fro their

confultat'lonr.with the multitude

of their trefpafles , drive-thou-

them-away: for they are turned-

1 2 rebellious againft thee. Andrejoyce-flial all that hope-forr

fafetic in thee, forever flial-they-

(howt, &thou (halt^ cover them:

and they that love thy name,dial-

1 3 be glad in thee. For thou,

lehovah, wilt bleffe the juft-one;

as with a bukler ,ivith favourable-

acceptatio thou Wilt crown-hini



7. Thoii hrw^efl’-to pereiuton,

them that be fpeakerj ofa lye:

lehovah^dooth abhorr^rhe man

ofblonds andgHtling-fhllacie^

S, VPIII come thine howfe intoo ^in muliimde of thy mercit:

in far of thee^ \V/7 rvorfljfp-doo

to pallace ofthyfmfUtte,

p, fsJM€ in thy mslice lead, 0

beeaufe ofthem that me envy:

befre me, make thou Hraight thy

10 For,tn his mouth no certainty*,

Their in-part )X'oefiLevtb is


thar throat, agrave is open-broad:

tijcir tongue, they fmoeth veith^fUtteriesl

(iA’s guUty-them condemn, 0 Gody

From their corfidted-purpofs

fal let them: drive thou them avpay^

}^tth their fil-many trefpajfcs:

againft thee,for rebell doo they,

i*And all that, hope in thee-fir-ftay^^

jhal toy, (Isalfiom eternallie,

andd}OH fjalt cover them: and they

that^ lo'Ve thy nameJbeglad m thee.

, For thou, 'Jehovah ,'^ilt befiow*

a hlejfingon the righteom-onez

him, with butter, crown ^ilt thoH

"with gracioM-accepmtion .



II . XTEchiloth]^gcfcCbp the naitit)ffmt to be\innb m(!mmfntiS,fliS tn^cti^,f0^r

uct^ &c.adNegmoth ar (Innocb uifh*umcntp,pral.4 .1 .)jfoj chalii a Pipe ifa.5 .u.

a. underlland] 0^ incentively mark, eorafider^. > v

I . Attend] 0^'lncline, iiamclp, thync cir, ajS ij? ttp^Cffeb Pfal. to. 17 . Prov. 2 . i. bUt OftCH

the tojoib eare oiiilttcb, hci'c,fo pfal. 5i. 2 . & & 8^. 6. & 142 . 7.

wil I pray]ojidooprayjmcanui(r, |tjl,an6 bfuallp.

4 . at nioTnin^ 0^,in th

ring, looking ailb le0^2

both to to tftthJ l)leni«Bi(S.Pial.88.i4 .&9o,i4 .&143 alfo tge lobjli

at 01 in hs to be fupplietli aS Beith a hdwfe.i Chron fo? bebeith.m a howfe; z King, i j .f


anOimnbtScMhe. orderIy-addrefs3preparej>io^unddifpoIe£ljfettleinorder;nKa.

rtti3tl’tI)er,BijSperfon,a!*Iob.33.f.OjgtjSfpecchesjajiiob.3x. 14. look-out] ojef-

Pfalm. V . ^5

PY'y !)e that keeps watch and ward, exfpedting what God wil anrwer;a3S C]fl?lapneb, in Ha-

bak. z.i, notCt(j diligence, hope, auil patience: ^OjMic. 7. 7.

Jif. f. a God] 01, a Mighty-one : in I!>:bruc JE\, tf)c name cf benotinfl fit'll might c|puiiTance : iu!)icft tf)?rfo^e t j^e s^vecfi fonuimt' tranflatctfi irchuros,Mighty-pfal.7 .12 .fcmtimeMighty-God, Ifa. e?. tint moji fOmmonlpGod : tgel)clpOl)0(lal0toetj),Mat.27.

& 1 . 25 . d.-lighting wickednes] oj, that takell pleafure in wickednes. wic-kednes, auD evil, map Ijeve bcm aiit alfa ( bp ftgnrtoffp:ecjj[0 wicked anb evil perfoujj,

12. ^ foi'Qurn] Qi,be a gueit with thee, 01 have hofpitage : meaning tljOt*

an evil man IhoulJ have'no interteynment, to be liarboured as a gueft, much lefs to have any a-

biding, oiTetled habitation with God. i^?retl)emoib with, is to be fUppltcb; aiC^in tfteUbe’

l^rbrue pfljafc,^0intxod.y. k?. that i-might Ihew thee; fo^, ihewinthee; ad tl)t !^p0|dle timl} it, Rom.


17 . tl|e bite id in Pfal. 42 . r


6.fTVain glorious tooles] oj, mad-boalHng-fooh ; talcb Holelim, Of halal,to extol.praife,

glorify :bJl>icS^0m it id of oued jelf,mib immobcratc, id d otage,folly,anb madnes id\H0Jb Uftb, fo^ mad, wood, o^ raving with folly Ecclef. 2. 2. 12. & 7. 9-


lo* Ifa. 44 .

.^0 after in P fal . 7 r . 5 . & 1 02. 9 . & 7 3 .



thatwork] fo tftc !)otp tranflatctfi a ’ Sv1

i3 . 4 i.fromHab.i. r. ®ie i)cbcue too^b ft^^iftcng a perfects

tiug^ pt^liffttei^nbp^actifing: ad Pfal.7. 14. " ^ paynfal-iniquity d O^,rorowfiilfyn,vayn

uiilawfulnes. Cfte Original bJOjb Aven, VoWefi gatS) tje ?iguiflCation of payn forow; idof

large ufe, benottng al fynfui anb unjuftaffeift^ons, adiions or indevours, which caufe payn or fo

row, 0^ be paynfully doon, aitb id appjicb fomtfme in fpetiai to idolatriejopneb Vcirb Tera-phim 0| images,!. Sam.15. 22. Beth-el,tftat id^Gods howde;id talcb Oftw P?Op()etdBeth-Scm-^av^n^ arridols houlLj?^ plac^^oTinr^ity . riol. 4 .A7. & iq.xJbccaufelero^amjga^^ aV;

npfalfemojff)i|3; i.Kmg. 12 . 29 . ^ub ill lfa.<j(^. 3 . !je that bleffctlj Avert, 0^ an Idol, Id tnrnetii i •-

in <i5rcefe5 a Halphemerr ^{jjlld Poghnalei-aven,befut|) ad work7pra6life,OJ commit idolatry,

fuperftition, Otfjlfr fyn and iniquity, iBljrtOffCUl?d forow, greif, miferie , aub at Ia(I confu- ^"

Bon;f)o\neberf«cbcbinijcjli£rd, boo polifo anb trim tftciractioud; fcitfiepfbalberejettcbthat work unlawfulnes (hoi ergazomenoi ten anbmian) Mat.7 .2/. 0^ atC workers of iniquity,(hoi ergacai tes adikias,)Luk.i3 tl)id IJrbruc pb^afe id bp tbc€bangcU(ld interpietcb*

pb^afe id taben frcm^;bjchap. 3 1.3 .& 34. 8. 22. •

4^f. y.y^Thou wilt bring to perdition] 0% wilt doo quite away : wilt fordoo, OJ make perifh. ~-

man or bldb^s];ffi^id,bloody man,o^ murderer. bjl)en blood id ufcb in t^C pUiral number,•

it bfuatlp notetb murder 0^ mailflaughter, aub tijC guilt foIoVuilig it; ad Gen .4.11 . the voicfiv* / nof thy brothers bloods cryeth

;i . Chron .22.8. thou haft filed many bloods

: faaftCt tit Pfal. 9 .^

13 . & 10^. 3 3 . & j 1 . 1 5, ^omtime it figuijietb natural uncleannes, ad Uie are bopt in fpn, o^fyn deferving death; Ezek. id?. ^.9.1 faw thee polluted in thy own bloods; &c.||eretO\Jje maptontparc tlje UlpotHcd fpeerb? lobn. 1 . 13 . which are born not ofbloods &c . % man of bloods,

id one that is defiled therwidi, 0^ given therto: 2. Sam. i^. 7.Pfal. idJ.y* & 24. & fi?. 3.&139.15?

.^ee tlje Ithc pbrafe.Opencb^Pfal. 140. 12. aiid ofd^ eit] tljat id, man ofdeceit, rr«">

(ad id crpieffeb Pfal. 43 • i *) meaning deceitful man, faytor,^^ impoftor. ^0 noting fiere^

bp tge feefet fynner, ad bp tf)C foiutet fpfCCf), tIjC open and violent. Deceit,dole, OJ guile,calcb

in Ijrbruc Mirmah, id nameb of Ramah to heave oi caft,0J ihoot mitftboUJ^ ^nb ad warpenbowes,b00 rajt anbfilOOt abarp^aub betdb tbl^^rcber^^i^l. 78. T7.foimpoftors CJ men ofguileboo firll ad it mere lift up a man mitO bapn bopc, tl)at being ’^ifappointeb ftemap ftabe tgemo^ebeabpobrrtj);om* ^eei.chron. 12.17.0^1.29.2^ ^omanctfierpb^fe, to lift upthe loul,figuifi?t{j,tO deceive with vayn hope. Ier.37 .9. 8. mercy] 0^ kindnes,benig-

I- thy howfe];0^ bower, edifice: Itamcb ill tge ijcbniepf building, beith :in <lr>^eeb, ofdwellina^ oikos:in •6ngWS,0f tiiition,anb cuftodie,a howfe;bftbe ^Ihttaiit huis,\5jl)it5 id ofhu,to defend. 25p houfe,l^tre id ment<6obd tabernacle talcbfild howfe, I. chro.9,23 . Mark. 2. fo^ tge utad iwc built in t^abibd baped. ** Huti

B 3 ryildoQ:Hft,


wil doo-worChip ] boVr-dovvn my felf; tit ftQnc of !)0n0tlt . toward the paliace7

'foi tgc U30^fI)ipp?V5S cntercD not into tijc ^anctuarp it frif, but into tljz courtpavD; aub attfjfe bo^e, cffiteb tljeir Cirtcd, Pfal, 1 16. 19 . Levk. 1.3. Heb. 5?

.pailace, ( Heical ) id

riant: of Kings howfes, pfal Prov. 30. 28. attdbutco to tl)e placedUJbm ^idoDdnta^jcftie Utad [apD to bUteU ad tljt tabernacle, I. Sam. i . . & 3 .

3 . ti)e temple, i . King .6,17. anbheaven it fcIfjPial. 11.4. Mic. 1. 2. v

9, lead me] 0^ quietly condii(k, guide, govern m?. fr' in thy iukjce:] tf)atig.t!t

the relxgion and converiation fet forth in thy law, talcb tljr pathes ofjulhce, Pfal. 23 .3 . 0^, for

thy julhce fake. m/ inviers] o| fpials,obiervers-,thatleer anJ) prye,foj cVul,^0 Piai.27 ii».

’ * '

;1 o» no certainty] riO certay 11 ihole thingiUO firm-truth GltC map truft into,

m-itlp his mouth:] that td,ti)e UtOUtl) of aup of ibcnu mvvard par-:] p;tupCtip,that which is neerefl

' unto the itijid'lD tpefc m-parcs,ai: put foj the tnoughts,aflc<3:ibs,.

. ^,

purpoies in tf)tnt: ad Pfal.43?.ii• ^ woeful-evils ] liavvoth tl)e c^l^iual |t J.uUicti) woes,

forovves,heavy-anoyances mifcheivous aub balcfiil-eviis, mileries auD woeful events

:fo !taj»

lltfb of hoi 0^ hovah \J5l]tfl)fiCnifiCtri vvoe, ouai: Ezek. 7.26. ^ they make-im00th]ipnrr^ cj make-flattenngj aub ccufcqueutlp, deceitful, ad t0c <^5 i:ecu tianClafet5> the ^pc^le

‘foIIO\netIhRom.3. 13.

1 1 if Condemn-them asjmilty] Afliim, id a guilt, fyn 0^ trefpafsi Levit. f . \lthcroftfie“ '

‘Ino^b Ijcre ufeb, id to make^^guilty , 0^ damn of trelpafs^ anb ^0 1{)^ Ijere both itjludge btdamn, ‘^nb bccaufe deftrudlion anb defoiacion abiDctj) futl) ad at* bamui'b foj enmej therfo^e

Id t(pd UJO^b ufeb alfo for delbhting,aboliflhng, dellroymgjEzek. 6 , 6 . loel, i . 18. fo j^apit be here infant, puniih, 0^ make them defolare 6 God. ^0 Pfal. 34 . n.i] . & ^8. 22. he 69,6,

with the multitude] 01 for the multitude,the many. ^ trefpailesl OJ feditious-iniqiiities:

defedtioSjbOOn pUrpDfclp,aub bl(lOpallp,aub ar tl)Crfo^C heiglmous anb criminal.^bc <i5rcei&

often tranflatetlj it Vnlawfulnes 0^ tranlgreffion of lav v, ti)r ^tpoftie foHoUirti) Korn .4.

7. from Pfal. 3 i. I • 31t id mo^e thenfpn, ad map be gati)iieb bp Gen. 3 1. 36. Exo. 34. 7 . anblob. 34. 37. headdetn trefpals to his fyn. drive tnem away ]u^driuehim5 tljatid

cch of them. “Jt Uhe pT)^afc ad baad before Pfal. 2. 3 . after in ven. 12 upon them, anb him.

10 - turned-rebellious] 0^ turned-bitter,anb fo ar bcrp Dijlaitful unto thee,bp vcafon ot tlKtt bri>'* obebienccariblfubbojnnrd: anb confequentip doo provoke to bittemes, anb wrath ;

doe exaf-

perate. Ijebrue too^b Marah hatj) p^operlp tlje fignification ofchangings anb cfbitter-

nesjapplub to apollafie, rebellion anb dilobedience.Deut. 1. 26. & 21. 20. lot. 1. 18.

IX. for ever] O^ to eternkie. ^ fhovyt] lhrill-out,fing;oyMlyjfo^foCOmmcnlp

thc^ebrueRananfi^nfietb: anb id thcrfozcbptljeljolp mterp^iteb, to be merry o|joyful

jRom . i j . 10

. from Deut. 3 2 . 4 3 . & Gal .4.27. from Hai. i • pet (bmtimc tftid boojb

id to Ihowt, flirill, 0^ cry-aloiii for f'orow,- ad Pfal. 142.7. loud Ihril noyfe OJ ihowting,\nad

ufebinthanUfsibingd, anbmaperd* Levk.i?. 24.1 King. 8. 28. pfal. 17. i. &n8.1.& 33 .1 . 4^ aiid thoiUlnlt cover] Ol,for thou wilt cover, prote(k,0J call a covering obec

the: aubtfridid anfroerablc totbfichopeo^feeking-coverttn<i5ob, before mentioneb: anbfiytufietb a fafe protection from al hurt or cbil j ad Rxod. 33 . 22 . pfal. 140.8. f< be-gladj

or leap forjoy, exlult. ^fjc Uiorb fi^ltfietf) outward gladnes in geflure and countenance:

alfo both tl)c dl^reeb anfmcrable hereto: that inhere one <Cbanoeli|l boriteth> Rejoyce and beglad; Mat. T . 12. another fapth; Rejoyce and leap. Liik. <5. 23


13. bukler] a piked-llifild, Caleb tfinnah, ofthefliarp-pikednes: adanotherliubof

^CUtClnon id caleb Ma^en pfal. 3 .4 . offenhng or prote<5lmg.


or good vviligracious-liking or acceptance, ^o the Ijcbnie Ratfon meancthibcribeb Ofa UJOrbtohich bp tl)C 5tpoflle,fi«jnifieth to accept. Heb.i2.<$. fromProv.3 .12.anb to bewel pleafed 0|delighted.Mat,i2.i8.froIfa.4i»i*<§0 the year(Ratfon)ofacceptation id t^C acceptable year:

Liik. 4.1^. from Ifa. <^1.2. anb the time ot acceptation, t'd the acceptable time, 2. Cor. 6, x.ftfi

I^- 4 :?j 8 . 3tidalfomtctprctCbYYUojpleaiUfe; 7 .fromPfalra.«^o. y. ,


Pfate.^ 4i

Pfalm. VI. 15

2 .

Pfalm 6.

Sing this as the 3 . Piklm.

JEhovah ,

<w thy wrath rebuke not mt\

»e)’tfjerchafl^fi me tn thwe angry-heat,

‘fehovah (hew n^e (or 'j am WealQ

heal me 0 fah ;fir,n.y hones trokbled be,

4, t(o myjowlfi troubled vehementlie

and thoH Jehovah^ how long wilt thou CCa^?

/. %ctmn lehovah^ thou my (owl reUafei

0 five thoH me^ becaufe of thy mtrcte,

6 , For^ record none ofthee in death appears?

Jhal confef to thee^ in deadlyMke^

7. J fhyn'tj Withfighes; my bed tofwim I makoy

ech night: f bath my bed^jledfioith my tears*

S. (fnawn is With indignation mine tjt\

it is Wext-oldj for all thatj me dijlrefi

P^wayfiom me, all that, ^ork^retchedncsi

fir heard both Iah, voyce of my wee^tng-crye*

10, fehovah he hath heard, my fnitfir-gractl

Jehovah,hath my frayer accepted,

//, Abafin be allmyfoes, and (ore trouhledl

retwrn,and be abafht infitddayn-Jpace,

Pfalm. 6 .

X . To the mayfter ofthe mufih^ on Ne-ginoth, upon the eight;

a Pfalm ofDavid


TEhovah,rebuke me notin thy

Xangerineyther chaftifeme in thy

3. wraiht'ul-htat. Be gradous-to-

ine Jehovah, for I am weak : heal

me Idiovah ; for,my bones are

4. troubled. And my fowl, is

troubled vehemently : and thou



Jehovah, how long.^ Return

Jehovah, releafe my foul: fave me,

6* for thy mercy fake. For, in the

death is no memorieof thee: in

hel, who {lial-confcfs to thee?

7. J faynt, with myfighing; I make, my bed to fwdm in every night; J

water my bedfted with my tears.

8. Myne eye is- gnawn with indigna-

tion: it is wcxen-old, becaufe of

p. all my diftreiTers. Away from

me, all ye that work painful-ini-


quitie: for Jehovah hath -heard,

|lo tl'.evo’ce of my weeping. le-

' hovah hath heard, my fupplicati-

jn. on for- grace: Ith )vah, hath accepted my prayer., All my enemies, let

|?c-abdlic, and troubled vehemently: let them return, be abaflit w a moment.


X . Vpon the eight;C? after the eight : mcanhior tf)e eight tunc,\jj5icJ) toAlS tfint

uhlci) U5C rai tfte bafe. tSabiD fetehmet home C'otijs arJf, ^ppointeti feme ILclaxteiS with

liarpsupontheeigth, fa;^tf)eJ)CXiOUraubferbKCCf<6!nt>.^

2. wra:hfiil-heat] 01 choler: fervent-mood. ^•)t^\UOJbUOtCth the inward affe(5lionia|S' '

he fejmer boptJi the outward appearance. Tahiti p^pctg not ftmplp agaiuft CO^J^CttOlt,

'0^, as m any as God loveth, he dooth rebuke and clialhfe Kev.3.1^ .)but UJOUlb Babe f>tb nur^

irc uxitl) moberatton, leap ft bjoJie fiun inpeecc^: aj5 31ci*ctnp IFaettnfe pjapetp^ Jer. lo. 24.

^0 after, in Pfal.38.2.

§.3. heal me;] recure me. ^E^ftougp tl>f0 map ftabe e tO bodily ficknes;Pfal.io7 .18.

>. pet it alfo appifeb to fowl-Ucknes 3 aub cuvins of ftj as^ Pfal. 41 .heal thou my fowl,)rlhaveiinncda^inftthee.


55. 4* hovv longO 0? til vvhen? 511nht^etprtfpertg,tg^iiflft trouble ofmfnbitoJjicJntiapfee fuppUeb; hoVv long wilt thou ceafe,o?,defex to help? o^,how long wilt thou affiid me?

p. j.releafeJ loofen, OJ delivermy foul^ orme3mcaufus fro deathi 10 typ^CfTcb^Pfal. 1 ,.8.

j6 Pfalm.Vl.VII.]

foijn the death Src.1 /^Ih0 pcctvlnc , Mig t^t^tVdaX} C1^ta?)nCt!) for hel fhal’

yT-i ) ^ no: contefs thee, death ihal nCt prayie thee; they that goe down the pit, ihil not hope for thytruth .‘the living the living,he llialconfers theeasi bOO this day; thee lather to the children dial

^tnake-knownethy triith.lfa, 58. i8. i^.^OafteVjiaPfal. iiT. 17 . i8. ^ h^ m the grave;<ieadlv^hed ; the place ci ibte of the dead. tpc note on Pfal .1^.10. ' confefs] o^,givethanks,~^lebrate,divuige 01 freely publiih with praife and comendation . fCllUC UUOlb Irf

fllfO ufeb fO^ confefling offpnn^j Plal.32 . 5:


7, t fay nt.] 01 am over-yawed with my fighing; t()C IlltC fpCfcT) BaniCh llfCth,Ter.4r. 3


’pVA'’ ^ije Oltgmal U3C>6 lagaghn, jhllUftCtlj yaw ingy:oyl,turmoil imtj fore labour,ofboDp miiiDj.' '

' aab tonfvqutndp , fainying, \xicavpnc0: dnb 10 oypofeb to reh 01 qmetnes : Lam. f . 5


every night] o^, the whole night. 1 water] H)at 10, baeth, 0^ olffclue into luatci*; OJI melt my bediled. ^i)ffc at epcefjiibc fiquratibe fpccdjc0, to, eppicfb ti)t qrefltiie0 of j^lo fo.^

robJ. 311 tlje ijcbiue tftep ar alfo m tftc future time, i ihal melt; i iharmake fwim; tijat 10, l

Hfually melt aiiO baeth; notinq tile contiintance of [)i0 afflicticn*

8. myne eye] 6e taken foi tlje Ull^olc face 0^ vifage;a0m Num


11.7 .tfjC eye

<0 ufeO fOl ti)C colour oiappearancc. gnawen] f^\)t l^cblUC Ghnalliaih 10 to gnaw auvJ i

77 fb to make deformed and ugly, autJ to confume. i^evof Ghnafh 10 a moth-worm, Pfal.j

* 39. Ii.tjjaf'fretteth qarmmt0. Hue fp-ecIj^-Cbufctllimync eye is dimmed, with indignation

lob. 17 . 7 . but gnaw'en,i)ere 10 a tooiDmciebeliemcnt* ^oaftcrluP^a] withindignation] tor greif tljat 3! take btluo piobokcb bp tl)C eiiemlc0*

. ^I * * aballit] 01,- ihal be abalbt; ijrbiue Boib, flgnlfletf) tO be abalht, wex palq

anb vvann;a0 \jol)en tlje colour fabetl) anb U3lt[|cretl);anb notetl) botj) difappointment of onesexfpedlauon, lob. 6 . zo.anbconfiifionOldeltrudtion. ler. 48. i, zd. let them return]

01,recoyl: afljnealfoofdifcomfitureandihame.foPlal. 10 . lU a moment] oi Ul aminute: tl)at I0,a fliort fpace,o^ fuddaynly.

Pfalm. 7. rfalm,';.

)W(- J

t, Shigajon, ofDavid: which he

fang to lehovah; uponthe words ofCulh,

fon oflemini.


Ehovahmim aimightie-Gi?<:/, ^ hope-repoje^

$ft tJjee: (ave mefrom d that me pm-fite^ md ihom

2, TEhovahmyGoddn theelhopc

If... . .

^for-fafetie:fave-thou me from

al that-perfecute me, & deliver-thou

me,5. Leaft he tear -in-peeces like a

Lion my foul: breaking 1 while tktr

U none delivering


4. lehovah my God, if I have

doon this : if therc^beinjurio^-

€rU in my palmst

deliver met. Leaft he a renting- lt\t\

myfowlm peeces-tean breaklng^afunder^ Whilt

ther is no-one deliverer*

lehovah mine

if thing doon have /,

if that ther be ^ithm my palmti



Pfalm. VI I- *7

>. If I have rewarcled, evil to him-

that-had-peace^wirh-me ; ( yea I

have-releafed, my diftrcffer without


^4 Let the enemy purfuc my fowl,

and take it; and tread- down my life

on the earth; and my glorie ,let

him make-j/-dwd^ m the duftSe-


7, Rife -up jlchovah,in thy an-

ger; be thou lifted -vp, for the ra-

ges ofmy diftrelTers; & wake-thou-

up' unto me, judgement thou- haft-

commanded.8. And the congregation of peoples,

(hall compafTe-thee-about : and for

it, return thou to the high - place.

p. lehovah , wil judge the peoples:

judge -thou me khovab; accord-

ing-to my juftice, and according-

to my perfedion in me.

i 0. Oh let the malice of the wicked,

be at ' an -end, and ftablidi thou the

juft: for thou tn'eft the harts, andreins, juft God.

11. My ftieild in God:the faviour,

of the right in hart.

12. God a juftjudge :andGod an-

gerly-threatnet day


13. ifhe- turn not, he wil whet his

fword: he hath bent his bow,andmade it ready


14. And for him,

hc-hath made-ready the inftruments ofdeath: his

arrowes, he-worketh for thehot-


Loe he(halbe~in-rravel of pain-

ful- iniquitic: for he hath conceived

moleftacion, andfhal bring-fortha


He hath digged a pic, and delved

it: and is-fallen , into the corrup-

Cing'ditchhe wrought.


Ifjhavi him rew^dedyH^

thatj With mee )X>04 ut-peacei

(yea him that my dtHrtffir

catfflefSjJ did releaje

6, Let foe purfite my fowl, and takfl

and treadmy life on clayi

my glorie alfo let him make^ ,

dml, in the dufi Stlah


7, Rtfe-Hp, Jehovah^ in ihy^rath;

for rages ofmyfies^

he thoH lift-tip : and ^ake to

iudgement thou-diddfi propoje.

/. tyf»d round-about thee compafjhal^


and for the ftme ,doo thou return

vmo the place-on- hye,

p, lehovah,

the peoples iadgei

lehovah sudge thou me;

even-oi my iujfice is, and Oi

m my perfinnes in me,

i 9 , Oh let the Wickeds malice^ md^andftablijh-thou-frmly

themfLman: for ^0 inft God^thoa

the harts and reins dooft*try,

fhetld in God; thefaviour^

ofthe vpright in hart.

Cod, is a iufl iudgei andech day\

God, angry-wreatneth(m2TU '

For tfthat he doo not return


hisfword hejharpVpd VohettZ

his bow he bendedhath; and hethe fame hath ready-Jett


t/indfor him^ he hath ready-made

ti:e inihrumems ofdeath;

fir them that hotly-perfecute^

his arrowes he Voorketh.

if, Loehefhalbe m travel cfpainful - miquitte :

formoleflation he conceivd^

and [hal bringforth a lye 4

1^. hollow-pit he digged hdthg

and delved-deep the fdmei

and fallnhe is, into the ditch *

that he didworking-frame






^ _ Plalm.

17. HJsfnoleflatlohjftial return upon /7

hishcad:& upon his crown, (liall his

violent‘wrong* defcend .

. I wil- conftfle Ichovah according-to h;s tjuftice : and wil-fing- .

pfalm, to the name oflehovah Moft-



His molffiation^ it fh^l

Vpon his head turn-downl'

his violentA\>rovg alfoJh<^defcend vpon his crown,

I Vi^// co7!fef Jehovah mis his tufi-eciuiHtx

and Wi/fing^pfdlr»^ unto the mmtoffehovah


IV* #.i

andring tcvfci5,tohtr6 being cciupcfihp art, caiifc tj^r mtlt bclicf)t . ^|)f b^u. Ujcjb ( shagah) toftcrof beribcb, ib ufcbfcij delight, wandring-in-pleafure. Prov.j .l 9 .^o. 'SliCCO^bmg tO bJftlfJ) U)Ce imP name tfetsS

fong, Davids delight, 0^ folace. <©l, in tbc Other (igutfication, Davids errour; ajS fettUig fojtj)|

the fumm of his cares, bahich mabc him almojl to goc aftrap. ^ vpon the words] OJ con-cerning the words; 0| matters, affayres. Word, bothm l^CbjUe mtb often Ufcb fo^ (1

"* thing 0^ matter. Exod. i 8 . i^.Deut. 17 . i. i.King. 14 . i 5 .Luk. i. 6s, orCulh]

-jj meant ofk


Saul hnnfelf, toho of Kifti, anb oflemini, i . Sam . ^ . iTISirb tlofelp

“^Cuih; that isi an ii.thiopiah, o| Blackmoore, fo^io blacb & ill conbtttou^, ht^ not be^fng Cha'ngeb, ai5 the Blackmoore changeth not his fkyn, Ier. 13 . iz, el0, it might be One Of^aulisJ retinue, mhofe name inbeeb UiaieJ Culh : but Uje finb no mention ofhim eifetuhtte*

3^* 5 • icall h« tear in peeces] OJ, That he ravin not, 0^ make-a-prey.ff

Lion] Caleb



king-Lion (Kphir) ajS biding in covert places. <©ther namei? arc alfo gioen to tl)io binb, aisi

Shachal, oframping, 0^ feirce nature 3Pfal .9 1 .13 • aub Lajilh, tiffubduing fjil^ p^fp Prov. 30 . 30 .

my foul] that 10, me,oj my life. ^ breaking] thijSmap bc refCTTCb tO the UlOU, brea-

king afunder, O} renting his prey : the toO^b SPfoTjiu|^b for breaking ofyokes of afflidtion, thati0y laving, refkuing, redeming 0? delivering, as Pfal. 136 . 24.


Lam. s.S.. <^h^ 45^ceh fo tur^

tietf) it here, theiJ^ijig rmne^^ nor faving. the bcncpal none fet after in thebpie, ferbethTo^th too^'bO; ( aefafter in pfai. 9 . 19 . ) .^nb it io the p^oppetp ofthib tonguefomtime to toant,foihtime to aboir^b Inith \no^bb,ab iii i . King. 10 . xi . ther be tUio benpalbibiften in i. chron. 9 . ^o. ther io but one, in the fame narration.

36. 4 . doonthis]UJhich Cuiliaccufcthmeof. ^^efpeabeth offome common flanber.

injurious-evil in my palmes .1 tfiat lb bad dilhoneft dealings in fecret: the P^lni hollow of the

hand, being a place tohet filthineb map bc hibben: the nand alfo ib put fo^ the a<5hons. ^0Ion. 3 .8 . pfal. 109 . 27 . ^ 78 . 41 .

3ft. y. that had peace with me]my freind^aubconfoederate. ^^UChttechede l^abib ntue||

!iIam^)inhibfocb,that in time of peace, mabeuiarr.Pfai.41. 10. & ss- 13.

yea I ] I5tb^« and I; Ulhtth map be rcfolUCb,yea, 0^ when I releafed my diftre/reF;U}fpeh Uiapl)aUr reference to hib (paring of;&aul, anb beliUering himfrom beath, i

^Sam . 24 .^. 7 . 8 . 11 .

Jz. & 2 <r. 9 . 1 ®. 1


. &c. without caufe] 0? without-effedl, anb fruit: in vayn.

Jft. 6.fmy life] in ^cbjue, lives ; fo ufuallp Caleb,foj the manp faciritieb anb opf^atiob thatfire in life; the manp pcareb, bcgreeb,efiateb therof. ^oflleb in <3ieek retepn the Viu^

jjularnumber life : A^t. a . iS . from Pfal, i u . i . Pet. 3 ,10 . from Pfal. 34 • •


Pfalm. VII IP

my glory] honour- JfjS honourable eftate/enoumj flitb pofleriticiaiS Hof.

y,iKlob. li?, p.0^t]luloule^ajaGen. 4;?.6. f'in the dulll tftat 135 ,^ 111 bale elhte, auti '/

ignominy, ao Pfal. 113. 7. lob. t6. 5. 0^, tj^f dafl o fdeath, tj)c grav e, a$ Piai. i<5.Ifa. ^ 6 , 19 ,

^ ^ ^U 7* in the rages] 0l becaufe ot' the outrages, rurpariing-indignacionSjfo cnleb^of tfjC paAmg

out 0^ tf)e lieat OUD C^p^^^et.' wake-upj ej layfe up, to \^ttt thy feifaitb COme vnto mej

fb^judgmet thou haft commanded,0^ appointed. 3it inap SllD bc rcab;,rayfe up to me,thejudg-ment uipict) thow haft comanded • |b t|)e CljaiDee parapb^aji lupphetfl tj)e too^.wmcn


the^rbjUCitfrifefomtimcDOOtljtflCllbe, aiSi. Kiug.^?. ^.thishowleishye^ x.Chron.7.u.this howfe which is hye. 8. tor it] for the fame congregations take, Vu{)lCj)x6uiCtI)^abCUt

tljec epl'pectutg juDgattent* to the high-place] 0^ to the heigth : tfjat 10, the throne t3n »Sofludgmentyfc^ typncb UJCtC \tt 5p^,i . King. 10 . . CI)Ib too^D heigth,!^ alj’O UfCD fo^ heave ^*?3.4.ailbtf|freGods throne is,Pfal. 11.4.

9* judge] ^UJOtilC^DbarfftcreiifeDm l^^faiue foj judging; I. Dan,antu. Shaphatj p.Hjt fitjjl ib ino^c fyerial to give doom 0^ fentence in coiitioocrficb; t&e latter itio^c general,foj ^judging 01 doing rightm al caitfeo.^Je UpoftlejS cjcpjcfb ^.fe ttoo bp one 4&^ecfe bJO^b kimo;judge: aoHebr. io.3o.fromDeut,3i.36.aubRom.3.4.fTOmPfal. my;uftice]the juftice and equitie ofmy caafe, iarcfpeCCOfmpptcfecatOJ^. ^0 Ptal. 18. <^lfU3l)ere

fie appcaletij to Gods j ullice, Pfal. 3 r . 24 .

^ my perfection J 0} integritie; tge fuuf i ttp

ofinp roapeb, anb fnnpliritp ofnip Jart* ^cc Pfal. i . in me] o| untome,to toeetreward thou


$ 10. for t||0n trieft ] 0^ , Be trieth. God bJ^O fb pofteflbr of the reins, Pfal. 13^ . 13 . bOOtJlalio me tfjem, ab mettal in iftefp^e. C!)t hart, map figaifp tlje cogitations,anb t()e reyns t|jc

aff’nion0*,§)O Pial. z6. z. ler. 1 1 . 20. &* zo. 12. Kev, 2. 23


11. angerly-threatneth] mdeteftech, difdeigl^ineth inwi^ath, naittelp tfie \bicbcb, /

menaceth tj)tir beftruttion* fc/'ffV^*^^**’ -yi?-jrn%av/»A^os. / o^yli,\TrJci.uf*' xcJ’irJcrlui

14* he^vqiicah for the hot-perfecutors] oj poliflieth, tO bJeettOffjOOt at them that fer-tJ'Dl^vently perfecute . CJe ^eb|Ue dalak bJ][)IcB ttgUlflCtj) burning Ezek.24.10. td appliCb tO hocperfecution:foPfal. 10. 2. Gen. 31. 3^. Lam. 4. 19.

15. he flialbe in travel] O^fOnttnuallp-travelleth, tgat ld,taketh great payns to accom- Slin'*phlh iniquity, as a woman with child to be delivered. moleftacion] 0^ moyl, milerie^

' *•

i^ebjue ghnamal figmfictB toyifom-labour anb moleftation, both tolncft flman inburetQ S ri-y

ftimfelfe, Pfal. 2f . 18 .& 73 . y . anb Be taufeiB an otBer to enburr/ Pfal . 94 . ^o. & j j . 1 1 ."


llnbt^dtt!0 Betemeant,adtBei7 .bcrfefBetbctB. bring forth a lye] o;i,faliEood:

intaning epther caiumnie anb flander ofotBer0,(bJBfcBinberfe i7.ieenirt|rto be Caleb violet-^^,^*

wrongj)o^ a deceyt ofBimfelf.frHpratuis obm eyfpettatioiu fhmbtube of tfic C6^ra.idLception,travel,anb birth offpn,id memojabIe;mentioneb alfo in lob. ly

. 3^ . ifa. 59. 4 . lam. i.

iMtiurBUhe anotBerfimtUe, ofploughmgfowing anb reaping imqmtie,iob. 4. 8. fowSlv16. IS fallen,] tO bjeet, unto his own perdition, ad Prov. z6, 27 . Ecclef. 10. 8 . 0^, to lurke

therefo^tBe perbitlonofOtBerd: ^>etPfal. 10. 10. the corrupting-ditch he wrought} nntTJD>, pit-of-corruption toBwBhe made. Cge OJigmol Shachath,figmffeiB corrupti6,Pfal. 16.. 10.


emb Id appUeb to anp pit oj ditch where one periflieth and corrupte'th. Pfal ^7 . 7. & 94.13 .autlfointime tge bjo^b pit, id plainip abbeb, ad in Pfal. ^ r . 24 . the pit ofcorruption.

17. his crown] tBc Icalp, 0^ heads top^ meaning alfo, abundantly, anb apparantly in theyicvv ot al. ^ee Efth .9.2?. violent wrong] bJOJb Chama§ fignifietft injurie doon Ofcy force and rapinej violation ofright and; uftice.

fulfp coi^^ofc^^‘ anb a foug artifttial anb

I. To the mayfter of the upon

Gittith; a Pfahn oF David.

IEhovah our Lor4 ,ho^*r wondrous-

eYcelleciV thy name in al the earth:

which haft given thy glorious-majef-

tie, above the heavens.

3, Out-of the mouth of babes, &'

fucklings^thou haft founded ftrength;

becaufe of thy diftreftersito makeccafe

theenemie, & felf-avengcr..

A. When I behold thy heavens,the

deed of thy fingers : the moon and

the ftarrs, which thou haft ftably-con-



What wfory^man that thoure-

niembreft him : and the fon ofAdam,

that thou-vifiteft him?


For thou haft madc-him-leffer a

litle, than the Gods: and crowned him

with glory and comely-honour.


Thou gaveft-him-dominion,over

the works of thy hands:all,thou-didft-

fett under his feet.


Sheep and oxen al ofthem: and

^Ifo ,the beafts of the feild.


The fowl ofthe heavens, & the

fifties of the fca : that-which-paffeth-

through,the pathes of rfie Teas.

JO. lehovah our Lord : howw“on*

drous-excellent ts thy name,

in al the earth.

Pfalm. VIIL

fah OHT Lord,how excellevt-^reat is

thy name in all the earth* thon Vohtch ha(I aiven

thygloriopu-wauftte above the heaum.

Fro mouth ofbabei,^'fucktiȣS,thoufii mtiesmfintidedfii becaufe ofthem thoL thee dtjirefs :

T0 make thefie , andfelf-aven^er ceafi:

4, when 1 behold thy heavens, thy fingers deedz

the moon and Barrs,'^hich thou haftftabltfijed*

/. What isfrayUman that him thou remembrefl^

and Adams fon, that him thou vtftteFl?

^ ,For thou a Istle leffer hafl- made him^

than be the Gods: and crownd him ^ithglorii

and^ke with hono^ableAecencie,

7, Ofthy hand-^orkl» thougaveft him rulingi

under ' hisfiet, thou fet didft every-things

5. Sheep& beeves all: and fitld beafts ^tth the

p. Fowloflheheavnsfijhofthefiaalfi: (ftme^

that through thepath- Wayes ofdoefeas doothgo^

iO. O Jah our Lordihow excellent-great-fkme

in all the earth hath thy renoumed-name


, / Annotations,

—Gittith] 01 theGittith: toljicIjtitlctiSalfoBilJmtotrjesi^^^^^ Gathtii

»rt«uetSavvmeprefs,lfa.<:3 .x. 31ttgflIf0 t8tnaraeofacitycftte19gllt(hm? iSam. 17.4.

« title alfo Cf the Htbitts toass taUD Gath-nmmon lof. X 1 . X5 . UJfterrtJpon Obed-ed^ tpe

^ 1, out Lord] 0;, out fuftej ners; fatiJC W«tt8lP£a.x. 4 . wonJxoui-acellem]


Pfalm, VIII, 2T

Ojwondrous-j-ample, Illuitroiw d!tb magnificent, O^tQWaT toO^b ample OJ lar

mib excellent UJUftalj clear anb fplendenc til glo^p: ^i)C tumetfl It wonderful.

ufCD foi renowm Ol elorie, Gen, 6. 4* Ecclef.r.t. Phil. t.9.

jpleoj large


name] tlUiS td ofteit Ufcb fo^ renowm 0|, glorie, Gen. 6. 4 . Ecclef. 7.3 • Phil, z.p.dfi tz!w

on t{)C COntvarp, vile perfons at calcbmen without namej lob. 30. 8. . 4&0bJJ name lO alfo Ufcb

fO^ fllS^ kingdom anb gofpelj Mat. 19. COUtparCbtoltflLuke. 18. z^. Mar. 10. x^.. !^nbtbt$

^falm treatetft oftfte fp^eabing of Uingbom ahb gofpcl, ab after tjS mamfePeb*hall given] tfjit to, put,01 fst:a05 i-have given, bp t|)e<6bangclifl: m 1-wil- n:)^

put. Mat, ix.i8.^ map alfo import a femng-fure 0} ftablilhingjaO thou hall given thy people *

I . Chron. 17 . zz^at iO, rhou hall ilablilhed thy people • z . Sam. 7 • ^4. *®crc alfO iO a graui-

inattcal cfjaugc in tljt ll^cbute: to give, fc> thou hail given. clorious-majellie] vene- ^ Vnrable OJ prayfeworthy-glory. C&C UJO^b Hodh,IO general fo^ anp laudable-grace 0| vertuefoj

Vofncfl one iO celebrated , reverenced anb commended. above,] OJ over,o^ upon the- ^heavens. pg.zafetOUfebof <J5ob, Num. 17- lo. UtfitreftetolUetfl i^ofe^to giveofhi$tJ,o\>giorious-majeiiie iiponiofua: anb ttup wfc mtge moftical appipuig of tftio ^faim to

€b^t|tObmgboni, ap Mat. zi. 16. teaefietftbO: heavens facinj alfo open itfcb mfcrtpture:,fojtljechurch ofCfpiftlfa. 17. & zz. Rev. zi. I.

®. 3* haft founded] tljatlO, firmly-decreed, appointed,attbCOnfegUCUtlp fitted anb perfec-

ted : ao tlje <6jtecb katertifo ( Vnllltl) t^Z !j|pople llfetlj, )ftgntfl;*tl3iMat. z I. ^0 in Ellh, 1.8.

" ' "

the King had founded, tfiatlO, decreed, appointed, ^ee aIfobefo^,Pfal. z. z.

ftrengch]t8atio,ftrong-prayfe; fojfotl)toioo;ibfccitictbofterttobe Ufeb;apPfal.z9. 1. 8c fy7 . 1 18 . 14 . tberfo^c tlie (©jceli, bo^iclj tfte ^Spoftlc follobaetb. Mat . z i . 1 6. tranflatetb it

Praife. bJOlb ftrength OJ firmnes, map be tabCll fOJ kingdom firmly ftrengthnedj aO it!

tgio place, fo in Plal. no. z. & I6. & 89. 1 1. to make ccafe] tljat iO, put to filenccjn^^crn

Oj doo-away, abolilh anb dellroy. ^0 after in Pfal. 1 19 . 1


& 8^




& 4 10



felf-avenger] 0^, him that avengeth himfelf: tgc p|CUb aub mig^tp VDi)tc!) toil nOt fuffet ^ijS tDp>n

jpionour oj gapn to be biiniaifheb. ^0 Pfal. 44 . 17 . CftiO toao fulftlleb, toften cbilb^en erp^*

ing Hofanna to todcomc tftc cbeifp^eifto anb ^cribeb bifbeii®ncb,anb fouggt to be^

Prop fjim: bat bepappebtbeirmoutfteo, bo alebging tftio fenptufe: Mat.zi. ly.i^.Mark.

II. i3 . <J3jbO people aretaugljttljougljtbep.fuffertoiong, not to avenge themfelves, but to

giveplacevnto wrath. Rom. iz. 15?.

y. what is fory-man] tO toeet, tljUd tl)in!t3 toitljmp fcif : what is man &c. ^ete manlb Caleb .Enoili, ( tljz nam? of

3Sbamb nepl)eto,Gen. 4 . z6,) to&icl) ftgnifietf) doleful, fory/o-rowfui, wretched, anb fick incurably. 'Knb t^ib iiam^ ib gtbeii to al men, to put t]^em in .

intnb of tf)eie miferie and mortality: ab Plhl. 9. zi. let the hetheos know, that they be iEnolli. ^3-1 jt

fon ofAdam] 0^, ofearthly-man . before men ar Caleb no fh,fo^ tfteit doleful eftate bpfpir. fo are tliep caieb Adam, aub fons oi Adam, tgat ib^ earthly; to piitthem in minb of tfteir

original, anb enb; togic^ toere mabe ofAdamah tj^e earth,eben of tge blip; anb to buP fOal a^

capn return. Gen.z.7.&3. 19. Adam toabtlje name botl) ofmanartbtoomam Gen.f.z.anb ib alfo tge name of al tjtir cfiilbjen j Pi'ai . zz . 7 . & 3 ^ . 7 . & 3 9 . anb in manp otber pla# *

C:b* j§>ee tlje note on Pfal. 49- 3* vifitefthim.] tfiatib:> h^ft careof, provideftfor anl>''5*?|?9

lookeiltohim. ^fte Original too|btf|ublargelp fignifietj); anbibufebinbiffcrcntlp fojvi- .

iitin<£withfavour,nbPiai. lo.c^ with di.fpleafure,ab Pfal. l|ere it ib meant foj goobjfoj <Sobb pzobibeiice ib fingular totoarbb manj anb his vifitation preferveth our fpirit. Comparealfof)eretoitIi,Pfal. 144.3. lob;?. 17.18.

5. For thou madeft-him lefter] oj, And thou madeft-him-lack. oj. Though thou madeftkirn to want a litle of the Gods. alitle] ^3i:j3e Original too^bfi^ifietg eptj)eralitle-

while; Plal, 37. lo.o^alitledeale; PfaI.37. KT. i. Sam. 14,19. ®)e<©jeeb brachu ti ( tol|iC9 “ *

tlje llpoph ufetft, ) alfo fignifietfi botp. A61 . r . 34. loh. 7.poto be it, bp gib applping tgib


to gc femetg tomean a liue 0^ Ihoh time. Heb. 1.7.9. than the Gods] 0; than cr nix^od.buti^dfciohim, Gods^gtteibiwapttgg Angels, obigcllpopleeppouttbctgfeaccDi^

22 Pfalm. VIII. IX.

bins ibotl) to tBe'<0jeeB betfion, «ttb Cfialbec parapfi^fc;ifinb tljofc-ficabenlp fptritieJ/ar fo|thm office anb fccbkecalebAngels, tgatij^meflLagers: butfo^ tljeic ftoncuvaiile bignittetpq>atcalebGods,b2re,art5mPul.j?7.7.anbtbeSonsofGod, lob. i.6*&38.7. cje Prin-ces of tftc eartf), at nameb Gods, pai. 82. ^djouj mucn mote niap efte Angels be caltb fetfjatat CheffPrinceSi Dan. lo. 13 . , and crownedil him &c.] map bc UnbetflooD of

•^tsvp mail ab he \xya^ fii|t made, in 45obO image, anb of iftc ,Gen. i . 1^. bia fiuce

%l}t ttanjgtcflwu, it 10 petuliat to €l)kft aab to Cb^i(tianmcn tlm babe ttjeir brgoitp refto^

red bp Cijjitt. li^nto (pm the ‘itpoftlc appUitb thio ^almc,tbuo: wee lee icius crowned withglory and honour, which wasa.licle made-idfer then me Angels, through the iudemig ofdeath


Siat by the grace ofGod, he might tali death for all. Heb. 2. y. comly-hoiiour J

l^ebtlie hadafjdettOtetb al honourable comlyaes,honert, grave, adorned dccencie.

7 , a^3_d^t thou fetl iu tip fit(l^ ^eatlon,<5od gade man rule over Hlh, towle, bealles, &al that moveth on the earth, Gen .1.2^. bUt after, fo^ bib fake ailD (pu,tijr eaitl) toap curlcdj

anbbe inwped it Ulitb fojobj; Gen. 3 . 17.

®llt tlie ofman mbq to heyr ofal tiiings,Heb


t. i. rcIlOKth out lofd, and Voil cauje the remnant ofthe peouie^ eben whoioever ovcrcometh;

to inhdit aTflmigs^c^^ iz. Rev . 2 1 .7 . t!}OUgb UUtO mailllUing btte in fo^OtUCjS, we yet fee

notal things fubdued^Heb. 2. 8. ,

‘SheT^anefOxen] 0^ Flocks, and beards . flock COlUpjebfnbUig botgiheep andgoats. Levit. 1. 10.

9 * The fowl] that Id, fowles 01 birds: oneidufcd fo^ many 0^ all: fo tljt ^Cbtue oftm. y

/ .fpeaUetb of Otfeet tbuigdjad ship^fo^ imps: i.Kmg. io.22,b3itb i.Chron.9 .ZI. Ipear/o^ fpears:"‘'2. King. II. 10. tDitj)i«Chron. 23. 9. ^oPlal. 20. 8. & 34. 8. ff' ofthe heavens! tbattd. of tbe aier; fo| al tOid Outfpred 0^ Armament fp|ed obet the facc oftpe eSth7<25dt5led Hea-

'.r'i' Yens: Gen.i.8. tbeplacealfoabobeUlhn: tl)e^unaaokartdate,tj5 raled heavens Gen. i.t;c*

’ • and the btgbejt place bJhtte tge ^ingeio dlDrl,(and <i5od hutifelf ip to fit in, )id Ithemeiftcalcdheaven: Mat. 9. & 24. 3^- andbpthe'Apople named the thirdheaven, 2.Cor.i2,z.

^ ‘ ^0 Otbet feriptnted mmtiou the birds ofheaven, Mat. 13.32. the winds ofheaven, Dan.,7 . z,

the clowds of heaven, Dan. 7. 13. the dew of heaven, Dan. 4. 12. &c. ^pe i^ebrue name Sh^-majim, hath tfte fopu of t()e dual number; but the ^Ebangelipd e)t:p^efd it mdiffetentlp bp the

• p-^ifingnlat oi plural;ad toher one faptb,pont tetoatd ip great in the heavens^ otbecfaptb, itismuchinheaven: Luk, 6.23.

Pfalm. 9 . pfalm, p.

/, To the mayher ofthe

Math labben; a pfalm ofDavid.

».J^VViI confefsiehovah, withal my Sing this as the if. Pfalm.


hart: I wil tel, al thy marvellous- J.\A Jhh aU my hm,fehov^h ik confiftVporks. I wii-rtJoyce and drew- \ \ al tijy Vt/erks-marveihm.

f Vstl f.vprr/.

gladnes in thee: I wil fing -pfam,/i?

4. thy name 6-moft-high. Whenmine enemies turned bakward:they

llumbled& periflicd,from thy face.

5. For thou-haibdoqn, myjudgementand my doom: haft fitten on the

6. throne, judge of iuftice* Thou' Raft rebuked the hethens , haft

brought -to perdition the wickedone; their name thou-haft-wiped*ottt

,for ever and ayc*^

Reioyce^ artd^laekes -Jhew in thee MI :

^Mftng-fpilm^ to thy nameo tnofl.hye

jidtne enemies When backwardthey tPtrnedi

tfjeyfrom thyfree^fifimbledand pertjhd.

For thoH my ludgemem efrmy doomjjaft dotJef

haflfitten^mdgeofmJHce^ on the throne,

The hethens thonjevere-rebuked halt"^

the Wk^ed-one hafi to-perdition-calh

the name ofthem thou Wiped haft aWay^(6 tverlajiiff^ andperpctual^ayc^


Pfalm. IX.

7. The dcrolatlbnscfthecnemie, are 7. The defolatkns oftVencmle^

\i'holly-ended, toperpetuirie;&thc ^mte-endedare, toperpetutue:

cities thou haft pulled-up;periflicd ar/d cittes thou h4ft pnlld-Hp; ofthem-sA

8 is,the memorial ofthe of the . And - with them^ is penjht the memorial.

lehovah, (hal fit for ever: he hath fehotuah alfo ^Jhalfir everfitt:

prepared his throne foriu^ement. his thronefor mdgement ,he prep^rethfitt ,

p And he, wil 'judge the worfJ with p. ^ud he^"^liudge the ^orld^nh right -tuftice:

jufticc: wil judge the peoples ,with ’ )^tl mdge the peoples^\^ithright-ecjHiikt,


XO righteoufneftes. And lehovah, to o^ndfor tb'opprefi,fah)^tlherefige-l^e:

wilbe an hye-refuge for the oppref- <e reftge-hye^ at, times in mtfery,

fed: an hye-refuge, at times in di- // ^nd they that thy name^'^iltrnfl in theez

ftrefs. And they that know thy fir thon ,Uh , leavefl not ^them thatfeek^thei*

n ame, wil truft in thee: for thou for- 12 Stng to phoytah,that m Ston dvtells :

fakeft notjthem that feek thee Icho- his praEUfes^ffCwfirth among peoples.

J2 vah. Sing -pfalm to lehovah,that For them retnembreth^he that blonds doothfeek^

dwelleth in Siomdiew forth among he forgetts not^cryeoftloafflt^ed’meel^.

the peoples,his pradifes. For /4 Iehovah,fhei»megrace; my troublefie

he that feeketh out bloods, remem- from nyy foes: fiom deathsgates^up lifting mee,

breth them:forgetteth not,thecrye >5 That daughter Sionsgates^ may noyfi^

it4 ofthemeek-afflidied. Be-graci- thy prayfis all \ may in thy health reioyce.

ous to me lehovah ; fee mine af- 16 Thehethensfmkytre^inthepittheymadei

ftidion from iny haters ; lifting- caught is theirfiot, in net that clofi-they^latde.

up me 5 from the gates of death. /7 Known is lehovah; iudgment he hath done :


i. 5 That I may tell,al thy prayfes;in the in his hand-^ork^, fnard is the ^^icked~$ne.

gates of the daughter of Sion:may iS O mwdthis Wel! TurnJhal into the pif

X6 be glad, in thy falvarion . The the^teked: hethensahthat Godfirget.

hethens are funck-down,in the cor- ip For^ notfir aye firgottJhalbe thepoore:

rupting-pi’’ that^ they made: in the noxtieedies hope^ pertfhfor evermore.

net , that they hidd,caught is their 20 lehovah rfcfflrong let not weal^-man bee:

I J7 foot . Known is ,leho. let hethens indged be

^ fire face of thee.

vah, judgement he hath doon :in 21 lehovah^ ftrtke in them a dread- difmayi

the work of his palmes,

infnared let hethens know, ^eak^-men they be Selah.

is the wicked one: Meditation Selah.

18 The wicked flial turn into the hell : all the heathens that forget God. ip. For not

to perpetuitie, forgotten-ftialbethe needy-one: nor the^xfpedation of the poor-

affli(ftcd-oncs, perifh for aye. 20. Rife up lehovah , let not fory-man be fttong:

let the hethens be judged,bcfore thy face. 2 1 . Put thou,lehovah,a fear in them:

let the hethens knoW5 thata they be,(ory-m€n Selah.

r I'on Mutn iaDDcnji^<t-j>U»3iT u ut lu i-yt wv «« nmu vmu

.Itfee tfiat toe tall tfteCounter-tenour . <©tl)rttolfe it map be tcati. For xhe death

jLabben: buttofto6ttoa*i,i#lj«rplnttettaim. atfetmttf)tome,ajstBefo?ra.Pl«


®. 1.T TPon Muth labben] Cljfji.ifitbe t^etteb to tgc tnuff&.fetjwtft tobe a bfnb of tutte me

24 Pfalm- IX


nv^•• <

i:jnnT t:

oft^e iJjotragatio ofCfnip^ ferngOonufotW ij^.of®e btHtimin ofUnttcfijtfijf.

1, merveilous-works] oj wonderful-tSiUg^: marvels: miracles, Ojigmal UJc^ti figrnlftctj) ftiglji anO Bi00cn,fucl) maiuJ potoer cannot perform,uoi rcafcn rcacj) unto:nub tjierfoic are aoinireo*

^*4, when my enemies turned &c.] CfjlOWap be taftm fo^ afwtimofgflSpjatfefOjbC#!iberancebpa(l:or, inimtlj fojltUc to come $ aub map be rcab, when my foes turn back:they lhalftumble and periih. from thy face ] from before thee; becaule of thy pre-fence, tl)at ijdi, fo>fear oftbc; anb ffint out from tfip face oi pjefcnce. ^3 after Pial. .2

. 3 .i>.

^6 tl)e 3ipOplefpeabctl)OftbemuhebtJ pcrblttoufrom the taceoftheLord.i. Thef. 1,9.doon my jud^n^enti tbat tO. fliben fciitcncc, anb e]t‘fcuteb, accojbing to tj)ertg(jtof

ttlp cauf:: Plal. 7 . P . litten on the throne] 0} fetc-thee-down on the throne; thefeatofjubgcmcnt,ojtribimal, -^h*jinotetb,botijfimglpflutftopttePf^^ 131. n.n.aubtpeacting oieicmirtng ofthe fame, z.chron. i8. is. iii, 6 , i. Dan. 7. 9. Rev. 20. n.judge of] 0^6 judge; 0^judging julbce .

{5. 6 . hall-r.ebukedl 0^ chidden,mith rouglj anb fcbcre bJO?b?J: but thlie^,U3hcn 45ob bootgft,comnioalpnnpo^h confufion; ao being to hio enemico; aubthn:fo;e icpneomithtijeturfe* Pfal. 119.21. &68. ;i.&7^. 7. & i8. 1^. Zech. 3.2. ^0 fIft Uitj|CVC I)r japth, at the re-

buke of thy face they periih. Pfal.-So. 17. wiped-out] 0^, wrped-away ajS miththOIjanb* ^InbthiOwipingout the name, notct!) an Utter aboUtijuig imthgreatmrath* Deut.

14. & 29. io. Pfal. 109. 13. for ever and a5^e] O^,for ever and yet; OJ,to eternity auUperpetuitie. 'ii)ebrUC Ghned,yet ifi abbCb tO eternity 0^ ever, tO cncrca(c thc Ourauce ofIt, anb to note ol ctcnimcb.^.&2i.j.& 104. s.&hj.i.i. tahcutiomExod. If. 18.

7. Thedefolations]b3Tjich thC CncmiCmabc UI fpopling OUC lanbj OJ the defolate places

toljtch the cnemte bmlbcb foj ajs in lob. 3 ,14 great men are japb to build themidvesdefolate-places. ol the enemy] ^0 thc 4r>iCCfe turucth it. bJCmap alfo rcab it, O ene-

mie, the befolationcJ ate quite enbeo ( mhiep thou mabc(lt ); o; are they ended?

toperpetuitie] o^, to continual ay, to vidorie : that U?, |0 ao it COlUmueth foj eber. Ever OJEternity hath th^ name Ghnoi^ in ijeb^ueoi being hid anb fo, unhuouin; perpetume, Ne-tfach, io fonamcbofprevajdinganb getting vi<aorie bp pevprtual buranrc. i^crcupon that

jjp^h of ^h^ prophet. He hath (wallowed up death to perpetuitie, or vidonous-aey; Ifa. zy . S.

iO tranfloteb bp the ^po|l!e. Death is fwaliowed up to vidoiy; that io, for ever: ai^ the famc

Ixio^bin Amos.8. 7. & Lam. y. 20. ib dlfo turncblnto bp thelt^f^fijonterp^etcrci.

Pulled up,]ti fimilitube tabenfromtreeo,appUebhrre to the pulling down ofcities:fo.pla-

dng anb pulling up ofa people, ar fet one agamfi aiujtJicr. ler. 24. ^ 42 . 10. & 4f . 4


ofthem] tmife repctCD, fo^mo^ behemenep: mtaniiig, al and every ofthem : 0^, Voith themfclves,their memorie is gone . .

8. wiljudge] 0^, give doom unto. ^\nofeberalVj30|bsJ forjudging, are hcreufeb, atf• ’ before. Pfal. 7.9. with righteoufneffes]that 10,with al manner rightefi)uliies,aub equi-

n'-Vtti'Wie: or,moll righteoufly, moil equally, ^ee t{)C l& fpeech after,Plal. 98.9 . & I3.aub0lteil

'‘ ^ ethermhere.

10. an high-;refuge]in^cbruCMifgab,bJhifhl^*'c^^^fio>thatt0,anhye-place, tower,

0} tore to rcfip the enemp ler. 4 s . i. mh^^ protteteb


anb efcape their fcs0 inbo^


ton, Deuc. 2,35. ' for the oppreffed] or, tathe beaten down, tjje pOOJ 10 fo Caleb, 00Jftug pownded or Ramped bp the abUerfarp. ^0 Plal. 10. 18 . & 74 . ii. at times]0|

ill feafons, that 10, feafoiiablie, at al timc0 uiheii thep be in bi(lref0* ^0 Pfal. 10. i,

..-v thacknow]or£hatacknowiedgthyaame:fMchar<$Ob0people,;

{5. IZ. dwellethinSion] Or fitteth ill Sion. Sitting I0 often Ufcbfor <Iwelling, fl0 10 notcb#

t ^ Uiorb in if manp time0 omitteb in i^ebruci but nece^ariip to be ui^crOo<t^«

-r.'b aptft®

•• T

Pfalm.^ IX 25

ai$ tCjrt it fcifoften aiS beth,howfe,fo? bebeth,m the howfe^i . King. 14 . 14 • COm^pauDUJ!t|)iCnroa. a/. 24. au6 2. King. i^.l.&t.Chron. 34*30* lUitJl . .

X. King. 13^1. ^ his practifes.laiwonted works. afttOUtf

fcoonuaturaupjcjpnrpafelp ailtijtuoiouno: dcligneS;, guile, manners,gelts ejexerdics Cllttx^

jntfcD aopifeDlp, pcofetuteD ftli0^3u^l|^w^ualiJJ,oi imuival oiKpoiitiou antj iucUnattonia^ Pro.

zo. II. I. Sam zf.3. n>

P* 13. he that leeketh out] CJ requireth bloods, t{jat (©Oti, VB[)0 folotUCt!), flUtietfl OUt,

yuuii i)i i j) ant? aoengst!) bloohfpet) 01 mxivDer j accc^tmic to tl)c labo, Gen * 9 * r * f•

nieek-afflicted]^/^i1g o;tlgmal f)ati) a hOUble i:caOini3,Ghnanajim,tj)at afflided,poor : ti'' 5 yanDGhnanavim, meek,modert, lowly: tojaft'iifttCiVCfim ran|ettj inccnuc0^ alfO

Ghnaai, ci^at 10 afflided; iO tranfiateD praus, Meek. Mat. zi . ^.ftotU Zach. 3>. i?.

' "•

tJ. 14. trom my haters] tl)ati0>bJijKO £Oinetl)lipon me, tom tyein* Iifting-up]OJ,

6 li tcer up, (exalcer)oFme. ^ gates"ofdeath ] 1^1)10 nOtCt!) pJCfCUt pcti! Onb ftac pi Ovati) n\Jj \*i^

m iiom neee at t^e betp doo^ 0^ gate tgerofiGen. 4 . 7 * ludg. j *s . netet^ alfo, pot»=*

er, Jtcengtt), anti jurifoietion mftirli beat!) fiatlji ( cben rclgihng, a0 tljt Itpoplc faptj) Kom.f * 14

. ) uecaufe iBagifrcateo fate, atiD juDgmento met ejcrrutcD at t};e gate0 d ntic0jX>eut.

22. i^ [ob.3i. zi. Amos, til otperffriptui*e0tl)e gates ol death and oihel,bcnoto

titae pail, ftreagti) and Pial, 107. 18. iia. 38. 10. Mat. i^. 18. iob.58. 17.

U* I y . gates of the daughter ofSion1 t^tfc at OppOfcD tO tlje fO^UlCt gates ofdeadojpubmeait, > y vyjtBe pauiiii place0U3pt^oD0 ^cpie came togetl)er,at ^ioa gatc0,Ui{)ct <©od 1nte,bevf,i2 ;* "* “


and tul)tc^ pe lobtd mofcPlM. 87 . 2* Cl)e daughter ot Sion ftgnifietl) t{)e Cfiurrf) 01 Congtej* fPs-ra

eation tpete gatljetedi (ad alfo tftc Chaldee patapi)rafe gere fJieUjet]^; ):fo^ ebeip cftctl ntie>

Uta0 counted ad a mother^ Z. Sam» 20.1^. (tubempen tjje ?CpofKe calet^ Iemralem,the

of us ali,Gal.4 .z 6.)ti)e Pillaged tljat metenea* and pettepned unto fuc})cttie0,ar calcd daugh-^«>^**3»^^»^

tersi0l.if.4f. z.chron. 13. 1p.pfai.48. iz. aud tl)empabita«t0tl)etefcatcd^ ciafjemblies

ofpeopl0fefo|tiiig tfiiti^et at Ubebtifenamed daughters,a0 being btoAcjnaioutifij^’P t|>err,

and fubject tftetto* ^ucl) fpeecjjcd ate often in tjje fetiptute, ad daughter oflerulaiem, Lam.2. Ip. daughter ofSion,Mat.zi.f.ftomZach.p.p. daughter ofmy peopleyler. 4 • u. daughter

of Tyrus, Pfal. 4 f . 13 . daughter ofBabel, Pfai .137.8. and tbc libe^

b. 174 judgment he hath doon] oj, bp thejudgment tjiat he hath executed,

his palms] tge wickeds own hads^caled the palms 0^ hollowes,fo^ tlje fcctct manet OfP30jfel'ng- ^;&0 Pfal. 7.4. Meditation Selah] meaning tjiat tbid id a matter ofdeep meditation; ttSt? |{'.t

too^tJp to be wel minded,and fpoben fung UJitlj catneft confidetation alurapcd^^ome te« t r i r

tepn tl)e l^ebjue too^d,Higgajon Seiahj fo^ tljat it map import a bind ofSong 01 tune,( ad tfic

4©^eeb tutnetg it, ) being found in tljid fojm, onelp Ijete, and in Pfal. pz . 4. .

i8» into the hej1 intohelitfelf:fo^tj)CtoJ01dintoidineffccttpJifeput rnt8el|ebjUe,fO| riSVHU'


inpjebegemencie,19, needy-one] tUJO named at 5^e giben to tje poo^; ^bjon,needy and deliroiis,b5ljicB )i' :3 i<:


I'mpopetfitoantof^ttigdncedfulitobefiippliedbpbberaimetPiai. i32.if . & nz.p Ghnam> : *

Jpoor-affliaed, bjgicft needljelp and delibctamc from bejiaticn: ad before betf. 13- pettljid

Piecife dtffereme,id not albiaped obferbed in feripture^ fr pcriih for^] tgat id, il^al ne-3^

ver perilh. i^ete tge bJojD not, fet ill t0e beginning, ferbetfi foj a demaTof ai tljat follcboctlj,* *

^ 1,

fhal not be forgotten, flial not perilh, p^tbeioft. Cohttatp tO ttjid, id tlje wickeds-hope mill TJr’

Ctpectatt0n,blijic0 ihal perini.Prov.iolzS .Iob.8. 13 ,& 1 1 . zo. be itrong] Vconfirm and harden bim!elf:andfo prevayl; ^gididfitlp oppofed botlj to tIjc «amc and na^ture ofman, bofrtt|j id infirm, forowfui, and mortal


21 Put a fear in them] o^ftnkea terror in them. Cfie Original morah(ufed ill tftld platC pnmj monelp, jfeemet]^ to be put fo| Mora; tobtclj id Pear, c^Xerrour, pfal. 7^. iz. tljtfetUjo^ebjueiletterd being often put onefol an otijetjadAmonier.fz.if.fojHamo, 2. King, zf .n.shinnaj.King, if. iy.fol Sfounah,Ier»;i»33* 4^att0ldmfltotfi[C?letterditn\aptt;tneofHorah to

V r ^ o teaefis

26' Pfalm. X. •

tcarft; nnb ffflnifp ahw oj doctrine. rr in ^*Enofh, tftc ttameoF‘2tDami3 ucpftrU3,Gen.4 ftWmitcj SorowfulvanD i0 afm commolp giPcn to cPa*p manfoi IncJ boleful pate imb mopalitp, Pi'al. 8. f, anb pevc roUccttbclp id tl)e name ofmankind.

Pfalm. X. r/^/^ X.

Sing this as the/. P/alm.Her

ffin lehovah flcindcfi


at times when wee arew dtfiref^

wherforc doosi- tioon thQthidt}

wW Herfore lehovah dooft-thoii

(land in a pUce farr-off: dooft-

thou hide,at dmeb indiftrefll?

2. In the haughtynes of the wicked,

Ik hody-purfueth the poor-affli^ed:let

thenrbe taken, in the crafty-purpofes,

that they have thought


3. For p-ayfe dooth the wicked^ for

the deiire of his fowl; and the covetous

he ble(Tvth,he defpiteth lehovah.

4. The wicked, filch is the lofcynes of

hisnofe, he feeketh not: is noGod ifj al his crafty-purpofes.

5. Hiswayes, doo wcl fucceed in al

time; thy judgemSts ar on hy,above his

fightral hi^ diflre{Ters,he puPeth at the.

6. He fayth in his hare, I dial not be

removed: for that Ijlhd not he in evil,to

generation and generation


7. His mouth is ful,of curfing, andof deceits and frawd; under his tongue,

is molcftation and painful -iiliquitie.

8. He fitteth , in the wayting-place

of the villages; in the fecrec- places doth

he murder the innocent: his eyes lurk

for the poor.

9. He licth-in-wayt in the fecrec-

place, as a Lion in his denn; helyeth

in waytjto fnarch away the poor-af-

fli(^ed; he fnatcheth-away the poor-af.

in drawing him into his neu

2 The Wielded tit his h^H^htines^

holly-puyjues the poore :

let tltem be tnken in the crafts

thoiCj they have thon^ht before^

$ For,f/ hisJowls dejyred-^UtJl^

pratfe dooth the ^icked-'^i^hn

the covetotu ike he dooth blefi

he dooth the LORD defpi^hfJ

^ The Voteked^man^his coumenanccis ofjneh loftynes ,

that^ htfeeks not: ther is no God^in al his purpofes . -

5 His ^ayesy in al time^ Wel-Jiicceed;

on high d}y ntdgments b^^above iotsfight ; bts prejfing-fes,

puff at them all dooth hee .

6 Within hts hart hefayth

not be remov'd-away :

for I fnal not in evil bee,

in nny age for crye, .

7 Hts mouth tsfulofcurjing-oath^

andfrawd and falLicm

finder his tongue, is mtfehefandpawfuUiniquitie,

i In ^aytwg place ofvtllagtf^


he murdenth the innocent:

fur poor dec lurl^his eyes,

9 He lyesw 9tayt infecret-place


as Lion in his denn;

he lyes in )M.iyt, to[natch awsythe poor-affltfledmen.‘

th"(ffi*fi(d-p9or hefnitcheth^ him

-7Pfalm. y:.

TO. Hecroucheth hc-boweth-do\v’n:

that fal-may into his ilrong-^^ims




, 1 1 . He fayth in his hart,God hath

forgotten: he hidtth his face, hewiinot fee to perpetuirie.

12. Rife-up lehovah; 6 God, liTt'iip

thy hand :forget not the meek-afflided.

1 3 ^Vhertore,dootIrthe wicked, dc-

fpirc God ? he faythinhis hart , thouwilt not inquire.

14. Thou feed, for thou bchpldefl:,

moleflation, and indignation, to give

it into, thy hand: unto thee, the poordooth leave it: thou art the helper, ofthe fatherlefs.

i 5 . Break thou ,the arm ofthe wic-

ked-one : and of the evikw^;;; feek-

out his wickednes,

ul thou findeft

none.16. Iehovah/>King/^?r ever and aye:

perifliedare the hethens, out of his


17. lehovahthou haft heard, the

defirCjOfthe meek: thou prepareft-firm

their hart, thou makeft attentive thine


18. Tojudge the fatherlefs,and the

oppreffed: thats he add not any more;to daunt-with-terrour fory-man,out of

the earth.

/ 0 He fioMps he howesi tronp ofpeer

mayfkl^whtsfirorr^’pawes, ^ ^ ^i i Within hts hart hefiyth, doGth

forget : he hides-away

hisfree ^fo that he fee


12 Jehovah rife thou np\v (fody

lift then thine hand on hyei

let not the mcek^afflified-mQVi

be out ofmemoYje.

t$ O ^^herforCj dooth the Wicked'Wan

deffight tlo Almighty-one ?

he in his har tfryth, thou Wdt not


Thou lookeflyfor molefling-toyI

andgreevance thou dooflfee^

to take the th ing into thine hand:

the poor leaves it to thee;

Thou helper art offlithet Itfs.

is Breakth’armof'^ickgd-onc:

and ofthe ev'l; his ^ickodnes

til thoufindeft none,

16 Jehovah king,for ever is

and to continual- aye:

out 0] his land ,the heathen-men


17 The meekjafJUBed-mens deflre^

Jehovah thou dooB hear:

thoufirmly-dooB-prepare their hart^

doofl makj-attent thine tare.

18 T0judge th'oppreB and frtherlejs:

that add no more he majy

ihztisfiayl-many out ofthe earth,

Wtth-terrour to-dtfmay*


ht tT)c berfion, a rontmimntc mt part oftge foptier 0 • ^bpon tl)c ccunt ot tj)c follolniuo,000thm the boofe«^ auh fuch fol^^

loin thcm,hifferfrom the l^ehjue: the II. IdfalmPemgmhueofo^tljcio. thei^*

the 1 1 . nnb fo fo^lnarb. ^rt to make up the inimher of i jo.lE>falmc3:J,thep biPibe the 147 ^

totlno. HiheUrife the 114.& nf .i^fahues^thcpmahconc; anbthe ii<?.theppartin tlno.

I ,wherfore dooft thou Hand] 0^,

‘em cameft p^apetsLord Hand not farr off.

V ,

' P * anotgei?


t% Pfalm. X,

finOt!)er faptS Difcafc not the mayfter.Luk.S a9 > doofi thou hide] tO to'ftt thyne eye^jEia. I . I j 0?, thyne eare, Lam

. 3 . s 0^ thy felf. times in diiireis] tj^at I0^U3ljCntojcarinbiftrcfi. ^OPfal.*?. 10. Timesjitinpfpccmnpnotetroubloiistimes. ^cePfal.3i.itf,

i» he hotly-purfueth] cj, burn-dooth the poor, docih broyl in affilCtior.0 j is hotly-per-fecuted

.^ec Plal .7.14. Ithe (perc!),foj ryeehino Ctrtfj z. Cor. 1 1 . , who

is offended and I burn not? crafey-purpofes] c^, devife.c, policies, llratagemes.

Uiczh roting fowtime gootj purpol'ejJ, auD loiraime iVsiu ^rc a«|o Pial. 26. 10.

3 * prayfe dooth the wicked] tO UJfet, himfelf, 0| fo^tUlU sfa that !lC ftatft Ulftat ftldl

fcU)lD»f?y£ t!?> the fowl of the wicked, defireth evil : Prov. zx . 10. the covetous^C^ayn- thirlHe, he blelfeth tO VMCft, himfeU , anD fc^tuue* covetous, t{jC feraper to-gither 0^ Gather-good,f)atJ) l>lp Pmtir, ofa M}it^ (otfa? figniflCtl} to peirce 0^, woundjJoel. 2.8. 'tUnb fitlp id t§e gayn thirllie calcD, botlj fa t{)e fjurt be hobtb to otbrrd, tofjofe

Iifi'oftJjeUioultitabi?aivap,Prov. 1. 19. anDfatbatbebJounOttbbtinfelftoubbid grceoptarli; tgegolp 45l)Opte|Jifpitt0t6^1tfUCf) ao luP after gapn, doo peirce themfelv^s throughwith many forowes . i.Tim. 6 . 10. he defpiteth] 0^ conxemptuoufly provoketh; UJlt^

^ rbil Uio^bd 0J fariage, and fo incenfeth 0^ Ihrreth him to wrath . 13


4.ffuch id the loftynes of his nofe] CJ, according-to th e height ofhis countenance, 0^, of

71 3X? anger. Cg? ndfe aub tafltlig Up 0\ It, figitifietl) a proud, fcornful, aitb fomtimed an angry* countenance, ad tftc highnes of the hart Plal. 13 1 . i . aitb of the fpirit,Prov. 16. 18. notrti)

irUiavb ppbe; fo tfte loftines of the eyes Pfal.ioi .s.anb {jtVf ot the nofe^nOtCtft outward pride,

difdaynful beiuviour. IJrblUC ftatl) OUf \J30?b,fa tjjc nofe,anb fa anger,( ao Id Ob^

.‘^fn:bcb Pfal. 2

. ficte faptb^according to the multitude ofhis anger, meaning tjjat•1' lnI)Clbp he perfecuteth the poor. he feeketh not] nothing regardeth 0^ careth, tO faet? fa d^ObjCt btd Vnih < inal his crafty purpofes .] OJ, b? al his prefumptuous-cogitations.

meaning tgat Ije booth not once tbr tb of (6ub,toinlcd fo fte purpofetf) agai. dl th? poor^oj Scft:cfimicth in fiart,anb fapn ujouId fo perfvnaoe th?r id no <©ob* fabieth

,athnfmf:adPiali4 . 1.

j.n His wayes doo &c


] 0^, bring-forth d 00 his wayes; a fimilitnbe frmn bringing fatfnthtlbjcn \nith pamijUJljichbeing effxteb,taiifeth jop,iohn. t 6.'2 i . ^h^’^^fat hcre,( ad in lofa,

nn ^ fuccefs aub (ad tfic Chalbee eyplapnctl) it,)prorpenty. referring' T} it to the poo^bJhom he pcrfecuteth3\ne map reab,his wayes make forowful,0J ar greivous : tfic

''d3 f^pth, are polluted. fT in al time] 0^, in every ame -.that id,alwayes,^ontinualIy,' ^0PfaI.34.2.&:<Sz.i7.& 10^.3. fo the ‘Jtpclllc in <62eeb faptfhprayingin altimci that id, al-

wayesjEphe. f. i8. liliC phjafc id,in al day,fhat id,dayly Pfal.i4r. 1. above his fight]

tl out or his prefence, from before him. ^

' hebuffeth] tfat td,defyeth anb fcttrth themat nanghtidominiers over them( ad tfjc 45jetu traiinamhitO ad if he coulb oberth^obi themUlith hfd breath* be puffeth, bloweth, ailb confequentlp letteth them on fyer, anb confu-nieth them : ad, fcornful men puff, ( that id, inflame 0^ ad the fapth, burn, ) the city.

Prov. 29.8. ^oEzek.^i. 31.

np K*i )}.*^fhal not be m e\dl^ oj, thatam notin evil. tTjatid, ^ixihoamuot noln in ebif,*

fhai ncberbeTmcaninGbp^^ trouble OJ affli<si ionj ad the 31fraclited faw them felves in evil,

Exo.r.ii) .o^,pcrhapd,bp evil,hs meaiicth fyn anb milicioufnes, (ad in^ien 2Ur6 fapb,thr petvpie were in evil, Exo. 32.22. )anb then he boa(leth h^^^ ofhid imiocentpi foj tohieh h^ pjom^=- — -


. fethtohhnfdf,afrtlcbe(late4y.t^ofcurfmg] 02, ofexecration OJ adjuration, ^h^ i^cb|ue Alah fijnt^ictfi an oath'with

execration o^curfingiNiim. f. zi.facurfingVDad abbeb to an 0th, fa to tonfitm it tfte mc^fKeh. 10 . Z)? . Deut. 29 . 12.1 1 . t xrfo^e one anb the fame thing id caltb both an oath,anb a curfe

Gen..2t.8,4i. /3S:hid hcrei t^C ifipO^IC ralctf) tn <6tceb Ara, Curling. Rom. 3. 14.

decsksMA^r^d2 0^, impoftiires and inward-giuie. that id, Oimparbb?teitfuJn}CU)Cdanb


P(alm. X. 2j>

8.8. in the wayting-plye of the villages] OJjthe ambulh ofthe court y^rJs tftptg tJJBttl) Babe rcij;?3tBftt name in ^ebrue oftBe grapTBat growetB in asS it mete grafs-yards. ajnb ben

' ' ” ‘

raiife liicSj plares tcmmanlp are ritli mniss yofTcfficmS, t&etfojc ( it feemetB ) tge 45jeeB tra»in the wayting place with the rich


10* He croucheth] 0^, Ancihecrulh^th, tOtoe^rtTjUttfdfilcaflfjCffjOUto |jcc!pi?b*

tl3ld ipofeen oftlic Lion, lob. 39.2. that fal may into his llrong pawes a troupl O^jandl

he faJetii with his Itrong-pawes on the troiip o^ poor. Strong paVUe0] Strong

batiSi toar.tetl) a to b? aiS oftm anh otj^sr tongneiS> atf a tulj fo^,

afulcup5P(al.73. lo. aneWjfo^anew fword: z. Sam. xi. i<?. cold^fqicold water. Mat. 10.42*

ttiant, fomttmc tfj? fcriptur? It fdfi’uppltetft, in repeting j^ijtopei^ -,a0jhe fet in Aram,I . Chron . i?, fci^ he fet garritons in Aram,2. Sam. 8. the fidl ot the feall Mat. z<».i7. fOJ, thefirll day of the feail : Mark .14.12. ^0 after, Pfal 22.13. 27 . 4. troup-of-poor.] to'Hin H0|, the weak, the poor : calCO fyrtt bp a name, t|]at notetll tficir power, wealth anb faculty to

' "

bedimmed or decayed, 0|, a company ofobfeure perfons. i^noU>b^efoUUb^bUttn tfjii^ p^ahn, in tl)e 8. teifebcfn^?imtl)feanD anapnmtbe 14.


ji. I u hewii not feel 0|, not at al reiped. ^tje UUe pjofaue fpcetfte^ Of tfje UJlCbeb,ar fet n«*j*S3bouanPialTiTT^^E^c^* II &:9.9.iia. 29. ij. r

I I^lift up thy hand! that Ihew openly thy power for bdp Oftfippeople, anb tOUftUnl^ XU^?

fion of tgpfbe,^. lifdn^p the hand,i${ l^ipplteli tO the piiblifliing atlb’manitelHng ofthe gofpel,^ ^ '

Ifa.49.22.fomt!me,fo?figneor help, Ezek. 20.. ^ fomtUIK foj hurt, z.Sam. 18.28; anbfoimtime, fo^ftoeofanoath;<?.2<?,Deut.32.4o. later fenfetgeCBalbccpa^rapft^ll taiietl) it ftrrei Confirm the oath of thy hand . 1

14. to ^ivelt into thine hand ;! tljat ip, to take the matter into thy hand, tO menage ft;

Oh to g ve with thy hand t'fiat ipdfbcmllp to rccompcnfc tl}t ebil tljat ip boon**



vnto thee &c.] 0^ upon thee the poor leaveth, tO UKtt hi s caufe, 01 himfdf. ^0 leav, ip tOCommitt unto ones fideline, Gen. 39. 6 . Ffa, 10.3.10b. 39* 14* ^eealfo 2. Tim. 1. 12.

,i;. Break the arm dt-ie arm notetlMb’^'^gth, means, power, anb help, Ezek. 30. 21. zf.

lfa.33. z.Dan. 22. al-ii'O, violence,Iob.35.9. ^nrcfpect of altl)efc,tj()earmes ofwicked "• #

nen ill Jbe broken. Pfal. 37. 17. ^ til thou iindelt nbne.l ^rtler. tliefpnnPof i 30ot5p p cpte, b i iQ fou:^h,t foj, ar no t found, b?faufc of bipmmp in parboning tl)em: but


jiere cft\y baifU b,tb^p ar not fo ind, b caiife of inPjubgcment in canfuming tfi^sap fie faptfi

il Ezek. 23.48. thus will ciufewickedn^s to ceafe out ofthe land.

16. hethens outofhisland.] tfiC land ofCanaan, \Hfiofe pCOplep tfit Hojb bjObeOUt;Tal.44.3.anbof\jj!iiffifKfano, theiandismyne: Levic.2r.23* 3^ mapalfobtunbcrpcjobiftfieimclieb 3!fnrlttep,bofiicfi mconbitionp mere IPne tfie fieatficnp,aub bojn of tfie, Ezek.

3. fHtfi mere alfocali b hethens,pfal.\. I. apappearetfi bp A6t. 4.^7.

55* 17. thou prepareft-firm] tomcft, by thy fpirit, mfitcfifielpetfi tfieinfinttiticp ofmcn D*jSftatfrnomnotmfiattop^ap aptfiepougfit* Rom. 8. 2^. <0^memapreab itp^apermeife

' ' '

repare thou their hart,appiy &c. foj pjawrp at often uiabc in faitfi,ap if tfiep mere alreabp

OCUtj ap, mfiere one fa^fi it hath pleafed thee to biefs, i . Chron. 17 * i7 . OUOtfier faptfi let it

leafe theto bl.Ts, i,Sam.7.29.. (

ft. i8. that he add not] he, tfiatiP,tfiewickedmanfpo!ienofbefO^, verf. ir. Unlefp, UKferr it to tfiat mfirefi foUometfi, the man ofthe earth

. jf to daunt with ter^r] oj, to

reak-with fcar3to difmay terrify, /^fie toO^;b iP inbiffttent, appIi:bWtUtinKlo^db*Pfal.> . 8

. fomt?m? to michcb uim,Pfal. 37 . 3 r . Cfie ^poftlc folloming tfie <l3^eeb Uetfion^ fapt^^ not troubled,!. Pet. 3.T4.foj,be not daunced-with-fear, Efa. 8, iz.bUtmOJCfullptfie Vno^Openeb, bp 5^ul faping, in nothing be terrified ( or daunted) ofyour adveriaries Philip. 1,

|:.pturdmenoi . fory-man, out ofthe earth] o;i fory-mcn, ( iSnofli, ) ap Pl^. 9 * •

’fiipinapbJreferrebtotfie fatheriefs anb oppreffed, mfiorntfie micbebmoulb daunt anbarc out ofthe earth, oj land. cfiangtng tfie ojber oftfiemb|bpj that nun, of the

rthj C tfiat ipj eartfilp man, ) lioo no more ternfy, tfie meefe*

p 3 pulni.

Pfalm- XI.

Pfalm II.'

%• lothcmzy^icT of the nfujlk^^

of David.

IN lehovahjdo I hope-for-fafetie;how

fay ye to my foul: fiee,ro your moun-

tayn as a bird?


For loe the wicked, bend the bow;

tliey prepare their arrow vpo the ftring:

to ihoQt in the darknes, at them th^vt arc

upright in hart.



For the foundations,

are caft-

down: the juft, what hath hedonef


Iehovah,in the pallace,of his ho-

lynes; lehovah in the heaves his throne:

his eyes wil view; his eye lids wil prove,

thefonns ofAdam.


lehovah,wil prove the juft-one:

and the wicked-one; 8c him that loveth

violent-wrong; his fowl dooth hate.



He wil rayn vpon the wicked,

(hares : Tyre and brimftone, & wind of

burning-ftorms ,fjalhe the portion o£

their cup.. .


For juft lehovah, he loveth jiifti-

ces:his face wil view, the righteous.







Pfalm if.

Sing this as the i . Pfalm,

Infehovahy ho^e-repofei

hovfi ( therfore ) doojeJay

untomyfowl: zsbird unto

your mountain,fice- away}

Tor loe the bend d^e bow^

tJoeirfhaft on firing prepare i

to [hoot even in the dark,au them

in hart that upright are.

For thefoubdations^ are caji-down:

the jufij ^hat hath he done}

fahj in his holyTallace is;

' lah^ in the heaven hts throne:

his eyes Wil view; his eye-lids prove^

the children ofAdam.

Jehovah, Wtl the htfi-man prove:

alfo the Wicked-man,

His (owl eke hateth, him thoL loves

Wrongful- tranfgreffion.

Vpon the Wtched he Wil rayn,

thefnarcsifyre and brmjion,

and Wind ofburmngfiorms, this (ha!

the part oftheir cup bee.

For jufH is fahy he \uflice loves:

his faceythe right, wilfee.


* A ?E*rafjn ofDavid:] tf)t(5U)o?tiPfalmUJaniiflWtpcI>eJ|jjtiMsSfiippIitbtnt8c<6?.fefed


Mee] ojflitt. g,nrt)cI}cb;iuctrjettfiabouic wa&ttifl.Flee-thou.anb^^^^

•buu^(©jceitaub€fjalbetfuwliert^‘f. liititiT)imffIffcom faults perfetutton. i. sam. 13 . h. & ’-4. 3 • 4. / a* 4 biM]

. iinfrtftf«fidan<»er\»)I|> , i

As a bird fleang tVom her neft: foljS a man, fleern,^

from his place^Prov^ay.^

0? the things-fet-up. 'EflCOjigtnalUJDjbShathoth,

things-orderly-f« atUj difpofed: auD map bt appltCb tO

foundation;turpumuf!,imtonetsojfnnre0Anttje»»»te^^^^^tive-lawes • tU \uai*V‘J5j UUtO engins, 02 leagers, nji Pfal. 3 . 7 • in inuid OfUlUn^untO p P


plots, deliberations; tn udigion, UUtO faith, U3|)tcBiS tfiC Heb^ i

Llbfis;m the hypollafis (tfjat ip t&e fubfiilence anb expeaauon) OfdimSb



Pfalm. XI. XlT. 51kingcfornte'^fcRfccmfbf tlrtr, tiutljp tfielLo^b Vija00bfttfooto.!c^j,to®v!b!b)<^efta^faith, t!)c tiianif‘0 bosfleb to be tome to t:cn"rbt.^ftc<6^C£fi betfion oftbe lltt. rraiif^

Ifltctb tf)llO,for the things-thac thou hall-perfeded^they have deftroyed. are call-down]l

0^, lhalbe broken-down, dellroyed.

pallace ofhis holynes] o^, f)tO holy pallace : 02 Temple. VDiltcft T)CVemap bc trJm”^ foj S H3berp heaven: a^Jalfoiu Hab.i.zo; foitftcMp placcbmaDc Ujcre auutrpe§ w-Ta< 0^ anfmcrabi fimilitube^) oftfte true fanctiiarp, Heb. 9. 24.

©» y, provetheyiiVjo^trietjjemibptficpcrrnitioii cftlieimdrebjabtefajSbPotgTafis ynr

fltCttOnd* P fal. lo. 1 1 . 12 , his fowll tbOtT'g,Gods foul,dooth hate. 10 att ^ '

biiteb to 43oD,ifrev tfj ' mannei* ofmen; ag^HSalfojlpBtbl^ eyes, hands, cares &c


Levit. 2<!r. II. my foul fhal not loath yow.®. 6, fnares] 10 oftcn mcaut in fcn'pttlte,tonge fodayn and inevitable I'udgemcnts. t3’ p9

lob. 22. lo. Sc 18.9.10. lia. 8.14.& 24.17.13. fyre and bnmilonel fUCj) Inao tfjC\JOratf|x)*j|*t^;^

tijat frfon ^obom anb tbe cirie0 bp it,Gen .19.24. anotua^tftjcatueb unto <6og,Ez ek.3 8 .22 .•-

anb figirrctfl tfje bengcanC'" ofeternal fprcJude .7 .Rev .20 . 10. ^ wind burning-liormesi p lOVl \

OZjOtblalliiig-tempertstbat 10, a horrible-blafting whirlwind. vDoblD fit fucI] ffOlU hll^per^s*

fenito^d, Pial. I


9 . f 3 . anb bcre tfiep feel fneb om <6ob, fo^ perferuting him. Scremp ap^»pbetf) tf)t0 Vuo^b, to tftC burning-llorm ^fbunger, ham .5.10. blit It 10 piOpCl Ip a hideous bur-,

oingtempr R, niffting mtt of tfte barfe^om fi!ffjia0 tl)e ^ebangclijl talctjanemos tu-phonicos, a fmouldry-burning wind,nameb til Euioclydon,Act.27 ,14

. ^ the poni6 uvij 03of their cup] tfjat 10,

the due meafure of their puniiliment. ^CC Pfal. 7 f-5> .& y.

5^. 7* iovedi ^iifticesl tfjOt t0,al mannerju[licejbDtbtOpUmff)tf)CCbi|,ailbp?Cfevbtr)egoob pipnxbotft ]uf1:caufc0mtb betfon0, his face ] 02 their faces

5 in cric oftljc bclp^ *

itttic; a0oftmmtb^fcnpniiT4 ^SeePfaT. 149.2. /<Ebe ijrb^ue b^remapbeoEugliflficb, the

face( the afpedfs )ofthem,or ofhim :^ce tf|f tIOte Oil Pfal. 2 .3. wilyiew the i^hteousj** ^

ofiuily-vieweth the right. 5tnb tl)i0 Tjotebb tjc Hianif(ftiig of<©ob0 tare, anb faboiir^ tol»*

arb0 tfte rigbteou0, botfi caufe anb perfon.

Pfalm 12.

j . To the may ftcr ofthe mhfik upon the

eight ; a Pfalm ofDavid.

r. 0 Ave 6 lehovah, for the gradous-

i3faind is endedJor the faithful arc

diminiflie’d,from the fonns ofAdam.

3 They fpealc, falfe-vanitie,f6^-mawith

hisnext-freind: lip of flatteries;

with a hart, and a hart they fpeak.

4 lehovah cut-off, al lipps offlatteries:

the tongue > that fpeaketh greac-

5 things. Which havefajid,with our

tongue wc wil prevayl,our lips are w'h

# us : who // Lord over us ? Tor the

waftfpl-fpoil of the poor-affli<^iedi

for the groning of the ncedy-ones:

now wil I rife up,fayth lehovah; I wil

lit in falvatioB.he dial hav€ breathing.


Ffalm 12.

Sing this as the fo. Pfalm.

2 O j^ve LOR firgodly-man is an-endt

^for fhithfiil-ones,fiom Adams firmsy decay,

3 T'heyfpeal(^vam-lyyech-ma ^ith his next^fieindl

ftfithflattrwg Hp^^^ith hart^ hartfpeakjhey*

4 The Lord ent-offy allipps offmoothed-ftastrings l

the longue, thatfpeakith ZXXOgzxXygreat things^

j Whichfijd-have; )^ith our tongue Vot wilpn*our Itpps are ours : x>pho Lordis over us3 ( vajf^


For the afiit[ied-poor mens ^afiful-fpoyl,


now ^ilj rtfty theLORDfayth; infilvatim

3-2 P/alm. XI


7 Thcfaymgsoflchovali, pure fay. 7 Theflyings ofthe LORD^^ve/ayings pure 1.

mgsias filver tricd,in a fubliming-for- asftlver mde, m earthen chotfe^fomace;

nace ofearth; fined, feven times. S finedfiv'n times, ThgnLffrd wilt the kiep-flrei8 Thou lehovah wilt keep them: wilt ^tlthimpreferv Jor ever

^from this race.

preferv him from this generation,for g Onev^yfide,the Wtek^d- ones have WJkeci:

9 ever. The wicked walk, on every when vtlmes ts, of^y^damsfirms,exalted.fide: w'hcu vilenes is-Cxalted, ofthe fonns ofAdain^

' Annotations.

y ift?Ave] 0% help. /^CrjtJjUlOjblt^InrgelpUfctrj foj a! ItinnnClTavingjhelping,delivering,

l^preierving &c. a0 tO fieip OJ Defeilh from lU)iune,Exo. 2. 17. i. Kmg. 6 . z6 . 27; to

liber from alabtjecfmciB.- Pfai. 34 . 7 .ajsfcoiuficumb, 21. Mark. 6. so.fcpmbjotomug^Mac. 8. 2j . 27. 3 1 .fromljanbb ofcnemieb;,Pi'ai. 18.4. lude.r.

fromfpn, Mat.i.2i.frombcatJ), Mat.27.40. from mjatg, Rom. j.?. anbmfimtcrljchfie^lb not onelp a fldping m trouble, but a riDOance out of it ; ab one <CbangeIift laptfi, let

lib fee if <i5itab UhI come and fave him,Mat. 27


45>* an other faptp; ifdtab boil come and taka

^ixtisihin^^lowm.Mark.if.s^. < thefaj^ifulardiminilhecl]o^faithes, hdeli ties are ceafed.

• cjiginal luojb ib ufeb^botgfe^ true anb faithful perfonb 2- Sam. 20. 19. aub foj truthes oj fide.

lities,lfo. 2^. 2.

81W 1 . syfalfe-vanity] OJ vayn falfiiood . /^Tflib bOOjb ( Shav ) notCth out vanity botg ofbOCjDb;

;• afiTociat:e.^0metimethibb00^bibUfCbf0jafpCCialireind,2 Sam.i3.3.Pfal.3^. i4*Prov.i7*i7.

but often generallp foi a neighbour , 0^ next; ab nebj teflament tranflatethit inMat. from Levit. 19 . 18. ^tub bChO tb OUr neighbour, OUC teacfieth Ub, Luk. 10.

•vL„ withlipofflatterics] that ibjfmooth deceitful fpeeches: alipb^igfomtiutO^ 3 put fo} a fpeech 0^ language, Gen. 1 1 . i . 4Dffucg beceibetb, that hab taught their tongueb to

t (fpcablpeb,31^rcmp alf0C0mpIapncth5Chap.9.4. f. y a_hart and a hart1that ib a dou.

11 Jll ble hart,aitU deceitful. ^Ojllone and llone,Ephah and Ephah,Deut, 23 .13.14 .meaucth double

anb decei ti'ui weights and mefures . meu Of^abuluu ar comitienbcb foi that thep toJere

not thub of a hart and a hart, i . Chron. 12.33.

j, our lips ar with usj 0|, are ours: thattbj wehave fkil, power, and liberty to Ipeak^

^ho lhal controll us?^

b.4 6. fet in falvation] that tb^deliver out ofal mifery, and fafely fettle in health, and profpe.

i rousdlate. he lhal have breathing] OZ, he (meaning God 1 wil civc breathing, 01^ refpiration, to him,that ib w every poor man, ( ab after in bctfc 8

. ) 0^,he wu breath-out, tijat

ib Ipeak plainly to him . <J&^eelt, Changing the perfon , tranflateth parrhefiafomai that ibI wil-fpeak plainly with him. ^0 it notetl) tjjC bolb affUtCb CClUfo^t mhlCh P^OlUifC

fiifaethtothcafflictcb: mhefe faithful UJOjbibfterfo^c comnmibcbiuthc berfefollotofng.

^fiibbjojbfomtimc ibu(ebfojplaynanb confident breathing out, cluttering ofthe truth,Habak. 2.3.Prov. 12. i7.<l^jUjemapUUber(lanbitofthetoic^b^ thlfe,Iwilfet in falvation

him tohom he puffeth at r that ib, tohom the mitheb boldly dSeth; (ab thib bjo^b toab ufebbcfo^e,Pfal, 10. 5'.)OJ,\Uhomhehathinfnared,

b. 7* The layings] o;i, the words, promifes. tried] examined,fiiied,ab iufilte* <^hi^

L"" Khepjaifeof<i5obbpuretoojb,ibmPfal. 18.31* &ii^.i4o.Prov. 30. f. ^ afubliming

1^ tbfnace ofearth] Chl^ fopiace, Caleb Ghnalil, a fublimatorie, offubliming OJ caufing to afeendimward, ib thebe(laub choifepbcflTel fo^trping aub fubliming ofmettalh calebtherfo^ein0;ee6Dokiraion,aTi:i3L Jlnbthcaipolueflatflth^IibeiwjbfojaTtwloffaith^^^^^ ^ Boia

PfaIm.XlI. XIII.

I . ‘Pet. i,7» feven times] feven fold : tjiaf many^sities, fully and fuflfici-

cntly, ^ctjeuil|jajj0rffftnumbcruffijfo;imany, i.Sam.2.j.Prov.z4.i<^.&z($.s^.. *1

8» preferv him] tfjat every one ofthem; fo bffo^C ttl CntJ Oftfje 6. bctfc: flrib Optetl alo«'

flUliie fcnptiJi”?, Itbe fiiubcn rgojige ofmotibet ma? be imp alfo be rcab p^zaptr'

iDOCtfr, keep them, Preferv him. from this genera tion] tj)at frOUt tfjC IIU :* cf ^UcncvatkCn: bJbftl fapb, Wherto flial I liken this generation ? Mat. 1 1 . i<?. fje

wher to ihal 1 liken the men of this generation? Luk. 7.31. Itbe imp ht fcm 111 Mat. 12 .42. ^

rmuparcb Ul lifi Lak. I r .3 r. O^tc^tml bJO^bDor, tgot tl^, generation, race 0^ age, ^

ficntfication ofdurance, 0^ durable dwelling Oltb abiding,Pfal. 8 4. 1 1 . atlbfo 110tet!| tfje boigoleage 0^ time that a man dureth in this world, Ecclef. 1.4. anbfo COnfcilUeiltlp fO| a multitudeot men ^at live together in any age : aiS ficte, Oltb Deut. i

. 3 f , anb 111 imilp Ogee plaCCp. .

95\vilene$]oi, Vile-luxunoufncs, riotize. /<S^J)etoC?b Zulluthgeveufeb, bedbrb ftOlltZolel, tfjat 10, a rioter, glutton, O^xurious-perfon

;Deut. 21.20. Prov. 23.21. atlb COllfe#

Cjlicntip oac vile,contemptiblc ailb naughtworthiOppofeb UlltO precious. Icr. 1U19, itnb

Plalin 13 *


1. To the mayfter cfthemtfjik^,

a Pfalm ofDavid.

2 . TTOw longIehovah,wilc thou for-

jLXgctiiicjpr ever : how long wilt

thou hide, thy face from me ?

5. How long, dial I fet counfelsin

my fowl, forow in my hart by day: howlong dial my enemy be exalted, above

me?4. Behold anfwer thou me, lehovah

my God: lighten thou my neeyes,leaft

[ deep the death.

5 . Lead: my enemie fay ,I have pre-

rayled againft him : my diftreifers be

glad , when I am moved.

6. But I ,inthymercy,dooItruft,

my hart dialbeglad,inthy falvation: I

wil fing to lehovahj for , he hath

rewarded uncp nie."


How bng phovahy'^flt thou mefirgttfor AjeX

how /^-whilc ^ih thou hide^thy facejro me

• s* myfowl^ pcounjelsfeti dbyly

[ad-(oYoW in my hart: howlongfhd myfie bee

exalted above mee}

^ Jehovah omyGod^ beholdme anfwer tnakei

illuminate mine eyesfeafiJkep ofdead} me tnkf* ,

jr Leafi ytmyfoe dofy^gainfl him frevayld hav f


mine adverfiries ^^eyex[ult Wtl gUdfimly^

when moved befial /


6 But fy / doo repofe-affured-truTlJulnes

in thy mercy^my hartflial fliewfirth-gladfomney

in thyfalvation: Ifing ^il-cheerfullie

Hntg th*£ternal-oneifor^ bounteoufly hath he$^

rewarded vnto meet

Kalm. XIH. Xllll.r



iJ* V* Hi4e thy face] Withdraw thy favourable countenance and comfort,

i'wJ - Ibi tolttvan^ ItOthe liftingiipof the light of Gods face, Pfalm. 4-7. ants Unpojtctg trou-

ble and greif5 Id tGufcdbp fpn •, and id tfic rawfe of inanp abtjerfided and

tomfc^td: Oeut.3 1. 17 . 18 . ifa. 5^. z. Ezek. 39 . . 14 . zp . t()erfoje t]htd p;opl)et dotl) often co^:*

p!apnfictcf,anbiJ^apaGatuPit4PfaL5o.8,& 104.2^. &88. ly.&^ ^iox,3. &i4s.7»

j5. 3fct counfclsltltat Id> confult and devife,with my felf^how to efc^pe.

» Hn lighten my eyes] tljat Id, make them lee clear j aild fOllfcqUCntip, make me joyful; fo^,r * r the light ofthe ^es, rejoyceth the hart, Prov. 1^.30. eyes at fapd tD dc mlightned, U5»i^

? pmutie,(ctoVJj/ichncd,o^ ot&er affltetio tojetbp tftep Uacie dulled,id dcon atoap; and tlie fe^

.feddp foiu" ineaitcd refreflicd* i . Sam. 14 .27 •^9 . Efr . 9. » . atfo \»ften !o:ao^ance id dp <6oddino^dandfptdt,doonbiitdftlh^niutdv Pfal. if7.9.Eph. i. i8.^cerdfoPfai.38. u.

kaft I fleep] 0^, that I-fleep not the death -.tfiat id,Isall I dye. foi death id often calcd fleep,"

' intfjcfcnpturei Pfal.7<^-^.Iob.3. 13. & 14. li. A(^.7 .^o. thelleepofeternitie,Ier,


d. Butlj] o^Andljasforme; r bpjmteoullyr-rewardedi . ^fic Original too^d Ga^mal fignifietj) to give one thing for an other; ad pp3fpc«tp, af^cc onc l)atfi deca ill addetfitif,

&c. ^ttdtBouoditdcfomtimeufed fb; rewarding ediffoa good,Pfai. 7.v.o^cdilfo^edil Pfal.

137. 8. pet from 45od to did people, it rommonlp figmfictdaboundful rewarding ofgoodthings, infledofcdil, tofticlidje ratfterdco deferd# ^oPral.ii6.7.&n9.i7.&i4i.8.&103 . 2. 10.

Pfalm. 14.


• To the mayfter ofthe mufik


4 Pfalm of Dauid


THc/ooI, fay th in his hart, ther is noGod : they have- corrupted, they

have made- abominable thetr pradife;

^here is none that dooth good.

i. Ichbvah, fro the heavens, looked

down upon the fonns ofAdam: to fee,

ifthere were any that underftandethj a-

ny that feeketh, God.3. A 1 is departed, togither they are

become unprofitable: thcris none that

dooth good; none, not onc.

4 Doo they not know, all that workpainful-iniquitie: that eat my people,^^

they eat brcad;they cal nor,on lehovah.


There,dread they a dread :becaufe

God, is in the juft generation.



The counfel of the poor-afflifted,

would make-aba(hed:becaufc, leho-

rah^his hope*

7- Who

Pfalm 74.

Sing this as the 7. Pfalm.

THe'fioltJh-manfayth in bis hart ,

ther is not any God:

they have cerruptedfoathfime made

their praBtfii none dooth^ood,


Jehovah^looksd'do'^nfrom heav*nS

on fAdamifonns : tofee


ifany that dooth-vndcrHarjd^

that, feeketh God, ther-hte,


vAl is^ away-departed, they

become are all- at-cne

itnproftable: none dootlj^ood;

none,no-net any-ene,


KDoo they not l^ow,even-al that


that- eat myfilk^ ,as they-eat-bread;


j Tbere,dread they fire: becaffe God Is

ingeneration mfl .

6 The poors counfel,yeema\e-abajhtl

bteanfe ,lah4s his trHjl»



Pfalm.XTIII. 15

7* Who wil give ontofSion, the 7. Who^ffr^eUheM ^ftomSmghtsflalvation of Ifrad? when Ichovah retur-

,filks C4puvitee,

reth the captivitie of his peopleilaakob ^hen fahjhal tmnx la’kpb fial

flulbe glad , Ifracl fliall rejoyce, ^[raelgUdfiSee.


J5*i»tfThe fool] Nabal(togtc8gad^tl)cft0mfiicatiol1 offading, dying, or fallingaway ftlJ

t>Dotl3aIcafo^floU)cr,i(a.4o.8. iPet. atitlegibentothetoofiili man,ajsfjatiin3loft tijt iuKe aub fap oftotfbmti,tcafon, Bcnepp,goblpncjSi beingmint from gracc,imgratc«<

anbUJitbDnttj)eUfccf<5obj ajsadfabftarfeefefbjljicj) oftftijiVjjojtiijJcaltbNebalahi

I-evit.ii.4o^aubtftcrfa^igaoble,anbof vileelleem:oppdfcbtOt||Cnobleman,Tfa.3i.s.. l

ijlpopie in imprudent 0^ without vnderltandingjKo. 10.19. from Dcut.31.11.fiythinhishart] tjatld, mindeth, anbperfwadeth himfclfin fecret

.^Pfalm. 10.4. anti

13. 1. < they have ^rrupted ] marred, tOpJCet, tljemfdbesl ; ^ftetfO^C tfte

faptg , they are coirupteaT^isJ ujo^b ijs bfcb foj to^^uption botg cfreligion anb mannerjs,bp ibolatrte anb otger bicejs* Exo. 3 1. 7 . Deut. 3 1 Gen . iz. 3inb tfiat Uigtcft Dc fpabe be^

fojcajlofbttcman, bcnoUjappUctbtoallmanbinb* made abominable] O^madelothfom to meet, fteir adtion : 0^ themfelves : ad tf|e <^^ceBrfapt8, they are abominable ^0^ be- L ycomelothfoine. ^OiniKing.zi.z^. pradUfe] meaning tSctt eviladiom : tjerfo^^ '**' ''*

in Pfalm .53 . 1 . it id ghnavel, evil j togicfl gcte,id gh nalilah, action. S


V3 . A1 is] 0| The al , tf|at Id the whol vniveriai multitude is departed^ 'SI in general , anb 1

ebcrpbnempartiaiIar,adide^^cflebPfal.y3.4. become unprofitable] fieforno nnjKjufe

i fo tges^le cyp^eflTetft it in tfte toqjb gete nfeb , being rare, anb taben frdntlob. IS. 16.^ betoSenetg a tging lothfome , lEncking , anb fo unfit for ufe.


$.4. Doo they not know? ] ineaning,doubtiefs they knowi anb cannot pleab ignorance. .

fluxion gatfi often tgefojcecfanerncllaffebei-atioiu * eat my peoplc]tgat id tge pooi^

adidabbebfoJe]cpla^ation,mExod.zl,z^fo^45obd,peoJ^t^oLnmonI^ •" '

lam.z. S. 6. L\ik. anb futg are eaten 0^ devoured oftge toicfeeb, PM. 79. 7. Sdpeai;cheir flelTi, and flay of their skyn, & chop them in peeces as flefti for the cauldron. Mic .3.3. 1 1

ad they eat bread] tgebJdjbas feemetg gere to be unberpoob 5 oj bJitgout it , toemop reab; ?they eat breadj tgat id> are lecure , and without remorfe, bOO ^be tgemfclbed tO eating OUb

' *

bmifeing* ^0 eating ofbread , id Ufeb for banqueting ;Exod . 1 8 . 1 z


b* s . There dread they a dread ] tgOt id j they are fore a dredd : 0j fear a great fear, as Luk# -I^

a .9. <^0, hath fynned a fyim, Lam .1.8. tgat id, hath grecvoully fynned . Snb bp there, ge tneOi0

-,'n5tietgtge<bbbapnnedofit,ad alfomPfal.3^.i3.oj,there,tgatid5intgeir gartanbconfcience^ :


rf becau^od is ] tgtdmap be taben ad a tanfe oftgetr foiefai^ fearj ad ^au! toad afrapb n’p *«

Oft©ablbjiSam»x8.i4. If.o^itidanoppofitiontotgeirbreab; but God isinthejufi:gene-v,^Xrationj anb tgerfoietgep bjebnoti but are befenbeb from tge feige oftgeir enemi^ j ad Pf**


S}. 6 .

b*P. ye wouldmakeabafhedlffiat id 5 pe repjotg it, anb tooulbconfounbfruRrate anbbrmg it to notgtt®»^oabalhingdnblhame, idoftehufeb,fo^fruprattonof onedpumofcOnb gope* Pfal .<5.11. . f becaufe Ichovah ] OJ, but lehovah is his ftieiter , anb hopq, 1 nptgerfojegc fgal not be abaj|geb Pfal. 25.3 . Contrai^ife^the wicked Ihaibe abaibed, becaufeGod refufeth th^, Plai. S3 i. 5.

7. Who will givel d^, o thatfeme would give! it id 0 fo^iti Oftoifl&ittg , oftenbfeb fit ,

ttefmptureiadPlal.yy.7.Deut.y.z9.iob.^,8. outofsion] tgid id meant ofCgl®tge falbatiort of<®ob to ^raei, togo toad ejepferteb obt of^ion; ad it id tojitteus the rede-

mer fhal come outofsion, arid ihalcufii away impieties from laakob. Rom. U-. 2^.* t -u^ tfiatida togediagaynthofe that were UdPptiY^^i attojbingtci .

<jj aname tftat nctctfi infii-mitie foj fjc (ivote foj tlje firlt btttgn ju* . »ut obtcjme& ft not,

bibenhe took his brother by the heel in-the wombjant>tl)ei*uponmaO calleij laakob j Gen.zy,

xi^xs. 25ut ifrael ts a name ofpower anD principalitie ; foi aftct Ije Ijati to^alHeti ftii^ tfte

Jlnflt!, beftaftel) ftimfelf pjt’!tc!p, vuept, pjaneti, anb pjctoapleb , j&io liaine Voaji >.fiangeb fro

_ laakob to Ifrael; aO a priuce 0? prevayler with God . Gen. p . at . x^. i8 . Hof. ii. 3 . 4.

foie is the name Ifrael, cipm to at dSobss people; eprnajed&cntilepalfotfiat fiabc laakobs

Pfalm, ij. Pfalm, 1$.

y^ho JhdfiioHrnerm thy pavilion bee:

}X>hopjal a dweller bcy Voithm thy mount of


Pfalm.of David; lEhovah,who

.ZVihal fojourn in thy tent : who -~-41,


<haldwel,inthenioantaynofthyholy- finClttee?

nes? 2, Hethat walks perfeS^y thsliceVPirls^

2 • He that walkcth perfeft ,and and itthis hart fpeaks truth


vorketh jufticc: and fpeakcth truth, in ^ That Jlandereth not WiHj his tongue;’

his hart. none yU to his freind dooth:

3. Slandercth not,with his tongue; norgainfi hts neighbour^ takes repuk^

idocth not,evil to his next-freind:& ta- 4 (ontemnd is in hts eyes,

iketh not up» arcproch , againfl his ms abie^l; but he them that/ear

neighbour. Jehovah, glorifies


4. In whofecyes^ an abjeft,^ con- that ohangeth notthough heMrk§ _

tcnincd; but he honourcth, them that h\s tinder'antehuth[wornm' ^


fearichovah: fweareth to^^^ hurt,and 5 Jh^thathtabitwg-ufiriey

changeth not his money mfirbomz/. Giveth not his filver, to biting- md hath againfi the imweent^

tifurie; and taketh not a bribe, agaitSt / receivdhobriberk: ^^

the innocent: he that dooihtbcfeifti^l be that dooth theft,find not hmov*^

'mot be moved for cYcr^j imaerr/Hitt^



Annotations, l <1

ft mthy tent’5 oji^avilion: nIedm%b}il^Oh^, 0, p • .

BabitatlOU to be nuoem an\labitacle , 01 Tabernacle^ txod.i^. ]D\2frp.

oAf-1 n 1

and tftc after receiving ano

hearing 0? fufFeruig ,W?ot6rtial ifi

itW)boutto1)c elftoJBcte

reproch vponhisneighbourjtljatlOjUm^fufterhimnot to fyn* Levit. I 9 . i7.

SefaittS , bear notfyn upon

^a4wfut8f«ta<!« .

'- J‘"8- 3- hi's Serkniefoj toaffliarjiinfflf

fwearethto fif^hurt,] O^to 1)10 evil; his lund^^^6«F,% ®?

berflooti ofolfieS to mett , tununatoWowW|m^^ /®6e^tb|uetooji) tofiitlj ftgnu- -

Bf Oti)e0to <60ft, bOlDtltg iL’^rh 1 II the Almighty hath doon evil unto me;

^ctfi evil, is Often tofeh fo> affliction; as^tftat id*, hath affli^ied me <0t|)cr\Ohe

ff it- tWt ijS ,pctfo^metb it not: fo^ tl^

rtng <0 ,f>veareth to doo-evil ,

but doth notrec^/ kumaxc tfiiS plaij

lijo)l) change, ftercMfctijfontetim? Te,.;t , I.^fieiSjteSttanflatrtflfweare*

tot^ tfie law fO? flveari»gto do®t fS^h rneighbourT^lS fmfe


0 flOOb, anb rangh,

though Mtuftiatmanbe tahen fojane^hbour ,gw bitmg-ufuiy] T]

9. y. filyerithaliS,^ith biting,tBatl«iulorie,Tnipiu^«



. #**S5a'jSKf48SS'i!5:


ata U4; DMf«. \VI,


‘TLyT of David; PRcferv meAvjLCod, for I hoperfor-fafetie in,thee.

2, Thou haftfayd tolehovab,thouart my Lord: my good, not vnto thee.

5. To the fain&s,which are in earth:

and the exccllcnt,al my delight in them.4- Their forowcsflialbc multiplied,

endow an other:I wil riot powr-outtheir powred-ouc-oblations of blood;neyther will take-up their namcs,uponmy lips


/. lehovah, the portion ofmy pare

and ofmy cup : thou, fufteyneft my lot.

. ;6. The lines arc fallen to me, in the

plearant-f4fcw; yea the heritage, is fayr

for me.

7 . Iwil blefs lehovah, which hath

counfellcd me:

yea m the nights, myreins doochaftifeme.

8. I have propofed, lehovah beforeme continually : for he is at my right-hand, Iflial not be moved.

p. Therfore my hart rejoyceth,andmy gloric is- glad; alfo my fleOi,

’ ‘

dwd in confidence.

10. For thou wiltnotleavmyiuuito hel, thon-wilc not give thy gracious*faind, to fee corruption.

1 1 . Thou wilt make me know, theway oflife : fttietie ofjoyesj before thy'face; pleafurc4,at thy righc^^o^r<> per*"

XVtTpilm itl


eJcYV thou nteo God, for

for fafitie hope m thee

2. Thoufaydlftofahythou

mjgood is not to thee^

S. Vnto fanfiified-ones^

)Othich are the earth up(^

and th'excellent, in them is

my delegations

4 ,^ Theirfirroms Jhalke mnlttpitae,

that ^ivc an other dovoer


theirpomed-OHUoffrings ofbloodI ^ilnot them out-power ;

neyther )^il f , upon my Upps^

the names ofthem take-up^

S. fehovah, is the portion

of my part andmy cup:

Thou, art-fifieyner ofmy loU

6s Tome the Itnesfalln bee,

inpleafint-placeseyea fiyrii^the heritagefor me»

7 . ? blefs lehovah thankfully,"

which hath me counfellcd :

yea in the nights, my reins havefeverely-chafhfed


.S• lehovah, f propofed have

. continuallyfore meei,

becaufe he is at my right-

/ (hal not moved bee.

p- Therfore my hart it dooth reioyce,

and glad my glorie

tnyflefh moreover ,it fhal

in confident-furenes s'

40 Becaufe, myfowl in deaths Cj

thou Wilt not leav-alonei

thou Wilt notgive fhy graciotfs-finfl^

to fee corruption .

//. rhoumakfi me k$ow^ the W4y oflift

. . . . jf^^^^fatietie,

before thy face; at. thy right hmd^t^afuresperpem^^


Pfalm. XVI.^ iPx^nnoutions.

I. Michtam of Dauid:]Davidsj€Wel;Oj notable rong.CcthcmfiS/ine-gl{ftnng-goI(f;P/al^

4 f. lo.of tljattl)ij>MichaminaptjeOmljcb,fi^jagoldenjewel: anDfpuctctJieejcallenaecSCfjc lihe title before tfie s(> . f? . i s . ?? . anb ^o. j^alitieisi,

Preferve me 6 God ] fpcafectft tl)W^ i^falltl, bp^bib tjt^ fiQlUre, to are tauflbt 1 our

intbe^eUJtePament, Ad.i. 2^.31. & 13.31. anbgerei^fianblebhismediatpriliip^deathjre-^

furredtion and afcenfion *

2, Thou hall faydifjefpeabctlitgijStDpnrelfi Thou 6 mpfotorayeft:fotbeC)albceV.arapO^afecrplapnetl) it; anbtl)e<©^ecfe to iwafie it plapner, f!|anget||t{)epevfon,tranfia<» •


ting ihavefayd. <Sj,itmapbefpobentotf)e fpowfe oichurchof Cppfr.- my^ good not unto thee]bnb{r(iaub,extendeth not perteinctb hot to theejOJ,is not for thee;


pluhitl tgc cjcpounbctlj tl)UjS,ofmy goods tiioq haft no need

, fo}, ifman bCjllUmbat Vs VSibetb ijz to 0ob: a; toftat reccibetb be at bijei ftanb ^ lob. 3^.7. t -

In 3. To the faindls] tO meet, my good extendeth : atl fIfU3l)ere faptj) , for their fakesr *'^ 0 ^fandify I my felf, that they alfo may be fandlified, through the truth loh. 17,19, ' ^ t

are in earth] ^Utl) 10 tlje meaning oftije i}cbto Pbiafe,in earth they: tf|e relative being put Y M3fo^ tge verbjmftul) fometime tljt i^bme it fdf CjrpIapnety:a0 he not the King ofIfrael, I King.


ai.33. foj it was not the King, 2 Chron^ 1 8.32. fo, he overleer^2 King. 2f.^,was oveifeer*ler f 2. IS. anb funb^ptbe libe> y excellent} OJ noble


, wonderful : atl fto^^ D'

iiourabletitlegibeiUo CfeiJIiaim. ^ee Pfal.8.2. '

ai my delight in them] 02, imwgn-Swhom al my pleafure 10 . i|ebn Chephtfi-bam , tjat 10, my pleafure in them

3 fo in lla .<^2 .4 ,tfit* •


tfjurcb i0 calleb cheph tfi-bah"5 that 10, my pleafure in her .

* -*'

m 4. Xheir forowes ilialbe multiplied] oj, are multiplied . iti meant Of3lbolatCr0, £3ir\3-5t;r

lUftO haftilyendowTtIjat 10, offer facrilice to an other <$,0b, anb fO increafe their griefs3 iolnch""

map be bnbcidtmb 0faffli(ftions, 0^0fgreevousidols : fojtbe 'l^bto ghnatfabim,ibi0 often bfeb fo^ idols,ap in Pfai . 1 1 ^ 4 . anb fo t{jc €f>albee parapgj^ tabetb it 3lrfoiSbinglp tbefaifemap be tbi0.

They miiofc greevous-Idols are multiplied, they tijat endow an

otherOBob: Iwilnotpowrotit their oblations, tl)at 10 , SUhl n0tpartabemitbtbfm , 02 bCa mebiatonr fo^ tj)em endow an other ] 02 haften tO an other

. fimilitUbe from nn<Jowries gipeii in ntariage0,meaning^ift^ oblations ba(li(pb;tougI)t bibinc morfftip*powred-out-pblations } 0^ Ihed-offrmgs

;effufions pjoperip, put bp figiut offpecfg fo^ effiL unr^

fed Ojpowred out liquour,f6monlpeakb drink offrings, mbicl) boere tout tO bc pplDOKb-OUl"

bp£mtbefacnfife0i anbbp<?5ab0 labjmvre tobeof wine o^ shecar, Num.15^. j.7.10. & 28.7.but ainoiigibolater0 mere ofblood. 0^,beart^^^ KVJ.-Xt0, not mention o:,rpeakoftbem3 acCO^bing to tge lam, £xod. 23. 13.10^23.7.

i^'fo^ypit] 0^., ofmy partagej that 10, of the inheritance parted, fhared, anb dealt


and inheritance 4 Nuqi. 18. io.. ^fte Lprd 10 his peoples parto^'fliare,<J.&fi. iV.anbasapn, bio people are calcb bio part. Deut. 32.5?. 3 tljat 10, mefure anb por-non, ofiop!#o?afftim'oii0.Plai. 23. 5^. & u.f. tbid alfo 10 bfeb fo2 «»Snvxbentance obteyned by lot , lof. 18. 11. ludg.i

. 3 ^Cflle falctl) Cl)P(r0 church bp tlufi


rtanie i Pet. 3


nSv.7’ ine] §iven me counfdbpBtiftijo^ti'antj fptht, toatfrfn8nipfuffn-tn8)S,flrtjj uay

WSlOipt^iat^al foioUhi.Pet.i.ii.Luk, 24. (t^abiswooderful incounfel, andex-




'40 Pfalm. XVI.ciiUent In work. I^a, 1^.


ferf. 8. 1 have propofed , ] eqiially-fet, OJ levelled ; tBc<$2C^ ( toTjfeTt tfieK^OplCfolcVCCt!)) faptj, I beheld-before. A^l. 2. ly , tlS atmy right hand] U}0^6 is,i0fuppltcb Aa. 1.2J . God to be at the right hand, i«s popcfiiUp to affift anb comfojt.asf o«tbz cmurarp,fo|^atan to be tficrc, io stcatip to vc(tjl ai(b aunop. Plal.ioci^. zech.3 .1.

I iTial not be moved] 0^, that I be not moved. Aa. 2 . zf


9^riny^ry] bp tb? 5ip0|llet^ appiieDtOtl^C tongue Aa. i. 2<f. IJJtllC bti^

jicummt toprUiitb UjegIodfp45ob. ^cePial. 30. 15. & ^7. Gen. 451. dwcl inconfidenc e] a?, abide with hope, tl)Qt IfS, boldly, fafely, aiUJ fecurely; meaning tO^t bi.iJ flelh

(WbSbp ) fboulb abide ( oj vefl: )m tl)e oiabe,with fare hope ofnfing again from DeatbjtSttgltbbap*


name ofbr^ihg brrefpiring;aub tO tgerfo^C fomtime Ufeb f0^ tbc breathjlob. 41 . 1 2 .It Ip ti)e

bltol fplnt that al quick t^ngju mobc bp, tberfe^e bcafto, blrbp,f»fb aub ctcplng tftlngj{,are

talcblufcrlpture, hying fowles , Gen. 1. 20.24. ?lnbt()lj^fowltjj fomtime Caleb tlyt blood*Gen.*?. 4. becaufe It 1^ the blood of al quick tfbng0, Levic. 17. n. 3U0 often put fo? tbc

Lou^-Ufe hfeofcreatui:e0;abkeephisfowllob.2.^. tbit cd, (pare his life: atlgb^eolljEl mail regardeth

^ (c(^ the fowl ofbid bea|?i ProY. 12. to. that Id the life: fo tO feek the fowl. Id to feek ones life, tataIicltatoap:Pfal.f4.i.Mat. 2 20. 3t<dalfamanpttmcdufebfo^onesfeifiad 31objufnpcbhis fowlj that Ids himtelf3lob .31.1. take heed to your fowlesjtbat Id,to your fclves, Deut.4 . if


foGcn. i^.zo.Luk. 12. 19. ^nb tbud It Id put fO^ tbc perfon, 0^ whole manj ad> glbClliethc

IbwlesjtbatldtheperfonSjGen. 14.21, fo an hungry fowl, Pfal. 107.9. afulfowijProv.27.7.

a weary fowl Prov. 2f . 2f . eight fowles, i. Pet. 3 . 20. feventie five fowles Aa. 7 . 14. atlb nta*

HP tbc like. Id ufeb alfo fo% the luft, wd O^ dcfire,ad Plal . 4


. 3 . Exo . I y . 9 . f0| the affeaions

ofthe hart, Plal. zy . i. fa the bodyofniau that batb UfC ailb fmfe,Pfal. loy. 18 . & 3c . 13 . auU

flnallp It id fomtime a 3e2body_^^ Num. y. 2. &^. lo.anb 19* n* i3^.tbougb^bh^ beflgiiratlbe anb beep unp|oper,'fofationed bcotb,tbe fowl goetb out, Gen. 3 y . 18


being ttmd largelp ufeb, id to be meigbeb accojblug to tbe matter anb cnrcumflaiiced of ecft

tcjct, fo^tbid beec in tbe t^falm,compare it Uiitb tbc like in other piaced>Pial. 3o.4.&ii^*8.&89.49-&88.4.&94.I7. €^111 gabcWd i*owl foj tbc raufoitt oftbc boojlb,anb poinjcU^

fxvrS ^ itOlltUlltObeatWlli-f3.11.Mat.20.28.Iohn. 10. n.iy. 17. &iy. 13. ^ to hcl] O^iO'


hdjn deathes-_^axc,^deadhr-hed. ^id UJOlb hel, p^Operlp figulfietb deep, toWtljer it bChighb^low; onb tbougb^p niftomc it Id ufuoll„ , ^ lip taken foi tbe place ofiDtbild aub bamnebtoigbtdi pet tbetoojb id mo^e large: anb ad heaven id not onclptbcbraelling place of<6obanb Wd fainetd, but generallp al placed abode ud,b3ber tbe (larrd^ tbe clorobd, tbe toinbd,

tbe birbd &c. are, ad idfbetneb Piai.s. 9 .fo hel id al placed beueatlj. Ubberfoje itmap in tbid

large fenfe,ferb to ejcp^cfd tbe l?eb;ue Voc^b sheol berc ufeb: toWcB sheol id a deep place,iob

ii.8.Prov.9.i8» aubfapbinferipture, to be beneath, Pfal.S^. 13. Dcut. 32.22. ifa. 14.9.0^1

heaven id above: anb it, \mbtW<6;ieek toJO^bhaides; id OppOfcbtO heaven Pfal. 139.8

mos. 9. x.Mat. ii. 23.55tComctl)OfShaal,toCrave,afk,ojrcquirc;becaureitreqturethalmea

to come iinto it, anb is never fatiffied, Pfal. 89.49. Prov. 30. ly. x^. 8:27. 20. 3|t id a place 0^

epate, itobitb ai wen, etoen tbe beff, come unto: foj 3aakobinabeaccoimttogcetbitber»Gen. 37. 3 f. anb^ob befirebtobe tbere,iob 14. i3.(febekne\nitfbailbbebidBotoJfc,iob,

17 . 13 .) anb our ILojb CbbffWad tpere, ad tWdjWaim With A^l. 231 .fbcWetb ja:ib ^olci*

montcllttb, tbatalgoctbitber, Ecclef.9. 10. ^t id nfuallpjopnebuntb grave, pit,corrup.*

tion, dcftruaion ailb tbe like mo|bd pertepittng to death,mitb Wbieb sheol OJ haides, id )op<*

neb ad a companion tberof, Rev. i . 18 . & 8 . ®atfian anb ^biram,^ Wben tbe eaetb fwaij

lotoeb them up,arfapb to goeboton quick into sheol,Num.i<f.3o.32.33.31oaad in tbeWb«epbellp,wad in tbe bellp ofSheolj i on. 2 . 3 . anb other bolpmen thatmere belibereb fid great


fbeatb, ar fapb to be belibereb from heU, Pia. 8^. n -• 4^mifcrtedanbyenldof

Pfaim XVr. XVII. 4I

ate beat), arcgone to sheol, Ezech.31.1x.17. ICnbflS death

tisfapofigurartbelp, lOgabegatesjPfal.^. 14. fO Sheol,haides,hel,hatftgatei8, Ifa.3^.io.

Math. 16. 18. aab a Towlj Ifa. y. u-aitbahand ,Pfal.4^. 16. & 8^.49, aitb a mouth3pfalm'.i4i,

7 .anb arting, UJl)ichbp€f)#t0 boonaiuapj iCor. ly. yy. fo tflatajsj^eUJaiS notiefttoSheoi, but rofc frombcatj^ ( from tOeSartoftgeeartg, Math. 11.40,) tj^etfiirb bap: foal

‘ . , - .

. 4p. i^.Hof. 13. H.anbitSheol , tfjc d^ieeb haides,

03, depth ofdeath-, deadlyhed.jintit^efe iDO^bj^, thcTu wilt not leave my fowl to hei; teacj^ refurtectionj ajS if Je ff)oulb s^urrcc

fap, tfiou ujilt not Icabe me to tl^e potoet of beatfl 0^ grabe, to be confumeb, but totlt rapfeme bp from tlje beabs ao tl)e boojbDS folobJtuOj anb tl)e ^pofrleji e)i)lanation boo manifep*A(5t. 1. 24

.3 1. & 34. 3y. ^ thou wilt not give] not grant, permit, 0^ fufFer. 7pn

b^Uep^iafe often biebjOj^ I gave tnee not to touch her ,Gen. 20. /y; d^obgave thee not to 1

hurt me, Gen. 3 1.7. hewilnotgiveyoutogoe,Exod.3. ly^^OPfalm. yy. 13. & & 118.18 , aitb manp tbe libe* to fee corruption ] tftat iia, to feel corruption

, 0|, to corrupt,to rot. to fee death

, i0 tO dyej Pfaim. 8^. 49. Luk. i. 26. loh. 8. yi.. yi. fo, tO fee evil, Pial,fo.ry, anb to fee good, Pfaim. 34. i3.tb to feel anb injoy it. ^0,t0 fee the grave .P1^45>.iel

before thy face ] with thy lace : tf|at 10, in thy prelence ^ f f|al Jabe fuines ofjoyei i>w\

€^;teefe , mbteb t^t :^0flle folObJetb,A£l:. 2 .28.faptbjThou wilt fil me with joy,, with thy fac^;


^b^ i^eb^ue eth penei aub liphnei , with 01 before the face , are botb One, anb fomethne put ^0 <U

Onefo;t an other ; aO I King. 12 . 6, mitb - Chron. 10. 6 . d^objSl face 0;t presence , ajE^tt i^outgrcatefl )opmtbtb(ife , Exod.33. i4.iy. i^.fo fballit bein tbenett/Pfaim. 17. ly.

fO^etbebJiffeeb fbaltbenbe pumfb^b, from his prefence. 2 Xhef. 1.9. pleafuresl 0|plealantnelfes (that ib, pleafant-joyes ) at thyright handj tb^^Iaceofbonour, betigb^^ aub)ope^ eternal* Math.2y.33.34.45,

Pfaim 17 .

Prayer, of David: HEar thou

lehovah, juftice; attend to my (linl-cry;

hearken to my prayer; without, lips of



2 Fro before thy face ,let my judge-

ment comc-forth : let thine eyes,view


3 Thou haft proved,my hartj haft vi-

‘fited ,by night; thou haft tried me but

haft not found : I have purpofed, mymouth (hal nottranfgrcfs.

4 Por

pfaim ij.


Sing this as the 8. or as the 3 y. pfaim,

HEar iufliceLORD\Und to_mj crying.jhn^ht;

hearkjo my pruynWithoutJfppsfraudulent,

2 Fromforeihyface^comefirth let my iudgementt

let thmeeyes vievp^the equittes-vpr^ht


S me harty thou provedByVtptedfi by ni^ht :

Thou haflfiud nothing though thou dtdfi meJ purfofed^my mouthJhal no t tranfgrefi ( trie :


Pfalm.XVII:For the works of earthly-man, by 4 By thy lipps ^trJ, touchmr mens pramfestthe word of thy hps : I haveob- puthaofthebrtaksr.thronfh, ebfirvdUferved the pathes of the breaker- 5 Mjneps.inthy p„ths,ftty.,hoL-ied,Ue:through. Sufttyn thoumyfteps, D^ztmyHot-ftepsm^y thy beStCtl'p^thcs : that my foot- ^ ^ call on thee^ fir anfioer me ^tU thouftcps be not removed, I call-up5 God: hear mj/fpeech

^thine ear vtito me hcrp.

thee, for y« wilt anUver me o God: 7 Thy mercies marveihuJly-pKXv thou mee,0 Saviour of them thrrtj hope in thee:

fro them that rayfe themfelvesyvtth tfy right

/ Keep me, as bUc^ofth'apple ofthe eye: '{hand.

infljade ofthy ^^>tngs , htde~me- privily .

p FromWfckedsfice, that Xioaftwg-me^Voithfiand:

my deadlyfies, that round agawfi me band.They cUJe theirfkt iffeal^W^ their mouthyproud

it Notvinowfiepstheyvsdoocopafiround: (ly.

doey fit then eyes^ doWn- bending to theground.

^ wiiaiv VI XllVV/VJWU,

bow thine ear to me, hear royfay-

7 ing, ^

Marveiloufly-feparate thymercies,6 faviour of them that hopefor fafetie: from them that rayfe-up

themfelves,with thy right-hand.

8 Keep thou me, as the black of theapple of the eye: in the (hadow of

fi thy wings, hide thou me. Fromfaces of the wicked , that waft me; ... , „ „my cnemtes in fowl, diet inviron- /a His hiew is Lion like

,to tear/reedr.

to ronndagainft me. fKirfj their Idte lurking-Lion/fittingfecredy.

fattheyhave clofed-up : their // fehovoh rife thou up ;preveni his /kee^ ^ mouth,they fpeak in pride, fnout maJ^ him boTp^dooeni deliver thou my fieol

ftcps now they copafs us: theireyes e4 from Wicked with thy [word. FromenmorittLW^ thine httudyLOT^D

, fio men ofmortal-ract

^orldhngryy^h^w thetr part tn this hfi-fpacexTheir beUy thou dooflfylU^uh thine htd4 c.

their childrenfittffied are: und they

doofir their babes,their overplus upMy.

IJ But f; in iuftke ,fhd thy vtfagefie:

Jhal )^hen 1 Wakp yfylld with dtine image bit^

they fet, bending-down into the

12 earth. His likenes, is as arenting-

Lion, that Is greedy to tear; and as alurking-lion, fitting in fccret places.

13 Rife-up Ichovah, prevent thou his

face, make him bow-down : deliver

my fowl, from the wicked one With

14 thy (word. From mortal-menthine hand lehovah, from mortal-men of the tranfitoric-world; who have their

part in this life; and their bdly thou fillcft with thine hidd-/rr/ifrr,ratiffyed arethe Tons:and they layup their overplus, for their babes. jj. I, in;uaice(halview thy face:

* (halbc fadffyed when f awake, Wtdj thine image.


|>, i.juftice] tBat«,myjuftice,ajEJt8e45^eh erpfajntetlilfermviufi caufeandcompbync.- • Ihril-cne ] 03 ihowting, lowd complaync

:fcePralj.ii. without lipsl

or deceit; that 10, which prayer is ynfeighnedj not vttered with guile.3 02 proceed, that 10, let my judgement be clearly pronounced and exe*

cuted . 'OThtr^^e in Hof.. he ahbeth tlje ftmiluube oft|^ light o/fun ,

01 equmes : that ^0 iU righteous caufes andperfons; 03 my mofi righteous

3. haft tried 3 OJ,c)uminedmei t0lwet,asxxi€talin.thcfyrei ^0Pfal.(^<i?. lo*WH3T ' ' r

Pfalm. XVII. 4%

haft not found] OJ (halt not-at al find : to UJCCt, anydrofsj 0^ deceit . fiial not.^3y’-trinfgrefs.] ojjtraiifgrefTith not. tfjat 10 , 1 purpofed not to tranfgrefs with my mouth , by mur*.

muring againlt thy fyerie trial ofme . OJ j tiiat which I piirpofed, my mouth tranfgrcfreth not^buc

my thoughts and words agree.

4, For the works ] oj concerning the works ofmen : Adam gere IjfcbfOJ fill eartb-ti-iHmky

ly men. have obferved ] o;i taken-heed ofj tO ljUCCt, leaft they iliould hurt me^ 0|, that ^ultvc


1 Iho uld not walk in them : nC]Ct VJCrfC fi)e\Utt(3 . OtlKtUJCifc fomtim?, to obferv wayes^ ^

10 to walk in them.Pfal i8.iz. the breaker-through ] tl)at fdjthe robber OJ theetj fi0tIll0 UJ3^l>l0 e]CpOUnDediil 45l’C& ;

Mat., n.ij. fcomler. 7 .II. one that breakeih bownds ^

or limits, howfes, hedges, lawes,&c. Ezek.iS. ic.

f. Sufteyn] Hold-up,O^conteynit!)l0 10 fjjofeeil proper iDrife to d5ob, fib tijenejCtbcrfc

wamfilletj): djc turnetl) it , Make-perfea .%t map alfo be reab, Suileyning c j To,

furteyn^ finb fo I)abc reference to tfje former berfe,i obferved the robbers pathes

^ not to \nalfe

in tj^cm , but to fulteyn (o^ fulfeyning, holding-fall) my fteps in thy pathes. i^eb^elO Ta-moch map be <tEn0iif^CD Suileyn thou

^ fi0 Zachor I0,remember tljOll, Exod. zo. 8. Shamor,ob» '


ferve thou . Deut. ii. my Heps ] 0| , my lleppings-forwardj mp right-lorth-lleps.

^ "**

^oPfaI.37 .51 . &40.3. beaten paths] 0^ round-paths; p^perlptl)e UJO^b figmfi^j’;)l‘l^yCt() pathes beaten with wagon wheels;|jere bfeb genevallp foj llreight,dire<fl,and beaten wayes. ^ •* : .

^0 Plal. 13. 3. &6y. iz. & 140. .

7 . marveilouilV feparate] 0^ make marveilous; tjat !0 in wondrous & excellent fort fliew Tl i5 TT

me thy mercies; which are comon vntoall , let them now peculiarly be bellowed on me. ^CC*

Plal. 4. 4 . ^J)e <5|Ce!i faptfj, Make-marveilous. IDfietl Cfijifl COmctl) > be wil be made mar-veilous in them thatbeleeve* zThef. i. xo, hope for lafetie] 0^, trull, toUlttt, in thee, ca^'Din

00 tl)t dSjeeb ejCplametl) it; 01 in thy right hand ; 00 10 fiftCt cyptcflcb. 03ob i0 faviour ofall

men, fpecially ol them that beleeve . i Tim .4.10, ^ with thy right hand ] this feemeth qj ’ ip.rj

faviour (ojtfjOU which favell) with thy right hand; 00 Pfal. 1 38'

' '

them that hope in thy right hand, or tO tjt

to have reference to the firll , 61

7.&<^o.7. 3tmapftl(obereferrebtotl)cfeconb,

lajl, them that rayfe up themfetvesagainll thy right hand: Dltlb tl)U0 tge tunietb it.

jCI* 8.1^ the black] that i0,thc fight in the midds ofthe eye,whenn appeareth the refemblancc

ofaiittleman;ftiibtbcrebponfccmetj)tobetaUebin1^fbrue,i{hon,of ifli UJl)icbi0,auian.

tinb 00 tfjat part i0blackiih ; fo tlp0mop 10 alfo bfeb foj otjer blacb tgiitjjp, ap tfje black-

nes of the night , Prov. 7 . 9. fitlb blacknes ofdarknes , Pro. zo. zo.

ofthe apple] fo toe call tftat tobicb tje l^ebpto fterrcaM bath;onb in zach ,t . 8 . babath,>. y - nTtljat 10 tfte babie 0^ litle image appearing in the eye, fi0 bcfO|e i0 notcb . ^hetoO|b bath, ^

fiilfo fignifictf) a daughter, tolierto tlje d^pcli coree bootg agree . 25p tji0 id meant the ten-

der care of God for his people: onb ^fibib j^ere bfetlj botj too^bp , fo^ mo^e bej^emettcie;^ ^

loberapelftol)cre one oftl^emonelp ip bfeb; iihon,tlie blackjin Deut.3z.10. Prov. 7.x. ba-bath aitb bath , the apple , in Zachar. z. 8. Lam.z. 18. ^ bide thou me ] ^ebl. thouflialthide ;02,keep me fecret. ip tgep;ioperti€ oftfie^bpt^tongite, often to fetbototi a^ i‘ v

p^ib^^r in tbtp famine, efpectallp in tlje enbofafcntenrc; ap noting fome affutance to


notcouPfal.10.17. '

9 * From faces ] oj becaufe of the wicked. See Pfal. 3 .1.

^ejiemies in foul]0^Cor the fowl : meaning deadly enemies,that feek the fpwl or lite. ^^ee Plai-

10. They-have-clofed-vp] to toect theif face o| body; (mucfl li&e t()at fpeacl) fn %tb l

iy,z7 . he hath covered his face with his fames. ) 0^ their fat they clofe-up ; mcantug ^at they

pamper and harden themfelves, in pride] t&at ip, prowdly , or haughtily.

11. In our Heps] oj, iu our going-, tfiattp, wherefoever we goe, they trace our foo-

ting, they compafs me fillb vs: tl)2 ilebieto gad) botg tgefe reabiiigP ; meaning David,

Wa th his company. they fet] tO toeet^ vpon us. bending down ] to torct,

F % them-



4+ Pfalm. XVII. XVIII.themfelvcs, that they be not efpied: ajSPfalm. OJto bend-down, t0 \ueetu5j to ovcf-»throw us. 0^ to fet down their nets and fnares.• II. His likenes ] tfjat tjSl, the likenes 0} hiew ofevery one ofthem : 02 , fieimp Itieoilfomeone principal, ad Saul.

1 3 ,prevent his face] tgat jlS,firll come to help mej and fuddenly and unlookt for,come

vponhini; anddifappointhim. ‘

^ with thy fword ] tijat Id, thyjudgement and vengcnfance. foj anmcandofbeflni^cm, are tgelLo^bd fword,ifa k?. &i7.i.ier.47,^r.zephi1. 11. 0^ buber|tanb,which wicked man is thy fword: ad Aflliuridtalcb ther'od ofhis wrath.Ifa. lo. f. aubfomtljePcrfefoHo\tJim:fiom mortal men which are thy hand: with thyhand, tftat tdj thy judgement plague- for fo 43obd hand often ftgniflftlj . Exod.7 .4 .Ad. 1 3 . 1 1


14 . of the tranljtorieworld] tfjat Id, worldlings ; ad tjjrp of the citie, are citizens,Pfal.71. 16 . ^f)c toojb Cheled , Id bfeb alfo foj the Ihort time ofmans age and durance,Pfal.39.^.6e89.48^ i^ereanb III Pfal. 49.1* it id world,namcb of tge tranfitorines; for the falhion of thisworld paffeth away •, i Cor. 7.31* in this life ] afCO^bhig tO m^ajfillld fpf fonnremember that thow in thy life time, re^eivedft thy good things. Luk.i^.ij. <©f tjjie tOltltebdpjofpcntie l)ere,rce.Iob.ti.7.8. &C. thefonns] to toet,ofthofe worldlings;mca#nitig tDat both they and their children have their fill. 0^ , fatiffied are they with fonns:adinlob. II. II. they fend forth their children like a flock. their overplus^] the relidue oftheir ftore; 0| their excellencies jpOl tlpd VMOJb lether i0 tfeb tHnMliero overplus inqiiaK^title jExod. 13. II. iKing. ii. 41. foitietimcit notetfi alfdtfie excellencie OJ dignity, Gen.4^- ?• ‘


ir. view thy face] that Id, injoy thy comfortable favour; ad pfal. 4.7.& i<?. n.Ojfhalfee and know thee plainly and perfectly

, ad i Cor. 15.11. i. Cor. 3 . 18. i loh. 3 .i.

when 31 awake,] tO toeet,out of the dull of the earth, from the fleep ofdeath; ad Dan.ii.i.

Ifa. i<^. 19. luitft thy image ] tO tticet,! lhalbe fatiffied with it; fo meaning bp image,Gods glorie . 0^, tOltfj thy image

, tf|at Id , having it vpon me : foj, as we have born the imageofthe^earthly man ; fo (hall we bear the image of the.heavenly. i Cor.ij

. 49 .. <HomparC ftere#toi^Pfal. 73. 10.

Pfam 18.

{ , the mayfter c/rhe pfalm

A ofthefervantoflchovahjOfDa-

\id; which fpake,to khovah, the wordsofthis fong;m the that lehovah haddelivered him, from the palm ofal his

enemies; and from the hand of Saul.

2. And he fayd; I Wil dcerly-lovc

thee, lehovah my firm-ftrength.

3 lehovah, my rock & my fortrefs,

and my deliverer, my God my rock, in

whom I hope for (belter: my (heild and

horn^ofmy falvati6,mine high-defenfe.

pfalm jS.

J love-thee^deerJehovah my firmnefi,

Jehovah is my roci^ and my fortref;

and my deliverer^ my God is hee,wy ro$k^^ in

^hom I (heltred hope tobeei myjhetld & horn^

of my falvattoi myfinfed-hyefortifcAtm.4^Vm

’ Pfalm; XVIII. 5.

I4. I calcd-upOn the prayfed Ichorah: 4. Vmo the pra^fiJ LORI) J nt»de my eriesi

& from mine enemies, I was faved. W / Wasfived {tom myne enemies .

f. Thepangsof deach copalTed me:& The pan^safdeath about me compajfedi

the dreams, of Belial frighted me, andme the fireams ofBeU(tlflighted.

6 . The pangs of hel wenc-round about 6 The pangs of hel they round about me Wenr,

V me:the fnares ofdeach,preveted me. the fnares ofde^th, did me vmvares-prevent. *

7. In the deftrefs upon me, Icale<l on 7, In the difirefuponme, call did^

lehovah, and unto my God I cried- upon Jehovah^ and to my ^od crk\

out : he heard out of his pallace my and he my voice out ofhupallace hears;

voice; and my outcry, before him, mycrie^ befire him, came into his ears.

8 . entfed into his ears. And the earth, S t^nd th*earth,dtdfl}ake^ quake;e^

(baked & quaked;& the foundations grounds ofthe mounts ic^Jhook^^fr wroth was hee.

' of the mountayns wer-llyrred : and p Smoke mounted, in his Wrath;c^jyre did eat


they (hook-themfelves, becaufe he outofhis mouth: coles,from it burnd-With-heat.

i p. was wroth* Smoke afcended,in to ^nd he did bow the heavns,c^ down-did-pafi

his anger; and fyre out ofhis mouth andgloomy-darkpes, vnder hisfiet was


did eat : coles, burned from tt i/fnd he did ride on Cherub,md didfly i

ib it , And he bowed the heaves, and on Wings tf the wind, heflew-Jwtftly,.

& camc-down:& gloomy-darknes, ii He fet the darkles, for hisjecret-hoimd;

1 1 was under his feet. And he rode for his pavilion about-him-round:^i

upon the Cherub,& did fly:and he darknes ofWaters ,thkkzdowds of the j[kyes


flew- fwiftly, upon the wings ofthe // From the refplendent-brightnes, (ore his eyes:


1 2. wind. He- fet darknes, hi« fe- his clowds did paf: hayl andfyre coals burned.^

cret- place; round-about him his,pa- /


t/^nd m the heav*ns, lehovah, thonderedi

vilion: darknes of waters , thick- j4ndgive his voice,dtd he thzt is msft.hyei

! 2 3 dowds ofthe fkyes. From the doe h(^>i Hones, ^ the coals offyre did flye.

brightnes float Was hchre him : his ij Hefent his arrowes, and them jeattered:


thick-clowds paffed-away; hayl ,and hurled lightnings,^ the Hroke-With-dread\

! 14 coles offyre. And lehovah, j4nd channels ofthe Waters Were beheld;'

thundered in the heavens; and the ‘ the Worlds foundations,Were ek^ reveakh -

1 Moft- high,gave his voice : hayl,and tAt thy^ebuks lehovah; at the blafl ,

1 5 coles offyre. And he fent his ac- tf Wind thatfloni thy Wrathfal-noHhril paft.

rowes, & fcattred-them- afunder:& 17 Hefiom thehye‘flacefeni,ta^medidhee: •


lightnings he hurled-forth,and ter- he out of many Waters,flrth-drew mee.

1ribly-ftroke-them-down. And i8 Heridineflom my powrfulenemie:

' the channels ofwaters, were Ieen;5c andfrom myjoes, thatflronger Were than p*

the foundations ofthe world, were ^2,^reveled: at thy rebuke lehovah; at ip They vnaWares-preventing-camc onmee

the breath,of the wind of thine an- in day ofmy cbwdy-calamitee:

\j gcr. He fent fro the high-placc, and frr a ftaffto me ,lehovah Was.

he took me: he drew me,out ofma-18 ny waters . Heridd me,from my firong cnemie; & from my haters; for they

Ip were- mightier then I. They preveted me in the day ofmy clowdy-calamitie :&lehovah was,for a ftaffvnto me. Fj so

#6 . Pfalm. And he broughtme forth to a large- ^rtd-alfo he unto a roomthy^fUiOt

roumth : he releafed me ; bccaufe,

II he dciited in me


lehovah re-

warded me according to my juftice:

according to the purenes of my22 hands, rendered-he vnto me. Be-

caufc I obferved, the wjyes of kho-vah; S: did not wickedly, from myGodv For all hisjudgemenrsWwbefore me : & his decrees, I did not

24 turn-away from me. And I wasperfed with him ; and kept-my-felf/rom mineiniquitie. And le-

hovah rendred to me according to

M bring me forth: he f^fdy-me^releafdi

becaufe, he^as delyteful tnme fieajdy

2t IAHdid regardme as my 'mfttee^right X

^ as my hands purenes^ he didme norite.

22 'Becaufi Jehovahswayesf dtdoh/erve:

'and did notfrommy Gody ungoMy-fverv^

2y For alhis tudgementsfiratght- before me bec:

ana his decrees, f turnednotfrom mee,

24 ex/nd f with him did-hold- integritie :

and kcptmyfelf from mine imeyume,

2j The LORT) el^ rendred me as my)nfitcei

as purenes ofmy handsybefore hisses, (show

tny iufticeVaccording’to With^racioHs-fwia, thee grums jhe>»> dtx^

ncs of my hands, before his eyes.'ivnhperfect matt, thou doofi thet perfectJhoW.

$6 With the gracious-faind thou wilt ^7 Thow ^ith the pure doofl (hew-thy purity:

(hew-thy-(elf-gracious : with the and with thefrow.trdy thou dooftfhew thee wry*

perfed man,thou wilt (licw-thy-felf- 2s Forpoor afflictedpeoplefave doofhythowi

17 perfed. With the pure thou wilt the lofty ejes,thou alfo bringefl low.

(hew thy felf pure: and with the fro- For thow dooft make my candle to be light:

ward, thou wilt fliew-thy-felf-wry.

18 For thou, wilt fave the poor-afflic-

ted people: and wilt bring-low, the

ap lofty eyes. For thou, haft-lighted

. my candle: lehovah my God,hath-

50 brightned my darknes. For by thee,

I have broken-through an hoft : &by my God

, I have leaped-over a

ji wall. God, his way lirperfedrthc

laying of lehovah ic tried : he w a

(heild, to all, that hope-for-fafetic

]i inhim. For, who li God , be-

(ides lehovah : and who is a rock,

J3 except our God.> God, that gird-

cth me with valour:and giveth,my

J4 way perfed. He matcheth my feet,

as Hindes fiet: and upon my high-

55 places, he maketh-me-ftand. He

Jehovah my God^ mr^smy darknes fright^

50 For by theOy through an armiebreakjjhak'

& by my God, f leaped over a ^atl,

51 Gods Way intyreytryde is the Word ofJAHi

afhetld he is^ to al that on himftay.

52 For who is God, befides th*EteruaLcnet

and who a Rock^^ except our God alone*

3 3 Gody is he djot With valourgirdeth met :

andfully-perfefl^ makes my Way to bcc.

J 4 tJUyfcet he matchethyat the hindes feet: ani

on myne hye-places, he dooth make me ftand*

3 5 My hands he leamethy to the warUkeftrokei

^Wtth mine armSy a bow ofbraft is broke*

$6 And thou haftgivn mCy thy (dlvationsfheildi

and thy right handy hathftrongly-me^vpheldl

alfo thy meekj-humiliation

hath cau/ed-me^multiplUation •

Icarncth my handSjto thewarr: & n •»56 a bow of brafle is broken, myne armes. And thou haft given to me,the Iheild

ofthy falvation:& thy right band hath vpheld me;& tliy mceknes hath made metocncreafc. _

37. Thou

47p/iiim xvnr.

37 Thou haft widned my paflage under ^7 Thon haff my pajfi^e under mt ^itFnedi

me:& my leggs, have not daggered. and my h^ve not ^eakjy-fia^geredm

38 I folowed mine cnunies,and over- -)f


took them: and turned not,til I had * My fits J filovpJ, and them overgotx

3P confumed them . I wou iided andt til J had confum^d them,turned

them, and they could not rife up: $9 I bounded them yOftd up they couldnot gtnthey fell, under my feet. And they dwn-did- (hi

^cviti underneath myfieu

thou haft girded me with valourjt to 49 ^nd thou d^d^} ghd-me-in-a-readynes

the warr ; them that rofe-againft vuto the ^arr,^tth aBive-vaUantnesx

thou haft made to ftoup-down, im- Thou caufedhaft^ under medown toJloufg

41 der me. And thou haft given them dioL agatnfi me have artfen-vp^

to me the neck , ofmine enemies: 41 Neckjfmyfies ^thoualfigavefi meet

& them that hated me, I have fup- and f/uppnjjedytfiem that hated met •

41 preffed. They cryed-out but \her- 4^ Thty cried-out hut thcr was none tofive:

none to fave: unto lehovah, but toJjiHthuthenoanjwertothemgave.

43 he anfwcrcd them not . And I did 43 -^tid them^ae duB befire the windj bray*dl

beat-them-fmal, as duft before the as clay offtreets^ Ipowrtng~okt-thcm-lay"<L

win d: as the clay,ofthe ftreets 1 did 44 Thnu haft megiven-fifi-evaflon^

44 powr-them-om . Thou haft dclive- fiom peoples mamfild^contentioni

fed me,from the contentions of the thou haft me put the heathens head to be^people: thou haft put me ,

for the a peopleywhich J k^ew not, firveth met,

head ofthe hethens ; a people, 43 oAt hearing ofthe ear^ they me obey;

I have not known doo-fctve me. theftrangers (inns, fklfly tome deney.

4J At the hearing of the ear ,they obey 46 Sonns oftheftrangerftidwg-^ithered:

me: the fonns oi the ftranger,falfly- and did^ out oftheir elojets^ fljrinkz fir-dreads

4^ deny unto me. The fonns ofthe 47 fshovahltve^ andmy Rock,blefed^€:

ftrangcr, fade^away : and flit inkTor- andGod ofmy health,hye-extoUd be hee^

-^7 fcar,out oftheir clofets. Ichovah 4^ ^odjhe that,giveth to me vengeancesi

live, and blcfled be my rock :and ex- and dooth the peoples vnder me depref^

aired be, the God of my (alvation. 49 Myfifideliverer, from mine enemies:

48 The Godjthat giveth vengeances to alfi from them that vp agawft me rife^

me: and fubdueth, peoples under thou haft exahedme; haft ruUme-fiee^

4P me. My ddiverer,from mine ene- from man oj violent iniefttitee.

mies: alfo from them that rofe-up /• Therefite, Jehovahft ^ith-thanlfilntt^

aqainft me,thou haft exalted me: Wi/ thee among the nations confiftz

fro the man ofvioIcnt-wrong,thou andj unto thy name a pfalm-^tbfing,

50 haft rid me. Therefore, I wil cofefs / / ^reat maketh he^ (alvations ofhis Kingl

thee, among the hethens lehovah: and unto his anoynted,dooth mercy*^

and to thy name , I wil fing-pfalm. to*David and his feed; eternally.

51 He maketh great, the falvations of

his King: and doech mercy ^ to his anointed; to David and to his feed; for






n*i3y^ 9 - the f^mnt of lehovah] gunfdfeBtteaiibin Pfal.s^^.i.forgfjSfer^“ mabmmiftnnatfiefetngtiom* ^^ii^fonQijJalfotoiitteiunx.Sam.zi.Uice




toitft fontelttle

tIjangeofafeUJUJojbjS.ViJSufifJalbeobfcrijcti. hand ofSaul.] UjfiicftnotetJjthe- " < '

' power of the King, abobe tgat bjfticjj iis notch bp tge palm of otf^et ennntejs^r pct foj

k00|b, hand^mi Sam. zi. i. I'jeibfcbjpalm. ' T

*jS* 1* 1 wil-dearly-love] 0^5 1-loye-hartily, intyrelyj with my inmo’ft bowels *

gtnalboo^b in tjgtb place fopntyre lovej but otberixiftcre ijb^ often bfeb fo^ tender mcroie

0^ bowels ofcompanion Pfal. & loz. 14.& 103* 13, bccfe abbcb bCVC^ lUOJCtjcn tin Sain.ii. "

. JJ, 3* fortrefs ] OC munition , a place or hold to flee vnto,when one is hunted & chafed.’^ec*PIaIm.3i.3. < Jockl^CcOonaincji pfa Rock ate in tbt0bafC)tgeflt11'Selangh,a firm

llony rock OJ cliffi tgC later, Tfur^ a rtrong 0^ lharp rockj anb lb oftClftj)e title OfGod binif^'ff,

anb tumeb in 05^ecfe Theos, that ib God : ab in tfte 3 i . anb 47* U^rfeb oftfjib Wahn, Deut


3x4. 18.30.31. Pial.7i.5*anbminanpotf>erp(aceb* homot myfaivacion] tl)atib,

the horn that faveth me . M horn ,fignifietljpower ailb gloryjPfal.^x^ii.Amos 6.13 . Hab.3.^.

tfterfo^e homes are bfeb to fignifp Kings, Dan. S.xi.Rev. 17. li. ^nb Chriillbcalleb, the

horn offalvation *Luk. I. high-defenfel 0^ tower rfeHige.^ee Pfal. 9.10; 2{U.1 Sam. ZX.3* tger tb abbeb in0^e,and my retugei my faviour,from violent wrong thou ^veft me.

|i. 4. Prayfed] tljat teij gldnous, excellent,prayfe-worthyi anb acco^biuijlp, fo^

tnercieb, bfuallpprayfed afiiba^ people .^0 Pial. 48. 2.

$f. s* The pangsi paynes, thiowes, forowes; ab ofa booman in cgilbbirtjEi j (to tge p|i^

nal tijDjb figmfietg. Hoi. 13 . 13 . Ila, 1 3 . 8


; & .7. ) 0^ The bands, the cords: (ab ^e UJC^b

aIfofignifict6vX<>h.3f:8.prov. J.22.) Jfo^tbib UJo^b,in vSam.2i.?.onotbcributcb^ tij^t

figniftetgbreaches-balitCl^alfoibapplicb to the broking foith of children at the birth. Hof,13 . 13 . ira.37.3 . anb to the billow es of the fea,Plal.42.8. ^ ftreams ] 0^ brooks,bourn5.

Cfte oziginal bod^b Nachal ib ufeb ab our <CngU|'b hourn,botl)fo^ a brook 0^ iheam miningin a ballp 3 anb foi t§e vaiiy it fclf, i King. 17 .3 .4 . Waters boo often figure cut afflidions^ pi.

^.2.3. bourns bj Itreams ofboaterb , lUCau vehement and violent afflictions. Plal. 124.4.ler. 47.1. Belial] OJ vngodlynes l^Cbrue Belijaghnal ( t{|e !5pO{XiC in45jreh calctfj ‘Belial, 1 Cgr. 6 , IS •) 10 bfeb to benote extream mifcheif and wickednes, oj moltimpious & miTcheivous perfons

, Calrb fonns ofBelial, Deut. 13.13. daughters of Belial, 1 Sam.

1. 1 6 , men ofBelial, i Sam. zy. 2^ aubfomtimc Belial itfdf ; abinNaaum. i. ly. Belial lh‘^1

no more pafs through thecj anb i Sam. 23 . ^. Belial lhalbe every one as thorns thrult away : auPlob. 34 .18. Wilt thou fay to a King, Belial? 3!t ib alfo applpeb to fpecial fynns, and fynners,ab

a witnes ofBelial, Prov.ij?. 28. a counfellor ofBelial, Nahu,i,iy .*111(0 to mifeheevous thoughts,

words or things; Deut. ly.j?. Pfaf. 41. 9. & loi. 3. !Hpo(tle oppofctj) Belial tO Chrilt,

iCor.<y.iy, anb itfcemetfl to be put fojtbcDivii o^Satan, (ab tge^yniab aub:2lrabib

tranflationb tljere eyplapn ibaulb term:) 6} foi Andchrift; foi fo Behai ib bppofeb to 4Tljji|l

anb gib bingbom, i sam. 23 . <?. 25p utCcrp}etation,Be^[fignilpet!i an Vnthrift, 0^ withoutyoke; lawlefs

; ab ^nttcbiifl ib uamWroawldsi^^ 2.8. anb tntjffb ^bfahtt, tfie

43|ceb ttanftatetj) itreams oflawlefnes, 0^ iniquitie : boljifft tje Cftalbte parapbjnfl talctfl

the company ofthe vnrighteoiis . frighted me] fkared , OJ vexed with' terroar


iUO^b ib bfeb of^aulb vexation by an evilfpirit : i Sam. i^. 14. ly.

6 . fnares of deathJ deadlyfnaresjenginesfet for my death; a fimilttubc tafecn frOltlJ

fowlers fnares, Ecclef. 9. 12. ^0 Prov. 13. 14. & 14. 27. Prevented me ] tjat ib^were ;

ready to take hold on me, fuddenly, and unawares,

p, 7. dillrefs vpon me ] 0l to me; tljat tb, in that my diftrefs whyle it was vponme.^0 ^

Pfal. 95.13. ^ he heard] die ^d3^uep^operlpib,wil hear; buttfietimctacomc, tb

often putfojtJ}etimepafl:it5}crfojciniSara.22.7. itib plapnlp bo;iittcn,and he heard, fo



i>iv' iS^n

.k- "(S3

Pfalm. 5CVIII. 4l^ftcrfrttrKTi^rrfehe xvilfet; toT)tcftm iDjittcn and he fet: agamc fntgf !-< .

brrf:,thoiidredjfDi \ju!):c5i in tiJ UJ^ittcn^ wil thonder^tDc lii&e map be cbfabeb off})C

^;bmrpbwfe,tiitbe I (5*39.41 »anD 44. berfe^ of rS)fo pfalm, ccit%mrfb\wir|)t(jcfamcmA sam.zi. often in otliec icdptureo, mlpcl) tl)e 3^}cbrue text tt fclf femtimefftemcrl), ai8

hikkuau, they fmote Chio*ii*6. fo^mbtcg IH U King* 8, 29* ij:? VUnttCU jakkuhu, ^tZfilfo tl)e note on Pfai *2*1, entred ] 02 came into; t|)I?S6jo^D OJlUtteb til 1 Sam .11.7*

fiipplitti i^rc; a^jofttn mmjstbcr \jaamctb\xi02b^,ioJbif{>artobemtbcrftoob. ^oberffZ9 * anO Plal. 69* 1 1 . s* foundations of the mounts] tftat roots antJ bottoms of ’7.?^the mountayns* tfjefe anD tfte toD^DP fbfcVutno.imtitr tijc funilttutjc ofa fo^e tfmpefluou^


taetber5<aoDiai jut»ocmait0 aQzinft tl)c miciifb,are cxccllcntlp let fort!)* Conipare Ijetttoitft, ° 7Vpfal. 82* s* anb Deut.* 32.22. mperc the foundations ofthe mounraynsarfet on Fyre. jPoj tint)mountayiis, i n z Sam. xi. 8* iiS UJdttni heavens : eptSev foj tfjat tjjc muO’itapUjS trarptltg l)pf> ]

feem to bt t})C foundation atlD ap tftep arc ralrb m iob.z^.i I. the pillars ofheaven; 0^ ni a mp<> fcnfCa a.d tfje iliaking ofheaven and earth, (iguiftctl) the changing of civil polities and ofreligions. Heb.1z.xO7. ^ he was wroth] 0^ kindled to h'm was fjipangcc; 0|burn .

did nis nofe : foi in tljt l^cbjuc, an dtljtT\jao;b id fomtiimd abbeb, togiefi ftoniftetft anger oj n n -m -

nofe. Deut.^.iy.Exod .3Z. ii. ^ee tbc notc on Pial.z.j. anb tbe note {)ftcfoIotoini|.

9 •ifin hjs anger] oj,in his nofe : tjc lint fpccCf) Id I'n Ifa . f . j: . thefe arc a fmoke in my anger*

Oi/O^ thefe a fmoke id in my nofe : anb It notctg fore indignation; fo^ Smoke IjS a ligne ol ve-] \jr

hement anger, pfai. 74. i- & 8o.f. Deut.z9.i0* narration ftcrc/tnapbc cempareb ^tuitbtj^eoiUinijOftljelatUjExod. 19. 18. &c.tofiCrC mad fmoke,fyre, earthquake, thonder,lightning, anb tgc Ilftc* fo% tgefe mitg tl)e fpreebep folloming of ciowds, winds, tempeffe,

thonderbolts, hayl, &c. boo liPclp bcfcribc <6obd ma)c|l:p, appearing in Ijin , anb foipuptfDmmt ofi)id cncmied,adExod*9. 23. 10. u. ludg. f. zo. i Sam. 2, 10. & 7.10.& li. 17. Rev. i^. i8.ii. - did eat] tfjat id confume. ^CCPfal. 50. 3, ^ lo^hc tJ'OW i

bowed the heavens] tl)idboadfoxtl)cl)ripof^abib,anbbt|comf(turcofbidcncmied:tgcc^"

foze tge ^bppl^ct p^apctfl foj tje lifee agapn,Pf. 144.5 Ifa.^4 ,1 .z. gloomy darknesl 1 ymyrk anb thick darknes; 0J,a dark-clowd : ad i Chron . i . lob . rz . 13

.fucj ad®5dOn mOUnt


&inai,m|^en<6obcamcbomu onit,Deut. 4* n.& j.zz. a figneofterrour, ad th’ilpoft(cfl)Cmctg, Heb . iz. 18. ^^0 Pfal,97.i'. ri. on aOherub] a Oherub,attb t{}C pll(^

ral number cherubim 0^ cherubines; id U ItattlC (jiben to t]^e Angels , Gen .3.25. anb tO t|^e ^ V .

golben winged images bobi^l) bjctc in tftc tabetnacie anb temple,Exod . zs . 1 8 . 19 . zo . i King. CfctuU6.21 * i4. if. i^. ^i. ‘ Ubing creaturcd alfb toftfcl) fm in bifion, Ezek* 1* y . atetalleb Cherubines

, Ezek. 10. i. ly. Hiftcmife tftf Sing Of '^prc, id ralleb airanointed anb acovering Cherub; Ezek. z8. 14. JUC liamc , ftatl) affmitpmitii Rechub a Char-rct,ufcb inPfalm 104*3* aUnoft in libe fenfe ad Cherub id j^erc; anb tljc cherubines arc ca(<

IcbaCharret, iChron.xS. 18. anb <©Obd Angels arc gid charrets , Pfal. ^8. iS.anbtgcpfCCmto be meant in thid place , foj ad tfje ^^ngeld arc fapb to flye, Dan. 9 . 1 1 . fo t|^e cherubinesgab wings . Exod. zy. lo. anb arc oft^’^poPIe cattrb Cherubines of glory

,Heb. 9. y. 3lt

Pfalm. 80* z.45ob id fapb to fit on the Cherubines; adhere to ride: anb a Cherub , map bCpittfo^ltianpozalltbe Cherubims;adcharretfO|charrets,Pfal. 68.18. ^CC tftc nctc Oil Pfal. HK p . flew-fwiftly] 0? glaunfed;a fimflitubc tafeenf|cm itgied anb liuc fmift fobolcd


jbatftptoitSafmingc. Deut 18.49. ier.48.40. jfoz tfjiid> in tSam.zz.n. id m^ittenjera,tpat id, he was reen:mSicbfieccbJit[)litIcbiffercncc ofone letter, idjede, tBatid,heflswfwiftly

. ^0 in Pial. 104 .3 . 45ob td fapb to walk vpon the wings of the wind* iz* hispavilion] OJ covert; booth, tabernacle. darknes ofwaters] ] tf)at id , dark, bkck wa-ecTS. 3u i Sam. 22, 12, t^id id t|^d fet boton ; and he fee darknes round about him,fOj booths


blacknes ofwaters &c. the f kyes ] t|)at id, the heavens, nautcb in^bjue Shecha- tD** p.nxf'

Jcim , of tbett thin fine and fubtil fubftance. jSz 13. hayl and coles] tliat ig.there was,0|,thwcaciehayl^tOteZeet fromhi^brightnes ;d^itt5Satn. 22*13* itiplpytten. Prom the

Q brightnesj^


brightnw, beforfrhinl^Acr^bUrfied Coks of fyEe.Hayl, and iyre, arcfnPritttlfntjgof45bb#lU«

fler- ®nD VUmffintnTtjS. lob. 38. 11.13. loib. io, ii.Rev. 1(?.1^ Zach. iz.6. i. i

14 * thondred] t||10«Rlfo a (ignc cf anger^ i Sam. 1.10. & 7. lo.Ifa.iy.^.antWJfpowerand glory .Pfal. ly. 3. and 77. ly. lob. z6. 14. &37.4. S, &40. 4. gave his

f voyce]__^coimup()^afe fOi glLlowd and high fpecch/cry, noife, thondring&c. Pfal 46.7.

S*j5 &^8. 34. 77. 18, & 104 . II. 1. *i5cw Num. 14. i. 1 Chron. 14. 5>. Hab. 3. 10. hayl>andeolesofpffyre] tfiat fytie vapours , lightnings &c. frttteitCC CmittCb,m a.

Sam. ^1.14. i^.-bisarrovves ] tjjeuirmimcnti^cf

rroi4»t4 fai l)atl) arrowes of pcltilence , Pfal. y 1.5. of famine, Ezek. s - mib Otftcr arrD\JJf0 tO' ^Jounb Pfalm.4y.^?. &<^4.8.o; toafflict c8ilt5zenPfal.38.3.^

lob. 6,4. and m Pfal. 144.Kb? arrowes map be Itieant thunderboltes,D^the haylllones

fee mezititraebi agi tl^z haylRon^s tftat ^ j^i. are railed arrowes Hab. 3. u.i . ; heluirkdj O}, he ihot ; A0 tlpz U30^d flgttiftetg , Gen. 4j?..i 3 * It map ulfD be turned, he mulcipli-

cd> emitted iUri Sani. 21. If, terribly Ihoke them down] difeomfited, trou-bled, and ftUed them down with dread,noyfe and tumult .


5Tf)IlS VUO^did bfcd ti1t{|iepan:pled

offtidlurats JExod. 14.14.10(11.10:10. ludg.4. 15. iSam. 7.10. Deut.7.i3.

channels ofwaters] tljat td, of the Tea;1 Sam. ii. j(^.channels figntfp violent currents or force-

ible (Ireams, running-rivers. ^0 Pfal. 41. 1, and 11^. 4* foundations ofthe world]tijat Id, the deep waters and mayn feas^wherpn theworld is founded, Pfal.24 .1. wind^’thine anger] oj, of thy i^fc; ad bcfee,m-C.9- meanilI0 a Mali ,llorra , or whirlwind, whieh

- ^ ^ iT.drewwater, and tger^

h andnotofiereeldirtfcripture. -Waters (l lWP croubles, ^IdltOtCd verf. f.aad fomettmc multitudes ofpeoples, Hev.i 7 .ir.To.t{K Cl)aldCC tumetl) It , he deEvered me from many peoples .

19. clowdycaUmitie], ®)C ijfbjUC^ id. Id a fog, vapour, OJ myllie-clowd-, Gen.i.^’lob. 3

<5 . 17 . bp flGIire, Itid put fuj calamitie oz miferic ofman . Deut. 31. 35 . !j8d clfUlfim*,

the dowdy andpark day;, Ezek. J4- Ii-. }&. lZ;frommy God,] lueaum^, by fwarving^

or turning away from him. not turncawayfromme.] fu i.Sam. ii<i3 .itidj

turnednotaway from it5 tfjat id, from any ofhis ilatutes. ^ tb. 14^ from my iniqui ty]

tftat id, from the iniquity (o^ crqokedjyn) , that I am prone to fall into . 'SJe^CbpIetecttdtc)cfigiufpctl)tl)atmi)ic()idunrigKt7u^^ o; perverfej oppofed to tfiat Vubicll Id

right: and Id fitlp applied to fyns and fo tranflated bp tfte Sl^ofile Horn. 4. 8. from Pfal.32.

1. 3n tftid eflate bJC all are bom, Pfal S 1. 7. fo it notetlj tfte vidofitie or crookednes ol na-

ture, and original fynj UJ^iffitb^ ^tpoftlccakdthe fyndwellingin him; Rom. 7. 17. and ftj

iBat mad firftbopi,firft applied tgiomozd to Ipmfelf*, Gen. 13. .gt idfiguratibelp bled

oft tilUed fOJ piimflinxent due to fyn . m()Crof fee Pfal. 3 1 . 1 1 . 1y, purenes ofmyhands] iUiSam.ii.if. my piuenes i6. gracious] OZ niercitul, pious, godly.

man] oj mighty-one 5 railed Geber, off>id(ii^ngih,valour,aBdlupcriority:

fetoI)icBm»«Sam.ii.i$. id put; Gihhor,.t|^atidj Strong,, OZ a champion: a mighty man:

fcy-T3V ^4f.4..

.with-theljowa^-, thou wilt Ihew thy felfwry .] ^lihcfpeec|h^*

dfed in jKiofed >L.cvit, 17,-28 , if ye wal k ITubbomly againlVme,; I wil walk llubbornly iri

P^UA anger againil you : 33Ut l)CrC lOabid bfetfj ttUO UJOZdd^^VXJftevoftJe filfl , froward DZ efooked,”' • ’

id atmaped (pofmi of doing eviUnd wrong ; tfje latet mbzd wry , not fo, but id a fimihtudt

taheu from wraftlers and notetft a writhing of ones felf aginll an adverfary . 28. the

lofty eyes .] gn 1 Sam, 18. it it dObJlUand thyne eyes are upon the lofty, tjjat thou,

mayll bringtjem low. ^ b. i9.:faa(Ui!ghtcd my caodlelOl , dopR lighten my lamp : tfta


id, giveftme comfort, joy, profperity after; troubles-, ad'^tge COrttrarp;:;tJ)e wickeds candJc

lhalbe put out .lob. 18.^,, &21, i7,4Prpv. 13.9. ^ 24. 3n * • Sam. 22. 29, t{?^

mom lighted ^ id lefi^put .fo iK btiderflood ^ad befoi^e iu^ 7 ^ 1 J^LOZutiuic tge ey9 idcaled



a I'nn


Pfalni. XVII.’ ft

ftfetitge candleeiftgrtirtJ^^j M«, iT.ii. aitD^oIomott faptll, man? mind, (C^ fowl) is

the candle the Lord /Erov. zo * fmutimf oiiejs child, fuctectino fciin in gOtJCtUITient,

candle Pfal. ip; 17. i Kiti^. -Sc iy4/Num.2(i. 50. ^Utjpcfcin t^al3ib,U3StC‘Iigh-'

ced; lanb Cflpfl: !)i^f0ltaccfljbfng to I|K ,10' thd candle of the .new lerufalem , Rev.

»3 . the true light^whictfUghteth every man that cOmeth into ahe w'orld . - loh .1.9.'


brial^tned mydarkncs.itjtatiO, turned my greifand affliction , into joy and comfort. lob.zp.j,

jbftn. 8. 1 Luka, yp . broken thjough an holt] ihal break,o^ run through 'pwn a*anhoit, mtroup. cOftf, leaping over a waif tofiitl)foIoU3et6, map be bnbetffccb,

botBofeImping danger himfelf ^and of quelling his'foes^ aiM winning their Walled cities^and

i)Oth thefe, fpeedily . 6*3 1* who id a rock] l^at a tiiighty favidur and defender


Cfie45|Cefe]^tcf<4rock BatB,aGod) anbhtx. Sam.zz,3i.‘aCreatoui\

fcttnCtiO tl[jpetX)0^b|$ ofAnna Jthere is no rock like our God^ i Samvi.i* " b* 33.that

^rdethme] tgattjS, prepareth andftrengthneth me :'tf(erfo^eitl i Sam. ii. 33 . ft UJJltten,

«3/ilreflgth. elftofterefiefpr^fectfjofbefnii girded With joy Pfal. 30. ;x. ^ valour] OJ S’


power,force, prowefs . 5inb tfjl0 iDO^b 10 Ufcb, botjj fbjt valour,aCtivi tie,& coilragrofbcbp'

tfnbtninb}^fofbiapower tQ army of nien,Pfal.33. i3<J. ifjaub alfo fOJ wealth gottenl>y indulby , wherby men ai*e able todoo much Pfal. 49. 7. iji. & ^1.



‘ a^d giveth]‘

(®ati0 raaketh o^ difpofeth rhy way tO be peifeCtj fljat 10^ without impediment

. g>

iluSam. zz.i0,dofeneth; mTpcffalfofreeth from let/ b* Hematcheth nwfeeif ^As hinds] tj^at 10, maketh me fwift to inn like the Hindes ^

and fo to elcape dan^^ and'ltaSdiafe vpon my high places^ baln'tl) b(ua(ip bcndS, fecuritie

,honour and profperity . Deut. 3z.

Ha.58. 14., 4|[^eKfeefpfat]b.l^abafmhI)rdl]iiitf)enibtifb. 3 j. bow of brafs ] 0| of Iteel

^ anb tl)f0 10 Obfctbeb to be ijronger then yron. lob. i OiZ4. ,

h), 36,, thy^right; jiai]^d.hath Hphcd.d^ lOfaiirmly itayed (anb itfcn|thened) me,. ^8l0 fcntcnte

10 Obb’etr^ctc, Iticie rycfl iz! 3-^. ' ^ thy meeknes] ihodelty, ICnitie, humiljtiej ywherby thpu abafellthy fe^ to regard me^vJnd deal ke^klySyiththej even gently chaftifing and :


nurturing the. tS)^Crft tftC tllt^Ctj^ tft§U0,thy challifement hath reCSfied fne*

b* 37. haibWidened rnypaCage } 02 enlarged my pafe^ t§*^10, given ine roomth to walk fie-.

dily and CxwtratptO^’St bJljtCft f0Tapb of tofcbeb, tj^at bis ftrong ( 0^ violent)y^af-* •


fages arellreightned;(0|^jnade,narrow) lob. i^. 7. b. overtook them] aulj

CO«fet|ll^^tt!p,<^U!ed ^o|.ci^t.thenvoffj-a0t0i^PJt|T^^ Sam• ’

* b/ 39. 1 woundedthcna] Itrqke through, embtued-witb bloud. OTli0 betfc fn 1 Sam. iz. 39. f0 reab tgU0iA nd I confum'ed them,and wounded tKem‘,and they rofe not ibijrfel,underfmy feet.


- b4 41 •

the neck ofmine enemies] tfiat 10 ,pat them t(>-flight,:and fubducd them : z Chron. z9. 6 , Genl

4^.8. ^finbtgt0rcfpCCtrt&<6ob0bjmnife,Exod. ;,3.Z7,, b* 4^. Theyciyed out]

iPo^ t]^0, in 1.' Sam, zz. 4z. f0. They looked. ^ b. 43- pWr them oi^p? empty them; tn

tljat 10, tumbled them down, to be troden as durt ; t fpred them abroadTaSln f Sam. zi. tBi0bevfe 10 I^Itten,And I did heat them fraal, as the ckiibof the earth : as the clay of the llreCts Ipownded them , I fpred-them-abrqrd-. b. 44. ofthe people ] fiizSam.zz ft 10, the contenti-ons ofmy people, hall kept me for the head &c^5n5^rSp^ Obcr tfjtcgnrcgOf<6nufl0f0 itgnffpebi anb tj^e contrabtction of |p0 obon people tfte geUJe0*R.9m.^»ee after, fnbci*f.yo.they hear : without further a

& attendance, ^ fonns ofthe ftrangei', ] ofthe aliant , 02 of aliepatioq; t§at 10 , aliens^ ^33

oudanders, lirangers from the c5moh wealth ofTfraelj tiftetr p2^3emtO20.^O144 . 7 . Ifa . ^z . 8 . ... ' falfly^deijy] 0^diflpmbli Qn tfje •'[incaiUUgthey feighnedly fubmit themfeives forfer orother^finifter refpeCl, againll their wills*

tl)t0 agrcetgUiftbtbela|lplC‘mi^^ ®ofe0 jDeut. 33.29. thy enemies lliall falfly-deny to

thee . C2mfsMbJC2^t0 bfebbDtftfcidenying, Gen. 18. ij. anbfe lying 02 f^hifyingj /, o_.. . fede-away ] Onfall, 10 bicet, '713 ’i King. 13. 18. :^C afier, Pfal* f9. 13. & 66 , 3.

b* 4f. At the hearing of the ear] t^at f0,ipeedily, fo fcon as

doo. 0^5 by the hearing ot the ear,tjat'|0,with diligent hearkning



Si Pfalm. XIX.2s havcs.oF trees that wither. b. 4S. that giveth vertgeances toi»e ] t)^U f^,giveth mepower to be avenged ofmy foes : tSl giveth vengeances for me avengeth and pimilhethtor my fake, ll^i'jctclayau l)t isS callet) tfte God of vengeances Pfal,94 .1. tO gi\ e vengeance,

M to execute it . Num. 3 1.3. Xubdueth] , fcngeth into good order'and fubjedlion,

1. Sam,iz. It filptl,fubje(5teth OJ bringeth down . ^JCutJffomcthm t\]i0 toOjD fU

Tpniffctf) a fubduing by overthrow and dellru^aion; i Chron. zi. 10. ihe fubdued : fojIII 1 King. II. I. brought to perdition deployed. b. jo. Iwilcon-fefs thee] tS^lH^jgive thee publik and I'olemn prayfe and thanks . bcife nppIpcDKorn. If. 9. to caluijj of tfte Unto faptfl of pjapfe ^omo <6oi) tfteiv

. fo>c. U3gicg mtt arc tau3^ , tgat ofC&ift a-iO ftio feiagoom, tfltiS ^falmintenOCO* )J. JI. Hemaketh great] o^magnifiethjHeisthemagnifyerGfthefalva-tions

j t!|at of the till falvation and deliverance. 3j»i ftch ofMagdil , tf|at magnityer ; inaSam. tft?riiMigdoi,ujinfl)i!(SfoUjjttten, aoPy tfisboVoeijSfigmfp^ toweroffai^i

Dattai^0 J anti bp tfte COriftmantjS a magnifyer . his anomded ] o;i his Mefliasj his

' *.Chrilt: aO before (ttPfal. 2. ^ David and his feed ] tblO Uiap be Itfcrrcb , botft tO;^abib anb pof!cr(tp,on\]^mTi 4&ob f mercp:anb alfo totmr iojb

l^cal!cb.bpt[)Cj^’0pI)CtS^,David3 E2ek.34.23 .24. Hof. 3. f.^ailb feed^ atehis difciples , the children which God hath given him : Heb. 2. 13. 0^ 10 tI)C feed |jer$

inmtionebiAift. 15. 43. Rom. 1. 3.a0ficalvii0CaI!ebAbrahamsfeed: Gal.3.i<5.

^ Pfalm 19.

1. To the may ftcr of the muftkj

a Pfalm of David.i. heavcns,doo tel the glory of

X God:and the out-fpred-firma-

menc fheweth,the work of his hands.


g. Day untoday, uttcreth fpeech; &night unto nrghc, inanifefteth know^ledge.

4. Nofpccch, and no words: notheard is their voice


y . Through al the earth,gone-forth is

their line; and into the utmoft-endofthe world, their fpeakings: he hath puta tent in them, for the fun .

6. Andhe,*asabrydcgroom,going-forth out of his privy-chamber: joyeth

as a mighty-man, to run a race.

7. From the utmoft-end ofthe hea-

Tcns, is his egrefs; and his compaffing-

.regrefs, is unto the utmoft-ends of

them ; and none is hidd,from his heat


8. The law of Iehovah ^:^ perfect; re-

turning the fowl: the tefUmonie ofic-

hovah ^faithful, making-wife the fim-

plc • the

Pfalm ip.

Sing this as the 21, or as the i. Pfalrm.

2 . heav'tts, dootel theglory of'Godt

JL and frmAment doothpreaih

^ Voorkjofhis hands . ^ay nmo day^

dooth largeiy-^tterfpeach:

md night to nighty dooth kftowledgeJheWt^

4 Nofpeechyiwd ^ords are none :

j their votce it-is not heard, Their liffe^

thrOHgh al the earth isgone )

itnd to the Worlds end^ theirfpeakings:

in them he did dtfpofey

6 tentfr the San, Whofridegroom- hk^g •

oHt ofhn chambergoes:

ioyesflrong-man hk^» to run 4 raci^

7 From heav*ns endyhjs egrefi

^ his regreji to th^ends ofthcmi

htddfrom bis heat^ none is.

S ^ehovahs LavOtitperfiUhl

the (ovol agayn-turning:

^ehovahs witneffaithful is,

die fimple >^ofe-making .



Pfalm. XIX.

f . T!iep»*ecepfsofIehovaT)<fMlghc, 9 chdYgtSyrt^u^t

ngiving-ioy to the hart : the cornman-

detxientofIchovah is pure, giving-light

to the eyes .

10. The fear pf lehovah, U dean,

(landing to perpetual-acy ; the judge-

ments of lehovah art truth: juft they

Are, rogither

harts gbd»deUghti

^ehovahs precept it ispHre,

giving the eyes clear-light*

to fehovahs revWend-fear^ i $ ckatt^

abiding jhlfor ajx

fehovahs mdgments verities

togithcTy infl are they

II. To be defiredj wo«-then gold, tt Thangold, than muchpne-goldfiitg lt§

and then much fine-gold : and Tweeter

than hony, and liquour ofthe honey-

combs .

12. Alfothy fervant, ^ dearly-ad-

moniflied by them: in keeping them,

ther is much reward . >

13. Vnadvifed-errours who dooth-

tmderftand? from kcTQt-faults clcnfe-

thou me.

14. Al(b fro prcfumptuous-j5^^/;

withhold thou thy fervant; let them not

have dominion in me,then (hal I be per-

k6t; and made-dean, from much tref-



15. Let the words ofmy mouth, and

the ineditation ofmy hart before thee,

be to favourable-acceptation: lehovah,

jny Rock and my redemer.

to be defiredy more:

andfmeur then tin honey is,

or honey-combs ItejHQnr,

12 fervant^ is by them

admomjhed- clearly t

in helping them^ is much rewar

tS Bryours ^ho can dtferyf

fromfecret-txxovsts cUnfethoH mi*

i4 Thyfervant eke reftreyn

from fynns-prefumptuoHs; i lei

,them not Withm me treign^

thenjhal J perfeSl be; er clenfj^

from much tranjgrejfion^

tj O let the Words ofmy mouthy hi

to acceptation ;

andmeditation ofmy hart

before theface ofthee


Jehovah , my almighty-

andmy Bedemer-frec *


( KyimoUttons*

1. the out-fjjred-flrmament 3 the whole cope oFheaven,lnit|htrjCa(crj

. ft be foft aitb liquio , mib Tpjcti ober tftc cartlj, pet t0 it fafi anb ftnn : anb tSev^;ic raleb' ' ^

of atco|bmg to tge t6mon€>teehberfion,a firmament :thegolp»6fjof^ejcp^cffcth ft bftn Otftet term, Mid-heaven : Rev. 8.13. & H.^.and i)?.i7.'^f)fjefOuc-fpred-fimiament0^ex-'Mt<rc«^

panfign, <6obmabe amibbjs the bjaterjsfol a reparation, anb namcb ft Heavens Gen.i.^,s.

IbTltd) of^abib tjS fapb, to be llretched out as a courtayn^j tent, Pfal,io4 .


.anb dflbljerc iti

(apb to be firm , as molten glafs. lob. 37 . 18. ;&o UnbCt tfifb name Firmament, bC (Olllplf#

feb tge oibb of the fieabcniS ,anb tf)e nier , a?ib tfie tofiole fpaciouis rounttfi abobe tfic eartft

1^. 3. Day unto day], one bap bnto anb after another. Vttereth] cjwellethoiitiW afountapn, tontinuallp anb plentecuClp . manifcikth ] 01 iheweth-rJLvdie,

P 4. not, heard is their voyce ] tfiat fbjWhofe voice is not heard, underftood.mcanfnfly/ow^ Athat tftep are no mute oj obfeure fpeccfieb,bJfjerbp tfic ()cabeno p^ccirfi to t!)c b30jlb,biit utt^ V ‘ ‘

tiifcfttoaU,abtBenettberfeffjcbjeth,anblpanlpIatnlpcorifirmct8,Rom. 1.19.10. anb theberfio 0erc UaDctij to bnberpanb tl^fmt^^^toaitfier t^ ^Ipcpie^JaUegiw

G 3 ttoi.



H Pfalm. XIX.tiort , llom. 10^ i8, anb tfic li&e l^eb^aifmcjS arc bfual , ai? Iqb.3 .5 . Let the day perlfl>y i waiborn in it, tftat > wheriii I >vas born ; anD bcaringt^S oftett putf0| underftanding

, Gen .117.zKing. 18. €mriparca{fogcbti3it|)tbatl^eb^uej^t^^^ ier.58.5. mapreabtt tf|U0 : no fpeech , nor words ; not, heard is their voice : tiS tJ|C tttaEeJK>fpeech,o^femimt, nor Utter anpreanable words ; no nor any voice ( CJ found) at all oftheirsis heard ; bttt their line is gone forth, dtc. , ( taynQ words fo| peoples chat fpeakthem,) tfjete no fpeech, nor words, \u|)^te the voice ofthe heavens is not heard

* i*their line ] 0^, their rule, their delineation ; t^at <l3 , a mean tO tcacb t&e ntbe apib fimplej ajS

Efa*z8. 10. oj by hne is; meant a building, trame o| edifice, toljifb ijs mabe bp Itus anb rule,2ach. I, i^.iob.38. f/./i5e45^ecbtraiiaatctb theirfound

j mbu|}tBojb t§’35poplea(fo

iifetb, i8.4jj!)mbefpeabttb oftTjepie^^ > bptuglcbtbeCburcfi10 tauggt anb ebl(peb.* < their fpeakmgs ] 0}, their words : biu ta bfeb fcmutniteCeitcrallp fojftgnijfttationaitpmanerofujap: a0 Prov.<5. 13. hefpeaketh(tbatis;,fignifi-

eth)with his feet.fiinb Ubitig Ipm befop: to babe fbrtoeb bob) tbe brabens; babe no fpeecheswords uo^ voices^ tbji^^ere mapbi^ meant of their Significations , bp tbe bjonberful frame,tonrfe, ojber &c* tgait all menmap fee in tbemv ‘ he hath put a tent ] 4500 batb put(oj fee) in tbe beabenj; 51 ‘tab^midejthat a flitting tftat tbe fim neber (iap^ctb in one place: * ^e Sbh in l^ebpie Caleb shemeiTi, that i^, a mimiler o| fervanti tobieftberp name fboulb babe bept tbehation^ frornmo^fbiping arib ferbing it, VbbidL<^3ob batb

,jUt m«-4)illributeb to all people bnber tbe babble beabenj ap Deut. 4 . ly . as a bridegroom]t&e bJbm Ijt rifetbdJJ glgponllp aboptcb bntb bebJtiful rap^^anb feemetb riic(t cheat#ful; tobirb tbjo |biw0^. are fet fo^tb bp fnnilitnbe cfa b^begrpom* ifa,^i, lo, & 6i,$:

to run a race] a long-way,journey , 0^ courfe ^ '^Tbe fUlift COttife cftbe ^Un,i 3^ lOpfilUp pCt#

fo^meb,a!SmbeiucbainpioiTr«mietbfoi^agamev^ y" ^5, 8* theUW] oj I2)banh3ii’

an o;tberlpj«manner ofinftmttioii : an inititution oji>irpdfttionifaleb m^bpeTorah^brt^tmplietb both doarioe, anb an orderly-difpofitionpf tbe fame ^ tberefoje , mbere one^0#phtt relating ^abibp bjojbie;, faptb the law ofman j

^ Sam.7. 19. another faptir,the orderly-

efiate (0^ courfe ) ofman . i c^ron. 17. i7-/^be§olp<^bo(lm<0?cefecaIetbitNomo6,a law^Heb. 8 . 10. from Xer. 2 1

. 3 3.

^P JBofes;, at iiBour^

alibis^ bjptingp. ^ . . , . .

»nb though foiftetimetbcLawbebillinguifJfjcbfcomtbe 1^lmfSanb|^opljctsti Luk.iUiitf.&z4.44.pettbeotbetl^ppbets;bookparefalebLaw; iCor. 14.21. fcom ifa. 28.11. t^el^falmep are alfo tbup nameb, loh. 10.24.& ly .ir

. from Pfai.8i.^j. & 3 ? . ip.^ra one ^fabti,

ip Caleb alaw,Pfai.78*i. anb the manp bjanebep ofIBofep boctrinc; aptbelawoftbefpmoffringSec.Levit.^. If, aiib gcnerallp itipbfeb fp? anp dodrinc

5 ap tge law ofmo^bp:lijeiiw offat^ &c. Kom. 3.^7.

, ^

retimiing me lowll OJ, idloring the life


turn the fowl, ip fometimrtabeliber it from cbtip, Piai. 3f . 17.. lob, 33. 30; fcmtiinetore#frefbit apmitb food, that beepetbiulife , Lam. i. ix. i^. to refrefb ittoitb tefl, comfo^*anb the libe,Ruth.4. if.pral.23.3- Prov.zf. 13-MbJbicbix^apbefcunb intbelatoofp&ob*.• the teftimony] 45obcalCbtb-tLOOtab(epOfbiPlaU3, theTellimony;Exod*zf. i 6 , 21.& 31^

x8. anbtge Ark tobf^*intbepbjn:ekept,babtberbpcsntbelibcname,Num.i7. 4. Exod.zf,

anb fotbe tabernacle b)bfrintbear8map>Exod. 38. 21. Rev. if.f.45cbplaU)babfjtbiptitle becaufcoftbete|Xification,coincflation, anb eatncfl. charge mbifbb^* anbPbetp gabe concerning its ap iKiDg.i7.-if^ Nehem.<?. 2^.30. Deut.3i.-28r^31.4. anbaparccoib,ittepifietbb3batiP45obpmilaub fobenant, loh. f.39. = ^ubaitbelabJ, fotbego|pel,(pea€feiflipmfelf ) ip calleba teftimonie. iCor. 2. i. xThef^.i^i^I Tim. 2. 6 . faithful] tbtP bJOjb meaitetb aifo ,

fure., certayn, firm aitbconftanf, apfaithful plagues * Deut. 28. f9- are fure anb durable: a faithful howfe, 2. Sam. 7. i<<. ip fet-

Xed,%tn andllable ^q. <Bobp \»C!|b ba^ itbe fomenbattCUp , Pfal. 9}^^- & n 1/7..




Pfal. XIX, ss

Ae finiplej tt} fillf . 'SCfjC OtfsinaTpethi , Jticanetft one tftat (Si eafity perlWaderf, o^ iriti&dj cr#.

duloiis mitr llQfjt ofbdetft acCO^bin§ to lf)ep^\)erbj Pechi, The fimple beleeveth every things

Prov.i4.ij. €ouVc(iti:iulp,itio^fctifarVnf kilful3 ani5 appUet>fomttmeto eMfooUffjiper-fotts.Prov. fomtteto tT|2 goot>ani)fhttplc,a]5

ten tranilatctj) it, a babes ant) fo calet]& fur!):, Mat. 1 1 .z j . tjcrfe, and tl^e t\natiejct f3ao\ntng, UJftnl) trea t of Ol^odei laUJ s

arc in U5^ittm ebcrp of tftcm \3citg ten

, acco^omg to tfte nuwaer oft fje ten comimndTiiient^s ate caUeb ten word«EWd, 34. ig. 9 > The_££ecepts o^.Cornmi fiions,Charges^ Vi30|d bp tDaVtt'b

mielp, applied to <6odo tommanUcmeittp sraUtd off)im Pikkudim of Pakad to vifit-, ajs ifbifboulofap Vifitacions s'oj pzeccpt0 3 tf>e ttaufgtefljion^ tobetof 43odbatb tfr^atned tobf*»

fit01 pltnifb> Exod. 10. r. & 31.34. of hiphkid tO comend OTcomit vnto ones chargedcuitodies bkaufethcfearefomittedbntomen^ratefullp to bccbfetbcbj apit toj^itten.

Thou hail commanded thy preceps, to be kept vehemently-, Pfal.119.4, thecomande-ment ] tbat the comandements one put foj alls judgement, z King. 25;, 6 . fb^judge-ments sler. 51. i?. andmanptbelibe. 10. -^Thefear] 0^ reverence , tjat

religionanoujo^rbip p^efcribcOof<6ob, abinMat. tftatiptaieb WoriEipj^bifhiiiifa. 2p.i3.tbnam^t) Fears and tfjioiofapt) tobecleanffom^Ilfiltbpneb^brtaufr bere^uiStb-tobelnojfbippedinfpidtandtvutb, andbottbputebaiidb^ ioh.4.i4. iTim.2.8.

aj3 <6od jjimfelf ib called Fear; pfai. 7^.11. foJjib lain map alfo bete be ralcd Fear, fo^ that ttinao gidenlnitp fearful majcflie, and \no;tfeetb in men tjhc feat and reberente of<6od. Exod. Deut.j. 24. —29. Handing] 0^ abiding, contihuing-Yifm> PCt and pei>pctuallp^


' ff judgments] ^ucb Intoeb ao mere annexed to tge ten c6inandementb/inpunifbing tbe offender^, babe tbib title p^efipeds a^Exod. n. r. Thefe are the judgen^mswhich thou ilialt fet before them : See. ^ttd ab decrees 0^ ftatutes, atc Often put fO^ fbet^dtnaneeb of 45odb loo^fbip ^ ( ab ib noted on Pfal . 2 . 7 .) in (ted bJbeecfqi^abid here feemetftto bfe tbe fopnet too^ fear ; fo judgements atc labjcb and ritebfo^bwmane dutiejs

tbjo iBofeb often jopnetb togitbet , Taping: bearben 6 gftael to the flatutes and to thqudg-ments &c. Deiit.4. i . j. 8. 14. 4J. & j. i. 31. & i. 2o. ^fc7. n. and 8.11. &c.

j5itogither ] tb^lt ibo them togither , and ech ofthem apart, ibjuft

s'0? ,jullified;

b. I ! fine_gold] ojfolid-gold ralfd Paz , mfjiebB^tbtb^ name of llrength/aftnes,0^ folidity:

fucb gdIdbSiEi rare and prenoup, ira.13 .^80 !J6rabianpiiobj call gold, Phes. gtInaObcrpfine, tbetfo;embenoncl^^opbetfalletbit goldMuphaz

s 2 King. 10, is. anotbetcalctb it tahojc>tbUt i,ei Hne, 0| clean gold. 2 Chron.9,17 . Jiquoiir ofthe honey-combs}0^, liqaid-honey ot;the combs * <$c|l of tljcfc bJO^dp 155 bfed bp ^olomon fo^ the dropping-honey-comb. Prov, j.3.& m^dbotb atebfte jopuedfojniD^ebebcinentie*b* 1 1. deairly-admonilhed ] ^pebJO^td fignifietb dluftrating, making-bright IhiningTJaii,II.

3 . and fo bp^varning O^information tO mabe tbe foU)l clear and circum^edl *^Exdd


2 King. 6 . lo. Ecdef.4.13. Ezek. 3. 17. 18. 19.20^ ^ much reward] 01 much end: tftaflit. ^iT¥e5^^^ofa tbmg , ( ap tbe head , fo;t tbe beginning^

» recompenfe that folomctb tbJ^fbpom 26^an other bJojjj,acharith,bJbi(b lignifi^® End,i0 ufed alfo foj[ reward Prov.2'3 .1’S 1 t.i: 0

13, < vuadvifed Errors] OJ Ignorant faults^ VnWeeting and- incorifid^mt^Tynns */'

labJfOjbJbicbie^SibenLevit. 4:K^^ScCi whodooth underdaiidifopj^^fclcscandifcetJix

meaning no man can* ^o Pfal . 77 . j . i fpake not, fo^, i could not fpeak. ^ee tbe annotatfir

on there. clenfe thou me ] 0^,‘ make me innocent , free,guiltlels,empty . be tuom idalfo bfed f0^acempUQgjO|al>fojiving free fitimpunifbment dueto fpiU.Exod. 20.^;; 3c u

to, war

T •

risnvr ‘ •



5^ Pfalm. XIX. 27. tT>e acceptation fee tfic not? on Pfalm . r. r; . ffiyredetnerl ojvererjtgeBebjue God, 10 intetp^etjti m t^e br^otfi t&efe i !lo. ii.z(5.ftomira.f9,aor'A^t.7* 3 y* <^1)^ VWO?b 10 oflarge tlf^ , fo; redeming oft|)ing?S fold 0^ mojtgageb, Levit. ir.

but applifb to rcbnnpJiou o| beliberamc from banger, Pfal. is>. ficm bicleute , Pfal.ya,

14 . from corriQitiort, Pfal. 103. 4. from t!)> enemies ganb> Pfal. lo^f. 10. from beatgHoC,13. 14. anb from aHeM,Gen. 48.1^. ^trrbmfpmaljOne tftat challengeiho^^redemethanpperfon, oj tfting tlm \ua0 bifcjc aliciiatvO, aub tt to tfje fup ipate, bp ngfjt ofteb, 10 Caleb bp tfti0 name 5 1 King. 1 6.11. Ruth .3 .9. 12. 13. 6c4-i.3.&c. ^l)crfcei0 t^0[

title gibeu to <6ob , anb , m|)o 10 our redemer ,anb allpeb unto up,a0 coucmimg tbefleffl. Ila, 43, 14. &44. &47.4. I Thef. Heb.z. 14.15.

pfalm 20


Sing this as the 84. Pfalm*

2 LOT^-eternal anfmr ^ee ,

X tn eUjoffireight-adverjiteei

tht name ofJakobs mighty- Goi^

Jet tiice upon a refage-hye.

g Send thy helpfrom thefartetuaty :

from Stonghe theefHre^ahode*

4 Healthygifts in-mind-uprlayz

thj offrtug^ ajhes-make Selah.

5 ^y hart crisesygive dtee the (amc^and al thy counfel hefulfill,

6 Jn thy (alvation^f)om ^e Will


and banners-rear^ in our ^oJsHomei

^Ithyreque^lsfulfiLdoo JAH,7 T^ow doo /know, that lehovah,

hefaveth his ^Anoynted-^nei

out ofhis heav*ns tffanetity,

hemfwreth him : With p 0wers-mighty,

his right-hstndsJ^e-filvation.

i Ofcharretsdjefcyofhorfesthayi

hut ofthe name ofour (fodJAH^ Wee memion-make, They,floup^fdt

but rife, andfland-uprtght doo We,

to Jehovahfave-thoH : the King, he

ns (tnfwer in the day We cal*

xyfnnotdtiom. ;

berf. 2. anfwer thee] thee Ulbomaper pe Calct§ Meilias 0| Anointed ;brtf* ;

7. llnbthi0fcntencei0fctbcUJitm3aaKob0to<nb0,Gen.35.3. a0 after be mciitionetbtjte i

CiodofiMkob* j|nbt^]DftoI1^fabn>10ap}oAefleofCb^ fuffering^j anb bt^bcUbe^ !

Pfam 20.

. f . To the mayftcr ofthe mhfkja Pfalm of David.

^ JEhovah anfwerthec, in day ofdif-

Xtrefs: the name of the God Of laa-

kob, fet-thec-on-high.

3., Hcfcnd thy help from the Sanctu-

rie; andvphold thee, out of Sion.

4. He remember al thy oblations;

and thy burnc-offring,he turn-to-alhcs


/. He-gtveto thee according-to thy

hart: fulfil al thy counfel


6, We wil (liowt,in thy falvation;

and in the name, ofour God fet up the

banner: lehovah, fulfil al thy petitions.

7. Now I knowjthat lehbvah, faveth

his Anoincted ; anfwereth him, out

of the heavens of his hol)jnes : with

po\rers,thc falvation ofhis right hand8* Thcfe make-mention oi charrets,&

thefeofhorfes: but we, make-mention

ofthe name of lehovah, our God


9. They,ftoup-down andfal: but werife- up, and ftand-upright


10. lehovah favc thou; the King,

. be>anfwer us in the day we call.

Pfalm. XX.ranccsioutoftr)nn,fdjWnfBtT)c tuitBIihn tdmii^3T]ct^%

57fet thee on high 3

in a high-refng,% a-lb fo Dffenb a?lD tJ)2C fafc : frc Pial 45ctlS name, even hionely IS advanced-high, Pial . 148. 13 . fc ttaljO a Urong tower, which the righteous runnethnnto, andis fce-on-high': Prov. 18. 10 ts, 3. from the fanctuarie j OJ Sarctitie;

Cft«30i tf)e tabmu^le mtiti calei5 , Levit. i . anb t0e tempi?, i . King .8 . 10 . iinng tfie place*'*

ofholynes, fO’ tfje p^rfeuce of tfjm» U. 4» remember all thy oblations ] -S I> Sfiatfj rcfpctt to tlje lam^volnfij appomteb part oftljt oblation, (oj meat^offans) tc be burnton t|j? altar unto <^0b,lutt|j| oil anbiiiceufe for a memoriall Levit 2.a. /ITbclK^jiMCMinchah,Id gencrtillp a gut ci prefent caricb to anp, Pfal.4y .13 . & 7^. 10. Gcn.3i . 13 . anb in fpecial a 4


gift 0^ oblation picfentcb to <©Ob , Gen. 4. 3.4. S.Pfal. jBcft fpCtiailp , the oblation ofcorn or flowr , calcD tfje meat-oirring ,

Levit. Numb. 19 . ni (fejecfe tUmetl) it <,

Profphora , an oblation . Heb. 10. 5. 8. 10. frOlll Pfal. 40. 7. burnt-ofFring ] VDjUCj^ ^r>SlITocco^bing to tje op'ginal roo^b Ghnoiah figiufietl),an Afceiifion; bccaufe tfiid toii) offacrii^p,

toJOdAjopollp gtben bp to o^ob in fpre* Levit. i. 3—5.13 . ^^etfojc in <6^ceb it id tranfiatcb


holocautoma, that id, a whole-brent-ofFi'ing . turn-to allies] tj^at id) confumeafnesjbJiiO licabculp fpte, foi fo 45ob appjobeb anb attepteb tfte famficed ofgid people. .


Levit.y.z4. iKing. i8.z8. "fulfil all thy couniel ] o;t accoinpliili it : 4lounffli||

ad emptp,ifit be not effected anb accomplifl&eb: anb tpe pcrfopnance, id ad tge filling tpere-* '



of* ^0 to fill o^accompliilipetitiond) in tpeberfefblobomg: to fulfil jopjioh.3. 15. & it.h.

to fill fill IXJO^bd) id to confirm tlieui, I King.r. 14. anb tOperform O^effeditbCUl* i King.z.iy.

® ^ . we will ihowt ] 0^, that we may ihowt, 0^ llirill* tljcfc tUlO pftvafed ate bfCb in^»

bifferentlp ; g>tc tpe note on Pfal. 43^4. thy falvation ] Vogiclj tjou (


$ting ) ftaff .

receibebj 0;i, bObit]6 tl)OU c 6 <i5ob) pajt oiben. fet up the banner] o^, difplay the flag S>T y

0? enfigne, voad foJ tdutnpji anb bictojp,to gonour oob; anb to termp tftc enemied#Son^.5.3.9. b* 7* his anointed ] o^Meflfiasitgat id) his King : verf. lo.Pfaha.^^

with powers , the falvation] tjat id) with ful-power (0^ puiflance,) ebcn boitf) the falvation *


of his right hand * <6obd right hand id ofUionbroud^' excellent fo^ce , anb boetg bait# *

antlp* Exod. 1^.6, Pial. 118.15: & 85.14. 55* 8. Thefe] tfiatfebomeinentionchar-^^ ^rets anb feme horfes . Charret io bfcb fO| charrets

5 ad alfo in PfaU <58 . 18. fo, bird fo^ birds


Pial. 8. 5. Angel, fo^ Angels * Pial. 34.8. mike mention ofthe name] d>at td, make it

Co be knownand to be remembred ,ttJit|J 5^>110^^F.Pral. 4f. 18. Ifa.45.1. i Sam. 18. |8.

p, 9. Hand-upright] 0^, fet our felves fure tO continue pCt.^O after in Pfal. 14


5 .5* & i47.<^.

®*io. the King, he anfwer us] 25ptfte King ftetcfeemetpto be meant chrift, OfVu{)CUtt|^idtbpole ^falm id compofeb: ad alfo tge Cpalbee parap&iaff bnbet(toob it) anb tperefcje cjr#

platteb tl^id berfe tfjUdjO Word ofGod redsme us :6 mighty King receive our prayer in the dayofour invoca tion . 25ttt tfie not beeping tfte bi(rinctiond> turn it in d5ieeb t§ud> Loralave the Kingj and hear vs in the day thatwe call upon thee.

H Pfalm.XXl,

i*4.-. Pfam. 21 ,

Pfalm. XXI.

mpfalm iti


'I ^

t . To the may fler ofthe mifikj

a Pfalm ofDavid.

a.TEhovah, in thy ftrengththe KingJLihal rcjoyce: and in thy falvation,

how vehement glad (hal he be.

3. Thou haft given to him, his harts

defyre ; and the earneft-requeft of his

lips,thou haft not kept-back Selah.

4. For thou dooft prevent him, withblefiings of goo^Incs: thou fetteft onhis head, a crown offine-gold


5. Life, he afked ofthee, thou gaveft

it him: length ofdayes, ever and aye.

lehovah^m thy firenj^ti) the Ktrj^ fh^itojfitlbeei

C^rm thyfifi-Jatvattorj^how vehementgUd is bee}

j. Thou unto him hafi given ^

thojL, ^hich his hart did pri^i

and th\rne$l-afking ofhis

hafl net l^ept-baik Selah.

4 . For thou prevented him ,

Wftth bledmgs ofgoodnes :

thoufetteFlonhis head^a CY0W9



s\ Life,he did aflt ofthee,

to him thoHgavefi •it:

even length of dayes, t*eternitk

and to continuance^yet *

6, Great hvh his honour bcQTlp

in thyfahatwn :

glory and comely- dignitie,

thou pHttefl him upon.

6. Great w his honour, in thy falva- 7. Ferblcjftngs thou haftfet


tipn : glorioiis-ma;cfty and comly-ho-nour,haft thou put upon him.

7. For thou haft fet him /Sr blefsings

to perpetual-ay : thou haft made himchearful with joy,* with thy face.

8. For the Kinjg^trufteth in lehovah:& through the mercy ofthe moft-high,hcfliilnotbe moved.

p. Thy hand (hal find, al thine ene-mies: thy right-/;W>(hal find them thathate thee.

10 Thou wilt fet them, as an oven offyre, at the time ofthy face : lehovah,in his anger wil fwallow them ; and fyre

fcal cat them


1 1 Their fruit, from the earth thouwiltdtftroyr and their feed, from the

forms of Adam *


him to perpetual- ay :

even With thyface, thou makeft himchearful-to-bee With toy.

S. For, in lehovah, dooth

the King put trufti and hee,

through mercte ofthe Htghcft-ono,

(hal not removed bee ,

Thine hand (hal-find- out, al

that are thine cnemier.

even thy right hand, Jhalfind-out them

that thee Wtth-hate-invies ,

/a ey/r time o(thy kirct-fkce,

them as an oven of fyre

thou Wilt dtfpofe : lehovah, Wil

themfwallow in bis yrei

andfyre (hal eat them up.

tl Thou Wilt thefruit ofthem,

ftroyfrom the earth :a!fi thetrfeed,

fromfimis ofearthly-men.

i2. For

Pfalai. XXLti For they have intended againft For they ifjtenJtd h<tve

thee evil : they have thought a crafty- ofJ eviUthw^ •

purpofe, hfit they (hal not be able. n crafty-purpoje they have though,

13 For, thou wikfet rhem>wabutt: hutfljd not able bee.

with thy firings, thou .wilt make- ready i$ Becaufc, than themfitagainfi: their laces . even-as aJhoHldring-buft t

14 Be thou exalted lehovah in thy etgainfi theirfrees ^)X>ith thy firings,

ilrength: wevvil fing and prayfe-with- Wsltready-ma^e to

pfalm, thy power. S4 Jehovah in thyfirength

doohigh-thy^fclf. advance*.

and fing and pr'atfe^^uh-ppltsf,




K^nnotaiions. " ^b. 2. inthyftrength]Cl,forthyfirength;tftplitnctt>Cni,(lrmttJ ftelj aitb brtlberattte.^IjilS 3W3

^falui,ajj tje former,gratulatctl) tlje btfto^ anb falbatiou of anb heJ bp tj)c 4r0albce-

parapbjafl appUeb to tge reign ofKing Meaias..ihai rejoyce ] 0^ rejoyceth ^ontinttallp. /

b. 4. acrown]afignofgtoriou!Sbictojic: anboftge feingbont. to. 5. length

dayes] t[|attl$> along continued life time. Ifa. 53. lo.lob. iz.u.^OPfal. 23. ^.&93. j.&yi.

tf>e COntrarp fhort ofdayes,t0 fliorc lived . lob .14.1. ever and aye] to eternal

and perpetual ay. Cfttip being tapfeb from beat|^,bpetl) no itiojf; beatft fiatft no ino^e bemi^tiionotoer 5im> Rom.^?.?'. 25utbeJ)olbbeij5alitoe TOh3evmo|e^men.Rev. r. x8. aub etoci:

Iitoctf|,to imbebitercelTioiifetfiemtbat come to<5cb,bp ftmuHeb. 7. xr.

to. 7. haft fet him bleflin^s] t!)att.O, made him to abound with all manner bleflings him-,p^*>Telf

i anb, to be an example of,OJ ,to impart bleffings unto others. ^0 tO !Hb^am it Voa0 fapb,

be thou a blefling; Gen. iz. z. the Uftc p^Ottlife ij!i tO hiiS thilb^en^ Ezek. 34 . Ifa . ip.zo. 3 xj>

with thy face] 0^ before thy face, in thy prefence . ajS Pfal, to. 9. fiial find

all thy enemies] tO llicet, to punilh them , a0 t|h^ Itbe plg^afe ittipo^tCtfijIfa. 10. 10. 0^, ihal

find for all, tljat ijS, lhalbe ynough for all thy foes , tj&at i|S, fufficicntly able to overcome them:^

fo finding ijs tofeb fO^ fufficiencie. Num . I i.zz, ludg. z 1 . 14


toerfe 10. wilt fet them] 0^ put them all and everyone: aili f0 notftl^

CmP(al.z.3.^0alfoaftCrintoa1. 11.&13. an ovenoffyre] a fyry fornacej

, meaning in great affli<ftion. Lam. s. 10, the timeofthy face] tf|at iSi ofthine anger

tfje Chalbee paraptiiajl cjcplapnetg it : fo^ tge face fj^ctoaeth fo^tfi pUafttre 01 bifpleafurcj niaour C|toa^ath: fo face ijStofcbfOJ anger Pfal. 34. 17, Levit. zo.^.Gen.3z. xo.Lam.4.i<^.ler. /'*''

5 . 12. iwallow them] tgat ie^, deltroy 0^ abolifli them: foPfal. 3C. xf . &to. 1 1. Their fruit ] tijat ij3^ ,

their children , Caleb tftc fruit ofthe body, and womb: Pfal 127.

3.&I3Z. ii.Deut.x8. 4. 0|, their labour anb tSatUJ&iCflCCmCJJtllcrCOfj Piov.31. K^.31.

their feed] tfjatlO, children, ojpofterity.Pfal. 22.24. 31. & 37- Gen. 17. 7. 10.

, to. 1 1. ihal not be able ] CO toJCCt ,to ftablilh (ajj tl)C <^JCCh C)rplapnttfii)0^5to effe£l: it.!j(ftei: ^^fljiis Uao^ can, 0^ able j tgetc often inantetlj a toJO^b to be tonbevftoob: fee Plal.

loi.r. berf. 1 5 . a butt] to (hoot atj l|fb^ a ihowlderj

becanfe tfte earth id heapeb top Itbeflioulber^*mahe ready,] fit , namtlp, thyne

arrowes, againft their


H t Pfai.XXII.

-6o Piam. XXTI.

Pfkim 22. rfa.’m 22.

O w)' GoA <f my God^ >^hmfore hafl thvtr^r-

art fhrfi'om my jQlvittton',^^^

my 70Ywg~crie} 3, OmyGodJdoocallby


f jfr .iT5T’’ ^,“Si

To the mayfter ofthe mufik^yCoax^

ning the hind of the

morning; apfalmof David. and then not anfietrejh alfo hy mght^ and

11. "X ify 0<5d my God, wherfore haft grtr5i|;-4rl:i4rr:=:li=:===rr^

iVlthou forfaken me : art farr-otf

from my falvation, fio the words of my unto me diet is nofilent reU ,


anf^ereft nor : and by

»o filencc to me


. My God, I cal by day, and thou *• tt^indtiiou holy: abidefi-fti!^

irereft nor : and by night, and ther u thepr^fes •

Ju Ourfathers irnUtd theez trttfledi

thoH them deliveredH-V^el,

6 , Zdrtto thee they dtd cry-out and^ere /afe-deltvered:

in thee, they trafied and ^ere not

with hap}fib7es-fi)amed.

7 * But*fa ^orm and not a manx

4. And thou m holy : fitting, the

prayfes of Ifrad


Su In thee, our fathers trufted : they

crufied, and thou dsliveredft them


(5. Vnto thee they cryed-out & were

fafe-delivcred : in thee, they trufted and

» were not abaflied


7. But I am aworm and not aman


the reproch ofearthly-men; & the coiv^

temned of the people


8. Althcy that fee me, doo fkoffat •

metthey make-a-mow with the lip,they

w'ag the head.

p. He cofidently-turned unto Icho-

. vah let him deliver him : let him ridd

him ; becaufe, he deliteth in him


10. But thou art the drawer of meforth out of the belly: the maker of metotruft^fft/<« at my mothers brefts •

ti. Vpoa

die %ile-reproih I

ofeardiij’-meny ofpeople ekje


S, th^ that doo upon me look^

afeeffat me doo make:

they the Up doo make a mrve^

the head they fcovofulfhak ..

y, Vrtto Jehovah trufi he dtd,

let him now rtddhim ^ttitet

' let htm deltver htm ; hecanfiy

inhm he dooth delyte .

to *Bkt it is ti'ou that me out of

the bellyfirth^drewe^


d)at madeft me to traft-featrey

even at my mothers breft .


Pfalm. XXII.


TT. Vpon thee,T been cart from

the womb : fro my mothers belly,thou

0rt my G od .

11. Be not thou gone-farr ortTrom

me,fot dirtrefs m neer: for thtr « no hd-pcr.


13. Many bulloTcs, have compalTed

meabout;iiiightie'W/i,ofBallwn kivc

environed me


Z4- They have wide-opened upon metheir mouth : a renting and roaring



15. I am powred-out as waters ; &. al my bones, difpart-themfelvcs : my

! hart is,as wax :it is niolten,in the middsi ofmy bowels


16. My able-ftrength, is dried-up,

I as a potfheard; and my tongue,deaveth

to my jawes : and thou haft . brought-

nie-down to the duft ofdeath


i / Vnto fheCj from ffjr Under-

cemmitted been have ^


evenfom my mothers beily^ than

haft beep my 6W-migh:ie./ 2 O he mt thu It thttiorcfrom na

fkrr-off' aWtij nowgone;

fir joroVpfaUdefirefxs menfor helper ther is none,

The many httlhksy have me rounds

about-encomfaffed X

dje mightie~hu\]$, <fBafin have


me round-invironned .

$4 ypon me tfjcy thetr moHti:'6s httve

fet open-gafingly :

like to a Lion ravening

and roaring-xm\h\y


tS Waters Iam[flit;andal

my b ones dtffart^thcmfelves t

my hart Itke the ^axe t it melts,

m midds ofmy bowels.

16 fJHine abk-jhertodr^oifotflieard^ is

dride; andmy tongue^ cleaveth

$tmo my iawes: nud haft br»Hg}»

me down to duft ofdeathk-


17- For dogs,havc compaffed me; the

affemblie of evil-doers, have indortd

me : they Lion-like- peirfed, my hands

and my feet


18. I may ccl al my bones : they did

behold, they did view me


Ip. Theyparhd my garments amogthem : and for my coat, they caft a lot.

10. And thou Ichovah, benotfarr^

off: my fortitude, haften to my help ;

2 1 . Ridd my fowl from the fword:

my alonely-yaa^/, from the hand of the



12. Save me, from the mouth ofthe

lion ; &from the homes,of Vnicorns,

thou haft anfwercd me • .

^3. I wil

17 For dogt,have compaftt me ahem:


inclojed me: my hands andfiet^

they hdnhke-eUd-peirfe


if Uhfy bones f may them number ahthey lodkiy did me veiw,

19 tLMy cloths among ihemjhey didparti

and lot^fir

my cote^ threw,

20 ty^ndthoH LORT>^henotfhmmyftrtngth^unto mme hdp make fpeed.

2t Myfowlfront[word; my*hnely-towl, ^

from dogs hand, fifiiy- rid,

22 Andfrom the renting- Lions mouth,give'me flvatitm^ften

andfrom the hands ofZ?nicorns,

$hm*anfwergaveft mee,

H 3 Of,

62 Pfalm. XXII..

I^itclthynafnetomybrethre; 33 Ofthy >ufme tomy brethren/

n/nration \

f Wil thee fraife^ in mddefl ofthe congregation.

24. Ye fearers of lehovah, prayfe ^4 Tethat hefiarersofthe LORT)^

midds, of che church I wi) prayfe




him, alye feed of laakob honour him:

and be afrayd ofhim,al ye feed ofIfracl. c


him praife^ him hononr-^el

mI fak^bsfeed: and dread-ye him.

alfecdof IfraeL

2$ For^hc the poors afflictiony-

abhorrs not^ nor dejptfe;’ •

' f-

nor hides hisfacefomhm ; bnt htitrf^

)^hen unto him he ctyes,

24 Ofthee, dial be my prayfe, within

the congregation large :

before them that htm reverence^

my verves I Wil difebarge.

2y The meekjljaleat, and be (ufpfJilehovah prayfefhal thy,

that doQ him feekj your hart, fhal livi

unto perpetual- aye


25 ends ofth* earth, rememberJhalyand turn lehovah too:

and al the hethens fkmtlus


*fore theefhal Voorfljip-doo


2p *Becaufe unto lehovah, doothappertayn:;

and he among the nattotis

is rukr-fiveraign .

^9 Al they that in the earth befkt,

fhal eat and >^orJhip doe :

taw-bend before him,pal they at

that to the duB down-gee:

t^nd he that quickneth not, his jewtm*

3 / To himferve fhal their [eedt'

- “!

ftfir agenerationpal I

be to the LORfp counted


y2 Comepal they^ and his iufitcepatby them declared bee:

nmo afilkth2X{l^2^beborn^y- that doonihe hath hee. ^


K.Annotdtions.^ b* I * the Hind ofthe morning] meamitg Chrift,\uf)D a toaiSip ftltb

tflcAtfiedoggsberf* i7tB«ntcbmibUwrrou0Beb,m tfie

25. For, he hath riot defp fed nor

abhorred, th’afflictiq ofthe poor-afflic-

ted, nor hidd his face from him ; and

vhen he cried-out unto him, he heard -

26. 0(thcc, palbe my praife;inthe

great church : my yowes I wil pay, be-

fore them that fear him .

27. The meek flial car,& be fatiffiedj

they dial praife lehovah, that (cek him:

your hart, dial live to perpctual-ayc


28. Al the ends of the earth ,dial re-

meber and turn unto lehovah: & al fa-

milies of the hethens, (hal bow-down-themfelvcs before thee


29. For to lehovahjpfrf^yw/thc king-

dom : and he is ruler amog the nations •

30. Al che fat- ones ofthe earth, dial

cat and bow-down -them-felves; al that

goe-down to the duft, dial bend-downbefore him: and he that quickeneth not*

hisfowl. ‘

31. A feed dial ferve him ; it (halbc

counted, to the LORD for a genera-

tion .

3 2. They dial comc,& dial declare his

jufticc : to a people thatpalbe born; that

hehath doonc/.

pralm. xxn. tfj

fnnnbmtfttfjetl^bbapcatlpfntftemajmnssioh. 20.1. toTjcn<6DbfiabniflbcfnjSftctli^e‘-^nbjsi feet, anb fit i)tm on lift gigfi placejs: PIM . 1 8 .34 . Compare vnitf) tljtp , Song.z .17 -«^ereCbpP ip alfo lUteneb tea yongHart. 35inbmPfal.4^.ij.tfterefurre<ftionijSca!^r--leb, morning

; foi tftcn tl)€ ttue Ug()t cfcomfort ajib falnotioji ff)al a^car^ n Hind caW


fb in i^:b:ue Ajjelethjgatb tl)c name of prowefs 0^ fortitude, (apm t[je ao.berfe oftgip pfahn --

jEjaluth ik fortitudej)anb fo It map be bnberpoob for the ltrength(o^ fortititde)ofthe morning;t!)at ip,tSc{)eipanbpo\jKrof<6ob to tapfe bp frmntfje bcab s tobicb map benieantngoftbea5^refetran(lattonfor the morning help, ^mneof tfie 31eb)epf)abeinterp;ie--teb ity the morning itarrj bobicl) ( altboiig^i tfje too^b be no ^HP founb in fcriptiire, for

a Ihrrj) agrectlj affo to our ?lOZD Cfoift, bogo Ip mtttuleb,the bright morning lbrr,Rev.22.i(^.^-

<^erp, appipiug tgio title to tgc muft*t, retepn tge i^fb;tuc too^bP (!il!jAj;eleth hafftachar.. ‘r

b.i. My God my God &c. ] fpcabetg tblp^falmto o3ob gip fatger. ^gcae- »Hitb;tue IP ^li lammah gh nazabtani : Ucgtcg b30jbp OUt Uojb bttercb Oil tge frofp, Mat.27 .

' "

4<^. (fabefoitge later, gebfebtge ^priafe,iabach cani, oftge fame fignipcattom) togirft'J

tge p^topgahe g.evnep mocheb,fapmg tgat ge tallcb fo? Ebas. Mac.27.47.49. whertorehaft thou forfaken me] 0?, why leaveil thou me^ <Cgcp are tge boo?bp offaitg, (tribingm ten<tation j anb boo implp botg a gepe of, anb a prapet fo? bdiberance ; ap it ip notch on PfaLio o narI. ^:etfrelibeaIfo,inPrai. 41. 10. and 43 .^. my roaring.] tgtp atguetggtfat gvtcf TA'ofgart ,nttcreb mitg lo\nb complaint : ^0 Pfal. 38.9. & 32. 3. iob.3.24. iJlrb €g?i(l, in tge •

bapep of gip fl cfg, effreb bp p?aperp, bairtj (Irong nrtng anb tcarp,to gfm tgat toap able tofabc gim from beatg ;

Heb . ^ . 7 . b. 3 . no filence to me] 0?, but I haue no filence :anbconfegnmtlp, no reR, eafe 0? comfort.^0 Iob.30. 20. 27 . b. 4. fitting] 0? fitted; tgatiP,abideft (bi One anb tge faincj ap Pfal.j^.s. & 5mo. & 102.13. 0? fittcit, to toeet, dill; a^ Ruth3. i3. tgat ip, rifefl not bpto grip mce:o? fitted, tgat ip inhabited ap Pfal.^.12. & 131.15the piayfes ] tgat ip , art he to whom Ifrael fingeth all pr^fes for deliverances : and ofwhom n P

Ifrad glorieth in all time of need, ^o .fBofcp fapb tO Slftael , He is thy prayfe; Deut. 10.2 i.i

*!* *

anb ler. 17. 14. b. 7. a worm] tgat ip, weak,(ap tge Cgalbee ejcplapnctg it-,) wretched^anb Croden under foot. ^0 lob. 25.^. Ifa.41.14. b. 8. make-a_mpw] make-an-opening ni/SinWith the lip ;mgiclnnapbf tabenbotgfo?mobaingo?tg?n(lingontoftgelip;anbfcttItfe2i^tiouP.opening tgerof, to fpcafi rep?oeg. wag the head] a figne alfo offeo?n. ifa .37 .

12.Math.27.39. lob.i^?. 4.Pfal.4<f.i^.Lam.2.r5. ^ b. 9.He coniidently-turned] o? RoUnim-Sxled;t()atip,truded;apintgencmt?thrmmt tgippgiafeiP crplapneb. Math. i7.43.\ji3hc«


tgcp morfe at Cg?gl. Cgr 15:b?nc applietg,tgip Vni^.b Roll 0? turu, ffguratibclp to a confix

bent comitting ofoucp fdf,lDapeP, 01 actionpbnto auotgetjap gere,foin Pfal.37.5.Prov.i<^.3.

anb Gol p?Op:rip iP Roll thou; but put fo? he rolled,o? traded; ap tge lifee pg?afe, make the * 1

hart of this people fat Arc. Ifa. ic. ip tgup tcfolbeb, this peoples hart is wexed fat &c. Math*13.1?. 0?ltiptgc iwbefmite,to tum,fo?he tumed;apinEdh.^. 16. todand, ip bfebfoitheyflood. b. 1 1 been cad from the womb ] tgat tp, from mv infancy c omitted to thy careand cudodie. clfUJgere ge faptg, the Lord hath called me from the womb &c. I fa.49.1ContrarpbJvife the wicked are edranged from the womb; Pfal.58.4. p, 12/ bupoksltg rt iP, drong a nd luily perfons

; fucg ap:b5crf tge gigg p?cipp , fcribfp &c, tgatVet aoamfl’Cgnft. mighty-bullP of Bafan ] bjgitg boaP a fertile roumip, gcob to feeb cattrl *t3Numb. 32. 4. anb fneg aP tgere feb , mere fat anb ftrona, Deut. 32. 14. Ezek. 39. is /srftc



geboepbjere tge bullp of Bafan ,ap tge ^?opgctp fo?etolb Deut. 32.15. Amos 4. i hV 4 j 6anb tge fnitep fgebretg. Math .27 . l^fre,tge mo?b bulls ip to be fupplieb bnto tge bocib migh


ty, ap alfoin^ralto. & <^8.31. tgenoteonPfal. 10. 10. p. 14, wide-cpenediDXgaped; anb tgiPaffo ip a figncfrcp?0cg aub coutfmpt. lob. i^. 10. iam.3.4^?. &2.i^.

b. ly. difparc themfelves ] OJ, are lundred, tgat ip^ out of joynt . as wax] tpaf fPtender

, anb melting tg?ougfi faiutncp aiib fear, pfal. ^8. 3, and 97. r. Stde tgip IP kthi 3COinplaiut, Godhathfofmedmy lrarc;Iob.a3 .i 6.^0 tgcU)0?bf0l0U)Uig,molun,ncmgfea^


Pfalm. XXILps^o and dircoitragement * Tolh. 7 .r. ^ 14. 8. Dent. io.8 , jg, cleavcthl OJ, i^mads

***' cleavetomyjawes;U3f)rcj)p()^afcmcanCtf)tnab!Utpt0 f|jefl1^, Plal. 137,6. Iob.39". lo.Ezek.

aubfcmnm^cictrcn«tpoftbirfl,Lam.4.4* anb fc map tjabc reference I>cic to tfjat- chirllUJl^itljOUCfabiCUrf^lt.Ioh.iiP.aS. hall brought-me-do-wn] o^fet anb boun-

jjttff aw4k ded me , til the dull ofdeath , weaning beatlj it fclf, 0? t()c grabe toSieg tunietS men to tmfj,Gen. 3.19. tftC Cfialdce turmtb it, the howle of the gr ve. ^ee Pfal. 7 . 17* dogsjtl]at litf, bafe and vile perfonsj of rancorous and fpitefui difpofition. lob. 30. i.Prov. x6.ii.Rev.22. lu Mat. 7. Phil. 3. 2, Pfal. r? • 7 . 1 5 . \jjete t()e I)ig() pjcifliOE anb rulerb of3fraeI;CfUljmtlit ijS fapb, that Pilate knew wel that for envy they had delivered ^cfuid. Mat. 17, 18.

they Lion-like-peircedl Cfte ClicdnaHiatll a bCUbiC tfablug , Caari, likea Lionj aiibCariij,

they digged 0^ peirfed" <^^ib fatct , tyc <S^cfb folo\»ctf> C fjib Vua0 fuIfiUcb ill tl}e nap^luigofcutXo^btotljecrofOjbpOi^fcetaabijianbO. Mat.zy-s^ loh.zo.zj. $/i8.didview me]o;t fee in me, tiauiclp, their defire or the affli(5li6 vpon me,they faw with delite.

^ectbHtliCpbiafcPfal 118.7. f 19. for my coat] o^,my vefhire


faulDccib lioben t|)cp Dab ciuctfieb 3i-fub> toob Ijao garwentb, ( anb wabc fou?^ partiS,to cberpfoulbicr apart,) anb bib coat j anb tlje coat UiabUJitfjoiit (earn, iwobcn from tfta

top tbiougOout. tftep fapb one to an otftcr , ?Lct\3b not bibibc it , but caft hett 62it, Uiljofe it fbalbe: that tbf fciipturc wigbt be fulfilleb &c. loh . 1^ . 13 . 14


21 . my alonely-foul] VOiJiCb ^^S one alone ,Iblitary and defolate

. ^0 after in Pfal.3^.

I7.&zr.i^.&68.7. '^hand of the dog1 the power of the divel; tbc tfltnce tfthiO Uin^fh,

bubo tben came to CT)iifi,but bab11011gbtm bnn. ioh.14.3o.0pog iji put fo^ dogs, meaningtfje inaIicioM0 gicbucis fpofien ofbefore, berf. 1 7. Jp. 22. mouth ofthe Lion] fo tf^Divil io uamcb, i Pet.j .8. ^ homes of vnicorns] tbe tl^ibil.d !JlTigelp,pmuipaliticief,

pomcri£l,tao^lblpgobfrnciiris,pjinccsioftbebarbncpcftbibmojlb &c, Ephe.6. iz. /$bcl3mcopU!Gifofeirccanbtoilb,tl)atbeU)iIuctbctamcb,iob.3p.iz.i3. &c.aubbtis(lrmgtganbpribeibinbibbojn.;§)ccPfai.5)z. n.Num. z3.zz.Deut.33. i7.ifa. 54.7. ^ thoahaflanfwered] fo^, anfwer thou me

j a fpccrb Offaitfi, infertcb in bij^ p?apcr J tberfo^e neict

folomctb tbanbfgibtng : Anfwering ip bcrebfebfopafe delivering jirpcnpjaper


to my brethren] tbebifciplcpanbbclecbcrpof ilDEljilt: for hethatfan<5lifieth,ani

we which are fandlified, are all ofone; for which caiife, he is notafliamed to call vs brethren.

Heb. loh.zo. 17. ^ the Church] 0^ Convocation ,aflembly, Congregation.

®. 16. Of thee,my prayfe] Cl From with thee, fbalbe my prayfe . it fbal begin anb fcn^

tiittie oftbee, tboii art the caufe anb grounb tlictof. f'the great church ] eptber tgat

aflTanblp mbcrV Cij^il^ after bis^ refuacction pcrfcnallp appeareb to nioc tben fibe bmib^bbict!)^cn at once , i . Cor.iy .6. ci tbe great church of tbc <6oitibsi, mitb buboin IP fptji^

tuaUppjefent* Mat. z8. I^.zo. afm*, in Pfal.40. 10. II. ^^,27. and b^ fa^yed]9tb)apacurfe0ftbelabj,tbatmcilfbcuib eat and not be fatilfied-, Levit. z6.z6. Mic.6.i4.

but it ip a blcflnig of tbe gofpci , tbnt the meek and needy, (hall eat and haue ynough; Pfal . i3»

ly. God filleth the hungry with good things, and fends away the rich empty. Luk. 1.^3.

meek mcaiictb tfte regenerate , vubo arc mojtijieb bJitb €b;ii(l,anb tbeir feirce nanire mabcimcfeanb'

‘ " "

of<©obiIjp libefo^tebetj

folace eftbe fame; Gen. 4T.X7. tbe CoVltiarp Ulberof, iota tbe dying of the hart. iSam.zy.37.^Pcalfatbclibep;t0mife,pral.<<9*33- tl. 28. All the ends &c.]that IP,tbe dwel-lers in the iitmoft parts and ends of the world. ^prOpbi^fie Oftbccalingcftbe 45enti{p,bp tbopreacbing oftbegofpel. Rom, 16. 16. Ephef. z. I.Z. &c. families ofthehethens] ci.Kindreds of the nations

j bUbecoffceGen. 10. y. 18. zo.31.31. b. 29. iuler,among thehethens ] to tcion obiT thembp bbsi bic^b anb fpirit, anb fo to be <i5ob , not oftbe

r All the fat ones] tfiatipthci ^—


nfH^r .;



pfaim; xxir. xxm. 65

rich and mighty perfonages, fat with plenty . Deut.51.20. jrc|, MrflJ ftrb flltd

mmofautho^iitpaudVjDcaltl), aveaMo raliebto tl)e partmpation tf€I)jtfri3 frare in fjijS

C jurd). ifa Rev. 21.24. i Tim.2. 1.2. ^cwnuiefatnes tdbfeotonctcout



fpiritualbleffi.i3?i*Pial.3^;,?. <k 6$.6 . Sc6s.iz. Prov. 28.25* alihatgoe»nnv


down CO the dull ] t|)at 10 ,the poore bale and wretched people

, VUjjtCft fOI tf)dt tttlTcrp anbflfpictian, arfapUtogoedownandfitinthedullja^Pial. 115.7. lla.47. i.' &2P.4. Iob.3o.T^ ’?rXam.3.29. " ^ tl)at quickneth not] oj cannot quicken ^tljatl^, the poor wretched man, 4 - «

thatdooth not (oj cannot, a0 Pfai. 77.J.) keepalive his fowl ; tjat cannot nouriih himfcU',hc** *'


fhall eat. (^a to keep alive ,t0 to nounlh j

lia. 7.11.) 0^, he that revived, tf|ati0 cheered not, Hjn

nor refreihed his fowl with comfort-, aO b f bcrfr 27, 01, he that cannot keep alive his foul,^

t^at 10 ,not fave it from wrath and eternal death, by his own works , he lhall live by faith in

Chrift. ^Ot!;i-ip(j^lfCtokeep thefowlalive,l0OfCl5Ezek.i8.27. 51. A feed] yit<a:!je poitedtp ofd)0|e goblp , fojcmcntiottcD : fbj €>ob c{)ufeti) tlie feet tJlf ft tfte parent^^

' ^

Deut. 10.13 &3o.^.i^. Pial.^9 37. & J02, 29.1fa.43.3. &44- <8^ tfte feed of Cftjtfl , tftC

tftilt^n\Oftifftd5oDgit.t{) fttmj 00113.53. 10. Heb.2.13. 0^ a feed, tftatida fmalrcm- .

June : ad Rom. 9. 29. for a generation] a race of d5cD0 tftllh^lU a0Pfal.73.i5. 5^24.i OJ, to generation, tftatid/or ever,through all ages* Js. 32* hisjuftice] tftcju|ltce


of d^D;, UJfticft 10 tp fattlj In Pfal.7 i.i5.if^.i4« 3 .4. people tftat fftalte ITI? Grborn,] liereafter to cente: 02, a people born, tftat 10 regenerate -.pfal. 87.4.5^. loh.f.ij* 1 Pet.

1.23. ^0, a people created; Pial. 102.19. that he hath doon] hath performed 0^- ac-corapliihed that jiiilice, aut all tftlngd appertepnlng to iu

Pfalin??. Tfalm 23.

I. APfalmofDavid.lEhovah feed- Sing this as the 8. Pfaim,

2 cth me,I dull nor lack; In folds of_ ^ «/•, ,r

budding-grafs , he maketh me lie- X^hovahficdcthme.jpnl mt Uck.

dowm:he earily-leadcthme,bythcwa 2. IpgrafJyfilds.hedoy^nJoothmaKemel^,

5 tersofreils. He returnethmy foul: hegmlj4eads we^tyutet^^uters by,

he leaJeth me in the bearen- paths i M mmefike , .

4-6fiufti:e,forhisname rake. Yea, in f^ths tf$untce kads-me^metly.

though I (hould the vally of ^ though] walk, tndaU ofdeadly^Jlude^

thcaiadeofdea^h,IwiInot fear,evil;defiarnoneyli-,hr^tth me thou

for thou \Wt be with me:thy rod and theyfhall cemfert me.

5 thy ftaff,chey Oul comfort me. Thou S me , 4 table than h^ft ready^m^de;

‘ furnidKft before me ^ a*table3w p re-- tn thetrfrffemeihaTwy dtBreJJersbei

fence ofmy diftrefters: thou makeft hou mahfl-fkt mme head Wuh oinclwg-oih

fat my head,with o 1; my cap is abu- ^ ^hounds, TyoubtUfgood and merae

6danr. DoubtKfs good and tmr-' all the dayesef my hfi fvlow me i

cy (hal folow me, al the dayes of my ^Ifi^tthtn fhoyahs h^wfe, Ifbd^

lifei&T Qul conv. re in ihe how fc of length ofdayes, repole^me-qmctltc.

Ichovah, to length ofdayes.


I* feedethmOC^t0myf?eder,myPaRorOjHierd. CCtlip^tftC2^bCtft AP bW^

tied ofa aooft a0 to^ltfttr fvetog L<?^rtnlng anft btftnDiagjDl0




foieltrt3^ itlfogvibe .arc fapb to f^ed tftctrveopIf,?r.7?.71.71*. ^

»;joutt 14 avrnbucco to 45od, anD to Ciiii feetmig l)to Cl)tuci) , ao tfje V&rcpftcuD of vj};xt

(b\Uli4. Plal.So.i. £/.ek,34.ii. 14.15. Iia.40. n.,ii. iPet.i.ij.

1^1. of bui Jiiig-grars ] picaiii^ic paftures aiU lies, where green and tender herbs doo fpn'ng.

. he nukith me] 0: ,wd^miKe me lycvJown; tO VUti't for refV irom heac. '

2Ti)l4 alfo 14 ulVotlirf

^ burp of a good Hierderj ad, I wil feed my flock, and I wil make them lye-down, fayth the Lord,

Ezek.34.^4. aaD,Shew me, 6 thou whom my io\vl loveth, where thou feedefl,where thou ma-. kell iye-down at noon . Song. i. 6 . eafily-leadeth] OJ comtoftably-guideLh mcj it j C*1713 ' tttl)afoFt and gentle leading, with fufleyning ofinfirmity, ao Gen. 33.14. Efa. 40.11.

foi: r!j: d3 ::ea ail*n:ti) tc ,he nounfheth me. ^0 Pfal. 31.4. / by waters] CZ unto w


o-W 2111


kh »HC

^ tersofrelt, jtliatti, mod q liet ( or caalm ) ^ncersi and luch as give rdt and retrefliing.

" tljefc tl)fl ?d Olqult ‘p:rfjZ'U:tf3 to fjtd flOCH, ao it id VUlittai, They Ihall hunger no more,- ther th.rii anymv>re, ncy ther Ihall the fun light on them,norany heat-, for the Lamb which is mthe m ds of the throne

,ihall feed them , and ihall lead them 10 the lively fountayns of waters*

Rev.7.i6.i7. 3* returneth my loul] 0^, will return o^rellore itj av.ti fOntftlXUrtlp,*

• 1T 4 - Jil^^isLofcWath] tljat Idj dark and dreadful lhadowj

liUD ill a nnuatv>tl)r b l*p(tatc of bcailj.Cilld fprerb btllLtCtfl innminent danger, Itr.i.^.fore

affli 5ton,Pial 44.10. dc 107. 10. 14. fearand tenour, lob. 14. 17, and dreadful darknes, lob. 10*

XI. 11. UJ")rctO fpitltinllp id oppafeb, the light and comfort of the gofpel and grace of Chrift.

Mac. 4.16. Luk. 1.7^..'

/ Uliit be with mel 0?, m*t with me: auD tl)io tmvtpCtbbid g^>od,

/ fafecy and protection . 'JCdUJbcU^Oab fapD,I wilbc with thee3Gen,3i.3. ^kiabob bnbcrflocbit thud , I wii doo thee gooJ^ Gen. 31. c?,

f: j ^i5*jDd pitfciitc, id a fii gulai* favouiV anb niclencc. Hxod.33. 15. 16, ^’xod ] vuufi fucfMbffpft'avbd b<r toLUtbc aub

rill: tf| :tu fi jcbd, Levi 1. 17 .31. anb \uublutft tbc ILozb id lapb to vulc bio p epic, Eztk.20.37 .

Vd tft: 0:opfict prapetf), feed thy people with thy rod; Mic. 7.14- rod id alfofc jchalteaing aitb puuilivnenc, Pfal. 3 ^. 33 .


3ftab f I ti)C VCbclIioild , d^Ob batl) a rod of yron &indignation *• a. p. Lam. 3.1. <0f rods OJ Haves Ub^Vnitb ft: fccbp I id flOCfe,

fee Zach. it.y.Rrc, j. Thou furnifheit] CZ wilt furnifli; art make ready a tabic.

,^id anb (be tfiingd folo\x>tU!T,*totc tbe abimbartfumilp of al roob tbinf d,fb^ nr c ffitp nr


fa; bditc, abat a -uiuptfowd ba icprt. P10V.9 .X bp Cfipft, tfje fiuplp avb,!*td

(b'-p And pilhire, have life, aub have it in abimiancb.loh. 10.9. 10. yr^ju prefence] 02 be-

fore them; \ubtc()caufctbt^ecnciiii:dtb^ufcc,to greiue: adPf^i.ui. 10. makeiifat}

that fd ,plenceouflv moiftneif and luppl.lf w’ith oil Cf ballam . ^n tbofc CCUrt^t'OTirp^frb

to PJclcomc ajib cfthai* tbrii: rucfld , uiitb pouning out pictioud Uncct tiled c; bulfam tipcu

Ibci:b*abd. L-iki7.4^.1oh. 11.3. 3.t l^*tfiAbfoy iEcckf.y.S. Ifii.^1.3. Idamm-danc] t0\u:ct,with liquor- (ad tbc impoztctb,)for to drink my fill. #. 6 . converfe]

0; quietly repofe lUp fclf, a:ib dwel,xd ti>C ^Utk trarflatctj) it, to hngen of dayes}

tyat id , a long life time , 0; for ever. ^:ePlal. 11. j. &93.f.

Pialm. 04. Pfalm. 24.^

t: A pfalm ofDavid.^ '..u i

fanh.u is f(hovc^hs, atid thtc cartii Ichova.hs,& tnc plcn» ty


1 ry chcrof: the world,and they that,


fitc theria- . J .mio^iii'ihcimtiabU-'iUMid^ wdthtjtdai- m'.

1. For he , ha'h founded it upon

the Teas : and ellablilhcd k, upon ihc ri-


5. W:io fliallafcend into the moiin-

tayn oF lehovah.ahd u^ho fhail lland,in

the place of his holyn>.s?

the fame doojit . 2. fur he^ « i^he \\'^t/y^

feas hath-fOkuded tt lecHrci and on the flown

vivtYs^ hath the fame e^ablfl)t-Jure»

j. Who fljal into the moHntnytt of

Ichovah up-afcendi

mid w his place of holynet^

Voho is he that fhal fland.^

4 The clean m hands^and pure in hart^

that, tofhlfe-vantty

doofb not Itft-up hitfowl: and dooth

not[wear tofallacy,

5 Hefrom lehovah fhal receiv

a konedtciton:

and wjhce, from the mighty-God

of htsfdlvation .

6 Thu h theirgeneration

that, doe hmtfeeh ; even thay

that mahednqutrtefor thy face;

this fakob is Sdah,

7 Lft- up ye gates ^yottr heads; and yt

dorcs ofeternal aye

he lifted-up : that-fo the King

ofglory ,enter- may .

i Thu Ktnn ffglory^ \\>h9 is hc?

lehovaht purffantj

tft vaitant^\Iehovaht hcin battel valiatvL^^

4 Lift upye ^ates ^your heads; andyt

doresef eternal-aye

lift-up your-head/: that-fi

the Kh*^enter may.

10. Who U hc this Kin^ of glory? to This Kt^g ofglory. Who is he?lehovah of hofts;he is the King, of glo^ it is th*eurnal-JAHry Sdah, of warhke-hofts:t\tn-he the Ktng



I. -. The Mrth Tehovahsd Cl,To lehovah urrtcpttjS the earth. <Sfhhl%PUfehrh’^anhfo^jjuiwcealUjH;i0j^,P£tmftirti^Dti>atr)f5^^^ pofrciup fv‘^ Lip yn

4. The clean in palmcs, and pure in

ha-c: which lifteth not up his foul to

faife-vankie: neyiher,fwearethto de-


/. HclKall receive ablefling, from

Ichovah: and jufticttj from iheGod of

his faivation.

6 . This . is the generation of them

that inquire - for him:of them that feck

thy face , oflaakob Selah.

7. Lift up ye gates, your heads; and

be lifted up,ye dores of cternitic:thac

the King ofglory, may come in.

8. Who w this King ofglory? Jeho-

vah,ftrong and valiant : lehovah vali-

ant in bated.

f. Lift up ye gates, your headsjand

lift up ye, dores of eternirie ; that the

Kingofglorie, may come ini

Pfalm. XXIV.68

p.mpatfteh^,avens, and Mall that therinis : notwithi7l J- -r I /-

^ - Wi iicavcu>: 1

itindinj, lehovah lec hisr delite in thy fathers to love

Nii\w. . .,t'K

j^r %/S'^/SS^|S>».u.cL:^

fll.o t&C^Cmttng;frad,tntafefani:aU)rrU0,AstheLord ivcih and as rhv fcui

tjapn fto-'mim • m^irinn irt he ifirtfV^’

aV’ * c If t()!0 b? net bntrvPoob cf

M -Drrfia to, this is the generation o? laakoo- oi this is laaVob th<c nt)* t^

\liif rw v V.’ uafeob; tiKfr nrf true Ifra. 1 tVs "libcm

I Kin.^S.r.

dotes ot etenutv 1 fhaf itt rr,.n„. s :

tof tfh b’ ' ’* ""•

abidincofGrds Ark iherin. rc iXmtr.r.'s

dotes ofeteroity ] t(,at id ftrbng',. dutibl'^ .eTeiraihi^^Zes: n nf^rbro tf,

= ‘he pt.peteall ab^dincofCcds Atk ,LP/al. I 3 t. -3-14 ip them

‘ichfon^i'i’Dtatsliiptuns, tt rat:trjtf,C etetnabdatanceh'theC^^ Z /n‘lid en t'?r In .1 . _ * tfiatcri'"

(©'Urnjap^., .. .win, «)!. cicuiartmtanceottheChurrhter m ly] Oi. and enter iTiil the Kills ofrlorv. rhafti .h»„i "L_ V: '^r - .‘t-itd-


Pfalm. XXV. €9kis entrance into anl a jm*nif!ratIon the Kingdom : lo. lehovah of

fioIt'O Di, ad t iz ip hi n fd, i-hovah Tfebaoth: foj fo t[)e Vxjo^ti td to^eb bn ti)c 'KpdfH 'd Itr;!#


tra ifl 11 tb . 3 Sabaoth . Rom. 9.19. lam. j . 4. %t ftOinifietft holh OJ armies Pa*iiJ^

1:13 t:ajpi \ miciul


ib in baitd can:a!it compieftenbetgi al matuced t.i fieabcn aabiaeaa*),UJjtc5 ai*epi:tltobot{)CU>tlaf«i5 iD. Gen.i, i. i King. 22. 19. E)Cod. 12.41.

Pfain. 2/.

V I. cf Da^id ;

Nxo thee rehova^^’ifc 1 up myfojl. 2.My Godjlii rhc;- dool cruft,

let me not be abafbcJ : let not my e-

nemiesftiew- gladnes over me.3.Yea

all that earneftly-exfped: chee, ftiall

not be abaftiidith'^y flialbe .^bsftitd,

that unfaithfully-tranrgr-fsin vayn.

4. Thyv.iy:s lehovih, make thou

me to know: learn me thy pathcs,

/. lylike me to tread in thy truth;

and learn me;for xhow.m the Godof my fal vation: thee dao I c arneft-

ly-exiped, all the day. 6. Remeberthy tender- mercies Iehovah,&thykind-mercies: for, they art from e-

ternide. 7. The fynns ofmy youth,

and my^tref^aftes, remember thou

not: according to thy mcrcie doothou remember me; .^o** tliy good-nes fake, lehovah. 8. Good andrighteous , lehovah therfore wil

he teach, fynners in the way. p. Hewill make the metk, to tread in

judgement: &r will learn, the meekhis way. 10. All the pathcsofle..

hovah,^rc mercy & truth: ro themthat keep his covenant,and histefti-

'monies. 1 1. For t^y na*me-^ake

lehovah : even mere i hilly pardn^i

wik yu my iniquitie; for it « much.


Vfalm 2$* '

/ , r Lift my foul^ IfhoV i^umo thce.

2 My Goc^t'rj thee my tuiftJ<ioorepofet

0 let me not Wii h^Jlu-me^atajhed bee:

j Tea all that deo exfpiQ -thee- earneflly,

jh fllmt ab. pjed be-W'tth (Ijt^mefiiltnsi

but they be abajoed-jh imefilly ^

th^f doo tn VJtyn vnfkith^lly.tyunfgrefi

4 Thy ^ayrs 'fehoVah,make then me Sfcerni

thy pashes., me learn- by-tnformariott,•

/ ake me to tread in thy nnih'^c^ rtH karni

fir t hoH^the (7od of my falvatwn


1 eamesHy-exfpeil thee^al theday^

6 Remember thy comp^tlfionate- mercies;

4tnd thy k^iid mercies^ 0 etermb/iy^fl:

fir^rhey hauc been evert fhm eternities


7 Thefynns ofmy youth , and my f^cjpajfis^

rem^mher nut thou : but remember mefeh^vah\ for thy bountfil-goodnef^

'hccordm^ to thy lovmg- ktnd-mercee*

8 ^0 'i'd\^ feh'jVah,rtohteous alfi :

therefire tt’// he teach ^fyitnersw the

f He IW// thee meck^^ tn md^minGntoke togosT

andhitrn he W, the lovely - meek his Wyji ''

to tJ^fercy ar d truth, fehovahs paths 'dl are:

to them thit k^ep his lea^ue^ and Wttmffes,

to For thy name Jy^H : thou merefillj-fvarC'^

Wilt mm wtqmitefiGr mut h it-isr

« 1 3



JO P&im.

• \ 2, Who fV the man,that feareth

W iehovab?hewil reach him,in cheway

• he lhal chufe. 13. His foul,

^ lhal lodge in good: & his feed

" inherit the land. 14, Thefecret

0 of lehovahj/J to the that fear him:

and his covenant ,to make them

for to know'/ 15. Myneeyes<«KC

y continually, unto lehovah ; for he

wil bring- forch,my feet out ofthe

gjnet. 16. Turn the-facc unto me,

- and be gracious^to me: for I a^n fo-

tf litarie,and poor-afflided. 17- The

diftreffes of my hart are inlargcd



XXV.Wh& is the m4ft,that ctmh Jehon^nh fiar}

him mihe teach^in that befial-chufit

His[ml good(hd lodging- petftvere ;

his feed the Undfir- hmtnoe-Jhd-it/e ,

Thefecret ojfehovah, \K dooth grant

to them tf^at him With-fii^r doo^reverencee

a*(o bis tefiamentnl-ccvenantjy

to themfor to have* intelligence,

tJdijne eyes alw^y^ vnto lehovah bcci

firfrom H:e net my fiet he ^nl nfiore,

TJnto me tnrr)y^ gracioHs be to msei

fir J done ani,C^ afJIsFled-poore,

Dtfirejfcs ofmy hart inUrged bee :

bring thou mefirth ^from my vexatient^

bring thou me forth, out of my vc- ig trouble,and my molefiationfcc

xations. 1 8 . Sec rnine afflldio, andpardon^ d myne aberrations.


and my moled ation : and forgive,

almyfynns. ip. See mine ene-

mies for they arc multiplied: and

with hatred, ofviolent- wrong have

they hated me. 20. Keep thou

my foul,& deliver me: let me not

be abalhvd ;for I hope-for- fafeiie in

21. Let perfedion & righ-

/p beheld myfoesfor mulnplyde are thay :

and dooy Vi;tth hate msft-v toll hate met


20 Keep H^chmyfiuf riddme ffee*awayi

fharnd be fnot

,for f

doo hope in thee.

21 Kefpmeletrightnesand perfiElioni

for^ / doo thee exffel}A\ith earnefines*

12 O (Jody give Jfrael redemption:

fi-uffs al hisfirayt-affitHing-anguifhet^thee

tcoufnes preferve me: for, I earnell-

ly-exfped thee. 22. Rcdcme Ifrae!, 6 God: from al, his diftreffes.'


^ nxdt* b"tf. I* OFDavid] l^faTin !d fcmpoffb after the o^brtof tficl^ebitie Ictterjerf Ab' r^-phai>et; i bmoteth tl)cVDeioljt aub e^rccllcnrfcof tl)c wotterinit. Cfic foiTicij*

tobcobfcrbcboffaincothec xn.&:

Lift 1 vp my fowl] Cf)ti5 ffgtufptft Oil eanui^ Dffirc,umh bdight-, anb frfycrtatimt ojfttmf

tohabettihatficUJOulb.f0^ to hfe up the fowl, ijstodefircj ier.11.17. & 44*X4. anb 0 uh<

phiau' hii zek. r.nplictl) both defiie anb delight : anbln Deut. 14. If. thr W^matilofapbto lift up his fowl, unto hid hpzc 01 Vnaged,hcpingbpttto &abe hid life fultfpnrb*

gnthtdplace, cbcrptfthefrhtVhbfe\anbfomPfal.8^.4. b. 1. not be abaihed]

that id* not disappointed ofmy hope ,nor, vanquilhed bymy foes. ^CCPraltn. 6 .iu

• ihew gladncs] infult o;t triumph for loy: fljSliaUing QOt thcbtftojp. ^ Chron. to. 17.

b* t . ^yea all] 0^,Yea any •. foi, wholoever beieeveth in God ,ihall not be afhamed. Rom ro, •

.10 * carnemy-exfped ] oi patientlv-hope. they Oialbe ] Otp^apabDOfe, let them

be. Vnfaithfully-tranrgrels] that deal difloyaUy, fbrtvavp tC bUtp,p.ZCint e,ar*b m|t


«... \ ^


Palm. XXV. 7t

learning fmplfrtfl, urcandexerGife^and imform ng b)' ciiftomable pradiTcr

U. j. Mike m:; co tread ] to goe ; guide-my way iii ti/y trathjtijaj thy woid: fo^l3i t.ic crii:h loh. 17.17. 3, Ion 3. ^ after,


3 Cl<

U, 6. tender-mercies] O^boweis of compafTiOii : ^ec Pfal. 18. i. fKe

ward a;fe(2Lons-, ai8 tl)e IlCTt ,kind-mercies, implP tne a<5tions 0^ efFcdts oHove.

from eternitie] 02, fr6 ever, ^ijid tu j^umanc aff.iprjo fcuithiu: itraueti) but of old, CJ a lon^-While

;Gen, -S.4 . ifa. 4 i, 14. ]2Sut J)cre onb i|pjol)a t u vge ct;rmtp of 43obp lobe

U) jtef) U)i0 firm biito \]i:i ,bcfo,2c tl)c UJojib boao ^ Tim. i. Ephe. 1.4. fo fj)cU)rb tjjrcugf)#

0 It all ciGiieratio 20 j anb itf \\\ liac fojt for ever , oj to etermty pial. loo. 5. brcaufe tur fnm2cd,fftal no ciiD j

Dan.ix.j; iPet. i.4.‘Jtubtf):fcbot4)urcconppncb,Pfai.io3.i7.

b. 7 . Synns Of my yoatn ] l)ait ,f0 CbU fiClUblppoUtl),Gen,8.11. aiiDofallmvndltfc, poutbccir.m.nlpiomtPbapn : Ecckf, 11.9. 10. foiboMclj ^j^oti


ofjcii p mifbrtt) nvn in tiKir age/fo making tlum <ao gob fapti>) to inhente the iniquities oftheiryoiith , lob. t3.i<$. ler.j.iy. b. $. wilneteacn] 02 in^brm-Wuh-the lawj fcj Cftbi 3 ti)OJb,t(>:Law <5 b viU.bjPral. 19.8. ^ fynn^rs in the way] t()at 10, fuchas fyn &myfs the right way ,

God wil teach and reduce them : ti)llO ti)C intCVp2(t tl) 11 €>Z thofe

that are fyoners , be wd teach and inform in the W'ay,that is right; 01 in his way; ap bCtr<>*

b. o, to tread in lu igment ] to walk jud.cioutiy ,and as is right and fit.

4^ h is

covenant] his tertamentai-bondo^l league; tal b in l>CbjUCBrith,Ul!)lCl) f)at]& tgc figmfirati#

Oil of brotherly or tVeiikily parting,and of explay ning the conditions ofagreement, jpoj at tl]C

iniflbt -l of foI:mi cobcnr.ll.'b, bealb were k. lied and parted afunder,and the covenant makers

Went between the parts, Gen. iy.9. 10. 17.ler.34. 18. C^enbpon 10 tbcplljafc Of cutting acovenant ,*r . ^ 83 .d. & 89. %. ®>e!j8poftl?0 III cal it diathekee a tdhrnenf,

a tdhm ntal-coveninc 01 difpoling of t:U ig0 . Heb. 8. 8. from ler 3 1 .3 1.*

3inb there bc tVuo

inirtlJa! covenants oZtdUmentS; tj)c’fi (l,thatwhich Godmade with our fathers, when hebroag*K thenn out of di. »ypt ; the fumm whL'rof, was conteyned in the ten comandements- writ-ten by tive finger of Goa. Deu»c.4.13. Exod. 34.18. I King. 8. XI. and the other lawes w'ritcen

byMofes in a book, ralleO the book of the covenant,! King. 23.x. Exod. X4. 4.7. fffotib

tobenant , 10 that new telhmcntal-bond , which God hath made with us in Chrill; ellabiiihed

upon better promiles,and tonfirmed by the bloud and death of Chrilt the tdlator , as the firll

was by the blood and death of beafts. Luk.xx. zo. Heb. 8. 6. 8, &T9. 17.18. &c. ,

\j. 1 i.lfeven mercifuilv-pardon ] oj ,therfore thou wilt mercifully-forgive. /C{)t0^abtb nnS

n'icth from ilB ifeb, Uifto fiifl bfeb tljib \nozb , in a cafe of great ctf:i fr, Exod. 34.9 , anb it‘

btorirrt!! to. tpare 02 pardon upon pacification, of grace and mercy; aub i0 tntcrpjetcD bptff 1’“' ^ycUy to be mercifnl


, 0| appealed, Heb. 8. ix. frcmler.31. 34*

Often bfeb iu tl)Cla\J0, for forgivnes upon oblation or intcrcelTion made by the Prcill.Lev.4.xo.

iK. 31. :s. Sc y. 10.13. i<<. t 8. iJcc. b. II, Who i0 the man ] 0Z5 What manner ofman fhalfjeb f ChCi^:b^2Uephpfei0, Who th^ the man: M;U|) rdfo map be rffclbt^^^

Wiiofoever is the manhe loveth . chofei

b. II. lodge in good]

foi continuance. Tob. 17. x. Prov. 19.13. ^ Uie_la^] mcamrig Canaan, the lard pro-’

miTed for a poireflion to Abraham and h;s feed, Gen. isTT^STix . 7 . tolcb rijcr^fcZc, the lai d of^v?


fromile, Heb. 11.9. a-^b clfVujftevf ,

the holy land Zach. x. ix. tl^f Lords land, Pfal. lo.i-s, tfjCrr f^^

ind of Immanu ‘Ijtbat 10,of Chrift ,Ifa. 8.8. aland flowing with m.lkand honey; and the plea.. CaM.«.a

fantelfofall lands, Ezek. xo. t()e fcat ofd3o"50 a'lcirnt €im*c^,anb figure cf ()i0 liincTbcni.

b. 14. Th e fegfetloz Tne m/llerie of the Lord;tn^auin 2 tfiat his fecrettavoiir is towards tlie, m’t7nd his feem coiml el ,"and myllerie of the fayth is revealed unto them, jpoj fo t()i0 blCZb ra-

tttfl ,.a0 b3(ieu gab faptb ,Gods fee ret was vpon his tabernacle , mcanmg his favour and pro-

vdeace,Iob. X9. 4. aUb Gods fci^fetiplf}i0counreljlob. ij. 8. ler, x3.18.xx. and the hid things


7^ Pfalm. XXV. XXVI.

^oFChrlft, art aptttt wlctj a myfterie, Rom. i Cor. 1^7. 5r.4. i, t^.Eph.

.•«f.z7. ^aProv.3.3z. i6- Turn the face] 0^ Turn, look. Have re-8 fp:ti unto me. a bl^fiiug picmifcd til tl)f latoo Levit. x6.9 .


will turn the face va-to you, and make you increafe. Contrarp to the hiding ofGods face Pial.^f9.i7.i8.

fohtary] alone bjdefolate* fee Pfal. 21.11. 17. are inlarged]o^doo inlarge them-'

;' fc!ves:doomake wide-roomth. ?^2|l)cUJetbf]td0art tobepmttfb lu UJttl) (traloljtiS attb tt^

.fltcffing fo^o^JJeiS, largdp fpjeo tbrntfiiaep ober a\h vexations] o} anguiihes,

, necelficies, tribulations, which prefs and wring. 18. See my afflidion }

tOhen from Deut. 16^.7. heiawourafflidlion. it JjtTcmTanciflj ^ ^eing and regarding• with companion

, and fo, a redrefs and help. Gen. z9.11, Exod. 3 7. 8. Pfal. 31. 8 . & 119.153,and 10^. 44, ^onitim? it m?anctfi otbcvVDCife , ap in t!je nett nctff, bee my enemies.

. forgive ] 0^ lift up, take away. UUMb VUl)tc[) pJOpCtlp figlU/peth tO take tip cj bear,

• fe applifbtOforgivnesoffynns j Rom .4. 7. from Plal. 31 i. anD tlie plj^lfc i)atf) tffCICKCe tOwho bare and took away the fynns of the world, Ioh.1,29. U}(icn it applieb tO

a man flimfilf, bearing his own own fyn, it meanetl) guilt and pumrnmeht , >Jum.5.3 1


19. of violent-wrong] tfjat id, moll violent OJ wrongrul hatred , 22. hIspi * diilrefT-^j 01 their diilreffes

; fo^ ifrael bniig put foj UK \Dl;olc pccplr, map Sabe it a. ^ . luo^liiigito 0^ plnraliUJhicO tfte l^cbjue tejt alfo often ffttujctl) ; ajs ail Edom was, i Sam:vf.thctr 8 .“14., 01 all Edom were

, 1 Chron. 18. 13. ^fjclibeiptllx. King.13.30, with z Chfon.3^.1. H«took, They took

j fpcabtiig of the people.‘

Pfalm. 2i.

T. tyf of David,

IVdgcmcIehovah; for I, w'alkinmyperfcdion:and doo truft in I^hovah;

I Ihil not ftagger,

2. Prove me Ithovah and tempt me:try,my reins and my hart.

3. For thy mercic, m before mynceyes: and I walk, in thy truth.

‘ 4. I doo not fit,with mortal*men

offalfe vanitie; and with the hidden,!

enter no:.

/.I hate, the church of evil-doers:


and with the wicked,! fit not." d. I Will vrafii my palms with clcan-

nes : and compafs, thync altar Ichovah.

7. To caufetohear, with voice of

confcf/ion: & to tel, al thy marvcilous-


S. Jehovah, IIovc the manfionof

thy howfe: and the place, of thw* habita-

tion ofthy glory.


Sing this as the r. eras the ^<^.Plalm*

I* T ydge me Jehovah;for l^goi

Y^tnney ptrfi^-Jimpluttte ;

/ vj Jehovah trufl alfo ;

I jJjil not Jlide^rtfiedfrJIlie »'


2 Ichovah prove,tempt me hk^eife :

my rems andmy hart^doo thou trii «

/ F^r thy mercre^ before mine eyes ;

and f \Xfalky xn thy veritie,

4 I pt not, W'tdr vaine mortal men t

norenter, VotthdtJJemhitrs-hsdd,

5 / hate, church ofmaltgnant-men :

and doo not ptt,with

6 hands WttJj cleannes ^'ajh-*l clearl

and LOKfp, I compaftiynealtare.

7 Ws*h voice ofthar\s,to catife to heari

and al thy marv nUSy to declare .

S fihov th the ftfe-m.mpon

efthme howfe^dearly. love do fi

place ^ofthe h ^himuon

(fthj mo&glomHs makHUn



9 (owl lymim^^atJjer tJdfi


i7or With blood-guilty wtn my life

10 In ^hofe handi a mtfcheevous. plot :

)X>hoje righth^nd^ is With bribesjul-xiiCm

t / tAnd /, >Walk w my ptrjeci7ies ;

rcdeme und kfe-tne gracionjly


Gather not, my fowl with fyn-

ners; aiiJ my life, with men oFbloods.

!o. In whofe hands u a mifchee-

vous purpofe; and their right-hand, is

ful of bribes


1 1. And I, doowalk in my^erfec-

tion : redeme thou me and be gracious /2 tJHyfoot /iootio /landw nghttonfiest

to me. in churches^ blcf the LO K/D Wtl f .

J2. My foot, ftandeth in righteourncs;in the churches , I wil biefs Ichovah.


I. in mvprrfedion] 0^, integrity jfimplicity: a man ttirattrtftttfit,

noi U3CetftO ofanp eOtU ^ Sam.u.i I. ^Ut!) a UJalfeer , waiketh tonhdently, and bleffed lhal-'



be his chldren after him. Prov. ro.p. & zo.7. 2. try, myreins] examine as in thelyre , my inmoft afFeftions

. 31ob alfo CffiTb bunlcif to trial, lob. 3


,6,, ^

5. Iwalk] toVUeCt continually,(ajStlKfo^m oft^i0VUO^Dimpojtcth,)Cjconverfe.»ri5Snft

4, mm ol falfe-vanity] tjjat 10, vayn mortal-men; OJ falfe perfons. Iqb.ii.i i. ^0 -pWip(apt(),hefatenotinthe fecret-affembly otniockers.ler. if. 17. hi en] tljat

t0 , hypocrites , diiTemblers, fecret-evil doers I enter not ] OJ come not,tI)5t 10 have^' ’"*

Bocompany, orconverfadon . ^Otf|CUJOjbl0aIfoilfeb,Iof. 13.7. ' j. chiirch^ofevil

do^s] ,t[)t malignant church ;0^ congregation. b. 6 . my palms with’Heaimes] 0^,' *

hands in innocenc.e. gatfi rcfpcct to tl)c \JoafNug Mlufi Opob appointed fci fuch a0 came r ij??

to fti0 altar, Exod . 40 . 3 2 . i^creupon vne arc \wiled to htt up pure Hands togen toe p^ap imto<5od, i.Tim. z.S. ^ecalfolfa. I. If. d. 7* Tocaufe tohear] tl)atl0,toloundforth y or proclaym loas may be heard. ^0 Pfal. <^6. 8. & 10^. z. ‘Stub in i«Chron.if .i6.(|E^a^

bib appointed llcbitcp toitf) in<lrument0, to caufe to h^r, O? to reiound, htting up the voicewith joy

. ^ d. 8. manfion ] 0^ habitation . ^^{0 name 10 gtden tO ijc tabernacle

tohicD 5Bofe0 tmbe,anb<©obbtodtw: iSam. z. anbaftertoarb, to^olcmon^templetichron. If. ^Jtnbheavehit f lf,i0 alfo tf)u0 tailed,Dent, z 5 . if. tohcrcth:re aremany manfions. loh.i4.z. ^ ofthe habitation] 0^ the habitacle: the tabernacle ’<^ljetcnt

bJfiifh JBofe0 mabe,toa0 caleb,Exod.z^.i.6.anb ^olomob ftotofe.z Chro.z^.^.gn Exo. ;

40.34.3f. it 10 f(jetoeb,()cto^ob0 glory filled tftat tabernacle, toftenhefufltocfepcflriflrioii

of It ; toherupon it 10 h^rc failed, tlTe habitacle of his glory ,or honour : and clftollCl C , the ha-

bitacIeoftheLord, Levit. i7.4.andofhis name: Pfal.74,7. d. 9. Gather not myfowl] Gathering i0ufedfoz taking-awav , a0 ler.K^.f . Ha.4. i. andfof:';! death

, Ifai. f7. r.'

'* '

I Sam* If . (f. Ezek.34. zj?. and forndm: i0 epp^effed, to toftom tljep arc oatOend; a0, to theirfathers

;to their people

;to tne grave; ^Ki ig. zz. zo. Num.zo. z4*i^. and tofiat 10 gatljrrcd*

the foul, a0 here i O^thighoil, tne^ir t,a0Pfal. 104. z^. ^o^aoidDftedc(irctI)thatGodwould not take-away h s life among lynners,tgat i0-,with fuch as' for their crimes deferv to dye*a0 I King. I z t , Contrarptoeife ,

gathering, 10 fomtitm ufed fO^ gracious receiving or luc-

couring : a0 Pfal. z7. 10. men ofbloods] blood-guilty perions. ^ec Plal. f.7.d. 10. a mifchevoas-purpore] craftily-devifed-cvil. ^eePial. 10 .z. ^OUietime tl;i0toC2d

|0 generally Ufcofo;t any abominable evil. L“vit. 18*17. & i9.z^.& 10.14. , ful of bribes]a Id COnfcqu^ntln, cf mjullice; fo^ bribes caufe julUce to be perverted

,pent. 16, 19. Contra-

tpto'l f, Gods light hand, is fal of juftice. Pfal 4I. ii. I a. in righteoufnesj 0;t,ma rights even and playn place, a0 il)C toO^d firhUflCtl) Deut. /;.o\ ler. zi. 13. t! e llpoltlr fp

td t\\t U 02^ dp nghteoufn s, Heb. i . 8. fiXW Pfal.4f .7. It tO Cppokd tO cibokcdnes,I{a. 4

40 4 * ^^2tdi0Pf.i .It in the churches] 02 congrigatibu5,air.mblies,chiirch-meetirgs* "O’ in'cal.dia4&^cliecwL.iai>i and fo ill tfiemtot.{lame.ti iCor.i4.:4 ^:ialfc



nPfalm. 27.

Pirn. XXVII.

I. A of David; lEhovah,fV

-4^my liqhr and my falvacion, forwhom (hould I frar > Jehovah is thefirength ofmy life; for whom (hould I


2. When evil-doers, made- battel

againft me, to eat myflefli: my diftref-

fers an J my enemies to me; them-yr/w,ftumbled and fell.

3 . If a pitched-hoft,(hall pitch a-

gainll me; my hart (hil not fear; if warr,ihal rife-upagainftme; in this , Itruft.

4. One-t^i/7^, I have afked of Jeho-vah

, the fainc I will requeft: that I m ayfit in the houfe oflebovah .all the dayesofmy life; to view the pleafancnes, oflehovah ; and to inquire in his Pallacc.

y. For he will keep me privily, in

his pavilion, in the day of evil; he will

keep me fecret, in the fccrct-plact of his

tent: on a rock, he will exalt me •

6 . And now, exalted flialbe myhead ; above my enemies round-aboutme; a«d I will facrifice in his tent, fa-

crifices of (howring;! wil fing and fing-

pfalm, to Jehovah.

7. Hear lehovah, my roiceVl?fef«I

cal; and be gracious to me and anfwerme.

8. To thee, fayd my hart, feck yeface: thy facc^ lehovah I doo fe^k.

9. Hide

^ JS ojmy -hfe; fir Vt^homJhrulJfh^vejrea^f

Whe^evd^tn^ to eat my fijh ,

made-botieJ. myfies^ rn'enimta to me, them.

(elves,Rnnsbled andfell,

—i. that an hofi^ agawfl me pitch}

my hart Hnfiarfidisi

if>^arr Jhalhp agattft me fife}

J boldlj-tra(i m this .

4 . One- thing J afhd of the LOR7)the fame te^neft f fhall:


ihztmthe LOJ^DS howfe Imay dpptl^

the dayes of my hfi alh

to VHWy Ithov^hs pleafantnes}

andfiekjn his Tallate.

S • Tor he in his pavilion^

tt?// prtvily- me-plaffy

in th*evd day: he W// mefecret mfecrecy

of his tent : & apon a roel^,

he W//exaft me-hye.

6, t/iftd noxv, lift Hp fljJbe mine bead,above

^my fics ^bonr met}

and I Uv/ fffer in his tent,

offrmgs offhoveting-gUe ;

/fmg and fing-pplm to JAH^7 . Afy voice

^fthovah hear, .

whtn/^ cal’y and begracious

to me and me anfixer'

-S Tothee,mme /Sji/,, (Thou haA fayJ,


fir my fhce feel^ dooyie ;

ihj face, lehovah doo ffeck^

9- Hidi

Pfalm. XXVIT.

Hide thy face ffam me;

twrn not thyfervent haif^^ in VCrath:

my (uccoHY been haft thow:

S (jod ofmine hedth^ leav me not

neyther forftke me nOw,


Hide thou not thy face , from

ine;turn not-afide in anj’cr.chy fcrvanc


thou haft been my fuccoiir;leav me not

rieyther forfake me, 6 God ofmy falva-


10. Though my fither and mv mo- '» Myfather & my mother both

thsr (bould forfake me:

yet Ichovah though th^ptouldme^rjak^;

would gather me ./ehoyahgathermg.

_ , . , f I o himfelf me takco11. Teachmekhovah,thywav:& „ 7ehovahieac^ume,thyVoay;

fcad me, in che path ot nghteouVnci: < andm\u^

l>ccaufc, ofmy inviers.

12. Give me not, to the foul of mydtftfcffvr : for ,

witnefles of falftiood

4oo ftand up againft me, and he chat

breatheth violent-wrong.

f j. Except I had belecved, to fwC

Ihc goodnesof Ichovab; in the land of H (I minted hzd^)exceft I had

the Uviug •belerved

, fir tojee

lehovahsgoodnes; in the land

U- Earneftly-cxfpea thou ,for Ic- cf them that, living bee.

fcovah : be confirmed, and let thine exffeB Jehovah earnef}lj;

and my iondaBour be^

in path ofrtghteoHfnesi bteaufi^

of them tljotj envye me .

la Give not wr, to my foemens Vffitll

fir^ lying ^itneft s

doo Hp ^awft meftand, ^ he

that, breathethviolentnes.

Iiarc wex ftrong: and carncftly-cxpe^

thou«for khovahconfirmed he^ andftrong^

^ex let thme hart: and earneftlyZ

tfjtnk fir febovah long.


b* t. my light ^ that fd, my comfort, joy, &c. ^0 4^0battb ate CftCIl faHell||e light 0^ illumination of people .Mic. 7.8. Ifa. x^« 19. xo.&io.iy. Luk.i. 79*Rev.

.- /» - .. ...



ti.i. ray deliverer to me.) notiiK? agatnfl ujfiom in fpctial their hatreb toJab'bcnt

to. 3. it warr] that 121, warriers;C^,anarmy5 a0thCto3O^lJ t0 U>b, lolh. 8.11. ^CC alfo

Pfal.7^.4. ‘ 4, Onetfjirta J CjOnc-requeft ,O|boon;a|EU0 (rpjcfrb x King.x,xo. fo/fucljto3antofto3ojb0t0 *


that I may nt] OJ me to (itj tfjat t0 , dwel , 0^ abide. to view the pleafantnes] to fee 'nVt n|

the pi afantnes or amenitie,of lehovahj anb COnffqUentlp tO injoy it. Cfie tatocmacle ftab tljt

a^b pattern ofh^atoe^Ip things in CSpft jHeb 8 . i . tofiich Tl^atoib in fph it here be#

fireth.ta ca itait -alate . ph^afe, 10, view in the pleafantnes; anb cfter r’ the 1


bcrfvfee in thi goodnes jVOhith igntfitth to have the fruition,ufe, and injoying of pleafiire &

goodn^'s: Ecclel. x. r. :Jll:toa0tO feek inlehovah x.Chron.34.i<?.i0 tO feeklehovafi .x.King,

XX, 18. foiofeein the good, 10 to fee the good , and injoy it.,^oinPfal. io5.^. & ix8.j. 8c fo,

13. to inquire ] o^feek-early, that 10, diligently. to. j. wil keep privily] 03^?hi 1 " me, t^?at 10 , keep me fafe as in the moll holy of his fandhiarie, into which nc ne might e n-


" •'

rr Ltvit.i^.x taUbtJ)CrfO|e,<©*»b0hiddenp!ace,Ezek.7.xx. anb hi0 ^»lint0, are his hid-

denone^ .Pial.6v.4« p, 6. And now] Ui|)ich trap toe meant pppulp^ at this .time*

K X th

Pfalm. XXVTT. XXVIII.* r*3 i faerifices or ^owtirig 1 o^oftriumph , ofjoyful-fonnding, alarm, dnb ringing* fifltB

'*rcfiKft to t|ie lauj ,


j!)ic& appomtedobcc tl)efamficesJ,trimiperfi{ to befou iDeD, lo.

Uj )ofc cljnf.1^ , moil lamb, jopful aiib triiuttpliant fouali map callrb Trughnah, Triumph^a-larm- o;i jubilation: ^,6,7

• M>^ to otftet inllru.mntp, tfna trtumpSaat ropfr td ab^jopnebjPGil. 33.?. antJtpapplt.tJfom:tim’tomanp\j^tc:o^(bjmtinmioi.<?.^ i. Sam.4/5. Ezra.3.11. ^cealfoPfal. 8y. I(!?.&47.6. &8I.1.& 100. I* m 8» feek ye myiacefcm «np:rf:ct fpeecl),mfittbmemap fupplp anb t ]rplapntl;ud, (thou faydeit)feck ye my foce:

' and this thy commapdement, my hart m.nJedand fpake of, to rf eJin my ttntationsjand 1 madeit aground of mya6tion,andrtquettfolo\viDg. an'UfftlikrtcffrttfamD^b^m 5 King:20* 34. ^0 feek the face , id of defire to fee , hear, and know ;

i 24. and to^ray& aHccounfel m doubts, dilfrefles &c. 2 S m. Hof. t. if. ^0 Pfal. 1O1.4.

7f' b* lo. Though' my father &c. Ihould]


mlfa.49. ry. For myfathei &c. haveloriaken me:but leh vahwilgiihef me

; that ip, receive and take me to him . ;§>o tfjC iuo^b gathering

Ip alfo ufeb, ludg. 19. ly. Iof,io.4. Mat. 23. J7. ItrailCtl) tfiat God would be a father vntShim. b* II. tothefoul j that id, to tl)ewil,lail,0J defire. ^0 Soul ip fo;j will-, Pf.

& lof. Ezek*i<^. 27. arfbfojlull,Pial,7 8. 18. that breatherh ] o^pufFeth out^' "

Pfal. lo.f. b. Ii^Exceptlhadb^leeved] anu^p:rf^ctfp:fc^); mjKremeernapfanDerftanbj I ihpuld have fainted ;

O^They had ov^rthrowen mey if 1 had not bdeeved, &c.

n land of the livmgj'tftat tP, where itisn livein this world; anb in*fp rial , the land of Canaan,

the feat ofGods Church *Ezek. 26.20. ;§)oPial. j2,7.'& ii6;9. & 142,6, lob. 28.13. JFOJ bPbeatf)> m nacefapbtobecucoucofthelandof the living. Ifa. 53,8. & 38, n. Ier.11.i9.

b* 14. ^be confijmed ] be coinfortablsf^hold fall • (ap tf\t <©JCCh Oatfj,) be manly • quitthe as a marTirngicirmoib tb’Hlpo(l:le ufctfia Cor. 16. 13. Cftffe ate mojbP ofincouragm^;«3[am(lreimrii?d,fi’ar,fatimiepofljact,o^otberinfinnto ap Peui.31.6.7. loi. 10,25*I Chron. 22. i3.Dan. 10.19.

0f('ht thy hart wex-llrongl fo alj'O tUTlt^tl) tt;

, me map rcabit , he Wiilb-engthen thy hart 1^0 aftevill Pla). 31.25. .' ' :

P(alra.2S. Pfalm, 2S.'

70j5/>» ofDavid VNto theeTe-

'• Sing this aj the 32. p&lm.

ff.Pfalm. XXVIlt.I

I 5 Becanfe, they wl! not d’fcreet(y-ar- s* Becanfe^theyn^wunthf-hced

ten i, unto [he u'orks of lehovah, & vnto jehov^hs xx^rl^s^tmplpy^

to the dee i of liis baud') ;he wil break,muhey-hnio hts handy diedi ^

them down, & wil not build the-up . he Wd not bnildthem^ but deffroy..

6 Blefsjd^-^Ieh.)Vih:for he hath heard, 6, blejpdbc;for he hath heard^

the voiee of my fupplications-for- the voice ofmy re^hefis-fergrace,

7 grace . Uhovah, my ftrength and 7. , myftrength ^ [hetld; my hart

my nicildjinhimmy harttruded, & trufiedmhtm^& holpl\foas:,\ ;

I was holpen: and myharc fh,we(h- tJ^yhah therforepen^esgladfm

glidfomnes;and with my (ong wil I imdtleconfifhim With myfor/g ,^

8 confefi him . lehovah /i a ftre ngth • S, Iy^Hisiheirfirengthian^f»rthei$

to them : and he, ts the ftrong- fort, ofhis Ometeds (alvatton,

ofthe fdvarions, of his anoincred Ogive thyfolk^ftlvanon-fiee;^

P Save thou, thy people; and blef^thy,(^hle^jhoHthme inheritante \

inheritance: and feed them .and ad* * & even uhtoerermtee,'

vance them,.even -for ever . doo then themfeed& them advanie I


I * ceafe not &c. ]that , ceafe not to fpeak unto Vmtb anTwer me^ be not filent as tur- uf'jHT';

ned-away fiont me; fo tnr -i st ph^afe Ulcancth, lob. J3 . 13. ler. 38.27. 0^, ceafe not to fpeak,* *'


forme ; ad tl)cph;iaftairamtpo^terft* i Sam.7«8. and fofipth'e Rock fo^cittehtfouep^l)^ maptn^an Chhft ,

i Cor, 10. 4. mljb id our advocate with the Father, i . loh. 2..1. .

1. oracle ofth^h^ynes] thy holy oracle 5 CiTe inmoll, and tno(t Ijolp plafC cf tf)e tfItl^

pl%UndtSudnam d, 1 King,c?.T.i<J.i9.2o. caledtheholyofholyes, iKing.8.<^.dje%bjUdT>oir, t)a^^tl3eftgnifiC‘^^i3nofSpeaking; fo^fcam tge mbfl fjolpplacf, 45odfpabetofiidiPi’Opie , Num.7 . . Cfte

28pO(I’le fermetft tp e)Cp;tfB itjbp that which is within the veil.Heb.

4.1^. &-. 3 * Draw me,notj tOtoJect,unto death;tfiatiddeftriw me not. ;&0 drawing '32

feufed^Eizek 32 .2o.iob.ii,33*& 24 . 2o. attC)rainpleU3htreoffcetn^ifera« iud. 4 * 7 .

' '* ‘

P. 4, the evil oi:'’their pradifes ] Chid fta® rtfctcncc to tf)e ciitfe denounced againll* fpn#Itcrdj Deut. 28., 20.. S/ difcreetly-attend ] OJ,confiderj fo, as to difeern & un- .13 ’

derlhndthem* Chclihc fun iddhllUCd, Ifa.r.12. ' ^ break them down] O^,deitroy: Op#pofedto building vpoz edifyimz; and applied, ftgUratiPclptomcn;foIer.i. 10. R: 42.10.2 Cor.13.10. . . build] thatida conrer/e,exalt^,pfofperthcm* ^ee t5eIikcpI)?afe,Iob,22. .

13. Mai. 3. u. Ter. 12. 16. fi. 8. llrength to them ] 0?, to hinijad PraL2^3.meahftlg, “ t1

his people, (ad.tftv<©lce&riCp:cfTi^^^ & his anoirifted king: both \uhicl)fbfe



the llrong-forc ] or tortiScation . CftC fopUCt tuotd Ihength id lU Ghnbz '3 and tfild livr^ftron^^-fort , Maghnoz j dp addition of a lAtcr , adding to tljt fb^ce ofthe fignififaticn. ^4iti


thid id often UfJdfJZ a fortiricacion o^lTrong-defenfed place. Dan. ii. io.Iudg.6.2<?. ^ 1

of the falvations ot his anointed] OJ of the deliverances(the vidories) of his anointed^ tfiat iiJ

of me, his anointed King. Chid feilteiTteinapalfodc turned t()Ud: and the ftrong-fort,otfal- .

*' .1

vatioft^, his'Anomted (Cbrill)is ^ UT'auiig that,the ChriR ofGod^is the laving ftrength ofhis 11^^

^pebpie. c ">e laft \uozd H e,'td oftm put is; femthue in the tejet it felf, adid noteb ^.lUPfal. 16.3. (t..9^ mhoritance] that id, people OJchurch.Detit.4.2o.& 32.5>-.PfaL33^.

12. &94.f.iPet. y.j.'^9m:am:ditidrhclaud)iJherethepdlrdt.PfaI.79.r. advancethem] 01 bear them tip; r'.liev them. Che \U0^d Id Ufed fjj advancing to honour^ERh.J.i.

3. aiUjfe bearing up, fupporting,helping, ad x King.9.n.Elr.'

' •

K 3 Pfalm. XXIX-

Pfalm. XXIX,

Pfalm. 29.

1. A pfalm, ofDavids

G ive yc to Jehovah, fonnsof the

m ighties :give ye to Ichovah,glo-

ticaiid ftrength


a. Give ye to lehovah, the glorie of

liisiuihe: bow down yourfelvesto Je-

hovah, in. the Comly-honour of the


3. Thsvoiccof Jehovah,^ upon the

waters ; theG od ofglorie thonJereth


lehovih, upon many waters


4* Th: voice 9f Ichovaii U with able-

power: the voice of Jehovah, with com-ly-honour. !

/. The voice of lehovah,breaketh the

cedars: & lehovah breaks-afuiiJer,the

cedars oFLebanon




And he maketh them leap like a

c^lf: Lebanon andShirjon, likeayong



The voice of lehovah , flriketh

flames of fyre •


The voice oflehovah maketh the

wilJernes to tremble: lehovah maketh

the wilderncs of Kade(h to tremble.


The voice of lehovah, maketh the

hindes tremblingly-to -travel; and ma-

kech'bare the forreUs : & in his Pallacc,

everyone, fayth glorie


10 lehovah, face at the Floud : and

lehovah (hal fitt, King for ever


1 1 lehovah, wil give ftrengch to his

people: lehovah wil blcis, his people

with peace


Tfalm. 2^ '.

Sing this as the 14. Plalm*

t, /"^\Gtvevnto IthovAhyee^

the fins of(he mtghty\

Ogive vnto fehov^thyee^

glory Potency,

Z Ogive Htuo fehovah yee ,

his namesgli^rioHS-renoxeni

in tts'hanoHrublefanEhtartc

hove to Jehovah down .

febov^hs voiceyon Waters is ;

thonder dooth (jods honouri

' Uhovihy on Waters msvyi

lehovmhs voice }^itfj powr:

Uh’ov-ihs voice, Vttth comlyrtes,

5 .^ehovahs Voice

^dooth- brecd^

the cedars : Lebanoni cedars


lehovah qatte^ooth-break^^

6. t/ind Itks hetffer-yong

he mallei them vp-to- ffftng ;

the Lebanon dh Shtrjon mount,Uke Vnicorns yongtmg .

7. lehovahs voice ^rtkesflames of fyr$»^

/• lehovahs voice dooth make

the defert ^aake: Jehovah maket

the Cadefh defert quake*

y, lehovahs voice ydooth makp the hindes ~

to travel-tremblingly


etnd'hares the Veoodsi m his l^aUiue^

^ech-one dooth (dyglory .

19 t/ft Floudyfehovahfite: and Ktng,

lehovahfitts ,fir aye,

it jAHtgiva his peopleflrengthi ^Uh feecs

bis people^ bkflWtljAH *


W 'D3 berf. I* Sennsof themighties] tTiatld,ye mighty men, or potentates .j5oPfaI.Ss>,T-

‘(Ircngth] o;tftrongprayre * ^ce Pral.8 .3 . and rTim.<>. b. i. honour of the fan#

1 "7tap iftuaric ] t^at id,the honourable San(ftuarie,(ajS tf)C flpJaprCtJ) It,m his holy court )0J,

with honour of fan<5btie; that with holy honour

.^oPiai-9^ ^ . i Chron.i6 .

^7?? f0ltlttimtufi‘b0f450tl6holy majdhe, tChron.zo.ix. b, 3 , The voice] ti}at

Sh thonder , £xod.xo. 18. caUb Gods voice. £xod, ,i$, f|et voices aub chondi-ngs^

pralm. XXIX.

«refomtfm^bf(Imft, di8l^ev.4.T.&8.f.&>. & 1^.18. '3t8<iJte0Jbvoi<!e,f^pcncrel^

Ip UfeD fo|allnoyri;orfoundji King. 7 *^. iCor.i4*io, y vpon the waters! toi icj| are

abobe tijc fimiament , Gen.i .7. tojjerc t|^e tgonoer ip 4^^ above the waters , tftat ii5,alowder voice then the roring of the waters

j bl|)8tOf|ce Ezek. i. j4.& & 14^1..

& 19.6, Gods voice lhaketh heavens and earth, Heb. iz. i6, lehovah upon] tfjatW,thondereth upon

i c^. his voice is above many waters. ^ b* Cedars ofLebanon]

Cedar, iaatteetal,(icongand Durable*, anb fo| tbcbjpnesi af it, tfte timber rottttftnonv!


^f|ep are Caleb Cedars of God,Pfal. 80. II. and by him planted, Pfal,i04.i^?. Lebanon I3S a *1

luouiuapn in Canaan , bpe , pleafant anb fruitful, fnl cf Cedars aub other treej5 the glory

Ofthatmwit** X. Chron.x.8. Song.3.9* u. lia.^o. i33Hof.i4.^.7.8. 2;t 10 calcb Leba-non ofwhitenes,fo^tbefnowthatlpctf|Onit,Ier, 18.14. ^0 tftib luount, aub to tge £COb#Ip trccKJ th'toni, oteat feingbcmiS anb perfonage^ are compartb,Ezek.3 1,3.^ 17 .3 • ier.zz.23,

ludg. 9.if. iKing.i4.^.111nb theniflmandePateinfpetiali Pfal.^z.14. 6. shirmn]

©ijSib, mount Hermon, Caleb oftlje^ibonianb, bhiijon,anbOfthe 5CmoritfJ0l Shenir5Deuu’’

5 .9. anb bp another name sion ( not Tfijon fpofeen ofm Pfal.z .5. ) Deut.4 .48

. fo| thus bhnjdCUHermon Ian UJtth0Uttheriber3arben,UJhereOgh reigned, lof.iz.i.j. 1 Chron.j.z3. I^ercItffo3reujgobblptree0,anbmanpn3ilbbca(l0beptinit. Ezek. z7.y.Song.4.8. 4BfHermonfecmotebtPfal.s^. 13. & 133. 3. & 4^.7* r ^ yong Vnkom] a fierce untamtbbeafl;fctt3’;:>M*tpfal zz.zi. ®)el^ebpiephjafeiji,fonoftheVnicornesjtftelifeei|Salfo Pfal. 114.4. ^Ipoitfl

‘ ''

creatureiS, anb thingis that come of,or belong to an other,are in l^tb^e calleb fonns ; fo thpfonns of the cole , are fparks, lob.f .7. the fonns ofthe quiver,u? arrowes, Lam.3.13 the fon pfthe morn

, tb the morning ftaiT, Ifa. 14. iz. the fonns of Sion, are the Citizens there.Pfal.i4^ .i,

the fonns of the wedding chamber, are the bridegromes freinds. Mat. 9,1^, anb manp tj|e lil^«

P. 7. fti iketh ] 0^ cutteth flames; ab tfte flafheb oflightning Paith the thenben h

P. 8 . maketK tremble ] 0^ qoake


0^ payneth the wildernes thattb, the wild bealb there,

tohich bring fri^teb bp 45obb Pcice oj thonber,boo traPel anb bring fo?th thrir porg fcith'

papn anb trembling^ Kade^iEi caleb alfo Paran anb zin, a bcfrrt tfecu^iPohitft tfie

3frafliteb paffzb from iEgppt to CauaaivNum.i 3 ,z7. anHli73^. anb babtljehameofthecitp Kadefii bp lohtth it l^P ><f. ®iebea(lb cfthibuulbemcbpjcre rrui.Deut,«,If. &3Z.10, p. £). the hindesitfiougft of al Other crcamreb thep b?ing fojthiEitg greattrouble, bowing rhemfelves , bruifing their yong , and calling put their forowes,Iob.3^.4,^.

makech bare ] by driving the bealls with the thonder into their denns; 0^, by beating ofFthe ^^leaves and fruits of the trees * ^0 tgC figtree ib fapb to be made bare, loel. 1 .7


every one ] (bthe<©jeeh turneth it: or itmap be reab, every whit ,0^ al ofit,mram i

ing of his people Petf. II. Pohich fapth gloty to God5 0^ al of it, that lb ofhis glory

,^ ^

he favch ( tgat lb", God declareth) in his temple. ^ P. lo. at the floud] meaning Noahsfloudj Gen. & 7. foj to thato^ulp , both tf)e ^cb^ue anb <a^ech Poojb ib applpcb^ ^bh^c the €ftalbee paraph^afeth thubj The Lord at the generation of the floud, fate on the featof judgement ,

to take vengeance on them: he fate alfo upon the feat ofmercies,& deliveredNoah, and reigneth over his lonns, for ever and ever P. 1 1. with peace ] 02 in peace^ qiSlOllifh PJClb b'^tohencth integritie, perfection, a making whole and abfolutej oppo^b bothWarr anb fword , Pfal. 110.7 . Mat. 10.34 . ahb to diyiEon , confuflon, and tumultuous diforder, .f I . h Cor.14 .33 .gt benot th all profperity, fafety, and welfare offowl and body,


anblpcciallp thatfpefeenef Ephef.z. 14.15. p3hG*cChrillisour peace,which hath made ofboth one , and hath broken

the Itop of the partition wall,&c,

to make oftWayn


one new man in himfelf, '

.. fo

»to Pftim. XXX::

j. A Pfalm, aifon^oftliedet^kation,'

ofthe howfeof David . -

2. IWil e\'alc thee lehovah,for thou

haft draw’n-up me : and haft not mademy enemies to rejoice at me . . .

j. Tehovah my God: Icryed-out

tinto thee; thou Healedft me


4. Ichovah, thou haft brought-up

my fowl from hel : thou haft kept-mc-

alive from them that goe-do\»^n the pit.

5. Sing-pfalm to lehovah ye his gra-

cious-faihft>; and confefs ye,‘ to the re-

membrance of his holynes .

6 . For a moment ,


in his angcr,life,

in his favourable-acceptation : in the

evening, lo lgcth weeping; and at the

morning (howting-joy


* 7. Aiid I, I fiyd in my fafe-quietnes:

I flial not be moved for ever.

8. lehovah; in thy favourable-accep-*

ration,thou haft fttled ftrength ro my

;mQiintayn: thou didft hide ihyface- I

'WaSfudJenly- troubled. .

Vntothc lehovah I called: &vn-:to lehovah, fupplicated- for -grace.

10. What profit in my blood^when I

goe-down unto corruption? (hallduft

'C6fefs.thec? lhal itftu'w-for.h thy truth?

It. Hear thou lehovah and be gra-

cious-to-nic:Iehovah,be thou an helper

CO me •

12. Thou haft turned my mourning,

to a dance to me : thouhaftloofed myfack; & haft girded me with joy.

1 3 . That my glory may fing-pfalm to

thee, an J not be filenced: Ichovah myGod, I wil confefs thee for ever


V ' Singthisas.the.i7.PAiau •

iXEhovalo J^^iitheeexaU^ , ,

X for thoH haft drawn-up me z

and hafl at me mine enemies ;

riot toyfill made to he , i_:

I cryde to the^ 0 IAH my God :

and tkoH didft heal-me-fdfe,

4 Jehovah ythou haft brought myfwt

upfrom the loweft-grarje ;

Thou haft krpt me-aliveftcm them

that do^n the pitt doogoe .

Jr. TexhzX.Z'^^ hts Saincts-grauoHS^

fmg'pfdlm lehovah to


and unto ihe remembrance of

hisfinttity confft,

6 , ^ecauje a momm ,tn his ^ath ;

lift tn hisfavour is :

Weeping fjjal lodge at even- tide ,

but at morning- day .

7. ^ndt.pydwmy qmet-eajci

/fhal not movefr ,

S, O Jah, thoum thy favour haft

’ ftrength to my mountfttled :

but thoH didft hide-a)X'ay thyface


and f foon-troubletL

ff, Xo thie Jehovah doo / cal :

and askftthovahgrace,

io what profit in my bloody >^heu Jgoe-down to rotting-pUce f

Shalduft confip to thee^fhalU

fhewftrth lhy veritee }

it. lehovah hear andfhew-mt grace I

0 lahy my helper bee


tZ mourning thou converted hafl^

tome into a dance i

my fack^chth thou unhfed h^tft^

andgirt t me with toyam e .

ty Thaty myglorte to -hee may ftng^

and my not filent bee :

Jehov th my Gody !ftray

PPuh-tbAnkl-corfft W// thee.


81ffalm. XXX. XXXI.K^nnotdtions


^r* i • dedication 5 Initiationj U3|)icf| id, when a new thing is ffrft imploded and put ci» nD;n - ^

tfiac u 'e tor wHiSfiFwas made . ''^t appltcD to howles , a0 |^ece,ailD Deut. zo. v . to altars,' •'

ft0Nam.7.84.8». to walls,asINehem. u.z7. to images, a0 Dan. 3.1* and to’ men-, andtj^eil-

ltm;aitCtl)inIbrudion , o^trayning-up; a0 Prov. zz/. Gen. 14. 14. . ft* 1* halldrawn- »:

up me] as out oFa pit ofwatersj fo^ lU02tJ t0 uf:b foj drawing ofwaters Exod.z. 1^*17. wi-


ters, flfjmfpi ig troubles . at me] 0| over me, tor my riune* my enemies to me, /

I^att0 my utter enemies; a0 Pfal.z7.i. t>* 3* healedlt me] t0,helpedlt me out oftrouole:iioPul.4i.r, &^o.4.Ho 1.7. w zChron.7.14. my foul trom hel] me,or my Sak^*"Tlife from the pcrd and itate of death . ^0 P^al.S^. 13* ^Otta0 ITI^aut fame fte fapD,thou hail brought out my life from the pit. lonas z.^, <l|^f hel,fecPfal. 16.10. them thac"'i 3 '*nngoe. down] tftat t0 whicn dye; that l ihaold not be among them; tl^e -^bjue alfo anotgecteaDliig, that I lEould not goe down the pit.- CljC meamiig 10 t^cfame* ft.' f . to the i^7P^, "‘Premembrance J 0^ for it; that 10 j

that his holynes may be had in remembrance: a0 Iia. z6. 17**'

^0 Pial.97. iz. ft. a moment ] o^h tie while. For Gods anger towards his ,& their

atfli6lion, islEortandmomencauy; a0 iFa. f4-7.8. zCcr.4.17. life] oj lives; meantltdI bleffing and the continuance or it: a0 Pfal. 133.3. and 11.5:. Life f0 Jete oppOfcD tO a moment*^Oyeares oFlife,m'an many good yeres, Pro V.3.Z. ^lodgech] thatI0,abideth: O^hervtm^anmg caufeth weeping to lodge,a0tfitff|Diiib be an abibinggu^l* ;§>d anotgeB

I^IOphet faptg ,At even-tide loe ther is trouble , but afore the morning it is gone . Ifa.17 .14*

ft. j, in my fafe quietnes ] 0^ tranquillity. d&Ob0 filllb^CU gabC fo great tnfirmltte0jtgat "1 W":!lnp2Oj'pecitptg?paretooffCurf;(a0’d^abiDfl}eUJetb gcre,anb31ob,m chap, z9.18.19.zo.j1

luib in abberfup tgep are too ftarful i a0 5^abtb elfmgerc boctft coufcf0:Plal.3 1 .Z3.& 1 16. 1 1*

ft. 8. fetled] 0^ made-ttand; tgat 10) reared up; conllituted anb ftablilhed lure. ^0 tgUl^jafcnnpo^tCtg,Pial. I07.XJ.& 31.^. tomymountayn] tgatl0,mount Sion,wher

Davids howfe or court was : OJ, flQUrattbslp , ge tneanctl) his kingdom : ao lia.z. z. Dan.z.3^^., • 1 J;

44. ^tcPlal.6f.7. ft. xo. what profit] what giyn(o^ule) mil tgct be inmybloodj yva-Titogitg gear map mean his Violentjleath,a0 in Plal.7x.14. unto corruption ] the grave,


place where the body rotteth. ^zt PI4I. xo. (hall dull ] tgat 10, my body whe»it IS turned to dull. ^:etge liUetaPfal.6.6. &88.ii,^iiy. 17. Ha.38.18.

1$. It. tot dance] ujBu6t!Safi3ni>fjop:ier.3i.4.i3.tJetfoK tDe<®j«e6timitt]^itBfre,joy . /ii,ge contrarp 10 in Lam .y.i f . tDgere.tgeir dance is turned into mourning loofed mf ;

lack] oj ,doon-oflfmy lackcloth

; \XJglfg UJa0 ujont to be too^n in time offo^oUJ. Hllh .4 . 1 .Ion.

J.6.Pfal.3f.i3. ft. glorie] fotge45ieffepUttetgtOO tf)eU30Jbmp; bp glory, nWweaning tge tonmie o;tfoul: fee Pfali6.9, £ieacedd a mabeiuent iblgi^ 10,aaenarccutoflfby death,a0Plal.3i.x8, ^

Pfalm. 3 f#

t. To the mayfter "

a Pfalm ofDavid.

41.TN thee lehovah doo T hopc-for-

Afafe ie, let ipc not be abalhedfor

I ever: in thy deliver me. Rowunco me, thine ea**, fpeedily ridd -re:

be thou to me, f;)r a rock of finn-

ftrength^ £01 a howfe offorctefs. s, ro


Pjklm. St.

ting this as the 3 f . Pfalm#


2. TEh$vah f e-hope in tSiee^

Xo letme not ah^fljedbe jSr even'thou in thy mfttcefredy-me - delever


Tome, thyne e^r how ; Ifeedtly rtdd meedt


I4 158

fz Pfalm. XXXI.

4 fare me. For thou myfirm-' rock and my fortrcfs: and Wor thy' name fake ,

wile guide me and 1 .ad

I me . Thou wilt bring me torch,

- out ofthe net,that they have hidd for

me : for chouy art my firm-ftreng: h .

6 In'othy hand, doo I commits myfpiric ; thoa had redemed me leho-

7 Yih,God of truth . I have hated,

the that obf^rve vanities ofvayn-falf*

hood : and I ,unco lehovah doo I

5 tridh 1 wilbe ghJ and rqoyce, in

thy mercie : whi h had feen my af-

fl dion ; haft known, my fowl in dif-

5? rrefles. And had not (hut me up,

in the hand of die enemy: haft made’ my feet ftind, in a \argc-roomth .

10 Be gracious to me lehovah,for dif-

trefs fcJ on m:;gnawn is with indig-

nation,my ne eye,my fowl &my bwlly.

I I For my life, is quite-fpent with pen-

fivenes ; and my yeres with fighing ;

my ablc-ftrengrh,i< decayed with myiniqu tie; and my bones are gnawen.

1 2.With al my diilrefscrs , l am arc-

pro.h; and ro my neighbours, -vehe-

mently ; and a dread* ro my known-• acqtivnt C:ing me in the ftrect,

^ they fled from me . I am forgot-

t. n, as a dead min out of hart ; I am,

%4 as a veT d of perdition . Fv>r I

hear, the infamte of many; fearfulnes

from cvery-fldc: when they plott

togithcr againft me;rhey craftiiy-pur-

Ij^pofe, to take my fowl. Bur I,

unto thee doo I cruft Jehovah : I fay,

I^thou arfmy God . In thy handare my times : ridd thou me,from the

hand ofmy enemies, and from myl7per(ecutors . Mak^r thy face to

(Ivrre,. up m thy (ervant: fave me,

iSchiough thjf Gaacy » Xchovah,


Be fir an hovefeoffirts ,me fir to fave *

4 For thoa my mk,arc and myfirt-firifed:

andfir thy name (ak^^ ^ilt me gutde^ lead,

j. Wilt hung me forth^ fiom net that htdd ti.e^ hain


fir me: fir thoa^ art my mumtion-fifi .

6, Into thy hand, my fpVtt I doo de^ofit

. L07^,GodoftrathjhoH me dtdfifiee-redetm*

7. / h.ited have, them that ohfervers been

ofvern^t'es of VAjn- deceitful-$Ufei


i , p ttv/ beghd& toy, in thy merrie z

^htch hafi behid my troublfim- dtffrefi

haft knorvn, my fowlm y ’wfrl-unguifhes^

y. Hafi not meclofci, m hand of t!o enemsei

haii made myfi(tJiutid^m 4 place roomthji*

/ f . LO RDfijfW me acefir J am firajtly»ftnl$

mine tye^rtsy fivel my beRy i ke,i^ gnawn

n '^tth grief. *Becaufemyhfi^tthpenfive^fajW0-

my yeres ^tthfi^htrg alfi^quyteare fpent :

tny ^nngd) decayd^tth myfynns-^HtnfijmentX

my hones ^ith-^naww^^are^^afiej^

t2 With my dtfircfieri al, reproch am Ji

*Unto my neighbours alfi vehemently :

*Unto my k/toitn-acijkmntame eke a dreas^

Jeetng me m thefirtet,from me theyfled «

/y* txff dedd-man out ofmindff am firgatt

i4 f am as brokyn vefieL For I hear

reproch ofmAiry; rownd abou^ me fear I

^’’hen^ds agawfl me they togtihtr plot^

to take myfievl they craftily-^allot.

tj, *But LORT> tn thee my •confidence JftafH

t6, 1 fay, thok ar: my ^od\ Aiy times they be:

in thy hand: from my foes hand, rid thou mt\

17 from tl^em that m^ pkrfit^ Shine make thy fh€$

etj thyfirvant: five me^tJjr<tsfgh thygood-grace*

ii. lehevJk


letmenotV sbafheJ, forTd'.owl it.

onchc.: let -.he rRkeJ beaballuJ,

,nktch:mbe fiiencedtoha Let

the bps of falih >oa. be mate : that

fpaak again, t the jult a- hat d-ft-ari.m

ao-haaghTynes and defivte .

much « thy goodnes.whichthoahaft

laydup for .hem that fearcheethaft

• vLu^tc, for the that hope-tor fafe-

tiein thee; afore, the fons ot Adam.

• i.Thoukeepeft them-feerct ,in iheK-

cret ofthy face,from the rough-porra

of man: dooft lay them up m a pa-

xil-on, from the finfe

ttiBlefled be lehovah : for he hath

made- marvellous, his n.ercy to me

•a inacity of ftrong-defenfe . And

I fayJ in my haHening-away, 1 am

cut down.fromaforethinceyei:yet-

certainly; thouheardeft. the voice of

my fupplications- for- grace,when I

aa cried out unto thee .

I hovah, al his gracious-faincts : le-

hovah keepeth the faithful ;and re-

, .^ Be yc confirmed and let

•vt-mMinrcth Ecclef.i. &c. ITlsaatCtn 11*


wVmaTfi i6 z Kins. 17.1 y. Ier*r*5..^ o*

me mto their power: foPf>h7^48.5°-«»-- y,. deeayed]!c| weaknedfo .,^3

tTfretted, ani confum d as with*»™Vh Pfal.ry.^., .^ 4 .& 105.37.

as one ftumblerh and fa 1 nh dotl,t USOXh tftm 10 bfth J E0 Gen. ^ly

with my iniquity] ti-Kp n m Ihmento^ whordom ,

Num. i4-53*,

. z K^n.. 7


0, kneTrerpeaed, and favoured : and t-


V II known acqaimnnce] i out of haiQ tfi«t s

lmIdelao*n«/imud.eiUte&c.mytam^^ ouif^

Ik 4 » ^ V


'doe col on thu:(h.tme let the mckeJhave,

be minced nmothehvtefl-grave.

A^Hte bey the lying bpi : th^f fpeakJjordJf

the tuft, in ^‘te& pride- hen^hiy.

i, H'lW vmchthyeoedVehkh thoH hafip^d^ihot fior tber.vennghi,fir them that in the trujli

ji the Cons ^men! Them hide ihott deeft

m fecret ifihy free,from prida cfmen:

jr»mpripofin>£ua,m tern then lyf-np m».

22. JAM blepd be; for to me hit mercy

\}eVoondrous-made,mcityof defttfe.

ts tXnd 1,/dyd tn mine holt iTm int-hence^

fom'fore ihyne eya: thou h(*rdtlyet-ctrt<i)ti%

wy prtfyen voUtfrhen I tot hee did cry


24 . O al hii frwns,Jehovah love dotyeti

Jehovah keep!, thefrilhfiilieindpayelh

him pieneeoufy,thothaMghtyneseiooeth-

2S He yeconfrmd,& firtno let your hm beet

id that V/aytfirUhttnd) hopefidlte.


r‘;‘3 ',&ithingjs have their appointed tinr" Fcclel 2 i ^ vL r ^ u u

life and deatn^ (for alltimes (,-rr ,( as d.yes in Pfa u^ 84

';a; f^?

<)rpofition ofGod.CiWeS.. ^oin iChroni,.3o.mci'ifoaisS

nra Itorhis troubles :aj5Pfal.,.?^’/^“W

overall thekmgdomsofthe4ndsf

4?. 1311. tohelj tmanljanb thruiMn^7r« hT”J,

?-io casfi.5i if|rt() Knitting 07 bindL with kloiS ^aS ^iS" Ra-

tt^itin Ifa. 40.4. tijnifping ^uotty,kiiobby Oljoiieh piac£s^r«t>Vf*h»*^

c UJo;bitf? I?f«®auibufa{jlf fitliratito.I)' frt lough affelionfora^r^^^

•onfpiraaes, or moldlationsj ag tfir .ffiieth lTflt-flif«ri u "’^P>>Wat?tIlS their pi«e,

JSsti lay them upjol hide them »frfti«««^^-:Pfal 83 .4 . th^llrdeofrongueTplef

l.« _ t|j«pcftle Iiide , verf. 1 1. H mad?ma^«Iof hU Utmctlj it: ailOft; aSPlal.4.4. ftewedhismercyin i^rVeTlousT,

"wrveiloufly -feveredttreatncb to make marvelous the plagues of fynners S ,TsT“' ^^'“'IJ^tpUJUft 45cJ»otfiege : tliilttS, a fortified, defenfelcitv-ae a rhr^^nS ^Uu r °fiirong-detenle] OJ<®rie l^cb^ue Matfor fimnfirth both a fort n» i'P^

^ befieged city aS i King. 24.10,t. 15. my haftenii^.;\vay]S &a8.53.

Knb tb: Deut.2o. ,. ^ «jc Vbo^b romonip i,lrrto^bfb 1Sam.23.2K. ^opral uk^^ »liD tfiat^ablbhaftened h.m away for

tea tl)ia fpcfti) of ^abCattb rfianr i ia a r-ttef^onao in fjis nffttetiort r.-fpt^

awayfrombefore\hyfaceT ifnffr* ’tfll(a.2K.2. '®lje 0jiniaaIU3OJbfuT»ifia&n>trirrfaithfot’nfr

O^lteepeth fidelities,ad

ix.a. 3s:f,c ejeeii ftmhatlSesf ®> f>ft<«u-o. ao Pf.

plufage . diat doeth haiitrhtvnes 1abundance, with lur-

fl^a tfea bt eialifJlfa, he ( that is God]dwKS fnef

>7 . 14 #





Pfalm/ XXXIT.f4 . hopeftilly wayt] oj with hope and patience . CPf toojbpchal fwi#D’S

bOtT^ a patient wayring*, Gen. 8.10. a^U) a hope or trulling, ap tftc fcclp CJipctU;^

6vi;j[)ir> M.t. Ix.ii. fc^UUfa. 4Z.4*

Pfalm 3 a* Pfalm ^2,


1. An inflrud'ng-p/S/u#, ofDavid:

O Rldfed he trcfpafs is forgn c,

,\^hofe(yn is covered,

a. O bleff.d thecarthly-man, to

whjin lehovahfhal nor impute iniqui-

tk: and in whofe rpirir,w no deceit.

^ 3. Bccaufc . I ceafcd-fp.aking, niy

bvm.'s wore-away-with-age: inrnyro-

ring, al the day.

4. For,diyandnighr,thy hand was

hcavie upon me: my moifture v\^as tut-

ned,into the droughts offominer Sclah

/. My fyn, I acknowledged to thee;

and my iniquitie, I covered not; I fayd,

Iwil conKfTe againft mt my trcTpaffes,

to leJiovah: and thoUjforgaveftthcini-

quitie ofmy fyn Sdah .

6. For this, flial every graefous-

fainct pray unto thee, at the rime offin^

ding: furely, at rhe floud ofmany wa-

ters; unto him, they ihal not reach.

7. Thou ^rt a fecrec-place to m«,from diRrcTs thnw wilt preferv me: with

ihowting-fongs of deliverance, thou

Wilr t ompafs me Sehh .

8 f wi make- t ie -pru.dent^and wil

teav h theCjiurhe way that thou (halt go:

1 wil give-counfcl, mine ^ycjhalbe uponthee.

9 Be noryclikeahorfe Iikeamulc,

without underffaiiding: whofe mouthmuff be flopped wi.h bit ajid bridle;

phfcb cooiC'UOt necr umo thee.

|o. Manj

O hufjed he Vi hoft ir M^rfffio ts fardned^'^hofh

2 f)iii ovred o . O tUJjtd is the marj to Vihorn

Cl) KO vu^hfhai^ tt^vehojt

/• uiiyt honeu , My boms With -aj^r^dtd- wear


(iwny^ becanje from fpeaktf?g'f dideeaje: tP mmi


the day»

For^ day^ thy handfrre» Uj^

$tj me: my moiflure turned^

into the frmmers droughts SeUlt»

Myfynyo thee J knewledged^

my victonfaes, I not cov\edi

J (ayd^ / Wtl confijfe to JAH^gamft me my/halts: andthou p/tritnedM

mj fynnt mtejattte ScLh .

For this yjhal ever y man-godlj^

4t> time offinding pray to thee:

At many Voatersfloud^/Hrehf^

to htm they/hd not reathing-bee^

TboH art afecrct-pUce to me


mefrom dijirefithoa ksepfi-aWayt

WithfimlLfiigs oj deliv'rancefree^

thou Wtlt encompafime SeUh,

Thee prudent-m<>ihe^(y teach

in Way Whertn thcufijouldcftgoei

IcomfeL Wi/ on thee mwe eye.

jis Horfe as Mule be ye noi (0 ,

Whic h djo net vnderfiand: Whofe io9p

With but ^ brt'JJe mu/h be lyde;


Pfalm, XXXTT.

7 0 M7nypsrne<J,^frfforthe wicked: /t.

bur he thir trulteth in Ichovah, mercy,

0;iA compafi him


u. Rejoyceye in Ichovah, and be //.

glad ye juttrand ihowt-joytully,' alye



Taj'^es ih: ^ hhf^hlicxBut he that w Jthcvmh

mercy put ivrr,p.i^ htm aheut ,

RetoyIt tr IAH^beghd ye mHl

mid 4/ ugiot h4ried^toyfk!i-[l3iJt9fm


t. Ati inllru^’n^-pralni] 01,H yfalm-thacmaketh prudenttthAt caufeth-underlbndln^i’ I t;j.- S. 'UTffe of ChiS Jjfaatl, ')C fapt|^, 1 wil make thee prudent OZ inftruit thee . ^ \yi^

' ttl?l0 fctDCfar:fu.XDZpOt:lcrpfalmc?<. ^ covered 1 nieanijia . by the Lord.;n*'7 t*p Pfal.Sr

. 3. not by a man himfelt, U){)0 IUU(1 HOt COljefBui ackn^iedge lynj Pfal.3i^T.

to 'lfp,he Ihil not profper,Prov.i8.i3. |iOUJ 43oD coverech lyn,w.ien he inipuceth it not, 00 tfyt

t:tU fblototna fS^toetl): onD ao tftio 10 inaiio fjappinc0, |o fo;t not to robet it, 10 tooeft It) mif rt^ Nehem.4. f. JJ, i. not impute] not tamk, counc,o;trecken . iUiD tfcto

<0 an effect of }jt0 grate in <^;tt|f,a0 it 10 tojictai, God was m Cnrnt,& reconciled the worldto himfdi', not imputing their iynns vnto them: zCor. f. 19*. ^nDl)^CCUiitOtl)rl!lplfI'c op<»

plpetgthia id.alm'tijnd; DiviJ fayth,bleflednesi* the mans unto whom God imputtth juft^

nes Without works; fapiil], Blelfed art they whofe iniquities arc forgiven,and whole fynn* aro

covered: Ble/Ted is the man to whom the Lord Ihal not impute fyn.Kom.4 *6.7.8.

p. 3 . Becaufc I ceafed-fpeaking] o^,when I kept-filence, iorbeaang to confeis my fyons;

lifter, verf.r. Hi&eDoctdneHiihu teacheth, iob.33.19.—ii. 4. moitture] thechelt Tap ,oj radical moillurc tahkf|l0 an aery and oiiy fuMhnee difpredd through the body;Wherby the life is follered; and which bein'» fpent , dcarh infucth * ^1)10 U)O^Di0 Ufcft or.tii*

^er^, ailb in Nam. n.S. toh^reiriiappueDtOthebellmoiltareC^creamofoil.

y. confefs ] Confelling offynns, 10 when one freely manifeueth them, accufinghinv-

felf , and pray ling Gods mercy, which heexpedeth in faith :frc Iof.7.19. againhitl * mjr

treCpaires] 0|, concerning my trelpafTcs; but both tftc d^jetfeperfion plainlp againlt me;

ftnDchtoherethe©fbpieghoaUi(j}ercPfeO)f£finethtobe putfbj ghnalai : a0 Piai. 108.10,

B emupareb toitlj PUl.^ the iniquity ofmy fyn] that i0 , tljC guilt and puniihmenc

of itj 40 Pfal. 3 1. 1 1.‘

2lnb thU0 he that conrelTeth and forfaketh fyn, Inal have mercy,Prov.i8.

ij, foi ifwee acknowledge our lynns, God is faithhil and juft, to lorgivc vs them, 1 Ich. 1.9.

L ftlfo fob. 33 . 17. x8. ^ 6. the time ol- finding] 0|, time to find : tojjith be

Ktrant of the time when afflidbons ftial find, t[)at 10 flul come upon him; a0 Pfal. ii6 . 3.4. C|

. the time when God may be found; a0 Ifa. sf .6 . auO Ujat time ip, when he is fought with the

wholehart. Dent. 4. 19. ler, 19. 13. i Chron.ii, if. floud] o;i inundation . ?l0wa-)

"• ters fi Tuifp affttCtipu0 ,

Pfal. 69, i, fo a floud of waters , berot’tj) great trout ks and perfecua-

ons . Dan. 9. x 5 . &*ii. Nahum i 8. Ifa.y9.19, Rev. 12 is. 8* 7* ftiowcing fongs

1?) ' 5 ofdeliverance ] OJ, of evafion j tj|at 10, thou wilt give roe occafion by deliverance ofme, to fing

many fongs of prayfe unto thee. ^ 8. myne cv upon jiie_eJ oz, myne eye 3toil I'ct upon thee

j that i0,


will have care of , andlook wtl unto uiec; a0 ler.40. 4 . Ezra, s -S#

,I V Deut. II. ii.Pfil.34.i(S. .( S)0 tfjs Chalacc cicplapncth it,l W Icounftltnee, and let myne eye

- A upon thee for good.) tlUtP, I wil give-counlH,umo thee UJtth U*y^^

my care and providence, COUllfcUrt! |3 t' r VUltf) I IS tpc, Luk. ii. <5 i. ^0 th: eye

|0fapDto mock, Proy.30.17. 8. 9. likeahorle v^cj thatl0, benotfools,&.brutith,foas

ye rauft be ruled by force and rigour, not by real n. f0^ uVito ihe horfe b?lcng0 a whip , unto

the afs a bridle;and a rod, to the fools back. Prov .z6.y

. ^ n^ch nmft be ftopped ]

jaw is to be tyed. to ftop; fb;, to be ftopped : aCilPe foi paffiPf j apafccr pfal 3^.3


toipth come not near] tjat 10 , which wd uot obey or doo wce lervice^onlifs they be forced


pfa!m. XXXTIIr

^ ly.a^. & >'- '"«>

Pfilm. 33.

SHo vc-joyfully ye juft, in lehovah


pcaife,becoinetti the righteous.

j, O>nfc{feye,to lehovah >yich harp:

irith pfalterie vpttk icn-ftringed-inftru-

ment, fing-pfahn unto him.

g . Sing ye to hi n, a new fong: doo-

wcl playing- on- the- inftruinent, Mrich



For righteous If the word ofleho-

tah: anJ al his work, in faith.


He loverh jiiftice and judgement:

the earth IS fall, of the mercie of leho-



By the word of lehovah, the Iiea-

<icns WC' C m idc; & al the hoftof thein,

by the rpirit of his mouth,



He gathereth togithcr as an

fceap, the waters of rhe Tea: he-giveth,

the deeps into treafurics.


Let al the earth, be-in-fear of le-

liovah: let al the inhabitants of the

world, (hrink-wirh-fcar for him.


For, hef^yd and it-was: he com-

iaanded, andic ftood*


lehovah, diftipareth the counfcl

ofthe nations: h -biingeth to-nought,

the cogitations of the peoples.



The coanfd of lehovah, (liul-fiand

for ever: the cogitaJons of his hart, to

generation an 1 generation.


O blenl^d /> the nation ,wherofIc-

hovah is God: the people, he- hath-

cho'en, for a pofledfion to h.m ft If.

15 Fro the heavens, I^hov ihdooth

behold t dooth the fonns of Ada.

X4 .


KeM!ttTe~mh,tn fAH:fmfmgM emeili^righ-

"teoM deter,iir 2- Wttlj harfconffijAH’.Vrub

^Ffiliate 'vptibnVjtrw^^^

s* ^hiVPithtriHmph wake

4, For rtgyoHS is fehovahi vatcci

ancifittthfil ,al bis ui tion,

j. He loves, lyftice & rndgment-Ytififi

lhee*mb is fithj fAHSwercei*

4, 'Ey Word of the heavns wdJe bin

Hf/d al thetr hofi^ by bis mouths fff «#•

7. The W itirs cfthefea, dooth he

wake as an heap togither^rtjel

he putts^the deeps tn trefurks»

Jnpar of lAHy the Whole earth b$$ ^

al the Worlds inhabitants^

fir him Withfiarfilnes • hat kciof0

Fftr he hat hfiyd, it Was Co:

h e hath towwanded.and tt ftattifp,

Jehovah, he dooth dijjlpati

the CQmftl rfthe nations ;

the peoples cogitanons,

he byeaking^dooth-'annihilati^

lehov^s ccn(ultatton

fljd (landunto eternitee :

and hii harts cogitations bet

to evr^'generation.

O bleffed is the nation,

y^hreof fehovah (jod Qi\2L\hct

the people Which choferi hath he^

^r to be hts pofifi<n .

From heavns, Jehovah vieWtth~We^

dooth althc fins ofAd^w fee .

.14 Look,




n Pfalm. XXXm14 Prorti the firm-pTacp of his dwd- L§c\ Jv^dVirg^Uct Jorth

ling he lookvth f>rth: unto, althe'in- to^althatin tkeemth doedwcl^habitaiivs ofthe earth. ^

15 He l-ormecli alrogither i^icirhart: 1/ Their hart to^itherform dooth h$i

he dircreetly-atcendeth, unto al their etttendetb, kf2to then Vio>k,sdL

works. // Ther ism Kwg^th<itfivedjh^d16 Therisno King, fared by multi- bj muUtmde 9f atmte ht i

tude of a power: amiglry-inan, flial

not be delivered by multitude of able- ^ehv*redis m Chwjfhft^ftrength . by mulntade ofabU-f^rce,


A horfew falfhoodjforfalrition: tf Fulfe^for filv^nonfisanhorfei

and fhil not deliver,by multitude ofhis and by his much popp'r^ rtddcth mmi

**‘^'*l8*Loc, theeye of lehoyah. is unto •*/.

^^f^Seye is toshsm th,thrn/«

them that fear him : to them that hope-


fu!Iy-»aytforhismercie. if Their CcwlfromdcMktorefkew-fieci

19 Toridd-frectheirfowlfrodeath:,


4nd to k«p-them.alive in famin.,, 0«. «»/,/«• IAH Veayt,.,rsr„tnhi

r 1-

fowl, carneftly-way ceth forficcoftr^ and oarfijetld is Ite,

ichoTah: hetiourhdp, aiidour (heild. forfUdmhunnurh^rtJhiUhi21 Form him,our hartflial-rcjoyce:

for 'ifetrHftm his stussK holy,tor in the nacnc.of his holyncs doo wctruft. .

It Jehovah, let upon us be&^

22 Lctthy merqr, lehovah, beup-'

rhy mfrufil-bentgmtyi

on us: eren-as, vc hopefully-wayt for according We hopefiUy*

toerf* ! becometh]tlie toojb btnotet{> a fayr and comely grace,for which a thing ii to be IT-

T kedand deiired. ^Pfal.pj.f. & 147.1. ^I)C tlpojile r]Cpr^etftttm45jCcfe .bpfayr pjbcwtifull . Rom 10, ir. frcin Efai. yi. 7. ^ b* 2. with harp ]o^, with fitternj in

153 feme Kinnor, attiuftcal nifltumcnt inbenteb bp 3ubal,Gen^4; n .ufeb fcriuirt^•. anbtop, Pfal* 137 I. i.Efa. 24. 8* Gen. 31. 27. ailD tberfoje Caleb tge pkalant harp,

Pfal. 81, 3. oppofrd unto mourning , lob. 53.31* III fiMl Oil tbt0 infltuttirnt, ^abiiicjtcefleb, r .Sam. iff*i5.23. anb uoitb and otger,thtp ufedm 31fracl to cdcbiate t&e Uo^btottf) glabiieji , iChron, 13. 8. & iy.i<>,28.&2y.i.Nehem. 12.27. fpirituallp i ! t]^c neus

53 ^vffamnit, Rev. 14.2. withPialcerie] O^Luit,o^Violc: 3u ^eb^ Nebel,aumPrU#ninit fo Caleb of tl)c fo^m bofttclj ao feemeth toab bJitft a round hollow bulk, tnuch Iihc a boutel: (for Nebeli^olfua bottelo^ pitcher, i Sam. 10.3. Lam. 4.2.^ ailD ofthtbtbc <©^reli0ai'O

%.attncst Ijab tJeir inflaimmto named Nable ,Nauion ,Nablium bete cal:ti>tt

lament] thiObtfferebffomtf|epfalcerie,Pral.5r.4»tbi't#

^on new occahons , anb fO permanent

j a0 f»\ptb>®'jr

glorie was new with me . ^0 Love 1 J3 both an old and a new commandement, i loh. 1.7


8 . 4^' ^efe new fongs

, (mciitiomb ft?re, anb Pfal. 40.4. & i. & ‘78*1. & 144.? . 1fa.4i.10-) map

thee • have ex^fi^aStonfir thee


b. 5* a new fong ] 'Jttl)U10 tjS fapb to be ntW

|abc cvfvmcc U> t)it pate of uuber tj}e flofjeh Uifierc tijere i|> a atw eov uiant ,h eb,




^8* 15. niW heavens, and new earth,Rev. ii.i.anewman, Fphef. t. f5'.and4.i4.a newlem-

iaiem,Rev.zi.z. anda'itningsnew: iCor. j. i7.Rev.zi.y.^eealfoKev.r.9.& 14. 3.

doo-welpliymg to.] tjjaiisi, make good mafik,OJ melodic. ^0 iSam. 16.17* 18. Efa-x/#

x^. ai* " UOOJ UitlUD to make t6 the Lord in cur harts Ephe.i.ii? .^{je

b:uc Nagan,:(UJi)ev0fC0Ur:J2t||Neginocn, Pial.4. I.) p^opcdp Jfir to play with the hand uponan inftrumentj i Sam. 19* 9. $.4- m faith] f faithful, true, and conlhnt. jfoj

fodjijaiujo^dt^ often ufcijddExod.i^^^ li. jl^3fc,di;andjS\3aer.cU3itl)faithiriiati03Rcdy,hrm, 1

conllant. Jp. j. ihe earth is fui] t|)i’ fapD, Pfal.i 15?. 6^. d30D doeth good puntoall,bothjuft and anjad, i\lat. 5.4f. and laveth man and beaR. Pfai. 3ij.7, 6, the

hoR of them] tijnt id the many creatures m them : as Angels , fun, moon, Rarrs &c. Pul.i48.i.,t3i(3jf

x.3.r. Gen, I, I. imrdlCUlO trade Cf tj)f powers tl hoRs cf|)18btl!,Mat.x4.x^, Spirit] ^ :

0? breathy t!)UdJLehovah,f)id Word,aiiD l)id Ore noted to detfjemafeer oftftedoo’IdiOjS'

In Gen. I. 5^-7' g‘veth the deeps] rj)at IjS, putteth O^dilpoleth the deep waters,m- »:


to treafuries, o;t in cellar, and fecret Rorc howles ,hidden from the eye of manj failed tlfdoljcre

tfjefecret room of the deep, lob. 38.1^. ^0 <03d fapD tO trefuries o;t Rorchowles of^

Wind, Pfal.i3r.7. of lhoW andhayl,Iob.3S.ii. ofdarknes,lia.4i;.3.and theilUc.

9. i t Rood ]tfjOltr^,exiRcd firm and liable, and fo continued. ^oPfaim. up. 9 r.

10. difTipatech] oimaketh-fruRrate, undoocth,abrogatethj aUJO^doppofed to ratify-

ing, confirming ,lUblnhing . Ifa. 8. 10. & 19

.3 . bringeth to nought] annihilatetli, • ~

andbreaketh. ii. Ihallbnd] tyatt^, continue, and have elFedj whatfoevermen'purpofe to the contrary . ^fflia. 14 X4.x7* &4<^« 10.Prov.19.x1. ^ la. IgGod]tOdOett, by rpecial covenant and favour, tiiough al the earth be his* Gen. 17.7. Exod. 19. y .^r,dtl)I!Bl33dPtlJcncdJC3dmant,Heb. 8.10. ^0Pfal.i44.iS* a' d. ij. .akogither ] 0^.: m'alone, © .’d^U ’jachad fidnUKtl) alone without othets; Iob.34 .x9 .Ezr.4.3

. (and* '

fo tljc iat:rp|Ctcrd tooll lt Ijete, traufl.ina3 it kata monas,alone,0J by himieif;) feme^

timett iigmfutl), wholly 0^ every whitjloo. 10.8. fomctimt , togither; C| in oncj Pfal.x.x,

%{ tgefe agreedjcnjcreifed^Dd onelp and voftoUp fo^metl) ederp iiiand fiait,and fptrit,zac.II.I .\J0l)CrUpD l)e 10 tailed t*)C Father of fpirits, Hcb. ix.9 . and the God of the fpirits ofall fielh,

Ku.i<?.xx. d. if>. of apower] tbatidjOfanarmiejfocaledbCCaufethereareRrong valiantSc

a(kivem2ii.Pfai.i3^. ly. ^d. 17..A horfeis fallliood] tljati0,a lalfe and deceitful help,can

not lave a man, but fayleth thofe tnat truR in him. Zach. 10. y . Pial.7^. 6 , horfex r

fed fD^aldJavliuefurmmrCitbtd being abode otbttcttature0 Rrong, fierce and couragious,*^

Iob.39 xx~^8.aud tOerfoje id prepared for the day of battel, butfalvacion is of the Lord. Prov. mh’ f*X 1


3 1 . d. 1 8. The eye or lehovah ] that idj iRd care , aild providence, fo^ gocd> a;S^

tbe iteictdfrfefbcdjeift, andadPial.jx.s.zach. ii.4.iPec.3.ix.'J)ometiine‘tl)e Co^jSeya(donwenforedil. Amos94..8,

Plalm. 34,

I. pfti»f of David; when he

had changed his behaviour, before

Abimetech: and he had driven himaway, and he was gone.

2 TWil blefle lehovah in al time;

.JL continually, his prayfc (h4ht


p 3 In lehovah, my Cowl dial glorie:

' the meek dial hear, and dial rejoyce.

4. Magnify



2. IN all time blffithe LORD hU prayfi

Within my mouthy alvpay,


LO Rjy ; /he meek^fljMl heir, and pyfh^

~-f. Offia^ntjie the LORD Wtlb

M hii

Pfalrn. XXXim.4 Magnify ye lehovah with me:

and iet us extoll, his name togirher.

5 I fought lehovah and he an-

fwercd me: and ridd-me-free, fromal my fears.

6 They looked to him Sc flowed;

and their faces, be not aihamed.

7 This poor -afflicted man calcd,

and lehovah heard; and faved him,

out of al his djftrcifes.

8 The Angel of lehovah pitcheth-

a-camp, about them that fear him ;

and rcleafech them.

P Taflyeandfec, that lehovah is

good: 6-blefled is the man, thatho-

peth-for-fafetie in him.

^10 Fear lehovah ye hisfaincts;

^ for ther is no want, to them that fear

him. II. The Lions, are empoveri-^ fed & an hungred:but they that feek

lehovah, fhal not want any good.

1 12. Comefonns, hearken to me : I

V wil learn yow, the fear of lehovah.

^ 1 Who is the man,that willcth life


^ that loveth dayes, to fee good?





V3 i9



his name (ogither, extoll Wes,

fJoMght fAHandheme anfxip\(d*'

andfrom my fears al^ nddme free ^

T 0 him they looked andflopped:and (handd let not theirfrees bee,

heardy When this pcor-m^n did cah

andfiv'd him, from his ttotibks aU

Jehovahs Angel camp^dooth-^lay^

*bout them that fiar htm; andflees them»Taftye andfee^thatgood is IAH\0 blfjfedman

^that hopes w him ,

Fearye fehovahy fdwSis ofhis:

ftr to his fearersyWant none is.

Lionsyare in-penuriefcanty

and they doo hangergreedeltei

bat anygoodjhal hey not Want^

hatfeekers of Jehovah bee.

Come chtidren, mto megive earl

J Wilyow learnylehovahsfiar,

who is the many hat Itft


that loveth dayesygood flr to fee?

14. Keep thy tongue from evil: and 14 R(ftrejmng~kcep hy tongueftomyll:

thy lips, from fpeaking guile.

Q ly. Efehew evil,and doo good : feek

peace, & purfew it. 1 6, The eyes of

^ lehovah, rtrtf unto the juft:& his ears,^

unto their out- crie. 17. The face of

^ lehovah,*; againft them that doo evil;

to cut-off, their memorial from the

Jf eanh. 18. Theycryed, and lehovah- heard: and ridd-them-free, out ofal

p their diftrefles. 19. lehovah is nccr.

• to the broken of hart; and the con-

^ triteoffpirit,he wil fave. 20. Many,- itrtf the evils of the iuft: and out of

them all, lehovah wil ridd-him free.

2 1 . He kcepeth al his bones : one of


i 6




hy lipSyflom fpeakingfrlUcee,

Doogoody andevti cjmte-efthtwi

feel^peacCy and after it pUrjew*

The LORDS eyeSy to he iuft: his ear$

attend tke^ unto heir oatcrie,i

The LORDS free, is ^gainfl evl doersi

to rafeflom earhy heir memorie,

T hey crydcy and bear Jehovah did:

and hemyfrom al heir troubles, rtdd*

\P tlicm, is not broken,

T0 broken hartedy JAH is nye:

and contrite fflrtted, fave Will bee,

20,The evils arc many: '

andfrom them uly Jcy^H ridds hirhflee*


'He'kcepchalhe bones ofhis:

'netwy ofhem^broken is.

zz. Evil 22, Evil

P/alrti. XXXIIIT.

a 2 . Evil fhal Hay the U’ickcd : Sc they 22 Evtl(Iml caufe the >^eickeddyei

and haters of the they


that hate the jutl, Ihalbe-codemned-

as-guikie. 25. Idiovah rcdemcrh,

the fovy’l oF his (ervantsrand they lhal

not be condemned -aS'guikie^al that

hope- for-fufetie in him.

fljAlbe condemned- as-gmlty,

2y His Jervatits redeem dooth

and theyfhal not be jad^d-unjnff^

al that m him fir fafitj-trafi.

' K^nnotAtions,

iJ. I . his behaviour] tij his renre,reafonj pjoyedp t^t taft ; Ut J5 * 9. lob. Sc optJl

Iher toii^re: UJhicft in ufeD both fj} imn in^uarb fenfe 0? reafon , anb cuttoatb gekure^anbdtmeanure

, b?caufe bp It, a mail in Difcerneb anb judged to be Voife oj fooUffti a^ mcatb are

htfcemrb bpthetafl. ^abtb mbrn l)etoajaiafiOpbcftheMigcf<0atb, changedhis be-haviour betore them^and Feyncd himfeli madd in their hands, and fcrabled on the dores ot the

gate, and let his fpittle t'al down upon his beard, i Sam. u. < /^melech] U)i)Ofe ^name luasQiAchiih Bing of Gath, acnpoftbci^ljiliftimi^.i Sam.u. io7^6 aiScbCi^

rp&iagof^gppt, Vnas^ called Pharaoh, Gen. 41.1. Exod.y.i. i King. 11.18. fo tpcvp IftUigoftl>e l^JiUjitmOmasS cal:d Abimelech, t Z.& :d. I

OJ exp” * ' ^ ‘ ^ ^

had driven] -1

died. J^oj^:()ifbfaPdtoht0ferd^itj5,mhkfthadtabenaudbiougBt^atoidtobtm,Lbe ye fee the mm is bolide nimfeif, wherfore have ye brought him to me? nave I need or madmen? &c. So David departed thence . i Sam. 11. 14. ij. &iz.i. l^pon t£|at l)emade tl]t^

pfllme. b. 1. in all time] 0^, in every feafon . ^ec Pfal. 10. y . ^f)in ^alm OlfO

tompofed according to tlje o^der of tl)e ^cb^ue ‘JUlpbabc t: an in obferbed on Pial.zf .1.'

. . ,

b. 3. ihaigione] ozjoyfully-boail. jfojfotjje'tlpcfrlecrpoundet^tlitomoidjbjllirljpjo^

perlp tigmfpetl) to pray fe ones felf: 1 Cor . i. 3 1

. from ler. 9


13 *z4 . ^0m Plal . y 1.3 & P7 .7. ,

tk 10 j. 3. Sc 106. y. b. 4. Magnify 3 0^ Make great, tObJCCt by prayling.^ODeut.jr. .^S^x

3. Give y? greatnes unto our God. b. 6. They looked] tO UJCet tfjt meek, menttO^ned before verfe 5 . oj gcnctallp > they that look and flowmte^ . flowed] rah-as

river jtljeUbe fhnilttude to Ua. 1.1^ Sc 60. y.Ier. 31. iz.&n.44. tfr'be noVin^rhed ]

ftial notbealhamed jUtfUfflbJOldtntbcOjtgllialfigiufpctftdigtjing; 7. applied tO ifliame,b)f)tc6cauffti)mcntoft'cbtoljidet5nnf£lbrOj an ij5libdpdcfmbtd,Rev.6.iy.i^f*

b; 8 . The Angel ] t:\at in, the Angels, foj Ije fp^aHetl) ofau boft; ^nd efteu in tfie i^ebjue,5m^.-

DUeiO put fo^ amultmide 5 an theinhabiunt, fo?, t\jt inhabitants

jz Sam. y. 6. biirft i Chro.

4. ^3 »kogfo^frogs; Pfal. 78.4). tree,fo| trees; quayl,fo^quayls. Pfal. loy. 33. 40. ;&CCtl)enoteonPral.8.9. pitcueth-a-camp] afimUitudetaficnfrcm baairpjaySPfal.iT. n^'n

3*<I^3 3aafeob,b)f)m tilC ‘Hngclsi ofd5od mctljim^fapd, this is Gods camp , 0^ hoft. Gcn.3z**'

I .z.lLiHebJife about <6lif0ai],tjhc meuntapnmap fkl of hones Sc charrets offyre . 2 King.5. 17.

^CalfoPfal.91.11.12. 9' Taflandfee] tjattp, make trial, and you fhal find that'

God is good, fweet and deledable; and POU Uiill tl)i lUO^C tejU'C &im. Cftup tlje ^^poftlf ap<«

pltetbtbcfcibO?dp,faptng;as nev; born babes defire ye the finceremilk of the word that ye maygrow therby ;

it fo be ye have tailed that the Lord is good. I Pet. 2.1.3. ^ Ii. Lions]

Lurking-lions (b3bttOffecPfal.7-3 •) b3l)icb are lull/, ftrong-toothed, fierce , roring, ravenoiisf

ftp app ;aretl) bp Pfal S8.7. SC104. n.Mic. y s.Ezek. i9.3.y.^.7. lob. 3^. 1,2. 3litidbn:e-

bpimpbemtamtberich and mighty of the world, UJ^omo^odoffen b^mgetb to mifcil?}

and fo tfje d&^eefe fo? Lions, puttetlj l)tre the rich.,Tirancs aiid flrong men are fcmtmtc caled

Lions,Iei‘.2.iy. 1 Chron.r 1.22. Nahuni2.i3. ^eeLuk.l.y3. are cmpoverilhcd] 0?fu-Fer -pemirie. ^ :z lob, 4 . 10. 1 1 . 3 , b. 1 3 . that willeth] tjjat ip>fayn wouldhave, and delighteth . dayes td fee good] tlfatip , to injoy good, many dayts; Irlpcfl

tlje ( folobliug tl)e UjCjC.) to fee good dayes. i Pet.3 .10, Id,dayes

ofpfoipeatie,pieafure,coajf<)r^. 8.14* Keep thy tongue] tObieet,b?fcllrcympgMl and

PHiIm. XXXV,flnb making It ceafe from evil-, ICpOfllC i Pet4^.T^4 # i<5* tl!c?r onfCrlcO

OJ their deprecation,their prayer-for -need

; fijS tgc 1i33j)Uf| tflC ^pcfrfc fcfototlj, ep'

U f7* The face] tl^attP:, open anger . Lev. 17.10. ^ee Pfal. 21. lo,'-,aSJtt{)C<©2C£fefaptf|:, The juft cryed. \3 * the brokenarts broken,and their fpirits contrite or humble, tor their lynns,

19, &147.3. Ifa. 5:7. 15. & I. Ter. 23.^. Luk.4, ig,

itsandaffli6tions;ri0Deut. 31,17. rfal.27.y. & 88. 4. Mat. 34.msautivices; ajsPfal. 3. & 94. 23. ^0 aftfl* lil 22*doo-him-dye, kill him : bcfaufe !lf fljal tiot bc bflibneb tbcrcsi

xAw * uw rturtMicv* wt rttn^i^vv., fvrmwe #7e/p. j. yJnaipcar 4f^ajmra araw-jree^

wind : and the Angel of Icho\ah, dri- 4 La myfMftekeys^ ^jhamed hr.

ving them . tarr/d bar k ^ttfd hinfj; that evil thtvk^fir mt^

6. Let their way be,darknes and flip- / ty^schajfhifbre tke>X'mdy {o he thvfe-fimti

perndfes : & the Angel of lehovah pur- atid th*t/4ngel of lehovAh driving them.

fuing them. 1 • 1 1

^ *Darknes andfltppcrnes let he their ^ayi7. For without caufe they harehidd gfidtW^ngeU^the LORD themfiloww^. , .

for me,the corruption oftheir netiwith- ^ BuMije^they the corruption ofthetrgrttmi

outcaufe,they havediggedfor my fowl. y^uhout caufe for me privily- dtd-Uji

Pfal. 147. 10.

iui ip.v . 20. condemned -as -guilty] anb CCnfcmirntlp perifli'^ec

25 • althathope] tf;atl0,any oneofehem. ^Oalh Ufcbfcpnyi

7Pfam. IS pfalmss*

This may be fung alfo as the 8 . Pfalm.

lhatfcckmy fowl : let them be turned

backward and confounded; that think meet tt’/r/j tfoem tioat r?ij purfuers heei

Say to my fovpl^ J thy (alvation am./. Let them be, as chaff before the

- 8. Let tumultuous-ruine come cmi

him, he not aware : & let his net which

he hath hidden, catch him: with tumul-

tuous-ruine let him faltherinto.

S Let ruine ceme on him^ vnvcarie heei

and catch him let hts pnvy-hidden grintfm

With '^aflful-ruwe^ let iam fi^lrh‘rjn.

'Without cmfcy diggedfor rry fowl h,rj€ th^t

9. And my fowl,flialbc glad in leho-

tali : iliabjoy^ in his {alvaiiou


10 A1 iO



A1 mybones ftial fay,Ieliovab,who is

like ihecithat liddeft-free the poor-

afflicted, from the flrongcr then

himfelf: and thepoor^affliccedand

needy, from the Ipoykr of him ?

Witnefles of cruel-wrong, did rife-

nip: thirjj^s thatl knew not, they did

12 afk of trie. They rcpaytd n.e evil,

for goodithe bereaving,ofmy fowl.

13 And I, when they were fick, my clo-

thing was fack; I afflicted my fowl

with fafting;and my prayer, retur-

14 ned upon my bofome, I walked,

2$ ifhe hid been a fellow-freind asi/

a brother tome ;I bowed-

down fad, as he that bewaykth his

%j mother. But in my halting, they

rejoyced& were gathercd-togiiher:

,thefmiters, were gathered-togirher

againft me, and 1 knew it not; they

16 rent, and were not file nt. Withhypocrites, feoffors /r a cake- of-

bread:gnafhing their teeth againft

17 me. Lord, how long wilt thou

fee? return my fowl, from their tu-

multuous- mines: my aionely-/tf«?/,

1$ from the Lions. I wilconfefs thee,

in the great church ; I wil pr ayfe thee,

jp among a mighty people. Let not

them that an my enemies )^>ith falfitie,

rejoyce at me ; them that are my haters

without caufe, wink with the eye.-

20 For they fpeak not peace : 8c againft

the quiet-ones ofthe earth,they im-

agine words of deceits. And they

have inlargcd thetr mouth againft

me: they havcTayd,aha aha; our eye

hath fecti . • iehovah thou baft

feen, cekfo-not-aS'desf: oLbfd, be;

23 not Farr- off fom me. ,Sryrr-'up

ar,d awake, to my judgement^: my,

God, and my Lord pka






Pfalm. XXXV.^ 9 ?

My bonesfhalaVfay^lOR'D.vpho is hksthce^,

thatfrom hts flrenger ,riddejt-free thefamieven po^r needy

,from bu ff>oykr-fore^

CrHil-pilfe Wittjefes^Hp-rifen bet:

things that J knew not, they did afk, ofmei^

Evilfirgood, they unto merendred:

evh-ofmyfiwl, the quite-bereavirgMek^,

^And fp^hen they ^erefuk^my cloth was

my fippl I have Withfiifiwg affltHed; .

my prayer on my bofim ek^e turned,

]As~ifafreind familiar been he had

asffhG had my brother been, / Went:

as one that for his mother dcoth lament^

fo bewed/me down obfcurely^fid, .

*But when' as / did halt^ then they Were^ad^


ihe/witers gainJl meWere-tcgither'Cowe^

and / not ; they rent and Were not dttrnWm

With hypoerttes^fi offers for cakg- ofbread:

^gatnfi me their teeth togither theygnafhed,

O Lord-my-ikay^Syhew long-Whilefipdt thcM

return my fiwlfrorrs their vafiations^ /myfilttaryAowlJrom the Ltons,

iS Jmthegreat churchy Wil confix to then

f Wilthee prayfe^ among afilk mightee^

O. let not them that are Withfiifitji- %

mine enemifSy beioyfiil over mei

and they that Withorn caufe my haters he^

let them not prwrly^Wink, With the eye.

Beca life’that they dec not ffcak^peaceablj :

And ""garnii the that the quiet ofth'eankWords ofdeceits thy have imagined.

2 1 And have their mouth againB me large-cfined*

have fiydy aha aha,our eye elsothfee,

22 O ftt^Hthoufeefiyffdht’keep itot-thec:

O Lordjfrom me if^rr-be-nct‘'thjt:c-abode»

2y Sty.rr-up^ and to my iudgment jhcu aivak^i

my God, tr/y Lord umo deb^ite,

24 According tuthyiuslue, 1.017) n:y Gcd^



1 $



ludge me: ^ Ut them not at me i egh'd,1 . X ’ '

»4 luJge me according to thy jufticeJehovah jny God; &’ 1< t them no: rc;oycc jr rr.e'.

?5 Let ivi I 2.t .iU

Pfalm. XXXV.2s tyih4 ourfvpl, !et them In hart notJaj :

let themijot (ajy \Vf have him [walloped*

26 TogithcT) *bajl)ed be they^andJhamed^

that joy at mmeyll : clad Wnthjhame be they

and baP.jfulnei^ that *^awfi me magnify,

27 Let tioem reioy ce^ let themJhowt - ^ith-(on£^

my jufijce that delitei and let them (dy^

Jehovah magnified be^ alway ;

2$ hisfervams peace^ that likedo. <tAndmy tongue


Jhalfiattd doy jujhce: tioj jrayfe^ aldaydong.

P4^s Let them not fay fn their hart, aha

our fowl: let them not Hiy, we have

i5 fwallowed him up . Let them be

abaflied,and confounded, togither,

, that rejoyce at mine evil: let them

be clothed with baQifjlnes ScHiamc,

27 that magnifie againh me. Let

. them (liowt joyfully and rejoyce,

that delyte my juftice:and let them

fay continually, magnified be Jeho-

vah; that delyteth the peace of his

2% fervauc. And my tongueflul meditate thy juftice tall theday,thypray(e.





, Hetf. i.r'Plead] CStiS to contend or debate a matter with many words;

tfie nejct \uo;tt> , warr oj fight ijS with deeds. 25ut O5odi3i pleading cfc'tiinc0 in acticu ; ajS

f)e pleaded ^DaUiDS caufc agmnjt j^abal, \nl3m he flew him : i Sam. if. 5^. 2tub a0 ijere

tDabih fO elfluljcte pjomifctjj, to plead with thofe that plead with his people:

Ifa. 4^. zf . warr] ii\ tlje opgtual tongue Jatlj tjjc name of cutting ,biting, oj

devouring; fo| warrs devour auD confume manp • ^0 tljC fword ip fapD tO ftaOe a mouth#

t^atle^ anedge,lob. i, if. Heb. ii.34.aubto cat,ti}atiptokyilandconfunie, zSam.ii.if.

U. 3. draw-out] 0^, 0!^ tJjC pj)^afc ip , empiie jtftai Ip unlJiead: tijchhetpoffword;Exod. If. 9. Levit.z^J.53. ^ fwordl o^ clofe- weapon, aptftc name fijlUtietfi.

<5Tht0 interpretation fcemctlj bc(! ,hetaufe,ofthe l^rbnie panfe , Uil)icfi jopnetfi tljip bao^o

toitj tftc former fpear :tbup alfo tl^efe nno ujcapotip ofoffence,acc aufujcrable to iftc fci^mci:

t\no ofDefence, the flieild and buckler; ailb Cf Ij)ip l^cbiue name Segor

, tjje Sagaris,

(anb perftapp tftc ILatm Securis,) feemetf) to be bo^ouieb, fo^ a fwoid 0^ axe , !}inb in Job.

28. If. tljipUJO^biiiUfebfo^aclofe-trealure,ojflored-gold; ap hcwfo^


clofe weapon.

tijerjijafeme map reaD accobbing to t\jt <©jeeb, anb otjjer berfionp, clofe thou , 0^ flop; ta

tocet 3 the way or paflage . b. 4 * that feck my loul ] tfjat ip,my life,to take it away


fo^fotfiibpI);iafe common!? meauctfti apPfal. 38 .i 3 .a:f4 .f. &7o.3.Exod.4. 19. Mat.i.%o. anb fometimeib fO C]CplapiKb,ap Pfal. 63. 10. I King. 19. 10. they feek my foul to take ic

away. ^:t fomtim^ t^i^i pbi^f? intenbftl) , feekmg the Ibul for ones good; ap Pfalm. i4i,f .


turned backward] a tohen offear, Ihame, anbdilcomfiturej ap Pfal. 129. f. & 40.15. &


70.3. &9.4. Ifa. 4i.i7. • b.'(>. Darknes&c.] tj^at Ip^mofl dark and flippe-

rie : meaning, fearful, dangcrous^roublefome dcc.Nahu.i. 8. Pfal. £8.7. & 107. 9. Prov.4.19. i

^0 ClfUJijerc it ip fapb ,their way lhalbc unto them as flippernefles in the darknes; they (halbc *

driven and fall therin. Ier.z3. 12. 7. the corruption &c.j tl)at ip, their corrupting I

pernicious net, OJ their infnaring corruption. 01 UnbetflanbUig tlje bJOJb, in, b3C map reab,|

they hidd their net for me in a pic, oj,m a corrupting-ditch; ap Pfal.7.i<?. ^ have digged]|

to bJCCt , a pit to falm ; fo lob. 6. 27. have diligently-ferched, and layd wayC^o^gging:|

•iP Ufeb fojfecking ; lob. 3. 21. & 39. 32. b. 8. tumultuous-ruine ] calamitie wafting:j

0} defolation that IS with noyfe &lbund as ofwaters , Ifa. 17. i t.i 3. ^0 Pfal. 6:3.13. Prov.1.27.

b* 10. my bones] tljatip,my ftrongand folid members delivered out ofdanger : meaningtgatuittfiail fjipflrengtijftcbJoulbp^apfeGod. ^ot&c bones arefapb to rejoyce ,

10. tfjt loynes tO blefle, lob. 3 1. 20. the fpoiler } 0^ robber;that by open violence ta-

kethaway^ Compare lob. f, if. lOtU. of cruel wrong ] ip, cruel, violent

Pfalm, XXXV. 5>/

fflptg,) vnjuft witneffes. jSo Exod^j.i. I5eut. thc be^

reaving of J t(]at tjS, to deprive bereav 0| Job me, ofmy foul lifcj c^,to bereav my foul of

comfort . \DCjti ppperlp fijpdfpetf), tfie bereaving oj lofs of children


13, lack] ufcDtObeUiO^nmfigndfforow.Pfal.^j?. iz. Gen. 37*34, Mat. ji. ii.KcVr

11.3. €^rc£\3j?aretoimberpantithcU)o^Dwas,ctjgave,a0i0s):p|cfl'rD5 Pfal.^^.u. eUenaiS^

tft^UJo^tiaifiiaed , jcre exp^effeD, tOereuntjeiftcDD, Piai, 1 1. with failing] mtbtftct lii^o and caufe offorow : U3|)erfb^e mourning and falling arc ufcb fo^ tljC fauic Mat. 9,1s *


Ul<tj)Mark. z. 19. ^ returned upon my bofom] Pi, into my bofom. 'Cftcmcauttlgninp


be, I prayed often for them,Tecretly ,ind^vitHliarty loving alFedli on, ^c;i. , the returning of

the prayer femetg tO mean the often minding and rcpeting ofitj

bofom, fecrecie,

Prov.zi.14. & i7»i3.Pfalm. and inward affe<5lion, Num. ii. iz. loh.i. 18,^; toemapwad it tfjual , Let my prayer return into my bofome: tjjat 1 wifhed no worfe to them than tamyfelfj letmereceivofGodjfuchgoodasIprayedforthem. ^te Pfah79.i2..

d. 14. fad] 0^ blad',^ UJCCt in black and mournful attire,ant with fad & heavy countenance,^

here tvdnflatcthuScuthropazon,U3j)icI)U3o;tdtl]ic Item ^tpament alfo ufethiMat. 1^. LuL z4. 17. ^aaftertn Pfal. 38.7. & 4^.10. &43.Z. bewaylethj^m mo-ther ] mourneth at her funeral. ^ thl0 Cafe ^^CCtlOUjj arc Utcft ftcong. '^Thetfojc

^jei(l?s'tocre permitted to moumfD0tclj, Levit.zi, i, z, 3. d* 15^. my halting] thatilS, my calamity and infirmity; mhcrcdp^ fecmed ready to fall. ;§0tn Pfal. 38.18, Ier,»

f' tjie fmiters ] that fmote me with the tongue, aci ler. 18. 18 .and ajS fOlOdietl) they rent

&c. Cfte1]cc.m <®^eefe turn it Scourges , alluding ( a0 3 ) to tfje fcourge of thetongue , an lob. 5, z I . and an other derfion., gatl) piedtai, fmiters

. 3t map alfo b( i

read the fmitten , that lO abjeds, vile perfons,lob. 30.8. ( a^ thc Cftaldce eXp^Cffeth it, the

wicked ) ; 0^ UU.derfland fmitten on their feet, 30 x Sam . 4 . 4. tftat 10 lame,fo fcighlling tfjcm^

feldC0 ; 0? fmitten in fpirit , a0 Ifa, 66^ z. tgat 10, greiv ed in CUtdiard fhcVU. they rentj ^y•^to dJeet mewith reproches;a0 Mat.7 .(^.OJ rent their garments,counterfeyting'fororw for1me,Tob,1* II. d. 16. hypocrites] 0|, clofe -dilTeblers, which outwardly cover & cloke their wic^kednes, wherwith inwardly they are defykd,Mat. zj. 17. z8.,0^,whichhave their harts covered,lob.3(S. 13. <5he alfo (fremmheute our dJo^d hypccriiiei0bo^odJfd,)figtu#

fieth an under- judgement, tfjat i0,diirimulation . fcolFers ] 0^, offcofles; tgat !0,mctt

chat make feoffs : a0 lit Pfal, 3 ii. pride , 10 f0-| prowd perfon?.

frf?^_l53ke of bread]'

that i0 , for^good chear , for their bellyes : 0?, at their belly cheare, at bahkets. ^O^Oloma/fpeaheth offontc that dh! tranfgrefs for a peece ofbtead. Prov. .zS . zi . Original dJC^dlMaghnog

, |0 a cake , i King.17.11. and ad bread idllfcd fai al food , Pfal.i3^r. zj. fo a cakefeff^V

incth to bcufed foz ail juncaces , or dainty meat; 00 trt Hoi. 7. <l^ph?aimi0 libencd tO a cak&d

and thdr rncmied, to banketers , that greedily eat them up: verle, 8.9. ^0 Jcte ^adt^m?.tChCth hid addcrfati?0,mith hypocritical and fcoffing paralites;mhofc <©0d Uja0 th^ tC hct^Ip; ad Phil. 3.1^. (Bh tonnapfiguratidclp tabethi0d3OAd, foraniock, jeil,o^ merimentyand fo read it , wi th hypocriticaljellmg Icoffers : and tj)t0 tftc fadouiethj faping,5hejrmocked me with mockage. ghafliing] 0^they-c^allled:^cb^ to gnalh: but a lUO^lrthud indcf(ititc,fbnommg an other diith petfon, i'0 it ft Ifof the fame,bp piop^tie ofthe^r#bZUC tongue, ^Opfal. 4^. if. their teeth ];the teeth of them and him, that 10 >*9/every ofthem. ^eePfal.z.3. ' $, 17, return] OZ, reduce, rellore. Hay my foul, dj lifer

fo lob. 33-30. aionely ] 0^ folitarie, defolate fcd}I: <§i?e Pfal, 11



d, 1 8, a mighty people ] 0|, a llrong, to dJCCt in number; that 10, a great multitude. Oino^d Ghnatfum a0 it 10 mighty in llrength, Pfal, 13^. 10. Prov.30. 26. ft l0ft many in number:Pfal. 4o.<^.i3. &io5,z4.& 137.17. d. i^.-^henyiesdjithfalfitie] thatl0, for a falfcVA'^^JCnj^

caufe; 0^ (a0 the 45zcefee)cplapneth it,)unjuilly. wmk] make fecret Hgnes by the wink-



ingof the eye, tohich argueth doth privie and fcornful gefture; thClfo^C t|}i0 al\iapf0 T0 ft

fign of cdtli, Pfor, *0. 10*& (? .13, ^ not peapc] that i0*not peaceably,o^freindly,Vuhifhm

/6 Pfalm^XXXVT-

Come ^yyotrftegboo. Pfal. . oi, not fpeak to come to any fotliKi cof0pofitlon,or peace-(S3TwH^h one may tnill unto . God fpeakcdi peace to his people . Ffah 8j. p.

wordsofdeceitsideceitful wor Js, Of tiiin^s.^^ ^ il* hath feeiil 0J,reeth;tQ

f0| defire, pfal.41.3. ' 16. clothed with baihtiilaes ] meoring their confufion onevery fide,when nothing but theirlhiais appearethj& fo continaeth. ^oPial.109.2; & 131.18,

Iob.8. 11. that magnify 1 tO toCtfC, thdr moiithes, a.g tjC^ieffcD Kobad. i.ii. Ezek,

3T. 13 . tfjat


fpealTgreat things aiib DoahruIIy, thc <^§zec& crplapiietfi. after, in pf.

33.17. & jr . 15 . delite my jullicejwhom my jalhce and innocencie plealech,or deLteth^

and the defence thereof.


I. To the mayikzrtfthe muftk^;

4 pfilm of David, the


trefpafs of the wicked a(Tu-

X redly-faych, in theinmoft ofmyhart:no dread ofGod,^ before his eyes*


3 For heflattereth him-ypy*inhi*s-<7W«

eyes: to find« hisiniejuicie Which he ought

10 hate.

4 The words of his mouth, 4re payn-

ful-iniquicie and deceit: he hath left- off

to be prudent to doo good •

' 5, He thinkcthpainful-iniquitie,up-

On his bed: he fettcth-himfelf, on a way

HOC good; herefufeth not evil.

6, Iehovah,thy mercy ix in the hca-

fens : thy faithfulnes, unto the fkyes.

7. Tliy jufticc , as the mountayns of

God; thy judgements, a great depth:

lehovah thou faved, man and bead.

How precious is thy mercy, 6Godzand thefonsof Adam, hopc-for-

fafetic, in the fludowofthy wings.

p. They

Tfalm, ^6.

Sing this as the 17 . Pfiilm.

. ^""T^He trefpaj^ofihe Wtck^d-msitl

X fiyt h-M~aJ^ured- Wtfe^

evert w my hvrt : thaj dread cfCodis not btfire his eyes.

For fUttrwgly-perJwade himfelf

in his-own eyes dootii hei

tofind-out ,his iniquity

that h'ited ought to be.

4. The Words ofhts ntoUdt^ are decek

and vayn-iniquitie:

fir to doogood he huh Icft-o^

his prudence-to-apphe.

/, Jniquitte^ upon his bed,

he purpojdy-doothfnufe :

hefettshimfelfi on notgeodi

he evl dooth not refitfe,

. Jehovah in the heevens is

thy bounttful merctez

thy confiattt-fiuthfiihei dooth reach

unto the hje^l-fkye.

Thy mfltce ,as the mounts ofGod;

thy iudgmenUt agreat deeps

Jehovah, thou doofi m^n and beafi

in helthjul-fafety-keep.

i. How precious is thy mercie,

when Adamsfins, i God,

Within thefis^dow ofthy Wings

doe hopefir-Jafi'ubode,

9. Thy

Pfalm. XXXVr. P79 They flrilbe plenteoufly-moif^ned,

with the fames of chy howfe: and the

ftream ofthy pleafures, thou u^ilcgivc

them to drink.

10 Becaufe w-ith thee, u the well oflife; in thy light, wefeeligiir,


h^ve flentiful-moiflHresi

djid thou ^tltgivs^thtm for to drink^^

the ftream ofthy plei?fires,

to *Becattfs ^Hththce^ the ^ellofltje^

in thy lights light Wte-Jee


II Extend rhy mercy, to them that // Extendthymeutfid-kindnes^

Hiuo them rh u k*iow thee:

thy \uHice eke^ to right ofh^rt,

/ % Let not thefiat ofpridey

come-on me: and the '^nckeds hand,

not make-me-mave 'ofide


knowthae: andthy jufcicejto theright

of hart


12 Let not the foot of pride, come-on me: and the hand ofthe wicked, let

it not make-me- flee.

13 There have they fallen, chat work There have they fkikn^dowriy thatda§

painful-iniquitie:chey have been rhruft- iniquHte praenfe:

dawn, and haue not becn-able to rife, they have been thritT^-downy & have not

ability to rife



ffThe trefpafs of the wicked] OZ Ti-efpais fayth to the wicked; tl)at id perfwadethjim^ywS'tJboUaeth ,hardneth him

. ^ aifuredly-fayth ] 0^, it id an alfured -faying;a faithful athr-

macion, ctjid ujaiiJ id ptculiatIto tlyt owded of <6ao, inljicf) are fure,aiiti fattfiful, ( ad t\)t

^133(tief0m':tnu:mmtiDnethfaithfuUrayings, i Tim.i.u, 1.


4 .9 .)3rtti)ene\u^c<»

(taimatitidiutetiji^cteb, fayd. Mat.zi.44.fromPfal. no.i. ifinbtDabtb bptfje fi>itit|}ere

Mu/ieth tyat tfjC Vuiclieb maud trefjiafd id fuel), a|2i affuredly fayth (OJ avoucheth) even in his

hare and confcience, that he dreadeth not God. ^ in the inmofl ofmy hart ] in the middsj-‘‘‘

within my harcimtauuio that he cercaynly knew it; and was much affe^ed with it.

3 * <to find ] tgat id , to performe,OZ accomplilh; ad to find the wil,id to perform or dootheiame,Ifa. j8. 13. ^0 in Rom. 7, to find, t|&at id tOobteyn and get

; ad Gen.^^.8.^ ,


Mat. £ I.. Korn .4,1. <0 Z, to find

, that id to invent OJi devife ne\JJ mifchiefe ad tijZ !?iipO(Hc

tei^aheth ofinventers (0^ finders -out) ofevil things . Rom. r. 30. 47 Ujf)ich 6’ OUgfjt to

0^,\johichtd to be hated, is odious, ^0 ,

to keep , Pfal. 1 19.4 .t^at id, to be kept: toflop; Piai.31.9. fo^ijto be flopped : to doo , Eilh. ^,6 . fox ,

is to be doon. ^0 Pfal.49.if -lof.i.

^^ealfotfiidk'b active, eypounbebpaffthelp, bptftc'^po(dledaut!}oritp,^,

f, hefettcthbimfeUl nam^lp, to Hand or walk continually in a way not good; adA.O^, heliandeth-ftiil; adExod.14.13, (>. in the heavens ] elfUJljetC itidfopd,

ontotheheavens^Pfal.f/.n.foftecein, map be UfcbfO| unto: fometimcit idj above the

heavens, ad Pfal. 108. T. < 7- mountayns ofGod] that id ^ high, mighty QZ excellent Sk"***^mountayns. <^he^:bzuchjcth toucteejCceUcitt thmgd,bpabbtu^ name ofGod; ad Ce-dars ofGod Pfal. 80. if. Mount ofGod,Pfal. 68 , 16 . river ofGod, Pfal. kr .10. wralllings of God,Cen.3o.f. harps ofGod, Rev. if.i. and fUUbptljdihe, f 8, How precioiislthOt nQ;-Id, honourable and much tobeefteemed; fomtime thCbJOjdfiqilifpeti) bright and glorious,

Iob.3 1-Z^. Ujfpch alfo a^ceetg mtl here, and the fonns] 0,Z, when ,0^ there-‘;^'253

forechefonns. / Ihidow ofthy wings]that id,thy pro te6lion,t0 Pfal.tf3.8.& 9 i. 4 .fakd

foihtime,tiierecretofGodswings.PfaLtfi.r. lo.^rio^e] tijat Id, ^

fpringinc' fountayn : from whome life and all graces fpring and now. d3od id called tijC

Wv’loHivinz wacers,Ier.i.ij.&i7. 15- Song.4.if.^ jr ^ee fee light] tt| enjoy hght}H>r a

thatlS knowledge, comfort,joy, &c. ^SElob.ij.s. Ifa .


i. wm.i. 17. Pial.t7 .i.

II. Extend thy mercy] 0idriwit}mcaniH3, exeicue anU flisw Uj Plil,ioy. it.auqnon

9S P/a!m. XXXVII.fC prolong continue it; C?^Pfal. Ecclef. z.3. S. 11. foot ofpride} ofhaiightynes,tf)nt Ip, of the prowd man : tlie tfnV.f^ Ucillg put for tl)L- pcrfoil ttl Uihom tt

deceit ,foj a deceitfull man ;Prov. iz* zy. Poverty ,f0} poor people-, z King. Z4 . 14. habitation,

fOZ inhabitants;zSam.^.iz, Circumcifion

, fo 2 the circnmcifcd;Rom. z.z 6 . Helpings, govcr-

nings; f>Zj helpers, governoitrs, i Cor.iz, z8 . auD Itiarip tvC lllie alfo Pfai. 5 . 5, & iz.9.

&^y.zi.&- i®y.4. &78.3 i^ P, 13, There] to PlCCt:, in the very emerpiile , while

they laboured to remove me


Pfalm 3/. Pfa/m

I. ^ Pfalm of David;

‘ evil-do-

J? ers: envie not, for them rhatdooinjurious-evil. 2. For they flial f )on

be cut-dow^n,as gralTe; and iLal fide,

as the greennes ofthe budding- hti b.

3 3. Truft ihou in khovah,and doogood:dwel in the lad,&fte.d on faith.

4.x^nd dehte thy fdfm Ichovah: andhe wil give thee, the petitions of thy


5. Turn-confidently thy way upolehovah: and truif upon him, and he

’_wil doo. 6. And wil bring- forth

thy jultice asthelight:and ihy judge-

ment, as the noon brightnes .

^ 7 . Be nient,for lehovah; & wayt-

fiil-patiently for hhu : f et not thy

fclf, for him that profp^rerh m his

way; for the man, that effedtethde-


n 8, Surccafe from anger, and leav-

ofFhot-wrarh: fret not rhy felf,' alfo

' todoo-evil. 57. For evil-doers, (hal-

bc cut' down: and they that earneft-

ly-wayt on lehovah, they flial inherit

the land.

1 10. And yet alitle-WW^, and the

- wickedjhJ not /'r'land thou (halt con-

fidcr his placc,2hd he^w/noc ii.

And the meek (hal inherit the land t

&(hal ddite-themfelvcs, in the mul-

titude of peace.

This maybe fungalfoas the zf.eras the ii^.PfaL

/. ?7f>t ti?y jclj fer than timt evil- doom *

tiiivie ml, them that doo wjurtoufttes.

2 . For ai the ^raji^cHt dowft they JhaJhe foam

and fkde^even-Oi the hiiddttjg -herbsgretnms^

£, Doogood, and in Jehovah trujl-fccmei

inhabit thoH the Ur/d, and fed onfhith,

jf yitidw Jehov^'h tnke then Hy pit ajtfre:

and he ml owe tijee^that Veh/ch thy hart prayd)»

j, 'Upot? pthovah tarn tiij Voaj aright X

and trufl on him, and he ^ dfte-it-docn,

6 ndVotl bring-jvrti: d:) ]kfine the Itghn

and thy judgement, 04 the bright- (Inmng noert,

7. *Upon Jehovah, Votth me^k^iUmt-flay,

andfir him Voajt thoufi/llAUth pattertmsi

fiett not, him that prtiffreth in hit

fir man, that dootf? his purpofes,

S. Suneafifrom math, andlcav-tff angtr-hett

fiet not thyfitfi,eke to doo naughtyr es,

^ For t^^eJ tioat naughtj-dcon,jhd dtVon he lutl

and they that ^ayt on Jj^H,Jhal land po fjefi.

to* yet a Vchtle, ^ mckydfi

al not beet

and thouJhalt mark^y and he not in his place,

1 1. tyfndmeck^men, fJjal the land inherit- free:

a»dw Witchpeace^ theyJhal tl:mfuvesfilace.

Theiz. The


Pfalm. XXXVII.^


ta The wicked devifeth, againft u The'^kkcd, d^iiiiJi'a^awnthejun^ja. inewicK

_ andSolhag<<miihim,gna^mg-grmdhuttcth.the jull: Scgnalhech, his teeth againft

hi'n. i;. TheLordlaughethathuii-.

for he fe^th.that his day doth come,

-t 14- The wicked have drawen the

** fword, and bent their bow : to fell-

down the poor-affliSed&needy-one;

to nay,themthat be right of way. 1 5.

Their fword,Ihalentet into their-ow»

hart: and their bows, Qialbe broken,

jvj id. Better is the iitle ofa jui\-man:

than the plenteous-mammon, of

many wicked-fww. i 7 " thearms

of wicked-w?w, lhalbe broken . but

Ichovah upholdeth the jull.

1 18. lehovah kn iweth, the dayes

of perfea & their inheritance,

fljalbe forever. 1 9. They lhal not be

abaflicd in time ofevll:&in the dayes

of hunger, they (hal have ynough.

», 20. But, the wicked (hal perilli; &^ the enemies of tehovah, as the prea-

OJS-/&«oframms:they-are cofumed,

with the fmoke they are confumed.

L at. The wicked borroweth, and

' repayeth not: and the juft,

grace & giveth. 22. ForhiS blefVed-

ones, flul inherit the land: and his

The Loedhed-iothhimlaHghmgly-de^iJei

fir, that hie d*y a coming is,hefeeih.

,4. Druwfmrd, & bend their bow doo Wieked-

tofill the poor and needy,fir toflay(men:

the right ofWay. is. Their fword,fhslenter tn

thtir h^rt : thetr boms b/okin bejhai thcy^

16 The liile cfa better is:

thjin many \^ic\cd-niens mM-wamfild.

17 For hrol^e (balbe the armes of mcn^grdicelrfei

Voheras the j«y?, Jehovah dooth uphold


Jehovah knowes^ the dayes ofperfici^mcni

and their inheritance^flodbefor aey,

fn tlo evtl time they Jhd not ba(ked been :

tn dayes ofhunger, haveynough fhal they.

"But, pertJIjJh.ll the MetJ-ungracious ;

the enmies cl^e of Jehovah, flmll

be like unto the ramms ^zt-preciousi

th^ are confutnd, Wit hfrnvke confumed-all.

^ 2 ^

2 1 The Wicked borroweth, and dooth not pay :

and yist-rnan,(}jeWeth^grace andgive dooth he,

22 For ht6 bleffed, pofjejfe the landfsal thay.

and his accurfed^ones ,cut-offJhalbe^

Mansffps are, by fehvah ,fabUfft--fafh




accurfed-ones, (lialbe cut-off, and he his Way affeEls-delytefully


1^ 23. By lehovali, the (iepsofthc 24 When hefhalfil, hefhal not offbe cafh

man are ftablifli«-d;and his way he de- becaufe Jehovah, holds his hand firmly,

M/hpn he dill fal. he (liU , . . r m / *i0t7tAy Ilycech. 24* W^hen hefhil fal, heui^l

not be caft-off: for Iehovah,uphold-

eth his hand.

25. I have been yong, alfo I am

•^wext-old: and I have not feen, the

2j I have heenyong,am old\ yet neverfee^

tf}e yifhfir/dken; and his feedfeck^bread.

26 ^Iday, deahgractoufly and lend dooth heel

and in the blefing, bides his afterfeed,

^7 Shunevil, anddoogood: anddmlffaye.

judgement love:^

bread. ^ & his feed arein hitgractous-fiMs, fir ever kgpt are th^y.

grace and lendeth. & h.s feed.^),LfcJfthe Wicked, i, of-m.

theblening. •

taiiias, they are kept forever: &thefeed,of the wicked,is cut-off.


3 i


Pialm. XXXVn^ dial inherit the land:^ &iluldwd theron,to peipetuaKaeyi

g 30. The mouth of the juft, wil ut-^ ter wifdom: and his tongue, fpeakjudgement. 31. TheJaw ofhis God

,iV in his halt; it dial not dagger w hisftcps.

^32. The wicked fpyeth, for the

jud; and fetketh to work- his- death.

3 3 . lehovah,^ wil not /cav him in hishand: nor codemn-him-for-wicked,

’ when he is judged.

p 34. Wayt-thou-carncflly for le-« hovah, &' keep his way,and he wil ex-

alt thee,lor to inherit the land; whenthe wicked are cut-eft thou ftalt fee.

T 3/. Ihavefeen, the wicked daun-ting-terrible: and fpreading himfelf-bare, as a grei n ft If growing-lawrd.35. And he pafsed-sway, ahd lot heV^^?/not ; and I fought him^ ^ he wasro: found.

3 7 Obferv tlie perfeSt men,8< feethe righteous : for the after-end of

• the man jlyMe peace. 38. Andtref-pafsers, flialbe deftroved togither


the atrer-end of the wicked, ilialbc. cut-off.

n 39. And tI.efr!vat.'onofjuf}-»»f»,

iVofrchovah: their ftrength, in time

iff Tki jifit men they

have oj the land fightfihpcfifiorj :

eivdlo fCYfcttial-cvntttmariCe^

theyJh«ltherm httve hdtmieti. (tmptnti7 hejirfi. mans memh, deeth \eifdim firth,

df hts utt^tte, tk rtchfil-jd^erntr,, {fr.ks.IkeUwtjhs CodiiWrthmhtihttrt


his foot ttjhel notflsy^er in hisfleps.7_/jf u-,r fir the)un, domh ffyd fitmdi

^rdfeeketh, kms h demh-fir-u-epfreg,jeho^ah \V//not leav him w hts hand


ntyther condemn him, Vehtnhe jtidot'dif.

S4 fir lehovah With conutmanceand keep kis and he exalt Veil theefor to pcfiefithe land by hi rttance :


Utncm.ofxre the W„ked, then{halt fee.

35 i have,heVmkedfen,d,fmarmp.fir,:and ffrtadmg-ftnh htmfelf UnLeen.

36 %^ndpa{^.affoay, andloe he wasnoLretandf htmfonght, butfind he hath net been.

37 Obfirv the perfa, and the righteousftei'

forthafter-end <{ that mat, fliafbepMf/.3S Tint m ffbeifirfi d^Jlyotdtcguhn ha:

the ffifnr-tnd of\htked^cnt^cfts,fereds*

39 And)!dfl mens ftvmg-heM,cfJ

40 thmflrpgthw urn, oj need', yfnd %h helps rhi.andridds them freely:fem the \^nksdriddsandfivtth ihtm: hetanfe thej hope in him, *

cfdiftrefs. 40 . And Ithovah wi] help them and deliver them* r 1

f,9m ,be .kU, and fa.o ,h.„, Eopt


0 afftr verfe,

iii al f?rvenfz"h Cl cbfr^muht*^

rtDdffrr. PM.roi.


Pfalm. XXXVII. '


- feedonfaith;] totocrt,

t ;; •‘i'rlSV.sfs.-.-o.

Mir '7 9 l3. 6* as the ligntj toauij^,f*l^ol' 6,u iilClVl'^iVtaiio icD,

tm *• 3-^'.^^BrctenOt^' fol, fo/and .a.y tucmly. P^l- 4-5 •

faptu be fubjeft . / v,ay t-ltil-pauendy^J C?, pajn-


goe. attest t^ ‘A ',

<iGO] c^whichisbui todooj 0?, inherit the land, and poffels ^5'^^Ifa.,7. i 3 .He ‘hac

’"f"fflgSt <t,v Si;

Seffe?I^’the meek ,for thc‘y ftal

r Sam^.;<*

iSS ,his difmal day; the time appointt

rjy ^nt g6 The pofterity (halbe aftonieo at his ay,

« 10 Dav ie often ttftbfc? the timeoipumir.mtnt,ap,i v = '(,.. aiy of Madian,Ifa.y.

i!^he^d="opened, Ojlcoleo.«l«

pt;Vt;of^ches,ora%S5i,l, 5)-,i,o™.!I.. «« “«“5“« p~i .

Mp »<- • "•"L, p„.a ,


«n5 n ot Kt» *«

thathe\vilnotpsy . liorrowin^^ isi u w

wi,G«ddcBi.thU[atDttK0«U..a»OBiit-oai«. ^ ^ «W>

Pfalm. XXXVIIT.ani) perfe^te^ . ®fje\3JtJ;tb!tOtCtTl ordering, peife<5i:ing ailb fafl-ftablifliing fsftinp'tSfrttf*

and his way] aj UlUd,to weet, whole way he deliteth (3i afFecleth.) (o,Gededn and his howfe^I

ludg. 8. 27 . fo^ , Gedeon, to weet, (OZ, that is to lay) his howfe. 24. ilial fall] tOi

lueit , into fyn , by occihon or innrrniciej Gal. 6. i . into aiflidlion and trouble. Mic.7 .8 fthe juhmaiUallech feven times,and rifeth agayn. Prov.24.16. upholdeth his hand] aul)toaf^queiltlp ,

rayfeth him up. % it&C Ip ofilrengthning the hand, ila . 8 . n , 1 Sam.23


16. 26. his feed] t|)atX53«,hischiidrcnorpoilentiej arc in the blelfing* 0^, are ap-pointed to the bielTing , as the heyres thereof,Gen. 28.4. 1 Pet. 3 9 . and have Ibl abundance,

to others : ;^0|, the blefTmg of the Lord , maketh rich,; . thereis that£cattereth,andismoreincreafed- Prov.ii.24* l!* 27* dwel for ever] that

thou flfilt dwelj verfe 3 . ^1|C UfeC piomife l!t Icr.7 .


.—7. < 13. 18. is_c utt oifj

Ihie jUDijnncnt lob. iS. 19. He ihal have neyther fon nor nephew among his people,norany podenty m his dwellings, alfo Pfal. 21. ii. & 109. 13 ant) £l)^ C0mravp,'Pfal.io2.29. t)* 30 * wil meditate] ulually inedicatech, tljat tlS refoundechjUttereth: a0 Pfal.

3 z8.

^ bis ha^ 1 fo commanbct) ,Deut. 6.6. anP there hath he uzomifcp to w rite his

t law, Heb. 8. 10. alfO Pfal . 1.7* it ihal not dagger] U:it)CillanD,his foot

Ihil not dagger, oz,faulter. lob. 12. y any one of his fteps ( 0^ feet ]Ihii not dagger

, 0^ Hide** U* 3 3* condemn-him for wicked] make ( 0^ pron6unce)hira wicked,£j)at condemn flint#*

^Dppofet)tojudifying. fo Pfal. 94. 21. Iob.9. 20. \). 3y. daun ting-terrible] fore]y

didnaying others with his terrour. ^CCPlal. 10. 18. fpreahmg-bare] making-bare,t!]at

thruding forth and lliewing himlelf. ^ green] tTjy 0$. frelli , a*lD flourilhing, ai5 Da.4. I. id not meant for colour onely, but forjuice ana vigour

. ^0 Pfal. *^2. 10.

felf^rowing -lawrel ] a trCC tfjat groweth in his natural place, COmonlp fpJO\JOt an&

nnN better theufuch ad ate rcmoljct) to another foil. b. 37* the after -end] oj,

the lad, 0^ the, poderitie. '^Tftid UJO^D id fomtimed UfeD foj tftc end,ai Deuc. i i.iz. & 32.20.

29. ler. 29.11. fometim:fO|poderitieofchiUren left behind, ad Pfal. I09. ij. Dan. ii.4;^nb. thud it map be unoerjlaoD yere , fpeciallpm the betfc fallowing#

^ PHilm. 38.

T. ^Pfalmof David, for to record.2, Tchovali, rebuke me not in thy fer-

Xvent-anger: neyther chaftife mein

3 * thy wTathful-heat. For thy arrowes,

are ftuck in me: and thou letteft-

4. down,thy hand upon me. No found-

nes if in my flefh, becaufe of thy an-

gry-threat: no peace win my bones,

/. becaufe ofmy fynn . For my iniqui-

ties, are gone-over my head: as a

weightie burden, they are too weigli-

tie for me.. My ftripes doo ftinck,

are putrifyed: becaufe ofmy fooliQi-

7. nes. lam crooked I am bowed-down very vehemently: al the day, I

walk fad.


Sing thisas the 18. Pfalm.

2. TEhovahj irt thy Wrath rebuke not mei

\jnej^ier chafitfe me tn thine angry~heat»

/. For into me^fluck^-deef thyne arrowoi be:

a*fd thou thy hand upon me down doofl let,

4. For thy threat^ in myJieJh is no (oundnesi

fir ntjfyn^ in my bones cher is no^eace,

/. For^my ml/deed are over my headgone:

as Weightie lodcytoo Weighttefor me~is,

6, APy firtpes dooflmck^^ rote-With-corruptiotsi

becaufe ofmine undifcreet-foolifines


7. } crookedam^am bow'd-down vehemently I

^ al the day^dooWalkJ^-moHrnJully .

Pfklm7 XXXVili;

8* For my flanks are ftil ofpartxhing: iV. For fid myfi<wks <tre offire-firventries:

to I

and ther ts nofoondnes, in my

f, I am weakncd & cruflied very vehe-

mently: I rore -out for the groning

10 of my hare. Lord ^before thee is

al my defyre; and my fighing, is not

1 1 hidd from thee. My hart pant-

eth, my ablt-ftrtngthforfakethmc:

and the light of myne eyes, even

1 2 they, are not with me. My lovers.

and tn my ther is no ent)re-part,

p, I^eakntd criifin^^ith vehimentnest

Jrvre-oHty fir the groning ofmy hurt.

10 O Lord, my ^hole dtjyre is thee heforei

and hiddfrom thee ^ ts m myfightrg-fdre.

My hart dooth pant, myfont h^th tmforfike\

and myne eyes light, even they ^ith me not are.

My le vers, my firewds,fiandfom myftrokex

my neighboms tke, doo fiand nmoved-fhrr.



and my ncereft-^freinds, ftand from Snares alfifeuhey. that myfiwldoofec^;before my ftroke: and my neigh-

bours, ftand a farr oft' . And they

that feek my fowl, fet-fnarcs; & they

that feek my evil,fpcak woeful-evils:

and al the day^they meditate deceits.

14 And I as a deaf-Wii?», hear not: &as

and the) that feekjmyneyll, doo mtfihiefs Ifeal^t

ty^lday deceits thty medttating-plot,

14 ty^ndl as dcafm^m am, / doo not hearz

and as one matt, his meuth that opencfh nou

15 ^nd effw, even~as a man V:huhgives not eari

andtn ^^hoje mouth, no reprehenfions bee.

M ^not: & in whofe mouth, are no rc-

16 proofs. Becaufefor tliee lehovahl

doo hopefully-wayr: thou wiltan-

17 fwer, O Lord my God. Fori

fij’d, leafl they rcjoyce at me: 'and

when my foot is moved, doo mag-

a mute-r».«,open«h not his mouth.

And lam, as a man which heareth ^

O Lord my God, an an^mr thou Wt-graunt,

17 For / did (ay, Ufilb at meyy-dov they:

Vchemyfoot mooves,dogawff megnatly-vaMtt,

18 For / to halt am ready: andahvay,

ip fore me my payn is. For I doo declare

my vtctoufnes : andfor myfyn flnw-care.

18 nifyagainft me. Fori ready 20 ty^ndmyfoes, hvingmighty-are: and thay

to hairing: and my payn, n before are many, that me hatefor caufi-untrue,

ip me conrinually. Fori doo de- zi tyfndthey that evd doofr good repay:

dare my iniquitie: I am careful,^fof . areadverfe to me, for fgoodpur(ue,

20 my ()'n. And my enemies, are 22 JAH leavmenot: my God be not fiommei^

alive are mfghtie: and multiplied ar 2j O Lord, my health : to my help hafien thee.

they tbac hare me falfly. Andthey that repay evil,for good: are my adverfaries for thatifolow good.

Forfake me notlehovah: my God, be not farr-bfffromme* 23* Haflen to

my help: Lord,my falvacion.





I- for to record] o;ij to caiife-remembrancc,for commemoration; tclUtft, ofDa-*^*^rrj

: vids'troubles, Pfah 132. i. and of Gods mercies, deliverances,and prayfes for ihe/amc; Ct0

lfa.^3. 7. ^aVnd r<tjpcn tchbff£5;ictf)c 5lirl5 , fmoctjscf; for to record(0;i commemorate) and to eonfefs,and to pi ayfe lehovah the God of If-

rael; i Chron. 1^.4 {5 * z* neyther] li'eb;j.and : UiljCVf tf:t notl'^ aiTf^pUtObC

tch, 0010 neteb PfaL^. anbf:0t0fjp?cflcb^ ^

b. 3. thy arrowes] fo3ob >the arrowes^of the Almighty are in aie,ihe venom wher-

*04 Pfalm. XXXIX.


orplag!.«ofbo<fyormM. Pfal.. f.C5t>)i.r* O^.mereisnothingiound, ozwiiol** jfialfaU 6 ajigr^r^^ m,detdhtion

, indignation, ^ec l>fal.7!iz. % / nV^foeOOJ flnrrs: pnyedp , fuch fore marks

, bunche,,wounds or llnpes, as wherein b’ond

r«ana man, Mark,7.


7 * ^ad] mourntuily^eePfal.3^ 14, ^ 8 mvilankO

isisdlsBSilSfiiSSbSSRUau”? “‘'S

pr.l.,0.,, «Wfa(^tt^

Pfal.3f.4. to. If. no reprehenfions] noarsuments* oVconviffiZ^

gilfSSSBi^pitllShnpoSrioflh’lT. &^o

uLWa,,/uSlZuft t ;'*• wtalfirie^l&attp.forafalfe

fite, to let and hinder me 'SEfle^licbme^ta'i^rt0J,p adverfe tome.oppo-

,1 ....J. Li“„.


. P/alm. 39,

To the mayfler p/ tiie mnfikto leduchun; zpfalm of David,

*• T Sayd ; I wil take heed to myJLwayes , from fynning with my

tongue : I will keep a bridle on myoiouth; while the wickeds before me,


Pfalm. sp.

f to’</ beware my Wt/yes, not Wtth mj

tg kpe^ a. intilt on my month, whdes

Vfic^d ^remt U. $. mWJi^^Twtu d'i^F,



5 . I was Jlimh W^lth flilnes,I was fi- |z|^rzrfz|r=^r|z=:=f^^I=^=|i^

11 ; from good, anJ u*y payn was trou-^-,iznj^ood^ filem my [mart \X’OS alfo



4. Kline hart was !iot, wkhinme; mmymtdira ion the fyrc burned; I fpake,

with »i»y tongue.

5 Idiovah, make me know my end; jand the mefjreofinydaycs what it let

me know, how foon-ceafing I am.

6. Loe. thou haft giveif my dayes, of 6

handbredths ; and my worldly-time U

as nothing before thee; furely al vanitie

every' eaithly-man,f/7(7«^^ fctlcd Selah.

7. Surely in an image, walketh ech^

man ; furely in vanity doo they make- a- ^

{Iut; he heapeth-up, and knoweth not

who /fe^/ gather them.

trouhloujly. 4, Hot m me nmc hart\

Fyremmj medttaticn burndz

I With my tongue did ffeak^

/. JehoV‘^h^ malice me know mme endi

what my dayes mefureekoi

know let me how [hort liv'd f am.Loe^thoH hafigiven my dayes

as handbredfyS^ CT my War Idly- timi

fire thee as nothing weights •

Sure wholly vayn is evry manthoughyir^Af-y^/? Sflah.

Sure inan image^ Walkjiooth man%

fhrely vajnJlurr make they:

one heaps^up gcx>ds, knowethnot

whofhal theirgatherer bee.

8. Andn^owwhatexfpe(9 ILord?niy /, Mdnow, what doo I look,^ Lordi

my longing is fir thee


Free me fiom almy trefpajjesi

fcopcful-cxfpedation, it^5 for thee

9. Ridd-thou- mc-free from al mytrerpaflTes;puc me not,the reprochof the


10 lam dumb, I wil not open mymoJth : becaufe, thou haft-doon it.

11. Turn-awayffoonmethyplague:

by the ftriking ofthine hand, 1 am con-

fumed.12. With reproofs for iniquitie ,

thou chaftifcft a man ; and makeft -mclr

as a moth that - wbich-is -to be-defired

of his: furely vanitie,is every earthly -

man Selah.

1 3. Hear my prayer, lehovah ,


mine out erv,giv- car unto my tears;

ceafe not as d . af;for a ftrang. r I am wivh

thee; a fojourner , as al my fathers .

1 4. Stay from me , anJ let me refreOi

wyfilf : ere -that ,I goe and I be not


fiols mockjigemak^not me.

t9 I dumb amy open not my mouthi

fir doonit is ofthee.

1 1 From upon me^ thy fcourging.plague^

0 turn-away the (ame:

for by thefirikmg oftime hand^

, ^ (juite-confumedam.

t2 With reproofs fr iniquitie^

^ a man thou chajhfeQ ;

and makefi melt even at a moth

his bewty- liked-bffiz"

Sure al men vamty Selah «

Lord hear rnyprayV^^ cry\

hearkjomytearSy ceafe not as deafi

fiy firangerWith thee


aptignm as myfhth rs al.

Stayfrom mCy^ let merefit Ih my felf: ere tfjat fgoe^


and fm more ftiilbe.


8f, I , to leduchun] oj, for gait ; Ai'td itmap (m: imaat not ontip foj i?fr|bn jfcntfoj


ic6 Pfalm. XXXIX.

!)t|^ pOperttff, Aaron fj3 pVt ffJttfif Aaromtes . i Chron.ii^ir. Cffjl^Ieduthun «rfe|}t>

tom ftroc in Sfratltoitft ti]t ftarp: I)f ^^cpSeficD; fq? tfie tcnfifTirs ^nti GtomgCtTK ^CPial.77.i. i. rake heed } btware,'

•' keep, obferv. ^Ifcllfec fpca!)!35Ufrt, i King. z.4. frcni finning] tjrat !>,tkat I fyr rot,

tl myfs not. If ar y man i) n rot in w crd,he is a perfe6 ir an ,

and able to bridle al tK- bodyJa.

3 .2. a bridle 1 ir.oufel: tl}f tunuij) it a waid. bp the untamcdnes of the

OniO tongue l^r.Otfb ,which mull by force and watchfnliKS be rcftreyned. ^ce lam. 5 3—8.

' “ft. 5. With iflines ] o;tfilentnes,tamcd-f«bj (fieri: aqtfcetoOJdCfUn(i01lfpctf),pral.4.r*

?5*TI tlj? f]crc turnctl) it , 1 was humbk d. my payn was troubled] my fore

was exulcerate- renewed ( r.35tlK«^5jtc!ifaptfb) . fj"b. 4* fyre burned]

^ toiti)tl^iqfpctfhcf^>GbiD,toeninpcoirpatetl3atof3;mnip5 And 1 fayd iwiinotmend-'T*Q^ onhim,nor {'peak any more in his name: but it wasinmyhartasaburningfyre,fhutt up in my

bones, andl was weary with tbrbcaring,and could no longer, ^ how foon-

ceaiiing] how tenrporary ,frayl, brittle, and fliortlived: CJ how defedive I am; a|g tf^e

fapti), what I lack, to toe-'t, of the end ofmy dayes. Wnat is the term and period cf my life.

ft/ ofhand-bredths] t()At Ip,thou hall exadtly meafured them outward they are bur Ihort.

a hand-bredth a nicafuvf


the bredth of 4. fingers. ^ my wcrldly^ nme;: my life-

time: my temporary age. Cheled, ijStlje world, Pfal.17. 14- llfsi^bCiefo^lTiaillS


life-time in this W'orld . ^oPfal. J59.48.l0b.1i.17. furely'’ rj, but, cnely.





Tst^n- *r

al vanitic] 01, a mere vapour; all manner vanity and nothing els. Whatioever vanitie i.s in the

worfl, inayal be feen in man. /5TfK Hebei 10 a foon-vaniflnng-vrpour,cp (f;c

ofone0itioutb. €:otbi0t|fie;Hpc(lIf ftatfittfennee faping, what is your life it is even a va-

pour thatappeareth for a litle time,^ afterward vanilheth away .lam. 4. 14. every earthly-

man] C;t, al mankind : al Adam. iHbaitl talfb fffonb fon Hebcl,tfat ip ^ an^tie : Gen.

4. 2. anb fjcre faptb, tbot al Adam, (every man,) i'0 Hebd, vanitie. ^cl( IttCU iV*

flefiaPr0 bcrlarft}) tlu0 at large . e alfo Pfal. 62. 10. ijough ft rUdi 03 flar ding,

Jledfaft; and in good ellatc. ^ ft. 7. walketh in an image ] 0^ in a fhadow; tfiat 10, ob-

fcurely, changeth dayly, leadeth an imaginary life, rather than a life it felf, and fo foon pafTeth

hence; He fleeth as a fhadoW,and abideth not. lob. 14.2. ^0 |5aul faptj), thefafhion (cf hitw)

of this world, goeth away. i Cor. 7.31. f- make a Ifurr ] OJ a tumult , difquieting them-

felves and one another. he heapeth ] tj)at 10, any one heapeth up, to toect, goods;&knowes not who ihall injoy them, ^ee EccleC x. 18 19 . P. 9. put me not ] 0^, ex--

pofe ,make me not tO be the reproch of the fool; of Nabal; tolKrof fee Pfal. 14. i.

b. 10. I am dumb1 o? tongue -tied. ^(^0 10 a prof flion of his patient fufferance of the

things laydupon~him by God : 311nb fo bit! farP bimfif, i bam. 16, 10. auD !^arOl1,Le-

vit. 10. 3. b. II. theilriking] oj.bufFeting, tb?0 nntctb the greatnes and oft reiterati-

on of his trouble. ft. 12. makelf melt ] ff?0i l'0,confume -away. as a moth] tO

toeet, as a moth-worm confumeth, or periiheth, toblfbtC fnddainly, a0 lob. 4. 19. they are

deffroyed before the moih.<i^^,as the moth confumeth garments/o thou with thy rebukes con-fiimeilrhem; r0 Hof. 5'. 12. lob. 13. 28. ira.yo.9.and yi.8. that-which is to be defired

of his] 0^ his defirable; tlicanlnn, his bewttous grace, beffffrength, dignit^and every whit

©fhim ,that is amiable, to be dcfired, or liked. ft. 13. unto my tears] which cry unto

God,. (


0 bloud 10 fapb to crie, Gen. 4.10.) which are joyned with earneft prayers, a0 Heb,

5 .7. ^ a Ifranger with thee ] ^f;ip ip tabril frtm’ t^e lato, Levit. 25 .2 .3 . The land i^

mine; ye are but Ifrangers and fojourners with me.^,f)f libe hfhnctol:bgttte;it 10 r.lfo til i.Chr..

19. 15. I^crcf faptjfi tbe 3tpcfllf , They confetfed that they were grangers and p Igrims oil the

earth; atl?i, they that fay fueh things, declare plainly that they feek a counti*^; tctorrf, an hea-

venly. Heb. II. 1 j. 14. r^. ft. 14. Stay] c;i Leav off, tOtor^t, thyne anger, crafBicifi-



'm, Eook-away , fhut the eye; tijl0 toO^ft foinCtHTlf fx^nihetbi If^* lo*

ttciebcib] c|>.thatImayrecover-ifreiigth. ^j[jl0fpecfl)i0t^mfvcmlob, 10.20.21.'

. Plalm. XL.

107Pfalm. XL.

I . To the mayfier (fDividsPfalnn,

a. T A TAycinglwaytedforlehovah!

V V and he bended unto me,and

heard my crye.

3. And he brought me up out ofrhc

pit of founding-calamitie, out of the

inyre of- mudd:and fet- up,my feet upon

a rock; he ordcred-fledily my fteps.

4 And he hath given into my mouth,

a new fong; a prayfe to our God: many(hal fee and fear; and ihal trull, in leho-


5. O blefled the man,that putteth

Ichovah, hisfecure-trultrand refpedeth

not unto the prowd,& them that turn-

afide vnto a lye.

6. Thou lehovah my God,haft mademany, thy marveilous-ft^^w-i^ and thy

thoughts, towards us: none count-

in-order unto the ; would I declare andfpeak them-, they are miginily-encreaft,

above telling,

7 Sacrifice & oblation, thou would-

eftnot; mine ears, haft thou digged-

open : burnt-offring and lyn-^/wj^,thou


S , 1 hen fayd I,loe I come:in the roll

of the book, it is written of me,

9. My God Idelyte to doo thy ac-

ceptable-will: and thy law, is within mybowels *

10 I have preached-the-glad-tidings

ofjuftice, in the greatchurch ,loe I clofe

notupmy lips: lehovah,rhow knoweft.

II. Thy juftice I have not covered

within my hart, thy fa»th and thy falva-

tionhave I fayd: I have notconceled

thy mercy and thy truth, to the great


Sing this as the 31. Pfalme.

2 , ’ X 7 fAtiently

y y fihovah: and he did bend

mto me, and dtd hear my cry.

ty^nd he didmakemeto afcend

out ofthe dreadJul-founding pit^

out ofthe myre ofmuddynes :

and on a rock^,fet-fkfl myfiet\

erdredmyftept Withftedynes.

4, ty^nd he hathgiv*n my mouth into^

a new fon^ ;to our God a prayfei

manyjhal feeJhalfar alfo ;

and tn Jehovah truH-alwayes,

S • O keffed man, he that dooth put

Jehovah, hUfecurittei

and to the prowdrefpe&eth not^

or them that turn unto alye,

6, Thou makeft thy Works-marveleus^

0^1AH my God, many tohcf,

and thy thoughts-mtnded, towards minone can in order- count to thee;

Would I declare and fpeal^ofthcil^

ntoe than to tell, increafi they are,

7. Thou Wouldft not, gift and (acnfcei

myne ears, thouop^ntng-doofi-preparex

"Burnuoffring and oblation

foxfyan; thou haft not ajked-\t>

i. Then dtd Jfay, loc Iam come :

in die books roll, it*s (fme Writt,

9 * ?and thy law, in my bowels is,

to ftn thegreat churchy teUabroad*

thejoyfiiL tidtngs ofjufttee :

Loe /my bps have not clofed;

it 0 fAH, thou knoW*lfr Within my hart^

tfjy juftice i have not covered:

thy confiant-fntih I have deiUfd^

and tloy healthfiil-falvationi

Concele I did not dy mercie^

to thegreat congregation^

and ^ne afured-veritie,

O X t2. T>e§It. Thou

sot P/alm. XL.

12. Thou lehovah, clofe not up thy s2 'Doo not thy mercth-pttlfit

tender-mercies from me: let thy boun* chfetipfiow we^ o fehovah:

teous-mercie and tby truth,continually but let tijy wercy-homtifil

prcferv me. and thy truths me prr/erv ahoy,



^For innumerable evils, haveaf- ty For evils moe than tan be told^

faykd me round-about: my iniquities haoje roimd-abcHtzafajledfneei-

have taken-hold on me, and I am not mycrooked-fynnsonme take^hoU,

able to fee : they are mightily- incrcafed and I not ableam tofee:

f»^rf-thaa the hairesofniy head, and They doofurmount hairs ofmy head:my hart forfakem me. dooth mefirfake,

14. Vo')ch(ahe lehovah, toridd-rnc-Vouchfifilehovah^ms toriddi

speed to mme help fehovah make.

is Lit them abaflot be^ and have-fiam$together y that thefeekers are

ofmyfiwty to confume the (dme


Let thim be back^remmed -fkrr;

ey^nd hhflj let them^ that ^ould^ mj blme^

16 ^wte-dejpUted let them bee^

fir a rewarding oftheirfijamt :

thatJajy aha aha^ to mee.

free: lehovah, make hafl to my help.

1 5. Let them be abaflied, & afliamcd

togicher, that feck my fowl, to make-

an-endofir: let them be turned back-

\nrard, and bluflij that dclyte, mine


16. Let thembemade-dcfolate, for

a reward of their abaftiing : that fay to

me, aha aha.

1 7 . Let al that (eek thee, be joyful & 77 Joy let them and rejoyce in thee^

rejoyce in thee:let them fay continually, althat doofeekjhee^ letthemfiy,

magnified be lehovah; they-ihat love , that thy fahatwns lovers bee,

thy falvacion. the LORD bemagmfydt,al^ay^

18. And I^poor-afflifieJ and needy, 12 ty^ndf, afflicted am and poor,

the Lord thinkethon me: thou<?r/my thtnkjn me dooth the Lord-my-fiejz

help and my deliverer ; my God, delay my help and my deltveroitr

not • thoH arc ^my God^dog not delay



U #• I>^vids Pfalm] o;i, a Pfalm ofDavid, bUt flflttte ftt

Inhere CommouTp 10 Ia(t: 0^, a Pfalm concerning Davidj that t0, Chrift, tofto 10 calltb David

‘‘ intbJ?!^iophet0; Hof. T.ier. 30. 9. Ezek.34, 23. & 37. 14. fniti tbi0 mtveatfth>

a0tfje211pOfHeteachftb, Heb. 2 . Way ting] o^,exlpe< •, t})C bCU#

bling oftf)i0 Ul0;tb , notetj) camdlnes , conftancie, pa ticnce . bended ] tC UJCC t, his

W niso 0010 etp^effeb , Plal. 17. 6 . b. 3 . pit of founding calamitie] o^, dungeon of tu-

multuous-deiolacion , which ecchoed and refounded with dreadful noyfes ;bcriCtfn(5 Ijcrcbp the

^ greatnes of Chrilh fears and afflidions. myre of tjat 10 muddy (ojdurty)

myre , or clay; (lOihfping ,fal\-cleaying^i£bons . Pfal. ^9.3. ftt up] CJ ibbli-

. Ihed, fet fail my feet on a rock, tfat 10, on firm ground, oppofeb fO tflC mudd.

$. 5. refpedeth not ] 0^ turneth not the face; tehlffj impllCtl) liking or inclination of the

mind and afFe<5hoiTS. lob. 5^.11. the prowd ] fiowt ,that in confidence of their ifrength

caiy' themfelves infolently . turn-alide to a lye] fwarv (c^ revolt) to deceivable fallliodd


WCauirtS heretiks^and iaolaters. 4 . thy thoughts] thy good-meanings, or purpofes..


V2^r -r


Pfalm. XL. IC9none can count in order] they cannot be otderly-conntecf or propounded. ^erCTlSy T*

10 bfcdfo^ ordering of lpeech,a?5 tn Iob.31. 14. ^DOttietime It 10 bfcti fo^ matching, '» '''

0^ comparing: fo tl)e tumetjl ft gcre , in thy thoughts there is not any that can be like^

ned'to tuee. would I } if I would declare. mightily-increaft] 0?, Ilrong,t0to:t in number ;

many: fo aftct til verfe 13. fee Pfal. 3 r. i8. above-teliing ] fgat 10,

moe than I or any can cd: 0^, moe than can be told. Vl* 7.’ thou woulddl not] 0^ de-jtj^gn ^

lytedll not^ was to caufe the facnficeand oblation to ceaiej Dan. 9. 27. fpcatl# t :


10. y. mineears] O^.earscome : fcc Pfal. 3. ufT di^gei^en] aj peirfed : tftat^ 3 thou hall made me obedient to thy voyce

3 ( fOntrarp tO 1

' “ :

fcSl® 10 tije Hopping of the ear, Pfal. j8.f.) 0? myne ears thou haft bored, as thy fervantfor^ ‘

ever, ac£o;trtni3tJt^claU3,Exod.2i.^. «je 45^eefiintcrp^ctcv0,toniafee tgefenfeplapncr,fap, but a body h^ft thou fitted to me

3 mcaniiigtjlat his body was ordeyned and fitted to be aiacrifice for the fynns of the world, when the other legal facrifices were refuled as unprofitable.

28nti tl3ii0 tf) ‘JipolUc allcgf t(}c fclloVDir.g tfte Heb.] facrifice that gdeth all up in fyre. (eePfal. 20. 4. ^ fyn-offring] expia^ TTNtPn

tion , oblation for fyn, a0 tfje le calletb it. Heb. 10. ujo^b ^yn,i0 oftm in rife lato,^

tmtfo^tbefyn-olFnng,Levit.4.24.&c.Exod. 2^. 14. ^0 t{)’2tpo(tIe faptg , Himthatkne>rno fyn , he made fyn ( tfjat i0 , a iyn-offring) for us , 2 Cor. ^ 21. 8. Loe I come] ^

am come, tO UatC^, into the world, Heb lo.j . ailb partiralarlp,to lerufalem to give my felf

a iacrifice lor fyn . Mark. 10. 32. 33. 34. the roll 0^ volume of the bookj tjjat i0,Sc)p-r>a book or fcroll ofpaper or parchment rolled up. ^l]t libc pft^afe 10 bfcb ler. 35.2. &c. Ezek. “ ” ‘

a.5>. &c. i^cb^ebJ Sepher , book, i0 ufeD gtncrallp fo^ anp writings, evidences, bills,

court-rolls &c. Deut. 24. i. 2 King. j. 5. 6 . ler, 32. ii. anb tfjc bocSi0 in ^ftatl toeteteit**ten in ioii^ fctoll0,anb folben oj tojappeb bp, i^nue i0 tftat pli^afe ,the heavens lhaibe folden •V yihup like a book> Iia.34 .4. Rev. ^.14, ^ it 10 writtcii]^0 €j)zi{t faptg , The fon ofmangoech as it is written ofhim. Mat. i6, 24. ailb Mofes wrote ofme , loh. t. 4^. alfo Luk.24.44. 4^. Ad:. 13.29. b,9, thy acceptable-wftl by the which wiU Weare fan(5lified, evenby the otfnng of the body of lefus Chrift once. Heb. 10. 10. ^^ealfoloh. ^?.38.Luk. 22. 42.

' ^* -

to. lo, I have preached-the-glad-tidings of ]cn,I have evangelized; uftice3Cftf)i0 UJ£Jib,triCEvangelic 02 Gofpd ftatf) ti)c name, tf)C *l5|eeb fignifpiug Good -tidings anb if^z <Cnflifh al#


fo to libc effert , mate of tj|£ ^apon God ipel; tijat 10 a good fpeech . :^nb tfte luftice ficteineailt 10 tl)U0 fetfo^tfl bp Now is the jufticeofGodmade manifell without thelaw , having witnes ofthe law and of the Prophets

jnamely the juftice ofGod

, by the fayth of'

lefusChrift,untoallani upon all that beleev, &c. Rom 321.22. the great church]0^, aftembly, congregation. ^0 Pfal. 22. 23. ' ^ clofejiot vp]reftreynrior,asinapri.-fon,thatwordslbouldnotbeuctered. Ier.32.2 3. 1 1. I fayd] tftat t'0,mentioned,and (poke of^ ^0 z Sam. 22. to tne great church] tllC bJO^b to i0 vefctrcb tO <6ob0.

mercy and truth ejCtenbtb to the church. tffertct!) It, to conceled, anb ttcmfla^tetllj from the great church . ^nb t^C l^cbZCbD elfUJljCre bfliaftp fo fprabetft. Pfal ./f9 .6 . 8c4. &139.H. 5&. 15* iniquities] tl[)i0 b3O^b, 00 tfie fopm' evils , i^fO^fyn,f£mittmef0Jt}}epuniftinient offyn. ^CCPlal.31. II.

, 14. Vouchfafe] C2,Let It pleafe thee. b. i y, to make an end of it] tO confume oj deltroy it Comparetl)i0 conclufion , tottfi tfie 70. Pfalm . b , 1 6 . made d folate ] 0^,wondrouf]y yailedvnro amazednesandaftonifhment

.^0 CtfrCtin P'*al. 4^.9. 8c 6^,z6^ 75.19. &V9.7.


for a reward of their abalEing] ci, an end of their lbame,that they would bring upon me*. End10 ubb reward, ad Pfal. 19 .^z. DJ, For becaufe of their ihame. l^eb^cfcab fcmtimefi(pufl>tb bec^ufe. Ifa. 5.23. Gen. 22. i8. Deut.7. 12. b. »8, delay notlprolong not the*nnAn-^time til the iaftj a»lb fOnfequ:nrlp/ayl not. ^f)C bi3Ojb,t0 fo to tary £?.;t linpcj-,af ro difappoimi ••

One of his cxfpcdlationjas Habak. 2. 3 . Though it tary, wayt thou; for it fhal furcly ceme 8c ftialnot delay; tl)at 10 ,

not fayi.. tfeU0UWp loebubapanb tt^iX Ulie f£rip:wvc0, 00 Dait*

.. -O31 V.

ito Pfalm. Xth7 .10. ^il not delay, (t^^t i^,not fayl) to reward him that hateth him . Deut.15 . 1 1 . bJ^etl

tjjou tooUJCfl a \30'JD to tl)e thou ihalt no t delay ( tl|at , not fayl) to pay it. ^0 Exod>

%u aat fuiiD^p tge (the.

Pfalm 41. .


S« To the m^iyRcr ofthe mujikj

a Pfalm ofDavid


a. /"^Bk'fled , he that prudently-

V-/attendcth unto the pooc-

weakling : in the day of evil , lehovah

wil deliver him.

3. lehovah wil keep him and prefer


him alive, he (halbe-made-bleifed in the

earth : and give thou him not, to the

fowl of his enemies.

4. lehovah, wil uphold him, on the

bedded onangui(liing-rorow:al his bed,

thou haft turned in his fttknes


j, I did fay, lehovah be gracious to

rtic ; heal my fowl , for I have fynned

againft thee ,

.6. My enemies,fayd evil ofme:when

flial he dye, and his name perifti ?

7 And if he come to fee,he fpeaketh

falfe-vanitie, in his hart, he heapeth uppainful-iniquitie to himfelf: hegoethforth

,abroad he fpeakeeb tt •

8. Togither, againft mewhifper-dooa1 my haters : againft me , they think

evil to me,

9. A mifeheevous thing, u faftned mhim : and he that lyeth

, ihal no morerife.

10. Alfo the man of my peace, hewhom I trufted in, that eaceth mybread: he hath grcatly-iifted-up the

heel againft me.

Sing this as, the 3^. Pfalm.

Blejfedy he that to the poor


^ehovah^ him in th'evdday


JAHytV// him keep andgive-him^hfi‘

he blejfedms-jhaifnd

upon the earth ; mdgive him not ,

vmo his ^cmens mind,

4, fehovah^ be Wtl him HphoU^onfirowfil bedfiedi

tthou m hts ftek^ufrrmtie,

hafi turned al his bed .

/, Say didlyO'fehovahjhew

unto megractoufnes :

healdtou my fowl^fir aguinfithet


6 . t^tne emmteSy oj me fiydeVl ty^henJhai his e^tng bee^

andhts name pertjh ejuite-aWiry }

r. ty^ndifhecometofce;

he ffeaks A vatndje^ in his hart

tntquttte he heaps

mjtohtmfelf ; hegoethfirth,abroad the i^iiwe he fpeaky.

/. Togtthery gainff me Whtffer-doo

al that my haters bee:

againjf me^they maltcious^yll

doo-thwk^concernmg met •

g* Some divdtfh-mfiheevoHs thing

in him isfiiftnedfre:

and he that lyethjhai not add- to nfe^Hp anymore


1$ The man moreover of my peace


. inMomeput-trufi dtd/^

that eats my bread: he hath the heel


a Afuli i And

Pfalm. XLI^"

IT. And thou Te!iovnh, be gracious ii tyfpd-^^trfort fl:oH he^racionr


to me and raife nit up ; and I Ihal repaythem •

11. By this I know, that thou ddy-teft in me: becaufe my c nemie^ ftial not(hour- triumphantly over m'e


13^ And I, thouhaftAiflayncdireln

mine integr itie : and haft fttied me, be-

fore thy fact for ever*

to me, o'jiho'vah


dvd rajfe me kp : andIJh*ilnnto them repay


12 Ty this 1 that m me thmdcoji ^tlltn^-flea/ure-lakpii

hecdkje mwe etumte^jhal not

dgatnsl me triumph-

13 ^vd 1^in mine itiugritit

thoH me (ufteyned had :

andhaU meteetermtie

14. Blefled ^ lehovah, the Godof hefirethjfiuey/et-^fi.

Ifrael; from eter niiie,and unto eternitiei 14 'Bkpd^ Jehovah ^fi’els GodAmen, and Amen., hath from eternal hten;

and tfl eternal-ay fo be;

oAmen ^•fea-andt/imjn^


b, 1. that prudently attendeth] C^/kilfully cariethhimfelfi ft firplietfi both a fkilful mind-ing orjudging

, and a cariagt according, in word and deed* the poor-weakling] 4"^J^efa^ueDaifjatft tljeftgmpcatiDiicfdrawing^sout,oremptying; aiihi^appUchto the weak, . /lean, fickly, whofe flelb and health is fpenr, Gen.41.1^* xSam. i3.4^.anh to the poor, whofe^^^^*Wealth is waited, PfaLy^- 13. & 113*7. OppofcbtO the rich,Exod. 30, rj. ^nb ajS tjiepoor

raleb weak, thin erleanjfo rich and great men, rtrCfrtiCb.thickc;t fat * Pfalj 8.31.poor-weakling trcatcb Of David

, aitb10 fou Chrift,a>Ql appearetft bp the lo.WriTstutt^iared inm) loh. 13. i8“. 3. preierv hjm alive] conierv his life & health, aj|^reftorehiin to health froiii iicknes,ai^ ® 5Clvtahlj3fapD to live,whcn he recover-

" " '

edhishealthj ira.38.9.21. give thou him not] fteflUretOhlb fp^fffi tO the Hoib:onb fo acapn in tlje tiert btrfe . to the foul ] tf^atw , to fftc lull wii, ap Luk.x?*25 . fee Pfal. 27 . 1


. eje <f5^a'h fapt^ ,into the hands . p. 4, lahguilhing- for©w ] 02, of

'' " '

ficknes, feeblenes. thou halt turned ] 'haft changed. St mt'lfpbc Piiberfhcobthee of making his bed eafy,that comfortable ,

in his ficknes : OJ, ofchanging his eftatc from' **

lying ftek, to fitting up in health. ^P. j. heal my fowl] that 10. hed me.who nnw ^lick: 02, heal my fowl, of fynns

,infirmities &g. fo <^b healed the people,pj|)en f)e patbOnCp TaSn

tfici'r Pntleanncb, ^ chren. 30. 20, anb healeth the broken harted, Pfal .147 .3 . ^nb tl]at PJhltfr :

tbe^zophctfpfaheth ofhealmgof the people3 tljC <l!^Pangt lift cypCM^bCth, offorgiving rheni’

their fynns, Ifa. 10. Mark. 4. 12 Mat. 13.15. P.7* abroad] 02, in the Itreer^ •

9 * IfAjpjfchevous thing] 02, Some diviliib matter^ ?l)eb2*^ word of Belial: W'ord fbt** *^3 *1

thing, in'pfal.7. i.-ailbBebal , I'nPfal. 18. 5. Potb jopiub a|5lKrf,in Pfal. loi. g^Dciitf 1 C.jir . 9. St mappeunberftoob, offeme odious fyn and wicked vice;C2,offeme grecvciu punifh-


ment for the fame. faftned] 02, powrcd into him. CI>C C2K rrrl \l>02b flGPlfP‘‘tflboth, anb map benote the greatnes and fart cleaving of his fyn^and likewife of his punifhmcnt: ^

f02 plagues are fapb to be powred out. Rev; i(^. 1, &c. fbal no more l ife] 02, llial not addto rife . p. 10. • the man ofmy peace] tjat l^,my familiar freind,wbich was at peacewith HK* 5. ajg S;Ubap,€b2lP0 Opjn blfripft* ^ greatly-lftud vp] C^2,magnifycd the heel,02 the footfole: tpat it», hath infolently arid contumelioufly aburcd me,fetking my overthrow^b tljlH (irgaiP appUeb to loh*!^. 18. He that eateth brad with me,hath lift up the



Pfaliti. XLIT.

heeUsilnltme. V U- fiiowttviUJnprjailtlpl^b

with voice, ortromprt j a« Num. 10-7. fomctim: aforowiul-crymg-oct, tomautfjoyf ii ihowtmg


as atia*V,V

^b.n, Andl,l OJ, Asrorm-% to. 14. Amen] C?, ho be it. »Ut t_fy bJUS

Vtohia Amen ito toffSii til? , <Cns!iri anD all otliCT laiigua^^ , to b. i f

fhtti aitUfcHt; aabtfiirplJctilbotbatoJiftiitoCtf tbetftrigfo tob. , am ap.titei.fio.un

f >ii 1 t^wt fo ttfbalbri 'oi^iw tt i 3 abbcc in tfte tnb oftoltiTingS , piapcre, tnipj tanctiiS,

.Cor;.4 .i3 . 3t iP tof:b alfo tn AJ’ bOTrg of

fp?ct!l?0.'ratton, a0 ioh.3.i«. Am.n Am?n, tftat 13, Venly

Verily , fjlfo clfwij'K . ujljt n oto? eoangdifUaptlj Amen; M«

fwoftltrianictbi iOiaptb Verily,pjtiucly,Luk. u. 44 .^ur.r.tnv ittst!) ntlrof

^30 (;imf if. 16: attil of <£.fjjifi, Kev. 5 . 14. betaUi? of his taicmulnes and uutn in per-

forming all promifes."

The fecond book.

Pfalm. 42. ,

‘ Pfatm.42.

2 . Lf - as the hmde^ for '^'aterjheams death hray

I . To jche mayftcr ofthemufk,^ an in-

Oru&ing- pftlm to the fonns ofKoiach.

1 4 -S the hmdj'defiroufly-brayeth for

xVthe dreams ofwaters : fo my fowl

d«firoufly-brayeth,unto thee 6 God.

Mv fo«1 thirfteth for God,for the

living God: whenQial Icome, and ap-

.pcar , before the face of God/

4 . My tears have been to trre bread


day and niglu : while they fay unto me al

‘ the day ,where is thy God?

5. Thzk- thist^s I remember, and

powr-our ,npon memy fowl; becaufe

I had pafled with the throng,had refort-

cd wtth them ,unto the howfe ofGod:

with voice of thowting & confefoion,a

multitude keeping -fwftivitie.


de/trotfJl:e: even-fi defironjlte-dooth-hray ^my fiwl^S

I; EEl^gGod to thee, y. For Gody evenjor the living (jod^

g'|EEjE|E^|^E^|^iEii^l^^myfowl tt thufieth- fire: 0 )X'hen fhal J come,andap*

|I^EEi^i^EgE|Ep=^=!EEEi^feoTy the/hceofGodhefire!

4. ^^eeptng-tcjys have been to mefor bready both night and day:

^htle unto mCy '^htre is thy Cody

they<?/ thedaydno [ay,'

Thefe things doo j m-ymnd-recori^

and on myfrlfnui^fhed

my very wl; bteauft / hud ,

among the throng p^fed ;

^ods howfey>^ith them

^ didfreyentl'

Wtth V ice f>f[howting-glee

4mdthat;i^l-py(iyfey witii mullttudo

keeping fijhvuse9



Why boweft-thou-dovrn thy felf


my makeft-chou-a tumultuous-

ftyrr within me ? wayt-hopcfuliy for

God,for yet I Ihal confeffc him : the fal-

ymoils ofhis Face.

7, My God; within me ,my fowl

boweth-down It fdfifor that, I remem-

ber thee from the land of larden , and

Ghermonim^ from thelitle iiiountayn.

8 Deep unto deep calcth,at the voice

ofthy tt»4(«r-fpowts : al thy breaking-

biilowes & thy wavesjdoo paiTeover me.

t 9. By day,Ichovah wil command his

mercy; and in the night,his fong with

me; a prayer,to the God of my life.

10. I wil fay to God my rock, whyhaft thou forgotten me; why goe I fad,

for the oppreflion ofthe ehimie?

1 1 . With a frmrdcring-^eapon in mybones, my diftrelTers doo reproch me,

when they fay unto me al the day,where

w thy God/ ^ ',

T2 Whyboweft-thoU'down thy felf,

my fowl; and why makeft thou a cumul-

tuous-Oyrr within, me ? wayt-hopefully

for God, foryet I fhal confefTe him: the

lalvations ofmy face, and my God*

> -r

Xtll. ^113

6. /^w/, S ^hfrfire do 9 ft then

thyfeij ^ovon-hsavtly ;

and wherfore in me mak^ thow

a (lyrr-tumHluioufly >


d:oti fir God^ becauft

yet I [hdhim confifi: for the

(alvattons ofhis fkce^,

7. ^jkyGod;inmeymyJowlbowes-dom:

fir, thee to mind J cal^

from Jarden Und, and Hermonim^^

even fiom the mommynfmal •

S . zAtfounding of thy >^ater^^owts^

' deep unto deep dooth cah .

dy Waves pajs over meyUnd-ekstly breaking- biliorvesal , j

p . By day, Jehovah Wtlcommandhis mercy ; and With me

his fug by night : a prayer^ dial ^

toCjodffmybfib^, -,

la J fay Wtl unto God my Roek^ , .

why doefi ti^oumefirgen'

^whygoe J fad, while tioenemie

me prefing-dooth-befet}

U With murdring-Weapon in my bones


me my diflreprs l heck,

' •

when al tfje day, wher is thy ^od ?

they unto me doo fpeak. •'


i2 y frwl, 0 Wherfire doofi thou hoVf

thyfeif^down- heavily


' ^ and wherfire in me m^ikeft thoH

a Jtjrr- tumultuoujly 1

Wayt-hopefully fir ^ody beeauji

yetj fhal him confffi

ofmyfhee thefdlvattons^

my God


iTTe fecondbook] oFPfalms . all fomplH ftl Ottf bc#Iunic,(a6m 2tc alfo the fmal^zcphtts^)Ud)ichthcniponmcalleDThe bookofthePfalms, A6i. i.zo. (a£f, The book oi the Prophets, A(51:.7.4i.) pet tn tfte thetmi.l3Loai4ji;®efii<Ueatfietfl tot&eeiD tfie4x.#falm fo^eaowSjUJDiff) ton-


'IT4- Pfdm'.XLIT.


ttu&ft! VDttT^ Amen & Amen» /^T^f frrorfc, tC t()f 72* 1! Olfc Ulftit Ameii Arne,

ar'ti tfte end of Davids prayers . <s:f)e tI)uD vffvci)ctii tc tj)c 89 contfubet! lifeilDdfe

tl tifi Amen & Amen. fcmtit unto t{)c i o5 . roticaifion Amen, Haleiu^|

jah. ^i)efift,itntotgci5o.^^fahti, ei'b?b toUljHaleln^^^ '•


I * Korach cdo U uo tf)c HtUltc that tofc up anb n bell*ti atfairff* iBofcig atfti ^ron^'fc^\x’i)M]C>Oi3 berttcpeb (jtmanb}}i0famllie, anb all tfiat toch pa\tunt6 j)nTi,Num.i<u


lf)oU3b it , tf)tre toeve of his fonns, that dyed not,Numb* i6. ii. brparttns (a0 it fecmetlftfrS !

tl>eir fatl). rb tmtb, ab aUbaerc coimfdkb , Kum, i6. 24, 7.6^ €^f [iib race tame Samuel ifte

ailb HemanktbrcpSfbJVuabafh^ger 3 VChron. 6. 53. €’Ot^)Cfe fonns of Korah,

t|;i3 anb fnnbip otl^er ^falmo arc romenbebi \ja!}icft fej tl^r lucft part,arc fergo tf ccirfo^t,

a>ainP t^ffltc $* 1A AstheHmdJoitheHart-abei^fltlitflpfcp

ramrc, anbU}&ofetI]U*fi-ibto Vufjcn (be iblntob^ ^ CI)c Hmd,tbr f nialetbber«

tt;eant,'^b-bt moibanrepcb ,flie-brayeth; anbtlj:<i&ice6aitiflr heelaphos,matnfeft'Hinb

\ '

i kbtu paffiondarcflroncjcrtbanm defiroufly -brayeth ] in <6;ccli,

yV d^fi' eth J C!;t5 UJO^b lb bfeb but bcrCj anb in Io:l, i* 10, 6 Hop ,the beafts ofthe feild bray I

alio unto thee. 3. ttoleth] tijatib,earnelUy defirethj ^0Pfal.63.i.<©f thiril !

fcrGoisgraceandrpiritjfcCifa. 5T. i.loh.7.37. Hcv*2z. 17. * the living,God ] ^OfalClJ i

^fl't*” J b:eailf: he is the wel ofliving

, (that lb, ofcontinual fpringing ) waters^Ier.iy. 13. abun-

Si«^ dantly cefrelhing thofe that come to him . <©^,hvmg, id oppofcb tO the deadjt!)at lb. falfe Gods,^

“•. PfaI.,io-<.z8. I phef. I ye turned from idpls to ferve the living and true God. ‘ living,

that lb lively, powrful, effedtualj ab Pfal.38.zo. Heb. 10.31. ^ bcfbp the of God]riTR’59 thatlb ,

betore his ark, or tabernacle wherein he dwelt among men . ^0, thatwhich'in i.Chr.

^^13.10. tb before God ; In z. Sam. 7. Id, 'vuh the ark of God. ^ab tljcrc all men werb bound1^ to appear ( oj be feen

)before God three times a yere . Exod. z3 . 17 . ^ 34 ,13 . z4 . ^nb hctcthe


U)op before 0j unto, lb tc be uubfrfloDb,ab cfffu in tiff bulf; Hhich ft mtime ib (bpplwcb:abmnpbc fcmbptciupatlncxsam. lo.z.with I Chron. iy.z. & I. King. 11.29, With^,


Ghron. i 8 .z3 . ® 4. to me breadl that ib, rny bread, my food.^o . bread of tears,‘

Pl'al. 80. 6, - they fay] my foes, db hiTfc 1 1 . OJ while it is fayd. all the day] o^,everyj

dayj abthe 4PlCfbtimiCthlt. Thefe things] my abfcnce from Gods face,bfif.3.j

anb my adverfaries reproch, b.rfr 4* « -^owr out upon me] 0;t ihed within me , 0;i by my 1

kdf. ^()ib ItOtCthexceedingforoW. or faintii^; lihe that in Iob.30.1^, And now my fow}j^ / '• powrethoutitfeifupo'n me, and thedayesofafflidiOn havetockhold ohme. J&O r Sam. i.iy.,

3>am z.iz. throng] a mnltiiud(^ preafing to goe before God. keeping fefti-;

Tide] 0^, U>itT|a multitude dancingj 0^ keeping afeall. at their folcmn afTennblies,theykept fealts , Exod, 23. 14. tLitl)dancn g ,

earing, drinking and joy . F.xdd. 32. y. 6. 19. ludg.27 . 19. 21. Dent. 16, 14. Ut jj. 6, Why bowdf mou down: ] tO lueit , with forow;anb therf()ir th?,<l3icefl tumetf) tt,why art thou forowrul?

J; CJ Sorow or Care in a mans hartjjj

bowethitdown: but a good word, rejoyceth it. Pro'v. iz. zy. the faivations] UnbcrH-aitb.and, o;i for the falvations, that ib the fnl fahaiion,cr;^perfe(ft-delivcrance. ' oihis faetT !

thatib, which his face',’ favour & gracious prefence giv^th unto me. - - ^hi?<5^rf{rVfabft§j

fl)tlbithe falvaiion ofmy face & my G od : traurplnriiig t\ 1 l^Uf hUerb,r3t I’* tfc IrpUft |f*

^.7. for that, I remember]& cannot come b_fore thee: ab, berfr 3. l;1, thtriore Iwl m:ndthee, fftncghabeiicUmptlotoccirf me ir mpabfn rcfixirthtc. thelandoflarden ] u hicU (aueafJVuatb from 3etufalr:nU3hq:c <l3obbfanrn?a!»T teab* andChennonim] tf)at ib, the inhabitants,*cj the mountayns of Hcrmon,U;huhtcab a hye mom t !

in the North parts of the land Caleb alfo mount Shirjc n ;fcc Pf 29. f,, the Iitle

the <^;tCCb:Gthcrb itiakcit a proper 'amfjMount Mltfaf. m^btt the fouchem mpoii-!

tainsy that were final flircfpectofHermon. Mount hr ftu? put fb^ mo at its5 fb charret,fc^char- '

inr\ rets: Pf.zo.8., P. 8. Deep unto dec peak th] thatib,one /.ffiidicn or rentariontolow^ethj& occaiiojieth aa other^widiput interauision of trofubk.^Jd deep,abiiaie,C(J Gulff, ib a place of

. . ma- '


Pfalm/ XLIII.^ iij

m-iny waters, ,


great afflictions . Ezek. Ion . U 1'» -f^'breaking-biljowes]

fu:f| ate moft Dangenus to Ojo^joii. Biilowes l^atje tl)ctt name ofbreaking,aiS tf)c ueyt too^ti

waves, of wallowing 0,1 tumblinT : botf), figiufp affliCUons . Pfal. 88.8. Ion. 2. 3,

8. 9, command his nisicy] tfta’’ t Cl,appoint 0;lTendit with power and authorities apTj^afeta^

5m fcain triTIaffi^ti often ufcD fo;tm befjcmenrie: bftaufe <j3ob bp jJijS '5iincid0-prOi!

mretftSOObtOljtjSbmyle. Deuc*r8.8.Levit.iy,zi* z. Sam.17. 14. ;§)0 afteri tnPfal.44^f.-

& 133.3. &71.3. Sc <^8. zp. &7. 7. ^ 91. II. hisfong] tliatljSjCatirf and matter for

me to fing him praife. ^0 d5ob fapb,tO give fongs in the nieht, lob. 3^ 10. ^ee alfolfa, 30.-

a prayer] tO UJCet, I ilial mak^ a prayer* -^lub fomt pfallllO aiT I'lttimleb prayers,' aiS

Pfal* 17, 1. Sc po. I. Sc loz. I. Sc 14Z. I. Habak. 3. I. 10. fad] mournfully. ^CC Pfal.

3f . 14* 1 1 . with a murdring-bJeapon ] Retfach , murder, fcmtrtft fierc tD bc 0

(word Ul weapon of murdring ; (asJ pnde 13 a prowd perfon, Pfal. ^ 6 , iz*) meaning tj)at his

ad verlaryes words did forelyatfed and griev him, as ifa dagger had been thrull into his bones i

JfOi, reprochfiil words,atepeirfinglike fwords: Pfal. 5-7. j. Sc sp. 8. {5* iz., falvations

ofmy face ] tfjOt tfil, he which giveth me ful raanifeft apd apparant falvation, or prefent deU-verance , ^:e before, betfc(j.

^ - Pfalm.43 .*

IVdgeme6God,and plead my pica;

from thenaiion unmerciful ifrom the

ipan of deceit, & injurious -evil, doothou deliver me



For thou art the God of myflrength ,why chrufieft thou me -away :

why goc I Hd fad ,for the opprefsion of



Send thy light & thy truth, let

theiulead me: let them bring me unto

the moiintayn ofthy holynes^and unto

thy ii.wc\\ing,-pUces»


Andlwil come unto the altar of

God; unto God,the /oy ofmy gladncs:

& confefs ihec with harp, 6 God myGod.

j. Why boweft thou down thy felfc,

my fowl, and why makeft thou a tumul-

tuous -ftyrr within me.^ wayt-hopcfully

for God, for yet I (hal confefs him; the

falvations ofmy facc^ and my God


Sing this as the 41. Pfalm.

IVd^e me 0 God, and pleadmj plea;

from nation mercylrf;

deliver mepom man of£HiU ,

and ofmjurionfnes,

r. For thou the (jod zrtcfmyfiren^th,

)^by thruflefl me theepox

^hjgoe /Pdftd- mournful,prdiopprefpon ofthepe>

f. Send thy light and thy truth, let them

'me lead : let them we hrmgto mountayn ofthy holynes,

andunto thy dwellings^

I , nd / Wd to Gods altar come %

to God, the joyplnes

ofmygUdnes : thee ^ith harp^

0.God my God, conftp,

. oJiiy fivol, 0 ^herpre doofl tJooH how

wy fefdotvn-heavdj


and Wherprein me makeft thou


Voayt’hopepllypr^od^ hecaufo

yet J fjalhm conpfi:

ofmypee the plvattons^



P i l, ludgc

116 '.

Pfalttl. XLmi. '

t. ludge It^MtttTl an examination ofthe canfe, giving fentence, andexecu-tin'e of it, by delivering the opprefsecl : fo Tndging 10 Ufcti fo^ delivering, x. Sam, i8. 19*31.JuJg.3. 10. Pleading alfooue0 pleai0of Itrie meani ng: feePfal* 35. i. g. z.mjrilrength] 0^ my itrong-fort, a0 Pfal. x8. 8. fo;i U3[)Ki)in Pfah4i. 10, fje ttfctl) tftr Rock.

3- dwellincT-places] mcaatag the holy tabemacl? O^fan^tuarie M)tC|^f)ab feveral rooms-

I :' holy and moil hoIyTl^ted by veilesj tljC 0bfcrl3^th, Heb.' 9. z. 3 . 7. cz, the

hye place at Gibeon where the tabernacle wis, firfc in Icrufalcm where the Ark W'as: 2. Chron,1. 3.4. foi in both tbofe placed <6nb bbjelt, ar^t» toa0U5O^fi;ipfb/)?i t tTje fit ft fcim ff ircjt

p^c^er,bccaufeof Pf. 131. feeal^o Pf. i. 4. And i wilccme]Thatimaycom ^foifotbc 11) *bvu? pbrafe map oftcnberfofbcD; ai^btbfncbJ '^Ep^^amrr't

Xlfetbbotlj intnffcrmtlp tn tfte 3 a^Luke. S. 37, and ye Ihal not be judged;

in Mat. 7- 1. it 10, that ye be notjudged. the joy of my gladnes] tfjat t0, author ofmy gladfomjoy, inward joy, outwardly Ih-wing it fell in gladlbme'gellure.

r. why bo yell &c.] .010 tj); fam: \bttii Pial. 42.. 12. •

Pfain. 44.

I . To the mayfter ofthe nu*fik^ to the

fbnnsofKoracb,an inftiuding- Pfilm.

a. God, with our cars we have

V^heard,our fathers have told

to us: the work thou wroaghttlt in their

daycs,in dayes ©fold.

3. Thou thy hand, didft diTpof-

fefie the hethens, and didft phnt them


thou didllcvil 10 the peoples, and didli



A , For, not hy xhelv-ovcn fword in-

herited they the land,& their arm faved

them nor;bur thy right hand ^^thy arm,^

and chc light of iliy face, becuufe ihdu

didftfavour tliem..

Thou^ri he my king 6God:com-mand,the falvaiions oflaakob.

N 6 , In thee, vi^e (hiP pufh-with-thc-

horn our dirtrefTers^in thy name, wefoal m ad-down them that rile up a-


r[alm 4.4^

2~0 Go^\\fe ^tth ~^Hr^ears have ^»rd^ur '^(herf

have ui told: the \\>ork^thoHVPmighreft in their

dayet,tn dayes befire-ofold, T ho'u with thy hand

dtdfi diffojjeffe hahen and plantedfl themi vnto

SSthe peoples didd(fi ev'l, and propa^atedil them*

4. For they have not by thetr f>mipvord,

whertred the land}

and their afm,hath not faveddiem y

hut \x thy n^ht- hand

etnd thtntarm, anddy/kces lij^ht i

beeanft thou >^ottldfi their health,

j, Thim that my ktn^ 0 Cjod: command^

^ahobsfilfavwg- health,

6, Jnthee,,^ef.urd}firtffw^-^(i , t.

Oi ^Hth’the^horn~(}}al piifiX

in thj name, xveJhJ uead-deventhofe

thairtfi-Hp again


7. FiXt

Pfalmi ' Xtlitt.


7. For I wH not truft in my bow;and

tny fword Ibal not fave me .

8 . For thoa had faved us, from our

diftrederstand our hatet's, thou didii

niake abafht.

p. In God ,we prayfed al the day:

and thy name, for ever, we wil confefs


TO But hw thow thrufted-away,and

niaV.eft us afliamed: &. gceft noc forth

with our armies.

II. Thoumakedns turn backward,

from the diitre{rer:and they that hate

wsjdoo fpoyl for themfelves.

j2. Thouaivedusasfhlepformeat:'

and fanned us, in the narions


ig. Thow fefeft thy people for no

wealth: &incrcafcft not, by ihe prices

of them.

'14 ITioir erp6feft us a r^procfr to

Onr nej'bours : a rcufF & a fcorn, to them

$bat be round-about us .

7 . For in boy low 7 IVi/ n&t truUl

andmy [word (aves me mt.' For thoHfrom ohy difir efier: hafi

Hi (alvation-got :

'OUr haters KhoHdtdfi-mrd^^ahiifiu

In Godyfpe pniyfdaiday^ .

and thy name^ to eternitie^

*We Wtl confifiSeUh


10 thoH dooft aW^rtfell^

andfuafhamed-md^t^> I

' and Wttkchr ardred-armies^jhott

doofi not thy joHtmy^ln^,

/ / From the dfireffer, thow dood cattfi

’ m batk^ard to recoyh

and they that hate us/fir themfehet .

dotsmak^oi\X% dffoyL \

i 1" ThoH bafi Higiven as (heepfor. Meat I

and mtn nations fknnd^

i 3 Hafifold thy people for no Wealth I

nor by that pruesgaynd,

^ 2 *

14 ThoH to our neighfjojirs doofi^ (xpofi

m fc)t an opprobrie:

a fcoffing and afcorn, to thofi'

th^t round- ab:nt fid bee.

15. Thou putted us fir^ parable,

among rhe hethens: a noddingoflhc

head, among the nations.

16. Althe^^ay, my ignominiefV be-

fore me:and the abaihing of my face

covereth me.

17. Forthe^ioe, of the reprocher

tc taiinter :for the face, ofthe eniqrii^


18 A] this. IS come on us,8t we have

nor forg tren thee: nor dealt- falfly,

againd thy covenant.

: 19. 0 ;ir hart hath not fumed back-

ward: nor our dipping fwarved, fromthy path.

* ‘

ao. Though

// Thoitdoofl m for apanble^

among the hethens put: .l...

a nodding a! fo ofthe head',

the 7?attons through-cut* ‘

i6 tf^y [Ij^mefitl-ignomime is ?

befire me ai the day:^

and the abafhwg ofmyfkci, ,


_me cov*rtng-dootb~aray, J t u: ;


/7 For zofcc,, ofhim th>it dooth repreth

and tnunifigly-deffifi.t Vandfir the fhee ofth'tnimie,


andfeifiaiergmgAVighr 0

iS ty^lthts is come cn m,andWi

have not firgetten thert_

neyfher kgcnnH thy covenant'

commuted-fklftee, .

tgl Our hart hHh not turndbacbj norfromthy filthy ourfiep (firajd,

P 5 io* Though


20 . Though thou Itaft frufKed us,,2 » Though thoHMCrufk,i« Jr,igmflacti


in the place of Dca30iis:& haft covered wcov red ^tth Mathsfh*de.

over us w'ith Sje. (krdosv ofdeath . ^^jirJf«’efrgof,fur godsoame :or

21 . If rt'c have forgotten the name to[irangeGodffreadomh.mdi.

ofourGqtriandfpred out ourpalmsto ' 22 ShJmt Godfenh thts?Jir hidihingt

aftrangeGod. ...vuderfiossds

2 2 . Shal not God ferch-out this?for 2^ Tm (Sr thee,We oiflaughm fheep

heknoweth,thehid-thingsofthehart. efteemd,^e kyldalday

2 2 . But for thee,WiC- are kylled al the, 24 Stjrr up, 'ithyJletptft ,

Lord? awoki

day.-are counted, as feeep of flaugfcter. thruUmt'amy^r «y. •

24 Styrr up)why fleepeft thou.Lord?,,^ 2/ O Uerfort Meftrhm thy face'.' '

awake.thruft not away tocontinual-aye. firgeifi our cufe-di/trejf'

2 5 . Wherfore. hidefli tliow thy face; . 26 and our opprtpon.For ourjml

forg-’tteft thou , our affliction & our u to the dufi down-preftt

opprefston? > , a V Our belly z\[oon the eorth

2 d. For our fowl is bowed down to 0 .cleuvi»g-hold dooth ta^.

the duft:ourbell]t.ckive:h to the earth* iy.'^fi.'fiit-ourfidMelpt.^iJrodeem^•

zy Rife-up. forzet helpftilnes to us; w,for thy mercyyoke


& redeem us,tor thy mercyTakc . ,.

* Annotations. -r- >,

(ft ;d;fpoifefsloidifi.nherit,^ceeymitplfS Ortofirttlje

othre ftinass ofCajiaau lof. d. fmeit naflonss grtattt onb ttug&ntt than u- our Others, thelfraelices ap Exod. .5. .T.aftgUrf tafenfrom the


ordir6iedeththebranches,Pfal., Ezek.i7.«. . < 4 .

•• arThri^thrrip'x^^^ th^fame‘myVm^’fap the ejtcft cyprt#tD

V;p.« o„

fhw or fubduing. u King, zx . t . . Dan. 8.4. if,

tre^-downloi tread-under-toot

ftan|tetIlbM&4aubduingordertroying,i.€hcon.ii.7.&ac<»'^P': or

mX Prov. I7‘. 7 . anb fa th£ •©i/eh here rtaitftatHt) ft, we ihaiTet at naught ^0 afuc w?^al S 14 & Vo/. ir ti. 9. In God, we prayfed] to meet, his actions, falva^

k4‘ a Ufee i>h?afe in Pfal.t r .. r . & Pfal .7 1 . «. 43? bnbtrftanb , we prayfed our fcluep , t&at

^."loryed, triumphed. 3tnb tflUP tJ)C <©ttfll. In God wee Aalbe piayfcd.- ,


21 ,/ Ibeeo for meat lot ofm?at,thatt3,to beeaten. ^^0 after, . iheepot llaugh-

te)’,‘thati3 to^be llayn. Gannett] 0? difpeifeft, Itrbwell-abroad ;as

: ’ 0""^ & 7 after in pfal sr6,i-’. fc. i , . tor no wealth] tflat tO, tor a vue

/rLtwithoJtg;;? 453b1afaPb to ftihis people,

uWhanbb.aaoutof hid oibnpoffrfTiou, ,^0 Deut. jx. jo. ""cieai^

gayntilnot by the prices ofthem; takeilno other people m their fled.

XtV;heightetieft riot tlieir price, tJ, jji a parable] 0. byworrf,f| proverb. IjJtften

llf'O fti2 grave writ ai d princely fentercesi fci3 Pial.49 . 5^ Jmt U: t Jjc | II pmt ft? 0 by word, re^

ft? lb fOltnuon b tt| land arb water-dragons Q wbalts. ;^0 Flal.j^S. 7.^,6t b^^ lblV.eant the place ofde olation and affliction aj5 j,crc ttar(l0tCtj[) It;

Mai. i.'i.Ila. 34. i3.Ier.9, 11.& ic.^i.Iob.3Q 19^ wahthe ll ade] q, in the Ibade:

f??Pial. 13.4. b. 21. fpred out our palnrics &c.] tf attif, Kave pirytd unto; fo^JU

p^aper they fprdd out the Paiius orEEeir hau^s^to ret eiv a blefsing from G od. .1 ,King. S ."12.

Etod. 9 , X9 . Pfal. 143 . b. a J . But for thee] 0^ For for tby lake, ftat ijSj io far we /

be frorafclloMfi.nglhange'Gods,asthattorthy'fike 'We are kylled dayly. Ilirib tgljj alf0 tl5 aCCmfo;it in affltCritmVftc Rorn^ b 14. btyrr up]Jc bum thy felf.


b. 16. to the duft] tftilS rot tf) a bafe and abjed Hate, Pfal. 113.7.Mc ftW clea^*

Ving to the dt.ft, Pia. 119. 25. arb putting the mouth in the dull. Earn. 3^ 29.

b. 27 . an helpK-iines]ti|at ij&,a tui ntip.^ Jc fcaft 0 ktuv irc^t ftfln c^binatp, to eiu rnnrmafe fte figtilfiratton. ^ Pfai.<^3. ^ 94. 17. ftc nou on Pfai.3.3.

Pfalm. 45.

I . To the mayfter of the wkfk^tipon

Shoriianniin,tp thefonns of Korai h:an

inftru£l:i,pg-p/</w3 a Tong of the welbelo-

a. A >f h?tb boyled agondxVJLwordil doofay,niy works to

tbc king:ii»y tongue thepenofafpeedy

writer. • *

3. Thou art muchrfayrcf ' fban tbe^

(bnnspfAdamj craceis pow^eJ-Qut ia

rhy lipsirherfoie God hath bleflld thee

for C'cr.- ’. -•

4. Gird, tby ftt^ord upon thethigk 6naighty-one-r by glpnous-giii^jeflie^and

Jthy comly-honoi r. .

' '

5:. And in thy comely- honour prof-

per ride on word of rrinh,&.ofmecknes

4if>dp( fuftirejand thy right hand,Jhal

'preach I h :’e f. arful-f/:i/^^f ,

, 6. Thy art p,weh fliafp :^dples,{bal'

fal under yiee fin the hart’ bf the kings


7. Thy

* r I r


This may alfo be lung as the iS.Pfal*

2. fj^we hqrt^ a good ^ord hojleth -frventlp

f io the Kt^g^ doo faymme o^wnfi my tongne^thi


fen of^nter f^'eedify, 3. Aftichfayrerm then than

beldams fonns;gr^ce pfAVred out tew thy Ufpsl

iherfore^^O^d he hath biffed iheeffrevarmoyo^]

4f Ctrd tiohfi, dyfmrc! on thtg h c A^g hij- (hh-

dygUry^ andth^nehmoHTabUt €{, .

' *

j, ty^nd\t\ tiy comly^honot^r^ ricir ihou en

‘ ^tthfn fpropu-ffeed^vn \V</>d <fput’ffhies

andofmeck^^es and (fjufr-e^kne ^




h i !)gS^Hj rtr hi hand tonhJhdlthetn*

S, Thine^ aryowes.Jharpf ikj [under, decffalpll

iven^thc hart tin l^ngs enemies,


*2:0 -PfaliH*

7. Thy throne6G 0(1,1/ ever and per- 7 * Thy throne, evf¥andperpetm}^pctuahihe fcepccr of thy kingdom, ii tl 0 (jod *• thefcepter ofthy kingdom^ is

icepter ot righteoufncs V B. Ihoii lovett afh’pt&of rnofi'-ec^Hal-rtghteoHfnes, • ^‘

|uUice^“ -and hateft wickedae,^j t,heTfgre, V,' jifltce thon lov^fi ; and fjateft wn kednesx

feodchyGodhathanoyiit^^^^^ herfore , God thy God hath anoyntedthce^

oil ofjoyful nes,above thy fcllowes.; •' abot>e thy peers^w'vhotl ofjoyfilnes.

p. Myrrh Sc Aloes Cafsia, al thy gar- p, Alyrrh^ Alo^Sy al thygarments bee:

tnents:outofcheyv<)rie pallacesjiriore- ; omoftheyvorttfiiyr-pcdUce^^

than they th^t make thee joyful.


'< more-thm they ih^t^doo make thee torcjoyce^^^

10. Kings daughters, fj'f among thy lo Kwdidai^^bterf,^camon^thyprectoM‘Chotfe;

precious-ones: Tec is,the Qneen,ac tfiy,

u4t thyrtghthand,themar^ecl-jQ^ec)X^asfet

light: hand^in fine- gold of Ophir. ' it inOphtrgold O duHohteYyhear^ fte^

11, Hear 6 daughter& (ec^& bend 4ind bend thyne ear: and thme-ovonfolkX'/rgetj

thine car:& forget thy people,&thy fa- 12 and eke thyfathers howfe. So thy bevotte

thers howfe. 12.And the king wil covet * the Kmg Wd co*uet : for thy Lord he isj <

fhybewtie^.for1ie*^thyLo'rd'3nd and amo -him ho^-down-thyfelffubrntfS,

dovvn-thy felfto him. ^^3., And the 13 ^ndTynu daughter^people^^'>eAthy~men^ .

daughter of Tyrus,* with oblation, fhal X^ithgtft^ thy fkcefhal eameftly-dejire.

carneilly-befetk chy face, even the rich /-f The Kmgs daughter Jglorious is \^>ithm:

of the people. ofpurled '^orks ofgold \S her at tyre.

14. The kings daughter^ al glori- is Jfnforoderyesledtothe Kwgisfnee:

OUS within: her clothing // of purled-: > mayds after herJoerfreinds; brought in to thee^

UForksofgold; In embroderies,(he - 16 • Theyjhdbeled-along ^Hthjoyes, atrdgleei

fiialbcled-along,to the king : virgins they enter (hJ,tnto the Kings Pallace.

after her,her fellow- freinds;broughc in 17 ffedofthyfathers, thyfomsfulbee:

tothcc. 16. They flialbeled-along, with in althe earth, them primes (hdt thou placcm

joyes & gladnes: they fl^al eome, into 18 Thy name, through ages aQ^dreUte:,

thfe pattacc of the King.' 17. Iiiftedof* therfgrefjrayJ'o^fjol thee celebrate^

thyfathers^flialbcthy fonns: thou Quit •

.- .

putthem for Princes,in al the earth. 18. Iwil make-memoric ofthy name,in every

generation generation: therfore peoples, ihal cbnfeb thec, for ever and aye,

K^nnotatiom. f )

berfe. t. Shothanniml tTiat |<^ Six-ftringed-ihftrum'ehts : fo^ fo bt^ fOltlphrxfbn tCttl)

tjec to hMn ?a it ofmurKalinflrumentti: ad shaliihim, b; three ftringd

inllruments. i. Sam. iS . 6 . <lElfvUhiJtC ic fig uT^tft Six-leaved-flo wre>; tfiat 10 Lilies-, a0 Song-

i.^.tofiifhmtipalfobemwbcbhete, bsrib b of Sheih, tfiatidsix.

®,thc titlcioiuPfal. 59. 1. &80. 1. ofthe Wwlt>eloVed-bir'tn0] baiinfitcr^*

nnb other Ijo tojab'e bauiotfcl0 attenbmg upon anb cminmncj mitb tftc 4^uceuj tlyc ftctnbtf

oftftc bnbC‘itoom a vbbitbe: b?rf. lo. ni(io fhorlb fnirtftpbmartagrfouf^inpppfrg

tftem. 'ifierfoic tlii0 l^pmrefcttctftfo^tli ft hit? anbbtdfpomfethc Cljurclj

mhtrbcmtp. fox ChitlH^the 'l3iiDcn‘onni, and ^enfalcmtIie:25^iDe, iohn .3 x9 .Htv.

11 . 9 . 10 . altrir Cfut?tian0 arc virgins, fn their rptdtualcbaftid Rev. 14 . 1 . 4 . fclctoing

anb lobinu tfic Hamh, foj tfje ftoest obcur ofj)i0 name 01 45ofpd, Song. i .x.anb ar bdobebOf|)UU»

Pfalni. XLV. 12T

tt)c Mincah oj meat otfring in tfie !a\n , iMfjicl) Voa0 D;iefT^& in tl)c frptng^pan, Levit. 7


5> . anbtperelJoyleDmoi!, bemgmatiecf fiaefloiiriuiIctehcD, minglcD \2rit|)oil. Levit. 2 . y.anDAfter Uias^p^ifcxitcD to ti)e Ho^tJbpU^e pictfl, verfes.&c. C&C matter oft{)t0 ^aimijS ti)? Mincah oj obiacion,\33i]tct) U3!tl) oiLtj^e grate of tftc fpirft, UJa0 boplcb anD pjc#

pareD hi t^c pjoi3Ij^t0 harts anO r.cu3 p^c|cntcO*;E>o tfic Pfalm. 141 . UfeeUittfe topateo to

the Mincah obiaaon pjqmtco ot cijetiing^ PiaL 141. 2,. uio^D fifujhere readin the (cripUU'C. a good word] an excellent, fweec and pleafant matter. 4 word

UfcDuflCnfo^athing.OJ matter, PiaI. 4 U^. h^reitt0fO| the whole argument ofthis pfalm*

I doo fay] o,2, 1 am a laying, tljat Uiftlfh fcrUmtlP tiopicth in me* jpO^ ofth’abundance of

the hart the mouth fpeaketh, my w^orkstothe King] 0^ my poems ol the King;thatijt

cf Cfeffli concerning him, and dedicated to him is this Pfalm, or Dittie. my tongue,

the pen] UiidrrftanD, it is as the pen : 0^ p|aper\Heifc , be it as the pen. ^ ofajp^jr “'d

water] 0^, ofafwilt (a ready) Scribe. ^0 CftaUia^ caiedUOt Oltefp fo^ tOJitlttg, bUtalfCl

fo^mterpietmgthclau), £zr. 7.^* Scribes mere both Scriveners OJ Notaries, z. King*

21* 3 .& expo (itors of the Law,O^Counfclers. Mat. z3.z. i. Chron. 17. 3x.

5. Thou art much-fayrer] ?^eb^lte tOO^d IJS Ofdouble fo;wne, tO ftOte out double

tfiat 10 very excellent bewty . fayrnes 10 not ofbOdpOnelp>bUt ofUltltd, in UJtfdom> f)0^ J'

Ipnc0&c. asm Ezek. 18.7. thereto mentioned bewty ofwirdom . Iglcrethe^falmiftbeoiiwncth fp^feft to €ftf and offtt0 pjapfe0:mincft alfo tfte Cftaldee par&ftja(l etplapnetJtftU0,Tnou art fayrm lowl and body,6 King Mefsias. tfte dqcription of Cft^ip0 fptrituat

brmtp in Song, r . lo.— I^. grace IS powred out in thy lips] tftat 10, thou fpeakeft gra- m pSMcious words abundantly. ^ftu(I:0 lips, U)etC like lilies dropping-down pure myrrh. Song, f .13 .

^ "

al tftat heard fttmfpeob, wdndred at the words ofgrace that proceded out ot his mouth. Luk.. XI. thenore] to the end that thou Ihouldeft powr out thy gracious words to men:

O^ becaufe God hath blefsed thee. 4. Qjrd thy fword] tftat 10, make ready to the ^3*10 nrfight. Exod. 3X.Z7. 1. Sam. Song. 3. 8. ^ftefpirttual fword, |0 tfte word ofGod, Eph. '


17. '^fterfo^e Cft^t|l0 fmojd p^opaip cometh out ofhismouth Rev.i 16* and with thebreath of his lips, fhal ne flay the wicked . Ifa . 1 1 . 4* upon the thigh] iutder(Iand> thwthigh. Cfte l^eb^ue often omittctftUJOjd0 ofifti0fo^t, eafptof^uadetfloodifotfteIntgenem te(tammt,a0 mending the nets, Mark. I. Ip. faj, mending their netts, Mat.4. xi,

to put away, Mark. 10.4. fo^, toputherabjapj Mat. ip.7* and manp tfte Iilfee.

d mighty one] Champion; j|^:b.Gibbor, one oftftC tlfleiS of Cftjtfl, Ifa. 9 * 6,

IfteUJetft ofUJftat manner fvuozd fte fpeabetft, taled gloiy anijComlynes oj magniricence,l>ec^ oftfte poVUrfuI cff«^Ct0. tfiqe UJO?d0 fce Pf.8 .z, 6 .

y. profper ridel tftat 10 ride prolproufly. fee tht ItbC pft^tafe Pfal. f 1 .4. f'on word

of truth] mftieftM tfte Gofpel ofour lalvation, Ephe. 1.13. tftc white HorfetoftetOll^ “

tidetft* Rev. Ip. II. o|, becaufe of truth; for the truths fake, ^^ftc ^CbUtC al debar 10 oftennfed fo| becaufe. Pfal. 7^.^. Gcn.43.17. Deut.ix.x4.andfotfte 45^e^tfberfionfta® it ftctc#

ofmeeknes] fo Cftjifi tame riding meek. Mat. 21. y. andft<0 word, i0botft to be taught,tnd to be received with meeknes. z. Tim. z. zf . lam. i . xi. and ofjuflice] meeknesot jiiftice tftat 10, jullice meekly adminillred. bUt tftc d^^eeft fuppitctft tftC UlO^d and.

fhal teach thee] oj, let it teach thee fearful-tfting0* 9in tfte <^|eeb it 10, thy right handW^il guide thee marveloufly. ^ d. Thy arrowes] tftat 10, thy words wherby thouconvincell and beatettdown fyn ana fynners. tfte ttdet On tftc U^jlte i?0^fe, ftatft a bow,kdften fte go: tft to conguer. Rev. ^.z. arrowes, at words, pfal. ^4. 4 . b| judgments, Deut. 32. •

*3« y jn_tlichart,1 ttUderfland , theypeirfe the hart ofthe kings enemies, ^ndtftifi 3^3»otc® tftt fffitarie of tftefe looid? judgments , O0 rlftoftereftt faptft, i wil fend ai my


122 Pfalm. ^LV.



plagues upon thy hart, Bxod.9.t4.alfo tutoatb OpCtatfmi5 dividing

afunder the fowl and the fpirit, difcerning the intents of tne hart, caibng down imaginations,


bringing into captivity every thou^Tht. Heb. 4, IX. x. Cor. 10. 4.5. ^ 7* Thy throne oGod] l}m €(in)l: cur Hing ic marjirdficb God, ubob? tftc tiugrtjs, aid tl)*’ flp: to#

CtJi, Heb» I. But unto the Ibn he iayth, thy throne 6 God is for ever &c* i^ClTbp fllfo t|!S

liuantthe perpetuity of Chrilis kingdom. ^0 i.Chron.xx. 10.x. Sam. 7. 16 . a fctpter

of nghteoufnes] OJ^arod (a mace) ofequine; playn & righteous in adminirtration.

~niat}rano7nt^ thee] ofthto l^cfo;tue Maihach,hath anoynted,cur JjDJb ijeK ftlct Malhiach 0|Mefsias, Un'O tU Ch: ilt, tlftat ifS, Anoynted; fee Pf. x. x. oil ofjoy ] the holyGhoft, which joyerh the hart. Ink. 4 i8. i. Thef. i. 6. above thx-b Bow es]

above al Chnihans who are thy fellowes, conforts, and partners iiTthe anoynting, i . lohn, x.

xo. X7. tofio a? e nKo made Kings dc pi'eiUs, Rev* y * 10. unt; \rit{} tohCIU thou half taken part offlelh & blond; Heb. x. 14. 9. Myrrh] rfin'b Cfthc|>(B:ue\XClt Mor,mibip thegumm or liquor oKa rr e, ir taf bitter, m fmel odoriferous: tjerff ^cit toflCUfcb

cud cuument cf tijic ficb (1, aub tc^brrncrle* Exod. 30. x i . anb in c tf;er ftoert pci jtiiucd*

Fdh. x. IX. Prov.7. 17. ^rc Song* 4 14* & r. 1. 13. Aloes] cftfjC

Ahaloth, a fweet wood wherwith perfumes were alio made. Num. 21.7. Song. 4. 14.

bland cal infandal. Cafsia] t^caflies, al ooftflC i^rttoCKetfiorh: clftobfrcitldUOt

fount) ill fmptuve. %t fcmictp to be the barks 01 1 kyrns cf that Iweet Ihiub Calia, lunitl'cncb

bp|^UfHC>l« 1X.C.20. al ihy garments] tjat ld> they bee of them; fmel of them; 0^,ar anoynted with them* out 01 the yvorie jrallaccs] pallaces of 41: 1 pi ai'td tooth;

6liraniU0 that cptllft the King cometh out of th< m,t;the gaime ms W'cre taken out of fuch pal-

laces or coffers* llUlOdpaUiUtdterrclcninillt irifitcof y\orie 07 tooth !I.King. 2X.39.

more than tljCp tftat make thee joyfull 0?, than tbtivfi tPct make rhee glad: tbotld, thy

garmenrs_^are more odmiftrous, then the garments of thy ftllowes, nurttctub tcift 8«

tc;t tftoUClb tbC fyotofe CruvclB l-fltb thefavoiroi hereders, bettei than al Ipices, and the

(melof her garments, as the odour ofLebanon, fhe being perfumed with myrrh 3c incenfe, &r al

jipiceToGhoSiC Song. 4. lo* 11. Be 3.6. pct iHbiittHttirdf IdlUC^CObc pfciCUd, Cbcil

wholly delectable, fo> God hath not given him the Ipirir ty mefure. Song* i* 2. & s* j 6. lohn*

3« 34. ^nb^ic i&aii td at to make Chrilt jf yiul, fr. ^ rl his delyte is in them, Pfal. 16 , 3^

Song. 7. 6, 10. amon^ thy prccicus-ones] t!](?tid with thy bcnouiable toCIUCtl*

C^, in thy precioufnelses, tljat !d, are in thy precious honourable ornaments, or pallaces.

fetisthe Queen] C^, the maned- Queen, (tbcwifc) is placed ar thy right hand, tfiPtldj ic

the molt honourable place* I. King. 2. 19. CljetoO^b Shegall'd ufrtj bcrCj Crb Nehem.z. 6,

Dan. 5 i3,fnjttb'^3^5Kid wifecj bcbfdlcto. in fine-gold] tpnt td> CbtflC

CTPli'PWetft if, cloth of fine (c? giitcrir^) gold, fMfb Ccthcni; fl fpecid milC fin? the moft

pure and fplehdent gold. Job. 28. 16. 19. Be 31. 24. Song. 5* ii. Dan. 10. y. l^trcfid Mictam,

Pfal. 16*1. ofOphir] tfirtld, out of the land of Ophir; to(*C UJCd the fon of lektan,

tf|0 fon of Shem, the Ion ofNoach Gen. 10 29. Vi btocltll! P pPtt cf India, Pilb CfllfttltbC

foiintrcp toad calfb Ophn:frrnithci tctor.d luirf) Cethtmc?fine-gcid b?uiobt to Sutram’botl|Vrfcc(fd,rdP4Pfpa'cib i.Kmg. 9.2S.& 10.11.Be22.48. i.chron. 29.4.^l;efclb

itMftoadcaUt bpHdramcbphir: Iob,2X.24. 9* n* Hear o dauchter]

rtf) to tljf Queen fo^.^#lTlCnttomb/tf urit*0 tftf church,or heavenly Icrii!aIFm,’the L'ambswife*

Rev*xi.9. lo.&c* ^nbfotbrCbalbfCparapJ)?afctlj, Hear 6 congregation oflfiael, the law

of his mouth, & f*e his marv elous works A c. and thy fathers howfe] Pd Iran arb

toife muiit leap their paveutd, to chop cch to etijer, Gen. 2 . 24 . & 3


. 14 . ft ivun bJ I c.l,

to clcap pilto Ch?ifr Mat. 10* 37. Luk. 14. 2t^. jp* II* W il covet thy bewty] v d delite

him felf in thy fayrnes, (thy farBtitie;) fet forth in Son^ 1 . 14. A 1. 14 • Be 4 . i Ac * ^r, the

l^ng is tycd in the rafters: Sorg.7. f. and bow down] c?,therfore woilEip ihou him.

l u the daughter Tyrus 1 tlOt the people Ci Comon wealth 01 Tyr^; ad


Pfalm. XLV.daughter of Sioti, PraL^.iy, Tyre 0? Tyrus (in Tfor, (fgm'flVt!) flRockol 'T»rti5 ,

Fortreiiei) U)asafliongn:tp a>jpTtapnmo[t0 t||c tatj£of Hrei[;,io(.*

|yp tl)t MngHmm became frienD to ^)aoio, 2,. Sam.f * 1


. anb to ^olomtnI. Kingf. i«i.&c. pet ^iDpvuj^rancmb^^bnottljebiatljerfpcotJeuaiit,

Amos. I. j?. biitreiopcrDattfte DcfoLition of "J.mfaljm, Ezek* a6. z. banded it fclf, \oitft

ctljrr entmied, agamfr fjifrarb P^^l- 83. 8. and mailed of jilcbucljadiu^ar liinQ offall, bp 45odbpcdgcmait, 70. pccedi iia. i^.iuBzQk.i6,7. ^tcoutniued nndet idoljs tiltfae

Jl^affaabiedtimt%audtbmfaad|lil Hercules foj tfacir cfacif«l5c:di z. Mach. 4. i8. 19.

one citp Tyre, tdfastc named in fled Ofatfacv* natimid^ becaitfe it mad tbe efaiefdtp cftraf*

f!cfc m mo^ld i being an pie in t|) e fea, mljo|c mercyauDtp and magnificence tl)c pzopljct

largelp dejCllUetb, Ezek. zj.her merchants were Princesjha- chapmen the nobles of the world,

Ila. 13 . 8.. the helped vp lilver as dull, & gold as cne mire of the ibeetsj 2ach. ^.3. ^ftfac

icetton i}tvt p^opijqied, mf)tdj tb^P fijoulD petid mita the Cburcb,mc map fee it fulfilled ini

tl)e ncm Ccjlam:nt, mi)sr manp tfaat dmclt about Tyre & Sidpn flocUed after €b;tifl, MarkJ3.8. and 1)2 refo^ttd into tfteir bojderd;, Mark. 7 2.4 . and bp tfacii: n adpned^ljc bpbzaidc d tfae)

bacUmaediied or the 3:mcd, Mac, 1 1 .zo.z i,and afeermardd in tl}z '5«po(lIed daprd there madacbuabof5r!au3€lj^ijliand inthat citpi Act. 3*4. s. &c. alfo Pfai. 87. 4*

earneltly befeek tny lacel thal inltandy pray (oitue) unto thee 6 ii^UCen* Ojigiral 3Hn’.7‘»a

tojafd aatucafip fignt iTi) to make ikk oj foryjand bang jopned mitlt the mc^d face (rnfaieft

' •* ~

efim ujed fo;i an^er,)tt meanet!)rtO abate the anger, by importunate prayer and by humble fuit

to prevayl. ^0 dfcec Pi’ai, 1 1^?. ?8 . rich ofthe people ] the wealthy among them; mcau^ingof me Tynan>, ml|ic{|mece a bjealtljp nation: and gencrallp, oUjer people ^edfa.^o. 1*3. y.ii* &4y. 13* i<ev. z 1.24,16. mijcrc the riches and honour of the Gentiis, are broughttotheCimrch , 14, glorious within] 0;i , honourable inward^ in tfae dart adOjmed mit!) faiift, hope , lobe &c. ; o^mtplnncnnan : ab Ephef.3 . 16. phrled-works]


01 grounds , ood'es, clofures ofgold, fuCl) ajS pj'ectOU35 (loneb are fct in . Exod. z8. 1 1 .14. Ccur*pare alfob^'rcmitlj , Ezek. 16. 13* ly- in embroderies]with broydered ( 0^ nte-dle-wroagnt

j i^TeUp 10 ltl?ant the variety ofgraces, and imbroderie of the ipirit.

Ezek. 16. 10. y b, 17. inftedof thy fathers] i^cre tfle I?rb^u:l0cf t|[e matalm^.

gnidavcfnlje^ are jpp^ientp tiie aing* ChiJuglj iomnim: tfae maffultnelp u|^ Jit

fpeecjxof^inutti]® J^um. 2^. 7. ^0 lanem I. King.zz. i7.1ahen z Chroh. 18'. 16.'

ihaioe thy lonns ] IHy children dul fucceed; meaning eplfaet all Chrillians , that faptfic

immortal ie:d of ti)e mo^d are begotten to €fth(^ Cfaurcl), he being tljt fatfaer , tfaijj

tfae mother cfop all, ifa. 9.6, Gal. 4. z6. 0^ in fpecial, the ApoiUes map be intended, ^ecHeb.i.i3

.f^lb^t^uxthem] lEalt place, conftitute

, 0^ appoint them for Princes: ^al Ch^ill^anp, are caled Kings , Rev. i .6 . & ^ . 10 . 4^^ in fpecial,bp the Fathers map be meanttlje iz, Patriarcns,bp the fonns,the iz. Apoilles fucceeding them: ad the heabcnlp 3mifalcmbath at the 1 2, gafed, the named ofthe II. tnbed;andin the foundationd of the mall,thenamedoftheHambd 12. J|iipo|lled,Rev, zi. u.14. mi)ich '^tpoftlcd met efent into all thenationd ofchemoilo, Mat. zs. 19. to goc and bang fo^tlj fu t, and their fruit to remapiUoh.I f . 16* Hlbe t0id Id thepzamtfc made fo^ ^arah> t^at Kings of people fhould come of her*Gen. 17.16. b 18. I will make nlemorie] will mention and make to be remembred* ,

4^he inditer ofthij^ ¥>falm , fpealieth thid to €im)l , arid ofInd eternal bmgdcm and glojp.Ihall contels tbre ] lhal celebrate

, 0^ prayfe thee. '?Th-^‘b^ue lthodu,ofitleh'udah had biduam>>, Gen. z9.‘3^* fiTwmliich name hill

faltlfingmad bmbed,thou ail iudah,ti}p b^cth^^(lodu) fhaltconfefs tfliee.Gen.49.8. .


Chid here id fitlp applied to chriii the Lioaof the tribe of ludab. *'


and ay] o^ > and tO perpetuity^


Pfalm. XLVLI. Tothcmayfler</f/^w//^,tothc

fons of Korachujpon Alamoth a fong. -

2, /^Odwilbe tousy an hopeful-

Vjlihelter&aflrengthia help in

diflreQcs,we fiial find vehemently.

Therfore we wil not fear.thongh

the earth cliangc;& though the moun-tains be moved,into the hart ofthefcas.

4. Though the waters thcrof make a

noyfcjbe muddy uhon^h the mountains

quake,for the haughtyncs thcrof Selah.

5. A river,the ftreams therof, flial

make-glad the citie ofGod'.the holy,the

dwelling-places ofthe moft -high.

6 - God in the mids of it,it (hal not

be moved:God vil help it,at the look-

ing-forthofthc morning.

7. The nations made a noyfe,the

kingdoms were moved; he gave his

voice,the earth melted.

S Ichovah ofhofts iV with us:the Godof Iaakob,a hyc-refugc for us Selah.

9. Come-on behold, the works of

Ichovahiwho putteth wondrous-defo-

lationsin the earth.

10. He maketh warrs to ceafejUnto

the utmoft-end of thcearthdic breaketh

the bow,and cutteth the fpearsthe ebar-

rcts,heburnethin fyre.

1 T . Surceafe & know,that I am God:I wil be exalted in the nations, I wilbe

exalted in the earth.

12. lehovahof hofls u with us:the

God ofIaakob,ahye- refuge for us Sc-


.Sing this as the 44. Pfarm.'-

• \ N hopcfiLp^elur andttflre??^th^

Xx, tfpjfo Ood wiibcci

a fuccoHr tn diftrejf^s^find

vehementlyJhd Wee,

, Therfire We Wil not be afinyd,

altf^ou^h the earth change phcci'

and thoH^h the moantayns moved be^

into hart ofthefeaf,

i. Though Waters therof make n noyfi^

though muddy be (halthey:

though for the haughtynes therof^

the mountains ^uake Selah


r.' Ther is afloud^ thefireams therof


fljalgladd the citie ofGod;

the holy-place, theplaces of

the Highefi-ones abode,

Sj, God is in m'iddefi ofthepme,itJhal not moved bee:

dt, looking-forth ofth*early-morrf^

God help thefame Wtl hee,

7 , The nations didmakf a noyfi, ^

the kingdoms moved Were:

give-frth didhe his thondring-t/wVfj

doe earth did melt-with-fc^T,

S, The God ofarmies is With «#,

the everbeing-Jj4HxtheCjod offakob isfir m

a refoge^hye Selah »

f. Jehovahs operations


€ come-onye &cfeel

that Wondrotis-defilafums

pul in the earthdooth he9»

so Vnto the Htmofi endofth* earthy

he maketh ceoift the Warrs:

he breaks the bow, and cutts the

infyre he bums the carrs.

It Surceafe know^thatj Sim Cod:

exalted be Wil f0 mong the hethens; through the earth

JU be exalted-l^e-

12 The God ofarmies is With tu

the ever-being-Jj^H:

the (jod ofja'kob i sfir ui

0 refige-hjc Selahr

Pfalm. XLVr. XLVII. UsK^nnotatiens,

W.i. onAlamoth] fcfntctfi to be feme muficalinftniiiicntjf^tuiTfj tChpon.if,mT^S10. -XDe wap tali it Virginals, 0^ Virgin-tuneSjgabwg fticj) anb fbjiU boiccb 0? HetCjE>; fo; Ala-inoth ftgmfirtlj affo virgins , Song.I.^./5^fteoJio^ttaltoo?b Alamfignifictj) Hid: VD&ttebpontfic <6^ecli trahflatetb it fjecc ,

kmphioon ,hidden-ones, 0^ hid-things . i. we ihal

Jffind ] to toret,an help

j 0} in diftreffcs tjjat we fliall find5 a^ tn Pralnt* 1 .3


dillrefs and forow


1 did find3 tf)at t.d did feel , 0^ fall into « tI)UjS tfie faptl) ftcre, in tribulations that

have found us vehemently . <0^ Weemap tranflate it ,be is found , tftat God is prefent, ac

band5 a0 ill Gen. i*?. if . thy daughters which are foundjtbat 1^1 , which are prefent.

^.3, thouglfthe earth] oj, when the earth change, tOWtft, her place. 35p the changingof the earth , and removing ot the mounts, ave often WCaut the alteration ofHates and polities, yHag.z,xi.z3.Rev.<). i4.Ier. fi.zf. hart of the feas] tj)atij3, U)l middeft, 0| deepeft


bottoms ofthem, ijJ hlExod. if. 8. lon.i. 3. Prov. 23. 34,

§1, 4. be muddy] 0^ call up mud, tftat ilS rage, oj be troubled , ajS tge trail flatftS ft nwWaters, ar peoples, Rev. 17. if- Ier.47.i. anD their rcHlefs Hyrr, bSlifecncbtOtgefca^ that

caft up myre and dyrt,and fome out their own fliame.lfa. 57. zo. lude 13 . for the haugh-tynes ] the prowd fwelling rage „and fiirges . ff" 5?* /• A river , the Hreams thereof.] c^. ^^ficte 10 a floud, whofe riverets,w itremes^ 3*n tje eartblp^rSfafem tbi0 wapbrmeantof river Kidron , z Sam. if. 13 . loh.iS.i. and the ftremes oj leffer rivers oFGihon ailb ShUo-ah , z Chron. 31. 4

.30. Ifa.8 .6, ^1^ tje bcabcnlp ^l^wfalem, tbrrr a pure river of the water

oflife,proceeding out ofthe throne ol God and of the JLamb. Rev. zz . i* Ezek447.i, &c.

alfO loel. 3. 18. Gen. z, 10, Pfal. <^ f'qfG^ ] tgat 10 , lerufalem 3Ca^

led alfo the city of the great King, Pfal.4S. 3. oflehovah, ifa. fo. 14. the holy city.Ifa^fi.i^

Mat.4.f. theholy]mcanin3tbeholy-place,Sion,0J the fanduary there.

dwelling places] of habitacles; feePfal.43.3, Ifa.4.f- 6, at the looking forth of

the morning ] tftat 10 , a0 tge eeb CTPlapnetf) it , very early , wHentHrmbfmng peereth oriheweth the face . /EfteliflC l®?afei0 in Exo. 14.^7. Iudg,i5>.z^. and fo. Ofthe looking forthofthe evening Gen. Z4.<f3 . Deut.z3. 1 1 . 7

.gave his voice ] tfiat i0, fpake alowd, 0^ thun- '

dred; fee Pfal. 18. 14 . or, gave with his voice : faUttf|eWo^d^ith o;i in, fcemctb tO be fu^

perfiUOU0m tge #ebjUC3 a0 eltogcre ler. IZ .S. Pfal. £8.34. ^0 to feek in lehovah . z . Chron.34


26. t0 to feek lehovah. King.zz.i8 . melted ] tjat 10, was difmayed with fear.^0Pfal.7f44. & I07.Z5. Exod. if.if. Amos.9.f.i3.Iof.i.9. ' W ii. Sureeafs] o^Leav off. .

fco Pial.37.8. to. TO. charrets]o^ round -ilieiids3 00 botfi <©^ceb ^ and Cfialdccya^niiJihere tabetb it : but cKw&cre it i0 not fo found: burfoj wagons o^ carts berp often*



1 . To the mayfler ofthe mtffk^yto the

fons ofKorach a pfalm.

2. \L peopIes,cIap ye the palm


JijLihowt-tmmphantly to God,vith voice of flirilling.

3 For lehovah iV high,fearful :a greatking, over al the earth.

4- He hath fubdued peoples underus:and nations,under our feet.

/. He


Sing this as the 33 . Pfalm,

2. hands^

al pfoptes; fhoxvuyoyfiil

\^to (jody ^nh voice offmllmg-mmh*For hye "feho vah i s

, fiarfill:

agreat Kmg, over al the earth,

4» He dooth fibdhe folks tinder mi

,and het hens^ under ourfiet lay.

0.3 . 7)ooth




^Dooth chop 8HT herka^efir pui

^akobsglmCy he loves SeUh,

God is itp-gone^ With triumphing*

the LOR With voice oftrompmg-^du^m*T[dlm -fir:g ye unto Godpfdlm-fwg :

fiig-pfdlm unto our Kingfing^pfilrft,

ForGodis King^oful the earth:

pfalm-flngye of wfl'^kElion,

Over the hethcns ^odreigmth:

his holy throne Godfins upon,

l^rinces ofpeoplesgatheredare^

people ofthrums ^od-mtghty:

for unto (fad the earths fheilds are^

he u exdtedvehemently.


5. Hchathchofen for us ourinheri-

'tance: the high-cxcellencie of laakob,whom he lovcch Selah. •

6. God IS gone np,with triumph;lehovahjWith voice ofrrompct.

7. Sing- pfalm to God fing-pfalm;

liiig- pfalm to our king fing-pQlm.

8. For God king,of al the earth;

fingan inftructing-pfalm,

9. God reigneth over the heihens:

Gpd,fitceth on the throne of hts holy-


10. The bounteous-princes of the

peoples arc gathered, the people of the

God ofAbraham :for the (heilds of the

earth <<rfGods;vehcinently is he exalted.


.i- palms , the hands: a ftgu Ofjopful «pp2Cbat!CU, ufcb

voice of ihrillmgj t^ antJjoyful . ^CC tftC notC0 Oil Pfal. y .u.*& 41 ^^ fubduej J)0m tlje nert ua* fr. He wil choie ; \jui tij*^nc to com: tcJ eftm ufeO fo^i the time paP o^ continucD. ^iD Ijcre it (ecnieth to be fuolien

pf tlje aibbuiug oftl^<ianaamtro: anb t(je future fubbuing ofnations to <rf)2i|V,hp miach^37: inaoftljeaofpd. II ourinheS]S

Canaan; Plal. 78. rr. and that immortal undefiled heritage relei ved in heaven for us i Pethigh-excellencie]01giorious-highncs: meaning the kingdom, preiftnood, temple &c wher*by laakobs polbrity excelled, ^ek. 24. xi. Amos 6 . 8 . & 8. 7. Nahum, z. z. and aU t^ heaveni

ly promifes given to the Church in ChalL p. 6 , God is gone up 1 aiS Whm thetoemupfrom te|atl)<)ranm toarrufalem, L Sam.6Ty.-rchW 15. 8. &the \pa^{ ^neb bp <^olomou into the Cemp(e,i. Chron. y . rpiien Chiift afeenbeb toirfttrmmph into heaben ; Luk. h. .

i ,rz . anb toitij (ibe glo^PThai

pcvft’-l; tn tftiEi fCjlff.fiiig pfalm tUftp OHf that is prudent; tij afi the (©i«6ejrplapnet^ It, fing prudently, fk.Uully,ailtl with underitanding.J, « Xone ofh^holynes] his holy throne. ^ttPfalm.j. t. Rev. 4.1.w. 5. tnrone ot his

» v.'r namemijcntotReliberiianh to princes OJ Nobles; 18 Plal ii?

Vn± rt-If


^15" tl,e 45geeh ftatfi Princes. are Gods J 0?, to God

long) the -heilds of the earth i^the great conqucMur anb protcctoi I. SheUds alfo are Magilirates, anb governours.

that protect the e6mon weals^ Hof. 4.i8*Pi^^8^.

^0 the <6^^eb here hatfij^

the llrong-nicn of the





1. A fong a pfalm,to the fonns ofKowch.

2. jr'^Reat is Iehovah,&pr2yfed vc-

vJ'iementlyiin the citie of ourGoJjthc iiiountayn of his holynes".

3. Fayrin hu)ation,thejoy of al the

carih;« mouru Sion,w the Tides of the

North itt is the city ofthe great King.

4. God in the lofcy-pal laces ihcrof:

known he is for an h) e-refuge,

5. For loe the kings w’eteafscmbkd:

they went togithcr.

6. Themflves faw/o they wondred:they were fodainly-troubled they werefnghted-away.

7. Trembling took-hold on them ;

there: pa) n, as of her that travdeth-


8. With an eafl: wind,* thou wilt

break-a^under the fli ps of Tarfhifli.

p. Even as we have hcard,Tohavc wereen;in the citie of lehovah ( f hofts;in

the citie ofour God :God wil firmly-

fiabhlh it.unto etcrnitie Sdah,

10. We have qi ierly-niinded thy

mercy 6 God: in mids i fihy pallace.

II. As ihy nanico God, fo thy



Sing this as the 44. Pfalin,

is ’ffhovah^ ATsd

extolled veh^memlte;

the citie ofour God^

his woHtiX cffir/^itte^

Fuyr in herfituaiwrjy

the whole earths jojfilnes


wohnt Ston^ in/ides oj the ntrihi

thep-eat Kings cute \s*

^od tn her hfty-jialUeosi

fir rtfiige known is hee.

For loe th.e Kings fifierrjbled^erHtogithcrgone they bee,

Thtmfdvesdtdfie,Jo Wondredtheytthey troubledfitghud Were.

Trembling dtd djtmthtre: gndas hers tl:at chtld^doctij-beare.

With e^Ihcrn Wind; the T



tyis ttY have heat Jo have Wefien^tn title ffour Gody

in citie ofthe Cod ffhojts

thteverbeirg-fah :

^od firmly^Wtl-efiabliJhh^

eternttlly Selah,

Within th) palLcCy WeeCeJ^have minded thy mereee.

prayfe />,iinto theends of the earth:ihy tt thy nc^me, /o thy pra^fiy 0 G$Jtright handji ful of ji ftice.

I a. Let mount Sion njoycejet the

daughters of Judah be glad: becaufe,

ofthy judgments.

1 3 . CompaCs ye Son ,& goe-round-about i: tell the towere therof.

1 4. Set your hart,on the Fort therof;

diftin(3:ly- view the lofry-pallaces there-

of: that ye may tel,to the generation af-


. 15.*! hat this God,^ our God, ever

and aye:he^wil guide us until death.


10 ends 'fth^earth flialbee:

offifitcey thy right hand isfiiU

Let Sion mount rejoyt e,

fir thy judgements, lee daughters ofJudah mukf^glad/om-noyfi,

/J fempafi Sion, about ttgoei

the turrets thcrofitell,

14 Set ye jour hart, orfort therof;

her pallaces vnw- Well:

that re may tell, to th*after aft,

15 That this-fame God, WllbeC

cur God, fir evir and fir ay I

guidem ul death. Wtl hee^


ft. j; Fayfj

128 Pfalm.XLVIII.XLIX.U, 5 * Tayrin Ifcaatlon^OJta Bewtiful ofcoailjOi climate : fituace in a fajr climate or region.

the fides of the north] tljC place \J3gcr tijt tClUple VUad bUtltWD. jSo Ifa. 14, 13


ofthe great King] tftatia of God; U)f)0 bUJClt lU Cttp, verfe^* Zach. 8.3. ^erCUpOllrwearnotbylerufalem^toritis the city ofthe great King. Mat.f. 5^,

P. 4. lofty-paliaces] 02,high bowres ilyples. ^0 verfe 14. & Plal. 112.7.

55. j. theKings] Ujf uiap refci't t&id cpuict to tl)c_ ilitnodofJl>oalianb‘2limion,ttttgetaped ofSofapO^U:. 2. Chron* 20. dj to ^aiiacfjcnb anb [jid captapnd ;n t Ije taped of <e3c^fu'afj, 2. King^ 18. li?. OJ to tf)C Jdlllllflian 2. Sam. r . were afsembled] o|came togicher, to \JOeCt by agreement,at an appointed time 6r place: fb tljC DVtOUial VUOjt tn>pOJtCtI). Ji. 7. that traveleth with childl OJ^that bringeth forth, 3t!iD tljtd papll Id great,ouo fuDOapti, anO tnebttablc. ^ce Mic.4 ,p.i. Tnef.5 .3 . S* 'vipd] uiljtcJjId (^cDuganobop|lt*oudjalfoD^peanOpavc(jifiig: Tfa. 27.8. ler* 18.17. Exod. 14,21. & 10.13.Gen. 41.7. Ezek. i:?.i2. Ion.4. 8.

“ l^ereOpon tfjcOPZCCfettanflatetglt, violent wind.ofTarlEiih ] 0^, of the Ocean fea. Tarlliiili Voao it)t name oftj^c fott Of"Japan, t&C fon cf

Slapljetlj, trefoil Ofj^oalj, Gen. 10.4. ofUJiioitiTanus (mentioned in Aa:.2 1.3 4.) tlje rfjcif

cicp of Cilicia in ^piia,badtf)e name* j^iomtbmceti)'p ^tnt bp fl)ippinoiniofai*r rcuu#tried, Hlffica,JiiDia,^pj)ir,&c. r.Kmg.22.48. & lo. 22. *|crcupon tj^at^eaujadcolrdTai ihiih

; and gencrallp tl)c name id applied to eberp Ocean or mayn fea.

9 * xo. we have quietly- minded ! OZin hlence -thought upon; mid COnfcqUCntIp , wayted '


'ISJr li. diiighters ofludah] the Idfer cities of chat tribe,which were as daughtersto the mother city lerufalem: as the lefTcr cities ofthe Ammonites, were daughters to Kabbah,


Ier.45>.3^ ;g)0 Ekron with her daughters, lof. I C.4C. and maitp tj)e lifer. ^oPfal.^7.8.55. 1


. tel the towers] number , count them ; ^fecfe tfeiiigd fccm to intend uDt onclp a ta^femgnoticf, but alfo a care and formication of Jerufalcm, agamftallencmied*;S>ecira.33.a 8 , 14* Set your hard mind earndlly . fet vouraffe^ons on &c. Plal.^z. n.

the fort] 0| llrong -frontier, fkonce , rampart , made fot (tceugtfe and fafcg^d oftfee fit?.

x.King.2i.*23. 2. Sahi. 20. If.^OPfal. X22.7. diftindly-view ] O^j lift np, mcauhtg

tfec eped to bcfeold : or rear up tfec banfed or biiildingd • '^Ije i?ebrue Paigu id jere onclp ufrd;ofit id Pifgahtfje name ofanfeill or mount, Num.21. 20. &23.i4.Deuc.3. 17. &34.r. Clj*45:eefetranflatetljBi^^r, diKinguiih ordiKribute: fullopjingtBeCBaldeePaflegUJBicBidtaddiribute oj divide. 9 * I ^^er and aye] ever and yet, tO CtCriUtp and pCtpetuitp*

Ijy wilguideus]or lead us,totoeet ad a flocfeofffeecpjPlal. 78. ct.72. tfterforetfeedpre^fetur^

i^ lUtB it ,poimand, fee wil fced,or rule ad a ffecpljeard. vntil-dwth] tn d&r^cfe, for ever,

* $c/Ic<rc»H< m - U»Kwf {fmuf g^rg.ft<C

Pfdm. 4f,5^falm. 4^.

f. Totliemayfterof the

fonns of Korach apfalm.

Sing this as the or as the 78* Pfalm.

2. J__JEaryethis,al peoples:hear-

.ken ye,al inhabitants of the

tranfitorie-world. 9. Both fonns ofbafe-man,and fonns of noble-man: ro-

gichcr rich & ‘poor. 4. My mouth,(hal fpeak wifdoin§:& the meditation of

,my hart,prudendes. y. I wil incline

CO a parable:! will open with


2^ Hear ye this yo!peoples: hearf^fv yee^

i tn the ^orld inhabitants thut bee,

^oth bafer-mmtdnd noble-mans chiUrenz

togither Wealthy and poor-need^ men.

4, mouthyjhd ffeak, things-manifildlj-'9fifi{

andmy harts mufing^ is oi prttdencies,

/. mine ear to parable incline:

^open Wil With harp^wine hidd-doUrtne:

6. Why

Pfalm. XLIX^ upharp,mlne hidden-matter. 6 , Why Why(hohUffiar^wth* evil ^(tyefzxvhcniiM

(hould I fear,in the dayes ofeviI:\V/7f« myfieftpsmic^mtiejhalmecompa^^

the ioiquitie ofmy fooefteps (hal com- 7. They that trufi mi heir V^ealthy-fonttudei

pafsme? 7. They that truft in their and^loricyinthetr riches mtihitude,

wealthy-power:& glorie,in the multi- g. tJ^an cm a brother in no '^eife redeemx

tudeof their riches. 8. A man fliaJ hecamjoranfim^ivetoGodfir him,

not redeming redeem,a brother :{hal not g, Socofilyfhdy their (ovclsredemtionbecx

give,to God bis ranfom. 9. So pre- that it (halceafe unto etermtee,1

cious-ihalbe, the redemption of their 10 ThathemayUveyetioeternitec:

fowl:& it dial ccafe for ever, i o. That and mty not the pit^of-corruption fee,

he may live yet to continual-aye;may n. For he doothfee^ the^->if€-mcndye^a^ay}

not fee the pit-of- corruption, ii. For thefiol and brtttijh joymly doo decay:

he Teeth,the wife doo dye;togither the and unto others leav their ^edthy^fiore,

unconftant-fool and brutilh doo perifli; 12 They think,their howfes, be (or evermore;

and leav to others,their wealthy-power. their dwellings to echgeneration x

12. Their inward-/ that their their names they dooproclaym^ the lands ttpiffti

howfes, forever ; their dwelling- ‘But man in honour^dooth not lodge-a-rnghti

places,to generation generation ;lhey he Ith is to the beafts, thatperifh-quyte.

proclaim their names,on lands. t4 This their ^ay^ filly is ro them: yet they

13. But earthly-man in honour, that themfucceedyUke-^ell their wordsSelah*

doothnot lodge-a*night;k is likened tj sfjeep they laydare in the lowefi-grave ^

to beafts that are filenced. 14. This deathfieM them^^uprrght-n\cn ruleJhal havo

their way is unconftant- folly 10 them;& of them at morning: and their firm in hell

their pofteritie,!ike-wcll of their mouth fhal Wear-a)}eay,fro place ^here ech dooth d^elU

Selah . 1 ^ , As ftieep they are put in hel, iS But (jodyfiom hells handyWilredeem-away

death dial feed thcm;& righteous-we» myfiwh fir he >^^ilme receiv Selah.

(hal have rule over them at the morning: 77 Be not ajraydy^hen as amangrowes-tich^

and their form wear-away in hcl,from Vehenglorieofhishovefe^ is^exen-much,

his dwelling-place. 16, But God,wil 18 For nothing fijalhetak^y^hen he dooth dyei

redeem my fowl,from the hand of hel: mr defend after k>», Jhal hisglorye,

for,he wil rcceiv me Selah. 17. Fear tp Though in htslifi, he blefithts fowl: andthe§

thou not,when a man dial grow-rich: H:eylavpd^ >whentothyfelfthougoodfhalt bee


when the glory of his howfe,dialbc mul- 20 To race ofhis forefathers, come ttpall

tiplied. 18. For he dial not when he the light theyjhal ^r aye notfce^at-al

dye,take any-thing:his glory dial not 21 tA man inhonour,^^antwgprudemyz

defeend after him. 19. Though in his is like the beafts^t\\ztperip-utterly.

life,he bledeth his fowl:& they wil con-

fefs thee, w'hen thou doeft-good to thy felf. 20. It dial come, unto the generation of

his fathersiiinto continual-aye,they dial not fee the light. 21 . Earthly man in honour,

& underftandeth not: he is likened, to beafts that are filenced.

Amotatiom^beef 2. the tranficorie-world ] fee Pfal. 17 • 14. b. 5 bafe-manl fit ^Cb|ltCAdam


tofto toflSi fa tofleb ofAdamah the earth, bJjjetUBOn title i.O glbeu to the bafei- fort ofpeo-

130 Pfalm XLIX-

pie. C5t<l5l?jst9ctfojtfran0atetgtt Screearth-borne, ^Otftc IfjJOfflcfflpt!), tfie firi

nun of the earth, earthl/j i Cor. ly. 47. noble-man j hi ^CbjClD llh Ulglfg 10 tgc

*ja name ofman hi tfl’pert of heat, valour, noblenes and dignitie, U)j)erebp man IS, and excdleth^**

* flnD m Oppofitton to tlje former \J30Jt> Adam, Itmeanctg the great or nobler lort of people.

\y, 4. wildoms ] tfiat excellent and manifold wifdom* fo aftcr^pnjdencieSjjTcj very excel-

lent prudence, and of fundry forts. ^olomoil faUctf) tg? anb llicff ClCellcilt iDlfbcntj

wifdoms, Prov. i. zo.and i« ^ tJ. j. a parable] O^a proverb: tnlitb^Ue Maibal, UiJlKj?lle



j. a parapie

ti motctfi rule , fuperioritie 0^ exceli'encie^ becaufelucj) fpet cl)e0 pZfhilpl IV Ilf in the mmb0

crfinm, antjarcmcflecni. '3rfieneUi^cffanin?t in <6^cchtrai(latftlnr, a parable m3^ . ficm Pfal. 78, 1. oft()c HatihCj toe name it a Proverb^ in old dicdifi) oj ;g>aion , it toaji

failrD a big-fpei. jg)om?t^nleiti5W^cll^:l^l)ec\3^ipart,fc?aby-^vord.pfal. 44

mine hidden .tmatterj my dark-qudlion,OJgrave-dod:rine,my iiddle. l^cb^meChidahj

rllHlejgat^Tfte name of ifarpnes; as proceeding from a Ibarp wit , ar.d needing the like to ex-

poundit. ^eeludg. 14. II. 18. Numb. ii«8. i King. 10. i. Prov. 1.6. h^Ip 43!;Oftcp^’in <l3jcck bp hidden things . Mat.13.3T. frcmPfaIm.^78. i. b.


6 , Whyiliould

I fear] /5T!ii0 10 t^e hidden doftnne riddle toiiifft tftc ^ rC‘Pl)C t p?fppunbct|^;a0 in bi0 CtoHname, and t()Crfoje alfo takd it a parable . jbp fear, JjC mefaictlj difmay o;i difcouragemcnt*

verfei 7 . < tllC)tljatto, punifhment, O^dtathj Ufhl) 10 ibc toapt0 Of .

fp:ij ffe Pfa 1 . 3 1 .1 1 . and EpfoOMfeps 0^ foot-foies , ]^f meailCtl) !;10 way« works


iiiap ral death the punilliment of his heels cj feet, befaufc tl)e ferpent btoifi tf) and fiii^

people , but in the heel,Gen. 3 . ij. tije |11)iig of death beinQ boon atoap, and it made a paf#

ftige into life and floip* I Cor, IJ. tt . ^7, b* 7. their wealthy-power ] their richesj

toiitch are tfpto called , becaiife tftep arc gotten by power given ofGod. Deut. s .18. tofth la#

bom* and tnbu(rrp: andtothericlb tlj^r f.ood0 are their ib ong-citie . prov. thcrfije

Jjere thep are fapd to trull in them: tohtrarpto iTim. f?. 17. lob.31, 14. Mark. 10.14.

glory ] 02 prayie themfelveSjVauntjCOntrarp to b* 8. net redeeming re-

deme ] tl)at i0, Ibal m no weife , OJ not at all redeme. b. So precious lhalbe] 0^And dear ( collly) is:ai 1d fOUfcgumtlp rare and gezonj hard to obteyn. a0 Dan.i.i i, i Sam 3 .i.

of their foul] that 10 , of their life. ^0 Exod. ii. 30. ' ceafe for ever] that 10, it Ibat

never be accompliibed. ^0 ceafing i0 iifed f02 the net doing ofa thing. Deut. 23. 22. Zach.ii.

XI* b. 10 . That he may live] thl0 10 1'Cfrrred tO th^ Clld Of thc 8. bcrfc, not give his

ranfonii and fo live* And,i0 hcrcf02 That* fee Pfal.43.4. ^ b* ii. vneonftant-fool

and brutiib] thefe ttoonamc0 arcftcii jopiicd togith^r, a0Pfal.!p2.7.& ?4.s. theonenc#ting ficklenes and mutability, tolfd Cefiltohichi0bOth theiiamecf a fool , and Cfaftarthat

taufeth change oftocthec and ffmpr(l0: (tohmipon ^ofcmoii fpeabeth ofthe reftiefnesof

thi0 bind of folly, Ecclef.7.17. andofthe tumultuoufnes ,and light behaviour offuch fools,a0iiabtng their cpc0 toand2higvnto the ends ofthe earth,Prov.9.i3 & i7.t4 )theothfr,ncthigwant ofdiferetion, as bruit-bealN led with fenfualiry ,and caried with ardent furious affedions,

a. Pet. I. II. Tilde 10 Pfal. 73.21. b. Their inward- thOUi5:f)t] CJ, their meaning;

purpofe. ^hi0 toOZdfignifpCth the neereftand moft fecret thought or purpofe: thc hart.^c0

Pfal. T. to. & tt. T- & 7 * their howfes for ever] tO toC*t,ibal continue, bp howfes,

tncauii’g their children or pofterity, 80 Pfal. i iT,ii .tofpth Cftcp tfat toailt, fttC fi^pd to be bar-»

leo of howre.Pfal.H3.^. they proclaym thtir names , on land s ] 02, they call lands,(theif

lands 00 the epplapnkh it )by their otoll names,^0 , the land ofCanaan, of Mitfiaim^

<thatic> ) of Aflliur &-c. Abfalom railed hi0 pillar bp his own name,!. Sam. 18. 18,'

Cam,hi0 tftp bp his fbnns name,Gen.4.i7 . tf)U0 thinking to ma*if tfiir mcmozp ebeilafhng,they prodaym their names (feekingto be famous)throughout the lands, or countries,

b. 1 5. But eyihly -man] oj And Adam : and thl0 mar bc inilldfd both fC2 thC fuf? mail A-iim, toho contnmed notm hia dignitpi and fo fo^ f II hi0 chilt^nt, in hone ur] being

bouoir ,price, dignity oj eiUo^Uon^ not lodge a night ] 02, hot continue* Che

Kalm. XLIX. 13


tooib fttnoperlp a * lodging, 0} abiding, Gcfi . i8 . ! i . Ex^d. . iS*

»ctt0 ufedalfofozlon3cccontmuance,pral. If.i3. and f f . 8 . Zach.r*4 * grgjfilenced] arj*!?

tftat I?3l ,are cut otf ,

dye, penfli. Cfte ]^Cb?uelUO^b ligmfpetft fiience 0? ftilncs; nOt CltC#

Ip in fpcecO , butm motion : ai3 ^un voa<i itill, o? fil-nt, mften it moved not, loi. 10.11.13.

and people deftroyed, ate fapD to befilenccdlfa. 15. 1, and the grave or death ip calCu fence. /*

Pfal. US'. 17. and tmags without life , ateintF): dup, O^ filent* Habak. z. ip.^


E<od. If. 16. atunconftant -folly to theml tbntt]Ei,is their folly : oj aconllat-

hope to them , t0at ib,is their confidence, c&e opgiual tDo;td I)atl) to«ti arp fiGiuficationp: /

unconllant-folly; Ecclef.7 .i7- and conllant-hope, Pfal. 78.7. lob. 31.14. bntj) Itiapcp it im)» J /jSi

Tietcbetaben : confident -hope, in tlieitoUJn concepts but in deed folly.

it a fcandal (o^ftumbling-block) to them. and their poileritiejat^yet thofe after them,

their fucceffors. jf

their mou th] tgat lO, their words, doctrine,counfel, precepts, OH*


mouth ipfioitratibelp u(ed for whatloever cometh out of the fame; ajS word,o^ comandemenc.

I. Sam. II. iT.I0b.3p. Deut. 1. 16, Mat. 18. 16^ Luk. ip. 21.

b. they are put] C^layd: O^,theyput,tbati0,menputtl)cm. !Jlln i^eb^lIC pfjrpfc, a^buk*II. 10. they ihal fetch away thy foul, tf|at 10 ,

it lhalbe fetched away. llbc i0 often Ufcd.

pfal. iot.i8.&i4i.<J. /^b^^^ebjuetcjctitfclf, fomtimeepplapnetbtbi^j a0, theyhada-

.noynted David, 1 Sam. 5. 17. tbattP^David was anoynted. i Chron.14.8. in hel] intoa

iitch ; to the lowelf grave or Mte ofdeath, Caleb Sheol. ^^ee t()C note Olt Pfal. i6. 10.

death iliall feed them] as a Ihepheard iEal feed and rule them,aOPfal.78.71. 0^ death fhal feedO-^V^ton them, to devour them, apIer.To.ip. tff

at the morning] the lalt day of ludgement. foj''


tftmaltbatll^epmtfie daft oftbeeartf) (ban aloalie and acife, and tbemto dap'oTctcmallife([jal begin * Of

their form] their figure, lEape,0^ imagej with all their bewty & pro-

portion : 02 their rock, tftat 10, their ftrength,0^ (aOtbe^^ecbfaptb) their hdp,t{)at U}j)CrO

in tbep trufl: . i^jebiuc Tfur i0 ufuallp a rockj ftctc it feemetb to be all one boitft Tfu-

rah, a form 0^ figure : and ti)i0 i0 confitmcd bp tge malting, fo^ tboujb bp tfte boU3c{0 anbttadiUGttiO Tfur

spet bp tJ)C Iftterb it i0 Tfir jUJbicljiO, an image; Ifa. 4T.I^;.

wear away in hell 0^ wex oldm the grave : bndcr|landing tfte tOOld i n, mbtCg 10 ejTpKffed

tn tbc452Ceb; OJ ttrftbout it, tIjU0,Hel ( the grave) Ibal wear away ( Iball confnme) their form.

Cftc l^ebjuc Icballoth being indefinite, to wear-out with age: 10 pece ofliUe fignification a0that UJiiicft blent bffoje,ibaU have rule. Cbc Ube l|cbraifmei0 in ler. 14. s. 3*

4. ^eealfo Pfal. n. from his dwelling-place] tbatl0,every ofthem

, coming fro,

(C^ being thruft out of) his dwelling, 0| home: 00 tfte <0^cefefaptb > they are thruft from their


glorie. 16. from theJiand ofhell tftat 10 rrom the power of the grave, death, and

damnation. ^0 ofall tf)e faithful, pefaptb ,1 wilredeme them from the hand of hel. Hof.13.

14. but fo can no man redeem himfelf, Pfal. 8p. 4p. Hand i0 put for power, a0 Pfal. zi.11 .^ndi0 mcatlt of the refurreddion, and redemption of body and fowl from damnation by Chrift,

for he will receiv me] OJ, when he fhal receiv, OJ take me: tncailing,up into heaven,whereGod himfelfis: i Thef.4, 14. loh, 14.3.^J)I^Uianncrof fpcccj i0bfcb in Gen. 3. 14. Henoch

' " " *

was no more, for God received him. ffb. 17. Fear thoii not] that 10 . be not difmayed,

02 overcome with fear . ^bc i^cb;ttie ^Tu*afc bfuaUp toften it counfclletb 0^ prape t(j agairjl.

a tiling, meanctb tgc b^igljt anbful nifafuit of it* ^0, Fear not, Gen . to. ip . and Griev not,l

Gen,45,T. tjiat 10, be not overcome with greif. ^0 ,lead us not into tentation Mat. <^,13. tj^atf #

t0 ,let us not be overcome with tehtation ,

i Cor. 10. 13, ^fj^rfoic tftat U3l)tcl) Cllt' ^baiigc^^

li.rf to;titetl) Fear not , Mat. z8. t


anOtljCr Ul^itctb , be not allonied, Mark. nOtinn,the ex-

cefs offear . b. 18. take any thing ] l|cb^. take of all; tfiat 10 , ought of all that hehath . For we brought nothing into the world , and it is’certayn that we can cary nothing out.

1 Tim. 7. lob. 1,11. b* 19 - Though in his life] tljat !0 ,whiles he liveth.

Pfal. 63, T. & 104. 33 * & ^ he blefleth hiL.fowH tbatl0,himfelf: a0 it 10 bljitteil.

Soul , thou halt much goods laydup for many yeres,live at eafe,eat,driok, and uke thy paftime*

13 ^ PfaIm.XLIX. L.

tr . tril confefs thee] wil comend , lawd, and celebrate thee.' doeil good

to thy felf ] tllClt 5 makeft much ot] cherilheft> pampereft thy felf.^0 good bffeb for world-

typleafure and emoluments. Pfal. 4. 7- \J. lo* It fliall come] tO the foul f0;i6»

fpotol Cf : OJ tl)e perfon . 0^ Thou Ibalt come . fT to the generation of his fathers ] tjjat

j; to his wicked predecelTors that are dead and gone : ajS tfie goblp alfo at tfjcit i)catf) are ga-

thered to their fathers and people, ludg.2^1 o. Deut. 32. so.OJ, to the habitation ofhis fathers j

their houfe,oj lodge: fc^ fo Doi llfttJ foj an habitation. Ifa, 38. 12. to continual-

itHS’ ay they fhal not fee] 0^5 which for ever Ihal not fee the light: tO Vuect ,the light of the living

' Were on e'hrth ,Pral. 5^,14 ,

lob. 33, 28. 30. nor the light of joy in the world to comej being

callout into the utter darknes . Mat. S, 12. fj* 21. underflanderh not, ] oj difcern-

eth not,tjuantin0 p^uticuf e* repetition oftfii 1 3 Ofrfe, tottg a litle ffiange:,ofjalin , lodg-

» ethjintojabin, underllandeth. .

o Pfalm. 50.

T. Apfalmof AfaphiTT^HeGodofGods, lehovahjfpeaketh,and caleth the

tarthifrom the rifing-up of the Sun,*

unto the going -in therof.

2. OutofSion the whole-perfedio

c>fbewty,God (lunc^ clearly.

3. Our God come, and not ccafe-

is-deafr a fyre flial eat before him; and

round-about him,fiiala ftorm-be-mo-

yed vehemently.

4. He wil cal to the heavens froma-

boveiand to theearth,tojudge his peo-


Gather ye to me my gracious-

feinds: that have ftriken my covenant,

with facrifice.

6. And the heavens fhalopenly-fliew.

his jufticerfor God,he is judge Selah.

7. Hear 6 my people,and I wil fpeak;

& Ifrael,and I wil teftify to thee:I amGod,thy God.

8 . I wil not reproove thee,for thy fa-

crifices ; for thy burnt-offnngs, be-

fore me CQntiuuaMy.

9* I wil


/ . IHt God ofGods^ ^thovah;ffe<i\^dooth hcf,

af?d cals the earth:from rifirtg of the Sm ,to gom

%rtg-m therof. ^odfimes- clearlie^ from SmJ&eVQtim

^doole-perfiliiorj. Our ^odcome^artdnot ceafe:

fyrefire him eateth;artdform about him vehemently


4, Vnto the heavhs calfrom above hee t

vmo the earthy hisfilkjo yndge likewife,

j\ graeiot4s-[dmElsvmo megatherjee:

thatftrike my covenam '^ith fdcrifice.

6, ,^ndheavm his)Hfitcecfenly'Jhai-diff>fay:

becaiife^that Gody himldfthe judge is Selah*

7, Hear 0 my people ,and f ^ilprocUmey

ff/ely and I \\>tlteft ify to thee :

5."fGod thy Godam

. J not djcc blarney

fr thjJlajn~bcaJls\ fir tly bnrnt~offrwgs



Pfalm. I. XJ3;

9, I wil not {aie a bullock out of thine ^re ms ah\>ay. f ^^ileut ofthym hovpfes

howfe:gote-bucks, out of thy folds. no bullockpikeiv^ox goats^ont ofthjclofes,

10. For every wild- beaft of the wood /# For echbeaft oj the ^00d tome

u myne:the bQ2^^kSy^hat be on a thoufand the bea^s, that on a thoufind mountnyns bee.-

mountayns. 1 1 . I know al the fowl of // ^ flying-firvls ofthe monntayns:

tlic moiintayns:and the ftore-of-beafts andfiore of^^tld-beafis ofthefitl^, ^fthmee,

ofthefeild,^ with me. 12. If I were 12"ff

iVcerehangry^thee J^ohld not tell it i

hungryj would not tel it thee jfor mine fir myne the Voorld^ md plenty-that-dooth^fyll

is the world 5 & the plenty therof. Will I thefiejh eat^ cfthebnliock^-firongi-

13. Wil I eat,the fle(h of mighty- andofthegoat^huchydrinkjhtbloudMl}'

^/<///;&drink,thebIoud of goat-bucks? 14 Sacrifice ti:ou to Godconfiffioni

14*. Sacrifice-thou to God a confefsi- andpay thy vowes^ to him that is woff-hje,

onr&pay, thy vowes tothe moft-hye. jj e^ndindayof dfirefi,mth-caLapplymez

1 5 . And cal on m c,in day of diftrefs:

^le thee releafe^nd thonJloaltgltrfiy me»

I w'il releafe thee,& thou fhak glorifie t6 *Bitt to the^kked^^hat haH thouto doo'^,

me. 16


But to the wicked fayth Godj fiythGod;totelmy flames: andtotako

what haft thou to doo, to tel my fta- 17 my covenant on thy month} When nurtufethon

tutes : and that thou fhouldeft take-up, doofl hate: dr cafl my Words behind thy backe.

my covenant on thy mouth. 17. And 18 Ifthou dooflfee atheefi With him thou ronnelH:

thoUjhateft nurture :& cafteft my words and thy part, is With Whormovgers-nnhonnefi,-

behind thee. 1 8 . Ifthow feeft a theef, tp Thy mouthy in evil out-thcu-lettefi-hreakz

and thou ruhneft: with him rand thfy part alfi thy tongue^ doothfiawd togither-frame.

/V with the adulterers, ip. Thy mouth, 20 Thoufrtifi^agatnfl thy brother thou dofl ffeaky

thou fendeft-out in evil: & thy tongue, agapid thy mothersfin^givfr eviUfime. (met:

joyneth-togither deceyt. 20. Thou 21 Thefithmgs thou did andfdtdfrletit-keep^

fitteft:,thou fpeakeft againft thy brother: thou didfl (uppofe^ that f Was [urely like thee:

againft thy mothers fen,thou giveft yll- J Wilthee blame^drfet-even to thy vem^_

report. 21. Thefef/w^/ haft thou doon, ifa'.

and I ceafed-as-dcaf, thou didfl think, Icaft Idootear^andncnehetorefkyvx.

that I was furely like thee; I wil reproove 23 He honoursme^ that thanks dooth (acridee'y.

thee, and fet-in-order to thyne eyes. and he that death hisWay in-order-ftfiiicn^

22. O now confider this,ye that forget ^ WH caufe himfor tofee^Godsfihauon..

God : Icafl I tear, and iherbe no refkcw-

er. 23. He that facrificcrh confefsion, honoureth me: and he thatdifpofethT?^ wayjFwil caufe him to fee,, the falvation of God ..


I.T A Pialm ofAfaph] that tiS, made by him r oj to Afaph,that , comittedVnto himto fing

. jf02 Afaph UJflieta Seer oj Prophet,\J9htf1} malje


0fahn^ aji 6it» Chron.2 9.. ,

30* 3Ufo ftc anbhns fermiSytoere llneers tn i. Cfaron T/ie God of Gods] rj’nSx.

tljatijS , God ofal Angels yludges and Rulers of the world : OJ The mi‘eKty-Gcd the God le-

hovah.. tltlcg of here ufet) tocatficr . Jd7^ohim,Iehovah. ^0 in lofh. 22.22.

the going-in ] tlSt fetteth, 0^ ( after tgC liJChiUe goeta

iH;,.aj5attBeriiing,.-iti^fapDtDgos-oiit^0J conieforth

R 3

V 13+ Pfalm, L.


1, outoESidnl i^t fjate oft^c tTjurcg u>ibet t^e o5afp4 Keb. h . is . ii. ^fai. tgn*^foieiu^rt^^faUti, tl)e l^egal facrtficejj aypoiiiteD at mount ^mai, are reytotird,anb tge

,H tooifijip of<^ob in fyirit anb tmtf) , commenbed. the whol pertedbon] o|, the vni-

-‘nj^rpverfalitieofbeWty: tpat igl which is wholly and perfedHy bewtiful. ^ectf|elt&e y^apfe of^ton, Pfal. 48.3.Lam* ihineth-clearly] ad tlje funffttnetftmgidjtrengtftu^peareth in glorious majelly. alfo ip a fijn cffabOUri 3 * Pl^l. 8o. i. Godriiined from mounc Paran. Dent. 33.3. 3 * Gur God come} ap^aper to pajlmjgtpcomhlgap lli Rev. az. 10. OJ, ad tpe formers our God wil come. ^ fyre Ibal eatl tfjat Ip

ur'sconfume, devour. ^0 <j5ob irf called ail eating fyre. Dent. 4. 14. tliat ip ad tfje “lilyoPIe' erpounbetft it, a confuming fyre Heb. 11.29.anb tfte fi^ht cfg!d olorp on mount ^inax, UiapItUeeating(confuming) fyre, Exod. 14.17. aub fyre out.of his mouth eateth, Pfal. i8.9»

. a ftorm be moved] a tempeit rayfed itiahetl) fpre,tl}e U10JC fctrce and fojceable. 3lub

tficfe tf)iugd fignifp €6^i|td judgemeutd agamfl jjpyocritiral canial tuojn)tyerd3fec Mal.3.


2. 3. Mat. 3. II* ji. 4» cal to the heavens &c.] chat heaven and earth may bearre-

cordjadniDeuc. 31. 18. &31. 1. Ifa. 1. 1. fi. y. have ifnken my covena nt] o^have^ cut, tftat id made covenant with me with facrifice. 5Po^- at CObenailtd, the fac nticcs were

13 cutallifider,andthey went between the parts. Gen. u. 10. 13. 18. ler. 34. 18. ^ec Pialm.

^eealfo a cobenant betbjecn 45od and l)id yeoyle uinj^ fattificc, Exod. z4. 4*~8.

§. 6 , And the heavens] gerebpuiapbe mcauttJi^Ijcabcnlp Angels^ap tn lob. if. 13. 0| the

meteors in theaier, thonder, lightning &c. Exod. 19.1^.18. alfo Pfalm.97. 6 . & 89.

he isjudge] Jjunfelfin Did objn yecioii; and not bp (jid ferbantd ondp, ad afoje time* Heb*1, 1. 1. 1. Tim. 4. 1. 7* tdlify to thee] tljatid} give thee conteRations


ons, charges, &c. to caufe the more obedience, ad Nehem. 9. 19.1. King. 17. if* Exod. 19.11.

13. 0^, tellify againft thee, (ad t(]td pljjafe fomtiUlC fisnifictfl, Deut. 4 .z6 , & 3 1. 18. ) tfjat id*

convince thee ofdifobediencej^OtytjbffC atC d00nintf|jd4d]alm,verf.r4.if .18.19. &c.b. 8. for thy facnfices] fo elfb)f|tve pe faptlj, I fpake n^^fco your fathers, &c, concerning fa-

crifices,ier.7*i2. are before me ,] fatf>ed5i^eUe]cylapnctfjiti and (b 3frael ufcdtob30arp<$obb3it][)outb3ard offtin^di ifa. i. n. 14 . Mic.^.^?.7. Amos 4 . 4.f.

b. 9 . goat-bucks] theheegoatsi juc0, toit|&buiioks,bJcreyjinnyalintf)cfacctficed* Nu.7.17.13. &c. pfal.5<f. If. b. II. llore -of beaRsJal forts of bealfs that range about.^0pfal. 80. 14 . b. 14. aconfeflion]athank- ofFring. C!jere bJad au oblatiou in tf)e labi,

t[)Ud caIed,Levit.7 .ri. ir. mentioned alfo in Pial. 1 Kf .17. & io7 .n.b3f)iCij tl) !2lyo|lle oyenetlj,

ejrfjO^tinfl to offer the facnfice of prayfe continually to God, that is the fruit ofthe lipps, con-fefling to his name. Heb.13. if. ^ccalfo Pfftl.9f.i. vowes to the molt hye,] tfjat

td, to Godj Gen. 14 . 18. fo fjC tfj^t ill Luk. 3f . id the MoR hye; in Mat. f .4f. Id > our Father

ydiichjsii^^ ^0 f)im vowes mere made biitfj yjaperd, Gen.zs.zo. pfai. 6i.^.anb‘

papd bJitlft tpanbfGibingj Pfal.-^f .1 .8>c66. 13 . H.anb bp lam tftdr yapmmt mad rcquired,Deu.

13.13. Ecclei.f.f .Pfal.7^. n. and tfjcce mere facrificcdfo^bomrd,Levit. 7.15.

b. i<^. what haR thou to doo] tjei^ebjlie yj^rafetd) what to thee? tlje dPlCcb, wherfore

dooRthou? b* 17* nurture] OjreRreynt , chaRil'ement- mfjicfj id tbc way oflife. Pro.

& 11. 1, behind thee] 01 after thee. ^Cf alifecfyeccfjNehem.9.i^. b- 18. and thou

runneR] 0;l readily confenteR ,takeR plealure . And,map bC omitted ill DUt Cngflifft; it fctbCtJ

to incccafe tfjc rcadpned and carnepned of tfjc affectiond* He that partaketh with a theef,ha-

teth his fowl . Prov.19 .14 . b. 19. thou lendeR out] tfjat Id, ufeR and applyeR it.

thy tongue jjoyneth] 0^,mit]^ thy tongue, thoujoyneR, (torgeR) frameR, compadteR.

b. 10. yll-report ] OJ infamy,oflFenfivefcandalous fpeech; ( ad tfje tUtlietfj it fcandalr)

a mo^d not found but in tftid ylace. b. 1 1 . I was furelv] l being had been , 0|

was. fet in order] tO mcct, thy faults; ap tfjC epyianety It, I wil fet thy fyni^

before thy face. b. ii. no refkuer] no deliverer. ‘^tftmilltUbetaftenfrom'S.i^

oudam&tcj cfttcB and tear tficir y;epi from mflofc jamed none can refinK:.^ee tfje libem



Pfalm. LL rr#

flfof.f* 14 . ft* dirpofeth fjijS way] compofeth and ordeKth

fttrectionis : he that putteth way, before fiim. to fee,the falvation J tfjfit IjS,

to enjoy it^, I wil Ihew it him . 3in i^cbiu^ in tebOUnbCtD* 2-74*


Pfalm.91. li?. & 8j. 8.

Pialm.j I


1 . To the mayfter ofthe mufili , a pfalm

of David. 2. When Nathan the Pro-

phet, came unro himrafter he had en-

ired, unto Bathlhebangh.

3 . T) E gracious to me 6 God accor-

X3ding to thy kind-mercie: ac-

cording to the multitude of thy tender-

fiiercifs, wipe-away my trefpafTes.

4. Much wafh me from my iniquitie;

& elenfe me fiom my fyn.

5 . For I know,my trefpaGesrand myfyn/i before me continually.

6. Againft thee againft thee onely,

have I fynncd;& have doon,that vphtchts

evil in thine eyestthat thou mayft be-jlift’when thou fpeakeft, mayft be pure

when thoujudgeft,

7. Loe in iniquitie was I painfully-

brought- f:^rth: and in fyn^ my motherconceived me,

8. Loe the truth thou delyteft. In the

inward-p^m.-andin fhe fecret^ihow haft

made me know w ifdom.

9. Thou wil purge-me-from-(yn withcizop,and I flialbe clean : wilt- waftj me,and I fltalbe whiter than fnow.

10. Thou wilt make me to hear,joy

and gladnes:the bones thiu thou haft

cru(hed,flialbe gladfom.

IT. Hiderhy face,from my fynns:&;

wipe-away,al my iniquities.

12- 4


O (jod begracwti6 to me^ According unto thf

kindnes i as thj comfafions many beCy thou or

way my treffaces. 4. MHch^^aPiinefrommyyier*

vcrfnesiandfrmmyJynmeyHrtfie, /. Mytreffap

feSy fir \ncw doo^i and my fyn, 'fire me almy ia*

tyfgawf thee againfi t^ee alone


^fjnnd~have*y andtn ^es of thee,

tioat which is evtif have done:

d^at ^^hen thou fpeakji thoujufi bte^

Vrhen as thou judgefl pure muyfi bet*

7. Loe in ptrvtrfnes 'j have been

brought-fird^^ith*firew: andinfyn^

my mother hath conceded mee.

/. *Behold the tmth dclyte doefirihow-

in dunwara-pans: infecrecic

hafi ^^vfdom alp made me know,

7. Thow \^'dtfi’om fyn me purfie)X'ith CiZ,epy and be chanJhalf:

Hjow Wilt me Wajh,aid f&anfirm

1 0pjal whiter be. Mak^ me Wtlt thow

to heargladnes and joyful-glee.

The bones thou didfi ffinder-hray^


i I. From myfynns ,hide t!:yface aWaj:

Wipe- out almyne iniquitie.


12. AcleanhartjCfeate-tliouromeo

God :and a firm fpirit,rcnev thou with,

in me.

13. Caft-thou me not from thy face:

& take not from me,thy fpirit of holy-

^^^4. Reftorc to me, the joy ofthy fal-

tation;&firmly'-fulleyn mc.mthsi free

I/. I wil teach trcfpaffers thy wayes:

and fynners,llval convert unto thee.

16. Deliver me from blouds,6 God,

the God of my falvation:my tongue

ftallhowcthy juftice. 17. Lord, thou

{halt open my lips:and my mouth,dial

iliew-forth thy praile. 18. For thou

deliteft not facrifice,and I would give it:

burnt offring,thou wilt not corentedly-

accept. 1 9. The facrifices of God,^re

a broken fpirit,a hart broken ^contrite;

6God,thou wiltnotdcfpifc. 20. Doo-

wel in thy good-pleafurc, unto Sion:

biiild-thou, the walls of lerufalem.

21 . Then flialt thou delytefully-ac-

cept the facrifices of Juftice,the burnt-

offring and the whole-oblation: then

dial they offer-up bulloks upon thine


LL/j Ckan hart^ S <jody cridte to meti

andafirm ffrk, in me neop^make*

i^ ^ (aft me notfrom thy fitce: nof taki

from me ythy fftrit ofpnfiitee,

14 ,/joy ofthjfiving-htalth, agayn

to me reflore: andftedfhftly

Voith afree fpirit me fuflayn.

ly Teach treffafters thy Wayes ^il 1:

andfynnerSy ftjal convert to thee*

l6 diver mefrom bloods, oGod^ ^

^od ofmy healthful-[afi-ahod:

my tongue (haljhowt^ thyneetjuitio.

tj Lord, thoH my lypsfhait open-fieei

and my month, (Ijaljhew-fvrth thy praife*

tS For facrifice dooth not pleafe thee^

ds ^Wouldgive: burnt-ficrificey

thoH tnkft not in contented-^tft,

/p Gods facrificesyare a fftrite ;

broken; a hart broke and contrite :

0(fody thou ^nlt not it deSptfe.

29 fn thygood-^nlldoo thou beftow

on Sionygoodnes-boHHteoHflyi

Voalb offerufdlem, build tho^,

21 Then thou accept-fhalt-pleafingly

flajn-offringi ofjuft-equttyy

burnt-offiringy >^hole-oblationi

and bullocks thyne altar upon

thenJhal they offer-up-on-hye.


betf/*. hehadentredl tti,hadgonein,t|jattSi, had Ijren with ;a^t§esJteafe fniJIWtCt|^.

<jen.(!.4.ftnb<!5Eypreffetl i.Sam, II. 4 - Bachftiebangh] tj^e baugljtct ofEliam, i.Sam.

ii.a.talebalfoBathlhuangh bauojltecofAmmiel, i. Chron. 3 .?. ^tjcWa^vitc toCa^am

Vrijah the Hittite, atib tolplejS ftet ftit(lbanb toap at tlicleagcc of ftabbaft, i©abtb lapvmtft

net: anbfr)ebetngtoitBtMb,ficfk(dfoi«g|ttotoberIjtfS fault bp^tliat bemtaht be cfleciueb the fatljer: bJlnti^ not futcebtng, be fentbwibMbwtb ppbp let#

ttrjs to^wb tlK <6encral, foj to p;iotuve bis* bcatb. l®Bitb being boon, ©abib maneb bttf

toife Bwbfbtbalhfo tbtnUing to tlobc btss fpn. 23ut 45qb ttjasi bifpleafeb, anb fent ^atba«

to tcpiobe^abib,wberupon bt rcpaitcb, anb mate tbip ?&fMin, foj an example unto, anb

tmnfottoffpnnerp. ^tetb«b^o?Katlargc,i.Sam. n.& II. ^4. much warn

7 v me]'4,Multipliewalhme,lbat tP, throughly waft me, agayn & agayn. i^e opphttb tb«

baRfbingpurcbmtf)elabJ,(Levit.ti.if. 32.Exod. i9.;i9.)totbe ipintuaiwaii)#

lnafcomfpn,intbtbloubofCb#*Rev.7.i4. i.iohn, !.7.;§>oaftcr bevfe. 9 . mibier.4

®bei^eb?UCHereb(OtHarbeh) multiply, tqufebfOjMuch, aP r.. Kmg. 10. 18. IWlktlt

i^cppofebtoiitle.'^nbtDatbJlptl) in one platcip toyttsnharbeh, multiply: manot^erw

Pfalm. LT. 137

fe.robj ftnb fabbah, much: ft? King. 10. lo*


3ttl| Chron. 9. Sam. 8. 8. Voi® r. Chron.

18.8. I know] 0^ acknowledge. ^Oira.fp. iz.Ier^ 3. 15. . .

6 . Againftthee] o;t, Vnro thee eptfter foCCaufe f)C COUCcKcb fplt fl-CUl ;|S

tncn,butcoulDnotfcDm<l5ot:,i.Saip.iz. ii.cj, tftatondp 43ob roulb renutttljepuiujO^ '

went of fji0 fpn, Ila. 43 . .^Pfal.4i. y*


1 have iynned] aubfo am deprived ofthfi

glorie of God : Rom. 3.^3. that which is evil &c.J which difpleafeth thee.

hatfj tefcrencc to z* Sam. u. ^ & 1 1. z?. f' tliat thou mayll be luR] tftat th,ou hafi: jyn

iuffred me to tal into fyn, that thou mayft be juft, (o^juftiSeH^n wi^fo er thou haft ipokeii

for the falvation of thy fervaiit, ©r punilhment ofmy lyn. z. Sa .iz. ro«^92 tf|r HUtUfltfC Cf niOlT,

coitn2ient)ct|^tl3ejufhteof<©olJ: Rom. 3. 4. s- 0^, it mapgabeicferwce to tftefojnictDo^b^*

I know (& acknowledge) my fyn, that thou mayft be julf. when thou fpeakeft] 02 in

thy Ipeaking^i. in thy words, ao Rom. 3.4. fo after, in thy judging. ^ mayft be pure] 0| riDrnclear,lyncere,unreprovable : ailO COllfc^mtlp mayft wyn tne victorie injudgment. U)l)erupOU

t&C ftpoffle (acco^Ding to tftc berfimt) faptf),mayft overcome, Rom. 3.4. '^e2acah,alfomtf|e^p^iati tongue, 10 ufeOfo^ overcoming. < 7. injnf^tie] the

perverfnes oj viciofitie of nature,romniOnlp Caleb original, autJ bp tfje ^OOflle inhabiting fyn,"" ’

Kom. 7. r?. tojetbpalmenarc carnal, fold under fyn: loh.3 . Rom. 7. 14. tj^atilbj j

niaftctbtbefountapnofafbijs actltai fpmiiS* painfully-brouglu-forch] bom-with-^nSynforow’, C[)e ^ebzue fignifietb the painful travel ofchild birth, Ifa'. 1^.17 .18. & yi ,z. Pfal. 19


conceived] OJ~was-warm; ill heat. a0 Gen. 30. 38. 39. 41. the inward-parcsj T\iWOthe covered-parts, the hart roots, where wifdomis featedof God: lob. 38.3^. namcbftl

i^eb^uc of covering, plaiftering, or pargeting. thejecr^ Ot, the clofed-place:

being referreb to tfjie perfon, mcanetb the hart,b?!iif& <^ob reneweth, Ezek. 3 5 .z^^.anb Vuficr^

in he writeth his lawes, Heb. 8.10. !2|iib tI)U!5 the Cbalbce e]CpOimbetbtt,the clofe-place ofthehartj U3|)tCl) tftc Spofllc calctf) the hid man of the hart, i . Pet. 3 . 4


0;t, ifit be ttferteb tO

tfjinfljit incatietbthefecretsofwifdom, lob.ii.^. the wifdom ofGod in a myfterie , the li^id

torifbom, memifellcb bp tbe gofnd, i . Cor. z . 7 . :nnb tftuj5 tfyt ft appUetf) it, faping, tiWunmanifeft & hid things of wifdom, thou haft manifefted tome. haft made] O^wilcmake me knowj l)e rtfctft bp fattfj out of 1)10 fpit, being tangljttotfbom ofd^ob.

jji. 9. Thow wilt purge-me from-fyn] 0^ p^apetUKiff,? urge thou me ftomfyn-,!!?^ make melynieis. Expiate 0? punfy-my-fyn. |bjapcr0 atc oftcn mabt ill tfiip inamiet,a0 toitb &ffuxantt

tftattftepiftalbeperfajmcD. <feee tfte note on Pfal. 17.8. < eizop] c^hyfsop, oftgie

i^eb^ue Ezobanb<02ccft hyftopos^ an liftboy tree growling out o? the wal, i.King.4.33. ap#pointed in tfte lab), tofpjtnfeleanbclenfcinitb, Exod. iz.zz.Num,i9.^?. is.Levk, 14.4,

. Heb. 9 . 19 . aub tl)f fppnftUng toitft tt,toa0 tfte Ia(f part oftfte purification of tfte W\uclean: fteteufed to fignifptj^lultlcnfingffoiiifpabpt^^ bloub of Heb. 9. 13. 14.

InBitfteritbietetftat fterbbJlpcfi toe nob) eal eizop, oino;i0nnccrtapm wafhme]gnotfter legal rite fo^p«nfpmgtl)«bnclean, Levit. i4»8.& ly. y.s. 13. figuring our fane*tification. Heb. io.zz.Tit.3.y, Ifa«4. 4. fi. 10. tohearjoy] the joyful tidings of theforgivnesofmy fynns. bones tftat thou haft crirthed] oj brayed

j noting berebptj)®Qteatnep of ftto griefanb affliction. iob,z.z.y.& 30. 17. & 33*i9. z1.Pfal.384.

b. !! Hide thy face] that 10, regard not mv fvnns to vifit them on me. ^ce the f0ntrarn,;^’2bPfal 90. f . & 109. 14. ir ler. 16. 17. b. 12. firmfpirit] afpiritready prepared,fted-fall, and certayn . ^ftelifte lOappltebtO tfte hart, Pfal. iiz. 7. & 57. 8.

b. 1 3 . from thy face ] or from thy prefence : Cj)i0 toaO an tfKpit Of 45ob0 UtmofI angetggaln)lfpnner0 Z. King. 24. zo. Ier.7. ly. & yz. 3. Gen. 4. thy fpirit ofholynesdthy holy Ghort. b. 14. thejoyofthy falvation] thejoy which proceedeth from thyfalvation and deliverance ofme from fyn. tft 2 free fpiritla voluntary . freewiUing fyirit,oj nbnj rt'

a princely, ruling fpirit, a0 tlje tutnetft It • t!)i0 toojb , Pfal. 47 . 10 . bp a free OJ


princely fpirit, meanetl) a fpiatnot ia bondage to fyn;talcd elftojjtCC the fyirit ofadoption.

13S pfalm. LI. Lit,

Rom . 8


1 r . T^. fd ntabe to obep tfte ILo^tf^ ^xoc?. 3


' 1j. !(>.. from blouds] tI)atI;^,from the guilt ofmy murder in lliedding the blond ofVrifahr/rom my native comiption. tFlt? lltU mi Pfal.f. 7 . lhal fiiowt] fhril, ling joy-

fully and proclaim thy) ullice; flU'0 a)S^rai!fp''ato)h^^ 17. Ihaitapenmy lips] ihalt give me occafion to fpeak freely and boldly, Ufi'fc Tob.i i

. 5 .& 32,


io. 18. and I would give it ] for ells I would give it ; d0 tfje tUtnftti It,

if thou vvouldeft facrifice, I had given it. The facrifices of God l^' tljat whichpleafe God., the works ofCod^Iohn. <?. z8. ^ hart i)icken1 tcVjjrct^ wurhfor-oWfor fyn.^,Olla. ^i. I. Luk.4. 18, CmtlparCUlltfl tljrpRom. 12. r. nlfo Ifa. 57. if. 6^ 66 . 2,

20. Doo-wel] OjDoo-good^ deal-hoiinteouHy : it CCmpjeljfnDCtl) aj tftmf'Sl S.tftful fc|r>;t pkafp.rc. unto Sion] the Church,and place ofpublik worlhip Pfal. 2 . 6 ,

u(a^cm^ V'lerufalem] ofleruibalaim; p.0 tl'Cl'fbnie It l':? tf»f tll 7 l fc^m, it tore

tfjFdmrF^ jfotorttlielnofjrr miiufelctor; frciti toiflitlKr-r' ; OH flliegott'', Gal. ^6. tuic fh (t ralih Salem


5 tot'^rc

fcWl Gen. 14* i8.Heb.7,2. 5f toljS alfo lebus, Iudg.19. lo. f f0!iC lebuh

fon ofCanaan, Gen. 10. i<?. anDtoaopofTcJlTclj tpidsjfrib tj^cRbufites, u?ho Pdb ffKrdit

tF^efoitcf Sion, tiF:ip.a\ntVJjannttfrcmri;t:m, iCHion. u. 4.^.7. i^frcflfoUia^tpciroimtMonjah

, ui)fron built tF)c Cxiupk, 2. chron.3 .i.\r-bfrf fd^pl]CAv. off. cMnjs' foil

3faa[:: Gen. 22,2. b:faufe tbere p;tob!Omre U ao fdn, Ijr rannt? ibc plar icho-vah-;irch, Gen. .’.2. 14. Vldjlfft lireh,-put tO tflC former name Salem , mabr4j It Itrc-fabm:

bJbTOPiacelGfeen : ailb 00 tf^edfic to](^m!av(lCb feptabhiriin moU’ t Iireh CjMolijah, (bI04)cnomc: pet Ibmetunef tficiio(ibfrptare,)itii5rnir b Ip titrfiiffnrm^sal.m ^ a0Pf.7^. 3 . CJ^io nti",<0Db diefe to be tfic place ofInPpiMh bao^fbip.m^b t{>eve tc bm* 1,2 chr.7.T2.Pfai. 132^13.14: arb honourable dpiigb arc fpolieu of tbi0 due, pral.87. 3. anbcftfiewalls tbernf, viJliteFnutbc3erufalaTifTcniabobf ,arccfiarperf|one,lvf£h 11. fonut aticnb

pabinlfifb Uiitb all manner pifciou^ flomp, and fjablnc dje namr0 of tt e Hanb0


1 . tfpe#(rir0 . Rev. 2ii 10*14.18.19. &c. the walls are Caleb Salvation, and die gates,Prayfe, and tb'^p

areeverinGodsfightjl^a.6o.i8.&49.i'<. fOZtbC building up of bOCtb ‘tE^^allb fete

iprap. <jf< 21. Then flialithou a«ept]when the place is builded which thou hall cho-

fen. jrc^ \}t fc^bab prOpIfTtOCffiT iievtry place,Ltv*'i7.5.8*9. Dent. 12.11. i3.arbp2C#

mtfeb to accept their facrihees on his holy mounta) n, Tzek. 20.40. ®?Clfc?C 3fvad lXT.0m

preat affliction anb p:c eb, irlien the Uiail0 of5ei uidar. mere imtiiilbeb,N ehtm , i .3 .anb

tjje peopled nerligei cr i btiilbinr <i^cbo J)f mfr tuaiq fl arpip blamct. Fag. 1 .2 .4 8 9.& 2.1 y.

^"C* ofjuRice] that i0 ,facrifices offred infayth, and according to the will ct God,

^CC Pfal.4. 6 , the W'hole-oblation] tfie Calil-.a bird ofobladcn that was wholly and

every whit given vp in fyre unto God ; and differed from tpf Ghnolah d), Burnt-ofTrin^mf tel)

toa0 midp of beaits or birds,Levit. i. UJlicrcao tf)c Calil uiao alfo of flowr , cdcd HjC

Meat-oifring, but burucd aUoridrr, M)icl) ffie common jlBcat cffriae.0 toere not. Lev <5.20*

2*23. gt toa0 alfcof bea{T0. i.sam.7.9.


#' Pfalm.5 2.

T . To the mayfter ofthe wnfk^ ;an in-

ftu ding pp/w of David. 2 . VVlitnDo-

cg the- Adomite came, and fi^ewed to

Saul,& faydro hinr.David came, unto

diehoufeof Achimelech.

j. T ^/Hybeaftcft chon in evil,

VY 0 mighty-manPLhe mer-


Sing this as the 18. orasthe 37. Plalm,.

A^tghty^mm, hoaft^fl thou m yll?

kJgo^ mercie, alti^e endiiretli-dyll,

4. Think^dooththy tot7gi4e 'dcfOcfiiLmifchecvci.fncsi

4i doouJg dx leytjuln^i*

J:, Lo'Ve

Pfalm. LIT. 139

cy al the daf, 4. Thy

tongue chinkctli woeful-evils: as a iharp

ralour, doing deceyt. 5. Thou loved

evil morc»x.U2M good ; falfliood,?;^5r^“th in

to {peak julliee Sdah* 6. Thou loved

al words ofiVallowingjthe tongue ofde-

ceyt. 7. AlfoGodjVvildeftroy theeto

perpetuitie.'hewil pulthee-away&:pluck

thee out of the ten:; and wil root-thee

up, out of the land of the living Sclah.

8. And the jud dial fee,and fear: and

dial laugh at him. 9. Behold the man,

that put not God/or his drength:but

trudedjin the mul titude ofhis riches : he

was drong, in his woeful-evil. 10. But

I,as a green olive,in the houfe ofGod:I

trud in the mercy ofGod,ever and aye.

II. I wil coiifcfs thee for ever,for

thou had doon and wil patiently-

exfped thy name for u good, before

thy gracious-fainds.

j , . Loide .loofl tJjcat evil more-^efngood: to fiy

ratJjcr thm]Hjhce-tnie Selcth,

6 , Words offtvallowmg-permcioufies

love them dooft ihou^ longue ofdeceytfulnef*

7. God toperpetMuee

deflroy thee^ pid ihee hence^and pltickjip thee

out ofthe tent ; and root thec-quite^awaj

0 Ht of ti)c land ofliving-men Selah,

ay^nd-then dneju^jhal it behold^and they

flsilfan jhal alfi laugh at him. (And fay,)

9. "Behold the man^ that made not <^od his mighty

but trufled in his riches ample-plight


Heflrong Was in his eviUmfcheevom.

10 But Ji am asgreen olive^in Gods howfet

f confident ly-tntfl in Gods mercte^

for ever and for aye-contmmlly,

/ / J Wil mto tf^ee thankfully- confifi

for evermore^ becaifi ihonhai} doon this:

and W/l thy name With patient-hope-implore.

fir it isgood, thygracious-fiinEis befire.


berf. 1 Doegaferbautofltma^auhantnmndcr ofid^^carbmen. i.Sam.iur. the Ado-mite ] that 10,

an i^-domite, o;tIdLimean, a0 tfte <J3^CCft {)Cre trariflatttlr.Gt a man cfAdamah,adtiemthctnbeofl^aphtalijioih.ii?.^/?. -of Achimsiech] deeimi from

tncannis,fame foj comfozt to tf)c homfe ofaSotsm 5^ob,inhere 'Jlchutnlccl) the p2c?(I:

aDmtatlleetj^ i|e aabe unto tSabtb anD hi0 companp , the fhnn b^caD to eat; armcb Ihui

toitb t )cfU3oib of <0Gljath the ^hiltidan,anD afiteb counfcl ofthe Uojtb fo| him.tBoe^ famthtb, aiib tolb Mng, ^aul: anb after (\nhen no other man inoulb,) htmfdfat the Ituiab eo^

manbement, ran upon ^thimelech anb the ^rehl0, anbbpUeb Sy.perfoiib: anbi^obtheritp ofthe , he fmote mtth the ebrje ofthe fnja^b,b?t!j man,U3oman, chiib aiib beafl.

3^ut'Jfibjathk^chtmelechb fon efcapebunto tDabtb, anbtolb him: mhotheruponmabetht0 I . Sam. II . & zi. Mat. iz, 54, 6 mighty-man] o^ Potentate, t[^ce^

10 thu0 naincb, foj ht0 31t. ^aul0 hearbmen, i . Sam.ii .7 . anb hi0 hplduc? offomanpi^ieijl0ofthe1lozb,i.Sam. iz. 18.19. in mfeh mifrhdbou0 p^oUief0 hebarentcii3yg

ftimfdf 9 * 4. thintoh] OJUnberfianb, ®hp thhiketh thy tongue? tljat 10 , utter-*

cth the evils thought ofand premeditated. domg-deceyt ] that 10 , as a rafour ,which

ill (led ofcutting the hayr , cutteth the throat, (©j itmapM vefevrci) tO the man, 6-doer of,

decey t, a0 tpC faptfj ,thou haft doon decey t. s . juftice ] tfjat 10 truth .

faithfulnes . Words offwallowing] 0^ ofdevouring, of pernicioufnesi that 10 ,pef- y j 3

tiicious words which caufe deflrii(dion . ^* 7 . ddtroyj pul thee down : a finillitUbe^

tabenffombuilbingb pulleb bolnn: Levit.i4.45.applieb hereto man^cbcvthiouj.^oiob.

19.10. pul-thee awavlo^ taketheehence,a0aCOleoffprci0tahcn\jaUht}K'tCrgUe0'

ifa.50 . 4. pluckjh^lao tfte Paifeeo are plucbeb up Inheu the t?nt i0 rfmobeb.^ht^ ^

ipappUeb to e)[:|^ifton out ofoae0 fetkb placesanb 10 oppofib to ilablidung. Deut. zs.6s,

S Zr-

' Prov*

i4# ?falm . LIII.

Prov. 12. ijr. td6t thee iip] tree pUttlifb ttp bp t!)c rcotftTudc. n.^lob. 31. II. land of the living] .that this world. ;&ec Plal. 2.7. 33.

5^. 9. the man] tf|^ mighty-man. batllteftrcntetO verfe 3. hewasftrong]oil,

would be llrong, aub prevayl- a0 Pf. 9 • 10. oj, ilrengthned, and hardned him 'elf.

his woeful-evil] OJ, in chat he hath, tjat his fubftancet tl)e ^^ceb.faptl) in his vanity.

10. green olive] aflBape^ft^O anb flOUnffthtg^ ^cCPfaim. 37. 35 fIer. n. 16.

aye] continually: fcc Pfal. 9*,


Pfalm. 5j.


1 . To the mayfter ofthe mufih^on Ma-Chalath;an inftruding-p/'?/w of David

2, ^T^He fool fayth, m his hart, ther

A ^ no God .'they have corrupt-

ed,and have made themfdves abomina-

ble \»/Vj?J.nfuriou$-evi);^^fr is none that

doothgood. 3. God,fro the heavens,

Jooked-down upon the fonns of Adam:tofee,if daer-were4»;y that underftand-

eth; that-feeketh God. 4. Every-one

is gone- back,togit her they are become-

unprofitable: ther is none that dooth

s. Doo they not

pfalm. S3 *

This may be fung alfo as the 45*. Pfalm.

2. 'YHefidfiyth in his hart^her is no ^od: they

are corrupt,^nd wUhini^uitie are made abomtnahle^

Out of the heavens God ioo\%none doothgood.

attentively on Adams finns: tofee, ifany ^ere tha$

underfiandsy ti)at dooth fir (jod inqueere,

4. Ech-one isgone bat,they togither bet

unprofitable: none, nut one, doothgood.

goodmone^not one.

iknoWjtbat work painful. iniquirie: that

cat my people as they eat bread; they cal S* they not kneve, tf)at ^orkjmquitiei

rotupon,God. 6. There they dread- dw eat my people, z% they eat up fiod^

ed a dread,wW no dread was:for God,hath fcattred the bones of him that be-

(iegeth theetthou haft made them abafh-

cdjfor God hath contemptuoufly-caft

them off. 7. Whowil give out ofSion,

the falvations of Ifracl? when God re-

turneth,the captivitic ofhis pcople:Iaa-

kob (hal beglad,Ifrael fhal rejoyce.

if/ t/ 1*^ *

to God, tl^ey doo not tn vacating- pray. (theft

6. dread, tt'hci c no dread W'os, there dreaded

for Cjod, fcattred his hones thatfegeth then

thou haft ihtm put-unto^confifion


fir God hath cafi them ojf-contemptuotiftie,

7. whogives, yfelsfilvattons,ftom Stonf

when Godreturr.s his fiihy captiviteei

fakob beglad, ff/elJhaljoyJul bee.


- I- Machalath] tbtjSfmttetJto beflfimtiofni(hrmtitnt, mucfilibeNechiloth,PfaI. f*

f 3^ uvap alfo be mterpteteb Sicknes oz Inhrmitie. ^0 in the title cf pfalm .88.

an iiutrufting-pfalm j Mafkil: fc^ piaT 31,1, pfalm t$e fame Ui effeeti mib almoft

Pfalm. LIIII.

In tocjbS tottft tfte 14- #faTme, fmn? feus tftfitgss tDangeb. e tf)e notcjStW. . , , ^ ,

^.1. totth imurious-evillfo t{)e faptS» with iiuquitits they are made abominable,©?, nivUj? Itia? I’Cabj they have doon abominable iniquitie. to. 4 * every one is gone -back] ' *

j\lhe, that 115 Ech one t)ij whoi'oever toe ; til particular. Pfal . 1 4.3 . l)e fpcatoetB ^

pmcrallp. all IS departed . to. Ullievc no dread was,] ttoatlg, no cauic oi dreads

Oltocrj) to tfte yjoutoeto, a tremblinf» hart ,Deut. z8 . 6^* anti a found of fear is in their eai*s,

lob. IS. II. pea the found ofa leaf, chafeth them ,and they flee when none purfueth. Levic. z6.

S6. Prov.28.1. ofhim that befiegeth thee ] OJ, that pitcheth camp againft theetfpcaS** ^

to tftc gotolp man . turnetl) it, of men-pleafers . haft made tlicm abaihed]

ct, {halt make abaihed, ( foiit a p|omife,tout fct tooUin 00 alreobp perfo^meto, fo^ tfje mo^e

nmirante,) 02, Ihalt put to confufion, to itocct them ,0^ their counfelja0 tgtp tojCUlt gatoe tO^

fJUntoeto tpic. Pfal.14. 6. to. 7 . who wil give ] a vumi i o that there were

given &c.\$ectljcnOte0 OrtPfal.i4 .7 . Nations] tfiatl0, tul falvation, health


Plalm. Pfalm. ^4,


t , To the mayftcr t>fthe mufik^ on Ne- ^ j a r j .j

ginoth;an inftruaing-p/-.te of David. 3-^ God, thoH me fiv^ and^y

3. When the Ziphinns came.and fayd |r;:rr:E|—i|—unto Sauhdooch not David, hide him- —“~j TrTT"/ T

felf with us ^ ]ndgeme. 4, O Cod,my frayn hearito words

3. God, in thy name fave me: ^ty^EF|EEzEz^Ejz?^E|^=;

“ *

& in thy power judge me4. O God, hear my prayer :hearken, heedfit be.

to the words ofmy mouth.

5 . For flrangers^are-rifen-up againft

me;and daunting-tyrants,fevk my foul;

they have not fet God, before them

Sc! ah.

6. Loc God ir mine helper: the Lord,

if with them that uphold my foul.

7. He wil turn rheevihto my enviers:

in thy truth.fupprefs chou them.

8. With voluntarynes I wil facrificc

untothee;! wil conftTsthy nameleho-vah, becaufe d is good.

9. For he hath fredy-ridd me,out

ofal diftrefs:& mine eye hath fcen,on

mine enemies.

/. Forfirangers^are againfimerifeni

and dnanting-ijrants^ thay

doofeek^my (owh tioey have not ^odbefore them fet Selah.

60 hoe (jodmine help: the Lordy is IfT/tJ

them that upholders be

efmy (ovpL 7* ho mine enviers^

the evil turn ^il he:

£ in thy truth^ fipprefithoH them,

$. Wnh voluntitrynes

to thee f Wil doo-fdcrifice:

thy name ^ W/l cot?fifi^

becaufe (Jehovah) it isgood,

p. For he hath ridd^me^fiee

out ofal trouble : and mine eys

upon my pes didfee.


toerf. 2 . ziphims ] tfl Zipheans,tf|C tllf)atoltant0 Of Ziph , a flU'c ttt t!)C trifac cfflltbafLTof.ts- i4. top tofiicto tUcu 1)300 0 to»lbemc0 onto toJoobp Itofierin ^otoib jjlb fiuufclfu?|jcn |je fleti


i4t >


pfalm. Ltv. LV.fcDiti®nTaf)fefenitofS»S.iuT: mtU toaiSbsbJivi^cbbpt&efcZiphimi tmto tjj^ fefng, cnc^imb tfje fecoiib tmicjbjjccupon tmbe t(ji?s l^falme^ ^ce tfie Bt(lo^ie,i.Sam. 23 .14 .15.19.

&c. & 2<^.i.2* b* 5. ilrangers ] cficangeb from <0ob, anb alicnateb

( fcomj^^ people P^^l. y


.4. ifa. 1.4. ;§>) mtc(icb men are calleb hethens, pfal.59 pfal,

86.X4.t5i^i|5repetebbp^aPib: bUtfOiZanm,rtrangers,tl|CtCf3CCaIetStBemZedirn,prowd.

daunting- tyrants] terrible-difmayersjao ;^aul anb rertnue,tofjofe tcttour baimteb ma^np. ^ feekraylbui] my life,tdta’&eit aluap:fee tfjie nofeoUPial. 35.4,

3; *5X502 b. 6 . with them that uphold] ,among the upholders , tiie tahailt folbierjS tgat fjelpCb


't^abibuUjib battels :a0 1. Chron. 12. i. &c. a Ube manner offpeecljib^ ludg.11.35. thou arc

among them that trouble me t . return the evil] tO toect , which they intend a-

gainil me. jpOJ the righteous efcapeth out of trouble,and the wicked ihal come in his lledePro,

H.8. fupprefs them] reilrayn them, OJ cut them off. (Compare Pfal. 143. 12.

b. 8. With voluntarynes] oj, In freenes; tljat freely, liberally, of a willing mind.

' facdflCCjStI)elaVOmmtlonCtb,Levit.7. b.9* eye hath feen] to meet, the work,or

reward ofGod on mine^nemies : meutioneb b ;foze lU verf, 7 *anb aj5 ip crpieffcb ih Pfal.9 1 . 8 ,

but often tbipbJOjb ip concclcb, apPfal.3j.21. OJ hath viewed them b3it[) belptes


Pfalm. 55.

I . To the mayfier ofihe mufk^on NeginotJi,an inftruding-

ffalm of David.

T TEarthouo God^mv prayer:

XTXand hide not thy felf, frommy fupplication-for 'grace.

3. Attend to me, and anfwer me: I

mourn, in my medication, & make-a-troubled-noyfe.

4. For the voice ofthe cnemie, be-

caufe of the vexation of the wicked;for

they bring upon me painful* iniquicie,&

in anger they fpytefully-hate me.

5. My hartjis pained within metandthe terrours of death, are fallen uponme.

pfalm SS»

This may be fung alfo as the 3. Pfalm.

/. O God my prayer hear : and hide not thee^ fro

my requeftfrr-grace, 3 . Attend to mee^ and anfwer

^e:f utter-moHrnfill-voice in my mufrngyand ma\t

ii3a=H=ig=ija=in5=»^a troubled-noyfe. 4, ^ecaufeofvoiceof th*adverfe^

IffEgfiEi^EiEiEiitlE^^enimte^becauje ofvexing ofthe mgodly'.Br th^ bring

IjSEigE^iEEiEiiilip^on me paynjitines-vnrtghty and doo in anger hatefuU


/. im hart^ U payned in the mids rfme :

terrours ofdeath eke frdln upn me be.



Feat6 . Fear


^.'Fear^ctremblingas come into me:&

hotrour,hath covered me. 7. So that 1

fay,who wil give me a wing,as a dove:

rWImightflieand dwel. 8 . Loe,I

would make far oflf mj wandring-flighu

I would lodge,in the wildernes Selah.

g i wouldhaftenmyfafe-efcaping:ho

the wind of driving-forward trom the

tempeft. 10. Swallow ifofw Lord, di-

vide their tongue:for I fee, viotoit-

wrong,andftrifein:hecine. n- Day

and tiight, they compafs it upon the

walls tterofrand painful-iniquitie and

moieftation are within it. 12. Woefu -

evils an within it:and ftawd and guile,

dcpirteth not from the ftrect thevof.

11!. For.not an entmie rtproched

nie;for I could bear <i: not my hater,

jnagnified againll me ;for I could be

hidden from him, 14- But thou

6 man eftemed of as my felf: my guide,

and my known-acquaintance.

15. We which togither, made-fwcet

recret-ccuwAf: went into Gods howfe,

with the focietie. id. Let death feize,

upon them;let them goe down quick to

heliforevils^cr in their dwelling-pt«emtheir inmofl-p*irt. i 7 -

God:&'ilfavenie. 18. fcve-

nin<^ and morning & « noon, wil I me-

dilate and make a noyfe: and he heard

my voice. 1 9- He hath redemed my

foul in peace,from the battel againh me.

for with many, were they with me.

20. God wil hear, and aftlioi them,

even hethatfittcth /row antiquitie .Se-

I'ahifor that they have no changes; ncy-


6. Fiar k ifto tfo come, md trmbJing-dreid:



mdijHith^r.g-honcur yhath me covered.

Su ihc.t ^cho Sietlgive me

Oidove: thut I might Jlye atjdfind-dml'mg.

Lo€y ^andrtng fight f'^^oM ma\efhrr~amyx

lodge WoHld Jyttn he ScUh •


For mine efcaptrgfifef VeoMmake-hiiJfv

from driving Veind, fiemthe ttmptftwwMaft.

Lordfwaliow them, divide their tongue:fir f

fee m the citieyftnfi and vtokrae.

They on t he Voalls n compafi,day and night ;

in tt is moltfiaiion and unrtght.

12 %it^ltVooefiiUevils:fiaK)cdalfo

and gmkyfiomftreet therof out dcoth notget.

F% it was not an adverfe-enimie

that me reprocht; fir hear tt then could /.*

’twas not myfie^ that magnifyde gmB me,

fir Ifrom him aVoay could hidden he.

14 "But it was thou man mine efiemed-peer:

even my t keif-guide^andmine aceyuaintunce^

ij We Vohich togither madefvoeet fetrectex (neer*

mo gods huvofey Went With foctetk.

j6 SeiTj death on thldowngoe they qukkto heh

fir evils


are Wnhin them Where they dweU

77 ^^unto Godmake-invecation:

and me fehovah gives-(alvation.

18 Svtmrg find morn ar^dnoony / make a fioyjk

rndmeditute: andhe didhear my voice.

tp Frofitfit 'ouirft me:, my fowhedemd hata hit

inpea(.e: fir very many Were With met.

20 God hear Wtly and on them affliBun-Iaf,

even he thatfltts from anctent-uyc Sel^ji

hecaufe.that unto them no charges bee; .

and God they have not feared- reverent lie.

21 On his fvcW'ids-peaieahle ^helaydhts handi

'^'lifor that they have

;her fear they God. -. finlottno-hattel \s hs hart \\ ithivt:

„is hand.on his£ h,< V.4ds mm ff: thancH, butfacrdi ihe^

profaned his covenant, ac-/;, (are.

his mouth were fmo'

^-ords’ «itdhe«nhhte fuJityn-.gtve^tlmhe,

iehlV^hlt wil ^«;he wU not give the ever ^0 be moved.

,44 Pfa!m. LV.

24. But thou 6 malccthem 3 4 '2?«r S (jod^ m^ke thm dom "

goe-do^rn,to the pit ofcorruptio: men the low-pitt ofcorruption wto: ^

ofblouds and of deceit, (hal not live-^ themenofbloudsundgmle^2\\\tfhalbed

half their dayesibuc I,wil cruft in thee. not halfthctrdajct: but f , Votltrufimtheek


3. Imourn] aj^ort? ta{! boton\j3ttf| joiotu, malting a bolffuhiopfe.meditation] dj, difcourfng-talk, prayer, complaint, ^fbjU£ Siach, flgnffletl) an}' large

'; difeourfe or exercifeofthe mind or mouthj by bufy muling, talking, prating , comoning with

ones felfor others. 4. diej bring] they make-move, ojttirn upon meiniquitie;

botti bp unjufl imputation ofcPil,^b inHictmgofpumf^jment^ tfte mojb ifi ufed botg' »' fo^ iniquity and tbepunilhmenc tbetof^ap 10 noted fpitefully-hate me] 02,

bear me a privy grudge, with a parpofe to avenge; a0 tbCtOC^dfignifl'ftb^en. 27.41,& jo

t/7 ’ is paynedl 0^, trembieth-with payn. toOjd ufuaflp mcanftb fuch pains as a wo-' ^ Caan feeleth in her travel. ft. 6. horrour] 0^, amazed-quaking; bJj^en tf)S fcnfe0nre

:h^ fmittmVDitliapomfbment.^Berf^^^ <63icebtiim0i't, darknes* b. i. who wilgive] aUJtfj, 6 that 1 had;d^ 6 that ibme would give.^fe Pfal.14.7. wing as a dove)

tofiicft being a fearful bird, ftpetb fafltodcfert^ androebd to Stdeit fclf, icr. 48. z8. wing,

10 put fO^ Wings : 00 fowl fo^ fow Is : Pfal . 8. ^ . tjat I migh t-fly

] d?, I would &ciwel, to toect, fomewhei e, wher I can find I'afety : but nc placc i0 named, to note tl]e mojC

T17511 linccrtaintp* b. 8. inthe wildemes] tftt plaCC toftttbcr the woman (tbeChlUtil)alfoflyethih get perffCUtlcn. Rev.n.^. U. b. 9. halkn lafe eicaping &c.] oj, I

would fpeed my evafion , hallen my deliverance. ^O^abtd hallened his flight from Ab-

ialom;2.Sam. ly. 14.&C. from wind of driving-forward] tftatl0, from the driving

^ (ftormy) wind, that beareth al things atoap before it: meaning the ftoptl OfperftCUtton:tufiirl|

l)im to flic. ^\}t d5jee6 tujncth it, from pufillanimitie, (OJ feeblenes-of fpirit:) intima^

ting hid inlp fear0 djibtng ttm to tbi0 fit®. b. 10 swaUow] tf>at io,deitroy. gt

J fiatfjrcfpect to Dathanand Abirams death; who with there companie were fwallowed alive

into the earth, Num. i5. 32. aO after in tge 16. betfe b^ei0 tjrplained. < divide their

'trl XIO tongue] fo?, their tongues, tfjat i0 their language, CCUnfcid, plottp &c . a0 at :3&abcl tongues

toerc confounded; Gen. ii.7-^otl}ctongucpof 3lbfalom0 counfello^d (that perferuted

^abid) toercdibided, 2. Sam. 17. I.—y— 14. b. H. they compal'sk] totoeet, vio^

lent-wrong & lb ife befojc mentionedj bjfiicb toere a0 toall0 about tge tobjn: 0^ they,that 10^

thofe wicked perfons. b. 13. For, not ah enemy] 0^, Becaufe, it Uia0 no enemie t!>at

seproched me: tbC tUmct!) it tI)U0,For, ifan enemie reproched me,I could fuffer it,&c.

for I could bear] l^cbj. and I could bear it : and, being in fted Offor, OJ ells, 0^ otherwifei

H0 in Pfal. 60. 13. & yi. 18. magnified ] tftat i0 , fpake great and boaftful words;fco

before 26. b. 14. But thou] And thou; and 10 often bfed foj but; a0 Gen.

42» ^oin<0jeeb,Rom.i. 13. and often in tbe5^falme0.eftemedofas myfelf] 0^, according to myne order, o^elbmation : tfjati0, my very

cqualljOiy peere; of as much regard and worth as my felf. i0JCefe tumetb it, like-minded


a\j3ojdb)l)icfitb’^o(lle ufetp, Phil . 2. 20. ^ my guide] 0^, my Duke, my Chieftayn,

L aj mayfter. tftc #ebpie Alluph is ufcd gnterallp foj a Duke oj chiefgovernour; Gen.36.1y.

- ^c. andfot{)e«6;eefe idalfoufedinfperialfoj acheif-frefnd: Prov.i6.

»8. & 17 .9. Mic. 7 . inbicft fenfe id good in tftid place. Achitophel map be tfte man fterc ap«<

med at,blip toad one of©abitd ppnce0,and freind0,eben bid ^)ieffounfelloj,and became^.^^.fitraptOUr . Sam. ly. 12.31.& 16.13. my known-acquaintance ] 0^, my familiar,

^ whom 1 acquainted with my counrels,purpofes &c* a0 Pfalm.3 1 .12. b. ly . made-fweec

fecret-COUnfd] tl)at id fweetly communicated our fecret affayres , ech to other: 0^ the rnyfterie

ofgodlpnedi bifieroffee Pf4. aj.14 . fulfilled betbiem i>avid &Achicophei; chrift,



Pfalm. LV. LVI. »4/andluda$thetr.ivwf. - with thelocietie]ozintheconcourre^company, frcqucndej tf)at

Itfjthe multitude cha: hurtle and run-togither, frequenting the publik afsemblies. 2tlld tjjii*

Vuaii domU tottl) ourmace ftaf^ anD liurtitna toojtttfVianti U3itft concortiant

ftie :eii ijcc^ tumctS tt vnanimide o;i concord. UJOJti IiS after UfeD fci a company

0^ concou. le, Plai. 64. 5. anU ftatfi tftc n^mc oftumultuous-running togitherj,pral.2.i.

16. Lee death leize] death ibalfeize; exadt his due as a creditor on his debter,

upon them ] a lO, on hitUi ad t()e {^cb.Ute famine notf tb , tftat td> on every ofthem.

to hel] to tij? plac2 aiiO Pate ofheatl): Plah if. lo. t&e confptratojj^ \33itS 3*p;af)i, went"

down quick into hel, Niim. 16.30.31. in their dwelling-plate] OJ,in their fojourning-

plarej fo^ tl)id life id a pil^i linage ; mfjef men are bst guepd- in their inmoil-partj

6^, within themiin the midds of them: meaning their hart, jf Ji iS. and at noonlCfiefetimed in tfte Dap, tb?p ufcD topjapingifiaclj ad ^atib ftere p?actt(c^ ahD ^niel

aftertoarDd, Dan. 10. and at thefixthowr, (UJbicptDad tl)nr noon-tide) Peter went toprayer , Adf . 10.5?.

^meditate ] 0;i pray : fee tfte note Oil OClfe 5 . & Pfal.77, 4


from the battel againll me] from the neer-fight (the conflict) with me; tpe<®^fe&

fm!) , from them that draw neer to me, meaning IjlO foed i ad Pfal. 27.2,. with many]

03 in many,were they with me . ^|)ld id DOUDtpIl UJijittjer It be meant of foes,OJ freinds. 3fOf foes, it map be refolOcD tjud , for with many, (mitp a great multitude) they were fighters

With me. ^foffr^odsi It map be undevjlooo cf 43odd Angels, tpat in a great-number wereWith him, pitching can p fOJ bid apd, Plal.34

ad ‘Cliftail fapd, many moe are with us, thanwith them, z King. 6. 16. 17. io. even he that fitteth ] tl)at id, the eternal , that -

abideth oneand the fame, in COtinfel, pobiet &c, no changes] ci alterations fromebil to good, and are not bettered* Cftud tbe Cftaldee parapb;afl rabetb it* 3t %mfalfo be meant,no alterations cftljeir good epatej tl)at id , no adverfitics

, ad lob, ro.17.

21. He fent forth his hand] tljat id, lay^ violent hands : ad Nehem. 13.21*

his p eaceable-freindo] 0^, them that were ax peace with him. zz, drawn-fwords]

that id, woundingjdeadly. '^Itlie fimilitude^olomonufttb Prov.12. 18. There is that fpeak-

cthtoo^ddhke the prickings of a (word, ^ce alfoPfal. y?. f. 23. thy careful-bur-

den] thy gift , that id, wnatfoever thou artxrareful to have given thee, in all thy wants and «

need. o^,whatioever he giveth thee, to cjcerflfe tl)p faptl) and patientt,bp adoerfiticd. Cba^^eeb Vlicl turnetb it thy care : mbitb Pfeafe t[fl£po(fle bfetl) I. Pet* 5* 7 Cart all your care * ,

upon him &c. Ccmpacc alfO betetuftb 37.1. ^_JulUyn thee]

foiferand ncuniJithee,U‘ttbfr>cdanda! Other ncccffarted* ^beUJo;tdtbctigbitbf Oe# *'

neral, pet id often ufedfojnoufifliing, Gen. 4t .II. &47. li. i King. 18.4. ^0 the 45|ee&«lfO turnetb it btee * not give] tgat id, not fuffer,ad Pfal.i^.io.

to* 24. men of blouds &c.]tbat id, bloody men : ad Pfal* s .7. not libe-half]

nochairen their dayesjtbatid>not come to half the dayes of their iife:bucbecut oflfby untime-ly death, ^olob, 11.32.

Pialm*56.I * To the mayfter ofthe mufik^ ,con-

cerning the dumb dove in hxv pUces^

Michtam ofDavid: when the Philiftims

took him in Gach.a. T>Egracious to me 6 God, for

JLIfory-man would fwailow me up:

al the day,warring he opprelf^th me.

Pfalm.s^.Sing this as the yj, Pfalm*


1 . Mi^hty-God unto me gractom he^

KJi"fir nttfembk^nKin YioouU me devour


dldoiyt he ^^rrmg (ore-opprefethme»

tyfl day’y m\ne enviers >X^0Hld me devourx

for many ,VOarr agitmfi me 0 moH:- hye»

4. What dcry /fear: irnfl unto thee W, %5 . Mine enviers would fw'alUiw me up,al the da’ : for many, doo wart with me 6 mofi:-

hye. 4* //^theday I dial fear: 1, wil trull untothec»

S- la .1

/46 Pfalm.

5. In GodjI w ilprayfe his word : in

God doo I truftj wil not fear,what fleih

can doo vnto me,

6 A 1 the day, my words they greivoufly-

wreft: agamft me, al their thoughts

for evil. 7. They draw togither, they

keep-clofe theft Ives,they doo obfervmy

fteps:becaufe,they earneftly-exfpedmy

fowl. 8. For painful-iniquiti: dial they

efcape fafePin anger,cad-down the peo-

ples oGod. Thou haft counted mywandring;put thou my tears in thy hot-

xtU^rethey not in thy regifter.> 10. Then(hal mine enemies turn back, in the day

Hoat I cahthis I know,that God Mhe for

me. n . In God,I wil praife the word


in lehovah,! wil praife the word. 12. In

God doo I truft, lu il not fear; what

earthly-man,tan doo unto me. 13.Thyowcs,<«re upon me 6 God:I wil

fefsions unto thee. 14. For thou haft

delivered my foul, frr m death; haft thru

not alfo my fecr,fro Aiding? for to walk-

on, before Godi in the light, of the li-



j, Jn GodJ fr4)fe his m God I

f ^tl notjear^ can doo to mee.

6* djy^ my ^ords rhngreevtntjly^doo-y^efli

a^4tnft me^ al their thoughts eul bee.

7 . They draw-togither^ dtfsly-VPAjt they lay\

my foot •flops heedfid/y-cbferv doo thaj :

For^ they myfivrl exffed->^'ith-earneflnes,

/. Shal they cfcape^(aflfir tm^itity}

O (^^dy in ^rath^ the peoples do)Xtj~depyefl,

f, y ^andring^ thou h^fl m account-readji

thou m thy hot tel put my Weeptng^tears:

yea at e they not ^ithm thy rtgiflers}

to Then ,Jhal myfits turn bat kjn day I colt:

thif doo J knovpy that God wilbee me by*

n Jn Cjody the Word I Wtl With-praife-ext oik

in the Word With-praife-extoll-WdL12 Jt God / boldly- truft

yI Wtl not hte

afrayd : What earthly-man can dvo to mee*



O Gcd thy vcwcSy arc < n me\ / Wtlpuy^

14 co.fjjions to I her. Becahje thou h^ft

»1(dvf lfrom death


hafl r.oi then eke my feet fromJl dwg-flr^f

T hat I before Gods fkee^ conttnualUe

may Walk^y in light cj ihimthat living bee»


i?n>V ttf. X. concerning the dumb dove] 0^, after pftjafr,

the clove ofdimibne^

iTluiS fpeaScthofpunflPic^^ a dove ct to Vtcyanor t mcn(t thr latfrm c feitcis

tftc Phihilims, uifj’CftUJfTe fair Dijiopucb from 43ftbr p cpI in faith, fht u(rt] nen i iiptito#

tion: aji the 43^cch trarftatctl)lt , tke people lair c from the^t ytlrm,

dumbnes, map alfo bc tunift, a Congregation , 8)6 :it iTal. j8. z. avt fc tf ^ mvari’^C; 1|5, the

dove of the congregation of them thatbetair ot, t]>at t!B,cf the I hhlliin' . Micftai. j,alewcl,cj golden pfalm: fecPlal. 16. i. tookhimin Gath. ]

5* fi ‘»T fl IV I

to Achiih King of Gath , aiih bctng fercUir: Carf ts I tr b havton! , ai 0 f rn?*t h*n>(i!f fooWfl), ariD lead fo t»ifiir:;rrb , 1 Sam.i i .10. &c. u Pern p»..? i;. n rh* th y(%\\


trr that tie flcb agapn to k. Achiih , and thrre letUj him ,{*r rrd I ii? t mpr rp. ^ S? m.

Jtnfz. "^uld fwallow me up]jCl bieaiheth after me, tu lahc and dr#

•r : bcur me. VDntt Shaaph 1)5 Wbff ^ fcoping in ot drink; lob.s.s.f.dOjOf the wind or; I

Xer.z.z4.& 14. and fO fi? breathing after any thi;.g toceme thLrto.Iob. 7.i.Ecdtf,i.5. ^0 '

after in Pf. 57, 4. & 115?. 3^* ^ moft hye]o hye God,ad tijf« VFlspr^ttMt.

•Che 4??efllfuptb , from the heigth : VUf mf«p 6ht UarflltC It, in heigth, that to, highly,

(prowdlv) t!]cp icarc a(^ainfl me. 25ut Marom Heigth, ^cmftimi uttt Tn-tc, ap Mic.(S.Pfai ^1.;?. 4. 5F^heday] r?,ftfiatday: tht’tiiD, wl.enfbevcrlihaibea-

ffayd. 1 , j. whatflcftican dooJox^^tftlonUieife^ whatcan iieihdoo vmome? bpflail.

Pfalm. LVI. LVII. U7lefli, me^tlfftl corrupt and wcalc man,a^ 10 C)rpjcffeD,verf. i r* Il6c title {0 Ctbett to men>

lii Fi'al. 78.5;? . Ge n . 5. 3 . lia. 4 o .5. ^.6. they gieevoufly-wreill they pay nfully-ibrm, ^

flUO frame my wonls(0J my matters Opervcrting them,and giving them an other figure or falhi^

on.' Wfalliioning: . alfo, greeving, lia.

^3. p. 7 . They diaw togither] 0^, gather , tl)at IJ5 convene auD combine toyUtjeK

tly gather \33an*0i a0 iO Pfal. 140. 3. ;f>0PraL 5^.4* mylfeps] 0^ my heels,

02 footiblesj after UjeimunercftljatclDftTpem b. 8. call down]0^ make

deicend, tO lOCit ,to the pit ofcorruption,ao Pfai. jr. 14- OJ nether parts of the earth,a0 Ezek.

3z. 18. ^ b* q. my wandriagl my flitting to and fro


a0 frOltl ^aul0 prrfence to 45at[|,

i fvointbencetotljr fabcff^bullaiti, i.Sam.zz. i. fvomtficiicc to iBtfpcft in

IBoab,verf3. tijeutotfjiefc^wft ofl^atetlj in iudah.verf.^.tl)en to 3icilar|, i.Sam.z3.j.t!)cnre

to the \oilDfvnej5 of %ibl) >' ^tie 14 • tljcnce to tfje U)ilbcrnc0 of jBaon, verfe zu tl)cn to €n*

rreDi , u Sam.i4.i .z. auD jo from piare to piar,a0 a pavtne!) on tl)e niountapn0: in

;DabiD acfetiourdcOgcD cave aub pjobtOence tovuaibjs jjhti. in thy boctel] tijat :] IM'3

10, rellrv them diligently. BottclsUjgit ufiDtopUtiU ITUlli anDU3i!tf,Iudg. 4.1^. i Sam.idJ.'•

ao. it)C bjue il)cv« 10 ailujicn to ipe f&;mer too^b wandrmg, callcb Nod : a botcel

benuj alfo m tijat loiiyue raUb Nod : ^abiuy biffereticc ui bjjtting but neiie in feunb.

are tb- p r^-oc m thy regiller ? ] o^ ,m thy book aub reckning? meaning , doubtlels they are,

% qu.flion cfeeu ufiD toi sn carnt jl affrnnation cj brnrpall, 210, tuften one <CbangeU|l

faptt),Doe ye noterrePMark. IZ.Z4. ait Cti)ir (apt|j, yedoe err.Mat.zz.zi^,

n. 10. that God bill be for me] 0^ , with nie^ OJ , that God io myne : a0

thou arc my God. b. 13. Thy vowes avevpon 1 that 10, 1 have thank-oftringsT"^T3

«aay, wherwith to pay my vowes which irnaHTunto theFT~2t lihe plj^afe 10 in Prov.7. 14.

V po'n me ate peace-oilnngs. ^ee aljO |)0U} vowes .bJCie papb U3!tJ) peace 0^ thank oflfrings,

tevic. 7, Is. 16, Pfal. 66. 1^, ik>h bound to pay them*

confeiiions 3 ti)ati0, facrifices of confeflion, oj thanks: bJ|)icft Ujete biftingnifficb fromowes, Lev. 7. li. If* b* 14. baft thou nOt alfo] meaning, Purely thou hall: a0bvfc |e in betf.9. & Pfal. n^. 9. Piom Aiding ] OJ,from driving, from thruil^ tjat 10,

from Aiding by the thrull ofmy enemies. <»< tO walk on] oj converfe : it notftl) a conti- tOiHnualand pleaAng cariage of ones lelfacceptable to GoTT tJ)Crfoje tfje 45jeefe eyp^effetb it bp '


wel-pieaiingi anb tje 2tpc(tle foloUJetJ) tge Ube, in Heb.n.j. from Gen* f.24.'arfte meaningalfo of t^t ^ ^^y tobicb one f^iopbet faptf|,iafhabeth, to

dwelj iChron. 17.4* anptbetfaptb, leftiibti,thatl maydwcll. z.Sam.7,S. ^ the lighg pynnof the living ] 02 ,

light of life : meaning tje vital 0^ lively light which men here on eaftHd^injoy: anb ttjeiW^ m 33 . zS

.30. t|)i0 10 oppojeb to t|)C 0? graves & in PPal. 1^6.9. it

io Caleb, the land of the living: nft^of fee Pial.z7* 13. /s:j)i0 ^Ifo tefpectctj tl)e betterlight of lAe, mentioncb bp our ^abiour loh. 8. iz*

Pfalm. 57. pyi/;w /7.

I . Tothemayfl:ertf/’i/7fw/^tCorrupC Sing this as the 60, Pfalm*

notjMichtam of David: when he fled ^’^Godbegraciomnntomeey

from the face of Saul,into the cave. tomtbtgraciomyfirinthee,

2 . T) e gracious to me 6 God,be gra- my fowlfir{helter-fifi-hopeth:

jDcious to me;for in thee,my lowl atid in fb^de ofthy ^tngsfWtl

hopeth- for-fafetie:and in the (hadow of hope fir my (helter-fifi; until

thy wings wii 1 hope-for-rafetie; til the ech-^oefil-ev*! away-pafieth.

arocful-evils pafseth oyer. 3 .


wil cal p cd ^ily unto God mofi-hje:

unto T 2 mt$

1^8 Pfalm,

unroGodmoft-highrtothcGod, that

perfedly-accomplilheth cowards me.

4. He wil fend from heavens, andfave

me; he hath put-to-reproch him that

would fwallowme up Selah: God wil

fend,his mercy & his truth. 5. Myioul

^5 among Lions; I lye among inflamers:

the fonns ofAdam;their teeth,<rrtf [pears

and arrowes;and their tongue, a fliarp




Be-cxalted over the heavens oGod : over al the earth, thy glory.


They prepared a net for my fteps,hc

bowed my foul: they digged a pit be-

fore me;they are fallen,into the midds of

it Selah.


Firmly-prepared is my hart 6God, firmly-prepared is my hart: I wil

fing, and praife-wnrh-pfalm. p. Raifc

up my glory;raire-up,pfaItcrie and harp:

I wil raife up <nt the day-dawning.

10. I wil confds thee,among the peo-

ples, 6 Lord: I wil praife-thce-witb-

pfalm, among the nations, ii. That

thy mercy fV great unto the heavens; &thy truth unto the skyes. 12. Be exalt-

ediover the heavens 6 God rover ai the

earth,thy glorie..


mto the Cody that

doothfir me hrin£-things^to-‘4

4, From heavens hefends, andJaveth me;

flit him unto reproch dooth he

that Would mefwallow-Hp Selah.

(jod he dootfo fend-firtlo ,his mercte

and his affured-veritie.

/. eJddy firvl, the Lions is among;

^ lye among the inflamers,

thefonns ofm en, Whofe teeth, arc ffears

andarrowes: ^ Jharpflpord, their tongat.

6 . God over heav'ns be lifted- hye :

ever the Whol earth, thyglory,

7* fir my fieps prepare did they;

he bow*d myJowl: they diggdapit

before mt; znd in midds of it,

tfoemfelves arefallen-down Selah.

8 . tJ^yne hart 0 God, prepar'd-firmly;

mjne hart prepar d isftedfkfllyi

ffng Wtl, efr Withpftlm-Wil’praifeo

p. 7(aife-up t hy-felf0 myglorie,

raife-up thee, harp& pfalterte:

dawning' day ^ Wil-up-raije.

so. fn peoples. Lord, fWil thee lawd:

in nations, thee With-p/alm-applaud.

it. Thatgreat to heav*ns is thy mercj'i

and to thejlpes thy veritee.

12. (fod over heavns up-lifted beei

over the Whol earth thy glory » -


CpmfPLnot] 0^, Bring-not to corruption, O;! perdition'~ “ finpO^tCtO corruption oftaych & manners, by fyn; ijS UOteb Oil Pfal. 14 • i. fometXUie, per-

dition, OJ utter ddlruftion, tl)epumfhment Of fpll; Pfal. 78.38.4f. Gen. K.13. & 9-n-it a mojc beftemmt loo^b tfian kyilingj Ezek. ^ 8 . \jjo^b I'si alfo in tgr title of tfie

y8. 59. & 7.S. Pfalms. Michtam] a golden fong. ^tt Pfal. lO. i. from face]

Oj, for fear of Saul. ^CCPfal.j.i. into the cave] ^aulfougf)t t^ablb t!l t()e VnilbCt-

ticii of<Cngcbi , upon tfte roch^i, among tfic inilb goatp: anb being tjete in a rabc, ^abibcutt off tlje rap of<§auliS rote, anb tooulb not hpl him. Vufjen ^aul after perteibeb,

hart relented foz tj^abidj^ fandncii, and he mept, acbnomrcdotng hi?^ fault. i5tnd tahing

anoathof^abidthathe fhould not deferophij^ feeds h^reafedhi^ perfecutingfoz a time.

. i.sam.24. ^abid,inthatdifirefig,madethi^^fahn. b.2. evils paffeth] Q)ati^,”Jr* every evil

j ot, the whol-heap of evils, pafTeth. b. 3.

perfedly acompliiheth] 0^ per-

fonnethj to lieet, his gracepj his promife^ Oi myaffayrs, bringing them to a ful end & Itay.

CCoforovTO. on 0

Pfalm/LVII. LVIII, r4^

pral.i5«,8. l(!|£&eftCCC8 tBe'3Bpo|lICUfc% Philip, r g, 4, He wi! fcndlo| pWuiually fcndethjtO Uiect his hand, aj$ Pfal. 144.7. 0?, his Angel Dan. 3 . zy . o;^, mercy Qc tJ'5truth, ajs afta* fim fbUotoetfjl. fwallow me] 0J5 breatheth after me

. ^ee Pfalm. i.*

ff 5. T. Lions] caigd&mLebaim ,harty, ftowt, couragions-Lions^OfLcb, tj^atfehart, cou-

rage, tljer be junblPlSjtji ofSLtoii0,fo ftabe t^cp (unb^p namejjjfee Pfai. 7.3. Lions areineittl0ngbmtbefcripuirirjs, foitfteftowmcs of their hart, z.Sam, 17. 10. boldnes. Prov. 18.I. bnb grimnes oftheir countenance, 1, Chron . ii 8. Saul ant CCUtt(cr0 are f|ere Lions ta?©abtb j ajs mere the Kings ofAftlmr and Babel after imtO Ifrael, ler. jo. 17 . tge Roman Empe-rour to Paul, z. Tim. 4 . 17* anb al wicked rulers, over the poor people, Prov, z3 . .

inflamers] boutefeus: meaning fyriefeirce and raging perfons , that flamed with wrath andcnvie , and inflamed others. <8f fiicf), ^abib bib COmplapn tO ^aul , T, Sam. Z4.IO.

fpears] l|eb^ the fpearj

charret foj charrets, Pfal. 68 .18.^0 Agur fpeafectfj ofa generation

whofe teeth are fwords,and their jawes, knives, to eat up the afflicted out of the earth, Prov .30.

14* ^CC alfO Pfal. SS- & S9, 8. 9. Raife-up ] 0} Styrr up , tO ijOett thy felf:o;^

Awake,'J(lUJD^b ofe)Cfiting;Iudg.r. 12. Compare tl)i35b3ttfjPlal.io8.z.3.&c.. my glone]

fny tongue oj foul. ^cePfai, 1 6.9. & 30, 13, at the day -dawning] I wil roufe up mp(elfinitbmp in|lciiments8 . I wil raife up the day dawning, tgat , I Wil prevent the ear-

ly morning, and be up before itj and fo Ityrr it up. % figuratibe fpCCCj^* 1 1 . That

thy mercy] 0^ ,For, thy mercy is great &c. Compare Pfal

. 3 6. 6,

Plalm. ;8.

I . To the mayfter ofthe wHfikfZoxxvi^i

not; Michtam ofDavid.

2. TN deed,6aflemblicfpeakj^’Cjuflice>

Xjudge ye righteoufneffes^o fonrxs of

Adam? 3. Yea in hart, ye work inju-

rious-evils: in the land,ye weigh the vio-.

lent-wroDg of your hands. 4. Thewicked are eflraunged from the womb: .

they err from the belly, fpcaking a lye.

5. Hot- poyfon they have, like-as the ,

hot-poyfon ofaferpent: as of the deaf

ftoppeth his ear. 6 , Which wil

nothear,the voice ofcharmers; of him j

that inchanteth, inchantmentsofhim-

that is made- wife, 7. O God, break ^

their teeth in their mouth : burft-out the

Lions todies, 6 lehovah. 8. Let them 7

be refufed as waters, that pafs-away:

bend he his arrowes,be they as cut-off.

9. AsafnayUfc^; meltethlethimgoe-a-

way; as the untimely-birth ofa woman;01s xhtj that have not feen the Sun. 9

10. Ere-that they fhal perceiy your

thornes ofthe Bramble;evcn alive even

in wratbj he wil tempeftuoiifly-whirl ic


pfalm. $S.

Sing this as the 4^. Pfalna.

INdeed^ ^(femblk^ dooye ffeak^nflice


pdgeyee 0 cyidamsfirms^ nghteon/mJscsg‘

Tea yee in han^^o}\evtUwjuries:yee in the Und^ >^eigh your hands viokmttes.

;. The ^ickidfiom the )^omb eflraunged bcei

errfiom the belly, /fenk^ng f^fltee,-

Toyfin they havejikeferpents fo)fiti-^arm^-as ofthe deafaff, that dooihflop his ear.

Which not hear^ H:e voice ofthe that, charm tofthe moflA\>ife inchaming ^rcerey.

. Their teeth, 0 God, in their mouth breah^awayt.

die Lions toffjes, burfl thou out, 0 fAH,

fty^s '^atersthitgoe-hcnceyefifdbetheyt'

bend he hisJhafts, as cutoffla them been,

. eAfsJnayl that melteth, let himgoe-away:as Romansfire-birth, Sun that have notfieni

? . Ere theyperceiv your thorns thorns ofthe Brier: ^even heM '^'>hyrk ech away in ire,

J 1 //. Tk

. «


150 Pfalm. LVIIT.

away. n. Thejufl (hal rejoyce, when //. Thejnf^ (hatjoy,^heven^^^ttee he^leothfga

he fecth the vengeance: he dial walh his fiial >^a(h his m blond ofthegodUfi.

feetjin the bloud of the wicked . i2» ^nd men (kJ fdy^ fimt fir the )nftJitreUif

12. And earthly -man dial fay ,Surely ther (ureU ^ (jod^ }^d^wgm earth tiser is •

^ fruit for the juftifurely ther is a God,that judge in the earth.


\jerf. I. Corrupt not] Bring not to perdition &c. Pfal. ^7. i. & 1.

b. 2. 0 afsembly] 6 bandjCompany^cj Congregation. l^ehUie ^iem,\i3l){c5 fiatj tgCflQmfirattOn ofbinding as in a Iheat or bundleifcemct!) j^erC tO bC a company that ar combined,anb confoedei-ate. 0?,tt map bc tahenfa^ the binding oi: the tongue; t|)at 10 , dumbnes; (a0 bC^fo^e in Pial. I.) anb be reau thud: Ofa truth, doo ye Ipeak dumb julhce? 0^, mutenes ofjuihee? blaming ttjan for fpeaking and boaiting ol julrice; when in deed julhee was dumb,and opened not her mouth; but they gave mod unjult fentence. righteoulnefses] 0|equities: tfjat Id, righteous playn ailD equal things. luJges art Caleb Gods; Pfal. 8z. 6. ar^b

tberfoiefboulb imitate <6ob, mhofaptb, Idoo fpeak jullice, and declare righteoufnefses .

ira.4y.19. b. 3* ye weigh] 0|, yebalafs (of tllC l^CbjUC Palas,) yepeife.

tube taken from the tocig|jina ofthmgd mijtct) ffjoulb be in e^3cn pnf : aub p?opo^tion;Prov.1^4 1 1

. fo judice fbottib weigh all bjo^bd anb mo^bd in equitte, anb remarb tgem atco^bing#Ip: but tbrfe weighed out Wrong tor right. ^ b. 4. trom the womb] tj)at id, even fro

their mothers womb , the wicked are eltrangeJ, ( doo alienate theml'tlves) from God,judice,&vertue. ^Jid notCtb maup naturall fonuption* b. y. Hot-poyfon they have}

Hot-wrath id to them. l^cbiU'^Chamath fignift^tb botl) poyfon anb rage 0^ turic;Ctb' ofthem being hot. <£>itik here turnetb it rage :tbe funilitube cfa ferpent,vatl)er gibceft

ittobepoyfon; ad Pfal. 140. 3.Rom.3.i3. Deun.51. »4. ®jougi) butl) arc fitlp applicbtotbetoicheb,tol)o like ferpentd in fiiriefpit cut their bemm, anb malice* like-as] o^,ac-cording to the likenes ^t makctb an cjcaft fopanfou , ad no b3j)tt inferior to tbejeipent,

tobicl) load the injlnuncnt to popf^on mankinb. Gen. 3

. ^ ferpent] 0^ fnake,raleb in

Nachalb, ofexpertnes ,fo^ itmad more fubtile than any bfeaftot theleild. Gen.3.t,

deafafp ] oj, cockatrice; oj tfieferpeiit Pi^tl^n; Caleb in Pethen, mj)ifft iiamcro^tctb(bp tf)c conttarp)tl>c unperfwadednes ujiiifb tgid ^£>falm fhcmetb to be natuvallp in tj)at

bcaft. ^nb fo the mtcUeb bnbe the title ofApeitheis,unperiwaded , 0^ Difobedient. Tit. i .16,

Ephef. 2.2. ftoppeth ] 0eb^ wil ibo, tgat Id, ufuully ftoppeth his ear,mitb bid tapl (ad

Ijumanc topterd repo^Q^bJbiled tl)c other fte lapctli on tljc grounb; 0^ id natuiallp beaf ofit.

b. 6, the voice ofcharmers] which with w'ords lue to charm ferpencs,that they can neyther

bite nor fling : ad map be gatbcrcb both bp tbtd place, anb bp Ecdef. 10. 1 1 . ler. 8.17.

tbefe Charmers gabe tgiir name in l^ebpie ofwhifpering, 0^, loft fweet and eloquent fpeaking

Pfal.41.8. Ifa. 3.3. of him chat inchanteth ] 0^ thatconjiireth;con;oyneth: affociateth.

Inehanters babe tgid title gerc, anb tllDeut.iS. ii. Cptger bccaufcby forcerietheyaffociatc

ferpents making them tame and familiar, that they hurt not: becaufe fuch perfons ufe to bind

and tye bands or things about the body, to heal or hurt by forcerie: 0^ brcaufe by their

conjuring art, they havei, focietie and tellowtbip with Divils. ‘JCnb tgat tgcfe fbil arid

are not gerc app;tobcb , tge lam fgemctg Deut. 18 . <JDnelp fimilitubcd are takmfrom tgem, ad titmgcrc from tbe chief, Rev.i^. ly. the unrighteous ludge, Luke. 18.

7.theun;ufllleward, Luke. 16.&C. of him that is made-wife] ofthe wifed, tgat id,

the learned, expert, the cunning mage. b. 8 . refufed as waters] tgat id, (adtgC<©jCCk eypl<Xpuetg,) fet at naught; nothing eflemed; as waters that pafs away and ar not regar-

ded. bend he his arrowes] c;, his arrow, i,foj tgt ^eblUC gatg a bcUblc rcabilig;) tgat

ld> every ofhis arrowes. ^jfinbtgidmapbe meant ofegemiriicb man, mgofeancmtdbentat tge

Pfalm. LVIII lit.

it tfle,jufl, fBal be b^ften: 45obj U)ftO fiiooteth at the wicked , and cntteth them off. .

be they as cutt ofl 0^, let tljem be as ifthey were cuct-off,o^, even as Itrawes: It Cf -iS lOH*

fftetotchebs^fttrotoe^: djtf of tfjeircton iicrfcmiJ, letthem beevenciutofF} ajSt{)c<6^ecb , /faptb, until they be weakened, b* 9 iuayl tl)at melteth] o^jfnayi ot melting

3 tbat SlSsu^a confuming fnay1, bjj *111) cteeptrg cMt of t!)c fj)vi, cr.jlk fj£i* itiotPuvejS, and fo Uiaftetlj tobeat[)« ^jOtoJltljfalt:, a fuapl mrltctb mt0U3atcr* let himgoe-away] o;t, walk:

HieanblG , let him dye. ^§>0 tu^ec? one ^ZOp.iet faptf), to goe with thy tathers 3 1 Chron. 17


1 1, an Ot^er foptf) fo;t tt , fleep ^ tftat Ih dye. 2 . Sam. 7. li. the untimely birth] 0|

fallen- birth 5 before due time. ^0 lob 3.19. Ecclef, 3. y.

b. 10. Ere that they fhal perceive ] o^^Bcfore mrn-lBai underiland . jpcahctb tO tj)f \0tC^

bebjOftbrir fubbopn bcflructicn. CIk incanirg emttj) to b . fbtiS: Ere men Ibal perceiv (oj' ^

feel 5) tftC pjicUmg ofyour thorns tol icf) OtC I ofthe Bramblej God wil as with a whirl-

Wind dellroy every of thcm./^Tbe Brambleo? biiar(menttOnfb alfo In 3cti)amj3 parablejudg."

5 . 14 . 1 y .)I)atft frtong anb (bavp tl]c^nj3,fit to rdtmble the cbil connft10 aub beeto ofigefer"b.€:!)el^eb^urSiri0ufebtctbfc?athorr,at.bapot:k*||£rfc2i feme Ijeie translate pottsj

pttp'f[t!ncthe famcfmfe. €8e<0jeebturi eft it thorns. as alivc]o^even qukkj^n'ibsInbkft notetb Inbb^pn beflvumcn J aiBPfal.yy . 16, let them goe down to hel alive: oj t^tirlively vigour, VuljiflimabCtftcmfiar no befh:Uftion,a?^Pfal. 58. 20, my enemies are alive are

mighty . ulojb lo fcmtimc ufeb foj raw fldh,i Sam.i ly . tofikl) jcme tjat trar (late tf:t

fopnertoc^b pots, rctfpn alfo fjm. < even in wrathjo^astottl^ burning-anger. “JBcmap alfo Uubn (Eanb tftc UJOJb thorn, tgltl6:afwcl the living tbopi, (cfiat 10 frelh and green,)as

the tljr^n of burning, that l'0 the burnt o;i fear thorn ; beCt’UfC OH t\}t bramble, (emc Of t!|£

are parch d anb dry,toftm Otftcrjs^ arc yong and green . he wil tempehuoufly whirl if

away] 43ob wil take away, (r.^ share away)jt tj^at 10 eveiy thorn,as with a whirlwind , c; tem^" ^ '

peft. j^0J,as with a whirlwind thit pafieth,the wicked is no more.Prov. 10.2 y,

5. 1 1 . his feet in bloud] notctli botfi tftc gicatnco of t!j( Jter : anb fcmfoito-ble bfe iu|f f:aH imbrberof .CemparePfaf. <58.24. ifa. 63. 3, Rev, 14.20.'

b, 12. earthly^man ] ^ebj. Adamj pnt I ctc fc; men 111 general: a0/on,foj fonns^ i.King. 21. <5. toitf) 2. Chron.33. 6. alfo Pfalm. 8,9.

fruit ] t^at 10 , a comfortable reward; offer tl)ar labcur0 arb trciib!f0 .^0 D*nS XHeb. 12. II, Tam. 3. 18. God, thatjudge ] OJ Godsjudging . ^ mpPeilC of tlje jfxlp^rihitte ; UfcD fwnb^p time0 m (triptrrr / a0 Geds caufed me to wander, Gen. lo. 13 . he tD’Vbis holy Gods

^ loi. 24 . 1 9 . he is living Gods ,ler,io,io. t{)ttsgil mo{l COminOtllp U 10 Othersbieifc • ^ec tljcuotc on Piai. 3.3.



1 . To the mayfteroA^riwf^i^,Corruptnor; Michcam ofDavid: when Saul Rnc,& they kept the howlc, for to kyll him.

2-. T^EIiver me, from mme ene-

X--/n)ies, 6 my Cod; from \h mthar rifeupagamftme/euhou me cn-hyc.

2. Dcii-


2, Ml C^ody dehvfY rr.e irom ti:at ays mint

enmiCi; fet ihm me hf on hjefem them that up-

" Pfalm. LIX

3. Deliver me,from the workers of

paynful-iniquitie: and fave thou aie,

from the men of blonds.

4. For loc they lay- wayt for my fowl,

the ftrong doo draw-togither againit

ine;notyi/-tfiy trefpafs, nor for my lyn


5. Without iniquiticiwwff, they run

and make-ready :rayfe thee up,to meet

aie, and fee.

6. And thou lehovah God of hofts,

God of Ifrael; awake, to vilit al the hea-

thens: be not gracious to any that VD^

faychfully-workiniquitie Selah.

7 • They return at evening,they maketSioifeasadog: and compafs the dtie.

. S. Loe,they utter with their mouth:

(Words itre in their lips: for whohear-


9. But thou lehovah, wilt laugh at

Chem: thou wilt mock,atal the heathes.

me rife, ^ehver mefrom ihem t hat

fayvfiil-trar)fgrtjfi(m \and fom the men vfblonds ^


4. For be they laj^^aye fvr mjtheftrong togtther-draw ' ^

4£Atnft me\ not for my iref^uft^'


/. Without iniejume in me,they run ^ ready-nta\e:

rife^up to meet me^ and behoUt,

6* cy^ndthoufehovah^\X^;il;e^

wake God of hoftf, God of fjr'd^

to vifit heathens al:

begraciom to none ^SeUh'^

that \X'ork^fyti dtfloyal,

7. They turn at even^make‘HO)ftkkedogJz '

and cute round- bel(y.

/. Loe^ ^tth thetr mouth they utter^mucbl

fvpordsy in thetr lips have they:

For who (fay they) is'he that heart f

f, Tut thou Sternai^one^

Wilt laugh at them: Wtlt heathens al

10. His ftrength, unto thee will havem dertftm,

takc-hecd: for God, w mine hyc-dcfefc. /#. O thou thztzn his freitudf,

to thee attentively-

1 1 . The God ofmy mcrcie wil pre- Wil ? taHei- heedi becaufe-that God^

vent me : G qd, wil let me fee. qu miuc,

u my munuton- hye.

timers. u*God ofmybounufiil-mercie

hefirft-prevent Wtl met:

12. Slay them nor, leafl: my people on mine invioHs-enemics^

forget; make them wander-abroad in God^heWtlletmefee*

thy power, and bring them down; our iz. Slay them not^ leaft my filk^forgeti

iheild,Lord. mJeethemabroad-toftray

in thy povo r, and down bring thou them;

1 3 The fyn ofthffr mouth,the word ourfhie/dy 0 Lord-mj-ftay,

oftheir lips : when they flial be taken in r/. $yn of their mouth, word of their hpsi

)^^lmintKir haughtynof

tlKtr ffery

they tnkefj are: ^ let them tef^

ofemfing and fulfies.

14* Confamtin covjume (fr let

them be no more ; that tf)cy

may that God in fakobrnhs;

totioends of th'eartlj SeUh.

Pfalm LIX.

their haughtines: and ofcurfing and of

falfe-deneyaljlet them tel.

14. Confumeinw'rath, CODfume and

let them no more:and let them know,

thatGod,rulethinIaakob: to the ends

of the earth Selah.


* And they dial return at evening, //. They turn at even, make noyfe like dop;

make-noifeasa dog; and compafs the andcity round- belay,

ci tie . i6,They^ WanderJhalt0 eat : and hovpl^

1 6. They ,(hal‘ wander-abroad for to iffilled be net they,

cat:and (hal howl, if they be not fatif- //. "But f Wtlfng thyjlrength^ andjhovef

fied. <tt morning thy kindner,

ijt But IjWil (ing thy ftrength,& wil fr thou myfinfe^ and refuge art^'

(howt at morning, thy mcrcie ;for thou in day ofmy di/Iref,

haft been an hye-defenfe to me;and a re- iS, O thou that art my (ortitude^

fuge,in day ofmy diftrefs. . to theefng-pfilm Wdf:

1 8 . My ftrcngthjUnto thee wil I fing- fir God mine hye-mumtion is,

pfalm :for God mine hyc-defenfe, the the^odofmy mercie.

God ofmy mcrcie,


betf. I, Corrupt not] bring not to perdition. ^CePfal. ^7. i. Michtam] a

notable fongt fee PI. 16,1, to kyll him] 0^, to doo him dye. ^aul Dating ca(l: ftllS

fpear at ;®abttj,antnTipffebStm; feutmeftenger^ after unto tDabtb^ Jotofe, fo^ to keep(o^iuatclj) ftim,anbtohplfim :25utht5iU3ifeMichai (g>auli2{ baugljter, ) hetujapebthesuatter,let ^aUidbotonat aujmboto^anbfofieefcapeb, i. Sam. 19, 10. u. iz. l^ereupoii

Ije mabe #falm» b* fet me on hye] fet me aloft, bjgier3 map be fafe, tfiat mpfoc0 reach not to me. b. 4 • not foj my trefpafs] to bJeeta againil them ; a0 elflohcre

^ablb pjofcflfethj i.Sam.24,io,iz. b. 5. without iniquitie] tO b3ect,of me,0J onniy part, Mnbevifanbuig it offyn,as5 tn tge former berfe; oz without puniihment (imberpan*»


bins it oftfle encmiep) they run &c. iniquitie t|3 often ufeb fOJ pimifhment : fee Pfal. 69 . 28*

0^, without iniquitie, (without blame) in t0cir ObJH COnCCpt: inler.5'0.7 . their enemies fayd,

we offend not, becaufe thy have fynned &c . to meet me] meaning, for good, tgat ijEf,

to afsill me. JfOJ fomtime, meeting,!^ tO (^pofe and refifti Pfal.3 f. 3 . b* 6, to vifit]

namelp with puniihment, Exod. zo, y. ^ceothcrtOCtfe, in pfal. 8. S'. the hethens]

that i0, the wicked mine enemie^; talcb here hethens, ajs clfbiftere fti angers ; Pfal. ^4 . y .

vnfaithfully-work] 0|, difloyally-committ. ^ee lhi0 b30|b, PUl ,zy .3 . b. 7 . Theyreturn at evening] enemic^ like hungrp bo0^, come at ebening, fccreilp to furppfe anbbebour me, ^o miefeeb perfccntojji, are Itbeneb to bogies Pfal.n. 17.01 it map be a p^eph^^fie oftheir ejtrane pobertie,that toh^n ctherjS goe to rc(t,thep goe about hcbiling fo,i meat*

raakenoyfeasadog] barking, grinning, howling: a^ a bOg fo^ hil^

n5,therfo;iethe 45^ee6 tumethit, they are hungrie. b, 8. litter] OJ well-out, a^fromafountaine;belchojbabbieia!SProv.iy.z.z8.


5Thi0 hmilitube i.eie^:plapnebier. 6,y,

As the fountain cafteth out her waters, fo (he cafteth out her malice. fwords &c .] thatfO, they fpeaklharp devouring words, ^ee Pfal. y7.y. ^ b, lo. His ftrengd^bnbCt^(ianb, o God that art bis ftrength

: ^nb itmap be meant ofhtmfelf* thoi^ fte fpeab^^ofanatheti I. becaufein^e l^ebme tfieri^ fometimea fubbapn change oftfie perfon , act’ V pan.^. 4 -

* T "

154 Pfalm. LIX. LX.

Dan. 9 4 . thou kecpefl covenant towards them which lone him, tljat which love thee.Deuf.

5. lo. that love me, and keep his commandements- my commands; Mic.i. 2. Hear ye people

althey,f0Zalyee. 2. bff in tofe Cf


tt jiSrciJ?tCbMyftrength.

(b in nlaci tfte titrnct!) it my ilrength : 4 * bcfanfe in ti^t ittjct bcrfc it t0 tnriiteii

li biiietcict 1^'ttciig, hismercie, biitbptlie boUJel0 anbttinrgmc, rcab, mv mercie;

M)icf) inn :t!) ctcafion to fuppofe libe meaning fter?. ?^o\iibdr tlje fa fe ib reeb if toe im^beiftanb it of tl)e enempSaui, €>CobtI)at arthisilrength, mib. ftaff gibenbimtgcbingbom, anb tbi^ pOtoCl\ eben totebeb have no power, excep t n be given themfrom above; lohn. 19* ii.^finb^abibmilCl) refpettCb i&aub ajSGods Anoynted.i.Sam,2(?,

II. 2* Sam. I. 14. Itake-heed] 0^, wil I keep, obfervr tbatfe wayt upon thee: 02keep tbanbb anb ptapfejsfo^ tgee; abbClfeiS.^ n. God ofmy mercy ] 02, oF

hismercie, (abl0 t^bfcrbebontbe former bcrfe:) 02, my Godofmercy; tgat ib,my merciful

God* prevent me] tO toeet,with mercy, 02 blefsings, ap Pf* 21* 4.^

let me fee]

to tocet vengeance: Pf 54.9. li- people forget] tOtoCCf, their fvn, anb punifh-

ment fo2 t^z fmtis . Deadmm atc fo23ot'tcn,Pfai. 3 1^13 .Ecclef. 9 . tljeir pimtfhmmt tobilejS

tftep libe,tb tfie more mcm02able* make them wander] to toeet,a^J va2rabounds.‘%j)C

toovb ftatiji reference to Cains iubnmentMjo tonb not l^plleb,bur imrbebfo2 a bagabounb:Gen. 4* 14. IT. ^ome punifOmentb are lefb toiPrable tftan b’^atl) it fdf. Rev. 9. 6 ,

§*13. Thejyn of their mouth &c.] frntence ib bifficulf; fc2 i. it map babcrefer*'

cnfctotftefo2mer, that my people forget not tftcir fpnnb aiib punifbmentb, but map tel oftbmi:o2 1 it map reflect tljcmfclbc^; let them tel (02ccnfefe) tbeir ctonfpnnjSanbpuns^ifTiment0,r4bibCain, ludas&c. Gen* 4.1314. Mat. 17.4.


23 . it map fi)eto tfie taufe oftfjcir jllbgmentjS, Jf02 the fyn oftheir mouth &c . when they fhall] oj, and let thembe taken. and ofcurfing] 02/or the ciirfe, (tbt exfecration,) toljicb map bc UnbetflCOb

of the fyn, aCC02bing toPfal. 10. 7. 02, of the puniihment tlierof^ a^Deut. 30,7.

of fal'fe- deneyai] oftbcii* lying; cjof tfjcit leannefs: ^b‘"02iginalfignifietb fptbcr: anbma'p'altoWmc^nt oflyn, C2tbe puniihment tberef. let them tel] 02, they'lhal tel


fpcabing ofhis people, 02 of tfje wicked themfclves. 14. Confiime] to toeet,

them'.aji hoofe, Mat.2i.2.f02, loofe him: Mark,ii*2. ly. And they lhal return] 02,

let them return &c. ap20pfi‘^i^^jf5 02P2^pcr fo2tbcit pumffnnctttanftocrablctotbcirfpn:

ab bif02r berf. 7 . They, fhal wander] 02 ,make themfelves wander, fcattCT

tftemfclbcb ab2oab. ^bcl^fb2Ut bat!) a bcubic rrabing,to inclubc botlrtftcfc: fo 2.Sam. it. 20.

^cc a Itfee piuiiftmcnt of tbc toichcb, lob. it. 23 . fhal.'howl J 02^ fhal tary al night,

to tocct, bimgry anb imfatifficb. l^cbnir fignifictf) cptber of tl)c|c: but tge efioo#

fctf)tbc fc2mcr, they Ihalmurmur: botolfngf02 ijUngCt* . $* 17. fing thy llrength]

^at i^, praife with fong, thy ifrength tof)o caii(f bcfcat mp foejs, aub ct me.

T. Tothc n\2iy[{tTofthe

Shufhaii eduth:Michtam, of David; for

Pfalm. 60. Pfalm 60.

to teach. 2. When he fought, with

Aram of Mefopotamia ,& with Aram

of Zobah: & loab turned, & fmoteyE-

This may be fling alfo as the 84* Plrlm.

J ^ A C t ^ 4*«« f % « **O ihoH didfl <i\Kay erfl thoa didji pt$

Pfalm. LX. JSS

7 h(fU taufed haft the land to qnahji^thoH dtdU h


[*'Shu(han] tlfiatf|S>^he inftbment,Co^UU^^^^^ feePfaUf. i. eolith]

etl),tftci&"almtab^ate(ttmomeof^a\3tb0m^^ anij tljanfefulne^: o?tcbc\U 4 op Wpm«l5 btfcl mttOf4B;D 1 1 tBc famtUami. )aj?uc)| Ark and Ta;. les ot the covenant lu it,

iQDagI laUd the tellimoiue. Exod.40j.10. J^ichtam ] a golden iong^ fee i ial.i6.i



tsf Pfaftn.- LX'.

' poffsrftje ofA«m , tBc fmt ofShem tfie



Vu twelve thoM’fend] in tl^e [jiffojtCi.Sam.S.ij. tSjlSWttOjietjS flftnfattl tofit t-Chron. 18 ii. tmafntbcbto Abiihai, ^oflbs fcrotjcr; anb aifo ttw f«

6“” folotojb loab ai.b atto izooo. jtioe, fiere mettnontb. Jtnb to David ijs this bittoii»a^<«bxiteb, becaiift h^t teas line. $. 5 • cart us away] ^crjis c«nplaintTn3tnvcfemicebnto ftat intfn-ablc pateMjrrm gfratl toas.i. Sam. 13. 19. &c

J6. 4.nhelandquake] tljot IS, change the fiate therof; aSHag.j.r.tmWrtb inithHeh« i r •

five it] as at eanhquakes,vifts anb iftinriS ouncar*tf)l0toO?b isiiotelfmljcrerfebtofcaptttre,

, heal] tfjat is, repayr: ffeTtKSifift >*1,'

^fflvV*'* '’*^ ? ^®"‘{^l"8*'°”°“‘^0?teelmg;g^ddynes.^n^anfi!ff, they were dnmf

: ken with afflicfaons, which caufed horrour; as drunkennes with wine caufeth giddines «htO®S iBOIt) loalfo UjEb.Ifa.y b. a banner] 02 enfigne. tXftie !w

opjJlt.btOtBtflagOJenfigneoftfjenofpcl; Ifa.n.ii. &43. & 6i. io.|erf,tO©aW^h^anhIsnn^i RlbblCtOJie, ' *°^*^'y^"^tfplayed] OJ, toufe-forabanner; \jjgjt^fjathti)r .ip,v|.,w,#

: lifting-hye. the tertayn -truth] of tftppjomifCS. b. 7” aXerme]02u”tm®"^’l*PP“bJf*'®^ftcl^fbiHif(atftbotBrc^^^ b. 8 . ftal divide] tfitoinra^tfi aMpoffeffion, alter conqueft . lof. & 13 . 7. Shechem] a title in tftc tribe Of^nhiaimnot far fromjg>ajnarta, Gen 33 . 18. lof. ao .7. Succoth] a ritir in the trib ?fXh’

£j? utmcfibojber^of«)elanbof€anaa^ Pa^irtj fiotofoeba- ^23Stf)cprrfiPcbt©abib,anbcIabeto3f|,bof5etI)^.mi0 fon:aSam.z.8j' ‘‘length of iny head] thatisVmXrmfherWKhllhall lmitetnepeople togither atCOJbingtO «)OtpJOlWebbIe|Tin0r^Deur. 33 17 02fcOliead, map be meant hcadllup

, kingdom 02 principality. lawgiver] 01 ftatureatit[fofautbD2itie;tl)evfo2ctf!t<©2echtratin^^^^^^ '^Ijl alfo arroibrtlT^^^^^piOmife,mabetog.Ubal);Gen. 49.10. i.Chron.j.^. ». m Moabl th» bn'n


pie of the Moabites, nrer to tfte lanb ofgfrael; thefe toetetbepofreritie of%or

iiepDrtjj ; begotten bp ILot in fpe biunlimneff. of bio oton; bam'hterB Gen iV rTiiab nom i02fauen fit true dpib, anb UiojfMpptbBTl-JehTSw

3. & zi.i?. tociceiiemiesto^irael,Num.iz.iiidg.3,ii, anbfubbiKijbPsF'afifb*i cam «

over itdom lhal I call my Ihoe ] tijatiS, 1 llial walk througlr, poffelTeind tr=ad down rh«land of lEdom (02 Idumea,) tofiofc inijabifanto mere i£domites,\bc poderftfe of.tdom (*jttIS, Efau tber act biotber of|aa&ob; to{joP2ofamlp frlling tjis birtfnfgWR m'a“rfr»dpottage

, ( tafeb tn ^eb2uc Adom,) fjab his nanlc therjfe^ddny^joW «ffimiiBl&ili^ebiG^^ Heb._u. i<. nSIiaMTl^i;^^^

to;„ ouso^tapb, ove. . vvliiinowc. .«)onmiciennetniooe(poiientnmorfta!ie- tttrtmnHVrtthat I^bJfoebet tfje ?M)iI-(Hms bomi-iierb anb triumpheb fo2 a mbile, ( as^Wamf)^J0.7 .& IJ.I. I. 4.,tq.&3 I I.) petfiioulb tficp bp 5I>abibbefubt»eb,ao^raiTxtc^a.Sam .8.1. ®brtf02C tjje <©2ffb Otnietfi it; the- aliens;*e fubiedl tom” Paleftrna f nflrh^rbnic Pelefteth,)toas a part oftiir ianb cf€anaah,UJf(itoarb to the frn;ft.habitcb^trMPhihllims bJbltij Of the Cafluhims.ncpIicUjcS ofMizraim the jonVcham the to’ahj Gen, to. 14. ig^eje wit]j tfie Caphwruas firp infiabifrij Capheor , anb fromthetits



1 TB

Pfalm. LX. LXI. ^

rume toPalefllnajAmos ^.7. tofiete tftcp b^be owt tfte Avitns,(t|)e cftgelanb) anb btoeltmtftdr (leb^Deut. x.i3. ^nbtftibfcemetft tobetfif rcafon,UJBp wfuallp tfte

Philiftims arc callebm Allophyloi , Aliens^ of an other tribe 0? nation; ) bctaafc tftcp

tocre not tgefirft natural r^iabitantb* b. n. Whowillead]itioaliinbcfb3iff),ajliPfal. 14.7. petnnplpmcalfcfomebifficultie, aj5 tBene)CtbErfeijcrefbcb3etfi- offtrong

defenfe ] tftat lb ^ deienfed, oj fortified; fee Pfai. 3 u zz. cfilb wap bc meant gcncrallp ofan

ftrongdtiebtbatrcfillcD^abibj 0^ fpettallp of Rabbahtfic Cijicfcitp ttmniomtcb:tobdOf fee z. Sam.iz. z6, 19. See, b* 13 . from diRreffe ] oifrom the dillreller^ the ad-rerfarie. for vayn] i|eb. and v ayn : bUt and ^ tb often UfcO foj becaule , 0^ for : aba.Sam, iz.zS.bJttftPfal. iF.z 8 . folfa. ^4 s, b. 14* doo vaiiantnesj Ojtvalour^tbatlbvaliant ads : aCCO^bing tO tfje z4 . . 0^, make a power, tjat tb, gather an ar-

iniej ab tje pil^fc fO Ufeb, i Sam. 14.48 . aub in Ezek. z8 . 4. It lb ufcb, fo^ gathering ofwea^h,^ectbcnotc bnPfal. 18.33. will tread-down] in d5K^b,wilfet at nought, ojeontemne.

thcni. 4. For thou haft been a fafe- my hiirt overwhelmd-u^heavdyi

hope to me :a towr offtrength,from the thon me to the rockjnoore hye than

face ofthe enemie. 5. Iwilfojournin 4 * For thonhafi heentomean hopcfiUflaee:

thy tenz for ever: I wil hope-for-fafety,in ^ offlrength^ fom th* adverfirtes free*

the (ecret ofthy wings Selah. 6 . For J- ? /ojoarn)^pd whin thy tem aye:

thou 6 God, haft heard my vowesibaft Wit hope^wfecret ofthy ^mgs SeUh,

given inheritancejto them that fear thy For thou 0 God, haft to my vomsgiv^n eanname. 7. Thou wilt add cTayes unto giv n heritage, to them that thy namefiar,dayes *)£ the king:his yercsjhalbe as ge- 7* ^F)ayes to the kings dayet added bc by then

nerarion and qeneraTon. 8. He flial his yeres^a^wrMo age age^^z\\:>Qt.

fit forever before God; prepare thou^

'Fore Godhefttjhaltotternal-ayei

niercy and truth, may keep him. mehie and truth prepare^ which keep h;m may'.

9. So will fing-pfalm to thy name So Wj to thy name perpetually

unto perpetuitie: that I may pay my fing-pfilnij: thatlmaypaymyvoxyes^ dajly^

towes,day by day.

Pfalm. 61 . Pfalm. <fj.

the end of the land, unto thee doo I cal

when my hart is overwhelmed ; lead

thou me unto the rock, that is higher

)oIcal Sing this as the 37. Pfalm

; lead -2- T T ^ar thou 0 Godjmy cryimy prayer attend:

higher X A s-To thee f calfio the lands Htmoft-end^


ment: mjaning t&at tfnb pfrdm biab to be fung Untg muftk offtritigeb uirtmnnftb.Pfill A t 9 /^nn rkf- rhi^ l^n/^ "I nf-tviolr i- .a ^ ..s'l

berf. I. upon Neginath] 02 with neginath, tf)at i0, the playing on the ftrines bftfic hlfiru<^ U3U3 -

Pfhl /I . T 9 f*nn rkf- rhio l^n/^ "I nf-tviolr

i5« Pfalm. XXL LXTI.

covered over, ,wi:h greif5 tfte 45iec& etplaittet^ ft,) ft faintethj op-

preit witn forow . ^ j Pfal.io2, i. 8c? 7 A- & 107. j* & i4z.4» lead thou] 0^, thou

wilt lead: a of fapclji , from former oeliVierauccss ,a3 tjje nc]Ct Pecfe fiiemctij.

04^, high-r then IJ which I cannot get up on,unleis thou lead me. P* 4. a fafe-hope]oj,

’flirowding place : OJiUtf 1|C hoped for, and had found la.elhelrer. to. 5. IwilTojourn]

,mihalabide. ^.ePial. i>. i. m thelecret] OJ, the hiding-placej calf0 eltU3i)rre the

fliadow of his wings . Pfai. 3^. 8 & 63. 8. ^ce Plah j?i. i. —4. to. 6 ^ my vowes]t|^atmy prayers made with voweSj aj3 tlKfamctOUf.D, Gen. z8. 20. ludg.ii 30. 31 . i^eveilpull,

prayer ijg cal 0 l.l Proreuche,0f powring out vowes tC inheritance to them]

0^ given me the inheritance of them^ tiiat a toUffniO ufuallp tocflc.Ul.ft Oil \UC|^

00 fcanftce to^ 7. Thou wdtaddj o;t,pjapei-U3afe, add thou fothettfl:.

dayes unto dayes] OJ, upon dayesj tpai lUa a long life . of the Km/] meamil l himfelfy

aaD fpiXiallpchiiif^Uiljo toja0tofaci3i0fanaricrtf)cfl:ff). ^;c.Pfal.7i. &8j^. 21,30.37.38.;ipn to. 8. Helhallit] tO\TeCt, on the throne

, tljatlO, reign: c;iiit, tijat 10, dwtl,cj abide^ a0'' *

Pfal.140.14. prepare] oj,appoint, 33 lji0 DUr ailD CCatip pOitIO:! , 'Che l|ebl.l0 Man,aname toi^crbp that prepared meat uja0 caIrD,to3l)tf(]a5oD gatoe l)i0 prtpL f; 0 heabe.Pi .78 .24.

to. 9. day bp day] OJ day and dayj that 10, dayly . Cpr i^tbjue Mitai pft^afe 10, day day^ fa

Pfal.68. 2o.Gen. 39. 10. Ifa. y8.2. Exod .1^. j.^OmtUlU', day and day, 30 Helt.3.4. 2.Cor.4.i<?*

^0 two two , Mark. 6.7. two and two. ^



I . To the mayfter of the mnjiks>y^x Ic-

duthun,ap{alm ot David.

3. V^Et-furely unto God, my fowl

X fiience: fr6 him,tf my f?l-

vation. 3 . Surely he w my rock,& myfalvation:mine hye defenfe,! ihal not be

moved much. 4. How long wil yee

indevour-mifdieit againft a man } yc

flaalbe kyllcd,alofyow ; ycfijAlbe as a

bowed wall;^r a fciile,fto t6 ftiooved at.

5 . Surely they confult to thruft hmdown,from his hye-dignity;they delight

in a lye;with his mouth ofthem blef-

feth; and w'ich their inward-part, they

curfeScIah. 6. Yet unto God,my foul

keep thou filencei for from him, /;myexfpedation

. 7. Surely hew my rock,

and my falvation: mine hye-deferife, I

dial not be moved . 8 . In God,w my fal-

vation and my glory: the rock of myftrength my fafe-hope,w in God.

p. Trurtye in him iifal time,6 people;

powr-out your hart before hiin:God,w

afafe-hopeforus Selah. 10. SuiJythe



Sing this as the 2f. erasthesT.Pialm.

2, "^Et-furetogodyrnyfowlVtcps/tlentnesi

X becaufefiom fafe falVAUotj is.

3. Surely my and my ftlvatton hci

mine hye-dcjef>p^mneh mov*eif (hAl not he*

/f.How long tndevnnr»a-mifcheevom-deed

Veil yee agattifl a man^f yeeJhJ kylled>


' be^alofyow:(hd\hvatbowed\>Pdll:^

and afinfe, thatjhooved^is-to-fklL

j, Tet-furely they hAve-conflilt4tion

to thriifl him, from hts exaltation^'

they doo delyte tn fhiflj ^od: blefidoo they

Vipith mouth; but ^ith their in-purt^ cHfje Selah*

6, Tee unto Cjod, myfowl l^ep fllentnesi

becAufefrom hirtu^ mine txpfNation is.’

7 , Surely my 'Rock^ and my falvation hei -

mme hye~definfe , ^Jh4 not moved be,

S, ^fy [dying - healthy myglorie^ is in (fod:

in God^ my Rock, of(Irmgth^ my (dfe~abode, .

p. Tee people^ trufi in him al times; outday

*fire htm your hart: Godfis our hope SeUh.

io, Surelj

Pfalm; LXIL

fonn? ofbafe-man arg vaokie,tlie forms

of noble-man a lye: in balances to

mount np,they,togiiher Uighterlhin

vanicie. ii. Trull notyeinoppreffion,

and in robberic become not vayn i if

powrful-vi^ealth dooincreare,rct not the

Y\2Xttheron. 12. Once did God ipeak,

twife heard I this-fame: that ftrength

perteyrieth to God. 13* And to thee o

Xord mercie:for thou, wilt pay^ to man,

according-to his work.

19 Surely the hafe-mempnm are TJmtle;

the (o(Tt:s ofnoble-men are but a lyei

m hdlances togither them to lay^

leighterthm vanhie it felf, are they,

Trufi notyee in o^frefing-w)Hrt€j

al(o become not vayn in rohberie:

ifpowrfil-^enlth doo flentifilly-groWy

doo not the hart upon the fame befiow*

Once ffeakjid (fodymfe heard ^ this agayrL^

that po^rfi^nes dooth mio God perteyn.

/ ty^nd unto thee Lord^ mercifil-kindnes:^

fir thou, Vpilt pay ech-man^i as his Wc'r^is.




t(Crf. I. overleduthun.] t6atiiS,overIeduthunspofterity,toBotoa#^^^^^

fHsScSV^ ^efeeTi,lapttetBt;t)f«b^»6MBe Trt

fnhdiied ^'’ealfoPfal 4i. 3* move^uchlojuinpye^uh^^e^^

led ;i)ome ©tbiue coptejJ batptn^ a point 0?. bctorI, nibt it an atttOe figmfication, wil ye

fhoovedat,] CJ thriUt mmclp for to fal


is er»’^£& bfal.i 18.13 J^^ttcfap i8 meant a great arS futtiapn vumcja^ 5•

*^74!-t>. f


t©ai3tB fp.'a'&ttrjttjtjs cffjimfein (tljcrfc^tfte ejcefe^&atff^mme honour^ antbto|(cte fonoppagriitg I)ip turnitir, a^ Be utt befojem Pfal. 4 3


ly-like Of, ant accept of a deceivable-lye , etij of bl£fl^3J|cb?. they He s . bUt

his mouth,lcatftfi bjsto mint it ofaHtu general!, anteberp onem particular. Compare

Pfal. BlelTmg iO ufet fOt thyr words an^jCjnettmCipat^^a. 6. m77x(peHaHoH]tBat iiS, my laWation dHpeaed andhoped for; a0 »CH. a.

4:m alltiL3tBatX0,ahvayes. ^ce Pfal.34^. < powro;^^thedcL-esof yourha^yourprayers, with tears. StfimiUtUtetaWci^^ .

ters at iO <Tsne<Kt, Lam. z . I?.powr out thy hart like water before the face of the Lcio fig

toab pjatttpt !ngfrael,i»Bcn they drew water ((Tcm tfictrliart) and powrtd it cut (fc?,

eo:b) beroie the Lord. i. Sam. 7. % ItfeC pft?afe Ip of pownng out the fowl;

I'.if. b. 10. noble-man] fjcrcbp iP meant men of allaegrces, hye and ley'. ^rcl!,e

note oti Pfal. 4°. 3. -r inballances to mount up] Ot.toafcend-: nKarirCU>4‘’aUmen lO- t

cith-r ifth V 7 put in one BanaM57n3^1tiei" a" «h«dbeywil mount up,t.latpoe bant-

er, than vanitte it felf. . .h til-’ iLat hebel,vanitie |)Cre tlfeb, bcrotstil a vay n t,.mg Op

the breath ofonesmmnh,-? bubble or, the water._

b. ii. incppreir;on]_^tB*'.t Ipm

roods gotten by oppr, ffio.eltorfion 0? fraudulent injune^Blp UlCjb impOJtefB gmieiul-wrong;

inoi’’ open violent robbene alfolfa. 30* i^*- bcccme-iiOy_\ a^m.^j, niat

ip I'o'oliih and vik in re;p*tt of ctBerp yaubdeceivinsyourfelvcs. fo? to

€6d Pfaltn. LXII. LXIII.

deceivjlef.ij.i^.&to Wex-vam,t^ tobevile and come to nothing. Iob,

powrful-wealth] riches; fee PfaU 49 . / Tet not the hart] tgat doo not aflfed it,oj

carefully-regard it; bUt ufe this world, as though you ufed it not , i. Cor^ 7.31. ^0, to fet thehart, i^tO regard 0^ care for a tJtttg.i.Sam. 4.10. &9.20. 2. Sam*i8.3. Exod.7.23. Prov. 22.17.

12. Once] l|cbjue'pne,nieamng onetime,a^Exod.^?tjie]epje(feb,

3 . twife , o| two ^ftougb tt map a!fo be fntetp^eteb one tying, two ( aj$achath ijS one thing, Pfal. 27.4) Jcre faptf|, Oncefpake God, thefe twotbmggihave I heard. 13 . to man] tftat IlSJ, to every-one; a0 t^i^ P&^^fe i.O Opened Mat.i^. 27 .Rora. 2. <^.Rev.22. 12. to his work] UJbitb^^ itbegoodor evil.^cetbcUbCtnProY. 24.i2*Ier.32. Iob.34. ii,Ezek*7.27, xCor, 5, 3 . C0I.3.2J. i Pet.

I« I7 t

Pfalm. 63 .

I . A pfalm ofDavid :when he was,in

the wildernes of ludah.

2, thoum my God; early-

wil-I-feek thee : my fowl, thirft-

cth for thee; myfiefli Ibngeth-ardcntly

for thec;in a land ofdrought,and weary

without waters. 3 . So-as I did view

theeinthefan(5fcuaric; for to fee thy

ftrength, and thyglorie. 4. Becaufe

thy niercie,>J better thalife:my lips fiial

celebrate thee. 5 , So wil I blefs thee in

my life: in thy name, wil I lift-up mypalmes. 6. My fowl (halbe fatiffied,as

fat and fatnes: and my mouth (hal

praifc,Vbtf^lipsof(howting-joy. 7. WheI remember thee on my bedds : meditate

on thee,inthewi^k-wacches. 8. That

thou haft been a helpfulnes to me:& in

the fhadow ofthy wings, I fhowted.

9. My fowl cleaveth afterthee:thy right-

hand upholdeth me. 10. But they,

theft feek my fowl fortumultuous-ruine:

dial goe, into the lower-parts of the

earth. 1 1. They dial make him run-

out by the hands ofthe fword : they dial

be the portion of foxes. 12. But the

Ffa/m, 6s,

Sing this as the 18. Pfalm.

f. Ody thoHmyGod\ f e^rly thee inqmrei


myflejh fir thee dooth long-^ith-ardernncsi

in landojdroHght^ ^ ^eary Watcrief,

* . tf dtdview thee in thefinBunrie:

fifirtofee thypower

,and thyglorie,

i, "Becanfe thy mcrcie better wen lifi is


my lippijhal celebrate thee Withprayfes»

So thorow~oHt tny lifi blefitbee Wilfi

1 in thy namty Wtl l^t my palmes on hye,

eJ^yfiwlWithfitt andfktnesfylld[halbee:my month ekcyptalWithjhowtmg bps pratfe thcC;

When on my beds J thee in mind-reUte:

doo in the Watches on thee meditate.

That nnto me afabhelp been hafl thou :

and [ havefhowted in thy Wmgs[hadow,tJMy fiwlaffixed-cleaveth after thee:

thy right-handfiedtly-upholdeth mee.

3ut they^ thatfeekjnyfiwlfor Wafifid-Woei

into the lower-parts ofth*earthjhalgoe.

it, HefhalbeJlaynWithfword: tlKfixesprey

6 .



kine,nialrcjoyceinGod:every-onethac SHttheKnjg, viGoa^aljoft- ° - ''

* gloriejIoalevery'Otjewatfwcarshimby:

butfiopt fjjolbe^ their mouth that ffeaka lye»fweareth by him,dial glory :but flopped

dialbe.the mouth of them that fpeak a


/o^ 2 /<?^nnctAtmi\


Pfalm. LXIir. Ut^Annotations,

If, 1 . vHdefnes ©fTuda*^l thcforrcfl of Hareth, i. Sam. ti, f. (fly the wildernes of 2iph,

1. Sa. i3,i4.tiot6UJ!)icI)UJerem tvibe ofgence,



^ 2. early ]£j)i|Sn$tCtJ) care onbdili-

, lob.S.VrHof. fTif. Pfal.yS. 34 . ^‘rov.1.28. Luk 21.38. longeth-ardently]

toOJts (U3^cBt0ftWO!lClpfaunt>)Ktnt1Ctf>ta»?*fJiOCeantarneftO|hot appetitefoj ttUGt; ati

tijeVoimrt thirit foj tJJLlii. ^land of drou^^l;

i ] t|)a£ 10, dry land, fo^ fo Wilds OJ4eiercs, 'JJercuiaalip waceritfs ^Pfal.ioy. 33.35. Exod. 17. i, Nuai* 20. i. 2. ler. i.6,

weary ] anO COnfcqirntlp udrlhe, wOi)iri) 10 cauieb hp wearynes. ^0 Pfal. 143

3 • the iandaarie] OZ the lanctitie, the iiol> place, fo callCtJ foj tftc mo?? reUfrcntf, Gntl

fj^caa?. hojynes oecam - tLac howlc, Plal. ^3 . f , for eo fee] tf)ig map br m^ant of f,l'0


pjcf at Ocfite to beholTitaoh tini'pajl : cj a^ a tontinurb '

yeeicb cf iji0 tomfer,when 1 did behold' thy llrciivTch. tliyjtrength and thy gloricl bot]^tl)vSe\J3CVCjCiertmff

tj)2 Ark of the tellimonie, UJjft Ur Cjad/gtete UttcreD; Exod. 22^ Numb* 7 .8^.

falcb tberfo^e ark ot Gods drcngth, Pfai.132 . 8. anb alfo his glorie, i Sam. 4. 21. 22.

HifO PtaUyS* 61.^ 105. 4. Jl. 4 . . lawd] commend 0| glorihe thee.

b. s- Will I bleis thee]tO l05rt,when thou reltorell me agay n unto thy fandtuarj' : tfjCtfO|C

glfo it map be raben fo^ a praprr, So let me blefs thee. in my lire] tljat 10, whiles I

live,ljerC0iUarift.^'jPiiii.49*ii?.&TO4.33. &146.2. -f lift up my palmcs] that

pray ; UJljicl) Ujag Ulltb holding up the palmes ofthe handTtowards hea ven,a0l

iv3ckiii5toccnib.:afcl:fbiiq^^ lob. n.i3.Lam.2 19. &3.4i.Pfal.i4i.2. 3ti0caUcba!fathe iifcmg up ofthe hands, Pfai. 28.2. ailDfpreading out ot the palms. Plal. 44.21. & 88.10.

0 9. rat j o^fewet and fames . mc^bgmtfieC^Ujtinalfi^mfpiatnes; auD j^trt fcpigS

ttlcaatlatic-ieofplrafures3lbIer.3i. 14. Pial*36.9. t). 7 , when I remember] If I re-

memo r,ii)at 10, fo oft as. Cbet^%U2im, if,i0ftereuft’bfojwhen; a^alfo i.sam. 45^CCb, ean, if. Mat. ^.22. p:5 hotan, when, Luk. IU34. watches] O^cullodies,

obfervations, MjtCfjblCVC in the night, ig fjcpjefleb, Plal. 90. 4. ^tt tf)£ llCtC tftcre*

b. 8 . helpfulnes] tliati0,aful helpj a0 Plal. 44.27. tr b. 9. cleaveth alter thee^

tftt0notet{)iove, onilancic,a- Dhiimilitieranb'Viuon intfte fpintifoj a^ltian anbluifTrIea««

teiu tO‘3tt1jer , are out fleft) , Gen* 2. 24. fo he that cleaveth to the Lord,is one fpirit, i Cor.^.

17, ‘ItnO tftio bnicn ammetfe oftfte Ho^b, toi)0 faptlj bp the |^|cp|&et, as the girdle cleaveth

to the loines ofa man/o have I tyed to me the whole noiife of Ifrael,that they mignt be my peo-


ler. 13. lu b. 10. torcumuituous-ruine] t^at 10, to bring rr^ foul unto de-

ftruftion 0^ ruine^ S’e thtbUJOjO Pfalm. 3^. 8* b. 11. They {hall make him run-out}

C2, They (the enemi:s)(hilpowr out him, ItlcaiUng feme p^mcipai a0 Saul, 0^ ebCVpOf gllS

foc0: 01 He (eberp one tbatfcctiomp foul) ihaibe made runout, tbati0, his bioud Ihalbe

{hed: a0b3atet0,Pial.7y. 3» ili Ifc pb^e 10 ufi‘b,ler. 18. 21. Ezek. 35. s* f

hands] tbatt0 the edge. Deforce of tnefword: a01ob. y.20. ler. 18*21. H3pportion of foxes] t^at t0 ,

left unburied, for fo;ces and other wild beads to prey upon and*

TcmF7gij^^0blnubf[obJeb out bptbe fUKi^b, ano bio couquaup aapn onmoimt^ili^boa, lao fo^ a prP to beap0, i.Sam.3i*^o<£feiit0 eumiupaapn biitb

ire eatm of rabmouo fobjle0 iRev .19. 21*

u. But the King ] tgat i0 , I who am King by Gods anointing.

I. Sara. i^. 12.13. onb chriii fou of^abtd#^

fweareth by him] tgat 10by <jo^~~

bpfwearing, ttieauinS Gods whole worlhip,

bofterof fwearing Uia0 a part.* Deut.6. 13. Ila*4j.23. &

16, Iei.4. 2n.



wBnnT \ :

16% Pfalm. LXIIIL

Pfalm. 6^.

1. Tothemayflcrt?/?/?^ pfalm


a, T T Ear my voice 6 God in myJL X prayer; preferv my life, from .

dread of the enimie. 3 . Hide me, from

the Iccret ofevihdoersifrom the tumul-

tuous-rage,ofthem that work painful-

iniquitie. 4. Which have whetted their

tongue as a fwordihave bent their ar-



bitter word. ^ . To flioot in

fecret pUces at the perfed: fuddainly wil

they flioot at him,and fear not.

6 , They confirm to ihcmfehes, an

evil word;rIjey tell,to hide fnares: they

fay,who lhal fee them? 7. They ferch-

out injurious-evils; they accon^plifh an

exquifite fetch ; even the inmoft of fch^

man,and the deep hart, 8. Bur God,hath fhott at them, an arrow fuddainly:

their ftrokes have be; n. 9. And )X'he»

they have caufed them-cvery-one to fal

upon themfclvcs their own tongue:

they dial berake-themfelves to flight,

whoioever fcerli them. 10. And al carih-

Jy-men,(hal fear : & declare the work of

Cod;and prudently-confider his deed,

ji. Thejufiw^w fhal rejoyce in leho-

yah,5e hope-for-fafety in him:and glo-

ry-flial,al the upright of hart.

Pfal?9P 64,

Sing this as the ^3. I’falm.

Od hear my voice Vphef doo pray to thec:

\Jprefcrv my dread ofth’enemit.

Fromfecret ofylLdocrj^ hide thou meei

fiom ra^Cyofthem that \\>crkjmqnttte.

4. VP'ch have thetr tognefliarp-^hetted oi afword:

have hem their arrow


bitter ^ord,

/. Tofheot tnfecret-places at tFhprtg ht :

[hoot htm andfar not^ Wtl they fhddawlit,

6. ny^nyll ^cf'dthey to them confirm ' ^ith-might;

tell^ to hidef/ares: theyfax ^'^hcfhal themfee}

7 . They doo ferch- out evtls- injurtcHi ;

they doo accomphfh a ferch chywhs:

Even the deep hart,and par/ cfman Within,

5. (fed^he hath an arrowfiiddatnly (been,

agawfl themfhott : theirJlroken-Wotends havi

9. nd when they cat/fed have them-feverally

by thetr onn tongue upon them felvcs tofall:

tijey that them fee^ tofl/ghtfealget-them all,

to, nd almen^ [hal mfearfland-reveremlyi

andfeal declare Gods operatton\

and fhal his deed confider-prttdently,

it, The fed rejoyce fhal tn th'€tcrnal-one^

alfd tn himfir fifitie-hope he[hah

andglory (hal^ the upright hartedd*

K^nnotAtions. *

X. prayer ] tr;» meditation : fcePfal. fr. 3 . tfic faptfi , when I pray unto thee*

f- fecr^ Cl fecrecie. mylferie, that td Council, ailcmbjyof’evil doers^

the majign^^ church^jjj tf)r holy church.^,fairt> the fecret ( OiTtnyllerie of the righteous,

Pfal.iM^Xr^ Si. 4 . bent their arrow ] that 10, layd their arrow ready on theii bendedbow

. liftc pftiaf


lua0 tnPfak ^ce oifo Pfal. n.x. bitter word]0;t bitter thing; a0 tf|C ejrplapnetft it. ^0 after in tierfe 6 . an evil word, CJ thing .

tfte note on pfalm. 7. I. 16. they tel, to hide] C^,ofhiding: 10, impart their

counfel one to another, how to hide fnares. ^ they accomplilh an exquifite ferch] 0)1,

a ferch ferched-out, that 10, a curious diligent ferch. ^<^5^ <^^eCK are con-

fumedferching out Perches; meaning tficp fpn’.b bct!) tj)eir time ano thfmfir:r0, in

ferching cut rbilo againft the jnP* map alfc be rcab,we are confumed bp the ferch ferched

tut^iucauing that in tb^ii^ jubgmtnt^bae tan not eftaot tgeit fnavt/^ the inmofi]


Pfalm. LXIV. LXV. i6j

and the Inmofr, tfiat whatfoever any mans wit & deep hart can find out: 0|, So deep(is) the inward-part and hart ofman. 8^ have been] 0| alTuredly flialbe : t^c timei>a|l ufeD foimoje certamtpj ai^ tit ifa. 6. 'Ulnb bp have been, tjs meant tflc fuic event

anbaccompliihmentof45ob^ |Ubgment0 on tljiCttij Utitlft t§e continuance oftJiefamCt

tjci^cb^UCVDOJbOf being, ftgnifietfl to pafsojhave event, i. Sam. 4. i. lob. 37. 6,

anb to continue to bee, Dan. I. 21. 9. they have caufed thcm-eveiy-one]caiifedhim; m&IC|)bnngfpobenof many, aj^Ult^ plate, mearntp them al feverally, to oneman^ tofal&c.] 0? to ftumble-down: ftguifplltg t|jat <© Jb0 ftrokes ihould have ef-

fedi to overthrow them, by their own devifes. betake them felves to flight] 0^ fhal

wandsr-about in their flight;UJf)icBnotet& great feat aiib imlltipebne^, (mfiicj^tfie

tj)erfb^c tunietfj are troubled,) anb 15^ meant oftfje inicbeb, tj^eir fabourttc^^

Pfalm. 65.

i. Tothemayfterf?/r^tf w^i^apfalm,afoiig ofDavid.

2. filent \\>ayteth for thee; 6

X God,in Sion:and to thee,flial the

tow be payed. 3. Than heareft pray-

er: lanco thee,al flefli flial come.

4. Words ofiniquides, have- prevailed

tgainft me:our trefpaflfcSjthou wiliwrr-

cjfw/^-cover them. 5 . O blefsed is he^

Vifho thou choofeft & takeft-neer,/^«/ he

may dwel in thy courts:we (halbe fatiffi-

cd with the good-thwgs ofthine howfe,

with the holy-r^/>7^j of thy pal lace.

6 . Fearful'f/jw^r,injuflice thou wilt a n-

fwer us;6 God of our falvatiorthe hopeof al the ends of the earth, and ofthofe

farr-off fea. 7. O he that ftabli-

lliethjthemoutains by his able-might:

w girded-aboutjWith ftrength.

8. Which appeafeth, the noy fc of the

feaSjthe noyfe oftheir waves;and the tu-

multuous-noyfe of the peoples. 9. Andfear doo they, that dwel wtheutmoft-parts,forthy fignes: the out-goings of

morning and evening, thou makeft-

fliowt. TO. Thou vifiteftthe land,and

pleceoufly-moiftneft it,very-much thouinricheft it; the ftream ofGod, ful

ofwaters: thou prepareft their corn,whefo thou haft prepared it. ii. Thouwa-


pfalm. 6$.

Sing this as the 60. Pfalm.

2 . ^ filent- Wayfsfir thee^

V-x m Sion : anA the vowjhal bee

payd unto thee. Thonprayr hearejli

alfle[h therforc, jhal come to thee.

4. Serverfe t hings^ have prevayldg ainfi meiouY treffaf^eSj then them covrefl.

j. O blepd he, whom then doofi make*

choife ofand neer vnto thee

in thy courts to have-dwellmg-pUce:

^ith oood-things that in thine howfe bcC

fiil-ftiffed be ^al Wee,

With holy-things ofthypallace,

6 . juftice thou Wilt m arijwer^

thin^S-fearfid', 0 <yod our Saver:

the hope ofends oftifearth through-ettf^

and ofthofe fkrr-ofby thefea.

7. ^JUounts by his might, fiablijh dooth he:

and is Withflrength, gyrded-aboutc

5. which dooth the lowd-notje ofthefeas

the lowd-noyfe oftheir Waves, appeafe:

and peoples troublous-murmuring,

p . rid they that dwel inparts-fkrr- out

far,fir thyfignes: thou makffjhowf^th*outgoings ofmorn& evening,

to. The land thou^

andplent^oufly it moyfienefi,

thou do oft tnrich it very much\

with Godspream, wherefrl Waters are:

their corn thou ready doofi prepare


when thou haft it preparedfuch.

it. Tht

j(f4 IPfalm.

terefl abundantly tbe ridges of it, thoufeildt the furrowes of it; thou makeft it

foft with fhowreSjthou blefsdl the budof it. 1 2 . Thou crowntft^the yerc ofthy

goodnes: and thy pathes, drop fames.

13 . They drop, on thepaftures ofthe

tvilderncs: and the hylls are gyrded-a-

bout, U’<>/?gladncs. 14. Thcpaftiires

Otreclad, \v;/r^(hcep; and the vallics are

covered with corn:they fliowc^they alfo


The rUo9s (fit theft

thefirrowes oftt thoufetleft :

fhowra thou doofi it (often-fidl^

and thoH the bud therofdeoft bh(je,

12, Crownefi theyere ofthygeodnes:

and thy pathesfktnes doo dejitll,

ly. On paflures ofthe Veildernes^

they doo deftill: ^ Voithgladnet^

the hills theygyrded are about,

t4 * T^he pajhtres are )^iithJheep clothed^

mid vallies are With corn covered:

theyfwg, th^alftjoyfti!-jho\9t^


'* ’‘ Jf. 1. Pr2yfe,(ilenttoapfctW filent/tljatt^, fubmifslv and quietly exfpciJ^eth thee:

fee Pfal cj;, Vnto thee f[jer filence, auD prayfe : tj}at le?, filcnce loohiil^’ tO l*ecei\3

tit^, anh prayfe fojtijmt bring trta'aeh. <fejeeh faptlj, prayfe becometh thee. ®|eb^ueairuniapimplp tljcfmnc: tbnigb ifbeiriojc ftgriftcant* 3. Thouh'eareft]

(oi,OthQUthathearelho;thethatheareth;feeaffCriUbafe7. al flelh] alforts

i?ormen: aSGen.6. u. Pfal. i4j.zi. A61. z. 17. p^Opftcfie ofalliattoilp COUbeUeb’’imtO 4. words of iniquities] 0^,0f perverfitiesj perverfe things,

d.i jor words, unrighteous deeds. Words, ate Often put fo^ things^ ap Pfal. 7.1.ynercifully-coverl c? expiate, propitiate, purge away^ auD fo cover,anb forgive. tf]t ^eb|U0Caphaf^ tolutfif figntfietf) to cover^tiitCover of the Ark,Uia?3faltt) Capdreth,Exod. 25. i7.m

hilalldion,tr>at td t[)e propitiatorie,o^ mercy-feat- Heb.^ .j . tobl'cb umue ^OUl igibetj^

to€|)l!ff, Rom. 3. i5jU3l30 10 tlje true propitiation for our lynns: i.Iohn. z.z.

(ft. r . takelt-neer] o;i canfeft to approch,tC Voeet unto thy felf^ the <^;rcP fr.ptb, takeft imt#

tbee, ^ thy courts] oj .court yards, tl)e open-places of tj)e tabfvnoflr anO templc.^’hetli5a0 an inner court anb an outWard, i. King. 7. n. OUe fo^ the preiRs, another fo;t the people,

Cakbthegreatcourt,z.Chron.4.9. 2. King. zi.y. fr' good-thttinjrl fcthc«Iapuctft it UJri: tl)c^ebpe fperdmig ofthe good-tfjinc]f. fr. t^r whoi .

ftoreofpkafurc0anbccmiuoi5irie0j 00 Deut-^. n. Gen. 4 f. Z3.^(t2 l&ijcrcfciouietfhihoiy,fojalholy-things. liubr.monQ good things, imbcrflaub tlje p^turipal, rijeniftef thefioly Golh a0 that UJlprij in Mat.7. n.I^gooJchihgsjinLuk. II. 13.10 Caleb the holy Ghoft.

(ft. 6 . Fearful tljllig0 &c.] d^ObOUtcf M0 tabcmafle, gabc oracles anb anfwersto f)i0people, Num .7 .89 . anb from fteaben ftc anfmereb to tbfir pjnper0.agaiufl their abberfane^;pfal. 3. 5. fte anfuiercb alluane^ things reverend and fearful. thofe farr off by fea]

tofterbp 10meant.mtonrip thofe Upon the fea. b3bofejjcpe<i5obi0, Pfal. 107. 23. zs.&c.

Jbnt thofe al!b that bmel farr afuuber bijjopneb bp tlje fea. a0 in 3]anb0-, tnhirh way t for bis

law. Ifa. 4z. 4 . < 7 . O he that Ihblifheth] 0^, which fetteth fail: it 10 a Contu;UCb^^A^.fpecchto<lbob, a0 the \)oorb0 before anb after manifett. but the perfon thaugeb fo? moje^ • Jjaffionjlihe that in lob^i 8. 4. O hethattearethhisfowl,fozO thou that tearell thy fowl. ^(6

th^ uetC on Pf. 5^ . 10, mountayns ] hctcbp 10 often meant, kingdoms. politieSjCnb

common- wcales. ler. ri. 25*. ^fC Pfal. 30. 8. 8. of the leas ] waters ftUinfp

peoples, Rev. 17 . if . a;ib feas, ate tl)e bug: armies ofpeoples^ ler. n . 4 ^.. 'HI fucfl:) 00 bSl 00She natural fea05 *£>ob alfmageth . ^ee alfo Pfal. 4^-7. ^.9. And thev] 01, when

Ojbffto, of*? Wth; C]CpjC{YvbIfa.4i*




tXV. LXVL mthf ftmgoingi%rm©fBiiig8?c.} imp bi meant, bot& 6fd)e ritftefftbefcttrfeofbap'Marib

tub Ul'gl)t; anb of them that goe out at morning and evening, tuljlCtj bc men to their labour, "X.-

and hearts for their prev; 00 to fftebJfb, Pfal . 104. 10.—z3. onb of people, inbabtting tf)e€a(t~

anbuieft partjs cf tbevnovlb; b. lo. plenteouily-moyrtenert It] fenfe tl)f nppVt'A46ieeli pdlbctft: tlie l^ebjus fllfo 'be tucneb,wHentKou nadil made it to defire rapn: o? ,

‘ •

and giveft it the defire ttferof. tb»igO at fpofeeu f ir(r ofthe land of Canaan, bjf)tf!j d&OjJ

biftt’Tb anb bleff:b coniinuallp, a^ iiBcfcp teilettj. Dent. 1 1 . i z . anb fpiiituallp are meant ofCbp(lja^Cf)Urer):Ezek^ 3<?. 8.^. &c. very-much] 0J,b3Ub multitude, tolocet of riche* ,

(C^ good things.) theftream] OJ, brook, riveret. ^CePf. 1.3 . ^ ofGodlo,'nii»

that lb, Voitp heavenly fweet anb wholfcin llrcmes of waters • net ab -^-glpt, lOJaterCb VBltfi

manblabOUJ, but drinking waters of the rayn ofheaven. Deut. ii. 10. ii. The ftream of God,

map betabCU foj an excellent llreami ab mountayns ofGod, VCa\,^6.7 .anb tfte mo^b witk

lb to be fuppitet. Compare bevemitfl loel. 3.18.KCV .ZZ. I. mgera fountayn, & pure river

ofwater of life, come forth from the Lords kowfe and throne. their corn] theirs tljOJ

bttJd lU tfjp lanb, anb ficblfe: after that thou hail thus prepared the land, and watred it3 thou

makeftitfruiiful. ii. fetlelfthefurrowes) CJ, the clods, t§atlbj with rayn thou

caufert the clods to lye clofe to cover the feed, ^fjc l^cb^Ue UJO^bb being iubcfmite, to fet-

fie &c, babe Itbe fignififation tottf) tfte former. %tt Pfai. 49. . & 77 . 2,. & 103 . zo.

makeft it foft] 0^ meltefi, refolvdf3makeft it moyft , with drops-of-rayn3 tljat fal manp*

^ee Pfal. 7^. 6. ^ the bud] oj branch, that which fpringeth up, out of the earth.

namei^aibcntoChrift fjtmfclf. Ifa. 4 * ». Zech. 3. 8-&6.iz^ IZ. yereofthy-jn^iVjoodnes] thy good yere: which thou honoureftwith fingular blefsings.

rommaubing the fabbatb pfte, pjicmifeb to blcfis tfte fixt pere, tfjat it ihouid bring forth fruit ‘ 3forthreeyercs3Lev1t.zf.zo* zi. j6at the good yere, I'ptbat acceptable yere of the Lord,b3bU0l


Clj^ilpX^atbsb, Ifa. 61.z. Liik.4- Ip. ^ thy pathes drop] tl)e clowds Goda H’Sxycharret, Pfal. 104. 3 • tu Mitcg \i3ater 13S bOMno, lob.z6.8. aub from Uilikbrapni^bjoppcb,tocattfetbeeartbtofnititfie : iob.3^.z8. ^38 z^.z7. !|lnb pathes ba*e,arep^oprripfuf|itracks, a0 arc imbe bp charret wheeles. p. 1^. of thewildernes] mbertftcrei^nbman 3 lob. 38.16. tbatgrafemi^pgrcUifojbeaffsi, Pfal. 104. 14. Cbougb fcmtmic ff)cp<s

ftearbjS tberr feeb tbcir flOf l^l^3 Exod. 3.1. ^ girdc^dd^ladnes ] rejoycing for the mV3;i SItore of grafs that grow on them on every fide. ffgurattWp fapb tO be gla‘3,\nbeit

tf)cp attapn unto,"anb abibe in tijcir tiamral perfrrtion: fo light 10 fapb to rejoyce, vobni it

fbtnetbelear aribC0ntr!iUanp3Prov, 13.^. b. 14.. theparturesjo^feilds,areclothe^

that 10, covered, abundantly llored with flocks of fhcep. fci feilds, tgC puttclg ramms**

ofthe iheep: tftcl^cbzu^ Carim ,figiufpetbbotb.ifa. 30. Z3. & 34.6. but t^c gtammattcaiconflructiou , anb coberente ftere fbcUictb it ratjjer to be feilds o^ pailures.

Pfalm.66 .

1. Tothemayfter^rfcrw*/^^, afoug


Showc ye unto God, al the earth.


2. Wiib-pfalm-fing the glorieof Wtth-vft/m~frjijce; pHtolcris. to bus tratfs

Ills nameiput glorie,re his praife. 3 . Say e-r—f— ---


— —


—f—r—1 t——

muoGod, hQ^'fcaifill W mry of thy

Iforky Andfiji to 6W, hm tioy bee.'

X 5 Thro^jf^-

workcs^f through the gresfucs of thy

ftrength, thine enemies dial falfly' deny

to thee. 4.L€caltheearth5bow-d6wn-

thelelvcs to thee, & fing-pfalm to thee;

let them fing-pfalm/0 thy name Selah.



Come & fee, the works of God: he ts

fearful in doing,toward the fonns of

Adam, 6, He turned fea,to drie-/W,

they paffed through the river on foot:

there did wc rejoyce in him. 7. Heruleth with his power, for ever; his eyes,

cfpye among the nations: the rebelli-

ous,let them not exalt themfclves Selah.

8. Ye peoples,blefs our God:and makethe voice ofhis praife to be heard


p. That putteth our fowl,in life: hath

not give,our foot to be moved. 10. For

thou 6 God,haft proved us: thou haft

tried us,asfilvcr is tried, ii. Thou haft

brought us into the net: thou haft layd

ftraytneSjOn ourloines. 12. Thou haft

caufed fory-man to ride,upon our head:

we came into fyre and into waters: and

thou haft brought-us-out, to an abun-



13. I wil come into thine

howfe with burnt-offrings: I wil pay to

thee my vowes. 14. Which my bps

have opened: and my mouth hath fpo-

ken, in the diftrefs upon me.

1 5 . Burnt-offringSjOfmarowed rammsI wil offer-up to thee,with incenfe:! wdl


with goat-bucks

Selah. 16. Come hear ye and I wil tcl,al

ye that fear God: what he hath dcon to

my fowl. 17. Vnto him, IcaledW//^

my mouth ;& he was extolled under mytongue. 18. If I had feen in my hart,

painful-iniquitie: the Lord w^oulci not

have heard. 19. But-furely,God hath

hcard:hath attended,to the voice ofmypraicr. 20, Blefsed^f God: which hath

not turned- away,my prayer & his mer-

cy, from me*Annotntions

• LXVt.Throughgr(4tfie» tftf^ thyfltt

jeild-fiynedly to theefljai they.

4. tyil td) earthy bow-dovon andftng, to then

f[alm-fmg they^to thy name Selah,

/• Comefee, Gods Works: he in his a^to Adams (pnns^ is reverent.

6. He turnedfeat into driedand

on foot they through the river Went:

Even-there did Werefoycein him,

7 . He ruleth With his powr, for aye:

his eyes, in nations ffte: rebells


let not exalt them[elves Selah.

8. Te peoples^ ble[our ^od: andmakethe voice of his prayfe to be heard.

g. That putts our(ovd^ in life: and hathmtgivrUy our footfir to be fiyrrd.

to. For thoH^ 0 Cody haflprovedmitride uSy asfilver tried is.

it.ThoH haftm brought into the net:

haft put upon our Icynes, ftrtytries.

12. Thou caufed haft menfir to ridOy

on our head: We throughfyre didpaffe

through Waters eke: and thou haft brought

Hs oiityto anabundant-phcc.

!j. With burnt-offiwgs fto thine howfe

Wilcome: Wilpay^ my vowes to thee.

14. which my lips vttred: and my mouth

ffake, When dtftrefi was upon mee.

15. "Burnt’offtmgs offkt-marrowedrammt

^ unto thee Wil rffring^payy

With incenje: ^ Wtl vc2idy-make

the bullocks^ Withgoat-bucks Selah.

16. Come hearkenye and J Wil telly

0 Y thefiarers offyod all:

what he hath doon unto my fowl,

17. To him, f with my mouth dtd call:

nd With my tongueyhe Was extolld,


unto painfiil-intqHitiey

the Lord he Would not then have heard*

tg, ^ut-furelyy God hath heard: unto

voice ofmy prayr attend did hee.

• 20. Cfodblefedbc: Whichturndnot back^^

myprayr and his rntreky fiom mee


Pfalm. LXVL


ftCti i. ^OirtltCteCftwith ajoyful ,c;t,triumpkanf neyfe : ff^ l^fal. 4^.

al the earth] oj althelanditptlji the inhabitants thereof. ^0verf»4* and Pial, .4.


ICO. i.andOftenmtBefcinptliVe. to. 2. putglorie^ltnOB^cefe^giveglorietohispraifci

that 3 make his prayfe glorious^ and honourable . % hhe p()jafc i|3 Itl lof. 7.19. put giorie, to

lehovah, t6atl3S3 give him glory. to^ 3- fearful !jSetoerp&c.]0^ fearful atttfiOU Ul

thy works. <8nc to30jto fingular3 aitb antrtSct plutal 3 mianetl) epartlp ailand every one:aH

Pfal. J7. 1. & T. falfly-deney] 0^, lye, ttjat tjS feighnedly fubmitt. ^ee Plal. 18^5*

t. 4 . Let al] 0^3 Al lhal. to. 5 . m doing] oj, m pradtfe, 43^ in counfels.

Pfal. 9 .l^^ to. fea to drie-land] tfje red i“ea <©oto tumcb to drie-land top a ptOttg taJI

tomb 3 bttoi'bmg tfiie to3aterb3 tftat gfrac! nugfit ooet\mm it 3Exod. 14,11. 11,

through the river ] ,larden, toficn tlje banbss tljcroftore futtoaiS biteb; tije toatcriS pocD

f!tl onaiifteap3til ailttoe pecpletoentttojc«gtoit4iof.3.i3. 14.-17. tr' di4wej;e[oyce]

je teactoftft them to applie t\}nt fatfierb bditoerantcb to ttocmfcltoc^i fc? al ^teti3arefa^ our learning anb ufe, Rom. i^.4.'lliUtoefpeacSi another i^jophet ufettoj he found

him in Bethel, and there he fpake with us, Hof. 12.4 . ff U. 7. efpie ] tf)iat tjJ, watchful-

ly view in the nations3 tftati^, (a,0 jg>0l01U0n cypOUnbCtU it) in every place, both the evil

jfperfons) and the good , Prov. 15.3. the rebellious] 0^, the olF-fallen, froward anb re-

fradarie perfonjS 3 toljtcl) exafperate anb provoke tlje ILc^b to bitterness aj$ tl)e <J3jeeh

tranftatetto* exalt ]0|, beexalted, (puffcup)inthemfelves. to* 8. peoples]

tribes ofSfracl: talleb alfo peoples . A61. 4.17. make to be heard] OJ, caufe (men)

to hears found forth, audibly: fee Pfal. z6.7* ^ to. That putteth our fowl in lifelthal ?[

IjS, giveth,tf)en preferveth life, aitbfinanpreltoreth our bcab fowls unto life. '^atoinS

from bangeri^ ofbcatf), Pfal. 30.4•quicknit^ them that were dead m fynns. Ephef.z.i.

given our foot to be moved] ti}at i|^ fuffred our ellate to be changed, tO OUr tWine. ^0Pfal.38.17. & I2J. 3. ^ec pfal. If. f. ^ to. 10. as_iilver is tried ] ^ctoz. as to trie iilver:«p

onb tgiOmcanetto, foreaffli6l:ions5 a^attegeiisftoftojfb3 Ezek. iz. 1^.20.11.22. totoftfoj* t\ztofini <l3ob mrntionetto trialb , Sf foptb 3 Loe I haue tried thee,but not as filver. Ifa.48, * V

lo. ^crebp alfoib meant a purifying from drofs and corruption by affli(Tions.^CeMaL3.3.Zac.

13.9. I. Pet. 1.7.' to. IT. ftre^tnes, ] o;t affliaion, abt|)ea3^erlJ alfo turneti) it:

but ftTetop a ftreyt-eSainc oj wringing-gprt inap toe mermts fueft ab tourbenb are tpeb tottfj to

beaffb toaehb* to. IX. upon our head] to ufe US as bealls for to cary them : it meahetj^ .

fn*toile futoj^ction. ^re tlje lilT in Ifa . r 1


23. ^ we came into fVre and into waters

]1^01 ^fb, paired through afflidtiens Of fUUb^p fo^tb: Pfal. 32V<^.Pzek. is. 6.7, ^Ifo in Num. 3 1.23 . tgcfe

tfltogb arefapbtocomeinto(DjpafsthoTow) fyre tobtcb toOUlb abide tftie famC3 toJltgOUt toc<»

ing confumeb; ab metalb. fenfe alfo ufe Ijere, ab after ib fftctoJcb.

an abundant- place. ] 02^ a moill, a-wel-watered-lanb : toljlCr VUC map bjtnh CUt fill <^fir45?eeEicaletfi it a rcfreHiing: totoiff) toelfittettoto!tf)tfie tomfo^tboftfjcgoftjel^ab Aa:.3.i9..

to. 14. opened] tfmt Iblurtered,m pronnfed^mittnctlp glib fenQU(!p;ab fgpHt.-

diftinguiilierr^tge mom^ opcncb intootoeM 3 jianifietb that ttocp map not toexahbbarh. ludg. n. 3f. 36. diRrefs upon me] 0^ in my diftreTs/To Pfal. 18. 7. Sc 59.17.,

to. 15. marrowed ramms ] tliatib, fat&lufty . Cftc VOOjb ramms ib in l^cto^te fet after D’H'tl)C tOO^b incenfeT^littomap tlierfc^e toe reab , the incenfe (0; perfume) of ramms^ mcai'tngthe fat toftictotoabtountebontftealtar. 3tlnbfo itmapintcnb peace offrings, ab beforelurntioncbburntoffrings.^ce Levit. 3.9. 10. ii. COmparCb toitb Levit. i, 10.-13..

maketrabp] oj offer , ab tf)e intcrpirtetb it. ^fteL^tfa^uetoo^bto make ozdoo,UfebfO^drelfing making ready ofmeat^Ojfamficeb, Gen. 18.8. Iadg.^:.I9. £xod."ia.25 . &29.31^- Levit. i<5 . 24. and 22.23. beeves] tfle ’i^?bUte bakar ibtbeBeef generallyj,

one to; manp, ab iu Pfal. 8.9. Cfiefe tocte tfiep;mapal facafitebi Levit. 1;. 2. 10.

fc L7»

fgf Pfalm. LXVIt\X, ir. iincfef«f WMgue] tflattjS, with ray tongue: BttttWtlf OffljeHarf <m!l

ItttXiar&part^oVD&KOaieuaDCttftetOnStte. b* iS .Jf l had feen in my hartl tliat

fead regarded with it: fo tO fee, tO behold a COrtUpt affection lob. 3 1. 16. C§Ufi(43oDcannot fee evil, Habak. 1. 13 . would not have heard,] foj> God heareth not fynners;

lohn^p. 31. no^ hypocrites, lob. 17.*. ^.Prov. is* ^9 *

Pfalm. 6/.

1 . To the mayftet of{he maftk^on Ne-

jinoth;a pfalm a fong. s.

2. y^Odjbe gracious unto us and

V Iblefsusihcmake his face to

fcinc,with us Sdah. g.

3. That/btfy may know in the earth

thy way;thy falvation among al the he-


4. Peoples dial confefs thee,o God:peoples al of them,fhalconfUs thee. j,

5. d’he nations,flul rejuyee & Ihowt:

for thou wilt judge the peoples

.tighreoufnes; and the nations, in the

tarth,thou wilt guide them Sdah. s.

6. Peoples dial contefs thte,6God:

peoples al ofthem,(hal confefs thtc. 7.

7. The earth, ycildeth her incrcafc:

God our GodjWil blefs us. 8 God wil

bkfs ustandal the ends of the earth,

lial fear him,


t* a. facetodiinc] 0^, to be ligh t, that iig, cheerful anb favourable. Pfal.4.7.

X7. p. 3. That tfjcp may know], uiPantniJ men, hiDcfimtetpi 0^, that thy way may beknowen. 45obp way rp gcncvallp hf^^ aciraimltracion in Ihe U O^lt: jpccif Up fha gofpt l.Adl 18.

%6 , a^ ht^ falvation, ilSChrill, Luk.i. 30. bf 4. dial conlefs] c^, lei them conf^;*«nb fo after. < b. 7 The earth] 0^ land of Ca laan, the feat of

Cijurch: tohofe fruttfii! in^eil^©ub pjorntfed tnthe iLa\u, Levu,19. & ^<5.4. anotheppphetoappliett to thefpuUual

gracep ofthe gofpd. Ez:k. 34. Zech. 8.

i».lfa.4J*8. and our land earth

Ui our ftarto regenerate,


Mac 13. 19.-13.

pfalm. (f/.

Sing this as the ^o. or as the 84. Plalu^

C^Odj mtombegroietopu

iwd he m hlefi hisfkce^tth

clt^rly-make tofjtne Sdah.That diey thymy the earth ttpotj;

Zndthji heahhfitlfalvation^,

arneng tht hethensal^ k^owfftaf.

^Peoples, oGody cot?ffthetJhah

€onff theeJlj.ilj the peoples hL

'i he nations^ ]oj0jhowtJhal thtryi

fir thou Wtlt judge mofi-righteonjlj

the peoples : and ^'tltguidefdfi iy^

the nations^ m earth SeUh,

Ptuplesy oCjod^ covfifitheeffiaU

confifitheeJhd, thepeoples al.

The earthy n her mcreafe dooth bearl

CodQ\Qnour God^ blefiui^^dhse.

Cod he >Xtl bitfins bomteonjlte s

wd al the earths ends^ Jhal htmfim'*


run:)• T :

r ) ./ '/

Plalm. LXViir,

Pfalm. LXVIII. 169

ilplliliiiiiilipli2. Let (jod arije^his enemies ajunder-fcattredb ee :


T . To the may fter ofthe muj\ plalm

a fongjOfDavid.

2. T EtGodarife, let his enemies

JL/bc fcattered:& they that hate

hiiUjflee from his face.

3 . As (moke is driven-avi''ay, fo drive

thou them away :as wax is melted,at the

face offyre:/o let the wicked perilh, fro

the face ofGod.


And let the juft rejoyce, let them


before the face of

Qodj & let them joy with rejoycing.

5. Sing ye to God, fing-pfalm his

name:make-an-hye-way, for him that

rideth in the deferts, in lah his name;&:

fiiew-gladnes before his iace.•

6. He is a father of the facherlefs,and

a judge of the widowes:c'i/^/;God,in the

manfionofhis holyncs.


God featethjthe howfe;

bringeth-forth thofe that arc bound in

chaynes : but the tebelUous,dwel in a


8. O God;whenthouwenteft-forth,

before thy people:whe thou marchedft,

in the wildernes Selah


9. The earth quaked,alfo the heavens

dropped,atthe face ofGodiSinal it felf,

at the face ofGod^ the God of Ifrael.

10. A rayn of liberalities, thoudidft

(hake-out 6 God:thine inheritance vvhe

it Vfos wearied,thou didft confirm it.

Ill Thy

and they that haters ofhim are^awayfom his faceflee,

ayis[moke is drivn^ drive them away: as is the

Voaxemeltedy atface offyre: from ftceofCfod^ fo

per/JJj tfje Wicked,


flnw theyforth^ladfomnes^

before theface ofGod; and let

tf)emjoy With chearfiilnes,

j. Sing yee to God^\xnto his name

flng-pfalm: prepare the Way,

fir him that in the defert~parts

dooth ride, in his name fah :

tAndgUdnesfhew before his face.

6, Father offktherlefi,

andWidowesjndge: even God, Within

his holy manfion is.

7.^odfeats the deflate, in howfe;

bringsfirth thofe that are bound

in chaynes: but the rebelliom,

dwel in a barren-ground,

S, O (fod, before thypeoplesface,

whenfirth thou madefi-Way :

when in the dtfert-Wildernes,

thou marchedfl-on Selah,

g. The earth did quake, heavens alfi did

atface ofGod, dcfiilli

Sinai itfelf, atface ofGod,

the God offfrael,

i 9 . rayn ofliberalittes,

oGodthou didfl out-fhedt

thine heritage, thou didfl eonfirnLT,

when it Was Wearied^

X //. Thy

Pfalm; LXVni.1 1 . Thy companie doe dwel in ir: thou

dooft prepare in thy goodnes, for the

poor-afflictcd 6 God:

12. The Lord \ril give the fpccch: ofthofe that publiQvglad- tidings, to the

great armie.

I ^ , The kings ofthe armies, ihal flee

flial flee: and (lie that remayneth in the

howfe,(haI divide the fpoyl,

14. Though ye lie, between the pot-

raunge5 :r' jh ilbe as the wings oFa dove,

Vphich is decked with filver ; and her te-

thers,wkhyelow gold.'

1^. When the Almighty fcatrreth-a-

broad, kings in itiit dialbe fnow-white

in Tialmon.

. j 6 . A mountain ofGod, mount Ba-

fcan iiran hilly mountain,mount Bafha.^

17. Why leap ye 6 hilly mountains?

f^/V/5 the mountain, God deflreth for

his fear; yealehovah, wil dwel w to


18. Gods charret, twife-ren-thow-

fand, thowfands of Angels: the Lord wwith.them^4ii« Smai in the (anduatic.

rp. Thou art afeended to on high,

thou hafl led-captive a captivitie; thou

haft taken gifts unto earthly-mcn: and

alfo the rebclliousjto dwebo lah God..

16 Blefled be the Lord, Which day hy

day Vodeth us : the God, our falvation


11. Our

/ /. Thy companie doe dmlin in

thoH ready-doofl - prepare

in thy goodnes^ 0 Cjod, fir them

that poor-ajfit^ed are.

12. The Lord himfelf Wtlgive the fpeech:

•ofthofe that doo relate

the joyful-ttdmgs- publikly^

unto the armtegyeat.

/^. The Kwgs ofarmies, theyfijalflee

evenflee-avrayjhai they ;

and (he that in the hovpfe remayns^

Jh il dfinbute the prey,

14. ThoHgh yee between the pot-rewes lyez

like doves Wings (haJ yec been.Withfilver deckle herfithers tke

Withgold ofytlow-green.

IS'.' When the Almtghntffreadeih-oHt-


die Kings Wit; th?nfnowy-Whfte

Jhal ft be in Salmon,

t6 . ^ momtaynof mighty, is

the mountayn of 'Bafhuni

a mountayn ofhills-mzny ^{4

' tfje mountayn tf 'Bajhan.

77. Whyleeipyee, 0yee hiHy mountSf

this mountayn^ fir hts feat

God dovt h defire ; yeu dwelpr aye

Jehovah W//init.

tS. ^ods charret^ nyife-tfn-thofxfirid-fljld^

thoififids ofdAngets bee;

doe Lord With them, as at Sinai

Within the (dncduane.

;p. Thou art af ended to on hi^b^

thou h^fi fir captive-led

. capt t Vitie ;' a rd unt 0 men

hafsgfts difinbared:

haft alfi therebclltoHs led;

to dwel there; 0 f ih God.

20. Blcfft he:thr Lird\ vc\vch dayhx day

dooth m (with ble flnrs) / de.

even God, our faring -health Sel ik.

21. eA (jcddjat ful-fdveth^



a T . Our G^d,/V a God of falvaiions:

&toIelioviti the theyflues

of death.

22. B it Curdy God, wil \i’'ound the

head of his cnemies:che hayric Ccalp, of

hiiTi that goeth on,in his guilty nefles.

2^. The Lord hath Cayd, I wil bring-

agayn from Ba(han:I wil bfing-agayn,

from the gulfs of the fca.


Thar,thy foot may embrew itfelf,

in bloud: the togue ofthy dogs,w blend

of thine enemies even ofevery-of them.

25. They have feen thy goings,6God:

the goings,ofmy God, my king in the


26. The Angers w'ent- before,the play-

crs-on-inflrumcncs after: amongft/^^»«

the damoifcls, beating-on-tymbrels.

27. In the churches, blefs ye God:even the Lord, ofthe fountain of Ilra-


28. There little Benjamin, their

ruler; the princes of ludah, ^tth their af*

femblie:the princes ofZebulu,the prin-

ces of Naphtali.

ap . Thy God hath commanded, thy

Hrength.-ftrengthen 6 God, that thouhaft wrought for us.

;o. For thypallace,in Icrufalem:kingsflial bring thee a preftnt.

31. Rebuke, the companic offpear-fffen; the congregation of mighty-with the calves of the peoples, and hmthat fubmitteth himfelf with peeces' offilver:he hath fcattered-abroad thepeo-ples^rfr^/ delight warrs.


enr (jodl^x andto the Lord^

be long t h*yffn& ofdeath,

22, 'Bfit-firely God, )^d^ohndthe head

cfhis emmwm-pesx

the hayrte fcalp, of him that in

hdgudty-jymjs^ ongoes.

2^. The Lord hath fayd^ f^^tlagaytt

from "Bafan bring up thee.*

^ thee bring agayn upfomthe deep-gulfs ofthe fa.

24. That^

thyfot may embrewed be^

in bloud: out of thyfies;

tongue ofthy dogs, in bloud that out

ofev*rie ofthem flowes. .

2j, Thygoings they havefeeru^ oGadythe gding-progreffes

ofmy God, and my King which in

the Sanfluarie is.

26. Ftrfi-^em the fingers, after they

on infrumen ts-that-playd :

among them were the damotfels^

tf: at on the tymbrels- layd,

27 , Within the congregations


God thank^lly-blefyee:cv’n blefs the Lord, yee ofthe ^el

offfraelthzx bee.

2S* There htle Benfamiru, their Chiefs

with Judahs ajjemblte,

tfjeirBrtnces: ^buluns Princes


Brinces ofTfaphtali.

2p.Thy God hathgiv^n-commandementy

fr thyflrength-valouroHil

firm-frengthen thou 0 God, the thing

doat thou haft Wrought for tsi,

^0, For thy Howfe, mferufalem:

King s foal bring gifts to thee,

^i, T^buke the rout ofthe ffearmerUy

• the crew cfhyxWs-mightie;

With calves offolks ,and him that dootk

WithfUver platesfitbmttt


doe peoples he hath feat tered

that doe in Warrs deljte,

Y z 32.


172 ^ Pfalm. LxViTT.

3 2 . Princely- ambaffadours fhal come 3 2. n^rwccly.mMf^^oimn,dam%outofi£gipt: ^Ethiopia dial hafiily- fiomo^tt cfti/£gipt-\2^\'\di

ftretchherhands,unto God. ^ ^ to Jlod ^^topia33. Sing unto God, ye kingdoms of jlntch-h^dyhtrh^nd.

the earth:fing.pralm,f« the Lord Sdah. 33, Kwfdoms cfWcmh, to Gcdfi^f:p/^f,^34. To him that rideth in the heavens to ti:e LerdSeUh.

of heavens ofantiquitic: loe he wil give 34. To him that rideth w the W»jhis voice,a voice of drength

. ^

the heav hs ofamienuaye r

35. Give the ftrength, to God; his ^oe he his voiceogives^voice ofJlreftg^th^

hye-majefeie is upo Ifraeljadiis drength, 3s, jGive mio Cod, the fkyes.

^Cfj ^frel is his majeftie;

35. Fearful o God,out of thy andm thefhjes hts power.fanftuarics; theGod ofIfrad,hegiveth 63, Codjearfid, from thy fan[htaries:ftrength and forces to the people^ blcf- d^e God offf/el, heied be God.

• gives ftrength andfirces to his filky

^odbhfftdcY^r be.



ojflandup. 25pGod, f|cre I'leJ meant ChriftcurUcnb: foiofMm^ Ephef. 4.8.9. 10. entranre ij tafrm' gfradrofe up from mount tojeurumf totoarh^ Canaan, tjjc Ark of the covenant of the Lord went before them three Jayes journey’ the %x\x \xm,t fcjluarh, fapt. Rife1 lehovah, and let thine enemies be fcattered &c. Ulfierc jBoff? rcfufttobrot Ctieln the Ark^ (tfte figure of but tje p^mntfe of <6ob,Behold I fend an Angel before thee to keip thee. in the v/ay, and to bring thee to the place which I have prepared3 beware ofhim, and hear his. voice &c. for my name IS in him. &c. Exod.z3.2c. ii. ^ 1)10 boa^tfie Angel of the covenant,f Mai. 3. 1 the Angel ofGods face, 0^ prefence, bJjjttj)faved tfie people, Ifa.-53.9. (benChrift"’jBpCtUtfifP tempted mt^^ builbcrufjl, I. Cor. 10.9- in baiem God was, 2.Cor.M9. anb

1 mbqjjimfeifl^ God over al, blefsed for ever Amen. Rom. 9. 5. <5)abtb apr-Hcth iheif* to ovun time anb attion ofbringing home the Ark, i. Chron. 13 . fiui) piCPflCffttfl alfo nf

to tonic: a^^^ 4. l^them jovl tobueet, inwardly, Ulitfide-light {ap tfie <0^eeb erplapne tft it:) ajS tfte fo;imer bomb figntfictfi outwardjoy fui canage onboxfultation

^ ^ u gli%an-hyc wav] 0?, exalt: fcut tfiat ij5 meant Ofa way, otcaufy, firfitDel^eb^ucboo^b Soiiu, naturailnhearethi ajj ifa. 10.&57. 14. fercntlptbc4^eofeberfionhodopoiefate,make-way, confu metf) itj tbtrblpthcffcpeohhiigplare fhibo^etp eempareb luitjl Ifa. 40.3. baj^ec tfje voice in the wildemes trpftfj to prepare the way of

Lord Cinift, Mat 3.2. ^ deferts J placep Vofifre tllhlgp arc mixed anb confufed, ajsy.? t9eb50jbGhnaraboth,p^opcdpfigr.|ftetB^oGhnarabah, a defert 02 wildemes, Ifa 40.2.

anb tfiere 10 a beclaration of tj)i'0 place , tiftat valJies fjculb be exalted, moimtayns debafed,crooked things made Iheightj and rough-places, fmoorh. Ifa.40.3. Luk. 3.^ . (l^Kllibcr^fionftcre, epi dufmoon, mcauctlj alfo tftc feme: fc?iBcugl) tfie bco^b be ambic wii0 , ar b fir^Uiftctft tfie weft-parts^pet 101t Often U|Cb foi tge deferts CJ playns of the wildemes. K11m.33.48.50. & 3^. 15. Deut. 1. 1, lofh. f. 10. zSam.4.7. inlah his name]ojl by lah his name,t^J'JJ^?t,fijiganbpraifehim. Iah,t0 tbi’pjC|iermmecf<l5ob nircrpectcf beingoiexilience,

I*-r: fojfteisof Bimfelf,Exod.3.i4.giveth tO al, lifeand breath and all things,anb in him welive,

and move and have our being3A^. 17. z^zg. gt 10 Ifie fame U1 tffect bOItg Iehovah3 but lUOie

Jclbom Ufeb; OfUlfuegfce Pfal. 83. a judge ] iljat ip3 a defenfe, ar^ aven-


Pfalm. LXVIII. r/,

^er oftjcir tojOtlOlS . Exod. %z, 12*13. 24. Ifa. i* 17. lam.1.17. manfionof his ho-lynesjo^jhis holy manfion^toljercoffee Pfal.i^* 8. 7. the rolitarie]them whichare alone,

defblate: ttlfamug without children. in hcwfel t(jat 10, giveth them children,

Pfal. 113.^, ^ in chaynes ] 0^ , in conveniences, tfjClt IjS , in convenienFand^omodi-©U5 fort

3 0^) into fit (ar!b comodious)places. /^f)C , in tortitiide* nliv

dry-land] 0?, barren-ground, nameD in tf)e Original cftjje bleaknes oj whitenes,ajS tojerctt

nothing gVO\2)Ct5* Sinai it felfl OJ, this Sinai tOlOeet, quaked, <6ot> famebomnuponittogibefiiolato: feeExod. 19. 18. Hebr. n, is. CftcfemojbjS ^atibbo^^romebfromtDebojalisSfong, iudgy.4.5:. Sinai a mountain in 5t;tabia, Gal.4.2f.tntJje

U)ilDenie^tf)joug{)U3&ic()3ifraclpaffeb,Exo.ip.i.3lt\]aa^caIfb ahb Eioreb . PfaLio^.i^^

^* 10. rayn ofliberalitiesl tfjatibj a liberal, plentiful, free anb bountiful rayn, pJOCCbiUS

ofa3obbfreegraci% gjoelftnljereij^nmitioncb, tftc rayn of biefling; Ezek. 34^^. ^pirim^ailp ti)ib meatietjj tl)e bcttrine of tfie gcfpcii Deut.3i.2TII^5r.8* Hof.14.^.7. & 5.3 . Heb.^.?.

^ee P f.^r • . ftiake-ou t] 0^ fhed anb fprinkle abroad a0 Ulitj) t^C mating oft{)e Fjatlb} e| ' 3

ifje tnrnctfl it feparate*<^Ob divideth thefpowtsforthe raymIob*38. i5'.i6.28. &37.<5*

when it &c. ] and wearyed, tfjatibdrye, fatntingfb^mfntDfmater: aj3Pf./3*V

^ ®* II. Thy company 1 thehoft of Ifrael, feated in Canaan. UJO^b Chajahfig<» -nyi>n

nifping Life, 10 ilfeb fOJ all living creatures, fcmoulp bealfs,anb among tl)fm wild beafts,m

mfticti mcfl life appearctft , Gen. 1.24.11. &c.alfafc^fdEes,pfal. 104.2^. ttpplicbtomen,it meanftb a Ccmpanie oj fodetie, fptftft gcob.ab in tfjib platCjp^ etil, ab afttr in terfc 3 1 •

3,t io tfeb foj an hoil ofmen, ab i . Sam . 23 ,1 3 . in pcb toifierof, in i .Chron . 1 1 . 1 1 . ip m^ittcn

Machaneh,a Camp, 0? Leager* <©^eeb fterc tUtnCtfl it Zca , Living-wights : mo^bip nfeb in Rev. 4.^. Sc 5*8.9- mgcre mpPicalfpeefB ip of <xri)jiPb cButflj* prepare]to

meet thine inheritance , (0^ ,fruitful bleflings therin,)for the poor

, ( 0^ afflidledj)

tj^at tp ,the

church. ^f|ip eterp man mab to afTmotoIebge,m|Jen Ijc b^ougfit tfie fiift fiuitb unto <©ob>

^ee Deut.2<7. 5.^*—9.10* 12. wil give the fpeech] 0^, gave the wordj butitmapbe taben foj a p^opfttfie. iKnb bp giving the fpeech (0? word , ) ip meant, eptfter tfie mini-


firing ofmatter and fpeech unto them; 0^ tfie confirming anb performing of tfiat mfitffi tfifpfiabefpoben* ^o#aul befireb tfie pjapetp oftfie tfiunfiep , that fpeech might be given

him, Eph .^*19. Col. 4.3. < thoie that piiblifh glad-tidings] 0^ ( applping it tc nnt^;3time) of the Evangellifs ,

of the fouT^s that preach the gofpel: OJ cary good newes* ^Utfi ate

in armiep,tfiep tfiat carp ttbingp of bictc;ie,ap i.Sam.ig.i^.^uefi in Cfippb anpies arc tfie

preacficfb of tfie gofpeI, .Cfie opginai booib ficrc mebafiroth of tfie feminine gem>ber,iifuanpunber(toob tficrfc^c of women,furfi ab fung fongb ofbittope,apExcd. 15.20. i.Sa*

is.6.7, but tfiefcripturenomfierecaletfifucfi,thepublifhers ofglad-ridings-.memaptficrfee

unberBanbitofmen;fo;i i* a0^olcmcncalebfiimfdfKoheleth,tfiatijs a Preacher, (in tfie

feminine i^’.enber , ) oi a preaching-fowl,Ecclef.i. i. ?o map anp Evangeliif in libe fop be Caleb

MebafiTdeth. $iilfo 2* tfic <J^pcb beificu mabCtfi it tfie mafculine,the Lord will give the word(tois euaggelizome'nois) to the men that evangelize* !^nb 3* inffai.4o,9, futfi arcfpcbfn tO in

tfiijs fop anb foptl, a^ bib preach good tidings to Sion ar.b lerufalem; mfiicfi fee mctfi tO be

ppneipallp ment ofW ttpcfi-leb-4.^fic Cfialbec patapfijap alfo applietfi it to menpfiougfipajt, ab to Mofes andAaron * tO the great armie ] meaning the church; ofUifiofCwarfare

, fee Ifa*4c.i. Rev. 19. 14* 2.Cor. 10.4. 0^ iftoC refer it tO tfie Fvangclilfs.tficre i0 a great

hoft oftfiem : 0^ to the tidings tfiat tficp tclj it i^. Of much warr. ^fie Sfialbee rcfcrrb it toMofes and Aaron that evangelized Gods word to the great hoffs of Ifrael. ihal flee] tfiijS

ijs meantofCfipRb encmicb, ab in berf. 2. tficugfi fiere rjs anctficr bjorb, fignirping a wan-dring flight, feebing mfieretofiibetfifms aiSRev.^. 15* ^0 five Kings fleb fremSoffiua,anb fiib tfiem in a eabe ; lof. 10. I6. §ttt alfo lofh.i I. 1. 4 .5. 8. fhe that remayneth]i^eb* the manfion, (pl habitation,) tfiat tfie woman, oj wcmen.mfiO goc net Cut tO luarr,fiutbeep athcme^a^Iudg.f, 24. Tit, zj. divide thefpoile ] tfif^ a bUffirg, ira.53.

YU X2*


lx.boon after vi(^orie^ ludg.f*?©. Luk.ii.ii. anb withjoy,ira.^ 3 . fpoilesarc U^ebfObfiollOtS riches, Prov 1. 13. & 31. ii. & 16.19. b. 14. between the ppt-raunae ] : >,De-

cweenthe two-banks ojrewes , tO Uject , Of (lonfO, mabi: tO jwitg pOtoli^b Ucttrie 01 4, l\ t :\t

Y?. camp oj (eager; placed moece fhuiltonb (p?, aub fa are olarh; mi a i .ig brrebp affliaion r.r.b

mirerie.,ad on tl)e COUtrarp bp the doves filver wings,lO meant prol'periLy UJr map ll4.bcr<»

ftanb It of two bo-m J > an^) limits, cf tfje ciirmieo.mocre tpep are rentii uallp afTapli tsoj

inbauaercb. 'Jlinb tljio tfte s6:ech ncemetlj to fa'jour, turutng it , [ana ineion toon clcroon]

amidds (OJ between)the inheritancesj rbetl ad t[;ep alfc ttav ftat? t(lC two burdens 0^ limits bC^

tujrea UJlnrl) liachar couched , Gen, 49 • H • tribe bau tfte idluUfnaild at one enb, anbSmmoritrd on t?)e ct bet, tljat bepeb tbenn, with ydow gold ] iir,berjtanb agapn,decked with yelow (02 greenifli ) goldj tj)at td,ofa golden colour, ailb green , adt^e Original

•f' tOOJb hnpOJt:tlj,Levn. 13. 49 - & 14.37. ^ IS* ^HeAlmi^Id God- nameb in (i^Cbni 3 Shaddai,ofhis power anb fufficienoTto'gf^hrough with al things;

anb foi walling and deihoying ()ld at t!jc broiunmg of tfje voo^lD* Co tjid tye^ropijetd babe reference, faping, tljat ihod, (deiirudion,) fbal come from shaddai

, (tbe Al-mighty.) Ifa. 13 .6. loel.i.ij . fcatcreth ] 0} fpreadeth-abroad, babilig btfromfltcb the

icings bid eucmicdjio that bid mbentanC;, berfe, 10. n. ^ofpreadmg, id Hjfbfc^ Mattering,

Zach. i. 6. f'

it lhalbe rnow-white] OJ thou ilialt be fnowy; fpcalilng to the Church:oj* of it. Whitenes bCnOtetjTvTEForie, joy, glory: Rev. i.i7.&3*j. Luk.9.z9. ailb whitenes as

fnow, Id a rcfcmblancc of purityingtrom lyn . Pfal. s i. 9. Ifa.i .18 . Tfalmoji ] a mOlUlt

of^amarta , In tbe tribe ofvepbjatm neer tbe title Sichem, ad appearetb ludg. 9. 47 .48. fl->

tuate In tbe bart oftbe coimtrp .Tfalmon flgnifpctb i>iady,0^ darkjaub fo It feemetb tijid moxlt

iuad , bJitb cabed , gliniid, and treed that grem tberon : but b)itb fnoui upon It, Uiad madeligbtfOm. to befnow-white in Tfalmon, Id to have light in darknes

,|oy in tribulation.

^.16. A mountoF^d] that IdThye ,large , and fill df blblUC blefllingo ; fo^ Bafanmad a

fat anb fruitfuT motmtapn . ^ec Pfalm. zx. 13. & 36.7. an hilly moun tl c^, a

mount oi hiiloks , oj knobbs; babmg uiaup topd . Clpd fcemctb to be a ccmparlfoni Bafan

is a goodly large mountayn^but this Sion doth excel it;tor here God dwelleth with his Angels

"iijn &c. ^ b. 17. leap ye 1 infultyepJOblblp; O^lay ye wayt for. Cbe O^lglual Katiad

id no boTjetc found In (|elnue, butbereonelp. gn^iablb Itflgnlflctb to eipye anb lye in

wayt, fo} tbe bnvt of otbrrd: bJbieb agreetbmd mltl) tl)e argument here. Jor his feat]

to dwel in it. The Lord chofe Sion, and delired it for his feat: this fbalbe my reft for ever. Pfal.

131. 13.14. ^0, the Lamb, Cljnfl, id on mount Sion, Rev. 14. i. b. i8. Godscharret]

U)btcbb^^l«bfe6idobJnfcrblcc, fai befenfe ofbid Cbnrcb, anb bc(IructiofTSfbid^d:? .. 1. fepfal. 18. II. CharretlbputfOJcharrets,(adlbip. i.King. 10. zz. fojlliips, z.Chron 9.zi.)0J

to note out tbe jopat fevbice of al tbe ‘Jingcld , ad of one* twn e-ten-thoufand] 0^ dou-ble-myriads, that id, innumerable : In tf)e <©;5ecft,ten-thourand.fold imeaninp, innumerable.

3*0^ Angels] Cb^l^rbjue shinan, tranflateb Angels, id not dfboberc found in feripture* 3it

I fcemctlfto come of siianah tO fecondj ad being fecond 0^ next to 45obi tbe cheef Princes, Dan.10. 13. ad tbofe in place nept lAingd, are caleb the fecond unto tbcm, a.


9f IOC referr it to tbe number,me map turn it,redoubled,oz manifold. 3fto tbe charrets, andiJCdb? it of, Shanaii, to lharpengt map llOtC a kind of charrets with lharp hooks ,ufcb iU boarrdlldmanpbumanc bjiiterdtecozb, Z. Maccab. 13. z, Statius, lib. lo.Tnebaid.Macrobius. &c.^DbJebcrtbe voo^b be doubtful, tbnucaning feemetb to be of Angds; b3bitbhere tranflate cheerful-ones

, ad of tbe ^ebjuc Shaan,tO be in tranquillitie, Orb joy : and tbC

jftlc feaurtljco babe reference to tpid place, vob-i^c be menttonetb mount Sion, the celef-

tial lerufalem, and the company of ten-thoufands of Angels, tobicb nomW avc COttlC UntO UtHebr. iz. zz. ‘^nb Angels babC appetCb libc fyerie charrets, z. King. 6. 17 •

with them] Oliuthem. ^ ad in ^nai] ad ^Ob load in ^i-^ai, w ith ten-jhowfands

«fholy ones, mbCU gaPC tJC fprielollh Deut.33rz. fOl.dyeia slon, wuh ten thoufands ofAngelS;

Pfalm. LXVIIT.

An^elsj tllctoojtjjSas in,(ecmnecctTarflp tobtrfuppKeb: \jJ0jbLord;

a0, tfic Lord of Sinaii UJitj) Uac meaning before. . ly . Tliou art afeended dec .]

Thou (Lord lefus ) art gone up, to the highell heaven , having firrt defeended to the

lowell earth. ^3 tj^c IllpCflle tCOfljCtb Ujcl to uabaPaub tv.xts pint?, Eph. 48.5?. to on highj

O^jto the hye-placc: fztPL?^ 8^ led-captive] 0|, capri\cda captiviticj acom-i^^pauy ofcaptivesj a p*ey, of people taken in warr. tfte li&r pbj^ifV j 1 Chron. 18.5.11 .ludg.

y. II. Num. zi. i.Deut. 21. 10. ^0 povertie^lO u(fbf0J a company ol poor people. 2. King.2414. enrmi:fi

, J>itau, fpu , tjcatli ,bel &rc. toere bp bim {ubt u D ^ Colof. 2. 15. biiS

elect captibfb bp ^atan , uierc bp f\in\ rebemeb: oftobc-m alfa tbip map be meant, ass Pf.

i2/<. T.4«Yf that . haft given , ( anb diilnbuted) ^ifts among men«

fin l^eb^uePbwe often ao Take me a fwerd, I* King. 3.24. that Ip, give 0^ bring it me.Take her me to wife, ludg. 14. a. Take me an offring

,Exod. 25. 2. Take meahtle water pilPO

i.King.17 .10. tftat


5 ,Give, ijirbrip tbevfojc boctl) tge poflle turn tfnss in opjeeb

,given^E- ^

phe. 4. 8 . antJ tbe nept ba-Adam, to unto men, ao l^aul epplauiftblt, i;, among men,ao Ier.4,y .15. 'lillnb tl)C gifts, arc tb^ Minillers of the gorpt.l,fUbru ft ^tj)C C^CCb of tl). C!lUl fft,

Eph.4.11.12. ff and alfo the] ^ difobedient,tO \UCCt, thou hall led captive.®)Cptftat co.nttmic rebiliSici avefubtu D to t.(iruttion, Pfal z.y . ifa. 11.4. etber^ bp conbtrfion,

a^ Saul, breathing out threatnings and (laughter, toapbp ^Tljpft fubtUCb, A6t. 9. ^nbaftetfpabC offpmfdfanb Otlrrtl,we our felves were in times pall unwife,difobedient &c. but whenthe bountifulnes and love ofGod our Saviour towaids man appeared, he faved us. &c. Tit.j.^*

#.y. to dwJ] l nbrtflanb ,in Gods mount, a0 verfe 17. 0^ with lah God, mcamncrif of

tI)CCapt(bC0. (S^, that tho 1 6 lah God, mayll dwel, to toCCt, in mens harts by fayth, Ephe.3.'

17 . m in tOc C^iurcjj UP teb bp tbcfr tfip gifts(tbc mtniPrr^)i'6 builbcb ap a fpirttiiai licboff

fo^ 43obtobujchn. i.Cor.3 9. 10. ic?. i.Pct.2.5. ^0 <6ob btolt among tbc3fradit‘i5,Num. 5.3. & 35.34. 20. day bpday]02 davly : |CC Pfal. yr lodeth us ]lCli3 Cftv-^3T'^P'With his bkifings, cz gifts, bcvfc 19. o;t with affliftions, UibciUitb tfic faiHCt^ atcburbcncb,anDp:tblcfbbnnfo^U0 fomfcjtomtbrm. 2 Cor. 5 .4.& I- 3 -4 .

8 .&K.4 .-6 , ^ 5&.21.

God 6cc] o;t God to us, io a God fc;i (alvarions,tbat 10 all manner health,help, aub deliverance^**'

that fully-fave th . lehovih] fo tbc l^amc of ^l3ob tO toUttCn ufuallp , tebcil Adonai , Lord,nrpt folom^tbit-, au'bcrcanb Pfal. 109- 21. oj goetb before it, ajS Gen. 15. babing tfte nVo’bo\uil0 ofiElohim vi^ob, anbfoisbptbc gc\nc0 proncuntcbi aid ctlKttimcp bribing tbe

' ‘

boujclo of Adonai, it i0 fo p20:‘0linCib, Lord. ;gv0, fo^ Adonai lehovih, 2. Sam . 7. 18. ip UjiUten Ichovah Ailohim, I. Chron. 17. ^:'cPf. 83. 19. yfsueSj] 0^

pafsages, that i?0,.

wayes anb means, ofdeath 0^ to death : mcar i' g that bf manp Uapf0 tC biing bil^ V,


mi':0 tobcatb, anbtObdiUrfridprnpr'rinoftt foi, be hath thekeyes ofdeath5Rcv. I. 18.

he kylleth, and giveth life, woundeth and healeth, and none can deliver out ol his hand. Deut*.

32. 39. <§0y(Eies of lile,Prov.4-a3 ^2. hayrie fcalp"' I^CbtC. the crown (0^ fcalp)

ofhair: meaning Open anb iiKbitablc jutg nrnton tbecbicftflant mon fence cnavdfp.guiltinelTesj guilty-fvnns: impieties, ^.o Plal. <59. e?. 23. I wil bring again"! pj,wir

return, reduce,tO VUC'^t thee mp pcrplf-, aO 5 biru^bt tlKC frcm tbc^P^nlcf&gh irTWlEIn^

Num. 21. 2^. 35. anb ofPhaiaoh at the red fea,Exod. 14. 22. 23 z8.29. bcliberancccj

arc oftm bp tb^ l^jopkc^o appbcb to tbc timcid arb Uc?f 0 of ifa . 1 1 1. 1 1. 1 y i

&51.10. II. gulfs] 0^ deeps, bottoms: fee Pfal. ^9. 3. 24. Thatthy frot V n*C>

miv embrew 1 tfiat ?0,'be embrevw d : OZ, That fbou mayll embrew thy foot.- tPefamC ^** *

Irt'zb, U3fncbb'‘fozrii' ber'r ii. t'0 <CnpWbrb \\ ound,anb fignf to make gore bioudy^anb<0 berr bp cot'.ftniiencr put fo;i embrewins rj dipping in errre blond; 00 tbf ilSjCfb tUl’PCtb It,

That thy foot mav be dipped. fbiO rctctb 0 fTCat {loiTrfltCt Of tb^ fUfirtfp: 00 tbC dip-ping of the foot in oil.Deut. 33 .2A.ui'*‘anftb tfKrOf. inbIcUb ofthine ene-mies'' ti}, Ubifb Ecb'Ctb From thine cn'. rrif s from him : tfot f0,from

gieateil ofthem, !^liU{)ji(l ; CJ, of the fame fcloub*

ech ofthem,0Z krom the

Compare bmbaitb, tfie naugfitcr of




tottj tDeUanb: fo tn t&ctvimnijftat tfic rcUffa, MJi*7hf iiibrVATron/ and al the w^ienfijngpraifetoGod.Exod. ly.xozi. J)0 a£ Cltf nsuate Of

h S'

• iri-‘^- fiatiofltet oftDe3«mmo;Ht% ludg "'ll ^^Iftym!brei to taber) ISm tebjueuameD Toph; oftftMi&e founo tfiat it ma&crt,Um e gfhth<^

»f. 17. In the churches] OJ congregations: feePfal. zC. iz. ^ EtorthSuScome out ofIlrael,as out of a wel or fountiyn : a jllj^afe taSeil froilT


fll^one mutljhl^tt, ifa 48 . i. gtfemictfj tobe meant of tIjctjeop[e: tftourcfembtoC^Hjljblcft^ theLord^U^Ooi^otthetountavn ofifrael. i^OZ, of the iiraentes concermng the flelhChriil came, who is God over al,blefTed for everAmen Rom 9

r irthe churches, bc httle Benjamin^tlie tribe 02 polieritie ofBemamin

' t!jatm yongeit ofal 3frae{0 cbilt^eii; anD&ijsi tribe Iktle, tbati^ fe^m^n^i?^^. 6sr, bemp almofl al beflcopeb fo;i tge fpn of <6ibea, i udg. 20

. 44 &c th. Prince ot that tribe, mje 43^ceb Uerfion fapto, in a traunce; ta&mg trie©-bmei^^n hf• Ofradam, ttoug^ u be not founb rtfbjfjcce in tftta form: pet rarebiS but mue" pPt‘««lfcunbin^t8taana otfjer f>falmes. «D?f£«)ingaapp!tebto€ftj^'

fi’ n?mpflicn • Benjamin tljc Iea(i, tiS ijercput fiift: fo in tfle »eaSp®4r^^^^

t/ ti)e firR foundation is a Iafper.Rev.2r. . UJlttCft toab tfte laft mcClDU^ n-anp tn^Vlfe,oim{ji0 Benjamins name bjasi flrabtn, Exod, io.zi.*^3n%ijjsEbc°®^i^«*

be taben foj mi heap oj affembhe; O^t fo? a Hone, tljat iS,a ruler; ajS elfbJfjere a Hone fttmift-tft

rT*f'tribe Ofanual,, mere t^oftleiames anb otSSS^^^^^^C^Lr.i^. A(51 .i*i4* Zebulun,Naphtali] tftefetnbCJJ blCtC fltuatc in

ofCanaan^ad luda anb Benjamin ujcre in the firft anb cftcefeft uarta* mrAmtm

ai e the Temple ofit . Rev .2 1 . 22. bring a prefent] 02, lead-alone a cift tFiaf: t'6 aifre ntprefents. J)oPfal.7«. ii.b)fticDprereots,arfometnne0of tfje pcifonl of men'^ ifa i?7.&t!«.ro.Rom.iM4.&iz.i/

Jft.'ji. Rebuke thatScompany ofIpearmcn] o?ofarchers; therowt (O? creW) ofthe cane- that ififurtcanes 0? reeds, Whetof fpears,o? arrowes were made. <©f th/g mozb companiffec

II. 2|tmapaffobereab, Aewild-bealbofthe reeds; meaning the falrage,wicked people'

he hath fcattred] tijrb t0 fpoftcit to tfje cburcft, of <6ob. (02eeb turnetb I't a0 the foi^

Sr^s ^ r J^'P^^“c^ly-ambafladours

] l^eb^Chafhimnnim a toOlb ttdtPrefbeis, AmbafTadours.

^ ^ ^ ^gipt] SbmXbftHtfrajim;t6cuameof tficfonofcham, thefonofNoah, Gen. J/otalfeb tjem^^


Pfalm. LXVIII. LXIX. ^7/tofttre Be aiib|)fS iJojTcrttte bvadt.bp oton name, gn <6|erri,anti fit tfie neto <jrcf!ammt,tt 10 alujapc0 caleD ^gipt. i?ithiopia] in i^eb^ue Cufh,an ct^er fon of Cham, bzotljer toMifraimaui) Canaan: Gen. lo fouittcpmBetBemib Bt0 tf)iibren bUje(t,i0 caleDfipbiiJ«ameCulli,m45^eefti^thiopia. Cbe people, me cal b'iack-Moors. hallily-ftretch]

i^ebj.make run; noting tf)t teaDpuc^ oftjat natio to offer gift0 anb fatnfice0,anb to reccilo

tSe gofpcl. ^ec A6t. 8, t?. &c. 54* ofheavens ofantiqnide] tBati0,the moft ancient .

and higheft heavens, mgtfft mere fpiicet!)emoj!b began: noting Deribp<6oD0pomjful ma^licflie, anb jjelp to f)l0 cljurcb] ^0 Dent. 33 . wil give] 01 giveth ufuallp his voice;

tbati0fpeaksalowd, ojchondreth; fec tl)c note ott Pfal.45.7. a 19,3. ^ome !j£ip0Plc0 merg'^SittfCaleb Sonns of thondfr, Mark. 3 . 17 . Onb pObUful Poice, rapfetl) tfte bcab. John. T . 2^ . V ' •

b. sf. Give the iJrength] t^at 10 Urong-praife, anbt!jeglojiecftf)cbmgbome4^ce Pfal.*‘'1

8.3. b. 3^* fan^tiianes] tl)e Ijolp anb mo(t fiolp placed oftljctabeiitacle; anb gea^bcnitfelf:feePC 43* 5* the people] tbati0, ab tfte <Jl>zecb cpplapuetb, his people*

^Oj the fowl Pf. 69* a. foz my fowl: feePf • 4* yr' BJeffed be God l l|etCUpon God \na0Caleb in Sfrael, tfje Ble/Ted one: a0 Mark* 14.^1. Art thou Clinlt the Ion ofthe Biefled; tjat 10,the fon ofGod, Mat. 16,63,

Pfalm. 69. Pfalm 6p,

2, Save me^ 0 (^od\fir Waters entud art even to

I . To the may fter ojthe maftk^ ,upon

ShoQiannim,«p/?/w of David.

QAve me,6 God: for waters are en-

k5tred even to the fowl. 3. 1 fink-

down in the mndd ofthe gulf,where no/

(landing fe5: 1 am entred into the deeps

of waters,and thefireaming-floudover-

flowethme. 4. lam weary with mycrying; my throat is burnt; mine eyes

fayl,? attentively-wayting/or my God.

5. Many are, wo^-than the hayres of

mine head, they that hate me without

caafe: mighty are they that would fup-

prefs me,mine enemies falfly:i^4f which

I took not away,then I reftored. d. OGodjtiiouknoweftmy foolilhnes: and

my guiltynefies,arcnot conceled from

thee. 7. Let not them be abafiied for

me,that hopefully exfped thee,Lord le-

hovihjOf hoftsdet not them be afiiamed

for me that feek thee^ 6 God, of Ifrael.

8. For

myfirvL 3, ffinkjn^filjfy madyVi^here noftayisz

f ^ater deeps enter, ^ overflow me dooth the firea-

m'mg-floHd.4.Am dearie ^ith my cryeyny tl:roat it

brentyWine eyes fkyl: ^rmj GodWayting-attem*

j, ^JMany mot arey my haters caujlejjly^

than be haires ofmine head: mighty are they

tJmt Vooald fupprefime\ are myfees fiilfly:

tf)en f refiordy ^hat J tookenut-avoay,

6. OGody tIooH knowfi my filly: andfi$m thee^

myguilty-faults cannot conceled bee,

7 . Let them for me not be abafhdy that thee

LordGODy ofhofts, doo hopefully^defire:

yea let them not ajhamed bepr mee^

that thee^ 0 Godofffraely require,

Z $* Foy

I7S Pialm. LXIX.

8 . For for thy fal^c^doo I bear rcproch


fliame, covcrah my face. 9, lam be-

come a ftranger, to my brethren: and a

forreyner,to my mothers fons. 10, For

the zele of thine howfe hath eaten meup: and the reprccht s of them that re-

prochcd thee, are fallen upon me.

1 1 . And I vsrept, with faftjng ajft^ed nny

fowl: &ic was, for rcprochts to me.

j 2 A nd I made my raymcnt lack clvthxfk

I was,to them for a proverb. 1 3 . They

that fit in the gate,fpake againfi mc:and

they that drink ftrong'drink, tnade me-

lodies. 14. And I,my prayer to thee,

Iehovah,f« time of acceptation; 6 Godin multitude of chy mercic:anfwer thou

me,in the truth ofrhy falvatio. 1/. De-

liver me out of the myTe,and let me not

fink-down;let me be delivered from myhaters,and out of the deeps of waters.

16. Let not thefireamiug fioud of wa-

ters overflow me ,neyther let the gulf

fwallow me: neyther let the pit, (hue her

mouth upon me. 17. Anfwer me Je-

hovah, for thy kind- mercy ts good .-ac-

cording to the multitude ofthy Tender-

mctcies,turn'the-face untome. iS.And

hide not thy face,from thy fe^vant: for

diftrelsij on me, make- haft anfwer me.

19. Draw-neerto my fowl redeem i‘:

bccaufc of mine enemies, ranfome thou

me. 20. 1 hou hafl known,my reproch

and my (hame,& my difhonour: before

thcc,^rtf al my diflreflcrs. n. Reproch

hath broken my hart, and I am ful-of-

hcavynes:and I looked knfomexo monefne^h\\zv\ox\tc(imei and for comforters,

but I found none. 22. But they gave

me gal for my meat: and in my thirfl,

they gave me vineger rodrink- 23. Let

their table be before them fbrafnare:&

for rccompenfes for a trap-fal. 24. Let

their eyes be darkned,thar they lee notr

and make their lolnes to fliake continue

S. For for thy (a\€y f hear reproch/^d hUme%covtr myfkce do oth, ignon


p. J am become^ t^nto my hrethereri^^

An Htter-JIranger: and a firretnour

ev’n unto mwe own mothers childeren^,

10. For^ ofthine hovefe dc z.ele did me devours

and the reprot hfiu- taunts of them dm thee

reprochfUly~doo tztunt,are fhiln on mee*

u. ^rid 1 did Weep^my fowl X)cith fifitng fpcnt?

and It \)pa4 turnd, to my much-oppyohrie,

/ 2. ^nd ^ pift fdc kclct h onfirmy raymen t :

and^ fir a proven bm to them^^ ^4iu p.

/j. They thatfit m thegate, agan/fi me

andflrorg..^'me drtr.\(rs^melodies did make.

/-f • nd Ai fir me^ my prayer is to thee,

fehuvah^ m a time ofacceptwton;

0 (^od tn multitude ofthy mercte:

anfwer tf^ou me^tn truth ofthy fdlvation*

ij. deliver me out ofthe myrte-cLy^

and let me not iU.-drovcned finkravcayx

^eliv\ed let mefiom my haters he^

16. and out of Water deeps. Let Watersfloud

not overflow me^ norgulffwallow me\

nor let the pit,her nwuih upon mefhutt,

17 • fwer me LO'FfD^ firgood is thy kind- ,

A6 dygreat mercta ^turn to me the fkcc. (grace:

^ 2 ^ I

jS. ty^nd hide thou not thyface ^fio thyfervanil

fir on me trouble \s^fion anfwer met,

! p. ^Draw~neere my fiwl^ to it redemtton-grant:

becaufe ofmy foes^ ranfim thou me free.

20. thou^ my reproch,fhc meyanddifhcmurd^plght

kr:ow*fh my dtflrtfjers al^ are tn dyfight.

21. F^eproih hath hreke mine hart, andfiilf am |

ofheavwes : and lookedfir forrje-oncj

to mone-With-pttty ,hut not any tame:and looktfor comforters, hut ffound none»

22. Outfox my meat i^eygave me bittcv-gali:

and vineger, my diirft Withal.

2^. Let for afnare their tzihle fore them heel

and for fid~reccmpenfe, a trap-to-fkl.

24. Their eyes be darkled, that they may notfenandwa^e their loyns to [hake continual.

2j» Powr

Pfalm. LXIX. 179

ally. 25. {^owr out upon them thy de- 2j> 'Tom out upon them thy ^eieflwg~yrex

teliing-yre:<& let the burning-wrath of andtnk^tharu^ let thine angers hmnwg-fyre,

thmc anger, cake them. i6. Lee their 26. Thetr cajiellet be defoUted quyte:

cahel be defolate: within their tents, let ^ithm their tents^ let ther not any dwells

thwTiioc be a dwcll-r. 27. For they 27, For h\m they perfemte)^>hom thou doofiftnite:

pcrfecute hm wnom thou haft Irnictcn: and ofthy Woundedsfirovpthey doo tell.

and they tell,of the forrow oi thy woun- 2S. Cjtve victoafnes^ unto their m<k^d~vtcei

ded-ones. 28. Give thou ir,iquitie,un- and let them not come into thy jufitce.

to their iniquiry : & let them not come, 2p. [Vtped be they our ofbookjfthe hvtng\

into thy juftice. 29. Let them be wiped and >^ith the jujl^ let them not Written be.

^0. ^yfndf^ th it 3.VCI affhcled~poor andgreivingt

0 God^ let thy fdlvatton lift-up me.

^t. Then ml f p^ayfe the name of(fod With jongi

andmagmfie him With confiffion.

^2 . nd ItJhal better to fehovah bee^

thd yong bui^that hath homes & hoofdooth part.

The meek: menfhalrejoice, when they itfeet

feekers of(fodj live al(o Cnalyour hart.

out of the book of the iiving:and let the

not be written,with the juit. 30. AndI,poor atftided <k (orowing: let thy fal-

va 16,6 God.lift me up. 31. Iwilpraife

the name ofGod with a iong;and mag-nifie him with confe ffton. 32. And it

(halbe better to lehovah, than a youngbull, that hath homes chat partech the

hoof. 3 3 . The meek lhal fee *^,ti)e)/ ft-ial ^4. 'Becaufe fthovah he the needy hears:

rejp!ce:the feckers ofGod, & yout hart and he deififeth not^ his prijoners. (and at

dial live. 34. For khovah heareth the ^j. Tra)je him let heav’ns and earth: theJeas^

need; :and defpileth not, hii prifbners, that creeps in them. For God ml Sion fdve^

3 5 . Ih aid him let heavens Ik ear th . Teas, bmld Judahs ttues eke: and dml theyJhal

and al th^t creepeihin them. 36. For there^and it fir inheritance fhal have.

God,Wil fave Sion;& build, the cities of ^7 . Hisfervants/eed eke,jhal pojjef thefime:

ludah :and they lhal dwel there, 6c have and dml cherwfhalthey that love his name,

it for inheritance. 37. And the feed of

his fervancs,(lial poflefs it: and they that love his name, (haldwel thcrin.


55f* I. Shoniannim],fix-ftrintted inftruments; 0^ Lilies, ^ecPral. 45'. t,

® Save m e &c.] XDiuiDiirh:0 trouUlc 5 hdnaaftguteof Clufft,prapeti)fo;tbcItefrom ti’ntationd anU p:rfmitiond, unD.a* ti)e fimtlituDed of waters, mudj myre, pit^deeps,

dreams, &c. andtlpt idfcilm ftao accomoftrOmfnt in Cfjn 1, the CUangcItll^ll)^4^8 . loh. 1 9 that efte u\c ftrrofto fc;i ud , tljTHpople fi)cU3Cth, HonLax4.4. that we

through patience, and comfort of the feriptures might have hope . the lowl] toVPictoi- me

; ad tIjC it: th^.l td ,are ready to drown and choke me

; fo Ion .^.5. fee

alfo Pfal. 4 4 . U. 3 ,mud ofthe gulf

] oj, of the deepj that td, the deep guLTy mud,intftebottcmdofthcfca; adPfal.68.z3.ion.i.4. anotftvrftghe oforrat crlamitr:, ad a!^

fo in Pfal. 88 , 7 . UJh^Tfo^^’ Babylon CapttUC <©CUd propk, td caleu a GuU , C4 Deep


lia. 44* a 7 . no ftanding ] no Itay, ground : blU 9 (tub ttlC^e &Ut ttlC^:'.

P . 4 . is burnt ] that td ,parched ,

dried; oj ( ad tije ejrplapnct!] it,) hoarfe*

eyes fayl] 0^ , are confum ?d, tO Tt , wjt'i^tears^at^ti earneft exfpedahon, ad Lam.z. ti.& .

4. 1 -

. Cdt i^joad a curie of the law,Levit. z6.j6, neut.i8.^?5 . PUt ' became a curfe for us, hGaL 3 . 1 3 . J)daft^Wal. 1 . 8z . tot f . took not away] which I robbed not, took



~1 z" - not *

ISO Pfalm. LXIX.t not by foj'cc and rapintf^ tftougil) it map be tafeen foj a! unjuf! ci’initnafiotije? , bJfeof^tlDabibanbCftpiPmcmiioccnt: prtiafpecmUtioa^bmfiebm<£(^^^^ \u!)o ben g in the

' form ofGod, thought it no robbene to be equal with God, Phil. z, 6 . liOttottflflanbing luait^

. ^ iit1fmgf)imfelftobetftsronofGod,{)c^a0puttc{bcatgbpt]f)e35ctoej{5ioh.ip.7.

Cr 1 « tj. <5/ myjboliilinesi my fyn: fee tiic note onPial.jS.^. ^abitj^crc.fpnn^. - ' i pjopevlp j liTCbn^ bp iniputattomfo^ <0CD made'him fyn for us,which knew no fyn/z.Cor.

5.2-1. map be meant offalfe imputation, 6 God thou knoweft my fooiiihnes, if anp,

fucbbe,abmpfoe0Cbai'r^fm£UJit6.^OPral,7.4.5. < b, 7. abalhedformel formyr- 1« fake, to VUeSt , ifI be not delivered

. ^0 Of Cbllfl , bifn'pi eig ftoped tbaFbcl^OlilD ht tljC

fabiout of ’^^wt bo&cn l)t baao teplleb,tbep btga to boubt mib fVar,^atan bDtnnomingtfidtfaitj),toma^etbnnafbam:bjbutCbnitpraprbfo^tJ)eii* coiifivmatiom ink. 24.2.0.

21,8c Z2.3 1.31. ^0 great arc affiiCtiOlVO,tbat blelfed is he that is not offended in him.'

IMat. lehovih] oj,God: tt|)atl)tl)eboUjellSofitlohim.^ecPfal.f?8 . 21.

8. bear reproch ] tftatig, are reproched; tOntravpftemmtO 10,tO bear grace and favourj

n9*in tgat ij3, to be favoured and wtl liked. 17. Compare I)ereU)ttl)PfaU 44. ^3.1^.’*

' '*

9 . forrevnouri to bjcct, iu tj^fit cflimattoii aub catiage tovuarb^ me. Cbid aifo Uia0tf|c rafeofgob,aubotftcr0,iob. 19. 13. Gen. 31. ir. aub of €|)pPtl)e3eluc0fapb, theyknew not whence he was, Ioh.9 .29 . anb 1)10 b^Ctbieil beleeved not in him.Ioh.7.5'.

N3S zele ofthine howfe] OJgealoufie ,indignation fo^tbepcflutmgcftl)mef|Ob3fe,anb

• ihidious fervent care to flabc it fouferbcb bolp. ^ec tj)i0 perfapucb bp cijpff, when hewhipped buyers and fellers out ot the temple, lohn. 2

,ly. 16 . 17 . ‘"'’-ten me up] devou-

red ,ojconfumed. ^o^lcM^anb gealoufie, atC a fyre anb vehement flame: Song. 8 .6 .


O Pfal. 119. 139. ~arenilen on me] tfJatT^ , iTiiveTaken them on me, anb willingly

>ear them; a0 tlje 'JBpoflle gatljcrctlj from tfKfe Vuo?b0, tfjat Chrift pleafed not himielf,(tljat

j0, fought not his own pleafure or pit) fit, ) but for his fathers fake and his brethrens did bear all

things : aub tbl0 i0 an e)camplcfoju0 to bootbchbe- ^ecRom.15, i. 2.3.4.II. affiimb my fowl] tljc ujo^baffliaed, iaperefuppUeb from Pfal.3f. 13. fo: often

tl)v’r 10mdm^ibojD to be uabfr|foob,b3fncb tljs i^eb^ue tett fomtimefbebjet^: ao z.chr.

30. II. 14. K with fcorpions: fbjll'bubin i. K1ng.12.11.14. 10 bJpttCn, I wil chaPife you withfcoipions. ^ec tbeltScln tl)e ucte0 611 Pfal. 18.7.29. & 2. 7. it was for]oz,it was tur-

neb to reproches, that i0 ,to much reproch, and opprobrie. ^0 3|of)n0 falling,tunwb tO btlCi

rcp^tOCT), they fayd,hehad aDivil. Luk.7.33. b. 12. And 1 made] OJ when 1 gave, tfjaC

10, made,o? put on. ^0 giving 10 fo^ putting Pfal .8.2 . b. 13 . that fit in the gate]tfjat 10,

great mciuutbcpubliUafrtmbUc0, ®)erufcr0oft4ic3!cb5c0. Deut.zf.7. Ruth. 4. i. z.&c.fpake] 0;i talked anb meditated : CClimiUlieD bOb3 tC UlOlil mc Cbfl. Luk. 22. 2. 4


ftrone--drink]^eb2.sheker,bJbicb 10 all manner lb ong drink bibiclji toil mabcbjunfem,a0 ale, Deer ,

wine, lider,methaglin. &c . ^{)e il3jeell ficre ttiriietb it wine. melodies-

ojfongs,fuugbJitfiinPrumnit0ofmufib, of me. ^o3obalfocomplapnetb,iob.3o.9 .

b. 14. And I ] tfjatl0. And (oj but) as for me. ^

b. 14. time of accepLaJtion] tljat

|0, an acceptable time: a0tl)C21rPOflIcintcrpietet|ltl3i0pb?afe2. Cor.6.2.frcmIfa.49.8.

in truth of thy fal vation] tfjat 10 , fo^ thy faving truths fake, o^ faithful falvation.

b. i<^. flint h er mouth,]fo thatg caunot get out ofnitferie: a0 ti^atjjian ^biram &c.baenfc

bobjnalibc into tge pit, and the eai-th covered over them, tftat 110 bopebja0 l(ftoftl)eir rc^

turn. Num . 16.


j. :But Cftrifl in all trouble0 bab coinfojt,ebcn in tbe grabc his flefli refted

in hope, b. 17. turn th^ face] 0} refped, regard me , biitl) fabOUr.<g>Ce

pfal. 25. 16. b. 20. diflionour ] 0^ ignomime, flaunder, calumnie : fec Pral.4.3.

b. 21. ful-of-heavines], o^,iick,forowful: of tfti0 bjojb in l^ebpic mail !jiatbfn0 namei^-nofli: fC^Pfal.8.5. to mone] to pitty, & folace mC; 0^ to fliew compaflion . ^Olob.4i. II.. found none]iu UCeb, al his difciples forfook him and fled .Mat*

2^. anb alhis acquaintance flood a off.^49,^

b. 12. gal] in^cb^ue




Pfalm. LXIX.

Rofli an fiertjfaittft


6 toa«v*noob;V»tt8 Mjirt) itijSofttnfopn^iDeut.i^

as®ftart0.Iohn. U4 394

^^^ J J lO.anD tftfd mea^etg^onHagFand mileHeJa^p^*


pfamftbptptontiarpmcjfj S fsjj^ j/^jlgnortheirtowrj pallace, habitation fapraniJ

nr . n fti rhf.v tp\ to the forow • tftat 10, add unto and increaie it* a0 tfte Opjecii llir«»,_

a tfjattSJ, AddTynuntotheirfyn,5ibetfjnn.]iy HJh

Uwr tn fl v(-wohMc mtiiBT5IwIP^#^ob!S fteabp jubfiment firp on tlje <5cntflefc Rom . i


tiK uitnolt I Thef iomu .i. Mat’, aj . 3 » . bp miquitte, map be unbetHoobpimiili.

anb fo come to the;uftice ofGod, VOljtCfi tS bytavn "'b

Phil 5 « loh la 59 40. «"b.a.?. book ofthe living ] 03, book of life, b3flete(n the jult C3 /H -»g

thatbbe bn fattft arc wiitten ; tfiat ts«,lft tbemBeStofffrom being anp longer toitnteb tfip

ploplfo?teSeoint^ of tfte Ijotoie ofafracl,as E«k--3^;Ronr. Phd.p.3.

a. 3 . Pfal.87 . tf. i). 30. liftme up] 0?, fet me on a high place ;.t{jat >S, f^ely

^b.3a. better to ] tljat 10, more pleafmg ailbacceptab e


^oung_taUJ fotf C (0J^^etulatnetfl tfte®tbjue nftiafe a bul a bullock,tftat to a bul which is^t young,or a builock t>a

In itidg. tfiat. b3bevetl)c 0jber io tbangeb, take the bullok of the buh tgat '** * Lnlo o’is»nOlbulMk. ^omeunbciflanb it bereofttoo, better than bul,0? bullok.^

horneth that 10 hrincs forth 02 heareth horns, and paiteth the hoof . fo^fuclj UJCiC ftt?*

tfft%Vfafdft^cfbut cWffion and tftanfe^ are moje nlcafing to eodifpefiaHp

dicnce, fee PfaUfo. 1 3.14. 1 j& 40^7 . ® : 3 3

fhal fee it , & your hart fiial livej pe fftal Ija^js mUJaSlifT, jop .

ft. 34. his prifoners] furft 00 are pctfecutcd 3 and ftcun^ inmifcu0 foj

3^aill falctft fttmfeff the prifoaer of Chriif .Ephe. 3.1. §. 3fa}^Sion]j]^t ctoc

figuved out dp Sion,and ludah, fee pf. ^ *^*^0nd

of the dSofftrl, 1. Cor. 3. p. 10. afii^ui*eoftEU0Vooja3ft3a0doondp^>e|joj^ap!;at3 2..chion*

17.5). 12. 13. a."rd Sfaial) pjepM^)


5)^ liiieifa.44.

z % J?[al LXX*

iZz Pfalm. LXX. LXXI.

Pfalm. 70.I. To the mayRer ofthe mn/tk^


a pfalm

ofDavid for to record,

a. /^God for to deliver merleho-vah

,to mine help make haft.

5 . Let them be abaflied and afliamed,

that feek my fowl: let them be turned

backward and blufli, that delyte mineevil. 4. Let them turn- back for a re-

ward oftheir abaftiing; that fay,aha aha.

5 . Let al that feek thee, be joyful and re-

joyce in thee :& let them fay continual-

ly,magnified be God;they that love,thy

falvation. 6, And Lpoor-afflided &needie, 6 God make haft to me-.thou

4irt mine help and my dclivererilehovah,

delay not.

Pfahn.7 §.

Sing this as the ju or as the pfalm.1 . Godfor to deliver mei

fehovah^to mine help mak^^huff,

They that ofmy fo^^el feelers be^

afhamed he they andab ijht:

be backyvard turnd and bla(h doo they

that in mine evil tnke-delyte.

4 . Let them turn- bill ha h<t that /ay^

their bafhfil- (hamejor to reqay te,

/. Joy let them and rejoyce m thee^

al that thee feek: andU t themfajthat thy(alvattons lovers bee^

^od magnified be^alway.

6» ^nd affli5ledam andpour;

0 God to mt make ffeedy-Wajz

wive help and my deUvero^pr

thoH a:tj 0 LORD^ doo not delay ^


betf. I. to record] Ot to caufe rem-mbraace : fec Pfal, 38. i. i. to deliver]

to nd me free; imhcrftanD^mak^ hall, ni voachfafe,aO Plal. 40.14. fni tljtjS fdfalm, i.d t\V; t^mcin fubftmire , mib ahnoftm , uJitfi tfie enti of li) it pfalm ; fee tl)c a^inatadonei tf)e* e.

3. that feek my loul] to mike an end or it, ap Pfal. 40. 15. p. 4. turn-backjde-folate 0^ wafted , a^ Pfal. 40.16.

Pfalm. 71 .

I. TNtheelehovahdoolhope-for-Afafetieder me not be abaflied tor

ever. 2. In thy juftice, ridd thou me /.

& deliver mednclinc thine ear unto me,

andfavemc. g. Be thou tome, for a 2,

rock of habitation,to enter, continual-

lyjthou haft commanded to fave mc:for s-

thou tirt my rock,and my munitiun.

4. My God;deliver me,out of ihe hand

of the wicked: out of the palm,ofthe e-

vil-doer and the levencd. For thou 4 .

art mine exfpcaation:Lord Iehovih,my

confidence from my childhood. 6 . By

thee, have I been holden-up from the

wnmb:from my mothers bowels, thou 6.

tookeftme: of thee my praife cond-


pfalm. 7/.

Sing this as the sj. or as the 2^. I laim.

I'lfjhee doo J fbr-fifetie-hope a \aH\0 let me net abajhed befir ay.

Thoti tn tky yifhc^, ^tdd me me fieei

incline to me thwe ear^and fave thou mee,

*Be rhoH, a roekof h ibtmton-hye^

fir to enter in conttnaally;

to fave me thuH dtdflgive cummijfioru :

fir thoH my rock^^ andmy mumtioru>

My God; ofthe Wickeds hand, me ridd:

fi'jm pJnUy of ih* evil and the levened.

For djoit m'ne exffeckirujn^: Lord C07),

thou art my umfidencefrom my chtidlcd.|

f the ^omb have been upheld,by thee:

thou ^fr'om my mothers itowels^tooke^ mee :

of the ^

Walm. LXXI. 185

nuaily. 7. As a wonder,! am unto ma- 7. ofthtemy frayfeaHffAy* bonder

ny :but thoUj^ir/ uiy ftrong lK)pe. 8. Let to many anu\ bm thou^ my hopemtghtie.

xny mouth be fylied, W?r/; thy praife: al /. Let ^tth thypraifeyny month rcplcmjht benthe day, Wtth thy glorie. p. Caft me altht day glorifying thee*

not away, at the time of old-age: when time ofold-age, cafi me not away:

mine able-ftrength faileth, torfake not prfakc me not^ When myftrengthdooth decay*

thoume. 10. For mine enemies fpeak to. For ofme ^cakjfitne enemies: and they

ofme:and they that obferv my fowl,c6- con/nlt imone^ that Waytfir my fiwl lay,

fult togither. ii. Saying, God hath n,Saying^Godhathfirfakiyihinu:pHrfie

forfaken him:purfuc and take him, for md tukp hryu: for ther is none to refk^ue,

none to refkue. 12. O God,be 12, O God^ be thou not fhrr-awayfrom mett

not thou farr-aWay from me: my God, my God, Hntomyfhuonrh^.fienthee,

make-hafte to mine help. 1 3 . Let them /^. Let them abafhed be t onfiim'd alfo,

be abaflied and confumed, that are-ad- that adverfirtes are my fivvlunto:

erfanes ofmy fowl : let the be covered Let, With dtjhononr and Wtth opprobrU

with reproch and diflionour; that feek diem cov\ed be, that feek^mymfcrte,

mins evil. 14. And I, wil patuntly- 14, tAnd'j,Wil patiently~Wayt alwaya:

wayt connnually :and ^idd, umo al thy andm^'ke-adduton^, walthyprayfe,

praife. 15. My moinh flial tel thy jul- ij, tJViy monthjh.d tel thy jafltee, even dayly

tke, al the day thy (alvaricn : though I thy (avwg-heaUh: thoughmmbers k^cw notf,

know not the numb' rs. 16. I u il en- 16.'Jenter Wtl, m powers ofGOD the Lord**

ter,in the powers of the Lora lehovih:! thy pftuecndy ihtne. Will record,

Wil ret ord,thy juftice thine om ly. 77. God,fio my childhood learnedme hafi thoU%

17. O God .thou halt learned me from and / haveJhevpd thy marvels, vntilnow,

my childho< d:& hitherto, have I fliew- iS. t^^nd til old-age and hoarnes alfi bee,

ed thy mai vtlous-Uwi^/. 18. And alfo God let me no firfikin be of thee:

unto old agr- and lioary nes, 6 God for- vnttl thme ai me unto this age IJhew^

fake me not: until I Ihew thine armc to thy powr, to every one thatJhalenfw,

r/?/i generatio; rhy power, to every one ip. Thy fifiicecke c(fod, which reaeheth

that^s} come. ip.And thy jultice 6 God, ft’ch dcofigreat-things; 0 God, Whoishko thtef

fi -unto on high: which haft doon 20, ThonWhich dtdji manyfirowes make mefee^

grcat-f^»wf f ;6 God, who ts like thee? and evil: dtdfi retnrn ttnd ejinitken mee;

20, Whi. h didft make me ro fee, di- fio deeps ofth*earth,didfi tnrn bringmethecee

ftrelfes many, and evil; didft return and 2 1 , Thonmneh-wereafedfl my magnificence:

quicken me; and from the dvCps of the tAnd thandM tnrn-abont ctmfrt mec*.

carth,didft i erurn ^ bring n^e up. 22. tAnd J, Wtl With Init wflrument Uwd thee,

21. Thou d’dft much-increafe my thy fkithfiilnes,my Cjod: fing pfalm I Wtl

greatnes, and didft turn-about& com- to thee With harp, 0 SAINCT oflfraiL

fort me. 22, Alfo I, wil confefs thee 2^, My lipsjhal(howt,Whc ffing-pfilm to then

with the inftrument of pfalterie,<?z/^w thy alfi myfiwly Which then redemedfi-fiee,.

faithfulncs,my God:I wilfing-pfalm to

thee with harp; 6 holy-one of Ifrael. 23. Mylipsfhal ftiowt, when I fing-pfalm un-

to thee;&:my fowl,which thou haft redemed»

24 Alfo

1^4 Pralm. LXXI.

24. Alfo my tongue, talk of thy tongue e\ie^ juftice d4yly ^pea^i

juftice.altheday: forihcy ar abafhed for for b^JhifurJham dare they^

that mme yllfeek,

they are alhamed, that feek mine evil.

My**** M^jfoy^ou


^ J t^nnotations^Torroytor ^i^artjooccartrlu)

deliver] o^stTuke me to efcape fafe.• 3 . of habitatio] oj ofman^on :a rock wherto

1 may flieand there dwd fafe . 05aD often Calleba Rock, Pial. 18.3. aub amanfion (oj ha-bitation) togl01>eojllc,pfal.yo.i. /5The <©^ceft gcte mahc^l It plapn Be to me for a Godprotedour

. ^ hail commanded] to lueet, thine Angels, a.O Pfal. 9 1. ii* 03 , half elFe6iu-

ally appointed, ^ee Pfal.44. U ^ ©• 4. evil-doer] 0^ injurious,wrong- doer.

fyin the levened ] tfiat I'jS , the malicious : foj malicioufnes aub V/ickednes Uueucb tO leven,1 Cor. f. 8 . Chomets p^Operlp fignifietl) tflat (evened oj fowr, Exod.ii,

39 - ftcveilfebfo?. the malicious 0^ violent cruel man, a^l the a^^cehtunietfu't, the injurious:

0^ Chomets imp be Ufebfo^Chomes, the violent. g. $ lehovih] O^God: fo^itl)at|h

the bob3el0 of^lohim: fo after, beife j&CC PC^ 6» tookeftme] O^didft

rid me,tO\UCet from danger: Compare thlO bJjth ol thee] OJ in thee


but in, I'gi often ufebfo^ of- a0 Pfal. ^^3. 7. & 87. 3. fee the note there. f b. 7. awonder,/ to many] O^,amonfter to themightie: afign mhOUU themany (o;i mighty) doo gaze upon,

£pg2ik of, and fhew to others,and wonder at. wonder anb a lign,are fomctimcj^ Ufcb ai5 onc;2. Chron. 3i.i4.lnith ^ King. 20.8.9. ^0, blfciple^ \Uere as lignes and wondersinifrael, Ifa.8. iS.Heb. 2. 13. ^ehofhU^h anb htjSfell0bJei5,VlJere monitrous perfons, Zach.3.8. th'^pOfHeiS, a gazing Ifock to the world. i.Cor.4.9. hope] 0^ refuge

j a place tuh^*^

one hopeth fo^ fafetie. b. with thy glorie] OJ glorie of theej th^t lb with glorifying thee;

y honouring, bewtifying anb commending thy majellie. b. lo. fpeak of] oj fay ofme,WjjjQi; fojfahcn me; verfe 1 1 . OJ, they fpeak againft me. f pblenOjthat Ib lay-

wayt for: it ib meant fo? Cbil: ab tb the obferving of the Ifepps, Plal.f^^Ty.Wt Often tljib

Phi^f^ibufeb fO^ 000b, to keep, regard, anb prcl'erv the foul 0| life. Pfal. 97. 10. & 121.7 .Pro.

22. f. b. 14. add unreal thy praife] thatibjincreafeit jIwil prayfe thee more then £

have doen; 0^, mm^TRSTothers doo : ab ^ Chron. lo. 1 1. I wil add unto your yoke,thOt fbjiJi-

creafe it. b • if. though I know not] OJ, for I know not the mimbers,tObJecta ofthem •

^obb jidHce anb falvation ib innumerable mapeb abmuiiftreb: mhich are to be releb^atcb,

?^‘^*^'’^butcannotbcrecbncb. Pfal.40. f b. 16 , 1 wii enter


1 to meet . intothibbio^bcfK P?apfing 05ob, in hib pobier , not mine iton: 0^, i wiremeivthat ib, begin pjith hib pomjful

ftii unto old age and the hoare hayres. Ifa. 4<^. 3. 4. thine arm] tpOt ib , ftfength, help,

falvation. ^oPfal.77. i^.Ifa.n.y. & ^3. i. Deut. 33.27. thib the menof this age . ^fje b3o;b this (0? prefent) ib unbcipoob bp tgat bihitfi folobjcth. ^ee alfo Plal.

4f .4. fT b. 19. And thy juRice 6 God, blfpch lb to on high] that ib, which reacheth up

to heaven, bi5, ludlihewit. /Cftubth^<6?ceb uiibetfianbcth it. IDcc map alfo traiiflate,

Forxhy jullice ib unto the high place , that Ib, to heaven , incomp^cheuftble ; ab Pf^h 3^-^«7.

And, mapbe in (teb of For ,abPf^i. ^0*13 -anb the High place, ib bp the Chalbce ejcpouiibeb

the high Pfal.93 .4. Mat.21.9. ^ b. 20. didll make me lee]0^ us fee: Ihewedll-me,

anb us: fo} the l^cbiue hath a boublc reabtng , meaning tIDabib in fpenal, anb other <l5obb

people biitb him; fo after , it ib reab in the margine, quicken me , bring me up, ( ab alfo the

<0^ccfi hath it,) but mpttcn in the line, quicken us, bring us up. 25p making fee, ib alfo itieaut

experience aub feeling: abPfiR 49* 10. and evil] 0| evils, that ib calamities.

didft return] that ib, didil agayn quickenyo^ , wilt again quicken me. ^0 after* 33itfthe

Pfalm. LXXI. LXXII. 18/j


^^"^‘pnfrael:.©oDiisfota[ct., batltfajtt)fliSifn«"»>

Pfalm. 72.

I. For Solomon;O God, give

thy judgments to the king:& thy jultice

to the kings fon. 2 . That he may judge

thy people withjufcice: & thy poor af-

jRided ones with judgment. 3. The

mountaihes (hal bring-forch peace to

the people: and the hills, with juftice.

4. He (hal judge the poor-afflided of

the people,he lhai favethe fonns of the

needy :and (hal break-down thefraudu-

lent-oppreffour. 5. They (hal fear thee

with the fun :and before the moon; to

generation of generations. 6 , Heflial

come-down ,like the rayn upon the

mowQn-grafsi^s the (liowres, the difper-

fed-moifture of the earth. 7. In his

daycs (hal the jud-man flouri(h:& multi-

tude ofpeace, until the moon be not.'

8. And he (hal have-dominion, fro fea

unto fea:& fro the river,unro the ends

ofthe land. 9. They that dwel in dry-

places dial kneel before him: & his enc-

mieSjfl'ial lick the du(l. to The kings

ofThai(hi(li and of the yles, (Iral render

an oblation :the kings of Sheba &: Seba,

dial offer a prefent. ii. And al kings

dial wor(hiphim;aln?ti6s,(halferv him.

1 2', For he (hal deliver, the needy that

crieth-out: and the poor-a(fli6fed, & to

whom no helper « * 1 3 , He (hal mer-





pfalm. y 2,

Sing this as the 69, or as the 45:. pfalm.

O Gody tl:y judgmenttgive the King untOi

thy jujhce to the Kings give alfi.

That ^tth jufiice thy people judge may hee:

With judgment,them that thwe afftcied bee.

The mountsjhal to the people brings firth peace:

tfje hills With juji-righttotifnes.

Th*ajjli5led ofthe people judgeJhal hee;

Jhalfdve the fonns ofthem that needte hee :

tHopprefforfaudulent he down-fhal- bear.

Whiles Sun and Afoon tndure ytfoeyjjjaltheefar;through ages al. Like ^^y^ on tnt^dow-mown;

likejhovprs that moyfieti th earth; fhal become^


ThejuftJhalfloimfh in his dayesic^ftore

ofpeace, until the Afoon (hsilbc no more.

^Ifo dominion, ftomfeatofeax

from river to the lands ends, have fjal he.

Kneel to himJhal dwellers in dry-coumrmi

and lu.k^the duft up, Jhal his enemies.

The Kings ofTharjhijh and the yles, offtings

they renderJhal: Shebaes and Sebaes Kings^

(hal offer prefents. Andhim Worfhipfoal ‘

at Ktn^s: and ferv himJhJ, the nations al.

For he Jhal rtdd, the needy that mak^ monex

th'afthfied, and him that hath helper none.




186 Pfalm. LXXIT.' cifu!ly-fparc,t^c poor & needy :and dial

fav'e die fowks of the needy. 14. He* dial redeme their fowl, fromfrau d and

violent-wrong: and precious dial their

blood be,in his eyes. 1 5 . And he dial

* live,and he dial give to him, oh he gold

ofSheba: and dial pray for him cotiim-

ally;dialblefs him,al theday. \ 6 , Ther

flialbe a parcel ofcorn,intheland,inthe

top of the mounrains; rhe fruit therof

flial diake like Lebanon: and flourididial

they of the citie, as the herb out of the

earth. 17. His name dialbe, for ever;

his name dial be continued, before the

fun: and they (hal blefs rhelelves in him;

8l nations dial cal him blefled. iS.Blef-

fed ^flehovah God, the God of Ifrad:

which dooth marveilous-things him-

The poor md needy hi



fhd fpi^re: and fave thefivdei ofthe needy,

14. Thetr fewhfiofrauds redeem fhdheei'

andm hu tyeSy thetr blondfhalpreckpu hce,

ej. LiveJhd he^ Shebae^ gold cchJhalhim pay:

and pray fur himfttlli bitf htm al the day.

Withm the land, upon the mountnyns top^

tkerJljal a parcel be ofcorn', >^hofe crop'

(1)aIfhake like Lebanon : and ciitzjtns

flrilfioHrifh ,ai the herb i hat th'carth out fends,

77 . Hh nameJljalbe fir aye; befire the Sun^

his nameflsal have contwuatton:

hethens bLf httruflefft in himJhalbee*

jg, Jehovah (]od, 'jfrels God, blefft be hee:

)X*htch dooth htmfelf alone things marvelopu,

^nd blefftfor aye, be his nameglorwui :

let alfi al the earth evenfylied ben

Vfith hisglorie; ^men^, yt2i-and ^metu.fdf alone, ip. And blefled the name

of his glorie, for evcr:& let al the earth,be fyllcd with his glorie;Amen,& Amen,20. Ended are the prayers :ofDavid, fonoflefle,


T.. For Solomon] a Pfalm ofDavid for Solomon: anb tfjc Iflfl bfr(e

fdcujctb it to be mabc bp tDabib , anb it concenietlj Chrid anb feingbciti/igureb bp So-lomon, Song. 3.ii.arbt(icrfo^'calcbbpbis^namc, ais elfttib^e brii5 falfb David : Hoi’.3.r.

;&ufbalfo id fbe title cftfie iz7.|dfahTi. Kings Ton] to tobemtbe right cftfte biiig^

bom bclongetit bp birti) anb inf)‘ litanrc. ^0 Cbjift boao King Davids fon, anb bom King©f the lewcs. Mark.ii. ic. Mar. z. z. & 21. 4a. tO Jjtm the Father gave al judgement :Ioh.f.zz.

y Xi. 2. /g^bat he may] 02, Let him’iudgej tfjat ijc» govern thy people in julhce, tftat id juftlyr

luSrfoinin^ Mekhi-zedek, thatfd King ofjudice, Heb.7.2. of Ulhom it VUadp^O^Ptlcdcb7behold a King dial reign in ju djee., Ifa.


2z. i. 3. The mountayns ihzl bung#torth

JoDhal bear,ToWrt, aTtHHfTnTTt

; foj fotfpd pS^afc hnpOJtCtha lob. 40. u


t!ic reft that folom , map alo be vcab p^aperVueife, let the mountayns bear &c. ^ peace]

that id profperitie,plenty of fruits,which ihould be injoyed with peace^ad al ^olotvod bapcd>Ifrael dwelt without fear, every man under his vine and figrree, i King.4.? 5. lir bCt Cftpflj

the workand effedt ofjudice,is peace, quietnes,andadurancefor ever . Ifa. 3Z.17. Rom. f.i. the

mountayns drop-down new wine^ and the hills flow' wdth milk . loel. 3. i8. Amos 9.13.

hills, withjudice ] t!)at id > the hills alfo lhal beare pcace,w ith judice: both pCOCe ailb jllfe|

lice; ad tftefe tmo are fapb to kyfs ceb other , Pfal.s^ 1 1 anb €b^i{t id 3^ing both ofjudice &j

peace, Heb. 7. 2. hid biligbome id jtidke, peace, andjoy, Horn. 14. 17. it map alfob? tcab,for

I'udice. $. 4. the fraudulent-oppreflbr] ^h^lFS thC <SpjCcL htlT ralcth l)XophantjVnhic6lllO^b td Ufcb fo^ injurying by forged cavillation

,Luk. 19, 8. & 3 . 14. ^ec before Pfal. f^z. 1 1.

^ *Vi, They dial fear ] men dial reverence, thflt id, wmrlliip anb ferv thee

. ^0 fear id Ufed

foj worfliip, Ifa.z9* 13. Mat. T^ 9. with the fun ] oj before the fun, ad Id aftCt ebmcf*

;^tJ^-a|rfeb verf. 17. anb ad the ^ebjuc ghnim, with, id elftohere ufcb fo? before, Edh .7 .8. anb before

^ iW and moon^ meauetj continually;! fp long as they diinc yi\ the Id

Pfalm. LXXir. 187

tJjC fnbutrtfl , Gen. 8. Pfal.89. 37.38. €]63lbft fntcri>?rtrt5 tf, with the rtiing^rt-3 Tthe fun

, and in the li 'ht of the moon, 10^ at morning and eveningj hap ailD lUgfjtJ a0 ?T

tj)2 tVUClU tt\b2p arc fapD fo inrtandy to ferv,A<d.z6.7. tl. the mo\vcn-grafs]t{)e me- i^\dow,\Df|ici)hem‘^mamaimti)cfaeijm?imgotfoinmer, crabeth ramitftatitniapijiDtua#


Capn . Cjc original UJOjh alfa a iliorarii^cce of ujoofi tDl)ictj fcnte fomc hccp l)sre,

anD rcfccr it to heauj t|)at fd on Gedeons fleece,'a3ij«n t&e lano hzpc,auh Oc^apn outjre laith , UJ^ea tf)e fleeceuras hjpe ;

ludg. ^.37,-40. Solomon aiiO Chriif arc here fan t? tacQmejiown as rayn, in tcfpcct of tfxc Doctrine and admimllratfoti jndgcmmt bp t^imi.

jfBofC0 fapD j My doctrine lhaldroj> as theravn &c. Deut.^z.z. and 3ob fapD they way ted for

me as for the rayn &c. lob. zy. 13. and, the Lord ilial come unto us as the i*ayn dcc.^Iof.^.j . .

the dirperfed-moyllure] UUdCtftandjWhich are the moyhure,t][)at i0 ,which lliowrs doo moy-ilen the earth, zarziph tj) 3 ^eb^ueU3ozdufeh oiiflpm t()i0 place, ftatlj t{)e fignification ofdifperfing moyllufeoz water ,a0 id bp f!)Oll3JC0 , ^00 Ijabiug divided fpoWts for the rayn^

toijerbp it i^jlroujcd abroad upon tfje eavtb, iob.38.zr. lODljcifoje tlje fopner toojb iLowers,

iniplietf) rayn that falech with minifold (oj mill ons of) dropps, aoPfal.^fj. ii* 1 .

b . 7* multitude ofpeace] tO UJCCt ih-albe, oj ibai flouriili : and t[)!0 Shalom, peace, map Xt* 01fiiecttgc name Ofshelomohoj Solomon, mijicl) figntfietl) peaceable, a0 map ppmifcD to . .T

^abidj Behold a fon is born to thee, which fnalbe a man ot reft, for I wil give him reft from all Tl TO*

his enemies round aboutjtherfore his name is Solomon

,and I wil fend (Slalom) peace and qui-

etnes upon Ifraelin his dayes . i. Chron. zz. y. moon be not] oj be taken away, a0 tl)e

<©ieell CjCplapnetf) it : tl)at ip , til the worlds end : a0 bcfo?^5j verf. r .‘ $. 8 . from fea to

fea] from tfte fait fea, ( the lake ofSodom, Gen. 14. 3. )

to the mayn fea ^ec Num. 34.

tec. mliere t^e Itmitp of tlje land arc Dcfcribcd . from the river] :|)C great nver Luphra-

ces,Gen* ir. ig.Deut. II.Z4. 3'l<Solomaat})i0 \na0 aCCOmpUfr)Cd , mjen he reigned over

all kingdoms, from the river , to the land of tne Philiftims, and to the border of^^.gyt, 1. King.4 »

a I . in €Ij:ii!l:, mijien all nation^ mere bjougfjt into ftip fubjection bp tl)t gofpel,a0 Mat.zs. 1 8


ly. Adt. I. 8. Coiof. I. f . Rev. II. 15. $,y. in dry-places] OJ, in deferts^ U}j)iCi)tl)^

<0^ceh cpplapnctfj the /Ethiopians. Cf)e ^cbjt« Tftjim, fignifictl) bere and Pfal. 74^ h. p<^o-

ple thatdwel in drie defer: places; fometimc it 10 ufcb fO} wild, beafts tl)^t bauut fucijde^

defert05 a0 Ifa. 34. 14. & 13. ZI. ler. ro.jy . lick the dull] like a ferpenc, a0 i0 •

fed in Mic.7 .1^. noting IJP fubjedfion; tcfdificd ip boming doiim tbeir facc0

totbeground; a0 id tbc manner in tbe<iBa(terncountrie0. gnifa. 49. 2.3.3 (ihe p^omife i0

ltiadetOtbcCbutCl)Of€tni|t- 10. ofThanhilh] ojofthe Ocean; that dUielbptbe mayn fea

. ^ee tbc note on pfal. 48.8. . Sheba and Seba ] that i0 , of /Ethiopia ailD,

Arabia,farr foutbeni coimtrie0,fnbabitcd bp tbc pofleritp of Sheba andSeba tfte nepb^bi aitii

fon of Cufti tlje (ba ofCham tfje fon ofNoah,Gen .10.7 . /CftC Queen of Sheba (o^ of the Souch)

cam: from tfteutmoflpait0bftbeeartb5 to bear tbc \33ifdom of Solomon, and gabe bimluucb gold, fmcet odour0 , and pjcficu0 fdone0: i . Mat.1z.41.

iz. to whom no helper] Oi, him that hath no helper, ^ec tfjC libc bp 31ob, lob.zy .iz.

b.H precious ihal their bloud be] that 10,their death; meaning, tfiat bercgardctb tbeir fife, *01^1‘

and mill not cafilp fuffec them to be bpllct, foj that it id p^mou0 and dear btito bim ; ad on*

tlje contrarp l^aul fapd, his life was not dear unto himfel^ Ijoben Ijt ma0 UJilliiig and rcadptoloofcitfo^CbjiWeaufe , Adi. zc. z4. ^ec Pfal. it - hellial give] mcaming man ill general,o| ech one,brought in fubjection;a0 tlje 45|ceb faptljjto him ihaibe given


meaning to Solomon. gold of Sheba ] tbe <^^ce& faptb, ofArabia

: fee verf. 10


al theday]0|dayly. 16. There lhalbea parcel &c.] whera handful ofcornfhalbc

fown , on the top of the mounts ( tbC mo|l barren plaCC0 )there ih.albe fuch increafe that the

truit fhal ibake and make a noyfe like the trees of Lebanon. ihake] CJ ftyrr with noyfe;

ruftie. Lebanon] tl)ati0 , trees ofLebanon; a0 the earth, fo;i the inhabitants of the

earth,Pial.^i^.i.Of tbi0monnt,fectb^nOteonPfai»2y.5* they ofthe city* tbati0,tbcAi z utizen^s

P/alm. LXXir. LXXIII.citizens; aji, they of the world are ye of the fiMvem

,the inhabitants there. Compare ImtoltJ) Ifa. zj . f. contin^H 1 Jfon continueth his fathers name

: fo2 tf)P Olimnal iinnon ( Oi miin ^*

aSon: the <6?ff6alfotUmrt};it,hKnamecontinufth: Snb«»t b: ecbnn [)bit,tah6 chrhHans, Ad. I X. ... a„b hisThhS' nib 1 /f f»»thefunjtptw folongasitinduiem; ag verfe,. .fioPfaJ, lo.. ^hevfhalhf^?to tom, men otalnarions

,IM count and fpeak of Oieir bleffednes inhim


. cal hxm blelTed] o^, happy, iTxal beat.fy h.fn.^

fi. ifnfme ofhrgiofy^'^^^^^^glorious (O? honourable) name. jfeoLord ofglorie, lam. . i fot elorioifs I or^

f 3 «<I9' to,with the manifellation ofhis glorfou® works mh n'ravr K-'foflhFftSrr^ ryterftesNum. .4. .i ifa... ErkrtT*^ him

n * ^ 2»o. Ended 1 02 Complet e are: meanftifi th^it thin tx^e^P*• : ^ tnf raf! OfiSDatJibiSpiapm ox npmnco, (a#tl)e tranflatctri

iict fetm in ojber , ajs neptJjcr otftcr be. (©2, thattffilefr fm r ii?

P^ophffied, anb fo2 mhifft fie pzapebPalf^ingDcm,.

leffe] OZlilliai, 00 tfie ^cbZUe foundftfi It; anO fcmtUTie Illiai I Chron -» T-.


name ftgmpetfillrength and manhood 3 n0 David, amiable.^ UlfitCg

The third book.

Pfalm. 73

1. A pfaIm,of Afapb:

YEt-furely God, is good to Ifrael; tothem pure in hart. 2. And

, I,my feet almoft fwar vcd-afide;my ftepshad vrel-nigb flipped- out. 3 . For I in-

•vied,at vaynglorious-fools; Vehen I faw,the peace of the wicked. 4. For ther

^re no bands in their death; and lufiie is

their ftrength. 1 hey not in themoleflation offory-man:& with earth-ly-man, they are not plagued. 6, Ther-fore,pride compafleth them-about-as achaine;vioIence covereth them,^r a gar-ment. 7. Their eyes ftanderh'Out withfatnes’.they pafs the imaginatios of the

doo corrupr,and fpeakwith malicioufiies of oppreffion: theyfpeak fro aloft, p. They fectheir mouthagainfl the heavens: and their tongue,walkerh rfirough thecarth. tq. Ther-fore,his people turnech hither: &r waters

a £ul H^rung-out tg dum.

Pfalm 7^.

Sing this as the yo. Pfalm.

frtlygood to'ffradGod \si

1 even unto them that havt tn hart purenit^2 , ^rid'f

^myfet almoft afde-fvp^rvedi

wy (hpps, had Wel^mgh evfty-oneflipped,

3 Pf'r]^ ^ols-vawglortctu^ envied:

when^ the peace of^id^d-men effted.

4- Ff^rwtheirdeathnopawfiihbdcis ther bce:and lufhe is thetrfirm^v ihditie,

J, They are not m turmoyUfmen-Wretched:and are not ^nth the earthly-men plagued,

6 . Therfire, pride as a chain about themfvpayethithem as agarment violence arayeth.

7. ff^eir'eyes, Wtthflitnes cut doothflarnthey pajfe, th'imaginattons ofthe hart.

8. They doo corrupt, ^nd ffeak^malicioufly

oppreffion^: tJ:ey ffeakjnoft-loftily. (talking:9. e>^gawfl the heav ns thetr mouth theyJet- a-

aljo thetr togue,throughout the earth is Walhng.10. Therfvre, htsfi/k turns hither: fid. cub

of^Hier^ is ^rungfir them to drinks up.

ii. And

Pfalm. LXXIII.

11 And they fay; Hovr dooth God

linovt': and is there knowledge in the d u thtr h<wlcdge »2 the GoA Mcjl-hye.

moft-'hve 12. Loethcfeow the wick- 12 . Loe ihtfethe'^nckedzre: ««d wtratiqmllttM

'ed-&i'itranquiUitieevet;theyencreaCe fore-uer, they imreafe in rich-Mme.

wealthy-powlr. 13. Surely «» vayn, Surely in vayn^, tlenjed mine hart havt^:

havelckn(edminehart;&waflied mytjf. fy4nd althedayV/ithfliguts-a^hctedam^

'in mormngs eke, is my rehakeful-blame.

,}. fffdoofay, thits Veil ftna\e-natration-,

he, f Voron^-frljly iky (Snni generation.

2 ^

U. aindf thought, hy-knowyge-to-coprifi:

but it « jkawfill-thwg was in wine eyes*

17. Ttlto Cjods[MHanes'}mredi

to their Uft-end, didfrudently-givt^heei.^

paUnes in innocencie. i 4 » And ain

pla2ued,al the day :and my rebuke « in

the mornings. 15. Ifl

thus doe,I unfaithfully-wrong the gene-

ratio ofthy fonns .16. And I thought,

to know this;to it a paynful-thing

inmineeyes. 17. VntilIentred,into

the fan6tuaries ofGod: did prudently-

amnd, to theirlaft-end. i8. Surelyarttnd to their lait-ena. 40.

thou dooftfet them, in flipperie-p/<rc«:' tS.

- ^ « I 1* 1 ^ o ArifiG- thfifyi Tzil. to G.e(ol(iteci'“Caj€6


dooff make them fil, to defolations,

19, How are they bronght to wondrous-

defolacion as m a moment/ are they

at an end are they confumed,with iroii-

blefom-fnghts/ 20. As a dream after

vm wakethio Lord,when thou rayfeif up,

thou wilt defpife their image. 21. Sure-'

ly,mine hart was !evened:& I w’as pric-

ked,w my reines. 22. Andltt7<«J bru-

tifh,& knew not:<w the beailsiwas I with

thee. 23. Yet I, continually with

theeithou haft holden me faft, by my

right-h?md. 24. Thou wilt guide me

with thy counfel : & after, wilt receiv me

toglonc. ^5, Whom have I in the hea-

doojf ma\e them fhly to defoiated-cafes .

ip. How are they hxo\ji^Uf>^'odroHs~^allei-

as in a moment! are they ended-qwght (pbgbt

ar theycofum'd,^^^frights-that-trouble^makel

20. £‘ven-as a dream after that one dooth'^akei

0 Lori^-my-ftayes, ^hen as thou up anfeft


tbetr tm4^e thou contewptHouJly^de^tfe/i*

21. Surely mine hart ^as (owrlyMvenedx

within my reynesj f aljo '^Oi pricked.

2 2. <^nd f was brutijh and Hnjktlfrl-ejuytt:

f Was With thee, even-as a beafily’Wight.

2^. TetJ with thee continually remayned:

by tny right hand, thou hajl fTicfirm-retcyned*

24. • Thou with thy counfel Wilt meguideJofti) i

and after. Wilt recetv me toglory.

i^ensf and with thee, I delite not any in 2j. Whom have fw the heavens? and With thee

earth. 26. Wholly-confumed is my

fle(h,& my hart: the Rock ofmy hart &my portion, God for ev’cr. 27. For

loe they that are gonc-farr from thee

(hal pen(h; thou fuppreTeft, every one

that goeth-a-whoring from thee.

28. And l;to draw-nigh to God, good

for me: I have fet my hope-for-fafetic in

the Lord Iehovih:for to tel,al thy w orks.


The third book, ] tO VJJftt ofPfalmes. netc ®n Pfal.

iv 2 2k

notie in the earth delytefiihpleafeth mee.

26. tJMypf) and mine hartjfhyleth-altcgither:

mine harts Rockland my portiC 72->,Godfir eveTf

27 . For he they that ar fi^-offflom theegone^

(halperijh : thou fuppreffft, every cne

28. that doofh a Whorwg-g'efrom thee. And^fy

itsgoodfir me,TO Godfir to drow-nye

^w the Lord GOT)fit my hofeful-fiatknj;.

cfal thy Work^y fir to decUmtofu.

i, ofAfaph"o|^

XS.O Pfalm. Afaph J a Prophet, ailtl a finger: feePfal. fo.f. It&e tftic oftfif w,J^falme0 fo!o\jjmg. CDefe ate fo^ t^c mod part,cmtiplanit0 aiiD mciJitatton^ oftfte trou#bleiS of<l5ob0 people* 2. almofi] 0^, a very litle lacfeeD but my feet had fwarved

: faafter, wel mghj OJ, almoftnothinglacbeb but my Itepps had been Ihed: noting petcbpjUJj

" great banger to pabe faUn tftjougft gtp objn infirmitie,pab not faitft in 05ob fudepneb pirn,

jfwarved] oj turned, declined. aub tge nett tooib flipped, {jabe a bouble reabtng in

r thz ^ebpn j bp tge bobjelb, they had fwarved, they had flipped : bp tj)e tonfonautb , it haifwarved

, it had flipped meaning, ech ofhis feet, anb every of his fteps, tO j)i0 Utter ruiue^flipped-out ] 0^5 been powred out, to bjeet as watery anb fo% ftab beentop.

3. invied] 0^ was gealous, had inviouszele. ^eePfal. 37* i* 4. bands] o|knotcSjtJatijS payns, fores, difeafes &c. ^ in their death] 01 til their death; meaningtpat tfirp libe long in pleafure, anb bpe at eafejapTSTieplapiieb lob. zi . 13 ,

They ipend their

dayes in'%vealth, and fuddenly they goe down to the grave. ^ huilulty] oj, and fat ip thei r

fortitudej ( their firm llrength of bobp: )ap 31ob fapti), one dyeth in his ful flrength, beinginal eafe and profperitiej his breafls are ful ofmilk, and his bones run ful ofmarrow. Iob.2i.23»i4*

5pi. gioleilation offory-man] tf|at ip,hich tiirmoyl as other miferable men indure. ^ee tg(libe pOiaf^ in 2 Sam. ?T i4. i5.honi anb Adam are pcre tje namep of all toietcBeb manfeinb»

Pfal.8.;. 6 ^ compaflfeth &c ] oj, is a chaine to them, and to him, tbatip,every

£5?. ofthem : aba collar that ip Oangebfol an opiament about tfte nccii.Klnboft&iproojb Anak,tohangachaine, tl&at giant Anak^abftip name, bjpofe cfjilbjcnUjerccalebAnakims, mmgreat ofPftture ,

p^ouib, anb cruel, ^e Num. 13. 23 .34. ioi'.is*i3. 14. a garment]

a fet, habit, 0^ ornament, ftnclp fitted to tf|e bObPi fuclj UJap the harlots habit; Prov* 7 . 10.

7. eyeslhndeth] tftat ip, Ech eye flandeth, oj ftarteth-out of tfic goleforfatnes.^03 y fnIob.i5'.27 .he hath covered his face with his fames* they pafs the imaginations &c*]*• tpat ib , they exceed in ppfpCtitp above that they could imagine of think : c^, they furpafs in

liicbebnep above that which mans hart can think; acfozbing to tftat U)l)icf| j^ere folobaetf);anb

^ abtn ler. ;. 28. It ip fapb, they are wexen fat and ihining; they doo pafs the words ( o^ deeds)ofT " the wicked. b. 8. They doo corrup t

] 0^ Confume,diirolv 0;Z make dilfolute, bp tbfiC

451 toicbeb fpccc5ie??,anb bp tftcir oppj^lfion ofmen. %t map be unberfroob ofcormptn^ oj ma-• -*' king rotten bjitl) fpn , tbcmfclbcp 0^ otfterp ;

o; confuming and walling bzitj) opp^cfiion.

with malicioufnes] 0) m evil, tliat ip, malicioufly; oj malignantly. from aioftjtjat

tbj loftily of the Moft-hye; t^at ip ofGod : ap in tljC nCjCt bcrfe. b. 9 . againft heaves]

that ib,ag^infl God 8c his lainds,UJljOm t{)ep blafp^cme ap it ip bljittm, heopeifedhis mouthunto blafphemieagainll God, to blafpheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dweliii

heaven; Rev.13.6. ^OClfbJ|)CrC heavens arc ufeb fO^ God, Dan.4. 23. Luk.i;.i8.

b. lo* his people] Gods own people are bp tljtp ftfflicteb * ^(icrfo^c tj)e faptft mypeople; tljc #faln# fpeabing of Ijib b^etbjen, ab after of gimfeif, verf. 13 .

' hiiheij

to tbefe tftomihtp and tentationp.» tobicb fqlobJ in tljnieyt b«1ep. y a ful ] tfte toojb

cupTbpalen^ip^^^ bc unberiIoobj0irfong;fb^TO Pfal. 10.9 .;gice tfte note tj)crf *

25p waters of a ful cup , are meant abundance of tears, to{)icS ®ep mu|t bpnli; tl)at ip ofaf-

: fluftioiis anb tentations tol)icfj tftep fuffcr ;ap in Pfal.80.^* wrung-out to themjo^ drunk,

(fiickedup) by them ;apinPfal.7r.9« b. 12. in tranquillitie 0^ quiet/afe, welthie,at

eafe. Compare Ijeretottf) ler. 12.1.2* welthy-power] abilitie by riches; fee pfal.49.

7. b* 13 . clenled] tl)at ib ,laboured to clenfe and purge, bp faptf) and continual fatlC#

tifiCOtiOU jAdt. i;.9* I. lohn.3 ‘.3. Otljertoife , who can fay, I have made mine hart clean? Prov*

20.9. innocencie ]O^cleannes; fcePfal. 2^. ($. & 24.4. b. 14- am plagued]

01 touched toitg afflicticnp ,punillied, toljicft tl)e toicbeb are not,verf.;. my rebuke]

d blame, tO toeet ,I bear; tffe challifement for mp fpitUp . in the mornings] tgat i$t

. every morning,OJ early : tbeliUeplbaf^ ibPfal. 101.8. lob.7. 18. Lam.3.23 . Ifa.33.2.

b- n. I wU tel thus] tbat 4^, if t&efe tentatioub p^ebapi agaiKtt me ; fo tbat^ffioulb tel

dn ' anb

Pfalm. ^ LXXIIL LXXIV. ipi

•nb bcclare fo;t tnitfi tgefc inp caqial tBougftt^.Telling often ufeb foj publifhing anb prea-

ching to Otj)er0 :^ee Pfal.z*? . vnraithfully-w’rong]0^ faithleffly' tranfgrefs againit the

generation of thy fonns, (6 ^cb:) t^at of thy people, calfb the fonns ot God, Dent 14. !i. Iohn»3.i. b. 18. prudently-attend to] confider their latter-end. ^ ftlit fpcet]^

5Bafeb ufrth Dent. 32. 29. ^ b. v^ondious-defolation] furjj ab tJ)e bCs?

l)dbfT0* ,5^uc{) futfDapn(lrangebcfolation<6cbbjc«ol)ton 25alplor cfclt.ier. 51.37.41.

h::cbU5tlagapnj Rev. 18. 10.17. 35 . 20. As a dream] tOb3Cet fo they are,C?,ro vanilh-01eth their profperitiej bJljICb b3f)Cn OJIC abJafertg , IjS gOlie; lb plamip fet fc^tfi in Ifa^ 19 .7*8*

^0 Clfb;J)Crf It Ib fapbj he Ihal flee away as a dream,and not be found,& fhal pafs away as a vi-

tion ofthe night,rhe ey which faw him, lhaldpo fo no more &c. lob. 20. 8. 9. ^ thou *Vrayfefl up] to bJ‘:Ct thy felf, tftat lb rifefl up tO piinifl) tjcm^ab Pial .3 5 .13 .01 rayfeft up tO ibCerthe,at tftc laf! bap ofjubgmetr^o tlje Cftalbee pavapb^tli' turnet!) it,fapmg,m the day of the

greatjudgment they ihal rife up out of the howfe of the grave, in wrath thou wilt defpife their

image. Cf)C faptb,ih thy citie thou wilt defpife their image : ti)e l^)cb^UC bJOjb baghnir ,

bring attibi^ucub- Sn tijib fenfe compare bercbiitj) Ecclef.s. 10. dlfpife their iniage] tatt


0| their fliadow3 tfj^t id, delfroy their tranfltorie eflatc^ foj, mail walketh in an image,Wal.3^ ^ *

7*<S^3tefcrrinn !t to tje lap jubgcment,tbcir image map mean tbrir corrupt fynful ftate,Gen.

f . 3. anbt^e d'efpifingcfit;, ibtl)cir utter rcjcctioilifo^ then tbfpfbairtfe to fhameand con-tempt eternal. Dan. 12.2. 21. wayeyenedJ_Ojlevened itfelf tfiatibj wasvexed,mnngreived, fwelledj was fowr as leven, bOttlj lilp fiethng gieifanb anger . I was pricked}^**

' '

0;, fharpned ( pricked) my felfj tf|at lb, felt fharp pay nes, tO bOeet jtoltf) Ittp fretting tfjOUgbt^and befireb . n. brutiiR ] that ib^ fooliili, fenfual lifee a b;iute beap, not Babing ^tge unberpanbing of a man in me : ab ib evpiapneb Prov.30.2. ^tt alfo Pfal.49.11.

ab the hearts ] tftat 10:, ab one of them, 0^ a great heart; l|eb^ Behemoth; b3j)ic{) lb Ufeb fOJ

tge bap Elephant, lob.40.10. ^bc<0;terbbere tUrnetl)ttBertial : o^^brutifh.

b. 24. to glory ]0J with glory; tpat lb glorioufly ; honourably, ^ee i.Tim.3.i^.Phil.3*

ii. Heb.2. 10. iPet.5.1.4. b. 25. whom have 1 ]_D2 who lb for me, but thee tO truPin, o^talupom ddite not

] 0^ take n^ealureTin anp peifoii , oj tfiing.


150. are fan fro his law,aub tptfo^e lalvation is farr fro them, PI. 1 19. 155. ab ftete they perifh

bpberab tlje rigbteoilb are a people neer God,Pf. 14S.14.

.^hat^oetly^a whoring,fr6 theeltfiat ib ,

gocth after idols, bcpavtiiig from the true God,ab Hof. i. 2.fop^atnei^biEacIf^Gods covenant, tb often Caleb whordom OJ fornication. Ier.3.9.20. EzeL &c. Pfalm,106.39. b. 28. to draw nigh 1 fo botb tjbe<i5ieeb and Chaldee too cji'pTapn tficBe^ Planblue phzafe the drawmgTheer orcoT; aiib t{)ub it lb alfo ufeb in ifa .5 8 .2 . anb ib boon ibp thefaithofthe<^5ofpel, H^b.7.T9. lehovihJojGod: fee Pfal. 68»2i, totel]thatImay tel

, oj declare ; ab tge <©zeelt eirplapnetg it^

Pfalm. 74. Pfalm, ^4,

/. O God^ hafl thoftcafi useffto peypetft^

I. An inftruain£».p/S/w,ofAfapht Br-£,F5El~5=5--?=F=F=F.—WH<Tfore6God.haftthoucaft moff to perpetuitie:(hal thine an- itieiagainfl the(heepof thypafifirejmek^ thy

ger fmoke^againft the flieep of thy paf-


3. Remember thy congregation, 'fcmhfiUyl t, which^hiQh ^ ' ^


thou haft purchafcd, of old; the

rod of thine inheritance,vv/7fc^ thou haft

redcmedithis mount Sion,wherin chouhaft dwelt.

3 . Lift.up thy feet,to the defolations

of perpetuitie: theencmie, hath doon-evil CO the fanduarie.

4. Thy diftreffers roar in the middsofthy fynagogucs; they have fet, their




He was knowen,as he lifted on hye:

axes,againft the thicket of the wood,^

6 . And noWjthe carved-works,ther-

of al togither:thcy hav betc-down,wich

r beetle and mallets.

7. They have caft into the fyre, thy

fanduaries:to the earth, they have pro-

faned the dwelling-place of thy name.



They fayd in their hart, let us make-' fpoyl ofthem alcogither:chey have bur-

ned, al the fynagogues of God in the


9. Wefeenot,our fignes;theris not

m7y prophet more;nor any with u^ that

knoweth how long.

10, How long 6 God,dial thediftref-

fer rcproch? dial the enemie blafphcme

thy name to perpetuitie?

1 1


Wherfore turneft thou away thine

hand,even thy r\g\n'h2LndUraw tt out of

the midds of thy bofome, make-a ful-



thoH haft ofold pttrehafi ; the rod ofthtne mhentunce^

Whie h thoH redemed hafi ;

Thts .Swn mount^'^herin thou dvfCtfi*

S* Lift thou thy ftet on hye^

unto the defiUttons '


tfje enemie in th'Holy-pUce

hath u\ things ^afled-fore^

4* Jn middej} ofthyfynagogues

doo thy didrejjers rorei

theirfignes have theyfet up hr ftgfju'.

j, €chknown-Wa4 ’fkmcuJly^as he againfl th'mfiulded Wood

did axes lift on hye.^

6. ty^ndaltogither^ at this time


the carved Works ofit:

.With beetles and With clubby^mauts^

in peeces-dom~they~bet,

7. Thy (anUuaries^ they have caft

tnfyre: the dwellmg-place

ofthy name^ down unto the earth

they didprofknely-rafe.

S. They m their hart did fay; Let m •

ofthem aUonce make- fpoyl:

thy burnt have^al thefynagogues

ofGod Withtn theftyl.

p. Ourfignes^ We doo not now behold:

ti^r ts not Hi among

a Prophet more; nor any onethat knowes the time how long,

/ 0 . How long 0 God^ (hal th'adverfe^ fte


fhal tWenemie blafphtme thy name^

to perpetuity?

//. O wherfore doofl thou turn away

thtne handj even thy right hand?

it from midds ofthy bofome drawmake thou a complete-end.

iz.Tox t2. For

Pfalm. Lxxrnt14 . For (Roijf mv Icing from anti- for God, Isfrom miquitie

^uitie: he worketh &lvacions, in the my King: heperfi&eth

midds ofthe earth* helpfid^fatvations^ withitr-


Thou didft break-afundcr the Tea

by thy ftrength : didft break-in-peeces

the heads ofthe dragons,in the waters.

14. Thon didft quite-burft the heads

of Livjathan.-didft give him for meat, to

the people that-dwel-in drye dderts*

15. Thou didft cleav,the fountain 8c

theftream: thou didft drye- up, the ri-

?ers offtrength.

1 6. The day is thine, the night alfo is

thine: thou haft prepared, the light andthe fun.


Thou haft conftituted,aI the bor-

ders of the earth : the fommer and the

winter,them haft thou formed.


Remember this, theenemic re-

procheth lehovahiand the foolilh peo-

ple,blafpheme thy name.

Ip. Give not the fowl ofthy turtle-

dove to the wild-copanie: the copanic

ofthy poor-afflicted, forget not to per-


20. Have-refpc<5 unto the covenant:

for ful are the darkneffes of the earth,of

the habitations of violent-wrong.

21. Let not the opprefTdd return aftia-

tned: let the poor-affli^ed and needy,

prayfe thy name.

2 2 . Rife-up o God, plead thou thy

plea: rememlkr thy reproch from the

foohaltheday. .

the middefl ofthe emh,Thefeet thoH by thy fortitude

a (under‘brokfft h^jh

die f)ragoHs heads, in Waters eketn pieces thou hafl braff^

14, Thou alfo brakefi utterly

the heads ofhiv\athan\

didft him for meat give, to theJvlk,

in deferts that remayn.

tj. Thou clavft, the ^untayn and theftreom^i

didft drye upfiouds ofmight,

tS.Thineis the day, night ef^e is thinei

thou Sun prepaerft ,and light,

tj . T*hou al the borders ofthe earth

haft conftituted- fkft :

diefommer and the tr«7/fr-coId,

thefame thouprmedhaft,

!$, 7{emember this, the etiimie

reprochftilly-dooth- blams

Jehovah:and thefouhfh foll^


they doo blaspheme thy name,

ip. (jive not fowl ofthy turtle-dove

to the Wild-companie:

die companyforget not ofthy poor perpetuaUj,

Uil have to the covenant:

for the earths darkzplaces

arefull, ofhabimtwns


£i. O let not htm that is oppreffl

return abafht-Veith-Jhame:

but let the poor^affli^edand

the needy, pratfe thy name,

M2. T^ifeup 0 Godt plead thou thy plea:

let the reprochful-fcorn

whichfrom the fool comes, al the daj^

in memorie-be-born.

25. Forget not.the voice of thy dif- 2y. Forget not, thy dtflrejfers voice: ,

treflers^: the tumulmous-noife of them the lowdtumultuous cry

that rife up againft thec,afcendcth con- ofdiem that up agamft dice nfe^

Cinually. aftendscontmually.

9. i, ca

X94 Pfalm. LXXIIII.


r. ofAfaph l cj, to Afaph; fff,pfal. so. i. 3f5Cfap5 (toBo Kbfbfti ®dbfb^ bdpe0)rj^r»4.YriabetBt0pfalmittto?i!Sa p^opficftcof troubleisto ccm^ Sf otBcr p^opjet ttiabc ti

Uaftfn falamities uierr on gfracljtijen Xisai^ it committed to Afaphs poitentie tftc finserp^ta^







us thy

people, ap pral.>9. i}. flock comyjCf)endrtB llieepand goats, Levit. lo.

z. purchafed of old] ojt bought ofyore,U)Bcn tilCU brougfttfp t{)Cm OUt Of^gfpt,*16 . 01 imdecPand, that tf)0U baft yureftafeb it, ftaft rcbemed a c. . ^the rod of thine in-

heritance] that i0, Ifrael Icr. lo* i6. Caleb elfUlftctf the line of Gods inheiSnce, Deiit.32.^.

toJbicbb:mefurcboutfoibwfclfa0lanbisimrtcbU3itliarodoi line, gtmap alfo bereabthe fcepter,Ol the tnbeof thine inheritance, aplfa.^^j. i7. fcitfjf ijcb^ne Shebet, tOjlCbyiO-yerlp ip a rod oi ftaff, ip fomethne a feepter, pfal. 41.7. fometime a tribe, pfal. 78, 67. ^

tJ. 3. Lift up thy lect] 0^ thy hammers ,tftat jp thy ftrokcs,tO ilamp 02 beat downtje Ctltmifrnto perpetual bejotanonp. ^i)Up tbe feet arc Uleb to tread down with, Ifa. z6, 6. anbfotbtP5icefe tafeetbitbcre,cban0ttigtbemctapbo^, anbtranflatingit, thy hands, mbiffiateal^infttamentp to ftrike down with. Ol lift up thy feet, tftat ip Come quickly to fcc the perpe-tual defolations toblCb tftC Cncmie (jatll made*


hath doon evil] that ip, broken,robbedjburned,warted al things.^p bib |5rbUCbabUC3ar in tge tcmyl^ z. King. z4,i5*&2^.9.i3.i4.&c.

t. 4 * thy ^nagogi^s] 01 alfemblies, eptftCt tf)C courts and places about tfte temple, mlierOtl)c people affembleSjoi tbe otljer fynagogues in 2Cerufalem(VjDt)icb tljcp fap tocre abobe 400.)ap after in Perfc 8, fte fpeafep ofai the fynagogues m the land^ ylarep urfier prapa*p anb Icc#turep of tfte lam mere ufeb: U\. 1 3 .& i y . z i . Cfte aifem bhe of Cbiiftianp ip caleb alfo bptl)ip name fynagogue, lam, 2, x. their fignes] oi banners^ Ulbitfl arc flgnes ofviaorit01 ofidolatrie. ^ee after verf, 9 p. y . He was knowen] He, tftat ip Aman, 01 every one

enemiep w*? kno ven, tgat ip renoumed.oi famous,ap {jabing boon feme notable act*as he lifted on hye] 01, as he that bringeth aloft; tfjat ip, as a man brings the axe aloft over

his head, to fcl down the thick wood with might and niayn. Cftcp CUt bcmn the PDOOb Of tftf

temple,ap men boo treep in a foncft. thickeioff^^ tlyat ip, the thick woodoitree,Uibofebuugr)cpar miappcbone in an otljer: oirTTfme unberftanb it ofthe moobmorhe in tl)e tnnyfc,.) the infoulded graven wood ; which he that did moll egerly cut down ,was moll renowmed. ^ . And now ] 01, And then, at the fame time, ^0 Pfal 27

carved-works] gravings, 01 (ad tllH^rbllirplnafciP) openings: uffb fci graven 02 carvedworks. Exod .18. 1 1. /2riie 45ieeli here turncth it dores; mbicli alfo hade tfirir name ofopening*

7. thylanauaries] tl)C temple, (mlftclj gab biPetp ftolp placep)was burned bp l^cbU^

5ar-aban , 2^. King, zy. 9, to the earth ] tO meet burning oz raling down to the ground.

jj. 8. Let vs make fpoil] 01 , wee wil opprefs, prey upon them C-f tljip l^cbllte roOt theDovehatft Ber name in that tongue, ap being fubjcct totl|epicpanbfpoi!ofi&amhp&c:mhcrfoiemberfe i^.ftecaletbthc Church a mrtie-dove. 35.9. our fignes i trie tef#timoniep of^obp picfcucc anb fabouc-, cbtraoiMnarie, 02 ozbinarie

; aSlSeM See.Dan, 11.31.;^ Circumcifion

, tfte PalTeover ,the Sabbath &c. mere fci fignes to %rad- Genj7.11.Exod. 12.13 « 31. 13* any Prophet] that could feeand foretel by the foint, anend ofthefe troubles. Prophet (Nabi) ip onc that from the inward counfcl ol God utterethoracles, ofb tilTie map Caleb 3. Seer.. I.- Sam.9.9 • Amos., how long] to meetthis afllittion IhaUindure.®^ fyeccStPinPral.^r.4^ p.n drawit&c ] thiPmolb, 01 fomc fuel) feemeth here to be unberftoob,ap often in the i^cbzuc: fee Pf.^9 .1 1 . thedrawing the hand out of the bofome, benoteth aperformanceofthe work without llacknes- aid-toie map fee bp tjjlt contrarp ^ Provt fuf-end J by confmning our enemies, and


Pfalm. LXXIV. LXXV. ^9$

accompliftiing our deliverance, 13, of the dragons] 0^ whales , tttfanftlO noble 'Xj;

men oK^gype p ti<umg SfradttejS toere Djo\»neo in t^e reD fta . Exod. 14. 28.

great p:i*fon0 arrllfeetie& to Dragons 0^ whalefiflies: a^ Ezek.i^. 14.^^ads] that the head

, ati tgc 45;teU tranflatctlj it, cale^ heads fot the ereefienttt anP ^

c?y Xliti?, 01^ Livjathan ] ojof the Whale, meaning Pharaoh iaaxg<5f ^Egppt, tDjjO UjajS •

feroUJjI.D U}tt§ fjicJ idltnce0 ,Pfil. 13^.1^. Livjathan tl^e name of tjhe great whalehlh , OJ fea

Dragon- fo crJrD Gf the iaftjoyaing togither of his fcales; ao l]e i |5 DcfCl'tbCD lob. 40. lo. & 41.€. Ike. anG 10 iifeD to refnn'ale great tnrant^j ftcrc anb in ifa 17 .3

. < drye deferts]\

tljat 10,to the wild beads or the wildernes,U3f)icf) mi^ftt DEtioiir tjre^gppttao after t^Tp U)ere

broUJned, an& raji up cn tKic Exod, 14


30* beads map be ralcD a people,

a0 Conies, Pirmires,Loculh,&:c. are faleb peoples anb nations Prov.30. 2^.26. loel. 1,6. ^eeaVotfjcnotecmPral. 7 i.9 . bnlef0 bp tbefc dwellers in drye places, meennberffanb tfie 9fra^ditc0 in tbc toilbernedj to luljom tj)c fpotl of t(je iEspptian0 Uja0 a0 meat; a0 elfmftcre t{)tp

fapboftjje €anaanitC0 ,they are bread for us. Num. 14.^,

If . didd cleav the fountayn]b^inoing a b3cl anb (Iream of toatcr to tfip people out oftgeYOCb0 , Exod, 17. 6, Num. zo.ii, lia,48,21. Pfal.10f.41. rivers ofdrcngth]tl)at i0 llrong,

rough, oj vehement rivers, a0 ti)eU)ater0 of3arbcn mere bipcb Up, tjat gfrael migfitgoetbiougi),ior.3.if.-i7. ^iTbeCSalbee parapbjajlabbctl)alfotberiber0 Amon anb labok^

bjfieroffeCNiim. ii. i4.Deut, 2.37. 16, thelig^ i|cbm^ Maor 10 ppjpcrlp Mjroa lightfome-body

, a0 i0 tge Sun ,moon, ihrrs &c. Gen,i.i4.if . anb Ijere map bc meant of tljtt

Moon; fo^ tbe Sun neit folomttb . foi tjjcfe <©ob 10 elfmbete alfo eelebjateb. Pfal. i3^.7.8.>.

b. 19. fowl ofthy turde-doveltfiat 10 ,the life of thy Churcb Calfb a mrtle-^ove, fo^ tbeicn'lfp

bange^ to be pjepeb upon bp tlje micfeeb,a0 bffo}e,berf,8 being of tgemfclbr0 toeab,mtum-*

fill, aub timoroudi alfo fo? tl)nt faitb anb loialtie tomarb0 d5ob, anb tnncccncicpf life, gtit!)e(erefpcct0aredovesmetition?b, Hof.ii.ii. Ezek,7.i^.ifa.38. 14. & f9.n.Song,4.i.8,Mat.To. 16, wild-company

] 0? wild-beads, ad t()€ 45?erbtranflatetb it, meaning ji-in

tpe ciud people like wild beads , ad tfte €j)albee cjcplainetb it, Cfie fame mo?b Praigjitmap"

folometi) fo? tbe Church 01 liveiy-flock Of €b?i(l. ^ee tf)e note on Pfal. 68. 1 1 ,3 1,

b,ao. the covenant] which thou didd make with ourfathers, (adtfte Cftalbce epplainetgft:) it map be meant of tfte cobenant mitl) :?tb?e^am anb ftid feeb, ad id etpiefieb, Pial.iof


8,i?.io. o|,mi}tcb mad mabe mttlj 5^oab,ftiat tftc mc?lbfl)oulb no irc?c be b?ommb,ad onceitmad, mOcn it mad ful of crueltp, 600.6.13,17.18. &8. 21. 22. mi)icg cobenant tl)e

pfjctd^plp to tbECljUrrlj after. Ifa. f4.^. thedarkuedes]t[3atid,dark-pbces, ad ill

PI. 88 .7 . & 14 3 .^3. fte ineanetbs tftat tf>e bafe obfeure place?wefe^^^ of violeace,eben folds OJ

habitations ofcrueltyj no cottage being free from t^e rapine ofthe enemied. Dark places,map

be put fo? baleU? mean ;ad til Prov.z^.z^. dark 0? obfeure perfons, ate tl}e bafelort.

45?eeb here alfo tranflatetj) it dark perfons, meaning tf)e vile gracdels enemies.

b. 22. plead thy plea]defend thine own caufe ; feePfal. 3^, i. from the fool] un^ S*

berflanb, which thou fudfed from the'fool, 0? impious, Nabal, mf|ifb toO?b mad alfo bffO?C-^

berfe i8,mb^f fee Pfal. 14. a . b. 23. alcendeth] that id, eometh up unto thee,it idfo great J ad lona, 1.2. 0?, it mcreafeth: ad tbe bated id fapb to aiceud , mgen it increafed,


Pfalm. 75.

T . To the mayfter ofthe mufik , Cor-

mpt not:a nfalm ofAfaph afong.*

2 , 7E confefSjto thee,6 God;we

V V conJFefs, & neer if thy name:


pfalm. \

This may be fpng alfo as the 32 Pfalm,

s. Tethteo Cod, Voodoo cenfifii Veeconffi,&

Bb a - th

Ipo Pfalm. LXXV.

they teh thy wondrous-worhs.

3 When I dial receiv the appointmet:

1, wil judge righteoufnefres.

. 4. Diffoh ed/V the earthua1 the inha-

bitants therof:!,have fct-fure,the pillars

therof Sdah.

5 I fayd to the vainglorious- fools, be

not vainglorioufly-foolifli ; and to the

wicked, lift not up the hora.

tfcy name is nye: thy^they doa ex*

prefi, Th*appoimment)^^her2 receivfialf: the

^i7 jiid^e mnft.riihteoajly, 4, *DtJJolved Ls

and al they that dwel therifii fet^pire dooj^ r

6, Lift not up your horn to on hyc :

worfpeak, with a ftifFneck.

. 7. For not from the EaftjOr from the

weft : neyther from the defer t cometh pro-


S. But God #7 the judge: he abafeth

one, & exalteth another.

5^. Foracup winthehandcflehovah,

and the wine is rcd,i7 is ful ofmixturc;&

hepowreth out of the fame: but the

dregs therof,wring-ontW drink (hal,al

the wicked of the earth.

10. And I,wil fhew for ever: wil fing-

pfalm,to the God oflaakob.

IT. And wil hew- off al the homes of

thewkked: the homes of the juft-w<»

flujlbe advaunced.

the pillars ofthefame Sdah.

j. Vrttevayn-fuols, be nety fayd f,

fo fiehJIj : to the Wuked et^e^

6. Uft not the hem. Lft not up hje

your horn: r\or>^ithaffiff'neckJ}eak^

7. For neyther dooth promttien

fiom Safly Wefi; orfrom Deftrt €Oine«

/. *But God the judge: abafeth enty

and he exalteth other(ome.

y. For cup is in ^AHS band, Vohefe'9tim

isredy fklmixVy and hepowreth

theroHt: but dreogsoftty eut-firejn

drtnkjloaly al^tcked ofthe earth,

10. tAfndJy fir ever Wdthisjhepr.

to^a^obs Gody fing^pfdlm^iij.

11. ty^nd al the )^fifkJds homes rff-heWl

hornet ofdie jufi fhal be hff4 e.


^^erf. I. Corruptnot] fccPfal. S74I. ofAfaph.] OJtoAfaph:

t. ^ . and neer Ig] tO toect, neer in our mouthes and harts tO >^ord

^ fapd to be neer, Korn. 10


8 . anti , thou art neer in their mouth, ler. 11.2. fmfc tge

alfo Cjrplapnftfi tt, aod we wil call on thy name . they tel ] tgat 1^, I and others

nftM with me; fot8r<6jfeKfaptft,I wil tel. ^ receive disappointmen t 1 tr^, take the

appointed-thine:,(oi timej) tfiat fe, the office appointed ar.ll promifed. Cftfp f^rm tG bC the

too^tJb of the (ajs appearetfl moje plamlp bp berfe 1 o. & 1 1.) in pzi\on cf

tovobomthefeiiiflbomofSftaeltoiabappdintebmbiietmietbJhonie vDabib traoa ffcHtc

of, tn taking anbabnumffrmgtbe bingbomtohen ft bjais biPracteb toftft trcublep. g>re

a Sam.3M7.19. &rs.i.t.3. rightcoufnefles 1 tfiatlO, moft-iighteouiiy b.4.dillolvtdl

01 melted, that ftJfaint, with ttguhles , feai es &c. ap lef^s .9 . fet-fuie ] OJ, wil h tly fallen,


Pfalm* LXXV. LXXVI. /P7

. artificially ftablifli^as by line & mefurc : tfiat tgep fal ttOt. Pillars'] mounttynsjtogifj

map alfc mean govemoursj fo^ otcat pcrfcnagi j?;, ave lliietieb to Pillars^ Gal. 1,9,

0. T. thehorn] tfteftgn ofpower anO glorie, PfaUiii.^.& PP5. mention IJ^malie ofp^opftifiej* to lift up the horn. 6^ toon hye] tjatisl^

" •

aloft: againll the High witha ftiffneck] ftfee MOtamcD O|en(Salim0 Off tj}tppy nit



tft: lanb ofCanaan. promotion] o| exaltation : oj 5 a^ ige <6ieefe tranflatetf), defert

ofthemountayns; tftat ijQi, the moimtainy defertj meaning t^at preferment or DeliDerante,

romej^ not from anp of ttjc nation^ round etfjciit . C{je ^^ebrue Harim i^ ambignonp, fisni=»

fpingbotj^ exaltation^ and mountayns. p. g. abafeth one]l|ebr»thisman. another]

i^eb.this ma. 3!^ slfo be read^He (this 45od)abafeth,and he advanceth^ 1^* 9 • a cup] yo\o

to mefure out afftictioiipj ad Pfal. u.s, a fimilitudeeftennfed: fee Hab.a.i^.ExekU.Ie^f^Si wine

^ltbat iO wra^i^indignation> adidX troubled, muddy^nOding feirce mdignation * jjie tUtRev. 14. 10. red] cftfiiSj

tietf) ftj-acratou, mere, meaning ftrong wine, not aHaped.^Oin Rcv.14 .lo^mbere mere or purewine,meanetb great afflictions ./Cfie <0r^^ tp tafeen from tgid ^fahn* ofmixture] -]D?D

tjat id, of liqueur mixed • rcddp tO bc drunb: ad wifdom id fapd to babe mixed her winej Pro. • ",

. that id tempered it ready. ^0 Rev. 14 .30. he powreth out] tO bJCet,unto his own«people, afflicting them, ad id fjepreffed* ler. the dreggs] the moft gree-yous afflictions

j ad Ifa • J i . 17 . wring-out ] or fuck up^tgat Id feel and be affeCled with jit . ^0 Pzek. 23 .34. Ifa.j J.17 . 10. wil fliew] tO \BCCt, this work ofGod^ his mercie, ^ rpuifjudg<.ment ^ horns of the wicked ] their power dominion and pride, toftetbp then afflict'

UnDfcattet <©Obd ^eopie, Ier.48.2f . 'Lam. 2. 3. Zach.1.21. Rev. 17. 12.13. adliphorns•f thejuft man, id meant bid power dominion, glory . Pfal. 132. 17,& 52.11.& 148.14. i.Sam,>.ip.

Pfalm. 76.

I. To themayfler onNe-ginothia pfalm cfAfaph a fong.

2. /^Od is knowen in ludah; his

Vjnamew great,in Ifrael. 3. Andin Slialem is his tabernacle:& his dwel-ling in Sion. 4. There, brake he ihe

burning-arrowes ofthebow:the flieild

&the fword,& the warr Selah.

5. Bright,w^odrous-excellent^f thou:more-than the mounteyns of prey. .

6 . The mighty of hart,have ycildcd the-felvcs To the fpoil ; they have flumbredtheir fieep:& none ofthe men ofpowderhave found their hands. 7. At thy re-

buke,6 Godof Taakob: both charret&horfe,hath been caft-a fleep. 8. Thou,thou m fevful;& who ihal Itand before


Pfalm 76.

Sing this as the 6S. Pfalra.

TP^^udah Godhkpo)ffiiLii hisnantt

X. is^rr<i/ in ffraei.

His tent eke is m Sdtyrui andin Sicn he doothdmU

Thereybrake he tifarrexvetofthe howi

Jheildy fmrdy and Warr Selah,

Tright^ Wondrous ’excellent art thou^more-than the mounts ofprey.

The mighty hartedy have thewfclves

mto the ffoyhrefgnd'y

theyfieft theirJleef : ofmen cfpower

thetr hands e^e none couldfind*

nAt thy rebukey 0 fak^bs God:

both carrand herfe, flept hath*

ThoHy fiarfil art, and Who canfiand

fire thee ^When thou art Wrath,

Bb 3 Frct^

Pfalm. LXXVI.thee; when thou art angric. p. From heavens, judgment be htardt

9. From the heavens, thou caufedft th'e/tnhfiared^ ntidfijllLy.

judgment to be heard; the earth, feared 10. When God to judgment rofi: to (ave^


It*"Surely the \\>rathfil-heat ofmm

confififljdl HTito thee:

the remnant ofthe ^rathfiihheatt

by theeJhulgyrded bee.

Vow yce and pay, to ^AHyonral that about him wonne;

a prefetjt let them bring to himthat is the Fearful- one.



and was ftil.

10. When God arofeto judgment:to

feve,al the meek of the earth Selah.

11. Surely the wrarhful-heac ofearth-

ly-man (hal confefs thee : the remnant

ofthe wrathful-heats thou wilt gyrd. t2,


Vow ye & pay, to lehovah your

God; 2X.the'>j that be round about him


let them bring a prefent, to the FEAR.1 ^. To him ihiLt g3it\Krc:\\-as-grapes^ tj- To him that ofthe gevernottrs

the fpirit of the Governours ; that ts the ffiritsgathereth:

tearful, to the kings of the earth. eyen unto him thatfiarfilu *

urtto the Kings oftFearth,

on Neginoth] c^, with flringed inftruments: fee Pral.4.1. of Afaph] 0^, to A-.

faph : fee Pfal. fo. i. 3. Shalem ] oj Salem, tfle Citp Of jBclcrn'fcDefe, Gen.14.18.

terUiatliiEienIcbieruralem;\Dl> t^Xyt^iuh tranflatetfi it, in

Peace; vuhich iiS theiiltcrplCtatlOU of «aiue Salem, 0^ tfje %0ftlef()etueth, Heb.7,z. f^\yt

<El)alllCC paVaphjafe faptft, lerufalem. his tabernacle] 0^ tent, pavilion,

toJfi!thi0botftaiueanDteUing‘,anDa mohcable, Levit. 13.41. 43- Heb.u.9.10. 5^0^ botgJ®otejs^abcni«cle «iDj>oloin0USi€;eiuplc, toerc nicanfottaoejsnirffpcrttf

Xf, I. King. 8. 27. h. 4. biirning-arrowes ] fyrie-darts (a0 tfteilpofrie CaLtb tgetentationjj of tftat tokhcb one, Ephe. 5. I<? ) l^eb^uc Rilhphei ijl pioperlp burning-coles, Song. 8’. 6.:fjauwtthelp here the glyftring-brafs-headed arrowes, Clfluh^tC tljt fyry-

thonderbolcs-, Pfai.78.48. ^aub burning-plague, Deut.3i. 14. Habak. 3.^. JlhcilcbtO arrowes, Pf,

^r.y. l>n:*cttimpkabuj(jtojuhibtin0!^faluttoc(lrb;tatetj[|ebifto^k0.aoamfl ^atau, fkgureb bp the banquifi^tng of the Itffjniandanb otijer enemies^,!. Kingl 19.35.

and the warr 1 tf^at the army ot warriers; tfte battel-ray.

;g>ee Pfal. if.


. !jCnb thUl5 Sha-lem 0} Peace, ig mauitpucb, bp bzearttug alTlj^rngnii^ i. 4.

rTBright] made-light, that t’!5,GTbrious':7pcahingTo^ as^ verfe 7. wondrous-excellent ] magnificent, (fee Pfal. 8. 1. mounts of prey ] tftC lUCUlltapU^ Ofth^ l.IOlllEf ailbi

? 'Reoparbji


Song 4.8. m:atnng, the btngbcmis of tftig too?lb,U3hkh inafee p^cp anb fpoil cue

ofanother , Itlie \uilb beaRjS Dan . 7 . 4 • 5 . 7 . tohgui the '2-aiub on IDount ^lon, eyct llcth

mpo\ucr anb glo^e, Rev. 14. i.& 17. 14. from* the mounts ofprey, that w, Vuheutheuconimcflfroiti rcnqucringthe eneniteb, to[)kh ipe in tlje mountapnt? to mabe pzep ofthp

ofhart] 0^ Itow'ti Ihibborn harted; a title Ofthe luicbeD, that ate

from jpflice, Ifa. u. calcb here in <^^cefe,unwife in hart. their fleep] their eter-

j<riviAfl;nalfleep, Ier.51.39.f7. the fleep of deathjPfal. 13.4. ^Otu the uejCtbCtfe. none of]

ijj)aei3jfii:^-b^.al (Ojany) have not found; that iq none found. ^0 r. Ioh.3.U. every manflayer hath

not, that 10, none hath life, ^ec affo Pfal.r43 .2. men of power] able men,fo^ffrcngth,tciirage ,aubtiche0(mU)hiehIaflfcnfethc<j3kfhtah:th it here, ) thefe bibnetrefiki cjcould not

; a0 Pfal.77. r. b. 7. thy rebuke] thatI0, punilhment ,dcftrudion: frcPl.?.^*

charret] that 10, princes aubcaptayns riding on charrets and horfes, on iDhtch thcplJUere


Pfalm. LXXVI. LXXVII. 199

toflntofolb tofigTit.Tudg. 4 j. i. 'Cftffe al bp <6ob#tfbn6e!^abfb«n ftepii,

iittjfietamjj King. 19.31. aim Jtjeljcfi ofKirtit|i;ftfl. Rev.19.18.--n.

8 . when thou art angry] from then ( tl)at 10 ,from the time ot

)thine angertafter

ihine ahgerid Diire WntlltD- JJ.ii. ihallconfers thee] tj^t


0 ilial turn po thy praife^

Vufim tftp people are tKltPereb frciti tfte rage cftftnvfoe^. tfeiemnant] oj, the remaya-

4ler, tl)p people which remaynanb perifo uothuljcragc^oftfjcljoic&cd*

thou wiltgyrdi to ujeet with joyfulnss, that thcpfhal fmgp^apfe totljrej a0 tfte 05jeefe ep-i nunfl

plapncth it, ihal keep a teall to thee . 111 loel. i . 13* Gird ye, tfter tO UUberfloob with for^

row, 0^ rackcloth : fo feemfth to be imberlloob joy oj giadnes

, toj)erelB!tb pcrfon0 ( o|tbwg0)arefapDtObegyrded,Pi'al.3o.i2. 13. 0;i thou wilt gird U)lt{| (ttfItijltb, a0 PfaU-

18.40 . dDj tf Vue refer it to tfte hot rags of the Vuirfeeb,the refidue therof thou wilt gyrd,

that 10 hind 0^ rertreyn jfrom attempting further ebil. b. n. vow yejmen in banger,

c^belibercbfcomitjtocretuont touiabebo‘iue0 untoa5ob, i.i^.pfal.6^.

15,14. round about him] a befcriptionofft!0peopie,a0thf tb3clbtribc!0pltrliebroun&vy^pabout the Cabernarie, Num. i72 . aiiotl^e 14. elbetb luere rounb about <6ob0 tt)^one,Rev*

' •

4.4. to the Fearl that 10>the moil Feartul God^cakb Fear 0} Terrour, foj lltO^C rcbercuCC

anb cpcellenrie , unto luhom alfear 10 biie, a0 ifa, 8. 12.13 . Mai,i.^. ;^o 3aabob caleb d^ob, .

theFearof his father Ifaak.Gen.3 1.^3. -Jinb thl0 Vun0 pctfojmeb, VUhen after


5tflrpUV0 Obei>‘^^^

thioto ,naany brought offrings to the Lord,2 Chron. 32.21.23. 13 • '^C hlUl that ga#

'vHSjnthcreth ] fo tht <^?ceb5 to him that taketh away : OJ VUfe map rtab. He gathereth, (OJ Cutteth

off as in vintagej ) a filtliUtUbe from grape-gatherers tullich CUt Cff tfte tlU^erp of tOt btlieft ;

appUeb here to thr tutting off the libe0 ofmem ^he lihe 10 in Rev. 14 . 1 8 .1^.20. alfo tn iudg.^^y«

X0.4T. Governours]o^ Princes, Captayus,that leab anb goe before the people.^0Angel deflroyed all the valiant men,and princes,aad captayns in the camp of the King ofAfihur*

a. Chron. 32.11.

Plalm. 77.


pfalm. 77.

This may be fling alfo as the 8. Pfalmr

2. voice to God was and f loved- crjed:


I . To the rnayfter of the wyfik^ to le-

duthun;a pfalm of Afaph.

i. ’ijcY voice to God and I

iVJLcri^d-out:my voice to

God,and he gave car unto me.

3. In the day of niy diftrcfSjI fought

the Lord:my hand by night retched-out

and ceafed not; my fowlrefufed to be


4. I remembred God and made-a

troubled -noyfe: I meditated, & myfpi-

rit was overwhelmed Sdah.

5. Thou

my voice to Cjodj and hegave^ear to mee,



1 P^t'dy ft? day ~ofmy wfree;


ofj hand by night retcht-rut and not ceafed:

p-myfowl refifed cemfirtedto bee*

.4 * fminded God and made tumHltHOHi’CryefV

and 7 ^ith meditation-dtd pray i

mi evemhelmd my Ifirn Sdak^


5. Thou hcldeft the matches ofmineeyes: I was ftriken-amazed, and could

not fpeak.

6 , I recounted the dayes of antiquiiie:

the yeres of ancient-times. 7. I re-

membred my melodic, in the night:

with my hart I meditated; and my fpirit

(erched-diligently. 8. V/il the Lordcaft off,to eternities: andnotadde, fa-

vourably- to-accept any more? p. Is

his mercy ceafed to perpetuitie: is his

word ended, to generation & generati-

on? 10. Hath God forgotten to be

gracious: hath he fhut-up in anger, his

tender-mercies Selah? ii. And I (ayd;

this make me-fick: the change, ofthe right-hand ofthe moft-hye? 12. I

wil record the actions of Iah:furely I wil

remember,thy miracle from anriquitie.

1 1 . And I wil meditate of al thy work;

& wildifcourfeofthy pradifes. 14. OGod,thy way is in the fanduaric:who is

great'aGod, as God. is. Thou mthe God thatdoeftamarveilous-work:

thou haft made-known thy ftrength a-

mong the peoples. 1 6, Thou halt rede-

med thy people with arme;the fonns of

Iaakob,&: of lofeph Selah. 17. The wa-ters,faw thee,6 God;the waters faw thee

they trembled :alfo the deeps were ftyr-

red. 18. The clowds, ftreamed-down

waters; the fkyes, gave-out a voice: alfo

thine arrowes, w-alked-about. ip. Thevoice of thy thonder, W4; in the round-

tier;L‘ghtnings illuminated the world:

the earth was ftyrred,& quaked.

20. Thy way in the Tea; &: thy paths

in the many waters:& thy footfteps,

were not knowen. 21. Thou didft lead

thy people like a flock: by the Iiand of

Mofes and Aharon.

tXXVII.j. Thots heldejl fnjf t he '^4tchet $fmine eje$\

^ W44 amaz,€ci^ and could nothtngfay.

4 . ^ ofanttqmtie J thought hfofuidie yeres ofancient-etemute.

f. f mmded inthsmght 'myntdodUi

f Wnrh nty hart had meditwiofu',

my ffirtt al^ferched-dtltgerttly.

/. h>^il the Lordfr ever cajl-

andadd no more^

to accept-favourablyf

p. Js his mercy ceafedperpetually^

is his ^ordertdedy to echagefir ayef

i$. Hath God Argotsfir to deal-gracmjly?

Hath he in ^rath his mercies fhutt SeUhPIt. is this that makes me f^ydji

fthe change^ ofthe right handofthe mofi~hye^

t2 . f Wilrecord the adions offah:

[ure thy marvels mindfiom amiencie.

//. Ofal thy ^orkj eke meditiue;

andofthy pradtfes dtfcourfe Vodf,

14. O God^ thy ^ay is in thefanduaryz

tVhois, 4/^od, figreata Pnentzite?

IS- Thou art the God^ that \\*orkefi ^ondroujlyi

Theu mad*ft thyftrength mo^ peoples ksyoven to hee^

14. Thou didft ^itharm thy fill^redeme-avpayi

the fonhs ofldkpby ttnd lofeph Selah.

17. O Gody the Waters slid theefee; theefee

die Waters did, tremble^Wtth-payn did thayv

^Ift the deeps tumulPous-ftyrred Wert.

15. Clowdsftreamed Wutersf^yes ^a voicegavcrout:

thyne arrowes alfi, they did Walkcaboui,

if. Voice ofthy thonder, was m thaery-Pfhere%

' lightnings i he World illumined throughout :

The earthyWasftyrrd ireblingly-quaked*

29. fnfea thy Way, in Waters mightyftownu,thy path was : and fiotfleps Were not

ii. Thy people like afiockyhou ^rrh didft lead*

by handof cfes and of haren^.

toleduthun] tiJ,for him: feePf, ^9.u 3c 6t.u b. t. he gave ear] fo tfjt

^ Pfalm, LXXVII. - 201

^jce6erptdt>!irtt)%’!^fb2Kcpfji2afctogivecar: feetScblcPfai. inSy. 3* rerchid o:it] c.?. Ho ved, was powred our^ wa$ fetched out fit

fp?CCT)j ifetbatDfpowring out the hart, PfaU 6z.^.) tUCtU^ltO r;*

toiU'duimmfeiofuunecpe^.Djbphandmap b? infant plague t|iore (a»m lob. 23.1.)

lU^Ic:5C3Utti;i{anpian. b. 4^ m'-ditated] C’ prayed. ^?e Pfai. 5^3*18.ovofwhehned] ot covered it felF, fwownedoz raintediaUbfCiJOUJ, ^OPfal* 142.

4.& r43.4.& 107.-5". Lam. 2. 12. P. 5. the watches] ?)ttae wards,cuitodies, (tbat



at tit 4lfjal5^f£ eTPbWCtl) it,the lidds) ofmine eyes- not fktm . foikeii-.

amazed] beaten Ijfiityterroun as with a hammer.- troubled, Dan. * "

2. 1. 3 . Gen. 41. 8. jcould not fpeak] fo t|}C t?l|^3fc Ipake not, td fsinittunc t3

tiUCl*pzetfb: adj who inanudge,'zrcHrdnTi . 10. i • King. 3.9. |^B3^itiCib;vyho O'*

can (ajj is able to] judge, P&l, 78. 20; U. 6. ofancient times ] m, or eternities ^

tftat it ofages pajl. Cbfc be bib atco^bittg to tge ronisiianbementjDeut.s 2 . 7 401 funn ’r'* '

nrC\3afetnf3ZCU)lCtUhim^ Rom. I5.>. r.Cor. lo.u. l3. 7. rny melodied

BJ mufical-piay, tOlUvCtj how I had afore time played and fung fongs of prayfo for thy benefits;

(fee Pfal. 3 3 . 2.


.) cz i remerabred my miifik, ant) t50!i ntp julltUilimt a!fD tlllit% fun^ . / .

tl* He DGGtfr this make me fick] bcot|| it greiv and weaken me that the right hand (t|)Cad- >n^’pri

ni^iiifration) of God is changed]and he kcepeth not one conllant courfe in his works?

p§et fremetb to efteeb fo^ infiimirte. (tabing it mt foj r* rFuefnGn) it makethrneiick; O^thisis my ii'jfirmicie. the change] oj, that changed is-, fo^ ©

pbzafe to change iziap be tefoteb. ll. 12. uni record ] wil remember for my ielf, and Pi:>Tmention to others : tl]eB buic iinpbctfl bctf) t}|efc/bFa 5ot!blc vcabtng . niiradeJTgal:

it rfiraclcs brwddrbusiAVorks(a.5 tfte Cb cftbftT^fCOOtl Of Oib#

after tu berfC it. b. >I 3 . difcourrel OJ medicate, intreat or, bat^ tU IVdntJ a!lt» tall! - ’ PU H


b. 14. in the fanduffl] 0^ in fan’5:itie3 inlFe holy tl)t <3lCtVi tliriDtJ it:

'* T.

it it moll holy'anbfccrct, hidden from tbt epejS oftftc 2t iitup tilings loax v

tFjefanttimne:, efpamllp tf)e4trb av.n 0Ll)txvMnt bj|)^c <6oD fate, it bse.dnofi

!a\jDfu!fa^ people to feetbem. Num.4.(T.7* 15. lo.Levir. ir.. 2. Compare alfob^nrc^*

toJttb, Pfal 73* i<^* 174 a God] 0| a mighty one, a Potentate. ^onUficiie^t /

berfe. as God] ni<(3^CCb, asourGod^ b. I), marveilous-workd

tjat works : wonders . C{)i0 taben from Exod . IT . 1 1 .

^ J. 16. with arm] tljattd, with power: an arm fetched out, adExod.(T.^.l'n witli -

thine arm. of laakob] tfjaritf the tribes of ifrael, bopi Cfgim. of lofgpgj

map be meant (aiStbeCbalbee paraplbiijf tabetbit) of a! tfyi Sfcatliitt bibom^of^Pbnouiifljcb. Gen. 4 & so. 21. Caleb tl)erfo^cfjii3 fonns: ozmfpcnalj oftfie tribejicf

Ephraim anb ManafTes, tbcfomibof3ic‘)epfE iiotcb from fontiojc bonoiit. €om<^pareaifaba‘£U3ttbPfal. '8o. 2. 3.

' 17. The waters] cf tfte cebfea. Exod. 14. 21. PiaU

114. 3* trembled ] OZ were-payned, ai$ a UJOmau Ut ttabapl . ^0 Pfal.z? .8 . & 97 -4#

if lb. i8. feamedioz guOi ed biitlia tcmpcft. ^Ijcfc tbmgs bJfixUJbcntbc l.c^lDo^ebun*»tj’»to tbe boff of ^^igpptt'^nb cut oftftc fnrp anb clombp pillar , anb fo feareb anb bmincbr

tbnnmuljftopnptcmpruotbattbnrcb^rcetvo^fcldfiloff& Exod. i4.24-:^s4‘

5lnb tltusf,

in the clowd and in the fea> i. Cor. lo. i. thine ‘ arrowes ] C|ones ( at tbijS bjojb alfo fignifl.'th Lam. 3.16.) meaning haylitones. ^CC Pfai.i8.IT.

II. 19. in the rouud-aier ] HI the fphere, OZ globe. ^1)^ Kb fo falcb cf tfje tOIinb

fozm,tol)'Cbit ( mitf) all tfir lieabmb) barb. <Bf tbc tbonber in tl)e ai :r, fee iob.37 .2 .-t .e fal.

29. 20. Thy way] mijcrm tlioii b3entctKyaubleDD.‘(l t()p prcpleiConfoimbing tip fa:tExod. 14. 19 . 20. 22. IN .hem. 9 . 1 1. ^0 ClUWbcre , his way ii^Tunfe whiriwmd^ Nahum .13:




202 Pfalm. LXXVm.the fea, dfW throneh the 'wilde.rnes towards Canaan- Mofes being their King

, and Aardtt

thtii Preiii. memojie of'ailluR mricp id often telcbijateD. Deuc. 8. & 3z.10.ier*

i.z.^. Amos z. lo. Act.7 3^*3^.

Pfalm. 7S,

T. Aninftruding-p/^*^w,of Afaph:^

Give ear my people, to my law: in-

cline your car, to the words ofmymouth.


Iwilopenmy mouth in a para-

ble:! wdl utter hidd -things, ofantiqui-

tic,. , t



Which we have heard, and nave

knowen thtm:& our fathers, have lold



We wdl not hide/rom their lonns;

to the generation after,telling the pray*

fesoflehovah: his power alio and his

marvcil ,which he hath doon.


How he ftablilhed a teftimonic,

in Iaakob;3nd put a law',in KraeUw hich

he commanded our fathers; to make

them knowen, to their (onns.


Thar the generation after, fonns th^t

fliould be born,might know'imight rife

up, and tel their fonns. 7. And they

might put their conftant-hope,in God:

^not forget the ads ofGod; & might

keep his commandements. 8* And

cot be,as their fathcr«;a generatio, per-

Tei fe and rebellious: a generation that

prepared-not-aright their hart;& whofc

fpirit was not faithful,with God.The Tons ofyEphrajim,armed fhoot-

iug with bow; turned-back, in the day

of battel. 10. They kept not the co-

venant ofGod; & in his law,they refu-

'iedto walk*-


pfalm, yS,

This may be fung alfo as the 37. Pfalm.

i. Gtve-e ar my pe<>pU my dotlnne : to

tn^sofmy mouthy y^ottr ear mdme, 2. Optnmf

month m parahJ&s W// /: litttr hteid thwgs ofan^

Utijuitte. 3. f%e things have hearii,

at?d have them knowj^i and onr firtfathers unto tu

have vpn. 4. We ~Wti not fro thetr children hidcm

ax^ay\ to th\ftn age^telUng thtlavcdsof fj4Hi

His p<-VP*r eke and hts marvels ^->hich he did*

5. How he m lakph^ Xi^stnefftabhjhed;

and put a law w Ifreh whtch he hade

ourfathers; to thetr forms, l^own to he made,

6. That th'after age,fonns to he hf>rn,might k'^ewt

might rife up, and unto thetrforms forth (how.

7. ty^nd they their coflam-hipe^w (^od mtghtfcil

hs precepts keep; and not ^ods Msfirget.

/. 2^nd that they might not he,as thenfathers^

a race that was rcheUious and pervaf :

A race that fetled not their hart^aright;

alfo W'tth God, not fhtthfiilWas their ff'rit.

Ephrajimsfirms, fhootwg With how armedl

they tn the day ofbattel, back-turred.

10. (jods covenant, they did not keep-y^-uk:

and in hts Uw^ to ^(dkjhej did refifs.



it. And forgifc fil'? aSfons : Sc his

marvelous works, which he had (hewed

the.ii. 12. Before their fathers,he

had dooii a miracle : in the land of iE-

gypc,chefcildof ffoan.

13, fde cleft thefea, and made thempaCs thiuLigh: and made the waters to

ifand as an heap. 14. And led themwithadowd by day; and al the night,

with a light of fyre. 1 5 . He clave the

Hocks in the wildernes:and gave drink,

as oHt of the great deeps. 16, Andbrought forth dreams out of the rock:

and made waters defeend, like rivers.

17. And they added yet, tofynagainft

him; to provoke- bitterly the moft-high,

in the drye-defert . 1 8 . And temp-

ted God in their harciafking meat, for

their fowl. 19. And they fpake, againft

God they rayd;CanGod,furni(hatable*

in the wildernes? 20. Loe he fmoce

the Rock, and waters guihed* our, andftreames overflowed: can he alfo give

bread; or can he prepare, fledi for his

people.^ 2 1 . Therfore lehovah heard,

and was exceding- angry: and fyre waskindled againd laakob; and alfo anger,

came up againd Ifrael. 22. Becaufe

they beleevcd not in God: and traded

nocinhis ralvati6.23. Though he had

commanded the fkyes from above: and

opened the dores of heavens. 24. Andrayned upon them Manna to cat:& the

wheat ofheavens,he gave to them.

25. Man did cat ihe bread of rhe

might es: he (ent them meat, to fatiecie..

26 He made an to pafs-fonh

intbehcavens:& brought on, aSouth-

by his ffrength. 27 . And rayned

fle(h them as dud:& fechered fowl,

as rhe fand vTthe fe-is. 28 . An.l madeit fal, in the midds of his camp: round-

about his dwellin 4-places. 29. Andthey did cat dc were tylied vehemently.

Lxxviir, 203

/ / . They <tl($ Were for^etjul of hisfzEls :

^(yohtch he had the (hew^d^)hts WodroHS^a^s^

12. before thetr fhthers, he had marvels doon^


in land of in the fetid of T(oaru.He cleft the (eA ^and made them thoro\V£oez

made Waters as an heap tofiand alfo.

14- fiy4[r)d With a ciowd by day conduBed iherru:

andd the mghty Withfyrie lightjorn^beanu*

ty The Rocks Within the Wildernes he clavei

and as out ofthegreat deeps^drink he g<ave,

iS, ty4ndftreams out ofthe rockjoe forth didfend:

and Waters, he hks *’ivers made dejeend.

17, ^nd they yet added^ fir to fyri gawfi htnux

in deferty to provoke the mofi-fltpreme,

iS, Andtn their hart ytempted the 6’<?^-of-might*

requiring meaty for theirfowls-Sippctkc*

19. ^Afnd ffeakjng againfi Gody (dyd\ fs Cjod able


to furmfh tn the Wildernes a tabled

20. Loe rockjsefmote yand Waters out-gufhed;

and fireams outfloxvd: can alfi hegive breads

fiefhfor hts people can he readydref?

21. fehovah heard, and angry Was fir this:

and agitnfl fakob kindled Was afyre;

gatnfi fffel alfo, came~up Wrathful-ire*

22. 'Becaufe in ^ody they firm- beleefhad none:

andtrufiednoty in his filvatioru,

2y Thoughfrom above thefkyes command did bee:

the doors tfheav^ru, he alfiop'ned-ivGC,

24. ty^nd raynd upon thtrru^ %Jd4anna for to eat:

andgave unto therrUy ofthe heavens Wheat.

2j, l^c\\-man did eat the bread ofthe zAdghtie:

hefern them meaty unto (dtietie,

* 2 *

26. An eafl-Wind tnihe heavns he ^rth dtdmove:

foHth‘Vomd by his ftrength,he prward- drove*

27. tAndflefh upon them as the dufi he raynd:

andfith^redi^wly as thefasgravel-find.

28 y^yind he Wtthm hts camp them down dtdfill:

even round about plat es Whtr he did dwell.

19* ^nd they did eaty and vehemently Wenfylld:

Cc a

^C4 Pfalnl.

their dcfirc.he brought unto them.

50. They were not eftrangcd fro their

defire: *their meat yet in tiieir

mouth. 31. When the anger ofGod,

came up againfl: them; and ficw of the

fate ofthem:6£ fmote-down,the choyfe-

yong-men of Ifrad. 52. For al this

they"fynned yet:& beleeved nor, for his

maiveloas-\'*w^j. 33. Andhecoiilu-

med their dayes in van! tie: and their

yrres,in.hally-tcrrcur. 34. When he

flew them, then they (oifght ium: & re-

turned, & fought God early. 35. Andremembred, that God ^as their Rock:

and the mouhigh God, their redemer,

36. But they flatteringly-allured him

with their mouth: 3c with their tongue,

they 13’cdro him. 37. For their hare

pvti not -firmly ^prepared wiih him:ney-

ther were they faithful,in his covenant.

38 . And he bftfi^ cbmpaffionare, merci-

fully-covercd iniquitic, and ccrrnpied

not :but multiplied to tui n-away his an-

ger; & did not ftyrr-up, al his wrathful-

beat. 39. For he remembred chat they

\rere flefh: a wind that goeth, & final not

return. 40. How’oft did they bitter-

ly-provoke him in the wildcrues: greiv

iiim,in the dcferc/ 41. For they retur-

ned,and tempted God: &limitced the

holy-one of Ifrael. 42. They remem-tred not his hand:^#/ the day,z>; \\ hich

he had redemed them from the diftrtf-

fer. 43 ^ When he put his fignes in /E-

gypt:^ his wonders, in the feild of Tfo-

an. 44. And turned their rivers, into

blood their flreatns, thjit they could

trot drink. 45. Fie fnt among them

a mixed-fwarm, which did eat them: 3c

the frog, which corrupted them.

^6 . And he gave their fruit to the ca-

terpiUw:and their labour,to the locuft.



md their ke twto them did yeild.

£0. 8^rdKged they notfrom their defirei

3 1 . their mc^t yet in their wonth wa S • IVhe Gods

emm tip ngaiv/i: themu, efr therefktt^mcnJlew:

^nd choyfe-yong-men ofjfraef down- threw.

For al thisyet ^^ith-fyn^tbemfclves-rhey-hloti

andfir his Wondrom-W^orks beleevednot.

3S- ^nd he their d-^’fies in vanttie did Ffend:

and did their yeres^ With hafty-terronr end.

34, when he the fit rv, they fought hm^-carefidlyi

and iitrnd-agajn^^ and fonghtfir ^ad early,

3J. Andcalld-to-rmndj that God thetr

(fljould bee:

and the mofi- kye God, their redemer'fiee. (ly :

36. Bnt With their month they ^lluerd himflattringt>and With their tongue^ they mno him did lye.'

37, For thetr hart had With hitrr no fetkdnes:

mr in Im covenant fhtwd they fmihfidnei.

2S, Tet he having compaffwnate-pitty^in mercy- covend wiejHitiey

avdftroyd Ihem not : but oft tnrnd-hach^ his ir^

and did not al hts Wrathfid-heat upfiyre.

Sp. For that theyfl'Jh were, he to mind did cal:

a Wind thatgoes, and titrncth not-at~alL

40 How oft provok^t they him t.o hit ternes

indefirt: gretvdhim^^ in the Wildernes?

4 /. For they did turn- agayru^arj God tempted:

andffiyels Holy-one, they limited.

42. They calcd not to mind his hand: the day^

Whenf‘0m thefie he hem redeemd- away^

43. when he hisfignes in <i/E^ipt-land hadjhown^l

and his Worfii-Wonderfalmfiildof Tfianu*

44 • <^nd iurnd their rivers mto bloudy-gorci

alfi theirfireamSy tfiat drmkjhey could no


45, Hepmt a mixed-fwarm^, which ate the up :

^andfrogs among therru^ Which did the corrupt*

46. itAnd gave theirfim to Caterptllers-^tpoyli

and to the Locufi^ their lahortom-toyl,


Pfalm. LXXVIII. io5

47^ Thar vke-tnes thcfcattrhg-haylhe hjldi

' Cfrmh (hebla(fif7^-hayl, tmtrfig-treet-Voybi*^

48. Thnr cartel to the hayI hegave-uf-i^ft'-

alfo theirflocks^unto the UghtningsMa^.

4p. Hefent on thenuy hit angers ardenineSy

feiYce’'')Qrath& indignattoru^ & difirefi

by finding-fifth the Meffingersofyll^

SO, HeWeighdapathouty to hts angry-^ill:

doeirfowl hefrom the death did not reyrivei

and to the pefi, their heaps he up-did-give,

^ndahhefirfi-%rnhe in ty£giptfinytesi

in tents ofCham,thechtefifi ofihdr mights.

a7. He kylled their vine with hayl: and

tVieir wild fig-trees, with the biafting-

hayiaone. 48. And he fiiut-up thur

cattd to the hayh& their floc^-or-cat-

tel, to the lightnings. 49. He Tent a-

mongthetn, the burir.ngof his anger;

cxceding-wrath and indignation ,and

diitrefs; hy the fending, of the meficn-

gers of evils. 50. He weigked-out a

path,to hisanger:he

fowl from death:& their wild-beall, he

(huc-up to the peftilence. 51. And

fmote al the firft born in /Egypt:the be-

ginning of nrengthes ,m the

Cham. 5^-s2 .

Hem>i<lehhfilka6jheepfirth.f^tofreS:pafs-forth asfc cp.&led^t^^^^^^^^^^

lock, inthe uildcrn. &thcydread- z^ridUdtkm ftfily,

mdihey dtdnndreadt

;hem in confident-la_y> “ tutmia, thefe* tov red.

f4. ty^nd to his holy border, he them mynd:

this moUmyn, wvii his right-hemd had obteynd,

s}. tyindfi'om theirfaces cafl-out hethens allj

md made them in line ofpoffejfionfillt


* j*

ednot: and the fea, covered that ene-

mies. 54. And he brought tnem to

the border of his holynes: thisrnoun-

tayo, which hiv right-hand purchafed.

5L And he caft-out the hethens, from

their faces;& made them fall m the line

ofpoireffion:and made the tribes ofH-

rael todwel in their tents. 56. And

tyftid he did caufe the tribes offfiael,

Vosthin their tabernacle) lor to dwel.

ael, to dwel m„ Q^oked . S^- Ihet tempted they, mdbtttcrly-greived

:hey temptcel andtnev j I '

themoft.hye Godiand kept not,Im tef-

timonics. S7 - But turned-back &un-

faithfully-tr^reffed, like their fathers:

they were turned, like a w'arpiiig bow.

<8 And provoked him to anger by

their hye places:&by their graven-r^/r,

thevftyrrd-himtogealoufie. *9. t->od

heard,& vvasesceding-wroth:and vehe-

mently abhorred Ifracl. 60 And he

foribok the dwelling-place ofSailouhe

tent,he had placed-for-a dwelling, amog

ear:hlv-meii. 61. And gave his ftregih

intocaptivitie: &his bewteous-glonc,

into tl.e hand of the diftreficr. 62. And

fluit up his people to the rwcrd: & was

fj.v.eding'Wjtoth4wiiii to ,inhtnuW«

high god: and to his hefis, they mhjio need.

Sy.^Ht mned-bacl^j, mdfhythkfnes did fiovo


hketotherrfkihcrsi iurnd, as burping bow.

58. cy^ndftyrrdhis anger by their places hye:

and by their idols^ fiyrrd


59. Godheardth\s,&he \\ascxceeding-)l>erothsp

and "ffraelj he <vei/mtntly did loath.

60. The dwelling-place of Shtlo^ Ufi he theru:

the tent^thd-ththadplacedamcngmcfu.

61. ^y4nd gave his firength into captivitie :

into dtfireffirs hand eke, his glorie,

62. tAnd to ibefword his fkhegave-uf-fiiPl

0id ^ith hiS heritage, hts Wrath ftrpaffi .


t66 Pfalm,

63. The fyre did eat their choifc-yong-

tnen: & their virgins, were not prayled.

64. Their Preifts, fel by thefword: andtheir widowes, wept not. 6$. Andthe Lord awaked,as one^out o( fleep ;as

a mighty-one,ihoweingafetr wine.

66. And fmote his diilceffers behind:

he gave them,eternal reproch. 6j. Andhe refuied the teht oflofcph: and chofe

not, the tribe ofvEphrajim.

68. Buthechofethe tribeofludah:

the mount Sion, which he loved.

69 . And builded his fanduaric,

like hye-p/4«/: like the earth, which he

founded for ever. 70. And he chofe

David his fervanf and took him, from

the folds ofdieep. 71. From after the

ew<fj-wich-yong,brought he feed

laakob his peoplejand Ifrael, his poffcf-

fion. 72. And he fed them,according

to the perfedion of his hart; and by the

diferetions of his palms^led he them.


^3 . Their choife^jong me thefyre devoturing-Mtei^

their Virgins, none )^tth (ong, dfd-celtbrate*

64. Thetr (dcrtfii'm y bjthefmrddtdfhlh

their ^tdovpcs alfty did not Weep^2Lt-a\\.

6s* The L )rd thesis, as one out offlcepy dtd

4U jirog-manyafter ^tnethatjhom-dooth-makem

66 . *yind dtd behindfmyte hts diftrejfingfesi

gave them eternalfhame-opprob/iopis.

67 . ^nd he the tent of^ofeph did refitfe :

and tribe of8phrajinUj he did not chnfe.

68. "But tribe ofJudahyhe by-chotf‘approv*di

the momtayn Storu, Whtch he dearly- lov*dt

6p. isyfndltke hje-placeSy built hisfinduaneiItl^e th'eari h, ^htch hefunded t'etermtie .

70. ^^ndofhisfervant 'David chotfe-dtd-mak^:

andfi'Ofn thefilds rffieep^ he didhim tak^e.

2 /. Fro th*ewes X^ithyogjoe brought hm.hps peo*

Jakgb to feed; andhts own^, 'ffraei (pl^

72. ty€nd them he ^tth hts harts perfidtonfddiand by difretions ofhis hands, tijem iedd.


T T ?

t3etf. t. my hw] oj mv doftrinc; foj of it tfie Law fjatfi tfie name ra l^chiuc, fee PfaLi^,

8. Chrirt fpeaheth in thi0 0falm, to hio people, ad tfte ncjct Perfe( .iDo ifa .5


.4 .

z. m a parable] tf)at id, in (oa with )parablesj ad tI)C l|0!p cjCpounDi’tl) it. Mat.i|.

34.3 l.Al thde things fpake lefiis to the multitude in parables&c,tliat it might be r'ultilied which,

was fpoken by the Prophet, faying, I wil open my mouth in paraules &c. 4|8re tijZ nartattott

gil^_B^jg(ng,OfldnCieirt^Jift0^C^ becaufe_all t^hej^-thjngs came untoourlathers as types, antfwcre written to admonilh us. i, i. a parable meaiK tf|;

feePfal. 49.S. wilutter] 02 well-out ad from a fppiig 01 fountapn. hidd-thmgs]

fotlK help <61)0(1: erpoimlietlj it in Mat. 13. st. t^r iicbjne ujojD ftgmfpina ikarp ojoblcure Ipeeches, 0^ riddles

; fee Pfal. 49.3. ofantiquitic} 02froinpld: that id , fine


th^Lfoin^daxiAge^ 13. tj. ftabliftied] 0| reared-up. atellimo-

nie] OJ witnes, nieaiUUg t{)C Covenant: fee Pfal. 19. «. in laakob] among the liraelites,

the children of laakob, ^their fonns] all their pofteritie, ad Dent. 4. 9 . teach them thy

fonnSj_aiid_tliyXoJins^^ ^.^.7.21. . p erve r{eJ02 rrbwifdTlfuhhorn


fto 31(i:acl id noted to lie, Fxod. 3 z. 9 . Dent. u.xy. -ir ir t.9. yL phi aim] tfti^trn mfaed efgfva^of \nhicl) ygph^aim \nadj:Mif. thou^f) tljep mere da:iant1iafrmlid, fd^lheit

jpnuKfelbcfoje thtir encmied . i .king . 1 7 . Hof. 10 . 1 1 . 1 4 .^dmr inder?and it ofthat (laugh^

t:r of6pIj^aimdfomid mentioned, i.Chron.7. 1 1.22,13.\nhtrhujad\»hil2 their father lided

in i£?3ppt. d. TO. refufed to walk] ad i. Kin^;. 17 .H.iJ • they would not obey,but hard-

ned their necks &c. and refufed his ftatutes and his covenant, which he made with their fathers

&c. d. 12. a miracle] that td, miracles, marvels,aS in verf.z, parable tefoj parables.

ofTroaa]oj.ofTanis, ad the 6]ceh and Chaldee ealethfi^* 3ltd3ad a chief fitie in itgypc,



Pfalm. LXXVIII* H07


imb fefitciS Court 0^ ijoilacri anb 0 place of great antiouitle, Ifa. 50 .3 .4*Kum . 13 . 13. ^0

after 5 verC 43 . J&f. 13 . clett the Tea ] tftf red fea, to^erc tfje3;fradite0 vucit baptileb,Exo.14 . I .* 14. a clowci] to tfirni from tge fun; anb togmbetj)?m in rgar journepesi: a figure cf p^otmicn ober fnj& CljuicJj^anb guibanee^ tijc

ftatlC. Fxod* 13. zi. &40* 3^- Num.9.17—2z. Nehem.9. ip.ira.4.y, if, theKocksl

ouccy I^Qicb,Exod. 17, 6. anbagatn ar Cabfffi,Num. zo. i. n. CfieRockmailpinUi^Cluill, 1 . . loT^r^ great Jeeps Jtliat W, the great deep, aO ti)e tumctfl it : tflO

Pb^tafe 10 taken frem Gen.7 . 1 1 . tl)( uglj fterc deeps put fcj deep; fo^ ttje mo;te befiemeutte.

biee map turn it^as in deeps ver)^ m uch ,tO bJeet dnnk. b^ 1 7 . to pl OYoke-bitterly] byrebellion,exafperating & caufing wrath and bitternes; ao bOtf|tl)C I^CbjUCaubil^^eekbJO^b^fijnifp. Pfal. 5. II. Heb. 5. 16 . b. 18. for their foull tf^at ip, their lulb their appetite;

fcePfal. Z7. IZ. ft.zo. bread]tj)atipgenfrallpfood,Pfal.i3<?.zf.atlbinfpe£ialflefh^ tDnflp after ip crplaineb, anb tgc l^cb^uc kchem fciuftimc ftgnifinft, Levit. 3.11. Num. z8.z.

€iftl)ip tl)dr lufltng , fre Num. 1 1. 4* &c. can he prepare] Cfic bJC^b can , ijS again

to be repeateb from t!)c former fcntence .§>tt alfo tljr note on Pfai.77 s*

b. zi. afeended] fgat ip, burned:fOjfyremount^^lnipbJarb: foberf.31.

b. Z4. Manna ] o;i ap in l^Cb;mc,Man; a fmal rouub tfting like Coriander feed,foloUrcb fiSc

Bdelium, ( tftat IP like bJarc> anb rlt ar but Vcftitc; ) barb, to be groimt iu millp,c| pouubfbjofit rafeepUim mabr, lubofc tr(f bcap Itbc tbf bib fVffb Pib 01 b like Vnafftp mabc bait!) Jo#nep. biftcntbt bcmftlontbrl^obbpmght, t^e jfeanna fdboitbit, toftentbebebabaapaf^renbeb, tl)c JBanna apperd) Ubc tfie boar frcft on fbe eartlj; tbcu the people gatjercb it, fo|lubeii tj)e beat oftbe fim tamr, it boap mclteb. 5t a meat bobicb tbepimeba not, noj Vtbeir fatberp: lub^n tbrp fabo it, tfjcp fapb It is Manna (that jp, a ready meat, 0? What is this?)

fj? tbcp bJiP not bobat it boap: anb jBofrp fapb. This is the bread which the Lord hath givenyow to eat. Num. 11.7. 8 .^. Exod.i 5 .f 4 «iT.3 i.Deut.8 .3 . <j^ftbiPtbd?B^btoeat fOU^tppcltjS

inibcbjiibcnifp, tiltbepti-me into Canaan . Exod. 1^.3^. lof. j.iz.gtbDap a figure ofCbdi^,aubbtiSfpintUalgracep,Iohn. ^.3i.3z.33.Rev.z. 17. if, is, man dideat]^

Every one did eat, bread of the Mighties] tl]at tp, of the Angels, (ap tge CJ^Ibee tD’IOflnb epplapnetb it,) bobicb ar^mighty in Rrength, Pfiio3 .ao . and Manna ip caltb their)

bread,rptber bccaufe bp tfteir rniiiiperp <©ob fent it; o| bccaufe it tame fro beatf tljt babitai»l

tid of 3ilngelp,ap tbe Cfiaibct para43bpfetb: 0^ btcaufe it boap epcdfcnt,fo ap tijt iHirndp ( if f

tfetp uftbcbanp foot) might cat it.^otbetor.gue ofAngels, i.Cor.13. 1, ip tbe moftfbDcet; I

anb epcdlc!-t tongue. meat]Cfic'i?rbiuc tfedah p^cperlpfignifpetb venifon,tbat ip,> m'meat caught with hun ting : bUt gCUftalip Ip ufcb fo; allfoob. ^0 Pfal.13z.if.


to latietie ] o;t yenough: fb^ cberp man bab an Omer ful (ti;at ip, tbe tenth part ofan E-phahojBufihel) cfiBamiafo^a bap.Exod.i6.i<;.3^. anb offlrfb3tbcpbab(!o^e,til it camO'om at tbeir nc(!b?illP> anb Vxsaplotbfcnte unto tbcm, Num.n. 19. zo.

b. ^6 , brought on]led 02 drove forward; ap Num.i 1.3 i.Thcn there went forth a'wind fro the*

Lord, and brought quaJes from the fea &c. b. Z7 . fielli as dull] that ip, quailes in great'

abundance; fo that he that gathered leak, gathered ten Homers full, (tljOt IP an hundred Ephahs>or Bufhelsr) fo^ one Homer COUtepueb ten Ephahs, Num. r r. 31. Ezek. 4f .11.

b. z8. made it fall] tbe flefb ,t(K guatlep , being fat anbbeabp fcbole, aubbptbe mopfifoutb-eafl luinbmabcmojcbeabp, fdupcntber?mp,a bapfpicunupoiufb [iDc,rcimbabout tbe bop, anb tbep boet about tboo cubitp abobe tbe eartb . N um .1 r .3 1 , his camp]tjic Ho^bp , bfCAU^'e ijz btoelt among tbcm,Num.f .3. calcb rljlubcte the holls ofthe Lord,Ex-od. IZ.4I. Cjhis ,tbatiP,Ifraels: fo ve'rf. ^3. 6^4* b.30. They Wf re not dbarged] that .iif-rid, ( ap tbe erplairctb it )

they were not deprived, ffttit befiiTb meat biap not tat cji »

ausap from tbnu: ap it to ir;jitten,the fleib was yet between their teeth, it was not yet c tit-off:

Clj^t ip, taken from tbdtl,ap loel.i.f. )and the wrath of the Lord was kindled againll the peo*-

pie.Nura. 2 i. 33 .€^iitmapbeuiU)ei(Joob^oftbtiraffeftioi^ pub Iu(lnotpct tb^*


ioi Pfalm. LXXVIIl.



t3a*r.. 31. afcendec!] tiint t^burncd3a^ivelC^I.

tljc people ,Num.i I» 33 .34 , fattl that the chi&K, and Itrongell


3.2<!?4 .&0 ujr pi'»oj 0^ bale men, ace mlcb leancu tn.n,Piai.4i . z Fat, facndrcsj ip fjeca

fl^UraUJ:bpUtfj;facperrons4^trt()euotCj3 cnPiaL 3dix.& I05 .IJ.

choire-ydng'mcn ] yong men ace caleD chosen, becaufe tl)ep arc (elected fo^toarr^ andflfi*

tSerfecbucablcalTapvcbj mlKii ancientmm arc let rclt. Num.1.3. a 8.i4.z5.2.^.Exod.24,

y. er. 33. .baity -terrour] o^, a iuddayn-plague; aJJtOa^ t[))cntncdr Levit^z^J. i 6 ,

5.3^. ilatceringly-alliired] OJ deceived , tljat DS U3:nt about tb bCCClU, hp pcrpJCadmgtermg bJO^dp. 37* firmly-preparedj aright-fetled ready and Itable^ 535 ip fge cftfte godlp ,

PfaU Hi, 7. & J7. 8. ' U. 38, rncrcitiilly-coygi£dXrnadc expiation^ and for^gave3(oP£il,irr.4*&^7^. corrupted] tBoU^ellroJ^d utterly

; fo Deut* 4 .3

multiplied to turn] tljat td , much and often turned away his anger . b. 39. fleih]

;,\veakj and coiTLipu fee Pial. s6,u a wind ] man^ life 3. vapovr chat appearethfora litle time

,and afterward vaniilieth away. lam .4. 14* b. 40. Howoft!! ten_Mes

. .. (ad tfjC Ho^dfapd^ Num.i4.22.Hhis people tempted him.and obeyed not his voice. 1.

rcIflcaT^f^r Of tfje ^gpptlanp3 Exoc1 .i 4 ,ii,iz. 2* Ht i^arab^bjfierctftfpWa d.zmli;Exod.ij,23,24^ 3. 3n tftcmilderncd of ^iUnbJlierctljfpttJantcd meats Exod.16.2. 4. Sil&cepmg jBanna til tljc morroiD,b3lj!cb c>ob b ad foibtddcn, Exo . r 6 ,20. 5 .g|u gobtg out fejiBaiina , on tljc 5»abbatjj dap3 Exod . i 27 .^8 • ilcpljidimjnunnurmg foj lacfi of lua**

ter, Exod»i7,i,i,3. 7. ‘?§t^ortb,bJ[jtrctftcpmabc tljc golden calf. Exod. 32. s.fjnCa^beraf),murmuring fJt tedioufncd of tljctc map, Num . i i,i . 9. !3Ct i^.bjot jj rjattaaba!),b)b£re

lufled fo^ dcf03 Num . 1 1 .4 . 10. %u ^araUjUJbcrc tfitp refwfs tbc land of€«naan,bdnginfcouragcdbptibnrfpied, Num* i4.i,a.&c. 5tnd after tbfd tljep tmicds

3I« PJ^ing to goc frgbt , bo^cn <6{)D fozbad tljem, Num. 14.44 .4^ 2* 3a tljc rebellion ofito^alj, tBatban, and^bicauuNum.T(?.i."&^c. 5. 3nt!)c murmuring fojt|jeDeat|tj of

, and Ijid companp , Num. 1^.41 . &c .4‘ 'Jtt jlBenba|b, murmurinij foz larb ofbjater,

^'um. 20.2.3. &c. y* jfo^igrafoft6cirtoar,iuKrniuruig andloatljmg j!feanna ,Nimi.2i,

4.f, &c. ^, 31t<$Stttuu,c6nuttntgU:djo^domUkitlitftcdaugbfcrd ofiBoab3 7. and iti

t^^z fame place, coupling tjemf&ed to l3aaI-pco|,and eating tljc (anificeo oftfie dcad«N u


2'7- 1,2,3 j&:c. b. 41. returned and tempted! tliatJg. cftl'oonesT again anrl

agayn tempted; COUtratp tO tflc laVO , Deiit^^^ limitted ] prcfcribed iimitcs, bounds,or maiJc^d before verrc 2or ~b. 44 Tto bioodifltbc of tlic ten plagued, lobcxtuug<©odfniotetbc-^gpptianp,b3{|tcrj6aDd^otoucdbtd cljild^tuiin tfjcic rimd» Exo.7,i9.2o,

a r . & 1 . 22 . toljerto agreet^ t^c tfjicd bial ofujjatft pointed out cn'5fciuicb?i|Io hingoonh fpt-riUialip called ^gypt ,'Rcv.i^?.4,(j. & II. 8 . b.4S* amixed-lwarmjamixture, iundryforts of flyes, vermin, oj hurtful beafh : bP tfie^KeatbcpbJmflyes. gjnsad tljC foilttfl

nosi .2 • plague ofiEgppt. Exod. 8.24. the trog ] t^at Id t’roggs, ( 0d aftCtboai d caterpillar,lo-•


* cull, fo,Z locults &c.) C2^b>^fcC0nd pla\*IUC of.^gppt,Exod. 8 . 6 . figured of unclean rpincs,whidlgather the Kings of tke world to the battel of the great day ofGod. Rev.i6.i3»i4.

corrupted]tijat id, marred and deflrojed. b. 46. their fruit] all that growes out of dieearth «. caterpillcr] a w^orm that confumeth and fpoileth grafs and fruits. loel. i . 4

. .Loculi] OJ gralshopper , (bjfticgft&tljch: nam' oftljcir mulcitude,foj tijcp Rpe manp to**

' oitftcv.Prov, 30.27. Nahum, 3. ij. iudg.^.> .) ILoculId in tfiofc countcup, ftpc in tfjcaier,

nmltiruded tociuftfr 3 and mijcrfoeber cbep falls t.bep debour eberp green thing . -Cljid madtljeeigljtplaguc of.E-gppt, lobcibpaUljerbcdand fiurtd mere ronfumrd, Exod. 10.14. ir,

:n 7 5'Li«t^dof‘3lmkf)3ifidmir.i|to0,Re\\9^s-4. b. 47. blalling-hayiiione] abeo^notoOcrefoimd but in tljid place. fcbentbpla(bJ?t^f-^g?PtiiJ?^§^e^voiishayA(nixed\v’ithL

fyre , that kylled men, bealls, herbs and trees, Exod. 9. 24,25. ^0 in Rev* i 6 . 21. hayi of calenc

weight, fait th on bhfphemers. b. 48. he ihut- r] tfiat id, gave: ffCPfai. 51.9. foyeri* jo* bshenings ] oj, the Eying-fyre-coies^ thouderbQlts ; fee tjjld tbC'jd Pfalm.7

ll I*

Pfalm. LXXVIlt. 209

TO tramgj). t|wt3f(:a?iuc43ttftipajTolJa% anbfcrnartf&tfteteii&'Exod !•• n,a «ib*.

1“ OnotLl fittlj tbclatrouis mintilcrd fn

I&.US&G™,ci£' ,i,.c™ ShS.“?;s;S .

mountavns I7i all’ n^^untayn]

, mourn any countrie Canaan • faleb a land of

inheritanceo/llblli^^^^^^ *ndmcfiire, tobethe


ii.o.t4™,i;;?iii;;;*°,;,t*iji;‘^^^ ,,*•"£'! t«») «j, towof def=„.

ff,il"Nto;f,fK.r.rrs7^'“gealoas anger, fojttjDir^, a man wil not |we fn^he'il/ of


Dtl nor


2JO praim. Lxxvm. LXXIX.

notmarieJ. b. Their Preilb 1 Hophni & Phine^s, i.Sam,. 4 . 1 1 . Cllf ^etotC


ruUlvlP, His Preijh , aub fO brfOJt b efm* ,his choil'e yong men ,

&c. meantKO.irracls;

\\}ho t0fKobrtiof,a0Dfcnarv-ti. wfcti) tfte^e pli^afe^ inDiffaentlp, ajS

Aii ^Eclomwas fervants,2. Sam .8.14. fe i> Chion.i 8.13. Ij3 Ai .£dom were

. fervancs Tiani? PreUtsj fi?e Pial. wept not

] t^at l|5 :,lamented not at their

funeral; foi Vaif? bn*fel^ i.San%4.i9.i0. b. awaked]%r-

^ red up himfeU to puiiifh the Philiiiims, wheras before he feemed to fleep; ab Plal. 44 • U-aft-r v/in< 1 oj ,

by reafon of v/inet tl»af lb ,when he hath driirk wine, w hich cheareth and

^ incourac>-eth the hart •,fo did God behave himfelf. ^ b. 66, behind ] tftat 10 ^ in the hinder

fecict parts; fc; fO <^0fci fmote t&f piles 0^ hemoroids torabufmg %Xh1 Sam r r.6.9.ii. fT eternal reproch ] by this piimlhinent , and the monuments therof;

fc2 theWilifcinid toere to ma^c funiKmb^f tfiSr ftcmorotbb anbfVcrct part^.cf

, aiib feut \rdtl) tf)e ^feljome to 3 fvsd, ao an cbltimi fi)2 t^ar |pr». i. Sam, 64.J.1 u

15,17* b. ^7 . he rcmfed] C2 abhorred, defpifed; ajS verle 59. f'the tent oflolcph]

^ tPat fiS the tribe of Fphraim the fon oflofeph, where the Tabernacle and Ark had' rcmayned

m"any v^res in Shiloh: a3 ot> rctUVncD not tljC '^lli tiltt[jevA'-Ut to aiit

JLJUV ujMi wnt ufi| »»***. tc'pUbrb tp tI>C

i.KintJ 17 . b. ^9. builded his fardtuaryj the glorious Temple,bp ^ClcirOUlike hye-places ] kings pallaces ortowres.

' r f Sleek auD C^^albce tiirneib it vnicorns,b)&Ofc Srpe,Piai.92.11. fni Ramim, hye

places ,tFiepuab Kemim, Vnicornes. b. 70. trom the fold of lhcepjtl}at IjS, from bafe


jfoj^abib kefpmgm ffifcp,Uia!0 bp ^aimul anopntfb 3iii 0 cbcr gfra;»

/H'l-fl T Sam. 16 u. 13, 2. Sam.7.8. S>d Amos.7.i4.G. b. 71. to ked laakobj

^yc\ rrplr.nnr^b tbr ‘0fbine pb^afG^o feed in ia..kob,inbete m I'b to be omitteb in <enokfi),a0

tlrkfe PftrafefljrbJ'tfV, ^ Sam,k,ii. & 17,34* astb tkc ^l>cbiuc itfdfoftcnmtuttffkit,

a. Sam. 5i2^. ^ 7 ,7 • ^‘0Pm tn tlK ff4mCV berfj^ ,

he chofe in David , tf)at 10 ,he chofe David.

3iuiicbatcfapbtofccd then peoplc;bfcaufcf()nroff!re tb like to tljc geeb fl)fpk^arbb, mfUttma anb nobevning. ^te Plal. 23,1* -Jinb Palkurs are Princes ler.^5, & 12.10.

b* 7 2. Prudcncies o; his palms] ibat I d,W'ith moll prudent and dilcreet adminiilration,mena-

gedL the m;figiuiiu;<jr^^ Id bcrruuxitoi&eaUib David, anb tf)e great aub good Paftour

ofhis fioek.Ezek.34.23.,ii,Heb. 13,20.



/ Pialm. 79.

I. A pfaliTijOfAfaph;

O God, the hechtns are come, into

diifieinlKritancejthey have defiled

the pallace of chine holyncs; they have

layd lerufalem on heaps

2. They havegiven,chekarkcfsofthy

fer antsj/f/r meat, to the fowl ofthe hea-

vens: the flelk of thy gracious-fauids^^^to*

the wild-beaft of the can h.

3. Tney have (lied their blood, likc^

wacersitonnJyabout lerufalemi- and

^4/ none to bury (hm,-

Pfdlm, JQ.

Sing this as the 59. Pfalm.

O God^ mto tfnne hentiige,

d:c hethem are come r/ui

ti:e paHace ofthine holynes

they have dtf\'l'd- unckan-j


^eriijdem on Wafifil-heaps

they-Uyd-have. Thej have^evenJy

the kyrk^jje4 ofthy feryjants,

meaty to the fiwl of heaven^ :

flepj ofthy (dinElsto th'earths Wild-heajls*

t^fs Waters, jhed-they-have

their bloody about ferufahm^


nom that-Ujef-m-^rave.


We are a reproch, to our neigh


boursia fcotf a (corn, to them that an

round about us.


Howlonglchovah, wilt thou be

angry to perpetuitic; fnal thy gealoufie,

burn as thefyre?

6 . Powr out thy wrathful-heat, up5the hethens,which know rhee not: and

upon the kingdoms^ which cal not, onthy name.

7. For, he hath eaten-up Taakob: Sc

his habitation they have wondroufly-


8 . Remember not againft us,former

iniquities: make baft,let thy tender-mer-

cies prevent us ; for,wc ait brought-low


p. Help us, 6 God ofour falvation;

becaufc ofthe glory of thy name; and

tidd-us-free and mercifully-covcr our

(j’nnSjfor thy names lake.

10. Why ftial the hethens fay, wher ^

their God?known be amog the hethens

before our eyes; the vengeance, of the

blood ofthy fervants that (hed


11. Lettheftghing of the prifoner,

come before thy face: according to the

greatnes of thine arm, rcfervthou, the

Conns of death.

12. And render, to our neighbours

(even-fold, into rheir bofom: their re-

proch, wherwith they have reproched

thee 6 Lord.

13 . And we thy people, and (heep of

thy pafture,wil confefs to thee, for ever;

to gen; ration Sc generation; we wil tel,

thy piaife.


LXXTX.- 4. Tothofe that neer-urito-Hs-d'^el^

reproch hecome-are ^ee\

afeoffing and afcorn,to them

that roand-ahotit us bee.

/. H-j^ long 6 LOR'D^'^iit thou he '^roti^

to perpetuttte:

burn (hal h\^e to the very fyre^


6. “PoWr out thy \y>rath on hethenfij/h^j

Vohtch doo not kno)^ thy fame:

on kingdoms ekf^^hich doo not cal

on thy renoumed-name.

7 . For,he hath eaten-up fakpb:

his habitation

they alfoVoondroufij have brought

to defoluion.

^itrid not "gamfh tu,iniquities

which have been heretofore:

hiifl,m prevent let thy mercies;

(orJo\\>- brought are before.

(yod ofour faving-health,m help,

evenfor thy namesglcne:

andriddmfreefor thy namesfkeourfynns purge-gractou


Why fay the hethens s their (jod}

mong hethens In he kno^en

before our eyes; the vengeance of

thy fervants hloud out^flo^en.

The fighing ofthe prifoners,

0 let It come fore thee


su thygreat arm is, let thefonns ^

ofdeath referved bee.

^nd to our neighbours fivenfildy

into their bofome,pay:

that then reproch, with ^^hich 0 Lord^

reproched thee have they.

thyfdk,jnd pafiuresJheep^

tonfefje Will unto thee.





for ever :unto age and age,

thy pratfe td forth Wd Wee,

^Annotations.of '\faph] oj to himrfee thine inhcritancelojpolTeflion; the Land ofCanaan,

invaded by the Gcutiks.Exod. 2.Sam.zo*ii?. n. Laiii.i,io. heaps] that

od 2.

21^' 1’ralm. LXXX.I^,mina, Mid. T,s. S.'j.n.

, '*v^- •'^''ksfs } foj karkeiTes; sji


7ff.*r beaft foibeafts’*nOprUontr,verf.ii.foipriioners.feePfal.j4,8.j,. , none\o u ”v 1

wofi bifftonouraWs. Hcdef.6,3 • CeiKpaw IjcretoftS4v. ^ ^ f eelkHi^^S

f' ij. tf. whichcaTadt&c. 1 a notcofilioufinii'n^rtHal. I4!4. mA0Tftntt‘3f:mmm%> ler.ioXf. y tirsvldf^yum^^ties o! former times ( 0? perlons,) doon by us , or our fathen, ajj PfalllTTlS^^r 7 hfiffsJ0fmfbtocitr)erj.evit.z<;.4o. former, an£ ink]ui,ies, biff^rir.ctnbcrarc towplcb.tlje fntfe briiio rcgatbcb mc?e tfitu fivitt fbjm oftowbl- VB§thfOUKttine imnifedftf); Og tabo , 4 Sam. 8 ,j,fcj toiucfjin r Chronjs,/. tJabl ahen fchrd*ts I«,lahem I King.ii, 17. ^a^asai:! ia tijts berfe lo. bro4hc low] 02 wei^

tie open and mamfelf. i^tte aflapn tncffioS’^biffer in -w>

T5A ’?3


v i .VB rial. 102,1 1. f merv J DJ, make to remayn,t[iat U

^ J ^ <J5ob flab not boon, tflrp flab flfcn as eomoi^ft“a ,?.»ibtflis.$obmomifebtoboos,7,8, & iz,i«. y i£m2ij2£de3th ]fons appointed todye 0? worthy ofdcathjas i Sam. 40,31. Deutn^r^fal, ,04Son ofperdition, 4,Thef.4 3. to. 14. feveo fold] tflfttiS, folly allb abundantly.

Pfal. 14 .7 . ^ ^nto their bofome] tflat tS , largely ,and that it may affed, and cleaveSw«hem; fa Ifa. CsJ. iTr?] 2718V fef ftTHTLiik^ <^.38.

a , u cieave unto

Pralm. So.

1. To the m2iy[{ct ofthe m(tf;kpnS\iO'‘

Tliannini:Eduth,a Pfaliii of Afaph.

2. Thou that feedeft Ifracl, givc-

V^earjthou that leaded lofeph as

a flock: thou that fitteft on theCheru-bims,fhine-bright. 3. Before ^Ephra-im, and Benjamin, & Manaflehjftyrr-up

thy ftrength:aod,come, for falvation to

us. 4. O God return us: and caufc

thy face to flime;and wq dial be faved.

j. lehovah Godofhofts: how longwilt thou fmoke, againftthe prayer ofthy people? 6 . Thou makeft them eat,

the bread of tears: & makefl the drink,oftearsagreat-mdure. 7. Thoupur-tefl: us a flrife to our neighbours: ourenemies,mock among tiiemfelves. 8. OGod of hofts return us: and caufe thyface to iliinciSc we flial be faved.

p. Thouremovedfta Vi^eoutof^-gypr:tholJ dfoveft-out the hethens,andplancedft it, lo. Thou preparedft-/^?f-

Pfa/m So,

Sing this as the 78. or as the su Pfalme,

^ tim iMdooJlfiediVJo thou that fofeph oa aflock, doofl Uadi^arfittffl on the Cherubs^ cltarly fime.

3. "Fore face ofSphr'irrLj, r»jdof TUnfiwineand fore Manafehi thy (Irength^valourota

flyr^up: andcome, fir ftvwg.heahhtoM.4. O God return m: and thy countenance

make jjjwe; and fhal have deliverance.

S- LOF^D God ofhoftsyhovp log W^hiUfmok^eAr\-thoUyagainft thy peoples meek^defire? ^ (ire

6, The bread oftears, thou makeft them to ear,and makfft them drin^ytears in a me/ure^greafi

7. "Boefi to our neighbours us afinft expefe :

amongthemfclves, mock^alfodoooHrftes.5. Godofhofs turnus: and thy countenance

makeflnne; and ^e (hal have deliver, ince.

P* Dine thou dtdfi remove out ofty£grpndroveft the hethens out, and planteffi tt.

^ "

iO. Thoiididfl prepare the before ir, andmadfitt take deeproot^ <md ttfylld the land:

. ii.Tkd


Pfalm. LXXX. XI

teFore It: ind rootcdQ-in the roots

of it; and it fylled the land. 1 1 . ThemounTains were covered W/Vfe the flia-

dowofit:and theboughes oilv^'^ere ltk«

the Cedars of God. 12. It fent-our

the branches thetof unto the fca: & the

fiicldng'fpriggs thetof,unto the river.

/ / . The momtnyns ^ere V(?lthfhaJcrv ofit cUdi

and boughes oftt^ were like Cedars of(fod*

12. She fern out to thefea her hranchmg^twtgn

and to the nvrr^ heryong-(kcking-fprigs<>

/s . why hafl thou down the hedges ofit horn^

tJo4t al which pajje the Way by, have her terru •

1 3 , Why, haft thou burft-down the 14. Wroot up the fame dcoth Boar OM ofthe Woodi

hedges ofitfto-that al which pals by the

way, have plucked it? 14. The boar

out of the w’ood hath wrooted it up:&the ftore-of-beafts ofthe feild, have fed

it up. 15. O God of hods, return 6

now; behold from heavens and fee; and

Tiftt this vine. 16, And the ftock,

which thy right-hand planted; and the

Wild-beufis eke ofthefitld, make it theirfiod*

15. O Gedofhofisy turn now^beholdandfee

oHt ofthe heavens: and vifit this vine^tree.

16. Andflockwhich thy right hadhath plated-fhfli

andfnywhomfor t hyfelfthou ^rengthnedhafi^

ly, *Btimed Withfjre It Isf entt-^uite-awaye

at the rebuke ofthy fhee^ perifh they.

fon, Whom thou tnadeft ftrong for thy- sS. On man ofthy right-hand^ let thine handheei

felf. 17. burned with fyre,«>//cut- onfonofmmyNhomthoHwad^fiflrogfirthet.

down; attherebuke of thy face, they 19. a^nd We Wil notgoe- back awayfiom thee:

perifli. 1


. Let thy hand be,upon tiie ^mckfn m, and on thy name cal Wit Wee.

man ofthy right-hand: upon the fon of 20. LORd) Godofhofs^ turnm: thyccuntenact

Adam^Whom thou rnadeft-ftrong for thy makefhme^ and Wefhalhave deliverance.

felf. 19. And we wil not goe-back

from thee-.quicken thou us, and we wil cal on thy name. 20. lehovab, God of faofts

return us:caufc thy face to fliine. Sc we fhal be faved



I. Shofliannim] fix-ftringed4nftrumen«, a;tLiTes; feePfal. 4 f. i.

Eduth] that ist, a teftimonie, Ornament. eycdleiit tcfthiiomah oftfic fait!) of

J3 -Oplrmaffl!cdon0 . ^eea^foPfal.^ro. I. X. teeddUfrad] 6 God,paftorofthe

Ifradites. ^ecPral. 23 . r. lofeph] tfiC poftmtlC OfSofcpf^anb toltfi tgcm, tft^

!goffpht)Snatneba^p;tmnpai,tf)e birth-right being tabeu fnjmauben,au&mbentoinm. iChron.^, 1

,2 . :g>aPral.77.i^^.xi. on the Cherubims ] UJhichU)m UpSrt

them^bof thcrobenaittjinthefanctuaric; from Ixificnce 0ob gate ojarte^

feiftmtiKP fought Exod.2f.22.Num.7,8y4iSam.4,4. ^Szm. 6,^. 2,,iy.Cf

thrfe€6erub0,lee the note Ihine-bnghi] thatl^, Ihew thy gIone,anb

thy favour to ajS Pfal. yo,2. & lob. 10, 3. Shining, 10 favour, 10 tnbert fromDeut.33.2. ^0 after in Pfal.^4,1. 3 * Fphraim, Benjamin, and Manaffeh] that I0,the

tribes or pofterity of thefe three Patriarches: U3hlfh all jopneb togithst hi OHC guamr>cm trie biefr fibe ofOpab0 1abetuarlc; aub V»hx» reuiobeb, tfiep tocut nci:t after it ^

num .2.

17 .I 8 .20 .22.& 10 . 21 .22 .23 .24 . aifterthccaptibitp of ^^abplonalfo, the mnuam0 ofthefepeople, i chron. 9 ,3 .Ne-

hem . 1


. 2 . a falvation ] 0^ fill falvation, ailb deliverance . 3Sp abblltg a letter, tl)£ fjgiU^

ficationU mereafeb-, a0m Pfal. 3 , 3 • ^- 4 . return us ] oi reilore US, to bjcet, fruh feolu,

tojop; frouuaptibttP, to liber tie &c. Pfali 2<?.i. & 23 , 3 . face to Inme] 0^, to be light,

i0>cheaffuJL cguUbi tiible. J^e^Pfel.4 ^7 x . Dao.p.i?. W£ fhal]

- V^s 01

P&ltlU LXXX. tXXXI.'


6^ that we be {aved : pral.4334. foUetf^S, &zo. y. fmoke] be vei^ aa-j

grie^ againrt the prayer^ tljut UOt tlU it nut; Habak.


.i, Lam.3 .8 . hnoke 1

anger, PfaU74 ,i • ® bread of tears

]bread lleept in tears, tfte C*)altice faptffe I

tears in fltb of Dread,ad Pfai«42',4 • meaning great atfiidtionsj a great-mefure]%(}0

l|ebj«e Shaliiliw tlje name of a mefure , fo cako of three , ad contepuing a third part ofthegreatdl mefure, fb\»J ttmcd 30 bUJ, 30 Uje ufual tup tc bmil! HI. 7 . a llrite]conten-

tion,oj contradidion j tijot cuc ncigi)0our0 contciiD aatj tpeak againfl udi 0^ fliibe togo fftal

bangihft) anb pOfTefd Ud. among themfelves] for their pleal'ure . OJ, mock at them, (adPfaUi,4

.) that Id at thy people, ad verf.^. t\}iXt 10 , at us, ad tl)C ttanflamfjtt . Cbtd I

inapbc0emeamuo,t{)ougijus meat before-, foj tbc fomrtlme c^anget^ petfon,tbougfj It ttlfan tftr famti ad Deut,y, 10. that love me, and keep his ( tljat Id , my) commande-ments. alfo PfaLyj?. 10. & ^y,7. & us


9 - b. 8. and wee lhal] oj, that we maybe faved; c&id betfc id tt]$ fame mitb tftc 4 . fab? tfiat tfjere mad onelp Godj b^re Id abbeb,


God of hoiisj anb in bevfc zo, baftcre it id tfte tfiteb time vepeteD, id abbeb, lehovahGod ofhoih< tj)ud titcieafmg faitD anb carncjlmd in tfteir pjaperd. b. 9 . removedft a vine] \

tliat id, a Church, the common wealth of Ifrael- ad it td mptten , the Vinyard of the Lord ofbolls is the howfe oflfracl , and the men of iudih, are his pleafant plant* Ifa,5T,7 . Ier*z,n^ ^nbremoving 0^ tranllating, id t||eb3ojbfo often ufcDmNum.33*b3fjereal tbejounteped of3ifra<>

el arc reljearfeb* the hethens] the feven nations ofCanaan. ^eePial. 78,jy.

b, 10.preparedil] a| madell; ready

: fo t^id bJOJb id tvauflatcb ill <0^eeb Mat.3 ,3.from Ifa.

40. 3.&*fromMai.3.i. mljm ti)c UJo^D way id ejrpjeffcbi anbIjercalfot!ic<6.:ee&

faptl), thou madeft-wayiP^Gperip it fignifpctfj to take away all impediments,that the phyn waytnayappear* rootedllin] tijOt id, madell to take deep root. b. n. CedarsofGodj tl)at id, the great and goodly Cedars, adPf^l-3<^-7- 0;i, Cedars planted of God,ad Pial.

104, i^. . b* II. the river] Euphrates^ fee tf)C noted on Pial.7z. 8. b. 13* the hedges]

the fenfes, mljerupDlI t{)C fpoil ofit foIObJCtb^ 30 Ifa.y .f *^0 after Pfal.89. 41 4’-.

b. 14. bore] bealily tyranns,like fwine; ad Alfyrians,Babylonians,&c*mrjICfj bjaff rb tljC

faub ofCanaan* Z. King. 17.6. & 2y,i,i. &C. llore-of-bealls] ad* ^0 thelabJ tfijcatntb , I wil fend wild bealts upon you, which lhal fpoil you , &c. Levit.z^?,2z. 23ut J

liere, bealls, arc wicked people. b. 16. the Hock] 0^ biite-yard; t^r bafe place b3!)ic8bcavetfj up tlie bine btauctjcd. and the fon] oz branch : miberflianb againc,. vfiit him,oj

look upon him. 23p the fon,mapbcmcantChriil,ad tljc Cbalbec parapIjjajtpiainlpfaptS,• the King Melbas

: ( calcb ill betfc 1 8. the fo n ofman, aub fo ftcrc alfo in tftC <Z3zceb bcvfttm :


Ull)0 id the true Vincj his Father, the hufbandnian; his difciples, the branchesj Ioh.iT.i,y .'051)0

tahctl) part mitft tffafflirtiond of fjid people ,mad bimfelfcaled out of ^Lgy pt, Mat.z .15. aiib

mben (lid ferbatUd are bejeeb, it id bocn unto pirn. Adt.^ .4. ^ti>ermeife,l3p tijc fon,niap beHnb:r|ioOb a yong vine

,OZbranchjadClfml)ercboughesarC Calib daughters

jGen. 4^.22.

flub fb bp the fon, be meant ifrael, ad £xod.4,n . tl)c Hojbd plant, ifa.T*7


0* 18. man of thy right hand] whom thou loveft,honourell,and powrfully helped. ^05.30^

bob Caleb t(jC fon mljOrn()ClObCb, Benjamin, tljat id, the Son of the right hand. Gen. 35,18.

i^erebp alfo id meant ChniL calcb the fon of Gods 1 ove, Colof. 1,13. anb tl)e €{iuit(j Jjio bo;^

bp,tcaunatfbmtol]idliinfiboim ?

Pfalm. 8r. Pfalm,si>^

T . To the mayfter of the uppnj

G itri th,a ppilm of A faph .

==t --5--—- J

2 . eHowt-jV/<//)', unto God our liO Ctidourftrcngtkfiom->]oyfiill^^^^^^\

Oftr^ngth : ihowt-triimphamlj^ Cod

Pfalm. LXXn.

unto the God of Taahob.

2 . Take-up a Plalm, & give the tim-

brel :the pleafant harp, with the pfalie-

rie.. ,

4. Blowupthetrompet in the new-

moon ;in the appointed-time,at the day


5 . For it is a ftatute to Tfrael : a judg-


ment- <^w^’,to the God of faakob.

6. Hepuritjinlofephfor ateftimo-

nie; when he went forth from the land

of/Egypt:VTfrrIhearda language,

I knew nor.^

7. 1 removed his fhoiilder from the

b urdc'his palms,palled fro the bafket,

8. Thou caledd in diftrefs, and I re-

leafcd thee:l anfwered thee in the fecret

place of thonder: I proved thee, at the

waters of Meribah Selah.

9. Hear 6 my people, and I wil tefli-

fie unto thee:6 ifiael, ifthou wilt hear-

ken to me.

10. 7/therfhaI not be in thee a for-

reyn God:neyther rhou bow-down thy

(eif,to a ft ran geGod


1 1 . T, iehovah, thy God; which

brought thee up, our ofthe land of

gypt:ope-wide thy mouth,&f wdl fil it.

12. But mv people hearkned not to

my voice :& Ifrael, wb not wel-affeaed

to me.t;. Andlfent him away, in the per-

verfe-intendement of their own hartilet

them walk,in their own counfds


14. O that my people, obe-

dient to me: that Ifrael, had walked in


15. Evenfoon, would I have hum-

bled their enemies: & turned my hand,

upon tlseir diftreffers.

16. The haters of Iehovah, fliould

have falfty-denyed to him ;& their time,

idiould have been for ever.

17. And

-w li mGod Takf-ttp apfalm^ 4;

UtnhYdbringx thepleajant harp^

Vpith pfaltew^

4. 'Bloxp-Hp the mmpet at nevp^mooti^:^

wfeu time ,at day of ourfiaft.

/. For it to ffr el is an head :

to Jacobs Cjod, due-to-he'doon^

6 . He this in fofeph did beftovfi

a mines *, ^hen asfirth he fkerd

fiom land of<t/£gtpt


where f heard

alangmge^ th^tf dtd not know.

7. ' His baclifiom burden f difchargdi

his hands ,didfinm the h4kjt paffe.

5. Thou caUdfl in dfireffed-cafe ,

and Jre}e(ffing'ihee~inlarg*d l

f anfi^'red thee infcaecie

eftbonder: proovdthee ^at Vaat€r

p, cfStrtfiSeUh. Mj people hear

andf to thee ^ilteftifie:

Jfhearken unto me thoW ]

10. offrael. If that m/toa ^rreyn God therfhal not to: v

nor thou unto aftrange God bow ^

I/, fehovah ^odoftheefztn;

Vphich thee afiending^up dtdguide

from land ofzy£gipt : open-^ide

d:y mouth ,and ^ XWfyll thefdmef

t2 .people didrnot obey

unto my voice : and ffrael^

to me Vn'os not affected-^el .

/^. Sof dtfmtffedhm away,

tn their harts Wrong-intention^

in thetr own counfels let them WaikJ^

14. Ohthatobeydme hadtnyfiikj

that in my Wayes hadgone,

tj, Their etemtes h^id humbled.


fiarL^ r. turnd my hand their ^es upon-^'.

l^. The haters of,

had fkighnedly-te h-m-yeilded


ind thetr tmiJhoM firever bee


am mm. rxm17. Aft3 he M^ould baVc fed him, if.tAnd^iththefhtof'^heiitheypjsttli

iiMththefatofw^heat:&outoftherock^ be^dx andfrom the Koik^, f^onldwitli honey ^y^ould I have fufficed thee.. ^tth Unej have fr^ced thee



©Ctf* I. Gitdth] fectfienotcon Pfalm, 8 . 1 . 5. Take up] totocct iuyoiif^

!~ ^^ V^iaouthesj oj lift up pout bolce 1301th pftltn mfong^otn lift uj)j(^ meant the voxcei

give] tOat fjSj bring the timbrel &c. oftl^efe tn(tntment$feePfal. & J3- 2.

. 1^. 4. Blow the tron-.petl oi, the Cornet; (tofiercffOEPf. s8. 6 .) tfjt^liUasS tJOom bOtfitO5yp? jpjotlapmlpfolcniratteuntomen, mttitobtamrmortalfcjtStmtWTO*®^®* Levft. 23 . 4 .

Mum. to. lo.fojtntBttxiJublibluoilliip, t|)*3frariltC)Sufebtr£mjp«isJ iclg) ot0ft mKfital

inPrummtti; iChron.j.ii.ij. &i9 .t7 . thene}^oon]iu|icna{iafi3cinnfca(t,ViJit9


pi’ctalDJojI^ptoasappointEtiof^obj Num,z8.n.r4 . anbat t!jffctlmcg(apmit6c^ab«^jatf)S ) tftro ufeb to a(ffmbl« to tboifpip, anb Otar ^objswojbj i King.4


23 . Ezek.46.$ . i&.

.tgefe fca(!0 luecc aH^nbolo oftgino^ to tome,but tgt bobp ip in 4E6}ift, <


^6 .%i



_ CoUof.2. 15*17^

the appointed-time] “the folemnitie, folemn featt

^ Ulgtcft UiajS tjjjlfC In tfie pere, ! attlje^^a)|ol3cr:, Jd:ntfco(l,and3.att0e feapp/Cabemaclcj^ Deuc.i^^i^. oftabrcftlapy

fome bnbcrftani) tftigi fcflib!tp,Cefeh, ap gabino®^ ofcoveringm bcctfic^i otberiS,of

tf)C covering, tgat fp, tlje change of the moon, te||en It 10 f)ItJ bp t(je fun. feaft] oj daunccj

feePfal. 4 i. j. <^610 map be meant offilfcaltpjojmfyenahoftbcfeafl ofblowing tiompets,

tntl)cfaftbapoft{)ef^bentbmcnctB,Lev.23.z4.cjoftbepafibvcr, ap after, bnfe. 5

'/TO $( 5^. ajudgment] tgatlb, arfte, oj ordinance; tnabC bp <0Ob, and a dutie tO be piTfO^inidtofitm. ;&Ojudgment, Ipfo^ducie, Deuc. 18.3. g. 6 , inlofeph] amongtbe

' poltcritp of 3ofepf),and tijc ot


kv tribep of Sfvatl. lofeph ijs named, a0 printipal, babingI the fairtftrigbt- i»Chron*5.i.2..^0Pfai .80.2* < from the laiidlfo the <0iecfe tUtmthlt^

"tifC l^ebrue ghnal,being Ijerc foj meghnal; the fame t^atmin, fronK a0 2.Chrbn,3348 .mitb 1.

-A ^

King.2i48.Zach44.3.!jittbdr going 0Ut ofi^.fb^t,the tead of the PalfoverUjap appointed, E<-

od,i2.after,mtfjetDildernesJ, tfjeotberfeaftiS. Levit.23,oj doe map read it, againiuhe land.

Jji3. to drjlrop it,and tf}t fir|tbom .Exod. 1 1


4 .f . 1 beard a language] l^cb^. a lip,uf^tf)C Ipeech OJ language, ajtl Gen.ii.r. Jft. 7. from the burden]UjatlDl burdens,.

toljertoitfitbepUJerc'^uercdniitmipt, mabmgbpcftb,bmldingdtiei5 &c. sa^#.7. 8 . bafket ] 0? pot, fueft deffels ao dobetm tgep cancd prada,moitrr,bi!tb &c.

8* Thou caledil ] gifrael fading left ^gppt , ^§araofj doitl) bip Ijctl puifuedthem, and tftep doere fo^e afrapd and emed to tj)e Ho?d ,

Exod, 14 . 10,1 f , fecret place ofthoiider]out oftfjc blach clodod,dobcrdoitf)45od guided and p^ctected^frachbnt doitj) tjen^ber, rapn &c. diiinaped tge iEgpptianjS; Exod . 1 4 .1^,20,24,25

.^tt alfo Pfal


77 . 18,1^


ofMeribah] tbatijS ofStnft^fo named becaufe^feaeltOerelhove with Mofes, and almoft

ftoned him. Exod. 1 7 . i .2.3 .4 .-7 ..'^flcrc ^OD proved^em, tO bnoto d0j)at IXJa^i iu tbeif ftart>

tobftfter tgep doould beep rcmmandemcntii? oj no ,Deut.8.2. Exod. 15.25* and there ti}tp

probed <6od, Pfal.5> 5 .9 . b. 9. telUfy] 0^ procelt, take to witnefs, namelp t^C pcabeu^and eartb Deut. 3 r. 28.& 32, i. 4c;. a 30,1^ : and decplp charge thee. Ccinpare Sere^Untft ,

Exod. I*? ,3 .4 .5. &c. & 20. 22. 23 . ler.i 1 .7 .8 . 1 1 . open-wide] that Ip,rpeak and

«sk freely, fentCnCC our ^abiour openeth thus ,if ye abide in me, and my words abide

in you ^askwhatye wil,anditihalbedoon toyou,Ioh. 15.7. and th’lipcPIe t|)l0S, whatfoe-*•’ ^ ver we ask ofd^Od, we receiv ofhim , becaufe we keep his commandements &c. i. loh .3.22.

•C, b. i2. not wel-affe6ted] had no will, OJ good inclination; IXllJICh thepfhrlpedpiEfcntlpaf^

T ^ ter the gibiiig^ofthelam , bp mahing themfclbcjs <6odo ofgeld, and dp their rontinuai re^

. bcUionb aftctbKird. Exod.32. 1.—31. b. 13. perverle^intendement] 0|, llubborn-opi-

mon,writhing and ob&iucs intentionjUJhich ificp loo&ed after ill theit eu‘onec«p hart.Chi^‘


. tofiid


Pfalm. LXXXIL 2/7txjoib i0 toBm ftmtt Dent, t9. T9, antj aftct often otjjecteb to @emhp^tmit •, ler. 5 . 17 .

7. i4. &5>. 14. & II. 8. ^nOtt|t$if0noteOfojauitiament of <i^oD,M3cnjfie(\ifFcetfipeoKktoJalfemtfteiroUJnUJapeOiAd.H.i^^. falfly-dcnyed] fcighnedly-fubmit-ted. fee prai.18, 4f. & 6<5. 3. their time] if be teftcteO to tbc cnemfc^,lt 15^ meanttheir time ofdiitrels

3 ajS*i. & 31. ;§o time ifi ufet) , ler. zy. 7. ira.13. zz. if topeople, it ineanctb %ir conttrmeti (etiets ftate, 17. fed Kim] tijat 15^, his people,Perfe 14* fatoi wheat

]the principal , Ojflowr of corn. foDeut. 3Z. 14. pfal. 147. 1/

outlet the rod;] outofm|)icft 43obSaDma0c6l0 people fucbfionep anti 01! . Deut 3z. 13,;g>pirSliaUp, tbeHockioChrili, i. Cor. 10.4. tge honey I'ptSe gtadouS toOjOtl tMt floUi


fcomOnn jfweecnesco the fowl, and health to the bones

j Prov.i(?.z4. Pfal. 19.n. Son<r.d..u

Pfalm. 82.

1. Apfalm,of Afaph:

^^Od, ftandeth in the aiTemblie of[God; hejudgech, in midds of the

Gods. 2. How long veil yejudge inju-

rious-evih& accept,the faces of the wic-

ked, Sdah? 3. ludge ye che.poor-weak

ling & the fatherkfs: juftifie, the afflid-

ed& the poor. 4. Deliver the poor-weakling & the needy; ridd-free out ofthe hand of the wicked. 5. They knowiior,neyther wil they underftad;they wil

walk-on in darknesrnioved (halbe,al the

foundatios ofthe earth. 6. 1 havefayd,ye are Gods: and yeal are fonns, ofthemoft-high, 7. But'furely,yetlialdyeas

earthly-me:& as one ofthe Princes,flial

ye fall. 8. Rife-up 6 GodJudge thouthe earth :for thou flialt inherit,in al na-tions.

pfalm. 82.

Sing this as the 34. Pfalm.

God, flmdeth in the ajfemblie

ofGod: dooth judge the Godsmidd,How long jadgeyee inyiriottfly :

and acceptfaces, of kicked . »

The ^eakjand^therfef)itdge yee :

tilaffitHed and poor jufitfic


The 'Weakjmd needy ridd-away:

out ofthe 'Wickeds handreleafe .

They doo not kfww, neytherWUthey

ought underfiand ; but in darJ^es

theyM Walk-on : though moved[hatofth'earth be the fomdmons al .

? Gods are .* and children

ofthe moft^high God arcyeeal.

iBfityee (hd dye as earthly^meru :

and as one ofthe princes, fill


O Qod rifeJudge the earthfir tho^

inheritJhdt^ al nations thWow.


13erf. I. theag^ljr^^ tfiatfp, theaffire(orreinon)ofMagi(lratesjthe ordinance of Go^Rom. 13 . i.z.Deut. 1 ^. 18 . anP to3fto ate to cjcecute not the jubgnnentsiorman , but ofthe ILo^b, toljo ip mitg tfiem in tfje caufe anb jubgement.z .chron . 19/ .Dent.

*’ midds of the Gods] tjat ip , among thejudges, 0^ Magiftrat^s, ( Petfe ^.)VullO

in ttje lam are aifo caleb Gods,Exod.zz


8 .9 .zs , becaufe tge of<®ob toa0 giben to them,loh. 10 34 .3 f

.p. z. How long &C.]^hup 45ob bp flip l^^opljet jiibsetf) anb repjobetft

tIjgGodsoj;iidges,fcjimngBttOUp)UbSment. accept the faces] refpeathe perfons,litt up, admire

, honour favour the facesj a tgiug fojbibben botg conceming rieg anb POCJ,^^vit. 19 . IS. Prov. 18 . f.Iam. z. I

9, b. 3 . ludge ye] that 10*derend, deliver^ fer Pial. 43 . i.Ifa. 1 . 17 . jiiflifie] t|^ati0, doo jullice,a0z. Sam.ij.4 . anbacquitto?abfolvf>im, Sip caufe being tight . Dcut. i.ier. zz. 3 .

b. y. Theyknownot] The;udgesar ignorant of their duty Mic.s.i.ler. lo.zr. Prov.z9 .r. nyi;6^ they

21 s Pfalm. LXXXIIT.

they wil walk on ] continue wilfully ignorant, and fynful in perverting juftici

Mic.:?.9. To walk in darknes ,to live in fyi^ i.Iohn. i, 6.Eph.4. 17. 18. & 5. 8.

moved lhalbe] to teet, tfiCtfOTC moved, moved be al the foundations; tfiOUg^r

aUaw^ouDojberiSbcOiolatcti, olcflate^ Oithirbcb , anb (IrongOl fjelpbcometotutue.

Ifa. Z4. 18 . 19. b. ^ fonns of the moft high] tfje Cftalbse parapj^iafcti), as the Angels

of the high God. iBaGiftratri$fftOU!D be ap Angels fo;tU)ifDom: 1 Sam. 14 , 20 .

b. 7 , as earthly-men ]as Adam ; tj)at tp ,as any other mortal man: fo after, as one of the

Princes, tftat ip, of the other Princes of the world : fO;tl)ip|?)fa!nif bJapfpohentOtbe fl}^0

CillratcpbfSfvad: foj whatfoever the law fayth, it fayrh it to them that arc under the law R6,

3 . 19 . b, 8 . inherit] tf)at IP, have foveraignty apb dominion. ^0 tbfP bJOjb W2anet{),

LeviMy. 4t. 4 <^. Ier. 49 ,z. itub <£l)#ip Caleb heyr, ( tfjat ip Lord) ofalL Heb.-i.i.

Pfalm. 83.

1. Afongjapfalmof Afaph.

2. /^God keep not thou (ilenre:

V^ccafe-noi-as-deaf, & be not

ftill 6 God.3. Forloethineenemies.makeatu-

multuous-noyfe: and chy haters, lifc-up

the head.

4. A gainft thy people,they have crafti-

Jy-taken fecret-c^«»yt/:andconfulted, a-

gainft thine hidden- ones.

5. They have layd, Come & let us cut

them offfrom a nation: that the

nameoflfrael, maybe remembred no

more. 6 , For they have confulted in

hart togither: againft-thce, they have

ftriken a covenant. 7

7. The tents ofiEdom,&theIfmae-

litcs;Moab & theHagarens. 8. Ge- s

bal and Ammon, and Amalck: the Phi-

lidines, with them that dwel in Tyrus.5

p. Alfo Aflidiur, isjoyned with them: -

they have been an arm, to the fonns of

hot Selah.

I o. Doo thou to them as roMidianr -

as to Sifera, as to labin 3 at the brook of


1 1 . which were abolKhed in En-dorr

they became doung for the earth.

12 puf

yjalm. s^.

Sing this as the 74. Pfalm^

. God doo not thoufilence- ktep :

ceafe-not-o6-deaf, and bet

'. notfttil 0 God. For be thy fiet ,

make noyfe^inmnlttiouftie :

thine haters ek^ , Itft 14p the head,

^ They crafty coanfel tak^e,

acawfl thy i^lkj, againft thine hidd^

they conjulwion-make .

r. They [dyd ; Come ,let iu cut them off

that they no nation bee ;

d)at name ofjfr^lmay no more

'be had in memorie .

. For they confUlt joymly in hart :

ftnke co'i/nant,thee ageynfl .

. Both cl^doms tents , and th*ffindlitesi

oab and th'^garens .

. GebalyAmmoru^ and AmaUkj



}. that dwel in Tyre . Affimralfi

>^tth them is’joyned-cbfe


djey have been for an arme,imte

the fonns efLot SeLh .

to. T0 them as vnro Adtdjan doo ,

as unto Sffera:

ty^s unto ^abifu,at the brodk^

It. ofKtjhon^. ^n Fn-Jor

which ^ere aboltfht


and became

dotingfir the cartbjyfioor


!Z. Ttis

219Pfalm. LXXXIIL

12 Pnf them even their nobIes,as O-reh ik as Z^eb: 6c as Ztbach and as Sal-

n:u.'T al their a uhorized-pm/c^^.

, ^ . ij ' J, Ltc us purtefs to our-

firL s the habitations of God.

14 My God; let them a rolling-

shiii^:as (te.bole beiore the wnd.15. As thefyre burneth a wood:&as

thefla. jc',ferret h the mountains.

16 S jpurfue then) with thy tempeft:

and faddainly trouble them with thy



Fil their faces with fliame: that

they mayfeekjthy name fehovah



Let them beabafhed, &(uddenly-

troubled unto perpetuitie;and let them

be aihamed & periih.


That they may know, that thou

whofe name fcf Iehovah onely thou:<ir^

themoft hye^ overal the earth.

/a. Tut them their Nobles every one ,

04 Oreb and 06 “^b


Oi T^bach and oa Salmunnah


ai their aHthortzed *

/3. who ftjd^ Let 04 ^Gods manponsyfir our pojfejfion-take .

14 .^^d f

04 Yolltng’thing,


before the ^md, them wake.

//• ty^sfyre dooth btirn a^ood : and os

theflame the momts doothfear .

16. Soy )^tth thy tempeft thempurfue :

and ^ith thyftorm fionflar .

/7. Theirflues fyll Withflame ; that they

mayfet^thy name 0 ^AH .

15. Lei them abaflt and troubled bo

unto perpetual-aye :

andflamed be andperifl they\

tg. That they may know;


thou thou Whofe name fEHOVAH ; art

'bovedthe earth moft~hye .


i. Keep not filence &C. J let not filence (o^llilnes) be tothce: fitnot

ftiljbut Ihrr up thy felf,to help,and avenge us on our enemies. ^0 filence 10 ufcd fo^ fitting Hill,

ludg. 18.9. t). \ . lift up the head] infolently and boldly, vaunting themfeiveSj and

warring againft us. ^0 ludg. 8. z8. on tfte COhttatJ), 45otl0 people fhtll lift up their heads,tjat

|0,be ofgoodcomlorc and courage, when their redemption draweth neer, Lnke.ti.a8.

p. 4. thine hidden ones] tl)ati0, 00 ti)e ejcplapneth It, thyfaindlsj are

den ofGod in his tabernacle in the day ofevil, from the (frife of tongues;Pfal. a?, y. & 31. ir.


whofe life is hidd with Chrift in God, Colof. 3.3. ^ . from beins3 0;t, that they beno more a nation; jB::iab auD otftet0 coufulttlul^ agahifl Sfrael; after, tfie liftet^agatnflMoab, anb eff!»cteti, ler. 48. a. p. tU hart togither] thl0 notetfj, earneftnes,

craftynes, and )oyntconfent in ePil. P. 7. The tents] thatl0,armies with their Kings

andcaptaines. ludg. 7. 13. 14. a. King.?. 7. 10. ler. 6. 3. Hab. 3. 7. AEdom] tfte Edo-mites , or idumeans, p)!)icl3 pjerc tftc fonn0 of Efau, nameb Edom: tfte Pjotfier ofSfrael: fee

tfte note oti Pfai. ^0.10. the ifmaeiites] chiltJ^en of ifmael, tl)e fon of'^P^afiain, pj^opja0 (pjitft tftc bonbvdoman Hapr pi0 mother, ) call out of fatfjetp bcpjfe fb^ perfreu-ting bib bjotgcrgfaob; in P)bo(eePtlP3ape0 bt0 cl)ilb^cn ftetePialb. Gen. &ai.9#10. 14. Gal 4.aa.z9.30. Moab ,] the Moabites , tftC pofleritp OfILot; feePfal.^

the Hagarcnsl the aTlialbce oacaplnaft caLtp tbcin Hungarians, ^gep pierc tfte poftentpofietur,Ma^ii'h,anb otbet Ifec timim cf3ifniacl,foii ofHagar,ofpjficm reiti; ttoelPfe0 of tl)eir nadon^,,iz,i j,i6. feme ofP3bifb pjere calcb bp tbeir fatl)er0 nain?,ifma-'^elites, (


0 before,) feme bp their granbmotbeip name Hagarens , anb btoeft in ‘!ivabia,eap^toarb from ^ilcab, neer to the ^ftaelite^. i Chron.j. 10.19. '^lie toerb Hagarims, ftgrdfiett}fugi rives, or Hrangers,(a0 the ^reefetumethtljcmparoikous, i Chron.Mo.) tficp PJete aftCCCaleb Saracens , tPfiicB in tfte 3to:abib tongue 10 theeves. p, 8, Gebal] that 10, tge

£e z. . CebaUtei

2 10 Pfalm. LXXXIII.



GebaUtes tfl Gib!ea!^8,tn^t fcteclt m tIjC €itte Gcbal (o^ Gabala)in ttcet^itjon, toljietitc^oloinonfiati lBafcn0,o^ponc-g|ClaerjSi j. King. 5.i8^£2ek.z7.y*Ammon] tfte Ammonites,' tfeat Cr.tue of Lot Moabites,Gen. 19.37. 38*

ttSngljSIitcIi \Bcrc ncereft aflpcD unto Sfvacl , nnb jpaljom <6oCi luoiite not fnffet tge gfrac^litpjg to niofcP,\jc5cn tficp came out cf^-EgpptjDeut.i 4.? .<»*ij?.roml3inef)cre togitijer agam(lSfracl to f nSl: t^cm out of<6oDj§ mftcntancGfa etil biij tliep ittoatD tficni, &. 3c ftoftia^

pbat COmplapneD,,io,i I,l^. Amalek] tbc Amalejcite$,to[lit!l \13Ct eof i?«f

lipEa5 tfie fon of0aih tfie bjotfjfx vf3frac!, Gen .3 1 2, i tbmircountvpneer Canaan,Num. 13 .30* mere tlje firft tjjat fought anamP Sfvael^Fxod.i 7^8 .&c« fo^<0ob tooulb fiabe ftab tl)£ir renmubzance put cut from under t)cabeti2Deut.25 .17.18.1y.anbi^»^aulmar5 fenttoperfojmeit, butbidltnot fuUp, i.Sam. if.2,3,9.&i8. is.anbujajJfitmfelf flapn bp an ^malebite.^ Sam. 1,8,9, 10. the Philiftines] oj Paleftina/ce tl)e noteon Pfal.^o. ro . Tyrus] theTy rians, Mjifg temflUb^Cb HO! tfic bjOtfjevlp CObenaiiC t^a tIftabbtcii betbjeen tfjem and Sfrael, Amos 1,9. ^ec t|)c notem Pfal. 45.13.

9. AHhur] the Airyiiaiii^ie pofiiedm Of Shem tht fon otecah ,,2z. /CSdS nOi*

tion Vnaisi tlie rod of<6odjS to^tD againP Sfrael, tobo in tfte end taptfbed ten tnbci^,

y.6. 2King.if.29* & 18.9,11,13. &€. anaim]tbatrpjanhelp <aj3 tf|e <3?ee&faptf),)and a ftrength to Lots fonns, tl)e jl^oabitrjS and ^mmontteis . ^{]u^ \3aere here ten pcopkis,COnfoedevatejS agamfl <6od and ftljS people ^ . 10. as to Midian ] the Midiamtes,the pollen tie ofAbraham , by his concubine Keturah, i Chron*i,32.te3()0 being turned3dOla^terp,dzelu 3fracl to fpnm tftc vmldmiejs^,foj tobtcli JUefep retoenged t!)e3fraditcd c( tl)em,b? t{)c {laughter of al tfjcir malrsS, and tpeir fibe $imgp, and a Vuonderful great fpoi!, Num^31. i.7,8.u<,32,&:c. but after that, refobeilng and oppzcfTuifl 3fcael inthcir oumland,luercbpGcdeonand 3oomen,baiiquifIjcd,tof)cn theplapintbcballp iibe grafboppersiinmultitude, Tudg. 6 . i.&7.7.u.iz. and to tftisJ bietojp hath tljel^falmifth^^re reference.

as to Sifera]the Captayn in the hoil oflabin, King of the Canaanitesj he pad nine hundred

fharretd of proii, and beret3fracl foje, but bn Deborah a pzophetefp , and Barak a captainof 5flaphthal!,thc 1lo;dde(ljopcd^trera, b)uh all his^ hoft and charretp, there luad not aluanleftj and^if?raf!pmg,b3abbpUed bp lael, i^ebcrbb)ife;bJhodjobc a naplinto thetcniplcjs ofhid head. Iudg.4,2

,3.—2 1 . labin] the King ofCanaan,U3hCl UpCll the death

of hid captain Sifera/o^ementioncdj boab fubdued and dcfcrcpcd befo^ the 3(taflited,iudg,

4 .^3 -4 • at the brook ] 0^ 111 the bourn, that 10 , the vally of Kiibon j !{)€ L^eb^lIC Na..

chal (


0 our Cngiifh bourn,) figuificth both a vally and a river running in it. Kiihon tua0 ariber at the foot ofmount Carmel,bp it, ;t>ifcra and tj)c Mig0 ofCanaan fought^aub tojcre

banguifhcdj and the bourn Kilbonfwept th^maway . ludg. 4,13, & f . 19-11 • Endor] acitie by Kiflion, ncct uiito T.4anach and Megiddo bah^rc tl)c Caiuianit:0 pcdfhcd,Iofli.i7.i i.

ludg.f.ip. doung for the earth] thatr0 > lay rotting aboue ground, unburied^ a0 i0e)C^

plvlpued, ler.^* >. & i(f.4. b. 12. Put them ] ozhimj that 10 every one of their nobles,and alljoyntly* ^CC t()e llOtC Oil Plal«2.3. Oreb &: Zeeb]two Princes of the Madiankes,whom Gedeon llew, Iudg.7.if . Zebach and Salmunnah jtwo Kings of the Madianites,

whom Gedeon alfo purfued ,andkylled,Iudg.8. 12. 21. authorized! 0|, anointed,thatt0 ,Princes,


0 th? erpjflTeth- <i>ce the note on Pfal.i.<<. ^Ti^zs a rowlmg-thing]wheelj blit ijcrc i0 meant a light thing, a0 chaff0^ Ikaw ,

that rolleth or turneth round be-fore the whirlwind, a0 tfic iicrt \j3ojd0 fhcto, and a liBe fpccch in Ifa.i7 .13 - platnlp manireff,

Clfuihcrc the U)0^d fignificib alfo a wheel, Ifa.zS. 28. and the fphsere CJ round orb of the aier;

Pfal. 77. 19. b. 15. fear] burn up. ^CC the lilicfmihtUdep Dent. 32. 22.

b^ 17. with ihamel O^difhonoiir, contempt: thei|CblUe bJO^dpJOperlpfi0nficthIeight-U£S3 a0 the COntrarp honour, t0 foraledofweightines- Pfal.3.4. that they may feek]

and let them feek : it map bc meant ofthe nitmit0 fc^e m.entioned, feared to fech and cal

On 4POda a,0 Pfal*i 8 . 4i*01UUiCfimteIPathatut?Umayfeek. ^0 after III bc tfe i$>.

bf. ly. Ic-hovahJ

Pfalm. LXXXIir. LXXXIV. 22r

lehovah] /2rDii«Ji)e}tr)ec!)iefcptiaitieoft8c<iEtetnaIanbmo(r 5Icfreb<©ob,fofaIet) nfr’of fitjS <aTcnce,being, oj ejciflcnce, t0 fimplp one, Deut. 6, 4

. fcjtc of tf)t^ name ^ ;

tgC f|0lp opcnety bp He that is, that was, &thatwilbe, CJ, is to come,Kev.i. 4.8.

4 .8 . & 11, 17 , & i^^,T*anb tficfcjm oftf)e 3^cb?uc name, implictrjfonmcft ieibnngafigneof«

tfiC time to come, leheveh, he wii be ; ho , of tfte time prefent, Hoveh,he that Is-, anb vah,cf«^

tbe time pa|l, Havah , he was . tmpo^tetf) tftat <6ob Is, anb ftarfi fti^J being of fiimfelf-from before alvuo^lb 3

S,Tra.44 ,^?. tgatljegibet^ being ojenflence unto altpingjS, anbinfjmi-a! ace anb cofifl, A 17.15 .tJjat fte gibetfi being unto IjtiS tooib,( ffcctmg boliatfoeber be batjj*-fpoben , mlptbsc p^omife^ Exod .^,3 . ifa. 4 f .1 ,3 . o;t tbjeatningo , Ezek.j . 17 . & 7 .17 . §;t i^ itl

effert tbefame tljat Ehjeh , i wilbe, 0^ i am, a0 <6ob ralctb bimfelf, Exod, 3 . 14 . (Sf<(3enttle<s nameb tfte gceatefl <j^oD, love^anb lu-pi i cr,tbat 10 lah father,(oftfie fjo^ter nameXah

, meiitioneb Pfal .68,s.) aab varro tbe learnebeft of Uje0omaner> tbeugfit love to be tfie -

<l5obof tbe3lcUjej{,Auguihi.i. deconfenf,evan,c.22 . i^ecofalfom^iecbUjptecjibeiiEJfali*-$b lao. Diodor. Sicul. 1 .1 . c, 5 . Ciem.Alex. ftrom.l.r. Macrob.l.i. Saturnal.c. 18 . ;)^Utiiltbe“^leeb tongue tfie name lehovah cannot rigfttlp be ppnouncebj anb foj it t&e <©^eebfjabe Lord , mbieft tbe neto teftament folomctb, a0 iviaik.n. 29 - from Deut.^.4.anb elftofiere^^

ufuallpi a»lb tbe llebpie tept fometime puttetb Adonai, Lord, CJ .^Elohim God, fo^ lehovah 4.C

OlEiPfal. 57 . 10 . ComparcbbJitbPi^l«io8 ,4 . 2 Chron.iT,i4 .ttJitb 2 King.i4 .i4 .‘^benAdonaf «-

Lord, iiJjopaebmitbitjitiismptteuiehovih, a0 Pral.68 .ii. then tbe g,ctde33 reabitiEio-‘thim,God

3a^ at otbec timeo tbtp reab it Adonai Lord^anb pronounce not lehovah at al at tfim*bap; tffougb in ancient bapc0 it appearetb to be otbettoeife. 03jceft fti|lo?ie ofo^anicb *

anb Magillrates acC calcb ^lohim Gods, Pfal.8.& 82. but lehovah i}^ peculiar to becp <0oblone. 3tlnb tbiis 10 tlmt name Oi fuppofe) mbieff tffc autb.ouc oftbe boob of lDifbcm,crdctft«.incommunicable, Wifd.14.21. ^Ct tfji0 i0 tflC naincof Chrill, Caleb lehovah ourjuitice, Ier.234,fo} Gods name is in him, Exod.23 .21. anb he is very God , and eternal life, i .loh, c. 20,

* ^

Pfalm. 84. S4.

I. To tbemnyfter of the wkfk^uponGittirh:a pfalm to the Tons of Korach.

2, TJfOw amiable are ihv dwelling-

JL Iplacesjo lehovah of hofts.'

3 . My fowl, lot gech & alfo fainteth,

for the courts ofIehovah;my hart & myjflefh,doo ihowt,unro the living God.

4. Yeaihefpano\^^,find«hanhow^re,


2. O LORD ofhoff^how amiable arc places

'^herw thou dooft dwell Myfiwly doothlovg

and fk'mt alp ,even for the courts offehovah : mj

ha:rt aridmyflejh, ^iowt doo dey, to come ’th^lu

vini ^od mff* ^he sjamw^ m howffin*§e 3 desk'


ffalm. LXXXIV.

?ay«h£yonfth^ f .UtrcpUyah hnyo


holUj myking,and my God.^ ^ ' ‘ *

5. obleffed art they that abide in

thine howfe: ftill, they (hal praiie thee


6 . O blefledwtheearthly-m'a.whoie

ftrength is in thee:they in whofehart,<««

the hyc-wayes

otier, thine almrsy ojAH ofhofts\ my

(jod . j. They thatm thine honfe have a-

bode ,are blejjt : theyfitll, pratp thee Selah •

7 Vhe/ttopaffingthorow the vale ^hofiflnng^^

ofBaca,_put h.m/.r a «rel-( alfo^Thatp.#;/d,r<,«^?fc J,e BacovsU,

doo pHt htm tor a 'Veiling-ftreanux

with blcjftngs d^e ,rayn covereth them .

/. From pow'r to poxvr,precede theyJhA :

to (jodm StorLj,

appear .

LORD,(jod ofhofis ,

my prayer hear :

^tve-ear^ 6 fa'kobs God Selah.

10, OoHrfmldwg-proteidwru^

fee thou oGod\ and lookjiporu^


^iih blcffmgs,the rayn covereth.

8 . They Hial goe,fr6 power to power:

he (hal appear,untoGodinSion.

p, lehovah,God of hofts, hear thou

my prayer:giv-ear,6 God ot laakob Se-

lah •

10. Seethou6God,ourihield: and

look-upon, the face ot rhine Anoynted.

11. For, better U a day in thy courts*

than athoufandil have chofen, to fit-at

the-threihold, in the howfc ofmy God;

r^rfccrthantoremayn, in the tents of


11. ForlehovahGodjwa Sun.anda

(heiid:Iehovah wil give,grace Sc glorie;

he wil not with-hold good, from them

/ that walk in perfedion.^

15. lehovahofhoftsio blefledwthe

carthly-man,that cruftech in thee.


free of thme oynted-Mejfiah,

For, better isa day )^>tthm

thy courts, than thoufand clfwhere betrui

f chofen have, me to deprfat threfhold, in horvfe ofmy god;

mh^r-thanfir to have abode,

Voithin the tents ofWickednes.


For'fAH God, is a Sun and ttmldi

bothgrace andglone, IAH ^tlyetldi

not anygood Votth-hold ^tl hee,

from them that Waikjn perfiednef.

O LORD ofarmies: blefjedis

the earthly-maru, that trufts in thee^


©nf. t. GittIth,]fetPfal.8.i. - t. dwelling-places ]ojhabitaejes; ffttfien^

cm 43«3* 3- courrs]that I may come into themifoztljc

into the ®mplc*> t(jc people (looh in the courtparh0 ,\i3luc& tocre mo.rXing.zi.s.Sfttvu

Ihowtj to toret, for defire to come unto God. 4. the iparrowTOI oira;

tliGi^cbntetfipporio generallp atm bird. pfaU n. i. Gen.?, 14. fpeciallpthc fpirrowj Uu|cno^

tj}cmrDgiareuameD, ajiSereattbiTal. loi.s.fojfucS fiaunt mnijiJ|o\»fe^ fwaiiowj

Pfalm. LXXXIV. 225

tX free-bird, fflieb i'll l^cb^lie dror, of libcrtie bltb fedtiet^ tO ffibC ftbcbeflpinri bolblp anb urpiing about ftotofeb: fo Prov.z^.z. <6|eefe anb Cftalbee tabf tfflere

foi tbc Turtle dove; bDbtti) lit l^btue an Otber naine, Plal.74*ip. thine altars ]taUjcrt 5 arc the places where the birds oelUe neer unto them

, in ho wles^or treesjtol)l'cf)fcintUnC

Vnece bp d^obo tabemade ^iof.24.26. or unbetflarib ajSb^fo^ej (i long for) thine altars. .•

55. 6. the hye-wayes ] OJ caufeyes; namdp which lead to thy houfettbat 103 they which pMp

fc(5t hartily ,long after and deJyte to goe up to thy howfe . ^pirittianp tftefc wayes tl pathes

nremabfbppi4rfttngroftbegofpel; ifa.4o.3.&35.8 .&ii.i 6. ?. They that pafling]

0^, ot thtm that pafs . ofBaca ] tfiOt tb . ofm ulberie trees,Utfltfll ttfe tO nroto tn b^pla^ «530 . Cfte <6zecfe faptb, vale ol' teart^ ©otjf) lucaiubat tb^cugi)toant0 anb a?flfction0 toe


muP come into tfte btnobom of<6ob.Cbt0 baflep toab ncer unto fJiCiufalem^ap map be ga-tbCtebbpiSam.f,22,23. lyf put him ! 01 fet him, tbat 10 Gjjd; mafeinqfjtm bp !^nnyNs

fingT&c. ] tfiat ii 5 bo\intifuliy and abundTntlyj the raynlHafcover them. Rayn fujurct^ OUt ^*

tbe bOCtrtne of tije gofpel; Dent 32, 2,Ifa.45'.8.Ioel. 2ji3* Revel. 1I5 6. the rayn of bleAings,nM?3 n;fa a bountiful abundant rayn^ Ezek. 34. 26. (ab to fow with blelfingS32 Cor,^. 6 ,t0 to fow abun-

‘ '

dantlv^oi liberally: anbblelling^ 10 liberalitie , iCor.9.S.Prov.u.25.) ^0 45ob toCUlb faufCa bountiful rapn of grace anb comfo;tt , to cober tgem that goe up to ftib gotofe in g,vrufa<lem ; ab clftobetc je i0 fapb to refrefft ftid ingeritance, toitg tge rapn of hberalitirp (hotoebupon it, toT)cra0 on tge contrarp ,

who fo wil not goe up to lerufalem, to worlhipthe King the Lord ofhoitsjvpon them lhalcomeno rayn , 2ach.i4.i7.^ge d3^Ceb tumctg tgl0fentmee tgllb, the Lawgiver (oi Teacher) flial give bleflings; tgc 0;iiginal Moreh bcingaitibi^guDud, fomtime fignifping a Teacher , lob. 36. 22. fomtime r^yn

, ioel.2.23. ifa 30,20. fo tgatfrom tgc l^cbnn^ it niap alfo be intcrp>ctcb, toitg biefiings , the teacher Ihal cover tgem; tgemeaning mucg libc tgc former;tgc Teacher being God ot chrirt,in togom toe ar bfeffeb toitgall fpiritual blcffmgd i t gcabenln tgi!p’0 ,

Ephe. i .3.^cmc unberPanb bracoth , bieiTiBgs^tu

be gcre a0 brecoth,pools biggeb anb filleb toitg rann. 23otg mean one tging* Vrr*Sii i

8 . from power to power 1 tfiat 10 . increaflng their power ( 02 llrength ) dayly more'

more; 00 tff‘3(po(lle faptg, we are changed into Gods image ,from glory to glory; 2Cor.3,i8^

anb 45ob0 justice id rebdeb from faith to faith^Rom. 1,17 .our fatvg anb glo^p I'nctcafhig mo^aanb moje. prov.4 . 18 . from army to army ,

(from troup to croup) refpertfng tge troups ofgfraeltogteg toent al igc mnlcd tgiice cberp pete, to appear before tge|Lo^b,Exod.23,i4~i7,<®ge i^fbtueChajii power, i0 ufetj fomtime fax an army cfmm, Pfal,33 • anbfomttmefoiriches Pfal.4^ . 7 . togicg alfo map be impii^b gerc. he llial appearJ 0^,tlUhe, tgat il^cveiy one ofthem, appears, arcojbiun to tgc lato, Exod.34.23. Zach. 14.16.

Jl. 10. of thine Anoynted] OZ M-fliah;our LordChrill,intogom<0Ob retpCCtetgU0: OZ

David, gi0 fiiiltte anb fatger in tgc flcfg, calcb alfo Gods anoynted , 2.Sam 23,1.

p. IT, than a thowfand ] tO toCCt, in any other place. lit at the threlEold] tgot 10;be in the lowed room

,and bafelledate : a0tgcd5^eeg faptg,be call down,

( oj an abjed)^*•'

^b bp <6ob0 howfe, map be meant g!0 tabernacle; 00 Luk.xi I . UJitg Mat.25^

3J. to remaynjajabide my whole life long., b. 12. i0aSUn3 tl/rjuiO^jtoilbea Sun

, tgat 10 a light ira.6o.i9*Rev. 21.23.

unberfranbiraj gcrebp al blcfling0 anb tem-fojt0,bp tl’-e Sun ofrigh-

teoufnes .Mal.4.2,



’ A

eu. ffalm.LXjrjsyj^.

t. Tothemayftere;'rfet»«/a;,apraltn


s. T^Hou hartbeenfavourabletothy Singthisasthe 8. orasthe P&lme.A landolehovahithoiihaftretur- ^ p-«-»2r /» j! j'qj ;

Bed.thecaptivityoflaakob. 3. Thou ^THou fkv<>redha({6y^

haft forgiven, the.niquitie ofthy peo-Thou fard’ned haftsilk^wLuie.

pk:thou haft their fynSelah.Uolkthekfyn Sdah.

4* Tkougathred haft thine anger al away :

Thou turned hailfto thy Wrathsftrvenf^lrti

/. Turp mo Godofour (dlvatmi^i

and ceafe ^gainil vu thine indignatioru,

6, Wilt thoufir ay *gainfl ufthine anger-ftyre?Wilt thou to age and age draw-out thine ire?

Wilt not a^aine revive m : that in thee

8» thy folk may joy? Tom Jehovah [Imv

thy mercy: and thy health on m heftow, (heei

What God theLOR T>M ifeakftle hearkping

fir to his folkjiftdjamSis^ fpeakjpeace ^tl heei.

tyfnd let them not return tofiolt^nes,

i§. To hisfiarers his health isfare at hand:

tJjatgloryymay have dwelling inour land*

^ , I - ri • It. eJHercy and truth mett: juflicekyfft&peaceifolly. lo. Surely his falvation « neer

12, Out ofthe earth cVelpringethyfkithftdnes:to them that fear him :that

Jujikefrom heav ns hath looked-down alft,dwel 111 our ii. Mercy and

it, ^IfiJehovahygivethhounteoKfnes:truth are meet: juftice, and peace have

landfttalgive her fruifrlnes.kyffed. 12. Faithful neSjfpringeth out

i^^Juft^right'ouSnesbeBrehisfizcejhdgoe:ofthe earth : and j uftice, looketh down ^from heaven, 13. Alfo lehovah, wil

give the good: &oiirland, flial give her fruit. 14. luflice, (hal goe before his faceJ

and he wil put,her fooc-fleps in the way.


I. totgefonnis] 0^,oftBem.^ecPfal. 4 i. I. haft be^n favourable to]

Ct, haft favourably-accepted, been wel-pleafedj tO Uiect, in thnc0 pap. alfo refpectctft

.the pwmtfe,Levit. 15 . 41 . captivity] tfjatlji, the company ofcaptives, o^pnfoners;

a0 Pul. 58 . i?.\SeC alfo Pfal. 14.7. P. 4. gathered-av^y] that 10, withdrawn, cea-

fed, o;tallwaged;a0 tlje<6jeehmterpjcttthlt. ^^ theparr0 gather-away,(tfiat

10 ,withdraw) tfteir \l)inlng. b, %, Turn us] tO OUt former fpate. caufe to ceafe]

0^ di{Tipate;a0Pfal.33. 10. P. 5. wilt thou draw] tBatI0 continue: fccPfal. 35. ir*

p. 7. wilt not thou turn ant> revive] tgat Id, agayn revive us, ^ee Pfal. 71. io. <^;ttcfe

faptft, O God, thou turning wilt revive us.Jpoj ‘halo tftep tcab ha-sd : tl)dctter0 ttaufpla^

CCb. 8, Shew us] O^Let us feeW)atl0iinjoy, ^oPfal. yo. 23.

q. the God] OJ the ATmighty: JEl and let them not] 0^, that they turn not to

^olly: ®atl'0,t;ofya; fcePfal, i2j.3.C8e<i5jCC&faptI},sndtocheiiuhacturntheharttohim.thac

4. Thou haft gachered-away al thine ex

ceding-anger; thou haft turned,fro the

fervencie ofthine anger. 5. Turn thou

us, oGodofourfalvation: and caufe,

thine indignation againft us to ceafe,

6 , Wilt thou be angry with us for ever?

wile thou draw-out thine anger,to gene-

ration and generation.^ 7. Wilt not

thou turn& revive us: that thy people,

may rejoycc in thee? 8 . Shew us leho-

vah,thy mercy: and give us, thy falvati-

on. p. I wil hear, what God lehovah

wil fpeak: for he wil fpeak peace, unto

liis people & unto his gracious-fainds :

and let them not return to unconftant-

. Pfalm. LXXXVLTvJthat

tute ofbp fon, Rom.3. ^3 . faab comtrjunicatc mtiy (]!j^ glo^p. Rev. 2


. 3 . 1


. iTa. 60. i .anb tgfp av tftangcb into


1^4 that alon^ miy dwello^glory dwel; meaning tfty glory ofGod,M)ffft to^atc bcPi‘^*rf3|

gcacrmClw, anb ^^Xbflbtodmtiong men,

fameimagejromdo^ptoglo;ip,a0bptbc(ptdtoftf)e1lo>b. x.Cor.^. is. bpgloryiis<tn^autj Chrilij t^C ialvation ofGod^toBo dwelt in our land

^ buBeil tfte UJaiS niabcanb menfam tl)c glo^jitSerof, ajS t&e glo^p oftn<» onrlp begotten oftfie jfatber , fal of grace*-.anb tmt% lohn. 14. 1 1. are mett] tgat lO come togither, before fmncfih^-afonberjanbtBepbabeitnitumfodetie; (fo meeting impo^tetB* Prov.22.1. ifa. 34.14)truth of<6obbp^iomifeo, are mCBjtftfulfineb.Luk^ 1.^8. 69. &c. Ad:, 13.32.33.

^ have kyRed ] asifccmbo ufe Vulien tftep meet, Exod.4.i7*&is.7.a ftgne ofconcojbj lobe ^Mpbanb )Op. ;S>0 tt^btng ofjulhce anb ofpeace,Heb. 7 . 2. anb the work ol jufiice bp }itm


peace, Ifa. 32. i7.fO|, bein^julHfiedby faith, men have peaceitowards God. Rom.^.i.Luke.2, 14 , b. 1 2. Faithfulnes fpringethl OJ Truth buddeth out of the earth (OZ land

); tftat ttf

the land bringeth forth farthful i7ic reale, anfwerable to Gods blefllngs upon it. lailb figu-ring tftemi\m ofmen Heb. <5. 7 . 8 . toftteft bp faitft appz^ftenb <©obo merep tn

froheaven 1 the i uRice ofGod through faith,not our own jurtice which is ofthe law.Philip .3 .5?^

^.13 . the good] OJ good things,tftat the good gift of the holy Ghoil,tO faUCtifp peo^*pie: abLulc.ii. i3.tomparebb3itftMat.7. u. ^eealfotftenotemtPfai.^j.r.our land] our eartftlp nature fauttifteb, bzmg^fouftgdobfrmtismCB^ift.Mat.ij.zj.^ec

Pf. (^7.7. b. 14# luhicelhal goej OJ, He wilcaufe jultice to goe before him. ^wil put her Fcotffeps i OZ, wil let (fter,) in the way, of his footlfeps : toftlCftfeemctb tOUteatl

m feticb tOUrfe oftuningm bertue* when he fhal put his footfteps into the way.

Pfalin. S6.

I. Apraycr,ofDavid:

BOw-down thine car Ichovah anfwcr

me; focl^iwpoor-afflided & nee-



Keep my foul, for latff merciful;

thou my God,fave thy fervats that truf-

teth unto thee.


Be gracious to me lehovah: for

tmto thee doo I cal, al the day.


Rejoice,thefouIofthy fervant:for

unto thee Lord, life I up my fowl.


For thou lehovah, ar( good andmercifully-pardoneft: Sc much ofmer-

cy,to al that cal upon thee.

d. Give-ear lehovah, to my prayer:

& attend,to the voice ofmy fupplica-


7. In

^faints 86m

i . BOw^downtlme ear "lehovah anfmr mee:fir

J^mpoor^afiU6led^needie, 2, Keep thou myfiwl^

fir mtrctfil Sim 1 1 mjGod^ thyfervantfive^that

: 5^:$

trufis tn thee*


lehovah be thougradorn to mee:

fir^ el the day^ cal unto thee doo p.

4 . Thyfervantsfiwiy re)cyce-thoH-chearJullyi

{or Lordy I lift my ^wlup unto thee.

/. For tfwH fehovahy good and pardonefl t

ofmercy much^ to al that cal on thee,

6. (five ear lehovahy to my pray*r : and bee

attem^ unto the voice ofmyrequefif.

226 Pralm. LXXXVt.


7. In the d^y ofmy diflrefsjwil I cal un-

to thee.forthou wiltanfwer me.8. none like thee, among the

Gods* 6 Lord;and none like thy w'orks.

'p. A 1 nations, whom thou haft made;

dial come, and bow dow?v chernfclvcs

before thee 6 Lord; and dial glorifie thy

name. 10. For great <irr thou,& doeft

marveIou5-things;thou, .^rt God thy

fdfalone. 11. Teach me, olehovah,

thy way; Iwilwalkin thy truth: unite

my hart, for to fear thy name. 12. I

wil confefs thee, 6 Lord my God, with

al my hart; & wil glorifie thy name for

ever. 1 5. For thy mercy, w great to-

ward me: and thou haft delivered myfowd, from the lowed hel. 14. OGod,the prowd are nfen-up againft me; and

7. Jn day ofmyfirajt-tnhuUthfLf,

f cal on thee; fir thou >^tlt anfwer met,

S, ^mong the Gods^ not any is hk^e theex

0 Lord; andhke unto thy ^orks are none,

p, HethesJhalcome^'^ho thou haft made/chont^and befir'tthee Lordthemfelvet dovon^ hove ;

/ 0 . andgfortfie thy name. For great art thove^

and marvels dooft: thou^ God thyfdfalone,

/ / . Teach me thy, >^oalkJn thy truth ^il /,

0 LORT) ; to fear thy name^ vnite mine hart,

12. lie laved thee^Lord my (fod^tth almmthartiand thy namefir everglorifie,

IS* Forgreat thy mercy towards me hath been?and thou hafi riddmy five!from ioxvefigrave,

14. O Gody the proved agawfl merifen have:

andfeekmy (owl dooth crew ofviolent-men^:

.- . . ey^lfi before them they proprfe not thee.

theaflembhe of violent men, leek my God cf,race ar,d render-mh:fowl •• and they have not fet thee bdore

them. 1^. But thou Lord, art a God le.Turnmemy fiice, andtomepraciotubee;pitiful and gracioitsilongfuft^ring, and cs . ; r t % , ,

much of mercy and truth, id. Turn .

the face unto me,& be gracious to me: '7 - tl,we h,„dmaydefo>, ^j;o«^^^

give thy ftrength to thy Ycrvant;& fave,‘"‘‘c ,

the fon ofthine handmayd. . 17. Doe thatf,from thee LORT),help&ccn,^thM,.

with me a figne,for good : & let my ha-

ters fee and be abaflied; becaufe thou Idiovah, haft holpen me & comforted me.


tDerf- I. Aprayer] thcl!TtctitIei0off^aImi7.^o€fij!(litiapt8tdl^faIm fttlpbeap#i. merciful] OJ, a gracious-faindt: pious, holy. ^rePfal.44. titlf

T tafeeth to ftimfdf , ler. 3 . u. 4. Lift 1 up ] feetfle note on Pfal.iy.i.

y. mercifully-pardonelt] OJ art propicious, aforgiver . j§eePfal.iy. II.

8. Among the Gods 1 Though’ there be that are caled Gods, whither in heaven orin

earth, (as there be many Gods , and many Lordsj) yet unto vs there is but one God &c. i.Cor.

8.y.(^. al the Gods ofthe peoples, are idols, Pfal.^d.y. and none] tO toect, can doo workslikerhinej OJ, no UJO^S? ate like thy works. Pfal. 13^.4 . \j. ii. Vnite my hart] apply

anti knit it to thy fear onely^, anti thatU3ltf)fhnpUritIC- b. 15. hel] OJgravcitheftateofdeath : fee PftL lo- b* 14. the prowd ] Compare tIUjStoith Pfal.y4.y.

U. ly.

pitiful] a;, ful ofruth,mercy and tender love.lDbm <6ot»jS name bJa^ p|Orlapme!)^

before iBofe^ , tljtd title toith otftet, in it, Exod.34.y long fuffring] l©ng

of nollhrils, that iSJ, ofanger ;

long ere thou be angry. ^\\t nofe flttb anger, f)abc one name ill

, fee Pfal. S. b. 16. fon ofthine handmayd] tfjat iO;born thy fervant,of tp^tli*

ippaccats that wrethPferbitoj^. <l?fCh|ijttijipalfomap true^tfic fonoflBarieQicbir-'



Pfalm. LXXXVn. 227

Bfc,fl6efimtbni9iibofae1Lojb. Luk.j.48.;&eet!)f

ti. 17 . Doo with me a fign ] o|. Shew it me : tljat IS. So deal with me, in my deliverance and Jr«»

prefer v^ation, that I may have m v felf, and may be to others a figne, i-or good. Korah 0nt) f0<

lonas, afignt0tl)2

ani) chriiUo tBeScUjejij Luk.n.30*

Pfalm. 87.

1. To the fonns ofKorath,a Plalm a


His foundation, among the moun-caynsofholynes.

2. lehovah loverh,thegatesof Sion:

above al the dwelling places oflaakob.

3 Glonous-chingSjfpoken ts of thee:

6 citie ofGod Sdah.


I wil make mention of Rahab &Babel, to them that know me; loe Palef-

tina & Tyrus with Cufli ; this-wrf« was

born there.


AndofSionjitfhalbefayd; man&man,was born in henand he, the moft-

high fhal cftablilh her.


lehovah, wil recount, when he

writeth the peoples; this man was born

there Selah.

‘ 7. And fingers as players-on-fluits:

al my welfprings in thee.


Pfjrhn, S'/.

Sing this as the 8^. Pfalm.

/. \ Mong^the mounts ofholyncs^

jLjL is htsforndmoru .

^y^bove al fakobs dwellings; jAfJdooth love gates ofSwru*

Of thee i cute ofGod Selah;

thtngs-glortom^ fpo^en bec.

4, 'Hahab and "Babel tie rehearfiy

unto them that know met;

hot ^aleflme and Tyre Wtth Cupt:

e/;«-man, he born there.

/. OfSionekt^ttJljalbefyd;

ech man is born tn her.

and he,that is the Highep one

Psalher eftubltllj-fkfi


6. Jehovah^ When he Wrtteth up

the peoples, count' Wtl-cajh

this tnzn, he born Was there Selah*

7- t,"^nd there the fingers bee

as al(b they that play onfiuitsi

my \}peh^rtngs al tn thee.


r. His foundation] 02 The foundation therof, QrOUnblJOO^It Of Cntiptc ImaV’tohtef) built upon the mountapn^ Morijah and Sion . i. Chron. 3 . 1 . Pfal. 2 . 6 . ^omcrefer it to tf)C Plalm , tfic foundation (oj argument) UJl)^tof, U< Of tfje €hurf|h ofCfUip

2 . gates of Sion] the publikaifemblies ofhis people : fectlijCnOtCOnPraU^.if . ^h^lOUl 1^*^.toao to tome cut of Sion , Mic.4 .2 . anb the feepter ofChullis ftino[bomj Pfal.i lo.z .

3 . fpoken 10 ] that I0,arc particularly fpokenj al aub ebtrp oftljcui. of thee citie of

God] that 10 leruralem; fp coleb alfoJ^fal. 4^. 5 , .i.*„a fiijur t‘ of ffig Church. iBhat hb-

nourableThlnSare fpoBmof^^^ <4 - ^ chap^is.,•

<gnhc l^ebiitc uma?e mlHee. t0 lightlnturneb atcotbinu tCLthtj^Siceg, of thee oi concerning

theerte)fchmanfrftmc0 hatf)(ucljftgn^^^ & 71 . & 119 4<?. i Sam. 19 .*

4;^caifomthe<62^fh>a6 Rom. n.z. 4. Rahab] thati0,a0ti)eCijalbcfpara-’^V-phiaRfaptf), th’Aigyptians

. ^0 i^-gypt (0 Caleb Rahab, in Pfal. 8^. ii. Ifaisr.^. cpthct fC2

tje ilreneth anb pride ofvEgppt , ( tohicli the toojb Rahab figniftctfi; ) 0^ offeme chief citp (a

namcb; a0 elfboflere Tfoan 3pfal.78 . 1 a. Cfie caUiig of gypt to tge feliobjfhtp of tftc church,

Ffi t0alfa

22$ Pfalm. tXXXVIII.

alfo BabelltfieBabylonians^fft Pf.i57 .i 4lKit rftptoflji

Babel. <H)fa ffiUfCl) tfterc, Iticntion II^ wade I Pet.^ij . to them] among

them that know me jtOlBeet my faniiliars . Paldlina ] the Philiftims; fee Pfal, 60.10,

Tyrus] the Tyriansi fee Pfal. 4M3. <9ftI)Cm toe« Cfetptan Ad. 21. 3.4.

Cufh 1 tSe /T.thiopians, np tvanflatctfij fee Pfal,6B .32. this-uian ] tgat is^,

(a^tfjco^Kehfaptl),) thele-mcu; itieamng, ail before mentioned . ^0 tijz i^)cbjue often

fueafeetljdf a^ofoncman. ^eePfai,2f.2i, & 130.8, was bom there]

In tftf city ofGod , afojefapd, ^bere, ofimmortal feed bp tljt toojd of <6ob, are men bojn

anetti:> i Pet.i.23.iam^, ^t()m^tocomc,i^berefetdornn a^ alreadp doom foiniia,

^96. g. T* man and man ] fo tge <0jteb alfo ejepifffetb tbe l^cbjaifme, i^crebp feemetft

to be meant every man, fufccfTtbelp, ais Heft. 1,8. fox gerufalcm tjje motfier of ttd al^Gai.

4,26, (^0 davandday,ti3 everyday; Heft.3,4. Pfal.61,9.) <82, man and man, !jS many men,

DftbtjS and that nation ,cf cci) epate and degree. ftabliih her]that the gates ofhel ihal

notprevaylagainfther^Mat.i6.i8. ^ftcrfoje tfTi^ dtp lietb fowrlquare fetlcd in alcj)ange|5.

Rev 21 16 Ezck.48.16—20, b. 6. writing the peoples] in the writing of the howfeof Ifrael,

tr)ati^t()C4ri)UVtlj,E2ek.i3.9.Ifa.4.3. And finger^

ihap fiatoc vcfctcntc to tftc folniin toojfljfij cf 4&oli,uftb intfie €Ju«tj ofgfrael; \jjfjere fin-

Eers anb players on inftrumeins, gaOflUfjargf tontiimaUptOiaUJb tf)ClLo?b,&c. I. Chron.9.

I, &IS.I.1.&C. anbbantc0tiiet£uffbatt{i!-itliolp fcarts,toftcnoar]6tnUuttJ,iud.ii.i9.ii.

1)0 tfif ILamb, Datl) jjarvfrp tottft ftim on mount jS)ioii, tftat fine as (ttom a ntto

fbiwljeforctftetlnonCjRev. 14. i.a- 3 - €>7,itmaprefpctttl)attoI)uOfolotoctb,almy fpnngs

in thee (oi of thee) ate finging (t|&at tO, doo iing) as alfo dance, (o| as they that dance,) fiftat tO,

{hew joyhilnes. players on fluits] oj,dancers, fb? fO t!)tO bJO?b map nlfo fae tafefU fO|

dancing,(to ujcct ot t^c foitub of tf)f flutt 0} pipe;)asi ludg.M .1 1 .Compare f)trcUJtt6 ifa.30.29

Che t^Itefe here'turiietfi it, rejoycers. ^ my.welfpnngs) o? foimtayns; (llreams ofUJater,

no Pf 104. id.) that to, al gifts .ind graces; tohifft tf)C ffriptute UOtetfjbp lively fountayns of

waters mlierUJttli thcp t>tt rtfi tfijeb. tftat ferb <©cb in l)ip temple, bap anb nights Rev . 7 . i j.

17 flnbwelfpringsoffalvation,Ifa.i2.3. UnbaSSChriftisStalcbafountayn, foibhibchurtl),

Sono.4. IT. II. intfiee) fo^noVJJ, unto principalities and powers in heavenly-places,

is know’en, by the Church, the manifold wifdom ofGod, Eph. 3. 10. i.Pet.i.u. me mapteabit,a!S'bCfO?eintfje 3

.betre,ofthcealmyfprings, doofmg.&c.

pfalm. 88.

I, Afonga pfalm, to the fonns of

Korach; to the mayfter o/iie wnyi/;,, on

’jdachalath leannoth: an infttiicting-

»/4/w,ofHeman the lEzrachite.

lehovah, God ofmy falvation:* * \^hy day I cry-out,^ in the night

•-ibefore thce. 3. Let my prayer, come

before thee: bow thine ear, to my Qiril-

4, For my fowl is fylled with

evils: and my life, draweth neer to hel.

C5.. I am counted, with them that goe-

down the pit:I am, as a ma that hath no

Jirength. 6. Among the dead.

h cry

pfalm. SS.

Sing this as the 13. Pfalm.

fEhovahj thou the God ofmy falvmtion^T

before thee^day^ ma^-ckmatto. ((hrily.

3. Fore thee^ let come my prafr: vmo my cUmour^

4 . bow thine ear. For Wtth evls myfid it hathike

my Itfi, drawes neer to hell.

/. 7 countedam,^ith the that doo^o-down the pin

f fim, 04 mm that hath abtkue no ^hit- (Uy;

6 a Evejree^amo^the dcadifu ingrave tbat^

Pfalm. IXXXVIII. 22^

free* like the flayn, that lye in the grave;

whom thou remembreft no more; and

they, are cut-away from thine hand.

7. Thou haft put me, in the pit of the

\owc(\-places: in darkneifes , in thedeep^

fla^ 8. Thy wrathful-heat ftayeth

upon meiand thy billowes, thou

afflideft we Selah. q. My known-«^c»

j^uAmtance thou haft put- farr-away/rom

me;haft fet mey<?r abominations to the:

{hutt-up,and cannot get out.

10. Mine eye languifheth, through

mine afflidion:! cal on thee lehovah, al

the day:l fpread-out my palms unto

thee. 1 1 . Wilt thou doo a miraculous-

Work^to the dead: or dial the dccefted

rife upjftial they confefs thee Selah?

12. Shalthy mercy be told in the

graverthy faithfu!ncs,in perdition?

13. Shal thy miraculous-^i?rit be

knowen, in the darknes: &thyjuftice,

in the land ofoblivion? 14. But I,un-

to thee lehovah doo I cry-out: & in the

morning, my prayer (hal prevent thee,

ij. Wherfore lehovah, dooft thou re-

jed my fowl: dooft thou hide thy face

fro me?i6.1 poor-afflided,&:breath-

ing-oiit-the-ghoft from my yowth : I

bear chineaftrightings,Iam doubtfully-

troubled. 17. Thy wrathes pals over

me:thy terrours,doo difmay me.18. They compafs me about as wa-

ters, al the day : they are gone-about, a-

gaipft metogither. 19, Thou haft put-

farr away fro me,lover & fellow-freind:

my known-ac^HA/nta^;c^ an in darknes.

^hom thoH doefl mindno moreibecAufefrom thy

have quite been M^avpay. (hand^ they

7 . Thou pHtft mCy in the fit ofnether-ftaces-fieef i

in ohfcHre-darkiieffes, ingulfy-flacts-deef*

S, Thy Vorathfil-firvecieiH^o mefirm-dooth-f^tand ^irh thy btllovpes ^/,up6me thoH dooft lay-

^ {haft mefet9. My k^ovpnTrcindsthoH haft pHt-fkrryfiomet

lotlofom to them^: jhat^apj that out ^ cannotget*

to* Through mine afth^wynine eye dothpine-awayi

thee doo I cal upon fehovahy al the day:

mypalms to thee dtffli^*

it* Wtk thou doo to the dead a worhmiraculouj^

orpjalthey rfe-agayn that are decefft from us?’

12* [haltheylawd thee Selah?Shal thy benigne-mer-^

be told^ithin thegrave? ot thyfidelmey (etc

in firiorn-mtferiei

iq. Shal thy work- marveilow be in the darknes

andthj jufticCy Veithinlandofoblivioru?

/-f. ^ut 'f,doo vnto thee fehovah make my cryx

myprayer alfiyjhal even in the morn^early

prevent- thee-ffeedily*

tj* Wherfore dooft thoureftcimy (ovpl, o Jehovah


thy coutendeefro mCyWhy doo^; thou hide-avpay^

t6 , fpoor-affltlied 2PX\i(^breathwg-out the ffright


evenfrom my youthilbearythyftars-that^doo-

Jam m doubtfrlpHght*

17^ ThyWrathespafroverme: thy terroursyme dif//. They cdpa§me about as WatersyUl the day:(may^

againfr me altogitherygone round about they are^.

ly* Lover^freindyfro me thou hafr removedfhrr^my %<?n?»-freiiids darknes are..



I. Machalath]^ hmbDf wind-inftrument; 0^, hp fttterp^etatfon , InfrmitiePlal.



leannoch] 0^, to fing-by- turns , tofitCfitjEf, When one part anfwereth an*“

arherinfinging; ItwanalfoheinterpjetelJtoafflid(ojhumble). rsi

efccnipiafirtSebentotDeent.. Heman tL^mchke]IjremfajmigtlltftUktlOfyEthanthe^zrachite; tBctetDCte !U)0 Cf tI)iS iiajr.t, Henian &-£ than

, foroiss ofScratD t|)e ftut of tfie sautarrl), i . chroa 4 •« . men xervvawt foi


1|0 Pfaltn. LXXXIX.t^eittofftiom jt.King.4.31. alfo Heman & jEthan ^tngerg atil)

:• r





jVTT' 4. draweth nee rl 0^ toucheth hel ^ or the graved ^0 , to toiich~( 0^ c^e neerto) the gates ofdeath. PfaLio7.i8. a^anl ^cbz. geber, tflat 10 a ftrong man.butwithout abilide or power to help my felf^ (l^itcSfiptnhelpIels. V $[7T. free


ijs; acquitted 3 0? diicharged from t^e ttoublc^ aiiD affaptcjD! of t0f0 life rfb} in beat!), thepnfoners reft togither, and the fervant is free from his malter. lob. 3,18^19. 0^ free, tfiatilSife-

queftred, apart fi’Otti otgerjSjaiS 3^* ‘Jlsarialj bmig Icpjoup' ttodt in an howfe offreedom,t8atalone, apart from ocher men, 2. King. if. s'. from thine hand] tj&at !^f,from thy caic

help guidance &c. '2i5arial) facf0^tfapb,\naj5 cut offfrom the howfe ofthe Lord,z.Chro.2 1 . OJ by thine handj anb fo UllbCrflanb, Irom the land ofthe living, a0 Ifa. t3 .



9. 7. pit of thelowcft places] the nethermoft pit, a^ tf>e faptftj lnl)tr|^ tfje Cfialbeeparapfjrafetlj in captivity, which is like to the nether pit. darkneftes] O^darkplaces: foPf. 143.5* deep-plaCCjS] O^gulfs: fee Pf. ^9. 3. 5^* 8. ftayeth] oj,i»uhpofed, anb lyeth hard. billowes] breaking-waves of the Tea, fee Pf. 42. 8.

9. fet me abominations] tfjattti, made me moft abominable(o^ lothfom,)to every ofthem^can not get out] foLam. 3. 7. lob. 19.8. <Oftl^ijeipl)rafcfcc tljcnctc ouPf. 77. s.

J0[.10 , languiiheth] o;tpineth away^tlie €iialbCCfaptf),droppeth tears. Ccmpate f|ereU3Itg|

Levit. 26 . i<$. ^ II. thcdecpled] l^cb^ Kephaim, dead menace fo Caleb, ap beingincurable OJ unrecoverable to liTejfolfa. 14. 9-&. 26. 14. 19. Piov.2. 18.&9. 18. & 21.16. ^eealfo Pfal. 6. / b. T2. perdition ] A^cb^ Abaddon, tfje grave UJljece bobieo penlh, anbfecin to be loft» ^dlob.28.22.8: 26.6. b. 13. darknesi that iO.the place and ftate of the!

dead; Caleb the land ofdarknes and lhadow ofdeath, lob. 10.21.22. ^0 Ecclef, 6.4.

tlje funbjp titlcjs giben to tlje (late of bcatl). land_ofobh vioni inliere beab men atc,(a^

before notebi) bObK!) alfo are forgotten , out of mind, Pral.3 1 .13 . Ecelef. 8. 10. & 9.5.

b. 16. breathing-outtheghoft] tbatid,ready todye,exfpiring: tl)?OUgl) continual mifc^

tieji. fapth,in labours fro my youth. fi 6 the youth l 0^, lor the lhaking-off; tj^at

tfle afflidion. am doubtfully- troubled] oj dirtra6ted,fojfeat Icafl Cbilo buo befall mr.b. 17. difmay] fupprefs,ojcut me off. ^|)c i^cbptcVoo^btiS larger then ufual, toincreafe

tftefigmfication. ''5rbe€>^cchtnrnetb it, trouble. b. 19. my known acquaintance are

fndarknes] tgOt ilSl, withdraw and hide them from my fight; anb (aO 3ob COmplapnetb, )are

grangers unto me ; Job. 19. 13 . 14. aO tf)f 45iecfe tcfcrvetlj It to t!)C fojmer, and myknown-freinds ( tO lurcf, tftou ba|1 put fart) from calami tie;0^ for the calamitie, t^at lb Uponme . 3 Ob tfte Cbolbee parapb^afctl)} known freinds,dark I am in their fight.

Pfalm. 89.

1 . An inftru6Hng-/)y^/w^,ofyEthan the


2. T Wil fing, the mercies of Icho-

Xvah,/<»rever: to generation and

generation, wil I make-knowen, thy

faithfulncs with my mouth.

j. For

pfalm Sp,


2. \EhovAhs meraesf\>tlfw^^ \xnio etermtie:

to agt and ft?// my month makf k^toun thy,


Pfalm. LXXXIX. 2313.

For I fayd; mercy ftialbe built-up,

/or ever: the heavens, thou wilt ftablifli

thy faithfulnes in them.

veritie. 3. Ftr f fayd; Mtrcitjhal be built



tternitiei theheavfjs, thou firm-eftablijh Mt in thS

4. 1 have (\riken a covenant,with mychofen: I have fworn, to David my fer-


5 . I wil ftablifh thy feed, unto eterni-

tie:to generation and generation, wil I

buildup thy throne Selah.

6. And the heavens, ihal confefs thy

marvelous-ft^ori^Iehovah:alfo thy faith-

fulnes, in the Church of the fainds.

7. ForVho in the fkye,may be com-pared to lehovahimay be likened to le-

hovah, among the fonns of the migh-


8. God^ daunting-terrible, in the

lecretofthe fainds very-much :and fear-

ful,over al round-about him.

9. lehovah,God of hofts; who is like

thee, mightielah? and thy faithfulnes,

round-about thee.

10. Thou rnleft, over the rwelfing ofthe Tea: when the waves therof rife-hye,

thou ftilleft them.

11. Thou haft beaten-down Rahabas a wounded-f»ii«: thou haft fcatrered

thine enemies, with the arm of thy


1 2 . Thine^ the heavens, thine alfb

at the earth: the world & plenty therof


thy 'venue.

4 . With mine elcEied- one^ I have

ftrtk/n (t covenant:

4 racifying-(7<if^ Jgave

to T>avtd myfervant.

/. Thy feed eftabltjh-fttrfg >


thj throne I alfe ^// bmJd-Hf^to age and age, Selah,

t/ind heavens^ o Jehovah^ (hal

thy )^>ondroM‘Work confi^:

VPtthin th'ajfemblte ofthefitnl^Sy

alfo thyjktthjulncs,

7, Vor ^ho may to Jehovah ba

compared in thefkye :

may to Jehovah likenedbe^

mongfinns ofthe Adightief

/. God^ in the Secret oftheSainEISf

much terrible is hee:

emdto befiared^ over a\

that round-about him betl

y. Jehovah, o thou God ofhofts;

)^^ho like unto thee is,

i mighty Jah f and round-abouti

thee is thy faithfulnes.

I0, O'verthejv^el/ingofthe /?<i,

thou ruling-beareft-Jway:

^hen ^4ves therofdoo rife on hye^

thou ftylling-them dooft lay.,

n. Vtoud-Rah^ haten-dom thou hajf^


thine enemies thoufcattred hafty

Witharm ofthyftrong-mighti

a. To thee the heavens, alfo the eartbj

doQXhmtothoo boiona:: %

Pfalm. LXXXIX.

tliouhafl: founded them.

13. The North and the right-fide,

thou createdfi them ; Tabor and Hcr-

mon, in thy name they flial ftiowt.

T4. Thou haft an arm, with might:

ftrong is thy hand, exalted is thy right-


15. luftice and judgment, the

prepared-place ofthy throne: mercy &truth, goe-before thy face.

16. O bleffed m the people, that

know the fhowting-found: lehovah, in

the light of thy face they (hal walk-on.

17. In thy name, they (halbe glad al

the day: andinthy jufticeihal they be


18. For thou m the glory of their

lRrcngth:& in thy favourtblc-acceptati-

on,our horn (halbe exalted.

T 9. For oflehovah,f/ our (hield:and

pfthe holy-one of Iftael our King.

^o. Then fpakeft thou in a vifion, to

thy gracious-faind; and faydeft; I have

put help, uponamightie-one: I have

exalted* wr-chofen out ofthe people.

ai, I have found, David my fervant:

with oil ofmine holynes have I anoint-

ed him.

the ^ortd And plentie efthe fame;

thoH hafi them ^unded-ftrong.

The North andon right-fide the SOUlb,tfjoM h^fi created them^i


tfjeTahor andthe Hermon-hil

theyJhom(hal in thy name.

t4 * Thou hafi. an arm Voith fuijfancei

thine hand is powrfilly-

eorrohoratedy thy right-hand

it is exalted hye.

Ij, fufiice andjudgment ofthy throns

are the prepared-place:

mrcijulnes andfkithfid-truth^

doogoe-befire thy face,

16, O blejjed are the that know

the trompets founding-fhrHI:

fehovah^ in thyfaces light

tf]cyJhal ^alk^forward-ftil,

17 . Inthy ztvio\ivciQA-name,theyfijal

begUdfim al the day:

and in thy juflice-righteous,

exalted be (hal they.

li. For thou art oftheirfortitude

the betvtijul-olorie:

and in thyfavourablegrace,

our hornfhal be hft-hye,

tp. For our prote^ing-Jhcildy unta

Jehovah dooth perteyn:

to Holy- one ofIfraeL

eke^ our -^C/^-foveraign.

* 2 *.

20, Then didfi thou to thygraciom-SainEl,.

ffeak^in a vtfton^i

andfiydefii I have help impofd,

, upon a mighty-one :

4 chojfe-one I out ofthe fvlk^

2 1, exalted. Found have I


22. With whom my hahd dial be T>avidmyfervant: oyntedha^

eftabliihed: alfo mine arm (hal ftteng- him ^ith mine oil holie.

then him. ^2. With ^hom my, hand ffalfiahle bee

2 3 . The cnemie dial not exaa upon yeaftrength himfhal mine arme.

him: and the (on of injurious-evil, (hal ay, The'fieflulnGt exaH on htm^;

notafflia him. ,norfonof>^rong, hmharme,

14. And 24. And

Pfalm. LXXXIX.14. And h!S diftreffers I wil beat-

down from his face: and them that hate

him I wil plaijiie,

25. And my faithfulnes and my mer-

cy with himiand in my name, ihal

his horn be exalted.

2(5. And I wil fet his hand in the fca:

and his right in the rivers.


He (hal cal on me^my fatherthou;

my God, and rock ofmy ialvation.

28. I alio wil give him the firft-

born; High, above the Kings of the


29. Forever, wil Ikeepforhinr> mymercy: and my covenant, lhalbe faithful

to him.\

50. And his feed I wil put to perpe-

tuitie: and his throne, as the dayes ofheavens.

3 1 . If his fonns fhal leav, my law: Sc

dial not walk,in my judgments.

32. II they dial profane my flatutes:

and nocJteep,my commandements.

3 3 . Then wil I vifit their trefpafs with

the rod; and their iniquitie with ftripes.

34. But my mercy I wil not make-fruftrate from with him:nor dcal-falfly,

aginft my faithfulnes.

3 I wil not profane my covenant:

and that which is gone out ofmy lips,I

wil not change.

36. Once,Ibavcfwornbymy holy-

nes.illlye unto David.

37. His feed, (halbefor ever;and his

throne, as the Sun before me.

38. As theMoon,ir(balbeftabliflied

fjy ever: and a witucls in the fkye, faith-

fol Sdah,


24. nd 1 heat^ do^n f^om his fhee

his flrayt-aff,t[itng^jbet:

0id them that haters ofhim are^

y^fith pUgiie-!-fmneM thofe.

2j, Ltke^ffe )^tth him myfhtthfulnei

flialbe and my merciei

And-alpin my name^ his horn

pnlhe exalted- hye.

26. His hand infca\ his ri^ht handt in

tke riversfet '^il I


27* tJ^y Fathery((hal he cal to me

tbouzvt, my ^od-m\ght\c^ -

tyfndrockjfmy (dhatton thou.2S» p alfd^ odorant him

tohesthefirfl-begott: above

the Kmgs ofth^earth, fufremi^

29. For everpW keep htm

my merciful-^tndncs :

my covnant eke to htm flialbtf


9y€nd f WiUpat hisfeedfirtyei

ds dayes ofheavens^his throne*

yt.yhis forms leav, my law: and[hat

noty in my judgmentsgone,

y2, fftlsey my fatutesfhdyrofmet

and not obfirv^ my hefts.'

Sy. ^le vifit then theirfyn ^ithrods

Withftripes their crookednes.

y4, ^rsdyst p ^tl notfinjirate-md^

from ^ith hirru^ my mercit:

neyther againfl rnyfaithfulnes^


yj* The covinmn which /have made*

p ^d not it profknei

mid that Which is gone-ont my lips^

P WH not change the fame.

y6. Once, [ware p by my holynesi

iff to T>avtd lye,

yy.'Htsfeedyfhalbe even and

his throne, as Sun fire met.

yt, Mooru, nfhalbefiabbfhed

unto eternal-aye I

and as a Witrief in the fkye


that iktthMf^SeUhi

Ps 39'’Si*

39 -

Pfalm.. LXXXIX.-,

But thou lia !1 caft- off,& refuf; d: 39- k''fi-C‘>fi-cf,andrefil'


baft been exceding-wroth with thine


' 40. Haft aboliflied, the covenant of

thy iervanc: haft profaned his crown to

the earth.'

-41. Haft burft- down al his hedges:

haft put his tbrtreffes a ruine.

42. Althat pafs by the way, robb

him;he is arcproch,.to his neighbours.

43 . Thou haft cxahcd, the right /7.W fXAlted the right-hand,

his diftreflcrs: haftrcjoyccd, al his ofhisaffitawg-fics:

Sind al hfs hatr^ll~enewia^

tf)oH hafl rejoyced thofe.

44. Alfo thou baft turned, the edge

of his fword; and haft not made him to

ftand,inthe battel.

art-'^oth^ Wtth thine oinUed*

40 . The covenant of thyfervant,

thou hafi ahohjhed:

- ^ou haft pyofhHed, to the earth

4 /. hiscrotvn. Thou ha/} down-hrafi

his hedges al: htsfirtrejjes

a yuwCy put-thou- hafi,

42. %/il they that pdf’ along the ^ay,

ffoiUhim-Votth' robberye:

he to hts'neighbours is-hecome,

a (h2Ln^c{u\-o^probrie.



4/. Thou haft made his brightnes to

ceafe: & his throne, chovi haft caft-down

to the earth.

4^. Thou haft (hortned,thc dayes of

his youth: haft enwrapped him, with


47. How long lehovah, wilt thou

hide thy felfto perpetuitiePQial thy hot-

wrath burn like the fyre?

48. Remember how tranfitoriel

imto what vanitie, thou haft created al

the fonns ofAdam.

49. What ftrong-man (hal live,&not

fee death :fhal deliver his fowl, from the

handofhel Selah?

50. Where thofe thy former mer-

cies Lord: thou fwareft to David,by thy


5 1 . Remember Lord, the reproch of

thy fervants: that I bear in my bofome.

44. ty/flfi thefharp-edge ofhisfmrd,

rebated it thou hafi:

and in the battel, hafl thou not


4J, Hts brightnet thou hafi made to cea[ii

and cafl his throne toground.

46* T>ayes ofhtsyouth thoufliorwed hafi:

}^ffth (hame half Wrapt-him-round*

47, How long LORD, Wflt thou hide thj

to perpetuities

and burnfhsl as the veryfyre

thy Wrathfd-fervencies


D cal thru to remembrance how

J tranfitorie am


to what vain.flare, thou didjl ertati

al children ofAdam.

4^. What man fh4 live, and notfee deathl

deliverfhal away

hisfowl, out of the po\vrfu\‘hand •

ofdeaths cflute SelahS

JO. Wher be thy ferryser mercies, Lordl '

thou by thy veritie,

/#, to Davidjlvar^Sl? Femtmber Lord^

thy fervants operobrie :

djat I doo m my bofome hear,

•of al the folks mighty.$f algreat peoples

5 a. Wherwiththincenemies, leho-dot

vah^. -



Pf^tml LXXXIX.vah, <!oo reprocK; wherwith they doo reproch-opprehmt^/ly:

reproch, the footfteps of thine Anoin- Verhermth thefiotfleps ofthy Chrifi^• reprochful- blame doo they.

55 . BlefTed be lehovah for ever; Jehovah bUffrfir ever be;

Amctii and AiTicn. ^yimevj



tJ. r. of^than] fretftntCte on Pfal. 88. i. 3. Ifayd] toWct, by thy fpirit


^erfo^e tfje 43 :eeU eftangetS tftc perfoii, anti tranflatctfi, thou (Ho;ti) (aydt il. built>'

up] tftat l?i conferved, propagated, increafed COntinual{p. in them] 0l with them ,!T‘


ftat fo long aei tlyz fteanens enDure,tftp fattljfuluciS Riol contmufj aiS verfe.30


37 .3


. Pfal .7 z.

5. &.ii?.8i?.orbp heavens map jpmtUaUp bc meant t()e church, caUb often heaven, and theU’TDVkingdom of heaven, lia. 66 . z%. Rev. 4, i. x. & ix.m.& ly. i. Mat. 5 .x.& 13.14


3 1. and the plan^if/nWtmj0ftbec&uccj),i3icalebt}jeplantingofthe heavens, Ifa.ri.i^. b. 4. my chofen Jmine elcdpeople. ®)ecf02e tfte ozeeb cjjangctft t\)t number; my chofen ones. ^David]tbe figure and father cfChriitaccoiDmg to the flrfl); miio alfotjscalcb David, Ezek.lTiTs.Tiiialer. 30. 9. Hof. 3 . r . ofbmu0 tljio and other pfalmji efteiflp to be undcrllood. Ad.x . 30.& 13 .

3^.&c. ^ iliZi££fli^^^iia^landCh^Heb. X. 13 . Kev. xi. ^ throne] the kingdom ofChriR, untO U3j)om God gave the


throne of his father David, to reign over the howfe ot laakob for ever, Luk.i.3x.33


5^.Ierufalent^ -i®?thliS throne, ler. 3


17 . UJijKh COntinuallp builded ofGod, Pfalm. 147.x.

b* the heaven s ] tl)Z h-ayenly creatures, !^8naeljg. and UOdlu men:Luk.x.n . 14 . Phil . 3 .xo,q‘

Rev. 7. 10. II* ix.^^. inthechurch] 0^ in the congregation, tCUlCft,(halbe confelTed , oj celebrated. ifb*7. fonns ofthe mighties] O^ofthe Gods,tl]0t 10/ 1


Princes of the world. Pfal . x9 . i . & 8x. i . (?. faptg fonns of God, bJhcvbp aU°l-x*fo Angels map be meant, ab lob. i. 6 . and fo tftc Cboldee here paraph?^*‘fttfl^

^b. 8 daunting-terrible] in <i3jceb, glorified. ^CCPf. 10. 18. thefecret] O^myfterie,

OJ (a0 tftc t6?eeh tunictft it) councel : meaning the church o^z congregation, b3here the lecrets

O^myReriesof<S5od0 l^tngdomarcmamfefled. Mat. 13. n.Rom. 16 . XJ. i.Cor. 4.1. Eph.3. 4. . . :

^hi^bJOJdl0 fuadZP tim:0 ufedfo^aCouncelozCongregadon,Pf. m.i.Ezck 13 . 9. ler*

4. 11 . dciu I 7 ^ 0^rtmaph^efaebnder(l00d ofthe company ofAngels, ao I. King. xx. 19.

very -much] tO bJeet, terrible, oj referring it to the later, in the great fecret-councel.overal] 0^,aboveal; fee Pf.7^*w* b* ii* Rahab] in,<l5zerb, theprowd- hereby

imp be meant the Egyptians, aa Pfal. 87. 4* o^,theprowdfea, aaiob.x^.ix. bcthb3erefub^J«tv»iDued,bJhnt3fraeltameoutofiEnppt, Exod.i4.& ly.^ce ifa. u.9* ^jeragmgfea, andfwelling waters, doo alfo ftgnifp boifbed encmica of4^od and hia people, ifa. s? * xo, lude. 13


Pfa. 1x4.4. r* thine] 0^, to thee the earth to bjectbelongethj^ce pfal. X4 . I. X.

b* 13. The North] bJijifh^SodhathUretched outover theempty-place^lob.x^^, 7.

Ifthe right fide] that 10 the fouth(aa the Chaldee pataph^aftcicplapneth 3) fo tall dbcfaufr a Ufi’

manifandmg \uith face to the eafi , (aathcpbjerebJont mhentheppzRpcb,) thefcuilj^*./^''

t0 on hi^ right band. EMia raled Kedem, before^ and the weR,achor, tba: ia, behind;?/!’lob. 23. 8. Ifa. 9. IX. 3cfeeni^thi0 turned tdluperltition audtdclatne tbatmmpz^pcdtoluardd the eapitherfoze<0od fo ordered hici tabernacle and templc,thnt al vnozfglpcd tbet z

1aiichthcirfacc0tothcboc|l;Ezek.8. i^.Exod. x7.Num.3. Tabor] a nooMVmoimtapiiin <l3aMeMof. 19 . xx. ludg. 4.6. ix. ^ _ Hermon] au other fapr nicuntapn, f,aft1rard.


j35 Pfalm. IXXXlX.goe-beforel Cl come-before, preTent; mc(l at*teab? at gantJ. / 1). te. theftow-

tinl-founai 02 the alarm.-, the Ihrhl clanging-ibund oftl)e ttottiptt.tofutfttoa^ falCtoeit at tlje

• 5oire^unri:0,a(TaiMe0,foIettmftaPC,anbotocrtf5Cfatrtfi£t0 of3ftael;Pl.8i.4.& ^7 .6,

Mum loci'. 1. 1. 15. 02 tftt Ihowting, tfiejubilation, to UJeet of the King that is among

his people, atSNum.t3.ii.\Ml)obpti5£fcHnt)Ofl[)t?Steoit), ajs ofa ttcn^ft, tajarnttfijtnfoj*

aiil) tliuticth hies people^ Ifa^5 8


1 . Ezek,5


. 3 .—7 *8 • Hof.8 . r, ler* 5, 1 7 . Ch ron* 13 iz . i



*—1*3 Zacii. 9. h'. Kev. i. lo. & 4. i. / light of thy face] tl&tf.ibour of <©0D fiimtlig tntfj*^ * nofp^l flUlJ knowledge of the glory ofGod, in the face oflefus Chrill, lohn . rz, 3^^

2,Cor49^J.^2CrafOtficnOteonPf4.74&4444. IS* theglory] O^bewty, bpUifea

rlicp conquer,and triumph Oder tftcic cuewie^. our hom]aftgne ofhonour,ftrength,Kmg-

efom glory and falvation, Pf* iiz« 9* &^z. ii, & 148 I4 * i* Chron. zf* ?. Luk. 69 ^ ^0 after ,'

' yerfezy* p, 19. oflehovah] OJ to him, totoect perteyneth* our iheild]t|)at«6

our procedionj 0^ protestor, itieaumq David mt Chrift * fee Pfal* 47^

b. zo. inavifion] by therpiritofprophefiejIfa.i.r.Lam.z.?, to thy gracious fainaj

tfiatussaindls, (fojfot!]e<©^effef6ausctBtl)cmnuder ;) nieamno tliep^tpBet^ Samuel,

findNathanj tfie ouc OfVjjWc|) anouitcd ^©atid, Ujcotljer foietold of tDepripetiutu ofljijS

felngdOWi i.Sam.i(J.z.Sam.7.4.r4&c. upon a mighty-one] 0^ a Wonhy,a Cham-pion, meaning David, bj{)ol)olp (6od0 people infigiitlng tljc battelp of tfte Ho^d- 1*

13. 14^ 30. 23utcBieflptftefctIpnaj5are meantofChnih chofen] andeonfequcmlp

beloved, 00 Mat. iz. 18. fromifa,42.4 1. oW ofmine Eplynesl tj^at 10, mine

holy oyl, poVDjedon t^abid bp ^amudj on Cft#, bp tlje]^lp<0gofl . u Sam. 16.1.13 l uk.

4 18 z i lohn,3 4 z3 . The cnemie ihal not exa£t J 0^ not fcaze,a0 a rrcdttOJ dOOt®

m the debter 4 Satan and death p^cbmled not aqainfl €f)jtp.tfiougft fte became furctie fo? oi«

bebt04 lohn. 14.30. i.Cor. if.z6.Heb,z. 14. ^eetl;i0bJO;idPf. 55. 16. fonofinju-j 4^ . appUedirt


ag)0 10115 01 uciiiuji'i./y .1 i.iwi* V* A. * **vi. -.3* fet his hand] thatI0>

^ve him powr and dominion over them that dwJ by the fea and rivers-, UJf)Crcffee tfte notC0 Oil

^ Pfal.7z. fflJ. ^7 . mvfather]fo45odP?cmfted,I wilbehisfather,andhelhalbemy fon^

T a Sam . 7 . 14 . '3TDC ^poftle^lietpht0 to Chji|i,and pjobetfi ftercbp tljat fic 10 gjrater tjan

the'?tngel0,Heb.i.4.5:. < b. 28. firll bom] o;j firll-bagotten,t|mtl0,the principal,a0UJ

after epplapncd, tfie firtt bo^n Bad three pjcrogatibeo, a double portion ofgoods,Deuc*

ai 17. thegoveiraento;tchiefty, z.Chron. zi. 3. and the preillhood,Num.8. 14. u. 16.17.

'Mai. z. 5. 6. 7. & 3. 3. ;g> vSBtq honour 10 prruliar to b)to

f0 fapd to be the tirll born of every creature , and the firlt born of the dead , that in al things he

might have the preeminence Colof. x.iy.iS. to be worihiped tBCrfO^e ofal the Angels ofGod,

Heb. 1.^. and prince of the Kings of the earth. Rev. i.j. b. 10. hisfeedl Chrifljani

boiii of^od, arc cabd €hJi!^ children. 1fa.y3.10. Heb.z.13, and Chriili0 calcdthc

EverlalHngFather,lfa.9.6. histhrone] tB^»tl0, kingdom; tohtcBfBalbC perpetual

a. Sam.7. i3.Heb. 1.8. Dan. z.44.&7.i4. atcompUfiftnunt Ofthefc p^cmtfe0 tan uct bc

found in ^olcmon, biftofe feed and thj^one bjap oberth|oUjn , ler. zz. 30 . Ezek. 1 1 . zy . z6. z7


b. 31. Ifhisfonns&c.] e)CplapnetljtBep^omife,If hefyn &c. z.Sam.7.i4. if.fof

being undtrftood ofCB^.Bfp^Pcrlpfpnned not, i.Pet.z. zz. but tea0 made fpnfoiu0 ,

a. Cor. y . z I . and the fpnn0 ofBt0 fenno OJ peoplC,ar COUJUed f;i0,for God layd on him the mi-

quitieofusal.Tfa. y3.6. b. with the rod] the rod ot men, z. Sam. 7. 14. that


0 ,

with moderate corre£lion,and for their profit,tBat they may be partakers ofmy holynes.Heb.iz.

. .14^ b. a4. not make fniRrate] not break off, o^ceafe, (a0Pf. 8y.y.) tBatl0> notR

1 bitterly take: fb^ the mounrayms ifial foonerremove, Ifa. 14 . jo. and no afflittton0 can feparate


us from the love ofGod which is in Chrift lefus eur Lord, Rom, 8.35.-39. ^ce the fw^fl.irg

OftBlgtOttcBWg^abib, UU.Kiog. .u. 13. to- OjOiK-tioie;



Pfalm. LXXXIX. XC*^x. ti. bymyholynes] by myfelftojftoanttficholy God,Ge».ii.

Becaufe he hath n6 greater to fwear by, God Iweareth by hitnfelf; and willing more^boundant-* * ’

ly to Ibew to the heyrs ot promife the ftablenes ot'his counfel, bindeth himfelt by an oth. Hebi,

^.13. 17.18. f it'I lye] tltat furclp I wil not lye: foj fo tjje #rbj«e P.ftjflfe fcmtilttf 15

crpIapn^D , AjS Mark. 8* IX* it'a iigne be given to this generation , foj tu Math* 16. 4*'* ~

ilS UOXittcn, a figne fhall not be given* if they lhal enter into my relt ,

II. Hebr. 3* ii* toglcl) t{|C Opfnetg tgUjS, he fware that they fliould not enter^

Keb.3.18. ^11 otft Mfuallp mipUetft an imp^catton , foj tftc mc(l part fomcletir

I. Sam. 14.44. 1 . King .10.10^ p. S7* as thefu^] t^jat tjS^perpetual atlD glorious,

( tfte Cjjaltief ^plapnft!) it, £bal Ihine as the fun,) ^ee pf. 7i . y . ff' P* 3 8, it fhalbcpy

ftabiithed] C«?jtnf)ifft is llable,refctrin0 it3(ai5 Pootfi tftC Moon,pJ§ifg‘

It fcmttmc ineic^tB anPfmntimr toanerg, anb femictg to bs earn; pet 138 continiiaHp reneto^

eD,anb fo pable: a fit refatiblanre oftge tg^cne 0; €gxircft ofCgjiff.togieg gatg not alboape^S

out face 01 appearattceitt tge pjojlbitgongg it be perpetua!* witnefsltiie moon anJ>

perpetultp ofit,toitg tge fuccrffibe cmirfe ofntggt anb bap.ii^ mabe a baitnciS of4&obj8 faitg#fulned in giis cototat ier.3 3. ro.i i* Cg^i(l alfo gimfelfiji calcb a faithful \vitnefs,Rev.i.y .ifa .su4. anb faithful, meanctg ftcdfall, ajs x.sam.7.i^. comparebtuitg i.chron«i7.i4* anbtg^lyeth not; Prov.i4^y. P. 39 . But thou] 0?, And thou3apao^bofgretfednb Pibisnektion,aj8 Pral.x. 6 . i?.tganfompIapnetgoftgeinlfcriej8 oftge rgureg, PogerbpaUgefppncf i

p|oniifei8,feem to be frwflratcb* 40. hiscro^!:;!] oj diademe, p|ofaneb,bp caftin^ f-i xtto the ground. Nezer, d reparation, fjS ft5UiatiPc^'w^fc;t a crown OJ garlond, fueg ajS KingB

pDO^e, X. Sam. 1 . 10* anb hye preifts, Exod* z9.6. ai8 being a fign of tgrir fepaiation from othei®

Inrefpect offome bignitie o|goipne?S:anb gereof the Nazarites gab tgeir name,Num.6,2.y.7.;&oPfai. 13X. 18* 4x. rob] ojriflehim, meaning€g^ in gi^manbetiSl: fo^^g^tfpogieg ig boon to anp one oftgem, 138 been bnto gim. Aa. 9* 4 Mat. xy * 40. 4y


47. his brightnes] cjpuritie, tgatU8tge fplendent glory and dignitie cf the Kingdom,'

brfpl. b anb p^ofaneb bp tge enemiejJ. P. ^6 . dayes ofhis yowth] ofhis Rrengthvigour; gajtening cib age anb mif^iie npongim. Hof. 7* 9* ^ee tge contrarp Pfal . 103 . nlob. 33. xy. P* 48. how tranlitorie] 01 Ofwhat worldly-time, ofwhat ihort durances nS n -^. tge 45ieebtumrtgit,whacmy fubitancei^. €omparegereP)itg, •»'

P* 4i? fee death] tgatijf^jdye ^0Luk. x,x^.Pf* lo* the hand ofhel] the powerofthegravc,q,ofd'-ath.feePf. 49 . P* 7 ^. Ofal great peoples] o^, ofal the many(the multitudes of) peopLs* P* yx. thefootlkps] o^foot foies

; ^at l3Stge wayes,life,aaions,andiuftrings Pf.y(7,7 Sf 49^^-^gi3eircfen:ebtoChriil:,refpectetgtgeor^IeGen.3ly.tgatthe ferpent ftouid bniife the footfole ofthe womans feed. 0eferteb tO Cfiripian38,pjgfcg folow his footfteps, in fuffTi if? anb bptng toitggim , tgat pie map be glcrifieb Piit^him, ( I* Pet. X, X


, Rom . 8, 17 .) it iTOtetg the fcandai or the crofs ofChrill, to> the lewes a ftom*bling block, and to the Greeks, fooliihncs i. Cor,i,.x3 . i.Pct, 4,13,14^ P. 73. Blelfed bej^gfntbetoojb^offaitg an^:jap, ai8fmbmg an iflueoutof tge tentation: anbrfjopcmgt.In tge m*bb.o at triblllaftarr ; ,138 Rom, 7, X4 . xy . Cor, 1, 3 , 4, 8cc^ and Amen .] 4*gn38 (

<£J thirb bnoft nftgr p<ohny^ fottflubeb. ;&ee tge i:ote3S on Pfal. 4 1 . 14. & 72 . ly.


Pfalm. XC. .


*Beforethe memrits ^ere horn^] ^ th^emhandWforld broHght-fhrtio hy thcei

even from tternuie than arc

God^to etermtee.

ThoH doofi mto contritions^

imn miferuhle-mafL^i

nnd thou doofifay, return-agajn^^

ye children ofAdarru,

For^ tn thine eyes^a thoufindyeret^

are even- 04 yefierday

Men it is pajft: and as a '^atch

that tn the night dooth flay.

As ^tth afl(pxmg~current thou

doofi Cary them away;

they as afieep are : in the morrul

are 04 the changed hay,‘

Jt in the morningflounfijeth^


it in the evening is cut dowru-^

andfkdeth- \\fithering-diy.

For in ihme anger have beeu


and in thy ^rathfil-heat, ^e h<r$t

been troubled-fuddainly.

Our viciotu -iniquities

be^re thee thou doofi placei

our hidden-clofe iniquities

to clear-light ofthy fkce.

*BecauJe tn thine exceding-wratb

our dayts al turn-away:

curyeres )^e htve conjumed-quite;

even- as a thought, were thay.

10. Thedaycsofourycres, in them iO.Thedayesofthdcouryeresfinthem

2 . Before the mountayns were born;

and thou hadft brought forth the earth

and the world; even tro eternitic unto

ctcrnicic, thou God.

5. Thou tiimcftfory-man, unto con-

trition; and fayeft, return ye fonns of

Adam.4. For a thoufand ycres, in thine

eyes, are as yefter day when it is pafft: &41# a watch in the night. .

5. Thou carieft them-away-with-a

floud, they are a deep t in the morn-

ing, as the grafs that is changed.

6. In the morning, it Hourifheth and

is changed: at the evening, it is Cut-

down and witherech.

7. For we arc confumed in thine an-

ger: and in thy wrathful-heat, we arc


8. Thou haft fet our iniquities before

thee: our hidden-^ww, to the light of

thy face.

9. For a\ oiir dayes, doo turn-away

in thine exceding-wrarh: we have con-

sumed our yeres, as a thought.


4tre threefl^ore and ten yere; and ifthey be

inftrengths, fdwrfkore yere; and their

pride w moleftatio &paynful iniquitie:

for it is cut-down fpeedily, and we flyc


II. Who knoweth the flrength of

thine anger: and according to thy fear,

thine exceding-yrath?

12. To

are threep^re jeres andteru;

and if they be in valour-^rong^

fiwrfkoreyerci in them ben;

t/^nd their pride molejlation is

and pdnfid-mtffrie:

fir fpeeddy it is cut-downs,

^and tt'f vmr.1i dooflte .

/ /, P ^ho dooth ofthine anger know

the migh'j-powyfidu^ ?

accordmo alfi to thy fiar ,

thy fcrvent-)^r4thjulnes}


Pfalm, XCl i. To numbct our daycs, fo make li. Tocotfnfthemmher ofotir Jay&,

(ofk^lfil us kcc:

that umo underfiafidw^-^iji

apply tht lorn may )^ee.

/Jehovah mrn thy (elfagayn^

hov9 long wilt thou deferr?

let it repent thee alf, fir

them that thyfervants arc*

14. ThoH ^ith thy mertie fatijjie

H4 in the morn^i that ^ee^

in al our dayes^cvcn chearfully*

1 5 Make thou us rejoyce, according ^wajjhom andjoyfil bee»

tothedaycsthouhaftidu. thi


thouw to know: that we may apply

the hart to wifdomc.

1 3 . Return lehovah, how long / &let it repent thee, concerning thy fer-


14. Satiffieusin the morning with

thy mercie; that we may (howt and re*

Joyce,in al our dayes.

yeres, )^>h€rw we have ften evil

x6 . Let thy work appear unto thy

wherin thott hafl afltcled ta:

the yeres^ ^e ev"*l havefetn^

fervantst and thy comly-honour, unto

their fonns. ^fpeanihy cmljva

17. And let the pleafantnes ofleho- ^7 * their firms, ty^ndmw be,

vah our God, be upon us: & the work ourLORT> (jods pleafinwes%

©four hands, eftablifh thou upo us; yea emdth operation ofour hands,

the work ofourhands,cftabli(h thou it.uponus fabhfh- fitre;

yea th operation ofonr hands




. t^nf. I. thcmanofCodl that jg; the Prophet; agPeut.^^.i> 4FfliaPfophet»a Sefirftnftq"7f^>fr«

amanofGod,\ucrealo!ie; I. Sam.^. ii. €8alhtcparaph|d(ifptU3£tj)it5fre,'

japing,. Aprayer that Mofes the Prophet of the Lord prayed , when the people ol the howfe oflifael, had fynnedin the wildernes. an habitation] OJ manilon, fn al CUT traljaiif^ ttf

thfe terrible VUllDernoS. Exod.33.14.Deuc. 8.15:.&33.27. Jf, 1, were bom] thljs u,*!-and tfje ne^t Vuo^d brought forth,- ate fimilitudejs tatei from p^ocreatlott ofchtldjcn, to fig^ r*. *

wf^ the creation ofthe Uio^ld. lUkt fpercheci are in lob. 3 8 . is . . ofthe ray n, dew, yce antifioll. 3. unto contrition] til he be contrite^o^ broken;. that 10, then to death, 0||the Chaldee eyplapneth it.

^^jetumi the bqdp to the earth, P(V i4<!j


4. and the fpiric to tyGod, Ecclef. 11.7. / J5f. 4/ a watch] awardOjcullodie;mhic|fn0ahOUt threehowreS--.w^fpace: fojthe 31fbae0 dioided the dapiuto twejv howres,iohn. 11.9. and (0 the nigtu; tuln'cl)


thep fubdtdtded into four watches. Mat. 14. 2f. named the evening, midnight, cock-crowiiig;,aud.dawning: Mark. 13. 3f.Luk. 12.58.39.Mat.24.43. ahc Exod . 14 . 24 • i.Sam.ii.n,

ischanged] c^changeth, 10 toeet, thceRatetlurof; ih:?ti0,fprowtethp|groweth, dSn -

00 the Chaldee cjcplainerh it. ^?Snd fo the j^ebme (tbhtfh gn crailp tigntfi^h a change, patfage 0? (bifting,) |'0 fcmttltie uffd ft} tf)Z bett?t,tO fproWt,Iob. 1


.7 .-^0 tO change the te ngtfiIfa.4o.3i.i0torenewo;increafeit. ^ our hidden fpnt^l Ot/pnti0 ofour youth,00 the Chaldee l;ere taficth it . ^5e i^ebiite mo^d toil brat both; fc a!fc the fenfe: foi toe

“ ‘

fiabe both fecret fynns, Pfal. 19. 13 . and fynns ofour youth, Pfal. 2^.7. toljit|) <6cd often pim^tfficthW^^ jj. ^ to tk thy face] tj^ati^^^owip^rcmenibriog,

1 ^«


• r*.;

1 Sijyt * »


4o XC. XCI.nifelling, aru^ puni(hinf» them. Ter. 17, Pf. 10^. 14. i u ^0^ lord lightneth thmg^ that

ar hidd in darknes,and makech the coaniels of the harts manitelt, i. Cor .4 .7. he is ot pare eye*

and cannot fee evil, Habak.r.ij.tDccfOie^ablD p|t1^tlj,hide thy face from my lynus,.-^r.5 i.ii.

9 * doo turn away] 0l> turn-the face3 decline^ 00 tUe iJdp tijaUJing to 0T1 eittuler 6 . 4

f^asathoagh t] oj, as a word, a found t|)at CUt Cf tf)e mOUtl); 00 lob 37 . z. as a tale

tgatt0t 3l?5 , fox life_l0 a breath oj vapourj' pCil;59.<5. Iam.4.14. bcU/OpletJl

tfte Decapiaa aft^z people tn tl)c \i3ilDcme0: fo> t^ep came out of/Egpjpt, lu nundred thow- •

fand men, Exod. 11.37. a«D nocone feeble among them, Pfal. 105. 37 . auD bungmuflceb at

tnouni^tna: from pcre^olbanbabobe, tgtptoerc 603 ^70 . nun, btfbe^ ttje tribe cfHebPi Num.i. 46.47. but fo? tljeir fpn, at <6ob (mare tl)eic fearfeeff'g f |>oulb fal in

tDeb3iloerne05 Nam. t4 .x8 .i?. Ujljicftcamefatopaf^. bemo mupreb about 38 * psre^l

fifter, tfjct toa0 of al tlftat antiie, not left aman altbe,fabe Caleb anb lofua. Num .

b. 10. iftjep] (tfceperep) bemllrengthesi tfiati0,moftftrongand valid: OJ, ifby reaibn

of great-llrength. their pride] OJ prowels, tpat i0,the excellencie, or luhyhed of thofc

yeres,the braved of them,is but miferie. painful-iniquitic] payn and miferie,tl)e pun#Ifliment offpn. Iniquitie 10 often put foj t^e punilhment of it, Pfal.3i.T,

b. I ! and according to thy fear &c.] Ot,as thy fearj tftat i0,who knoweth (oj acknoVvledg-

cth) thy wrath, lo as thy fear teocgetB men to boo^ meamnjbpfear, eptper d3ob0 la\n,

Pf. 19 . 10 .oi ljt0 fcavfnliubgment0 upon fpnner0,\i)ljuliHjoulD ilribe a fear 1tuo nunb Bart0,Deuc. 13. 11.pral.119. izo.lon.i.i6. oj,as thy fear; tljati0,

ioas to fear thee fc^t|hPb3jatfV

nnb bp it to bepart from ebil, a0 Prov. 16.6. 2. Cor. ?. 10. 1 1.OJ, even according to thy fear^

fo 10 thy wrath. b. 11 . may apply] 02, may bring,may make-come. towiflom],

cjj get a hart ofwifdom, tljat 10, a wife hart; anb fomap bpng it to tj^ee*, biftenbiel^ltome to judgment# b# 13. how long ? ] wilt thou atflitt us > a0 tljc Cx)0lbee para^»

pftr^eti|:c^,wilt thou deferr to help us^ feePf. 6. 4. repentthee] tatoJect,oftheevil

intenbebojinflictfbMpontgpferbant0,a0 Deuc. 31.36.ioeL1.13.

b# 14. in the morning] t&ati0,eariy;aftert8ebai^mgfjtofafflictton0ifeePf.?.4.& 3o.^«

b# I f the ycres &c. ] tftat i0,as we have been many dayes and yeres afflidted : fo let us have

many yeres of comfort. b. 16. thy comly honour] OZ magnihcence, in tclcafuig U0from trouble, anb thepleafantnes] ozbewtie;tBat

10 , the accomplinimcnt of thy covenanqand promife to our lathers , let now be feen upon us ..

^Otftedaffbewtie (oj pleafantnes) intlje iczb0 l^anb, figntfiCDhis covenant with them,

2ach. II. 7. 10. ozgcnetallp it mranct{)<6ob0 amiable grace anb favour, fee Pfal. 17.4.

ftablilh] ozdireft, firmandfure. foZtljelltQb workethalour adtions for us, lfa.z6.ii. anbwithout him, we can doo nothing, lohn. i f . f


Pfalm. 9



n'U- *• T_JE that fitteth. in the fecret of - Sing this as the 78. Pfalm,

"‘ JLjLthc mofl-hye; ihal lodge- XJE that infecretfitts, cfthe Mofl^hyci

liimfelf, in the fliadow ofthe Almighcie. iTxfhai lodge-himfelf^m[hade ofth*

-a. Iwilfay; oflehovah, my fafe-hopc 2. Siiyf^offAH^myhofearjdmyfirong-fmt:

and my fortrefs: my God, in him wil I my God^ %n himy^il f put-confidence.

truR. 3 . For he vnl deliver thee,from For he,fromfiwlm fn^ire thee deliver:

X the fnare of the fowleritrom the woeful 4. fiom Wocfil ptil. Wd ^ith his \^mg the cover^

pwftilence. 4. He wil cover thee, with vnda hts plumes thou h pefid-Jhrovrdjhalt tiiee:

hi s wing; & under his fethers thou (lialc bid truth^a buckler and ajjjcdd lhalbee.

|iop$*fox-f^cas; hii


Pfalm. XCI.

!er and a Ihcild. Thou (halt not fear, /.

foi the dread of die nij^ht: for the ar-

row, that flieth by day. 6. For the

pei'tilence, walkechin the darknes;

for the ftinging-plague, that wafteth at

noon-day. 7. Athoufand, flialfalat

thy (ide; and ten-thoiifand at thy right-

hand: unco thee,ir (hal not come-neer.

8. Ondy, with thine eyes flialt thou

behold: and (halt fee, the reward of the

wicked. 9. Becaufethoulchovah myfafe-hope; themoft-hye, thou haft put

for thy manfion. 1 o. Ther fhal not be-

fall unco thee evil; and the plague,

(hal not come-riigh thy tent. 11. For



24 »

ThouJhah not fe^^for terrour ofthe night :

norfir the arrow^that by day fight,

Forpefly x\\2iZtrjthe datives ntakoth-Wayi

fir awging-pUgue^ that Wafteth at noon- day,Falln at thyfide though thowjdndy thovefinds bee

at thy right-hand: it jhal not come-neer thee.

Onelyy thou With thine eyes jhaltgive-regardt

artdtboiijhdtfeey the Wsc^ed^mens reward.

'Becaufe thoufAHmyfifi-proteElton


tfje Htgheff, thouhaB made thy manfion^to. Theyjhal no evtll unto thee befklh

mythey the plague, ceme-neer thy tent at all.

u, For he his Angels^ Wtlcommandfir theez

in al thy Wayes, thy keepersfir to bee.

bis Angels, wil he command for thee: 12. ^^dthey (hal bear thee up thdr hands uposut

to keep thee, in al thy wayes. i 2 . Vpon leaft thou doo dajh thyfiot againB aft


fWpalmes (hal they bear thee up: leaft

thou dafli, thy foot againft a ftonc. 13* Thou treadjhalt on the Afp cjr Lion-dread:

1 3 . Thou (halt tread upon the feitce- ^ dse Lion-fitree and T)ragon^Aown-(halt-treadL

Lion &the Afpe:thou (halt tread-down, 14^ "Becauft he cleaves to me, ridd him Wtlf:

the lurking-Lion and the Dragon. becaufe he knowes my name^ "fiefee him hye.

'I4. Becaufe he cleaveth unto me, is* Cal he on me, 'fie hear hinu: indftrefi

therfore wil I deliver him ; I wil fet him With him J: Wil him honour, and releafe.

on hye, becaufe he knoweth my name. 16. With length ofdayes f wd him fitiffiez

X 5 . He fnal cal on me, and I wil anfwer andJhew him myfilvation Wdf.him ; with him Wtl I be in diftrefs : I wil

releafe him,& wil honour him. 16 With length ofdayes, wil I fatifFy him: & wil makehim to fee, my falvation.


t^erf. I. (hal lodge] OJ.thfltlodgeth: abideth. gf, I wil fay] 0|:>doo fay nflinfl?to that man foj further Coittfo^t anb alfurance; ad ver(e 3 . &c . oj,in his name; putting myfelffor an example./ai:Bca5^e:fe foj mOJC plapiUted ChangCtfj tge perfon tj)Ud,He (hal fay to theLord thou art mine helper &c. oflehovah] to him; that he is my fafe hope, (c^ my(helter.) 3, ofthe fowler], ad Pf. 124.7. 0^hunter,meamiig tgc diviltgatfiatbghc potoet of beatl},anb feefietfl to bePcop. Heb.z.H.i.Ptr.r.s. the woeful-peftilencej

the pdlofwoeful-evils. tgattjS, the moil woeful, noyfom and contagious pert', "/lilT1 13^1jaf, f. the dread ofthe night] the dreadful-evil, that terrifieth in the night. Prov. 3. if.

' " ”

Song.3.8. ?6f. tgt ftinging-plague] tftemurreyn (or peil) thatfuddainly pricketh 3UBanddeftroyeth. Ds11t.31.14. 'SES’SSPOPlfin <!&lC{feralttgitaftingoj prick, i. Cor. if. ff. frfi

" '

Hof 13. 14. RSStfterctflE Hide. tUOTttJ it. atnoou-day] tljat IjS openly : foler. 15. 8.. lif.f. ihap dioii behold] regard, confider,a0tfte<6tee!lturnctf|tt.

Q, Bccauie thou lehovah] anunperfectfpeecf|l,a3Sm verfez. unbeiflaub,BecaufetBO«faprP,thou lehovah art &C. pj,becaufe thou haii put lehovah who is my covert: ev?n the mofthye haft thou put for thy manfion,oj dweUing-pUce. xo, befal wnto thee] o^ occa-

tlfi fionailjf-.*.

. Pfalm. XC/f.

iionally-be-fentjtjc thruft upon thee, cjcaufed to comeiinto thee: faProV. fi. it.'

^f. 12* Upon thdt palms] tlirit hands-, tUtlUtlittj fClfpturC tB^\xilje Be €f3jtfr,to DctxinBtinfdfBefltJiong:Mat,4 .^.Luk.4 .io. i r.

loni? oftBefC are tBeve CWttteD. leaft thou dalli] o?, that ihou dalli (or

hurt)not. are alminiflringfoirits,fent forth to miniiler for their fakes, which fhal

be heyrs oFfalvadon. Heb. 1.14. ^eCfllfoPf. 34. tBefearce-Lion] C^Lib-

bard,tn!^?fecU)Shachal. OBfUioii^ tfKt bet»it5cr^IunlJ^ 3feePf.7 . 3 - afp] OjCock-

atrice, bafilifk, a0 t^e fecPf. 58. 5^. Vmfcer t^efe namciS, ate meant al

otBer tBuiOJ? banocccugJ abberfe to t^e life ofman; mBuB bp faub are obercome; ab Mark.16 . 17. iS.Heb. II. 33. 34. 14. he cleaveth to me] CZ, is faftned, tgat affetSted

to me, in faitft, ftopedobe, belpte &c. (^ob'cleavetMn lobe to fcio prcp!c,Dfciu. 7 7 . fo tftep

alfountoBrnij he hoped in me. (Clfm^ereitt^ fmnmon!pufebfO^farr-loveanbpleafure. Gen. 34. 8. Ifa. 38. 17. Deut.zi.n. fethimonhye] tCVneet^

inafafedefenfedplace, a^ tfiC IXJOZti impO^tCtB: tbnfc^e tfte I wilprocedthim.

^eetfje note OnPf.zo.z. ®f. is. honour him] give him honour,d^ glorie: ^^IfUiBere,

people are fapb to honour 0? glorify him, Pf. so. 15.^CC I. bam. i. 30.

16. fatifr'y] 0? give him his fill. f>o Itbiaftam, 3iiaab, ^abiD,3ob &c, atefapb fo

,befuloifatiffied witndayes, Gen.zs.8. & 3s.x‘?. i. Chron.23.1. lob.42.17. makehimt®

fee]tBatI0,to injoyjO^fhew him:

* T

Piaim. 92.

I. A pfalm a fong, for ihe day ofSabbath.

T if good,to conftfs to Tehovah:&

.to fing- pfalm,to rhy nameo moll-

hye. 3. To (htw forth thy mercy mthe morning: and thy faithfulnes,in the

nights. 4. Vpon ciie ten-ftringd*in-

ftrument, and upon the pfalterie: with

meditation upon the harp.. 5. For

thou hah rejoyced me,6 Uhovah,with

thy workiin the acts of thy h;uuls, wil I

(liowt. How great art thine ads

Jehovah / vehemently deep are ihy

thoughts. 7. A brutifh man, know-

cthnot: and an vnconlfant-fool,under-

ftandeth not this. 8. When wicked-

f?fen fpring-up as the grafs; and al that

W'ork painful-iniquitie doo fli ‘urirtv that

they (hal be aboliQied unto perpctuitie.

p. But thou high, for ever lehovah.

10. For loe thine enemies, Jehovah; for

Pfab?i. p 2 .

Sing this as the 8. or as the 77. Pfalm,

a. TTs^W, kf^tofehevah to ccKfJs:

JL and to fing’^fainiy to thj nameo mofl~hjU

To fhery-^rth in the morning thy merctei .

Midm themghtSy thj con/iant-fiitthfilnes^

4 . Onten.firirgd-\uhy ftndon thepfiltenci

ZJpon the harp ^hhmeditntioTu*

y. For Vetth thy 'deork^yLORD/hok rejoyceJlfM^^

w aUs ofthy hands^ffiowt'cheerfiilhe.

6» Howgreat, 7^hovahy are thin t aUions :

purpofes deep aye, vehementlie.

7 . eyf ntan that hrutifl) is,

doeth not hihandfool-mnorflunt, underflands not this.

5. Whm ^ickedfpring^ asgraf; and alflourifi

ti^at Wvrkjn^qtitHei that theyjhalbee

abohOjcdurito perpetkalnet*

f. ^kt rh^u, fehovahy artfor ever hyil

10» For loe thyfeSy for loe the foes ofrheey

LOR'Dy they (halper>(h : theyfhJfeattrtd hee]al that doo Work patnful-tmquity,

it. ^And high at Vntcornesfhalmy horn beetloe thine enemies ihal p«.rilh: they fhal

be fcattred, al chat work pavnful-ini-

quitie. 1 1 . And my horn ihalbe exalted as the Vuicorns; mine

ifd with frelh Oil.


Old-agCyfJjiilbe anoytf*

1^. MufP

xcn. 24J12. And mine eyeflial behold, on mine iz.Mine old-age ^>ith frejh oil. M'mee-f

vieiVj <m them thdt mine envyers bee:

mine ears hear, ofyll-men that rife 'gamfl mte*

/^. The jap, pjd as a Palm-treefpring-Hp-hye:

as Lebamns Cedar, (ogroryJhal hee^

14 . They that are planted, in Jehovahs howfii

in courts cfour (jod,, flourfoing float been-,*

//• Shal yet ingrajnes[prom : beflu andgrceru^

t6>To flew, Jehovah to be righteous:

my and no m]ufitce is in him-» >


ine,mme ears ilial hear. 13 . 7'he juft,

he lhr;l fpring-Ljp as a palm-tree: as a

Cedar in Lebanon, lhal he grow.

14 They that are planted, in the

howle jf Ichovah : in che courts ofourCod, dial they flouridi. is* Yet, dial

they fprowt in graynes: they dialbe, £it

& green. 16. To diew, that lehovah is

righteous: my Rock, and no injurious-

evil in him. ^\yinnotations. ^1..-

I. ofSabbath ] that , ofCedation,0| Refting, tO hJett from our own worksjWlll5,^c eJe

Wayes and words, Exod. zo. 10. Ila. s8. 13. Heb.4.10. togtCh bap toaS tl)e feteltlj front

matton, tofttrin<6ubreflcb from all hii3toojh>atibh!cft£haiiD fancttfieb it, anb'r6ma!v««>«*

t)cbtttobefieptholpimtohim,Gen. i.z.3. Exod.zo.s. bJhuBboa^ a tohm of mnxptmto , anb fanctifttation of people , Nehem,9*w ExocL 3 1 . 13 . 14 . bap ma^i fam^

tifieb bp an holy convocation oj ademblie ofthe people, Levit.23 ,3 . offnng offacrifices, fingingof Pfalmes, ajJthtjStitlCfh^boethi U)ltll i.Chron. zp. 2^.27. reading and ex-

pounding the feriptures, Aft. i3,ij.& If. 21. praying3Aft. i6-. i3,difputing, conferring,medi-

cating of Gods word and worksj Aft. 17 ,2 .& 18.4. and doing works of mercy to them that were^

in need. Mat. 12. 2.—7.8. II. 12. b. 3- in the nights] fee Pfal. 134. i. 4. with

meditation] 0^ meditated-fong : c;t upon Higgajon with the harp. ^.f)e toujb ftgiiiflCtft

meditation, ajSPfal.^. 17. i^etefcmetljinhtt tobetfjt nameofanin(fniment,c^,aroleniiifound : tje 45^et& tuntetj) it a fong , p* s' . with thy work] tohicft all doon well and

perfeftlyj Gen.1.31. St 2. 2. 3 . Deut. 32.4. b. 10. fhalb^fcatcred] 0|, fhal dftpTrFthem^

ielves) CJalbce patapf)^a{i faptft, fhalbe feparated from the congregation of the juft.

UJ^Ch Nemeth to be imber(lOOb,lhalbeannoynted,( OJ, a0 before, Ihalbe exalted) wuthoiU • ' *

<^ften timeeii mejb^t ar not ejcpjejTeb, mhtch are bnberjloob : ajs to obferbeb on P fal. . 1 1 . Ji -

& i8.7.2‘?.4^ther|El, fojmineoldage,b00timutllhaibeanoynted . fredi] 0?, green ri

oil . b. 1 2 . mine eye dial view] tO bJCCt,- evil, 0^ deftriiftion, a0 tljC Cholbec epplapnttS*'tf«A<j "

0^ the reward ofmy foes.^ec Pf. 54 .9.& 9 1 .8 . b. 13 .palm-tree] O;^ date-tree; tobtfC) grcVO^

cth not in colb parto: it 10 a tree of tal anb bppght flature; b3jf)ertD the fedpture hath ,

reference, s ong.7 .7 .eftc b^aneftejs, fapr anb green; b3l)ctb3tth thepmabe boothc^ ot that fo«*

lemn feapsi , Levit, 25


40 . tlje fruit plcafant to eat ;Song.7 .8 .Exod. 1 5 .2-7 - dee thougij

foben anbp|cfTrb,pitinbnretI|anb pjofpereth; therefore the bianthc^caitebmthcijanb,

o;ibJ0jnmgai1anDjs,tocrefigncb ofb!ctope,Rev.7.9. U3itbfuc8grabeutm^,t|tcb3aU0cfO5ob0 bobjfe, anb other holptfjtnQ^bjerc bdBtifieb, i.Kmg.<?,29 &7.s^. fiattte^ Tthe ficunfipng e(!ate of the goblp aUnapciS; ab pfalin fhebieth, bJui) Ezek. 40 .16.26.3


. 5 ""‘v

& 4


> 1 8, 19,20. bJhcragi the totcheb?^ prcfpmtte, munentanp as giafs; Uitfe 8.

a Cedar] fee tljc note on Pfal. 29-. 5-,

fprowt] oj grow , in jtature,nrtb j-

fnutfulnc^' ; the blcffing of45ob, in bihofe houfc tgep are plauteb, i . Cor^ 3,6.y

to thl^r arc all 4pObJ^ people crhojteb, Ephef.4,i55i^‘Colof. m graynes] O^hoa- nj’

ry-age,u)&eu natural firenst& becapethi <©obiiuiUftrethbi3curabobenatui*e^ ^ee Piai.

to 7Iv

pfalm. XCIII. xcim.

Z^‘F.,1^5Tra.(<<, IS, Heb. 1 1,11,12, \J. no injurious-evil ^ no manner ofinjuflicA*

tfte ijatft a letter mo;ie then o^btnaric to tnrreafetbc fi^aufication, ci0 pral.5,3 . &I If .3 ‘?inb tfti0 rcfpectetb D^ofe^ fpecc(),Deut.3x .4.voJ)eve injurious-evii,i0 oppofeb totaithtulnesm aOminiPration*

Pfalm. p3*

I. TEhovah rcigneth, is clothed

JLwith hygh-niajeftie: clothed is

lehovah, hath girded himfelf with

ftrength: the world alfo is cftablilhed,

itihalnot be moved.

2 Stable $s thy throne fro then: thou

gri from eteruhic.

3 • The flouds have lifccd-up, 6 leho-

vah;the flouds hav lifted-upihcir voice:

the flouds lifc-up their dafhing-noyfe.

4 . Than the voices of many waters;

the wondrous- ftrog billcwcs ofthe fl*a:

wondrouS'ftrong is ,Ichovah in the


5 . Thy tefHmonics, are vehemently

faithful;holyncs bccon’edi thine howfc;

riebovah, to length ofda) es.

^ pfalm.

Sing this as the 2 1 . Pfalm,

/. TEhovah he doeth reimZy

X is clad rnaiefitex

phovah clothed is, hathgjri

himfelf^tthpotcncic :

Teaflahlijht is the ^^orldi •

itfhal not waved bee.

2. Thy tfsrorte is ftMfhed ofoldi

thoufrom etemiree.

The flood r h^ve Irfred-stp,

0 LORT)\ thefloods their voi^e

have lifted-up: thefloods they do0

lift-up their dafhmg-noife.

4. TheLORD ihzx is cn hi

more ^vndrons ftrong is hee:

d^an mony Waters votcec^ than

ti eflrov^ fea bdlowa bee.

/. Thy teftmonks


made vehementlyfurtx

LORDy holjKes bee ernes thine howfe^

}^^ht!e length ofdaya dooth dure.



l^nf. I. is cloathed]oj hath put on, tovuect an 03»^fmcnt,anbfnatmnbatttrtirftive:

fo^ fO clothing booth IhnUfPjPfal.^f. 14, g)'rdt;d himfelf] thattO, is ina readynes,

tOpn*fo;mf3t0U?Ojh .Ifa. 8.9. Luk. ix.^^f. ‘ 55 . from then] fflat tji, ofold; cj before

then; UiJ)lClj tf)C CflalbCC CjCpouiiDrtluhe beginning: thtb plf^afc fptrhcn Of God OJ Chrifl,

tnraneth etemitie, Prov. B. Xi, in refpret of tljc crcatnreb ,n isi the beginning of time.

3 , The flouds ] thcfe ace often put the tumultuous rage and tyrannie ofjpeoples. Pf.',

*.& 18. f. Ifa. 17,11,13. ®.4. wondrous-flrong] excellent, OJ magnificent billow ts;

tBi^PhM^tl^tahettfrcmExod. if. to. ^cC aIfotl}i0 bCOil),Pfal. 8 ,x. the high- placej

height, tliattjS heaven. ^oPfal. 7 1,19. t- faithful ] 0^, m‘ide fure, comhnt


note on Pfal. 1^,8. to length ofdayes] that 10, for ever. ^ecPfal.xi,f . &

Pfalm. 94 .

I, /^Godof vengeaceslehovah:

V^o God of vengeances flune-




Sing this as the ff. eras the 78. Pfalm.

IEhovah 0 then Cjod ofvengeancesl

i God ofVengeanccfJbmc-Wtftj^Uames.

2. Ifedi4

Pfalm. XCIin.1. Se tbouliftcd-iip,o judge of the

earth: render a reward,unto the pfowd.

3. How long/W the wicked,6 IlIjo-

5^ah: how long, dial the wicked dicw-

gladnes? 4. Shal they utter, dial they

fpeak a hard'tt7or^:(hal they boaft-them-

fclves, al that work paynful-iniquirie?

5. Thy people lehovah they bruife in

pcccs; &afflid thine heritage. 6. They{liy the widow & the ftrangcr: andanurderthefatherlefs. 7. And fay, lah

dial not fee: nor laakobsGod, undcr-

ftand. 8. Vnderftandye brutidiamog

the people: & unconftant- fools, when,

wil ye be prudent? p. He that planted

the ear, (hal not he hear: or he that for-

med the eye, dial not he fec? i o Hethat chaflifeth the heathens, dial not he

rebuke? he that teacheth earthly-man

knowledge? it. lehovah, knowerhthe thoughts ol earthly-man: that they

^rfvanitie. 12. O bkfTed w themanhe whom thou chadeneft 6 lah; andteachrfl him out of thy law. 13, Togive him qnietnes, from the dayes ofevil: untila pit-of-coiruption, be dig-

ged for the wicked. 14. For Ichov-h

wil not leav his people: and wil not for-

fake, his inheritance. 15. But judg-

ment dial retnrn,unto jufiicr: and after

it, al the upright in hart. id. Who wil

rife- up for me, againd: evil-doers? whowil ftand up for mt%agjinft the workers

ofpaynKil-iniquitie? 1 7. Vnlefs leho-

vah, h^d betn an h«flpftiliie 5 vnto me: myfowl had almoft dwelt filence.

’ 8 . Wh- n ! fayd, my foot is moved:thy mercy lehovah, fteyed me up.

19. When many were my cogitati-

ons Within me: thyconfolations, dtly-

ted mv fowl. 20. Shal die throne ofi-evils, have f Ilou fnip with thee:

which ft^methoioleltaiion by a decree?


24§2, Judge ofthe earthy he th&uttflfted-hye:

and render a rervArd^ to mtn-hatfghtye.

$• H'jW long^ fehovahyfjal the Wicked-men^t

hovp while, (halthe Vtuk^dgladfinf beetu^

4 ' ViterJImI they ^fpeak^hard-words UviJijlj ;

hoafifhAltheyj al that ^ork^mti^Htty.^

/. Thyfilk ,JehovabjtJ?ey w-feece6-hrHtfts

thine heritage afliHtng they mifaft.

6* They don the '^idovff and thefirangerJlayi

the fitfjerlefiekCi murder them doo thej.

7. ty^IJothey/ajjfahpalnotfeehi and^

the God cfftik^byfhalnot underfiand,

S. O brHtifh people^ underfund dooyee :

and oyefiols^ ^hen ^ilyeprudent bee?

9, He that did plant the ear, hearfhal not kee?

or he that prmd the eye,fhal he notfie?

te. Shal he not blame, that heathens chafitfeth?

that knowledge unto earthly-man teacheth?

/ ; . The cogituiions ofmnuearthly,

Jehovah k^oWes: that they are vanity,

12, O buffed is the man W?hom thpu 0 lah

doofi cha^in^x and him teach out ofthy Uwl

ly. From evil daya ,to make him

till for the ^uckedy digged he a ptt,

14^ For his people Jehovah Wtl not leavz

and ^il not his inheritance hereav,

//. 'But unto ]ufiice, judgmentfhal revert z

. atjd after it, al the upright in heart*

t6* Who \\>ilnje-up f>r me, *gainfi evtUmen^f

whofiandfir me, agawft othersoffyn^?

/7. Hadnot lehovah been my helpfiilriesz

myfowlhad almofl dwelt infiltmnes.

iS* When Ididfiy, my foot is moovd-^wayz

thy mercte 0 lehovah, did me ftay*

ip. When many in me my cogitmi^nr,

delight myfowl i hen did thy leifoimcvs.

20, Hath throne ofmifcheifs (ellowfhip \\Hth theei

^btchfiameth moltfiatm by decree?'

Hh 3 21* They



M xcmr ^

21. They run-by-tfdup<r, ' agaibft the 2/. Theyrun^hy-fyoupf,}i}mfi(Sw^

fowl ofthe Jufr : & condemn-as wicked, nfjdgmhkphM^ 06 ^^nked they doo damru.

the innocent blond. . 22. "Bm IAH to me ts fir h refdge-hyei

“22. Butlehovahis tomefor an hyc- undmy God^fortheruckj^fmjfifitye.

Cefugc; & niy God, for the rock ofmy 2$, tAnd he ^V/V-furely tmn thcmjdves nporu^

fafe-hopc. 23 And he wil return up6 ' their o^nvnrtghteoHs-moieftancn^i

them, their paynful-iniquitie; & in their ^ndthemfipprefim thetrmAhcwiifnefi

Cialice hewil fupprefs them; lehovah lehovnh onr Cod^he fn^pref.

our God, wil fupgfefs them*


€Dcrf* ijfCod ofvengeances ] to whom venpancebelongeth a?SDeut. 34,3^.0115 which piim-

fhefl evils . ^0 die God of recompenfes, ler^ iTiine dear] co

ourcomfort, and our foes terrour. ^ecPfal. yo*z. &80.2. tl.a* be lifted up] on thy

throne 3 and in thy juft judgement* ^oPfah?*?* 8# 5. 4. Vtter ] talk lavifhly , well

cut afoimtapn : fCCPial* 1933. lam. 3. II. a hard-Vnojb] hard things -durable rep^0s»

j fee Pfhh 31.1^. boalt] oj exalt themfelves with ipeaking and applying things to

their own praife. ^f)ii8to0^bfj55feDUUl)eg00Dpart ,Ifa.^i. t. 9. that planted the

car]tf|atl0, made,andfetitinthebody. ^OinIfa.5i.i<5-|^el£l fap5 to plant the heavens.

Ij. 10. man knowledge] Jere 10 to be bnbet(toob,ihal not he knowp^ucb unperfcct fpecfbeu

tfcousB paflTion ofmind, are often in fmpture. pf.^.4. ^ sam.^jS. fupplieb in i. Chr6 .n,6 .

Ij. 1 1, the thoughts of earthly-menj the inward difeeptations and realbnings ofall menjCveti

the wifeft . fmteitce ^aul alleget^ agnmfl tbeuiifbom of tfte tao^lb, i . Cor. s,^o. andn0anejcpofitoj,m!letiofmen,ljeyuttetfttbe wife. b. 12.. theman

] ^eb^geber3 the

mightie. J chalteneft] Ojnurtureft,inftrua:eft,a0tOt0bJOjbi0<6rtglifgebDeut. 4,3^-

toWeft tfti0 plate feemetfl to gaoe reference Onto, foi chaftifement o;t reftreynt 10 bp luo^b oj

deed. 3lud ftere doctrine of »^od0 lain, 10 oppofed to all uitfe men0 cogitation0.

b. 14. not le'av his people J not give them over, 0? rejed them; ( a0 tfte d^^eefe turnet]^ It:)

to bJeet tbofe tobom fte ftatb fojefenobjen and Cbofenibecaufe it hath pleafed the Lord to make

them his people; a0 1* Sam. 12. zz.Rom. ir. i.z. &c. ff b. lU judgement (hall return to

^ftice.] that 10, feverity to mercy, tfie tlgour Oft^e labJ , Changed to tge clcmende of tbe

fiOfpel. ^ajudgementi0oftnibfcdfojfenteiiceof puniftiment, ao Ier.ri.9. and jufticefO|

^race and mercy, fecPfal. 2.4, J.OJ judgement, bJfpclj mtft’affltction Of<©Od0 people, and

Szofperitp oftbe voidied,feemetb to be partedfrom juftice,fbal return unto it,bJbm tfte god^

fpaitdelibcredandtbebJicfeedpumfScd. afterit]fotbeejeeliturnetbit: oj, after

him meanmg God. b. '^ho wil rife up ] OZ who ftandeth up, nailielp to affift me?

meaning , no man dooth. b. 17. an helpfulnes'] t^at 10, a ful help , fee Plal. 44, i7.

in filence ] the place of ftilnes and filence, t^at 10 the grave , a0 t&e cpplainetf) It :f0

Pral.iir.i7. fecalfo Pfal 49.13- is moved] oi flippeth : fee Plal. 38. 17.

b 19 my cogitations ]my careful troubled thoughts

, perpIC).eD a0 tfte b|ancf)C0 of a tree,

(folio the mold piopcrlP fignificth, ) thcrfo^c the 43^ceb turnetlj it forowes. ^0 Pf. 139,^3 •

b 20 ofwoeful evils ] OJ of mifeheifs; the mifcheevoiis tyrannous throne, of the vnrighce-

ous jiidcre : llial it have fellowlhip, ( 02 be joyned) with thee ( 6 God? ) mcaaing , it linl not:

a0Shal? thou build ? i.Sam.7. r-tO Thou llialt not build;r.Chron. i7.4.4>CealfoPfal.r.r.


whichframeth] o;i, he thatframeth,Ojformeth. by adecree] Dl, foraftamte: alaw.

bar- run-by-troiips ]combine, and gather t.ogither as banded to figat : m O^ieetl, they hunt

for.’ b. 23 . wil turn] Ijcbj. hath turned; that 10, wil alFuredly turn. in their ma-

lice ] 0;t, for their evil.

Pfaliu. XCV.

Pfalm. xcv: i\7

r. /^Ome,kt us fliowt-joyfully to

iV^Ichovah: let us fliowt-triuoi-

phantly, to the Rock clF our falvation.

2 . Let us prevent his Face with conkffi-

*on: with pfaliDes, Ictus (howt-trium-

phancly to him. 3. For khovah ii a

great God: & a great King, above al

Gods. 4. In whofehand, #«r^the deep-

places of theearth:& the ftrog-heighes,

of the mountains, are hi$, 5. Whofethe Tea u for he made it : & the dry-Und^

Lis hands have formed. 6 , Come,let us bow- down our felves and bei d-

down: let us kneel, before Tehovah our

maker. 7. For, he^ourGcd; & weare the people of h'S pafture, flieep c f

bis had * to day, if ye dial hear his* voice


S . Harden not your hart, as w Meribah,

as w thi day ofMaffah,in the wilderncs.

Where yoi r fathers tempted me;proved me, alfo faw my work.

ip. Fourt eyere, 1 was yrked with

generation, drfayd, they a peo-

Sing this as the 45'. ©ras the •

/. Ome^ let m to the LOR7) fljowt-jo)fJlytRoch^ofour health^Jhovct^triHmfharitlj*^

2» Let m prevent hisfree ^trh thankfr^vw^:

let Hi '^tth to him triumphant-

“BecaHje the LORD is agreat (jod-mtghttei

agreat Kwg aho've al Gods is hee.

>^'>hofe hAitd ziQthe earths deep-ficrecics:

theftrong- heights ofthe momtaws eke are his^

j. His is the [(a^ fir he didmake thefme:and the dry-landfor hands didframu

6. Ceme, let m bend and bowing-down-adore ;

dn.e LORD our maker^let tis kneel befire^

7. Fort he our God ’is; and the people Voee

cfhis pafifiremandfrtep ofhis hand bee


His %oice ifyejhal hear the fame, to day,

S. a^e notjour hart hard ,ds in JHeribah l

as w the ^tldernes^ in Majjuh day.

Where meyour puhers tempting-dtd-ejfryi

they> proved me^ alfi theyfiw my deed,

lo.jfiartiejerCt )^ith that rateyrkedi

and (ayd^ afilkj hey arcw hart thatftray :^

and ofmy Wayes the knowledge have not theyl

pie erring in hart;& they, know not my u. That w my ^rath J did ^ith-oath-protefii

wayes. li. So-that 1 fwarein mine they enter, mto my Refi^

anger: ifthey flial enter, into my Reft.


I. Come] 0^ Goe to ftclp <©fto(T hp t^sVitb SEfrari to fmtbtfjeUv^if atii)abeplu0^oke, fojfjeprtmttf tfiid pialm, Heb. 3, 1, & 4. 7. theRock]iu?amti5 Chriff , ad tfte ^ Heb . 3^ 6,1, tj)f trarflatetfji tt God our farkour. 2. prevent] ccmefirlf anb fpeedily^ U* 3. great Goef] 0^ great Poten-T«?^ti'rrate

j.^1. ;fec Chrift td aI|OUltltttkb , Tit. 2,13. ^ al Gods ]

AngeIs,Princcs,o^falfe Gods.^(y.,-,^«i

Pf:d.8/*& 82^

l3. 4. deep-places] 0^, deep clofcts %tb|.ferchings; *

Idjdeep fecret places for u hich ferchis rr:ade,lob. 28. 1,2. &c. attb which cannot by mans ferchyiji '1|>n

be found. lob. 38.4,^/318. frong-heichts] oj,wearifom-heighcs,hyemounts,which^weary men to clime them; Lut tgc lUDjb Fatf> alfo a firrntficat^^^^ Cf ftrong, anb net beingWcarycdiNun)»23.22. b, 7. ofhis hand 1 tfiar Id. Qfhis^uidanrf!PfaL77^2i.

fo Pfal. 100. 3. to day 1 1)ercl5pid lUraut the whole time wnerein Chrill fpe'aketh by his

gofpeh H b.5,7,^^,i5\ &4,7,8. • b. 8. fti. Meribah 1 that id in the Contention (cl Pro^ ^ l3t%vocation m t!ic L tUTuct^ ft.) name Ofa plate in tl)e Ifftberned, kiljete 3fra^l cd-tended wirb. Mo'es, and tempted the Lord, faying, Is\he Lord among vs or nc?bifcank ther was il3*nF3no'Water for the people to drink* ^fjcrfcje he called the place Malfah (Tentation)and Meribah ^ ‘

Contention.VFxod. Ogam they contended with Moles, 5C

mththeL9id^JSiUD,io,i^3^ij, t|jat ^ oflemauon; LpdayagaF'e^,

i4s xcv. XCVI. '

Itje mcir*iint5ct|tfinb tXjt whole f^^ate \jjfjmn tgcpteptcb <©ob tew times y fa^b^Mu. t4 .»s.'

(fOtl)e(iayoffalvation, z. Cor. 6 . 2. tfjC time t(jCrof.) ^ft tberbJatJ afpecta! day and place

.of Tenation nameb MaiTah . Exod .17.1.7. \Bxjieriipon 0 Ujanicb tfiC people. Ye llial noc

tempt theLordyourGod,asyetemptedhiminMa(rah.DtUt, 6 .i^, 6 . teniptedme}

{jereupon tfVHpoftlC faptfj,they tempted Chnil; i .Cor.10.9. my work]tfiat 10 works

Heb 5 .9 .botli in mtraculau0 inercicp string tl)cm b^e£^ from fteabett,anb mater0 out of

roc&0 &c. pfah 78 . 1 ) 13. &c. aab in pimiffjment^ foj tjcir rcbellionp, Pfal. 78. 3 r. 35 . &c.' Heb. 3. 17. work fomtlUK fignifittb reward. Pf. 109. zo. lob. 7. 1. Levit. 19. 13.

t. II. if the^ flial ente r 1 tf)att0,they Ihal notenter,Heb. 3. ii. 18. a partOftfteoatfti0 ttOt

utterebi fee Pial. 89.36. ^Htgoathma^ mabe at €abeffi, mfteretfte people tjjougl) unbeleef

tefufeb to entet tfie pjomifcb lanb . Num.14. m . h. 23 . 30. 32. Heb. 3. 17 . 19.

myrdl] the land 6fCanaan, Deut. 12.9. i.Chron.23. z^. a figure Ofa better which we5*'^? that have beleeved the word, doo enter into; Heb.4. 3 . for if that land (wherin now they were)

had been their rell, David would not have fpoken ofan other; Ther remayiieth therfore a Reft

for the people ofGod; letuslludy to enter into it. Heb. 4. 8. 9. n.

Pfalm. 96.

1. QIng yc to lehovah, a new fong;

Oiing ye to lehovah,al the earth.

t .Sing’ye to lehovah ,blefs ye his name;

preach-the-good'tidings ofhis falvati-

on,from day to day. 5. Tel amongthe nations his glorie-.amogal peopels,

his marveilous-ft'(?ri;f. 4. For great, ^

lehovah & prayfed vehemently: fearful

he w, above ai Gods. 5 * althe

Gods of the peoples are vayn-idols:but

lehovah, made the heavens. 6* Glo-

rious-majeftie&comly-honour are be-

fore him: ftrength & bcwteous-glorie,

in his fandiiaric. 7. Give to lehovah,

ye kinreds ofthe peoples: give to leho- 7 *

• vah, glory & ftrength. 8. Give to leho-

vah, the glory of his name: take-up an

oblation, & come into his courts.

p. Bow-down yourfclyes to lehovah, P*

io thecomly-honour ofthc fanduarie:

tremble-ye at his face, al the earth.

10. Say yc among the nations, Teho-

vah reigneth ; the wQsl^i ihalbe

ftabliQied, it lhal not be moved: he wil

judge the peoples, with righteoufnefles.

1 1. Let the heavens rcjoyce, & the earth

bcalad: rote let the fea, and the Hen^ ^ cheroft

rfalm,p6 •

Sing this as the 4f. Pfalm.

/. itnto Jehovah^ anm pfilme:

k3v al the earthy png te^^tevnal-'fAH*

2. Sing ye unto 'fehovah^ blef his name :

preach hts[alvatto?Ljy fiom day to day,

Hisglone tel among the nations:

*mcng peoples aly hts ^ondrous-^aHions,

4, Forgreat Jehovah prayfed tkf is hcc

greatly: parjuiy above al (juds he is.

/. For al the peoples Cods vayn-idols bee:

but ofthe heavnSy Jehovah maker is.

6 . Glory and honour are befire htsface :

prength and bemte^ Within his Holy^ptacim

Te kinreds ofthe peoples,give toJAH


give to Jehovah, glorie frength aljo.

^tveye theglone ofhis name to jAHean offring tab^e, and come his courts into*

'BoW'doypn w th'honourable Holy-^lzcc

to jAH: the ^hok earth, tremble a,t his iztce*

t/^mong *he hethen-nationsfyytfy

Jehovah reigneth; alfiflablenes

tfje ^nrld[hal have, ttfhd not moved bee:

the peoples he 'Adjudge, mthnghteoufnes.

it. Let heavens beglad,& let the earth reioice:

ktfea and plenty therofro^-With-noyfe.


Pfalm. XCVI.cherof. t2. Let the feild{he’s’’-glad ties,

& al that therin r/:then let al the trees of

^hew’Ocxl, fliowe- joyfully. 13. Before

lehovah, for he cometh; for he cometh


to judge the earth; he wil judge the

world with j'uftices & the peoples, with

his faiihfulnes.


XCVII. 24PThe find andAltherirtUfgUdJom leei

let al trees ofthe ^ood thenJhowt-^tth-tnerth*

'Befire Jehovah^hecauje come dooth hee\

beemfe he cometh, to judge the earth:

the \\>orld he judge ^ith ]Hfl-righConfines^

the peoples alfi, ^nh hisfaichfilnes.


! anewfong&c. ] ftePialm.js.j. ^hfs^falmf^apatt cftriatfongtofierhJi’tft Ytua ?5 celebrate*:) , tohen t(je ^rh of510 tobmant toa^ biougljt toitli jop into ^abttjjs


citie frcm€>bel)^ciioiti0 (jotofe, i .chron.i6.r3.&c. ituD it contepnetjj a offemgtwms) anh oftgc tailing of tljc <©mtilc0 frotti iboljs, to fetb and p^aife t&c liding

preach-the- good-tidings] oj Evangelize; fcc Pf. 40.10. 4

.prayfed] and praife-

worthy; fccPial. 18.4. ^ Vayn-idols] 0| things ofnaught j ajS tge Spoilt Op eil^ tr’l’lllcthtijt0 d3o^d,fapxug, we know that an idol is nothing in the world^i. Cor. 8.4. iE.lim aniJ . "r



itlohim , in are Godsj of Strength. iE,iiiim, Idols; agl being Al-^lim not Gods, Vuitfi

cut Rrengtb.^0 elfinbete tfrep are plainip caled lo^lohim,no Gods,2 .chro.13 .9. vn-able to^,vx^^

Coo good oj coil , and vn-profitable. ier.10,5:. ifa^44,9,io. !^nd ai3 the name ofGod, i^ jopn*cd mit[) tftingd to fftem their exceliencie, Pfal. 3^,7. fo 10 tfji^ contratilueife , to fbem their

vanitie; a0 Of Phyficians ,Iob. 13. 4, of iTiepheards Zach. ii. 17. offalfe dodrine, ler. i4,i4«

<2^be<l3^ecbb^returnct{)ttdaimonia,divils ; bp Vjohirg name idols arecaied,^.zo,Rev.p.xo. z.Chron.u.iy. P. 6 , bewteous-glorie

] foj tfli0 in i^Chron. 1^,17 . 10UJptteil joyfulnes . P. 7. Give &c.] Compare Pfal. 29,1,2. p. 8. to his courts]

** ***

to his face, OJ prefence; a0 i . Chron,i^,29. p. 9 . of the fan^tuarie] pj offan6titie ; fee .

Pfal. 29,2. tremble] be payned, a0 tit tvaPcI OfCpildbirtb . P. 10. with righte-

oufnelTes] tljattp, moll righteoufly . p. ii. Let rejoyce] Ihall rejoycej audfOtgerell.^O Pfal. 98,7,8,9* P. 13. Withjuftice]o^,injufl:ice,tgati0 :,

ju%; fo Rev. 19,11.

Plalni. 97.

j. TEhovah reigntth, let the earth

Abe glad: let the many yles, re-


1 . Clowd and gloomyidarlcnes are

found-about him; judiGe &judgment,sere the ftable-place of his throne,

3 * Fyre, goeth before him: and fia-

meth,round-about his diftrelTers.

4. His lightnings illuminate the

world? the earth, fecth & ttembleth.


Pfa/m gj,

Thismay befungalfoasthe 37. Pfalm.

/. lEhovah reigns, let th\arth exult- with-gleez



let thj'Unds many, jheiv-firth’joyfilnes.

him cbopds and gloomy-darkgies bee; jnjhce and •

.judgment, bts thronesflahlenes,

S* Pyre, dooth before theface ofhim procedi •

and round-about his enemies flaweth,

4, Hts lightnings have the World ilkmined:

the earthy dooth fee andpainfully^trembleth,

U /• MomtP

ZSO Pfalm. XCVII.s. Themountayns, like waxe, mdc

at rheprcfenceoflehcvah; at the pre-

fence, ofthe Lord of al the earth


6, The heavens declare his/uflice: &al peoples, fee his glorie.

7. Aba(hed-be al they that ferv a

graven-/to^; that glorioufly-boaft the-

Iclves in vayn-idols: bov-dowa-yowr-felves to him alye Gods.


Sion heareth,& rejoycethf&gladare, the daughters of ludah: becaufe ofthyjudgments lehovah. 9. For thoulehovah, m high above al the earth:

vehemently art thou exalted, above al

Gods. 10. Ye lovers of lehovah hate

evil: he keepeth, the Towles of his graci-

ous-fainds; he wil deliver them, fromthe hand ofthe wicked. 1 1 . Light, is

fbwen for the juft: & joy for the right ofhart. 1 2 . Rejoyce ye juft, in lehovah:

&confefs, to the remembrance of his




tJMomts^ at Jehovahs prefeme welted arf^

atface^ ofLord ofth' earth total.

The heaverts htsjnfitce openly-declarei

^fee hisglorie^ doo the peoples al.

tyibafht be al thatferv a graven- thing;

that in vayn-idols boafi-them -glorioujly:

O alye Gods bow-doWn-him-'^orfhtping.

Sion dofth hear^c^ ioyeth-chearfallj; (merthi

j^nd Judahs daughtersfje'^ doo-gladfeme..

becaufe^ fehovahf Cfthy iudgwents-rtght.

For thou Jehovah high ^bove al the earth:

artfarr above al Gods^ advan[l-in-hight»

O lovers ofJehovah, hate yeyil:

fo wls ofhisgraewHsfainCis he dooth beware;

he alfo them fafely-delyver Votl,

out of the hand of thofe that itched are.

light,for him that mfl isfoWn therisi

toy,for them that upright harted bee.

12. Teiufi, toy in Jehovah: and corfefe^

to ti:e remembrance ofhisfan(duee»




n^erf. I lehovah] tftat tJ|^Chrift,ralrh lehovah ourjuftice,Ter,23,r,^. Of^htl anb gfd rd^tht0 pfalm, aj5 tljC bcvfe mamfe(letlj the many yles ] that ItJ nations 01 gentiles

dwelling in the yles : atl, the yles lhal way t for his law, Ifa. 41, 4. CJtpOUnbeD

the Gentiles Ihval trull in his name. Mat. iz,zi. ^0 Ifa. 60^9. b. gloomy-darknes]fee

Pfal. 18, 10. tl)t0 UOtrtf) the terrourof hisdodrineandadminillration. Mai. Mat. 3, iz. ajS

attfjelamglViinni L)eut.4,ii. liable-place] ellablilhment, O^bafej feePfal.S^. 15.

mTk Lyre] fcbercjiibqement^ foi nieimeg; an ifa.42,2r. & 66, u,i^,3.

b. 4.1IluminatnhT 0^ hath illumined: ag at Ofthe lain, there tocrcthonders,? wpligiunings,^yoj^s,,ea &^Exod. 19 .‘foWe u6c uloceeD ftcm theni;i0hc.Qf


***4 .f. trembleth] o^IJJpayncdj fecPfal. 77 . 17 .

^p. U at the prefence ] OJ, from

the face. b. 6. The heavens] heavenly creatures, ajStfionbCr, Il0l)tnhlD[, tcmpcfi: &c,

OJtJje^InqeljS . ^CePfaLjo.^^ b. 7 . vayn-idols] feePfal. y alye Gods] tgat

fsptD, alye his Angels; ffePfai.8,(5^ Bntc thtiEitiy^poftlefcemrtfi tojjabe

reference faping , vvhen he bringeth in his firll begotten fon into the world , he fayth;And let

J«- al theAngelsolGodworlhiphim.Heb.i.6.'Hltfi0Ughtf|Cbcrpm0Jb?^cfl;ff!^p0tlicarefcuna

intlje<l3iefhbetfi0nofDeut.3z,43. butthei^ebjuetJercfjathnoncfuch* ^ce tf>c fulfil^

Ihl<ioftl)l0, Luk. Z,I 3 ,I4 . Mark. 1 . I3.RCV.5', II, li. b. 8. daughters] tfjat 10, cities ofludah; t(je€l)jlflian€hurcge0: fcePfal. 48 , IZ. b. u. Lightisfowen] tjfiat 10, Com-fortandjoyisrefervedaftet.troiibie,a0Ellh.8.i^. butR!bbcnfb;i:tftcpjcfent, a0feebfntjig

grounb; fOJ , wee are dead , and our life is hid with Chrilt in God, Collof.3 .3 .4 . ailb it dooth

notyetappearwhatweeihalbe.i.loh. b. u. coufeftto] tfiat 10, celebrate it.

feePlal.3o.j.Claim, xevni.


"t.' A pfalm;

S[ng-ye to lehovah, a new fong,for henath dooh marvel his

ri^ht-hjnd hath (aved him,& the arm ofhis holynes.

2 . lehovah hath made-knowen, his

falvation: to the eyes ofthe nations, he

hath reveled hisjuftice.



He hath remenabred his mercy, &his faithful nes, to the howfeof Ifrael; al

the ends ofthe earth have feen, the ial-


4. Showt-triumphantly to lehovah,

al the earth : (howt-chearfully, & (howc-

ioyfully & fing-pfalms.

5 Sing-pfalms to lehovah with harp:

with harp,& voice of a pfalm.



With trumpets, & voice of the

cornet: (howt-triumphantly, before,the

King lehovah*


Let the fea roare, and the plcntie

therof : the world, & they that fit ther-


8 Let the rivers clap the palms: togl-

ther let the mountains fliowt-joyfully.

9. Before lehovah, for he is come to

judge the earth: he wiljudge the world

in jufticc; & the peoples, in rightepuf-


xcviii:Sing this as the pfalm,

/. A Ney\f to Jehovah ftrjg,y

jLX, fir marvels doon hath bee :

his right hand hath him (aved, and

hu arm offQnBitee.

Jehovah^ hisfilvation hath

madek^o^mvnto the eyes

tven ofdoe nations, he hath

reveled hisjafike.

5 . His mercyy^ hisfaith^ to ho'^fi

ofIjrel he thin^ on


the ends d ofthe earth havefeen^

our Godsfilvatiofu.

4. Vnto Jehovahyalthe earthy

fhom ye triumphantly:



5, Vnto lehovah Voith the harp


even With the harp and With the void


6* Withjhrilhng-trompets^ dfi With

. the cornets (ounding-vetcei

hefire the king Jehovahsfkcey


7. Let fea and plentie therofroare:

Worldy and that therin dwelL

/. Let rivers clap the hands : let moHHtt

With joy togitherJhrill,

f, *Befire Jehovahs fkccy fir he

to judge the earthy come is ;

Withjufiice he Wil judge the World}

andfilksy With eqnuies.


I. anewfong] feePfal.33,3. faved him] got him falvation, (mb VlfctO^lt O^et^relfa. & ^3, y. z. his falvation] the redemption by Chrilt»

aiSLuk. 1,30,31,31. fohis;uihce,tjS that which is by faith in Chrift, Rom. 10,3.4, ^,10.Ij. remembred] auD tonfcquentlp performed his mercy &c. fo Luk. ’i,f4jjy,7i,73,74.

^ ^‘

al the ends ] tljafilS, thejwellers in the ends of the earth: folfa.ri,io. ^ la. voice of '?i

the cornet] 02found_ot the trompet ; foiBerearet\nofebcralUJo^b^ fo2 trompSS*rfome oftohirf) toere mabc ofmetaf, aa filtier &c;Num . 10,1

. fomecfgopi,iof. ^,4. anD tWetoereufedbotrjmtaart£J,antjmtl3eujojfStp of<6ot):fce Pfal.3i,4. b. s. dapthepalmjclaphandsj afignofjop;a|Jlfa. jf,iz. Pfal.47,2* to. in juftice] tjjat jullly;^(S

in righteoulheires] tflatl^,mollnghteoufly.

li ^ Pfalm. XCIX,

Pfalm. XCIX.


1. TEhovah reigneth, the peoples

Xare ftyrrcd: he fitceth cn the

Cherubinis, the earth is moved.

2 . Tehovah, u great in Sion: and hyc

he w, above al the peoples^

3 . Let them confefs thy name, great

& fearful; holy it//.

4. Andtheftrength of the King, lo-

veth judgment; thou, haft ftablifhed

righteoufneffes; thou haft doon in laa-

kob, judgment & juftice.

y. Exalt ye lehovah, our God; and

bow-down your felves, at the footftool

of his feer; holy he //.

6 , Mofcs& Aaron, with hisPreifts;

and Samuel, with them that cal on his

name: they caled upon lehovah, and he

anfwered them.-

7, In thepillarofa clowd, he fpake

unto them: they kept his teftimonies,

& the decree he gave them.‘

S. lehovah our God,thou anfwercdft

them: a God forgiving, thoujg^iLunto

; and taking vcngeance^jm-lhgir


9. Exalt ye lehovah, our God; and

bow-down your felves, at the moun-

tayn of his holyncs; for lehovah our

God,!/ holy.

Sing this as the S9. Pfaint.

/. TEhov^h the peeples they

X are ^rathfiiUy^fijrredi

heJilts on Chernbims ,the earth

is tronbloujly-meved.

2. ^ehdvah^great in Sion^iand

is *bove alpeoples hje.

Let them thygreat andJearfitl name

confefi;itis holy,

4, The Kings flrength alpjudgment le^esi

thoHy righteoHS-eejmties

hapPabltfljed; in Jakob haPdoon judgment andju/ief,

y. Exalt Jehovah our ^od yee^

and bow yourfelvesfabmi§^

even at thepotpool ofhis per;

bccaufe lee holy is,

6 , eJliofes and O^'ron^y Voith his l^reips;

and Samuel, ^iththem

0jat cal on his name : calldon JAH^ '

andhe didanpeer thtnLj.

7. Even in the ptlUr ofthe dowdy

unto ihem fpeakjdid hee:

tJjeykcpt hts Witneffes, and (udiich

hegave iherruf) the decree.

5, O LORD OUT Gody thoH anfweredp thenvUl

a God th^r pardonedpy •

. , ^OH ^ap to ther?7^; upon thsir ads

though vengeance thou tzikcdp*

4, Exalt Jehovah our God ycy

and bowyetvrfelvespbmifi

at his mount holy : pr holy

Jehovah our Godts,


• I. are (h'rrcd 1 OJ, they be llyrred, to iDCet ,with angerj tht <©;trcfe trmi#

flatfth be angrie: fee PlM. 4 tJS OpCUtd tU Kev.i f,i7 .18, thou ( Lord) rcigndt, and the

. nations are angrie. tiie tottheP ate affeftcD : but tf)C gOt)lp bOp rrppce.Ptal.^y^i


he litteth] oi, etCU he that iitteth on the Cherubmis, reignecii: ^ce Pial.80.2,* is movedd

Inith inbwnation; ftyned up to refill, aj3 Aa.17,13 . 4._jhe ftrength] tm K‘p:ien

tottlid3oP0\nrat|),Ezia.8.zi.anDfif«fmnftIjtofiatoc lifeenuamucr; tgat<6ot: 10 prong

to puuifi* til juogcmmt tfic rcbelUoujs, anb befenbW pecplr. b. 5 . at the footftcol] o|

towards it, ineaiUUO the 'Saiuftnarie and Ark there. Ifa.<fo,i3* i.Chron. z8,z. Lam.z,i.Pial.i3z.

7.E2ek.43,7. hel'jj] aiS 10 eyp^cfleb,bcrfe 8.0? it ( the temple) is holy ,

b 4 , with his Preiils ] 0? aaicng his principal o&ers; Cohen,' ipJitffibJefal• — & P^eiiU

P/alm. C. 5/3

UPreiftjCjSacrlficer, tJetiaWC of the Kings cheifofficer, aiSfn a. Sam. f, i 8 . Davidsfonns jxowere Cohens, ( CheiP-rulers, Aularchai aj$ terUlCtl) tJrniO U3

|5tt^ CjCpOUnDeD ttl

i.Chron . i 8 . 1 7 . tO be the firll (0^ Cheif)at the Kings hand* 3,t fjatb tftename ofwinitetion,

Ifa 1 ,6, 1 o and toad a title fpedallp gtben to 18aton anb bid fonnd,tbat miniPitb unto <6o0i

ta tbe ;t)ammvie, Exo. caled]a^toeiecaiing:tbatid,p^apebfo^tbepeopIe,aj8Exod*32, II. &c. Num.i4,i7,i9.& i.Sam*7.94& 12:19.23. I^ereupon Mofes & Samu-

el toetcnoteDfoi cbcifintmeflb;idtoitbd3ob. Ter. ir,i. $5 . 7. ofaclowd] adExo,

33.9. Num.i^,4z. auD tljtd notetb <6otid fabour,but toitb fome obfcuiitp: anb fo id infcttoiit

to tf)e mebiation ofCbjift, tolio botft toitbout clotobd o^ fbabetoed obtepiifb eternal re/*

bemptioit fox udj that toe map goe boJblpto tfte tb^one ofg?ace,foj to rcceib merep anb finb

grace to help in time of neeb. Heb. 4,14.1^.


f^b.8. a God forgiving^

a mighty-God tOat pardonedft, OJ tookeli away , to toeet , plttnT6m-nl^ tD^irlpn: fee PTl

af, 18 . and taking] oj though thou tookeff vengeance. ^ on their pradifes] theirs

that id the peoples, fo^ toljom JBofed pxapeb , ad Num. 14, zo, 2 1/23V&od. 32, i4 , 34 >3 ^-

theirs , tgat id^ Mofes and Aarons fynnsj tobicD<i3ob punifbeb attb tooulb iiot be,mtreatd^

flO Num. 20,12* Deuc. 3,23,24 ,2f,2^.

^Howt ye-triumphantly to Ichovah^al /. SHom to ^ehovahy althe earth. 2 . Servyc

l^erf* ! for confeffion] for the publick praife ofGod, with thanks for his mercies,

b. 2. Tinging] OJ Ih ailing, ihowting-merth. b.3. made us] tfild toO^b id Ufcb bot^ -lyW/

foj our firfl creation in tjatm e , Gen. 1,26. anb fc^ ffte maj^ing ofud f^pt anb ejccdlcnt toitft 7

graced anb blcfft ’.edvad I-Sam.ii,^. Deut.32,<5. lla.43 *,t.& 29.23 . Ephe*2,ro. and not WeJ iSioj,and his we are: ad tfje IJetoUv i’l tbs margine reabetb u. 35otb fenfed are geob*


Ihcepj OJ flock tobies befechetb. ,§ee£zek.34 ,30 , 3i.prai.9 y, 7 . b. 4 * confelfjon] the

facriflee of thanks toas tftud namcb;2. Chron. 2^^3^ p, 5. faith] oj^ faiih-

fulncs ; truth, in pcifc^miug piomifed*

Pfalm. 100. . Ffalm. TOO.

he made us, and not we: hi.s people, &(beep ofhis pafture.

he made us, and not we: hi.s people, & ing-mmh. /. Know^^atfehovahheGodisi

(beep ofhis pafture


. Its he that made tUy and mt Voeei

A. Enter ve his PatM. with confrm. h^fvll^,.„dJkefof.hulieJwi.4. Enter ye his gates, with confefli-

on; his courts with praife: conftfsyeto

him, blcfs ye his name.

4 . O ^tth confijfwn enteryet

hts^ateiy hts comiyards ^ithfraifiyj^:

corififto hi'fTLjy hlefye hts name*

forever: &hisfaithj unto generation

& generation.

5. For Tchovah// good, his mercy// Tecan/efehovahhe^oodisi

rever: & his faith, unto generation htsmercy ever is the fitnci V



lis Pfalm. Cl.

Pfalm. Cl.

Apfalm, ofDavid j


MErcy & judgtiicnc I wil fing; to

thcc, lehovah wil I fing-pfalm.

2 . 1 wil doo-wifely in theperfed way;

Vhco, wilt thou come unto me? I wil

walk in the perfection of mine hart^ in

the mids ofmine howfe.


Iwilnotfct, before mine eyes,

word ofBelial: I hate the doing ofthe •

chat turn-allde; it (hal notcleav unto



A Froward hart, (fial depart from

me; I wil know none evil



He that in fecret hurteth-with-

tongue his fellow- feeind, him wil I fup-

prefs: the haughty ofeyes and^largeof

hart; him, 1 cznnotfiffer,


Mine eyes (halbe on the faithful of

the land, for to fit with me; he that

walketh, in the perfed way, he Qial

iiiiniftcrtomc. .


He (hal not fit within my howfc,

that dooth deceitrhe that fpeaketh lyes,

(hal not be cftablilhed, before mine


Sing this as the to^. Pfalm.

MErcy and J^iUfmgi

2 ^ WU'Wifely doo in fnfid. Way;

When^^ Wilt thou come to mee^

^le Walk^, in midde/i ofmyin my harts perf^lnes*

S* ? (jefy

Word ofmifcheevoufncs:

J hate their that turn^’afide;

itJhal not cleav me to.

4, Thefiomrd hart,from meJhalpart:the ev’ly f Wil not know,

j. fWil [uppref^, him that hisfieindy

‘ With-tongue’hHrtsfecretly:

the haughty eyde^ and large ofhart;

him fuffer cannot I.

4 . tJd^yne eyes^ on faithful ofthe lands

thatJit with me they may :

. untome mintfler-fhal hee,

that walksyin perfiSl Way.

7. He (halnotfit. Within my howfi,

that doothfraud: thatfpeah^s lycf^

heJhalnot be eflahltfhedy

in prefence ofmyne eyes.eyes.

S: In the mornings, I wil fupprcfsal 9, '

ty^t mornings, althe Wickfd of

the wicked ofthe land: for to cut-off the landfitppreji Will:

from the citie oflehovah^ al the work- cut-oflAHS city to cut, ad

ers ofpainful-iniquitie. that Workjniquitie.


..doo-wifely ]SehavcmyrelFprudently; asS tDatfb fapb tO hOC i. Sam. 18,14,

'rir? when wilt thou come] naittclp to aflilf me in the performance hereof : OJ, when thou (halt' corne,namelp to cal me unto an account ofmy life. &c. Ji. 3. ofBelial] tftat mifehei-

vous (or wicked) word 02 thing, ^zt Pfal. 41, 9. b. 4. know] 0^ acknowledge, tjjat (0

.,1' regard, OJ approve; foPfal.i.^. r. hurteth with tongue] that traduceth,o^(a0 the

ViSO i^eb^uephjafe (0 )betongeth. i^crebyon a man of tongue, (jS fo| a pratler or calumniator Pf.

large ] 0^ wide, broad ofhart; m^amug prowd; a0Prov. zi,4- 1 cannot]

.. ^rn-fietc the Ino^b bear, oj fuffer tobeuuber(looD,a0 (0 C)rp^eb Prov. 30,21. ^oiob .31.23.


’ imb4U i.Cor.3,z. 9.8. in the mornings] tjhaf 10, every morning , 0^ early



Pialm. CII.


PfaUn. CII.

T. A prayer, for the poor-afflicted

when he llialbe overwhelmed: and (hal

powr-forth his meditation,before leho-


2 . TEhovah, hear my prayer: & let myXcry come unto thee. 3. Hide not

thy face from me, in the day oEdiftrefs

upon me: incline thine car unto me; in

the day I cal, make haft anfwer me.

4. Fx)r my dayes are confumed as

fmoke: and my bones, are burnt as anhearth

. 5 . Mine hart is fmitten as grafs

and withered: that I forget, to eat mybread. 6. For the voice ofmy gro-

ning:my.bone cleaveth,to my fleih. 7.


am dike,toa pelican of the wildernes: I

am, as an owl of the deferts. 8. I

watch & am, as a (parrow,folitarie uponthe howfe- roof. 9.- A 1 the day mineenemies doo reproch me: ^ey that

rage me, have fw'orn a^Hnft me.10 . Porleatalhes, asbread; & mingle

my drinks,with weeping. 1 1 . Becaufe

of thyne angry-rhreat & th]; fervent-

wrath : for thou haft heaved me up, andcaft me down*. 7 2 , My dayes as a

fhadow declined: and I, am withered as

grafs. 1 3 . And thou lehovab, fitteft

forever: and thy memorial,to generati-

on and generation. 14. Thou wilt arife,

wilt have tender-mercy upon Sion: for

the time to be gracious unto it, for the

.appoimed-time is come. 15. For thy

fervams delytein the ftoncs thcrof: &doo pitty the duft therof. Andthe hethens (hal fear, the name ofleho-rah; and al the Kings ofthe earth, thy

glcr/. 17. When lehovah flial build

up Sion (hal appear, in his glory.

18. Shal turn, unto theprayerof the

lowly: & not defpife, their prayer.

19, This (halbe written, for the genc-

tacion afters & thepcopic created, (hal


Sing this is the 31. Pfalm.

2, T Ehovnhy hear ^hat I doo prayi

let my cry come unto thee*

Thy fkcefiom me hide not

in day ^hen trouble is on met:

let unto me thine ear be benti

in day I cal^fien anfmr me,

4, For thefmoke my dayes are/pent :

and as an hearth^my bones barnt be,

j, ine hart isfmitt asgrafi and d/ej*^

that Iforget ^ to eat my bread.

(, Forthe voiceofmygroning^cryi‘

my bone is to myfiejh cleaved,

7 . lam likci deferts pelican.,:


amu^ as an owl of^ildernes,

8 . 1 ^atchj and as afparrow arru^

cn roofinfilitnrynes


9. d<^ myfies doo me tiphrayd:. ^ocir

they that rage at me, gainfime[marr^^ 7“‘

10. For 1 doo afhes eat^ as bread: ^and mixe my drinJq ^ith ^etping-Uffr,^^^^

/ /. ’Becaufe ofthme angry-difdayru^

and thy hot-^rath : fir ihoH haft

Hp-heaved, and caft down agayru.

12, dayes^as fhade declined bt:

tydnd ^ith\ed as thegraftamtAndthonfehovah^fittefi-firafir ever : and thy memorie^

, dooth unto age and age endure.^

J4 . Than Votltanfe^ ^ilt have merest

on Sio?t^:fir ills the time* >to dealnow '^ith itgraciouftie,

fir come is the appointed-time.

JJ,.For thyfervantSy ftones oftheJam6

delight tn^: and her duft pnty,

i6 . tAnd hethensfiar fhahhe LO%I)Snmiiand Kings ofti/earthalytljygloiy*.

lyAVktn'fAHjhalSionedifteihe in hisgloryjhal appear*

18 , Shal turrit, to prafr ofthe lowly


andnot difpiftftialyheirprayer, V

/y. ThisflialinWrit-be-regiftred

fkth"aftergenrrmtui^ ^

and i

Pfalm. CIL±0. Fof he hath looked- Andptofle tohc ereattd,


praife lah.

dovn from the height of his holynes:

Jehovah, from the heavens did beholdthe earth. ai.To hear, the groningofthe prifoner: toloofe, the fonnsofdeath. 22. To tel in Sion, the name ofJehovah: & his praife, in Icrulalem.

25. When the peoples flialbe gathered

togither; & the kingdoms, to ferv leho-

vah. .

24. He hath afflided in the wayfninc ablc-Ilrcngthjhe hath (

p r/tyfi thc£ver-bcing-ofie,20. For he Itoks p'om hfj height holy:

the LORDfrom htavcm the earth dooihfei*

21 • Tehear, thjprtfrmrsgroKwa^cry:

to loofe them that deaths children hee,

22, T0 tel the LORDS name, in Stotts

and his p^ayfr^ in fernfaUnij,

2$» When peoptes^ and Kingdoms, in enei

toferv the LORD^Jhalgather-therru,

24» He hath ajjUBed in the ^aymyflrengthi hefhortned hath my dayct.

dayes. 2^,1 fayd; 6 my God ,take me a/. J frjd\ 0 take me not away^

my God, inmiddefl ofmy dayes.

Thyyeres throtfgh age ofages arc,

26. eydfere, thou layd'lLfiundahon

ofd) earth: the heavens alfi, are

thy handy operation^

27. They pertjhfhal^ but thou [halt dure:

and alth^fjhul ^ith-age~decay

06 agarment: aeavtfrure^

tfjou changefl them and changed are-they.

2t. *But thou art even thefame: thy ycres

they aifijhal not ended bee.

not away, in the raids ofmy dayes: thy

ycres are through generation of genera-

tions. 26, Afore-f/wtf, thou haft found-

ed the earth ; dc the heavens, the workof thine hands. 27. They dial periih,

and thou (haltftand: and they al, dial

wex-old as a garment; as a vefture, fhalc

thou change them &theydialbe chan-


28. But thou the fame : and thy

yeres,(hal not be ended. 29.Thefonn$ofthy fervants fhal dwcl : tk their feed, 2p.Thyfervms frnns, andfeed oftheirs

(hal be ftablidicd before thee. fhal dvpel; efiabhfht before d)ec.


lOerf* I. for the poor] fl(jredtig to Cftate 3 .0^, ofthe poor. overwhelmed] withfears, cares, foro'wes &c. fee 4 • I'moke] o;i, with the fmoke,toattif(]ing III

t0eaierjfo®f.37,io.^j)c^eh^uelettcri3 *bcth withjanb tcaph,a$i are one ttfec another,anbfometime put one foi another, a |3 Sam.y,i4.U]ith I, Chron. 14, ly. an hearth ] the

place rDh^ronfpreburnetlj. Compare lob. 30,30. y. asgrafs] ojastheheibs,|mit-

ten mithblaftmg. Amos 4,9. e. to my flefh] thatfb,my skin, Iob.19,20. fo elf*

tohereskini0 putfo;ifle{h,Iob.i 8, 13. ;5>eeaIfoLam. 4 ,

8. ^ 7 . ajpdican] fl btrb \U

bing intuilb anb befclate placcia,zep. 2, 14 ifa,3 4,11 .gt feemetp to (jabe the name in Beb^ue

ofvomiting, aiib to bc tf)at foiul mhicl) boe cal the ihovelard, Vohich 1VoaUDmcth fhdanb after uomitcth them togettheWO . StbJajSabirbuncleanbpthclAUJ , LeviMi,i8.

^ome thinb it to be the bittour•, bihich mabeth a lotob anb bcleful nctfe.Copavc lob .30 .2^,

$,9. rage againfj me] OJ vaunt agatn|li 01 would- make a fool ofme: the il^^eebfapthjthac' r praife me

^ uuanmg fcigljncblp . ^lyt mcib figinfieth to lift up with praife and glorieJ anb al^

fbinglorioufly to vaunt, rage, oj be mad; fee Pfal. y,6. & 75 ,f . 'Che VU0;ib againlU|J here tC bO

I«nbn*ft00b; ab m Prov. 8. 36. he that fynneth againft me. example offuch raging mad-

nars nes, feeagainftCh.u'lt, Luk\^,u. 12. declined] o^iftetchcd-oat;j»btheUji^boUJ

ofthefun, mimi it ig neer bomn ^VDlnch tViOuah ii feem lonRcispct ^t>on pjiiStlia^ap. gvo

htced] that ib conun'ueft,ab the dbl^ueypiapnetj) it: foj


& 144 ,4 %




b. 13.iiccihg

2$Pfalm/CII. cm.anb fbnding (Ajg flfteif i« betfe ry.) are often ufeb fO^ fure and fctlcd abiding*

. thy memorial] remembrance of thee : foPf. 13^. i$.ftOmExod. 3. lu10« 14. th’appoiii ted time] promifedforreftauration ot the churchy 0)3 Dan.’.

Ier.z9. 10. b. I y . delight] m doo favour the VHmong:ajg Neh .2 .n .&c .


&4.1. zach. I* 12. ^ 18, thelowly] !cti)c<j5jcmi]creuitne76it, vxJfikJieffbaljcrt

loecalheath,tbatgrotoctBmtf}eV»iItJcrnei3,ier. 17.6. &48.^.bptftendmeini|db;Me^tfre<»inetfi to be fojtie naked ibrubb, autj fo a fit refnnblance of <6obj3 afflicteb people made loVnnabcb and befolate bp tijetv enciniejs, <8| toemap turn it, the broken-down, 0^ mined : fromler. 51.58. b* 19* This Ibalbe] -0} Let this be written, tO bjectfoj rcmembraufetbagejs after, ajSExod. 17. i4.Deut. 31*19.21. C&bSfbeVDetfttbefetobep2opfisfifjSfo;icurttme0. ^ ®at fftalbc created] Iftat U$ reftored and made anew^ab Pial. J04

.30.IJa.65. D

18. created in Chriit lefus unto good works, Eph. 2. 10. fo, a people born, Pf. 22. 32.’’


b. ao. the height of his holynes] tjot il3, his holv hye-phee, meaning heaven.

fonfromDeut. 26. 15. b. H. groniag] C| mournful-cry, foPf. 79. n.fonns ofdeath] appointed to dye, aiS Pf. 79 . 1 1 • b. 2,4 . in the way] in the courfe of

myliteifce Pf.2.i2. b. 25. take me not away] 0|,makeme notafeend. 'jWpbu a6. Afore-time] tStatid, At the beginnings biljerf tfjefe tftingi3 (pcbm ti

^od; arc applied to Cg^ifij to p^zobe^i^OOdBead. b.17. ibaitihnd] tftatig^jndure

continue, a0 tj)e <^3zeeb frp^effetj it; Hcb. 1. 1 1. ff' change them] bp folcTing them up,

ajStfted3zeefef)rplapnetB, Htb. i. n. fojtSefteabeniS biften tpp are eftanged ihaibefoide®like a book, Ifa. 34.4. b. J-S. art the fame] 0^,art he: tjat 10,unchangeable. Mal.3lam. 1. 17. b. 19. ihaldwel] tOtoeetin Sion, verfc, 14. 22.a0i0alfocjrpieffed PfaL^9

. 36. 37 . before thee] t!)at i0, fo long as thou dooll dure, meaning for ever a0 tijf

<6jecbb3e| eirplapnctfiit.^ before the moon, and fun, Pfal. 7a. 5. 17. i0, fo long as the Moo*andSunindure.

Pfaljn. 103 . Ffa/m. xc/.

r. pfalm of Dand; Sing this as the 45'.PfaIm#

MY fowl, blefs thou Iehovah:&al ,. TL/rrfiwl.bltfaieHfehovgkthmkfilfytmy inward-patts,the liamc of his lyX<!»ii<>lmyinw>trd-fArH,hisholjnmt', .

holynes. a. My fowl, bicfs thou kho- '

fS»l, bUfitheu fehovah thankfilly.

fah: and forget not, al his rewards-_


g. That mcrcifully-pardonethal thine • That pardoneth-til wineinjquities:that heale:h,al thy (icknefles. d»it heeleih, atthyfick^iinfirmitiit.

4 . 1 hat rrdeemeth thy life from the pit- 7 */7y /;/? tloMt run^msfrom torruptm^-’/^aU^x

of-corniptio; chat crowneth thee, with cromsthee ^tth mercie and Vrith tend^^rmh,mercy & tender-pitties.. /. That fad- That d70tb thy moHthwkbgoodrihw^sJatiofeiateth thy mouth with thy renewed^ the Sa^kSy is thyyouth*youth is renewed,as an Eagles. 6. le- Jehovah dooeth juflicei-equali

fcovahdoeth juftices: &judgments, to and judgments, unto the opprtjjed^.

alopprcffed. 7 . He made known his He ^nown dtdmake his Wajey umo Mfjfeslwayes to Mofes: his a6iions, to the his aElSy theforms of^fraelamong^fonns ofMfacl. 8. Icbovah ^ pittiiul /, fehovahpitrfiUndgraciomisi *

and gracious: long fuffring, &m uch of ofmercy much, ^ cfforbearance long*

mcrcie. p. He wil not contend to Contend he not to continual-ayei

.continiol-gy: neythcr keep tejther^"

jjgPfaltn. cm. •

foteveu le.ttehathncstdootuous, t^fiermJyfn}S,t»wd<i»nkiifhmhti

accordinotoourfynn?: nor rewarded nerMremM.^euraclms-Wong.

us accordins to our iniquities, ii. But ,,.'BHtasthehe*vns,i)the^ht iibove e0thb«i

as ’« the height ofthe heavens,abore the to them that fear

earth; fo ftrong is his mercie, over them /a. t^sfhrr.remote at £afi tsfiomthe Weft


that fear him.° ii. As farr-retnote as turtrefpafeshe^fromm hathcafi.


/ filler fittit hath his/ohm Hpon^z

^ihovahpittieth them that himpar0

14. For he dooth i^now ourfirmcd-falhicn^i

that are dnfiy m record he dooth bear.

I j. O^an-forowfaly afigraf fo ate his dayui

Offlotfr offiUdy heJiotirtjhing-difplayes.

i6. For ^mdgoes over it andit isgonei *

and place thervfl^idwes not thefime agayiL^

hisjuftice, to the childrens ctiil-'fg them that ofhis covenant ks^ers are:.

i. 1 8 . To them that keep his core- praBife. ^

::& that remember his %hovahdaotk m heavns hts throtte prepare. .

00 them. 1 9 • lehovah hath hrmlybrndom, over al hathfiveraignties.


tnar rearium. , ,

the Baft is from the Wefti^farr-hath-he-

removed, our treffpafles from us. 1 3 As

a father hath pitty, onfcufoiins: leho-

vah hath pitty, on them that tear him.

jA. For he, knoweth our forming:

remembring, that we art duft. ij . Sory-

nian, his dayes «•« as the grafs : as a

flowr of the feild, fo flourifheth he.. _

iiS Forawindpaffethoventand it

irnot*: and the plwe therof, (halnot, //.‘BM bomttmt-meraio/thSttrnal-o^e,


„ , 17. But the mercy fiom ever andfir ever dooth rcxmiyti^

ofI^Uah frO‘" eternitie and upon them that

Smfeternitie, upo them that fear him: hs\4iatiit,toch,ldrcm chUdtrtn.-

andhisjuft^e,_to the chdto^^ l.-.


to*doo them. i>. lehovah hath fitmlyover al hathfiveraignties

preparedhisthrone.incheheavens: & ^ M,bk0,'£ternal.LORT);

his kingdom, rdeth over al . ao. Bleis ptngth, that doo hts wW;lehovah, ye

to yntt the voice tfhis 'iterd^hemknmg-fijl

ftrcngth.domg hu word, h^arkn ng ^ J ^ts ^mtes.


pfaiffl. cm. eiv; 2Sf^

anbpottg,flpctDr)|»?>ant)Ktect6It)n0.€cnipfl^cifa.4o.3i. b. iJ. juftictt Jt!|atiir>

al manerjulhce, and that which is chiefett. atC Often fpcSen Of plUtallp/OJ tiftcir

Cfllencp. wifdomes, Prov. 9. i. b* 7. his wayesj wherin men ou t to walkj aj$ uHcn^

£xod. 18. io. Pfal, 2f . 4 . r. 02, wherin himfelf walkethT^iis adminiftrati^n^s wSks^ apPf. 77 .

ao. lob. 40. 14. iatcr fernie tf) mofl meant f>cre> bp ccmparitiQ it Vnit]^ Exod. 33.13*^ ’ •

34.6.7. b. 8 * long-fuflFrihg] ojflow-to-anger: fee Pf. ly, b. 9. contend]

0^ chide : tompate Ifa. 57.16. ^ keep] unbetflanb his anger, 02 cnimitie, dp botfl

anbCfialbeebooexplapnit: fomemnetbel^ebjueitfelfmanifcjictp tfte befett 3aphefei^

1 4 Chrbn. i8. 6 , t§at iP, he fet garrifons, z .Sam.S^^. ^jlp p|)]afe ip takenftom tl)e labJjLcvit.

i8.;g)Oler.3. 5. Nahum,i.z.^eealfOPf. I05>.zi. 14. ourformii gl tjjatiP,

our formed-nature anb conditionjour matter & form : tfie O^fema!b30;b p^Ope^Iplp a formed-veffcl of eattg: applieb to cutfrapi cfiatCj, Rosn.^.io.n.fomtime tftip ip fpolren ofour fiaioni

' and finfuli imaginations, Gen .5.5. Deut .31.21. mib fo tf|e Cf|a!bee intevpjetetf) it fjcre.

b. 15. as thegrafsjcc»] tfjat ip5fcw,and tranfitoxie,tliough making a fayr fiiew. ComparePfal. 9o«5,6T Iob.14.1Ta. lam^ 1,10,11. i.Pet.1,24. b. 16. not know it] 0^ know him,tjat

ip, he fhall have no more place here,^0 Iob.7,10. ^b. .18. to doo them]ffl

p notctb tfie

OUttoarb pra^ife and operation of the Jaw^ b}|ii^ap keeping 0^ obTcivSglpbJitf) tfje fiait anb'

fpidtofman.Prov^ 3, 1,3. &4343ii.Pi^l. 78.8* b 19. prepared his throneVbddbliihedVy^y><^^it, a figne ofbomtnion anb oobennent ,to be abmim(!reb:mpSBm,b)t)et6p the Church ip ^

^ftgureb. Rev. 4.1.^. ^eealfo Pfal. 9, 5,8,9. & 11,4. hearkning] OX to hearken,

to obeyjdnb tftip notctfi a toifling anb reabp minb in tge !3bigelp: anbour®o|b teaej^etB up - '

topjapfojtSeiike. Math .6. 10. Jel^eb^tuepinafe to obeyjmap be Cngliffteb obeying, apt6elifeeinPfjd.io4,i4,i5 .2i.anbio5.n. ^>eealfoPral.49.i^. &65,n. b.xi. hishofts]

0^ armies; the thrones, dominions,principalities, powers &c. that arc in the heavenly places^

Ephef* 3,10. Col.i,i6.fojtbep are his holts, i.King.22.i9*Gen,32,x. anbgenetallp alltrea^

turepare his holts , fee Pfal. 24, 10. minilters] tje Angels which miniiler unto hiim.

jpfai. io4,4.Dan.7,to. tfie fame title Ip giben alfo to men. ifa.61,6.

Pfalm. 104.

j, V r Yfowl, blcrs thou leho.

.lVjL vah; lehovah my God,

thou art vehoncntlv great :thou arayeft-

thyjelf^wthm^jc^k comly-honour.

s. Decking with light as with

I garment: ftretching-out the heavens,


5* lll^icherit^ his lofts, in the

raters: making the clowds hischarret:

ralking, upon the wings ofthe wind.

4. Making his Angels (pints: his

ninifters, a flaming fyre.

5, He hath founded the eartii, upon

Ffalm, 164.

/. MEfovol^ 0 hie then fehovah : ^hov^hmy

^ody veh'ntemlie thengrcAt art: thon y^tth mayfiU

andhonour, doofi thyfdfaray^


^ith light, as >Mfh a cote^

^beams as a coHYtayn cut


HU lofts, in WatersfUnehtring:

making the elewds hU chariot;


4, HU J^ngehftmtshemakingi^


j. Tb*t^tb^hrhft^ hfimdetb^^'


a6o Pfalm,

her bafes:it fha! not be movedj^evcr&' aye. d.Thou coveredft it with the deep,

as with a rayment : the waters flood,

above the mountains.

7. At thy rebuke they fled : at the

voice of thy thondcr, they hafted-away.

8. The mountains they wentnp, the

allies they went-down: to the place,

which thou foundedft for thcm.p.Thoudidft (et a bound, they (hal not pafs:

they flial not return, to cover the earth.

1o . That fenderh welfprings, in the val-

h*es; they walk,between tbe mountains. ,

1 They give-drink, to al the wild-

-beafts ofthe feild: the wild-afles, break

their thirft. 12. By them, the fowl of

the heavens dwelleth: from betwen the

branches, they give the voice, i j . Thatwatereth the mountains, from his lofts:

the earth is filled, with the fruit ofthy

works. 14 That maketh grafs to grow,

for cartel; and the herb, for the ufe of

carthly-tnan: bringing forth bread out

of the earth.* i J . And wlncthat rejoy-

ceth tbe hart of fory-man: making the

face chearful with oil: & bread, th<tt up-

holdeth the hart offory-man. 16, Filled

arc, the trees ofIchovah: theCedarsofLebanon, which he planted. 17. That

there, the birds may makc-their-nefls:

the ftork,the fyrr-rrees <tre her howfe.

18. The high mountains, for the wild-

goats: the rocks, a (belter for thcco-

ncyes. 19, He made the moon, for

appointed- times : the fun, knowethhis going-down. 20. Thou putfcft

darknes, <3c it is night: in it doo creep-

forth, al the wild bcafts of the wood.21. The lurking' Lions, roaring for the

prey: and feeking their meat of God.22. 1 he fun rifeth, they gather-tfccfji-

away: & couch-down, in their denris.

23. Out-gocth earthly-man unto his

wotk: and to his labour^til CYening*


That it jfr mtff mt m^vif. veytherforsye, ThettmhtheMef

'^ith ^ robe dtdfl clofe-it^kfefz

tke Gatorsflood the mounts shove*

7« thy rebnk^ theyfled^a^ayi ~

they haflcd^ 4t thy t bondersJowne,

Sm t^oums they \Vw dales they went dfWruit$ platefir themihonjinn-dtdfl-lay.

f* ThoHfettfl a bounds they fhal not pafinot tHrn^ the earth to overflow.

10. Thatfendethfprings^in vallw-low:

between the moimtams^ they doo traee,

11. They ^^^ater^al beaflsofthefiildz

y^ild-ajfesy cfueftch therr thirfling-dry.

12. Thefiwl ofheavns doo dwellthem by :

f'om twixt the branches^ voice theyyetl<L

If* He ^atreth mountsyfrom his lafts-hye:

the earth isfylld, With thy WorJ^fitsit.

/^. He makes togrowgrafi beafts^brnki

smdherbsy for ufeefman-earthlyi

He bringsfirth bread om ofthegronnd,

IS* eyind yoyes the hart ofman With Wtnei

mak^ fice With oiUhearfil-to-fhwe: "

With bread, mans hart upholdethfiund.

t6. JAHS trees t Cedars ofLibamei,

which he hath planted, they are fyld.

tf. That tf:ere, the byrds their nefls may btUldi^

the Stork^^ thefi rr trees arc her houfe.

19 . For the Wild-goats, the monntnms ml:. the rocks, flr Conejesfhehrmg.fhade.

If. The Aioosufir certayn-ttmes he made:tf)€ SufL^^ hel^oweth his down- fkl.

20. T>arkr}OS thoH ptttffl, and it U night:

therm creep-firth, the Wood beafls al.

21. Lions^for prey that roaring* cat:

andfeekjheh' meat,from &^><^-of-mighf.

22 . The Sandooth rife, thiygath'r-aftde:

V, au'din their'denvs, 'they doWH*doo-lur^.

2f. Ouugoeth mats unto hts Werk-

• 2»diokislak2tHAi^ev*n-tido.



Pfalm. CIIII.

14, Hovr matly are thy ^orks, Ichovah.' J14, O LOKT), hapf nttinj thy Werks hee!

i al ofthem, haft thou doou in wifdom: w hafi thou doofu, them di

th- earth 15 f /I ot thy riches. 25?. This ofthy richea the earth is fil.

(ea great, & whde of fpaces: there ThiS'fame great ai2d^UdefpMeiousfeat


creeping-ching.'i e v’fn innumerable; final There arc, veild- beafsfmal with the^t

wild 'beads, with great. 26, There, go thingS’Cree^jg'^^hich none number cafL**

the (hips : Livjathan , whom thou haft 26, Theregoe^he ffjips; and Idvjath/m^^

formed to play therin. - 27. They al, Mom then hafifirmd toflayitne.

look-attcnnvely unto thee:togive them^ 27^ They al^ to thee^ togive theirfood

their food in his time. 28. Thou gi- indnetime; look-^ttemtvelye, *

veft iftothem, thej’ gather rV: thou 2S. Thougiv’fl to thetTLj^ gather dooth^i

opened thine hand, they ar fylled with op*neft thy handy they’rfjlld Withgood-

\good. 29. Thou hideft thy face, they 2p, Thy fkce thou hiding-dooft-reflraynj^


arc fuddenly-troubled : thou gathered they troubled are: gather thou doofi


their fpirit, they breach-out the ghoft; & theirfpirity they breath-out‘the--ghofi;

return unto their dud. 30, Thou fen-.

and to thetr duft they turn agayrt^.

ileft-forth thy fpirit, they are created:& Thoufendeflforth thyfpntj and tlnf

thou renewed, the face of the earth. greatedare: the upper•view

3 1 . The gloric of lehcwah be for ever: efth'earthy thou alfo dooft renew*

rcjoyce let lehorah, in his deeds. 3 2 He st- fehovahsgbriebefor ayt\

Jooketh upon the earth, & it trcmbleth: Joy let fehovah in hu deeds.

hctouchcth, the mountains and they pi. Vponthe earth he downdooketh

'^foiokc. 33. Iwil fing to Ichovah in astd ttdooth tremble: he toucheth

my life : I wil fing-pfalm, to my God the mount and/mokefrom them proceesbl

while I aw. 34. Sweet (hal my medita- p Mtle f live Weilpng to fAH*.tion be of him : I, wil rcjoyce in leho- Weil Wehtlef am, to my Godpng.vah. 35. Confumed be fynners, out 3d* Sweet/halofhtm bemfimupngi

ofthe earth; and wicked-men be they no fy Weil rejoycem Jehovah.

more; my fowl, blefs thou lehovahj SS* Let fymjersbec(wfum*d-aWfyy

tfthepcan,anbtftcpf!halbcfcl£bjatedofhim* iob.4o.4.r.-9. <©ft&cfetoo^D0,fec pr.g.z-^.

t. Decking]o^ClothingjOJ He clothcth,tOtoC£thimfelfwith light,dwelling in the lights v

that none can actayn unto, ailbatfirftfmiimanhillfft&elight to (hinc outofdark-^

CCS, bJftertodhhebecfeebtgetoOllb ,Geii.i,3* z.Cor,4,^^ asa courtainjthat iieJ,asa ca- riy^^^Znopic. Detent jSong.i,f. Ier.49,19. he fpred oat the firmament, by himfelfalone , Gen.

Iia.44,z4-& ^1,13. Iob.37,18. jb. 3. Planchering]Heplanketh, OJplancherethhislofts

, ( oj upper-chambers) tftat rjJ the clouds alolt;, 0| upper regions of the aier , after rtf v ^ :

betfe 13. in the waters] among t}iem jO; >yith waters, bUj&IS ate abcbC hi tflcfft:#

mamertt. Gen. i^r.tofamGodbiadetathcwatefsinhisdowds^andtheclawdisnotbrokea

HalelU'jah. out ef the earth : and men^gractlef

be they no more; Jehovah blef

ithoumy pvel; flalelujah^


I. t«d comly-honour.] tftat flieweft thy felfby al thy works, to be God over a?, "if'

Kk i .ttuder^

iSi ' Pfalm. CIV*'

under them lob .16,$. making] 0^ putting, faj, difpoling them his chaitct, to fit

0Utinbeosi,a011a. CcuiparC'Pial. $f. 4. fpirks]

fpiriciial fiibihnces; fo biffctlng fvOW no ttlfitlC 0^ tltatCD fpilit,bllt t\M niafefKioi.i6,anb ft*c:immi, maDecffTffjiani)Jblciib,LuJc.24.39.- ojtoinal

teJO;balfo flguifutjjwindsj afib Angels bpintStpyetatfOliaiC meffengers> Vxificinpon femetranflate he maketh thf winds'his mellengtrs ; but tfte fjolp 436t(1: ill Heb. i

. 7. fJeUJftBto befpufertt of Angels p^operlpi to3}>0 aiC nawirb alfo miniftring Ipirits, Heb.i .14.

flaming fy le] eftedual in their adminiftration : tj^e 3tngc!0 tj^etfoie fabc apprartb Ill&e Hor-fes and charred of fyre. a. King. 17. fil 2. 1 1. f. bafes]flrm and fit groundfels

fecPf.24.i.&7?.69.Iob.38.4.6. the deep] 0^ depth OfU3atcrj^,\l}]^ifbf)ibaltfje eavtft:, 111 ^jpobfcparatcotijan, Gen. 1.2.5* ^ S * they went up] rjatijf, themounts Ihewed them felves on liye, <vherf the waters erf the deep gathered into the chan-nels ofthe fea. Gen. 1. 5, & 8. 5. &c. 0^,They (tf)atib> the waters,) Vent up the mounts,&down the dales, tofifti tj)fp toere partcb from tfie b?p lanb, a? iftfjat tljing lucre effuteb bythonder,wind and tempcfi,caleb ftcrc Gods rebuke bribing tj^toatcrjS. vciie 7. fecPf. 18.16.

b* 5* a bound] 0^ Iimit3 Ihutting up the fea with dores and barrs, faying hitherto fhalt thoacome, but no further, and here fhal it iiay thy proud waves 3 aj^iob. 38.84 10. ii.^oPC 148.6.

b* 10. Thatfendeth] 0^ He after. welfprings] 0^ fountains, meaningrivers flowing from furJ-.aiS tf)C ncpt VUOJbjSfgcbJ* they walk] tgat ib run : fo Pf.105.4 1


b* il. break] tfiat 10 flake 0} quench their thirft* ^0 bJe fap,to break ones faft.

b* I X. give- the voice] tjat l0/inglowd and chcarfuUy :fec Pf.68.34 , b. 13. his lofts]

K his hye-chambers, the fkyes, tjat gibe rapil. ^ the fruit] ySatl'0, therayn, bljpeg•

: <©ob onclp gibetfc ler. 14 . 22. & 10. 13 . anb ronfegueimp the com and herbs tijat j^obj afterrapn* Compare lob. 38. 26. 17. xS.Deut. u. 14.1s. b4 144 theufe] Cjfervice.

bringing] 0^tobring3 but tfil^fetcferrcb (111 tO ’<©ObJfO after, toiuake, tjati0, making,

/faces &c: fee Pfal. 103.20. ^ bread] tHtt^ig bread-corn; foIfa.i8. 28. &• ^o.2^.Iob.28.y.

nil Ecclef. II. I. b* If. chcarfiil] ojmehy, fotfie^jecfetumetj)it, foalfotge


.* ftgnifietl), a0 Eflfi. 8. ly . o^,to fliine. with oil] baj^rtuttg tfiep uf(b to anoint tliexu;

^WIO P1.23 .y.dl more then oil,tl)at 10,wine makes the face feem more chearful the if it were oinaed^upholJeth] tbati0comforteth: foGcn. 18. y. b* 17. theftork] a birb fomtuj^at

lifec a crantinameb tn grb^ue charidah,ofmercie or kindncs,b)Jicg i0 fapb to be in tl)i0 fdto!

tftat tfte pong bail nmintb tfteir barney, boften tfiep are olb. b. is . wild gotes] ojroes,nameb ofdiming rocks fo? they haunt gpc gfllljl anb rocb0 b3|^et« tJep arefafe fro boggjJt|^tbiinttf)cni4 1. Sam. 24.3.10b. 35.4. coneyes] commenbcb fo? wifdom, tj^atbeing a people not mighty, they make their howfes in the rock, Prov. 30. 24. 26

b* 15. appointed-times] feafons of the yerc3 £0 tbcC{)fllbcepaTftp]^^afetb,for timesto becounted by it: o?certayn times, fo? tfiat tje mconi0not albaape0 fecn* knoweth]to bacet, by G ods commandement, the time and place for to fit and rife, fee lob. $8.12.

b^ 21. forthepreyj o?atit: feelfai. 3i.4.1ob.4*ii.&39. i. b. 23. labour] OJ'

histilth,fervice, hufbandrie3a0Gen. 2,y. . b* 14. riches] cjpofleflions.

offpaccs] ojof hands,tbati05broadandrpacious,reachingoiic his arms on every' -T^fde^Iob. Ii.5.tllifeepl]?afei0tfotj}er fpariCU0t6iwg0,,.^

b. 26. Livjathan] 0?t6e whalc3 the fea-dragon: fee Pi. 74. 14. lob. 40. 204 8cc, to playj

C? playing in it3 a0 Behemoth and the bcafts atfapb to play on the mountains,^toOlbt0mfoilfebfo?conflid:, orfight, 2.Sam.2. 14. b. 17* look-attentivcly] 0|jWaycwith hope: fa Pf.i4y, ly, inhistime] tl)ati05 jndueieafon,feePf. 3.

b* 28. openell&c.] tfiati0giTdHreely3 a0Deut. ly.'ii-. b* 25. 'gatherefl] tfiati0ylakeft away: feePf. 30.5. to their dull] theirearth,W'herof they were made: Gen.14.&34I5. Pf.i4^.4.^i0i0tafeenfrci«lob.34,i4,i5. b* 30* renewel^]bycaufing

“ "*• aww creaewes, toegwei^placeofiisoU. j&ccle£aft. 1.4. anb repcruifltjie ePateofftiiiTftel


Pfalm.’CV. 2^j

tftCtiptbyHzek ^T* 9. 31. be] ojlhalbeforevef. rejoyce] in beholding the ho-ly order and obedience of his creatures, and not repent or be Tory for the work of his hands, anddeilroy them. Gen.<?,s'/.

.. 9*32'* theyfmoke] afignof feat. Exod.ij^jiS. foPfaI.i44jT. $• 35 j in my life] fo long as 1 live: foPfal, ^3.5^. & 146,1.

ij. 54. Sweet fhal be,] tftat 10, delightful tO UIC: 03, be it fweet, tjj)at 10 .acceptable,to God.b, 3T. Confumed be fynners] 0^ , they fhalbe confiimed; by fynners itlCamtlg men given to

fyn. ^ec Pfal. 1. 1 . Halelu-jah.] t|)at 10 , Frayfe ye lah, an pflJSfe hept tu tl&C

Rev. i9,t, 3,6. anbiaot6etlan2uase0: ftt fcmtinic m tj^e facstnmng, fometimcmtl)cmDof|3faIm0*

j 2./ y Pfalna. loj* ‘ I'Jalm, joj*


' ' ' Singthisasthe 7 y. bras the 100. Pfalm.

I. ^Onfefsyctolehovah, cal on i, f~'da§fiofAfi,cd»nhis>>Mi>r.V—/his name: make known his ^mJataktl^witamsngpuplahufh^s-

'aftions among the peoples. Swg 'mnohtnu,t(ihimfmg-f(ilmi2 Singyetohim.ring-pfalmtohim: Ji/coMr/eifalhtsVfottiirous-aas.

difcourfe.ofal his marvelous-works. j. Oglme,inhUholymtne:3. Glorie ye,in the nameof his holynes: j«y Ut their hart, thatfiek. fir ^AR.let the hart of them that feek lehovah, 4. Seekjee fehnah and hitJirengihi

rcjoyce. ftek;fiMdioitJlj hu face alwi^.

4 . Seek Ichbvah and his ftrength: /, Hit admirable allmti -

feek ye, his face continually, j. Re- Htat he hath deoiu., rememberytttmember ye, his marvelons-works that huWandrm-eperations,


he hath doon : his wonders.& thejudg- andjudgmentt that ofhit mouth bee.mtnts ofhis mouth. 4. OfeedofAhramhisfirvanti0 . Seed of Abraham his fcrvant:fons ifirms offakob his cho/en^

•flaakobhischofen-ones. 7 . EveahefehovahourGodhi7. He,« lehovah our God: his judg- inaltheeanh his judgments been.

nicnts,«r< in al the earth. t: Hitetvmamfir evermore8 . Heremembreth his covenant for he mmdfiilly-deoih-thing upott^'

ever: the wordrW he commanded, to ihefleord thit he commanded,tethe thoufand generation. thethoufindgeneratieni.,

9 . Which he ftroke, with Abraham : f. which he didfin^ WithAbrahams

^ his othc, unto Ifaak. alfi his oath umo ffiak:10. And Rabliihed icco laakob for a to, e^nd fir an ordinance (hefima

decree: to Ifracl, for a covenant ofetcr- dtduniofakgbftable-mikeinitie. ii. Saying;To thee, will give eAcov’namofeternitit

the landpfCahan: thcline, ofyourin- n.toffrail. Saying, to thee

heritaace. thelandofCan’angiveVsilh

12. When they were, men0ft>)of Imofyourheritagetohee.number: vcryfcw.&flrangersinit. Yi.Whenihey'^eremenifnumber: fist,

1 3 And walked-about, from nation //. andfirmgersin it. gyAnd did Walli

to nation: from »»f kingdom, to ano- from nation to nation^:

ther people. /feiw one ««/«», tt another filkt

254 Pfalm. cr.14, Hcfuffrcd not man to doo

them wrong: but reproved, kings for

them.' 15. Touch not mine anoynted: & to

Iny Prophets, doo no evil.

1 6. And he calcd a famine, upon the

land: he brake al the ftaffof bread.

17. He Tent before them a man: lo-

feph was fold, for a ferTant.

. They afflicted his feet with fet-

ters: his fowl entred, the.yron.

19. Vntil the time.his word came:

the faying, of lehovah tryed him.

ao. The King lent, & loofed hirn:

the ruler of the people, and relcafeil

him. 21. He put him Lord of his

how.fc :& ruler, of al his polfelTion.

22. To bind his Princes to his fowl:

k make-wife, his Elders. 23. AndIfrael came into iEgypt: and laakob,

fojoumedin the land of Cham.24. And he increafed his people

tchemcntly: •& made them Wronger,

than their diftrclfers. 25. He turned*

their hart, to hate his people : to deal-

craftily, with his fervants.

26. He lent, Mofes his fervant: Aha-

ron.whpm he had chofen. 27. They‘

put amog thcm,the words ofhis fignes:

& wondcrSjin the land ofCham. 28 Hefent darknes, and made it dark: & they

turned-nct-rcbcllious, agfwfi his word.

29. He turned their waters to blood; &flew, their fi(h. 30, Their land abun-

,^antly-brought-forth froggs : in the

privy-chambers, of their kings. 3


. He ’

iayd, & thcr came a mixed-fvrarm: lice,

in al their border. 32. He gave their

fhowers to ht hayl : fyre,offlames in their,

land. 33. And fmotc their vine, and

their figtree: & brake,*thc trees of their

border. 34. He fayd; & the gralhop-

per came: and the caterpUlarjCvcJi vrith*

out aumber«

/4. Hefujfrtdrmt them to JO0:

hatfir theirfik* rep-oved Kin^s,

ij, TQHch not mine OmBed-enei: and t§

my Prophets, die no e^il-things.

16, 9^ud he calTdfhmme on the land:

cfbnnd he breakjtd al the

t7. before them he hadfentamarui

fofeph ,th at fold ^asfor aJlave.

If, His feet ^ithfitters they did Wriff£:

htsfivel the yron entered,

tp. Vntii the time that hts ^ord came:Jehovahs fiytng ,

him tryed,

JO. The Kingfint, anddsdUt hmlitofii

the peoples ralert him releafi,

Jt. He "pointed him Lord ofhis howfei

andraleTyofal he pojjtjjt*

22 , TebindhisT^nnceflohisf^i

andmake his SIders anderfiand.

2$. zAndffr iltmo ^gipteametand f"akobfijoartid tn Chaws lend,

24.^nd he his people mneh inereafi


and "hove theirfifs he made themfir cwg,

2j. Hetarndtheir hartytohatehisfilk^i

to doo hisfervants crafty->^reng,

^ 2 *

26, 0^ofes hisfervantyhe didfend:

and him \vhom he didcbofi.

27, They dtd"mong them^y Words ofhis pgnm,

and Wonders, in Chams Undy pyoptfe,

2f. *2)arknte befent y andmade it darky

and'gainfi his Word rebelld not they,

Mp, He tumd their Waters into blood:

and be their fijh With death didfi^,^9. T heir land broughtforth fiogs plentMefifl

in privy-chambers oftheir Kings.

31, He fpaf^Cy and Jt afaarm-offlyee:

and ltC9y in al their border brings.

32. Hegave theirJhowerSy hayl to bcc:

fyre infheir Und^fflames-thatfU^,

33* tyfndfmott tljetr Vine arid their Figtreii

andtreoi throughout their border hr^fi.

/4 . Hefpake, artd thegraffhoppers camel

emd caterptllart^ nttmierlefi.

Pfalm. CV*

5 . Atid did eat-Up al the herbs in <tyfr7d ate rip al herbs m their hndi

their land :&did eat-up,the fruit oftheir

ground. 36. And hefmoteal thefirft-

born in the;r land: the beginning,of al

their ftrength. 37. And he brought

forth them, with (ilver and gold : and

none, among their trines feeble.

38. dSgypc rejoyced when they went-

aaddid eat up doeirgrounds mcreafi*

^6. Hefmnte alfiyfiborn in their Undi^ e v’n thefirjl-frmts of alt heir might*

^ydnd brought forth them Voithfilv’ram

and m their tribes^nofieble^Voight*

^y£gipt rejoyfl When they Went-otiti

firfkil’n upon them had theirdread*



out: for the dread of the, had fallen upo 39. <tA clowd fir covering; and afyre

the. 39. Hefpread adowd for a rover-

& a fyre, to fnlighren the

40. They afkcd, and he brought the

quayl: and with the bread of hearens,

hefatiffied them. 41 . He opened the

Rock,and the waters flowed-out; they

went, in dryplaces like a river.


4 t>


to light themght^ he did out-fpread.

They afhedj and the Qj^ails he brought*

and With heav*ns hreaa fujjlcedthenu*

He op'ned Roc^s^ and Watersflovpdi

ran tn dryylaces


like a (ircanu*



his holy promife^ mind did hee.79T

42 . For he remembred, the word of 43 * ty^nd brought hts peopleforth With joyi

hisholynes: to Abraham his fervanc. his chofen-ones, Withfhowting-gUe*

43 . And brought-forth his people 44 * (sAndgaveto them the heathens landsi

with joy; his choieg, with (howting- peoples labour pojfefdid tljey.

joy* 44. And gave to them,the lands of 4s* That they his fiatutes might obferv^

the hethens; and they polfeffed, the la- and keep his lavtss^ Halelujah*

hour ef the peoples. 45. That, they

might obferv his ftacutes, 5^ keep his lawesj Halelu-jah.^


IDerf. ! cal on his name] OJ,prodaym, tgatttJ preach his name. Cgefirll ipatteftftfjS


ifalin,i0partofthatU3huh ^aDiDapgomteDtoiaubthr \ja()rn5)i0‘^i1iUia^

eateh tn ^icrufalcui. I . Chroo. is. 7.8—21. 2, dilcourfe] 0^ talk, meditate.

^f« 5. Glory] O^Praifeyourfelves: fcePfal. 34.3. 4. hislhength]

his Ark,from\uJence<^Dtiga\3C{)t0 oratIe 3^i Num. 7.S9. ^eePi.yS.Vi.taph^afeth t|)U0, Seek ye the dodrine oflehovah and his law . his face] his counfel

oracle: feeth^ note Oil Pi. 17.8. b. S, ofAbraham] m r. Chron. 16. 13. ft oflfrael.

’ V

_ - . avvenarit: aub fo the promifes, pohich foj tSc inoje fettapntpatC fattJ tO bt commanded tit nayPfal. 133 .3

. ^ b* II


land of Canaan ] tf|C foil Of€I)am tlje fon of l^oafj , tefjo U5ajS

curfeb bpiios gcanbfatf)er,anh mabc a ferbaut to Bte bietfijeu,GeH.y, 18,22, 2^ . 73735 ^anftabclcUcufoimj3 ,geab35 oft8drfami!iess, Gen. 10, if, 20. thepfeatrb inthelcffer^lllfia, *''t :


in a gooblp counttp ftabmg tljt great fea bj^fhaiarb , tje rtber ^^rben, :^pria, anb ArabiacaPluarbj tfte tgilberue^ mi tge foutb,anb ttyz iBountjg ofLebanon on 0op\j. it was the

pleafanteft of all lands^and flow^ed with milk and honey, Ezek.zo, s. it had ftore of rivers, andfouBtames, ofcome and wine and oil, and minesj ofmountainsand vallyes ; watered with tharayn ofheaven, and cared for ot God con tinuallyj Deut.8,7,^,:*. & 11.10,11,12. hliltl

fiiomUrb^bjajjanUo ^bcnntojjiSfrebt Qen.i^G?. ^ alfa tljgme mt



Pfalm. CV.


the line] fji^the portion ofyour patri«onic,ineriired as by line. ^^tePfc16.6, b. li* When they were] in x . Chron.i^^iy ,it I35,when yee were* ^nien ofnumberjtf|^Jtl3^,afewmenjfoon niimbred; (oGen. 34. 3 o.Deut. 4,i7 ./2:bf COntvadetb, without num-bcr,o^ innumerable, Pfal. 14 7,5. ^ b.' 1 3 . from nation to nation ]

up and down in the landofCanaan, where were feven mighty nations, DeUt!73i* l?0U3 tfjfVC tf)e idtltrlarlib Uialfeeb ajj

pranoer0,fee Gen. ir, 8. 9,10. and 13,18. & 20,1. & 23,4. & 26,1,23, &3J, i.&c.Heb. 11,9,13. b. 14- wrong] c?, toopprefs them. reproved Kings] plaguingPha-raoh

, Gen. 12, 17. threatning Abimelech Gen. 20,3. b. if. anointed] men confecratedto me by the oil ofthe fpirit: fee 1. Ioh.2,20.27. Prophets] fo Abraham ijj fallCb, Gen.20,7,^eePfal* 74 , 9 . b. 16. called famine ] that effectually brought it; fb 2. King. 8,1.

Centvarp fiercafIb ,to call for come, Ezek 36, 29. the land] ofCanaan , Aigypt,

and other countries . Gen. 41, f4. &c. llafF] 0^ liay,llabilimcnf fO bread tg calcb Levit.26.

26. Ezek. 4, Kf.fcj it upholdeth mans hart,Pfal. 104,15, b. 17. a man ] Ifla5 a noble-manj fee P&I .49,3. Cjb^tbee faptfj , a wife man* for a fervant ] tor a flave, bp J)ijS

bietj^cntotfte3fmaelitc0, anbbptftcmtotbfiEg.ppttansi: Gen.37.2s.56.

SaSna his fowl cntredl 02, ag tlie faptft, paired through the yiondbat jg. he This bo^r :='dy) was layd in yrons

, bjljen l)c Uja0 caf! into p^ifon uiott unjufbip. Gen* 39, 10. anb tgete he- W'as in peril ofhis life, ^ffowl,fc€ Pfal. 16. 10. ^ b. 19. his word camcltftat lie|, the word

i^/oovofhim was fulfilled, ^oD (jab fljtuieb ^cf^pE ill a bjcamTtcuf ab^

C bantanent* Gen. 36,5-8,9,10. & 42,9. ^0 coming 10 foj tulfilling, Ier.17. If. I. Sam.9,6.lobr. tried] 0^ fined him, bp trptng a0 tn fpre , bi0 faiig anb patience in afflittiotib*, a^

. Pet. 1,7. fee Pfal. 12,7. b. 10 . The King] Pharaoh ( tgat3ofeplj Ititerpjetrb bijs

<r!iHwyfc;ieain,) fetlinticutofpjifon, arulaobertbelnrb ^ecGen. 41^14, &c. &4f.s.ilPc b. 22. To bind] tfjat 10 ,

informe,and govern a0 flib)eci 0 : fcc Pfal. 2,3. ^ to his fow l] to his wil

t;t plcalure, (a0 Pfal. 27,12.) fo a0 without him^no man Ibould lift up his hand or his foot, (tf|at(0, attempt to doo any thing) in altheland ofiEgypt .Gen.41.44.40. c^, with his fowl,

tftati0, withhimftlf; a0 t()e 45jetftctpcimtft() it, to nurture his Princes as himfelfj tD^itbliiap mean , to inform them in vertue, wifdcm &c. w herein himfelf excelled, Gen. 41, 38, 39.With ,i0 fomtmicufebfoj as: Pfal. 102,4. f.rb the fowl fc^ ones felf: fee Pfal.16,10. CftCbJOjb0 folobjing, featl to fabour tljt0 cypofition. his Elders ] 0j Senators, the KingsNobles and Counfellors, b.33. came into Algj pt] beinglent for by Pharaoh-&sneouraged thertoby God himfelf, Gen.45. 17.—20. 46,3*4. of Cham ] t()C fatjict CfMizraim, o;t iEgypt ; fee Pfal .78.5 1. b. 24. inert afed] made them fiu6rify:tf at tfielatlb

Iua0 roon fulof tj)UTl 5 Exod. I. 7 . 9 * fT ®.-2f. todeal-crattily] f 2confpirc-guilefully,ftrj

» Wioi:Jfi*^6«rbf(lrufnon,a0Gen.37.i8. 52>fiaraofiarb W people fiittirgatSfraelbpjcfperitFii/tbOUgf)t to work wifely with them ,b)bin tbipplottfb tf)Cir tuinr. Exod. 1.9.*

9.26. hadchofen] tobrJ}Dcfe0 6 i0 incmlitotbf prcplf,^rpbetto|dftaracfi:Exo. & 7.1.2. &c. if 9* ^7* w^ords ofhis fignesi the fignes which he fpakeand c6^manded, togither with the doCtrine and ufe of them, for the letting of ifraelgoe. Exod.7,

'3.2.3. &c. 0?, words of fignes , a0 words offong, Pfal. 137. 3. arc fignes , atib fongs . jIjoPEc •

.i4f.r. b. 28. darknes] tftf Hint!) plague ofiEgppt , where was black darknes in al thet iand , for three dayesj that no man faw' another, nor rofe from the place where he was. Exod*

30,22,23. turned not rebellious] 0? , they difobcyed rot: i<*:cFl3 l. f .ii.)tbatl0,his

na-n nV ( 0^ word) w^e not difebeyed, o;i changedjbut tffrct'-b 30 €>0b Ijab fpohcit: ff f 3 li&O

gp(j;^ Ojtheytuapbertferteb to Mofes and Aaron, VPbopcrfC^Uirbtfte

tMng0commanbfbtliem,tbougbtc;itb banger to tfnni. b.29. tobiocd]tljvfivf>of

tftetenplagueb, Exod.7.^>fePfal.78*44. b. 30. froggs] tbcfeconbpIaoneiExo,*.3.6. Pfal.73.45. Kings] Pharaoh and his Princes: fo Ifa. -19,2. b*3l. fwaim] offiyes,

©rbealhj fee Pfal. 78-4f. Cf|f0 b3a0 t(jC fOHttft plague; Exod.S. 24. lice] t|je tjjirb

glague* Al the duff of Uil earth was lyce^ aod went upon man and beall. £xod« ipU*IK


Pfalm. CV. CVI, 267'to. 31. fhowers] ofra^j fa(letH»fteroftI)cpl)at)hayl; tfiefeUcntftnlflStte.Exod.?. ^ce

Pfal. 8.47. ot Hames ] ti)at 10, lorely flaming and blafting: n£BerUja0ti)£ltliPfl)£tefc,n . Exod.9 14.

^to. 35 tree] fo; trees, (0 aftEE, tSCrff 34,47. antl often.4>ec Plal.34.8.

tJ. 34. gralshopper] oj locufl; tfjr ngnt plague, Exod. 10. fee Pla!.73.4<s. - U. 36. the,

firfti)ornjtf)etmr0 plaaHf;UJl)er£Offeel>fal.78 . 5 i. 57. feeble] readv-to-fauttoouaft SepVStoca&Kp; there being an armte offi]c gunbjeb tfioufmiiJ mcnj'Exod.ia.l^. & 13.1 8



^JOltUf;i0 inaOetO tdetfjuve|),lfa.33.z4. P. 38. dread of them] that is, ofdeath fortheir fakes; fo tfjnt t^ep fojteb tfjem out ,anb gabe tftcin trefnreS; Exod .n .33 .3 s.^te tlje lihefpeecl), E1M .8.I7. &9.Z. b, 39. afyre] t^at tfjep might trabel night anb bap,to\i3arbsttIjC p;0Ull|?D land; Exod. 73 . zi. Pial. 7^. 144. U. 40* quayl] thiJt Id, quayles toljtfd fdBtl)tItlHhlj8SabetDcm;Num. II. Compare Pfal. 78. z7.»8. bread] .Manna.UJheroffetPfal. 78. 24.XT. d* 41. ^Rock] atRephidim ,Exod. i7.andat KadelE, Niim. zo. ^

a river] jo tgOt the people, and theirl)ealls drank. Num.20,1 1. a<lD fOi ttjid , the wild beaRs^ Vdragons, oltriches, honoured God, ira.43 . tljid mtXCp Id applied tO Otl)rr tlinCjd, ira.48.zi.

d. 44 .^efhens] the ieven nations

5 dJgeroft’cePral. 78.5?, d. 4s. keep his laweslClje end of all 43odd mercies \Joad,tljat ije mt jljt be glorified ill

^ ^ ^

Bxod. l^4 4jy,6.Deut.4. 1.40. & 5.21.-244x7,pcopiejsi odcdtcncc; fee

Plalm. 106.

i.TT Alelu-jah; Confefs ye tolc-

ITX hovsihforhe is good: for his

mtreie, tndureth for ever.

2. Who can exprefs, the powers of

lehovah: can caufe to hear,al his praife?

g . O blelTedjartf they that keep judg-

fnent: <rhe that dooth juiticc, in al


4. Remember me Tehovah, with the

favourable-acceptation of thy people:

viht me, with thy falvation.

5. To feethcgoodjofthy cholcn; to

rejoyce, . with thc/oy ofthy nation: to

glorie, with thy inheritance.

6 . We havefynned with our fathers,

re have doon-crookedly we have doon-wickedly*

pfalm. loS,

/. HAlelu-jdhi Confifyeto Jehovah ^unkfiilly^

fir ht isgood: forevermore indureth^^ mercy•

Whocafj exprefifehovahs poTX*rscan al his prat/e

difplay^ y. O blejft are they that judojnent keep:tl}(tt

jnfitce dooth ^alxvay .

4, T^^emher me Jehovah ^^itk

ti^e acceptation

ofthy people: and vfit me^

>^ith thyfilvdtiofZ->.

/. Tofee thy choji nsgood\ and

tfjy nations joyance

fir to rejoyce: toghrie^hye

S)eith thine wberttance .

4 . We have ^nh our firefathers doon

ctronecHi fynfiUnes ;

LI 2 M

ffalm. CVi.


7. Our fathers in iSgipt,did notpru-dently-mind thy tnarveilous-they remembred not, the multitude ofthy mercies- but turned-rebellious, atthe fea at the red Tea.

8. Yet he faved them, for his namefake; to make knov^^n his power.

9. And he rebuked the red fea, and it

was dried-up ; and he led them in the

deeps, asi« the wildernes.


And he faved them, from the

band ofthe hater: and redemed them,from the hand ofthe enemie.

1 1. And the waters covered their dif-

treflers: one ofthem, was not left.

12. And they beleeved in his words:they fang, liis prayfe.

ig. They made haft, they forgathis

works; they wayted not, forhiscoun-Id.


14. But lufted VV/V^ luftjin the wildcr-

i;ics: and tempted God, in the deferr.

1/. And he gave to them, their re-

qucft:& fentleannes, into their fowl.

16. And they envyed at the

camp; at Aharon, the holy- one of le-


17. The earth opened, and fwallow-

cd up Dathan ; and covered, over thecongregation of Abiram.

18. And a fyre burned in their con-gregation: a flame, burnt up the wic-


19. They made a calf in Horeb; andbowed themfelves , to a moltcn-ii/^?/.

20. And turned thdr glorie:into the

form of40 oxe,thaceateth grafs.

zi. Tliejf

doon '^rong’Antqtttii

have doon Wich^dnei^

Ourfkthers in did n9tti:y mavvds ^'tfdy-wwd:

remembred not the multitude

ofthofe thj merci»s-kind%

^ut^ at thefea at the redfea^

their rebellion-^mveru,S. Tetfivdhethcm-j^firhisname/akfi

to ma\e hie power k^cm>en^,

tAnd he rebuked the redfea,and up the fame drydel

and them ai m the 'Wildernes

he in the deeps dtdguide.

19, ^ndfrom hand ofthe hatefil-foe^

he didthem fieely.ftve:

andfrom the hand tfih^tnemie,he them redemption-^ ave,

1 1, ^nd Waters their diflrefjers ^helmi^none left them among,

12, tAvd they beleeved iv hts ^ordsi

hisglortom-prayfe they fung,^ 2 ^

IS- They haflened-incomwent,his doings theyforgot:

fir his advifng-eoHnJd, th^exfpelhng-^nyted not,

14, Tutforem ^ildeynes did lufi:

and God tn defert tempt,

Ij . Hegave them their requeft : hut t§

their fowl he leannesfent,

16. ^nd AdofeSj tn the eamp; A*vott

fehoyahs ^#/y-man77. they envyed. Thf emh op*ned,

attdfwallowd-up T>aih(in^l

and On the eongyegatton

ofAhiram envied,

It, tAndjyrem their affemhliehHrndz burnt ike ^'icked,

ip, They made a calftr Horeb ; andto th'idol bi \v dfd they,

29 , tylnd Wrn.i thet-'glm-te\ to thefortfl

cfoxe^ that eaieth hay^

tih Thtj

Pfalra, CVT>a r . Tliey fbrgat , God their faviour: i /. Theyfvr£4t, ^od thek favitmr:

w didgreat ^aUs.

22, iVprks-marveto in land of (^hmi

tliac did great-f^w^^, in i£gypr

2 2. Marvelous - ,in the land

ofCham: fearful'f/7w^j, by the red Tea.

2^. And he fayd, CO abolifli them:had|iot Mofes his chofen

,flood in the

breach before him : to turn his wrathful-

heat5from corrupting-ti^tfw.

by redfea^

^nd hefiyd, to deftroythenux had

not Mofes choferLj,

flood in the breachfire hinu: to tmnhts ^Porath^ficmftroyirjg them.

24. And they contemptuoufly-refu- 24. tyf'ndtfjey contemnd, the flea(dnt laneti

beleeved not his Word.

*Bnt nrnmmred Within their tentst

heard not voice ofthe LOR'D^26 . ^nd to fill them in Wildernet^

he lift to them his hands.

2y. ^Mong hethens ekg iofil theirfeed:

and fkn them in the lands.

28. t/^ndto Baahpeorthey Werejoyndi

ate effrings ofthe dead.

fed,the landof dcfire:they bdeeved not,

his word.

25. Bat murmured in their tents:

they heard not,

the voyce oflehovah.

2(5. And he lifted up his hand to

them: tofel thcm in the wildcrnes.

27, And to fcl their feed among the

liethens:and to fann rhem^in the lands.


28 And they were joyned to Baal-pc-

h or : &did eat^the facrifices of the dead . ay. zAnd moved-anger by their aUs:

29. And moved-indignatiojby their andplague amongthemfpread.

aftions ; and the plague brake in upon 39. zAnd I'hmeas floods andjudgment-did:

them. andplague Was canfd toflay


30. And Phincas flood,and executed- ^/. Which countedWas to hinu/yuflicei

judgment:& the plague was reflreyned. to age andagey fir ay.

3 1 . And it was counted to him, for

jufticc: to generation A: generation, for


32. And they caufed fervent-wrath,

at the waters of Mtribah : and evil wasto Mofes, for their fake.

33. For they bitterly-provoked his ^4. The peoples, as the LORD them bade n

fpirit;& he pronounced ?r,with his lips. they not aboUfled.

3 4. They aboliflied not,the peoples : ^ttt With the hethens mixt themfelves:

which lehovah had fayd unto them, and did their doings learn^.

3 5 But mixed themfelves’among the s4 . tAndfervd their idols : which to them

S2 . tAnd at Waters of Meribah,

they angredflrvently :

d^at Hmo Mofesy fir theirJake


For they provoke hisfp’rit: and hi

it With his lips mtred.B8

hethens: and learned, their works.

36. And ferved their idols: and they

were to them for a fnare.

37. And they facriflced their fonns,

and their daughters; toDivils.

38. And ilied innocent blood, the

blood oftheir fonns and of their daugh-

ters; ^^hom tiiey facrificed to the idols


WerCy fir a fnaring~grin.

* i *

Their firms and daughters affi^ thef

to Dtvils offered.

^8 . tAndguiltIff blond, blond oftheirfi^sand oftheir daughters (Ijed:

Whom to Canaans idolsy they


U i

Pfalm. CVI.270

of Canaan! and the land was impioufly-

diftayned, with blouds.

, 3p. And they defiled by their

works; and whored, by their pradiles.


And the anger of lehovah wasIcindled againft his people: andheab-borred, his inheritance.

41. And he gave them into the handof thehechens; and their haters, ruled

over them.

42. And their enemies oppreffed the:

dc they were humbled,under their hand.

43. Many times,did he deliver them:

and they bitterly -provoked by their

oounfel : and were brought-down ,by

their iniquitie,

44. Yet he faw, when diftrefs ^4/

on then ; when he heard, their fhril-cry.


And he remembred toward themhis covenant: and repented, according

to the multitude of his mercies.

45. And gave them to tender-mer-

cies: before al thatled-them-captircs.

47. Save thou us, lehovah our God;and gather us from thehechens: for to

confefs unto the name ofthine holyncs;

toglorie, in thy praife.

48. Blefled i?e lehovah,God ofifrael,'

from eternicie and untoecernicic; &lecal the people fay, Amen; Halelu-jah.

fithat the hni^ ^hh hloH^^^cn

\\>04 mptonjly-fiayncd*

^p, tyfnd they then) icivQS defiled bj

their operatici'js:

t^:ey \S^er2t a aljo^ by

their '^omed-athons,

49. gainft hti people^ kindledWM-the anger ofthe LOR^i

fithathisovpn-inheYitanco '

he lothfimly-abhorrd.

4f, Hegave them into hethens hand:

their haters them ruled.

42. Theirfoes oppreft them^ : and they tVlrd

under their hand humbled.

4^. He ma\ry times^delivered thenui

but they moovd-httterly

by their counfel: and were brought^dawn

by then tmquttie.

44. Tet he did fee, m their difiref;^hen 04 he heardthetr cry*

4S* eyind towardthem hu covenant

he kept-in-memorie:

and in his mercies multitude^

46. repented. And dtdgivc

them to compajfions: before


al that them Ud-capuve.

47. Save H4 , 0 LORT> our God; andut

from hethens jointly^rayfe^

for to confft thtne holy name,

toglorie, in thy prayfe.

4$. *Blejft be fehovah, ^fr els Cod^

from aye and vnto ay;

and let al peoplefay, AmenJi

0 prayfe iKeternalfah .


in n ni the powers] that tiS, the powrful-works: fuefi after foIc\J3, ttetfe 8 . Sre


alfo mf miraclc-s nanieh , Mat. 1 1 ,zo,z I. ^0 after ,

praife , fOJ praifewortiiy aOs,

caufe to hear ] that found forth; 01 difplay, fo as it may be heard

: fo Pfal.26. 7.

4. viht me ] tjfjat 10, come and bellow thy falvacion, ( help o? deliverance) upon me, ^tt

^ pfal! 8.5." anh connate gtrcUlIth Luk. I. 68.6^?. h.r. Tofee] Thatimay fee,Ojinjoy:

"fee the note on Pf-^Z .4. to glory] OJ boall joyfully^ fee Pf. 34,3 . thy inheritance]jthat

lO the people whom thou inheriteft : fee Pfal. 28.9. of Ivnned with our lathers] C{)I0

n ronfeffion aflteetB Vntth the lain ,Lev. 2f?.4o . atiD \nitg tl)c pramFo ofmfiergohl^ 3 f

f •

Dan 9.S. ^*7. turaed-rcbeUious]t£|C^iethfaptl]|, provoked to bitternes -JeePlaLf.


Pfalm. CVT. tft

ti. tfte tcb fra, biftruflctj <©oD,aub nitttnntreb ajdfr.ft ofetEfj Exod.14^

II. IX. pettB^tEgefaiueb tDftti, verf.ij.i^. &c. the red fcaljo t|)enc\j}tePaitientfal^nfiT^-D’

Cetbttin<Djftfe, Hebr.11.x9. buttl)e!^cb^uet0ti)creasuph;tj)ati0thefeaof fedge OJ fca- '

weeds, OtCtD tBcttn. b. 9. he rebuked ] tjftat tJJ, powrfiilly reprefTed the waves,

&c. Itfee, Nahum,x. Mat.8,x^?.Pfal. i8.i^, in thedeeps] gfraeltOCllt

<n the bottom of the red fea,on dry ground^the deep waters being as walls on ech hand of themExod.14. XT. XX. 29. ^cealfoIfa.43,ji,ix,] 10. the hater] Pharaoh and his holt tijat

pUrfUCbtljmiExod. 14^13- »4.30. b. IX. they fang] ajSljsejCp^Cfleb^Exod.iy.

b. 14. teitftliittj greedily ,;fbcn weeping fa;ibefite of fle^B to eat, anbloatfims|ISanna,Numb. ii,4 ,i5. b* ir. leannes] af«bbapnplag.ucVBSjerbptj}cfob3ie^oj ntnlibrjioftBefattcpoftfimiborrctafecnabJapifee Pfal.78.30.31- alfoifa. 10.16.

b. 16. theholyone] famttfieboftbe1LojDtotBeb3o^feoftSic5djdftf|oob;Excd.x9.44.E«-Tiin» >3h'ni

vit. 8. IX. &c. bJgicB jfeojal) bJttft otl)cr HebttcjS enbtcb , oppofiiiG tfyiv ob)ti Jolpne^, Nu*. ^ '•

16.1.3 .j. b» 17* Dathan ] mib Abiram, tl)dt famtltfji auD al tfteir goobji,

toent boton alibe into f|d, Num^ i6,3x,33.

^b» i8> the wicked] xso.mentliattoculb^

feurntnyifr to the %6ib , b)cre burnt \pitfi fore ftom the %o:b» Num. 1^3 y . Korachb^i^fl&ecbiefoftbent7 ^9 - mlrldreb

jam^t in tfie talleb the moun-

f'^nofGod, Exod

. 3 .! i . King . i9^^877bj t§ere d5ob gabe lab) unto , anb mabe a tobc^ i

tiantbJttfltBcm. butbJbtlcfl-^ofij^toapUJitba^obontbeiTioimtjtBcp t

luabe tl)ntl|tlbEO a God of gold. Dcut. 9. 8. 9.- IX. Exod. 3x.i.4.3i.gtb)a3ScalkbalfoSinai^ )

pfal. 68.9* ofbuflies tl)at tgcte grebJj anb Horcb,cftge diynes :foi tt bjais a bjatcrlcfo befert.

Dcut.S.iy* their glorie] tljatliE^, their God: foler.x. II. bib tfjep

liht tge ftctjenis , Kom .1.23. form] patterne,ftrudure,0| type a?S tfic $lpojfle fallctj) It

Sn 5 Hcb,8 .5 . frcitl Fxod. 25.40. b* 23 . to abolilh]oj,that he would deftroy them^

anb put out tf|fir name ti 6 uuber geaben,aig ij5 ejcpjcflTcb,Deut.9, 13.14. in the breach,] ynsgin rhegap, biljicb tftrir fpnbabopencbfo^^obai^anencmte to enter anb oeProptBem.^

' "


fimtUtube talicn frem bjarr, baften bp a bjeacl) in tj)e toal, tfte etmup entrrtft tjje citp: fo E-2ek.i3.5* &X2, 30. a5ur5Bofcoeatm(lpiapet(!opptbtyij5bjcacfi;Exod.3x.ii.-i4.

corrupting] tljatllEl 5conliuning them, ^ee Pfal. 57,1. b. 24. land of dcfyrejthcplet-riTnjp

fant land ofCanaan, map to be delired fo|tljep!eafurf0 anbp^tfitjiof it, abobealf'*

otSer mil trcpeis Ezek.zo.6.Deut.ii,ii,ix./5II)ij3lanbi!)epttocunB urbeleefreftifebtatafei

pcfflfhcnof* Num. 14,1.2,3. ^c. Heb.3.19.^0 mcatofdeSre,ijSdainty meatjlob. 33.10.

b. 26- his hand] tjr.tib, fwarc, (ajS tjeCljalbee epplapnctB) fo^fo lifting up the hand

of er ftmdftetB 3 ^^ Gen. 14.X2. Rev. 10.5.6. Deut.3x.40.Nehem.9,i5. ^Cb) <$Cb fbJOtea^ Tcahdltbijjpfcple,,i3»Pi2l.9y. II. b 27. tofann] tf|atijEf,fcatter;

frr Pfal. 44. 11. Ezek. 20,23. b. 28. werejoyned] 0?, coupled, yoked-Uncqualfptoitft

infibds^, b)l3KBtrapcfllffo^blbbetj),2.cor.6. 14. Baai-uehor] tht 45cbofj(Boab^1y5>Sy:anb JBebtan, fo tubem bp l^alaamji counfel,3fraeIjopncbTNum.25 .3 . & 3 i,i6. Rev


2 14 . ..


I Baal (ignifietli a Lord,mayi]er,husband oj patron rPehor b)ai3 tl)c name cfa mountain, tofiere

I tlitd<^obb)aj5 tD03ntippeb, anbbaba temple raleb Beth-pehorj Num, 23.28. Deut.3.29^

! Baal b3aoaaecmonnrmeb3bftbpt{;cl)etljenjSralebtBnr <^cbji, 2 King.i. 2 .iudg. 8 .53,anb/n^r^ct^|

fo gfrael alfo talcb tf)e tnu ^ob, Hof.2.16. but fc^ tj)cftfiwcfBl ebufe of <6ob0 too?f|)ip^^

1 iB^faipturra turn Baal, a Lord, into Bofheth, a (hamej ap Icrub. befheth , 2 Sam. i i^x i. fe^ le-^

rub-baal (ojGcdeon) Iudg.1.35. &9.i* Ifh-boflieth . 2 Sam.x"

10. ft 1 EiB^baal , i.Chron.8.33.

M-phi>borfi.‘ th , 2 Sam.9,io.f02 Merib-baal, i. Chron.8. 34 . i^mupon tfte ^JOP^et faptg,they wen7to B?al-pehor , and feparated themfclves unto that Shame, (Bofliethj) Hof. 9.10. (mbfo SlPtcmp ralf til Ifte 3,bOlj5, Shame , 0^ ConfufioM ,1^er. 3, 24. & ii. 13. the dead .]idols^

tljgt gabf ro life brotb, anb fc are t^pofeb to the living God, ler. 10.5.10. i.Thef.i.P^

b.29. brakein] b ttbbiolenci|0U)fa!lbmfn.Niim.25,9. b.30.Phineas3


i7^ Pfalm. CVL anb <ff tfiat aBomtnatton^Nn.zs.j.s.Scc^ ® t . forJ * Juf! a£^i-

on, tgoug^ boon mitfiiout autbojUte^ anb <6ob tctoarbeb gim fo^ it,Num ,zs,u,iz,13

. $.31. Mcribah] tljiat 10, Contention,\illjm t^Cp llrove with the Lord ^ Numb. 20. 13.^ee PfaU 9S.S, evil was ] 43otJ^ titfpleafuce to'oaarbiS Vulio ^sttrrtu;^ biiS

auger it bjabbcpjibeb offomuiiuntotl^elanb ofCanaan: Num. zo,lz.Dsuc,;,zs,?,o,

§. 34. thepeopies] tj)e geatpEu^ in Canaan, 10 notcb.iudg. 1,2 1,27 ,29, 30,31, 3,3,tiicug^^Obc6maubebt|)Cltl,Exod. 23,32,33. idols]o^imagej^nameb m#cbzue i>f tlig

!. curious labour fpem in framing ano fetbiuit them, lerTTo. 9, ila^fT,?,n,


3 ,i y. c^of forowestfiat thepbjing tofuefj aouio^fpip tjjiem: pral.i<s,4. fomttmc tfjep ave caieo (©obo, z Sam. 5'.

21 . compareb mitfj I . Chron* 14.12. a fnare] a fcandal (ao tfie dpiCffe faptij,) toljcrbptftrpfelintomifmeO ,iudg.2,i2,i3,i4^if.Exod.23,3^. b.37* diviis] the idols fopmeiu

' ’* ' tioneb, tobcrebpbMOatctoojf!)iPP^^'^^^nbnot(^ot',,i9,2o. Rev. 9,20, zChr.Half. Deut.32ji7. Lev. 17,7. Divils g?te ate Caleb Shedim, Waliers,mcppofUiontDShad-daij <^0b Almighty 3 Pfal.^8,if. b. 39. whored] comitted fpirtoal whordom3tl)ati0>idolatfie;fcePfal.73,z7.Iudg.2.i7.Eze. 23,7,37* b.42. their haters] tlje l)f rouubflbout,aObJaOPlophefteb,Lcvit.2i?,i7. anbfulflllebiudg. 3 ,8,t4.& 4,z.&^5, i.& 10, 7,8,9.

&I 3 ,I. b.43. Many times] bpEhud, Barak, Gedeon,Iephtah,Samfon &c. Iiidg.3.&' 4.

&7.& II. &: ij.Nehem. 9,28,30. by their counfel] tfiatio, purpofely aub advifedly,

Hjg I, Chron. 12^19. b. 4^. gave them] tftatlO, procured mercy (o^ favour) towardsthem. b. 47. from thchethens] amonnb3l)ombiberfc 3iftatIitepbjetefcattrebbpreadfonoftScir often ntmbico at l^ome. ^oi.Chron. 1^,31,36. togiory] thaewemajrglorie, oj COmend our/elvcs.


The fifth Book.nijPfalra. 107 .

X. Onfefs ye to lehovahTor he is

good ;for his mcrcie eridnreth for

ever. 2 . Let the redeemed oflehovah,

fay it: whom he hath redeemed, fro the

band ofthe diftreffer. 3 . And gathe-

red them, out ofthe lands: from call,

and from weft, from north & from the

fea. 4. They wandred in the wilder-

nes, in the defert without way : they

found not, a dwelling citic. 5 . Hungryand-alfo tbirfty: their fowl, was over-

whelmed in them. 6. And they cried

unto Ichovah,in their difla-efs: he rid-

them-free, out oftheir anguilhes.

7. And he led them, in a right way:

for to come,unto a dwelling citie.

$ . Let them confefs to lehovah his

mcrcie: and his marvcIous-Wgrfef


to tfag


ffalm, lof.

Sing this as the 18. Pfalra,

/ . Ottfipye to fehovah thank^fklly^

\^fir he Wgood'.for ever his mercy,

2, Let the redeemed of ‘fehovahpiy :

^hom hefrom foes hand hath redeemd-aWi^*

j^ndgather them out ofthe lands did hee;

from eafifrom Wefi; from north^ fro thefen*

4. They in the Wildernes in defert ^ay

Wandred : no dwelling city find-did thay,

/. Havgry and thirfty that them Within

1d:eir[only hathfkyming^over^helmed bin.

And to the LORD tfjey crydejn their diHrefri ^

he freely-rid themfi'om their anguifhes:

f. And in a right way he did ma\e thegoei

a dwt fling cine for to come unto,

/. (Infrfr tt'jey to Jehovah his mercy:

his wtsrvcU ekg ,to frtms ofmau-Cisythly^

p. For he hath fariffied, the thirty

fowl: and f<;llcd the hungry fowl, with

good. 10. Tht;y ihathcdndarknesand

the Ihadow ofdeath: bound, in afflidio

& yron. 1 1 . Becaide they turned-rebel-

lic us againit the words ofGod: & def-

piR^d, ihecoiiiitcl of the nioft-hye •

12. And he humbled their hart with

mokftation: they ftombleddown, and

xheir no helper. 13. And they cryed

unto lehovah, in their diftrefs: he faved

them, out of their angniihes. 14. Hebrought them forth, from darknes and

fhadow-of-death: & brake,their bands.

15. Let the eonfefs to lehovah his mer-

cy : & his marvelous-l^^r^, to the fonns

ofAdam. 16, For he hath broken, the

dotes ofbrafs: and hewed-afunder, the

barrs ofyron, 1 7 . Fools,for the wcay of

their trefpafs: & for their iniquities, are

ahlided. ^ 8 . Their fowl, abhorreth al

meat: and they approch, to the gates of

death, ip. And they cry unto lehovah,

in their dihrefs: he faveth them, out of

their anguifhes. 20. He fendeth his

word, andkealcth'them: delivereth,

from their corruptions. 21. Lee them(tonfefs to lehovah his mercie: and his

marvdous-U’t?ri^f,_to the fonns ofAdam.2 2 . And let them facrifice, the facrifices

ofeonfeflion: and tel his works, with

fliowting. 23, They that goe«down to

the fea, in fhips : that d^e thetr labour,

in the many waters. 24. They doolee,

the works oflehovah: & his marvclous-

in the deep . 2 5 . For he fayth ,and

rayfeth-up the ftormie wind: and it lift-

eth-up, the waves therof. 26. They

mout-up to the heavens,they goe- downto the deeps: their fowl, in evil melreth-

away. 27. They reel and flaggerjikea

drunken-»?^«: and al their wifdom, is

fwallowed>irp. 28 . And they cry unto

lehovah, in their diilrcfs: and he bring-

eth them out,from l^^ir angiuHies,

Pfalm. evil-

p. For he the thirfiy fowl hathfatiated:

and hungryfiwl^mhgood repleni[hcd>


/ 0. They that in darkles& deathsJhadoW bidei

in yron and affitclion fhfl-tyde.

I 'Becaufe agamfl Gods Voords they did rehell:

and did defptfe the Htgheft’Ones comfelU

12. Then humbled he their hart With toylfom-greifi

theyflombkd-dowruy andnone didyeild releif,

1^, ^ And d)€y theLORD in their dtftrej^hefoHgki

14. he (avdlhemfro their (orowes.He them brought^

fiodarknes&deathsfhadeidr broke^thetr bands*

15. Let them confij^fehovahs mercy: and

16. his marvels to mens ^nns. For doresofbraJC

he broke : md hewd-afmderyron barrs,

17 . Fools,fir the ^ay oftheir tranfgrejfion^i

andfir their vices, have^afflt&iorz-j.

18. ^Imeat, theirfowl abhorreth-lothfimly:

and to thegates ofdeath, approch they nye.

/p. When to the LORD they cry in their dtftrefi:

he (aveth therru^ out oftheir angtuffjes.

20. Hefendethfirth his \Vord, & them healeth


from their corruptions, delivereth.

21. Confifthey to Jehovah his mercy:

his marvels eke, tofinns ofman-earthly*

22. ^nd offer offrings ofconfiffwru:

and let them tel his y^orks.'^tthfiowting^fing*

^ 2 ^

2y. They that inpips unto thefea downgoe:

doat in the many Waters labour doe*

24. They,fee Jehovahs operations:

a?id in the deep, his Wondrom^'aHions*

2j. For hefayth, &'dooth rayfe the Windflormyi

and it dooth lift the Waves therofon hye*

26. They mount to heavns,down to the deeps they

their fowl, it melts away in evil-Woe. (joe ^

27. They reel&flagger Itk^e a drunken-Wight:

and al their Wifdom^, is upfwallowed-cjuight.



. ^nd to the LORD they cry in d)cir diflref:

stnd he out-brings themu, fim iheir anguipas*

Mm zg* Thi

caulm : and the waves thcrof, are quiet.

30. And they rejoyce bccaule they are

'ftylled: and he leads them unco the ha-

ven of their defire, 3 1 , Let them con-

fers to lehorali his mercie: and his mar*-

velous \Wrks,to the fonns of Adam.

32. And Icttheexalt him,in the church

of the people: and pra^fe him, in the Ac-

ting of the Elders. 3 3 . He putceth ri-

vers to a wil denies : & yflfues of waters^

toathirftincs. 34. A land of fruit, to

faltnes: for the evil, of them that dwell

therein. 3 5 . He putteth the wildcrnes,

to a pool of waters : and the land of

drought, to yffues or waters. 36. Andfeateth there tlie hungry: and they firm-

ly-prepare,a dwelling eitie. 37 And fowthefeiids,and plant vinyards: and they

yeild fruitful revenue. 38. Andheblef-

feth them and they aie multiplied vehe-

mently: and their cartel, he diminillieth

not. 39. And they are diminilhed and

bowed-dou n: by redray nt, evil and for-

row. 40. powreth contempt, onbounteous-princes : & maketh the err,

in deformcd-wildernes without way.


And ra>fcth up the needy fro affiic-

ting-povenie A purteth families as a

flock. 42. The righteous dial fee re-

joyce: and all injurious evil, flop her

mouth. 43. Who ^ wife and wil ob-

fervethefe-t/w^i : and they dial undcr-

fiand the mexcies oflehovah.

ThefloYtn he to aflUnt^CAulm ioothJenand then their ^aves alayed- are- cjmet,

£$. eyind they rejoyce becaufc they are wade-Jhflt

and he them le^ds^ to haven eft heir ftv//.

3/. Conff they to Jehovah his mercy:

hts marvels eke^ to fonns cfman-earih^*

$2* nd in the peoples chnrch exalt 1hey bi'm^and tn the Slders prayfe they hmu.He tarns the rivers to a Snider nc5:

andIpytngs cf Yfaters, to a thyrfiires.

£4. land cffmt^ to faltyncs-harrenu:

fir ^ic^ednes^ <fthem that dml tfjerin^,

3/. He turns the defert to a Waters pooh

and Und ofdroughty to Waters plenttfidL

36. tAndthen hefeateth them that hungry are:

and they a dveellwg city d^o prepare.

37. They vwyards aljo plant, andfowthefiilds:

whichfruit ifufud-revemte ytilds»

3S. 9y4nd he them hkffeth, ^ they are inertaft

greatly: and he r/nmfhethnot thfir teafl.

39' ey4ga'\n they are, dtmmifln and brought hw:by ciofe-rejlrtynt, by evil and (orrexv.

49. He pLVprs contempt on hountffuUTrtnces:

andmak^ them err in W.yltfWsldernce.

4 i* ^ndpeorfrom povertie he makes-up-rifiz

and putteth at aflockjnisfzmiltcs.

42, See Jhal the righteoHSy and joyful bee:

andfop her mouth ^Jhal al im^uitee*

43. fVho Wije [ ,(^ Wil thefe- things heedfuUearnf

and they fehovahs weretes,Jhai dtfetm^.

3-74 . Ptalm. evil.'29. Hefetreththeftofm, toafilenc-

Annotations.The fifth book] fff Pfal. 42--J* b.i. whom he hath] that he hath redeemed thcr»: ^

of the dillrdfer ] Oj of diilrels. b.j . the fca] that Ifi, the fouth , VrijCVC tl}£ red fea


bJa0 (ttuatf from 3uDca; (a^ tjc CftalDec nrplapiicth it , the fomhci n ft a:)foj tlje may n fea,I

tone wellward ,lof. 23 .4 and fo often ufcti the Wed. t). 4* dticrt way] dc- «

fert ofway , mrautnq 5 where no way was , verfe 40. fee alfo Ifa.43 .i^ . Cflate flTU^retft cut me110 tiificrficn among tftc peonfeo of the mojlD; Ezek. 20.3^,35. irjfjen men aremithcutthclau.1. Rom.2 , 14 . dwelling citv]^)eb;t. city ofhal>itation,Otfeating: fover. i

7.3 that i0:,no harbour oj place ofrefreihiogj fo^milD anD Penemou0 b Duclp fiaunteUtficrc. Compare alfo Eccisiao.ii.

Pfalm. cvn. CVIir. 275.

te. f. 5. t. 9. with good] o;igood-t!jt!!n5'iaj5

tli: <^5 ? cca C C : f:f pfa! . . Luk, r . V3 . 13 . 1 o . ihadow_ot deich-1 ti , :cr-

nbic dii-knes .mc-’ming ftei: Ji5>s (o’ 2 afdictirmsin iJOjjp an&fotol.^‘?ePial. 2334. 113.4^?.^. &

5.S. Mat*4. 15 Luk. 1.79. afRidion]

with cords and fettersj feelob. 36. 8.9. &fc.

10 . barrs] althcmoftRronghinderances: folfa*4r.2, 1}. 17. Fools]

evil difpofed perlons, fo aameD of tgjdi: unadviied-raihnes, fee Pfal.3 8.6?. arc alBided]®^,

bring alflidion on themfelves. 1). 18. foul] appetite: fCftijfllTiC in lob. 33,20*

ariDtfiCCOittcarpinPfil. 78,18* ^ gates] tftac tg , imm inent peril of deaui; fi’g Pfal.9.14*

Iob.33,iz. U.20. healeth tjiem]'cjCmnp|nirge^ i King, zo. i . 4. f . 7 . auD tllg

fOUtratplU Afa , z Cliron*i6.iz,i3. foj woiindeth and healeth, Deut. 32. 39. . Icb*

33.19.z4. c^orrupdons] t&at 10, corriipting-difeaies, 0^ corrupdng-graves\u0Cmmo t|)€|p

ateveaijptocome: fecPfal.7. itJ.Iob. 33,28,30. b. ZZ. ofconfehion] tftatI03 thank-oF-

ffingsj fecPlahT*. H. doo labour] tfiat 10, occu|>y, ;D| getUjelt living: fo Kev*.

18,17. tJ. 25. rayfeth-up] 01 maketh-ilandj iu(nn5 notctO aifo t{]2 conti'mcantc oftftc

an example, Ion. 1,4* b.29. hefetceth] Oirelloreth-hmi. Mat. 8. 2V.

Xon.i.i^ b. 30. becaufe they ] OJ, when they the waves. b.32. the fitting],

the AiTifc ( fefi'ion) ofthe Elders,0^ Senators, tl)C GOUtTncUi*^ Of ti)t people*

b 3 3 * He putteth rivers] tliat he turnetii warry fruitful places to a dry barren d efert . Ri-

vers ftcte (aS^waters^^ an pur f^z moll fertile grcimt{0: a,0 wildtr-

»es,fbjadry barren ground. Dent, 8. ir. yiiues ] tjat 10 ,places where water-fprings

ire, thirllynes] tftat 10, a thinly ,dry land. b.34. laltnes

] t.^at 10, a fait bar-

ren land: *0ler. 17*6* Iob*3 9.9. fa t caU1"t5[barrennes,Deuc.z9.23* Iiidg.9.45. b. 3J.landt

ofdrought] l0, a dry barren landj coitlpatejra.4 1 .18. U. 37 .yeild fruitful revenue,]

make fruit of revenue (oj increale:) fee Pfal. i, 3. b. 39. A»d they are] !0, Andagayn, When he ciirleth them, they are miniined,&c* tge COnttarp to tfte fo^m.r bleffeth |0 13

l32 imb:r(lC0b i a0 in tbc labo Deut.28,4,18. rellreynt ] cptljev ofliberty, by imprifonmet,

R0Ifa_,f3.8*O^otanyblefling. b. 40. contempt] a bale contemptible ellate, fa Iob*iz*

zi. deformed -wildcrnes] wild groundjunordered

3 fo lob. I Z.24* b.41. ra^deth

up] ozfettethinahyeplace, faiclv: ft) i. Sam. 2,8. PUi. 113*7,8. b* 42. al injurious-evil]

tftac t0 , al evil perfons, tuat benp ^oD0 pjobtbcun, oj blame fjtd abniim(l:itition dial have

tiieir mouthes ftopped; fo lob. 5:, 16. audfo pride, 10 foj prowd perlons;Pfal.34.1z.

b. 43. Whoi0w.fe?i afomplamt!)oiDfilbtlfter?b2t&atmavfetl}efetJ)lno0:anbantntf#

itiaiton t^at ebetn botfs man uul obfejb t()em : fo Hof. 14,10. ler .9, rz . and they ibal]


Plaim. los.

I, A fong, a pfal’m ofDavid.

a, mine harrir firmly-pte-

V..>/pare: : I wd fing and fing-

pfalm; yea my glorie.

3. Payfe-iip, pfal erieandharpilwil

raifc-up fU the da>-dawning*

^ IwiJ

ii'jalm, 10 a.

2 , O God mine hart iris p'Sfared-fledfhfilyi

^Jig >Xil and ftn£ yea^eveti with my

3 . Thyjtlj up-ratfe^pfditrie^nd harp: 2X.ciaX’i>»


Mm z 4* Ichovahf


Pfalm. CVIII. CIX.

4. I confefs thee,among the peo-

ples 6 lehovah: and wil fing-pfalme to

thee among the nations. /. That thy

mercie/; great above the heavens; andthy truth unto the fkyes.

6. Be thou exalted over the heavens 6God ; and over al the earth, thy glorie.

7. That thy beloved may be delivered:

fave thou, wnh thy tight hand and an-

fvver me.

8. God fpake by his holynes, I wilbeglad: 1 fhal divide Shechem^and mefure,

the vally ofSuccoth. p. Gilead pjalbe

mine, Manaflehmine; and iEphrajim

the ftrength ofmine headjlehudahjfc^/-

h my lawgiver.

10. Moab my wafliing pot; over

^dom,I flial cafl my flioeiover Paleftina,

I wil fliowt.

1 1.Who wil lead-me-along,r^^ the city

of ftrongdefenfe: who wil condud me,into yEdom? 1 2 . IVth not thou 6 Godwhich hadft caft us away ;& wouldeft not

goe-forrh 6 God, in our hofts?

13.0 give thou uSjhelp from diftrefs:

for falfe-vanitie is the falvatio ofearthly-

man. 14. Through God w'e fhal doo va-

liant nes: & he, wil tread-down our dif-


4, fehovah^ J Wtlthee cofjpf^ thefilJ^s mon


andm the muons J Wtl thee prutfe-Wtih-fing,

j. That tfjy mercies

ZVQ^reat above heav^m: and thy truth unto the

J^a.6. Over the heavnSy 0 God, be thou exahed-hyei

and over al the earth, thjglonom-ma)cfiie»

7. Thatfreed may be'

tJj) lov*d-ones : fdve.With thy right hand, and

anfwer me.

5. God by his holynes didfpeah^, rejojee ^ pial:

Shechem J pj.d divide, ch mefure Succoth dak.

p. tJddine (filead,

^JManafJeh mine\ and ^phrajimfrength of

mine head:

fehudah, he dialbe the giver ofmy law,

i 0 . oaby my Wajhing pot : over fdumea

my JJjoe fjalf

cafi: over T^akjlina^ (ImYt-trlumphantlie,

//. Who Wil me lead-along to cittefiutfde?

0 YYho.into <L/£dcrru, Wil me conduSiing^guide?

12, Wilt not ti:ou (fed

that m ojf-cafi : Wouldfi in our hojfs notgoe, 0


. t$. O give unto pu, helpfom tnbuUtion^x

fir iying-vamtie is mansfilvatioru,

14, Through Godfloal Wee

doo valiantnes : down our difirejfers tread Wilhee»


1^. Yea tol'th my glorie ] that id , toUTl my foul anb tongue, ( ad Pfah '^^•9•) OJ Yea my

glorie, to UOfCt, lhal fing. l^ialui Id COmpofcb OftT)e S7, iTalm , from tljC 8. verfe tO

end : and of tl)c pfalm, fromtljc 7. 'Uerfe , totlje end: fee the annotationd there:

JJ.7* anfwermejojus: feePiaI.<?o.7* &c. 14. valiantnesj ti)at id >


foprevayh ad 25alaam pioph^fif Num 24.18.

Pfalm. IC9. Tfalm. jcg.

Tothe mayfler . .

* Sing this as the 10 ^. Pfalm.

a pfalm of David: /. f^Odofmyprayfi,ccafe-nct-asdcaf.t. |^Godofmypraire,cearc-not- For mouth ofhe wicked


as-deaf. 2. For the mouth of eke ofdecejtfines,^

tiie MTclied one , and the mouth of de-'




ceyc, arc opened agamft me : they havefpoke withme^Wuh a tongue offallhood.

3. And^/r^w'ordsofhatredhave^heycompafTed me about : & warred againft

me without caufe.

4. For my love they are adverfaries to

me j* and J^pve n^jfelfto prayer.

5. And they put upon me, evil for

good: and hatred, for.iny love.

6. Set-in-office over him the wicked >

one*, and let the Adverfarie, Hand at his


7. When he flialbe judged, let himgoe-forth wicked: and his prayer, be to


8 . Let his dayes be few : his office,let

an other take.

5?. Let his fonnsbefatherlefs:and his

wife,a widow.10. And let his fonns wandring wan-

der and beg: and feck out oftheir defo-late-places.

11. Let the creditour infnare, al thathe hath: and let Grangers, make-fpoilof his labour.

12. Let ther be none,extending mer-cy to him : and let ther be none,"lhew-ing.favour to his hx\m\ds-chtldre'/L,.

13. Let his poftcritie ^ appointed

cutt^-odjin the generation ;^w-afcer,let his name be wiped- out.

14. Let the iniquitie of bis fathers,be rerriembred oflehovah ; and the fynof his mother, be not wiped-OLit.

15. Letthem be before lehovah con-tinually : and he cut-efi-', thememorieof them from the earth.

I d. Becaufe that he remembred notto doo metck:butperfecuted the poor-



a^ain/I me are opened:

tkejfpeakjo me^ Vctth lyin^ tongue.

?. ^nd "bout me eompaff are

^ith Vi>ords of hate: and without caufe

agawfl me they doo >^>arre.

f . They adverfiries are to mefor my 'love: but f pray.


r. ndyllfirgood; andfir my love^

they hatred on me lay.

f. Set-thoH-in-ofiice over himthe wkked-perfirL,: and

let th’adver/arie-SatUfz^^ at

his right-hand ixzdy-fitnd.. When he (Ijal judged be^ let otm

condemnedgoe his Wayes:

and let his prayer be tofyn^,

five let be his dayes\

his office^ let m other tahe.

His firms be fktherlefi:

0, his Wifi^ a ^idow. jdnd hisfinn$Zander about ^aylefi^

and let them beg: andfeek^^ out oftheir defilate-places


//. Let the extorting^creditcur

infnare, al that is his:

and ofhit labour^

let grangers


12. Let ther be none^ that unto himmayfirth-extend merciei^

andfavour to hisfinherlef >

tofew let they be none. *

l^. Let hfs poflerttie be fee

unto perdition^:

in th'aftergenerattoru^

his name out-Wiped bee.

/^. ^^membred of the LORD^ be his

fiithers wiquitee:

his mothers fyn he not Wifd-out.//. *Le they continually

before the LORD: and hecut cjf

fiom th’emhthety memorie.

1 6, Tecaufe he mercie minded not

to doo: butpurfedUm 5

a?* praJm,

afflided and needy man i ti the finitren

in hart, to (lay

17. And he loved ciirfing, and let it

come uaco him : and he drly'ted not in

bleffing, and let it be farr fiom him.

iS. And he clothed-himfclf,with

curfing, as his rayment: and let it en^er

as waters into his [nw^rd>/J4rf j and as

oil, into his bones,

19. Let it be to him, as a garmentwhermth he may cover htn)felf\ and for a

girdle,wher-W^wi?he may gird hmfelfcon-^


20. This ^^the work ofmine adver-

faries, fromlehovah: and ofthem that

fpeak evil agaiiift my fowl.

21. And thou lehovih, Lord; doowith me, for thy name fake: for good «thy mcrcie^ deliver thou me.

22. For I am poor-afflided and nee-

die: and mine hare, is wounded within


23. As afliadow when it dedinethi

am gone-ftv^^ay : 1 am to{Ted,as the grafs-


24 My knees,are feeble through fad-

ing: and my fldh, is lean for fames.

25. And I was a reproch to them:

. they faw me, they lhaked their head.

26 Help thou mejehovahmy God:fave me according to thy mercic.

27, And kt them know, that this is

thine hand: thou lehovah, haft doon it.

28, Let them curfe, and doo thou

blels: nfe they up and be abaflaed; andkt thy fervant rejoyeC.

29, La mineadverfaries be clothed

crx.and the medj

teJIaj^ the hart-'^onnded*

, ^ 2 ^17* ^ndcwfwg hedidlove^ and let

it come to htm^x find he

delyted Kot in hlejfino^ and'

fhrrfiom hm kt tt be,

li* t/dnd he htm ckdd With cHrftn^^ at

his robe; a?idkt dgoeai Waters into his in^p^rt;

06 otl, hts bones into,

/^. eyfsgarment Ut tt to him be,

himfelffor to aray:

andfor agirdle^ Wherwith ht

maygird hirnffalveay.

it, Thts^from hhovdh^ be their Wagik-

that advfrfe are tome:

and ofthem that againf} myJ&ttl


doo ^e^i^ maltcp^tifie,

it, thou lehovth Lord^ With medoo wel

,for thine, oven natne v

^rgood tiiynh rcie is/td me,~

22 , For / offifEied am


and I am needy: Wounded eka

Within me is mine hart,

2^, jhadotv when it dooth declm$

frj away depart:

f tojjid am 06grufr. hopper.

24. My kneesytheyfeebU been .

doroughfiiHwg: and myjitfh wantoffkt ts wexendean,

2f. ty^ndf was thetr reproch' they frw,

their head tfjey fh tl^n hove.

26, lehovah my God, help thou me:

me in thy m^rcie (dve.

27, nd la hem know, this is thine handi thou LOR D, doofl the (amt,

25. furfe th’f bu hifthou; rife they uf

and be ab^jht-Wtth^fhzme;

and let thy fervent ynful be.

Let my foes be oray i

With infamte: and with theirJhame^ ,

4 tlokt^be yUa,

i 9 , Iwd

with ignominie : ar d let them cov r 2p

th fdves with thcurgbaQiing, as widi a

30. 1 wil

Pfalm. CTX-

50.1 wil CdnfcTs lehovah vehemently 30 . f Mcenp^ fehovah

mwi:h my mouth; in the midds ofma-

ny, wil I praife him.

31 . For he wil (land ,atthenght-'

hand ofthe iKedy : to fave fromthem that jud his fowl.

wy mrmth vehemently i

and tn the rmdds ofmany^ Wi/

7 ^raifc him thankfully,

31, "Becanfe that at the nght hand ef

the needyfiand \\ni he :

him^r to five, from them that if

hts pvpl she judders be^


ofmyprayfc] tftatfjSi whicfjarcpriyfed ofme; Pfal. 22. 4. which prayfelfe

HttD jaliificjl me agamP tl)e raUimnicj^ ofmttie enrmic^: a. Cor. 10 . 18 . Rem. 2.29 . Num.12, *;

7^8. ceafe not ] OJ be not iiient , fee Pfal’.zS.i. of deceyt] fO, the deceitful

man; tftt <0^C£& CjCplapnet^ tt:fo fO’ prowd perfon,Pfal.3 6. 12. are]Oj have opened,

to themfeives . 4 * f prayer] £0 UJCet , I made, ^.} give my felf to prayer, (ajS p '51

tl)& I pi'2yed: 0^,1 am a man of prayer. ^Sl peace, Pial. 120.7, ^eealfoi Cor.

34.33. tJv Set in office ] oj Make-vifiter 02 overfeer; fee verfe 8. thewickedDne] thedivill aiS i. loh. 2,13,14. &3.12.&5. O^RCHCraKp, wicked rulers.

theadveifarie] iuljehjue Satan, tu Divil-, feho ^ an abPfrfari'eto jpanhin^.^

i.Pet. ^.8. Rev. 12.9. at his right hand] to refill, and overcome him,Zach,3,i. aut!

fpo^cn of a! of one m«m •, 01 v-ffeme cne fp- a» Doeg enemie to David,r Sa .

' '

S2.9.&C. ludastochrilijoh. i 3 . 2 . 23ntd3oOldatt|)eno6[ti)antJ tfU]CpOOJ, verfe3i. Pf.

?6 ,8 . b. 7. Wicked] tijat Id ( ao thi’ <2p^edifi^pth) condemned* fcet!)enotconPf.i,i.

to fyn ] tfjnt Id turned to fyn, anti afacminab!?’; Pfov. 28. 9 . S: t 5 . 8. fT

* ^ . Ifis office!

OJ charge , vificatjon, bilhoprick,(Epilcopre: ) auO tfciO t0 r.ppitcti £0 Iudas,fc|)ofe OffiCC lUOlS

benb'dtoMatthiasj A£t. 1. 1^.20. 26. 21 bilhop, and biihops-charge, ( fo COPd Of vifitation)

id a cemmon name to a! obcvfcerd, and off*c d . Nmu. 4 . 1 6. &* 3 1 .14 . Ezek.44 i y . i.King.i i.

IS. 2.Chron.34.i2.i7 Nehem.11.9. Jl. 9. f2therlefs,]o^ojphans: endt!)Id Idacuvfeofthclam, Exod. 22,24. ler. 18,21. b. i . W'ander

] rogue-about, ad vagabonds,Ger>.

4. li. b. II. thecreditour ] he to whom he is indebted- 0^ the extortioner let htmfdft OHall ipd goodd • his labour ] goods gotten by his labour. b . 13 ,

polleritie] 0^ his laft

end; fee Pfal. 37.37.'

- to cutting-off] 0;?,app0plted to be curt of; to perdition, to de«ilrudhon, ad t^c (3^eelt arpIapiiiTth . ^Ije berb artibe, id of paf?i'*e ftstufitanen 3 ^d Pl'al.

3’. 9 . 2^ 3 ^. 3. b. IS. mcmorie] 02 memorial, Pfal.34 17. Icb. 18. 17. b. i 5 . fmitten]

w. th grdf,t5tU id iorowlul 3 02 ad the fapth pricked inliart* ^obtrfeii. ^cePfaLl02. j. &34. 19. b. 17* let itcome] Oja itlhal come: andfoaft;t.

b. 18. his r2yment]02,a mantel. let it enter]oj it entred.^jt map bt Undfrffcod cfftld df<«

Ipte in cmiiug^bJbicb pleafed him ad b^ati v and oihoj of the ffftratp oftfte futfc,tfiat fhculdpcitfe hid obju bomeld and boned, ad Nnm. b. 20. the work] tftat id the wagaCJ reward due for his work : fo Levit. 19,13. Ifa.49.4. Iob.7,2. Ezek,z9.2o, b.zi. lehoviR]

th^nameofCovi: fee Pfal. <^8. 21. doo] totncftmercie; ad tfic iiept tocjddaiididcxpjrf]cDPfal,i8,si. ^eealfoPfal. 103,9. mftere tfteUiojdangerid emitted.

b. 23. 1 am gone] OJ, am made to goe(0J depart,) namelp, tomarddmnfirabf; ad Pfal.

j8,9.^eealfo Pfal. 102,12, i.Chron. 17,11. toiled as the grafbopper] cj, Iraktn off af

theLocLilhiuhtcb no nc{f oj biding rlace,but id djtbeii too aud fro, betna e crea^»ture; Nahum. 3.17. lob. 39. 23. carped abJopUf-ith their Exod. 10.19.

b.24. feeble] oj, lofened,^u that *3 am rcaDptoftRiuMc and fa!. #>cid?atka!:ihtfrmIcofe 3 02 feeble knees, Heb. iz, 12 from iTa. 3sj. for fatnes ] cj for o:l, that’ tO, tor

l^ncofiat, c^OiU aiJiiorthsixaics^ld^forwaatofthe&iuts, to.4,9.for6vc,idforwant^i6vcj

280 Plalffl. CX.ot hve , Gen. i8,i8. ojtjjej map tUmft , without fat; Cm tft( S^eftiUe minwithout :Iob. ji,9. ij. ly. ihaked] 0? wag-ed. ,7 p

W«tflW fjgmjIstEl

hand] thy handy work. U.Is. Ifcy iTp

tj-piapnctft it ) and be they abaftied sifaypointtii cf yurycf •

y ft *^’fthe

7'Pfalm. no. Pjaim lie.

T. A Pfalm, of David:

IBhovah afluredly-fayd jiinto my Lord;


Sit thou at my right-hand:until I put

thine enemies, thefootftool of thy feet.


lehovahwil fend out of *Sion, the

rod of thy firength : rule thou^ in the

middes of thine enemies.


Thy people jhdbe voluntaries^ in

the daycfthy power: in the honou-rable-bewties ofholynes, of the \vombofthe early-morning; to thee, the deawofthy youth.


lehovah fware.and wil not repent;

thourfy^ a Preift for ever; accordingto

'the order of Malchifedek.


The Lord at thy right-hand: he

hath wounded Kings, in the day of his


Sing this as the ^8. Pfalm.

1 . TEhovahfiyd^ vntomy Loyd\A thoH at my riaht handfit i

until ^fit ihtne enemies


thefiotfiool ofthyfiet,2, 7^d ofthyftrength^ Jehovah hfi

^ilfend out ofSton^:in mtddefi ofthine enemies^

have thoii dominion^.

^ in day of power?m holy bewties bee,

even ofwe Womb oftisearlj^morfUftiew ofthyyouth, to thee.

h fohovahfware^ Wil not re^enti


after d}€ order that f of


^ The Lord at thy right handyfhal WoundKings, in day ofhis Wrath.

• 6. He fhal judge among the hethens,

lie hath fylled with-corpies : he hath 6. tyimotgtfoe 'hemhiZh^^^wounded the head, over a great land. Veltbcorpfesfylldhektth-

7. Ofthe brook, in the way dial he JltdWound Ae he^td over mitth land.drink: therefore, he lhal lift up the 7. Drmkjfthe brookjhal he

IVeithintheWay: therfore, his head



y ®Clf. I. lehovah] tfiatflS, God the Father. affuredly faydl fee Pfal i

' . -tomy Lord;] iss to priif mOmu ©afcitJ fifre talcti) f)ip Lord, ’

{fiougfi ricMath. It, 4a. 4 f. Rom.-I,! Ad. z.34. So

^'p€[)albce The Lord fayd unto his word : intamno Chrift, John, i, i. luat tnyright-hand] fitting, notctf) reigning UJItfi continuance, i.Cor.ij.zs. Heb. 10 iz iMfioftSright hand mtanrtl) hid power and majeftie in the heavens. Luk.zz,tf?. Mark.1C.19. Heb.i.3.8£8.1. anl3 t()i^nl3Ol3CilIl‘^ngCl0oHcb. 1,13, thine enemies] dsniarofthem, tfielaftluhcrcftss death, i.Cor ly.zj zc <©f this place, thcJIlpcfWeotdeththisi erpefitton. EveryPrcill hadeth daily muiiilnng,8;ott times offring the fame iacrilices, which can never take away

fynns :

^falm. CX. 2S|

^nni: biit this rtwnKlvirtgcffred one (acrifice for (yn^fitteth for ever at Gods right hand^hence

jtorch exfpedting til his enemies be put the fbotftool of his feet. Heb. 10311^12.13.

i tJ. the rod ] 0 J rtaflf (fcepter) ofthy ftrength^thy Ifrong ibff (6 tfje pov/r^

ful word of thy kingdomej Ifa. ii. 4. Mat. 13, 19. to come out ofSion onD lerufa-

lem^Ifa. 2,3. Luk. 24.49. Ad.i.4*& 2,132. J'0^mSion,Cl)ji|lreignCtl),Pf* 2,.(5 .ReY.i4 .i. ,

rule thoLi] tlffat ^thou llislc fure(pxule,0^ hive dominion: fee tS)e HOte Oil pral.37.3


\3 . 3. voluntaries] a people ofvoluntaryneires,Ot oHiberalities (a]E^ Pfal.68. TO.) tljatlltjflial

molt freely, willingly and liberally pjcjeilt tBcmfel6e?J auh tijdr CfclatlOnS^ tO ludg.f ^'

A<5t. 2.4i.Fxod.25',2, Rom.12,1. Pfal. 47. 10. d I ipjioS.Song.^Jji I. of thypowei^OX nS’flarmie (30 Pfal. 33,16.) tfjat Id, when thoufendeft forth thy powrful gofpel, and preachers ot '''

the fame, reconquer the ¥/orld. Rom. 1, 16. Rev.6,2.Pwl,4r,45J,^?. intha^ ^

fconourable-bewties of holynes] oj in thecomly-honoursof the fanduarie: UteStltPO eptfjetWTp-the comly ( o;i honourable) places of holynes, ( OJ of the fanduarie

) ad Pfal. 2^,2. id the

church: OjratfjCtin thebewtiful ornaments of holynes; tfiat Idi holy graces and vertues,

tofiertottf) Cljjifl anh f)td people are adopicb,ad tijc anti 'k.tXiitm of old lojitl) Vrim,Thumim and holy garments

jExod, 28. 2,40. Ifa.T2,i.^0 thewarriers in heaven, are clothed

with fine line* white and pure; the righteoufnes,of the lamds. Rev.i9.i4.8. tf^of the wombCre .] place id difficult , anh iiu? DtVmflP be imDerjloob, eptber ofcHrift fjlnifdf, 0?of his people : antj agapn ifof cptljer in refpcct of Ijid godhead,oj ofBid manhood. <Sf nn'?f)t0 Godhead, t&at t^e father faptl) UlUO l)im, ot the womb (tjatid, ofmineowneffencc)


before the early -morning (that id, before the world was) to thee Uoadj (O^ ^ou hadll) the

dew of thy youth, (oj birthj) fo noting tfjc eternal generation of before al Uio^lbd, a^i

id fhetoeb, Prov. 8.22.33 .24.2^ tji)id fenfe the Hjrjr. tnterpietcrd fccni to fcloljo,

tranftating of the womb before the morning-fiarr begat I thee. 3,fit be meant of ChPl^dmanhood, teje map tabc it thud^ of the v/omb ofthe dark-moming ( 0| of the obfeure womb,ofthe birgin) thou hadft the deaw of thy birth. 3ifcf people before mcntioneb,it mapthud be read, of the womb of the morning to thee fhalbcCojfljal COme)the deaw of thy youthj

that id, thy youth ( thP POng OJ ne\B bojn people) fhal be to thee as the morning deaWi VohiflJ

falcthfecretlpfromheaben, anbabirntjantlpcobereththecarth: irpi fo th^eaw idfou>timeufeb, 2 Sam. 17,12. antmntorayn,deav/,yce&c, thcfcriptutc applfcthTBe named ofwomb, anbbegettingjiob. 38.28.29. anb the iucteafc ofthe church id bp thid figure beferi^

|^eb,ad The remnant of laakob fhalbe among many pecple,ad ^ from the Lord, as Ihowres

upon the grafs, that way teth not for man &c. Mic.j .7* ^h^d laft fenfe aCCOjbeth befi lUttiUh®beginning ofthe berfe. of the womb] 0^ from the womb of the morning



early-morning,] 0^ before the dawning: the morning (oj day-dawning) in;|^CbjUe Milhchar,

id riamcb of the blacknes oj darknes, mhicf) alfo tgc fcripture fhemetha lob •2'0,i . anb the let^

terM. id epther a piepofitton, fignifpmgfrom,ojbefore, ad 112.43,13- o?,butapartofrh«tuojb , here meaning,of. to thee] bnberffanb was ftalbe

3 that id, thou halt, ihah 1 (

have. deaw of thy youth ] OJ, of thy birth: thatid,thy youth which is like the deaw. Youth;jn‘lV»

oj nativitiej map cpther be taben p^operlp fo;: yong age, ad Ecclef. 1 1,9 . 0? fignratibclp , foi

' ''


yong perfons^, meaning the regenerate

, UJhiCh arc as new born babes, loh . i ,13 .& 3 .3 . x .Pet.

X. 2. $. 4 * fware] Forafmuch ( faPth th’^lpofllc ) as it is not without an oath, &c. by

fo much is lefus made furetie ofa better teltament. Heb.7,20,22. a Preilt] OJ Sacrificer;

f^ePfal. 99 ,^. forever,] !Hmong the Hcbited^niany were made Preiits, becaufe they werenot fuffred to endure by reafon of death: but this man becaufe he endureth ever, hath an ever-

lalling preilthood. Wherfore he is able alfo perfedly to fave them that come unto God by himj

feing he ever liveth to make intercefiTion for them. Heb. . to the order] OJ 2ccor-;nn;3ndingtomyfpeech: both thcfeinterp;:etationd ate goob, the one from the ^poftledantho^t^


tic, Heb.7. 17. the other from the l^b;iuep|op2ictiedibrathi, adiob.f.s. meaning theman-

aetaad order of j[©eltl)ifebeb, as GodfpeaJcediofhimmthehifidj^^^S^^^ hi; Id brought III


28z Pfalm. CXI.without father, mother, kln^red,beginning ofdayes or end oflife ,

continuing ^ Preill for ever


ad tBe^SpoPieqatlimtfiHeb. 7. 1,3. frenuBe narration Gen. 14,18. &c. ofMekhtfe-

^ dek] the King ofSalem, and Preift of the moft hye God,\njjofe namr aut) OfflCC Id DpcncbHeb* *

7.1.2. &c. front UtferrrtB perfection had been by the Preillhood of the Levites,

&c. what needed it that another Freiit ihoiild rife after the order ot Melchifedek, and not to becalled after the order of Aaron? Heb.y.n. t*. y. The Lord ]

Chrilt , adlUttetfe i.

at thy right hand ] tf}id map be fpeben to <6cb tljC JfatBtr, at whole right hand Chrilt fit-

teth,adbcrfe i. 0;t to tbe people of at whofe right hand he itandeth,adPfahio9.3i.

hath wounded] DJ fhal wound, OJ embrue in blOUDj ad Pf. <^8.22.24. a p;iopBcfie fpobcnadf cfatbmgboon. ^oufuanpmtBe5^zopBctd.ifa.9.6.&53v4.5.&c.^cctl)id fuipneb. Rev*

19.18. b.<?. hath filled } 0^ Ihal fyll, to \neC!to meet al places with dead bodies, (lapll anb liilbliri^*

fb , ad ier.1^.4* the head]


ntfcflnP tljeman offpibmiimntfteHojbfBal eonfiimcmitbtbefpult of Bid mOUtB, ^ Thef. 2.3 .8 . OJ head, fo^ heads, ahb land foj lands; tBat I'd , all wic-Led governours mBetCfocber 7 . of the brook ] o^ Iheam, tO Voeet cf atfiiCfions ( adwaters ufuallpftsnifp, Pfal. i8.j.) CBliffmad todrink ,tBatld , tofuffer,anbfOtoenterin-to. his glorie , Mat. 26^.39.4z.Luk. 24.2^. i.Pet.i.ii* Philip. 2,8,9. drinking of the brookin the way, map incanafBo^it rcfrefBniQofBimfelf , anbtBen a [mt pnrfiutofBidcncmtcdinitBout beSap, til Be BatB Oct a ful cenquep of tj)em. Compare BercbJitB tBc Bipciic ofbeond folbjcrd ^ iudg.7 .4 .s.s, &c*

Pfalm. III.



wil confefs Ichovah, with

al the hart : in the fecrct of

the righteoiiSjand alTemblie.

2. Great the adions of le-

hovah: foiight-out, of all that de-

light in them.

3 . Glorious-majeftie & comly-honour /s his work; and hisjuftice,

ftandeth to perpetual-aye.

4* He

pfalm. III.

• This may befung alfoas the 45'. Pfalm.


^5 ^nv7 cofeflehavah with th^pjhole hart:

3 in fecret and ajfemblie ofthfufright.

lehovahs aBions are very great :

^fought-out ofal that in the do delight.

Glorie and comly-henour his work is:

*) ~'imd standperpetually dooth \is iujlice,.


283 ,Pfalm. CXI.

4. He hath made a memorialjof -

his marvelouS'»>gy^^: gracious, and

pittiful is lehovah.

s. He hath given a prey,to them tD

that fear him;he wil remember his

covenant for ever. 1

6 . He hath flrewed to his peo- 3pie, the ablc-power of his addons:

in giving to them, the inheritance 7ofthe hethens.

7. The a<5tions of his hands,

truth and judgment: faithful


his precepts.

5. Stabliflied tiey are for aye for^

ever: doon, in truth and righte-


9. He lent redemption , to his^

people; he hath comanded his co-

venant for ever : holy and fearful .

is his name. _P

10. The beginning of vvifdom,

is the fear of lehovah5good pru- 1


have all they that doothem: his praife

,ftandeth to per- tO


marvels he'

remembredmakes to bei

lehovah 'rra-ocious andfittifulL

lood^ unto them

thatfear him given hath hex

He ofhis cove-

nant ever is mindfully

He fl)ew'd hispeo-

ple^ his aclspuifjmcei

giving to themy

the heathens heritance,

The works ofhis

hands^truth and iudgment arC!

his precepts aly

arc of furefaithfulnes.

For ayefor e-

verflablijhed they are:

doonfn affu.

red-truthand righteoufnes\


he to his peoplefent:

for ever he

commandedhis covnantt

Holy to

befeared is his name,


voifdoms beginning ist


have all that doo thofe-fame]

his praife, abi-

deth to perpetualnes.



I. Halelu-iahlPrayreyelah, fettetft fo^^tlD tl)e

fd rompofeb after •pe c^berof the l^cbrue Alphabet, ebevp fentcnrcbentrtnmabjftna

fcberall letter* ^0 alfc 5>ee Pfal. zr,T. the fecret ] m Council^

fee PraU64.?. ac 8^ .8. Ij. i* Ibught-out] that itt ,re^rded anb cared for

5 fo Ifa 6zyiz*ryy^

Mn i acitic

Pfalm. CXI. CXrl.achiefoughtoutjt^fttf^, cared for; a^Deiit. ii.ix.OjfoughtoutjtfiatfjS foOnd filmamfeftedSfpIi f 0? fought r tftat k r wonhy tobeK agI raifed,PfaI i8 4.fbjprai^^^^ ' ofal that delight] oi for al their delvtes^ thedelytes and pleafureS ofGods works are they are worthv to be fouahr inro


• ^^^^^^^^^hhrm;ai5i.Sam.i<?.2z.Pfahicz.i7. &3S,ri.zCor

fclgnttte. the firifj Mark* iz. 28*foj the great comandement^ Mat. zi. ^ 6 . prudencielha“K ‘“i"’folctoct!) ^JllbClJrie . Prov.3 .4.


rmcrafln aphe precepts mcntioilcD Uetje 7. 0J.thefe things

Bencrail!} . 'Srfie «5jcc&faptrt , doo tt, nrEanmg the covenant , Uzife 9. ^hisT thac tl'• tDatfeabid«h’5

Pfalm. 1 12.


I- Blefled is the man, chat

'-^fcarcthlchovah: thatde-

lytcth vehemently in his comman-demenrs.

2. His feed fhalbc, mightieinthe earth ; the generation of the

righteous^ fhalbe bleficd,

3 . Wealthy-ftore and riches jhal-

be in his howfe:&his jLiftice,ftand-

eth to perpetual-aye.


;Vnto the righteous, light ari-

feth in darknes: gracious, and piti-

ful and juft.

Pfalm JJ2.

Sing this as the iii* Pfalm.


that dooth Jehovahfearz

2thaJgreatly dooth

in his commands delight.

J Bisfeed^ in earth

jhal mighty perfeverei


^ • the race ofthe upright.

Nj In his houfe rich-

es are andwclthf-fore:

^his juficefand-

eth ekCy for evermore,

jVnto th'upright^

in darknes light afeends:

j-jgracious andpi-

tiful and )uli he is.

good ?nan doo-

eth gracioufly andlends:

Ihe moderates

injudgement hisfpecches^


5. A good man,doeth-graciouf-

ly and Icndeth: he wil moderate his

words, injudgment.


Pfalm. CXII.

Surely he rtial not be moved ^ Surehejhainot

for everrthej\x^-nun fhalbe,to ever- he moovdctemaSyi

lafting memorie. L the iuBJhalhe,

t eternal memery.

7. He wil not fear, for evil hear-

fay; his hart is fixed, ttufting in Ic-


8. His hart is ftablifiied, he wil

not fear; until he fee, upon his dif

trclfcrs. y

39. He hath fcattered-abroad, he

bath given to the poore^ his juftice,

ftandeth to perpetual-aye; his horn,

flialbe exalted with honour.

PTO. The wicked flial lee and be -j

angrier he flial gnafli with his teeth

and melt-away: the defire ofthe jpwicked, fl^^l perifli.


He wilnotfeary

for yll that he dooth heart

his hart isjfv-

edin Jehovah bold*

His hart is

blijhed^ he wil notfear:

Vntil on his

disirefers he behold*

He fcattred hath

abroad^ivn to thefcore :

his ]uficeJian-

deth evenfor evermore*

His horn with ho-

nour (hal exalted he*

See and be amgrj fhalthe wickedwight:

gnaf) with his teeth^

and melt away jhalhei

the wicked-mans

• defre^fhalferiJIj-quyte.



©ftf. I. Halelujah] oiPrayfeye theLORD. fettCtft DUt tjc pjapfejS Oftge

couip uuii: miD cempofetj after tfte ojtser of tljemm ^lpSabtt,tVJcn m fqjnier in.

pfaiuii rn manp tf}m^ it to be coitipateb..

his feed] his children

a^^pfal. the generation] their progenie, Deut. 29. lob. 42.15,

01, the nation, (the multitude) ofrighteous men: feePfal.i2,8. & 14,5. Wealth]CJ

Store cfncbc^rufficiencieoftoraltb^^atfiercbUittSlabciuranbia^^^ tlje mirnuonfiginfirtl) rs!fofufficiencie,Prov. Ibndeth] tgat continueth,abydeth,aj3 Pi.

1 1 1 .3 . \jaba*e tl3C bevp fame fpoben of<©ob. ^0 after, verfe 9. ^ . light aiiv

feth] O^fpringeth up,''pjopClipa^thefun riiethj Mai .4.% Light, comfort,peaGe/

joy &c. addarknes, aftlidion. lob. 30.25. Ellh. 8.i5.Pfal.T07. 10. Lam. 3 ,2.!^UbfDinrcUgtCn>

A&.15. 18.15. Rom. 1,19. iCor.4,«. <£cniijare t{)i5i fttitcntettiitl) i(a.58, an&

the toittrarp lob. 38,1?.

gracious ] tgig map be imBerftocb cfGod, tfiug; from him

thacis gracious &c.aSlPfal. Ill ,4. 0? ofthe aodly man , t?)at he is gracious &c. asS tfjer.tVt

bcrfcnietoetf}: 02, ofthe light, tijat it is gracious 8rc: meaniagtttif God, toftoiscutlighr,

ss Plal. 27, 1. to, 5. wij moderate J oi tnetot out; c? cary anU diffeefe them, as t^c

ac 3 #;c{fe


his words] oialFayfes, mattes;111 judgement] withdifcreaon, as is fit and right. Pfal. zs, 9. Ezek.3451^.

,§. 6^ Surely ] 0^, For: COltipatC PiaU 7. hearfay ] 0? hearing, tflQt tydings,

yitMl^^fame,rumouro^report,w(iichheheareth*, ajS tgeUJOjtJftOUipetft Rom. io.i5. 17. ^OtftattoStcB one taletfi akoe,hearing,Mark.i.z8. another caletB echos,a found 01 ccchoe,Luk. 4 . 37 . IbOtB mcanins fame OJ rumour, tgc COUtrarp to in tje to31cBeb,Ier.4<?,z3


fixed firmly-prepared, not tobe UlO^CbtoitBpIUlMig^. % 8. hefee] tOtoCft,Gods work, oj reward j fee pfal. 5'4.p, ^ \s, 9, fcattered ] to his riches

( a^tjjlC Clj^lOcc et^plapnetfj ft:) tfjat IJJ given and lent it freely without looking for any thingthereof, a^^ Luk. e?, 35^. tBougj) tfjerbp he is more increafed, Prov. 11.14. ^ee z Coi\ 51.9.

generailp alrighteournes,, fomtime almes


fee Pfal.14 .$


his horn] thattbpoweranbgTdriei |emal.75,f,n. &pi,i i . & 8^,i8,if . r.Sam.i.i. U. 10. thedefyre]tBatt^^ the thing that he defireth llial not be granted him. Compare Prov. 10. 14.18. & 13.11.


Pfalm. 1 13.

I. Halelu-jah;

PRayfc ye fervants oflehovah;praife /.

ye, the name of lehovah.


Blefled be the name of lehovah : 2,

from this time, and for ever.


From the rifing ofthe Sun unto

the going-in ofthe fame: prayfed ^r,thc

name oflehovah. 4. lehovah high,

above al nations: his glorie,i> above the

heavens. 5. Who w like lehovah our j,

God? that lifteth-^/wTtf/f-hye, to lit.

6. That debafeth-feiwyf//-low to fee :

in the heavens and in the earth.

7. He rayfeth the poor from the diifl: 7.

he liftech up the needy from the doung.

S.Tofet^iw with bounteous-Princes: s.

with the bouceous- Princes ofhis people.

9. Hemaketh the barren of howfe, p.

to dwd , a joyful mother ofchildren




Sing this as the 84. or as the ^o. Pfalm

Ofervants offehovah prajfe:

prajfeyee ‘fehovahs name alwayCi«

fehovahs name it blejfed bee\

fiem this time^ to everlafting.

From San rife to his downgoingi

fehovahs name it prayfed bee.

*Bove nations al^ fehovah hyei

above the heav'ns^ is hisglorye.

who hJ^ fehovah our God is.^

that doothy tofit ^on hye-him^place.

That dooth^tofee, him-lovs-debafe:

in heavens^ m the earth Itkewtfe.

From duft he dooth the needy reari

from doung he dooth the poor up-bear.

Tofit him ^ith the Noble-merui

With Noble-men ofhis people.

He mak^ the barren ^oman dml y.

a ]oyfd mother ofchildren^*


5)f. 1. from this time] OJ, from now; henceforth. ^OPfal. iif. 18. &T lii. 8. Sr 131.3."

b. 3. rifing] the call part oftfjetUO^lDjaiS Pfal. 103.11. goingin] D^going-down; tjjat 10, the wefij


3l)Cr t^e ^Ult 10 fapb to goe in,a0 \juf)en It rifctfjjto come-outl .meaning bp call and well,althcmo^lDObenfO Mai. I.I I.

, b.>. lifteth-hye to fit]I

oz, todwel; tljatl'0, (a0 tf)C 4P^ecftevplnpnetBlt) dwellethonhigh : and fo after, feeththe !

things below. b, 7. from the dull] tfjnt I0,iiom bafe dlate, a0 i. King. 1^.2. ^0 after ,

irom^ioung, a0 L3m. 4 -T* ^Jjl0fpCCCj)l0talieafrom i. Sam.i.8. b. 9. tiie barren

Pfalm. CXIIir. ^87

howfe] the woman which never had children; mt tgC tOllttfttp, ftUltfHlAjjmttCn ate

fapb to build their husbands howfes^, Ruth. 4,1 1. fo howfe, IiS u[e&fC| children 0^ polleritie^Pf, ^eealfoPfai./$8,7^ fenpturejs appip totljeCfturcftoftl&e

<©entilc^3 ajSRejoyce 6 barren that didft not bear^&c. Ifa.f4.i.Gal.

Pfalm. 1 14.

I. X X 7Hen Ifrael went-out/rom

V V ^

2 ,

6 .

WHen ^fr elfrom zy£giptyffide:

fakohs hovfe^ from folk^offpeech-radc,

fndah becam e his fancluarie i

and hisfeigmorie.

Thefeafiw, and avpaj itfled:

the river farde?t^j backjurned.

The momtmns leaped like to rarnmn

thehtlls^ like to theflocksyong-lamms.

Ofea^ Vphat ajld thee^ that thoufiedfl!^

0 JarderUy that thoH back^ turnedfl?

O moHntains^ that ye leapt Uke rammsfye hills

^ Itke to theflocksjong-lamms?


O tremble earthy before the Lord:

before thefhee^ offakobs God.

That tarns the 7(ock ,to ^ater lak^t

the flmt^ a ^atersfoHntuim makes.

Ffdlm. Ji4

Sing this as the 104. Pfalm

iEgypt: thehowfeoflaa

kob/ro a people of a barbarous-fpeech.

2 . ludah was for his fanduarie: Ifrael,

his dominions.

5. Thefeafaw, and fled; thelarden,

turned-about backward


^TTEcMountaynSjleaped like ramms:

the hills, like yonglings of the flock.

5. What ayledth^c. ofea, that thou

^eddeft: 6 larden, that thou turnedft-a-

bout backward? 6. O mountains, that

ye leaped like ramms:ye hills,like yong-

lings ofthe flock? 7. At the prefence of

the Lord,tremblethou earth: at the pre-

fence, oftheGodoflaakob. 8. That

turneth the rock, a lake ofwaters: ;hc

hint, to a fountaine of waters.

K^nnotathns. -

t^CVf . I . barbarous-fl?eechl 0^ , fpeaking-barbarouflyyof a flrange, rude, uncouth language,, t

\J3o;rtjrpiitic onelp iifeh; anp mrancth alt fpcrrij that \xtm not imbcr|fooh of <6oD^ ^ a /

people; \nhtth that fpcahetjl, t0 called efth’^ipoffle a Barbarian, that a llranger. I. Cor.-.P^f^

14,11 .eben ab here alfo the Chaldee mrneth it.^paltnaUp it meaneth fwch ajs fpeafi acrainfl

mfaitfh the language ofCanaan. Ifa. li?. 18. b. 2. ludah} that 1^1 , the congrega-tion ofthat tribe, bJljkhbJa^niOll p,zto'paI,Num.2.5.& 7^11. & JO, 14. Wa5]czbecame;mid It ofthe femmme gender , to fignifp the Congregation , ufnallp namcd"ad3ugh ter , ajS

Pfal. ^.1^, his fan6tuaiy]fanblitie; C^fandifieation; bJhkB<©Cdhad filUftlfied tO dtell

omong them *. Levit. 19,2. & 20,7,2^. & 2^,1 1,12. 2 Cor.^.n<. dominions] oj domina-tions (feigneuries,) tiding ObCt the ttlhejS bp imt0 mid fpmt. b. 3 . The fea] the redfea, through


3hkfiSftatlpujTed;Exod, 14.21. Pfal.77,i7.& 78. 13.& ^6.6^


the larden] the great tibet in the land of Canaan, iof.3. pfal . 66 b.4. The moun-tains] Sinai, Hoieb and other hiHs^ In the bJiIderne^Quahed, Exod. 19. 18. Hab. 3. 6 , 10. pfal.

62.9, ^0leapingiS>UfCdalf0mPfal.29.6, yonglings ] ||eb^ fonns; Uicamng lambs:fbverfe 6 . b. ^ . What apUd}hee]o;i,what Uiajg to thee? fe.y.At the prefence] 0^ At the face,0? Before the1lO|d.i'C?the|ephjafe^ are nfednidlffcrentlp; a^milliphnei,at the prefence,I .Chr. I ^.33 .tis liphnei,before; Pf.9f^,i3.^0 Milliphnei, b«fore,0^ fro the face, i.Chr. 19 . 18 .foj

tohtch in Sam. io.i8.tbMiphnei,before. tremble thou] with paynas a woman in travel,fce

tothefoimerauepion, mibtfierfoae map alfo be turned, the

- earth

nr»^n-r ' T


aSt Pfalm. CXV.•arth Cfemble(!, (ag Ofcfet^tb tl Pfal. ^t?b fo th«

earth was fhaken. 8 » the flint] ftart) flintie rock, CjCplSpneb Deut. 8 .if.

Compareifa. 41. i8.

Pfalm. 1 15. rfalm. us-

I, ''^TOtuntouSjIehovah; notun-

to us :but unto thy name,give

tbcglorie: for thy mercie, for thy truth.

-2. WherforeQiould the heathens fay:

irher« now, their God?

3 . And our God w in the heavens :

trhatfoever pleafeth him, hedoeth.

4. Their idols,<frf (ilver and gold: the.

work, of the hands ofearthly-man.

5. A mouth they have, &fpeaknot:

eyes they have, and fee riot.

6. Ears they have, and hear not: a

nofe they have, and fmel not.

7. Hands they have, and feel not;

feet they have, and walk not: they make

no found with their throat.

8 . Like them,be they that make them


every-one, that trufteth in them.

9. Ifrael, trufl thou in lehovah: he^

their help, and their Qieild.

10. Howfe ofAaron,truft ye in Tehc-

vah: he their help, and their flieild.

1 1 . Ye that fear lehovah, rruft in le-

hovah: he is their help, and their (heild.

12. lehovah, hath remembred us

be wil blefs he wil blefs, the howle of

Ifrael; he wil blefs, the howfe ofAaron.

13 He wil blefs, them that fear Icho-

vah: the fmal , with the great.

14. lehovah w'lll add unto you ; un-

to you, and unto your fonns.

sing this as the 106. Pfalm.

/. Ot untom LOKDy not to


thegloriegwrus fir thy mcrcie,

andfir thy veritee.

2, O Voherfirefljould the hethen^foli

fay: Voher is now^ their God?

y. Tut our God is in heavens: he dooth^


4. Their tdol-^ods^Jilver andgold:

the Voork ofmens hands bee.

/ . ty^mouth they have^ and doo not/poakji

have eyes, and doo notjee.

6. Bars have they,and they doo not hear :

have nofe^ and doo notfmel.

7. Feet have they^ and they doo not Voalkji

have handsyand doo not fiel:

They Voith their throat doo make nofounds

/. Like unto therrut bethofe

that doo them make: ech-one that doothy

his trufi in them repefe .

9. O ^fraely trufi in thee LORD:their helpy andfhetld is hee.

10. O Arons howjcy trufi in the LORDltheir help andfimld is hee.

i /. Te thatfiar fjdHytrufi in the LORD^timr helpy andfhetld he is.

12. Jehovah hath remembred us


he bounteoufly>VOiUblefil


he blefiVetl bounteoufij;


blefiVoil he bounteoufiy.

I y. Hele blefi them that JehovahfiarZ

djefmaly Vpithgreater ones.

' i4 'Jehovah add Veil untoyow:

' (0 yotv, and toyour fimis.^ tLTleJi15. Bkffed

mm. CXV. CXVLBicrted Jbal yow i^,ofIchovah : tj, TUJft(\^^\yowofphov^hhtt:


V^'htch made the earth and heavettj-

16. Heavens heavens ^ehovahs are: and th*(ttr$bf

he Adamsjcnns hathgiven^

17 . The deadyfi»r any domuhatges

tofilencCy praife not fAH.IS, *Bht ^e^il hlef^ah; hertce^hth attd

^firajc; Halidtijah,

which made, the heavens and earth

i 5 . The heavens the heavens, arelc-

hovahs: and the earth, he hath given to

the fonns ofAdam


17. Not the deadjfhal praiTe lahiney-

ther, any that goe-down to filcnce,

x8. Bur we wilblefs lah; from this

time and for ever; Halclii-;ab.


?rf. r . No t to us] 0jjfor us. pfalm tJe ^jecfe jopttetg Im'tfi tfje fo^mctjanb tttafeet!|

apartoft^e iH.pfahfi. ^cethenoteenPfahio.i. p, x^now] 0^1 pray, livpojbdftntreating,bittufcD{jercmtnoc6aac. ^eePfal. 7^.10. p. 3. And ]o^ But our God.

3|t a fio^ of inlltgnatioil ap pfal. z.6 . P. y. They have ] fs to them.

(peak not ] OJ cannot fpeak: apPraI. 77,y. aub fo tftcreft. <Coaipace ler.

io.3,4,y,9. &c. Dcut. 4.28. P.7. found] o^mutter,meditate, fee Pf. 1.2.

P. 9 , ifrael]^gec[)utc|)t3)5eteDiftmgutf&eDmtot8^cegar^^ r.iiraehoj tfi^bebpeftBf

tomon pjea(t§ : z. Aarons howfet^ntlttUllerSfianD 3. the fearers oF the Lord, tijat tjSilran-" '

gers, converts Ofa(natton0: A6t. x.y. & 10.35. ^0 after verf. 12,13. & PFal. 118. 2.3.4. J *1!?*^*.

trull thou] t()e<©jeebfapt|^,hath truilcdjauD fo t(jc rep. tf\t notep on Pf.xx.9* & 1 14*7. 7^1^*iheir helpjto POeCt,which trulHn him. (I^^Utnnp be fo^ your help-.OllC ptrfo put fOjailOti)fr>

fl]5oftci35-^cpr.y9>io.^5.7.&8o.7.]r}jat !p,childre C|pollemie.4'tePf.H3.9.

p. 12. wil biefs] topjeetus; ap tgf tunut^ it, being mindiul of us, hath bleffed us.

;&eet!)difeePjantjUiPf. P. 13. fmal] od^de, m ageo:De<»grte. ^0Rev.ii,i8. P* 14. wil add unto ] Ojadd upon you^ tjjat |p, increafeyou,aj3Deut.i.ii. Ifa.iiS.iy, OJ, add fjip blefflligP . P. 15. ihal you be of]o^,areyou to leho- *

vah: thattd, by him . ^eetbelibephjafe,Gen. 14.19. 2.Sani. 1.5. P. hchathgiven]

0^ unbetn;ana , which he hath given: foj the earth alfO l^ Pfal. 24. ? . tfjOUgb heaven pjo^

yeclpid|)!dbtuelltngplaccjpctnotabletofontcpiiftnn.i.King.8.3o.27. P.17. tofilence]

the grave, tfie place offUeiue anDquietnepi; apiob. 3.17.18. ^eeprai.94,17.^

2.4- Pfalm. J16.

1. T love, bccaufe Ichovah heareth,

JLmy voice^my fupplicacions.

2 Becaufe he bowed his car unto me:and in my dayes, I wil cal.

3 The pangs ofdeath compalTed me;and the llrayt-afflidions of hel 1 found diftrefsand forow”.

4. And I caled on the name ofleho-Tah: Oh lehovah deliver my foul.

5. Gracious


Ffitlm, iiS,

Sing this as the 74. P(Mm.


ybecAHfe fehovah dooth

my voice my prayers hear,

tAnd in my dayes Wil caly bccaufe

he boivd to me his ear.

The panos fdeat h dtd compafmc%

ofhel did alfofind me’ont :

Jfoundgreifand diflrfp,

tAnd on hhovahs namef calldi

$hLORD now ridd myfowL

.Oo /. Cracfcm

Pfalm. CXVI.

S* Gracious Tehovah /.y and Juft: and4>ur God /V merciful.

6. lehovah keepeth thefimple: I wasbrought-low, and hefaved me.

7. Return 6 my fowl, unto thy reft :

forichovah ,hath hofwteoHfly-vcwsLvd^

unto thee.

8. Becaufe thou haft releafed my fowl,

from death ; mine eye from tears i myfoot from Riding.

9. I wil walk-on, before lehovah: in

the lands, ofthe living.

10. Ibeleeved, therforedid Ifpeak:

was afflided vehemently.

1 1 . I, did fay in my baftening-away;

every earthly-man i/ a Iyer.

j 2. What flial I render to lehovah :

al his boHtnifrl-Yt^^rds unto me?

13. I wil takc-up the cup of falvati-

ons: & wil cal on the name oflehovah.

14. My VOwes, to lehovah I wil pay:

in the prefence now of al his people.

i/i Precious, in the eyes oflehovah;

is the death, of his gracious-fainds.

16. Oh lehovah, furely I thy fer-

vant; I aw thy fervanr, the fon of thine

hand-mayd ; thou haft unloofed, mybands,

17. Totheewil Ifacrifice, afacrifice

ofconfeflion : & wil cal on the name of


1 8 . My vowes, to lehovah wil I pay:

in the prefence now, of al his people.

19. In the courtSjOf the howfe of Ic-

liovah;in the midds of thee,6 lerufakm;


CrAciom fehovah is aitdiit/^i

and our ^od mcrafid,

6. fthovab dm h.the fiw^U keefi

f even low- ffspprcft

7^ and he didfive we,_ O myfovel^

retHrn unto refi^

Becaufe "Jehovah bounteouflyrewarded hath to thee,

$, Becaufe my (owl awayfrom death

then haft releafed-free;

mine eyefrom tears, my fotfr'mfrilp, Befirejehovah^f

in lands ofthem that living are^

U-j/ ^alk^contWHally,


f did heleev, therfire ![poke


J was in fore dtftreft,

n,J in my hafttning did (dy i'

echman alyar'is.

12, iVhat [hallgive the LORT>: for bhrewards unto me all?

ly, I take Hp the CHp ofhealths:

and on the L0R7)S name calL -


prefence now ofal his fil^


/le pay the LORD my vowes*

15, T^reciotu is in lehovahs eyes

death ofhisSatn[ls-gracioeiSf

16, Oh now lehovah, thyfervant

thyfervantJure amJ ann theJon ofthy handmaydl

my bands thou didft untye*

jj. Sacrifice ofconfijfwrLj,

'J unto thee Wilflay:

.and cal upon lehovahs name,

18, To lidH my vowes He pay i

in prefence now cfal his folkf

tf. In courtsof tty howfe ofIAH^m midds ofthee le-rufdlinu:

0 HdlUauh^


^frf. I . I love] to toCCt the Lord : o;t I am lovingiy-affe<fted, arh welpleafcd. ,

Jcrebc^imftftthe fcetI),i. pviibaficr, bcifr 10. heareth]1

CJ wil hear , tO VUCft continually. b. 2 . and] tljat 10,therfore wil I cal^ oj, when I did cal.

my dayes] tljat 10, wiles I live r 0^ dayes ofaf!lid:ion,aiJ lob. 50. i . fee Pfal. 1 1^,84. & 3 7,1a.;j

q payees ;tCinyat$PUlm»i8. ft, .feel] the fhte ofdeaths ojgrave^ji


fee found] camcuponme. ^0 i.Chron.10.5. Nehem.f^i^.Fllh.

Plki,ii 9 ,i 43 . 10. T. Qh] 0?I befeech thee ! 6-now . ^fbjCU3 Anna nub Na

0uetoozD^oftnttcatmgja5St(i?<i5zeeluNai;Phile.i«2o,Rev.i.7. brought-low],Vf

drawn-drye, weakned^anDaffiifted: fcePfal.4i,i. & 7p.8. jT tJ.7* thy^] thequietcom-

thelmnV] in'this world; ’^cePfal.z7 .i 3 * lo- therlorejtfjcllJcbjUCKi.ForJslj[5Cre* T

ufeb foi therfore , a0 tgc <©icdi tranflatetfj, anb allcUoctO, z. Cor.4 .15. ^0 map




it alfo be taben,i.Sam.a,ziifo t&e hodj Luk.7 .47 * for loved, tfjat Ij^,therlore ihe*'*

lovedmuch. i|eretlie<jpjecbbcrfcon,begimietl)tSc u. myhaften- ®

ing] through fear; in my ecftafie (0^ traunce): |ec Pfal. 3 1 .23

.gevetOW Oppofeb his qui- ^ -


etnes,Pfal.3o,7. ff every man] even the Prophets,which have promifed me the kingdom dec


*r»j ti-r^r

it mtegtla^i^abib^lnfimiitp in bceb.every manmrefpcctofopob,isalyer,anb '

/ttiiabletoftelpintuttecfnceb;Num.z3 .i 9^Kom. 3.4. Pfal.33517. b. iz. fc? ai] fo tge ’rir

<©ieeIifMppttetgtgebJojb for; anb bp rewards, gemeanctgbenefites, a^verfey. Compare '


i.fheC3.9. z.Chron,3z.zy. b^ 13- the cup offalvations ] 0^ ot healthes : tgat 10, of^,

thankPtiving for Gods faving health and deliveranceofme. foi metCtflS rcfCibCb , tgc

elites&b to offer peaceCor thank) offringsibogetof tgep bib eat,anb tt]om Moit tljc ?lojb;'

anb at their banfeet^, tcoU up tge cup of toJtnc in tgcir ganb0, anb blefTeb d5ob: caicb tgere-

upoiuhecupofbleiTing,,!^. ^0 our Xojb, at tficfea(lof tgct^afTcber,took the

cup and gave thankS) Luk, 2Z.17. r i».tgat 10,

proclaym anb preach <5ob0 mercies :foverfeiy. b* Precious a c. ] that 10 , God

wil not eafily fufter his faindls to be llayn: fee Pfal. 7 i,i4 . ^0 the ibul iti fapb to be precious,

iBgen thelifeisfpared; i.Sam,z5.3U zKmg.1,13. b> 16, handmayd] born thy fervanc

inthyhoufe: fee Pfal. 8^.1^. bands] tgati0 , hah fet me at lib^tiej (a0 lob.39 .8 )

from amiaionsjlfa.z 8 .z 2 .afimtlitubetaseilfcomcaptive5,lfa« 5:2,z* b*i 7 * confdii-

on] tgatt0 a thank-offring; fec Pfal. fo,i4.

Pfalm. ii7«

I. jpRaiftlehovah, al ye gentiles


lawd him, al ye peoples

1. For his merde,is mightie towards

us; and the faithful nes oflehovah endti^

rah for ever; Haleiu-jah.

Ffalm, 177.

Sing this as the 108 Pfalm*

/. 7raife Uhovah^dyeger}tiki:Uvcdhimytt

2 , alpedpla. For to tu his mercies mightie bee^^

and mto aye

lehovahsfkithfilnes endures;


Annotations. /

t^erf. I . Gentiles] 0| nationS3al togicg atC CjCfjOJteb to glorify <!5ob,fo;i Obtepnmg mercy by »

Chrifl:,b3g0 hath received us into the glorie of GodiU^ tg’^pOfdefgebJCtg fvo tgi0 fctipture,^/|^ ’--ii.

Pfalm. 1 18.

1. /^Onfefs ye to lehovah for he is

V^good : for hi^ mercie endareth

(or ewer.

2 . Lee Ifrae! now fay; that his mercie

endHrethhr ever,.

5. Lee

pfalm iiS.

. - Sing this as the 24. Pfalm.

/. /^OnfsfJehovahfir hee'sgoodi

fir his merciefir aye,

i. That hfs merciefir ever is



Oo z U

Pfalm. CXVIII.

i8. lah chafHfing chaflifed me: and /«?• cha^ifedme:

gave me not, to the death. butgave me mt^ to death.

ip. Open ye unto me the gates of '9 - Ope»je,miomth,ga,u

juflice : that I may enter into them,may ,


confefslah^,^ that I may emer into them^^

.may unto lah conUf.

gate cflehovahiinto which, 20. Thi^-fame'fthovahs gate: m fvhkh

the jufi-menfljal enter.the juft fhal enter

21. Iwil confefs thee, becaufe thouhaft anfwered me: and haft bceiuo me,forafalvation.

2 2. The ftone '^hkh the builders re-

fufed: is become for head of the corner.

21, 1 conffto thee^ becaufi

thougavefi me anfiver:

tAnd tJjou hafi myfilvatten hcetL*\

22, The Stone the butlders did

contemptoufly-refitfe: tt is

become the corners head.

2^, This offehovah^as: it \s

in our eyes marvetloHS.

23. This was oflehovah : it U mar-

velous in our eyes.

24. This h the day, lehovah naade: 24, This day, fehovah made: ink

let us be glad, and rejoyce in it. beglad andjoy let us.

2 5 . Oh Jehovah, fave now: ph leho- 2s. Oh now Jehovahfive : eh now

vah, profper now. LORDgive profpentie.

16. Blefledfehethatcometh.mthe ^6- He^atcomesin'ithiyvahsnioM

name oflehovah: we blefs you,out ofthe howfe oflehovah.

27. God,« lehovah; and hath given-

light unto us: bind yce the kz^-offnngs

with cords: unto the horns, of the al-


28. Thou my God and Iwil con-fers thee: my God^ I wil exalt thee.

2^. Confefs ye to lehovah for he is

good : for, h/s mercie endureth for ever.

0 bkjjed let him bee:

A bleJfing-We-doo-^ipj to yew,

out oflehovahs howfe,

2^. God is lehovah, and he hath

light-given unto us:

^ith cords, unto the altars homes

thefiafl,offings bindyee.

2$. Thou zxtmy Godandthanl^flfy^

^tllconff to thee:

my ^od, and thee exalt ^ilL2^, Conffto lehovah,

for he isgood:for, hts mercie



for he] OJ,that he is goodrfo verfe ^9, JJ.4. that fearl ftrangers Of a! itattBtljS

fo^e gf mcntlOlUtJ tfte church anh minifters: fee Pfal.iTf^. ItJ. rr~with a iarge-roumth]

by bringing me into it^ag 10 emeffchPfal.i^ &4.i. forme] tO iBCCt anhelper, tfic <3^eck eyplapnctfi ; tofjkij tft’^iCpoflle folotoetft Heb. 13. alfa PCals6,s. • r *.

7 * with them that help me] in (lead ofal helpers: fee a IihepfeafC;PfaU4.^.®JCfaptP, mine helper * fee on them} tCUJttt, their reward3 0l vengeance, .

CftalDCC cpplapnetf). ^C?P(al. 5’

4 ,9 .&^i,S. b. 10. but in&c.]0?3inthenameoflc<*^^ipil

^ mtenf) tottfi tijv former ;tBe €fjaim ^

touBtBt0lamt;anBfomtfiebetfc0fatoto^^ B. iz. werequenched] cj( ontfie‘




2,4. Pfalm. CXVIII. CXIX.

lonttarpwere klndlea.a^ bctft t!)e <©jcfft aii&CBalattuco tranflafe ft. fig»

nifl>econtr8dc0,aSbaractoblefsanDtOcuife,i.King.ii. 13. 'Sfjefyre of thorns UbOJOfoon

fetntPljt) , anb foon quencjjeb: fo eiwmiejS. for] oj but m the name &e.

to 13. Thrufting&c. ] tJsatfsS.Thoudidilforely thruft: fpeafiingto tgetimuie; an^«biaifme’oftcn uftb ; as after ver. 18. ^0 Cutting thalbe cut off. Num. If, 30. tpat iss, tol dye

without mercie, Heb. 10.


8 . to. 14. foag] cjmeiodicj tfjatftoj whomlfinglawd-

unto. /StftisiiSitafEenftomExod. ir.i,foIfa.ii,’.. for a falvation] O?,afalvatton; tljat

is hathfaved 01 refkuedme, agamftmfnecncmie0,aiSi tof^ere tOeliHeyffiafe

IDjWeD : fo after ,verfe i r . tfte toojD tor , map be omttteb, fomtime m tfte it felf,

z toiuuarebtositfj 1. King. 11.11. to. ir. falvauon] t|)atIto,vidtorie, aS

L Ptai. 98 . ! Olthanksfor falvation^ a3 pr. 116 . 15 . ^CtRev.ip^i. ceiits]tbatt35dwei-

J*!?? ling-places^but fpoben Of


3 in \Barr3,o^fo^fbo^t continuance; Heb,n

faincfsRev.10.9 ^eeairoi.Chron.31.1. to. i8. gave] oidelivered:foEzek. 3 i.i4 .

^ *to. 19. gates of Mlice] tfjati0, ofGods fanauarie, tBeoatt^toofferoftojeretobeoptncbtop

tfict&icifftoanblLetoitefi, foimcntotomeanbfertoet|)e 1!Loib,i.Sam. 3.1;. €alcbgat«of

a'j, t ja!h«; betaufe onclp thejull and dean migljt enter into tljcm , ato verf. 10. ifa. is 1. /-Chr.

1? 19.Rev.11.17.^

to.ii. The ftone&c] 55ptl)tSi Hone, tfStneant David f)imfelf,anb

a» htofonchriftt bptfic builders, are meant tjjecfieit men of3,frael, tftat refufeb David anb

'•• •• Chrifttoretsnotoertftem: Mat.11,41. Adl.4 ,ii. for head] tljatlto, the chieUorner

Itone, toJlittftcou»let&anbfa|lnet!itBebmlbm3:fcealfolfa.ik,i 8 . i.Pet. i.dy.s. Efhe.i.

: »oii. )j. 14. made] tjattto, preferred in honour above others: fo making fomtime

niiry fiamfictfi, a^ i.Sam. if767anbt{)emakingofaday,tj!tStfanaifyinganbobfervingoftt,Deu.

" 5.1J Exod.34.11. 5llf0day,itotDewholetimeotgraceinClirift, iCor.e:,!.

, to ij. favenowloi, Ibeleechthefave: ini^eblueHofliiah-na,ojHoranna,a0 ltt^onnb4

"v’'*'!'Vbtn<S5iec6 ,Mat.n,?,!?. toiDere t[|e people anb iLilbrentoeltemeCIJiKl n«o 3enifa*

«»-i Icm.finatnn Hofanna the fon ofDavid,tfiat ip,piaptng <6ob >noP

taJljO tljcn came in the name of the Lord . to,i4 . tfiatlA t e in„

( Cftltll) that cometh in the name ( potojetmb aUtf)0|tW ofthe Lord .

weblefsyou] tOefe fcemtobettje®rftoJD}bPi to3tiofeofTitctoJaptobies<©oW^^^

fdhvitieT^WtoJoib WiufebfojafeiHval^ itofomtime ftsuratttoeIp wfSo tBefSrt^eUttjWfWtoExCtll It here. Chrilt 10 Caleb our Paffover, i . Cor. r, 7* tftat 10 ,

our Pafchal-lamb *

•nbva with cords] igffpjStoJOlb lb fomttmeUfcbfOl thick twitted cords, lu^. 15,13.

thick branches of titejs, ufcb at fome feafip.Ezek. 19,1 1 Xevit. 13.40.

map ttoJO tijapess be renb; bind the featt with thick branches, OJ bind the

botftincan one tiling, tfjatmcnffloulbliceptge feflitoitp tontft jop anb tftai&sito ^otoja^

.” 3frael ufcb at tficit foltmnittep . «"«> homes] tfiat Ito, al the Comt over , until you

in|5 come even to the horns ofthe altar; llltenbtng fiertbp many facrifices, 01 bong es.

Pfalm. 119 .


pfalm. itp.

This may be fung alfo as the 8 8.PMm



I. Bleffed are they that are per-

V.^fe£fin way; they that w'alk , in

the U\r oflehoyah, ^


O bkifed,

BLepdaxe th^ thatferfia are m 'Wap

th^ Aat dao Walk,, inldff ofjehovah .


2. O bleffed, m they that keep his

teftimonies: they feck him with all

the hart.

5 . Alfo, they work npt iniquitie:

hit walk in his wayes.

4 Thou,ha(i comanded thy precepts;

tobeobferved vehemently.

y. Oh that my wayes were direded;

to obferv thy ftatutes.

6 Then ftial I not be abaflied: when

I have refpea, untoaH thy comande-



7. 1 wiltonfcfs thee, with righteouC.

nes of hart:whcn I fliall karn,the judg-

ments ofthy juffice.

%. I wil obferv thy ftatiices : forfakc

thou me not untovehemencic . ^

D9. Wherwith Gial a yong-man cleanfe

his way? by taking-heed, according to

thy word.

10. With al my hart have I fought

thee; let me not wander from thy com-

mandements.11 . In mine hart, havelhiddthy

fayings: that, I might not fynn againft


1 2 Ble{fed,dr/ thou lehovahjkarn methy Matures.

1 3 . With my lipps have I toId:al the

Judgements ofthy mouth.

14. In the way of thy teftimonies'

have I joyedias above al ftore-of-rithes.

1 5. In thy precepts wil I meditate:&

wil have refped unto thy wayes.

i5. In thy ftatutes wil I delight-myfdf; I wil not forget thy words.


Bkjfedthey that hk tefhtnoTim keep:

they thatfir him With al the hart dooJeek_.

a orcover^they that have vot praBifed

iniquitie : but in his '^ayes talked .

T.hy precepts^ thou haftgtv*n commandement :

to be ohferved ^ith heed vehement ,

^ Oh that my Wayes direBed Werefirmly i

fr to obferv thy precepts heedfilly•

Thenpal J not bepamed: When IpalreJpcB have, unto thy commandments al.

^ Wil confifi thee With harts rightcoupes:

when 1pal learn thyjudgments ofijuflefi.

H Thyflames f obferv Wil heedfully :

0 thoHfirflke me not vehemently

^ 2 ^

2 Wherwith his Way cleanpalajongmmaccording to thy Wordy heedfor to tak$.

With al my hart I carefullyfeekjhee:

from tfjy commandmentsyWander let not meK

^ Thy faying 1 1 have hiddmy hart Wtthtn^


to-tlsend-thaty I might not againfl theefjjtj^

2 Jehovah thou mo^Miffed ever art:

thyftatutes doBrme unto me impart.

5 J With my Ups did openly-declare:

the judgements al, that out eft/y mouth arCi

3 Joy doo J in Way ofthy Wttnefjcsi

as above all abundance-ofnches.

^ In thy precepts doo I ftiUmeditatn

flypathwayesulfij doo ecntcmpktu

3 J in thy (latutes fweetly-folace mee:

1 ofthy Words Wil notforgetful bee.

17 -

3 Pfalm.

17, ^oHmeonfly^tQw ard unto thy fer-

vane thatlmzy Uve,andobferv thy word.

18 Vneover mine eyes that 1 may fee:

the marvelous-/^w£j of thy law.

19. Aftranger theearth;hide

pot thou from me, thy comandements.

20. My foul is broken-fmal with de-

fire : unro thy judgements in al time.

21. Thou hafl: rebuked, the prowd

accurfed ; that wander, from thy com-mandements. 22. Turn thou from on

me ,reproch and contempt : for I have

kept thy tcftimonics.

23. Princes alfo did fitt, they fpakc

againft me: thy fervant, meditateth in

thyhatuces. 24. Alfo thy teftimonies,

mre my dclytes; the men ofmy counfcl.

Tly. My fowl cleaveth to the duft:

quickethou me,according to thy word.

2(5. I told my wayes,& thou anfwer-

edft me; teach me thy fiatutes.

27. Make me to underftand the way

of thy precepts : and I wil meditate, on

thy marrctlous-lVor/t^. 2 8.My fouldrop-

peth forheavyncs: raifcthoumeup,ac-

cordingto thy word. 29. Take-away

from me, the way offaUliood: and gra-

cioully-give me thy law. 30. The way

of faichfulnes I have chofen: thy judge-

ments 1 have propofed. 31. I have clea-

ved to thy teftimonies: lehovah, let me

oot be abaQied. 32. I wil run the way of

thy comandements: when thou (halt in-

large mine hart.^

( H )

3 3 . Teach me 6 lehovah, the way of

ihy ftatutes: that I may keep it unto the

«nd. 3^. Makemetounderfiand, that

I may keep thy law; & obferve it with all

the hart. 3;. Make me to tread, in the

path of thy comandements: for in it, I

take-pleafure. 36. Incline mine hart,un-

to thy tcftimonie;?: and not unco cove-,


CXIX,t * ^ 4 ,

Tie^dipard thou to tJ^yfervor?,



that live and fo obferv thy Word may /,

JjVneover thou mine eyes that / nsayfenthe marvciloHS tihngs that ofthy law beC.

k fSjottrnour Iam the earth upost^ i

hide not ihoH thfcommandements me fi'onu^

% My (owl it With defre is broken-fmal ;

to tfjy judgments in time cominuai

•jThe ^rowd accurfty thou haft rebuilt

that dooftom thy commandmernsgoe-aftray.

J[Turn thoufrom me» contempt and opprobrttz

bccaufe thy teftimonies kept have /.

3 T*rmcesfit alft^fpeech agawft me ufn

thyfervantyhe dooth on thyftatutos mufe,

3 ttyilfo thy teftimoniesythey have bcn

myfiUcing-delytes: my counfeUmetu*

* 4jtr

«» tJ^yfowl dooth to the duft affixed- cteavex

• according to thy Wordy thou me revive,

*-|<JMy Wayes I have declared

yand ofthe$

' / anfiver had: thyftatutes teach thou mee.

fj^ake me to underftand thy precepts Wi^l

that in thy marvels,meditate / may,

•J fJMy fowl It dropperh-it2irsfor heavy-payru:

according to thy Wordy me rayfe-agayn„,

Take thou from me the Way offriftty:

and thy lawgive thou to megractoujly.

The Way ofconftant-fkiihfidnes p chofei

thy judgment J before me didpropofe,

T VntothyteJimoniescleav-J-fkft:

let me not 0 Jehovah be abajht.

^ The Way ofthy commandments run Wilji^ When thoujhaU largely mine hart amplifier

w Jehovah teac h t hou me thyftatutes Wayi^

* that keep thefame unto the end / may,

«-• ' e prudent make that kyep thy law may f;,

* and With th'whole harty ohftrv it heedfully.

PIcommandments make me modi

for in the fame J have myfcljpleafed,

PIfnclind my hart unto thy Wuneffis:

- md not to covetoM-gayn-thirfftm,


57. Turn-ao^ay mmecyes, frofeingfalfe-vanitie: quicken me in thy wayes.

5 8. Confirm to thy fervanc thy faying:

which, is given to the fear of thee.39. Turn-away myreproch,whichIamafrayd-of:for,thy judgements are good.

Loe I have-a-defire to thy precepts;in thy juftice quicken thou me. (^)

41. And let thy mercies come to meolehovah: thy falvation, accordingtothy faying. 42. And I ftial anfvirer himthat reprochetb me:becaufe I hav truft-

edinrhyword. 45. And pul not thouout ofiny mouth,the word of truth un-tb vdiemencie ; becaufe I have bopeful-ly-wayted for thy judgements. 44.And1 wil obferv thy law continually; for everand perpetual-ayc. 45 . And 1 dial walkin a large-roumth: becaufe,! hav foughtthy precepts. 46. And I wil fpeak of thyteaimonies,w the prefenceofKingsjandnot be abafhed. 47.And I wil delyte myfclfin thy comandements; which I haveloved. 48. And I wil lift up my palmes


to thy comandemets which I hav loved;and wil meditate on thy ftatutes. (J)^49. Remember the word to thyfer-

yatdor which thou haft made me hope-fully-to-wayt. /o. This my comfort inmine affli6lion;that thv faying quicken-cth me, 51, Theprowd, have fcornedme unto vehemcncie: fro thy law,! havnotdeclined. fa.ffcmembred thyjudg-ments ofold olehovah: and comfortedmyfelf. ^3. A burning horrour hathtaken- hold on me

, for the wicked : theforfakers,ofthylaw. /4. Thyftatuteshave been fongs to mee; in the howfe ofmy pilgrimages, y 5 . T remembred,fnthe night chy name 6 lehovah: and ob-ferved,thy law. 56. This was tome:be-caufe I kept chy precepts.

57* My

CXIX.*jR^movtmm eyesfhmfeewg Vimltee :

and in thy Wayes altve-conjtrv tfjoftwee,

•ii. Firm let thy faying to thyJervam b^f:* >^htch is addi&d to the ftar ofti^ee.

That7nyreproch^WlM /firfiar;^bm^are,turn thou a';vay:firgood thy iudgments are.Loe to thy precepts a defire p hetvei

tfm in thyjitfitce doo alive-me-Qve.

^ 6 ^

<iAnd let thy mercies come to me 0 LORD:thyfiving-healthy according to tfjy Word»

^^ndmy reprocher anfiver mak£fhd /;

fir in thy V^erd f tmfl’^ajfiircdly.

^ayLnd Word oftruth pullnot With vehemencefrom my mouth: fir, I Waytfir thyludgmemt.

^tAnd I Wil keep thy Uw continually


' ^r ever and to perpetmtie.

tAnd in a large-toumih IJhal Walk~abounI fir thy precepts Iftudmfiy-fakjmt.


y^ndm Kings prefence, ofthy Witneffes

fpeakjWtl I^andnot blufij With-bafhfidnes*

* And I Wil/dUce^me-delfghtfiilly,

in thy cammandemems; Which hve doo L^And Wil lift-up my palms to thy precepts

which I doo lovc'y and mufe on thy prefcrip(s»

^"Remember thou thy Word to thy fervant :

^fir Which to Wayt-Wdh^hope thou dtdft thegrant*

^This is my comfort in my mtferee:

that thy promife Jltve-prefcrveth mee,

jTheproWd havefeornd me very veh*mentfy:bu tjfiym thy law declined have not L

jThy \udg(mems I ofoldrememberedJehovah

; andmy[elfI comforted,

y A burnivg-horrour hold on me ddtzike.fur Wicked men; that doo thy lawforfik^'

J Songs unto me be thy prefcrtptionsi

in howfe ofmy peregrinations,

\ Thy name Jehovahy Jremembered

by night: thy lawlik^wife obferv J did.t This hath been unto me,becaufe that Jhave thy precepts obferved-heedfiillj,




ftpt n Pfalm.

57. My portion,lehovah I have fayd;

toobferv thy words. 58. 1 haveearnch-

ly-befoughtjthy face with a) the hart; be

gracious to me,according to thy faying.

55?. I thought upon my wayes; and tur-

ned my feet,unto thy teftimonies. 60.


madc-haft, & delayed not: to obferv thy

comandements. 61, Bands of the wic-

ked have robbed me: thy law,Ihave not

forgotten, 62. At midd night,wil I rile

to confefs unto thee: for the judgments

©fthyjuftice. 63. l^acompanion,roal that fear thee: and chat obferv, rhy

precepts. 64. The earth is full, of thy

mercie Tehoyah; learn me thy itatutes.

D^5. Thou haft doon good with thy ftr-

yant: Jehovah, according to thy word.

66. Learn me goodnes ofreafon and

knowledge: for, I have bcleeved in thy

comandements. 67. Bi fore I was af-

flided, I \\>a^ adray: but now, I obferv

thy faying. 68. Good thou and do-

«ft good; learn me thy ftatutes. 69. Theprowd have forged againft me falfhood;

I,with al the hart,doo kt ep thy precepts.

70. Their haft is grofs as fat: I, in thy

law have delyted my fclf. ,fi is goodforme that T was afflicted : that, I maylearn thy ftatutes. 72, Tihelawofthy

mouth u bertt r to me; th ' ’» rhoalands

ofgold and fllver. (1)

73. Thine hands have made me, and

fafliioned me: make-n»e ound rftand,

that I may learn thy conimandements .

74, They that fear thee, fli: l fee me and

xejoyce: becaiife, I have hopefully way-

ted for thy word. 75. I know lehovah,

that thy judgments 'ire jufticc: and \^ith

faithfulnes, thou haft alflifted me.

76. Oh let thy mercie be to comfort

m : according to thy faying unto thy


CXIX.* s

portion ah fyd Uitve

r to objty v thyjpeeches heedfilfy.

With al mine hart / earnefl-feekjhypcein according to ti:y ^ord to mefoew-graco,

_ f thought upon my \^ayes: myJeet alfi

n thy teft monies J did turn unto .

J hidfii ned ,and no dday dtdmake:

* * to tf:>y lomandements heed to take,

T^,inds fth>e tt’/c ked h.<ve Wx/ h rohhfrU^ * /poild me: tiy LvTyfirgotttn have not p.

1 midnight f rtft^ Wc e to c onff:

n fir the judgements cftf>y jufi-rfghteoujnes,

^ / am companion to al tha' fiar theei

* • and ofthy precepts the ohftrvtrs bc$^

Jehovah yofthy bourn ifiil-mrrcees

* the earth is fidi 0 learn me thy decrees,

* p *

Goodnes thou haft ae compb(hedy 0

^ ^ith thy fervant; actordtrg to tJy veord.

Learn megoodnes ofreafin andfckncei^ fir, ^ beleevm thy commandements.

Before p ^as ajjhEied, p dtdfiray:

^ but noWy p doo obferv \>ehat thou doefl./^j.

Good art thoUy alfigood is doon by thee:

thine ordwantes teach thou unto mee,

0 Tht prowd ag ainhi mefirged have a lyez

With al the hart thy precepti keep doo p.

' Their hart is ''(toexen -grefas fktty^grtfei

^ in thy la^ my fclfdelytefiihplenje,

li'sgood for me^that I affixed Was;

- that / may learn thy cpriftituted-lmes,

r/?tf law ofthy moutl) better is to wr,

ttjan thoufands both ofgold andfilver b#.

^ io>^

Afe made and ftjh\ ned me have thine hands:)

irifirucd mCy that 1 Uarn muythy comunds,

^ Thty that thee far.jhalfee me and beglad:

jvr, f>r thy Word f patient-hope have had,

^ / k^.ow LQR^D , that thy tudgmenrs jufiice hec,

and thou wi ' h fkrhfiihes afilfiefi me,

1 Oh let thy nunie befor myfolace:

ihyfying tothyfervam was.

Let thy tender-mercics come to

ibe that I may live: for thy hw,ts my de-

ly tes. 78. Let theprowd be abafhed,for

fallhood they have depraved me :

Ijdoo meditate in thy precepts. 79. Let

thofet-urn to me that fear thee; & that

LnoWjthy teftimonies. 80. Let my hart

be perfedin thy ftamtes: that^ I be not

abafhed. D8 1 . My fowl fainteth for thy falvati-

©n:I hopefully.way t for thy word.

8 2.Mine eyes fayl for thy faying: faying,

when wile thou comfort me?

S3. Though I am like abottelinthe

frnoke;! have not forgotten thy ftatures.


84. How, many are the dayes of thy fer-

vant? when wilt thou doo judgment onmy pcrfecutors? 85. The prowdhave

digged for me pitts-of.corruptio:which,

not according to thy law. 8^. A 1

thy comandements are faithfulnes: \^ith

falfliood doo they perftcute me, help

thou me. 87. Almoft they had confu-

med me in the earth: but I,have not for-

faken thy precepts. 88. Accordingto

thy mercie quicken thou me: and I wil

obferv, the teftimonie ofthy mouth.

j 89. For ever 6 Jehovah; thy word,

is ftedfaft in the heavens. 90. Thy faith-

fulnes, « to generation and generation:

thou haft ftabliQied the earth and ft lhal

ftand.' 91. To thy judgments, they

Hand thif day : for,they al mxhy fervants.

. Vnlefs thy bw,W heen my delytes:

then had I periflicd in mineaffli^ftion.

93 . For ever, I wil not forget thy pre-

cepts: for by them thou haftquickned

me. 94,. I am thine, fave thou me; for I

have fought thy precepts. 95. Thewicked have wayred for me to deftroy

me: T confiderthy teftimonies. 96, Ofal perfedion I have feen an end ; large «thjrcomaadeiiicnt vehetnendy^

CXIX. 299

^That J may live, came let thy c^edr^mc/ties

to me: fir thy Law my Vphole^filace ist

)Qy^bajhed he ti)c prowd,fir theyfhlJIy

deprave me ; on thy precepts mnje doo p.

S They that theefiarjet them turn me mtoi

they atfi that thy tefltmonies kfjoiv.

^ O let mine hart beper^^ )^itlwtit blame


,in thy decrees: that

'Imay not have [hame.

^ II. *

^^^y doothfuintfor thyplvationi

^ thy Wordf hopefilly.^doo-Wayt vpon*

^JMine eyes doojkilfir pyomife made by thee\

fiytrtgs ^hen '^ilt thou comfirt-give to met


2Though like a bond in thefrnoke am f;djyftatutes ate not from my memorie,

Bo'^ many are d)yfervants dayesfWhen to§

my perfeciitors Wilt t hoit iudgement doo?

2 Thtyt hat areproud have digged pitsfor me&i

which unto thy law not according bee.

2 ^Ithj comandments fkithfil 2iTC: theydo9

me perfecHte with fklfhood, help me thou.

2 ^Almod an end ofme on earth they makee

but thy precepts, f doo not them ^rfake*

w Qmcken thou me after thy kind-mercie:

^ and thy monthes teHimome keep Wdf,

* /2 *1 ThyWordfehovah,toeternitie,

* Within the heavens ahideth-ftedfhfilym

L Thyfaithfnines, togenerations al:

^ the earth thou fiabltjhedfi, andftand itjhal.

L To thy judgements, this day they (landing bee I

* hecaiife they al arefervants vnto thee,

Ly Vnleft thy Uw had been myfilacer,

* then hadf penjhed tn my difirefi,

L For aye thy preceptsf Wil notforget:

* hecaufe by them thou haft alive me kept,

L Thine own am f, vouchfifi thou me tofivei

^ for f thy precepts carefully-fiught have,

L For me the Wicked Wayt me to deftroy•

^ ^in thy Witntjjes my tboughts-imploy,

L. Ofalperfidton ffee an end:

^ vehement large is thy comandements,

2 O ho^


3®® O97 ’ Ohpnr I love thy law/ a! the day.

It « my medication, p8. Thou maktftme jifer than mine enemies, in thy c6-for.foreveritM with me.



am more prudec than al my-teach-«rs : for thy teftimonies my medi-tation. ICO. lamofmoreunderfiand-ing than the Elders: becaufe Ihavc keptthy precepts, i p i . Ihave reftreyned myfeet,from every evil way :that,I may ob-ferv thy word.. loa. I have not depart-ed from thy judgements: for thou,hafttaught me. i o j . How fweet are thy fay-


O how fl^ On Lmlft u my medttmton al the day,

Wtfir thM myfiu then nutkji to bttby thy commands: fvr tt is aye Vetth mee,


^ori prudent then wy teachers al.amj:becaufe thy Witnejfes are myfludw. ‘

^^ore Him the eiders, 'vnderfanddeehbecaufe thy precepts f kept-heedfilhe.

12 rhave myfiet,fiomev’ry evil Way'riftrayntd: that thy 'Wordobftrv7 may.

12 From thy judgment tmay J amrwt /ohcxfir thou bajl^tv’n me informattoit^.ing?to mypalat! more thanlm^ rv ^ 7 informamst^.^'

my mouth. 1 04. By thy precepts I Lve ^ mTth"'-^go,.» Sit B

theyfore ? FrU n.a»U

^ -''T* »-‘v navegotten uiiderftanding:therfore,I hatee*

. terypathoffalfhood.

j°V- ^ *^y footsand a ligh t to my path. 106. I haveIworn and wil latifieit : to obferve the.^dgemenis of thy juftice . 107, 1 am af-hiaed very vehemently: Ichovab, quic-ifn thou me according to thy word.108. Ihs hfC’fffirsngj ofmymourh, fa-\ourably-adctpt thou oh Ieho\ah: andlearn me thy judgements. 109. My foults in my j^lm continually; and thy law I

Efs-ior-hentage thy teftimonies fore- for they 2te ofmine haLlh ' s; t

ver: for they .rv the /oy ofmine hart112,1 have inclined do thyfiatuce.^; tor ever to the end.

^>13. I lia. e

: & I loreti’vhw. 1 14. Thou <?rt my fccrer pl cean^ my Hi ild: I hnpefully wayt, for thyw; rd. IT5 Driwtfrom meye evil-do*(sry. th^r i may keep, t .e comandemers£>i illy GoJ, 116 . V^.hoId meaccordif.gff > . hv fiving that I may live: and let nie

IX ab.,ied for ni) h<4?c.


therfore f hate ech path effalfuit.* i4, ^

jThy Word is to myfoot a candle-brioion

and to my path it is «Jbimng.hoht.

j ffwareandWthtfirmly-raiifif.<« ktep the judgments ofthine eejuitie.

^ jam affhlhed veh’mtmly. o LORT>ejukkfn thou me according to thy Werd.

2 t^eceptthouohjehovah,th’iffringsfee

ofmy mouth: and thyjudgments learn thou mtfi,

J Uddypwl is tn my handtominuallytand-ytx. thy Imforgotten have net

J.^ me Have !a)dl

jtar ui c uf mine vart we jyjulrti

J To execute thy fiatutes,fdoo bendmine harr.for ever even unto the end.

* ii. ».

0 Lhate doe Jt

biitd y lawdoo J



Q Thou art my fecret-pUte andmy bkhlof^tJ^y vcord

'Ihopifilly he,vt ^ayedfir.

J nQ Te tvil-dotrsgof. ^om me tiXffay:

d; t my Cjods commanJtmenrjf

n msykve, asthy Vo rdholdmejkftt» rjdf

j msytive, asthy Vo rdholdwiofldJdT my hope U( tm hot -be abafbt .

Pfalra. CXIX.tJ7. Sufteyn mcandlinialbefa>ed: _ Su(ley»pteMdf{ha!hefiv'd;«^f


J ; -r v , , 7;* on^rvyn mrafiar imt tfifav a

flnd I wil delyre in thy ftacute:>continu- D thyji imtes \K tldelytc comwuaUy,ally. 1 iS. Thou haft trodcn-dow^n al 7

hou h.^fi trode-dow'n al themthatfiray-nhrP^ilthem that hray from thy ftarures; for D fiom thyfiathres:firf^l[hoodh thetr/r^iudit eir deceyt fulQiood. 1 15;. Xi^^’d^oflV, )X^nked ofthe earth thou doffi removethou makertvceafe al the wicked of the ^ Mkedrofi: therfire thy ^itnefies J love,earth: therforc i love thy teftimonies. Myfltfifir dreadoftheeisfore-dtfmtte^^^^

^ fedech-horrour for dread / alfifir thyjud^^emems am afrayd,ofthee: and I fear for thyjudgments.

y 121,1 have doon judgment & juftice: ^ Ihant doon judgement 4nd wfi^yiehteoh/imAIcav ine to mine oppreffours . ^ i leav me not to them that me opprefi,J22, Be- lurctiefir thy fervant for good 2 *Befitrettefir thyfervantformy ooeehlet not the prowd opprefs me.


^ Ut me not be oppreffid by theproU125^ Mine eyes, fayl for thy falvation

: yy For thyfalvattonfaildoo mine eyes tand for the fayings ofthy juftice. ^ andfir the oracUs ofthy Mice.124. Doo with thy fervant accordingto V^^Doo thou according unto thy meerceethy rriercte; and learn me thy ftatutes, ^ith thyfirvant; thyfiatutss learn thou miii:,1251 am thy fervant, give meander- V J thyfirvantyCivc-me-trHdemnesziianding . that I may know, thy tefti* th s J may know tby faithfui-tW/w/??/.monies. 126. /r ^ time for lehovah to )fiVsfirJehovahtimetheworUo^mkei'doo: they have made-fruftrate, thy law. h<QZl^(cthykw, ofnoneem they makd127 Ihcrfore I loyethycomandemeuts: JT TherhteJ thy cmmandcmentsdoohvnabove gold and above fine gold. above thegold, yeafyneflgold above.

^ L '7,precepts of every }/ i htrfore »lprecepts ofech thine, dnfI hate,every way hMriiht ; f

h./e, ech Waj effjftk,

1 2 p, Marveifous ^r^ thy teftimonies: ^ O marveiloHs thytefimoniertff^Xtherh^e dooth my foul keep them. S

therfore myfoul, keeps them with hecdful-cai#1 3 o. The opening ofthy words giveth- ^ The ofnino ofthyfpeechespvtth Hahn ^light: giving-underftanding ^o the fim- ^ gtves.underftandmg to thefimple^ohupie. 131 1 opened.wide my mouth & ^hfned^Wide my mouth indfpanted:panted: for, I longed for thy comandc- becaufi,fir thy commandments*} lanoed.ments. 132. Turn*the-face unto me& tj T^foard andjhew me grace: as dooth behoevape gracious to me: according to the in judgement towards thofe thy name thatlov^judgement towards thofe that love thy Q fotfieps in thy Worddtrcn-firmljiname. 133, I irmly-direvftmy ftepsin ^ndrukmme Utmneiniquitie,thy lay .ng: and let nc tany painful-int f] From mans oppreffton redeem thou met:quttie^ aye domimot' over me, andofthy prectptsJWil keeper be^134. Redeem me f om the oppremon

JjVpon ihyfervant make thy face tofiwetana of thyftatutes, teach me^the-dcBfimi

Q of •Raters down mine eyes dooflow'::

bccaufe that they doo not obferv thy Jdaw.

©frarthly man; and I wil obferv. thypre eprs. 13/. Make thy face to (bineupon thy f rvai.t; and 1 arn me,thy fta-

turcs. 13 6. Rivers i-f waters rim -dow nWine eyvs; becaufc they obfett ihy Jawi

302 Pfalm.

137, luft art thou Tehovah: andrighteous, thy judgments. 138. Thouhad comanded the julliceot chytcdi-

monies: and faithful nes vehemently.

139. My zelefuppreircch me : becaufe

niy diftrelfers have torgocten thy woxds,

140, Thy faying « fined vehemently: &thy fervant loveth it. 14 1 . lam final Sc

defpifed: thy precepts, I have not for-

gotten. 142. Thy /uftice is ajufticefor

ever: and thy law, is the truth.

143. Diflrefs and anguifhhave found

me; thy comadements, are my delights.

144. The jufticeof thy teftimoniesij for

ever: makeme to underhand that I niay


PT45.I have caled with the whol hart:an-

fw^r me lehovah;! wil keep thy ftatutes.

14^. I have caled upon thee fave thou

me: and Iwilobferv, thy teftimonies.

147. Ihave prevented in the twilight,

and cried: I hopefully-wayced for thy

word. 148. Mine eyes have prevented

the w/>k-watches: to meditate, in thy

faying. 149. Hear my voice according

to thy mercie; lehovahj according to

thy judgment quicken thou me.

w, ^5^' They draw-neer that follow-after

• a mifeheevous-purpofe : they are farr-

offfrom thy law. i j i . Necr art thou

lehovah: and althy comandemenrstruth. 152. Of old I have known of

thy teftimonies: that, thou haft foun-

ded them for ever. T153, See mine affli(ftion andrelcafe

me; lot I have not forgotten thy law.

154. Plead my plea, and redeem me;aecording-to thy faying, quicken thou

me. 155. Salvation is farr from- the wic-

ked: becaufe they feck not thy ftatutes.

156. Thy tender-mercies are many 6lehovah: according to thy judgments

quicken thou toe.

' 157 Many

CXIX.» If *


^ mofl~righteoHS,thyjadgmems aljo bee.

^ ThoH haft the jufiice of th^ Witnejfes

* comanded ; alfifaith with veh*menwe(.

^ zJddyfervm-s^ele conjumeth me : for thai* my adverfarte-fees thy Wordsforgat,

^Thy (aying is refined vehemently,

^ thyfervant eke loves tt delightfully.

I litle amandbaJely-fit-at-noHght:

thy precepts^ are not pafft^out-ofmy though^ '

Thy jhfttce jtifitce is eternally:

thy law is aififktthfid-vcritie.

Find me did patnfid-angmfh and diflrcfi

but thy comandments, are my (places*

Thy tejltmomes jufiice is for aye:

makjeme to vnderfland,that live Imay •


fehovah^ / With al mine hart doo crie

p anfwer thou meythyfiatiites keep Wil L

^ Iced upon thee^ thou mefife-^prefervi

P and I thy teflimontes Wd obfirv.

PI in thetwtlrght^ didprevent

,and criez

Ifor thy Word have Wayted-hopefully,

PPrevent the nightly Watchci did mine eyetx

in thine edtfh my felfto-cxerctfe .

Plehovah , hear my voicefor thy merceez

according to thy ]udgment quicken mee,

PThey that doofollow mtfehef^ neer doo draW9

fhrr-ofifthey are eftranged from fhy l^*

p Thou 0 lehovah art approched-nyez

and thy conoandments al are veritie*

p Ofold I of thy tefitmonics know:• that themfor everfounded-fure hafi thoW*

^ 20 ^

See mine affitflwn, and out me draw:' becaufe that / have notforgot thy law.

T^lead thou my plea, alfiredeem-me-fiee:

’ accordd/g-to thy promijep^uicken mee^

Salvation fkrr fiom the Wicked is:

* becaufe they have not(oughtfor thy decrees^

•j Thy . mercies 0 1shovah many bee :

according to thy judgments quicken mee., ^


Pfilm. CXIX. -j 5'7. Manym my perfecutors & my

iJiftrelfers: from thy teitimonies, 1 have

ftoc declined. 158. I faw unfaithful-

tranfgrc {fours, and was grtevtd:for

that they obferved not, thy faying.

1 59.Ste,thar I K>vc thy precepts: leho-

vah, according to thy mercie quicken

thou me. 160. The beginning of thy

word ;j truvh : & for ever,?/ every judg-

riem ofthyjuhice.

16 1 . Princes have perfccuted me with-

out caufe : and for thy woi d,n)ine hart

dooth ftad in-awe. 1 62 . 1 am joyful for

thy faying: as one that findeth, muchfpoyl. 1 . Fallhood I hate»& abhorr:

thy law I doo love. 1 64. Seven um& in

a day, doo I praife thee: for thejudge-

ments of thy juftice. 165. Much peace

#jto them that love thy law: & to themis no ftombling- block. 166 ,


have ho-

ped for thy falvation lehovah: and have

doon thy lomandements. 167. My foul

hath obferved thy tcftin onies: & I love

them vehemently. 168. I haveobfrved

thy precepts and thy ttft monies: for,al

my waves are bef< re i hee, J"!

j6p Let ipy flic wiing- cry corne-neer

before thee lei ova h : ac. orc'irg to thy

word give yu me iindtTrTacir g. 170. Ler

my iupphcation.fori^r ^e coniclefore

thee: accor ing <0 thy laying, deliver

thou me. 171. My lips flial uttei pri^ifc:

when thou hafl leirned me thy ftariues.

172 My tongue flial refound thy fay ng:

for, al thy comandi ments e^re julticc.

173 Let thine hand be to help me: forJ

have chofen rhy precepts. 174. I have

longed for thy falvation lehovah ; andrhy law’’, ts mydelytes. *75. Ler myfowfl live,that it may prayfe thec:and let

thy judgmenrs help me. ij6. I have,

ftrayed, like a loft flieep: feck thou rhy

fcrvinr, for I have not forgotten, thy


^ me perjeeate andme difirefi

' J have not (warved ,from thy

mm ffaw tranffreffurs ^ ^ (ore~greijJgottl

' for that thy faying they objerved not*

mm 7 hat J thy precepts love^ LOR^y doo theufiti

' according to thy mercie epmtken mee*

mm ^cgtnrmg ofthy ^ord is fktthfilnes:

• andech ofthy juft judgmentsyever is.

. • * .2/ *

VIA Princes me perfecute 'Without deftrt :

^ hut ofthy Wordy in avc-ftand dooth my hearto

V\ which then dcojlJdyi

as one thatfndeih even an ample pray^

^ Faljhood ] hatCy abhorr it eke doo /


but I doo love thy Uvp delytefully.

^ Sevn times a day doo Igive praije to theei.

fir judgments of thy rtghteom-equitte.

7 To them that love thy UWyXh^x is much peactl

and to them vooff'enftve-fcandalis.

rp Hoped I have for thy filvaunn

Ithovah: and have thy commdments doer!,

^0 Thy Wttnejjes myfeu} heeps-Warilyi

and I doo love them very vehemently


]p I keep thy precepts thy Wttneffesi

fiiry ev^rte of my U’<i) cs before thee is


^ 22 ^

Let my lowd-crye tome-neer before theeLORlhi' me prudent mak^ according to thy Word*

Let come before thee my requcftftor-gracei

• deliver meCy even as thyprcmtfe w’as.

|-jAdy lipps [hal utter'forth the pratfe of thecfi

when 06 thy ftatutes thou hafl learned mee,

/ y tongue t hyfaying (hal ahwd^declare:

p r, jufhee alofthy cemandments are*

Let thine hand be With fuccour me to five*,

be caufe 'hat f thy precepts choftn have*

O LOUD I IcngfoY. thy ftlvanonv

and thy low. i> my delegation,

Ltve let my foul ythm pro?ft it maygive thee:

and let thy judgments ft' cur oivt 10 mce*

n Likehffttcp^l haveJi ray : t hv p rvumfeek»

for thy comemd^mnts in I^ •f~

36+ Pfalm. exiX.Anmutiom.

t. pttfcftmway] mtyre(ojunbIemi{hed)int8driU conver&tion: fee Irek,



-iSjiT. Pfal.1,1. jj. 1. ]eekjum]UJttOhopeanD ajstgetoo^Dalfoimpoitftlj,ira.‘^^11 :

iijio.toUj^Rom.iy.iz. ;S>eca!|ODeuc.4.29.1cr.29,i5.,!?. to.g. Alfo they&c.] tl}Z tUtnetf) it tf^ui^i For, not they that work iniquitie, doo walk in his wayes


U* 4. to beobfervedjo?, Itteil to obferve . tgc note OnPral.36.3. ij. u O that]

ktt— willies, ace that. &c. Ij. 8. unto vehemencie ] o}, vehementlvjtBat 10 utterly ;aIthe pt;aperi0agam|l:Godsanger,ifa,^4,9.o|,ttmaphcrelja\jetcfcrence to tBefojmer, IWill ke^p thy ftatutes with vehemencie, if thou forlake me not* Vj. i d. let me not wander]makeme not to err: tn <0|Ce&, reptll me not* U. 14* as above ] as that which is

fupcrior to all riches j 0|, as lor all abundant wealth* IJ. 1


. delytej 0| folace, recreate

my felf , Ij. 18. Vncoyer] 0| Vnveile* that 1 may j o^,a^l lhal: fo after in tji0anbot8crpralme0 often. ^ecPfal.43,4. fa. 19. in the earth] 0l in the land: fee Plal.s^,!^.

fa. 10. fioldefyre] 0|, with dcriring,o^,todefire; a0 tfae d5^eefifaptft,my foulcoveteth todefyre. «lifeefo^ineoftfte!^cfajue\faOjDj0inIer.3i.i2. fa. 23. IpaYejojtalk^fmej

Tpake-laraely and freely : fee tfae faJOJfa in tftl0 fojm , Ezek. 33,30* fa* zy. quicken me]oj,fpare my life , a0 lof,?, if. fa. z7 . and I wil } o|, that I may

j a0 ver. i8. & 33.

fa* 28. droppeth] tO UJeet, tears, tj^at 10 weepeth : a0 lob. itf.zo. rayfe up ] oi confirm*

ftablifli: a0vcr.38.& 10^. fa. 30. offaithfulnes] OJ faith, tgat 10 , a fure andfairhful

way. propofed] tO fajeet , before me, 00 Pfal. i<5.8 . fa. 31. inlargc 1 tgat 10,

amplify ailfa ino-eafe with^ifdome,a0 i. King.4,i9 . ( a0 to want an hart*t0 tO^clooml^rov


f i4. ) Oji, with comfort j a0 Ifa.iJo.y. o^Tovc , a0 z 7CorT6 , ii. ~fa. 33. tO the end]continually ifomc turn it, fOjirewardj a0 aftertfae 05^eeS fa00®,ver. II2. "Cgel^i.p^0-yerlpi0tljeheelojfootfole jfiguratifaelptfaeeud,auDfomtiinereward


thatl may] 0|,andlfliallkeep&c.^0ver.34, fa.57. Tui ii-away ] oj Make pafsj

Tranfferr :’fo faer .39. . ^‘rom feing] oj ,that they fee notjPfaI.<S9,z4* ailD ^^,i8.

fa. 38. Confirm ] 0| rayfc-up> tfiat 10 perform ailO doo itj 00 2 bam. . anfa tj^at co ntinu-

ally,a0 Deut. 27,i<^. taitfa Gal* 3.10. ^0, to confirm words,2 King. 23.3. t0 to doo them,2.Chr.

34.31. which] that 10 , which fervant i .1 (ttfaen ( 0! addi6tcd^ to thy fearj 0^ whichWordjt0 nifacn for the fear of thee,tBatt5bu niap|r fai feariO. Pral.130* fa* 4


. come] tj^at

f0,be performed,00 ludg.i 3.1 2. fa. 42-. anlwer] l^.’faj.anfwerhim word,tfaati0,returnhini

anrwer,a0tfat0pfa|afeimpoJtCt|ft,i.Sam.24,73. 1. King.2o,y.& iz,i^. foProv. 27.11. 0;r,an-

fwer him the matter. . fa. 43. unto vehemencie] vehemently, 00 verfe 8. anfa it lUap

faC referred to tfic word, vehemently trucj 0^ tO tl>e fO|iner,pul not, utterly* fa. 4f . in a

Jarge-roumth] o^,in widenes ; tfaOti0, at libertie, cheerfully, free from feares ,dillrefTes &c.Pfal. 4.2.& 18.20* & ii8.f. fa.48. liftmy palms] tfaat 10 ,

put ray hands to tfaep^ac^

L tifeortf)plafaj,faJtt|^earncfIne0. fa* S3 » Abuming-horrour] ahormofterrouranfa

?T • - faifniap; ad tfae dl^jeefe faptfa fwowning oj faintingrfecTIal .il ^* for 3 Cl from the wic-

kedj a (lopn of trouble rapfeb bp tbem. fa. U • fongs

]theams, Cl arguments of fing-

^'3? ine. the howfe] the earthly howfe of this tabernacle, UJl)ere man foiOUruetb lU btf*

bODP;a0»-Cor.r,i. &c.^^d^^ech, theplace: tt)ati0 , wherefoeverirojourn*'

' fa. s<$. This was] Thus ordered I the courfe ofmy life ; oj, this varietie ofeftate, perfecutio*,

•onfolacion, &c. befell me. fa. 57. my portion] tj)at 10, 00 tl)e C)tplapnetb , 6

Lord thou art my portion; 00 Pfal.i^zV. 10, i 6 . 0^, my portion 6 Lord,{halbe to

keep thy words . fa. yS. befought] o^intreated,fcc Pfal 45'. 13. fa. thought

upon] confidered and counted. fa. ^o* delayed not] o^,dillrad:ed notmyleif, tO toCCt,

faMtljfaJoilblucare0,feav0,plcafuce0 &c. fa. Bands] ojCoards, 00 tfae <^jeeli

alfo turnetb iu oz Companies , 00 tgC Cfaalbce erplapnetb fr : fo a band ofprophets,fo; a CO-

BVU 10^ fa. rcafon] o;behavioiu; Ipebl. tail ojfaYour; fee Pf.


Pfalm. CXIX. 39S

34 .U if. affli(fted] oj anfwered,cried, to \Jjeet, for my affli(aidn ^9* forged]

03 compofed , adjoyned ; fo lob. 1 3 .4 . M. 70. grofs ] congeled, (Ultl fo imbe ftarD anti

(enfe(ef$>: m <0^eefe,crudled as milk. Compare A<ft.i8.x7.Ephef.4.i8. P. 7 i. thowfands] ^

toujcetofpeeces5 ajaid e^rp^CflcD, Pfal.68.31. P. 75. falhioned] Oifitted^compofed.

Coinpai*clobyio,8. P.^y. totthfaithfuincs l QZ tn faith ,QZ truth . <6oP tp fmtjf)fuU

luljtcB mil not frffer P0 to Pe tempteli apopc tpat me arc able, PutPiilgtPe tlje pffue mitgt[)etcntatrany&rc.^xj. - P.78, depraved] perverted, wronged me,deak per-

Verfly With me ; OJ, PJOlllD pervert me, from t|)C rig^t P30p* P. 8 o. perfect ] fynccrc,

without fpot: vnblemiihedj flji verfe i. p. 81. fainteth] faileth, oj, is confumed,tO

Paeet, with delyre . ^oPfal.84,^. fayl] oj, are confumed , flp verfe 8i.&Tryv^£EPf.^?.4. i.Sam.i,33. perf. 83 . in the fmoke ] tljat IP ,

dryc, anP wrinckled . CoinporE Pfal.32,

anP 101,4. p. 84. dayes] tOP3Ce^^ofaffli6tionjfecPfah37,ii. &^

P. 8 y.. digged pics] to tafec apjap mp life : Pfal. 3 y,7 . tf)C <©^cep faptp, told me tales : tO ilU

trap im tottft ettour^^ P* 86. faithfulncs] 0^ laith, tJiat isl. Faithful , true.

' P. 8^. is lledfalt]oj, llanderh-faftj abideth: compare Ifa.40,8. P.90. kablilliedjoj^^^y/^

fitly-fettled : fecEcdef, 1,4. P. 91. To thy] tl)at IP, According to thy ordinations^ D^Por ^thy judgements

;m maiuier anp to tl)e enpis t^at Ujou appointepfl tl)cm,t0ep (lauP anPtontmue: aiS Pfal .33,9, P. 9<^. ofalperfedtioh] O|confumation; tijat to, of every

molt-perfed thing: large] 0| broad, widej meaning infinite. p. 98. thoumakell

] oj it maketh. it with me ] 0^, it mine : tfjat 10, thy law , (oj every oneof thy conunandements

, ) 10 mine . P. 103, my palat ] tj)at 10, my taft


P* loy. a lamp] oj, acandlcjlantern: fo Prov. 6. Z3 . Compare Icb. 19,8.

P. 106. iwornj ma6higroPenanttoPJaI&mtftpiaU3ja0Nehcm,io.29. ratifie]

perform., 0^ flabltffl . P. 1 08. free-Offring0 ] bl , voluntaries ; fee Pfal .j4,8 .

P. 109. in my palm] 0|, hand^tflat 10,1 goc in danger of my life. ^?ct5eltpepbjafc,ludg. ^Xi, 3. j.Sam.i9,f.&z8,zi. p. 1 12. tO the end] a0 verfe 33. i^Cretj)ed0|Cffeturnctjit, for reward: rcfpcctmgtBeenPanPrevuarPoff5it|ianPoPcPicnff,a0Pfal.i9. iz.Heb.n.Mt<^<vi6. I. pet. 1,8.9. P. 113. Papn-thoughts ] 0^ wavering-cogitations, OJPapn-thinkers^tD’ii^Va0 tge CftalPce epplapnetlj it; tge <0^eeP alfo turning it tranfgreflors-of-law. gt gatj)


tfie naine of top-branches of tree0 j figuratiPelp appltep to tfje thoughts oj opinions

if tfte minb , pjaPering and uncertapn, a0 1 .King 1 8,2 1. 0^ perfons diilraded with their owncogitations. P. U7. delight] 0|,haverefped,0^ contemplate, meditate, delightfully.

U. 119. HtSedrofs] confumeOPJitD fte fpre oftjp pj|at|&.;g>ec Ezek. 22,18-12. Prov.

makeft-ceafe] tjiat 10, removed ,0^ takefi away p. 120. feeleth her-four ] a0 PoTjcn tjte Ijiapr (tanbp up foj fearj anb Pp flefh, map Peineant the hayr of his fleih,


* ’’’

00 10 eppjefTeb iob.4,iy.frDm topence tpi0 pp?,afe feemetfj to be taken* p.i2i.Be-furety] j *

anfPltrtUO fb^ anb befenbing pirn .give fweetnes (0^ delight ) unto him


P. 126. to doo ] 0^ work , ffjePJing pt0 pOpjer, &c. made-frufirate ]ofnoneef-fcd , 03 difTipated

: fee Pfal .3 3, 10. 128. hold-righteous ] 0| make-righteous-, tl)ati0,

doo elteem , aub defend to be moil right,anb doo rightly ufe them. P. 130. The opening]*

0| dore: tjat i0,tbcdeclarationfa0 tpe <^teek ttlterp^ltetptt)^ 0^ the firll entrance into them.P. 132. according to thyjudgement] t{>at 10, as is right and meet and behooveth: oj,after

the manner, wont and cullome that thou ufell.^0 judgment, 10 fO| manner, 0;^ cuftome;Gen.

40.13. Iof.6,iy. i.Sam.2, 13. & 27,11. P. 136. they]men in jgcnctal; OJtJje wicked;


00 after*,yerf. 158. P. 137. righteous] to pject,is every ofthy judgments;0juprighc ^art tf)OU in thyjudgments. p. i38.juilice of thy tellimonies] tfjat 10,thy juft and very faith- ^fnl cellimonies. 4^,ju(lice, thy telpmonies , and fakhl P. 139. fupprefleth ] 0|cue-» .

leth-ofF;tf)ati0 ,confumeth. Compare Pfal.69, 10. P.140. fined] purified ^ in tyre:,7. P. 142- forever] tfjat 10, everla(ling ; fojjf. 144. . Pf i43. found] tfjat ijl

come upon me. Pfal.xi^jj, p. X44, jufticeof&c. ] 0|, Thy tefUmonies at:e, julf&c* ,

' P-

S06Pfalm. CXX.

^ 147 .prevented] t0tocet,thce,toit8 prapetj aKSPral.88 , 14 . a ' twilight}

the dawning ot the morning; a0 t{)e Cfjaitsce crplainctf) itiaiilj tfje fomtnneftgmfietft,

lob. 7.4. p. 148. watches] fee Plal.^3 i7 .& 9o>4 .&


p. judgement]equi-

tie, 0^ cuPome, atS Ucr. 131 . 160* the beginning] 0?,the head, but tfte<6|eefeanb

CfjQibce boo cjCplapn it ,from the beginning thy word is truth : anb fo fo^ ebcr . <8^ , tafeiug

head, fo^ excellencies thy moil excellent word is truth.- b, 164. Seven time0] tjat

ten : fo'^fevenijSufcbfo^many : a35Levit.26,i3* Prov.i4,i^.*& i6,is. i.Sam.i,?.

tJ. 16^. to no frombline-blockl 0^, they have no offence, (c;ifcandal.) ^Oltl i Joh.2,10. ha

that lovethTiis brother,ther isTo fcandal in him. toalfeO \30ttbCUt fcar offalling

b. 17a. refound] OJ, fing: anfwer. b. i -5. Let my fowl live] that i0,Letme

wholly live : aO OH tftC COUtratp , let my foul dye, ludg. tftat I al that I am,defire to

dye. b. 176 . a loft Iheep] a fheep of perdition, C} penihing, t^at 10 , ready to perifh. Al

we like Iheep have gone aftray; Ifa*s5 ,6 ,

Pfalni. 120.

1, Afong, ofdegrees;

Ffalm. 120.

Sing this as the 8^, Pfalm.

Ithovab, inmy d llreflldnesi

cried, and he anfwxied me,

2. lehovah, deliver thou iny fowl from

the lip of falfliood: from the tongue of

clece>t. 5. What (hal it give thee, and

what dial it add to thee; tongue ofde-

c-yt. 4. Sharp atrowes of amighiie-

cne; with coals ofJuniper 5. Woeisme, that IfojournvW/? Mefliec: dw^tll,

with the tents ofKedar. 6. My fowl it

hath much dwelt; with him that hateth

peace. 7. I peace, and when I

fpeak; they for warr.

I. \ 7 LORD^ in my d^ftrejpdn6ft


6 .

f cryed om^ and he did anfWer mee,

O LOR D^doo thoH M) (ovpI deltvtr-freei

fi'cm lying Ufs; from tongue ofgHikfiilnee.

What [h^l It give thee^ and ^ hat unto the§-

advanmgeJJr//, the longue ofgatUfklnei^

The arrevpeiJljarp ofhim that mighty isi

'^tth burning-coals ofthe Jumper-tree,

{Voe 16 me thatJfijourn ^sth Me(hel^

^iih tents cfKedar ^have my dwelling-placei

Mj (owl long dwells him that hateth peaitl

J peaces but thy,for Warr^ ^hen J dooJpeak^,

K^nnotations. .

l^crf. 1 . ofdegrees] O?,ofarcenfions,ofheighths: (^fb|.ham-mahaloth:)t8att0,apra!m' tobe fungwithan hyevuyee

s nO tj)C HfUtCb atr fapb topjiapfc <5ob with a great voice onhye, b?. le-mahhh,) a. Chion. 20 tfH0title nttrtf) the excellencie OftJjtfong, foj

fjjOJt grabC anb pitrbp fe^ucut'. 0 : ap Adam ham mahalah, l0*a man ot eoainencie , ( 0^ ofhy e-.

degree,) i. Chron. 17 , 17 . ;S)lUlb^p Otijer \»apC0 ta tfila title W berffonbs atJ of the ilayres tljat,

bmit up to the hotofe cf tl)c Hojb, bJhtton fhculb (lanb; of the coming up from

Babylon , (Caleb mahalah, anafcenlion, Ezr.7,9.) &c. J^iftcm pfalmC0 togithct ftlif*?

lith pjcfijceb. diftreffednes] that 10 , fore- diftrds : tje%b^ue abbftg a letter to In#,

-r' fteafCthefignififation:fo,hdpuilnes/o;ifuihelp,PCil.44 .i7 .* b. 3 . WfatlhalitgiveJ^

0^, (a0 tlje hath ) what Ihalbe given s that I0,what good, 0^ profit lhalt thou get^ aiU

, none at al. actibe , OftCtt Wjcb pafllbclfv fee PfaL 32 . 5 . & whai>

dial he ( Uimriitg God, o^ emp one) gibe to tliee 6 deceirf^il tongii^ ‘it add Jj

c| be added , to Ujcet , as good; (g abhantage . fo Pf^f. riy, i‘4*‘

' tongue ] tjis mapOlfobe reab, what llial the tongue of deceyLgive to'thee ;iftat tO, proffttRee^ jpeahiug

*^n CAUonuiatbj. bf 4» arrowes wa? note oai the fittit ofa smlefuf tor t^u.% ^


PHilm. cxx. exxi* 307

toSofc c\j(l words ftte Iffie arrowes, Pfal.^4.4* Prov. 25 . 18. OJjtgC tctoatb <i5ob toll 1

tfiebgfdtfal tongue; plagues ,liltCarrowes,Pfal Deut. 54,23* Ezek. s,i6. coals oF'in>lumper

] \u(ncfj tooob tu bmuhig , fmeUetUfVDcet;but tge coal^l tftcrof, bunt cjctrfmelp,autij^^

faft long; fu t()at unber tl]c afftcjS tfic g^otoing rcfut^ imp be bcpt (ajs fome \unte)a pere long. •i

^3 It fitlp notctb tf|£ !o >3 Ifallmg tufamic of an etsll tor4Uc«<t?>j,iftoe referr it to opoojs jubg#m2nt^,tbeparcfebereaubburablCoajSDei!t.28,s9.^. & 140,11. b. s. lojoum]

1^1 am a pilgrim : a Granger . toltl) JVeihec] tftat !jE!»,with a profane and barbarous peo-ple

; libe tije pofleritfeof iBeffjrc anb ^fecbaXiincnttoncb in Gen. 10,2. & 21,15 . Mdhec ftfintf-j/

fietb length oj protradion; atiD fo imp gere be taben fcj no PtoP^t name, but 3, fcjoum fo^


otMfii at.

prolonged . Tents ofKedar‘ttaCm

long; antJ tljUji tge <t5jcefe turnetb it, my peregrination is prol

tbefonofirmael,Gen. 2 j',i 5 *tofjofefftilb;mbtoeltm Arabia, ilS. 21 . 15 .- 17 .

Ctjalbec bctc turnetb ^ Arabians; tjjcp btoelt in tent^ 0^ cotta^cgi in tljc toilbrrnejO, ao fftep^ ^7llcarDjJ y ^cealfoIfa.42,ii*Ier,49,i8,29. Ezek.27.21. b. it'hathmuch] c;t, toitfclf .

(tnttotoiifceintng) hath long dwelt; foPral,i25,4. b. 7. fo| peace] o^, to peace (a^Stafif'.after, for OJ to warr

) tbatlO, addi(5led therto; 0^ Unbetfiaub, a man ofpeace, tfjat tO, peace-ful, aptjjcii^jcefeeppouubetjiit; fo iob.r,24. &2i,9. ^ Sam. 17.5. ^eetl)elibepl)^a|ePrai,109,4.

Pfalm. 121.

t. A Tong, ofdegrees;

ILift up mine eyes, unto the moun-

taines : from whence fhal come mine

help* ^ . Mine help cometh^ from with

lehovah; which made,heave ns & earth.

3^. Let him not give thy foot to be mo-

ved : let him not {lumber, thatkeepeth

thee. 4. Loe he wil not (lumber nor

fleep: thatkeepeth Ifrael . 5. lehovah

fi thy keeper : leiiovah thy (hadow, up-

on thy right hand. 6. Thefunflial

not finite thee, by day; nor the moon by

mght. 7. lehovah, wil keep thee from

al evil: he wil keep, thy fowl. 8. leho-

vah, wil keep thy going-out and thy

coming-in : from this time, and for


Pfalm, 121,

Sing this as the ^8 . Pfalm .

r. T Lift mim eyes ^p, to the mounts:

JL from }^hencefljalcome mine aide,

2, tne (tyde it comesfiom the LORD ;

^hich heav'ns and earth hath made,

3., Let him notgive thyfiot toJlide:

notJlamber, that thee k^eps,

4, LoCy he that l^eepeth Jfraeli

hejlumbreth not^ norJkeps,

/. TheLORD thy keeper is ; theLOR^d)yfade^

at thy hand right,

6, The SunJhal notfmite thee by day i

neyther the Moon by night.

7, The LORD Wtl k^ep theefont al evhthyjowlhe keeps-zWay,

5, The LORD^ thine outgate and th'meotne

k^cps*^ hencefrthandfir aye,^

l^erf. t. of degrees] 0^, for degrees, 0|, afcenlions : fee tftC note Ott tft^fojlttcrpfabnc. -Sithe mountay ns ] Sion anb Morijah, tohcte toa0 i%t fanctuatp Of^^ObatoflO ftab his tounda-

tion in the holy moiintayns, Pfal.87,1. tohtcft toa^ afigUtC ofthe heayens,Heb.9,24aaUb fomCrf T

time mountayns anb heavens are ufcbfo^tfte fame, aoPlal. 18,8. toith2.Sam 22,8. ^0in aiunflto,t6attohenbeIoobebupto<6obfo^&eip; Dercteibcbit. <a^toee maprcobic

tbUSl, Shal 1 lift up m ne eyes to the mountiyns^ tgat U3,tO tfte piatep tofietC 3bOto ate

fl&ipeb; Deut. IV fl?if6‘^f60Ulbfap,farrbeitfroBJme.^6fiuvayiri^Selpe):fpecttbrroin

So* Pfata. CXXI. CXXII.the hills, 0^ the multitude ofthe mountains : but in lehovah our God, is the falvation of Ifracl.Xer,3,z3 . lifting up of the ejres. figiuflCtl) hope and exfpeilation, Ezek. i8,^.^0 Pf. 1x3.1.

3 • to be movedj 0|, tollid^o^ to comotionj a falling into evil: fee Pfal.

3^3 X 7 . not flumbei* ] t^at not negled any care or diligence fo^fiOOD .Pfal. 133,4. Prov.<^,4.ifa.j^x7. to. y.lhadow] tj^at IjS, protedUon,comfort and re-ffelhing from heatjfa.zs,4. & 4,^. Num.14,9. alfo Pfal. 10^ ,3 1 . to. 6. The bun)i»miopctf)to3itf)f)eat,a0 tftemoonboot& toJttlj told toapeur^ jion.4,8.Gen,Ji74or1inDtbeSun anb Moon bcmg rulers ofday and night, pial. 1 36,8 .9.implp al otftct tjfiingjS tojftatfoetoei:^

25ut tgid fjatfj reference to dSobjEJ pjotemoii ofSr^^i^ tfte ixJtlDerncj^ , Exod. 13,31 .ifa.4,r.

to. 8. Thy going out, and coming-in] tjat id, al thy adminillration, affayresanda^iona,See Ithc Deut. 28,^. i.Chron^ x.Sam.3,is. Adi. 1,2 1. & 9.28.

Pfalm. 122.

r . A Tong ofdegrees, ofDavid:

IRejoyced in them that fayd unto me;we wii goe wto the howfe oflehovah.2. Our feet have been (landing: in

thy gates,6 lerufalem.

3. lerufalem builded: as a citie> that15joyned to it fclftogithcr.

^4. Whither the tribes goe up, the

tribes oflah, rathe teftimonieof Iffael:

toconfefs, unco the name oflehovah.


For there, (it thrones for judg-ment: thrones, ofthe howfe o( David.



Artec ye the peace oflerufalem


(afe-quietnes-have they that lovt thee.



Peace be in thy furt : fafe-quittnes,

in thy pallaces.


Becaufe of my brethren and myneighbours: I wil fpeak 6 peace be in



Becaufe ofthe howfe of lehovah

our God: I wil feek good for thee.

Tfahn. 122.

Sing this as the jo8. Pfalm.

/ . T T)td reJoyce in them that nn to me did

X rt’tf tmer into the howfe offehovaL

2 , Our feet have beat

abiding^ oJernfaUm

thy gates ^thttu» , ^

j. fernfiknuy xsasa citie^ edified;

that is Within tt felftogtther joyntly-titj.

4. Where mbesHpgoe,



j, Thi*t to fehovaht name^they may coftf, Becaufi

therejudgment thrones arefett: the thrones ofI>a<m

6. Dt/lredoojee (vtcUhowfu

^ernfilcms peace: (afitj-have

they that love thee,

7. ^eacc m thy Fort be : in thy pallaces^ fafitie,

9, F(Tt my brethre&for my neighbours ifpeahjdfilf^

7face wthee bee.

p, *flefur our Codfehovahs howfe


feek^oodfir thee.


©erf. I. in them] oj for them: 45|CfB,for the things chat were fayd. we wil ] ej, let

• Us goe ; e)CfjOJttng one anotlKt, ad Deut. 33.19, to. 3 . joyn^ to it felf ] compadl,fitly

framed and builded cogither for an habitation ofGod through the fpirit," Fphe.i, 21,12, fotlje

CUrtcWid of the tatoemarle tojerc conjoyned,Exod.2(<,3. to. 4 to the tellimon. ] at id,

the Ark, tojtjfrtntoJere the tables ol tefhmonie, and ftoui to)hepce<^cijte(lifieOf)ii iJi fciife

bp Oracle ,Exod. 2S. 21,22. OJjfato the teftimonie to Ifrael, thatid^according to the charge given

for their coming thither, Deuc.i^,i^J,i7 . to. y. fit thrones ] tfjat Id, they Itand, 0|re-.

mayn rtil: 0^ , are fet5 actitoc fOl paflltoe, Od P(al.3^*3* of the howfe] 0^, for the howfe,


to* Ask] t|)atld2l^ehre,0|pray tbrthe


of cheprowd ]


pcacj : fa the things that btlotl0 to the peace: fectfie Illie fpPrtgj 1uV4T9,4^-

fafe-quietneshave] 0^ thsi ihalhaverafe-eafejO^tranquili'ie ,proiperitie:

e6) botl) qutctnejs from ttcmblejS , auD abundance of\sjflflre : fo PfaK 30,7. & 733 1 2-

Jj. 7. tort] 0} fkonce,walls. good for thee] , thy good:

Pfalm. 123.



A Tong, ofdegrees:

VNto thee Hit I up mine eyesio tnou

that fitteft, in the heavens.



Loe , as the eyes offervants,

unto the hand oftheir mayfters; as the

eyes of a mayden, unro the hand of her

myftrtfs : fo our eyes, unto lehovah

our God; until that he be gracious unto



Be gracious to US lehovah be gra-

cious to us: for we are very-much fy

rith contempt.


Our fowl it is very-much fylled

Vi>irh the fcorning of thofe that arc-at

cafe; the contempt, ofthe prowd.

4 -

Pfalm J2S.

Sing this as the if. Pialm.

r ^Thou thatfitteft in the heavns;

t ^hft mine tyei to thee*

4s the fervants tyts^ mtahand oftheir mayfters bee;

4U majds eyes to her myfirefhanthy?are our eyes^mto

Jehovah onr Cod; vnulht

doegrace onm beftow^

Jehovahgracious be to w,vnto Hsffracioui htt\

hcauft evenfylled ^ith

exceedingly are ft'fi.

Our (owl exceedingly isfytldi

with the derydwg^flowt

ofthofe that are at ^uut-eafe;

With contempt ofthe


^erf.i. that he be gracious] 0|fliew -mercy: tj()l0 rotfflft CDtltlmia!

facf,aiEi Luk. . 8.1 ,-7. b. 4. it IS ] OJ, CO it feltj a0 pf. izo.^.

to the prowdi a p^apct tffiU We cbil mep turn itpon thcmfclbep.

Pfalm. 124.

r. A fong ofdegrees; ofDavid:

E xcept lehovah, that he had been for

us: now lei Ifrael (ay. 2. Except

lehovah, that he had been for us: whenearth!y-men rofe up againft us. 3. Then

ithey had fwallowed us up alive : wh^

i their anger was kindled apa nft us.

4. Then,the watershadovetflowedus:

ithe (fream, had pafled over our (l;wl.

; 5. Then the prowd waters: had paflec

^ Over our fowl . 6, Blefled h lehovah.

who hath not given usfir a prey, untotheir teeth*

Sing this as the 8. Pfalm.

P'ORD,tltat he fr us hadbeertA

jL^letjfraelnow fay, Sxceptftrtudie LORD had been_,^^heK men (^ainft us rofk

S» They had usfwallovp*d-up alive, even-then^hen kindled Was their anger againft us,

4* Then had ihe Waters overm fovoedrover ourfowl^ thenpafed had theftre^m^'

. Over our ftwlhad paftl^ prowd Waters,

left be fehovah; Which hath not

tot n prep^ unto the

. PlSlm. .cxxv. cxxVr.

7, OurTowli asabird is efcapedout 7* ‘ Our (ortnIU aT}irdefcA^(d-fiee -

. C)fthe fnare of the fowlers: the fnare is from out ofthe tntmighng fillers fnctrt,

.brokcn>,*2iid we areefcaped. 8. Our S, Thefiareu broke ^ andm efcApe^ are,

•helpV^ in the name oFTehovaht the ma- Ourfkccour^ m Ichovahs name flialbee:

'kCf;ofheavens and earth. that ofthe heav*ns andearth $s the maker.


a^erf. I. Except lehovah ,that he] o?,BiitfbrIehovah who was. Ifithadnot been he.

t. 4. waters] tf)iat 10 jfynful people ja0/lfa. Rev.17.1y.

Pfalm. I2J.' Pfalm, j2S.,

I. A fong, of degrees: ,Sing this as the 108. Pfalm.

T Hey that truft in lehovah: fjalbe as

Mount Sion ^hichis notmoved,te. . fhey that truflmthe LORD;, (hzlatmount Swremayneth for ever. }jv^^ts?jotmoved;b\xt remaymperpetuallte.(bQc,

2, lerufalem,the mountayns 2^ Jerufale/rL^ * - -

round-about it; and lehovah ts round- mounts compajsit:fi hisfilk IAH

about his people, from this time, and compajfeth them;for ever

. fio this time^for aye, For^ refiing havefhalnot



For,the rod ofwickednes* dial not .therodofvpickednes^ttpon the /«/?~mcns lot:

reftupon thelotofthejuft;thatthejuft 4eaft that the juft

put not forth their hands unto any in- mto any tniqmtie

jurious-evil. . , thttr hands out-thruft. (their hart,

4. Doo-good 6 lehovah , ufttothe 4,T>oogaod LORD^tothegood: c^th'Hprightin

good: and to the righteous, in their j, *But to their crooked~w2iyQS, they that aftde',^de*

harts. 5;.But they that turn-afider<? their the LORD themed• (part^

crookednefles, lehovah wil lead them lead ^ith Workers of)^Hckednesl

with the workers of painful-iniquitie:. . Teace^on IJr eL . -

FQ^CC^Jhalbe upon Ifrael.


ofwickednes] tgat 10, ofthe wicked; a0 pride ,fOJ prowd men, Pral.j^,u.

lot] t6ati0,inheritance5a0Iof.i8.ii.i.Pcc.y.3. ij. y.crookednefles] crooked wayes^OJvices.

Pfalm. 126.

1. A fong, of degrees:W Hen lehovah returned the cap-

tivicie of Sion : we were like

them that dream. 2. Then, was our

mouth fylled with laughter and our

tongue with joyful-fliowting; tben,fayd


^ Ffalns, i2 (f.

Sing this as the yo. Pfalm.

/. WHen theLORD tHrnd the bondage ofSion^f

2,^e Were, like them that dreanu, Then fylled WaPour mouth With laughier c^ our tongue With ^ngi

among the heathens then thisfpeech did paft;


Pfarm. CXXVIl. dXXVtlT. 3Mthey among the heathens; Tehovah hath The LOH^ Wttb thefi-men hath dom very

doonvery-greac things with them. (great thingi^



lehovah hath doon very-great $• The LORD ^ith m he hath in deed doongreat

things with usL we are, joyful. (thtngK

4, Turn thou 6 lehovah our captivi- 4^ We jcyfitl are, O LORD aerivers-pong

tie ; as the m s in the fouth . in (omh , fo turn thou our taptivity,

5 . They that fow with tears, (hal reap .t. They that doofiw ^tth tears,jhal reap ^ithfing^

\^ith joyful-fhowling. He going go- 6. Hegoinggoes tknd^eepeth-h^zvWy^

fth,and weeperh

,bearing the fowing beartng the[owingfeed: ^ith)oyfiUjlnging

feed : he coming cometh with ^ojfiiU becoming comesJois[heaves upon hm bringing*

(howring, bearing his iheavcs .



l^rrf. r. the captivitie] oj,the reverfion^thUttiS, the multitude ofcaptives rctuttlfnt!frctfl tojyIjonliaoe.^ccPfal. 14,7. &68.ip.Deut. 30.3. /CJc return from 25abd0 bontjagc, frgurc&ourrebemptionbp Ifa. I0,2r,zz* Rom.? .27. that dream]that felt joy and corri-tpjpShlfortincreciible,which we doubted whither it were true or no:a0bltl ^&etet>Ari:.iXj?.^eeal(a •

Ifa. 29,7,8. b. 2. joyful-ihowt] 02 fong, IhriLfingingifo bCtfe Compare Iob.8.2i>

doon very great things ] oj doon magnificently,0| magnified his doings,(00 tj)e tranfla^ J'C"

tethtf)tJ3!phl®ffj hlloei. 2.20.) the il^eb^aifme Seine, he hath magnified to doo: lihe that in2. Chron.33,6. Manafleh multiplied to doo ( that did much ) evil. with them] 0^ with^

thefemcn. b. 4- our captivitie] thati0,ihs reft of the captives which remayn yet be-hind, bjino'them alfo . ^0 captivitie captives , Fzek. 1 1, 24,2.^. in the fouthj 3W3thatfei in the drye ground- fo^ fothel)«'b|UCb30^ lignifirtft ; ailb fO fouth lands bJCrebia*terlef0 , ludg. 1,15. ^cre bie map unbetflunb, this Ihalbe to vs as rivers in the fouth.


b.s. fhalreap] o^Lt them reap :a0couri..iuugthefopmrmaper;fo after. b.^.Rego-ing goethj that lb every fewer, fr.jrmeiittonebrtherfo^e the 45;iec6 fapth, they did going goe:

Phjafe meaneth , a eoiuinual and diligent going . the fowing feed J the feed to 5efown

: ^eb;t. the drawing of the feedj that lb,the feed of drawing, p^,of fowing,0j2f tfitb pfizafe

m ’ancth) Amos 9.13. 0^ , the dray offeed , ’b, the feed-basket * ^Omctlbte drawing,ijSpurchafing

, ab Iob.28.18i b^hWi) Hiap alfO be minbeb h^Cf> the puichaUd , t that ibprecidus>foed.

Pfalm. i27t

I. A Tong ofdegrces, for Solomon:

1, 1 . lehovah build not the howfejw vayn.ioo the builders theroflabour ther-

in; it lehov ati keep aot the citye, in vayndooth the keeper wake.

2. It ss vay n tar yow to rife up early,to fit

#1^ latc;^o eat the bread of forowes;fo he wil give his bi loved flcep,

3 • Loc,fonns are an lieritage ofleho^tail: the fruit ofthe womb; a wage.

4. As

Pfalm, I2J,

Sing this as the ^8^ Pfalm.

/. T T (he LORD doo build (he howje^

V her builders toylm vayn m •

' Vnlt[rhe LORD the etty keep


the keeper wak^ in vayn,

2,Tt's vaynfor you to rife early^

tofit up late to feed

bread offorrow^: fo Wil hi - >

giveJleep to hts Loved,'

Loe^ firms nc th^LOR^S herttami^

fiuH ofthe \^vmb his

iiz fCahrt. CXXVII. CXXVIII.,



As arrowes In the hand ofa migh- 4. t/4s anmtiin nJfrong rnuns htmdifo<?y^fonnsortheyowth. arefinmofyomhJiii~age.

/. O b!e(Ted // the man, thathath^ /. O bUJfedxs the mafL^^thnt hath

fylled his quiver ttdch then) ; they flial hs quiverfyildVotththofr,^

no.t be abaihed; when, they fhal fpeak theyjhal not hh(h,^hen in ti]cgate

with the enemies in the gate. theyfyeakjhdmh thefoes.


I for Solomon] Pial. 71. i.o^ ofSolomon z. to rife early] 0^, to be

tjfiT early in nkng, tO be late in fittingj eating &c. of forrowes] tljAt 10, gotten with muchibiTowo^payne^: a0 bread ofwickednes, Prov. 4.17. I0 tbanj3(jtrbl0 wickedly gotten: OJbread offorrowes, map mean courfe meat, aiS bread ofplealures Dan, 10.3. daynty line meat,

fo] bp builbing, beeping anb bleffing tbeitlabours Uittbout fo^totuej 0^ furely he wll give,

his beloved] o^dearlingj tje i^Cb^ue ledid, reference to^olomotl0 name ledid-jah.

i.Sam. 12. ir., thati0Beloved-ofIah: butt|h^ db^eeb turnetb It plliratlp, his beloved ones.

fleep] quiet reittoitfjout carb anbfo^otiJ. ^berfo^catfotbe^ebjuebjo^bShenaiptont^tentoitlj a quietbumm letter, ( otfter toeife tfien ufual) tobetiotetfjemojequietnc^.

i. anheritage] tftat 10, a reward (o^bleiling) given of the Lord; folob 20,29. Ifa.f4.17.

VU\, 6u 6 , awage] 0^ reward, VD!)ic{)fon1tmiC 10 Cfdebt, fc^fcrbicf, Num. 18.31.Gen.

30. 28.fomtimeoffabour,Rom.4.4-a0<6cD0re\navb0toBf0feriiant0,Gen. if.i. ifa. 62.11.

4 » fonns ofyouth] that 10,yongmenj vnl)0 ar a ftelp to tljetr patent0 agamft tOc ene<

lnte,a0arrotoe0 in tbe battel. 29 . jif. j. his quiver

with them] tj^at i0, his howfe ful of children. when they lhal fpeak] tl)at i0 plead in

judgment, tobtcb lua0 at tge titic gatepi fee tfte contrarp, lob. 5 . 4 • 3t alfo be read, buc

they ihal fubdue the enemies in the gate. 4r[)e0^b Qtbet{) tt}t fitfl interpretation . Com^pareGep. 22.17.


Pfalm. 128. Pjalm. 12S.

i. A fong,ofdegrees:

O Happy is every one that feareth Ic- ^his as the 108. Pfalm.

hovah: that walketh, in his wayes. /. O happy evry one that in the Lords fear-ftands:

2 . When thou (lialt eat the labour of that Walh^ethyin his Wayes.The labourpfthj hads

thy hands: 6 happy thou, and goodjhal ^hen thouJhalt eat:

i> unto thee. , chappy tho^» andgood unto



Thy wife, fljalhe as a fruitful vine, thee be fhal it. be^«

by the (ides of thine howfe : thy fonns, Thy Vosfi, asfruitfd-vine by thy howfepda flial-

as Olive plants, round-about thy table. thychtldreAalbcltketheplantsofth'Olii/e-treeg

4. Loeiurely thus, lhal the man be about thy bord,

blefled, that feareth lehovah. 4 * Loefire thus,frid the man he bleft^

5. Bleffcthee wilIehovah,outofSi- thatfiars the LORD.

on: and fee thou the good oflerufakm, s* The LORJ) ft’i/ bkfr thee^out ofSio\(^fee thow

al the dayes of thy life. good oflerufilerru^ al dayes thy Uf thorow.


And fee thou thy fonns fonns: ' <^Anddoo thoufee•'

peace upon IfracU thy childrens children^: peace

^• ^Annotations* on Ifrel bee.

Pfalm. CXXVIIL CXXrX.Annotations.


i*'0 )iappy*] olBIeiTed. Vl. When thou] iFof thou fiialt eat: 0^,'

purely. the labour] t|)at thinvgs goc^with labour, acCO^blltO tO tfje laU) Gen. 3 . i^. yu^anb tlnd of<6ob^ fia»!b, Hccle. 2 ,z4 . tlyz contraip toljcrof iicf, a cutfC:, Deut^zs .30,3 1,33

" ' *

good"! profirable, &pIealingja|GiDeut.z3,i^. \3 . 3. fruitful] oj, fructifying ; fee alfo #'

t]^l0 ftmiiltUbe, Ezek. 19,10. Gen* 49. zz. Olive plants] aiUlBpeS^ green, Pfal.yz,io. anblegitimate, ajJ tfte <©Ilbe abmttteti) 110 ot)fter»0raj|\ b. 4» Loe finely thus ] 0^, Loethat thus; hl0^ee&,Loethus, &c, roiintilig that fuperfluoujj. b* s. willehovah]

P^apcrbJnfe ( ais tJ)C ^at!) it) lehovah blefs thee. fee thou] o;t,thou llaalt fee,

tj^atlo injoy: loofi Cfje not£0 on Pfal .27,4*81 37.3. the good] tgiati^, the good things,

t{)C 45^eeil j^atj) it: fee Pfal . 6 S,S, b* 6 , thy fonns fonns] c^, fonni to (oj of)thy fonns,

tl)ii3 fulfilled III lob, 4i,i<^.

Pfalm. 129.

1. Afong, of degrees:

O Ftcn have they diftrelfed me frommy youth: maylfrael now fay.

2. Often have they diftreiled me fro

my youth: yet, have they not prevayled

againft me. 3 . The plowers plowed up-on my back: they made loing, their fur-

low. 4 , lehovah juft: he Hath cut-afun-

der, the cord of the wicked. 5. Let thebe abaflied, & turned back : al that hateSion. 6 . Let them be,as the grafs ofthehowf-tops: which afore one pulleth it oft,

is withered. 7. Wherwith he that mow-ethjfylleth not his had; or he that Sind-cth-ftieavcs,his bofome. S.Ncyther doothey fay,that pafs-by: the bleffing ofle-hovah be upon you: we bfefsyou,in thename oflehovah.


\£ ,

^ : vehemently . from my youth] ttip fivft COnf!ftUttOlt,|Il1Agppt. Ezek.23,3.

3^ plowers ] that plow iniquitie, Iob.4, 8. tftC^lblCffeafynners.furrowes : tgat every of them; (fo^ tfte l^0b|uc gatft botft teabingsf :)mfan^


ing tbnv injuries, m iniquitie

, a0 tljf tUtUCtf) It. b. 4. cord 1 foj cords,OJ ropes


miepiitfo^manpifee 8,9. bp cords, ineanmgcounfd^anb mtrvpbf- js,bjfievb3it6tl&epb^-EbJ the plobsbof^iiymiqw^ Ifa.y,i8. b. y. Let them] They lhalbe aballit.

pnlieth out, namelp the hook to cut iu b. 7. his bofome] ; hit'

inns, afi o^lap*

. Ffa/m, i2g.

Sing this as the 77. Pfalm.

r. yowth me affliSled*.

2. (ay now may ffrad. From my yonth-yong

they oft affitEled mex yet^ they toofirong

^ . )toere notfor me. The flowers they plowed

upon my back : they made theirfarrow long.

4. Jehovah jafi : afmder-CHt hath he

j. the Wickfds cord. O let them beJhamed^ .

al that hate Stem and be back^ turned.

4. Let them atgraf upon the howfe-tops be I

'^hich ere one pulls ft ojf, is withered.

7. Wherwith his hand hefalls not,that dooth mowi

5. nor he his^^armes that bwdeth-fheaves.And tb^

that are thepajfengers^by^doo not fay :

the bluing ofJehovah be on you;

U?# blefayougn the name ofJehovah.

Pfalm. 130. rfalm. ifo.

Vs A foag

3X4 Pfalm. CXXX- CXXXT.

I. Afong ofdegrees:

OVt ofdie deeps,doo I cal unto rliee

leliovah. 2. Lord, hear my voice:

let thine ears be attentive, to the voice,

ofmy fupplications-for-grace.

3. Ifthoufliouldeftobferv iniquities

6 lah: Lord,who dial ftand? 4. But with

thecf>forgivnes : that thoumayeftbe

feared. 5. 1 earneftly-exfped lehovah,

my foul earneftly-expedeth: and for his

wordjdool hopefuliy-wayt. 6, My foul

for the Lord: w^or^than watchmen for'

the morning, watchmen for the morn-

ing. 7. Let Ifrael hopefully-wayt,for le-

hovah: for with lehovah they is merck;

and with him is much redemption.

S. And he,wil redeem Ifrael:from al his


Sing this as the r 5 .Pfalm*

/. Ofit ofthe deeps calfehovah unto th'ee^

2, Lord hear my voice: 0 let thine ears attentive hee^

unto voice ofmyfitts-that-doo-fir^grace-requefi^fniquitieSy • fah^ obferv tfthou [hohldejh

0 Lord^ \X^hojhal[ubfislL

4, *BHt n?t theepardois.'that thou mayftfeared bct»

y. f for fehovah loo^^ myfoul loohs^earneftlie:

f al(ofir his Word^ have hopefolly^firborn*

6, My fial wayts fir the Lord : more-than ^atch*

than ^att hmenfir the mow\ (menfir mom.

7. Let ifrael ^aytfir fehovah hopefidlyz

^ith lehovah there is bounttfil-mercie;

and ^ithhim plentiful redemption there is.

/. And he veil Ifrael redeem: out ofal huperverfe-imqmies.


f^erf. 1. deeps] tf|atl'?S,greatcalamities,PfaL^9,5,i5', fj. 3. fiialftand?] oj canfub^.

fift i meantngj no man can. b. 6. watchmen ] 0^ warders , keepers. for,] 0| to themorning, h. 8. his} OJ their iniquities: fee t^C UOU,zz.


pfalm. 1 3 1.

1. A fong ofdegrees,ofDavid:

IEhovah, mine hart is not hau^ty,neyther are mine eyes lofty: neyiher

walk 1 in gx^dX-matters^ and too marvel-

lous for me.

2. If I have not compofed and ftil-

led>my foul: as a weaned-cl?i^ with his

mothers as a weaned- with me w myfoul.

3! let Ifrael hopefully-wayt for le-

hovah: from this time and for ever.

pfalm. J34.

Sing this as the 1 y . Pfalm

/. vT hart^ fehovah, is not prowd;

.LVJL mine eyes not lofty bee :

nor ^alkj i»^re<if-matters, and

too marvellousfir m^e.

2. ff f have not compofd andfly lid

my foxvli as >^>eaned~dild,

V^ith hts mother; VPith me myfivpl

is as a ^eaned-chdd.

Let ffrael avpayt upon

fehovah hopefully:

from this iime-prefent and hcnccforik

mto eternity.


X. haughty] Ollifted up, tOltf) pjihr: fee,Prov.i^,f. 1 Chron.31.

tnarveileus] coohardlorme^hyeandabovemy reach: a^PfaLx3>,6.'

Pfalm. CXXXII, SISto* 1. irihavenotltT)atri^,Siirelyihave!anoflt8,U3flerofpartt35fcmfekb,feePral.9j,ir.

Ier,49 .ao. compofed] d put fit anb in order. fiyiled ] OJ, madefilent, tffrcpntngttTrom nopfome as a weaned-rj^llD] tgat l 5S,meek,modeft,humble,fubmiflive,rim-ple, &c« ^eeMat.

Pfalm. ly

I. A fong, ofdegrees:

IEhovah,remember vnto David: al his

affliction. 2, How he fware unto Je-

hovah: vowed, unto the Mighty-one of

laakob. 5 . If I enter, into the tent ofmine howfe; if I goe-up,on the pallet of

my bed s. 4


1 f I give fleep to mine eyes


flumber to mine eye lids. 5 . Vntil I find

aplace,forIehovah: dwelling-p/^cg^, for

the Mighty-one of laakob. 6. Loe, weheard it in ^phrachah: we found it

in the feilds ofthe wood.


We wil goe-into his dwelling-p/.^-

we wil bow-down our felvesatthe

footftool of his feet.


Arife lehovah, to thy reft: thou,

and the Ark ofthy ftrength.



Let thy Preifts be clothed with juf-

tice: and let thy gracious-fainCts ioyfJly^

(howt. 10. For thy fervant Davids fake:

turn not away, the face ofthine Anoyn-ted. II. lehovah fware unto David,

truth; he wil not turn from it: ofthefruit of thy womb, wil I fee upon thy




If thy fonns keep my Covenant,

and my Teftimonic that I fhal teach the:

alfo their fonns even to perpetuitie, dial

fit, upon thy throne.


For lehovah hath’ chofen Sion :

hath defired it, for his feat.


This is my reft even to perpetuitie:

here wil I (it, for I have defired it.


Hervittailes, Iwil bleffingblefs:

her poor, I wil fatiffy with bread.


And her Preifts, I wil cloth with

falvation: and her gracious-fainds^fhal


Ffdlm, JS2^

Sing this as the 7f. Pfalm.

REmember LORD, iwto David ;

al his carefil-afhShoji^.

Hovpfvpear unto tfje LORD he did:

Vowduuto Jakobs Mighty-one*

Ifinto my hor^fe tent /goci

or dime, on pallet of my beds.

Igivefleep mine eyes vnto:

orflumber unto mine eye lids,

Ttl Ifind the LORD a place:

dwellings, fur lakpbs mighty^God,Loe, tn Ephrath heard it was:

found it, in the fiilds of)X^ood»

fnto his dwellings '^ilgoe:

to his flets (fool, bow-down ^il ^ee,

tiArife 0 LORfB thy reji into:

thou, and th*Arkyfthy potencie.

Thy Preifif With \ufitce be clothed:

and thy Sainds joyfidly-[howt they,

'Becaufle ofthy fervant Davtd:

thine Otntedsfkce, turn net away,

The LOR^ did unto David[wear,the truth;from it turn Wil not hee: .

vpon thy throne I Wtl up-rear

thefruit that ofthy Womb fhalbec.

^JWy covenant, tfthy finns l^eep it;

and Witnefi, that them teachfhal I:

alfi theirfmns,even theyfhalfit,

vpon thy throne perpetually*

Becaufe tjoe LORD hath Sion chofe:

hath it defired,for hisfeat,

This isfor ever my repofe:

lie dwel here,for / covet it.

Her viitniles I 'Wil bkffwg hlefi:

her poor. With bread Hefittffie.

Her Dreifts, Withfiving-health addrefii

her Samds,fljalfhowt mofi•joyfully



Rt 2 t7*Thtrt

^1$ Pfalm. CXXXn.1 7. There,wil I malcc the horn ofDa- 17.Shere, \x?il J DavUs horn difpUyt

vid to bud : I have ordeyned a lamp, for a Lam^Jor mine Anoymcd, mmrruh

mine Anoynted* 1


. His enemies wii I 18. Htsfi&i withjhame I Wilaray: -

cloth with fliame: 3c on him, his crown bfitfloHrtJh [hal hts crowft^, on hinu,

flial flourilh.


I. Vnto David ] 0^ for him, for good unto him: OJ, David: with al his affli(5i:i-

on. ^OPfal. 137,7. ^ afflidionl p2, humiliation, affli(5ting-care , fo^ tO jjabe tftf 'Jferfe

brought fioinc unto i.Chron*i3,i,z,3,u.& ifjijZ. &c« oj,to builD 43oo anftotofcx.Sa^

7. r,z. U. 2. the Mighty one] in the God oflaakob : fo fOleO fivp bp fjaabDbil)i'mfdf,Gen.49,x4. C[)i0 tidcij? al|o gtben to otftcr things, Pfah78,2f . & 22,13.

b- 3. If lentcrj that I'g, furely I wil not enter:recPial.^f,u,& 8^,36. Compare tjiis fare



5itb tlyz tontrarp negUgcnce oftfte people, Hag.i ,4. ^ Sam.7,1,2. mine howfe]

mentioned I. Chron.ij,!. p. U find] tfiatio, prepare OJ build: foAa*7 ,4^« ^IfoiHPfal.3^.3. findingjijSaccomplifliing, dwelling-placeO ] OJ,habitacles,feePlal.43,3.

P» 6 , it] Gods Ark; Petfe 3. ^ Ephrathah] the country of Fphraim,tl5e title ShilojpjfterC

45od^boP)fe and^Urfebadlongrontmuediudg. 18, 31. &2i,i9. i,Sam. 1,3. tf)crfo|e an £-

J-Jj^hramite ijS tailed an Ephrathite, ludg.ii.j,.

the feilds of the wood]in tfte title of Kir*,

w - Y^ath-jeanm (tflat iiS, the citie of the woods) bogete tge boajs tboentp pereji, after it tamegome from tgcPhilifiines,i*Sam.(5.2 1. & 7,1,2* 3it bOajS alfo tailed Baale (tgePlayns) oflu-

dah, 2 Sam. 6,i, p. 7* at the tootlloollox towards it, meaning the fanduarie: fee Pf.s>9,f. ^

p. 8* thy rell] the fanduary builded for thy name, ajl i. Chron, 28,2. 2Chron.^.4i^

y Coffer, pjgifb pjap made ofshittim (0^ Cedar) pjood,qPcrIapd toitlj platcss

“ J ?ofgoidjpjgofe toPer ( taled tge Mercy-fea^t) pjap al ofpure gold, on PJgitg PJere two glorious

Cherubs ofgold ,ftomP)Bente eod gaPegiq <©jatle ;Exod,37 . i,2-6.7. Num.7,8i?. gn tgisi

Arif pjere tge tpjo tablcjsoftgc lapj 0^ tefKmonie,P3gtten PJitg tgefinger of<i5od.DeuMo.3.

j . U,y. /Cgijl ArkfOtaleP 45odSHlrength,andglorie ,Pfal.78.6i. 9. clothedwith

^ ] tgat i0 , let them ju% and holily adminifier their preifts office: '^0 3pb fpcabing of^ *

'fttjSjuft adminiftration, faptg , I put on juftice and it clothed me,my judgment was as a robe and

crown: lob. 2^,14. /Cfterfoje tge 5^ci(lq gad golp garmentjs to adminiger in:,Exod.z8.2.3»

gn 2.Chron.6.4 1 . and after gere in perfe I6.the Preifts are cloathed with falvation: fo Cggft,

and gps people, Ifa*<Ji, 10. Rev, 1,13* & IP,S. thyfainits] the people of Ifrael, i.Chron,

If,i8 . P . 10. Davids fake ] for the promifes made to David : oj, for Chrifts fake, talcd of^

ten David: fee Pfal. 18. 5 1* turn not away the face] that tg, deny not the regueft: agI. King. 2,1 <,17,20. P. II. truth ] tgat ijS, a true oath , a faithful promife^ fruit

of thy womb ] OJ belly, tgatiq, thy children : fee2. Sam.7* i 2.!^dtgt0 propgefierefpCCtetg

Chrill, A6t.2,3o. p. 13. his feat] 0^ dwelling place; fee Pfal.68, 17^ p. if. vittailes]

0^ mea*-: fee Pfal. 78, 2f. bleflmg blefs] tgl0 notetg certayntie and abundance of bleflin^

16 . with falvationltge miltiftration oftgC mo^d, Plgerbp they fave themfelves and thofe

tear them * Deut. 33 . 10 . 1 . 'ttm* 4. ^0 <l&Od33 minifters, are Caled Saviours, Obad.that hear

ai. ^ee before, verfe^. Perf* 17 . the horn to bud] OJ to grow: tgatl0, the kingdom

and power tolncreafc. ^ecPlal. 7 y*T. & 89,18,2?. ^0 Cg^lfl ip Caleb the horn offalvation.

Ink. I, 69. ordeyned a lamp,] 0^, prepared a candle, tgC bnggtgIO|pof tge bing-

bombpafuccefTour ; ap’i. King.11,36. &I?,4 . 2.Kine.8,i9. ^ee Pfal. 18,29,

p, 18. cloath with ftiame ] they lhalbe difappointed and confounded in al their enterprifes,

jS)0Pfal.3f.26. & 109,29. crown] o^diademe. a figrt ofgovernment, and fan(ftitie: tger#

V fo^cgiC <^^ebtUmctgitfan6i:ification: fee Pfal. 89,40.

jacrjutKyha- . . . ,

Pfalm, CXXXUI.


T . A Tong ofdegrees, ofDavid:

BEhold how good and how pleafanc

it is: for bretiiren todwel even togi-

ther/ 2. Like tlie good oil, upon the

head;\Vhtch went-dow- n,upon the beard,

the beard ofAaron: which wenc-down,

upon the coller of his garments.

5. Like the dew of Hermon; which

defeendeth , upon the mountayns of

Sion : for there, lehovah hath com-manded thebleflingj life, untoecerni-


Sing this as the 34. Pfalm.

I, T> hovfgood it is attdfwHii

j3for brethren even to dwelat one!

2» It's Ifks thegood oil on the head;

which didgoe-doppn the beard upon,

the beard oftsyi\on: ^hkh down ^eni

on coller ofhis vejfimennt^ .

S* It^s like the dew ofmoun t Hermon;

even like the dew that dooth defend,

u^on the momtaines ofSion:

becanfe Jehovah dooth commandthat there the blejfwg ftil fhalbc^

even Itfe^untoetermue*

* AnnnotAtions.

1 . togither] in vnitle anh concord Ij. 2. the good oil] the balfam, OJ oil ofholy nointment, maDcoftf)t?p|mnpalfpiceis/ojtf)e 5lojb^tafacrnatle mitimmiperjs,^^^


2 the coller the mouth, tje Upper ftole 0^ bojtstt Mjich luasi bounbtBatitfhculbnotrem,E:cod. 3^.23. b. 3. Hermon ] an fertile mount lui#out fSojbeu,\uaterebVtiithtbcbelubfheaben lit toajs Caleb alfo shirion: feiPfal.


which defeendeth] uaberPaubj^ereagawe, and as the dew that defeendeth: foj Hermoaanb bion mere far afunber . therejmgere b^etl)|cn blucl tn unities commanded] nyappointed,ailbient eifedliially

: fee Pfal, 42^9.

Pfalm. 134.

I. A Tong, of degres:

B Ehold, bids ye kbevah,


vancs of lehovah: that Hand in the

howfe of lehovah, in the nights,


i. Lift up your hands,;?? the fandtu-

arie: and bkfs,IehoYah.

3. lehovah blefs thee out of Sion:he that made, heavens and earth.

Vfalm. 734.

Sing this as the 2 1. Pfalm.’

BEhold^ bitfye the LORT>, .

dye the LO^RDSfirvants:

that in the LORpS howfe fiand, by nights.

O lift ye tip your hands,

Vcithin the holy-pUce:

and blef the LORD doo^yee.

The LORD^ that wade the heavrts& earthy

blef, oHt ofSiotu, thee.

^Annotations, . ,.

l^erf. I. that Hand ] tjat ferve, OJ minilfer : f O’,'which Hood before the King, ler. yi.12. ta’*l i5fb|to5icft i|SVl3;Utten,lU2 King. 2j. 8. fervant of the King. ^?reib meant tSldfipt{)ePreirts,&

• '

tevites ,'mbcfe office maji to Hand and miniftcr,D,,8 . & 17,12. Ezek.44 jii 3 iy- ^ONeh.12^44. the Preifts and Levices that Hood

; tfjat ,ferved . ^ee alfo Pfal. 131,2.

in the nights] beeping tje Uiatc|5 oftlie 1ln;tb, ^ce Lev. 8,31. I. Chron. 9,33 •

b. 2 . in the fanauaric] , tOlnaib^ the lioiynes, tfiat t0 ^ the moftholy placc,\j}fiere

btoelt bettoeecii tfie Cherubim:^: c?,mholynes; tl)atisi,holyly. \ yfo. 3. bkfs] o^wilblefs thee, fprabthg to <lpob0 people . Compare Num. e;, 24. pfal. nB.i. anbtftc p^iomifeEx-od,2o.24. In ail places where I put the meiuone of ftiy name , I wil come unto thee, and blefs



Rc 3 ' CXXXt

3 If Pfalm. CXXXV*Pfalm. 135.

r. Halelu-jah;

iRaifeyethe namcoflehovah: praife

6 ye fervants oflehovah


2. That ftand in the howfeoflcho-

vah ; in the courts, of the howfe of our


3 . Praife ye lah, for lehovah is good:

Cng-pfalm to his namcjfor it ts pleafant.

4. For lah hath chofen to himjdf

Jaakob: Ifrael, for his peculiar-trefure.

y. For I dooknow, that lehovah ix

great: and our Lord, ix above al Gods.6 , A 1 that pleafeth lehovah ,he doeth


in the heavens and in the earth; in the

feas, and al deep-places.

7 . He caufeth vapours to afcend, fro

fhe end of the earth : he makcth light-

nings with the rayn: he bringeth-forth

the wind, out of his trefuries.

8, Whofmote,thefirftbornofiEgipt:

from man, unto bead.

9. Sent fignes and wonders,in middsofthee d -<£gypt: on Pharaoh, and on al

his fervants.

TO. Who fmote many nations; andflew, mighty Kings.

II. Sihon, Kingofthe Amorites; &Ogh, KingofBaflian: and al the King-

doms of Canaa. 1 2 .And gave their land

fr a poffeflion : a po(Teffion,to Ifrael his

people. 13. lehovah, thy name w for

ever. lehovah, thy.memorie $s to gene-

ration and generation.

14. For lehovah wU judge his peo-

ple: and for his fervants, he wil repent-

himfelf. ly. The idols of the hethens,

4ire filver & gold; the work, of the hands

of earthly- man. 16. A mouth they

have, and fpeak not: "eyes they have, &fee not. 17. Ears they have, and hear

not : alfo, there is no breath in their

mouth.18. LiKc

Ppilm,Sing this as the 108. Pfalm.

O Halleln-](ih; 7ratfe Iehovahsn<^met^ooyfe:

0 praife him yee that oflehovah fervants bee .

2. Tee tint tntlj hovefe

fianei, oflehovah; in the courts^

ofour Gods howfe.

O pratfeyee lahjbecaufe lehovah \\tgood is :

png-pfdlm unto his name.becaufe it pleafint is»

4, For Jah hath chofe

Jakob to him: ^fr’elJots tre^

Jure preciofe.

j. For f doo krioVQi thatgreat lehovah is : alfo

6» our Lord above al Gods. lehovah he dooth doe^

what him doothpleafe:

in heav'ns and earth : infeaSyOnd in

d deep-places. (hyr,

7 . He caufeth vapourspo the earths end^to mounts

makes lightnings the rayniout ofhts trefurye^

the )^wd he brings.

5. Whofmote c/£gypt^fiom man tp beafi^

in thetr frfilwgs. (mids ofthee%^ .

p. 'Both ftgnes and ^onders-9itzn^Q,

<ty£gipt in

on Pbar*oh on al hisfervants^fend dtd kee*

to who fmote many-

great nations; and kjUed Kings

that were mrghty,

t / Sthon th'Amorites ktng; &OghJkJng ofBafan*

12 & Cdnans kingdoms d. And for poffiffion

their land hegave:

to hisfilklfr elytn poffef

fm to have,

/j lehovah^ thy name is unto eternitie:

lehovdo, unto age age^ thy memorte,

14 For his people

judge; repent,fir hisfervantSy


is BhegreevoHS-idols ofthe hethen-nations,

theyfilver are andgold: mens handy aflms.16 c./^ motith they have

and doo notfpeaky tyes have th^^anddoo not perceive.

( isyione,

i? They ears havc^hear not ibreath in thetrmouth

ii LikeI


1 8. Like them,be they that make the: is Ltk^ them their metktrs Bet that trufish them

every one, that trufteth in them. tp O IfreU howfe (ech one,

19. O hovrfe oFlfrael, blefs ye leho- blefiye the LORDx bkfjethe LOR*D^vahiohowfeof Aaron,blefsyeIehovah, 6 ^\ons hovefe^ {LORJ)^

20. Ohowfe ofLevi, blefs ye leho- /• O blefithe LORT>^ye howfeof Levi: blefithe

vah: ye that fear lehovah,blefs letiovah, 2t ye that the LORDdoojear Fro Sio let the Lor^


* BlcHcd be lehovah, out ofSion: be bleJft-2L\w3iy :

which dvvelleth in lerufalems Halelu- Vphtchdwellethinferhjalems

jah. Hallelnjah.


IDerf* I* Halelu-jah] tfiat 1*3^,praife , 0^ glorify ye lah

; OfjopfufejtfiOJtationto fing p^atfeis to tlje ?Lo?t> foiW niercte^i auD in tfle enti of aDt)cD ais Amen,fo|ochcarfulacflamation: fee Pfal. 104 , 3 j. & 106,48. Rev. 19, 1

, 3 >6 . to. 4. peculiar-trefurejink

oj precious and fingular-pofleifion, proprietie: fo Dent. 7,6. tOa^S pjcmtfeb bp tf)e laUJ,


Exod. 1^,1: .but pctfbjmeb bpCfoift bt0 cetoeming anto purifpmg of bijs pcDplc,Tir.2,i4.i.Pet,

a,9 . to. 7 . vapours ] oj elevationsj m clow ds: fb^ bp toapovoiib cloltobb braluji

from tbetnb oftfie eartS 0^ fea, tometf) tapn j asi it 10 fapb , he caiieth for the waters ofthefea ,

andpowreth them out,on the face of the earthj Amos j,8. ^0 ler. lo. 13. & ^

with the rayn ] 0|, to the rayn3 fo fprc aub toJater are mircb in onc'ClolPb trefuries]C|

coffers, llore-howfes: fee Pfal.33,7. 6. 8. from man &cj t()an0,both men and bealh:feepfal.78. 5o,ri. Exod. 12,11,29, to. 9j Pharaoh] the King, toJbotoia^pIagucbfirP in

SPPt*,anbafi:erbjotojnetointberebfea: Exod.7.&8^&9.&io,& 14. to. 10. Many]ample, great nationto; tfleAmoritesCanaanites &c. to. n. Ogh] a giant, Ulbcfe bCb^^eb tojato ofpron , nine tubit0 long , antofotoo^bjoab. ^ee Num. 2 1,23 ,-3^. Deut. 3,1 1.

kingdoms] thirtie and one, a0igrccbneb,loih. 12.9^-24. to. 12. a poffefTion] 0^ he-ritage : fee pfal. 78*55. to. 14 . for] 0^ concerning his fervants: tbw 10 tafeen from Deut.SI, 36. to. If. idols] compare tblo tbatfolotoetfi, toJi'tl) Pfal. nf,4. &c.

to. 19. howfe of Ifrael] tftat 10 , the polleritieofIfrael^ fo after. of Aaron] tO Ipbomthe |b|eif!!)oob toa0 comiftcb. Exod.28«i . to. 20. oi Levi] toibttf) toiere tabenp?omamong tfte fonn0 of 3lfrael, anb gitocn anb jopneb toJitft tfte i^jci(l0 to minifler unto tgem;:>lum. iS,2.^. ye that fear ] aj llrangers converts; profelytes: A6t.2,5. & 10, 3^*

Pfalm. 136. Pjalm, 1^6.




QOn^f "Jehovah thml^full^ fir he is gepdt

fir, ht^ mercy 2, To^odof

Onfefs ye to lehovah for he is

good;for,hismercie£w^/«/f^^for Qods confifi-dooyeei becaufe, hubounufiiUmercee

2. ConfeCs ye to the God of Gods:for, his mercy endureth lor ever.

3 . Confefs yc to the Lords of Lords;


continueth/(>rmr. Vnto tho Lord of Lords


Pfalm. cjrj'jrrr.



for, his mtxcit-triilHreth for ever.

4. To him that dooth wondrous- -

great things himfelfalone: for,his merde confip becanfe^ his menifiiLkindnes conrinuethfor ever.

r j. To him that made the heavens, firtver. 4. fohmthaidootLhtmfelfomhthmM.with prudencie: for, his merde endmth a--:r—3— ^ --I— .

«.Tohimtofprad-o«,te»nb,above the waters: for,his merde mduretb j j t' f M^-mdenne

for ever.tnaKS the heavns :^or h$s mercit •


7 To him that made the great lights:^tshtmthatfpred the eartfj more hyc


for, his mercie endureth for ever .^^ters are

; for his mercy^omivwxcxhfor ever.

8 The Sun,for dominion by day :for, 7 * hm that madegreat lights to beejhis mercie endamh for ever. hecanfe his bomtiftUmercee

COmnuQthfor ever.

p. The moon and ftarrs, for the do- S* The Santo have thefiveraigntit

minions by nighc: fpr, his mercie endn^ by day. for his benigne-mercie

COi\t\\\UQXh for ever,

p . The Adoon^ Stnrrsfor (overaignticby nighnfor hts benigne-mercic

.continueth forever. ',


so To him that mh dmrfirflborn^racefmote t/£gtpt :for his bounteous grace




for ever.

lo To him that fmoteiEgypt,in their

firft-born; for, his merde endssreih for e-


II. And brought-forth Ifrael, from


his mercie endareth t^nd Ifra^brmg forth did hee

fiom rhids ofthem:for^ his mercie

continuech/or ever.%i. With a ftronghand, and with a With (lyono In a l j i

ftrctched-out arm: for, his mercie endn-because hisholm

reth for evertecanjc hts boantifal^merctc

COn tinuethfor ever.

ig. To him that parted the red fca, ts To him that parted the redfea


into pares: for, his mcrck endareth for w parts: becaafe^his ktnd^mercieever. continucthj^rmr.

14. And made Ifrael to pafs through 14 tydndcanfedlfreldjroaghtopaf

themidsofit: for, his mercie amids if.for, hn boumeoM-gr.eeforever.


15. And fliook-off Pharaoh and his // threvoTho-doh mdhisarrnit• power into the red fea ; for, his merde intheredSe.t'forhtsmercse

^T‘0dureth for ever. continueth /ir ever.

16. To him which led his people, in iS.TahmthattntheWddernathQ Hi

9ZlPfaim- CXXXVI.the wHdernes : for, his mcrcic %ndmih


\7 To him which fmotc great Kings:

for, his m^vJK trfdHnth for ever.

i8. And kylled magnificent Kings:

for, his mcrcic endureth for ever.

ip. SihonKingofthc Amoritesrfor,

his endurcth lox t\CC


20. And Ogh the King ofBafiian:

for, his mercie enduntb for ever.

21. And gave their land fora poffeC-

fion; for , his merde endumh for ever.

2 2 , A poffeffion to Ifracl his fervant:

for, his mercie encUreth for ever,

2^. Which remembred us in our

bafe-efta:c; for, his mercie endumh for


24. And hath redemed us from odr

diftr«.ffcrs: for, his mercie tndumh for


2 5 . Which giveth bread, to al flcflit

'for, his mercie enduntb for ever.

26 Cofefs ye to the God ofheavens:

for, his mercie endamh for ever.

did U^d his p)l\i fo^, hh kjndnfS

continueth forever

17. 7*0 him^that Ktngs ofgreatttes- hyi

didfmite : for^ hts bemgne-mercte

continueth tftYr.

iS» Qy^rsd kylUd Kwgs wagnifceaSl

^or his meYcie^bmefeent


ip. Kwg ofthe eyimorites^ SihfffLtT

for hts benign^affSltoH

cox\tmucxh for ever.

Jt$. eyind Ogh oflSctfan land dje Kingl

becatife his boHnteoufnes-benignc

continueth /or ever.

2t. tyfndfor pojpjfiorjgive did hee

thetr Undi for his benign •merccf

continueth /or ever.

22. To ffr*el hisfervant to bet

fojfffwru*for hts mercee

continueth/or ever.

2}. Which in our bafe Ifate mindedH$

becauft his mercte^gractons

continueth/or ever.

24. ^ndfrom ourfoes didm releafi

becaufe hts merctfibk^tidrses

continueth /or evrr.

2j. Whichgivethfood unto alflefhx

becaufe his mmifuUkfidnes

contix\ucthfor ever.

26. To God ofheavens confifdooyti

becaufe hts bountifidl^mercec

continuech/or ever*


.t. mercie] thel^ebHltChefed,figntfKtBafacrcdaffe<5fion of mercie, pletie,grace)be.i fnnn

tiignitie and bountitul good wil todmth$i anp UJithout tcftttft ofmctit. 3nman fomctimc it

fei pious benign'affedtio tohCtVOitl) lie hoetft gdoDtfomttme tht mercy 0^ bountihed Ulfltcg

c lOfthi ajimiia.40.^. ui^ti)cgloriousgrace\nhichmanfiat{)frottid3ct>,talettbp thcfiolp <l5hofl tn e&doxa,glorie,i. Pet;i .24.ufuallp tft? <^lcefelJCCUOn hail) foi it dios,Tner-

cie,\ja?dchthf we\»Ccftamei;trIIctojctlsMat,5?.f3. fromHof.^.^.i^crofa gohlp manWCnil.iJChafid

,gracious, o|mercifui;f2? Pfal. 4, 4. jd. 8. dominion ] ojrule,foveraignty:

fceGcn.i.K?. ' 10. ^gyptj 0|,thei£gyptians:frcPfal.78,i.3,—SI."

I j.

parrs 1 oj diviiions . the 3[eujesj traoiioii , the reD fea Uia^ parted fnto tlnehi

federal ' ,^01 edetr of the u.titd^O to goe thiongp. is. fhook-off] Uat^


(0, overthrew; fo£xod.i4,&;. H. iS. magmiiccriC] mighty audetceUent;meiltient:osf Ajteis

322 Pfalm. CXXXVir.

pftrt, arbPral.T^r.i-s.TT.ri. b. 14* redcmedlc^delivetcd, broken offmibt>ullec! away

aiSbrblOlrtir:fo;ifO alfotftcteo^bficmftcts ,pral.7 .B* bread] tfioH^^ood:

b read Ufcb fcj 0l meats :(0 tn tfiC to buy bread, Mark. 6 . 3


?. t^,to buy meat (oj vidu-

a]sj) MaM4.i). ^I)erfo;tet6l0toOjtJi|Sbfcba\fofo^beailsfood,Pfal.i47.9.

Pfalm. 137. P/rf/w;. 7^7.|

I . T> Y the rivers of Babel, there wee Sing this as the 32. Pfalm.j

jy fate,yea we wept*, when we rcme- /, TJT Babels rivers^ there (ate >^ee^

bred, Sion. Dye^^^c^ti^hen^eedtdrnind^Sm*^

2. Vpon the w’^illowes in the mids 2, The'^'tllovees xh2t amtdds it hc^x

therof: we hanged, our harps.^

mr harps, >^e havged^thcvn upon*

3 . For there ,they that led us captive for fngs ofvs^ d:ere afb^ dtd they

afked of us,the words ofa fong: & they that had vs captive led ^along\

that threw us on heaps, mirth: hng un- ^tnd trtirth^ they that vs heaps Sd layz

to us , of the fong ofSion. Sing vntojvs (owe Swnsjong,

4. How (hal we Bng lehovahs fong: lehovahsfonghovpjingjhal^a^

inthelandofaftranger? Voithmaferreyn-peo^ksland,^ I

Ififorgetthee, olerufalemj let my j, ^erajaletn^eff dcothee

right hand forget. ^rget ; forget let my right hand.

6 . Let my tongue cleav to my palat, Cleav let my tongue to my palaf^

if I doo nor remember thee: if Ipreferr ifIdea not w mind thee bean

rot Icrufakm , above the head ofmy tfj leru/alem doo not^

joy. above my cheifefl joy, prefer.

7. Remember lehovah, unto the 7. I{emember LORT>,to i/£domsJonfi^

fonns of ^ddm,the day oflerufalem: day of Jerufalem : ^hofaydy

who fayd,raft rafe; even to the foundati- rale rafe^ te herfoundations.

on therof. 8.Daughter ofBabel, wafted: s. Daughter of Babel, VoaftfiUiydi

obleffed: Jhalh^be that repayeth untd 0 bUfed he that thy reward

thee thy rcw'ard,w hich thou haft rewar- payes thee, ^htch thou re^ardedfi vs.

ded unto vs. 9. O blcfledfhal he ^<r,that • 9. O blejfed he, that tuk^, and h*ird

taketh &da(hcth-in-pectes thy babes,a- the Rocl^ thy babes dooth crufh.^

gainft the Rock,|

K^nmtatiens^ . _|

I. Babel] oj Babylon, tfjeclurfntie in Chaldea, o;I^b ofShinar,teftcrc Nimrod thej|

mtofttp IjuntfV ( tfie ton of€nfh. tftc fon 01 ^ain,) began i)tj3 rtign, caLb 10 Iiitb;1

Gen. 10,9,10. Mic.s,^. ^ijeremapiapti,tbepropkUjerebKi;bin0 a ciacavibtoloci bahofcji

topmou0t)trfatl)toheabcn;but 4&0b confonndod their language , fo tfte tuilbtng teaf biI

toi)crnpon it toab taUeb Babel, tftat 10 ,confufion jGen . I . 3»ftci marl u>5)cn Ndni-

chadnezar rei0iicbtljere,ittoa0tlje,cl)eifc11nticiutl)c too?lbfrj lururir, trucltp, ibolatrie '

anb otftcr fpnnjsdfo tfiat shmar tiRncteb fo; lanb aub feat of vvickednes,zach.s.,8, 1 1 . anb 1


Babylonia a tppe of the fttieanb fcatofAntichrift,Rev.i7.i. -^.) 3»i.thib ritu anb ecus in®!'

boere caimbcb 70.peitis.ier.i 5,1 1.12.5 «B‘b t\y tfyk bduij bm n?b, 2 .King.!|

»r*8^AiOjin.3nt6atcaptiWtp,t6cpiainmttbBi&iiuy^jlrfalttiii^li)t^^^ woid: oPj


Pfalm. CXXXVII. CXXXVIIT. 32^fong fiJ/ongs: fa,words ofmarvayls^PCufj^. mirth] UUtierftanb agafll0,they afkcd ofus tnirthj OJ, words of mcriment. 4- ofa lfranger]o^, land of alienacion^tljat 10,^ftrange land; oj ofa ftrange 45ob, o;tpC0plC. b. S. hand forget,] tOteCt, her cunning.

foni? fuel) vuo^b 10 often imDeiPoob , iw Defectfne paffionate fpcetlje^. Pfai, 103 .9 ^ i

to. 6. CO my palat J oj, to the roof of rpy mouth; t{)at 10, let me be fpeechlefs, ^t0 Ezek. ^.z6»

Iob.z9, 10 .preferr] 02, make to alcend. the head] tf)Ot !0,the cheifelh

to. 7. unco the fonnsofiEdom] tl)atl0, againfl the Edomites: fee tfieStfiefpeCfgmacon^

trarp fenfe , Pfal. 131.x . <^fJEdom fee Pfal.^o,io. and 85,7 . the day ] tljat the cala-

mitoustime: fee tJ)e note on Pfal. 37.15. rafe] o^powr out, empty (ad t|je<8^ce&alfo

timietl) tt) tftat 10, delhoy and leav it bare , tfjI0 toO^d Pfal.i4 1 . 8 . ®je .Edomites be«s

Ing alujape0 enemi^d to tOn't tojotfier 3frael,re)opced at fiid rume, and geiped fo|toJavd !ji0

tocfiruction: fojindichtftep are menaced dp tgep^opBct, obad. 1,11,13,14. & 8. Daughter ] t0nt 10 ,

Congregation , 0^ Comon wealth: fcc Pfal. 9, 1? . walled]

tl)at i0, worthy to be walled; a0 prayfed, Pfal. 18. 4 . 10 prayfe-worthy. <1^^, that flialbe walled,

a0, is born ,Ifa, 9/. foh born : decaufe <©0d j)ad fo Certaiulp p2CmiTed,Ier .jo,& y 1 . 02,thewafler, tOtojeet of others. thy reward J 02, thy evil deed: fCCPfal.i3.6.U)l)ete it!0tontrarilpufedfo?agood-deed. Compare l)ereto)tt6ier.5o,i9. Rev.18.^. p. 9 ^ theRock] tgat 10 rocks oj Hones ; compare Ifa,i3,i^.

Pfalm. 13 S. Ffalm.JsS.

1. ftATfdm^ of David; Sing this as the 7J. Pfalm.

IWilcOnfefs thee withal my hart: be- /. 'X KJ Itbal my hart p thee cot?fipfore the Gods, wil i fing-pfalm unco y V hefire the Gods^ to thee

thee. 2.1 wil bow me down,towards 2, TopalUce ofthy holynef^

the pallace of thine holynes;and conkfs bow-down^-, and conftfthy name,thy name, for thy mercie and for thy

fir thymerae and veritee:

truth: for thou haft magnified above alfir d^ow, dy ^ord hafi magnified

' thy name, thy word . ] . In the day that *bove al thy name, Thon anfvp'redfi met


1 qded, then thoiTanrweredft me: thou then^ in the day wherin I cried,

haft made me couragiousjn my foul Wtthfirength in my fowl, thou hafi metftrength. 4. Al the Kings ofthe earth 4, epwragiom made , O Jehovah,

flial confefs thee lehovah ; when they al Kmgsofth"earth confifiJJjal thee:

hear, the words ofthy mouth. ^ords ofthy mouth, When hearfhalthay.

5 . And they flul (ing in the wayes of /. j^ndm Jehovahs WayesJhalfwgi .

lehovah : for great ij,the glorie ofle- firgreat Jehovahsglorte is,

hovah,- 6. For lehovah w high, yet hee 6 , Tecaufe Jehovah high being,fcech the lowly;^the haughty,he know- yet him ihatlowlj is hefees:

erhafarroff. 7. Ifl walk m the midds ^ndhetheprowd.fiomfarrdoqthl^ow.' of tUftrefs, thou reviveS me: againft the 7,


IfJ Watkjn midds ofdfirefi,

ganger of mine enemies, ,

thou fendeft- ‘

thoudoofi revive me:fend doofithow


forth ithine hand; and thy right hand fa- thy hand, *gain(i myfies Wrathfulnesijveihme. 8. lehovah wil perfedly-acco- andthynght hanadoodjme'deltver.

piiOi for me: lehovah thy mercie ii for S. lehovah ptrdtWtlfir me:cveriflack not, the works ofthine hads. lehovah, thy meraefir ever:

t/^nnmuom. ^' let not thj hand> worklflacked ?

Sf 2.

J2+ Pfalm. CXXXVin. CXXXIX.{Annotations.

ysiClM "l&Wevf, I. the Gods ] the Kings and Princes ofthe earth, verfe 4 * ffllctl Gods, Pfal. Si.i.#,

B?fo^efufl;);!^abibufcDtoconfcf55 tftc 1lojb,Pfal.ii 9546* <6^ccfe ftcre fo^ Gods,faptJ|Angds,a

3S PC8,5.tol)U6 AlfO beBoIt)«3&Otl0 ftolp tftingjim Bib cBuccB:i -Cor. I I.IO. i*Pet.i, n.Eph.^ . lo thy word]o^ thy fayingitBp pjomtfC ttt ClWGtontftninO t})p pccpie,l'b QieBU

wv2^9 tijen al otBet tBingb UiBetbp tbou Baft: maoe tfip felffenotou. b. 3 . VxutB ftrength]' toljicB S Babe from tBees ab tBe i& faptB with thy might; ftrengtBncb bp 4&oDb fptrit in

tBeniner man,ab£ph.3*i<!J.xo* b. s* imhewayes] o?, of the wayes^ toB^rcffeePfal. 103. 7. b. 6, Por,3 OJ Though. the haughty] the prowd petfontinthe high things? <^f)e CBalbee parapBja^tB> ^he prowd he wifdrive larr from heaven.

a farr off^ oz aloofjnot nect,o| famSSatlp-^but in to^atB to punifB tBcm. b.? rcvivciq

OJ, wilt revive and keep me alive: fo a^rt« againft the anger] tO rcpZ^fb ttj OJ, on the

nbfe (the face) , to fmitC ttbJltB tfiP fiOntJ. Cfie ^Cbrue fignifiCtB bOtB anger,anb nofe,Pf.2 ,U*WttBe<J5zeeb faptB, anger. pcrfeaiy-accomphlh] oz, perform, to tocet his

Work begun,againil mp fijcbi anb Bib merrie contemins tne.^o tb^ <^zeefe turiietB it,he wilrecompenfe for mej anb CBaibtC he wil recompenfe them evil for me. ^g>ee Pfal 57.3.

flack* not] 0^ leav not off. tb p^OpCdp to leav ofwork by unloofing the hand : Neh. a, 3,

j&O ^abtb p^apetB, tBat God which had begun a good work forhiro,would not give itover,tut perform it, until the day of lefus Chriff,ab Philip. 1.6.

2.9Pfalm. 139.

/ 1 . To the mayfter cfthe'

Davids Pfalme:

IEhovah thou haft fcrched me, andknown. 2. Thouknoweft my fitting

and my rifing : thou underftandeft myi^i/i4y^thoupht. a farr oft. 3 . Thoulanneft my path and my lying-down


and art accuftomed to al my wayes.

4. When the fpeech u noiyet in mytongue: loe lehpvahjthou knoweft it al.

5. Thou dooft befett me behind, and

^forc: and putteft, thy palm upon me.6 , A knowledgetoo marvcilous for me:

itis high,I cannot to it. 7. Whi-ther, fhal I goe from thy fpirit? and whi-

ther ,(hal I flee from thy prefence? 8 . If

I afeend-up the heavens, thou art there:

and tfi make-my-bed in hcl,loe thou art

there. 9. Take I the wings of the morn-ing: dwel I, in the uttermoft-p,<rr ofthe

fea. 10. There alfo, thy handwilleadI me: and thy righc*h]and hold me.

XI, And

pfalm. isp.

Sing this as the 1 19 . Pfalm.

1 , TEhovah tfjon haftferehed mt^and knevenJi

2 . JLThou k^ovpft ,my rifing^ myfttttng-dmn ;

thoH doofi difereetly-vn£rftandftomfttrr^

my cogitntion-fkmihar*

3* ^ dovfittdyiftg thou dooftfhnnH^

andalmy ^ayes dooft cuilomably^fcann,

4 , when in my tongue thefpeech u not myev.

lot thou lehovahknowft tt every Vohit.

'Behind (p* fire thou dooft meftrayt-inclofttvpon me alft dooft thy hand mpofe.

6, This knowledge is too marveilomfir mtiit*s high^to reach Ijhal not able be.

7. O thitherjhal Ifiom thyfpiritgoe}

and whither,jhal Iflee thy prefencefto3

5. Tf 'Iclime up the heavens^ thouoxuhem

or make my bed in heljoe thou art thcrc»

9. Wwgs ofthe morning-early if^ tak^ i

in th'utmoft of thefea^ my dwelling-ma^e.

to. There alfi Wil thy hand my leader bei

andthy right hand^ Wiltn^-Jhft-holdcn me.


Pfalm. CXXXIX.IT, And 5^1 fay, but furely the dark-

lies dial flirowd me; then the night, is a

light about me. 1 1 . Yea darknes,dark-

ncth not from thee: but night giveth-

light as the day: as is the darknes, fo is

the light. 15. For thou, haft pofteifed

my reines: haft covered me, in my mo-thers womb. 14. I wil confcfs thec,for

that fearfully, marveiloufly made am I;

marveilous are thy works ; and my foul,

knoweth >f vehemently.

15. My bone was not hid, from thee:

when I was made in a fecret-placc ; was

embroidered, in the nether fUees of the

^arth . id. Mine unform'S^^/4»fr,

thine eyes did fee ; and in thy book,al of

them were written : in the dayes they

were formed, and >^hen not one ofthem

^05 , 17. And to me, how precious are

thy thoughts 6 God: how mightily-in-

creaftare,thefummsofthem? v

j8. Would I tel them, theywilbe moethan the fand: I awake,and ftil 1 4tn with

thee, 19, Ifthouwouldeft flay the wic-

ked, 6 God: and men ofbloods, depart

yc from me. 20. Which (peak of thee,

toamifcheevbus-purpofe: lift-up doothy foes, unto falfe-vanitie. 2 1 . Doonot I hate them, 6 lehovah

,that hate

thee:and am not I greeved,for thofe that

rife up againft thee? 22. Withperfedi-

onofhatreddoolhatc them: they arc

to me, for enemies , 23. Search me oGod, and know my hart

:prove mc,&

know my cogitations. 24. And fee, if

the way offorow be in me: and lead me,

/ /. And if, but darknesJhAme JJayi

then is the ni^ht^ about me Itghtfom-day


i2. Tea darknesydarkneth not from thee: but night

gives.-hght as day : ahk^e are darkand light*

i For thoUy my reins pojfejjedft ; covered^ met


S4* within my mothers ^omb. Lawd ^il f thee^

^arfiiUyy made )X>ondrohJly f aitu:

y^ondrous thy }^forl^f; my [owl wel k^owes the* a * (fame,

//. tAf bone ofme, from thee not hidden ^sts ; ,

y^hen^as f made ^as in afecret-place;

when f have cunningly-embroidred betn^

the nether-places ofthe earth within .

i6* On my vnformedAump,thine eyes did kok^i

and al ofthem were Written in^ book}

even-w the dayes y} they receivd-their-framtl

& when ther was not any ofthefame,

17^ ^nd unto me, how preciotu art d Godthy thoughts:how or theirfurns increaft-abroadi

ift, Would 2 them telymoe than thefind they bee:

f doo awake, andfttl J am Wi/ib thee,

tp. Ifthat 0 ^odythou Wouldfi the kickedflay:andmen ofbloods, from me depart-away.

20. Whichfpeakjfthee, to mifcheevoHS'purpoJe:

lift-up doo unto vanitie thy fies»

2 1 . Hate f not them, lehovah that hate thee^

andgreivfir them that thy repHers beep

22. With perflBnes ofhatred hate f thefei

they are unto me, as my very-fies.

2s» Serch me 0 God,(^ k^ow my hare doo thewi

prove me,and doo my cogitations know*

24. oAndfee, if^ay offerow be in menandlead me, in ^ay ofetermtee*

n the way ofeternitic#


I. Davidspfalme] feetJ)cnoteiSonPral, 4o. I, b. my familiar-thought 5 fit ’I?’*}!!

my reafoning ( OJ difputing) thoughts :tit fellowfliipjthc i^ebjUC fjatfl' * *

fisnification offrem'dfhip anb familiaritie, ufeU gerc aub in berfe 17. fOJ thoughts, 0| cogita-»

tions . b, 3 . fanneft] 0| winhowell, c;t compaflell : t§at dilcufleft aub trieft out to theutmoft , tbcit tracing the footfteps , ti)e figniflCtfl. Conmare lob. 3


.4. r^ ZvtmA

apcullomed to ] anb fO acquainted with : tlyz (©jcch faptg , forefeeft • b. 4 • When thefpccch &C.J 01 For tgerc not a word in my tongue, bWt &c. b. 7. befet ] ibaytly be-

Sfa feige

32^ Pfalm. GXXXIX*feige anbinclore, holdeft ftrayit : oj, haft formed me.' thy palm] hand: tgat 5! tail^

net bjeafe avaap. cfte Ufee pD^afe tjSm lob. 40, 17. p. 6, a knowledge] OJ , CJjiiS know-ledge

; namelp, of thee , a0 <0JCife abbetb it is high ] OJ, fet on a high plactjab FT*

59. i. attapn to it] 0^, prevayl againftit, a^P^aI.I^9,^. b, 7. thy preience] 0^, thy

iace. b. 8 . make my bed] OJ fpread-my-couch : in defeend . Compare Ainos,^

b. 9. wings of the morning ] 0| ,day dawning, b3l)if6 fapb togabc \<^ings

, fo| tijat tt

^pecbllp fitetb Obec all tge aier of the fea] meaiung the fm-theft parts of the wor]d3fojfOthefeaoftenffgmfietb.Pfal.f^j.i?. &7 i,8. ira.24,14. b.ii. fhrowd] over-dim me, ajS

toltg tge barb ttotbgljt; OJ , ihal bruife, dial crulh me downj a0 Gen. 3 . h. fo tlit

1 tread me down* ^ b* darkneth] tl)atijShideth: compare Iob.34. xz. Icr.z3. I0 &c .] 0^ like darknp, like light; tijat l0:,they are equal; asS t^at bJ^icBW Mat. zz

.30. tjS

like, in LuJc. zor36~. 113 equal b* covered] tBatiCl, fafely kept, and protededj ^tlj^ 43^CCli faptlj, holpen me: 01 , covered me b3Itf)(bpn and fief1) &c. ao lob. 10. j i.

b. 14* fearfully] aj,mfearful-fo^t0;tOU3ect, tarn made: 0^,tBefearc fearliil-things. -

marveloufly-made] 0|, excellently-madeielfblBere tf)i0 b)0?b Uj'eb fCJ feparated from, attbexcelling 0t|jeril:fCCPral.4.4* b^ U. my bone] tBattd, bones, aup of tijfm,0^ my fub-

ftance, oj ftrength; foj t^ftof tge bone namcb . f'embrodered] tftat t0 cunningly wrought

• : ^•^b3itBncrbcj5,ftacbJe35,b£m0,anbbadctieofItmmC‘2ftfimilitubetaher4fromb]oidcrie work.

^ W — V -w— •• 4.****#V^

embryon, VuBtcB td the body in the womb before it hath perfedihape , OJ unwrought up, ajS

t!je fjcrc tranflatetfj it.^B^ l^rbjue name ib ofwrapping 0^ winding up hke a bottom


my wound-up-mafs, oj body. al ofthem] al my members,wound up in that my embryon

0^ unperfoded-fubftance. <0C 0enerallp,al men. Clje Calbce faptljj ^1 tny dayes were written*

were written] l^cbr . foal be written,u>l)irB meanctlj a contiiuial act: fee Pf.z* I*^0 after,foalbe formed. m the dayes they were formed] o^jbJfjat dayes they foould be formed:

meaning tfiataUjtiS members, in tge bapejs tfiattBepttjeremfafBionmginljio motljcr^l»omb, tode biritten bobin of45ob: 0^, tftat tlje bapejl oftfteir fo^mmq, mere U>jttten*

fT and. Viifien not one] ^ebr* and not one ofthem,o? in them. iB'amng,tOat <Jbob Ijab bm't^^cn botonal part^i of ijid bobp, not onelp bjjjen t^ep bJere in forming, but long before*

fommcnbtngbilSppbfo^nce, who caleth things which be not,as though they were, Rom.4.17.

17^ h-OW precious are] tijat fo, how rare are thy thoughts tome, how few ot them can I

jT -Tpeak ot^ how incomprehenfible are thy cogitations! CijC UJOfoJl foUcUJiug, fljebJ tbfo to betfjs meaning. Coinpare fob. z6. 14. 3lnb a tbiug i0 fapb to be precious, bJBicfj can not beattepnebnntoo^cffecteb; fee Pfal.49.9. <©tBerbjdfe bjemaptaftcittljud: Thv thoughts,

tftat fo, tBe tBougljt0 that3 Babe of tBce, how precious, ofBpU) mucB efteem anb bjo^tlj are

they to me? ^0 precious fo ufcD Pfal. 3<^. 8. mightjly-increaft] many anb fttong: fee

Pf. 40.5, thefumms] 5)fb^.hcads‘: llfcbfOjfummsaubfotBe^^ebarchee: Nuro*

1 . z. & z 6 , 1, f 1 awake and 1 oj, whenl awake 1 am ftil witn thee : tijat 10, ftil medi ra-

ting of thee. ^B^ CBalbeercferrctB tBi0 to tBe lap rcfurrcction, tBu0,


foal hfe agayn in the

world to come, and foalbe ever with thee. ^eePlal. 17. If. b* 15* Ifthou woiildeft]

mo that thou wouldeft, foj it fccmccB B^ve to fat a bJifB: a0alfo in tfae of tBe nebj

'Sepament Luk. 12.49 . what wil I, if it were (tBat 10, 6 that it were) already kindled, ©j. Su-

rely thou wilt flay &c . and men &c .] tfji^ map alfo fce rcfcrtcb to 43cD , tpifo;

tooulbcp fap pc bloobpmen bepart from me : OJ to <IDablb.mpo faptl), depart ye from me. '

b. 20. fpeak of thee] OJ, againlt thee, a0 tBe Ufec i^cbjaiprii incanetB i . King- 2. 1 - 1 3



nefled of (oj againft) him. ^CC tBe note OU PL v. f . fay thee, tBat fo, mention 0| ipeak of:

a0 Pf. 40. 1 1, z . Sam. <f* zz. to a mifchevoiis-purpofe] o;t,with a crafty-intcnt,tBat fo,

craftily, wickedly, ^ee Pf. 10. z. ^ lift up doo thy foes &c.] 0|, thy foes take-up tBpname to vaaitie ; tfifo fenfe tje parapB^afe gibctfij anb tfie pfijafe 10 taben from


Pfalm. CXL.' 327

S4.7. tfteViJOitiname!jfhiottnb«(!oolii (ass in tfi«toojblord Mnber(ioobj)

pl,tny toes lift up tljeit |)CaB(ajS ijS ejcpttittb Pfal.83 ,i.)in vayn; tp, they are vainly prowd.

anduuolent. <©ftmthnt55,tDoppU)antingntctobcfupplieb ; ffttijc noteonPia|.io3.s.

<©1, they lift up thy foes in vain'; tljat ift the wicked (which fpeak evil ot thee,) doo vaanly ex-

tol thine enemies. to falfe-vanitie ] oj, in vain: fct Pfal. 11,3. & 14,4.

l3. XI ,am not I greeved] 0^3greiv5(pvfe) niy felf:fo Plal.i ij?.i58. OilO x^Chron*!?,!.

Prov.xj?,x7, to. Prove ]0?, trie me. Compare Pfal. i6.x. ^to. X4 *^ay offorowl.yT

Olofarcif, ttoatm,v/icked vay (purpofes 0? adtions ) toJltofft are cttitoowsi to ^oto Onto wen:

6uto In fpectai , tfte way of idolatrie •, foj of to^o^to. Idols Jjatoe tj^ctr name; fee Pfal. i ^,4*

^oawordofgreif,Prov.iM. I^that which greiveth him to whom itis fpoken. wa}^ f'eternitrel 02 of antiquitie, the old way., ao Ur., i 6 . Itieaiung the way otfaith-aod godlynes,

wHlcITGod taught from the beginning, and which continueth for ever; COtotrarp tOtne way or

the wicked,which periflieth, Pial.1,6.

Pfalm. 140. Pfalm 140.

T. Tothemayfter Sing this as the iii.orAs the Pfalm,

a pfalm of David. 2. LORD reUafe me^ from the evtlmajui

U Eleafe me 6 lehovab, from fiomm(mofvtoUnce,pr€f€rvthoH.mee»

XV the evil earthly-man ; from j, which eviUthln^s in hart doothwf^fo?L>:

the man ofviolent-wrongs, preferv thou dayly^ they mto )X>arrs affembledbee^

me. 5 . Which think evil things in hart: . Sh^pen their tongue,evnferpent like dooth^ir

every day, they gather warrs. 4. They tAfps poyjon^^ is under their lips Selah.

fh^irpen their tongue, like a ferpenp the /. LORDkeep me,fio hands ojthe ^teked-msi^

hot-poyfoh of the afp,i^ under their lips from man ofviolence^ preferv then met :

.Sdall . Whichfir to thruft myfiee^ doo thmk:Hpoiu,

5 . Keep me 6 Iehovah,fro the hands The proved have privy4ayd afnare ftr mee,

of the wicked : from the rrian ofviolent- and cords-, a net theyfkft-beftde the '^eay

wrongs preferv thou me; which think , havefpred; theygrinns havefitfir me Selah* .

to thru ft away my feet. 6. Theprowd 7, ThoummyGod^ftofehovah/ayd:

have hid a fnare for me, and cords; they LO RfDhear the voice Veherwith fgrace reofuefi*

have fpred a net by the pathes fide; they fehovih Lord, ftrength ofmy(aving-aydxhave fet grin n « for m e Selah . in day ofarms^ my head then coverefl,

7. I faydt<» r hovah, thoum my p, Crant not the VeickedsluftsoLORD:\t2Si they

God : hear 6 T<^hovah, the voice ofmy be lofty^further not his craft Selah,

_ fupplicaric lis for-grace. 8. Uhovih /o. The head ofthofe that rounddoo eompafiwei

Lord,the ftrt ngrh fmy falvation : thou the mtfcheifoftheir lips them cover [hal,

haft covered myhcad,'nthcd 3yofarms. //. Theburnmg-coales, upon them broughtfhalbez

Grant norolehovah, thedeftresof mo thefyre them he Veilmake to fhf;

the wicked if' Ttherrior his crafty-device* into deep pits^ that they ytfe not agayjLt*

they exal Selah.

10. The head of thofe thatcompafs me about: the moleftition of their lips (hal

cover them . n . They dial bring upon them, colcs: he Ibal fell them into the fy re;

imo deep-picts,^ that they rife not up»

ii. At»

12» Pfalm. CXL. CXLT.1 2 . An y//*fongned man,flial not be efta- §2. t^nyWtotiptintittt^dnothtmh rtmxjfL»*

bliilied in the earth: a man ofviolent- tA mmcf^rongful-vtoletHe^cvil

wrong, evil (hal hunt him to a fuddain- fh4 hunt hm to his (udd^tyn-wtferie,

overthfo w. 1 3 . I know, that lehovah 1 'j kp*>Wy that ofthe poor "fehovah VoU

wil doo the judgment ofthe poorrafflic- the judgment doo; the doom ofthe needk^

tedMhe doom of the needie. 14. Surely 14 . Surely the \ufi Jlj^lto thy name confefi

the j*uft fhal confcfs to thy name the tijettghtetnuf^aidwel^ befired^yfrce.

righteous flial fit, before thy face.



l^erf. 3. they gather warrs] 0^ arc gathered to warrs: ^ettfnOtgfWfdbfsSanbCtflfrtfl#

0tt[jcr. cfic attioe 10 often ufed pafltOclp,Plal 3Z.9. & 109,15. \j. 4, of the Afpjo^ viper:afps, foRom.5. 13. Compare Pfal. 58.^. p* tathrurt-away my feet] 0^, to

overthrow my footfteps. p, by the paths fide] 0J3 fall by nip path: ^eb^, atthehand of the path. CompfltePf. 141. 4.1er. 18, xz. Prov.xy.f. p^ 8. lehovih) o^God:feepf.68:xi. > ofarms ] 02 ofarmour, tljot 10,of battel (00 tlje 45jCCh tratlfiai^tb Itj)

toficn men (janufp tgeinjclpcp. 'CljiP 10 tljat helmet, falvation, Eph. 6.17.

P. 9, further not] 0^, bring not to pafs. leafl they] oj, they wil exalt themfelves;

tfjattp, beprowd , 0^ lofty .Compare Deut. 31, 17. P* 10. The head ] t[)0t 10 , As for

the head ( tpe cheif) of thofe, &c. jtA head fomtin'lC ftonifl'etb a company of cheif men,i.Chro,4 .4x.tbougb here perftap0 fome oneman 10 meant: 10 alfo Pfeo fo^ a band ofmcma0 lob.«,t7

. Sometime tbc #cbjuc P30|b figmfietb gal>a0 Pial.(^9.ii.i©f)ith fenfe alfo 10 not ampftfIjere. fhal cover] 0^ pjaperPJtfr, let it cover them, anO him; (a0 Pf. x-3 .) tftat t0,eve-ry of them. P. ii. They fhal bring] OJ,makemove (a0 Pf. st. 4.) upon them feIPe0:

OJ coles (hilbe moved (tjat 10 thrown) upon them . ^Chc ^ebm^ fcath a Ocuble reabhig, peil^

tnng hotjj tjefe fcnfe0; tfjetr jubgment0 to be from-4boD,but p^onircb bp tljcmf . ibe0.

he] tljat l0,God, lhalfel them; 0^ inbefllrttelp, they lhai be felled, oj calf, deep-pits)

0^fuddeyn-rorrowes;tbeC^|ee£tfaptlJ, cabmities. P. ix . An plUcongued man l ^eb^.aman of tongue, tljat 10 apratler , ojevil fpeaker^tfjat tongue at VuU toPfe anb alufc at*|^0lup^anbtofraitetberti3ttlj,O0Ier.i8,i8 ^oaman of lypps,Iob. ii,x.l0 Oneulkative:a-

manofwords,Exod.4. 10. 10 one eloquent: a man ofarm, Iob.xx,S. i0 one mivghtie; anbfun^tjP tlje Iflhe. to a fuddayn-overthrow ] 0]^, lJ!0 utter-mine anb miferie; ^cbj. to (pl with)thruilings-down. p, 14. fit before thy face]o)dwel with thy face,t{jat t0,in thy prefence


Plalm. 141.

f, Apfalm, ofDavid:

IEhovahl cal-upon thee, makc-haft

unto me: give-ear co my voice,whenleal untochce.

^- 2. Let my prayer be firmly-direded

at incenfc before thee: the lifcing-up of

mypalmesi the evening oblation.

3* Sec




Sing this as the 39. Pfalm#

IEhovah I vpon thee cal^

m.»ke hafi thou unto meet

igtvethou eareuntomy voKC^

)^htn J cal unto thee

My prajir he dtreQcd’firm

before thee mcerife-^tfet

and the upliftwg ofmy hands^

as th*tv*nwgficrtpa»


5* Sctthouo Tehovah,a w^atch beforefny mouth; keep, chcdoreofmy lips.

4. Incline not my harc> to an evil

thing: to pretend pretenfes, in wicked-nesj with men that orork painful-iniqui-

tie:and let me not eat of their daynties.

Letthe/uft-w^/fmiteme, itJhaUhe a kindnes, and let him reprove me;the head oil, let it not break mine head:for yet my prayer alfo, in their evils.

Their ludges, are thrown-downby the Rock (ides: and they flial hearmyfayings, for they are plcafant.

7. As >X>hen one cutteth and deaveth^

- on the earth: our bones are feattered,at the mouth of hel.

8. But mine eyes unto thee, Ic-^

bovihLord: in thee I hope-for-fafetie; gpowr not oiitmy foul.

9 . Keep me,from hands ofthe fnare,*

they have Iayd for me: and thegnnns,ofthem that work painful-ini-quitic.

10. Let the wicked fal into his net:« V* v« 4« W AWAVxJl 1

vhiles I togicher pafs-over,

'Pfaltri. CXLLr. LOR*DJety 4 Watch beforetny month \

doreofmy bpSyOhferv*

u Z^nto the thwg that evtl is,

make not my hart tofwervipretenfes te pretend, mfyn^\

With mm that doo praElifiimcjHmeilet alfime

not eat ofthetrdayntlee.

. Let fmite me^ it flulbc


and let htm reprehend me*, buttheir oil cfpreemifief,

let it not be untomy head


foryet even in their euls, IS

my /uppltcatiofi^,

Thetr 'Indgci^ byfides ofthe rock^have throven been underfet


^ypy'^^gf theyfhal hear^

for they are pleafing^fveet^

tAs when one cutts anddeam on emht,our bones difperfed bee\

at, mouth ofhel. "But mine eyes arefehovih Lord to thee:

0pom not out myjorvl; for ^firfifty-hope in thee.

Trefery me, fiom hands ofthefnare^which they have lajdfor me :

andgrtnns,(fthem that Workjtnrioht,

O let the Wicked falinto hu net: Whiles overpaf

f dtogitherJljal.



nr W


0^ PJ'eparedjanDfoacceptable, ajSincenTcl DJperfumc s..*

fuju lyt: Exod. 29 ,. 29 .40 .41 *41^ Nu.iS r 2 —8tfte offring togerof , thegohlpufeh tcmp, Exod.^J.

prayer. A«.j, I. j. awatch] 0f,award,£uftodfe,(;o6ccptnefconi(peafi«Tt im


,J„Pfalni. CXU. CXUt.

ffiSS-: p...j.»bi«.

^ ^ . -•Ik *'«..:<• <sVvt*i r/tnrtmt(rrstr<> Ta*n . I , I ^ .14 , l.Cor.7 .?«'ftnlJ


g flQL-l lU lUVH)'-'/ oasayj v r

rbut tiic^i^tl, ant) man^ oVjm concupifcencc,iam. i,Cor.7.f.anU

1. Sain*x4,i*^>0

SWflrS th^Krii wtttttlj it; tlje i?eb?ue ntfo

ftettotircgmapt^^,- 4l{ bnngingto naught, Pfalm. 35, id.


rocHsandfflounttynswhkherla^^^^ » 3- b^tSdes®®

beat tfjnt *''5^{"S TC P&L4<s and they fhal hear] oy,though :

kedtallOjThey ftalfa!^that are withme:_o?, altog^er,

(bJllol)efcape : (feje&faptfi. alone I a»p,vntil I pafs over .

p{aim.33. If. •. -C

. , , 'ifj

Pfalm. 14a.

I. Aninftru(fling*py^/wGfDavid:

a prayer when he wa? in the cave.

2 . T f\ 7 Ith tny voice, unto leho^

V V vah did my voicCj s-

iinto lehovah did I fupplicate-for-grace.

; I powred-out before him my mc-‘

ditation; my diftrefsj did (hew before hun.

Pfalm li-z. '


Sing this as the 77. Pfalm..|j

IWith mymUeHnto thii LOPJ) ^idcry t '^,

did XXitd) mj voke', m<ik^-fipplication ji

Hrjto ihe LORD- My wedmuon * \ ^|,

^ powredout befire him^: (Ikw didf

befire hiirupn) (roMm^adverfitic


4- Wr.

Pfalm. CXOr. cxLiir.33 ,

whfj overwhcfmd ^as myfpirit in met,then knervcfi thou my path: they trt tkeX^aythat f did afnarefir me did lay,

7 looked on the rt^ht hmd^ and didfee :

andther ^oi mne that Would ack^toveled^e meelRefuge is penjhtfiom me: not atiy

feeksfir my fiwL f ayde to thee; then art0 L0RT>^ fayd f, rnyfiffl^hopc; my partin land cfliving, To myJhoming^cry(fttendyfir am low- brought^eh*mentlyi

fireemefiommypurfiisryfirthcj bee^ ^

ft/on^er than f ^00 thou mjfiwlr^^^^


from prtfn-dofe^ thy name fr to confijfc i

the jufi-vnen f^alabout-invironmee^

fir, to me thou reward Wilt bounteoufiic*

4 . Whenmy Tnlrif was overwhelmed 4 .

within irii', chen thou,kneweft my path:in che wjy chac I walked, they privily-

layd a fnare for me.5^. 'f

did look on the j,right-hand and fee; & no-man acknow-ledged mj : refugeisperifhedfromme;no-manfeeketh for my fowl. 6, I cry-' 6,

ed unco (hee, lehovah: 1 fayd, thou art \

my hope for-fafetie; my portion, in the 7.

land of the living. 7 . Attend unto myfiiowtlng, for I am brought-low vehe-mently: deliver me fro my perfecutors; \

for, theyareftrongerthanl. 8 . Bhhg-forth my fowl out of the clo{e-pri{bn,to

confefs thy name: the juft foal inviron • '

me about, for, thQ\xyn\tbomteouJly^i^^'*

ward unto me.' ^ '


^ . .A

Kyimyotations. . : . \ .


r, inthecave} ffeht6ct6crfromtT)tperfttutIfl!iof^auI,r.5am.i4.4^^^^ .

snoverwhelmed Oh fwowned, faynted

: fee Pfalm! 4 . theifthdul feetii

»utthr<jR«-6btl) look] oj^iook thou &C. tomnutingMs tomplapiit to

Look thou,4 To look/fa often rfk T5’3 nVr.7

perfbnsi fee denotes o«' Pi?l. it. sc-^ ,d.&: j i & ? V





, . Ffalmn^s.iv' \ Smg,thjsasthe7iPfata;--'


Lord tii-r mjf prayeyl hearkenii'' '


' Pfato. I4 J,’


_ . A pfalm, ofDaviidj



IEhovah hear mjjprayeri .giva-eat tomy fupplicati^ns-for^gface; in tli^,

faichfulncsaniwer me,v in thy,,Mice.^

with thy fervaiit : for before thee,, flial ,

aot any living bejMified. ‘Mmto cmermt

fimteth-dowa> fo the , i,..j /ket r .,a .

' fi ^fiJhdih^enemtepUrfiii^i^

Tt s fmitei*

• fowlr‘-' :>

hi / PMrrn CXlm •

makerh me fie in darknefies, as the dead fmltei^wn myUfian cUy:

/or ever. •• .

‘ ‘ 'h makes mefit in places


even tes the dead for aye, .

4* overwhelmed is myfpirit

in me perplexedly:

in mids ofme ^nty hart it is



/, J caltomindthe dayes ofoU;

f meditetiion-Hfe

cn a! dry )Work^ on thWiion

o^thyhandsy doo^ mnfe,

^*,1 ^ hands:

my fiut, domh thirft (Jr thee,,

even as the \^eary land Selah,;

7. al^e LORD anfwer mee^

eJldyffitit-fiyUth: keep not thou

thyflueflom mefeeret\

fir thenflat J be like to thofe

that doogoe-down the pis,

8. Cauremetohear. tbymcrciein

4. And my fpirit is over whelmed in

me:iii mids ofme,my hart is wondrouf-ly-amazed*

5. I remember the dayes of old; I

meditate on al thy work: I mufe on the

a^ion ofthy hands-

6. I fprcad-oiit my hands unto thee:

my fowl, asawcaric land, shirfiethPot

thee Selah.

7. Make-fpeed, anfwer me Ichovah


my fpirit fayleth: hide not thy fcce frommej for I (halbe made-like to them that

goe-down thepit.

the morning, for in thee doo I truft :

caufe me to know, the way that I fliould

walk ; for unto thee, doo 1 liU up myfowl.

p. Deliver me from mine enemies, 6lehovah; unto thee 1 flie-for-coverr*

10. Learn me to doo thine acccpta-

ble-willjfor thou art my God:thy goodifirit; (halleadme, inthclandofrigh-

1 1 . For thy names fake lehovah,r^iou ^^hovuh th u quicks^ iw#

wilt quicken, me: in thyjuftice, wilt,

evenfir thjru own names fike;

king.fortt my fowl put of diftrefs.


fir m thee doo f truft ;

' t faufe me to have knowledge of,

the Way that Walk^J mufl^

For H^to thee, I lift myfiwl.

p. O LORD y delevermee

freefrom mine enemtes; Jfttt-

fir-covert unto thee,

to. Learn me to doo thy fir thoio^


ufhaIconduct me ^in the ktid


out ofdifir(fi Wilt- take

12. Andin thy mercic, wilt fupprefs t2* ^ridbiihymercie, Wilt fipfreft•


mine enemies: and deftroyal them that myfoes: ^nd alofth^m • •-

afflii^ my fowl; for, I am thy fervant- dtftroy that doo uffitPh myfiwti

fir^l thyfervant^ttl*'

OgttTa;) .Annotatms.

AnJ enternot intojudgement]oj but goe not to taw with moj bP tf)e toficicf,

nofliftfb^»)upiful>int})pft06t, »4,i. ta-i. lit



fiotany] O? non-living : fo Mat. not nof!dh:i.Ioh,iXI. erery lyeis nor, tjjatljEJ, nO fpetjSoftj^C tCUtft, 'fo 2. Pet. i. lo. pralin.7^.

b. 3. my life ]o?, my company it!)ei}Cbjuefiy«flCt{jfaOti): Iob.33.1S.2t, Pfjtl.^S.n.

darknelTes ] o;i, dark-places; fo Pfal.83.7. 19 . & 74^ 20. ever ] 0^ , ofecerniiiejof'

•Id; meaning deadlonglince, and for ever after: t^ctDOjbrefbCftct^ timepafianbtaromc* ’i?!??

^OLam.3.6. b. 4. overwhelmed] fainiechjO^, is perplexed: fErPiaV.7?7 .4.

* ^ipwondroufly-amazcd] alloniftied : 0^ defolate . troubled . ^^tce Vno;d , Ifa. 8c


^3. Dan. 8«27. Plal. 40.1^. b, y. ofold]\)j5of2ntiquitie;foPlal.77.<:. Vb. <s. fpread-out] tfjatl0 , pray ; feePfal.44 . n. weary] i]d,drye aub thirftie; lr|


waterlefs : feePfal.^JSji.^ b. 7. for Ij 0^1ea^U•,^cb^andI;b)^)tCl)n^apbef^p^plicbtiui^jleaftl perilh

,and be made like, &c.‘ Pfai. x8. 2. b. 8. in the morning}

fprebllp: fOPfal.?o.i4. b* 9* I flie-for-coven] 0| I cover (I hide) mp ffIf, Aping untotheeio^, to thee I covertly- flie; feccttlp btfcloftng to tfiat bifjicg 3 uitmlb Ipbc from 0-

: fo tfle I flie to thee . b. to. thy good fpirit , iml lead me ] fo tfic

t^a^flatetO tiiiji anb tbe tep, ab af^eb ; toemap alfo reab it prapettosife^ let thy good {pintlead me; 0|, thy fpirit iji good; let it lead me &c« anb fo tfiettfl. Compare Nehem. 9^20.

in the land] oj > into the land ofrighteoulnes; in 3 playn ( OJ even }ground

; fee Pfal.i^ . u.I-fa. 14.20.

3^ Pfalm. 144.

1 . 7/S/Wj of David;

B Leffed te lehovah, my Rock; whichlearneth my hands 10 the battel ;my

fingers ,to the warr.

2 My merck &; my fortrefs,my high-

tower & my d.livererforme: my fhvild,

& hem whom I hope- for-fafetie; that

fubjedeth my people under me,

3. Iehovah,what isearrhly-man,that

ti on takeft-knowledge ofhim : the fon

of uretched-man,that thou makeft-

accoum ofhim?

4. Earchly-manjis like to vanideihis

dzyeSyare^s a (hadow that paffeth-away,

5 Ichovahjbow thy heavens & con»e-

ds'wn; tnixchtbe mountayns, and they

dial fmoke.

6 . Lighten the lightning,and fcafrer-

them-afunder: fend ihinc aifovv.wS, anddifturbthem.

7. Send^hy hands, from the high-

pWcreleafe me and deliver nie from the

many waters ; from the hand of,the .



3'j^ Pfalm. CXilIIl.

fonns efthe Rrangfr

Whofe mouth, fpealcethfal(e-Ta-

titks and their right band, « a right-

hundoi faUhood.

%r^S3 p. O God,I wil fin^ unto thee a new

fdn'g: with pfalterie & ien-ftringed-i»-

/?r«?»^fff,Iwil(ing-pralmes to thee.

lo That giveth falfation,unto kings:

that releafeth David his fetvant, from

the evil [word.,

i IT. Release me and deliver me, from

Ibehand of the fonns ©fthe ftranget


whofe mouth fpeaketh falfe-vanitiejand

thefr right-hand, i.' a right-hand of falf-

^od^ _ ^ ^

1 2 . That Qurfonns, as plants,grown- i-?- That mrfonns, m Ae planp, xioloich in

great in their youth ; our daughters as tf)€tryoHth]great-^axch are:

corner^fiom i cut after the fimilitutie of ow daughters, as the mner-ft^nes^

apallace.^ * pohfhthk^eTallace^fmre, •

^ Ig.* Our garners fill, affording from is» Ourgarnersfill, <^ordtr^fiorc

meat to meatiour flocks bringing-forth- - ofev'ne-firtcfmeats:

thoufands increafed-by-ten-thoufands, thoufandsfirth,

inourftreets. ten^thoufands^mourfireets.

14 . Our Oxen, loden: no breaking- heavy-burdened:

in and none going-outjand no out-cric,


Out of^e handoffiranger i fhnts^

Whofe mouthy fp^aks vamtie :

and thetr right h^nd, a right banJis

cflying-fkllacte* . .

ogad, anevs

totijee: ^ith pfalttrie

and ^ith tenftringed-infirument,

to thee(ing-pfalm ^if. y

Thatgives to Kings [ahatiorui

that dooth releafe Davidhisfervant from the evilfveord.

K^aferne andme rid,

out ofthe hand offirangers firms : ,

^hoje mouth fpeai^s vanitte; .

and thetr right-hand a right hand i$


Tj. O bleffed is the people, whofe

fiats is fuch : 6 bleffed is the people,

wholeGod is lehovah.

no breakrng-in and none

out-goingy and Voithin ourfireets^

no exdamatioTf^*

tj, O bleffed flial tj^e people be,

vohefe ftate isfich as this!

Oblefjed fhal the people be,

^hofe Cod fehovah is.


Dcrf. I. my Rock ] m <©^cc6, my God : fee Pfah 18. tu j . takeft knowledge] 0^ ac-

knowledged,cared for; compare Pfal. . & [ ^6 . & 3 1,«. makeit account] 0^, thmkeft

©nhim. \J. 4. pafleth-away ] vanilherh . CcHiparePfal. loi. ii. Ecckf.7.2..{

D. J. come down] fojmp help, anbmpfoejSrume: and they fhal] 01, \

that they may fmoke jfeePial.104,32. \s.-6 . Lighten] Cad forth; CcmpatcPk;

i 8 ,ir, didurbd 0^ trouble-, that


0,dircoinfit anbdedroy : fee lhi?UJ0^b> Exod. 14 -i4.&»3 >^7 * ^ 7. -the high-place] that Id, heaven :• concave Pfal. iS. 17 . fonns of

the dranger i ofadrangeGodjO^ people : ad Pfal. 157.4. newlong] of trlaalph: ,

fee the noted on Pfal. 33,i.j. That giveth]Unbcr(lanD,Oheexhat giveth, 1

id, o thou that gived,&C. tge If'Vc phiafc , in Pfalm.?^,io. Si 6%,r. - Itis he that

giV€th,§cc. 9. 12. as plants] unberfiano, areasplants

Pfalm. CXLIIII. CXLV. mtio« cMyp^?fTi«3J5ftf)e\3n^ttDOjbtioftlictofdfefbfo?ntTentionfb^ tofikSfap, ©urfomrsareas plants; &c. \j3gofc boafring csntinuetfi til tlje lafl claU)fe, togicb 10 oppofcbtoaltjetctoo^lblpfifbcitie. ^be 45jeeftto imbe tljt^ plapncr , tbangetb perfon, anbtrarifiatftfn

Whofe fonns ( OJ , Ofwhom their fonns) are as new-plants, dec. Utlbcrflanbing it Of tl>e

Coblp,fupplp, may be as plants, &c. anbfo itbatft tefpcct to tj)e outUjatb blcffinc^oftljclabJ;Deut.2.B,4*&c. cut] tbattjS, hewen, carved, polifhed. b. 13. garners]

Corners, chambers , cellars, place JS ofpO^e aut) p^ObiflOn, Utabe ufxiallp tn ncohiEi anb fOJf **»


Herd ofboUjfed « from meat to meat ] oj from fort to fort, t()at id, al forts and ftore wvidluals. b. 14. loden ] tfjat id, fat and fleihy : OJ , able to bear lodes : 0|, big blitft


,pong. no breach ] in tfte bjalld, foi tge enemie to enter tfte tobin. none going out] }1HO catte! bj iben atoap bp t||e enemie * b. i r . whpfe hate id inch] as is before raer*«

tioned : tftc <^Jfeb tUtnetf) It , They counrthat people bleffed, which hath thefe things^

Whofe God j tl)td fentence id oppofeb to a! tlje ot^er too^lblp toealtfl.

Pfalm. 14;.

I. Anhymne,ofDyavid;

livWil extoll thee, my God 6 King: /.

X and blefs thy name,for ever &ay e.

2 2. In every day wil I blefs thee:&pnaife thy name, for ever & aye.

Great, w lehoyah and praifed

vehemently;-and of hisgreatnes,r/&^r

^no ferch.,

.*1 4. Generation to generation .(hal - -

lawd thy works ; and they (halihevv

thy powers. '


n 5. Thecomly'hdnour,oftheglo-rie of thy majeftie: and the words ofthy marvels wil I talk of, ‘

T ' 6 , And the flrength ofthy fearful-

aSIs they dial fpeak of: and thy great-

nes, it will declare.

ti 7. The memorje ofthe multitude^thy goodnys they ilia} ut^er;& thy

-lufticetheyflialfliowt., 7.n - 8. Grac'ious and pitiful i/Teho-

vah: long fufhring,and great in mcr-cie.


9 ‘ is Ichovah unto all: and. his tender-inercks

,, are over al his y.

works. ^ . i

t 10. Al thy worksifhalconfefs thee^

Jehovah: and thy gradous-fainds io.

blefs thee..

Sing this as the ^o. Pfalm«

ILtthu extoll

jmy Oodo Kingi

and blefithy name^ everlafttng ^

and unto perfetuifie.

7 Wi/ thee hlefiin ev'ry day :

andpraifi thy nameyt^eterml-^c, ^

andhntoperpemtif^. r .

Jehovahgrem and praifed \$ t

vehemently i and hisgreatnes

ofit naferehmg’Oat can bec.LawdJhal the generations / >

ech to other^^thme a^ionr.j


atid tbeyjhalfftew thy Wor^^ mightifl

7 talk^il, ofth^omurHomly

ofgldrycfthym'ajefiie: : -d

and thy W^ords marvelotu that arc*

ey^nd they fjalffeakj>ftheflroffgnef

,cj thine atls-fiarfiih thygreatnes^ '


f afJo^'>d the >jf^e declare,“


the mernorie theyf)al expref: ^,

thy luficeatfi(IjomthejfjaL

fAH fhl ofgrace is and pittyi

l<^^gfiijf'ing^ andgreat mmercyl,

ifoodis fehov^nnioah, V^ndhiscommiferationsy

1 . fare over al hts aSlioni. ‘

. ,1

.LO 4lthy Worl^jhalthee confft '

and thyfaints ^gradopts blefthec*.

Pfalm. CXLV.

s*i ft



n . They fhal fell the gloric ofthykingdojYi; and fpeak ofthy povi^er.

L 1 2 To m^kc-known to the fonns* ofAdam, his powers: andtheglorie

,of the comly-honoiir ofhis kingdo.

13. Thy kingdom, ts a kingdomof al eternities: ond thy dominion,in every generation and generation.

//. 7”hey tellofthy hfnodomsgloriei

a!fo ofthy pomfiiln^s,

12» Tornate i^o\x>n vnto ^dantspntiS


hts povcrfid-operationsi

hts kwgdoins comlyj^lormjm*

/^. Kingdom ofaletermtie^

thy kingdom isi thypveraigtitie

is eljo throughout al ages.

p 14. lehpvah upholdeth all that 14. The LORD upholdethal that fiihfall: and up-righteneth, al that are

y crooked. ly. The eyesofall,look-

attcntively unto thee: and thou gi-

veft to them,their meat in his time.

El 1 5 . Opened: chine hand: & fatif-

and rightneth-Hp, the crooked al.

ts» I eyes ^are unto thee looking


their meat tn due time tf^ougivefi.

i6.Thwe hand thou op'nefl : andfyllefi

defire ofevry Itvwg thing.

fiefl the defire of every living-thing. 17. TheLORD w alhis wayes righteomi


and is m al his^^ori^s botmieotu .

The LORD met al that^al to hitfui

al that in truth him cal uhtd.

19, Hit fearers pleafitre he ft?#/ doo\

and hear thetr outcry^ andfive thenu .

20. The LORD preferves al tfjem that be

kis lovers: but the Wid^dy he

aboltfij^d them alaway.

2t. iyhfy mouth the LOKfpkpraifepsalfreclamet

let alfitfh blefihtr holy name

alfi^for ever andfir aye.

17 al his wayes:

and merciful,in al his works.

P18. Neer fV Iehovah,to al that cal

upon him : to al that cal upon him) in truth, ip. He wil doo the defire

. of them that fear him; and wil hear

^ their crie,and wil five them. 20. Je-

hovah prefervetli al them that love

him : dc al the wicked he wil abolifli


jp)i I . My mouth (hal fpeak, the praife

ofJehovah: and let ai fleih blefs the

name of hi^ hdlyoes, for ever & a) e.


:W ;Annotations.

I. An hymne ;i 0^ Praifejanh hereofthe tojjolebcitiriml^cbjucwc^fh the book'of

Hymnes , Ijpmue lU compofeb after the o^ber of t|)c i^cb^e ^tlphabctj onelp one let#

. .

aye] 0^ perpetually*, fee Pf. 9.^. b* 3* praifed:]fcePf*

18.4. no iearch] that 10,it h pall finding out: of greatnes,fcc Pfal.iTo,i. to. 4. powers]

that t0 ,poWrful ( lllightp ) • fo verfe it . Mat. 13 . 58. to. y . honour ofthe glorie]

01 glorious honour , OJ comelynes, words of thy marvels] that 10 > thy miracles 5thy

marvellous words ( oj things.) , words of fong, Pfalm. 137.3. talk] , dii-

courfe of, 0^ meditate to. 8. pitiful ] 01, compaflionate . Compare Pfal. 103,8. ExodL

34/. Jong-fuffring ] flow to anger : fee Pfal.S^.iy. to. 10. lhal confcfsj 0^, let the

confefs &c. to. 1 1. cell] talk ot'o? preach :ljfh. fay. to. 1 4 • up-righteneth ] lifteth-

right up, 0^ maketh llraight al tharare bended down, 0^ bowed togither:fo Piai .1 4 ^,8


to. IV. in his time] that 10, in due feafon: fee Pfal. 1,3. & 104, 27. to* the defire] 0|

pleafure, 0| with cbntfn:menc,contenttdly-, acceptabliejwith that w’hich feemeth good to thee,

and pleafeth (ojeontentech) them. to. iB, in truth] thl0 tOO^b implltth faith, fynce-

ricie,earncflnesanbconflancic. CopareDeut.4,7.Ioh.4.i4. tX. . the defirel 02,the wil tht

pleaftn-e, Onb contentment; a0 verfe 16, UJe ai*C to befive that Gods wil may be doon. Math.^,

10. htreh^ boeth hi0 f>'’l^l5ant0 to;)lU: fo he honoureth them that honour him; i.Sam.2,3<>.

to. 1 1, lhal fpeak ] 01, Let my mouth fpeak al fielh] al forts of peoplejfce Pf.5v, 3 •

Pfalm. CXLVI*

Pfalm. CXLVL CXLVII.t. Tfaldu-Iah;

Y fovi^I, praife thou lehovah.2', I wil praife lehovah in my life:

I wiliing-pfahnestbmy God, whylelam,

a TniH- nnf vpe in bountcous-prin-ces: infonor Adam, with whom uvr

falvation. 4. HisTpiric goeth-forih, he

returneth to his earth : in that day, his

thoughts periih. 5. O blefled h he, in

whofe help the God of laakob whole

hope, is in lehovah his God. 6 . Whichmade heavens, and earthy the fea and al

that in them is : which keepeth truth

forever*. 7. Which dooth judgment,to

the oppreffed; giveth bread to the hun-

grie: lehovah loofeth the bound. S. le-

hovah, openeth-the-eyes ofthe blind;

lehovah,up-righteneth the crooked: le-

hovah, loveth the j'ufl'. 9. Iehovah,keep-

eth the Grangers ; fetteth-upright the

fatherlefs and the vvidow:& overthrow-

|:th the way ofthe wicked. 10. lehovah

ihal reign, for ever; thy God 6 Sion, to

generation and generation; Halelu-Iah.

Sing this as the 97. Pfalm.

/• T T My (owh^ith-pr^tje doo ihoa

St, JlJL Jehovah celebrate.J With vratfmg

Wd celebrate Jehovah my Itfi th’roWy

J Whdei J am, Pfalm to my God Wil(tng,

Jn Prmces-hoiwtifidtriiji doonotyui'^

/.. I.. I


4, HtsSp\itgoes-forth: turn to his earth dooth heel

in tJjat day^ perijh doo his parpofes. -

/. he that Jakobs ^od hathfir his aydi

whofe hope dooth in Jehovah his God flay .

6 . In him which heavnsQ^earth hath made^

and d in them: Which keepeth truth for aye,

7. Which tmto the oppreffed, judgment do&i

hegiveth bread to them that hungry bee:

them that are hound lehovah dooth mlofe,

B, Th'eyes ofthe bltnd^ lehovah mak^ tojee;

lehovah rightneth them that crooked me\

Jehovah loveth them that righteous bee,

p, lehovah dooth thefirangers fife-beware


th'orphan and Widow uprightfet dooth heel

"But he the Wickeds Way dooth overthrOYm

10. lehovah reignethy to eternal-aye:

thy God 0 Sio*Ljygeneration dirovf

andgenerational Haklulah^


t^erf. I- Halelu-jah] Prayfeyelah: fee Pfalm. 135',!. tj. 2. in my life] Colong as I live : fo Pfal. 104.33, h. 4. his fpirit] maU0 ghoft ; fo the foulljS fapb to goe.inn^^Jttforth

, Gen. 3f,i8. tcylTis carthi togeroffte UJaSi Itiahei earth fd III Ada^ah5 f)erofm»i®cVinanUlfldcalleb Adam, Earthly; compare Gen. 2.7.& 3. 19. Pfal. 104,19. his thoughts ! ^

purpofesjtljc itiofl: cjccellcnt effeetd of tftc mmtj 0^ fpint ofman. h.7 . the bou nd

0^ prifoners ;but fjctc It map be meant mo^e larnciP;fot ficknefles alfo are Satans bonds,\johicIiQ^*>^^0in:?L0|bCf)ltfrloofed,Liik.i3,x^.^eealf0,Ila.<?i.l. 8. openeththeeyes] OJagiveth fight to ; Compare Mat. 9.29,30. loh. 9,5.7. 32, uprighteneth] OJtnaketh llraightj

aiJPlki. 14^,14. fee thidfnlfillebLuk^ 13.13. b, 9. fetteth-upright] maketh tocon-l^'-J^Unuefure^: fo Pfal. 20.9. & 147.^. Compare Deut. ro. i8. & 27.19. Exod^22.22,23,24.Pf.5S.5. '


overthroweth i oj turneth up fide down: fo lob. 19,5. fee a!fo Pfal.i,^.

Pialm. 147. /47. ' •

I. T)RaifeyeIih; for«M good, to Sing this as tlieiii. or as the 4J. pfalm,

fiog.pfaltns tOOnrGod: forrt l.YyTi^i/iTah;jiytooHrCodits£oodta{ii3£t

pleafantj praifeK comely .' M^firitisflea^afiti^raiJibKometb-^tl-

i. lehbvab ' Vu i.lehov»b ,

3 as Pfalm. CXLVII.'

2. lehovahbuildethlerufalcigather- 2, lehovah he

Cth togither,the outcafts of Ifrael. 3 .He gathrcth in one, th^ontcafis ofIfraeL

healeth, the broken in hart: & bindeth- He healeth them in hart that broken beet

up, their griefs .4.Counteth the number alfi their pmnful’greifs, bind'ttp dooth bee*

oftheftarrs: ealeth them al, names. 4. The number oftheftarrshe d\x]y-eoumst

S . Great is our Lord, and much in able- he bv their

^.L • — j» u rent IS our Lord,arid he m mightfurmoptnts^

lUinjDer. htsnnderftanding,t7imbredtsofnone. i

6. Jehovah fettcth-upright the meekt 6 * hhovahfttts themeekjnupright-caft:

’debafeth the wicked,unto the earth. he dooth the Slicked tothe earthdebaft*

7. Singye to Jehovah with confeffion: 7. Stngto hhovah^ithconfejjion:

fing-pfalms to our God with harp.^

.twnm the harp ntuq our Godp/alms~png.(upo

8. That covereth the heavens, with 8* That cov'reth heaven, ryith clowds;that th'e^trth

clo\Srds; y« prepareth rayn for the earth: prepareth raym maizes mountzeynsgrafttofprwg,,

that maketh the mountayns to bud- Hethztdoothgiveumotbe beaft htsfiod:

forth grafs, p* That giveth to the bead ev*n (When they crie,) twto the Ravens broods

his food:to the yong ravenSjWhich crie. 19, He no delighe-hath in the horfes mtghti

10. He delighteth not in the ftrength in legs ofman nopleafttre^tziketh hee,

ofthe horfe; he taketh not pleafure, in j /. Jehovah in hisfearers tnkfs^delighn

the legs of man. 1 1 . lehovah taketh- in them shat for his mercie hopers bee»

pleafure in them that fear him: that pa- 12. lerufeltm, doo thon lehovah lawd:

tiently-hope for his mercie. 1 2 . Lawd 0 Ston, doo thy (jod With -pratfe -applawd,

lehovah, 6 lerufalem; praife thy God,6 For ofthygates the barrs heftregthneth-firfS

Sion. 1 3 . For he ftrengthneth,the barrs in.mids ofthee thy children bUft


of thy gates: he bleffech thy fonns with 14. Within thy border peace heedooth procure:

in thee. 14. He putteth in thy border With fett ofwheat, he (aufficth thee*

peace: he fatiffieth thee, with the fat of //. Hefendeth hts ediU the earth upon:

wheat. 1 5. • Hefendeth his edici,«po« his Word it very[wifely runneth~on*'

.earth : his word runneth very fwMftly , j6 . Hegivethferot^t^e Wool: the hoaty-fiofe^

i 6 He giveth fnow like woohthe hoar- hks ajhes he dbothfcatter •manifold.

froft, he fcattreth-abroad like afhes. 77. Htsyet Itkp morjels hee abroad-dooth-cajh

17, He caftech-forth his yce like mor- who is he that can ftand before hts cold?

fcls; who can (land, before his cold? /S. Hefends his-Wordandmdteth themito blow

18. He fendeth his word arid melteth his Wind he caufetht and the Waters pwithem: he caufeth his wind to blow, the ../p. He Unto lal^ob his comandementi


waters flow’, ip. He (lieweth hrt words hath mani^fled: unto Jfrad,

unto laakob: his flatutes & his judge- his confJttmions and hts mdgements,^

xnents, unto Ifrael. 20. He hath not 20. He dtd notfo with any nation deal;

dealt fo, with any nation; -and fudge- and-t\\Qx^or^k»o\vnthefe}Hdgments have net

ments they have not knowm them] Ha- Oglonfee- ^ith-pratfe eb’eternab/rtfe. (thaj

Iclu-Iah. . ,


. t3ev*f. a. €u:calls ] DJ driven out, in OJlcclitljc difperfions ^ (tflat the dirperfed,) tolntg*

Pfalm. CXLVII. CXLVIir.3 39


llW^bt8c 1fl)OfHfttfft5,i.Pet.i.i.Iam.i.i.€ompareDeut. jo,4.ira,n,ii. &f«,‘

Ji. 3. bindeth up their greifsl tliattg, hcaleth their wounds-, 09 Luk» 4 ,i 8.U3It&ira.

Compare al|o Ezek.54,7^. 4.Countcth] o^Xeiieth, numbrcthi\rjj3tc]^ to miu^3nK?

pOlTllilC; fee Gen. 15. f. ler. 33,iz.' Ifa,40* p. y. nonumber] nOJ ferching-out^Ifav'

4o*z8. retteth-upnght] confervethjforontmuepet: fcePfal. 146,^. $ 7 . Smef0^ , Anfw'er, tfjat Sing-by turns, one after another :aj5Exod.H,2i. l3 . 8. with clowns]-

aismdiaeitime, i.King4i8,4w themountayns ] auD tscfertis Mjft noir.auio,a$iiob.38,1^.17* Pf,i04.i4. p. y. food] bread; that i^,the beads their food: a0tl)C •


gatf) it. ^ yong ravens ] lonns (tftat jonglings)ofthe ravens. ^Ota iob.39,3 .

who preparoth tor the raven his meat , when his yong ones cal unto God , wandiing for lack ofmeat? ^ U.r;


drengthnethlo^^hath made drong; aflgne of faPouv, anb ^lOHO f0f^«tmD*|>rn|tie: fee tf>? COntrarie , Lam.z.y. ler.yi~3o. Amosi.r. Pfal 107.1^. Ifa. 4S. 1 . b. 14. put--' *;

-‘Jteth in] 01 puttetn thy border &c. tftat Id, maketh peace in thy borders. Compare Ifa. 60,17.

i8.Ier.i2,ii. & iy,i3. & r?. 3. fat] tjat ijS, fine flowr: fo Pial. 8i. 17. • b. if . hisedid]

0^ faying, that ijS , comandement. b. 1 7. yce] 02 frod; thC fr03Cn h^P^ (tOIlCjS.

candand] tpatib, endureit: foProv.i7,4. Nahum. 1.6. b. ly. his words] the ten

commandements (0^ moral law ) Exod. zo,i . Caleb tht ten words; Deut. 10,4. iFatutes]

decrees atlb conditurions of4&0bSS VUOjfhip; fcr the llOtC Oil Pfal.2,7.

judgements] the

Judicial lawesfo^punifhingotfcnberjS, Exod. 2 1, f. pfal. 19,10. b. lo. any] oj^cvery: buttnilebiue, al,ij3 often ufebfoj any : fee Pfal. 103, 143.2. judgements]thc 4^^cehfapth>his judgements he hath not manifeded to them.

Pfalm. 14S

T* ^ Halelu-Iah;

PRaifc yelehovahjfrom the heavens:

praife ye hira, in the high-places.

2 . Praife ye him al his Angels; praife


5 . Praife ye him, Sun & Moan ipraife

ye him, al ftarrs oflight.

4. Praifeyc him,heavens ofheavens:

& the waters,that be above the heavens.

5 . Let them praife, the name of le-

hovah: for he, comanded & they were

created. 6. And he ftablifhed them for

aye forever: a ftatute he gave, & it lhal

not pafs. 7. Praifeyc Iehovah,from the

earth: dragons, and al deeps.



Fyre and hay 1,fnow and vapour:

ftormie wind, doing his word.


Mountayns and al hills: fruitful

tree, and a] cedars.


The wild-beafl & al cattehcreep-

ing-thing, and fctheredfowl.


Ffal?n. j^S.

Sing this as the 104. Pfalm,

/. T) %aife fahj Jehovah praife doojee

JT fiom heav ns ihtm praife^ m ^aces-hji*

2* O al his tyingjsls praife himyee :

d his hofts^ pratje-hm-glortoH^y,

O Sun and Moonydooye him praife :

d Starrs of light, praife him doo yee.

4. O heavens ofheavnSy dooye him praife :

and Waurs that above hcavns t>ee



/. O let them praife fehovahs name i

fir he hadiy and create ^ere thay.

6.. Ever and aye heftablifht them :

gaveftatHtes y^htch p^fnot dvpay.'

7 ^. O praife fehovahfiom the land-

jee Dragons and alpiaces-dcep. . .

8. Yee Fyre HaylJSnovp FapoaryOnd

Windftormjy that, hts Vcord dooth-k^cp^

9, O yeLtjhc mountains and Hills all:

Treesfrmfii and al Cedars^hyc :

/ D , O yee VPtld beaftsi and Cattel,all ;

yee creeping thingsy^dfiwU thatJlye.

Vu i "//• YqC

540 • Pfalm. C^LVin CXLIX.II- KingsoftIieearth,andaI peoples: //. Yee Kwgsofth'earth, AndalTccfl^i

Princes, and al Judges of che earth. n^Ymcei^arjdlHd^esoftioetiYthAlL' 12. Yong-men and alfo Maydens ; [ iz. Yee Xmg-men alfi andDamftls:

Ojid-men, with children. jqq old-men ^ith the childreti-fmaL"V 13. Let them praife the name of Ic- O let them p-aifefehovahs name^

Jiovah; for high- advanced is his name fir his name ev'n donely his^

his alone; his glorious-majeftie, if • u hye.advannfi: hisgloYtow-fume,

above earth and heavens. above the enYth and heavens is,

14. And he hath exalted the horn of /^. fsyfnd he^the Horn of his people

his people, the praife.of al his gracious- exalted hath; the praife )^htch thay

fain<5i:s, the fonns of Ifrael, a people neer d hisfiinB's have, fonns of ffrel,

him; Halelu-Iah. apeopUmer hirru;Tratfeye*^ah,



©erf. I . from the heavens ] y e heavenly creatures: fo aftet/rom the earth, verfe 7 ^ td earth-

ly creatures. Compare Rev. 13. 13 . tors of light] bright Ihining torsjUjJttB

prayfed 45ot) togither, lob. 38,7. 4. above the heavens]hltf|rclOtotld Of tSeaier,Gcn..

1.7^ lob. 1^,8. & 37, ir. iJ- llabliilied] o^, made them Rand t Pfal. 119*

91. a fhtute ] that Id . ftatutes , 01 decrees ,rules, ordinances , tofterbp therp tvcatlire

idhouitbc“&tMiiTctth^ anh plate , ad Job. 143^13. ^ 10 . toheruponweiitionidmaijc

oftfletoutes 02 ordinances ofheaven, of the Moonand tors &c. Iob.38,33. Ier.3i,3s. &33- It. 10. it fliai not pafs] tfiat Id, not any of tfie tfiincd fojcmcntioneh,

,ihal pafs the Ratute ( O^ bOUnb,) fetOH^- the Ratute, Rial not pafs away,c? fapl.

f h. 7. dragons] o^whale-RRies. 0. 8* vapour] o^fmoke, exhalation, damp.

]j|^? P. 10. fethered fowl] 02 winged bfrd : ^^cb^ bird ofwing.. ' P. 13 . hyc-advanced:] 01" ‘

fet -on-high; fo Ifa. i z,4. Id a protiQ topjcf, into toljicfi tfie tigfiteoud runnetg, anb jd

aIfofetonhighhifafetieProv.18, 10. b. 14. thehorn ] the power, & glorie jfec

Pfal. 7^,10. Chid Id accomplifheb in ChriR,rhc. horn otfalvation. Luk.i,^^. . thepraife]

imberflanb, which is the praife ot his faindts; OJ, an argument ofpraife to them. neer him]

<^obd people are fapb to be neer vnto him ,tn refpect of fttd tobenanttottfitB^^^ inChpft•. Eph.z,i3. th^j'r fcrbiceofhumLev. 10,3 .anb fpintual alliance in Cb^ifijJoh. 2,0,17. i.ioh.3,i^

j'o? too?b , nigh.iiS u'feb fo? kindred, Levit.r i ,3 .CJjyP draweth-neer utltO <©0b fo? tijotl,

Ier.30,ii.anbtbfpbp!)hn.Heb. 10,,

Pfalm. 149.

I. Halelu-Iah;

Sing ye to lehovah a new fong : his .

praife, in the church of gracious-

fainds. 2; Let Ifrael rejoyce in his ma-

kers : ktthe fonns of Sion, be glad in

their King. 3 . Let them praife his name

with flute; with timbrel and harp, let.

them fing-pfalmcs unto him. 4. For le-

hovah taketh pleafurc-in his people; he.

wil bewtifie the meek with falvarion.

5 . The gcaciotts4ainas (halbe gladfom

in gloric ; (hal fhowt upon their


Pfalm, i^g.

Sing this as the 34. Pfalm.

/, \ NevpfingfingyeeiwtofAHi.

XV hts pTAtji^ in c hurch ofholy^ cnei^ .\

z.r LetffrcLmhts makers joy: -. .


gUdtn their King be Stons (ons,'

. O let them praife \\>zthflute his name:|

^ith harp andtimhref t'himfing’pfalmt, _

4. Eor ihhis people pleafd is fAH:the meekyi^ith health, ml bemtfy^ ^ :

ji Thefmn^stnglortefhMflewfbyi '/ ^j

flalonduir bedsflmtfoyfitlly,




?ralm. CXLIX. CC.

6 . The exaltations ofGod, in their S, Jn thsir threat^(^'ods hye-fraifesi and

throat:and a two -edged fword,in their afmrdtme^ged^in^eirhimd*

hand. 7. To doo vengeance,on the he- 7. To doo ven^eanfe vfvn hethm:

thens: reproofs ,in the nations. rfproofs

,amo?7£ the nations,

8 . To bind t heir Kings in chaines: 3c s. To bind thsir Kwgs infsttring-cheatisi

their Nobles,in fetters ofyron. their 1^blesel^e,wyron bonds.

<?. To doe on them, the judgement p. The Written doom on them to doo:

written; this comly-honour , is to al his this honourd his[dn^s mtoo,

gracious-rainds;Haklu-Iah. HALELV-lAH*

x^nnofAtidm^ ,


©erf. 1. his makers]the Father, tfjC Word, antj tljC Holy Ghofl:, Vjahich three are one,i,Ioh.

y .7 . 'She rni^cnc oftftc ^rinitie m the l|eh?ue ph^afc; fo in manp other, ajS God fayd,Lec^ *

us make man in our image, Gen, i . z6 . Where is Godjny makers? lob. 3^, 10. Thy makers fjS

thine husbands, Ifa. 54. J . Remember thy Crea tours, Ecclef. i z. i. isntl futlh^p tht llfec . Gcd]alfoijg our maker, both in nature, atlO grace; fee Pfal. ico.y their King] Chrill: ajSMath,21, Song.i,4r iyVs with ffute*] Pfal. 110,4. o^,inadance: OjSIer. 31,4,13. Pf.30.11. SlHOa

name gihcn both to th^ dance, antj the pipe toh^to tgep banceb. la. 4 . beawtifie] * *.

0^, adorn, make glorious: fo' Ifa . 5o. 7. 9 . 13 . <5Thf <j5|eth h^ti? fopth :>


l3 * 6. The exaltations ] tjjat 1^, exalting-fongs , high-adts, high-praifes^ OJ, lifting-up of thC nilJiWjn

boice,preachings. in their throat]t{jat l'^,alo\vd fpoken of,and proclaymed: fo .Cr7w,,'.J._

with the throat, Cry alowd. two-edged] a fword ofmouthesj tgat 1^, of twa°»m«uthes , a0 lO ejCp^Cffeb ,

ludg. 3, 16. in <©jeeh:, two-mouthed, that 10 , two-edged^ hltUigh^to

tutting both inapeb . ^ht?^ ^’^vord i0 <i5ob0 word, anb tometh out ofChziPb mputh-Eph. * ?<;.i7 . Heb.4. ii.Rev.1,1^, b. 7. on thehethensi bp ptcaching agaiiifl theit ibolatrie^^A6c. i4j 15. & 17 31^317, 3cc. Compare z Cor. 10,4,s,6. Ifa.4i,iy. reproofs] fo^fpll,O0 loh. 16. 8.&C. ^ b 8 . To bind their Kings i vcllreCTnngthtir bice0,anbbr!iipmpth^^imber the bonbb anb fubjcction ofthe gofpei; fee Pial. z73 MaricT^zo. Ad. 24, i6 . Rev. 2i.z4,Ifa. 4r^ 14. a figure of raptibitie , Nahu.3 * jo. 2 Cor. ib,4,ir>.’Mat. 19. , NoblesiOZ Honourable. \}* 9- written] in tfie bOOb Of^Ob; fee i. Cor. 4.^. Rev. 21, 18. t|jr^

map hiibc tefererttt to that iabi, Deut. 7,1,1. &c. ‘ bonour f0 ] oj this fhalbe the honour,ofalhis Saindls.

Pfalm. I/O. ' \ ^

' rfalm.i$o»

T. Halalu-jah; Sing this as the 97. pfalm.

P RaifeyeOodinhisranaitie: praife f^T>raifiJahiFraifiCvdinhkM^^him in the firmamet of his il rength. Tr^ife him.,mfirm^metofhk firon,r,cf.

a. Praife him,inhispowers: praife him, O pratfe him^,in hk ^aiom-mkhtie:according to the multitude ofbis great-

. fra.fe him.,, in MHltmdt cfhktrenine,.nes. 3. Praife him.with the found ofthe s, Ofmfehim.,VpithfiH„dofthcTrompet.(hrihtrompet:prairehim,w-iththcpfalterie& fr^ifihhrL,, With Harp nndthtTftlt/noLharp. 4.Praife him, with tymbrel&flute: 4. O praife hm,With the Flute andTimbenltpraifelum, vith Virginals and Organ.

fiiife him., with Vir^nds and Organon.,.

5 • Praife Vu ^ ^ q

Pfalm. CL.

5 . Praife him, with wd-founiling Cym- j. O pr4*/f ^eCy*^hats(oufidki^^cUayl

bals; praife him, with loud-founding praifehmy^tth (^ymbMsthutlo\vd>fmciw^^^

Cymbals. 6. Letal breath praife lah; Tmifefahlet ev'rythw^thatbreath^dooth-bean

Halelu-Iah. 0^lonfe->^fth-fratjexh*iittxi\d\-f4h.

' Annoutions.

iuJnb? l^ecf^i.fohisfanaitie] oj,for his hoiynesjbijuno|lbolp being: ira.^,3- tBcfttfl argumentI ‘^• ufpraife from l)Olp tffente in Simfdf: m his l'an6htie,( {pjs fan6luarie) his holy place}

a^b^ameaning. heaven . in the firmament of his ftrength ] tftat h3 , for his Itrong firmament," ‘

' (Caleb heaven, Gen.r.8 .) tf|c fcconb argument ofpjaife, fromtbe frame of thctoorlb;,to>S)ers*

OfheaventfSCbfefe|l:fee Pfal. 0^ for the out-lpreading of his ftrengthj t^at for his

ilrength, fpred out tl)e firmament. b. in his powers] oj, for his powerful-

S(5ts ,oi3f Pial. i4 f .> . tfte t!)irb argument ofpraife, from <6oop migbtp abminipration ofal

things fmcetbe creation. ofhis greatnes] o^majeihe; in fpchal metric totaarbsii)ii5

7^' oujn people anb againp tgeit cnemiejs; mptchip tfje fourth argument offti^ p^atf?. €bparePeut. 3.24.&9.itf. &31.3. Exod.if.i5. i.Chron. 17. i^. LuK. 1.45.49. s 8 . A6t.x. ii. Pfal.

79 .


1 . & 14 3 • Ma;eiHc,.hatft tlje name ofgreatnes, anb fo applicb to tfte greateff pate ofi#oliticiEi 0% Common mealjj; Voljtdi ip to be minbeb here. b. 4 flute] ci dance :

Pfal. 14^.3. virginals] 0^, ifringed-inlfruments : tfjfo\no;bfollOtelfU3hereinfcrip>®’?9?ture. Organs] 0^, the Organon, a0 thed3;eefetranflatethtt:tfjei^eb^uenaincftgntfu


jcth a lovely (oj delytefiil) inilrument: it ip one ofthe ancicntcp ofthe UJo^lb, inbcnteb bp lu..

-bal,Gen. 4*^i*anban inPrumentof jop* Iob.21. n.&so-St. • toeKoundingeym-i:^k^als] i^eb?* cymbals ot’hearing, that 10, eafy 0J delyteful to be heard , bJhifh the ^^eefe ttan^

[ I^ flateth.wd founding, ^he Cymbals toetepfmetal, aobelfoj anbljabetheir nameoftheip

155^ iftirill tinkling found. ^ lowd-founding] o^joyfully-fonnding,OJ,tinklingja0 i.Cor.13.1,

i^eb|. cymbals ofIhowting-found. b. 5 . al breath] 0|, every breath, that 10, every

thing that hath breath ithfo bJO|b i0 ufeb foj the breath that d&ob infpireb into man,Gen.2 .7 .

anbfofo^inanb mind ojimmojtal fowl, ila. ry. 15. anbufuallpfoappliebtomamanbtothe

breath of d6ob,Pial. is. i 5.butinGen. 7 . ix.itfeemethtobefgobenof^livingthings.Com#

pare Rev. r. 13, mhete every creaiire which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth,

nwwanand fuch asare in thefea, and al thaft are in themj UJCte hearb,fapingjVnto him that fltteth up-” on the Throne'andl unco the Lamb} be bleffing, & honour, & glorie,'& powex for ever& ever,


Theendof the bookofPfalmcs*

A Table, dircfting to feme principal

things, obferved in the Anno-tations ofthe Pfalmes.


ABafhIngjteftatit finimfietfi, pral. ^.n.itdom tiefcnbci) jPfaU^Jo^io.

itgypt , Pfal.68.p, t]^eplaQ[uc^ of -/E-

gp^t DcfmbeD,Pf.73.44.&c. &,

&c,Ethiopia jPfal. 68. 31.

Almighty, ^haddai, gotoJ IjS fo tOltb, Pf.

684 If. .

Alone bibcrftpta&cn, Pfal. 4. 9.


Amen,U)l)at tt figinfietf»,Pral. 41. 14*

Ammonites. Pfal. 83.8*

Angels ,Pfal.68 . i 8 . & i€4 * 4 *

And, in (tebOfFor:PfaI. 1,3, &7*io. &And f03 But^ Pfal.sf . 14*

And foj That, Pfal. 43 344 & 4P* 10.

And,afignofpaf|ion,Pf.x, 6 . & ufj.Anger, outVoarb, wrath mtoarb, Pf.i,f


Arrowes, UjJjat tftep mcan,Plal.i8 .if .& 4f,tf.

Afaph ,UaSo Be tojais, pfal. 50,1,

B.Belial, \jjfiat ft mranftB', Pfal. 18.5, &41,9.

Baal, tofmt It fmniftetb,anb BoUj it 10 twmebintOBoflieth, Pfal. io6.z8.

Bands, figiie0 offubjcttton * Pfal.z*3,

Babel beftrib$b, Pfal. 137,1


Bleffed: a title gibCtl to God. Pfal.68, 3^?.

Blelling , bibemp llfeb: Pfal. 3

6 BieiTed,oj Happy iBoftj ft biflfmtBfccfmtBefc^nicr.Pf.j,!. s r/

Bloods, and man of blouds, tSepnieau,Pfal.5,7,& 51,16. •

Bounteous-princes, Pfal. 47, 10,

Bounteous-reward^Pfal* X3,6.

Breadjfo^ al food, Pfal. 78,20*

Brooks,bibat tj)tp are,anb ofbiljat u|e, Pfal,'

’i> 3 *

Burnt-o£ring, Ujgat ft b3a0,Pf*2o,4*

G.Captivity fo| captives, Pfal. 14,7 . & 68,t^.

Cedar-tree bcftllbcd, Plal.t9,5.

Cherub,Cherubims,Vubat tfttp tOetC,P£ 18 i

Chri{l,o^ Anointed, Pfal. 2,2^''

Comanding , blbtri^ ufed>PfaL 42,94


Condemn as guilty, Pfal.jf,!!.

ConfefTion,btberflp Ufeb, Pfal* & 3i,f,

&50,X4.Corrupt not,a title offome jjfaI»n0;PfaI.57 .5

Corruption, Pfal* 1 6, 10.

Corrupting-ditch, 0} pit, toBetfojefb Caleb,.

Pfal. 7, 1 6.

Covenant tobat ft figmfietb , Pial* 25,10*

;g)tftbtnO Covenant , Pf.50,5.

Covetous, o^gain-thirlly, bJfjerof ft UfinCbjPfal. 10*3,

Courts of<©0bl5 botofe, Pfai.^5,5.Curling, Pfal. 10,7*

D.Daughter fo^ Congregation , Pral.^,if.

Daughters foj villages , Pfal*48,i2.

David put foj Chrill, Pf.i8.5o.& 40,1. & 89^4*

Day, fo^ time ofdfftfttioii. Pfal.57 . 13,18 . ^

Deceyt, Uiberofuameb* Pfai.5,7.

Decree, 0^ Statute, tojat it meanetb,Pf.a,7,Degrees, tobattftfpmeane, pfal. 120,1.

Divils Vugeroftftep arenameb, Pfal. 106,37^Dooing

, fojyeelding fruit, Pfal.1,3.

E*Pdom befrribeb, Pfal.ifo. 1 o,Egypt, Mifraim. Pf*68, 32.

,F*Face fo| anger, Pfal.21,10.

Face fpi grace ,Pfah27,8. & 42,6*’

Faithful, mftat ft meauetfi. Pfai.jy,?,Falfe-vanity,Pfal.i2,3,

Falfly-deny,Pfal. 1.8,45*

Pavourable-accepution„PraI.5,1 3


Fear,fo^ God, PfaU76,ir.Fear,foj 45odj2^mo^(l6ip, &c.P/al. 19,10^Feeding toftat ft lueanetj), pfal,i 3 . 1


Finding, dibCrflp ufeb, Pfal, 36,3 . & 1 16,3*

&I32,5.&’46,2.Fift born

, muiifter.0 of<l5ob, Pfal.78,51. tfle .

€bcifober otI)er0,Pfal.89,28..

Fools-vainglorious, Plal^y,^*

Fool: Nabal,Pfal.i4jX,


344 theTabl?:Fool-u--‘B

Gates ofdratFl.Pfal.pjT4.Gates cftfie baUg^tCC of,§fOn. Pfal.p^if.Gates Ofl'llfllCC Pfal. ii8. ip*Gathering, OibMlp Ufeb,Pr.i^,p.Generation ^ UjJiat it ltieanCtF),Pfal,iz, 8.


Girding Ujgat It mranetfl, Pfai.76,1 1.

Giving foj putting, ferting &c. Pfal. 438,&8,aGiving

3 fo^ granting, fufSing . Pfal . i i o.

Gladnes, gladfomnes, OUtUaarD, a?joyvuard. Pfal.^,!!. _


Glory oj Honour, to|jrrofIt I^ naniCdjPf.3,4.and 8r. TO.

Cloiy,fo^ tjje tongue, Pfal.i6?,p.

Glorying, O^prayhng ones fdf. Pfal. 34,3,God

, (eioFjim , ujflat it meaiutg , Pfal.5,3


God, El-,Pfal.f,j, '

Godsfoi Angels, Pfal.8.^. &P7.7.Gods^fO^Magiftrates, Pfal.82. i . 6 .

Gods name added totftinoofo^cjcccncncif,Pfal. 3^,7.


^I)C living G6d,Pfal. 42,3


Gofpd oj Evangelie UDijerof It naitted^Pfal.40j 10.

Gracious-raind,tDFiat It meancti) Plal.4:4»

. H.Halelii^h. Pfal. 104,3 13M.

Harp, Pfal. 33.2.

Heavens,Ull)att|iepare,Pral.8,p* .

Hel tojat it mcanrt& , Prai,i^,io.

Heritage,Heyr, lnheritancei.U)gat tgcp mean^Plal,2,8.

Hiding the face; tofiat it ftgntfirtB. pr.13 .2.

High refuge , Ulljat it i0, Pfal. p,io.

Hopefully-way t ,Pfal.3 1,2^.

Hornfoj power, glorie, Pfal. 18, 3. &75',f,li,Hofts

, 01 Sabaoth, 45od,d titlc,Pfal. 24* 10.

Howfe , tofiiei-^it i0 named* Pf.s.s.

Hypocrurcs, fo caled Pfal. 3Y. 16*

I •

laakob, tofjat It ttieaitetfi, pfal. 14,7 .‘

lah, tfie name of <i3od, Pfal.<?8,s.

lehovah tf)zname of45od and CduP openedPfaU 83,,p,&^7 ,r.


Iphovih, 0^ God, Pfal. 68,21.' "

lerufalem dcfcrided,,2o.

inc;enre VDftat it figm:icd,Pfal.i4i, 2.' ‘

Inhai»ac« ; foi Uud, oj people, PfaI.7^^i-&


• *z 5,p; csri.8.

Iniquitie, Pfal. 1 8, 14. It fometillie jmt fot

pimtfFjmcnt . Pfal, 3 1, 1 1 . & 40. 13 . & 5ifrael

, \ja|jat it meanetFj. Pf. 14,7.Judging mijat it isl.Pf3Ji.433U

Judging ejepreflTed dp tttjo^toojdis ufuallp, Pf.“• 7,9


Judgements f0| law es, Pfal. 15), 10.

fq^rites ,Pf^ 8 r. S',

luftice foji benefits, Pfal.24,sr*


Knowing, tojjat it meaiietB Pf. i

Korach and Ijl'd fonns,U3dO tftcp tocre3pr.43^.>

Kyffing,ui^at it figntfietJ),Pfal.2,i2.

L.Land of Canaan, Pfal.27,i3.dtfctided,Pr»

Tor, II. tjeland ofdelire Pfal. 106,24.

Law, toljefof it i0 immed, Pfal.19,8.

Leading, gentle gutoing Pfal. 23


Lebanon a^mount , Pfal.zp,^.

Life,Pf.7,^. & 30,6.

Lifting tip the fowl^ Pfal.2S,i.

Lightj uifiat It mcanetlj,Plai.i7, T*Sr i.Sc


Light of the face : Pf.4,7. & 31,17.

Lightening of tFje CpejS, Pfal. 13,4.

Lightning tl)e lamp.Plal. 1 8,2^.

Lions of(imd^pfeindjJ, gade fundjpiiamc^..Pfal.7,3.&T7, U

Livjathan,tge\jOgale, Pf.743i4*

Lodge, fo^ continue, Pf.49,1 3 .

Lord, Adonai, \ngat it mcanctg.Pfal.2,4-

Lot,mgat it meanetg, Pfai.i6,f


' M.*; Making dldcrflp llfed,Pfal. 100,3.'

Man, lih, ofgib cpccflcncie;fo named,Pf43j.

& 49 , 3 .

^Cjp-man, Enoflij and earthly-Man, aidant.

Pfal. 8,S . and (Jrong-Man, geber, Pf.18,26.

Man oftongue, togat it Uicanetg Pfal i4Q. lU

Man of bloods, pf, 3.7.

ManfLoh,o| dtoeUin5place,Pf.:26,8.

Mayller oftlje mufidi togo gc toab, Pf- 4 . UMeditate, to not onclp to tgiud, butto fpeaK*.

Pf. r.z. &fs'.3 •

MercietogatitfigmTi^gPf- 13^- uMercifully-cover, Pf. 65,4.

Michtam,togat it mcanetg,Pf. uMoab defended, Pf. ^o. 10.

Molelhtion togat it to. Pf 7 - lU.

Monungtogat itmeauetg Pf.


The r^hlc.

PC rf. r.

Moving of the foot, alfo ilS Pf. jS . 17 *&66 , 9 »

Mountayns, bi\jerfip ufetl. PC III;. I .

NName, It Ufeb- PC 8


Neer, 0^ nigh, UJ^at it mednctg pf. 148. 14.

Neginoth, (irmgebtnjfrttmentiJ, PC 4.1.&33* 3* **'

New fong, toftat it meanetg PC 53 • 3

Nofe, and anger, gabe ont namemPC 10. 4.

oOblation tofiat it toajj .PC 20. 4 .

Oucipred-firmament, tD|[|at it 10, PC 19 , t»

PPainful-iniquide, tegp fo Caleb: PC J


Pallace,U)!)at it i0. PC 8.*

Paleftina, Philiftims, PC ^ 10, ’ ^

Pak»s aoD hands lifteb«p and (pieb in piap^crPC^s.f.

Palm-tree befcribcb, PC ^2.13.Parable bi\3etflpufebPC44.n .&4?*5.& 78.1.

Part, foj inheriunce, PC 16,7,

Peace togat it fignifictft, PC 2^.n , ofit Solo-mon ttia0 riameb, PIT72


7 .

Perpetuitie, bictoitt Oftime, PC 9 . 7.

Pit ei corruption,fee Corruption : & Pf.;,


Pleading tofiat it 10. PC i.

Prayer, b®CtOftt 10 nam^,PC 4 .i*,

Precepts tnbpfo Caleb PC 19 , 9 -

Precious, biberllpufeb, PC 3^.8* & n^. j$^

& 71 . 14. & 49. 9. & 139. 17.

Preift,mfiat it fignifietb, PC 99.prophet, togat itmeamfi, PC 74* 9*

pfaimUjfterofiti0narneb,PC3. i.&7- 18^Pfalterie,PC33.2. j '


R.Rcbd , ot, turn rebellious

, U®eC0f It |0meb,Pfal.j, II.


Rebuke, fo^deftruddon. Pfal. 9.Redeemer m^erofnameb, PCi9,ir.Reward. PC 19.12.

Rock , ttt tifle of<5ob often:Pfal. 18,3,3 1*Rod of ^oba buj^at. Pf.23,4,


Sabbath, bap ofReft, Pfal. 9i,T*Sacrifice, anbiacr.pfmftice: J«®atii0,PM*

4,^. Ofihowting,Pfal.a7,^.Salvation, anb Saving, latgelp ttfeb, f0|help,

jictexie^delivcrancejecfi, PCu,it& 98,1.


8cn%,tf,Scornful, prowd, PCl,^; ,

Seatjfomtime 10 a chaireifomtintc a dwellingPc 1,1. & 107.4.

Secret 0| myfterie, Pf.iy, 14.‘

Secret ,foi Council. Pfal. 64, & 89,8*Seed fo| children, Pfal.i 1,11.

Seeking 10 fo^ goob 0^ ebiI,Pf.3r,4.- Selah ,mOat it ftgntfietb: Pf.3j

Shadow, PC i2i,y.

Shadow of death , Pf.25,4. & 107,10,Showt iOH^uHp Pfal. sr, 1 1


showt^triumpbantlp: Pfal .41,12.

silence , foj fubmifiion, Pf.^2,2.

Silence fb|deftrudion , Pf. 31.18. & 49.13^Simple , bjgp fo Caleb Pf. 1 9,8


Sion,tf|C mount J pfal. 2,^.

Sitting, blbcrflpUfcb,PCi, I. & 102.13,

Skies, pfal. 18. ij.


Sleep, fOJ reft, Pfal. 1 27 .2


Son, bibcrllpufcb, pr.79,11 .& 8o,i^,Sr 89,23,

Son, fcj. eberp pong tgiug. pf. 1 14 • 4 . & 147,9

sowi,mbat iti0 >pf.i 5^, lo,

Sowlfojlife, pj&l. 35.4^ foi will. pf.2(^,X2.

'S'tanding fdj continuing, Pf. 3 3 . 1 1 . & 1 1 1.3



^^miniitringjpf. 134. i.

Statute 0^ Decree, buf)at it mcauct^. pf.a.r*

.& 148.5.

Strength, fo;i praife, pf. 8. 3.

Strength fo^ ftingbom- pC 21.1,

Strength fo^ 45Ob0 3lrfe. pC? 8 .5r.

Styines, tofiat it mcanctg, pf. 4 . i


Styrring, pf. 4. r.

Sim, toSetof it 10 naweb, pf. 19 . ^


Syn njopedp


0 miffing, OJ mifdoing. pf. 4. f,

Synners tf)^ atC, pC I , i


.Swaliowing,fO|deCroying, pf.2r,io«

^ T. . ,

Tarlhiflifoj the Ocean fea,p.i;^.48.8.

Tel, fo^ preach, pfal . 2, 7


Tenc,b5gatiti0, pfal.iT,!.

Tdlimonies Of


0b,bu{)dl^ , pC 19 S-

Togither,bibedlpufeb, pfal. 33. 15.& 1.41,10.

Trefpaffes bob^t tficp atc pfai.y,1 1


Tribes of3frad,b3|jerofnamcb, pfal.78,jy,

.Tyrus tfie title befcribcb, pfal,4T . 13


vain-idols, bttbctofnamcb, pf, 9^. r#’

Vanities foi idols, PC 3 1 . 7,

Vnconftant-foo),Pf. 4?* n*XX Vni.

TkeTablciWay, fO|courfc ofHfe, OJ religion; PC: r, i.

54®Vmcorn,Pf.!ii^iCVoice, fo^ thonder pf. 19* 5 V,

^ogtbct6tvoice;\ugatiJ«ie^mfS§,pr.i«a4'. wicked,\3j{iatttfigiitfiet&; pr.x, i.

Vowe$,pf. fo. 14, • Wocful-ciihito^er»offocalejx/pr*,

W Wondrous-exc’eUent,pr. 8 , I*

Walkkig/fo^conVerfation. Pf. i* I 4 » Word, foj thing, OJ matter, Pf* 7. 14

Warr,\j3gcrofitijfname&,Pf.3f.i» ' ^ J

HebVue phrafcs obfervcd, which.arc....


' / fomwhat hnrdand'figurative.

r* ®cfett 02 l}3ant of


. ojJ of a'trrli

fubft:ailtlUe,am,art,is,&c.Pr. ^.7*anb ofte*

®fa nouin fubpaHtibe after a berbiPf.ioj& io^,zi. & 137. 5:. & 15^,10. J

^a nountfwbpautibe after an abicctibc,

a berbscnerallp, Pf. ^^.n. & 18,7,19.

<©f apionoton, Pfal;4j,4. & s9M» &&69,z. &71, 18.

<©fap^epofttion,Pf.y,4 .&i38.& 9,u.& 4i,3 .

9. & 144 ,10.'i

time, Piai. z, I . and 18,7 . anb often. •;i

#fQenber,Pf.4y,if. &7p,8. I

d^fan actibe berb, fo^ a pafftbe ; Pf.3i,9.3P|35*3*. & 109,13. &49,iy*


4t <8ue(lioniS ojejcpoPuiaticmjS , ufeb [

Jfoi affmnarioni^, Pfal.y^,9. 3e J4y4-i

‘ ^02 bcnpaljS , Pfal.94,10. ^

Jp02P?aperj3,*i. <

3poib3lfQC3^,Pf.4,7.and 14.7.,

<0f a part ofa (entente, Pfal,^,4.&^, 3^* 5. ll^o^bjsufeb in t!)e plural number foje);i*|

a. (©berplUjS ojrebunbante offome fmai tellenaej&el Pfal. 103,6. /b3ojb^,Pial.i.4,&45,7,& 118,14. & ‘

^^netoojbfinguIaranbanotgerphiralH^137,3. febfore)rattne3

^,Pf.^6 . 3 .

3. <Sll)anoe, 03 putting one fo;t another, an €6c mpftetie oftl)c goTp ^rinitie, Pf. u,

<©fnumber, fowle fo^^fowles, Angel foj 7. 3 - & 149 ,1 .

Angels &c. pfal.8,9*^ 34,8. &78,i.4j. 7. 3J betb tnbefimte , of Ifee fignificatioa

& 79 ,i.anbbfltcn. toitfitBattoBi^filwembefo;^perfon,Pf.r9>io.& .& 8o,7/& iiTi

General obfovations touching

the Pfalmes. ,


' U d^rlfeontcp{4

2. Chcfcfonbtoittepmtjthtnejrt 3i.pfalraejS,tct!)e73..

3. ^bc third hats tfie neict 17. pfalmeji, bnto tfte 90.

4*, /2T0^ fourth toniepnethtpenept i7.pfalmcj3!,tothe loj*- ' - ^ ^ifalij. ^fjcfiftcontepnetI)the44.laftpfaImep.

^bcrpofthefeboobieJi^ ended bath Amen, c% Halelu-tah. 25ut being aljopnebtogf^J©er, tl)ep are ujiiaflp counted one boob,andfo tftc ^fipoflle |dcter fpeafectft oftftem, Aa. j.zo,

'^hcinditerSbfthefe^fabnegaceeypjeffeJdfi^^^ i^fepj<3^bid,3tfapjj,i&emjm, tm



Of the of ttiePfalmesr

T ?|e maitp oftl^ntiflabe no title at a1; tJtfieri^Tjabe Htlejr, fjwtterp^

tiiDeriEJ. ^DnicftgiTtfictfjeto^iteti^/ajiDavid, Araph&c:ftmi^ ftefingetjri

m^triefonnsot'Korach, lediithun&c. fometfte m|ltimicntj8 toficrto tBcptoere

fimflj as^ Neginoth, Nechilorh ; feme tftc nature ofti^e aj^ a Pfalm^ an

Jhymn, &c. tbllie tfte life Of It, ajlaninllru^ting Pfalme&c. fometge Ctcafionofjnai?mcr It, ajs ^S)ai)ib 3S flying from Abfalom,ftuS going in to Bathfhebah &c.

jfiUeanonuenticpfalim^aretoitBoutanptitl^ nanieIp,tBei.z. 10,33.43.

9S•96^97 99* I04. lof. 107. 114. il^. II7 . u8. 1 19, 1^6. 137* dC '

147. ^et of fomeof tftfje tfie ficlp <©j)otlV33itncffet8 tgat David Ui^otetjgenii

Ad. 4 . if. Heb. 4 .7.anbfoVDeniapjuogeoftj3ereft* .

iDaPibia name ibprefttcd unto 74. pfaltne^jbuttiberflp,.

fitocanbtgirtiearcintitled, aPfalmeotDavid, as, the 3. 4.5.^. 8.9.u. 12.

13. 14.if. Ip. io. ai. aa.23*a4ap. 31.38.3p. 40.41. 51 . 5a. 63, 64. 70. 139. 140. 141. 143.

aretntitleo,A pfalm a fong ofDavid, Pf. 30. & 5f . & 58 * \<©ne tntttleb, A fong a pfalm ofDavid : Pf. i o8> ,

Jpoartecn are hitituIeD, ofDavids unberflanbing tge word Pialm,oj Song : adtj&eis. aj. 25, Z7. 18. 34.35. 3537. 51.59. 103, 138. 144.

dBlie intituleb. An hymn ofDavid : Pf. 145."

ClUOarnntitleb, A praycrofDavid: Pf, 17. St 85 .

^IjC are intitleb, Michtam ofDavidj pf. 15. 55. 57.58. 59. & 5o.

Jpibe are iiamebinftru<fringpfalmd ofDavid; Pf. 3z. 54. 53. 54. if.

^le td Caleb An inftmiting ^‘aimofDavid, 3 prayer &e* Pf. i4x.

<®ne id tntttulrb, Shigajon ofDavidJPf. 7


jPibe are I'ntitUiebA fong ofdegrees ofDavid; Pf, 121.114. u5. 131. 133Afaphsname|0fette». pfaIm!SajilQontt(niHi>Sini.o2atUaf}totninetiMMo


Afaph^eben are tntttuleb, a pfalm ot Afaph, pf. 50, 73. 77. 79. 80, 81. & 8i,

^boo are inhtuleb, A pfalm ofAfaph, a fong, pf. 7 5 . & 75.

4^e Id naincb A fong a pfalm ofAfaph, Pf. 83


^bao are Caleb, inftruifringpfaltnd ofAfaph; Pf.74.Sc78.^ne Id nameb. An inffru(fring pfalm ofHeman; Pf.88


2Cnb one. An inllru61ingpfalm ofiEthan; pf. 89,Hema»

JpobD^tcen ctljer Babe tgid title An inflruOing pfafm, oj Mafkil^pf. 42. 44. 45 .^

Si. S3* 54 . 55 . 14i.74.78. 88, 89.' ^U8 OfrBcfe td Calcb An inftrufting pfalllti a fong ofthe welbeloved blrfliud*

Pf. 45. S>o tf)t title ofinflru(frion, id fct in aj, ober 14. pfalmd.^olu^ Babe tBid title before tBem,Corrupt not,oj Al tafiichith; pf. 57.58. f^.75.'SDUO are intituleb, for to record

;pf. 3 8 . & 7o


ilDue id intttUlcb, A prayer ofMofes the man of God; Pf 90, MofeS^.<©nc id intitleb omln,A pfalm;Pf 98,'Stoo Babe tBid title, a pfalm a fong; pf. 57 . & 87..

^ne id intitnleb a fong a pfrlm; pf. 55.

<©ne id iutituleb,A pfalm for confeflion; Pf. 100,

<Sne, A pfalm a fong for the Sabbath day. Pf. 92.

One, A prayer for the affli(fred &c. Pf. loi.

^Fifteen arc intituleb Songs ofdegrees, adfrom Pf4 . tf)t 134#'CbDO Babe tB^ titled tor Solomon, Pf 7i. &

xx i jfibr

Of the Titles ofthcPfalms.

5Piberntbft^ iireintttu!ebTothemaifteroftl^{tttir&^ P/alw.^.r./.ri

57.5S.r9.^0.^r,^i.<»4. ^f.6^,^7.^8.^5.70.7f.7^.77.8o*8i.84. 8f,88.lo^. 139. 140.

are intltuieb To leduthun, Pfalm. 39 . & 77


The fonns of Korach ; J)abe eleben pfaline0 btrecteb wnto tgem*jfour are tntituleba pfalm to the fonns ofKorach, P^lm. 47 . 49 . 84 . 8f •

4rU)0 A fong a Pfalm’ to the fonn^fKorach, Pfal, 48.88.l©rte To the fonns of Korach, a P(^, a fong: P5il. 87.

4^ne tbU0, To the fonns oFKorach on AUmotha long, PC 4^.

^g^eearenaitieblnllru^ling-pfaitltel to the fonns ofKorach PfaC4^,44,4f.

©me Babe befo|e®emHaleI«-Uh. Pfal. ut^ ni>i3r>x4^.

