Download - The Billboard 1909-09-04: Vol 21 Iss 36




Volume XXL No. 36. CINCINNATI-NEW YORK-CHICAGO September 4, 1909


Iheatie Chai'S

THE LATEST MUSIC '',v For Electric Pianos is produced

' by concern, because they

make a specialty of it. Have you

had our catalogues and bulletins?

ROLL lor a DOZENorMORE. -^1*^D Less than a dozen. S1.M eaeh.

LIMITED STATES MUSIC CO., Largest Makers In the World.

4S M. Western CHICAGO, G. S. A.

HAbwlutrly Non-Ur,akabl.

SiiHmIiI*. fiH* Niit.i tliratn- mill iii»> (■li'luri' \\ rnrr) .b«,, In nl<M k aiHl - alilp lniiiii-ilU!i'l< Si'i'iMiil liaihl I'liatT' nliMi ai-atliiic for ihi! of tliair ili» All' l•.•l>l. II .SI'KI n RM I I Ri; ( II If r a n il MlcUlkan. It-.i' ollicc. »i I'lHlcn at.. lioalon. .Mas. •MonailniH-k lllk

San I'ranclacfr. t'al ; X. V. Ofllcc, 44 Park l‘lai-

The Highest Type of Combination Dissoiving Stereopticon and

Moling Picture Machines

Selling Agent for


increase Your Seating Capacity :::: WITH THE ::::

Milner Self Righting —

“All-Aisle” Opera Chair Grades for all uses. Send for Circulars.

Novelties, Fancy Goods And Jewelry ter Moving Cloture Skews


C. B. KLEINE 162 6n he., Net York, 1.1


We are headquarters for all the latest novelties. Send for our catalogue on Confetti, Canes, Knives, Carnival Goods, Rubber Balls, Rubber and Gas Balloons.

Canes We are exclusive agents for Cincinnati and vicinity for I. Eisenstein & Co. Prices in Cincinnati same as In New York.

THE 60LDSMITH TOY IMPORTIHO CO., 122 E. Fourth St., Cincinnati, O.

82 Bowery,


Twelfth Annual Free Fall Celebration Keokuk, la., Oct. 5-9


First-class Free Attractions

HURRY! Room for All Kinds of Concessions


t» tb. laif.t aixl ra(rhl.«t riillng, to Udf. iRH-rattfl b.T gaaollD. rnc.ix : imi-■■ b.» a hlBli olaa. ('yUtifl.r 1‘taiio or l•r,;>n ITirfr ni.n ran oi» ratr th. •’Clrrlln* Wa.r." anil tukr Bmt Diiitir. In parka. «Ub rarnUal.. »brr r»,r iftM-ralrd. Il can be croctcU In Ihfrc biNira b.v f.oir nirn Write Tr HI i*tr,tr.| catalnanr «|tb Iratlmoolala anil pr!-• ARMI- TAOE A OUINN iln.rnti.^ ami •■•I.- nianuf. luriTai. SpnnrflrM. En. Co., N. Y.


NoTelfYCo..’^"’'“.sr."rc®<;‘’-° OKLAHOMA STATE FAIR OKLAHOMA CITY. Sept. 29 to Oc

CONCESSIONS WANTED The big.event of Oklahoma. Ton big ilay* and ulithta. Tlir Fair will b.- rradv at llir aiiimluter

time and will imfdlivcly lx- lndd rain or aliliie. t'rmrnt walk* to all biiildlnt;. llrrlM-r A Kline’.

Sbowa, l.llH-ratr* Uiind. ten bis fri*e attractiona. Ibiublr track atri-.-t car line, atram rallwaj

passenger and freight wrvice and asphall boulevard dln-ct t«> the groimda. Addn-aa I. S. MAHAM


TOY WHIPS ^ J,n rani-a. lar 100: i

Notice, Streetmen! Jap fanea. ri.US ixt 100: Shell Necklacra. S-I.TIO gr.; Initial I’lna. g'J.fkl |x.r gr : Claaa Trmn iH'ts. gr.; tb> Way Uaek I’ota. gif.’J.-, gr.; Rlow Outa. $l.r.(* gr.; Jap Paraaola, $!•(*> jaT liai. Knivea. L’Oe ibiz. up; l.iaip Handle Wblpa. ft.J.') gr.: Shell I'lirara. long rhalua. $I .4(i doa.; Itb You Kid Ruftona A Baby, ll.T.'i [M'r Bat; Cigara. flo.iat ix-r Kaai; Slapprra jj .'ai gr : No. 7o <5a. Balhama. $.’{.(«» gr.; (Hit Ijidlea Ilrai-elets. $l.(ai gr.; Cold flail I’aiaT Weigbta. gl .T.'i ihiz.; Key Cbalna. $1.10 gr.; Cupid Bead Brarvlela, $.'{.."lO gr : Finger Uliiga. .‘Jic gr ; Flag 1‘iir.zlra. gl.iaj gr.: Canea, 20e dor. up. iJirge Catalogue Free. MEW’MAN MFC. CO.. 641 'Woodland Ava., CleTn land. Ohio.

Splendid ailler at Falra. and .Ag.-nt' SftVf tturn. 'ary lo» prU, a « liiV

I Kfelalel. (Mil"

36 inch aaaorted celluloid bandies; assorted loops. I7..V) grade for $.’>.50. Prompt shipment enr apeeialty. Send 50c In stamps for samples. B. MAILMAN, Utica. New York.


Only Theatn* l>etwr«*n Mrmphii and J.ick-

Bon, Tenn. Stag** 19x.T9; seating < .iiucity, 500. Goo<l attrartiona wanted tliroiiirliout

the season. L. * H. W. LIl’SKY, l’r.>r , Somemlle, Tenn.

Privilege and Showmen! Come to the 53d Annual Richland County Fair

OLNEY, ILLINOIS, September 7, 8, 9, 10. The Big F'air of Southern Illinois. “Hurricane.” The Famous Trotting llatrlch. tnd “Maaale’ and hla Celehrated Concert Band, will la- our FYcc Altrsrtioiis. You hIII And the crowds her* No gamhiing, no exeluaivea. JAS. P, 'WILSON, Sec'y,, Olney, Ills.

ORATOR rnmrn m»S to 0X00 Wtfomkty

i>t)r course In Elocvtloo uid DruBBUc Art iiooin- p!ete. thoroutb snd coDipreheniuTs. It guslifies you C in » short time for » r<M>d psyinf position on ttie

Bt>esker's plstfortn. Lesrn h? corr«spr»D<lenre the tnuet fMciustinr snd l»est psyinr profes«i(»ti in the Wf>rl«l Write for FREE hook. Chlc^o Bebool of Elocntlon,

MMMHM 891 Orand Open ao«m, CblcMco. FOR SALE One T«*nl Imhltr), ilOt.Vi ft., mtuplrtr, M8«'lilri«s, Timir's. KillMin. I.nhlii. opM<r8i»b. ■ idI ot!i»rs; (ir8|»tM*t-hon«'s. II Ot** fliliM'S, ITlins Miitl S«NiK Sllih'S W» 'l.L KIM»S ol SHOW 000|>S Ktrflh'iit IMn* h v. JMT fON k WUI IK roH LAICS. LIST WIIAT Yol IIAVr



Automatic Musical Instruments, riacos. Banjos, etc., at very lowest prlcea. Write for particulars.

STAR MUSIC COMPANY, $63 Dearborn Street. Cbicafo

READING FAIR The best Cones ever baked O a 1 1 | are baked by the : : : OtanuarCl UOnC Oafc

They are always criaii. delle|oi,a. Irrealallhle. They build up trn.b'. "I hey pile With one Standard Outfit any hiiatler ran clear $](( to $.'l(i a <lay. With 3 or t Staiida clear $l(i« a day. OUB FUKK IHKtK TKI.IJt HOW (let the teat baker the siaiid ONE OUTFIT. $3.50; TWO OUTFITS. 314.50; THREE OUTFITS 119.50; FOUR OUTF 1 F.B5IS—Caah with order, or one half cash, halaiice (. ft. |>. Wire, write or ideiiie, | inent. CDABANTEE -.Mcney l,i,rk. If alter .'Mi day*’ te«t. Ihl* la not protei, i„ Ih, tl baker—the one that pnxliicca the heat coma. Write for 1 ree Booklet


Siptimbtr 28tk to Ootobtr lit can place at all times. Shows and Conc^aalona that do not conflict. No girl shows, no chance games, no graft. Everything must be clean and have merit. M. E. POLHILL. Matteawan, New York.

WANTED TO BUY Stereoptleoii and

I'leiiire oiitnta Will par ra-h for hi SIM ii.d hand oiitflia If In hrat claa« eondl the price la low ctioiigli Also want 1 gaa iiiarhiof afet b-cliir,- «cta Write f Ictttr Film ai.d Song a< ia for sale Employment Co., Duluth, Minn. I>

The great«‘«t money maker. Full line of sup plies at very lowest prices. Write C. John son. 4420 Cottage Uruve, Chicago. Ill

Three day'a Sina-t Fair and Carnival, S<’pt. 16-17-18, at Bonrfx.n. Misaonri. I'oiiiilation 7(ki. Eijiected attendance over 3.<ssi. Coneessloiia Tor •ale Aiiiii'M-in.'iit I’romotcrs. Traveling Show¬ men with Kr.-i k shows and other entertain menis, Mercy go roiitnl, etc. Write to JOHN RO.'-S. S«Tr<-tary, Bourbon, Mo.

IIAPIP POCKET enclosing 4 "W

iflAUlu TRICK e«l Free Free. MAGIC CO . Dopt. 2. W. 39th 8t.. Horn York.

For the we<-k of Oetotier 4 5-6 7 8 l». Shlh Annnal Conrentlon and Tournament of S of I’eniiaylvania. .Vl.iaSi to 75.(i(K» iieople will attend. AM, KI.MiS (IF STIIKKT A’l CAN .MAKE BK; MONEY. Addreaa STATE FIREMEN HEADQUARTERS. Oil City,

V.iUil* \ Mil* will Hoiin. no doubt. hav<- a m\v ri n-uit in th*- |>*r>on of A. J. l.iobti. i'<imm<>nl> kn-iwn a.s t’olonol Jack, and who has Just nia<le a record

In i>« df'trlanl'ii). havinK walked a di>itanee of nine thou.'and miles around

the 1.orders of the United States. i’olonei Jack Wits, for a number of

years, advance aKent for various com-

I'anie-. his last engaKement being with The «lirish Detective <'omi>any.

Wh* n U<don«‘l Jack left Portland, Maine, last year, there were many doubts expressed about his Completing

the trip. He looked frail and sickly,

but there was not the suggestion of ill- nes,; alKtut his appearance when he

return«Ml. Hia step wa» firmer, hla manner brisker and his voice clearer;

he showed in Ills e\«Ty line and mov< meiit the great bem-tits of many days pa.aseil in the open air with the .'ky for a roof and a pair of good, strong legs for his means of locomotion.

The long trip w. not strewn with roses and man> times Jack was over¬ come for the want of food, water and from the territic heat in southern States. .Many times he was ticcosted by trami<s who demanded food or money anil many times he threatened with violence by dangerous knights of

the road, who had b* en hard pres.'-ed. .Mthough discouraged many times,

the footsore pede-trian pusheil forward and for the first time in two weeks be will be able to sleeji to-tiight knowing that he has accomidished a feat

which no other man has even attempted.

\\h«n Jack left Portlatid a i-.M-boneter was attached to the wheel on 11s -]ihinx and when h*- got back the little mai’hine recorib-d a distance of ;'.m24 miles. That long distance has been covered in 3.'>7 days which is

t xactly 43 days b',«8 than he iviici teil to m.ake the long walk. It was his Intention to covi r 12 miles each day. but he coven d 2.^*-2 miles and has worn out 11 pairs of shoes and ll'J pairs of stockings and lost 17 pounds

In Weight.

Hike Kdward Pay.-on Weston. Jack did not w.alk on Jsund.ays during his

long Journey and he only lost 19 days on account of sickness.

■'! am very glad that the trip is owr." said Mr. Krohn. “For the last two Wilks 1 ha\e not slijit a wink as mv neivi-s havi- been on the Jump and I have been in constant fear that something would happen to me so that I woulil lie unable to comidete my t.isk. It was a trying exi>erlence and you <an not realise how hajip\ 1 am that I have siicceeded in doing the stunt

which no other has ever Hccompli'hed or even attempted. Kverywhere 1 was used finely, but had It not bun for the kindness of the railroad men in nearly eveiy s»>ction of the country. I do not think I would ever have suc¬

ceeded in comideting the long grind. .\long tin- border of the country 1 was glvi n my mi-als at half price and whib' cros.sing the desert in .\rizona the railroad men really -aved my life. i nice 1 was overcome for the want of

water and was only found in time by a man who carried me into .a small town and restored iin- to’iousne-s. While cros.sing the desert m.v legs

and feet were ciit by cactus jdaiits and many times 1 thought my time had come and that I wolild have to give u|<. It was here that the railroad men

cann to my aid. Winn 1 would leave a town I would carry a large supply of water but many times I was fori'i'd to stop trains and ask for water. I was never refused and tin tr.iins were alwavs stoppl'd and a supply of water given me While I encountered many hardshii's after crossing the desert

I felt conlidi nt that 1 would be sncce-sful and from that time on I pushed forward with all tio-.sible sj.eed making every effort itossible to cut down

thi lime I had been forced to lose.

" Is the last long walk for me and I will return to my hotne in Newbury|ioit in ti few davs for a long rest .\fter 1 recover from this trii>. however. 1 will attempt to walk 100 miles In 24 hours but I shall never attempt a long walk again The only rides that I took during the trip weri on ferries where It was absoluteU neeesMary. Mrs. Krohn has been with me during the trip. She, of course, has traveled bv tail and has met me

in all huge cities "

It. M. Harvey, general agent for the Hagenbeck-Wallace Shows, telbs

many amu-sing incident.s surrounding the life and utterances of an old

prc.'S feeder who was employed on the new.spaper which Mr. Harvey and his

brother still publish out in Iowa. The

old man was a great story teller, and the yarn.s, as repeated by Harvey, are excruciatingly funny.

One day it occurred to Harvey that it would afford him an evening's

amusement to take the old fellow to a theatre. They went, and Harvey’s

companion enjoyed the first act with all the avidity of one who ha.s never been inside a playhous before. Dur¬ ing the first intermission the boys with soft drinks went through the aisles as usual, and one of them approached our friends. “Soda water! soda water! soda water! mister,” stopping beside the press feeder, who had been watching

him with something of wonder in hi.? gaze.

"Hell, no,” was the reply. "I ain’t got no stomick ache!”

Kd. Sedgewick, of the Five Sedgewicks, says:

“We were putting on an act that called for a ‘center door fancy,’ and a ‘parlor setting,’ and I went to the property man and said to him:

“ ‘Say old man. have you got a medallion?’ .\nd he looked very

foolish for a moment, and finally


“ ‘Well, we had one. but one day

we let a lot of kids in the “opry house” and they got to playing on it and broke every gol dern key to it, and we had to throw it away.’ ”

friend of John P. Fagan, railroad contracting agent of the Hagenbeck-

\\ allace Shows, has been traveling extensively in Kurope. From each point visited. John received cards and letters describing scenery and conditions

in the term.s of the circus man; for John's friend has been more or less associated with the people of the j>ro- fession for a number of yeai-s. and is familiar with all their characteristics and peculiarities. He also knows that all the time John does not spend at home with the babies is given to act¬

ivity in behalf of the enterprise with which he is identified.

, , ,

.Ml the cards wire amusing, but

the climax of humor was reached when Gibraltar came to be described.

The card read merely; Dear John: ,

This would be a hell of a good circus town if it only had a lot.

Yours trulv, HILL.

.\ftir till' last Ihiatrical -ia«ion had turned out so disaslrously for the ninji>ill> of producing managers along Pioadwaj. a friend was talking one

da> with one of those who had suf-

"'Ul fi red most SI \ erely.

■'It might have been worse." he .s-ald, "t'heir ui>. Pretty sooti j>ros- peiltx will return to the coutitr.v.

atiil ihittgs will be bright atid roseate as I lle\ W ere bi fot e "

"Ves," reidied the tiiatiager. “It

ttllghi have beetl Worse. Hettlitlds tlie

of ati Iri'htuati 1 ktiew down iti St. Louis who had both of his legs cut

off by a railroad train. ‘It might have been wor-e. Mike.’ thev said.

“‘Sure,’ .Mike teplied, ‘sUt>l>ose I had bei tl a ehofus git 1.’ ”



t'harles Cecil Smith, baritotie. tells the following:

"Duritig my recent engagement in Oklahoma City, oklahotna. I received a reiiuest to sing Iti Dear Old ileorgia.’ This song never fails to ai>|ieal to those of southern blood.

"1 respondi'd.

“-\fter the show. I found waiting

for tlie and old lady of thi' ‘backwoods’ tytie who. a(ii>arentl.v. had been

much afteeti'd liy the song.

" ‘Sa.v. young feller.’ she said. ‘I lister live in Georgia, ti-w. Do you


is.’ "

feller tin r by the name of

4 X ti e Billboard SEPTEMBER 4. 1909.



t*» run.ply In full with iIh* irriiu* of iii.' r*»'.urart. I'oiulilhuui whloh I woiihl ii**! '•uluull * to wtTo liiHM»^r»l iHH»n no* aihl 1 tlMrrfurr <*iiu «vlh‘il inv rncairomoiit tflrr lia\lii»: ioiin* to a I Rati^faot*»r.v willrimMil with Mr. t^piN riliruiior lu |

tli.‘ innttrr. Par frtMU liavini; Ihh'Ii 111. I am riHuiratulat

Intf !iiy>*rlf upon luy rvrollont hoaltli an! <'omh»l«*i»cea an* not In or«lor

AukI!?*! -'IV ltMn».



One of the Most Remarkable Pieces of Routing Recorded—More

than Thirty 1 housand Miles to be Covered, Averaging Above

Five Hundred Miles a Week—Other News of the Week in Brief.

Tlip lllnor»r,v fur tin- fortlxNiinlnR t<>ur of Mlits iu»nrii« Walxli In The Text. n.ii>wk that the aotreHa will till oih* of th<‘ iiioKt retnarkuhle *e.t- •otix ever covered hy a faiiioiia star. She will tiavel for fifty two Holhl we«-ka before her re turn to New York, will traverao more thirty tboiiKaixl tiiiho*. or an average of more than flve hiiiiilrid iniUoi every we<*k. and will visit every city of any imitortance in the United Stat<-B and Northwest Canada.

.Miaa Walah will inaiifcurate her season hr oieiilntt the IM‘W William IVnii Theatre In

rliiladeliihia on SeptemlxT 11. She will then gn to NYwfolk sn.1 within the followiiift thn>e wetks ap|K>ar In every tlie.itrical center In tlM’ S4ailh. Next t-he will visit Cincinnati. To- l<slo, CleyHand. ChlcaRo. St. lamlh. Kansas « ity. tiniaha. Ih-nver. S«-attle. Anitelea. San FYamlsco. thence to Itrltlsh Columbia. Manlto»>a and hack over the Northern route to liiilTalo. where her sr'nson will come to an eml. Miss Walsh will make her tour In a private car ami at Its eoncluslon will return iiumediately to

York, where she will Is-ftin rehearsals of a new play by Jules Kckert C<Malman, which will 1m‘ pnalucT'd at Wallack's Tlieatre.

(luence passe* away with the last note. I’lcaa. lilt; a Mk hous<>, the artist showed in his play- iiiK a master hand and the make up of the dif¬ fer! lit artists were lift like to a hieh degree, and one of the Ix-at in its line.

Tlie Stage Kmployi'e*' ITibai. Issal No iti. of the 1. A. T. S K. of lbs Melnes. lo«a. gav!* a bam|in*t at tla' T. M. .\ ll.vll »*ii .kugiist VJ. at which time ti-n in-w nK-iiitsTs were en tertalm-d. .\ii orchi stra .>f s.\en i«lee,‘* fii.- nished the music f.T the eviuilng in.l sis-.s he* w«*ri‘ iiiatle b.v S^’ctsdary Ibdllu aial |•resblelll

Calder t>f the Union. l.iiiichtHin ainl refreshnii’iits w«‘re serve*! <hir

lug the evening. The fair lastisl until the small hours i*f the iiierning and *a* a tb-cLled




H'.irton NTxoo'a Central I..ena River* Com¬ pany. iiniler the management of Fred McIntosh, openisl its s«‘aaon August 211. at Michigan City.

UelM'rt Tyler ha* arrlvtsl In Clilcago with his

soiibrette ele|>hant. Imi-Hrene. which 1* to lx* ^e of the featutvs with .Maclyn .Arbiiekle In The Circii* Man. at McVlcker'* Tb<-atre, Chicago.



The following article* of Incorporation have h<s‘n filed at Albany, N. Y., within the past few days:

.Massaplqua Hotel Co., N. Y.-To carry on a getieral theatrical and amiisenieiit biislni***: also csmdiict hotel. Capital. H.iNkl, Hlrectors: Andriw J. Corsa and Stanley J. Cor- sa. L'2 Court gtreet. and Morris CiAn of .VsS Seventh str.set, Krooklyn, N. Y’.

JiK- Web'>r’» Tlieatre, Inc., N. Y.—To own nnd manage theatres and o|M'rate and exhibit plays of all di-scrltdlon*. Capital Sl.Oiar. l»! r<H-i<a-s- Max M’elK-r and Joe Weber. 1211 Itisia.lway, and F. W. Pinner and Mortimer Klsliel. 4.'! Cedar street. N. Y".

Phllii, Mlmlll, Inc., N. Y.—To conduct a thi all leal busliivs*. In presenting miisieal and dri.iii.'ilie prniliietions: also to do a gem-ral ail- verllslng biisine**. Capital, Sl.-IOIl. |lire<‘t<>r.s: Philip Mlndil, .111 W. both *tT<*et. N. Y. City; Paul Culiek. 377 Gris-n avenue, Brooklyn, and FYanklin Rlen. Jr.. Knglewoo<l, N. J.

Aiiieriran Photomorgraph Co., N. Y.—To deal In moving picture luaeliine*. Alma. ete.. and to arrange |ir<Nliietion*. scenes, pl,sy.s and other ef feets for moving pleture purposes. Capital.

J.VI.Otai. Directors; J. II. Kliegl, 104 W. .•flllh street, and Alex. T. Moone. 261 W. 4.*.th street. New Y'ork Cit.v. and Fnslerick Sohwan haiisser. .147 Summit avenue. Jersey City. N. J.

Tile Kxcelslor Slide Co.. N. Y.-^To own ami manage th<>atres. iwoduce play* and stage jiro ductlons of all kinds. Capital, $2.nno. Dlrec

tors: Max Fns-man ami .M. Wattenberg, 172 FYilton street, N. Y'.. and A. 8. I.,evy. CIO Thiane atreet, Jemey City.



Ilainiiniis Itbs-cker Hall, Albany. N. Y'., 1 opi'ned It* first s<>a*on. «* an Imlep'-ndent house, a w<s>k earlier than was originally planmsl. l.a- I bur Day was at first announced as the opening date, blit the alti-ratlons In progress during •August were so near completion by the 20th that an opening was m.ade itosslble on August 30. when Manager J. Ollls'rt Gordon prs'sented to the .Alb.any public, the Llebler Company suc- c<-«*. Till’ Man From Home.

Tlie new coloring of the house, the soft, rich carjs'ts ami fiirnisliings. anil the general new. c!".m appearance of the house pleased Al¬ bany t1iealreg<MTa mightily, and words of praise w>‘rii beard on all side* for the Shiibert* nnd their .Alb-vny lieutenant*. F. Rav Comstock and J. Gilbert Gordon. The Man From Home wlli be followtsl by many potable rttraetlons.




PiTbaps the most iiii|s>rtaiit announcement Uiat has ever Ixs-n Issued from Cio M’hltney

• ♦iM-ra Hoiist*. Chicago, wa* sent out last we<ik. It surely Is *me of the most iin|M>itaiit even's in the history of Frank O. P.s-rs. vho is mai.-

ager of that theatre. Congratiila'liin* have IHiiifsl In from all sides and more will be In

‘ rd'-r is bis many friends rem-lve the m-ws.

If Is a girl. Joan Is the name, and Mr. and Mrs. Fniik o. P'sts are the liapples' couple In

Chicago at flmlr residence at 47.13 In liana av ■ '*niie. Tie- hahy was bo n .Viigiist 111.


Tlx- first aieiciraix-e at Slxa’s. Hiiffalo. N. Y'.. < f FrtsI Siiig-r. wa* .n siiriirls<' The otT-r Ing ealhsi Tlx- Violin Mak.T of Cr.nx.iia. Is a t'ivelt.v. It Is a om-act musical sketch In three seem*, the first showing lix- worksh-in of Aiirat. the fanxxi* v!ollid«t. who ha* lust '■*imt*l*’t<*d a violin whb-h lx- ciiisbb-r* his mn*- tiTpl'-C'-. aixl driams of the glovb-s to Ih- won by great artist years aft< r ills own <b-ath. Ri-i', resented In his dn-am is a r<x«u of the 17t'' century d'*slgn. with cam-pv in dra|H-rie* of rich v<-lv<-t._ H'-rc he s<-'-s ami hear* Paganini. Saiosate. Kubelik. Ri-inengi. and the tniiiip'-t of 111* twdev'il violin awakening, be presses Ills instriin.ent to bis breas* nixl with great elo

Now playing In

Ind., and is working YA'e*t to Kamva* and Ne braska. The following well known iieofde are with the ciMiipany thi* *e**on: I»ulse Ashwo'sl, Helen le-iiton, Jeanette Garnette, Madeline Goodwill. Harry Oinover, Stuart Be«-he, A. J. Wooil. Fn-'l Armstrong, Will Sherry. Harry Jom-H. and YVill Smith. Harry Darlliigt'xi Is

biisiiM-s* manager, aeven daya ahead. A com¬ plete Ncenic proiliictloa la carrbsl and a long

reason has les-n Isioked.


The Itljoii Theatre at Perth Amboy, J., J. F. liriist. ininager. annoiiiice* ib<-y will again play veixb-ville Rtartiiig August 31, giving five acts ; im1 uxiviiig iiictiire*. Tlie h<Mi*" ha* Ixs-n pla.viiig only moving pictures during the sum iix-r.


nx Itlllboard:

111 eoiilradiction of the announcement made I'V Mr. Sol iipis-nlx imer. manager of Subiirhsn

I’ark. St. I.'Miis. Mo., and [sihliahed In the Mir ri*.- and Time* of that city, last w<s-k. I wIsV to siste iix»l einphstically that tlx- reas>in for the cancellation of my engageux-nt In St. l.ouls was led illix-ss or ph.vsh-al lndls|>osltloii on my

IHirt. but iixlis|Kailtion on part of the manage

Kabes In Toyland.

Mr. Tyler will lx* remenitiensi by miiiiy as the trainer of the original Ix-rd of Pow-r's i le pi .inf*. famous at the .New York. Cleveland ami Ibclon Hip|.mIro«ix-s. He has had Waixla blit a sb'irt time, but lias tn-en f|ult** *iire#sisfu| with her. She now goes through Ix-r entire part in tlx- Ihrte ac*s of the play the same

as any lively aoiihretu- would ibi without any primiptlng or cu'-s.


Jaa Ronnelll was s Itllllxiard caller last w-ek amt state* that he ha* hi* two *lw>w* all ready to lake the rmile H<-ptetnl>er I HI* big Hiinip

ly Diimpty Black Dwarf Company will carry tw'-nty i*-(4de this waaon. and Jiingletown. Whleh will lx- Iind'-r Ida (M-rsonal nxiinig'-iix-nt will carry fift.s-n ixs.pb- The former naiix-d “bow will go w'-st to tlx- e'Mist. ami Jiingletown South.


Frank lov) has Ixs-n engag'sl for the char

aeff r of Kara Simpson In the southern canpany of c Jay Smith's Pair of Country Kids I'oin pany under the iiinnagi-Bient of It. H llrollbT. The corni.any Is a well halanced one. and la Ixsiked -olid over s<ailh<Tii time until May, Itilh.


Of Those Wanting to See

Rush’s Parisian Widows Crowds

ihe Garden 1 heat re at

Buffalo—Notes liy

the Way.

.At Ihe Garden, BiilTalo, N. Y’., last wts-k, W< txT aixl l(u*h'* Psrislaii Widows did a laii-l otlcc bu*iiH-s*. Saturday night. August 21, the company otH-nisI It* m-ason to a crowded h'sw. and the following wcek'a bilainewi ha*

scored for the Coluiiihia .Amuai-nieDt Company an-l Jusllflcil their hlea of gmsl wbolekoms bur leisitie. Si'verul musical iiuiiilx'rs In Ttir Board¬ ing H<*1*«-. wetv given, with fine rff'M-t. .A choriiH ms'b- up with a* dainty and lianilsome a

lot ef girl* a* cue osild wish. Ikr Wall was "liroii*” He bs kml It ami "w a* It.” An olio replete with high class vaudeville. Nihio and S|M-ix-er. the Musical Bella. Ben Pierce, Mrggh Hilton ami tlx- Percy Troiiia*. and Ihe Six lin-fsb-n Dolls were bb-al. Ib-nnetl aixl Beiitly elocsl one of Ihe liest allow* aeen on the circuit in many a day. .Nolwlthalandiiig want of n-hearsal. this lx*lng tlx-lr o|a-Dliig dale, the Garden orch«-alr* lent «xcelb-iit *iip|Mirt to all the iiiiiiilH-rs. Tlx- ai-enlc effi-cta ami coatume*

wire bright and chierfiil. DICKSGN


The nwter of the Uncle Dave Holeomh Uom- panv for the aeaaon of lixki 10. la as follow*: William I.awrence. invixr; Jno. A. HIronieleln. Uianag'-r; .A. H McKi-chiile. business manager; J .A. Washburn, advance lepresentatlve C, F.

Chapman, advertising sg'Ht; Thomas Mes-gau. Walter H. Ilehimlngw*}. lYed Kelsey. W H. K-s'he. la-w F Moran. Charl«** J. Newton. Wil¬ liam Yost. Edward Farren. Marbni Slilrley. Mr* Annie Inman Ul.v Cartlx-w, Corine Ix-hr and

K -s.- Bartlett.


Oix- of the sunrise* incblent to the opening of the ilrt-tx-iim Tiieatri'. Butte, Mivnt.. waa the sniH'UDcenient that Manager C. N. Sutti«. who w as so siio-ssfiil In running affairs last year, had foiiml the duties too b»-*vy. ami calbsl for Ix-lp. Mis* Kosa IbKiia will Iw the assistant; In fact, *he will U- tlx- r,-*l manager, a* she an-l Mr Sutton were <|ub lly marrb-d .Augii«t 1« Miss Kmiia la from Kansas City, ami hs* Iw-n in vsmlerllle w-veral sessoiia as a concert

V lolliilst.


Maurice W J.-nck*. of Slonx Cliy. la., who control* a tiiliidx-r of theatre* In that vlclniir,

ha* sild'sl anolh'W hoiisa- to the 11*1. that "f the ilp.-ra Hoii*«- at I.eroar*. lows. Mr Butler, fornx-rlr manager of the hou*e, will naitlniie to act In that capacity. The house I* r.-e.-lvliig a

Complete overtiaiillng with a tx-w bd-h.v a ix-*

addltimial •vstem thtongh.'iit. It *111 ■i"'" S. i.t. int*-r 13 with Tlx- Three of t «. one of

Hie atira- tlon* cootrolb-d by Mr Jenck*



\\W* <tr*r^ V«n wUl h^r

' uttrrfn* tour !n <;ol.1on Itnlt. rfly,

20 it th^ FortF^t 1 f»hU. whirh »b** will til to#

larifp iltlew of tb^ Fait imt Ml«»* V»n StmMlfonl will be •upportrjl by •

' company acTcnty fire f*e«»ple. aiMl '*^** /**/ I ry h«*r o%»n aiieol^l orrhcutra. i»hlrh will

‘ umbT the direction of Anton Ilelndl


william D Hhea la ilx- stage manager of the

ItiH'klniEhani TtH'atre. W»iil«Tltle. Ky. Me b"* Ix-i-n in the employ of Wbalb-n Brother* f-'t twenty two years With the exrs-pflon Jake Jrdinaon. stage manager (tf the l.y-eiim

; of Wasliinglon. D C.. lx- ha* held contlnix«isiy I the lesiltioii ss stage mstiager longer thsn *nt^ I om- else no far as krti>wn reronl* show. H' la

regar'le,! as a faithful aixl valuable employ e


Wm Paii1a«n. Jr., ha* lieen sppf.lnti-d leader <.f the Gaiety Ttx-atre tlreheslra. I.oulavllle.

Ky. He waa for a lime lea<ler of the Mary An<b'r*on Theatre oreh'-stra. Ixxilavllle and h»* nile«I msnv other lm|*Tlanl engagement* In other ellle* Added to hi* ni'islesl aeeomplWIi

meni* arv <|iialltl<-« of |M-r*onal |*ipii1*rlly-


A new miialeal remedy railed Tlx- tllrl In Ihe Grandstand, wrlll take to tlie vosd shortly Ihe iiiansgeinent of Ibddt.v Foi-i-man The mush' I* bv Arthur Welnlierg snd Ihe bo<ik by Da'e W fgff


Chari'-* Mii'-bimsn has reslgixsl a* nisifg-’f i of III'- H|sikam- Tlx sire, Hixihaiie, Wash . *"d , liH* b-fi for N'-w Y'ork to s'-i-'-pl a |>oslll"ii

ll"-i' Charb-s York baa Ixs-n aiUMiliil'-d m*"

ag'r to fill tlx- vaeancy.

An Amcrirnn Widow wnff tin* I*''* I tliil attmrtlfkn of Hm* •! tb*-

TliPiitr**, W<»rri'R!#*r, Mm*» , Auifu«l

SEPTEMBER 4, 1909. Ttie Billboard

THE WEEK IN NEW YORK l.VTKTIVK SI’AIIKKS An orUln*! *-'.in«lT In ' ttir..- »rt». by MIpIkvI Morton, (iirrlck Him-


1 .t .. Koyr* r.l .llur»o;.k

' , 1 .hUlwlii Mranilor L I ... .-.oMo.i.-. I I

M J.. HU.O .. .ivrolv.l Ayl....r ' . .,1,., .i»»»lil Torn-ni-r I |

I, Vv,-'i'..r It.HoMKl..I-'"*!* -'•■•T" ' V .. ..I-. ow*u liixtvr :

V;; V -l.-i ...... K-nnoll. mil 1

^ , r trv .' .I,. Ilownril

It‘o. 1 . .l.<iuii>itiur,v . . .\iitirrr I’owoll ;

J. '*'" . , . , ('. W. I--WH !

of 110.01 . . . wm.

.;.liOirtlo Mlllor ■

';r‘i. r.rt.o« ‘ .lutiio \viiii«niii

V i'll., tviiwlok .'**■• *<«'”*•* , ' 1, ix„,iii,t..r .. MoroiUtli M M .' I.U c>.ly Sl.lnoy

H\TT1K 1>n" nuccesB. l.oi.-..|lv.> Si.»rk.Hi »m t»rry with <» for ■ lontt Iouk tl">' «n<l for Tory rxrt ro«

..HIS lt » «imi>liiK If* onlorlnlnlnif^, It " fo"^ IX li * ..rltHU iml If* wrll iCIoil. Tli«t nhool.t

.loHil.liit It’ lni»itlnr iilvln* I»ro*<1«»y

H v—l tlior wlih..iit lovo m»kln* An-I Hr.iw.f HHX Ilk'.* It Of coiiiwo. thoro • ju»t a llttlr tiiix lilt t'Ut not ouounh to ni«ko any ow f.'llHli .oor a C'.l.lon rlnr or tlio parrhmont. j

M'«« WllliaiiiH Ih cloTorly ra*t—•Im- mako* tbo i ultoini"«t of a vory good part. The play lt*olf ; nilglit l«. tormo.l a farce nieliMlrama. The rea. i eon f. r the pltiy I* that I-aily Axnilnetor Tory I f'. lMilv B'«w up In a balloon with a man who ^ !• iM>l iior hiiiJialHl when i*»e I* •uitpowtl to lie r. me ■•11 a vliilt to her *l»ter, Athole Korte-H.

Til*. b«lb»>n come* down a wreck, ami 1* dl» c.xor...l bv the t>ollce. "nio patKT* are full of the b»llo.'.n inyatery, but no one know* the , t.l -nllty of the man and w.anan In the balloon, | ami ihoT hare comph’tely dlaapiH-are.!.

Ml«» Vorbea. who l» an American. dlacoTcr* ,

that It 1* her alater who 1* In trouble, and for the n.'tt three act* aho derote* all her enorgle* , 1. keeping Uird Aimlnater. from dlacorerlng i the truth and to finding and aarlng her fooll«h j

In the coiirae of the action, which corer* the ,

l».rli«l of from fire o'clock In the ■f**'''"”?' 1 until thr,se o'clock the neit rooming. Athole r.|rx«*ent« herwlf a* the famou* I>etectlve

Sparke*. hence the name of the play.

THF. lutl.lJkR MARK—A play In four acta, by I ibseg*' Broadhurat. Wallack'a Theatre. i;«,rg,' Broadhurat. JIack'a Theatre.

Hattie Williams Scores Big in Detective Sparkes.

Broadway Takes Well to The Dollar Mark—Mabel

Hite to Star—Lew Fields Talks of Andrew Mack.

Pierre of the Plains at the Hudson—Other Notes.


fM \ ,'4x

CAST or CHARACTERS: Cr^him.Ro*H^t Warwick '

Can-m lUylia.Cuylcr Haatlnjr* ; Ant mv Martin.Clay Cleroont , Wan.MN- lliaihllcr.Biinalry Shaw | Arthur llaylU.HapaanS Short William Strto^man.Gcorr«* Wrlfht | J tlin KUtneatoo.Ocorcc Backiia | Sf-natfir W.atirvclt.W. H. tVmlerfaat i Charh * r* tHw'f.Burke Clarke | Orahaiii Orlinra.0|r<1en StcTcna i H**nrT T.atlmrr.Oeorirc O. Morrla nemini: Bo>»l«'n.HaMl«1 Howard I B^n .Henry Calkina |

J<<ir«on.H. J- Sullivan j nil! Mundiy.J. H. Davlea ; iw-nby.T. H. Hartman 1 Bank M«*«»'njr»T.Allen Little i St. ward of Yacht Arrow.T. J. Carlyale ' MmU‘ F *«trr.Pauline Fretlrleka \ Malimla.Alpha Perry Byem • Allrr I'haiHll.r.niva MaroUla j Mm niaii.ll.T.Selene Johnaon

It lookjt very much an If Hroadhurst j haa put another i*n»» over. The I>ollar Mark | haa all the nutUne* of a winner. We who i ki>i*ai* nt»th1na ah*>nt Wall atreet hare wir flted helk’fa ami hleaa roneemlnc the aame and The IVkllar Mark conflmm the Ndief To aotne It mar adn^m ln‘pnt*a!ple hut to the fellow who tak«'a hla learning fn*m the fontllifht artwl— thU p|.*ce will do nlcelr. W A. Brady haa rhen It a mn«t morlhy pmduetkm, and an ex- e«’t‘fl'*nall> c«»mi ea«t.

There l« much to the atory. Ita hero la a •»*lf made man In the fimt act the hero la In hla wnrklna cloth**#, ami «|eno<ineea the capl- talUt who. haxlna learmvl that the pr*H^rty canmd h<* •f»nin«d hr **r»lltiarT pr*ire#a of hrlhlnf l'*aNlati*ra, eomea to buy him mit. He la • nice, *»p»’n facfM. frank w%rt of a capitalist, who telU all about how powerful he and hla i aoktelatea are rl|tht out In the ofam and who j <Va«n't mind In the leaaf talktnr ahowt how fher ronirol law maker#. hanka. railroad#. ! et«T>thinir: In fact. that they can lanyh ha! ha* at the laNwlnff man He aata all them' thinaa rlfht mit 1ou*l wh«*re anrN^l.T mlaht hear. )u*f like nul capitallata. wh*» an* alwaya ht*t 1 that ready to take everrlbulv Info their mm flden*'e .\m1, *»f c**urae. th«* mine owning labor* 1 Ina man re>«da him the riot act th«*n an*l there, and trlla him ht»w 11m* tveopli* will ercntually j riae In tlM»Ir *»wn d*‘fe»>e«* Ala**. h«* n’fn#**# : to ai’lt tiM' mine |

llT th«' time thfi' curtain r1a**« on the aiM^md | art the yonnff man baa m»t ^mly made a aiu'cea# of hla mine, but ha# lM»come preahlmt of a bank And by thia time the mal^r eapItalUt of the ronaolldatml lnter*’ata haa dIacnveiN’d that tbia >oui)a man not *inlT atan«la t»etw*'en him an*t hla rnonfipollatlc arhemea. but ala*' haa rr«Mia«’d hla path In lore. Hrm*e he la det*T mln**d m'»re than e'er to cruah the ytamg man ^imI t’Tcota hare ao arrana<'<t themad*|v»»a that h'*th nM’U and all the ladle* ar** vlaltluff the aame roitntry h*ma«* that «»f the capltallat'a c*Hifld**ntui man ThIa |*«'ra**n. It n'»w *1evrh*|»a. haa tMM’n a^biToulatlnir an«l haa reached a point ahere ruin atarea him In tb«» face Hut he ftnda a friend In the aucn*a«fu1 y*ainr banker, who la wllllnr to h«*lp him nut If he can i»r*»'b1e the pr**i»er aerurltle# Tlie onlt man wlio can fur nlab thi'a** la th«* capltallaf. wh*» ai:r*'«*a t«' d*'

an*t then y-M’a back orr hla wor*l. tberet*y lii'.»!Mn» fh*’ r*»uujr l»auli*'r witli the clearinfc houar,

Hila itolnt haa m*t tn*«»n reache*!, hjvwercr. until fh** e.ipltallat haa frbsl !*♦ t»r*»veut the bnukpr fr»*m n^arhinL' hla oth**’ iu time to


Engaged for the part of Mr*. Newlywed. In The Newlyweda and Their T.aby.

avert a panic b.r delaying the yacht on which thcT arc all nailing fn>m the Long lalaiid turn rocf l.uoic to New York. Whereupon the .t^u* banker, wbo baa been rearetl In the Weat, draw* a revolver, prevloualy taken fto™ capltallat'a *on. who waa ab^t to kill hlm^lf. anti f.»rce« the capitallat to tell the captain to p»it txt full aiieetl. Incidentally there la a at.wy of the confltlentlal man'a mlaunderatanil* Ing with hi* young wife, who haa loved him all the time, but who haa allowed another honor¬ able euttor to dawdle at her heel*, and there I* another »tory concerning the capitallat a *1X1. who haa marrlctt a manicure girl, and who U esM off wlthiHit a p*>nny when hla father fln.l* If out. ntat 1* the m.xnent when he thrxafen* to kill hlm«elf. and I* prerented by the y..iing h.inker. who g,*-* thr,mgh the plere •thtNldlui; Wln*lm'i<iO*‘a an*! platitude#, and l» unal 1y rt-wnnb*! by the Indonw'mcnt of the olearlu>j III*!'.. C'>mmltti>e and the lian.l of the T'ght woman, after the knavUh doing* of the c»plt*l Nt are brought to light


O.tnibllnR in siioloty—at hriiisf whi.>tt anil on the race*—an.l the crlmre Into which It may l.'«d |>critou», «vcp tho'igh they may have the lM-»t of Intention*, form the theme of Sin* of So.-letv The le»«.«o of tl.l* drama are ilrl»en h'Xne by example. In die ca*’ of I.ady Marlon lleinimont. who lo**-* by h. xvy play* at her einb. then trie* to aave h.orwdf by betting al l«>iig<b!'nip«. and final''- de«v'end» to trickery, t.i el.ealli'g and almo«f i miiriler In her eflf.'rt* to aave her aoelal po*lt...n.

TYil* pr.xliietl.m rcpilre* fonrfc'n elaborate wriilp iw'l* .^mone the*.' are the arenea »how

I Ing a troop "hip *tnktng In mid .•eean, an Eng lUh weir, the rare track crow.ted with It* my rind patron*, the Interior of a ma»*lye rathe

I drni and many other*. Many noveltle* are In Irmtiiee.l In the p’*y. notably the tea glren to

the ''iioclety dog*.” pet* of member* of roy¬ alty. The coetumea wx>m In the prxvdnction are bandikioie and elegant. There are two hundred and fifty person* employed In the presentation of The Sin* of Society Including I..aura Nelson 11*11. Louise Clooser Hall. Lmtlse Rutter, Lucy Sibley, Florence Edney. Rosalie DeVanx. Grace Thorne. Wllllero Abingdon. Conway Tearle. Lrs lie Kenyon. Dodson Mitchell. Ohaa. Row«n. Reginald Barlow. Chaa. Lawrence. Cha*. Flem¬ ing. Cllflford Hippie. The production wa» given August 31.


KdwArd D. Stair of the firm of Stair A Havlln. theatrical manager*. I* the defendant in a Supreme Court suit brought by David B. and Max Webx'r, of Innilvvllle. Ky.. f.vr an ac¬ counting of a partnership agre-ment entered Into by the defendant *n1 plaintiff*, on S,'p- tembx'r 21. lIHXt. The a.«»»'t* ctxitributed to the partnership agreement, »ay* the c>>mplalnt. !n- eludexl a lease of the new Maaonir 'Theatre In lA'ulaxllIe, Ky.. which extended until the pre* ent month, with right of renewal, and an other lease upon the .Avenne Theatre In the same city. The plaintiffs awtert that the latter lea**' expired In July last, and that Stair oli tallied a renewal In hi* Individual nami' and during the life of the partnership


Miss Mabel Hite was engrajred bv Llebler aivl C»>mpany to star In a m-w cime.l.v which the firm will proilnee a little later In the *ea«on. and In which the chief part 1* of the ewt Mias Hite has Nxen so aiu'cessfiil In p,'rtraylng In connection with this engag- ment. there Is another annoyineement which should he of Interest to a gieat many thonsand* who see In Miss Hite not only a capable and entertaining actre** hnt also the wife of the eelehrated Mike Doolln. hero of many a diamond

; battle. Mr. Donlln will be a member of t'oo j company, and from o|>enlng date, and after,

will literally aiiiiport his wife. A part Is beliwr written for the outflelder who was for ao long a favorite with New Y’ork fans, ami when thi* comedy 1* put on. the bold Mike may b** ex- peeti-<l to sjieak such lines as bis basi'ball ad mlrors will I<s>k to him to speak.


( Graham Browne, the well-knowrr ! lAindon leading actor. Is coming to New York

under an engagement to Charles Frohmau to create in English the part of the son. Thlbault. I’rlnc<‘ do Olar, In Israel, Henri Bernstein's newest play. Mr. Brow-ne achieved his best suc¬ cess In London as the Duke, In The Duke of Klllicrankle. More recently he has done the leading male parts In Mrs. Dot ami Penelope.

Miss Marie Tempest’s American tour In I’en-, which w ill begin In December, has been so extended that It will continue until the end of April.

A. W. Pinero has cabled Charles that he has now completed hla new play, Mid- Channel. which will be produced In this coun-

' try. with Ethel Barrymore In the prlncipsf I woman's part. The relienrsals for the London I production of Mid-Channel have begun at the

St. James Theatre.


I Mr. Bew Fields has sigrned a long: 1 term contract with Mr. Amlrew Mack, by ■ which the latter will be starred, under the 1 sole management of .Mr. Fields, In a new mii- I sical cometly being written by two of Amer- I Ica'a beat known composers and librettists. ' TTie production will probably be made about j October 27. and brought into a Broadwa.v thea¬

tre about Norember 27. After signing the con I tract with Mr. Fields. Mr. Mack boarde.l a I train for his home In New Rochelle, very wsll

satisfied w-lth his accomplishment.

In speaking of this, hla latest theatrical deal. Mr. Fields said: "I consider Andrew Mack th? best singing, light comedian In Am« r- Ica. Having given the matter consideration for some twenty-five years, I have come to the conclusion that there Is not now living a co¬ median who can sing ami who can portray comedy at the same time, with the exception

1 of Mr. Mark. But Andrew Mack, with the I record of having twice circled the globe with I enormous success and ever Increasing popii- ! larlty. to my mind stands nnique. There may

be singing comedians in Europe who a|>proacii him, but If so I have never beard of them. Diir

I Intention in the new venture is to star .M"-. I Mack In a musical comedy which will befit the ; talents w-hich he made so manifest during the I recent presentation of the Lambs’ Gamliol In I this and other American cities.

”He will play only the blgh-class houst-s. and that Is as It shonld be In my Judgment. While the chaiacter he will portray will not be Irish,

: he yet will have the opportunity of Introducing I those wonderful ballads with Which he has so j long been Identified. It must mit be forgotten

that Mr. Mack Is one of the most prolific of our song writers ami that his voiee is of a peculiar character w-liieh has never been dupli-

I rated since the death of William J. Scanlon. Such songs of his as The Wtsbiing of the Lily

I and the Ros,-. Heart of My Heart I Love Yoti. and the less beautiful but perhaps e<]uallT sue-

' eessfiil. My Pearl is a Bowery Girl and ’ Little I Johnny Dugan, will live forever in human mem¬

ory. Mr. Mack combines in his personality the elements of success which are so larking ;n

I others. This was demonstrated as I have said I before, during the recent Lambs’ Gambol tour. 1 There is room in .America. I believe, at our

first-class house's for a man who can sing, d.xnce > and deliver comedy line*—and that la something

that we have lacked.”


> Theatrical tour.s of these United I State* have been reiluced to a science, in ao

far as rapid transit and perfect railroad ei]nlp- \ ment Is concerned, but It la safe to venture I that no theatrical organization has ever left ' New Y’ork City surrounded by the comforts not

to say luxuries of so perfectly apfiolnted rail¬ road home as that which has bei'n provided for George M. Cohan and his Royal Family, to¬ gether with the other hundred members of The Yankee Prince Comp.xny. which will depart for Jers«'y CIt.v. SeptemlsT 19, their destination be. Ing New Y'ork Citv which, to reach ami fulfill

"f. contracts c.xlls for them to make a thirty-five thousand mile tour, embracing all the Import- ant towns an.l cities of the South, Middle

J" West. Pacific Coast. British Columbia and Can-

Ire The tour, as planned, will oeeupy six months

^ in the playing and every mile ,>f it will be * ■ m.ade on a special train of ten cars made up of

_ three sixty foot baggage cars, one seventy foe.t " .Arms Palace .Automobile ear. two day coaches.

tx*o sleepers and Geo. M. Cohan’s private P’JlI- man. Y'ankee Prinee. a veritable palace on wlieels which will be oi'cupled by Mr. ami Mr*,

lir Ge<i. M. Cohan. Miss Mary Cohan (age two gpt monthsl, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cohan and Jose-

j{ phine Cohen. This car has six j.rivate state rooms with brass beds. Is electrically llghtisl. each room being furnlsN'd with a small hut

l,.p. altogether comfortable porcelain bath. and. he- the aide* accommodating a party of ton. has IIv- ijj. ing -xnd sleeping accommodation* for w-rvant*. In Tliere Is a sixteen foot observation end contaln-

res Ing a piano, typewriting desk an.l other coo- gjj. venlencea to facilitate young Mr. Cohan’s work the while on route, and which will al*.* be used as tter a dining room f.'r the p.irty when not In that nti : service. and i The antomoblle car built especially for .Mr.

Cohan will, bt’sldes being us*'d as a garage for his I.lniousine touring car. furnishes sleeping

I aceonimodafions for his chauffeur and mechani¬ cian. While a spare thirty by tw-elve and eight

bv I feet high has N'en converte,! Into a gymnasium, le.l.v I the flr't of Its kind ever Installe.I on a railway r In I train, an.l equlppe,! with every .levlce for the « of ' exerrlse an.l devel.vpuient •'•t the human form. 1 In i punching lifting weights, dumb bell*, ag" I medicine hall, pulling machine. Indian ehins, hlch ■ skipping rop<’. wrestling mat, boxing glovea, xnd* I swinging rings. ne*><lle and shower baths, rnte and I hing boapl. etc.

(Cor.tlnnexl on page .".fi.I


6 Xtie Billboard SEPTEMBER 4, 1fK)9.

Amuse m en t events . . of the week News From Metro

Calm Precedes the Kush of the Season’s Opening at

Baltimore—Colonel Thomas Campbell Returns to

New Orleans After An Absence of Several Months.

Brooklyn Theatres Beginning to Open.

All the Houses East of

the Bridge Have Been

Redecorated and Reno¬



TIk" li. ;; vi>rt of culm Ix'fnrc tlic storm In til. I.i. mI 111. atri.Ml s.-iison. This WH-k was coiiiluii illv. h .|iiii'l. illhoiich the house* that arc < II 'liil K'HsI hiisi'..-s.. Tin- snme coiihl Is- s„i,| .ihoiil 111.- r.-s..rls. At Kloclrlc I’ark viiiii'.i-\111 • »:i' >:lvi-n II very siu-ccssfiil wock’s |i:'tr*.11 ;iIT*Ih«‘ saiii-- li.-iiiit 111.* c-as.- ill i,i\ynii iiak. I'll.- r...s|onIa l.a.lii-s' Orchi-'Ira Is still 111.- ma::;ii'l Unit ilra«s the i-rowils to Itay I’aik.

Til. pr.-llmlii-iry season of* ami Iii..vliii: I.lrliir.-s at thi- Ai a.Ii-iny cot off with ' a niiisl slarl. aii.l 111 - maii.-iKi-m.-nt Is siiillinp ) \,-r> i-..iil.-iit<‘.|l.\. I'll.- hill Iher.- lii.-lii.l.Ml

Krn'l. Sam U..hl.-ii, Wanl ami

of Way, Joe Morris anil Company, Kins Poilo. The lloneyiiiism Trail, Cecil Simoner, The Girl of Ihe GoMi-n West, ainl others. Manager Csniiils-ll states that Klaw A Krlanger are I.liliii: one hiimleil anil Ilf'y-one star* anil toirli I'l.iss nitractlona. ami .all Ihe big pro .liii-.-r> ire working with them. Glancing over till- list of pla.vs to tw «<a-n here you can see that Messrs. Klaw \- Krlanger are going to lake jj.Mhl care of their New Orleans houses, as they iiMik upon this city as their home town, as It w IS In till' city that they got their foot- lioh’. Klaw A; Krlanger have great faith In

I tin- South an-l its pro«|ierlly. Manager Camp- I f»-ll states that the same working staff will

t»- in at'en.laiioe at the o|>ening of the Tulan* en.l Cr.-sei-nt. which will occur September 5. ! Iloiiii-r George will return as press agent.

The Kilna May Snooin-r Stock Comiiany ..peiie.I Itinney's Theatre .\ugiist ‘Jit. Insteail of .\ugii«l :.‘!l. as annoiineeil. Mr*. Temple's Tele- aiaiii w-IS preseiiieil f.vr the op<-nlng attrac¬ tion. T'.ie sale of seats was re|K>rleil heavy.

Walter S. Italilwin. the impular stock man- sg.-r. arriveil here from New York, and gave out the rosier of his Ral.Iwin Melville Stock I '.iiip.any, which will apiH'ar at the DauphIne the ciHiilng season. Tile members are as fol-

William Ih-smoml. leading man; Miss Ilayle. hailing lady; Tha-hleus Gray. Uriiry Hart. Uomaln Callendar, Klch-

I'lirm-tl and Krr"I. Sam Uohl.-n, warn ami - „r,i...n Sommcrvllle. Hugh Gibson, Mary Hill. Hill nor ami M-iry Uavl-. , . , I‘earl Gray, Nellie Miller, and other*. The

Til.- A;'ilval of 111.' Ani.-rieaii in Aus Iiauiihlne ofn-ned August 2t> with The Man tralla was tin- t.- iture pi.-tiir.- of Ihe ''''''k m th.- Itov. Th > llous - of a Tlioiisand Candle* Kuril's 'I'lieaire, where the llowe pictures w I! Is- [.resented next, with Charlotte Nellson's

'. ' ' gri'll siii-ci-^s. The Three of I's, to follow, and ■oiiliiiue III .Iran caiuiclty hons.'s. It.ilh Ihe Ilowi- aiiil I'oid interests are making big money with lln-e [lii'luris. as the e\|M‘nses are ilechl- ed'v small, ami the prices for the [.U-tiires are aniihlug Ir.t ch.-ap for sh'.ws of that nature. That Ihev are well worth wliiit 1* askeil 1« at¬ tested t.v the slia-s of the dally aiidlema'S,

The I'lalnly Uui-h.-s Hurlesi|uers were the allr-i.lloti at' the Gayely. where the secoml w.s'k of Ihe s-a'on was pl.xyeil. Patrons of this vi-ritalile gold iiilin- wi-r.- unstinted In their praise of tin- exiellencc of this Hush atiraitloii.

The Ilrlgailli-rs hel.l the at the Monti niMilal. and M.iiiager Jacobs reporteil a week of giMsl business

The I'reoli- Slave's Uevenge. one of A. H. WoikIs' latest meloilrama [.roiluctlons. [iroved to have the right kind of thrills, and the old

IIolii.isv was crowded nightly. M.-si-r- PeHria- and Selieck presented a

strong lull at Ihe Victoria, which included Tie- .Marii-lle Trouim. The Aerial I.aPorts. The Great Angelo. Smith .'nil, P.lanehe I.avlgiie. Tile lliirus Sisters, and nmvlng [ilc- turis.

Sc!jaiih«'ri:«*r lins announ^'od that the Maryland will o|M-n next wis-k. and that the saiiii- high class vamlevllle as formerly will Is- given an o)H-nitig next w«s-k

.Xiiioi-g the earlv attractions at the Academy will Is- The Climax, which reglsterial such a gr.-at hit In New York.


Sili-ni.v Jane next. Kill., rt K Irwin, of }(ew York, [s-rsonal rep

n-s.-niati'e of William Morris, arrived here to l.M-k after the opining of the new .Ameri¬ can Music llhll. -August 2S. Walter K. Prown. i.r-ss ri-iir. sentallve of the house. Is piloting Mr. Irwin through newspaja-r row and show Hg him the sights of the city. Mr. Irwin will i-tily remain h.-re for a short time, returning •o N.'W A ..rk, vt here he will N come manager of the Plaxa Theatre, one ef .Mr. .MorrI*' h-.ii'i's. Mr. Irwin wa« manager of Keith A: Pr.s-tor's Kiflh .Avenue Ttieatre. having severed i-onn.'.'llon with tln-m to Join Ihe Morris forces.

Mr. Jules I.ay.dle, manager of the French tilM-ra Company. ha« written from Paris that In- has ing-igi'd Mme. Fler-ii' as first contralto r-.r hW InmiM-. to appear for a season's en- gagi-iii-nt at the French iipera House.

Imiin-sarlo I.ayole advises that the follow¬ ing r.-u.-rlory of oi..-ras will t.e presented dur¬ ing flu- Huguenots. Guillaume T.'II. I..I Jiiive. I/.Afrl.’sne. UIgoletto. Sigurd. U-.ts-rt l.e Iiiible. l.p ITophete. Faust, La Fa¬ vorite. I.e Trotivere. .AMa, Homeo et Juliette, lakrtu. favall-ria Kusthana. Carmen, La Fllle lilt K. glim-iit. Manon. I.a Travlata. I.a Nav-

Itla'ni v''«"'Theatre Is arso 'bm.'ked for ! srrai«e ami I>- Maitre de Chapelle. Operettas: T.cs Noc.-s lie Ji-anette. I,e Chalet, 1^ Petit Itiio. La Maseotte. I^-s Mous.juetaln-s. an Coii- '.nt. L.1 Poupoe. Gillette de Narhonne. Fllle lilt Tamhor M.tlor. Miss Helyette, I>e Grand Atocijl. Novelties: Jongleur de Notre I>ame. Thais. I,oulse, Hienzel and Gretel. I41 Petit* Iloh* me. I.e Pxya de I'ttr and Coppella. the latter a grand hallet. Others may be added,

i l.iif th' company as selected It with special Afti-r sn aliscncc of several months. Colonel refi-renee to th.-se operas.

Thoipas C. Cami.h.-il. manager of Ihe Tulan* The big Waterways Convention will tak* ami Cn-s.-i-nt theatres, arrived here on the niaee In this city October 30 Novemh*r 2. Prea- sleamshl|i Anlllhs front New York. August 15. M.-nt Taft ami the governo-s of about thirty Mr. famplM-lI savs that he had a fine summer, states will he present. Preparations are al- «|iendl'ig most .If his t'me sailing and fishing r.-a.Iy ts-lng ma.le to receive this distingutabi-d with T,.m ,1. ffersoii In and around Rtizzard'a bislv of men.


Pay. w h.-re hi has hl« summer home. He also did is.nsideralile aiitomobiling and while away [lurrhased fur himself a world record-hreaklng autimiotilli-. which be hrought to thla city with him. Ri'fiire coming South. Manager

Mlldri-d Rarry, wife of Manager John V. Me- •itea. if Rlaney's Lyric, is *[ipe*rlng In a sketch, entitled The .Art of Si-lf I),'fen«e. writ- ten b.v fleorge M. Cohan She 1* assisted by •Arthur Sullivan and another. The piece was

Camiiliell went to New York City, where he put 1 given P's premiere at Rrighlon Reach Music In about two weeks in Klaw & Krlanger'* of- | H.vll. and made an Inimi-dlal,- hit. fl.s'. g.-ttlng the details of contracts with th* ' .An electric railroad is pr..posed for Grand hig sta’s. etc., wtio are to come to thla city Islaml. one of the Ulands situated In the Gulf thi- eoming s<-xson. Some of the players that ' of M.-xlo xls.iit fifty miles from New Orleans, will lie ^i-i-n at the Titlane and Cresci-nt ar* sect a mammoth siimner resort Is planned at Itavid Warfield. Mrs. Kisfce, Kthel Rarrymore. 1 that plai-e. The plais- Is noted for Its surf I iltle N'l-mo, The Untiml I'p. Tim Murphy. Max t-sthirg. and will lie the .Atlantic City of th* Flginan. The Traveling SaliHunan. Rose Stahl. South when eninidefed. which we hope will I.* tieorge M. Cohan. The Gentleman from Mlssl* In the near future. stopl. The Si-rv.xnt In the House, Fritxl Seheff, UolK-rt Kdeson. Grace George. Lillian Russell. William H Crane. The Thief. J. E. Dodson. The Three Twins, with Resale McCoy; Mari* Cahill. Grace Van Studdiford, The Merry WId

The Talk of New A'ork. with Victor Moore;

Lew Rio,', li-s'i-e and manager of the Winter Garden has added the Lyric Theatre, of Mo Mle. .Ala., to hi* String of hou-.i-w. where h* will present high class vaudeville and moving "Ictiires at [>ii[i,ilar prlM-s. His offlelal staff Is as follows: l>-w Rose, manager: Sid Peter

Olga Nethersole In ri-|iertoIre; Mr*. I.e*IIe Car- man. Iri-asiin-r: Wm. Snyder, eli-etrlelan; Chas ter. Rots-rt .Mantell. Cohan and HarrIV Min¬ strels. The Soul Kl«s. Rlanehe \V*l«h, and others. At the Crescent will be seen such excellent offerings as AI. H. Wilson, Grau stark. Pierre of the Plains, The Golden Girl, 1

The Red Mill. Yorke and Adam*. A Knight for a Dry, Tue Man of the Hour, Thuraton, ' Wine, Woman and Song. Forty-five Minute* from Rroadway. AL G. Field's Minstrels, The j Siiuaw Man. Buster Brown, Ward and Voke*. ^ Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabtiage Patch. George Sid¬ ney. Iicna Rivers. Fifty Mile* from Boston. Strongheart. McFadden'a Flat*. The Right

Cha-e, stage manager; Wm. Raymond, prop erlv man.

Clsri-n'e Ri-nnett. treasurer of the Tulan* Thi'xtre. -irrlvi-d h,-re August 1!1. on the steam¬ ship Coiniis. from New York. .Mr. Bennett spi-nt hl« vaeatlon In Eitroi>e. and say* that he had a s[i|endld time. Mr. Ri-nnett will ri-sumi- hl« usual dutle* at the Tiilane.

.After an ahsetiee of w-veral months. Victor H. SmxIl.T. [ires* r,-r.resentatlve of the Dr- pheiim. arrived here August 10. Mr Smalley had a fim- time during hi* vaeatlon. and while away wrote si-veril new songs, among them l>«-

iiig I.i.vlng ILig. T.ii Pan Alli-.v. He also wri'ti' a valid.villi' plivl-'l w h . h was given lls pr'-tii i-re In St. Paul, Mr Smalhy'' heme, while 111- was there oil h » vm.illeli The playlet will

I.e s.-.-ii at 111,- l-H-al tir|iheiiui lati-r In Ihe sea sen

M.-inag'-r Th..m:is C. ( imidH-ll. of the Cres la-iit. aiMieiini I'll that M.-Ka-ldi-ii's Flats, with The A el’i-w Ki-ls. will Is- Ihe «.|H'ti|iig altractlen

ties [lei.iilar [il.a.v hi-tisv. whiih will 'iii.'uils-r 5. Tim Muriihy. !n a n.-vv [dav. entitled M.*

Rev. w ill make It s annual ap;- ai iin,- hen- at Ihe f.ashiiiii.shle 'I'tilan.- for a we.-k's engag-- merit. i-iM-niiig .u [.t, iiilH-r M. Miirph.t Is a lilg fav irile her.-, .'lul fr.>Ii. all 'ticlli-atlniis will lie a I ig Week's Inis ness 11- is s,i|,p,ir|,'d by M'ss Dorothy Sln-rw-.d.

Manager Jtil-s R;st,s, ..f the iirpheiim. an- Iiettliees that tli s hells,' will ..[s-ii August 2s. Inaugurating Its ninth s,-.s .n ef v aii.l.-rllle in the Cresei-nt Clt.v. I'-.r tin - is-inng wis-k. a startl'iig bin is remise.] .\.| aitgiii.-nte.l or ehi'stra Is en*- of the u-vv a.Mil .nS. with Prof. Knilh- T -sso as dire.-tor. D r - t.-r T ss , li-.s .s>ni|il.‘!.sl th.- [v.'rsonn,'l ..f » n -w -.rch.-slra f..r Ihe th.-atr.-, whi.'h will , -it r s. th.- f..!|ow ing v.'i'llkn.wn muslei.ans- Pr.>f. limit. Tosso. lead.-r, K. Ke,-,l.-r, first vh-i n WKliam K-s.-l.e,

-.d vh.r-i: 1. M.'lla. i-.'U.., J-s.'[,h Kill,',', vl -Ia: Jos. [lii Mey.-r. t..'.'s; p Kil.ian. c..rni'l, K'lward Wagti.-r. tp.nils.n, : J ;.|i C-.y. drum nti-r; G.-org.- .A It.-, p. n ■ G illiii-k. -.r can; P I'htuss,-, first hern; I. L.-i-lirs, second h'.rn: .AIpli..n«e Malla. fiiit. >; ll.-rnan'lez. cI:-rlonet. With tln-s miisic'ar' It is s-,i.| thst th.- I'rphetini will have on- ,.f tlo- sir.,; gcst or.-liestrss In th-- S-.-tlh. Tin- l.Ig St. Charl.-s street I'layhous.' |s t.- ing tle.r.'r.glilv r.-n.'vate.l f .r the o;s.n!iig. an.l everyth ng wi l ls- In first elas- con-Kti-m N.-w air re .ling -l.-v Ires will Is. ip.iaP.ed fhr.>ugh.'ut th,- h us.- m.l m-w set* ef sc.-n.-r.v will be net it; .1 ujs.n th.- 0[.- V ning night. Ti..- i>«-um will have man.r sttri'rls.s f'.r Its [vafr.»ns to.- c.-ming seasen.



Tile Rr.s.kl.vr Gran.l Dis ra II-.iis.- will ..[s-n the s«-as..n of IJsSi-ltt uud.-r th.- itiaiiag.-nient of John H. Siirlng.-r. Satiir.lav. S.-|.|.'iiils-r 1. with a gala performance of Gts.rg. M t'.dian's Th.-

Aiu.‘rleau I.lea. The th.-atr.- has ts.-u ri-diaa.rat ed and refurnished, and It will ..[s-u as s|,|i-k aiid as a new . Tli.- Ami-riean M.-a will o.ntliitie at the Gran.l .luring th.- we-k of s-|it. fl. Th> cast is h. hv Trlxl- Kriganra. a strongly-feattirisl i'..iii.H||.'iiiie. w.-II known to Rr.H.klyo*. W ith le-r are as s.s-ist.-,I such ohl favorites as .Arthur I li.s..ii Kraiik Rarn.-s. Mark Hart. T-.nv Hart. Hugh Mack, Dan Ray. R. L.,'W, lt..s.. King. Trivo- \Vhltf.,rd. Myrtl.- Gills-rt. R-ssi,- Krigaii ra. K.,lllh i ela Hill..n an.l I * It. v.-.

'Ihe Dr[.hi-uiii T1i**atr.* i.|s-ns .August .‘'at. Iln.r otiglil.v .1.-4. ri-ii..vat.-.l an.l rvali-eorat.-.l Th- ,l.'e.irati.>ns „f the th.-atr.- ar.- a* lastv as they have [ir.vv.-d to Im- exis-nslve. Tlie ib-slre lu ts.ntril.tiie to th.- ei.inf.irt ..f |Hitr..tis ratln-r tlivii curtail i-x|s-ns,- was th*- s.j.- aim of th*- man agi-iii.-nt. In this the r.-siilts sh..w- uiii|iiaIifi.Hl sui-c-ss. Til,, g.-neral i-ffe. t N r.'stfiil. as H is artistic an.l attrar-tivi- to and tasl.-, A i iievv asts-sti* curtain has Im-i-h hung, and eotii forts in the way i.f n.-w dressing an.l ans.lnimenis f..r th.. play.-r liistalbsl. The Dri.hi-tim. In Its n.-w ilr.-ss is ..n.. ,,f the iimst allrai-llve [.layhorsi's In Rp..kl,vn. an.l iind.-r Mr. wnilaiiis' iiianag.'iii.'iit. with the high stan.-arl of hills t.. Is- |, Ihi-n- “lioiihl Is- iK.thing to militate against its now dawning Into arlivlty. ni.. „|H-iilng hill has iM-en with i-xfri ine rare and Is to [.b-a-v.. ev.-ry class ..f theatre g.s-r Ml«s Minnie Diii.ns- |a i.e.-s.-ntlng a d.-lighlfui lilll. ,'..III.sly, Wniil.'d. a I'ook Tli.- MeNaiighton*. the Karr.-I Tayh.r Trio. Wllfn-d Clarke and Coii.i.atiy, Travab,. N.-lta V.-sia and Palfrey and Rarti.ii.

The eontrai-tors have vlrtiiallv flnl«his1 work on the iii-w Casino Theatre at Klathush avi-nue aml .vstate sins-t. and the work of Installing the seats will eoiiiiiii'iire this w.s-k It Is exius-tisl thst the first [s-rferiiiaiire will Is- given on Ijitmr Day. Pis.lialdy no th.-atre In Rr.H.klyii has iHS-n tM-lt-r than the Casliio. Charles Daniels, th.- nianag.-r of th.- house, who halls frmn St. 1 oiiis. has ha.1 a hIg gang of

billnt work for ovit r riHintli, nrnl «*v«*ry fen,'.', vacant wall or barn on any of the r>.a.|s b-a.llng to the l»-aches ha* tes-n rover.-d with the attrai'tlve Mue [.api-r, with white lettering,

- calling att. iitl'.n to the loration of the new th,* atr.-. Over to.last shei-t* of [ia[H-r hare tii.#.n stuck I>.ng Island has Is-en as well as Rrrs.klyii. and for .'ai mil<-s out Ihe hill “llcki-rs havi- I.. Imsy

'111.- i-.llcy of th*' ti.'vv' will Ik- tin- sain.- as Ih.- Th.-aln-’s. at Rr^.a.lvvav a.i.l Kaloh av.-nue. Only the allrrci|,,ns of Kiiiplr.- I'ir

',1',''- "I'.'.'l of t,ur|eH,|,i,. will a|.|

John II S|,arks' C|rcii« has just rlos.-.| a i r.,(llr,I.I,- two w.-i'ks on I Island nie ||..w ar.l S Slsrri-fs Slews i,*,.- iH-.-n on Ixing Islan.l for several w.-.-ks, and from all niM.rls an- doing i,|g husliii-s- Th.- D \V R.,l„.rison Carnival C, in|.Bny will start on l/,ng I.laml Aiiit'!'*! 2^. for »i «liort

Ainonir llw nintimiMnofif r<T*-iiilr In o«.rr-.rRtofl Rt AlbRny nro 1U* f yrir Itbitro'w<hm| Ih-lthf* Arnii4«stnonf rjiinfiRiiv. ^|t|| .lohn Kiihl

I, <;roT** Rtrw t* II* nrv ri«rtM‘r r>'Ut f*Rltnftto •troot. Rnd ThomRR r»n7 Uloorkor «tri*ot r.r<K»kl.Tri. RR »!lr**off»rR: rIro iIm- Arthur H Al ImtMr foinpRnr. llr'Kikl.m: to liii|.r,rt Rtnl iiiRnii fRotnrr- ths'RtrloRl fttiil rMiaitiiilicrR* rfr

, ^’m.ltRl, TMrif tor*. Arthur li. AIlH.rtlR, Iih»'.rnfl'‘h1 N. J : rroih'rhk Wottutoln. I.lnrr»1n

N. 4.. rfmI 4tih*R Poiirnh-r. lirfKtkl^n. j f'oluinhlR ThoRtro mill o|K*n AiiiruNt 2H, I mith rRin1<*vlll«*. 7‘hli Ihmim* In om’ikmI hy Mr!

ls4M m. mlio haH iuii(»h»\«s| M s. I!|wti>ln hUHfiic**^ iiiatiRU T. ni.«| lioii*. J |i,M k h*

Th. two t:riith tiivii mtih tliU I <bi'a'*«>n.

1 11.* r«. tH <* Ml .V!«<»t«T St.N'k 4'.>in|iRiiy oi.rnt |f%. ; nt th** th.lhniii ‘nii>Rir«‘. KiirI N. w

\iik:n*vt l.’*‘ n!hI \»I1I for tin* .'f VUCIW! ’Ul. Ulth II.'IiIrIi ^tTRloll t.f

r Ih r -i lirMR.Imny ri».*Rtr^‘ lia.l a vorjr «ii.- .•**wwful M.unlay, tlo* attrai'tion h«|.it: llio i;irl From'k. htirlnt; tb<‘ auiiitn.f

lilt* iiiaTiai:.*r. Ia** C. Toiler. Urr tiiatlf luifr.o. hi.'IHa. In tiii« t» autifiil tli* ntr«*.

; If! tif Ur. atl%\a.\ mill iu» «|oiit.t ha\** a lif>Rt *ui. if •st.fiil >*. a^t •!.

Tlif Ful’.'O rif.itn*. m Iih*h I*. t».M.kf<l hy NVm.'is, .niMl N niaiiaw’.il hy William Trlnilf.rn! mill th.' '.'R'-ii J*.‘|.tfinlHT I. mlih an all vtar >aiHh*\ill- l>lll. lH*a.l*«1 l.y I'anlliif Kill:.'ll to In-* iM.piilar tliati fV.T till'* AM a-*oii. All Ilf tti.‘ l.ltf vaii.lfvtilf a. tr ulii'fi nr.' nihl.-r UlMlaiii MoriN* ('o>itr..|. Inrhnl ini: linrry I .i i.lcr nnU othor IiIkIi . lan^ aft's hIII «|.f. ar

Th.' Im • hi;; > au«ii*vill.' <w|H.m« mhlfU m.^rr irivfii at 1 lm«*r t'lrk ('uAiliio lant SntimUy m.rt* a hii: '*uo' Th»* * iitln* tamlftillf i.n.ifraiti mnw tiit.h r ilf iN-rw.iial KU|M'rvUi.»ii i.f William TriinlMfi, umiiftf.T .'f ihf Kult.oi 1‘h. afro. Ih- tm.Hii Mr Trlinh.»rn at.I S. 4 M.^.ii.-y, th** affair mn-* t.'r\ ''i.r wv.t»il

l*..|;\ I.f iIh' n-.iK o|h'iin tlif ^la'A..!! at th.* Mo itaiik Tf'atr. . I a»N.r hay Tlf a.hahff ..ale

*'r} la -, for t:i.'* Rttrarifii Tlio Star Tli.-atr.’ .»iw'Im'«| h.Tf M..u.lay. mith

\im!' I*'mi.** Mnnll hraa |h>auth"i 'nf Star ha- Im*. n haii.!-.Ilf!) p* ,h«Mrat«a| .liirliu: th.- pa-t

‘II. A H W.Mb.l's* tiijf (trixluftion. Thf t'..nvift*R

Sm-'.thart. at ili. Amt>h|on Tloatr*- tIU m.'.'k ainl nif Workinirttian’N Wlf** U at tin* i'.»uri Th.'.itr. .

Mitf r - I'm.Ii unlat'v rIo* a Mi: m.*.'k at Th**' Sa;Mr.iii\ i‘.'lit Thf May K.-t.-r <'•.111 pany U th. r*- il»i- m.^ k

i'.r--' l*n\t..»»'i '*to*k r.»npai.y N m»»r.‘ |M.pii)Rr than v\*‘r Th*-} aro pr«'-.'iitiityr Th*- <’rh - th a m.* 'k

1'h' I'r* Til. Rtr** Si.n'k ('>>101.any v'll r»* .‘I on f«.r .'i on Satuialay nlirhi. S«'pt.‘m' Ut 4 Th.- ..fMiiii.j* |.1r%' v;||| Im''w fh«* i.rotry hv Av.-rv ||Rf.m..Ml an.* 1 haiirrlT.;: I*.*lh»fk. In mhhh tJrara* hforir*- rmu \.*at- atfo. Til.- (t»m|.Ri.T mill ha«* .\lna Kh-iii liik' .aa h t.Iifk* m.tiiiait an.l tnativ of ihi- m-Iotr mh‘‘ iNt niii.- iii.f.tilRr h» n* laat y.-ar,

K.hli.' I '• iiai.rn MltiRtr«-l« ma.h- a hic hit at th.' Ma|.--M** IR**! u.H'k. Rrol tin- |.i.— an.l th** piihljj- -iM-nk In thf hik'ln at f. rin- «»f fin* |‘ rf ‘rin' ailf'-. It Of.- of thf h.'-t llll|at'a| ft.Ill- pRi'h-a ihnt »o i-r n'*tf'nr*'.| I •-r* .

tin* aftrafth.n- rt 4'.*n*-y l-lRtnl ar*- .fram- IHk* l.irir*- .Tom.U

<;KUi;r ii ii \kks


onmliR mill have m.<rf •h«*atr*‘R an.l Ifftt.-r Rttrnrfl.*nH tlif roinlni: ♦.•-a—Mi than *-vfr M f-.Tn

In thf hl-l.iM of th.‘ fUy Thf li.-m liran.l-'R ‘nnatr*-. mhh*h .tiM-nt thf rtr»»f f»f thf Tfar mii! Im- .Ki*' ‘f tlH' fliM tf |»lavh.Mi««"i t4» Im» foiin.l aiiv mh.-rf ill flu- I StNt.oc,

Tin* ShitU-rf RttrRfth*fi« mill R[>fM'Rr at tt:»*

Hurm.Mwi, tliN I** Inir fh*-(r ftr«t M>Rn**n In Onial>a. atnl MitiRk.T J.»hin*>*n pr.»inl.M'R *M»fin' of tli«* hv-t aftrartlonn for hN Im.ii'M', mhlrh mill i; \f thf p.-of.h- an .»f»tM>rtiinit\ t.» •**•• mhl**h

I liar*- not lnT«‘tof«»rf RtiiN'ar**.t N'rr I With pr'M*|N'rltr pr*-vR|||ni: in thf rltr. an-l

th*- hli? rr*.|.R f** Im* har\fRt4H| tliU fall, thf t* ! «ofi of Kri»» 10 «hoNihi Im' a hann«'r oof

' Thf Km^ ma« ftn- flr^t to opfn tin* ?hfatr‘<’a! I M'tM.n. mIth Sha4h»m‘»'il hr Thr**<». Aiiiru^t I," I 'ITi** lh.\.l mill ojM-n thf rfCdlar *M-RH*m, \u I k'lt'.t ‘J!*. mIth Tin* .\taHkan. an<l tin- flrt^num ( *»n thf RRinf datf,

nn*! Itlla havf ptirrhatUAfl Iho Rurw'-fcl ainl fliU mill filay Ihf ShiilM'rf attrartlou*

• th** comlnir fu-aaon

I Manac»'r Monatrhan haR mailf km»mn I of th** «'arlv h*M»klni:R mlilrh mill aptM*ar at , Ihf thf flrtf of thf ^lat>.r ..f I**’ j h«‘«f plavR rin*1 h'a.IfrR amonir thf AnifrlrMti -tara

i ar.- to aii|M>ar In-r**. anH wunf to rmin* f .r tin* I flr«t tlfin*

Thf Opjihfiim op*-nf*l Ita rtoorR. .\tn:u«t 2^ f*»r iMihlif in**p«ftion. and pr*‘at maR lln* 'uir

t f.rN*' of tin* many mho vl>»lf«'d thf lln atrf Ihr I Inif til - Rurnnifr monfha thf haR Mo n In

Ih*' hindm of m-orknifn an.1 now tnak*oi a inoRf ! Iian.1«..nit* at.|M.arar»rf. mith Hr iww fhalni. fnr j tR*tR an<1 dratM-rlf* Tin- fntln* lnt«'rlor hiR I Mo-n 4l**f*»'atf<| In in-m ttth.rR an.l (h-RlrnR ri'* j hovi.R havf Im-i-ii * nlarir.ol an*! thf w-atlnr * • I pj.flly Int'ii'n****! 'rin- Pimir** fnak<*R a m«nh I h*'ttfr a**T*« "fratir*- tlnn mln-n flrwf hiilll. ' “I I Mana::«-p llvrin-, itn.h-r mlow*- «ii|W’rviRl.*n tlif

r *»pk mjiR (hHM-. <h‘t*‘rt<-R iiinfli fr*o1lt f'*** H* h.'Diitifni aptH-pi an*’*'

I.:ikf Mntiima mill rh»R«* a Tfrr RUf.o-'.-ful •f?» on S* t>t.'rnlH r H Thf marm m.-ith r *»f tin- nnaitli Ii.'r nrfaf.ol a hl^ hiiRlin’Ra it II'Ir .h'llirhtftil r.'«**rt

Th*' ltiirm<MHi fliHRtI Hr inovlnir plrtiirfR a«'«l rnnh'vlll#* «h«im' #hi An(.'it«t an.l tin* ho.i*-

, Ir now l»*-lng pul in ahap** f*>r thf rfC^iMr wut.#»n. mhlfh HR-im tin* laltiT part of S ;

' t«'inlM-r

' llufT.h* Hill and l*amin-.' Hill aptH'ar In" j S* fd*'int»*-r 0 t Koiirtlan*! H.-arh, iiinh-r tin* mRnaff«*tin*nt ■ ^ I W It thnirh-T la l>fr*milnir iin.rf |NPf.u'’'* I *-V'Ty dar, ami Hm* fiaaf m«'*'k Rhom***l a lati*. j Inffi'iiR*' #if att*-mlMnr«‘ **vi'r any T^r.'vhniR m.-i-

AtimiRt 00 m'RR a hlir dar. lln* ilramlnf aftr* . thm iM-lnir a w«*4|4llnir In a l.alloim S«-v. * 1 Urir.' pifiih-R mil* Im- l-i-ld at tin* Ih-arh iM’fof I III* «*nd *.f Th* iM'aMfin

Kninpln-Il llrfdln rR* Hlnma havf fif^-n <!<»lnff a**

! fNr.llfnl liiiRln.-aa In Nfliraaka. thfir h.un. I atat<*.

1 II 4 IHMiT

SEPTEMBER 4, 1909. Xtie Billboard

politan Centers SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.

A t tlir*>uii hii«» tli<- AitK'rlrnii -r. tioMkink' wlu'ti it wnn mi ‘

til It tii<‘ ShiilMTt alttartiMito uoiilil iioi

j ! \ . him! It«« rtw*>»*Mr I'lH

!i> hi !•> t «>f that 1 > Uiti-lliit; li••nr. th< Initial ofr4*riit»;. ^OII pla^r f : \ ,tl ii« 111 Tln-atr*-. aii<l all tli** a«l« hilU ainl

^ art ««iit iiiitnmtn iiij lljt> itfN iiIuk f<»r

t‘'»lui <t»titfinU that t luii*. Itra«lfi>ril. .n'. iIm <» r* ntathf. ^^atitt-il him t4» play up {•I >a' r<*r a«liiiN'*i(»ii. iiiftlt-atl t*f $1 5**. auil

• ' - |ti mak*' H<»m«' cli.iiik**^ IQ tin* pfrc^^ntat?** p. - iii.| llr.ti|f*>ril tla;m** !hi' r«*iiir*»\vr-*> if.-- ovir th* failure of f.*liu t«» pp»|Mrly atl

ih*- hIiom. mp Ilf rtiiit ill a h»l of ailvaiK'f ptufT fr-»tii Ihirtland ptriiif thrif Hiik« ai:o. In

(irihT to K*'! th*' mail ortltT* for poatp. an«l v%b*‘n hf irri^t-.l h* ri‘ m .h« \i r> il ».ippo|iitc<| in n«»t •>-t .‘ i: It ii'uti I hf iliaputf finlfil nlth lh»*

\«i‘ : 'a Tlif altrai'ttolip. hilt thU > h » k «l Mith M'KtIk linlop* intt'ijt \'aut|fvUlf. t* o|***u tofft tn t‘»lH'r 4. aiitl M.ii»aift*r H****li >.

«»f th* XahiK'la. that lM-f«*rr that tlat** h** «i;Il ‘ ihct ati«*th<*r hou*««’ will hi* r*'4<l> for th*- S!:«!h‘r: 'I hii** h*- hai* i:'»t t> ol.^ .‘>1, jilii) tin* folloH|ii;r hoii'M « at*

n.f i* •' i I u** No\flt.v, rrlijf* •**. and Ml r**iitriil. Mr. Hratlfort! pa.\a that bt*

I** -Hii'l aKalnat Mr. t'ohn. an«l th-^ »• "itlmply workioi: for th«* liii*T* »t»* ff ii ' r»pr* H» i»tatlv*-«. anil claim* that oxory • • it» « h* rc th** atlvanre mall onhT** v%* r»* a.l\*rt.». .| for. brmi^b! c»rell»*tit rcaiili»* I'ldin v».;: n •• l* t th«» matter dri^i. an*! ha*» plai***l Th* : ill th«‘ haiiiN «>f h:* attorn« > \% h • a^** .’ ** him th** ran* cllathKi of hU * Ki tra* * i« ii**t valid, and a h^rb! la on tap.

Di* foll.»\vltiK act* art- n<»rkinK o\«-r th*- N *rtli'»*-st. on |b»- itrpln-iitu rimiit. bt*ad;ni; f'*r Saii 1 vHcIimo Jo»> lliaiiiM an*l I^”«ll** Nfcln- •rr«- K K *>al. llajfH and J‘*hn*‘on. i'unulnt; h«:n and M I* '*n. .NluHical Trh*. WihhU and W ■ :*• i'ath«-nn I*a1m*T. At th** r*mutr> Club. tJtrdn'T and U*-v»t*. Arllnirton r-air. Sl>:. I.u ci.m I.nora. Itnhy Uayniond. the MiHlradya and Mar** iihi*.

Trji\<lini; or*r th** Sullivan an<1 Pon^.dlnt* rir»'int art- ln*1an and I.**nharT. Ca«w*-n and Aru**ld. StiMrp anti Tiir*'<’k. I'.Mir Il.>th«.ll Hr«»n sinl ('ttmiianr, Klnaldo. K.Iwln

an<1 t'.Mupan.r. M.irf Sli.nrp an.I h.< I>sn<lni; Hrllny. S<'Uiinl and <;ro\ln;. Tb«- Thrr.* U “ hr- \>Ta lie ltH»-inl. Wioul Itrothi r*. T"ni :nil MmiTf. Mtirph.v Whitman ('irnipanr and r>il!> t'lMiri.

I’l iitaK*'*’ Clrnilt 1» pla.rlnc the Jiiircllnt; lliirk'«. Cem-ce Y<“>man. Iren*- !.*■>• and fandv Kde. nU'hjrd |t|i>nd*'II and <'i>tnpany. Itiiek- ley'« Mna|<<al Splllera. Mirrlm-ttl and <;r.»i:.|. Ilae^nn and J<-nny. Ttir<'.e Sh.-lhy llroa.. Ilmillt.m ami Itonra. Ti-ititle an.I l>anl*-l<. Oih). M'-giiarrIe. I*aulliii- Sain. Will Itradley and (■•imimny. S.indnr Trio. I'ldlar*!. K -li.-r and <'o.. <:r.nvllle Ilnshi-n*. lH\ln.- and Wllllaine. Hon -••tri. Trieii**-. .Mary llampiito ami I'lMiipany. Martin llrothfni. Harvey and I.*'e. Ooyt Trio. l. *-..n y|orrl»' H-a: and I’uaiea. Temiilo I'ltv vi'iarr.t and liii-eell Slet.r».

H.lly Wlndi>ni. U.»»*“ St.-vma. Harrea dine t'ieiii*an>. I’n-ntlpe TriMi|>e. Her.h and Hall, ami Sllveno and Company, leave to plav j le- .Nne-lea next week, them-e San Hlcffo. wifli |k.‘n*i-r to follow. I

II. - w.-ek the Cran.l Theatre. Saer.xmento, o[..n..l !•« d....r« «lth S. h C. vaii.levHie. This m. w elv.- tin- I'ant.veea' Theatre an o|ii>o(»ltJon teei-. an.I already a vanderllle war l» on. Th. ofa-nliie t.ill «.nt frt>m h*Te liy Clreult Manae.-r M I* U.waa certainly a hum- ni.'r. nia.I.- up *.f the f.dl.*»lne eve*'llent art*; Till- I*-*tnniaii Trouin* .vf pia-mlere arndiata. Hilly Wlmlimi. that funny tda.'k fare camiNllan; t^a.I.if. rlexer Jneeli'r; U.xie St*-vena, prlma «l.>nna: Hlaek. Crank and C.*nM*an.*. rom*'il.T • k.iih Carlta Hay and Hanelne H.>v« and two r*“.la of ni.o Ine pletnrea. Caekt-.l li.Hia*.a all thn>.ieh th<- wi>k

The I'..rr.-«l. r*'nanied Tlie tjarriek. at Stork- Hm m-vt w.-.k with S A C. vaml.-vllle. T’h.-..l..r«. Uotliaehil.l. who alao nin« the Nor elty it|M.n« till- new honae The N.iv.-lty will e.Hitlnne with vaudeville, whieh inwellealiv elvea H..tha<.|illd r.aitrol of the vandevllle held In St**<kti»n ^ Th»* \!t*prl* Vmtdoxlllc. wlitrh 1* t«v come to rrl**-o. Mlr«*iidy h«'j:nTi n «'*t«*in <*f prc*>*

j*ork Till* wii-k they r'nnni*-nc*‘il to N>o*t M»rr.T l.}iud«-r with Ictictht writeup* phtvt'** etc

The linilM.arila are r.>ver*a| with a lllw-ral arn-Hint *.f Ulnellne Hrolh*.ra* pat*4‘r. an.I It la a aw.-Il hit of atiiff ni.tally new and very at- fraefln-_ pidirini; to fp,. nmnN'r .»f paa»t**raltT that atop to »lew It

Hh- a*afr of ft,,. „4>w t'hiittta la' nt' of the f..llowlnir <me|,.i,| c.-ntlemen Irvine C A'k.-rinan pr.-al.l.a,! : C Hrown. vlee ,n-ea|.lent; ~.l I- I.e\v. e.-neral inanaeer: 3 W Slater. **"'**-^ttf nianaeer. \| Hpio.nhelm. a,ter*ttarv; ■t I* Norman, aaalaiant a,.,Tetar» .In.lee J.vhn r n.mlne adlnat.r: S I, Well e-n.-ral eoiinael. J It lee ehlef rl,tetrlelan. .1 Clare, inaater iiieelianie: I.. HIraehler. chief w-enle painter

Manaeer .Sam Harrla of the Wlewam 'I'ht'atre. la on., of the life onea when It r.viMea to aianir Ine apeelal altraetlona It waa lie who flrwt ^•n.-elved the Idi'a to rapture .lamea Jeffrlea Htr hla h.aiae 'mia w.-.-k In, t.v Hie r.-enlar S A C ahi»w. I,.* haa the Kaelea Mln »»re|a of tweriH IHe IM-.,).!,. la I-« III affalrl. • ti.l neat w.-.-k he will olT.-r Mlaa HIIH.. Illrard ’•ha la the wife of a well kn twn It.talon mllllivn • Ire ami who haa eoMen eotialderaltle n.di'rlety ow Ine to th*» fact that ahe haa tte,'ii arrt-at,'il r.o ,’""*’l"''radlne <tn Hi- atreda aa a man Mlth h.-r are the Mla.ea H Caatle and H Itirhaa

lli-aae and Wtlllama. th.iae eleaer miialelana and vtM-allala wlio are at the Nalittnal Ihia

we.-k, were HHIlMtard ealli-ni. aUo the I'rentli • TriMi|M. of faliioiia aeritltala.

It in piwIlHt-lt iinmain.-e.l th.i? the .Mitrria iiiaaitiii of V ai|it*-> ille o|teua Itu Weatern time

III iiiiiaha St-pit-ml,...- l.-f. :iid ill Ift-Uti-r. at Kllli-h - lianli-ii. S.-plt-mlM-r ju. .Salt I.ake City. Stiiit-mlttr JT. San ITami-iat. ititolier t. lot Anet'lta ifttidM-r II. WlllUm .M.irria U tine ht-re III Se|iti-mlM-r. al»t, hi> lirolher. Hueo .M.trrla. who will take tin- t,f the li.atkiii;; olllte It. Ih- ealaltllaht-.l ht-re.

Califtmila Stale fair at .Saerameiilo o|H-na .kiieiiat ‘--s ami i-lo»t a Si-plt-mlit-r 4.

Ath-laltlt- Harlaml. -tMihrei it-, ami Iktt Wil aoii ami Httr.« Wllaitii have Joim-d thi- Kolli ami Hill l'itm|ian.v.

UidM-ri Si-itit. iHie lime Imalwml of l*att! K-tau. tle<-t-aat-ii. ami a wt-11 knoivu actor yeara ae<>. di*-il .\lieii-t P. at Htaittliilii.

Her la-VV. the I m|t-|H'nilen t VainlevHle aeetll. .a i .tillinnallv awelllne hla Hat of hmiaea ami Itttvv has .|ullt' a ehain. He ttta.ka a.»me of the e.aal. Ine alt- Tlila wt-ek he Inatkt-d Chyllia am! I'.Kiiinia.v at the I'.trtola Theatre. He Il ls al-.. ei'fii a lint- .if leaia-- to the I'lair H. i.vili-n- the wire walker-.

Tht- Wt-itT-n Slatea Vainleville .\aaoe|atliKi la now iHHtkiiie the C.-ntral Theatre of tbla city.

Two iiio e nli-keluile.aia are beine eatabl.abed on Klllmore atr<-*-l.

|•| III Full*! a a4-ci>ntl week at the Nt-*a Tht litre to tm|ir.tved tni-lm—. Next wti-k. Hualiii Tarniim. a favorite here, Comef. -'iPlHtrltal li) a e •«! . .aiipauy. prt-wiiliiie Caiiit-o KI rltv

Tin- alia k c-om[tany atill hoMa forth at the .Vmerbau :>ml Hi-ra*-hil Mavall maile a bit in iihle* IlH-re. AlHnMieh the p.ece bai Ih-i-Ii a -.-n here relM-jteill.V . It tlitl a ll.l-e Wt-t-k'a

ttiialne-a. Next we-k lYaiik ikycttn heails the ■ ttiiipaiiy. playlne The Hilla of California.

The i:^rl Krisii I’arla la the bill at the 1‘rln et-a til.a wt-t-k. preaeutt-tl tt.v the at.a k company. I-rani'ea I'l tn ami ih-iavia dea.-rve s|h- e|al mention. Ja.-k auil the Heanalalk la iimler lined to f.tilow

The Stfiiaw Man heM over a aecoml week at Hit .Vleazar. Tlie I.ioi ami the .Mtaia*- fttl- lewa.

Tht- I'lirron Slati-ra ht-atl the Hrpheiim hill, with Iht-lr m.~l ilarinK. .vet irra'-efiil. tlyiiif act, anti ihe.v thrill the aiitljenc*-- tw-iite ilaily. Herr J. ItiitH-na. a newcomer, ia an inatantan- •naia palntt-r. He painta lieaiitlfiil winter wenea anil then Jiimpa to tropical a<-en**a, all done In a JllTy, which hatk- very smal from a dUlance. World and Klncaton are back icain and are as |to|inIar .x« evi-r In this, their h<vme town. Wil- Imr Mirk anil Nella Walker, in The Hirl and the I'earl. are alao bark asalo with their last fHasisi's ak<ttch. which Just suits them.

Ix-na l antier. l.ieamvr iJonlon and Company. In Til* and Tails, arc of the In-st on the bill. The Five .\v.ti.ta anti I,a Tetlte Revue, all retained frtvm last wiH-k's bill, po as stronp as ever.

Manapt-r Zh-k ,.\brams. of the National, coo- linm-s w.ih the‘usual pov.l bill this bouse it n.dtsl This week Copan ami Haneroft. a pair tvf etuiiedy rtdler skaters. o|H>n the bill; Se.tit and Havls offered a mixture of stvnps. dant-ta anil piano playlnp: Stanley-Blwards Company of four pi-ople la new actv have a very p.ssi marble atatue act. a very artistic ahttwlnp Hesse and WlHIama. formerly Hesse anti Ui.tnlan. made a hip hit with their violin, piillar ami b.xnjo playlnp and IntersisTsisl with very p.asl sonps. well rendereil; the Three nesto Slslt-ra. on the bonndinp wire ifirst ap- iHtaranee herei, have a v,Ty artistic act. and it was the n'al headliner. .\1I three are very praeefiil ami m-rform s<inie v*.ry dltnciilt trlcki with the iitniosl ease One of the ladiits do<»a a flip flap. Harry Taylor does a pissl mivmviopue. Charles Mark Is sti-n In a tabloid form of Ct*me Hack to Frln. and cltvstsl ;I(e bill, n-celvlng several curtain calls niphtly.

Manaper Tiffany, of the Fhuplre. Is eontinn ally Increaslnp hia business since he has a*ld<sl evira t.nmltcra to the usual bill. This week Holilado’s Tralne*! Sht i-p Is the topllmtr and la away fnvm any similar act. The comedy In

I lrtslur<sl Is very funny and the shtwp all vvi-u-k easy.

The Fotir Continentals Is a <inarfct ctvmptvsed of two lailics and two nu-xi. dress<sl In con¬ tinental costumes, all vi-ry pissl via-allsts Honpo and lew are a p.xlr of pisal aertibats. atitl lli-lr finish on the s<Htsaw p<vle Is very elevtr Wvaft Sisters, a very cleviT sister t*tam: -I-thn I*. Heel ami Miss H‘.\rvlll. violinist.

‘ wt-re the sinple turns. Mr. and Mrs. Nell I.Iteh Held. Ill their niri-.i sketrh. Hawn at Hro*>k Farm, and a reel of movinp piotur*>s made up i-lphi p.sst niimlM-rs.

The I'-ip|,-s‘ M iisiri'ls. a blp number, was a Idp extra feature act on the Wipvvam pro¬ pram diirtnp the week and the h-'use w.ya en llrelv t<s> small to I,old the is-ople who soupht adm' On tlie is-puiar l|s| were •*-•> '’ive ■luppllnp .tee-dans. Hiintn-ss. Princess • - |

roff J,-re Sanfonl. Mile I.orette an.' "e Hevltl and Ki-lly. Hlendewer and M ililen i;nd movinp pictures

I Ttie p.irlola Tlieatre Is doinc :-i Immsasr biisln,-sa. playlnp to tbousanda of ims- ’■ dally.

With Its eontlninwis iM-rformanc-w. This -> eek ' On' Mipnno Trio of .Tapam-se. .1 Hemar * ''vl.

Ivn, Plilllp la'c and Civnipany. Chinese Waltivn, I. a I.ole Hi'Iene. and fi*ur reels of picture* If ki'pt the h<vuse full all the time.

The Star. Orand. Silver Palace. Oold Palace. I Itoywl Palaex'. Plont'er. Washinplon. Oem. Fbetrlc and Heaeh Thcafr*'. all offt'red vaude

I vine.

I The new- Chutes continue 1o pri'sent a very i llvelr apivearanee. both day and nipht. and the I numensta eon<'*'sslons are taxisl to r-vp.i<ltT ' at nipht M’ork haa rommeneisl ivn the n< w ‘ ITaaa .\ Theatre, which will he ruahe*l to com . pletlon Olaasiwek's F'lephanta have ha.l their enpapemcnl exlende,!. alao Hemon. the Human Honflre; Towers and FUwence Spray, the hiph

Shubert Attractions Switched from the American

Theatre to the Valencia in San Francisco—-Contro¬

versy Grew Out of Differences in Views as to Prices

of Admission and Percentage Division.

divi-rs. also remain, and. in additlmi to the above. Marino, a recent arrival, who iw-rmlta a 70 h. p. aulomotille to run over him, and I.-e Hoy. who do*-* a slide for life, will he added free attractions. Prof«-ss*)r Frlcke’s Fh-a Cir¬ cus contiuues to fH- one of the blp com-essioni. Th*Te are Just twenty-seven 0|>purtunitie* for th ‘ vlsiti*r to siH-n<l money.

Hen -Michaels, of the Royal Palace Theatre. I* surely polnp s<,nie when he pla.vs Roberts’ Trained Rats. Cat* and Hops, ami next week play* FTank Hall and bis Lion. XVallace.


The Macdon'iupb will have a nice week* ho'klnp with Paid in Full fi*r the first half and the International Orand Oiiera Ci«ui«any for the s^-eond half. Thrt-e Weeks will occupy the house .Vupiist U1».

Classmates (first time s.-en on the coast at issiular |>rl<-»-si was ::iv*-ii a imi-t pretentious presentation at Y'e I.ilHTty Theatre, Sydney .\ V *-rs and Florence Oakle.v in the lea*linp parts; h'lth made hip hits, ami hip h'Hises ruled.

.'-am Chip and Mary Marlde. Six .Vmerlcan Iiancers. Matthews and .Vshle.v. Conroy and I.e- M.-ilre. Oriff. S<hr<Hle and Mulvev. Herbert and Willlnp. and .Sam Walsiui's Farmyard Circus k'-pt up the Oi-plieum’s pjtronape durinp their •tay this week.

Tara Japanese Tnsipe ofiened the bill at the Hell Tlieatre this week: Oruet and Gruet fol- lovvtsl. with Tom M'Cuire, after which came Girard and Gar<ln'-r. scoring a hit. Fred Lan¬ caster. In a sinpinp turn, came next. Tha Prentice TVouih-. as a special added feature, capture*! the honors and certainly was the fea¬ ture act.

The pleasant weather continues and Idora Park is crowdeil. Llberatl’s Hand and the

I Grand oie-ra Company with the band are hip ! attractions, and lovers of music haunt the I hand stand. The sinpers Include Kathryn j Klaver, sojirano; Mme. Johanna Mosella. so- 1 i>rano: Mile, .kiphine He .\ubre.v. contralto; I Senora Kmilia Pratl. contralto: .Sip. Luipi Cllll. I tenor; Sip. N. I*e Pascale, tenor: Mr. Edpar - Watson, baritone; Sip. G. He Luchi. basso; , Sip. .k. Zanpberi. basso. This company of sinpers are all artists.

I Gt-vwpe Shyroek. known to the profession as I Toto Hucrow. the well known clown, filed a pe- ' j tltlon for a divoree. John T. Fleminp. his at¬ torney. has prt-par,-d the papers, which claim desertion as the cause. The couple were mar-

I ried in Pittsburp in May, lSf*s. Hucrow says I she deserted him in Hecember. IfkO. and has

pone on the stape under the name of Florence Ashhrooke.


ST. LOUIS. MO. i - ! Helmar Garden hepan Sunday with a return I of Frank Miwilan in The G*'isha. and with the

entir*. -Hrenpth of the H*-lmar Op*'ra Company. ; Hiisin*'— has IwM-n and is lop. For the last 1 w.-ek. h*-pinninp S*-pt. 29. the Wizard of the Nile

will h*' put on •kt .suburban Garden. Counte**s Venturini and

I the stt'ck company in Camille, played to splen did husln*-ss. Next w«H'k. fiir the first time on any stapi-. will Iw piven the new play. Jenny. The *;ard*'n closes with next week's enpape- ment.

! .kt Forest Park Hiphlands. I-.-o McManus has • a p-aal vaudeville hill for thU w.-ek. includlnp

Harry Field and his Napanese. Potter-Ilartwell TriHiiH'. Han R-vliey. Frank Markley. Jull.xn

. HyiT and nioOiin pictures. Cavallo’s R.xnd. with ; l4iura FTank as "..lolst. is a feature in the ! Ganlen. Huslness l.lp. j W*'at FTiid Heiphts. This week’s bill includes 1 Ruby M.wehouse. C. F. Martin. Hopper, .kreher. I Harry and .kllen. C .k. Williams. Carr and Lane and motion pictures. Huslness p<a>I.

i Mannlivn’s Park Hill Includ.'s laa' Whit*'. La- T.-IIe’s Girls. Pollard. Casad. IVveme and Wal-

I tt-rs. niiWlon plctur*-s. Gixal husin.'ss. ' Tile imp<'rtant oiw-nlnp of this wt-ek was that

of the Graml Hiv-ra with vaudeville. ' Manaper Harry R Wallace has his theatre new¬

ly deeivrat*'*! and an entire chanp*-*! lobby, on the I m.viat mial*>m plvn. The htvuse will N’ contlnu I ous. pivinp iHie matin.-e each day. with two •hows at nipht. Th<- oix-nlnp. in spite of the

’ humid weather, iwovi-,! th.xt he has a impular , aniiia.-ment place and atfemlam-e has h*vn pool j sll vv.-.-k The first hill includol acts by the i F'Sir Musical H.aVp.'s, Galettl’s Monkeys. Rawls ! and Van Kaufman. Sisters Mol'kvnnell. Mary ' .knn Hrown. Fhrv-mlalls ami Ihitton. J<ve (Bill Kinney, modon plctur«-s.

Siiivil.xv the op.-ninp of the 1909-10 lix the Inii'.-rial Theatre. This house haa also Is-en nsb' The iUH'ulnp play. The Five Witness, iwovol a posl attraction and tha ooeninp was blp The oivmpany and the play pl*'ss*-d Shadi'vv.'d by TTiree next.

.k hip*' pr*'et*s1 the oja-nlnp of The Mon¬ tana I imitol at Havlln’s. ami It pleasv'il. Sold Into Slsverv next.

The P:,salnp Show, with May Howaril as the a'ar. ivts-nol at the knu-rican to a hip hotis*'. The allow nrov<sl weak anil only fair hustnesa prevatleil aft.-r openlnp. Next vx'is-k. The Hoise (vf a Thoisand Camll*-s.

Amusement Lovers of

St. Louis Looking For-

ward to Unusually

Brilliant Season.

At the Colunihia. this vvet-k’s bill includes Eiiwanl .khel.-s, Fimpire Comedy F’our. Kelly and Kent. Richards ami Montrose. Count l)e- Hutz and Itrother. Newell and NIhIo, Merritt and lx)ve, (Hive Greatrex, motion pictures. Ku.siness go**!.

G. T. Crawf.a-d op.-n*-*! his theatre, the Gay- ety. for the season Satvirday, and a hip house was in attendance. 'I'he theatre is newly paint¬ ed and dK'orated tbrisighout and presents s pretty appearaiii-e. 'ITie oi»iilup sliow was F’a<ls and F’olli*-*. a hurlesiiue appr'-pation that is up-to-tlie-iiiiiiute in com*-dy ami chorus. Next. The Lid Lifters.

-kt the Standard. Harry .Montague's F'asblon Plates Hurlesiiut-rs ojit-n*sl to big business vvltn a giaxl show, .k s|icclal feature it) tlie F'asblon Plates (Jiiadriile. which is a hit. The olio has Ella L.-slle. The He Muths. Morgan and West, and oth<-rs. Next vv*-ek. The I..ady Ruccaneers.

The C*-iitur.v Theatre will open September 5. with I'he Goiden Girl, ami the Olympic opens the same date with The Merry Widow.

Flddy .krlington. of the Kil Ranch, a Tisltor In St. Louis. rci>ort« liig business.

The St. Charles Centennial, Octol«‘r 11 to 19, has received the promise of a float from every county In Missexirl for the parade, which will make It three miles long, and it is expected that a delegation of visitors will accompany each flyat.

The St. Louis Centenaial. Octolier «-10, is now in shai>e for details, ami the largt'st cele¬ bration In St. Louis’ history is anticipated.

L-nip’s Park Carolval. this .year, will eclipse all former efforts, and will be held September 19-21!. This is the largest carnival, held each year, in St. I-swiis.

TTie Garrick Theatre will announce its open¬ ing next week. The extensive alterations and decorating make it Impossible for Han F'isbell to fix his date for September 5. as originally Intended. WILL J. FARLEY. ‘


The tlie.xfrical se.xson is once again in full swine ami with the exception of the Lyceum, which will ojicn for the season .kiipust tio. and the Huiiu*-<ne. for wlileli an opening date has not yet b*‘,-n decld*'d. ail th“ theafres are open and doing capacity hiisinees.

■kt the Nixon Theatre. The Queen of the Moulin R.'iipe w;:s pr*-sent*-d. and a pcxid sized audience preeteil It

-kt the tiraiid an excellent vaudeville bill was given to eapa(-lty business, and without doubt one of the la-st pantomimes ever seen here was pre«<-rled in Mile. Hazie's Dance. The h II thr -uplioiit w as excellent and thorouphly eiiloyahlt-.

The closing hill at the Hippoilrome drew an iiidlence of about eighteen thousand people, and the hill was the h*‘st and most varied seen Tliis oiwii air amusement has certainly taken u strong hold here. and. no doubt, will lie In ev!den<-e again next year.

The .kcademy. with The New Century Girls, Is meeting with the approval of capacity busl- nt'ss. The olio is of exceptional merit."

The second week of The Gayety still holds T'lie H.iwer.v Hurlesijiiers. This speaks well for the show, as burlesque as a rule recelyes hut one week's attention here.

L. L. K.krFMAX.


The Grand op,-n,'d the se.-ieon with George Primrose's Ma-nmoth Minstrels, and George and Ills clev.'r hunch of entertainers made poo<I.

Shea’s had a cooil hill, headed by S*-Idoni’s Venus, and other artistic p<ises In statuary. Rerfle Heron .and Co. presented a clever sketch.

The Ma.iesfic ts still hoominc. Senzel Broth¬ ers. Ethel H'sniond. Ed. Mack and others

I formed a go,*.! hill. i The Gayety oiw.n<'d Saturday night with i The Mar-ithon Girls to a parked house. The

•how Is a good one. Manager Tom Henry waa on hand to greet his numerous friends. The Olrla will continue this week.

Morning. Noon and Night la a hip drawing card at the Star.

The R'-val .klexandra opens .10 with Eddie Foy In Mr. Hamlet of Broadway, and the Prin.'i'ss opens the same date with The Talk

' of New York. r.xptalii Wehb's Trained Seals were a hig

feature at Scirlairo Beach. Holden, the high diver, draws well at Hanlan’s Point.



e B a SEPTEMBER 4, 1909.


1^-1 , • ■ , Trt

! nji




\ % #vj *

THE WEEK IN CHICAGO SEVKUAL shows which arc really •

new to ClilcHi^o have lieen aiMeil to tlia iiienii of the week and with Kiieh

•terlltiK hohloviT attraetlona aa are A Cen- thniaii fniiii MifalaKlpiil at the lirand 0|H‘ra Ilonae. The Traveliin; Saleaman at the 1111- n<d». The CiHtdeaa of I.llNTty at the I’rlnei'ea. and The rilmax, whieti liaa moved 'rom Ihiw era’ Theatre to th<‘ ('lileado Opera IIiHiae. of- fera an aiiiua#*inent protrram wlileli ia rounded out hy Tile Iteaiity S|M>t, which eontlniiea at the tiarriek.

Henrietta Croaman and her company playliiK ‘ Fham are In the flrat week of a three weeka' pnjraceiiient at PowiTa’ Ttn^atn*. Sham haa all Ita aia-ni a laid In New York; time, the preaent. ! The ch.iractera typitled are menibera of Man battan'a moat evclualve wiclal aet. The prln | elpal character la i yoiinx plrl. who. althouxh Imhiied with all the Inherent dealnw for lua- urlea, haa a mere $2iai a month with which ' to (rratlfy her extravaxant wlahea and main tain her iiiadtlon and apia-arance. To do thla ahe rea.irta to a ayatem of |M'tly xraftlnx. ■ wl Ich canaea her no paiixa of cona<’lence until a clean minded younx Western mlnlnx enxt- neer cornea Into her life and heart and hrlnxa her to a reallaatlon of her meanneaa. It ia when her boat of creditora threaten legal re- rtreaa that It aeema aa though her only aalva- tlon la to marry a rich man whom ahe do»-a not love. It la her ev.aalon of thla that fiirnlahea , the life of the atory, and hy a combination of ' clrciimatancea and |•eaoure^‘fulm*aa we find her, ta the curtain falla, succeaaful In the a<du- | t'on of her prohlem The company aupportlnx Mlaa ("roanian ia the aame aa wae aeen with ’ her duriiix her enxaxement at the .Metropol- | itan. '

With practically the aame company aa waa with her durinx her former enxaxement here In The fair Co-FM.. Mlaa Elsie Janla again cornea to the Stiidetiaker. The current engage- | nient of Mie pretty .\de-I.udera show la 11m- | Ited. .and oiamed Monday evening. August 3tl. The Fair Co-Ed. la too well known here to | n*-ed further review, and ita favorable ac- ] ipiainta'iee. and Mlaa Janla' |>opularity, Indl- | cate a reaiime of Ha prevlmia auec.-aa. |

Monday. S.-ptemtaT 6. Henry H. Harris will , present it the lllln'da Theatre Charles Klein's The Third In-gree. This dramatic sensation cornea from a seven months; run at the Hudson Theatre. New York, and with the original cast, which Includes Edmund Itreese, Helen Ware, Wallace Eddlnger. Fraaer Coulter. Walter Cra¬ ven. Kalph Ih-lmore and I.ida McMillan, should duplicate her<‘ Its Eastern auec<‘B.s. In the meanwhile The Traveling Salesman affords en- i tertalnment at the Illinois, and is doing good | business.

The old Intirnatlonal Theatre, now known as i the (tlolie. ia In the first week of Stair A Hav- i lln liooklng. and has aa the o|M-nlng attraction Broadway After Dark, which Is hilled as “s sensational play of New Y'ork life."

At McVIcker’s. Maclyn Arhuckle and his large su|iportlng company are seen In an elah orate proilucllon of The Circus Man. Thla play will unikHilite«lly remain at Its preaent location j for a nin. as It haa caught on with the pa- ■ trona of that theatre. Indications are that Its iMipularlty will be as prolonged as Its stay. I

The Queen of the Moulin Rorige la now In- stalleil at the Olymple Theatre, which, under ] the new pollc.v, has hid farewell to music hall ‘ entertelnment. and l«su'>s announcements that the farewell la to be final. Thomas W. Ryley's musical comedy production, which la the cur rent attraction, cixnea Into Chicago heralded hy a host of press stories strongly savoring of the rla<|ue. The music Is said to he orig¬ inal and catchy.

Ar the attraction of the we«-k. the Northern Theatre ha< Wildflri'. I.illlan Rua sell's Xchicle of last year. Will .Archie, who waa aeen as Hud during the engagement of this show at the Illinois last season, atl’.l has the part, and scenicall.v the production la said to be the same as when Wildfire was used by Miss Ruaseir

On I.ahor Da.v, September fl. The Colonial Theatre will inaugurate the new season with Ra.nnond Hitchcock In Cohan & Harris’ The Man from Broadway. This theatre has been dark since the engagement of Richard Carle, hut makes up for ita p«‘rlod of Idleness by announcing such attra<-tIona as .Anna Held In Mias Inu'wence. and Zlegfeld'a Follies of l!»on.



The Majestic Theatre has as the headliner, this week. Mlaa Helena Frederick and a company of a<doists. who present a one act grand o|iera. called The Patriot. The aki'tch la the result of the combined efforts of Sianlslaua Stange ami Julian Edwards, and la liaa<‘d on a tnie incident In American hla- ^ torj. .Another lrni>ortant spot on the bill Is occupieil by Sowell r >lllne' comoly act, .Awake at the Switch, in which .Mias Margaret Moffat assumes the role of the telephone ©iterator. .An- . other sketch, i-ntltled A Spotless Reputation. ' la pri-senti-d hy .Allwrt I.. I'ellaton and William F'tran. It was written by Harrison Arinatrong. author of Tlie Van Iiyko. Ttie entertainment la eompleted by the Hopkins Sislets. Jones and ■ IV'eb'.v. .M'rtibettl and Sylvester and a number of other excellent features.

.At the .Ann'rlcan Music Hall the aecond week of the new season !< under way. The bill of¬ fered Is repb-te with Interesting features and la well snind'sl by acts of all varieties. In¬ cluding the onl.v original Empire City Quar¬ tette. compostst of CiNi[>,r. Mayo. "Tally and Coop<‘r: Helen Carnes. Rafayette’s Hogs. The Marimba Band. Freiicesea Redillng and Co. In Ilonora. and Have Genaro and Ray Bailey, who IntrodiKi-d their Flirtation H:ince. H.aphno I’ot- lard Is held over from last week, -is are Tlie Rvengali Trio.


.\t Sans Souci Park, Marco V<*ssoll-i and hla hand coi.tinues aa the musical attrac- tion. as do.-s Crentore at the White City. At Forest Park the management are giving prlaea of autonioMIes. which is proving a good draw Ing card for crowds, who Individually like to take a chance on being the lucky one. The i Navassar Ladles Band Is at Rlvervlew, and i

Sham Opens at Powers Theatre, and the First Week

of The Circus Man is Now Under Way at McVick-

ers—Elsie Janis Succeeds The Candy Shop at the

Studebaker—Clothes Opens at College Theatre.


Z^[7m[innfnm OLMdQ

n smt


WDBMJn Playing this w-aaon In Ui, under the direction of the Harry Askin Co.

the announcement ia made that "Taft's Own." the Philippine fonstabiilary Bnnd. under the leadership of Capt. Waller I»ving. will play a double program St-plemtaT 7. .At Luna I'ark H'Crbana'a Ban 1 la still the reigning attrac¬ tion. .At the Bismarck Garden, Fernilo la per¬ forming. the Coliseum Garden haring la-en put in the discard for the season.


Grace Georpe’s former vehicle. Clothes, is the o|M-ulng attraction at the Col¬ lege Theati •. I'nder Two Flags will replace The Cowlaiy and the Lady at the people’s Theatre, while the latter attraction moves over to the Marlowe. New England atmosphere pre vails at the Academy, where The A’lljage Ibrnt master lailds sway. The Isle of Spice, with Its music and pretty girls. Is the offering of the National. lames Kvrie AlacCiirdy, aa The A'ank*-© Hoodie Hetective, la ph-aalng the lov¬ ers of melodrana at the Bijou. Ffrr those who like burles,|u,.. the .Star and Garter offers Bon

Manchester's Cracker Jacks Comnany; Rid Eu- V'V;* Ti'" ... Jsrdin de Paris;

Tin Folly offers The Jolly Girls: Allner’a Amer cans is at the Empire, and the Trocadero la

playing vaudeville.


J. I.. Wallrtiiip, nr»w at Sana Soiicl, Is organising the lni|M-rlal Afinstrels. and will pul the;. on the road alHxit the middle

H. U MscHonald. wh>. Is known hy nearly every one In the film business, u on the block for The Ten,|itatlons of St. Anthony, at River view Etisisltloo.

Chnrlca Nik'slem, for a niimlx-r of years treasurer of Marvin's peoi.le'a Ihealre. on the West Side of Chleag-. dlol la.t week from heioiinirh’ige of the brain. Mr. .NIkodem was wblely known In thi-atrlcal circles locally.

Miss I,ouIh<' CfMly has given up the Idea of going to Florida, and will take out her own

is>m|iaii.x. to la- known as Mlaa Imiiise Cody atid Coiiiiiany. Alls. Cisly has engagetl Vlrler Wells, who will play Happy with her. In a sketch e.illlled Happy Hooligan's Mishaps. .Mr. Wells Is iH-tter known .as the Happy Tramp In I amp E. AA’. Hosier, manager of the act slates that thev are Imoketl with the Capital City .Amu'i'iuent Co. for eighteen weeks, and later they will play Sullivan A Coiisldlne time.

Mr, R. B, Cook, asssistant treasurer of the Cubs, was one of the "among Ihos,, pres4nC’ erowil It the automobile raivs recently held in Iiid!ana|H>lls.

Mr. tleorge .Newton, presblent of the Greg ory F’lreworks Co., has ndurmal to Chlcsgo from Cheyenne, where he was illrectlng the pro¬ duction of the Siege of Jeri "ho. which was presi-nted Ihtre at Hie frontier celebration, hy Newton and Gregory.

I harles Kilpatrick was In town last week .and re|iorted that his isirtable liniuan roulette wheels -ire getting lop nuMiey all along the line.

FM. Hunkert. the human Isix car. has Just finished ItVJ eollseeutlve Wia-ks, most of which w as IsMvked tiy the Chicago A’aildei ille Mans gers’ l.acbangi'.

Schafer Brothers have ojx-ned the Crystal Tlieatn* on North avenue. The o|M>ning' hill Included F'erry Plum, Tliomas and Paine. Hun bar and Turner. Frank Rutledge and ( o., and Ffl-ctro, the human dynamo. The house Is iMsikid by the Chicago \'aud«*v|IIe Managers' Exchange.

Myrtle Ib'iiglis. of the Houglas .sisters, died here last we<« of consumjitton.

H AA'. Link has Just ivturned from his home, tlrand Kapbis. Mich Mr. Link s|H-nt a week in the old home, renewing acguaintances.

Link end .Alt.ert have closeil their Living .Art Palaiav at Forest Park, and put all the effecta In storage for the balance of the season.

F'rank .Alts rt has gone ahead of the Red Mill for Martin A Emory.

Ballalion Brothers have opemM the Circle Theatre, at IJi't street and Sawyer avenue, aa s moving picture and vaudeville house. For the opoplng bill they hid Harry Jones, singer; Alascagnis, French toe dancers and twlrlera; F'.ddie Ross, black face talking and singing, and R'Srer. Sherman anil l.ukan In a comedy sketch. The hiMiM- Is bisiked by Sam Wela- burg. of AA'lIllam Morris.

By a deal which was rei-ently oompleted. AAcNt Brothers, who control the .Alhambra, have aciynireil the Trocadero. It la said that they will r-nanie this latter histse either the Lyric or Union, dunging the (Hilicy of the house from burlesiiue to vaudeville. The first bill Is to be book-xt b.v the AA'hite Rata of .America. The policy of the Alhambra will also lie changed, and hurlesi|ue will In- svxm there instead .>f uei-slrama. as waa the forme.- ens- tiwn. Bookings will be dime hy the Columbia .Amusi-ment Co.

The llaymarket. which Is again housing van- devllle after a summer run of moving pic¬ tures. had for an o|iening bill John P AA'ade. I/>w AA'ells. F'loyd Mark and others. The Star, which opi-ns Its third se.xson. hail, among oth¬ ers on the bill, .Adams and .Alden. Horace A’ln- ton. Fldna Clayton, and an act ralbxl Sunny South, by ten singers and dancers

Ijisf week, at the F'orest Park vaudeville theatre. Catherine llrur.ell tried mil a new vau¬ deville sketch. calbHl Sadie, the Never AA'as. ehlch was written for her by Richard Henry Little.

Eugi'ne Pn-sbrey and Homan Hay. the play¬ wright ami author of the story from which The Cirrus Man was taken, were In lb* city, |M<rsr.naI!y directing this iirmluctlmi. which la tsdng superintended b.v Joseph IlrmAs,

Sam Bristow, general western cmins<-l for AA’m. 'lords. Inc., has returned to the city from Hanrille, III., when- he has ts—n sm-nillng hla vacation. Since his return he ha* been bi!»lly engageil in il|s<-ussliig the e*nc«dIallon cl-iisi' In the vaudeville performer*' contract.

Hick Miller, who style* himself ".America's Greatest Hlalect and Singing Comeillan.” Is In Chicago, {tending fall engagements, which rom menrv September l.l. in Oklahoma City.

I,ee Parvin. who haa just returned from South Haven, after enjoying a vacation of four weeks. Is In Chicago for a few days preparatory to the o|ienlng of H. E. Pierce A Co.’s In AA'.vomIng AA’e.tern Com|>any. which otieiis at Ean Claire. AA'Is.. Sunday, Sipt. .1 "This young firm of producing managers, with headipiartera in the Lyceum 'cheatre. Huluth. have also under their wing for a short preliminary season In stork, at the Lyceum, AA'm. Jf>s*ey an«l Maude I,eon. who are both very well known In Chicago the atriral circles.

Har.el Kolar, the mind reader. In company with her manager. Jos. J. Kolar, left Chicago for a trip through Iowa, where she Inteml" taking a much iieedetl rest, until railed ujx'n to play contracts she now bolds, and which will keep her busy all season

A full dress rehearsal of Harry A«kln’s new musical comeily, Ixi. which ojiens In Alii waukee this week, was held Sunday ntorning. August 27, at the Grand <»t>era Hn«is<>. Chicago

The rrwnpany of {dayers engaged In present Ing Tlie Beaut.v Ri>ot at the Garrick 'niestre. combined wltli a crowd of news|ia{H'r men and nth* r congenial spirits In an outing on I,akr Michigan alxiord the large steamshiti Pere Mar •jiiette. "Some time” was nntlrl|ialed, and "some time" surely was realised, if we ma> bi'lleve the ce isored reports from a few of those who were listed a* "among those pres ent."

Herbert C. Huee. manager of the Garrick Theatre, and western representative of the Shulerts. Is president of a conipany to In- anown is the AA'istern Theatrbal Co., with toadipisrlers In Chicago. Ben Block Is thv treasurer. It 's said that the first iiioie of ths ni'W <-orporat|on will lie the fornistlon of a first class draiiattc rom|>any, to act In selected plays In this city.

L C Kelley, general agent of the Larhman Conipany Greater Hhnwa, was In Chicago last week.

tContliiiied on page .111 )



SEPTEMBER 4, 1909,


th.* M<»»U.u rirturH ('•Hiipaoy

'«•»( in iiIhi-Iii* It* li-*"'-". In K' lMiiBry, r.n«». U »■< i.rtivlcliil. IhnI niiiiH HlimiM iM»t 1m* alluwi*<l

ill Ihi- linnil" "f •>*'• ••*«-li»nt{i*ii. for i |iiii;,'ir ItTiii Ihiin »l\ iiii'nlliB. tlini (llinn nent , ,it* i\iim|i'i*. In Ki*»iriiMry, (.lioiilil b** r«* liiriii i to 'hi* rnliiitn CiMiiininy In Ihi* nnHilli i.f S.i>li’nilM*r. iinil »<• riMtllinilnit from tlnn* to linn- 'n il* nrlliHt Inmiriil |ir««*llr*lly in-w dlun. Bit iIm* olil Miflilv n.m antliiTtHl I'lmif U-fore It t»<*iiiiii* -mil* nnil until for exhllillloii, ami ttii* am*n)c •ni*’iit waa an **iii*»*lli‘nt nro • 1*1100. fly arllin of Itn* raliiita (Vitiiiiiiny. iliirlnK tin* |»«t wi'i’k. till* Iinlilli* la fiirtlnr rari**'i for by a yi'inTal anmaiiiri’niint tnaili* liy lliini to all ||■1•nal•ll •*xchane«*a. that fllnia whlrh >»i*ri* In tlie of tin* lallrr. |>r|or to Kilirnarv. liari.

tnlKlit il-o la* ratnrni*il. Tin* aiinaint >.0 to la* ritnrnisl la r»*Knlal**il by thi* nmiib-r of foot of III on-oil flima rotnnioil from montli to iinMitii. ami no groalor iiinnint will 1m* i<*<vi*IiiI any imio nnaitli than l« rolnriM*il of lloi naoil lllin. Thia HOtlon will rloar tin* markot of imiob ilaniattnl ant iinilahtly Him .ami iilllmatoly will take all of It out of olrnilatlon.


k moollnit waa helil Thurailay aflornoon. Auk. •jtl. .at tho boaibinartora of Wm. H. Swanaon .V f o.. ChlcaKo, iliirlnx whlrh aoaalon waa form nIaliHl the plana nhlrli will imt tho |■nlto<l Film MannfartnrlnK To. In aotito ojM*ratlon. ThIa oinlirto oompany will haro aa Ita oxpreaaoil |iiiri>oao tho Kn*i'*ntt**lnK of a markot for the IiriNlnrt of .\niorlran fartorlon tiirnlDK mit Him f .r morlnx plrtiiroa. Not only that but th*. onronr IB* moot of thia maniifacturlnx Iniluatry anil the maniifacInrlnK of projoctlnx maohlnea. It la hotM-il that orontnally aril before lonK. It tilll Im* poaalblo for an oaoh-anso to aeriiro Iwolre i.ol« of now .kmor'ran anlijerta each week. Stork anbarriptlona ilnrlnB tho time of the drat nii*oilnB an* ailil to aBBn'Kate approximately »laai. bolnx illatrlbuteil amonx rarlotia of thiMio I.roaent. of «hlrh Hat the followtnf la nproaontatlve:

Wm. II. Sw.anaon A Co.. n*pri*aented by W. II Swanaon.

loth Century OptlaroiM* Co., Chlcaxo. rep- r* aontoil by K <: liai'hman.

Dixie ni’m Co , Now Orloana. n*prearnteil by II I'lrhonlM-rB.

C S I'!Im Kxrhanpo. Chlraxo. ropreai*nted by J Hayi-a

I.aeminle film S.*ralce. Cblcaxo. repreaented by Maurlre florkba.

Clnrliin.atl Klim fxrhanxe. CInrInnatl, rep- r,*a.*nto<1 by MoMahon A Jackaou.

.knti Tmat film KxchanB**. Chlcaxo. repreaent- 0*1 bv C. K I'l'iiiBh

Chlrajo film Kxrhanxe, Chlcapo. repreaented by Max I>*wia.

I he Motion I^icture Patents Company is Determined to Rid the

Market of Old Films and Issues an Announcement that It will

Permit Return ol Film Issued Prior to the License Era—New

Film Manufacturing Company Organized in Chicago.

I'hiMinlx film Kxchanxo, ClilraKO, repreaented by N. W. UuIm-I.

T.deilo film KxrhaDxo, Toledo, <)., repreaented tiy .Mr. tlotchel.

Amorlcan film Kxrhanxe, I’lttaburx, Pa., ri'proaenteil by Jamia I,. Kolley.

iJliiN* film Si-rvlre, (.blcaxo, reprosenteil by Ml. Ita key.

.Mlrlilxxii film A Supply Co., IK'troit, Mich., reproai-iitoil by It. Klatt.

J. W. Morxan, Joplin, Mo., repreaented by J. W. Morxan.

IndlanaiioliB Calcium Lixbt Co., IndlanapoIIi, reiironented by W. M. Swain.

Cniquo film Kxchanxo, Chlcaxo, represented by J. It. Clinton.

KxrlualTe film Service, Chlcaxo, represented by .Mr. PiiBh.

Mr. I.uke 11 .Mlthen, law, with |•^l('o8 In the Ashland Itlock, Chlcaxo, la dlrect- Inx the b-xal end of tho formation of the orxan- Ixatlnn. and will undoubtedly be actively and prominently Identided with Its operation. 'The entire nows of thia movo-ment waa kept sub ro-a a* far aa iioaalblo, and what waa to be done at the aerond meotinx. called for Sunday, Aiixuat J*.i. may oidy be surmised, aa a discus¬ sion of further plans aloux lines similar to those pursued at the Inauxural meetlnx. Let- tori an* to Itr a4*nt calllnx a xeneral meetlnx at the Slieriiian House, September 11, to per- fi'Ct the orKsnlxatton; at least, this purpose has been expressed by one who should know,


Tile <i. A. R. Kncampment, held In Salt Lake City, I'tah, Auxuat U 14, has been taken oomldoli* In a series of movinx pictures by the Western Multlacope Company, of that city. * Tlie various scones show Commander Nevliia an*l itaC. the reviewlnx stand with Its tlwsisaml** of people, the decorated streets, the Rrixhain Votinx monument as the bead of the parade pasied It. the Ilvinx dax. the mayor of the city, f.u* Kovernor of the state, the Veteran Musicians' .kssoclation. the proud marchiiix. weakene,! reterans. the rushinx ambulanc»*a ami oth<*is. In addition there are many little com¬ edy Incidents, aa well as many that are touch- Inx and ar|M‘alinx. {

The Western Multlacope Oompany was rec»*nt- ly Incorporate<1 with a number of capitalists of Salt Lake City. Tlie executive offlcers and ojMTatlr.B staff consists of Six Simon, presi¬ dent; Walter I’arkos. vice president and super¬

intendent; I..ouis Marcus, treasurer and sales axont; Kriunt S. Yopnx. secretary and xeneral contract axent. The company is capitalized at

in shares of one dollar each. The is- siieil stock la fully pahi. There are a number of local caj.ltalista behind the proposition. Th*> factory of the company la located at 217 Iloot'pr Rlocl;, Salt Lake City, with offices at 1521 .Mias Illock, Salt Lake. The present capacity of the plant Is betwwn 20,0(ai and 25,0b0 feet a week.

The company purpoaes makinx W’estern scenes. Incidents, views and dramas, and will ‘levot** Itself exclusively to Western subjects. It already has, outside of the G. A. R. En¬ campment. scenes of the millions of birds on the islsmls In Great Salt Lake, Frontier Hays, taken from the annual ebarapionship meet of the cowboys aivl cowxirls; Indian scenes, life and the like, and many others.


Somt* of the daily papers last week carrl‘d an Item to the effect that Annette Kellerman woi-li! b* pr'*ventp<l from poslnx for the k'lta- Bisiih Company of America by legal action <ir m:in.'*.rerl il pres-iure. The best answt r to this It f.'itnd In the fact that workmen at the VI- tagraph studio are at present engaxeil In the construction of a new tank twelve feet deep Into which Miss Kellerman will be able to mvke her most difficult dives. The regulai tank is feet In depth and does not permit her fo m."l.e" of her bvst dives. The new tank will enabb* her to exhaust her repertoire of fancy diving.


The latest edition to the Vltagraph fieet Is a h*;ndred foot x*"bl'ne yacht owned by J. Stu¬ art Blackton. who already posst* a fifty- ffrfit sppx-d boat. Albert E. Smith Is the owner of a sixty foi*t power yacht and there are sev¬ eral small launches, the direct property of the company. With f<airteen automobiles for land triv**l they appear to be well provided with transiiortiftion facilltlea. but at times even •hes,*'cipacifles are taxi*d. On List Wednesday five field companies and two at the studio were all busy st the same time.

Ie*bov'.'x ami C.ilniy. proprietors of sev.>r.*l motion ii!ct*ire liouies in San Francisco and r*jr*>- r.ado. Cal., have seciind a two .vears’ lease on the Grand Tiieitre. San Diego. Cal., from the

ov. n. r E. .1. Louis. Very extensive Improvo- meiilM i<i-e 'n b*- ma.le in the structure, aii-l It IS the iiiterllon of the inanaxers to present a bill of sM-.alght motion pictures only, with se*.* eral c* anges per week, instead of the niixi‘d Ml idevllli* iin l motion picture bills which liiMi ruli.l.

Tlie manuscript of the first of the si'rles of biblical subjects written by the Rev. Dr. Mad¬ ison C. I’eters, for the Vltagraph Company of .\ni**rlca, hag been received by the producliig department and will be put into immediate re¬ hearsal. The scenic staff has b«‘en Increased to i>«‘rmlt the proper handling of the heavy an*l iimisual sc'>nery requlnd. and the property room also has put on an additional force.

I The Vllagraph Company will have a power I yacht in tue flotilla that Is to escort the Half I Sloon and CIrrmont up the Hudson during the I Iludson-Eiilton celt“bratlon and the varied page- I ants of the week of the celebration will be* ' photographically recordeil by the cameras of i the field staff.

•I* Fantine, the si-cond of the films de luxe of

incidents from Victor Hugo’.s I>es Miserables made by tlie Vllagraph Company of America.

' was r*.‘Ioased 8.*iturday, August 2.'>. This Is i said to be oven more noteworthy than the first

of these subjects. The Galley Slave.

j The new Idu«l moving picture theatre at I Philippi, W. Va., threw open its doors August ' 24. und“r the management of Geo. C. Barnes, i The theatre has a seating capacity of 350, and

gives four shows each evening, changing films dally.

4* I ^'es8rs. Laurc and Bodln. managers of the ; Meal Theatre. Franklin, La., have purebase.d j the Jewel Theatre, Franklin, from .Messrs. APe.i ; nnd 'lor.-tg Kor the present the Jewel will be ’ open on Thursd.iy, Saturday and Sunday only.

On Angitsl 30, the Bilou '•'heatre, Kingston. N. Y.. was reopened, after avlng b^en clove*! due to extensive Improvements. Vatidevllle and motion pictures is rhe policy. Geo. W. Carr ia mcnacer.

4* The \'irslty Theatre. Hoopeston. Ill., which

has '.een closed for some time past, will he reotiened in the near future under the dlri*ction of Metz and Mehaffey.

Tlie reors'iiing of the Th’atorlum moving pic tur* theiitre, at Dansville. .N. Y., occurred An- grst 2';. E. P. Crldler is manager.

Charles A. .Adams, of Wheeling, W. Va.. has opened a n’oving picturt- house on MarsLr.l! stre-it, Kenwood. W. Va.


.August 111, IlkW. My Dear Hilly Boy*

After two weeks of nice weather a water

• piMit struck Manrhi-iter Monday morning, aliout A .'»n. and f*>r llir<*e ipiarters of an hour It ralneil hario*r than the oMost Inhabitant ra- members ever to have se**n b**f.)re, and thia, too. In a town wh<*re It rains five days out of seven the year ariHin-l. There has le-en very little let n|. In th** down[>.*iir since, and It !*«*k« now as thimgh the snn bad given np th*

stniBcb* and never again Intended to show hit face 'n this district.

Only Iw'i th**alrt*s 'n all M*inrhesier remain

to njs n Ihi* r d*iors Ik** season The Gaiety w in lx gin opcrstlons the last dsy of th* month, and the ni*nax**re's, MIsi Hernlman.

has si.rreil up unite a lot ..f disrusslon through the pn-s |H*.*aiise she has dee!de<l that ah*

must h*ve half a dollar f**r g esl s«>ale on the **reh**atra fl***ir. though n<*f within aeven row* ef the sf.ixe. This rear part of the orchea-

ir* floor « called the pit. and while th* chairs are all la*nrhes. and not overcomfortable, still Ihi* vi**w of the stage Is 1‘XceMenl. and eTerylulv is rl.ise enough n*>t to miss any part of Ho* illal**giie: i.*t li <> Manchester roan Imagines that a high class theatre with a su perlor cimipaiiy of plivera, goo.1 music and flue |>riM|iirt ■>i s. ran !••* run on a cheap scale

Miss Horiilinan lost coosl.b-rable money at th** Gait tv with h«'r st,a-k company of g«»oil unslltj. i>r*Mtuclng pla.vs In an i*ff**cllve man n* r, anil glrlng enciiurax*'ma*nt to unknown draniplists ..f ba*at r**i|dence, an«l In siLlltlon

•lie has n vlTi'd most ilslewati-ly some fifteenth sn*l ilvteeiith et niiirv siiee.-.,. s, as well aa

•‘One ..f niori* cjm- hs Tlie lailv find* that hi r Lib-, s hate N-en so seiere that It beeomi** n* I'l ssarr to fake ailtantag** of the f let that ah** his es*aliltsh*'<l lor theatre firmly, and now Wiihes It to pat l|s .mil «a,t In or.Ier to do •** II iH.foiftO'S io*e«.ssart to Increase prieea g*n* erallv by the addition if ltt**lte e»*!ifs on each llekt*t. In ease sly tliketa an* Itonght at one time. Mo* o|.l prlec will prevail. Yet nil no*roiis M*itieloster |m oi.le write |,*ti.*rs to the n**w s|.B|.ers cnipl .Ining lH*raiiie Miss HornL III 111 d*** s not tt li |.itigi-r til pat f*ir their aiiiiiieiio*iits 1*1,,. lailt might truthfully e\

**lr.lm "li’gratlliob*. Hit n.*im** Is Man,*lo*ster.**

1 lo* Krlro I'ss Tlo*.alrc. tin* olh* r still iinn[i. eio .1 llo*alrc. Is iimb-rgolog sio*h railleni slrtirt Ural I hangi-s that no .l ite has yet losen an- to-iiToe.t pos.tivciy foy file flrsf [i* rf■ *rmaio’e of

flo s. a-on .ilMo.iiL*h It Is tM*||. ted (hat II will lake plai't* sofio* lime In Si pli*iiitM*r

ilii* -.*«. n .It llie Whll*' C'lt ..f Manchester

Is iiig a tcry one loii tt IMistandlng Ihe ttii. T'l,, la iMemise of Ho* large niimlier of

sHrailtiiis pi*itldei| under eoter. where either the rliri*iile or spiisiioidle rain dis*s not Inter f* re with Hie oropi*r eiH*>tmenl of Ho* far*'l 'I'lo* While CHy Mill remain o|M'n

III wIniiT. I.III Ho* rl.linx d.ti.*.*a will not be

o|H rated I lo* liallr*s*iii. skating rink, eonio'rt garden, milting iiletnn* show and a tralneil

animal exhllill on will eoinHInli* Hie features

during the winter. All these will be opened absolutely free to visitors who purchase the entrsnee' ticket at the gate, and from seven till eleven all will be In operation, with per- j feet fre.'dom to go from one to the other aa ' they detIre.

Kolitldans are beginning to wake up to the p< sslhllltles of the White City as a place to bold their b:g outdoor meetings, for It Is here they are assured the attendance of large crowds. On Siturday, September 4. the Liberal party will hold a demonstration, and three big meiitlngs will be addressed by prominent mem- tw-rs of the Ckblnet and other apeakem. In sup- pi'rl of Ihe taxation pro|io8ali of the Liberal psrty. In onb-r that they may have their own p.*irty properly reprc'enteil. the committee In charge of this demonstration have bought twelve thousand admission tickets, which will he anil', and dlstrlNited to members of th* party In this division. It Is expeeteil that this dsy will prove one of the liveliest in th* hl-tory Ilf any park, fur it is the avowed In¬ tention of the suffragettes to attend In force, snd t.i kick up all Ihe row possible and do every thing In their ;s>wer to break up th* meeting of Hii* Movernn.ent representatives. To :he onllnary outsider, who don't care which "ay till* ii-.dlHcal eat Jumps, this will afford SI .ipieirtiin'ty lo watch the suffragette cats Jiiiiip I . all directions at the sinie time—It shmiM !"• 1 sight worth a visit from America.

Saliirdsv. Si pl«*uil«T 11. as usual, the annual demonstration Ihe ls*nellt of the Life Boat liiiid Ilf the Kingilnm will take place at White City, and Mr. Brown has generously agreed to give th.* entire gate receipts to this fund, whl.'lt Is vvithisit uuest’i'n one of the most worthy and iiopniar In England. On this 00- c islon hiin*lreds of new and novel shows will N* In'nsbiei-il In the park, and five bands of iiniilc will furnish a contimuHis concert from eleven III Hie lU'iriilog until midnight. Allle Moore, the world's ehampion skater, continues •o mski* White City hts headquarters, and li eerlalnly j" rfeetlng by constant dally rehoars- i|i a nnmlsr of new and startling feats In •k.illng. which he vyill put tegether for a mu • ienl net I’l Ihe fall. Every Weilnesvlay night he gives a *h miiinlrallon In Hie rink of his great skill, ai*il n. ver falls to drsw thousands III w.till IS h i eyperineis on the rollers.

Mr. Calvin Brown has been over to Naney, " it-'lilng hii Kreneh venturi', for several weeks, hut I" •*'peeled to return to Manchester In a fi*v .layi slipping 011 Ihe way In I.ondon fo iioet parihi vviHi whom h” hi.* ci'rfain Infer-

e-is hs'k *ig 1.1 a t'-inlmental exploltatton diir leg the ruining winter.

It Is sh.>ul lime s.*me of the variety per f*rmers of .America were heglnnlng to get In'll iiirri ip.'iiileii.e with miiiic hall managers

on Hrs side. for. e.iiomenclng at Christmas,

and contliiiiliig f*r ali<iiil six week*, pretty

n»itly everv first elii*s star of the music hall

firm Iiin'nt will lie ee.gaged In the regiilsr the¬

atres III pniiloiii iiie work, with Ihe result that

only till* elii*a|ii st s.irl of talent can fw' ob-

lii'iie.l for the variety Iheatrra, and this Is the

•■-risoii yylien Ihe .American performer who

wishes to gain a European reputation and standing should begin operations. Managers have openings and are only too glad of goM turns with which to fill in. and these openings ran be taken advantage of now, wLereas If postp-'niHi until next summer the programs will be Completely occupied by the better class of English turns, and there will be no room for the despised Yankee. SMALL.



The TrI-Citles, Rock Island. Moline, III., and fiavenport, Iowa, promise to be busy places In the;itrie-il circles, this season.

W illiam G. Donald, who so successfully man. sgisl Hie Moline Theatre, last season, will again be foii'*'l at the head this year. Mr. Doralil eisneil his playhouse August 15. with The I.aily Bii'canei'r-i.

Mr. Donald will have oppi>sitloii in the Elite, secson. The Elite having bev-n eng.xge.l by K. A- K.. who will renter their attack on the Trt-Cltles this year. The Grand, at Davenport, lov* a. has also bv'en engaged by K. A E.

The following attractions are booked for the Moline: Septembv'r .'i. Meadow brook Farm: S**ptember (1. .A Stubborn Cinderella; Septembv'r 7. Thoms and tlrange Blossoms.

Harry .A. SoilinI has cloevsl his Alrdome, au'l August 21) oti»*in>d his vaudeville house, the K.amlly. .Air. Soilini has promised his patrons tt*e bv*st of vaudeville for this season and with this In view has Nvok si for the opening week. The Five I.aA'alles. Tyler ami Burton. Bernard and Orth. The DoFays. ami Mrs. Adler. The h'Sise staff will Ih* the same as last season.

Manager R. Taylor still eonflmies to take In the shekels at the .Alrdome. Rock Island. II* has discontiniK'd pl.aying stock companies and will, until the oivning of the theatrical season, give his patrons the best of vaudeville. For this wvek he his engagiNl Madam Gertrude, the S,*<-ress.

riie t.jman Twins will N* the opening at traction at the Biirlls. D.ivenport, lews. This will he followed by the lAtiibborii Cinderella.

Manager Gvii'rge Hughes, f.wmerly manager of Hie Keokuk Theatre, will Ih' s«H*n at the head of the Graml. this si'ason. He booked. f*vr Hie opv'nmg attraetloii. September 6 7, Henry B Harris' Third IVgrei'.

The Star Thi-atre still continues to please Its patnuis. rhe Star, under the management of Itoss Brothers. Is the only llieatre In the Frl I'illes which reniaiiit'vl oi>en during the sum¬ mer months. This iiveaks well of tliv. ni.anage- ment,

• 'bill's, th*' Mysterious, now at AA'ateh Tower I’ark. Rock Island. 111., was the victim of a lii'ld lip. He Is minus $lfs) as the result. 'Fhe e.ilprit has. hovvi ver. b<'en apprelii'ndi'vl. and Is II. vv awaiting trial at the Rm-k Isl.and Countv Jail.

I'he Sunny Side of Broadway, which was the attriet'i'U at the M.vilne. .August '25. pleased •a fair sin'll house. Blov'm, who ha.I the i’»iin*vlv reins, kept the audience In an up roar.



The engagement of Frt'ilerick Thompson's great dramatic success. Polly of the (irons, at the .Moore The.itre. has created 11 wlde-sprv'ad Interest among local theatregoers, having en- tert'd the secoml week of a very aucceasfiil en¬ gagement.

Mr. Mason and the admirable organization that is supporting him In Augustus Thomas' rhe AA'itcliing Hour, at the Alhambra Theatre, are now entering the last days of their en¬ gagement at Russell and Drew's up town play- house.

Ferris Hartman and his exeellent eompany entered their last week of an exceptionally suc¬ cessful engagement at the Grand Opv'ra House, In The Toy Maker, week of 2:1.

Emma Bunting and Company. In The Girl of Engle R.anoh. was the attraction at the Seattle Theatre, wv'ek of 23, and did a splendid busi¬ ness.

M. R'rnard Begiie. barltom'; Mme. Bernard Bv'giie. soprano, and Gaetano Carducl. recently of the Metropiylitan Hjiera Company, of New Yor'*v City, have bev'n adiled ns soloists of El- liTv's Band at the Alaska Yukon Paclfle Ey- posltlon.

At the Orpheiiin, week of 2.3. were the fol¬ lowing well known artists: Ed. Wynn and AI. Lee. Croiieli and Welch, .Aliisleal Johnstons, Clr- enmstamial Evhlenee, Clias. Montrell. Harry 11. Richards, and Beth Stone.

Every act was a feature at the I>ils Ttwatre. week of 23. e*>nslsting of Ailleen May and Company. Revelle anil Leary. Martin and Gres¬ ham, Moii'laine Khllllpps. Evylyn Clark. De Ilarport ami Scott. William Rowe and the Lolscope.

The usual splendid bill drew capacity business st Pantages' liieafre. wei'k of '24: Miskel- Hnnt Miller. Charles and Ada Kalmo. .Miss lit line la'we. Mentekel. Montague's Comeily tia*katoos. Jones an*! AA'alton. .Arthur D*anlng and the Pantdgeseope.

The new .Majestic is nearing complethm ami n III be opemal .Viig'i't .30.

The Star had a good hill week of '21. con¬ sisting of Dolan ami I/enharr. Dorothy Vaughan. Caswdl and Arnold. Sharp and Tiink. The liiree \'agra*i(s.

The atP'nilanee at the Alaska A'ukon Paclfle • E-isisiHon Is keeping up remarkaldy wi*ll snd lip to and Including .August ■23. was •2.1.'*3.2V1. or a dallv average of 2.".P*!7.



Paul (7ilmore has n-tiinit-d from his summer soloiirn In .AHantie Citv. ami Is busy filling the east for The Call <*f the N*>rHi, in which he will begin Ills annual f*>iir. Sept,*iiiher '22. Mr. Hiliiiivre will start reht*arssls .s<mi<*Hiiie this week. folb'Wing his usual eiistoiii of staging his own plavs. In th** future In* wilt lie und.-r the manigeiiieiit of A. .1. Spencer, making Ills headquarters at .32S T,<ing Acre Building. Times Sqii'ire. New York City.

SEPTEMBCR 4, 1909.

• « I

%.»»■*• X* <1 /rfll *

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American Music Hall Roof was to til*- iliKM-K. Hipll^ Mayhpw ami MaU-l

MrKiiilfv kharisl honora. Mis* Maybcw ia, a* ♦"ver. Iirinifiil of fun: *lie li.i* now aong*. anti Kllllo Taylor wj* a big li<l|i. Vlas MoKInloy. IfTosiaiihly bW4M‘t ** ovor. batl aovoral new aonga. It •lon’t iiiattor a wblt wbat abe aings — Ibe story i* alwrys lb'- same. Miss McMnloy baa won a laKting plao** in tbe public boart.

Maiiric-e l/ovi aial Ul* ban<l of alar* are a pontioroiia liit. N *w K«*lo<'tiona. oaiM*ciaily one, nearly ra|s<sl the r<a>f a fool. lo-vl ba.s lieroino a wonilorfiilly air aig r.ttracllon. Al. Fiolila and Ilsve la'wls ar<> atrimg with tliolr fun inak Ing. The Vampire Hanoo iiy Smith and Ibinaid' aon. i* a clever cono-plloii. Among tin- otiiers of a aplemlid liill wore Ira Clare, Tlie IleWitt VoungH, Ileibi'rt I.lojil. ami Tite Picory Trio,

Playhouses Of^en in Many Cities—Manhattan \ aiitleville Bills

Strong—First Attractions Invite Good Audiences—Several New

Managers Appointed—Wilmington, Delaware, Grand 0|>era

House Remodeled — Field 0[)ens Colonial at .Akron, Ohio.

O.iiiesly, enlltlisl Iion’t Tidl .My Wife, pr<*aeuted li> IIh- Howard Hall »'<>., Ine. With Ibla com pan.i .are two <>f IbHU-wlale'a yiaiiig men In ih* caat, W. K. Jonea. aa K. Z. Huiin. the l.aiidb>rd amt l.isi iii-lM.riH'. a* Agent. W A Amirews, manager of llm llardiier and Vliwent Mlocli Company, ami II. T. Kliwald are Im>iIi with lb* alMoe isimpaii}'.

The Ilirschorns are in their thir- Uic H!)ou Circuit, ha* N-en »« the ground t.«cnlh week at I’abst Park, Milwaukee, Wla. and are booked to remain there until ^‘ptem

dally, iai|>crlnlendlng the work and Ida liiatruc Ilona have be«-u carried out to tbe miouleat

Kdw. W»‘rtly ,the veteran Hhowtnan, baa joliinl partneiwhlp with Harry Heerlieart, Ih* firm lieing known aa lieerbart ami Werlly. riM-y bate l< **•*! tbe new Hoyal Theatre. |a Spartanburg. S. C.. amt have aim purcbamsl tb* Coliuilal .kinbHue frtim Stein and Karle

lar IP. After that time the act will be known lellcr. Tbirn- i-bow* dally, one In tl>e afternoon aa Gelaaler and itlrachorn .Alpine Troubadour*. 0“> *“ h*' evening, will be given pnwentlng a one-act aketch. A Morning In the Ali>#. Seven iieople will be In the caat. They will shortly open on one of tbe Eastern cir¬ cuit*.

Fifth Avenue Theatre offered Jack Korworib ami Nora llayioi. late co Klara ill a muab-al eiHiie<ly. .Many tK-nga have lieen adde<l to Ibeir i-eirf-rtolre. Nnrwortli baa a ditty in which you are told be'* a good Iki.v now ami aavea hi* money. And to all appearance* their lore making waa genuine -It Bcori-d a gi-nulne hit anyway. Iternardl, Pr4*goIPK aucceaaor, gave ua aoinelbliig to applaml. HI* ■miti.tlona an- twiglit ami eliaracterlKtIc. "Prince**" Italali dance* lieraelf into renewed laipiilarlly. A'ery and Hart—than wIhhii vamleville offer* none better In the eidorml line, arc alway* big fav¬ orite*. The audience a'>ein to Justify their claim of being Williams and Walker'* *uccc**orH. Porter J. White, In a new akctch callinl The Visitor, eontribiite* a most acct^plable bit of b-gitiiiinte acting. Tbe Knssell Itrotbers. Iiiai and lairella and picture* coinpietod tbe bill.

The Bayonne Opera House. Bayonne, N. J., o|>cne<l Septemlier 1, under tbe manage ineiit of Al. H. Wiasl*. with Jo*. .M. Halle*’

The Musical Goolmans, after several The Tiinv ivina. Tbl* bou*e week*’ real at Like Klpley. Wl*.. ommiKl their '’'.‘y nr.;*>l»«y .m-ceaa.-* at In *.a*on at the Temrde Theatre Vf w.vne in.i cro**ed price*, but for tbe n»..*l part will play

John B. Bisslniffr, who so suovs'ss. fully managed tbe tiraml TlK-atre, Hailetou, I’a., Ia*l Heaaim. baa Ihh-u engagni by Ibeowuera ■ •f the limiiw- to act In that rapacity again tbl* Keaooti. Paul Ouch ba* also Iwen r« engaged as secretary.

season at the Temple Theatre. Ft. Wavne, Ind., n.r me most part wit. p.aj week of S<>nlemher A 'Irainatle |>r>sluctiou* at isvpular price*. Mr X A^UHon tLe. Wm. Milb4 1. the resident 'minager‘of the o.s n vine Asaoclatlon time. . 1* the r. »ldeut manager of the oi* ra

. house and will offer two ahows a week with matinee* Mondays. Wedmwday*. and tVIday*.

Miss Blanche Alrich has been re- Pierre of the Plain* win *how 2-4. 1 ■*««! from the Macon, O*., hospital, after font wa weeks’ confinement. and Is again at work. She rr„i„i tii„ v „.iii ,k- Is playing on the Western vaudeville park and Jo ^ - oiieuing bill at the k'ranklln Square ITieatr*.

Worcester, Ma**., Septemlier 6. Tbe bouse la

The Cltlzeius’ Opera House, Deflance, O., ot>ene<l August 31, with Ma'a New Hus band. Tbe boiMte Is owned by tbe City Na¬ tional Itank of Tlltln. O. C. F. Collins U roan ager, with Virgil Welaenberger as local man¬ ager.

alrdome time.

Billv Stanford haw wie-neit with •’’‘‘“t renoiatcd ami will lie In readiness for tbs w PsM. I., ^ o|H ulug. Many change* are to be made In tbe

■I ' 1,1 T" ■"«” bTce of employee* P. F. Shea and Stair and er. _The company carries twenty one peotde „,viin ,rv the b-aeee* of tbe house.

Announcement is made by Manajrer F. C. Cretiler, of the Prliii'ea* Tbeatre, lloopas- ton. III., to tbe effect that road sttrartliNis will bs play^ at tbe Princess Ibis ■eason.

and will tour tbe South this winter

Arnold and Rickey, after a three- St. Paul's (Minn.) Orpheum Thea-

Fifth Avenue, Week of August 30.— The vaii.b ville offi-ring of Keith and Prm tor’* Fifth A\i-mie for week of August :U). will lie one of the most lirllllantly divcr.aifled of any sum¬ mer liill ever sliown in New York City. First uf all that over welcome, exhilarating cimie dlenne, Mnude Kaymond. reenter* vaudeville and promlaes a line of WHiga that will excei'd in |M>piili:rlty her fanioua Illll Simniotw. Next on the bill will la- Mias Laura Kurt, who shansi the bouors In liMxIon with the late Sir Henry In-Ing In hia last production, Hante. at tin* ’Thenirc Koyal, Hriiry Lane, an-l Henry K. Stanford, who was Miss F^leanor Kotm-rn’s Ing man in The Dawn of a To-Mor-ow. Tiieae versatile players will presi-nt for the first time in New York, a comedy playlet, Tlie itrder of the Rath. The conu-dy deals with a delicate sltnaiioii. In the moat perfect goial teste. John Geiger and Nellie Walters pri-s.-nt th< ir delight- fid net In The Streets of Italy. Geiger ia a master of the violin, almost making that In stninient talk, and Mias Walti-rs, a cheery, breexv coim-dli-nne, who i-an sing and pla.v a hiinly giirdy in irresistible manner. Frank Rynui anil Lisiise I.aiigdon. In The Dude l>e- tectlve, are moat entertaining players, and on each return visit tiring a mass of new material. The (Jiiarlelte. wlilcli has Is-en a success at nsmmerstelu’s Rcsif, this summer, are vocal expi'ita who will 1m- rememlM-red for their cDv- ermas. Work and Owi-r, aa well as Mcl’lk-e and Hill. siTl.-il |M-rformers, an- also on the bill. Rayiio's bull terrU-ra. and the Kinetograpli close the Ii-rfiirnianc’.

wis-ks’ vacation, open on the Sun time at Car **•'’ season's oiM*nlng August 15 with van negle. Pr.., September 6. .. _ ♦

devlllc. The bill consisted of The Six Clln- seretti*. Margaret Moffat and Company. Paul

Elvln and Van Outran, manager* of the city ttpera Houae. L'biichavllle, !>., an nuance ttu- ofiening of the srasuo f-w Aiiguat 4. with John W. Vugel'a kllnatrela.

William Degman. formerlv of the 'ul"’,?"™*’';'! Clsxton Comedy Four, has forsaken tbe stage and ha* aeceptad a position as superintemlent *" •**'^*‘*°“ rooting pkturea. at Feiber & Shea's Rijou Theatre, Rayonne, N.

Al. G. Kield’ti Minstrels contributed the aeaikia'* inaugural rntertalnnirnt at Akron's ID.) Colonial Theatre no August 25. A large audience enjoyed tbe offering.

The Bijou Theatre. Bayonne. N. J., was opened August 30. The managers are Fel

Peter H. Alvin, the society evmnast I**’'’ *= Circuit. Thi* house ha* Jolneil the Partello Stock Companv.' F.asterii! .renovated Ihoosighly during the sum to do hi* specialty. Mr. Alvin will tie JoIuihI ™er. TTila "'111 P'*.» two ahow* a week. to do hi* specialty. Mr. Alvin will tie JoIuihI " i J .V, ‘■ "era. by Miss Dolly Zend* some time In IVcemha-r rimslsting of five vaudeville act*, moving pic

iiee.. tures and Illustrated songs.

On August 21. the reopening for the season of the Grand Tbeatre, Greensboro. N. C., took place with The Kmart Set. Tbe Grand Is managed by II. H. Tate.

TTamp." Two Binghamton. N. Y., playhouses 'v'.T.I'iw "wi tline fct Joneslioro. Ark.. «ere thrown o|M>n for the season, August 23

^'■'*ng flnii^ed ten week* in Stone's Opera House bad fiw Ita Initial attrac Ti-xna and Oklahoma for Jack Dickey. - . .

The Scurlock Amusement Company showed Du<|UOin. HI., under tbe auspii-es of , the Southern Soldiers and Sailors’ Association, j August 16 2t to big business. i

tlon Lew Itockstader'* Minstrels, while at tbe .Vrmory Victor Moore in Tbe Talk of New York, gave the season's first perfonnance.

Btxman Opera House, Clinton, Mo., ha* changcil management, and Is now u|>eratf4 b.T Carter and Gerhantt. Tbe season will ov-i-s this month

After having been extensively over- hanleil during the summer month*, the Kings ton (S. Y.) Opi-r* House was Ofiened for the season. August 26 with IHm't Tell Mr Wife.

J. F., a well-knoTSTi New York newspa|ier man. has been appointed manager of Ixvwey's Ni w RiM-helU "niiratre. at New Ru- chnllc, N. Y.

Graham and Graham, who have been ' management^ of tbe house l* again In the resting all summer at the Hampton Club, Wor- hands of Cbas. V. DuRola. cester. .Ma-a., resume work. Sieptem^r 6. at Keith's Tbeatre. Roeton.

The seatwvn at the Stuart's Opera House. Nelsonville. D., was u<hervd In AugiMt 2J with a |>errorm*nee by John W. Vogel's Minstrels.

The Henrietta will be introduced to the pAtroQs (»f the Beverley Theatre. StauDton.


Leo Mever has lust finished six ' a.. SeptembiT 8. Ineldentally. It will present _ ^1.1 "• "o '•* 'he tiie.xir.'goers of Staunton, the o|i|>ortunlt.T

Wiaks at the Rwf Gardem Atlanta. Ga., an I t,, witm-sa the first of the Keverley'* list of ha* opened at the Lyric Theatre, Athens. G*.. inoft io offering* ^ for *lx wi-i-k*. * ■

The Grand Opera House, at I’nion- town. 1’*.. tFreil Ridibins. managi-ri was ot»-ned Si>|itemlM>r 3 with Wagenhal* and Kem|MT'* Paid In Full

Ross ."ind Green tried out their new act. The Hebrew Jockey and tbe Sport, at tbe Wasliington Park Tbi-atre. Rayonne, N. J.. Au gust lit. and wi-n- the hit if the bill. Mr. Gr*-i-ii'a ri-i.dition of n parody on My Wife'* Gone to til - Country. ri-«i Ivi-il seven encore*. Tlie Kinging and datieiug of Mr. Iloaa brought down till- lioiisi-. Tills act. wliieli la t>ooki*il solid on I'liltisl time. o|H-ni-d at Rye Ib-ac'a. Au¬ gust .311.

After flnishlne the Sun Circuit -‘'Plendid vaudeville bill is aii- ll.-rtaier .nV n.IiiVi xmJ!... oV .f ' "'''in. id by Manager Howanl Graham, of Pr.*- M rtxior RHil HArtt^li op€*nod Aufcn^t st thr tHr*f> TIh Rtrr Alhanv N Y fisr fh<* 4irM>niniF

I?,,'. A. ^.uaT Ihe r.i* lime. ^ IKillcy .if two |M-rf-gmances a day will pre-

The season at the St. Clare Theatre. Greenalmrg P*.. niM-ned September 2 with Paid In Full. A tl. Wihle is the St. Clare's man¬ ager.

Frank Dobson has canceled twenty wei-ks of I’nlti-d time to Join the Moulin Rouge Rurlesi|ue Company In Ruffalo, N. Y., .Viigust 30.

vail this year.

The Virginia Theatre, at Wheeling. W. Va.. mxnageil by Cha*. A. Felnler. Joltieii The list of o|ieulnga. August 2:1. In the RIabop's <':itTl."ge waa the Intrialuciory ifferlng. and

At Cripple Creek was the season’s Initial attraction at the Walker t>iier* Iloua*. Tamaijiia. Pa., August 2<i.

Mi.vs Jessie Shirley and her com¬ pany oiM-i . d A-tgiial 2'J on the Orpheiim Cli-cnlt at Riittf Mont.. In her own little playlet. Tbe Flr«t Woman flevertior. Tlie eotnpany Incltidea Dan Kil- itn. le-a* C. Grei»r and Frank MaeQnar- rie. former memiH-ra of the Jessie Shirley Stock Company.

The Village F'iddler l.S the title of a ' fi'lb'«t‘d by Yorke and Adam* In Africa, rural sketch which Rilly Munn has Jnaf com ' -'"B**'*

The Roliinson opera Hou.sf. at Ard¬ more. tikla will opi-n aboitf Septemlier 15 tinder the iii.magenient of J F Rohlnaoo and

pb-ti-d. and which he will priNluoe In vaudevllb- tliia fall.

Mack and Mack, musical team, opi-ned on Pollard's Sinithern Circuit at Pulaski.

Phil Maher's Stock Company, in re- IM-rtoire. drew well at the Orpheum Tlii-aire. Kingston, N. Y.. the week of Aiigiint 2:1. Mr. Mailer's Coni|i*ny was the Initial attrartbm of

A. L. Knox is looking after the af¬ fairs of the McFi-rren t»|M-ra Hou«e. Hoo|Mistoa, HI., during Mr. McFrrn-n'a atay In Kurope.

Va.. August 23. Both these muaieians arc I '*“■ »eaa«n at the Orpheum.

Mr. and Mrs. Blessing have returned to .Vi.» York after an alisence of over three ye-ra. during wlib h time tln-y have iMs-n np pearing on tit-* I’aeifie Coast. Their seven year- cld von is now playing in the act which has been vigiied to pla.v over tbe Gits Siin Circuit.

The Worcester Theatre, Worcester. Hofmann and Dolores, now on tite ' Ma**. opened August :to. with Henry R, iiirri*'

Spark* time, will In November organiie tbelr 1 I'‘"liidlon of An American Widow, with Grace

Human H«irts was the first attrac¬ tion of tlie si-aBon at the Atlantic tlpcra H'MI**, Allaiilic. Iowa. Si-pti-miH-r 3.

own refiertolre company, fe«tiiring Mile. Dol- ore*.

Fllkiii*. Mr. John F. Rurke Is realdent man • ger, and P. F. Shea, li-mee.

In Old Kentucky was the ttpenlng attrarthm al the Grand, St. Paul, Minn., As- gual 2b

Mtisic.Tl Walker, who ha.s been one of tie- vaudeville features with the Roy K. Fox Mln'ln-ls. will eb^ie hi* season wltli the show .\ugiist 28. and after a rest of two wei-k« will open In Denver on the Weatern vaudetllle time.

Bob Harris, singing and dancing co- roeillan, ha* Joined Harry Woislward’a Vainh- ville Comi-any.

I red J. Beaman has just completed a ’'lliree iM-ople" skefeli for The Naftaers. en titled Getting fh<- Money, which will be si-en In vaudeville shortly. Tlie Naftxers are hi presi-iit with tbe Lyceum Comeily Company.

Hightower and Miller will shortly • P -I a twi-nty-nine week*’ engagemi-iit on J»ek DipkrA*H titiM*.

M. .1. Welch has lea.sed the Phelps Ole-ra House. Grei-nville, Mleh., to T. I. Phelp*. anil D. S Seaman. Mr. Phe||i* wa* at one tim* owner and manager of the biMtse. Tlii-y assumed charge Si-pteiiilM-r 1.



Lewis and Chapin ofiened their reg¬ ular season, August 2b at tbe Orpliaiim. Kl. Paul. Minn.

S. H. O. husln«-ss was rer-t.rded at the tirand <t|s-ra ll'atse, Apdi-rson. Did , the w -i-k if Aiigu-t '2.’1. the ofienlng orn- of the sea SOI. Till- altracilon wa* the Maxwell Hall Slis'k <’• inpany.

The Orpheum Theatre, Alliance, O..

Daly and O'Brien, The Dancers, are prcluciiig a new act. i-ntitleil Tlie Jungle Shop. This act opi-ni-d at tin- Dimiliiinn Theafri*. WinniiH-g. Canada, and Is booki-d solid for the season by William Morris.

Kershaw and Gleen have resumed! f-imerly kmm-n a* the Alliance iiis-ta Hoit-e-, work after a fmir wei-ks’ vacation. «a* fg.ened to th*- public Aiiguat .30 The Imibl

Ing was thoroiiglily remisleb-d during the •utii nier mnntlia.

Till- Grand f>|e-ra Housa, Weal Cheater. P*., under the i-ooirol of Messr* Nixon A Zimmer man, niu-ned It* regular si-ason >n Saturday night. August 28, with Tlie Girl of the Sunny South. 4

The •tipimi-r lu-ason at thI* house ha* leeit exci-«-dlhgl.v gisHl. showing only the l»-*t and first cUs* pirture* and xauderlllr. T3i,- hoiia* ha* undergone aexeral changi-a during Ibe aum nii-r. and heik* forward to a goisl *i-a*on tbl* year, under the able management of J Frad Small.

PLAYHOUSE NOTES. Jeannette Garnette closed a forty week*’ engageiiient as pianist and vocalist at vaudeville thealn-s In I.yiichhurg and Ro anoke, V:i.. August 21, and has gone North for a few weeks’ rest.

_ Manager G. L. F^lsler's curtain rtils- I r fi*- the Mi-ason at the Grand Ois-r* House.

The Grand Opera at WII- Akron. •» . wa* t'onvict leat. which wa* pr-


' mIngtoD. Del., n-opr-ni-d with vaudeville on Moo ' •entisl lu-fnre a Urge aiidii-nee, August 3<i

Hampton and Ba.«sett, having spent a month'* xaeation at their home In Cincinnati, opened at Ciuii-y Islaml. Cincinnati, week of August 2'.’. Ttii-y an- b-sikeil solid for the entln-

day, August ,30. Tbe house baa lieen cltised flMUt thn-e months undergoing extensive r* pair*. About $l.''.0nt) ha* lei-n exiH-iub-d and the h-xnae pres«-til« a pn-tty aiul attractiv* ap te-arance. The *i-atlng plan has b<s-n changed, the capadl.v being alwHil 1.4tsi. New scenery and a newly painted drop curtain ciunblne.l nPh the elMbor.-ite trimming and ofber deror* tlon* rti.-ike It both a iiretly and a*' active play house. Mr. L. P. f'isil. general ma-i*g-r of

The first attracthm »if the setison at HiH O . mu* tin* Nrhct S!(»rk r<»m|>jii)r. mhlch iiI.iumI a

o<*fnrii#*ric||ij Aukunt T.\

Th^* rf'icular th4*atrirHl y 'imofi •mIrIc. 1*11.. ii4*«] 17 hIIh

f'btrli'y J ShiH«l«. l»d-ttFT known n« J Hiindny. Anoint IJV. •t lirfrf»kl.yn. N Y . mxl wm InirliMt In

riM'iFTT. IH

Mr. HhlrliU wnr a I>artn4>r of fe#w Ui»jnoMa. ih«» iF-ain iM’lnK kti<Fwn an Urarl# anri H*») nol«U-

liNil (oiO'th<«r f*»r nlnr ypara. havln# «tarr»*il nlfh WatMHi'a Ort|rlnal Bliow r*»r f'>ur

R«ona. amt fM*a»«in with llarria aiKl Th#*y tmirml th#» rc»tinfry from roaat to oiant an«l mrrv known.

Th^ 4«y*i*a*«Ht l«»ayfw a itanrhtrr, thr*^ Rnd a

n I

MUSIC AND THE STAGE Newton and Sumner Land Song Hits in Many Shows—Opechee,

Indian Song Featured —Olive Vail Reenters Vaudeville—Harris

Exfiects Big Hit in Lo Which Has Many Attractive Song

Numbers - Music Notes in General.


Al. hite, working with Mike Ber- nsril In ’Krisro. writcn the (Tia». K. Harris nff'oe that what hr Is doing to Oh! Yon t’an.Iy Kid song, is a sliatnp; that it is tin* higgest hit which hag stniek 't'risco town for soino time.

W<Ml«Hiig Bellt* wa« »ung at the finthaiii nivatrr laat week hr Matt Silvry, wt. a riot. Judging hr thr a|>|>laiwr. this s<Mig •oghl to lx- tiM- higgrat march aoDg ptct known In th* country.


Marren and Blanchard opened ttielr season last week at Chain's Theatre. WatblngtuD. D. C., and scored a tremendous success with Harrv Newman’s two songs. Can¬ nibal Isle and In Dear Old Tennessee.

Wedding liells, Helf & Hager’s big ireh Miiig. la the big riot of the Cohan ami irria' Mlnatrela. Vaughn Oomfort. who sings p MWig takra four or Hr* eneorea at ercry

A song which is meeting with great sm-ress with both profesion and public is Siia- piro’s answer to .My Wife is Gone to the Coun¬ try, called WTien His Wife Comes .Marching Home, by Edgar Seldon and Walter Ilawley.

Helf and Hager’s song entitlerl rf I Had .My (Ttoice of the World’s Pretty Girls I’d ftlevap You. Is tieing sung by Hally le'roy at Keith A I'roctor’a 14th atraet huuae with great

The Queen of the Moulin Rouge, wliich opened at the Olympic Theatre, August 29. Is featuring that big song hit. Love is King. All the numbers in the show are pub llshed by Shapiro.

Joe Maxwell & Co. have decided to use Wedding Hells in their art.

CHICAGO MUSIC NOTES. Pierce and Roslyn scored very

hearll.T with three of Harry Newman's songs. The soags used were In Dear Old Tennessee. Turtle Dove and When I Get That Loving reel¬ ing.

Harry Newton and Jas Sumner, of Uie Koastter ataff. have Inrreaaed their batting average In the bit mliimn by recently landing aoogs In a numtter of the sh<ms now refaearalng in the city, aucb aa Ma’s New Huaband will sae I’d Like |o be a Hvildler Hoy In Hlue, 1 Like the Way Y’ou TwoStep, Take Me Hack to Kld- IbdiI anil Y’ou’re the Fellow ’lYiat’a Running After .Me A Knight Foe A Day will feature W K Wllllama’ Just For a Day, Frenzied Fri4lrs have four Roaslter hits, featuring A Baby tirand. W F Mann’a’ Cow Ihincbera have aeleefed Gee. ’Tbere’a (t|aaa to a Olrl Like You. SJbl Drifting Scrltioer'a Gay Mitrnlng Glorlea have contracted foe the Riawiter brand ezclii sively and will make a sfax'lal feature numbi-r •f I’d Like to be a Soldier lo RItie Rowlantl and nifTord'a attractlona are all supplied with Rnwlter giavla. likewise "nve Lady Hurcancers soil otbrra to follow later In the aeiaon.

Vardaman, female Impersonator, starts on his Eastern time and will carry along You're the Fellow That Has Been Running At- ter Me, the new Rossiter soubrette scream.

The Modern Music Publishing of¬ fices are again under new management. Mr. A. L. Green now being in charge there supplanting Kozak and Rebel ts.

Miss Edith Thorp, formerly with victor Kramer, is playing Hot) White’s music for the profession at Bob'a office, 6WC<K»7 So. Clark street.

Montie Hyman (The Candy Kid), Terrv Sherman and Rddle Y'anScbaack. three well known entertainers of Chicago, are at the Hungarian Cafe Milwaukee, Wis. Mimtie sings Black Salome. Ilia Wife Came Marching Home, Mlnlater’s Son ami Y’lp I Addy I Ay. Eddls aiBgs When I Dream In the Ginamlng of Yovi, Ro^t Bring Dreama of You and Say Boys we Fouihl a Girl. Terry la tickling the Ivories B>r all these Shapiro numbers.

Harvey G. Hull Is making good with Bob White’s big coon song. Come Riglit In. Sit Right Down, and Make Youra<‘lf at Home.

Come and Tease the Moon With Me, Bob White's hig summer song. Is oiu- of the most sung songs in this psrt of the coun- try.

Olive V'all. the former prima donna •f tlie Iji Salle ’^estre. has itecldevl to re¬ enter vaudeville. With this end In view she rame to M Witmark A Sons to fit her for her new act. with the result that she has accepted Ooire Be My Sunaiilne, IVarle Will Anderson’s 0«sl Night. I>ear. Ernest Bsll's T\> the End of the World With You. and Nat Mann’s Arcadia Vilae She la tnoked for forty weeks over tha Kohl A Castle Orpheum Circuit.

Billy McKee, who Is using Shapiro’s Th's la no Place for a Minister’s Son. la going very big with It and using several extra verses.

Mr. George Van will use -tdams’ sotvg. Oh! You Candy Kid. p by Chas. K. Harris.


The Elmwoo.1 Ladles’ Conct-rt Ban.1. nn4ier the direction of A. Schmidt, Jr., has been bookevl for seven wtn-ks on the Gns Sun Cireiiit, commencing at Hamilton. O., week of .\ugust 30.

VANDA ENOS STARTS TOUR The Chicago Music Publisher.

Ml«s Vanda Enos opened her season of elglit months’ concert vvork, August 2S. at Ciiarlev*>ix. Mich. The members of the company are Miss Enos, violinist; Mrs. Uilu Hatflel.l S<domon. so prano soloist- Miss Nina Youmans. reader, and Miss Arllne D*‘IT. pianist.

Caro Roma recently patwed through Chicago on her way to San Frinrlsro. where the la going to give some aong recltala of her aomeroiis comixwltlooa She will no doubt alng aoph w.ncs as Realgnatlon. Fa.b-d Uovie. Think- '■* "r I'hee ami aeveral of her new nninbera SUeh aa ’TIs ^ loi, Sw<>etheart. I Miss, licgacles, I Kiss the Little Flower Y’ou Wi>re. an<l a num her of wHigs from her aong cycle. Tlie Wander •ng One.

Manuel Klein, the musical dlrec- twr of the Hippodrome. New York. Is hard at work on some new numbers f.»r this coming sea srn and It Is expected that fhev wiH l>e as great tnd brilliant as were his i>ther hps. The n-w prod-jctlont will be published by M. Witmark A Sons.

Frank Clark, manager of Ted Snyd¬ er's Chicago ctfio's has gone to Salt Lake City for a rest. During his absence Mr. Ren¬ nie Cormack will be in charge of the office and will devote all of his time and energy in the boosting of Siivder’s ne.v numbers. MORT H. SINGER’S EXECUTIVE

MEN. Among the best songs of Ernest

Ball’s that are being used b.v numerous profes¬ sionals sre the following; 'To the Eml of the World With You. If You’ll Remember Me. In the Gnnlen of My Ho.vrt. .411 for Love of Y’ou and Down In That Valley Fair.

Mort H. Singer, for the Princess Amusement Company, has engaged the following executive men to hamlle his five mnslcal shows this sea son; A Stubborn Clnilerella (Ea-ternl. .Yrthur Houghton, manager: Zack M. Harris, busim-ss manager. A Stubborn Cinderella (Western), Perrv F. Kelly, manager; Gerald Pitzgt raid, business manager. Honeymoon Trail. Harry Chappell, manager: Walter D. Botto. business manager The Golden Girl. Sam Co.vmbs, man¬ ager; Harry Bell, business managi-r. The Prince of To-Night, with Henry Woodriiff, Edward Salter, manager; “Wally” W. Decker, business manager.

Chester and Grace made a hit at the Majestic rv«centl.v. singing fovir of Harry Newman’s songs. TYie tongs us«‘d were. It's Nice to l>e Alone when Y’ou’pe with the One Yon Ix>ve. Sen.l .Me Back a Bow. In IVar Old Tennessee and When I Get That Loving Feel lug

Edith Clifford reports gratifying Mirce.a the Biswiter ahop with A Baby Grand tod the tjnartette. wlio have rvmn.1 eied their rp|>ertidrr. are now singing Id I Ik., to be a S<.MIer Ho.v In Blue. Wlien the Balmr Br....a«*s Bl.vw ami Gt-e, no-re’s Class to • Girl Like You. fr..m the K.sasiter catalog. This uuarlette just m.w are tM-Ing kei.t busy oo «eulrrn ViinIrTlIlr tliuv

Scott Leslie, a popular performer In th*' s<.uth has sv-i.-ct*-.! .\re Y’ou I,om-s.»rae? sml Sitka, f.vr his act. He has a bathing N-ach ^cene and a w.ssllan.l scene and uses both soug* to g.xsl a.lvsntage ls>th himself and the Thonvpsivn Music Co.

Jerome and Lewis, a colored team who plsye,! the Troi-sdero s few weeks sgo. s-e going to pvit There Is S. mething Fas.'instlng *B.>ut the M.von. Walter Wllsim’s new song, in fbeir act. Thepr Is a sure en.'ore In this song, which Is publlshvxl by thv> Tl.onipson Music Co.

Report comes from the Orpheum, ■t Paul, that the G. orge Van lm|x-rlal Mlu •tre.a. who are playing Western Vaii.levllla ■J®'. that their act la the .me ‘l.ig thing” ou vh* bill Btiiiil Is featuring Harry New man a W.-’ll G.> Ba. k to Erin S..m<-<1a.T. Mavour- ■een, In Diar oi.| Ti-nnesm-e an.l Caunlbal

The patrons of the Saratoga are having a treat this we.>k; along with Mr. Henshell’s tlich.-stra of unusual merit. Miss F.leanor Sherman, comjioser of the I’ll Ot You Yet Little Girlie aong, is making them sit up and take notice.


The M.-tjestic ami Pl-ilnfi.d.l Opera Perth Amboy ,ir.l Plainrtel.l. N. .1.. have !►- Uaae.l by Proctor an.l Sanderson for a Ji.r! .vf five years. The lease of th*-' houses w bought fr.vm Counihan an.l Shannon.

The hous*> wl!l be run on tie vauileville pl-i b<x>klng l'nite.1 time. Tliey will give iip t<*.l.i shows with moving pictures and songs. i ab<uit five van.levllle acts.

Tile Perth .\mboy h.vus*' will b*' manrg.-.l Mr. San.lerson. who f.*rmerly manag.xl the I’c tor an.l S.indera.m. Theatre at I’I..lnli.-l.l.

Th.'re will be a n. w fore.' at the b<-'c but I,. A. Tevl.-r. who was the treasurer of t Maj.'stle at the time C.iuiiilun and Sliann own.xl it, will also b.' tr.-asurer f.'r the in management.

Ttiere will l-e ten more slows h.-fo'-e t vaudeville v>lll sfsrt. among wliic. r Mary Jane’s Pa. Tlir.-e I'wlns ami riie H-.-v n..xiuers.

Charlo.w Dillingham, manager of M.vntgt.tu.'ry ami has nmler way a new pla.v f.'r this team. Tlie musical num¬ bers of this new pr.sliieti.m, the name ..f which Is not vet snnimn.'ed. will be publislied by kl. Wllmaik ,V Sms

I'lement and Bcrv'nlce Lay- h'.rlly tm seen In vamlevllle. In a d singing act, written b.v Ml.m Cla Hie niiiiilM'rs Ih.-r win use out ■ niiiiitM'rs wrltt.n by Miss Clement •f. will In' When I Dream In the .>f You. pia>I'siie.| by Sliapirvt Mualc

The Cowboy Girl will for this Colling aea-tm .me of Harrv Newman's svmgs called. Ttiat la YVliy I’m jAm.! <»f Yiwi. an.l the way the niimlN>r Is put .'n will c'rtaluly create a .teman.l whv'r.'ver the sliow- will play much to Itie liking of Harry Newman. Mi.s-s Laura Deane, who recently

pv'rform.xt at the Gran.l Theatn'. n.a.le quit* a hit wDh Walter Wllsovi’s new song. Th. ra It Something Fascinating ’Bout the M.sin. and Y’ankee Boy. both publications fr.vm the ni.>mp-

.Music Co.

toherty Sisters have now got cr hsi.ll. Ih'Iiik so strongly Impress.',) illsw Malliiila ami I I lk.' the Way You that lliey will put tsilli immt.ers on n.e alstrm wire a bit at the Majeslle iigitsl 1*1 and recelTr.! many nattering Helena, which Is published by the

Tli.Hiii>son Music Co., Is N'ing usoil by Cllfro;-d


, 't u *

: :>V

. Ir ijf





W. H. DONALDSON. MaDa^ing Eilitor.


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. . *» ■»07!K»{t Sihlllpr Bldg., lO.-! lOfi Randolph St. TeU'plione Central .69.'14.

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THE BILLBOARD ia for aale on all traina and newa-atanda throughout the United Btatea and Canada, which are aupplied by the American Newa Co., and ita branchea. When not on aale please notify this ofBce.

Remittancea should be made by post-oSce or express money order, or registered letter ad¬ dressed or made payable to The Billboard Pub- liahing Company.

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ALL COMPLAINTS of non-receipt of The Billboard or chanrea of address should be made direct to the publication oAce. 416 Elm Street. Cincinnati Oh'o, where they will receive prompt attention—and not tc any branch oAce or agent. When notifying ua of changes of address, give old na well as new address.

No advortisement measuring less than five lines accepted.

NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS—The Billboard's advertising patrons will greatly oblige by send¬ ing in the copy for their advertisements as early as convenient, instead of waiting until the last moment. All ads received early in the week will receive preference in position and display.

The LONDON ERA is on sale at The Billboard cAce, Cincinnati, Ohio. Price, ten cents per copy. The Billboard may be had in London at the oAce of The Era.


Henry Guthrie, who n-cently transfi-rred hU alleglanci' from Messrs. Martin ami Emery to the SliiilK-rts. retiirmsl to Chicago, Siimlay, August 21*. from Kentucky, where he has been on what was su|<i>os<><| to Im- a vacation out from reiKirts he brings with him It Is quite evl- iK-nt all the time s|>eiit In the blue grass country not devoted to “dolce far nleute.” I He brings tbe news that, wiwking la conjunc¬ tion with J. M. IVrkins, of Frankfort. Ky., he s«-cured a lease on the Auditorium 'Hieatre st la'vington. which will i>Iay SlmlsTt attractions ' excliishely. liegiiini'ig (lotots'r 1.

It Is said that $0.fl0(l will ts* spent on Im- I provenieiits in this house. He also stati-s that the Masonic Tliealre at I.oiilsvllle. will op«-n Septi-mter fl. with I'm-clni’s Mme. Butterfly, for a tliriH- night engagement. The acquisition of the l/exlr.gton lumse will make the Shiiberts one week strong In Kentucky, as attracti ms : win play taiiiisville for three nights. Frankfort one. and I>'xlngton two. Mr. tliithrle Is one . of the m<s<t ambitious and aggressive young men In tbe business and It ma.i advisedly l>e said that tils goil is iiiiicli higher than at pn-ts-nt aiqs-ars on the surface.


A reward of me-lt was tender<-d to Mr Fred. B<*eher. of Sioux Falls. S. H.. when Mr. M oi rice Jeneks appointed him the manager of *he New Theatre, at SliMix Falls. Mr. Ilech'T has les-n connert«>d with the New Theatre for the past twelve yerrs. acting as treasurer during


The Special Autumn Number of The Billboard, which is to be issued next week, will contain more matter of interest than any other edition that has ever come from our presses.

It will be replete with articles of an educa¬ tional and instructive nature, dealing: with amuse¬ ments especially as they are adapted to the winter

There will be a forecast of the coming season in all the big cities of the country, contributed by our own correspondents, from the standpoint of familiarity and intimate knowledge of conditions gained from their constant association and pro¬ fessional espionage.

From New York there will be a contribution by Mr. Frank Winch, treating of conditions as they exist, and dealing with certain influences and their effects upon the amusement situation. Mr. Winch has personally interviewed all the more im¬ portant producing managers, and the resultant article is of extreme interest.

Mr. Watterson R. Rothacker will cover the Chicago situation with his characteristic thorough¬ ness. His review of Chicago’s theatrical history and his scholarly forecast of what may be ex|M'cted in the way of amusements during the coming sea¬ son is sure to become a reference guide for the thousands of readers who are interested in the amusements of the western metropolis.

In addition to these features, there will be others of varied character, only the numl>er of which prevents us from describing them in detail.

The illustrations for the .\utumn Special have been selected with extreme care, both as to fitness of subjects and artistic beauty, and we feel .sate in saying that no amusement journal has ever pre¬ sented to its readers such a profusely and artistic¬ ally illustrated edition as the .Xutumn Number of The Billboard will represent.

The lists published in the Autumn Special have been compiled through the enlistment of all our facilities for gathering the data most useful to those emiaced in the amusement in all its varied departments.

tin- Iasi Bvti-u anil bis sp|siliiliiiviit l» tlim iiiMiiagvr iKUK-s aflvr a liHig sinl rsltlifnl ... Ire. Mr. Jfiivks has iiiovi-)! his hi’silqiisrli i - ' Si.SIX I lly sii.l ihvri'fiHv r.Miinl li lu-wiiMin hxiv si.iiiv oiii. Ill vliargi- of his Shnix FulU il.. tr- Mr. Bvi'Ikt Is mvII qiiallUi-il for hl> n. iosIIUhi Ik* has iIh- livst i\ lshi*s of all his S k'slU |.alri>nv


First Production at Milwaukee.

Til'* prviiilvpi* priMliivtlon of Hn* niunlrsl r.iv. .*<1y, 1.0, wns glvvii at the llavlilson Th.-atr.' Mi'lnsiikii*. WIs.. Siimlay night, August 2*1, riK* ph'i***, ulilvh t»ss urltti-n hy t». Ilviiri.

.4 ll.xhlwln Slosiip anil Franklin I*. Ailains. iroali-il a wry favorabh- Inipn-sslon.

Th<* plot of tbi* plprv Is tskvu fnmi I). Ihii ry's siicvvssfiil story, whlvh was puhllsbvil l.ot f ill, vslloil Hp .M«o SiTws. Till* niiMir, hy .4 I'ahlwln Slosni*. iiisilc a illallnrt bit.

In thp vast an* John K. Young, llorothy Bn n nvr. ElIxalK'th GiHslall, Havltl Klrklaml smt otlipr*.

I>> was <itag<*il iinilvr th<* iiprsonal ■liri*vl|i>ii of Kilnard I*. Teniplp. Harry Askin Is tbp pnsliivpr. II la slatpil to go to th*- Gran.l up ITS llouBP. 4'tilvago. In alMHit lbn*v wwks.


Fox sml F.atim. insnagvra itf tin* .\v«' Kiig laial t'lrviilt. «llh tbvatrvs In Nv»isirt. I’larv

niont. N. H.' IliitlaiMl. Barn- and Moutiivlipr. 4 t.. an.| Shi rhnaikp. 4'an., havp addi-d siiolhvr giMst tlM*atn* to lh'*lr long list.

At> was aniiiMini'Pil In a |in*rlona lasiiv of Tbe BilllMiari'., F.ix aiwl Eaton ban* Ivasial tbp nvw iiiiiaic ball. St. Juiinsiinry, 4't.. for a |HTiial of yvars. Tln-y havp glwii Itw tlMatn* a is-w coat of |iaiut oulshk* ainl liisidv. whlvli, with n**w ktagp spttings and <b*<-oratloaa, n*akp It imp of thp mowt up to-dati* pla.vbous»*» In Nortliprn ViTtn inl. Th *y havp vlipugixl tbp usum* to ibp «'iilonlal.

44 Itb tbia string of playl>miiw-s. Fox and Eaton srp ablp to gvt first vlass altravlluns. simI sI rvady bavp bis kings of a gn*at iiiaiiy isxpnl ir and cniwil-drswlng pirys. whlvh nmphxl with stia'k poinpsnlps. will ki***p Ihplr hustling hs’sl nisnagpr 4'r. la*on 4V. Svliullx. at a lioSlIng I'l-lnt all tbrniigb tlip svason.


Tbp SpI1« Floto Shows |dsypd Covington. Ky.. August •.*7. and bad two iM-avy aiidipupps. af<i' mam and pvpnlng. This gn-al show or pombliia- tlon of showiP is OOP of thp lipst and most romplvlP aggrvgallons now touring thp country. Cidonpl Franklin's managpmpnt hat dpvi-loiipd thP poso'Mlllh-s of a niagnlflwnt plpcp of •liow pro|>prty. and niadp It to aland In thp ranks of

thp foTPinoal. Thp acts won* all of thp h«*st quality, and

went with a sinisithnpss rarply sppn In ti*nt**d sboirs.

Toil miirb m“illt ran not bp given Rhiala Roy¬ al for tbp spipndid list of pqulnp bigb srhool arts pivsi*nlPil. It la safp to say that as a dl p»*rti>r ho !» thi* i wr of any In bis line, dvsd or living. “ITtP pprsonnpl of tbp show Is pxrpp tiooal in quality, and thp band of npar thirty mnsirtans, under thp Ipadprshlp of Park B. Prvntlss. ranks with lb** best of ppi»fi*s»t.Hul musir urganitatlons.



Npvpr In Mllw tiik**p's history havp thpr*' br* n so many thesplans in that city at oop tiro** as thorv tiv at |>i**s*-nt. It la patlmat***! that Ihvrp trp at Ipaat flvp hiin*lrp<l aoti*ra ami artr**aa.-a

locatPd tbprp, amt they ar»* baring great dlf IV'iilty a**curlng hotel arrommialatlona.

Frv^ Srwln alom* baa 176 |i***q>|p rebraralng there. Hla Majesty Company oiiene*! at the tiaypty. Saturday night. Augu.*t 2S. Tb*- rooi pany la pxcpII* nt. Irwin's Big Show oiirns Septeinlipr (1. and his GIbaim lilrl Show o|ipDs

IspplpmbpT 12. S<*veml Eastern prraliirtlona are being re

bearaed In Mllwaiikpp.


BttYEB IW-MOIISE —Mr. Harrip A. DeM^’. novelty miisirian In vandovlllp, wraa marn<d to Miss lipah Boyer. August 21. at Vlni*<-nn.*a Ind.. After S'-pIvmtier t. they will he kn.»wn iirofeashmaliv as Ih-Maiae nml Boyer.

FEl.L BFllNS —Mr. Eddie Burns and Ml»» flpone Pearl Fell, tmth vandevllle performers were marTli*d August U*. at .41ton. 111.

BRtK K ABMSTltUNG.—Mr. Harry «. Arm •*r«ng. a memt>**r of tbe Armstrong Fsmlly Band, and Miss Myrtle Brnrk. were marrh**! at Siiminervllie. W \'s., August 24.


Born to Mr and Mrs. Miehael Cahill, a nine sud one half ixmnd baby girl. August 2fi. at \4*orei-stiT Mass. 4tr. and 4tra. Cahill are with the Sp.irks Show, and are professionally known as the Two t'sldlla, Miehael and 4 Irian.

Born to Mr and Mrs Jaek <J Mel.allen (4lay A. t'ars<ini roller skaters, at Sisvkan*'. 44’ssti . August T!. an • Iglit isniiid girl. Both iiiolh**r Hid elilld d<diig fine

S.4SSAUI4 nias I Sasaarla. dle.l In PMJ ll|Hilnirg, Pa.. August *26. aged .'Ml years III* last engag«*uieut waa with the Jolin U*dilns.»n Slu.wa He Is siirvli*-*! Iiy a widow. H-*ph1a

B••ll*• Ithny, Slut one s<m. tfliarlea. Jr

IIINKEI,. Have B'lukel. aged 17. and for y«*iir« « <»f !Im» Ilr**lon

Trio. sf Ihirhnm. N IV, 27. *•

Rti for till* flv$* yi-nrii h** hml Ih*4*ii ii nirnilM'r «»f

liU fiitlH»r*R «lo'k r»rtn|»Rn$\ nt Imrlmin. Tl*** iMMly WRR RtilirfMil to Nrw ^'^»rk ('Itjr for Inirlnl

hItKYn HS Mm 11 linyfitnn. mottwr of

Mr*». Il«iiinr Ir llotmftfi. of th*» fiiioHi* trlnn llo|<«$/in«. nt IMiIomko III., Aiign^t *.?JI from A Rtioko of Bitty fivi*

1 yoiim.



First Production in English.

\| I III .VI ItK. NKW MlUK I'lTV I iiliiii. II ilrMiim li> I'riiiK'lii il*’ I'roln/*, !

M:|l,ll<< ■.•'tllHIIl'

Tin: I'A SI

I \l.irnii .. . 11.- MiiciRlrMl*'

•nuiii-*»iir.' I*

TIi' .Iniiltor j ill III*- rhuijlTt-iir

It,, , rl |i,. ..I< . \i;. Ill

Alfi,,' ,1 r'"lniiiii ill, I. „ ii'iiiiiii 11, ,,r III,, r<iiirt S,iiilii Krlli'liiii'l'i'

i|, riii,ilii* Vi, li ir 111. Jiitiiii M»rli, Inim

iiilnr'- Wife

WIIIIhiii ('■Mirli,|in.v .Sliliivy ll••rtM•rl

riiarlva IlnrlMiry

Artliiir l':il|i>t J raliiHT OillliiK

Harry l)<al,| l.aWTi'iK'i' C. Kiia|ii>

Maiirlof Sliiiiii J. lYoaiiry llatlilitoli .(«uy McIiipIh

Ivan Sliii|iM,Hi Arll'iir IliirKir

.J. liavlH

llolllatfr ITait .l,<Mila Kalian

. . . Jii~«,|>h Uiilil>"in . Jaini'H Sinitli . II. |n•an,•

WHIIaiii Jiin,-a iKiria Kh.iiii*

Vlriilnla llaininnii I llcvi-rly SIlKri-aM'H

. lAlIri* I'ninani Ilia <ir<M,|),y Sinltli . lirari- Walali

.. .. May lialver

III,, tli't iircH^'iilatliMi In KukIIhIi of Ara<-u<‘ I.ii|iln. a ll•,t|,rtl««• |ila>. waa lilven at tliv I,; r<,i;in rii,,iilr,,. Nvn York Cll.v, Aiiiiiiat -6, villi Wllllviii l onrlvnay. Slilin-y H••r^M•rt and iHiria Kvaii,,. |ila)int; tin- IvailliiK roli-a. It la Vrain-I- il, ri,,|MM‘t and Manrii-v 1,4-lilanr. and

la liiillt aloiiK llin-a wniu-wlial apart rnnii llntw Si,|i<,|all> |,nr>i.ivl In tin- playa nf Ita rliaraPti-r Ita tln iii,, I' tlila. linnrniv Martin, an < Mt- 'd Illicit tt,,allli.v man. baa ao|nli,-d a maicninp-iit

nilb-r'iiiii or palatlnica wan«' of wlilrh arv plavd in lil> caatlo at nianm-raco. ttblle nthora ar,, liuni; In lila lioiiio In I'aria Ttie raatli-. Hh),!-,, II ant of till, valuable miirka of art are kepi, lenl •'■•nii Into tlie piauu asion of lionrna.V

Martin tlir,Mii:'i a deal nitb tin- yminK IHike of ntannerae,,. »lio U eiia’aiiial t-i Mlai to riiialie-

,riournay Mirtln. S Ilia Krltrbti,,fe. a eliamilnic Itii-mUn irlrl. la

a riMiiiiaiiliHi of Cernialne. who allicbta in-r eon tiniiall.t Til-, IMik,- pltiea tin- S-aila. but Ilia pin fllullv tlirila Into love.

Kverylhiinr la r-wy at tin- caatl,-. tl■•w.,Ter.

lil.tll -an- day tbaimay Marlin reea-lrea -i letter from .\r«, in- I.npin. <aie of Itn- alirewd-at of Iblev, a. tvlio lnf-,mia him that In- ileam-a eel tain palnlliua In iJonniay Martin'a -olleello-i.

aa mil a* other art In-aania-a of vain-- I.ept at bla Karla biane. whleh aie iteac-rllo-J In the letter to-nrnay Martin delenniin-a u> Inten-ept the ai-heuiea of ATa4,ne I.upin I*.,' ap-,-U-nc to Karla in an anioinoldb-. but an-la liia plan fniairal«-,l by allb-a of laipin. tvdo have luaile

off vtllli all tbe faat niarlilm-- it tin- enalle. Gmirtiay Martin reaeti--a K.irla tii» fidlowine momiiiit. but tbe work of the t-ii-f la In erl denet-.

ilinreliard. <-on»ld,-r<a1 the nn-at raiiable «f

Karla detia-tlvea. la put u|ain the raw-, and ana [leela S-aila Krlieh«.,fe. and dnr'iiic the w-areh inc pna-.-a diarorera tin- llaane (lain-r whleh

bad €-onialin-<l the latniant lM-bHii;lnic to Ger

malm-, ami whb-h had ln-,-ii aliden. The Jewel ranm>l le- F-iiml. however.

S--iiia ea,,ai«-a tbroiish the line of ruirda annini' tin- eaatle when ahe pr<-aeiila a card, which li.a la-*-n alpned and siren her by the Iiiike. fliierchard then aumn-eta that the I*'ike ■ml .tpaein- t,iipln are ime aial the aaine p<-raon. blit the myaterbma hand of I.npin atlll rv-veala Itaelf when a letter la rt-cv-lved by (loiirnant Martin fr-nn tlie thief. In which be tella him (Oonmard Mar'lni that he il.-ipinl will return at n ldn'.Klit for tin- tiara which he left N-hltni him on the lacaabHi of hla v|a|t the nlifht before. <lounianl Marlin In fear. Iiirna over the tiara to the ib-tectlve Tin- Ijat acene dlaclowea tliier Hard and the Itiike left alone to await the c.nii Inc of .\nu-ne I.npin.

Tin- anthora a»-em to have atnick a impnltr

tht-m-, Indtilns from tin- rt-cepllon 11 w aa ac cor-led the oiM-nliis nl»ht

.\ilicual ‘JS, aii'l the premiere waa made In-foore a hoiiae lli-il truly deaerved the tenn ••packed.’’

M. cImi .Xrbucki, . Ill the title rob-, aurely did

ib-llvi-r the K-erla. and rompInK throiiKli the kIk'W wile a line of • ircUH chatter that vlrblly aaioreil of hhw iIiihI and tan bark.

.\a Klulillni.' Illme l.ook, .Mr. Arbuckle haa i a iiarl In whbli he reallatlcally rerela, natiir- [ all.v. conviiicin;;.' Me baika the part, acta the

piri and playa -ilth an arlNth- tlneaae that com,-M,la the auilb-nee to fe«-l the part. Aa a

whole, the aiipporllns cnipany la efficient, and the acenic aettinica are auch aa lend true at

moaphere to lie- aiory and a liackicroiind axalnat

whiili lliine la,ok ahinea pre emloeut. but with a aiiiiMith hb-ml that for,-alalIa Jarring coinparl- iM,na.

.\l 111,, Inaugiiral performance there waa only

one notbeuble aMp. and that was la-cauae of no fiiiill of the aliixiiii;. merely liecause a borae

which la -uppo«>,,l to ilaah spiritedly Into the iiiiaeeii iKa'aiice found It more to hla liking to Walk i-nlln-ly, ami could only b«- enticed Into an amble by a liamlfnl of aiixar. Im'Hfene

the eb-|iliant. lH-havi-i| with more decorum, and

went thruiitrli aeveral trlcka with Arbuckle that cinched Ida claim aa a true child of the "Iota.”

It may la- advla.,dly predicted that The Clrcna

Man will make a aland at .McVlcker’s Theatre • •f Imlellnlle b-nKlh. for If la replete with the ■ ctbm au< h aa ja ib-maiided by the patrons of

that allow holla,-, and la Jiidicloualy sprinkled with liingba and aiitllcb-nt pathos to puli atronc •■iKHiiili on ’he heart striiiga for the rei)uirements o| III,- matim-e crowds. Katlier I.yon. as Widow

Snell; W. J. tjroaa. as Hard Times Wharf; Kraiik Craven, aa Wat Mayo; I.lIIlan Thurgate.

.\n original farce cienedy. In three acts, the wi,rk of .Mr. George Fletcher, was priAluced fin- the ftrat time on any stage by the American knii a<-meiit Ciniipiiny, at Alma, Mich., Augii't •-’a 'nie title part Is In the hands of Mias .Myrtle Hebanl.

Kike all farce comedies, the plot of Frlroloiia Honnie la light, but where It differs from the iiaiiul old time farce Is that the plot Is con 'latent arul crdierent. Itb-k I’ettlngale, who le- fore grudiiatiiig from college, has tmen proml-w-d l‘-n thmiaand dollars to go Into business with, by hla rich obi uncle. Jonatlnan Kettlngile.

Ii'ck. while at hcIkkiI. has fallen In love with I»<«inle K-entou. te-tter known as ‘’Frivolous Hi-nnle.’’ ai-d they are to Is- married Inime dliilcly after Hick’s gradiiatbsi. The first act oi«-ns on the college campus after the exercises. After the usual happy congratulations Hick an,| Itonoie receive a Jolt In their plans by the 1 nneuncement of ITicIe Jonathan that he had determlmsl to withold his gift of ten thousand dollars for thirty days, or until such time as he had determim-rl what business Hick is liest adapti-d fis-. Quick thinking Bonnie has a si'liem,,. She gets Hora. 1,’ncle Jonathan's hmise maid, to ipilt. tells them she neeils the money and gets the place as maid.

Tbe second act ms-ns In I'ncle Jonath.nn’a house. Bonnie prov,-s so winsome and likeable

that Hick’s chum. Sammy, falls In love with her. as does Sebmalti-. Jonathan's business part- n-r. am’ finally .Tonathan himself feels the dl- tine icissbm. Kverythlng Is going along nicely and Bonnie has ahesit arranged matters so as to get Kncle JiaiathaiTs consent to her marriage whh Hick, when Hora jaits In an apjiearance

mil demands her tsMltlon ns maid back again.


LAST CALL For copy of the

BILLBOARD SPECIAL AUTUMN NUMBER Last forms positively close Mon¬ day, September 6th, at noon. Biggest and best issue of its



Maclyn Arbuckle Score* a Big Success.

MeVICKKH S THFATUK. Chicago. Ill —The

t^i n« Man. a coniedv In five act', founded tipii, a «torv liy Holman Hay. adopt,*d and •Ulge.l by rugene W I’rcahrcv. under dl-

rwetinn of J,»eph I’.na-ka


Fighting HIme I.Mik. aon of ’’OihkI for Nothing” I.-«ik .Maclyn .krhnckle

’ Ibpiarc" I’ltln lawik, -on of ’’(.i-vmI for-NolhIng” I.inA ... F.ilsiin R Miles

Judge Willard. Town Treasurer and Arlatocrat .Frank J Currier

Sv|,,,tia Willard. Ids daughter. .IJIllan Thurgatw Kb-li. Wlllar-I. his s«in . C. W. Goodrich Wiili.w .Snell Ksiher I.yon ’.Isa ll-i'ki'll, the sehiMiI teacher . .kllce Martin

t'aj., Hn, hrm. a farmer ... E. Y. Ilackut E'lher Hnnliam. his wlf.- . Ji-nnlc Wcathcrahy ’■llsrd r in.-s” Wharf, the weallu-r vane .. ..

.W. J Orosa King llr.idd sh. from New York.

.George Harcotirt ■'Fggg. r r..iir ’ Ai.-ry .. .k«a Itrbki-tt st«,r.*ki'e|icr

K"p NmiiiiIi lludllsh. marlm-r H-w Halt, ....

Knell- Itn, k Wat M iv.i

..I . I'ln llali'i

B- II. the eli-id.ant trainer

as Sylvena Willard; Frank J. Currier, aa Judge Willard; K. Y'. Wealhershy and Jennie Weath- ersh.v. ar the farmer and his shrew wife, and .-tsm Ui-i-d. as Kncle Buck, were noticeably pro- fii-lcnt in their parts.

Iier attemiit to gain fame on tbe stage having c\>me to naught.


American Amusement Co.'s New Farce

Comedy, With Myrtle Hebard.

AI.M.V, MICH Frlvolims Bonnie, a musical farce ciuneily in thn-e acts, by George Fletc’i

J H Walsh T F tVMalley

. Geo .Y Weller W \ Bailey I

Sam Rei'd Frank Craven j

Jonathan Keefe !

James Norman

Rols-rt Tyler |


kiigusi. rhe Village Sipiarc, Brick

’Tronlib- coming


At- filin’

’’Kinpiirlum.” I’alcrnin b - ino ”

II Si-:ii, tnlM-r .s.pdre I'ldn’a door yard, cli-phanl now gm-s roued ’'

HI Si'pii nits r Sipilrc I’liln's ofilce. Ing Hay.”

IV Man-b Town Mi-i-tlng Hii.t Sijiilre i-tlli-e. ’’-rhi- band begins to pla.t

V .Inm- riic vlll igi- sipiari- ”Joy

■n ^ *V' lime on am si ie,-- pcrf-irniam-e of rill- i-hi-ns Man was .."fidlv glvi-n at Me-

' b ki-r » Tlii-air.-, l bli-agn Satiinla.N oi-nlng.


Jonathan Kettitigale, wealtliy ami wise _ .E-l .A Kerr

Ai-inicn'a t'etting-ile, who In-lleves in w.mii an snlTrugi-.Itosalle Haul

Sammy S|s-armlnt, who stutters. .Jamea S. t’ri-lghit-.1

l.ouls Sclimalti. ”.Ach” lamia. . I., Taub Brtxton

Hick I’l-Mlng.alc, In Iom- with Bonnie . . . . .Chaa. M. Creighton

l*ora. a inaiil.Flora Mahr slg-ior SIcum. bvokliig for hla wife . .... .Guy W. T’hrleh

Bonnie’s High Schmd t'hums Ella. Mab,-1 lla.MitiMHl. Ksther, Grace llcrlM-rt; Belle. I.lIIlan; l.illle. Mabel BrKtim. Edna. HUIe Barry, and Kitty, I.lIIlan .At chlson

Myrtle Hi’baril as .

.Bonnie Benton and Madame Blanc rime 'Klie Ki-t-seiil. Klnm- -New- York City. Act I Gronnils snrrouniling CobiniMa tVlb-ge. .Act II Karlor In I’eltlngale's ho-m- ■Acl HI Same as .Act 11

Bonnie Imnnsllrtelj- hides I>ora In her room and arranges to ilisgviise hers,-lf as Mada'n Blani-e. an Inslniclor in Fn nch. and with Hick's aid. get a {Misition aa Instructor in th“ Inms,-. Sucsvcdiiig in this she gets I'ncle Jona¬ than to t.rmiose marriage to her but palms off Hora the maid on him. disguis«-d aa Madam Blanc l>ick finally beemn-a tired of waiting for his umlc's derision alnnit the money ami makes up his mlml to tell all. His uncle, how¬ ever r,-n alns firm, so Bonnie, n-alixlng that the time Is rlim to spring her surprise on I'nole Jivnaihan. is alsmt to tell the assembled guests of his propiwal of marriage to her as Madam Blanc. He Is siirpris<-il at this, but when he finds sl»- is determiiiisl to do so he gives in gran-fully and tells HU-k the money is bis and he Is happy inili-<-,t that his nephew- has chosen such a wls<-. clever wlftcd girl .as ’’Bonnie.”

I tiring the entire action of the play there are Intiisim-ed plenty of tuneful musical numiters. glcgcry dancing, handsome costunu-s and pretty girls The situations are extnmely funny and

•he 1-1,It runs along at a rapid rate and Is |ila;,ncil from an amusement staiidpoint as a siiri- cure fiH- ennui. Miss Myrtle Hi-iiard. th.* dalul.v Iltlle comedienne, heads the fn makers .;t,i’ she Is supiMvrti-d by a carefully s,»Iecti'i1 cast of jilaycrs. The iday. lyrics and music are by Gim. Fb-fcber. who Is well known through his work with the Fiwir Huntings. Ma’a Now Hiisbi ml. Essfi-rn, etc.

Till- time of tin- company Is boivkiM sidid until Ms\ I. IPIU. tbniiigb Michigan. Indlsiia. Ohi-». Illinois. Iowa. Missouri. Kansas ami Hklahimis

Miss l.o.vnoro I..oi»tor Is xery ill .it the Flow-i-r Hospital. N.-w York, with typhoid

■ fi-vi-r She will Is- glad to hear from her ; frb-n-ls.


Pat Casey Comes to Town for a Con* ference. Walter Keefe is on the

Job in New Quarters.

I’:it ( -iscy came from New- York to Chicago

in u hurry last week and went In¬ fo immediate conference with the powers that l.i- at the htaibiiiarfera of the Western Vaude¬

ville .Association. It was later given out that

iirrang'-m'-nts had bt-en made whereby Holph Meyers was to occupy the same position in Chi¬ cago as does Casey in New- York as far as re¬ lations with the Western Vaudeville Associa¬

tion Is concerned. Incidentally Mr. Casey found

time to book up a numln-r of good acta on Asso- riatlon time.

.At present Walter Keefe Is occupying quar¬ ters In the S.-hiller Building, closely as'oclated with J. J. Murdock, although It Is announced i-y Mr. Keefe that Mr. .Murdo<k'« vaudeville

interests are a thing sejiarate and apart from the business of Walter Keefe. Inc. .Mr. Keefe

'» surrounded with a glow- of optimism which he personally volees In words happily confident

of the future of his new underfaking. Mr. C. S. Humphrey Is connected with this movement as the taking manager, and Mr. Have Kflrrman launtlly wears the title of “confidential secre¬ tary to Mr. Keefe.” Mr. J. J. Murdock left

Chicago last w-eek on a trip of business Import, and did so saying little concerning his plans as regards vandevllle. His various announce¬ ments were rather amblgnous. although he haa bc-n quoted as sa.ving; ”I have endeavored to

!.nv the holdings eontrolled by Mr. Kohl and

Mr. Middleton.” Present conditions Indicate a brisk war in

vauib-ville circl-'s which It Is to be hoped will

result In operating policies of mutual advantage to the agent and performer and adopted with

the demands of the theatregoer clearly In mind.



Editor The Billboard;—Since our first notice

app«-ared In The Billboard, letters have la-en pouring In on this office from troopers every¬ where. asking for more details and Information concerning the new order of Seouts recently or¬

ganized -As I am the originator and founder of the

ordei-. 1 feel It Incumbent on me to give de¬ tails as to the scope and alms of this order; at the same time Inviting suggestions from •ill who are Interested—especially old troopers.

My flr't con-aem Is to have our order stand for exceHonce; that none but good musiclana

shall wear our badge or button. I Intended It as a classification, whereby we

can distinguish coraiK-tent musicians from those who an- Incoinfietent.

For that reason I ask all Scouts and musi¬

cians to co-operate with me in preventing Incom¬ petents from gaining admittance.

If It !« to serve the purpose for which It was Intended. It must stand as a mark of excellenc*

In our profession. There Is no order of this kind In the world

fo-d.ay, and we have long felt the need of one.

Being a trooper and band leader of over a quarter of a century’s expi-rlence. I have often

felt the n,-ed of something of this kind—some distinguishing mark, whereb.v we could tell ths gisMl from the bad In selecting musicians when we have nnthing but their letters to Judge by.

Often I have been greatly disappointed Is men whom I was h-d to believe were first- class. On one occasion, when 1 had engaged sixteen men for a circus band, only four of

them made giKsl. It was Just such emergencies aa that which

prompted me to organize and become tbe found¬

er of such an order as the Scouts. To protect managers and band leaders who

want competent musicians, and also to classify all real musicians into an order by themselvca, whereby they can be recognized and distin¬

guished from Incompi-tents. of which there

are far too many In onr profession. Our button must stand for ability and excellence above all

things if our order is to serve the purpose for

which it was intended b.v the founder. -Alt applicants who wish to become members

must send rt'ferences from some Scout or from his lender or manager, showing that he la

coasjietent to pla.v standard mnslc. These referenees will he examined and passed

upon by the Grind Chief In p<'rson. bi-fore any cirtlflcates can lie Issued by the secretary. If the references are found to he nnsafisfactor.v, or even doubtful, no certificate shall be Issued until reBahle information can be had as to

his or her ahllilj-. If a Scout Is found to be lncomi>etent or

falls to make goo<| after taking a Job he should b,- Immediately n-iwirted to the Grand Seers-

t.ary. who will at once demand the return of the pin or button. .After the button Is returned he Is suspended for one year. At the expiration of this time he shall lu- given another trial, and If found to have Improved he shall be admitted to membership again fn-e of charge.

If the niemlK-r should n-fuse to return the

Insignia pin or button on demand of the Grand Si'cretary, it shall be taken from him by any Scout at any time or place where he may he

seen wearing H. Such niemb*‘r shall then be expt'Iled ^or life, for refusing to return the

Insignia when onh-rod to do so. -Another caii'e for expnlslon shall he the mis¬

use of a rsllwa.i ticket, or money advanced for fin- I-y any show, leader or manager. Any Scout receiving such money or ticket and mak¬ ing wnmg use of It shall he expelled for life, and his badge or button taken from him by any Scout, by order of the Grand Chief or Seere- tary.

Thi-s,' are a few of the principles 1 should like to have Incoriiorated In oiir by-laws, but

I solicit ojiiiiions and Ideas from other Scoiifs and niii--'clans in regard to anything pe.rtalulDg to the gool of the order.

Very n-si>,-ctfullv submitted. o. A. r’frrER.-50N.

Fouiidi-' of the Scouts.

eiS AV. Fifth St.. Kittle Rick, Ark.


Ma'M'ot. th«' ha« Just with tho Mitilaoil

I’Tisutaiiqtm ('irrult in UiclnnoMti. Ipil . inaklnjf forty thn'i* stniuis. civinc tifty four tw*rforin- ano's. |>layin)r in twenty oipht staff-* aini trav- olinc 'li^tivn thiHwaiui. fo?ir linmirr^! iiiil«s (lur¬

ing thA‘ fiiicHjroiiiA'nr.

SEPTEMBER 4, 1 >9.

CLASSIFIED CORRESPONDENCE DntU September only the bl( cItiM will b» ivprMenti-fl In lliU l»*-ii«rlun*nl.

Tto Billboard wants a rt-proseiitallve in every city not already provldtsl for. Only Uuatleri uee.1 apil.v. Mn^l lx- man of *.««! ix-rwoml • gouO lvtt«fr for publicatiou, aud wbii lias a kt^n eya for nows nud bualDeaa. Aiiollcauti uiu»t have nvoinuifiulailoiis fiom iliratir maua*:»*i>» tu *b«* cli> ** ”1*”*^*”* t^'ornmeudatlona required. St*ud late i>liotograpli« atate age, aud experleuce lu uewipaper work. A lUK‘ral eomiuiKsiou paid ou all bu^luew* ik-vur%‘d. leiiuj* ea^y. \>iMe rt»r partlrul.i to OorreapoudenU’ Department.


mgr.) Second week of Tbe Climax week of Aug. 23. BELASCO (Jobn II. Blackwood, mgr.) KIcbard Bennett aud tbe Bclaaoo Theatre Com¬ pany In I'lerre of tbe I'lalua week of August 23. BUKBANK (Oliver .Moroaco, mgr.) Bur¬ bank Stuck Company in Tlie MuraU of Marciia week of August 22. GUAM) (John H. Black wood, mgr.) Grand 0|M-ra House Sto4-k Company In The King of Tramps week of August 22. OK- I’llEUM (Clarence Drown, mgr.) Sam Watson's Earmyard Circus; Scbnale aud Mulvey In A Tbeatrical Agency; Grltf, Ixinduii's Juggling, Jesting Johnny ; IlerlM-rt and Willing; I.ily lama; Hie Gibson Girl Uevlew; The ITiree Donala; Julius I'annen, rac-outeur, aud motion (dcturea week of August 2:1. U),S ANGKl.KS (tJeo. A. Bovyer, mgr. I I'reutloe Trou|H* of Coiis-dy Acro¬ bats; BIII.V Windian lu The C<dor**d Nurse Girl; Carl Berch and Kranklyu Hall in Hie Turning Point; Barnes, Iteming and coin|iany lu Mrs. FVitter'a First; Itose Stevens, operatic singer; Sllveno Troupe in shadowgraphs, and motion pictures w.H-k of August 2:{. Fl.SCHKIt’S (El¬ mer N. Workman, prop.) The Allen Curtis Musi cal Coinisly Comiiany in A Wishing Ca|i week of August 23. I’NKJL’K (Heiitz A Zalle, nigra.) Phyllis and Cum|>any in Commencement Days; S.vt* and Syta. barrel Jum|>ers and bisip rollers; l'ui(|ue Musical Comeily Comiiany in The Mlllloiialn- week of August 2;!. CINEOGRAPH (J. A. Browne, prop.) Ben Franklin, black-face couiediiin; F.lnier aud llo.vts, singing aud char¬ acter dancing; Jeanne Wyckotf, illustratisl songs and s|M‘elalties; Lillian Star, singing and danc Ing soubrette; Jeuette. hallardist, aud moving plctiiri-s wwk of August 23. REGAL (Allen & Bchiiiitt, mgrs.) l.yiMloii and Wien in Tbe Woman and the New Man; Emily Geraldine, petite soubrette: Palmer*aud Robinson in The Maid and tbe .Moiintaiiibank; Jack I.,ayor, tramp moiHilogist; Elizabeth Julian, singing and char¬ acter dancing, aial moving pictiiri-s week of August 2.'!. I’AUL HAYS.

SAM FRANCISCO.—VAN Nl^jS (Gottlob. Marx A Co., mgrs.) Dustin Parniim and Co. In CanKo Klrliy wiek of 2:1. PRINCESS (Abe 8. Cohn, mgr.) Frank Bacon and Stock Co. In The Hills of California week of 22. VA- LENCI.k (W. H. Seeley, mgr.) John Mason In The Witching Hour week of 29. PRINCESS (Ixivcrich & C'anipliell. mgrs.) Stock Co. In Jack and the Beanstalk we<‘k of 2:1. ALCA- RAR ((;. H. Davis, mgr.) Stock Co. in Hie Lion and the Mouse week of 23. ORPHECM (John Morriaey, mgr.) Geo. Auger and Co., Joe Hart's Bathing Girls, The Thalia Quar¬ tette. Carson and Wlllanl, Curzon Slaters. World and Kingston. Mack and Walker. Herr J. Kiils-iis and moving pictures week of 22. NATIDN.kL (Zick Abrams, mgr.) DefreJ, Berry and Johnson, J. Warren Kean and Oi., Alfred K. Hill, J. K. Emmett and Co., Les Ploeta La- relias. Elmer LIssenden and moving pictures week of '22. W1GW.\.M (Sam Harris, mgr.) Princess WlademarofT, Maurice Frank and Oo., Tom .Maguire. Girard and Gardner. Gruet and Oniet. Daman Trouis*, Tors Troiii>e and mov¬ ing pictures week of 22. PANTAGES' EM¬ PIRE (W. Z. Tiffany, mgr.) Vaudeville and moving plcMiies week of 22. PORTOLA (Al¬ burn A I.eah.v, mgrs.) Vaudeville and moving pictures wc-k of 22. ST.\R (.Alex. Keiser, mgr.) Vaudeville and moving pictures week of 22. GR.AND (.Alburn A I.,eah.v, mgrs.) Van devllle and moving idctiin-s. wt*ek of 22. CHCTES (Ed. P. le-vy. mgr.) Glasscock's Ele¬ phants. Demon. Towers. Klorenc*' Siiray, Ma¬ rino. Dan» Devil I>‘Roy, Prof. Fricjie's Flea Circus, Banda Roma and moving pictures week of 22 RUBE (NIHEN.

OAKLAND.—MACIKINGUIHI (C. P. Hall, mgr. I Paid in Full .Aug. 23 23; International Grand Oix-ra Co. 2«i 2V. VE LIBERTY (H. W. Bishop, mgr.) Stock Co. in Hie Genius week of 2:1. BROAliW.AV (tiny Smith, mgr.) Stock Co. in Toe Three Musketeers week of Ti. ORl'HEl.M (Geo. EtH-y. mgr.) La Petite Review. Five .Avalos, Elenor Gordon and Co., Lena Pantzer. Sam Chip aud Mary Marble, Six American Dancers. Conroy and Mulvey, Grill and moving pictures week of 22. BELL (Gus Cohn. mgr.) Slst«-rs. Chs. .Mack and Co.. Cogan and Bancroft, Harry Ta.Vlor, Scott and Davis aud moving pictures week of 22. IDOR.A PARK (W. P. Miller, mgr.) Patrick Conway's Band and others week of 22.


mgr.) Mile l^irette ami Di>g, McDevitt and

Kelly. Gleiiduwer and Mauion. Jere Sanford, ' The Graziers, DoHone Cole and moving pic- turea week of 22.

VALLEJO. — NOVELTY (Sam Mendelson. mgr.) Carita Da.v and Boys, Jaek Golden and Co., Sadoa and moving pletiirea week of 22.


Laddie Oliff. Eight Madcaiis. Ballerliil'a Dogs, L< w Bloont, Frank Mostyn Kelly and Co.. Conif¬ er and Robinson, end Grace .Aniioiid 30 sud wiHk. MAJESTIC iDaiile! F. MH'oy. mgr.) Jack Hawkins, McDomild Sisters. Slater Brock¬ man. Mile. Riulta, Ramsey Sisters. Foster and Foster. Seymour and Hill and moving pictures. FLITCH GARDENS I.Mary Elltcli lamg. mgr.) Peter Pan 30 and week. TABDR GR.AND (Peter .McCourt. mgr.) Texaa 30 aud week.


T. Grover, mgr.) Vaudeville. AUDITORIUM (Millard Adams, mgr.) Dark. CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE (Geo. Klogsbury.

mgr.) The Climax, first week. COIXINIAL (Geo. C. I.aMlerer, mgr.) Dark. GARRICK (Herbert C. Duce. mgr.) The Beau¬

ty Spot, third we«-k. GR.AND OPERA HOUSE (Harry Askln. mgr.)

A Gentleman from Mississippi, eighteenth week. GREAT NORTHERN (F. C. Eberts, mgr.)

Wildfire. ILAYMARKET (Will Newkirk, mgr.) Vsud#

vllle. ILLINOIS (Will J. Davis, mgr.) The Trav¬

eling Salesman. LA SALLE (Mort H. Singer, mgr.) Dark. McVlCKER'S (Geo. Warren, mgr. 1 The Circus

Man. first week. MAJESTIC (Lyman B. Glover, mgr.) Vaude¬

ville. OLYMPIC (Sam Lederer, mgr.) Queen of the

Moulin Rouge, first week. PRINCESS (Mort H. Singer, mgr.) The God¬

dess of Liberty, fourth week. POWER'S (Victor Goderia. mgr.) Sham, first

week. STUDEBAKER (Ed. Sullivan, mgr.) The Fair

Co-Ed. first week. WHITNEY OPERA HOUSE (lYank O. Peers,

mgr.) Dark. ACADEMY' (Wm. Roche, mgr.) The Village

Postmaster. ALHAMBRA (Weber Bros., mgra.) Follies of

the Moulin Rouge. BUSH TEMPLE (C. Elliott, mgr.) Strong-

heart. BIJOU (Wm. Ruche, mgr.) Yankee Doodle De¬

tective. COLLEGE (C. J. Smith, mgr.) Clothes CGLUMBUS (Win Marshall, mgr.) Vaude

vllle. EMPIRE (R. H. Herk, mgr.) .Miner's Ameri¬

cana. I'OLLY (J. J. Fenneasy, mgr.) The Jolly

Girls. GI/OBE (F. C. Eberts, mgr.) Broadway .After

Dark. M.ARIXIWE (Vlnceot Gore, mgr.) Tbe Cowboy

and tbe Lady. PEOPLE'S (Jaa. Pilgrim, mgr.) Umler Two

Flags. SID J. EUSON'S (Sid J. Euson. mgr.) Queens

of the Jardln de Paris. STAR AND GARTER (U. J. Herman, mgr.)

Cracker Jacks. TROCADERO (T. M. Wclngarden. mgr.)

Vaudeville. IOWA.

WATERLOO.—THE SYNDICATE TME.ITRE (.A. J. Biisb.e. mgr.) Season opened 27 with Tbe Sunny Side of Ilroadway. National Ojiera Co. Aiie. 30S*pt. 4 THE WATERIJM) THE ATRE (.A. J. Busb.\. mgr.) National Opera Co. Aug. 23-2S; Human Hearts 30: Blue Mouse S«iit. 3; vaudeville 13 is. ELECTItIC P.ARK (H. R. Parker, mgr.) Wis-k of Id. The Great Moore, illualonist; The Glockers. Jugglers; Dor- oth.v Payne, ringing and talking; Rogers Sherman and Lukins, comedy sketch. Outside. Jack Ro.ich. who sings with the band. Week of 23. AI. I,eonhardf. comeily juggler; Marla Laurens, soprano; Harry Springold and Co., sketch; Friedlander Bros., blackface musical net. Outside. Mey.-r Bros., rings.


auley, mgr.) AI. G. FleW'a (ireater Minstrels

Ss'pt. 2 4. MASONIC (C. A. Shaw, mgr.l Mme Butterfly begluniiig Sept. 9. AVENIE (Frank Sbrlner. mgr.) The C'audy Kid %\i*vk of Aug. •.* GAIETY (AI. Bourlier. mgr.) The Golden Crook week of Aug. 30. HOPKINS' (E. W. Dustin, mgr.) Broadwav After Dark S*'pt. 5 11. BUCK¬ INGHAM (Horace McCrocklln. mgr.) Empire Burlesque Company week of '29. .MARA AN DERSON (J. L. Weeil. mgr.) High claaa vaude vllle Sept. 5 and week.



(William Morris, mgr.) Julian Eltlnge. Three Kellona. Haiikm and Clifton, Eilith Helena, Caesar Rlvoll. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forbee. George Wilson. Blerlot'a Flight .Acroea the English Channel, and Seven Perezoffa week of 'JN. ORPHEUM (Jules llisles. mgr.) Advanced vaudeville week of '2N; o|M-nlng. WEST END tjiiles Bistes. irgr.l Marvelmie Hiltons. Cantor and Curtis. BjGarr S siers. Vera Berllna, Kln- odronie and Tiaiso's .Military Band week of 22. GRUXrW.AlJ) ROOF GARDEN (Theo. Grnre- wald. mgr.) Fagcfa Orcb-atra week of 29. D.AUPHINE (W.alter S. Raldwln. mgr.) Bald¬ win Melville Stock Co. in The Man on the Box week of -29 BI..ANKY S LYRIC (John V. Mc- Stea, mgr.) Edna May S|>ooner Stock Co. In Mrs. Temple's Telegram week of 23; The Three of i'a week of 'Jii. TUI-.ANE iThomaa C. Ckmphell. mgr.) Tim Murphy In My Boy we«‘k of Sept. 5. CRESt ENT (Thomas C. Campbell, mgr.) MeFadden's How of Flats week of 5. WINTER GARDEN (Ie*w Rose, mgr.i Vaude vllle, moving pictures wc<k of '29. SHUBERT (J. M. Dublis. mgr.l Moving pictures and vau¬ deville week of 29. M.UI24T1C (L. E. Saw¬ yers. mgr.l Vaudeville, moving pictiites week of 2!) WHITE CITY (1^ J. Megglaaon.

■ mgr.l Vandette. moving pictures week of 29. •ALAMO iJ C. .Ablsitt. mgr.) Illustrated songs, moving pictures week of '29. GR.AND (J. K. Pearce A- S^vna. mgrs.) Moving pictures, vau devlllc week, of '2!i. DREAMWORLD I Herman FIchtenN'rg. mgr.l .Moving pietures. illustrated songs week of 29. WONDERl„ANn (Herman Elchtenberg. mgr.) Moving idctures. Illustrated sengs. week of 29. WM. A. KOEPKE.


mgr.) Emil Norn. Mabel Fane, ijiRoy. Castalucal Trio, Madeline Berio, moving idctures ami the I.unn Park band we.k of '29. REVERE THE.A THE (J. J. Hurley, mgr.) Hurley's Musical Maids and moving pictures week of .30. SUE NIC TEMPLE (Geo. W. Morriaon, mgr.l Kenny and Hollis, comedians: .Murphy and Fram-is. com- evly singing and dancing; Rem Kramlt. mvvelty cartoonist; John Alaclionald, picture stories: Jane Elton, coiueillcnne. week of 29. CRESCENT G.ARDE.NS (.A. de Rarignon. mgr.) Miss Cecil .Mo ris aU'l Co.. In playlet Slats; Brooks, com edy musician: Cutter ami Sonic, in Tlie and the Walter; Win. Coiirtlelgh. the slll.v kid; Aer lal Sully, wire walker: CaprinI ami Chlsinlii. illustrated songs atid Biograph wi-ek of ‘29.



I HOUSE (L N. Scott, mgr.) Ragged Robin with Ciisunccy Oleott we.-k of 29; The Three Twins with Victor M'-rlev week of Sept. 6. BIJOU ol'FRA HOUSE iTheo L. Ha.vs. mgr I In Old Kcntiick.v w.-ek of S»-pt. S ORPHEUM THE.ATRE <G. E Rs.vmond. mgr.) Lillian Mor¬ timer and Co., Tbr>-e Leighton-, Hal. teslfrey and Co.. Cam;?! Tr'.o. Barry anil Halvera, Fer¬ rell Brothers. Isalslle Howard and Co., and

I the Kinislrome week of 29 DEWEY THE¬ ATRE (.Archie Miller, mgr.i Brviadwav Gaiety week of .s.-i.f r.. UMgUE niEATRK (Jack F.IIlotf. mgr. I Walt* r McCullough. Frank H. Ruck. .Anthony McGuire. Cora Simpson. Spald Ing and Diipiiee. Hickman and Lydaton. Torn Ripley, .Art I’< rry and the Klnetoscope week of .'PI MILLS THEATRE (W F. Gallagher.

' mgr.) Mr. Stranger, Edna Davenisirt. La Di-aiilx. Dive I.aibin and Co., Franco, (Virlnne Thompson sncl the Mile«eo|o- wto-k of ;)0.

' PRINCF„«S THEATRE iFrsi.k C Priest, mgr.) I Ths Nelll Stock Co. In The Warrens of A'lr I ginla WMk of Sept. ‘2u BKl ISLAND PARK

IP. J. Metzdorf mgr > F>-rry rides, steam liot evciirsloris. Mvstle River, Roller f oaater, Tr'p Thru the Yellnwetone, etc . w<-ek of 29. FOREST PARK (S H Kahm, mgr.) Hickman

I and Lydston, Blank Daniels, motion pictiiri-s.

electric fountain, dancing pavilion, etc week of •'{•>; •iraiid Carnival of Feilerated Orlir of Eagles .Acrte 1217, week of Sept. 5. I.oNi;. EEl.ldlW GARDENS (It F. Jones, ugr ) 'I'ralued r.uliual shows, KIlistMi'a Military liiDd, zoo, botanical exhibit, picnic gmunds rtr.! wev-k of 29, special program of vaiidevtlb and circus acta week of Sept. 5. MIN.NESOTA ST.ATK FAIR (C. N. Coegrovc, ae.y.) Orind display of rxblblta, Gregory's Fireworks. ra<va. vaudeville and clrcua allows. C. W. Ptrker'i Carnival Co., etc., week of Sept. 0 1.418 THE.ATRK (L. K. Lund, mgr.i Auie(apb<«r attractions. Illustrated aonga and motion plr. Hires. TWIN CITY WONDERLAND PARK (F. il. Camp, mgr.) Ltndatrom and Anders'm. Musical .Nelaona, .Manare Family, Roxales. Huh liy Reblaoii aud tbe motion pictures, Northwest ern Military Baud. Tickler. Inciitiatur. old Mill. Temptation, Giggler. Circle Swing, ate. we.k of 29. NOVELTY THE.ATRK tl. E Lund, mgr.l IlUiatratevI wuigs ami motion jne lurea. SdCNIC THE.ATRK (J. B. Svhmlt. mgr.) Moving pictures and Illustrated s'lngs WONDERI.AND THEATRE (L. K. Lund, mgr.) lllustrateil songs and motion pictures. PE(>. PLK'S 3HE.ATRE (Paul Weigel, mgr.) Movlig pictures and llliistxatcil sung*. M.AJi:!4riC THEATRE (R. W. Johnson, mgr.) Illustrated songs and motion pictures. GEM F.AMILV THE.ATRK (A. J. Kavanaiigh, mgr.) Illiisirat- e<l songs, motion pictures and euntlnuima vau- d. vllle. RODERIC STE. FLLTRE


(Woodward A Burgeas, mgra. I Sept. S M, lien ry Dixie In Mary Jane's I’a; Sep(. 9-11, Billie Burke In U>ve Watches SHUBERT 'HIKA TRE (Eiarl Slevvanl. mgr ) Op<-na September 4 with The Wolf. GRAND TillJATRK (A. Judah, mgr.) Week Aug. 21. The Alaskae; we,k 29. Graustark. tHU’HKUM 'niE.ATRE (Martin I.ebmzn. res, mgr.) Oiiens with high- class vaudeville Septeirber 5. AUDITORIUM THE.ATRE (O. D Wooilwaril. mgr.) Tbe Woodward Stork Co. week Aug 'Jb in The Wife; same company next week. GIIJJS THE ATRE (E. S. Brigham, mgr.) Week Aug 22. Pinky, the Pinkerton Girl; week Aug. 29. Dare Devil Dan CENTI RY THE.ATRE (Jos. R Donegan. mgr.) Week .Aug. 22. The Lady Buccaneers; week .Aug. '29, Edmumi Haves In The Umpire. M.UE8TIC ‘niEATRK (Th.mias Ho<lg>'n-»n. mgr.l Moving (drlurea still roa- tIniH- g-<al. ELIXTRIC PARK (Sam Benjamin, trgr.) Vaudeville week of 22; Tbe Four Ter¬ ry Slaters, Kogliah dancers; Mart-n Blake, songs and talks; ^Ivln and Kenney, comr-ty acrobats; Jiw. K. Watson. Irish raon-dogur; The Two Macks In new songs and dances Dhi I’hlllpplnl and his band two weeks, commenr Ing Aug. ‘22. The Fall of Moscowr was put on for 'wo wceira .Aiignst '22. All concessions anil rides doing Imsiness these warm days. FORE>(l' PARK (Frank O'Donnell, mgr.) Vau 4-Ti;ie we,k of 22; Wm. D. Re«-d. 1 ertvon artist: Isabella Thoni|>aon. oiM-ratlc supra-. rv-Ila and Geyer, paninnilmists; Heist inl Co., sung nml dance; motion pictures. UNDER FAW.AS—Barniim A Bailey Sept. 4 Tl.e Two B1H«—Buffalo A Pawnee. Sept. 13



noT. Irani Mcisel, Lily Bordman. Allen Shs's F rtiine Bri»* . Kane, Wilson ami Frsnkll.i STIFI, PIKU. Vissella's Band YOl N i'^ NFW I’lFR. I’hllllpinea Baml YoP.Ni. .-t PIER Vaudeville 2:t and APol.lo (Frill Mwirv*. mgr ) Chta Fridiman's <t>nipsny In riie Flag Lieutenant, nn- Ihdivr Prln<."<. .A'lgiist 30 arv.! wix>k S.AVOV 1 Harry Bro'i). nigr. I Lmilsi Gunning In Marvelle ‘23 23; The Man Fr in H mi i ‘2*1'2S; Sain Bernard In Kmc of Diamonds 3i* i-ml wi-ik ATI-ANriC G.AI'DFNS Vaudeville '23 ami week


mgr.) 0|M-ns .Sept. *l with Polly of the I'lr II S TI'I I.KR'S BROADWAY (I-eo C. T.-llir. mgr ) Tlte oirl fi-om Rector's week of 3“ GRAND OPERA HOUSE (John 11. .Springer,

mgr I 0|Mna 4 with ‘The Amerlian M'-a M.AJF.stIC (W C. Friillev. mgr) M.sar.l Tliiirstoo week of .-10. ORPHEUM (Frank Kll holf. mgr.) Vaudeville. tllkycCENT I lew Par ker. mgr.) The Cresrent Slock Co iqx-ns S. jit 4 GOTHAM rilEATRE (E F Glranl nigr >

A “SURE WINNER”_ The Faultless Improved “Sixty-five Gas” Toy Balloon

Write for a sample, also Illustrated Descriptive Circular, sliowin^f /If the complete “Faultless” line of SEAMLESS TOY BALLOONS and PATENTED BALLOON NOVELTIES. Kxtra quality. good weights, brilliant colors, fresh stfjck direct from the makers— in fact our proposition is the **BESTEVER.*’ Do not overlook it ij_

The Faultless Rubber Co. ASHLAND, OHIO, U. S. A.

ill UIutii w<*fk of 30. COlJKT I (M T. . .... Thf yiif«*n r. l S.-*.n »..k of .10. AMI-llION (J.

mgr.! Till- Convlcfii Hwretlinrt ■' ; ' |•A^T^^^ M (Jom |>li l•»ylon. mgr.) ^ 1 )i(* ('rUlH wi'ok of 30. KMI'IUK (*i.

.. iiivi.) K«y KokIiT i'o »<’i'k of 30. . . . , CUrk- mgr I U<»e Myilrll ii

n „f ;jo. S I AII (ll) iW & lll•blo■n, M ,nil lira* ItoaoMi-* «<'ok of 30. Cl)

l' l‘. \ i M S Ki>»lolii. mgr. I VmiuIotHIi". . I.. Si-hui li. mgr. I Vamlfvlllo.

1.. .-, ;•« |,M KI’M (l.oiila Phllllpa, mgr.) I;. mill.II ION TIICA I Itr. llUrlil Itob , r , Vaml. vlll.-. ItllKill l o.N IIKACII n| lIM.I. (Arlliiir M. Ilopkln*. mgr.) I TAIN'S lll^•Ilr.\ J. Tain, nigr.i ■ Hill DUKAMI.AMi (Samiifl lioiii i« r' gr.i lllg rroHila. I.T.NA T.MIK i Kroil \l, mgr. I A» |>o|iiil«r ■* hit. STKK I'llilIXST (lioo. T. 'I'iljoii. mgr.) Tlio n-al , , at Tomy I'laml. TASIM) TIIKATUK ,, liaiili-N. mgr t lliirli-aooo anil rau

,1,. . H.'.k of 30. 'IIIK KTI.TON (William mgr I i)|M'n' Si'pl. A with big all¬

-in I til.i- bill, bi-ailoil by Taullno. liKii M. II.VKKS.

buffalo, si All (Dr. Ti-lor (’ Cornell, irgr I oiKMiliig of the rogiilar aeaaon S«-|il. 2. H.lh Titian .uni llarrl*' Mlnairnla. 'rBTK (Jno. <i>ln.. mgr > ib»'nlng of tin- rngolar *•■**<« wltb 1., n l>'> ' «lai|<*r'« Mlnalrnla 20 2**. Tbn Dobtor* y:. .1 r. s I A HIT ijobu l.atigblln. mgr. I Tuiler NuTln rii sklo» 23'••s. I'bncki-r* .'bi S«-|it. 4 .AID.l'S iM Slin*. mgr.) Wi I'k of 2;t Nellie W irr ng Mangi-aii Ttoiiim-. Tna Clayton and Co.. Ti..- It ■'■in. ynarlet. Il■•w arll amt Howard. Fred S.iiger Viroiilea and Hurl Falla. Maud UiH^bei. A Mglit in a M'lnkey .Miiate Hall and moving plcliirv* L.AFWKnF; tC. M. Ilagg. mgr. i M.Kilin IbHig.' Ilnrleaijnera 2.'! 2S: Morning. .Noon and Nlgbt 3o S.-|it 4 (i.AKDFLN iCba* K Willie mgr. 1 Welter and Kuab'a TarUlan Wid¬ en' 21 20. The Hvatinga Show ilo S'-pt. 4. A. (HI MV iF. J. Wllbiir. mgr i We. k of 23 VI veal S"»Mt. ■•. McCann Doo. Kil an.l Clarence II lie' III'lid and Wealon. Cuatello and La- (Y av. .Allen and ll.e k. Haley ami Haley and ivlciiire* The Workingman'* Wife Si|it. 0 FOHT FHU; llFACH ll.■ckwllb and Went Horib and Trof Hart and Manikin* 23 2S. CIlAMi I Al Tbr •tv. mgr. I Simg* and picture*. TiiMIMl F Merrilien A Kanii.v. Uadrllfre and Pelmoot Hilly CiHik and idcturea. illTTO- DltiiMF Ailin’ amt Harrington and tdctiire* 2.T.I.-ATK It K K Carey W Hartman * < iigreaa of Indiana. In Hiawatha Sept. O il


UTICA HITToDlioMK TIIF.ATIIK (T F*. TIancv mgr ■ Verletj Trio, vlnglng cian<i<liaTi*; Tile Juggling Tarroit*. Klchard D'.ArvIlIe. HKig* • n.1 moving idctnre* win k of .Ai'gi"t 23 M.A JF.STIT iDinitey K«il*.*y. ngr i Mai*.«tic Stin'k Company clovil It* ai-aann Angii«t 21 In OM kenliiriry 2."i. I'he l.ove Cure 27'JS. SHCHFtUT iF're.l Hercer. Jr. ojien* Augiiat 30 with van tc ' llle iillTHFCAl 1 Font S. .An.l.iraiin. mgr.) Ilerinan the lireat. magician Wllh.-r ami liar- rincton '(•• act. Niwman ACcrrItt. monnlo- C'at: Fd .Affl.‘V. banbilct a.*ng* and moving !■ rtiin^i «.i.ik of -23 COI.CMHIA MCSIC HAM. • Sum tiiitatott. mgr I Vamlevllle wiek ..f '23. CTIC.A T.AI.M <i.AHDKX (AA’m .Andn.H* mgr.) VaihV-vIll.i He^'k of '23 I.ITTI F: CDNTY IS I AMI iI.oul» llvnian. mgr i Vaudeville week .■f 23

OHIO. CTNCINNATI -lillAND OTFHt.A HOl'SE'rth and Havliu. mg'* i The Cllmar 1« the lAieiiliig attraction of the aiiaaiin at thia (••uae Aiigunt 23. I.V KIT iJatiie* Fi F'eDUeaay, iiigr I l.ymaii H. IloHe'* moving picture* com- thence their l*»t vv.-ek AngiPt 22. OI.YMTIC "ir*’ F' ami I. F'on-paiigh F3*h. mgr* i Dark WAI.M'T illa'ry k .Shockley. re«iibint mirr.) The F''dl|e* of the Day u«ber<id In lb* waaon here ih.i ne.-'g of .Aiigii«l 22: Heulah Toynter In I eh* Kiver* felloHa fivr one week commenc- lig V riLt 2*1 TtilCMHI.A I'/I.gler and At • '■r- ip« I H. lug reiiiiN|ii|i*l HFCCK'S <'TF:K.A HoI SF: Itleorge llcm k. mgr ) Ndd Into SlaviTv n.-ek i.f ■2'2. King of HlgaiiiNt* week of t!*. I'TFTAt iiieorge ll.iuck. mgr.) Dark TF.OTI F.'S ijame* F. Ceniie*«y. mgr i Mlm-r'* Ami ri, ale. w.i. k i f 22 Imiierlal Hnrl.|*<|* «e.-k i.r •.*) STAND.AIID iF'rank J Cl.-nieut*. ihgr * t)|i..nlne Hiaik of the *.■*•011 .Aiigu*t 2!) with Svei»ir’« HIg Slew NFW ItOHIN H'N 'Harold Moran, mgr.) Topular (irlcri van devllle an.l i„„rli.g plctnr.* ACDITtiUICM Moving |.|,itir..' and randevlllc NFW AMFKI < AN IIIFAl'KF To o| ell Seotcmt»ir 3 with vV'*"'"'' T'^' e.l vamlevllle. CHFSTIU TAKK II.

1 Martin. inifT * ('•4Mirn*« ronim»‘T»<H» «t)i:Ni:iiiM*nt Imti* it* roNKY Is

\ ^ aii4l**Y M|*> iiit«) ofh«T attme Mail,*. 1 AiUHiv I» .T r. ni«r > Tti»* Unrrhirivitn Xlnwlral rotfiMlv riFinpanr In Tli**

Ilf III,. ii.Fiir of 2* Z«M> tWnItor Ukttkhff inirr > Karxl %*lfh

ilaininat n n* ••)!<.)»t m«»«‘k of .\orii«t 'S2: aNo a » V' V"" Ilian afha Phllliipliic (%»ii


ri'“7' . "'kf ' The vaiid.-vllle bill f.w w.*.k oT Inrlinle.l Henry T.vtl.n- amt Mar Ilarrla. gym

iivaf* ke<« an.l Dunn, black face c>Mn.^lani' AI < amenin and Co. In Tti.' I.aat of the Kegl tnent; Fima Dunne ami Tarrte W.df.M-d In a "ri|go»ne.l turn, and Tark.i Hvera and ('..-..rge ll^liann. In 33ie Clown'* Dream The oul*lde Mt^riion* riHitIniie and bii*ln.|«a la g..Hl. TUI

*34 I Allt lit Al AA'IlItain*. a.wv.) Sis.t. .*. to „et I. maJF;.sT1C No t and No 2 lA I M.mtg..m.r.v. mgr • M..v1ng i.lrliirea and lllu* r.ted ■ C..I.I AIHI A (i).nl.m A .Sbuin. I'.'i’,pcliir.a and llliiatrated wonga. t aieAt K. I Mr Cob.-ii. mgr 1 Vamlevllle an.l mor- '';g P . lure* III HY (Mr Miinel mgr I Vaiide ' ■b'l iiMivliig pletnr..« TF:USICa'S (J J.

• r*|. a. mgr • A 111.* an.l nx.vlng piciurea JtlllN H DilIeANFY

CANADA. MONTREAL HKNNKTTS (H F DrU.*..!!, '> ' t.enyo and H*'|ey. tirade Finnoll an*1 •ni' nr Frank M.wrvll H.>war.| Hr.Mliei*.

.. ' ‘ M *"'1 D..g Clrru*. Slater* Do'lr, '.rliii,. Tilo sill Havt.s- Mini I'on.p'nr w.-ek

■ ."‘‘■"■e. I HANTAIS (F W Ia..-',*lr ■ ...J.',." '*<'"Iem.nt W.eV of Augint ! >.1 * '^*^*^ N SlMfi*. m«r » The

.. Ii Minn Tolro mM U.M'hillv •itUHlIvn* H.a'.ln Hr-lber*. .|..Ber* and dan

• M»*rk •ml jiiitk'li r*. wrok of iM



UOYAI. (f). Mellrlen. mgr.) Week of 23. 3'!)# Cheety HI.cmmii*. DOMINION (11. A. Dorivy, mgr ( Trof. (ijiin.*tle'a Traine.1 Animal*. FM

( H.’v.*inpn‘t. vt(dinl*t; Virginia King. F'. H Wbll* an.l CiMiipaiiy, w.wk »t 23. SOH.MT.K i'AICK (X. I.iirim*., mgr.) W.wk .if 23: Sli F'lving ilanvHriln, The lliTl.erl Company ..f IM-rfoiniliig doga. The Kidder Trio, itapiMi SI* tcra and Sadi AfTarabl. OAIFrFY (Hiram Al triiM'll. iii/r. I Dolly (Iraee. Stewart Slater*

and Ale* C>*lg F'AHIYIAND (A. F'l..ldliig. mgr. I l.lllle Kilty. .Alaliel F'lolire. Jennie Tar kin ninl J:ia. M.yera, alngera ami dancer*. W'*ek of 23.


inoiicy-inakiT for you.

Write tfkiay for l)ooklet of full particu¬ lars anti a copy of the “ Kilison Kineto- prain.”


Releases of September 7 and 10.


No. 6511—A DANGEROUS PAIR. Comedy. CiMb-. VEUSAHH.FLS. Aigi. la-ngth. 5'20 ft.


T'homas W. Lawson’s firescription for | J F'ettii))' rich certainly applies to the moving ■ picture business V

"Get a little money trom a lot of people." a The Ktlison Kineto.sco|)e is by far the ^

most n'liahic ami satisfactory machine you a can huv. 1 he pictures are steady and \ clear; the machine is easily and economi- (•ally otierated, is the most durable made \ and VA'ill more than save the difference in cost Ix'tAAccn it and a cheap machine by ^ al)scnce of repairs. The Ldison is the V



$ $




$ $








$ $






:$ $

No. 6511—THE TEMPTATION. Dramatic. Cude. VFILSAHINDA. Ani. l.cugtb. 473 ft.


No. 651»—THE MAKING OF MONEY. Indua trial C.alc, VF;RSAD0KF:S. Aiip. Ijcngth. llk'i ft.

No. 6514—THE AMATEUR WILLIAM TELL. K F'aiil*«tic C.iiiicdy. Code, VERSAGUNG. .Ap|.. In-nglb, Kk". ft.

R«leases of September 14 and \7. RELEASED. SEPTEMBER 14.

No. 6515—LITTLE SISTER. Dramatic. Code, VEK.SAUnES App. Length. l.tkiO ft.


No. 6516-HOW THE LANDLORD COLLECTED HIS RENTS. Coine,ly. Code. VEH.*VAI.II.1A A|i|. liengib, 400 ft.

No. 6517—'TIS NOW THE VERY WITCHING TIME or NIGHT. Conivsly. Code, VERSA- LIT.A. -App. l.ength. .liX) ft.

Edison Manufacturing Company Mam OIBco and Factory: 71 Lskoaido Atw,

Orango. Mow Jeraoy.

Now York OIBco: 10 Fifth Atcduo.

Chkago OIBco: 90 Wabaab Atohuo.

OfBco for United Kingdom: Editon Worka. Viw toria Road Willeaden. Loadon. M. W, Eng.

SELLING AGENTS—P. L. Watora. 41 K. Slat St., New York: Ooorgo Brock. 70 Turk Bt.,

San Fmnnaoo, Cnl.


WANTED AT ONCE -Attrictlon* for Bu»lne»* Men'a Indualrial and Agricultural Street F'xhl hitloii. T.’wn of 3.1*10. Fiiiir attraction* to Iw iiaiil f..r tiv lb.- I•u«itle•« men u Iwi an* inanag Ing th.* ilTalr. .NOtliiiig of the kind baa eve lw.*ii bad h.Tv Stale what you have and name |»rl<-e in nr*t lell.'r .Addrew* all ounitiunlca

rion* to OEO. A. BAAS, Batesyillo, Ind.

CARS rOR SALE —Combination Pullman. *ix »|.—l wbwl truck*. ft. long, pa** lii»iM'ctUm. Al*> have for aalv, |>alr aix wIkwI truck* and all Iron luirl* of si) ft. car that wa* burnt dowu. Pat Chap|>eIIe. Box 708, JackaonTille, Fla.

i:7'WANTED'« Contratlo. S.H.rano and H**» for Om-rallc I*li)y- 1.1. 810. MARIUS LIBBY, Room M6. 18 SUte St., Chicago, Ilia.

"WANTED TO BUY"—Moving Picture Theatre, lor would be ideanevl to bear from town* where there la an oiwnhig for one): Northwest pie- feris-d. Addrvna OPERATOR. 178 Summit Are., 8t. Paul, Minn.

WANTED Did time cnnra*n)en for the Wi**tert) Dvrriand Show. AH mail to 'Trlnlilad. Colo,, A until S.J.I 10 .Sam Reller, HInIe A I.lae. \

write JESS BROWN, W. 0. Showt, Trinidad. ▼ Oolo.

$ TALKING PICTURES In rxc«Ml4*nt iSront •ttmctlonR. 1*, * C UirUTKH. .*111 (SetirisU Ave., HrxH^Iyn. N. Y.

FOR SALE rii«»ng». Attaint Timi pmru WIjirIow SkatoR In tf'kMl itaFihiiitoii A•^Il•‘Av^ North Ckiido Cc.. RAUtmere. Md

Boys, Gome Whore the Money Is.

HUDSON-naTON CELEBRATION September 25-October 9.

NEW YORK’S $10,000,000 CARNIVAL. Two Weeks of Hilarity—Millions of Visitors—Monster Naval Parades.

The Hudson River will be the chief scene of activity and right on the Hudson is the Palisades Amusement Park. Just across the river from Grant’s Tomb, where 1,000,- 000 visitors a day can be taken care of.

The Great Naval Parades, Airship Races to Albany, and all other celebrations take place IN FRONT of The Palisades.



COUNTY FAIR Just the kind that made you money years ago. This will be the biggest Fair proposi¬ tion EVER devised. The right men are running it. Good locations for all kinds of LEGITIMATE Shows and Concessions. GET IN QUICK.

1 only want a few • — they must be the best—If this means you, write or wire.

A million a day in the park—the park of 40 acres. Within sight of Broadway.

Don’t Be


“ On Sutuirlay, September 2oth, the vessels of the American and Fo’t'ign Navies will be foniially received and take their places in line upon the Hudson River opposite Riverside Park, in the City of New York, and Palisades .\musement Park, Palisiide, N. J., where they will re¬ main until they proceed with the Naval Panide to Newburgh on Friday Kvery night there will be a grand illumination of all the vo.sst'ls on the River opf»osite River¬ side Park and directly in front of the P:Uis;ides .\musement Park, Palisade, N. J.”

All the celebrations on the Hudson take place right in front of The Palisades Amuse¬ ment Park.

This is a real chance — OPEN DAY, NIGHT AND SUNDAYS.



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New Films Reviewed

The Play is the Thing, and Success is Attending the Eflorts ol

Manufacturers Who Are Spending Fortunes in Staging Elaborate

Productions for New Films—Heretofore Unthought of Schemes

to Interest the Public are Being Originated From Week to Week.


(George Klelne.) I I'UOK. I'CDKKNUEAD’S PATENTS. — ThU !

Dim glHxvii iialeut iiiitnber uoe, called tbe Aero- ; Cab and Va> uuin Provider. It will be follow-i •d by other devices and dlaooverles of tbe pro- i fessor.

Kirst, the professor exhibits bis InTention, an elaborate but fearsome listkliiK monster. Aa be ' leave* tbe rombitied airship and automobile cab, I two misrliievoiis young people attempt to man¬ age it and shortly bnd themselves in tbe clouds. ! We see them pas* over s<-veral mile* of coun- i try. Kiving us au excellent view of England's White City. ;

Hunger assail* the youthful aeronaut*. By means of the vacuum provider tbe food prob¬ lem is solved. * It iM-rforms many stupendous feats In ac- ! quiring the viands from terra Anna, much to the consternation and personal discomfort of ‘ various dwellers along their route. i

The d) nouenient. altboiigb disastrous to ma- I chines and wcupants. Is of a vastly hilarious character to the audience. ,


—A series of perfectly photographed pictures. I dealing with the life of tbe French sailor ou board a battleebip.

Among the scenes are morning call, the ship blacksniiths, baiiliug cattle aboard, saluting tbe Hag at sunris<‘, tiring tbe machine guns, the commander's deck and fismt turret. Hag sig¬ naling, ottio-rs reading the compass, mess kitch¬ en, serving otit rations, gymnastics.

Given leave of absence, the sailors climb down to tbe lM>ats l>y means of roiie ladders susiiend-d from the yard arm of their ship. ' Anotlier aceiie shows them lined up for In- i *Is*ctlon liy the Prince of Monaco, whose ar- | rival on Imard and welcome by tbe commanding admiral and bis stalT Is shown.

+ ' IN IIGT PI KSI IT.—A thrilling story of tbe

tracing of a criminally inclined man by a lost ne<-k*ca.'f. j

tUd t'lirronl Moore, a blind piano tuner, llv<-s with his daughter Eleanor In a little cottage at the ts-autifiil city of Itaiine. Tbe daughter assists the father not only by caring for the | house, but also by acting as guide to him In his trips to the various homes where bis work calls him. i

On the day with which our story oimmis Mr. I Moore Is calbsl to the bmi-e of the wealthy Franklin family. Eleanor guides him to the | mansion and attends him while be Is at work In the music room. I

The son of the household, a young man of I evil habits, attempts to make love to Eleanor. !

Tile old gentleman, hearing the pleadings of , the dishonest yiHith. takes his daughter from | the house. leaving the work unfinished.

A few i-venings later. Franklin, with a pair j of hireil rogues, waylay tlie obi man and his i daughter on the street, .\rter a short struggle, | In wbl-h the blind man does his ts-st to protect | his daughter, Eleaimr is captun-d and carried ; away in an automobile. Happily the father ; has secured the tn-ckscarf belonging to young i Franklin. '

By this time the identity of the abductor* Is i discovered, and after a lively pursuit the young lady Is rescued and tbe young man punished.

4> IlitM.WTIC IT.M.Y.—Interesting and curious

phases of life among the ''l.iter day Komans.” more than usually attractive travel sub¬

ject. iM-rfectly photographed, presenting unii|ue views of the cities of Perugia and Gubblo, with ■ their ancient walls and relics of Koman fortl- \ fications. Superb pictures of the majestic Mar- mor>- waterfalls. The Candles Procession at Gubbio; weird and thrilling scenes.


(Gt-orge Klelne.)

AX AWAKENED CONSnENCE.—Portraying first the farm home of the leading character, a gissl bs)king country boy of ambitious tem- i iM-rament. who has heard tbe call of the city and is leaving for Paris to attempt to gain a fortune by his pi-n.

in the next Scene we are taken to the pro¬ duction of his first play at the theatre. Here bis efToi t meets with great approval. The au¬ thor is called for and forced to respond to nu¬ merous curtain calls.

Elated by his success, the young man Imme¬ diately writes to the home folks about the ova¬ tion he has received. The old peasants are de¬ lighted at their son's success and they plan a surpr se visit to their boy In the big city.

We next see them arrive at his housr- In Par¬ is during his ab-em e. Here they are Informed by the servant that his master has gone to dine at an aristocratic home. The address be gives to them. .\nxlnus to see their boy as -oon as possible, they go to the mansion at which It jiroves he is In attendance at a dinner party.

When it Is announced to the popular .voting man that two peasants, hi* parents, are await¬ ing him, he is embarrassed. Momentarily lost because of hi- success, he feels ashamed of the oiil couple. He sends word that he has tie- parted.

Still.v the obi parents are alstut to leave. Abiut In the great city, tired from their Jour¬ ney. ht artbroken from their dIsap(ioIntment, they are comforting one anttther Is-fore the inaijsion when one of the late arrivals for the dinner observes them. Tnuchetl by their evl- ilent helplessness, she stops a moment to sym- Iiathlre. and a* soon as she arrives amttng the guests ib-scrilM-s the pathetic old couple vividly to them.

The .rising author reallxes his false posifton and imuiediatdy resolves to own his mistake.

He hurries out into tbe street to tbe old peo¬ ple bef'.re tb?y have gone far on their way. He takes them bark to the merry party where he Intruducea them and they are heartily re¬ ceived.

♦ MAtHC CAHTOt»XS.—A masterpiece of trick

photography, excelling any film ever manu¬ factured in i>erfectlun of plan and absolute clearness of lietall. Exceedingly unique.

An old and learned doctor discovers tbe se¬ cret of spoiitaucouM generation and make* a microscopic germ, which in Its growth give* birth to the following people who dlssolv* Into one another and into other shape* with start¬ ling mystery.

.V girl, after passing through numerous forms, becomes a ferociou* doorkeeper. He in turn evolve* Into a sheriff's officer, who change* to a fisherman of great weight, whose evolution forms a collector and a policeman, who in. turn dis*<d\e into a sene* of designs.

♦ .MDZART'S LAST KEgL’IEM.—A perfectly

I>hotographed drama, telling tbe marvelously intense and pathetic story of the last hours of "The Tone Master," showing Incidentally scene* from 1 is favorite 0|M‘rss, The Marriage of Fi¬ garo. Don Juan's tb-renade. and Tbe Magic Flute.

Will be released Saturday, September 11.


THE CALI. OF THE IIEAKT,—A young widow lb engaged to an old friend of tbe fam¬ ily. Having a daughter sixteen years old, she ask* her Intended to keep the engagement a *e- <rci until some later date.

The intended ia coming on a visit. He Is heartily greeted by bis fiance and more ao by the daughter who recognizes her old friend. \ mouth has passed. The young daughter

ha* fallen In love with her mother'* intended, but be is too 1 onest to let his heart get tbe iH-st over bis honor, having promla<-d his band lO the young widow.

Accideutally the parting word* of the lovers have been overheard by tbe mother, who. seeing her mistake, and only looking fur tbe happiness of her child, tells her intended that she can never marry him and begs him to make her daughter ha|ipy. The call of tbe heart bad been heard.

♦ OUK COUNTRY IN ARMS.—The picture

opens with children playing soldier*. Boys and girls are in line and one of tbe little soldiers bravely defends the flag.

We next *t-e tbe cadets at tbe military school in drill*. Bc}S and girls have grown up. The play his became seriou*. The soldier* are mareblug away.

The next generation is the Grand Army man. Grandfather, the Grand Army man, is visited by his sons, one of whom ia in the army, the other one a naval cadet, and by bis grand children, who also have donned military uniforms.

The picture finishes with tbe North sod tbe South Joining bands, Columbia laying a laurel wreath on both of them. Between them tbe .American shield with the word "rax,” meaning |K‘ace.

4* A TRUE DATRIOT.—The English are hard

pressed by tbe .Vmerican*. The English gen eral want* to send a message to his regiment and promises a country lad fifty pounds If be will deliver the message safely. The country fool overhears the promise. "The country lad asks for time to consider the proposition and in tlie dark of tbe night ride* to the American general, telling him of tbe English offer. He Is advised to accept the money and deliver the message to the American general instead of th* English. This our patriot doe*, but not before he has sworn not to divulge the secret.

When the father returns and 1* Informed bf the country fool that his son betrayed bis coun¬ try for money's sake, tbe enragt-d man takes an axe and strike* down bis son. At this mo¬ ment tbe American general with hi* staff en¬ ter* to thank the lad for the great service ren¬ dered to bis country. The father is pro«trated when Ite learns bow he wronged his son and the lieavlly wounded lad In bla arms be b*-gs hi* forgiveness.


This is a very interesting film of rare natural Is-aul.v. It Iw'gins with a panoramic view of the .Mammoth Hot Spring*, passing to The Devil's Fire Hole. We have a panoramic view

' of the Yellowstone Fall* (.'PiTi feet high) and ' of The Canyon feet deep). .Next we get

•a clos ■ view of the fall*, pas* on to- tbe Gl¬ int Geyr-i-r Crater, a most iM-autifiil sight. Senator .Miles, of Montana, Feeding the Elk*, md .\ Herd of lliiffaloes cli»e this short but tM-autlful iiicture.


THE lil.IGHr t)F SIN—In a lit,tie river town of the South, early in the seventies, lived a young marricil cmipb- with but one child, a bright little cherub, idolized by her father bu: neglectisl by her mother, who. unfortunately, was tis> young to realize the res|H>nsibility of moiherlKKsl.

.llm I.angdon. tu-r tumest and big heartisl hiis band, iiondered long on the M-em'ng coldness of hi* wife, little dreaming that the cause of it all was a mail and unreasonable Infatuation for J<s- Herndon, a gambbv-, who dress<-d well and lived at the Ix-st hotel. I'rs.r little Mabb- Langdon was dazzb-d by the veneer of thl* clevir rogue, and ao carefully did he {dan hi* •cheme* and *«> seeailngl.v sincere was he In hi* protestation* of undying love that the yoiina

wife. Wlthiail realizing tlie danger she i* in. ( {dace* hiTM-lf In the gambler's power and con *ent* to au elo|Kinent with the blackeat of villains. ,

The o|M-iiing iweiie of the {dcturi- show* the wife {daiuiing to b-aii- by the early iiiornliig iKiat with her iMrauusir. \ letter left at * Irysting place lusirucis her to be In readiness ' to embark ou the sleauier ''tjeiii," which leave* at daylight.

We next catch a glimpse of the bar at the Royal Hotel, where lleriidou la i-ngaged in a game of cards with big Jim I.angdon. the man j he Is Reeking to ruin. Jim ha* lost nearly I every dollar he ha* In the world, and* that, with hi* domeatic troubles, drive* him to dea- ' pe'ration, and forgetting all el*«* but that the ■ smooth, crafty gambler silting oiiiKislIe to him ha* brought him to lu-ggary, he *|irlng* at the throat of his adversary and would throttle him but for the Interference of other*.

tiathering U|i the stake* quickly. Herndon note* the time 1* fast apiwoacblug when he is j to me<‘t Malile at tbe lauding. He hastens to i hi* room, pack* hi* valise, and makes bis way quickly to the aidHiluted *{H)t and Is soon Joined by the guilty wife.

But back in the little home a lisby girl ■ awaken*, and hearing no familiar voice to greet her cries, gel* out of bed and toddle* aluiut the Insise to find her mama. In vain she fcearche*; then making her way- to the front door she is siHin outside tbe house and on her way down the street, crying for papa. Reaching tbe entrance to the hotel, the child la found and taken to her father's side. With * cry of alarm the distracted man rlas|ie his little one - to his breast and questions her a* to what brings her there and where was her mother that she allowtsl her child to wq^nder forth alone and In such a garb.

Then the revelation come*. BInneil on the gown of tbe baby la a crumpled note which Mable had placeil there. With trembling hands Jim unfold* It and reads tbe awful confession of bis child's mother—that she no longer care* for him and has gime away with the man who has robbeil him of every dollar he bad In tbe world. With the cry of a wounded heart the betrayed husband stagger* to bla feet and swears an oath of vengeance on the wrecker of his ha(«t>iness. He is Instantly surrounded by sympathizing friend*, among them old Judge Hay, a fire eater and fearless war veteran, who at once volunteer* hi* assistance to hel{i run down and punish "the miserable boss thief and tin born gambler." a* be expresses it. Some one *uggesi* that the boat ha* not yet left and perbaiw the guilty cou|ile could be ap prehend<>d before they bad time to embark.

Jim and the Judge burry to tbe landing, but arrive Just In time to *<>e "The Gem” swing out into mid stream and catch a glimpse of tbe triumphant Herndon and tbe shrinking, terror-stricken wife.

"Get horses at once, ride down the leree a* fa*t as we can go. ovenake tbe steamer and pass her. then take a rowboat and board her.” gasps tbe wlndeil and excited Judge. His sug gestion I* at once acted u{>on and carried out auccessfully.

A small boat shoot* under the (irow of tbe steamer and two men fling themselves over the forward rail. It I* Jim I.angdon and bis friend, the Judge. The guilty couide see them as aoon as the crew of tbe boat. and. completely unnerved, the gambler throws the terrified wife from him with brutal force, and rushes aft to hide himself from the wrath of the avenging l.iisb.vnd. leaving the woman In a dead faint on tbe deck.

Now the chase begin*, the gambler making desperate effort* to elude the maddened husban.l. while the w ife, who ha* awakened from her . swoon, pleads wildly with the oflii-er* of the i boat to prevent bloodshed. At lengtn. alm<s>t Insane from fear. Herndon rushes below to the ^lrn*ce*. and securing a burning brand, hurl* It Into the mld«t of th«* cargo of turin-nline. setting fire to the boat, and then dive* headlong Into the eildying water* and strikes out for th" shore. Not lM»ing a strong swimmer, and ig norant of the treacheroti* currents of the river, hi* effort at rsca(ie |>rove« fjtlle. and. battling de«per*tely for his life, tbe -.infortunate wretch sink* friim view and 1* seen no more, thua end Ing a life of corrntdnesa and «ln.

Now we return to the burning l»oat. where the crew are fighting furiously to i|uench the flame*. A life t»oat I* Iow»-re«l. anil carrying the Inanimate bmly of hi* wife In hi* arm*, big Jim I.angdon and hi* friend bap Into It and In a few second* are safely beyond the danger zone of the iHirn'ng «teamer.

Back to town th** saddened husband return* with hi* reyientant and cre*tfal|en wife. Her neighbors turn *galn«f her and flaunt her sin In her face. It 1* then that the big heart of her husband speak* and make* excuse* for the erring woman. "She Is too yming to know her own mind." he ex(daln< to those who Judge her. and so folding her on hi* breast he ataml* like a rock betwei-n her and the scoff* of tho««- who would cni«h her further by their taunts.


THE DAY GAII.—In thl* Aim Is told. In a *<-rle« of fnio'lriatliig ncene*. a dramatic Incident In 111" life Ilf a railroad englnii-r and of the bravery of hi* wife In saving the {lay car from iH-liig w-reeked.

Scene 1.—Engineer Byrnes reports for bla run.

Sci-ne 2.—Th" drunken flrenian la dischargi-d Scene .1.—\ Wi-ek later A chance for n-

vi-ngi .

Scene 4,_Hyrne«' Inline A sick tiaby

Si-i-ne A {dot to wreck Die (lay train. Scene Ci.—Gutting Hie win-*

S<-erK- 7-Thl- idiiMer* *1. n and followed Sei-iie *. The pa> train

Seelie !t The wife fulls the wrecker* Scene in The {inrHult.

Scene 11. — At the (luiiip *tatlon The gang eaiitured.


A SI ItANtiE ItEl'NIDN Tills {ilctiir*- show* a loving wife and a druiiken liiisliand. She {Mil* u|i with hi* atiinu- and trie* to make allow¬ ance* fi.r him for the sake of ilielr little lialiy. Dne day he I* liroiiglit linine In a drunken eon dlDoii l.y III* foreninn. 'Iln- wife |* linnilllated

and erle . .Meiiiiwhill-. Hi,, fori-niaii. taking ad

Vantage of her poalHon, endeavorH to forci- his attentloiii- niiiiii her. Slie p |iiiIm « litm and order* l*lni from the lioum- lie g,.e., Imt Ihliiglng she will change In-r ni'iiu.,.* * note f,*- her to

inei-t him lati r 't'he hii*tianil i-onie* out iif hi* drunken *|iitior. and demand* Id* *u|itier, but *10- newt* neiiii y f ir |irovl*liiiiN ||e refii*e* to give her any. and nhu«i-* her She erle* and he leave* her, telling le-r he sliall never return She I* heart liroken amt. In de«|ialr. when -<|i(.

dlscovci's the forciiiaii'a note. In de*|M-ratloi decides l» atall her*«-lf of the liivllailuii ,i„| seek Ills belli. But when she look* Inti. i,r cradle and inlu the face of the Utile | the giKH) In her wins, and she pronil>i ■ |. , main a true woman

Two year* later, the husband la aei-n g -a ally going down hut. He is a ho|M-le>.a dnii.. .r.| aiul llnally I tiro* Into a burglar. He I* In act of burglarlzliig a house, when discoveri-t <iy two young pi*iple oiining home late at n .iii. I'hey Imiiiedlately vail a |Hillcenian 'llo- |. -^i. lar takes alarm and runs Into an alley a| finally lake* refuge In a leueiueut building Hr trie* several door* until he lind* oue util- krd and rushes Into the riaun wheni be conn - tu-* to face with hi* dewrled wife. He plead* with her to hide him, and she lliially tells him to get Into bed which be dt*-* anil when th, ..fl) eera come, she tell* Iheui he Is her buslmial. I'hey insist U|*in M-arrhlug the other rtaiin. l>ul she pnitests, aiul the irillee thinking she Is (-mi ceallug the man, push her aside and enter In¬ stead of a burglar, they find the little lithy dead and laid out. R«-allzing that they hsit iua*le a mistake, they sadly depart. T'he wift then leads her biiiglar husband Into the p >ib and shows him their little dead child. At flrsl it is hard fur hint to comprehend the fact that III* neglect has Ih-tui mainly re*|ionslblr for Hit little om*'* lUath. Hut it dues Dually daws u|Miu him that such la the case, and h* aoleiun- ly vows tu reform and henceforth lead a bet ter llle.

Oue yiar later the wife and husband are ■•-en In a uimlest home. They are very hamiy for ha is thrifty and now a mialel husband, hi* ret¬ orn.a'iuii tM-liig comple^.


THE SEALED RtHlM.—There 1* scarcily a |>alaee. castle or chateau in alt Euru|M- oirr whoM- crumbling ruin* there dues not hang the specter of some legend or mystery, but none are as luteu*«-ly thrilling as the Insplratlou of this Biograph subji-ct. Centuries ago, during the devastation of one of these castles, built In medlaevil times, a walled up iVMim was found to contain the akeletuu* of two tMHlIes. Many tbeorlea were cvuijured. but tbe one adotded as the theme of this story seems the most logical. The King la so deeply in love with his favored on" that be coutrlvi-a a seipiestered dove Ci te for theiiiselvea !>>' sealing up a r<x>m in the tower, leaving but one entrance <>i>eD Tbe rvKuii is finished and dedlcatevl with |>'>mp and ceremony. During these festivities, bow ever, the King becomes siisidctous of lh« tt- t>-nHon' shown an Italian troubadour by hi* favori-<l one, so plans to sur|irlse them in <>r der te convince hiiu*elf. To this end. a gusrd enter* witb a bogus order calling tbe King away for a time. The room i* cleared, tbe lady and trcHibadcmr di-c-lare their mutual love, and sh-, pit-king lip the huvir glass. Intimates that they may enjoy eaeh other's »<K-lety for at least the boiir. 'the trouhadour pour* out bla soul's de vollun in s>ng. while the lady taking tbe rose, allows the leaves to fail in time with dropping sands of the glass. While they are thus ot-cu pled the King return*; hla fears are Termed, and calling tue masoua, orders them to seal up the onlj euiranee. The love song of tbe trou¬ badour'h*« now, unknown to the c>ai|ii*. be¬ comes a dirge, .kt the la>t grain of saiMl sir-|>e to the iHittuiii ts>wl of the glass, tbe lovers giike their w.a.v to tlje d'xr only to lie confronted witb a cold. Immovable wall of stone. Lik- a flash, the horror of the situation heelige* Hiem and thay realize their fate. Tlielr ern-* and Is-ating on the walla are answered uu1.t by the flints of the King, who stands <^its >1* 111 fii-ndisli satisfaitioo of the terrllde |Hinl>h- inent b" has meie«l out for them. Slowly the torturing oppn-sslon of the air light room overcomes them, which death only can relieve. In till* pnslnetloii tbe Blograph has attained the Very Seine of motion picture art—lu-st le-.xiilifully staged and costumed, and acted In a nisnn- r liifinitelj more convincing than an} thing ev-r la-fore attempted.


THE LITTLE DAKLI.N4L—This might I** , termed a eomedy of errors, for the over zeal

on-ness of a lot of gocNl hearted simple fe.k* I places them in rather a emlisira* iHMll.- n. . I.lllie Green, who ke(-iia a iMiaidlng house, re¬

ceive* a letter from her old girl chum. Didly Brown, whom she hasn't *--• u in )ear>. to the elTi‘c't that as Lillie ha* m-ver sca-u her

^ little darling daughter, she will send ha r for I a few da} s' vialt. asking that siuneune oie-t I the child at the J.4ci irain. I.lilie't boanbr-

BP- a biincli of kind hearted bai h( lors. who it once pp-pap- to give the “Little-" the

I time of her life, buying a load of toy*. <tc.. for bc-r amusement, also {iroeurlng a baby car riage, with which tu meet her st the train. Ycai m.iy linsgiiie their eiiiharra>siiicnt wlo-n

' thay final that Taadsle, Instead of Is-liig a hshy. prova-s to l.e a handsome young lady aaf *cvrn teen, whose tastes run rather to garden gales, shaaly lana-s and quiet nooks, than toy*

TITAORAFH. BHItltilWED GI.OTHKB 4Jaatoii and H.-uri.

twai Struggling artists, are dlacarven-d In their ’ |SKa-|y fiiriiiHlia-d studio aa the |MH>tnian tarings j s letter Inviting them to a bana|nei. At lli*t . they are overjoyed, then realizing that Ho-lr , clolhe* are la*) shabby, sink back In utter ale

spaalr. A few incaiiieni* later, a young invn. ; faslilonaldy dresss-d, hm very awkward and

gawky, enters and pra-Hents a letter. Tld* praave* to lip from a niiittisl friend Intnslncing the iM-arer. Mr. Jadm llsyio-eal, who lias facllcn lii-lr to a large fortiiiH' and wants his |sirlrsit

' paillited. Both siHsts are over I'lSirteaHis to lie' newa-aiiiier, llii-n Hip same- ld«-a eaimc* In tsitti one i.t least can ■llend Hie lisna|iii t If eladlie* cmi tip ra.<-nrpd. Tlipy retire IM-Iilnd the scri'en, Hiraiw d|i-e a* to wbirti will wear the elailli-*

I of Mr. lla.vsi-i'd lli-nrl win*. Itcluriiliig to Hii-lr l■n*lllnl•-r tln-y dl*( ii** Hie kind of pairlralt 111- want* pilnli'd ami find Hint til* ^•ll.■lce is to

I tie (sal tray 111 In hi* lo-w *uil. Afic-r cauishl i erslile raiNvlng. Iilnfflng hihI HiP-ateiiing, tln'T I *iieep,',| In get ling him to iiiil on * llamisn gl*-ll

nliir'* costiiiiic 'nil*, of I.. necc**llsl-’* hi* removing Id* i-nllri.till, whieli Henri *1

' oiiee *i|i|iro|irlale* nvid *t:irl* mit for Hie I'an 1 ipiel .Mr. H*y*ei-d tski* Id* iswIHon mol tia* ' ton start* painting, lint a.* Hi*- lioiir* go !»' h*

iMyoiiie* Hri-d. Iiiiiigry and lieg* fur hi* clothes Tlie artist lia* hi* own traioble* In pacify Ivii

Jaihn. whila- Henri, resplenileid In Hie "borrowi-l c-I(lHl(«." I* lll-lllg i-oinpllnia-iiled oil all slate* fair hla swi ll ap|M-nrnii('e A* Hine pa***-* oti. Mi'iirl gits Into a lills«fnl *IhIo of InlovI'» Hon ainl. witli Ida rofiipnidotiM, «lHrts for Hi" slodlii Here Ho-pi Is tpnilde Tlie riiiinlr.vm ri fiisp* til |Hi«e nnv longer, slnrl* f'lr Hie an'e

. Psiiii. wliere he lUseovera that Ills cIoHica at* I ndasliig III. I* fiiriiai*. and wlilli- airgidi.g w It I Gaston as to llia-lr whercslionta. the rto"r hv>e*t




CINCINNATI FILM EXCHANGE, 214-216 W. Flil!) Street, Cincinnati, Ohio

PTEMBER 4, 1909.

l•|M■ll mill lli'iirl, with tlin-** frii-wlH, KtiiiCK<‘rit In. Jiiliii r)-)'i>KiilK-g his rlotlifg, Kmlm the wearer, aiul >-iiiiiiii<.n<‘i'» to roiiKh It. when the Janitor Birje'ai'H aiMl throwa them all out of the hull'l I UK.

The Light That NeverFallsra~l|

TIIK BVIh THAT MBS IMt.—.Mary la aewlnx outalile iH-r rahlii iloor, ,aa the villain In our atory eiitera ami makea a' |iro|i>nial of iiiarrlaKe. lie meeta with a aterii refiiaal aial aneaka off. «owliiK veiiKeauee. .Mary eiilera the cahln ami la M-ttliiK the table aa hero .No. 1 entera anil aaka her fatle-r fm* her baml. The olil man mala aaaeiit. lull Mary, u|em ImlnK conaiiltiil, refiiaea. llie olil man upliralila her. (ileaila with her, hut ahe la renolute. A little later another aiiltor. hero .Vo. II we nhall rail him, (VNuea In anil la Joyoiialy rei'elveil hy' tlie Kirl. The fatlwr alBliillliK hy, IM>tlrea the reia.|itl<ai. The truth daw OH ii|ion him. aial he orders .Mary from tiM- lioiiae. The laal iiamial la evidently not aa miirh Infatuatiil with Mary aa alie la with him. and renllxliiK that le- has tired of Ikt, the Klrl d<-termliiea to c-ommit aulride. She atarta for the rivtr, ami la Jiiat about to end It all when hero No. 1 Btejm from Udilnd a tree, ibwarta her (ilaii ami aaka what baa driven her to aurb a alep. .Mary refuaea to tell, waiidera off and. roniliiK to the dancinK hall, ahe a».«.a the aerond hero through a window, daneliiK ami UirtinK with different Kirla. Kbe ralla him away, pleada with iiltn to marry her. Thin the ymiUK man refuM'a to do. and he la about to rant her aalde when hero No. 1 apia-ara aitd at the i>olut <if Ilia KUU forr«*a the other to awear that he will marry .Mary. Hero No 2 now returna to bla rahln. alta down In deep tboiiKht. The villain entera. taunta him of the Kirl. and In the IlKht which euauea the hero la atahlieil. The munlerer teara off the blood-atalned part of Ida aleeve and tbrowa It out of the window, wliere It la fmind by a Chinaman who la paaainK. Then otiaiTvlnK tin- approach of the Brat hero, the villain aeea a chance of faatenln* the crime on him, alinka throuKh another door. proc»-eda at once to the camp where be telh of the crime. \ crowd at once returna to the cabin, wlerc tlwy laaince u|>on the hero ami take him before a Judge, Kvldence la overwhelm¬ ingly against the accused and a verdict of guilty la a|N>i*iltly reached and all banda start for an Imiiieillate execution, when the China man. noticing the ti>rn sleeve of the villain, atiips the p’lceedlng. flta the piece be found on foe villain's shirt and the tables are turned Mary atejia forwtnl. embraces the exonerate*! man sml they are married by the Judge, who but a abort time Iwfore had s»-ntenced the liridignoin to death.

The Operator EatabUahad 1176.

Uiygen and Hydrogen Gaa furnlabed In tanka for StereoptlcoO and Moving ITcture Machlnea. All ordera to any part of the United Statea •lied Agaota foi all maksa of Moving Pictars Maobinot


“Bill” Says he Feels Safer now that Pittsburg Calcium Light & Film Co.’s Films are NON - Inflammable Films


BIG MONEY And if you get chummy with “Bill” he will tell you

that “film hits” can only be had from

the people who have ’em. Is being made exhibiting the

GENL’INE SEPT. 9, 1908


21 rounds com;)lete from training quarters to knockout.

EDISON. 1;TIIEI/S I.I’.NCHKON.—Written expreasly

for Edison iirialurtlon. hr MNs Carolyn Wells.

CAST OF CH.kUACTERS: .Miss Ethel Browning .Mlw Katheleen Taylor .Mias Myrtle TanneUlll .Mr. Tafft Johnson ..‘ Mr. Bertram Yowt .kNP company.

That the Edison Company Intends to make Ita proluctloo. the le-at that pniBres,a|ve manage ineni, eiiterpr;a«‘ and money can bring forth, la shown »«v tl»dr getting out a picture like Etlel'a Eii'icIm-ou. At a single stroke they hxve set a iH‘W atamlard and begun a new era In .knierlcan ‘’silent drama,”—the era of pla.vs written especially for fllm presentation by well- known authora and played by casts especially eogaged for them. Carolyn Wells, the popular writer, has told here a J»41y. mtschevnua ll»!le storr that Is acteil by a cast of rt'ally excep¬ tional players In a manner which shows that high <'iMDe'dy Is as genuinely funny as that of the al.ip-stlck vari* tv.

pair of lov. rw. an over aealoua friend and two young madcai>a of girls, who get every- b*-lv Into trvwjlde. except thi-mselvea. are Con errn-d In the fun. Jack Ftiller expects to en t.ritln hla flame.-. Ethel Adams, at Innch.svn at th.- Rrs'kdale Country Club. A telegram ficMH his bn>k.-rs. calling him to town Imme- dlatc. make, him glad to accept his friend 11 1. Hall's offer to lw.-.Hne hla proxy and mi t.TfsIu Hu- Tourg lady In his place.

Tw<. .MMirig. mlsehlvfs. Peggy ami Dolly, overliesr this conversation. A* Bob Hall has never met the r.-.vl Eth.d. they determine th.vt shall b.- three Ethel entertaln.-d at line heo.1. Thev purchas.' .wchlds (which the r. -al Ethel la to weari dr.'ss up In their Mg sister's clothes and one at a time present them s, .lMS for Bol. Hall’s entertainment. Having ta-.-n Ipstrtict.M to ap.ire no expense. Bob pr> vld.s an elalstrafe lunch for the first sc.tpo

Peggy ,. .. la.llT . .. . Ethel Adams Jack Eull.r Bob Hall ..





Wiite for our low rvntAl terras.


ROLL TICKETS BRARCH OFFICES Saa Fraacuoo. Denvar, Salt Lake Olty,

Omaka. Washin^on. Atlanta, and MashTUls.


The chea|ie«it siievdal printed tickets in the country. Any printing, front or back, any colors. Not a cheap ticket, but a good ticket, cheap.

5,000 $1.25 25.000 $5.00 10.000 . 2.50 50.000 3.00 15.000 . 8.75 75,000 7.60 20 CCO . 4.50 ICO.COO . 9.50

Si>ecial prices In larger guautitiea. OAMI WITH OBltEB, NO C. O. I>. Write for sam plea and big list of stock tickets.

ROYAL TICKET COMPANY. - - Shamokin. Penn.


-: WRITE US. :-

AK-SAR-RFN fall festivities niY Unirn UlJil SEPT. 29-OCT. 9.

Can Use One First Class Animal Show, The Biggest Event in the West.


“DOC” BREED, Director of Carnival, Omaha, Neb.


WANTED—Open Air Attractions llli: TEMPTATIttN —We read In this pic lure tlM> old. old story of temptathwi yleldiM to liv the man and a woman's love which la strong eiuM'gh to blot out even the resulting mlsdi*--!

Steien Phllbert. a fniate,! employe of the great nillla. Is given a large check and mmt to the elty to get the money with which to pay off th*. men The sight of the monev In the bag which he carries first aiigge-ts to him how- easy It wiwild Ih» to get away with It. and when he la delay<d by tlw> bltxxanl and reaches hls vibiirban home after the factory hours, snd flnds that he must ki'ep the niom'y over night, bis half formed plan takes deflnlte sh.apo, and leaving the Iw use under the prv'tevt of rn'iullng a telephone meaaage. he disguises himself and

Lansdowne Park, East St. Louis, Ill. IN CENTER OF CITY. TWO MINUTE CAR SERVICE.

Kre,' use of basi'ball grounda for Circuses, Carnivals, etc. State full particulars first letter. HUGH MORRISON, Mgr. Lantduwne Park. Eait St. Louia, Ilia.

Forget to send for our new Fall and Winter catalogue showing the largest variety of Souvenirs and Premiums in the Country, It is FREE.

H. C. Wood k Co., 112-114 5th tve., Chicago WANTED FERRIS WHEEL MAN

Must be s bustler and willing to work; muat understand gasoline engine. High Diver. If yon are a staller save your stamps. Door Talkers. Stadium iHHiple, Vaudeville iieople, and jieople In all branches. Will furnish oiiltlt for giXMl Grind Show «r Ballyhoo Show, good tents and fronts. If you are money getters let me hear from you: If not stay where you are. I am willing to pay the mon»'y but you must deliver the giHids. Wanted to buy, goixl Black Top. must be good and cheap. State all In first letter. Can usv' a few Conca-ssions. I am playing the big ones, all County Kalra and IJeunions and we are getting the money. Answer H. W. CAMPBELL. Norton, Kan., week of Aug. $0. Bookinl solid for ten we»>k. then g.) South.

STEREOSCOPIC PICTURES. anv iiiachliie. Price. ftOc, 7.5, CtlAMPION CARD 00., I62 W. Chicago, III.




FLAGS Waterproof Covers


TENT SHOWS Th. rc'i m> ^N>II| U-ft for iloiilil. If

you li« «•*! « 4'oio‘**hhIoii It itlioiilil Im* of I'liriili-liotiilli' iimko. A V ii I'on i-okKioii ’ri’iil Ik iM'tlor 111 iiioKi ri-HiNTta Itinii Kiiy oIIht 'IVut you cku l.iiy Aiitl ■ I 111-lo« lolii-H. how call you af loftl iit>t lt» onlor If ytoi iiiokI iiuo •.x7>..fl . ISMi'i; 7S\llU,fl . »|Jlt,-,

Ifll UK iH'w you wiiiit your 'I’oul iiiaili-. Ikiw you llko to haw it irliiiiioKl aiiil thou Wf'll aihl llo- kllika whlrh h.i\o iiiailo ('ll T'-iila faiiKiua with par lo'ular Klioaiiioii.

Iluiry your onlor—acuil It today.

Pithy, Peitlnent Letters From the Men With the Show—Good

Weather, Good Attendance General—Much Close Billing—New

Curtis Guying Invention, Greatest Circus Apparatus Invented

Address Wanted.



i'otri'lt, MIkk Jev oll I’.rrl'ie, and niy wife an I 1 with to ex|iroKH tbrouich your far rearhina col- uiiina. our alnrere thauka for the kind renie.ii- hraiJcoH of our many friendK.

I'o the foil iw ing iiioiniM-rK of »he Miller ItniK.* 101 Kancb Wild Woat, we are too rralofiil to try to thank them peraonally for their lieiutiful and meat p.-oaent and wo h.iiie thi.t at Kome time In the future each and every one of thorn will be able to pay iia a vlrlt at our borne and help uk make their prea- ont usoriil: Andy Nolan. Cid. Itolllns, A. El. Waterman. K. I». Burna, -lohnule (lleonaii, E'rej Iteckman, Hoy I.. GUI. •‘Butch" Cohn. Wm. Me- Kurland, C. E'. Ellton, I*rof. BaKtnian. I'eter Stan¬ ton, Norman Bartlett. Brnide Caa|>er. May Builer, K. E'oot. J. B. d.Ua. Ban lUi. J. C. .Miller, 'V. A. Brooka. W. A. Can-aa. L. M. Caiiientor, I) V. TantUnc. r and wife. E. Ci.> monto, .Neil Hart. Mrs. Weldlek. Owen IKiwd. Van Buskllk, “IVweo’’ Watkinv, Capt. Be Vere. A. It. Allen and Mr. and .Mra. Oi^o. .\r- Kii/lon. E!ach and every one I'f the above frleida will alwaya find Hie latch string on fha outsilo If ever they esn find the time.

Triia'lnc that you can find the space to print this leiiglhy letter, I thank yon in advance.

Youis trulv. A. G. BAINBPIBGE,

Press Agent 101 liancli Wild West Show.

E'lve t.'l Standard Gam:, straight PasM-nger Coaches. s<.attng rapacity .'.4 to .’>S; One Stan.laM Gauge t'.imhiiialion l’aKKoi.i;..r and Baggage Car. sealing rapaoily lid: One Pass,.ugor Coach with stateroom and Iwrlh, sealing capacity ihl. E'irst class rwuditloii, ready for aervice; leitensl tu autt.



Weekly News Letter Frei

Bros.’ Shows.

One show at Fairfield, Neb., August 19. wat well attended hv a big crowd. Vlige Camp- liell Joined here for a few daya’ visit. Atsiut one out of every five working men around the show bur a dog now, and In view of the fact that one might get lost at any time George Martin has instructed judd Marsh to house then: In tlie np-r.iwn wagon over night, where they ran keep comp.any with the “<igah<»:'’ What. Is ItT it is alive.

A long haul into Seneca, Kan.. Angnst 20, n.aiie ns a little late, but the working force ia alKHit full now and it wasn't long liefore the tents were up and the limminga put on. And the croud; Say, It was another "darb.” We didn’t have seats enough for them, and the rest hud to alt on the hippodrome track. The wrlte- told everylxsly ahead of ttme Just what Seneca would be, and she was. Live there? No. but might some time.

Hiawatha. Kan., August 21 was great. A home talent Umonade pisddler here tried to keep Frank Mutton from selling any stuff what- soeier, claiming he bad an “exclusive.” S. F. Wsrd, Gns Gentry, Ban Lohta and others, spent Blindly In Kansas City, leaving the show here and returning at Sabetha. Monday.

Sabetha, Kan., August 23. where the show did a ring hank business last yea", repeated tbe|r same old business here to better satisfaction than ever. W. C. Sommervllle, of the Baker and Lockwood Company of Kansas City, paid the show a visit.

Maryaville, Ksn., August 24. was axcellent for the show. First time for many years that the weather wasn’t rainy with a show In town Buck Keg.-r left the show here, and everyboily packed up their trunks and were preparing to go home, hnt .\dam Notxmaii arrived on the siene an<] assured averyhody that be had made all arrangements for the show to run on as ever.

Baviil City, Neb.. August 2^. was good.

TENTS Show Tents. Black Tents. Candy Topa.

Merry-Go-Round Covert.

And everytking in canvas. Send for catalogue.

1C9-11 South Main Street,

AO Foot Box. Stork or Flat Cara for sale or lease. Storage capacity 5iio ears. Repair work Bollcited. VENICE TRANSPORTATION CO., St. Lsuit. Mo.

Car buildera. All riaaaea. Show Cara a st<e cialty. Sbo|«. Harvey, Itllnola.

HOTCHKISS. BLUE A COMPANY, >41 Bail way Eiohtuige Bldg., Ckioagw

YANKEE ROBINSON SHOW NOTES. Bernanl'a Cold Water Paste la not ta expensive as flour at |•^t•aent price*. A 2<M» pound harrel makes 6 barrels of high grade pssie, and the water la free. SO p.sind box. $,'l.(IO: 2i»Vp"‘ind barrel. glo.iNi. BERNARD FASTE DEPT.. Bettor Buildiag, Chicago.


WE HAVE FOR LEASE CARS Mi ft. long, fur tblpplng arenery, automobiles, advanee, liaggage. privilege aloek and merry g»i rounds, tiesirahle far Bh*w anti rlreiis c<.mi>anltMi. Ileastuiable ratea. THE ARMS PALACE HORSE CAR CO., 1»0 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, III.

Col. Fred Buchanan, owner of tl.a Yankee Rotiinson Shows, continues to add to bit al¬ ready Isrgt organisation. Among those who have Joint d In the past week are the lyoveffa Twin Sisters, pn st nting one of the greatest triple bir act* ever stagetl. Another set that la grining rounds of applause at erery r>*rforin- auce 's the Blush Sisters. Irapeie arthts: Har¬ vey Blush, ten year old brother of the BIiis’ii Sisters, gets his share of attention also. He It said to i.e the youngest leaper before the pub¬ lic.

Salvall. manager of the able show, hss a smile thit won’t come off. fi r he la doing a top notch business.

V'c Hugo, the vamhrllle magnate of Cedar Rrpids. Iowa, vlsltisl the show at .Manch<-«ter. Iowa. Saturday, .\iigust 21. coming over ftv.m Cedar lr»tii<ls In his ts-aiitlfiil White steamer. aeefHitpanlrsl by .Mrs lingo, his Imother. Charles Ml.go :ind Win. Collier, manager of (Jrer a.- a <»|.era HcSIve

Bef.ire any one knew. Vic Hugo was within a hnndre.l miles of us; he had piil one iv-r on Salvall tl at will be rememlsT*-.! many, many noons.

Man.ager S.vlvall called ’‘Ballah'si.” Just after the parade had returned to the lot. and after looking the fs-ojde over he foiin<l he h;o| <si# too maiiv. I'tHin In.pilry the n«wo,,fi,»r ev fdalned Unit he h-.d fieen sent on by Manag~r Biichsnau to ap(s-ar is a fno- atlr.'rtp.n .ind that he ha-l Ji:st arrived. Salvall then t.Iaced him on the hallahon staml ami Introlno.-d l.lin as a "master of m>sl<-m m: gle.” whereiiisei the new rfMiie* started In to demonstrate I.If ability as a card manipulator.

Salrall. who had known Hugo In daya r ne hre, (ycl the strangvr an.I wondered where he had met Ids new sttractlon ts-fore. Jii«f then Bel Kii-go. the msn who ests and drink, tt.a fiercest fl.inw's for the amusement of sld« show visitors, recognised the vaiiderllle manager and then the handshaking commeneml.

Other vlsltfg-s of the we.-k were Mrs Arctl* Wehh. onr show band leader’s wife, and Mra. F. M. Shoftrldge, visited at Manchester la >lrs, H. I. Kelly, our sfeward'i wife with tier

TENTS BARGAIN LIST—Almoat new, 10x130. AOiM 40x00; and ‘JOO fuallar lenta for aala, cheap

D. M. KERB MEG. 00., t7t->M W. Madiaoa 8tra*t. Chlaag*. HI. Circus Tents Eitabliabed 1865. Fhone Canal 8664.

ison & Vandiveer MANUFACTURERS OF


IKimeatlc, Mexican and Central American, flxe,l to handle safely, OULF COAST WILD ANIMAL I ARM. Brownavilla, Taiaa.



TF.XTS FT)ll IIF.XT. 81fi Fdist IVarl St.. < IX<TXN.\TI. <). be:a.k«»,

IVIonkeyn, F)nl>oons. Freaki. Mnnater Snakes. Chamalaona. PUTNAM'S WILD ANIMAL STORE 4»» Wailiington St., BUFFALO. N. T

SideShowPaintings SIEGMUND BOCK.

62 Blua Island Ava., CHICAGO, ILL.

THE BEST SCENERY AND SHOW PAINTING at lowest prlrea In the land. High grade work only. Illustrated catalog to the profession. Tell us what you need and we will aend lowest estimate on Job. ENKEBOLL ART CO., 5305 North 27th St.. Omaha. Neb.. U. S. A.


106-110 Broadway, Brooklyn. N Y Give us a trial: all snakes fist'd safe to bandle. and prices cheaper than othera.


Cor Commerce A Stevea Sti., San Antonio, Tex. Portable Lights


Th« BolU ft Wtyer Co.

223 MIohlgan St., Cbleago

TFNTS FOR SALE AND FOR HIRT AUGUST r. WINBERO MFO CO.. 522 Hud« St., N Y C. Phone 1887 Olielaea.

CIRCUS GUARANTEE AGENT WANTED—.4 Bnnking .Agent or Promoter who can w(,rk large sru'letii's for an Indoor Circus with ten years’ established reputation; now In operation: only firat-ctass. experienced man or woman consUlimed. Cirene Acts Wanted and Clrcns Band of ten idecea. Address

INDOOR CIRCUS, care The Billboard.

ENTIRE MONKEY CIRCUS. ConsUtlug of "U large end niiulliiin Monk' Msr-iws. I'arrota. Tonrsits sl«<» hrsnd * Tent, ‘^eix'si. •( ft. sides, fsdes and hsnners V s. II the whole or sefisrste All.ANTIC .4 I

CIKK' BIBB SIBUK. ‘J.-KIH E. Madison Sir. ('hleago. Ills.

SEPTEMBER 4. 1«09.


Willie •nil (ImiicliliT. I’nllenof. •* n like |1I»». Mr». Ki'lljr mill lier rhllilrm f.^- NrwIiHi, l>i«». «fliT ii|M-iiilliiK lli» «l»y ,|t <»llti friend*. -

T Swell. Ilf Meii«enifer Huy r«me, aud I.«IIII» faintly, all"' Vlalted lli» »liiiw at II l.ake. low*. Sliirin l.ake U Mr. Sweet'a

1- Hill a nniiilii-r of im enjoyed a rlile In hla nai'lilne lie will idieii Ilia aliow aliout iiiIm-t Ifi. pla.iinit Iowa and nearliy alatea.

.vriler h|niil a idea«aiil day with our friend Aalinian H Tlldilll". recently, at Minn Mr. TlldilttH liaa llie liimaa at rrealiin. ilph Knot, onr local conlractor. ha* cloaad iHp aiamin. and I* now In iH-a Molne* a» la fill Kred lliicliaiian to aet hla Majcatlc

llle tliealn- read} for the oiicntna. wUldi f.a- Aiu;i'>'l

allien one of the beat norelty concert bunda ever wi-ii on a fair sroiinda.

Iti-n’a aiiceean In the paat fi-w year* lia* Imwu lilienonienni. but lie hlniM-lf and Ilia family haa made It tlieiiiaelvea by tlieir hard work and by •nakinit kuimI on all hla iiriHnlaea to the |M'o|>|e. Ilia allow will play the atate fair at Inillan aiadl* aicaln thia year aial after a few wei-ka in .Mk'lilKHii will Jump over to HpriiiKHehl. III., for the hiK alale fair there. ilia trip Siaith will rinnnieiiee from that |a>lnt.

We are the Live Wires in the Tent Business


EDW. P. NEUMANN, Jr. Pr««.




I .ink \ llohhlii*' Show atrived at iVench , X J eariT Friday. Amtiiat Jll. eoiiilliK 1- .in' ilaiiicof. I*a.. tlfty iwveii mile*. When mile* «. arrlve<r*t Kreiiehtown. we fouinl rearly ev- | . rialdeiit at the atatloii all ea)S<T to a,-e and !

..•I .Mr Kohhina. who wan the tlrat man to l 1. the train It wi.iild la- uwlesa to trv .

■ k-.i lino ilelalla and mention all the old I nd* Frank .V met. hut the acene at the ata- '

I 11 will haiit he p'liieiiilN'reil by many. i It ha* h.*'ii I'veiity year* aliice Mr. llolihln*

. «e.; Kieiaditown. and for live aeaaona hi* | .w wlden-d thi-r.-. llililn,t thia ia-rio.1 Mr.

l; l.l. n. nia<le many life lone friend* wlio were ' ..i, heiid early, to irlve their old ciHurad- a

....lot receplhai. which they carrl ol oit to the letter.

Mr. and Mr*. Kolihln* orltatloiia to dine To

In- ,n.|«""'lhle. remarked if we make tin-iii oiir itm* S.> after the *ftern>«in | un., ,<(ort>*l t

Kdwln Whah'ii. of the I.iicky Hill Show, waa M'rloiialy Injiireil hy beiiiK run over by u

, *wlteh train It. Kill*. Kao., on .\iii;il*t ITJ. I while cropHinit the railroad on hi* way up town. ; lie wa* liiiii.i-dlalely wilt to the St. Jo*»iih

l|o*pitaI. Kaiiaua t'lty. .Mo. .Mr. \Vh il-’n 1* riifTetliit: with a hadlv eruaied hl|i. nud it la

I hoi*ol that Id* lejt will not have to lie aiiipu I tilted, lie la iM-liiyr well taken rare oX hy tla-

V. 1’. It. K. fo., a* well d* hy I.iiekv Hill ami ■ men her* of tin- K. o| I'., of Kllla. Man. Mr. ■ Whab n'a limne I* in l■lttahllrlt. \Ve*|*li| I lie I* n meiiit»*r of the K. of 1’. .N.i. 3-'l ! Muntliiitton. W. Vt.


1*1 of


Long Distance Telephone

Haymarket 444.

The Quality of Oir Boods is But.

Our Workmanship Is Guaranteed.

And We Deliver With No Delay.

We are also Agents f*r


thirty WtMlId

r-eelv<*l over dine with all .Mr*. Itoldiln*. Not

*ta *ald the Coternor. »-rf<M-maniv the party

lent and dlmd with Mr HI.I Mr* K.dddii*. .Aniiaiit the c n**ta wi.-e Mr Merrlnt;, prealdeiit of the nation'll hank of Frein blown Mr. Icd~ r ami family. Mr. l.op.-r »a* f.aiiierlv manaiter of tin- F*rank A Itoli l.ii.*' Staiw . Mr Shield* and family .Vr. ShUdd* ..iir foiim-r ma*l--r >-f trauaiHM-talloir. and Mr I om r are b-th In bii*lm-*« at Freiichtown. and ar<- doins nb-ely: Sh.TlIT l'i«lycke. Mr. 1-latt .Mr. ami Mr*. Franklin. Jam--* F. Ibdl ,imI faiiillv. .Mr. F Ford, and o'ln r* Kain liil.Tl.-ri d with the afteriKHiD bn*lm-»* at Kr-mhiown. hiil did capacity lm*lne.* at nig it.

Itn*ln.-*« In 1‘ennaylvanlu w** lery tt'O*-



The Carl II* and Great Wallace Show I* once more hark In Indiana. Ita native *t*te. hivlnif t'vtce criMi*-*I the contim'nt alnc* the ,'.[»nlng date th.- latter part of April. ■|'m-p- ha* liecn no untoward accident to mar ihc pro.:re** of the blit allow. While there were a f--w ndmir accblent*. none wa* aerloua enough to prevent the giving of each ami every per f.dvi ance. The Mg top ha* with Mi* few ex- e«'ptl>>n* been parki-d to the ring bank*.

C.-cella Stoke*, the dainty e.|iie*trlenne. one • >f tlie prettli-at w.mien In clfciiailoin. U on* of the group of Revllni rider* thi* year.

I.Hilae Stickney. probably the beat known per- f.-rni.-r In the clrcn* world. 1* making the hit of her career thI* acaaon. entering the arena •Ip '-eil all In white, aeatevl In a high aeatevl white cart, drawn by a milk white horae with the cake-walking white dog umjerneath. It make* a picture that the audience alwaya re¬ ward* by hearty ap|>lvti«c.

Kmma I.lovd. who fell aome week* ago frvm a tr*p.-ae and landed In the reserve aeat*. and wa* at drat thought to Iw* mortally Injured, baa *o far rec-ivered that ahe I* now able to walk.

Frank Ileatty. manager of the candy atand privilege*, haa done a* much huaincaa ao far a* Ihc privilege* did all of laat aeaaon.


The t’ole Rrotlicra’. Itarnnm and Kalley and the lliitfalo Hill Show* are all In Iowa and their billing piiiti-a are all ninning in together. The Cole Hrolliir* and the llarnuin Show* get cUeie together when the former make Gaceola and the latter I realon. but tliua far. there lia* liei-n no lighting. With the ItufTalo itlll Show l-i Shenandoah and the Cole Show In Uetl Oak. they both bill Into each other’* feeder*, but the elaah I* not a naaty one. It 1* clean fighting and no mean tactic* an- naed by either ahon*-.

United States Tent and Awning Co., 47-53 S. Desplaines Street. _CHICAGO.

Musical Artists, Attention! JOHN D. CAREY, JR.

lYia* Itepn-ai-ntatlve John li. Carey, of the C<de Ilrotb.-r*' Show*, la la-lng congratuIat«-d iil«in the arrival of a aon. The little f--llow la a month old an<l ha* already leame,! to grip a Falnr No. 2. lie will l>e cbrlateiied John I)., after hi* father, but the •’li.” will atand for I*i?wn*. after the owner of the Cole Itrothera’ Show*. Martin J. Down*.


Wm. Cnrtla. hvo* canvaaman with the Sella- FToto Clrcn*. haa origlnateil a new apparatiia for guying out the to|>. It la clalnital that lhr<-e men can m>w arc<Hni>Iiah the wick In half tbe time that It t(H-k thirty men to do In tlie old way. Jnllua Ttiompaon. of Tliorapaon and Vand--vb-r. wa* a vlaltor to the ahotw rt S.ymovir. Iml.. and pronounced It tbe gr--at-‘at apparatua he had ever ae«-n In clrcn* coiuttme- tlon.


A XYLOPHONE would make a great addition to your act. it to you. Send for 100-page illustrated catalogue.

Let us prove


California Frank * Wild Whm Show had a very gooil week at Shamokin Park. Shamokln. I’a The diving hor»e act* coavld not l«e pvjt on. ; on account of the water not being deep enough In the lake. From Shamokln. the abow went to I(en«*e1aer Fair. Il.-n*ael*er. N. Y.. where they eneoiinlered three da.v* of heavy rain*.

Ml*a Mamie FranrI* and her horae* have been •living twice dally. t'n Friday. Angnat 20. I.nrilen. Ml** Franeta' favorite horae. In making the dive, want a little to one aide, hitting the wat-r aldeway* Mias FranrI* haa tieen laid lip with a hrokrn ankle ever aince. The home* have iM-en making their dire* dally wlflKWit the rl-h-r

California Frank ha* returned from a trip to Ih* Tomnlo F.vhihitlon and the State Fair at Syraenae, where he haa made arrangement*, and -•taked onf the lota for hla show.

Mia* S->mmrrvllle ha* entered her nrw high *rh<a<l liorar. IVeavllo. and la making aa big a Ml a* CobimMia

Havhl lllir* Band from the Onondaga Reaer- vail'in. ha* Iwten aecnred.

Wanted to know present addrraa or where atouta of Jack, who worke,! or hii'.I* r.-ith th* Fashion IMafe Show, aeaaon of 1007. It will he fo Jack’s advantage to write Immediately. Ad drea* Ib-b Trier. 2S Van Biiren atreet. Cnlcago. 111.

UNIFORMS ^ For Bands, Militar>'» ^ Minstrel First Part,

Minstrel Parade, Ushers, Bell Boys,

Base Ball, Foot Ball, Basket Ball, etc., etc.

ScN fsr CATALOG. Be Sore and Mention

•J. C. DEIAvGAN 3808 I\T. Clark St., - Ctiicago, C. S. A.

Always a few bargalas In sbop>worn iastruments on band

K Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker -iC

d OQ


Q QQ k.

Second-Hand Concession Tents For Sale CHEAP

Solid Redy White and Stripe TENTS RENTED FOR FAIRS


Wpotara n£m Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker Baker

aias. clarkst- Chicago

-; O. MIHA. ;- 11 Firat Itreat. Kaw Torh. Ufr. Cylinder Plano Organ*, aingl* action and with Man- dollo attachment, for Skat¬ ing BInka. Mrrry- ■n-roonda. Tent and M. P. Show*, etc. New mnsic to order. Specialty In aecnnd- hand placn* with new moalc at redneed price*.


The many friend* of Albert F Shepherd will regret In leam of hi* de*th at W-Mvewoe, Wl* , on .kiignat 17 Tlin-e weeka previraia he waa taken III while eii pnile with the IVale Flak'a Great Cnmhlned Sh-nv ami a File the aymptoma "f the >1la.-am-. which later proved to l>e walking IvphoM, had hot d'-veh-ta'-l. he wa* adviaed fo h-are the alaiw ImmiHlIatoly. which he did. go ine tfv hi* txani- at W-mo w'i*-.

For the paat ten year* tlie d. eeaa«-<l haa t-<-.n ciinnecle<l with different tenteil orgarvlra ll-ai* a* flute amt elarlm-l player and ha-l vi-ry many frlen<1a aiii«»ng the


We are now playing our third fair f.-r thia a-a .on, aava th.- mnnag-r of Biiekakin Belt'* Fauioiia Wild Weal and Ikig ami Pony Show*, ami If l,e|ng known aa ''the lop Money ahow.” ta a erlterlon and rouiit* for anything. I guewa We are doing well. Thia anmmer la Jiiat like a Muiie cimlug to Ben; he I* (dayln, over terri torv that hla atiow haa not played In for from aeven to trn vrar*. At that time he naed one wagon to Iranaport hi* ahow In from one fair armind fo the other Now It lakea two car* for hla ahowr and pao)>le It* carrb-a • from 23 I* fiO peofile. and 24 head of trained atm-k. be

INVEST YOUR SAVINGS In a aotld dlrldvivd bearing Inveatnaent that will hall) aupport yon In eaa* and comfort. American Cltiea Realty (Vrivoratlon bond* (1100 and up), ar* pro-rata Intereat*

In Central Business Property In Seattle, Paving 6% guaranteed dividend*. Pin* H ef all addiUonal rental and aal* profit*. Dividend* paid quarterly by coupon. NOTB AiaO—In- veetment In Seattle ilouble* quicker than In any other large city In th* world. Why not $ltiO now and then? Write for folder No. 2.

HIRAM A. PRATT, Bec’y.. 61t Alaaka Bldg., Seattle. Hefereuce. “The Blllboopd.”

Wanted Girl Acrobat I.lght top-nuHinler. for my No. 2 Act; all

1 women; alwaya working. .knawer TAS'M.kN I l.k.N'S. Gollmar Brother*’ Show.

I WANTED—For lYee Street Fair. IVIphl. Ind.. : Get. 4 to H, G.aal Attraction*. Show* and Clean ('onceaalona; ahow* on i»er cent; banner crowd* Addrraa HANNA A IIAI.t. IVIphl. Ind.

ANIMALS A fine lot of Tigers, Lions, Bears, Etc. Also birds, as

Ostriches, Cranes, Etc.

Write to WENZ & MACKENSEN, Naturalists Dept. LJ. YARDLEY, F»A.

MURRAY & CO., Inc. ^ 1 CAQ _Ca_a /VIII/V a gYg-k It a 640-648 Meridian Street, CHICAGO, ILL.

RANDOLPH N. Y. STREET FAIR Septemher 2S ’Jli 30. For Conee**lon*. addn-* W. L. RATHBONE. Randolph. N. T.

SHOW AND CARNIVAL TENTS ALWAYS ON HAND. FOR SALE ronml end front aad gable end back, f-’. o*. drill; 10 ft. wall, red. white

and blue bonier, nsmi four months. I’rloe. $.--o.0(>. I’ol.-a and stakes, $10.00 extra.

20X.T0 nip naif. S f-iot wall, S ouiiee ilrlll; iia,\l two months. $;5.-i.0»>. Poles and stake*. $0.00.

•20x40. ronml and gable ends; J> onnee drill; 10 foot wall; iis.-d one month. .<»■.,0(>. Poles and stakes. $11.00.

■Jtix.a*. ronml en»ls. 10 fm»t wall; ,ii,j oiiiu-,- drill; has been ns*-,! one month. $*'*>1X1. Poles and sl*ki-a, $12.0vi.

•2(i\t»>. nuind and gahle end; s onnee ililll; n.sed one month. $7*00, Poles and stakes. $14 (X1.

'''*'**tak'-s"$lo"a< ^ B> ^'Vt wall; used two ua.nths. $Mi.(a>. 13>l.-* and

Ji'xi'a* Hip ns'f. rml. white and him- ciirtaln; used tw-,> months. $01 ,av. Poles ami stakes, $16.00.



er Bak

er Bak


e B a SEPTEMBER.4, 100 20 Til


KiKht»‘*‘n »-»N'ks .>f iiiiiiitfrriiiit<-(l prooiHTlI v Willi till- liil ICmih Ki'til WlUl halt'

i’niiiiiM'it «/f tile future are lirilllaai. mill fni'ii all iiKlieutiuiis uur tu'asmi will etui in one lilaii- of Klory. i

Mr. A. Ilaiiilir dRe, of tbe de|iartnienl of ' ()ulilicil.\. w 111) liy previima arraiiKeiiieiit w aa under contract to nianuKe tlieatrea at .MInnc aiHilia anil .St. I'aul. cluMal witli iia at Siaitli C'liicaRU. iiid witli his wife went to pn-pare for Ilia winter ai'aaou. "liiizzie" ia a K<aal fel

low, iiaa a liapjiy way of inakinK deairalile frieii la and lioldiiiR tlieiii. Tlic .Miller llrothers. Mr. ArlliiRlon and the wliok- alKHitiiiR mutch wish liini every aiieoeaa in Ilia choaen tleld.

.\ car loail of iMitkiiiR linHielioa and wild

ateera arriMsl at Siaitii t'liicaRo Sunday, direct

from iHadiiuiirlera at Itllsa, likla. Tliey were

B8 wild and woolly aa the natural eleinenta

could make them, and their preai-mv adda ma

terlall.v to the realiaiii of the real wild west. SiH’li huckiiiR ia alnioat Indi'acrlliahle. and when thow‘ cow luiiichera tret after that herd of at<H‘ra. our audleiii'ea jio frantic with applauai-. tiemento. the Mexican hull tlRliter and ateer wresthT. was nearl.v Ron-d to death at Kala- niaziai. lint has so far recovensl that it ia poa aliile for him to lie alxait with the aid of

criitchi-a. Siiiiilar, AiiRiiat 2‘_’. was our first SaWiath in

harm'aa.' All of S<«ith ChlcaRO and her aiihuriis sent out an enomuHta aaaemlilaRc at each p<‘r formiince and hualneaa was all that could be

desired. tiiir a|M-eial oflicer. Harry Morrison, left ns

on .\uRuat 27. He resnnies ills old position In ai*cret ai*rvlce at Kansas City. His wife will ■ ai'company hint. (J*aid lock oM boy, you leave

no enemies ladilnd yon. Hill Macl'arland was called to the West to

asanm«* the manaR*'nH*nt of his sires animal kiiiRdoin. Hy th4- way. William la very laiimlnr this side of the Rockies eapt'Clally in hla tales of “Me and I’a." William takt“s away with him the chamidon lonR dlstanc»> slt'eplnR mtslal.

.Mr. Kdward ArllnRton dodRcs In and ont now and tlH-n. His fliRlits are so rapid and visits so short, that he is fr«M|uently stoppeil by the tUtor

ke*‘iM'rs as an unknown. Mr. J<KM-|di C. Miller startled the sportluR

ami emiisennmt world last week by comiiiR out with a Istnaftde offer of $7r>.(Stll, for the coini.iR heavvweiRlit cliamplonship battle Isdween James

J. Jeffries iiml Jack Johnson. AsstiriiiR the R<>nnlni-new< of his offer with a certifiisl check for lU-l.tlOfi. contest to t>e held at his ranch at Bliss, ttkla. He promises ample accommoila- tlons for any sized RatheriiiR. and his brothers at Bliss ar<‘ now busy workinR <Mit the detail conc<*mlnR cart^ and comfort. He constd4*rs it an nnnsnal o|)portnnlty for advertlsInR the Miller Brothers' ItelonRlnRS there, and in fact the whole state of tiklahoma. It Is therefore presume*! if “Mr. Jo*’" don't R«'t the battle h»'

will make someom- «1« some blddInR. but the chances are, with his tenacity, acumen, re¬ sources and Influence he will succeed, and when the man who bv victory has shown his prowess

and Is halbsl the world's champion, while the vamiulshi'd foe bites the dust of Oklahoma, th** first chtsTS will arise from the time of Miller BrotlHTs and Edward ArlinRton'a Real Wild




Sioux City. la.. Aug. 26. 1909.

To the Editor of The Billboard. Bear Sir—The show life with Buffalo Bill a

Wild West and Pawnee BllTa Ear East la going along like the proverbial gondola In the \ene- tisn waters. All is smooth, and only now and then there Is a ripple on the tide of the aucceas of the “Two Bills.” That is only caused by

the hi-avy sliver dollars that are taken In at

the white wagon. I hear that J. Bierpont and E. H. Harrltnan

have is'en ciitclasaed by Butler of the Car No. 3. who. it la said, alludea to his private car in the vards and the sleeping porter as a reas<.n for not being able to show interested ones over his sumptuous peripatetic apartment. He travels, It Is allepod in Sioux Falls, as the auditor of the Wild West and Far East. Let us amuse ourselves.

.lohnnv Baker, crack shot and arenlc director of the e’xhibltlons, has been the recipient of af¬ fectionate epistles from a maiden In Chicago, who generously assents that there was a time when Johnnv was not Johnny, but a grass hop- p<>r She s'avs that Just about that time she, too, was one, and they both traveled and danced In sbe*‘r Joy over meadows and marshes, pranc¬ ing and low making on slender blades of grass, utterly Ignoring the fact that there were other livinp rrpRtiiri'« thp of old Mother Eirtn, Rut •ho thf* timo had come to end their

conditirm. and nature aent a steer to rauac the terrible dlaturbance. The two ^raaa hopj>er« were aplnnin^ a yam on top of a piece of olorer when the ateer rruahed the life

ont of both of them almnltaneoiialy by one tread of the oloren hoof. Johnny aaaerta that he waa never a praaa hopper, aa that la the laet thintr he wo^^ld want to be, even under chanr^d

Boss canvasmen and their assistants onght to have a eulogy written to them. They write

them' of clowns, whv not of the man who Is there at night and In the early morning, and with help or no help has to get the ranvas up. There Is more poetry in the eanvasmsn and a

driver with a hlg show than there Is about any

hank clerk or counter Jumper. Hurrah for the eanvasmsn. and a tlg*'r for those with the

Wild West and Far East. Rainey, one of the twenty four men with the

eomhlned exhibitions, made a visit to his home

folks In Minneapolis. He saya they treated him like a prodigal, and he got the egg plant which his mother furnished as a hotisehold pro¬ duct at the time he was holding forth In abbre-

t lated leg coverings.

William .Sweeney, one of the men who hai

Is-en with Col. Cody for more than a quarter a century, was a happy man the other day

w h<-n he attained his fifty-third year. He Is the famous leatler of the cowboy bsnd. snd

Col. f'lxly. Johnny Baker and the men In the '.anil presented him with a handsome gold natch. He has two time pieces now, and shows both with grt'St glee, first a huge silver one

and fl-en the gift of the other day.

In M inkato the h-all team of the eomhlnaflon met with a disastrous defeat at the bands of the Mankato profi-sslonals. and not all the yelling, rooting and shontlng from the Buffalo- f’awnee Bill fans could help them, as the two

new m.'n they had In the team fumbled, and fumbled.

Haife. assistant donnttiwn ticket seller of ths Two Bill's Show, said the other day tliat he oiiec o'.v;u-ii a sl>ow. .ksked nhat he did with It he b‘rame retici-nt. Who has Haife's show? Come. come, now tell.

It was Homt ciiniiiig Week in I.i-Mars when pBllITalu Bill ami I’aniitH' Bill got there. The

day iM-f .r<' lin n was an obi man Io<*klng at the tianm-r o;i wlilch was inscrilxnl “Welciuiie.” He wanted to know wlial llie people were making so iinicli fuss alMiul. as he bail only tn-en away

oui- mouth. Rut the day the slmw arrived ev- er.vhisly tlioiighi the erowils hail Ixvn as big all wick; that Is, ♦•vorylnsly except those who lived in tin- t.ov n-lH-aulifiil of Iowa.

Captain Ih-vlin, of the Zouaves, has Invented

a new nn-tlioil of ratling his boys when be la in a hurry. Hi- uses one of tin- ropes along

the grand stand scats as a telephone win- and

thus signals to them. Devlin la not only re- specti-d Put loved by the Imys In his lroU|«-, and any one of tin-m woubl do anything for him. He has ati evo«-ptlonally gooil drill thia at-ason, and It has fn-uin-iilly In-en commented uiuui in tin- ni-wspapeis.

Col. Cisly wa.' In another of his home towns

when the show got to Council ItlulTs. la., at

least he was when he, crossed the river to tlm- ."ha. Then- he was shown liy the owner of Tha Iteo a painting hy Irving R. Ilaeon, representing the dawn of civllixation In the West. It Is

called “The Conquest of the Bralrle," and one of tbe priiKlpal figures is Coily, the Sciuit, leading the trail to riviUzatlon. In the dis¬ tance there is a train, and further away the

big buildings of a city. Ituffalo BUI admired the pleture and gave reasons for It In-lng lietter than one of him which bangs In tbe same ball of tbe Bee Building.

Mrs. Fred Carlow and her hiiaband and little William Cody Boal. came to the show In the afternoon. The Colonel went over to see them at the hotel in Omaha In the morning.

Very trulv vours,



The following letter li self-explanatory;

ConDertville. Ind.. July 27. 1900.

Editor The Billhoard;

Dear Sir—Will you Insert In The Btllhosrd an appeal to the circut people for a subscrip¬ tion for Mrs. Chas. White, formerly Wardrobe Mlstrcsa with the Barnum and Bailey Show. ThriMigt 111 health and bad Inveatment ahe has lost her all. Any sum of money would be very acceptable to her. I do not think there Is a performer In the Cnlted Statea but would b«> very glad to auliserlbe to It.

Tlie money go obtained will be put In a fund for her maintenance. I have In-en Informed by quite a number of performers who have told me thet they would only be too happy to

siihserlhe If a aubserlption waa started in Ths Billboard.

Enclosed please find $5.00 with which to start the fund. Yours trulv.


In accordance with the requeat contained In the letter publtabed above. The Billboard here¬ with enters Mr. Hyatt's subscription of five dollars, and subscribes ten dollars with which to start tbe fund. Further subscriptions are solicited, and will be acknowledged In these co'umns from week to week.

As the money la received It will be sent to Mrs. White, together with a copy of the Hat of contributors.

SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED. Frank Hyatt. The Billboard.

Mr. and Mrs. Happy Jack Murray .. Harvey Holle.

f S.OO

. 10.00

. 2.60

. 2.00

Thomas Tune. o (yj

Joseph Boling.' J oo Walter Hyde. •John Berry .. ..'. . J. Hurley.”

Silvers Bowden. '.V) T. Dnrban. " .vt J. MeGlyn.i ;.%o

M. Ryan. o."! H. Kretz.’ ’o",

Smith. ,2!i Rover. [o.-, Taneliey. jO Sheverlv. 10

Totxl.$ 7 n

(The contributors who made up the altove *7.1.l are connected with the Rarnnm and Bailey cook tent, and Mr. Thomas Tune offi-rs the Implied and altogether unnecessary apology that there are few In the department now who knew Mrs. White.) .


John Klrehem died at Terre Haute, Ind., of

typhoid fever, after an Illness of four weeks.

He a native of New Orleans. IjK.. where his

remains were shipped for bnrlal. Mr. Klrehem

had been In the elrrns business for some time a*

equestrian director and trainer. For a nnmb*-i

of years he was with the Norris and Rowe Show, and the last four years with C. T Rureh’s Shows


Mrs. S, T.. Wakefield died at Kansas Cltv. Mo.. .August 10. and was burled In St Msrv's Cemeterr. She was the mother of Hank A Wsknfleld. the w<-ll known slmwmsn. formerly of the Wallsee snd Sells Floto Shows, also th"

mother of the .Miems, acrobats Mrs. Wsk-

field mas known In the profession ss Mother Wsk-efleld. and kent a professional boardin? house In Kansas City foa- a number of rears. Manv will mourn her loss who knew her In tbe profession.


P F Wallaeo. of tbe Hagenbeck Watlaee Shows, was looking over his farms at Pem. Ind . Isst week, and states that he never saw cfons looking as fine tn Indlsna. rnb»-known to the mansirement of tin- Parnnm A Palley Show, be visited that show at Ix-gansport


R M ilarver. general agent, and J P Fagan traffle manager of the Hag'-nt-eek Wal lace Shows, are In Texas this we<-k. looking over that state with a view of finding two weeks' route.


rr»M» in okiHlioiim nn* fur fnnn oil ttri'ouul of l.trk of mill. aihI

iinlii'riiioiiih Mr<‘ tli»t hII hIiowk will |n> iIIh

M| |»oiiitiil in tlirlr IniKinr'-s nn* UnliiUMm Sho'v was tlt<> first ill OkiMlioiiia mIhI it liai* liitil ImisIiu'ss la ixitn stun*!.


T1m‘ 1H1 Kanrh will wiiitiT In .St. M».. Hihl Ktluanl rlii:t;t«Hi Hint tholr fNtii

illfw uiHkiiii; tliai ri!\ !li«*ir futnrt* ln'iin*. Tin* -«4'asiiii will ’in. ntnl tin* iniiniiK’** mrnt ctHiiiit t(» havi* Iin«1 r protitahl«* tnitnith^i K io»ir.


Snn llrotinTx* l*r<nrr» ss|\o ShowR r»‘port bljc lMiKttit*ss in ir.ost of tih'ir tMiio ntnl Itidlanii stMinls. hut tnisiiuss in K«*titnrky.


The Silver F';iiiiilv Shows, under the management of Rcrt Silver, has been playing to gtKxl business all along the line. The show will l>e enlarged m-xt s<-ason and cover the sann- riMite. The Rums Rrolln-rs clos<-d .\ugust 21 to go In vaudeville. Tlie m-» i»-ople that Joined w- Ti Billy Koplin. gri-t«-i<iue el.-wn eontortl-m i*t: iMiobla. cliiwn ami eonn-illaii. and Rahy |•.<r.trlcc. vis-all-t Tin- following are sllll eon ni-ct4-<< with the Silver Shi*» S.itnlv ('44jH-lan4l. a4-rialist amt gymnast: I'alt amt aerial srtlsis (54-4>. Br*. ks. 4n*ni4-4llan: (J Earl anil Iliek Stiver. Juggl4‘rs: Eight Silver Family Band an*1 Oretn-stra. The rosil s«>as.*n 4if this show will rlr>s4- It rars4*n City. Mich.. September 1. and will 4ipen again at the «»p4>ra House. (5r4-enTille, Mich.. S*‘ptemh4T 22 24.

The Circle V. Wihl West and Hirpn- drome sli4>TV4-d at .k'ln'vllle. O.. tn exe4-ll4-nt l'U«ln<-ss. The outfit consists 4>f Ctauite an-l Albert la-I’exrl. n4>velfy aerial act; Texana aiil Reynolds, rllle exin-rts: Cob.rado Kids, fancy

rojilng: Mont.ina Dick amt Fr4-shwafer Jack hriMico busters; Stella Montgomery. Matgsp-t Rose and Ct-ell Quickert, cowgirls; Tex. hlgb- dlving dog; Win4l.v Dare, the horse sh-s- king; A4lam Rehl. the real rutn-; R-<ughn4>ek R*-il. the horse thief Sohtilder. the e4»k house tramp, amt Claud Hutchinson, single trapeze act. Tlie show commenced playing fairs at Zam-svllle. O.. August 24

Ro.ster of Advance Car N*?. 1. of Miller Protbers' 101 Ranch Wild West: I* W Harrell, manager: P. I.ximont. boss bl11pnstp„^

with the following assistants: I. Ilammnu. V. Hoover. J. Rlnekin. R llabcart, \V. ScfWt J Savage. O. Rlodgett. C. Duhhs and W llandlev; <7. Phlllpott. boss lithographer. asslsf*-d hy H. How-anl and .V. Hightower: J. K4-I1.T, chef; W MeCsrthv. port4‘r and pastemaktV. The

erew Snndayed at Hntehln-mn. Kan., .\ugnst 22. where a game of hall took place t>etW4>en the billposters and lltln-graphers. the latter win¬ ning by a score of 19 to 0.

Since coming: out of Canad.T. busi¬ ness with the Cole Brothers has In-en far above the expectations of the mr4st sanguine. Even In N'-rth Dakota when the fanners were hnsv harvesting. It had no pert^-ptlhle effect up4in the atfendanee. Unless the nnexiieett-d happens this m ill he the In-st season In the history of the Cole Brothers' Shows. The Canada business was goiid. but not up to that which has been done since the show retnm4-d to the States. There is

nothing hut m44nt-y ahead of th4-m and only a had siege of weather can prerent them from getting It.

The T'den and Dawson Shows opened at Andersonrllle, Ind.. August 2. and have been pla.ving to go4id business ev4>r slntn-. The *sit fit consists of five w-agon«. twelve Shetlsnd ponies, two mtiles. three gnsts. five monkevs

an*I Da'vson’s six d*igs The executive sta* Inrlcdes Col. W. J. t'4len: Jas. Dewson ami Dor Flllle. late of the Bsrtine Clrens Two accidents have oeeurred sines the ript-nlnr .4t Olenwood. Iml . the seats eollapsrd. One of the horsea was killed hy lightning last week.

J. W. Kline, of the Trunk Refresh¬

ment Sfsnd Cotnpany. v|slt4-d the Sells Floto Shows at Martinsville. Ind., and while ther- sold Mr. Wagner, the assistant manager of that show, one of his tmnk stands whirl) Mr Wag ner Intemla using tlie rest of the season with the rlrens. Mr Kline reports that the Trunk Refreshment Stand Companv |s doing a great tnisinesa with their tmnk stan*!

The members of the side show with Itowe's J^>n4lon Sliowa pr**s.»nt4-d the manag«-r, F. J. Kelly, on hla Mrth<1aT. Augiiat 16 nt

Pennington, Vt.. with an elegant gold wafeb and chain This la Mr. Kelly'a first season with the Ilowe Show, havlnr formerlv been eon nected ■with Cole Bros • Shows

The Bobby Fountain Shows are do¬ ing a gr4-at biialnesa In Weatern N'ehrsaka. Another el4-fihrnt haa been sornred from th-- nisascork elephants. Mr Fountain made a (Iv Ing visit In Omaha and Chicago last we«k. and pnrehased considerable protiertr while away.

Oollmar Brothers' Shoovs write fh:it they were eoanpellt-d to give three perform anc.-s at Richland Cenlt-r. W|s Aiigusl ;( ortler t-i recominndate llie erttwds Tlie first perfea-manee waa given at 1 00 o'clock, the sec¬ ond at 3 00, and the third at S 00 p. m.

A largre crowd of peoplf- was at- tvsrted to Lakewood Park. Vlnrepea. Ind., An gnet 22. when the S4llsKl4>to (*lrc4is gave all their elejihsnts a liath In the lake. It was

the first time this season that the eb-phants hid been In the water.

Harry C. OrlfHn, bar pt-rformer. Is slowly recovering from a severe *-as.- of trphoM fever at hIs Inmir In <j4ilncv III Mr Crif i

fin has rsncelled all time 4;nt|I the ro-ning win I tor s/ason which Is firt-llv well hoik*-! np at i tlila writing. I

Nellie I^^ona Stotts, wbo lias trav- | Cled for years with the Korepa4ig1i S4-ll< Ring ling Bros., and 4>ther |4a4llng elrcns-s. Is terv 111 at her home. Th*- Elms, at Nor4v ilk. O I filie 4VO*)ld 1*0 p1ea4n*d t4i hear froni h*-r frleinla j

Walter Forbisb. the well-known elr- j rita agent has purclias*-*! the Mahara Mtn«tr*l I car from Mr*. W .A Mahara He la having It I rtvefhanled at Harvey, HI . where tic also has n 70 fnfit baggage car In the shop <

S-\t‘ii new hilly iiu-iiiiKe rl loliiisl tin- .Si-lls Fliitii Show at Vlm-i-um

to Im- witti tii4-ui III*- r*-uislint*-r of tin- si l'li*-y will In- s*-*-ti will) tin- BIkmU Boys I li Circus diirluK III*- winter

Emmett Kaymond has chiHed ik lln- Houaiil Dsiiioii Clrt-iis, ami la now ,ii ., ■l*-\ill*-. Ill- huH Jolm-*l hainis wrilli .Aimii \\ i rin-lr a*-l i-*iusl«ls of Juggliiig. iiiaKlc .ui.i -i.-.i *-atiiig.

4'. T. Crlppi-n closed with th*- .\ i car of tin- Buiiiuiu ami Balb-y .Sln>w at * a loll, la . ainl Ji^linsl Car .No. 2 of the H . ,| l>*-*-k Wallac*- Shows the ii*-xt *lay at >ii .Mo

In spite of the heavy upp<>siti*iii of

the Wslla*-*- Hag*-hlM-<-k Clrciia. tin- ,S* lla I I.>ii> Sln-w *11*1 a big biisim-s at bolb |M-rfi>riiiaii*- - n Vlm-*-iii:<-r. Iml.. .Vugust '2,1.

l-'l*>r I Bt-dinl Joined the Sells-Kl<Uo Show In Vincennes. Iml., August 22, afirr a fu rioii> in lil4K>tiiliiKt<Hi, IikI.

James 1*. .Miller, \V. K. Mlll*-r ainl \V. .\ Wallac*- have cl*is«-*l with the N->. 1 -jr of the B-anium and Bailey Circus.

Anne Seh.ifer, buck and horse rid.-r, Jolin-*! the John R(ihiiis<i|i SIhiws at Ft. Siiiiih.



Barnum A Bailey Ottumwa, la.. 1; Cr*stot» 2. Clarlmla :i; Kanaaa City, Mo., 4, St Jo- a*'ph tl- To|M-ka. Kan., 7: .Salina S; (irrit

Ih'inl P. Hutchliimin 10; Wichita 11. BiifTsIo Bill Pawnee BUI Comhim-*!; Hastings.

Nell.. 1; Kearn*-y 2; C*>lufiihua 3; Fremont 4. Bxrin-*', Al. »t.. Wild .Animal: Kv<*rett. Wash,

:ius.-pt. 4 Bo'ight--n's. Billie, tlverland: Union Mlllt.

1ml. iiOSept. 4. Bonheur Bros.': Hillsboro. Kan., 1; Tampa 2;

H<q>e 3; Carlos 4: Roxbury fi: Lludslxirg T;

Marqin-tt*- S, Wlmloni 9; Lyon* lO; Frr*lerlrli

n. Iliiekskln Hfn'a Wild West- Lafayette, Ind.,

ititSept. 4; Indlana|iolla 5 11. Chevi-r » Bill'a Wll*l West. Jim (labrlel. dl

rector iWasiiIngton Fair <irounds> Seattl*.

July 15, Indcf. (.•ult*r A Coulter's: Cam*l<-n. Mo.. 2; I.extng

ton 3. CampIn-II Rroa.': Fort Morgan, Col., 1; Ft.

Collins 2; laiveland 3: Longmont 4; Bouldrr R; I.lmon 7; GofMIand, Kan., S; Norton »; l‘hllli|i*>burg 1<>: I>-banon II.

Cal'forn'a Frank's Wild Weat: (Toronto Ex po. I Toronto. Can.. .’’(' Sept. 11.

rsrllsl*>'s Wild Weat: tStaten Island Fair* AA'*-*t N*-w Brlght*>n. 8. 1.. N. Y.. fi 11.

1)*-Arinon-I's Greal*-r Southern: Decatur, Ala..

.To S*-pl. 4; Ibwenee 6 11. Flstiin P-roa.': Troy, Kan., 1; Wathena 2.'s. D*s|*-; Canhy. Minn., 1; Clark, 8. D.,

2' Faulkton 3; (Jettyaburg 4. Fountaln'a.; Gregory. 8. D.. 6; R-ine-

ste.-l 7; Fairfax 8; Lynch. Neb., 9; Creighton 10- Pb-ree 11.

Gollmar Bros.*; Oelweln. It.. 1; Tipton 2; Ma

r* ngf* .A- Newton 4: Wlnterset 6; Stnart 7; Avoca 8; Audubon 9; Sac City 10; Jefferson

11. H. szenN'ckWalljcr: Linton, Ind.. 1; Roblnaon.

HI.. 2; Vincennes. Ind., 3; Part*. III.. 4, H. St Leuls 6; .Alton 7; Lollalana. Mo.. 8; Co¬ lumbia 9; Mob*-rly 10; Boonevllle 11.

Henry's, J. E , Wagon- Abbyvllle. Kan., 1;

Arlington 2; luingdon 3: Preaton 4. Kl*ig A Turker'a. E, 11. Jooea. mgr.: Ramaey,

HI.. 1; Alhambra 3; Coffeen 4; Nlnta 6.

I. anibrlgger Wild .Animal: Urhana. HI.. 30- S-pf. 4

IxK-k*'a. Fred: York. D., 2. Lucky Blll'a: Kann|>oUa. Kan.. 1; Geneaeo 2:

I. lttl- lllv*-r 3; Lyons 4: Sterling 6; Nicker son 7’ tiutchluson 8-9: Bnrrton 10; Halstead II.

Miller Brew.' 101 Ranch Wild West Independ ence. Is., 1; Webster City 2; Algona 3; Boone 4: I.*-av*-nw..rth. Kan.. 8; Horton 7; Beatrice. Neh . s- Falrhury 9: Clay Center. Kan., 10;

Manhattan II. McKennov's. Blanehe. Wild West. Gabriel A

Hunter, mgra.- Bedford. It., 29 8'-pl. 4; Cls rlndi 6 11.

Norris A Rowe's; Valleyfleld. Q<le.. Can.. 1; f'ornwcll 2; Brockville 3; Kingston 4: St Cather!n*-s 6; St. Thomas 7: Chatham 8; Wind sor 9; Montpelier 10; Huntington. Ind,. 11

Nelson's, llllly: Albany. N. Y.. 30 Sept. 1: Potighknepsle 2 4; Woreesfer, Maas.. fi:

Si)rlnrfield 7 *. RInglIng Bros.’: Marysville, Cal.. 1; Sarramento

2: Sants Rnaa 3; Napa 4. R-.hlilns’. Frank A.; Mercersburg. Pa., 1. Rohlnson's. John; Drerabiirg. Tenn.. 1; Ful¬

ton. Ky., 2; Mayfl*-ld 3; Princeton 4: (lw*-n<- horo fi

Si-lbi Floto- l'•irts^louth. (* . 1; Ir-mton 2: Huntington. W Va . 3; WlIHamsnn 4. Bln*-

field fi Srhnvier A Olover’a' Otia, Kan., 2: Olmtia 3

H.-lr. r 4 Stsrr*-tt’s. H S Farmingdale. N Y . li

Am'lyvi'le 2; Wantagh 3; Merrlek 4: Baldwin fi.

Sparks'. John- Angellra. N. V., 1; Bolivar 2; '.Velisvllh- .!• Galeton, Pa.. 4: Austin 5

Shelhr’s. James- Llvlngslnn, Ky . 1; Harlc Patch 2: Oakley .3; Island City 5.

Thomnson's. Dana, J. W, West, mgr.; Chll dress. Tex,. I; Memphis 2: Cordi-ll. okla_. 3; Clinton 4; Csnton fi; .Anthony. Ksn . •- Conwav Springs 8.

Tiger Bill’s Wild West. D W P.-rrlne nigr Kalkask". Mich., 1; South Bo.trdman 2; Fife t.ake .1

Tlg-r Bill’s Wild W**af. E D Snvder. mgr

.Atlanta. HI.. 31 Sept. 4.


(Recelved too lats for claaalfiration.)

Bl*-ster Midway Co . tie... W Blester, mgr

Phillip burg Pa . 3o S*pl. 4 Patton fill Smith. John it Shows John R Smith, mgr

(*a1i*x. Va . .'to Si-pt. 4: Ra*lf.'*rd fi II Cniti-d Carnival Co • Kalamas<si. Mich . 31

mgr- New Berlin. III.. .30 Si-pt 4; Ashlan-I

s*-|il 4 Monr n- WIs . 7 11 w*-st.-r.tfs Cnll-*1 Showa. M B WesIcoC

fi II


TIm' Kioto SImiw win wIntiT !fi Ih tts, Cotit In •itltft of nil niin<>r« ffi th»* rfintrur^

SEPTEMBER 4, 1909. Xtie B a 21


The Permanent ^Summer Carnival at Luna Park, Coney Island,

New \ ork, is Attracting Almost Unprecedented Crowds to That

Popular Resort 1 he Outing of the Knights of Columbus, Dated

for August 23, at Dreamland, Has Been Postponed to August 30.


at coney island—LUNA PARK.

l.iiiia I’.irk. N<-»- Vork'ii iM-niialicii' hUiiini'T niMiis. iiK'iil cnriiival. I* iiiakiiii; Kind tin- Ikmiis ,.| ll..•ull.llld>. diillv, »li» J .iinn'.v l<> the x u- .. r,.r nil .kiiKnnl div’H frolic. Tin-Mk i«I-«» Iir. r.'<>rl fnlrly riiiKX "Itli fun innkliiK niid th.-r- N no I'lid of laiiKlo* nlid cm-IIi'IIm lit tlo'i ". i:>.ii I'.id-Tii- ’nioiiiim-oi. clin'nlc <>niliiii«t tlmt tif In. adinllH ho’B ant'MilHlicd l.y llio iiiiiiifdlnti- ►III . .— IIk- ll■•>••lly Klii’Wn ||«\«- arlili vrd. An f.i«i nn ono lx liixtalli-d. Itiln miiiiiiiiT. It In- r ■111. ' Mil liii|M>rliiiit imrt of lit.- vlsit.o- • n-K'i- i.rotrnii’

All II iiim-r of x.-lilcIiM f<»r Itio iimiuifn-tiin* of l.iiiKliliT nro to In- loiinil at l.iim., and tln lr |HK,.iilkrit.v Ik ko |ir<in.Min<‘< <1 that it would lo ln.'|Hi>>il lo to M-loct Olio an tho kt< liar no'olty of I'aM.i Mtny. like tin- VlrKlnln lt<k-I au<l tho Tii'kli-r. tliixo whlrllnK rldok In tho t'lhn. oth.-r* In.-liiio to tho danb down tho .Mo'intain Torront In tho o|M'ii hoatn. and othorn Ihn k to J iok Itlrn'k S.nvikl hy ^Vl^•l•■«n i.riklnotloiik. Too llniitne f tho Pralrlo Itollo atnl th" .Morriiiii.c and tho M.mlt'.r. It In tho T»rli ty of tl o at tr.i tloiik at I iina ttint han mado Coik y Ikland’” |lr«t nml In'-cost park o\or Ita iiomf iM.inilar ono. TIi.ri' ii-n't a man. winnan or child Knal.-rlc Th n i>~’n d in md know how to idoa-ov Whon It oiMiion t.i ontcrtalnlnK thorn ho In an oxticrt on Ktk.' In lr a« ho In on tdoinh' or hlack and ho . :«t. rn to all. i;xi from Infant to Kranilfnllor. att-'tn to that.

N.'«n .,f tho wiin.lorfiiI nncck-nn of TIh- Witch InK Wav.-!., thin nnininor. han Itown to the fiirth- ornoMt oornom of the ronntry. and Itn patroonKO han Ik . n «o Ktoat that the faxcInatlnK. wator- |> >> waM-n arc cotmtantly dott.-d w ith the wickor h.>atn. Saillne In hankotn In an amun«‘- mont that han o>inie to stay.

A nchemo han mmlo th*- waron oron nioro attrui'tlxi' In tin- Itirtallath.n of a nniii- Nt of arc llthtn armiml tho undiilatlnK conmo. Th. v have h.n n ntniiiK In mich a mi-nnor an to hrllilantly light tho waven and p<Tmlf ex Ty- oik- to tn-tlir onloy the n<wol m nnation of tlotin.l erinp In tlto Inmch of the n« m, tM-eoinliiK wro.ko.l amt roscnetl hy gallant nallor lad.Ilon or nnilliiK tho rdllng crenta with the hamt of a miikt. r mrrinor

Managor tirodoll In oiio of the moat popular inon of ijiilnoy, han iM-on rained In the city, and Ik llkod hy ov.’ryhody. lie received many iH.NiitIfiil pr-n>oiiln diirInK the evening. The iiioiin kpreud wm> ono of the pik'ttlont neen In tj'ilncy for many a day. The orcheatra wan

; hill Ik'hlnd forrm ami palmn. .Mr /-.n-niio'ta. of Tin- .Muaical Zanannet-

] Inn, .i|ipo<iiod an Connan Senator, and delivered I oiii' of hln < h ir;tct‘-rlktlc n|ieechea, which waa ' npidaiid'll hy every one proaent.

Illehland Park clonoa ih totn-r 1, In order to I allow the cariM-ntorn and docoratom to prepare : for tho hiK oxiMinltlon, which oponn thtolMT 10



<t4»o W will piny the Hryant F'a ; nit»im at ('<Hi»y Niand. i'inciniiati. o.. i tiihl* r his t '«iiiN r\iaiiMi f«»r th** irrarnl rtn«h*

c»f th*' Tli»‘ M.iP»nt«*tt** *»*M*i**ty h**r«***H and KIiiiW'Hiii I.M'ly Hand w^^r** li**'.d <»\**r ft?* ♦•vtr.i attrarti^Hi-n TIi** van<l**vill** at th«* Qn«*«*n rity's up rlv<T park. Iia?* \>* * \\ h**M

: at fop TH'trh all fW':i«on.


At Wa.shington Park, Hayonne. X J. Manneor Adamn In nuylnc little hut doing a lot of work. Although Mr. Adatnn took tedd of thlk i.Iaoo In the fag eml of the neanon. he In kiirt>rlnlng hln aiidlencen hy the i|uality of tho acfn he l« nhowlng. Wo. k of .Vngimt J.T .VJa\, the ntrong man. wan reidacikl hy I>r C„<r don. who allowed a Hd H. P aiitomohlle to nm over hln hmly Wts-k of Angnnt Sd the hill In lioadeil hy Yarrych and I»nda.

The sea.'son at Bayonne Park. X. J., 1“ rapidlv drawing to a clox-. Manager O'Neill han eairrenni'd hln Intentio-i of cloning hln por.ii

, lar amiim'ment place the nocoml wwk in S.'p I temher. In the meantime, thin park in attract

Ing thi- crowdn nigtitly.

Tho season at Oakford Park, nreonnliiirs. Pa . came to a clone September 4.

Wh-it l.iii.a Park iWi-a not provide In the w ly of riden iny |k> put down an an antii|nato.l mothoil of trnnnlt. llenhW-a thowe mentlono.l there In the il.nUMtlng Hell Ruoy. the rhiiti-'. the Mliiatiire K.iilway, the vKs-an Wave, tl'o R«kl Mill, the Scenic Railway amt the Itrag iti'n '•oigo. which In tho loiigcnt ride of an aniiinc nicni kinil in the world.


(Iroater Dreamland fought ita way thr.iogli the ntorm of the early p.irt of the week lnt> K’l'ai hiikimnn. f«w thi* end nightn of the latt.T part. The hlggi nt .niting of tie- wano-i .H I'mi. y Uiatkl. tl at of the Knightn of ('oliiiii tom. which waa lo havi- taken place on Mon-lny night. pont|MXiicd to Ailgunt ild. Aiig'int IM. St. Mo'hael'a tTmrrh had a picnic at lin'.MTiland. while on the J.'dh. the K.iKhtli .\n aen'hly Dl«frlct Joiirm yisl to the park, an.l another tilting will Im' hohl In th. name ixvpular park hx the Second .k«ni inhly Dlntrlct.

N.'W clr.on iictn arc idtied every week ti tlroalcr Dreainlamrn big free clrx'un which al waxk ipie-arn no attractive, in the Illuminated clreim ring .ix.T Ih.' lag.->n. which In nurriwimlotl hr II wl>tarla nhudetl grove. The chi. t fcatuie of the arenic performani-c In I.unottc'n life •Hilo, which nhi' makrn fixsr. the .'hai foot tower lop to the nhm Ik nnlnglr.g on a wire by her tc.dh a 'I'niancc of .lit feet. The yoiing iVtxin an .iiaki-k her alhlc wrapiwil In a I nlfed Staten Hag anil at night In folhxwikl by th.- rayn of a •••arch light.

Thirty nhown .arc Inclnd'tl among tht' aftr.xc lh>nk In tho gayly colored atrecin of Dr>*am laml. \|1 are new and hixe aomc novelty amt koiii'thing to aiilt cverx amimem.'nt hunter .xn ih>' Inland. Tlo- new hall rtnmi, right In the heart of lh>' paik. han pnxrin one of the mo't pol'ii’ar dinclng placcn In foney Inland and In alwaya .Towdiil. ilnli.-nlral mualc with vocal feiii Ti-n and .siafcr'a Dr<'a:nUnd Hanil keep up Ci’iiiinuona innnic. Oeiwral Manager nnnip<T‘g ntaf«a that thla la the heat waaon the para ban had and all Cone, lalaml acema to kno.v It

PALISADES PARK .kf PaHni|.|cn Amua>-mcnt Park In fin o|k'ii

air theatre, the htadllner of laat wcn>k'a x an ih'xllle hill waa I'rikl Wataon. a clever Imikr •• nilor if 'ollcge ymitha tith.'ra were Ih>'lat'V '•.'•■rallc Trio, the Hell Itor Trio. Kronemtn Hr .them and tlladya S.-Mrn. The free clrcna .lei w;i. fnrninhe<l hy (Irnnada ami Fmlora. a .Ilk' nf aerial w xmlerw, who pi'rf<xrm ntariling f^'nln • •n the high xxirr, and wiio haxc Jttni arrlvcl l:i thin cnnntrr. from abroad. Ttw halhxon awn •loi«. tinder the direction of Pnxf. T II. Kloxx • rn cootlmik to be the gio'at attraction of th ■ I'nrk. the dating docenfa by <le<xrge Drew ami l lltlc Hem ta In parachiiti'a heing mokt thrill Ing

I'l c other aflracflona remain tinchang<Hl an 1 Ini'lmlo Hlakc'n llintxiklrome, WlllanPa Tenipio ' f Mnnic. Mndlnon'a Moving Plcliir.'a and C'lr ilnle'a Wild \ki'«f. Iwalihm many inlnixr amnn.' no III di'vlccn Hie dancing pavilion la one if the inokt .ittracflvc placia In the park f"r the .xonngcr clcncnt.


M inig. r ilr.'ih ll of llluhlMml I’nrk tjnlncy. Ml . ei'lol.rali <1 Ida fourty fourth hirlhilay anni ' rkirx III grand kixic. Monday ovonlng, kngiiat 'I Mr ilroilell XX aa aiirronndod tiy many

frl.'iiip niid W'|. willed and dined

O.Tkland P.ark, Rocky Mount. X. C.. c'oacd Ha aeaaon .kuguat 2S.


The regular aeaaoh at the Wlllla Woml, re- aumea S*'i>teiula‘r 5. when Henry E. Dixie will be a.'en here for four nights and the Wexlnesday mallni'e In Mary Jane’s Pa. Then comes Bil¬ lie Burke. In Ixxve Watches, for three nights, (simmenelng Sk’ptember 9. Thi« theatre was oiiemM for the iwsson August Id. when Miss Bates was here, and then was ’’dark" for the ancceedlng two weeks. A Shnbert theatre with Earl Steward, a sure enough Kansas City man s« reslih'nt insnsgcr. opens September 4. with The Wolf for the first attraction. The big musical attraction. The .Mitsirian. Is coming to The Shub'^rt, week of October 31. Thla will be a special engagement.

The Orphetim theatre will open with high- class vaudeville. September .-•. and after the long summer’s waif, all will be very glad of the re-o|M-ning. The same house staff that asalsted Martin I.ehman. resident manager, will be on hand for the oixening.

An engagement, recently annonnoed. which pporexl of interest to Kansas City generally and ’’the profession.” xvas that of Miss Oertrnde iM’hmsn. the beautiful ami cnltnrxxl daughter of Martin I..ehmao. resident manager of The Orphetim. to Mr. .Mbert Schoenberg, s well- known young real estate man here. TTie wi-d •ling will take place early In October and will le a great society event, as both .voting people are well known and mnch liked here. There win be a great number of ont-of town guests as Mr. Ik'hman Is known all over the Western country and the big Southwest

Tlic sccoml we«>k of th^' fJrsnd's new scss<xn micncil snspiclonsly. Angust ’Jtl, when (Irsnstsrk began a w<»«'k'« engagement. This Is the first time H has b.'x'n si-en here and the drsmatiia tion proTCil the rntnal of th^' famous mxvci. TTie company was clever and xx<>ll gotten together. Tlio .Maskan. which opem-*! the house, provetl a big sneeess. as capacity xvas at nearly every IM'rformance.

Th^‘ Wikklward Slixck i'.>iu|Min.v oi>enc<l the .kudllorluiii theatre. Sa'iirilay. .kueuat and the first show put on hy this organisation was Th" Wife. For years th^' W^'sx.lwanl Stivk Com I'anv has is-cn a favorite anil the house has hecn most loyal In supikirl. The honsx* was parkisl at the opening, ami through the we»’k The rompany Is coiai%os<'d of the fidlowlug: Ionise Carter, leading la'Ix , Mary Mllhurii. Marie Hudson. Mamie kVIlllams. I Ilian Hig gills (Icorge I Incxdn, Fr^'d>-rlck Wright. Wllh«*r HIghy. Frank Denlfhorn. John J. McCisIc, Ervllle .khh-raon. Clarence DHver. a Kansas City hoy: Henry Iota, and Jack klonlague. Most of these arc nexv names to Knnsas city, hut the oimn Ing week showcxl that all are apt to gain llbx'ral ai>i<1aus<' and a^lmlrathm

Kilxvard kV Orllfith. xxho was ahead of The Coxxlkiy nti'l Th" Thh'f. the attraction at the iJlllls thc.virc w^s'k of .kiigiist l.’i. dicxi unex I>ecli'^llv In Oitiahs. .kugu«f IS Mr ilrlfillth was well amt favorahlv known to all the pisx fcsslon atnl leave's many frleinls and a^lmln'rs In Kansas City, xxho regret hla nnflinely demise

Thla week's klH<xv. Dare IVvIl Dan. at the tllllls. Is .tnetlnr inusleal drama. The manage ment of tin' tln'alri' snhl that for thi' nmst t>art. this class of shiixx woiilil bi» In thi' majorlt.v ixf their Inxoklligs It has hi'i'n fiiunil to nnxrc than ■urt'Sss thi> ■■III time n'l-lislrnma In holding in tcresi of the cmxxils The thrills are all then’, but with the ailihsl attraction of gomt mu«le and clever stn'elallh's to mitigate too luin-h

"hlood and tliiindcr.” Since the Gillls opened, August S, the ahnxva have nearly all bm-n of the inuMical drama order, and init a poor bouse baa resulted, so the management must know what they nr.* tallcirig alniur.

Till' eateli iiliram' thi' Century theatre has been lisiiig in iiexvMiJSper advertising la ’’You’ll never kiMiw it’a Auguat at the Century,” and thla la true tmi. ftir the theatre la delightfully cool aid tileasuut. Thi’ house la thoroughly cooled XX Hit a new Iced air plant, inatalled thla aeaaon. And the shoxxsl They have been of Just the right kind to attract th;* public—good, and not loo heavy. Thla xxeeg, Kdmoiid Ilayea. he of "The kVlse Guy” faiiie, la with ua at tho Cen¬ tury. in The I'lniilre. This time hla ”umpa” don’t get a single kuock. All boosts are for klr Hayes.

The klajestii; coiitintiea to offer new motiou idetiires.

Tlie Kansas City Hlti[Kalrouie will open Sep- leiiiher I'l. The place has liex-n comiiletely re- iiKsh led. made over one might say, until It la hardly reeogidrable. It Is pretty, in its new paint and ’’feathers.” An entire new front has iH-eii put 111. the wtaile Interior gone over thor¬ oughly, ii'itil the Hipiwslrotiie la reall.v a nexv idace. The Interior noxx' glx-ea a garden effect, and is very idcturestpie. The new manager, Mr. Wiseiiiaii. comps to the HipiSKlrome from the Slimmer si-ason aa assistant manager of Forest Dark. He Is llaipoiighly csuiversant with the run of a idaee of this kind and aeeins to he the right inau In the right idaee. The man¬ agement Is now negotiating with Frank Bostock’a Animal Show, to open the Hipiiodrnme, Septein- iM-r I'l. but It has mit yet lieen decided. In any event. I’sisfock s Show will come to the Hippo¬ drome In Octola-r. In the mean time a pony and dog sho'.v iiia.T hold forth for three weeks, rte-re Is to a German Village, wherein free vaudeville Is to be given, with a ebange of tirograin each week. This vaudeville will be tsM.ked Independently by the Hippodrome. Then there is th" mammoth akxting rink. This has Is'en r'lsiirfaceil and pnt In A-1 condition. Every xve.'k free acts In akating will ap|>ear at the HIppisIroiiie. The management la doing all In Its power to give the t'ublic Just what It de¬ mands in an ainiisi'iuent wa.v. There are four nr fire nox-ilty rides, and about the holidays the inanagi'iiieiit will opi-n the hasx'ment annex, whi-re there will lie a swimming poid and other attractions. In the mean time they have their hands full.

Electric Park pnt on The Fall of Moscow, imotlier historical repres* ntation In fireworks for two wex'ka (vuiimeiiclng August 22. Don I’hilipplni and his band play the mush: Inci deiitfcl lo this. Tbe month of August has been a reeonl breaker In point of attendance and gooil business for Electric, .klr. Heim, the owner, kays that he thinks the park will make at least sixty fire thnnsaud dollars for thla sea •'•n s husir.t s. TTie first week The Destruction of klessina wa.s on at Electrle. It was estimated tha* morn than wventy thousand iieople wit nes^isl this grunil rivrotechulcal display and the second wpi-k there were more. If possible, for the xxearher ha« b^sin Ideal and people In conse qnence. have rushed to the narks.

One of the he«t vaudeville bills this season, at Forest I’ark. was provided the week of Aug. 15. Wm. D. Reed, a cra.von artist proved ex eellent. He sang popular hall.sds and illnstrated them in colors; Della and Geyer were exeeptlon- ally clever pantomlmisis; Heist and Company had new songs and dances; Isabella Thompson was an oi>cratle soprano. Thla week comes The Feast of I-anterns. and Is one of the most beantlfnl lighting and scenic effects Imaginable. The park !• comnlefelv covered with lantern* of varied hues, twinkling In and among the for- fst tre*‘S. ?ei temlier .I, tbe closing week, for a drawing -ittraetlon and money-maker, has an- nounciid John I.. Sullivan, “the only.” and Jake Kilrain. This ought to pack the park for that week.

Barniim A- Bailey’s show comes to Kansas City Si'ntemher 4. This date falls on Saturday and will be an unusual circus day for Kansas City. However, this was the best date Barnnm A Bailey could get, this year, as the mayor. In resiicnse to the request of the I.abor Unions, prohibited circuses showing In Kansas City on I.ahtxr Day.

The Two Bill’s Show Is to be here September 13. This Is the first time in several seasons that Kansas Clt.v has seen either of the Bill Shows, and doubtless It will prove a money¬ maker to them, as we are of the West, Westy, and like all these Western shows.

There was a rumor last week, that the big circus lots on Indiana street, between l.kth and l*ith. had been sold to tho fSells FIoto people. Mr F. M. Oglehay. owner of these lots. In an Interview to The Bilhoanl. most positively de- nicil this, and sahl further that he never ex- pectcil to sell the prn^wrty and there was no price on them.



Mr. Vk*. P. Ready, manaRx'r of the Crescent Theatre. Nashville. Tcnn.. has turned over to the pri'sldent of the State Fair of Tcnni'ssee. which Is to he hold at Nashville. Septcmbi'r ’JO 2.-1. a propi-sltion he has received after xune correspixnilcnce with the .Aeronantlc Exhihitlon Company of New York, with a view to seeurine an aeroplane for the fair. The proposition to Mr. Reedy 1« fnvm Jere McClay, whix proposed to hrlog to Nashville a large aeroplane and make filcht«

Tho Rensselaer County Pair at Troy, N Y.. came to an eml. August 21. It was the best an.l mixst prospi'riwis fair ex-er ht'ld in Troy


.T. and H. Pineus. formerly with the K. G. Barkoot Carnival Co.opany. have sold their shooting gallery to Matt Gay. the high direr with that eixmnany. The Pineus Brothers XX 111 go Into the glass engraving business, trav cling with th»' Dan Robinson Shoxxs.

Plans an' rrosrrepslnc for the c.arni- X il xvhlch w ill he held on the streets of .Tack •onville. FI:x.. for th" benefit of the mllltaiy contpany The dates of the oarnlval are Noveni her l.'i 20. Incluslxe. Military sports will be tho feature.

V. J. Quinn, kvho was ahead of the Pllheam .kmnsement Company this summer, has elixsoil Ills season and has gone to .khllene. Kansas, where he Is making arrangements to go ahead of an East I.ynne Company.

K. O T. M. St:\te Fneampment of Wc-f VIrgtnI.a. will hi' hold la Philippi. Sop temN'r II to 10 Attractions will he fur¬ nished hv C E. Rohlnson. who also has charge of concessions


Fire stiirted at the e.xposition. Jaeksonville, Fla.. Tit.'silay. August 24. and .swept through to Dixiclsuil Park, destniying the oarousi-l. the piling", the biiwllng alic.v, exhihition stage and m veral small birldings. The llgiire eight xvas partially hiimeil. The loss on the whole umoiinted to about $40,000.


'Hie I'arniers’ Oklahoma State Fair .Vssociii- tleii will not hold a fair session at Kingfisher this y< ur. The principal caiisi' for the calling off of the fair is the draught throughout that tx-c- tlon._



SUPPLIES of every desvriplion at lowest prices.^ >Ae haxc Mtpplias (or every kind of machine and are the only firm in the I’. S. that can absolutely (ill your orders complete Prompt shipments. All goods Guaranteed Write for Catalog and Price


YOUNG MIDGET LADY, Aged 2*2. 34-iu. tall, weigh¬ ing T.'i Ills., would like en- gageiiieuts for Kail and Winter season with reliable showiiiaii. Will travel wlih iiiiiseiiiii. carnival. circiia shle show or vaudeville ei'iiiiianies. Only honest, re¬ liable business men nx'ed ap¬ ply. Salary $'J.-> per week, paid jiroir.ptly. Would also like photo privilege. Can furnish Ix-st nf reference. Have lovely coatuiiies.

Address MISS HELENA HIMMEL, Prospect Hotei, Surf Av., Ceney lsland„N. Y. .After Sept. 7,- addres.s 29*y Wallace St., New Haven, Conn.


Trap Drummer and Tuba. Iiong season. Cof- feen. Ill., Sx'pt. 4th; Neoga. tith: Coxvden, 7th.

£. H. JONES. Mgr.

WANTED Good Repertoire Company With strong Six-clalties. for onr Fair Date, week Uctuber 4. WOLFF & KING. Managen.

Hannibal, Mo. Agricultural and Industrial Eiposition

October 5fh to 9th Inclusive. Midway open for gotsl sliiiws. Address SYDNEY J. RAY, Sec’y.

Magicians and Handcuft Kings Take Notice will sell my complete Handcuff Act for escape from any t-uff. leg ‘rons, padlocks and Insane restraint aiqiliances. In A-1 condition. Will sell for 1-3 original cost; $25 takes It: half cash, bal.iuee C. O. D. Address "MYSTICO & CO., care Commercial Hotel, Ft. William. Ont.

Curiosities Freaks Wanted for Store Show, on salary or percentage; Incubator Babies, Fat Girl. Cbiqnita. Best lo- eation it. U. S. I- COOPER, 930 .Market St. I’hila.

De Balestrier's Challenge Troupe of Performing Dogs

Lions, Jaguars. I’nmas. Bears, Doga. Open time

after Oewber 1.5th. .Lddress Billboard, Cin¬


- WANTED - street Fair Shows. Merry-go-round, and other goo«l .Attractions, for the "Red .Men” Celebra tlon. three days I’ow Wow, Sx'pt. 23-24-25. Glas¬ gow. Ills. Get in touch with us at once. We an' going to make this a big event. .AiMrx’ss CHAS L. I.EITZE.

- W A X T E I> -

Good Paying Shows .Also a couple of Free Shows, for Carnival, Sept. 5<i. Get. 1 and 2 1909. .Address at once. A. FLEIG. Fisher, Ills.

FOR SALE—Exterior Mountain Si-ttlng. Back Dn>p. 30x20 1.,‘g Drop .and 4 s«'ts Hocks. (I’aint ed by Daniels, Chicago.! (Silksl. Good as new. in tin*' crate. Suitable for vaudeville act. A. A. I.eltOY, 2’.iS N, Willoxv St.. Waterbury, Conn.

For Sale—Electric Piano Cixmplete w^th motxxr. $100. J. £. NELSON A CO,, 4S River St., Chicago, III.

If jiiii see It in Tlie Billboanl. tell them so.

Xtie Billboard SEPTEMBER 4, 1909.


>ox \Vp r«n n..t uiidcrtakp to romill PAPERS or

f ACKA<;i;S on which la r<-<|iilrp<l extra iHiatifce to forward, iinlcaa the nt‘<i‘a».Try atn<Hint of |••Kta(;p la paid. At thp right hand aide of Damp yon will tind thp amount rpijulrpd.

A|ipMoatliina for mail adrcrtlapd In this Hat must hp 'igiifd InilU lilnally hy addrpxappa.

•Mall in Now Vork (Xflep. ••Mail In ('lilrago Olllcp.

kI/\Xir*ri tkaxsie.nts are KK nllllll rJ gi-’ESTEit. wiii:.\ cun *''^**'^*^* VKXIE.VT. Tt» 11 WE THKIU .MAIL SENT IX (’AUK OF THE HILL U<iAUI> S ITUIdt'ATIOX OFFIC'FZS AT < IX



Albert, Mrs. Hlrdle

Allen. Eva Allen, Pauline ••Anderaou, .M'a. Vlr

ran .\iiKell Slaters

•.AiiiUoi y, .Mrs. Jack .Vrinalront;, Elva Arthur, .May AatiHi, Joale -KauiKau, t-'lara •Uarheld, .Mra. 0. E. liarleu. Madam P.ariiell, .Mra. I>>refta llatterahell. Della ••Iteaiie, .Mra. F. H. Dell, Dahy .Marie

Ib'Uiiett, Dixie

Dennett. Daisy •Di- Dar, .Marie •Dbaal. Adele M. Dluchei, .Mi.uile

Do\d. .Mrs. .Mazle Dr'idley, IJrace Drliidley. Stella •Drlnge, Mra. Ed. Drowu, Mra. Deaale Drown. Mrs. Fruiues •Diowu, Ib'saie Duck. Marguerite

Dui'klen. Sue Durhank, Ellllan

•Dutton. A lid a (.'ain, Mrs. Nellie Caiiipltell, Mra. Mary

Da lea t'arre. Mayltejle

I'Arter. Mrs. (J. E.

A’ase, DlrthPT Castle, Itollie Clxr-ndcii. Cecil

Clark. .Mabel Clark. Mra. W. C.

Clay burn. Irene

Cliftrtn. Corslle Clyde, Mrs. U}T>»y • •Cogswell, Sarah

Louise Connelly. Lenora

1»m>ikt, Allle •Crawley. c’onst«cP

Cromwell. Mrs. R. W.

(.iirtia. U'lth l»e Ore, Pauline

Ite Kaye, Evelyn l>e l.AUte, Thelma

De Luc, Mias K 4>eLalHl, Mra. Helen

Du Preece. LeM •uaiberg, Camilla

Dana, LIlHsn Daniels, Lulu •DalHug, Jessie

Darrell. Pearl Davenport, Gra(«

IK-armln. Mra. t™. U- Denton, Mrs. Alphrei

ta Dolly Sisters •Donovan, Mrs. Joa.

B. Drapper, Mrs. Drew, Norma

•Dula. Alice Dnnbar. Mrs. Etnll.

Earl. Mrs. „ Edward*. Mrs. C. »•

Elter, Madame Elbert. Mamie K.lson. Mrs. Marie English, Mrs. B. 8.

p. Mamie F.'ter, Madame Evans Sister* Evans. Bessie

F.wing. Ell* •Karmere, Gtneve

• Pay, Ann* Eva •Kay 4 De May. Mlaa

I'ptrer, Mr*. .Adam

Ketrer, Mr*. A A.

Fisher, Stell*

Floyd, May Forter. Mr* Harry •Frincla. Mtmle Vrinols, MamalP •Frink. Mr*. F C. Fronhotf. Nellie Ftink. Agnes Gazelle, Mile. ••Geraldine. Dorothy

Geraldine, Fay G|•^n. Isaltel Olrdello, Mr*. Dot •Gllmosr, Rleanor •(Sodfrey, Dorothy

Goldberg, Rsye

•Goldie. Anns H. •Goodwin .Madam

Gray, Hnth Hasse. Henny •Hadllcker, M«rle

Hall. Mrs. Bells Hall. Myrtle Haneock, Andre*

Ilarria. I>eon* Hasson. Mrs. T. Hayes. Mr*. Mollle Hayward. Mr*. Fran¬

cis Hayden, Mr*. Lillian

Hays, Mrs. Lillie llelniett, Mrs. Ger¬

trude Henderson, Grace M. •Hendrickson, Emma Hereford, Jessie lllglilM-rg. Itiiby ••Hill, Christine •Holby. Mav Hollard, .Mrs. Ma

mie IIiHiier. Pearl Honneoua, Nannie Hudillestou. .Maud lliidspetli. .Mrs. Effle Hiilett, .Mrs. I.«na •Hunt, Ethel Hiitchiaon, Grade Hh'S, Dollle Ingersi'll. Elorenee Irons, .Mrs. .Sarah •Irving, .MliiiieU Jamea, Ethel Jewell, Mlaa Jones, Elizabeth Jonea, Mrs. Wm. Jones, Mr«. Gordon Jordan, Elizabeth •Jt.rdan, E'hel Jutson. Mrs. Keith, Mrs. William Kern. Mr*. Mary Khern*. Sallle Klmlterly. Oertmde Klmhal, Minnie King, Mazle King, Pearl Klrksmith, Oertnids Knight, Idinetta May •Kyle. Kittle La Court. Bessie La Due, Florence •La Grandall. Carols I.aMarr Teddle La .Monte, Carrie •I.e Barrn, Louise La .Shear. Mildred l/e Drew, Mr*. Mabel Id-Roy, Mildred Ia‘ Von. Jeanette I.eVere, Mrs. James •I.amont. J. C. Lamar, Madam Langton. Lilly •Laughlln. Anna ••Id*ftmlch. 1. L. Leigh. Alma •lASter, Beatrice I.ester, Lenore •l.ewla, Mr*. Alma Linn, Mra. W. •Llppert. Mr*. H. C. I.lshurger, Mrs. Ida M. Loraine, Isabelle Loretta, Mra. O. I/Oiila, Miss Rav

G. I.ymore. Lucille L. McAdam. Gertie McCloskty, Mrs. May AIcCorkle, Daisy McCabe. Mrs. Cather¬

ine McDade. Mr*. David McDonald. Floria XIcDona'd, Mr*. D.

S. .McFarland. Cor* R. ••-McIntyre, Mr*.

Grace McIntyre, Mr*. Grace

and Red Macl.anghlln. Evelyn McMahon, •McMahon, Kate •Mack, Alpha Mark*, Julia R. .Marsh. Florence •Marshall, Mra. Leon

W. Martelle, Marie Martin, Essie Martin. Edna Mautelle, Blanch •Maxon, Grace May, Armlnta May, Grade ••Menroe, Xlrs Mack ••Merrlfleld. Franee* ilethwen, Billie •Mllllken. Mr* N.

T. Miller, Nina •Mlley. Kathryn Moon. Mr*. G. W. Morette Slaters Morri*. Mrs. Ella Moree, Valentine Murray. Mlaa Q. •Murray, Marlon Xerllla, Anna Odell. Birdie Ogden. Mrs. Lizzie Omega. Madame Orton. Mrs. Ida ••Osgood. Axnta Prftee. Malel •Panll. Madge Payne. Mrs. I<. B. PIndnr, flandine •Penlgueax. Mildred

Pickering, Mrs. Ha zelle

Pontlfax, Airs. C. M. •Poole, Jessie Putter, Mrs. Howard Powell, Mra. Grace gulgley, Mabel Rain Dow Sisters Randall, Mrs. Jack Rathhurn, Miss Ida •RedlllouU, Rita Ri-evea. Dorothy •Reiser, Jennie Reynold*. Mr*. Rose Klcbuioud. E«llth M •Ripley, Ix)H Roania, Thelma Robinson. Je'sle M. •Uohinsun, Nells UiMlgers, Mr*. W. F. •Rogers, Mrs. Isadora •Uismey, Mattie Ro-« Slaters •RildlalT. Tilly Russell, Lily Riiss<-ll, Marguerite Ryan. Mrs. E. W. St. Clair, .Marie Sacknian, Mrs. Matsle •Seliulta. Lillian •Scranton. Hazel •Jveeley, Ida Belle

Selby. Evelyn •Shaw, Bessie Sheldon, Luella Sliropshire, Airs. Jat. Sibley, .Mr*. W. K. Sllverton. Atisa Cor¬

nell •Sloan. Mrs. Harry Small. Madame Smith. Beatrice •Smith. Gertrud* Smith. Mr*. F. W. Smith. Ida •Smith. Airs. Walter •Solar. Alahel •Sollce. Gabtill* Sommcrvllle. Mil*.

Ada SiH-ncer, Leah

Spessanly. Madame Victorine

Stanley, Vera Star, Belle Stead. Edna

Stevens, Airs. Dors Still, Mr*. A. W. Slraub, -Marie •.Stuart, Dorothy •Swan. Irene • 1 hayer. Mary P. Teets. Mrs Lillian ••Turney, Eva

Ty*4>ii. Ertle •I nverZaht, Al'S.

.Auguste Van llaliH'rln, Pretty •\aa. Minnie •Valdare, Isorls A'aldez, llellena Vaughan, Isabella •Vaught. Dorothy Vinton, .Mrs. Chas. •Vivian. .Miss I>sin Walker. Mra. G. J. ••Walzer, Mahle Wanema, I'riucesa Wanlell, Eloreuce •Ware. Helen Warrington, Dorothy ••Waahuighin, Air*.

John •Wayne, lAiell* Wetier. Grace Welier, Laura Wellington. Madame •Werner. Madallne •West, Aladelliie •West. Miss Franklin Westerly. Pauline WeS'Pnger, Mis* Es¬

ter Whitman, Florence Williams. Jeannette Willman. Miss Dixie Williams. Marguerite WUllam*. Mr*. H. L. Wilson. Mr*. May Wtdf. Air*. E. •Wolfraw. Helena Wollard. Alamle Sheri

dan W<vi-.I. Wilma Wright. Marlowe

Yaney, Mrs. Dolly K.

Young, Mr*. Helen Young. .Mr*. Flora E.

Tibbies Yoiingblt od, Eula Zelda, Queen

Black Patti Blanchfleld, M. B. Black A Leslie I'laekaller. Arthur DUsky. Wm. PUiiiihart. Wm. Ibsleiihaiiier. 11. L. •Donnell. Harry B Boone. Frank Di-nlsmimc. K. W. Dtoth, Harold D«>th. James Dorgesvin. Alls'rt Dosworth. Jack Bosley. J. D. Dotvvell. tlevirge Povler. Roxty Dowell. J. M.

P.oviTt. Jay Dozzell. Will Draiim, Prof A •Braun. Prof. A. Dray. Chas. Brewer. Tlioma* E.

Brelr. Frank P. •Brblwell, Fre<l E. •Brlford. Jive •Bridgewater. Frank •Briggs. Lew I'rinkman. John •Brown. J. L. Brondwick. Cba*. Brown. J. Will Brown. Clarence F Brown. C. A. •Brown. Tom Brown. .A. H. •Brown. J. I.. •Bruce, Charlev P.ryan. Com. W. •Bryant. Bill •Bubh. Geo. H. •Ituford. Geo. •Bucker. Edward Buck. John L. Buck. G. M. Buckley, J. J. PiiHock. Gtis Liirkhart. Chas. Burrows. Warren •Burk. Charb'S Hen¬

ry Burke. Geo. W. •Pums. Harry Bush. n. L. (Shce-


Clayton A Jenkins •Cobum, J. CiH'ry, Frank H. ColTre*. Capt. C. H. Cold*. Tom Cole. Joseph Conant J. A. Coliuell, Capt. J. W. Conover. Lawrence (’ook, John H. CvMvk. J L. CiHvly. Goo. J. Cisii>er. AI. ••Cis>l*-r. Leo •Civ(»eiand, l>*lle C. Corey. K. D. Cory, John E. •Coryell. Geo. H. CosgrilT A .lone Cox. (). T. Coyle. Nick Crawfonl. Bniffle Crawford, Robert C. Crawford, Harry C. •Criming* A Gore ('rls*<‘n. Jno. C. Crllchlleld. Flint •Criv»*man Quartette CuIlM'rson, W. O. Curott. C. L. Da RoIIa, Dxve E. De Estang, Alarcy L. I>e Kranclaco. Prof. C. DeGroote. EdwarO l»e Espa. Erneat DeRoss. M. J. •De Silvia. Prof. Hec

lor Daloy, Con Daley, Walter H. •Hallett. M. Dalton. Ora Dalton. Carl M. ••Dale A Carey Dale. Arthur Daly. Walter H. Daltons. The

•Dancing Doll Co. Danforth. Ed. E. Daniels. C’baa. W. Dare. Jesse Daugherty, Jamea E. Davenport, E. L. Davidson. Jack •Davidson. Hartley Davis, Chas. F.


Persons desiring to avail themselves of The Billboard's factlltie* for forwarding mall uixller to members of the amusement profession, are requested to bear In ralad that the headquarter* af thl* gratnltona distribution of mall are at the CINCINNATI oflice*. whore all aiicb matter abould be addretaed. nnl>a* It 1* known that It will be more convenient for addreaaeea to receive It through the New York or Chicago bureau*.

In Cincinnati a corp# of experienced clerk* I* employed for the aole pnrpose of record¬ ing the whereabont* of trrnalent* and handling the mall addreased to them In care of The Blllboam

The iMWtnflIee adjnnct of the New York and Chicago burean* of The Billboard la Diaintained only for the accommodation of those who can proenre quicker service by having mall aent to the branch offlee*. where they can call for It In peraon, or from which It may be remalled to them with greater despatch than from the publication offlee* at Cincinnati. No attempt la made to handle mall addreased to the branch offlee* witbont apeclllc Inatnictlnn* while thousands of pieces of mall matter pass throngh the Cincinnati offlee* every week and are remalled to addresaee* from Information at hand witbont the delay of bolding and advertlalng these names In this Bat.

In addreaaing mall to Individual* In care of The Billboard, kindly Indicate what com¬ pany (If anyl each 1* Identified with or In what line of the bnalnes* be I* engaged.

All mall advertlaed In thl* Hat la being held at the Cincinnati offlee* nnleaa otharwiae Indicated Of the characters • (New YorkI, •• (Chicago).

NOTICE Parcel* for the follqwlng are now being held at The Billboard's pnbllcatlon offlee

They will be forwarded on application. The figures Indicate the amount of postage necessary.

Barfield. Dr. C. E. tc ••Becker. Ned 2c Brewer. T. B. 7c ••Krepke, Chas. A. le Mack. H. C. Sc

.Maxwell, Tbo*. H. 2c ••Naden. Lew Ic Naden, Lew 2e Rlcaa, Nathan Sawyer, Herabel Ic

Voerg. Frank William*. Allan Oua-

Ble, 4c


Abe. n. ••Abbott. J. Francis •Adams, C. I.«*lle Adams. A. J. Adsmt. Frsnk Adkins. J. J. Aken. Flexible ••Albright, Bob Albright. Dan M. Alger, A. K. Allen. H. A. Allman. Doc ••Alnino Bros. •Altenhoff, Jack Alvo. E. Ames, A. Anderson. Andy L. Andersfin. Jack V. •Anderson. Alfred Andrew, Hal H. •AiMlole. Mr. and

Mra. Jack •ArlolT. Fhlllp Armstrong. Blllle Arthur, Then •Artels. Walter Ashley. Fred .(slifon Bros. Alb«‘r*. E. All. Abe Atherton. Chas. R. Atlantis A Fisk Attucks, Gotham Aiiskings. flarence .liistin. William W.

Baby Jim Bailey, Buckk Bailey. .Mlaa W. Baker A Baker, ('has. Raker, B. Frank Baker. Walter •Raldwl*. T. H. Baldwin. Jess A. Rsllo, Ou* Ball, n. A.

Ball A Marshall Bane, B. C. •Barbour Family Band ••Barbour. Llttla Bcrker, Ed. P. Barnes. E. 8. Bzrr.-H. Mr. Bartlett, D. T. Bassett. Bennie Rates, L. A. Bateson. Jess Ranmelster, Ed. •Bsnscher. A. C. •Beauford. Jo*. •Beasley. F. H. , Beatty, Thos. R. Beaver. Will Beck. Irwin •Beers, Ijrn ••Bell, Arthur P.elmont, Sid Bell. Arthur H. Renway. Happy Bence, Wm.

Bently. Chas. Benard. Ben Benjamin, E. R. •Bennett. Harry A. Bennedlct, I.ew •Bennett, Alexander Bennett, John Bennett. Dick .Mitt ••Bennett* Big 8how Bennett. Richard Bercberd. Don C. •Berry. Cha*. P.lckwell, J. C.

••RIcalse. Dr. H. P. Blgepiw, (^arenee W. Bigney, Cba*. A. Billing*. C. D. Birdsong, Jim •P.lshenseer O. C. •RIspelt Music Co. Black, Prof J. 8. Black. Burt

Butcher. E. •Butler, J.

Butler, H. E. Butler, W. R.

Calloway, Tommy Cameronl. Great Campbell, Hart Campbell, Victor Campbell. W, H

Cammnek, J. Ward Campfield. Arthur E. Cannon. Maltbeur N. Caperton. E. E. Capps. Edain ••('arlyle. Richard Carneal. C. C. Crrr, Frank W.

Oarraway, Wlllle M Carrier, Horace Carroll. Red Carroll, Fred ' Carson." Juggler Ctrwell. Felix

••Carls-rry. Mr. A Mr*.

Cf.rter. Mr*. O. E •Cataldy. J. M. Ca*telIo Ralph Cave. W. J.

ChsITey. W. H. •('n*mt>er*. SI ('lii.ndler. J<*s|e J. (Ti**e. Ciarle C.

Chester. Capt. Ed

Cherv Working World fherry. C. J. (ho«te, Carroll

••Chrlsmaa, p*t

Chrlstofiher. Manley

CliurrhIIl. Herliert .M. Claney, George E.

Oerck. Burk •Clark. Cha*. H. Clark, FddI* B. Clark. Chat

••Clayson*. The Clark. Clever

Clayton, O. C.

Davis. O. 8. •Davldaoo. John F. Davln. Joe ]>. Davis. II. B. Daveniiort, AI. Davla. L. H. Dawson. Joe Dean. Cha*. R. Dean. AI. Dean. W. C. Iharmln. W. H. Deen. Bert ••Degrey. Frank •Delmont. Fred A. Drlgarlao. Baba •Delmont, Fred A. Ibnnaker, Fred Demain. Bud iP'sana. Bert

••Desmond, Dare Devil Devenport, C. M. Devere. Capt. (Tele* •Diamond, Jim Diamond Bill Diamond. John •Dlllen. Wilson Dodge. R. C. Dolan. Eddie Donaldson. C. M. •Donato. NIto •Donovan. Ja*. B. r>or*"y, J. G. Dotty. C. H. Downing. Walter Ixiwn*. W R. luivrnard A Downard •Dovle, J. p. rtoyie. Wm J Drake, Howard Strew, De Sliver O. Drew, lyowell B

Drew, Lorane .V Driscoll. Harry Dryden. Daniel Dumont. W. J. r rnhar, I,eo Diinlery, Arthur ••Dupre, I,eon

Durham, Milton Davall, Francis liuvall, H. C. Eagle Eye Faker, ('has. Earle. Albert ••Eastman. A. B. Eilmnuds, Gevirge I dwards, Richard Edward*. C. K. Edwards. Frank Egan. Joe M. ••Elder, Geo. Ellison. Prvwlon Elljay and Smith •Ellsworth, Itoc J. W. Ellsworth. Chas. Emmett. Hugh J. Emory, Ends Engelking, 11. K unis, Frank Krickaon. C. L. •Erixom, Ira •l-Atey, Cha*. •Eatry, Cha*. ••Evan*. Wm. Evans, Frank E. Evan*. Chas. H. Fairly, Noble Fahe, T. I.

•Falcon. Gu* Fancher, Earl Farley. Tom •Kerarl. Ji>». Ferguson. George Field*. VIctor Field*. Dali FIni-h. J. Louie Finley, Cha*. •Finn. Mickey Finnegan. Jas G. Fischer, W. R. Fischer. K’red Fisher, Rosa Fisher, Earl Kltigerr.ld. Harry

(Doc I •Fltzslmmon*. Robert

(Pugilist I Flattery. Harry Flannery. Fred Flaherty*. Three Flash. J. C. Fogg. F. N. Foley, Thom** H. Foley, Johnnie Fontan, E. Ford. Dick "Forscellca" Ford. Vlcker* •Forrest. E. B. Forrester. Cha*. •Foster. Jo*. Fowler. Lemuel •I'rancell*. Frank Frankhouse, John ••Franks. (Tta*. L. Frank. Prof. E. Fraxer, Harry Fred. "S<iu*re Head" I'reemont, J. Richard Freeman, Harry J. •Frelz. Herman B. Freeman. D. Friedman. I^eo •Fuller, Hector Fuller, Fred A. Futch. Reggie Gallagher, Harry Galloway, Oacar Gallastine, Rlenxl “Galvanl" Ganett, Lloyd ••Garland. Mill C. Gardner, Art German, Noah Gaston, Albert Gates, Jack B. Oe. R. C. Genter A OHImore ••Germaine, Mark Gilmore, Tom Gilmore. James Gillette, Robert Gillette, Dr. Wm. Glltner, A. J. Gettman. W. O. Gibb*. AI. P. Gifford. F. n. Girard. J. E Olaaaoork. F<i#ter Glims. Jack Godfrey, A. C. Golden Gate Quartet Goldie, Rube Gooding. Marshall •Goodman. Morris Gore. Earl •Gordon. Tony Grimes. Goldie Grace. E. C. Grsnherry A f>a Mon ••Green. Harry Green. Wlnlfr^ •Green, Prof. Bill Green. L. L. ••Grlfflth. Frank Groas. David •Grove*. Harry •Gulnilner, Rlchart Giistina. DanUI Haherstlck. William

T. •Ilarket. F-d. •Hadley, Ed., M. P.

Show TlafTer*. Harry L. Male. Bert ••HiH, W. F. •Hall and Colbtim •Hall*. F. W. Hall. Mike Ilallert A Stafford Hsmak. Homer Hamilton. Agnata Hamburg, Phil namlltan. Arthnr Hampton A Bassett •Hamilton, James namllton, l,*wlt Naaipton. I.ew •Ilanfsrd Chas. B. Handy, Hop Manley, Cha*. J Haney, Harry B Harding, Lloyd F. Harding. Lloyd Hardy, Nicholas W. •Harkln*. II. Harrington, Jerry •Hargraves, harry Harrington, l.ewls narrla, C N Harris. Rofierf Ilarria, O. P.

•Harris, Fred Harris A Vamoa •Harris A Tsraon Harrtaon, Thoa. B. B llarklnson, Cliarll* llarvel. Geo. W. Harvey, Jack ■ laralamlHi, Chris. Harvey, Leon Marwick, IGibt. nation, Richard Hatton, Richard llatilcld. Curly Hawn. Darwin C. Hayden, J. A. Hay, John W. Hayes. Tom •llayco, "Ilandrut

Artist" Hayden, Tlllu* La

Conde •Heaton, PT«f. B. L Heath, C. O. Heints, Alf. '•Hematreet, IJoyd •llenderaon, Dick Henry, R. C. Hendler, C. H. Henley, Cba*. A. Hennesey, W. J. Henry, J, ■. •Henry, Amey T. Hentgen. Ix>uls Ilertierlck, Arthur Herman, Mexican •Herrick, Howarg J, Ilerrman, Dr. Hester. I.e Roy •Hewitt, Wtu Judkins Hewitt, Wui. Judkins •Hewitt. Wm. Jud¬

kins Heywood, D. •Hicks. Tbo*. J. ••Hlel, D. K. •Iilnes A Remlngtan •Hragland. Larry Hodges. Kay ILsIge*. W C.

•Hoffert, Wm. Holder, Ed. ••Hollami, Mont* Hollane, E. Hopp, Geo. W. Hopp. Sam D. Ho|ip. Fred S. Ilornbrook. BaxI Hoa*. Bert House, James Morrow Howard, Howard. Melvin B. ••Hoye. Wm. Huegel. Pets

••Hugh, G. M.. A Co.

Hull. D. R. Humphries, Jesse Hunt and Manailald Hunt. Kid Hunt, Hy Hrnry Huntley, J. U. •Hurley, Tbon. Hutchinson. Robt. L. Hyer A Melvin Imperial, Musical Imson, Burt Iverson, bam Irish Dell Irvine, Joseph Irving. W. Irwin, Earl , James, Oscar Jr me*. Ray Jamea, Orke* •Jennings. Arthnr Jodotn, Josapn Joest, John Johnson, WIIll* A Johnaoo, OUvat Johnson, Dottla and

Eva Johnson, Baba Johnson, C. O. D.

Bob Jobnaua, Vemo Jones, Elmer ••Jones. Frank O. Jones. Billy •Jordans, Flying Joseph, Richard Judge, Larry Kalda, K. •KaU. Rohart Kane, Geo. F. Kane, Robert B. Kane. John B. Katool, H. Kau. Ik* •KsaJtlalhn*. J— Keetcb, B. H. Keith, Billy W. Kellam, Lee J. Kelley, L. CUfton Kelly, Geo. Kelly, John Keller, Walter Kelley, L. Cllftsa Kelly, Ragtlms Kelly, L. C. Kelly, Jack n. Kellys. Three ••Kelvin, Jaa. Kern. B. H. Kennedy, Dan Kennett, Fee P. •Kennsy, Jos. Kendall, (has. Keogh, Thoa. J, Ket*. J. T. ••Kibble, Wm. ••Kidder, Bart A

IKiriitby Klkiichl, II •Klllsn. Wilbur Klllgcre. James Kilpatrick. Harry King. I.eo II. Kingsley, Riisasll King. Cleve KIngsland, Edward

n KInJkendall. A. Kingston. Marry KIntaIng. Faank T. •Klrke aad Htan* Klaas. Fred •Knanber. CsrI Knight A Seaton Knight, AI. Knox and Alvin ••Kohler. I-ee Kohler. Kid Kohler, Jack Kola. Fred

SEPTEMBER 4, 1909. X ti e Billboard 23

Kom«D, Matt Kitx'laail, !'• K.

Krui M. Kraoirr, K«l<lle l»u KraiiKi*. •'•■n Kranirr, Al. Kr<>ii<-ii A Matwflalil Kruat. AllH-rt

l.a I'xiuia Trtu •I.a llmiue, Hih- II.

B. •I,a Fayetla. Ur*at LaValli", IJi'O. 1^ kloaa. Ell. I.a IVarl anil Iliigwt I.a .Mont, W. E. I.a 8«llv. Kay • •La Toura. TUa I.a V»i-n. Sain ••'I.a Vola” ••1.1 Will*. Oi‘0. •I..a Vella, Krof. C^.

1. La Ilnin. LawU ••I.a-IVvra, J. J. •La i*atri-a, Ureat LiRoy Mr. La Roy, Real Ijr \ ouua. Waller •Lactiuiau, U. LafTall. Uao. I*. LaUib, C. U. Laoiou, J. 11. Lauibart, Harry

LaoJall, Juai'lib Laiiiliii. Kiluaril Laguaa, lAfr Lariuiora, liuy Laarruir, Mril

Lawyer, E<l., A Em iiy.

Lawrence. Lorena

•Laiie, Aribur laaro- naut

Lane, C. •Laiawb, Harry L< e, SluK Kuuk Lefkuwltz. Herman Lao, the Wuniler Lerkuwlia, Maurice Laygatta Clyua Lamont, Billy •liauiujn, >ealur l.aola, Larry Leon, Uraat, Show Leona, Two l.aoiaril, L. H. •Lauuard, lieu. F.

•Laonanl, Bililla •L*-atar, Wm. •Laaila, Jua. Laalla, Kubart Laalle A Baker Larina, Wlllla •Larina, Aba Lawla, Hock LawU, L. .\. Lllao, Erneec A. Ltndaay, B. Linily, liao. Lint, H. S. Lipman anil Lawla LUsner, ijaorge ••Lintte” Little, Edward Lloyd, Will R.

•Loard, Waaley Loard, Wealey F. *Luard, Wealey K, Lubaa A Blerling Long, ByTveatar A. •lAiug, Mek London Uboat Show Long, HI Tom *Loiiat, Lecundlo Lurattaa, Four 1jiot.*11, Wni. Lewanda, Oacar *Luce A Luce *lw>wtber. Prof. Uojd Lueaa, J. E. Luater, N, C. Lynrb, I). J. Lynn. Harry

■UrAlaar, Tboa. J, McAleater. R. T. MraBaa, Loula UcBuruatt, W. B. MacHunald, Patrick UrCalia A Vogal Mct'loakey. Jobn L. Md'urkla, Ilanry McClanaban, Frank McConnall kld'oy, I'haa. W. Uct’ua, Wro. H. McCormack. Earl MrlTura. Tummy McCulluugb, Hugh

UcHanlala, Cart McHounId. Chaa. McO. Smith, Joaapb •Mrlb.nald. Iiiale McFalt, Prof. Mcllhee, J. McClua. J A Metlonigal, Wra. J. McHenry, I>-w la

McKw Welek Am. Co. McIntyre A Heath Macl.ean, .1. It. McLean, dale Mclaillen Careiin Huo Mrla-ial. Norman McMann. I'reil •Mc.Nabh, Fred A.

Mae .VelM William McPolI. Tracy Mcguigg. M W Mack A Schftellee Mack. Edgar E •Mafera Patay A Maine. Cl.aa •Malcolm, Pate Malone, I.eo Manning, Mfied Manner* Harry •Mann. Charlie •Marai.l.. T n Marrow. Tom

Mari|iivtle. (!eo. P, ••Marahall. Itidiart •'larr. Heorge Martin. Preil Marlin A Cnnich ••Martin. Jack Mary. W F. Marlin Itoh Martin. W T, Martler. K. Maacagnl. Stephen Maacagnl. Stephen

Mattery, Wm. Mai well. Tboa. H. .May, Ell. May, Hick Meaditr, tileli E. Ml han A Harllugton Melnotte, Arniaiid Melvin, Paul .Meller, laailore Melville, Harry Maine A .Meiiia •Mlgiion. K. i Mllei, Carlo Ancelo •Millard, P.llly Mlllnar, Ed. •Miller, Ted. Mlllnar, Paul Millard Broe

•.Milton, O. R. •Mitchell. Herbert O. Mlttengcr, A. Mmik. C. E. Mimlague, Prof. ••.Moore, H. L. MiMire, A. 8. M'amcy, Waller 8. Moore, Pllly, .Arcble 3. Morrla, Kid Morphy. Bert. Morrla. Arthur Morrlaon, .Albert MorrU. Plain Have ••Morton, tjreat •Mowatt. Oeorge •Mueller, (Ilia Munnell, C. Wlndaor •Muridiy, Barney J, Murpliy, Capt. C B. .Muridiy , llarry Muridiy, Barney J. Mystic A Close

Nadolary, Geo. Nadall, Prof. Nagle, Han E. Nairn. Bnd Nantun. Feank, and

Hogs N.xrton. Ch.,a. Hewey •*Na-h, Mill Naasr, Chaa. Nash. Sam P. Nallisial Amuiamant

Company Neal. Sboala Am. Co. Nell and Neil •Nelaon. H. N. Nellaon, Bill •Nelaon. Battling •Nerval, Jamea Neiihaiu. Clarence Nawall, JaD'CS K. Naw'land, Arthur New man, Jake Nrwton. Harry and

Vivian Nlamv. K. E.

N.a-ril, Ralph Nogle, Clinton Nogle, C. L. Nonnan, J. A. Norria. Ed. Norrla. Fred Norton. John N<»rrla. Ben Edwin Nowlin. Hava Noion. Have ••Noyaa, H. S, Nugent. J. W. Nya. Tom Franklin •Nyk. Harry

O’Hav, Wm. O'Hara, Fiika O’Neil. The Great O'Rourke and Burnett

Trio ••O'Rourka, Frink ••Odella, Arthur V. ••0.1ua, J. B. Ogden, Ches. S. Ogden. Orrln E. •Olfers, James Oliver, Frink Oliver. Oao. W. Oliver. ITentlce Oliver, Parry P. Oppanhelmar. IxMilt Opperman. Wm. Oppice, Joe Oraal. Harry Orland. I.aM* Orr. B. oskara. Harry Olt, C. L. Ouro. Tom Ouilay, Tim Overland Amueamant


•Pacheco. Lula ••I’acheco. I.oalB Pailgett, Joe Parkir. O. O. •Pevlllon, Philip I'aylon s'alera t Stock

CoiMimnyi Peaeelv. Thoe. E. Peck Family Pee«i>. W n. Penroee. Geo. Peralta. Mr. V F. •Perrlno, I'rof •I'erry, Harrv II Perry, Herman Perry, Paacal •Pete Brothera Petrone. Frank •Pharaoh. King

(Mgr. t Phelpa. Will Phillip*. Ray Phillip*. Joe and Dot

tie PhllHp*. Jo«eph •Phillip-' Pavilion


•ricaro Wm. L. PIckcrell. Karl I Icket A Whippier Pierce, \. L. •Pierce, ILirry F. PIIIh'hiu. H I, •PllkIngton. Harry •Plie r, Harry H Plank. Mill W. Plela*. W A Pliiniiiiir. .Vlhort Poland. Jav Pollard Prof L. H Pollar. M K Pollitt. It M’. Pomeroy. Eddie Poller. Harry Powell. Clyde

Powell, H. A. Powers' Elephants Powley, Will.. Jr. Prill'. Capt. E. A. Price, Calvin Priee. Ed. C. Prliiee, Geo. Prince A Hennahua PriH'tor. George H. •Piilver, Mllfcm M •I'litnim. Wm. 3.

gucry, Elmer gulmhy, Mr. •guira. Billy

Kabluovltx, Wm. •ttalaiu. Elephant Boy Kacr, Fred J. Ualcma Mild Aul

mal Show. Uamf. Claude Kaiiilolph, J. \V’, Kanklii. A. L. Kappaport, Nathan ••Raltou, Bert Raver, llarry Kawaon, F. 3. ttaymuiid. Garnet •Kayiiiuud, -M. B. Kavniund, i'rof. H.

3. R.iyuer, M'alter J. Ray. Chaa. Kay a, 'Iwo Itea Robert A. Ki-Cardo, Capt. R..*l. B. C. U-ed, Claud ICeed. Frank ••Iteeil. F. B. Reed. F. 3. Reed, Steve Iteeae. H. C. Reeae, Harry Reno. Prof. l^'O S. llrnaing. Herman Kentfrow. .M. Kenzo, Bert Key. Mill K. Reynold*. Earle ••Reynold*. Earle •Rhudea, J. C.

"Huaty” Klee, Ed. •Ricci. Fred Kiedell. Chaa. Richard, Geo. W. Richard, Hick Richard. Henry •Rlcharda. Thoe^ G. Klcbardaon, F. W. •Richie, A. L. Richter. Stump Riley, Floyd Riley, John •Ullner. Cha*. E. •Rising. Will 3. ••Ritchie. Al Rotierta. A. F. •Rolierta, Arhley Robert*. Stanley J. Robertaon. K. M. Roblnaon, C. A. Kobinaim. Carl Robinson. Nat C. Robln*on, Stubble

Cal. Rocky Glen Park Co. Rj ger* A Ic'tepha Roger*. C. M. Rcllo. Geo. Rontuc. Reckless •Rooney. Pal Rooney, Michael Kiart, Ralph ••Rose. Sain Ria-e. Frank T. Rose. William Koaiman. J. Rne*man. Herman Roussey*. The Roy. Chaa. E. Royer. Archie Rnbetta. Robert Ruben. Have Rucker, W. Maurice Rulck. Albert Riiak J. W. Ru***dl. H. C. Riissi'll. Jno. A. RiwKeir* Sbow* Ruth. Frank H. •Ryan. Frank •Rvan. Frank W. •Rvan. Ja». J. Rvan. P. n. Ryland, Ciaa. I«. •Salter. Chat. Salfaggalwr. Don Samayoa, M. •Samona. Ralph •Sampaon. L Sanileraon. Ja*. 3. Sanderson. Joe Sandoza. King •Sanford. Hoc. Alex.

T. Satfinello Savllle. M'm. E. Sewyer. Herscliel •Si'haeff*. Three Fa

moil* Schank*. P S. ••Schardlng. J. Schelcli. K .A. Schepp. Chat. •Sihlckbr, Johnson A

.Schafer Schlator. Jacob .Schnclilcr. Hick Schnelllor, Joa. ••Schonff. Glen Sehoa-ne. Fred Selp, Charlev •Scoff, Ed. M. Scott and Sllverlake Beacoast Vending Co Si'argi ant. Prof. M'

M Seguro, Alfred Selleck. Chaa. W. Seller*. J, 11. Senrell. J. M’ Serganl. J. M*. Sevmoiir'* Happy

Family Hogs Sharp. M' C. Sharrett, Billy Shavne .lohn Shea. Barney Shcliev. Conimoilore Shelton. Red. Shenkentw'rger, Capt

M' 'Sherldaa. Teddy

Sherman, Lee I Sherman. Robert Sherry, Joe V. Shield*. Rube Shockley, James | Short, J. W. I Sbortrldge, F. M. shropeliire. Mr. and Shulls, M'm. O.

Mr*. Jamea •Sibley. \\\ R. Siilfrled A llenderHob Slegi-I. Fred C. Silver A He Vere Silvers, Frank G. •Slivers, "New York” Sllverton, Will Simon, Baby Jim Simpaoii. J. C. Slrk, M'. G. Sizemore, Logan .Skelton and William* Skluwer. Have •Movgaard Concert

Company Sloan. Howard F. Small. Hurry L. Sml Lena '1 rlu ••SnilletiM Trio Smith. .Alvin Smith, Itciiuie Smith. Cha*. E. Von Smith. C'liri* M. Smith. C. M'. Smith, llennun U. Smith, .M. R. smith, C. R. Smith, Collin F. Smith. High Striker

Man Smith, O. L. Smith. MIR Z. •Smlthbeld. Harry Snow, H. C. Snyder, Leonard Snyder, M'. H. Sorgel, Clarence South Bend Siwclalty

C’l. mpi by Southwestern Vaude.

Company Spark*. Kd Spark*. Prof. C. M’. Sparks. S. E. Sjioctor. Abe Spencer. Alvin Si>e-*ardy. Prof. Paul •Spini, Monsieur SHU. Frank Stitt. Howard Stadium Trio •Stable, ''Billy” Stabiman, W. F. •Ntammeni. Frtnk Stanley, Chas. M. Stanley, Mr. and Mr*.

Lew Star, Billy Stenzel, Skip Stetson'! Uncle Tom a

Cabin •Stewart. May. The^

atrlcal Ca>. iMgr. i Stlckney. R. H. •Storehow, Ole Story. J. O. •Stubblefield. Geo. •StubBi, Billy K. Stubbs. G. L. Stnbley, Mark •Stuckay, Pearl Siiglmoto. S. •Siiglmoto Troupe Sullivan. llarry Sullivan. Lawrence •Sully and Phipps Summer*. Claude R. Sumner. Chas. ••Sumner. Le Roy E. Siitfln. .Alfred C. Swann. Hal It Sweatman. M'm. Sweeney. Chas. Sweeney. H. C. Swift, nertu'it Sviovv. Henrv •Sylvester, 11. H.

••Taggart, Gurdrich C. Taggart. T. Talbert. Milt •Tanaka, Henry Tanner, O. A. Taylvr, Itllta Taylor, Ralph Taylor. Schople Tellar, Ivar Habl Tenney. Harry Terrell. Orvll •TessUr, Wni. Teia* M’ild M'est A

.American Hippo¬ drome

Thartlo, Claude Theadocl. .Mack •ThIIman, Ben ••Thoma*. Hayden P. Thomas, O. B. Thoma*. M'. M. Thornton. Robert Thurston. Harry E. Thurston. .Mr •Tlbbttts, John Tibbie*. W H. Tlernev. Edward Todd. Fred H. T. abl, Al. Tola. Logan Zan Traband. Ed Traylor, C. E. Triplett. M'm. TrI State Theatrical

Bureau Trover. Floyd Trev Ciwueilv Fovir Tiieker. llarry Turuer. Hoc Tuscumv. Htl* Twin CItv guartette Tyler. Ed. Tyler A Berlon

U. S. .Amuse. Co.

Valentino. Robert Vallan. Janies . Van. .I.*' Vanntinan. Jo*. ••Va-iton. S'e-nk ••Varien. M'alter Vaughan. Bert A

Irene Vardon. Frank A'ardelle*. The Va**, Jack Vaughn, AV H Vaughn. R. I*.

Vaiighnera, The •Veauz, Clyde •A'ela, Joa. Vernon, Frank M. Vtnning Amuarment

Company. ••Vivian, Harry M’agner, Jack AValde, k'ritz •Waldo, Fritz M'aldron, Hr. C. E. M'alli'r* and Kirby •AA’allaee, Ja*. M'allbiirg, Ja*. Wallace, Harry W. Walker, Jack ••Walker, F. Walker. H. E. AVal*h, M'alter Walt. Arthur •Walter-. S. S Walter*. .Air. and .Mr*. Clareiiei- M'anishiT. M'm. M'ard, H. H. M'arcl. la'W M'ard, Cha*. AA'arde. Harry. M'arden, W. L. ••AA'anl. Kdw. Wardlaw, James M'arren, Wm. •Wataon. Fre<l B. •AA'eadick, Guy ••AA'eaver, C. M'. ••Webb, Harry 3. M'ebb, Tho*. E. M'eber, Byron •Welier Family Welier. Billy M'ebb, Tho*. E. ••AA'eber Byron •Webber. Johnny •M'els* A Satigster VS'ell*. and Shirley Melllngton Bros. Wells, Jake •M'ella, Otto Well*. Guy G. M'elsh. John J. ••AVenrick anil Wal¬

dron ••M’emer, John M'estem, J. M' M'harton. Georg* Wheeler, W. E. M'heell*. Darld Wheeler. Jack .M. ••M'beeler Mack ••M'hen Smith Comes

Home, Company

M'hitfield. Kit ••M'hltney, A. P. M'hlfe, Geo. C. Willie anil La Mart Whitney. B. C. ••Whittier, H. 11. M'liltiiiiis N. V. Co¬

lo eiilii '!* M'blttliiKton, D. Wleillng, Have C.

Wilkinson and Sully Willanl. Leroy •••M'illlam*. Billy M'illlama, L. 11 Williams, Frank M'llllams, llarry J. M'iley, Jack Mllmarth. F. 11. Wilson. ('.'Hit. Curly Williams. J. B. •Willlauis, J. H. William*. Kastui Wlllls. John •AVlIson, Allen WlI»ion, Sidney Mi Ison end Wilson ••AVilstm. M'hlte Wlreback. Sam M'lrth, Henry Wise, M'illlam AA'Iltsteln. F. AVoleott. F. S. m'ik*i, n. n. M'olkoff. Abraham M'oodley A Castle M'i*»lforil. Chas. M'oolcott. Mark Wolf. Philip M'rlght, Frank Cam.


M'yse, Billy Yacky. Eagle Yokiim. .Major Bob Yorks. The Young. Frank A. Young, Lewis Young. John N. Yonngi-r. Jack Y'oung. Orna Yoiingbouse. Ed. Zallee. Paul Zaiifrellaa. The Zanton Bros. Zarrow, Happy Zelleno. L. C. Z< Ho. Prof. Edwin ^no.- Cha*. ••Zlerke, Riibert Zobedle, Fred "Zora”

Privilege People,


A. DAV. Tbit Is whet yoa can make by op- Ieratlng our 19M Model WonderfoJ Ferrotype Ma¬ chine, which takes 8 different stylea of plctureeon plate 1^x2^, and li reversible, to take groupa and Button Pictures. It la the beat money maker on the market. Can be uaed on Street Falra, Camlvala, etc.

Our 1909 Model Telo Camera scope la the latest button

>s and delivers 6 pic¬ tures In one minute. Price, $15.00. Plates for any button machine, 9oc per bunilred; Button Frames, 75c to $1.50 per gross; Plates. l<I4z2H Inches. $1.00 per pundred; Mounts, 20 to 30c per hundred. $5.00 required with order; balance C. O. D.; write to-dajv for free catalogue.

NEW YORK FERROTYPE COMPANY, 142-144 Delaney Street, New York City.


GEORGE A. PATUREL, 41 and 43 Warren Street, NEW YORK.

I The Largest and Oldest Dealer and Importer of


BALLOONS Also Novelties lor Streetmen.

M'e receive every week from our factory. Balloons of all klnda and sizes, that we guarantee of superior quality to any offered on the market.

We also caution our customers and the trade to beware of In¬ ferior and false numbers offered at cheap prices. •

Price List on Application.

FOR SALE Most prosperous

Don’t overlook the Big County Fair at Bloom¬ ington. Ind.. Sept. 29-30 and Oct 1. No admla- ' slon charged at the gates. Absolutely free. | Purses for races hum: on the wire.


lOc Vaudeville Business

in the whole South

AT LIBERTY For particulars write,

Wm. Bryan, Box 8. Genoa, 111.


Bolivar, Mo., Annual Street Fair A-l Carnival Company. Tent and Platform Shows and Individual Attractions of all kinds. People with money to bum. The town that gets the crowd. M’e play everything on percentsge.

F. A. W.ATSON. Chairman.


Large city. Central. Marble front. Address T. M. STEBER, Jr., Nashville, Tenn.

stage Lighting Everj’thing Electrical for Theatres, Productions. Parks and Private En¬ tertainment. Illustrated Catalogue telling all about our NEW STAGE

EFFECTS, mailed on request.


Week of .‘Sept. 27. Firemen’s Benefit, County Fair and Home Coming M’eek. .Address

JOHN H.ARE. Morgantown. Mr*. Ta.

Good Attractions Wanted We hustle for the Biz. Williams New Opera House, Cobden, Ill., J. W. Williams, Mgr. and Proprietor.

FOR SALE —2 tents. 2'2x73 ft., banners, cano¬ pies. curtains, scenery for stage, round hip roof, gable end*, side wall* 10 ft.. 8-oe. canvas; seating, staging, electric wiring for both tents; have bt-en used two months; 2 concession tents. 10x14. have not been used at all; all flaahy- np-to-date; will sell cheap. F. H. NORHYKE, 4.32 Nebraska .Vve.. Kansas City, Kansas.

A0ENT3 -One In every town to handle new pat¬ ented Match Safe. .A small Investment—big re¬ turn-. M’rlte fitr p.articulars. Sample mailed

In stami*». ILANHY M.ATCH S.AFE CO., ,«»>* N. 9th St., Philadelphia. Pa.

FOR SALE -130 Oak Chairs, in 3’8 and 4’s, suitable for moving-picture show; use»l only a short time. .Address

M’. L. Bt’CHER. Columbia. Pa.

PHOTOS -Cabinets. $2.5(> per 1(10. First-Class work. Largor sizes In proportion. Have sit¬ tings. or send photos or negatives. Established 27 yr*. JOHNSON, 193 Wabash Aye., Chicago.


Broadway and 38th Street, NEW YORK.

|S. SCHOEN, Manufacturer, CaoM, Whip, and Pennants for cane rack, and peddlera. Send for our new cut-price catalogue. Jaat out.



Coney Island, New YorK.

SXREEXMEPW The Magic Mirror of Venus NOT made of glass. Flexible steel—funny faces by pressing the thumb. Soinetblng novel at laat; a really amusing, catchy dime novelty which Is getting the money. A bonanva for Fairs. Big profit. Sample 10c. GRIMSON, 251 W. 42nd St.. N. Y. CITY.

SHOM’ MEN—nte K.a* Twin*. $45.(V1; 2 Ileadcl Giant. 840 ia>; The Cave of Horror. $o0.t»; HevR Fl-h M’oman, $3.*>.0ti: Spider Boy. $'20.(X); Two- Hoadod Bov. $20.1*1; Two Headctl S.'a Hevll. $J.-. 1*1; I!*t ■ fn-e I’ROF. C. H. H(K>H. 0 Van Nonlen Street. Cambridge. Mas*.

FOR SALE—15 Regina Mnsle Boxes, iwnny slot. g>**l a* new; Mill* Eml*>**lng MaohIne. 1 Mill* I.nng Tester and Grip. 1 Natbrnal Grip and Pull, and .t number of other maehlnes.


AT LIBERTY Heliablo up to-dato skating rink manager, best of reference. .Address Kink Manager, eare Tb.e Billboiml

I Cincinnati, Ohio.

24 Xtie Billboard SEPTEMBER 4. 1909.

i *

A . V,

• ^ ^

- 4 •

• ^


t •

Skating Rink News

New York Newsboys, the Guests of a Newspaper, Invade the

Metropolitan Rink and Have a Merry Time—Earle Reynolds and

Nellie Donegan Return from England Full of Honors—Fitz¬

gerald’s Summary of Rink Events.

The Chicago Skates Are Reliable They won first place in the

Marathon Racesof Chicago,

New York and Kansas City.



OviT liuiulD-it Rchnol chililn-n. tnimtly l>j tlifir part-iitfi, onjoyi-d tlifin

M'lvc* Siiiiilay artmioon. AiiKiiat -1. at tU«- M)'tr<>polilau Uc*I1«t Skating Kink, Itroadwny ami I'lriy wofind Birwt. by takiiiK advantaa** ■of the bimtIhI ticketK iwiicd by the Sunday Aiiierleaii, wbieli enabled the yonnKMera to ee-

■cure fn-e uae of all tlie prIvlleKes of the rink. Kirr t«o lioiira Ix-fore op^-nlti); time, a line

runnlnK completely armnd tlie block was foroi.^l and aiaclal ofllcers were riHiuirwl to keep ba'-k the niKh. Tlie entire ataff of the rink, which conHlHtK of eltcht Hkate boya and flfte<‘n In Btructora. waa preBB«-d Into aerrlee ami kept bnay hamliiiK nut the >.kati.a.

In Bonie caB<‘B wh<'ii the akatea prorml too;.'e or the b*-*'! or aole of the younjtBtera' bIkh-s were too fur amie, they were seen taking their ahee liicea out of their ah<N.B. or their neck tlcB off. and tyintr tbiuii on that way. A few in fteiiioiiB newslM.ya. Bi-ctirinR a OHiple of bundr.‘d of Sunday .American copieH, Imgau Belling them in front of tin- rink.

'rtieae were bimhi e\baust<Hl, and they Imgan but-tling nrniiml for a new Biipply. It waa liii poNBible to B<-cnre a cot)y of the Sunday Amer Ic.Hn on the lu-wa Btan<lK after nine o'clock, for inileB on either side of the rink, as the young- Btera bad riwn extra early to lay in a aupply of tickets. The tickets l»eing giMNi for the entire wts'k. niorning and aftermsm, lH.aidea Siimbir. •

It reipiind over an hour and a half's work with tlie asBlstance of tlie apt'Clal officiTa liefore the yiHingstera could lie made to remove their skHtea and leave the buibting.

The new iiinplewoml tl<or. which waa only l>ut down a wiH'k ago. waa In excellent condi¬ tion. ami the ymingstcra taking advantage of tliia and the easy miming, ball Ix-arlng, steel- wheel skateK, racial around the rink at break¬ neck apiB'd.

Mr. John I'. Magm-r. i*roprletor of the rink, was KO well pleasixl by the p1eaBuri.a the young aters derived from the day’s sjairt that he In tends to o|«‘n the rink quite often for the yoinig skaters of tlie nelgldioihood, which will enable tliin to enjoy the sisirt and exercise and still kis'p out of batm'a way liy kisqiing off the atris'ta.

T!;e team, upcn arrival, opemd the following .Monday at the Temple Theatre, lietrolt. and. aa .i-nal. was the I it of the hill ami received ex eel!.-nt pn‘<8 erlticlstna from all the Detroit dally p'i|ier-i.



A tremendous crowd turned out lo see the llniah of the six day skating rare at the Ooll- seiim. (Jlendale Park. Nashville, Tenn., August 2'J. This race was the fastest and moat ex¬ citing ever wltneaai‘d in the South. Wilfn-d Sfoutenlwrg. the I’aclfle Coast champion, was the winner. Me was loudly chis-reil hy the vast thring at every lap. Stouteiiherg had 2;ll Irps tot his rrisllf. whirli he made during the week. Ilinnalial, of Memphis, put up a very goml race and tinislieil sis-ond. Stoutenberg was two laps ahead of Ilannabal. I’at Britton. Nashville's local skater, riin third. It was a hard race bi-iwis-n Ilannabal and Britton for second money. Harvev Hudson, cliampion of Tennessee, ran fourth'. Uols>rt Walling and Harvey Toney also did remarkably well.



Mr. iind Mrs. Tarle Ueynnida return-d home «n the M iiiret-inla, last Friduy, lifter a most mecessful si'ason at tlie Palace Theatn*. I/iii- doii. T'.c two great skaters were :i tremendous tilt during tlieir stav abroad, an 1 liave lM>“n engaged for ten weeks, every s.MSon. at the London Insides having brought with them eeririiets the largest continental tl.ea- tre«. which they are eiigagi-d to play next si-a son.

T!.e Ixindcn Em announced that the hig act woiilii leave from Enstin S'atlon. Saturday noon, .\iigust 14. rntl the station platforms wer- crow led with friinds, to Md Imn voyage to the two American athletes and dancers wlio h; d cmisod all Europe to praise them for their relim-d and graceful novelty dancing and •hating exhihitlon.

Tlie comi artini'n* w hich was engaged en fh< train to I.'.verieiol was also occupied by Ibiii. \thltelaw Held the ambassador to the CiMirt of St. .Ian es. during the trip from Igmdon to Llverpo.'!. Mr. lUld highly complimented Mrs. Reynolds ns Iv'lng the most marvelous muairian at the plai'3 be had ever bad the pleasure of hearing.

Among tiie nianv friends who cime to Eiistlii Stsflon weri f5i n'Tal Manager and Mrs. Ped grift, of the Era. with a large liouquet of Eng glsh c.irnstions: Mrs. E. B. Barnes, wife «f E. B. Barnes, general manager of th“ American Kollir Rink Co., a large bouquet of American beauties: Mr. and Mrs. Welland, of the Pal- ac.» Theatre, a large bouquet of Carnations- Mrs. Walter Hawkins, large liompiet of Margllerl^e^: Mr. Will Bennett, general pri ss retires >ntiitive of fgindon lallies. large horseshoe of many i!lf fi-rent flowem: Mr. Frank Damar and Clisrb-s Cheesman. of the Palace «t.afr. r. large di suc'd 'bouquet with the wi.rds. "Two .\merlcain.” worked oit In pretty white forget ni ■ no*s: Mr <'l h«. O'C-onnor and sister, a large liouquet of American lieautles

Ti e c<*n[,artirent whicii Is one h.alf of an English cm. and whicl was occupied by Mr. and Mt>. Kevnold* and IBn. Wl Itelaw R d I, w.'S llt.-relly coverfd with flowfrs, .and befor" the eoiqile ,t'St the train at Liverpool f..r tli.' Maur'tnnia. Mr. Udd Informed them tha* he w-ocld be to see them at th“lr opening p<-rf<iim ance at tlie P .In'-i Theatre next summer, fii

■klielr r-'turn.





W. Iter IWatty. the "Midget" skater, and W. Deniing. of Luna P.ark Kink, defeatetl Ed. Hiltwein and John Hickey, in a fifteen minute n:atch team race whlcIi was ib>cld<al at Luna Pmk Kink. Tlmrsilay night. The winners caw- ered five miles, four and one half laps In the time limit, and won only after a most excit- Pig finish Tlie rats- waa a close one fnvm start to flniah and the winners bad all they could do to keep up a lead over their oiqion ents.

ll.nttv arsl Doming would like to arrangi- i match team rao»‘ with Frank Henn« ssy and (Jco. Schwarti. it any mate lie may cIuhisi'. for a race against these two South side skaters. It h:is ... iintioiiiiCfsl tliat Hennessy has al read.v pronilied tlieiii x race and. as a r'sult. a match may 1k‘ arranged In the near futuri'.




Miss Lulu Souchard. the girl roller skater, of Luna Pa k. Is out with a challenge to meet any girl skater In Chicago, at the half or one mile distance. Miss Soiichsrd Is a skater to lie feari-d by most of Chicago's lady skaters, but •xt that alie will in all probability be xecisii nosl-ti'd by om- or two who would like to wrest her laur-U from her,



Tlie first of a series of roller races that are twliig held at KIvervlew rink, was won !iy John Kink, who put np a good race all the way. Tlie race was a fast one from the start, as all the skaters changed pace which always makes a race interesting. The time was 6:22 t o. -s-hicb la very fast for three anixteu'-s Tlie first lieat was won by Rink, with Al. Hengst. second: Chas. Maegdefessel. flilrd. and Niek Koch, foiirtli. and was at one mile, which was made In 2:44 15. The accond heat was won by John McDonald, with Frank Hennessy si'cond. Chas Smith third, and Christ Driscoll fourth: the time was 2 41 1-5. In the final. Rink was off with the gun and s< t a t»rrlfic pace for three laps. He then fell iM'liind until tlie l.xst thris> laps, when he made one of the get-away s(irlnts. with McDonald holding f t only a short distance, when he was lost. Rink winning In a g<x>d sprint.







Mrs. Isabelle Butler, wife of Tom Butler, the noted bicycle racer of the famous Butler Bros., and formerly Miss Isabelle Allen, of Chicago, who makes up the team of Butler and Bassett, artificial lee performers on tlie stage, has re ooveix-d from a sp*-!! of Illness of long duration and hxs Is-en visiting fiietsis In Chicago, while en route to S*'atlle. Wash., where she will loin Mr. Bassett, and where the season of lltOli IfllO will st.v-t from. .Miss Butler has a record that f'W of her sge can boast of. To iTgln with, she is a daring woman, and has exp<-ri- tiiced many accblents In her professional ca¬ rer. Miss Butler first gained prominence as a trick lilcycle pi-rformer. when bicycle riding was at Its height In the West, doing a doiihle act -w ith h >r husband. Torn Butler, and made quite a hit wherever they played.

Tlie nrvt most prominent move of Mlsa Butler wna whin she was Xxitb the Kl’iglliig Bios.’ (,’ir- ■ CHS, making the daring loo|i the loop in an auto.iioblle. which she kept up for three years, or In fact bad to give up on account of a ha.! accident, at which time her hushaud knowing that she was c lover of skating, bad tlnsight out a skating art on aitlflclil Ice, which ah- and Bassett rre sllll working on. and l< con sidfix-d one of the prettiest and most graix.fnl acts of Its kind on the stage to day. Miss Bntler, liesides her great exfierlence In the show business. Is a natural dancer and more so a g'sid entertainer, and lastly alie Is a good man sger, which but few of her kind can tmast of.

Some few vears ago she managed the Ic" rink at New Orleana. the Tiilane. which was very siicd-ssfiil. The Bntler Raas,'»t team will start their waacn at R«*attle. Wash.. September n, and the next stops will lie Tacoma. Spokane. S-n Francisco. Los Angeles. Winnipeg. .Man. an.i all throngb the Eastern clrenlt. returning In D'-cemts-r. In time to give an exhibition at the new Ice rink in rbloxgo.


RINK—THREE SILVER CUPS. Starting Thursday night. August 2*1. and con

tinning until Si-plemlcr 30, Msnigi-r Patrick Hariion of Ulvervlew Kink, will bold x series of amateur roller rxecs. The rxe-’s will lie het.l on Tliirsdiy. Satiiniry snd Siir.dav niglits 'nw trial beats will lie at distances of iks- mile rn.l till- finals at two miles All of tliese rs'-.'s are to lie diebb-d on points, the first thro receiving the highest number of ps.infa at the .-iiil ef the series will be presented with tliree silver loving cups.

Henley Roller Skates I ales! Mislel, Ball Benrlng Itluk Skates. I'aed In majority of all Itlaka Nickel plat'sl Stis-I, Ball Bearing ITub Skatea, with Fibre. Steel Fonblsa Hon. Aluiniuuui or Boxwisst Boilers.

Henley Racing Skates Used and eudoraed by aiieed skaters averywbere. aiul are also dealrabla

for Individual uae, wlwre the finest and idoM complete skata In the market Is dealrad.

POLO GOODS and OUTFITS Send fur Skate Catalogue, FHES ItOlcial I’olo Guide . 10c.


Winslow’s Roller Skates

are ununully well adjusted and tioelr finished—they are mechanically per¬ fect. Smooth mn-

ning and


THE BEST ICE AND ROLLER SKATES For more than 50 vears the standard skate has been the

Winslow. It is by the uio-t skilled work mru, fruiu the finest materials. In the largest skate |i!aut in the world. All styles and prices. l‘lea*e stud for our new

illiislratrd catulogues. They arc free. Kindly state w hethcr you aic interested in Ice or Holier Skates.

If UK UMUEl WNSLIW SUTE WL CL. Voreaslar, Hmi.. IAA.j 'l4-MChMi*riSt.. New Tort lloii|LiM.EX..laai

Wlaatow’a loo Rksioa

are autrd lot their

high grade aii-

terial and aiiperiof


reliable a a d

“•peedy." Beu Ikaters s ill hate

Dune but V\ inaiow.

FAIR AND RACES September 27, 28, 29, 30 and October 1.



ATTRACTIONS and CONCESSIONS Inclutllnj: lluiiian Uotilett*' Wb***-!. Kittz*‘njAmin4T PaUf'e. Animal Show, n»'W Merry ro n»ntnl

I and al*’-* oth»»r u|*-toitate Khowa. Quliiry 1* a city of |M»iMilat|(>n. li*catt*<1 Jut»t mil**** WeKt «*f SpriiiRtleld, 111. \V*- ar»’ advertiHins o*ir Fair anti ra<*»*a th«»r«>uichly, 75 mlle« an»imd Quiucy. and will have (tohiU If >on hai*‘ fin* iiioiii’y ;;etfer*» y«ni will g»*t the r«*lii Write ua at <.uee what yi.ii have QUINCY EXPOSITION AND RACING ASSOCIATION. P. 0. Drawer No. 20, Quincy, Ilia.


September 13 to 18. BldO.tNki will li*- s|icnt for decorations, llluriilnationK, amiisr-ments, prixes. etc., etc. Gis-atest manufacturing center In the United Statea. Every factory and mill working f'lll time. Flral-clasa allows and privileges will get a bit of iiioney here as this will be tlie first ('arnlvsl we lisve ''ver held. Write iKiw sihI s.-ciir.' your <-onlr«rt for *pace. Addrr-ss C. E. JOHNSON, 415B Frankford Ave., Frankford, (Phiiadelphia), Pa. .NG’rE Owra-rs of Sbowa ami ('onr-r-sslous can form profit aide connection here that week f T Fall and Winter lour, with Yll HI DE ENGLISH I’LEASFUK FAIUE CO., orgaiilxilig biTe w.-. k of I.ttli, o|M-iill'g we,-k of ’•’lllh.

Shows and Privileges Wanted Knr Uie two hlft oiiea. on the main atreeta. Semra Falla. N. Y.. Sept, S to 11, and K«»rf Plain. •''• A., 5^'pt. l.'l to 1**. and h<iiim* iiior#* kimmI oie-a to fidlow. So come on, I will uae y«ni all ritcht. ( an plar** M*‘rry km piiind f*n |••‘rr*elltax<^ Pan uw aome all day Rrlndera am! a«**iie va«i d«‘Vil|e Will riiriiiah ^••nl and front for a u<mm| mIiOW. Addreaa tiy mall or wire, 0. I*. SMITH'S MIDWAY. Ithaca. N, Y. till 8»pt. 4th; then Seneca Falla. K. Y._


For a lour tliroiigli I’ansins. Wis«t Indies Islands and riiba. Animal Acta of all deocrlptlon* Lady Gyiniinsls, Itnr I’erforini-rs and .\crobat». Address all letters to M. LOWANDE, Jr., cars Campbell Broa,’ Show., Falrbury, Neb. I’. H.—Will buy 2 or 3 ainall tralnisl Kleplianta for cash money.

.m.\\ac;i:k.s .\m> i>i:i{iY>it.\ii;iLs .\t i.iiii'.inv siioiij* avaii. TIIMMSM.VFS fn' Tin: SIMKIAE CflMrUMUNTAIlV AI»\T:iTn.SlN<i K.ATi: Af'<X»|{|»i;i» .Ml MItllKS OF TIIK IMtOlTlSSHlN FY>K |•^■|lliICA- Tlf>\ OF AT MIlFItTV f'AUIfS.

SEPTEMBER 4, 1909. Xlie Billboard

Till- tlrnl iiiH?) In a Dual will r**<'clv<‘ flvn

t.(.liilt til- v-i-'ii'l f'"ir I»'li"a. til- tlilPl tlir-<‘ iK.lnth’ tl.n fiiiirtli two |«iliit», anil nil tlioa-

rtnitliii! Ill Ilf *■»'••• r-<'il\- on.' ),olrit. i I'l,,. 1 11'.'* linvc Imi'Ii arr.iiiKial till* way In ^ oriliT to itiv.' I'v-rv *knliT a «.*«!— lit tli-

<ii|i* ’I’ii- ititrl.'* tint lia'o alr-.iity ii-. oc|\i.'. nr- .li'lin Mi'li nialil, jolin Uiiik. Alfn-il lli'nit-t. I'lirlnt Iirlsi-oll. Walt.-r Srlin.-tt-. Iliiiry lU'i'kiT. I'lni* Mri.-yil. fi-**i l. I.IHI .•i.nli'y, l.i KtiT |•^.rr—t. Mi k Ki«'li. Kr: iik ll-nii->> . (.ooiki' Itickir. Ji'lin I’fliiyBrili ninl Win Mill-r.

board of control to try FRED TYR¬


CliMlriiiin riill l.aiitli ha* oull-.l a niiotlnk the lliMr.l of fontrol. to I*' li'M Mianl.iy |

anilinr. Aucni'l :tll. Jt 111- tlio l.ifiil 1 rti'iit of th' tVi-sti-rn Skat 'ly A'* • Inllon. at i ilttlit o’ili*k IV M nii.tliT* of iiniHM-t j .. will 111' .ll<rn'H-il. mil tin <•lla^(;'•■» I'f I'ro i f.-aHli nall-iii iir. fi i-r.'il ayniii-t I r-il lyrrvll. ; 111 J. 'I SojM r, r*i iliiiiaii of tlio "f ton i trol of til- Ain-rl-an I’.irl- iml Sk:itin« t'liili, I • III I*' h-.iril. S-<r>flaiv Fit/.a-raM lia* notitliil |

all I'artU** coiii'-rii-il t » In* |l^l■^■•lH at till* iin-I , Ink a** •o'V-rai o|li-r inattir. of ki- it In |.ort |

,n— will I' - liionttli: lir>'



I ri nk ll"iin-**v. tin* r..r"«l 1* irk -ra-k r-ll-r i •kat.’r win. r—iilly il-f-at-l < na*. Sm.t.i i n- of Itii.i'l-w'a l*'«l akat.r*. In a mt.-* of niatili ra—*. ri<<--l>l* th- -liill-iik- l-Mi-.l to | tilni l.v Manak'ii llinion. pro.!.Ini: tin* rar**K ,r- to' I- 'k -l-.l at V-r-rt I* irk, l.una I ark • ml Kt«-rvl-w Ilinka.


\|w ly- p-pnlar. anil •nr- of larK- houa-t, |

i liaiim i v 111. Itt. th- Irlah aonyat-r. I* thla . w—k "i-nliiic III- r-yiilar fall anil wlnt-r a«*a_ ( ..II .if 111- Mlro|«)ltin iip-ra Hoiia-. w^n | hi* 'll— of la'I '-aaon. Uayy-il Kohln. The ^ ii'iial h-avy palr.aiay- pr-valla For n**** , • ...1 i.hl.h 1* Slat- Fair w—k. Th- Thre- , Twin* with V . lor Morl-y ami Co. will li- th- _

**LUIl*'i Morll’ii-r. whom patrona of th- Ill- , lip. ra Hill'-. I at- alway* fli* k-.l to

ilnrlny th- *.-' ..1* In whl-h ahe ha- »Pl>^«r;;- , th-r. In ni-lo.ltania, i* now In Tau.l-vlll- an.l

1* hi a I iiini; till* w—k'a hill at th- Drph-um In a till, - it.ll-il l*o’ White Traah Jinny.

An-tli-.' 'tr.iii: f-attir- of th- hill la 111- act of 111. • atiiill. Trio, Par |*'rf..rm-r*. an.l th-

»ni-*irlliii: nni,.tHr» are of ni-rlt. . . " Jo w.ll mark th- oiH-nlny of the

|•rln..rii-i T- In Fa>l .Mlnn-apolla. when

th- \-iil Sioi k Ci’inp.;::;- w ith Jam-* N-111 •» Iraillne man, ami hi* wlf-. Mlaa Lilythe Chap¬ man I* 1. ail Ilk lailv. will iH'kin a aeaaon of .t.« k pr.-lr.i tiom. Th- ITln.-. ** formerly piay-

P,1 vBii.l.' ill-, hilt Maiiay-r Frank C. I’rleat .. that th- new v-nttir- will i.rove

hlkhly '111—"fill. Tlie three ••penlnk produc- tl'.ii* will !*• Th- W.-rr-na of Vlryinla, Her tlwn Wav mill Th- W.all* of J-rl-ho.

Ill-kmnn \ l.yilaton. In a comeily novelty ait .r- w Innlnk praSe fr.>m the' patrona of For.'I I'ark f-r tl.-ir work In th- open air Ih-air- thla w—k. lllanW Danl-la. a clever lit tie tiM' dancer. 1* bI*o on the h'.ll The danc- Ink pavilion I* crow d-d a* u*nal. and excel lent palronak.' a r-i-irfed. Next week the Eaylea' .Aerie 1247 will take iunta-alon of the

park an'l elv- an old faahlon-d carnival, with Mark M W-rthelin aa manayer. rroceeda of

the carnival will ko to the Aerie, and. In ad¬ dition to th- pr-aent attraction* of the park, th-r- will Ih- .infa'.do atlractlona atnh a* vau-

d-v|ll- .Hi*, a Wild W-at ahow. a dlvlny dny,

«tc. Ti- ihviiclitk iiavlllon will Ih* thrown open t. all Ihit wl«h to dance, and the park will tM- e*p-. lally llU.niln*t-d to aiilt Ih- occasion.

Th- ri kiilar fall season of the Dljou t)i>era

11 IIS*.' will op.n Sunday, S-pt-mlH-r .*>, with the antinal llr*l off-rink. In lild Ki*ntucky. Th- li*nal h-avy advance sal- Is keeplnis the box' oftli - rii*li-.|. Manak' V T' -o. I.. Hay-s hta re-

-nkak'*'I .Arthur M*- a* assistant man- ak-r i.nd tr-asnr-r, and J. J Whitehead aa ad-

v.-riuinn aeent N. xt w—k will mark the advent of the hly-

k. *.| Mlnn-sota Siste Fair -v-r held here, and W' relarv C. N. Cincrove annonneea that

-v-r\ d-partin-nt ha« b—n aiikin-nled and en lark-d. In-lndlnk not onlv the evtilblls, but also th- ijrand stand produ-tlon* cal'.l- shows, mid wav. -I- The niimbiT of allracllons which

will III otf-r-d iH'f.ire the rnnd stand wotild till Iw-ntv cars and in-liid-s such act* as S|H'*«rd.v'* Hears. I.nken's l.lons. rnd others. 11 F ^ir.'korv. who so ably oltlclated as su|>er Inlend.'nl of imn*ements last year, will again

till that lmi«irlant po*t. and one of the hlylfest [ ••voTits will Ih- I Is pyrotes-hnlc spectacle. Min¬

nesota at n-tt.\ahnrk. which will Iv* displayed ti-for- th- krand stand every -venlnk -Another -i-nl whl-h creates ciin«Id-rald- Interest w*lll

Ih* a ra.-e held on Ijilmr l>ay, lH*tw-cn Pan

l":ilih and Minor ll-lr. Man-.c-r An hi- Mlll-r. of the D-wey. la

I avtnk s. It o hi.ii*-* thla wvH*k w ith Th* Itroadaiv itaiely itTls aa the attraction. This

show olT-rs two d-MT hnrlesipies and a strong oik. an.l Is winning g-n-ral approval. Next w—k riic tirlental i’i«iT Corner tJlrls, another h'gh grad- Iniih'sipie nttractfon. will aptiear

at this Ih-ilr- Manager Miller la trying to niskii this the Innn-r season of the Iiewey, and Is working overtime With the advance ll«t of Rtlracllon* coming, and bla own iH-raonal. ca- pstile manag-mi-nt. the outlook for the dealred

Ti*nli* Is very bright. Corl-r .1 \Vhllii. who nev-r falls to create

tnt-ns- -nthiHilasm. has a com|ian.v hi.adllnlng the hill at the M 1-s Th-air- this w—k In a

new drimatic ida.vh't. eiilllled Mr Stranger. l. a Ii-anlv styled * The Itoneless Wonder." of C-ra a ronliirllon act of espoclal merit, and the tinlan— of the hill Is w-ll chiwen. Manager W K Calla-rb-r slates that hnalneaa haa kept

np ill a highly sallsfactorr manner, and that tile seaiHin i.r-iml*-* sncceaa.

Allhiiiigh If Is nearing Ih- close of Its season.

Klg lsl,and l*irk. I.ake Minnetonka, la atlll o»"H to the g-n-ral public, and contlnnea to entertain many picnic parll-a each day The f-rry lio't and st-amlmat cxcnralona are In demand, and Ih- Mvstlc lUvcr. Uoller Cnaater. Fli* trie Tin air I and other altractlona are all -iijiiving the usual iialri'nage.

l ake Harriet Park ... Its gates Siimlay.

August 2t>. after a moat aiici-i.aafnl aiinimer season of ten no-k« The ri'cetpt* of this year far exeei-ded those of any year pn' and

the Minneapolis Park Hoard an* congratulating llicm*clT-a niion the resiilta. Th* Mlnncaimlls Piirk Hand has Ihi-h temporarily dlahand*d, and Mr. W Warielle \-l~in. the conductor, haa

riHiim-d his wlnl-r dntl-a aa director of the; orchestra of the .M-lro|Mjlllan Oiiera House, St. | i P'lil i

Th- Ii-vll, Ih- Servant and the Man Is the nil- I f th- dramutle 'k-t-h In whleh Walter ; M-Ciilloogh. Frank H. Hm-k and Wm. Anthony i .M-<*nlr" are headlining an -xc-llent hill at ; Ih- I'nlipie Theatre. Close on their heels are , .spanlding and Itnpu—, in an iicri.liallc comedy and song ml. and Ih- r-maliilng mirnh-r* are w-ll -hos-n. Manager Ja-k Klllott, of thla i th-Mir-. annoiin—s that Just l-ifore each p<*r- ! fonnance Ih- w—k of Si-pt-mtHT d, he will i do n high dive of l<r> f—t. directly In front ■ of th- th-air-. landiiig In a n-t. Patrons of th- olii Waller I,. Main Circus, a twenty-five ; car show of «om- years slnie. will r-tnemtier Ja-k l.illott HR th- high n-t and water diver, f-ainred with this -nl-riirls<'. so he la well fitted, through -Irena -xiHTli'nce. to execute this f-'it. .Manager Klllott says that this w ill glv - Ih- country jH-opl- visiting town soni-thing to talk about besides the Minnesota Slat- Fair.

It. F. Jon-a states that lie has no reason to eompl.ain of t.nslne«s at Longfellow Gardena, ; Minnehaha Falla. In the Hlppmlromp, Captain j I.enls |)e Hnlestrler 1* winning laurels with his j Irnlni'd lions, l-opsrds and lH‘ars. and there I are al'O the .Angora go.xts. the ICiisian wolf ■ hound* an-l Hamer-s baboons. MalH-Il Hall, witli till- hig ele|ibant. Jumbo II.. Is atlll a feature. For next wi-ek the same general pro i gram will prevail, but In addition there will , he several vaudeville and circus acta during the Stale Fair, while KIMson's Mllltar.v Hand j win render ap.‘-lal music to suit the occa- | slot!.

The Twin CHv Wonderland Park will be , ojH'n f'.r thr-e or four w—ks more, and heavy oalronage will undoubtedly continue until the closing of the gale*. This w—k. I.Indatrom and 1 Anderson. In a comedy novelty act. are pleas ! Ing i>slron« of the slrdome, as are also The ; Musical XeKons. Gn the ont-of door plat- ' f"*m. fl'e fri*' attractions are The .Manaro Family, heavy weight lifters, and the Kuropean novelfv gvni’ia't. Itnaalex. These acta are t>oth making go<»l. The Northwestern Military Hand | renders eon—rt [irograms of ex—llent music, i .•nd the r-'gular attractions are all kept hii*y. The gr-iin 1* are In fine ro'idltloa and present en nnnsually attractive apimaran—.

Mayo' J I Hayn-s of this city, re—Ived .1 ipn-rv from the National Pe.ard of Censorship "f M'.f.on p.etnres of New Pork. In regard to the ni'v'ng picture theatres of Minneapolis, epon iH-liip Interviewed, both Manager L. E. I iiPit. "f the Isis. Novelty and Wonderland ' rhi-alre*. ami .Assistant Manager Harry Lymon, ■ of the S-enlc Theatre, utated that all pictures shown lo thi'se theatres are —nsored by the National Hoard in New York before being sent to th< s • playhouses, and that there was abso¬ lutely no danger of any picture being dis¬ played at any time which would In any way pn ve Injurious to the morals.

Anilrew Campaigne. famUlarly called the ' Human Mack-r>'l." tiy his friend*, ha* sev¬ ered his connection with the W-nderland The¬ atre. an 1 will handle the new disinfecting spray fi>r the Ed. Lord .Amusement Hooking Agency of this city.

Th* 1«1< Theatre continues to prove a most mpnlar motion ideture house. At an Increased cxiH-nsv*. Manager I., E. Lund haa ««>curpd the '4rvi-es of Mr. Ixvula La Valle, formerly with the Joseph Siieehan Grand Opera Company, aa Illustrated song ainger. Mr. LaValle Is a splen¬ did harPone and Is pleasing the many patron* immi-ns-lv. Mrs. LaVelle la now at the pi¬ ano at this theatre.

Th- n-w Crystal Theatre Is nearly ready for Its I'lH'ning, and 1* undoubtedly one of the nio«f lH‘autifuI motion picture theatres ever or-c tod in Ih- Northwest. That It will prove highly succ—sfiil Is not to be doubted, and Man- .-g-r I>. J I.allar may be congratulated upon I ho OlltllHVk.

Husiness ronllnne* brisk at the various other , moving id'iiir- th-atr-s. and the Stv-enlc. Majea-

llc. People's. Wonderland and Novelty all re¬ port go<Hl rotiirn'. The Gem Family Theatre la al'O going some, with contlniiou* vaudeville, motion pictures and Illustrated songs.


Professional Roller Skaters’ — ASSOCIATION

Organized to give greater prominence to bona fide Professional Skaters—those who

hove e finished act to offer to Managers seeking Exhibition Skaters—and to promote

Boiler Skating in generaL

Addreai SECY EARLE REYNOLDS. 1440 Broadway. N. Y. City, care The Billboard.

All the Stars of the Skating World ABE MEMBEBS OF THE OBGANIZATION.

FRED ROMALO Th* man who skate* on hie bead on ball bearing roller skates, down an 18-ft. In¬ cline. Cuts Figure Eight on his head. The act that brings thousands to roller rinks. Address FADL L. DUPBEE, 1440 Broadway, New York, Billboard.


RECKLESS RECKLAW Eccentric Sensational Cyclist.

See My Original Race. FANNIE LEIGHT,

That Real Skating Girl. Attraction fully guaranteed. Addrea* RECKLAW A CO., care of Billboard, 1440 Broadway, N. Y. C.

JOHN FrDAVIDSON Of tbe Famons Davidson Family of Skaters, in bis wonderful exhibition of Trick and Acrobatic Skating, High and Broad Jump¬ ing and Speed Skating; also marvelous ex bibItloD of Stilt Skating. A aenaatlon act from start to finish. Address The Bill¬ board, 144U Broadway, New York City.


In her marveloua Fancy and Trick Skating Exhibition, concluding each night with a Ka— against any man In tbe Kink. Ad dress 3247 E. 05tb St., Cleveland, O.

^ofT^a^lTi^anks And BABY LILLIAN, Aged S.

America's Celebrated Roller Skaters. Tbe act that l>lays retnm engagements continually. "Enoiigb saldl” Address ('HAS. L. FRANKS, care of Baltlmors Skate Mfg. Co., Baltimore, Md.

EDWARD W. BASS^tY Araerica'i Greatest Figure Ice Skater.

Skating on real Ice on tbe stage. Now playing tbe Keltb tc I’roctor Circuit. Add. Billboard, 1440 Broadway, New York City.

McLALLEN-CARSON DUO Playing Vaudeville



In Artistic and Graceful Fancy and Trick Skating, presenting many new, original feats. Addre** RICHARDSON SKATE (X)., fiOl Wells Street. Chicago, Ill.

PROF. A. P. DEMERS Endorned by ALL ih© LEADING RINK MAN¬ AGERS M th© biKK^ b©adUn© act which haa ever played their rinks. The artist WHO plays return enfcagementH oontinnally. Rink Man- aifer* who want an alwolntely hitfh-olaM© attrac¬ tion, write at once for open time. Address 519. Ck>lnmbus Avenne, Boston, Mass.




Addrei* The Billboard, 1440 Broadway, New York City.


Waltz, Two-Step, Jig and Cake Walk, Dan¬ cing. Stilt and Toe Skating. Lillian Ser¬ pentine Dance. Add. JOHN W. LAWLEB, 62U Carrollton Are., New Orleans, La.

BERTHA DOUD MACK The original Anna Held premier akat* dancer, featuring buck and wing and all the dancing step* familiar to musical comedy. Act original and up-to-date, bean- tifully costumed. Home address 73 Stats St., Seneca Kalis, N. Y.

Superior Attraction— —Befined Act


Exhibition Includes Famous Cake Walk. Address 21 Federal St.. ProTldence. B. I., or The Billboard, 1440 Broadway, N. Y. (j.


Featnr.ntf her Giant Skatea wcitchinn 12 Ibe. w th € in wheela. dointt the mont difficult ntepa known Spinning on heela. one and two toe«. etc. .Mho many noveltien on the re»ralar aize akatea ia known ae the Girl Top plaving Hinka and Vaudeville. (). L. AYkR. 140 Eugenie 8t..


F-aturtng marvelous and death-defying backward leap over table and ebairt. Open for rinks. Address ALFRED PAINTER, Hiverview Rink. Milwaukee.


Cyclist and Skater Extraordinary, in won¬ derful exhibitions of one-legged skating and bicycling. Managers Rink* and Vaudo- vllle write or wire for open time quick. 907 Sobiller Bldg., Billboard, Chicago, III.

Niagara Military Band

For Parka. Rinks, ravlllona. Shows, etc. Largs new Catalosiie ••C** Free.


FOR SALE Roller Skates 3.'a> pair* Wliialovv'a Itliik. 70 pair* rnlon Hard war- on- Kl—trie Sign JAMES W MENZIES, 18 W*. Eagle Street. Buffalo. N. Y.

FOR SALE—Roller Skate*. Rlchardsvm. Wins low and Chicago, etc at a low price.




FOR CARNIVAL and STREET FAIR October 6. 7. 8. 9. at GREENE. IOWA.

Th- liveliest and l>08t town of Its size In the State. Wanted, a Specialty Company of from 1(1 to 23 i>eoi4e with own so-r.ery for free attraction. .Also Black Tops, Side Shows. BaII(Mn .\sivnsions. Jubilee Singers, Sketch T-ams. SiH*claIty Men, Fakers, etc. Profeaeional ball teams. For i>rlvileg-s and eonceaalons. address LeROY NILES, Sec'y., Greene, Iowa.

.. Candy Grabb Doe-Nut Macbine The Great Novelty Candy Machine. Earns 553 in a single day. Complete outfit $50. Write for special proposition.

CANDY CRABB, Battle Creek, Mich.



Skating IHiik of Kl ('amivo. Texas, ha* b.-en reiinnl-led and e(|(il|i|H>d with a nice large stage. .S-atIng rapacity of .300 or more. AM nttrae Hon*. vvlf*v o|H'n date*, coming till* way please address NOR. RINK OPERA HOUSE.

WANTED—To book gioal show* the (Mming sea son. town of l.Mat. .*n .4. C. L. R. R. Giavd sliovv town; ran make ovnnecllona going either wav and loae no Hin-: flrat-claas o|H*ra house; l-rn* reasonaMe STGKKS .4 Dl'XN. Mgr*, long's Opera Hons<*. Ablwvllle. Ala.


BOURBON CARNIVAL CO. Lexington, Ky., September 13 to 18.

Auspices Central IaiN>r Connell. 4.0(10 mcniNr* to lawist, plenty of money In sight, and flrat Carnival Hit* .acar. .Vi.iaNi sh.iw g.iing laaiple to draw from. I.lve towns follo'wing. You make no mistake In AS'intng h-'n*. W \NT Itanit, Show* and I'om'-ssl-ns: also Ocean Wave.

DYKE and ANDERSON. Mgrs., Lexington, Ky.

26 Xtie Billboard SEPTEMBER 4. 1909.


and performer* are respectfully requested to contribute their dates for this depart¬ ment. Routes must reach The Billboard Saturday, to insure publication.

nei Billboard forwards mail to all professionals free of charge. Hembers of the profession are invited, while on the road, to have their mail addressed in care of The Billboard, and it will be forwarded promptly.

- - It.Trne. John II. W. (Scenic Ti'mple) Bi>eton. _ •_ B.vriic leilenn |•la.verl> (Alriloniel ItartlesviUe,

Telegrams inquiring for routes not okl* : i.tirdomei I'sa hunks 6 11. given in these columns will be ignored Beecher * Maye (tileei Uhlcaito; (Koyali Chi unless answers are prepaid. caco 6S; (Union) Chlcaco 9 ii.

Brandt. Ueui (S.clilc Templei Iter, re Beach. Mas-.

Csraly, John C. (lllpp<>.lreiue. While lllyl CMiapo.

Carll«le >. td . IVo es lY.HitiiJ * Mllli.'ii Dollar Uler) All.cnfle Cil.»

Carrier, lliiiri 1 ilMl.^.nde IVirk) Palisade. N J.

I'oloirn & Pear'oii (.t.rdeiiio Bed I'.nk. la. ColUns. Monlle 1 lyeeiimI i .tit*. Can. Carrier TYoui>e Ml Carroll, 111. Carroll Ch.a-. IM ilest.ei Joiienl* r v .trk ;

(Klk s) Pine BliilT It II Coll.y A May tMajoMlei Butle. iW anhliiston)

Spokane r« 11. l'tH»|M'r. John W' iShiMsI.i ni Brivkltoi. Ma>^ .

Mill -iip'r I I.} nn i> 11 I'ol.-nian /.lla. A Jann > B. i.arflel.l iPrlnces')

f ahoctoii. (I UiiMlnirn. The (t'olunihuai Colinnh'i*, i»

_ Bariien, Keniini; A Co. (Majestic) Itenver 29- Sept. II.

The names of Performers en route Herenfonl. Helen. A Co. (Majestic) Butte;

yrne. John H. W. (Scenic Ti'mple) B.iston. ^l(iishvVlie'*'n ^ ^ yrne lodnon Players (Alrdome) Bartlesville, u-J.. > n iIIIImii taek^on Mich ■■.i. h.,..L.. ft 11 Carroll a Brcvoorl (lil.toiD .laik'on, aiun OKlii.. <Airat»nu) I av^niihkA o-ll. pw..viwi.> t i'.» i \f Mis'st'.i* i liiitti* 4 It

TaL'r6^ ''(rnlm\''^Chi?»LM''‘9Sl“^ ’ I^vlri.; .V Walters .Star. Chleairo .rntl Ileniinl rV.. 29. C"mllle Trlo_ (Orpheum) M tmeais.ID, (Orph

with amusement enterprises, and of Professionals giving their permanent address, are not published in this list. Ramiue guarteite isiiea’s) Toronto; (Ben

_ nett's) Montreal 6 11.

■Dl?CI?rk'DTWfTi’'D C* TtA'P'Ii’C Can ; titennett's) Hamilton 6-11. * .“A*.* ilAXXljCi. Banyan. Alfred: Younifstown. O.; New Castle.

(When no date is given, August 30- BuckVey * d.hts iPaniaces ) Seattle.

Sent ' «’• cum) St l-aul .M t Heresf.'.rd. ' Helen. A Co (Mijestlc) Butte; .Hrpheunu Putte 5 It

(WsshliiKtoii) Spokane 6 11. Cn'uch A Welch .OrpheuiiH P rtlanl. Ore.; lOr Bower*. Walters A Crooker (Grand) Pittsburg. pheura) San Kr.-nelseo »•'J >

Pa.; (Keith's) Phlla., 6 11. Chlr.ko (Cirrus Carre. Anister i .i.i. H.dland. I Bamiue quartette iShea's) Toronto; (Ben- !'•: iSaalbun. Brauns«e:i:. r. '6 SO

nett's) Montreal 6 11. Cllio A Sylvester i Hlpp.sIr.'Uiei Philadelphia Baxter, Sidney. A Co. (Bennett's) Ottawa. C.isey Bnss.: Mile* City. M..iit

September 4 is to be supplied.) “rady A Maho.iey (Park) Albany, .N. Y. Bredaii. J. U. (Orpheum) Omaha; (Orpheum)

Adelniaiin's J.*.. Musical Ensen.lde (Schuman) St. Paul 6 11. Frankfort. Cer., S<pt. 1 30; (Thalia) Elber- Braali. S<‘luia (Orpheum. Salt Lalce City; (Or- neld. Met. 1.31. plmura) Iienver 6 11.

Carletta iMajesU.e) Mll« (Grand) In dlanapoll* 6 It.

Charblno. Chas. (Orpheum. Omaha: (Orpheum) St. I'aul 11.

Clayton. Uiia. A Co. (She.a'»' Toronto; (Tern pie) Detroit 6 11

Carr.*Diau A Yan • A rd-*me. Palestine. Tex.; (T.yrle .(.rilonic H.'U'!i>ii .'>11.

Chaxliio (Orpheumi Omaha. (I.d.!. Met. 1.31. ptmura) Iienver 6 11. Chaxliio tOrpheuiiii Omaha. Adcle and her I.lnns (Young's Million Dollar

Pier) Atlantic City. --

Toronto oil (Academy) Buffalo. (Majeatic) blank is avaUablc for route data in case you have Arken. George ( Tylwe Orchestra) Tybeo .

Augirr'cal-u tieo. (Orpheum, Francis^). ^0 route cards. Cards will be mailed upon application. Arnolda, Chas. (O. H.i l.ogan. Kan. Arlsato Trouiie (County Fain Greenup, 111.;

(County Fair) Kankakee 6 11. Aahley Frio (Dewey) Utica, N. Y'., 6-11. TVomss Avll A Grimm (State Fair, Des Moines, It. XVauiC ^ _ - Albene, Prlncs. A Miss La Kraut (Vaudevlll#

Park, Winsted, (.mm. Adams, MusUal (Winter Garden) New Or-

leans. Acker A Acker. Fort Wayne, ind.; Blufftoo. Wcck TheatTC Or Park City State Armond, Grace (Orpheum) Denver. Addison A Livlngaton (Star Alrdome) McAlot

ter, Okla. Arlington Four (Orpheum) San Francisco, 5-17. Alonso, Great (Park) Bridgeport, Conn. Anieriran Dancers, Six (Oriiheum) Lo* Angeles -

30 Sept. 11. Austin A Sweet (Bijou) Port Arthur. Can. Adair A Dahn (Olympia) Lynn, Mass. Altkens. Two Gr»>*t (Crystal) Frankfort. Ind. A|ipleby, E. J. (Lyric) Witertown. N. Y. Alferett*. Great (Fair, Watseka, III., 31-Sept.

3. Aredo (Gem) Hutchinson. Kan. Acker A Collins; Hotmken, N. J. Adams A Alden (Ramona Park) Grand Rapids, _

Mich. American N'ew«t,oy*' quartet: Green Bay. Wla. Brooks. Walter Julian (.kirdome) Excelsior I Chant! (Pavilion) Glasgow, Scotland. 22 2 Anderson A Evans (Alrdome) Chattanooga, S)iriDgs, Mo.; (.kirdome) Lawrence. Kao., 6- Clarence Slsicr* National, San Francls<-o.

Tenn. IH. Clipper f om>-dy Four ,Gsl,-iy, It.iltlmore.

Week Theatre or Park City State

Anderson A Evans (Alrdome) Chattanooga, Tenn.

Avnloa, Musical (Orpheum) Oakland, Cal. Ar<Hlo (Gem) Hutchinson, Kan.

IH. Clipper f om>-dy Four ,Gaiety, It.iltlmore. Bell. Chas. H. (Crystal, Pueblo. Col.; (Cryt- Conlln A Steele (Grand > Pittsburg

tail St. Joseph. Mo. 5 11. Al(|ulst A Clayton IMontauk) Mulberry. Fli. Bnotblaric (Juartette (MajesticI Des Moines. Amlott*. Three (Paragon Park) Boston; (Cum- i*.; (Ort>l,eum, Mlnneai>oll* 5 111.

mlngs) Fitchburg. Mass.. 6 11. Barrv. Edwlna. Wm. Richard* A Co. (Orph- Alvin. Peter H. (O. H.) Auburn. N. Y. eum) Omaha; (Orpheum, Sioux City, la., Armlnta A Burke (Fair) Sherbrooke, Que., 6-11.

fan. Behee*. The (Show) Redfleld, S. D. Bards, Four (Itlora Park) Oakland. Cal. Barrett. Martorle (I.akeside Park, Davton O.

Cnmingham A Marion (Orpheum, San Francla<'o 30 Sept. 11.

Carrolton A Van (.klrdome, Palestine, Tex.; (Lyric Alrdome, Hoiixton 4 11.

eum) Omaha; (Orpheum, Sioux City, la., Chassino (Or{>beam, Mniaha 6-11.

Behee*. The (Show) Redfleld, S. D. Chase A Carnia i.klrd<>ii,e, Maaen City, la.;

(Vandette) Foone 6 II. Barrett, Marjorie (Lakeside Park, Dayton 0. Cnmlngs, Grace. A Co. ,Family, MoHne, HI..

Bellows. Temple A Aller (Lamkin'a Alrdome) Brady A Mahoney (Orpheum, Allentown, Pa.. Greenville. Tex. 6-S: (Orpheum, Easton 9-11.

Bergey, Nicolas (Oriental Village. A.-T.-P. Barrett. Frank (Orpheum) Cleveland, O. Expo.) .Seattle.

Itlamphln A Hehr (0. H.) St. John. N. B., Can.

Calvert, Great (GoMen Spur Park, New Lon¬ don, Conn.

Beeson. Lulu. Trio (Majestic) I>e* Moinca, Comas, Great (Orj-heum, Mao.towoc. Wla.

Bottonily Trouiie (Fair) Winona, kllnn.; (Fair) ^ I»uTs. Blaucbard’a Christmas at Higgins (Grand) St.

Independence, la., 6 11. Rruiilng, Bert (Majestic) South Bend, Ind. Cycling (Gaiety) Columliua. O., Bunch of Kids (Elite, Davenport, la.

(Fimplre) Toledo 6 11. Buckley. John (Pantagea') Sacramento. Cal.

Clarke. Wlirred, A Co. (Mrpheum) Bruuklyo. N. V.

Crowley A Dell (Andltorlum, Lynn. Mata., 6 11.

Chefalo (Lake Conntv Fair, Chv'wo Polat. Ind.. .YO.Svpt .'!

Barclay A Morris (Bijou) Calumet, Mich.; (Bl-, Busby. Albert H.. A Cora Williams (Family) Carew. Mal>el. A Co. (Majestic, Denver jou) Hancock 6-11. Hamilton. Mont.. 29 31; Missoula 2 4. Carnes. IDlen (.kmerlcan, Chicago.

Burke A Urllne (Vaudeville) Brunswick, Me., Beldent, Three Marvelous (Majestic) Cincin- Cliff. Ladd.r (Orpheum) iK'nver. 30 Sept. 1; (Vaudeville) Rockland 2 4; (Con- gressi Portland 6-11.

Berliner, Vera (Ylary Anderaon) Loulsvilta 6- II.

Branilon*. .Musical (Coney Island) Cincinnati.

natl. Cooi>er A (Orpheum Ita-nver Bennett A Norton (I.yrlc) DuQuoln. Ill., 30- Daleys. The (Hanimersteln'si N. Y. C.

Sept. 1; (O. H.) Carbondale 2 4 Bingham. Russell (Grand) Brownsville. Pa.;

(Lyrlcl Connellevllle 6 11. Banks Rreaz>-ale Duo (Orpheum, Omaha; (Or- Bathing Girl.* (Orpheum, San Francisco; (Or¬

pheum) Sioux City. la., 6 11. pheum) Oaaland 5 II Bregers, Heine A Ethel (Empire) Deg Moines, Ruck, Frank H. (Unique) MInnea(>olla.

la. Barry A Halvrra (Orpheum) Minneapolis. Bowser. Hinkle A Co (Orpheum) Minneapolis; Bal'erInI's Dog* (Orpheum) Denver.

(Orplieum) New Orhana 6 11. Blofmi. I.«w (Orpheum, Denver.

D'Allxa. Fl>>r (.Mirlgny: Paris. Frame. Sapt. 6 1>ct. 2

De.kman. Will (Illpp'slrome, F< rtiei Fltld) Pittsburg. Pa.

Deloy's Comedian* (Orpheum) Edmonton, Alt*., Cab

IVRusseil. Mayme. A Co. (Orpheum, Tiffin. O. riohertys. The (Casino. Thuiwti-rtmll Park) Sa¬

vannah, Ga.

D<'Vc.",i\ W>'lls (! (1‘anlagra') Seattle |gin„c,. T tt'r>stal) (K'on>Miiowoc, Wla. Dunl>ar. Ch*«. E. (I.jceuiu) Calgary, Alta..

( an Dug,,, A Uaig)- iSlar, OH (Tty. Pa.

Dcl lll'l- A Di'VIlhls (O H ) ShelbyvIHo. Ind.; ,,, II , t |>)M'r Saixlu-k). o., (til

Ib>»r«. Juggling (Ei„|ilr)-, S|>rli,gflclil. HI

Don- A Wolfor,! tUonsI Park Highland-) St I o,,)... )F'>nl:, Ilf Ferry Park) Louts,lilt, s II.

|,.Fi>>' SNItTs (Fulton SI , Bris>kl., n .\ Y Da\i« Br<v> it'ln'slcr I'srk, Cincinnati. Dauni. (i<'org>' (Collins Ganb-iis, t'oluinbus. o .4 o iShiilsTli Utica, N. V ; (Or

|)houni I Uaxtoii. I‘a., 6 S. tOrpliciiiii| .Mien tow n 9 11.

D., llyn. J. B I'I'halli) San Francisco.

DoWllt. Burns A T>rrai„a* I B)-nn<-lt's, Mon tr<'al. iBciir-lt'sl Otlawa Oil.

D„|>r>*r. F'rinl tKtdlh'sl Phlla. f, Vrv lie. J>'an>-llc Washington, Ind Duix'sn A Hoffman (Orpheum, Savannah, Ga -

< N.'W Grand, Coliiliil>la, S. C., 6 11. In Will, Mon* . .4rl Mtslcla (Howard, Boaloa

D Iniorc A Oi,)'ida (Dreamland Park) Cuuay I-land N Y.

D.a> Carlta ll.o* .Yngi-h-s) Lo* .Yiigclra; iqii’a-n's, San Db-go 6 11.

D.-lano Bro“ (Fair, Crown Point. Ind . (Fair) In liai.ola. la . .NIL

D.ale. Dalnt) Dottle iWaldamcer Park, Erl*. Pa

Doiiglao .V rnnigla* (Fair) .Mankali,. Minn., 3<V .Se,)t (Fain Manson. la.. (19

IMtlDcr A Rogers (Majostlc, Sioux Falla, t D ; ' Bljmc Huron 6 11.

Dagwcll. Natalh- A .\nrle (Kclth'sl Cleveland. Dolan. K'>gcr (Young's Plerl .Vtlantic City. I>u(»-<Iln I'rouin* (Toronto Exhibition) Torontw

:!(, Sept. 11 Iw-Mar Carrie (New Itrightoni Brighton Beach.

N. Y. Dis'.roole A Langtry (Maillson) Madlsonvllla.,

Ky ; (Gt-nil Fiarllngton 6 11. Dnn’n. Bill lM*j)‘*tlr, Jon.-slM>ro. Ark. lb'san*n>l. Dare Devil: N>'Wlon. la.. 26 Sept.

2: Cidfax 3 9. Dr>‘w. Pat tKlltc) Crowley, Iji.; Franklin 6-

II. D'.Vrc's Marionettes- p.rlghti>n. Englanil. 6lli

(Coliseum) L>ndun 13 'J.'>: Southsea 27 Oct,

DeCotret A It.-go (O 11 » Winslow. Aria : (ElecIrlCi Big S|irlng*. Tex . 6 11

Dal* A Boyle (Sbulwrl (Utica. N. V

DeCotret A R.'go (o H , Winslow, Arlt.j (Electric, Big Si>rlngs. Tex.. 6-11.

Dan A Delhi (O H , Cedar Point. O. IXerrlll. Frank iOri)heuni, Pensacola. Fla. D' Arvllle. Jeanette Craw fordsville. Ind. Dumon-la. The (.Auditorium) Lynn. Mass Inipree, Minnie (Orpheum, Brooklyn. IhiMal*. .Arthur iBIjout 0*hko«h. WIs.

I Dresser. I. iilsa (.Alhambra, N. Y. C. Dockray. W.ll (Jiillan, Chicago, ttaveniwe-t. Kdna (Miles) Mlnnea|>olla. D>-R.we'a Animals (Coney Island, Clnclnnatt.

Eddy A Tallman (Orpheum) llibblng. Minn.. 9(k. 1: (Orpheum) A'IrgInIx 2 4.

Ellwjoit. Perry A Downing (.Acailemy) N.>rfolk. V a.

Fnis,-a. The (I.yrlc) Clarkevllle. Tenn

Earl A Looper (Tliompson's Alrdome) Sapulpa. okla

Eldon A Clifton (Schindler's) Chicago.

Eckert A Ib-rg (Keith'*, Columbus; (Keltb'Sa Clevelaml 6-11.

E\elten, D. (Orpheum) Omaha; (Or|.bcum) St. Paul 5 11.

EIID-Nowlan TVoiipe (Orpheum) Omaha; (Or¬ pheum) Sf. I'aul 6 11.

Earl. l.ola I,ea. Co. ,0. 11 ) RuasellTlIle, Ky.j (Orpheum) Columbia. Tenn.. 5 11.

English Ko<'kers (Music Hall, Brighton Reach. N. Y.

Elmore, Gus A Mirlle (Orpheum) L>a .Angeles. fal.; (Or|ib)-umi Sen Franclaco 6 11.

Ernest*. Great (Hathaway's) Lowell, Mast.t (Poll's) Brlilg>-|H>i't, Conn.. 6 11.

El Cot* (Orphenm, Allentown. P*., 6 11. Eldon (Gem, Hutchinson. Kan.

^ Kastman A Max il'ln>-*i liaverbill. Mas*. Eldon (Gem) Hiitchlwon. Kan. Chrendall Bp's. a Dutton (Lyric) Danvlllg.

HI ' Ennor. John (Majestic) Paris, HI.

Empire City quartet (American) Chicago. Elton. Jane (Sc, nic Temple) Revere Beach.

Mas* Erickson, Emily (Julian) Chicago. Fleldlrg. .Alt>ert (Fairyland, Montreal. Can. Fiehif. W C. (Coliseum) I/onilon, Eng , May

24. Indef riDTiey* The (White City) Chicago. Flemen A Siiratt (Majestic, Evanavllle. Ind.

, Erey Twin* A Co lllammersteln’*) N T C. i F'llton. Arthur (Princes*) Peoria, III. ' Falls, Billy A. (L)rlr) Jofilln, Mo I Fuller's. Fred H.. Jiivenlle Mlnstnds (ReA

Mill) Vincennes. Ind.; (.Alrdome) Washing¬ ton 6 11.

The Great Virginia-Carolinas-Georgia Fair Circuit ELEVEN WEEKS. Fine climate, Good Treatment and short-ships. Wealthiest and best towns in the South. Finest

Circuit in the country for privilege and side show men. Night shows at Roanoke, Lynchburg, Winston-Salem, Charlotte^ Columbia, Augusta, and possibly others. Raleigh and Columbia are State Fairs

RAIJLX, VA. . September 1, 2, 2. R. E. COX. Secretary.

RADFORD, TA. . teptember 7, 8, 6, 10. _ W. W. CARR, Secretary.

TAZEWEU., TA. . September 14. IS, 16. R. P. (XIPENILAVER, Secretary.

ROAJIOKE, TA. . September 21. 22. 28, 24. _ L. A. 8CH0I.Z. Secretary.

LTVCHBURG, VA. .September 28, 29, 80, October 1. _ E A. IX)/EIjOCK. Secretary and Treasurer. WnrSTOK-SAI.EIf, N. C. October 5, 6, 7, 6.

G. E. WEBB. Secretary.

FAIRS COMPRISING THE CIRCUIT. .. September 1, 2. 2. GREENSBORO, N. C. OctoW 12. It, 14. 16. y. i GARIJAND DANIEL. Secretary. Jeptember 7. 8. 9, 10. ! RALEIOH, H. C.October II, 19, 20. 81, 88. 22. ‘■’o g w 1* K. POGUE, Secretary. .ypig).* CHARLOTTE, N. C. ................ October 86, 87. 26, 29. dember 81. 22 23 24 C- CKESWEff.!.. Secretary. ary. COLVUBIA, S. O. .. November 1, 2. I. 4. 6, 6. 88. 29. 80. October 1. A. W. IJjVE. Secretary.

* e s : AUGUSTA, GA. . November 8, 9, 10. 11. 18. II. .. October 8, 1. 7, I. ; FRANK B BEANE, Secretary.


Galax lo Radford. V*. Radford to Tasewell, V*. Tasewell to Roannke, V*.. Roanoke to I.yncbb’irg, Vs. .. . I.ytictiburg. V*., to Winston. N. C. ., Winston to Gr<*en*boro, N. C. Greenslsim to Itsleigh, N. C. Raleigh to Uharlotl*. N. C. Charlotte, N. C., to Coinnibla, H. C. . fXduinbla, H. C., to Augusta. Ga. ...

Side Sfiows Wanted. Concessions for Sale. The Secretaries of the above Fairs will be glad to hear from all who have good side shows, riding devici'S or Httraclion.s of any kind. No.

immoral shows allowed. No gambling.

SEFTEMDER 4. ItfOg. rtie Billboord 27

Tinl) rr.rt)*-! A It Ilf. Ililtli- <11 . ^ Klrlrlirr A l.» rii-rri* (\lrilt.iiii-l Tyl<T, Tei.,

Ill s<'|it 1; (Alri1<Miii't ^lll^•l<llln■ - 4.

Frnii/ A SlK (l'r)»li«li SI Mo. If.l-rli k.' Il••l••llll, A Co. (iiiiilH mill Suit l,iik<*

I'll) . |-,,i,tli„.|i,. A 111 III 11.) Kli lllll••lll| Iiiil , III.

II I S|irliii.'tli’M nil. I'lix, lii.rii I MliiiiiiliriiI N. Y. V. f'rriimili. Mmirln- I rriMlor'n till Avr.l'N. Y

f'.'ll« A Hurry rmir I .Mtiniiilira I N V. C.; ( Man Imiil I llaltliiiori- nil.

raiMo. I•••ll (Mail - I'■nni-lly Slmk I'o I Maya 11 Ilf. Kv.

ri'Wir- r II (rjllaiiilf I’arkl l*all»aila, N. J . I* S. |it 11

r r In I'.iiii'iiii I rii.irntiiirK 1 Itlvfr I’oiiil, II. I. railfllf "? l‘ii«loii iKfllli'ai I’liiHlon. I'l.l.llm; A |•»rl'>■^ li'rllfrlon Alnliniirl Savan-

ii.nli. iJa r.i>, M-'i-sirfl iilriihfiiiii 1 Taiiipa. fla. riiliifr A Sliflli'ii liiriiliiiiiiii liiiiatia Kliininfii Vk’iifK inriilifiimi llil I'lljr. Pa. j'.ii M.iiiCJifl lllr|ilifiliiil Taiiiiia. Kla. r..ii|fll A Hii'iiiill I l*ii|iioll Park) Wralflirlil.

Mar- 11..' nil I I.) iiyi nil. Varri II'•'ai lor I'rlo 11iriilifiiiii I Itrmiklyn. Tranro iMIli i M liiof a|ioll». Vfrrfll ll;i>' liiiiilifiiir i Mlniifa|iolla. lionr.ili*- \'loliili li;iii|«lrfi Siirlnkrtflil. 111. Prink ii'r.i-tali Si Jo*f|ili. .Mo. lj|..«... .amrii'l I iKfilli'-i Pri.vlilfiii f. It. I ilray A lira) 111 l|l|l••<lroull• i I'liarlf rlon. W. \'a r.r'iiini A Sitfl'fll ii'on..y IrUiiiIi Clnrlniiatl

I Maji-r' ‘i-' 111 troll nil. ^.'Uft A ilriifl iiir.iivli Sai-rimfnlo. Tal.

li.raril A i. r.lm-r IS A P. i l.oa AriBi li-a; (S. A I' I Slit I.akf Illy, riali. nil. A Marx t.Nf» ilranili Kvanavllla, Iinl.. .*> 11

rjialfriv. Hal (Oriilifiiml .Mlnneaimlla; (Oriib film 1 SI. Paul .'ill.

liof-rlh A III! If liliaoiilnKtiMi. HI.; |ilr lilifiiiiii It-akfonl nil.

aiiliiion S -tfra lAlriloiufi S:.xannah. Oa. linlirifl. K il. A Co. IKfllli’al Huatun; iKrllb'a)

Phlla . n 11. lirobi- I'l or lirafi-riil ll'iMinly Pain Allaiila,

HI ; irounly P.ilri PI Paao nil. yjarilin r A Sli«Maril i la xliiktoii ParkI Roalon. lialxin. Jiiliiini*- A Klla. Cofffyvlllf, Kan ;

Pawhii-ka. nkla.. .'11. ^.iflpi r A Wallfra llniflor'a filh .Arf.l N. Y.

, I llloailia :iy I Cauiilfn. N. J.. Oil. lilllliiit" aliT. Claiiilf. A Co. |ilr|ibfunii .SI.

Paul. |iir|ilifuui I .MInafa|>olia & is. ♦iarln A Plan iiiranli SyrariiMi, N. Y*. Huy'*. .Vribiir I... .N'oiflly .MlnalrfU’ Hunt-

Intiil'in. Pa.. ;W Sf|il I: Clfarflflil 2 4. r.lia ki r. riij«. A Anna I Panla»!fH'I .S[iokani>. liarilmr. IMdU- (Itlanfy'«i Balllmorf. itoMamilb A H'li.ix- (iirptifum i MfUiphla. Trnn. lirabam A lirabaiii iKr^tb'ai Hoaton #11. iioial«,u. Suf l.Mnloiiip) Mfr ilian. MNa. liaralila. Miialial (.Alrdomrl JackaonTllIr, Fla.;

|\Vi*l Knd Park) .Nfw Hrlfana #11. Oorilon. Ilfllf (.Vuililoriumi Lynn. Mara.. •

II iji-nar-i A Itall.-y (.Vnnrlrani Cbli-aso. Ollllhan A .Murray iMaJfatIci IS-nirr. <!rp>-o A Co. (Ju'iiam Cbirago. Hannon.oil' Pour iilfini SI. Lniila. Ha.nlin. Virirliila iHrmpafy'ai Prorla. III. Hazxaril. I.ynnr A lloiinlf llaikr Pokfiramai

Pinp CIi). Minn. Ilrnry A Y'oung (Sbfllpot ParkI Wilmington.

I>pl tirriiian A Klif (Kxiwxalrao A" Hyglfnl Rio ile

Jaiifiro Itraxll. Sxiutb Aturrli-a. Aug. I- 4* dll.

flan*) A lamg (Klfctrlcl Coabooton. O.. .10 Sfol 1; III. H.i Nllfa 2 4. (Lorain Sf.i ClfTflaml 6S; plrplifuml Clf»fUnil »11.

nill A SylTlany iSlatf Pair) Is-a Molnpa. la. flullipri. Laura iprlnn-aal Columbua. (I.;

lAmfrlram CInrInnati #11. Hallrn A llaysa (Itijoul IVrlh Amlsxy. N. J.;

(Prorior’al Albany. N. Y*., #11. Hillman. Ofo.. A Napann-a (llrphfum) Ogd»n,

Ptah. (Orphrnmi lionarr #11. Hawaiian Trio (Majfllci Bull?; (Waablng

tool Spokanr #11. Hiighsa Miialfjl Trio (Orphaum) Butta; (Of

phrninl SioAtno # 11. Harrla A IVi k iP'.lin-trlc) Atbrna, O.; (Or-

pbriimi Lima #11. Hamllli n. Prank (Majaalloi JarkaonvHlf. Fla Ilainnlit. Harry K.; Mcholaarlllf. Ky.; Kan

kakfi-. ir. . #11. Hanl.v. Jam.-a K. (Stata Fair) Columbua. O..

.VI Sfpl 5. Howaril Broa ’ Plying Ban)«a (Bannatl'ai Oita

aa, I an ; (Banm-iral llamlllon #11. Halm Clillilran (Marxlaml) Balllmora; (tbasa’a)

Wa«h . H C.. #11. tiaatliiga A \Y ilaon (C’.iaaa'a) Waabinglon. D.

C. , Hirff n|mlnl I Brooklyn #11. Hnghfa. Johnnia (Panlagfa'i Victoria. B. C..

x'an nudaiH'lha. Tha (BIJoii) Hancock. Mlcb. Hala, Ja««. A Co. (Lakaalda Park Caalno) Ak

aon. II florion A I.a Triaka (Maryland) Balllmora;

iTranf) Traaton, N. J.. #11. flolllilay, J., A Jaa. II. Manchaatrr (Or

phaum) Si. Paul. Ilayaa A Jobnaon (Orphanm) San Franclaco 29

|4apl. 11 Hamlin. Klfhard (Alnloma) FI. Wayna, Ind. Hawlai A (llcoll (Park) Nawburg. N. Y’. flalDalil. Curly Mr holaartlla. Ky. Hanaon Harry 1. il.iibln'a) Balllmora Hill. I li -rry A Hill (il. 11 ) Syracuaa. N. Y.;

(Colonlali N. Y C.. fill, naraa, Kd. A Claranaa: Niagara Falla, N. Y’..

VlSf-il. 1, SI Calliarlnaa, (Ini., (’an., 2 4 Howar.i, Bart iPainlly) Imllana|Mdta; (Cryalal*

Andfraon. Ind . fill llyama A klflnlyro (Orphaum) San Franclaco

.Ml S. pl 11 Hall A Stark a Mlnalral Mlmlca (Majaatlcl Sa

allla Howard A llowanl (Shaa'al Toronto. Holbri>o\, J II (I'rfafant) Rairra Baach,

M a«a HolT)nan A poloffa (Lyric) Junrllon ('lly, Kan.,

Ill Sfpl 1 (I.vrifi Concorilla 2 4 niiuica Prank irnlipif) Plilla. Hall A Staik'a Mlnalral Mlmlca (Malrotlc)

Sfalll- Hotuin rKi.r (('.iplloli Prankforl. Ky llainpioii A Bia«f|t (Ulrrrrlanr) l.oulaTlIla;

l\lrdoi)ii., Harriaburg. III. #11 lladdcr. J . A S.>n iPaIr) Toronto .'10 Sept. 11. Ha'I. .ShiIIc (Midway Park) Mlddlalown. N. T ll-iaiif Prof (Virginia) ( orlnglon. Va Hiiilai pipt Tha (Bijou) riancock Mich llraalf. ki iilrandi Colnaibna lia . (BIJon)

Atlanta # Il llalliwia ai a. Ib-Ila. Mtxnkaya I Audllorlnin)

l.rnn \la«a , #11.

Hopkina Slalfra (.Majaattc) Cbirago. Howard. laalM-Ila, A Co. (Or[ibfum) Mlnnaap-

olla. Hickman A Lydaton (Pnli|ui-) .Mtnnaapolla. I-I Ikawa Jap P.roa iPaIr) ( rown Point, Ind.;

Ipitr) IndiiiiiHpolla #11. Iiiipfrial .Miialcl.iiia 4 llnyinarkft) Cbirago;

lilra'idl Inillan.i|>olia (ill. Ingriii ia. Two (PlfftrlC) Joplin, Mo., 2!) Sapt.

1: (Ml Coluiiihla 2 4 Iniifa, Cbaa. (.Now .M ijcatlc) Portamoutb. (). Ila. lilrl Mcnlallal 1 \i;d loriuiiiI liayton. O. I'.'maoti Bro*. A Johiiaoii (Stan Clinton. Ma«a.,

Ip) Sf;ii. 1: (Ball-) Atllftioro 2 4 Jfw.l M.vaicrloua Trio: Wa-h., I). C. J'. ii-a A Mayo lllrplifiiini Indlana|MiIla; (Mary

.\nd<ra.)ni Miii.plila. T>nn . #11. roi))f A Huiilfr (H'lWard) P.iwlon #11.

J. 'ly. p.lw.. A Wliiiilo Wild Mlaymarkft) Cbl rago; (Majf-llfi .Mllwaukff #11.

Johan A .Mall (Stan S*-ollIf. Iio'gf. John (Orphfi.iii) Himiha; (Orpbfum) St.

P.iiil II. J" ro))o- A Scluvarlf (Prortor'a Tith Ava.) N

Y C.. #11 .lohiiaoo. I. T. (liljoni Oahkoah. Wla., #11. lo'naona. .Mi)«lf)l (Orphfumi Portland, Ora.,

((•rphoumi .S)lt Lake City #11. '■ -j'llcra. r If (Coarnoi>olllan .Sbowai Prcrriort,

111. Jov. Jiccpbliif (.Auditorium I Lynn, Ma^a., #

II lonlana Pivf Juggling (Majfallr) Denvar. J inca A Itfi-loy (Majfallii Chicago. K •nfiiino. I..'ha A Iniz (Kinpirfi Jobannaaburg.

s.aiHi Africa, July 17 Oct. 1. KflfT Br.ia. (Pollfa Bergerc) Para. Franca 1 .'id. K lly A .Maaaiy (Cnliiuai I»a Angab-a. K'-ancr. Ire (Poll’ai- Brldgfi.orl. Conn. Ifocilf. ILiy.a A I.Ind (Prlncaaa) South Fram

nghain. Maa«. Kral.r- A H.-lm Children (Marylandl Baltl-

morf: ICliaaf'ai AA'aab.. II. C , #11. Aflhy A f'.atlln iStiffdy'ai Pittsflald, .Maaa.;

1 H 'Wardi P.i.aion # II. K. nna. Cbaa. (Orpb. iim i Xfw Orlaana. h 'li-a A Klifion (Idlf Hour Park' PIttaburg.

Kan (I.yrl’i Hot Sprlnga. Ark., 611. Kelly A K.n iHippodroma) Pltt«burg. Auri.a Piif-i A l>oga (Crratali Puablo, Col.i

(Cryatall St. Joaoph. Mo.. 5-11. K' 'ifiiof.. Minnl. iCir. U' Carre) Amatardain.

Hollan.l. 1 16; (Saalban) Braunawaig. Gar many, t# 20.

K.igley. Great: Chicago. Kram.-r, .Aiinla A Maude (Emplrei Glasgow,

S.oilaiil. Oil; (Kmplrai Llrarpool. Eng., 13 |a>: (Emidrei Birmingham 20 26; (Coliacnm) l.on lon 27 Dot. 2.

'\catoo«. T'lrea Crempla) Detroit. ixennrd.T A I^-a (O H.I Claarfiald, O. King. Al. J I New Whitney) Bennington, Y’t. Kelly A K.Iaey (Lyceum I Fort Worth, Tax. Kramer A Elliott (Star) Dixon. III.. 30 Sapt.

I; i.Aidoiiiei Sterling 2 4. P'l nl. laoilae (Crvatal) Denvar: Puablo #11. Kolb A Miller (I.yrici Ft. Smith, Ark. Kioiipy A Hollla iScenlc Templet Kavere Beach.

M a aa K dlv. I'rank Moatyn. A Co. (Orphaumi Den

Ter ' aCIair A AVaat: Sea Isle City, N. J. I.sng A May (.Atlantic Garden) .Atlantic City. Lawrence. AValker I.Alvlnl Manaflald, O. i.elh.nt. Frank (Olympia) Par s, France. Sapt.

1 V). I.anors. I.aB.lla (O. H.) Winatad, Conn. I.emu.l.'. Atay (Imperial) Tampa, Fla. lewia’ Doga (Eaat Lake Park Casino) BIr

mtnghsm, .Ala. Ijuilae, .Atlle, (N. Y*. Hippodrome) N. Y'. C. laiAilla Girls. Five (Mannion's Park) E. St.

lauil'. HI.: (Majestic) Peoria. 6 11. tewla A Chapin (Orpheum) St. Paul; (Hay-

market) Chicago 6 11. LaVole Bros, (CUrkid-urg Fair. Clarksburg.

W. Va. laincaater. Mr A Mrs. Tom (Palmetto Beach)

IVnaacnla, Fla. I.eo. .Arthur (tk-m Family) Waabinglon C. H..

O.. 3#Sept. 1; (Family 1 Lancaster 2 4; (Hip- P'slromei Charleston. W. A'a.. 6-11.

l.aTours. The (Fain Caruthe-svUle. In.l.: (Vir¬ ginia Beach) Pex'rla. 111.. #11.

Levitt A Falls (Fair Gronndl Westport. X. Y.; I Fair Ground) Plattshurg 6-11.

t.oode A Tilly lOrpheiim. Ogden, t'tah; (Or¬ phaum) IH'nvar 5 11.

l.Ioxd. Mush (National) San Francisco 5 11.1 I.aVille A Sinclair (Cook’s) Rochastar. l.afs,velt)'s. Two (Marchanfs Carnival) Colum¬

bua. O. l.ewis A Harr (Park) t)ttawa. Can.; (High

Laud Lake ParkI AVlnst.hl. Coon., 6-11. Lunette. Mile. (Dreamland Park! Coiwy Island,

X. Y Lean. OcIL A Florence Holbroook (Chase's)

Wash.. D ('.: (Keith's) Boston #11. l ultrin^er 1 ucas Co. (Crystal) St. Joseph. Mo.

I al’.'titc Revue (Orpheum) Oakland. Cal.; (Or plieum) L..S .A.igeles # IS

l.aCrand ill (Fain Evansville. Wls., 31 Sept. 3.

l.arrlvea A Lee (Idlowool Park) Richmond. Va.

l.aMare Bros . Three (Grand) Portland. Or*.; (National) .San Francisco #11.

Leonard, ('has, F. (Stt-eplechase Pier) .Allan tic City.

L.-vin-n. Cross A Co. (Majestic) Des Moines, la . .All.

I aDelleau Trio .Majestic) Lincoln, Xeb,, 2l)- Sepl. 4: (tiayi Hastings 6 11,

I aiglitnns. Thrtn- (Orpheum) Minneapolis; (Or- plieum) St. Paul 511.

lawo-n-c A Carndl (Jewell) Dayton. O. 1 aveau. Lewis A Laxean (Dlghton Rivk Park)

DIgliton. Mass.. .V) Sx'pt. 11. LaMotbe Trio (Fair) Manchester. Il . 1 3. lore Walts. La«ky’s (Xexv Brighton) Brighton

Beaeh. X. Y. l.aValls. T)ie (Grand) Birmingham. Fng., #11;

(New (Toss) I-ondon i;( is. Liiken's Sexen Lions .Art (Stats Fair) Des

Atixlnes, la : (Slate Fair) Minneainxlls #11. I.nki-n's Ponies iSlate Street) Trenton. X. J.:

Kiarrlikl Norristown. Pa. #11. Lu)ieii'.i F.uir l.lous. .Act: Canaan. O., #11. I.aBelIe Troupe (Fair) t)elphl. X. Y.’lalr. Ilsrry (Majestic) Kansas City. 1 ester. Nina (Olympic) Xantasket Beach.

Alass lewis .A Black (Atlantic Garden) Atlantic

City. leGray Dolllc (Bl.lou) Bacliic. Wls l.ohsc A Sterling (Dreamland) Olean. N. T. l.aDon A A'lretIa (Gem) Conneant, O. I ner A Imee tPoH’s) Seranton. Pa.. #11. I.aRaub A S.-otlle iM.xotmoreney Falla Park)

«ju<-brc. Can I.aCenlre A l.aRne (State St ) Trenton, N. J.;

i t'nli|ue) Phtla . #11. I I elghs. The t .AIrdome) Cleburne. Tex.



DENVER FAIR AND EXPOSITION September 12 to 18, 1909—Open Day and Night.

Largest and best Fair in the West. Special reduced rates from all points In Colorado and bor¬ dering States and Territories. Write at once. G. C. Fuller, Secretary; W. C. Brown, Supt. Pnrileget; K. L. Bernard, Supt. Showi, 424 Tabor Opera House Block, Denver, Colorado.

We Want a Great Big Feature for Our FAIR

September 14, 13, 16, 17, 1909.

SAM’L McCUTCHEON, Rock Sprinjis Park, - - CHESTER, W. VA.


Eagles Fall Carnival DELAWARE, OHIO.

six big days, following State Fair Week. Sept. 6 to 11, on the main streets. Three big aenaa- tlonal Free Acts contracted for. Telalrea balr-ralstng, death defying Rid. for Life, Prof. Lm Earl. King of the High Wire, Ralliaiu .A«<.-n»i<.ii ami I'arailiiite l»ri>i> daily. We advertise the country f'.r miles around. Privilege .Men will note from the alsive that we are going after the crowds. You don't have to write, come on if you nee<l tls* money. Y'ou all know Delaware. No exclusives; no gambling. F. R. Mayer, the (IHglnal Turtle Soup Fred will take cars of fom as soon as you light. J. FRANK H.A'IXTI SHOWS ATTRACTIONS.

The Greatest Money Makers ot the Season. Our Baked Tinsel Red, White and Blue combined color Pennants bar. pp.ven to be the greatest money-makers this season. Their brilliancy cannot be overlooked. From S,36.(tO (ht 1000 up. For immediate shipment we carry a large stock of s<did colors.

L.JVUOR D/KY PENNANTS. .At $'2..'i0 i>er hundred. Fair, Souvenir 1909 and Old Home Weeks. (>■ sh.irt notice we make special designs for any occasion you wish.


A big import of the newest China Novelties for Fairs just arrived. Th. Cat and the Fiddle, the Gilded Dogs, 12 different designs In each doaea Itoi at $-t..'g) gross. How Pork Is Made. Roily Pollies and the Dragon. The biggest M'llers at Fairs—Asst. Ijong liead Chains at $4.00 per gross. 2#.lnoh Whips at $4.50 gross and up. Ja|i Canes. $ll.li0 per 1000. Jsps- nese Parasids. $7..'.0 per 100. Ijirge Peach Basket Hats at $6.00 per gross. Chinamen Hats, the Coney Island craze at $6,00 per gross. New Novelties in every wx-ek. Prompt and careful atttentlon Is given to all

Oxt# enters. $2 rg) iK^r iw RUDOLPH BROS., 520 S. Filth St.. Philadelphia, P«.

The Great Patterson Shows Furnish Attractions For The Following Bi^ FairSs HI ROX. S. D.. STATE FAIR. Sept. 13 to 18. SlorX CITY. IOWA. INTliRiSTATE FAIR. S.'pt. 20 to 25.

I CRESTON. IOWA. FREE OX MAIN STREETTS. auspices Fire Department. Sept. 27 to Oct. 1. SED.AI.I.A. MO., ST.ATE F.AlR. both Fair (Grounds asd Streets, Oct. 4 to 9. GREENVUJj;. MISS., BIG FAIR. Oct. IT to 16. COLCMBIS MISS.. MISSIS.S1PPI-AI.ABAMA FAIR. Oct. 18 to 23.


Can nse an.v good feature show; nothing too big. Can place good Platform Shows. Also Black Art Illusion Show f«xr which I will fursisb wagon front. Want lady to work (Kinlea and gnxnp of goats. Musicians write. Write or wire JAIKS PATTERSON, Manager, Preaton, Mina., Aug. 30 to Sept. 3; Sioux Falla. S. D., Sept. 6 to 11.


Durinii the Week of September 6th. The first big event held hero In eight years. Everybody boosting to make It a success. The merchants have contributed a vast amount of money to decorate the citv. Privileges will be lo- calx-xl ixn lh«» “Cotirt Promenade on the Square.” Address L. C. ZELLENO, cars Home (jomiag Celebration (Tommittee, Bloomington, Indiana.

Grand Circus Pubillones Cuba, Mexico, Central and South America.

I THREE DIFFERENT SHOWS. I Winter season commencx's Xcrx-mlwr 3rd. 11)69. GRAND NACIOXAI. THEATRE. HAVANA.

I wanted—First-class .Yrtlst, Families doing several acts. Every act must have a lady In It.


New or second hand. ;C))»hlona similar to those rented at all hall parka) Will bny or rent If

cheap. Send photo or cut with N'st terms. L. C. TRIPPE. 100 W. Harris St., Atlanta, Oa.

W A M X E D For the 5th Annual Rueton, I a.. Fair. Nept. 28-30. Merry-go-round and Show# of all kind. Can

I plsi-e Glass Fngraver, Wire Worker. Cold Drinks, Ice (Team Cones. Cane and Knife Racks, High j Striker. Hamburger. Rifle Shooting Gallery, Palmist and other legitimate (Joncesalonsw Addraan I 0. A. BRADEN, Mgr. Goncesaiona. Rueton, La.


i Ttie Billboard SEPTEMBER 4, 1909.


$100,000 ON M. P. LAMP

\J Current

V x\ / Last Year NOW I WILL SAVE

60 to 70 Per Cent, on your Incandescent Lamp Current

Bill with My

HALLBERG INCANDESCENT ECONOMIZER AND SPECIAL LAMPS. Free liooklet \o. 14 tells all aliOiit it.

I have many new and pood thinps for M. P. and Theatre Manripers includinp Eleetra Carbons, Spot Lights, 4,000 c p. Flaminp Arc I..ampe, Buzz and Exhaust Fans and the Bent M. P. Machines. Get acquainted. A fwst card will do it—NOW’.

J. H. HALLBERG, 30 Greenwich Avenue, NEW YORK.


First-Class Minstrel Show to

Join at Once Write i»r wire JAMES TATTI^RSOX. Manager. I'reBlon. Mliin.. Aup. ;V) to Sept. 3; Sioux Falla, S. n.. S>pt. « to 11.


PICTURES rr«Hliio<<l liy an eli^otrlr Synchronizer, which can b«- attacheil to stainlarel inoriiiK picture or diac reeiinl talkinR machine. Exclusive riithts k1'''‘U- For partieiilara aihlreRS RAKItACK A: t'O., 52J3 Ontario St., ChlcaKO.

ist At Liberty Have>or Day open and later, have new 80 foot Balloon. Address FRANK T. COLEMAN. P. 0. Box 33it, Morristown. Tenn.

WANTED—Vaudeville Pianist For Coming Seison. Opens Sept. 13.

Want A-1 crackerjack player, use piano and drumB. Want fluest player In U. S. Fine sal¬ ary and pood position. Write quick. BIJOtT THEATBE. TuUa, Okla.

HINDOO BOOK Of MyBterle* and Falmlatry, FhrenoloxT, Physi¬ ognomy and 12 different ways of tellinR for-

^iiih'B. 3.<«ai dreaiiiB Interpreted. 175 pages of V' ding and other thingB too numerous to men- rtlon. All SI.00 postiiaid. PROF. D. SMITH,

P. 0. 121, Chicago, Ilia.

WANTED ADVANCE AGENT Who eaii handle a one-car show, and If neces sary ub.- the lirush. Must know the ^nth. S. E. Trover and IToyd Trover write. Address C. A. PHILLIPS, care In Arizona Co., Bedford City, Va.

FOR SUE-BLACKTOP 2.">x0<i. 10 ft. walls, coinpl t.-; I*o«er'8 No. .5, 1 pin movement, with trunk, almost new. |210 for milflt: $100. deposit for examination. THE ACTOGRAPH CO.. Troy, N. Y.

MEDICINE MEN—('an you use a good bloo<I, liver, kidney and atomaoh tablet In bulk by the (KTiind to put up under your own name. For trl.-e and Bample, addn>ss L. BOX 412. Colum- ua. Ohio.

THE MEXICAN TUMBLERS—They sell at 10.! each as fast as you can hand them out; large profit; sample. lOc; $:{.riO per 100. K. A. LAN- I*ER A- CO.. TIC Washington Are., N., .Mlnne- h|k>IIk, Minn.

PLATFORM MEN—The Six Leg Polly Moo Zuse ami Painting, (40; two-bead Giantess and Painting. (.">.5; Sea Seri>ent and I'ainting. (40 niiH-tiine Hand Organ. $4(». These are all liaekiBl really to ship. List free. WM. NEL¬ SON. 6 Van Norden St., No. Cambridge, Mast.

I.snea-l-r A Miller lOrphetinu lldmonfon. Can.; iSl.Tr'.ndi Saskatoon It II.

I . .'ting Fong iCasinot .tiigiista. Ga. I.<-('I.alr«. Two tO. M.t Newport. R. I. 1.. slie. Itert. A Co ir.B.k’si R.x-b.Kter; (Iten

neiffi Montreal Oil. LaRev \ I,.a Rex Park! R chmond.

Va.: tl nhniel Phlla . Oil. I.ohse A SI. rling (<>. Il l Olean. N. Y. Litchfield. Mr. A Mrs. Nell tCrystsli Denver

•tit. Lrtoy Pros. (I.ake Comity Fain Crown Point.

I ml.. ;:o Sept. 3 I.:ilte.-,nx (Milest M n’le.apolis.

I.nidn. tiave. .V Co. iXlllei-i MinneaptOls. I.ltihy. Marine (Coney Islandi ('incinn.atl. Msck. Ch-'s. M. I Rayniend Comedy Co.t lt*'l

Iiire. o McDonald A Carlyle iFrlfZ 't Portland. Ore. Mason A D orin tSIieedy'si Fall River. .Mass, Mascpierla S.'ters. Thr-.- (A Y. P. Exi>o. t Sc

atlle. June 11 tti'l. 1. Maxim's .M'shls (White C:ty I'arkl Chicago. Miaco. .stiwc lYouiig's Million Dollar IMeri -At¬

lantic (';ly. Mllmars. The. A Ilahy .tune iDrieiital Yillage.

A Y I’. I-.'x|si.l Seattle.

Moran A Wiser tl.ohlch'si Rreslaii. Ger . sopf. 1 :to.

Morris A Morton (lltjoni Winnipeg. Can.; iHlI-ni Duluth. Minn., till.

Minting, the Marvel; Grand Rapids. Mich. Mor-tn. Ilelin (Empiret Winchester. Va. McCiin.' A ii>. II. t Vandergrifl. Pa. Ma<k. Tom i.MaJ<.sflc) Sioux Falls. S. D. Mozarts. Fred A Eva (P.ljotii Ray City. Mich.;

(Teniplei Gi'and Rapids fill. Malviru Trou,w (Ritoin W.nnliK-g. Can. Me.Xvov. Diek A .Alice iRiJiHD Duluth. Minn.;

• Miles' Mlnneai>oCs fill. McGiiir'-. Tom (Los Angeles) I>is .Angeles. Ma'igean T.'oiipt* (Shea'si Toronto. Mel loski'.x. John •Grpheiimt Memphis. Tenn.;

• orpi' umi New Orleans .'i ll. >til>i-vitt A Kelly (Los Angelesi Los .Angeles.

Cal.: iOue»>n'si Stn Diego fi-11. M'Uitani'ai A Rertelli iCoPimhiai Milwaukee. Marshalls. The iPlJoul Woonso<ket. R. I.;

• RIJoui Pawtucket fill. Marcell A I.enett •Fain .Atlanta. Ill.; (Falrt

Kankakee fill. Merrihew A Ran'.v • Hlidiodromet Ctlca. X. Y. McDoweP John A .Allc<‘ ' Pdjou: Orange. X. J. McCallum’s Sunnv S.mth lOrpheum' Evansville,

Iml . .'>11. Maiatell's .Marionette Iliiqaidrome (CarnivaD

Everett. Wash. Mllmar A Morris (DreamUndt Geneva. X. Y.

McDonald Trio (Rijmii LaCrosse, Wls.; tMa- Jesilc) St. Paul 6 11.

McKay A Cantwell (Hopklnsi Memphis. Tenn.: (Orpheum New Orleans 6 11.

Montroso, R.'lle (Orpheum I Denver. Mymiotls Sisters •Orpheum) Spokane: (Orph-

eiimi Seattle 6-11. Martha. Mlie. (Rij.MO Winnipeg. Can.; (Bi¬

jou) Duluth, Minn., .5-11. Martinettle A Sylvester (Majestict Chicago. Mivhlncrs. Tht> (I’nique) Web«ter City. la., 30-

S.-pt. 1- •MaJestlci Cedar Falls 2 4. Marshall Bros. (Highland Park) Brockton,

Mass.; (BHont Perth Amboy, X. J.. 6-11. Melville A Hilliard (Princess i Wheeling. W.

Va Mowatts. Peerless (Majestict Milwaukee; (Hay-

market) Chicago 6 11. Mack. Rota-rt (Orpheum) Omaha; (Orpheum)

St. Paul .5 11. Mareena. Xevaro A Mareena (Haymarkett Chi¬

cago Maek. Wilbur (Orpheum) Oakland, Cal.. 29-

Sept. 11. Middleton. Gladys •Pantaees'l Sacramento.

Csl.: (Pantages'i San Francisco 6-11. Marimba Band (.American) Chicago .30-Sept. 11. Man-hei.;cr. Jxs. H. (Orjiheum) St. Paul. AlcToM, Lewis, A Co. (Trent) Trenton. X. J..

6 11.

.Meredith .Sisters (Temple) Detroit. Miinn. Billy (Savoy) Syracuse. X. Y. Manning rrlo (Robinson's) Cincinnati. Madison Square Four (.Acker’s) Bangor, Me. MacLarens. Five .Musical (B-nnetfs) Hamilton,

Can. MfConnell A Simpson (Orpheum) Omaha. MII.xrs. Four Musical: Rockford. Ill. Mullen A Corelli (Cook's) Rochester. X. Y. Milliard Bros. (Fulton) Brooklyn 6-11. Majestic Musical Four (Proctor’i) Newark. X.

J.. fill. Meyer. Lep (l yric) .Athens. Ga., 22 Oct. 2. Morelands. The (Amuse f) Hart. Mich. Madic. the Diamond Girl (O. H.) Newport.

It. I. Me.Avoy. Dan F. (Dreamland) Pekin. III. Montgomery A Healey Sisters (Majestic) De«

Moli'cs. la.; (Orpheum) Sionx City 5-11. , Milam A DiiRols: Mobile, Ala.

Mortimer. Elolse (Orpheum) Cleveland 30 Sept. 1: •l.'raln St.) Cleveland 2-4; (Plaia) Cleve land fi*!' (Lincoln) Cleveland 9 11.

Itadeaps. Eight (Orpheum) Denver. Miiriih.e A Friinclg (Scenic Temjile) Revere

Beafh. Mass, Moffat. Margaret tMajeatIc) Chicago. Mudge. Eva (.Majestic) Denver.

I Mc.AuIiffe. Jere (.A’lditorlum) Lynn, Mata., 6 11.

MeXaughtons, The (Orpheum) Brooklyn. N. Y. Macart. Wm.. A Edith Bradford (Alhambra)

N Y C Mortimer, Lillian. A Co. (Orpheum) Minneap¬

olis. McGuire. Wm. .Anthony (I'nlque) Minneapolis. .McCnllfmgh. Walter (t'nique) Minneapolis.

I Newly, HerN-rt A.; Noble, HI., 2‘>-Sepf. 11. Norman. Mary (Orpheum) Butte; (Orpheum)

I Spokane .5-11. NIekejson, John (F:.lri Manchester, la.; (Falrt

Kankakee. HI., fill. Norton. E. S, (Columbia) St. I»nls; (Majestic,

, (lilctgo O il. I Nelson. Chris (Alrdome) Topeka. Kan.

Ntehols A Smith (Fair) ThompklnsvIIIe, Ky. Newell A NIblo (Maj'ntlc) Milwaukee.

’ Xararr*. Nat. Troupe (Iowa State Fain Des Moines, la,; (Minnesota State Fair) Mlnne- apolla. 6 11.

Neff A S»srr (Poll's) Waterhnry, Conn.; (Ma¬ jestic) Johnstown, Pa., 6 11.

Ornheiis Comedy Four (Lyric Park) Dallas ’ Tex.: (T.yric Par)r) San Antonio fill.

OrhssiinT’s. Irma Cockatoos (Washington) Siio kane; (Stsri S*-attle 6 11.

Onetil Sisters. Four fCoiintv Fair) Winfield. Kan.; (Big State Fair) Hamlin. Minn.. 6 11.

' Olivers. Three (.Toael San Jose. Cal. O'Neill Trio tSaeandaga Park) Gloversville.

V V Pikes, Musical (Majestic) Ft Smith, Ark Powers .A- Pauline (Electric Park) Waterloi.

la.; (American Music llalli Ctilcago fill. PIiiDfcett A Ritler (Austin A- Sl<.n<-'si IPisinu

Perrv A Whiti i.Alnl.mici E St Is>ul«. HI . ' M luiiii'ii's l'.^rk' SI. I mils .’i 11

I'aiitZ'-r. l.-lia. .A Mini ••Hiiliciim' O.-tklau.l. t';i' n'rpheuiii' I.or .Angeles ills

Pn i.llee T’-.'IIIS- iSlllltiail .V Celisidluel I.-s

.Augeii ' P ssio, Di. ). iiirpheiimOmaha. tOii heiitni

St Paul :> 11. I''■r^v. Ft ink I •rnt-uiei l>es M.'lix s, I ;i P.-illi'ier. Cathr.iu Row. iitrph.-um> Sail Lake

• ’ilx Cl.ii. iOii>lieum. Ik.ii\er fill P. I..t. Cre.l \ .Viiiili' Xll'-unotCs' M.'ntreal (1

II Palfrev A Barton o'rpheuni) Bris-klyn I". Its Bros ' Ao.lil.'riuiii I I.ynu. Ms", fill.

p. Baton A Koran iMa|.'»llci v'liteag.' Pollar.1 Dapliii.' . XniiTl.-an) Chleagg.' •Jnick. Mr iCIias.-’s, W'sh . D. (' •• II ijuinn Mileh**B t!T.s't,.r’st Alban.v. N. A . •m'nitn A M.i.k lOrtiiietiui) l.ln.'.>In. Neb.; (Or-

l>heutu' Kansas Cii\ till Rot.lsm. I'.ot.bie A Hazel i.\V.'".ler!an.l Park'

Mmn- ip-Ils Rvan A Wh'te tllamnnrsteiu's N Y C.

•1 11>‘ G iOri>h.-uiui Butl«-. lOri'heumi

Sts>k-!in' n. R-is-. I .bn C A Sali.x I'.dn ii .Amerlean - New

•’'rb'si s >1 11 R.o.l. John I •!•"« .Angeles. l...s .Angel,-s. Cal.;

.'jn.-.-ii's. San Di.g.» *111 R ■'nol.'s A Ash1-v • Abram's. Canton. •» 36

S. pt 1: •FI -<-irii . ('..slioct.m '2 I tCrs-aiu! in.l. I*. I.‘'>‘| *1 V .*) H,' Nib'S t) II.

Rico A (■>.'•• •Isk.sbl- Park Akron. <» . ' Ks k S'.’incs P.irk' K I.I««Ti .s>l .5 11

R-iwis .X Von Kaufman •Hayinark..t ■ ndcago;

iSar .t.'ga* •■tii< ag.> •! It. R .j-iii. .l'>l.n iC. Bins •'.atxb 'is. C..liitiil.u«^ O K.g.'r's A Ik.wnov . Pantag-S».allle. .5 IT l;.w« F 'sl (Fa'ri Ni.’hol •«'IBe. Kv i;uss..B T.iilc iHithawax’si Br.M'kt.'n Mass R va I.ars..ii Tr'ills- iC.-niral Park' •'laiilo iRil'Inson Park' Ft. Wayne. In.'

tThc Arena. Chicago fill Relnpe;.is SIg. I.adv Mlnstrols (.Al'.l'.mo.

Ja<-ks.>'i Miss •.Alrbvn." M.-rblian .5 11 Rvhanls A Chubb ' R.**.* Park' Bing'iamt.'n.

\ V ; ••!. ml >>wec.> .5 11. i;.-d’-!rs Four iGracl' Si ricns N X

• Kctl-'s' Clexelrn.l fill . , e llus.-oB. Bijrai •PavlBout Liverpool l.nglan.l. *.

Rntb-rlge ,x- Pickering irnl.luc) Sheboygan.

Wis : 'Parrison. W.-ukegan IB fill Ro's-ns. T lOrpl.cum. Cal. 20 S.'pt.

Rcs.'v Geo (Orpheum. Omaha iOrpbe';mt

Salt'lake Cliv. Itah. 5 11 Ravmond. It ibv A C" lOri'he'.m Salt 1 ak

I'l'T. 11 R. vnar.1. F.L F (lArphcum . Bn'tc _ i;,,ss. F'a'.lerick • Nlch.'IasTlBe, Ky ; Kankak>s>.

Ritchie'’G. rt'c (Orrheem) Nen'a, O A Doneg'n iMalesflc' Chicago fill

Ritter A F'stcr: Paris fi iVt. .

Rosco.. A Sims (Acme) Eastis>rt. Me.. 30 S. pt

*. • (O. II ' Calais 2 » . Ris-her’s Man.L M..nki v. (Sheas) Torsjuto R! Harry E (A rdome. City. la.

R s-kw-sT A Conway .llithaways. New I ".I

Boss. Walter (Tail’s Mt Sterling. Kv

Romanoff. Three (.A’am.nla Park' *' Ramsev Sisters (Majestic) Colorado«.

Col - (Malestic) Canyon Cltv fill Ravno’s Bull D.ig« (Proctor a 5th Ave.) N. A

C; (Keith’S' Phlla. dll Rav. J J (l’av1B.m' Appleton. Mis RaVmond A llr.rpe* t And'torinml Birmingham.


Rafavette’s D' gs American Chb am. Re.tdls,*. Fr»n*n.«ca A Co. . American) Chicago

Blplcv. Tom ii’nb)')' Minneapolis

Rogers. Will (Alhsmhrai N. X’. C Ros.sbmls. Four .Con'-v I»lan.1i C'nclnnatl. Rafavpttc’s I)ocs iJulian) Ch'. -go Sihcl'. .Tospphine (Apollo) V enna Austria.

-Auc 1 Sept 30 St Ongc. Frcil. Co (Palafa. lyindon. Eng

Ang 3fi Oct 9 S. avov A S'.vov dmocrlal' Tampa. Fla Scott. F.-lonard (A Y P. Fxi>o ) Seattle v], srecht. .Arthur (princess) I,exlngt<'n. Kv. Rpe-icer Hugh • C.ilo-i 1 a 11 n’'"»m ngton. 111. Staff-r.L Fran'- A M-.rle Stone iPalace-. I/>n

don. Eng.. Sot fio.f 2 •Stevens Mix S* atll*-. Wash Surat. Jack )Won.brIand Park. Indlanapp'Is.


S,van’s Pert. Alligators (X’onng’s At Illon Dol

lar P’lri AG'ntlc Cltv Stark. Tohle (BDotn Thief R ver Falls. Minn San'lerson’s Afanlklns (XT arloncf fe. MMId'.I

B- ach. N X Scohev .A- Tarl (Park) T.lvingston Mont., 29

Sept 1- (Orjiheum) Roveman 2 t Scott A- Dalis (Wigwam I San Franclsc >

(Grand I Ssersmento fill Stagt>4»oIcs. I'fair (Orplomm) Van'-aivcr. B C.

Can ((Iran.' Tacoma fill. Svtz A Si tz (I’nhiuct Ix.s .Angeles stelnett Thomas Trio (Rijoti) Baiot nc. N J !

(Blioiii Oriugc fill Stcvcr.a \ VA’ashhnrn (I’nl inci D'-s Xlotnca. 11.

Swalr A Ostman (Pain’s Fireworks Show. Ik's Moln<-s. la : (State Fain Lincoln Neb . fi

11. Siillv A Plielfis (O. n ) Sherbrooke. Qiie., Car..!

to H I Plattshnrr, N Y . fi II S(«l,),ton A Cheney (Majestic. S'Hith B'nI.

In'l Si.le'lo’s Comodv Black .Art (Majeslle. Detroit-

(lt'4ins«n) t’lnelrnefl fill StlDons. Tlie (XVomVr. Scranton P^ Siinf -rd -I.-rc (Oms-n’si San Dleg-. Cal.

Sheimans. Two (DreamlandI Warren. O.- (* trie. AO'cns fill

St«gir. JiiBiis. A Co (Grand' Pittsburg. (Mz le.tlc. Mllwauker- fill

Siini-v S.sKh. XleCi.Bums (Orpheum' Evansville,

le.l fill Steven*. Edwin A Co (Majesllei ( hirago. b

11 Sir age* Ttie (Conntrv Falri Depere. Wls . I 3;

(Conntrv Fair' Bloomlogfon. M’Is sin Shepherd B'lrf. A C<i (Grand Family) Fargo.

N’ D (Bijou; SufeTloT Wls .fill S'.a-'ldlng A It'-lgo (Orjiheum) Seattle; (Or

t.tu'U'n' |■''rtlnnd. Or*- . fill S'd.b.iis A- Earle (l'nl.|U'.. I'hllri (

Poib.n fill. Sfeot. M'-l.Unger A King (Orjiheum. St. Paul:

(Orpheum I Omaha fi 11 S<-'hInl A Grm-lnl (Grand' Taeoma. Wash Shlrlev .I<sr|e A Co (OrpJieuiii' Sjr.kane (Or

jdici.m) S**aflb- fi )! Sivin rtllle A- Ruhr (Jolllff ’a Bright I.lghta)

Gerv. W A’a Sherman A D« Forest (proctor’s i N* wrrk N J .

fill Simmon*. Great (Mannion’a Parki St t.<Hil*

(Male.tie) E St I,ollla. IB fill Shr.rman A DeE'a’e«t (Proctor'*' Nee ark N I

fi II

I. EISENSTEIN & CO. H•'a•l•|ua^tr^a for

Cinet, Whips and Noveltiet. Si-ihI fur catalogue just out.

44 Ann St., New York.

BRANCHES; $40 E. Maditon St., Chicago, Ill, 422 N. Etghth 8t.. St. Louit. Ms.

II 122 E. Feurth St.. Cincinnati, 0. ' * 204 Nicoll.t Avo.. MinDcapoIis. Minn.

Streetmen Wo aie h‘a Iqiiartcra for cheap Jewelry

Watches, Cutli-ry, Otivra Glasses, etc.

NoveltiBs for Carnivals and Street Fairs

V’htj"*. Gas and Whistle Btlloon*. Blowouts, ''lai'|“-ra. Cuutettl Duatcr*. Jap Canes, Shell Pur*.-. RII'In.ii Bsdg>' Novelile*. Rul.twr Ball*, •liar* N.m-llie*. Bead Nixklaeea aui! Bea.t Ch.iin*.

CANES \Vt‘ hsn«llo I. A ('•' ruin* Hack ('an*^.

Ip .s*. |aiiiU Mame a« In New York Oat aliHsno fr«f rrgulr«*<l vn all O. O. V.

SHRYDGK-TDDD NDTIDN CD. 822-824 4. Bill St., $t. Louis, Ms.


Costumes to order a Spocialty.

THEATRICAL COSTUME CO. 216-218 M’. Liberty St., CinctaiaaU. 0.

ORGAkNS For Shows-Carnivals Carousels

Sjsu-lal Organa for Skallng Rink*. I’), tiv •lat> Car.ltH>ar.| .Xlualc for any ln*truiuent A. BERN! lit Oreeawich Avt—2H Wait 13th St., New York, M. Y. Pbooe, tigs Ch. Iiu'i.

More First-Class Mualclana wanted for 3'he Great Wlndeck.-r .<b.iw. Also au Ag.-ni Will buy unif..rm* lit g.Hsl rt.ndllioii. 68 Uruad Opera House, Chi- • ug... Ills.

WANTED Female or Male Pertormer

.\* rbler In a s..nsational nilulatiire auto car ridt-; run built on Incline; will also cuiisider l•■(lillg a|>|.ar;itii* on royallb-s to resis'nslble party, rxe-.llent o|ii>ortuiilly, art nseil at i.arks aul fairs: I*s.klng to lie ba<i all winter. JACOB NAbH, 19 Liaponard St., Nsw York City.

Wanted—Bicyclist Or olh-r street attractlona. Tramp Oome<llai» to double with XA’aril In Pair of PInkt Co. Young Come<l.v Team, man and wife, for aperlal^ and •■isy psrt*. Thought Reader, or Cage Rortiie Man. X'lMtng Singing Roubrette. Other per f..rmers rommtinleste. Farrs advaneetl. If nee • •*ary. !,onK •u-aaim. WARD AMUSEMENT CO., cars Dudley-Shirley Hotel. Denver, Cel.

Film For Sale. Twenty Reelt, all In rnnning onler, $10,

•nd 11.5 lu-r n-el. Can nae a g'.id team Halarv

low; y.rti get It JOHN A. CALDWELL. 4lf

S. 11th St., SprlagSeld. Ill.

AX LIBERTY After S4.ptetnlsr 4 for Vaudeville, Mlnstr.-! Musl.1.1 I'oiiiedy or Burlesque. WILFORD BALL, neat Tra)n|> Com-dy Trick Juggler, wllh SjHTlal I.ffiTt*. jilay part*, etc. A 1 W*rdr<'l.e >.ii sn-t off- alwsvs soImt and r'-llalile WII.FOKD RALI.. Oen. Del., Kansas City, M>.._

WAMXED G. wkI I’.niij.any .Xt fatsv.l. Mo , to 611 ilatea at (IISTS House dnring H.«)lli \ll-*ourt 6lo. k Show H. i,t '27 21* GRANT DAVIS I.UMHF.R CO.. Managers Opera HmMe.


Miiiiiikmik, tin-lit I Mmiiilon'ii I’ark i Kt l.milM:

1 Miiji-ntlri i; St l.•llll>. III.. :• II. fii'nn-, til.iilyii ll'nikl I lliii. N \ HIh-iiii Itill.t St l.oiiln. Mlrb Stt S« i«t 1,

ll\\<-«4KI| 'J I ti-'liliuii'ii l.liliiK Mirlili- li'iK.k'iii IVcirkiiirti'r. N.

Siiii'l il' Minitlf ll'l■>•lll<M .Miiiili'rKl. 4'iiti

Siiiltb. A Hi ll I WHulilliKto'ii Si.iikaiM- tiiiiltli A l.aUoxi- 1 JiiiM-tloii I’aikl Nr» ltri|tbt<m.

I'« ktiiti lltTi' TnHilM- lKiii|>iri-t .N'<ittlB«baui. KuKlaAil,

II II Iiiiiii iii’k. Mill-.. Hoifa A lloriMK tl.«ki- t> I'liiri I'row . Poltit. I nil.

Sliiii«>on. I'or* (fiibiiii-i :vllnni-»|»«Uii. «|ifiiibl,iiK A l>ii|iii<- It nii|ii<-i MIaB<'it|Milla. S .-'Nil Itilli St I.'-iil- Utrb.. k»i»io|it. 1;

4IWo-«Nii 1* k ttioNio- IMI-I I \n-N t- I WiKblarton. r«., SO- I

S-.|it. I: iK. A K I I’ltti-lMirx 2 4 HlIb-iirN I'NtN t Iti-iiii<-tt'»i Ottaw a. cni-tinwtt'al

IlNiiilllon 'Ml. S|irrKiii' A llltoii ll'aiiillyi I*ii4bI Jorrla, N.

\ : (Itlloii- liHioniii'. N J . C 11. Si-iiii'l llroN . Ai rial ll.akw ttnlarlo 1‘arki

Klii|t>ton. Out . t an atitiari-r ll-'t lo || , Calru. III. ■Staiili-.i, K-lniiiii't 0|-<ia Co. ior|'b)-uml llarrli

tiorir. t*a . 11 11. sti-rlliii: Itr-w I .klnl-'Uii-1 livaBavlIir; (tiratxll

I'-.r.-. Kv . nil

Tryl-'f. Car} K cC-i*lnol I>>ulaTllla, Ky. Tto ijiiirli lli- I llniiiiio-ralwlirai >; V. C.

Tlll'a Marloiii t'l-H i .M illaiol lli-arki StatrB la laio* N V

Tonikina. Wni (Aralon) Aralna Oal.

Torrai A- I'li-r I) Allia ('ilar.|CB<r I Parla, rr.. n..i,i noct. 2

Ti'i.i|iIi lon. Clarlrf i l>ri-amlanil > MawallbiQ, i». Ti-iiit-li- Viiarti-tt<- iK>-tlb'K> It-Mtnn Ti>io'> A Norman iKIIla Uomo. 42a.

Ti b i:ra|ib K-nir I]lla)<'»tlrt l>••B^^^r. ((2raB<ti Coloi ado S|irlntra 41 II.

To|mi, T--I NT A T-ii>a lOIrmi-iri I.tbb. Mnwn. Ta.rlor Twin Slati-ra i Klanoy'ai Ilaltlinorw;

illltoiii orantro. N J . nil.

Talliot. li-'itb 1 Howard I llnatou. That T xiN Qiiarii-tti- lAriail*-- ImrliBiB. .V. C. Towriin TruiiliaibNira ior|ib<'iin>l Itattr Till. Tlioni|oon Will. II iXlaJ-Ktlr. Mliwaak-'i- Ti-rr.v A Saiindi-ra iiiron-i Mamllloa O Tnni<-r<- Miiolral ll'.mi-ln-- lo-a M«iB<-*, la. Tlioiii IN A IC.ran Mot-llr. .kla

Ti-Nark-ii«N» l^olll^• itiramli ll«•rki4BM'. N. V. T*-ui|HNit A Stinabliit- lOrphonmi ttiaaba Tr-rr.v A Kliio r iSan» S nirl I’ark» nilcaifo. Takabli-i. J-'bn iIIr.r markrt i Cblrac«. T'm-<• ’Ihr. i- tilrla iC.-rn r lalandt ClnHcBaCl. Trovato ior|ih-nmi ItriMiklyn. Ctt*. ?n*-rtrii-al (Pitti-r-o-n Sbuwal Crf-atiia.

M Iria VrNvH Jo- IKamll.ri I>atrn|Mirt. la.; iMaj-atici

lliittr oil \ ardor IVrry A WIUkw iKinit'a) Sontb Sr—.

r.intiNBd. nil, illli-iWNlpniri IlIrmlBiriiain l.T 1>

\ t-ro4ilrN A lliirl Kail* tShra’ai T-'Pinlo. iCH «-po« r.irk' JanioNtown, N Y.. #11.

X ai I’twi*. Jark IMa><->tlri Ih-nrrr. X'aB. l«tl> iXIary .Xml-raoni I.NWilaTlIIp Till.

X an. Cl-aa A t'ann.r O'haix-ai XX'aah . !• C X lrlana Two (llponi-tt'Ni Mnotrral: tC-IrroB

Park I Jami-atowii N. Y., «It

X'-wia. N-tta l4»ri«bpiimi Itrookijrn Walkir A-la Ovrrion. A Co. (Rooarhar'ai VI-

anna. Auatrla, Srpt. 1 30.

Watkar napi-.r Jark iTurf Concrrf rialll San Traa.'Hai'o

^ hltirn. Cbaa P (Paatlinri Hrndrraon. N. 0. WltiatoB’a 5aa I.loot (Younf'a Xlillk-n IKSlar

Pbr- AflaBir Cltr.

XX a.Tiip A rr«-T iI>ri-amlaodl E. I.h—rix.-l. o. to S»oif. I; lEapoaitlon Park- Conn-aut I.ak P . . 2 4

XX’-mfi. Xtrail A Xlamla iFour Mile Cra-k Park< Erir. Pa.

Winti-ra rn4Ba<1<r Four i.Xrkar'a) Halifax. X S Can .All.

XX'aitboitr tSn'UIw lilrphanmi SpiAana; (itr I'baiiinl Saattia All

XX'atnta«. TTia Two lXla)i-«tlri Cincinnati. XX'-Nt, Xianrira iilraiwli Kamham. Qua.. Can :

Ml H. 1 Cornwall A II. XValPa. (lao K.. Mio-lianiral Doll' Tolnlo, O

If. Sapt 4

XX'.-11* Mr A Mra XX'm J. (tlrandi Farfo. X I' lllijnui Siiparlor. XX'In . All.

XXTiaatork A Ha.T tl.jTlrt Pa.Ttnn. o X\ tiaali-r Stalara iColllna Har-lmNi CoInmbiiN. O XX'II11«<w> A Stonakar iWaablneton' SiNAam-.

iStan Saattia A 11

XX'aiilworth A Itiirna (AlPloniai Skint Cltr, la . •’.os.-pt. 1. IXIa.»a«tic. SI.NH Falla S D . 2 4.

XX'llllatiiN A Starlinc iXX'.nhI l.aka Park* ixanl- •on. Tax . 30 Sapt 1 iXIaJaatlal llalnaaTlIla 2 4

XX'otk A Owrr iPpwlor'a Fifth Ara 1 X. X’ C.; iXla>aN||ci Jobnatown. Pa . All

XX . If. Prof 4' It.. Il-w-u-. I'XiIl ppatiN tl.aka c..iinl.T Fain t>own Point Ind . flndlana Slat.' Fain Ifwtlanapnll. AH

XX 111. XIr A Mr. J Il-wk Hill. S C XX'aiar-. Totn lOrpb.-nm. S.-altla: lOrplwnmt

Portland Ora . .X 11 XV".-In a XX’oi»1n Trio lOrpiM-iini ' Salt I.aka

C It. I'lah: IOn'ltaiinii inniarAll XX' llpHi tllo<-(n.''n. MaTWiWNl. III.. 2P

S-i I 11 XX'aM.-r P V.- Xawton. la . 2n > CWfax

3 14

XX'n<.o-i-«. Sam. llarn.Tar.l tTrciia lOrpbMitn) I/0« .Xn*rl<-«

XX’.S.h PiinnT H>rphaum> Omalia; (Orphanml St. Paul f. 11

XX'oi.t llr.M tXatl-mal. San Franrlaro llt.Ht Oaklan.l dll

W-.-vlman IlartT lOrphannii ttmaha lOrphann'l SI Paul .'. 11

XX i liiBanln.-r I'v.-Irn A P XX' Itlanrhar.l itiraiot' SI I.oiit. iXIal-'.llct t'blraao dll

XX'alkar Xalla IOr|.l>.-iini - Oaklatrl. t'al . 2'i S-|.t II

XX'atah. I.xnrh A Co ll'baNa'ai XX'aah . P C ; iCol-nlall Norfolk X'a d 11

XX'Nl!ar.-'N .lark. C.»kal-«« iltra.Ii’a Park' St. Mana Kan iClIr Park- CInr C.-ntar A 11.

Wainniann. Ir>». J iKalth’Ni Il-wlon iPrortor'a Ava ) X Y C . A 11,

XX'-.rld John XX' . A Xlln.lall Klntaton lOr plinimi Oakl.nil Cal , 20 Sapt 11

XX’.itniatni N l.lvlnc Ilronir StalncN iSana Solid Park I XX tik. a llarra Pa

XX'li-iilnt. Prank .X 1 •l.lla iSranlri XValtham. M aaa

XX'-o^Ihli't. M.IhiII a Xllnih-.rna iXIataNllr' P.-n Xl-.ln.-a In lOq-to'iiin' Omaha d 11

XVbIppla XX ald.. lid. a' P-.nd dii XVIn . 'in s.o.f I (I n1.pi.-I Sh.-l.-iiran 2 4

XX'i.k-.ft pr.-.| iPr.Nior'a' Xawark. X J

XX'.'Imt ChxN p lO'pli.nmi S-alllr: tOrphaiim' I’.wllan.l, Oia . All,

XX'asn. r A Orar (Or..h.-iimi Caa.-T III.; lOr' I Ima. O . All

XX'llltai.n Pii.i (Hl|.|.< Toronto; iXIaf

ara' XIairara Fall.. X Y . d*i. (<''omt.|iir' PnfTal.. 0 It

Wyatt A Hire tUi)awt|<-4 p.-nvar '-iiiiiK PaiiN (Ar.-adai Iiiirham, .X. C. X'..iiiii;.*r Hr..'- i IlipiNwlr..iii.-. Ctiurl.-Nt.iW ii, W.

\n.. (Orpbaumi I'bill ia«.lhi-. o *'.11. X'.iimi;. Flank A. t A Ir.loiin-1 Kroiitanar, Kan.;

I.XlrdiMiiai .Xlullarr.v Kan . dll. X - rta Pi i.aat IKoiitain. parry Paiki I.oii!a

villa, tKaat p^nd Pai-fcl Xlami.hla, Tann.. .’<11. /anora A liarE IPix|.<a tion. Klo .ianriro. Rrazil.

South Amar aa, Aug 1 5»pt. .3f>.'ll A Varnoii Co. tC-anirali ♦ brmnitz. flrr.,

S.-pl 1 l.X; IKryatal PalaNt. I.alpzlj, lA.'W; (Ci-iilrxli .X1-iydatmrjr. ()rt I 13

7.<-1.tla, XI. (E-W-n Show- Wh<-<-llni{. X\' X'a.; il'il.-n Slmw I p. I.i\ar|aa-1. o.. f. II.

Zail. A /.-<!. iflran.ti itB-laa, t'tah Zlnirrr.-llH. MU*-. iFair. XliiMI.-iow n. X. X’

I P air - Iir.i .l.-n All. Zrit Zai-ia. TXi.- I.XIriloiiiai Jackw.'ivllb-. H-i Z.-tiraloN. N'avalty tCapltolt Frankfort. Ky. Z<lla. Xllla. l\’lrE:nlai Covlnitt-.n. X'a. Z.'.'li A Z* < h (CryNfali panvar. A ll.

TENT SHOWS (Sec Tent Show News Column.)

MINSTREL. Cad.nrn'N J. A tC^.-wtar Park i Cindnnatl. 21*

S.-pf. A Cohan A Hutn’ ll<Kh.-«tar, X Y.. 1; Buffalo

2 4 p.N'katadi-r'a. I>-w. I.aa XX'.lllaniN. mifr.: Clave

lan.l SO Sapt. 4 . PitlalmrB A-11. Flaw*. AI. ti.: iB.lliBapollN. Ind.. 1; l/oulavllla.

Ky.. 2 4; I<axln|tloB A; KnoxvlIIa, Tann., 7; ANhar'lla, X. C.. GraanTllla. .S. C.. h; Charl-Sta. X. C.. Id: C.raanNlKiro 11.

Fot’a. Hint E.; Oran.l Junction. Colo.. 3d Sapt. 1; PallivBd*-* 2 4; New Cae-tle AS; Meeker 9 11.

GiiTN. Arthur. XoTi-ltv. XfrN. Arthur I.. Guy. myr ; HunflnitdoB. Pa., 30 .Sept. 1; Clearfield

- * irorton’a: Ma4Miw»ii, XX'.n.. 1: XX'lnona, M:nn., 3. Guy Brne.. St. JohoNtniry. X't., A. I^aanaaril'N Hldle. Ralrh A Plunkett, m^a.'

Phlla . 30 .Isa}.;. 4 Prlmr-aa'-.. Gi-orite. Wm. XX’armInBton. mfrr. r

Eranklln. Pa., 1; Sharon 2: New Cattle 3: XX'atrati. O . 4

Relnfield'a. Sly. Lady: lAirdomet JackNon. Miss., 2'J S-'pt 4: I.Alnlomei Meridian. 5-11.

V->Bers. J.vhn W X'oital, prop. A myr.: New I’htladalphla. o. 1: New corn era town 2; Cadiz 3; I'hrIchNTtlle 4: Steutvenrllle A; Washinyton. Pa.. 7: XX'hi-ellny. XX. X'a.. WelUrille, O.. 10: Canal I>oveT 11.

MISCELLANEOUS. .Aeronaut Johnn.T Mack. Co. Xo. 2, Johnny

Mack. myr.: lEalri W. Chester, Pa.. A ll. .Xernnaiit Johnny Mark, Co. Xo. 3. Wm. H.

H-iffman. myr.; lEalr) Winchester. Ont.. Can.. A 11.

Aaronant Johnny Mack. Co Xo. 4 Ranny Prince, myr : iPilr- Port Richmond. S. 1., X. Y".. All.

.Aeronaut Johnny Mack. Co. Xo 5. Walter G Flezon. myr.: (Fnlrl Ijiwton. Pa . 6-11.

.Aeronaut Johnny Mack, Co. Xo. A. MIns Alice Z-no myr.' ' (K-ick Point- Pittsburg. Pa.. 2'.* .Scpt. 4.

.Aeronaut Johnny Mark. Co. Xo. 7. Mike Con rov. myr.: I Real Estate Sale' Cranford. X. J.. Ail.

.Aeronaut J E. Moore: Xoble. 111., 29Sept. 4; t'ory-Sa All.

.Aariwiant Prof. J. G. Wrlyht, Col. Wm. Uttle- ton myr ; AA'apakonett. O.. 31-Sept. 3; Marys villa 7 IM ,

.Auyustln«-'a Electric Photo*: Atlanta. III.. 30- .Sept, 3 Ealrbury AH'.

AbPAham'N fliss. M.. Platform Show#; (Pream- landi t'onev Island. X. Y'.. 23 Sept. 11.

Adsma' Carnival of Novelties: Stockton. Md., 34' S*-pt. 4

-Alieda's Hyimotlc Comedy Co.. G. E. Frigon. myr ' Baxter. Kans . St' Sepl. 4

.Almond's. Jethro. Bible Show and Moving Pic¬ tures. under csnva«: Mt. Gilead. N. C., 30- Sept. 4: Biscoe 6 0

A--ronnut J"hnny Mack. Co., No. 1, Mrs .Tohn nv Mark, my’-.; iHIllsldc Park' Newark. X. .1 . May 22 Xov i.

Acr-mant Emrk Sylvsn. Co. Xo. 1. Frank Syl¬ van. myr (l.nna Park) Seattle, May 29. In- def.

Baby Jim. Ji'w. Sehieberl. myr.; Indiana. Pa.. Sl'-ioipl. 3.

Boat.-.k'- An;mal«' Coney lalan-l. X. Y'.. In- def

Butler Famflv Shows, T. ’ , Butler, myr.' t.Alrdorae' W*rr>-n, .Ark . In-lef.

Canaillan Hlpp-alrome .ShowN. P. W Rucker. myr ' Toronto. Csn.. Indef

DBnfon DeBorile A'andevHle Co . Texna IVn ton. myr ' S.alem. III.. .Any 9. Indaf.

1 T'l-ertnys. The, HypnotlstN. John J. I'eeriny. myr : Meridian. Miss.. 3i' S<’pt 4.

niale A'andevHle Co.. IjiA'one A Browder, mgrs.: I Electric' Madlsonvlllc. Kv.. .34VSept. 1: (Co- ayi R4irIlnyton 2 4; tt..TTlc' Princeton 611.

IVairnN. the Great Mayiclan ami Hypnotist: HIckmsn, Kv , 1: Hlyh Brl-lge 2 3: Warwick 4; T} rone 6 7.

FdwNrdN’. J, S . Zoo: I'etrolt. Indef. Pali of Mweiwn: lEIectrlc Park' Kansas City.

XI o . 22 S-3*t. 4 Ollplna. The. Hypnotic Comedy Co.. J. E. Mc-

CYlllls, myr. : TXiscoIs. 111.. SO Sept 4 GeoryU Tr-wibadonr Xllnsfrels. XX'm. McCabe,

myr Hammond. WIs.. 1 2; St. Panl. Minn.. 3 Evcrlst. la.. 4 5; Buxton A; t.akonta 7.

Jolllffe's Brlyht Myhts Gary. XX'. X'a.. 30 Sept 4

J-w-y. the I-coparil Bov. O. A. Tanner, myr.: Benw-xsl. W. X'a.. .SiVScpf. 4

I.Ittle Russian Prince. Prank R. Bllti. myr.: WIlkcN Barre. Ps.. .30-Sept. 4; Minneapolis, Minn., 5 tl.

Xlaiw'ivt. Eilnoated Horse, H. S. Mayntre, myr.: laiyan. Kans., .30 Sept. 4

Marls A Burnell's Co.. .AI. Xlnrtf. myr.: East IVuiylas, Mass , 1 2.

New State X'niidevIIle SEh'ws. under canvas. H A Xcel myr.: Gcocitetown. Odo . 2 4: Monte aiima 6 k

XorwooilN The. under canvas. Chss R Pesn. myr.' .Audubon. Is.. .30 Sept. 4; Rrul Oak A II

Obci'cht Family. C P. iXbrechf, myr ; Chippewa Falla, XX'In . 21» Sept 4

Pain's Fireworks Show: Pes Moines. la.. 30 Sept I

, Pauline, Great. T H. Ferrla. mgr.; Newark. V J 30 Sept. 4.

1 Rapp. Mr an-l Mra . .Augustua Rapp, mgr • Tip IH-canoe. Ind . .30 S<'pt 2


If Your Film Service is Good ? J^ERVERS A'

We supply Films of Quality on a Prompt service,



OUR MOTTO - Low Prices and Prompt Sblpmenf.

Let’s get acquainted. C.\TAL(XiUE FREE.

LEVIIM OROS., TERRE HAUTE, IND. Est. 1886. Cor. 6th and Cherry Sts.

America’s Foremost Streetmen's House.

ARE YOU DISSATISFIED ? We make contracts and furnish first run or any age or amount of Licensed

FILM SERVICE you may require. Don’t Delay! Next week will be too late; write today. We ^11 and carry in stock all makes of .Movii^ Picture Machines, Carbons, Tickets, Condensers and all other accessories pertaining to the Mox’ing Picture business.

O. T. CRAWFORD FILM EXCHANGE CO. (Licensee Motion Picture Patents CO.)

421 Fourth Avenue, .... Louisville, Ky.


Howe’s Great London Show FOR SEASON 1910

Performers in All Branches of Show Business Musicians for white and colored bauds, Side Siiow People, Freaks

and Novelty .Acts. Can use a few good acts for balance of this season. .Address JEHRA* MUGIV.AN, rare Howe’s London Show, Cape May, X. J., Sept. 1: Bridgeton, N. J., 2; Salem, X. .J., 3; Woodbury, X, J., 4; Xorristown, X. J., 5-6; Pottstown, X. J., 7.

INTERNATIONAL FILM CO., no West Thirty-Fourth Street, NEW YORK CITY. Rn-ker» in Films. Moving Plrtnre Machines and Supplies, Song Slides, Annonneement SlideH, Carbons. Tickets, etc., etc. 5UU reels of Films for sale. One new Dressier Machine, (complete). FI15: one second-hand Power's Machine, complete, $1(10; one Edison Machine, complete, $125. t'VR SPECIALTY—A-1 Films at two cents a foot.

WANTED-FOR MORRIS, ILL. Shows with good fronts; legitimate concessions of all kinds. On main street of the

city; under the auspices of the business men. Address A. H. HILLIKER, Secretary,

Morris, Illinois.

COLORED PEOPLE WANTED Conie<Uans, singers. Dancers. Musicians that double. Leader for band and orchestra. Lady Musi¬ cians. Tnimbone. Cornet. Saxovihone. Piaik) that double band. 20 Chorus Girls, Good Sister Team. Singing ami Dancing Soubrette. send photo which will be returne<l. go<H! Quartet, State Manayi-r. gmal bustling .Xyent. Roger Flint. H K. Grout, write. State all In first. XVlll lease or buy car. .Xddr>-ss 60ODVPAH It PSINOEIX, Lima. Ohio.

Carlisle’s Wild West Hank UobiH'ry and Indian Village. Th.* alLaoaaon hit of Palisades Park. Fair dates open. S4*pt. 13-27, ipct. and Nov. Addn^sa R. C. CARLISLE. 547 W. 129th 8t., New York City. P. S.—Want aiiiall band at once, muat be Amerlctna; alao Cowboy Arena Director and Fancy lUder.


rromlionc, B. «.<: O. Cornet, double string or stage, Cornet leail b.3nd, useful

(XKiple doubling brass. Louis LoBnin, wire. be sober and capable. All mail

to J. A. COBVIlX, Chester Park, Cincinnati, Ohio, August 20 to September 7.


Have the weeks of Soptemlxor 6, 13 and 20 open. This Week. Fair Tompkinsville, Ky., thereafter addrt'ss 1446 Addison Ave., Chicago, III.

’V . Ptmihmlka'ii SbcDindoab. la.. 1. f , Sevfncala. The Orlsinal, Walter C. Mack, mitT.: ; New Brunawick, N. J., 30 Sept. 4; Brook

V ' lyneil. '' Siiillira. Prof. Harry, Show: Hepler, Pa., 1;

SprlDiCfille 2; Valley View 3; !*lne Grove 4. •f' 1 Thoniiwon'a Yankee Doodle Kntertalners, Frank

• H. Ttiompeon, Dijtr.: Millville, Wia., 30-Sept. f ,■ 4; Avoea 6 11. . 1 tf Ttiomaa tc Pearl'a Show, John T. Thomaa, mgr.: ■ a Marahall, N. C.. 7-S; Paint Rock 1112.

S VanderK'Hild. Great. Co.. Win. VanderKould. • ft* . mgr.: Wichita Falla. Tex., 3<>S<-pt. 4; Auatin

6 11- , I, '* Vernon, the Great, llypnotlat: Kextmrg, Ida.,

*. t- . 3<.* Si-jit. 1; Idaho Falla 2 4. • *■ Von yul»tern Pavlliim Tleatre: Waahington

r I va P H . Aiig 21. Indet. ’al'* Walden, Magician. S. Worden, mgr.: Morrla-

V ' • vllle, N. y., 30 Sept. 4. . ',%• • Woodall’a. Blllv, Vaudeville Show: Concord, N.

C. 30 Sept. 4; Ft. Mill, S. C.. 6 11. , ■ Woodward's, Harry A., Moving Picture and

Vaudeville Co.: New Dalton, Mich., 30-Sept. 4; Harvey 0 11.

KenOle'a Flrat Regiment Band: (WoiMlalde Park I Pblla.. 22 Sept. 4.

Navasaar I.adlea’ Band: (Riverview Fx|>o.) Chicago 30 Sept. 4.

Naval Reserve Band: (Electric Park) Newark. N. J., 2.! Sept. 4.

I.einleln'r, Phil., Band: (l.una Park) Coney Island. N. Y.. May 16. Indef.

Natiello and hU Band: (Delmar Gardena) St. Ixniia. .Mo., May I Sept. 4.

National Chautaui|ua Band and Orcheatra, 1.. D. Wort, mgr.: Hli-ksville, (».. 30 Sept. 4.

Neel's, Carl, Greater .Southern Baud: Decaiur. Ala., 30 Sept. 4.

P<'ters<m's Concert Band: (Fon-st Park) l.ittle Rock, Ark., liidef.

Pr.vor's, .\rthnr. Band: Aahury Park, N. J., .Inne 27 Sept. I.S.

Phillpplnl'a, Don, Band, Ned Hanks, mgr.: lElis'tric Park) Kansas City, Mo., .\ng. 8 Sept. 4.

Philippine Constabulary Band: (Zoo) Clncln niti. 4 6.

(Juaglla's, Prof. Louis, Italian Band: (.41 Frea- co Park) Peoria. 111., May L'l Sept. 2.3.

Royal Artlllcr.v Band. Inc., Jos. DeVito, gen. mgr.: (Riverview Park) Baltimore, Indef.

Royal Banda Roma: (Chutes) San Francisco 23 Sept. 4.

Rounds' Laille.s' Band and Orchi'stra. H. O. Rounds, Misliapolia, la., 3o-Se|>t. 2.

Slsfer’s. Fdw.irti. Greater Dreamland Band: (Dreamland) Coney Island, N. Y., July 3. Indef.

Slafer, Wm E., and his Brooklyn Marine Band: ■ Brighton Beach Hotel) Coney Island, N. Y,. Inilef.

Shraccla's Band, B. Sbraccla, mgr: (Gre«’n \vo<mI Garden) Peaks Island, Me., Aug. 16- .Sept. 11.

Sousa's Band, James R. Barnes, mgr.: (Willow Grove Park) Phlla., -Vug. 15 Sept. 6.

To^'ii's. Emile, Military Rand. J. Bistes, mgr.; (West End Park) .New Orleans. May 17. In¬ def.

Vweutleth Regiment Band. G*-o. Miller, leailer: (Kingston Point Park) Kingston. N. Y., May 3(t-Sept. 7.

Vessala, Marco, and his Band. Howard Pew, mgr.: (Sans Soucl Park) Chicago, Aug. 8- Sept. 19.

Wheaton Family Orchestra: (Waverly Park) I.ansinz. Mich., Ma.v 29 Sept. 1.3.

Wo<Mlm<*n of the World Band, D. C. Smith, mgr.: (Highland) Mi-rldlan. Mls.s., 23-S»‘pt. 4.

NOTICE! Fair, Burlesque and Repertuire Managers


A strong. Novelty Feature Bicycle Act

MIDWAY COMPANIES liits? Vos. S|M*('i.'il (l:iys. 10 tlillcrtMit hikes. Write or wire,

W1I1:1':LIN(; (Wheeloek & May) I'NICVCLi:. .August :i0 Septem¬

ber 4, Lynch Theatre, Dayton, Dhio.

-7 AllSrar Carnival Co.; Sayville, L. I., 1-4, ' ' 'X Pati hogue .sll.

/ It.iUM h-r Carnival Co.: Gn-enup. 111., 30 Sept. 4. \ '4 Barkisit .amusement Co.. K. G. Barkoot, mgr.;

Rouce\i-rte. W. \'a.. 3(i S»-pt. 4. Bari), s Amnsement Co., J. J. Barnes, mgr.:

Noldc. 111.. 3(' Sept. 4; Dongola 6-11. •' , BiHirtion Carnival Co.: tx>ckland, O.. 711.

Briindagc. S. W., Carnival .Vttractlons: Hoxle, s ’ Kaus.. 30 Sept. 4 . Hill City 6-11. * Butbr Bros." Shows. B. B. Butler, mgr.: Porta-

I III.•nth. o.. 2".( Sept. 4; Ashland. Ky., 6-11. •• Cash A nine's Amusement Co., Harry L. Hlne, / mgr.: Sturgis, S. D., 30 Sejit. 4.

». '• Cash A nine’s .Vmiiscment Co.. H. Weller, i mgr. Ft. William, Ont., Can., 30 Sept. 4;

. • Port .Vrlhur 6-11. *1 CufTn-e .\inus<>ment Co.. Cap;. C. H. Cottree, (j mgr . H.gginavllle, Mo., So-Si-pt. 4; Marshall

' 11. I Cosmopolitan. Great, Shows. No. 1. J. R. An-

)Vt derson. mgr.: Staunton. Ill.. 3o Sept. 4; Uran- ! ♦ Itc City 6 11.

Davis Aga Show. W. 11. Da\ia, mgr.: Cape Gl- ranleau. Mo.. ;!0 S<-pt. 4.

V’ " DarU .kmuseuient Co.. Geo. C. Davis, mgr.: • * Washington, K:ins . 1 .3. .Td*' Dralm Bros' A.uusement Co.: Corydon, Ind., 'J ;h) .S«-pt 4. \ iiieennes, 6 11. ^ Flagg's Carnival Co.: Newisirt, R. I.. 29-Sept. 4.

'Au Ferarl’s. Col. Frauds, Shows: (Fair) Toronto. '3^ Can.. .'lo-Scpt. 11. Oo'"''''! Sliows. C. M. Goodell. mgr.; Athena, Ill., I'aS/L .'io S<iil. 4 3' . Hatch. J. Frank. Shows; Monaca. Pa., SOSept.

4; Delaware. <).. 6 11. Juvenal'a Stadium Shows. J

'/'jr A mgr.: Baxter Springs, • w.‘St Mineral 6 11.

* Kepider, C. J.. .kmiiscment Co.: Somerset, Ky. )^ f . .3(1 .S»-pt. 4; Dayton. »).. 611. 'T;!* Kline, Herbert A.. Shows: Winona,

Sept. 4; IJncoIn, Neb.. 6-11. > r Lachman Co. Greater Shows, Will L. Winslow,

.X'.f mgr.: Worthington. .Minn., 3() 4; Esther ■ Vji vine. la.. 6-11.

Lachman Hipistdronie Shows. 1 ft * SO S«-pt. 4. I IT-» Marvlanil Amus«-ment Co., F. 8.

I Oxford. N. C.. 30 Sept. 4. r Nichols. Greater. Amusement Co.. I^-w Mchola. Ti* y mgr.; Creighton, Neb.. 30 Sept. 4; Tllden 6-

V Osterling Amusement Co., Geo. F. Oaterllng, ’?!} mgr.: Willlamston. N. C., 30 Sept. 4.

Park«-r. Great. Shows. Con T. Kenni-dy. mgr.: Xh • Des Moines, la.. 30 Sept. 4; St. Paul. Minn..

e* «-”• r ja, Parker Shows. No. 2: Everett, Wash.. 30- yP% Sept. 4.

4 Patterson. Great. Shows: Preston. Minn., ilO- fe. 8.-pt. 4.

V •'T Robinson. Ban. .Amusement Co.: Logansiwrt, '-•“•L Ind.. 30S<-pt. 4. 1 , Y Spellman's Shows: Columbus. O.. .30 S«‘pt. 4.

I Smith Greater Shows; Grand Raplda, Wia.. 29- ■^ S«'pt. 4. } St. Ixwila Amusement Co.: Waynesville. N. C.,

s' , 30.Sepf 4 . • • Westcotfs t'nlted Shows. M. B. Westcott, f * mgr.. New Berlin. Ill.. SoSept. 4.

.‘4, L Wle»l.*T Canilval Co.. Will H. Wieder, mgr.; ■ ,* " F'olb-uslM-c, W. Va., 6 11.

Managers—Here’s tha Real Money Qattar Last season the box ball concession at Luna Park took in t2U0

axreek-anj yet a box ball alley costs less than an ordinary bowling alley—less than the receipts tor one week. Kirceipts all prolit except for rent players set pins with a lever, so you don't need a pin boy. One man to collect the money can easily manage ten alleys. Crowds go wild with enthusiasm over this game Women as well as men and children play — they never tire the more they play tlie more they want to keep on playing Once you make a customer he is always a steady patron and often comes out especially to play this fas¬ cinating game Write for our illusiraled booklet explaintiig the NEW EASY PAYMENT PLAN. Address. AMERICAN BOX BALL CO.. I IT Van Burta St. IwMianagolia. Ind. MUSICAL

SKEE-BALL M. Juvenal, prop

Kans.. 3(1 Si'pt. 4; A most profitable, easily managed bowling game, liequires but little attention. Gives much pleasure, moderate exercise /\ Become:

Broken Idol. B. C. Whitney, mgr.: N. Y. C.. Aug. 16, Indef.

Burgomaater, ’The, Wm. P. Cullen, mgr.: Bar¬ rie, Ont., Can., 1; Orillia 2; Sudbury 3; North Bay 4; I'oronto 6 11.

Belle of Japan. Wm. Wamsber. mgr.: Lisbon. N. D., 6; Ellendale 7; Aberdeen. S. D., 8; Redheld 9; Watertown 10; Brooktnga 11.

Bell Boy: Coffeyvllle, Kana., 29-Sept. 4; Ptw- buska, Okla., 5-11.

Babea in Toyland: St. Paul 5-11. Buater Brown, Buster Brown Amusement Co.,

proqia.; E. H. Kitzhugh. mgr.: Plainfield. N. J., 4: Atlantic City 6-8; Aahury Park 9-10; So. Bethlehem, Pa.. 11.

Carle. Richard: S“e Mary'a laimb. Cohan. Geo M.: S<-e The Yankee Prince. Curtis Mnsleal Comedy Co.. Allen Curtis, mgr.:

Ivos Angeles. Cal.. Indef. Cole & Johnson. A. H. Wilbur, mgr.: Jersey

City, N. J., 30-8ept. 4. Cat and the Fiddle, Chas. A Sellon, prop. Il

mgr.: Jamestown, N. D., 1; Blamarck 2; •. ■ " Dickinson 4: Miles CTty, Moot.,

Livingston 8; Boceman 9; ._. Bntte 11-12. with Raymond Hltcbitock, Cohan ft

Cleveland, SO-Sept. 4. See The Beanty Spot.

Co.. John Conners, Storm Lake 2; Sac City ", Blair. Neb., 8; Teka-

W^akefield II. F. Mann, prop.; R<ibert J.

__ naaa City, Mo., 29..‘4ept. 4; Omaha, Neb., 5-8; Dea Moines, la.. 9-11.

Dollar Princess, Cbaa. Frohman. mgr.: Atlantic City. 30 Sept. 4; N. Y. C.. 6 Indef.

Flower of the Ranch; So. Chicago, 111., 29-Sept. 1; New Philadelphia, O.. 9.

Fair 0> F.d.. with Elsie Janis. Chaa. Pilling ham, mgr.: Chicago, Aug. SO-Sept. 18.

Florist Shop. Henry W. Savage, mgr.; N. Y. C.. Atlg. 9. Indef.

Voulea ef 1!)6!*. F. Ztegfeld. Jr., mgr.: N. T. C.. June 14. Indef.

Gay Huasara. Henry W. Savage, mgr.: N.

Minn., 30- very fa^cinaiing.

Marshall. Minn. Standard I.engtb Thlrly-two Feet.

ror full

— ileactlpflon. a«-iHl for (-atalog A.

SKEE BALL ALLEY CO.. Philadelphia. Pa.

Wolcott, mgr.


JAMES E. HARDY, “The High Wire King Hardy's mld-alr performancea In front of the grandatand at the Ohio Mate Fair, Olomboa. O.. last year, quoved to be by far the l>est "Aerial Feature Attraction'' ever witneaaed there. That la why his act will shine there again tbia year. Hanly has been fseoeed with re-engagementa wherever be has once appeared. Why? Because bis act la the BEST of Its kind.

Mandan 8; _ 6; Billings 7 Anaconda 10; ]

Chorus Man. Harris, mgrs.

DeAngeilr. Jelteraon Damon's Musical Comedy

mgr.: Spencer, la.. 1. 3: Odebolt 6; Diinlyi 7 mab 9; Lyons 10;

Dare DeyR Dan, W Riddell, mgr.: K


For a long aeaaon South, two more abnwa that do not confilct. Can place good F'reak Show. Hava ivMim for a few more goal Conceasloua—Knife Hark, Fealh«-r llowera PalmUt. Caisly Butcher, etc. F'raiik Ehlenr. write or wire at once. Address all mall to OEO, F. OSTKRLIHO, Willtams- ton, M. C., Aug. M-Sept. 4.

^ BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS. . American K<-glin<-nlal Band. Rlch.vrd L. W»aT- • er mgr.; (1 nna Park* Wash., D. C,, ind*'f,

Brifndman’s. Geo. C.. Ono-rt Band: (Lake- , W00.1 Park) Charlotte. N. C.. June 14 Sept.

15 « Prrtf.klrn Marin* TUn.l: (Rlcrtdonni llotell

Brlirhfnn N. V., * * Balimin'K Orchehtra: CioclDDatl, 29-


EAGLES’ FALL FESTIVAL Hartford City, Ind., Sept. 6th to the 11th. Free on the Btreets. Shows and Concesalona wire quirk. Tiv-ae who wrote before write quirk; mall destroyed by firs. Reliable eX|>erieured proiiHifer Hsailly, for tUe Eagles. .\i|Ter1l<o>.l like a etreua. Address


Brltlah Guards Band. Harry Laienby, mgr.: Manhat an Beach. N. Y., 22-Sept. 4. Iradlev & Noe Ladles' Orchestra: Amarillo. Tex.', 29 Sept. 4; TuUa 5 11. tier. Helen May. Ladies' Band: Ord, Neb., 12: St. Paul, Minn.. 3-12.

Carieraville Coni-ert Band, .M. Milam. but. mgr : (City Park) Cartersvllle. Ga.. Indef.

Cavallo'a Band iForest Park Hig)ilandt) St. Lonia, 2 Sept. 11.

Conway and bl* Band. Patrick Conway, mgr.: (Idora Park) Oakland, Cal.. Aug. 2SOi't. 8.

Corrado's Royal Italian Band. All>ert Corrado. mgr : (Monroe Park) M<*bile. Ala., May 2, Indef.

Creator** an*l hi-* Band. Ilowar*! Pew. mgr.; (White City) Chicago. May 15-Sei)t. 12.

DTrbano’s Band: (Luna Park) Chicago. May 17. ludef.

Fllery'a Band. Fortune Gallo, mgr.: (A.-Y. P. Expo.) Seattle. .Cue. 16 Sept. 18.

Fischer an*l his Exposltl*in Orchestra: (.4rl Ington Hotel) Petoskey, MIsh., July 6 Sept.

MAGIC THE FINEST IN AMERICA Larpe illuBtratctl catalopiio of gtapo tricks, 2.'i (N'ntii. Illiiginttctl c.-italopiic of

parlor and pocket tricks friN?.

HALTON & JANSEN CO ' ""tVeTo^o'ds^"” 148 La Salle St.. Chicaeo. Ills.

Fenillo Band, Salvatore T*Mnaso. mgr.: (Bis marck Gardena) Chicago. ‘22 Sept. 4.

FTaser Highlanders Band. W. F. Dewar, mgr.: (Indtanola Park) Coliiinhiis. O.. 2'2-Smit. 2; (Electric Park) Kansas City. Mo.. 5-l2.

Gatti'a Band: (Brandywine Springs Park) Wll- ynlngton. Del., indef.

Gilliland's Black Hussar Band, Augustus J. Filliex. mg)-.; Pittsburg, Pa., .Aug. 1. In¬ def.

Gri'gg's Imp4>rlal B-tnd: (Fontalns Ferry Park) L*>iilsTille. Ky., Xlay 10, Indef.

Henry ft 3'oung’a Military Band, Chas. T, Ed- w'snls. mgr.: (Shellpot Park) Wilmington. Del.. Indef.

Can use a few more Cowgirl riders and some

Addn-ss an |>er puhllsbed route In BllllMurd. extra gissl Cowboy ro|H*ra and fancy riders at onrv-.





SEPTEMBER 4, 1909. X ti e Billboard 31

OIrl fr<mi I' M A. (WrKirnii. Il»rry uigr Ki'IkImIIi illi-. IihI., I; M<iiit|H-ll<'r, O., 2, AI4Ci>Iii. lii'l . ■!. Mu ll . *1. I’lirl Unroll 7. I'iiiill»i- H; Minirn*- U, Cln-lin-ii 10; J»i kmili 11

Uolili'ii Itiilli-rl1>. wltli llrai'M Vnn .Slinlillfiiril, Juh \Vi l«-r. iiittr.: I’lilln . <t I**

Hill 111 iM k, Un) iiniliil: M<'i' Tin- ('h<irii< Min.

Ilirtniin. k'i-rrl». Muilcal Coiiinl)- Co.: Hiittl*. Jiiiii- 0. linli-f.

lilt Hill, wllli JuiiK'i T |•o»••rll. .Sim S A !.»• Sliiilurt, Im-., uiKr- . .M. V. Auk. 0. In- .1. f

lll•ll•l■'rMll^■ lliiiiiy S'liiHil I0i)i Hill (Jlrli: An- ili-niiii. lull , ^ioSipl. 1

llmii > iiii.oii Trill. Trim-fill Aiiiuif. Co , proin.; llirry ('lii|i|ii'll. uiKr- Tfurli. III., 1, l*jv- rii|H>rt, li., II. liurlluKtuii H. Molui-y, 111., 4; KaiiiHi i'ity, Mo., 5 11.

ilitllHiiil'i .MuiU'il Couifily Co.: Wtcblti, kiiii., Ilit.Si-lit. 4.

|ui|iirlil Uiiilfil Cunirdy Co.: Turtliml, Ur*., Jiiiii- T, iiiilif

lu Hull, wllli Mfliitiri- At llfith, KIiw t HrMiiK'r. iiiKn : .N. V. C.. Auk. dO. Indif.

lu Thiiiiiii. AI. K.rb, iiikt. : .Mirlftti, O., 2; Tiiki-riliurK. M’. Vi., 8;, Cbllllcotbr, U., 4; ClUflllllltl o II.

lili* uf S|iiff. ( lilfiKo, 1*0 Sfiit. 4.

Jiiiii. Klili Sii- Tbe Kilr Co Kd. KIuk IShIo. Jiitiii Cort, iiikt. ; TuUKbkff|>Bif. N.

V., 2, lilfUi Till* 8; TlittiburK 4, Muatryil, *•10.. « II.

KniKbl fur i Hiy, II. II. Kriifr. prop.: Willi \\ r.lli, Wiili.. I; Ylklliii 2; KliruibUTK 3; AlM-rdfi-ii 4; .Stitllf &11.

KiUf Ctiiuir <>|»’ra Co., KoU-rt KiUf, niKr.: liolV'kf, .Mhh., 23 .Sipt. 4.

IiiVf Curi'. Ilnirt \V. Sitiki, mi;r.: N. Y. C Si-pl. I, lllilrf

Miiibitiin i>iH-ri Co. Ili-rlif-rt SillnKi-r, mKr.; Tliiilri. N V . .Miy 21 Sfpt. 11.

Lint of .Nod K.fl.iuonil. Vi.. 1; Kiovllle 2; I.yUfbliurK ■ Uuiui'ki- 4; Knoxvlllf, Tfnn., •I; Cbiltiuii'Ki 7. Ililtou, Cl., b; Home U; Atliiiti 10 11.

Llttlf Jobuuy Jonn. Cbii. !>. Crim*. lUKr.: Cli-arOflil. Ti.. 2. liu T.u.i 3; Tuunutiwury 4. wbffiiiiK. Vi., o n.

Ill lliri) A'kiii, uiKr.: .MllwiukfV, 20 Sfpt. 4; Jolirl. 111., 7.

Lilly Muxlfil Comedy Co ; I'rbini, III., 30- .Si-pi. 4.

MrliilyT- At lli'itb Si< In lliytl. M nlK'-mer> At S!"iie .S<-e Tbe lUd Town, klfuli . .Adi. I'liiiilc <>iieri Co.: Uillii, T«x..

June 7. iudef. kliiluicbt Sunn. ShiilM-rt Ak KIridt. mgr*.: S.

\ C . Miy 22. Ind. f Miiriwfu Miiklril Imueily Co.: I.o« .Ancelrt,

July 4. indef. Motor t..rl. I'r.-ink lli nnrmiy, mKr.: N. Y.

C.. June 15, Indef. Miry'i Limb, witb Kicbird Cirle, Cirlr A

klirki, mcr*. SbelioyK*o. Wli . 5; Tund du I. KIC <1; Appletim 7. tireen Itiy b, (i>bkoib 8; Midlion 10; Kiu CUIre 11.

klidim lluttrrfly: l,ou irllle. ky., 0 11.

Mrrry Widow. Henry W. SiriKe. mKr.; Trorl denre. K. I.. So-JoiS. 4; New lli\en, Coon.. A. ItrldKe|>urt 7, Witerbury K; llirtford O-Il.

Merry Widow, lleury W. Sivige, mgr.: St. iKMllt. 5 11.

McTiddrn'i Kliti, Rirton A W.iw.-ll, mgrs.: Atlinti. It*., 1; MiAitgomery. All., 2; Tetitu- roti. Kli., 3; Mobile, All., 4; New Urleini, IKI.. S 11.

Milinre lilrl Co . J. E. Jirkmn, mgr.: Itirtleo- ellle. Okli.. ■.*» Sept. 4; Tiwbuiki 5 11.

Mi'i New lluibind. Ilirry Soott, mgr.: North llillimore, t>.. 1 T.ttln 2. .Shelby 3; Xorwilk 4, IaWiIo A; Cooneiut 7, .Aobtibnli b; rre- donli. N. Y'., 0; Dunkirk 10; Nligiri Filli, II.

Moulin. TYink. John W. keirney, mgr.: St. Ixwili 23 Si-pt. 4.

Mile. Mlnrblef Juliet. Ill . 1. Newlywid*. Tlie, iiul Tbelr lUby, I>elfler Hnt-

too Co., pro|«.; tieo. Coett, mgr: Koebeiter, N. Y . « II.

Nitiooil U|ieri Co.: Witerloo, li., 23 Sept. 4.

Old Town, with Montgomery A Stime, Cbii. 1>U- llnghim. mgr. Ituffilo All.

Tower*. Jiraei T.: See IliTina. T'wt Mu'liil Comeily I'o., Ji». Poit. mgr.:

San Itb'Ko. Cil . July IK. Indef. Prince of Tonight, Trlncetm .Amuie. Co.. Inc.. ro;iw , Mort II. Singer, mgr.: Dinrllle, III.,

Cbirbiton 3; KtraniTlIle, Ind., 4; I>ouli allle, ky.. rtll.

Tinker, the TInierlon tllrl. W K. Minn, prop.; Frink Sbermin. mgr.: Omihi, Neb., 2K Sept. I. K St. laxili. III., 3 4, SI. Louli, Mo.. 5- II.

Trine*-** ttiM-ri Co . I>»Terlch A Cimpbell. nigri. Sin Frinciico July 2*1 Indi f

Queen of the Mmilln Kuuge. Thu* W Ryley. mgr Clileigo. Aug 21*. Indef.

Riyi. The, In king Ci**-y. .Stilr A NIcolil. mgr* : So Cblcign. III., 2 4.

Stubborn CInderi-lli tKn«tern>. Trine-»» .Aniline Co., Inc., pro|w.; M-rt II Singer, mgr.. Hilem, Ml**., A, lliierhlll 7: luiwr*-nce *>; Ni«bni, N. II. 0; «>louce«ter. Mi**.. 10. Ixiwell II.

Streeter Mu*lcil Corned.* Cu Miwtle Streeter, mgr FI T*«u. Te\ . |nd-f

StubiHU-n Clnderelli (Wrutern- Trlnce** .\mii«e. Co., Inc.. prt>iMi.; .Mort II. S.iiKer. mgr.. rree|M>rl. III., 4: I**ven|«*rl, I*. M.dlne, III., A: IliM'k lilind 7: llurlliiKliHi, li . b; Cedir Kipld* it: Ihibtntur ID: Mid.aon. Wl*., II.

Sunny Slile of Hriuulwiy. with Mar Ilb»>m. Hoyle Woulfidk. mgr.- I»e* Mulne* I* . 'Jtt S,-pi 4.

Soul kl**: Norfolk. Vi . 1. I.,\ nehlMirg 2 Pan rllle .-1. Clurlottc, \. C . * Culiimbli. S C.. A. Augiiiti. til., 7; Ch*rle«-uu, S C.. S; Sirinnah, (!i., U; J*ek*i>ni llle, Tli., 10; Macon, til., 11.

Smart .S.-t. Ilirt-m. Wiaw.-ll. Nolan .4 Co, Inc , mgr* : KIchniond. Vi.. 1; Itoinoke 3; Wylhevllle A; llrlalol. Teiin., 7; kno\*lllc b; ChiitiniHigi 0: I'eiitiir. .A'l . 10. ShellleM 11. bet, llirton A Wl»w<-ll. mgr* : Tliln- Aeld. \. J.. II.

Teal Itaiuiond. Mu*'-al t'omedy Co, Frink Wolf mgr Tui»on. Aria . .Aug , lA Sept. I*

Thre. ruin* tTulerm. Ju» M ililtr*. mgr.; Ho«|,ui. \ug 2'- In'b f

Time, the Plata' and Hu- t;lrl iKaaleini, II II. Fraree prop : Teorli. Ill, 2''S<'pt. 1, Spring fl'-bl 2 » Chleago 5 11

Tim* , the TIaee mil the tllrl i\Vi-»lern'. II II Traree, prop : Spokin*-. '211 S.-pi 4: S*-itlle 5 II

Thr*-e Twin* tWe*l**Tnt J*** M ilalt*-*. mgr - San Franelw-o lb Sepl 4

Tliria- Twin* (Central*. Jo* M. liilte*. mgr.. I bo IT, N. J., 1

The Wlraril. with Sam H*-rnaril. Sam S A la-e Shubert. Ine . lugm Atlantic tTtr 30 S.-|.t 4

Top o’ til* World, J. M Alllaon. mgr.: Scranton, Ti., 1; Itia-lu-wler, N. V., 2 4; Akron, (>., 7.

Tlir*-e Twill* iKaateriii. Jo*. .M tiallea, mgr.: St. Paul 2*3 .Sept. 4: Mlnm-Hiedia !i II.

Trl|> lo Jh|iiii hiuI ThroiiKli tie- Center of the Kartli. .Sliulx-ri* A Amlerwjii, mgri.: .N. Y.

, S*-i(l. 4 liub-f Van S.uibllfonl, liraee; S<-e The (Jolden But-

t*-rl1,t. WHIa Mu-leal f.onudy Co., J<.hn B. WUli,

mgr.: Sivaiinih, <ii., Indef, Wizanl of Wltu-land (KaHlerni, Harry Scott,

mgr.: Peru, liul., 1: Belvlilere, III., 2; KIgin 3: S<«ith Bend. Ind.. 4: Mlehlgin City 5; Hammond A: Frankfort 7; H<K>i>etitou, 111., b; Fiirbury 'J; Pontiac 10: Streat<»r 11.

Wlzari, of Wlaelaiid (W<alerH(. Harry .Scott, mgr ken*»*lii, W.a., 5: Wiuk<-gaD. Ill., A; Burlington. Wla.. 7; \A'auke»ba b; Sheboygan K: Witi|HJii lU; Beloit 11.

Whilom t»iM-ri Co., t.'haa. Van Dyne, mgr.; Fitchburg. Mihm . June 15 Sept. 11.

Y'lnkei- Prlnee, with (Jeorge .M. Coban, Cobin A Harria, mgr*.: N. C., All.

Y’orke A Adam*. In Africa IB. B. Fom-iter’it, Kil. K. Uib-y. mgr.: 51uiicie. Itul., 3; VTn- cent!* * 4; Kt-auavllle 5; .Naibvllle, Tenn., 6-11. 6-11.

BURLESQUE, •Americana, Teildy SImondi. mgr.; Chicago, 2d-

S»-pt. 4. Avenue tiirl*. Dan Sculler, mgr.: Baltimore 30-

Se[>t. 4: Phlla., A 11. Bidietiilin*. Al. I.ubln, mgr.: N. Y'. C., 30 Sept.

4; .Newark, X. J.. 6-11. Broadw.-iy (ialety (ilrlu. Lou!i Oberwiltb. mgr.:

.Mlnneaixdl* 21* Se|it. 4; St. Paul A ll. Brigadier*. Wa*h Martin, mgr.: Pblli., 30-Sept.

4; Wlllcta Barre Ab; Scranton 9-11. Big Review. Henry P. Dixon, mgr.: .Scranton,

Pa.. 30-.Sepf. 1; Wilke* Barre 2 4. Paters'jo. X. J.. Ob; Jersey City 9-11.

Bon Tun*. Wel>er A Rush, mgra.: Detroit 29 Sept. 4: Chicago 6-11.

Bowery Rurletutuera, E. M. Roaenthal. mgr.: Toledo, (»., 20 Sept. 4; Iletrolt 6-11.

Rchman Show, Jack Singer, mgr.: X. Y. C.. 30- Sept. 4; Brooklyn 6-11.

College Glrlt. Stilegel Ama«e. Co., mgr*.; Phlla., noSept. 4: Baltimore 6 11.

Cracker Jacks. Harry I-eool, mgr.: Chicago 29- Sept. 4; Lunlaville 6 11.

Columbia Burleteiuer*. J. Herbert Mack, mgr.: Baltimore SttSept. 4; Wa*b . D. C.. 6 11.

Coty Comer Girl*. Sam Bot«ln*on. mgr.; Milwau¬ kee 29 Sept. 4; Minneapolis 5-11.

Cherry Blnaeoma. Maurice Jacobs, mgr.: Toronto. 30 Sept. 4. Bnffalo 6-11.

Century Girl*. John J. Moynihan. mgr.: Wash., D. C.. 30 Sept, 4; Baltimore 6 11.

Dreamland Burletupier*. la*y Gro*lx. mgr.; Al- biny. .N. 30 S»-pt. 1: sichenectady 2 4; Jer¬ sey City, X. J.. 6 k; Paterson 9-11.

Duckling*. Frank Calder. mgr.: Montreal 30- Sep . 4; TonvD;o 6-11.

Dainty ISiche**, Weber A Rn«h. mgr*.: Wash., D. C., 30 kept. 4; Wheeling 6 S; Columbus 9 11.

Empire Rurle*<iner*. Jesse Burn*, mgr.: Loula- Tllle 29 .Sept. 4: Cincinnati 6-11.

Follu-s of the ivay. Barney Gerard, mgr.: (Teveland So-Sept. 4.

Fashion I’late*. Harry Montague, mgr • Indl anapol':*. 30-Sepf. 4; Louisville 6-11.

Far Fos-er. John Grieve*, mgr.: Brooklyn. 30- ^pf. 4: N. Y. C.. 6^11.

FrollcHome Lambs. I. E. Block, mgr : Jersey City. X. J.. .30 Sept. 1; P*t*Tson 2 4

Follle* of the Moulin Ronge, Joe Hurtlg. mgr.: Chicsgo 30-Sept. 11.

Fads and Follies. Cba*. B. Arnold, mgr.; Kan¬ sas City. 29 Sept. 4

Oav Ma*<tneradera, Joe Pettinglll. mgr.: Boston. 30 Sepf. 4

Golden Crook. Jacob* A Jermon. mgra.: Lonls- Tllle 29Sepf. 4: St. Ixwil* 6^11.

Girl* from Happyland. Igwi Unrtlg, mgr.; PlUa- Inrg SOSept. 4: Buffalo 6-11.

High Roller*. H. S. Woodbull. mgr.: St. Louis. 29 Sept. 4

HasMng*’. Harry. Show; Buffalo SOSept. 4: Toronto 6 11.

Irwin’s Big Show Mtiw-ankee. 6 11. Irwin’s Gibson Girls; De# Moines. 29-Sept. 1. Im|>erlals, Sim M'lIIIsm*. mgr.: (’Inclnnatl,

29^.Sepf 4; Chicago 6 11 Jardin de Parlt Girl*. Clarence Burdick, mgr ■

Wilke* Barre. Pa . .3tv S*‘pt. 1: Scranton 2-4. Jolly Girl*. Richard Patton, mgr.: Chicago. 29

Sept. 4; Milwaukee 6 11. Jerwev Lille*. W S Hark, mgr : X T C.. 30 S

Sept 4: Phlla 6 11 Knlekcrhocker*. Lout* Bohle, mgr.: 30 Sept. 4. Kentucky Belles: Cleveland. 6 11. Lady Bnccanoer*. Harry Stranse. mgr • St.

I.onI*. 29 S*'pt. 4: ImllanapoH*. 6-11. IJd Lifter*- St Ixwtl*. 3o-S,'pf 4 Morning. Noon and Xlght. Walter Remt>erg.

mgr.; BnlTalo. .30 Sept. 4 Meriv Mablcr*. IlarrT llc,lg.'«. mgr ; Plttshurg.

.3i»Sepr. 4: W**h . D C.. 6 11. Moulin R'Wiee. Ch*«. E<lwar*ls. mgr.; Detroit.

29 Sept. 4: Chicago, 6 11. Ml** .New Y’ork. Jr . Ed. Echapp*'n. mgr • Phlla..

30 Sept. 4 Scranton 6 b: W11 k*'* Barre 9-11 Malestle*. Freil Irwin’*: Mllw-auk*'e. 29 Sept. 4:

Chicago. 6 11 Manll lira* lt*-autle«. .Andy Ix'wl*. mgr.;

Brixvkivn. .3i'Si-pt 11 Mar.ithiwi G’rl*. Phil Sheridan, mgr." Ri-wherter.

30 Sept 4: Albany, 9 11. Merry Whirl Inutl* Fpafeln, mgr B.**"on, 30

Si'pt 4; SprtngfleM 6s II<dy->kr 9 11. Parisian Wl<l>>n« W.-biT ,A Uu«h. mgr*.: Toron

to. 30 S,-pt 4: B->ehe«t*‘r 6 11 Pst White’* Gaiety GirN: Phlla 3t> Sent. 4. Qui-cn* uf .IvtsTn dc P-irls: Chlcagvv, 3o Sept. 4;

Clevelanil All Rent* banflev. .Abe T.eavitt mgr - C*'lumbn».

t» . 30 Sept. 1: Whivllng. W Va , 2 4: Pitta- burg 6 11

Ri'«*- TllIT* rng1l«h t'ollv RIee A Barfo-i. mgra.: S '•-nei-t \dv \ Y . .30 Sep;. 1: .Mhanv. 2 4; N A C , 0 11

Riin-iwav Girl*. Pet*-r S I'lark. mgr • X. Y. C.. :;iVS,'pt. T Provldenee, 6 It

Ruse Svdeir* I oti.lun Ib-U*'* S CampN'lI, mgr Itns'klvn 30 S,’i>! 1 Phlla . 6 11

Ule> ,A Barlua’* Big Gaielv Cu , Cha* Barton, uicr • Providence. 30 Sept. 4.

Riallu Rutinib-r* |Va»e Krause, mg'" ' Sivrlug 6*1.1 Mis*. 30 S.-I't I, n.dvoke 2 1; X Y C All

ii'uiitIuiKsI on pag.' 34 I




lOIHKil Eiimii SEPT. 13 to 20.


500,000 Population with 500,000 Visitors.

Billed Like a Circus

Throui^hout Canada.

$200,000 spent in attractions, decorations, gigantic fire¬

work displays, parades, etc., etc. Montreal has never had

a celebration before. This is the place for concessionaires

and privilege people to get some easy money. No exclu¬

sives. Platform shows and every kind of legitimate con¬

cessions for sale. Don’t come unless you have previously

secured your privileges. Only a very little space left and

that is going fast, so if you want your banner week write

now and state all in first letter. No additional licenses.

Your privilege covers that.



Streetmen and Program Hustlers BIG, QUICK MONEY.

HUDSON-FULTON CELEBRATION New York’s Big $5,000,000 Out-door Carnival.


We are the authorized publishers of the only Official Pro¬ grams, Souvenir Books and Post Cards. Mail orders filled. Souvenir Books, 50c. each; Programs, 25c.; Booklets, 10c. Postpaid. REDFIELD BROS., 315 W. 43rd St., New York.



Dramatic and Specialty People Band Actors. Musicians. Band. Orchestra join on wire

Cotton Blossom Floating Theatre, H. E* Steiner, Mgr., Cairo, lll.l

WANTED-ALL KINDS OF GOOD SHOWS t'lnli' Swing. Kvrrls Who**’. fur UrMIM'I DT TKI ("OrNTY K.AIR. llmiibohlt. T«*nn., 22 2.'t "24 Ilk *.'. D»y anil Xlght Pi'ifuriuanib-s. Suvuii otliiT gu**-! fair* lu \Vv*t Triinvs.e. fulb'w-. (\>mlltU*i>s giHHl fur big »uocu**. Hat rut*' ur i«'riviitagu. Writu at onou. _ C. W. ROOKS. Secretary, HUMBOLDT. TENN.

Btk'klng the lungoat rbaiu of Vamleville tbeatrus West uf Gbluago. Playing the heat acts lo Vamlevllle. _



(Patented Jane 15, 1909.)

Special Prices for Celebrations in small and large quantities. Write at once RF.D BY

WOOLF BtMBLICH. 206 E. 5th St., Ntw York GIty.

32 Xtie Billt>oarcl SEPTEMBER 4, 1909.


FAIRS AND CARNIVALS Toledo Glorifies King Wamba and Harbors Distinguished Guests.

Crowds of People Join in Celebrating, and Frank P. Spiellman

Puts Up Great Shows for Their Entertainment— Interesting Items

From Some of the Other Carnivals and Fairs.


.\l«*ntion'riir Hillboanl and <lat(‘ |)ul)Ii.sli<‘(l when order¬ ing gcRMl.s here li.sted at “Si'i:('i.\i.n{in:s.”other- uise, eatalogiie |)rie«*s will Im* charged. *‘i)o this and s;ive money.”


Jrwrirj, Walrb<*s, ('utlrrjr, ('bdo*. H<l<rr warv. Yauka«> Nollous, Ni>vrltl<*a auil Hfa^rlal lira III iiuinriiaa «a rlrl^. Vlulrk arllrra III Slatlourrjr, Dry tiiMMla SuD'tiii'a. Ira Ibrr and K a b b a r IhMida, lluiika and Suu- rriilra. I’ r « m I n m K o u d a. AdTarllalag K<«>da. 8livrt Kair, I'arulral atxl l*1rnle 8ii|>|>llra of all ktnda, *tf.


Stri*rtinrn. Wmlrra. Canr Rack aud Kulfr Board Mrb. II I K b I'ltrb and K1»h I’oud OlM-ratom. Stiwt Fair ai^ Carnival Workrra. Travrllnx Mullclua Sbowa, CIrcuBM. Auc tloiM^ra. Conrraiilob alrra. I*remlum (JU rra. Srbrmlata. M. O Mrn aud Orurral Mrr- rbauta.



loiiili and UlvrrKidr drivr. All llir naval pa rniliH aiul nlrahlp raova paaa dlriflly In front of tlip park.

r\lrii>il\r proparatlona have born made b.v llu> iiiaiiaKoiiioiil to arromniialatr llip biiKo crowd of ox|M-<'to<l vlaltor*. A tier of a«‘ata. dlnn-tly ovorlixiklnE the lliidann. la beliiR er<‘Ctt*d. Thi'a** will hold at loaat .'lO.taKI iM‘0|de.

Mr. Madlaou la moat optinilatic over the out diMir. lie Intouda that the county fair will he real In every a*'ns<‘, fnim live atock to the Bowery. Madlaon haa aeciired many of the Me coat fair altraetiona ever worn In New York. Milliona of dollara are Ixdng a|H-nt b.v New ^ ork to make the celebration a record-breaker. Carnival and fair men who have aiEni><l with Madlaon tadleve they will enjoy the t»eat 8<-uaun of their care<-r.

One of Our Star Sellers


.\o. 7572—Shell (luard Chains,

51 in. long, gilt spring hook, per gross. . .

No. 1*1—Jap Confetti Ouatera, i>er l.OtlO...

No. 17—Jap Confetti Duatera. i>er 1.*>U0...

No. 0—Black Enameled Handle Wood l>uat- ers. |>er gnma.

Noa. Ban. -Bai'J, -Bai? and 4U13. |>er groaa

No. 73—I'anania Ilata. per gruaa.I

Ob! Y'ou Kid Hata. per groaa.

NOVELTY BUTTONS No. 132—1 Tvove My Wife But Oh You Kid,

Metal Doll Cendant, per 100.)

Ob Y’ou Kid I’araaola. large size, per Uai..

No. 1730—Whliie, 40 In., fancy, celluloid apiral wound handlea, fine quality, |>er

im>n« . No. 90—Bottle Kan. with decorattnl cloth

fan, iier groaa.

Black Muatachea, per 1,000.

city, many of them lielng ex showmen. Mr. Kennedy, our general In chief, was out

i-nrlv and late In Danville. leaminE the terh- nlealifles of hla n<-w “Cadillac” anto. HI* friend*, however, were a “leetle might" timid alii'iit aceeptlng Invitations to pp<*M for the first few days.

From Danville, the Oreat Parker Shows eelip»<*l all eandval railroad records by Jump- IIIB to Calumet. Mleh.. a distance of .'.73 mile*, lining four different railroad llnea en route.

Mr. KenniHlv’a keen forenlght aa usual, proveit reliable’. Tin. Annual Fireman's Tour¬ nament brought visitors from every aeofion of the state and our midway was ran'Iy dep.ipulat- <h1 In-fore midnight. Jas. F. Fisher. Jolinson Vivian and Marry Herman, were the principle rominl'teemen and proved to be excellent B‘'n- tb'iii.n.

The shows were pltrhed on the oaitsklrta of Calumet *he adjoining village bidng known a* I.aiirlrm. A banquet was tendered the visiting firemi.n In whlrh many of onr staff partlclpateil. The eamlval queen assumed gigantic proportions an.l was finally awarded to Miss Toreano. One of Calumet’s citizens. Attorney McNally, be oi er spirited and Imitated Mias Cora Beck- with, cbnmpion swimmer, by dellht'rately leap In Into b<“r jiorlable tank In his street clothes. .411 the shows departed from Ijiurlum with a snug liank ndl.

No. 7(l3t*—bhell llaiiiibag, |>er dos.

Golf Ib-ad Cane, this la a dandy one. dos.

Jap Cant-s. g»s*I. heavy sticks. They all say these an- tb*- l>esl In tb«' market. Trr some we can show you. I’er

1.0*k* .


We are Manufacturers, Importers and Wholesalers.

N. SHU RE CO., 220-222 Madison street. Chicago. Ills.


Then write to the Trunk Refri-shment Stand ('..nipaiiy and lei them tell .vou all atsiut their lu-w invention. The great.-*! refresh- iiieiit stainl ever made for Julee, is.nes, hot liiiH-h. etc. A slaiMl that will get you the htiHlii.-ss. The is.vel staiui of them all A "lore In a Iriiiik. No guy ro|s‘a. no (sdea. IS. lundi T 1.1 tiny, no lent to In* troulileil with t ail Im. put up lu ten mlnuttui and leady f..r business. Can be cirrii-d on any railroad as baggage. It Is the new Idea lhat will g.'t you the nwiney aisl make work .'ssy. Ask iIh' man who has one.

Voiira f..r a Is-tter hualoeas. RACES AT OVERLAND PARK IN


THE TRUNK REFRESHMENT STAND CO Bedford, Ind. SuiM‘rlntendent E.lwln Gaylord, of the sp.**!

d<‘|iartment of the stK-ond annual C.dora.lo In¬ ter-State Fair aud ■' Dverlan.l Cark. Sepi annonnc's that a 2

■ 111'. ll«t of harm >-s I vith Sm-retarv G. C ha* been eliniiiiateil.

races closing Septemlier 1 Fuller, and the 2:*l!t Jiaci-

... The other harnesa classes closing S«‘iiteiidK.r 1 are the 2;‘2<* trot and the fr«*‘-for all pace. Superintendent Gaylord w ill b.. pr«.s-'nt In iM*rson to ovenwsi the conduct of the rae.u. and i’residing Judge Wally Weavi-r, who has just arrived from Montana, la working to make the meeting a success. The associate judge will arrive from the East as soon as his Kastern engagements permit. The third man In the .ludge's stniul will probably be l>r. M. J. Duuleavy. well known to horwmen throughout the West. I>r. Dunleavy Is a well known iiumi her of the Gentbunen'a Biding and Driving Club of Denver ami haa b<*‘n appointed oltielMl veterinarian for the fair. Entries In the Classic Colorado Exposition Derby, a sweepstak.-* f'W thn’c-year-olds. cl<»<e8 with 8<*Tetary G. *'. FulUr. S»‘pteml(er 1.

LEADERS IN SIGNET RINGS The Season’s Money-Makers

Our Signet Bings are bright flidsb, highly isrilabed and fa«l aellera. Hand made fancy H<-rlpt stencil sets with hbwk for atamptiig. Write for prices. H<.iid for new catalogue. No. 1101 -‘2.V seller. 1 111 gold flllml. Dos. tl.<lll: gr. 111.fid. No. 1100 .Vm s<.|lrr. I 10 g..ld fill.*!. Dor. I.MNI; gr. $TJ 7r,. No. lltO—.Vic si-ller 1 10 gol.l filled. iM.z. 117.'.; gr. t2(i.lNi. No. IlSft- 11.(10 iwller. 1 10 g<dd fllletl. Dot. $3.2.%; gr. $.37..VI. j R. E. DODGE 4!C0., M«M!;irTe’'m,de. Chicigo. Ill.l


NO. 1.

.Taek»onvlI!e. III.. August 16 24. wis fair, and the weather all that we could ask. It was the home of .klinee. and for this reason she drew erowdi-d houses at every pi’rformanee. A long drill to the cars made us late loading, but with a short run here”, Beard*town. III., twen tv five miles, we got In In plenty of time to Im- on th.’ streets and In the public park, where we showed, on Sunday evening.

.4nnital Home fomlng and Fish Fry wai the event at Beardstowp. and bitslm-s* at the start was big. S<ime aiM-elal program for every day In the week. Many new roneea«lona were here. Staunton. Ill., thia week’s stand.

M. C. Jonea, hlllooeter, closed at Jarkaon vllle. and Cha*. I’hillltqi*. musician, waa aI*o 1-ft flHTo. w. f. Zimmerman, miiab-lan, joined el Jarkaonville,

A. Hilton, grl'ider. F’lned the Four In (Ins Show at Jsrkaonvillo.

Marry S. .Shi-Id* and Bi rt Hosa were tedh back with the show at Beaidstown, Aiigiiat 23.

Mr. Anderson’s (wo sons. EsrI snd Verne, are well enough now to walk atsui* hla ctr, and overy one In th" ahow will Is- glad to aee them lip and atsnit again.

Mr«. HI'ey W.igner. of the .Mjia Hhow, la suffering with an attack of tonallltla.


A Minute Picture Machine for $7./>0 I'nusiial Interest Is being manifesteil In the old fashioned ciainty fair, soheiluled for the I’all-:ide* .4niuseinciit Dark during the Hudson Yulion Celebration.

W. .M, Madismi. one of tbe i-ountry's Ix-st Viie-vn fair pronioti r*. Is in ebargo of the event. Me li-is «-lected III* show-* and com-osslona with great discrimination and. as a result. New- Y’lrn la pronils<-il something exceptlonall.v gissl.

It Is exiM-rl<-d that a million p<-ople a day will visit the park iliiriiig the ci-b-liratlon. Its site I* the best to witness (In- big ei-Iehratl-ri events. Dalisnde* Amnw-ment Dark la locatisl Wltliln sight of Broadway, on the New- .Tersev as'de of tin- Hudson, just across from Grant’s



No iii.iri' fi-\ir till* nlioHii lUfir for noni* imii* Udy i/mtl*. ■ ricridfillr big bit In »n;r Hill.', mil! 1)11' Ih KliiiiliiK to that tb« prli.rlpa| ,rt ami will lx* tb»- brlKht partlcuidr r|iliti-iiili la OUT. atar of tlio H|x‘lliiiaii orKaulzatlon for tli* bai

Kilillr Maralinll, for a ImiK llliio i bli-f rlarlrlc- aiii-» of tho aoaaoii. It N a ww fo,- Ian with till' roiiiiiaii^, la bai k ItolHTt I'arrlab, Mlaa Wrotwortli irivinv bor art aa a frw- |xt o»ir (in-a'III oli i Irirliiii, will go to bla bouie In foriiianr*- In tb*- ojo-n, but b«T au'llanra la only

TWO BIG Danillli. III., Ill'll wi'i'k Illoltf

I'ol. I .\l Kl'k. till' original rarnlval man. aara, tInIIi'iI .iroiiiiil tba abow for avrvral daya at *'> tli< Jai'kaolM nil'

Illoltnl by till- alzi- of tbr Krtaimla ami ali.' aaya, “I Ilki- It.” Tbmiaarida a|i|ilauili'<l bi-r to tli» iab<; at till* King Wamba Carnival.


H|N'('lal anil valiiabli' ailvanlaK''* arr bi'liig (Ill'll till' prlvlliig.' aiiil allow iiii'U ovir Ibi' riiiiilltliH'I tlial olilalni'il laat lonr at tin- m'i'oiiiI anno il I'nlio ailo Inti r Ktati- Kalr ami Kx|Mialtloii to II' lii'icl at <lviTli.nd IVirk. Iii ini'r. Ki'iili'iiilii'r II! t'l IS. Im liialvi*.

Ill till- Ural iilai'i* llii' jrri at Itlili’i' or .Mblwav frotiiri' la Im IIi'I ba atiil ami It la plai'i'il In aoi'h 'I iiianiii'r tbal |ira<'l Ii'hII.i i-riTy laTaoii riniilni.' In lln- (riHimla baa to fiaaa tlirougb It. Anoilii'i liiiiMirtkiil iiilvantaKo la tin- fai-t Ibnt till* ixiaaitliai bnllilInKa an' to bi* ki-|il oia-n 1} night aa wi'll aa by ita.i. wlib'h will lira iv niaiiy aninai'iiii'iit a'-i klng ilaltora to tin- ItM'r liTiil I'irk fair gnaimt- In tin- rvi ning loaira Mi.n-mi'r llii' groiiii'la will la- llliiiiilni:ti c| nmb'r a ai.'i'ial tiyaliiii afTorillnk' niai.y llinia tin- bril IIhiiI niglit ai'iilng of till' iiri'i loiia yi-ur.

That ri'ionl Im aklng iiowilr. will ion;.' to iN'ini'r for ... will Im' iin<|iii'atbMii'I III till' Ural iilaii' till' l'-i|orai|ii Ti'rinliial l.bii". Aaaiirlalbai lina aiimnini'i d a oiii' f.iri roiiml trip rail- with alx itali-a of aab- ilorlng fair wi'i'k ami with n-tiirn .linll k<nh| nntll Si-ptfoi twr l!tt. ami tin' \\ oati'rii r.illroaila ari' grant log a fi.ri' of oin- ami oin- tlilnl roiinil trip rati- A', a r-ai-Mumiii'i' tlaaiaaMla of ri-abb-iita of tow'iia iiiitabb of In-niir will roiin- to liini-r fall wia'k to do llii'lr almpplng ami In alb-ml till- I'Xpoaltlon.

Till' dally, wi-i-kly ami agricultural iin-aa of the wi-t i.rv niori' I'-aiaiati-nt In tbi-lr llbi'ral ailpiMirt <*f till- i*i|Mailtb»n having Ini-ii rainrln''isl of (la tnrgnllii<li' b\ till- aiieci'iia of tin- flrat an niial a|i.,w Si-ireliiry Kiillcr liaa bllb-il ('idoru.lo and adlolniog at ami ti rrlto-b-a. mid tbia la In aihlltloii to tbri'i' inlllloii a|a-clai |iti-i'i'a ■ f dlaplay .nil -rtlalng In Ibi- way of bangi'ra, a'ri' t c.'-r ind window car-la.


The tjri at I’atlerai.n Slew a |ilarial the Wia'k of id 21 at K'-rt Ii-algi'. b-wa. iin-b-r the ana ijcea of the Ancient Onb-r of rnlted Workmen Thia la the tlilr-l conai-cutiie ye.xr that toe (ireat l*i.tleraon .Sh--wa have played Kort Ii-alge It waa a wia-k -if jx-rfect weatln-r and both the abow a ami c inci aalon jx-ople had all the biialm-aa that they ciaibl hamlle

Till' .v.'i'k of .Angiiat 2.'! 2>> found tia at tie- charming llltl* city of .Allo-rt Ix-a. .Minn. It waa an->lher wei'k of exci-llent weather an-1 big biialiieaa for all. We wi'rx' or a lot jnat tW'. bbirka from the ni.iln attx'if of the city.

^'Tlal Weddleton. late of the Sitdey Showa. Joinial d irlng the wm-k at Maaon City, Iowa, ami lx acting ax biialni ^x mam ger of the Merry Wbli'WX allow.

Caniple'll hxa jolm-d w'ltb two c-inceaaioi". an-l cxieH-ta to remain diirliig th«- balance of tio' aeaMKI.

Itiiring the week at -Albeit la-a. M'nn.. th-- Klim- Showa wen- at -Anxtln. Minn., but txecntr nillea tway During the w.a'k th"re xv. re man x|a|t,,rx bark and forth. On Krblav. .Aitgiiat 2“ Jii" I' Itarknian. Mr. an-l Mra Ilaba In-lgarlan. C I! illai>|iyi ll-dmea. Keia T'.Iake rml Hxno'v tVeaihoiia.' rami' oxir In two big touring '-ara Mr |•xttl•^xl»n cntertalm--! the partv at an' roiira.. dinm-r at.d Meaera. Ilraln-'rl. K-'Jaiai Manning and Irx-Ixnd pri-iicrc-l a aw,'ll ••D-itrli lunch.” to l»oth of which tic vlait-i.-aj and the I nierl.xinnient commltti-c of the Creat I'rilt'-Taon .Shows dll' ampi" Jiiaticx. Me great ly * nji ,x inI ihi- x ialt ( f tlica.' jM'-td*- and hope llii'ri' win tv- ninny retiirna of th- day.

TI 'a Week w »• ar» at the fiftieth aiii.iial conn IT fair at I’n-atoo. Minn . an-l are d-xlng -he s-me 'arge I nalneaa that we -lid In this little I III g laat year

Next w.a'k we here a lone Jump, going t3 Sb'iiv I'xlla. S. D . f'»r Ibe w.a*k of Sept*'ml»er d. wlili the South Dakota Sfiit*- K..I' at IIor>iTi and III- liit-raicte Call it Sioux t'lty. Iowa, t-* follow.


Claimed for the Canadian National Exhibition. Aug. 28-Sept. 13.

Knfrloa In all cla-aea have c-xun* with a r-iah at the idfleea .>f the Canailian National K.xhlM tion. 1.1 Iw .iiM'ii..,! by .Admiral l.or.l t'tiarl.'s Iteri'sford. an-l n-iw the gr-.'it-st T--ar In the llai.-rx -if tin big fair la a«' Th.-re .ar- b-wa. a fia.m acr.-aa the o-a-an aa w.-ll aa from a-r-ias the line .lera.'\a fr-»ni the sttaa't railway king ..f T->r«nt-> ami liorv-a from Sir Mlllla-ii A an H -rn-'a Manll.-t-a farm Tb-rv ata. ah-s-p from Cana-Ia an-l fr.mi tb- I’nlt-al Statea. Tli.'rc are mxniifiictiir-a niilsli. d ami maniifac tiir-'x In th*' making Th-'r-.'a i-xiTxthlng an-l an almmlanee of It Ad.I all Ihia to' the great- eat lilll of s|M'.'lal altrarii.-iia tb.' C-ina<llan Na tl'»nal Cxhlbltii-i. I'x.'r -'fTer-'-l ami y-wi have all 1|i- -'ll ni-'iita of a w.-rbfa fair .aii-l a few thinga thrown In t>"aMea


I.i -Tx thing lx all .ping 'la.'lf In n-a-liii.-aa f.g. th.' third annual fiir of iikl.ilexiia which la t.x lx* ht'bl at Dkl'ih'-nia t'lix S-'pt-'inta'r 2!* t-' t>. I..b. r V Sln. e lb., cb ..f 'I.e laat f.xli. a II w xgri'-iitliii il II ,11. six'7 r. ,'t tu al«.-, an-l 'Ml the iii'iet iiONb -n plan '.aa Ix'. n cri-cte-l. .A iin rrx go roiiinl .-..n .-ti- .-f the beat In la.' ula'i a iiiaiiiiti'.tli tlgnr*. eight t.a'e Ix'.'n Inatalbst Tile liiiiiien^:- gi xii'l atan.l. a.'iti.ig k mxi t, ,s Ims'II len .at.b'd

Til., amiiaeiiieiit f. atnr.. will '. >1 la- la.'klng; In f "1 tl.e iiianag.' . ..l t’"'nib a to e.'Pi.e' a'l r-'.-or.'" ..f iirexboe. x.x,ia in Ihia ri-atM'-t Til.' .|M'4-d prAgrani xxtll Im- uu.'VCelbMl. aava tin- niaiiageiii.'ol II. .|e th” f.-aliirra entim ept. 1 nl, Ho'i,. Mill Ivr e.rintlea-. other evi'li'a t'l'Xii pr»' . lit In.tb'atl'-na the |ir.alb'lton th it Ibla i.'a.'a f.ilr will l»' oil a sraii.ler aeab' Ibin th.' pieiloiia .a nii.l tbal Ihr alt-''.Ian-will Im* l’(« *ttix|*, !m r. m«’ fnii*



TIm* Ktatf'ii IrirlUn lian/l, or»** t/f th*' fTark f^icxfilxatlofiN of tb** cwntry, unil*'r tli»* *llr»'rfIon Jarij«‘rt KII**/ \Vb****lfi*'k, a Kraflij;*t»e fif rarllul**, I'a., Imllan .S<"bo<jl, an*! a full lilfKKhfl Indian of tb** t^elda trlli**. haa tn-A-n i-riJCt'K***! icIt** at tin* Kt'Uturky Stat** Kilf during th** Id^ J«fTi*rM*»n Harli*'**u** to Ip* lj<*ld flM-r** AiikUMt ru and S**pt**ml»**r 1. TIj«* t-r'-wraniA* furnlHb***! by tbU bainl an* w**ll lad**'i wjih tin* rlanaUa wbl**h tb<y b tufllo with artlatl- •kill. liKliRn war dano«*H with tbrlUlnjf iMivaif** y IN .ir*‘ iKi r**produ*'«*d by tb*‘m Id a r*'alNti.' iniirin*r. fiirnNhlniC an ♦•ntln* pn^ram of w*jn ib'rfiilly Int* r**atiiitr ami artlatlc merit.


'1 he Ottumwa llafw*ball rarnlral and Street K«lr. at Ottiiiiima. Iowa, baa b**^n p*iatpoQ«d fn»rii S» pte.idMT KJ t<» September 18,


Til.' Kailiervllle. lowx. Agricultural F'.xir and Stiak Show la a atna-f fair, ami will lie held S"piei,il„'r s to 11. Aleait $J.f0Xt will be ex iM iiib'd In preiiiliima and f-.r amiiaementa. Some of the fr.-e attrjctbiiia a1r**ady aecured are The Norrina. L gh dlvera. Tli.- Aerial M’llaona. a'ld Deveb. In hla whirl of -leatb. TTiere will la two pan ib-a. on, a stm-k para.le combined with an Imliiatrial i-arad- mail" up of fioata r- pr.'.j'ntiiig the iliff. rx'nt town-hlpa in the coiin- t.x ■ the other paraiU- will ta- a fl-.ral automobile I arade. Aliout fifty autoii Mdlea will ta- In Tin". I..x.'hiiiaii's iir--at*-r Siiowa ami m-veral concea- ab>n« h.ixe taan coiitracttal f.-r. The naiia! j.lvertlali-g haa taa-n iiwal In all Kiirroumllng t.-wiis. Tl.e •T'-pa In that a-a-tlon arc aabl to le the bi-at In man.v ye-.p*. comte-iiiently a largi- ittci-lance la aiitiri[.ate<|.


.Arraiig.-menfa have practically la-en complete! for th" Eagb-a' Fall F'eaflval. at Hartford. Iml.. which o(a'na f-.r the we<-k .Monday. S«-ptemm r *’• Th-- f -atival haa la-en billed like a clrcnx f'.r nillea aroun.l ami big r-tuma are exia-ct-d. .Among the larg.. numta-r ••f attraction, h-aik-al a-e II M laing'a Merry go round ami Ferrla M' Jack Shlebl'a l.unette Show: Itrowr. and M’llklna' S<.utl'crn I’ SI-.-xv: Kat-i-n- Jaiiimer C»«:|e. Scottle'a A'audeville Show. Stuait'a AVbll Animal S!iow. In a-ldltiou th-Te will la- a niimtar of flrat claaa fr.-e acta, band Cl nfeata, etc. Si-cclal low ratea have Iva-n ae- Cl r.-d on all railmada. A free barb»-cue will be held Labor Day.


»^'-y -- Tlm-e fboiia,"nd dollar^ haa be<-n rals*al by the

-•alrhanlt. Minn.. Kr»a- .Agricultural Fair" an.l Stxa k Show t'ommittec f.-r -agricultural and «ao- k prix-a atrl atfraefb n«. .All of the dla-

bo-tha and attractto'.a are to be locatv"! Ml the main xtre«-t. The datca of the event are **Tt einle-r 2ft fo -i'l. Inclusive. Tbe committ.-e luef -'-yitractcd with the Igichman Greater Shows fi< uttracllona.


Handcuff Kings Notice ^ Have c-mi-b te aiv-ar.xrua for oscaix- from any entv --r bg In-n. In .A 1 condition. Will s*-Il for baa than l-.l --riginal cost. Firaf f2.’> takes It. Half esah. balance t', O D .A.ldreaa "KYSTI- CO," Handcuff King, c«re Commercial Hotel. Ft. M’liliam. On*.

A HOT ONE Little Wonder Sewing Awl

Thousands Sold Last Week

This is the only original automatic


Pull the string and out comes her long, red tongue. O U KID Fan, large size, assorted colors. Either of these two big sellers, $4.C0 per gross.



I A Few Prtces Taken

W From Our

Ml/ Bargain Catalog 0 U Kid straw Hate 6.1c $7.00

W 1/ O r Turk Felt HaU.6.1c 7.lift ■■Hm/ O U Kid Faraeols large elze..60c 7.00

“ ■/ O C Kid Fan (good eeller... ..'Lie -l.Oft / Hm,p Iji KInga (7-lnch) 3.1c 4.0ft \_

Nexx' 1‘anama Hate 3Tic 3.2.1 txxtp Whips (our leader) .Iftc .I.IH) ('arnival Slappers (they sell)..26c 2.50 Shell Guard Chains, 51 inches

long.55c 6.(X) Shell Guard Chains, asst, colors \_

ilH/ 60c 6..W \§Wl I’er 1000 Per 100 I*

/ O U Kid Buttons 50 Ilgne.$9.00 $1.00 \ i , \ I OF Kid Buttons with Metal Baby \ m \ 1 / attached.13.00 l.-K) \f / \// O U Kid Pennants 4x12 . 25.00 3..1ft \l/ \ / Jap Bamboo Canes.12.5ft 1.3.1 1 / \ / Confetti Dusters (very popular).ll.ftO 1.'25 \ / \j Confetti Dusters (colored feathers... .13.00 l.-IO \// \/ Round Whistling Balloons (fresh stock), 8.1c U i V $1.30, $1.50, $1.90, $2.25. $2.7.1, and $3.25 per gr. 'r

Sausage Shape Whistling Balloons at 90c, $1.25. * $1.75, $2.00, $2.50. and $!l.00 per gr. Gas Balloons, (best grade! at $1.S5. $2.65. $3.00, $3.90 and $4.50 i>er gr. Celluloid Boses

7 all styles, at 2.'ic, 4.1c, 7.1c, 90c, and $1.75 per gr. Shell Purse, at 85c. $1.35, and $1..10 per doz.

Send for onr new BARGAIN CATALOG. IT’S FREE.

WHITESON COMPANY 240 E. Madison St., (Yellow Front) CHICAGO


v..-*- Ik M- -in. rRMiAiitfi r.jui • i i \ * t*'-'ioi.- who b-ln-d the Si-.-llmaii SIx-wa at I'o ehl's-. with iba-lrle stlsehnont npi<,' b lo n ..p, Augiiat 21 St the tln al K-ng hr,- i.paif niaasxlii-'a Crli-x-, $7.1 <»>. AA „-nt.., f. lel'i 'tb.ti St T'-l.'.b. (» rio- -Ixliit, Oviil. Mich.

Str--* tn.i n. .Agents. Fskera. High or Is'w Pileh Men, AAomen or Chiblr>-ii. can s<-II this I.all, S.wa h.xrn«-a-, ranxas. earix-ta. leather, I'tr. It l« the hottest an-I win- out this fall f.-r the fairs an-l carnlvsla. tJeta the mon- i-.x so fiat jou'v.- g.'t to pul In half the night i-onntinL up A -u get aahaiue.l to take It; It plat r"!’- in D.'m- ill* In a neat carton, a Mg p.xekiig.'. f-r 2.V: sample. l.’V-.

LAWSON. 7* Fifth Av*., Chicago.

FOR SALE and Black AVh.vl. $.1. Hook nialter'a lioiib-tte AA h<a-l, $7..1>'; .1 seta of Bst- t<" \ .>r Fba-tric Dice at $.'l iw-r set; sNo Trans ijirent set f.>r $.1. JOSEPH BOWERS, Eort uedgr. Iowa

WANTED 1 a-ly .Sjavlaltb-a. plater Ti-ama, Song and Dsiiee Art-ata or other Noielt.x .Acts that will niak.- g.aal In lady AlliiativI*. '2i' w,eka work. AA In- i-r write Harry Rhea, or J. M. Shnatx. Hutchinson. Kansas, ^pt. 10 to 20.

FOR SAIE inoro gn-al Sonioraaiilt IV-g. Ili'siillfiil l x IVnl.-r. iiial--. IS m.'nfha; furna la-rfocll.x. l-'gh ao.l atraighl AA'rlfo again |ib sa.' F.i ol.---' a. If a.bln-aa.'-l <-nvobi«- for rx*- pl.x E. AklSIMAN, Box ISO. TallapxH'sa. Ga.

FOR SALE IMIa-n Fx M'vlng Plclun- Ma ehl'H-, with iba-lrb- sltsohnnnt «ipi<,'r ami b>w«r On- ppaif niaasxIiM'a Crlie, $7.1 P. SABO.


Get in touch with the

house that makes

you the right prices.

Note reduction on

items listed.

\ "5 ' y

O U Kid Straw Hats, like cut. gross $7.00. O V Turk Hats, per gross $6.75. O U Kid Pennants, 4x12. iH-r 10ft $;T.4ft. Shell Bead Guard Cbatng, px-r gross $G.ft0. O I' Kid Parasols, tllke cut), $5.00 ler liX>. O r Kid Buttons, with metal kid attached $1.45 ler 100. .My Wife Has Gone to the Country Buttons, ja-r BS). !«5 cx-uts. New Panama Hats, (x-r gross. $:>.61. Shell Purse* with extra long guard ebaiu tier dozen $1.25. I-o-.p Handle AVbips tOl'K SPECIAL) tier groat $5.25. And don't f.'rget to m-nd for our large 3(ift-page catalogue, the streefmeu'a pride, frxte on ai-iilicatlon. NOTE—The ata-ve Items can be had iu auy quantity at grxws price.

WESTERN BARGAIN HOUSE, Wholesale Notions. Jewelry, Cutlery, Watches. Novelties, etc.

242 East Madison Street. (Red Front) Chicago, III. Opiates for all Cannon Machim-s and One-Inch Button .Maehiues, $6.50 a l.fttiO for a l.ftftt) or more; less than a l.OftO. 70 cents a lisi. Framea 91 x-x-nts and $l.l!ft a gross, comidote xvlth pins. Plates, size I'tX'JA-j, $1. a Ba-; Mounts. $1.7.1 and $2.5xi a LIXS'); Devob-t>.-r, 2.1 .'.-iir-.

You can pay more for your go.pls but you can n-.t get any belt g.sHls at any price. Give us a trial order an-l coiiviiii'c y-uirsi-lf, Thre* dx-veb'i'lng f.-riiiulas given with each -ird-r fir plates, 'feruis—A cash dei»>sit xxith or.ler. halan<^e. C. O. D.

Cut Rate Photo Supply Co.. 1247-1249 S. Halsted Street, Chicago, III.

Electric Scenic Effects and Stage Lighting Appliances Complete lino of x HU D FlTcct. SNDAV. U.AIN. FlllK. Ft. Also SI'DT an.l FLOOD LIGHTS. STAGE POxKEl'S I'l.rGGlNG BOXES. RHEOsT.A'l'S. an.l eierythlng u-sl In xxmnectlon with Eb-x'trieal Stag,- I ightli g IMPORTED Carboni. Lenses ar.d Gelatines at loxv pricea._Snnd 16 cents to cover postag,' ami mailing of NEAA’ CAT.AI.twMT' JOSEPH MENCHEN ELECTRICAL CO., largest inannfaeturers of F.b-ctrical Stage .Api.llaiie, •• an! EfTextx in th.- AA''rbl. 360 Weit 50th Street. New Y’ork City. U. S. A.

34 X ti e B i 111> o a r SEPTEMBER 4. 1909.

ROUTES (Coiitiiiut-d froui |>aK<'



Culler Tliealre I'o., 1' I,. Cutler, mgr.: Hol¬ lis. Okla.. .’lOSeiil. 4.

Chauneey-KeifTer I'o.. Kn-d Chauncey. msr.; |•|loenixv^le. I'a.. :!0 S<-iit. 4; Ilar-lelon (1 H.

Convlet's Ilaiigliter (Soiithernl. lius .\rnoM. mgr.; Ileiirietta. Tex.. 1; Wlehlta Falls 2; lialnesvMIe .'I: Slieiiii.iii 4; Ft. Worth tl; Ital- las 7: MeKinney S; Farmersville 1*; tiret-ii Reeves' Iteauty Show, Al. Reeves, mgr.: Hobo

£'■?*£. ken. X. J . Lit Sept. 4; N. Y. C.. Oil. vine I'O: Imiiison 11.’ 4 ; T>3erena<lers. Chas. It. Arnold, mgr.: Cleveland, Cowla.y and the Thief, Rowland A

* s .nss<-p!. 4: Columbus ti S; Wheeling, O il. Co., props.; Ed. Rowland. .Ir .

f I' iSiTibuer’s, Sam. Show, Muiris Weinstoek, mgr.: Invlt, ‘JO S«-|it. 4; Cleveland till ; ’-.ll Clnelnnati. 'Jtt Sept. 4 Cutter Stock Co., W.allare R Cull ..

Ci^^ .^tar A tiaiter Show : Albany, X. V.. .30 Se|)t. Waiiakon-ta, O.. 3u Seid. 4, Ml. (ii 1; Scbi-neclady 2-4. ■ n.

'r' JSam T. Jack's Rurlespieis. Will Rmliii, mgr.: Cow I'unclier (Eastern), W F. Mann. ’ xtt Rrooklj'u, 30 Sept. 11. :

,• I) ”3tar Show (ilrls. John T. Raker, mgr.: St. | ' I .Joseph, Mo., .31-Sepl. I: Kansas City. ti ll. i

. 'rSam Hevere’s Riirlescpiers. laaiis Storke. mgr.: I 1„.‘ .A Paterson. X. J.. 30 .s<'pt. 1; Jersey City, 2-4. e • Boston. 0 11. '* Tiger Miles. W. X. Itrew, mgr.: Xewark, X ' J.. So.Sept. 4

. .’ Talk of the Town, Barney (ieranl. mgr.: Al- ,bany, X. V.. 30 Si'pt. 1; Schenectady 2 4;

■ Boston, 0-11. .iv.^Travelera, Chas. Donahue, mgr.: Kansas City,

' 29 S«-pt. 4. C.* vTroiaderos, Chas. II. Waldron, mgr.; I'hlla.,

e .30S«'pt. 4; Holioken (1 11. 'l’ / ^Umpire The: Kansas City 30 Sept. 4; St. Louis

•1 « 11. * ‘Vj^. Vanity Fair. Harry Hill, mgr.: Wheeling. W. 'I • C Va.. 30 Sept. 1; Columbus, ()., 2 4; Tobalo

' ,*1^'lne. Woman and Song. .Vlex. Gorham, mgr.: ' ■ X. Y. C.. 30 Sept. 4. *• * ;'A^’*aklngton Society (Jlrls, Watson, mgr.:

« >4 *, St. Paul, Minn., '20 Sept. 4; St. Joseph. .Mo..

, • . « 8. sWwtson's Bnriesipiers: Schenectady. X. Y

• S,-pt. 1: .Albany 2'4; Montreal (111. ■ Yankee Ibsalle (ilrls: Boston 30 Sept. 4.

* .1*

<f J

Clifford Am. mgr.; l>e


Head 0


DRAMATIC. i| l| ^ Artiiiekle. Maclyn: See The Circus .Man

( * Acaib iny of .Music Stock Co.. Klimt & Gazga- b>. mgrs.i Chicago. July 23. Indef.

, Acn.e StiK-k Co., C. (». W. Schultz, mgr.: Ev 1 eritt. Wasl'.. Indef.

■ 4 4 J • Alfs-e S'ock Co., Edw . F. .Albee, mgr.: Prov-

• ..'a • ' Idence R. 1.. Ma.v 1,3 Sept. 4. Aleez-ir StiK'k ‘'o.. P.elasco & .Mayer, mgrs.:

• I. San Francisco, Indef. yiAlhamlira Slock Co.: Chicago, Indef.

, i‘ A'"'"'''Slock to.: San Francisco, Aug. 18. I 4, Indef. f’■ % yArsem lupin. Chas. Frohman. mgr.' X. Y.

C.. Aug 2«, Indef i ' ^ci Athon Stink Co.: Portland, Ore., .Aug. 9. In

/ def

f -'I* ' ^on Went Down. Arthur C. .Alston. L prop A- mgr.- S.iracuse, X. Y . 30 Sept.

1; Elmira 2; Dansville 3; Xiagara Falls 4;

»’s^. A Buff-III. Oil. iVA f AIR. Mock .Sad. Co.; Oelwelu, la., SO Sept.

4,‘,ir'k 4: Vinton (111. fl'w r. As Told In Ihr Hills. W. F. Mann prop.; Alex,

f j|l« • < Story, mgr.: Midland. Mich.. 1: Mt. Pleas ant !: Ithaea 3: St. lanils 4: Owixao (I: l.a- tn-er 7: Mav»ville 8; Caaa CItv 9; Marietta 10; Pert Union 11.

Aa .Anierlean Widow : Hartford. Conn.. 2 4. Bates, Rlotiche: See The Fighting Hoi»e. Burke. Blllle: S-e Love Watches. Balw-ock, Jan'. Slo<'k Co., Jake Rosantbal,

mgr : Dubinine. la., Ma.v 24. indef Baldwin Melville Stock Co.: Xew Orlcana, In¬



Elmer H. ,,Brown. mgr ; Williamstown.

Mleh., 1; Grand l.edge 2: Lake Odessa 3; Owos.o 4; St. Charles 3; Imila (1; Portland 7;

Belding K; Stanton 9; Carson Cilv 10; Grin'ii vine 11.

I Cow Piineher (Central!, W. F. M.ann. iirop.;

M. W. Mi-Get'. mgr.; Dixon. III.. 1; Merrl

' son 2; Anamosa. la.. •'!; Belle Pliilne 4: Key- I stone 3; Marshalltown 0; .Ames 7; Nevada

8; State Center 9: ll<s>ne 10; Xewton 11. 1 Cameo Kirby, with Dn»lln Farniim. Lielder 4:

Co., mgrs ; San Franolseo. 23 Sept. 4

Chicago Sliwk Co., Chas. H. RossKam, mgr.: Youngstown. ()., .30 Sept. 4.

Ciilliine's Comedian*. W. E. Culhane. mgr.: California. Mo., 30 Sept. 4.

Cook Stoi'k Co.; Prliioelon. Ini , 30 S-'pt. 4. Climax. The. Jo*. W.laT. mgr.' Cincliiiiali.

•20 S.'pt. * I'llmax. The. Jo* Wela-r. mgr.: Columbii*. (!..

30 Sept 4 Climax, The. Jos. Wetier mgr.' Santa .Ana.

Cal.. 1; Riverside 2; R*'illanils 3; San Bei- nardlno 4.

i Candy K'd. Kilroy & Britton, mgrs.: Louis vilie, Ky., '2'.! Si-pt. 4.

'herkert: Ritff.alo, 3o Si-pt. 4.

"ollege Boy. Eddie Delan>'y. mgr. .Aiti-a.

! Iiid.. 1; Watseka. 111., 2-3. : Colonial .Amissem<-nt Co.. Chas. Huebner. mgr ■

Ilii'itl-ig'Ion. Pa.. 1; CK’urli< Id '2; DuBoi- 3, •lohnsto.vii 4

liivey. Henry E.: S«‘e Mary Jane's Pa. I D'Hlson. J. E.: Se«' Tlie Houae Next Di-.r.

I "rew. lolin: Si'<' Jack Straw. ' Danpbinc Slia-k Co.. Walter S. Baldwin, mgr ;

Xew Orb'ans. .Aug. 2.!. Indef. Detective Sparki's, with Hattie Wiliam*, ('lias.

Frohman. mgr.: N. Y. C.. .Aug 2:!. ind<f. Itollar Mark. Brady & Grismer, mgrs. X. Y.

('.. .Vug, 23, indef. D'Orniond Fuller Co.: Hotislon. T«-x.. Inilef Dalton. Rols-rt. in When Ills Wlfi-'s .Away;

Norristown. Pa., 2: Poftsviile .3: Mt. Carmel 4: M-ihanoy City (1; Ashland 7: Milton S; Lancaster 9; Coatesville 10; Carlisle 11.


M iMiiiau.



liolng Some: Low .Angeles, till.

Ilislge, Wm.: Si-e The Man from House Next Door, with J E Do 1-

A Harris, mgrs.: X. Y C Vug

Hlllman'i Ideal Stis-k Co , F P mgr.; XorliMi, Kan . 3os,pi. I

,3 11. Illmnieleln'a S'o<'k Co.. Jaek*oii. Moli I

Sept. 4 Hyde'a Theatre Party, J Ru« Stnii.‘. mgr

Lexington. Ky.. 30Sept. 4. Lima, <• '>1

Harrey Slock Co., J. S. Gar»ble. mgr I ••

dn Lac, W(a.. 30 St'pt. 4; .Vpplelon 3, D, on

« 11. Harvey SI'S’k Co. (Southern!. J

mgr • Marshall, Mo , 30 Sept I Hall. Don C.. In Ib-iMTlplre Laki-io i. In,I

.'lOS'pt. 4; Marklc fill.

Ila.n's Connolly Stivk Co.: Ma.V'V.Me. K,»..

30 .Slept. 4. Hickman Bi'saey Co. (Eastern!. Ib-rt la- gh.

mgr.; Manehester, la,, 30S<pt. 4, Ii!,le|*'no

••nee fill.

Her Dark Marrlsge Morn. W F Mann, pr >|>.; TIh's W. Keeney, mgr.: Piirlag,-. VVls .

1: KlltH'iirn 2: laike Mills 3. Ji-fferson 4.

Watertown .’i Freeport. HI., ti. Ib-loll. W|s..

7; Rockford 111.. 8; Genoa Jum'tmi. Wis

9; Lake Gi-n.'ta 10; Elgin. Ill.. 11

llareoiirt Comely Co.. Chas K. Harris mgr •

Bradd,H-k. Pa., 23 Sept. 4, Wash!iigl>'n fi IS.

Hutton Ralley Sto<-k Co.: Lda. Kan , 23 .s»'pt.


Holy City. .A. E. Caldwell, mgr,: Ilminl<in.

N. J.. 4

I'liman Heart* (Easteml, W E Nxnkevllle.

mgr • Winchester. Va.. 1; Harris .ntmrg -2,

Front Royal 3: Fre.lerlrksbiirg 4

Hniiian Hearts vWes|,,rn!. W. E. Sankevlllc

mgr.: .Atlantic, la.. .'1.

Harder Hall Slock Co.' tl.akeuiont Park, Altoo

na. Pa . 23 Sept. 11.

Ilisiae of a Thousand Candle*. W T Gxskell.

prop.: Carl MacVlIty, mgr.: St Lmils Mo..

'2!! Sept. 4

House of a Tlionsan.t Candles, X. .Ap|»'ll. mgr

Glens Falls. X. Y.. 1: Gloier«vllIc 2: ii'osin

ta 3; .Amsterdam 4; .Anbiirn fi; C.'rtland 7.

Ithaca fi; Batavia 9: Clyde 10; I'tlca It

Is Matrimony a Failure. Davbl Ib'lasco. mgr ; X. Y. C.. .Aug. 24. Indef.

In Wyoming Madi«,>n. Wla.. 3.

In the Bishop's Carriage. Baker A Castle, mgr* ■ Cleveland. .30 Sept. 4.

In Old Kentucky. .A. W Dingwall, mgr SI Pul 'hi Sept. 4: Minneai>oll* fi-ll

Just Out of College. Ibuhner A Campl>clt

mgr- ■ Fall River. Ma««., 4


Chi ItiJ'i Arch


ly'W. liJh SI. NevA^rk

TOKraoKlin St. ^ostx>n.

COMPENSARC Tliat's the device that aavea Moving Ple- t!ire men two thIriU on their electric light bill*, and yet gives better light. Did you aee our ad last weekT VA’elL don't bM>k It up. Juat write fur oar

Booklet /50/S



navltl ro., Kdward r. White, mer : with John rh»« KM mtn.

Mlddletomn. O-nn.. 1: Wlnat**d 2: n«nbiiry . .. N- C., 6 IS. K#^nne.|r. JumoK. Co.: leOWKell.

1 S^pt. 2.*.

c‘V>y -I* 7

..i <i''L ■ g'j, ^ Belasco A Stone Stork Co., Belaaco A Stone. JjsA V mrrs,: I os .Angeles. Indef.

V UIII.v, 8am S. A Lee Shiihi'rt, Inc., mgr*.; N. .“'Sn.* Y. C.. Aug. 2. Indef n vF Bl*ho;.'* Player*. If. W

Jls-xT'en '"f!'' . I'"!''/ f V .^!, Rowdein S-iiiare The*tre Stock Co.. Jay Hunt,

■Ijy aiier.: Boston. Indef.

t * Broadway Theatre Stock Co,. Gnv C. Smith, » mgr O-klanl. Cal.. In,lef. f Bi!ntlnc. Emma. Co.. Russell A Drew, mgr*.:

> '/.Y Seattle. May .30. Indef. Brown Kirk. J. T. Maea!iley. mgr.: X .Adam*

,‘i' '■ M.1SS . :tr, S pi 4: Newb!irg. X. Y. fill. Ban Osier Gri', n iood Slock Co.: f.AIrdome) .Mo-

‘ ; line. HI.. .30 .Sept. 4

• c* ' Br,.',!e-ay .V fti-r Dark. A. H Wood*, mgr., j't -t Cl Icaco. 2! S.'pt. 4; T.oul»vll1e, Ky.. K11.

' ■ Barrie .S'ock Co.. Eitwln Barrie, mgr,: Ottawa. • «’ 30 Si'iit. 4: Harper fill,

i* ,* ■ t • PHD the Kid lEasternl. Chas. 11 Wnerz ' *1, (iron ; Fred Folletl. mgr.: LawTe iec, .Via**.,

• ' 3os.r't. 1 ,. ' . . Billv the K'd (Western!. Cha*. H. Wnerz.

prop.; Fred Dougla*. mgr.; Scranton. Pa. ^ 30 Sept

B,,nnetf .toulton Co.. G<o. K Robinson, mgr.: S!|, rlir,'oke, (Jiic.. Can.. 3o Sc|it. 4; Platts- l,i!-g X. Y.. fill.

’ Broadw y Player* rE*sfern), Felix P.Iel, mgr.: Tlaverotr;,.,-. X' y., 30 Sept, 1; Wsblnn 2 4.

• Broaitwav Player* (Southern!. Felix Riel, y. mgr : X.ishvllle. I'enn.. 30 Sept. 4

Beverl,", .V O. Delamater. mgr.: I.ancaater,

t . Pa . t- York 2; Harrisburg 3: Altoona 4. Rover. Xani-y. Slock Co.; Van Wert. O., 8 r

Corrlgrn. Emmett- ft.e Keegan's Pal. . ■ Cros-ma-i. Henrietta: See Sham.

Calumet Stork Co . .Tohn T. Conner*, mgr.; South Cbir.sgo. HI.. Indef

Carroll Conieilv Co.. Ion C.irroll. mgr.: Du Bol-, T'a . .Aug. 2. In,lef.

Clren* Man. with Maelvn .Arbnckle Klsw A Erlanger, mgr*.: Ohleago. .Ang, 2S.

Climax. The. .lo*. W.ln'r, mgr : X. Anril 12. Inlef

Climax The. .los. Welior. mgr ■ Cliira •Aug 2, tndc-f

CVeseent Stoek Co.: Brooklvn, S pt. 4. Indef. at Callahan Dramatle Co. T,. W. Callahan, mgr.:

, Cbenoa. HE. 30 Sej.t. 2.

. • Commencement T'av*. .lohn Cort. m'^r - Roch ester. N. V., 30 Sent. 1; Rome 4; Svracu*e

, (17: ottaw'.i. Ont.. Can.. 8 9; Norlli Bay 10; 4 . . Siidl'iirv 11.

. f County Sheriff. O. E. Wi'e, mgr : Middletown, ^ Conn.. 3- St Jobnshi'rv. Yt.. s.

Chorus lady, with Bose'sfshl. ll"'ry B. TIar , ' ris. mgr : Brblg,-port. Conn., fi

a Chase I.lster Sto< k fo.. under canvas, Cha*. . Harrison, mgr.; Ilonev Grove. T,-x.. 23-

^ ' Sopt. 4

^r, ■ Creole S'live'* Revenge. .A 11, mgr.;

. , Pittsburg. Pa.. .30 Si-pt. 4; Voungstown. O., , fiS: Frie, Pa.. 9 11. . Convict 999. A. IT Weal*, mgr.: Akron. O.,

•, ; .30 Sept. 1; Columbus 2-4: GInrInnatl .3 11. 1 y a Convict'* Sweetheart. ,A. H. Wooil*. mgr.:

• * Boston -30 Sept. 4' Brooklvn fill

.3' Woria'»ter. Mas*.. 6; Wllllmantlc. Conn.. 7; Xorwich 8: Xew Ta>n,1on ft: Newport, R. I. . 10; Fall River. M**»., 11.

Di'blor*. The: Buffalo 6 8. Devoy. Emmett, A Co.. W. G. Smythc. mgr.;

Philadelphia. F*a., 30 Si'iit. 4: Harrl*burg fi; Youngstown. O.. 7: Ft. Wayne. |n,l.. 8;

Decatur, Ill., 9; Hannibal, Mo. 10; Mobcriy

II. Easle*t Wiy. vvllh France* Starr. Davbl Belaa¬

co. mgr.; N. Y. C.. S»'pt. 4. Inlef. Ellleli Garden* Stock Co., Tbo*. I»ng. mgr.: .

Ih'nvcr. Jul.v 3, Indef. I'nrnum. Dustin: See Cameo Klrtiy.

Flag Lieutenant. Chaa. Frohman. mgr.; X. Y. C., Aug. 30, Indef.

Friend Player*. Arthur S. Friend, mgr.; Mil- watiken, .Ang. 23, Indef.

Ellaworth Player*. W. W. Hayne*. mgr.: Mob- ; erl.v. Mo., 22 St'pt. 4' Jefferson Clt.v 6 18.

Ewing. Gertrude. Co., W. X. Smith, bit*, mgr.: Anna. III. .30 Si'nt. 4

Bishop, mgr.: Oak- i EH and Jane. Harry Green, mgr.: .Mt. Ster ling. III.. 3; Camp Point 4.

l-'lgman. Max. .Tohn Cort. mgr : Norfolk. Ya.. 2; Richmond 3; Danville 4; Charleston. S. C.. fi- Ssvxnnah. Ga., 7; Macon 8; Atlanta ft; Birmingham, .Ala.. 10; Meridian. Mis*.. 11.

Fin-il S.‘i:b-ment tSonthernl. Clay T. Vance, mgr.; Lvncb'.iiirg. Ya., fi: Danville 7; S.

Boston 8; Kevsvllle 9; Oxford. X. C., 10; M.liviie 11,

Kiglitiiig Parson. W. F Mann. proj). ; E. R.

Ilauk*. mgr.; Sturgeon Bay. Wi* . 1: Oeor.'o 2. ('ll ilonvllle 3; .Antigo 4; Rhine¬ lander 3: 'lai'htb'bl <!; Grand 7;

.Vinhi-rst 'I; .\'-w Lombm 10: Portage 11. Fighting HO|>e, with Blsnelie Rates, I'avbl Be-

lasio. mgr.: Cheyenn*'. Wyo.. 1; Salt I.ak"

Cltv.!. 2 4: San Franc'seo. Cal. 6 18.

Fowler. Mev Belle. Cha*. .Manvilli'. mgr.; .Miltoi. Is!. 4.

Foreign Exehange: Buffalo. 9 11.

Gentleman from M.*sls*ip|il. Brady A- Gris¬ mer. mgr*.: N. Y. ( .. Sept. 29. Indef.

tleiilleman from Mississippi. Brady A Grl* mer. mgrs.: Chleago. .April 23. Indef,

Grew. Wm., Stock Co : St. J.aveph, Mo., July

12. Indef, Girl of the Mountain, O. F. Wee. mgr.; Xew

Britain. ( onn.. 1; Sprlnglb-bl. .Mass.. 2 4:

WisinsiKket. R. I., fi: Iba'klaml 7 Mavnanl 8; Lawri-nia- 9. Nashua, N. H.. 10; Haver

bill.*.. 11. Girl fr'.m Rector'*. .A. H. W.ssls, mgr : Rrook 4; Phlla.. 6 18. Gamttl-‘r of the West, .V. 11. Wood*, mgr. ' Phil

adelidi-a. 3i!S.'pl. 4: Pittsburg fill.

Gentleman from Mississippi. A Gria mer. mgr*.- S.'attle, 2l Sept. 4.

<JlrI from Rector's. A. H Wissls. mgr : Med

ford. Ore., 1; Chico. Cal



of. Girls '(F..I ."slfTn 1. Sum S. A Shiits'rt. Inc.

C.. intrrH.: X. Y r., 4 11.

HI.. i’ArU l\V es|i-rii 1. Snm S. A !*<••* Sbllbert, Inc.

iniTT •«*.: S'-.ittle. , 2t*S«*pt. 11.

Cotton. Chat*

.Tessic. Co

lortb. HI . Cha* F

30 ; CoDo". mgr.

Stra vvn fill.

Graiist.nrk (Easternl. B.iker A Castle, mgrs.:

Kansas City. Mo., 2.1 4

Girl ami 'be .St.impede. Y E. Lamlierf. mgr.:

Contervllle. S II.. 1; Tt.-resford 2: Akron. O.,

it: Elk Point. S. I) . 4 Ia *f. rville 3: Yank

ton fi: Springfli'ld 7 Plstti- 8; Gi'dd*'* 9;

Wagn-r 10: Tyndall 11 Granstar'K (Central!. B'.ker A Castle, mgr*

Oswego. X. Y . 1: Schenect*d,v 2: Troy 3 4.

Graiistark (Southern!, Baker A Castli', mgr* ; Smithvllle. X. C . 1: Florence. S. C., 2;

tleorg'-fown .3: Charbston 4. Girls Will Be Girl* ,V G Ih'lamater. mgr.:

Shamokin. Pa.. I. WllIlamsiMirt .3; Lock

Haven 4 Gravee. Helen, Co , 3 .»iipe1L mgr : Manche*.

ter. X. H.. .30 Si-iil 4 . I.cwlslon. Me., fi U.

Gage Stock Co.: Bnittlelioro. Vt.. .lOS'pt. 4.

G'rl of the Golden West. David BeIa»<-o, mgr.: New Britain. Conn., fi; Wallingford 7: Middle

town 8; WilliniHiitie 9; Norwich 10; New l.omlon 11

K's'gan's Pal. with Emmett Corrigan, J Galt"*, mgr.: P.oaton fi IS.

Keystone DrAtiiallr Co.. Max A. Arn-dd, mgr WatervIBe. Me.. .3<i Si'pl. 4

Kli.g of Bigamist*. .A. H. Wood*, mgr • Cln cinnstt. 2*S pf. 4; fh:e»go. 3 18.

Keith Stock Co.. C. G. Keith, mgr ' Ix.wi

glae, Mich., .30 Si'pt 4, South Bend. Ind.. « n

Keyes Sister* Stock Co., V. .A. Varney, mgr ConnetlsvIIIe. Pa.. .30-Sept 4

Keith Stock Co.. Jame* E Moore, mgr P-wt land. Me., Indef.

Kempfon Comedy Co.; .Aurora. Xeb . 29 S.'pt

Kent. S. Miller: Akron. O.. 3 I.ackaye. Wilton: , .See The Battle t.orlmer. Wright: See The Sh-pherd King I.ol* Theatre Stock Co., .Alex. Pantage*. mgr,;

Seattle. .Ang. 9. Indef

Lyric Stock Co.. Keating A Flood, mgra.: P.'rt laivl. Ore., Indef.

l.ycetim Comedy Co . .Al. S Evan*, mgr.: Mid rtlelrf'ro. Ky.. .'V'Sept. 4

t^-na River* (Bnrion Nixon'* Central*. F W Mrinloah. mgr.: Hammond. Ind.. 1: J-.Ilet HI.. 2; .Aurora 3; I.aSille 4. Pern 3; ster ling fi; Dixon 7; Ro-kforit 8; Elgin 9. Er.-e p.rt to- Racine, WI*.. 11.

I or. h, Then<lore. Co , Jack Daxblson. mgr Hot ft, ring*. .Ark . 23 S'-pt. 4

I.awrence, Lionel. Roanoke. Ya.. L B.-.!

City 2' Pefemhitrg 3; X'»ls>rt Vew* 4 Love Watches, with Bill c Bnrke. Cha* Er-h

man. mgr.: !!•■* M ilne*. la., fi *. K in'a* ■ Cltv. M.I.. 9 11. I.title Homestead: .'ollet. Ill, 8 Mx'on. John: See The Witching Hour Mil-idiv. Tim: S'-c My I'.oy

Manhattan Tlic'tre Co,, .Ino L. Paraon*. mgr Cliarlctoi:. S. C , Ind. f,

Mnrv'n Slo<k Co, Cha* B Marvin, mgr Cbl cago. .Ang. 23. Indef

Man fro'n Ho ne with Wm Hodge. Lleld. r A Co. mgr*.; S' Y C.. .Ang ifi. Indef

Melting Pot. with Walker Wh1le*|de, I.b-lib-r A Co . nigr* ■ N. 1 C., Sept 8, Ind' f

Mibire.''* ( omedlan*. Blllv Ib-n'iinglon mgr . (Alnloinei Brownwooil. Tex . .Ang. 2 N'oi 1

Mn*ter Key. Wm, A Brady, mgr.; Pblla . Sept. fi. Indef. Slock Co . J 11 Morgan, mgr : Cedar Hnnld*. la.. Iiidcf.

Morrison Slwk I’o . L'nd*ay Morrison, mgr : I’o«i,in June 14. Indef

Morton St'i-k Co., 11. C Morton, mgr ' Owo«*o Mi-b.. Imlef.

Miitcbler Herman Stock Co.. M F Mnfcbler. mgr.: Terr.- Haute, Ind . 30 Sept 4

Mitropolllan S’ock Co. Erancl* J MrCarthr. mgr Mifkoge-. Dkla . '2! S<'pt 4. FI. SiTiltb. .Ark., fi 18

Mark*. Tom. Co iE:i*tcrni Brofik*. mgr. Gouverndir. 4 ■ I’otsilam fi ' 1

Maxwell Hall Sli» k ( o E F

If'bniond. Ind.. .'KiSepl. 4 fi n

, Miirrar Mackey Comedy Co.. John J Murray,

mgr.: Inillana, Pa.. .30 Sept. 4 Warn-n (i . fill.

Morey .Slock Co.. Mare B Rotibln*. mgr.: Par son*. Kan . 23 S. pl, 4; Channte 8 18.

vierlln Sloik Co.. (Jco. E. Coebrane. mgr.: TO[ieka. Kan.. 4: Manhattan 8 1*

Married In H i«te. W. F. Mann, prop,; Edwin

pcrclval. mgr ; laike Genexa, WU . 1: <;.• no* Junction 2' Ilarvanl. HI.. 3: Elgin 4 Jollef 3; Rockforii fi: Sycamore 7; DeKalb 8; polo 9; Dixon Id; Mcndnta II.

Mortor Maxwell Slo<k Co. (Northern! II C. Morton, mgr.: (iwo*»o, Mich., 21 Sept 4




XD TROl'RI.K NO INCOXVEXIF.NC* .A *23 cent Imx to the Profesalno 1.3 cla. prp|ial4. USED RY THE PRDFEiA.s|(IN FOK U YSAKE

Dr. C. F. Wocker. 7tii & iaiR, CiaeiaMli, 0.

Newcomb and Williams in Vaudeyjlls

High clas* Singing. Dancing and Talking Art.

permanent addri m. Cat* Tba BillboarA, Cta-

rinnati. Ohio.


FIEDDII CIHIIMNAB Tbi» ondUpaUNl El AC of the Hich WifA If A<li. >0« llATA

th# gn oi(«I l&C AAd •rnMttonAl Hicb Wlr* Art lo ib#> world IS dar inm f**Abi. And fAWt In ib* Air Y«>A will B«Akr A OllAtAkA If

iHHtb tbr kid to drmw tbo poi'pl# AddrWAA. EltiAA nine. Fa

WANTED-MERRY-60-R0UN0 FERRIS WHEEL, exc'usive. READING, PENN., FAIR., September 28 to October 1. Address H. SEIDEL THROM, Secretary.

Franklin Y . 3<l)

Maxwell nigr

Sprlngflcbl. D

Fi-r the Merchant*' Canilral at I'lattainoulb.

Net*., f.oin S.*pt 1 to fi. Adtirt-**

J. P. FALTEE, PlatUmouth, Nek.

78 foot Dining and Sleeping Car FOR SALE OR RENT

Built 3 month* ago al a ixml of |l8.INai. Mteel

iiiiili’rfranic, steel step*, stci-l slHa, aleaiii h<'a(,

fnrnl*he;l (*.inpb*te, steel wheids, ateel truck*.

Suitable fi.r lady ai»r 4ir high grad* rompaiiy or

private party. CHAS. OEYER, Lealngton. Mo.


ll'iw to g -l out of any onllnary trunk A chat l< nge t'-al wbleb i an Ih' iM-rforinol In any pri *al,- leois'- Hberi* a trunk la obtain**! N»* *s'n fedetate. I'rt.e .V8- THE OAKS NOVELTY

CO., D pt. 3». Oahkoah, Wla.





e B 35 SEPTEMBER 4. 1909. r ii llll>oar<l

M.'mlow liriNik Kuriii. W K Miiiiii, i.ri.p,; J. ' \V. Carimii, iiiicr 1C" li. lli’. 111 I . rtlmlt 1

Ixiim Mori l»"ii :i. <'liiil"ii ■*, Mollin* 6;

Kin'k l>l«iiil *1. 7. I miilirlilKf | TiMiltiii I). Muiiiii'Xilli ID. liali-kliiiig II.

Millit.iii IV|ii>li‘ i’ll (.\lri|i>iiiii| I,i-«V"iiwortli,

Kail. ::tSii|il », (.klnliiiiiii I KirrUlor S|irliiga, Mu., |i>

Mv llin . wllli Tliii Miiriihv. Ilrailjr & Wrrlik, , iiilira niliiiliigliaiii .kill I. liiliiiH Mo¬ ll !.• :i. |•^■ll.^l•^)la. Fla. «, .N| o llrUalia, I,»..

ri II Maliur SliM'k i'u., la'all* K Siiillli. iiiKr.; 0«-

iiiv.a. \ Y.. :ti> Sr|il 4 l.iMlc FalU illl. Muiii-> ami llir Wuinaii. Mllli-iillial lin*.’ Am.

i’ll, nigra ('lilragii. ‘J!i .Si-|il 4

Mai-I.uan SliM-k I'o ’ IMiina, it. Itl S«||it. II.

Mliilali'i 'a llaiigliliT. I{uwlalii| A i'lliruril. DiKri.: I ll■•lltull IlmlMir. .Mil'll . 4 I

Mnr.i .Iniii-’a i>«.. i*Hli lli-iiry F. l»l*f.T, lli-nry W Xaaagii. nigr. Kaiiaaa Illy. .Mo.. 6 H.

Muiitaiia Uiiilli-il. klliiit ic llazaiilii, |iri>|iM.; i: Mrlkiiialil. iiiicr St. Ji>ai-|ili, Mn.,

l.i'i Si'iit I, iMiialia, Ni'li . 2 4. Kaiiaaa City. I

Mu . r. II. Ni lll Slm k Co : Mliiiirapulla. Inili-f

.\i (T A ri iiiiliiglun SliH'k Cu.. J F. I‘••nnln|^• '

tun, mgr WlnllrM, Kali. .’Hi Si-|it. 4, tiulli-

rli*. 1 ikla., it 11 National Stix k <’u . Iiiinuliig A Cray, nigra.:

Cniil. iikla.. .IMM-iit. 4 llli-utt. t’liallliru) .'i.-i- Itaggi'il Uuliln. OriiliMini StiK-k Co llolai*. IJa., imtiif. , llriilii-iiiii SIim4i «’o . itrant l.afi-rty, mrr.: |

I’hlla . Si-pt. 12, Imluf. On Tr'al fir Ilia I,if* .\. II Wmala. mgr.;

Wuri'-ati-r Maaa . :|iiS<'|it. 4. Syrarua*. N.

^ H k llix-bi-atar U 11

Ohly let' s. Waller N Lanrence, mgr N. Y. 1' Aiic 'J liith-f

lost, (ill y luir*. The Bridge

Fsyloi. I'or*. . St.Hk C c : Brooklyn. .4ug. 10. Indef

I’eriiehl ( • Stivk Co • Tampa. Ha.. In

I'erkill'. i'Ulr. in Tl»»* Little |*ros{H*Ctli >r. Frank tS KiiiK iiitfr \V)H "In ard la . I 2: Rooue 3 Ion ■ Kail* 4. <V«Ur r> S«> ymoiir ft;

Hb ouifleld 7 Moral la *9. N EiiglUli loll. Fierre ■ ■t the I'laiU'. A. H W’lHsI* mgr.:

RrookI >n 11 11 Folly of the Cireiik Fr *‘4j mrr : Win-

sted 1 "iin t. D'lt il'iin 2. Torn iigton 3; S...|lli .Nornalk 4. K< d Rank. N J <1 Ferth 4 ml. i> 7. flaliiOeld s, lloler 9 1‘ateraoD 111 tl

I'alr "f Country KKIa o’ Jay Suilih’ai. Eil. Knigr W iauka. III.. 1; Akron. Iml U>«-tiu«|rr .1 l ima, o . 4 lirlpboa *1 \ila T. .Nrtaila •>, Mllli-raburg In, Mat .111.,,, I)

I'utiiii-r |l•■lllab. In Lrna U.ii-r«. Ilurtoo Nixon, mgr i’Ini nuatl. 21* S- pt 4

I’ll i| III Full Aat-.r (’■• Wagi-nhala A Kfm I-r. .ngra In-troll, M‘-b. .’ 4.

I’. Ill !n Full o'oa«ti. Wagi-'ihaU A Krmp^r. n gra I...a .\ g.-l.-x. .’PI Krpt 4

I’llil In Full I M’l-ali-rr '. \\ A Kemprr, mgra Ji>.’in«t> " Ta . I Criu-naburg 2; Waablngtiin 1. I uitoian 4 .kkron. il.. N,

f’oiu of tin* i*'.r''ii*. Frini.-ri ■ Thompai'O. mgr.: N ^ C. .!■ 4. Hr.i.klin it II

Polly of tba i’lriio Frailorii- Tbuiiipai’n. mgr.: V ;. 11%. r. P 1 I aF .’ll s. pl 2. Wfat- n Fii-ti r 2. \ " I ' a 4

Pai.i . Siix k i’o, K .s l.a»ri'n<'i' mgr ; Pltta- l!..rg K .oi Jli S.'pt 4 Parauiia 5 lb.

yi:. i if tbi S-- ri t S.-ii-n. .4 II. Wooila. mgr Ilr -'kl'n. in S-’pl 4 N- »ark. N. J.. it II

Ri li k Si - k I’ii M 4 Fran.'ICun. mgr.; H ua*..n. Tl I , Aug 2 Oi-f 1

K i,:iii tir rill- x ", s A III- Shiitnirt. Inc., n.g-a \ V 1 4iig m. Imli f.

Kl»-r Plriili - 4 II \4’ • ila. mgr Saarark, \ J. 4 > ' lit. 1. Pa. it" Wllkca Karri !• 11

R .i.rM X..:. .S|o. k i Sliallo villa Iml.. 30 S. pt 4

K'iggixl Uol, n » .lh Ci-aiini-vy lilrxitt .4ilguatua Pit-II mgr M " v 2i* Sapi 4

Ri'vn>l<|a Si.-ik I iin-, ..ip. Ill , .40 Si-pf. 4

R " Mu I. s S r-' mg'- .4iigiiuala. Me.,

1 1.1 • -I. ; 2 p. - I R i-lit of \4'a> Fr;-.l Kl- k I'l . In.' . mgr«.:

Proi ..I. n.--. R I .tOSi pt. 4

Si,.;.! It .. S-. 111. cbrriia I.ailj

Si irr *'■ -n. .-a Si-i- Tlia Faiii-at \V.vy siixi. t \|v. k r'o . Ja< M--Ilr -li-. mgr Kloom

lngt"ii I'lil nil. f Sham mlib ll'iiri.-tt i’roaman. M.mrlce Camp-

Ih-I! mgr I - -ag" .4iig 20. f. Sliriiiaii .s; -t I't I’oliiiiiliia. Mo, June 20. r Slaa .if Soaii-n llroik' A Ii'.ngavall. mgr». N.

V C Aug .11. In.lif. S-....arr. K.l-ia 4la,v 44 ill J Ira n, mgr New

iirlerna. Imlaf

Sill h a I iiili- yiK-i' II ' "-v It Ilarria. mgr.: V Y C 4ug 41 !n 1. f

Sherman S'-ak Co. s. 2. 44hltn.-y Colllna,

mgr I4lriliimi-i l’« "••r III.*. Iml , ’it Si'pl. 4 ' k.'.l.-iii. fain III . r. IV

Sal. Ihi* I’irrna lial 4 II 44-.«h|» mgr - Cli’Te- Ivn.l -III s. pt 4 lu tro t. it 11

Shi'l"w.-1 |-.« Ti-r. I 44 F 4lBiin. prop Harry

J J FI k- 1- Illgi St laui'x. .’lliSi-lit. 4. Fvai av II. Iiiil r. V Tl’r. Haute Oil,

S| I-1.1. n I'l.c. .St. k I • Sun Sia-il.|in, mgr.: PlllTC," 44 I" ’.11 S.-pl I

S .111 lulu .Slim ti 4 J Sp ni'i-r. mgr • St. I -.ii'a -2-1 S. ,1 4

I’l-tiipeat atiil Siitiahliii- (Ka-teriil, 44’. F. Mann, prop.; .4. J 4Viaala. mgr.: Y’aanar. Mlill.,

I; 4la.ravllli- 2 .4larli-lti- I,a|M-i-r 4; Pon- fi; port Huron it Ml. Cleniena 7: Ann .4rla.r V; liiimlei- p; Tei-uin«i-b 10; Moreiii-l

II. Tl iniM-at anil Siinahlne (l'i-utral|, W. F. Mann,

prop.: Ilouaril Itrnn'loii, iiigr.; Cuba, 111., I: Ylaronib 2. Atoii :i. itali-aluirg 4; Peoria fi: CantiHi it: Itiialivllli- 7: Itearilatown 8;

Kual-mll It: Pittani-ld 10; Hannibal. Mo.. II. Ti-iiipi-xl mill Su-iablni- (Wi-alernl, 44'. F. Ylanii.

prop , ICIi-banI Chapmen, mgr : Tomah, 44’la., I 41o;ii.-llo 2; Portage :t: Stoughton 4; Mail- laoii Kenoeha fl: iiratlot 7; Darlington 8; liiHlgi-vIlle U, Calena. HI.. 10; I>ubui|ue, la.,

II. riMiiiM-it anil SiinKljlne (.Southem I, W. F. .41ann,

prop ; Harry Iti.nniater. mgr.: .4iorriaon. 111., 1: Cllnti-ii. la.. 2; (teneai-o. III., .’I; Dav-en- port la.. 4: Ria-k lalanil. III., ft; Cedar Raplda la., it: Marengo 7; Iti-lle Plalne 8;

Trai-r It; Relnla-ik 10; Cedar Raplda II. Tbiiraton. IloHard. Dudley McAdow, mgr.;

Drool lyn. ;»0S pt. 4. Third Di-gn-e. Henry li, Harrla, mgr.: Daren*

IKirt, la . ft 7 I’nder Soulli<rn Skb-a. Harry Doel Parker,

mgr.; Toledo. () . 2'.t-S<-pt. 1; (trand Raplda,

Mlrii., 2 4: Akron, O.. 6 8. I’nele Dwe llolromli. with 44'm. I.awrenre, A.

H. .4Ii-Ke<-lin!e, Imi-i. mgr.. Sehenev-tady, N. V (Hina Falla 4; Kurllngton. 4’t.. 6;

Mont|HlIir 7; Ilarn- 8; 44’hlte Rlrer Junc¬ tion It: I.aronta, .N. H.. 10; Concord 11.

I’nele Totii’a Cabin (Al. 44'. Martln’al, Wm. Klhid'’, mgr.. Monrvie. Mich.. 1: I'reraont. )> . 2 11m;. 3: Huntington. Ind.. 4; Ixigana-

IHirt ft: Kokorao 7: Munrle 8; Frankfort 9; 44’ahaali I«; F’t. 44’ayue 14.

Pn- le T im’a Cabin (Terry’al; Watervllle. 41Inn . 1: New Richland 2; CHenville .3; Manlev. la.. 4: Rockfoid ft; Marble Rock 7 Sh-P Rock 8; Cedar Falla 9; Laporte City 10: Vlf.toii 11.

I ni b* Tl iii’a Cabin (Stetaon’il. la-on Waah- biirn. mgr.: Perth Amboy. N. J.. 1; New Tnitiawlek 2: Red Hank .’1; Trvnton 4.

4’vn Dyke A Katon Co. F. Mark, mgr.: Elk¬

hart. Ind., July 4. Indef. 4’la 44’irelea-‘. F’reib-rb- Tb-vmpaon. mgr.; Pltta-

biirg. Pa. ;’4t Sept. 4 4\’hItt-eMe. 44’alker: See Tlie Melting Pot. ll’illianoi. Il.ittle- S<-e Detei-tlve Sparkea,

Woialiaanl Stock Co.. O. D. V4’ooil»ard. mgr.: Kanaaa (’Ity. Mo.. .4iig 28. Indef.

V4rtgtita. The, E. E. 44’r:ght, mgr.: Bisilder. Col . Indef.

44IIIlBm» S.ixk Co M R. William*, mgr.

Pontiac. M;rb . 'lay 1 A pt. 4

44 «om:ng C.lrl. la-ltoy A Daum. mgra : Orun- dv (’ciiti-r, II.. 1; AIlNon 2: Waverly 3; Charl.v Cltv 4. AlN-rt I.ea. Minn.. .I; Ma«on

ntr la . ft: Firlbanlt. Minn . 7: Northfleld V 44’iaera 9; Janeavllle M: St. Peter 11.

44’orklegiran’» 44’ife. .4 H. Womla. mgr.: 44’,lke« Rarr*. Pa.. .30 A pt. 1; Syracuae. N.

V 2 4; lltiff.ilo ft 11. 'Ve.tirVv. Pauline-. Co.. R-.r E Hogan, mgr :

HiCchln* in. Kan . 23 Sept. 4; Newton S IS. 44" mincer Hro«.' Co ' Wiuaau. Wl«.. -Jli Sept.

4 S'evena Point 6 11. 44’ld"« Perklua. with .41. Wardi. Jack Gl’nea.

mgr 'laryavllle. Kan . 8. Wlblftr- with 44’!1I .4rrble. Harry I>o.-l Par¬

ker. mgr.: Chl'-ag". 2‘.* Sept. 11. \4’hvle Dramrtle Co. Chaa P Whyte, mgr.:

IA r.baiie. Ft. Scott, Kan . 23-Sept. 4 i Alr- domei Spr FgfleM. Mo,, ,3 18.

Wolf Ti,e K.inaa* City. Mo . 4 11.

44 Iti-hing H'Uir. w ith John Miaon. Sara S A la-e Shutert. In.'., mgra.: San Francisco.

2". S.-pt 4 44’..If The N. C . 2; Ch.-.rlotte 8.

44’.V Iv-wn Fi«?. 44’m .4 Rradv. mgr.: Nor¬ folk Vn ’.oSept 4,

Ye (' 'I. ilal stock Co.. Renner Sacha Amuse, (’o . Paul-Iing. (>.. 30Sept. 4: Ham¬ ilton il 11.

Y’.ink.-e I><>.<!|e Stoi-k C.' . Geo. V. Hillday,

mgr • Su|~ rior. 4V;<.. 23 A-pt. 4: Chippewa Falla ft-ll.

Yanki-*- IVsl’ic P..|ei tivi : Chicago. 20 Sept. 4.

Y-mnc Riiffal. . Chas E RIaney .4mils«'. Co., mgra ■ Rr-v-klyn. 3ii A pt. 4.



LOOK WHO’S HERE T. C. Ca»«n. C. R. Carr. Jack Hornar.

The Wellington Hotel JaoksM livfl. aiMl Wabash Av«m Chieatt

Soacial Rataa to tha Profaasion.


ROCKVILLE FAIR ' A-pt 21 22 2.3. IthW All kinda of Midw ay

Show a. Plent y of money here this year. Nev elli ati.l Prlvlleg.' p»v.i>le write, F. J. Cooley. Sec y., or Geo. F. wendbeitcr. Manager, Bcck- tiIIfv Conn

Mb. ph. r I King, w'.ili 44'rlglil I.-rliiier. 44’m A. Hin.l’ lug- l»iiti(ili 4lliin . 'hi Sept 4

Tti. Iiil.'gi. With iln. Hal.

• Fl-k. ii'gr V ' Tl" Plv - 1*. H. ?l |i. 4li

III .11.1. f

Thn D-gi.. H••"^ P I 4.Ik Id S -pt I I’l

Tr-... s ,, lb - < 'bh Ik-.’ 4 pi I I S..|,|

Tiir"i I i-i II , I .. Ira 44 H.F"-p -t I’-i .lot. 12

13,..: I, .4 I. ., .. Ill _

f" F S I I . 1. .. Ill I Mlil..h I’l II i; .1- 1.1." 1. 4|. : . 7


II. 1’r n. P".

P.r-li d <1 I’r-ii.

1’liUl «|.i||

Ni w i» rl T. nip, IF |i

M"! • .

The II ml.

•r 111 11 4.I -la. b

II. 7 Am

I’f in.

I . u

At' n arr'.son

\ Spl. 4 Indef.

1. mjfr hi’ lernon.

r-' mgr N Y K| S-pl ft. Indef.

1 'll Hsrn*. mgr.:

1 i.-k «"ii. mgr 4V1I-

• 1 if 1*

' lb -wUo.l .1 ' Cllf higlon.

•t. -Il 1 K.wa II.-.- .3. { • ' k Msnd s 41 ns

lo I’eclar Rapid*

H II .1 mgr.: ■da S 44 11 1' ri Ills

\ Hope. mgr.:

• I J I T.'iiip. i| mgr il* V. pi I Dr.iib-ii ft 11.

. SI Flip.I.-n 4 ; V 3’he H III w ih 44 I.. I FI, k i\.- 3’a\b.r Sl.M k I .. II 44

Masa'll..!- il ft II

;iii OS-I I’ll. I. t. Il.-n.- r I nil

PIiIIfi . ft 11. igr ; Pa ,

Slot Machines ■All dea. rli floiia. htuicht, a.dil. exebangml and re palsvl A. J. FISHER A CO.. Pittabarg, Pa


SIgiia and baniiera free. Six reela of givsl quality flliii with thri'e acta of sH.Iea |H'r week In tw.' ahipiiieiita for SPJ.iXl. 44’rlte for our Hat of 7ia' tivls. lot of flima for aale. 112.18) i»t reel: tlllint an.I In gomi e..million. A-iid f.'r list.

LIBERTY riLM RENTING CO.. Fulton Bldg Pittaburg. Pa.

Gregory County Fair, Bonetteel. 8. D., Sept. 11 18 4. 44’rlte us for ci’iicessl.vns. contraeta for five attraetlona an.l ai>ee<l program. 4V» offer »l,.3<ai for aiwuxl P J DOXDIU’E. Secy

For Sale or Will Exchange 'lechanical Show. Dls«..lvliig Mermipllmui. I iiuetto or F3ylng 1 .’Ulfll Ik.11 Hack'. Statue turn l.i life. Can If'.' Drgaii. 3'enls, 44’a\ Klgiirea. etc. W. J,

'OK. 180 W. Main St., Richmond. Ind.

PIERCES OPERA HOUSE • 'pens for ti-riii of P.k u amt into l•<vv1 ahows R. I. PIERCE. Sole Owner. PhilipaSurg. Pa.. Centre Cc.

FOR SALE Atniut 1.3 Automatic Drink Machlnea, ready for uae: alati parta, which, when aHaembleil, will make about 5i> more machlnea. Need the room for other purinmes. and will s*-ll very cheap. Ad-

dreaa LOXTIS WILL, Spring St., Syra- cuta. N. T.


ard ANNUAL HORSE SHOW At Petersburg Indiana, September 30-0ctol)er 1-2 Shows and amusements of all kinds. Elmer I'^an, Petersburg, Ind.

ATT LIBERTY Sta^e Carpenter - AND -

M. P. Operator EARL POORE, - CULVER. I^D.


September 23y 24 and 25. Tent Show-a, up-to-date Merry-go-round and other gooil Conceaslona at reaaonable figures. First day entry day—gives two full fair days. JOHN H. BROWN. Sec'y.

Experienced Clarionetist and Alto Saxophone Soloist

AT LIBERTY After September 30.

Good r.'ferenc..* as to character and ability. .\dJrevs “SAXO-NET,” 321 McGregor Aye., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Sherman Opera House Newark, New York.

Only theatre In city. 20.000 pop. to draw from. Fair -lates. Sept. 15-18 oiien.

FOR SALE—like new-, one pin Eilison, com- I lete. $Hai. Power’s No. .3, complete except uiagazin.-s. .<100. Ozo Carbl outfit, new, $70. Mo,b-l R ili.ine. 1 lime, 1 ether, $30. new. $.■10 iloulil Ijinterns. no Israps. $30. new. Single. iis«-d. .-illl. Allen adjustable lens. $13. Edison N'l. 1. $10. No. 2 I.ens tube. $.3. R. & I., best 4 4 stereo I^-ns. $2o. 2 .Machine Trunks, new, $1.3 ea.-h. l.lla) ft. H. P. Pathe Film, fine, $;hi. ‘.*ii pair Kk’hari1s<in skates. $4<i. C. O D.. rec..|pf charges IsUh ways. BOX 144, Eng¬

land. Ark.

LAST CALL -l abor Day and Home Coming Car¬

nival, FoIIenshee. 4V. 4’a. Free on streets.

Sept. 0-11 inclusive. Want three more show-s

and 'l.-rry go-round. 2T,<7t. 4Ve furnish everything

nei'lml. Ausplm-s Firemen and Rand. Privileges

come on. 4V.-lte or phone quick. WILL H.

WEIDER. Promoter. Follensb^. W. Va.

FOR SALE—A bargain If taken at once. Tent

72. with 41 mid.lle piece, center poles, quarter

I«des. sid.' jsiles. stakes. roiH's. tackle, etc..

0 b-iigth* 10 tier blue seals. 2,30 reserve s<’ats.

stag.- 12x24. Marqiu'e. 10x12. stake puller, sle'lgi-s. Compli te outfit ready to |uit m>. $2.30 css'i if taken at once. J. S. KRITCHFIELD, Crawfordsville, Ird.

FOR SALE One large Orchestra Organ, size. .3-ft. 2 In wide. 0 ft. ft-ln. high. Plays 32 diff.-rent limes -military pieces and marches. Cost $.’! 300, S.-11 for $.3<'0. All In riuiniug order. PIa.vs bv weights. ITne for skating rinks or conm-rt hills TROY AUCTION A COMMIS¬ SION HOUSE. 325 River St., Troy. N. Y.

FOR RENT -ft.txs) ft. Film. .3 sets Slides, one

shipment. $12 we,-kly: 12.0t)0 ft. $20. one ship- im-iit. F'lr Sale l.ikk) r,vls sllghll.v iis,‘d Film Ic and 2o p«-r ft. Power’s. Edison ami l.uhin machine*, new. $H'0. 4ViII buy machines and i^liii H. DAVIS. Watertown. Wit.

- W A X T K D - 4g-iits Ts-gillmate substitute for Slot Ma- ch-m-'; patentml: sells on sight for $1. Par¬ ticulars. 6ISHA CO., Andeiton. Ind.

FIRST-CLASS MUSICIANS WANTED 4I..II with frales preferred. Plami Player and Tr.ip Druiiiiin-r f.>r th.-atn- and daiiiv orchestra. W A. Showalter. Mgr. Showalter Theatre, Latrobe. Pa.

WANTED Sc.-oii.l Han.I Hlack T.'p; also si-cond- band f.itiirv Kiln;' and M P 'lacbiin-s. MOV¬ ING PICTURE REPAIR A SUPPLY CO.. Can¬ ton. Ohio.

Nix fm'li-.l (’alf. four h.x-k and four stifle

J.lints. 13 m.>ntlis <ibl. sale or trad.-. D. R.

SHAFFER. Box 127. Panora. Iowa.

WANTED .4 1 Ciiiiipauy for Op.-ra Hous,'. ■ Sti-i.-t Fair 44’.-. ki. i). t. ll-lii. I’li.inge of procr.iiii ca.’h niglit .4 gmsl sli.iw will pay well. H. P. ROGERS. Mgr. Opera House, Al¬ bion. India.-ie.

MINSTREL DATE New Ihuis,'. l.iNki capacity. Spleiidbl iK-toler ilat.v Oix-n f.T ttrst-class coin- I any with baii.l orclu-slra. EYLAR A KINO, Oeoigetow-n. Ohio.


We beg to Inform you that we are the originators and only makers of

Embossed Pennants with gold or silver leaf, the best selling souvenirs on the market to-day. We also make Pennants for any occasion. Printed Pennanti made

to order for an.v celebration desired. In any atyle. Send for our illustrated catalogue and we will mail voii one free of charge. THE HOLIDAY

NOVELTY MANUFACTURING CO., 87 Great Jones Street, New York City. N. Y.

licii WANTED

For the James Shelby Show-s. Must be sober an.l reiiable and n-ad.v to Join on receipt of wire. Performers doing two or more acts pre¬ ferred. Side Show- and Concert peinde write. Can use a good Comedian or a Coiiievly Acrobatic Team. Also want a good Cook. This is a wagon show and never clo8,-a. Frank Iji Veil, wire Rillboard. Address all mail or call JAMES SHELBY SHOWS. Rand Hotel. Cincinnati, 0.

The Latest Farce

“O-U-KID” A Comody In 3 acts Intersiiersed with lively vaudeville'. WsM to hear from booking agents iHMikiiig one-nigbt attractions. World’s of paper—bill like a cirt»s. JOE KNAPP, (aole owner), address. BiUb%rd, Cincinnati, 0.


Address W. N. Merrick, Hand Mas¬ ter, Hagenbeck-\\ allace Circus, as per route in this pajjer. State Salar\% etc.

Balloonist at Liberty Cannon act with two pjirachute leaps from one balloon. \ew out¬ fit. .Address F. T. Coleman, P. 0. Bo.x 339, Morristown, Tcnn.

ENCHANTED TRICK CARDS. Sometbing new-; fools them all; mil¬ lion* will be sold; the most won¬ derful card trlf iis ever seen can bs performed wltb them; every magi¬ cian should have a pack. Special price, U»c, 3 for 2.3c, wltb full ae- cret directions. THE OAKS NOV¬ ELTY CO.. Dept. 57. Oshkosh, Wla.

Wanted Attractions For our ‘’7th Annual After Harvest Jubilee,” (V't. 8-9. 1900, North Judsun, Ind. L. E. Mosher, Chairman.

Will Buy Silver-Plated Alto Saxophone

Also C melody low pitch. If you will offer a bargnin and want a ciiilck cash deal, w’rite. I)es<-ribe fully. BOX 236, Artesia. N, M.


Good Sober Advance Man Must be fraternally connected. .8tate all first

letter. Address ‘’HASTE,” care The Billboard,

Cincinnati, Ohio.

-WANTED- A small troui>e of Dogs. goo<i fast workers: a group of Mon’ioys. Raboms and Rears. State full pariiciilars with nx'k bottom prices. SEI- BEL BROS., care White City, Chicago, Ill.

20 REELS OF FILMS Fine condition, very cheap. Closing out. .Add. U RICHTER. 314 Georgia Ave.. Rr.N.klyu, X. Y.

PENNY ARCADE FOR SAuE Rare chance. Can be se*-n In opera!ion I'lffy nearly ;ie\v machiro-s-Phonograpli'. .4liitoscopea^| ('alb-st-oiH-s. .'Ildetic. .. and F-tIiihH relling 'laetiines. with Kl-etrii- Piaii--. OwImH to other bii'ice" will 'ell at a bargain. Can iVB crated and shipp<-d on 'hort iiotlee. Add"- THE EXHIBIT, Sodus Point. N. Y.

Showmen’s Headquarters I'eii’t f< rget while in St. I oiiis to make your headquarters at “Jake’s riaet.” 1323 .'lark'et st. Troopi-rs always wel¬ come. Se-id your letterheads and photos; have

llieiii displayi-il. I’.illtHuird and Clipper on file.

crWANTEDXn .4 firstcIh" show for (>i>era House. (X-t. IS I'.l- ’2i)2t. Hand and Orchestra preferred. Coru Caridval 44'. . k 44’rite for partieulars. E. J. NEAL. Vandalia. Mo.

SEPTEMBER 4, 1909.

^The Week in New York ■ CoiitiniK'd puB*.-

^ It Is Mr. ('<ilisn'K inli'iiti<Hi to k<-< j. In con •litioii on IiIh cross contiiK'iit lour to iliootiiig two or tlins- hours chcIi iliiy to wink in his

niKl r.thl.t nnc ltrn(lfi>rtl will l>c seen In a one uct Jila.vl't, I.egltlniati' Hold I'p. a sketeli will'll is cleii'cnt. foil ol action and ideasiiii; dlalojine. Vill l{o!;erK. the Okl.ihiMlia cowlioy, will ;;ive an < xliildtion of lariat thtxwlni; Felix. H.irry ;.nd t'oinpany have a mirth provok iiii; skit in The Hoy Next Ihs>r, and th»' balanec .if the lilll Inelndes I'va Taylor and t'oinpany le the ileltithtfnl little conieily. t'hiuiis. Harry H.



ffyninasiniii. atui to that I'nd. m'^otiutions for I.i ster. the Jovial jester and imitator: !mro the services of I'rof. Mike Donovan. Instmetor Fo\ the well known cinjnror; Sue Smith, the

-kthletie t’lnh, are in progress || >W'or plil; The in a comi-dy deinonstra end If Mr. Donovan accepts he will i.c<'ompany lion on the roller skates and a new series <i: Mr. Cohan on his <nlirc nip ami have |M>rsonal

,s.' ^ charge of the traveling gymnasium, while per fectiiig tin* Yankee iKsMlle Hoy in the manly art.

ylti Prior to leaving for his lour. tosi. M. Cohan •* aiMl Ilia Uoyal Family w ill iiresetit The \ aiik^'a

^ Prince at the tlraiid D|H'ra Hoiisi'. during the », w«>ek starting .Monday (I.ahor Dayi .s,-pieniher

I . <1. to lie followed liy another week at the - llroaflway Theatn*. Hrtaiklyn. C'ltnnnmciiig Mon ^ dry, Sepleiiilier Ft.


Mr. Jacob H. SchilT tlecitled recently to sail for F.iiriH e. .kngn.t :il. When lie

l.istcT. the Jovial Jester and imitator; !mro ivx Moines l..slg. No. 101. 1' M A >si .kn Fo\ the well known cinjiiror; Sue Smllli. the g,,,, j-, entertained the iwinils rs of tl >wor gill; The Dah .i s in a conn-dy deinonstra HiiP.alo Hill's aial Pawiiis- HIU’s Shoaiw wider, tion on the roller skates and a new series of plated Ihs Moini's on the Itltli. Interesting views mi the Vitagraph. IPe following meinlH-rs of the sti..w were Ini

xirtTC-c tlnteil into the Imlge John II I'ait. .k '/ Helnrmin. Jolm K liaise. F .\ Km.l. \\

Sluniniinp. a new musical coincilv, Meats. JiS-eph Sulliian rml Crotle Itolliiui

hy Asron Hoffman. Will Madden and Harry Von Tills makes a nienihership of 177 a. in.' mem

Tii/.cr. will Ih‘ prialuced next mouth hy H W'mals.

hers for Ik'S Moines l.mlge Tls' growth of this

■ aganUation Is ctiushkTisl pheiimnenal The

J. K. D.mIsoii continues at the (Jelety In The hslgc originally o|Hmed on Fdirm.ry 'J. lOi'''

Hiaise Next Diht. titer iwo hnniirtsi nienilM of the Print Piiti

with sixty charttT nieintsrs. and a tleht ^C.-sai. today tin* hslge is entirelt mit

llshing .\s.s.Mdi thin attt ndtsi a is-rformance of de'.t. and Coe slogan of the l alge Is "oiir own

The Midnight S<ins. .\ngiist .'11 Kilt.t tittrdon. who gis's with S.ini H'‘sn.ird

this season, is reliesrsing.

hiiliding in nil.'t.'' Pet .are planning many soei il fnnethai« for

'he Coming show season, the ftrst will l>e dtir

la«t aaw Isiai I /aiig'vill. .\ir. Sehiff bad .tpoken h< The Uingniaster ami Hilly are playing to hig lug the month of itoi.ds.r at which tl

of the latter's play. The .Melting Pot. in which I'ill KIkington has sig.n-d with In Dream he la nimdi Inti'rcstcd. and mcntior.etl his d.-sirc j^nd

to be prets-nt at the New York opening. I.lch Maud I amh. rt scored hig o«i lici ois iiing in Icr and Company, who will pnMliice the play at Xhe Midnight Sons. the new Comedy TTieatro. I.ntsir Day. had s..t j ip Williamsoip the .Nnstri.llan manager, la aside a box for Mr. Srdilff's iis«-. hot recently \, „■ Yo-k He Is in se.vreli of attiacthms. rr-ceivisl a note explaiiiiiig that the early sail i Mattel McKltilev and Stella Msylntv are ha-k Ing w'aild Interf're with the arrangi incuts, and „n' liioadw ay again.

lodge will give a smoker.



TO OPEN YOUR HOUSE ami if there ia •ny tjimlion in your mind aa to

W HKKK you will gel the HF^tT

VAUDEVILLE just get cocclusive proof hy coinuiunicAtiiig at once with

Ted Sparks’ Vaudeville Circuit "The Sura-Fira Circuit*

Hara'a an Idaa ol * Sparka* Acta”

Ford A Millar Tha Two Ingrama

The Tambo Duo Dryer A Dryer

Carl A Rhail Waaton A Cuahitian

Traak A Mack Holman A Doloraa

Holmaa A Holmaa Tha Duvalls

Ban Fagan Roy Mapaa

Tha Marahalla Ball's Doga

Franimathas A Lewis

' expressing .Mr. Scliiff's regret iit not Isdiig side t • he picseiit St the I>rcmierc.


, ,Pierre of the Plains, which ran fur ■ four nioiitl s .,i th > Ilnds.Hi Tlicstrc liist >«• i

♦ son hvs liecn s-cured hy \ H Wmsls who will ; < |>ell the piece lit the .\mpliioll Tllc.Crc. Hns.k

I . tyn, with a l..‘ilHir Ilav iiintimH*. The Icatll ig ... ' . role, forn'crly essay.xi l,y r.dgar S<-lA \n, w ill la- ’ J played hy Scwiyn He Ik.yn.


I I.’. The folldwinp cast has lieen onpiiged

■ (> to siipixa-t HlHtwhc Walsh in The Test: , W. Howard. C. .1. Williams. Will Ii. Corticf*.

,''L £ WilliMii Triivcrs, (icorgi- Manning. Katherine \ ?' Hell. Nieholas Jmlgels. Harriett Sterling and r T* Hastings SiHsd.


TInrtip and Seainon, prominently

L"** • v* 'known f< r many yeara as promoters of popular pri<s. atlraethas. liave ahandoiieil this tiehl

aL to direct their future o|M'rations iimler the Stoi

’ iH ” '**''■1 hanner. The Yorktille ami Metrotxdls <* rxil Tlieatre In this city ami the National Theatre

!'«T1C| *“ Umdn-sler iM'loiiging to the Hnrtig and Sea eliain of theatn s. w ill hereafter !«> hnoketl

• 'iS La exelusively hy the ShntMTt tirm, which will , also furnish th.' routes f..r s*'veril dramatic and

miisleal attractions, which Hnrtig and Seamoii

C Chan.Her. of Cmutcrlaml. Md . I.'slge '.al. T M. \ . lias Issm apistlnt'sl deputy


.Ml kinds of op*n-air attriictlona fuinlabisl for

The officers of the .Maiiret uiia were gne-ts x-raml i.r. sident for tls- State of MarylamI All Fairs I'arka and Reunions Street Fairs pro-

nt the Hlngmaster last w information eoneeming tlm

■Ti'ck Hnrton Is with .M. Wmsls' Workingmua a hslges in Marxland ma.x 1m' iditained Mr.

Wife Company this

The Week in Chicago (Continued from page 8.)

.Some of Jhf song hit* of The Queen of the Monllii Hong", now | laying at the Olympic Theatre are In Cay I’aree. The Drinking Trio.

N'oIhhIj Ixmovs and latve Is King. Fd, I.. Hraniian. traffic manager for Yank*je

Chandler. His address Is 7s Haltlmoix- a'etiii" CnmIs rhiiid.

Among the Stock

Companies WilUMin n!*«'n«l. who RiiociHslrt!

mun of th** I’oM St*»rk r*Hii

T«d Sparks’ Thiatrieal Eiohanga Cantury Building. Kansa* City, Mo


>■ ,Vr,panv. «t W.H-oespr. Mas. nss-ntlv held a re Itoh.nson ICil road Shows, was in Cltlcago last SaiiiMay nistims . August

week on Misiness. , v„,,K ...» at which time stoixenir idctii'es were gl.'eu Harry Askiii and Mort Singer are both pre-

psring shoias for the LaSalle Theatre, each pro- (t'icer thinking that he will be the winner of the lease now In d.spnie.

Mr. I’arkor McConnell has lieen recalled from S<'allle. where he has been In charge of The .Monitor and Merrlmac. and Hattie of Getty*-

coniplinients of tie- I’nIt m.viiag.'ment. ompaiiv will i lose S* ptemlNT 4. and the

of v.andexllle will Is- oihuosI S<-plem

Str<s-ler Hryan C«>mpany will open Its

burg, at the Fair, and 1* now looking after regular season at .kn«ttn. Tex.. Septemlx-r IW, The .Monitor and Merrlmac at I’lttslmrg. Sam playing n r.'p.'rtolrc of mnsied comedies. The

C. Haller Is left In charge of the two show* o mpauy carries twenty pis^de.

it S«uittle. The sleek companle* which will play the

T,., Vi.aka Ke tJeorce D. MaeQiiarrle ami Laura .Adams, Hush T. iind. thl* *.a»on win ^ Into of the Jessie Shirley St.Kk Company, hav*

expect to have ri'ad.v for presentation in the • H****^: A\ allaee ami Mary Pavey


Viola Mien’s supporting: company in

Von Waldron will have the ingenue parts, and .Aubrey will he the character man. Also In the company roater are the names of Edwin Sslker. I mdse I.efter. Hartman Roders. Cora

left for Vancouver. P C.. to Join the Walter SanfoM Stock Company.

Jium4 'A'


Haiul Colored. 7oc |Niat|>ald. Send u* photo and description photo returned uubanued VRAY- TON MANUFACTITRINO CO.. Ill E Baadolpb

The White .Sister was annot.need reoentlv bv her '''Itherstssm. Arllmr Hlteble and Nathaniel

Mler^Tn ■'"“....,0,1 comedy written by Adams.

Ia^rt**r. Hartmtn Koaert. cori Athenaeum, Jacktmn. Mich., op**oe<i the gt. Chicmro. Leaden, not Traiiors. Arthur Kifohle and Nathaniel Aujru-^t >. with Tlie r.irl at the Helm. i^aarr^. not

„ . . , The Himmelein Stock Company followol. .August ... . . . ^ ^ 1 Comedy written hy Adam«. .-{u and week. \A/ A K1 T P O nvarH f(»r hep nf Mort SIneer___ ww Iw I Ki

In the play hy the late F. ^ Marlon Crawford and Walter Hackett. Tlie 'J.if I* r's.v ileals with the affairs of a young

The miisieal Comedy written hy Adam*. T.'lee. Hough and Howard for n«e of Mort Singer

t,". il.e "1 LrSsIle. has already been placed In Mr. Singer's hands.

Tlie ' ***’*’ *’bo terms hlms»df the univer wnmsn monologist. writes In from Wisconsin that

who has tak*‘n religions vows on announcement Koing big. and that at Kenosha he


r <'«neerned. fhell In the cast. ' de*Virn..d‘’7nd‘"'.sl.' "thl-'^^^fore"'' ;,;::.’;ing

Steger offered a new dramatic sketch. Harry Hart, a prominent tbeatrleal man In with approval of Ixith exhibitor ami merchant. . It a one that will be a huge success. There's Cincinnati. Is negotiating a site for a new for in the ffr-t place the exhibitor mu«t please

’ that touch of sentiment that gets to one. fen c*‘nt vaudeville house, to be built here In his patron ami this Is Impossthle with jxinrly *" •"■'’Ibem—one a hard heart- the down town district. Mr. Hart controls ma<Ie slides, ties', with stock honlers and stocii

^ «d mill owner, the other a gentle.sympathetic theatres In Boston. New York and Pbiladel- phrases. S»‘eim<lly. the sdvertlss'r Is awake to chap, a worker In the mill. The things plHa. and Is at present constructing a new tbe fact that If he wislv* to Impress the pnh

J happen. Tl;e rich h'oflicr siptanders *he other's show house in Cincinnati. favorably be must use * me<lium which Inheritance a strike Is threatened and so on. \iu. > pleasi-s.

. Its not so ninrh the story as the thought. Mr. vorVmve.,I.e. r-. .**“''**"1 Tlie merchandise adv.-rtlsed Is Itldge,! bv the • Step, r natiir illv plays the trusting, kind hearted ^ UMlIty of the advertisement ll«'lf

» brother-sings very well—p,>rhap* a trill • tiv> •"J"}" " rompany playing The \ olunteer Or- 'He Brayton Manufacturing Co. Is w.«-klng i ^'•rafio fnr tht* wirruindlnpR. ’uit the Rkotch * uloni; th**«i** llnrn anti In in**«»tlnir with iintiRiisI

1* n \vini)4>r. It> oaIl<*d Thf* Way of the jrirl act. compriainir five gIrU. the *ucoeaa.

A "miT* .. s- .-'v'' 'I*'"'''' Welsherg. and the music by . —. B The McNaiightons, tliosi' really clever fellows, Maud (lenient, will b«' produet'd about Sept. IS W K T W

pleiis,. n'iglitlly. George .Austin Moore, a look- featuring .Miss Berenice Layton. In vandevllle' I ■ ab'e chap, tmries a sw.Ht voice In dialect songs-W W ^‘^Ll ^1 A M ^ M W

tells a eonpio of gmsl stoth-s and winds itp _ _

with a 1X1 Isforie parraly on Dixie. He looks M A f al 4*1 /X. TP 1WT ■P J).',**’’ ^'1''.’^'* fm'. only n<ssls better materisl. iBflfAC fkT fKp A 1^1 The Midnotte Twins and Cla.v Sniitti ling close IsvlCw LUC g&lLUUUlCS

' t" ImM'uI irlty. Thev have a verv dainty and _ Ijidy (Clarinets, (kimet. I'lecolo, Tromltone, Tuba

m'ark.olde‘‘bley"!." ac?''end M-Hi "-ttl 'and" Mis, Mvra Collins, last m-.son with W F tester have a knis-kabont turn that is wondi r- Mann's Shadowi'-d hy -raw "c*^^^an"y*^nd ■who ■“'1 ••'•rj ELM fill, the more so as one exp.-ets 1 token bones during this summer fllle,! a spec al engagement WCOD LADIES' CONCERT BAND, r neck It any minute xvlth the Wlkoff Drew Stock C-anpanv. Is ■ ' ' .. ■'

COLONIAL iKEAiHE „EEK AEG. .0. '.7i/'s-.r,*.' WANTED AT ONCE The f^olonial Theatre, entirely reno- 'igrvd for the coming seas'm as leading lady if Mil I LU Ml UI1UL

m w .K SONG SLIDE COMPANY IS PROS- I 11 .** ** i! gw m gw

sitV'moU'.gist'w^^^^ f!?;,in“\^^^^^^ PERous. 03rnjy3| AttrSCtlOnS .. hU act Is going big. and that at Kenosha he - WMIIIllMI

of the death. In battle, of her sweeth^ai-r **"' I'*’'!***- The Brayton Mfg. Co.. Chicago, reports a ... a ^ a u I.aler. she ffiids him living, and thereafter eii- The Crown Theatre, at Ashland avenne and growing demand for their high grade ailvertlslug WGOK OCpiGITlDGr Cr . sue* the great struggle ts tween human affection Division street, will o|>en Sunday. September slides from np tmdate exhibitors and merchant*. and duty to eluirch. •’•. with John and F:mma Ray In King Casey. The stock advertising slide so much use,'. In nmANff'C fkHm

The theatre Is alread.v completed, and I* oitbn tU.- pa«f. Is iM-ing relegated to the Junk heap vniAS.

to the ptihlie for Inspection. Tuesdav. ^ptem- 1'" place is l»dng taken hy the Brayton

S'.' -tSwuK ':K sir™:*'.” .Mern -Go-Round. Dcean wave,

‘•t I'cm-S Wlwvl. Cimcossions of all

\7i%il.i n.s'* \v Drely different in design and wording. L-inrlc Vex «v/'lin:iv.»c Vr» tr-AmlxIinn • I'm I ■’'*1 Herbert Co- The slides made by this company are cleverl.r KIIKIS. AO C.\ClllSl\ t S. (^cinilllin^.

desigmxl and llliistralisl.

Tf e Brayton Manufacturing Co. 1* w<n-klng long flies,- line* and I* ims-tlng with iiniuwisl


Matid flenient. will b«- produced about .Sept. IS. V K F A TIM^B !■ ^ featuring .Miss Berenice Layton. In vaudeville. [ J

Notes of the Airdomes AT OMCE _ Ijidy (Clarinets, (kimet. I'lecolo. Tromltone, Tub*

... ,, A, ,,, player*. Other* wrrite. .Adtlr>-*s as per route,

Mann'*s ShVdow'-d by'raw"c*^i^an^^^ I**''*'''"'"” ••'•'•J ELM- ftiiFingr *Ki. g»iiA..t -_wpftn TAnrrc* nAWpr*»»r oAvn

Merchants' Fall Festival Association,

WANTED Two Good Strong Cornets

FOR TINNEYS BAND. COLE BROS. SHOW. Wirt? Coniinj:, loua, fourth, Hctl Oak, Iowa, sixth, Furkiu, Slo., sfVfnth.


r jmek -It any minute.


The f^olonial Theatre, entirely reno-

* ’f V

r--:. iHtfNl n fuinlMhtNi. o|x*Tm lf« fionr« for th** Lyo**nm St**rk Tompuny at Sundunkr A rtmt rlii4<. wAn-r Jin*l rHiuhli- vmi<I#*vIII.* piano ***iiii«in. with an oxcrll»*nt Thoir a«*a>»on h<*rlna S4*pf* mtK*r Vi and r<* plav«*r. -mI nalarr to rlirht party. Mil. at th*' li**a*l of whirli in NV»ra HaroM anil Iroaraala atart on thv l.'itli miuI kn**rk. r** \nr off VVIr** at my ♦*tiM*ii*»4*

T/irJf T'ho Follif*# of 4, J. W. NEAL. Mar. Olympic Theatre. B^^llaire. '.H.t. 1 t.ey will 1m> S4.en In n number of new ^ Ohio, s'-ngs. The Sicilians, a cnmpanv of sing-Ts Tlie D<-n C. Hall Company oi-ened Its HP*!. 10

with a big F.iirvpim rcpnt.itlnn. will make their wsson at Crown point. Ind,. .4iigii*t Iff The THE COLONIAL THEATRE, the largest and ffi'st American appearance here. Howar.! ami •iggregslloti ennststs of the follrmlng- Don f. te-st e<|tilp[e.d Ib'atre In this rlty; s.-atlng ea

ES' CONCERT BAND. Who ran play liras* and tiouble In Dreli.-slra;

' Comnllsn* who rsn slug and dance; a g'**! first

wANlpn AT niinp »li‘«''r. *1*0 *<it*T. renalde, .-xisTlelieed

ft Mil I LU Ml UI1UL Blll|«.ster«. HARRISON BROS' COL-

*<>le-r and reliable vsiid.-vllle (dario ORED MI.'ISTEELS. Rantoul, Kwnsas. I salary to right party. B'sisers

PIANISTS WANTED N-xTlh. the popular comedians, will present Hall, manag-r: Walter R Hall. Don C. Hall tlielr fniinv '.no aef eom -.iy playlet. Bark !n Wellington. .I.imo* llirritan the “tramp'' Jiyg- gler. will atnip"' with Ills familiar *i*H-lnltv. Bradford .an 1 Vlnehester will exlifliit *helr r-- markable feats of Juggling and an interesting .animal act will Iv that of Valb-ctias' Ix-o), a’ds. VeHrM'. ami c.Hiip.anv w II he s<*-ii In the skit. Thirty T> .liars, by S.-weII Co'liiw. and new pictures will b.‘ shown on the Vlti, gi :ipli.


.Tr.: Jos. Briggs. .lohn Hall. John Msnhv, Mrs' class attraetlon* For I

r."", ruth. Connellivine. Pa. .Mogic. .Miss Tena Manhy. Mr*. A M Hall. Miss

Cairie Cr'>cker an.l Merje Triiesdale. FOR BALE Two ili.-aire.

test o,,iilpi-d tmatre in this city; iw-atlng ca I s.-.r,! 1 he Kli'irk‘svatfiii of iilivitiir Viiiiilc- paclty l.'.IO; now o[e n for le.okings of first t-* ‘ru "I* iMhiCK .''J8H lin»l liLij irijr > UIKH

class attraction* For Him- a|>|,ly to J. M. VlIU* alnl Draiiiatir .Mimic— l‘llkltlK Ihr

Ihiim Hi-ii<iiiiK .Mimic at ,'wij'ht^—.XrranKiiiK FOR SALE 'I'wf. theatres in growing t'.wns of A'lc. Write for particulars. KNACK STUDIO

Wm. Knipix manager of the .4irffome. Chiichs- vllle. ((., attended the mer-ting of the Vaiide. vllh- Ho.ise .Managers at Culiinihua. O., An gust 2-'.

.isa> le.piilatlon. Illlli*.sting I'l.nt OF MUSIC, Dtpl. K) OAHVIILE, ILL. will *.|l houses separately, but

ft.tssi to o.tsa. jMipiilatlon. Itlll|*>si with one. Will *‘I1 house* sepan

fsiiild b- 'i| tog fle-r til<s-lv LOCK BOX 158. East Jordan. Mi< h. WALTER H. EGGERS WANTEI> T«* h'a**- nn Oimti or Ti»4*<itrM on frr*Mjnrt mlth ntamm! mi.jirliy. In iffMnl * "*** I’**'*. r#*wird f«»r infoniiatlon

.. 1 "nie season at the Alrdome. tail'.rte, Iml., location GEORGE LOME LINO. 1383 Stout ‘/•‘•'•""K Walter, 11*11*11) Wallle F.ggera. Pomcily seems to I p the keynote of clos.-d August 14. 8t.. Denver. Col. '••"r'l -f him at Inllil. Umislana In the

the bin for tho s.H-on-l we.-k of tho xlh.-imbrH — _______ Theatre.*»- Dress.-r. the miis'eal eoii.ixly star. ree<-iilly identiff.xl witli The Candy Slioj. t'lwInK’ tO the illness of the Junior Company, will top the hill, Mis.s Dn-ssler nn-ioli.-r of th«- t.-am of the Two Altkins. win. ►e-ircely n"<x|s .‘in lntr<Mliiet!on to vau.levHle Is suffering fr'aii typhohl f.-ver. the set ha* patrons, for lssid<-s piais.sslng an tinn«'ially ploasing voice and much p»-rsonal magnetism, her go<*l and xtiiMPhig t.>lleti<— make a

tiling of tf.-Miity uml u Joj for-ier W.n, M-iear-l r.s-.

Is suffering man typhohl f.-ver. the set ha* .xpleiiallons eane.-lh-.l time «n the Sun Clreiilt, and the all at*.lit It 'n.-mtHTs ntiirm-d to th.-lr home |n New fir the time. ,]* I.- in* .1-tn. s .klikin will w'a-k *lngh- until tlie i-i i.-.- t,im-

FORTUNE TELLERS Th. *.-< r. i r- veal.-d In “Mental Telepathy" answ.ring .pi-s Ih.n' an<l ri-v.-allng the si-rr.-ts W.- s.nd full

Spring of I'»i7 A.hlr.-sa J. E. 1C84 Pine Ht., Ht. Louia. Mo.

E00ER8. No.

• f hi* partm-r

ling the s..rr.-ls W- send full ftAIralts|»*cl<*-l Hel«f*ae voii will at a glance iiiHh-rstaml Th Ja. k. ts are very strong, have four aiiiall I’riee .Vic. Hu- si-er.-t t. Illiig, Ion kh * ami ar.- iiia.le of th.- v.-ry hest material

(Ute of coin*, and naim- ..f arlhl.-s, t'rh«- Incluiling Jacket ami full dlr.-eth.|is for Magician Supply Co., Providence, is,-apii,x. from -am.- »r.> i*i THE OAKS NOV-

ELTY CO., D pt. 5», Oahkoah, Wia.



'I'llll <' lllM'lllll.J* Ih’IhI. || III!' Il'*l of llll'lllri-ll thin I • k iDiit III 11 hIhmI IIiim' nil Ilf lilt' litiiiMi'n ' vlll I.. full lilii'l Mniiy tftiiil iiutl

ai..i. I I'llli. nil' lilt -HiIrni'tI'tiiit m tlU' liiirli'ni|iii‘ iiii.l I iiuil.'i III tl••ll•.l•n, mIiiIi- till- ilrHiiiii I It- mill

|ililuii' hii'i'i"- l"ll>i» rlirlil nl'iiiii Ixillti'n |•^|"||*llll‘ll till- liiiiilii'i lilll Ilf till- Ill'll

"II lii'iiiti it III In 'I'll! iiiiili. iiliii illil n iiiiM'l >IiikIiii: III I ll'i I III I mill' »i>" iiiuili' mi n liinu lifil tiliil' I'lii-I' mill III n Hi'll I viilri-, •III' >mii: .1 iiuiiil'i I Ilf lii'mitlriil liHlIaili. 'llilii

.,11 t In 11 ilii'lilni lull'll) 'rill'll llii'ii' ui'i'i' tliii l\i''iliiiin. .1"! . )l.irii. IliiHti'r mill Inn iiinri-, \i liu Ill-Ill mu III Hu lliil-li 'I'liln ml In I'nnlly miu ,r till' li "I kiiiii'k iilimil m l mi llu' Ininriln.

Hill llm'liiii mill Ih 'I'rlnka. Hu- rimnii ami Hi.- ' tluiiinii l>«ll. ii.ii'l mil In- iitiTliniki'il. 'I'liln Ih

'III' "f III' ll"|■'l iiiiiH/iiiK Hi'tn mu' Mmilil waul III ni l Mill- I II 'I'rlnka In a wmiilur ami liur liii|ii'rn'Un'i‘'ii- III II ill'll wan a ri-iiiarkalili' ilu M'T I'ii'i'i' Ilf W'irk I'al l(iMiiii*y'n Ilnti'l l.aiiicli- tmiil mill'll aiHillii-i trl'iiii|iliaiil lilt, an illil lii-l- | Iti-r ami Walli in iii llu'lr iiiiinlial art. In lliv | rilr-H'li 'if Hal) llu' 'l'i'iii|ilii IJiiarli-l m'nri'il. aim Ini'll I 'riiitrliiT mill Harry Mmllnmi In a MT.x lii'iii.i nkil I'litllli'il. liii a Sliii(itiliit: Tmir, V hill I riiiik. llu- I'trllnl. illil a wuuili-rfiil ai't. .kl|ii;.’i'llii'r it in till' Ih'iI ami tliu lirluhlint hill that Ki'llh’n hall- hail fur nmiii- llliu'. Maliakur J 'r.laii .iiimmiii I'll iliai an i'M-i-|illi>iial hill will In II... fur wiH'k Ilf Ani!. .'(u. .kiiimiic Ihu niar altra-'lliiiin may Ih- iiii'litlmiiil Maiirlii rri-i'tiimi \ I'll In a I'uiiilr iiathi'llr iilavli't uf I niiihlii llfi In Ni'W Vuik. I'lilltlnl 'r'liiy ami tlu- filiirk : .Ii'ii' I I a-k v'n air.:iiu-nti'il ami in-rfiTliil I'lltluii III till ii'iiml'ir rnatlmi. Ttu' l‘lan'i- 1‘hlii|Hli. I'ri'il Ihiiiri'/. till' |iarinllnt ami iiniiii' •Hall, rill' I'liri I '!'narili urlk'liial aurlal mivi'l- tr m l Snill >V \\ ll'uii. r iiiiiiily arriiliatn; Kniina Vranri'i ui'il lu r Aiali. 'riii' Sullivan I’aniui'' fi'iia I'll., In r. <1. Ii l’ai'kai:i'; a'lil I'urlu'a .\nlnialn. a •inclal li'atiir' fur llu- rliilitri'ii.

Al till riii'ilntil. 'llu' Marriak'i' uf Killy la Inililliii; thi' Imariln with .Maiiaki'r l.afri-rty'H riayi-rn nrurliik’ ill i-vi-ry inrfiiriiiaiu'i' Tlila ili'liklilrill iimii'il) wan hr'iuKlit In thin i-mintrr tir Mlm Mari' 'I'l'iiiiii'nt. lull ll In ilmilitfni If (I wan Inliiriiri-ti'il In any lu-tti'r ailvautat;i' than II In ut till' I'hi'itiiiit thin wi'i'k. .Manainr I atTi rl) mill that In aililltlun tu tin- ri-liirn uf M'llllani liiL'irsiill ami M.iriuii llariu-y In tlu- I'-ailn. |irm-lii'ally all thi- uiht-r favuriti-i will

Imluil'-I In llu- rmrsm.Uiil tiuniiatiy fur Ihu wllifur ni'ami' ihiirai' Ii rarki-r. vvbu nrm'iil an liint.iiil.'iin-mii lilt lai| winlur will attain I •' nil'll in till- I)r|ihi-iiiii raiiki. aiul In ri'i|imini' t.i i.ri:''nt ii'q.i. Hn will aiin ar nmiiu llini' ilur (UK Ihu viiir in nil' Ui'ituni-ralluii. |ilaylni; Ihu rniC'.’uil rulu uf llwuii Cunway. a iiart tu w htrh hu k’avu inTfuul liituriin-latliin Miin Kalhluun Marliiiniiull. Ihu wliiauinu llttlu Inttuniiu, will ri'tnrn. yi wull a» Hulun Itulnur Tliun thuru aru I'uti-r Ijinir. thu juvial runimlian ami rhar auiur auiiT mul Humy Kilwanlun. alau a cluvur rbaraulur auiur. Inith of wluuii will inaku tlu'lr ruaii|M'armiii' with ihu inanirural uf thu thini yuar. Of murnu. fhiri'. will In' nurural nuw C'linurn, win. hiivu Im','ii luluutuil h.T ruaiiin of thulr uaiiatillllli a, anil ihunlil iiruvu of inaturlal atrunifth tu an alnaily wull furtifliit urKanUa lion I'hi'lr hli'iitl.v. tutruthur wih thu uaiiiu of thu iirinliii" hill w itli wliirli thu nuw nuamii will tiu iiih'-ruil In. will tiu maih- kiaiwn In thu iiuxt Inaiiu.

Thu mui'i ni "f 1 yinaii Iluwu'n |i|uliirua at Ihu t'larrluk N ai' iim1in|'iitui1 fai l. TIh' many iiuvul flui ami I'T.'utn nniil t i illvurl thu tuiinu itralii rm Ihu i-yu. that thu avuraicu |i|utnru nhuw ha'. 1« I'artiiil unniu uf Ihu |ni|,ularll) Till* vvii'k aru many imw ami inivul ruiiui of travul In forulifii ulimun anil nlniiv' Kvury two wuuk' an uiitln ii-w hill n |iiii mi ami with thu |vru«i'nt aiiiiiiKmiini'iit of ihu fiitiin- vvu» kn thuru will In' no lut ii|i I 11 thu hnilnuii

Ilarul'l \ iinliiiri: uimmil at niu National on thu ■jriril III l•ln|;l|"n Mi’t'ormlrk'n latuit. Want ud ky thu I’lilln . ami I'laynl to raparlty pur foniialiui-u tit Ihu oiniilnc Hamlil han a iphmI

vuhlulu an null an nn uxuullunt ati|ip<'rtln»: oaat. ami pruvuil hl« uapalillltlun In aoniu of hln most utruniimm ui'ni-n. Thu play which haa Iwun ru vluwuil In-f iru In nil' llllllMiartl. la onu of ua rujitlonal tiiurlt amt hhla fair to do a phunomu nal nuamii'n hlinilii'nii

Tin 'riiuailuro onumit Ita auawin .\nc. 21. with H I’ Hlviin'ii Illc UutIuw t'o KrlvoJltlua of Hail In Ih" nuw minlual mmnly offurlnR and In atrlutly up to d.itu Thu Ulrl with tlw I'lirplu Mank In Ihu m niatl'inal fuatnn'. land In uanlly all Ihu Word Implluii. Shu In an Inlurunllnt Frunch daiimiinu and hur t'alurpllar Hand |i woiidurfiil Mail) travuntli'n on diffurunt plat' and auiurn aiu funliii-un of thu in'rfnrmaiiuu. and a KinnI <1 mil liny aru thuru to Intcrprvl Ihu diffurunt roll i Kurum-nit ainoni; thuiu aru Nul llu Kliiiii«a and rVanklu Huath Th.-ro In a fCinnl ch irnn. a mait'iltlcunt lot of wardruliu. and Maiiarur Olxon lira emiu hlninulf oim Ndlur than lant nuamii

Al I iihlii’n I’alauu. a niimlnir of kooiI valid ■ vlllu auln im ’vull an n'liiu vury mivul pluliirun aru III In' nuun

At Thu i:iiipin<. iKrankfonll. thu hill thl« wii'k InrI idun I'nila and I'aiil. Uuntatn and Itiil'iT. IHik'linh tjiiuun Ikira. Juan fonwull and fiur Klddl'n. tiallman ami Murphy, .kpin'l and HonnI, and Vflinlual I’annlur. I.anI wm-k hllnllluin wan I vr.'lluiit.

Ma Kiirhiiih, formurly of Ihu Itlam-y foruun. tian Imi'ii • iik'a.'ud h\ Manaitur Mlllur an ailvur tlnlni: iitfunl at Ihu N.'w \Vm I'unn Thuain' Max wnn alwavn a k umI hiinllur lint Im han to ipi nmiiu I. kuup lip with thu n-'t of Ihu Ininuh tiuru

I ntr.dlud Hilo Ihu t'nnliin thu oihur nieht t« n.'u Iwwiln U,d> u. ami Inulduntally a linrlun,ppiu

nhow, and wnn full) rupald for my Ironhlu. for Thu Kiili kurliN-kurn l« n-rlalnly nomu 'how. Iluadud In Minn riydu Harrow, thu i]in*un of Inir luaipiu. iiipiH.rluil hv M.'.nrn Wooly .kdamn.

Rowlni'.l mil Hrlnuu 'I'hu nhow. Tliu <JlrI«

from Il'iMunhiirc. Imwln niurrlly alonk nnlll thu uiul w I III'll I a dnnry inomunl Thu faruu In III au'i. and duaU with an old nnh )url. Ml .1 .f two ilurma'i haronn who go to Wui| p. 1.1. II to taku Ihu halhn. lint muut with

a hiin.'h uf iiiihI i!lil« and aiu hat Ink Ihu tlnm

of ihulr llvun until llmlr wlvim apimar on thu • '■ITIU 'riiu ph'Uu In Wull rant and thu comudy

in piiii. mi'l wliol.'iom.' MUn Harrow' woru aoniu nMitoilnk now tin, and t'lvdu known hiiw

III wi-ar Mu III l.m H. r I'runuh nonk In lha tlrnl pari wnn v.rv ulunr. ami uallud for ru pualud .''i.'or.-' n'liu uhoriin. uompon'd of yur.y

• tniiiiliik and nli ip' l.v kirin. drum.'d In ulalmr alu wnr.lioi'i'. In Ihu moil attrautivu Inini h 1 liaru n. .'" Ill notiiu llmu. \» hllu Ihu olio coiialala

of an u\u. Il.'i,' Mii'h'illlu hill II Hi a Ito tdu allow, an.I oim lh;il will kivu limm all aoma think I" d.i I.. ki'up lip I.. It

Mim of till' puiiill'ir thliika In Inioklnk hap imtiud thin Wi.k al Ihu IHImi w Imii Hai.i Mir ton a .Inidlti d" I'lirln MIrIn opuni'.l thuru Thu lllloii |r I.H'nti'il aliiioat null .|"..r I.. Ilm llav uli , an.I In iiti ihiu h\ ni'lu, iw.i ih'iw 1 with

I'rai'ii. nlM Mn lainu ililu m ' playliik Thu

IlIJmi prinliiutimi la a n-ry ulalmratu iinnliictlHD.

and waa a favorllu from Ihu 0|H'iilnK of tliu tlrat part to Ilm llninh. Ttiu opunlnk akit, Mldnlkht l*Mr|K. la a vury uluvur lomud)'. ami In liandlud

ll) « lompHii.r of uompi tuni arlHtn. whllu an

uii'ulluiil olio la aaiidw'luliud In In iw.-uii that niid I'lruiii liny, Ih" aflurpl.ui Thin 'kit la

an uiillruly mw uruHlIon In liiii' I’romI ouni .imoiik Ilm li'iuluri In Ihu ua'i nru I.oiiIm.* I hriniv. Jntimn I.luhlur. William Sluwari. WII

I '1111 Uhkiii and man) oth' rn. Onu of thu fi.rumiwl fuatiirun In Ilm .kp.nuliu Hamu iwhtih.

hi 111'' way. Ilm otliur umnpany haa on thu

htlli. Alton tlmr it In a r'inarkatilu nhuw . and linn nomu vury cluvur ii.imlnrn an wull an n

k'Kul nlnkllik rliorili, and nhoiihl In* onu of ttm

l'•all••rn of Ilm Wi-alurn Whuul. .Manaifur Itallaiif. who caiiiu from I’.altlmoru

to laiidlu thu IllJOM for thin aunnon, I'urlalnly han inadu lomu vury ni'uuaaary uhanipa In hla

In'Iih' thla yuar. ami hla jiofiiilarlly with thu profunnlmi la i-aallv dumonntratud liy tlm boat Hint .nru alwavn anniml. Wluii a«kud why hu Wnn no tunurmia with hln pa-wn, hu aald: "I

■lavu a hunch of k'anl nhowa, and ain't afraid to

I'l aiiyhoily mu ilium” Thruu nhow 1 aru playlns at thi- M.iyuty thla

w'uuk iindur tlm llliu of (Jiiuunn of thu Jardlh du I’arla. On Satiir'lav, the rual ipiui-n opunuil

and lufi W 'llnunday for Ihu Wui|. to oimn thuli

ruitnliir auanon .\iik’ii«l -hi. It waa fullowi-d by Thu Ooldun t'rrnik. w hluh ruinalnn until Friday nlchl thin iroun to Innilnvillu. to man alao kiik'ii't 30. On Saturday, Tlm Trouaduron come

ami runiain all if thu follow ink w'Cuk. marking

Ilm ojiunlnk' of thu rujriilar auaaon. whun thu 'liowa will Hun uomu In on thulr timu aa pur w tmul roniu. of the Qnuunn and Thu Ooldun

f’rook. which aru tioth Jacotw i Jurmon ahown. they nru luith c! an nit niiialcal uTtravakanran. with a alnkliik choriin to. If not Imttur

than oiir f "rumoal mimical ahow*. Tliuy both tiavu op -ratlc ftnt parta. with an unnumblu of o)H.ratlc muIo<1lun. and a niimtiur of well

known « ni'urn aru unkakud to luad thuau niim hum. Tlm w ardrohu, w hich la all nuw. la vury

nf'inninir addud to which aru scenic and due tr'cal uff.uii. They aru both worthy of due

connid. ration, havink wdl selected cants and vnmluvlll'' fuatiirui Manager .Shaynu certainly

L'ot bin 'mnllink clothes on him when he rU' paintuil and ruducoratml thu Hayuty In tlm five

dnyn alinttud him. Mav Hill and Harrv Hauliurt aru ninklng at

•hu KxiiosH'on. .ktlantic City, with thu Fumalu t'.m.l and Fumalu Truatoru. fu.atiirink Jnnt Onu

H' nrlu and .sinkink I'Ird with kruat niiccuaa.

M’is Oarula l« al«o with Wubatur'a Band on ^.|lIng■a I’iur. m'-utlng with kruat anccuss In

Just Onu Huarlu and Slmrlnk Bird. M'ss Marlu Hruislur haa Innt signud with thv.

Fnllud to apim.-ir for two wuukn only In vaip durin,.. Wuuk of .kukust .Trt at thu Fifth Avuniiu.

Nuw York, and .SuptumN'r 6 at Kulth’s. PhlV a'Vlph'i’. This will bu Miss Hrusslur's first ap

imaranuu since liur return from abroad, and thu only uncaguniunt «hu will accupt buforu nhu oimns In bur m w uomudy uarly In October.

Tliu .Vurlal Hunnulls aru appuarlng with kruat

siiccuns at Shullpot Park. Wllminkton. Thuy will remain thuru until SuptumUur 12. whun

they will no doubt go to Frankford for Old

Home Wi-uk. and from there on to thu Wust ■rn and Sonthurn tlmu.

Thu Orand open* week of .kiigust 30 with F.ddlu I.uonard's Minstrels. The Broad opens

on th< same date with Thu Climay. whllu the

Walnut oimni on Suptumbur 6 with Thu Girl from Ruufor’s.

Manakur Mlllur annonnuus that thu Wm. Penn Thuatru will open almiit Suptumbur 2ll. with Planuhu Walsh, llu has a number of koo<l at- trautlocs book"d ani thu season should start off the new thuatru In a whirl.

Onu of Ihu busiest men In Philadelphia l« Norman Juffurlus. Since bl« affiliation with

the bik onus In Nuw York, hu spends most of hl« tlmu on the railroad between the two clt-

Ii-«. IT" h.a« a number of feature acts that ir.'

all workink. and a list of them will appeal on a fu’I page In thu big Issue of Thu Bill

Iwvard. Bart Mclluch sacs that hu Is going to moTU

to larger offices, so that he can Install a swear¬ ing. Hu has a niimbi r of callers dally that Insist on being placed (ladb-a principally! In prufuruncu to other acts, and whun hu Informs them In his nvvst pleasant manner that that l« '.npivsslb’u. but hu will pl.'cu theme elsewhere,

hu gun'ra’ly giws up against a hornet's Hi'S!, an'l In b's prps.'nt quarters hu has no place to hide, bunce the above.

Tliu Ninth and .krch Strimt Musi'um curtainl) do's lo,ik K'VihI Manager Hopkins has spent a lot of money In paint ani decorations and thu opening on I.abor l>ay will bu thu most pru

luntliwis In thu history of thu house. E-'dlc Cissady. who Is with Murphy's Min

atruls on thu rtu,-! Piur. Is receiving sly and

sur.'n encores with Joe Morris’ new sivng. Sing¬

ing B'rd ' S.m'a and h's merry baud aru playing to

large aiidlenos nightly at Willow Hrove P.ark.

I.ancdon Mi-Cormlck and Sylvia Bldvvull aru

•n thu cHy. looking af*er the opv’nlng of Wanlu.l by th-' Police TIiut will star Jointly In Money and the Woman, which opens early In llrtoN'r

II B'-rnard Hunny was a BUlb.vanl caller this wi'uk. He 'i business manager for Fddle I.eon- nr.l'u Minstrels, which opens thu Grand Hpurs

Hou'u August .30, Mr. Ib-nny reports govl bimliiuss so far this season.

It baked out thla wimk why Manager Ellas

went to .kflantlc niv and sivunt lh.‘ summer, and his busln.'is asac-iclatu rumalm'il Ivhlnd and looked afti r Ihu divorating of thu h'Vuso. Ijisf season, toward Ihu c1om>. thuru was s.vme dis- pulu aa to who was to remain at home, so If

was i<uf lip I'V a trayeling manager to s.'ttle the diipiiH' The result was they fllpiwHl up .a rolp ad Mr Ellas took hea'Is an'l won the

vaeallon East wi'uk. on his ruinrn. hu showed the coin to K'venlg. an.l ll h'-ads on tsvth

s'dus I? vv IS a iwvcket plei-c that he had car

r ed some time. The elgar' that Kov'nlg

Viised areuiid were excelleiil. ■pile Miss.'S SI. J.''m and F.arrell are making

v h'.l at the H.svetv this week, w tu-re they arc ipi‘<">rlnk with the G.'Men I’ns.k I'.'inpany.

Had Frailer gave niiotlu'r one of his 4 a. m. i.MsIons last Tliiiradav night al hla hold. In honor if the MHses Mark and K.-rwIn, of the

Sam H'.’ere r.'inpanv. Miisle. vaudeville and r. freshineiits w ri' In order, sml a very merry

bun-h were th.- e WM K SPVUKS.

Nut Hlivs.wivm'.s Knti'rtiiiiii'rs ivppn lli.'ir senM II Sepleinlier s Mr Ill.'nem writes Hill the roiiii'anv Is booki-d solid nnlll Janiiarv I. their r.vut.' e.werliig Mlniu-sola. Not Ih Ha k.'ta Vi'brnk.. Miii'iirl aihl Hlln.'is I'n-' and two nigh! il.uidi will 1«. in.vd>'


The Siiokane Theatre la dark this week and next. riiu iirst attraction to open the season w'lll 1h' The Time, the Place and the Girl for hu w euk of 22.

riiu .kuditoi'luiii w.ll be opened formally as a tlrsl class liuusu ’2T 21), with The Gentleman from .\l ihsisruppl.

I Ir'-iiiiistuiit Evidi ncu Is the feature of Mil' hill at till- Mrpliuimi. Kil. Wynn and Al. I.c- In 1 B.llikuii U'-t. run cbise to the head Ilnur. Charl'-K .Montrull la the acme of Jug¬ gling art; Kow I'roneh and George Welch have M sl.igiiig and daiii-iiig skit; Harry II. Hichards. miiporti ll by .Miss Horothr Haley and Adele Furgiiioii. In a miitlc o;iera liurlutta, entitled I»ve a la .Mode; Thu Three Musical Johnsons. Iluiii Stone anil Orplieum pictures conclude the hill.

A giHsI hill is offuri'd at the Washington: Jamus F Iiolaii and Ida I>-nharii. In their ui.muiiv ski-tcl,, eiilitlud The High toned Burg

!i r's l■hri1|mIls True; Thu Italian Street Sing-

-ri and .Musicians are good entertainers; .Maude • iiiiwuii and .Vrtliur Arnold furnish a barrel

Jumping acrohatir act: Billy Sharp and p.i-alricu Tiiruk have a singing and dancing

act: Horothy V.vugbn. comedienne, and motion liiiiiiri's I

Wm. P.erol. presenting bis European lllu- s!o 1. Munutukul, Tlie Handwriting on the Wall, is huadllnur at I'.mtagug'; another goial offer-

i ig is that of Frank Joneg and Lillian Wal¬ ton. In a ruril comedy sketeh. Hur Country

Cousin; Montagues Comedy Cockatoos, twenty ill number, are beautiful plumaged birds; Mis- k'l. Ilaiit and Miller, popular songs; Mondane i-liillips. the girl with many voices; Wm. H.

Gilson and moving pictures.

The moving iiielnre bouses report good busl-

Nal.Horluiii Park, the great music lovers’ re- lori. is being well patronised. Bowen's Amer- Band concerts occur daily. St. Olaf College

Bund will sto;i off here 21. and with the free atlraefl- ns. tiie I'Uhlic Is well entertained by Ilie park management. E. AXEI..SON.


The patro’is of Shea's enjoy the best that U going on the road, getting the best of the Keith bookings. Manager Shea Is sure of the

best kind of (latronage. and he gets it. week

In and week out. the year round. Nellie War¬ ing was a headliner. She is a dainty comevli- enne and a favorite. -A Night In a Monkey Hall, as presented by Maude Koi-hes and her troupe of trained monkeys. |«rovevl very Inter¬

esting. Willie and Eugene Howard were favor¬ ites on the hill. Una Clayton and her Players, asslslei! by Francis Morey in His Ixical Color,

were clever. The Manjean Troupe of EunitH-an -kcrolials were sensational. Tlie Bag<]ue yiiartet were sterling vocalists. Fred Singer had a good musical novelty In The Violin Maker of Cre

moua. Veronica and Hurl Falls were good com¬ edy tumblers, and with the pictures made an excellent bill week of 2.3. to crowded houses.

Ed. H. Thayer, an old theatrical favorite with Buffalo and Cincinnati audiences. Is stage man¬ ager at the Gem Theatre, at South Tonawanda, New York, where for seventeen successive weeks the Green Stock Company, of twelve people,

have had crowded houses. Queen’s Evidence, .\ Father's Curse and other plays of the same

class have been given. The Scenic Theatre Is a new proivosltlon which

.qieneil on the ’2.3d. at North Tonawanda. F. J. Wallenberg is manager. He has a very com¬ plete bouse, seating 400. playing comedy, vaude¬ ville and pictures, with good-sired stage and senic effects. The Reece Sisters were on the

bill this week. Tlie .Academy will open with meloilrama Sept,

with The Workingman's Wife. Week of 2.3 pres'entvsl Musical Soones, McCann Duo. song and dance; Ed and Clarence Hayes, musical act; Harriet .\nderson. lady magician; Girard and Weston, talking act: Costello and I^a Croix. In a playlet: Hadley and Hadley, Allen and Rock, and a olevjT line of pictures.

The Mid-Summer Exivosltion was to be offered at aiiutl'vn 24. but was postponevl until Fri¬

day. 27. ■'.Vll new but the walls” will be the

Star when It ois-ns with C'vban and Harris’ Minstrels S,'pt. ft. Since the closing, the In ferlivr has been embellished with bright colors, n-vv ilraiverles and lighting effects. In fact, almivst a new h.vuse has bv'en constructed, with .shout *4".ia'ii expenditure, and with the book¬ ings offered ought to have one of the best of seasons. The Servant in the House and Little Nemo are so<m due.

Many Innovations are noticeable at the Garden

Theafrv'. The Interior has been brightened with new decorations anil bright red carpets. Tlie .vrehustra Is Increased to twelve pieces.

Plii'h npholsteriHl seats In the front rows, and visitors w-twe very pleasantly surprlsul with Manager MTiite’s effivrts. Cpowde,! hi'usi'S have greeted the Wets'r and Rush Parisian Widows, which oi>ene,l 21, .Actors' Boarding House and Fun In a Huparfment Store went well. Ike Wall, a* I'rojis, was clever In comedy. Ben

Pien-e. Margie Hilton and the Dancing Dolls are deserving of much praise. The Hastings

Show ofiens the rt>gnlar season.

.Attractions coming .August .3i! are M.-imlng. N.ion and N'ght. at the I afavette. The Hastings Show, at the (Janlen: Chi-okers. at the Lyric: Lew IVs-kstader’s Minstrels at the Teok. 2ft 2S;

Civhan and Harris' Mlnstrx'ls at the Star S«'pt. 2 4 ,

The Lottie Glenm.vro Stock Company Is play¬

ing to givod business at the Elks’ Hark TTieatre.

Nor’h Tonawanda. with Eilward Barrett. Nar clsiM .Mvariui. James Mclu-Highlin. Lew Par- mcnler. George Fltrhuch. Nelly Lyons Healy and lavftle Glenmon' In the company. Frank

Kuhn, of this city. !« musical director, and the plays are Reiibi'n In New A'ork and IDs Only

I'anghtiT. with the Great He Marci^ between

the acts, under Manager Penshen.

Under S.wHhem S'kles had tine returns this

w-wk at the Lyric. It Is a clvarmlng plav of Southern life and Marie StanwelL as la'lla Crofton. did goal wiwk. as also did the cast. The Quartet and Pumpkin Dance were features. 4s the Sun Went H.'wn. Beau Brumnicl and

w idtlre ar- early boiklngs at Man.agcr Laugh- Hu’s house.

B.'ckwlth and M'cntwivrlh. late with the Quliitard Combination, are the fn-c show at Erie Beach this week, as clown*, and their tralnol do-j and ri'c'sler. Pn'f. Hart an.l his

Manikins arv* also on the bill at the Rustic Tlicatrc.

F. irlv comings at the Tck are The G'rl

Fr-ru the Stall *, The Yankee Girl. Havani.

The Paradise of Mohamet, Going Some, and Th king of Hahoiuey and Foreign Exchange.

The Lafayette is taking no chances with poor shows this season. The bisikiugs so far, and to come, show up to excellent advantage. The Moulin K-aige was a winrer. Julia Sinclair, Cherry Bonner, .Marie Fisher, Joe Eiuersou and Murray Siuiuiong were the leaders, and the

two comislies were well costumed and bright In eolor.

I'he Buffalo papers were ipilte uiixeil in re¬ gard to the leading lady of Under Southern .Skies in their moruiug reiiorts. Still, the show

went on at the Lyric and the cast, made up of the best of three coui|>anies out last season, played the |dece for all It was worth, to crowd¬ ed houses.

Thu e,Kd head and stage presence of Will Q. Edwards, a headliner, while iloiug his illu-

sioii act at the Majustif Theatre at Toronto, Hntario. saved a big aiidleiiee from a panic. A tire u"Xt iloor brought the tire dejiartment to the disii's, and the audience of over two thou¬ sand souls arose eiiiiiasse, hut were ipileted by

a f w Well-chosen words, and th.' act went on, to big a|i|duus(-.

-A new vaiidecille and picture house. Thu

Vendouie. expects to oja-Q Si'id. ti. at the other houses ke»*i>s go<sl. .\1. Christy, at the Grand. Merrihew and Uoiiey. Kadcliff and

Belmont and BiU.v Coijk at the Comique; Allor-

Barrington and Willlard and Baker at the Hlp- jMHlrome, with the usual illustrateil songs and animated pictures were on 2:5-2b.

For a local bene&t. Carey \V. IlaiTimen's

Indian Congress will appear in Hiawatha Labor Hay and week, on the West Side.

The Huhtors, .Margaret Mayo's new pla.v, opened at the Teck ft .S. W. It. Slieuliau, a for¬ mer Buffalo newspaiier man, will be in charge.

Dlgby Bell, Kathleen Clifford and Courtney Foote are among the company.



•Miss B< rton and Mr. Tyler gave a very In¬ teresting exhibition of roller skating at the Stadium, this week. They ar*' the gold medal¬ list of the Madison Square eomiH-tltloii. and fully hear out their title.

Bennett's menu, for thi* week. Is gixsl. The Ovuring Trio, the youngest of which cannot be more six years, scored. Th.-y gave a Oii- ishud puiformance In singing and dancing and carrieil the houtN- nith them. Miss Grade Em¬ mett ami Company in a sketch, entitled .Mrs. Mnnthy’s Second IlnshaiHl, was also well re¬ ceived. Tl>c Sillsiiis Cat. Hog and Pon.v Cir¬ cus si'ored a success. Frank Morrell. In ballad singing: Howard Brothers, banjo players; Gen- aro and Bailey, in tliolr singing and dancing, d('S<'rve praise.

The Final Settlement, thank gisidnesg. is not of the dime novel speebs. It is qtilte Interest¬ ing. Miss Pauline Panll aisl Miss Minnie Ual- cliffe had parta suited to them.

Dominion Park Is having a reeoril week in at¬

tendance owing to the extreme heat. A good bill is at the Vaudeville. Sohmer I'ark never presented a lietter hill la offered this week.

Prof. Hobert's tralmsl dogs, the Flying Ban- vanls and the Kehler Trio are good beadlinera ami They have taken Immensely.

Casino’s offering this week Is good, consisting of four good ttirna and moving pictures, which has got the crowd a coming to them.

Electric houses are doing their share of tha good business offereiL

The Cherry Blossoms held forth at the Royal

to giHil busim-ss. NEIL W. SHANNON.


A lively vaudeville war will lie on In San Diego, this winter, l>etw*'en the Orpheum Cir¬ cuit ami the Wm. Morris Circuit. The Or¬ pheum will l>e the' first In the field, as they have already conclmb’d arrangements with J. M. Hislge. manager of the Garrick Theatre, to play their entire show. Just as It is given In the I.OS Angeles Orpheum. for two nights each week. This was all the time Mr. iHslge could sj.aTe from the regular road shows. The first show will l>e sent down about Se-ptember 15.

The Mm. Morris Company has suonred t lease on a lot .'’sixHIO fee't. directl.v across froni the Garrick, and will Immediately ts-gin con¬ struction of one of the finest vaudeville houses in California. I'hls theatre, when completed, which will Ih' alssit He'ccmber 1. will se-at 1.200 ami will have a stage airge enoeigh to accommo¬

date the largest acts. 4Vith the Garrick playing the Orpheum shows,

and the Queen playing Sullivan Considine. and last, but not least, the new .Morris hisise, a lively and Interesting competitiisi. will be .m this winter, and lovers of high class variety an- smacking their lips In eager anticipatlnn.



Mario B. Schrader has Ix'en engaged a* press

represertstlve for Joe WeN'r’a Tls'atre. Mr«. ^hr.'der Is a well-known writer on theatrics! k'lbjccts. Her sis'clal articles roiceraing pi ly.s and players app«’ar»'d for se« ral years In tiie M'-ishlncton Post and more recently In the New A'ork Times. She h:\' lately become iden-

tiiiid with inagarine woi-k.


N.<in Halperin, the Jolly kid sou- hrette. who fur the past sixt*H'n months principal soiihivtte with the Kaymnnd T«*iil Mu siial Conied.y Compan.v. closed with that eisn- 11.111). and will op<‘n In El Paso. Tey.. at the Majestic Theatre, on S,'plember 0. f"r an In¬

definite engagement.

We.Tdick and I^aDue, the cowboy and tlM' eowgirl. with the full tdoo-b'd Indian. Jim my Blueblnl. ari' sis'ndlng a w '.-k at U'>ohest''r.

N. 3 . N'fure of'.'ning In vaipb''!!!' with their ropit g aet. Thev have tu-en the guests of Mr. Chi'. Si-hliti!er. the well known Rochester pho-

t.igraplier an.l artist.

Thonipson'.s Yankee Poodle Flnter- talners. are touring Wisconsin, attracting Isige indionee*. This seas.m ;* the seventh one for the oonipsnv in that territory. With the ci'm- p.any are Frank H. Thompson. Chas. Yount,

Grace Thompson and Grace Heinzel.

The Dohertys and Paul R;iuwens, who have In'ii pla) ing a long engagement at the Casino. Satannah. C.a . tvlll ell's,' there

Sctemtier Ll.

SEPTEMBER 4, 1900.

Films Reviewed

FILMS FOR RENT All the very best Foreign and Domestic

Films purchased weekly.

Machines of all makes constantly ready for shipment.

Write to-day for our big Film List.

ANTI-TRUST FILM CO. 77-79 So. Clark Street, - - - CHICAGO, ILL

Tor th« coDvenIrnt rFfrrvD'*« of ozblbltorm, thrro will boroaftrr apprar Id thear columoD a Hat of film reloaaoa, Uw date of aame, aod Dum¬ ber of feet.


July— 1— The Necklace . WW A—The Meaaage . »44 8— The Country Doctor . 943

12—The Cardlnal'a Conaplracy .099 15— The Friend of the Family .749 is—Tender Ilearta .233 10—The Renunciatloc .982 22—Sweet anJ Twenty . 572 22— Jealouay and the Man . 418 2«—A Convlct’a Sacrifice .973 29—The Slave .998

Aucuat— Feet 2— A Stranite Meet'nc .096 .1—The Me-ided Lute . 996 9— They Would Elope .572 9—Jonea’ Burglar .888

12—The Better W'ly .990 16— With Her Card .1.000 19—Hla Wlfe’a Vlaltor .526

i 19—Mra. Jonea' Lover .467 23— The Indian Runner'a Romance .994 26—The Seventh Day . 603 26—Oh Uncle. 292

. .TO—The Mllla of the Giala . 672 I 30—Brnnka . 328 I Septemb«T—

2—The S.’alt'd Room . 779 2—The Little Darling . 211

2,000 Veneer Opera Chairs ALWAYS IN STOCK

We can ship any reasonable quaetity within 24 hours ootico.

The strongest and most comfortable Opera

Chair on the market. 25 other styles at lowest prices. NOT IN THE SE-VTING TRUST.

We have the largest facilities and we manu¬

facture everything that goes into our chairs.

Write lor calnlogue ehowing competlllve pricee,



July— r 2—Parted on Their Honeymoon. 2— He Wouldn't Go Under a Ladder. 6—Up the I..adder With Tom Bollne. 9—A S.|uedunk Sherlock Holmea . 9— An Abaent-Mlnded Cnpid.

13—The Secret of the Locket. 16—Caught By the Coupon Craae. 16— The Egyptian Myatery . 27—Mother Gooae . 27—^Ta'.ktng Hla Photograph . 30—Lore'. Sacrifice . 30—Muillgan'a Water'oo .

August— 3— ^The Prince and the Pauper .1, 6—I.s>chlnvar . 6— The Tobacco Edict .

10— A Coward . 10—Apprentice Boya at Newport Training

Station . 13—Fnrnlaliod Rooms to Let . 13—^The Price of a Soul . 17— A Simple Home Dinner . 17—Far From the Madlng Oowd. 20—The Web of Fate . 20—The Wright Brothera' A roplane. 24—A Child of the Foreat. 27—^The Patience of Mlaa Job. 27—A Daab to Dear-. 81—Suffer Little Children .:

September— .T—Etbel'g Lumheon . 3—Backward. Turn Backward, O TMma

in Your Flight . 7— A Dangerous Pair . 7—The Temptation .


5,000— $1.25 25,000— $ 5.5t 10.000— 2 50 50,000— 10 OC 20,000— 4.60 100,000— 14.(X Accaritely ■ambercd.all colon. Qaick ghipaeiu

The Big Ticket—Full inch End a Quarter—Get the Samples—Cash with ord» rnnenv ent f ffrvvtq Duplicate Numbera om the Roll lor Prixea. Drawlmaa. EU bUyfyK ftyLM UliKiU 5.000-$2.50 wo.—0-89.20 SEND FOR SAMPLEA



DnnV For Song Slide Service until you UUIl I DUIII\ write for our proposition.

WESTERN SONG SLIDE SERVICE, Next to Western Film Exchance. 733 Century Building. ST. LOUIS. MO.

VIASCOPE SPECIAL FIREPROOF I NOISELESS I FLICKERLESS I NO VIBRATION I OuAranteed forever •gainet defective workmanship or material.


July— 7—The Black Sheep

14—Which la Which?. 14—Tha New Cop ...

Auguat— 4—Much Ado About


Nothing 4—A Mustard Plaster.

11—A Maid of the Mountalna . 18—Wonders of Nature ...

Aerial Gymnaatn of Quality. Parka, Fairs, Celebrations, etc. Adtlreae all communications to Ml^AI) M. W^FKN'TZ, 4200 Broatlway, Cleveland, Ohio.


(George Klelnel


8—The Hand Bell . 3—The Sunny South of France. 6—The Coin Collector .

6—Raiaed In the Country. 10—Vlalena of Mother .

10—A Bad Caae .


3—The Morning After . .3—The 8"ntlrel (In Duty .

10—Dual In Hit Eye .

10— Retaliation .

U)—The Cyclist Horn . 11— lAmg Reach . 14—Laurels .

14—The Foxy Farmer . 14—Peddling Slioea . 14—Why She Didn’t Marry . 17—The Little Drummer of 1792...,

17—The Cobbler and the Millionaire 1 24—TVio Gentlemanly.

24—The Frock Coat. 'i’i—Rroken Tlea. 2.'i—Sevrea Porcelain. '28—A Generoua Emp<-ror. '28—The H<M-Me and the Ilayatack., '28—Gr.-at Kventa at Podunk.


I .\'i .Vw.’ik 'iH'il Conscience . I Mngic Ciirtrseis .

11 M'W.irt's Last It^Mjiiieni .

Strong Baritone Singer that can play part .small singing. Dancing Sister Team, 15 Clionis (Jirls, .Novelty .Acts. .Make .salary low lirst letter. 1 pay all after yon join. l/>ng .sesLson.,

JAS. BONNELLI. care of The Billboard, Cincinnati, O.

Dog and Pony Show, Ferris Wheel and Merry-Go Roiind

Khowa and Riding Ih'vlcea. Snake and Platform Showa, At tract Iona, ('oiiceaaloDa, Jap Ball Game,

Plate Board. Hart. Pick out. Isdl Rack, Basket Game, to J<iln at onee. (Ijster Bay, S<-pt. 1 2 8 4;

Si a Cliff. 6-7.8.9 lo ll. Two Idg (4ue<'ii I onti ala to follow. Write or mire «bat you have. Booked

ai.lld on l>.ng lalaiid. Addr as WM. H. OESTERLE CARNIVAL CO., aa per routa.


Motion Picture People! Wa baiulle new and aacond-band M. P. ma- ehlnaa; alao aell, rant, azebanga and tnatall M. P. theatrea, lobby to acreen; anywhere. If you want to aell or rent your theatre or picture ma chine, aeud maebioe and outfit, complete and fiaacrlptlon of theatre to ua and we will aeil them for you. Addreae THE M. E. CAMPBELL THEATRE SUPPLY EXCHANGE. M. E. Camp^ kali. Prea., 866 Markiaon Ave., Columbui. O.

Hesse and Williams Those Classy Banjoists and Vocalists; real Musicians who

Don't Use the Orchestra

AddrehS care The Billboard. 1439 Fillmore St.. San Frano'eco. Cat.

If you aee it in The Billboard tell them to.




SEPTEMBER 4, 1009.




_ *UK*



WE ARE WORKING FOR A REPUTATION Wise M. P. Exhibitors are taking advantage of this fact. Let us send you our catalog.

H. & H. FILM SERVICE CO., 360 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, Ul.


8. 8 HirrCHINSOK. Prea C. J. HITT. SMy.

CHAIRS FOR SALE .■?00 ho.T\y vcnwr seat .arul back Opera Chairs with iron standards, used only two months, in first class conilition. Will be sold cheap for cash. Chairs are now stored in our warehouse New York Citv.

READSBORO CHAIR MFG. CO.. READSBORO, VT., or 63 Filth Ave., New York City

Olentan^y Park Theatre,

Qiiiitatlon by return

mall. Thirty other alylea

rr«>Bi SOr to ttO; not al

aaya the rliea|M*al, tut

alwaya the beat. We t.ll

our orilera Immediately.

E. H. STAFFORD MFO. CO. Aak for Catalog iOS.


MR. EXHIBITOR M hy nut hare your machine In Aral elaiw eoodi OooT We will do It. Thia la the time lo do It.

model machine * REPAIR SHOP, ... _ iNol Inc.) UO •OUTH CLARK 8T . - CHICAGO.




196 198 Lakt StrMt, Chloaga.

Ill Eajt 14th Street. NEW YORK.

Miniiaapolia. Evanavilla. Omaha, Port¬

land, 8alt Laka City, Montraal.

The biji^est tiiul Ix'.st film

renter in the world wants YOUR business and will do more to

EARN it than liJLsever U'endone

for yon by any one at any time. Write to




nOORf Bcaoico CMICACC Ill. IS* rtMNlLIS ST gor* A

10—The Wltch'a Donkey . 10—Trained Falcon . 12—DITerent Ruler* of the World. 12—\Vo<h1 Floating In Morran. IS—Only a Dream. 18—A Sure Cur* . 14—The Erll Spirit In a Ulrla' Ituarding

S buul . 14—True to Her Flrat Lore . 14—The .New Ooi> . 14—Whifh la Which? . 14—Conchita, the Spanish Belle . 14— The Wixard'a Walking Stick. 15— The Peasant Prince .1

10—The Hand of Justice .1 17—Inrlslhle Thief . 17—A Kind Hearted Touch. 17—In the Hand* of the Enemy.

For the same , or as good for less money, is what we guarantee. Let us have the full particulars or your present service, and will niKke good, UNITED STATES FILM EXCHANGE,


13a and 134 E. Lake Street, ... CHICAC30.


AgBiits for Motion Picture Machines, Films, Illustrated Songs.

56 Fifth Avenue. CHICAGO, ILL.

JOSEPH HOPP Preiident and Manager





I 79 Dearborn St., CHICAGO ■:ii I DROP US A LINE






The old reliable TONOPHONE waa th* irat prarllral Eleetrir Plano ever built and la by far the beat known l<iday.

The only drawback e*er mentioned by Ita tbouaauda of ownera waa the ex|M-nae and uuwirldly aha|>e of tb* mualc on large pinned cyllbdera.

P>r the next thirty daya we offer the RRMDDEI.ED TDNOPIMINF.. that playa thnuaauda of tunea fnim cheap Perfura tad Paper Mualc Rolla. and la a 5iMi<* batter Instrument than the old style Tvnopboite, at a S|>e<-lal reduced price, that makes It tbe most astnnlahlng piano bargain on record.

For bally boo or Inside use thIa Inatm Bent will attract larger audleocea and tnable you to rut out the exi>euaa of Boalclana.

Tou ran pay for It on ttrma leaa than Boslrlani' hire; and afterward, yuur Btwlc will coal you practically nothing.

Write today for full partlrulara and a frea copy of our big new INI page rata log of ‘'WCKI.ITZEK'' Automatic Mual *a1 iDatmmeDta.

TheRUDOLPHWURLITZERCo. NtwYork CINCINNATI Chicago l8-rw.22d 117-121 K. 4th IM-HWabaah

2(»—jlie (Jure i of tb* Quarry . 27—Th* Consplratora . 27—The Dyspeptic and Ilia Bride.

September— 2—The Pay Car.


1— Th* Old Army Cheat . ttlO I 6—A Great Wrong Righted. KIO i S—Tb* Sideboard Foldiag Bed. 505 8—Ituum Matea . 3.35 i

12—Driven F'rom Home . 750 ' 15—Two Couaina . U65

August— Feet ' 2— When the Flsg Falls . 1*10 | 5— She Would Be an Actress . 42."> I 6— Ills Little Girl . 5.35 I 0—Tbe Drunkard's Child . 6o5 I a—The Newest Woman . 215

12—Tbe Unexpected Gusat . 890 ! 1*1—H'lW Brown Got Married . #***• i 1*1—The Hungry Actor . 2.35; 23—Before the Dawn . 820 j 23—Wlfey Away. Hubby at Play .32(* I 2*1-Mldnlght .'tons . 3M i 28—Nearsighted Mary . 4;»5 S<*—The Doctor’s Bride . 5.S0 j

geptemlior— Feet 2—The Woman Hater . sio ‘ 2—Tbe Haunted Hat . 30.3 i 8- Tbe Call of tb* Heart . dTo I 0--*>ur Country In Arm* . 2.">3 I 1*—.4 True Patriot . 733 0—GllmpM* of Vell.iwstooe Park .200


Inly— Feet ; 2—Th* Bogey Woman . 304 I 2— Fun With a Manikin . 5*7 3— Book-Taught Hypnotism .313 | S—An Inkplrlng Riioset . 2S9 ; 3—A Determined Wooer . 890 5—A Child's Lot* . 524 5—Rpanisb Army . 442 ; 7— A Tragic Ending of ShroT* Tuesday.. 4.30 7—Tunisian Industries . 428 9— A Little I*etecllve . 774 9—Tbe Fan . 21.3

TRAINER’S Asbestos Curtains


Picture Booths Send for Booklet.


wrr:* the MOTIOGRAPH Motion Picture Machine is A WONDER. And will YOUR BUSINESS. It projects FLICKERI.ESa

' i_F STE.ADY and WONDERFULLY BRILLIANT pictures, has patented IVk \ . - '"P* I minute rewind from main crank, revolving niagazint-s, automatic ftra-

I I proof shutter, etc., not found iu other machines. WILL WEAR TWIO

, C. H. D. of Keokuk. Iowa, write*—“Motiograph MAKING A BIO hit and BU.SINE.SS INCREASED WONDERFULLY.”

^ p i_ p_ fif ('hlcagn. 111., writes—"Used every day for seven niontbs, ■''/ PE.NNY FOR REPAIRS.”

'■-. / I \ :-'y F. J K. of Kan«!is Cif.v. .Mo., write*—“Operating Moitngrapb nearly two vears. Have oi-erated all makes, but NONE TO CO.MP.4UE with .Motiograph.” PRICES, 8150.C0 and up. The Enterprise Calciiun Gas Outfit is the onl.v satlsfactorv substitute for electric light. Write for catalog to-day. ENTERPRISE OPTICAL MFG. CO., 87 W. Raa* dolph Street, CKCAGO.




July — 9—A Soldier of the U. 8. Army. 18—The Escape from Andersunvllle 2.1-Fickle .Mary .

23—The Tom Boy . SO—The Factory Girl . August —

8 -Traced by a Kodak . 13—Out of Work .


! 8.V) ISO

. 8U4)


Standard Autninatic MDVing Picture Machines


Our growth is due to the fact that we

do as we agree. We have the BEST

980 : 810:

'rFor 5c Theatres!' URBAN-ECLIPSE.

(George Kleinef July —

7—Th* Pretty Ktaberiualden. 7—Kicltlng Hteeplechaae .

‘2H—Ilia Rival's Hand . '28 -Parka lo Berlin . tiigust —

4—Stripping a Foreat In Winter ... 4—The Tiirntiig Point . 7—Tlie Hidden Treaaure . 7—Baby I* King .

18—The Htrlkera . IK—Bii.ldlng Barrela . 21—The King's Protege . 21—rp the Mimulalo from Hung Kong. 31 Prof. Piiddeuhead'a Pat<'UtH . 31—Tlie French Battleship ''JuKtlce”

Septeiidrer— 4 In Hot Piirmilt . 4 Rotncntlc Italy .

17—The l.o»t Tie . 11»—('Htrhir.K Tiirllei . 19— The Fiddler . Ill—Hi-lilmltlie Mii»k . 20— Adventure* of Flflne . 2<>—In«lriietlon by l’orretii>i>ndence 21— Little Biioybtoly .

21—Bewitched M«ni>r Iliuise ...

23—lloldlnit t’p the W.Hldlii« . 23—Sweet TtKithed Bob* . 23— -A C«»e of LumbsKO .

24— Boor Kid . 24— Th* Sword »nd the Kins . 20-See«-t Bream* nnd MBhtm»re 27—Midwinter S|K>rt» . 27—The Little i>rpli«n . SI—The .Artl*f* RevenBe .

31—.\ OeorBla We«ldlnB . AuBuet —

3—The Truant . S—The lUiBle Call .

7—-A Woman'* Way .

10—For Her Sweetheart'* Sake ... 10—Brlnce** Nicotine . 14—The BtMlurate Father .

14—The <;ift of Ymith . 16—Measure for Measure. 23—Before the Bawn. 23—Wlfey Away. Hubby at Play 23—Banee* of Various Countries... 23—The Hat JuBglers . 2.’i—The Eternal Romance.. 25— Tennessee Guards ..

20—NearslBhted Mary .

20—MIdniBht Son* . 27—ManufacturinB Bamboo Hat* , 27— A Billposter’s Trial* . 28— The Professor’s Dilemma ....

28—The Hypnotic Wife . 80—Tie IMctor’s Bride .. 30—The Haunted Hat .




A Pound of the Powder Makes Forty i-ivo ^anons ot Delicious Orangeade and Retails for $40.

... .> . .. 1 , Iii.k.. the tv*t BraiiKcad*- on the market. Ta»te* the Imat,

an I m'The U St primi iv*-'.imtalii foal tar cdor or aiiythliig pn.hlblted by i V -^re fZi l r 's “.^1,1 No 117..* No trouble to prepan. It. add water.

^^iJeTaturu u'Peaiy To dBrl: I’rl.v. V-.H. ,*-r lb., prepaid. Sample ,all..n pk,.. Itk-.

Write for

tations. Made Iroin Lemons Reduced .A |*<uiid of till* (Hiuder maki* 4.'> bsH^*"* bf delli

woulil o>*t you. Iiy simply add'.i'B water aii.l »>'k»y savi-s a lot of work a* well a* iiiomy. If you ' Send UK* today for .■iH.UBh for a Ballon. |**itp*l.t;

Price. $2.l<0 iH*r |H>und: 5 1b. lot*. iwr lb . expi w.' also maki- > Ikht olh.T drinks »u.-h a* I ei

Crea Cola. etc. We will s. i.d ki t.’. w..rth of *am one kind |«.stpal>l for l.k'. We have an < \«*'llent drinks to stores, restaurant*, salisoi*. etc. We *,

■iSimblor farrier* at lowest price*. We slve attract

Address COLUMBIA MFG. CO.. Dept. B.



Main office & fao-

tory, 1821 Dear,

bom 8t..


For .Aslwstos or Rubber Covered Stranded Wire, made In two alies: No. 1, for No. 0 or 8 Wire. $1 piT donm; No. 2, for No. 10 or smaller Wire,

WANTED 7Hc pi-r dozen. THE BELL A HOWELL CO. Manufacturers, 80 lUinoit Street, Cbicaeo.

For My Three Majestic Theatres BELIO POLYSCOPE COMPANY.

July— 1— Ben’s Kid . 8—The Lion Tamer .

18—The Peasant Prince . 22—Won In the imsert .

28—Tlie Heart of a Race Tout . AuBust—

S^R-'fore the Mast .

12—The Leopard Queen . 18—The Yellowr Jacket Mine . 30—Mrs. Jonea’ Birthday . 30—Winning a Widow .

SepteirlM>r— 2— The BliBht of Sin .

Illustrated Colored Lectures. Any Reading Matter Desired.

Opaipmd. |icr doz., assorted .$1.12 Annoiinci'mcnt. (mr doz.. assorted . 1.83 Special Ty|M-. p«-r dot., assorted .3.15 I’lctorial. |K'r duz., assorted . 6.15 Hand Colored, lu-r doz., assorteil .8.00 Single Slide*, as above, 15, 25, 35, 60, 75c


216-218 W. Liberty St., - Cincinnati, Ohio.

F. MONTGOMERY, Majestic Theatre, Memphis, Tenn

2" That Certainly Look Good BOTH ON THE MAIN STREETS


July— Feet 3—Washington Under the American Flag 885 6—Led Astray . 565 6— The Dramatist’a Dream . 390

10—Mine at Last. 610 10—Wearybonea Seeks Rest and Gets It.. So.' 18—^The Cobbler and the Caliph. 585 13—Ski Ing at labpemlng, Mich. 345

17—Birth and Adrenturea of a Fountain Pen . 625

17—The Magi: Fountain Pen. 475 August— Fee*

8—The Bugle Call . 565

8—The Truant . 461 7— A Woman’s Way . 865

26—A Royal Outcast .l.OOO

17—At Liberty for an Hour . 355 17—The Judge's Whiskers . 591 21—The Way of the cross . 990

24—Judse Not Tliat Ye Be Not Judged.. 447 •J4—Borrowed Clothes . 5.3S •J8—The Evil That Mon Do .025 3I--nie Hunehbaek . 633 31—Nlaeara In Winter Dress . .Vul

Stofiteml'er— 4—'Hie Gilley Slave . 883

Also a few more good shows at

Elkader Fair. Sept. 15-16-17.

Write Louis J Kramer, Elkader, la. Cedar Fall*. Iowa. S,-pt. rt II, Joint auspice* Fln*men and labor Unions. Otluniwa. Iowa. Sept. 13 1*. Auspices Ba*<-ball .As-K-iatloii. Can I’lace a few more sls-ws that do not cv'nrtict; also leBltlmate C<iiice*aton*. Want

clan*. Plantation. Vaudeville and other farulval (Msiple, for long wsMin South. Address H. DES, Freeport. Hit., August SO to September 4. Woodworth & Co Wanted Sites at Exhibitions, Fairs and Pleasure Resorts for CAKE WALK RIDING MACHINES

now 204 Wells St., Chicago, Ill., will be, after Sept. 1st, 907 Wells St., with¬ out change of location. MiN’lianical Vauil«*vllU‘ I five-niiniitp acts fur $2.00 a tluy. Write for particulars.

The Great Euro|>«‘tn S.nsallon IVn mlllhiu fveople have ridden in 1* months; eleven tbouaaixl laiisvsl over in on«> night at Hamburg Fair. U. 8. .4. Patent No. sf**;|si.o(». Inri-liigi iiieiits will l>e dealt with. Write for full ivarticular*. head office, TAYLOR, PLINSTON BROS., A 00., 94 Bermondsey Wall, London, S. E., England.

WANTED Colored Performers and Capable Pianist

L Fr^. IWteM Kniw Mcmm I lffiil«a«eaiM $IVb MMpa

THE ««MPAMVe I>**pt. 22. 3^1) N StaU's



July 2—A True Indian’s Heart.. 8—The Black.smith’i Wife.

16—I Love My Wife, But, Oh. You Kit 23—The Gypsy Artist.. 30—My Wife’s Gtme to the Country....,

Hamburg Stock Show FAIR

Hamburg, la., Septenilmr 15-17, 1906. WANTED —Attraeliiin* of all kinds. Steam Swing. Shows, etc. .4(|.|re*s L. J. HILGER, Hamburg, Iowa.

and.” the show that never ml*s<sl a salary. Work all the yi-ar arouml: we in-ver do*#, a I'erf'ininr, write <.r wire, llita 1* a real show ami th*-* not lidi-rate rowdyism or

Ide talent.” Will H ifTii an write. J. GEOROE LOOS, Mgr., Iowa City, lew*.

of 1yp«. Block and Lttho Prinllnf for Fairs, Carnivals, Otroas, Wild West, Hlnstrsls Dramatic, Roporfolrt, Rolltr Skatln$, Basoball, tfe. tioek LItlios and Poslors of avor» ino of fho amusomont huslnots. Piays with oompitfo lino ot papor, Wrtfo ns.


Davey’s Money Makers CENTAUR FILM COMPANY.

Film Import and Trading Company.

July— 3— Crystal Bill .

21—Tale of Tezaa . 28—Maryland. 1777 .

Angust— 4— Power of Love .

InviKilile fortune Paper, SJ per 1.000; Magic Wand, only $1; Magic Staff (new). $2; I'M- tiire Photo*. vl*ihle and lnvl*ible. $2 per 1,000; Bmla C.mtiime, ?'J T. A. DAVEY, SO Worcei- ter St., Boston, Hass.

Ccmmenclng Sunday. September 12


Dramatic and .Mii.siral ('(»ml)inalion.s write also (’irciis and Vaudeville -Acts having this week ojM’n.

“Mirror Vitae” Producb $ro|oofors and Film Making MachInary

EBERHARD SCHNEIDER IQS East 12th St.. New York City

Views for Slot Machines CLIMAX VIEW COMPANY,

188-187 West 23d Street. - New York City

I 1 e A Beautiful Walt* Bong. Not only a* gi«*l. but bet I eV I eV E m 'er than any otle-r Your art a sure hit with this one.

Be the first. We are now ready tor yon

A Catchy Indian Sons. Will mteh ytinr aiulU'iin* fnini 1^1 AAAm tti4> aiul l« siirp t<» >4Mir a<‘l talu

T«kf our Writ.* FREE—Profraa;onal Copii a ard Orchratration*—I REE


C^FOR SALE’Va One 2S Roelette Whis-l with table, lavi rack of chii*: i,|s.i. Mill* Slot Machine* nish to reliable jtarty to o|M.ratt- <in com basis, or WILL SLI.I. ( IIF.M’. Have « , of < HLt K I'.ttYb and I IHFRTY BF.LI. located li T** .11 tiiisine-s ainl can tiot i chines. JACK STUART, 257 So. Wilkin Mobile, Ala.

PHOENIX. . Angii**— 16-Russian Romance .. 16—Conspiracy .

16—Victim of a Crlsla .. 16—Salome Craze .

16—Flirtation Collar . 16—Brave Girl on the Fifteenth Floor. 16—If take* Gasoline to Win a Girl..

16—Snanl»h Girl . 16—Her Favorite Tune .

16 -How the Loaer Won .

16 —.4 Voting Baehelor’a Bream . 1ft—.4 Strange Reunion .

26 .4 String.- Reunion .

Address S. E. OVERPACK Care of The Billboard FOR SALE 'iyiisy Banner. 12zlS, use<I two

month*: cheap. If taken at once. MAB.4M t'K

BL.4. 1722 BiNige St!i-et. Omaha, Neb. w A N T E DIPICTURE MEN WANTED Ten liide|K-ndent Tent Street Show*, for Annual .4niilver*ary Celebration. 'To show on pen-elltage. S»-pt. 21 tO 2.3.

J. K. \4’AKEKn:LB, llumlMddt. Kan*. — • SOLD EVERYWHERE —


WANTED 'I'lifiM fliitiMliif: vi<ilin or Mini Tr;i|» UniiiiiiHT. li. A ().

tilrlH tinit I’jiii '•liiL'. M’lul J4li«»t4*s; Rfiifp rII Harry Brown, 13C8 Taylor St.. Columbia,

.\ 1 Or#’hf:afMi I.<’Jol*’r, rioiih, ImiHt

TrRft iFruUitiM r .iMiu nn wir* Luiora. Ark.,

S^pt 4th.; Helena. Ark., Cth.


iviAsco" Mcs flR5?ain3 8£PO£;£ tWOS.OiJECNS p<wcf V PRiNcesses.

L covtiwop* ii-

SEPTEMBER 4, 1909.



SOUVENIR COODS For Carnival Salca.

CDinERC Per Grots. $2.00. driucnoi Aittror Ur. $4.00

Per Groti. $2.00. No. 70 Att t Per Ur. $4.00 |3 ((j PerCrM*

CARNIVAL WHIPS. $5.$0. t? 00 and $8.0C

We rarry tbe largoit aktortniriilul kuife boarc kniTft wetlofthe MltniMtlppi Kieer. Our prirei tre aliBOlutelr rook bottom. We altocarry a (ul (Ino of SireotmoD’i Goods. Carnival Novelile. ond goods for Fairs. We are the oldest Streei men's supply bouse In the United States anr have tboDkands of saiisfled cu«t«>niers; we oai •atisfy TOO and want vonr business. Order tbippea same day received. Catalogno FKKI'

COE, YONGE A. CO., Ninth and Lucas Ave. ST. LOUIS

One of the greateel amusement riding devices and mooey- getter, 11.070.80 rs-

w U /y •‘-’SO to live boors at 2. !! !T another. $400 In one

other carr^ 28.032 11 paasengers at 8

xCvV/fflUL clear proflt. Writs foe new 48 page cat-

figure, and

Lraa * hbalt hiutskt ssao oaiua

“Mascot” The White Beauty Is Justly styled the King of E<)uId$^. has tTavcl**d three time* a^>aod the world, and works fllrtft fn»ni hi* audieiw*! in five laoguagt**. He is now playing on the Chautauqua platform. Would Ilk** t*» iiugotlat** with tuAint* ctn<***i4«AU»ner at the S**attlo ExfwtsitloD for August and S(*p- teanber. H. S. MAGUIRE. 1917 Jefferson Street, PHILADELPHIA. PA.



p. p f r ‘ Second Season Opens September 18.

ullulIlUllg uDulliy Idir Largest indoor Amusement Resort in the West. Located on ELMIRA, N. Y., Sept. 20-24, 1909. the busiest throughfare in the city. ^4 Million

OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Pcoplc within P'ivc Ccnts Limit. Interurban trolley lines direct to grounda; ahnw aAjni r a • .. .# .. i.n.

-t"" “• * A Good Place for Concessions to Locate for the Winter.

ELMIRA. N. y.. Sept. 20-24. 1909. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT.

Interurban trolley lines direct to grounda; ahow and privilege (MM>ple write. O. S. LATTIM Saerstary. Elmira, N. T.


DuBois Fair and Races OuBOIS. PENNA.

Sept. 7 8-9-10. Write for Cooceaalona. Open day and night. 0|>en for Hhowa and Fsrrta Wheel. P. T. Oriaasmar, Secy.

DANBURY FAIR Tli$ l«rgt$t txhibltiiB !■ Ntw Eiglaid

Oct. 4-***7*S-» Fsr PrlvUtfet apply la N. T. lULKLEY, itcy.,

loollit and Stands. DANIURT, CONN.


♦OST A COMPANY. 900 Filbert Street, (tatabhihed 1S70). Philadelphia.

New, Ealarged. Illoatrated Catalogua

500 TWO COLOR LETTERHEiOS, $3.50 with engraved design and half tone made frem your photo. Same with two rnta. S4.78. New catalog ahowlag 34 neat dealgne aent for I rent stamp.


WIOB OMLT SS CEIfTS -Irlab. Dutch. Rube. Tramp. Dago. tTown. each 8.V. Orois all col- ora. SI *81. Semi .Vic and g<*t 102 page, high elau VatideTlIle, prepaid. Kncbiee 2Sc and get my llluatrated T7,eatrlral Magailne for fl mnntha. “Kelm',*' Make up Ihvk l.'’>c; It tella C hew. Iltg ratalngiie of WIga. Dlaya and Vau¬ deville Mketrhea, FUKF Itiiah onler, a aiM* elaltr Addreea ADOLPH E. REIIC. SS6 Sith at., Milwaukes. WMa._

WANTED First-Class Carniial Conpany For the Floral (Tiib'a Annual Pall F'entlval and ll'i.-m. Show, at llsiwnwiwid. T,-» . wi-ek of Nov. l"t. Itiin't anvwer uiileaa you have the gomla. We ran gl\e yon the bn«rne»« 1‘oaltlvely DO i'oo<-b or Oambling. liet In line for the big nwiiK-i Aildn-aa at once. HRB. W. D. ARM. BTRONO, Praa. Floral Club, or R. H. FOBTER. Chairman Carnival Committee.

' WANTED 'r*)('orn*8|H>n<l with first rhiss ('umivtil Uo.,

fur wtt'k’s pnj;:iu«'in('nt after (Vt 1. Aub-

pioos of the «*f the Worhl.

Addrats DN. L. F. HITIN$, Columbus, Ba.

Film For aale 10 Hrela I'erfect Klim (lot only) Sin bo |ht ri^l; lot filina, givnl condition, all In de|M'iiilcnt. 127 .‘lO per ri-el; Song Slldea. 121.18' per ••I 1 lot FTlina. SI2 to St7 loT not Mayer Silverman, S88 Fulton Bldg., Plttaburg, Pn.

MARION, H.L.. WILLIAMSON COONTT FAIR AH80CIATI0N will bold the blggoat F'air In S.iiilliorn IlllnoU on Sopt 21 21 All g>«>d con i-i'eeliine and moral altrartlone wanleil. For forlln-r Inforinatlim. adilreee OEO. C. CAMP- HFI.L. Be.y.

FREE ACTS WRITE US. Room for anything but a Balloon Ascension. Dog, Pony or Monkey Show wire for opening date. We gel the people.

It’s up to you. J. C. WISEMAN, Gen*l Mgr., The Hippodrome Co , Kansas City, Mo.

Embroidered Danners, Chair ,—^.- and Table Covers.

Something new for your act. Something that will ^ | t aurely Interest VaudevlUe and Novelty Act per- | formem. Trained Animal AcU, Minstrel Sbowa. i etc. Made to add charm to your act. We also f _ .f-ri—

N5^*e raflitdKpiioiiS Uw./-sfcRr*r

GEO. LAUTERER, 164-166 E. Midi$ei Stritt,



I ~ *8D



We also carry a complete line of wigs,

paints, tight*, etc.

9lfE<IRIT MOTION PICTURES but whet) you need a Machine or supplies write to ua We are Sp^ialists on Machines end Siwpites. end we can save you rttoncy and iiKrcase yimr profits. C. H. D. write*: “Making a Big Hit. Business iacremsetl wonderfullyAstonishing opportunity in any locality tor a Man with a little money. Capetiettce not necessary. Easy to start. We tell you how. We sell theMOHOCRAPH. Powers. Edison aird all other Machines and Supplies. We negotiate a first class Film and Song Slide Rental Service. Write for Catalog.

AmiseiMBt S«i4»ly Co., 834 Hnob Bank BUo.. 15 Deartoni St. Uiicado.


-SERF etti to lotti. - Want Good Show* and Attractions. Good Crowds Day and Night.

W. T. McCOY. Sec*y Fair Association. Mercer, Pa.


Ttie one beet bet In M. P. Mschinea.

Nicholas Power Company* **'new york.


I have now remove.1 to my new and Mivlern Studio at 231 Ogden Avenue, and am better preiMireil than ever to handle anything In the way of acenery. OAee. 549 Van Buren Street.

Military Band Organa



^Majestic Pianos* Pianettes*&c. Suitable for Tent Shows. Side Shows. Arcades. Nickel Theatres, Cafes, Roller Skating Rinks and all Amusement Places. Send for catalog. It’s full of information, and our price* are the- lowest in America on Musical Instruments of high grade and unqueatianed durability.

LYON 6 HEALY 44 Adam* Street, Chicagi

Lare**l Muale Heuss la the WMid

ATTENTION Concession People


ALBERT LEA, MINN. Is September 22,23 and 24. We want some good tent shows, can use minstrel, electric, freak and would like to hear from concession people. 0. M. PETERSON, Secretary,

Albert Lea. Minn.

WANTED A small Carnival Co., Merry-go- round, good Vaudeville, etc,, for

“1.0. R. M." POWWOW SEPT. 16,17,18.

in town of about 8()0, 2 miles level road from R. R. Address “Chief of Records,” Glasgow, Ill.

Woodworth & Co. now 204 Wells St. W'ill be after Sept. Ist, 907 W ells St., without change of location. Mechanical Vaudeville 4 five minute acts for $2.00 a day. Write for particulars.

Wanted-Vaudeville Acts! Both large and small to send in open time. Nothing too large nothing to small if you deliver the goods. Can hx a few weeks work open here. L. DESMOND, Savoy Theatre, Syracuse, N. Y,

Rowan County Fair SALISBURY, N. C.

October 19, 20, 21 and 22. Privilege Men. write; several Ooo<l Attractions wanteil. Write M. L. J.VCKSON, Secretary, Salisbury. N.t.'

King Of All Cameras Developes Its own pictures; makes 2*8) exposures per minute: makes .’1(8) complete pictures tier hour. Agents make $•'•*) to .«1(8> iter week. Rrand new patent that is goo<I. Write for clrenlars ami cut. to CHKKK CAMKUA CO.. Little Rock. Ark.

Stock Co’s and popular price shows that can deliver the goods wanted at Niles, Mich. W. M. Rieder, mgr.

Ttie Billboard SEPTEMBER 4, 1909.

Ir- Conventions

S Reunions Conclaves Assemblies


Ililliimire—Xortli. iiptiTn Sk.nt Vorlninil. Ort. —. JOB, Di'Ki'hliHrt. ItHltimon-, Mil.

t'.ilois —Stull Siilii1:i> Si'IUMil .Vsun. ttct. 1.1 l.%.


Ill VI rl.v—Ki'IiiiIiih ijil Ki tlliio'iit Msisarlniwlt* Viili'iili.prK. Si'pt. ;!S. TlHm Swasvv. Mur lili'hi-ail. Mus*i.

r...'tiin —Ilipilun l•l«llIlrv A>'ii. Jan. II l.l. \V. II. .MhiTliiii. .'Ml llroail at.. I'o*

Inn. .'laas. W’orri'sli r—Slalp>tii.t MKaloiiary Siwli-ly.

IS. I '.’ll. Trank W. Taili-lfniil. raai Tn-iiiont Ti'iii|ili‘, IMiaton, Mupa.


Alli'Can .Vlli'uan Tmillry anil I>l Slm-k Sliow .k>i«n. J.m. r> s. i;u<i. \V. 11. WaruiT, Jr.. Alli-can. Mil'll.

lli'trolt—Wosli'rn Tli-ctrical In»iH-otiir»' .Aaan. ili't. 2(1 I’.*!. \V. S. Ilnyil. 12.'> Monroe at.. ('lileaEO. Ill.

riieo, K. Wood. Cbi'lsea. Mtrli. Ill MlelilEan Cavalry.

UiiskpII, Itox lA'i, Ijin-

NOTICE.—0nl7 auch date* aa have not been ... publiabed in thia liat before appear under the Jaokson—It.union 17lh MlrhlEan Infantry, ieneral heading. “CONVENTIONS." Back n .. . numbers containinc previous inatalmenta ean al¬ ways be obtained by addresainy the publiabera, if they are not to be had from newadeaiert.

Under the caption, “Corrections and Chanyea, •rrori will bo emendated and chanyoa indicated.

Those who with to collect copies of the Con¬ vention complete lilt are advised to preserve their copies of The Billboard from weea to Iviiil —Ij.yal (inlir of Moose National Con- week.

Sopt. 11 Ivilamaroo— Ui'iinnin

.'Si'ril. I.'. 1«. C. ( 'Il'E. .Mi'll.

''unit .'<li'. Mario ItolM'kali Slate Aasembl.v. (lol. r.i .Mrs. Ilia M. HavIs, Hamilton. Mich.


Complete copies of this liat may alw ^ had by tendiny 25 cents to The Billboard Pub. Co.. 416 Elm Street. Cincinnati. O.

KiluanI L. Harr, CTaw-


(■liiirolios Slato Cl iiivention. Ala.

S'l:ni -Tlirl'-liin S..\. W. S. Ilnilor. Soliii


ll.'l Spriii'j' Nilioiial .ti'ii. Hoarils of Tiiar- 'iiai'V. Si'iil. 7 11.

li-'l Sni'iirrs llolM-kiiii Slalo Assi'inliiy. •JII. Mr'. .Mo.l.ra .V. llolil, IK. Tike Iltll. lliHk. Ark.

IMiilliiE'on Jr. <1. I . -t M Cvninell. Oil. \V. T T.irlH', llaikoll. Ark.

I,Hilo Hia'k 1. <1 <1. T. (Iraiiii I.iHlye. Oct. .I..I111 T Tatil. siloaiii S|iriiiES

lourl Toachers’ Sioariis, pros..

2« 2S H l.'>.

Oot. ave..


Mill.' llis'k—1. II.

l.i.K Antolos 27.

Jiilin T (Irainl line impmont.

Taiil. Siloaui SpriiiKS.


S. National Onar.l .Assn. Si'pt.


ItallMSi Supply Mon's Sopt.


IioiiM'r Itallwaj Supply 'ions Assn. 7 11. s. Ii. Ilutcliiiison. (stluiiilius. II.

lioiivor Aiuorioaii SI. ami Inlorurlian Uy. Asmi. (III. 4 11. T.oriiani N. Swenson, 2tl \V. IMIlli si.. Now York City.


Harlforil Itounlon Ittli Connoetloiit UoKiment. Sopl. 17. C. (Jii.iin, Haiitiiiry. Conn.

.Now Havoii—I. (I. (I. T. (Iraiiil Kiieainpment. (lot 1(1. Wni. S. Hilloliison, Ilrawer ISl. Now Ilavoii. CiHiii.

Now Ha'on -tiranil Chapter Order of the Taslorn Star. La*! wo.k In January. 1910. Harriot I. llurwlll, Cslil .Main st., Wlnstod, Conn


Aucusla—AucU'la Toiillry .Assn. Sliow. Nov. S 11 AV. .A. Horman, .Augusta. <7a.


G,ranBe\-'llo—UolH'kah Slate Assomlily. Oct. IS. Mrs. Francos Crosson. Kiiimett. Ida.


('liloii'jo -far I.lchtinR Enpineera’ .Assn. <lct. .I S. n. H, Colprovo. Clilcapo & Illinois Ry., Eloolric lioparlniont. CliicaRo. III.

Clilcapo r S. Land and Irripation Exposition. Nov '.'0 Hoc. 4. Hoyt. T. Cross. Chicapo.

111. „ „ „ P»‘<‘8!ur nsnkor*** A^sn. Oct. 12 13. R.

T,. Uliianian. Clilcaeo, Hi. Klein —lli'uiiion 17tli Cavalier .Assn. Sopt. 17.

K E. Tavlor. Klein. HI. V.t. (’arroll Itounlon !i2d Illinois Volunteer In-

fanirv. Sopt. 1 4. Jolin Maden. Mt. Carroll. HI

Iloek Is'ainl —Itounlon siith Illinois Roelment. Soot 1(1 .A. H Curran. Hristol, Hi.

Sandwloli Itoun'on .'Kith Illinois Reeiment. Sopt, 2'{ Wui. T. Sylla. Klein. Ill.


.Anderson -Hooslor Kaneiors* .Assn. Feb. Ifl- I'l. llilo. N. M. McCulIoueb. .Anderson. Tnd.

<>,,9)„'n—Iteiinliv.i Ifilh Indiana Volunteer In- fanlrv A='n. Sipt. 22. W. R. Hrown, Ft. AVavii.'. Ind.

Indianapolis—Reunion 12.-.t*i Indiana Infantry. Soot. 7 k Capt. n. II. Neeley. Indianapolis, Ind

Ronsselaor Itonsselaer Toiiltry Assn. Jan. 11- l.A. 1910. It L. Trenner. Rensselaer. Ind.

s. U*ii F.ond—Reunion 21st Indiana Hattery. Sept. 2«. Alex. Stapb-s. W. Wayne st.. South Itend. Ind.

Terre Ilauli—R'unlon Oth Indiana Cavalry. Sopt. 22. Thos. F Rrown, Sanford, Ind.

IOWA. Connell Ii’ufTs— Orchard Coneress.

Nov Ki 20. lieoi.r.ah Reunion Norweeian TIoneers' A«sn.

of .Apierlea Oct. 2 3. J. J. Ilopperstad. Hoeorab. la.

r*<s Moipoc -Iona F.vaneelioal I.iitheran Synod. Oet. V It.'v. .A H. Ij-amer, St. John'a flinreh. Ill'S Moines, la.

rio« Molnos—Iona State Tonltrr .A««n. Dee 2S.Ian. 1. 19in. Oeo. S. Thilllps. Box 912. lies Moino', la.


New ton -Central Kansas Poultry .A«sn. Dee. (til, K II Mafln, Newton. Kan.

Tomka—Order Her Herman S.dine Grand Ijidee. Oet. 11 11. Gns .Arnold. 2110 Haas ave., Ti>|ieka. Kan.


Pewee—PnPed Confederate Veterans State D! vision. Oet. 1 Dennett H. Y’oiinp. bOS Fifth st., Louisville. Ky.


Auburn —I’nlon A'etersn’s I'nlon National En- eamnment. Sept. 29 10.

Portland—I. O O. F. Grand Lodye. Oet. 20. Russell G. Dyer. Portland. Me.

Portland-1. O. O. F. Grand Eneampment. Oet. 21. Rnssell C. Dyer. I'ortland. Me.

MARYLAND. Baltimore—I. O. O, F. Grand Encampment. Oet.

Ib. AA’m. A. Jones, I. O. O. F. Temple, Raltliiiore, Md.

volition. Si'pt. 21 fordsvlHe. Ind.

MISSOURI. I'ri'dorieklow n Sonlbeasl Ml

.A'sn. N'o\ 2.‘'>'J7. B. S Haiti Mo.


Ilillincs —liry Farniiny Couyri'ss. Oct. itirt’i iiinn--.state Isti i*iiathle .Assn. Sept

W. 11. lu'iiyuey. Missoula. Mont.


I.ineidn—I. (I. (I. F. Grand Encampiiient. Oct. 19 I. P. P.iee. Freniont, Neb.

iliiali:i -.'Hate B iiik' r'* .Assn. Si'pt. 8 9.


Maniliester Uoiinioii 1st N. M. Battery .Assn. Sept. 2.''i. S. S. Piper. Sill Elm st.. Man- clii'sler. N. H.

Maiii'lio'ior lt'''i<'kali State .Assembly. Oct. 12. Mrs .Aunio P. KiHlyers. 11 Mason st., N'asb- ua. X. H.


Ki'Tpor: R ii'ilon 14Ili \ J. VoliintmTS. Sept. IS. Jidin C. Patter-on, Oeean Gruie, N. J.

NEW MEXICO I-ss A'ecas New Mexico Rankers' Assn. Sept.

15. Ilallett Reynolds. Las Veyas, N. M.

NEW YORK. Remns I'olut- Reunion 112th New Y'ork A'oInn

teer Reyimint. Si'pt. It. L. L. Ilanehett, Jaiiieslow n. N. A',

Klnilra—Reunion 14Ist New Y'ork Volunteers. Si'pt S. ( Van AVayoner. (kG Grove at.. Ehiiin. X. Y'.

Eiiiilra—Reiinien KUtli New Y’ork Y’olunteera* .As-n. Sept. 17. W. R. Hammond, Elmira. \. Y.

Elniir-i—Elmira I’oultry .As-n. Show. Sept. 21121. M. It Hi-IVi. Elmira. X. Y’.

Erie—.Army .and Navy I'nlon. Sept. S 10. Herkimer - Keunion 14th New York Infantry.

S'pt. 1(1 17. Jas A. Suites. Herkimer, N. Y.

Homer—Reunion Ki7th Reylmental Assn. Sept. 2ii. Hon C. (I. Newton. Hi nier. X. Y’.

.lamaiea. L. I.—Reunion 127lh Reylment New York Y’oliiuteits. Sept. 111. Willett Dun- land Jamaiea. L. I.. N. Y*.

I.oivvIUe—Reunion Id Rattallon .’ith New Y’ork H. .Artll'ery. Sept. 20. Georye U. North. Copi'nliat'en. N. Y’.

APneida—YT'.hi'oIh Poultry .As-n. Show. Si'pt. 21 2.''i. Robt. Seaman, sunt.. Mlneola. N. Y.

New Y’ork CItv—National Horse Show. Nov. S 11.

tlsweyo—Reunion Slst New Y’ork Y’eterana" .Assn Si'pt. 15. Helen M. Stafford. Osweyo. N. V.

PeekskiH—Reunion Harris Llyht Cavalry Assn, and .Second New Y’ork Y’oliinteer Cavalyr. Sept. 15. D S. Montrose. Pi-eksklll. N. Y’.

Uiwliester—Rechester Industrial Exposition, (let. 11-21. Chamlier of Commeree, Uoehea

ter. N. V. Uoehe-ter—.Association of Commercial Execu¬

tives. Oi't. 21 2Ci. R. B. YY’oodward, Roch¬ ester. N Y.

Rochester—State Health Otfleers' .A«sn. Nov. 1(1 12. .A. 11. SeynKuir. .Albany. N. Y’.

Saratoyn Sprleys—Jr. G. I’. .A. M. State Conn eil, Sepl. 1)7. Chas. L. Lb"k. Rrooklyn. N. Y.

Seheneclidy—Sebeneetadv Poultry A«sn. Show. D'C 14 IS, I. I,. Whltmvre, Seheneetady. N. Y.

NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte—Charlotte Ponitrv A-sn. Jan. 14-

IS, pitn. E. G. YY’ardIn, Rural Route 7. Charlotte, X. C.

AV.s'-t.';' Itninlon HHli Hid" A "Iniiiei r liifan trj. S.'pt. Ill 17. Eii"> I•."lsell, 12 Madl-iui 'it., WiHbHior, *>.


.Vpi'llo—Apollo l*oultr> ^llon. pi f. lo IV. T. Ai»a»II *

Spriiu'** Kiilulit'' aii*l l.-ollfb of |{oii«>r liTHtot I.ahIj:*'. o»*t 1*» I frtlliirtHo ViK'likir. 2l.'t N. Hli -I.. I■llil.'ldelplll'l. Pi

Ha'di'i -Hawlev I'eiillrv A—n .Sliew. Hct. 4 S W. A. AVidford. Hawlei. Pa.

M.-Kee-perl MiK.'i'-m.n I'eiiHrj A —n. Sliow Dee. 27 Jan 1, 191" I A' Seles. Al. Kei-s Ii'rt, Pa

till Illy Slate Fireiiieii's A--n Hit. ■ " AA' Wiindir. Readliiy. Pi

Pllt-biiry I lilted It'.'s' lire nil- ef Aiiierlia iii't. 1 2.

Plll-bury .Annrli'an Ciriialleii S".'lei>. Jaii. 2il 2s, 19PI. A. r J. B.inr. Indlana|MillK. ind. . ,

AVIlllam-nort—Kiiiylil- "f Hen"'- Grand I.eilye. (let. 12. H T.. Bald" in. ('"Al Hail. u st.. Pldlrdi'lpbla. Pa.


Pre'lileiiia' Kel>i'k:ib si.ili A—iiibl.' (VI. It. Airs. C. A Aldrli-h. Mat Cbalksliuu' ave.. Pro'Idi'iiee, R 1.


Spartaubtiri; Sparlanbury Pniiltrv .A»sn. Slnuv. Nov. :{0-Jb'c. 2. C. \V .Andir-iii. Spartan- bury. S. C.


('b.all.iinsiya—TrI .Stale L.tiinderers' .A-sti. N'ov. s 9. Geo. -A. Blnii. EM'i'lsier laiiiiiilry, Blr nilnyham. Ala.

Ilarrliiian—Tennessee River Improvement .A-sn <*€-t. —. AA'. B. Iteyti r. Cli.attsin-iya. Teiiii.

Metiip'd-—Trl Stale I'eullrv .A-'ii Slien. Sept. •JTi Oet. 9. It C, Sl.s' I(* N. '.M at.. Ali'iiiphls. Ti'lin.

TEXAS. P.'a union t—Beaumont P'Ultr.' .A-sn. Show

Nev. 22 27. J. L MeKinlej. Beaiimont, Tex.


st. Aliians—Verr.ieni State Pisiltry .A'-ii. Jan. IS 21. AA'. P. AVi'.lers. St. .Aliians. A t.


I'larlntles'Ille—K. (i T M Gn at Camp of D-irlet of Columbia and A'lry.nla Ibt. 2 4 D. W Gall, dl.’i E st., N. AY , Wash inylon. D. C.

l yin libnry —Charilie- and CnrreelInns State C'»-ifi reniT'. (let —. Geo. B. Davis, Shoal P II.. Ya.

Shailuell—National P.eayle Cliiti "f .Anorlea Bench Shew. Xm. 5. Cli.i- It. Sle'ensoo. Shadwell. \'a.


Tacoma—National Cemmainbrj ef Naval an'l MiTtarv (irdcr of the .Spaiil-li .Anierb an AA’ar. Sept. S 10.


M'beellny—.S'.ite I'ostma-ti'rs' .A<-n Sept. 6 S T. T. Huffman. Ke\-er. \A' A i


Mlluaukee—Journeyman Barls-rs’ International Cidon. ilet. Tt. Jacob Pisher. S«'eurlly Trust t'Idy.. Indianapolis. Ind.

Milwaukee—Natioiialy Dairy Sh'>w. (l.-t. 14 21 H. E. A'an Norman. 14s Planklnton Heii-e. Milwaukee, AA'Is.

lleenoiuowoe—(Ironomowiio PiMiltry .As- , Sliow. Dee. 1.5 20. o. R Eddy, ib-uneinowis', AA'i,


Cisly—1. II. O. E. Grand Eneampment. iiel. 12. Isviils Miller. Rnx 017. Laramie. AA'yo.

(.»|v—I II O. F. Grand L.-ly Oct. 13. Letil- M.llcr. Box (117. Laramie, AA'yo.


Menfieal—Canadian Master Plumtiera' Assn. .Sept. 15 10.

Corrections and Changes

MICHIGAN. iNtrolf—Ani»*riran Oct. 20.

Jji«. \V. Ihinbar. New .Klhanjr, Ind.


R M h«*sf**r—R* al K>tate A^sn, of N>w York.

Others Imitate or Try

es Novelties lor Fairs and E-xpositiouj

Yq Wlr* Irllsts Sopplie*

futher Fiovere T. D. MOTT. 41517 ST..ciiicno.iuimi i

Big Honey At County Fairs ^500 A WEEK PROFIT EASY

We oriyiuated delleloua |M>p. corn fritter-rrlsiiettes; sale, vuormuus; our iirvHU'SS ueta

4(au i proflt; no eXlM'rleuce re- quirisl: Inveat- iiieiil lest than f2(ai. Si'iid for booklet. W. Z.

. LONG CO., I7» Hiyh St., Sprinyfield. 0.


GORDON fc Wlioleaale

199-201 E. Madiaon

We are the low esi prl<'e whole¬ sale Jewelry and Novelty ilouae In America.


CATALOGUE. AY'e have every

tblny of the lateat and iaryest atork of



We are exrlnalre t'. S. A. Ayenta for the yreateat Money Makers. Hamlet A Itaynold Watebiui; alto. Hamilton best sell- tny Hasors.

MORRISON Jewel«*ra, 8t., Chic4Co, ni.


C. F. Oarfi-M. Uo-h.-ntcr, .N. V.

Closing Out Sale 5000 Gross

Souvenir 3«ft. Riding Whips

Sellers at Fairs, Carnivals, Picnics, Ohio Yoiiin cl-C- Closing out at So.tK) per gross.


CARDS High class Work Only


Cards.l.'X) fatAlncue Free.

HUNT & CO., 56 Fifth Avenue, CHICAGO. ILL.

. Ri'iinlon 1.12'1 Beyt. .-.

tT'^i/."’Mff ■'^n * ^ in. by Coliim'uix—R.’nnicin 113tb Oh!" Volunteer In , 12 in. at S0.60 per doZ. For prOHipt

funirv. .si'pt. 1(1. T. p. Jones. Granville, shipment Send casli witli Order. If

‘''’I’l’r"”2^ Od w.'\,'rnVV'rcoPum; D. send one half amount of bu-. (I ■ - - 1-.1 . J

Elmore—Elmore F'oiiltry .Assn. Show. Dec. 2S- 11. G'O .A AA'els. Elmore. O. |

H.'rtville—Hartville Poiiltrv Assn. Show. flee. ; 29 Jan. 2, 1910. R. J. Pllyrlin, Hartville, O.

I-ltM-rty Center Reunion .IRth Ohio Y’ol.inteer Infantry. Sipt. 7. O. W. AY’(*eks. Delton. O.

Lima (llilo Mec'lianleal. Eleetrleal and Steam Enyim ers' Soeleiv. Nov. 19 20. David Gae- lil. Schofield Billy . rieveland. O. |

Newark Renrilon 7(llh Ohio Y’olunteer Infantry. .Sept. 22. C. YY’. Hull, (19 Chestnut st.. New I rrk. (I.

New Philadelphia—Keimlon 51st Ohio Volnn l.'cr Y'eterans' Infantry. S<'pf. 19, I. A. C.arroII. New Philadelphia. O.

Rich" O'M* - Reunion 174lh Ohio Y’oliinteer In¬ fantry. S-pt. 22, J E. Grow. 101 W. Church st.. Marlon. O

Toledo—YY'. C. T. P. State Convention. Oet. h 12.

Toledo—.State Feder.itlon of Lalior. O’cf. 12 Ifl H. Ii. Thomas, 717 Siipi-rlor are., N. K., Cleveland. O.

AA’aiiakonefa—Waptkoneta Poultry Assn. 8ho

order with order.


PADDLE WHEEL llandaomeat, atronyeat. liybteat Welyht wheel 00 the market. Keantirnlly painted In hriyht eolora. Runs amiMtbly on hall liearliiya; 82 Inebea Id diameter; onmlierad from I to no. Rasy to e a r r y for travelIny rOM!*LRTK WITH PADDIRH. 812.

Hpludles. Htrlkera. Bee lilvea. Drop Caaea, Doll llaeka. Cayea and all Fair Ground youda, Club

Room Furnltore. Carda, Dice and Poker Cbeeka. Beat wurkniauablp and loweat prieea.

CANDY We have the rtebeat box of rboeolatea In appowr

aura. Eight eolora emlsiaaed In gold.

127.Ml jier hundred: alao, other l-lba., at |2S 00, t'JO.90 and flfi.OO per hundred. Gam. R5e par hundred |>aekagei. Bend for H|ieclal Catalogna and Prlee IJat.

IRatabllabad SB yaaiw.)

180 Slate SI., CHICAGO. ILL.

Di e, 14 IS. John C. Lear. Sr.. Wapakoneta. gy^Q, gjpg gg.. 126 Franklin tt., CHICAGO

Incandescent Globes 10,000 8 & 16 C. P clear at 6c 10,000 8 &16 C.P. colored at 7c



The Danville Fair October 13-14-15-16, 1909

If you have aomethliig goral, and ara rsirolng

Ihia way. write for eoneeaalon. DANTILLX

FAIR ASSOCIATION. Danyilla. Virginia.


SEPTEMBER 4, 1909. e lllboard

j NOTICE.—Only »uch datat at ha»a not baen

tiublithed in thii litt bafora appaar undar tha Jran. ml haadinir • FAIHB." Bark numbert con- taininK provirut inttalmanta can alwayt ba ob- tainrd by addiaiainif tha publithart, if thay «ra not to la bad from newadcalert.

Under the caption. •'Correctiona and Chang-at.” arrurt will be amandatad and ebangat indicated.

Tliota who with to collrct copiat of tha Fair jonrlata lut ira advitad to preterva their cop- let uf Tha Billboard from weak to week.


I.-.1,1 (M\ Itlu’ I'.'Mr r.'iiiilj K ilr Si pt. IS 17. II I. > '11111.’ M'■>


rtillB'I’ ll’h •< Fa r Aiii! 17 J. II. Ilu« t'.ii \V 'M.i, Mi"


«ir.. !'■'.Ila i'liiiiit' I' llr Mini |■.•«llv;l^ Si-pt. ■Js .111 1.1 K.ij r«rk.


N. w It • Ini' ' hI N' » Itn hiii"ii'I F:ilr. S. I't. 2‘J .-j W II I’r kv

Corrections and Changes MARYLAND.

fr.-i- 'l> W Fr< il’ri. li (■..iinl.i Airrlciiltiiral .Soci rij O' l 1!' .’2 <• <■ \V irahliiia, »ary.


Sal 'fiiira It'-^ian F.ilr t^-n. t)rt. 19 22. M. I. J.'. U>ii. -..y.


M. r.’-r M r . r r- ninl \.tri. iilliiral S.ul' tr. S< I't 7 ;• W T Mi l


11' lan'illli ll.n«'--1 l'■llllll^ Fair. Sipt. 14 17 <■ M Mil l M It II iltir '.'k. •iiy.


StiirL’.-'ii r.i.i li'-.r I’.niritj \. and II. Sn>-1 cty. Si:'t 21 21 J.'lin <; Olll iigiT. >.iy.


NOTICE — «iich datai at haaa not baan pnblithad in thi’t ’i»t bafora appaar undar the general heading "STREET FAIRS.** Back num- bart containing praeiciit inatalmentt can alwayt ba obtained by addratting tha publithert. if they are not to ba had from newtdaalert.

Under the caption. ■*CciTactiont and Changat.** errort will ba ami-ndatcd and changet indicated.

n.oie who with to collect copiat of tha Street Fair complete lut are adriiad to pratanra their copiat of The Billboard from week to wc'k.


Chletgo ll.'Ichtt Fall F.-• y! ISIS \V C Jamison. FhirtK'i llalp.htt. III.

M 'rr -"*r Iny |■••1^ brat Ion. tt ftraca Park. S'pt *1 II.Mi'py I> iril. arry.

New It rlln .\miial ll'imi' Coming and Utr t'>«t liildb'a \V. I k .tug riiiS. pl. 4 J. I. 's.-hiili r s.., I

Strrttor P.mImt I>av C. I. braflnn S«'pt. d Ham \V N -N'in. rwrj |; M'-rn-II at.. Stis-al or, n,


fimd.'i- Fall F.'sllval 4 D D M.' M.ihir at trai ' i'ina: T || I .'alle. pr'vllrg.'a.

Ib'Iplil Stri I I Fair. Iti-t 4 a lliinna k Hall, mcr«

Trov—Ilomi c..tnlnc and Carniyal Sapf. 2''>. 2.*’i J W I’orii'r. Maring". Ind.

IOWA K’-fharvIlIa F Sin.I VcrlriiHiiral and St.wk

Show. So|.t All .t J llhiaira, tacr. I'irnhamvilh' -OM S'lidl.-r'' ll•'llnlnn.

17 \V F. Jidin'on. Kaoliiilt Kail Colobratioii. Oct. .'i !•. Kira H.

lit 11, a,'ey.

S'li irt Stoik Sb"W ainl F’ll Foalival. Ort. S 7 H I, He' kthorii. a.'.-y

tValniit « Minital S<pi 2 t W. E. Frater. preal lent.


llapiiMlr Harie.l Homo Foallyal. Sopt. 17 IS F. •: Climmlllga. aooT.

Valloi F' ,ll» siro.-i fair an'l Carnleal. Sapf. ■Ja Ml K. C Sliaffor, aocy.


rar'.tiaiil' I'r.. stn.ot Pumpkin and Stock Sh-'w Si'iil. 21'2.' I. H. Hllihlo, aocy.

tilatiw '."1 Couiil.'i F.alr an.! Har'oaf Koa- Ural So|.| V III Chaa. Itanln-rg. mgr. ahow a an'l cnnr'O'alona.

St I'aiil ( ar’ilval and Striei Fair. Sept. 20 2<’ H Mirllii Johnson. SM Payne ava.. Si Paul, Minn.

MISSOURI. Slock Show .Sepf. 23 21. A. I>.

\Vllco\, aocy


[| FAIRS Corrections and Changes.


illliaoii City Corn Carnival. Oct. 12 10. \V. H. Harldsnii. aocy.


Mnrlford fll.i Fagh ' .ti'rlo. No. 21<». S*-pt. •Ill M.iiiiigcr, Kagli't* Fall Fcsllval Hart f.'rd ‘ 'll». I lid.

IOWA. tckli > SMiu rkr.iut Hay. Sept. 23, F. G.

ii'M'Itol, M'cy.


Fullorton Soldicra* Koiinion. Sopt. s ||. Capt. Frank .M. iirlHin. accy.


tCrilaiiiaZ'M. K.I la III a zoo Anniveraary and Home Coining. .S'.|,i *2*1 Oct. 2. Iti'uaon, director, iaalM. i.iziai, .Midi.


HiiiiCiiV'I'Ui old Hoiiip Week. Sept. 5 II. It'ilieii'l. Huntingdon. Pa.


llrownwo-Hi Floral Cliit>a .tniiiial Fall Fcatl- val. Nov. I and week. U. 11. Foster, Hrown- wiH»l, Tex.

Larpe foMinp

PARASOLS with |H*nnants prinlftl to your onlcr I’i I (i

MOXP'Y SM-n<l for catalog on those new novelties, pie Panutol mailml upon re¬ ceipt of 10c. toco ver postage

Yukon Kx logition aorl yaution special cilora to onler

R.G.HuntinghouseCoti'lonWks •'13 M5 Larr.aDee St.. Chicag *.111

FAIR WORKERS NOTICE Large Japa'io'<o Flies k Spidera. per groaa. Jll.^ Japiueao Wind Itella. per dog.. $1.3,*) and 1.5(1 Confi’ftl Iniatera icol*di [ler Ita). $1. $1.5<i. 2.ia» Faney Haniile Whl -a *36 In. I. per grona $5. 6.(i0 No. *>> Extra Heav.r tiaa ItalUaina |>er gr.. 3.50 Long Shell Giiaril Cbalna. i>er groaa.6.50 Ixmg Indian Head Guard Chaina. |>er groaa, 8.00 5*l-lucb H<'ad Guard Chatna laaat. rot. i gr., 4.(Mi I.arge Cigar F’ans. i>er groaa. 2.25 Shell Puraea. per dog., $1.25. $1.50 and 1.75 Y IK) I lKilI«. Per groaa.8.00 H*'avy Jap Cain-a. iwr 100. 1.65 Floroaco|»-a. per dozen. 1.65

Send h>r illiiatrat***! catalogue.


This extra heavy 14 karat solid gold shell EAGLE ring, xvarrante*! for ton years, each .$2.50

Send for our E.kGI.E catalogue. si>eclal luduce- nieuta to agents.


256 £. Madison St.


Nugget Jewelry, Watch Chains, Charms, Stick Pins. Bracelets, etc.

Send 2c stamp for price list,


Balloon Ascensions

and Darinfi Feats Tlic St Clair Girls Imxe a fev oiien dates for

Fairs. Moil hi like to bear from Fair Mgrt. who want nllahle aenuiauts. Have oiien date wo'k of .\ug. 30 to S.'pt. 4: also Ijibor I'a.v. Write or wire Work giinrantei'd. Hank refer enee. ,\ddr*.^s THE ST. CLAIR GIRLS, Thomp- Bonrille. Mich.


Street Merry-Go-Round Seating 76; can lie put up In a few hours; al*' our isirtahle Human Koulette WIh’cI: U'th can tie MM-ii In oiM-ratlon. J.\S. O'l.KAUY. I.uua Park. 52ud .V Halstial Streets. Chicago.

Streetmen and Canvassers Plslt«m<'uilt Merchsnta' C.xrnival. Sept. 1 6.

J. I*. FnltiT, si’cy.

NEW YORK. Street Fair and Carnival Si-pf. 27 snil we<k Froil A I'aniier, 2 Willow st.. Hriv.klxn \. Y

GInxerarlllr Fair and Cariihal Sept. 2'.> Oct. 9 Fred SimtIht, secy.

OHIO. IHIlsliorn H llshorn and Highland County Ex

p.’sliloii Oct .5 7 Sam I*. Free, aecy.


llarlle.vllh' I abor Hay Celebration. Sept 6

PENNSYLVANIA Johnstown Johnstown Fair and ('arnlval. Sept.

6 11 ('olonlal Atiiiiaenient Co., Johnstown. Pa


Ixirkbarl—I.nckhart Colton farnlval. Oct. 12 16 C. O. Stiillh,, Tex.

WEST VIRGINIA l•hlIlppl Fall F.stlval an.l Fair. Sepf. I.Y

IS C. K. Koblnaon, mgr

The flneat line of alrei't goods ever shown. Krife ShartM'ners. Can Oi-'ncrs. Hrmuii Hoblera and Ollier iiov.-llles 10 cents for sain|>le. ATLAS STAMPING A PLATING WORKS. 557 Jackaon BItJ., Chicago. III.

OEM DARNERS Greatly Improve*!, aliwolutely best one made; greatest si'ller »>ut for STUEKT. FAIR and STttItE WORKERS. .’’KHt'Y. profit. Sample and prlcea. 15 eeuta. GEM CO.. 210 W. Adama St., Chicago. HI.

BALLOONS Mot air balloons of all aliea In atock at all timea. NORTHWESTERN BALLOON 00.. 110 Clybonm At*., Chicago.

Chewing Gum For Kalra and Cimlvala. Gel Our ITtc*)#. Tha Halmat Co., Oincinnati, Ohio.

THE BALL SPINDLE Just out. Our leader for *‘19t(i.’* Nothing like it ever made la-fore. Can be run anywhere, and gi'ts a play i-verywhere. The only spindle ever iiiaile with a Hall iiulicatur. Hall is in plain sight of player at all times. C*iiiii-s big or little prlzi- at will on Fair. Will give anyone $liKt who can tell how we <lo It. We guarantee it to work perfectly at all tbi'.ca. Si-ud for It now while It Is new. Price. $25.00.

H. C. EVANS & CO., 125 Clark Street. CHICAGO, ILL.


l.MITA'KiKS. We offer ne bargain eouiili-r sab'S. If you buy marke*l down gtaals. your profits go down !*•<•';.

THE WONDER CANNON PHOTO BUTTON MACHINE Is the only original and fully guaraiiti-ed plioro butt"** mai hiue on the market. Our plates ami frames and all supplies are fully guaranteed. Isn't it bnmiliating to turn out a ;Msir pielnn' ami si iid away a ills-

satisfi*-d- customer'; That, we n-peat, is tlw r<-sult of ib'iillng with imitators.

oru CANNON IS A HIC. MONEY MAKER on street corners and all outibsir occasioi's. CO.Ml'LETE OFTFIT, $2.*i.*Mi. Tills in- clmles CANNO.V. tri|s>d ami supplies f'lr muking 3(>0 finlslD'd photo buttons.


CHICAGO FERROTYPE C0.( The Original \R. 120 Ferrotype Building, Photo Button House ) CHICAGO.

THE CUTLERY KING'S 1909 CATALOG U now ready ami It is yours for the asking. Contains money makers In



JEWELRY for Fair Workers so, If you want orders filled the best, the cheai>est, the quickest, send them to

HARRY L. WEISBAUM 256-262 E. Madison St., 9th Floor Hunter Bldg.,

S. E. Cor, Madison & Market Sts,, CHICAGO, ILL.

" Vo°ur SOAP AGENTS Get onr prices on soap and toilet articles. They will Interest yon. Onr advertising

assorted psckag*;s with valuable premiums have the flash and value that get the money. Everybody uses them. MAKE GREAT SOCY'EMRS FOR SHOWS. CARNIVALS. ETO. Money getters for canvassers and fakers. One young man cleared $l,(X)8.,’t3 In 6 monthfl straight on a bouse to honse canvass. Are von doing as well? If not. send postal today. We will teach yon how. E. M. DA^IS SOAP CO., 38 Union Park Oonrt, Chicago.

WANTED THE “PROFESSION” To know tliat I am now Yvitli THE AMEHR'AX STE.XM LAUNDIiY, and when you are in ChattaiUMiffa. Tenn., let me Uxik after your laundr>’. Drop a eard and let me know when you areeominjf. Willfjet you a Hotel of any kind you wish. “CL'T” this out. Hej^ards to all. Professionally yours, W. W. SMITH._

The Herbert A. Kline Shows Post Office Box 68 Chicago, Ill.

FURNISH MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS At the State Fairs of Texas, Indiana, Illinois, Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska this fall.

WANTED .4 !cni>er. lliat enn do g<x*d Icai ing. to Join my big aerial act. One that can do full an*l a

half pirouettes and twisters pr<'f*'rr<-d. State weight, lu'iglit, tricks and lowt st salary In flrat

leltf'r. Photo, if ih'ssIW,.. i furnish wardroix-. traiisisirtation and ts.anl. .Yiblress

BERT BANVAKD. Mgr. 6 Flying Banvardi. care The Billboard Ofllce, New York City.

W AM'ED-NATIONAL AMUSEMENT CO • t August 30 'o Septembar 4. Rig Stivx’t F'air ami Carnival on lb*’ Main Street. BANCROFT, NEB,. SEPT. 6-11. Firemen’s annual eelebralloii; 25.*>*S* iHs.jile on the big ilay last year. W.aiit. <|ui*'k. one Rig SIsiw to feature and one RallylMH' Sis ox ; also olio elean *lrind show; Soln-r and n-llalde man who understanda H. .s. Merry *:*)-Uonml. ami Fngim-er; also man who ean oiK’rate Conderiiian Ferris Whtx-l. Privilegi- People. <s'iiie wluTe exi-rylssly has moiu'.v. Cane Kaek. Knife Hark. Mitt Keaib-r and otlK’r b-gttiu\al*‘ privlb-gts oix'U. No graft. All iss>ple must be solx-r and relatde. S*iuth this x\inter. .Mr. Ratliff, manager Nemo Sliow, write; Carl Raird. write or wire, as' tier route.



Saline County's Greatest Fair and Home Coming Week. Harrithurif, III., Sopt. 14-15’16-17-18, 1909. Tlio Ttaiint'r Fair of Soiitht^rn Illinois. tnniuectAHl with \\ hit4» Oity; |*«V2Mnoiit. walkn ainl €'l»'otric lijjhts h'atliii); tt* irnninds: nliuo’-it as as klays; on«» day's atlt'inlaiic^ last y»‘ar: Iartf»‘ pay r«»lls: pl^Mity «'f in :*«•>•: m't busy.

Aehlnws DR. C. E. BYINGTON S^creUry.


Al. G. BARNES TRAINED WILD ANIMAL CIRCUS .Xiitiual lYalners and Performers to handle animals of all kinds ss(x-elally a gisxl Man or Woman to handle a large group of well br*'k<‘n Lions; must have suitable wardrots’ and exi^rl- eiiee; no has h*s-ns or amati'urs ue4'd ansxver. .Xdilress AL. G. BARNES' ANIMAL CIRCUS, week of August 30 to September 4. EVERETT, W’ASH.



SEPTEMBER 4, 1909. 44 xne Billboard


' I. Kiaanat^tB. 44 Abb at.. Nrw York City. • . Li-, • ni.i-1- Ooldxmlth T«y A Importing Co.. 122 E. 4th at..

Of Ag«ntB, Hotels, Music Publishers cinrinoati. o. and Dealers, in Theatrical, Circus .Vaaaala Ilroa., 233 Commercial. Bostcm. Maaa. and Park Supplies, Alphabetically , Woodland ara.. Clara

FELT PENNANTS. Co., S7 Oraat Jonaa at.


Adrartlaamanta not axcaadlng one Una In loBStb will ba publlabad. protiarly claaaifiail. in tbla dlractory at tba rate of $1(1 fur one year (■2 laauaal, provided they are of an accaptalda eaturo. Price Includea one yaar'a aubacrlptlon So Tba nilllKtard.

Bach additional line or additional claaalBca- tloo without aubacrlptlon. $7.50 per annum.

Ono line will ba allowed to advertlaera free of charge during lime of contract, for each $50.00 worth of at)ace contracted fur. provided all con- dltlona of the contract are complied with.

Tbla directory la revised and corrected weekly, ehangea in Arm names and addreaaea being tecerded aa noon aa they are received.

ADVERTISING NOVELTIES, Singer Rroa., 82 Bowery, New York City. If. Hhure Co.. 220 Madlaon at., Chicago. Ill.

ADVERTISING SLIDES. Brayton Mfg. Co., 121 S. Randol]>h at., Chicago.

ADVERTISING STICKERS. St. U>uia Sticker Co.. 105 Pine, St. I»ula, Mo.

AERIAL ADVERTISERS. Sllaa 1. t'onyne. 401 Mcl.ean ave., Chicago.

AERONAUTS. Belmont SUtera Hallnun Co., Kt'ed City. Mich. Mlaa Dorothy De Vonda, Box 706. Otsego. Mich. Prof. C'haa. Swartr, Humboldt, Tenn. ne St. Olair Clrla. TlK8ii{>sunvllIe, Mich.

AMERICAN TAILORS. NIepage Itroa., 166 Bay at.. Ti»ronto, Canada.

AMUSEMENT CONSTRUCTORS. Buney Zarni Co.. Highland and Dorcbeater ave.,

Cincinnati, O.

AMUSEMENT SUPPLIES. Chicago House Wrecking Co., 35tb and Iron

ata., Chicago. III. D. B. Music Co., 10.39 N. Weatern are.. Chl’go.

ANNOUNCEMENT SLIDES. Levi Co., 24 I'nton S<i., East, New York City.

ANIMAL DEALERS. Wm. Bartels, 160 Greenwich at., N. Y’. City. Carl Hagenbeck. Stellliigen Hamburg, Germany. UnwotMl H. Flint, North Waterford. Me. Home's Zoological Arena, Denver, Col. W. Odell I.,earn. San Antonio. Texas. L,oola Buhe. 248 Grand at.. New Y’ork City. Wens A Mackenaen, Y'ardley, Pa.

ARCHITECTS, Far Bummer Amusement Parka and Theatres.

John H. .Stem, 818 Singer Bldg., N. Y. City.

ARC LIGHTS. I CONFETTI. Flaming Arc Eight Co., 30 Greenwich ave.. New , Sj;,’ Onawa. Iowa

Seboen A Son, 50 Ann at.. N. Y. City. I N. Sbure Co., 220 Madison at., Chicago, III.

Shryock Todd Co.. 82 N. 8lh at., St. bonis. Mo. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery. New Y’ork City.

' IT. S Flag Co.. 331 Ixwk at., Cincinnati, O. , Weatern Bargain House, 272 Yladlson, Chicago.

, CARBONS. I F.dw. E. Cary Co.. 59 Park Place, N. Y. City.

CARBONS AND EXHAUSTERS. I J. H. Uallberg, 30 Greenwich ave.. N. Y. C.

{ CAROUSELS. I O. A. Dentzel, .3641 Germantown ave., Phlla.

I CARS (R. R.) Circus and Theatrical.

, Arms Pal.iee Horse Car Co., Monadnock Bldg., I Chicago, lit. I Hleka I.ooomotlve A Car Works. 277 Dearborn I St., Chluago, III. I Mt. Vernon Car Mfg. Co.. Mt. Vernon. III. I The Venice Trans. Co.. 3d Natl Bank Bldg.,

St. Lonla.

CHEWING GUM MANUFACTURERS. 1 Helmet Co., Inc.. 25 W’. 6th. Cincinnati. O. I Tol»do Chewing Gum Co.. 404 Jackson at., To¬

ledo. O. U. S. Chicle Co., 6th A Brighten. Newport, Ky,

CHUTE BUILDERS. .Ymerlcan Amusement Co., budlow, Ky.

CIGARS. L. Denebeln A Son. 127 E. 4th. Kansas City.


New and Second-Hand.

P A. McHugh. 1.3.55 Euclid ave., Cleveland. O. U. S. Tent A Awn. Co., 47 53 S. DesplalaM.

Chicago. III.

CIRCUS WAGONS. Cages, Dens and Band Chariots.

Begga Wagon l>)., Kansas City, Mo. Sullivan A Eagle. 15 Canal at.. Pern, Ind.

CONFECTIONERY MACHINES. A. T. Dietz. 127 Michigan at.. Toledo, O. F. L. Tarhell Mfg. Co., 246 Klnzle. Chicago. Jap Novelty Co.. Battle Creek. Mich, banler A Driesbach, 315 John at., Cincinnati, O W. Z. Long. 172 High at., Springfield, O. Standard Mfg A Supply Co., Drawer O.. Mo-

nongahela. Pa.

CONFECTIONS. Rueckhelm Bros. A Eckstein. Harrlaon A Pety

ria ata., Chicago. HI.

York City. J. H Hallberg. JIO Greenwich ave., N. Y. City.

ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. b. Baumann A Co.. 118 E. Chicago ave., Chl'go. Botanical IW-coratlng Co., 310 Fifth ave., Chl'go.


C. W. Trainer, 80 Pearl at.. lluHtun, Mass.


J. H Hallberg. .30 Greenwich ave.. N. Y. City.


byon A Healy. 205 Wabash ave., Chicago. III. Niagara Musical Inst. Co.. N. Tonawanda. N. Y. | M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 1392 B'way N Budniph Wurlltzer Co.. Cincinnati and Chicago. /-rasa owaio a e»e»

Rudolph Bros.. 520 So. Sth at.. Phlla., Pa Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland ave., Cleve¬

land. O. Wm. B. Johnson, 111 Seneca at.. Seattle. Wash. P. 8. Flag Co.. 331 Ix>ck at., CIncInnatt, O. Western Bargain Honae, 272 Madison. Chicago.


Chicago Cootnme and Cotillon Worka, fit Dear born et.. Chicago, III.

COTILLION NOVELTIES. R. O. Huotlngbouse. 513 I.arrabee at., Chicago.

CLOWN WHITE. M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 1392 B'way, N. Y. C.


r. 8. Music Co.. 1939 N. Western ave.. Chicago.

BALLOONS. Naasala Bros.. 223 Commercial, Boston. Mass. N. W. Balloon Co., 880 Clybora at.. Chicago. Geo. A. Paturel, 41 Warren st.. N. Y’. City. Rubber Balloon Mfg. Co.. Akron. O.

BAND INSTRUMENTS. Frank Holton A Co., 169 Gladys are., Chicago. Lyon A Ilealy. 205 Wabash ave.. Chicago. III. Budolpb Wurlltzer Co.. Cincinnati and Chicago.

BADGES. BUTTONS, ETC. Bastlan Bros. Co., Rochester. N. Y. DeMouIln Bros. A Oo.. 1030 So. 4th at.. Green¬

ville. HI. Newman Mfg. Co.. 611 Woo<lland ave., Cleve¬

land. O. I

BANNERS. C. 8. Tent A Annlng Co., 47 53 S. Desplaloes, Queen City Engr. Co., 416 Elm at., Cincinnati

Chicago. HI.

BILLPOSTERS’ SUPPLIES. Chas. Bernard, 909 Rector Bldg., Chicago, III.

COMPENSARC. Fort Wayne Electric Works, Fort Wayne, Ind.

CONES. I A. T. Diets. 127 Michigan at., Toledo, O.

, Lanier A Driesbach, 315 John at.. CIncInnatt. O. I F. L. Tarhell Mfg. Co., 246 Klnzle. Chicago.

I CONE OVENS. A. T. Dietz. 127 Michigan at., TV>ledo, O.

I I.ianler A Driesbach. 315 John at.. Cincinnati. O. Standard Mfg. A Supply Co., Drawer O., Mo-

I nongahela. Pa. I F. b. Tarbell Mfg. Co.. 246 Klnzle. Chicago.

CORN POPPERS. { A. T. Dietz. 127 Michigan at.. Toledo, U. ' W. Z. bong, 172 High at.. Springfield. O.

Holldav Novelty Mfg w. T. a

U. 8. Flag Co.. 331 Ixtck at.. Clncl aatl. 0.

ILLUSIONS. Curiositisa and Bids Show Goods (Manafaetni-

srs and Dealsra In.) Q. W. Allen, 265 Bowery, New Y’ork City.

CUTS. Half-Tones, EngTavings, Etc.

BOOKING AGENTS. Atlas Book. Circuit, 1402 Broadway. N. Y’. Clt.v. W. 8. Cleveland. .53.5 Knickerbocker Theatre

Bldg., New Y’ork City. Natl. Park Mgrs ’ Assn . 1402 B'way. N. Y. C. Park Book Circuit, 1402 B'way. N. Y’. City. Ted Sparks’ Vaude. Circuit, Century Bldg., Kan¬

sas City. Mo. Sun. Orpheum Theatre Bldg. Springfield. O.

Weatern Canada Booking Bureau. Drawer 1690. Calgary, Alta., Can.

BURNT CORK. M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 1392 B’way. N. Y'. C.

BUNTING & FLAG DECORATORS. ■ . M. Elsfelder, 583 McAllister. San Francisco.

CALCIUM LIGHT. Oz-Hydrogen Gas Manufacturers.

American Calcium Light Works. 56 Fifth ava.. Chicago, III.

Cincinnati Calcium Light Co., 108 4th. Clncln'tl. Erker Bros., 604 Olive st.. St. I»nls. Mo. Indlanipolla Calclnm Light Co., 116 So. CspPol

ave.. Indianapolis. Ind. Pittsburg Cil. Light A Film Co., Pltfahurg. Pa.;

DECORATIONS. And Dealers in Flags, Banting, Faatooniag, Etc.

U. 8. Flag Oo., 331 lock at.. Cincinnati. O.

DECORATORS, Buildings, Fairs, Booths.

The Wm. Beck A Srms Co., 10 Garfield Place, Cincinnati, O.

U. 8. Flag Co., 831 Ix>ck at., Cincinnati, O.


I Ixiftls Bro*., 92 State at., Chicago. III.


1 F. R. Ryan Co., 504 Hodges Bldg., Detroit, Mich.

ELECTRIC FANS. ' J. H. Hallberg, 30 Greenwich ave.. N. Y. C.

ELECTRICAL STAGE EFFECTS. I I’nlversal EI*c. Stage Lighting Co., 1393 Broad

way, N. Y. C. EXTRACT.

I For Making Pineapple Cidar.

I Columbia Mfg. Co.. 1159 Harrlaon at., Chicago.


FESTOONING. National Tissue Mfg Co.. 53 R.vkwell Placa.

Brooklrn, N. Y'. U. 8. Flag Co.. 331 Lock at.. tTncinnatl. O.

FILMS. Manufacturars, Dealers ia and Rental Baraaaa.

Acme Film Ezeb.. 0(k5 SmBhfield. Pittsburg. Pa. Aerograph Co., 50 I'nlun Su-, N. V. C.; Troy,

N. Y. American Film Serv., Security Bhig., Chicago. American Film Kich., Wabash Bldg., Plttaliurg. ' American Film Eicb., 630 Halsey st.. Brooklyn. American Film Serv,, 158 N. Main, Memphis. Am. Vltsgraph Co.. 116 Ntssau at.. N. Y. City. Anti-Trust Film Co.. 77 8. Clark at., Chicago. Chicago nim Kzch., 46 Jackson Blvd., Chicago;

Omaha; Denver; YVasblngtoo, D. C.l 8aB Ijike Clt.v; San Francisco: Nashville.

Cincinnati Film Exch., 214 W. 6th at. Cln’tl. Crawford, O. T.. Film Exch.. 1401 6 Locust at..

St. Loula. Mo.; Loulavllle, Ky.; New Urisana, La.

H. Davla. Watertown, Wla. Dixie Film Exchange. Owensboro. Ky. Eastern Film Exchange, Wabash Terminal Bldg.,

Pittsburg. Pa. Edison Mfg. Co.. 10 6th ave.. New York City,

and Orange, N. J. Eldred Film Service. 79 Dearborn at.. Chicago. ■ Eureka Film Exch.. 317 Everett Bldg.. Akron. O. Frank's Film House. 347 6th av., IMtUburg. Pa. Exclusive Film Oo.. 225 Dearborn St., Chicago. French Film Restoring Co.. 601 Rcibold Bldg.,

Dayton. O. Globe Film Service. 79 Dearborn at.. Chicago. Great North. Film Co.. 7 E. 14th at.. N. Y. C. C. J. Hite A Co.. 360 Monadnock Blk.. Chicago. C. L. Hull A Co.. 209 E. 57th at.. Chicago. Lacmmle Film Service, 196 Lake. Chlcar>:

Evansville. Ind.; Memphis. Tenn.; Omaha. Neb.; Salt Lake City; Minneapolis, Minn.; Portland. Ore.: Montreal, Qua., Can.; Wlnnl peg, Han.. Can.

I. .ake Shore Film and Supply Co.. 314 Superior at.. Cleveland, O.

The H. Lleber Co.. 24 W. Washington at.. In dignapolta. Ind.

8. Lubln. 926 Market at., Philadelphia. Pa.; Cincinnati. O.

Monarch Film Exchange, 201 Thompson Bldg., Oklahoma City. Okla.

C. J. Murphy, Meadvllle, Pa. Nat. Film Co.. 100 Griswold. Detroit. Mich. Nat. Film Renting Oo.. 62 N. Clark. Chicago. New York Film Exch.. 7 E. 14th at.. N. T. C. Not. Mov. Pic. Oo., 418 Tnrk. San rranclaco. Ohio Film Ex.. 20 K. Broad at.. Columbus. O. Pacific Coast Film Exch., 647 8. Broadway, Lot

Angelea. Cal. Pathe Cinematograph Co.. 41 W. 25th at., N. Y. Pittsburg Cut Rate film Exchange. 800 t^wls

Block Pittsburg. Pa. Pittsburg Cal. Light A film Co.. Pittsburg. Pa.;

Dea Holnea. la.; Rochester. N. Y.; Llneoln. Neb.; Clnrinnatl. O.; Omaha, Neb.; Wllkea- Barre, Pa.

S*llg Polvacope Co.. 45 B. Randolph, Chicago. South, nim Exch.. 146 W. nfth. Cincinnati. South, nhn Exch.. 245 Main. Norfolk, Va. Standard nim Exch., 79 Dearborn it., Chicago. Spoor. Geo. K.. 62 N. Clark at.. Chicago. Turner A Dahnken. 1.16 Eddy at., San Pranclaeo r. S. nim Exch.. 132 Lake at.. Cltlcago. Wash, nim Exch., 506 Weatory Bldg.. Wash

Ington, D. C. _ Western nim Exch., 841 Century Bldg., 8t.

T^mla, Mo. „ World nim Co.. 117 Tnlverslty Place. New

Orleans. La.

FIREWORKS. Consolidated nreworka Co.. Reading. O. Gregory nreworka Oo.. 115 Dearborn. Chicago.

State Fair Oronnda. St. Pael. Minn. A. R. Marryatt. 32 Park Place. N. Y. C.

j Natl. Fireworks Mfg. Oo., 64 Cndbnry at.. Bon ton.

Pain Pvro. Co.. 1820 Wabash ave., Chicago; N. Y. City.

FIREPROOFING COMPOUNDS. Sam’l WIndecker. 185 Wabash axe.. Chicago.

FLAGS. Annin A Co.. 99 Fnlton at.. New York City. Rndolph Bros., 620 S. 5th at.. Phlla., Pa. r. S. nag Oo.. 351 Ix)Ck at.. Cincinnati. O. r. S. Tent A Awn. Co.. 47 58 8. Deaplalnea.

Chicago. III.

FLOOR SURFACING MACHINES. M. L. Schlneter. 88 8. Canal at.. Chicago. HI.

FLOSS CANDY MACHINES. A. T. Dietz. 127 Michigan at.. Toledo. *>.

FORTUNE TELLING DEVICES. S. Bower, 117 Harman at.. Brooklyn. N. Y.


J. M. Naughton Co.. Hotel Mayer Bldg. Illinois.

Pea Molnoe. la.; Rochester. N. Y.; Lincoln. | „ g,,.- rVwmetlc Co 1392 R'wst N V r Neb : rincinnatl. O.; Omaha, Neb.; Wllkea , to.. 1392 H way. N. Y. C. Barre. Pa. FACE POWDER.

CALLIOPES. . Stein Conmetke Co.. 1.192 B'way, N. Y. C.

Geo Kratz. Evansrllle Ind. FEATHER FLOWERS. CAMERASCOPES. DeWltt Slaters. 237 W. 46th at.. CMeago. HI.

W 8. Monntford. On Maiden Lane, New York. T. O. Mott. 415 Deabom at., Chicago. III.

Spindlaa. Clnh House Fumitura. Etc.

Charlos A C4>.. 877 7th ave.. N. Y. C. | H. C. Evans A Co., 125 Clark at., Chteago, Ill.

GARMENT CLEANERS. Becker A Wade Oo.. 2501 Cottage Grove ave.,

Chicago. HI.

GASOLINE BURNERS. W. Z.. l/ong, 172 nigh at., Springfield, O. .

GRASS MATS. | American Rng Co.. 810 E. 96th at.. N. T. C.

GREASE PAINTS, ETC. F.zka-np Boxes, Cold Oraam. Etc.

Chicago Costume and Cotillion Works. 69 Dear born at.. Chicago. HI.

M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 1392 B’way, N. Y. C.

HANDCUFFS AND LEG IRONS. Oaks Novelty Co., Oshkosh, W’la.

HARNESS. * Plnmaa and Trappings—For Circus and Adver¬

tising use.

Schaemba PInme Co., 612 Metropolitan ave., Rroeklyn, N. Y.

ICE CREAM CONE MACHINES. Dnplez Ice Cream Cane Mach. Co., 116 E. Pearl

at., ClnclTMiatl, O.

INDIAN COSTUMES AND RELICS. W. 11. Barton, Gordon. Neb.

JEWELRY. For Stags Uaa.

R. E. IKxIge A Co.. Maaonlr Temple, Cbirags. W. il. Hollla.'er A (>>., Maeunic Triple. Uh'go! N. 8hnre Co.. 220 .Madlaon at., Chicago, HI. Shryork Tixld Co.. 824 N. 8rh at., St. Ixmls, lito. Singer Bros.. 82 Bowery, New York City. Western Bargain House. 272 K. Madlsou, CA'ga.

JUGGLERS' GOODS. Edw. \ anWyrk. 665 I’ullau ave., Cincinnati O

KNIVES. Cleveland Cane Co.. Cleveirnd, O. tkildherg Jeaelry Co., Ill W. 6th at., Kanaas

City, .Mo Newman Mfg. Co.. 641 Woodland ave., Cleva-

land, O. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery. New York City. Harry U Welaliaum. 242 K. Madison, Chicagwv. N. Sbure Co.. 'J'JO Madlaon at.. Chicago. lU Shryock-T-xld Co.. 824 N. 8th at., St. Louis. Mo.


LECTURER. W. S. Bush. 155 N. Conestoga at.. Phlla., Pa.

LEMONADE POWDER. Columbia Mfg. Co., 1169 Harrlaon at.. Cbiragn.

LIGHTS. Beacons. Torches for Circus and Tazt ■haws. Molte A Wcver. 223 225 Michigan at.. Chicago C. S Tent A Awning Oo.. 47 53 8. Deaplalnas,

Chicago. III. A Mllburn C«., 507 W. Isnubard at.. Baltlaxun

Marylaml. Wlndl orst A Co., 104 N. 12th at., 8t. IxMils. Mo.

MAGIC LANTERNS. Btareopticons, Eto.

Amer. Mtagrapb Co.. II6 Nassau at.. N. Y. C. Chicago Sterro|>tlroa Co.. 56 Sth ave., Chicago. Globe Film Service. 79 Dearborn at., Chicago. C. M. Stebblna. 1028 Main at., Kansas City, Ms.


American Amunement Co., Ixidlow, Ky. American |t<>x Ball Co., 1260 Y'an liuraa gt.,

Indianapolis. Ind. Amiltage A Guinn Sprlngvllle, N. Y. Csgney I-txvtoio. Wka.. 72 Broadwav, N. Y. 0. Cincinnati .Nov. Co.. 206 W. 15th. Cincinnati, O. Cbubhuck Wheel Swing Co.. P. O. Box 1341,

Horoell. N. Y. J. G. Cooderman. 1448 Belmont ave., Clileag*. Ell Bridge Co., Roodbouae, III. Herschell Spillman Co.. N. Tonawanda, N. Y W. F. Mangels Co.. Coney Island. N. Y. A. J. Smith. 1500 W. Van Buren at., Chicago Stock Novelty Oo.. 1.146 Broadway. Cincinnati L. A. Tliomjmon Scenic Railway cV, 329 Broad¬

way. New York City. World’s Greatest Novelty Co., 10 Templa Court

Bldg., Chicago. Ill.


Lyon A Healy, 206 Wabash ava.. Chicago. Ill. Niagara Musical Inst., Oo.. N. Tonawamla. N Y. Rudolph Wurlltaer Co.. Cincinnati and Chicago.


FVancIs Bannerman. 601 Broadway, N. Y. City.

MOVING PICTURE CURTAIN MFRS. Curtalnyllne Curtain Oo.. 402 Ashland Block.

Chicago. HL

MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. Actograph Co.. 60 Union 8g.. N. Y. City;

Tr../, N Y. ; Am. Vltagranli Oo.. 116 Naaaau at.. N. Y. City.

American Film Serv., Security Bldg.. Chicago. American Film Serv., 158 N. Main. MempbU. Anti 'Tnist Film Co.. 77 8. Clark at.. Chicago.

1 Chicago Flhn Exch., 46 Jackson Blvd., Chicago; Omaha: I>enver; Waahingten. I). C.; Salt I.Ake City I»alsvllle; Nashville.

Cincinnati Film Exch., 214 W. Sth at.. Ctn’tl. Crawford. O. T.. Film Exch., 1401 6 l4>cuat at..

St. Louis, Mo.; Ixmlsvlllo, Ky.; Naw OrlaaM. La.

Cbaa. E. Dreoalcr, 145 E. 28d at.. N. Y. City. Edlaiin Mfg. Co., 10 Sth ave.. New York City,

and Orange, N. J. Globe Film Service, 79 Doarbom at., Chicago. Harbarb A Oo.. 809 Filbert at.. Philadelphia. I.. Hetx. 302 B. 2Sd at.. New York City, r. J. Hite A Co.. 360 Monadnock Blk.. Chicago, C. P. Klelne, 662 0fh ave.. New York City. I.aemmle Film Service. 196 Lake, Virago. HI.;

Evanvvtile, Ind.; Memphis. Tenn.; Omaha, Neb.; Salt I.,ake City: Minneapolis, Mina.; Portland. Ore.- Montreal, Qua., Can.; Winni¬ peg, Man., Can.

I.ake Shore Flhn and Supply Co., 814 Superior at.. Cleveland. O.

S. Ixibln. 936 Market at., Pblladelpbla. Pa.; Cincinnati. O.

I NIcbolaa Power Oo.. 155 Naaaan at.. N. Y. City. I Pathe Cinematograph Co.. 41 W. 25th at., N. T.

Pltfahiirg Cal. Light A Film Oo.. PIttaburg. Pa.; Dea klolnea. Ia.; Rocheater, N. Y.; Lincoln. N-b.; rincinnatl, O.; Omaha, Neb.; Wllkea Barre. Pa

Pittsburg Cnt'Rate Film Exchangs, 30 I-ewlo I’.Iiwk. PIttaburg, Pa.

Eberhard Schneider, 109 E. 12th at.. N. Y, Ctty. Sell* pol,vac<g» Oo., 45 E. Randolph. Chicago,

j South. Klim Etch., 245 Main. Norfolk, Va. Spoor. Geo. K.. 62 N. Clark at.. Chicago.

I Stebblna, Cbaa. M., 1028 Main. Kanaas City, Mo, Standard Film Exch., 79 DeartHtm at., Chicago.

1 So«itli. Film Exch., 146 W. 6th rt.. ClnrlnnatL U. S. Film Exch., 132 Lake at.. Chicago.

: Vlawope Mfg. Co.. 112 E. Randolph at.. Chl’go.

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. l.von A Healey, 205 Wabash ave., Chicago. HI. Niagara Musical Inst. Co.. N. Tonawanda. N. Y. North Tonawanda Musical Instrument Works,

North Tmawanda. N. Y. Budolpb Wurlltzer Co., Cincinnati and Chicago.

I MUSIC PUBLISHERS. Tha following firma will be glad to send eopleo

of naw songs to recognised members of the profession:

Joa. W. Stern A Co.. 192 .38tti at.. N. Y. City,

I MUSICAL GLASSES. I,. I’.raunelaa. 484 Flatbiiah. Brooklyn, N. Y.

NOVELTIES. Co-. Yiainge A Co . 905 Liicaa ave . 8t. Isnila, M. tlerticr. 7'Jlt South at., Philadelphia, Pa n<.l<p.mllh Tev Impf Co . 122 E 4lh, Clncln’tl. Gordon A Morrison, 199 201 E Madlwin. Okteago.

SEPTEMBER 4, 1909. X ti e Billboard 45

111 W. 8lb tt., Kinait OuMImtk Ji'wclrj Co.

41»V*A K"«.h. HXI Frlondiililp. l'roTlcl»Dr», R. 1. T O M 'll. 41S lM-«rli<>rn it., Cblrigo. III.|.li Hr... , .'.JO S Sill »t.. mUdrlphlt. lU. N ghiiri* Co.. 2'JO M»illiion •!.. Chlr»ico. III. «brTo< k T.hI.1 Co . NJ4 N. Ntli ►t.. HI. l.oiil». Mo. (i|nic.T Ilro«.. H‘-’ Ilowerjr. NVw York City. W.W Krr*». tiliiir More. Co.. Kinxiii City, Mo. W»it*-rii il.irK»ln lloii«o. 272 M»illi>on. Cblrano.

Eukoboll Art Co., 5505 N. 27tb. Omaba, Neb. E. J. Hayden A Co.. 106 Ilroadway. Hrooklyn. IT. H. Tent A Awn. Co., 47-52 H. IteapUlnea.

Cblcayo. III.

SIDE SHOW SUPPLIES. CoKawell I’laoe, North Cam- Will. Nelar.n. 8

lirtdce. Maaa.


NOSE PUTTY, kl stein C<ianiellc Co., I39J Il'way, N. Y. C.

OPERA CHAIRS, Atnerlran Seatinit Co., 00 Waba«b ave., Cblraco. A II. Anilrewa Co., 174 Wabaab ave., Cbirago. Carnie (lotidle Mfg. Co., 307 Itelaware at., Kan

• aa City. Mo. Hardealv Mfg Co., Canal Dover. O. A It Milner H«'atln* C«>.. New Pblladeipbla. O. Royal Metal Mfe. Co., 1831 Dearborn, Chicago. r H Stafford Mfg. Co.. Chicage. «ltel rurnitlire Co.. Orand Rapida, Mich.

ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS. I Dathan A Son, 3000 Spring Orove ave., Cln-

rinnatl. it. Oavloll A Co.. 31 Rond at.. New York City. Jobaunea S. Oebbardt, 3034 l.awrence at., I’blla. l.Ton A Mealy, 305 Wabaah ave., Chicago. Ill. Ji'>bn Miiailo A Son. 17S Park Row. N. Y. C. Niagara Mu<lral Inat. Co.. N. Tonawanda. N.Y. North Tonawanila Miialral Inatrument Worka.

North Tonawanda. N. Y. Rudolph Wiirlllier Co.. Cincinnati and Chicago.

ORANGEADE. Th* Corner Co., 303 Maryland at., RiilTalo. N. T. ColunbU )irg Co., 1150 llarriaon at.. Chicago.

PAPIER MACHE. Carnival Papier Marhe Worka. 365 W. Water

at., Milwaukee, Wla.

PATENTS SECURED. ■333 r at., Waahlngton,

Atlantic Electric Sign Oo.. 1533 Atlantic ave., Atlantic City, N. J.

Autolectric Sign ITo., 134 B. Van Biiren. Chicago. Canvaa Sign Shop. 438 Summit at., Toledo, O. Cbae, Klee. Co., Hrj Franklin at., Chicago, III.

SKATES. American R<iller Rink Supply Co.. Sanduaky, O. lialtimore Skate Mfg. Oo., Baltimore, Md. Harney A Berry, SprIngOeld, Maaa. Chicago Roller Skate Co., 334 Waahlngton Blvd.,

Chicago, 111. M. C. Henley, RIcbmood. Ind. Rlchardac.n Ball Rearing Skate Co., 501 W’elle

at., Chicago. III. The Samuel WInalow Skata Mfg. Co., Worces¬

ter. Maas.

SHOOTING GALLERIES. Diamond Novelty Co., Schenectady, N. Y. R. E. Hippie. 809 Vine at.. Philadelphia. Pa. Kmll It. Huffman .V Son, 542 Jackatm Blvd.

Chicago, III. W. T. Mangela Co., Coney laland. N. Y. J. J. McCullough, Sberldan’a Walk, Coney Is¬

land. N. Y. A. J Smith, 1500 W. Van Buren at., Olilcago. Wm Wnrffleln. 208 N. 2d at., Philadelphia.

Evan*. Wllkint Co., n c

PERFORATED MUSIC For Electric Pianos.

C. S Mualc Co., 1931* N. Western are Chicago

PHOTO. BUTTON MACHINES. Amer. Minute Photo Co . 2<kt W IStb, Chicago

SLOT MACHINES. Mannfactarsrs of and Dsalsra In.

Colo Auto Co., 451 Kane ave., Hammond. Ind. Diamond Novelty Co.. Schenectady. N. Y. A. J. Flaber A Co.. 434 2d ave., ITttsborg. Pa. I.yoo A Healy, 306 Wabash ave., Chicago, III. Mills Novelty Oo.. 166 Mills Building, Chicago IT. S. Maalc Co., 19.39 N. Western ave., Chlca^. D. 8. Odn I.oek Oo.. 220 W. 47th. N. Y. C. United Vending Machine Co.. 150 Cazton Bldg.,

Cleveland. O. Rudolph Wnriltser Co., Cincinnati and Chicago.

SLOT MACHINE SUBSTITUTE. Olsha Co.. 1022 Main at.. Anderson. Ind.

Chicago Ferrotypi. Co., Ferrotyi*e Bldg.. Chicago N 5'. Ferrol.»|>e Co.. 142 IVlancy at., N. Y’. C. W S Moiintford. 100 Malden I.ane, N. Y. C.

PHOTO. POST CARD MACHINES. .Ange ave.. '■Divdark" Specialty Co.. I004 St

St l,onl«. Mo.

PIANOS. Columbus Plano Co.. Columbus. O. P. Pomero A Co., 80p Fed-ral at.. Philadelphia

PLAYS AND MSS. Dealers in, Anthors, Agents and Brokers.

David Rel.isro. Stuyvesant Theatre. N. Y. C. Dick A Fllvgersld. 333 Ann st . New York City. A. E Uclm. 8S«I 3*lth at.. Milwaukee, Wla.

POP CORN. DlrnlsTjer Poporn Co.. 185 S.-neca at.. Buffalo

N. Y Rae. kh.-lm Br.w A Eckst.-ln. Harrison and Pe

orla sis., Chicago.

POP CORN MACHINES W. 7. Long. 72 •!., Springfield, O.

PORCUPINES. L' H Flint North Waterf.vrd. Me.


BihlbP .8nppl.v Co.. D.-arhorn. Cbirago. HI.

PRESS CLIPPINGS. •ur..lle'a Press Clip Bureau. 45 Lafayette at..


PRINTERS. Of Putorial Posters and Big Typo Stands.

Streamers. Etc. Ackerm*n gulgl-y l.lth-i Co Kansas City, Mo. Allen Show Print. 56 It It. ave.. Beverley.

Mass. Amerlcsn Show Print Co.. Milwaukee. Wla. Donablson l.ltho. Co., Newp-wt. Ky. Great W Printing Co.. 513 Elm. St Louis. Mo. Ollle Show Printing Co.. 23.'7 Mission «t., San

Francisco. Cal. Francis Valentine Co . 3V. 13lli s| . Ssn Frau

Cisco. Cal

PRINTERS. Of Tbaatriral Lettar Heads. Contracts and Pro-

grama. Chnnh Pilntlng Co . till Elm st.. Cincinnati, O.

SLOT MACHINE SUPPLIES. Ezhibit Supply On.. 35S Dearborn at.. Chicago.

SNAKES. Armstrong Snake Co., San Antonio. Tez.

SONG BOOKS. W'm. W. Delaney. 117 Park Row. N. Y. C. Whiteann Co.. 340 E. Madloon at., Chicago.

SONG SLIDES. For nioatiatod Bongs.

American Film Bz.. 630 Halasy, Brooklyn. N. Y. American Film Serv., Security Bldg., Chicago. American Film Serv., 158 N. Main Mempnln. Am. Vltagraph Co., 116 Naaaan at.. N. Y. City. Chicago nim Ezeb., 46 Jackwm Blvd., Chicago;

Omaha; Denver; Waahlngton. D. C.; Salt I.ake City; San Francisco; Nashville.

Chicago Song Slide Film Ezeb.. Maaonic Temple. Cbirago. III.

Crawford. O. T.. Fllvn Ezeh.. 1401 6 Locnat at.. St. I.«ola, Mo.; Loulfrllle. Ky.; New Orleans. I.a.

Olobe Film Service. T9 Dearhom at., Chicago. L. Beta. 303 E. 23rd at.. New York City. C. J. Hite A Co., 360 Hooadnock BIk.. Chicago. I..aemmle Film Service. 196 Ijike. Chicago;

Evansville. Ind.; Memphis. Tenn.; Omaha. Neb.; Salt Laka Ctty: Minneapolis, Minn.; Portland. Ore.; Montreal. Que., Can.; Winni¬ peg. Man.. Can.

I. ake Shore Film and Snpply Co.. 314 Superior at.. Cleveland, O.

lyevl A Oo., 64 E. 14th at.. New York City. S. Lahin. 936 Market at.. Philadelphia. Pa.;

Cincinnati. O. Novelty Slide Ez.. 221 E. 5.3d at.. N. Y. City. Pittsburg Cut Rate Film Ezebange, 30 I>ewla

Block. Plttabnrg. Pa. Sellg P^rscope Co.. 45 E. Randolph. Chicago.

SOUVENIRS. H. C. Wood A Co., 112 Firth ava.. Chicago.

SPANGLES. Mlllot Bros.. 47 W. Id at.. New York City.


Singer Bros., 82 Bowery. New York City.

STAGE HARDWARE. J. R. Clancy, 247 Sallna t.. Syraenso, N. Y.

STAGE LIGHTING APPLIANCES. Joa Menrhen Electric Co., 360 W. 50tb at.. New


Antomatic Prig. Pn-sa Co., 41*4 Crilly bik Cb'go STAGE PROPERTIES AND ACCES SORIES.


Y. C.

ROLL TICKETS. Natlonvl Ticket Co . Shamokin. Pa. Pioneer Ticket Co.. 733 Broailway, N. Y Royal Ticket C..., Shamokin. Pa Rub Prltillng C.i. (Inr.l. Providence. R

ROSECAKE MOLDS. A T Dleti. 127 Michigan at.. Toledo.

ROUGE. M Sfln Cosmetic Co.. 1.392 B’dway. N

"SAYSO” CONE BAKERS. 4 T Diets. 127 Michigan at.. Toledo. O.

SCENIC PAINTERS. And Dealers in Srenary, Etc.

Fiigene Coy. ,•,,9 Van Buren at.. Chicago rnkeboll Art Co . .V105 \. 37th st . (Imaba. Neb. John ll rfurlb. 218.1 B.mne at.. Cincinnati. O. Schell's Si-rnic Studio. :129 Sycamore at., Co

lumbiia. o Somiian A l.vmlla. 2.36 S Clinton at.. Chicago. Tooiiiey A Vollaiid .8<'<ulc

at . Ht Imila Mo ilowanl Tuttle, 1303 Center at.. Milwaukee, Wla.

SELF-PLAYING PIANOS. Berry W-e-d Plano Player Co . Kanaia City. Mo. l-.von A Mealy. 3(i5 Wabaah ave., Chicago, III. Rudolph Wurlltrrr Co . Cincinnati and Chicago. I'. R Music Co. 19.'t9 N Western avc., Chicago

SHOW PRINTERS. Hatch Show Print. Nashville. Tenn

SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. 5 Rock. 63 Blue laland ave., Chicago. Ill. II. C. .''uiiiinina. liitW Wllroz aae., Chicago

Shryock-Todd Co., 824 N. 8th at., St. Lools. Ho. N. Shure Co., 220 .Madison at., Chicago. III. Shapiro A Karr, 428 South at., Philadelphia. Singer Bros.. 82 Bowery. New York City. Slack Mfg. Co.. 136 Franklin at., Chicago. HI. Western Bargain Hciiae, 272 E. Madison, Ch'go. Harry Welsbanm. 242 E. Madison. Chicago. Wbiteaon Co.. 240 E. Madlat ' at.. Chicago. Yost A Oo., 900 Filbert at., Philadelphia. Pa.

TALKING PICTURE MACHINES. Oaumo' Co., 124 E. 25th at.. New York City.

TATTOOING SUPPLIES Edw. E. Brown, 1603 Franklin ave., St. I>oq1s.


li.aker A Ixx'kwraxl. 7th and Wyandotte its., Kanaaii City, Mo.

Columbui Tt nt A Awn. Co., Columbna, O. Carnie-Ooiidie Mfg. Co., 307 Delaware at., Kan¬

sas City, Mo. Dougherty Bros.’ Tent Co., 109 8. Main st., St.

Lfuls, Mo. J. C. Goss A Co.. Detroit, MIeh. D. H. Kerr Mfg. Co.. 278 W. Madison, Chicago. W. H. Lusbbaugh, Covington. Ky. M. Magee A Son. 147 Fulton at., N. Y. City. Murray Tent A Awn. Co., 1-7 Meridian. Chicago. Schaefer Tent A Awn. Co., 1421 Larimer, Den¬

ver, Colo. Thomson A Vandtveer, 816 Pearl, Cincinnati. O. Sun Tent A Awn. Co.. 9 Beale, San Francisco. U. S. Tent A Awn. Co., 47 53 S. Desplatnea.

Chicago. Ill.

THEATRE FRONTS AND CEILINQ8. Kanneberg Roofing A Celling Co., Canton. O.

Aotomatic Theatre Chair It Is a space-saver, Ufe-savot

and money-saver. Sblpi>ed built up. It is the only SANITARY THEATRE CHAIR. It fold# automatically and la revolving, making the theatre all AISLBa. It la a friend to the public.

Beware of infringement.

Wi. { today

THE HARDESlY MFG. CO., Canal Dover, Ohie.


brings out the readinn In plain view of iieople and may l*e ezamloed by all. It keepa them won- ilering and gueaalDg. Mr. i'bas. Hafey, of MUwaa- kee. writes; “This tube Is great; It beats all I have seen. I took In 368.00 the first day, lOe a smash. .Mr. Harry Sb>an got one aa soon as shown (and be made

THEATRICAL COSTUMES. The Wm. Beck A Sons Co.. 10-12 Garfield Place,

Cincinnati, O. Geo. Lauterer. 164 Madlaon at.. Chicago.

M. I.eavttt Co.. 312 W. 4.3d at.. N. Y. City.

STANDARD CONE BAKERS. Standard Mfg. A Supply Co.. Drawer O.. Mo-

The A. Engle Mfg. Co., Onawa, la. Francis Flcke. 17^8 Poet. San Francisco. Cal.

THEATRICAL LUMBER. J'-hn Gllleaple Lumber Co.. I.aimber and Seward

sta.. Chicago, III.

THEATRICAL PROPERTIES. Slegman A Well. 78 Wooster at., N. Y. City.

THEATRICAL PARADE BANNERS. Chair and Table Covert for Vandeville Artiata.

Geo. Lanterer, 164 Madlaon at., Chicago. HI.

Buccess of my ‘Wands’I” Why not be among the first and get the cream? t’Hee of c^-mnlete outfit. Including Hindu Costume and 1,(K)0 long readinga. $15.00. (With best $10.00 Cost lime, $‘30.) Your money back If Wit as represented. Get circular. ‘ .Magic Wand” outfits,. $.'.00 up. Cos¬ tumes from $.5. to $10.00 Id stuck. Invisible pa- pi-rs at $2.00 and $.3.00 per 1.000. Gypsy Queen

! -intflts at $17 and $30. No eziierlence required. Almost nothing to earry. The best paying proposition for amount of money invested. For sample read-

- lugs and circular address S. BOWER, 117 Harman St., Brooklyn, N. T.

TICKET CHOPPERS. H. V. Bright. Strmwn Bldg., Cleveland. O.


Here are a few

-PRIVILEGES-—— That can be sold if advertised in

Ackerman-Qulgley Co.. Kanaaa City. Mo. American Ticket Co.. Toledo. O. Carter Press. Peabody. Maaa. Nationa! 'Ticket Co., Shamokin. Pa. Pioneer Ticket Co.. 722 Broadway. N. Y. C. Rees Pr’tg. Co., KKh A Harney ata.. Omaha.

Neb. Standard Roll ‘ncketa. 181 Pearl at.. N. Y. C. Bun Printing Co. (Inc.l. Providence. B. I. Weldon. Williams A Lick. Ft. Smith. Ark.

lMvei(@e4ood JOURNAL

TIGHTS. Slegman A Well. 78 Woooter at.. N. Y. City.

TOY BALLOONS. Fanltless Rubber Co.. Ashland, O. Slegman A Well, 78 Wooster at., N. Y. Ctty. Newman Mfg. Co.. 641 Woodland ava.. CTeva-

land. O. .... Shryoek-Todd Co.. 824 N. Sth at.. St. Louis. Mo. Singer Bo#., 82 Bowery, N. Y. City. Western Bargain House, 272 E. Madison, Ch go.




TOY PARACHUTES. Toy Parachute Co., Front A Chestnut at#.. Co-

I'ombns. O. TRANSFER.

R. Gnthman Co., 225 Dearborn at.. Chicago.

TRUNKS. Briber Trunk A Bag Co.. 152 Columbia ava..

Philadelphia. Pa. B. B. A B. Trunk Co.. 447 Wood st., Pittsburg.

TURN-STILES. (Registering) and Coin Controlled Tumatiles.

H. V. Bright. Strawn Bldg.. CTeveland. O.

UNIFORMS. DeMmilln Broe. A Co.. 1030 S. 4th at.. Green

vine. III. L. Rauchnt. 1520 N 4th st.. PhlladelphU. Pa. Western Uniform Co.. 214 Clark at., Chicago.

Anything In the way of a Beverage or Feel offered as a privilege at a Fair, I’ark or Ex¬ position can be told by advertising In tha only Beverage and Food Journal In America.


The Bmrage and Food Pub. Co., F. 0. lox 54, Cincinnati, Ohl«


Dode-Fisks Great Combined Railroad Shows


Circus peoi-le doing two or more acts. Sister Song and dance team. Side Show peo(ile and musicians. State < II in first letter. Return set. Ventriloquist and Comet player write soon. ,4ddress as la-r route In Billboard.

Wm. D. Hall. Keith TTieatre Bldg.. Phils.. Pa. Wm. Morris. 1440 Broadway. New York City. Pacific Caaat Amusement Co., American Bank

Bldg.. Seattle. Wash. Prudential Vaude. Ez.. 1402 B’way.. N. Y. C. W P. Readr Vaudeville Ezchange. Crescent

Theatre Bldg.. Nashville. ’Tenn. Ted Sparka Theatrical Ezchange. Century Bldg..

Kanaaa City. Mo ~ Out Sun. Orphenm Theatre Bldg.. Springfield. O.

WANTED For week of Sept. 13, or following week, A-1 Carnival Co. haring not less than 12 to 15 pay attractions. Show under auspices of Red Men. .411 shows must be A-1, and strictly moral. No Carnival lu-re for two years. We play on i>er- cenfage only. All factories running full time. Mont V hero. Answer st once. GEORGE KE3(- MEBLIMG. Sec’y., Moline Ills.

nongahela. Pa.

STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. National Stereograph Ca.. 269 57th, Chicago.

SPIRIT GUM. M. Stein Cosmetic Ck*., 1392 B’way, N. Y. C.

STREET MEN’S SUPPLIES. For Fair Followara.

Coe, Yonge A Co.. 9tK5 I.4)cas ave., St. Louis. E. M. Davis Soap Co., 32 Union Pr. Place,

Chicago 111. F.lsenstcin. 44 Ann at.. New York (Tty.

WATCHES. N Shure Co.. 220 Madiaon at.. Chicago. III. Singer Bros.. 82 Bowery, New York City.

WHIPS. K. W. Hadley Whip Co., Westfield, Maas.

WILD ANIMAL DEALERS. Pntnam’a Pet and Wild Animal Store,

Washington at., Buffalo, N. Y.

WIRE WORKERS’ SUPPLIES Bennett Jewelry Co.. 1645 N. 10th at., Pbila.

Reach, Georg# A„ 109 FTtendablp at.. Provi¬ dence. R. 1.

T. O. Mott. 415 Dearborn at.. Chicago, Ill.

Balloon Ascensions Furnlsheil for all occasions In all parts of the U. 8. First-class outfits. Ballotin and Chute for sale. 73x42. chute 32 ft. Fair condition. THOMPSON BROS. BALLOONING CO., ‘236 N. view St., .4urora. Ill.


NOXICE WANTED FOR CORN CARNIVAL Pay Shows and Free .Attractions at CUatsworth, 111., tH-t. 13 14 15 and 16. J. W CAltKITT. Seen-tary.

M. Gerber, 729 South at.. I’hlladalphia. Pa. tbirdoo A Morrison. 199 201 K. Madison. Chicago-

‘2312 Market G<6ilb,-rg Jewelry Co.. HI W. 6th. Kantat City. Mo.

The Goldsmith Toy A Impt. Co., 122 E. Fourth st.. Cincinnati. O.

Holiday Not. Mfg. Co., 37 Great Jones at.. N. Y. (Tty.

Levin Bn>a., Terre Haute, lad. W F. Miller. 144 Park Row, New York City. Newman Mfg. Co.. 641 Woodland ave.. Cleve¬

land. O. Otto Supply Co.. 270 W. Snih at., N. Y. (Tty. Geo. A Paturel. 41 Warren at.. N. Y. City. J F. Powell. Waukegan. III. "Rich." t*ie Airship Man. Girard. Kan. Standard Mfg. A Supply Co.. Drawer O., Mo-

nongahela. Pa.

To Close an Esiale


FOR SALE ORGAN I.arge Organ for skatin-i rink or anmseinenr hall. 0<xh1 as uoav. with -It-etrlc in<-tor. si>eed

j regulator, belting anil 16 ideoes music. Organ ; alone cost $*'-<••. .VIso a (iruph-iph-me, shop ■ worn, c-^st $11--. First ri*«si>na*ile offer for one

or »>oth. LATROBE AMUSEMENT CO., Latroba,

i Located at Riverview Park, Capacity per season equal to cost. Address, MR. VALERIUS,

Rlvarvlaw Exposition, CHICAGO.


Waltham and Elgin Watches TATTOOING IVfACHINES

Designs, Stanclls. Onlors. Needles, etc. Send for pries Hat. EDWIN E. BROWN, I60S Frank¬ lin Ara., St. Lonis, Mo.

In imitation 20 yr. filled cases. SLilO to $2.50; for Peddlers. Auctioneers and Fairs: all clean

pXHls. J. L. LURIE. Room 47. 873 Washington

I 8t.. Jewelers' Bldg., Boston. Mass.

X ti e Billboard SEPTEMBER 4. 1909.

.a- • V.

1 •



c V ^

.'v. •.

Y CANES AND WHIPS. ¥ J 1 Im rj¥ .i 1 ¥ J Mm 1 nPTf4aii4 Canr Co.. HevaliDd. O.

_ I. KlMDStclii, 44 Abd it.. New York Ctty. . .. “ !. ,» L.. 1 Cold'mlth Tnjr A lmp<irtlD( Co.. 132 B. 4tk Bt..

Of Agents, Hotels, Music Publisnsrs ciDrinnati. o. and Dealers, in Theatrical, Circus .Va»»ala lln*., 223 Coinnierctal, Boatoa. Maaa. and Park Supplies, Alphabetically .N>»fnjan Mf*. Co., ft4I Woodland aea.. Clee.

M r r- # lanfl, O. Arranged. , a s<h'>»‘n a Son. .V) Ann at.. N. T. City.

- .. ' N. Sbure Co., 220 Madlaon at.. Chleaio, III. AdTartlaeine.nta not eiceedln* one line In shrrork Todd Co.. W .S. Sth at.. St. Lonla. Mo.

loaftb win be publlabed. proi.erly claiiaine.1, .n p,.o, ro Bow.-ry. New York City, this directory at tbe rate of $10 one ye« ,. , ,3, „ Cincinnati. O. (»2 laawai. prodded they are of an acceptablt ^t'eatern Itarsain Houae. 272 Madlaon. Chicago. Batura. Price locludea one year a aubacrlptlon SO The Bllltioard. _ CARBONS. ■ach additional line or additional claaalflca o . e. », w c.t..

deo without mibacriptlon. $7.b0 per annum. Edw. E. Cary Co.. 59 I ark I lace. N. Y. City. tine line will lie allowed to adeertlaera free of OADorMue AKir^ cvuaiiotbdo

charge •liirliig time of {infract, for each $50.00 CARBONS AND EXHAUSTERS, worth of Bt)ace contracted for. proelded all coo- J. H. llallberg. 30 Greenwich are., N. Y. C. ^tlona of tbe c')ntract are complied with. «

Thla directory la rerlwd and corrected weekly, i CAROUSELS, change.. In firm name* and addreaaea being q Dentael. .3S41 Germantown aee.. Phlla.

FELT PENNANTS. ILLUSIONS. Holtdae Nneelty Mfg. Co., 17 Great Jeoea at., Cnrioaitiaa and Bid* Show Goods (Masafseter^

*. T. a U. tt. flag Co.. 331 I/ock at.. Clnclaeatl. O.

FESTOONING. National TIaaue Mfg Co.. 53 Rockwell Place.

ItrookI.rn. N. Y. U. S. Flag Co.. 331 Lock at.. Cincinnati. O.


era and Oaalera la.) O. W. Allen. 2A5 Howery, New York City.

JEWELRY. For Stag* Us*.

R. E. Hodge A Co.. Maaonlc Temple. Chicago. W. II. Hollister A On.. Masonic 'IN^ple. Ch'go! N. Khiire Co.. 22(1 Madlaon at.. Chicago. III. Bhryock Tixld Co., f<24 N. 8th at.. Ht. Ixtula, Mo.

.. ...ui

Acme Film Each.. 605 SmIthfleld. Pittsburg. Pa. Actograph Co., 50 Union N. V. C.; Troy,

N. y. American Film Sere., Security Bldg., Chicago. American Film Each., Wabash Bldg., Pittsburg.

JUGGLERS’ GOODS. F.dw. \anWyck. 6(VI Pullau are., Cincinnati O

KNIVES. American Film Each., 630 Ilalaey at.. Brooklys. CleTeland Cane Co.. Clerelrnd. (). American Film Sere.. I5H N. Mala. Mempbla. Am. Vltagraph Co.. 116 Nassau at., N. Y. City,

Golditerg Jewelry Co., Ill W. 6th at.. Ki City. Mo

aecorded as Boon as they are recelred.

ADVERTISING NOVELTIES. Singer Bros.. 82 Bowery. New York City. Arm* Palace Horae Car Co.. Monadnock Bldg., R. Hhure Co.. 220 .Madlaon at.. CTilcago. III. __

Hick* Ixx-orootlre A Car Work*. 277 Dearborn ADVERTISING SLIDES. i ■ Cbi-go. iii

„ „ .,^ Vernon Car Mfg. Co., Mt. Vernon. III. Brayton Mfg. Co.. 121 8 Randol]>h at., Chicago. | 3-^, Venice Ttan*. Co., 3d Natl Bank Bldg.,

Anti-Trust Film Co., 77 8. Oark at., Chicago. Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland are., Clero- Chlcago Film Kicb., 46 Jackson Bled., Chicago; ' land. O.

Omaha; Denrer; Washington, D. C.; Balt Singer Bros.. 82 Bowery, New York City.

CARS (R. R.) Circus and Theatrical.

lAke City: San Francisco; Nashrllle. Cincinnati Film Each., 214 W. Btb at. Cln'tl

Harry 1... Welstiaum. 242 E. Madlaon, Chicagov N. Shore Co., 220 Madison at., Chicago, lU.

Crawford, O. T.. Film Etch.. 1401-6 Locust at.. | Shryock-T-Hld Co., 824 N. 8th at., St. I..0UIB. Mo SL Loul*. Mo.; LoulaTllle. Ky.. New Orleana. LAUGHING GALLERY MIRRORS.


AERIAL ADVERTISERS. Helmet Co.. Inc.. 25 W. 6th. Cincinnati, ... ... ; Toledo Chewing Gum Co.. 4o4 Jackaon 1 Bllsa J. (onyne, 401 Mcl^ean are., Chicago. \ ]edo, O

AERONAUTS. I 8. (Tilde Co.. 6th A Brighten, Sewpr

Belmont Sisters Balloon Co.. Reed City. Mich, i CHUTE BUILDERS. Mias Dorothy I»e Vonda, Hot 796. Otsego, Mlrb. I . , . - , j. „ Prof Chas. Swarlt. Humboldt. Tenn. I American Amusement Co.. Ludlow. Ky. The St. Olair Girls TtHimiwonvIlle, .Mich. CIGARS.

H. Darla. Watertown. Wl*. ■ J. M. Naugbton Co., Hotel Mayer Bldg.. Peoria DIkle Film Eichange. Owenaboro. Ky. i Illinois. Eastern Film Eichange, W’abash Terminal Bldg., I LECTURER.

Pittsburg. P*. m. • ... .. ^ Edison Mfg. Co.. 10 Bth are.. New York (Tty, «. 8 Bush. 155 N. Conestoga at.. Phil*., p*.

and Orange, N. J. LEMONADE POWDER.

Toledo Chewing Gum Co.. 4o4 Jackson at., To¬ ledo. O.

C. 8. (Tilde Co.. 6th A Brighten, Newport. Ky.


Kldr^d Film 79 D#*rhoro it.* Chlcijo. ] pniaimKiw Po iiRii ifarriMAn _ Ennk* Film Eich.. 317 Ererett Bldg.. Akron. O. Lo.. 1169 Harrison at., Chicag*. Frank's Film House. 347 6th ar., PItUburg, Pa. LIGHTS. Exdiulre Film • ,2“ I Beacon*. Torches for Circus and Teat Bhew*. PreDCh Film Rectorlof Co., 601 R^lbold Bldg., 4 Weyer, 22,1 225 Michigan at ('Wcago

_TO ' ‘^’•8: Tent A Awning Co.. 47 53 8. Deaplalnaal

Prof. Chaa. Swartt, Humboldt. Tenn. The St. (Hair Girls. TlHini|i*unrllle, .Mich.

AMERICAN TAILORS. NIapsge Bnai., 166 Hsy st.. Toronto, Cinsds.

AMUSEMENT CONSTRUCTORS. Biuaey Ztrro Co., Hlgblsnd and Dorcbeater are.,

Ulnclnnitl, O.

AMUSEMENT SUPPLIES. Chicago House Wrecking Co., 35th and Iron

Bts., Chleago, III. 0. 8. Music Co., 19.39 N. Western are., (Tirgo.

ANNOUNCEMENT SLIDES. Leri Co., 24 Union 8<|.. East, New York City.

ANIMAL DEALERS. Wm. Bartels, 160 Greenwich st., N. Y. City.

I... Denebeln A Son. 127 E. 4th. Kansas Ctty. I Mo.

CIRCUS SEATS. New sad Secoad-Hand.

1 P A. .McHugh. 13.55 Euclid are., Clereland, O. { U. S. Tent A Awn. Ce.. 47 53 8. Desplalae*. I Chleago. III.

CIRCUS WAGONS. Cages, Dent and Band Chariot*.

Begg* Wrgon Co.. Kansas City. Mo. I .Sulliran A Eagle, 15 Canal ct.. Pern. Ind.

Oli;;/‘?rim'^^rr1ce. 79 Desrhom et.. Chlcsgo.^ ! ^ HI

C.Tm^A £i'.“sSo* Monrdn!ik%u:. ChWgo: . ^

C. L. fVkf^*'^r5?raro- ^''“‘Horst A Co.. 104 N. 12th at.. 8t. lAMil*. Mo. C. L. Hnll A Co., 200 E. S7th at.. (Tilcago. I.gemmle Film Serrlce. 196 Lake. (Tilc*p>;

Eranarllle, Ind.; Memphl*. Tenn.; Omaha. Neb.; Salt Lake City; MInneapolla, klinn.:

MAGIC LANTERNS. Stsreopticons, Eto.

Portland. O^-l Montreal. Qua., Can.; Wlnnl- , ^mer. Vltagraph Co.. 116 Nassau at.. N. Y. C.

L*7e*’shore’Film and Supply Co.. 314 Superior | o^cii'^FimT^rrlc*!^ 79‘Dearth "atChicag^

•nre*’H'^Uei“r"’c”-. 24 W. Washington at.. I. «• Cl«7.

ANIMAL DEALERS. CONFECTIONERY MACHINES. Wm. Bartels. 160 Greenwich at., N. Y. City. I ^ J- Carl Hagentwr-k. Stellliigen Hamburg. Germany. J• ”f* Co., 2W Ollcago. LInwood H. Flint. North Waterford. Me. nlT Home's Z<w.loglcsl Arens. Denrer, Col. , *1® John at.. ClnclaniU.

diaiiapoiu. Ind ' MFRS. MECHANICAL AMUSEMENT 8. Lubin. 926 Market at.. Philadelphia, P*., DEX/ICFQ

Cincinnati. O. ...... UtVIUtS. Monarch Film Exchange, 201 Thompson Bldg., : American Amusement Co., I..udlow. Ky.

Oklebome (Tty. Okie. American Box Ball Co., l'.>60 Van Burea wL. C. J. Murphy, Meadrllle. P*. Indianapolis. Ind. Nat. Film Co., 100 Griswold. Detroit. Mich. Armltage A Guinn Springrllle, N. Y. Nat Film Renting Co., 62 N. Clark. (Tilcago. Cagney I»onmo. Wks.. 72 Broadway. N. Y. 0. New York Film Eich.. 7 E. 14th at.. N. Y. C. i Cincinnati .Nor. Co., 206 W. 15th. Cincinnati. O. Not. Mot. Pic. Oo.. 418 Turk. San Franclaco. Ohio Film Ex.. 20 E. Broad at.. Coinmbu*. O.

Chubbuck Wheel Swing 0>.. P. O. Box 1341. Horoell. N. Y.

ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. L. Baumann A Co., 118 E. Chicago are.. Chl'go. I 8 Flag Co.. 331 Ixick at., Cincinnati. O. Botanical Decorating Co.. 310 Fifth are., Chl'go. ; Western Bargain Honse. 273 Madlaon. (Tilcago

Sfsnd.r^Mfe'^A u PatSe Cinematograph (T)., 41 W. 25th *t.. N. Y. Herschell Spillman Oo.. N. Tonawand*. N. Y. Va ' ® ’ “**■ PlUrtiurir clit Rat? Film Exchange. 800 Lewi* W. / ' T-

nonganci*. Pa. Block Pittsburg. P*. A. J. Smith. 1500 W. Van Buren at.. Chicago. CONFECTIONS. Pittsburg Cal I.lght A Film Co.. Plttabnrg. Pa.; Stock Norelty Oo., 1346 Broadway, Cincinnati.

Rueckhelm Bros A Fck.t.i. a. Molnea. I*.; Rochester. N. Y.; Lineol*. L. A. Tbomp«>n Swnlc Railway Co., 320 Broad' ru at. B'ksteln. HaiTlaoB A PeA i, ^ Cincinnati O.; Omaha. Neb.; Wilke* way New York City. rl* at*.. Chicago. Ill. ^ World'* Greatest Norelty Co.. 10 Temple Coart

CONFETTI. S-Ilg p’olTBCope Co.. 45 E. Randolph. (Tilcago. Bldg.. (Tilcago. Ill.

A. Engle Mfg. Oo.. Onew*. Iowa Sonth r\\m *ich.. 146 ^ v"*'*’’ MERRY-GO-ROUNDS AND OR- Iludolph Bros.. 520 So. 6th at.. Phil*., Pa.*’CHESTRI0N8. Nf^irniaD Mfc Co 641 WorwiiarMi piav* SttndiTtl Film Bxch.. T9 ri^®nM>ni •*», CniCiFO.

laS O *■ ■’ ''““'■“O «»«-. Clera- ^ ^ j, Chicago. I.yon A Healy, 205 Wabaah are.. Chicago, Ill.

Wm, B_ iohnson. 111 Seneca at .^Seattl., Wash. X"™" * fI':!’ ".V’ i

Home's Z<s.loglcsl Arens. Denrer, Col. , *1® W Odell I>>arn. Ssn Antonio. Texas. J'• st., SprlngOeld, O. LouU Rube. 248 Grand at.. Now York (Tty. Standard Mfg A Supply Co.. Drawer 0.. Mo- Wenx A Msckenaen. Vsrdley. P*. I nongshols, Ps.

ARCHITECTS. j CONFECTIONS. Fsr Bammer Amusement Parke and Theatres. , Nu^khelm Broa. A Eckstein, Harrlsoa A Peo-

John H. .Stem, 818 Singer Bldg., N. V. City. "* Chicago. Ill.

ARC LIGHTS. | CONFETTI. flaming Arc Light Co., 30 Greenwich are.. New ■ A. Engle Mfg. Oo.. Gniwa, Iowa

York City. I Nu<1<»lph Broa.. 620 So. 6th at.. Phil*., Pa. J. H Halllx^rg. SO Greenwich are., N. Y. City. Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland are.. Clera

A mmo^a a a va lllia. O#

B*W, Pt. s^llc Polrtcop# Co.. 45 R. RtDdoli^. Cblcafo. llonth. nim Exch., 146 W. Fifth. ClBClnnatl. South. Flhn Eich.. 245 Main. Norfolk. Vt. Standard Film Eich.. 79 Dearborn at.. (Tilcago. Spoor, Geo. K.. 62 N. CTark at., Chicago.


C. W. Trainer, 80 IVarl at., Itooton, Mass.


J. H HsIIberg. 30 Greenwich sre.. N. Y. (Tty.


Lyon A Healy. 2(K5 Wibash sre., (Tilcago. 111. Niagara Musical Inst. Co.. N. Tonawands. N. \. Budnlph WuTlItier Co.. (Tnclnnati and Chicago. C. 8. Music Co.. 19.39 N. Western are., (Tilcago.

BALLOONS. Nssssit P.ros.. 223 Otmmerclal, Boston, Mass. N W. Bilbmn Co.. 880 Clybom it., Chicago. Geo A. Pitorel. 41 Warren st.. N. Y'. City. Rubber Balloon Mfg. CV>.. Akron. O.



Chicago Costome and Cotillon Works, 66 Dear¬ born at., Chicago, Ill.

COTILLION NOVELTIES. R. O. Huotlnghouse, 513 I..arrabee at., (Tilcago.

CLOWN WHITE. I M. 8teln (Toametlc Co.. 1392 B’way, N. Y. C.

I COLD CREAM. j M. 8t*ln Oismetlc (H>.. 1392 B'way, N. Y. C.

j COMPENSARC. ; Fort Wayne Electric Works, Fort Wayne, Ind.

CONES. I A. T. Diets. 127 Michigan at., Toledo. O.

! Lanier A Drlesbacb, 816 John at., Cincinnati. O. I K. L. Tarbell Mfg. Co.. 246 Klnzle. (Tilcago.


IT. s7 Film Exch., 132 Lake at.. (Tilcago. ' Rudolph Wnrlltaer Co., Cincinnati ami Chicago. Wash Film Exch.. 506 Weatory Bldg.. Wash MILITARY GOODS FROM GOVERN- WMtera’ Film Exch., 841 Ontury Bldg., 8t. MENT AUCTION.

Ixmla, Mo. _ . m Francis Bannerman. 601 Broidway, N. Y. (Tty World Film Co.. 117 rnlxerslty Place. New ^.^1/1 mc- dic-ti i m

Orleans. La.

FIREWORKS. Consolidated Firework* Co.. Reading. O. Gregory Firework* Co.. 115 Dearborn. Chicago.

8tate Fair Ground*. St. Paul. Minn. A. R. Marryatt. 32 Park Place. N. Y. C.

MOVING PICTURE CURTAIN MFRS. Curtalnyllne Curtain Oo., 402 Ashland Block,

Chicago, III.

MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. Actograph Co., 60 UnloD So., N. Y. (Tty;

Tn.y. N. Y. Natl. Firework*'Mfg. Co., 64 (Tidbury at.. Bos- : Atn. Vltagmph (^.. 116 Nassau at.. N. Y. City.

American Film Sere., Security Bldg., Chicag*. Pain Ptto Co , 1820 Wabieh axe.. (Tilcago; N. i Serr.. 158 N. Main, MempbU.

I Y. (Tty.

FIREPROOFING COMPOUNDS. , SamT Wlndecker, 185 Wabaah axe.. Chicago.

FLAGS. Annin A Co., 99 Fulton at.. New York (Tty.

I Rudolph Broe., 620 8. 5tli at.. Phil*., P*. * TY a /Ya ••Y T dvkfxIvMwfl O.

AntITrust Film Co., 77 8. Clark at.. (Tilcago. (Tilcago Flhn Exeb., 46 Jacksoa Bird., Chicago;

Omaha: Denxer; Wasbington, D. C.; Salt Lake Cily: Loulsxllle; Nashxille.

(Tndnnatl Film Exch., 214 W. 6th at.. CU'U. Crawford. O. T., film Rich., 1401-6 Locust at.,

8t. Ixiuls, Mo.; Ixiuiaxlll*, Ky.; Naw Oricaas. La.

Chas. E. Dressier. 145 E. 23d at.. N. Y. (Tty.

Frank Holton A Co.. 169 Gladys axe., Chicago. I A. T. Diet*. 127 Michigan at.. Toledo, O. Lyoa A Healx. 205 Wabaah axe.. Chicago. III. I,anler A Drlesbacb. 815 John at., Cincinnati. O. Endolph Wurlltier Co., Cincinnati and (Tilcago. | Standard Mfg. A Supply Co.. Drawer O., Mo

*V7M"8""^I;or*ln*. i EH-n'MfrC"-? W 6th TTe.: New York Oty C. S. Tent A Axm. Co.. 47 58 8. Deaplalne*. , Orange. N. J.

BADGES, BUTTONS, ETC. ! p.-rfiStA,,. c.,

Kim iS. » &"? S'sJ <?b .t.. o CORN POPPERS. xllle Ill A. T. Diet*. 127 Michigan at.. Toledo. O.

Newman Mfg Co., 611 Woodland *Te.. Clexc- 1 w. Z. Long, 172 High at.. SprlngOeld. O. land. O. 1


Half-Tones, Engraxings, Etc. ^ .-T. Awning Co.. 47 53 8. Deeplalnea, Queea City Engr. Co.. 416 Elm at.. Cincinnati

BILLPOSTERS’ SUPPLIES. Chis K-m«rd. 'Kb Rector Bldg.. Chicago. III. 1

BOOKING AGENTS. ! Atlas B<x.k Ciniilt, 14u2 Broadway, N. 3'. City, j W 8. Cl-Teland, 53.5 Knickerbocker Theatr*

Bldg., New York (Mtr. Natl. Park Mgra ' Aeon . 1402 B'way. N. Y. C. 1 Fark Book nrctilt, 1402 B'way. N. Y. City. TVd Sparks' Vsude. Circuit, Century Bldg., Ksn-

aas City. Mo. %s Sun, Orpheum Theatre Bldg Sprlngneld. O. western Canada IVxking Bureau. Drawer Itkiil

Calgary, Alta.. Can.

BURNT CORK. M. Stein Coemetic Co.. 1.392 B'way, N. Y". C.

BUNTING & FLAG DECORATORS. 8. M. Elafeldcr, 583 .McAllister, San Francisco.

CALCIUM LIGHT. Ox-Hydrogen Gat Mannfacturera.

American Calcium Light Works. 56 Fifth are.. Chicago, III.

Cincinnati Calcium I.lght Co., 108 4th. Clucln'tl. Erker Bros., 604 Ollre at., St. Ixxils. Mo.

DECORATIONS. And Dealers la Flags, Bnating, Fastooning, Etc.

U. 8. Flag Co., 331 IxK-k at.. Cincinnati. O.

DECORATORS. Buildings, Fairs. Bootks.

The Wm. Beck A Son* Co., 10 GarOeld Place, Cincinnati, O.

C. S. Flag (Hi., 831 Ixwk at.. Cincinnati, O.


I. oftls Broe., 93 state at., (Tilcago, III.


F R Ryan Ck>.. 504 Hodge* Bldg., Detroit. Mich.

ELECTRIC FANS. J. H. tlallherg. 30 Greenwich axe., N. Y. C.

ELECTRICAL STAGE EFFECTS. I'ntxersal Elec. Stage Lighting Co., 1393 Broad

way. N. Y. C.

EXTRACT. For Making Pineappl* Cider.

Chicago. Ill. Olob, piln, service. 79 Dearborn at.. Chicago.

FLOOR SURFACING MACHINES. ; M. L. Schloeter, 38 8. Canal at.. Chicago. 111. j c. J. Hite A Co.. 360 Monadnock Blk., Chicag*.

e.. esf... aaA/eLjiaie« Xlelne. 662 6t1i axe.. New York City. FLOSS CANDY MACMINEo. | Film S^rvlc^, 196 Lak^, Olilcairo. III.;

A. T. Diet!. 127 Michigan at.. Toledo. O. Evanexllle. Ind.; Memphis. Tenn.: Omaha, _ _ Neb.; Salt Lake City: Minneapolis, Minn.;

FORTUNE TELLING DEVICES. | Portland. Ore.- Montreal, Qu*.. Can.; Wlnnl-

j S. Bower. 117 Harman at.. Brooklyn. N. Y. ; and Supply Co., 814 Superior

I GAMING DEVICES. . .... rb.l.l.1,1.1.. P.l

Spindles, Club House Furniture. Etc. ' ^ ... .. w /*.. _. , . „ oee e.v - v -v <. I b'cbolas Power (V>.. 155 Nissan at.. N. Y. (Tty. Charloo A Co. SH 7th axe.. N. Y. C. Pattie Cinematograph Co.. 41 W. 25th at.. N. Y. H. C. Exan* A Co.. 125 (Tark at.. Chicago. III. j |.|ft»t„irg Cal. Light A Film 0>.. Plttaburg. Pa.;

r-A D a* CT Kl Y* r-l canipdq Molne*. la.; Rochester. N. Y.; IJncoln. LiAKIVIt.r4l LLtAretKS. I J.,,, . Cincinnati. O.; Omaha, Neb.; Wilke#

Becker A Wade Oo.. 2561 Cottage Oroxe axe., | Barre. Pa (Tilcago, III. ; Plttahnrg (Tit-Rate Film Exchange, SO I/ewl*

P.liwk. Pittsburg. P*. GASOLINE BURNERS. Fherhard Schneider, 16P E. 12th at.. N. Y. (Tty,

j W. Z.. Ixing, 172 High at., Springeeld. O. Chicago, i » . I e South. Film Exch., 245 klaln. Norfolk. Va.

GRASS MATS. spoor. Geo, K., 62 N. Clark at.. Chicago. Stchhlna, Chaa. $(., ICJS Main. Kanaaa City, Mo.

American Rug Co.. 310 E. 96th at.. N. Y. C. Standard Film Exch., 79 Dearborn at., Cblcagii. r. a ■ Ai-we .-w— Smith. Film Kxch., 140 W. 6th *t.. anrlnnall.

GREASE PAINTS, ETC. V. S. Film Exch., 132 Lake at.. Chicago

Kaka-np Bo*.*. Cold Oraam. Etc. j I Chicago Coatiime and Cotillion Works, 69 Dear- 1 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.

born at.. Chicago. HI. Lyon A Healey, 265 Wabaah axe., (Tilcago. III. M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 1892 B'way, N. Y. C. i NIsgara .Musical Inst. Co.. N. Tonawand*. N. Y.

.North Tnnawanda .Musical Inatrument Work*. HANDCUFFS AND LEG IRONS. North Tnnawanda, N. Y.

Oaks Noxelty Ch.. Oshkosh. Wls. Rudolph Wnrlltaer Co.. Cincinnati and Chicago.

HARNFRR 1 MUSIC PUBLISHERS. The following 6rmt will be gled to tend copie*

Plum** and Trappings—For Cirrus and Adxer- | of naw songs to recogniied member* of tising use. the profeaaioa:

Scheemb* ITiime Co., 612 Metropollten exe., | Jos- W. Stern A Co., |(i2 S8fh st.. N. T. City.


Indianapolis Cstcliim Light Co.. 116 So. CapPol , _, ave., Iniltanapolls. Ind. i (^lumbl* Mfg. Co., 1159 Harrison at., (Tilcago.

Plttaburg Cal. Light A Film Co.. Pittsburg. Pa EYE BROW PENCILS. Pittsburg Ctl. Light A Film Co.. Pittsburg. Ps. Des Slolnes. la.; Rochester. N. 3'.: Linc.iln Neh.; Cincinnati. O.; Omaha, Neh.; Wilke* Barre. Pa.

CALLIOPES. Gee. Kratz. Exansxllle Ind.


M. Stein Cosmetic Co.. 1.392 B'w«y, N. Y. C.

FACE POWDER. M. Stein Owroetlc Co.. 1.392 B'way, N. Y. C.

FEATHER FLOWERS. DeWItt Slaters. 237 W. 46fh at.. Chicago. Ill.

Plumas and Trappings—For Cirrns and Adxer tising use.

S. Monntford. 69 Malden Lane. New York. T. O. Mott, 416 Deahom at., Chicag*. III.

Broekiyu, N. Y.

ICE CREAM CONE MACHINES. Duplex Ice Creem Cene Mach. 0>., 116 E. Pearl

at., Clnclnaatl, O.

INDIAN COSTUMES AND RELICS. W. 11. Barton, Gordon. Neb.

L. Braiinelsa. 4S4 Flathush, Brooklyn. N. T.

NOVELTIES. I Coe. 3'minge A Co . 965 Lucs* axe.. St. Iioul*.

M Orfs-r. 7'J9 South at., Philadelphia, Ps i Oi-ld'-mlth Tux Impt Co . 12'J E 4th. Clnrln'tl,

Gordon A Morrison. ItXl 201 E Madlanu. (klesgo.

SEPTEMBER 4, 1909. X li e Billboard

Jewelry Co Ml W. etti it., Kidhii Kukeboll Art Co.. 5506 N. 27th, Omaha, Neb. rilv *Mo ^ ' • E. J. Haylen & Co., 106 Ilroa.lway, Hr.mklyn.

<1*0 A Keaeh. 100 Frienilalilp. ProTltlenoe, R. I. ; 11. 3. Tent & Awn. Co., 47 53 3. DeapUlnt T O M 'll. 415 l>earborn at.. t!hlra|CO. Ill. Kuilolph llroa.. .'>20 3 5lh at., |•llllallelphla. I'a. N Mhiire Co.. 220 Maillaon at., Chlraico, III.

Cblcaco, 111.

8I.DE SHOW SUPPLIES. flbrroek TimM Co.. 324 N. Ktli et., SI. I.oula, Mo. Win. Nelaon. 8 Cogawell Place, North Cam- I

Pinker nro«.. 82 llowery. .New Yi>rk City. bridge. Maaa. Wet>l> Kre*ai-tila« Merc. C<>.. Kanaaa City, Mo. mGNS w*aterii il.argaln llouae. 272 Madlaon. Chicago. »»ivaiao.

Atlantic Electric Sign Co.. 1533 Atlantic are.. NOSE PUTTY. Atlantic City, N. J.

.. u. . r. .......I.. fjoo ii'wx K V r. Autolectrlc sign Co., 134 E. Van Biiren. Chicago. . M Stein Coanietlc Co.. l.tO. II way. N. Y. C. Summit at.. Toledo. O.

OPERA CHAIRS. American Seating Co.. 00 Wahaah ave., Chicago.

fliaai Klee. Co., Hr.' Kranklin at., Chicago, 111. '


Royal Metal Mfg Co . 1821 Dearborn. Chicago. c. Ilenley. Richmond. Ind. r II. Stafford Mfg. Co.. Clilcag.. Rlchardar.n Hall Hearing Skate Co., 601 Welle

Turnlture Co., Omnd lUplds. MIcb. Chlrtgo. Ill.

ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS. I. Dathan A Son. :ilK)l> Spring liroYe are.. Cln- SHOOTING GALLERIES,

clniifttl. o. Oarloll A Co.. 31 Hond at.. New York City. Diamond Noeelty Co., Schenectady. N. Y. S. Oetihardt, .3024 I.awrence at.. Phlla. K K. Hippie. 800 Vine at.. Philadelphia, Pa. LTon A Mealy. 206 Wabaah ave., Chicago. Ill. i Kiidl It. Hoffman .tc Son, 542 Jackson Blvd. J. vhn Miiailo A Son. 178 Park Row. N. Y. C. Niagara Musical Inat. Co.. N. Tonawanda. N.Y. laland. N. Y.

Chicago. III. W, V. Mangela Ce., Coney laland. N. Y.

North Tonawanda Miialcal inatrument Works, ’ J. J. McCullough, Sheridan's Walk, Coney la- North Tonawanda. N. Y. ^ r, w, . e..,

Rudolph Wnrlltaer Co.. Cincinnati and Chicago. 4Sln.^ N. M\®rp“bnld*i?h^

ORANGEADE. The Corner Co.. .303 Maryland at.. Huffalo. N. Y.

SLOT MACHINES. Manufacturera of and Dealera in.

Columbia Mfg Co.. 1151) lUrrlaon at.. Chicago, ^ Hammond. Ind.

PAPIER MACHE. kk^' t> . „ . ™ . A. J, Maher A Co.. 4.34 2d are., Pittsburg. Pa.

Carnival Papier Mache Works. 265 W. Water j.yon A Healy, J06 Wabash ave.. Chicago. Ill. at.. Milwaukee. W la. Mills Novelty Co.. 166 Mills Building, Chicago

daxcmtc fiPCIlQPn I H, 8. Mnalc Co., 1939 N, Weatem are.. Chicago. KAItINIS P g ^ 220 W. 47th. N. Y, C.

Evans, Wilkins Co., 333 E. at., Washington, { United Vending Machine Co., 150 Caxton Bldg., n. C. ' Cleveland. O.

PERFORATED MUSIC Rudolph Wurlltaer Co., Cincinnati and Chicago.

For Electric Piano,. SLOT MACHINE SUBSTITUTE. C. 8. Mualc Co., 1931) N. Western ave., Chicago (jlaha Co.. 1022 Main at.. Anderson, Ind.

PHOTO. BUTTON MACHINES. SLOT MACHINE SUPPLIES. Amer. .Minute Photo Co . 269 W. I2th, Chicago. Exhibit Supply Co., 358 Dearborn at.. Chicago. Chicago Ferrotyi)e Co.. Eerrnty|)e Bldg.. Chicago ckiai^co N. V. Ferrotyiie Co.. 142 IVlancy at., N. Y. C. aiNMINtO. W. 8. Moiintfnrd. 100 Malden Dane, N. Y. C. Armatroog Snake Co.. San Antonio. Tex.

PHOTO. POST CARD MACHINES. SONG BOOKS. “Dsydark " Specialty Co.. 1004 St. Ange ave., S!'",.


St. I»nl«. Mo.


Whiteaon Co., 240 E. Madison at.. Chicago.

SONG SLIDES. Tor ninatratad Bongs. Columbus Plano Co.. Columbus. O. uinaxraxao songs.

P. Pomero A Co.. 800 Federal at., Philadelphia American Film Ex.. 680 Halsey, Brooklyn. N. T. American Film Serr., Security Bldg., Chicago.

PLAYS AND MSS. American Film Serr.. 158 N. Main. Mem^ls.

Dav^r'r*x^T.;a^rVh%:t"rt c «xoh:. Vs* j^erri Omiha; Denver; Washington. D. C.; Salt

V p ^ I'-ke City: San FranclacS; Nashville. A. E. Rcim. 8S« 3ilth at.. Milwaukee. Wla. Chicago Song Slide Film Exch., Masonic Temple.

POP CORN. Chicago. Ill. MienK.,,.'.,.. f>........ a . D i Crawfovd. O. T.. Film Exch., 1401-5 Locust at., DDnb«r,tr lopcorn Co.. 18j Seneca at., Buffalo, gj Louis, Mo.; LoolsTllle. Ky.; New Orleans.

H*Tl»on and Pe oicriSe Film Service. 79 Dearborn at.. Chicago, orla ata.. Chicago. 3(^ g 23rd at.. New York City.

POP CORN MACHINES Monadnock Blk., Chicago, w T -o III . . o . „ ., ^ Laemmle Film Service. 196 I.ake. Chicago; W. 7. Long. High »t.. SprlngSeld, O. Evansville. Ind.; Mempbla. Tenn.; Omaha.

PORCUPINES. ^>1'-: Salt Lake City; Minneapolis. Minn.; It V ... .... . . .. Portland. Ore.; Montreal, Que., Can.; Wlnnl-

Llnwood H. Flint. North Waterford. Me. Man.. Can. • .

POST CARDS FOR SLOT MA* Lake Shore Film and Supply Co.. 814 Superior CHINF<t al-. Cleveland, O. _ v/niiato. ^ g ^ pjjy

Exhibit Supply Co.. .T>8 Dearborn. Chicago, Ill. S. Lubln. 926 Market at.. Pblladelpbla, Pa.;

. PRESS CLIPPINGS. N<we»y°°SlVd*^x.. 221 E. 53d at.. N. Y. CTty. Burellea Pres* Clip Bureau. 45 Lafayette at., PIttaburg Cut Rate Film Exchange, 30 Lewis

»■ C. Block. Plttaburr. Pa.

Ijike City: San Francisco; Nashville. Chicago Song Slide Film Exch., Masonic Temple,

Chicago, Ill.

orla at*.. Chicago.

POP CORN MACHINES W. 7. Long. 72 High at.. Sprlngdeld, O.

PORCUPINES. Llnwood H. Flint. North Waterford. Me.


PRINTERS. Block. Pittsburg. Pa.

Sellg P^yscope Co.. 45 E. Randolph. Chicago.

SOUVENIRS. Of Pictorial Posters and Big Type Stand*. SOUVENIRS. Streajners. Etc.

Ackermin Quigley |.lth<>. Co.. Kansas City, Mo. R- * Oo., 112 Fifth are., Chicago. ^M** ^i8>w' Print, 56 It. 11. ave., Beverley, SPANGLES

American Show Print Co.. Milwaukee, Wl*. Mlllot Bros.. 47 W. Sd at.. New York City. Donahlaon l.ltho. Co., Newport, Kv. .. * « Great W. Printing Co.. 513 Kim. St. Louis, Mo. SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES, flllle Show Printing Co.. 22.'>7 Mlaalon at., San Lew-priced.

Francisco Citl. Singer Broa.. 82 Bowery. New York City. Franela \alentlne Co.. 285 13lh at., Ssn Frau

citco. Cal. STAGE HARDWARE. PRINTERS. J, R_ Clancy. 247 Sallna t.. Syraenae, N. T.

Of Theatrical letter Head., Contract, and Pro- LIGHTING APPLIANCES.

Church Printing Co.. 416 Elm sf.. Cincinnati. O. Joa Menchen Electric Co.. 360 W. 60th at.. New

PRINTING PRESSES. Automatic Prtg. Prea* Co.. 404 Crllly blk Cb'go STAGE PROPERTIES AND ACCES-


Nation il Ticket Co.. Shamokin. Pa, Pioneer Ticket Co.. 722 Broadway, N. T. C. Royal Ticket Co.. Shamokin. Pa. •on Printing Co. (Inc.). Providence. R. 1.

ROSECAKE MOLDS. A T. DIeti. 127 Michigan at., Toledo. O.

ROUGE. M Sfln Coanietlc Co.. 1.392 R'dway, N. Y. C.

"SAYSO” CONE BAKERS. A T. Dleta, 127 Michigan at.. Toledo. O.


J. M. I>*aTltt Co.. 312 W. 4.3d at.. N. T. City.

STANDARD CONE BAKERS. standard Mfg. A Supply Co., Drawer O., Mo-

Dongahela. Pa.

STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS. National Stereograph Co., 209 57th. Chicago.

SPIRIT GUM. 91. Stein Coametle Co., 1392 B'way, N. T. C.

STREET MEN’S SUPPLIES. For Fair Followera.

Coe, Yonge A Co., 906 Lucaa ave., St. Louis. E. M. Davis Soap Co., 32 Uulon Pr. Place,

Chicago III.

Ai>4 a.,.™ u. ■ "’"se « vv., mMi loieas sve., oi. uouis. Fiixene Cot 'Pu ^0.. 32 Uhlon Pr. Place, riigfne t OX. \iin Hiiffn it., Ihlraico. rhiravo 111

Jo"hV*n.'rDrrflI ^ "J-i > Klaensfeln. '44 Ann St.. Nsw York City. Sehill-'. aThe A. Engle Mfg. Co.. Onswt. I*.

Studio. .129 Syesmore *t.. Co Francis Flcke. 1778 Poet. San Fraoelaco. Cal. i 'i .. ... tJerber. 729 .South at.. Philadelphia. Pa. A Landla. ..16 S Clinton at.. Chicago, ibirdon A Morrlsoo. 199 201 E. Madison. Chicago. I.oiii.) A lolland .Sonic Co.. 'J.IPJ Market tloldberg Jewelry Co.. Ill W. 6th. Kaneas City,

•t . St laAlllH. Mo, ilowani Tuttle, 1292 Center at.. Milwaukee. Wla. The (Joldamith Toy A Impt. Co.. 122 E. Fourth

SELF-PLAYING PIANOS Cincinnati. O. n.r,. u ... ... , FIANUS. Holl.lay Nov. Mfg. Co.. 37 Great Jooea *t.. N. Berry M<mmI Plano Player Co,, Kanaia City, Mo. y. city. Lyon A Healy, 296 Wah.iah are . Chleago. Ill I.evin Broa.. Terre Hante. lad. Rudolph Wurlltaer Co Cincinnati and Chicago. W F. Miller. 144 Park Row. New York City, r. Music Vn . IWIU N Western hvc.. Chicago Newman Mfg. Co., MX WooUUnd ifo., CIcto-

„ SHOW PRINTERS. otto" Supply Co.. 270 W. SPth at.. N. T. City. Haleb Show Print. Naahvllle. Tenn Oeo. A Pafurel. 41 Warren at., N. Y. City.

SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. K,n r. V."*'*,' •’^e.. Chleago. III. Standard Mfg A Supply Co.. Drawer O.. Mo¬ lt. C. . ummlns. 19,55 Wllrox aie.. Chlrago nongahela. Pa.

Shryoek Todd Co., 824 N. 8th at., St. Louis. Mo. N. Shure Co., 220 Madison at., Chicago, Ill. Shapiro A Karr, 428 South at., Philadelphia. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City. Slack .Mfg. Co., 126 Franklin at., Cbicage, HI. Weatem Bargain House. 272 E. Madison, Ch'go. Harry Welshauro. 242 K. Madlaon, Chicago. Whiteaon Co.. 240 E. Madison st., Chleago. Yost A Oo., 900 Filbert st., Philadelphia. Pa.

TALKING PICTURE MACHINES. Oaumo' Co., 124 B. 25th at.. New York City. ^

TATTOOING SUPPLIES Edw. E. Brown, 1603 Franklin are., St. Ixmla.

I Mo. TENTS. ’

I Baker A L<Kkwi¥)cl, 7tli and Wyandotte ita., Kanaas City, .Mo.

! ColurabuB T> nt A Awn. Co., Columbus, 0. i Carnle-Goiidle Mfg. Co., 307 Delaware at., Kan- I aas City, Mo.

Dougherty Bros.’ Tent Co., 109 S. Main st., St. I.i'uli, Mo.

J. C. Goes A Co.. Detroit, MIeb. D. M. Kerr Mfg. Co.. 278 W. Madlaon. Chicago. W. H. Luahhaugb. Covington. Ky. .M. Magee A Son. 147 Fulton st., N. Y. City. Murray Tent A Awn. Co., 1-7 Meridian. Chicago. Schaefer Tent A Awn. Co., 1421 Larimer, Den¬

ver, Colo. Thomson A Vandiveer. 816 Pearl, Clnctnnatl, O. i Sun Tent A Awn. Co.. 9 Beale. San Francisco, j U. S. Tent A Awn. Co., 47 53 S. Desplatme*. '

Chicago, III.

THEATRE FRONTS AND CEILINGS- Kanneberg Roo6ng A Celling Co., Canton. 0.

THEATRICAL COSTUMES. The Wm. Beek A Sons Co.. 10-12 Garffeld Place,

Cincinnati, O. Geo. I.jiuterer, 164 .Madlaon st., Chicago.

THEATRICAL LUMBER. John Gillespie Lumber Co., I^umber and Seward i

sts.. Chicago, Ill. '

THEATRICAL PROPERTIES. Slegman A Well, 78 Wooster st., N. Y. City.

THEATRICAL PARADE BANNERS. Chair and Table OoTors for VandoTille Artiata.

Geo. Lauterer, 164 Madlaon at.. Chicago. III.

TICKET CHOPPERS. H. V. Bright. Strawn Bldg., Cleveland. O.

TICKET PRINTERS. Ackerman-Qulgley Co.. Kansas City, Mo. American Ticket Co.. Toledo. O. I Carter Press. Peabody. Maas. i National Ticket Co., Shamokin. Pa. 1 Pioneer Ticket Co., 7M Broadway, N. T. C. Rees Pr’tg. Co., 10th A Harney ata., Omaha,

Neb. Standard Roll ncketa. 181 Pearl at.. N. Y. C. | Bun Printing Co. (Inc.). Providence. R. 1. Weldon. Williams A Lick. Ft. Smith, Ark. |

TIGHTS. Slegman A Well. 78 Wooster st.. N. T. City.

TOY BALLOONS. ' Faultless Rubber Co., Ashland, O.

Slegman A Well. 78 Wooster st.. N. T. CTty. Newman Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland ave., Clevs-

land. O. Shryock-Todd Co.. 824 N. 8th *t.. St. Lout*. Mo. Singer Bo*., 82 Bowery, N. Y. City. Western Bargain Honse, 272 E. Madison. Cb’go.

TOY PARACHUTES. Toy Parachute Co.. Front A Chealnnt ata., Co-

I'umbns, O. TRANSFER.

H. Gnthman Co.. 225 Dearborn st., Chicago.

TRUNKS. Briber Trunk A Bag Co.. 152 Cohimbla st*.,

Philadelphia. Pa. B. B. A B. Trunk Co., 447 Wood at., Plttabnrg.

TURN-STILES. (Regiitering) and Coin Controlled Tnmatllaa.

H. V. Bright. Strawn Bldg., Cleveland. O.

UNIFORMS. DeMonlln Bros. A Co.. 1030 S. 4th at.. Green-

Tllle. III. L. Ranchnt. 1520 N. 4th st.. Phlladelphls. Pa. Weatem Uniform Co., 214 Hark st.. Chicago.

VAUDEVILLE AGENCIES. Wm. D. Hall. Keith Theatre Bldg.. Phlla.. Pa. Wm. Morris. 1440 Broadway. New York City. P*cl6c Coast Amusement Co.. American Bank

Bldg.. Seattle. Wash. Pradentlal Vaude. Ex., 1402 B'way., N. Y. C. W. P. Ready Vaudeville Exchange, Crescent

Theatre Bldg., Nashville. Tenn. Ted Spark! Theatrical Exchange. Century Bldf.,

Kansas City. Mo Qua Sun. Orphenm Theatre Bldg., Sprlngffeld. O.

WATCHES. N. Shure Co.. 220 Madison st.. CThIcago. Ill. Slpger Bros.. 82 Bowery. New York City.

WHIPS. E. W. Hadley Whip Co., WestOeld. Mass.

WILD ANIMAL DEALERS. Putuam'a Pet and Wild Animal Store, 490

Washington st.. Buffalo, N. Y.

WIRE WORKERS’ SUPPLIES Bennett Jywelry Co.. 1645 N. 10th at., Phlla.

Keach. Georg* A.. 109 Friendship at.. Prorl- dence. R. 1.

T. O. Mott. 415 Dearborn at.. Chicago, III.

The Aotoniatic Theatre Chair ^ It Is a apace-aaver, llfe-aavw

and money-saver. Sblpi>ed built X I "b- ii ii)® ooiy SANITARY « I THEATRE CHAIR. It fold* 9 1 antoinatloally and la revolving, I \ making the theatre all AISLES.

^ It la a friend to the public.

Bewaro of Infringnment.

1H Wl. / today

I THE HARDESlY MFG. CO., Canal Dover, Ohie.

I •• NEW” READ THIS THE “MAGIC GLASS TUBE’’ (lV4x7V4 in. long)

brings out tbe readlnn in plain view of people and may lie examined by all. It kee|>s them won¬ dering and guessing. Mr. ('has. Hafey, of .Milwau¬ kee, writes: “Thla tube Ih great; it beats all I have seen. I took tn $('>8.90 tbe first day, lOe a smash. .Mr. Harry Sloan got one aa soon as aliown (and he made a

BuccesB of iny 'Wanda')’’ Why not be among the ftrat and get the cream? i*>-l>-e of comnlet* outfit. Including Hindu

1,009 long readings. $1.5.00. (With < la>Ht $10.00 Cnatiiiue. $'20.) Y’our money back If aot as reprea»’nte<l. Get circular. "Magic Wand” outfits, $.5.(K) up. Cos¬ tumes from $.5. to $10.00 In stuck. Invialble pa pers at $2.00 and $3.00 per 1,000. Gypsy Queen

I outfits at $17 and $‘20. No exiierlence requlrcl. Almost uothliig to carry. The best paying proposition for amount of money Invested. For sample read¬ ings and circular address S. BOWER, 117 Harman St., Brooklyn, N. T.

Here are a few

-PRIVILEGES—— , That can be sold if advertised in

Beverage^ood JOURNAL



To Close an Estate

GIANT SWING Located at Riverview Park. Capacity per season equal to cost. Address, MR. VALERIUS, Rlvarviaw Exposition, CHICAGO.

TATTOOING IVIACHINES Designs, Stsnclls. Olori, Needles, etc. Send for prtc* list. EDWIN E. BROWN. 160$ Fmak-

I bn At*., St. Louis. Ho.


Anything In tbe way of a Beverage or Food offered as a privilege at a Fair, Park or Ex¬ position can be sold by advertising In tb* only Beverage and Food Journal In America.

- ADDRE88-

The BtYerage and Food Pub, Co,, P. 0. Box 54, Cincinnati, Okla


Dode-Fisks Great Combined Railroad Shows Circus i>eo|ile doing two or more acta. Slater Song and dam-e team. Side Show peo|)le and musicians. State all in first letter. Return

■ act. Ventriloquist and Comet player write soon. .Address as i>er route In BilU>uard.

-: WANTED :- For week of Sept. 1.3. or following week, A-1

, Carnival Co. having not leas than 12 to 15 pay attractions. Show under auspices of Red Men. All shows must be .A-l, and strietly moral. No Carnival here for two years. We play on i>er-

i centage only. All factories running fidl time. Mom V her,‘. Answer lit once. GEORGE KEM- MERLINO, Sec'y., Moline Ills.

Balloon Ascensions FurnishiKl for all occasions In all parts of tbe U. S. First-class oi'ttlts. Balloon and Chute for sale, 75x42. chute .32 ft. Fair comlltion. THOMPSON BROS. BAI.l.OOXIXG CO., 236 N. view St., Aurora, 111.

IMOXICE WANTED FOR CORN CARNIVAL Pay Shows and Free .Attractions at Cliatsworth, 111., Oct. 13 14 15 and 16. J. \V. GAltHITT,

. Set-retary.

FOR SALE ORGAN l.ar2e Organ for skating rink or aiiinsemenC ball. GishI as new. with electric motor, s(a*ed

i regulator, belting ami 16 pli'ces music. Organ ' alone cost $i>iai. .Also a Graphophone. shop ' worn, cost $11'-. First n-asoiiatile offiT for one

or 'loth. LATROBE AMUSEMENT CO., Latrobe, PS;_

Waltham and Elgin Watches in Imitation 20 yr. flileil cases, $I..50 to $2.50;

for Peddlers. Auctioneers and Fairs; all clean

gmais. J. L. LURIE, Room 47, 373 Washington

' St.. Jewelers' B!dg., Boston, Mass.

Six Flying Banvards -: WORLD’S GRKATF:ST AKRIAL At’T :-

Have a few late Fair dates open for Southern Fairs. Address BERT BANVARD, Manager, care The Billboard, New York City,


Flying Baldwins CAROUSELS Aarial Ketnni and Caatinf Act. T. W. OREEVLEAF, Hrr.. S14 N. Srd Bt. Quincy, HI.

PRINCESS WAH-TA-WASO M<‘rr,v>(;<>-R<Miiicl». Riding Ciallorics,

Rnz/.le Da/./.h's, Striking Ma<-liiiK‘s,

l>oll Rju-ks for I'airks. I*i«-ni<’s, I'^iirs

and f'arnittils., AiniiM-nn'iit Oiiililtrrs.



Starring Season 1909-10

AS TOLD IN THE HILLS Direction W. F. Mann

PLAYING THE BEST IN VAUDEVILLE The Largest °1 Sensational Act 9 the WorlA


This is our 75-cent Half-Tone; or a 3x4 for$l; cash with order OEKERAL BUSnTESS OFFICE nrwrnaT




KNOXVILLE ENGRAVING COMPANY 515 Bate Street, Knoxville, Tenn

Ue«t KrGn4 otMi rat trad loB. Best and moat brlU

lant ntcht fralurt a Thrilling elrotrica

^ As flr«aorkB flaUk

R Contains manv T I ^ /ji original and

Btartlinf feats tka* ■ imitators dara I * attempt

/ Fot particuUn of thi. '■ / famous *ecord brest - / ing* crowd drswin* •yiji I_ spectaulsr feature, ' / addrets,

/^^®UONELLECARI imLtoWER Bethlehem, Pa.

n Bo. OUrk St., Ohicafo, m.


1117 nnd lltS Maikot SC Amoricun Tbontn Bldg.,

Bon Fnncioco, CbL ARCHIE LEVY.

Third and Hadiaon Bta. Boattla, Waah.


Persica^s Garden Theatre I OF*EN YEAR AROUND

iCood Sketch Teams and Single Acts Wanted At All Times. JOHN PERSICA, Proprietor, .Memphis, Tenn.

The kind that serves all purposes.

Designed and compiled expre.ssly for




strong binding, well printed, complete

information, etc. Complete for the

Season 1909-1910. Contains data to

July. 1910.

Majestic Theatre in Cleveland, Ohio, Including six offices and two stores TO L.EASF: for a term of years. The only theatre on the West side of City. Fireproof, capacity rJtX). THE* M.\JE^^TC .\MUSEME\T CO., J. M. Blatt, Secretary, care of The Uniteti Bank.

The Billboard CINnXN.\TI. o.



The Great Calvert. World* iaeatodt novolty high wir«*a<*t. Produced with a daah and vim that captivatea evcry- bodV Re-eogagetl for Srd week at Gwynn Oak Park. Baltimore, Md.. July 11-Aug. lilt. Week Aug. 2 oieii. Aug IS to 29. 8teeple<*haiie Park. Bridgeport. (Vinn. Have tKime o|»en time. Addrem care of Bin(M>ard, N. Y. City or an per ri>ute.

Special inducements ofTere<l Concession People. First-class Merry-go-Round wante<I, For any information 11. B. STOUT, Secretar}-, Cumt)erland City, Tennessee.


Fur the .MmltTU WixkIiim'Ii mill Ka*t Siili- ('lll■lllll■^(■ial Cliih.


Twenty Keel.. |MTfi><-t comlltlon, eoniplele iub- Jecl. all titlitl, iiiiMtIv i'atlie. SI'J |>er reel. EXHIBITORS' COOPERaTI.E EXCHANOE, 3 Tremont Row, Boaton, Ha...

J For < 'amuuel*. I New Music.

178 Psrk Row, R. T.

PATCIJTC SECURED OR FEE RETUBN- rn 1C.IV Id ED. Er,.,. r.-iMM-t aa to pat- •'lilalillit.v llliistrate<l Uulile Kook anil liat of liivoniion. Wiiiiteil ..-nt EVANS WILKINS A CO., 323 "F" Street, Waahincton, D. C,

ON POPULAR PAYNE AVENUE, Sept. 20th to 26th. Payne Avenue, St. Paul, Minn.

H. MARTIN JOHNSON, Chairman. 831

At Liberty WANTED! -LOOK!--WANTED! Labor Day and Home-Coming Carnival, Follensbee, W. Va., Sept. 6-11 Ko.l <-\|H'rifnce In Free on the Ktrwta. WE WANT—liidepemleiit Show, and KIdIni; Ih-vleea. All Sbowa 'JH'/r. We ideHM-.i to from some , furnish lo<'ation, lioeiis.- ami enrrent. All Krlvlh-cea sold excliislTe, 4I(i each. All the ateel GEO. GARDNER, of the plants. Klasa houws. sheet metal work, nititilii).- full eapaeity. T.'-.iasi to draw from. Killed Ilk. Del., Clinton, Maas. • oireua. Write ijuUk for liM-ation. SHERIDAN COX, Sec'y., Follenibee. W. Va.

M»-llt. IWMI. For Conreaalona. writ,

P. P. MAJOR, Three Ritrera, Mich.




140 NgtMu Strert, mtcB to the ProfcAKhMi

Tjingi rH* rinilc, (%‘ntrc ilnll. I <*ntii‘«-«iHt<»tiii of all klndg.

mild. No Mtroiig grtliH*'*. Diji I r«’i* iTMti’ IohhI RttcndNiicc D. TRIMPER. Ocean City, Md.

A firsf-elass show town. I’o|iiilatlon S.iaai. Want atiraetlons lirlek liiiilditiit. Aiidllorliitn (VtxIS; haloony ft.: slac di.-p; width of arch ft.: curtain ]<> ft. KliTtrIc lljilit. tniiiute. Write or wire TITUS tc COLE, Propnetort.

Will o(M.n alMiiit Oei.ilter Isl. N*w (excin-lve of Aitdiloriitm I. 'JU ft.

Kverylliitiit tlrst eliiss and up to tb.

Invites olTir. after Labor Da.r. Pit work pre-

fern-d. Siis-k. nieliNirama or vaudeTllle. Thor

onirhly e\i>erien.. .kddress NELLIE B. CHANDLER. The Colonade, Savin Rock, Wett Haven, Conn. < of }iMirs<lf, $20.00 iMT l.dOO;

•'■'end .Neifs. or I'liolo |o copy,

or Wife |•h••lo. ..impl... WENDT. Photo,



FREE AND PAY ATTR ACXIO >JS. Liberal terms for concessions. Xo gambling or games of chance jierniilletl. Bust town on earth for a fair. Address all corrsspondence to H, L. HACKTHORN.

CABINET ptioi.m jH-r iMi >

Kiitiin* IIiimIiiiihI l.««N» SntMl for BfM>nton. N. J.

WANTED Bet on earth for N. I. or Celluloid Filnia: tio warped Joinla, money hack If tmt safisfaetory. Formula. $I fat MAKrF...\L’ COI/)Kf;UAPH CO., OcdenstuirB, Y.

^UTURESCOPES COMPLETE *10'''' With .'Mat fittiin-s Extra fiiliirea, $1 00 tier 100, l.mtpahl. CHAMPION CARD CO., IM W. Waahinrton St., Chicaeo, III.


PARKS, CONCESSIONAIRES, FAIRS, CARNIVAL, PRIVILEGE PEOPLE ! ud” “Novelty Ball Throwing Game” “'KbStwhiSe*’' Hai everybody laugblng, aboutlng and banding you tbe nickela and dlmea. Iverybody wanta to

I tbrowB for Sve centa. Tbla la tbe big money getter for privilege people at Parto, Falra, Pic everywhere. Space required. 10x18 feet; weight, 190 Iba. P&IC^ IM; WITH BA0K-8T0P

lb; or half caah with order, balance C. O. D., f. o. b. Cincinnati, O. Few fall partlcalan addreoe



F'or Outdoor Xacking Printed Cardboard SIrns, any color stock or Ink, sizes from 11x14 to

22x34 Inches. The printed signs are specially prepared to withstand the weather, and

are considerable lower In price than any other kind of sign and equally as serviceable.

Prices depend upon quantity, size and amount of composition. In asking for prices, please state fully your wants as to size and quantity, and send copy if possible.

-Samples furnished.- AM> ItASKIiAIJ, XOVKLTIKS.

Writ.’ f..r pri.-.' ll»t. WM. WUEFFLEIN. Mgr., SU8 M. Swond St., Philadelphia. Pa., U. S. A. Printers to the Theatrical Profession.


WHIPS This Trunk is made of 3-ply B. B. & B. Trunk Wood, heavy Duck Cov¬ ering, Hickory Slats. Malleable Scroll-Bound Hand-Riveted Tipping Tray. GUARANTEED.

Send for descriptive price lists or Tend 60c for samples of Toy and 60c for samples of Boggy Whips. We have the best sellers for the lowest prices. Write us.

L W. HADLEY WHIP CO., Wsstflsld, Msta

Please send us the dates of your Food Show, with names and addresses of Committee in charge. Will reimburse you for the data.

Three Stores. Send for Free Catalogue.

B. B. & B. TRUNK CO., 447 Wood Street,

109 Federal St., H. S., 625 Smithfleld SI. PITTSBURG. PENN.

The Beverage and Food Pub. Co. 416 Elm Street. . • . CINCINNATI. O

Indian Sack Mystery, $1.2S ^ COMPLETE APPARATUS all ready

to perform. Sack is loektsl with shackle chain and etaiiiln'-il, pad-

/ aim lock with keyhole scaled, per- nH former has bands tied Isdiinil back.

I MWE EscajM' is made In one minute. No I ropes to tut. replace and reseal as

■’ ’ in other hag cscais s. No exchange If < of sacks, no worry, no tr(Mil)le. no ■ confederates. A dean cut escape,

leaving locks and seals undis- >.. tnrhed. Easily p.-rforme.l by any W[|Bt|||B|n one. AH, apiKiratus will stand a

strong examination. To advertlte our house, we will send a complete

otitflt. including canvas sa<k. all shackles and locks, with esplicit Instniclions, for ONE DOL¬ LAR an TV’ENTY-FIVE CENTS. Every pur¬ chaser of this outfit shall receive a due bill g>K»l for fifty cents on purchase of goials select¬ ed from our bargain sheets. IIKHKK NOW. MAGICLANS' SUPPLY CO., 215 Beaufait Ave., Detroit, Michigan.

IVrfeel in Ci«stnictlno. Arflitlc In Dealgn. I's.-)! in all the Leading Parka of tbe Coun try. O. A. DENTZEL, oc41 Oermantown Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Moving Picture Machines,

Stereopticons, Slides, Accessories,


Large Line of Edison Goods. Est. 1899,

. 2r jM-r fn<»i. elegant condition; will 1*.. suhj«-ct to evamiiiation. uimmi

ex|>ress cliarg.s.. S'«ig Slides, with 'SI |M-r s<'r. .s,.|i,l for lists. P. 0. New Orleans. La.


Stephens County Fair SeptemlM-r 15 Itl 1718. Createst held in ilklahouia. Address H. Secretary, Duncan, Okla.

'elehration ever L. OVERTON,

FOR SALE Big Fall Festival la tbe recognised organ of Vaudeville Artists throogboat tbe world. Americana vlaltlng In London

will find a friendly welcome at 14 Leicester Street, W. C. NEW YORK OFFICES, 19 W. Twenty fourth Street; Telepbooe 1772, Madlton Square.


Mechanical Theatres InifV'rted from Europe; only one In this country; now with first-class carnival company, takini top money. Address DR. SCHW’IMMER, 271 Clyboum Avenue, Chicago.

WANTF.1> -tJ smI t'nriiival Company. g,»sl. clean I’ay .*<Ih>w« of all dewriptleiis. Hom,. g.nsl Free ■Arts: \Ve>'k S.‘pt. in IS; tii.iMa) |N-o|,|e to draw fneii; advert:setl like a circus fi>r miles around; nothing III re for five years; main business alrt-etf of cii> ; |Ms>ple wll<l with enthusiasm: iiione> to hum. All f.g' sale. Adilress HAVin SON A MII.LEU. -Mgrs of .Streets, Rochester, In¬ diana.

WANTFR High-Class Sopranos ■ ■ VViV I Salary, twenty-five to thirty five per week.

Engagements, two to four weeks.


For Plantation Show Wantlag to Join a FIrsl-Class

Carnival Company Aft<r Oct. l'«. Have Merry (To Round. Roulett Whis'l and t-S-rris WIuh I; all In fine siiat>e. I’a per play<'d urgaiis I can get the inone.v. Sem routing ail I r-fi-r>‘uee. J. K. tltKilHNO, 25 ( oliiilal Arrsd •. Clev. l.nid, Olilo.

la the original and beat. Beware of anbatttntea. $30.00 profit on every pound. Qnaranteed under the D. S. Government I’upe Food I.awB. Serial No. 9346. The beet and moat popular drink for I'arks, Falra, EntertalnnieDts, etc. One pound makes 40 galluna; price. $2.25. Send 10 centa for sample gallon. Write for prices In larger quantities. THE CORNEX CO., Dept. F, $0$ Mary¬ land Street, BUFFALO, NEW YORK. Wanted for 3rd Annual Tour


WHIPS, CANES, BALLOONS and PENNANTS Three I'' Clean Show.s for Four l»ay Fair at Ml. Carroll. 111.. .Sept. 14 to 17. Ine KHWARH MAR.SII, Room Oos I'hioago li|H'rn lloiist' Itldg., t'hicago. 111.

Acts of all kinds, who double in haiul preferred. Can use A-1 .Japanese Act, Hindoo or Midget Act: also a live second agent, must wear unl- fonii. 1 want only the bi'st is-ople, gcssl dres* ers on and oft Your money .-lire with me. but you must be gotsl. Aildrcss G. BURKHART, No. 99 Sumpter St., Brooklyn, N. Y.

Celluloid baudle Whips, per gruas, $5.00. Samples forwarded on receipt of 50 cents In stamps.


neadqnarters for Cane and Knife Rack Men. . - 223 Commercial Street, BOSTON, B. S. A. NASEI,I,A BROS.

SLOT MACHINES -Ht-rreiii'is. ei,.\vs. i.iitui-nu'os. A siua , ssfiil author i>f plat- will aec-pt a lliiiiled iiuuilier of ... f.'>r Ski't<h«'s. Flays, or lt<s>Ls f,.r op.-ra- or Mu-lenI Cihiu-iIx

X. Y, Z., care The Billboard.

THEATRICAL LUMBER We manufacture Legal, Premium and J.Ittie Giant: bnv and sell and repair all other kiiuli.

A. J. FISHER 4 CO., Pittsburg. Pa.


Always OB band fur prompt ahlpiuent. Write for delivered prlcee. Shipments made In any quantity desired.


McKean Co. Fair, Smetbport. Fa.. .8ept. 21- 22-23 24, KoIIowa Hamburg and Little Valley. Address GUY McCOY, Secretary.

WANTED TO SELL, R.-iil. Coiuhlne. or Taki' I'lirluer that will haiiill.' the advance 'two- car sliow, all r»‘ji,l.a for the road. .Vtldress

C. W, RIGGS. t>t. Louis, Mo. HIGH PITCH MEN, Phoney Peddlers, Flat Joint Artists and all Road People, read my Nugget Jewelry advertlse'ment iu The Itlllho.ard, send me your name anil state yisir busi¬ ness. I will put you onto ’he quick and easy money. J. J. SHEPHERD. Red Bluff, Cii.

Lumber and Seward Streets, Fillson 1>. C.

$111 IMI; l.Vi

Mayer Silver- GAMES THAT GET the MONEY man. 322 Fulton Bldg., PitUburg, pL

FEATURE FILM FOR SALE o,vr fifty reels of lllui i,> leiiture strong. W li> buy Juuk, when We IIIII fiiriilsli Mill with the goisls for a Irille luon .• W .VNTKI* lit more Siili K.veli.aiiges to liivi-<t $2|oiN) and llilerehaiige our lllius for $I esih eliaiige K< tISlIMV FILM Cil . Riauii ;tI4. Mieppard s Hotel, .Sixth Street. Plii-luirg. Pa.

GrcAt Internstional Hallixin Race, Doll Racks, Shooting Galleries, Fish Ponile, Aii Gun Galleries, Candy Wheels, I’in-lward Tablee, Japanese Rowling Tables Wate» Motors, Board of Trade, Biise B.all Rolling Boarti. Wc make them.

C^FOR SALEta One Wiirlitaer style No. 129 Mechanical Band ttrgan, with eiectrlr motor and extra music roJiB. .Absolutely go<H| as i.ew; used hut few weeks For ;irlce aiul description, address COHSEl’SI CiiMFANY. t lark-hiirg. W Va. A. J. SMITH

. - — LOOK — 1 AT THE PBICE8!|

28 SO . 11.00 $2 84 36 . 14.00 i- 88 . 16.00; 40 . 18.00! 42


LUBIN*S 1910 MARVEL Equipped with Improved Fire Magazine, Automatic Fire Shutter and Automatic Fire i Shield (Lubin’s Patent), Asbestos Covered I Wire Connections, new Improved Lamp House, new style Fireproof Rheostat, Im¬ proved Electric Lamp, new Condenser Holders for rapid change. Outside Shutter, POSITIVE REWINDING ATTACHMENT the only correct one, ONE PIN MOVE¬ MENT, and innumerable other important new features.



The Doctor’s Bride While on an erraml of charity, the

doctor takes a yniiiig girl from the death ned of her father. Me acts as her guardian but s<Km falls in lure with her and iuarrii>s h.-r. That she lures him dearly is shown by her resisting a great temptation.


The Haunted Hat The whole iMimiigh is in a state of

excitement on account of a baunti^d bat which is carried along the highways and byways by a playful little kitten.



The Woman Hater The wmior |>artner of the Arm is a

d)H-p-<ly<>d woman hater. Just before he takes bis racatioii he dismisses the stenographer. During bis ‘absence, the junior partner engages a lady steno¬ grapher. When the stmior partner re¬ turns the junior partner leares for his vacation putting it up to the senior partner tu make the best of the situa¬ tion. This he du<‘S and on the return of the juuiur. the senior presents to him the new stenographer as his future wife.


LUBIN MANUFACTURING COMPANY 926-928 Market St., Philadelphia, Pa.




g XU i


GAUMONT CO., ill 124 East 25 th Street NEW YORK CITY

1009 AfODEJ...


For Sale at All the Leading Flln Exchanges In the United States.

PRICE, $225.00

PATHE FRERES Largest Manufacturers of Moving PIcturaa

NEW YORK CHICAGO NEW ORLEANS 41 W. 2Sth St 35 Randolph St 813 Union St


Over 7r> per cent, of the flne.t theatres In the United Statea and Canada are furiilHh.-<l nlih They are uaed in 818 of the 405 moving pletuie theatre. In Chicago.

To meet the growing demand for

LOW PRICED OPERA CHAIRS we have originated a number of styles wblcb, though InexpeB- alve, are characteristic of

ANDREWS QUALITY Write for our large catalogue. Illustrated In colors, which will guide and assist you. wheu coutemplatlug the pnrcbase of Upera Cbaira.



We have over 1.5U (lilFereiit desiuiis that are riKht up lo- (iale. X audeville jierformer.s, who do not rare to ijo to the e.\|)en.s(‘ of I'ettiujf out a .six;- eial Lithograph, are iir^ed to write u.s jls we may have a stfx k litho to fit vour a<-t.



Successful Exhibitors insist ujion usini; the Machine and fim S«rw

I **** We are npecial amenta VI *. —f. MotioKraph, Powers, E^dison and other


rv There’s a big difference in Motion Piclurc Ma- J chines but our book entitled “The Motion Piclurc A The^e” tells all you want to know about the

I motionpicturebuHiiiessaiidit’ayoursfortheaskinK.

Arp You SalUfipfl y**"’' r***" Servkc? . Mre lou oausneo „ we^et xt least tine copy of each of the 18 reeK produced

^ >g by the licensed manufacturers each week.

^ We feel sure we can improve your service. Tell us your requirements and we’ll submit you prices.

THEATRE FILM SERVICE CO., 85*87 Diarborn St., Chioago, III.


X li e Billboard SEPTEMBER 11, 1909.



A Viennese Comedy by

Franz Schoenthan and

Rudolph Oesterreicher


By Emerich Kalman, Karl von

Bakonyi and Robert Bodanzky

English Adaptation by

Maurice Brown Kirby

Lyrics by Grant Stewart



Music by Franz Lehar

Book by Victor Leon and Leo Stein

English Lyrics by Adrian Ross

A Comedy Drama by Edith Ellis

One of the few pronounced successes of

the season. Indorsed by pulpit and press.


Music by Edmund Eysler

A Viennese Operetta. Book by Leo Stein

English Adaptation by Oliver Herford


Drama in three acts and a prologue

adapted from the French of Alexandre

Bisson By John N. Raphael



A Viennese Operetta. Music by Leo Fall

Book by Victor Leon

A Comedy Farce by 01iver|^Herford

Taken from “Glueck bei Frauen”

by Alexander Engel and Julius Horst


David Belasco’s Attractions SEASON 1909-1910

Blanche Bates Frances Starr Charlotte Walker David Wartield ^ Special company presenting “The Girl of the Golden West,” David Belasco’s greatest success.

^ The new Belasco Theatre production—the merry comedy, “Is Matrimony a Failure?” Leo Dit- richstein’s adaptation of Blumenthal and Kadelburg’s reigning Vienna success.

The Belasco Theatre The Belasco>Stuyvesant Theatre Offices at Belasco-Stuyvesant Theatre, West 44th Street, New York City

NELL in "SPRINGTIME" by Booth Tarkington and Harry Leon Wilson

ROBERT HILLIARD in "A FOOL THERE WAS' by Porter Emerson Browne

"THE ASSASSIN" a new play by Eugene Walter

"A FOOL'S COMEDY" a new play by J. Hartley Manners

another play by Porter Emerson Browne

with Miss Edith Taliaferro

a western company

with the original New York cast a new play by Porter Emerson Browne

“Ske-Daddle to Schenectady,” the Home of the General Electric Company and American Locomotive Works

September 2T to October 2, inclusi've The one great I'all Opportunity for Showmen and Concession

aircs in a city where all shops are working full forces

0|>«‘rated and nianageil by the 5H'henirtady, N. Y., Boiird of Trade. Walter H. Reeu, Chairman Carnival Committee. This Carnival will l>e held in Brandywine Park in the In .irt of the best residential district of Schenectady, the l>est city in Centnil New York. Fre#- .\ct^ alreads engaged—Dare Devil Schreyer, Strolnd’s Airship. WANTED—Shows and legitimate Coucess.ous ot all kinds. Address

VICTOR D. LEVITT, 1402 Broadway, N. Y. City, or WALTER H REED, Board of Trade, Schenectady, N. Y

«*ske:-daddi.e: to schexeicxady”

II Ttie Billboard SEPTEMBER 11, 1909.


Lyric Th“«tr**. Maxine Elliott's Theatre. Italy's Theatre. Casino Theatre. I>ew Field's Herald S<|iiBre

Theatre. Majestic Theatre. Vorkville Theatre. Metropolis Theatre. Comedy Theatre. Naaimova Theatre. Broadway Theatre. West End Theatre. Hippodrome. New 39th St. Theatre. Hackett Theatre.


Grand Opera House. Bijou Theatre.


Majestic Theatre. New Lyric Theatre.


Op<‘ra House.


Hyperion Tlieatre.

PHILADELPHIA. Lyric Theatre. AdelphI Theatre.


Took Theatre.


Belasco Theatre.


Shubert Theatre. New Theatre.


Duquesne Theatre.


Colonial Theatre.


New Garrick Theatre.


Baker Theatre.


Royal Alexandra Theatre.


Prlnceas Theatre.


Grand Opera House.


Harmanus Bleeckcr Theatre.


Shubert Theatre.


Siiiilwrt Tlieatre. Alhambra Theatre.


Garrick Theatre. <liiilH-rt Tlieatre.


Shubert Tlieatre.


Shubert Theatre.

And new theatres In course of construction In Denver,


Shubert Theatre. Coloolal Theatre.

Salt Lake. Los Anyelea. San Pranclaco. S.>attla. Portland, Tacoma.


\laj<‘stlr Theatre.


Lyric Theatre.


Mary .\ndenwin Theatre.


tiarrick Theatre.


Shubert Theatre.


Rarwoad Theatre.

11 111 MM Bands (Male and Female), Dog, Monkey and Pony Circus, ■Hf mm I r 11 11 a 111 M Animal Show, Freaks, Sensational Free Acts, Riding Devices,

mm m Tent Shows, Concessionaires. Horsemen, Automobile Motorcycle Races write. Biggest event of the year in LaSalle County. BEST TIMES. All factories working overtime.


Under tke Auspices of the Peru Merchants' Association.

Combined Event Takes Place at BEAUTIFUL CITY PARK, September 27,28,29,30, October 1,2. WE WANT EVERYTHING-BUT GAMBLERS.

Write at once to CHARLES B. WAGNER, Secretary, PE31U, ILL.




162,000 paid admissions at Wonderland last summer. PARADISE is the handsomest, cleanest, most iieautiful Elec¬ trical and Mechanical Production ever shown for ten cents. Ever>^ patron a booster, and catering to the very best. A great show for ladies and children. 21 PEOPLE. Show runs about twenty-eight minutes.

It is so clean that we were allowed to run Sunday in Wonderland, which is under the super\'ision of Massa¬ chusetts State Police. We will guarantee to beat ANY ten- cent show in ADMISSIONS that you have. Adless CHARLES A. WASHBURN. Care The Billboard

0. URAWFORD’S FILM SERVICE A service FREE OF REPEATERS. NO DARK HOUSES, and a GUARANTEE to give A BEHER SERVICE than is promised. You owe it to yourself to get full particulars. Write today.

O. T. CRAWFORD FILM EXCHANGE CO. (Licensee of Motion Picture Patents Co.)

1401 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo. 319 4th Avenue, Louisville, Ky.

SEPTEMBER 11, 1909. m

Which Would YOU Rather Pay? Vniis man is on • 220 vok circuit and as his moving picture lamp only requires 35: \ volts at the arc. he formerly used a iheostat to reduce the voltage. In this way / \ he paid for about 3 times as much “juice" as he actually needed. / \ 1 hen he figured be needed thb money more than the Lighting Company /

I \ and he bought a / i

\ FORT WAYNE COMPENSARC / " \ Now he gets a clearer, whiter, more intense unflickering light and j

,'f* \ his bills are only about I 3 w hat they were before. The machine / \ has three adjustments and the circuit can not break for even an /

instant in passing from one to another. No delays, no bother. no w aste, no danger, no heat.

Send todar for cur 22 pace booklet "CamsKiuarc w RkcoUal.** It leUi you how you can tcl a

Much brllcT light at I 3 your prcarat coal.

_ Fort Wayne Electric Works, Fort Wayne, Ind. _ 1401 BROADWAY



MRS. FISKE and tha Manhattan Company In

Salvation Nell by Edward Sheldon, beginning Oct II


The Bridge by Rupert Hughes—Majestic Theatre. New York

GEO. ARLISS In a play founded upon W. J. Locke'a

Septimus by Philip Littell, beginning October 2S





Mter he bought




Great Free Street Circus and Cereal Products Show GIVEN UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE



Write J. B. O'BRIEN, Chairman. St. Joseph, Missouri.

LA LOIE FULLER “The most colossal Novelty that has visited America in a decade

Parisian Dancing Concerts

Direct from Paris where she has been the reigning sensa¬ tion for the past ten years.

Originator of “The Modern Art Dances” and Orchestration of Light

And Her 50 Parisian Dancing Girls Known in Paris as “The Muses,” and a bevy of “Premiere’s Dan- seuses.” Especially engaged by the Metropolitan Opera House, New York, and the New Boston Opera House, Boston, Mass.


Complete Symphony Or¬ chestra under direction of

Gustav, Hinrichs formerly conductor at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York.

Original Paris Scenic and Lighting Effects

M. H. HANSON, Sole Manager, Carnegie Hall, NEW YORK, N. Y.

IV T ti e Billboard SEPTEMBER 11, 1909.





Price One Dollar, Including Monthly Supplement

More Complete Than Ever Before Send Subscription in Now for Quick Delivery

= Edition Limited to 10,000, over 0,500 already subscribed for mm







The Play Idolized by New York’s Smart Set

Playing Selected Western and Southern Time


“THE UPSTART’’ A New Comedy by TOM BARRY. Originally produced with

overwhelming success at Hartford, Conn., June 21, *09.


=iiiiiE II 11*111= n coiNC HI mi o* loi This song has been featured by Daisy jjjg biggest hit of any kid song

Harcourt and Blanche Baird with great Kr v, H success and has just been released. If you publisned.

want a good novelty song, this is it. Great double song.


You will always take encores when you sing a good, catchy melody. THE

KISS ME KID. A gocxl double and can be used as a single song,

by soubrette. Always a hit used with a mirror, and spot light. Yipi_l_A,

CUDDLE UP AND CALL ME HONEY. Can be used YouVejus double or single. One of those slow song and dance melodies. Save All Y(

THIS, THAT. THOSE, THESE, THUSLY AND SOME MORE. A real old coon song. A real shout. Only Love

P. S. Send stamps or late programme and get a professional copy. And

Xe also have slides and dance orchestrations of the above numbers.

Orchestrations and Professional copies uixui receijit of

late programs.

THE ATLAS MUSIC HOUSE, No. 128 West 36lh Street, ... NEW YORM.

. PKRCIVAL KELG.\RD, Manafror Profeaaional Dept.



Published by

Chas. J. Ernst Music Publishing Company, 1298 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY. Between 33d and 34th Streets.


RAYMOND HIBBELEK ha« Just finished writing the RTcatest encore parody on one of Gua Ed- i ward'a biggest song bits the world has ever heard. TbU la a GUARANTEED lire wire acream. After roil hsre sung this tremendous suceesa, you will call or write telling ua bow mueb yon lore ut. We will send you this isieitiTe knockout for 2.'>c atamis or coin. GUARANTEED SATTSPAC- TiON Is our DKitto. REME.MDER, when we say GUARANTEED we mean It. Sketches, Kurles- iiH-s. Monologues, etc., written to order. Estimates furnished iimmpt. RAYMOND HIBBELER

: M08S0N0, JACK, Uie Chicago Live Wire Writers and Publianera of Positive Knockouts, Hoorn 66. 78-80 State Street. CHICAGO, ILLS.

A rsrm ^ rnt THE MOTIOGRAPH Motion PIcturo Machine is A WONDER. Ww I And will INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS. It projects PLirKERI.ESa

/ V steady and WONDERFULLY BRILLIANT pictures, baa patented IVG minute rewind from main crank, revolving magazines, automatic fir*

; \ proof shutter, etc., not found lu other machines. WILL WEAR TWICE

C. li. D. of Keokuk, Iowa, writes—“Motiograph MAKING A BIO \ BIT and BUSINESS INCREASED WONDERFULLY."

F. L. F. of Chicago, 111., writes—“Used every day for aeven months, y7 and NOT ONE TENNY TOR RErAIRS."

THE HOUSE THAT HAS THE HITS Including The Following Big Oneo:

Yip—I—Addy—I—Ay, Say Boys, Pve Found A Girl, You’re Just The Kind Of Girl Pd My Little Kangaroo,

Like My Girl To Be, When I Dream In The Gloaming Of You, Save All Your Kisses For Me, His Wife Came Marching Home, Amo, (Song Intermezzo) Go Find A Sweethert From The This Is No Place For A Minister’s Son, Emerald Isle. Only Love Dreams, Somebody Wants You.

And a thousand others to select from. CaU, write or wire.

SHAPlROy.Music Publisher Corner Broadway A 39th St.


Brand Opera House Bldg. ATIAHTIC CITY.

1029 Boardwelh.

Electric Scenic Effects and Stage Lighting Appliances

0>m|dpte line of CI,OUD Efiect. SNOW, RAIN. FIRE. .tc. Alao sroT and FIOOIl 1 If I IT*. STAGE ITK KETH, I'LUGGINtJ HOXK.S, RHEOSTATS and everything In «.nii«-t on wli Electrical .Stage IJghtlng. IMPORTED Carbona, L«n.ea and O.latin.a at ow S?.n.r I eenta to cover poatage and mailing of NEW CATAIAMJUK. pneoa. mi i

JOSEPH MENCHEN ELECTRICAL CCIVPANY l.argeiit Mauufactnrera of ElM^trtcal Stage Appllaneea and Effecla In the World

. S60 Weit SOth St.. New York City, U. B. A.

FOB API*01NTMKNTS. I'llONK lOKI BRYANT. "Du Gnut el da Talent.'

two yeara. Have oj>erated all PKICES, SISO.OO and up. Tb

and NOT ONE PENNY TOR REPAIRS." F. J. K. of Kanaaa City, Mo., writea—"Operating Moltograpb nearly

I all makea. but NONE TO COMPARB with Motiograph.” SISO.OO and up. The Enterprise Calcium Gaa Outfit la the only aatlafactory aubatltuta Ic light. Write for catalog to-day. ENTERPRISE OPTICAL MFO. 00., 570 W. Ran- for electric light. Wri

dolph StTMt, CHIOAGO.

EMILE BRUNEL, Photographer, 115W.42d, New York

The beat In portraiture to the pmfeaalon, at the loweat rate. Original iioih... X',% dla<-ount off regular pclc* to baarcr of tbia Ad. .

•V ^ • % I ‘








The March Song, sensation of THE LEW DOCKSTADER MINSTRELS, Sung by KD. MILLER.

The March Song, sensation of ONE HUNDRED OTHER PRODUCTIONS, Sung by EVERYBODY.

suDES. $5.00. GET IT NOW. sudes. $5.00.


The Comic Son^ Hit





1418 Broadway* N. Y. City. HELF HAGER 1418 Broadway*' N. Y. City.

The Greatest Ballad Written in Years. By Ernest R. Ball, Dave Reed, Jr. and George Graff, Jr., WTiters of “Love Me and the World is Mine” and “.As Long .As the World Rolls On.”

“TO THE END OF THE WORLD WITH YOU” Y'ou will find it a song easily learned, a song easily remembered, a song easily sung, and, LAST, BUT NOT LEAST, a song that has a range within the scope of any voice, be it soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, or bass.

PUBLISHED IN FOUR KEYS: A flat (C to E flat); B flat (D to F); C (E to G); D (F sharp to A). Orchestrations in all keys. A great solo for any musical instrument. A great number for male, female, or mixed quartettes. The above will be sent FREE—All we ask of those we do not know, is an up-to-date program. NO CARDS or AMATEUR PROGRAM

will be accepted.

M. WITMARK & SONS, Witmark Building, 144 146 W. 37th Street New York. Or, if you are out West, save time by calling or writing to our Chicago Offices, Schiller Building, Randolph Street, Chicago.

SEPTEMBER 11, 1909. Ttie Billboard vn


DAVE KLINE. Business Manager


Jolly” Nellie McHenry FRED DOUGLAS. Manager Time about all Filled




Iraaking all Records In Nsw England.

FRED FLECK. Jr., Bus. Mgr. With NOLAN GANE In Penn, ju&t now playing to capacity.


JAMES KRYLE MacCURDY IN HIS OWN GREAT PLAY, THE YANKEE DOODLE DETECTIVE Htlll opening Uu-atree to trenien<iooa receipu-Hpringilald. 8t. Loaia. Grand Rapida, Chicago. Peoria. “Keep jour eje on the nail.” bj Arthur Holjoke Alston.

W. H. BROWN. Mgr. H. R. SCHUTTER. Bus. Mgr.

Grsatsr Than 4 g AT CRIPPLE CREEK f f with a cast that has never been equalled and a complete production.

H. E. ROWE. Mgr.


Record Breaker.

To Lease, For Stock or Road, Joseph Santley’s Great Success of Last Season, **Lacky Jim,** with or without Production.


With H. F. MacDONALD F. R. HOADLEY, Bgr. WM. HEXTER, Bus. Mgr.

CHAS. H. WUERZ ATTRACTIONS, 1493 Broadway, New York City.

Fred R. Hoadley, Ben'l Stage Director. Max D. Jesephson, Attorney.

I **Life is Just One Damn Thing After Another,’' and that's the way it is with |


•U, I’oiiy Tilt* (iurdeii of Host's lAitly 1/Ovc

FulliiiK Star Heinz Is “IMekled" .\^in 1 Wonder If It's True


Have a Drink to Yankeeland .Mexander Jones I Want Somebody to Play Witli Tlien We’ll All Go Home If I Had tlie World to Give Y’ou Honey On Our Honeymtoon

Shine On, Harvest Moon When 1 Fell In Love With You Tlie Hat My leather Wore Upon St.

Patrick’s Day. Can’t Y’ou See I’ve Lost My Girl

I Wish Someone Would Fall in

Ixne With Me Donnie .Uunie Laurie Dublin Daisies Moon Bird


.Ml Midi's $5.00 (flve dollars) each set, express | prepaid when purchased outrighL

single Slides 35 cents each.

SiRflal Slides. Slide with photograph repro-1 duced $1.00.

Slides Rented 7c (seven cents) for each day j plus express charges both ways.

Call at our othce, 131 W. 4lst St., New York City, and hear the greatest collection of songs that has ever been published by

A Deposit of $5.00 (five dollars) required on each set of slides rented which will be re¬ funded when slides are returned, less rental charges, and 35c for each damaged or broken slide.

When returning a set of slides If you wish another in its place remit amount of rental charges at 7c a day, and 35 cents for each

damaged or broken slide, so as to leave the $5.00 deposit intact

We Do Not furnish professional copies with slides. A limited number of copies of our regular edition can be had at 10c each copy.

Orchestrations In published keys 25c. M. S. S. Orchestral transpositions $1.00.


TINSEL PENNANTS The biggest money-getter this season. We are the manufacturers of the and best designs of Tinsel Pennants. We can make any color, design or size you wish to have. Prices can not be beaten. We are In position to fill ait orders promptly. Write for our new catalogue, which is Just off the press, snd contains all the and up-to-date novelties, such as Canes. Whti>a, Dallouna, Confetti, Dusters, "I Love My Wife, But, Oh. You Kid," Button and Doll Pendant; Shell Chains, Peach Basket Hats. Merry Widow hath. SHAPIRO A KARR, 320 South Street, Philadelphia, Pa._

THE ADVANCE BOOKING EXCHANOE, SOS W. Walnut Struat. LouitTille. Ky. Mr. Man *Ri-r. arc you grttliig A 1 Vaiiilovllle Art*, at (ho right aalaryT Don't you want a rhangp. from'^ l>art to giMHlt I^-t iia book ymir wit wwk'a show, then aoo tho infforemv. We ask for no faiorn, hist a rlisnra to aare you money, amt aiimtiy you with tM'tter acta. We're now Nxklng . Vuiiih vllle Thealrea amt Alnimiien In Initlana, Kentucky. Illlnola, TVmnegaee. Ohio, amt West | Virginia. We can furnish you |ieo|ile on abort notIre. (}oo«l alugl<-a niiil lioiihle acts wanteit at all ; times liramatlc ■••■oiile amt Miialclana. we ran place you. Addn-as all mall to THE ADVANCE BOOKING EXCHAMdE. 100 W. Walnut 8t.. LonitTilla. Xy.

Mr. Wide Awake Manager Dear Sir—We have at present, ONE $1,000

OUTFIT for producing MECHANICAL VAUDE¬ VILLE, at liberty We will place It In any city within 200 mllea of Chicago, together with the necessary Films and

n-oi'itia for four flee minute acts, for $50.00 for one week, or $100 for three weeks. Tou will

bare to engage no extra help as your operator runs the pictures and your pianist attends to

the Auxetoplk>ne. We think this will be a drawing novelty In your city. What do you tblnkT

Yours respectfully,

Woodworth & Co., 907 Wells St., Chicago, III. I ■' —


I DETROIT MOSE GUMBLE, Manager Professional Department -NEW YCRK- CHICAGO I


I.«t na bear from you right away If you are about to build or remodel. New dealgns every day. Special drawings made free. Built to any dimen tioo.

l! 1^^ ' Send pencil sketch with 1 .III ; I ‘ ' I I' li 1 I full measurements or a I ‘ I ' I I Moe print If you bare

I III ' i ' ODV. Onr tuggeotloDS wUI I ' I- ' ideas* yon. Ask fOr de

aign book.

THE KANNEBERG ROOFING AND CEILING COMPANY Maniifacturara "Clactrio Eclipaa” Sign. • • Canton. Ohio.

operating the quickest money maker of the century—



No dark room necessary—you take, develop and print right in the machine in plain sight of the operator. A mint for fairs, street parades, outdoor conventions, where special scenes can he taken to suit the customer. Works in or outdoors. No experience required.

No rent. No help. Light and compact. Good man

^ can make from JIO to $25 a PROFIT day easy.

Catalog and deacripliT, mailer mailed tree


603 F. Temple Blc%., St. Louis, Mo.

Dot//}/e Yoi/r Income/

A Honsekeeper’i Convenienc*

SEPTEMBER 11, 1909.

THE DOHERTYS Parks, Fairs, Privilege People! A Big Money Geller.

These snappy s’ngers and eccen¬

tric dancers, fashion plates in ‘vode-

vil’ have been filling a summer en¬

gagement at the Casino, Savannah,

Ga., with the Casino Stock Com¬

pany, of which Mr. Doherty was

manager. This couple has had

several flattering offers for this com¬

ing season from different companies,

but declined them all to finish their

vaudeville time. They will open

on the Inter-State time the latter

part of September, and will sail for

London in March 1910.

The act is gorgeously and ex¬

pensively costumed, both members

of the team being fully able to

handle comedy when necessary.

Route as j)er “Billy Boy”


Denver Fair anil Exposition

Here are a few

-PRIVILEGES— That can lx.* sold if advertised in

Deverage^ood JOURNAL I

“Throw] Bast Balls,” “Kaock tho Caa

6ft,” Nit Hiai la the Eyo. Attraetivo. Durable. Auteaiatie.

Gets the money at Parks, Fairs, Car¬ nivals, Reunions, Picnics and Amuse¬ ment Resorts everywhere because it represents one of the most comical characters constantly appearing in the comic papers and everybody recognizes “Happy” at once and hand you the nickels and dimes to knock his can off or hit him in the eye.

The be»i| it carved out of select hardwood, painted nnturailr, and impossible to break or tret out of •>rder. The eyes give winking effect when kiMK-ked out, or can it knocked off, bell rin.;s and everything returns in position anto- niatiraily. No strings to puli or delicate parts to get out of order on the busy day. Quickest Rail (lame ever Invented, as there ia no time loat In resetting. Will last a lifetime. Space requred. Kalli feet. Shipping weight, 160 lbs. Trice, complete. Head. Backstop, Poles. Sign. 6 doz. Kails and Packing Case, $.36, f. o. b,, Cincinnati, O. Kor terms and full partic¬ ulars addnu-s


September 12 to 18,1909. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT.

We want a few more good shows on percentage. Must

have good fronts. Everything wide open. Want good

Salome dancer. Must be good dresser and hard worker.

Get in line. Write quick.


A New Way to Paint Signs With the Butts Sign Writing Outfits

Anyone can paint ail kinda of signa and ahow cards in half the time required by the old way ami much better. We furnish these &PBC1AL OUTFITS c«m,>iete with ten alphabets, and tlu^ sets of figures of the most modern stylet of the day. from 2 to 12 Inches In height, not printed alphabets, but the real latter, cut out of the most durable material. We also furnish with this outfit a complete book of instructiona for painting all kinds of signa and cards and a selection of iHOiutlful designs, and guarantee that anyone can do perfect lettering as soon as he receives the outfit. SPECIAL PRICE, FX)R A SHORT TIME ONLY. S-I.OO. Send In your order today. None sent C. O. D. Satisfaction guaran- tee<l or money refunded.


238 Tample Court Bidg. Denvr. Colo

THE IDEA MAN Most anytiody can write ads, but it takes RKAINS to write ads that compel people to read ,uem. Those kiod get business for you.

I have RRAINS and IDEAS and I make a siteclaUy of ad writing. me fix you up for advertising matter. Press notices, newspaper ada, letterheads, cards, heralds and posters written on abort notice.

Siieclal typewritten wrlte-npa foe vaudeville people.

I.«t MY brains earn money for YOU. My charges are reasonable. I do a good deal

for |1; more for $2. Encloae cash with order; If the Job's too big fur what yon encloae, yon'Il hear from me.

Don't steal same one else's atuff; get tome NEW atuff from me. FRANK M, WELCH, The Idea Man, Hew Richmoad, Wia.

Mm Hoblti^AN &L GAME



Will Entertain Rental or Percentage Propotilion.

Employ a Large Number of People and Spend a Lot of Money During the Win¬ ter for re-building and other purposes.


COL. FRANCIS FERARI SHOWS Sept. 6—Canadian Exhibition, Toronto, Canada.

Sept. 13-30—Great Allentown Fair, AUento A-n, Fa.

I.OOKS WEU.. SELLS WELL, WORKS WELL. Rik' profits at County and State Fairs. Prioa, $9.CO per hundred; sample 15c. $3 deposit re¬ quired on all orders; balance C. O. D. Send all moiH-y orders to ARTHUR WELLS, 1128 Broad¬ way, New York City.

AT LIBERTY First-Class

M. P. OPERATOR Wishes position in higb-claas vaudeville theatre. Has new macblne, also double diasolvlng stereo. ! Position mnst be steady. Ad. R. BLANCHARD, I 1619 Holmes Bt., Kansat City, Kc.

If you see it in The Billboard, tell them so.



SQUAWKERS, BALLS, SLAPPERS. Our Confetti wiU make 26 per cent, more packages to the bag than any other

make. Write for sample and price.

ST. LOUIS CONFETTI CO. 12 South Commercial Street, - ST. LOUIS, MO.

.Vimil MOTION PICTURES but whm you need a Ifachin- nr auppliea write to us. We are Specieliats on Merbinca and Supplies, and we can aave you money and increase your profits. C. H. li. writea: "Mnkinn m Hig Hit. Humineit inerrmarf! wonderfully." Aaloniaking opportunity in any locality for a Man with a little money. experience not necesaery. Easy to start. We tell you how. Wa aell thalKniOCRAPH. Powers, Cdiaon and all other Marhines and Supplies. Wa nagotiata a first class film and Song Slide Rental Service. Write for Cataiag.

Aiiwscimflt Sa{4>)y Co.. 834 Knob Bank 15 Dearioni SL.CMca«o.




Anything In the way of a Beverage or F<»mI offered ax a privilege at a Fair, Dark, or K» (Kialtlon can Im- sold by advertlalng In the only Heverage and Food Journal In America.


The Beverage and Food Pub. Co., P. 0. lag 54, I I Cineinnatl, Ohio.



I Made t'l ord4»r to match aiijr abaili* Tar I tlriilar attii»tl<in gUcD to Mjriiiiiialrirala or Pad , dliiMN rrirc lUt on ai>j>llratloii i W 4 67 ELtEET ITEEET, BBOOKLYV. M. T,

SEPTEMBER 11, 1909. X ti e Billboard








Thf Klr«t city in Minsnurt. The I'Irst t'a|ii(Hl of Mla^ouri. The ttonie of Daniel Boone. The Seat of .Siutnlah (Jo\eminent. The Seal of I-Yench Government. The Seat of I*. S Government. Lewia ami Glark TraOlnic Post.


Spen«l 130,000.00. Kntertain thouaan«l« dally. Entertain the Mlaaouri S<-nate. Entertain the Mlnaouri House. Entertain the Missouri Governor. Entertain the U. .S. OfTlcials.


A “Gortceoiis I’aKeant” daily. A “I’ure Kot>d .Show.” A “Manufacturers Exhibit.” A "l*«»ultry and I’et Stock Show.” A "Mora,* and t'attle Show.” An ".Automobile Show." A "Public Marrlane and Kab> Show."

ST. CHARLES will have

Motor Boat Uacea. Motor Gycle Bacea. Marathon Kac<«. Bicycle Itacea. Autoniobile Itacea. Aerial Itacea. lloMe Kaces.

ST. CHARLES wanta In addition to


"VIA LUSTIG” Mliman Itoulette Wheel. Animal Shi*\v. Wild w.rl Shew Baby Incubator and other hiKh cljtaa allow a


WM. J. TOBIN, Mgr. St. Chaites, Mo. Tah* Btraal Car

from 81 Louta










CHICAGO, 52 State Street,

NEW YORK, 19 E. 2l8t Street,

BOSTON, 657 Washington Street,

DENVER, Nassau Building.

Featuring The Following Films:

Biograph, Selig, Essanay, Kalem, Lubin, Gaumont, Urban-Eclipse, Edison. Pathe and Vitagraph.

ST. JOHN, N. B., 94 Prince William Street,

MONTREAL, P. Q., La Patrie Building,

TORONTO, ONT., 37 Yonge Street,

WINNIPEG, MAN., 613 Ashdown Block,

VANCOUVER, B. C, 410 Hastings St

Presenting to Canadian Customers the product of the following selected Licensed Manufacturers:

Biograph, Selig, Essanay, Kalem, Lubin, Gaumont, and Urban-Eclipse.

Write TODAY for Cata¬ logues and Terms for Rental.

TRICOT MASKS! They coier the entire bead and- fare, and are made uf cotton, net. a light, aniooth, nun

breakable soft face drawing wig, with wig and eyebrows at¬ tached, Just the thing for con¬ cert and quick change. Char¬ acters: Cluwn, Negro. Indian, Chinese or Devil, $1 each. Bridget, Tramp, Santa Claus or Jew, $t.60 each. Plain Xe gro or Clown, 60c. BIk vari¬

ety of ordinary Wigs at 50c. Gents Dresa Wigs, $1.."»0 and Genuine Hair Moustacbet, 25c. Chin Beards, 50c. Comical Porcelain Teeth, 25c. All postpaid. Stein Co.’s .Make- nn SnppUes. Address 0. K. PGB. CO., Decatur, DL

BASEBALLO XACHIKES- THE XICK,..^ FIXDEKS— New mechanical Baseball game, different from any- thing else on the market. Hit the ball, the machine

- IW does the rest. Simple, easy to o|>erate, gets the money. $25 to $50 a day. Costs $100.

pending. Agents wanted. Address, with stamp.


WANTED QUICK First class tent show with band on per¬

cent for VANDALIA CORN CARNIVAL October 19 to 21. Can open for the entire week and play to hiK crowds. Best show town in the State. Will Guarantee. Write or Wire. C. B. ELLIS, Secretary, Vanda lia, Mo. WANTED--Ocean Wave and Concessions of all kinds.


With own machine, for Black Top. .\lso.

Merry-Go-RiHind and Dog Show for Carnival

opening Sept. 1-1; six to twelve weeks. Ad¬

dress GEO. MALCHUS. La Fayette, Ind.

WANTED Musical Comedians Silence and Fun. Clowns who do horizontal bar. etc. .\nswer per route in The Billboard; tell all first letter; no time to waste; long season to gisst laeople at r»“a«oiiHble salary,


AT LIBERTY One good Cornet and one good Clarinet and Tenor Saxophone Player wants goisl Job; pre¬ fer stock company or minstrels. .Vddress

OCTAVE NATALIS. Box 36. So. Charleston, W, Va.

FOR SALB -Small Merry-Go-Round, new this season, organ top, C. Pole, Stakes, Guy LIneg. Side Wall Poles. 30 ft. in diameter; coat $6.’iO; can be put up in three b<sirs ami taken down in same time; earning capacity, $b.‘2li |>er hour; this machine Is a bicycle-motion power and is pro|>elled by the rider; high-speed gear aud brake; run two months, Bellevue Park at top money and left the steam M G R. in the shade; no better for Fairs; young and old ride; first $1.50 gets it; $75 cash; balance C. O. D.: money refunded if not us reiiresi-nted; no time for idle corix'spondence; reason for selling; I am a rail¬ roader and can’t handle it. R. CL.VRK, Seymour Strt»et. Buffalo. X. Y.

M. P. STUFF FOR SALf^—One new one horse .\dvanc-* Wagon. $40; 1 Ed. Ex. Mch.. Rheostat Film Tank and Iron Risdh. $75; one Piano, $100; one Organ. $.5; sign. "Orpheum.” $-J.50; two Electric Fans. 220 direct current. $1.5; one Electric Fan. llo direct current. $7..50; two Rhe¬ ostats. 220 dlrwt. $12; 20<) solid Wooden t'lialrs (not foidingl. $.30; one Gem Phonograph and .30 Records. $7.50: one 2-20 El<-ctrlc Dimmer. .50- llght. $5; st*veral other articles not listed at verv cheap prices: the whole outfit, stage. ralH<*d floor, etc., etc.. $250. A. E. ELLIOTT, Lodi. 0.

WANTED For the Dynamite J<»- Mighty WII.I West Shows—I good Punch and Judy Man for side show that can dmihle in big show and

' concert, with wife that can take future pie tnres and print fortunes; liberal per cent; also, oltl time wagon show clown; must deliver the gisxls. Will Orea. write. .Vddress, js-r riaite:

I Erick. (Ikla.. Sept. S. !». 10: Sayre. Okla.. 13; I Elk City. Okla.. 14-17. Permanent aililress. : Lawton. Okla. C.VI’T. T. D. X.WE. Manager:

TOl. TEETKll. Si-cretary.

FOR SALE -Merry-Go Round. Hersbell make, 40 ft.. 24 Rocking Hors*-s, 4 Chariots. Organ. 8 h.-i>. Steam Engine; fine running ord«T: Just painttsi; $4<s>: write or call: machine Is worth $.'qiO. F. ABKRLEY, .523 Main Street. I’ough-

I keepsie, N. Y.

BOX BALL ALLEYS 7 American. 3« ft. Box j Ball Alleys. $i’ai each. f. o. b.; 1 .30 ft. Alley. 1 $40. f. o. h.: allevs are in first-class condition.

WM. J. HOYT. Box 4(17. Haverhill. Mass.

STOCK AND VAUDEV LLE PI AYERS When in Ihe city, call at the .\KCHKU. 1!*2.5 .\reh<*r .\venue. near State Street. Chicago. 1. Bi'RGEK. Pr»j«rietor.

FOR SALE S-'veral r>'*‘ls of ITIm. almost new-, some late suhj.'cts. $'2.5 and $30 wr reel. .5 nniiilM-r of reels from $15 to $'20. 2.5 sets Soi;g Slides. $1 to $2 per set. Snap for Film Ex changes. Will exchange Film for M. P. Ma-

1 chines, Black Tent or Gas Outfits. ' C. J. MURPHY, Elyria, Ohio.


Xtie Billl>o»rcl SEPTEMBER 11, 1909.

Brainy Park Managers

Always write us when they have a Dead

Figure 8, Scenic or Coaster on their hands.

WHY? Because we change it into a LIVE ONE

and make money for them.


is one of ours, also the Sporty Scenic Rail¬

way at Olentangy Park, Columbus, Ohio,

and dozens of others.

Write for our reference list.


★★★★★★★★★★★★★ t LEW FIELDS’ PRODUCTIONS t

Season I909 I9I0

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Season 19091910

“THE MIDNIGHT SONS” By Glen MacDonough and Raymond Hubbell.

A MID-WINTER REVIEW to be called “The Jolly Bachelors,” by Glen Mac

Donough and Raymond Hubbell

BLANCHE RING in a musical play, “The Yankee Girl,” by George

V. Hobart and Silvio Heine

ANDREW MACK in a musical comedy by J. Hartley Manners,

Raymond Hubbell and A. Baldwin Sloan

MARIE DRESSIER in a musical comedy called “Tillie’s Nightmare,”

by Edgar Smith and A. Baldwin Sloan

A NEW MUSICAL COMEDY by Victor Herbert and Geo. V. Hobart

“THE ROSE OF ALGERIA” a comic opera by Victor Herbert and Glen Mac



LEW FIELDS, himself, in “OLD DUTCH.” Music by Victor Herbert;

book by Edgar Smith; lyrics, G. V. Hobart

General Offices


F. C. LANGLEY, Mgr. WM. RAYMOND SILL, Gen. Press Rep.


★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★


Phone 432 Bryant.


1456-1460 Broadway Bet. 41sl and 4Znd Street NEW YORK

1 ti H IlMMill MiAiuuiuy V ■ 1 Long Acre Building, New York |

SEPTEMBER 11, 1909. Xtie Billt>oarcl 3

WALTER F. KEEFE, Inc. C. S. HUMPHREY, Booking Manager


WE CAN BOOK ANY GOOD ACT ANYWHERE No Strings Tied to Us in Any Way. We are Not Connected in Any Manner With

Any Combination or Association.

ARTISTS Send us route of time booked, open time and your permanent address. No time for

extended correspondence, name lowest salary and state all in first letter.

He do not hook for S-Cent Theatres or for any house doing more than 21 shows a we-k

Address AH Communications to



Phone Rniiclolph Cable Address (Registered) WAHEE

KOEPKE CIRCUIT r We will furnish you with the VERY BEST Vaudeville Acts, Moving Pictures, Illustrated Song Singers, Pianist, Theatrical Attractions, Military and Concert Bands, Symphony Orchestras, Outdoor Attractions and anything in the Amusement field. We will guarantee you success from the start. We are the real live wire of the South. Let us hear from you at once.


RAILROAD TICKETS TO All PARTS OF THE UNITED STATES MERRY-GO-ROUND MAN. CTriMCHIP TIPKFT^ Tfl All PART9 flF THF WnRIH Hhat E.ondition is Your Ori|an . wIlhImwIiIi llvnCiO lU nLL l nlllO Ul InL HUnLII wiipn the KfaMin Is ov«*r. wnd your orRan to me to bo put in first-class shape. Have late popti-

.. .III.. ii.piiiM.n lii-llflfilio Itrottiirn I'l.iiliiM Miui Hurt lu. uUr*. ”*»***^** that’s the iiihlri thin;:: Have bass and snan* drums attached, tuat’a the only thing!

. ''Y H'lUi.ii. urotli. r., < ..iiu.m .i,.| H,rt. lx- CorreHiH.i..l. m-.- luJl.ti, ,!. SallHfactloD K<iaranti-td. C. F. BATH, Abilene, Kansai. >niii I:II»II. Minrl,'. I.Hilianl KU-IcImT, W. C. Pl<'l(la. (ieiiaro Trio, CrlfT. ai.<l lot. iiiop-. •

PAUL TAUBIO VAUDEVILLE STEAMSHIP AND RAILROAD TICKET AGENCY J RM I* .i- A 4-4- 4-* f IM E. Mlh Ht., 0«r. Ratrinc Bank Bld«. (T. l, -.HfXl St»} r.-.aiit) New York. WjirGGl ivl 6PC •

tiiaoufaeturo a couiiilrte line of Button., Badges, ITn. aud Novelties for the Hudson- I’lilton felebratloii. I’ay ns a visit when In New Y'ork and get onr estimate. We also make a

Cl? A 1 QOQ 1Q10 eoiii|,|ete line of all .Motto and Swlety Buttons. Kraiio-s for all kinds of I'hoto Muchioes, Badge OJirVOV/l. ±U\Jif -±ij l.\J Bars, Titles and ass<jrte,| Novelties. S. nd for circular.

S. BUNIMOWITZ, 22 East Broadway, New York.

TllP \/frfrif1IQt1 Liberty After October 1,1909 1 lie y 11 glllldll yfiii dUNDAS

By Owen Wister and Kirke LaShelle M usiodl

j w.r . 1 ■ Cl .. c Brewntlng a fine musical and Juggling act, (ilaylug Sleigh Bells. Coins, Banjo, Flute; Lightning -a n o rTAm Anf • • T^flA 1C irlrA I samiAMA 1 a D“t‘>n Spinning. Elegant grdri and plush B.‘ttings anil costume. Time, 1.', mluutes. Strictly

IVldllCliJCUIdll, A lie 1^11 IVe A^OOlieiie V-eVl. sot«r and reliable. G'.al dressxT on and off stage. .Managers Picture Shows, write. Address WILL DUNDAS, 500 George Street, Peterborough, Ontario.

^ WANTED—Lessees, Managers and Proprietors of Theatres, Amusement Resorts, Summer Parks, Vaudeville and Moving Picture Theatres, Airdomes and Skating Rinks to book their Theatres, Parks, Resorts, Airdomes and Rinks on the


OUR MOTTO-No Act is too Good, but the Salary Some Ask is too High

SEPTEMBER 11, 1909





Write for




Sales Plan




Betsy Bourke

“The Woman of It” A Drama of Today in New York, by ER LAWSHE



Keogh and O^Malley PRESENTING—


**l made tbe price of my wagon In one day.** BEN BERRY, Sireator, 111.

Our lunch stands offer an exceptional opportunity for men with small capital. Our free caitalo^ruo describes fully how to start a bif? money-mak¬ ing business, and tells of the wonderful success others are having. Explains

■our Easy I’ayment Plan. Write for it to-day. |

Our “restaurant on wheels” has rubber tires and is complete and ready | for business, and is e<iuipped with air pre.ssure gasoline supply tank for light¬ ing and cooking, 3-burner gasoline stove, 2 illuminating burners, nickel- plate<l coffee urn. hamburger frying pan and red-hot boiler, storage drawer,

3 waUle irons ami 3 ice cream cone irons. This great all-the-year-’round

money maker only $500; payable $125 cash with order, balance in monthly installments.

SCHNADIG SALES AGENCY, 805 Crilly BIk., Chicago.

THE BURGLAR By Augustus Thomas



SHREVERORT, LA , IVov. 1-6, 1009.



Ladies and Children Free First Day.

For Particulars Write Louis N. Brueggerhoff, Secy. SEND FOR SOUVENIR.

EverythinjI Goes LICKETY SKOOT at the

WASHINGTON COUNTY FAIR September 28, 29, 30 and October 1.

FAYETTEVILLE, ARKA^SAS. Soutboru b<is|>itality ond iiU-nty of inowy. On the top* r-f tlio 0/.*rk«. Iloart of tlo- fruit l**lt. Wealthpfit Cotinty in the State. State I'nlversity in M-ssion. t)n direct line for St. I.<ail*. Kan aa* City. Meinpbix, I.lttle Kook. Hot Sprinjfs. Palla*. MimkoK'n-, etc. Alnaya wdnetbinh’ doina for a )t<K>d tent Mlnstn’l, WiM West. Carnival. Animal Show* and .Cniuaeinenta of all kind*. Conressiona wver fail to irvt the money. We are liearini; from our <H.I» frieixl*. let ii« hear I from vuu. Addresa L. R. PUTMAK, Chairman Conceaaiona, Fayetteville, Ark. |


We have three Mothm ITcInre TliealO'a for aale, cheap, in iM.uniiif; town*. We have a Itr.-veite Motion Picture Camera with printing and developing iiiachiiM'ry, eouiplete, ready to make inolhei pictiirea, in A t oouditioo. Two .M. P. mnebines ani outflta, comidele. If you can't a<'ll. re it or exchange your machine or theatre. wimI them to na and we will aeH them for you. Our aervii-e guaranteed to he the iinickeat ami tevt on earth. We do a* we adrertiae. AIh<i eipilp motion pic¬ ture theatre*: alao handle all kind* of atage hardware. We can fiirniab you with anything in the ahow buaiueaa. We handle Cartiona, I>‘na<‘*. AI*o Park* and Summer Renorl* of all cla*»ev. Our repair department dm-a repair work on abort iiotl«-e New and aeeond hand M P inaehiiH--. Pbonogr>i|ihs and Iti-cidtl*. I.i»t your g<Mida with us Addrea* THE M. E. CAMPBELL THEATRE 81TPPLT EXCHANGE, Oolumbua. Ohio. M. E, Campbell, Preaidcnt.


GERWIG&IDENCO Manufacturers of


664 West Washington Street,

Why Pay Freight on —


TENTS If you are in the WEST 7 Ask us.


TRAINED FLEAS FOR SALE Prof. Wilhelm Fricke's Original Imperial

FLEA CIRCUS -M the New * liul.**, San FYaneiaco, f'al. The nawt novel attraction and biggest money getter. Jii.t think'of It: TYaiiie,! LleaH drawing carrlagea. etc.. Juggling lulla, ofieratTiig Merry g«» rouial. Swing*. Mill, etc., ligtiting duel, dancing hallet In ladlia mattume. walking tight ng>e and l•’ta of .Mher atiinla. KVKKV A<T VISIKI>; TO TIIK NAKKP K. In my 4'» yearn exiaTlenca, I n?<e <inly Kiiro|a‘au liiiiiian l-l'-aa. No Auierlean or aand ITea* can be UMal Only «im' ahow of tliia kimi In America, ‘i'l In Kum|a* I can furnlah cmnidele outnta. Kor fall Infonuallon, addr*"an PROF. WILHELM FRICKE. car* The Billboard. San Fraaciaoo. Cal._

j ^ GOLD WIPE ARTISTS AMD ENGRAVERS ••'e largi-at and Umt llm- of Satin SIl-

I 1*1 /vermi While Itrittania iMilrb foliar and Kelt Plus on ij ***** alrea aiul aha|a-*; alao Fotia and Neck-

I 'v lace* S«-imI for llliiatratml circular.


I l'>«- 1 .flO.Ou |HT ,;r<-ss j ^o- - . 1.1.tat per gross

No. .■•. Cupid King . IS.tai mT urmn ' No. 1, p.-auty Utiig . ■J7.W> imt groaa

No. 4, same aa cut .24 OO |»r gross No. 4. ' Warranted ’Kith Klm-k. : JVEROENS JEWELRY COMPANY. «S Chambors Street. NEW YORX

OPEN THE YEAR AROUND Want sketch teams, novelty acts, single Ladies and stock

women, seven shows per week. A. HAMMERLY, Manager Bijou Theatre, Hamilton, Ohio.

BUCKEYE FILM EXCHANGE-ELYRIA, OHIO power's and K.liat.n Stm-I Sprnrkela, fa ntt |aT Vk d<ia.. fLI.lNi |H-r doa. Power'a ami Fallaoa Star Wlicel*. fi.ra*; fa tat iH-r •/, doi.. ft'. tai ja-r doa. poarr'a and Kdlann Cams, 1 or 'J pin, fl-.'itt; fa rat i er ‘t, iloa., fl.I.iai |a-r t'o* fTre Magatlmm for fallann macblne, fd.ia) each, or fltl.tai |aT pair. .Niekel plate.1 leliout.ia* Kaleiialon li-ga with flanges, filial |ier aet. Take up fo» I^llaon Kx. inaeliim-. fP.Mai We giiaranlm- the alaive giaala to lie aceurale and of the very beat aorkinanahl|> and ipiallty Patlu-'a tiaml colonal Paaal.Mi Play f<»r aale or for rent, very reaaonabla. for 3 days. |»-r a. k. or longer, with B|>erlal i.rlnti'd pa|N-r tu advertlae It. Circular of g<aala upon nn^ueat.

CIGARS $9.00 PER THOUSAND S<“inl IIS a I rial Order 'riMlay. OtHMls .siii|i|>c(l .same day as order

rccciictl. Send for oiir IVico List.

LOUl) DE^EBEIV & SONS. 127 E. 4th St, K4NSAS OTY, MO.

Triumphant return after TEN YEARS in the principal cities of Europe and South America.


J I'M PS with bicycle from steel tower 75 feet hish —to tank of water 5 feet deep. This act is the most thrilling attraction ev’er played in Parks, Fairs or Theatros—it will startle, stagger and

amaze—but will not frighten women or children. I DO MY ACT IN EVENING DRESS. I am the only man in the world doing this act. Yon can’t even get an imitation. 1 also do a uni(|ue trick and fancy bicycle act on platform before making jump. Draw,them by the carloads. Open time, address,

L E. GIFFORD or J. W. RUSSELL, Manager, Suite D, 1440 Broadway, New York City.

?.St j


• * ( ;• ■'

,* J . ■« '


ED. R. HUTCHISON All the Latest in Ballooning


at $4.50 each


The Peroxide Cream Oxy Orc*m 1h a1n<<>liit<-l.v pure. Will make

your akin aiiow.white; will remove wrltiklea, freekli-a ami lilaekheadH ami make your com plexion cli'ar. freah ami iM-aiitlful. An elegant preparathm for nmgli and cliap|M‘d handa. A great remedy for anuhnm and tanned akin. If not at yuiir dnigglst, send IKc fur a Jar, to

BELL CHEMICAL CO. 60 E. Il6th Street. New York City


FAIR WORKERS 1200 to $.UiO |MT tDonth. Memiff hamot^A and

All kiiuU of rt^Miir w<»rk. S4dls on slKht. Writ!* for |♦Hrtl^^^lar»

C. A. MYERS COMPANY, ^oodlawn Ave.. Chicago. Ills.


l''i|inlatli>n n.ncN). Mannfaeturlng town. Good ' territory to draw from. One of the beat abow 1 towns In the Slate, halfway betwe«‘n Wasbliig- tcii. It. and Itlehiuoiid. Va. 0|M>ra bouse stats "."St—playing g<sKl attractlmis. Only first- , class attraetloiis inssl write. J. D. PITTS .& i BRO., Managers.

New Novelties! Aluminum 4 Kail I’uszle, 4.V doaen. $4.75 gross. - CbameletHi Snake, $1 doaen; Atfinity Kuzile, ' VK' ditzen, $.’t gross; Cutwootl Picture Puzzle, . 75c dozen. $S gross; Writing Scarf Pins, 6oe dozen, $ti.5<t gross; sample of each, with new catalogue, mailed to ..tlve linjers for 3<ic. i stamps nr silver. EUREKA TRICK A KOV- ELTY COMPANY, 87 Warren Street. New York.


A SHADY PARK. lOH acres, 1,115 feet above sea level; 20 mlniites from heart of city; street ear line running Into park; lUO.OUO (topulatioo . near; fine Imildiiigs: Karruoni, Howling Alleys. Dancing Pavilion; the rigbt place for Summer Hotel, .Sanitarium and enterprising partv. Prop.wltlnsn solicited by HENRY BEU, Wheel- ! ing, W. Va. Also. feet Incline with fineat i machinery, at sacrifice, for sale.



CHATHAM ONTARIO The largest and most complete establishment of the klml In Canada. Why pay l.'» cents per pound duly ami extra ex|>ri-sa charges when yon can g«-t this work from ns at New York' or Chicago prices"; Corresisiudeiice s<dicitiNl.

EDISON EX. MACHINE, ELEC. $55. I.ubln's latest, complete, $.‘>.7, both new: fine 0|>tigraph. No. 3V6 outfit. $.3.'>; AroumI the World Slides. $12; .4:n. Cinematograph, ex. Ieg.<. $4.1; reels Film, $v.tsi. Hargain lists. F. L. SMITH, Amsterdam, New York.

Box Ball Alleys New and second-hand. Cash or [lavinents. CDEVKI.AND KDX HAM. CO.. 211 Electric Hldg.. Cleveland. Ohio.

WANTED Edison. Power's or I.uldn M. P. .Ma chines. Gas Outfits, Hlack and White Tents, Merry gii.rounds. Stale exactly what you have, full descriidlon, lowest cash la-ice. C. J. Murphy, Elyria, Ohio.

NOT made of glass. Flexible steel—funny

faces by pressing the thumb. Something

novel at last; a really amusing, catchy dime

novelty, which is getting the money. A bo¬

nanza for Fairs. Big profit. Sample 10 cts.

OPEN TIME, SOUTH October, November, December.

Box 57, Elmira, New York.

PAPER ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS Decorations tor Carnivals, Tbeatras, sic.

Best Goods Lowest Prices Quickest Deliveries


SPANGLES All Sizes and Colors.


WINDECKER’S 185 Wabash Arenne, Chicago. DI.

Plmim Central 2215.

FOR SURE FIRE I hav^ a (tatllntc ftiiii l(H>klng llk^ a tnjr ptatol.

Siiflit'ii'iit Ik a v^oril to the

LEW BONNER Tlir momdogne ami sketch writer



"In Egypt”. Hpecisl sceiMTy, electrical and

niet'lisnlcil etr.M is. Ilegsrds to all iiiy friends.

Periiianeiit address. The Hllllsiard.

ENCHANTED TRICK CARDS. Homething new; fisds them sll; toll Huns will tie sold; the moat woo- derfni esrd ever seen can be (M-rformetl with them; every magl- elaii sliiHild have a park. Speetil prlee. Ilk-.- 3 for 25e, with full ae rrel direrlloiit. THE DAKS NOV¬ ELTY CD., Dept. 57, Dabkoab. Wla

FIRST-CLASS MUSICIANS WANTED M»*ii with ira>l«‘K preferriHl. riaim IMayaT an<l Tr^p lininiiiM'r fwr thvatra* anti tlaiu*** tvrt’lieatra W. A. Bhowalter. Mar. Bhowalter Thaatra. Latroba. Pa.

PIPE ORGANS ——Repairing a Speeialty.-■—

L. DATHAN A SON, Dorman Street, . . Cineinnati, 0.


SEPTEMBER 11, 1909. X ti e Billboard





= BAND =





FOR DRAWING POWER UNSURPASSED Can be engaged for Fall and Winter Season, after Labor Day, September 6th.

. • . ADDRESS . • .

L. J. Chamberlain, - - - - Shamokin, Pa. CATALOGUE No. 12. PRICE, 25 CENTS. NOW READY.



The Only Complete Catalogue of its Kind ever Published. Full of Valuable Suggestions. Contains New and Original Ideas.

IF YOU WANT TO Get Up-To-Date, INCREASE YOUR SALARY, Place Yourself in Demand, Get the Best for the Least Money and Make Good,

You Must Have Our New No. 12 Catalogue.

HALXON & aJAISJSEN CO., 148 La Salle Street. ....... CHICAGO.

Th» tjtrwrut Magical llouac In America. Retail IVpartmcnt of A. Roterberg. S Catalofnc Duautuwii Mor.-. J Kaclorlca llluatratcd t'afalogue No. 10 of Tocket and Parlor Tncka mallcti free; lllu«tratp<l Catalogue No. II of Illgh-Claa. Stage Tricka, 25 centa: llluatratcd Cat aluguc No. 12 of Stage llhialoiia Kxtraordlnarj. 2~> emta.


THE BROWNIES E**^****** ****** ^ Presenting The Scarecrow’s Dream

h| a Big Surprise Package, Filled

SI with Scenery, Comedy, Dramatic

Try this Package and see what

contains. Permanent address

Boston’s Theatrical Store Tho only pliice in Boston wliero you will find a complete assortment of theatrical supplies. Fverythim; at cut prices.

GREEN’S PHARMACY, proprietors elita ^ m Tremont Street, Cor. Eliot, np COLD .a ‘ j / .. nearly opp. Ma|cKtlc Theatre. _ CREAM

HOTEL COLUMBUS-HARRISBURG, PA. Absolutely fireproof. Same Management.

Old and new friends always welcome. MAURICE RUSS, Prop, I ^

Sect^KCeiite 52 State Street, CHICAGO, ILL.

19 East 21st Street NEW YORK


GaumonfeotDODtl Films


SEVENTY REELS RELEASED SINCE JAN. 1st Including Following Big Successes

“First Airships Crossing the English Channel”

“Unwritten Letter” “Saved from Conviction”

“Blind Man of Jerusalem ” “Little Drummer Boy

“Piano Teacher’’ “Across the Border”

“In Hot Water” “Broken Ties”

“Good Hearted Policeman” ‘‘Accusing Double”


Urban- M Films


Thirty-Three Reels Released Since ian. 1st, Includinif Following Highly Succeeaful Featnrea

“King’s Protege” ‘'^Timely Apparition

“Two Heroes” “'Wmnmg a Princess”

“Pretty Fisher Maiden ” “Strikers

“Conchita the Spanish Belle” “King’s Conspiracy”

COIVfING SOON “Stolen Gems” (Gaumont^

“Fatal Love” (Urban-Eclipse)

F»OSTKRS From this date attractive Lithographed Posters in four

colors can be procured ahead of Release date, for each

new subject. The most

/ I i , attractive scene in each // / V

Film will be accurately

reproduced in the Poster.

X ti e Billboard SEPTEMBER 11, 1909.


. . ANNA HELD . . Supported by CHAS. A. BIGELOW in



“FOLLIES OF 1909” with


HOLLIS E. COOLEY, General Manager


Broadway Theatre Building, - . NEW YORK CITY.

San Francisco Chutes The Park ThaPs Open -All- The Year Round

JT[ We are always ready to talk business with every kind of r utdoor and j| indoor attraction. We want shows, freaks and sensational stuff, also

amusement devices. Not afraid to pay for good things.

Chutes, San Francisco, Cal.


The ballad with a moral » Great march song

LOVELY LOU I Sweetheart, Why Don't You Write to Me? One of the best Coon songs ever written % High>class ballad

Either of these numbers are a come-back. If not, then it’s up to you. Send late program and stamps for mailing. No cards.

HALLER & STAFFORD, 1531-37 Broadway, A<tor Theatre Bldg., New York City

IlM WkM Ml



CINCINNATI FILM EXCHANGE, 214 216 W. Fiflli Street, Cincinnati, Ohio