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H U N T I N G D O N’




Economy in e x pense of lant.Economy in cost of wor ing.

Economy in sav ing gold.

Economy in tran sportation of machinery.

Economy in cost of erection of mill at mine.Economy in time required to establish plant at mine (one day only being

consumed).Economy in management of machinery (its simplicity of construction obviates

the need of mechanical skill).E conomy in power required (a saving of 50 per cent. being rendered).We claim especial merit in t/zat feature qf t/zis system 5} w/zie/t we prevent

al l fl owing of gola’ai ta

quicksil ver, and til e consequent loss of gold Matattena

s stamp mil l ing.




QEnginet t ,




PatentSelf- ActingMineral DressingMachinery,Which gives a cleanp roduct at one Operation . E x tensive ly used , and universal ly approved, at both H ome

and Fore ign Mines, and efiecting the largest saving possib le in both Labour and Ore .



E stimates and P lans given for complete [Wining P lant, with Testimon ials on appl ication as aoozzc.


, CR USH E R S ,&0 .

MR . COULTAS DODSWORTH , M ining E ngineer, of H aydon B ridge, W I

I tCS on the 1sth J anuary, 1874 Ihave j ust returned from the Stonecroft and Greysxde M ines, where I have seen your Patent O re D ressmg Mach ineryat work, with which I must say I was high ly p leased . I t is dec ided ly the best machinery I have ever seen for the purpose , the resu lts be ing as near perfection as possib le , and I am q u ite sure i ts use I n this case wil l be a very great savmgto the Company . N 0 large mining estab l ishment shou ld be without your Machine ry, espec ial ly when labour is d ifficu ltto procure—a mere fraction

of the hands being on ly requ ired as against the o ld system , and the work altogether muchbetter done , and a great sav ing of O re effected . I have heard it said that your Machinery is better adapted for poorthan for rich O res, but from what I have seen to - day I am q u ite confident it wil l do for any kind of Ores.

I beg not

on ly to congratu late, but also to comp l iment you on the great success of your Pate nt Ore Dressing Machinery .

Y omay use this letter as you th ink proper .


I o , B lomfie ld Street, London , E .C. ,

ai st September, 1887 .

M r. George Green , of Aberystwyth , has supplied a large q uan tity of Complete Stamp ing and AmalgamatingMachinery to me for Go ld M ine s in the Un ited States o f Co lombia, now R epub l ic of Co lombia

,and it has al l proved

of e x ce l lent description and very good workmanship .

C. 0 . R OGERS .

N ames of M ines using the Machinery — Organos Gold Q uartz M ines ; Silencio Go ld Q uartz M ines ; SocorroGo ld Q uartz Mines ; Co lombian H ydrau l ic Gold P lac ier M ines ; Or ita H ydrau l ic Go ld P lac ier M ines. A lso Comple te Crushing and Concentrating Machinery for Si lver and other O res in several M ines in which I am largI nterested .


Copy (y a L etterf rom the Sen tein M in ing Company , Sou th F rance.

M etropo l itan B ui ldings, 63 , Q ueen Victoria Street, L ondon , E .Cesth M ay ,DEAR SI R ,

“ In reply to yours asking for a testimon ial as to the efficiency of your Patent Dressing Mach inery assi i ppl i ed to the Sente in M ines, I wou ld in the first instance state that before your Machinery was erected

,we had

some doubt of be ing ab le to d ress our Ores at al l , owing to the very c lose combination of the Lead and Zinc, of wh icha very large proportion of the produce of our M ine is composed .I am, however, much p leased to say that after amp le trial , your Machinery has comp lete ly removed the d ifficu lty,and we are now dressing al l our Ores to our entire satisfaction , and what you undertook to do has been fu l ly real iz edthe labour cost has been great ly reduced , and al l the O res previously pu t aSI de as unworkable, have been c leare dand a large percentage that was going to waste is saved .

Y ours tru ly,WI LL I AM STAND I NG ,

Chairman .G . Green, E sq .


Te l egrap h i c A d d ress :m “




Publ ished every Friday. Price 1d .

The“ L IGH TH OUSE ” i s a Journal devoted to the interes ts of

Shareholders interested in









at The “L IGHTHOUSE was the only Journal which Pro

phesied the rise in Montana’s when those shares were quoted “eight

for half a crown.

An Ex cel lent Medium for Company Prospectuses.



A N D Y C R O FT:D S T A M P M I L L S ,







E. 81 F. N. SPON’


I n 2 vols.,royal 4to, cloth, price 3 I 2s.

,with 82 l ithographic plates.

C O A L M I N I N GA Practical Treatise on Coal Mining, by GEORGE G. ANDRE


Assoc . Inst . C.E .

,Member of the Society of Engineers.CONTENTS :

I. Practical Geology. I X. Winding.

I I.Coal , its Mode of Occurrence, Com X . Drainage .

position , and Varieties. X I . Ventilation.

I I I . Searching for Coal . X I I . Incidental Operations.

I V .Shaft - sinking. XII I . SurfaceWork .

V . Driving of Levels, orNarrowWork . X I V. Management and Accounts.

V I . Systems ofWorking. XV . Characteristics of the Coal Fields ofVI I . Getting the Coal . Great B ritain and America.

V I I I . H aulage .

I n 2 vols ,royal 4to, cloth, price 3 1 z s .

,with 182 l ithograph ?

plates, accurately drawn to scale.


A Descriptive Treatise on the Machinery, Tools, and other Appliances used in Mining, byG EORGE G . ANDRE, H .G .S Assoc. Inst . C.E . , Member of the Society of E ngineers.

Uniform with the Author’s Treatise on Coal M ining.

CONTE NTSMachinery for Prospecting, E x cavating, H auling, and H oisting—Ventilation— Pumping

! Treatment Of M ineral Products, including Gold and S ilver,Copper, Tin, and

L ead , Iron , Coal , Sulphur, China Clay, B rick Earth ,etc.

I n royal 4to, cloth, price 362 1z s. with numerous i l lustrations



G O L DI ts Occurrence and E x traction, embracing the Geographical and Geological Distribution and the Mineralogical Characters of Gold - bearing rocks ; the peculiar features

and modes of working Shallow P lacers, R ivers, and Deep L eads ; H ydraulicing the R eduction and Separation ofAuriferous Q uartz the treatment of complexAuriferous ores containing other metals a B ibliography of the subject and a GlossaryofTechnical and Foreign terms, b ALFRED G. LOCK,

edited by CH ARLESG . WARNFORD LOCK, editor of pons’ Encyclopaedia.

I n royal 8va, cloth, priceg I I s.,with numerous engrav ings.


With description of the use and construction of D itches, Flumes, VVrought

- Iron Pipes

and Dams, Flow ofWater on heavy grades, and its applicability under high pressureto Mining, by A. J . B OWIE , jun . , Mining Engineer.

I n crown 8vo, cloth, price I Os. with numerous engrav ings.

W E L L - S I N K I N GThe modern practice of Sinking and B oringWel ls, with geological considerations and

e x amples of Wells, by E RNEST SPON , Assoc. M em . I nst . C . E . , Mem. Soc. Eng. ,

and of the Franklin Inst . , etc. Second edition, rev ised and enlarged.

E. F. N. SPON, 725 , Strand, London. New York 35, Murray Street.



B lock N o . 512.

GRAVITATION STAMP MILLS,W ith Stee l or Timber Fram es .



&e. , &c. , &c.






Tel egraphic Aa’

a’ress :



S. l C I


de t



gbIe c





rfs COL CH E STE R .40 to m m . mom .












8 to 60 H . P . nom

NEWCASTLE TR IALS , J ULY , I 8 S7 .After Comp etitiv e Trial s, op en to al l M akers, D . P . 80 Co .

s E ngines Were award ed th eON L Y PR

IZE S ofi’

ered by th e R oyal Agricu l tural Society o f E ngl and fOr Steam E ngines, vi z . :

for best Comp oun d P ortab l e E ngine .

£100 for b eer. Singl e Cyl ind er P ortab l e E ngine .

DAVEY, PAXMAN 00. are Makers of al l kinds of ENGINES and B OI LERS

for WI NDI NG, HAULI NG, and PUMPING, from 4 to 7000 h.p . , and every

description of MI NI NG MACHI NERY .

































Catalogues, P rice L ists,

P hotos, and Specifica

tions sent post free on

HOR IZONTAL CONDENSING appl ication toI MngffiE




ENGINE Doubl e Drum attached .

20 to 100 H . P . nom .








13, CHARIN G CROSS, s.w.

P rice 10s. 6d . I nter leaved ,I 5s. 6d .


3 5 7 7]


TH E want of a Te legraph ic Code for Min ing purposes

has been for some time felt by the Author in his protess ioual practice ; he also has reason to be l ieve that it is a

requ irement un iv ersally adm itted by persons interested in

Mines Abroad and in the Co lonies, by M in ing Compan ies,and by inspecting E ngineers. N ot only is such a Code

needed in order to reduce the e x pense of te legraph iccommun ication with in reasonab le l im its, but also to secure

secrecy, where desired, for the messages transm itted.

Although o ther Codes already ex ist, and notab ly the

we ll - known A B C E lectric Te legraph ic Code , the ir scope

is too general to render them of much v alue for th is

particular purpose , espec ial ly as Min ing invo lv es the use of

a v ery large number of techn ical expressions, wh ich none

of the books referred to contain .

The Au thor has therefore been induced to comp i le the

present work, with the obj ect of supplying th is want tosome e x tent.

The arrangement adopted is Alphabetical , that be ingundoubtedly the s implest and qu ickest for reference .

The F irst Part of the Code includes al l such sentences

as his e x perience has shown are l ike ly to be requ ired inconnect ion with M in ing.

iv P RE FA CE .

I n the Second Part, in which are coded Money Tables,N umbers, N ames of B anks

,and of M ines and Min ing

Compan ies, d istinct classes of Code - words hav e beenemployed to denote the d ifferent co inages, e tc . , so that theycan be immed iate ly recogn i z ed , and no time need be lost

in searching for them in the body of the vo lume . Thus :The Code -Words used are

names of

ENGLISH MONEY Fruits, Flowers, and Plants .FR ENCH MONEY Birds.AMER ICAN MONEY Animals (other than Birds,

Insects, and Fishes ).N UM B E R S Proper Names (Latin, Hebrew,


PAN I ES Fishes .

I n the Third Part,'

fiv e hundred b lank Code - words are

giv en, as users of the Code may desire to insert spec ialsentences relating to the ir own affairs. These words al l

begin with G ,and are in alphabetical order from GLO B ATED .

Abso lute secrecy can be secured for any message , if by

prev ious arrangement between the sender and the rec ip ient,the Code - words are not used to e x press the sentences set

opposite to them in the book , but others an agreed number

of sentences abov e or be low them .

E x ample— Supposing Sender arranges with R ecipient that the Code

words transmitted shall express the sen tences five above them in numet ical order, then the word ADOR ING ”

(see p. 8 ) will not mean“owing to

the action of, but not acting in

Although , as has been stated , the Work is spec iallydesigned for persons connected with M ining undertakings,it necessari ly contains a great many sentences of general

appl ication, and may therefore be found of value in

connection with other businesses.

I t frequently happens that messages are mutilated and


rendered mean ingless, owing to the letters of the Alphabetbe ing represented by

“ dots and “ dashes,”and confus ion

caused in consequence during transm ission . A re ference

to the “ Morse Alphabet may sometimes enable the

rec ip ient of a message to see where the m istake has arisen ,

and to e x tract the correct mean ing. This Alphabet is

therefore prefix ed to the Code .

The Author desires to add, in conclusion,that although

he has done his best to make this first ed ition as complete“

as possible, the subj ect dealt with is too vast for him to

think that it can be regarded as perfect. H e v entures

to hope, howev er, that it wi ll form the foundation of a

thorough ly complete and pract ical Code .

H e will be greatly indebted to the E ngineers and

Managers of Mining Companies if they wi ll kindly assisthim in effecting the obj ect he has in V iew,

by po int ing out

any om issions, or making any suggestions that may occur

to them .




Mare/z, 1888.

C O N T E N T S .














Abaceria Abandon

Abacial Do not abandonAbaco Likely to abandonAbaction N ot l ikely to abandonAbaddon Can I abandon work on

If abandon(s)Abaseth will abandonAbash Abandon work for the present onAbatanar Will not abandonAbatido Y ou must abandonAbattue Aban don ed

Abatvoix The mine was abandonedAbbacken Was abandoned on account ofAbbacy The mine would be considered abandonedAbbeigen . Has (have) abandonedAbbess Why was it abandonedAbbietto Consequently was (were) abandonedAbborgen H as (have) abandonedAbbotship Had better be abandoned.

Abbrassen The lower workings were abandonedAbcopiren The works were abandoned (in consequenceAbdalavi Has (have) been abandonedAbdammen Aban donm ent

Abdicas Abatem en t

Abdica-nt agree(s) to an abatement ofAbdication N o abatement inAbdienen Will agree to an abatementAbditor If do (does) not agree to an abatementAbdomen If agree(s) to an abatementAbduceth An abatement ofAbduct Abeyan ce .

Abduction The matter is in abeyanceAbdupfen In abeyance until.Abeam Why is the matter in abeyanceAbecedario AbideAbejero Cannot abide byAbel ian wil l abide byAbel ites will not abide byAberglaube Wil l ab ide byAberkennen Will you abide byAberring must abide byAbettor will not abide by


CodeWord .

Abfahrt Ab l eAbhorred Able toAbhulfe N ot able toAbhungem Am (are) not able toAb ideth Am (are) able toAbidingly Are you ab leAbiegato Have you been able toAbigarra Have been able toAbigotado Have not been able toAbismal If is (are) able toAbismo If is (are) not ab le toAbitaque If I am ab le (to)Abject If I am not able (to)Abjectly Shall be able toAbjectness Shal l not be able toAbjurar Will be able toAbjuring When will be able toAblactate will be able toAblandar will not be able toAblaugen Telegraph if able toAblaschen Telegraph when able toAblative Abol ish edAblant Has been abol ishedAblocate Has not been abol ishedAblocken Will be abolishedAblucion Wi ll not be abolishedAbnegate AboundAbnehm sel To abound inAbnormal The district abounds inAbnutz er Abou tAboard About the sameAbobado Price wi l l be aboutAbocinar Profits will be aboutAbol isheth Expenses will be aboutAbominate About howmuchAbordaj e Write at once aboutAborrecer Please see about at onceAbortus See about.Abotinado Have seen aboutAbotonar Have not been able to see aboutAboyar Wil l probably be aboutAbracalan Wi ll be aboutAbracijo Shou ld like to know aboutAbrasador know(s) al l aboutAbrasen know(s) nothing aboutAbrasion What do you th ink will be about (the)Abraufen . Can hear nothing aboutAbrego Abov e .

Abreuvoir Do not go aboveAbridged . N ot above


CodeWord . Abov e (continued)Abrimiento Above suspicionAbrogable Absen ce

Abromarse During your absenceAbrosi During my (our) absenceAbrotanoid During the absence of

Abrumador On leave of absenceAbruptly wishes for leave of ab sence til lAbruptness I wish for leave of absence tillAbsceso Gran t leave of absence toAbschied . Do not grant leave of absence toAbscissa Owing to the absence of

Absehbar . In the absence of instructions fromAbsentee Absent

Absentment I shall be absent from for the nextAbsicht Is (are) absentAbsieben If is absent apply toAbsinthic . Will be absentAbsolut ion Absol ute

Absolutory Has (have) absolute power toAbsolutis t Granting absolute power toAbsolver T0 gain absolute control ofAbsolveth Must have absolute controlAbsondem Has (have) abso lute con trol ofAbsorbens AbstractAbsorbing Send me (us) an abstract ofAbsorptive Will send an abs tract by first mailAbsorto Have sent you abstract ofAbsorvente Cannot send you abs tract beforeAbsorver Send abstract of ore extractedAbstainer . Send abstract of profits (for)Abstemious A. bstract of titleAbstemmen AbsurdAbstenerse ’

s demands are quite absurdAbstergent The amount asked is absurdAbstich Abun danceAbstinente There is an abundance of

Abstruse There i s not an abundance of

Abstufung Fue l and timber in abundanceAbsurdidad There i s an abundance of waterAbsurdity Fuel , t imber, and water in abundance [cheapAbsurdly Fuel, timber, and water in abundance, and labourAbuelo Fuel and t imber In abundance, water scarceAburrir Water in abundance, timber scarceAburujar . Is there an abundance ofAbusively AbutAbuzz Abuts uponAcabado Abu tting onAcabildar Acced eAcademia Cannot accede to the termsAcademiker Will accede to


CodeWord . Accede (continued)Academical Will accede toAcademist Will not accede toAcadians If accede (s) to these termsAcal ipha Should not accede to these term sAcantha I hope to induce the vendors to accede toAcanthice AcceptAcantho id I acceptAcardiac I cannot acceptAcarpous Am convinced vendors would acceptAcarus Accept under protestAcatalepsy Accept subject to conditions namedAcauline Will you acceptAcalous Will acceptAcceder Wil l not acceptAccensao . Will not accept less thanAccension Shal l

‘I (we) accept

Accensor . wil l not acceptAccent Upon what terms will you acceptAccenting Shal l I (we) accept his (their) offerAcceptant Y ou had better accept his (their) OfferAccepteth Accept ’

s offer, if nothing better can be doneAcceptor Y ou had better not acceptAcceso Accept subject to approval of condition(s)Accesorias Decline to accept withoutAccionar Shal l I (we) accept for your accountAccipiter P lease accept on my (our) accountAccip itral Do not acceptAccisbar Do not accept b il l forAccisfrei Please accept b ill forAcclimate I (we) cannot accept your b ill (s)Acclivity Accept in fu l l settlementAccluso Accept, but for cash onlyAccolado . Telegraph if you acceptAccolent Telegraph if I (we) may acceptAccomptant AcceptedAcconcio The offer i s acceptedAccorait The offer has not yet been acceptedAccordancy The Offer is not acceptedAccordion Has (have) acceptedAccost has (have) not accepted owing toAccoupled has (have) accepted all conditions imposedAccou tre Will be acceptedAccredit Has (have) accepted draftAccroche . I S accepted (by)Accrueth N ot yet acceptedAccubare . N otaccepted in consequence of

Accumbent AccessAccursed To gain access toAccursum Cannot gain access toAccusative Can you gain access to


AccordingAccording to the agreementAccording to the reportsAccording to instructions rece ivedAccording to the mining laws hereAccording to private advicesAccording to plans and specificationsAccording to circumstancesAct according to your own discretionAccording to

Accoun t(s)On your accountOn my (our) accountForward the accounts as quickly as you can

The accounts are unsatisfactoryThe most rel iable accounts to be hadForwarding by to - day’s pos t the accountsSend account of bu l l ion shipped . [once (35Account is overdrawn, remit us by telegraphGet all the accounts you can of the mineOn no accountThe accounts are very favourableThe accounts are very unfavourableHave opened an account wi thOpen an account withIt must be taken into accountTo account forOur account at bank is very lowTo be entered to Capital Account

accounts will be sent as soon as possibleOn account ofN O accounts have been keptN o account ofAccount (s) is (are) not to be depended onAccounts are contradictoryHave you had any accoun t ofHave you had any account withI (we) have not account ofI (we) have no account withI (we) have an account ofI (we) have an account withOn whose (what) accountOn joint account'If account (s) i s (are) favourableIf account(s ) is (are) unfavourableCan you account forCannot account for

account (s) forN ot on accoun t ofE ntirely on account of

CodeWord .

Adagial Accumu l ate

Adagio Which has been allowed to accumulateAdal id Cannot accumulateAdamado . Which will accumulateAdamantino Accurate

Adamites Is report accurateAdaptable I s (are) quite accurateAdaraja I s (are) not at all accurateAdarga Accused

Addeem Has (have) been accused ofAddendum Has (have) been unjustly accused ofAddensar . Has (have) ever been accused ofAddicao Acknowl edgeAddicted Acknowledge receipt of thisAddiren Will not acknowledgeAddisco Acknowledge(s) to haveAddorsed Acqu ireAddressee Acquire all the information you can aboutAddresseth By this we acquireAddrietto We acquire a most valuable propertyAddubito Will acquire a most valuable m ineAdductor Acquire entire contro l ofAdelphous Must acquire entire controlAdelig . Can you acquireAdenalgia Can acquireAdeniform Cannot acquireAdenitis Should you not be able to acquireAdenoid Acqu ittedAdentel lar Has (have) been acquittedAdentro Cannot be acquitted of all blameAdequency Has (have) been acquittedAdevinan Acquitted of all blameAdfected Acre (s)Adhaesit The property comprises acresAdhalare E qual to per acreAdhereth E xtending over acresAdherency H owmany acres are there in propertyAdhesion Across

Adiactinic Across theAdiado R unning across theAdipic Half across theAdipose Have come acrossAdipsia Act

Adjacently Do not act except on written instructionsAdjetivar act(s) in the most honourable wayAdj icit act(s) in the most underhand wayAdjoineth Act upon adviceAdjuda Do not act W i thout consultingAdjudicar Act promptlyAdjungiren Act cautiously


Act (continued)Act accordinglyAct according to agreementAct according to instructionsAct as you think bestH ow shall I act

will act on behalf ofWho will act for us when you leave

act (s ) on behalf ofwill not act for

Will actShall I (we) actCannot actDo not act till you hear fromFor whom do(es) act


Who i s acting forActing on behalf of

is (are) acting forIs (are) not acting forThere is no one acting forFor whom are you actingY ou are acting rightI (we) am (are) acting forY ou are acting wrongB e cautious in acting withIs (are) not acting with sufficient caution

is (are) acting a double partActing straightforwardlyN ot acting in good faithActing contrary to ins tructions


Action for damagesOwing to the act ion ofSo far they have taken no action in the matter

has (have) commenced an action agains tCommence an action againstAvo id an action if possibleBefore taking any action in the matterThreaten him (them) with an actionShall I (we) begin an action (against)If necessary take action againstStop further actionAbandon the actionDefend the actionPush forward the action [presentShall I (we) suspend all further action for the

has (have) abandoned the actionGet the action' postponedAction has been deferredApprove(s) Of your action

CodeWord .



Adverbio .


AdvertidoAdvertirAdvientoAdvisablyAdvocavi .



AdvoweeAdyacenteAdynamicAdynamyAdyta .





Aequatio .

Aereal lyAeriferousAeriferoAfii cher

Affil iren



Afii rmeth

Afii x al

Afli x ingAffix ture

Afil atus

Affl ictedAfil iction

AffluentAfil usso









Action (continued)Do (es) not approve of your actionCompromise the action if poss ibl e.

Wi thdraw the actionAction withdrawn

fAddThis will add greatly toThis will not add greatly toWill this add toMust add

1AdditionIn addition to


Will there be any additional expenseCausing an additional expense (of)Addit ional information

I Address.

To what address shall I forward(See R egistered )

The registered address isTelegraph at what address I shall findCanno t find

In future addres s toTelegraph your address (at)Telegraph the address ofAddress to me, care of


An adequate remunerationN ot an adequate remunerationIs (are) not adequate toDo you consider it adequateDo not consider it adequate

Adh ere

Must adhere toDo you adhere toI (we) do not adhere to

do (es) adhere todo (es) not adhere to

Shall I (we) adhere toDo not adhere toI (we) adhere to the letter of

Ad it

From the aditAbove the aditBelow the aditProposed deep aditThe length of the adit isMine worked entirely by aditsSamples taken from the aditThe only development is an aditAn adit has cut the vein

at the address givenAddress communications direct to

[outcropfeet below the


CodeWord .


Afield .

Afiladera .


AfloatAfol lar


AdjacentThe adjacent mineAdjacent propertiesOught to buy the adjacent claimVein runs into the adjacent claim.

Adjun ctA most valuable adjunctAn undes irable adjunct

Aforehand Adju stAfoul ed



Afterpart .Afterake

Aftersails .

Afterwise .

AfterwitAgacharseAgallochAgal lado

Agamuz ado

Agapetas .

AgastricAgatineAgatizedAgasajoAgavil lar .



AghettoAgilidadAgiotageAgistAgistmentAgitableAgi tativeAglomerar

Do not admitAdvan ce

Can you adjust matters amicablyTry to adjust matters amicab lyCan adjust matters amicablyCannot adjust matters amicablyHope to adj ust matters amicably

Adm itI s (are) willing to admitWill not admitMust admitMust not admitAdmit nobodyAdmit(s) of no delayCannot admitWill admitIf will not admitR efuse(s) to admit any one to see the mine [mine

has (have) refused to admi t me (us) to see the

Admit to see the m ineAdmit to see the works

to the mine

Wi ll advance the money requiredI s (are) ready to advance the moneyAm (are) ready to advance the moneyCan you advance what i s requiredWill advanceWil l not advanceCannot advance any money tillOn what terms will you advanceWhat advance will be givenAdvance wanted ofWhat can I (we) advanceY ou must be very careful about advancesWill require an advanceMust advance moreCannot advance moreDo not think it would be prudent to advance moreDo not think it would be prudent to advance moreDo not make any further advance (s) to [thanDecline making advance before searching inspecMust not advance [tion


Aglow .

Agnacion .

Agnal ia


AgnomenAgnosticAgob iarAgolparseAgoniaAgoniadoAgonizarAgonizingAgonotheteAgorarAgrarianAgraviarAgresticalAgrimonyAgrumarse




Aigraz o

AigremoreAiguilleAijadaAilleursAilmentsAimlessAiraz o

AisladoAisledAisteman .

AitchboneAitiology .

AjedrezAj icolaAjustarAjusticiarAjutorioAlabanzaAlabarda

ADV I IAdvan ce (continued)

Y ou may advance up to

What has caused this advance in [propertywill advance money for examination of

What will advance towardsThe advance made i sWhat advance has been made in

Advan cedHas (have) advancedHas (have) not advancedThe money thus advancedThe works have much advancedThe works have not advanced muchMatters are no further advancedIf has (have) not advancedHas (have) advanced

AdvantageIs there any advantageI t will be a great advantageIt will be to your advantageThere is no advantageIt will be a mutual advantageWhat would be the advantage OfTaking advantage of

Take advantage of

Adv ice(s)Advices from the mine are satis factoryAdvices from the mine are unsatisfactoryMay favourable advices be expectedSend advices immediatelyWaiting for adviceN o advice to hand. [advices you can possibly sendLetme (us) have at once by telegraph any favourableMy (our) advice i sTake legal adviceHave you had legal adviceY ou had better have legal adviceI (we) have had legal advice

Adv i se

What do you adviseI advise you toI do not advise you toI do not adviseI (we) adviseAdvise by telegraphWhat do (does) adviseAdvise early what to doAdvise if any change occurs

strongly advise(s)I (we) advise you to have nothing to do with

Adv isabl e

12 ADV

Adv isabl e (continued )Will it be advisable toIt would be advisab leIt would not be advisable


air(s)In the present state of affairsAffairs are in a hopeless muddleH ow are affairs going on

affairs are in a bad wayDo you think affairs can be satisfactorily arrangedAffairs are progressing satisfactorilyOn account of pol itical affairsWith the affair

Will affect the marketWil l not affect the marketWill affect the saleWi ll not affect the saleWil l not affect us in any wayH owwill this affectDoes it affectIt does not affectWill afi'


Will i t affectWi l l not affectI t is not l ikely to affect

Afii rmI f what affirm (s) i s trueAs affirm (s)I cannot endorse what affirm (s)What affirm (s) is true

Affirm ativ e

In the affirmativeIf I (we) get an answer in the affirmativeI f you get an answer in the affirmative



Can you affordCan affordCannot affordThis would afford an opportunity of

AfraidAm (are) afraidAm (are) not afraidI s (are) afraidIs (are) not afraidI s (are) afraidAfraid ofAfraid to

AfterAfter what has taken placeAfter what has been done

x 4 AGE

CodeWord Agen t (s) (continued)Allodium wil l not act as agent(s) forAllograph — ’

s agent is awayAllopath Have left it in the hands of the agent to arrangeAllopathic Apply to the agent(s)Allotropic AgreeAllotropy Will agreeAllowably Will agree toA l ludeth Agree(s) toAl lud ingly Will not agree toAl luminate The owners agreeAlluminor Will you agree toAllure Would you agree to these termsAl luring Cannot agree to these termsAl lusao Agree(s) to the conditionsAl lusive Agree(s) to do all that is necessaryAllusory If agree(s )Al luvion If do (does) not agreeAllyl Canno t agreeAlmacan tar Y ou ought to agreeAlmacen Agreem en t (See also Sign )Almacenero The agreement is signed byAlmaciga According to the present agreementAlmadia Agreement has been signedAlmadrena According to their (his) agreement withAlmagear N ot according to the agreementAlmanack The original agreemen tAlmartaga On the same conditions as the original agreementAlmonry No agreement has yet been madeAlmsdeed I t would be wise to make a special agreementAlmsgate An agreement betweenAlmsgiver Willing to enter into an agreementAlmsman Cancel the agreementAlmaz arero The agreemen t is cancelledAlmidonar Ah eadAlmocafre Shall be able to go aheadAlmohaz a Cannot go ahead owing toAlmoneda T0 get ahead ofAlmuerza T0 go aheadAlobunado AimAloetic Their (his) aim has been toAlojeria What is h is (their) aimAlopiado Our aim should beAlpanata Air

Alpargatar Air in the mine i s badAlpestre Air is too bad to permit progress in the mineAlphabet Air- compressorAlphus Air - pipesAlpiste An air - shaft is necessaryAlpistela An accident to the air- shaftAlquiera

CodeWord .


Al tamenteAltaneroAltazimuthAlterablyAlterador .

Alternant .

AltheineAltibajoAltimeter .

Al tisimo

AltisonousAltivezAltramuz .

Altru ismAltruistic .



Alveolate .



AmaestrarAmandolaAmanoj arAmansadorAmarantoAmassedAmasseth .


AmateurAmatorio .

AmauroticAmaurosisAmav isse .

Amaz eth






Al l (continued)All you canAll you haveAl l right

Al lottedAllotted to youAllotted to me

Will be allottedH owmany shares are thereThe company have allottedT0 be allotted to me or my nominees

Al lotm en t

The allotment will take placeN o allotment has been madeMust proceed to allotmentThe company has gone to allotmentWill go to al lotment onPending the allotmentThe directors refuse to go to allotment

Al lowDo not allowCannot allowWi l l you allowI t is impossible to allowTo allow easy access toTo allow the men to

I t would be wise to allowWi ll not allowY ou must not allowY ou must allow

Al lowan ceMaking ample allowance forN ot making any allowance forWhat allowance has been made (for)After making reasonable allowanceSome allowance will have to be made forN o allowance has been made forAllowance for travelling expenses

Alluv ialPayable alluvialPayable al luvial has been found atAlluvial extends overAlluvial containsR ich alluvial.Alluvial deposit(s)Alluvial of no value

Al ong

acres,and averages

per cubi c yard

Along the course of the veinAlong the east wallAlong the west wal lAlong the level

16 ALO

CodeWord Al ong (continued)Ambicioso Along the faceAmbiente Driving alongAmbiguedad Al readyAmbiguo Have already indications of the veinAmbitus Has (have) already begunAmblador Already comple tedAmbleth Already in vein matterAmbling Al ter

Ambl isco Have had to alterAmblyopy Cannot al terAmbobus Wil l you alterAmbreada Will alterAmbreated Will not alterAmbreic This will alterAmbreine W111 al terAmbrosial I f wil l not alterAmbrosin The character of the rock altersAmbrulabo I t wil l be necessary to alterAmbulance Al terationAmbulate The necessary alteration has been madeAmbu lator N o alteration can be madeAmbula

‘vi . Has any alteration been made

Ambury Great alteration has taken placeAmbuscado Make the necessary alterationAmbushed N o alteration has been madeAmbustum NO al teration has taken placeAmedrentar Al ternativ e

Ameer The only alternative isAmenably There i s no other alternativeAmenazar I s there no other alternativeAmentum Al titud eAmentia At an altitude of

AmerceableAmetabol icAmiableAmiabilityAmianthAmianthusAmiceAmidineAmidshipsAmiento



Owing to the high altitudeAl togeth erTaken altogetherTaking it altogether

AlumAl um inaAl um in iumAmalgam

Gold amalgamSilver amalgamSodium amalgam


Amalgamate interests .Wil l amalgamate withAmalgamate companies asWil l not amalgamate


Have amalgamated

AMA 17

Code Word Amalgamated (continued)Amoebean Can only be amalgamated in pansAmoeboid AmalgamatingAmonedar Amalgamating pan(s)Amontarse Copper plates for amalgamatingAmorous Amalgamation

Amorpha Amalgamator (s)Amorphous Amoun t

Amortizar To what amountAmotinar Amount on handAmpara Telegraph the amountAmpel ita Amoun t extracted per month isAmphibia N O record has been kept of amount extractedAmphibious A large amount has been extractedAmphibole Impossible to estimate the amount of oreAmphibrach What is the right amountAmphigen The right amount isAmphimacer This amount will be deposited subject to your orderAmphipoda Only a small amountAmphisci i Telegraph the amount of ore in s ightAmphi trite Does not amount to muchAmphitype A large amount has been lostAmphora A large amountAmphoric This amount will be depos ited withAmpliative I estimate the amount of ore in sight atAmpl ificar Cannot estimate the total amountAmpl i tude What is the amount of capitalAmpolleta The total amountAmputar will guarantee this amountAmthaus What amount is there to my (our) creditAmueb lar The amount to your credit i sAmu letic What is the amount in handAmurcer By increasing this amountAmused By reducing this amountAmusgar Half the amountAmusingly Doub le the amountAmusive The gross amountAmuya The nett amountAmygdalic Am oun tingAmylaceous Amoun t ing toAmylic N ot amounting toAmymola Ampl eAnabaptism This will be ample forAnabas Ample for all demandsAnaclastic Anal ysisAnaclis is Analysis shows percentage ofAnaconda Analysis showsAnademe Analysis shows only traces ofAnafaya Angl e (s)Anagal ide At an angle of

Anaglyptic At right angles


CodeWord .



Angl e (8 ) (continued )Vein dips at an angle of

AngryVery angry thatVery angry with


Enabling you to announceWhich will enable us to announceWhen can we announce a dividendCannot announce a dividend

Announ ced

Analogism Is it officially announcedAnalyzable N ot yet officially announcedAnankern N ot yet announcedAnaquel Will be announcedAnapelo The directors have announcedAnaplasty A dividend of per share has been announcedAnarchic Will not be announced untilAnarchist Annoyed

Anarquico The directors are annoyedAnascote I am (we are) much annoyed (that)Anastaltic Annual

Anastomose To be ready for the annual meetingAnathema The annual meeting is fixed forAnatomico Will be decided at the annual meetingAnatomista Must stand over till the annual meetingAnatomizar An swerAnatripsisAnatronAnbandar

Anbaul ich


AnchorAnchorableAnchorageAnchoret .

AnchyloseAncianoAncientryAncillary .

AncipitalAnconesAncorarAncorero .



Telegraph ’s answer

Answer my telegramOfI n consequence of receiving no answerAnswer the questions aboutMust have a definite answer byAnswer immediatelyAnswer this by telegraph at onceWill communicate as soon as answer comesDelay giving an answer (till)Answer qu ickly to these questionsE xpect to get an answer byAnswer by postCannot get an answerCannot give an answer yet

An sweredHas (have) answered in the affirmativeHas (have) answered in the negativeHas (have) already answeredHas (have) not answered any of the questions

An tic ipate

Anticipate (s) some difficul tyAnticipate(s) no difficultyDo you anticipate any difficultyI anticipate rise (in)



AnecdotalAnecdotis tAnelaceAneleAnelectricAnemograph



AngarillasAngelologyAngelote .

AngerlyAnginoso .


AnhydrousAnilenessAnimalculaAnimalismAnimalucho Ap exAnimationAnimettaAnimiren








An tic ipate (continued)I anticipate fall (in)

AntimonyOxide of antimonySulphide of antimonyAntimony mineAntimony oreLargely mixed with antimonyAntimony occurs inOwing to the amount of antimony (in the)

. AnxiousAm (are) anxiousIs (are) anxiousAm (are) anxious to have your report quicklyAm (are) anxious to have the matter settledAnxious to hear how things are go ing onAnxious to hear from youAnxious to get offAnxious for you to go toAnxious to go toAnxious to come home

. Am (are) anxious for you to see

. Am (are) anxious to have your opinionIs (are) anxious to have your opinion

AnyIs (are) there anyThere i s (are) not anyIf there i s (are) anyThere has (have) never been any

The apex of the lode is not in our propertyThe apex of the lode is in our propertyThe apex of the lodeAt the apex

Apparen t

I t is quite apparentI t is not apparent


Y ou had better appealIntend (s) to appealCannot appealNotice of appeal has been givenShall I (we) appealDo not appealWill appeal


I (we) do not want my (our) name to appearDo (does) not want his (their) name to appearI t must not appearI t should appearI t appears to have been






Appear (continued)Does not appear to beIt appears to be

Anointeth Appearance

AnointmentAnomaliaAnomal ipedAnomear

AnonadarAnonimo .


There is no appearance of

Judging from the appearance of the

There is every appearance of

The appearance of the mine i s goodThe appearance of the mine i s di scouragingThe appearance of

In appearanceAnotacion Appertain

Anoura All that appertains toAnsareria App l iance(s)Ansaugen Complete appliances for opening upAntalgic What appliances have you forAntarchism What hoisting appliances have youAntartico Have you the necessary appliances forAn teado Have no appliances forAntechapel R equire appliances forAntecian Appl ication (s)Antecursor Has (have) made application to me (us)Antedatar If make(s) an appl icat ion to youAntemetic will make app l ication to youAntemosaic To whom is application to be madeAntenuero Has (have) sent an applicationAntennal Do not close the l ist of applications til lAntepast Application arrived too lateAntepecho Make immediate application toAntepuerta Applicat ion to be made byAnteriorly Application cannot be entertainedAntesala Application wil l be attended toAnthedon Notice has been given that the list of applicationsAntheroid App l ied [for the will close on .

Anthes is To be applied in part paymentAnthinum Has (have) applied forAnthol ite . Has (have) not applied forAntholysis App lyAnthomania Apply all your energies toAnthophore Does this apply to bothAnthropo id Does this apply to allAntiades This applies only toAntiaditis This applies to allAntiarine . This applies to bothAntichris t To whom Shall I (we) applyAnticipar Apply for funds toAnticlimax Apply for information toAnticmask I t will be necessary to apply toAnticor Y ou had better apply toAnticourt Apply i t exclusively toAnticuario Appoin t

22 APR

Apri l (continued)16th of AprilI 7th of April1 8th ofApril1 9th of April20th of Aprilz rst of April2 2nd of April23rd of Apri l24th of April25th of Apri l26th of Aprila7th ofApri l28th of April29th of April3oth of April

Arb i trateWho will arb itrateGet some competent person to arb i trateCannot get a competent person to arbi trateCannot arbitrateWil l arb itrateWho is (are) to be the arb itrator(s)


Try to get the matter settled by arbitrationWil l you agree to arbitration [tration

agree(s) to have the matter settled by arbiwill not agree to have the matter settled by

arb itrationShall I (we) submit the matter to arb itrationDecline arbitrationThe arbitration is againstThe arbitration is in our favourThe arbitration is in favour ofAgree to arbitration


Covering an area OfExtending over the entire areaA large areaA small area

ArgentiferousIn argentiferousArgentiferous galena

Argi l l aceousIn argillaceous


Situated in an arid districtArrangeWhen will you arrangeCan you arrange toCan you arrange with

CodeWord .

ApprizingAppulse .




AprisionarAprobarAproches .

AprovecharAproximarApsidalApteraApterousApuestaApuntalarApyreticAquatin taAquej arAquilated

AquileaAquilonArabeskArabical lyArachnoid


Araneose .

AranzadaArapungaArbalisterArbel lon

Arb itrarArbitrarioArb itrista .

Arbolado .



ARR 23

Arrange (continued)Y ou must arrange as soon as possible toIf you cannot arrangeTo enable me (us) to arrangeEnabling you to arrangeI (we) cannot arrange toI (we) canno t arrange withIf you can arrangeY ou must arrange (with)

ArrangedI have arranged to go to on

Telegraph when you have arrangedE verything has been sat isfactori ly arrangedNothing has been yet arrangedHas (have) arranged with

has (have) arranged toTo be arranged hereafterHave everything properly arranged for inspection

Arrangement(s)N0 time to make other arrangementsWhat arrangement has been made with regard toMake Whatever arrangements may be necessaryBy this arrangementAn arrangement has been madeN0 final arrangement has yet been made

will not make any arrangementMake an arrangement by whichWhat arrangement has been madeHave made arrangements to

Arrastre(s)The ore has been ground in arrastresThe only appliances on the mine for treating the

ore are arrastresIt will be as well to continue us ing arrastres till


On arrival ofOn your arrival inAdvise of your arrivalWait for arrival of my wri tten reportCannot wait for arrival of your written reportTelegraph on your arrival atAwait arrival of

Arriv e

Must arrive here by or will be too lateWill probably arrive about.

is (are) expected to arrive about.i s (are) not expected to arrive before

When do you expect to arriveArriv ed

has (have) arrived here safelyhas (have) not yet arrived

CodeWord .








Architect .ArchitraveArchivarArchiveroArchpriestArchstone



ArdassineArdidoArdillaArdorosoAreniscoArefactl on

AreostyleArgadijoArgonautArguciaArgumentalArguteAn dasAridnessArillatedArillusAriolation



Arr iv ed (continued)Arrived too lateArrived hereArrived here to - dayArrived here yesterdayTelegraph when has (have) arrived

Arsen ic

Arsenical pyritesContaining arsenic

Articl es

According to the articles of associationR equire the following articles


Asbestos mineAsbestos occurs in


Ascertain who i sAscertain what i s owner’s priceCan you ascertainCannot ascertain anything aboutAscertain as soon as possible and telegraphAscertain from I understand he has been inAscertain what i s do ing (at) [the mineCould only ascertainAscertain the financial condition of

To ascertain the extent ofAsk

Whom Shall I (we) askY ou must askI will askAsk aboutAsk what he has done


Has (have) asked aboutHas (have) asked all who have been there

AskingHas (have) been asking aboutI s (are) asking a great deal too muchWhat is (are) asking for


The mine has a most favourable aspectI (we) do not l ike the aspect of affairsA most promising aspectA most discouraging aspectJudging from the aspect of the

Assay (s)P lease have i t (them) assayed forFrom the result of these assaysAn assay of this sample gaveAssays satisfactoryAssays average per ton

1 2 10

CodeWord .









Arregaz ado




Arrez ajeArribadoArriendoArriesgarArrinconarArriscador

Arrobadiz o




ASS 25

Assay(s) (continued)Assays disappo intingAssays made of the vein matter giveAssays from borings in face of

Assays of ore from foot Level ShowAssays from diamond - dri llings .Assays made from surface ore showA rough assay showedPlease assay forThere i s a good assay office at the millHave had samples assayed with following resultPulp assays at mill averageOre in dump assaysAn assay of this sample gave in goldAn assay of thi s sample gave 025 . in silverAn assay of this sample gave 7; in lead


AIn copper025 . In Sl lverin gold and

An assay of this sample gaveAn assay ofwhich showedAn assay of this sample gaveAn assay of this sample gave in gold and

028 . in silver, and percentage of leadIn consequence of there being no assay Office thesamples have to be sent to to be assayedAverage assay of ore mi lled for the month is


Do (does) assert the statement to be trueassert(s) the s tatement to be trueassert(s) the s tatement is not true


H ow much wi ll assessment be on

Assessment has been levied onAssessment is soon to be levied onAssessment will be levied onUnless this is done, assessment will be levied onThey have only done the necessary assessmentWill not levy any more assessment [workIn do ing the assessment workWill have to levy assessmentHave not done the necessary asses sment workWill there be an assessment onStock has been sold for assessmentTo save the expense of assessment workAssessment paidAssessment unpaid


Assets reported to be aboutWhat are the expected assetsN o assetsSmall assetsLarge assetsAssets not yet ascertained


CodeWord .

Arrondee Assistance

Arthritis Must have ass istance in examining theArthrodia Must have assistanceArticulata Get to give the necessary assistanceArtificer Will send assistanceArtillery Will you pay cost of assistantAr tistic Associated

Artistical is (are) associated withArtlessly Who is (are) associated withAruspice is (are) not any longer associated withAsadulcis Who i s (are) associated with in this matterAsbolin Avo id being associated withAscendable Association

Ascendency Memorandum of assoclatl on

Ascription Assorted

Asediar Assorted samples assayedAseguar Carefully assortedAseptic Assure

Asequible I (we) can assure you thatAseverar assure(s) me (us) thatAsfalto Atmosph ere

Ashlering The effects of the atmosphere [sphereAshore In consequence of the rarified state of the atmoAshpan Attachm en t

Askance Has (have) levied an attachmentAskew To get the attachment removedAslant Levy an attachmentAsleep Cannot levy an attachmentAsociado Mine is attached forAsperate Bullion is attachedAsperillo AttemptAsperse No practical attempt has been made toAspersion Have made an attemptAsquint Cannot attempt toAssegai N o use to attempt toAssailable Shall attempt toAssembling Attend

Assident Please attend to this matterAssiento Wil l attendAssigneth Cannot attend to till afterAssuaged Must attend at once toAssurgent Attend immediately toAssumptive will attend to (it)Asterism . Atten tion

Asteroid Give great attention toAsteroidal N o attention has been paid to saving the tailingsAsthma The first thing requiring attention isAstomatous Pay no attention toAstounded Will give every attentionAstragalus This requires your greates t attention

ATT 27

Attention (continued)is (are) we l l worthy of your attention

Attorn ey (See Power )Power of attorney

requires power of attorney to be producedWho holds power of attorney

must have power of attorney forI s power of attorney requiredDo not require power of attorney [attorneyImpossible to do anything without power of

Augu stFor the month of AugustDuring the month of AugustEarly in AugustAbout the middle of AugustTowards the end of Augus tNext AugustLast AugustI st of August2nd of Augustgrd of August4th of Auguststh of Augustoth of August7th of August8 th ofAugustoth of Augustroth of AugustI I th of August1 2th of AugustI 3th of August14th of August1sth of AugustI 6th ofAugust1 7th of August1 8 th of Augustr9th of Augustco th of August2 I st of August2 2nd of August2grd of August24th of August25th of August2 6th of August2 7th of August28th of August2 9th of Augustgoth of Augustgrst of August

Auri ferous

The district is highly auriferous

28 AUR

Auri ferous (continued)The ore i s highly auriferous

AuthorityY ou have full authority toY ou have no authorityMust have full authorityBy what (whose) authority

who is a great authority here on minesCannot give the necessary authorityMust have written authorityTelegraph authorityOn whose authority

has (have) full authority tohas (have) no authori ty to

My authority for the report isAuthori z e

The Board authorize youPlease authorize me (us)I (we) authorizeCannot authorizeDo not authorizeWill not authorize

Authori z edHas (have) authorized to

has (have) been authorized toAutumn

During the autumnLast autumnNext autumn

Avai l ab l e

Will not be availableAvailable for the purposeThe amount of available ore

Av erageAbove the averageBelow the averageCertain to averageLikely to averageWhat is the averageAverage assay value of ore in the mine i sAverage width of the vein isThe average assays for las t week wereThe average assays for last month wereAverage aboutAn average sampleWill averageWl l l not average

Av ert

In order to avertCannot avert


‘8 B AG

CodeWord B acks (continued)B abugem i s (are) holding backBabyism B acked


has (have) backed outBacallao has been backed up byB acarija has backed upBacasti Who has (have) backed upBaccarat . B ad

Baccate Very bad indeedBacchanal N ot so bad as we were toldBacchant The mine is looking very badBacchic Owing to bad managementB acchil ler Owing to the bad state of the roadsBaciante I n bad conditionB aciga . From bad to worseB acil lum Things are in a very bad s tateB acilnego B ad ly .

B acioz z a Badly managedBackbite Badly workedBackb iting has (have) been badly workedBackboard Has (have) been badly treatedB ackbox es B alan ce (s)Backgammon There will be a considerable balanceBackground There will be on ly a small balanceBackhand What balance wil l there beBackpiece Transfer the balan ce toBackroom B alance al l rightB ackslang The balance of the money to be paidBackslider Telegraph the p robable balance when expensesBackstaff . I cannot remit balance until [have been paidB ackstairs This will leave sufficient balance forBacksword The balance 15 of no accountB ackrog Will the balance be sufficient forB ackwardly The balance of the sharesB ackwater B al an ce sh eet

Backwerk Send the balance sheet without delayB aclada The balance sheet will be forwarded by pos t onB aconero . B al l ast

Baconian Will be taken as ballastB acorote For ballastB acorus B ank(s)x B acu l ite This sum to be deposited in the bank (of)B adaggio Have deposited the scrip at the Bank ofBadajazo Less bank commissionBadalar I cannot arrange wi th the bank (of)Badalona Can you arrange with the bank (of)Badameco Have arranged with the bank (of)B adarono Has (have) arranged with the bank (of)B adasti I (we) can arrange with the bank (of)B adavamo The bank will credit us at once wi th the value of

the bull ion

BAN 31

B ank(s) (continued)N o bank will discount your paper ; you mustSend bul l ion to bank (of) [deposit withThe security is at the Bank ofPlease pay into the bankHas (have) paid into the B ank ofWill pay into the bank (of)Bank refuses to cash draftBank refuses to discount noteBanks are calling in loans on stockBanks are calling in their money [to be a panicBanks are calling in their money, as there is likelyBank will remitBank will allow an overdraft ofWill bank allow an overdraft ofThere has been a run on the B ank ofBank will not advance any more, unless overdraft now due is paid

with bank (of)Have depositedBanks will not advance unless secured by nu

doubted collaterals immediatelyBadly in want of money ; telegraph to the Bank ofBank refusesBank agrees

B ankrupt

The owner(s) is (are) bankruptOn the verge of becoming bankrupt(s)The company is bankrupt

is (are) not bankrupt(s) as reportedis (are) reported bankrupt

B ar(s)H ave struck a bar of hard groundShall ship bars of bullion onHave Shipped this week barsHave shipped this month barsE stimated value of bars shippedWhen will the next shipment of bars beThe sh ipment of bars delayed bySince the last shipment of bars barsThere has been a regu lar weekly shipment of

B argain (s)A very good bargainA very poor bargainTry and make a better bargainCannot make a better bargain

B arom eter

B arren

Barren - looking groundBarren quartzVe in I s barren

B asal t

32 BAS

B asal tic

In basaltic rockB ase

At the base of the

From the base of the

To the base of the

B atteryWhat do battery assays averageBattery assays averageBattery assays for the week averageBattery assays for the month averageN ew shoes and dies required for the batteryThe battery returnsAre losing in the batteryThere is a good battery ofThere is a poor battery of

To be

N ot to be

Can be

Cannot beShould beShould not beWill beWil l not beMust beMust not be

B ear [soon advanceBear movement on stock ; I bel ieve it willThere i s said to be a bear movement (on)

B earingThe vein bearing about East of NorthThe vein bearing about West Of NorthGold- bearing v ems

Are insiders bearingBearing the stock

B ecause

Because of the

N ot because of

B ecom e

Which will becomeUnless it becomesDO not l et i t become

has (have) becomeB ed

The main bed of ore

Through the bedIn the bed of the river

B edrock

In the decomposed bedrock


B edrock (continued)On the bedrockClose to the bedrockBedrock price

B een

Has (have) beenHas (have) been hereHas (have) not beenHas (have) not yet beenWhich must have beenWhich canno t have beenShould have beenShould not have beenIf this had been

B efore

N ot beforeOn or beforeBefore longThis was beforeThis was long beforeBefore I (we) canBefore you canBefore he (they) canBefore the agreement can be s ignedBefore thisBefore your telegram arrivedBefore returning home

B eforeh an d

So as to be beforehandi s (are) beforehand (with)

B eginShall begin immediately (to)Cannot begin tillWhen can beginWhen can you begin toBegin work at once

B egunHas (have) al ready begunHas (have) not yet begunMill has begun to run againHas (have) begun toHas (have) not begun to

B ehal f

On behalf ofWho act(s ) on behalf of

wil l act on behalf ofwill not act on behalf of

B el ieve

Do you believeI (we) do believeY ou may entirely believe all that


34 BEL

CodeWord . B el iev e (continued)Banastero Y ou cannot believe what say(s)Bancarrota I (we) do not bel ieveBandages I s there any reason to bel ieveB andearse There is every reason to believeBan dej a There is no reason to bel ieveBanderilla Do not bel ieveBanderizo Bel ieve nothing you hear fromBandido B el ongBandle Who does it belong toBandog Which belongs toBando leer Does not belong toBandore Ought i t to belong to us

B andurra B el t

Banefully . A bel t of hard rockB angl ich A belt ofBanished B el tingBanjo B el owBanners H as (have) not been worked belowBanniras Has (have) been worked belowBanqueter Below the lowest levelBanshee From below theBanstickle Below its valueB antereth B en efit

Bantling A great benefit toBaphometic N ot any benefi t toBaptismal Would it be any benefit toB arandilla B est

B arbacana What do you think would be bes tBarbaric Do the best you canB arbaridad It i s the bes t th ing to doBarbarism The best plan would beBarbellate The bes t that could be doneBarbette I t wil l be best toBarbicano B etter

Barbulla Under better managementB arcaje With better appliances for workingB ardish Y ou had betterBardotto The better way is toBareboned What had better be doneBarefaced In better healthB arefoo ted In no better healthBarelegged B etween

Barenecked The vein runs betweenBarfuss Between the twoBargeman Between thisBari tone B ewareBarkmi ll Beware of

B arkpit Y ou must beware of

Barks tone Beware of judging too hastilyBariolez B i l l(s)

BIL 35

B i l l (s) (continued)Do not present b il l(s)Cannot meet the bi ll (s)

wil l meet the bil l(s)Y ou must renew the b i l l (s)Will not renew the bill (s)Wi ll renew the bil l(s)The bill is due on

In order to meet the bil I (s)In order to renew the bil l (s)All payment s made by bi llsBill(s) provided forPresent bill (s) onDO not present bill (s) onBil l (s) protestedBill (s) of ladingBil l (s) of lading not to handBill (s) of lading forwardedThe bill(s) has (have) been acceptedBil l (s) has (have) been paidBill (s) has (have) not been paidWl l l take bi ll(s) at monthsBill(s) not presented yet

B in d

This will b ind (to)This will not bindWI11 thi s bind (to)In order to b ind (to)

B indingN ot sufficiently b indingMust make i t binding (on)

B ismuth .

B itum en .

B l ame.

Great blame attaches toThere can be no blame attached toCan any blame be attached to

B l anket (s)B lankets for saving the goldA revolving blanket

B l asting [blastingThe character of the rock necess itates constant


Very l i ttle blasting is neededB l owp ip eAssays made by the blowpipe gaveTested by the blowpipe

B lueground

B lueground hauled loads of 16 cub ic feetB lueground washed loads of 16 cubic feet

B oard [companyis will ing to join the Board of an Engl ish


B oard (continued)Would be likely to join the Board

will join the Boardwill not jo in the Board

Under consideration by the BoardBoard of DirectorsThe B oard have resolvedThe Board have resolved not toBefore the BoardThe Board can come to no decision tillMust have on the BoardMust not have on the BoardWill you join the Board ofNothing can be done till Board meets

B oard ing- h ouse (s)A good boarding - house at the mineGood boarding- houses at the mine and millThere are boarding- houses

,but in bad state

There are boarding- houses in good repairA yearly profi t of per cent. on the boarding

B ody [house(s )Which wil l open up a body of oreHave struck a body of rich oreE very indication of soon striking the body of oreProspects of large body of ore very goodOpened up large body of oreBody of oreLarge body of ore

B oi l er(s)Portable locomotive boilerCornish bo i lerTubular bo ilerLancashire bo ilerOwing to boiler(s) being out of repairBoiler(s) i s (are) out of orderR equire new boiler(s) for.

There is (are) bo iler (s)There is (are) h.p. bo iler(s)Send h.p . tubular bo ilerSend h.p. portable boi lerSend h.p. Cornish bo ilerSend h.p . Lancashire boilerSend h.p . boilerSend set of boiler- tubes for boi lerR equire h.p . bo iler for

B ond

The bond on the propertyB ond must be forBond can be secured forThe bond wi ll be forfeitedI n order to renew the bond


CodeWord B ough t (continued)B edel z ak Has (have) been bought byBedeu ten Was (were) bought byB edfellow Bought for jo in t accountBedight Have you boughtB edizen Bought for youB edija . Cannot be boughtBedlamite At what price have you boughtBedlinen Has (have) bought upB edmaker Why have you bough tB edoelen Why have you not bough tBedquilt B oun d

Bedraggle By which we are bound toBedrench By which he i s (they are) bound toBedridden Is (are) not bound toBedroom B oundaryBedstaff The northern boundary (of the)Bedusted The southern boundary (of the)Bedwarf The eastern boundary (of the)Beefeater The western boundary (of the)Beefs teak B reak

B eeftea A break in theBeeswax B reakdown in the machineryBeetl ing Breakdown in the mil lB efiatter What is cause of break inBefooled B reast

Befreckle Breast of oreBefringe Breast of drift in pay oreB egetter B ribe

Beggable As a bribeBeggars H as (have) being trying to bribeBeghard B roken

B egirdle Broken in transitBeglerbeg The machinery is brokenB egnugen The engine i s brokenBegrimed . Broken downB egrudging has (have) broken theBegucken B roker(s)B eguileth will act as broker(s) forB eguina Who will act as broker (s) forBehaaren The broker(s) forBeheading B rokerageBeholden The brokerage i sBehoof Including brokerageBeiblatt E xclusive of brokerageBeij inho Will you pay brokerage of

B einader N o brokerage can be paidBelated Will pay brokerageB el dado B rough tBelebung Has to be brought miles byB eledern Has (have) to be brought from

BRO 39

B rough t (continued)Cannot be brought

B u i l ding(s)The buildings consis t ofThe buildings are in good conditionThe buildings are in bad conditionE xpect to finish buildingN ow building

B u l l

TO bull the sharesA bull movement in stocks i s l ikely

B u l l ion (See Bars, Ship. )What is the to tal amount of bull ionBull ion shippedShall ship bullion onWill be able to ship bars bull ion onShip al l the bullion you poss ib ly can beforeNo bullion on handShip no more bullion till orderedWill ship bullion amounting toShipped bullion amoun t ing to

B un chyThe character of the ore is bunchyIs very bunchy

B urn ed

The mill was burded downThe house was burned downWhich has burned downI s all burned down

B urst

Is (are) burs tB u sin ess

A large business i s done inN o business i s doneIt may lead to businessCan you do the businessLeave the business in my (our) handsR ather than lose the businessBusiness in mining shares very dullBusiness in mining shares very goodCan do the businessThere is very little prospect of doing the businessI s there a prospect of doing the businessConsider business safeDo not consider business safe

B uyBuy shares for me inBuy immediatelyBuy for next accountBuy all you can (of)Shall I buy


B uy (continued)Buy as much as you can ofI can buy for cashI can buy cheaper hereBuy back if you have soldDo not buy any stockBuy for my account, and hold subject to orderBuy for a quick turnI advise you to buy (at aboutY ou had better buy the market will advanceCannot buy anyCan you buyI s it safe to buyTake advantage of present weak market to buyStocks are too high to buy at present pricesDo you advise buying at present pricesOrder to buy is coun termandedBuy when you think it has reached the bottomBuy until the stock reachesBuy if the market is s trongBuy if the market i s weakCannot buy at limitI t will not do to buyCan you buy more at same price

B uyers

The buyers will complete purchaseThe buyers will not complete purchase tillBuyers are plentifulBuyers are fewBuyers are cautiousN0 buyers for your propertyWho are buyersN o buyers for stockBuyers are cautious

,but the stock is held firm

B uyingi s (are) buying largelyis (are) buying stock

Friends are buyingAre insiders buyingMiners are buyingI advise buyingWho i s buyingI (we) am (are) buying

Cab l e (See TelegraphCable report immediatelyBy means of a cable [badlyCable me (us) at once ; wanting moneyCable immediately ifHave received your cable (dated)As soon as you cable [report for the publicCable sufficient details to enable me to prepare


CageShaft fitted with cagesThe cage in use is unsafeShaft fi tted with one cage

Cal cite

The hanging wall i s calciteThe footwall is calc ite

Cal e - spar

The matrix is calc - sparCal iforn ia

In CaliforniaIn Lower California

Cal l

Call for letters atMust make a call of per shareMust make a further call (of)Cannot make a callCall on when you are in

N0 further call will be madeCan

Can I (we)Can you

Can he (they)I (we) canY ou canH e (they) canI (we) cannotY ou cannotH e (they) cannotIf I (we) can '

If you canIf he (they) canIf I (we) cannotIf you cannotIf he (they) cannot

Can cel

Can you cancelWill cancelWill not cancelCancel my order toThreaten to cancelWill be cancel led unlessOn what terms can you cancel

Wi ll cancel clause(s) No .

Can cel l ed

Clause(s) N o. must be cancelledHas (have) cancelledH as (have) not cancelled


Code Word Can cel l ed (continued )Calagure Has (have) cancelledCalamitous Canyon

Calando The mines are situated in a canonCalantar A fine stream runs through the canonCalathus In the canonCalavera Capab i l ities

Calcarated Possessing great capab il ities forCalcify Possessing but small capabil itiesCalculary . Capabl e

Calculus Is (are) capable of

Calducho . Capable of great developmentCalebunt I s (are ) not capable (of)Caleche Is (are) capable of

Cal ifactor N ot capable of judgingGaleno Cap ital

Calenten The capital of the company to beCaletur N0 capital to spend on the mineCalfait A judicious investment of capitalCal ibre To bring capital into the concernCalico N ot sufficient capital to buy the mineCalidad N ot sufficien t capital to develop the mineCaliduct to be put aside for working capitalCal ipash To return per cent. on the capitalCalipee At the rate of per cent. on the capital of theCal iphate On a capital of [companyCaliphship Fully justifying the expenditure of the capitalCalisaya On the capital [namedCal ituro The capi tal i s too largeCalkers The capital is too smallCalliope Increase the capital toCal lone R educe the capital toCalmante . Can you get the capital underwrittenCalmasso E nough capital has been subscribedCalomaba N ot enough cap ital has been subscribedCaloricity . The capital is to be reducedCalorifere . The capi tal cannot be reducedCalo ttez The capital cannot be increasedCalotype The capital has been al l subscribedCaloyers The capital has been all underwrittenCalpesto What is the capitalCalquera Carbonate

Cal vatum Carbonate of copperCal vecer Carbonate of leadCalvejar Carbonate of l imeCalvinism Carbonate of l ime and magnesiaCalvorum . Carbonate of ironCalyculo Carbonate of sodaCalypso Carbonate of lead with silverCalyptrate Carbonate of zincCal z uela Carbon iferous


Carbon i ferou s (continued)In carboniferous rock


Take care inH as (have) taken careHas (have) not taken careGreat care will be requiredTake care of

Carefu l

B e careful not to commitB e very careful in your dealings withMake the most careful examinat ionHas (have) made a most careful examination

Carefu l lyHas (have) been through everyth ing very carefullyThe mines have been carefully workedWill have to be most carefully

Carriage . [costs per ton

The carriage from nearest railway station to mineThe carriage fromThe carriage costs per ton

The carriage on the bullion is very heavyThe carriage on all goods is immenseBy carriage miles fromBy carriage over dreadfu l roadsBy carriage over miles

,good road

Carriage by wagonCarriage on mule back

Carri ed

H as (have) been carried onHas (have) not been carried onCarried awayWill have to be carriedWill be carried onMust be carried onCan be carried throughCannot be carried throughCan be carried outCannot be carried out

CarryTo carry concern to success ful issueIn order to carry on the

will carry on the negotiations (during)Carry the stockCan surely carry i tWill carry the stock for youCannot carry onWho will carry on affairs whilst you are awayTo carryCannot carry out instructionsCarry on the business


CodeWord . Carry (continued)Canicula . Carry on the negotiationsCanifraz T. o enable me (us) to carry onCanilha Imposs ible to carry on any longerCankered Case

Cankerous In case of accidentsCankery E ntirely alters the caseCannabis Has (have) a strong case againstCannequin In caseCannetto In any caseCannonball In no caseCannoneer In which caseCannonshot In every caseCannula In case of needCanoeist In case of refusalCanonica It is not the caseCanonicity The facts of the caseCanonistic In case of delayCanonize Has (have) no case againstCanonship In sitch a caseCanopied . Has (have) any case againstCanorem Cash

Canorous For cashCanotier Will only accept cash paymentCanoura B y paying down, in cashCanovajo In cashCansasse Bank refuse to cash your chequeCansato In cash

,and the balance in Shares

Cantabile In cash,and the balance in debentures

Cantabo N o cash requiredCantal iver Cash to be deposited withCantando In exchange for cashCan taros Will pay cash downCantavit Cash on del iveryCantered Cash inCantharus Cash In exchange forCanthook CassiteriteCanthus Cause

Canticle This will cause a delay ofCantidad What is the cause of

Cantillo Cause unknownCantiner This will not causeCantonal This will causeCantoon Caused

Cantusen . What has caused (this)Canutaz o caused byCanvasseth een caused by anyCanvassing Which would have causedCanz iles Caution

Canz uada Act with great cautionCaoz inha I n spite of all the caution


Cent (continued)per cent

Cen tre .

In the centre of

Cen tral

In a central positionCertain

Are you certainI am certainI am not certainI t is certain (that)I t is not certain (that)Quite certainLet me (us) hear for certain

Certain l yW i ll certainly beWill certainly go to

CertaintyWith any degree of certaintyThere is every certainty ofT. here i s no certainty in the matter

Certificate(s)Have obtained a certificate

. Cannot Obtain a certificateAl l the certificatesShare certificate (s)Certificate of sharesShare certificate (s) will be sent onShare certificate (s) will be sent when readyY ou must get certificate


Are the titles certified (by)The titles are cert ified (by)The t i tles are not certified (by)Must be certified (by)

Certi fyAre able to certify (or is able to cert ify)Are not ab le to certify (or i s not able to certiAre (is) able to certifyShould not be able to certify


Chalk formationIn the chalk

Ch angeA change in the character Of the rockN o change in the character of the rockHas any change taken place (in)

. There has been no change worth report ing

. I t 15 necessary to change the

. A change for the bet ter has taken placeChange for the bet ter


CodeWord. Ch ange (continued)Carpingly Change for the worseCarpmeals Telegraph if any changeCarpology A great c hange inCarptum N o change inCarquej a Changed

Carranza Has (have) changed2 289 Carregos Has (have) not changed

Carriable Charge(s)Carrinho What would you chargeCarrion Charge the expenses toCarrizal Send a compe tent man to take chargeCarronade To whom shall I charge expensesCarronoil i s in charge of the works

2 2 96 Carrosse Left in charge of the foreman2 297 Carrubio Who will take charge of

2 2 98 Carrytale Who was in charge2 299 Carseland has (have) been in charge of2300 Cartesian Who will pay the extra charges

Carthamine Will pay all chargesCarthusian ChargedCartilage H as (have) been charged (with)Cartjade To be charged to Capital AccountCart load Ought to be charged toCartouch Has (have) not been chargedCartridge Should be charged with

2308 Cartulary Ch eap‘

2309 Cartwright Can be bought cheap2 3 1 0 Carvaj al The property i s cheap at the price23 I I Carving The mine(s) can be bought cheap23 1 2 Caryatides Ch eap er

23 13 Caryatic I t would be cheaper to23 14 Caryocar It is cheaper to2 3 15 Casalone Must have i t cheaper2 3 16 Casamuro I s cheaper

Casaquin Cannot be done cheaperCascabel Will be cheaper

319 Cascading Ch eap ly


Cascaj al The mine(s) can be cheaply workedCascante The ore can be cheaply mined and milledCascata The works can be cheaply carried onCaseine Can be brought to the mine very cheaplyCaseggio Can the be cheaply workedCaseknife Cannot be worked cheap lyCasemated Ch eck

Caseolus As a check onCaseraz o There has been no check onCaserna Must checkCaseshot Should this not checkCaseworm I t is necessary to checkCashboy Ch em ical



N o.

2 33323342 3352 336

23372 338


2 34 1


23432 3442 3452 346

2 3472348

2 3492 350

2 35 1



2 3792 380

238 1

238 2






CassideousCassockCastalianCastanetsCastawayCas tigateCastleCastleryCastratoCastueraCasualismCasualtyCasuistCasuisticCasuistryCatabulo





Cataul eo




CatchpollCatchwordCatecheticCatechineCatechismCategoryCatenarianCatenaryCatepex a .



Ch em ical (continued)The chemical worksThe erection of chemical works

Cheque(s)Do not pay chequeDo not pay any cheques till afterCheque has been lostA cheque forSend cheque for at onceSend cheque immediately to


s cheque has been dishonouredCheque forCheque for

has been presentedhas not been presented

I (we) send chequeHave you received cheque

Chl oride

Chloride of goldChloride of s ilverChloride of sodium

Chl orination

Chlorination worksChlorination works will be requiredBy chlorination process

Ch l ori tic

Chloritic slateThe hanging wall chloritic slateThe foot wall chloritic slate


Has (have) chosen toHas (have) chosen not to


The vein outside the pay chute i s barrenChute of ore .

There i s a chute of pay rock about[average width

feet longWhat is the length and width of pay chuteWhat is average assay of pay chutePay chute averages

Ciph erper ton

Cipher not intelligibleCipher numberCipher code must be usedR ead this carefully i t i s not all in cipher words

Permit our cipher to be used byCinnabar

Cinnabar lodeCinnabar containingCinnabar mine

Circul ate

per cent. quicks ilver

Y ou must circulate the report thatDo not circulate

Circu lating

CIR 49

Circu l ating (continued)Has (have) been circulating the report thatWho has (have) been circulating the report that

Circu l ation

In circulationN ot in circulation

Circu larOfficial circularPrivate circularSend out circularDo not send out circular

Circum stances

Under the existing circumstancesUnder no circumstancesDO not under any circumstancesI f you think the circumstances justifyCarefully considering all the circumstancesE nabling me (us) fu l ly to understand the circumOwing to the altered circumstances [stancesUnder what circumstancesE ntirely depends on circumstancesUnder these circumstances

Cl aim (s)The claim is feet x feetThe adjoining claim (s)Claim is one of the bes t prospects in the districtThe owner (s) of the adjoining claim ( s)I t is very important to buy the adjoining claimThe property consi sts of one claim feet xThe property consists of claims . feetOf the claimThere are (is) claim (3) feet x feetI t is very importan t to

.buy the adjoining claimas the vein runs in to i t. The owner(s) is (are)not aware of thishas (have) the first claim on your time

Make a claim forCannot admit the claimDo (does) not claimThe claim had better be paidWhat is the amount Of claimThe claim had better be resistedHas (have) a claimHas (have) not any claimAppears to be a reasonable claimHas a legal claimI have a claimWho makes the claimWhat is the claim forThe claim is forThe claim is made by

so CLA

Cl assi fyClassify as follows

Cl ause .

. Clause must be inserted

. Clause must be struck outhas (have) inserted a clause by which

Insert the fol lowing clause(s)will alter the clause respecting

Will not alter the clauseDo not allow any clause to be inserted which wil lClause(s) altered as followsObject to clauseA clause has been inserted by whichIf clause approvedIf clause not approvedClause makes it impossible toAlter clause as followsInsert clause

ClayIn the clayThrough the clayClay iron oreClay seamClay wallClay state

C lean - upAfter tons were crushed

,the clean - up gave

This clean - up i s small owing to [inThis clean - up fairly indicates the value of the

After our next clean - upClean - up after days ofinches Of water, cost ofmaterial generalthe run


462 Cemetery .

yield being cost of labourterial general expenses

The result of the last clean ! up wasPartial clean - up

Cl ean ed - upHave cleaned- up after crushingHave cleaned- up

Cl imate

Cl imate good all the yearThe climate in winter very severeCl imate very unhealthyCl imate very heal thyClimate very bad

C loseClose with the offer

CL O 51

Cl ose (continued)Do not close until you hear fromShall I (we) close .

I (we) advise you to close with this offerDO not closeCan you close

Cl osed

Has (have) closed withHas (have) not closed withHave you closedClosed atI (we) have closedI (we) have not closedMarket closed weakMarket closed strongH as (have) closedIf has (have) closedIf has (have) not closed

Cl osingClosing price

Cl ue

Has (have) any clue toHas (have) a clue toH as (have) not any clue to


Seams of coalThe coal l ies between beds ofCoal seam in . in thicknessAnthracite coalB ituminous coalBrown coalSend tons of coalIt i s cheaper to burn coal than woodI t is cheaper to burn wood than coalCoal i s brought fromCoal has been proved on the propertyCoal in the districtIn the coal measuresCoal is shillings per ton del ivered atThe coal seam dips into the adjoining propertyThe coal extends over acres [tonCoal can be del ivered at the mine for per

The coal is very badThe coal is very good


Coarse goldCoarse grained

Cobal t

ContainsCol l ap se

H as (have) allowed the scheme to col lapse

per cent of cobalt


Col lapse (continued)To prevent a collapse of the whole affai rA total collapse of the marketThere has been a complete collapse

Col l apsed

Has (have) collapsedThe negotiations have collapsed

Co l l ect

Collect all the information you can aboutTo collect

Col orado

Gold mine in ColoradoSilver mine in ColoradoMine in Colorado

CombinationUnless there i s a comb ination of

Owing to a combination ofForming a combination of

CombineWill combine with us (to)

will combine with us (to )will not combine with us (to)will not combine with

offer(s) to combine withDo not combineI f necessary combine with

Comb in edHas (have) combined withHas (have) not combined withIs (are) found combined withChemically combinedN ot chemically combinedMechanically combined

Com e

Come as soon as possibleCome home immediatelyCan I comeWhen can you comeI can comeI f you can comeCan you comeCome backCome down toCome up toCannot come tillMust come back hereWhen are you comingWill come about [settledAs soon as come(s) , things can be defini te lyI want your help come here at once leave

in charge of everything

54 COM

N o . CodeWord. Commun icate (continued)2625 Chiarano Communicate in confidence to2626 Chibanca Commun ication

262 7 Chibbato Am (are) in communication with262 8 Chibitil Is (are) in communication with2629 Chibooque There are no mean s of communication with2630 Chicane N o means of communication between

Have only postal communication with. [graphicN0 means of communication e ither postal or teleTelegraphic communication impeded with .

What communication i s there betweenCompany (See R egisteredDividend- paying CompanyNou - dividend - paying CompanyLimited liability CompanyCompany in l iquidationCompany in difficultiesCan you form CompanyThe existing CompanyTrying to wreck the CompanyVery sound CompanyCompany decline toI (we) advise the Company to acquireIn the hands of a CompanyDo you advise the Company to acquireThe mine was owned by a Company who became

Compare [bankruptIf you compareCompare my letter ofCannot compare wi th

ComparedHas (have) comparedHas (have) not comparedHas (have) compared

Comp elwant (s) to compel u s tocannot compel us to

Cannot compel to

Ought to compel to

Could you not compelThis would compel

Comp el l edHas (have) been compelled toHas (have) compelled to

Compelled to take legal proceedingsComp en sation

demand (s) as compensationWhat compensation wouldClaim compensationWill require heavy compensation

COM 55

Comp en sation (continued)Will require some smal l compensationN ot content with compensation Offered (of

Compensatedhas (have) been compensatedhas (have) not been compensated

Shall I be compensatedWill be compensatedWill not be compensated

Compl ain t.

There i s great complaint aboutA complaint againstSerious cause of complaint

Comp l eteIn order to completeR eady to comp lete purchaseDo not complete purchase t il lCan you complete examination byWhen will you completeCan completeCannot complete

Comp l etedWil l purchase be completedIf .purchase is not completed byThe purchase to be completed byHas (have ) been comple tedHas (have) not been completedWil l shortly be comple tedCannot be completed til lW111be completed by

ComposedIs (are) composed ofOf what is (are) the composed

Compreh ensiv e . [prehensiveTelegraph your report, making i t thorough ly comN ot sufficiently comprehensive

CompriseDoes th is compriseThis compr isesThis does not comprise

Comprom iseShall I compromiseCompromise if you canI cannot compromiseY ou must not compromise

Comprom isedHas (have) compromisedHas (have) not compromisedHas (have) compromised

Con ceal ed

Concealed the fact that


Conceal ed (continued)Concealed the true state of affairs

Con centration

Concentration worksConcentration works are absolutely necessaryI n consequence of there being no concen trationThe ore requires concentration [works

Con cession (s)I t is necessary to get a concession fromWill arrange to get a concession forCannot get a concession fromWho is the concession fromWho has the concessionConcession of no valueConcess ion of great value

Cond emn (s)Condemn(s) the whole concernCondemn(s) the mines as good for nothingIf condemn(s)

Con demn ed

The mine was condemnedThe machinery was condemned

Cond ition (s)In its present conditionConditions absurdIn the present condition of the

In good conditionIn bad conditionCondition improvedCondition worseConditions to be the same

impose(s) impossible conditionsWill you agree to these conditionsI (we) accept the conditionsCannot agree to the conditionsOnly on condition thatThe conditions are to be

Confiden ce . [know itI tell you th is in strictest confidence ; l et no one

I (we) have every confidence inI (we) have no confidence inIn whom you may place thorough confidenceIn whom you can place no confidenceI s (are) unworthy of confidenceIs (are) worthy of every confidenceCan I (we) have confidence in

Confid en t

Can you be confident thatI am (we are) confident that

is (are) confident thatN ot confident that

ConfirmI can (we can) confirmI (we) cannot confirmCan you confirm

s statements’

s statements’

s s tatements [regard toCan confirm all ’

s statements except the one inCannot confirm ’

s statements respect ingamount of ore in s ight

Confirmation [repor tAs soon as I (we) receive confirmation of the

Subject to the confirmation of the reports (of)Confirmation of the report(s) (ofTelegraph your confirmation of.Wait ing for confirmation of ’

s reportConfirm ingYour telegram confirming the report receivedI (we) telegraphed confirming the report on

Confl ictingR eports are conflictingOwing to confl icting accounts

Con fusionTo prevent confusionEverything is in a state of confusion

Congl om erate

Conn ect

I n order to connect theSO as to connect

Conn ected

Connected withConnected byN ot connected in any way with

ConnectingConnecting Levels N o. by a winzeConnecting the works withConnecting with the shaftsI s there any way of connecting


In connect ion withMust make connection withConnection has been made withHave no connection withH as (have) any connection withAvoid al l connection with

Consen t

Will consent towi ll consen t towill not consent to

Waiting to get consent fromShould not consent to

Con sequ en ce

What would be the consequence (if)


Con sequen ce (continued)Of great consequence (to)Of l ittle consequenceIn consequence ofwhichOf no consequenceMay lead to very serious consequences

Con sideration

It is a matter for grave considerationTaking into considerationFor the consideration ofGive this your bes t considerationHas (have) not been taken into considerationN ot worth consideration

Con sist

What does the cons ist ofConsist(s) of

Con sol idate

In order to consolidate the propertyShould be consol idated

Consu l t

Y ou had better consu l t withConsult before actingWhom had I (we) better consul tConsult a thoroughly ‘competent lawyer

Con su l tation [your consultation 'withTelegraph what conclusion you arrive atAfter consul tat ion wi th

Con sump tionWhat is the consumption of coal per dayConsumption of coal is tons per dayIncreasing the consumption of

Decreasing the consumption ofCon tact

A contact lodeIn contact withIn close con tact withN ot exactly in the contact

Con tain (s)The ore containsDoes i t containIt does containIt does not contain

Con tingen cy( ies)Allowing for any contingenciesThis does not allow for any contingenciesTo provide for con t ingenciesFor contingencies

Con tinue

To continue theThe first thing is to continue theContinue s inking

CON 59

Con tinue (continued)The stopes continue to look wellThe mine continues to lookThe vein continues to lookShall continueY ou must continue (to)Will still continue toI t would be advisable to continueContinue to telegraph regularly

Con tinu ityIn continuity with

Contract(s) (See also SignMake a fresh contractHas (have) made a fresh contractN o contract has been madeBy the terms of the contractThe work is all being done on contractHas (have) made a contract withOwing to the contract between and

has (have) thrown up the contractHave you entered into any contract . [withI (we) have made a contract in my (our) nameThe contract is signedInsist on fulfilment of contractCan you make a contract in your own name with

has (have) made contract in favour ofsame terms as last

The contract i s not yet signedContract has fallen throughOn completion of ’


Can you contract ICan contractCannot contractI s the contract S ignedDo not close the contract till

Con tradict

Contradict the reportsCon traryUnless you hear to the contraryUnless I (we) hear to the contraryN ot having heard to the contraryContrary to instructions .

Con trol

In order to control the marketIn order to get control ofTo control the stockThe contro l of the stock is in the hands ofWho has the control at presentI t is imperative thatwe should have entire controlTo control the


60 COP

Copper (continued)Copper minePercentage of copperCopper pyritesGrey copperBlack oxide of copperCarbonate of copperVeins of copper oreCopper platesCopper plates silveredCopper ore containingCopper ore containing


CopySend me (us) immediately a copy of by postHave sent by post a copy ofWill send by mai l of a copy ofA copy of the agreement will be forwardedA copy of theHave you a copy

Cord s of woodThere are cords of wood ready stackedIt takes cords of wood per week forCord ofwood costs

Corn er

There is a corner inI s there a corner InAre trying to get a corner In


E verything is qui te correctis (are) not correct as to

The accounts are not correc t . [correThe account is correct (or, The accounts a

Quite correctI s it correct thatI s everything correct


Can you corroborate — ’

s statementsMoney ready to purchase mine if you corrobor

S statementsCan corroborate all ’

s statementsCannot corroborate — ’

S statementsCost

Cost per mileI estimate the cost of development atI estimate the cost of sinking atI estimate the cost of driving atI estimate the cost of mill ing atI estimate the cost of mining atI estimate the cos t of prospecting atI estimate the cost of pumping at

6 3 OR E

N o . CodeWord ! Credit (continued)3020 Comfort Please open a credit in favour of30 2 1 Comforter What amoun t have you to my credi t30 2 2 Comfortful Cred itor(s)30 23 Comically Creditors are pressing30 24 Cominuir . The principal creditor(s)30 2 5 Comitare Large creditor(s )30 2 6 Comitato Who are the principal creditor(s)30 2 7 Comitial Creek

30 2 8 Comitre In the bed of the creek. [summer30 29 Comma The creek is never dry, even in the hottes t3030 Commandry Cretaceous

303 1 Commark Cri sis

303 2 Commeatu There will be a crisis3033 Commerce Do you fear a crisis3034 Commessa In order to weather the cris is3035 Commiato Croppings.

3036 Committal The croppings of the vein Show for3037 Commix Ore taken from the croppings3038 Commode The croppings of the vein are well defined30 39 Commodore . The cropp ings3040 Gommage . Cross - cut

304 1 Commoner Cross cut from Level No. i s driven3042 Commons Cross - cut to the vein3043 ,

Commonty The cross - cut from3044 Commonweal The cross - cut to be extended3045 Commother Cross - cut is in3046 Commove Cross - cut has advanced the distance of feet3047 Commune Have struck large body of ore in the cross - cut3048 Commutual Are now dr iving a cross - cut from3049 Compages Cross - cut i s getting into30 50 Compart Have struck small body of ore in the cross - cut305 1 Compasses Cross - cut is making good headway3052 Compatriot H ow far is the cross - cut in3053 Compeer H ow far have you to drive to cross - cut lode3054 Compend When do you expect to cut lode in cross - cut30 55 Compile E xpect to cross - cut lode in feet30 56 Complacent Expect to cross - cut lode in days3057 Completive H ow far has cross - cut advanced3058 Complex Cross - cut had advanced feet30 59 Complexion Cross - cut has cut the lode3060 Complier Have cut lode in cross - cut306 1 Complin Cru c ib le3062 Componed Clay crucibles30 63 Component Plumbago crucibles3064 Composer Forward at once3065 Composedly Cru sh

dozen crucibles

3066 Composite H owmany tons can you crush per week3067 Compost Crush on ly low grade ore

3068 Compound Crush on ly high grade ore3069 Comprador Can crush tons per


CodeWord. Cru sh (continued)Compress Will be able to crush tons perCompriest Crush ed

Comprint To tal amount crushed i s tonsCompromit Total amount crushed unrecordedComptoir Cru shed during last seven daysComputer Crushed during the lastComrade Crush er(s)Comtist R equire additional crusher(s)Conacre A stone crusherConation A Blake’s crusherConatus Crush ingConcavely Are crushing at the rate of tons per dayConceit Crushing in firstrate styleConcentre Curtai l

Concentric Y ou must curtail the expensesConcentual Trying to curtail expensesConcept Cannot curtail expensesConceptive Cu stomConceptual What is the customConcerted The custom here i s toConcertina The custom has been toConcerto Custom HouseConcierge Custom - house authorities wil l permitConciliar Custom - house authorities will not permitConcision Will the custom- house authorities permitConclave Cut

Concoct Hope to cut the veinConcordat Have not yet cut the veinConcordist Have cut the veinConcourse Where we have cut the veinConcretion Have cut a ledgeConcuss Had cutCondenser Had not cutCondescend Telegraph when you cut the veinCondign CuttingCondiment Cuttmg intoCondite Cutting outConditory Cutting into good oreCondole t

Conducent At per cwtConductor H owmuch per cwtCondyle H owmany cwtsDactylic Dai lyDactylion Daily reportsDado Must have the daily record ofDaggle Telegraph dailyDaglock DamDagoba It will be necessary to erect a damDagon I estimate the cost of erecting dam at

Dagswain What would be the cost of making darn


Damage (s)Damage caused byOwing to the damage done byDamage must be repairedDamage not yet ascertainedWhat is amount of damageGreat damage has occurred (toSlight damage has occurred (to

DamagingGreatly damaging theI s very damaging to the affair

Dampn essOwing to the excessive dampness of the cl imate

DangerIs there any danger (of)There is great danger (of)In danger ofThere will be no danger ofThere i s no danger of

Dangerou sThe is too dangerous to be continuedOwing to the dangerous state of the

It is very dangerous (to)Dangerous to delay

DataThere i s no rel iable dataI s there any rel iable data


At an early dateWhat date has been fixed forYour telegrams received up to date areHave you received my (our) datedHave you received my telegrams to dateDated respectivelyYour dated rece ivedThe earlies t dateThe latest dateWhat is the date ofWhat is the earl iest dateWhat is the lates t dateY ou must name an earlier dateY ou must name a late date

Day (s)Will send report in a few daysDuring the next few daysIn the course of a few daysI t takes days to get to fromH owmany days does it take to get toCausing an unusual delay of daysI t will only take two or three days

DAY 65


I t will only take daysAn answer wi l l be given inI t will take days to getThe next dayThe day afterFrom day to dayPer day of 24 hours [cleared of dé brisI t wi ll take days to get mine unwatered andH owmany days Will i t take to make examinationI t will take days to go to examinethe mines, and return here

H owmany days wil l you be absentI will be absent daysOne dayTwo daysThree daysFour daysFive daysSix daysSeven daysE ight daysNine daysTen daysE leven daysTwelve daysThirteen daysFourteen daysFifteen daysSixteen daysSeventeen daysE ighteen daysNineteen daysTwenty daysTwenty- one daysTwenty- two daysTwenty- three daysTwenty - four daysTwenty- five daysTwenty - six daysTwenty - seven daysTwenty- eight daysTwenty - nine daysThirty daysDay sh iftDays per weekDays per monthDays per year

DeadR egret to tell you i s dead (died on the)Have cut the vein

,but i t i s dead




Dead (confznnea’

)Large amount of dead work must be done

. H as (have) done no dead work

is (are) most honourable to deal withis (are) not good person (people) to deal

Dear [Wi thToo dear at the price

. Is (are) not dearDebenturesDebentures will be issued to amount ofWill you take debentmes for

DebitDeb i t all charges toDo not debitY ou can debit me

DebrisLevels full of dé brisThe mine

,after being unwatered

,was full of

dé bris, which has to be cleared away beforehas (have) been in the habit of fi ll ing up the

Cross - cuts filled with dé bri s with debrisDebt(s)I s (are) heavily in deb tI s (are) in deb t toTo clear off the debt

Deceiv ehas (have) done all he (they) could to deceive

. Do you think is (are) trying to deceiveDeceiv ed [(as to)

has (have) deceived us most shameful lyhas (have) deceived us with regard tohas (have) been deceived by

Has (have) not been deceived with regard toD ecember.

For the month of DecemberDur ing the month of DecemberE arly in DecemberAbout the middle of DecemberTowards the end of DecemberNext DecemberLast Decemberrst of December2nd of December3rd of December4th of Decembersth of Decemberoth of December7th of December8 th of Decemberoth of December


Code Word D ecember (contznned)Decoct 1 oth of DecemberDecoctible 1 1 th of DecemberDecoction 1 2 th of DecemberDecocture 13th of DecemberDecoifi

‘e 14th of December

Decollate 15th of DecemberDecolour 16th of DecemberDecompose 1 7th of DecemberDecompte 18 th of DecemberDecorabo roth of DecemberDecorate 20th of DecemberDecorative 2 1st of DecemberDecorator 2 2nd of DecemberDecorous 23rd of DecemberDecorum 24th of DecemberDecoy . 25th of DecemberDecree a6th of DecemberDecreeable 2 7th of DecemberDecremen t 2 8th of DecemberDecrepit 29th of DecemberDecrescent goth of DecemberDecretal 3 rst of DecemberDecretist Deceptive

Decretory It is very deceptiveDecreuse Dec ideDecrial As soon as you decideDecrown I t wil l be necessary to decide at onceDecubation Will decideDecubitus Will not decideDecumbency Cannot decide untilDecuman . To enable me (us) to decideDecumbent Should decide not to

Decuple Should decide toDecurion Y ou must decide at onceDecurrent Decided

Decurrit What has (have) decidedDecurs ion Has (have) decided toDecussate Has (have) decided not toDedicate It has been decided.

Dedication It has been decided not toDedicatory N ot yet decided (whether)Dedignar Telegraph as soon as it is decidedDedimus . Dec iph erDedition Decipher this telegram and send it toDeduceth Cannot decipherDeductive DecisionDeedful As soon as we get your decisionDeedless The final decis ion is toDeedy . Decision in our fa‘vourDeelbaar The decision i s against us




Decision (continued)Telegraph what decision has been arrived atWhat decision has been come to

Decl areThis will enable you to declareCan we declare

Decl ine [to do with the affairI advise you to decline having anything furtherWill declineWill soon declineI advise you to declineWhat is the cause of the decline inThe stock is sure to declineDecline the offer

decline(s) to have anything further to do

[with of

decl ine(s) to go into the concern on accountE very prospect of a declineNo prospect of a declineIf decline(s)Must decline

Dec l in edWhy has (have) declined

has (have) declined the offer on account ofhas (have) not yet positively declinedhas (have) declined to act

Decompose dDecomposed iron pyritesDecomposed quartzDecomposed grani teDecomposed vein matter

DecreaseH owdo you account for decreaseThere has been a great decrease inBy which means we hope to decreaseY ou must try to decrease the

DeductTo deductY ou must deduct from thisWe shall have to deductCannot deduct

DeductingAfter deductingN ot deducting

D eeds

Al l the deeds are in my (our) handsHas (have) handed over the deeds toThe deeds are deposited in Bank ofWould recommend you to have deed(s) made out

and placed in escrowDeed (s) is (are) of no value


Del ay (continued)Avo id any delay as much as poss1bleGo without delay toTo avoid delayDelay is unavo idable

has (have) tried to delayThere must be no delay

Del ayedhas (have) been delayed by

Unavo idably delayed byWhy has (have) delayedHas (have) delayed

D el iv erWhen will del iver

wil l del iverwill not del iver

Do not del iverCan deliverCannot deliverDeliver to

D el iv eredTo be delivered toHas (have) delivered to

Del iv erySubject to delivery onAwaiting delivery ofAgainst del iveryWill guarantee del ivery on

Demand (s).Demand immediate paymentY ou mus t demandThere is a great demand forShould demandDo not demandCan meet all immediate demandsDemand immediate settlementDemand the stock immediatelyThere is no demand forWhat demand have you forContinue(s) in fair demand


H as (have) demandedHas (have) demanded immediate set tlementHave you demanded. [stockHas (have) demanded immediate del ivery of theHas (have) not demandedIf has (have) demanded

Demoral i z ed

Has (have) become thoroughly demoralizedDepend

Must depend on

Code Word.







DemigodDemigorgeDemijohnDemilanceDemimondeDemisableDemiseDemitoneDemivol tDemocracyDemocratDemographyDemo isel leDemol i shDemol itionDemon


Dep end (continued )Depend uponCannot depend UponY ou may thoroughly depend onY ou must not depend onIf you can depend onIf you cannot depend onDepend for supplies uponShall have to depend upon

Depend edCan be depended uponCannot be depended uponH as (have) depended uponHas (have) not depended upon

D eposit(s)A rich gold- bearing deposi tThe extent of the deposit isLarge deposits ofSuperficial depositsDeposi t my stock withDeposit to my (our) credit withDeposit withDeposit of per centHas (have) demanded deposi tInsis t upon having depositMust deposi t sufficient to cover all expensesMust be deposited

refuse(s) to make a depositWhat deposit is requiredR equire a remittance of for deposit to securewhat I consider a very valuable property on the

following termsD epositedThis sum to be depos ited withDeposited to your credit withHas (have) depos ited at Bank the sum of

Have deposited as security (or [ ms deposited)To be deposited

DepreciationFor depreciationDepreciation of machinery and plant


Stocks are depressedThe market i s depressedOwing to depressed state of

DepressingHas (have) a depress ing effect on

DepthDepth of incl ineDepth of shaftDepth ofwinze

72 DEP

N o. Cod eWord. Dep th (continued)441 1 g

Demoness At a considerable depth below the surface44 1 2 Demon i tiz e At a depth of feet44 13 Demoniacal The vein has been proved to a depth of44 14 Demonic Winze has been sunk to a depth of44 15 Demonism Depth attained to date44 1 6 Demonomy R icher as depth is attained44 1 7 Demonship Has reached a depth of feet44 18 Demoralize The mine has been worked by shafts and cross

cuts to a depth of feet4419 Demotic Must be sunk to a depth of4420 Demulcent To a depth of442 1 Demur They ceased work at a depth of442 2 Demureness What depth is the4423 Demurrage A moderate depth4424 Demutilo Derive4425 Den Y ou will be able to derive all informationfrom4436 Denarius Was (were) able to derive information from

(about) [fmm442 7 Denary Was (were) not able to derive any information4428 Denasare From which I (we) derive I4429 Denascor Cannot derive4430 Dendriform Descrip tion443 1 Dendrion Send full description443 2 Dendroit According to the description4433 Dendrolite Is (are) nothing like the description4434 Dendrology Fu l l description by first post4435 Denegate D esert4436 Deneghi . I s (are) situated m a desert4437 Denegoso The country round the mines is quite a désert4438 Denguero Desirabl e4439 Deniably I t is mos t desirable (that)4440 Denicher . I t 13 not at all des irable (that)444 1 Denier . Is i t desirable (that).4442 Denique If you consider i t desirab le (that)4443 Denization Destroyed4444 Denizen A fire has destroyed4445 Denkart A flood has destroyed4446 Denkbuch Has (have) been destroyed4447 Denkzeit H owwas (were) destroyed4448 Denoder . Detai l(s)4449 Denormo will furnish you with all the detail s4450 Denotable When can you mail details4451 Denotate Details wil l be mailed on4452 Denotingly Details will be mailed in a few days4453 Denouemen t Has (have) sent the fullest details4454 Denounce Has (have) received the fullest details4455 Densar Must have fuller details of4456 Densatum Send ful l details4457 Densely Send sufficient details to enable us here to form

intelligent opinion about the matter

DET 73


Denseness Detain

Densuno Will detain me (us) some daysDentados Do not l et anything detain youDentaire This will detainDentalium This will not detainDentaria Will th is detainDen tated Detain ed

Dentibus H as (have) been detained byDenticao Am (are) detained here for want of moneyDentiera Detained byDentifrice This has detainedDentistry H ow long will you be detainedDentorno Should you be detainedDentosus Detained in consequence of

Denudate Will be detained daysDenuding Deve l opDenuesto In order to developDenunzia Will probably develop a valuable mineDenupsit To developDeobstruct D ev el opmen t(s)Deodand Developments in the mine areDeodorant Developments fully justify the advance inDeoderiz er Developments do not justify advance inDeoppilate Developments expected every dayDeox ydate The only development is [developmentDepactus The mines are valuable prospects requiringDepain t To continue the developmentsDeparar N ot sufficient development toDeparter Do developments justifyDepasture N ew developmentsDepayser D iam eter

Depeche D iamond (s)Depelare By use of diamond drillsDependas Diamond mineDepeuple Diamonds discovered atDepex us E stimated value of diamonds foundDepictum Y ou will have to go to the diamond mines ofDepierdo carats of diamonds valueDepingor ,

Diamonds found inDepique Diamondiferous blue groundDeplaise Diamondiferous alluvial depos itsDepletive D id

Deploreth What did he (they) doDeployment What did you doDeplumis H e (they ) didDepolarize H e (they) did notDepopulate Did notDeportment I (we) didDeposab le I (we) did notDeposcdr Why did you

74 DID

D id (continued)Why did you not

I (we) did not getI (we) did not seeDid you go toDid you

D iesShoes and dies of ironShoes and dies of steelSet of shoes and dies

D i fferen ceIs there any differenceThere i s a great differenceThere is no differenceDifference between

D i fferent [led to supposeI find a very different state of things to what I wasThe reports are very different

has (have) been tell ing two different talesUnder very different circums tancesThe mine(s) has (have) been in a number of

D ifficu l t [different bandsThe mine(s) i s (are) very difficult to workIt will be a very difficul t undertaking

D i fficu l tyWill there be any difficultyI—Ias (have) found great difficultyWill have some difficultyHas (have) found no difficul tyThe difficulty i sWi ll have no difficultyWhat i s the difficulty

D im ension s

Please give dimensions ofThe d1mensions are

What are the dimens1onsD ioriteDyke of diorite

D ip (s)The dip of the lodeDips at an angle of degreesDips to the

D irectShall go direct toDirect communication wi thY ou had better go direct toThere is no direct route toDirect all letters to the care of

Direct all letters to hotel atDirect all telegrams to the care of

Direct all telegrams to hotel atat


D irectors

The directors approveThe directors disapproveThe directors authorize you toWould the directors agree to

D isab l edDisabled by an accidentDisabled by s icknessI s (are) disabled from

D isbursem en ts.

Disbursements this month have beenDisbursements las t month have beenWhat have been the disbursemen ts for

D ischargeDischarged forHas been discharged

D iscontinu ed

Has (have) discontinued drivingHave discontinued developments on accountWhy was the discontinued

D iscoun tThe shares are at a discountWhat discount allowed for cashDiscount for cashCan you discountCan discountCannot discountAt a discount ofR ate of discountCannot allow any discount

D iscouragingThe accounts are very discouragingThe aspect of adairs is very discouraging

D i scov er

Can you discoverCannot discover.Hope to discover

D iscov ered .

Have you discoveredH as (have) discovered .

Has (have) not discoveredD iscoveryImportant discovery (of)

D iscretionY ou must act on your own discretionAt the discretion ofHave no discretion in the matterAt my (our) discretion

D ish onourablyhas (have) acted very dishonourably

D istance


D ism issHave been obliged to dismiss on account ofDismiss all the men you can possibly do withoutDo not dismiss

D ispen sed withMust be dispensed wi thCan be dispensed withCannot be dispensed withWill be dispensed withHas (have) been dispensed with

D isputeThere i s a dispute (about theThere i s a dispute between .

The dispute has been settled about theThe dispute is not yet settled about theWhat is the dispute


is (are) very much dissatisfiedAm (are) very much dissatisfiedStockholders are dissatisfied

D issolution

Dissolution of partnership between and

The distance isA distance of

Distance from the shaft toWhat is the distance

D istin ctThere areQuite distinctThe meaning of your telegram is not distinctIs not distinct

distinct veins

D istri ctIn the districtGrow(s) in the dis trictIn the mining district ofThe whole di strict

iD iv i deWill divideWill not divideHas (have) agreed to divide (the)Ought to div1deWil l divide the

D iv id endDividends will be largerDividend has been declared onDividend is passed onDividend will beCannot pay dividendAm (are) confident that the mine wi ll prove agood dividend - paying concern


Dol l ars (continued)Dol lars per share

Do l orite

Do l om iteDon eMust be doneCan i t be doneWhen will it be doneWhat has been doneWhat have you done with regard toWill be done immediatelyIt can be doneI t cannot be doneHas (have) been doneHas (have) not been doneWill have to be doneNothing can be done (owing to)Will endeavour to get it doneA great deal has been done (to)Very little has been done (to)

Doubl eDouble the quantityTo double the

DoubtHave you any doub tHave no doubtHave great doubtI s there any doubt aboutThere i s no doubt aboutThere is a doubt about

DownThe vein goes downGoing downDown toDown to water levelHas (have) not gone downHas (have) gone down

DownwardA downward tendency

DraftDraft is on the wayDraft paidWill you pay draft forPlease pay draftI will pay draft forPlease provide for draftDraft provided forSend me (us) draft uponHave sent you draft uponWill send you draft uponHave honoured your draft

DRA 79

Draft (continued)Your draft for has been dishonoured atDraft dishonoured Drawer had no authori ty to

Drain [drawIn order to drain the mineTo drainFree drainage to depth of

Drain ingE ffectually draining the mine

Draw (See also Sight )Drawon me (us)At what date may I drawOn whom shall I (we) drawArrange to draw uponMay (we) draw forHave had to draw on

Draw on for the amount ofDraw at days ’ dateY ou may draw forDraw at days’ sightY ou may not draw forHave drawn on youTo what amount may I (we) drawN ot authorized to drawCannot draw out.

Authorized to drawDrawback

The drawback i sA mos t serious drawback

DrawnHave drawn on

To what amount have you drawnDri ftDrift from the

Drift from the incl ine i s inDrift from the shaft is inH ow i s drift lookingDrift has made the distance of

Drift is now inNorth drift on theSouth drift on theEas t drift on theWes t drift on theThe drift has advancedDrift passed through ore giving high assaysBottom driftThe bottom drift looks wel l for oreA sample taken from the drift assayedI t only appears at the bottom of the driftDrift now in ore averaging per ton

The lower drift is looking

feet level i s infeet leve l is infeet level is infeet level is in

80 DRI

CodeWord. Dri ft (continued)

Digram H ow is the lower drift lookingDigress Dri l l s

Digynia Machine drills are doing excellent workDigynous Machine rock - drillDijader Diamond dri llDijbreuk Machine drills are working badlyDijeron Dri v e (s )Dij zak To drive in on the vein

From various drivesDikamali . . Driv en

Dikbast Have driven inDikbuik Have driven in upon the ve1n for

Dikdarm Driv ingDikheid Have commenced drivingDiking Have stopped driving in (on account of)Dilaniate DryDilater The mines are always dryDiletante The mine is quite dryDiletico Dry weatherDilutedly Dump (8 )Diluvium An abundance of ore on the dumpDimerous Tons of ore on the dumpDimeyed Tons of ore from the dumpDiminutive Assays from the dump averagedDimissory Measurement of the dump showed it to conta1nDimple O ld waste dumps [about tonsDimsighted Dupl icateDimarchy Send a dupl icate copy ofDingdong Have sent you a duplicateDiocesan Will send you a duplicate copy (of the)Diopside DutyDiOprics Neglects h is dutyDipetalous is unable to attend to his dutyDiphtheria has returned to his dutyDiphthong What is the rate of duty onDiphyodont The duty onDiplogenic Dwel l ing- h ouse

Diplomacy There is a good superintendent’s dwel lmg- houseDipsomania There is no manager’s dwelling- houseE adish E ach

E agerly In each caseEampse Have visited each [ tinct 1n your reportE arache Keep the details of each mine separate and disEarbored . . E agerE arcap Is very eager toEarcockle I s (are) not very eager toE ardrop Do not appear too eagerE ardrum Is (are) eager toE ared E arlyEarl E arliest possible

82 EFF

E ffectual l yWill this effectuallyThis wil l effectuallyFear this will not effectually

E ffort

E very effort must be made (to)E very effort will be made (to)E very effort has been made (to)

i s (are) making no effort toSpare no effort to

E ith er

E ither will doE ither one or the otherE ither of them

:E l ap seThe bond will elapse [onThe mine was bonded for which W111 elapseHas (have) allowed the t ime to elapseDo not let the time elapseWhen does time elapse

E l ap sed

Has elapsedHas not elapsedWil l have elapsedWill not have elapsedMust be done before the time has elapsed

E lectedhas (have) been electedhas (have) not been elected

Who has been elected (to)Has (have) elected toHas (have) elected not toWhat has (have) elected to

E l ectri cityE lectrical machine for blastingE lectric fuses

E levation [above the sea

The “

elevation of the mine(s) i s (are) feetWhat is the elevation of the mine(s) above the

At this elevation [seaAt what elevationAt an elevation of

E l ic itedHave you elicited anything fromHas (have) elicited from thatH as (have) not elicited anything from

E lsewh ereHave to send elsewhereCannot apply elsewhereTry elsewhere

EMA 83


The report emanated from . [the report emanatedHas (have) not been able to find out from whomFrom whom has this report emanatedHas (have) emanated fromHas (have) not emanated from

Emeral d (s)The emeralds are found inEmerald minesY ou will have to go to the emerald mines of

Emp l oyI t will be necessary to employThe Company employs men

H owmany men does the Company employY ou had employ some otherY ou had better employ some one to

H owmany men i s i t necessary to employMust employ for th is work good English minersEmploy all poss ible means toCan you employCan employCannot employAuthorize you to employDo not employ .

Emp l oyedHas (have) employedHas (have) not employedHas (have) employedHas (have) been employedHas (have ) not been emp loyedGood E nglish miners must be employed

EmpoweringEmpowering you toEmpowering m e (us) toEmpowering him (them) toEmpowering to

E nab l e

Will enable me (us) to judgeWil l enable me (us) toWi l l enable you toWill this enable

E n couragem en t

Do the mines give any encouragementThere is no encouragementThere i s every encouragementIs there any encouragement

E n croach ingIs (are) encroachingIs (are) not encroachingI s (are) encroaching


N 0 . CodeWord .

5008 E ffondre5009 E ffracture

50 10 E ffringo

50 1 1 E ffritez50 12 E ffrontery50 13 E ffulgence50 14 E ffulsit

50 15 E ffulta

50 16 E ffumable

50 17 E ffurcion

50 18 Egaliser

50 19 Egestate

50 20 E ggcup50 2 1 Eggerig

50 22 Eggflip

5023 E ggshell50 24 Eggspoon

50 2 5 Eggwhisk50 2 6 Egilopes

50 2 7 Egimorus

50 28 Eglomerate50 2 9 Egoarico

5030 E goism503 1 Egoislar

5032 Ego istic5033 Egomet

5034 E gophony5035 Egorgeur

5036 Egosil ls

15037 Egotheism5038 E gotize5039 Egregious5040 Egressao

504 1 Eguadez

5042 Egualdad

5043 Egyptian5044 E 1bisch

5045 E idlich5046 E idograph5047 E ido lon5048 E ightfold5049 E ightscore5050 Eikentak

505 1 E inamten

5052 E inarmig5053 E inblick5054 E inbogig

5055 E indruck5056 E inengen5057 E infach

E ncroachment


Do not allow any encroachmentTo prevent any encroachmentTo stop at once the encroachment

E nd

In the end

At the end of

An end of

To bring it to an endThe end of

E ndeavour(s)Use your best endeavours toWill endeavour

E nd ingThe ending of

E nforce

Y ou must enforce on

lVil l enforceMust enforce

E n forced

Have you enforcedHas (have) enforcedMust be enforcedCannot be enforced

E ngageCan you engagePlease engageWill engage

E ngagedH as (have) engagedHas (have) not engagedEngaged temporarilyMust not be engagedY ou may engage temporarily

E ngagem ent(s)

the necessity of

Do not make any engagementsI s (are) under an engagement toN o engagement has been madeWhat engagements have you made

E ngin e (8 )The engine has been removed fromWill replace the engineThe engine is out of repairThe repairs to the engineR equireHoisting engine of

Portable engine of

h.p. engme

Pumping and winding engine in one of

What is h.px of engine .

The engine at the mill

86 ENT

E ntertain (continued)Will entertainWi ll not entertain

E ntirelyI s it entirelyIt is entirelyIt is not entirely

E ntitl e

Will this entitleThis will entitleThis will not entitle

E ntitl ed

I s (are entitled toIs (are not entitled toOught to be entitled to

E ocen e

In E ocene formationE p id em icAn epidemic of has broken outE pidemic decreasingEpidemic increasing

E qualI s (are) equal toIs (are) not equal toMust have equal [themThe mines are not equal to the description s of

E rect

Shall have to erectMust erectIs i t positively necessary to erect

E rection

In course of erectionThe erection ofDo you advise the erection ofAdvise erection of

E rror

Owing to an errorThere is an errorThere i s no error whateverI s there not some errorThere i s a great error

E ssential

It is absolutely essentialI t is not absolutely essentialI s it absolutely essential

E stabl ish

To be able to establ ishMust establishCannot establish

E stab l ish ed

Was (were) established

EST 87

E stabl ish ed (continued)Has (have) been es tablishedMust be establ ished

E stimate (s). (See also Cost and Time

E stimate expenses for the month atImpossible to es t imate the valueCannot estimate the quantity of oreI (we) estimate the value of the ore atI (we) estimate the value of the machinery atI (we) estimate the value of mines , plan t, andworks at

Emblazon I (we) estimate the value of the machinery andEmblematic I estimate the expenses at [buildings atEmbodier In your estimate of working expenses do you

Embol ism Do you include in the estimate [includeEmbossed Has (have) included in the estimateEmbotijo Has (have ) not included in the estimateEmboxed Did not include in the estimateEmbracer At what do you estimateEmbrangle Cannot estimateEmbrasure Impossible to estimateEmbrocate E stimates forwardedEmbro ider Please send estimate forEmbromen E stimates will be forwardedEmbronze E stimated

Embrujen E stimated quantity of ore in sigh tEmbrunir R oughly es timated atEmbrusco E stimated cost ofEmbryo E stimation

Embryology In your es timationEmbryonal I n -


s estimationEmbusque E stimation ofEmbutido E vad e

Emelgaba Is (are) trying to evadeEmelgues Will try to evadeEmendals Do not evadeEmendator E ven ingEmeritus On the even ing of theEmersion This eveningEmetic To - morrow eveningEmetiris Las t eveningEmeute E v ent (s)Emicant In the event ofEmictory To be prepared for any eventEmigrant . E veryth ingEm inu lus . E verything readyEmisisti E verything has been arranged mos t satisfactorilyEmissary E verything is going rightEmolliate Everything is going wrongEmotive Put everything in good orderEmousser Everything has been done

88 EVE

Code Word . E v eryth ing (continued)Empacona As soon as everything 15 going rightEmpajad E verything now i s in first- rate orderEmpale H OW IS everything go ingEmpanoply E verything looks wellEmpriz o E v i den ce (s)Emparven The evidence i s in favour ofEmpasm has (have) given evidence on

Empecivo There i s no evidence to proveEmpeigme Get all the favourable evidence you canEmpelada I s there any evidence to prove.

Empel tre E xact.

Empenhar I s (are) exact.Empernad Is (are) not exact.Empesage E xact statement as to.

Emphasis E xam ination . (See also Inspection . )Emphatical Subject to examination . [tion of.

Emphyma Must have before leav1ng for examinaEmpieter . My fee and expenses for examination of

Mine(s) are.

As soon as you have compl eted examination .

wish (es) you to make the most thoroughexamination ofHave returned from making the ex am inatl on of

An immediate examination of the Mine(s) iswanted byMake a searching examinationWhen making the examination of MinesExamination of the — Mine finished, shal l leaveon for

Empoison Examination of the Mine completed , reportwritten and sent

,fee and expenses amount to

Emporium After making searching examinat ionEmpoverish On exam ination being sat isfactoryEmpraz ar E xamination completed and most satisfactoryEmprensa If examination is unsatisfactoryEmpringo E xam in e . (See also Inspect ) [Mine(s) inEmpticio Want (s) you to examine and report on theEmptiness What would you charge to exam ine and report

on a mine in [expenses as well .My charge to examine a mine i s a day


Permit to examine the reportE xamine Mine, and telegraph opin ionE xamine the Mine

,and report by letter

The mine you will have to examine is inCan examine both properties at the same timeCould you examine both properties at the sametime

When can start to examine theCan start to examine the Mine on

E xamine for my (our) account thesituated in


CodeWord. E xcess (continued) .

E ncanar E xpenses in excess ofEncanhas Will there be any excessE ncanico E xchangeEncapaz o At what rate of exchangeE ncardion If exchange i s favourableE ncarpus What is the rate of exchangeEncaustic R ate of exchange i sE ncefalo In exchange forE ncenia E xcitem en t

E necevais Great excitement in the marketEnchada Great excitement prevai lsE nchafe The excitement is subsidingEnchamel To take advantage of the excitement l nE nchant There is no excitement hereE nchanter E xc lu siveE nchique E xclusive of

E nchisel This must be exclusive of

E nchorial E xertionEnclavez U se every exertion toEncloister Has (have) used every exertion toE ncobrir E xistE ncochez Do (does ) not existEncoffin E xists in large quant itiesEncojare Proving that exist (s)E ncolpio N o longer exist(s)E ncomiast E xistingEncompass Under the existing circumstancesEnconreo . At present exist ingEncordio N ot now existingE ncore E xorbitantEncosmeo An exorbitant demandE ncounter The price asked is s imply exorbitantEncovado E xp ectE ncradle When do you expect to be able to leaveEncrasar I fully expect to finish here byE ncrespo I do not expect to leave beforeEncroute Do not expectEncrust Do you expectEncucada I (we) expectEncuesta I (we) do not expectEncumber E xpect to strike the veinEncuneis Y ou may expect to arrive aboutE ncuvage I expect to be here aboutEncyclical Y ou may expectE ncysted I expect to be able toEndeareth E xpect to hearE ndearing When do you expectE ndearment When may I (we) expectEndecagon E xpect to knowEndeictic E xpected

EXP 9 1

E xpected (continued)E xpected to arriveE xpected to leave

E xpectingHas (have) been expecting to

E xped ien tAs may be deemed expedient

E xp ed iteTo expedite matters

E xpend itureA judicious expenditure of capitalB y a small expenditureThe expenditure of capital namedJustifying the expenditure of

The prospects do not j ustify the expenditure (of)The expenditure ofE xpenditure on Capital Account

E xp en se (s) . (See R educe, R egulate. )Telegraph me for travell ing expensesWho wil l pay expenses

will pay expenseswill not pay exp enseswill pay any extra expense incurred

The extra expense to be provided for byE xpenses exceed receipts byE xpenses per ton are. [for the reason thatThe expenses this month have been very heavyN ot sufficient funds to meet the additional expenseThe expenses will not be so great in futureWhat will be the expense of

To meet the expense of

Does (75 ) include the total expensesE xpenses will be aboutGeneral expensesThe expenses necessary toMy fee per day is expenses areThe expenses ought to be paid byWill pay all expenses ofE xpense is no object withWill the expense s exceedWhat will be about the month’s expensesE xpenses for the month of are

Keep expenses down as much as po ssibleWill enta1l very considerab le expenseThe works have been carried on regardless of

expense [expenseThe works have been carried on without muchTo whom shall I (we) apply to pay expenses ofE xpense on R evenue AccountE xpense on Capital AccountProvided that expenses do not exceed


E xpert (s)


E xpense(s) (continued)The expense i s too greatH as (have) paid for expenses

E xpert’s report isExperts’ reports areThe Op inion of every expert in the countryE xperts al l speak favourably of M ine(s)A mining expert of great reputeA mining expert of no repute

E xp lainwill explain everyth ing

Will explainWill not explainE xplain by telegraphExplain by letter

E xp l anationWhat explanation can I giveWait explanation by letterWhat explanation can you giveE xplanation satisfactoryE xplanation not satisfactory

E xp l icitN ot sufficiently explicitMust be more exp l icit

E xpl orationsE xtensive explorations have been madeMore extensive ex ploratl ons must be made

E xp l osionA bad explosion has occurredBoiler explosionE xplosion of

E xten d . (See also Provided )To extendN ot to extendWill extendWill not extendWl l i extend

E xtendedThe tunnel to be extendedTo be extended northTo be extended southTo be extended eastTo be extended wes tWas (were) extendedWas (were) not extendedHas (have) been extendedHas (have) not been extended

E xtensionWill grant extensionE xtension will be granted

94 FAG

Fact (s) (continued)The facts are not as statedWhat are the real facts of the case

Fai l

Do not fail toWill not fail toMust without fail

Fai l ed

Has (have) failed toHas (have) failed to make connectionHas (have) not failedThe trial has failed

Fai lure

What is the failure due toOwing to the failure of

The failure is due toThe failure of

To avo id failureI s an entire failure


Very fairN ot very fairIn a fair wayN ot in a fair wayAre things in a fair way (to)


H as (have) acted very fairlyHas (have) not acted fairlyHas (have) acted fairly with regard to


In good faithIn order to keep good faith withN ot in good fai thGood faith with all concerned

Fal l

A fall in stocks is imminentB e prepared for a fal l inWi l l cause a fall (in)

Fal l en

Has (have) fallenH as (have) not yet fallen

Fal lingStocks are all falling

s tock con tinues fallingTo prevent the shaft from falling inFall ing inFalling off




Far down

M ine(s) has (have) always been famous


Far (continued)Far upFar fromFar in

H ow farN ot far fromFar as you canH ow far will you goI s i t far toFar off

Farth er

To sink fartherTo dr ive fartherGone up fartherWill have to go on fartherN ot much fartherA good deal farther

Farth est

At the farthest poin tWhat is the farthes tN ot the farthes tTo the farthest


As fast as possibleN ot as fast as i t oughtPush on as fast as you can


Cannot get on fasterShal l be able to get on faster

Fath om (s)Shaft has been sunk fathoms

fathoms in depthfathoms apart

One fathomFau ltWhose fault is i tI t is the fault ofThrough no fault ofThrough a fault in theWhat is the fault

was (were) in faul tFavour

i s (are) in favour ofIs (are) not in favour ofIn favour ofN ot in favour ofIn my (our) favourIn your favourIn his (their) favour

Favourab l e

I consider the prospects most favourable



Favourab l e (continued)I t i s a favourable moment toI t is not a favourable moment toI s in a favourab le conditionI s not in a favourable conditionIs it favourableFavourable news


Do you think there is any fearHave no fear as to the resu l tDo not have any fearDo not fearThere is great reason to fearI fear

Feasib l e

Wou ld it be feasibleI t would be feasibleIt would not be feasible

FebruaryDuring the month of FebruaryFor the month of FebruaryE arly in FebruaryAbout the middle of FebruaryTowards the end of FebruaryLast FebruaryNext FebruaryI st of February2nd of February3rd of February4th of February5th of February6th of February7th of February8 th of February9th of Februaryroth of Februaryr 1th of February1 2th of February13 th of February14 th of February1 5th of February16th of February1 7th of February18th of February19th of February2 0th of Februaryz rst of February2 2nd of February23rd of February24th of February25th of February


Ferruginou s (continued)Ferruginous quartzFerruginous matter

FewVery few.

Only a fewThere are very fewTo get a fewSend a few

F ieryFiery seamsOwing to the fiery nature of the seams

F igure(s)At this figure.

About the figureBeyond this figureMistake in the figuresThese figures will showToo high a figure

Fi l lCan you fil l in the t ime betweenMine beginning to fi llFi ll upTo fi ll in the time between

1F i l ledThe stopes are filled withFilled up

fF i l l ingFilling with waterFilling up fast

F inal

Waiting for the finalI s this finalThis i s final0

F ind

I (we) find on further examinationIf you findIf you do not find

I (we) find on looking into the matterfind (s) thatwill find out

Find out aboutcannot find at the address givencannot find out

From al l I (we) can find out

Find out fromCannot findWill find

F in e

Of very fine qualityVery fine specimens

FIN 99

F in e (continued)N ot very fineWill be subject to a fine unlessWhat is the fineThe fine i s (will be)

F in i sh

When can you finishI (we) hope to finish here byI expec t to finish aboutShall finishIf you can finish byIf you cannot finish (before)Cannot finish till

F in ish ed (See also Examination )If you have finishedE xpected to have finished byWhen has (have) finishedHave finished putting up machineryN ot yet finishedI (we) have finishedI (we) have not finishedIf you have not finished

F ire

Fire has broken out in the mineFire has destroyedThe mill has been destroyed by fire

has (have) been destroyed by fireA fire in the i s ragingIn order to extinguish the fireThe forests al l round are on fire

Since the fireOn fire

Fire - dampE xplosion of fire- dampFire- damp in the mine

F irm (s)B e firm withFirm at the closeFirm at the opening

,but closed weak

Unless you are firmN ot firm enoughDo you know the following firm (5)The firm consists of [ableThe firm (s) you ask about is (are) highly respect

firm (s) is (are) very doubtfulfirm(s) has (have) a very poor reputation .

Firm lyFirmly establishedN ot firmly establishedAm (are) firmly convinced



F irst (continued)Firs t opportunityFrom firs t to lastThe first thing to be doneFirst callFirst classIn the first placeFirst chance you have

F issure

True fissure veinA well - defined fissure veinIs l t a true fissure vein

F i tted

Is (are) eminently fitted forIs (are) not fi tted forI s (are) fi tted withI s (are) not fi t ted withHas (have) been fitted withHas (have) not been fitted withOught to have been fi tted withMust be fitted with

F ixedHas (have) fixedHas (have) not fixedIs not fixedHas (have)

F lats

The ore occurs in flatsThe flats extend for a long distanceIn flats



F lawOwing to a flaw in the agreementOwing to a flawThere is a flaw

F lin tyHard flinty rockOwing to the flinty nature of the rock

F loat - go ldCanno t save the float - goldCon tains float - goldPercentage of gold is floatThe float - goldThe gold lost occurs in the form of float

Fl oating reefF lood (s)

Subject to severe floodsThe flood is subsidingA bad flood has destroyed

F l oodingFlooding the market

F l oors

[ 02 FOR

F or (continued)For you

For me (us)For him (them)N ot for

For some timeFor fear ofI s for

I s not forFor a fewdaysFor a short t imeFor you to returnFor you to remainFor you to send

ForageIt is diffi cul t to get forage for the horsesForage l s cheapForage is dear

Forb idden

H as (have) forbiddenHas (have) been forbiddenHas (have) not forbiddenHas (have ) not been forbiddenHas (have) been forbiddenH as (have) forbidden the work to go on

Has (have) forbidden the mine to be shownForce

Wi th great forceN ot a suffi cient forceWish (es) to force us toDo not force

ForcingIs (are) forcing us toForcing on the saleIs (are) not forcing

ForegoMust foregoN ot to forego

Foreh ead

In the foreheadThe vein in forehead


The foreman of theThe foreman told me (us)The foreman can be rel ied on


Foresee a difficultyI (we) plainly foreseeDo you foreseeCannot foresee


FOR 103

Forest(s) (continued)Fine forest ofNo forest nearThe mine(s) is (are) surrounded by forest (of)


. Has (have) forfei tedThis sum to be forfeited shouldHas (have) been forfeitedTo be forfeited

ForgetDo not forget

ForgottenH as (have) been forgottenHas (have) forgottenDo not l et i t be forgotten that

FormForm a companyForm a just Op inionForm anyThis will formN ot to formC annot formCan you form

Form ation

By the formation ofTo hasten the formation of.To prevent the formation ofThe geological formation isA water- bearing formation

Form ed

A company has been formed to acquireA company has been formed with a capital ofShould be formedHas (have) been formedWill be formedCan be formedCanno t be formedWill not be formedHave you formedHas (have) formedHas (have) not formedA company should be formed with a capital of

Form er to purchase the mineOn my former l nspectl onOn a former occasionThe former ownersBy the formerAgainst the formerThe former


Have been so fortunate as to

104 FOR

Fortunate (continued)At a fortunate moment.Y ou will be fortunate (if)

ForwardPlease forward without delayPushing forward as fast as possibleGet everything forwardWhen can you forwardPush the work forward

,N ot sufliciently forward to

Forward edHas (have) been forwardedHas (have) not yet been forwardedHas (have) forwardedHas (have) forwardedWill be forwardedHas (have) not forwardedYour telegram was forwardedTo be forwardedN ot to be forwardedForwarded by expres s

Foun d

Has (have) been foundI (we) have found on further examinationI (we) have found every thing very satisfactoryFound everything to be as represented (by )Found everything all rightFound nothingN ot yet found

Foundation (s)The foundation ofLaying the foundation of


It i s a regular fraud [to end

The whole thing is a regular fraud from beginningI s it a fraudIs charged with fraud


i s (are) free toi s (are) not free to

I s (are) free toY ou are free to act as you think bestMust be free to act as I (we) think bestFull of visible free goldSpecks of visible free goldAbound (s) in free goldA streak of the vein very rich in free go ldPieces of quartz very rich in free go ldFree milling oreN ot free millingI s the mine free of water

106 DID

From (continued)From whom did you get the


Miles from the frontierNear the frontierThe frontier town ofFrom the front ier

Frost(s)The severe frosts preventOwing to the severe fros tsSevere frosts for months l n the year

Fru e vann er

Will require frue vannersFrue vanners working wellFrue vanners working badlyThere are frue vanners


What fuel do you use

The daily consumption of fuel i sFuel is very abundantWhat is price of fuelFuel is scarce and expensiveFuel is so abundan t

,that the only cost is the

N o fuel to be had [cutting and s tackingFu lfil

So as to fulfil the terms of the bondTo fulfi l the agreementWill fulfil his (their) part of the agreementTo fulfil my (our) part of theCannot fulfilIs (are) ready to fulfi l the

Fu l l

Could see nothing, as the mine was full ofwaterThe shaft is fu l l of waterAll the lower workings are fu ll of waterAll workings full of waterIs always full of waterN ot ful lQuite fullFull particularsFull details

Fu l l yAm (are) fully convincedAm (are) fully satisfied withAre you fu lly satisfied thatFully paid up shares

Fund s [fundsWork on the mine has been stopped for want ofN ot having sufli cient funds in handN ot having funds enough to purchaseFunds are exhausted

FUN 107

Funds (continued) .Funds will last t illFunds are exhausted, please send at onceThe available fundsI t will require large funds toWhat funds have you in hand


Drying furnaceR everberatory furnaceR oasting furnaceWater- j acket furnace

.Furn ish

Will furnish full particulars of the mine(s)Will furnish you with the necessary money to

examine Mine(s)Wil l not furnish me (us) with

Furth er

Can do nothing further in the matterAfter furtherHave driven in further on the veinIf you hear anything furtherWait t ill you get further instructionsAm (are) waiting for further ins truct ions

is (are) waiting for further ordersFurther fromFurther information required


Send coils safety fuseFuture [before the CompanyAm (are) convinced there is a brl l l iant fu tureY ou must in futureFuture developments would determineIn the futureSome future time [before i t,Am (are) sure it i s a mine with a great future


I t will be a decided gainWhat shall I (we) gainWhat wil l be the gainBy which we gainBy which will gainShall gain no thingDo (does) not gainWi l l gain nothing by

G ain ed

Has (have) gainedhas (have) gainedhas (have) not gainedhas (have) gained on

The water has gained on theG al ena

108 GAL

G al ena (continued)Galena carry ingArgentiferous galena

G angueThe gangue consists of


The bad gas in the mine stops workG ear

Pumping gearHauling gear

G en eral

The general feel ing here isIn general

G en erou slyHas (have) very generouslyHas (have) not behaved generously

G enu ine

Thoroughly genuineN ot (a) genuine

G eologicalGeological fom i ation

G et

Get m e (us) someGet more of

Get permission to examineGet some of the shares at aboutGet the men to wait for money tillCan you get

If you cannot getCannot getCan get

Get out of

We shall be able to get out of the difficulty. [dayWe shall then be able to get out tons perWhat can you get out (of)Can get nothing out (of)Can only getI did not getH owmuch can you getCannot get more tillTo enab le us to get

Get al l you canY ou must get to

From whom shal l I (we) getShall have to getY ou must getGet ready to

G ettingGetting along fastGetting along slowlyGetting ready to

ounces of silver per ton

1 10 GO

G o (continued)Y ou must go toGO by way of

Am (are) able to goAm (are) not able to goHave to go by s teamer toWil l have to go immediatelyGo as quickly as possible

will go with me (us)cannot go with me (us)

Am (are) ready to goCanno t go tillTo go downTO go upIf can goIf cannot go. [carriage to the mineCan only go as far as by ra l l

,and then by

GO ahead (with the)Likely to go throughCan you go

Can go

Must not goCan go

Cannot goWi ll goWill not go


The ore goes downThe ore goes up

goes upGoingThey are going to [to doMust decide quickly what he is (they are) goingI am (we are) goingI am (we are) not goingWho is goingGoing awayAm (are) going toI s (are) going toAm (are) not going toIs (are) not going toAre you going toIs (are) going toIf i s (are) not going toE verything is going wellE verything is going wrong

G ol d (See also Free )The mine is very rich in free goldHave struck a large pocket of goldHave s truck a small pocket of goldShowed only a trace of gold

GOL 1 1 1

A rich streak of gold oreSample assayed gave no goldA large quant i ty of gold has been taken fromPieces of rock containing vis ible goldThe gold lies in the arsenical pyrites

i s one of the richest gold- mines in the

Pieces of pure gold [distr ic t o fThe gold lies in iron pyritesThe gold - bearing vein runs throughThe go ld i s in al luvial depositThe gold- bearing veins run north and southThe gold - bearing veins run east and westThe gold occurs in quartz lodesGold is found in the bed of the streamNuggets of gold have been found [distanceThe gold- bearing vein can be traced for a longOwing to the gold being found inIndications show that gold exists in abundanceon this propertyAn average assay gave in goldShewing traces of goldThe gold is found inGold oreAlluvial goldR etorted go ldGold amalgamGo ld has been discoveredOunce of gold per tonOunces of gold have been shippedOunces of gold will be shippedOunce(s) of gold perH owmuch gold has been shippedCrushed tons ob tained ounces of gold

Gon e

Has (have) gone toIf has (have) gone toIf has (have) not gone toHas (have) not gone toH as (have) goneHas (have) not gone


Will there be any good inThere W111be no good inN ot any goodN ot good enoughAs good asN ot so goodGood progress is being madeTo be of any goodB ut little good

1 12 GOO

G ood (continued)Very goodN O goodGood to holdGood to sellDO you think it good enough to

G ot

N ot to be got

has (have) gothas (have) not got

What can be got for

Can be got for

Has (have) got

Got backGot hold OfGot fromGot out.

N ot got backN ot got hold ofN ot got fromN ot got out

Got to the end OfG rad e

High grade oreLow grade ore

The grade i sThe grade is very steepHigh grade ore in abundance in sightLow grade ore in abundance in sightThe ore i s high grade

,but not much of i t

Although the ore i s low grade,the mine can be

worked to a good profi t , on account of the abundance of ore and capabilities for cheap working

Gradual lyThe works are getting into order graduallyVery gradually on account of

G ran ite

The hanging wall is graniteThe foot - wall is gran i teIn proximity to the graniteA belt Of graniteCountry rock is granite

G ran itic

In granitic formationG ran t

WillWill grantWill not grantIf will not grantA grant OfTO Obtain a grant

1 14 GUA

Guaran tee (continued)Do not go without a guarantee

Guaran teedI f guaranteed by

Guard .

To guard against accidentsB e on your guard Wi thY ou must guard against

Gu idan ce

For my (our) guidanceFor your guidanceFor my (our) guidance in preparing the report

Gu i de

As a guideIs no guide

Gu i ded

B e guided byDO not be guided byHas (have) been guided byHas (have) not been guided byWho has (have) been guided by (in)

Gu l ch

GypsumH abi t

i s (are) in the hab it Ofis (are) not in the habit of

The habit ofworking hereH al f

One halfHalf the amountHalfway betweenN ot worth more than half the priceHalf the year

Hand ( 8 )On handShort of hands

Handl eDifficult to handleIn ord er more easily to handleTo handle the stuffSO as to handleCou ld not handle

H angingwal lThe hanging wal l isAgainst the hanging wall

HardVery hardN ot very hardVery hard toI t will be hard workThe rock has become very hard

CodeWordH aferbau

H affleth

H agabfel

H agehol z

H agez eit

HaggardHaggisHaggl ingHagiarchyHagiologyHai lstoneHairbrushHairclothHairlessHairpinI i akchen .

H akelort

H akenrad

H akkenei

B alaguenH alamur

HalbbaumHalbbildHalberdHalberdierHalbtuch .

HalbwildHalcyonH aldudas

HaletantHalfbreedHalfcaste .

H alfpayHalfpenceHalfsisterHalfwittedHaliotoidHalleluj ahHal liardHalloweenHallowmasHalogenousHalsreifHaltinglyH alveren

H amatile

H amax ata

H ambuche

H amecon



Hard (continued)Hard rock

Hard erIf the rock becomes harderI f the rock does not become any harderI t is a harder task than I (we) expectedThe rock has become much harderIn harder rockI t i s harder

Hardn essOwing to the hardness of the rockThe hardness of the rock necessitates

1 15

The hardness of the rock retards the progress ofHarm .

N o harm has been doneGreat harm has been done by

Has (have)To prevent

HastyI s (are) too hastyCould only make a hasty inspectionDO not be too hasty

Hau l

i s (are) domg great harm bydone any harm byfrom do ing any harm to

What can you haul in one dayAre able to haulWe hope to be able to haulTo haulCannot haul more than

H au l ed

Hauled loads of 1 6 cubic feetWater hauled

H au l ing

tons per day


Snow has stopped haulingHauling ore from

H au l ing engin eShall require a hauling engine of

Hav eHave youHave you not

I (we) haveI (we) have not

Have not (or has not)

Mine at present

Have had (or has had)Have not had (or has not had)H ave had (or has had)Have you hadHave you not bad

If you haveIf you have not

If have (or if

tons per day

1 16 HAV

CodeWord . Have (continued)H ampesco If have not (or ifHampones When you haveHanaper When have (or whenHandbell When will you haveHandcart When shall we haveHandcuff . Shall haveH andfrei Shall not haveHandgeld Will haveH andhoch Will not haveHandicap Can haveHandicraft Cannot haveHandiwork Must haveHandmaid Should have hadHandsome Ought to haveH andz aam H az ardous

H anebalk It would be too hazardousHanepoot Would it be too hazardousH anetred Head ingH anffink To drive a heading inH anfhede H eadwayH anftuch Have made no headway as yetH angbuik We are making good headway (with)Hangman Are you making any headwayHangnail Hope soon to make some headway againstHankered H eapH anselnd A great heapHaperig To heap upHappening From the heapHappiest H ear

Haquebut L et me (us) hear immediatelyH aquil la L et me (us) hear as soon as you can

Harangue When can I (we) hear (as to)Harassed If you hear anythingHarb inger Y ou shall hear about theHarbourer Cannot hear tillH ardebol I (we) hear on good authority thatHardened From what I (we) can hearHardihood Expect to hearHardware Can only hearHarem Y ou ought to hearH arepipe Should hearHarleian HeardHarlequin I (we) hoped to have heardHarmattan Has (have) heardHarmonic H as (have) not heardHarmonium H as (have) not yet heard anything fromHarmony Have you heardHarness Has heard thatH aronia H as heard nothingHarpalus H as only heard

1 18 HES

CodeWord. Hesitate (continued)Haversian DO not hesitateHavildar hesitate(s) toHawser HesitatingHaycock Is (are) still hesitatingHayfever Hi deHayfield To hide the factHayloft I s (are) trying to hideHaymaker DO (does) not try to hide the factHayrick HighHaystack . High enoughH az anes Too highHazardab le Too high a price i s asked for theHazelaar Very highHazel ly N ot very highH az epad H igh erHaziest Wil l they go any higherHeadache They will go higherHeader They are not likely to go any higherHeadland I s (are) fetching a higher prl ceHeadless I s (are) going higherHeadlong May probably go a little higherHeadmos t Wi l l undoubtedly go considerably higherHeadstall H igh estHealable H as (have) reached the highest figureHealthful The highes t poin tHealthily N ot yet at the highest pointHearken H i l l (s)Hearsay At the top of the hillHeartsome The mine(s) is (are) at the top of a very steep hillHeathen Down the hillHeathenish Up the hillHeavenly On the top of an almost perpendicular hillHeavenward To carry the ore down the hillHebamme The hil ls are impassable in consequence of

Hebdomadal On the top of the hi llH ebekorb H indran ceHebetation H as been a great hindranceHebetude The want of has proved a great hindranceHebezeug A hindrance caused byH ebopfer H ire '

Hebraism Shall have to hireHebraistic Can you hireHecatomb Try to hireHechura If you cannot hireH eckz eit Cannot hireHectare Has (have) been able to hireHectical Hoi stHectique TO ho is tHectogram Can hois t tons per dayH ectol l tre Cannot hoist

1101 H 9

CodeWord Hoist (continued)Hector ism Can you ho is tH ederosa So as to be ab le to hois tHedonic H oisted

Hedonism Hoisted last weekH edraste Has (have) hoistedHeeltap Ho l dHegira TO holdHeijen Hold all the stockHeighten Hold balanceHeightened Hold your stockHeirdom Hold onHeiress Hold yourself in readiness toHeirlooms Hold backHeirship Try to get hold ofHel icoid I t is desirable to get hold ofH el lbrewed Has ( have) hold ofH el ldoomed DO you think it safe to holdHellenian Hol dersHellenic Holders have great confidence inHellespont Holders wil l not sell at present pricesHellishly The holders OfHellward is the holder ofHelmets Hol d ingHelotism What is — ’

s holding onHelpeth Is (are) holding backHelpful I s (are) holding the stockHelplessly H ol e

Helpmate Only a hole in the groundHelvetic Hol edHemisphere Holed the riseHemming Holed through to the old workingsHemorrhage . Have holedHempen Hol idaysHenceforth Nothing will nowbe done t ill after the hol idaysHenchman Before the holidaysHencoop After the hol idaysHenhearted It must be put before the publ ic before the hol idaysHenroost The Company must be brought out as soon as theHepatic Directly after the hol idays [holidays are overHeptarchy The banks here are closed on account of a nationalHeptateuch H ol low [hol iday, which will detain ul e daysHerald Hom e .

Heraldic Shall be home about theHeraldry


Am (are) anxious to return homeHerbaceous Y ou must return home at once ; i s very illHerbage Y ou must return home at once died on theH erbal l st Before returning homeHerbariumHerbwomanHerculean

Am (are) On my (our) road homeHope to be at home about theShall return home by way of

1 120 HOM

COdeWord. H ome (continued)Can you arrange to return home by way ofHereabouts is (are) away from home

Hereafter Impossible to return home til lHereditary H on est

Heresiarch I s (are) thoroughly honest and upright.Heresy has (have) not the reputatl on Of

H eretico I s (are) considered thoroughly honestHereto HoneycombedHeritage In honeycombed quartzHermetical In honeycombed rockHermit H onourab l e

Hernia is a most honourable manHerodian are most honourable men

Heroical is (are) not considered to be very honourableHeroine has (have) behaved in a most honourable wayHeronry H ope [aboutHerrig Hope you will be ableHesitancy Hope I (we) shall be able toHesitates Hope you willHesitation Hope you will notHesperian H as (have) no hOpe of

Heterodox Has (have) great hopeHeteropoda Is there any hope thatHexagon There is every hope thatHiatus Hope you wil l sendHibernates H opefu l

H ibernian Am (are) very hopeful ofHiccough N ot hopeful ofHickwall Are you hopeful OfHidalgo H opel ess

Hidden N ot hopelessHideously Is i t hopelessHierarchal It is quite hopelessH ierarchy H ori z ontal lyH ieroglyph Worked horizontallyHierophant The vein is pinching out horizontallyH ighbound . H om b l endeH ighchurch H orse -

powerH ighflown E ngine of horse- powerHighlander Nominal horse- powerHighminded Effective horse- powerHighness . Hour(s)H ighproof I n hour(s)Highroad . In the twenty- four hoursHighsouled H ow many hours does it take to get to

Highstrung It takes hours to get from here toHighway I t takes hours to get from to

Hilarious A journey of hoursHilari ty One hourH il lock Two hours

122 HUR

CodeWord . Hurt (continued)Homesick Has any one been hurtHomespun Is (are) hurtHomestead N0 one was hurtHomeward Was (were) not hurtHomicide Hydrau l icHomiletic Hydraulic machineryHomi l ies Hydraulic miningH oneybag Hydraulicked during past weekIcicleIciness Blocked with iceIconoclast Blocked for many months by the iceIcosandria Over the iceIcteritous . I d l e

Ideal ism Idle for want of waterIdeal ity The mills are standing idle for want ofIdealizing Idle from want Of fundsIdentical . Idle on account ofIdentified I gn eousIdentity Dyke of igneous rockIdeology In igneous rockIdiocrasy I gnoran tIdiocratic Being ignorant ofIdiocy Kept ignorant abou tI d l oms Q ul te ignorant with regard toI l pathy I l l

Idiotical I am very ill, and must go for advice toIdiotism has (have) been dangerously i ll, but is (are)Id leness is (are) dangerously i l l with [nowbetterIdolater has (have) been ill with.Idolatry I magin eIdolizing DO not imagineIdoneous seem (s) to imagineIgnescent Cannot imagine whyI gnifluous I mm ed iate

Ignited Immediate attention is requestedIgnivomous Immediate attention is requiredIgnob le I mm ediatelyIgnominy See immediatelyIgnoramus Must be done immediatelyIgnorant Must have immediatelyIgnored Telegraph immediatelyIguanodon Send immediatelyI l lbred Cannot go immediately on account ofI llfavoured I mm en se

I ll iberal On an immense scaleIl lici t Covering an immense tractI l l icitous Worked to an immense extentI l l iterate I mpartedI l looking Imparted to me in confidenceI llnatured Imparted the information

N o .

69 2 76928

692 96930

693 1





694 1



CodeWord .

IllnessIllogicalIlltimedIllumingI llusionI llus ively .

IllwillImagedImageryImaginableImaginaryImaginingImbathedImbecileImbecilityImbeddedImbibesImbroglioImbruing .

ImbuedImitableImitatesImitation .

I mpartialAn impartial reportFrom an impart ial point Of view

I mpassab l eThe roads are impassab le

. Impassable in win terI rhpatient

Are very impatient (or, 15 very impatient)Get ting very impatientImpatient for the reportToo impatientImpatient to get

i I mperfect.

The imperfect means ofworklngIs (are) imperfect

I mp l icatedIs (are) implicated in the matterIs (are) not implicated in the matterIs (are)Implicated in

I mp l icit

Immacu late ImplyImmaterialImmatureImmaturityImmemorialImmensityImmersedImmersionImmigrantImminently I mportan ceImmobilityImmoderateImmodestlyImmolatedImmolationImmoralImmoralityImmortalsImmovableImmunityImmutableImpactedI mpairingImpalementI mpalesI mpalpable

Inl possibl eImpart

Do (does)

implicated in the

place(s) implicit faith inY. ou may place implicit faith ln

mean to implyWhat do you imply by

mean (s) to implydo (does) not mean to imply .

I mportWill have to importNeed no longer importWhen they had to import

. I t 15 of the greatest importanceI t 15 of grea t importance to myself and friendsI t 15 not of any importanceI t is Of great importance to secureIf you see the importance

I mp ortan tImportant to knowToo important to be overlookedA most important po intHas (have) gone to

Important businessI mposing

is (are) imposing absurd conditionsis (are) imposing too many restrictionsis (are) 1mposing on

Is (are) not imposing on


[connected withon important business


CodeWord .


Impell ingImpendingImpenitentImperativeImperialImperilledImpersonalImperviousImpetuousImpietyImpingingImpiouslyImplacableImplantedImpleadingImpleadsImpledgedImp l icityImpliedI mploreth

ImplyingImpolit icImposingImposi tionImpostorImpostureImpotentlyImprecatesImpregnateImpressed



M possibl e (continued)It is impossibleIt wil l be impossibleIt is not impossibleIt is impossible to get any information aboutQuite impossible at present

i I mpracticabl eImpediment Is quite impracticable

I mpressY ou must impress uponH as (have) tried to impress uponCannot impress uponWill impress upon

I mpressionHas (have) formed a most favourable impression of

. Has (have) formed an unfavourable impression ofWhat 15 your impression as toMy (our) lmpression i s

I mproperlyH as (have) acted very improperlyHas (have) very improperly allowedHas been improperly worked

I mproveIs i t likely to improveThe mine continues to improveThe mine does not improveThe vein improves as i t goes downDoes the mine improve m depthIs likely to improveIs not l lkely to improve

I mprovemen t (s)Improvements consist ofThere i s a great improvement inDo you see any improvemen t inNo improvements of any kindThere 1s no improvement ( in)Owing to the improvements in

I naccessibl e

I mpreSSl on


. Very inaccessible [place. The mines are situated in a most inaccesmble. Quite inaccessible except byI naccurate

The reports are most inaccurat eDo you find the reports are inaccurateThe figures are inaccurate

I nad equate

Totally inadequateQuite inadequate to theR emuneration is inadequate

I ncapab l e

I consider quite incapable of


N o . CodeWord .

70 77 Inculcates70 78 Incumbent70 79 Incurable70 80 Incurred708 1 Incursion70 8 2 Indecent7083 Indecisive70 84 Indecorum7085 Indelibly70 86 Indelicacy708 7 Indemnity7088 Indenture

7089 Indexes70 90 Indexical70 9 1 Indiaman709 2 Indian70 93 Indicates70 94 Indicavit70 95 Indictable7096 I ndicteth

70 9 7 Indictment70 98 Indigenous7099 Indigent7 1oo Indigitate7 10 1 Indignant7 10 2 Indignity7 103 Indirect7 104 Indiscreet7 105 Indisposed7 106 Inditer7 10 7 Individual7 10 8 I ndocfle

7 10 9 Indocil ity7 1 10 Indolent7 1 1 1 Indubious7 1 1 2 Inducement7 1 13 Inducted7 1 14 Inductions7 1 15 Induct ive7 1 16 Indulged7 1 1 7 Indulgence7 1 1 8 Indurated7 1 1 9 Industrial7 1 20 Industry7 1 2 1 Indwelling7 1 2 2 Inebriate7 1 23 Ineffably7 1 24 I nefficacy

7 1 25 Inelegant


I nconv en ient

I t will be most inconvenient toWil l i t be inconvenient toI t is very in convenient

I n corp orate

To incorporate the minewishe( s) to incorporate the mine

In order to incorporateWill agre e to incorporateWill not agree to incorporateWill agree to incorporateI (we) shall not agree to incorporate, unless theywill pool the stock [they wi ll pool the stock

Do not consent to incorporate the mine unlessI n correct

The accounts of the mine are incorrectThe statement is incorrect


Te legram is incorrect, repeat fromI n crease

To increaseAn increase of

Can you increaseCannot increaseWi ll increaseW111not increaseMust increaseDO not increaseIncrease the outputShall have to increaseIntend (s) to increase

I ncreasingThereby largely increasingBy increasing the ou tputBy increasing the number of stampsDevelopments j ustify increasing theIncreasing the crushing capabil it ies of the millIncreasing the shipment of bu l l ionIncreas ing the quantity of ore

I ncreased

Can be increasedCannot be l ucreased

Must be increasedI n debted

Have been much indebted toGreatly indebted toAm (are) not at all indebted to

I ndefin ite

Is (are) too indefiniteY our report is too indefinite with regard toMy (our) report i s indefinite on account of

N0. CodeWord .

7 1 26 Inel igible7 1 2 7 Inequality7 1 2 8 Inertia7 1 29 Inertness7 130 Inevitably7 13 1 Inexact7 13 2 Inexorable7 133 Inexpiable7 134 Inexplicit7 135 Infallible7 136 Infamies7 13 7 Infamously7 138 Infant7 13 9 Infatuated7 140 Infected7 14 1 Infectious7 142 Infecund7 143 Infel icity7 144 Inference7 145 Infernal ly7 146 Inferring7 147 Infertile7 148 Infes ting7 149 Infidel7 150 Infidel ity7 151 Infinite7 152 Infinitive7 153 Infirmary7 154 I nfirmness

7 155 I nfix ed

7 156 I nflameth

7 1 57 I nflates

7 158 I nflating

7 159 I nflective

7 160 I nflex ible

7 161 I nflicts

7 162 Influenza7 163 Influx7 164 I nflux ion

7 165 I nformal

7 166 Informant7 167 Infraction7 168 Infringed7169 Infuriated7 1 70 Infuscate7 17 I

7 1 72

I nfuseth

Infusible7 1 73 Infusion7 1 74 Infusoria7 1 75 Ingenious


IND 127

I ndefin ite (continued)It is impossible to act on such indefinite instruc

I ndependent

is (are) quite independent of[t ion s

Y ou must be independent OfAn independent Opinion

I n dication (s)Surface indicationsVery good indicationsThere are strong indications [the veinThere is every indication to show we are close toBy all the indicationsNO indications of any pay oreIndications are favourable forIndications are unfavourable for

i I nd iscreetlyhas (have) acted very indiscreetly

Can indorseCannot mdorseCan you indorseCan


Will indorseWill not indorseI (we) can entirely indorse ’

s statementsI (we) cannot indorse

I ndorsed

’s statements

Who has (have) indorsedHas been indorsed byH as not been indorsedOught to be indorsedWill have to be indorsed by

I nduce

Y ou must try to induceHas (have) tried to induceCannot induceMust induce to join the B oardI f you can induceIf you canno t induce

I nfer

What do you infer byWhat do (does) infer byI (we) infer from what said

do (does ) not mean to inferMean (s) to inferInfer from this

I n fluen ce

i s a man of great influencehas (have) no influence here

I s (are) considered to have any influence

128 INF

I nfluence (continued)To influenceN ot to influenceCannot influence

would have great influencehas (have) great influence in mining circles

I n formPlease informDo not inform.

Inform me (us) OfInform me (us) of any changeTo inform of

Inform at onceWill informInform m e by telegraph at once

will inform youAm (are) glad to inform youAm (are) sorry to inform youHave to inform you thatWish (wishes) you to inform

I n formation

Have you any reliable information with regard toHave no reliable information concerningI do not p lace any reliance in the information asit came from

I cannot get any rel iable information aboutG ive no information whatever (to)G ive earl iest po ssib le informationI (we) place great rel iance on the informationGet all the information you can (about)I (we) learned from various sources Of informationI (we) gather from the information I (we) havecol lected

From whom I (we) got a great deal of informationDo not place any re l iance on this informationFull information can be Obtained OfSend us informat ion as toHas (have) had private information thatThis is for your private information onlyN O information can be Obtained fromN o information worth sendingFrom whom did you get this informationFrom private informat ionHas (have) received information thatThe information you ask for goes by first post

I n junctionThe injunction has been grantedThe injunction has been refusedGet an inj unction to restrain

I njureWl l l injure us


130 INS

I nsol v en t (continued)is (are) insolvent

Owing to being insolventis (are) likely to become insolvent

I nspect (See also E xamine )Inspect and report onY ou will shortly have to inspectB e ready shortly to inspectTo inspect works atShall be ready by to inspectWish(es ) you to inspect M ine , but do

not go unless you hear for certain [(them) atWish(es) you to inspect another mine for him

DO not arrange to inspect any mines without tellingI nsp ection (See al so E xamination [us (as)When you have finished your inspection of the

Mine telegraph your reportSince my previous inspectionWith regard to o ther inspectionsWho 15 to pay for inspection of

will pay'

for inspection of MineCould make inspection Of Mine on my way

I n stan ce [toIn the first instanceThere has never been any instance of


I n stead

Instead ofN ot instead of

I n struction s

G ive ins tructions to (to)Awaiting instructions

has (have) given instructions toWait for instructl ons

had not given any instructions as toAct on ly upon written instructionsSend ins tructions at onceTelegraph me (us) instructionsAm (are) waiting here for instructionsTelegraph instructions direct toYour instructions are to proceed at onceR equire more explicit instructionsInstructions have been given toLetter of instructionsHave instructions been given toAwait full instructions,which will be sent you in aday or twohas (have) received instructions tohas (have) not received any ins tructions as to

Full ins truction s have been sent by postInstructions have been given toSend full instructions to me at

INS 131

I nstruction s (continued)Instructions are being carrl ed out

As soon as you get instructions fromI n suran ce

The insurance of

To effect an insurance on

I n sured

None of the buildings are insuredAll the buildings are fully insuredHave insured the works in the InsuranceOffice for

Are all the buildings insured ? if not, insure themI ntel l igent [at once

is very intel ligentN ot very intelligent

I nten tion

As earnest of our intentionTo prove our intentionOur intention is [toMy intention i s (unless I hear to the contrary)What is ’

s intention’s intention is to

The intention washas (have) abandoned their intention of

Has (have) any intention OfHas (have) no intention of

I n terest(s)Will protect your interest(s)

s interes ts wi ll be looked after byhas (have) sold his (their) interes t in

Interes t at the rate ofTO pay interest at the rate of

What interest do you think can be paidhas (have) bought up the other interests in

Have you any interest in [the mineI have an interest inI have no interes t in

has no interest inA quarter’s interest at the rate of

Interest for the half- yearWill you sell your interes t inA small interestWhat interestA good interest on the moneyHas (have) a large interest lnTake an interest inHalf interestQuarter interes t

I nterested

Owing to the large number interestedI s (are) interested in

132 INT

I n terested (continued)is (are) not interested (in)

I nterfere

TO interfere withN ot to interfere withWill this interfere withThis will interfere withThis will not interfere withIf it wil l not interfere withIf it will interfere wit hDO not interfere

I nterferingIf it can be done without interfering (withIt can be done without interfering (withI t cannot be done without interfering (withIf it cannot be done without interfering (withWithout interfering with

I ntersect

To intersectHope to intersect

I n tersected

The vein was intersectedHave intersected

I nterv iewInterview with regard toHas (have) had an interview withCannot have any interview with (tillCan you arrange an interview betweenTo interview with the Object of. [andAm (are) to have an interview with on

I t was arranged in an interview with (andthat

Nothingwas arranged in the interviewInterview with most satisfactoryInterview with very unsatisfactoryNothing settled definitely in the interview with

(and We meet again onI n to

Goes intoR uns intoAre intoN ot yet into

I ntru st

Whom will you intrust withWill intrust the care of to

Do not l ike to intrust i t to.

Can intrust it toMust not intrust it to

I nv ention

A new invention forBy this invention


I ron (continued)Brown iron oreThe iron occursHaematite iron ore

Magnetic iron oreA rich deposit of iron oreTo divide the from the ironVeins of iron ore

I rregu l arThe vein i s very irregularThe veins being so irregular makes i t difficult toVery irregular

I rresp ectiv e

Is this irrespective of

This i s irrespective of

This is not irrespective of

I ssue

In order to bring matters to a successful issueHave b rought the affair to a successful issueHave failed to bring matters to a successful issueWill issue

will i ssuewill not issue

I ssued

Have any shares been issuedHas (have) issuedHas (have) not is sued

JanuaryDuring the month of JanuaryFor the month of JanuaryE arly in JanuaryAbout the middle of JanuaryTowards the end Of JanuaryLast JanuaryNext JanuaryI st Of January2nd Of January3rd of January4th of Januarysth of January6th of January7th Of January8 th Of January9th Of Januaryroth of January1 1th Of January1 2 th of January13 th of January14th of January1sth of Januaryroth of January

J AN 135

January (continued)1 7th of January18 th of January19th Of January20th Of January2 1st of January2 z ud of January23rd Of January24th of January2 5th of January26th of January2 7th of January2 8th of January2 9th of January3oth of January3 rst of January

JoinI wish forTO join withDO not joinWill not jo inI f will jo inIf you will joinI s (are) willing to join with us inCannot join on account ofWill you join to the extent ofI will join to the extent of

Join edH as (have) jo inedHas (have) not joinedH as (have) jo ined

Join tOn joint accountBy join t action

Journ eyOn the journey [part by coachThe fi rst part of the journey i s by rail

,the last

The firs t part of the journey is by the las tbyA d l fficul t journey to make

, on account ofA long journey from here to

. JudgeCould you judgeI could not j udgeIn order to j udgeTO j udge byIt is difli cult to judge on account ofAs far as I can j udgeTo j udge of

JudgingN0 means of judging

to join me as soon as possible


Judging (continued)Judging by


Use your own judgmentOn mature consideration my judgment isJudgment has been given for usJudgment has been given against usJudgment in favour OfUsed my own judgment inJudgment will be given onWhen will j udgment be givenIn whose favour is j udgment givenCannot form a judgment

Jud iciousWould it be judiciousI t would be j udiciousI t would not be j udicious

think(s) i t a j udicious step to takedo(es) not think it a judicious s tep to

Ju lyDuring the month Of JulyFor the month of JulyE arly in JulyAbout the middle of JulyTowards the end of JulyLast JulyNext Julyrst of Julyz ud of Ju ly3rd of July4th of July5th of July6th of July7th Of July8 th of July9th of Julyroth Of Julyr 1 th of July1 2 th Of July13th of July14th of July1sth of Julyr6th of July1 7th of July1 8th of July1 9th of July2oth Of Julyz rst Of July2 2nd of July23rd Of Julya4th of July

138 J UN

Jun e (continued)25th Of June2 6th of June2 7th of June2 8th of June29th of June3oth of June

Jurisd ictionUnder the jurisdiction of

Beyond the j urisdiction of

. JuryThe case to be tried by special juryAs the jury cannot agree there i s to beThe jury have given a verdict of.

JustDO you consider i t just (that)I (we) consider it quite j ust (that)I (we) do not think it just (that)N ot just yetHas (have) just hadI t is not j ustJust come out of the

Has (have) j ustJusticeIn justice toTo do justice toI do not see the justice of

JustifiedI s (are) j ustified inIs (are) justified inIs (are) not justified inAre we j ustified inI (we) think we are ju stified in .

I (we) do not think we are j us t ified inJustifyDoes not justifyDoes this justifyTo j ustify

KeepKeep me (us) regularly informedKeep me (us) well posted upKeep the accounts separateKeep this to yourselfShall keep the men working onKeep us informed of any change inWe keep on the Old handsKeep a look - out for

Keep it downKeep it quietKeep it upKeep expenses down as much as poss ible

N o .

77 16

77 1 7

77 18

77 19

77 20

772 1

772 2





77 2 7




773 1




KE E 139


Kantism Keep ingKapdoos In safe keepingKapitia Keeping backKaraite N ot keeping anyKatykid KeptKaufhaus Has (have) been keptKavass Has (have) not been keptKayak Has (have) been keptKeckheit Kind .

Keckling There i s every kind ofKedger There is no kind ofKed lack A kind ofKeelage B e so kind as toKeeled What kind OfKeelman Kindn essKeel son Ask to have the kindness to [able toKeepership Through the kindness of I was (we were)Kelderen KnewKelpies Knew nothing about itKennbar knew some t ime agoKerbholz knew all the time thatKerbstone KnowKernelled Do you know anything aboutKernmass Do you know ifKerseymere Know (s) all aboutKessler Know(s) nothing aboutKeyboard DO (does) not knowKeynote Did not know at the timeKeystone DO (does) not knowwhetherKhedive Will know. soon ifKhotbah Must know byKickshaw Will not know beforeKidnap Let me (us) know by telegraphKiekeboe See i f know(s) anything aboutKielgang Knownothing of the suitability ofKielraum KnownKiesel ig Is it known thatKimweger I t is not generally known thatKinaz uur I t i s wel l known thatKinderei Nothing is known of it hereKingcraft Kn owl edgeK inglike I t has come to my knowledge thatKinsman has (have) great knowledge of the minesKirchweg has (have) great knowledge of the mining

laws of this countryKnapsack Owing to the’ knowledge of

Labarum LabourLabasce Cost of labour to produceLabecula Labour is scarceLabell ing Labour is expensive




LabourageLaboursomeLabrantio .


LacerantLaceratingLaceriaLacertain .














Labour (continued)Labour l s scarce and dearLabour is plentifulLabour is cheapLabour is plentiful and cheap

LaboriousI t will be a most laborious task toI t has proved a mos t laborious task to ;

A most laborious journeyTOO laboriousVery laborious

L ack

For lack OfN0 lack OfDeveloping work s were stopped for lack of fundsA lack of funds

Ladder(s)The ladders in the shaft are unsafe

LainHas (have) lain idle for want OfHas (have) lainHas (have) not lainFrom having lainLain under water

Land .

The val ue of the landThe land comprisesThe land is acresOf landGood agricultural landLand Of no valueLand comprises an area ofLand is worth per acre

LapseWill lapseO therwise l t will lapse

LargeThe vein is large and well definedCovering a large extentA large percentage of

It will require a large outlayTOO largeN ot very largeN ot large enough

L argel yThe mine has been largely workedThe mine has not been very largely workedThe mine has been largely and badly worked


there is every likel ihood of its cavingVery largelyMust increase very largely


CodeWord. Later(continued)7860 Lancear Later in the year7861 Lanceolate N ot later than7862 Lancero Later on [to wait for assay of samples7863 Lancetada The report will follow by post later on, as I have7864 Lanciform Later on will have to7865 Landamman Latest7866 Landau By the lates t7867 Landaulet By the latest mill returns, I find that


7868 Landbote The lates t returns show,7869

Landerbe The latest accounts show that178 70 Landgrafe Y ou shall have the report by at the latest78 7 1 Landing At the latest:78 72 Landlady . Laws*

7873 Landl ich According to the mining laws of178 74 Landlocked According to the law,7875 Landloper Lawsu it876 Landlubber We are l iable to get into a lawsuit about8 77 Landluft threaten (s) us with a lawsuit about7 8 78 Landnarr Must try and prevent getting into a lawsuit over!98 79 Landrero Lawyer(s) [see if they are all rlght[7880 Landsite Get a rel iable lawyer to examine the titles, and7 88 1 Landsmen Consult a thoroughly competent lawyer788 2 Landsturm Employ a lawyer to,7883 Landwehr Will employ a lawyer to7884 Landwind It is not necessary to employ a lawyer7885 Landz ins I am (we are) employing a lawyer to7886 Langosta See lawyer, and arrange as deemed best7887 Langrage What does your lawyer advise7 888 Langrel Have consulted lawyers on the subjectr7 889 Langsettle Have put the affair into a lawyer’s hands.7 890 Langsyne The lawyer(s) advise(s):789 1 Languente The lawyer(s) does (do) not advise

Language Have consulted as he is considered the

17 893 Languidly L ax [ lawyer of highest standing here‘

7894 Languish Too lax7 895 Languor; has (have) been very lax in the way of7896 Laniando7897 Laniabit To lay bare the vein7898 Lanifical To lay before the Board Of Directors7899 Lanigerous Layers7900 Lankness In layers (of)790 1 Lanteja Between layers of790 2 Lanthorn L aying7903 Lanugine Is (are) laying down7904 Lanyards By laying down7905 Lanzadera By laying out7 906 Laocoon By laying down a tram line790 7 Laodicean7908 Lapachar

7909 Lapelled :Lead

is (are) laying outi s (are) not laying out


L ead (continued)Lead oreVe ins of lead oreThe ore contains a large percentage of leadH owmany tons Of lead ore to the fathomCarbonate of lead carrying ounces of 5 1lverThe ore assays per cent. Of lead andTons of lead ore to the fathom [ounces of s ilver

Lead ing.

Leading toN ot leading to

LearnI (we) l earn on good authority that

will have to learnLease (s)We can get a lease of the property for years

’s lease expires

Lease will expireTo grant leases forLease wi ll be renewedLease wi l l not be renewedWe can take over ’

s lease forThe lease expires it can be renewed forThe lease exp ires it can be renewed on thesame terms

Leav e (See also Telegraph )Do not leaveCannot leavehi ust leave

Will leaveI leave on for

H e (they) will leave on

When do you leaveWill not leave untilY ou must not leave (until)Will leave as soon as possible forWill leave immediately forBefore you leaveE xpect to leave aboutI (we) leave i t to youY ou had better leave i t to me (us) toNow ready to leaveGet leave from to examine theLeave instruc tions withUnles s you wire will leave immediately forB efore l eave(s)

L eav ingI s (are) leaving onI s (are) not leaving forAm (are) not leaving forWhen you are leaving


I 44

E b . CodeWord .

7959 Latego

7960 Latej ar796 1










797 1









799 1









800 1

800 2


LatentlyLaterality .




LaudatifLaudatoryLaudemioLaufz iel

LaughablyLaunchedLaunchingLaurearLautu lae




LavishnessLavoltaLawgivingLaxanteLayetierLaylandLazaretLazarilloLaz arites


8006 Leadership8007 Leadsman8008 Leadwort


Leav ing (continued)When will you be leavingTelegraph when you intend leaving forShal l be leaving ,

Will not be leaving ,

Am (are) leaving to - day forAm (are) leaving to- morrow forBefore leavingAfter leavingLeaving no doubt that

LeftLeft hereLeft overLeft on the

Left in chargeHas (have) leftHas (have) not left .Has (have) been left

LegalGet the best legal opinion onThe best legal opinion on


I s i t a legitimate transactionIt is not a legitimate transactionI t is a perfectly legitimate transactionN ot legitimateQuite legitimate

Len dWill lendWill not lendCan lendCannot lendIf wil l lendIf wil l not lendWould lend [for a commission

will lend himsel f (themse lves) to anythingL ength

The vein has been proved for a length of

What will be the lengthWhat length of time .

The entire lengthThe whole length of theIn lengthThe to tal length isFor a length of feetWith a combined length ofWhat is the length ofThe vein has been prospected for the length of

Length enIn order to lengthenWill lengthen




L etter (s) (continued)Your letter rece ived will answer as soon as posLetter of advice [sibleLetter of guaranteeLetter of introductionPlease addres s your letter(s) to [toPlease addres s , till further notice, my lettersPlease send letter of introduction to.

Have you received my (our) letter of’

s dateHave not received your letter OfHave not received the letter referred toI (we) have received your letter datedIf you have received letter fromHave you received a letter fromIf you have not received my (our) letter OfHas (have) rece ived a letter fromH as (have) not rece ived a letter fromN0 letter to hand yet [aboutI am (we are) anxiously expecting letters from youMy (our) last letter to you was datedMy (our) letter dated was registeredLetter(s) now in the post for you to care of

My (our) letter of was registered, and con

Since my (our) last letter [tainedLetter containing full instructionsMail arrived, and no letter from youLetter forwarded by mistake toLetter(s) for you, was (were) posted (on)Your le tter of gone astray if contentsimportant, telegraph [conten ts importantYour usual letter not to hand please telegraph ifYour letter dated to hand to - dayUpon receipt Of letter fromPlease refer to my (our) letterWaiting for letter from before actingR eferring to your letter ofOn referring to —’s letterWait for my letter of dateYour letter of explaining about to handI (we) consider it very satisfactoryMy (our) letter Of explains everythingYour letter of explaining about to handI (we) consider it very unsatisfactory

Y ou do not explain in your letterTelegraph in answer to my (our) letter of theTell us by letterHave given a letter Of introduct ion to you , infavour Of who i s (are) I (we) believeworthy of every confidenceHave been obliged in some measure to give aletter of introduction to you in favour ofbe very cautious in your dealings

LEV 147

Lev e l (s)The level i s driven inFrom the level mou thAbove the level of the sea [of the sea

The mines are s ituated feet above the levelProposed levelOn the same levelBelow this levelNear the level mouthAbove the water levelBelow the water levelDown to the water levelAbove this level a stope has been startedThe ft. Level has been extendedThe level should be continued feetThe lowest levelNext to the lowest levelOn the ft. LevelAbove the ft. LevelTo the ft. LevelThe ft. Level i s inFrom the ft. Leve lFrom the ft. Leve l to ft. Level

ft. LevelL evel lingLevell ing overBy level l lng

Lev i edHas (have) levied

has (have) leviedhas (have) not levied

N ot yet leviedIf has (have) levied

Levy .

Do (does) intend to levyWill levy.Will not levyIntend(s) next month to levy

Liab i l ity, L iabi l itiesIncurring heavy l iabilitiesWe shal l thus incur a liabil ity ofNo liabil ityWhat is (are) the l iabil ity(ies)The l iabil ity(ies) is (are) heavyThe l iabil ity(ies) i s (are) slightN0 further l iabilityL iabil ity(ies) probably about (A)Cannot accept the l iabil ityWill you accept the liability

repudiate(s) the liability

148 LIA

Liab l eIs (are) l iable (for)I s (are) not l iable (for)Wi ll be liable toWi ll not be l iable toLiable to cave in at any moment

L iberalIs offered on very liberal terms

has (have) behaved in a very liberal mannerhas (have) not behaved in a liberal manner

Most liberalAnything but liberal

L ie (s)R eport is a tis sue of liesThe mine l iesThe . mines l ie

LikeIf you likeWould like to haveI s (are) l ikeIs (are) not likeWhat would you l ike

L ike lyI t is very l ikelyI t is not likelyI s i t likely ( that)I s there l ikely to be

i s (are) very l lkely tois (are) not l ikely to

Would be likely toIf were likely tol ely to Occur [him

would most likely accept if it were offered towould most l ikely open up ore reserves

L im eston e

Magnesian limestoneHard blue l imestoneIn the limestoneIn carbon lferous l imes toneConsists of limes toneArgillaceous l imes tone

L im it (s)R educe limitsIncrease limitsAll limits removedAll limits removed

,but act wi th great caution

Cannot get on at the l imi t (byCould not act on account of your limitLimit too highLimit too low


Li thophy lLithotintL iticatO

L itichi

L itifito

Li t iganteLitigarLitigiosoL itocola

L itografia

LitoralL itrameter

LiturgiaLiturgicoLiturgis tL intessa

Livel ierLivel iestLivelihoodLivelongLiveryLiverymanL ivesco

LiviandadLivianoL iv idato

LividezLividlyLividnessLivraison .

LixivialLixiviatedl iv ious

LixiviumLlamadorLlanamenteLlanuraLlegadaL levador

L loriqueur






Loaded (continued)Has been too heavily loadedLoaded upLoaded with

LoadingLoading up with

Loanis (are) trying to raise a loan

Can you raise a loanCannot raise a loanWant a loan of

A loan ofTo raise a loan

L ocal ity [to form an opinionI visited other mines in the local ity to help meIn the same locali tyI n the locality of

LocateTo locate the claimWill locate

will locatewill not locate

Should be locatedHave located

LodeOutcrop Of the lodeThe lode runs north and southThe lode runs east and westThe lode runs east of northThe lode runs wes t of northA well- defined lodeThe lode runs between walls ofAverage width of lode i s feetAverage assays from the lode giveThe lode carries gold in paying quantitiesThe lode does not carry gold in paying quantitiesProspecting for a long time in same lodeLode opening up we l lLode i s getting narrowerLode i s getting widerA continuation of the same lodeThe lode runsThe lode has been located by different personsDeeper in the lodeAn adit driven feet has cut the lodeThe lode has been proved to a dep th ofAn inclined shaft has been sunk on the lodeThe lode i s dippingThe only development is an adit driven inThe lode contains [fee t on the lodeA compact

,well - defined lode between walls of

CodeWord .




LobularLocal idadLocal ismsLochames

LocherigLockistLockjawLockramLockstitchLocomotionLoculoseLodachar .



Lofties tLoftilyLogarithmLogbookLogeiro



LogisticLogisticalLoglineLogl ioso


Logroll ing


L ode (continued)The metal - bearing part of the lode l ies against thehanging wall

The metal - bearing part of the lode l ies against theLog(s) [foot - wall

The buildings are made of rough logsA log building

LongFor a long timeThe mines are s ituated a long distance from


H ow long will i t take to go to and e x‘

am lne

H ow long M 1ne(s)H ow long will i t beH ow long will i t (they) takeIt (they) will not take longI t i s (they are) too longIt is (they are) not long enoughThere is not long enough time toCannot give as long as Wish(es)H ow long will giveY ou must not be longThe mines have not been worked for a long timeSome long time agoFor a long distanceB efore longWe hope before long to

LongerCannot give longer timeCannot remain longerN ot much longerA little longerN ot any longerDo not be longer thanH owmuch longer shal l youShall not remain much longer



Will take longer than I (we) expected to

make the inspectionI (we) hOpe to be in by the but mayLonger than necessary [be a day or two longerLonger than was expectedMust have longer

Longest .

The longest (of the)At the longest

L ook(s)H ow does i t lookLook(s) encouragingLooks like a failureLooks better than expectedLooks very favourableLook out for


CodeWord .




Loicu z z i

Lo intainLoitereth

LoiteringLokaz en

Lol iacea

LollardLollipop .

LollopingLomonite .

LondonismLondonizeLonel inessLonesomeLonganizaLongboatLongbowLongevalLongevityLongevousLongheadedLongipu lpLonglpes

Longs ightLongstopLongwaysLongwindedLonj l staLoodgilt





LophiodonLopsidedLoquaciousLoquacityLordasseLord iz ia

Lordl inessLord lingLordosisLordshipLordura


L ook(s) (continued)Will look out forLook in to the matter immediatelyLook afterLook intoLook into the matter the first opportunityHave had to look intoHave not had time to look into the matterLook toLook upTelegraph when you can look toAm very pleased with the look Of the mineAm very disappointed with the look of the mineLooked [he 15 righ t l n every respect

. I have looked through ’

s report on the m ineI have looked through ’

s report ; his stateThe mine looked well [ments are wrongThe mine looked very bad

L ookingLookl ng badLooking wellLooking worseLooking betterLooking first- rateN ot looking so wellIs looking the sameWhere the vein is looking

is (are) looking ahead [sequentlyHas (have) not been looking ahead

,and con

Looking well afterLooking out forThis will require looking after at once

is (are) looking out (for)I am (we are) looking after l t (them)

LoseWill be l ikely to lose

will probably loseH owmuch will lose byDo(es) not loseDO not lose any time inShall loseShall not loseDo not lose sight of

lose(s ) sight ofThey lose at presentThey lose per cent. of the gold from not

L oser(s) [being able to work the sulphuretswill be the loser(s)will not be any lose1 (s) by

I (we) shall be the lose1(s)Loser (s) by this transaction

L OWL ow (continued)Very lowLow as you can

The water i s very low inLow priceH ow lowwill it goThe stock is very low

LowerI (we) think theI (we) think the wil l not go lowerWe must sink feet lower.Will have to s ink the lowerMust have lower termsAt the lower levelCannot lower

LowestOn the lowest termsAt the lowest leve lTelegraph lowest priceThe lowest price

’s lowes t price is

What is the lowest priceWhat is the lowest sum you will take (for)

i s the lowest price ; no reduction can bemade

The mine has been worked at the lowest costThe cost of working must be brought down to thelowes t figure

will go lower

Luissem Is this the lowest you can getLuituras . Luck

Lukewarm Through a piece of luckLullabyLumbago Has (have) been so lucky as toLumbered Has (have) not been lucky inLumbrical LucrativeLuminant I feel sure i t wil l be a lucrative ventureLuminous N ot suffi ciently lucrative.

Lummelei has (have) been very lucrativeLumpig Has (have) never been lucrat iveLumpish Will i t be sufficiently lucrativeLunacies LuggageLunaison As soon as my (our) luggage arrivesLunat ico L umberLuncheth Waiting for lumberLunching Plenty of lumberLunderen Built Of lumberLungeous The houses are built of lumberLuniform A scarcity Of lumberMacada M ach in eryMacadamize Machinery broke down had to stop hoistingMacareno Machinery broke down had to stop pumping

MAC 155

CodeWord . M ach in ery (contin iced)Macarrones The only machinery isMacarse There i s no machinery whatever atMacassar What hoisting machinery is there at the mineMaccabean Machinery (at complete in every wayMaccoboy What machinery will be requiredMacebam Machinery receivedMacebearer Have commenced erecting machineryMacerated I estimate i t will cost to put up the mecesMaceration Machinery out Of repair [sary machineryMachinal I estimate the value Of the machinery atMachinate The machinery that will have to be erected i sMachinator The machinery works badlyMacilent The machinery will be up byMackintosh The machinery has been sentMackle The repairs to the machinery will takeMacrocosm M ade

Macrology Made money overMacrometer Made money out ofMacropus Will have to have the madeMacrotone I am (we are) getting it (them ) madeMacrouran Shall I (we) get i t (them) made hereMactation Can be made hereMacula Cannot be made hereMaculated When will it (they) be madeMaculation It (they) will be made aboutMadam Mus t be made immediatelyMadaros is Y ou had better have madeMadbrain I f you can get i t (them) madeMadcap If you cannot get it (them) madeMaddener Could not be made out

Maddeneth Made the bes t terms I couldMaddening Can be made atMadefies Made byMadefying Made up toMadhouse Cannot be made upMadmen Has (have) been madeMadonna Has (have) not been madeMadoqua Trial madeMadrepearl N ot made byMadrepore Made up OfMadrier Made too heavyMadrigal Made too l igh tMaels trom Will have to be madeMaestoso M agn itudeMagazine Of what magnitude i sMagellanic Of great magnitudeMagenta Of no great magnitudeMaggoty M ai l (s)Magian Sending report by to - day’s mailMaglanism Sending report by to - morrow’s mail


CodeWord .

MagicallyMagician .

MagilpMagister .

MagistracyMagistralMagnateMagnesia .

MagneticMagneticalMagnetis tMagnificat



MailcladMai lcoachMal lguard



MainsailMainsheetMaintopMainyard .

MajesticMajesti calMaj ol icaMajoratMajordomoMajusculeMakebateMakepeaceMakeshiftMalacologyMaladroi tMaladyMalandersMalapertMalapropos


M ai l (s) (continued)Sending report by mail ofR eport sent by mail ofWl l l write by next mailWill send full particulars by next mailMail arrived too late for me (us) toWait for the mail ofBy the firs t mailBy last mailBy next mai lNo dependence can be placed on the mailsMail delayed through accident to .

Leaving by mail steamer ofLeaving by mail train (011)Wr ite by next mail aboutThere is a weekly mail here fromThere i s a mon thly mail here fromThere i s a fortnightly mail here fromN ot hearing from you by last mailHave sent you by the mail OfHave sent you the accounts for the year ending



Main by mail ofMain driftMain shaftIn the main driftIn the main shaftThe main shaft is downThe main tunnelFrom the main shaft to

M ake

Prepared to make overN ot prepared to make overWilling to makeNot willing to makeMust make some alterationCannot make any alterationPlease make out and send at onceMake arrangements to go to

To make moneyWhen can you makeCan makeCannot make

M akingAm (are) nowmaking up the accountsMaking no profits

,only paying expenses

Are you making. Hope soon to be makingMaking good progress

ManA man of high standingA man of no reputation

158 MAN

CodeWord. .

Mandibles M ann er

Mandibular In what mannerMandioc In the same manner asMandol ine In like mannerMandragora In some mannerMandrear In the manner explainedManducable The only manner in which the ore can be workedManducate Cannot in any manner [to any profit is byManege M anyManequin H owmany do you wantManeuver DO you want manyManeuvered I (we) do not want manyManful I (we) shall want a great manyManfully As many as you can getManfulness N ot so many asMangcorn As many as possibleMangiest N ot very manyManginess is found in many of the mines in the districtMangleth I n many instancesMangl ing Many minersMangonel . M ap (s) [(roundMangy Send me (us), if you can

,a map of the country

Manhater . I (we) send you by to - day’s post a map of the

country in which the Mines areNo reliable map has ever been made of

A government mapY ou will see by the map that

M arch

During the month of MarchFor the month of MarchE arly in MarchAbout the middle Of MarchTowards the end of MarchLast MarchNext MarchI st Of March2nd of March3rd of March4th of March5th of March6th of March7th of March8 th of March9 th of March10th of Marchr 1 th of March1 2 th Of March13 th of March14th of March15th of March

MAR 159

CodeWord . M arch (conti nued)Manorial 16th of MarchManoscope 1 7 th of MarchManqueller 18 th of MarchMansard 19th of MarchManservant 20 th of MarchMansions z rst of MarchMansuetude 2 2nd of MarchMantelet 2 3rd of MarchMantiger 24th of MarchManti lla 2 5th of MarchMantling 2 6th of MarchMantrap 2 7th of MarchManuals 2 8th of MarchManubial . 2 9th of MarchManuducent: 3o th of MarchManuductor 3 l st of MarchManumitted . M argin (s)Manumotor


Manuscrip tManxMarabuts .


MaranathaMaraschinoMarasmusMarauderMaraudingMaravedi .MarcassinMarcelineM arcescentMarchpaneMarcioniteMarechalMargarateMargaricMargarineMargaron

Marginal lyMarginatedMargode

MargosaMargravateMargrave .



Must have a margin for contingenciesA further margin OfWill not give any marginWill give a margin of

Margin must be made good onUnless i t (they) leave a marginLeaving no marginLeaving a good margin for

M arket

Market advancingMarket brokeMarket broke so fast, could not sell more thanMarket closed firmer wi th more inquiryMarket closed dull with les s inquiryMarket decliningMarket dullMarket dull, but prices are firmMarket has an upward tendencyMarket has a downward tendencyMarket has indications of a panicMarket is dull and unsettledMarket i s dull owing toMarket is s trong onMarket is weak onMarket opened weak

,but closed strong

Market opened strong,but closed weak

All stocks are declin ing ; market very weakAll stocks are advancing the market i s very strongMarket affected by [further downward tendencyAll s tocks are decl ining ; the market indicates aH ow i s the market ? Please telegraphIf the market is strongIf the market is weak

160 MAR

M arket (continued)Te legraph if there i s any change in the marketThe market i s improvingFrom appearance of the market I think I hadbetter buy What is your advice

From appearances Of the marketAs fast as the market wi ll stand itFrom appearance of the market I th ink I hadbetter sell What is your advice

From appearance of the market, stocks will soonThe market i s improving [declineThink there is prospect for a good marketThe report has had a depressing effect on the

marketThe report has had a favourable effect on the

I think the market will keep up [marketI think the market will not keep upTo excite the marketTo excite the market as l ittle as possibleMarket quiet, but firmWhat do you think of the market [bottomWatch the market, and buy quickly if i t shows

M ateria1(s)Materials can be easily Obtained [toShall have to send to for necessary materialsN0 materials at hand forThe necessary material forFor the materials to

M atrixThe matrix beingThe matrix is

M atter(s) (See also Settle )Go into the matter careful lyHave referred the matter toWhat is the matter withThe matter has been settled byThe matter is not yet sett ledWhen the matter i s settledTill the matter is settledI (we) leave the matter toThe matter is now in handWill have noth ing to do with the matterThe matter will soon be settledMatter(s) appear (s) very unsettledIt will not matterThe matter is in the hands ofThere is nothing the matter withIt does not matterIt is a mat ter of the greatest importanceH ow do matters standI t is a matter of

to arrange


MatfelonMathematicMathesisMaticoMatineeMatrassMatricidalMatricideMatrimonyMatronageMatronizedMatronlyMatronsMatteredMatteringMattockMaturantMaturedMatutinalMaudlinMauls tickMaundereth

MaunderingMauso leanMauveMawkishMaxillarMaxillipedMaximizeMaydayMayoraltyMayoressMaypoleMayqueen

MazaganMazar ine .

Maz ologyMazurkaMeadowMeagrely .

MeagrenessMealman .

Meal t imesMeanderedMeandrianMeandrousMeaninglyMeaslesMeasurablyMeasurer


M ay (continwerl’

)2 5th of May2 6th of May2 7th of May28 th of May2 9th of May30th of May3 I st of May

M ean (s) [ofDo not understand what you mean in your le tterDo not understand what you mean in your telegramBy What means [of by)By which meansWhat do (does) meanBy all meansBy no meansHas (have) the meansHas (have) not the meansTake such means as you think bestShall take other means (to)Take every possible means (to)

M ean ingWhat is the meaning of

M eant

I (we) meant to sayWhat was meantWas not meant

M ed iumThe ore is ofmedium qualityOnly of medium quality

M eet

Meet me (us) atMeet me (us) on arrival, at theWill meet you atWill meet me (us) atWill not be able to meet you atWill not be able to meet me (us) atIf do (does) not meet youMust have to meet current expensesTelegraph to to meet me atTelegraph to the Bank to meet me

M eeting [on my arrival atCall a meeting ofStatutory meetingHas (have) called a meeting ofAnnual general meeting wil l be heldE xtraordinary general meetingThe meeting was highly satisfactoryAt the meeting [by telegraphPlease attend meeting of and report resultA meeting will be held on (to) .

MEE 163

M eeting (continued)When will the next Board meeting take placeAt a meeting held i t was decided toNothing was decided at the meetingA meeting will shortly be held to decidePlease attend the meeting, and watch our interestsAt a meeting of the creditors of payment of

in the pound was offeredMeconium M ember(s)Medalet i s (are) member(s) ofMedalist is (are) not member(s) ofMedallic I s (are) member(s) ofMedallion By a member ofM eddlesome M en

Meddleth . Short ofmenMeddling . R equire men to

Meddlingly R equire experienced men toMediacy M ention

Mediaeval Do not mention to any oneMediastine Y ou had better mention (th is) toMediately Will mention the matter toMediation Will make no mentionM ediatize Y ou do not mentionMediator M entioned

Mediatress Has not been mentionedMediatrix Was mentioned to me privatelyM edicable I s not to be mentionedMedically Was mentioned as a positive factMedicament M erchan t (s)M edicaster is (are) the leading merchant(s) of this placeM edicated i s (are) leading merchant (s) of [wayMedicinal i s (are) merchant (s) in but in a smallMedicines On behalf of who is (are) merchant (s) inMediocre The vendors are merchants inMediocrity M ercury .

Meditating LosingMeditative M erit(s)Medley The great meri t is

mercury per ton of ore owing to

Medulla On its meritsMedullary M essageMedu llin I (we) do not th ink you understand the messageMedusa Send following message toMedusian R epeat the messageMeekly Las t message received from you was datedMeekness My (our) las t message to you was datedMeerschaum Have not received the message referred to (of)Megacosm Has (have) received a message from sayingMegalesian From message receivedMegalithic Has (have) sent no messageMegalonyx I (we) do not understand the messageMegaphyton A message was sent


CodeWord .

MegascopeMegrimMeiosisMelampodeMelancho lyMelangeM elan izm

MelanotypeMelaphyreMelasmaMelicerisM el ifero

Mel iorateM el l igo

MelliteMell iticMellowed .

MellownessMelodeonMelodiesMelodiousMelodistMelodizedMelodramaMelpomeneMeltinglyMemberedMembershipMembraneMembranousMementoesMemo irsMemoiristMemorablyMemorat iveMemorialsMemorizedMemphianM enaceth

MenacingMenacinglyMenageri e


MendableMendaciousMendacityM endeth



M et

Was (were) met withmet me (us) at

H as (have) not met

M et withM et by

M etal

M etal l iferousM etamorph ic

Metamorphic slateM eth od

The method by which the gold is extractedI wan t to go to to see a newmethod forA newmethod ofextracting the from theBy this methodA great saving is accompl i shed by the method

M icaceous [which has been adopted (of)Micaceous rockMica schist

M id d l e

In the middleThrough the middleAt the middle

M id stIn the midst of

M ightMight I (we)Might he (they)Y ou mightH e (they) mightMight I (we) notIt mightIt might notMight be able to

M i l e (s)I s about miles from the mine(s)Miles fromCan be traced for many milesThe Mine(s) i s (are) miles fromThe mill i s miles from the mine(s)H owmany miles is (are) the mine(s) fromThe last miles of the journey, the road isvery bad

The last miles are over the mountainsM i l l (s)Mil l i s (Mills are) running on ore fromMill returns showMil l tes ts showHave based my calculation on the mill run forThere is a stamp mill [the last year


9033 Mesolabe

9037 Messager


I do not consider the


M in e (s) (contznuea’

)The mine(s) 18 (are) situated in a district havinga reputation for good properties

The mine(s) is (are) not situated in a districtcelebrated for good propertiesI consider the M 1ne(s) very valuableThe mine(s) i s (are) worked outI s trongly recommend the purchase of the

Mine(s) forMine(s ) worth more

than a sum I feel sure the vendors willaccept

H ow i s (are) the mine(s) looking [the mines( 6 ) wi ll be necessary to thoroughly equipAt the mine(s)The mine is not worthOn the mineIn the mineMine(s) is (are) full of waterFrom all parts of the mineI cannot advise the purchase of the mine(s)I advise purchase of the mine(s) forThe mine(s) m its (their) present conditionThe mine(s) fall(s) far short of the report byThe mine has been so badly worked that there isgreat danger of its caving

The mine(s) is (are) within easy access ofThe mine(s) is (are) worth the priceThe mine( s) is (are) not worth the priceThe mine has been relocatedHave a mine of undoubted value ofl


ered me for

wi l l pay a d ividend ofper annum. Could you do anything with itLook about quietly

,and if you can get hold of a

thoroughly good mine for about let

me know. I would like to have a really goodproperty to offer

The mine does not look as well as I expectedMine has improvedMine does not look encouragingMine is being badly managedMine(s) is (are) being worked all rightMine(s) is (are) better than I expectedMine(s) i s (are) closedMine(s) is (are) getting into rich oreMine(s) is (are) improvingMine(s) i s (are) looking poorMine(s) i s (are) looking betterMine(s) is (are) looking worseMine(s) is (are) looking wellAdmit no one into the mine(s)

MIN 167

M in e (s) (continued)Have examined the Mine(s)Nothing new in the mineNothing new in any of the mines [mine(s)Keep me (us) posted of every change in the

Keep the mine (s) closed [mine (s)N o truth in the reported developments in the

From o ther parts of the mine samples taken assaynothing [Mine(s) assayAverage samples from differen t parts of the

- I consider the developments in the mine(s) fullyjus tify the erection of stamps

,in addi

tion to those already in useIndications in the mine show that we must be nearThere is nothing in the mine to justify the advanceIn the neighbourhood of the mine(s)This mine (These mines)Mine(s) not good enoughI n different parts of the mineIf the Mine(s) i s (are) all righ tNothing wrong in the mine (s)N o merit in the mine (s)I was in the mine(s)Cannot get into the mine(s), but from rel iableinformat ion I learn that

Cannot get into Mine(s)The mine(s) has (have) very good indications ofHave stopped work on the in the mineHave struck good ore in the Mine(s)Have struck it rich in the Mine(s)Have struck quartz in the Mine (s)Have struck the vein in the Mine(s)Have been in the Mine to - day

,and think

the recent developments showMezzotint has been in the Mine(s) . See him and

learn all you can about i t (them )Miasmal All who have visited the mine(s) report very

favourably on i t (them)Miasmatic Go into the Mine(s) at once, examine the

reported developments, and telegraph me (us)promptly

M icrocosm I have arranged for your inspection of the

Mine(s) situated at [atE s t imate value of M ine in its present stateContain ing rich silver minesMine i s not what it was represented to beI t is a very poor mine ; won’t pay to workAll who have vis ited the mine reportE xamined mine ; find statements grossly ex agge

rated [substantially correctMidheaven Have examined mine, and find represen tation

168 M I N

CodeWord . M in e (s) (continued)Midland What do you think of the MineMidnight Will examine the Mine and report at onceMidrash A better mine thanMidshipman M in er(s)Midships Miners areMidsummer Miners demandMidway are good minersMidwinter are bad miners [for the workMightily I t will be necessary to engage good E ngl ish minersMigniard Miners have s truck 3 they demand extra

wages per day [give much troubleMigrant The miners here are a lawless set, and likely toM igrateth Impossible to get good minersMigration The miners prefer working on contractM igratory Miners will not work on contractM 1ldewed M ineralMiles ian The mineral belt ofMilepost Mineral oilMilestones M in ing per ton

Milfoil The cost of m1n1ng and milling the ore has beenMil iary E stimated cost of mining and mi l l ingMi l iola Placer mining [primit ive fashionMi l iol ite The mining in this district is carr ied on in a veryMil itancy . M 1ning interests are looking upM i l itan t The cost of mining and mi l l ing, with the improve

ments I have specified, would be, I es t1mate,

per ton

Have resumed mining operationsFacil iti


es for mining except ional ly goodThe mines are s ituated in the m1ning district of

M in ingengin eer(s)Mmmg engineer will be sent to examine property

is (are) mining engineer(s) of great repu teis a (are) mining engineer( s) of no reputehas (have) the repu tation of being min ing

engineer(s) of abil ity and integri tyMilksop has (have) the repu tation of being mining

engineer(s) of ability, but unscrupu lousMilky Mining engineer examined, and confirms reportsMillboard Mining engineer does not confirm reportsMilldam M in tMillenary . To the mintMillenial At the mint ofMillesime The bull ion is shipped to the mint atMillepore To what mint is the bull ion sh1ppedMillesimal M inutelyMi l liard Have gone most minutely into all the details ofMill ier Y ou must go very minutely into al l the deta i lsM illigram H ad not t ime to go very minutely into all the

70 M I X

M ixedThe ore is largely mixed withMixed up wi thSo as not to be mixed up withThe accounts are so mix ed up, you can tell nothing

M ode

The mode in which they work theGo to and see their mode of working theThe mode in which they have hitherto worked is

M ondayOn MondayLast MondayNext MondayE very MondayE very other Monday

M on ey [me (us) 75 at onceAm (are) badly l n want of money ; you must sendShall want money when I get to ; telegraphDo you want any money to

Have sent you thinking you will be in wantThe money is already subscribed [of money forCan pay the purchase money as soon as yourreport reaches us

The money to be paid on theThere will be a difficulty in raising the moneyThere will be no difficulty in rais ing the moneyHave the money readyR equire an advance of moneyH owmuch money do you want

demand(s) a deposit of money as a guaran teeY ou must demand a deposit ofmoney as a guarantee(that will) [(that will)Have demanded a deposit of money as a guaran teeWe are prepared to pay down the purchase moneyas soon as we receive your 1eport advisingpurchase of

I t will require a large outlay of money toWill cause a forfe i ture of al l money paid thereonWill want money byShall not want any money tillWill remit the money toThere 15 no money in itThere i s money in itWe are short of moneyShall want money before go ing toWho will find the money forWill find the money forWill not find the money forHas (have) provided the money forMoney is easy

MON 171

CodeWord. M on ey (continued)Misjo inder Money is tightMiskindle Money is p lentifulM islayer Money is on the wayM islearned Must have the money byMisliking Must have the money for men’s wages byMismatched Money to be paid ‘downM isnomer Must first have the moneyM isogamy The money wi ll be paid downM isogynist The money will not be paid (without)M isp lacing Do you think the money is al l rightMisplead I (we) think the money is all rightMispoint I (we) do not think the money i s all rightM isprinted What amount of purchase money is requiredM isprize Purchase money required isM isquoteth The supply of money has increasedM isrecite Stop the monthly money ofMisrelated From the want of moneyMisrule Cannot send moneyMissal . Who will supply money requiredM issendeth Money required will be suppl ied byMisshapen From whom shall I draw moneyMissionary Draw what money you require fromM isspell Supply of money very scarce [onceM isspender N o money rece ived yet, please send me (us)M isstayed Money is no objectM istakably Money down is an important object in the caseMistaught Will send moneyMisteach I (we) have not sufficient money in hand forMistermed I (we) have sufficient money in hand forMistitled I am (we are) entire ly without moneyM istrain will keep you supplied wi th moneyM istreated M on th (s)M istress During last monthMistrial s During next monthM istuned The month after nextMistutor This monthMisusage Last monthM isuseth Next monthMisvouch One monthMiswedded Two monthsMiswritten Three monthsMisyoked Four monthsMiszealous Five monthsMithras Six monthsMithridate Seven monthsMitigable . E ight monthsMi tigative N ine monthsMitigator . Ten monthsMitred E leven monthsMitriform Twelve months

172 MON

CodeWord. M onth (s) (continued)Mittens By the month (of)Mittimus For the month (of)Mixable In the month (of)Mixtures During the month (of)Mizzenmast After the month (of)Mnemonics Since the month (of)


Mnemosque Before the month (of)Moaneth The beginning of the monthMoanfully The end of the monthMoaning In a month from this dateMobbingly In month (s) fromMobbish Per monthMobcap tons were hauled inMobility tons were crushed inMobilized In month (s)Moccasins Will leave early this month forMockery Will leave towards the end of the month forMocketh Will leave early next month forModeller Will leave towards the end of next month forModerato M on th lyModernism What are the monthly expensesModernized At what do you estimate mon thly profitsModernly . Monthly payments areModernness Month ly shipment of bars averageModes tly Monthly profi ts estimated atModicum . Send monthly statement ofModifiable Send monthly statement of expenses and returnsModifier Send monthly statements so that they arrive hereModifying M ore [by the of each monthModiolar Will want moreModishly N o more thanModishness A great deal more thanModiste N0 more can be gotModulate From a great many moreModulator N o more wantedModulus More thanMoellon Wi ll probably want moreMograbian More development work must be doneMoguls Will not in all probability want moreMohair Will not cost more thanMohawks Wi ll cost more thanMohock Will be a little moreMo idore Will be a great deal moreMoiety Will not be any moreMo ineau Do you think it will be moreMoi stener Prove(s) to be more than I first statedMoisteneth M orn ingMoistening This morn ingMo istful To - morrow morningMois tness Yesterday morning

174 MUG

CodeWord . M uch (continued)Monocracy H owmuch (shall)Monocular Without much moreMonodrame Will not be much moreMonoecious Shall get as muchMonogamia Shall not get as muchMonogram Without muchMonogynous M ust

Monol ith Must beMonologue Must not beMonomachy Must this beMonomania Y ou mustMonomial Y ou must notMonopathic If you mustMonopolist I (we) mustMonopteral I (we) must notMonorhyme H e (they) mustMonostich H e (they) must notMonotheis t Must I (we)Monotonic Must I (we) notMonsieur Must proceedMonsoon Must not proceedMonthling Mysel fMonument By myselfMoodily Cannot do the work by myselfN abbeth N ame (s)N acarat Name of

N acel le Telegraph the right nameNacreous What is (are) the name(s) ofNadadero In my (our) nameN afal io In your nameNagging In the name of

Nahoor Name the dateNaiads Do you know the name(s) of (the)Nailbrush Name (s) not knownN ailer Name(s) not much likedNaissant Name(s) stand(s) wellNaively N arrowN akedness The vein is narrowNamelessly Is narrowNamesake B ecomes narrowerNankeen In the Level the vein becomes narrowN apery N arrowingNapiform . The vein i s narrowingNapless N ativ e (s)N apol ite Native silverN appingly Native copperNapthal ic In a native stateNarceine The natives in the district are very quietN arcossis The natives in the district are very troublesomeNarcotic N ature

NAT 175

N ature (continued)The nature of the

What is the nature of the

Of a dangerous natureOwing to the dangerous nature of theOf a temporary natureThe inflammable nature of the

N ear

The mines are situated nearThe mines are not near anyNear the veinNear the hanging wallNear the foot - wallAs near as possibleQuite nearN ot near enoughVery nearN ot nearNear the

I i earer

Nearer theGetting nearer theN ot nearer theWhen nearerI s it (are they) any nearer toN o nearer

N earlyHas (have) nearly reached theH as (have) nearly completed (the)The stopes above level N0 . are nearly doneThe ore i s nearly worked outN ot nearly doneN ot nearly finishedN ot nearlyVery nearlyThe works are nearly completedE rection of nearly completedExamination nearly completed

N ecessaryThe firs t th ing necessary is toTo do what is abso lutely necessaryDo (does) not think i t wil l be necessaryIt will be necessary (to)It will not be necessary (to)Under these circumstances it wil l be necessaryIf necessaryIf not necessaryIf necessary to giveIf necessary to takeI f not necessary to giveIf not necessary to take

176 NEC

Code Word . N ecessary (continued)Nauseated It IS necessary (to)Nauseation It is not necessary (to)Nauseous If absolutely necessaryNauseously It is absolu tely necessaryNautical I t i s not absolutely necessaryNauti l ite Wil l i t be necessaryNautiloid . If you consider i t necessaryNavarchy I (we) do not consider i t necessaryNavelgal l More than is necessaryNavette Provide al l that i s necessaryNavicel le . I am (we are) taking the necessary steps (to)Navicular Take the necessary meansNavigable N ecessitate

Navigateur This will necessitateNavigation This need not necessitateNavigators This wil l necessi tate renewing the bondNawabs This wi l l necessitate his (the i r)Nayword This will necessitate my (our)Nazarine This will necessitate yourNaz arites Will this necessitateNazaritism N ecessityNeapol itan Is there any necessityNearsight I (we) do not see any necessityNeatherd There is great necess1tyNeatness In case of necessi tyNebula Unless compelled by absolute necessity do not

Nebulosity N eed

Nebulous Do (does) not needNeckcloth There i s no needNecklace Shal l not needNeckmould In case of needNecktie In need ofNeckverse I (we) am (are) much in need ofNecrolite In case of need, apply toNecrologist In case of need, to whom shall I (we) applyNecrology Has (have) no need ofNecromancy . Is (are) in great need ofNecrophoby Y ou need notNecropol is N egativ eNecrosis In the negativeNecrotomy Telegraph at once if negativeNectar . N egl ectNectareal There is great neglectNectareous Very great neglectNectarized Do not neglectNeedful ly I (we) wi l l not neglectNeediest There has been no neglect on my (our) partNeedlebook Owing to the neglect ofNeedleful . N egl ectedN eedlegun Has (have) neglected to

17 8 N E U

Code Word . N eutral (continued)Nerveless . Wi l l remain neutralNervine N ev er

Nervosity I t will never do toNescience I t has never been knownN espera It has never been mentionedNestleth It can never be done unlessNestl ing Y ou must neverNestorian Never mindNethermost N ewNethinim Is there anything newNettlerash Is (are) quite newNettoyage Wi ll require newNetwork Noth ing newNeuralgia . Everything newNeurology Send immediately newNeuroma Have made a new shaftNeuropathy The newdevelopmen tsNeuroptera It will be better to have newNeurosis Must have newNeurotic Make a newNeurotomy Need not at present have new

Neutrality E verything newand in good orderNeutral iz e N ewsNeutrally Waiting anxiously for news ofNevadilla . What is the latest newsNeverita What news have you of

N eviscar Have you any newsNewcomer I (we) have no newsNewfangled The latest news isN ewkirkite Very important newsNewsboy N0 news of importanceNewsletter Have no further newsNewsman . Send all the news you can aboutNewsmonger Unless you have favourable news do not telegraphNewsroom News not rel iableNewsvendor News quite correctN ewtonian Get all the news you can aboutNex ible Owing to the news thatN ibbleth Very glad to receive news ofNibbling Very sorry to receive news ofNibelungen N ewspapersNicene Send newspapersNiceness Send all newspapers which refer toNicety . N extNickel ic Leaving by next steamerNicknacks Wil l send by next steamerNickname In your next le tterNicolaitan In your next telegramNicotine N igh t(s)Nicotian During the night

N I G‘r

CodeWord .

N ictationNictitate Last nightNidamental To -morrow n1ght

N id ificate .Will leave to -morrown ight for

N idifying N omi nateNidorous We must nom1nate some one to

Nidulant Whom can you nominate toN idulated is (are) the best man (men) to nom inateNidulation Do not nominateNiebla Cannot nominateN iflheim N one

N igander Are there none to be hadN iggard None have been sentN iggardish There are none to be hadN iggardly N orth

N ightcap Due northN ightfall East of northN ightfire West of northN ightgown To the northN ightles s North cross - cutN ightlight North driftN ightmare In a northerly directionN ightshirt North - eastN ighttime North - westN igrescent Dipping northN igrine Lying to the northNihilism From the northNihil istic At the north endN ihility N ote

N ilometer B e very careful to noteN iloti c Have taken great care to noteN imbleness Note the

N imblest N oth ingN imbus If there is nothing suitableN imiety N othing can be doneNincompoop Can nothing be doneN inefold Nothing doingN inepins Nothing to preventN iobium Nothing yetN ipperkin Nothing has been doneNippers Nothing new worth reportingN ippeth Do nothing without first consul tingNippingly Can do nothing till I hear fromN i tency Is (are) doing nothing toN itrate There i s nothing in itN itric There is nothing in the mineN itrified Nothing in sightNitrifying . N othing leftNitrogen I t i s worth noth ingN itrous Can see nothing owing to

I 7 9

180 NOT

CodeWord N oth ing (continued)Nivelar Can hear nothing ofN izam . Nothing at allNoachian Nothing more can be doneNobiliary . N otice

Nobilitate Has (have) given noticeNobleman Has (have) received no noticeNobleness Has (have) sent any noticeNoblesse Due notice will be sentN oblewoman G ive noticeN ocently Until further noticeN octambulo Notice to terminate the agreementN octidial What notice is necessaryNoctilio has (have) taken no noticeNoctiluca . Take no notice of

N octivago N otified

Noctograph has (have) notified me (us) thatNoctuary has (have) not yet been not ifiedNocturnal Have you been notified ofNocturne Unless I am (we are) notifiedNocuous Has (have) been notifiedNodated Unless you are notifiedNodding N ov emberNodosity During the month of NovemberNodular For the month of NovemberNodulous Early in N ovemberNoetic About the middle of NovemberNoiseful Towards the end of N ovemberN oiseless Last NovemberNoisome Next NovemberNoisomely I st of NovemberNomadic 2nd of NovemberNomadism grd of NovemberNomadiz ing 4th of NovemberNombril sth of NovemberNominal ist 6th of NovemberNominative 7th of NovemberNominator 8 th of NovemberNominee oth of NovemberNomothetic ro th of NovemberNonagon r 1 th of NovemberN onchalant 1 2th of NovemberNonentity 13th of NovemberNonesuch 14th of NovemberNonjuror 1sth of NovemberNonparei l 16th of N ovemberNonplus 1 7th of NovemberNonsuited 18th of NovemberNoodle roth of NovemberN oonday co th of NovemberN oontide z rst of N ovember

182 OB J

Obj ect (continued)Y ou must object toWhy do (does)

Obj ectionHas (have) raised an objection toMake no objectionWhat is the objectionN o objection to yourThere would be no objection toI have no obj ectionHave you any obj ection to

Ob l igation

Putting us under an obligation tois (are) under a great obligation to [tion to

Thereby preventing our being under any obligaAvoid putting us under any obligation to

Obl igeThis will oblige us toThis will not oblige us to

To obligeObl iged

Shall be ob liged (to)Will not be obl iged (to)Are we obliged (to)

Obstacl e

A great obstacleThis obstacle must be overcome at once


Can you obtainY ou must obtainY ou mus t obtain longer timeTry and obtain easier termsE ndeavour to obtainI (we) can easily obtainI (we) cannot obtainI (we) hope to obtain


Is there any occasion forThere is no occasion forIf the occasion occurs


Can you obtain occupation for’

s occupation has been toO ccupyThis will occupyThis will not occupyWill this occupyOccupy yourselfwith other inspections till

O ccurred

Nothing of importance has yet occurredTelegraph if anything of importance has occurred

object to

OCC 183

CodeWord . O ccurred (continued)Obsequious What has occurred that we do not hearObservably A disagreement has occurred betweenObservance Has occurredObservant O ccurren ce

Observer Is (are) of frequent occurrenceObsession I s (are) not of frequent occurrenceObsidian I s (are) of frequent occurrenceObsidional O ctober

Obsignate During the month of OctoberObsolete For the month of OctoberObstancia E arly in OctoberObstinacy About the middle of OctoberObstipated Towards the end of OctoberObstruent Next OctoberObtesteth Last OctoberObtrusive I st of OctoberObtundent 2nd of OctoberObturator grd of OctoberObtusely 4th of OctoberObtusion 5th of OctoberObverteth 6th of OctoberObvolute 7th of OctoberOcciduous 8 th of OctoberOccipital oth of OctoberOcciput roth of OctoberOcclusion r 1th of OctoberOcculted 1 2th of OctoberOccupancy 13th of OctoberOccupiers 14th of OctoberOccurrent r5th of OctoberOceanic roth of OctoberOceanides 1 7th of OctoberOceano logy 18 th of OctoberOcellated roth of OctoberOcelot ac th of OctoberOchles is z rst of OctoberOchlocracy 2 2nd of OctoberOchreous 23rd ofOctoberOchroite 24th of OctoberOctachord 2sth of OctoberOctagon e6th of OctoberOctahedral 2 7th of OctoberOctandria e8th of OctoberOctangular coth of OctoberOctant go th of OctoberOctastyle 3 1st of OctoberOctavo Ofi

er(s)Octennial Y ou had better make an ofi'


Octill ion has (have) made an offer [ throughOctofid With firm offer I am (we are) certain to put it

184 OFF

Code Word Ofi’

er(s) (continued )Octogenary I (we) would advise you to withdraw theOctogesimo Cannot make better offerOctogynous Offer acceptedOctonary Offer declinedOctopetal i Cannot obtain better offerOctopod has (have) withdrawn his (their)Octoroon If the offer i s firmOctostyle With a firm offerOctroi has (have) made no offer as yetOctuple has (have) declined the offerOcularly I s (are) likely to make any offerOculateth A reasonable offerOcul iform An unreasonable offerOculist Do you accept the offerOdalisque Offered

Oddities has (have) offered toOddnesses I (we) have offered toOdiously Has (have) offered toOdiousness The property was offeredOdometer The mine has been offeredOdontalgia I am offeredOdontoid I have offeredOdorating Ofi

eringOdorine is (are) offering the mine forOdorous What is (are) offering the mine forOdorously has (have) been offering (to)Odourless O fli ce

Odyssey In the officeOffences has (have) an office inOffender O ften

Offensive Which often occursOfferable Has often been foundOffertory N ot very oftenOfi


handed Cannot often be seenOfficialty The mine(s) has (have) often beenOfii cinal O l d

Officious O ld workings full ofwaterOffing In the old workingsOffscum In the old shaftOffsetteth The buildings are old and dilap idatedOffsetting Too old for

Offspring . Very o ldOffward Belowthe old workingsOfttimes E xtensive o ld workingsOgl ingly Om itOgress Do not omit toOgreish Do not omit to mentionOgygian Do not omit to see

O ilcake Do not omit to sendO ilcloth Om itted

Code Word .

OncotencyOnerouslyO i ikotomyOnlookerOnomancyOnomast icOnsettingOnslaughtOntologyOnychiaOo longOopackOoz ings

OpacityOpacousOpalesceOpalescentOpalizedOpaqueOpaquenessOpenerOpenhanded .



Operati calOperativesOpercularOperculumOperettaOperoseOperosityOphicle ideOphidiaOphidians


Op in ion (continued)is (are) Of Opinion that

Ascertain ’

s Opinion ofHave changed my Opinion sinceTelegraph your Opinion (Of)What is your Opinion with regard toThe Opinion of all who have vis ited the mine i sHas (have) formed a very poor Opinion OfH as (have) formed a very high opinion OfThe general Op inion is

Oppon ent(s)i s (are) our opponent (s) as to

Who i s a (are) very formidable opponent (s)Are there any Opponents to fear

is a (are) opponent(s) not to be much fearedOpponents who can be squared

Opportun ityWhen wil l there be a good opportunityShould the Opportunity occurAt the earliest opportunityIf I can get the opportunity I willHave not had an opportunity ofHave lost the opportunity (to)

Oppose(s)Intend (s) to opposeIt would not be wise at first to Oppose

oppose(s) us in everywayDO not opposeWill not oppose

OpposedThe directors are opposed toAm (are) Opposed toIs (are) Opposed (to)Is (are) not opposed (to)


Have you met with any OppositionIf you meet with any oppos itionHas (have) met wi th great OppositionHas (have) not met with any opposition

Ophiology fOptionOphiomancy .


Opil itavo



At my optionAt your OptionAt his optionDO you authorize my (our) payingWe must have the Option of

will give us no Option in the mattergive(s) us the option of

To have the option Of

O rder(s)Act strictly according to orders fromOrder at once


OpobalsamOpodeldocOpoponaxOppidanOpp i lateOppilat ion

ORD 187

O rd er (s) (continued)DO not orderOut Of orderWhen wil l everything be in working orderT0 your orderTo my (our) orderI s (are) in good working order

Opponency Ord inaryOpportuneOpposethOpposi telyOppositiveOppressethOppressiveOpprobriumOppugnancyOppugnantOppugnerOprobiosoOpsimathyOpsiometerOptativeOpticallyOptician

1 Optigraph


I s i t an ordinary th ingOre (See also E stimate, Free, Grade)Ore bodyOre chamber [during the week was tonsOre extracted and forwarded to the mi l l(s)All ready to ship ore to the exten t of tonsHave discovered a 'good body of pay oreAssorted oreI (we) estimate the amount of ore in s ight atI (we) estimate the value Of the ore atThe reserve of ore

Good ore is still being foundOre of fair gradeThe bunch Of ore i s pinching out [as everOre is inches thick, and continues as richWe are nowputting high grade ore through the

millY ou must put high grade ore through the millin order to have sufficient money for the

quarter’s dividendA streak of ore in this mine gives assays ofNow producing large quantities Of oreN owproducing large quantities of rich oreThe ore from these workings [millWe are now putting lowgrade ore through the

There is no pay ore below the LevelThere i s no pay ore above the LevelOwing to the ore being very refractoryWe are taking out tons of ore in the

twenty- four hoursThe amount of ore in sight ising a net profit of per ton

The ore i s getting poor (in)The ore i s giving out (in)Ore in shaft is improving as it goes downThe ore in sight will las t forOre in winze is improvingOre is good and will payOre is improving in the drift as we advanceThe ore is milling better than was expectedOre in the Level is very richThe ore is very richOre pays



O re (continued)Ore struck, assays showAre out of ore

The Ore i s found inI s there any ore in sightHave found oreNumber of tons of first- class ore isNumber Of tons Of second - class ore i sNumber of tons of third- class ore i sNumber Of tons of ore on the dump is

per ton

Shipped tons of ore to mi ll (s) during lastweek

Shipping tons Of ore to the mill(s) per dayTake out all the ore you canThe ore cannot be worked except byThe body of ore i s narrowingThe body Of ore is increasing in widthSO as to open up fresh bodies Of oreI (we) cannot procure ore on account ofWe get our principal supply of ore out OfOre improving in quality as developedFirst- class oreDrift now in ore, assays average per ton

Fine body Of oreHas the appearance of good body Of oreN O pay ore found yet

tons Of ore in sight in mineFree milling oreR efractory oreThe body Of ore is getting poorer [ofTeams cannot haul ore at present on accountOre con tains no visible goldSelected ore

Organ i z eIt will be necessary to organiz eY ou must organize

OriginalAccording to the original agreement

Original l yThe mines were originally worked byWho originally worked the

O riginatedThe report has originated fromThe report has not originated fromFrom whom has the report orig inated

Oth er(s)In no other wayFrom o therOther parts of the mineBy o therBy no other



OstentatorOstentousOsteocollaOsteocopeO steogenyOsteozoaOsthex yOstraceanOstracismOstrogothO tacousticOtalgiaO toscope .



OutgrownOuthousesOutlandishOutlawryOutl iveth



Overcom e (continued)0

There will be great difficulties to overcomeIn order to overcomeCan you overcome

OverdrawnAccount is overdrawn byHas (have) overdrawnHas (have)


Is (are) overdueOverl ook

DO not overlook


Y ou must on no account overlook (the)Cannot overlookWi ll overlook

Ov ersigh tBy an oversightIt has been a gross oversight on the part of

OwingOwing toN ot owing to

Own (s)own (s ) one- half Of the propertyown (s) one quar ter of the propertyown (s) one- third of the propertyown(s) two - thirds of the property

One company should own both minesBy this means we shall ownDO (does) not ownWi ll ownUnless we can own the largest partTo own the control ling interest in the mine(s)It i s necessary you should own the

OwnedThe mine(s) is (are) owned byThe mine(s ) has (have) been owned by

Owned theWhen the mine(s) was (were) owned byOwnedNever owned by

Own er(s)


Ascertain who are the different parties who have

[atthe owner(s) of the mine(s) wil l meet you

See the owner(s) of the Mine(s)The mines have frequently changed ownersThe owner(s) Wish (es) to retain an interest in

the mine (s)The owner(s) will accept

number Of sharesin cash


is (are) the larges t owner(s) in the mine(s)The owner(s) of the adj acent claim (5)Have seen the owner(s) of the mine(s) (who)

CodeWord .


Pacify ingPackagesPackclothPacketboatPackhorsesPackmanPacksaddlePackthreadPackwaxPactionalPaddingPadd lebeam


PadlockedPadnagPadowpipePaduasoyPaganishPaganizingPageantPageantryPagehoodPaginalPaginationPagodasPagurianPaideuticsPaillassePainfullyPainstakerPaintressPalacesPaladinPalankeenPalanquinsPalatable .




PaidH as (have) paidThis sum to be paid onTO be paidCannot be paid tillHas draft been paidHas not been paidH as been paid

has (have) hitherto paidWhat has been so far paidTo be paid immediately, otherwiseWill have to be paidHave paid to your accountBill has been paidBill has not been paidBill will be paidBill wil l not be paidHas (have) not paidTO be paid as followsUnless paid byHave paid to your credit at theTo be paid in advance

Pan out

Can pan out gold2ParAt parThe shares are now at parWhen the shares are at par sel lAre to be had at par

has (have) bought at parTo get the shares above par

PartA part ofDO not part withThe greater partOn the part OfThe lesser part

Particu l arsGet full particulars aboutTelegraph full particularsHas (have) Obtained full particulars as toSend the fullest particularsHave sent full particulars by letterFurnish him with full particularsWill give particulars in letterCould get no particulars as to

Particu l arlyY ou must particularlyWill particularlyH as (have) particularly

19 1

192 PAR

CodeWord .

Paleaceous PartiesPalely Y ou must see all the parties interes tedPaleogean Can you send me the names Of the parties inPaleology Parties here impatient at delay [terestedPaleous Parties have money readyPalermitan The names of the partiesPalestra Partl yPalestrian The mine(s) has (have) only been partly workedPalestric Could only partly examine the mine(s) owing toPaletot Is (are) partlyPal ilogy Was (were) partlyPal impsest Partn er(s)Palindrome and are partners in the concernPal inode and are no longer partnersPal inodial ’

s partner Objects toPalisades one of the partners

,i s now in

Palisading one of the partners, i s on his way toPal ladium As soon as the other partner(s ) arrive( s)Pallbearer has bought out his partner(s)Pallial Could only see ’

s partnerPal l iateth PassPal l iation TO pass overPalliatory As you will pass on your way toPallidity Wi l l you pass on your way toPallidness DO (does) not passPallium Shall passPalmary PastPalmated Judging from the work done in the pastPalmatifid In the pastPalmatine Paten t (s)Palmetto Patents all in orderPalmhouse Unless you can get patentsPalmiped Insist on the patents being ObtainedPalmistry Title to property is United States patentPalmyrene Have the patents examined by an efficient lawyerPalpably Paten tedPalpebral Is the property patentedPalpiform The property is patentedPalpi tated The property is partly patented and partly notPalsgrave Have nothing to do with the mine(s) unlessPalsical E ach claim is patented [patentedPals ied This claim is patentedPalterer I s the claim (are the claims) patentedPal tereth See that the claim( s) is (are) patentedPaltriness PayPaludal To payPaludinous DO not payPampered Who will payPampero Agree(s) to payPamphlet Do not make pay till

194 PEN



PaperingPapermil l


PapeteriePaphianPapillaryPapillotesPapismPapisticalPapistryPappoose per cent. on cap i talPapu larPapulose .

Papyrean .



PendingPending further instructionsPending the settlement of affairsPending the decision of the courtWhilst this i s pending

Pennyweigh t(s)Less than one pennyweightN ot more than one pennyweightAbout one pennyweight

pennyweights per tonP er cen t.

YieldingI per cent.I f per cent.1% per cent155 per cent.2 per cent.23; per cent.2% per cent.2% per cent.3 per cent.3}per cent.3

-5 per cent .3% per cent.4 per cent.4


4,Lper cent.

4 73? per cent.42

per cent.5 per cent.Si per cent.6 per cent.65 per cent.7 per cent .755 per cent.8 per cent.per cent.

9 per cent.10 per cent.1 1 per cent.1 2 per cent.13 per cent.14 per cent.1 5 per cent.1 6 per cent.1 7 per cent.18 per cent.1 9 per cent.2 0 per cent.30 per cent.40 per cent.

PER 195

CodeWord Per cent. (continued)Parasol 50 per cent.Parataxis 60 per cent.Parathesis 70 per cent.Parboil 80 per cent.Parboileth 90 per cent .Parbuckle 1 00 per cent.Parcelling Percen tageParcenary What percentage do you estimateParcener A large percentageParchingly A smal l percentageParchment PeriodPardonable At what periodPardoner . At a later periodParegoric At an earlier periodPareira Perm ission (See also Get)Parelcon Do not give permissionParembole H as (have) given permiss ionParenchyma Wil l not give permissionParenetic . Has (have) refused permiss ionParental Has (have) obtained permis sion toParentless Obtain permiss ionPargasite Perm itPargeter Permit our cipher to be used byParhel ia Permit to examine thePariah Will you permitParietal Will permitParisian T0 get a permitParitor DO not permitParlance Cannot permitParleying I t is advisable to permitParlours Personal l yParmesan Y ou must see personallyParnassian Has (have) not personally any knowledge of

Parochial Has (have) seen personallyParodic Has (have) personally seen the mine(s)Parodist Have you personally examinedParole PetitionParonomasy To petition againstParonychia Have presented a petitionParonyme Petit ion is refusedParonymous Petition is grantedParoxysm Y ou had better petition agains tParoxysmal Petro l eumParrhesia The pe troleum occurs in a strata ofParricidal The petroleum is found at feetParricide B oreholes struck petroleum at feetParrotry well(s) produce(s) gallons petroleum

per hourThe supp ly of petroleum is inexhaustiblePetroleum is found largely in the district

196 PIC

PickIf you


have the chance to pick up a good minefor about do so. This i s a good moment

TO pick up [to sel l

TO pick overHave been able to pick up a goodtime months, titles all right

PickedPicked orePicked specimensHas (have) picked upPicked over

has (have) been picked overhas (have) not been picked over

Pinch edThe vein is very much pinchedPinched out

P inch ingThe vein is pinching out laterallyThe vein is pinching out verticallyThe veins are pinching out

P ip e(s)Lay down pipesBy laying down pipesIn (a) pipe(s)The water has to be brought in pipes miles)

Piping [diameterfeet Of wrought - iron piping inchfeet of cast - iron piping inch diameter

P1ace (s)Have no one to take the place of

In no place are the conditions so favourable forIn place Of [cheap workingAt what placeCan you placeCan placeCannot placeIn several p lacesIn no placeWho can take your place

will take my placegoes in place of

Can you place any shares OfWhat amount of shares can you place

PlacedThe matter is placed beforeH as the matter been placed beforeHas (have) placedH as (have) not yet placed

. Plant


Code Word.



Porphyry (continued )The country rock is porphyryIn porphyry

Peacemaker In porphyritic rockP eachcolor


P eargauge

P earldiver


PearleyedP earlwhitePeasantry .

P eashel ls

PeashooterPeatbogPeccab lePeccadilloPeccancyPeccantPeccaviPectatePectinalPectinatedPectoralPeculateth

PeculationPeculatorPecuniaryPedagogicPedagogismPedagoguePedal ianPedali tyP edaneous


PeddlerPeddlingPedereroPedestalPedestrialPedi celPedicular .


PortionA large portion of whichA small portion of whichIn a portion ofAs our portionThe greater portionTo retain the greater port ion

PositionWhat is the position of affairs with regard toTo strengthen our pos itionTo improve the positionWhat is the position OfPos ition very seriousI s (are) in a wrong positionIn a very dangerous positionThe position OfAre now in a position toN ot in a position toSend plan showing position of

PositiveNothing positive as yet arrangedAre you positiveCannot be positive tillAs soon as anything positive i s arrangedSomething positive must be settled at onceAm (are) positive thatIs (are) positive that

PossessionIn possession ofPossession will be givenTO put us in possession OfCannot get possession ofTO gain possession OfIs (are) in possessionI s (are) not in possessionAm (are) in possession (Of)N ot in possession (of)

Possibl eAs soon as possibleAs much as possibleI s i t possibleI t is possibleI s not possibleWould it be possibleIf possible

Post (See also Mail)A very responsible pos t

POS 1%

CodeWord Post (continued )Pedipalp is the best man for the postPedireme Will be fit for the postPedometers is not fit for the postPeduncle Postpon ePeduncular Y ou must postponePeephole Will postponePeepshow Will not postponePeerage Will postponePeeresses Canno t postponePeerlessly Postpone go ing to t illPeevish Postpon edPegasus Postponed on account ofPegtankard PowderPegtop Waiting for powder in order toPeirastic Send lbs. of giant powderPelagian N O powder to be had herPelagic PowerPelerine Has (have) great powerPel isse Has (have) no powerPellagra Of what powerPell icle I t is in the power ofPellitory It is not in the power ofPellucid If i t is in the power OfP elmaz o Power of attorney to be made in name OfPeltasta In whose name i s power Of attorney to be madePeltmonger Power Of attorney will be requiredPemmican Who holds power Of attorneyPemphigus Is it in ’

s powerPenance G ive power of attorney toPenchant Send power of attorneyPencilled Cannot send power of attorneyPencill ing Has (have) sent power Of attorneyPencraft Will send power of attorneyP encutter Powerfu lPendant Is (are) all - powerful in the districtPendency N ot sufficiently powerfulPendentive Is sufficiently powerfulPendragon Will require more powerful machineryPendu lous Very powerfulPendulum Practicab l ePenetrable I s i t practicablePenetralia I t is quite practicablePenetrant . I t is not pract icablePen i tence . PreferPenknife Which do you preferPenmanship Would you preferPennalism Would preferPenniform Would prefer not toPennil ess If you preferPennypost Prejudice

200 PRE

CodeWord . Prejud ice (continued)Pennywise . Without prejudice (to)Pennyworth . Prejudi cedPenology . . I s (are) prejudiced againstPensile i s (are) prejudiced in favour ofPensionary . Without being prej udicedPensioner . A prejudiced opinionPensively Prel iminaryPenstock As a preliminary stepPentachord A preliminary agreementPentacle Premature

Pentagon Would be at present prematurePentagonal DO nothing prematurePentagram Is at present prematurePentagynia Prem iumPentameter What is the premiumPentandria The premium is too heavyPentarchy At a premium of

Pentaspast PreparePentastick Prepare as quickly as possiblePentastyle Prepare everything forPentateuch Will preparePentecost Cannot preparePentremite PreparedPenultum Has (have) preparedPenumbra Has (have) not yet preparedPenurious I am (we are) prepared forPeopling N ot prepared forPepperbox Have you preparedPeppering Cannot be preparedPeppermint Y ou must be prepared forPepsine Prepared to accept an OfferPepticity PresentPeracute At the present timePerbend Up to the presentPerceiver For the presentPerception N ot at presentPerchance DO not presentPerching That may present itselfPercipient . PresentedPercolated Has (have) been presentedPercursory Has (have) not been presentedPercutient When presentedPerdition . Has (have) thePeremptory Presid entPerennial i s president ofPerfective Who is the president ofPerfidious Prevai lPerforator Hope to prevail onPerforce Cannot prevail onPerformers Can you prevail on

been presented


Probabl e (continued)It is very probableN ot very probable

ProceedProceed at once to . make a thoroughexamination ofthe property, telegraph Opinion,and send by post full reportWill proceed as requestedY ou need not now proceed toInstruct to proceed to to

Cannot proceed at once can do so on

Can you proceed at once toUnable to proceed to

ProceedsTelegraph proceeds ofProceeds of the amount toGross proceedsN et proceedsThe proceeds are

ProcessA new proces sI am going to to see a newprocess ofBy which proces s

ProduceHope to produceCannot produceWhat do the mines produce per week

ProducedThe mine(s) has (have) producedHave produced per week [monthsHave produced per month for the last

ProducingThe mine (s) i s (are) producingThe mine(s) is (are) producingweek

The mine(s) i s (are) producing very fine ore

Hope shortly to be producing tons perProdu ction [week

To increase the productionTo maintain this productionProduction wil l increase

P rofit(s)Profit in sightLast month’s profit wasProfit this month will beProfit will beLikely to give large profitsThe net profit for the year isWhat profi t has there been [been paidWhat profit will there be after all expenses haveWill net profits for month be


PhalanxPhalaropePhallicPhantasmPhantom .


PharosPhenakismPhenicinePhenomenalPhilanderPhilatoryPhilibegPhilippicPhilippizePhilisterPhilistinePhilologerPhilology .

PhilomathPhilomelPhilopenaPhilosophyPhiltrePhlebitisPhlebotomyPhlegmaticPhlegmonPhlogistonPhoneticPhono litePhonotypePhoronomiaPhosphatePhosphene

i Will

PRO 203

Profit(s) (continued)A profi t ofThe profi ts have been very largeThe profi ts at firs t will not be large [ofTelegraph the probable net profit for the monthE stimated profi tLeaves too small a profi tI estimate we shall make a profit ofProfi t on the runHave been making smal l profits all the timeAt a profit (of)Profits may be expected inside of

Profit may be expected to be not less thanThere wil l be no profi t

Profitab l e [mentAm (are) sure i t wil l be a very profitable i nvestN ot sufficiently profitable

ProgressWhat progress i s being madeWhat progres s have you madeGood progress is being madeMaking slowprogres s

Prom isePromise has not been fulfilled

will not promise topromise to

Cannot promiseWould not promiseCan you promise

Prom isedH as (have) promised toHas (have) promised not toI (we) have promised


TO promote a companyCannot promoteTo promote a good feelingTO promote a better feelingWill not tend to promoteWill promote

PromptH as (have) been as prompt as possib leB e as prompt as you canPrompt action is required

Prompt lyThis must be done promptlyPromptly on account of

ProofAs a proofThere is no proofThe proof is

204 PRO

Proof (continued)What proof is there thatCan show no proofCould gi ve no proofThere is every proof that

PropertyI consider it a most valuable propertyThe property is worthI do not consider the property worth havingIt is not as valuable a property as representedThe property is situatedThe situation of the property is bad [desiredThe situation Of the property is all that can beThe property comprisesOwing to the large extent of the propertyH ow is the property situatedWhat is the property worthWhat will they take for the propertyIs the property worth having

Proportion (s)Contain(s) a proportion ofA large proportion ofwhichI n proportion toIn what proportionI s not in proportion to

Proposalhas (have) made a proposal to

Have asked to make a proposalProposal cannot be entertainedA very fair proposalMust have a more definite proposalAccept the proposalDecline the proposal

ProposeWould propose toDO (does) not propose toWhat do (does) propose doing

propose(s) toProsecuteWill prosecuteWill not prosecuteWill prosecuteIn order to prosecuteN ot to prosecute

Prospect(s)Prospect thoroughlyWhat i s the prospect ofIf any immediate prospectThe mine is little more than a prospectA valuable prospectThere seems every prospect of

206 PRO

Proved (continued)This has provedUnless it has been proved that

Prov i deTo provide against all emergenciesIt is necessary to provideTO provide againstWill provide (for)

will provideWill not provideMust provide forWill this provide

Prov id edProvided will extend the timeProvided will give a guaranteeN ot provided in any way forHas (have) not provided againstB e provided for

Prov ision (s)Provision must be made forH as (have) made provision forHas (have) not made provision forSufficient provision forInsufficient provision forWhat provision has there been made forOwing to the difficulty Of getting provisions

Prud entIt wi ll be more prudent toB e very prudent inMust be more prudentN ot sufficiently prudentWill i t be prudent (to)

fPub l icFor the publ icTo make publicHas not yet been made publ icThe public are eager for mining speculationsThe public will present touch any miningBefore the public [speculationY ou can make this pub licDO not make this public till

stated in public thatBefore i t is made publicThis wil l not be made public tillThe public are investing largely inWe shall not have to go to the publicWe shall have to fgo to the public for the money

Publ ishIntend(s) to publ ishWill not publishDo not publish

PUB 207

Publ ish ed [will be publishedB e very guarded in your report, as all you sayThis ought,

I think, to be publ ishedThis had better not be pub l ishedShould this be pub l ishedH as been published (or have been)Has (have) not yet been publ ishedH as this been publ ished

Pulp assays averagePulp assays for one week averagePulp assays for one month averageWhat is the weekly average of the pulp ass ay

Pump (s)will erect the necessary pumps

Purchasers to take over pumps at valuationThe pumps are out of repairThe pumps cannot cope with the waterMust at once erect pumpsPump capable Of raisingSend inch bucket lift pumpSend inch plunger pumpSend ft. of inch pumpsWill this sum include the pumpsPumps will have to be sent fromPumps nowworkingWill require new pumpsPump is gaining rapidly on the waterDelay of days owing to pump (s) being out

Pump rod [of orderPump bobWindbore for inch pumpWorking barrel inch pumpPump is not able to keep the water downWhat pumps exist at the mineCan do nothing till pumps arriveR equire pumps to raise

Pump edWater has been pumped outCannot be pumped out


As soon as the water is pumped outPump ing

Commence pumping at onceHave to be constantly pumpingContinue pumpingThe pumping engineCease pumpingPumping the water out of the mineAr e pumping gallons in twenty - four hoursAre not pumping

ft.gallons per hour

208 PUR

PurchaseWith the Option of purchase

tried to purchase the mine, but failedWill take purchase money in sharesThe purchase completedThe purchase not yet completedThe purchase must be completed byI (we) advise purchase Of mine(s) forI (we) cannot advise purchaseDo you advise purchaseMoney ready if you advise purchaseDelay the purchaseWill interfere with the purchaseThe purchase of

Purchaser (s)Purchaser(s) to deposit as guaranteePurchaser( s) has (have) money readyPurchaser(s) to take over plant at a valuation

PurposeFor what purposeFor the purpose of

On purposeFor no purpose

2PushPush the sale of

DO not push thePush ahead withY ou must push on theTo push it throughHope(s) to push through

Do not putN ot to be put inPut in your nextPut OffTo be put in

Put everything in good orderPut off payment for all the bills you can

,. and

only draw for what you are compelled to payPut on all the men you can to work

PuttingR ecommend putting up

Pyri tes

A sample with pyrites assayedA sample rejecting pyrites assayedThe pyrites assay per ton

Arsenical pyritesMagnetic pyritesIf the pyrites were concentratedA sample of pyrites assayed

2 10 Q UA

Quartz ite (continued)The foot - wall is quartzite

Question (s)I t is a question whetherThere is no question as toWhat is the questionI n answer to your questionAnswer this question at onceThis is a question which will have to be answeredOut of the question

‘ It is a question OfQuick

B e as quick as you canN ot as quick as it should beWill be as quick as possib le

Qu ickl yAs quickly asDO it quicklyGO as quickly as you can

Wi ll be sent as quickly as possibleSend as quickly as you canHas been done as quickly as possibleWas not done as quickly as i t might have beenCannot get things done quickly hereVery quicklyN ot very quickly

Qu icksi l v erA quicksilver mineThe quicksilver is foundCausing the quicksilver to sickenGreat difficulty in getting quicksilver for

Qu ietl yLook about quietly

,and tell me (us)

GO to work quietlyQu itWill quit workHas (have) not yet quitIs (are) l ikely to quit

Qu iteI s (are) quiteIs (are) not quiteQuite rightQuite sufficientQuite the sameN ot quite the same

Quotation (s)The quotations areWant lowes t possible quotation forTelegraph quotation (s) ofThe following are the latest quotationsQuotations the last week have been


Q UO 1 11

QuotedQuo ted atQuoted atQuoted at parTelegraph at what shares are being quoted

shares are being quo ted atshares are not quoted

R ai lway(s)R ailway washed out by floodsR ailway from to snowed up [mineThe railway passes within mile(s) of theA railway is projected which will pass within

miles of the mineA branch railway toThe nearest railway station isA proposed line Of railway [mineThere i s no railway within miles of the

R ailway from to

R ain (s)The mine was flooded owing to heavy rainsAs soon as the rains set inOnly after the rainsTill the rainsDuring the rainsN O rain yetHeavy rainsWas (were) washed away by heavy rainsThe rain having washed away theHas (have) been delayed by the rainGreat damage has been done by the late rains

R aise

To raiseCan you raiseWill raiseCannot raiseIf you can raiseIf you cannot raiseTry and raiseTrying to raiseH owmuch can you raise

R aised

Has been raisedHas not been raisedHave you raisedWill be raised

R aisingR aising per dayR aising up on theAre raising

R ate (s)

2 12



R agoutR aguledR ailleryR aimentR ainbowR aingauge

R ainwaterR aisonne .

R ajahshipR ajputR akishlyR akishnessR akshasa .

R alearR alladuraRal lieth

R allyingR amadanR amayanaR amblerR amblinglyR amboozeR amekinR amentaR amifieth

R amilleteR amonearR ampallianR ampancyR ampantR amphastosR ampolloR amshackleR ancescentR ancheroR ancidR ancidnessR ancidityR ancourousR angershipR anklinglyR ansackedR ansomerR ansomlessR antipoleR apaceria

R apacidadR apaciousRapador


R ate(s) (continued)The rates are very highThe freight rates are very highTo increase the ratesTo lessen the ratesThe high rate OfThe low rate of

At the rate of

At what rateWhat are the rates forAt any rateAt what rate can you

R ather

I (we) would ratherR ather thanWould rather notWould rather

R each

Hope(s) to reach on

Telegraph when you reachTO reach me (us) atWill not reach in timeTo reach you atWill reach you at

R eadyE veryth ing ready to begin workAre you ready toB e all ready toMust be ready byHave everything readyN ot yet readyAl l readyWhen will you be ready toIs everything ready forShall be ready onCannot be ready beforeAs soon as everyth ing is ready

R eason

In reasonThe reason isDO not know the reasonOut of all reasonAnything, ask(s) in reasonThere is every reason to believeThere is no reason forIs there any reason forDO everything in reason to help

R easonab l e

What ask(s) is fair and reasonableQuite reasonableI s i t reasonab le

1 14 REC

CodeWord . R ecogn i z e (continued)R avelment To recognizeR avenous N ot to recognizeR avingly Must recognizeR avishment If he (they) will not recogn izeR awboned R ecomm end

R awhead I (we) strongly recommendR ayless I (we) would recommend youRayoso I (we) cannot recommend youR azonable DO you recommendR azonado What would you recommendR azonar Telegraph if you can recommendR azorbacks Ask if he (they) can recommendR azorstrop R ecommend ed

R eabsorbed Has (have) been recommendedR eaccion Has (have) been recommended not toR eacheth Was (were) not recommendedR eachless R ecommended byR eactively R econ sider

R eadable To reconsider the matterR eadership It would be advisable to reconsiderR eadmitted Would reconsiderR eadorned It is useless to ask to reconsiderR eadymade R ecord (s)R ealgar The only recordR ealism There is no record to showR ealistic Before any record was keptR ealizable Is there any record of

R eal iz eth (To) keep a strict record ofR ealleged According to the recordR eanimate I (we) gathered from the record (s) thatR eannexing R ecorded

R eappears I t is recorded thatR eapplied Has (have) not been recordedR earguard R ecov er

R earl ine Ought to recoverR earrank Will try to recoverR earward Can you recoverR eascended Cannot recoverR easoner Expect to recoverR easserted R ecurrence

R eassign To prevent any recurrence (of)R eassures Has there been any recurrenceR eattached There has been no recurrence (of)R eattempts R edressR eavoweth What redress can we getR ebaptize The only redress will beR ebel leth Can get no redressR ebellious R educeR ebel low Y ou must reduceR eblossom It is necessary to reduce

CodeWord .

R eboantR ebo iledR eboundsR ebracedR ebuffsR ebuildeth

R ebukableR ebukethR ebusesR ebutterR ecallableR ecantingR ecaptureR ecargarR ecatado .

R ecatarR ecaudadorR ecaudar .R ecental

R eceptacleR eceptiveR ecessionR ecetarioR echabiteR echargeth

R echastenR echazar .

R echeatR echidaR echinar .

R echonchoR eciamente

R ecidivateR ecipientR eciprocalR ecitalR ecitativeR eciteth

R eckonerR eclamar .R eclinate .

R ecliningR eclouerR ecluirR ecluseR eclusionR eclusoryR eclutador

R eclutarR ecoas t


R educe (continued)Cannot reduceWil l reduceWill not reduceCan reduceIn order to reduceTo reduce expenses

R educed

R educed by this means (to)H as (have) been reducedCan be reduced toCannot be reduced

R edu ction

R eduction worksBy a reduction ofEndeavour to get a reduction

R eef [blueground forFall of reef has occurred which wil l s top haulingThe reef is dangerousIn order to handle the reefHeavy fal ls of reef are constantly occurringThe expenses ofhauling the reefare per loadWhat are the expenses of hauling the reef per

2 15

R e - exam ine [ loadWhen I (we) go to re- examine the mineWhen you re - examine the mine [mineI (we) shall go about to re - examine the

Cannot re—examine the mine tillWhen can you re - examine the mine

R efer

If you will refer toY ou had better refer toTo whom can I (we) refer (about)R efer him to me (us)

R eference

With reference toHas this any reference toThis has no reference (to)Without any reference to

R efined

To be refinedR efined bullion

R efin ingworksR efractory (See Ore)

The ore is very refractoryR efund

Will refundwill refundrefuse(s) to refund

R efusal

Get the refusal of

2 16 REF

CodeWord. R efu sal (continued)R ecobrar . Has (have) the refusal ofR ecocido Since the refusal byR ecogedor R efuse

R ecogn i tor I (we) would advise you to refuseR ecoileth TO refuseR ecoiling DO not refuseR ecoilment Y ou mus t refuseR ecoinage pos itively re fuse(s) (to)R ecoleto R efu sed

R ecollet Has (have) refused toR ecomb ined H as (have) been refusedR ecomendar R egardR ecomfort With regard toR ecommit Pay no regard toR ecompact Without regard toR ecompensa. R egisteredR ecomponer R egistered in the name of

R econciler ’s registered address is

R econdense has (have) no registered addressR econdite The company i s registered under the nameR econducts Has been registeredR econjo in Has not been registeredR econocido Must be registeredR econquer As soon as the company is registeredR econquest Send by registered letterR econvene H as (have) sent in registered letterR econverts R egu l ateR econvey In order to regulateR ecordar . Y ou must regulateR ecordeth To regulate theR ecoveree R ej ectR ecreancy Have had to rejectR ecreant Could not rej ectR ecreation Y ou must rej ectR ecrement R el ativ e

R ecruiting Everything relative toR ectamen te I s this relative toR ectangle This is relative toR ectificar . This is not relative toR ectifieth R el ease

R ectitude Wil l reiease us from our agreementR ectorado Wi ll not release us from our agreementR ectoria Will release us from our agreementR ectory Wi l l not release youR ectress R e l iab leR ectrices I s (are) reliableR ecuento is erfectly rel iableR ecuerdo i s ot rel iableR eculada. Rel y (See R eckon)R eculones Y ou must rely on

2 18 REN

R enew (continued )Will not renew

R eorgan i z eY ou must reorganizeI t will be necessary to reorganizeTo reorganizeAs soon aswe are able to reorganize

R epair(s)The i s (are) out of repairThe repairs are nearly finishedE stimate cost of repairs to machineryIs (are) the in good repairThe repairs not completed owing to [(to)What do you estimate will be the cost of repairs

R epaired

Cannot be repairedWill be repaired at onceDamage has been repaired

R epayThis wil l repayWill not repayWill this repay

R ep eat

DO not understand your telegram ; please repeatY ou must repeat

R ep l ace

Wi ll replaceWill not replaceMust replace

R eplyWhilst waiting for your replyWhy don’t you reply toWill give a reply afterCannot reply for a few daysHas (have) received no replyAwaiting a reply fromIn reply toSubject to reply byY ou must reply at onceCannot have a reply beforeAs soon as a reply is received fromR eply by wire at once [Examine)

R eport (s) (See also Telegraph, Proceed, andSend copy of report toIs your report favourable or otherwiseR eport is favourableR eport is unfavourableR eport is utterly falseTelegraph me permission to report onY ou are permitted to report onCannot permit you to report on

REP 2 19

R eport (s) (continued)N0 change to reportSince las t reportSeparate reportsTelegraph your report in condensed formH ow long will i t take you to report in detail onPrepare your report, and telegraph from firs tavailable OfficeOn your confirming -

’s guaranteed report

Telegraph your report at the earliest opportunityCan you, and if so, when , report fully on the

following property(ies)Cannot wait yourwritten report telegraphWhen can you report onCan you report for us, onIn the first reportThe second reportH as (have) unfavourable report(s) ofH as (have) received unfavourable reports fromTo report as soon as poss ible [wi th regard to

’s report conveys an erroneous


When will you be able to send reportR eports are favourable fromThere is a report that

i s notoriou s here for writing reports on

mines for a commission out of the saleAdverse reports current here relative toE xamine and report fully on present conditionof the Mine

,and what additional capital

wil l be necessary to put all in good conditionR eport by letterR eport by telegraphB e very careful in your report (to)B e very guarded in your report (on)Shall start on for to report on (a)R eport for the week ending [mine(s) forR eport immediately as to

R epresent

Who will represent uswill represent us

Cannot represent us on account ofR equestYour request will be attended toYour request cannot be allowedAt your requestAt reques t Of

R equ ire

Will requireWill not requireI f you requireWhen wil l you require .


CodeWord R equ ire (continued)R eleasee H owmuch will you requireR elegate R equire immediatelyR elentecer DO you requireR elentless I (we) shall requireR elevance R equ iredR elevant Will be requiredR el icario Will not be requiredR el ievo If it i s requiredR eligieux When will it be requiredR eligion R equ isite

R el incho The machinery requis ite forR el iquary To get only what is requisiteR eliquia Cannot get the requisiteR ellenar To get the requis iteR elojeria With the requisite pumps and machineryR elucir R eserv e (s)R elumbrar There are no reserves of ore in s ightR emachar I (we) estimate reserves of ore atR emansarse Impossible to estimate reserve of ore

R ematado Telegraph what reserves of ore are availableR emblai Telegraph reserve of ore

R emedial Prospective reservesR emediless N ot a great reserve Of oreR emendon The reserves of ore are very largeR emindful in his report estimates reserves of ore at

tons . I s this correctR emissible E stimate of ore reserves at tons i s correctR emol inar guarantee (s) the ore reserve at tonsR emoll ient R eserv ed

R emolque Has (have) reservedR emontista Has (have) not reservedR emordedor Have reserved to themselves the right ofR emorseful Have reserved to ourselves the right ofR emotely R esignR emoulded Must resignR emovable Must not resignR emozar wish (es) to resignR empujon Will not resignR emugient R esign edR emunerar Has (have) resignedR enamajo Has (have) not resignedR enascent R esol v edR encil loso Has (have) resolved toR encontre Has (have) resolved not toR encoroso What have you resolved with regard toR endezvous R esourcesR endition E xhausting too much the resourcesR enegade N ot to exhaust the resources ofR eniego The resources of the mineR enitencia The resources of the mine are very great

222 RET

R etain (continued)Will not retain

R eturn (s)Stop at on your return fromY ou will find letters on your return toAs I (we) returnWill returnWhen do you return toWill stop at on my (our) return fromWill return by way of

Will return in a few days [dangerously i llY ou must return home immediately i s

R eturn immediatelyDO not returnShall I returnY ou must return home at once i s deadY ou mus t return home at onceAs soon as you return fromThe returns showTelegraph the returns forAs soon as return (s)On the return of

R eturn ed

(and has (have) returned fromN othing can be done

,till has (have)

returned(and has (have) not yet returned

As soon as (and has (have) returnedR ich

Have struck rich ore inR ich strike is reported inThe company is very richThe ore is very rich, assaying per ton

Have s truck a pocket of very rich oreShall come to the end of the rich ore inThe very rich ore only occurs in pocketsR ich oreVery richN ot very rich

R ich er

Deeper down the richer the ore

R icher than everThe ore is richer than ever

R igh tIt would not be right toIs everything al l rightY ou must do whatever you think rightThe right place would beThe mill is not in the right placeThe mine has not been worked rightThe right thing would be to

R I G 213

R ight (continued)has (have) no right to

Is th is rightI t is right

R i se

The vein in the riseThe rise is aboutHave holed with riseR ise up on the veinThe vein in the rise contains oreThere i s a rise in the vein from the

Samples from rise gaveFrom the riseFear the water will riseDo not think the water will ri seThe price of the shares will ri seCannot rise unless

R isen

The water has risen ft. in twenty- four hoursThe price of the shares has risen from to

Has the price of the shares risenR ising

The water is still ri s ing in shaftTo stop the water from risingR is ing up on the vein

R isk

The risk i s too greatThere will be no riskI s there any riskThe risk i sI s not worth the ri skThere i s no riskIf it can be done without riskWill take the ri sk of

R oad (s)There i s a good road to the mine(s)A good road of miles leading fromand of very easy gradeis miles by good road from

A very bad roadN ow on the roadOwing to the bad state of the roadsTeams cannot haul ore, on account of the badOn the road to [s tate of the roadsWill this include making roadsTo include making of roadsR oads in bad conditionR oads are impassable after rainR oads are too steep forTO improve the roadsR oad wil l have to be made

feet from surface

2 24

Code Word.

R evalentaR evei lleR evelationR evelryR evengefulR evengingR everberarR everdecer

R everenciaR everendR everenteR evereth

R everieR evesado

R evesino .

R evestirR evictualR evileth

R evisionalR evisoryR evival is tR evivifyR evocableR evocadura

R evokementR evolcarseR evolveth

R evulsionR ewardableR ewardethR eyertaR ezagarR ez eloso

R ez umai‘se

R habdoial

R hapsodistR hapsodyR hatanyR heophoreR heostatR heotomeR hetoricR hetoricalR hetorize .

R heumaticR homboidR hombus .

R hymerR hymesterR hymist


R oad (s) (continued)R oad openThe road to the mineThe roads are fine natural ones

R oast

It is neces sary to roast the ore

It is not necessary to roas t the ore

Used to roast the ore at one timeR oaster

There is a roaster attached to the m i llThere is no roaster attached to the millMust put up a roaster at the mill

R oastingR oasting furnace

R ock

R ock - breakerR ock- breaker jawsSend spare jaws for rock- breaker at onceWall rockR ock is getting harderR ock is getting softerSend samples Of rock fromThe country rock isThe hardness of the rock necessi tatesOwing to the hardness Of the rockIt is easy rock to work

R o l l ers

Crushing rollersSend set of Cornish rolls

R ope

Wire rope inches circumferenceManilla rope inches circumference

R ou te

Will be the easier routeWhichever is the best routeGo by the shortest routeIs the best route to take

R ubber

ft of rubber belting inches wideR ubber packing

R ubb ish

Are full of rubbishTo clear out all the rubb ish

R uby R ub ies

The ruby mines are situatedwant(s) you to visit the ruby mines of

The rubies are found inThe finest rubies

R u in (s)The buildings are in ruinsThe whole place is in ruins

226 SAL

Sal ary (continued)N ot sufficient salary

Sal e (s)Have completed the sale of

The Mines are for sale1 Have heard the Mine(s) will shortly be forsale. Can you do anythingHave withdrawn the saleHave not completed saleThe property i s again for saleE ffected the sale of

If the sale is effectedIf you hear of a good mine for sale for

about telegraph me at onceSacredness Have heard privately that the

for sale. Owner(s) would takecan you do ? It i s a great opportunityWill be for sale shortly

Sal t [boreholes put downE xistence of salt at ft. has been proved byA salt depositA bed of saltN O salt in the neighbourhoodCan obtain salt easilyMill s topped for want of sal tSupply of sal t uncertainGood supply of salt

Sal ted

There is no doubt the mine was saltedThe mine had been saltedThe samples were salted

Sam e

N ot the sameSame asSame as reportedBy the sameThe same people haveFrom the sameMuch the same asIs it the sameAbout the sameSame as beforeSame qual ity asOn the same terms asN ot on the same termsIn the same way

Sampl e (s)An average sample assayedSamples from this assayedAverage sample from the dump gaveImpossible to sample the reserves of ore

SAM 2 17

Sampl e (8 ) (continued)A large sample from the wholewidth of the veinAn average sampleAn average sample contained no goldWait for the assays of samplesSend home samples of the ore

Samples from outcrop assay [and numberedSend samples with localities and position marked

San ction

Y ou have the sanction of the boardThe board will not give their sanction toY ou have my (our) sanction toI (we) canno t give my (our) sanction toWithout the sanction (of)With the sanction (of)

Sandston e

In sandstoneMicaceous sandstone

Sapph ire (s)The sapphires are found inWith the sapphiresThe finest sapphires

SatisfactoryIt would be more satisfactory ifI s (are) not satisfactoryI s (are) most satisfactoryIf you consider i t satisfactorySatisfactory to both partiesN ot satisfactory to e i ther partyThe most satisfactory arrangement


Am (are) quite satisfied (with)Am (are) not satisfied (with)If you are satisfied (with)

is (are) satisfied (with)i s (are) not satisfied (with)

I s (are) satisfied (with)SaturdayOn SaturdayLast SaturdayN ext SaturdayE very SaturdayE very o ther Saturday

Sav e

Could not saveDid not saveWill in future saveTo save theTry and save

Sav ing





SanctifySanctimonySanctitudeSanctuarySanctumSandal iaSandel led







Santuario .



Sapodi lla .


Sav ing (continued)Wil l cause a great savingBy saving theAre saving theSavingHave not been saving theSaving

per cent. of

per monthSaving the cost o fN ot much savmg in

Sane)Says that he

say(s) that there'is

They all say thatI could not sayWould you say thatI should say thatI t i s difficult to sayI t is impossible to sayWould say certainly th atSay (s) that he (they) willSay(s) that he (they) will not


Provisions are very scarceWater is very scarceWood i s very scarceVery scarce on account ofI s (are) very scarce

Scarc ityOwing to the scarcity ofA great scarcity ofFrom the scarcity of


Very much scatteredSch em e

The scheme is toThe scheme has been toWhat i s the schemeIn carrying out this scheme

Sch i st(s)Talc schistsHornblende schistsIn schistsSchis t formation

ScripThe scrip is held by


It takes

By whom is the scrip held

And then by sea to

days to get toThe best way is to go by sea toThe mine(s) is (are) situated miles from the

[seaport of

230 SEC

Code Word. Secure (continued )Sauceboat Secure it immediatelySaucepan Cannot secureSaucers To secure the services ofSauciest Secured

Saucisson Can be secured if deposi t Of ,5Sauerkraut Has (have) securedSaunterer Ought to have securedSauntering Has (have) not securedSauroid Can be securedSausages SecuritySavagery As a securitySavagism It is good security forSaveall NO securitySaveloys No security againstSaviour What security have you (that)Savorily The only securitySavourless The security is goodSavoury See

Savoyard Y ou must at once see

Sawdust I (we) could not seeSawframe Am (are) to see

Saxatile See aboutSaxicavous See about this at onceSaxondom See immediatelySaxonist See i f it i s all rightSayuelo See what i s wrongSazonado See what you can arrangeScabbard If you can see your wayScab ious Seem (s)Scaffold I t seems to me (us) thatScagliola Seems to be playing out ”Scalable Seems to be falling offScaldic This seemsScaldingly This does not seemScaleboard seem(s) uncertain whether toScaleless Seen

Scalene Have you seenScal lop Has (have) seenScammony H as (have) not seenScampereth Has (have) not yet seenScampering As soon as has (have) seenScandalize Can be seenScandent Cannot be seenScansion Sel ect

Scansorial Select a good man toScantiest Will selectScantiness Did not selectScantlings Sel ected

Scapegoat Selected oreScapegrace Selected samples



ScarifyScar latinaScarredScatheful .ScathinglyScathles s .

ScatterethScavengersSceleratSceneryScenicScentlessScepticizeSceptreScheikSchematistSchemerSchemingScheromaSchismaticSchisticSchistous .

Scholarly .

Scholas t icSchol ium .



Se l ected (continued)Has (have) selectedHas (have) been selectedWas (were) not selectedHad been selectedHad not been selected

Sel l

On no account sellI (we) have agreed to sel l

has (have) agreed to sellintend(s) to sell his (their) in terest in

In order to sell the stockY ou had better sell

is (are) trying to sel lI t would be better to sellDO not sellCan you sel lI f you can sellI f you cannot sel lI (we) can sellI (we) canno t sellShall I (we) sellAt what price may I (we) sellY ou may sell atCan you sel l any moreCan you sell at a fair profitCan mos t probably sel lWill mos t probably sellShall I (we) sell for your accountSell as much as you can atTelegraph if you will sel lWill probab ly sell betterSell atSell at aboutSell quicklySell quietlyCannot sell at l imi tDO not sell any moreI (we) advise you to sellI (we) advise you not to sel lY ou had better sel l market will declineTake advantage of present favourable moment

Sel l ing


[to sellis (are) sell ing all his (their)i s (are) selling at

Stop sell ingSell ing outDO you advise sell ingKeep sellingWho is (are) sellingH as (have) s topped selling

132 SEN


Able to sendN ot able to sendMust send to (for theHave to send the ore to

Will sendIf you can sendSend after deciphering toSend the fullest particularsWhen can you sendCan you sendCan sendCannot sendSend by telegraphSend to the care of

Send bull ionDo not sendDo not send untilDO not send unlessWhere am I (are we) to sendThe bes t way is to sendWill send you to - morrowSend by steamerSend by expressSend reply to my (our) last telegramI t is impossible to send


Have you sentHas (have) sentHas (have) not sentHas (have) sentWill be sentTo be sent toWill be sent as soon as possib leHas (have) sent youSent by mailSent part iculars by letterSent to the care of

Was (were) sentWas (were) sent withoutMust be sent without fail


Keep the two reports separateMust be kept separateI t is very difficult to separateCannot separate


E asily separatedSeparated with difficul ty


234 SER

Serv ice (s) (continued)Is of no serviceWill be of great serviceI s of great serviceN O longer in the service Of the companyIn the service of

For service renderedWhat do you consider value of service renderedConsider value of service rendered to be

Serv iceab l e

Can be made serviceableCannot be made serviceableCan i t be made serviceab leIs quite serviceableMore serviceableI s not serviceable


Has set inHas not yet set inTo be set asideWill be set asideIs set upWill be set upCannot be set up

Settl e

To settleTo settle the matterCan you settle (the)Shall I (we) settle on these termsTry and settle the matter amicablyCannot settleWill settleWil l not settleHope to settle

Settl ed

Is it settledGet i t settledIt is settledN ot yet settledHas been settledHas not been settledGetting more settledHas (have) settled toAs soon as it i s settledTelegraph what has been settled aboutMust have i t all settled beforeI t was settled before I left thatMust have everything settledThe dispute will have to be settled byN o prospect of being settled

Settl em ent

SET 235

Settl em en t (continued)A settlement of affairsAs soon as a settlement has been arrangedNo settlementThe settlement ofUnless settlement be made byN o prospect of a settlement

Sev eral

I t will be several days beforeI t will take several weeksI n several placesFrom several people

Sh aft(s) (See also Sink)Shaft has reached a depth ofShaft is repairedShaft i s being repairedShaft is timbered, station openedMain shaft is downThe first thing is to sink a vertical shaftThe shaft has been sunk feetHas been prospected by a shaft, to the depth ofIn the shaft, feetFrom the shaftConnections must be made to the shaftThe vein has been extensively worked by shaftsAt the bottom of the shaft

has (have) seen all the shafts free of waterIn the bottom of the deepes t shaftLack of funds compelled stopping the shaft atThere are shafts on the mine feetThere are shafts sunk on the vein


in depth from feet to feetThe shaft mus t be cont inued anotherOld shaftN ew shaftN ew shaft will be sunkShaft has cut the veinIn the main shaftSinking shaftInclined shaftShaft(s) full of waterShaft (s) free of water

Shal lShall I (we)I (we) shallI (we) shall notWhat shall I (we) do

Share (s)TO shareN ot to shareNO demand for the shares


I Semola

I Semol ina


Share (5 ) (continued )Great demand for the sharesProvided the shares are pooledH owmany shares stand in the name of

shares stand in the name of

N o shares stand in the name of

The shares are being largely dealt inThe greater portion of the sharesThe greater portion of the shares are held byHave disposed of shares at per shareAll shares taken upPer shareWho has (have) the largest share i n the mineBuy shares of

shares taken upPlease buy following shares immediatelyI am (we are) not open to take shares in the

shares appropriated to you in theMine

Shall I (we) apply for shares for your account (inMine) ? If so, please telegraph instruc

t ionsPlease apply for shares in the

on my (our) accountI (we) have obtainedI (we) have ob tainedyour account

I (we) have not been ab le to get anyH owmany shares have you obtainedH owmany shares have you got rid ofWhat IS the present buying price per shareWhat IS the present selling price per sharePresent buying price per share 18

Present selling price per share i sshares are at premiumshares are at discountshares are at par

Sell my (our) shares (inDo not part on any account with sharesDo not part with shares underDo not buy shares abovePlease sell following shares immediately

shares ofshares of


Get rid of shares at present market pricesGet rid of shares at any priceHave sold sharesCanno t sell sharesTransfer shares toTransfer all your shares toA call of per share has been madePlease pay the call on my (our) shares

to receive shares


Show (continued)Could not showTo be able to showCannot showDid not showThis will showyouWho will showyouWho will show me

If will not showShowhim (them) my letter ofShow this toThis does not showWould show

ShowedWhich showed at onceThis showed


Shut downShut down for repairsShut down days for repairsShut down on account of bad weatherShut down days on account of bad weatherShut upE verything shut upWill have to shut up


The men are sick fromConstantly sickIs s ick

,and unable to attend to business

is sick,and returns to

i s s ick,and wishes to return

Is sick withSick leave grantedAm sick

,and must return

Side(s)On the sideFrom the s ideBy the sideAt the s ideFrom one sideFrom the other sideOn which sideOn both s ides

SightThere i s no ore in sightWhat quantity is there in sightE stimated amount of ore in sightIn sightN ot in sightThere i s very little ore in sightDraw at days’ sight

SI G 239

Sigh t (continued)Do not draw at sightHave drawn at days’ sight

SignTo signN ot to signWill signWill not signShall I (we) SlgnDo not signDo not sign any contract withoutBefore you sign any agreementTo sign the agreementBefore sign(s) the agreementWill not sign the contract wi thout

SignedWas signedWas not signedHas the agreement been signedCould not be signed on account ofWill be s ignedWill not be signedHas been signedHas not been signed

Si l v er

Chloride of si lverN ative s ilverR uby s ilverSulphide of s ilverThe silver is found inVeins of silver ore [l imestoneThe silver ores are found in pockets in the

Almost pure s ilverAssays give oz s. of s ilver per tonR ich deposits of silverSamples show immensely rich silverA vein of s ilver oreThere i s no vein

,the s ilver being all in pockets

Consisting of rich deposits of silver in the l imeThe si lver occurs in galena [stoneThe silver occurs in carbonate of lead

Sim i l arSimilar in appearanceN ot similar toIs it s imi lar to

Simp l ifyIn order to simplify mattersThis will s implifyWill this simplify


To s ink

240 SIN

feet per day

Sink (continued)W111begin to sink the shaftTo sink a shaftM ust s ink the shaftDo not begin to sinkAs soon as can sink the shaft

SinkingSinking at the rate of

To continue sinkingWill continue sinkingSinking the shaftSinking the incline shaftHave stopped sinking


What is the present Si tuati onThe situation of the mines i sOwing to the bad s ituationOwing to the favourable s ituation

Si z e

In sizeThe vast sizeWhat is the s ize ofThe size of

What size do you wantSlate

The formation is clay slateSlate formationThe hanging wall is slateThe foo t - wall i s slateThe country rock is slate

Sl owOur progress i s very slow owing toWill not be so slowSlow workHas been very slow on account of

Sl owl yAs slowly as

Slu ice(s)Sluice boxes

Smal lThe vein (s) is (are) smallToo smal lAlthough smallToo small to justifyA small but wel l- defined vein

Smel t

To smel tHave to smeltN ot having to smel tTo smelt the ore

242 SOL

Sol vent (continued)is (are) quite solvent



Some moreSome of i tFrom someI n some placesIn some waysBy someSome means ofFor someSome one

To find some one to

Can you find some one toSometh ingSomething is wrong withUnless something is doneSomething must be done atSomething must be settled

Some time

Some time agoWill take some timeSome time in the future


It is too soonSoon as possibleAs soon asVery soonAs soon as you can

N ot soon enoughQuite soon enoughH ow soonH ow soon can you

H ow soon must IH ow soon wi ll you


Sooner than

SorrySorry to hearSorry to see

I am (we are) very sorryVery sorry to reportI s (are) very sorry thatVery sorry you cannot


To sortTo sort theDo not sortWill sortCannot sort


SOU 2 43

South (continued)The vein running due north and southThe vein runs north and southSouth driftSouth mineSouth cross - cutSouth winzeSouth - eas tSouth - wes tIn a southerly direction


Very specialN ot specialSpecial informationSpecial reasonA special caseSpecial care

Speci fyTo specifyY ou must speci fyDo not specifyWill specify

Sp ecimen (s)Have seen specimens of theSend home specimens of theFrom specimensN o specimens

Specu l ate

To speculateDo not speculate

Sp ecul atingi s (are) speculating largely in

Has (have) been speculatingHas (have) not been speculatingSpeculating, but not to any great extent

Specu lation

Too risky a speculationAs a speculationB ought for a speculationNothing but a speculation going onB e very careful ; a great deal of specu lation isSpeculation turned out a successSpeculation turned out a lossWill you jo in me (us) in the speculationI (we) wi ll jo in you in the speculationI (we) cannot join you in the speculat ion

SpringThis springLast springNext springDuring the spring

244 SPR

Stab l es

There are good stables forThe stables are out of repairMust enlarge the stables

Stamp (s)Must increase the number of stampsThere is work enough for stamps [stampsSend the necessary money to put up moreWill send the money to put up more s tampsWhen will the new stamps be work ingShall be working wi th s tamps byStamps of lbs . eachStamps of 750 lbs . eachStamps of 850 lbs. eachStamps of 950 lbs . eachStamps of 1000 lbs. eachDo you recommend putting up more stampsI (we) do not recommend putting up more stampsat presen t

I (we) recommend putting upStand

To standTo stand in the name ofH owdo matters standTo take everything as i t stands

StandingN ow standingStanding overStanding in the name of


When willWill startDo not s tartCannot startHope to startWill start work in a fewdays


Has (have) startedHas (have) not startedHas (have) startedWil l be started



In a very bad stateI am (we are) ab le to stateCannot stateI am (we are) unable to s tate

s tate(s) pos itively thatIs (are) in a very dangerous stateIn what state do you findY ou do not state


Steamer (continued)By what steamer will machinery be sentTo be sent by steamer to

Step s

Take immediate s tepsWhat steps have you taken with regard toSteps must be taken immediatelyTake such steps as you think bes tHas (have) taken steps toN o steps have been taken toSteps must be taken at once toSteps have been taken

StopStop paymentStopped paymentStop for a t imeTo stopTo stop theCan you stopCannot stopWill stopY ou must put a stop toIn order to put a st0p to

Must stopDo not stop

Stope (s)The stopes above Level N o.

The next stope will removeBegin to stopeThe stopes areThe stopes are looking betterThe stopes are looking poorI n the stopesFrom the stopeA sample from the stope aboveLevel assayedStopes looking splendidThe stopes above Level N o. have communicated with the old workings aboveWhen wil l you begin to stopeStopes still hold good in

Stop ingStoping above Level N o.

When will you begin stoping!StoppageAvoid any stoppageWhy is there a stoppageIn order to prevent any s toppageA stoppage has occurred inA stoppage inNo s toppage




STO 247

Stopped (continued)Has (have) stoppedWhy have you stoppedHas not yet stoppedAs soon as it i s stoppedStopped sending

Store (s)In storeA large store of

What store i s there of

To supply the necessary storesIncluding the s toresStores have to be sent miles [profit ofThe company keeps a store which brings a yearlyThere is a good store of wood ready stacked at

Strata, Stratum [the millI n a stratumThe strataThe strata are known to dip towards theThe strata dip


The rich streak is from to inches thickThe rich streak is from to feet thickThe streak could be followed for some distanceThere i s a streak of ore in the vein that assaysA streak of ore per ton

Stream (s)A fine stream of waterThe s tream is full only in the winterThe stream runs dry in summerThe stream is generally dryNo streamsSeveral streams

Stri ke(s)Hope shortly to strike the veinIf by then we do not s trike the veinTo s trike the veinBig strike reported inAs soon as we strike ore

R ich strikes have been made at several placesStrike made inStrike reported inHave made rich strike inStrike in i s not good for muchTelegraph when you strike the veinStrike expected among theTo avert a strikeOn strikeStrike begunStrike continuesStrike over 5 men have returned to work


N o.CodeWord Strike(s) (continued)Sobreropa

Is the s trike l ikely to last longSobresalir . M iners on s trikeSobresalto M i ll men on strikeSobreseer Caused by strike of pi tmenSobresello In the event of a strikeSobretodo Caused by strike of miners

1 59 Sobreven ir Strl ngersSobriedad Stringers of ri ch oreSobriety Stringers


of quartzSobrina Smal l s tringers of quartz

1 Sobriquet StrongSocal inar A strong, well- defined ve1n

Socarrar Very strongSocavar N ot very strongSochantre Strong andSociably Struck

Socialism .We have struck

Socialize Have struck a seam of

Sociedad Telegraph when you have struck oreSocietary Have not struck any oreSocieties Struck a rich body of oreSocinian Have not yet struck any oreSociology M iners have struck for less hoursSocket Miners have struck for higher wagesSocolor Miners have struck against [in wagesSocorredor Miners have struck against proposed reducti onSocorrer Have s truck water inSocorrido Have not struck anywater

1 1 Socratic Subj ectSocratism Will be subjectSodality Will not be subject toSodamia Subject to the condi tions namedSodawater Subject to a rebate of

Sofabed Subject to a return ofSofisma Subject to a discount ofSofteneth . Subject toSoftvoiced Subject to approval ofSogueria Will always be subject toSojourner Will always be subj ect toSojuzgar Will not in future be subj ect toSolace On the subject

1 Solacement Sub - l et

Solander Cannot sub - let

Solapado To sub - let the contractSolariego Do not allow to sub - l et the contract

to sub - l et the contractto sub - let the contract

1 Solarize Have allowedSoldada Will not allow

13 , 100 Soldadesca Subsequent

Soldadura If subsequent investigations cause you to changeyour Op inion


CodeWord .

13, 152 Sonometer1 53 Sonorific

1 3, 154 Sonorous1 3, 1 55 Sonorously1 56 Sonreirse

7 Sonroseo

1 Sonsacador

Sonsacar1 3, 1 60 Sonsonete1 61 Sonador1 3, 162 Soofeeism

63 Sooshong1 64 Soother1 65 Soothing13, 166 Soothsayer

Sortilege13 , 168 Sortment1 69 Sosamente

1 70 Sosegado13, 1 7 1 Soseria

1 72 Sosiego1 73 Soslayar

1 74 Sospecha .

1 3, 1 75 Sospechoso76 Sosp iro

13, 177 Sostener13, 1 78 Sostenido1 79 Sostenuto

Sotanil la

1 3, 18 1 Sotavento1 Sotechado

13, 183 Soubrette1 Soulless13, 185 Soulscot

13, 186 Soulsick

1 3, 187 Sourkrout

1 Souseth

1 Souvenir1 90 Spaciously1 9 1 Spadille1 92 Spadroon1 3, 1 93 Spanceling1 3, 194 Spandrel13, 1 95 Spangled

Spanking1 Spanlong13 , 1 98 Spanroof

1 99 Sparerib1 Sparger1 1 Sparkful


Sue (continued)Sue at onceTo sue them for damagesWill sueWill not sue

Su fficient

There i s sufficientN ot in suffi cient quantitiesSufficient money in hand toN ot sufficient money in hand toA sufficient quantityThere i s suffi cient wood to last for yearsIs it (are they) sufficientIt is (they are) sufficientIt is (they are) not sufficientHave you sufficientHave sufficientHave not sufficient

SuggestWhat would you sugges tShould suggestCannot suggestCannot suggest any better way

Su it

To suitWill suitWill not sui tAnything to suitNothing that will suitWill i t suitWill sui t very wellWould suit much betterWould not suit so well

Su itabl e

Would it be suitableSuitable in every wayN ot suitable for the workN ot at all suitableTelegraph if anything suitable offersNothing sui table offeredThink it would be very su itableN ot suitab le in any way

Su l phur

Su l phurets

Cannot treat the sulphuretsIn the sulphurets

Sum (s)A sum of

Too large a sumN ot too large a sum [mineDo you think it too large a sum to pay for the


Sum (s) (continued)I (we) consider i t a fair sumLarge sums have been spent

Summ er

This summerLast summerN ext summerDuring the summerVery hot in summer

Summi tOn the summitFrom the summitOver the summitAt the summitThe summi t of

SundayOn SundayLast SundayNext SundayEvery SundayEvery other Sunday


Have sunkSunk feet on the veinSunk on the veinHave sunk feetHave not sunk far enoughAfter they had sunkH ow far have you sunkHave sunkShaft sunk


From superficial observationsCould only make superficial examinationFrom a superfiCial examination


Who wil l superintendWill superintendWill not superintendCannot superintendY ou must superintend yourself

feet forwater

H as (have) sent proper person to superintendShall we send proper person to superintendSend a proper person to superintendMust have efficient man to superintend

Superv ision

Under good supervisionThere has been no supervisionTo be placed under proper supervision

Supp l ied

Supplied with

CodeWord .

SpiritismSpiritosaSpiritualSpirketingSpissitudeSpitchcockSpitefully .

SpitfireSplashedSplayfoot .SpleenfulSpleenishSplegetSplendentSplenetic .

SplinteredSpl itteth

SplotchSpokeshaveSpokesmanSpol iateSpol iationSpondaic .



Supp l ied (continued)Badly suppliedWell suppliedWas (were) suppliedMust be supplied withAre you well supplied (with)

Supply Suppl ies

Can supplyCan you supplyCan supplyCannot supplyMust supplyWill supplyWill not supplyWould supplyHas (have) now a regular supplyThe supply is i rregular (of)Has (have) a good supply in hand (of)Short supply ofAn abundant supply ofSupplies are very shortSupplies easily hauled from the seaport ofSupplies hauled with great difficulty fromSupplies hauled wi th difficulty fromMi lling and mining supplies

Spongecake Support(s)SpongioleSpousal

SponsionSponsori alSpontoonSpoonfulSporranSport ivelySportsmanSpouselessSprawlerSprawlingSpreadethSprightlySpringalSpringcart

SpringtideSprinkledSpritsailSprucelySprucenessSpunyarn .

Spurgal lSpurneth


The support of the governmentWill require support fromI n order to supportTo supportWill supportWill not supportMust supportGet to support youThe supportsN o supportsThe supports have given wayT0 have the support of


Supposed to have beenSupposed not to have beenIs i t supposed that


Are you sureTo be qui te sureI am (we are) quite sureIs (are) sureI am (we are) not sureIs (are) not sure

Surface (See also Indications)On the surface

254 SU S

Suspend (continued)N ot l ikely to suspendSuspend further actionSuspend work untilWill suspend


Has (have) suspendedHas (have) not suspended

Susp icion

I s (are) under grave suspicion of havingNo suspicion attaches toI s there any suspicion ofGreat suspicionN o suspicion (of)

Susp icious

I am (we are) very suspicious ofAre you Susp iciousIs (are) suspiciousN o cause to be suspicious

Swind l eThe mine(s) i s (are) a regular swindleThe whole thing is a regular swindleDo you think it a swindleIf you think it a swind le

Syen ite

In syeni te rockThe hanging wall syeniteThe foot - wall syenite


A syndicate has been formedFrom a syndicateIn the hands of a syndicate [develop itOught to be bought by a syndicate, who wouldIf it were in the hands of a syndicateA syndicateA powerful syndicate

SystemMust have a better systemMus t alter the system of

The system i s badThe system is very goodA better system of

Cannot adopt a better systemTai l ingsAverage sample of tailings gaveThe failings would be worth workingLost in the tailingsAssay of tailings

TakeTake all you can getTo take

CodeWord .

TabernacleTaberneroTabeticTabitudeTabladoTablej eroTablatureTablazonTableauxTablebeer


Tab leclothTablel inen


Tabl illaTabooedTabourineTabulatedTabureteTacamahacTachometerTachon arTachuelaTacitlyTaciturnTacketh

TackingTacksmanTaconesTacticsTactili tyTactlessTafanarioTaffrailTafilete




Take (continued)N ot to takeWill takeWill not take les sCan takeCannot takeShould takeOught not to takeI t wil l take too longIt will take some timeI t wil l not take muchH owmuch will i t take toTo take outTo take overIn order to take out

Takentons per day

Very l ittle has been takenA great deal h as been takenHas much been takenH owmuch has it takenIt has takenI t has not takenHave you takenI (we) have takenHas (have) takenHas (have) not taken

TakingIn taking these samplesTaking out tons per dayHas (have) been takingN ot takingIs (are) taking outN ot taking out

Tal c

Tal k

There is a talk ofThere is no talk ofI s there any talk of

Tax(es)A heavy taxTo pay the taxes onWhat taxes will there beTo meet this taxIntend (s) to levy a tax onTo cover the taxesThe tax onIntend(s) to do away with the tax on

Team (s)Ore team broke down owing toWith one team tons per day can be hauledWill necessitate having another team


N o .

I 3 ,452

5I 3 ,456

I 3,4S7

I 3 ,459

I 3,46 II 3,463

13 489I 3 490

13,49 I

1 3 496

I 3,499

Code Word.

Talapo inTalarea

TalebearerTaleguillaTalentedTaletellerTalipesTalismanTalkativeTal lador

Tallis taTallowTallowingTal ludo





Tampoco .

TandemTangencyTangentTangentialTangibleTanglinglyTanhouseTanistryTankardTannable .


TantalismTantal ize .


Tapadero1 Tapadil lo

13 ,50 I Tapafunda Tel egraphic


Team (s) (continued)Cannot get teams at present

horses and mulesIncluding a team of

Team working steadilyWith one teamWith two teamsAnother teamTeam can haulWhat can team haul in one dayTeam(s) cannot haul ore on account ofTeam (s) at work again

Techn ical

I n the technical accountsThe technical accounts to be sentThe technical accounts

Tel egram (s) (See also Date)Your telegram of to- day’s date to

Cannot understand your telegram repeat fromMust prepare report for the publ ic on yourIn a telegram fromOn receipt of telegramHas (have) received telegram (from)


Has (have) not received any telegram (from)Unless you get a telegram fromWait for telegramWait for telegram giving resul t of assaysThis telegram is by theA B C codeWaiting reply to my telegramN ot receiving any telegramHave you had any telegram from

Tel egraphPlease telegraph toTelegraph how long you stay at

to pay me

Telegraph when you can leave forTelegraph width of veinTelegraph to me atWill telegraph againTelegraph fuller reportWill telegraphCannot telegraph

wil l telegraph instructionsTelegraph as soon as possiblePlease telegraph me at once .

Telegraph any new s trike at onceTelegraph what

,has been done with regard to

Shall not be able to telegraphCould not telegraph sooner on account ofDo not answer by telegraph answer by letter

Tel egraph ed

Have telegraphed to pay you

258 TER

CodeWord. Term ination (continued)Tauromachy On the term ination ofTautology The termination ofTautophony TerritoryTaverner In the territory ofTavem ing A vast terr itoryTawdrily TertiaryTawniness Tertiary formationTaxidermic Than

Taxonomy More thanTeaboard N ot more thanTeacaddy Thank(s)Teacake Accept my thanks forTeachable has (have) begged me to thank youTeachest That

Teachings That is (are)Teacup That is (are) notTeadealer I s thatTeadrinker That will beTeakettle That wil l doTearfully That will not beTearless That Will not doTeaspoon Th eir

Teatable I s not their ownTechnics By their ownTechnology Their ownTechumbre Their stockTectrices Is i t their ownTediously Th emTedium To themTeemful By themTeething For themTeetotal Against themTeetotaler From themTeetotum Th emsel v es

Tegument For themselvesTeinoscope By themselvesTejedor Th en

Tejemaneje Will know by thenTelarana Then you canTeleology Then you willTelepheme Will thenTelescope Will not thenTelesmatic Th eodol ite

Teles tich P lease send theodol i te as soon as possibleTel lural Th ere

Tellurism There i s (are)Tembleque There i s (are) notTemblon I s (are) thereTemerity There will beTempean There will not be

THE 259

CodeWord . Th ere (continued)Temperance Wi l l there beTempes t ive I s there l ikely to beTemplar Th erebyTemporal Can tell therebyTemporize Cannot tel l therebyTemptab le Can j udge therebyTempted Thin

Tempting The vein is thin and ill definedTemptres s Where the vein is thinTenability Very thinTenacillas Th ink

Tenacidad As you think bestTenacious What do you th ink ofTenacity I think you had betterTenaculum Do you thinkTenaille Telegraph if you thinkTenanted I think it advisable toTenantry . I (we) thinkTendencia I (we) do not thinkTenderling think (s) thatTenderness do (es) not think thatTendido Th is

Tendsome By this you will seeTenebrario This does not proveTenebrific Does this meanTenebrous This is all I can find out

Tenement Thorough lyTenencia . Went mos t thoroughly into every detailTeneria Y ou must thoroughly inves t igate every matterTenotomy Have thoroughly [connected Wi thTensile Have not thoroughlyTentativa Y ou must thoroughlyTenterhook Th oughtTenthly Has (have) thought it necessary toTenuidad Has (have) not thought it necessaryTenui ty Wi thou t any thought of the futureTeocalli Threaten ed

Tepefy is (are) threatened withTepidity Has (have) threatened toTepidness ThroughTercamente Through theTercen ista To get throughTercerola Will soon be throughTerciado Cannot get throughTercine Through the ledgeTerciopelo Th roughoutTermagant Throughout the mineTerminis t Th rownTerminote Has (have) been thrown awayTernary It is simply good money thrown away

260 TH E

Thrown (continued)Has (have) been thrownThrown on the market

ThursdayNext ThursdayLast ThursdayOn ThursdayEvery Thursday

Timber(s)Plen tiful supply of timberTimber is scarce [mineTimber has to be brought a long distance to theTimber is plentiful for all min ing purposes , andfor fuel

Is there plenty of timber near the mine(s)The Shaft (s) require(s) fresh timbersTimbers rotten in the shaftE stimate cost of new timbers in the shaft atWhat do you estimate new timbers in shaft wil l

Timbering [costE stimate cost of timbering atWhat will be the cost of timberingDoes your est imate include timber ingMy estimate includes timberingTimbering throughoutTimbering will be a heavy item in the cost, owing

Tim e [to scarcity.of wood

Y ou must get the time extendedWill extend the time toTime extended to

will extend the time towill not extend the time beyond

There i s not sufficient time allowedImpossible to do anything in so short a timeCannot get to and examine the mine in theSo that no time may be los t [time allowedShall not have time toTo be in timeWil l you have time toLast timeThere wi ll be time enoughTime i s too shortWhat time will youFor some time pas tThis timeNext timeIn the t imeIn a week’s timeIn a month’s timeIn months’ timeAnother time

262 TON

Ton (s) (continued)Value per tonP er ton

Hauling tons per dayH ow many tons can you haulWeighing tonsAbout tons of quartzWhat is the value per ton (of)Ton of 2000 lbs.Ton of 2 240 lbs .Yield per ton

grains per ton1 pennyweight per ton13 pennyweights per ton2 pennyweights per ton23 pennyweights per ton3 pennyweights per ton33 pennyweights per ton4 pennyweights per ton43 pennyweights per ton5 pennyweights per ton53 pennyweights per ton6 pennyweights per ton63 pennyweights per ton7 pennyweights per ton73 pennywe ights per ton8 pennyweights per ton83 pennyweights per ton9 pennywe ights per ton93 pennyweights per ton1 0 pennyweights per ton103 pennywe ights per ton1 1 pennyweights per ton1 13 pennyweights per ton1 2 pennyweights per ton1 23 pennyweights per ton1 3 pennyweights per ton133 pennyweights per ton14 pennyweights per ton143 pennyweights per ton15 pennyweights per ton .

153 pennyweights per ton16 pennyweights per ton1 63 pennyweights per ton17 pennyweights per ton1 73 pennyweights per ton18 pennyweigh ts per ton183 pennyweights per ton19 pennyweigh ts per ton1 93 pennywe ights per ton1 ounce per ton


Ton (8 ) (continued)2 ounces per ton3 ounces per ton4 ounces per ton5 ounces per ton6 ounces per ton7 ounces per ton8 ounces per ton9 ounces per ton1 0 ounces per ton1 1 ounces per ton1 2 ounces per ton13 ounces per ton14 ounces per ton1 5 ounces per ton16 ounces per ton1 7 ounces per ton1 8 ounces per ton1 9 ounces per ton2 0 ounces per ton2 1 ounces per ton2 2 ounces per ton23 ounces per ton24 ounces per ton2 5 ounces per ton2 6 ounces per ton2 7 ounces per ton2 8 ounces per ton2 9 ounces per ton30 ounces per ton35 ounces per ton40 ounces per ton45 ounces per ton50 ounces per ton55 ounces per ton60 ounces per ton65 ounces per ton70 ounces per ton75 ounces per ton80 ounces per ton85 ounces per ton90 ounces per ton95 ounces per ton100 ounces per ton1 1 0 ounces per ton1 20 ounces per ton1 30 ounces per ton140 ounces per ton150 ounces per ton160 ounces per ton1 70 ounces per ton


264 TON

CodeWord. Ton (s) (continued)Tocsin 180 ounces per tonTodavia 190 ounces per tonToddling 200 ounces per tonToggery 250 ounces per ton

.To ilette 300 ounces per tonTo i ling 400 ounces per tonTo ilsome 500 ounces per tonToilworn 600 ounces per tonTokened 700 ounces per tonTolerance 800 ounces per tonTolerantly 900 ounces per tonTolerating 1000 ounces per tonTo llbooths 2000 ounces per tonTollbridge 3000 ounces per tonTo lldish 4000 ounces per tonTollgate 5000 ounces per tonTollhouse TopTolondro At the topTomahawk Near the topTombless Total [machinery atTomboy I estimate the total expense of erect ingTombstone I estimate the total expense ofworking the ore atTomfoolery To tal amountTomillar Total expenseTonadilla Total expense of mill this month isTongueless Total expense of mine thi s month isTonguetied What has been the total expense of

Tonsorial I estimate the total value of mine,machinery,

and plant at [machineryTonsure What do you estimate i s total value of mine andTontamente Total amount of ore hauled in wasTontil lo Total value of ore for the year wasToothache What has been total amount of ore hauledToothbrush Touch

Toothful Do not touch i tToothless Will not touch i tToothpick I t is not worth while to touch itToothsome TowardsTopacio Towards theToparch TownTopblock. N O town nearer than miles awayTopboots The mine is s ituated miles from the town ofTopchain Near the town ofTopcoat At the town ofTopgal lant Trace(s)Tophammer A trace of

Topheavy N o trace of

Topknot To traceTopmast Can traceTopography Cannot trace


CodeWord .




TragacanthTragaluzTragedyTragicalTragicomicTrail lar

TrainersTraj ineroTrammelsTrampledTramposoTranquillyTranscendTranscriptTranseptTransfix ed

TransfugaTransfuseTransgressTransidoTransientTransigirTransitarTransitoryTranslatorTranslucidTransmi tirTransplantTransposedTrapaceroTrapacista






Trashoj ar


Transfer (continued)Transfer toDo not transfer toThe transfer of the mine is effectedWi l l transfer ‘ the deeds at onceWill not transfer the deeds t i llWhen wil l transfer of deeds take placeThe transfer of the property

Tran sferred

Has (have) been transferred toH as (have) not been transferred toHas (have) the been transferredHave the transferred toAs soon as the is transferred

Tran sit

In the transitHas been lost in the transi t

TreasuryCash in the treasuryN0 money in the treasuryWhat is there in the treasury


To treat the ore

To treat withCannot treat the ore

Cannot treat withIn order to treat the ore

In order to treat W i thTreatedBy which means the ore can be treatedH ow is the ore treatedThe ore is treated

TreatingBy treating the ore

Have been treating the ore

The method of treatingBy this method of treatingTo see the newway of treating the

TrespassingTo prevent any trespassing on our claimI s (are) trespassing onN ot trespassing


Trapisonda The trial is fixed forThe trial is postponed tillTi l l the trial comes offTrial of machineryTo give i t a trial


Has (have) triedH as (have) not tried

TRI 267

Tried (continued)Have you triedI (we) have tried


The men working on tributeN o men working on tribu teCan l et on tr ibuteAt what tributeTribute of per cent.Some men who have been working on tributeHave you any men working on tributeAdvisable to have men working on tr ibuteN ot advisable to have men working on tribute

Trop ics

In the tropicsTroub l e

To avoid trouble in the futureThere i s great trouble inThere wil l be no trouble inWill there be any trouble inThe trouble has been toWhat is the trouble


I s i t true (that)I t is trueI t is not trueQuite true


If you can trustCan you trustCan trustCanno t trustY ou must not trustDo not trust

Tru sted

Can be trusted (with)can be implicitly trusted

Cannot be trus tedHas (have) trusted

Trustee(s)As our trustee(s)As trustee (s ) forI n the hands of trusteesTo name as trustee(s)

wi ll act as trustee (s)will not act as trus tee(s)

Would (and act as trus tee(s)Tru th

Is there any truth in the report thatThere i s no truth in the reportThe truth is

268 TRU

CodeWord . Truth (continued)Trimetric The real truth isTrimmings What is the real truthTrinchante TryTrinchero Y ou must try toTrinkets Will try toTrinquete Useless to try toTripartite Try to do withoutTriphammer TryingTripthong Has (have) been trying toTriphyline Has (have) not been trying toTripl icate Has (have) been trying toTrippingly After tryingTriteness TuesdayTritheist On TuesdayTriturated Last TuesdayTriumphant . Next TuesdayTriumvir E very TuesdayTriverbial E very other TuesdayTriviality . Tunn el (s)Trochaic The rock is soft to tunnel throughTrombone The rock is difficult to tunnel throughTrophies A tunnel driven on the vein for feet

Tropology H as been taken from this tunnelTrotting A blast put in the end of the tunnelTroubadour Tunnel N o.

Troubleth The tunnel is inTrouncing From the end of the tunnel to the surfaceTrousseau tunnels have been drivenTrowsers In the tunnelTrucklings From the tunnelTruculent The tunnel has caved for the entire lengthTrumpery Tunnel being driven at rate of feet per dayTrumpeted The only development a tunnel feet inTruncheons By a tunnel [lengthTrundled To drive a tunnelTruquero Have driven a tunnelTrussed Tunnel s topped for lack of fundsTrusties t Turbin e

Trustless feet Pel ton wheelTubercle High - pressure turb ineTu i tion Low- pressure turbineTumblers Ul timatelyTumefying Will be able ul timately .

Tumultuary Can you ultimatelyTunable Hope ultimately toTunante Unan sweredTundidor My communication of is unansweredTundish Why is my (our) telegram of unansweredTungsten Unassessab l e

Tunhoof Shares unassessable


Code Word .

UnaffableUnaffectedUnamiableUnamusedUnaneledUnangularUnappliedUnaptnessUnarguedUnarmingUnartisticUnat tiredUnavowethUnbackedUnbaffied



UnbegottenUnbeguileUnbeheldUnbeknown .

Unbel iefUnbelovedUnbendingUnbiddenUnblushingUnbodiedUnboltingUnbosomUnboxingUnbreast .UnbrewedUnbridle .


UnburdenUnbuttonUncageUncandidUncharm .



Und erstand ing (continued)By an unders tanding withI s there any understanding betweenThere has been an understand ing betweenThere has been no understanding

Un d erstood

I (we) c learly understood fromunderstood that

It was an understood thing thatUn d ertake

Will undertake (to)will undertake (to)wil l not undertake (to)

DO not undertakeCan you undertake

UnexpectedQu i te unexpectedH appened in a most unexpected manner

Un fair

I t is a most unfair arrangementI t is mos t unfairIs i t unfair

Un favourabl e

I have formed a very unfavourabl e Opinion of

The reports are very unfavourableIf your report is unfavourableShould your report be unfavourable

—’s report is very unfavourable

Very unfavourableUnfin ish ed

Owing to the unfinished state OfLeft unfinishedHad to be left unfinished

UnfitUnfi t toTotally unfi t forUnfi t for use

Un found ed

The repor t is quite unfoundedQuite unfounded

Unh eal thyThe district is most unhealthy [partThe mine (s ) is (are) s ituated in a very unhealthyCl imate unhealthy for EuropeansUnhealthy at certain seasons


Al l unhurt exceptThe men escaped unhurtHope al l have escaped unhurt

Un imp ortan tI think it is quite unimportant

UNI 27 I

CodeWord Un importan t (continued)Uncloak An unimportan t matterUnclog Un in form ed

Unclo ister Why arewe kept uninformedUnclothe Have been kept qui te uninformedUnclouded Was (were) quite uninformedUncocked Un l ess

Unconfined Unless you can

Uncordial Will not unlessUncorrupt Unless be (they) willUncourtly Unless I (we) canUncramped DO not go unlessUncrossed Do not agree un lessUnction Wi l l go unlessUnctuosity Will agree unlessUncultured Will not go unles sUncurbed Will not agree unlessUncurrent N ot unlessUndamped Unl ikelyUndecagon It is very unlikelyUndecked Is i t un l ikelyUndeify I t is not un l ikelyUnderbear Un l im itedUnderdone The time is unlimitedUnderfeed Unlimited timeUndergoeth Un l uckyUnderplot I t is very unluckyUnderpoise Very unluckyUndescried Unpaid

Undevout Has (have) been left unpaidUndinted . R emain (s ) unpaidUndraped Unreasonab leUndress ’

s demands are quite unreasonableUndulated It is unreasonable to expectUndulatory I s i t unreasonable to askUnearthly DO you think it unreasonableUneasily I do not think it unreasonableUnencumber Un safe [the mineUnerringly I t is unsafe to work in the present condition of

Unfaded The workings were unsafe, and thereforeUnfil ial Becoming unsafe [abandonedUnfrock TOO unsafeUnfrozen I t would be unsafe toUnfruitful I s (are) unsafeUnfurnish I s it unsafe toUngainly Until

Ungallant N ot untilUngifted UnusualUnglaze I t is very unusualUngloved It is not unusualUngraceful I s it unusual

272 UNWCodeWord.

Unguiform UnwiseUnhacked I think it would be very unwise toUnhallowed DO you think it would be unwise toUnhand i ly Very unwise toUnharness Mos t unwiseUnhingeth Up setUnhitches This will entirely upset my plan sUnho ly Has completely upset my calculationsUnhorsing Urgen tUniaxial I s it urgentUnifoliate I t is most urgent thatUniformity Am (are) in most urgent need of moneyUnilateral Very urgentUnimbued Urgent necessity forUnionist Use

Uniquely Necessitating the use OfUnitarian In useUniversity U se your own discretion inUnjo inted N O use for

Unjoin ting May I use my own discretion inUnkennel What is the use of

Unkindly . Wi ll useUnknitteth N0 use nowUnlacing Of no use whateverUnleashed Cannot useUnlikeness Will have to use

Unlocketh UsingUnloosen . Has (have) been us ingUnmaking Is (are) usingUnmannerly . Usel essUnmuffied It is useless toUnnerves I s i t useless toUnnerving Will be quite useless (to)Unpaveth UsualUnpenning It is usualUnpeoples I s it usualUnravelled It is not usualUnrigging Utmost

Unripeness Am (are) doing my (our) utmostUnsavory i s (are) doing his (the ir) utmostUnseated DO your utmost toUnsecular Utmost cautionUnsettling To the very utmostVacancy Val id

Vacante Quite validVacateth Is it val idVaccinates Val uabl e

Vaccinia Have developed a most valuable mineVaciadero Wil l become very valuableVacil lant I s l ikely to become more valuab le

274 VEI

CodeWord Vein (s) (continued)Vascular The vein is irregu lar and much mixed with

country rock [the whole length of the claimVasel ine The vein can be seen on the surface, coursingVassalage Average width of vein is ft.Vassalry Vendor(s)Vastago The vendor(s) would takeVatican Y ou must see the vendor of theVaticanism The vendor(s) to retain an interestVaudeville If the vendor(s) willVaul teth Ascertain from the vendor(s)Vauntful Shall soon see the vendor(s) Of theVauntingly Have seen the vendor(s)Vauntlay The vendor(s) will not agree toVavasory The vendor(s) Offer(s) toVedanga A dispute amongst the vendor(s)Vedette From the vendor(s)Veereth To the vendor(s)Veeringly The vendor(s) toVegetarian The vendor(s) will [stantial ly correctVehemency The representations of the vendor(s) are sub

Vehicle Ven ti lationVehicular For purposes Of ventilationVeilless T0 improve the ventilation of the mineVel iferous Owing to the insufii cient ventilationVelleity The proper ventilation Of the mineVel lumpost VentureVellumy It is too risky a ventureVelocipede Will ventureVelveted DO not ventureVelveteen Wou ld not ventureVelvetpile I t i s worth while to ventureVenatical Verd ictVendaval The verdict is in our favourVeneering The verdict is against usVenerably The verdict i s in favour ofVenerat ion The verdict is againstVenetian Telegraph as soon as you know the verdictVengefully The verdict is for us pays all costsVenison The verdict is against us we have to pay all theVenomously Verdict will be given on [costsVentosity VergeVentricle On the verge of

Ventricose VerifyVenturers If you can verify — ’

s statementsVeranda I can verifyVeratric I cannot verifyVerbalism VerticalVerbal ized TO sink a vertical shaftVerbat im The vein is nearly verticalVerbiage Vested

VES 275

Vested (continued )Is vested in the hands of trusteesTo be vested inOught to be vested in

Vicin ityIn the immediate vicini tyVis ited the mines in the immediate vicinityOwing to the near vicinity Of

V iewNothing in viewN ot much in viewIn viewOfWhat is your view OfWhat have you in view

V isib l e

Visible to the eyeN ot vis ibleI s visible throughoutR ich in visible free goldSamples taken from where the gold was not

Vi sit [vi sible gaveI cannot visi t at presentVisit as soon as you can

After the next vis it toIf you have time visit theShould like to visitWas (were) unable to visitI will vis it


After having visited the M ine(s) (Of)After you have visitedI have visited


Will become voidWill make voidWill this make void theWill not make vo id

Vol can ic

Of volcanic OriginIn volcanic rock

Vou ch

To vouch forCannot vouch forWill vouch forWill vouch for

Vouch er(s)The vouchers

VoyageVoyage safely overA voyage of daysA long stormy voyage


N o. CodeWord .

Waarenhaus Wages

Waarenz ol l Wages amount toWaaren z ug

Owing to the high wagesWabbel ig M iners are getting very h igh wagesWachengel To reduce the wagesWachlohn Wages have been reduced toWachsucht L owwagesWachparade . Could not wages be reducedWachfeuer What do the wages amount toWachrol le The wages of competent miners areWachplatz Wages per dayWachschiff Wait

Wachstube Wait to see

Wachtafel Wait to hearWachten N ot to waitWachturm Shall I waitWachsbank Must wait here forWachsbild Shal l have to wait forWachsblume Wil l wait here forWachsfarbe Will not wait any longerWachskerze Cannot wait any longerWachslicht Will wait til l I hear from youWachsobst Will waitWachszins Wait for a further declineWackelhaft Wait for better pricesWackelkopf Wait for resu l t Of assaysWaddingly DO not waitWadsett Wait for a few daysWadsetter Wait till you rece ive my (our) letter(s) OfWaffieiron Wait for

5 Waffles Wait tillWaftage Waited

Wagerer Waited as long as possibleWaggish Waited in hope of

Waggishly Waited forWaggleth WaitingWagl ich Am (are) kept waitingWagnerei Waiting for [ofWagonage Waiting for your reply to my (our) telegramWahabee Waiting for you toWahlbuhne Waiting for reply to my (our) letter OfWahlfahig Whilst waiting forWahl furst Why are you waitingWahlkind .Wal l (s)Wahlkugel Between walls ofWahlrath Without wal l sWahlspruch On the hangingwallWahrend . With plainly defined hanging and foot walls (of)Wahrhei t Having well - defined wallsWahrsagen Against the foot- wall

N o . CodeWord .

1 Weepingly14,642 Weevilled1 Wegegeld1 Wegemesser1 Wegerecht14,646 Wegesaule

14,647 Wegfahren1 Wegfressen

Weggehen14,65o Wegkommen1 Weglassung

52 Weglaufer

1 53 Wegleiten1 Wegloschen

1 5 Wegnahme6 Wegreise

1 7 Wegschmitt

14,658 Wegsol len

14,659 Wehmuthig1 Wehrkrieg

1 Wehrschnur

14,662 Wehrwaffe14,663 Weiberhof1 64 Weiberjupe1 Weiberputz

1 Weibisch1 67 Weigerer

Weighable1 Weigheth14,670 Weightily1 1 Weightless14,672 Weirdly

Welcome14,674 Welcoming

Welkheit1 6 Welkofen

7 Welladay14,678 Wellbeing14,679 Wellborn

Wellenband14,68 1 Wel lenvol l

1 Wellerwand1 3 Wellhole1 Wellmeant14 ,685 Wel lnigh

WellreadI Wellspoken14 ,688 Wellspring1 Wellwisher1 Welshmen


Weath er (continued)Weather permittingIn bad weatherIn fine weatherThere is a favourable change in the weatherThe mine(s) i s (are) inaccessible in bad weatherE very appearance of present weather lasting

WednesdayOn WednesdayLast WednesdayNext WednesdayE very WednesdayE very other Wednesday

Last weekNext weekThe week after nextFor the week endingThis weekOne weekTwo weeksThree weeksFour weeksFive weeksSix weeksSeven weeksE ight weeksFor weeks


The weight ofall p ieces to be kept underWhat is the weightThe weight is

Wel l ( 8 )It would be as well toN ot so wellIs (are) well knownIs (are) not well knownVery wellIs (are) well knownDoing wellCan you get water by a wellA well has been put down

wells have been put downArtesian wells supply ample waterAbundance of well waterFrom wellsFrom a wel lBy a well

7feet deep

It Wl l l be necessary to sink

Code Word.WelteringWeltfackel

Wel tganz e


Wel tgurtel







WhatnotWheatenWheedledWheedlingWheezyWhensoeverWhereuntoWhetstoneWheyishWheytubWhifil erWhiggarchyWhiggismWhilom


WestGoing westDriving westAt the west endWest cross - cutWest driftWest veinTo the westWest of north


The mine (s) i s (are) very wetThe mill is constructed for wet crushingVery wetBecoming more wetN ot so wet as it has beenWet crushing

Wharf Wharv esFrom the company’s wharfA private railway to the wharfThe company have a tram line to their wharfThe company owns wharves atAs the company owns a wharf atI t is essential to have a wharf at


The stuff can be run down at small cost to thewharf by means of a tramway

WhatWhat is (are)What are youWhat are theyWhat shall IWhat should IWhat willWhat is theWhat wou ldWhat do you think of

WhateverWhatever you think bestWhatever course is bestWhatever you th ink right

Whimpereth . Wh ee1(s)Whimsical Trolley wheels and axlesWhimwham Wh enWhinyardWhipcordWhipgraftWhiphandWhiplashWhipstitchWhipstockWhirlabout

When areWhen canWhen isWhen you areWhen are youWhen you canWhen can youWhen you do

282 WH E

Code Word. Wh en (continued)Whirlblast When do youWhirligig . When I canWhirlpool When can IWhirlwind Wh en will youWhiskers When do you thinkWhispering When you thinkWhistspeil Wh ereWhiteboy Where areWhitecrop Where isWhiteface From whereWhitefilm Where can IWhitefriar Where you canWhiteheat Where can youWhitelady Where there isWhitel ies . N owhereWhitemeat WhichWhitened From whichWhiterent To whichWhitester Wh ichever is bestWh itewash Wh i leWhitlow While I amWh ittled While you areWhitybrown While i t is beingWholeness While is thereWholesome While I am thereWhorlebut Cannot be done whileWhosoever While is (are) hereWickedly Whim (s)Wickeltuch Horse wh imWickel z eug By a whimWicl ifii te By a horse whimWideawake The horse whim is in course erectionWidemut WhoWiderhalt Who areWiderlage Who are notWiderlich Who isWiderpart Who is notWiderrede Who is i tWiderruf Who wasWidersatz Who was notWiderwind Who wereWidespread Who were notWidmung Who willWidowbench Who will notWidower Who mustWidowhood Who shouldWiederholt Who canWiederkauf Who cannotWiegenfest Wh o leWregestuhl On the whole

284 W I N

Code Word.Wintercrop WindWiredrawer To wind upWiregauz e Resolution passed to wind upWiregrate Winding engineWirepuller Wind lassWiseacre WinterWishfully M ine cannot be examined in winterWitchcraft During the winterWitchery In the winterWitcracker Through the winterWithholder The winter begins inWithouten The winter is not over beforeWitlessly During the winter monthsWitticism Cannot work in the winterWittmann Winz eWitzigen In Winze N o .

Witz igung Samples from Winze N o. assayedWitzling E stimate the cost of sinking winze atWoadmil l The vein in Winze No .

Wochengeld From winz eWochentag By a winzeWoebegone Connected by a winzeWoefully H ave commenced Winze N o.

Woefulness Winze from L evel downWogenbahn WireWogenberg Wire ropeWogenweise . Wire tramway [ferenceWogicht feet of steel wire rope 1nches CircumWohinter Wish (es)Wohlauf Wish you toWohlbegabt Wish you not toWohlberedt wish (es) thatWohlbetagt do(es) not WishWohledel When do you wishWohlgemaht I do not wishWohlgeruch If you wishWohlgeubt If you do not wishWohlhabig WithdrawWohlklang I would advise you to withdraw your offerWohlthatig Better to withdraw from the matterWohltonend wish (es) to withdraw h is (their) offerWohlwollen Do not withdrawWohnbar Will withdrawWohnstatte Will not withdrawWolfish WithdrawnWolfnet I - Ias (have) withdrawn fromWolfspeil Has (have) not withdrawn fromWolfszahn Have you withdrawnWol kenau Have Withdrawn the offerWolkenlos With in

WI T 285

Code Word. Wi th in (continued)Wolkenmeer Within the timeWol larbeit Within the spaceWol lartig Within the limitWollfabrik Cannot keep withinWol lflocke N ot withinWol lgam Wi th outWollhandel Without theWollkamm N ot withoutWollpelz Cannot do withoutWol lsammt: Have had to do withoutWol lwasche .Witness WitnessesWol l z upfer To witnessWomanish Can witnessWomanized Will witnessWomankind . As witness (es)Wonderland Can call plenty of witnesses to proveWonderment Witnesses can proveWondrously Witnesses cannot proveWonnefeld The witnessWonnereich Won

Wonnetag Has (have) won the caseWonniglich Telegraph who has wonWoodashes Has (have) won theWoodcraft Wood (s)Woodcutter Good woodWooddrink P oor woodWoodecho P lenty of woodWoodlands A scarcity of woodWoodmeil Wood costs per cord delivered at worksWoodmonger Wood only costs for the haulingWoodnymph E stimate there is enough wood to lastWoodscrew Teams have to haul wood milesWoodstamp What is the yearly cost of woodWoodwaxen . What is the cost of wood at the mineWooingly E ngine(s) take (s) cords of wood per dayWoolbal l M ill takes cords of wood per dayWoolcomber Large woods in the neighbourhoodWooldriver There is a fair quantity of wood in the neigh !

Wooldyed Work Works [bourhood of the minesWoolfell There is noth ing to prevent the work of mining

and milling proceeding throughout the yearprevents the regular work of mining and

m illing from being carried on throughout theyear

The necessary work for developing the mineThe first works to be done areThe works will be completed aboutDo you consider sufficient for openingmine for full work

35 Wordbook A great deal of dead -work has to be done

30 Woolliness

WORCode Word. Work Works (continued)Worfeln I believe these works will open up a m ine worthWorftenne Work is being pushed aheadWorkaday Work suspended (owing to)Workboxes Work will be resumedWorkfellow H ave stopped workWorkfolk Work will be commencedWorkhouse Works wellWorkmanly Works badlyWorkshop Will not workWorktable Men refuse to workWorkwoman Work day and nightWorldly Worked

Wormeaten The m ine is being workedWormfence Has (have) been largely workedWormlike The mine is not being workedWorshipful The mine is worked outWortarm The mine will soon be worked outWortbetrug Have worked outWortbild Which was (were) worked [worked outWortbruch The whole of the upper levels (above N oWortfolge N ot workedWortfuhrer E xtensively workedWortful le Very little workedWortgeton Only worked on the surfaceWorthabend N either of the mines are being workedWortkampf N one of the mines ar e being workedWortkarg The m1ue(s) has (have) been badly workedWortkrieg The mine (s) has (have) been well workedWortkunde . Owing to the mine(s) having been so badlyWortprunk Working(s) [workedWortsel ig In the old workingsWortstrei t The old workings have caved

,and are inaccessible

Woruber Out of the old workingsWoselbst Very extensive old workingsWoural i The workings were consequently abandonedWrackgut To start the workings up againWrackhol z Cost of working is about per tonWrackrecht The ore from these work ingsWrainbolt Cheap workingWrangler Great facilities exist for working th e ore cheaplyWrangling For working the oreWrappeth Working day and n ightWraprascal Worse

Wrathfully Do you think the mine looks worseWreckage The mine is looking worseWretchless The mine is not looking worseWriggling Getting worseWringbolt WorthWrinkled What do you think the m ine is worthWri stband I estimate the mine is worth


Co de Word. Yard (8 ) (continued)Yaksha P er yardY ambico Cost per yardYambo What is the cost of driving per yardYankee Cost of driving per yardYankeeism What is the cost of sinking per yardYaourt Cost of sinking per yardYapping P er cub ic yardYardarm Year(s)Yardstick In one yearYardwand For one yearYarely In yearsY arrish For yearsYataghan In the yearYawls For the yearY awneth N ext yearYawningly Last yearYcleped During the yearYdrad E arly in the yearYearlings During last yearYearnful During next yearYeastiness About the end of the yearYeasty Al l the year roundYeguada YearlyY eguero A yearly income ofYelmo A yearly profi t ofY el lowboy Yearly accountsYellowish Yearly statementsYellows Forward the yearly accounts as soon as possibleYeomanlike Have not yet received yearly accountsYeomanry Have sent the yearly accountsYeomen YesterdayYermar Arrived here yesterdayYerno left yesterday forYesca Wrote yesterdayY eseria Went yesterdayY esiz o Sent yesterdayYesquero Y et

Yestern N ot yetY ez idees Cannot yetYggdrasil Will not yetYieldance Yi eld (See also Ton)Yieldeth The gross yield beingYojan E stimate the yield at [OfYokefellow I believe this will increase immensely the yieldYokels The yieldYokemates Will yieldYonkers Will not yieldYoungly Can yieldYoungness Cannot yieldYoungsters Yie ld ed


Y iel d ed (confinucd )The mines have yieldedThe mines have not yielded much lately

Yie ldingThe mines are yielding a net profit ofWhat are the mines yieldingThe mines are yielding tons per month

YourBy yourFrom yourTo your

Yoursel fBy yourselfN ot by yourself

Z ealHas (have) shown great zeal inHas (have) not shown much zeal in

Z ero


Through the winter the thermometer at night0averages below zero

The thermometer fall ing below zeroZ incVeins of zinc oreSulph ide of zincCarbonate of zincZinc blende occurs withSilicate of z inc




2 10

2 2 0







Code Word.Skua 840 francsSkunkb ird 850

Skylark 860

Smew 8 70

Snakebird 8 80

Snipe 890

Snowbirds 900

Solangoose 9 10

Sparrows 9 20

Spoonbfll 930

Stannel 940

Starling 950

Stiltbird 960

Stockdove 9 70

Stonechat 980

Stonegale 990

StonehawkStorks 1



StrixStruthio 3 ,500


SunbirdSwallowSwansSwiftsTadornaTailorbird 7,500TalegallaTanagersTealTern 1

Tetrao 1

TewitThrostleThrushTinamon 1

Tirwet 1

TitlarkTitmice 1

TitmouseTodus 2

Tomnoddy 2 2 000

TomtitTordoTortolaToucanTowil lee


Code Word.Tragopan fcs.TraquetTringaTrogonTropicbirdTurdusTurkeyTurkeycock

Turnston eTurtledoveTysteUpupaUrubuVerdecilloVireoVultureWagelWagtailWapacutWarblerWaterfowlWaterhenWaterousel




WhitetailWildfowlWildgooseWindhoverWitwallWongawongaWoodchatWoodcockWoodgrouseWoodlarkWoodpeckerWoodpigeonWrenWryneckYellowbird 20



3 ,







3 )




Code Word.Seacalf




SimiaSingesSkunkSpanielSpitz hund




SqualusSquirrelStaggardStaghoundStal lionStammochs







880 dollars8 90


9 10

9 20










Code Word.Tigress 3 dols.Tortoise 3Tukuku 3TupaiaTurnspit 3UnicornU rsa 3UrsusVachesVacula

Vansire 4Vervex

Vibrio 4

Vicugna 44,000

ViverraVulpes 4

Walrus 47 ,000

WanderooWapit iWatchdogs 5WaterhogWaterratWeaselWeideochs

Weidevieh 1

WhitebearWildboarWildcatWildebeest 5Wildkalb 600


Wildswine 7WistonwishWolfdogWolfinn


WoodshockWoodswineZebraZebuZerdaZibelineZizel 1


3 10 NUMBERS .


3 12 NUMBERS .

3 14 NUMBERS .




N 0 . Code Word.1 7,569 Chelifer

1 7,570 Cheslip

1 7,57 1 Chrysalis

1 72 Chrysomela

1 7,573 Churrworm

1 7,574 Cicada

1 7,575 Cicindela

1 7,576 Cimiss


1 7,578 Cochineal

1 7,579 Cockroach

1 Cocoon

1 1 Cornaphis

1 7,582 Cornmoth

1 7,583 Grabo

1 7,584 Cricket

1 7,585 Cutworm

1 7,586 Cycl ica

1 Dayfly

1 7,588 Diptera

1 7,589 D iurna

1 Dorrbeetle

1 7,59 1 Dragonfly

1 7,592 Drone

1 Dronebee




1 7, Dytiscus

1 7,598 Eggermoth

1 7,599 Emmet




1 Erotylus

1 E upoda

1 E vania

1 Fancricket

1 Figgnat


1 Flagworm

1 7,6 10 Flies



1 Fossores

1 Frit


1 16 Fruitfly


18 Gammarus

3 19

Code Word.Gnats



H awkmoth

I I oneybee

I I ornbug

I I ornets

H ousefly

J ulus

L adybird

L adycow



M idges

M i tes







N itter






N 0 . Code Word.Anchovies


1 Angelfish

1 B erggil t

B il lfish



1 B luefish

1 7,677 Brasse

1 Bream

1 Brill

1 B ul l trout

1 Carp

1 Cockles

1 Codfish

1 Coleperch


1 Crayfish

1 Cuttlefish

1 Cyprides

1 Diodon

1 Dogfish

1 I Dogwhelk

1 Dragonfish



N o . Code Word.1 E lops

1 E rrantes

1 E theria

1 E x ocetus

1 Finfish

1 Finscale

1 Fingerling

1 Fistularia

17,702 Flatfish

1 7,703 Flounders

1 Flyingfish

1 7,705 Frogfish

1 7, 706 Gadoid

1 Gadus

1 Garp ike

1 Garterfish

1 10 Girrock


1 7,7 1 2 Grayling

1 13 Grilse

14 Gudgeon

15 Gurnet

1 16 Gymnotus

1 1 7 Haddock

1 7,71 8 Hake

324 NAMES OF MINESN o . Code Word.

1 19 Halibut


1 7,72 1 Hilsah

1 H omfish

1 7,723 H ybodonts

J ellyfish

1 7,725 J entl ing

1 7,726 Kingcrab

1 7,72 7 Kraken

1 28 L amprey

2 9 Landcrabs

1 L impet

1 7,73 1 L ing

2 L obsters

1 7,733 Loligo


1 7,735 Mackerel

17,736 M innows

I 7,737

M ormyrus

39 Mugil

1 Mullet

1 Mussels



326 NAMES OF MINES , 850.

N o . Code Word .

1 Sprats

1 7,770 Starfish

1 1 Stingray

1 Sturgeon

1 73 Tench

1 7,774 Thornback

1 75 Trout

1 Turbot

1 77 Whitebait

1 Whitings

1 79 Wrasse

I 72790

I 7: 79 I


I 72793


N o .

I 7,S34

Code Word.Glumal









Glyph ic

Glyp tics




Gnash ingly




Gnomon ic






1 Gocart


Code Word.

























M E SSA GE . 33 I

Code Word.Gomphosis












Goosequil l












Gotham ist



N o .

I 7,9 1 9

I 72923

I 72924

I 7,9ZS

I 7,9 2 7

I 729 29

I 7293°

I 7,93 I

I 7293 2

I 72943

Code WordGradine





Gradul im





Grafz erk








Gramezz a











17,948 Grandees

I 7 949 Grandeur

I 7,950 Grandiose

I 7,95 I Grandniece

I 7,952 Grandsire

I 72953 Grandson

I 72954 Grandstand

I 7 955 Graniform

I 6 Granvaz

1 72957 Granz oso

I 7,958 Grapel la

I 7,959 Graph ical

1 7,960 Grapnel

I 1 Grapones

I 72962 Grappleth

I 7,963 Grappling

1 Grappol o

1 Graspable

1 Grassari

1 Grasscloth


M E SSA GE . 335


N o.

I 7,969

1 72970

I 7,97 I

I 72972

I 7,973

I 7,974

I 7,97S

I 7,976

I 72977

I 7,97S

I 7,979

I 7,983

I 7,9S4

I 7,9SS

I 7,99 I

I 73992

I 7,993

Code Word.Grassland



























N o . Code Word.Gregale





Greguiz o



















Grez zano


N o.1 Gridal to





1 1 Grietoso

1 52 Grievable

1 53 Grievingly

1 Grievous

1 8,055 Grifal to

1 Grifiade

1 57 Grigal lo

1 Grignans

1 Grignote

Grl j nen

1 1 Grilhao

1 Grillade

1 Grillons

1 Grimaced

1 Grimaud

1 Griminess

1 Grimpant

1 Grimpola


N o . Code Word .Grinalda



























N o . Code Word .19 Grosseur

18,1 20 Grossez a

18, 1 2 1 Grossoye

18,1 2 2 Grossume

1 23 Grotago

18,1 24 Grotesque

1 8,1 25 Grottola

1 8,1 2 6 Groundage

1 8,1 2 7 Groundbait

1 8,1 2 8 Groundedly

18,1 29 Groundwork

1 8,130 Grouped

1 8,13 1 Groupings

18, 132 Groveller

1 8,133 Grovel l ing

18,134 Grower


18 , 136 Growth

18, 1 37 Grubax e

1 38 Grubbers

39 Grubchen

18 , 140 Grubelei


18 , 142 Grudado

1 Grudgeth


N o . Code Word .Grudgingly


1 Gruel

1 8,147 Gruesas

1 Gruffly

18,149 Grugava

18,150 Grugeant

5 1 Grugerez

18,152 Grugnito

1 8,1 53 Gruissan

1 8,154 Gruj l dor

1 8,155 Grul lada

18,156 Grul lero

1 57 Grumato

18,158 Grumbler

1 8,159 Grumeau

r8,160 Grumil lo

Grumou s

1 8,1 62 Grundbau

1 8,163 Grundlos

18,164 Grundung

1 8,165 Grunfink

1 8, 166 Grungelb

1 67 Grunrock


M E SSA GE . 343


N o . Code Word .1 8

,1 69 Grunspan

1 8 , 1 70 Grupados

1 8,1 7 1 Gruparao

18, 1 72 Gruppito

1 8,1 73 Grutz e

1 Gruz z o

1 8,1 75 Gruzzolo

18,1 76 Gryposi s

18, 177 Guaba

18,1 78 Guacales


1 8,180 Guaceria

1 8, 18 1 Guacho

1 Guadagno

1 Guadanon

1 8,1 84 Guadasse

1 Guadone

1 8,18 6 Guadua

1 8 7 Guagero

1 Guagnelo

1 8,1 89 Guaipin

1 Guajabor

1 9 1 Guajamon

1 8, 1 9 2 Guajolo



N 0 . Code Word.1 8,2 19 Guarida

1 8 , 2 20 Guarigo

1 8,2 2 1 Guarismo

1 8,2 2 2 Guarisse

1 8,2 2 3 Guaritar

1 8,2 24 Guarmes

18,2 25 Guarniel

1 8,2 26 Guarreyo

1 8,2 2 7 Guasanga

1 8, 2 28 Guataca

1 29 Guatando

1 8,230 Guayabos

1 8 , 23 1 Guayamu

1 8,23 2 Guayapin

1 8,233 Guayasen

1 8,2 34 Guazzato

1 8 , 235 Guazzo

18,236 Gubeles

18,237 Gubileta


1 8,239 Gudilhao

1 8,240 Guedej a

1 Guefl'


1 Gueldres














Gufol ino




Gu ideless

Gu idepost


M E SSA GE . 347


N o . Code Word .Guienesa


























