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Dear Team Leader & Participant:

I want to introduce you to a ministry in Costa Rica that is impacting the youth of a continent with the transforming message of Jesus Christ and how you and your youth team can get personally involved.

Costa Rica is a safe haven for adventure: people friendly, eco friendly, business friendly, and politically friendly. Its bio-diversity attracts people from all over the world. Great bird watching, jungle challenges, surfing, camping, biking, etc.

La Montana Christian Camps is a 700-acre cloud forest property bordering the Tilaran Mountain Range and is only 75 miles north of the capital city of San Jose. This awesome property was donated to LAMA in 1998 in order to develop a state-of-the-art camping facility that would attract youth from all over Latin America.

Since its inauguration in 2001 over 120,000+ teens have come through our program and thousands have committed their lives to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Our vision for you and your team is this: ADVENTURES THAT IMPACT YOUR LIFE! And that is what God is doing and is about to do for you. Your are joining with others from all over North America that have experienced the joy of working alongside of others to see many come to faith in Christ through La Montaña Christian Camps

I’d like you and your young people to prayerfully consider being a part of this amazing adventure. It will IMPACT YOUR LIVES for years to come.


Joseph B. Pent Founder


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is an evangelistic, high impact adventure camp nestled in the cloud forests of Costa Rica, Central America. Its strategy and vision is to work with teenagers 12-19 years old to win and disciple them into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We mix in a variety of recreational activities (ropes courses, climbing walls, ponds, playing fields, an in-line skating rink, etc.) to meet the physical and relational needs of today’s teen. This high-energy curriculum enables us to effectively use the morning and evening chapel times while employing all the technological tools at our disposal in order to communicate God’s love and plan for the campers’ lives. And the best part is that we work through local Costa Rican churches so that every decision made at camp has an opportunity for follow-up and discipleship!

Throughout the year, we work in a variety of different ways and through a variety of venues to achieve our goal and commission. La Montaña Christian Camps runs a complete program during the entire year. There is rarely a week during the calendar year when we don’t have at least one camp scheduled.

Here’s a quick rundown of our year:

• December through January – Summer Camp season • February through June – Private and Public Schools season • July through August – Winter Camp season • September through November – Church groups and Conference season


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Costa Rica, a small Central American country of 20,000 square miles, about the size of West

Virginia, has a population of 4 million. The official language is Spanish, although English is widely spoken. The climate in the highlands is temperate, while in the lowlands and coastal areas it ranges from the high 70’s to the 90’s. The many varied areas of Costa Rica reveal the tremendous diversity and brilliance of the country’s rich tropical setting. It is home to three volcanic mountain ranges, 9 active volcanos, Pacific and Caribbean coastlines and numerous rainforests. Costa Rica is a multi-party democracy with over 400 years of unbroken peace, and the “Ticos” are characterized by genuine friendliness and national pride.

Nestled on the slopes of the Tilaran Mountain Range, La Montaña Christian Camps is part of a vast section of cloud forest. Cloud forests cloak the top of all about the highest of Costa Rica’s mountains. Driven by the northeast trade winds, clouds sweep up and over the mountains through treetops, bathing the forest in moisture. Cloud forest is a land of gnarled trees, festooned with orchids, bromelaids, and other epiphytes, which thrive in the high humidity. Beads of moisture cling to countless leaves and sparkle when sunlight filters through the midst, making this one of the most pure water sources in the world. Huge areas of cloud forest are protected in Costa Rica in National Parks and reserves that are strung along our continental divide.

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GOD’S WORK Our passion is to reach the vast number of youth throughout the Spanish-speaking world with the transforming message of Jesus Christ. In 1980, we organized a Christian youth movement in Costa Rica using the multiplication concept of barrio group evangelism and discipleship/camping programs that impacted over 50,000 teenagers.  Latin America Assistance (LAMA) also developed a humanitarian outreach ministry to children in Nicaragua and Cuba called LOVE IN A SHOEBOX which provided Christmas gifts in a shoebox for barrio kids.

By late 1990, LAMA, in fulfillment of a vision of many years, shifted its focus to a camping ministry and founded La Montana Christian Camps. With the same desire to evangelize and disciple youth, LAMA began to develop a premier Christian camp that would endeavor to work through the local church in reaching Costa Rica for Christ. Since its inauguration in 2001, La Montana Christian Camps has reached over 70,000 young people, and as a result, thousands have committed their lives to Jesus Christ as personal Savior and Lord.

Since 1998 where vision became a reality when God gave us a 650-acre cloud forest property in Costa Rica, and through the construction of a first phase camp for 150 inaugurated in 2001, we have strived to reach as many young people as possible with the transforming message of Christ.

With the technical advice and wise counsel of friends from Hume Lake Christian Camps and the prayers and financial support of hundreds of Christians, we now reach over 13,000 young people each year. Using a solid biblical and recreation-based program, we have reached over 100,000 young people so far!

“Bosque Real”, La Montaña’s Phase 1 Camp now has the capacity for 500 campers. The facilities include boys’ and girls’ cabin areas each with a large restroom, a dining commons, a 500-seat chapel, a large gymnasium and game room, a sports field, high and low ropes courses, 3 large ponds for water games, staff and guest housing, The Arenal Lodge and Conference Center, a Timothy Lodge and a office/reception area.

Opportunities abound for studying the area’s biodiversity and for hiking through forest trails. Exciting recreational activities, sports, hiking and back packing, mountain biking and roller-blading furnish fun for all. Small group Bible studies and dynamic speakers bring each camper face-to-face with Jesus Christ, and the dedicated staff serves to make every teen’s camping experience life-transforming.

Check out our website and see all of the exciting things that God is doing through youth camping in Costa Rica. See the many ways that you can become involved in helping reach more kids for Christ!

La Montaña is a great place, not only because of the nature, but also the people. They put their love for God in every action they do, every piece of food prepared, every recreational activity, every worship experience, etc. It´s amazing! La Montaña’s program helps you to discover that God loves you forever and that it doesn´t matter what you did in the past. You are His!

Eder, from Chihuahua Mexico


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Costa Rica is demographically comprised of 60-70% young people. Like it’s Latin neighbors, it is a region exploding with youth! The gospel of Jesus not only brings personal renewal, but extends renewal to all of of creation: to our families, schools, our politics, the earth, our culture, our friends, etc. And who are youth but the future of the region: it’s families, it’s communities, it’s schools, politics, and it’s culture.

Camping, as a ministry of the gospel, is an effective way to get kids out from the distractions of daily life, routine, and worries to experience the joys of nature, take stock of their situation, & see things from a new perspective. Many of these kids could never afford the opportunity to come to camp. La Montaña Christian Camps ministry uses it’s scholarship fund and takes advantage of its’ cloud forest location to encourage youth to focus on the most important relationship of their life- the one with their Creator.

We believe in delivering camping excellence to the youth we serve as it gives glory to a God of excellence.This includes excellence in its recreation programs and trained staff personnel, it’s amenities and food service, and in selecting speakers who are winsome & relevant in their presentation of the gospel.

So ask again, why La Montaña Christian Camps and camping? Because it’s among the best ministry options for winning young people to Christ.

~ Camping Response adapted from Hume Lake Christian Ministries


I could say that my visit to La Montaña wasn't the typical one.  We w e n t b e c a u s e w e a r e constantly looking for new ways to serve the Lord with camps. We received the invitation from Joe Sr. to come to La Montaña to learn from them.  I must say that I received a lot more than what I was ready for.  The whole team is a living example of love, service and community.  They are an example for us in areas of faith and service.  Now we’re looking for a way to implement a lot of the ideas we found in Costa Rica to our reality in México.

~ Tony from Zapopau, México

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At La Montaña Cristian Camps, we work with private and public schools throughout Costa Rica, but we almost exclusively works through the local church to serve its ministry. We believe that:

• God placed His authority and ministry to the local church.

• Camp is not an event intended to experience in isolation. It is part of a process in the life of a young person. The church provides us with the partnership necessary to ensure that each participant at camp comes with a support network that will be there long after the camp is over to disciple and grow these kids into committed followers of Christ.

• We want to reach the whole country, and the local church becomes the network that we can work through in order to accomplish this goal.

• Since La Montaña is non-denominational, we can reach across denominational lines to bring Christ’s body together. And it works!

• We do what we do best, and the local church knows their kids. So we go a long way to facilitate the youth leader’s role at camp by giving them the only responsibility that they need to address – the pastoring of their flock.

Because La Montaña Christian Camps is a non-denomincational para church organization, we are able to partner with both the Catholic and Protestant churches in Costa Rica, or the “universal catholic church” as expressed in the Apostle’s Creed, ever-expanding our reach for Jesus.



We strive to teach and model a biblically based theology and to mature in our Christian faith and understanding of God and His word in a community of grace. The following Statement of Faith identifies the essential Biblical truths, which we wholeheartedly believe, teach, and obey as fundamental to our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We also understand there are non-essential, broader doctrinal issues that can have a range of interpretations within the Christian community and believe we should grant one another grace in interpretations of these non-essential beliefs.

1. That the Scripture of the Old and New Testaments is the verbally inspired by God, and inerrant in the original writings, and that they are of supreme and final authority in faith and life.

2. That there is one God, creator and sustainer of the universe who eternally exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

3. In the deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, sinless life, redemptive death and bodily resurrection and that through faith in Him all men can have eternal life.

4. That Christ is coming again “in power and glory” and is eternally King of kings and Lord of lords.

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El Bosque Real houses boys’ and girls’ cabins, a d in ing commons , a chapel and a gymnasium and game room, the Jungle Challenge (a mud obstacle course, a large pond for water games, & an outdoor ampitheater with a fire pit. The Gymnasium houses a game room, a basketball court, inline skating rink, and a rock climbing wall. Also at this campground is a sports field, high and low ropes courses, staff & g u e s t h o u s i n g , t h e Timothy Lodge, and an office/reception area.

A BLUE FLAG CAMP Honoring the Environment

La Montaña seeks to steward its environs and is proud of its Blue Flag ecological standing with the Costa Rican Government. “Programa Bandera Azul Ecologica “ is a nation-wide program designed to empower communities in the areas of environmental and public health. Volunteers earn the Blue Flag for their community, school, nature reserve or business by ensuring that standards are met for sustainable clean air and water practices, environmental education, recycling, and conservation efforts.


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• Soccer Field • 2 Beach Volleyball

Courts • 100 ft. Water Slide • New Mountain Bike

Trails • Archery Range • Tundra-Boarding

Hill • Floating Trampoline

& the Blob (exclusive for midyear and summer camp)

• Leap of Faith • Lagoon Bike Ramp • Large Pool • Water Volleyball • Sand Beach • Soda Fountain Shop


DEDICATED FOR the fun, enjoyment, and emotional health of the young camper.

“We came to La Montaña because we wanted to serve God in a new and different way. We think this a great experience because you get to see what God is doing in other parts of the globe. Sometimes we are so wrapped up in our world, that we limit who and what God is doing. This was totally different for us, never having been on a mission trip before, we were able to experience just how much one sacrifices to serve in this manner day in and day out. We learned not to limit God and to try to surrender more to him. We really enjoyed chapel every evening, seeing both the Costa Rican youth and the American youth, worshiping together. We think having both the C. R. kids and American kids interact was great!  During the day at rec., free time, water/ swim day and after chapel, was great to have our students and theirs make connections and share God's love.” ~ Carmen, from California


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Typically, you will be sponsoring a 3-4-day camp by being in the cabins with the Costa Rican young people. During the second half of your trip, you will either serve as the support staff for another 4-day camp or will have the opportunity to be right back in the cabins with the campers! It is a people-based ministry all around!

Other teams prefer the support side of the ministry and therefore do not stay in the cabins at all. Instead, they become another L.M. staff member responsible for the running and implementation of the weekly program schedule.


These teams choose from a variety of current projects on file in the Costa Rica offices. These projects range from entire structures (like a cabin or a small staff home), special projects (like a skate park or a wa t e r s l i d e ) o r s i m p l e maintenance (like painting, s and ing , e l ec t r i ca l and plumbing, landscape, etc).


These teams use camp as a base of operations for ease of ministry. These teams depart in the mornings (after breakfast) for a full day of ministry and return for supper and a time of reflection and preparation for the next day’s work. We handle all of the transportation and logistic needs and can even set up ministry sites for you and your team depending on the needs and desires of your team.

God is in the business of reaching people and transforming their lives, through His Son Jesus. La Montaña Christian Camp is all about reaching young people with the transformative message of the gospel.

But we know we can’t do this alone. We are looking for partnering churches, schools, teams, and individuals to join us so that we can continue to reach Costa Rican youth with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

We have chosen to open our doors so that sponsor, work, and outreach teams from across the US can come to Costa Rica to experience, become a part of, and support what God has been doing here for the following reasons. As you consider how to best open the eyes of your young people with the transforming message of Jesus Christ and His plan for their lives, consider 10 days with us, an adventure that will impact your own youth ministry!

We host 3 main types of ministry teams*


When I think of La Montaña, I think it is a great place for teenagers to come and learn what it means to serve and love others well.  ~ Brad, from Alabama

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A Typical 10 day Itinerary looks like the following:

Day 1: Travel and arrival at camp, Orientation & Tour, Meal(s), & Rest Days 2-8: Program Support Roles or Work Project, Chapel, & fun with Campers Days 9: R&R at the beach. A time for fun and shopping. Day 10: Return home

When your team comes from the US, you arrive before the camp starts for the Costa Rican kids. One of the La Montaña senior staff members or Interns will welcome you at the airport as you arrive. As you arrive at camp, an Orientation, The La Montaña Staff spends several hours on what to expect, rules, regulations, a tour of the camp, and where you are to be assigned during the week you are with us. You will be rotating jobs throughout the week.

We ask for flexibility and a servant’s heart for all leaders and youth participants on our Mission Sponsor Teams. We use you in any aspect of the program with the La Montaña youth. You might be working in the kitchen area or working with recreation with campers or other assignments that can be given to you that help with the daily camp activity.

You will notice that there is a strong emphasis on service in being a part of what God is doing at the Camp. This is about service, not about vacation (though you will have fun!) Even if you know little Spanish, and are shy with the language, most Costa Rican kids know a little bit of English and are eager to practice! When the Costa Rican kids arrive, your group is integrated immediately, helping them with their cabins, joining in all the fun ice breakers, and welcome!


WHAT WILL our Time Look like in Costa Rica?

A Typical Day at La Montaña

6 am: Wake up 7 am: Eat breakfast. 8 am: Go to assigned ministry activity 12 pm: Lunch 1-4 pm: Back to assigned activity 6 pm: Dinner 7 pm: Chapel: welcome, music, videos, speaker, activity 8:30 pm: Hang with Students in the gym: games, skating, rock wall, & snack bar 10:00 pm: Back to cabins for a good night’s sleep

Time is alloted each day for youth and their Youth Pastors for Bible Study & Reflection.

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1 2

3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10

1. Hanging Around and Climbing up the Rock Wall. 2. Working together Alongside the Kitchen Staff. 3. Helping Out at the Beach Volleyball Court. 4. Chapel. 5. Helping Build and Paint Arenal Lodge. 6. Hanging out and enjoying the Game Room. 7. Helping Build Arenal Lodge. 8. A Team from Chino Hills, CA helping build Arenal Lodge. 9. A Short Term Mission participant helping with the Ropes Course. 10. A Work Team


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Daily Meal Times

If you're traveling to Costa Rica for the first time, you're probably curious about Costa Rica food. Rice and beans are the bases of Costa Rican meals -- all three of them. At breakfast, they're called gallo pinto. At lunch or dinner, rice and beans are an integral part of a casado (which translates as "married" and is the name for the local version of a blue-plate special). A casado is a typical dish made of chicken in sauce, next to rice, black or red beans, fried ripe plantain, salad, and mashed potatoes. Daily meal times in the dining hall at the Camp are as follows:

Breakfast- 7am

Four delicious tropical fruits (Melon, Mangos, Papaya, Bananas, etc) Gallopinto (Rice and Beans) Taquitos with cheese Breakfast Burritos Dry Cereal & Milk Fresh Juice Fresh Costa Rican coffee

Lunch- 12 pm

“ Casado” Some kind of a meat (with rice always) Always a veggie of some kind (corn, etc) Always a salad (fresh, organic)

Dinner- 6pm

Some kind of a meat (with rice always) Always a veggie of some kind (corn, etc) Always a salad (fresh, organic)

LA MONTAÑA Camp Accommodations

* Snacks at La Montaña During non-dining hours, participants can access the pulperia or “soda shop” in the Sports Complex. Items include: Soda, Ice Cream Bars, Chocolate Bars (US & Costa Rican), Candies, Bottled Water, Hot Dogs, Nachos, Popcorn, & Feminine Products.

Bosque Real

La Montaña’s Phase 1 Camp, Bosque Real, or “Royal Forest” has the capacity for 500 campers. The facilities include boys’ and girls’ cabin areas each with a large restroom, a dining commons, a 500-seat chapel, a large gymnasium and game room, a sports field, high and low ropes courses, 3 large ponds for water games, staff and guest housing, The Arenal Lodge and Conference Center, a Timothy Lodge and a office/reception area.

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Arenal Volcano & Baldi Hot Springs

Positioned within Costa Rica’s fertile northern lowlands, the Arenal Volcano is an unavoidable presence while traveling within this part of the country. It is tall and imposing and has a reputation that precedes itself. Arenal’s perfectly symmetrical shape makes it a sightseer’s dream, while its abundance of outdoor activities makes it an easy place to check things off your “must-do in Costa Rica” list.

Baldi Hot Springs is the most expansive hot spring facility in the Arenal Volcano area. There are walking paths winding between pools that are large and small, hot and cold.

Oftentimes, a cold pool lies adjacent to a warm pool, allowing visitors to cool down or heat up as they please. Indeed, your core temperature will rise after nearly twenty minutes in the hot springs, so it’s advised to spend some time in the colder pools throughout one’s visit. Although the Baldi Hot Springs are safely outside the risk zone of the Arenal Volcano (as established by the National Prevention of Risks and Emergency Commission in a 2001 law), they offer spectacular views of the volcano itself. A visit to the Baldi Hot Springs will provide guests with an experience that is at once relaxing and energizing, soothing and stimulating.

* Taken from

LA MONTAÑA Optional Excursion

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1. Sponsor Teams | $775 (7 day) $850 (10 day) per person includes Administrative Costs Room & Board (7-10 days) Scholarship Gift (supports 5 campers) Special water bottle and shirt Ground Transportation in Country**

Ground Transportation includes Airport Arrival Pickup and Delivery to La Montaña Camp, Transportation to the Airport for Final Departure Drop-Off.

2. Work Teams | $1,100 per person includes Administrative Costs Room and board while at camp (10 days) Project donation** Ground Transportation in Country **Project costs vary depending on the size and the financial availability of the team. We encourage the work team to adopt a specific project to raise all of the funds necessary for the completion of the sponsored project.

3. Outreach Teams |

Outreach Teams use La Montaña Camp as a base of operations for Christian

ministry in Costa Rica. Groups that already have a set up plan for those they

are working with in Costa Rica an stay for however long they want. We will

work out any program that will enhance ministry and serve the group with

Spanish needs, cultural, ministerial assistance. Per person costs per day are:

Administration Costs $ 50.00 Room and Board / per day $ 35.00 In Country Transport $100.00

ADDITIONAL OPTIONS (PER PERSON) *Airport hotel stays/per night (when necessary) $120.00 *Beach Stay Debrief (1 nights/add 1 day to eight day) $120.00 *Baldi Hot Springs $ 75.00 Canopy Tour/Zip Lining In Rainforest $ 50.00 *City Tour/San José $ 50.00 *Seasonal camp t-shirt $ 10.00 *Recommended shopping/spending money $100.00 Arenal volcano hot springs day trip (includes lunch) $ 50.00 In kind gifts (rec. or sound equipment, tools, etc.) $ -

Minus the Airfare

Getting Your Airfare & Trip Insurance

1. For an LAX departure, airfare runs from $550-799 and sometimes less if you shop around. There are seasons when the costs run at the low end. Call us for info on carriers.

2. If you need assistance, we recommend HIghpoint963 who also specializes in group travel arrangements. Go to their website at: ~ they specialize in mission and educational group travel.

3.It is best to plan departures from Sunday through Thursday since they tend to be cheaper – we would be happy to help you with the appropriate dates to travel for your trip so that it will “fit” well with the itinerary that we will be planning for you.

3. Please let us know BEFORE you book your flight in order to avoid unnecessary penalties.4. There is an additional departure tax charged at the airport before you leave Costa Rica. The cost is $29/person & must be paid in cash, or with Visa or MasterCard. Some airlines now include the exit tax in their fare. Check with your airline.

Trip insurance

Contact your current insurance provider and ask for a trip

Costs are approx. the same as those of a sponsor team, depending on transportation needed.


IS $475.

In order to avoid many of the hassles that often come with planning an overseas missions trip, we have put together a comprehensive packet in order to lighten your load. We take care of all of the in-country details of your trip and you take care of all of the US based expenses. There is plenty of room for flexibility, so feel free to call us with any specific requests that you may have. Booking begins through our website at . Find “to begin the group registration process and click to begin filling out the form there. You can contact our North American Director, Ray Schwartz at [email protected] for more information at any time.

Spring Break: March 19-26 (2 teams of 20 each or 40 maximum).

Summer: June 20-27 (8 day) (2 teams of 20 each or 40 maximum). June 29- July 8 (10 day) (2 teams of 20 each or 40 maximum). July 11-18 (8 day) (2 teams of 20 each or 40 maximum). July 20-29 (10 day) (2 teams of 20 each or 40 maximum). August 1-8 (8 day) (2 teams of 20 each or 40 maximum).

Other dates through the year are available: please consult with the North American Director!


Our goal at LAMA/La Montaña Christian Camps is to provide you and your group with a missions experience of excellence that will encourage your group in Great Commission principles along with the opportunities for service to others. We desire to do by providing this meaningful experience at as low a price for our trips as possible. We realize that groups are raising funds to come, funds that come from many sources and individuals. Because we have financial responsibilities to the camp, and must make arrangements for your group before they come, with this in mind, we want you to know ahead of our time the following finacial agreements and guidelines:

1. REGISTRATION: Once you have contacted our North American Director (Ray Schwartz at [email protected] or through his phone at 303.803.6115 - this contact then begins the registration process for your church/group or individual.

2. DEPOSIT: Spring Break & Summer trips ~ Deposits of $100 per person. If you register after January, a deposit of $250 per person within 30 days of registration.

All Construction Trips ~ Deposits of $100 per person and a copy of the front page of your passport are due January 1. If you register after January 1, a deposit of $150 per person and a copy of the front page of your passport are due within 30 days of registration.

3. PAYMENTS - 1/2 of the cost is payable by April 1 - less your deposit. Included with this payment must be the front page of the passport of each person coming to Costa Rica. A $25 per person late fee will be assessed for non-payment received. - Balance of the trip cost must be in our office no later than 30 days before leaving for Costa Rica. - There will be a late charge of $100 per person assesed for fees not paid by within 30 days of leaving for Costa Rica.

Important! Deposits and late fees are non-refundable. If you are bringing a group and need to lower your number, a deposit may be transferred to your final balance through April 1. Deposits are non-transferable after April 1. Group members may be added upon permission from the North American Director after April 1 for $50 per person.

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1. We want to expose young people to the wonders of what God is doing in Latin America through camp ministry.

Our U.S. youth Sponsor Teams do this by participating in the life of the camp. They sit in the chapels, play alongside the campers and oftentimes share a cabin with them, all the while taking in the transforming work of the Savior in the individual campers’ lives. They experience first-hand the awesome presence of the Holy Spirit as an invitation is made for salvation and kids go forward and pour their lives out to Christ. It's mind-boggling!  

And since we are a recreational based camping ministry, they are going to have a whole heap of fun at the same time. With high adventure, climbing walls, inline skating, the Blob and bike jump, the water slide and all of the extreme and competitive recreation, they will have the time of their lives.

2. We need your financial partnership.

Sponsor Teams bring the necessary funds to sponsor the campers that share their week at camp. These kids come from marginalized areas and would never afford the cost of camp. As a US Team Sponsor, their presence includes the blessing of knowing that a large percentage of what you raised to give to camp went to make it possible for all those kids to be there. When a kid goes forward to receive Christ, they need to understand that they were a key part in making that possible!

Work Teams bring the man power and funds necessary to chip away at the enormous list of projects and maintenance items that accumulate in our large ministry. All of our smaller projects and equipment have been made possible by bringing the funds and the labor force to make them a reality.

3. We believe in short-term missions and the impact that it has in the life of a young person.

Countless times, we have seen the Lord transform a life during the time of ministry here. We know that when a young person separates themselves by more than a car ride from home, they tend to listen more than they ever have at any other time in their lives - and the Lord is speaking! Missions is where the Lord takes a nominal Christian and lights a fire in their souls. For many, this will mean a new commitment to lifelong missions and/or ministry. For most, it will mean more committed followers of Christ in their homes, schools, and the work God calls them to. Missions transforms kids.

4. La Montaña is a Platform for Outreach Team Ministy.

Our purpose includes offering quality facilities for teams who would also like to come with the desire to go out and touch people where they live. To expose youth to the real culture is in some instances what people are looking for. We have all that you need and are willing to connect these teams with churches and schools that would love to host a team for a week (or more). We can arrange transportation, ministry, housing and even a combination onsite/offsite ministry where you can taste the best of both worlds.

5. Safety and Security

In a dangerous world, the experience we offer our teams, is safe and secure. When they come to Costa Rica, they are taken from the airport to camp. Once at camp, there is no contact with the outside world except for those that we bring in to minister to. It doesn't get any safer than La Montaña. However, we don't guarantee that they won't scrape a knee or bump their head. We are an action filled camp and we play hard!

SO WHY BRING Your Youth Group to La Montaña Christian Camp?

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6. US teams bring light to La Montaña

First of all, the La Montaña staff gets energized and encouraged when we have visitors from afar who come to help and serve. We are blessed when they see kids serve with their hearts and pour out their energy without seeking anything in return.

Secondly, the campers are blessed. The presence of kids and youth from the US fascinates them. They are intrigued and baffled to see kids their age serving them and wanting to hang out with them. They have a million questions to ask, and, after the ice breaks, can't seem to get enough of them.

You know why? Because we in effect supercharge the camp with the presence of the Holy Spirit and the kids may not be able to explain it, but they sure can feel it! Think about it: 20 kids come to serve. Supporting them both on the trip and back home are individuals and churches who are praying for them constantly. Heck, the enemy doesn't have a chance! These teams, in effect, enable to work of the Spirit in ways we can't explain!

7. We Desire to Expand Young People’s Worldviews

Aside from the obvious spiritual benefits mentioned above, kids need to see that there is no other place on the planet that lives and breathes like they do. They need to develop a sensitivity and a heart for the world. They need some lessons on humility and need to see that the earth does not revolve around them, much less the United States. There are needs and the world is dying without a Savior. Our prayer, is that this same "world" exposure will return them to their homes with new eyes to see the enormous need that their families, friends and neighbors have. We want to challenge them to go home to become world changers first at home, then in their cities and country, and then to the uttermost parts of the world.

8.    We Have Trained Student Deans on Site.

La Montaña places primary responsibility of supervision with mission team leaders and youth pastors who bring their teams down. To support you in your role, however, each camp at La Montaña has a dean assigned to it, responsible for the counseling, welfare, and when necessary, discipline, of camp participants. These deans are comprised of an adult couple assigned to supervise their camps. These deans are always available to the youth leader and participants.

Lonney & Paula Moore , former youth pastors from CA will be at La Montaña are bringing a whole new level of care and pastoral ministry into our North American teams and our Intern program and are our deans.

9.    Opportunities with La Montaña Extend Beyond the Short Term Trip.

Our Internship ministry gives those who want to go deeper in the La Montana ministry that opportunity. We have found a good percentage of kids that come with a team, are interested in coming back to serve for a more extended period of time. For those wanting to test their calling in missions, camping, and outreach to Latin youth, there is the opportunity for those, age 18-25.

10. We Desire to Create Long Term Partnerships and Have You Come on Board as we Expand Camping Ministries throughout Latin America.  

As God continues to bless and grow the ministry of La Montaña, we are going to need a much larger prayer and support network. Just in Costa Rica, we have Rancho Mirador (tent camp), Alta Vista (our premier High School camp for 700 campers) and Sol y Mar camp (surf camp off site on the beach for 40-60 campers). We plan to expand into Cuba, Nicaragua, The Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Belize, Guatemala and Panama and are constantly getting contacted by other camps and interested people in these countries and across Latin America.

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As those seeking to honor Christ, our desire is to build each other up and encourage one another in love at all times. We want La Montaña Christian Camp to be one of the most encouraging place on earth! At La Montaña, we expect our staff to portray a Christ-like lifestyle both and desire all staff to walk in a way that is pleasing to the Lord throughout the year. Integrity, loyalty, honesty, and faithfulness are the pillars of our staff. We will positively encourage one another in both word and deed, treating the opposite sex with the utmost respect! As such, we expect both our visiting leaders and their mission team to possess similar character and lifestyle qualities.

Team Leader Supervision

La Montaña places primary responsibility of supervision with mission team leaders and youth pastors who bring their teams down. To support you in your role, each camp at La Montaña has a dean assigned to it, responsible for the counseling, welfare, and when necessary, discipline, of camp participants. These deans are comprised of an adult couple assigned to supervise their camps. These deans are always available to the youth leader and participants.

The La Montaña staff are also trained to be looking out for participants and taking proper action when improper behavior and/or attitudes are detected. They then report to camp staff supervisors to take proper action. Please note that in cases where a mission team participant has severely breached the rules, La Montaña will not hesitate to send the participant home, back to the United States.

Abusive Behavior and Defiant Disobedience

Abusive behavior and defiant disobedience will NOT be tolerated at La Montaña. This includes abusive behavior to self (drugs, alcohol, eating disorders, self- mutilation) and others (bullying, fighting, verbal abuse).If abusive behavior or defiant disobedience becomes apparent, please notify your camp dean immediately.

Sexual Misconduct or Abuse

Sexual misconduct or abuse will not be tolerated at La Montaña. Sexual misconduct or abuse will be grounds for a participant’s dismissal and will require a meeting with the La Montaña Director and notification of the Executive Director. If sexual misconduct or abuse becomes apparent, please notify your camp dean immediately.

Participant Relationships

La Montaña will not be a place for physical relationships between young participants. All team leaders staff members should be aware of inappropriate conduct between guy and girl participants. Particpiants of the opposite sex should NEVER be alone together.

*Partial content taken & adapted from KANAKUK Camps,

EXPECTED CONDUCT of Team Leaders & Participants

La Montaña Camp Staff

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1. Will my youth team member/child be able to call home and email while in Costa Rica? You / Your Youth Child’s Leader, upon arrival to La Montaña, will be given access to the camp

office computer with internet to send and email out to parents, notifying them of their safe arrival and giving parents an update on the groups’ status.

Because we want nothing to distract students in this short week of serving others, we ask that they reserve calls and emails for the end of their trip, when they are 3 days and two nights at the beach and relaxing. The kids will be taken to an internet café and given access to email then.

The camp does have an office phone that students can access any time during their stay. However, we do ask that this phone be used only in case of emergency only.

The La Montaña Camp Office Phone: + 011 (506) 390-7338. La Montaña’s Director email: [email protected] 2. How do I contact my teenager in the case of an emergency?

Emergency Contact Protocol:

Parents who need to contact their child in the case of emergency, can call the La Montaña office. These numbers is to be used for emergency contact only:

The La Montaña Camp Office Phone: + 011 (506) 390-7338

Joe Pent Jr. Cell Phone: +011 (506)2203-5960 or (506) 8891-4072

3. What kind of supervision will my team member/child have and how does La Montaña handle discipline issues?  

La Montaña places primary responsibility of supervision with mission team leaders and youth pastors who bring their teams down. Apart from that, each camp at La Montaña has a dean assigned to it, responsible for the counseling, welfare, and when necessary, discipline, of camp participants. These deans are comprised of an adult couple assigned to supervise their camps. These deans are always available to the youth leader and participants.

The La Montaña staff are also trained to be looking out for participants and taking proper action when improper behavior and/or attitudes are detected. They then report to camp staff supervisors to take proper action. Please note that in cases where a mission team participant has severely breached the rules, La Montaña will not hesitate to send the participant home, back to the United States.


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4. Is Costa Rica Safe?

Without a doubt Costa Rica can be called the safest country in Central America. One of the reasons that Costa Rica continues to grow as one of the world's top destinations is because it is one of the few destinations where travelers can feel safe exploring almost any part of the country. U.S. citizens are encouraged to exercise the same level of caution here that they would in major cities or tourist areas throughout the world. Here are some steps that may help Americans avoid becoming victims of crime: 

We do however still practice wise safety measures. We often take participants to San Ramon, the nearest city, about 30 minutes away from the Camp. When traveling outside of La Montaña Camp, we always travel in groups and or pairs. Never is a participant left on his/her own.

At La Montaña, we boast a 24-hour security guard and our camp gate is locked at all times. No one is allowed onto the property without security clearance.

5. Why should my youth team member/child go serve over seas when there are so many needs here in the United States?

The first and primary reason we believe in sending teams on international mission trips is that God has commanded His followers to make disciples of ALL nations (Matt 28:19). Knowing that we are commanded to play an active role in global disciple-making, we have found that missionaries and ministries around the world have needs that short-term mission teams can easily and uniquely fill, thus helping to advance the kingdom of God in those countries. We also hope that participating in an international mission trip will leave such an impression on your child's life that they will become supporters of mission work for the rest of their lives, whether through prayer, financial support, church leadership, or even life service. (Adapted from Servant Life:

6. What if my youth team member/child loses his/her passport?

Few things can dampen a trip more than the loss or theft of your passport. We have experienced team participants losing their passports while on trip with La Montaña. In the case of this happening, we contact the US embassy in the capital of San Jose.

The U.S. Embassy in Costa Rica is open on Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. to apply for an emergency passport. Beginning October 11, 2011, all routine services, including passport renewal or replacement, additional passport pages, Consular Reports of Birth Abroad (CRBA), and notary services are available by APPOINTMENT ONLY.

Contact Info: Telephone: 011-(506) 2519-2000 * From the U.S.: 011-506-2519-2000 Embassy fax: (506) 2519-2305 * From the U.S.: 011-506-2519-2305 Consular fax:(506) 2220-2455 * From the U.S.: 011-506-2519-2455


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7. What is not covered in my youth team member trip cost?

The only expenses not covered in a participants trip cost is airfare, meals in airports on travel days, any souvenirs that you may wish to purchase while in country, and any expenses related to obtaining a passport and immunizations. Additionally, There is an additional departure tax charged at the airport before you leave Costa Rica. The cost is $29/person & must be paid in cash, (or with Visa or MasterCard - fee is a few dollar’s more.)

8. Is La Montaña able to accommodate teens with special needs? 

Physical Disability

Whereas La Montaña does accommodate Costa Rican youth with special physical needs on short term stays at their Arenal Lodge, because of the terrain and the active nature of the camp, it is not advised that those traveling from the US with wheelchairs and in need of significant assistance in their mobility participate on this program.

Food Needs

La Montaña takes special pride in their food service. Vegetarian meals are available and special food needs will always be taken into consideration.


Please let La Montaña staff know of any special medications ahead of time. Refrigeration for insulin and/or special care needed in the handling and/or taking of any medication is available, assisted by our onsite nurse.


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U.S. Office Contact P.O. Box 6057Ventura, California 93006 (805) 654.0213Email: [email protected] or Ray Schwartz, N. American Dir.Email: [email protected] (303) 803 6115