Download - St. Te Trials Of The Reign Of Edward The First - Forgotten Books





1289— 1293


T ,M.A .









SEVERAL yearsago my attention was called byMr. Hubert Hallto two plearolls preserved in the Public Record Office, containingthe ofi cial proceedings of the trials of the judges and other royaloflicers, beforeaspecial Commissionappoin ted by Edward I. in 1289.

The smaller of the two rolls was copied out,and I undertook to

edit it for the Camden Series. Further investigation soon showed

the undesirability of publishing the recordas it stands, for reasonswhich are set forth later. Here it need only be said that thesmaller roll on ly contain s aportion of the proceedings of the

Commission ,and that the more bulky roll which includes the rest

hadalso to come within the editor’s purview . An unusual pressof literary and academic work made it impracticable for me

to spend suflìcient consecutive time in London to work through

its conten ts. Accordine the project slumbered for some time,

un til last summer I had the good fortun e to associate w ith myself

in the labour my pupi] ,Mi ss HildaJohnston e, B.A .,Jones Fellow

of the University ofManchester, who kindly undertook the un

grateful omoe of completing the task that I had been unable toaccomplish. The results of our work are now offered to the


Iamable to assume responsibility for the plan of the publi

cation,the correctness of the texts transcribed from Roll 541 B,

the general character of the appendices, and the scope of the


introduction ,

'but it is only fair toMiss Johnstone to state clearlythat the great bulk of the work has been done by her, and thatw ithout her; timely help the volumewould not have been publishedfor manyalong day. In particular, she has composed the wholeof

_the in troduction . Moreover, Appendices II. and III .

,with the

tabulated summary ,of the cases con tained in the two rolls, are

entirely due to her in itiativeand perseveran ce. It is hoped thatthe summary may min imise the objpotion s to the publication



mere_excerpts by serving as an indication to studen ts of the

general c on tents of the whole record,and by providing themwith

materials for easily checking our —work by reference to the rolls


.Nothin g remains save the pleasant task of expressing our

thanks to those whohaveaided.

us. ToMr. Hubert Hall specialdebt of gratitude is


due, n ot on ly forsuggesting the whole scheme,butalso for the immenseamoun t of personal trouble he has takento help us . with his advice and assistance at every stage of the

undertaking. We are also indebted to Miss Katharine TriceMartin for the careful and accurate transcript which she hasmade of the smaller roll, and from which we have derived theextracts which form the central part of our publication . We

are obliged to my colleague, Mr. A . Gr. Little,for help in

deciphering the A ll Souls’MS . of the Passio,’ and to Professor

C. Vaughan , of Leeds, who has kin dly assisted us in trackingout the references to the Vulgate imbedded in the Passio .


Mr. G. J . Turn er w e must record our gratitude for his ever-readyhelpand kindness . He has been good enough to read the book inproof,and to makemany suggestione of the utmost value. Further,

he hasallowed us to draw continually upon his store of experience

and legal know ledge for the solution of problems which from time

to timearose. Nor must we omit our grateful acknow ledgments


of our obligation s to Professor F. W .Maitlan d the pioneer of .allrecen t work in setting forth the legal records of theMiddle Ages,and the master of all who attempt to follow in his footsteps .

W e owe him our gratitude not only for the example and stimulus

of his own in imitable editions, butalso more especially‘


callingeur attention to the Passio of the judges, which we havepublished i nan appen dixas aslight relief to the dulln ess of the

mass of d ur book . An d lastly, I myself must claim the indul

gence of the Royal Historical Society for having so


long delayedto discharge the obligation that I had undertaken and onoe

' moreexpress my gratitude to my collaborator for her self-sacrifico inpostponing independen t work of her own in order to complete th


task that I was unable to carry through single-handed .



F. Tour.

Tm: Umvn srrr,Mmm srnaSeptember 1905.


In nonucrron


1. The Abbot of Roche v. Justices of the Bench, 18 14 Edw . I.,andespecially William de Brompton

2. William dc Durnford v. Richard de Boyland8. RichardMaille 0 . Richard de Boylandand Solomon de Rochester4. Alice, daughter of Hugh de Broadwinsor, 0 . Henry de Bray5. Roger de Thornton v. William de Brompton

6. John , son of Roger de Reed, o. John dc Chertsey

7. Henry le K en and Agnes bis wife o . John de Chester

8. Henry de laLegh and Nicholas de Cern e v. Ralph de Hengham,

William de Brompton ,and William de Saham ; and, 8a, in con

n ection , William de Saham 0 . John de Cave9 . William de Camville o . Ralph de Hengham10. William de Bardwell v. Ralph de HenghamIl . Thomas Silvester e . Roger de Lin coln

12 . John , son of Hubert de Harlow , o . John de Lovetot



18. Thomas, prior of St.Mary de Butley , 0 . John de Lovetot

14. Henry, son of Nicholas, v. Solomon de Rochester

15. Robert, son of Simon , v . William de Saham16. Hugh le Taylor v. Ralph de Sandw ich, Gregory de Rokesle,and

John de Bakewell17. Robert Herizarde v . Thomas de Sedgefield18. Thomas de Goldington and his w ife v . Nicholas de Stapleton19. Peter de Cropredy Adam de Stratton90. Roger G oodman v . Adam de Stratton21 . Attorn ey toA bbot of Sain t—Ém ult v . Thomas de Weyland


I. Tn Passrou or n m Juncns

II. As n rsrs or Ronn 541 A

III. Anamaraor Rom. 541 B



ON Friday, August 12 , Edward I . returned from his visit to

Gascony. He had left England in May taking with him

the Chancellor and the Great Seal For three years, then , the

coun try had been free from his personal supervision , and the

legislation of 1275—1285 left to bear the test of its deviser’



What was the result ? A un iversal outcry greeted him on his

return . The clamor miserorum rose bitterly, crying shame on

the savagery, injnatice,and venality of the royal ofi cers, greatandsmall . The gen eralisation concern ing Edward I.

,never was a

king worse served by his in struments,’

was proved again true .

From his justices and ofi cials of trust, down to the humblest of

his subordinates,all apparen tly had seized the opportun ity of

their master’sabsen ce to extort money, pervert justice, use theirofi cial position to serve their private ends.

The tidings must have been madden ing to the order-lovingK ing. Difficult as italways is to dogmatise about the characterofamedimval ruler, to discriminate between his own action sandthose of the lawyersand advisers w riting in his name

, yet on e is

told enough of Edward I . by con temporary evidence and his own

work to see in himaman w ith an in stinct for orderliness,aman

Cal. Close Rolls, Echo. I ., 1288—1296, p. 17 Cal . Pat. Rolls, Edna. I ., 1281

1292, p. 818 ; Fedora, 1. part ii . p. 711 .

Cal. C lose Rolls , Edw . I ., 1279—1288, p. 395 ; Fadem , I. part 11. p. 665.


of passion and determination , truer than most, in an age when

promises w en t for little,to his own motto of Pactum serva.’

Aided by his chancellor Burn ell, Edward had for the last twen tyyears been legislating, systematising, tran quillising . Not on ly hadhe re-established the strength of the Crownafter the troubles of hisfather’s reign ,

n ot only had he extended his rule over North Wales,and brought the unsettled borders under firmer jurisdiction n ot

on ly had he tighten ed his grasp upon the greateran d more un rulyn obleabut he had found time to con cern himself w ith the

minuties of judicial procedure . Effectiven ess and sw iftn ess were

the keynotes of hi s legislation in this departmen t . Hi s very first

statuto (Statute ofWestmin ster I . ,1275) devoted twen ty-n in e out of

its forty-five clauses to judicial matters

,the definition of procedure,

mean s toavoid delays, and so forth. In the same year followedthe Ofi cium Coronatoris. The Statute of Rageman (1276)supplemen ted the Statute of Westmin ster. The Statute of

Gloucester (1278) busied itself w ith procedure in assizes of n ovel

disseisin etc . Then , because certain cases wherein the law failedremain ed undetermin ed

, and some remain ed to be enacted,’ theStatute of Westmin ster II . follow ed in 1285

,dealing chicfly with

land, but in cluding certain clauses of more gen eral bearing. A ll this

show s that Edward had devoted con siderable thought to judicialmatters,and might well think it safe to leave the coun tryawhile.

To find his confidence abused an d his legislation adead lettermust have been aheavy blow . However

,this n ew trouble was

faced with his usual promptn ess. The first record we have of the

matter isawrit to the sherifi'

s on the close roll, dated October 13,The K ing, it states

,has appoin ted John de Pon toise,

Bishop of Win chester,Robert Burnell, Bishop of Bath and Wells,

Henry Lacy,Earl of Lincoln ,John de St . John ,William le Latimer,

William de Louth ,William deMarch, adaudiendum gravaminaetinjurias si que per ministros illatafuerin t quibuscunque person is

Fadera, I. part 11. p. 715 ; Cal. CloseRolls , Edw . I ., 1288-1296, p. 55.


regn i .’These commission ers are to report to the K ing at his

n ext Parliamen t . Ifany man has agrievan ce, let him come to

Westmin ster on the morrow of St.Martin (NovemberThe immediate result of this inquiry was the gradual removal

of the greatest offendere. Thomas de Weyland, Chief Justice ofCommon Pleas, the first to suffer, was starved in to submission afteran ign omin ious flight ,and finally by his own choice abjured therealm . Ralph de Hengham,

l Chief Justice of the K ing’

s Bench,

Adam de Stratton,ahigh ofi cial in the Exchequer, Hen ry de

Bray, Escheator and Justice of the Jew s,W illiam de Brompton


John de Lovetot,and others,w ere imprison edand fin ed .

This weeding of the judicial bench was dramatic and madeanimpression . The chron iclersalmostall record it ,sand it has beenreferred to by some modern historian s .

3 The incident,however,

seems worthy ofmore precise in vestigation than it has yet obtain ed.

For three years auditores querelarum were sitting at West

min ster,and their proceedings were noted in tw o bulkyassize rollsn ow preserved in the Public Record Ofi ce. A n examination of

these w ill givean adequate ideaof the nature and exten t of the

evi l,and of the remedies used to cure it .

Hougham was still describedasajustice on 18 Jan . , 1290, se was William deSaham ; Solomon de Rochester was still ajudge on 4 Jan . (Cal. Paten t RollsEdward I ., 1281- 1292 , p. On 15 Jan . , 1290, Lovetot, Brompton , Roger de

Leicester, and Littlebury were the judges before whom Adam de Stratton wasarraigned. (Ann . London . p. Stratton , like Weyland, had his fate settled

before the fall of his colleagues.An nales Lmtdom'

cn sec, p. 97 ; An nals of Dunstablc, p. 855- 857 ; Bartholomew Cotton , Hist. Anglicana, pp. 171- 178, 175—176, 180 ; T. Wykes, Chron iam,

pp. 819-822 ; Annals of Waverley, p. 408 ; Am ls of Bermond sey, p. 467 ; Flores

Historicrum, iii . p. 70 ; Peckham Letters, iii. p. 968 (all in Rolls Series) Walterof Hemingburgh , Chronicon , ii . p. 16 (Eng. Hist.

Stubbs, Cm titutiom l History, ii. p. 125 ; Pauli, Geschichte con Engkmd,iv. 50—51 ; Seeley, Life and Reign of Edward I ., pp. 75 and 76. This latteraccoun tmay be con sidered an evidence of the need for further in vestigation. It

accepts without hesitation the case against the judges as iearful,’ but gives no

more detailed crimes than the judges were corrupt,and for bribes would releasethe robberand the murderer.’



The Rolls.

The rolls are numbered for referen ce 541 Aand 541 B. Eachconsists of membranes of parchmen t some n ine inches wide

and varying in length from twen ty to thirty-five inches, strung

togetherat the head,and written generally upon both sides . The

roll numbered 541A is by far the larger, con sisting of seven ty

seven membran es,as compared w ith forty-six in the other . It is

in the shorter roll,however, that on the whole the most in teresting

cases are dealt w ith ; w ith this,5413

,we shall be mainly con

cerned . Blanks have been left in the originale for the in sertiono f details in later stages of the proceedings. Posteaven erun t,

etc.,run s the form.) The clerk has eviden tly sat w ith n otes and

documents before him,weaving them in to afair copy. At times

he has been betrayed in to setting out theactual words of the writ

before him,and fails to change con struction or person suitably .

Preceptum est vicecomiti quod distringas,’ he writes on more

than on e occasion .


In this con nection it is in teresting to n ote that the actualnames of the clerks who wrote the rolls, and the payments madeto them , are preserved on the Liberate an d Issue rolls. The

follow ingare the facts :

John dc Bradf ord was employedas third clerk to theauditors,circacomposicion em et ordinacion em rotulorum de querelis factis

coram A rchidiacon o Norwycen siapudWestmonasterium from the

quinden e of St.Martin 17 Edw . I to Hilary 18 Edw . I .

’ He waspaid £3.

An example occurs in 541a, m. 21 , where the clerk’satten tion to the heated

and triumphtmt reply of John daCavato William de Saham leads him to set downthe exact words : theaccused has madeastatement before you, theauditors, whohave recordand who represen t the person of the King.

’ He then falls once morein to the third person . The extract is quoted on p. 44.

Liberate Roll,Michaelmas, 18and 19 Edw. I., No. 55, m. 2.



choùw dc Tickhill, clerk to the bishops of Winchester andBathand Wellsand their colleagues,wrote rolls from the quindeneof Hilary 17 Edw . I. to the Saturday before Ash Wedn esday,19 Edw . I. ; and again from A sh Wedn esday 19 Edw . I . to the

following Christmas.

1 He received £15, £5 for the former period,

1810 for the latter.

Hem dc In'

chficld was employedas fourth clerk from the first

day in the octavo ofMichaelmas to the vigil of St. Nicholas, andfrom the Fridayafter Hilary to the Friday before Ash Wedn esday,19 Edw . I.

3 He was paid 18 .aday 148 . in all. Again , hewas employedas third clerk from theMonday nextafter the feastof St . John before the Latin Gate , 19 Edw . I . , to the vigil of

St.Margaret n ext following,and from the octave of St.Michaelin the same year to the vigil of St. Lucy the Virgin , 20 Edw . I .

For this he was paid £5 .

Thus we have on ly three names given and no clue to the exactsign ifican ce of the third clerk


’fourth clerk


etc. , or the curiousdifl


eren t rates of pay .

The rollsare of afairly uniform legibility. Their difi cnlties

are main ly those common to all thirteen th-cen turyMSS — simi

larity of form in m,n,u, i, and other letters . Where the

parchment is fairly preserved, theactual tran scription presen ts fewserious difi culties. Un fortunately, however, almost every mem

bran e is grievously torn and defaced, especially towards the foot.

An example will show how great has been the difi culty of pro

ducing acon tinuous and intelligible text in the extracts. On

membrane 13 of roll Bacase is recorded touching one of the most

LiberataRoll,Michaelmas, 18and 19 Edw . I. , No. 55 , m. 8.

£10according to Liberate Roll,Michae lmas, 19and 20 Edw. 1. No. 59, m. 1

but on ly £5 according to Issue Roll (Pella).Michaelmas, 19 20 Edw . I., No. 51,m. 1 .

LiberataRoll ,Michaelmas, 18and 19 Edw . I No. 55, m. 2 .

Ibid. , 19and 20 Edw. I. , No. 59, m. 2 .


importan t culprits, Adam de Stratton . In its present state the

membran e contain s 81 lin ea, though it may have been much longerwhen un injured. Of these the first twenty are intact . At the

tw en ty-first begin sacrooked tear from right to left which continues

to the foot. From lin e 21 to 48 it is possible . to fill up the gapsconjecturally, for n ot more than three or four words have van ishedin each line. The remain ing thirty

-three lines, however, makeconjcoture hazardous, each requiring six to fifteen words to

complete it. This case is prin ted on page 85,as its importanceseemed to demand,and may serveasatype of the system we haveadopted throughout . Where the space leit vacant is small or thegeneral drift of the mean ing clear, the gaps have been filled up

by words in serted between square brackets. Theseare in tendedmerely to conjecturally complete the sen ten ce on lin es suggested

by the text . They do n ot pretend to reproduce n ecessarily theexact words of the original writer. In more difi cult cases,however, or where the lacunaextends to alarge n umber of words,

the deficien cy is supplied by row s of dota,longer or shorter, to

indicate the size of the vacant space . Finally, in cases where so

little of the original remain s that it is useless to prin t it, severallines of dotaandaside-n ote show the exten t of the omisàon . It

is with“great reluctance that w e have been driven to present so

partialatext ; but the choice lay between this courseand n eglect

ing many cases, valuableand in teresting even in their fragmen tarystate .

Another crucial problem is chronology . The dating of mem

bran es is un systematic. In 77 membranes in Ro ll A,written

frontand back, on ly 72 en tries of date are made and in B,30

en tries occur on the 46 membran es . Often too, merely the period

of the year, n ot the year concerned, is given .

It may be useful to in sert here lists of the dated membranes inthe order in which they occur in the rolls.


Morrow of All Souls.

Michaelmas term inaforesaid year.

Quindene of St.Martin.

Hilary term, 19 Edward I.Octaveand quindene of Hilary.

Octaveand quindene of Hilary.

Third week of the Purification of the Virgin .

Morrow of the Purification .

Hilary term.

Octaveand quindene of Hilary.

Octave of Hilary.Easter term, 19 Edward I.Third week of Easter.Third weekand month of Easter.

Octave of Trinity.

Third week of Easter.

Mon th of Easter.

Third week of Easter.

Easter term.

Third week of Easter.

Octave of Trin ity.

Octave of Trinityand St. John the Baptist.

Octave of Trinityand St. John .

Octave of Trinityand St. John .

Octave of Trinityand quindene of St. John .

Quindene of St. John .

Octaveand quindene of St. John .

Michaelmas term, 19 Edward I.Octave ofMichaelmas.

Octaveand quindene ofMichaelmas.

Octaveand quindene ofMichaelmas.

Morrow of All Souls.

Octave of St. Andrew the Apostle.

Octaveand quindene of St.Martin .


Roll B.Membrana.

1 . Three weeks from Easter, 20 Edw . I.1 . Octave ofMichaelmas, 20 Edw. I.1 Octave of Trin ity, 20 Edw. I.

2 . Quindene of Easter, 21 Edw. I.2. Trin ity term, 21 Edw. I.8. Octave of Hilary, 20 Edw. I.8d.

(second Quindene of Easter, 20 Edw . I.

4. Morrow of All Soulsand St. Andrew .

5. Morrow of All Souls, 19 Edw . I.6. Quindene of St. John the Baptist.7. Octave of St. John the Baptist, 19 Edw . I.8. Trinity term, 19 Edw . I.10. Quindene of Hilaryand morrow of Purification .

l l d. Octave of Purification .

12d. Michaelmas term, 19 Edw . I.28. Hilary term, 19 Edw . I.24d. Octave of Trinity, 19 Edw . I.25d. Quindene of Hilary, 19 Edw . I.29. Quindene of Purification .

80. Octaveand quindene of Purification .

82. After Easterandafter Trin ity, 18 Edw . I.88. Month ofMichaelmas, 18 Edw . I.86. Monthand five weeks.

87. Trin ity term, 20 Edw. I.88. Hilary term, 20 Edw . I.42. Easter term, 20 Edw . I.42d. Easter term.

48d. Third week of Easter.

44. Trin ity term, 20 Edw . I.Trinity term.

Theabove two lists show ataglan ce that the membranesin some con fusion . No catchword or other evidence exists to

indicate the order. However, the disordeflyarrangement in other

records, where the original con tinuous stitching proves that such


arrangemen t was con temporary, prepares us to believe that here,too

,the membranes were thus arranged at the date of the pro

To deduce the date of amembrane from its position , early or

late in the roll, or even to assume amembrane’

s date to be thesame in dorsoas in recto,

l is therefore unsafe.

It is,then ,

only possible to make gen eral statemen ts as to the

chron ology of the rolls. The record of 54111 extends from Easter,18 Edward I to the octave of St. An drew ,

19 Edward I.,while

5413 extends from ‘after Easter and Trin ity,’ 18 Edward I . , to

Trinity term,21 Edward I . In brief

,the trials lasted for more

than three years, from April 1290 to the summer of 1293.

A rough calendar of the years in question may be foundhelpful.

AnnuoDomin i Bastet Day Corpulga(





533231333 April 2 May 11 May 28 Jun e 1

33’ ìàg



’April 22 May 31 Jun e 17 June 21; April 6 May 15 June 1 June 5

Ìgg} March 29 May 7 MB? 24 M“? 28Cf. membrane 29 , roll 541a, dated quindene of Hilary in dorsoand quin den e

of Purification in recto. Yet theassumption would be in many cases correct, aswe know from internal evidence. In roll 541 11, for instan ce , m. 10 is dated Hilary1291 . On the dorso an en try acknowledges receipt of money from Roger



Leicester by Hugh de G oaebeke. This money we know was to be paid at Hilary,1291 (m. In dorso, therefore,as in recto, the date of 111. 10 is Hilary 1291 .

This assumption , if invarian safe , would often help to determine dates. In

541a,again , m. 4 is dated the morrow of A ll Soulsand St. Andrew ,

’w ithout the

addi tion of the year. An en try upon it records the non-appearan ce of Chertsey

in the case of Reed o . Chertsey,andan order to the Bishop of Ely to produce him

by fifteen daysafter Hilary. On membrane Sd his appearance is recorded, andif we mayassume that 8d is the same date as 3 , the appearance was in Hilary

The year 1291 , then , may be adde d to the morrow of Al l Souls as thedate of the order to the Bishop.


ION xxi

The law terms (Hilary, Easter, Tri nity, andMichaelmas) inthose years were probablyas follows

Regna] Year Easter Term Trin ity Term Michaelmas Term

The Court of Inquiry.

The original seven commissioners,already men tion ed, were asfollows —Robert Burn ell, Bishop of Bath and Wella; HenryLacy, Earl of Lincoln ; John de Pon toise Bishop of Win chester ;John de St . John William le Latimer ; William deMarch andWilliam de Louth .

It is easy to see what motivo directed the K ing’

s choice of

these seven . He had been gross deceived by the highest amonghis servan ts ; the commission ers who investigated must be menwhose loyalty was beyond all suapicion . All are famous names .

Burn ell had been chancellor sin ce 1274 ,and un til his death, in 1292 ,remain ed the K ing’

s closest adviser and faithful helper. HenryLacy , Earl of Lincoln ,

occupiedasimilar position among the laymen on the commission . His life

,extending into the reign of

Edward II was on e long story of service to the Crown and of

loyalty which burn ed so clear as to still follow the great K ing’


weaker son . William deMarch, clerk of the K ing

s wardrobesince 1285,and raised in 1290 to be treasurer, was afollower of


s,and succeeded his master in 1293as Bishop of BathandWells. John de Pon toise , con secrated in 1282 Bishop of Winchester, was con tin ually chosen throughout the reign formissions of

These termsare calculatedaccording to SirH.Nicolas, Chronolcgy of History,

June 7June 21June 27July 11Jun e 11Jun e 25June 8June 17

Oct. 9 or 10Nov. 28 or 29



trust beyond the seasand in Scotland. William le Latimerand Johnde St . John w ere tried soldiers of the K ing. The former was promin en t in every campaign from the first Welsh war onwards,andoften in command. The latter similarly fought for the K ing inmany battles, begin n ing his history as govemor of Porchester

Castle, and active con tinually thenceforth both in camp andcouncil. His name is chicfiy associated w ith Gascony, where henot on ly fought w ith distinction , but ruled with success asseneschal. William de Louth

,made Bishop of Ely in 1290, com

pletes thearray of commission ers.

Such was the commission appoin ted by the original writ. Did

it continue to sit throughout the whole period of the trialsNo freshappoin tmen t is recorded on patent or close rolls, yet

it is certain that fresh members entered the board… Proban the

explanation is that while in theory the same commission con tinued

to sit, the preoccupation s of its chief members in these busy

years led to others coming forwardas their substitutes, the originalseats, however, being reserved for the original members when they

found it possible to be presen t .

Suchan explanation is con sonan t w ith the eviden ce afi'


by the rolls themselves. From time to time en tries show the

original board in session . In membran e 21d of Roll B,for

in stance,

2 w e find that Ralph came before the Bishops of

Winchester and Bath, the Earl of Lincoln , William le LatimerJohn de St . John ,

MasterWilliam deMarchandWill iam de Louth .

In B,membrane 12d (Michaelmas, aday is given on the

morrow of St . Andrew because the Earl of Lincoln w ill then be

there .

Again , in B, 111. 16d

,we read that on December 10


The fact that no formal record on the rolls survives does n ot absolutelyexclude the possibility of new appoin tmen ts. Cf . ColloctancaAnglo—Prc…tralancia, Gasquet, voi. i ., p. 185, where letters of protection to the Abbot of Shap.dated 26 Oct., 1466,are given . These, though of undoubted authenticity, weren ever en tered in the paten t roll for the year. It is rash to assumeany negativafrom the silence or carelessncss ofamedimval clerk.

Not dated.



ION xxiii

auditores n on fuerunt in curiatunc n isi tantum W . le


In January [1293] the parties to this caseagain appeared. However, quiacomes Lin coln ie tune fuit in partibustran smarin is in n egotiis domin i Regis, l et Johann es de SanctoJcharme similiter

,non fuit ibialiquieaudito rum qui in hujusmodi

placito posset cognoscere, quiatangit coronam, preter W . le

Undoubtedly, then, the original members were regarded asstill holding ofi ce.

Theactual headings of the membranes, however,are somewhatdifferen t. Theyareas follow s

In A . Coram magistro Thomade Skernygges archidiaconoNorwicen si et scenasuis.

In R. i. Comm J . Wyn ton iensi episcopo et sociis.

11. Coram Petro de Leycestre et sociis.

Peter de Leicester apparently sat from 1292 ; the Bishop of

Win chester through 1290 and 1291 . Thomas de Scarning satfrom April 1290 to November 1291 .

On ly on e of these three was appoin ted in the original writ.

The Ammlcs London im ses note Scam ing’

s name.

” The two n ew

commissioners were doubtless men of more leisure, though less

mark, than the original members. Peter de Leicester had held

office in the Exchequerand as justice of the Jews. In 1291 he

becameabaron of the Exchequer,and remained so till his death,

in 1303. Thomas de Scarning wasaNorfolk man , brother to the

bishop of that name,and himselfarchdeacon of Norwich .

In B,m. 33,an entry records afin e infi cted on Henry de la

On thisand the former occasion the commissioners were doubtless in or hearScotland, with the King, who was often in the border district during these years,inten t upon the business of the Scottish succession . See, for Edward’s constan tsojourns in the north between 1290 and 1292 , Gough, Itinerum of .Ed I.,

ii ., 78-76, 79- 85 , 98- 104. Edward was away from London from April 1292 to

April 1298.

Chron iclc: of Edw . I .and Edw . II. , Rolls Series, i . 97.


Legh for insultin'

g Robert de Hertford, who is sitting by com

mand of the K ing.

This is,however, the on ly men tion of the


We can on ly guess at the reasons for these changes. The

probable explanations may be briefly summarised .

1 Vacancies caused by death . Burn ell, for in stan ce, died25 October, 1292 .

2. Vacan cies caused by the absence of commissioners on the

K ing’

s busin ess . The extract quoted above concern ing the Earlof Lincoln is one in stance :and the calendars of paten t and close

rolls for the years involved teem w ith references to the employmen t ofall the chief commission ers on similar errai1ds. Burn ell in

particular was much engaged in the Scottish succession busin ess,

and wasabsent for long periods in the n orth w ith Edward.

3 . Vacan cies caused by prefermen t. William de Louth wasmade Bishop of Ely in 1290, and Treasurer in the same year.

Bothappoin tmen ts would considerably curtail his leisure .

4 . Possibly special legal, or special local, know ledge wasdesired. Peter de Leicester’s previous experience

,and Thomas

de Scarning’

s conn ection w ith Norfolk ,might make their presence

desira'ble. (A very large proportion of the complain ts came fromNorfolk.)

A special set of auditors for complain ts of the city of London ,ad querelas min istrorum in fracivitatemaudiendasassignati,’ w ereappoin ted (p . This we kn ow from many references in the roll .

When RalphdeHoneyLane, for in stance ,broughtacomplaintagain stJohn le Breton , onceWarden of the city of London , there was to bean inquiry in London beforeW illiam le Latimerand his colleagues.

However, afterwards, in the Guildhall at London , before the

Bishop of Winchesterand W illiam le Latimer, came John de Bakew ell and the aldermen of London

, and said that they had theprivilege, for themselves and the commun ity of London city, of

not an swering on any charge save w ithin the four walls of the

aforesaid city. Wherefore they said that they n eed n ot an swer


On e figure remain s to be n oticed— that of the court crier,


’For his duties, performed from the quinden e of

Hilary 17 Edw . I. to the Saturday before Ash Wedn esday19 Edw . I . ,

he received

The Terms of the Conwn ission .

We probably get the exact pow ers of the commission statedin B, membran e 27d. The A bbot of Lilleshall there says he wasn ot aware that theaudito rs had cogn isance of any pica, save on lyof trespmses donc by the K ing

s min isters, while the K ing wasabsentf rom the kingdom.

Thus there were two poin ts to be seized by

the eager pleaders of exception es

(I) The restriction of t ime. The offence must have been com

mitted since the K ing last crossed to Gascony,’ that is sin ce

May 1286.

A case in Roll A il lustrating this is worth special notice“Thehusband of acertain '

woman namedMargery was hanged, andhis goods forfeited. By special grace of the K ing, how

ever, his goods, to the value of w ere gran ted toMargery,who broughtaw rit in pursuance to the sherifi

of Oxford. The


return ed the writ to Roger de Banbury, hundredman . But

Roger refused to carry out the K ing’

s comman d and kept thegoods.

Now came the in teresting poin t. Roger made noattempt toLiberate Rolls,Michaelmas, 18and 19 Edw. I. ,No. 55,m. 8. He is describedas

clamator coram auditoribus nostris querelarum.

’ Yet the commission ers were

not appointed until the autumn of 1289 . Why, then , the quinden e of Hilary,1289 His salary foractingas criar before other tribunale was probably coun tedalong with what he received Ior diacharging this function for the special commission . Compare also Nicholas de Tickhill ’s term o ofi ce (supra, page xv).

B. 111. 27d.

De transgressionibuaet querelis coram vobis audiendis et terminandis postultimam transiretacioncm nostram usqueadven tum nostrum in partibus Angliaetnon ultra, secundum formam vobis inde traditam, habetis intromittere.

’ B. 111. 19.

A. 111 . 85.

mraonucn on xxvii

deny the charge , but inquiredat what date the K ing granted theprivilege. On her naming the date, it was found that it wasbefore the prescribed term and that therefore the court had no

cogn isance of that time . Ideo Rogerus inde sin e die etMargerien ihi l capiat per predictam querelam.

(2) The restriction of person— the offendere must be min isters

of the K ing.

What was the exact scope of this phrase It certain ly ex

tended overavery variedassortmen t of persons, highand low . In

Roll A there are five examples of argument on this poin t,which

show the skill of the legal advisers of the accused parties , thoughthey give us little help in arriving at adefin ition . In the first

case , the defendan t isabailifi'

of the hundred of Lothingland.

l He

pleads that he is sen eschal of John Balliol, who holds the hundredof Lothingland of the K ing. In that hundred, he says,acertainRichard Durrant servit in omnibus que ad dominum regem per

tin ent.’ He himself has n othing to do with it. The complainan t


however, declare s he is n everthelessamin ister pro eo quod facitexecucion em et retornum brevium tam in debitis levandis quam deomnibusaliis quead dominum regem pertin en t .

In the next case the mayor’

of Bristol isaccused.

’ He pro

testa, quiaelectus est in maiorem per commun itatem ville et

eidem commun itati prestat sacramen tum et n on domino regi .’

Another mayor, the mayor of Wallingford, likewise refuses to

be called amin ister.

’ The complainan t answers,Est juratus

domin i regis pro eo quod habet retornum brevium libertatis deWalingforde, et in eadem libertatemin istrat sicut vicecomes.

A . 111. 22d. Thurtone o . Alcvcn t.

A . m. 88. Tannonr v. Draper.A . m. 22d. Orfevre v. Louthis .

This isacurious unwarran tahle extension of Edward I.

’san ti-fonda] policy.

It showsastrange twist of mind to declare that, because aman possssses the

franchise of return of write, he is for that very reason minister of and responsible

to the King. The quo warran to movement hadmcertained exactly what franchiseeexisted. Here we have an indication of apossible further step, the assumption

xxviii INTRODUC'I‘


In the fourth case the defendant declares himself sen eschal ofJohn de Ryvers .

l Nevertheless, says hisadversary, fecit ofi ciumhundredarii predicts libertatis et itamin istrabat domino regi.

The fifth case is similar— the defendan t is clericus juratus dehundredo.


Thus weareasked to infer various qm lifications for the title of

min ister,according to the special pleading of the complainan ts .

A minister,apparen tly, must eithera. Beappoin ted by the K ing.

b. Takean oath to the K ing.

0. Do workaifecting the K ing’s in terests .

In on e aspect, he is any man who is in any degree responsibleto the K ing ; in anotheraspect, he isany man for whose work theK ing is in any degree respon sible . This curious dootrin e treatedthe very ofi cers of the franchisee

,whose existence was the chief

barrier in the way of carrying out Edward I.


policy , as themin isters of the monarch . If the respon sible commission ers hadbeen bold enough to acceptaview so unhistofi cal, yet so conducive

to the K ing’

s interests, their n et could have been cast very w idely.

In any case, however, the person sagain st whom the commissioners

heard complain ts were of very differen t degrees of importance.

The two rolls recording the inquiry, though they do n ot committhe auachron ism of striving aficr precision , make some rough

attempt at division of classes. The shorter, B,might be called

that such franchisee were not grants from the Crown , but privileges held strictlyunder itasurveillance. There is, however, no evidence in the roll to suggest thatthis view was ofi ciallyaccepted by the commissioners.

A . 111 . 22d. Thes. de laMore o . John de Olivestede.

A . m . 81 . Robt. de Stafford o . Robt. le Blaunch .

Cf . Wykes, p . 821 . Non solum min istri qui regi fami liarius adhmserun t, sedet forin seci, ut putajustitiarii Judmorum, justitiarii foresta, forestarn tamieodatar n quam temporales, et omn es qui datransgresd one venationis convinci

poteran t, vicecomites et custodes maneriorum, quocumque titulo ballivorumfrueban tur.


the roll of the great offendere? No l ess than thirteen justicesfigure in it,and amongst them the highest in the land. Adamde Strattonappearsas the chief example from the Exchequer. The

clerks to the justicesare set beside their masters. A few sherifi'


appear . Thus, in spite of aleaven of smaller men— about eighty

bailiffs,acon stable or two,and so on— the main in terest of B lies

about the greatest culprits.

Roll A ,longer and more tedious, keeps within the more usual

mt of offendere. It has astatistical rather than adramaticinterest. The most importan t of its defendan tsaremorethan fortysherifi


s and under-sherifi'

s,but it includes n ine mayors, fifteen

coron ers, five escheators and sub-escheators,and between three

and four hundred bailifi'

s and sub-bailiifs. On ly three justices,and those not of the first rank,appear.

The Great Ofiendcrs.

A few words concern ing each of the more promin ent ofi cialsinvolved may not be out of place

,although it would be beyond the

scope of the present In troduction to do more than give such

in formation as is essential to the understanding of the two rolls,

while indicating sources of more detailed in formation . l

Three great represen tatives of three grest courts claim first

atten tion .

i t… de Weyland ’ had been chief justice of Common Pless

sin ce 1278. Ho had previously been employed on itinere . He

was apparently more deeply in volved than his colleagues, ifone may judge from his hasty flight on the K ing

s return,from

his n otable disgrace and ban ishmen t, and particularly from the

Thereare useful biographies of most of these judges in Fosa, Judgcs of England . His statemen ts, however,are notalways decisive. At times statemen ts inthe Judges of Englandare contradicted in itsabridgmen t, the Biographic Juridica.Brompton

’s fin e, c.g. ,appears in the formeras in the latteras marks.

Soearticle in the Dictionary of National Biography by Professor T . F. Tout.


perman en t character of his pun ishment. His abjuration of the

realm in February 1290 removed him early from the stage . His

name occurs twice in Roll B,n ever in Boll A . (See pp . 49—51,


Ralph daBangham,

‘chief justice of the K ing

s Bench sin ce

1274, was regarded by mediaeval tradition as hardly used. The

story ran in the reign of Richard III . that his cfl'

en ce had merelybeen the erasure of marcaand insertion of dimidiamarcainthe record of apoor man ’

s fine . Yet the en ormous sum of

marks reported as the amount of his fine would seem to

imply serious guilt. The receipt rolls record £4,303 63 . Sei. paidin as fin es by Hengham between 1290 and 1293—an amoun twhich exceeds by more than £600 the sumareceived from

Brompton , the greatest sufl'

erer, financially, of his colleaguesin disgrace . The rolls present him in anot un favourable light.Appendix III . shows him as defendant in n in e cases (of whichthreeare here prin ted, pp . 27—40, 46 In five out of the n in e

he emerged w ith flying colours. Possibly the accusation s again sthim were rather the con sequence than the cause of disgrace.

Atany rate,as earlyas 1300 his name again appeared in the list

of judges summoned to Parliament ; and in April of that year hewasappointedamongst those who were to perambulate the forests.

Finally, in September 1301 , he was appointed chief justice of

Common Pleas. A t his death in 1311 he was con sidered worthy

of burial in St . Paul’s.

Adam daStratton had played apromin ent part in the

Exchequer through the reign of both Henry III.and Edward I .

Be hadalready , m 1279 , been suspended from ofi ceand threatenedwith disgrace for fraud and forgery ; but he had weathered thestormand been rein stated. Once more

,however, his evil practices

Seearticle in the Dictionary of National Biography byMr. J.M. Rigg.

SesMr. Hubert Hall in the preface to the Bad Book of the Exchequer,

vol . iii., pp. cccxv- cccxxx,andarticle in Dictionary of National Biography.




were discovered. Yet by 1291 he had received pardon from the

K ing, in con sideration of 500 marks. Cases concern ing himareprin ted on pages 85and 90.

William de Brompton was the most n otable of the remain ingdelinquen te. He had acted as ajudge of Common Pleas sin ce

1274 ,and fin es were levied before him from 1278—1289 . He wasnd on ly to


Hengham in theamoun t of his fine . Fosaplaces itat marks

,and the receipt rolls show roughly the same sum


i .a. 138 . 4d. Appendix III. shows him promin ent intwen ty

-eight cases. His subsequent history appears un certain ,though Foss gives instan ces of the name occurringafter 1301.

Solomon daRochester represen ts an other class of offenders

the itin eran t j ustices. Engaged on the business of Eyres since

1274,he seems to have been exceedingly unpopular. Fosaputs

his fineat marks, rather higher than the sum given on the

receipt rolls, viz. The chron iclers raiseagen eral chorusof complain tagain st him. His disgrace did notapparen tly check

his misdeeds, foran episode recorded in the Flores Historiaramtells of Solomon , n on ille peritissimus de Biblia, sed de Rofi


inciting the itineran t justices against the monks of Rochester in

1292 . In 1293 the erring justice was poisoned at his houseatSnodland by Wynand, parson of the parish. Ecce mors peccatorum pessima,’ cries the w riter of the Flores, and recordsanelaborate apology made by the itin erant justices

,sapien tia

Salomonis n equiter decepti . The cases con tained in Roll B

against Solomon de Rochester, however, rather exculpate thandamage him . The eviden ce upon both sides balances too even ly

to makeafinal verdict on his culpability possible .

William de Saham, for eighteen yearsajudge of the K ing’


Bench,isaculprit who seems to deserve lenien t judgmen t . Foss

Fosa, BiographiaJuridica.Flores R ist. vol. iii., pp. 82and 83 , Rolls Series.


puts his fin e at marks ; the receipt rolls show paymen t of138 . 4d . He was n ever again put in office, though he

survived at any rate till 1300. The presen t record shows him

appearing in seven cases,and his conduct in those cases reveals

himasaweak but con scien tious man , whose con fusion and slownessare taken advan tage of by unscmpulous colleagues. In his casewith John de Cave (page Saham apparen tly became hopelessly bewildered, as he was led by the sharp-witted clerk in to

contradiction s and damaging admissions . His final w ithdrawalwas rather pathetic. Asked by the auditors whether he

w ished to pursue his caseagain st John de Cave, he said repeatedlythat he did n ot wi sh to pursue it

,against him oranyon e else, but

wholly withdrew his plain t .

The remain in g justices involved— Richard de Boyland andThomas de Sodington ,among the itin erant justices John de Lovetot

and Roger de Leicester from the K ing’

sBench ;and Robert de Littlebury, clerk of the rolls n eed not be dealt w ith individually .

Pardon s to Lovetot, Brompton ,Hengham an d Littlebury may be

found dated February 11 and 12 in the patent roll forThere remains on e more offender worthy of n ote— Henry de

Bray,2 once escheator this side of Tren t,’and justice of the Jew s .

From 1272—1290, his name figures larg e in paten t and close

rolls. Early en tries speak of him as K ing’

s clerk,’

or bailiff ofGwent,and he is concern ed large w ith Welsh busin ess. Foratime, from 1279—1281, he was keeper of Abergavenny Castle .

Apparen tly even then he had begun the ill-practices which wereto ruin him

,for two en tries record the grievan ces of the men of

Abergaven nyagainst him .

3 However, he did n ot lose the K ing’


favour, for by letters paten t, dated February 24 , 1283 , he was

Cal. Pat. Rolls , Edw . I . , 1281- 1292 , p. 421 . Lovetot’s pardon is copied on

membrane 5 of Boll B.

There is n o life of Bray in the Dictionary of National Biography,and he istherefore dealt w ith here rathermore fully than his colleagues.

Cal. Pat. Rolls, Edw . I. , 1272—1281 , pp. 294and 339 .


chron iclers had in the trials, since so many complain ts came fromthat district

,would enhance the possibility of exaggeration .

Bartholomew de Cotton for in stance, obviously gloats over the

successive pun ishments he details, land even regrets that bymon eyfines the culprits succeeded in stemming the K ing

s wrath .

Despite their desire to tellagood story , the chron iclers were

not likely in this case to have first—hand in formation . The K ingmight send them precise copies of documents where the claimto an overlordship was in question but he would not supplydetails of the overthrow of his own in strumen ts. Theaccoun ts of

the chron iclers,then

,are either vague or extravagan t. Hemingburgh

devotes five lin es and apione quotation to the whole busin ess .

“The Flores state that the K ing’

s justices and ministers in his

absence, muneribus excwcati, judiciaperverterun t et in aliiserraverun t.’ Wykes is more explicit w ith regard to individualculprits.

5 Cotton speaksat some length of the enormiafacin oraet homicidia,’ of the homicide, sedition and other excesses of

Adam of Stratton , and so forth.

6 The w riter of the An nals ofDunstable waxes eloquen t indeed ? Interim clamor miserorumven it ad eum, quod justiciarii et alu ministri, quos regno suo

praefecerat, corrupti mun eribus judiciasubvertissen t : et quod de

substan tiaalienain cliti facti essen t : item quod homicidio

con sen sissen t et ipsos homicidas scien ter receptassen t .

Vulgariterdicebatur,’ he adds later—and it is hard n ot to feelaquiet satisfaction ben eath the w ords omnes declinaverun t simul, in utilee

facti sun t , non est qui faciat bonum

Cotton , p. 176,‘Alii facti sun t exules, et alu , bon is omn ibus denudati ac

proscripti, de divitibus facti sun t pauperes,alu facti sun t obprobrinm vicin iasuisvalde et timor notis suis. Et qui videban t eos foras fugerun t : oblivion i dati sun t,nec est qui con soletur eos ex omn ibus carie suis.

Compare Hemingburgh , 11. 37 (Eng. Hist.Hemingburgh , ii. 16 (Eng. Hist. F lores Hist. iii. 70 (Rolls Series).Wykes, 319-322 (Rolls Series). B. Cotton , 171 (Ro lls Series).Annals of Dunstable , p. 355 (Rolls Series). Also Trivet, p. 16 (Eng. Hi st.


Only this vague outcry , then , can be gathered from the

chron iclers. We turn w ith confidence to the record foraccurate ifless dramatic description .

The record, un fortunately, is almost as disappointing as thechron iclers. Even when the two rolls have been collated, andadditional in formation taken from the firstandadded to the second,

thereare still lamentable gaps. In n o less than 60 out of the 165cases recorded in the shorter roll

,theaccusation is n ever given , or

on ly vague given as trespass.

More than that,the termination sof the casesare either lost or notrecorded in many instan ces. Weare left,afterastirring narrationof the w ickedn ess ofaculprit

,to decide the case for ourselves. His

actual fate remainsamystery.

Statistics, then ,must rest on afrail foundation and even for

such imperfect statisticsadilemmaat once presen ts itself . Two

coursesare open .

A . We may take asabasis of calculation the results of the

cases, where known . We may assume, that is to say, that theproportion of convictions represents the preportion ofactual crime.

B. We may n eglect the actual result of the case,and reason

from theaccusation s, whether proven or not.

Course A ,though perhaps the more natural , is open to grave

objection s. It implies thatabsolutely impartial justice was metedout : that the ofl'

ender wasalways caughtand the innocen t alwaysacquitted. Now the widen ess of the mesh in the n et of medimvaljustice is proverbial,and suchasupposition isaman ifestabsurdity .

Further,in these particular cases there were special reasons for

error in the final judgment.(1) The men accused were trained in legal technicalities, ready

to tw istand turn , to avail themselves of every loophole of escape.

In agolden age of forms,’

such kn ow ledge would be invaluable .

The hun ter might easily dig apit for the hun tedand fall into it

PollockandMaitland, History of English Law , ii. 561 -563 .


himself or he might selectaweapon which proved unsuitable forhis particular purpose . Abundan t eviden ce of the value of this

specialist know ledge may be found in even aglance through the


(2) Where there w ere records toappeal to, they had been drawnup by the culprits themselves, or their clerks,and might often be

quite un reliable . In the case of John son of Roger de Reed,l the


declares that en rolmen ts were not duly made . His story

runsas follows. While underage,John handed overapart of hisinheritance for aterm of years to Richard de Chertsey. But

Richard de Chertsey,and John de Chertsey, late clerk to Williamde Brompton , to assure their position , prepared acartafecfl'amen ti


’ and bringing John de Reed to Westmin ster, fecerun t

quemdam fiuem levari absque examinacione justiciariorum et

absque brevi etabsque summon icione etabsque ordin e curie .


alleged illegal fin e was challenged on John’

s behalf but whether

theaforesaid challenge’

was en rolled or n ot he does n ot kn ow ,for

John de Chertsey wasat that timeaclerk in the Bench .

(3) The most serious objection of all,however

,to draw ing

in ferences from the number of conviction s is that to do so does

n ot reckon upon the attitude of the Crow n . The K ing’

s handbehind the complainan ts wasalways insistentand obvious. It wasamatter which touched him n early . A t the same time the periodwasan anxious on e finan cially the wars w ith Walesand the sub

sequen t settlement had been expen sive ; the conflict w ith Scotlandwas to prove more so ; the French war was gradually brew ing ;the K ing was deeply 1ndebted to the Italian societies of bankers,and funds w ould be n ow more than ever n ecessary. It is not

surprising,then , thatafter the first outburst of indignation Edwardmay have turn ed hisatten tion rather to the mon etary profits to begot from the busin ess than to the demands of abstract justice .

B.m. 3 . Case 6, p. 24 . Compare Feet of 15 Edw . I. , casa215 , file 39,No. 117.




To pun ish the w orst oflenders and frighten the rest was imperative ; but that once don e

,his rigour might abate for amon ey

consideration . The disgraced men were no worse , if n o better,

than the majority of their colleagues ; why, then , break atoolwhich might still have its uses ? Al l the justices,’ says Bartholomew de Cotton ,

‘ made fines w ith the K ing and so , by

the in terven tion of the mammon of'

unrighteon sness, peace wasre-established between themand the K ing.

An examination of

the Becsipt Rolls of the Exchequer for the period covered by the

trials makes the promin en ce of the finan cial side of the mattervery apparen t. The table follow ing this page shows the sums

paid by the prin cipal offendere.

" The figuresat the head representReceipt Rolls from Easter 1290 toMichaelmasThis financialaspect must always be remembered in judging

cases from their results .

B. Course B,an analysis ofaccusation s, has dangersalso. The

period is well known for elaborate accusation s. The remarkableingenuity in piling upon anucleus of truth astrange medley of

hideous crime,illustrated by the trials of the Templars, Philip Iv .


attack on Bon iface VIII.,the process of Bishop Guichard of Troyes,

and the complain tsagain st Bishop Walter Langto n in 1301, doubtless was of use in these casesalso. Further, the invitation to alland sundry to tell their tale had its temptation for the un scrupu

lous. It was easy to model fresh tales upon cases already proven .

However,ananalysis ofaccusation sapproximates .to the truth more

closely than an analysis of results. There is n o smoke without afire ;and the nature

,if not the number, of the ofi

en ces may befairlyaccurate discerned Takingas our basis the shorter rollB,

P. 173 . Ci .also Wykes, p. 321 (Rolls Series).Compare, however, the statemen t in the schedule prin ted on p . 39, that

Hongham’s fine was marksand Saham’

s marks. The table shows thatthe smaller fine was exacted to the uttermost, but that Hengham was never com

pelled to payall that he had promised.

Receipt Rolls (Pelle), Nos. 72 , 73 , 74, 76, 78, 80, 83, 84 (2 for each year, 18 to2 1 Edward





since it deals w ith the more importan t culprits,the analysis may

be briefly made thus :

I. Cases where noaccusation is statedII. Error, favour,and maintenanceIII. ViolenceIV. False enrolmentsV. Unclassified oficncss

I . Noacw sation stated.— The on ly comment suggested under

this head is that the large proportion of such cases is suggestive ofthe extreme vaguen ess un derlying the whole of the proceedings

before the commission .

II . Error, favour,and main tenarwe.— For the heading describ

ing group II . weare indebted to the Abbot of Roche, who refers thusto the conduct of those who abjudged land from hi s pmdecessor.

So by errorand favourand main tenan ce ,

he concludes, was thisinjury done to the house of Roche .

The class of ofi'

ence is more

or less peculiar,pertain ing specially to an inquiry where the

culprits are ofi cials handed again st the outsider. In all sorts ofways, the complainants declare, difendere have been screen ed andprotesting voices silenced. Four classes may be selected astypical.

1 . Refusal to allow exception es or special pleas. No doubt

such exception es ’

had become far too frequent ; and had they

been always allowed, cases would have been fought out on be

wildering side issues in stead of on theactual charge. At the sametime , to refuso to hear them wasan efl

ectual method of stoppingundesirable proceedings , and biassed judge might use this

power for his own ends . In the same category comes thearbitrarychoice of jurors,and n eglect of the plain tifl



challenges. Henryde laLegh and N icholas de Carne, for in stance , complain that apacked jury, tenan ts of Ralph de Beauchamp, their en emy, was

xl 1mnonucrxon

called. l John de Ronhale declares that by the removal of threemen and the substitution of three others he lostacase .

2 In stancesmight be multiplied.

2 . A more serious ofl'

ence wasactual intimidation . The case of

William de Durn ford isan interestingand,as the jurors on theiroath confirmed W illiam’

s story,atrustworthy example . Robert le

Red complain ed of William before Richard de Boyland on iter in

Gloucester. William’

s an sw ers were not admitted, in the first

place , and the case was decided in Robert’

s favour. A more

dramatic piece of injastice , however, followed. In the great hallatBristol where pleas of the crown were held

,Richard de Boyland

bade his marshal John de Wykham,who carried the rod

before him in the iter,

seize William. John did so,and carried

him 05 to acertain square green ,shut in w ithahigh stone wall,

close to the hall . ’ There he remained the best part of the day .

Meanwhi le his friends had been pleading for him. But Richard,then sitting on the bench

,spoke to them ,an d threatened that he

would hang Wil liam that very day before he supped,’

un less he

would makeafine w ith the Earl of Gloucester. William judgedpliancy to be the safest course,and paid over two hundred marks.

The story is an in teresting commen tary on the value of frequen t

3 .Many irregularities occurred in the actual pleadings. Takefor example the case of William de Bardwell e . Ralph deHengham.

William broughtawrit of trespass against theabbot of Bury St .

Edmunds, before Ralphand his colleagues. But Ralph, eo pre

textu quod certum feodum de cameradictiabbatis perceperat,’ supported theabbot . He led )Villiam’

s mmatores on to plead beyondthe form of the writ, and would not hear the1h till they did so.

Worse still,John de Lovetotand Richard de Boyland, j ustices of

the K ing, came w ith the abbot and gave him help and advice ,

8B. m. 16. Case 8, pp. 27- 40. B. 111.

B. m. Case 10, pp. 49- 51 .


B. m. 25d. Case 2 , pp. 5- 1 1. 6

xlii maonucn on

Silvester, meeting the constable in Exeter on e day, is taken to thecastle. Once there, the gates are closed behind him

,and he is

besten by six unknown rascals,’ and dragged by his feet to

prison . He is loaded with fetters and cast head foremost in to adungeon fifteen feet deep . There

,wounded by the fall, ho lies

starving from(Monday to Wedn esday, till from agony he is

deliriousand like to die. Meanwhile his boasts have been seized

and sold. Against these picturesque details the defence of the

constable rings true . Headmits the imprisonment,but declares

that it was ajust deten tion till Thomas paid mon ey dueas bailifl'

of the K ing. Both parties put themselves on the coun try, but we

have no record of the decision .

IV. Fake Em olments.— It is not surprising that the proportion

of false enrolments is small. To break the K in g’

s seal, destroy theK ing

’s documents,and in sert n ew matter in old texts, requireda

differen t order of courage from that which directed potty oppres

sions. Both the risk and the labour w ere great . It is Williamdo Brompton , on e of the most during of the offendere

,who sin s the

most n oticean in this respect. Robert de Botyndon o tells how ,

w ishing to get rid of an essoin in acertain case, William causedthe whole roll in which the essoin was en tered to be altered


altogether removed the essoin .

’ When Robert protested, he wassen t to prison . Thisaccusation was n ot provedagain stWilliam deBrompton , for Robert refused to certify the court by the clerksandattorn eys con cerned, though he was w illing to submit toapatriaof Northampton . On e feels that, had ho con sen ted

,the risk of

losing his caso would have been very great ?Summarising the results of this analysis, on e must conclude

that the record does on the whole bear out the wall of the

chron iclers . The culprits were n ot the thomngh-paced scoun drels

that the chron iclers w ould have us think them,n or w ere the com

plainan ts as completely in nocen t and injured as they represen t

B. 111. 33d.

Cf .also B. 111 . 5d, 11 , 29, 30, 36d.

mrsoovcmon xliii

themselves . Nevertheless enough of truth is mingled in the cup

of discon ten t to show that avery real oppression had Iain upon

the coun try during the K ing’

sabsence .

The Plan of the Edition .

The book consists of two parts— selected cases and three

appendices. We are aware of the objections that can be urged

again stany plan of excerpts from records, such as that w e haveadopted ; but we can plead the example of theaccomplished editorsof the publications of the Seldon Society,and w e are con vinced

that there is no other practical way of making accessible the

essen tial portion s of records so longand so formal as are the bulkof our plearolls. It was indeed originally in tended to prin t B,

the shorter roll,in full

,adding, where relevan t, extracts from A .

How ever, suchaplan hadat least three disadvan tages.

1 . Even the short roll would have ormedabulky volume, withlittle room for illustrative or critical matter.

2 .Many en tries, relating to adjournmen ts orappoin tments of

attorneys, are purely formal, tending to obscure more valuablematter for the historian , an d to w eary the gen eral reader ; andothers refer to cases whose gen eral in terest and importance aresingularly small.

3 . The most serious objeetion to the more straightforvirardprin ting, however,was that it would have tran sferredacon siderableamoun t of labour from the shoulders of the editors to those of the

reader who w ished to con sult the documen t for aspecial purpose .

Suppose, for example,that in formation was required con cern ing

William de Brompton . The index would show fifty-four en tries

con tain ing his name ; and it would on ly be after lengthy sitting

and comparison that the reader would discover that twen ty—eightdifferen t cases w ere in volved in these

,and that on ly some twen ty

of the total en tries con tain edany real in formation .

It was decided, therefore, to undertakeathorough examination


of the matter in both rolls,and presen t it in aform for ready

reference . The result is Appendices II. and III .,dealing with

rolls A and B respectively, bringing together cases concern ing

individuals,and en tries relating to the same case,in alphabetical

order. Five poin ts should be noted to facilitate the use of the


l . Appendix II .analyses Roll A ,Appendix III . Roll B. Justices

should be sought chiefly in the latter, shorifl'

s chiefly in the former.

2 . In Appendix II.adagger again st aname in the first

column shows that the name recurs, and must be sought, in

Appendix III. This does not n ecessarily imply that the samecase recurs.

3 . If the ofi'

onder thus referred to is concern ed in the same casein both rolls

,the references to both rollsappear in Appendix III .,

4 . The most importan t reference isasterisked in each case .

Suchan asterisk usually implies that theaccusation is set forth, orthe result of the case stated, in the entry thus marked. In some

casosall entriesare purely formal.5 . Personal names are prin tedas they stan d

,w ith alternative

spellings in afootnote . In the column headed Ofi ce,’


names of town s hundreds,and churches have been iden tifiedand

printed in their modern form.

An example w ill show how rapid this system renders the work

of reference. Material relating to William de Brimbleschote is

required, we w ill suppose . A glan ce at Appen dix II . shows us

that he was sherifl'

of Hampshire,and was involved in five differen t

cases. Further, we seo that in only two of these cases is theaccusation stated,

whereas all the results plain ly appear. The

asterisked referen ces show where more detailed in formation maybe sought in the original . The dagger before the name wam s us

that the delinquen t is referred to also in Roll B. Turning to

Appendix III .,w e find various further references to one of the

cases, but are shown by the absence of asterisks that no real


additional in formation is contain ed there . Thus, being in possession

of the description of the accused, the names of his accusors, thenature of his ofi‘

ence, the coun ty whence the complaints came,andw ith references which discriminate between valuableand valuelessen tries, it is possible to see at once whether further investigationwould be profitable . For this reason we feel that the largeomission s which have been made in editing the rollsare justifiab1e.

On e principle has been followed in choosing the extracts which

have been prin ted, viz . to include at least one example of accusationsagainst each of the greatest ofi

enders. On ly so much of eachcase is set down as is absolutely necessary for its comprehen sion .

The referencesat the head of each extract show where the rest of

the formal stages in the caseare to be found.

On e task has been shirked in thisanalysis— the pronouncingof an ultimatumas to chronology. It was felt that theadvantageto be derived from a. table show ing the dates in the progress of

each case was trivial compared with the very great risk of

inaccuracy. The disorderly arran gemen t of the roll,the very

casual dating ,

‘ the numerous entries in every case, made the taskalmost impossible save

,foralegal expert ; while, even for sucha

on e, conjeoture wouldat times be n ecessary to supplemen t knowledge. For the historical studen t the broad dates of the proceedingssufi ce

,while to the searcher after particular problems the deter

mination of particular datos may be safely left.

Compare, for instance,Hengham’s extraordinary statemen t (printed 011 p.

According to him, breuianunquam facts. eran t quousque captaesset inquisicio ,set si clerici ignorabaut de ponendo reetam datam, propter hoc non fuerunt breciavitiosa; quiain cancellariaetalibi in unaet eadem die unus clericus panat imamdatam etaliusaliam.



SINCE going to press ’

aloose slip of parchment has been discoveredin the Public Record Office and iden tified as amembran e of

Roll 541 B. The en tries it con tains may be summarisedas followsAn adjoummont in the case of Legh Com e il . Brompton

(pp. 27

2 . A fresh caso, Geoffrey de Aquav . Brompton . Geoffrey broughtfourassizes of n ovel disseisin against Roger Bigod, Earl ofNorfolk

, and others, before Brompton in Norfolk, in the

year 16 Edward I. Brompton exerted undue influen ce to

get Geofi ey’

s claim rejected,and caused twelve strangers to

sw ear Geoffrey was avillein . The auditors now examinedthe record, found its proof in sufficien t, and decided thatGeofl


rey was en titled to aremedy, notwithstanding the

previous judgmen t.3 . Auadjoummen t in the case of Katharin e de laRyole v.William

le Forester (App. III . case4 . An adjoummen t 1n the case of John de Nowenham v . Thomas

de Staun ford, subescheato r ofMiddlesex.

5. A fresh case, Roger DogetandMargery his w ife v . William deSaham and his colleagues in the coun ty of Essex . In anassise of novel disseisin brought by John , son of Robert delaLegh, against Roger and Margery at Lewes, Saham,

volun tarilyand without reasonable causeand to their greatloss and injury,’ adjourn ed the sssize to Chichester. The

auditors examin ed the record,and, finding it un satisfactory,decided that John de Cobham

,Simon de W in chester,and

John Poche should summon the parties afresh before themand deal w ith the case.

It should be noted that the discovery of this extramembran e aflects thenumeration on pagesx iv, xxxi, xxxii, m v, u nix. The membrane is undated.


Defendan ts.— All the Justices of the Bench

, 13 14

Edward I .,and especially William de Brompton .

Comp lainant.— The Abbot of Roche .

Reference to manuscript .— B.,Membrane 18


No other references .

Number of case in Appendix III . 41 .

Abbas de Rupe queritur de iusticiam s de Banco qui fueruntan no regn i regis nunc torciodecimo et quartodecimo

,et precipue

de Willelmo de Bromptone, quod cum quidam Iohannes Payn elper man uten ementum Iohan n is de K yrkebi tune episcopi Elyen sis,cuius n eptem predictus Iohan nes duxerat in uxorem

, quoddambroue portasset versus Walterum Abbatem de Rupe, predecessorom Abbatis n un c

,quod vocatur precipe in capite, de vuo

mesuagio et trigin taduabus bouatis terre cum pertinenciis in

Roxebi in comitatu Lin coln ie,quod quidem broue retornatum

fuit in Banco in octabis san cti Iohan nis Baptistean n o regn i regis

nunc torciodecimo : Ad quem diem predictus Abbas fuit esson iatuset habuit diemadio san ctiMichaelis in xv . dios : Ad quem diem

petiit visum prodictorum ten emen torum et habuit diem adiosanctiMartin i in xv . dies : Ad quem diem Abbas fuit esson iatuset habuit diem adio sancti Hillarii in xv . dies : Ad quem .diem

partes plw itauerun t itaquod infradimidiuman num con tralegemet con suetudinem regn i quatuor dies dati fuerun t predicto Abbati,vbi in vuoanno tres dies vel in duohuoann ie quinque dies ad plus

Roche, Cistercianabbey, usarRotherharh, in South Yorkshire.


2 SELECT casas n on non . 641 s .

debout dari in breui de recto ad dampnum predicti Abbatis etc.

Et vnde petit quod isti fauor et error corrigan tur secundum

statutumMarlebergie in penultimo capitulo etc. PretereaidemAbbas queritur quod cum predicti iusticiarii adio san cti Hillernin xv dies dedissen t diem prefato Abbati vsque in crastino Assencionis Domin i an no regn i regis n un c xiiij


, predictus W'alterus

pmdeceasor predicti Abbatis dieMartis proximaan to dictum festummoriebatur apud Bellum Locum Regis in comitatu Suthamton ieAd quem diem monachi de Rupe coram iusticiariis dixerun t quodAbbas predictus mortuus fuit, quod testificatum fuit per probos et

legales homin es et per littoras Abbatum de Bello Loco et de

Norteleye,3qui ipsum sepeliorun t dieMartis predicto : set predicti

iusticiarii istam calumpn iam n on admiserun t nec irrotulauerunt,contra. statutum domin i Regis vltimo apud Westmonasteriumeditum,

‘set per errorem et fauorom adiudicsuerun t quamdam de

faltam versus prodictum Abbatem mortuum postapparenciam Et

fecerun t exire bren e quod vocatur parvum capoad capiendum pre

dietaten emen ts in manus domin i Regis, et ad summoniendum

predictum Abbatem quod esset coram eis in octabis san cti Iohan n isBaptiste ad audiendum indicium suum do apparen ciam : Ad quem diem monachi de Rupe simul cum

quibusdam monachis de Bello Loco ven erun t coram iusticiariis ot

dixerunt quod n ullam defaltam potuit facere eo quod predictus

Abbas mortuus fuit,quod parati fuerun t verificare. Predicti

iusticiar n hoc n on obstan te adiudicauerun t seisinam prodictorum

ten omen torum predicto Iohanui, n ullainquisicion e probabita, et

quod predictus Abbas esset in misericordia. Et sic per errorem

et fauorom et manuten emen tum predictum istam in iuriam fece

run t predicti iusticiarii predicto domui de Rupe, Abbate eorum

defuncto ,—ad dampn um ipsius domus mille librarum etc.

Stat.Marlborough , 1267, cap. 28, Statutes of the Realm, I. , p . 19 . Provisum

est etiam quod si depredacion es vel rapin ealique fian tabbatibus vel aliis prelatisecclesiasticis, et ipsi ius suum de hujusmodi depredacion ibus prosequen tes mortepreven ian turan tequam in de iusticiam fuerin tassecuti , successores eorumaccioneshabeautad bonaecclesie suo de manibus hujusmodi transgressorum repetends .

Beaul ieu, Cistercian abbey in the New Forest.Netley, Cistercian abbey on Southampton Water.

Stat. Westmin ster II. , 1285, cap. 31 , Statutes of the Realm, I. , p. 86. Cum

aliquie implacitatus coram aliquibus iusticiariis proponat excepcion em et petatquod Justiciarii eamallocen t, quam siallocare n oluerin t si ille qui excepcionem

proponet scribat illam excepcion em et potat quod iusticiarii apponant sigillain testimon ium. Et si unusappon ere noluerit,apponatalius de societate, etc.


mandatum est Gilberto de Thorn ton e quod mittet ‘ recordum hic

adio san cti Hillarii in xv dies sub sigillo suo etc. Et preceptumest vicecomiti Lincoln ie quod scire faciat Philippo Payn el tenen titen ements predicts quod sit ad prefatum terminum auditurusrecordum predictum etc. Idem dies datus est predictis Abbatiet Willelmo in curiaetc . Ad quem diem predictus Gilbertus

misit recordum et processum loquele predicts in hoc verbaPlacitacoram locum Regis tenen tibus in ornatino Purificacion isbeateMarie an no regn i Regis Edwardi filii Regis Henrici quin todecimo , ete.

Posteain octabis sancti Iohan nis Baptiste an n o regn i Regis

mmc xix° ven it pre[dictus Abbas] coramauditoribus : Et similiterPhilippus Payn el et Robortus do Rowelle qui tenent predictstenemen ts . Et predictus Abbas preciso petit quod recordum

predictum examin etur ot quod auditores errorem si qui[libet est

in] codem reuocent et emonden t . Et quia, in spectis recordo et

processu predictis habitis coram Thomade VVeylsunde et sociis

suis, comportum est quod quedam inquisicio ad sectam ipsiusAbbatis retorn sts fuit in Banco apud Westmonasterium coramprefatis iusticiariis, per quam conuictum fuit quod predictusAbbas,quem monachi de Rupe asserebsln t mortuum fuisse dieMartisproximaan te A ssen cion em Domin i an n o regn i Regis nunc xiiij


apud Bellum Locum in comitatu Suthamton ie, vivus fuit ibidem adio sancti Iohan n is Baptiste in tres septimanae eodem an n o , transien s aquam de Hamlo Et ecism quiarecordum predictum adsectam eiusdem Abbatis posteapositum fuit coram Rego, vbi

Johann es Payn el melius probauit vitam Abbatis quam ipso Abbasqui n un c est mortem predecessoris sui , eo quod predictus Iohann esprobauit per viros religiosos,milites, et per seruien tes fidedignos et

ipse Abbas per monachos et familiares suos qui n on itaben edeposuerun t sicut [i]]li quos predictus Iohann es produxit per quodcuriaRegis satis certificataest quod predictus Abbas, predecessorAbbatis nun c

, [vivus] fuit tempore quo seisin s teuemen torum

prodictorumadiudicatafuit predicto Johann i per defaltam ipsius

Mittsutand faciant inMS.

Humble, riverand creek,alongarm of Southampton Water.


Abbatis Et eciam quis [indicium] prodictum quod redditum fuit

coram prefatis iusticiarn s de Ban co posteaconfirmatum fuit coramlocum Regis [ten en tibus] et per totum con silium domin i Regis :

Et eciam quiapartes que modo sun t hic in iudicio n on sun t

oedem [quo fuerun t cum] indicium predictum tran siit : Con sideratum est quod predicti Willelmus, Philippus et Robortus san t indesine die , et quod [predictus Abbas] n ichil espiet hic per querelamsuam set sit in misericordiapro falsaquerela. Et sibi perquirst

per broue si sibi viderit expedire etc.

Def erulan t.— Richard do Boyland, Justice .

Comp lainan t.—William de Durn ford .

Reference to manuscript .— B.

,Membran e 25d.

Other references — B,Membranes l d, 2, 3, 4, 5d, 7, 24,


Number of case in Appendix III .


Placitacora!m.auditoribus querelamimapud Westmonasteri umdie sanctiHillar ii inavvdiesanno regn iRegisEdwwrdi zrin " .

Willelmus de Derneforde ‘queritur de Ricardo de Boylonde

unper iusticiario domin i Regisad placitacoron e in itin ere G lou

costrie de eo quod idem Ricardus grsuauit in iuste predictum

W illelmum in multis coram ipso in predicto itin ere. Primo vbi

quidam Robortus le Rede per bilettum questus fuit de predicto

Willelmo coram predicto Ricardo in predicto itin ere de oo quod

predictusWillelmus imprisouasse debuisset quemdnm sem ientem

predicti Roberti et in prison s detiuuisse per octo dies et postmodo

propriavolun tate ipsum deliberasse et iterum d e eo quod idem

Willelmus retonuit vnum iumen tum predicti Roberti precii decemsolidorum : Ibi ven it predictus Ricardus de Boylonde etattachiarifecit predictum Willelmum per marescallos suos in predicto itineread respondendum predicto Roberto super predicts querela; et cumidem Willolmus coram eodem Ricardo dixit quod predicto querelede imprisonamen to respondere non ten eretur sin e brevi, n isi factumfnisset in frasummon icionem itineris, illam respon sion em sibi

Durnford, Wilts.


allocare noluit, set fecit ipsum W illelmum vlterius respondere.

Qui quidem Willelmus dixit quod nun cqnam predictum seruien tem

imprisonauit nec imprisonare fecit, et hoc Cptulit verificare perpatriam et quoad dotencionem iumen ti dixit idem W illelmusquod iusto captum fuit etad querelsm cuiusdem Iohann is le Hertpro tran sgression s facts per seruien tem predicti Roberti in fralibertatem predicti Willelmi do Derhist,

‘pro quatran sgression e

hutesium fuit leuatum, ot per predictum seruien tem fuit sanguis inpredictam libertatem expan sus : vndead sectam predicti Iohann isfuit predictus seruien s sttachiatus per predictum iumen tumpro predicts tran sgressione quousque voluit se iustificaread respondendum

predicto Iohan n i Et quod n on alio modo capit petlit similiterquod inquireretur. Predictus Ricardus predictas responsion es

sibiallocare noluit, nec ipsumadmitters ad ipsas resmn sionos vt

eas exposuit verificandas, set statim iudicauit quod predictusRobortus recuperaret dampus suado decem libris versus predictumWillelmum et comisit predictumW illelmumad prisonam. Pretereaidem Ricardus posteafecit ven ire predictum Willelmum extraprisonam coram ipso in sodom itinere et in plenacuriaprecepit ei

quod pacem faceret cum comito G loucestrie quodsin on fecerit sus

pende1‘etur per colluman tequam manducaret et iterum retornauit

ad prisonam predictum Willelmum et ibi deten tus erat in prison sdon ec finem fecit cum predicto comito per cc . marcas, et quem fin om

fecit per hoc quod predictus Ricardus vitam duram per prisonamduxit et ob timarem mortis predicts grauaminafecit sibi predictusRicardasad dampnum ipsius Willelmi mille librarum .

Et Ricardus ven it et dicit quod non debet respondere sin e socussuis qui fuerun t secum in v ltimo itinere illo . Et predictus W illelmus dicit se tamen respondere debet eo quod querelaillafactsfuit de ipso Willelmo per hillsm et n on per broue, vnde dicit quodfuit factum suum proprium et n on sociorum snorum . Et dicit quod

predictus Ricardus solus sedobat n ec permisit ipsum shiro quousquefin em fecisset et illum fin em recognovisset coram eo et in rotulis

suis. Et predictusWillelmus, requisitus quis eum cepitad preceptum predicti Ricardi, dicit quod quidem Iohann es de Wycham,

tunc vsllettus predicti Ricardi portsn s virgsm coram eo in


For Will . de Durn ford’s previous lifeand dealings with the Earl of Gloucester,

see Cal. Pat. Rolls , 1272- 1281 , p . 346 : i bid . , 1281- 1292 , pp. 142 , 206, 275 , 399 :

ibid . , 1292- 1301 , pp. 113 , 115, 148 .

SELECT CASES snom ROLL 541 3 . 7

predicto itinere , cepit eum et duxit ipsum in quedam herbarioiuxtaaulsm vbi sedobat, quod quidem herbarium bon e fuit circumdatum quatuor muris, ot ibi ipsum detinuit quousque predictusRicardus precepit ipsum duci coram oo et alias reduci in eodem

herbario per binam vicem, quousque comes G loucestrie ven it ibi ineodem herbario et ibi fecit fin em cum eodem comito. Et predictus

Iohannes inuentus in curiadicit quod n um quam ipsumWillelmumper preceptum predicti Ricardi cepit n ec in prisons habuit use incustodia, et hoc petit quod inquiratur. Et predictus Willelmussimiliter. Ideo preceptum est vicecomiti quod ven ire faciat hicadio Pasche 1n vnum mensem n isi iusticiar n prius venerin t etc. tot

et tales de visneto de Bristolliaper quos etc. et qui nec etc. adcertificandum etc . Quis tam etc . Posteaven it predictus Ricarduset dicit quod rite processit in querelapredicti Roberti le Rous et

quod n ichilaliud fecit n isi secun dum legem et consuetudin em regn i ,de vocavit recordum rotulorum snorum, qui visi sunt incontin en ter

et compertum est recordum bonum . Idee predictus Ricardusinde sin e die quoad prodictum Robertum, et Willelmus in misericordia: condonatur perW[fl1elmum] le Latimer. Set si compertum

fuerit quod predictus Willelmus imprisonatus fuit tun e modo

debet predictus Ricardus vlterius etc. ad querelam ipsius Willelmi .

Posteaadio Pasche in tres septimanas ven it predictusWillelmus,et iuratores similiter, et Iohann es de Wykham non ven it et

habuit diem hicad hnn o diem . Ideo capiatur inquisicio per eius

defaltam . Iuratores dicun t super sacramentum suum quod in itinereG loucestrie coram Ricardo de Boylonde idem Ricardas precepitJohan n i de Wykham marescallo suo in sodom itin ere quodcustodiret W illelmum de Derneforde, et quod predictus Johann esposteacepit ipsum Willelmum et rscion e illin s precepti eum duxitvsque in quoddam horbarium : Et quod idem Iohannes detinuitipsum ibi per spacium vnius leucate vie, et posteavenornn t G ilbertus de Thorneton e et Nicholan s de Apperley ad ipsum ibi et

ipse cum eis exiuit etc. Et quis conuictum per predictam inquisicion em in quam predicti Willelmus et Iohannes se posuerun t quodpredictus Iohannes ipsum Willolmnm per preceptum predicti

Ricardi detinuit in prisons , idoo preceptum est vicecomiti


olc1e et Sufi‘

olcie quod capiat prodictum Iohann em etc . Its

quod habeat corpus eius hic in octabis sancte Trinitatis adaudiendum recordum et iudicium suum etc. Et Ricardus de Boy

MS . de .


lon de respondit de precepto . Et Ricardus dicit quod prodictumWillelmum nun quam inpri sonari precepit, nec per ipsum fuit idemW111elmus inprisonatns, nec aliquam recogn icion em de ducentis

marcis per ipsumRicardum comiti G loucestrie fecit . Et hoc petitquod inquiratur. Et predictus Willelmus similiter. Ideo preceptum est vicecomiti quod ven ire faciat hic in octabis sancte Trin itatis xxiiij tam milites quam etc. tam de villaBristollie quam devisn eto Bristollie, et qui n ec etc. ad certificandum etc Quis tametc. Ad quem diemWillelmus de Derneforde et Ricardus doBoylondo ven erun t et iuratores similiter. Et super hoc ven it predictus

Ricardus et tulit broue domini Regis in hoc verbaRex dilecto et fideli suo Petro de Leycestriasslutem. Quis

quibusdam certis do causis certiorari volumns super recordo et pro

cossu loquele que est coram vobis et sooms vostrisauditoribus n ostris querelarum inter Willelmum de Dern eforde et Ricardum de

Boylonde de quadam tran sgression e eidem Willelmo per prefat umRicardum illatavt dicitur, vobis mandamus quod recordum et pro

cessum loquele predicto cum omnibus eatangen tibus n obis sub

sigillo vostro distin cte et aperto mittstis. Itaquod eahabesmuscoram nobis adio sanctiMichae lis in xv . dies vbicumque tune

fuerimus in Angliaet hoc broue, partibus predictis eundem diem

prefigentes . Teste me ipso apud Culeforde vj‘° dieMau anno

regn i n ostri vicesimo.

Auctoritato cuius breuisauditores supersederun t et prefixerun tpartibus diem coram Rego secundum tenorem breuis predicti. Et

Willelmus de Dern eforde pon it loco suo Rogorum Brun in loquela

Posteadecimo die Nouombrisanno regn i Regis nun c vicesimomisit Gilbertas de Thorn ston e tenens locum domin i Regis broue

suum apud Westmonasterium in hoc verba— et recordum quod ei

missum fuit

Sociis etamicis suis karissimis domin is Petro de Leycestriaetsoomsauditoribus querelarum suis G . de Thorn ston e salutem '


di]occion em sinceram. Cum Willolmus deDerneforde n uper coramvobis implacitassetRicardum de Boilonde de quibusdam tran sgression ibus eidem Willelmo factis ac indicium in predicts loquelan ondum redditum est prout inuen itur in recordo vostro, quodquidem recordum coram domino Rego misistis per broue ipsius

Culford, Suflolk, n ear Bury St. Edmunds.MS. suna.


domin i Regis :Et quis mandatum est et in curiadomin i Regis n on

vsitatum quod records placitorum coram aliquibus iusticiariisin ceptorum coram domino Rego mittsn turan tequam indicium inde

redditum fuerit : vobis prodictum recordum sub sigillo meo mitto

et vos inde quod vestrum est faciatis m hac parte . Valeto.

Idee preceptum est vicecomiti Norfl'

olc1e et Sufl‘

olcie quodven ire faciat prodictum Ricardum hic m octabis sancti Hillariiadaudiendum iuratsm predictam : Et preceptum est vicecomiti

G loucestrie quod ven ire faciat hicad eundum diemRobertumWarreet socios suos iuratores inquisicion is predictoad faciendum iuratsmillam : Itaquod loquelaillasit in eodem statu in quo fuit in

octabis sancte Trin itatis an no regn i Regis nun c vicesimo quan doatterminatafuit coram Rego per broue ipsius Regis sine iudicio

inde reddito . Ad quem diem vicecomes G loucestrie retornauitpan ellum set iuratores n on venerun t. Et Willelmus ven it . Et

vicecomes Norfl‘

olcie et Sufi‘

olcie n ichil inde fecit set mandauitquod Ricardus de Boilonde non fuit in patriapostquam broue sibi

ven it per quod ipsum Ricardum ven iendi ad diem in breui con

ten [tum per manucapcion em] racion sbiliter pouere non potultEt testatum est quod ben e potuit ipsum por manucspcion omposuisse et in misoricordi]a. Et preceptum est

ei sicut alias venire] faciat prodictum Ricardum hic adioPasche in xv facien dam] iuratsm predictam. Itaquodloquelailla Et preceptum est] vicecomiti G loucestrie

quod ven ire faciat hic ad eundem diem [Robertum Warre etc.

Et quod habest hic tot et tales [per quos etc. itaquod] loquelanonremaueat , etc. Ad quem diem predictus W[illelmus ven i t et

iuratores] similiter. Et Ricardus non ven it . [Et vicecomes

mandsvit quod] predictus Ricardus manucaptus est per WalterumK yn elyn ,

RobertumPyngin ,Hen ricum K yppe deMeryngch…

de eadem. Idee ipsi in misericordia. Et inquisicio capiatur etc.

Iuratores dicunt super sacramen tum suum quod predictus Iohan n es[de Wykham] marescallus predicti Ricardi cepit et arrestsvitprodictum Willelmum 1n magnaaulaBristollie vbi placitacoron e

placitaban tur per preceptum ipsius Ricardiad querelsm et sectamcuiusdsm Roberti le Rede, homin is comitis G loucestrie, qui de

ipso Willelmo querehatur, prout liquore potest per in speccionemrotulorum predicti itin eris (quorum transcriptum buio rotulo est

attachiatum), et posteaipsum duxit 1n quamdam placeam viridem

quadratsm etalto muro lapideo inclusam iuxtaaulam prod1ctsm



et ipsum ibidem detin uit per magnum spacium illius diei quousqueG . de Thornetone, tunc seruien s domin i Regis in sodom itinere ,et Nicholsus de Apperley, tune senescallus ipsius comitia, et ali iamici speciales ipsius Willelmi (quibus vero amicis predictus

Ricardus tunc iusticiarius sedon e in banco oretenus dicebatminandoquod ipsum Willelmus die illo antequam comederet suspendifaoeret n isi se aptaret comiti predicto) ad ipsum ven erant inpredicts places ot ipsum reduxerunt in aulsm predictam, per

quorumauxilium finem fecit cum predicto comito per cc. marcas,et eas recognovit se debere eidem comiti, prout patet per predictamcedulam. Dicun t eciam quod n isi prodictum fin em fecisset apredicts prison s non exiuisset. Et dicun t precise quod rscion e

predicti inprisonamen ti et pro timore ipsius Ricardi et minarumsuarum predictarum fecit prodictum fin em cum predicto comito

et non aliarscion e . Requisiti ad que dampna, dicunt quod addampus ipsius Willelmi ecc . marcarum . Idee consideratum est

quod predictus Willelmus recuperet versus prodictum Ricardumdampus [suaet quod] predictus Ricardus capiatur. Et pre

ceptum est vicecomiti quod capiat prodictum Ricardum et eum

saluc custodiat etc . , Et quod [habest corpus eius] hicadio sancteTrin itatis in xv diesad satisfaciendum domin o Regi etc.

[Ad quem d]iem vicecomes n ichil inde fecit nec broue suum

inde misit. Et quis testatum est quod predictus Iohan nes manetin comitatu predicto [apud] Stouemsrket vbi

con [didit]. Preceptum est sicut pluries quod capiat eum etc .,Et

quod habest corpus eius coram auditoribus [inorestino sancti]Michaelisadaudiendum recordum ot iudicium suum

de predicts inquisicione facts coram eisdom auditoribus apud[et quod ipse] tunc sit [ibi]auditurus iudicium suum

etc. Ad quem diem vicecomes mandauit quod quslitercumque

quod gratis se tenet in partibus remotisitaquod non potest in uen iri subter

fugiain retardacione iudicii supradicti, preceptum est vicecomiti

[distringat eum etc . et quod de]exitibus etc. Et uod habeat corpus eius hic in crastino Purificacion is beate Mario]. etc .

Ad quem diem predictus Willelmus perattomatum suum ven it et

[Ricardus n on ven it sed manucaptus est] per

MS. per. Stowmarket, Sufiolk.


sectasuaimprisonari fecit quousque Henricavxor predicti RicardiMsille mutuatafui t qusdrsgintasolidos de quodam Iudeo Isaacn omine et illos soluisset pro deliberscion e sua:ad dampn um ipsiusRicardo mille librarum etc.

Et Ricardus ven it et dicit quod predictus Ricardus Maylleimplw itabat Priorem de Sheldham ‘

et homin es suos de mahsimio ,roberia

,imprisonamen to et aliis tran sgression ibus ‘

coram eo , set

dicit quod predictus Prior coram eo quoddam scriptum proferebatquod tostabatur quod concordiafacts fuit in ter eos super omn ibustran sgression ibus supradictis, vnde viso illo scripto vlterius

procedere n on potn it z quod quidem scriptum idem prior isto

sodom die proferebat in hac formaDie san cti Laurencii anno regn i domin i Regis Edwardl

n on o con uen it inter Benedictum Priorem et Conuen tum de

Shuldham ex parte vnaet Ricardum Maylle de Stokeferyeex altera: videlicet quod cum idem Ricardus n uper in curiaeiusdem domin i Regis coram Domin is Human s Hauteyn et

Roberto de Ludham iusticiar ns ad hoc assignatis, predictospriorem et con uen tum et homin es suos per diuersabreuis ipsiusdomin i Regis implacitasset super tran sgression ibus verheraturevulneraturo maheimn et inprisonamen ti : Et similiter do omn ibus

con tencion ibus et tran sgressionibus quibuscumque , tam de terris

et tenemen tis quam dealiis grauamin ibus quibuscumque, tam in

curiadomin i Regis quam in curiaChristian itstis vel alibi, aprincipio seculi vsquead diem con fection is istius scripti, hinc inde

motis vel illatis, pax in ter eos in hune modum conquieuit videlicet

quod predicti prior et conuen tus pro se et homin ibus suis predictis

ot similiter predictus pro se et suis submiserun t se de alto et

basso ordinacion i, disposicion i et srbitrio domin i Iohann is le

Breton e, domin i Willolmi Belet (vel Ade de Shropham loco 1psius

Willelmi Belet, si idem Willelmus ad hoc vacare n oluerit vel n on

potuerit) [ex] parte ipsorum Pri oris et conuentus, et domin i

Willelmi de Tyrington e et magistri Hugoni s de Wheteringes ex

parte ipsius Ricardi electorum . Itaquod iidem Iohan n es et

Willelmus, (vel Adam,) Willelmus, et Hugo , in promissis plenam

habean t potestatem ordinandi,dispon endi

,audiendi, srbitrsndi, et

finaliter terminandi citrafestum sancti Michaelis proximum

Shouldham, s Gilbertine priory, n ear DownhamMarket, Norfolk.

Cf . Cal. Pat. Rolls, Edw . I . , 1272- 1281 , PD, 446, 465, 473 ; 1281- 1292,

pp. 90, 489 ; 1292- 1301 , p. 1 15. Stoke-Ferry, Norfolk.


sequen s. Et si forte con tingat predictos Iohann em et W illelmum

(vel Adam) , Willelmum,et Engomem in predictis ordinacione


disposicion e seuarbitrio n on posso unan imiter concordare , tunc ex

election e 1psorumaliquie discretus [tan]quam socius eis eligatur quisimul cum illis plenam habeat potestatem facere etarbitrari sicut

ex prescr1pt1s Itaquod quicquid amaiori parte pred1ctorumarbitrorum in promissis fuerit ordinatum, ex vtrsque partefideliter etabsquealiquaordinacion e seu calumpn iain perpetuumten eatur. Et quod n eutrapars in postorum post prodictum

arbitrium n ec penden te arbitrio de promissis alibi possit habereaction em . Etad maiorem securitatem faciendam et obseruandamcon fects sunt duo scriptaad modum cyrografli den tata[quorum]vmun reman et penes predictos priorem et conuen tum sigillo

predicti Ricardi signatum ,et reliqnum remanet penes prodictum

Ricardum sign stum sigillo prodictorum prioris et conuen tus hiis

testibus etc.

Et quiadatus fuerst partibus dies dieMartis proximapostfestum sanctiMathei vt in specto predicto scripto partibus predictisiusticie complemen tum partibus exciperetur vt idem Prior protulittaliter scriptum prodictum,

quod quidem scriptum fuit visum et

lectum in curia. Et quiahoc fuit super leuacion e auditorum,

dictum fuit eisdom Priori et RicardoMayle, qui sdhuc presen s

fuit in curia, quod essent die Lun e proximaan te festum BeatiPetri in Cathedracoramauditoribus facturi et recepturi in promissisquod ius suaderet : et [idem] dies datus est Ricardo de Boyland .

Posteaoodem die Lun e ven eran t prefatus Prior et prefatusRicardus . Et predictus Ricardus, requisitas si fecit prodictum

scriptum et si sigillum penden s in oodem scripto sit sigillum suum,

petiit quod Videre possit illud scriptum,et traditum fuit ei scriptum

ad videndum et con sulendum super hoc. Et posteaper magnumin ternallum quidam extraneus reportsuit idem scriptum coramauditoribus, etprefatus Ricardas recessit et sollempn iter proclamatus[est] per msgasulam et vbique l n curiaet n on potuit i nven iri,sot itarecessit in con temptu curie . Itaque quidam Iohan n es deNorwyco man ucepit eum hahendi coram auditoribus dieMartissequen te , scilicet l n crastino

, quo die idem [Ricardus] non ven it et

prefati iusticiarii precise petiemnt indicium de prefato Ricardoqui comparuit in curiaet potiit visum eiusdem scripti et habuitvisum eiusdem scripti per auditores et postearecessit in

contemptum curie ut prodictum est . Et quiatam prefato Ricardo



Maille quam Ricardo de Boylonde datus fuit dies dieMartisproximapost festum sanctiMathei, licet dictus RicardusMaillepost adiornacionem predictam inuen tus fuit in curiaet visum

predicti scripti petierit et habuerit, et sic sine responso in

con temptum curie recessit, tamen dictum fuit predicto Ricardo deBoylonde quod expectet prodictum diemMartis post festum sanctiMathei . Quo die tam predictus RicardusMaille quam predictus

Ricardus de Boylonde ven erun t. Et quiafuit in vltimo die ter

min i super leuscione auditorum datus fuit eis dies in crastinoA ssencion is Domin i do audiendo iudicio suo super promissis. Ad

quem diem tam predictus Ricardus quam Ricardus ven erun t et

predictus Ricardus de Boylonde in stanter petiit iudicium superhiis que prius petiit . Et predictus RicardusMaille gratis reliquittoti placito predicto et petiit ipsum de nono sdmitti ad replacitandum cum predicto Ricardo de Boylonde. Et concessum est si

pro Deo . Et statim plscitauerunt de n ouo vt patetalibi in rotulo.

Ricardus Mslye queritur de Ricardo de Boylunde quondamiusticiario domini Regis in itin ere Norfl


olcie de eo quod cum idem

RicardusMslye quoddam broue domin i Regis impetrasset vice

comiti Norffolcie directumad inquirendum de malefactoribus quimahamauerun t ipsum Ricardum de dextro brachio suo et ipsumdepredauerunt et inprisonauerun t Idem vicecomes inde fecit

inquisicion em per xxiiij iuratores et quos per illam inquisicioneminuen it culpabiles,attachisn it et ven ire fecit corporaeorum coramSalomone de Rofi'avnacum breui de mahemio et roberia. Et quiapredictus Salomon de predicto mahemio et roberiaet inprisonamen to cogn oscere noluit quis clorions erat

,misit prodictum broue

de mshemio Ricardo de Boylonde socio suo tunc seden‘

tiad placitacoron e apud Norwicum : qui quidem Ricardus de Boylonde predictum broue de dio in diem distt pro muneribus sh aduersariissuis receptis n ecad sectam predicti RicardiMalie permisit dictumbroue placitat i, set ipsum pro sectasuacapi et inprisonari fecit ,in quaprisons reman sit quousque Henricavxor predicti Ricardisoluisset qusdrsgintasolidos pro deliberacione suaquosaq1todamIudeo Issac nomine mutuo receperat . Nec potuit aliquo modomanucapi, et cum Optulit ei suflicien tes manucaptores tam clericos

quam laicos quos predictus Ricardus admitters recusauit ; addampus predicti RicardiMslye mille librarum etc.

Et Ricardus de Boylonde per attornatum suum venit et


quan tumad dilacion em predicti breuis dicit quod nunquam broue

prodictum distulit n ec sectam predicti RicardiMslye impediuitquo min us broue prodictum soqui potuisset si voluisset, set dicit

quod si aliquadilacio circabroue vel sectam predicti RicardiMslye in predicto itin ere fuit, hoc fuit per negligenciam predicti

Ricardi Mslye et n on per maliciam suam n ec pro aliquibusmun eribus ab aduerssrns suis receptis : et de hoc pon it se super

patriam, et RicardusMslye similiter. Ideo preceptum est vice

comiti quod ven ire fscist hic in octabis san cti Iohann is Baptiste ,xxiiij

". oto . de hun dredis de Clakelooe, Grimeshowe et Laun diche,

per quos etc.,Et qui n e

c etc.,ad certificandum etc. , quiatam etc.

Ad quem diem predictus RicardusMalle ven it et Ricardus deBoylonde similiter. Et predictus Ricardus de Boylonde dicit quodper predicts hu

ndreds n on possun t n ec debout eaque facts fueruntin itin ere iusticiariorum apud Norw icum inquiri, quiadicit quodpredicts hundreds simul cumaliis hundredis ln principio cuiuslibet

itinerisapud Norwicumadioman turapud Lenno ot dictum est eis

quodapud Lenno expectont aduen tum iusticiariorum , et de hoc fit

solempn is proclamacio et post proclamacionem recedun t , its quodde factis coram iusticiariis itin erantibus apud Norwicum n ichil

scire poterun t : et iuratores quimodo ven iunt coramauditoribusperpreceptum domin i Regis sun t de predictis hundredis et oodem

modoadiorn sti fuer unt. Et petit predictus Ricardus de Boylondequod predicts inquiran tur per milites et elios liberos et legaleshomin es qui con tinue residerun t l n predicto itin ereapud Norw icum.

Et quiavidebaturauditoribus et iust iciariis de Banco quod peticiopredicti Ricardi de Boylonde quoad hoc fuit racionsbilis

, pre

ceptum est vicecomiti quod, amotis omn ibus illis de predictis

hundredis,ven ire fscist hic in crastin o A n imarum (n isi iusticiarii

adassisas capiendasassignati priusad partes illas ven erin t) xxiiij .

tam milites quam alios liberos et legales homines de visn eto de

Norw ico et de illis duodecim juratorihus qui continue residerun t

coram iusticiarn s in itin ere apud Norw icum ‘

per quos etc . et qui

n ec etc. cortificaudum etc. quiatam etc. Posteadie Lun eproximaante festum san ctiMichaelisan no Regis nunc xix°. apudNorwycum coram W . de G iselham et H . de Cressingham insti

ciariis ad assisse capiendss assignatis etc . y enerun t partes et

similiter iuratores de consensu partium electi. Q ui dicun t super

Clackclose, Grimshoeand Launditeh . King’s Lynn , Norfolk.


sacramen tum suum quod predictus Ricardos de Boylonde n on

impediuit prefatum RicardumMail le in itin ere etc . quo min usplacitasuaversus prodictum priorem soqui potuit etc. Dicun t

etiam quod con uictum fuit ln oodem i tinere per quamdam iuratsmibi in ter predictos Ricardum Msille et priorem captam quodpredictus Ricardas Maille plures tran sgressiones prefato priorifecerat contracoronam et dign itatem Regis etc. Itaquod dictusRicardusMaille per con silium curie Regis inprisonatus fuit etc .

quousque domino Regi de con temptu et predicto priori de dictistran sgression ibus satisfecorst, et non aliquealiaoccasion e n ec per

maliciam ipsius Ricardi de Boilonde etc. Dicun t eciam quodpredictus Ricardus de Boilon de n ichil cepit de predicto prioreoccasion e promises etc.

, n ec de predicto RicardoMaille pro deliberacion e suaoto . Ideo con sideratum est quod predictus Ricardus deBoylonde quoad ipsum RicardumMaylle inde eat quietus sine die,et predictus RicardusMaille in misericordia.

Et quoad xl.s. dicit predictus Ricardus de Boylonde quodipse et socii sui tunc iusticiarii itin eran tes in comitatu Norfl'


hahuerun t potestatem inquirendi de illis qui plscitauerun t placitacoron e coram iudicibus ecclesiasticis : vnde compertum fuit per

inquisicion em quod predictus RicardusMalie implacitauit prioremde Schuldham coram commissariis Archiepiscopi Can tuariensis demshemio etc. ad dampnapredicti prioris xl.s. etc. Ideacon

sideratum fuit quod predictus prior recuperaret dampnasuapredicts et quod predictus Ricardus commi tteretur gaole, et de hocvocat recordum rotulorum suorum . Posteavisi sunt rotuli predictiRicardi qui sunt in thesauro in quibus con tin en tur hoc verba

Con uictum est per iuratsm in quam Benedictus prior de

Sh li ld queren s et RicardusMaille se posuerun t quod idemRicardus in iuste vexsuit et implacitauit prodictum priorem in

curiaChristian itatis coram Archiepiscopo Can tuarien se qui nunc

et secutus fuit coram eo quoddam placitum de mshemio et bateriaquod quidem placitum non fuit de testamento n ec matrimon io set

ad coronam et dign itatem domin i Regis pertin ebat :ad dampuspredicti priorie qusdrsgin tasolidorum . Idee con sideratum est

quod predictus prior recuperet predicts dampnasua, que taxan turad xl . solidos

,et Ricardus custodiretur.

Et quiacompertum est per predictum‘recordum quod pre

dictus prior habuit predictos qusdrsgin tasolidos et non predictusMS. precord.


Ricardus de Boilonde sicut RicardusMaille ei imposuit, consideratum est quod predictus Ricardus de Boilonde eat inde quietussine die, et predictus RicardusMaille in misericordia.

Def endant.— Henry de Bray, Escheator.

Omnp lainan t.— A lice, daughter of Hugh de Broadwin sor.Referen ce to manuscript .

—B. Membran e 14d.

No other references.

Number of case in Appendix III .

,21 .

Aliciafil iaet horas Hugonis de Brodewyndelesores, existons incustodiaRadulfi de Aubeny per donum .domin i Regis , queritur de

magistro Henrico de Bray quod cum Iohann es de Wyndelesoureten uit manerium de Bradewyndelesoure de Rego in capite et illud

dedit Iohan n i filio et heredi suo tenendum in capite de domin oRego, obiit predictus Iohann es sine herede de corpore suo exeun te ,

per quod hereditarium descendebat predicto Hugon i tamquamfratri et heredi

,et mortuo predicto Hug

-on e descendebat predicto

A licie tanquam filio et heredi, existen te eadem A liciain fraetatemet in custodiaRegis. Obiit quidam Iohann es suus predicto Al icie

seisitns de man erio de Ellyngestoke in comitatu Suthamtonie perquod ius illin s man erii descendebat predicto Alicie ; vnde magisterHen ricus de Bray cepit illud man erium in man um domin i Regisdum eadem A liciafuit in custodiadomin i Regis : et in terim fecit

predictus Henricus quoddam makemen tum maritsg u in ter

qusndam alumpn iam ipsius magistri Hen rici et quemdamGalfridum filiu


m Iohann is de Wyndelesoure primi superiusnominati

, per quod quidem maritagium dominus Rex est

extraseisinam predicti manern quod deberet habere in custodiarscione ipsius A licie : per quod predicts A liciapetit quod dominusRex non patistur eam inde exheredari duran te custodiapredicts .

Pretereaperson s ecclesie de Ellingestoke duran te predicto temporo obiit, domino Rego tun c extraregnum suum agen te, adquam quidem ecclesiam dominus Rex debuit presen tasse duran tecustodiaipsius A licie

,vnde predictus Henricus personaestabsque

Broadwinsor, near Besmin ster, Dorset.I .s., Eledestoke, Old-stoke, or Stoke Charity, Hampshire.



presen tacione domin i Regisad exheredacionem ipsius A licie , etc .

Et magister Henricus ven it et dicit ad hoc quod Iohannes loChapeleyn , qui sequitur pro dietaAlicia

,dicit quod Iohannes

suus predicto Alicie obiit seisitus de predicto manerio de Ellingestoke, quod non . Dicit en im quod post mortem predicti Iohan n isseisiuit prodictum manerium in manum domini Regis et illudtenuit

, per quod predictus Galfridus filius Iohan n is adiuit cancellariam domin i Regis et impetrauit broue de inquisicion eHenrico , auctoritate cuius breuis predictusHenricus diligentem inde fecit inquisicion em per quam compertumfuit quod predictus Iohan n es non obiit seisitus de dicto manerio ,eo quod diu an te mortem suam feofl

'auerst prodictum Galfridum,

qui quidem Galfridus inde fuit pleno et pacifico in seisin s die quo

predictus Iohan n es obiit ; que quidem inquisicio retornsts fuit in

cancellariam ; per quam quidem inquisicionem idem Galfridushabuit broue directum eidem Henrico quod predicto manerioipsum smoueret et quod amplius se inde n on intromitteret . Et

vnde dicit quod porrecto illi illo breui statim seamouit.

Et quoad recepcion em illin s ecclesie dicit predictus Henricusquod presentatus fuitad predictam ecclesiam duabusan n is elapsispostquam broue oi ven it quod de dictis ten emen tis non se in tro

mitteret. Et predictus Iohan nes le Chapeleyn requisitus si predictsinquisicio captafuit sicut predictus Hen ricus dicit vel non


dicit quod sic.

Defendan t.— Willimu de Brompton .

Complairmn t.— Roger de Thorn ton .

Reference to manuscript.— B.,Membran e 9 .

Other references — B Membranes l , l d, 2, 3, 4,33d .

Number of case in Appendix III . ,52 .

Rogerus de Thorn tone queritur de Willelmo de Brumpto n e

quod cum inhibitum sit per statutum domin i Regis quod nullus

minister Regis in curiaRegis placitacoram se mots manuteneatseu procurot, idem W illelmus Hugonem filium Henrici in quodamplacito in ter prodictum Hugon em et Rogornm [coram] predictoWillelmo in Banco motum manutenebst sub hac forma, videlicet



men tain manum domin i Regis propter defaltam ‘

factum postappsren ciam. Et posteaidem Willolmn s dedit diem eidem Rogoro

continen tcm spaciumvain smensisadaudiendum iudicium suum. Et

vnde idem Rogerusamisit seisinam torre suo per mayntonementumet fauorom predicti Willelmi. Et hoc paratus est verificare perquod curiacon sideret.

Pretoreacum predictus Rogerus ad sequendum placitumsuum in curiaRegis ven isset idem Willelmus omn ibus n srratoribuscurism in hibait ne quis eorum predicto Rogoro assiste ret, et hoc

con tralegem et statutum domini Regis.

Pretoreapredictus Willelmus militibus et aliis amicis suisadtorn iamen tum de Stsnn forde mandauit quod filium predicti Bogoriibidem in ter eos occidorsn t,ad dampnum oto .

EtWillelmus venit et dicit quod vbipredictus Rogerus queriturquod per fauorom predicti Willelmi ei in iuriatum fuit


tem m suam amisit per defaltam, bene defendit quod n unquam inpredicto placito iniustum aut indebiturri fauorom prestitit. Et de

hoc pon it se super recordum iusticiariorum de Banco . Etad hocquod Bogorus dicit quod predictus W illelmus subtmxit ei con siliumsuum, inhibendo narratoribus ne eiassisteron t, scilicetWillelmo deBereforde, Nicholso de Warwyke, Ricardo de Gosefelde, Rogoro deEegham , et Hugoni de Louther, idem Willelmus de plan o se pon itin veredicto eorum. Qui sun t examinati et quale sit dictum eorum

potest consiliumauditorum recordare .

Posteain crastin o Purificacion is beateMariean no regn i Regisn unc vicesimo ven iun t hic predicti Rogerus et Willelmus, et

Rogerus in stan ter petit indicium etc . Et predictus Willelmussimiliter. Et quis non 00t Petro de Leycestriaet sociis suis

tuncauditoribus, super examinacion e iusticiariorum et narratorumprodictorum alias facts per episc0pum Wynton ien sem et socios

suos,mandatum est predicto episcopo et sociis suis quod mitten t

inde recordum suum hic adio Pasche in tres septimanae . Et

idem dies datus est predictis Rogoro et Willelmo ad audiendumtunc prodictum recordum etc.

Posteain crastino Ascension is Domin i an no regni Regis

nunc vicesimo veniunt predicti Rogerus et Wfllelmus. Et pre

dictus Willelmus quoad excepcionom illam de ParuaWylhurgham et MagnaWylburgham eidem Rogoro non allocatam adcassandum broue quod predictus Hugo tulit super prodictum

Stamford, Lin coln shire.


Rogerum,dicit quod idem Rogerus per prodictum breue petut

predicts te nemen ts versus Iohannem filium Iohannis Porthorsede Can tebrigia, et idem Iohan nes vocauit eundem Rogerum

ad warrantum uersus eundem Hugon em de ten emen tis per pre

dictum broue petitie,vnde dicit quod predicts excepcio n on

debuit predicto Rogoro allocari, immo predicto Iohann i. Et de

sicut excepcio illadebuit eidem Iohanni allocari si ipsam proposuiseet pro loco et tempore et non eidem Rogoro , petit indicium si

deboet eidem Rogoro ad illum articulum respondere, et Rogerussimiliter. Et Rogerus iterum dicit quod predictus Willelmus

predicto die quando sex de predicto panello iuratores fuerunt,idem Willelmus reiecit panellum prodictum et precepit iuratoribus quod iron t domibus. Et misit certanominain quodam panellosub sigillo suo vicecomiti Cantebrigie et per litterae suas deprecatorise et minatorias directas vicecomiti predicto mandauit quodven ire faceret illos quorum n ominaei sic misit. Et eciam aliceiuratores pon i fecit i n pan ello quos voluit per minas quas fecit

vicecomiti predicto , que quidem nominain aliis pauellis prius pervicecomitom non fuerun t apposita, et in super idem Willelmue in

pmpriapersonasuaaccessit ad partes predictas et procurau1tiuratores illius'

inquisicion is pro predicto Engoue per litterae suasdeprecatoriss siedem iuratoribus directas . Et quoad hoc quodidem Rogerus dicit quod idem Willelmue inhibuit narratoribusn e essen t de con silio ipsius R0geri : Elyss de Bekingham et

Willelmus de Bereforde super hoc examinati dicunt se n ichil scire

quod idem Willelmus n unquam prohibuit narratores quin bene

possen t fuisse de con silio ipsius Bogori . Et Nicholsus do Warrwicke, Rogerus de Hegham, et Hugo de Louthre iurati et

examinati super promissis dicunt super sacramen tum suum quodnunquam inhibitum fuit eis peraliquem quin ben e pooson t fuissede consilio ipsius Bogori in predicto placito . Et Robortus Crestyen ,

unus attornatorum ipsius Bogori, iuratus et examinatus corameisdom

,dicit quod predictus Willelmus n unquam ei minas fecit

in ban co die quo defensio illain tratafuit n ecaliquid aliud sibi

fecit vel dixit per quod min us ben e soqui posset vel respondisse

pro predicto Rogoro : set dicit quod quiacommun is clamor eratin partibus Can tebrigie et in curiaistaquod predictus Rogerusmortuus fuit et eciam quiaOrdinarii illins patrie soquestrarun tbonaipsius R0geri occasionemortis suo, inponendo ipsummortuumfuisse

, elongauit se de banco die predicto defencion is facto, et non


ob aliam caueam finxit se respondere pro predicto Rogoro die

predicto. Etadalias probscion es quas idem Rogerus modo pro

pon it etalias proposuit, videlicet quod idem Willelmus, postquamipsi Hugo et Rogerus posuerun t se in quamdam mquisicionem in

quodam breui de iudicio quod exiuit de distringendo iuratoreselectos per vicocom item, pon i fecit quedam nominaiuratorum que

in aliis pan ellis per vicecomitem prius non fuerun t apposita,

respondit idem Willelmus quod ipsead con ten ts in broui illo n on

habet n ecesse mepondere , eo quod ipse non est testis in breui

illo et eciam quod quidam clericus domin i Regisadeo bene iuratusdomino Regi vt iusticiarius fuit custos et factor huiusmodi breuiumde iudicio ot inde respondere ten etur : vnde petit indicium si ipsede sliquo facto respondere tonestur, precipue cum idem clorion s

n ichil extradebitum ofiicii eui ten ebatur facere eciam si hoc in

precoptie ah aliquo iusticiario haberet . Et ad hoc quod idemRoger us dicit quod predictus Willelmus per breuis suaet per

minas factas vicecomiti loci illin s poni fecit iuratores quos voluit ,respondit idem W illelmus quod vicecomes qui tun e fuit fuit

familiaris domin i Regis et eius iuratus et non ten ebatur per minasaut procurscionem alicuius aliquid facere n isi quod ad officium

suum [s]pectauit. Vnde si idem vicecomes tun ealiquid fecit quodfacere non debuit respondeat ipse de facto suo . Vnde ipseWillelmuspetit indicium si ipse respondere deboat de aliquo precepto autalique procuracion e priusq11am idem vicecomes de aliquo factoconuin cstur. Et ad hoc quod idem Rogerus dicit quod idemWillelmue in propriapersonaaccessit ad predictos iuratores et

eos induxit per donaet jocaliaad dicen dum con traipsum Rogerum,

petit idem Willelmus indicium si ipse ad hoc respondere ton esturdesicut idem Rogerus nul los certos iuratores n ominat quibus idemWillelmus aliquadonacon tulit, et eelam desion t nullai nquisiciocaptafuit per ipsos nec idem Rogerus [Rogem s

‘per ipsorum

veredictumaliquidamisit n ecalique modo n isi per oc quod ipsefecit defaltam postquam comparuit i n curiaet quodattorn sti suidixerun t in plenacuria. quod dominus eor um mortuus fuit et quodipsi vlterius ipsum in placit0 predicto defen dere n oluerun t , vnde

idem Rogerus ergaipsosaccion em habet et n on ergaeum. Et adhoc quod idem Rogerus dicit quod predictus Wil lelmus [con traeum] dedit breuiores dies gratis in predicto placito et precipue

postquam defaltapredicts facts fuit,itaquod si idem Rogerus

Sic. Word rubbed out.


habuisset diem communem posset ipse ven isse et defaltamillam sanasse quoque modo : respondit idem Willolmus quod prefixio dierum in hu[iusmodi easibus] semper hucusque fuitarbitrariaad voluntatom iusticiariorum hab1to respectuad distanciam comi

tatnum vbi torre petite s[unt, et] non ad absenciam partis postquam litem fuit ingressus : et pretereapostquam attornati sui

venerun t in curiam, et dixerun t de plano quod litem inceptamvlterius defendere noluerun t et sic recessor uut in contemptum

c[urie]. [Ideo] per iuris rigorem terrapetits de plano fuit recuperands prout quod gran ine pun iri debet presen tis quam absen tis

non fuit mirum si parti poten ti breuis dies fuit assignatus.

Vnde idem Willolmus petit iudicium si de huiusmodi [dierum]prefixion e necesse habet respondere, pmsertim cum ad proxi

mum diem se essonissse potuisset de seruicio domin i Regis [et]tempus satis prolongasse . Et de hoc quod idem Rogerus n on

mepondetad promises , set semper tenet sead verifieacionem patriefacts fuerunt in banco apud Westmonasterium petit

Et si hoc n on sufi cian t dicitaliud. Et

Rogerus dicit quod predictus Willolmus prefixit ei diem adiosanctiMichaelis in tres septimanae vsquead octabas sanctiMartin i,in fraquem diem ipse

, qui tune erat in partibus Hibern ie, non potuitven iread saluandam defaltam suam. Et sie dicit prefatus Rogerusquod per fauorom indebitum ipsius Willelmi amisit ipso torramsuam. Postealicet predictus W illolmus pro se pmposniss0t quodprefixion es dierum sunt ad volun tatem iusticiariorum con

sideratie tamen distanen e locorum vbi torre petite sun t et quodper meponsionem attornatorum predicti Bogori qui dicebsnt se

nolle vlterius domin um suum defendere propter mmores predictos,procedi potuit ad indicium sin e iuris cfl


enssa, merito potueruntiusticiarii et debuerunt breuem diem aesignare ad capiendumtem m in manum Regis quiacum idem Rogerus queritur quodidem Willolmus assignauit [ei diem] adio sancti Michaelis intres septimanae vsquead octabas sanctiMartin i , itaquod ipse, quitun e erat in partibus Hibern ie

,in fratam [broue tempus] non

potuit veniread defaltam suam [saluandum]iudicialitor quod ipse ad videlicet utmm dedicit

diem illum prefixit .


Defendant.— John de Chertsey, clerk to William do

Brompton .

Complaizmn t.— John , son of Roger de Reed.

Reference to manuscript .— B.

,Membrane 3d.

Other references — B.

,Membran es 4

,24d .

Number of case in Appendix III . , 65 .

Iohann es filius Bogori de Reda‘ queritur do Iohann e de

Certeseye n uper clerieo Willelmi de Brumptone quod cum ipseIohan nes de Redain fraetatem existons dimisisset quamdam partemten ementorum hereditatis suo cuidam Ricardo de Certeseye adtermin um septem ann orum,

de quibus quidem tenemen tis idem

Iohan n es de Rede nun quam prius fuit seisitus : et quiavidebaturpredictis Iohann e de Certosey et Ricardo quod predictus Ricardusnon fuit satis socurus de predicto termino n isi haberet quamdamcartam feofl'

smen ti fecerun t eis vnam cartam feofi‘amen ti : et posteaiidem Ricardus et Iohann es de Certo‘soye deduxerun t prodictumIohan n em de Rede apud Westmonasterium coram iusticiariis et

ibidem inde fecerun t quemdam fin em leusri absque examinscion eiusticiariorum et sheque broui et absque summon icion e et absqueordin e curie . Et vnde queritur quod cum idem Iohann es de Redeposteain tellexerat quod fuerst fin is lacuria, et cuiusmodi virtutis,fecit quemdam Iohan nem de Rameeey nomine suo prodictum

fin em calumpn iare, set iguorat vtrum predicts calumpn iasit

irrotulatavel non,se quod predictus Iohann es do Certosey fuit

tun e Clericus in Banco : istam falsitatem et falsum fin em fecit

predictus Iohan n es leus ri ad exheredscionem predicti Iohan n isde Rede etad dampus ipsius Iohan nis e . librarum etc.

Et Iohannes de Certosey venit et dicit quod predictus Iohan nesde Redadimisit predicts ten emen ts cuidam Ricardo de Certeseyead terminum septeman n orum et n e idem Iohan n es de Rede sliquocasu alium in fraprodictum terminum de predictis ten emen tis

feoffaret, predictus Ricardus its locutus fuit secum vt facoret ei

quamdam curtam feofl'amen ti et predictus Iohan nes de Rede sic fecit .

Et posteapredictus Iohan nes de Rede, per conuencionem in ter

Reed, Suflolk.

Cf . Feet of Fines, 15 Edw . I., case 215, file 39, no . 117.


ipsum et prodictum Ricardum factum,venit per broue domin i

Regis in curiam coram iusticiarn s, quod quidem broue idem

Iohan nes de Rede impetrauit sumptihus suis pmpm s,et ibidem

concessit predicts ten emen ts prefato Ricardo de Chartoeeie, et indesolempn iter leusuit finem in suapropriapersona. Et quiaquedamIsabellamater predicti Iohann is de Rede tenuit partem prodictorumten ementorum in dotem , predicts Isabellaven it in curiam coramprefatis iusticiariis per broue domin i Regis, et ibi fuit m leuscion e

predicti fin is et ad hoc bene conson ciebat,et posteastatim fecit

fidelitatem predicto Ricardo . Et quod itasit et quod predictusIohan n es de Certeseye n ullam aliam deeepcionem fecit in curiain predicto fine lonundo nec sliquamallam falsitstem, pon it se superbroue domin i Regis per quod prodictum finem leusuit, quod quidembroue est in filsciis et super notam et podem eiusdem fin is . Et

Iohan n esdeRede [dicit]quod 1pse nunquam coramiusticiariis ibidemven it

,n ec per se nec per sttornatum,

n ec peraliquod broue fuit 1psesummonitus per quod hujus[modi] fiuem potuit leusre . Et hoc

paratus est verificare per quicquid curiaconsideret. Et predictusIohan n es de Certeseye ven it et dicit sicut prius quod n unquamaliqusm falsitatem fecit per quam prodictum fin em leusuit, set

dicit quod prodictum finem leusuit rite et secundum ordiuem carieprout euprsdictum est

, et petit quod in spician tur rotuli de Bancobroue et n otaet pes eiusdem fin is de an no xv . do in crastinoAssencion is Domin i. Et datus est dies partibus adio Pasche intres septimanae. Et interim in spicisntur rotuli etc .

Defendan t— John de Chester, clerk to Ralph de Hougham .

Cornp lairmn ts.— Hen ry le K en ,and Agnes his w ife .

Reference to manuscript .— B.

,Membran e 5

No other referen ces.

Number of case in Appendix III .


Henricus le K en et Agnes vxor eius querun tur de Iohann e de Loud.

Cestris de eo quod cum predicti Hen ricus et Agnes tulissen t

quoddam broue de inprisonamen to versus Thomsm de Lin coln iaet Ricardum Note et s lice coram d ulfo de Hougham et socus


suis iusticiarn s domin i Regis de eo quod predicti [Thomas Ricardusetalu predictam Agnetemapud Burefordo coperun t et inprisonauent , ibi ven it dictus Iohan n es do Cestris cloricus dicti Radulfi et

sustinuit placitum prodictum pro predictis Thomaot Ricardo contrapredictos Hen rieum et Agn etem etaduocauit quemdam Iohannemde Beloattomatum in placito predicto ad plscitan dum cum predictis Hen rico et Agnete, vbi predictus Iohann es de Bolo n unquamfuit attomatus. Blount eciam quod dictus Iohan nes de Cestris incapcione inquisicion is de inprisonamento predicto solue sedobatin banco sin e presenciaiusticiariorum et predictam inquisicionemde emulis 1psorum Hen rici et Agnetis cepit neealignas calumpniaseorum allocare voluit . Dicun t eciam Henricus et Agnes quodcum prosequi debuissen t breuis suaiudicialiaprodictum inpri

sonamen tum tangenciain . ecclesiasancti Sw ithin i in CandowekeStrato coram Iohann e de Cestris qui tune breuis judicialiacoramdiete Radulfo [de] Hengham fecit et liberauit, ibi ven it predictusIohann es de Cestris , qui sustinuit aduersarios suos contraipsosHouricum et Agnetem [et dictum]Agn etem verboran it et sanguinemah eaextraxit et per pedes suos extraecclesiam et per vicum con trahostium predicto ecclesie famili[ariter tra]bers fecit per pedes,addampnum prodictorum Hen rici et Agn otis xx librarum et contrapacem domin i Regis etc .

Et predictus Iohann es ven it et dicit quoad hoc quod predictiHenricus et Agnes inpon un t ei quod sustinuit prodictum Iohan nemde Belce s [ttornatum ubi nunquam fuit]attomatus dicit quod n on

ten etur eis hic inde respondere . Quis dicit quod predicti

Hen ricue et Agn es plscitsuerun t cum predicto [Iohan n i de Belcesicut] cumattornato coram predicto domino Radulfo de Houghamin toto placito predicto vsque ad fin em placiti n ec in toto [placitodixerun t eum] attomatum non fuisse coram predicto Radulfo ot

sociis suis et de hoc petit indicium. Et predicti Hen ricus et

Agnes n on [poseun t denegare . Ideo] consideratum est quod

predictus Iohannes quoad hoc eat quietus.

Et quoad hoc quod predicti Henricus et Agnes ei inponun t

quod verbersuit et verberare fecit predictam Agn etem dicit quod

[nunquam candem Agn etem verberauit] n ec verberare fecit nec

per pedes ipsum trahere fecit in ecclesian ec extrasicut ei in

ponunt et hoc petit quod [inquiratur. Et Hen ricus ot Agnes]MS . Rogerus. Burford, Oxon .

Csndlew ick St. Later called St. Swithin , London -Stone.


de hundredo do WyxstonStre‘: qui iuratores recognoueruut per

sacramen tum suum quod Ricardus filius Hugon is quondam personeecclesie de Temesforde propter homicidium vtlugatus fuit invltimo itinere iusticiariorum in comitatu Bukinghamie : et quod

Radulfus frater eiusdem Ricardi vtlagatus fuit in vltimo itinere

Bedefordie propter homicidiaburgariadomornm etalias felon iasper ipsum factus in comitat u predicto : et quod Willolmus filiuspersone predicto, frater eommdem Ricardi et Radulfi, eosdem

Radulfum et Ricardum sic vtlagstos sepius in domo suainTemesforde que est in . hundredo de Bukleswade receptauit :adquam quidem inquisicionem predicti xij iuratores sigillasuaapposuerunt. Posteapredictus vicecomesad corroborandum magisinquisicion em per prefatos xij . iuratores factum fieri fecit aliuminquisicion em per xviij . probos et legales homin es de hundredo deBykleswade. Qui iuratores indictauerun t predictos Ricardum ot

Radulfum de latrocin io et homicidiis et aliis melis multimodie,et prodictum Willelmum filium person e, fratrem eorum ,


receptamen to eorum postquam vtlugati fuerun t. Vnde idem

Willolmus hoc percipiens adiuit curism Regis et per con silium et

auxilium Radulfi de Bello Campo et Willelmi de Brumptone quieum manuton uerun t, impetrauit quoddam broue sub hse forma

Edwardn s Dei gratiaetc . vicecomiti Bedfordie salutem. Cum

Willolmus filius person e de Temesforde indictatus de receptamentoRadulfi fratrie sui per maliciam et procuracion em quorundammaliuolen cium prout assereione fidelium in telleximus , ven isset in

curian ostraeorum locum n ostrum ten entibus et reddidisset se

prison e nostread standum inde recto, facturas ceiam ot recepturue

quod iustum fuerit : tibi precipimus quod indictamen tum illud

sub sigillis indictancium habeas eorum nobis vel locum nostrum

ten en tibus in octabis san ctiMartin i vbicunque tune fuerimus vel

fuerint in Anglia. Et ven ire faciss coram nobis vel locum n ostrum

tenon tibuuad prefatum terminam xxiiij . de visn eto de Bereforde‘

et Temesforde , itavt inspecto indictsmento predicto per racion emxxiiij procedi possitad indicium super indictamen to illo quaten usde iure fuerit procedendum . Et tu ipse tune sis ibi in pmpriapersonatuavel subuicecomes tuus ad certificandum nos de

indictamen to predicto et ad videndum quod prodictum in dicts

mentum per iuratores idon eos termin etur. Et habeas ibi nominaWi:amtroe. Tempsé

ord. Biggleswade.



iuratorum et hoc broue . Teste Radulfo de Hougham xxiiij . dieOctobrisanno

Et vicecomes executus fuit mandatum Regis sicut dehebut et

venire fecit xxiiij . homin es de comitatu Bedfordie quos predictusRadulfus de Bello Campo procurauerat et tales quales idem

Willolmus volehat. De quibus xij . elceti qui fuerunt ten entes

predicti Radulfi manuten toris predicti Willelmi. Et iuratoresdixerunt super sacramen tum suum quod predictus Willolmus dereceptamen to fratrum suomm n on fuit culpabilis. Et requisitivlterius per iusticiarios tenen tes locum Regis per cuiu



procuracion om idem Willolmus filius persone indictatus fuit dereceptamcnto predicto, dixerun t, sicut per prodictum Radulfum et

Willelmum de Brumptone eis preceptum fuit , quod per Henricumde laLeye et Nicholaum de Com es. Unde Radulfus de Houghamexire fecitaliud broue vicecomiti Bedfordie directum sub hac forma

Edwardus etc. vicecomiti Bedfordie salutem. Precipimus tih1

quod copias Hen ricum do laLeye et Nicholuum do Comes si

inuen ti fuerin t in bellinatuaet eos saluo in prisons nostracustodias .

Itaquod habeas corporaeorum [eorum] nobis vel locum nostrum

tenentibus m octabis sancti Hillarii , vbicumque tun e fuerimus velfuerin t in Anglia, ad mepon dendum Willelmo filio Hugon is

quondam person e ecclesie de Temesforde,de placito queroabbottanorun t ipsumWillelmum indictari de pluribus lstrocin iie homicidiis etreceptamen tis Ricardi et Rudulfi fratrum snorum postquam fuerun t

vtlagati, vn de idem Willolmus ad sectam nostrum inde per

inquisicion em eorum n obis factum quietus recessit. Et habeas ibihoc broue . Te


ete Radulfo de Hougham apud Westmonasteriumxxiiij . die Nouombrisann o

Un cle predicti Hon ricus et Nicholsus querun tur de predictis

iusticiariis et maxime do Radulfo do Hougham de se quod databreuis capcion is eorundem Henrici et Nicholai excesserat datuminquisicion is captain crastino octaburum san ctiMartin i bene perquinque dies ad min us, per quam quidem inquisicionem iidem

Henricus et Nicholsus indictati fuerun t de abbotto in dictamen tifacti super Willelmum filium person e de receptamento fratrumsn orum prodictorum . Et posteain octabis sancti Hillarii ven eruntpredicti Honricus et Nicholsus et dixerun t quod n on plus per illosquam per alios fuit ille Willolmus filius person e indictatus dereceptamento predicto et super hoc posuerun t se super patriam.

Unde tale broue exiuit




ROLL 641 8 .

Edwardus etc. vicecomiti Bedfordie sulutom. Precipimus tibiquod venire facies eorum nobis vel locum nostrum tonontihns s edie

Pasche in tres septimanae vbicumque tune etc . xxiiij . tam militesquam alice etc. per quos etc. et qui n ec Willolmum filium

Hugon 1s qucudum persone ecclesie de Tomosfonde n ec Honr1cumde laLeye et Nicholaum do Com es aliquaafi n itate attingunt :adrocognoscendum super sacramen tum suum si predicti Hon ricus et

Nicholsus abbettauerun t ipsum Willolmum indictari de pluribuslatrocim1s et homicidiis et receptamento Ricardi et Radulfifratrum snorum postquam vtlagati fuerun t, sicut predictus

W illolmus dicit, vel non , sicut predicti Henricus et Nicholsus

dicun t . Quis tam predicti Hon ricus et Nicholsus quam predictusWillolmus, in ter quos con tencio est

, posuerun t se inde in

inquisicionem illum. Et habeas ibi nominaiuratornm et hoc broue .

Testo Radul fo de Hougham apud Westmonasterium iiij . dieFobruariiann o xvj

Ad quem diemm breui contentum coronatores Bedfordie quiprimum inquisicionem ind1ctumen ti de receptamen to coperunt et

alii xxv . tammilites quamalii liberi et legales homin es de comitatupredicto ven erun t eorum iusticiariis predictis ad rocogn oscendum

si Willolmus filius persone per abbettum prodictorum Henrici . et

N icholai indictatus fuisset de receptamonto predicto vel n on plusquam peralice xxx . iuratoree de duohus hundredis et dimidio qui

ipsum Willolmum primo indictauerun t. Qui quidem coronatoreset xxv . tum milites quamalii culumpn iati fuerunt per prodictumW illolmum, qui dixit quod omnes procurati fuerun t et per illumsolum calumpiam omn es illi iuratores calumpn iati fuerun t et

recusati. Et hoc sicut predicti Henricus et Nicholsus dicun t

factum fuit per proeuraoion em Willelmi de Brumptone cuius robasgerebat . Et propter illum calumpn iam dies datus fuit partibusa. dio sancte Trin itatis in xv . dies. Ad quem diem predicti

Hon ricus et Nicholsus venerun t et optulerun t se versus prodictum

W illolmum , qui non ven it ; ot idem Willolmus l n misericordia. Et

predicti Honricus ot Nicholsus inde sine die . Unde tale factumf uit irrotulsmen tum

Hon ricus de laLeye et N icholsus de Comes optulerunt se

111j . die versus Willolmum filium Hugon is quondam personeecclesie do Temesforde de plscito quure predicti Henricus et

Nicholsusabbettauerunt 1psum Willelmum indicturi de latrocin iishomicidiis ot receptamen to Ricardi et d ulfi fratrum snorum


postquam vtlagsti fuerun t et postquam Hon ricus et Nicholsus

posuerun t se in iuratsm illum . Et ipse non ven it et fuit queren s .

Ideaconeideratum est quod predicti Hen ricas et Nicholsus esnt

inde sin e die, et predictus et plegii sui do proseeucion e in miseri

cordia. ’Posteaven it predictus Willolmus de Temesforde et tulit tale


Edwardus etc. vicecomiti Bedfordie salutoni . Quis iurs Breue.

toros cuiusdsm inquisicion is inter Willolmum filium Hugon isquondam person e de Temesforde querontem et Henricum de laLeye et Nicholaum do Com es de placitatran sgression is min usfuerun t sufficientee suspecti et ealumpn iati, tibi precipimus quodamotisomn ibus illis,scilicet Roberto loCrevquer, Galfrido Roolunde,Willelmo le Harper, Hugone Oyldeboef, Hugone le Blon t, Thomacum barba, Simone Frankeleyn ,

Almurico de Laun dree, Iohan n efilio Iohan n is de Colmorde, W illelmo Tyuille, Iohan n e le

Ioueno, WillelmoMordan t, Willelmo Boynon , Ricardo de Bleues,Iohan ne de Exemw the

,Willelmo le Child, Henrico de Dywyke,Henrico de Flamuile , Ricardo Malherh, Willelmo de Haspey,

Iohan n e Chann ,Willelmo Muunsel, Ricardo Andreu


Lecite ot Simone le Charm et loco eorum venire facies eorum nobis

vel locum nostrum tenen tibus adio sancte Trinitatis in tres

septimanas vbicumque etc. xxiiij . milites etc. et legalesetc . do visneto de Temesforde per quos etc.

, et qui noe predictos

Willelmum nec Hen ricum n ec Nicholaum aliquaaflinitate etc .

ad rocognoscendum super sacramentum suum si predicti Honri cuset Nicholaus abbettauerun t prodictum Willolmum indictari depluribus latrociniis homicidiis et receptamen tis Ricardi et Radulfifratrum snorum postquam vtlagati fuerunt,sicut predictusWillolmusdicit, vel n on ,

sicut predicti Honricus et Nicholsus dion n t. Quistam predicti etc. Et tu ipse tune sis ibi audiendo indicium tuum

de hoc quod preceptum prius inde tibi directum non est executum .

Et habeas ibi etc. Teste Radulfo de Hougham etc. xxiij . die

Apriliaan noAd quem diem ven ire fecit vicecomes Bedfordie xxvj . procuratos

per Radulfum de Bello Campo qui fuerunt tenen tes sui pro parte .

Quo testificatum fuit quod predicti Henricus et Nicholsus reces

serun t sine die in quindenasancte Trin itatis. Per quod preceptumfuit iuratoribus quod semarent diem suumadio sanctiMichaelis intres septimanae. Vnde tale broue exit


Edwardus etc. vicecomi ti Bedfordie salutem . Precipimus tibiquod distringas tot et tales scilicet xxv . recogn itoree iuratos summon itos in curianostraeorum nobis interWillolmum filiumHugon is

quondam person e etc. Honricum de laLeye etNicholaum de Comes

de quedam tran sgressione eidem Willelmo per prodictum Hon ricumet Nicholaum illata, vt dicitur, per omnes torrus et catalls suaetc.

Itaquod n ec ipsi n ecaliquie per ipsos etc. don oc etc. Et quod deexitibus etc. Et quod habeas corporaeorum eorum nobis vel locum

n ostrum ten en tihusadio sanctiMichaelis in tres septimanae vbicumque faciendum iuratsm illum etadaudiendum indicium

suum de pluribus defaltis. Et premun ire facies predictos Honricumet Nieholaun '

1 quod tun e sin t ibiaudiendo illum recognicion em si

voluerin t. Et habeas ibi hoc broue. Teste W . de SahamapudWestmonasterium xiiij . die Iun iianno

Ad quem diem predicti Henricus et Nicholsus inuenti fuerun tin aulaapud Westmonasterium, qui tun e temporis circanegociasuapropriavacuban t et dueti fuerun t eorum iusticiariis et

oppositum fuit eis deabbotto predicto qui petiernnt indicium si

deberen t respondere predictoWillelmo desicut recessemn t si[n e] dieet quieti de placitaillo in quindenasancte Trinitatis et superhocvocauerun t ad warantum irrotulamen tum super hoc factum et

adhuc vocaren t [sed] rotulus ille in fideli custodiamoraretur : etn ichilomiuus calumpn iauerun t iuratores pro eo quod fuerun t

tenen tes predicti Radulfi de Bello [Campo] qui fuit manutentorpredictiW illelmi, et in vnamquamquo personam bonum calumpniamin uonerun t : nec per hocauditi fuerun t set propter hoc [sen tentia]illacon traeos pretoriuit per quodadiudicati fuerun t prieon e in quaferris eran t mancipati et in loco vili positi . Et vnde [querun tur]quod incarcerati fuerun tapud Bassingeehawe ‘

per xiij . dies et perxviij . diesapudFlete etNengute. Et interim tuxataeisdom [dampusejusdem] Willelmi per insticiarioe versus Honricum ad xxx .

marcas et versus Regem amereistus fuitadalias trigints marcas ,

et n e in carcere mortuus fuisset [oss salvit]. Et dampus suaversusNicholaum tuxatafuerun tadx . marcas de quibus pucatue est .

Et vnde exiit brouead leusndum de [bon is et catal lis Henrici]adOpus predicti Willelmi xxx . marcas vel catullaad valen cism tan ti .

Per quod broue vicecomos liberauit ei vigiuti et triacus etaliaaueriu in precium lxviij . s. vij . d. et lxiij . ones in preciumCluj . e. V1j . d. Et pretoreavend[ita] permanum eiusdem

Basinghull .


Henrici in precium xvij . marcarum preter quarter n xx1j . d., que

quidem catullaappreciatafuerun t per Radulfum [de Hougham et

socios] suosad dampn um ipsius Henrici etc. Et pretereaad un rumRegine solnit qusdrsgintasolidosad d[ampn um

Idem Nicholsus queritur do Willelmo de Br umptone quodiniuste fecit 1psum 1npn sonar1apud Neugate in prof[undo carceread instauòiam] Abbatis de Stratfords ‘

et pmpter mun erasua: etibi detentue fuit nec exire potuit quousque concesserat quod Abbas[haberet molendinain ] villade Temesforde ; que quidemmolendina1dem Nicholsus de predicto Abbate eorum I . do Vallibus et s[ociissuis in ultimo itin ere in comitatu]Bedfordie vt ius enum reeuperauit .

Et vnde queritur quod idem Abbas per con silium predictiWillelmivenitapud Neugste et f[ecit eum in carcere] profundo tractari,presen to predicto Willelmo, et ibi ullocutue f uit prodictum

Nicholaum , ot petit ab oo si predicts molendinaei eon cederet ,et] predictus Nicholsus eaei concessit motu maioris pon e in

prison s et ad hoc fecit ipsum Abbas affidare quod .

[eorum] Radulfo de Hougham faceret recognicionem . Et vnde mcruetinadie ductus fuit eorum iusticiariis per preceptum predictiWillelmi [et] liberatus fuit aferris , et inde fecit recognicion emad dampnum etc.

Ad querelam Hen rici de laLeghe respondit W illolmus de Brumptone.

Brumpton e quod ubi predictus Hon ricus querit quod 1peo per

abbettum et favorem predicti Willelmi inprisonatus fuit primcin custodiamarescalli et posteain gaolapon tis de Flete,respondit Willolmus quod si idem Henricus per prisonam vel

aliquoa1io modo grauatus fuit hoc non fuit per ipsum Willolmumi[mm]o pro eo quod idem Hen ricus accusatus fuit coram Radul fode Hougham et sociis suis do falso abbotto ; per quod quidemabbettum [Ricar]d[us] de Temesforde ad procurac10n em ipsiusHenrici

,prout coram predicto Radulfo ot sociis suis conuictum

fuit,arestatus fuit ot posteaper [fin em li]beratus eorum prefato

Radul fo ot sociis suis, prout predictus'

Radulfus qui presen s est

recordstur. Et similiter predictam ureetacion em Bedford

predicto conuictus fuit prout ipse Hen ricus dicit et in peti

Stratfordat Bow , Cistercianabbey in Essex. MS. convinctum.



Et Willolmus de Saham dicit quoad hoc quod predicti

Honricus et Nicholsus tostifieantur ipsum roddidisse prodictum

indicium et prodictum broue con signasse, quod bene credit quodipse indicium illud reddid1t et quoad consign scion om predicti

breuis dicit quod si per in speccion em rotulorum constare poteritquod in rotulis illis con tin eatur warantum per quod prodictum

broue exire debuit bene aduocat prodictum broue et eius oon

signacionem. Et s1 nullum waran tum inde in rotulis inueniatur,dicit quod broue illud per ipsum aut preceptum suum nunquamfuit factumaut ipso sci en te cons1gnatum immaper decopcionernet maliciam clericorum qui tun e temporisad bren iacustodiendambanco illo etad breuis de iudicio examinandaet s1g1llandadeputati fuerun t, ot hoc paratus est verificare prout curiaconsideret,et petit indicium etc.

Et Henricus et Nicholsus diCunt quod predictus Willolmusadprodictum broue desduocandum audiri non dehet . Dicunt enim

quod idem Willolmus alias coram auditoribus in curiaistahic inquedam querelasuapropriaversus Iohan nem de Can e facts tamprodictum broue quam prodictum iudicium et eius consignacionemaduocuuit, prout curiaistaben e verificare poterit tam per inspec

cionem predicto querele quamper recordum rotulorum etauditorumtun e temporis presencium super quorum recordum iidem

,Henricuset Nicholsus se ponun t. Et petun t indicium etc. Et auditoreshoc idem roeordan tur . Et super hoc dies datus est eis deaudiendoiudicio suo hic in crastino A ssencion is Domin i . Et idem dies

datus ost Radulfo do Hougham et Iohann i de Cane ot predictis

Henrico ot Nicholao de audiendo iudicio suo dadampnis que

petunt versus predictos iusticiarios.

Postea.m crastino Assencion is Domin i veniunt predictiHenricuset Nicholsus et instan ter petun t dampnasuaversus predictos

Radulfum do Hougham,Iohann em de Cane,Willolmum do Brump

ston e ot Willolmum de Saham etc.

Et quoad dampus que predicti Hon ricus et Nicholsus petun tde predicto W illelmo de Brumptone et aliis, dicun t quod eum

Willolmus de Temesforde diem habest in aduentu iusticiariorumvel alias que Regi plaeuerit ad purgundum se per patriam de

receptamento fratrum snorum vtlagstorum, de quo indictatus fuiteorum vicecomite Bedford ie in turno suo, videtur de iure quoddampus prodictorum [Henrici et] Nicholai non debout taxari nec


personam,omnes ammon it et precepit ven ire elios iuratores ed

quindenam sancte Trin itatis : respondit Radulfus ot bene hoc

aduocat quiatestificatum erat quod omnes iuratores venerun t insocietate prodictorum Henrici et Nicholui ad eorum eustus, etadeorum custus moram traxerun t in villa, per quod videbatur ei

quod magis valeret eos amouere quam per eos aliquam veritateminquirere. Et hoc potuit facere de iure ex quo nullus per talemamocion em neque Rex n ec aliquie alius dampnum habere potuitn isi tantummodo dilacionem vn ius dici. Et vbi conquerun tur

quod cum recesserun t quieti per non sectam ipsius Willelmi adquindenam sancte Trinitatis de quo fuit indicium irrotulatum


idem irrotulamentum postoarssum et udnullatum, et to tum

indicium quod pro eis habuerunt demptum et aliud irrotulamentum quale con tinetur in quodam scrowetto in sortum : respondit

Radulfus quod de rasturaillan ichil sciuit de hoc quod dicun tquod broue exiit sub testimon io domin i W . de Saham de faeiondoven ire inquisicionem adio sanctiMichaelis in tres septimanassanctiMichaelis proximo sequen tes. Roopondit Radulfus quod debreui illo non habet respondere; set respondeat ille qui broue illudsigillauit.

—Ad hoc quod dicun t quod adio sanctiMichaelis intres septimanae venissen t ipsi et ullogassen t pro se quod aliasrecesserun t quieti per n on sectam ipsius Wi llelmi, quod non fuit

eis sllocatum et quod calumpn iuuerun t iuratores per corteo et

racionabìles causes, videlicet quod fuerun t homines Radulfi de

Bello Campo qui totum factum procurauit con traeos, n ec fuit

eorum calumpn iaallocata: et quod captafuit inquisicio per emulaset homines supradictos et ten en tes predicti Radulfi per quorumdictum liberati fuerunt prisono et rodempti : respondit Radulfusquod dealique facto in bancaeo die quo transiuit illainquieicio,non habet necesse respondere, oo quod tun e absens fuit. Et de

hoc ponit se super veredictum prodictorum Hen riei et Nicholui'


qui posteabene testificuntur quod predictus Radulfus tun e n on

fuit presen s : immadicun t quod quicquid factum fuit oo die con traeos fuit factumWillelmi de Saham et magistri Theme de Sudyngtone : quodWillolmus de Saham dedicere n on potuit .

Posteain parliamunto domin i Regis quod tenuit post Nataleeorum ipso Rego et con silio suo

, quiapredictus Radulfus quipresens fuit non potuit dedicere quin sigillauit breuis per quepreceptum fuit vicecomiti quod caporet predictos Honricum et

N ieholaum,nec potuit dedicere quin datum illorum breuium pre


cessit capcionem inquisicion is per quam indietati fuerun t, nec compartum fuit per ròtulos quod predicti Henr icus et Nicholausfuerun t per aliquum inquisicionem accusati n ec eciam predictus

Willolmus de Temesforde de predicto receptamen to squietatus,et eius con silio quod preceptum cap[ere n on capien

dum : propter quod coneideratum fuit quod predictus ulfus sit

ad volun tatem domini Regis et remuneret in custodiaThesaurariiquousque sciatur davolun tate domin i Regis. Et quod predictirecordum et processusadnullen tur et pro nullo habean tur etc.

Posteapredicti Radulfus et socii sui iusticiarii dabancoRegis finem fecerunt prout patet in quedam cedulahuic rotulaattachiata. ‘ Posteaeorumaudito ribus '

venerunt predicti Honricuset Nicho lsus et dixerun t quod per hoc quod error eompertue fuit

in processu iusticiariorum,propter quod irritari debet etadnichilari

quicquid predicti iusticiarii fecerun t post errorem suum :Et desicut

poet errorem compertum udiudicati fuerun tprison o et dempus fuerun t predi0to Willelmo daThemosfordeadiudicataquaper rigorem

iudicii illins eidemWillelmo soluerunt, videlicet predictus Henricusvigiuti libras et predictus N icholsus decom marcas :petun t quoddesicut indicium illudadn ulletur quod quicquid per illud indiciumsubsecutum adnulletur et per consequens dampnaque soluerunt

eis restituan tur similiter quicquid domino Regi soluerun t

nomin e redempcion is vel misericordia. Et quiaeorum domino

Rego et eius consilio irritatum fuit factum prodictorum iusticiariorum, visum fuitauditoribus quod quicquid factum fuit per ipsosin predicto procesen ven ire dehet in reuersionom, etadiudicaueruntdampus que predicti Honricus et Nicholsus soluerunt predicto

Willelmo eis restituì Et predicti Honricus et Nicholsus, quesitivtrum soqui voluerint brano daiudicio quod vicecomes fieri fscis t

dampus daterris et catallis ipsius Willelmi vol quodvicecomes liberet eismedietatem tem mm ipsiusWillelmi secundumquod huius eleccio concedatur per vltimum statutum Westmonasterii illis qui debitaaut dampus in curiaRegis recuperauerunt,’dicun t quod predictus Willolmus n on habet mobiliaque suflieiunt

ad tantadampus, petunt quod liberetur eis terrapredicti Willelmi

per racionabìlem extentam ten endaper formam statuti quousqueperceperin t ad valencism prodictorum dumpnorum : et concoditur

eis. Et preceptum est vic'

ecomiti quod libersri fscist pmdicto

Thaschedule is prin ted in the textat the end of this case (pageStat. Westmin ster Il . cap. xviii., Statutes of the Realm i. 82.


Henrico, qui plus soln it pro dampn is, medietatem terre predicti

Willelmi et predicto Nicholao medietatem alterius medietatistenendum per prodictum statutum in formapredicts . Et quiaindictamen tum per quod predictus Willolmus indie[tatus est fac]tum est sub sigillo indictuncium,

n ec inuen itur in rotulis iusticiariorum quod predictus Willolmus acquietutus fuit per patriam

ur] auditoribus quod cum indictamen tum illud ven isset

coram tenentibus locum domin i Regis qui maiores fueruntquamalii iusticiarii et factum prodictorum locum Regis tenen eium

est iam eorum eis discussum et determinstum quod merito [dehetiustitia] illius indictamenti per ipsos discuti ot determined . Propterquod preceptum est vicecomiti quod ven ire fscistapudWestmonasterium eorum auditoribus die Sabbati proximapost festum sanctiNicholai (qui quidem dies est predictoWillelmo qui srestatuefuit perauditores otmanucaptus sicut patet per [hillum]) xxiiij . tammilites etc. per quos etc. et qui n ec rocogn oscendum vtrum

predictus Willolmus culpabilis sit de receptamento fratrie sui

vtlaguti sicut indiotatus ost inde,vel non . Et dictum est predictisHenrico et Nicholao qui alias prouiti fuerunt pro ubbettamen toillius indietamen ti quod tun e sin t ibi calumpn iaturi pro Rego

iuratores si qui fuerun t inutiles vel suspecti. Ad quem diem pre

dictus Willolmus venit et xxiiij tam milites etc . et quiaauditoresn on fuerun t in curiatun e n isi tan tum W . laLatymer, per con

silium Thesaurarii et baronum dascaccario preceptum est predictis

xxiiij . quod sant domi. Et preceptum est vicecomiti sicut priusquod ven ire fscist hicadio san cti Hillarii in xv . dies xxiiij . tammilites etc. davisn eto et de propinquioribus de Bereforde et

Temesforde per quos etc . Et qui n ec etc. ed certificsndum etc.

Et datus est dies prefato Willelmo ad prefatum terminum et est

sub priori manucspcione etc. Posteaad prodictum diem ven iun t

iuratores et predictusWillolmus . Et quiacomes Lincoln ie tun efuit in partibus transmarin is in n egociis domini Regie, ot Iohann esde sancte Iohan n e similiter [nec] fuit ibialiquieauditorum qui in

huiusmodi placitapassat cognoscere quiatangit coronam pretorWillolmum le Latymer tan tum

, [man]datum est per auditoreset iusticiarios quod predicti iuratores redeun t in partes suas. Et

predictus Willolmus habest brano dacancelleriadirigendum vice

camiti Bedfordie [ut inven iat] de eo sufi cien temmanucapcionemadstandum recto ad primum deliberacionem gayolo vel in aduen tuiusticiariorum.


[Item Nicholsus] et Hon ricus queruntur de Willelmo daBrumptone quod idem Willolmus per litterae suas et mandatadirectavicecomiti Bedfordie . . [in] quedammquisicion e daabbatteeorum B. daHengham captainter Willolmum de Temesforde

et“predictos Hon ricum et Nicholaum [fecit iuratores quo]s voluit ,qui quidem iuratores sumptihus et expensis predicti Willelmi deBrumptone veneruntapud Londonism et ibi dixerun t con traipsosHon ricum [et Nieholuum videlicet quod per abbettum ipsorum

fuit predictusWil1a1mn s Temesforde indictstus de receptamentissupradictis : per quod 1psi Hen ricus [et N1cholaus] dampnuti erantet inprisonatiad dampnum 1psorum cen tum librarum etc.

[Et Willel]mus ven it et dicit quod nullusmin ister Regisper procuracionemalterius campelli potest ed aliud faciendum quamadofficium suum pertinet, vudadicit quod omnes iuratores predictivenerun t per broue domin i Regis et per vicecomitem et non per

ipsum,et dicit quod iuratores predictos per donaaut iocaliaaut

[munera]aut oxhibicion om non procurauit pro commodo suo autaliquavalitate que ei inde uccidere passatad in iustum grauumen[eisdom] Henrico et N1choluo in ferendum. Paratus est verificareprout curiacon sideret tum per iuratores ipsos prius super hoc iuratosqui factum suum [approb]averun t quam per elios liberos et legaleshomines dacomitatu Bedfordie n eutri parti suspecto s : et predicti

Henricus et Nicholsus similiter. Ideapreceptum [est vicecomiti]quod ven ire fscist hic m octabis san cti Iohann is Baptiste xxiiij . etc.

de visn eto daTemesforde per quos etc . et qui n ec etc. ed [recog]noseendum etc. quiatum etc. Posteaadio sancti Iohann is Baptistein xv. diesanno vicesimo ven iun t predicti Honricus de laLeghe etNicholsus de Com es per Thomsm le Sockeattomatum suum : et

predictusW111elmusdeBrumpton e et iuratores similiter. Et predicti

Honricus et Nicholsus per [eundem]Thomsmattoma suum re

traxerun t se versus prodictum W111elmum Ideo consideratum est

quod predictus Willolmus eat inde quietus ot predicti Henricus et

Nicholsus ln misericordia.

PosteaRadulfus do Hougham finem fecit cum domin o Rego pro Cedula.predicts tran sgression e et omn ibus aliis transgression ibus, proutputet per litteram domini Regis patentem

‘ quam pen es se habet, permarcas, et Willolmus de Saham per ij . marcas

,et Nicholsus

The paten t of Hougham’s pardon


le dated 11 Feb., 1291° Cal. Paten t Ro lls,

dword I ., 1281- 1292, p. 421 .


daStupeltone per 1j marcas, et Walterue daHopton e per D.

marcas. Et indo inuenerun t plogios sufi cientesremanent penes magistrum W illolmum deMarchis thesaumriumdomini Regis. Et sciendum quod extracte de predictis fin ibus

facto sun t et liberate in scaccurio per manus Petri de Leycestria.

Defendan t— John daCava, clark to Ralph daHengham.

Comp lainant.— William daSaham.

Reference to manuscript.— B. Membran e 21

No other references.

Number of case in Appendix III.,63.

Willolmus de Saham quoritur domino Re'

go et eius consilio de

Iohann e de Caue dum idem Iohann es fuit clericus Radulfi de

Hengham et idem Willolmus de Ssham socius ipsius Radulfi inbancadomin i Regisapud Westmonasterium vbi quidem Henricusde laLeye et Nickolaus de Comes receesi fuerun t sin o die versus

quemdamWillolmum de Temesforde coram eis per n on prosecacionem ipsius Willelmi daTemesforde in vuo placitatransgres

Trinitatisan no regni regis nun c sextodecimoIohann esper illud inrotulumen tum mutundum de predicts quindenasancte Trin itatis vsque ad diem sancte Trin itatis in tres septimanno ; et postquam iidem Honricus et Nicholsus per iudicium siarecessi fuerunt predictus Iohan nes de Cenapro quinque marcisquas recapit dapredicto W illelmo de Temesforde misit quoddambroue domin i Regis sub testimon io predicti Radulfi de Henghamvicecomiti Bedfordie

,et ven ire fecit in fraactadies predictos vigiuti

quatuor in illainquisicion eadio san cte Trin itatis in tres septimanus . Set sicut placuit Doo quidem bonus homo qui fuit in curia

predicti Hon ricus et Nichclans recesserunt sin e die, dixit

predicto Radulfo de Hengham eorum omnibus quod non debuit

inde inquisicionem espero pro oo quod recessi fuerunt sin e die.

Unde predictus Radulfus supersedit,‘

ot Willolmus de Brumptone

qui sedobat iuxtaeum foro misit prodictum homin em pro dietasuo ad prisonam. Et cito post predictus Iohann es de Cenaperin rotulamentum mutatum fecit quoddam aliud broue de fmiendo


venire illummquisicionemadio sanctiMichaelis m tres septimanas ,quod quidem broue idemWillolmus s1gillasse duhitahat, quiaipsumin predicto broue uit tostem et broue illud tradidit in manusipaneWillelmi de am ed sigillundum, quiapredictus Radulfusdominne suusabsen s fuit per ordinacionem domin i Regis :brano, si illud sigillasset, vicecomes Radfordiaven ire fecit illum in

quisicionemadio sanctiMichaelis in tres septimanae. Quam in

quisicionem ipse Willolmus de Saham ot Waltorus de Winburnesocius suus simul eummagistraThomade Sodingtone coperun t, quin ichil seinemn t quod W illolmus de Brumptone et quidem Radulfusde Bello Campo miles fouebsn t partem predicti W illelmi deThemesforde, per cuius Radulfi daBallo Campo tenentes maximapars inquisicion is illins fuit. Et vbi predicti Hen rici et N icholsusillos calumpniarun t per bonum racion em, quiafuerunt homines predicti Radulfi daBallo Campo fouentis partemaduereum simul eum

predicto Willelmo de Brumptone qui totum eomposuit, ordiuauit,et fouebat, predicti Willolmus de Saham et Walterus de Winburn epredictus calumpn ias non ullocurunt necallocare debuerunt, prouteis videbatur quis predictus Radulfus de Bello Campo non fuit

nominatus in breui, nec querens fuit in illaquerela. Et in tan todecepti et seducti fuerun t per W illelmum de Brumpton e et

Iohannem de Cena. VudaidemWillolmus est in gran i forisfacturaversus domin um Regem ot pudoriter defamatue. Et petit quodsuper hoc audiatur modo et eorum domin o Rage, quiaparatus. est

Et Willolmus de Brumptone ven it et dicit quod vbi Willolmusde Saham inpon it ei sedicion em factum per ipsum W illolmum de

Bramptone in procesen loquele que fuit coram iusticiariis daBancaRegis, vbi ipse Willolmus de Saham fuit vnus sociorum, in ter


illelmum de Themesforde quaren tem et Hon ricum de laLoyo et

Nicholsum do Comes per rusturam rotulorum et alias trans

gression es con te n tas in peticion e ot querelaipsius W illelmi deuham quas ofi


ert verificare , quod idem Willolmus daSahamimponendo sedicion om, salus pace et reuerenciaauditorum,men titur.

Dicit eciam idem Willolmus de Brumptone quod Willolmus doSaham nullum sedicionem ei imponere potest cum ipse


WillolmusdaBrumptone numquam


ipsius Willelmi de Saham fami liaris sociusfaissetaut specialis eialiqualiterattin


gens : nec idemWillolmus deBrumpton e fu1t uliquo modo daplaces illavbi predicts sedicio factsf uisse dicitur

, per ipsum W. de Saham tamen et non per


aliquemalium. Dicit eciam idem W illolmus de Brumpton e quod,si aliquasedicioaliavel tran sgressio facts fuit in promissis, factsfuit extraneis qui habentaccion em et non ipsi Willelmo de Saham.

Dicit eciam idem Willolmus do Brumptone quod ex quo idem

Willolmus de Saham pleno cognoscit per peticion em suam quodpredicti Henricus et N 10holuusad cartum diem m quin denasancteTrinitatisanno sextodecimo recesserunt sine die in querelapredictsper indicium erasuo prolatum, et non potest dedicare quin ipeemetposteacon tinuauit predictam loqualsm et capit in de inquisicionemper homin es domin i Radulfi de Bello Campo calumpniato s et n on

purgatos per quam ipsi Honricus et Nicholsus dampnuti fuerun t,unde 1pse Willolmus de Saham in hoc se confitetur reum tatinacrimin is de quo n ullumappellare potest n isi tanquam letra, suumcognoscen s lstmcin ium et elios dasocietate sppellum . Unde idem

Willolmus de Brumptone petit indicium si sppellum dasedieion emodo iecastaut compstat ipsi W illelmo de Saham . Et hiis ipsiWillelmo doBrumptoneallocatis et habitis, super hiis inde paratusest vlterius respondere quatenus curiaconsiderauerit tamquamclericus.

Et Iohann es de Caue ven it et primaet principaliter petit quodidem Willelmus de Saham declaret sibi querelam suam Videlicetvbi dicit quod predicti Hen ricus et Nicholsus per indicium

recesserun t sin e dioadio sancte Trin itatis in quindecim dies annoxvj . , quod dicat per cuius indicium sie recesserun t sin e die ot quisroddidit indicium illud . Qui quidem Willolmus dicit quod ipeemetroddidit indicium per quod sic recesserunt sine dio etc. Et quo

ed ‘ brano daiudicio faciendo venire predictam mquisicion em infraceto dies post predictam quindenam sancte Trin itatis sub testimon iopredicti Radulfi de Hengham,

petit predictus Iohannes quodRadulfus resmndeat de breui suO °

, qui venit et dicit quod predictusWillolmus m hoc minus ben e dicit et in hoc pon it se super databreuis :quo scrutato, compertum est quoddataillin s breuis per quaminquisici o ven it adio san cte Trin itatis m tres septimanas exeossit

diem quindene predictoper quin que septimanae etamplius, et estdataillins bran is xxiiij . die Apriliaann o xvj

°. sicut patot per

tran scriptum illin s bran is hic ettachiatum. Et preteroaidemIohann es petit quod idem Willolmus declaret vlterius querelamsuam videlicet vbi dicit quod idem Iohannes fecisse debuit quoddam

MS. exad quoad.

The writ is printed in the textat the end of this case (p.


securitatem inuen iseet predictus Willolmus per medium oris sui

pmprii, postquam in uen it plagios de querelasuaprosequendaet

ulterius faciendo quod iustum esset in querelasua, dixit coramvobisauditoribus qui recordum habetis et represen tatis personamdomin i Regis, quod n on vult soqui querelam suam per verbafelon ie

,1mmo in formatran sgression is, n ec reeortiri potest n ec

debot de hoc quod per os suum dixit coram vobis qui recordumhabetis. Sic petit idem Iohann es de Cenaindicium primadapredicto Willelmo tanquam de eo qui defocit in secta. et

improbacione suaper recogn icion em suam proprium, n ec reeortiri

potest noe debetadaliquam querelam tran sgression is de articulispredictis daquibus questue fuit eorum vobis per verbs felon ie,desicut quodlibet sppellum de felon ie et seduccione sit datamaltanaturaq uod postquu

m sppellum factum ad sppellum

responsum, nullus respondere debet nec ten etur per placitumtran sgressionis, quod est in ferioris nature quam sit eius sppellum,

de rebus vnde appellutus est vol fuit, vudapreciso petit indicium

etc. Pretoreaprecise petit indicium desicut predictus Willolmusper recogn icion em suam proprium retraxit se daquerelasuasuperipsum Iohann em facts per verbafelon ie et eciam recognouorit per

os suum in iudicio quod ipse Willolmus daSaham roddidit

indicium per quod predicti Honricus de laLeye et N1cholaus do’

Com es sin e die recesserun t ad quindenam sancte Trinitatis annoxvj . et postearecogn ouit quod con traillud indicium sigillauitprodictum brano daiudicio in ter eos et aduersarium suum de

faeiendo venire predictam inquisicionem a.die sanctiMichaelis intres septimanas, et tun e inquisicion em illum capit con trafactumsuum proprium, quod quidem factum ben e scire debuit ; petit idemIohann es de Caue indicium do predicto W illelmo de Sahamtanquam de eo qui decepit curium domin i Regis per factum suum

per quod quidem factum multi b[on i homin es] haben t maximumdampnum otpudoremedocben e predicti Hen ricus etN icholsus quamalii,ad dampnum 1psius Iohan n is daCauemil e librarum] ; Vudaprecise petit iudicium etc. Dios datus est eis eaudiendo

]iudicio suo

adio sancti Hillarii 1n quindecim dies [[eorumaudi]toribus domin iRegis apud Westmonasterium. Posteaad diem 1llum venerun t

partes et predictus Iohannes petit indicium suum vt supra. E[tW illolmus] de Saham,

requisitus per Episcopùm Win ton iensemW illolmum lo Latimer et eliosauditores domin iRegis, si velit soquiversus prodictum [Iohan n em] de Caue : qui sepius dixit quod non


vult soqui versus eum n ec versus aliquem alium,set omn ino se

retraxit de querelasua. Et s[ic con eideratum est] quod predictusIohannes eat inde ein e die et ad indicium quoad prodictumWillolmum et dictum est si quod non exeat Villumhabuerit in mandatis. Et predictus Willolmus de Saham per

auditores requisitus si velit soqui versus Willolmum de Brumptone[dixit] quod non ,

est omn in o se retraxit de predicts querela.Ideaconeideratum est quod predictus Willolmus de Brumpton eaut

sin e dio et ad indicium] quoad prodictum W illolmum de


Edwardus Dei greciaRex Angliadominus Hibern iaet Dux Cedula.Aquitan iavicecomiti Bedfordie selutam. Q[uiaiuratores cuiusdsminquisicion is in ter Willolmum filium Hugon is quondam] person eecclesiade Temesforde queron tem et Honricum dalaLeye et

N icholaum de Com es de placitatrangression ie [min us fuerun tsufi eientes suspecti et calumpn iati, tibi] precipimus quod amotisomn ibus illis, scilicet Roberto le Crevoquer, Gelfrido Rolaunde,W illelmo le Harper, Hugone de Oyldeb[oeuf , Bugonale Blon t,Thoma] cum Barba, Simone le Fraunkeleyn , A leriadaLundres,Iohann e filio Iohann is de Colmorde, Willelmo Thyuille, Iohannele Ionone [Willelmo Mordant, W illelmo] Boyuan , Ricardo de

Blenes, Iohan n e de Exemouthe, Willelmo lo Child, Henrico de

Dylewyke, Hen rico daFlamuille, RicardoM[al]erhe W[illelmode Hsspey], Iohanne Charm,W illelmoMannes Ricardo Aundrou,

Roberto le Cite, et Simone le Charm, et loco eorum ven ire faciescoram n obis vel locum nostrum tenen tibusadio sancte Trin itatis intres septimanas vbicumque tune fuerimus vel fuerint in Angliaxxiiij . milites et legales homines de visn eto doTemesforde [per] quosrai veritas melius sciri poterit, et qui n ec prodictum W illolmumn ec predictos Hon ricum et Nicholaum aliquauflin itate uttingan t,ad rocognoscendum super sacramentum suum si predicti Honricuset N icholaus abbettauerun t prodictum Willolmum indictari deplurihus latrociniis, homicidiis et receptamento Ricardi ot Radulfifratrum suarum [postquam] vtlsgati fuerun t sicut predictus Willolmus dicit, vel omnino sicut predicti Honricus etNicholsus dicunt.

Quis tam predicti Henricus et Nicholsus quam predictus Willelmus inter quos in de contencio est, posuerun t se in inquisicion em

illum. Et tu ipse tune sis ibi auditurus indicium tuum de hoc

quod preceptum nostrum prius inde tibi directum n on est executam.

Et habeas ibi nominaiuratorum ot hoc broue. Teste Radulfo deHenghamapudWestmonasterium xxiiij die Aprilisanno xvj .’

m. 14,



Defendan t.— Ralph de Hougham chief justice of K 1ng'



Complainant — Willium de Camville.

Reference to manuscript.—B. Membrane 14 .

No other referen ces.

Number of case in Appendix III. , 96.

Willolmus de K sn uile mercator Bristollie queritur de dominoRadulfo daHengham de eo quod cum predictus Willolmus tulissetrecordum et processum cuiusdsm falsi indien redditi in ciuitste

daDiuelyn e eorum malore et ballivis ot commun itste predicto

ciuitatis, et illud recordum et processam sub sigillo capitaliain sticiarii de Hiberniapredicto Radulfo tulisset , vt predicto Willelmosuper predictis recordo et procesen iusticiam exhiheret : ot

similiter ven ire fecit Adam Hundrede et Wil lolmum daBeuerlucotune bullivos de Dyuelinu per broue iusticiariorum daDynelinucoram predicto Radulfo sdaudiendum indicium suum de recordo et

procesen predicto : idem RadulfusprodictumWillolmum coram ipsoandire n oluit, set ipsum fuguuit daban co et fugare fecit et oi

minabatur quod si vnquum posteapredictos recordum et processum

predicti falsi iudicii [proferret] quod ipsum inprisonari faceret pervnum annum et vnum diem vbi nec videret manum nec podem.

Istam in iurium fecit sibi predictus Radulfus ad dampnum ipsiusWillelmi etc.

Item idem Willolmus quoritur daeadem Radulfo do eo quodvbi idem W illolmus optulit se versus Adam Hundred ot petiit

indicium reddi secundum recordum ot processum predicti falsiindien in predicts curiaredditi, sicut preceptum domin i Regisvoluit

,ibi precepit predictus Radulfus eidem Willelmo quod de

n ono n srraret versus utornutum Ade Hundred aduersarii sui vt

sic ipsum Willolmum impediret in iuste n e aliquid recuperaretversus prefatum cnriam de Diuelinaoccasione predicti falsiindien et n e predicts curialibertatem suam perderet. Et quod

predictus Radulfus sic fecit, idem Willelmus vocat rotulos predictiRadulfi de termino Peschean n o regn i regis Edwardi xvij° etc.

Dublin . For Camville’s Irish suite see Cal.Documen ts relating to Ireland ,1285—1292 , especially nos. 460, 479,and 523 .



Item idemWillolmus queritnr de predictoRadulfo daeo quodcum predictus Adam Hundred conuictus fuit m banco eorum eademRadulfo tamquam pro indefen so et super hoc exiuit broue eiusdem

Redn lfi de iudicio capitalis iusticiarii de Hibern iaed del1berandnmpredicto Willelmo qusdrsgin talibras ot vnam marcam in custodiapredicti iusticiarn de Hiberniaexisten teS °

ot ad distfi ngendumprodictum Adam per torres et catallaad valorem ducenturum

librarum quae idem Willolmus petiit versus prefatum Adam, ibi

venit predictus Radulfus et indicium suum prius eorum ipso reddi

tum omnino sdn ichilauit :ad dampnum etc.

Item idemWillolmus queritn r dapredicto Radulfo daeo quodoi in inriabatur in hoc quod cum idem W illolmus prosecutusfuisset placitum prodictum per duosannos complete eorum predicto

Radulfo,et eciam post indicium comm oodem Radulfo per dimidium

annum,ubi ipsi de curianun cquam libertatemsuum calumpn iuuerunt,

ibi post predictos duosannos et dimidium remisit predictos recordum et processumad prefatum curiam daDiuelinaterminandumin iuste etad dampnum etc.

Item vbi idem Willolmus calumpn iauit dioons quod postindicium redditum n on dobet remitti loquelasd predictam curiamde Diuelina, idem Radulfus culumpn iss suas in hac parte non

sudiuit set laquelsm predictam remisit :ad grano dampnum ipsiusWillelmi cc. librarum etc.

Et predictus Radul fus do Hengham ven it et dicit quod n on

habuit broue domin i Regie originale cum recordo ot procesen , set

quoddam broue sub sigillo n on cogn ito , et dicit quod non debuit

procedere in predicto recordo sine bran i originali et de hoc vocatrotulos et brouead warrun tum.

Et Willelmus dicit quod protulit broue originale sub sigillo

capitaliaiusticiarn Hibern iaet de hoc vocat rotulos et brouead

Et predictus Radulfusad secundum querelam dicit quod non adnullauit prodictum recordum n ec fecit eum iterum placitare. Et de

hoc vocat recordum etc. Et predictus Willolmus similiter. Et

ad hoc quod predictus Willolmus dicit quod brano daiudicio exiuitde qusdrsgin talibris et vnamarca, dicit predictus Radulfus quodbroue exiuit sub nomin o districcion is et n on uliter : dicit eciampredictus Radulfus quod habuit quoddam broue domini Regis quodremitteret recordum illins loquelead partes Hibern ia, cuius trenscriptum profert in hoc verba:


Edwardus Dei gratiaetc . dilecto et fideli suo Radulfo daHengham salutem. Ex parte maioris et eiuium nostrorum Dub

lin ie n uper nobis existit conquerendo mon etratnm quod cum per

progen itores nostros Reges An gliafuerst concessum eisdom quodcum de placitis placitatie in predicts ciuitste conqueri voluerit

alterapars plaeitsntium daerrorealiquaseu grauaminaeidem facto ,idem error et granamen coram iusticiario n ostro capitali vel consilionostro seu iusticiarn s n ostris de banco ibidem corrigi deboret et

emendari . Et W illolmus de Csn n ile asseren s errorem fiori in

placitan oto in ter ipsum ex vnaparte et Willolmum daBeuerlucoet Adam Hundred eines nostros Dublin ie ex altare in ciuitste

predicts , dictum placitum coram vobis in Angliafecerit suoceri

con traHbertatos et concessiones progen itorum nostrorum predictus

in ipsorum eiuium detrimen tum non modicnm et iscturam. Naequevolontes dictorum eiuium nostrorum indempn itati respicere, vt

ten emus,vobis mandamus quod, si itaest de placitasupradicto, vos

vlterius non intromittatis et recordum quod habetis in Angliasuperpredicto plscitoad partes Hibern iatran smittstis vt ibidem in formapromises sepodictum placitum iusto modo ot debito termin etur

taliter vos habeatie in promissis ne predicti eines n ostri super hocad n os iterum recursum habere cagan tur. Teste etc.apud Cnndac ‘

xij . die Iun ii’an no regn i nostri xvij .

Et quiacompertum est quod predictus Radul fus non habuitbroue originale per quod potuit procedere et eciam compertum

est per prodictum brano domin i quod predictus Radul fus procederenon potuit in predicts loquelain preiudicium prodictorum cyn ium,

set quod remitteret predictam loqualsm ed partes Hibern ia: Ideacon eideratum est quod Radulfusaquerelaipsius Willelmi recedatquietus. Et Willolmus n ichil espiet per querelam suam,

set sit in

misericordiapro falso clamio. Et condonatur quiapauper ete .

Condat, near Libourne, dep. G ironda.Corrected from Februarii. ’


Dcfendarnts.— Ralph de Hougham chief justice of K ing


Bench, with John de Lovetot, Richard de Boyland,and Thomas de Weyland.

Cornplainant.—Williem daBardwell.Referen ce to manuscript.— B.,Membrane 6.

No other references.

Number of case in Appendix III 95 .

Willolmus daBerdewelle ‘ capellsnus queritnr de Radulfo daHougham,iusticiario domini Regis , quod cum idem Willolmus

nuper in absen ciadomin i Regis m partibus marin is agen tie quoddam brano datransgressione coram dietaRadulfo et sociis suis

contraabbatem san cti Edmundi et elios in breui detulisset idem

Radulfus, eo pretoxtu quod cartum feodum dacameradictiabbatispereeporat, partorn dicti abbatis con tre iusticiarios manutenebst


et dictumWillolmum multum g muubet : quod cumad diem placitivenisset et narratores dicti Willelmi secundum formsm breuis

sufi cien ter narrassen t, dictus Radulfus ob fauoromabbatis predictiex cautelaprecogitats narratores ipsius Willelmi ad placitundnmvltraformam bran is induxit et ipsosandire n oluit donoc hoc feco

rint,placitum dicti W illelmi taliter con fundendo quod ex tenore

branis originalis et formaplaciti liquido poteritappurare.

Queritur eciam quod Iohann es de Lonatot et Ricardulande iusticiarii domin i Regis eo die cum abbate venerant adindicium

,et consilium etauxilium eidem contradictumWillolmum

alam et palam inpondehnnt : queritnr eciam quod Thomas deWeylaunde, tune iusticiarius domin i Regis, con silium et auxiliumpro dietaabbate semper vnacum aliis iusticiar ns supradictisinpendehst in plucito euprudicto . Et cum in [dieta]sione fuisset placitum et ad inquisicion em capiendum denen erit


et aparte dicti Willelmi petitur in iudicio remedinm super eo

de iudicio, tam in placitaEdmnudi retornum branis

demandetnr per V[icecomitem sense]callo libertatis sancti Edmundiet per ipsum senescallum bslliuis 1psiusabbatis m eadem libertate

Bardwell, Sufiolk.


traditur exoquondum ; et poricnlosum fuisset d[icto W si

bellin i dicti abbatis dictum inquisicion em eleg1ssont : iudicatumfuit

,et broue inde directum,

quod inquisici0 illade cons[en su et

in presen]ciu pareiam si in teresse voluissen t fuisset electa: nod

quidem indic[ium] die aduen ien te dicti Radulfus et socii sui [nonfaciebant] son nonadinpleban t, peralias quam de consensu purciumelectos inquirendi, con travolun tatem dicti Willelmi videlicet [pereos qui] bellin i dictiabbatis fecerun t venire, licet dictusWillolmusdie sibi dato comparuisset et in certus personas

[palumpn iare]

fuisset paratus. Qneritur eciam quod dictus Red S et socii sui

plures dainquisicione non suspectos quos per muneradictus s[hbasdesign svit] absque iudicio, postquam n ominaeorum fuerun t per

vicecomitem retorn sts,privatim fecerat remoueri itaquodad libitum

[ii] quos noluit amoneri fuerun t amati ot quos noluit

retin ere rotan ti. Et quod itasit paratus est probure [et]quod dictus Radulfus n imis fauebut abbati supradicto appurarepotest in in speccione rotulorum

,videlicet quod [defaltam fe]eerst

propter quam gran iter umercisri debuerat,et dictus Willolmus

magnum districcion em prosecutne fuerst con traeundem d ictus

Radulfus illo] die, parcere volen s dicto abbati, cum domini gis

comodum pocius afl'

ectare dehuisset quam dictiabbatis, nullum de

dieta[abbate] pen itus fecit mencionem in rotulis supradictis,domin um Regem taliter iure suo defraudando . Qn eritur eciamquod iuratores in inquisicion e predicts licet suspoeti fn iesen t et perpartemaduemam electi : de transgressione predicts de quabranosuum faciebatmencion em n ichil dicoban t, set tan tum de eo superquoultraformam bran is per fanarem iusticiariorum fuerst placitatnm.

Et cum indicatum fuit quod dictus Willolmus n ichil esparat perbroue suum

, set esset in misericordiacentum solidorum pro falsoclamio , ot illud factum fuit in pleno iudicio per iusticiarios, non periuratsm, contraformsm magn o carte domin i Regis, in quafauorabbati exhibitus et duricis partiaduerse liquido poterintappurare,precipue cum dictum smercismen tum in abbatis sicut

et esterade libertate suadebeun t prouen ire. Et quod in inquisicione capiendaven ieban t Iohannes de Loue[tot et Ricardas] deBoylunde cum abbate supradicto et ipsum pupplice iunuhan t,

52 SELECT CASES mom nom. 541 11.

Wyn forde, ac cepisset quadragin debito domini Regis,per extractas quas idem Rogerus ei liberauit per quindecim dies

post deliberacionem suamaprison o predictaet illaaneric fugassetad curiam de Won forde, capitale puroum ipsius hundredi, in quoidem Thomas habuit quadragintaaueriasuapropria: Idem Rogerussimul cum Ricardo de Paulesholte

,ian itore predicti castri , etaliis

hominibus ignotis, ven it ibidem,et omn iaaueriapredictafugauit et

fugare fecitad castrum predictum et illavendidit sine causa: et

cum venditafuerunt idemThomasappropinquauit eundem Rogerumet petiit ab eoquare aueriaillavendidit qui si respondit quodsibi nocebit in quan tum potuit, quousque fecisset sibi quietamclamanciam et relaxacion em de omn ibus accion ibus suis versus

eun dem Rogerumet de inprisonamento predicto . Et cum idem

Thomas recusauit facere predictos quietam clamanciam et relaxaidem Rogerus amerciauit duodecim plegios ipsius Thome

qui ipsum plegiauerunt de predictaprisona, videlicet quemlibetipsorumad quadragin tadenarios, vn ico plegio excepto . Vnde illade causaipsum posteaamerciauit in comitatu sin e iudicio et

consideracione vt ipsum faceret mendicum : per quod inprisonamentumatque oppmssiones eiusdem Rogeri idem Thomasamisit debon is suisad valenciam centum librarum,

itaquod exulat apatriaillan eoansus est ibimoram trahere

,et ob causas illas idemRogerus

intulitactenus grauaminaomn ibus amicis eiusdem Thorne. Vnde

dicit quod deterioratus est et dampuum habet ad valenciam

Et Rogerus ven it et dicit quod idem Thomas tempore predictofuit hallians domin i Regis, et gratis ven it in castro Exon ie adreddendum compotum suum de omn imodis receptis in temporeballino sue, vnde remansit in arreragiis de trigin taet sex libris : obquodareatatus fuit et missusad prisonam domin iRegis et detentusquousque soluisset predictaarreragia. Posteaamici eiusdemThornevenerunt ibidem et manuceperun t soluendi prodictum pecun iampro eo in fra.certam diem. Et cum dies ille fuisset preteri tus, idemThomas ven it et in trauit quatew iginti aueriade bonavolun tatesuatauqnam suapropriaproquadam parte arreragiorum illorum.

Et cum idem Rogerus aueriailladetinuisset per quin decim diespostea.velamplius, fecit illaappreciari et vendi prout decet. Et perdimidium annum postea

,quiaidem Thomas non satisfecit de

arrerariis illis, fecit distringere eius manucaptores ven iendi adWonford.


scaccarium domin i Regis in eodem castro qui cum ibidem ven erun t,

amerciati fuerun t per con sideracion em eisdem scaccarii pro manucapcion e predicta. Et quoadamerciamen ts ipsius Thorne dicit quodipsum numquam amerciauit n ec 1npn sonau1t sicut queritnr. Et

hoc petit quod in quiratur per patriam. Et Thomas quoadamerciamen tum pmdictorummanucaptorum petit indicium, desicut

idem Rogerus cognoscit quod ipsiamerciati fuerunt per consideracionem predicti scaccarii . Et idem Rogerus tenuit prodictumscaocarium predictis die et loco et eosamerciauit pro volun tate suaet non per pares suos secundum communem legem A nglie. Et

Rogerus non potest hoc dedicere . Ideo ipse in misericordia.Et quoad inprisonamen tum dicit quod ipsum imprisonauit sicut

queritur. Dicit ceiam quod nuncquam reddidit ei predict…compotum n ecaliquos man ucaptores ei inuenit proaliquo debito ,nec predictaaueriain trauit, et hoc petit quod inquiratur perpatriam . Ideo preceptum est ooronatoribus quod venire facian thicadie Pasche in vn um men sem xxiii3 etc.

, per quos etc.


qui nec etc. , ad certificandum etc. quiatam etc. Jacobus deOxton e de comitat u Deuonie, W illelmus Darwyn e de eodem

comitatu, Robertus Tisson de eadem comitatu Simon de Mon teA cuto de eodem comitatu, Willelmus de Bustone de comitatuLin coln ie , Eustachius de Lincolniade oodem comitatu manuceperun t predictum Rogerum de habendo eum hic ad prefatumtermin um etc.

Defemian t.— John de Lovetot, justice .

Complwim n t.— John , son of Hubert de Harlow .

Referen ces to manuscript.— B.

,Membranes 28and 28d.

No other referen ces.

Number of case in Appendix III .,113.

Iohann es filius Huberti de Herlawe queritnr de Iohann e deLanctot quod cum idem Iohann es Huberd habuisset nutrituramcorporis Iohann is filii Petri de Pereuile perassignmion em eiusdem

Petri patriapredicti Iohann is, ipso Petro superstite , et postmortem eiusdem Petri predictus Iohann es Huberd intrasset in

Harlow ,Essex.


tenemen ts predicti Petri in villadeMatchynges,1 n omin e einademIohann is filii Petri, et tamquam custos eiusdem Iohann is

, et de

eisdom tenemen tis seisitus fuisset de primaseptimanaPascheannoregn i Regis 11un o xv . vsque in diemMartis proximam ante festumsancteMargarete anno predicto : Ad quem diem G ilbertus filiusW illelmi de Denemawe ,’ Clemen s de Ockham 3

et Willelmus leEnueyse deWydyngton“ven erun t cum lx . homin ibus ignotis, v1

etam is et con trapacem,ad domum predicti Iohan n is suprad1ctam,

et ibidem in trauerun t ad pugnandum cum hominibus predicti

Iohannis Huberd,et quosdam homin es suos in tradomos predictus

tenuerun t et quosdam extra., itaquod n eque potuerun t in trareneque exire . Per quod idem Iohan n es Huberd recen ter eodemdie adiuit comitatum Essexie, et in pleno comitatu questus fuitvicecomiti comitatus predicti, videlicet Hugon1 le Biund, qualiterhomin es ignoti fuerunt mgressi domum suam

,et ibi se tenuerun t

vi etarmis,et vnde supplicau11:predicto vicecomiti quod huiusmodi

vim con trapacem Regisamoueret . Per quod predictus vicecomesordinauit et precepit Iohann i Tracy coronatori comitatus predictiWillelmo de Rothynges con stabulario et custodi pacis, et Waryn obollino Regis


m hundredo illo , quod ipsi adirent domos predictiIohan n is apud Matchynges, et ibi videren t si querelapredictiIohan nis fuit veran ecne

, et si inueniren t ibi huiusmodi vim,quod

illam amoueren t, vel quod ipsi attachiaren t huiusmodi vim in

feren tesad predicti Iohann is Huberd sectam. Ac iidem coronator,con stabularius et balliuus ibidem ven erun t cum albis virgis suis

ad domam predicti Iohannis Huberd, et ibidem inuenerun t G il

hortum filium Willelmi de Den emawe, Clemen tem de Ockham,

et Willelmum le Enueyse de Wydyton e cum hominibus ignotis vi

et armis,sicut predictus Iohan nes Huberd querebatur. Et vn de

preceptum fuit per predictos coronatorem,constabularium et bal

linum ex parte domini Regis predictis G ilberto et aliis quoddepon erent vim illam et quod se reddidissen t ad pacem domin i

Regis : qui illud noluerun t facere set saggitauerun tad coronatorempredictum et ipsum percusserimt per medium tabardi


fere ipsum occidissent . Per quod idem coronator leuauit hutesiumsuper eos

,tamquam super eos qui fuerunt contrapacem domini

Regis. Per quod patriacongregauit ibi iuxtastatutum domin i Regisad remouendum huiusmodi vim. In ter quos venit quidam Ricardus

Matching. Dunmow. Cookham.

Widdington . Roothing.


56 SELECT CASES mom nou . 541 B.

predictum Iohan n em Huberd et ducere apud Colecestre per

quemdam Iohan nem de Blanmcuster balliuum eiusdem vice

comitis . Et posteacum idem Iohan n es Huberd ven it coramIohann e L[uuetct] et Ricardo de c laude , et supplicauit quoddiceren t ei occasion em quare ipse fuit sic arestatus et vnde

iidem 1ust1C1ar11 per examimcicn em vicecomitis inuen erun t quodn ichil fiebat iuste eidem Iohan n i Huberd in predictaarestacionevnde dictum fuit eidem Iohanni quod adiret [ad] domum suamquousquealiud haberet m mandatis.

Item idem Iohann es Huberd queritur de predicto Iohan n eLcuetot quod cum idem Iohann es Huberd summon itus fuit coramcc in quadam in quisicion e, et ven it coram eo apud Waldene die

sanctiMichaelis, predictus Iohan n es Lou

sin e breui, et ipsum liberauit vicecomiti tanquam prisonarium, et

precepit eidem vicecomiti quod duceret eum apud Cclecestre adprisonam: itaquod vixad requisicioneml ohann ie de Bakew elle inuen it manucapcion em essendi coram ec

quocumque faceret ei scire : sub quamanucapcione predictus

Iohannesadhuc moratur.

Item idem Iohannes Huberd queritnr de predicto Iohanne deLunetot quod cum idem Iohann es Huberd accusatns fuisset perquamdam inquisicion em, vn de iuratores eiusdem inquisicionis

fuerun t in imici predicti Iohannis Huberd in quibus predictusIohann es nunquam se posuit, coram predicto Iohanne Lcuetot et

sociis suis iusticiarn s in Banco, quod idem Iohann es Huberd fuitabettator cuiusdam falsiappelli : perquod preceptum fuit vicecomitiquod ven ire faceret predictum Iohan n em Huberd ad certum diem

ad respondendum Regi et aliis de se super hoc conquerentibus

predictus Iohan n es Huberd nullam habui t resmn sicn em, set pre

ceptum fuit per prodictum Iohann em de Louetot quod predictusIohannes committeretur gaole propter illam transgressionem,


quod statim faceret finem,et n ichilomiuus quod statim responderet

aliis de se conquerentibus, et vix potuit finem suum facere quinadhuc iretad prisonam : et fecit finem prc qusdrsgin tasolidis quosvicecomes nunc ab ec exigit ad opus domini Regis . Et vnde

queritnr quod statim post illum finem factum, predictus Iohann esrespondit et dixit quod n on fuit abettator illius appelli, et hocpetiit quod inquireretur. Et vnde preceptum vicecomiti Essexie

Colchester. Bafiron Walden .


quod ven ire faceretad certmn diem bon os et legales etc. Ad quemdiem ven erunt et dixerun t quod predictus Iohan nesHuberd nunquam fuitabettator predicti falsiappelli, et sic ipsumacquietanerun t. Istas in iurias

,inprisonamen tain iusta, et alias


transgression es fecit predictus Iohann es Lcuetot , et fieri fecit

eidem Iohan n i Huberd,ad dampnum ipsius Iohann is qusdrsgin ta

librarum etc.

Et predictus Iohann es de Lcuetot ven it et quoad recepcion emVigin ti marcarum, quas predictus Iohan n es Huberd ipsum dicit

recepisse de predicto Gilberto etaliisadhuc ut esset iusticiariusaddeliberacion em ipsius Gilberti et aliorum assignatus, dicit quodnunquam recepit illas vigiuti marcas, n ec peraliquemalium recipi

fecit. Et hoc paratus est verificare secundum quod auditoresconsiderauerin t.

Et Iohann es Huberd dicit quod W illelmusMadle sen ior, cuiusfiliam idem G ilbertus duxit in vxorem

, predictas vigiuti marcassoluit Henrico de G ildefcrde

,Clerico eiusdem Iohan n is, qui medius

fuit in ter predictos G ilbertum et Iohann em de Lcuetot adprocurandum dominum suum quod esset iusticiarius ad deliberacionem predicti Gilberti etaliorum faciendam. Et hoc paratus estverificare per bonos et le les homines de comitatu Essexie quod

predicte Vigin ti marce Éiredicto Iohann i] de Lcuetot per manuspredicti Willelmi deMadle liberate fuerunt . Et posteadictusIohann es [de Lcuetot ven it et] cognouit per sacramen tum suum

quod recepit quamdam [summamargen ti ]

Quesiuit vlterius de predictis iurato ribus quis predictum

Ricardum interfecit [et per cuiusabbettum isti] indictati fueruntde morte eiusdem R1cardi . Qui dixerun t quod quidam Radulfusle K en , qui fuit cum [Clemen te de C chham,

ipsum Ricarduminterfecit, et quod per abbettum dicti ohann is Huberd fuerun tomn es predicti indictati de predicts morte . [Ideo] precepit quodidem Iohann es Huberd attachiaretur pro predicto abbetto, et

hoc in ste sicut ei videtur,ex quo indictatus fuit deabbetto ; set

videturaliquibus quod in casu isto non estabbettum reputandumet quod dictus Iohann es de Luuetct in facto isto aliter processitquam debuerat. Et hoc idemasserit idem Iohann es Huberd.

Et G ilbertus filius Wil lelmi, de quo idem Iohannes Huberd


queritn r, iuratus et examinatus dicit et reocgnoscit per sacramen tumsuum quod cum ipse et plures alii essen t in quadam domo apudMatchynges, quam quidem domum cum terrisad eam pertinentibusclamat dictus Gilbertus sibi pertin ere racion e nutriture heredis

dictorum tenemen torum venit ibi Iohann esTracy corcnstor Essexieducens secum quamplurimos ad sectam et querelam prefatiIohann is Huberd, qui in pleno comitatu apud Chelmersforde deeodem Gilberto et de omn ibus aliis secum in eadem domo

conmcrantibus querebatur : per quod idem coronator cum predictis

homin ibus ibidemaccessit adamcuendum predictos G ilbertum et

alias . Itaquod in predicto aduen tu quidam Ricardus filius

Iulian e in terfectns fuit inter ecs et statim ipso Ricardo sic

in terfecto ,omn es in predicts domo stan tes cum eodem Gilberto

preter ipsum G [ilbertum] etalios xxvj quorum n ominainuen iun turin recordo deliberacion is gayole eorundem,

fugerun t : et idem coro

nator dictum G ilbertum et predictos xxvj arestauit etattachian it.quousque inuen erunt per inquisicionem qui de dietafeloniacasen tculpabiles . Et quiadubitabat indictari de dietain terfection e et

felon ia, promisit eidem coronatori xx . marcas de quibus quidem

xx . marcis satisfecit eidem et statim ei solnit quinque marcas vt depredictafelon ian on indictaretur. Et quod ipsum G ilbertum in teralice indictatcs non posuisset.

l Dicit eciam idem G ilbertus quod

dictus coronator cepit inde inquisicionem incon tin enti super dietafelonia, per quam inquisicion em quidam Clemens de Ockham et

Radulfus colmeeiusdem Clementis in uen ti fuerun t culpabiles. Et

captasic inquisicione predicta, idem coronator duxit dictum

G ilbertum etalios xxvj . vsquead Chelmersforde , et eos ibi liberauitWillelmo de Sutton e, subuicecomiti Hugon is le Blunde tun e

vicecomitis, per litteram suam paten tem sigillo suo signatam : qui

quidem W illolmus eos recepit et ibidem detinuit per vnum diem et

vnam noctem vaque in diem crastinum quod fin em feoerat cum

predicto Willelmo de Sutton e ad opus domin i sui per decem

marcas tali condicion e, quod dictus G ilbertus,Willelmus frate r

eiusdem Gilberti, Radulfus filius W illelmi de Don emaw e,W illolmus filius eiusdem Gilberti et W illelmus le Enucyse n on

essen t ducti ad gayolam Oolecestre cum al11s attachiatis. De

quibus quidem decem marcis dictus G ilbertus inuenit fideiussores,videlicet Radulfum Bygcd et Iohann em de Durham

,quos quidem

fideiussores idem Hugo vicecomes implacitauit et per brene domin iMS. polluisset.

60 SELECT CASES FROMnom. 541 11.

eidem Gilberto in dietadeliberacion e per prefatum Honricumprestito , et eciam in quadamassisanon e disseisine quam Iohann esde Peruillearrainauit per sectam ipsius Gilberti versus predictumIohann em Huberd etalice in broui coram Thomade Weylande et

predicto Iohanne de Lcuetot, Iohann e Cobham, et Willelmo deMiddelton e , iusticiariisassignatisapud Stratforde, eo quod predictusG ilbertus clamauit custodiam de predicto Iohan ne de Peruille et

tenemen torum de quibus querebatur esse disseisitus.Et quoad ultimsm querelam super predictam Iohann em de

Lcuetot de xl. s. inuentum est per rotulos iusticisriorum de Bancoquoddam irrotulamen tum in hec verba

De Iohann e Huberd de Herlawe pro tran sgressione xl . 8 . pm

plegiagiis Iohann is de Tracy Wokindone.

Et compertum est per examinacionem rotulorum inde factamquod predictus Iohann es Huberd non fuit culpabilis de aliquatran sgression e, n isi tan tum quod indictatus fuit deabetto indictsmen ti Gilberti filii Willelmi et aliorum indictatorum de morte

Ricardi filii Iuliane, de quo abetto n ondum fuit conuictus n isi

tantum accusatus per quod videtur eidem Ichan n i Huberd quodquedam volun tas facts fuit ei per prefatum Ichann em de Lcuetotetn on lex . Quando venit perattachiamen tum coram prefato Iohann ede Lcuetot et sociis suis iusticiariis de Banco n on potuit darerespon sum donec fecerst fin em per predictos xl. s.

,alioquin misisset

eum in prisons, et hoc dixit ei predictus Iohan nes de Lcuetot in

pleno banco quod prefatus Iohan nes Huberti eligeret vtrum malletmittiad prisonam vel finem facere . Et Iohan nes de Lcuetot superhoc examinatus hoc idem ben e cognouit. Et cum fecerat finem

per predictos xl . s.,dictum fuit per prefatum Iohann em de

Louetot eidem Iohan n i Huberd quod resmnderet incontinenti de

se conqueren tibus qui respondit quod non fuit sbottator indictsmenti pmdictorum Gilberti filii Willelmi etaliorum, et super hocposait se super patriam que ven it et ipsum Iohann em de abettopredicto pen itusaquietauit et hoc compertum est per recordum et

processum rotulorum.

Postea.ven it Hugo le Blund quiainuen tus fuit in curia. Iuratuset examinatus super recepticn e predicts rum decem marcarumbene cognouit quod implacitauit Radulfum Bigod et alicefideiussores dicti Gilberti de predicts promission e in comitatuEssexieapudChelmesforde,quousque sstisfecerun t eidemHugon i deseptem marcis in parte solucion is predictsrum decemmarcarum, set


dicit quod nullum denariumab eo recepit per quod domin us Rexin aliquo esset perdona, n isi tan tum ut eidem Gilberto in suadeliberacion e con silium prestaret etauxilium . Et quiacompertumest per recognicion em predicti Hugon is quod cepit predictusseptem marcas in partem solucion is decem marcaram per manuspredictorum Radulfi Bigod et aliorum fideiussomm eiusdem

Gilberti ad dimittendum predictum G ilbertum et omnes aliosindictatos de morte predicti Ricardi filii Iulian e per pleuinam quiper statutum Regis non fuerun t replegiabiles : et non potui t

dedicere quin dimisit illos per pleuinam qui per commun e brene

sun t irreplegiabiles. Nec ostendere potuit idem Hugo quodaliquidbreue Regis speciale habuit per quod ipsos sic de morte hominis

indictatos dimittere potuit per pleuinam : consideratum est quod

predictus Hugo committatur gaola. Posteapredictus Hugo finem Gaola.suum per Vigin ti marcas per plegiagium Roberti


G ifl'ard militis et

Nicholai deWokingdcne de comitatuEssexie . 1acompertumest eciam per recogn icionem predicti Henrici de

E“Gildefcrde quod

procurauit dominum suum esse iusticiariumad predictam deliberacion em faciendam, et quod eidem Gilberto et aliis indictatisconsilium etauxilium prestitit in suadeliberacion e pro predictiscen tum solidis quosab eodem Gilberto recepit, et ei hoc non licuit

qui fuit ibi clericus iusticiariorum in predicts deliberacione : n ecpotuit dedicere quin manutenuit predictum Gilbertum et Iohann emde Peruille in placito predicts assise n one disseisin e coram predicto domin o suo I[chann e] de Lcuetot 1n capcione eiusdem assiseassignato ,

et se ipso tun e Clerico eiusdem Iohann is Lcuetot ibiexisten te , et hoc maxime con trastatutum domin i Regis : con

eideratum est quod predictusHen ricus estad Turrim London ie ib1moraturus pro voluntate domini Regis.

Posteapredictus Hen ricus fin em fecit cum Rego pro predictstran sgression e per cen tum marcas. Et inde in uen it plegios suffi

cientes quorum nominaremanen t penes magistrum Willelmum deMarchis thesaurarium domin i Regis.

Et quiapredictus Gilbertus n ichil fecit n isiad saluacion em vite

fame [etc., coneideratum est quod] predictus G ilbertus parum Linoolniee

vel n ichil deliquit in procuracionibus et donis suis predictis. Ideo

predictus Gilbertus [inde sin e die]

m. 20.


Defendan t.— John de Lovetot.Ow b im n t.— Thomas prior of church of St. Mary of

Butley .

Reference to manuscript .—B. ,Membranes 20, 20d.

Other references —Membrane 1 1Number of case in Appendix III . , 117.

Thomas, prior ecclesie sancteMarie de Buttele, l queritur deIohann e de Lcuetot de eo quod idem Iohann es irrotnlare fecit inrotalis suis

,ad maximam exheredacionem ecclesie predicti prioris,

veredictum cuiusdsmassise n on e disseisin e coram oodem Iohanneapud Disco“capte, in terMartinum filium Osberti


le Prouost petentem et prodictum priorem deforciatorem de vuo mesuagio, vnasora,et vnarodaterre cum pertinenciis in Somerton e.

3 Primo vbi iuratoresdiceban t quod predictusMartinus fuit vi llanus predicti prioris et

fecit redempcionem carn is et sanguinis et finem fecit in pmpriapersonacum pred1ctc priore per vigiuti solidos pro habendalicenciase mafi tandi cuidam Matilli, ibi falso irrotulare fecit quodpredicts Matillis fuit liberaet fecit predictum finem

,et non

predictusMartinus nec eciam irrotulare fecit quod dictusMartinusfuit natiuus predicti prioriasicut iurato res dixerun t. Item vbi

iuratores dixerunt quod Osbertus,pater predicti Martin i, fuit

natiuus predicti prioris et fecit redempcionem carn is et sanguin is,de hoc n ichil irrotulauit set omn ino pretermisit. Item vbi iuratoresdixerunt quod Humfridus, pater dicti Osberti et auus predictiMartini, fuit natiuus predicti prioris et fecit redempcionem carnis etsanguin is, ibi irrotulare fecit quod predicti iuratores dixerun t quodhoc ignorauerun t. Item vbi predicti iuratores dixerunt quod eratquidam Edricns abauus predictiMartin i, et de ipso Edrico perIohan n em de Lcuetot requisiti vtrum erat natiuus et fecit redempcion em carn is et sanguin isvel n on ,dixerun t quod nescierun t, ibi irrotulare fecit idem Iohan nes quod omn ino fuit liber homo et ex se ipsovlterius irrotulare fecit quod predictus Edricus fuit filius cuiusdsmWoln erici qui fuit liber homo ; de quo Wcln erico predicti iuratoresnullam fecerunt mencion em,

n ec vnquam talis Wolnericus fuit in

Butley,apriory of Black Caucus, near Woodbridge , Suffolk.

Dias, Norfolk. West Somerton , near Caistor, Norfolk.

64 SELECT CASES FROM. som. 541 B.

eos fuit prouisum sicut per examinaeionem eorum con [victum fuito]b quod manucaptus fuit per Thomsm de Begeuille militem

et alice sicut in eadem recordo con tin etur, prefatus Iohannesiterum requisitus [fuit] qualiter processerunt ad capcion em pre

fate assise, ex quo predicti xij recogn itoree non fuerun t de vuo et

eod assensu in suo veredicto . Et Iohann es dicit quod quandoIohan nes de Pykeringes et socii sui xij iuratores erant carcerati etpostearedierunt ad pronunciandnm veredictum suum, predictus

Iohann es de Pykeringes pro se et soen s suis primo ore suo proprioex assen su omn ium sociorum snorum pronun ciauit omn iaqueconten tasunt in veredicto conten to in predicto recordo. Et

accepto illo veredicto dictum fuit eidem Iohanni de Pykeringes et

prefatis sociis suis per ipsum Iohann em de Lun etot quod si forte

mmpertum esset quod dictusMartinus disseisitus esset per prioremetalice quod tractarent inter eos et taxarent que dampus idemMartin us sustinuit occasion e illins disseisin e. Et dicunt quodpredictus Iohannes dePykeringes hceandito in con tinenti dixit quodn un quam aliud d[ampnum de eo] quod ipseMartin us villanus fuit .

Et sic dicit Iohann es de Lun etot quod ex quo ipse et Willelmns dePageham socius suus inuenerun t prefatum Iohann em [de]Pykeringessie contrarium sociis suis et veredicto prius ore suo pronunciatoseparauerun t ipsum de sociis suiset iniunxerun tprefatis xj [sociis]suis reeogn itcribus predictis ad in terloquendum super veredioto

predicto. Qui quidem xi . recogn itoresabsque ipso Iohann e omn iaque prius dietaeran t in predicto ver[edicto sicut in recordo]

[confirmavem n t], ipso Iohan ne de Pykeringes non

concedente n ee consenciente , cb quod posteaarestatus fuit et

manucaptus prout patet [supra]. Dixerun t tamen quod vtrum

predictusMartinus fuit villanus n ecn e ignorauerun t . Et vnde pre

dictus Iohannes de Lunetot dicit quod predict [usWillelmn s]anditoet accepto veredicto predicto per predictos xi. reeogn itcres simuleum prefatis xj . reeognitcribus taxauit dampus ipsiusMartin iadV[nam maream. Et quia] Willelmus de Pageham per lieeneiamauditorum et non per sectam prioris acuriainde recessit quietus,videtur tamen auditoribus quod exped[it ipsumcoram eis examinsndum super quibusdamarticulisdum et processum tangen tibus : preceptum est vicecomiti quod

[haberet etc. in crastino] Assen cion is Domini etc. Et quiaineon sideraeion e super veredicto prime assise compertum est quodIohannes Pykeringes vnus [recogn itorum predietcrum in narrando]


veredictum contrarius fuit omn ibus al11s reeogn itcribus narrandoaliud quam inter eos fuit prius et n ichil de illo con trario in recordo

[con tinetn r] immc quod veredictum captum fuit et receptumse si omnes de vuo et eodemassensu fuissen t in veredicto prediCto

[n ee dicitur] sive specifieatur etc . n ee duodecimusab xj . fuitseparatns nee examinatus nec xj aduodecimo separati n ec per seexaminati ete. prout paratus est [verifiéare] subse

cutum fuit indicium non legi sive consuetudin e regni consonnm

videtur man ifesto quod recordum illud [falsum est

Et] eciam quiain predicto recordo non inuen itur vtrum prefatusprior seisitus fuit de dieteMartino die quo [obiit sicut de natiuo]

et villano suo vel ceiam si idem prior vel predecessores sui

seisiti fuissen t de Osberto patre ipsius [Martin i et de

Humfrido] patre predicti Osberti nee de natin is et villanis suis

eapiendcab ipsis Humfrido, Osberto etMartinoquiaconstat per ccn fessionem predictiMartini super hoc requisiti etper con fession em predictorum Iohan n is et Willelmiiusticiariorumadassisam predictam in propriapersonasua, immoper quemdam Ricardum de Hemmesby balliuum [qui n on habuitpotestatem pcnen]di ius sanguin is natin i domin i sui in iudiciumconcordatum est quod assisapredicts re-examinetur etc. Ideopreceptum est vicecomiti [quod haberet etc. in crastin o] Assencion is Domin i recogn itoree assise predicte etc. Et preceptum est

vicecomiti quod scire fscist predicto Martino quod sit hic adprefatum diem ad [audiendum examinacionemassise predicte ad faciendum de et recipiendum ete . Et idem

dies datus est predicto Iohann i de Lun eto t ete. P[ostea]venerun t recogn itores predicteassise, et similiterMartinuspredictus,Iohan nes et W illelmus aliud reeordati fuerun t [sicut ccm]pertum fuit per recordum rotulorum [in] thesauro domin iRegis. Et eciam quiaiuratores predicti min us sufiicien ter fuerun texaminati super artien lis predictis sicut patet in r[otulo]iuratores iurati et examinati qui dicun t super sacramen tum suum

quod Martinus fuit villanus ipsius prioris die quo eieet[us]quod predictusMartinus perquisiuit predicts villanus [pre] [ict]smterram emit de villade

Posteade crastino An imarum mandauit dominus Rex brene

suum in hec verbaEdwardus Dei gratiaRex Anglia, Dominus Hibernie , et Dux m. 20d.

Aquitan ie venerabili in Christo patri I.Wyn ton ien si episcopo et scene


suisauditoribusquerelarum, salutem. Cum naperad querelam priorisde Buttele ven ire fecissemus coram vobis apud WestmcnasteriumIohann em de Lunetot n uper iusticiarium n ostrumad respondendume idem priori de quibusdam in iuriis eidem priori per prefatum Iohann em in capcione cuiusdsmassise n one disseisine , quamMartinus filiusOsberti de West Somerton e arrs1nau1t coram prefato Iohanne et

sociis suis nuper iusticiariis nostrisadassisas in comitatu Norfi'


capiendasassignatis per breue n ostrum,versus predictum priorem

de ten emen tis in West Somertone , per quod recordum et processum

e iusdem assise coram vobis ven ire fecimus vt errorem,si quem in

e isdem recordo et prccessu inuen iri con tigerit, corrigi et emendariet predictis partibus iusticiarn debitam inde fieri faceretis,ac vos,

licet in processu predieteassise coram prefato Iohann e et sociis suis

predictis capteaut in iudicio eiusdem erroraliquis n on in teruenerit,sicut in predictis recordo et processu man ifestaapparet, vt dicitur,seisinam tamen predictam te nemen torum quam predictusMartinusversus predictum priorem per recogn icion em assise predicts coramprefato Iohan ne et predictis sociis suis recuperauit prefato prioriadiudieastis, ipsoMartino coram vobis n on vocato ,

in ipsiusMartin idampnum n on modicum et exheredacionem man ifestam vt ex

querelasuaaceipimus : n os igitur super predicto facto vestro

certiorari et prefato Martino si sibi in aliquo in iuriatum fuit

iusticiarn fieri volen te s,in hac parte vobis mandamus quod

eordum et processum querele predicte coram vobis habiteeum predictis recordo et processu predicte assise coram prefatoIohanne et sociis suis predictis capte qui coram vobis venire feci

mus ex causapredicts , nobis sub sigillo vestro prefati episcopidistincte et aperte mittstis et hce breue, itaquod eahabeamn s

adie sanctiMichaelis in xv . dies vbicumque tune fuerimus in

Angliavt in spectis recordis et proeessubus predictis fieri faeismusin premissis quod de iure et secundum legem et con suetudinemregn i n ostri fuerit faciendum. Teste me ipsoapud Berewyke superTwede Viij . die Augustiann o regn i n ostri xix .

Posteamandauit dominus Rexauditoribus broue suum in hee

Edwardus Dei gratiaRex Anglie, Domin us Hibern ic, et DuxAquitan ie ven erabili in Christo patri I . eadem gratiaepiscopoWyn ton ien si salutem . Ex parte dilecti nobis in Christo Prioris deButtelee n obis est osten sum quod cum ipse n uper eonquestus esset

coram vobis et sociis vestris auditoribus querelarum de min istris


aduocaeion ibus ecclesiarum de Berdeswelle et Gnateshale,2 acRobertus filius Fulcon is quondam person s ecclesie de Berdewelle

posteaiudicio ecclesie senteneialiter priuatus fuisset de eadem,et

dictus Hen ricus tamquam vernapatronus presen tasset ad eaudemquemdam Willelmum clarionm, quiad pmsentscicn em suamabsquealicuius calumpn iaad candem ecclesiam fuit admissns

,et per loci

diocesanum in stitutus, et eciam in totavitasuapacifice eampossedisset ; predictus Robertus iusticari us in itin ere ultimo in

comitatu Snfi‘

olcie Salomon i de Rofi'aassceiatus,

‘eogitauit qualiter

illam ecclesiam posset habere . Falso etmaliciosead predicti Henricieon fusicnem quaedam billas con tin en tes quod dictus Hen ricusquosdam felones domini Regis receptasset coram se et sociis suis

prccurauit presen tari et ipsum Hen ricum per prodictum Salomonem fecit inprisonari, qui quidem Salomon manu suapropriatradidit iuratoribus de hundredo de Saun forde quamdam billamsuper dietareceptacione felon nm con trapredictumHen ricum indu

cendo eos quod dictam receptaeionem presentassen t . Et cum dicti

iuratores super billaillaplan e con sulissen t et dictum Hen ricum

culpabilem non inuen issen t, dictus Salomon quiaipsum Hen ricumindictare n oluerunt totam iuratamuillam inprisonauit. Et dictus

Salomon con tinuando maliciam suam precogitatam prccurauitpriorem de Bromholme implacitare predictum Henricumdeaduocacion e ecclesie de Berdewelle coram se et sociis suisapudGateshille ad instanciam dicti Roberti filii Fulcon is : et ipso

Salomon dictum priorem in predicto placito manutenebst, licet[nec] idem prior n ec ecclesiade Bromholmeaprincipio mundi vsquead d1ctum tempus itin eris de predictsaduocacion e fuissen t seisiti,et hoc fecit dictus Salomon ad proeuracicn em predicti Roberti filiiFulcon is, quiaad ecclesiam illam in litigio contrastatutum domin iRegispresentatus [est] : et sic dictus Honricus in iuriis eorundem et

timore mortis et incarceracion is ductus, volens potin s dictamaduocacion emamittere quam vitam

,cumalias non posset euadere

ius suum de eadem ecclesiaper eircumuencion em eorundem pro

xl . marcis diete priori con cessit , n ecaliter potuit dictus Henricuscum predicto Roberto eoncordari. Et eum viri religiosi propterstatutum domin i Regis possessionesaliquas absque graciadomin i

Bardwell . Knettishall .April 1286, Cal. Pat. Rolls, 1281-1292 , p. 243 . Samford.

Broomholme,aClun iac priory. in Norfolk, between Cromerand Yarmouth.


Regis de eeteroadquirere n equiuissen t,l dictus Salomon et soon sui

contrastatutum predictnm mmhinan tes et dicto priori firmamsecuritatemparare volen tes,n ullam securitatem eidemHenrico facerevoluerun t super predicts ordinacion e, magnam assisam transireprocurarunt in hac parte , que quidem assisarespectum habens adcomposicion em faetam,

dicebant quod tune temporis dictus prior

plures iuratoreshabuit in suapeticion e quamHen ricus in suadefeusion e, quis dictus Salomon sie eos esreauit, et taliter per potenciamet maliciam eorun dem precogitatam dictus Henricus fuerst

exheredatus in fraudem statuti se dampnum suum mille marcarum etc.

Et Salomon ven it et dicit quod Ricardus de Boylaunde et

magister Thomas de Sodyngtone fuerun t ibi seen sine quibus non

debet respondere . Idee preceptum est vicecomiti quod venire

fscist eos hicad hn n o diemad respondendum simul eum predicto

Salomone predicto Henrico . Ad quem diem tam predicti

Ricardus et Thomas quam prefatus Salomon et Henricus ven iunt .

Et Salomon dicit quod n unquam talem billam liberauit, et dicit

quod si ipsam liberssset hoc posset secun dum legem et con suetu

din em regn iaduoeare. Quis dicit quod in itinere iusticiariorumtalis est consuetudo pro pace obsernsndaqucdquieumqne de populohuiusmodi billam optulerit on icumque iusticiario maiori vel min oriidem iusticiarius illam billam debet recipere, et tradere eamducden is iuratoribusad capitulacoron e, itaquod si verum sit quodin es con tinetnr ipsi presen tant illud in veredicto suo, et si

n on sit verum quod den ian t illam billam. Et quiaistacon suetudoapprcbataest, idee quoad hoc inde quietus. Et quoad imprison smen tum iidem Salomon et socii sui dicunt quod idem Hen ricusinprisonatus fuit per vicecomitem et per len terre et per indicium,

sicut videri potest per rotulos eiusdem itineris. Et quoad predictam magnam assisam, dicun t quod prior de Bromholme

implacitauit eun dem Honricum in itin ere suo in comitatuSufi

olcie et petiit versus eumaduocacion em ecclesie de Berdewelle

per brene de recto. Et idem Henricus ven it in plenacuriaetposuit se in magnam assisam domin i Regis, que quidem magnaassisaper quatuor militesad hoc iuratos solempn iter electafuit, etposteasolempn iter coram omn ibus iusticiariis in plenacuriacapta.

Itaquod milites eiusdem magne assise dixerun t precise super

Statuto e!Mortmain . MS. plus.


sacramentum suum quod prefatus prior main e in s habuit in eademaduoeseion e quam predictus Hen ricus. Et quod itasit tam de

dicto inprisonamento quam de capcione prefateassise vocsnt rotulossuos de eodem itin ere qui sun t in thessuriadomin i Regis. Posteaper csmerarios domin i Regis delati fuerun t predicti rotuli coramauditoribus in presenciacancellarii. Et compertum est in

rotulis de coronaeiusdem itineris per presen taeionem duoden

orum de hundredo de Saunforde quod predictus Henricusmaliciose cepit vnam snem et eam retinuit tanquam weyf,quousque predicts sucahabuit porcellos et predictam snem

et porcellos vlterius retinuit quousque fuerant porci et eos tun e

posuit in lardario suo et eos aduceauit tamquam w eyf . Et quiaconuictum fuit coram eisdem iusticiariis quod nullum w eyf habuit,n ee aliquod waran tum inde ostendere potuit, propter quodiusticiarii ad coronam considersuerun t quod dominus Rex

recuperaret predictos porcos, et idem Hen ricus custodiretm . Et in

rotulis placitorum eiusdem itineris compertum est quod prefatusprior deBromholme petiit predictamadueeseionem versus predictum

Henrieum per brene de recto narran do versus eum secundum legem

regn i . Et quod prefatus Henricus defendebat se versus eum

secundum legem terre et posuit se in magnam assisam dominiRegis et quod eademassise solempn iter electafuit et captaseenudum legem et con suetudin em regn i, per quod videtur auditoribusquod nullacollusio

, seu aliquain inria, seu transgressio eidem

Henrico per prefatum Salomon em vel per iusticiarios facts fuit.

Et quiaidem Henrieus maliciose prefatam querelam fecit adsubuertendum leges et con suetudin es regn iapprobatas consideratumest quod prefatus Salomon et socii sui inde quieti et prefatusHen ricus custodiatur per cancellarium . Posteaven it predictus

Hen ricus et fecit finem coramauditoribus per qusdrsgintasolidos

per plegios Stephan umde Haukesdone etWillelmum de Berdewelle,capellsnum de comitatu Sufi'



mandamus quod auditis et plen ius intellectis h11s que dic

Robertns filius prefati Simon is vobis expon et in premissis, si vobisconstare possit prefatum Ricardum dietos custodes ad n ostrum

mandatum sibiassignasse et ipsum dicto N icholao taliter sdhesisseet partem aliquam terrarum snarum eidem vendidisse

,tun e

prefato Roberto et frstribus suis filns ipsius Simon is, qui custodeseiusdem per prefatum Ricardum, vt predictum est

,fueran t

deputati, statum suum prefatum illin s custodie habere faciatis. Et

si quid de terris et tenemen tis ipsius Simon isatempore quo prefatusRicardus huiusmodi custodes sibi deputauitalien stum fuerit, id inmanum n ostram capi et dictis custodibus libersri faciatis, don eesuper hoc facto plen ius fuerimus certiorati, seualiud inde de n ostro

con silio duxerimus ordinandum. Teste Regeapud Xanton em xv .

die Septembrisan no etc. xiiij .’

Cum vero predictusRobertn s in An gliam redn sset,audiuit quodpredictus dominus Nichclsus quemdam fin em inter eum et prefatumSimcn em de predicto man erio coram predictis iusticiariis leusren itebstur, propter quod prefatusaccessit coram prefatis iusticiar ns,et finem illum de die in diem calumpn iabat , et brene domin i Regispredictis iusticiariis ostendit, et coram eis legi fecit . G ilbertus

ceiam de Thorn ton e qui tune sequebatur prc Rege fin em predictum

pro statu domin i Regis cslumpn iabat . Niehilominus cum predicti

iusticiar n, n on obstan te calumpn iapmdietorum Roberti et G ilberti,et ceiam non obstan te bren i predicto, fin em illum coram eis in ter

predictam Simonem et N ieholaum lcuari permiserun t, in domin i

Regis con temptum et predicti Roberti exheredmicn em et dampnumlibrarum et de hoc petit remedium ete .

Et quis auditores voluer un t certiorari si predictus Ricardus deHolebrcke ad mandatum domin i Regis custodiam corporis et

terrarum dicti Simon is predicto Roberto et frstribus suis tradidisset,vt predictus Robertns dicit

,fecerun t predictum Ricardum de

Holebrcke ven ire coram eis. Qui ben e recordatus est quod admandatum domin i Regisaccessitad partes illas et de statu predictiSimon is per bon os et legales de comitatu illo et de comitatuOan tebrigie inquisiuit : per quam quidem inquisicion em inuenit

predictum Simon em per multatemporaan te men tis sue inmemcremextitisse

,et adhuc tun e erat : vnde secundum ten orem mandati

predicti, custodiam corporis et terrarum predicti Simon is simul

eum bon is et catallis suis predicto Roberto et frstribus suis

Sain tes, dep. Charen te-In fé rieure.


commisit : set requisitus si waran tum suum ibidem habest perquod custodiam illam predicto Roberto et frstribus suis tradidit


dicit quod non . Ideo preceptum est ei quod habest inde wsrantumsuum hic in octabis sancte Trin itatis. Ad quem diem n on venit

n ee waran tum predictum protulit . Ideo preceptum est ei per

brene Regis quod habest predictum waran tum hic adie sanctiMichaelis in vnum men sem an no regn i regis Edwardi xviij°


finiente. Ad quem diem predictus Ricardas venit coram predictisauditoribus

,et warsn tum suum prott in hce verba

Edwardus ete . dilecto et fideli suo Ricardo de Holebrckesenescallc suo , salutem . Cum Simon de Stan ton e compos men tissue n on fuerit vt in telleximus

,n os, statui et imbecillitate ipsius

eompacien tes et sibi et heredibus suis prouidere cupien tes, n e per

ipsius fstuitatem per aliquornm in solenciam exheredacion ispericulum sibi grauetur, vobis mandamus quod ipsum Simon em,

cum terris,tenementis, bon is et catallis suis

,alien i de fidelicribus

paren tibn s seu amicis suis, de quo nullasuspicio poterit suspicat ieommittatis, qui eum ben ign e tractare et de bonis suis, salussusten tacion e suaet libercrum snorum

,respondere voluerit, vt

debebit . Teste me ipsoapud Estwcde secundo die Aug ustiannoregn i n ostri [decimo] n on o .

Super hoc ven it dominus Nicholsus de Segraue qui terras illasten et

,ducens secum dominum Galfridum Picheforde et Thomsm de

Belhus,quondam vicecomitem Oan tebrigie, et dicit quod predictus

Robertn s etalii filii predicti Simon is eum bon ememorie existentemapud Stanto n e in ferris detinuerun t et quod pro cupiditatehereditatis sue et bon orum snorum liberam sibi admin istracionemhabere n on permiserun t : quod cum Curie domin i Regisden n nciatum esset, dominus Rexmisit brene Galfrido de Pychefordequod ipse vnaeum vicecomite Oan tebrigie et aliis legalibus depatriaaccederetad dcmum predicti Simon isapud Stantone, et, sieum san e mentis et bone memorie inuen iren t, liberam sibiadmin istracion em bonorum snorum habere faceren t etc.

Et predictus Galfridus requisitus per auditores si predictum

brene recepit, et si predicto Simon i admin istrw ionem bonorum

snorum tradidit vt predictus Nicholsusasserit, dicit quod predictumbrene recepit , per cuius warsn tnm, vnacum Thomade Belhus, tun evicecomite Oantebrigie, qui presen s est et hoc idemasserit, et vnaeumaliis legalibn s de patria,ad dcmum predicti Simon isaccessit

Eastwood, Essex.


cumque in capellasuain ferris san e men tis et bon e memorie

existentem inuen it, vnde eumaferris depon i fecit et inaulam suamcoram predicto vicecomite etaliis fidedign is duxit : coram quibusad omn iain terrogatabene et sapien ter respondit et eos adcommestion em rogauit , et omn iaaliasapien ter loquebatn r. Vnde

quiavidebatur predictis Galfrido vicecomiti et aliis predictumSimonem sane men tis esse, virtute warsnti predicti liberam sibi

administracion em bonorum snorum tradiderun t ete. Et predictus

Galfridus, requisitus per auditores si predictum warantum hic

habest, dicit quod non : vnde dictum est ei quod habest illud hicin octabis sancte Trin itatis etc. Ad quem diem predictus G . non

ven it, n ec waran tum '

predictum misit. Ideo preceptum est ei per

brene Regis quod sit coram predictisauditoribusapud Westmonasterium adie san ctiMichaelis in vnum mensem,

et habest ibiwarsntnm predictum etc. Posteain crastino Ascen sion is Domin iven it predictus Galfridus et dicit quod ad deliberacion em illamfaciendam habuit socium cui predictum mandatum ven it simul

cum eo, videlicet Thomsm de Belhus tune mceccm1tem Oan tebrigie ,sine quo n on potest inde respondere, et petit quod ven iat hic adrespondendum simul eum eo de predicto waranto ; et concessum est

ei. Ideo preceptum est vicecomiti Essexie quod ven ire fscist

prodictum Thomsm hic adie sancti Iohan n is in xv . dies adrespondendum simul cum predicho Galfrido de predicto waran to .

Super hoc ven itW illolmusYnge qui sequitur pro Rege , et queritnrde predicto Galfrido de eo quod eum ten emen ts predicts essent in

mann domin i Regis, idem Galfridus predicts ten emen ts sine

precepto domin i Regis trad idit predicto Simon i ad dampnumpredicti domin i Regis mille librarum ete . Et Galfridus dicit quodThomas de Belhus, tun e vicecomes Oan tebrigie, fuit eiassociatusadpredictam deliberacionem faciendam,

sine quo n on potest inderespon dere, et petit quod ven iatad respondendum simul cum eo ; et

ei con ceditur. Idee preceptum est vicecomiti quod ven ire fscist

predictnm Thomsmad prefatum termin um etc.

Postea,adie san cti Iohan nis Baptiste in xv . dies an n o xix° ,

ven it predictus Galfii dus et tulit predictis audito‘ribus brene

domin i Regis in hce verbaEdwardus Dei gratiaete . venerabili in Christo patri I . eadem

gratiaWynton ien si Episcopo et soen s suisauditoribus querelarum,

salutem. Cum nos diuante vltimum tran sfretseiomm n ostram in

Vascon iam dilecto et fideli nostro Galfrido de Picheforde mandsueri


obiecit eidem Nicholao quod [con cordiaista] tran sire non potuit necdebuit lensri de predictis tenemen tis inter ipsum et predictum

Simonem eo quod predictus Simon n on fuit com[pos men tis, et]Gilbertus de Thcmtone qui tun e sequebatur prc Rege hoc idemallegauit coram eo et socus suis seden tibus in itin ere predicto,asser[ens predictum Simon em esse]mentis sue inmemcrem, eo quodidem Simon multoeien s n udus gladio cinctus dominas illins patrievisitsbat et mul[taaliafecit que] homin es huiusmodi morbi vicissim granati facere sclebant . Et sicauditaet in tellects calumpn iaipsius Gilberti [iusticiar n] supersederun t, etamplius inde viceillafacere n oluerun t : per quod idem Nicholsus adiuit dominumEdmundum O[0mitem Cornubie et duxit] prefatum Simcnem

vsquead scaccarium domin i RegisapudWestmonasterium,in uc

quidem scaccario idem Simon examinatus fuit, [coram et

aliis dc con silio domin i Regis, quibus videbatur ipsum Simonem

esse in omnibus suflieien tem huiusmodi recog[n ieicnem facere.

Et dicit quod] Iohann es de Metyn gham fuit sibi associatus initin ere predictoad placitaibidemaudiendaet terminanda[sine quon on potest] respondere et petit quod ipse ven iatad respondendumsimul etc.

Posteaven it predictus Iohann es et requisitus si interfuit pre

dicto placito simul eumpredictoW illelmo ; qui dicitquodipse ten ebatplscitadomin i Regis quo waran tc in quadam domo vbi predictus

Willelmus non in terfuit ; vnde videtur ei [quod n on debet respondere] cum predicto Willelmo . Dicit eciam quod idem Willelmnsrespon dit per sead capitale placitum predictum vnde videtur [quodn on debet] de ceteroadmitti ad aliquam responsion em dilatorism etc. Pretoreapredictus Robertns requisitusapre[dicto utrumvelit] versus ipsum prosequi, vel in sli uo conqueri, dicit quod non ,

quiadicit quod idem Iohann es tune [n on fuit cum] predicto

Willelmoad predictum placitumaudiendum etc. Vnde posteavenitpredictus Willolmus perattomatum suum, et dicit quod predictamfin em leusuit per examinacicn em predictam, et de precepto predictiComitis Cornubie, et de hoc vocat recordum ipsius Comitis adwarsntum. Ideo mandatum est eidem Gomiti quod recordum

suum super hoc distin cte etaperte fscist et idem recordum mittathic in crastin o [An imarum] sub sigillo suo etc . Ad quem diem

ven erunt predicti Robertns et Willelmus per attoma suum et

predicto Willelmo requisito si habest recordum predicti Comitis

[quod voc]avit, dicit quod n on . Et predictus Robertns petiit


indicium de predicto Willelmo de eo quod n on habet recordum

predicti Comitis.

Et predictus [Robertn s de custodia] corporis et terrarum predicti 19

Simon is depositus fuit et vsquead mortem predicti Simon is extraseysinam de predictis ten emen tis reman sit etadhuc est

,ad damp

num domini Regismille librarum ete. vnde petit indicium pro Rege .

Et dies datus est partibus deaudiendo iudicio suo hic in crastin osancti A ndree etc. Ad quem diem dominus Rex misitauditoribusquoddam brene in hec verba

Edwardus Dei gratis etc. dilectis et fidelibus suis I. Wynton ien si Episcopo et sociis suis auditoribus querelarum, salutem.

Cum quidam fin is in curian ostracoram Iohan n e de Vallibus et

scenasuis iusticiar ns n ostris vltimo itineran tibus in comitatuHnn tingdcn ie in ter Nicholaum de Segraue sen iorem et Simon em

de Stantone de quibusdam terris et ten emen tis que predictus

Simon habuit in Stanton e et Hyltone,1 vnde idem Simon prefatumNicholaum feofi

'auit et ipsum in bonaet pacificaseisins posuit,leuatus faisset,ac vosad querelam Roberti filii predicti Simon is

suggeren tis vobis predictum finem coram predictis iusticiarn sminus rite fuisse leuatum ad querelam eiusdem Roberti dilectum

et fidelem nostrum Iohann em deMetingham et Willelmum de

Saham et socios suos iusticiarios n ostros in itin ere predicto eaoccasione multipliciter inquietare feceritis coram vobis. N08 indempnitati prefati Nicholai, qui per preceptum nostrum in partibusSeotie in obsequio n ostro moram facit, hiis diebus ex quo dictum

negociam ipsum tangit prospicere cupien tes, in hac parte vobis

mandamus quod discussion i predicto querele coram vobis supersedeatis omnin o don oc aliud inde preeepimus. Teste me ipsoapud Berewyke super Twedam xi ij

° die Augustian no regn i nostri

decimonon o.

PTOm quod quidem brene predicts querelareman sit sine

die etc.

Hilton , Hunts, south of Fenstan ton .



Defendan ts .— Ralph de Sandw ich, K eeper of the Tower ;

Gregory de Rokesle, K eeper of the Exchange ; Johnde Bakewell.

Conwlainant.— Hugh le Taylor.

Referen ce to extract —Membran e 31No other references.

Number of case in Appendix III .,150.

Hugo le Tayllur queritnr de Radulfo de Sandewyco custode

Turris London ie, Gregorio de Rokesle, et Iohanne de Bauquelle,quod cum Iacobus de Bello Campo portasset quoddam brene coramcustode predicto quod predictus Hugo redderet ei quoddamscriptum de sex saccis lane precio saece xiiij . marcarum,


Normanrms de Arcy aliquo tempore tenebatur mereatoribus deFlorencia, et dominus Comes Lincoln ie inde pr[imus] et prin cipalisdebitor,ae idem Iacchus in suo acusamento dixisset quod illudscriptum traditum fuit eidem Hugon i per manum Simon is de

Ellesworde person e ecclesie de Trapeston e,’ac idem Hugo re8pondisset per narratorem suum quod vbi Iacobus dicit quod scriptumillud traditum fuit predicto Hugon i per manum predicti Simon is

et.n ichil profert in curiaper quod predictum scriptum posset

petere desicut debitum illud non fuit ei debitum n ee scriptumillud per manum suam ei traditum : vnde idem Hugo petiit indicium si predicto Iacobo inde deberet respondere : iidem custos


G regorius, et Iohan n es super hoc con sidersuerun t quod predictusHugo vlterius inde responderet se idem Hugo predictam conside

racion em percipien s in iquam petiit inde billam vel quod predictsexcepcio irrotularetur, set n ichi l inde voluerunt concedere set

fecerunt ipsum vlterius placitare . Preteres vbi prefatus Hugoparatus fuit verificare quod predictus Iacobus nullum scriptum ei

tradidit, predictus custos et alii adiudicarun t quod predictus

Iacobus illam tradicionem probaret per duos homin es quod est

contrarium legi commun i. Preteres vbi predicti custos et aliicon sidersuerun t quod predictus Iacobus recuperaret versus ipsumHugon em predictum scriptum vel xx. et iiij marcas, predictus

MS.aenpamen to . Thrapston , Northan ts.



procedere .

1 Posteaassignati sun t prcauditoribus Elyas de Bekyngham et Willelmus de Gyselham ad audiendos predictam loquelamad certos dies etc. in fraciuitstem predictam.

Defendan t.— Thomas de Sedgefield.

Com!p laimat.— Robert Herizarde.

Reference to manuscript.— B.,Membran e 44d.

NO other references.

Number of case in Appendix III 152 .

Robertn s Herizarde queritn r de magistro Thomade Segefeldede eo quod cum ipse fuisset in obsequio domin i Regis coramauditoribus suis querelarumapudWestmonasteriumad commun em

populum deliberandum prout ad cfiicium clerici pertin et, idem

Thomas ipsum verbis contumeliosis in sultauit,appellan do ipsum

falsum clericum et dicendo quod falso irrotulauit querelam suamfaetam de Radulfo de Hengham. Et similiter quod fecitaliafalsairrotulamen taad dampnum ipsius Roberti cen tum librarum etc.

Et magister Thomas ven it et ben e defendit quod nun cquam ipsumappellauit falsum clericum , n ee crimen ei inposuit prout queritur

,et hoc petit quod inquiratur per patriam ete . [Et] Robertn s

[similiter]. Iuratores de con sen su parcium electi dicun t supersacramentum suum quod magister Thomas vocauit predictum

Robertum fa]sum clericum,dicendo quod falso in rotulauit querelam

suam versus Radulfum deH[engham] simul cumaliis falsis inrotulamentis. Et quiacompertum est per esudem iuratsm quod idem[magister] Thomas vocauit ipsum Robertum falsum clericum in

loco pupplice et solempn i dum fuit in obsequio domin i Regis,inponendo ei falsitatem predictam,

ideo con sideratum est quod

predictus magister Thomas [committatur] gaole . Et posteafecitfinem cum codam Roberto de vuo dolio vin i precu

Walter de Hopton had formerly been Cnoville’s oolleague :and, later, Peterde Campan iaand John de Gadamo wereassociated w ith him (C .P .R 1281—1292 ,

pp. 353, 518hSedgefield, Durham. It is possible that the real form is Shefiìeld.


Dcfendcmt. Nicholas de Stapleton .

Conwlaincnts.— Thomas de Goldington , Amiee his w ife .

Reference to manuscript.— B. ,Membran es 17, 17d.

Other references—Non e .

Number of case in Appendix III. , 158.

Osten sum est nobis per Thomsm de Goldingtcne et Amiciamvxorem eius quod Iohannes filius Willelmi le Fraunceys deMebrunmalde,1 Robertn s le Inn e de eodem

, Walterus de Caldebecke,

’ Ricardus de Fodringeseghe,3 Galfridus de Wassedale

et Robertn s de Appelby ven erun t de man erio domin i Ricardi leFraun ceys de Mebrunmalde apud Orosseby Rauen swart admanerium Thorne de Hastingss fratris eiusdem Amicie

, per pre

ceptum domin i Ricardi le Fraun ceys, die Pen tecostes ann o regni

Regis Edwardi xiiij . , et insultam fecerun t in Niehclaum fratremdiete Amicie et percusserun t eum gladiis et baculis suis vsqueadsanguin is efi


n sion em . Et postmodnm Iohann es le Fraunceysprecepit predicto Roberto de Appelby quod eum ssgittaret, quiquidem Robertn s ipsum Niehclaum sagittauit cum quadam sagittabarbats per medium corpus supramsmillam dextram,

itaquodstatim obiit . Et postquam dicti felon es istud faein us feeerin t,omn es recesserun t ad manerium dicti Ricardi le Frsunceys apudMebrunmalde et ipsum Robertum

, qui percussit dictumN icholaumcum sagitta, dicti felon es per quatuor dies receptauerun t subse

quentes. Et posteadicti felon es sppellabantur in curiadominiRegis per Adam Spring, consanguin eum dicti Nicholai

,set illud

sppellum quassatum fuit eo quod dictus Nicholaus occisus habuitfratres propinquiores sanguin e et sorcres : set ad sectam domin iRegis directafuit litters domin i Regis per preceptum Radulfi deHengham N icholao de Stapeltone vt ipse caperet in quisicion em in

comitatu Westmorelandie de bon is et fidelibus n on tangen tibusdietos felones con sanguin itate velaifin itate . Set idem Nicholansde Stapeltone ad instaneiam domin iMichaelis de Hercle, cuius

MeaburnMaulds. Fotheringhay.

Wastdale. Crosby Ravensworth.


filiam dictus Ricardus le Fraunceys duxit in vxorem,et ad

instanciam Ade le Fran nceys person e ecclesie de Askeby con

sanguin ei predicti Ricardi, et pro magn is dcriis dicto Nicholao deStapelton e traditis, cepit inquisicion em illam clam apud NouumCastrum” in comitatu Northumbrie, qui distatacomitatuWestmore

landie per sexagin taleucas vbi illud faein us factum fuit . Et hoc

con tralegem et con suetudin em regn i quiaextracomitatum West

morelandie . Et hce inquisicio facts fuit de affin ibus et consanguin eis dictorum felonum in absenciaamicorum dicti occisi qui pro

Rege sequeban tur , et qui si premuniti fuissen t pctuissen t dictaminquisicionem calumpniasse . Vnde osten sum est quod dietaiuquisicio

dixit quod dicti appellati fuerun t quieti de illamorte .

Vndeosten sum est perpredictosThomsm et Amiciam quod Iohann esle Fraunceys, qui prin cipalis fuit illins homicidii, implacitauitpredictam Amiciam et alios fratres et scrores dicti Nicholai defalso sbhetto coram Radulfo de Hengham. Et vn de dietaAmicisqueritn r quod per expen saet labores quos per prodictumabbettumsustin uit deteriorataest

,et dampnum habetad valencism ducon

tarum librarum etc.

Et N icholsus ven it per attomatum suum et dicit quod postquam sppellum de morte predicts cassatum fuit

,et prostratum

coram Radulfo de Hengham per indicium et ad sectam Regis,posteapartes se in in quisicion em in de pcsuerin t, ordinatum fuit

per con cilium Regis quod pro°aysiamen to iurator um qui fuerun t

tam longinqui, predictus Nicholsus patriam illam adiret in quafelon iafacts fuit

,et ibidem inquisicion em inde caperet. Et idem

Nicholsus,itin erando versus patriam gran i infirmitate deten tus, non

potuit vlterius prcficisci, set in quisicion em illam cepitapud CastrumNcuum modo debito et inste .

Et Amicis ven it et dicit quod quan do predictus Nicholsus

i nquisicion em illam cepit , ipse fuit in bono statu,sanus, et nulla

infirmitate deten tus. Dicit ceiam quod inquisicionem illam per

quosdam de con sanguin itate et sfiin itste malefactcrum predictorumcepit extracomitatum illum in quo felon iaillaperpetratafuit, sicutqueritn r, et hoc rscione donorum que aprefatis malefactoribusrecepit : videlicet : decem marcarum quas recepit apud NouumCastrum per manumMichaelis de Harcla: n ec premun ire fecitaliquos qui sequeban tur prc Rege quod essen t ibiad illum diem.

Asby, Westmoreland. Newcastle—on—Tyn e.



preceptum est vicecomiti Westmorelandie quod distringataos peromn es terms ete. et quod daexitibus etc. Et quod habest corporaad eundem terminum etc.

Inratadacomitatu Cumbriain ter Thomsm de Goldingtcne et

Amiciam vxorem eius, qui pro Regaet seipsis sequuntur, quarantes,et Nicholsum daStapleton e, defendentem, ponitur in respectum

vsqueadie sancti Hillarii in xv. dies eo quod nullus iurator venit.Idee vicecomes distringat eos per omn es terras etc. Et de exitibus.

Et habest prefatum terminum etc. Ad quem diemven erun t iuratores inquisicion is que captafuit coram predicto

Nicholaoapud Nouum Castrum super Tynam exceptis Roberto deMoren illaqui mortuus est, Rolando de Thorn eburghe, Willelmo deT e et Ricardo de Preston e . Et quiaad sectam Regis tan tumven erun t, et predictus Nicholsusadomino Rage quietam elamanciam de omn imodisaccion ibn s quas dominus Rex ergaeum possethabere occasion e quarumcumque tran sgressionum impetraui t percartam domin i Regis, quam proferebat m hac forma

Edwardus Dei gratiaetc. omn ibus ad quos presen tes litterapernen erint salutem. Scistis quod per finem trescan tarum marcarum quem Nicholan s de Stapelton e miles fecit n obiscum,

vn de

soluet nobis centum marcas in quindenasanctiMartin i proximafutura

, et cen tum marcas in quindena.Pasche proximasequenti, etresiduas cen tum marcas in quindenasan ctiMichaelis proximasequenti , remisimus et pardonau1mus eidem N1cholac omn imodamaccionem quam ergaipsum habuimus vel habere poterimnsoccasion e quarumcumque tran sgressionum quas nobis fecisse

dicebatur de toto tempore quo statit i n obsequio n ostro usqueaddiem Lun e m fasto sanctiMichaelis mMon te Tumbaann o regni

n ostri decimo octauo . Itaquod omnibus et singulis daregn o et

potestate nostrade ipso conqueren tibus et in posterum conqueri

volen tibus respondeat, et stat iuri in omn ibus vt ten etur. In cuius

rei testimon ium has litteras nostras fieri fecimus paten tes. Teste

me ipso apud K yngeselipeston e‘ quin to decimo die octobrisan n o

regni n ostri decimo octauo .

Idee dictum est predictis iuratoribus quod can t sin e die

quousque Rexaliud voluerit. Et dictum est predicto Thorn e quodexpectet ete.

Clipstone, Notts.


Dcfcndwnt.— Adam daStratton , Chamberlain Of


Comp lainavd .— Peter de Cropredy .

Reference to manuscript.— B.

,Membran e 13.

Other references —B. ,Membran es 3

,4 13.

Number of case in Appendix III .

,159 .

Petrus de Orcppery1

queritn r daAdam daStratton e quod cum

ipse Petrus te n ebatur comitisse daA lbaMara“in quater Vigintiet quatuordecim libris, per quod idem Petrus adiuit predictumAdam, qui fuit attorn stus predicte comitisse ad racipiendumpredictam debitum

,et supplicauit ei vt constitueret si certos

terminos in fraquos idem Petrus eidem Ade predictnm debi

tum potuit soluere : qui quidem Adam ai concessit terminum

quatuor ann orum, per hoc quod idem Petrus faceret Simonemfratrem suum reocgnoscere ipsum coram baron ibus de scaccarioten eri predicte comitisse in predicto debito : qui quid Simon

ibi ven it et predictum debitum recognouit, que quidem recognicio

irrotulatafuit : se idem Adam concessit eidem Petro an tepredictam recogn icionem factam quodalice plagiosapredicto Petronon peterat quam predictum Simon em ; per quod predietn s Simon

debitum recogn ouit ; predictus Adam statim post

predictam recognicion em sic factam petiit de predicto Petro quod

quereret sibialice plagios ; idem Petrus percipiens hoc ven ire fecit

quemdam Iohannem Paynel et quemdam Ben edictum de Han n ilaqui pro predicto Petro predictam recogn icionem fecerun t. Postea,idem Petrus in telligen s quod terminus solucion is in fraquatuoran n os prout in ter eos conuen it esset irrotulatus

, predictus Adamincon tin en ti feeit exire breve de scaccario ad leusndum predictum

debitum de predictoPetro et plegiis suis : vnde idem Petrus tarramsuam non potuit srrare n eque seminare quousque predictum

d ebitum esset solutum, per quod predictus Petrus vendidit tres

carucatas terraad maximam exheredacionem suam et suorum Et

vudaqueritn r quod cum idem Petrus totum debitum illud predicto

Ade persoluerat, et inde daeo bonam habuit acquietanciam,idem

Adam misit pro predicto Petro vt ven iret coram eo in capello.Cropredy, Oxfordshire. Isabellade Fora, coun tess of Albemarle.


recepti apud Westmonasterium qui quidem Petrus ven it et cumeo predictus Simon , tune presen te ibi W illelmo fratre predicti Ade :qui quidem W illelmus in con tin en ti clausit ostium predicts espelle

et ibi ipsum detinuit quo minus clamorem leusre potuit ; ac idemAdam petiit de predicto Petro quod mcn straret ei sequietsn ciamsuam ; inde predictus Petrus sequietsnciam suam ci porrexit

quam cum idem Adam habuisset, sigillaei pendenciastatim fregit

et proiecit in Tamisiam . Et recogn icio quam predictus Simon

et pleg usui fecerunt adhuc n on fuit can cellata, set tun e fuit et

adhuc est in eodem statu in quo fuit die recogn icion is facte . Un cle

idem Petrus inde petit remedium. Et quod predictum debitum

amplius n on van ist in demandam.

Pretereaan tequam idem Iohan n es Payn el voluit reccgnoscere

predictum debitum prc ipso Petro ad scaccarium, predictus

Iohann es fecit predictos Petrum et Simcn em obligari ei per

statutum editnmapud Acton e Burn el 1 in codam debito et vn quaminde vol[uit] predictam recog nicion em retrahere quousque haberetde 80 acqu1etan ciam dapredictsaequietan cia, et quiavicecomes

Norhamton ie fecit dase quin que marcas per brene de sese

cario quod ven it ei per prodictum Adam, predictus Iohan n es

fecit predictum Patrum [imprisonari] per predictum statutum in


on ie in castello, vbi predictus Petrus ten ebatur in carcereper decem septimanas quousque [solvit] predictas quinque marcas,vudavocat in testimon ium Robertum le Bande

, qui tune fuit vice

comes :ad dampn um ipsius [Petri] c. librarum etc.

EtWillelmm de Stratton e ven itat dicit quod nunquam ipsumPetrum in predicts capellacepit n ec detinuit n ec inprisonauit [sicutidem] Petrus queritn r, et hoc petit quod inquiratur per min istros

. reeepti qui tune temporis fuerun t, et per elios liberos et legaleshomines de V [isn eto pall]acii . Et predictus Petr us similiter. Idee

preceptum est Iohan n i le Con ners, custodi pallacii, quod ven ire

fscist hic die l ouis proximapost quindenam min istros [recepti]et preter illos x1j . liberos et legales de visn eto pallacnad certificandum etc. Quis tam etc. Posteaad predictum diem ven erun t [dicti]Petrus etWillelmus et iuratores similiter. Qui dicun t super sacramen tum suum quod predictus W illelmus nunquam ipsum Petrum

in predicts c[apellacapit] nec detinuit, seu in prisonauit, n eealiquidscriptum ipsius Petri fregit, n ec in Tamisiam proiecit, n ec sli[quam]

Statute deMereatoribus, cr of Acton Burnell, Salop

T hirty-three

l ines illegible.


ipsorum , et super hoc idem Adam recapit de catallis ipsius Petriad valen cism x . marcarum,

ad dampnum ipsius PetriPreteres idem Petrus queritnr de predicto Adam quod idem Adamin aulaWestmonasterii inuen it W illelmum filium

de]bebst eidem Petro Viij . libras xvj . solidos,et Laurencium da

Stretforde, qui debebat eidem [et eompulsit eos omn ia]e i soluere per districcion em et eis nullam sequietsn ciam inde

voluit facere,ad dampnum [ipsius Petri] [Et postea

predictus] Adam per diuersabran is de scaccario fecit distringipredictum Petrum. Itaquod predictus [Petrus] [ad maximam exheredacicn em suam et dampnum etc .

t Adam ven it et dicit quod dimisit ecclesiam illam predicto

Petroad firmam.

Et quoad cstallaipsius Petri,videlicet meremium et vten si1ia

domusad valencism x. marcarum quas idem Adam capisse debuitet detiuuisse, dicit predictus Adam per attomatum suum quodnun quam meremium n ecaliquaaliabons et catallaipsius Petri peripsum Adam n ec per balliuum suum captafuerun t n ec deten ta, n ecad commodum ipsius Ade clicmodo in iuste deuen erun t : et hoc petitquod inquiratur per patriam,

et Petrus similiter. Ideo preceptumest vicecomiti quod ven ire fscist adie sancti Iohann is Baptiste inxv. dies xxiiij . tammilites quamalios etc. davisn eto daSuw elle perquos etc. Et qui n ec etc. ad reccgn osceudum etc. Quis tam etc.

Posteaadie san cti Iohann is Baptiste an n o xx. ven iun t predicti

Petrus et Adam perattomatum suum et iuratores similiter ; qui

dicun t super sacramen tum suum quod n ulladapredictis bon isPetri de Orcpperyad Opus predicti Ade necad comodum suum

deuen erun t,n isi quedam cists vacuaquam quidem seruien s ipsius

Ade habuit ex liberacion e et volun tate dicti Petri , et quod predictusAdam nunquam bonaet cstallaipsiusPetri capit, sicut idem Petrusqueritnr. Et quoad meremium, dicun t quod magister Radulfus da

This is apparen tly the church of Suwelle in comitatu Norhamton iementioned later. There is no parish of Southwell in Northamptonshire possiblySonthwick, near Oundle, is meant.


Iuingho pro dcmibns vt cancello eccles iadaHutwells deteriorati-sin custodiamagistri lladulfi tamquam firmarii lina…fec it cu…predicto Adaper xxiij . marcas ; que quidem pecun iatraditafuit

daMidd c , qui ex 9 11 pecun iauw remimn pred i ct…”amit

,et illud tradidit predicto Petro de Cr0pper ad ca1uw llum et

domos predictos reparsndcs et sustentandos. lv‘i t dienst pe

quod prodictum meremium non fuit predicti Petri daOmppw y set,

prefi ti Ade de Strad one , ct ex proprioargento suo emptum. MMOcon sideratum est quod predictus Adam eat inde quietus, et quodpredictus Petrus n ichil caperet per querelam sum! set sit in

miseri cordiaprc falso Claw ioEt quoad xl. marcas de quibus idem Petrus queritur quod wm

habuit aquidtanciam nec allfxn cionem, predictus Petrus req uis itus

perauditores cui et vbi s oluit predictus xl . mama,dicit q uod s oluit

ans ”

Willelmo daStrattone fratri ipsius Ade apud Suwelle in

comitatu Norhamtonie ann o Ramis n unc ct hoc paratus est

verificare per pat riam. lit Adam perattomatum suum dicit quod

n ullam solucionem fecit ibi eidem Willelmo nomine suo : et hw

p6tR quod i nquirat ur, et Petrus similiter. 16490 ptw eytum arsv icecomit i q uod venire fscis t hicadio: sancti Iohan n is Baptiste l u

xv . dies xxii ‘ . tam m ilite s quam s lim: d e . de vincete de S u we lle per

quos etc…et qui na: etc . ad rem wux nd um etc. quia(u n «ate

Posteaadit! esami l oiran nis Bapt hflr an no xx“‘

veui uut ;xedw ti

Pe t rusat A dam per attornat uw s….w et i uris…shn l i 1wr ; q ui

di c sup er w x smenu zm h m :u: qucd pred ict us Petru: mmq u.ausoluit (adam W 1he q wvdrf:tsb mmm-ag in tamama: in " IliadeSuw elle . n ec idv u . m iui ab '

eo_c epi


, quiapl ‘tad1 ‘fl uc“' iliaimns n u:w ;uam .liaw h ucusq ue i::tmu11 .

consideratum est q uod pu:d :ct A nam eat mm: «4 c et -u:

predictus Pet rus mcu 1Ì peaquen :au b -u

t i l SC:. b l l.

U l…f'dfc p i

b Id o


Def endan t.— Adam de Stratton ,Chamberlain of


l ainan t.— Roger Goodman of Bermon dsey .

References to man uscript.— B.

,Membran e 1 1 .

No other references.

Number of case in Appendix III.


Rogerus Godman daBarmundseye queritn r daAdam daStratton e quod cum idem Rogerus fuit in pace domin i RegisapudWydeforde

‘ in comitatu Hertefordie tran sien s cum manchandisissuis die dcmin icaproximapost festum san cte Fidis an no regn i

Regis nun c xv . , predictus Adam fecit in sidiari predicto Rogero , etde ec in iuste cepit et esperafecit per quemdam Iohan n em de

Berkynges, tun e sen escs llum eiusdem Ade, et per alios ign otos dafamiliasuaduos equos, videlicet vnum equum morellum precii

septem librarum trasdecim solidor um et quatuor denariorum,et

vnum equum bayum precii quatuor librarum, et predictos equos

vi et con tra. pacem domin i Regisabduxerun t daeadem villavsque

ad ciuitstem London iead h08picium tune predicti Ade. Et eum

idem Rogerus recenter sequebatur predictos equos quousque eos

inuen iebat i n stabulo predicti Ade , et mandasset eidem Ade per

duos legales homin es quod scire faceret ei quare equos suos sic

detin uit,idem Adam respondit et dixit quod predictus Rogerus fuit

natiuus suus fugitivas et quod n unquam equos suos haberetquousque fin ivisset cum eo decem libras. Et predictus Rogerus

dixit quod n ichil clamat ten ere daeo , n ee quod ipse n ec vllus daan tecessoribus suis natiuus suus fuit

,n ec de cealiquid ten uerun t , per

quod libere videbaturai quod posset ire quocumque voluisset. Et

vudasupplicauit predicto Ade quod istud in quireret per liberoset legales homin es : set idem Adam istud n olebat , set sic iniusteretinuit predictos equos, et eos equitauit et equitari permisit depredicto die vsquead vnum man sam prcximum sequen tem quousque

predictus Rogerus fin em fecit cum eo per x. libras ad dampn umipsius Bogari xl . librarum etc .

Et Adam ven it et dicit quod predicts die dcmin iea“predictoWidford, n ear Ware , Herts. MS.



sbbstem de Leycestriaet petisset per idem brene quater Vigin tiet xiij . libras que ci arretro fuerun t de quodam annue redditn

xxj . marcarum an te illud brene inpetratum,et trigin taet ceto

libros que ei arretro fuerun t dacodam redditn post bran is iapatrata

,et penden te inde placitc coram eisd iusticiariis cem

putauerun t predictiabbates, itaquod predictusabbas de Leycestriaten ebaturabbati dasancte Ebrulpho predicto in vi“. et xj libris,de quibus predicti iusticiarii con sidersuerun t quod predictusabbasde sancte Ebrulpho recuperaret tan tum sexagin ta, et quod daresiduislxxj . libris nichil recuperaret, et de dampnis suis que habuit occasion e detencion ispredicti redditusad valen cism xlv. librarum, vudapetit remedium desicut predictusabbas deLeycestrianequeacquiatan eiam n equealiquidaliud habuit quod ei valere potuit quin pre

cmstinumo dietaarran giaet redditum soluere debuit.



Trm Narratio de Passione Jm ticùwiomm here appended is an inferesting example of modisaval satiro. Some quick—witted clark, struck bythe crisis of 1289, has narrated the events of the year in mook parable.

Using his exten sive kn owledge of Scripture phrase and story, he haswovenan elaborate narrative, where culprits and kingalike appear inScriptural guisa. The solemn mockery of the result produced is

ingenious as it is profane ; as well worth reading as impossible of

translation . The introduction of characters, the play upon names,the twisting of well-known phrases to suit the purpose of the tale,aremanaged with skill, and produce a°616V61', if extraordinary, medley.

Incidentally the parody shows how little basis there is to the popularview that the middleages had butaslightacqmin tanee with the Bible.

The Passion is to be found in two manuscripts. The first is in

the BritishMuseum, Add.MSS. 81826, i. 54 ; the second in All Souls

College, Oxford,MS. 89, i . 109b.

‘ In each case the volume where the

Passion occurs is made up of miscellaneous documen ts not connectedwith it save in boing of roughly the same date. The main part of theBritishMuseum volume isayearbook of law casos, 28- 84 Edw . 1. It iS

notable thatalsoamong its contentsare the treatises HenghamMagnaandHenghamParra,almost the onlyabidingwork of one of the greaterculprits of 1289. There isacertain irony in this juxtaposition of enduringworkand enduringdisgrace. The All Souls volume containsmore general

The latter is perhapsacopy of the former, for certain sentencesare omittedwith detriment to the sense : or, more probably, both are derived from the samesource, which we have not found.


matter— lists of kings, & C. It is possible that our unknown clark isnot to be unduly praised for his originality. The form of satire inwhich ho couchod his story was neither unknown nor distasteful to theages of faith,and seems to have been especially popular in England,where, for example, athirteenth-cen tury parody of St. Luke’

s Gospeltells the story of drunken king namedWernardusand his companions,while afourteen th—centuryMissa. de Potatoribus m similar fashionparodies the service of theMass.

‘ Another almost contemporaryexample of asimilar Passion with an historical basis is preservedfor us in the Passio Scotomm Perjnm tomm, awould-be comic narrative of events between February 1806and February 1807 which hasbeen published with notes by the lateMarquess of Buto.

‘ -A third

con temporary instance can be read in the Chron icle of Adam of Usk,‘

where the story of the battle of Courtrai (1802) is toldafter the sameprofane fashion . Adam of Usk himself was so much impressed by thisliterary venture, which ho discovered ahun dred years after the battleamong the chronicles of the monastery of Eeckhout, near Bruges, that,regardless of its irrolevance, ho thought it -worthy of transcription intohis work. We mayalmost in for from this that by the early fifteenthcentury such satires had se far caused to be commonly employed thatthey were regardedas literary enfi ositios.

In preparing the text the BritishMuseumMS. has been followedas the most generally trustworthy. Varian ts in the All SoulsMS.

are noted at the foot of the page, except where they are merely thearrangemen t of the same words in differen t order. In the footnotes

the manuscripts are distinguishedas Aand B, the former representingthe BritishMuseum copy, the latter the All Souls manuscript.

Wright and Halliwell, ReliquiaAn tiqua 11. 58, 208. Cf . for other

referen ces Gròber, Gn mdn'

ss dcr° roman ischcn Philon ii . 1 , 323.

Notice ofaManuscriptof the latterpartof the fourtomth cen tury en titled PassioScotomm Pajwatomm, by theMarquess of Buta, in Proceedings of the Society ofAn tiquariaof Scotland , vol. xix. pp. 166 et sq . Ouratten tion has been calledto thi s by the kindn ess ofMr. Henry Gough , who discovered the Passio ScotoruminaMS. now dapositod in the Public Libraryat Reigate Church . It is of con tem

perary date,and has, curiously enough , been closely copied in two version sat leastof Flores Historiarum (cf . Flores, iii. 1284 36and 322- 325 , Rolls

Adam of Usk’s Chronicle, ed. Sir E.Maundo Thompson pp. 106, 107.


Luk° 1 65 super omn iamon tanaAngliadivulgaban tur verbahoe.

Tun e dixitRex suis Habote custodiam illius : ito, custodite

sicut soitis,‘n e forte ven ian t Roman i ot tollant n ostrum

locum et gentem’: et erit n ov issimus error poiot priora.’

Illiautemabiernn t signan tos Babiloniam cum custodibus.‘

Rex voro ulterius proficiscen s dixit domesticis suis

Joshuaxvill. 8. Circuito terram et perambulate eam,

“etauditc veces populi

mei qui est in Egipto, quiapropter miserism in opum ot

gcmitum pauperum nunc exurgam et roddam ultion em

hostibuamois et hiis qui oderun tmaretribuam.

” Illiautemab oriente et occiden te“et adesertis mon tibus diligenter

in quiren tes inven erun taliquos qui fuerun t tanquam parates" o ad predicts et siCut catuli leonum habitan tes inabditis et

promtnariaeorum planaeructan ciaex hoc in illud! Et

qui missi fnar1mt ‘° oran t ox Phariseis.‘ Et dixerun tad regem,

‘Ecce, totus mundus in malign o positus est“quare n on

facie indicium et vin dicas fratres n ostros Tun e s it Rex,

Nox habe (bi)t con silium.

Et post pancaapprcpinquavit Rex Lendin io. vidit civi

tatem et devit super illam et dixit, Quis si cogn ovisses

Luke xfx. 4 1.-12. et tu." Et statimagressus ost populus datohomaculis suis

k Josh 111. 14 at tulernn tarcham federis domini con traeum“ot dixerun t,Iste ost Rex nester quiaservituteEgiptiacaliberavit n os.


Rex voro transien s permedium illorum ihat et in travit paradisum suum ut quercret homin em quem creaverat," et dixit,

Gcn . 111. 9. Adam,Adam, ubi cs Olim quidem debni perdere to, set

pecun iatuaoravit pro to.

“Raddaration em villieationistue.

Respot Adam , Fodero non valso, mendicareembesco.

’ P Et cum accusaretur in multis n on respondit

verbum .“Novissimaautem ven eran t due ingrati tastes ot

dixerun t,‘Hic dixit, Possnm destrucre dow um vestram in

MS . A in serts omn ia. ’ MS. A inserto ministris.

MS. B omits nunc.

’ MS. B omits mois.

’ MS. A desertibus.MS. B omits quì fnernn t.’ MS. B leones paratosad predictam.MS. A oculi. MS. B insortasuis.

’ MS. B fuerant.MSS. erat. MS. B. dixit. Omitted inMS. B.MS. B eam. Omitted inMS. B. MS. B liborsbit.Adam daStratton .

A reference to his previous conviction in 1279 for forgeryand fraud,at thesuit of theabbotand monastery of Quarr. Stratton ’

s disgrace on this occasionwas only brief , for w ithin the yearall offices were restored to him. Seo Red Bookof the Exe uor. In troduction iii. ccxx.


Omitte inMS. B.

Matt. xxvi. 60-61. triduo, et nun quam roodifiesro illam.


Ps. xxxii. 9.

Matt. xxvii. 13, 14 .Matt. xxvi . 75.

John vi. 12, 13.

John xx. 30.

Actai. 6.


Matt. xxiii. 6, 7.

Lamont. iv. l .

L J ohn xl. 33.

Romans xii. 19.

1 Luke V“. 38.

Reclus. xl. 12.

MS. B eam.MS. B in sorte hoc.

MS. B vostra.



Dixit et facts sun t,

mandavit et destructs sun t.’

Tun e dixit illi proses, Non

audio quan taadversum to dicunt testimon ia Et n on re

spondit verbum,‘sot oxivit forse ot flevit amare.

“Tun eapprehendernn t eum min istri ot posuerun t eum in carcerem.

Et dixit Rox min istris suis, Ite, colligite fragmen ts ne

Collegamn t ergo et implevorun t plusquam xn .

COphinos' denariorum in loco tabernaculi domus suo, et

multaaliaquo n on sun t scriptain libro hoc.

” Igitur qui

eon veneran t in terrogaban t dominum dicen tes, Domin e, si in

tempore rostituee ‘ illi quicquam.

’Dixit autem Rex,“

Non est vestrum n osso thosanrnm vel mon etam quo posuit

in potestate mea.’Et post pan caoxut edictumaRogo prefato“ut discriboren

tnrun iverso seditiones torre.

‘ Et iban t omnes ut profiterontur in Lendiniam civitatem.

‘ Et scismaerat in ter eos.

“Testimonium ergo perhibebat turbaque erat ° ibidem quodaliquimin istri Regis tran sgredieban tur tradition os sen iornm,

amaban t primos recubitus in con iaet primas cathedras insinagogis, et salutationoe in foro,et vocariab homin ibusRabi.‘Et per eos occultatum est aurum et argen tum terre. Et

dispersi sunt lapidee sanctnafi i in capite omn ium platearnm .

Et cum sudisset Rex hce sermon es in fremnit Spiritu et dixit,Mihi vindicta ot ergo retribnam.

Item fecit London ie cenam magnam et vocavit multas.

Et misit serves suos horacene dicere in vitatis ut ven iron t.

Et ceperun taliqui se oxcn saro.

“Primus dixit, Villas emipecun ianon numerata,“et n ecesse hebao v idero illas.


alter dixit, Jngabovum emi quin qusgin taet eo probaroilla. ’ Et slius dixit, Uxorem duxi alienam et vadoprobaro illam.

Roversiu servi nunciaverunt hoc domin o

Regi. Tun e s it Rex, Ite, c0mpollite eos in traro‘ buecoram i

ma. Crastinadio delebitur in iquitas terre ! Et

Omitted inMS. B. MS. A locum.MS. B si . MS. B omits rox,

’in sorte eis.

MS . B predicto.

This is the response to the invitation given to complainan ts by the writ tothe sherifis of October 13, 1289 (Fwdcra, i. pt. 2 , p.MS. B omits prim08.

MS . A Vindiotam.MS. A numeravi.MS. B omits ‘et.

MS. B nun tiabsnt, omits hCC .

MS. B omits se.

MS. B eas.MS. B ea. MS . B tortine.MS. B venire et.

MS. B in sorte postmodum.

MS. B eam.MS. B omits huc.



John xii. 19.

Matt . il. 11.


considembo novissimaeorum .

Dixerun t aliqui , Videmus

quod n ichil proficimua. Ecce totue mundus ‘ super nos et

super operanostra. Eamus et ofl'

eramus ei mun era,aummquiarex est. thus quiaprela.tus,l murram quiainmortalis,2et forte miserebitur nobis.

‘ Et cum venissen t ad Regem ,

dixit ille,’ Amen , dico vobis,“quiavenit horaet nun c est“

quod risus vester doloremiscebitur,° populusautem gaudebit.

Meaest ultio et ego retribuam vobis in tempore,?quiadilexistisiniquitatem et odistis justicia.m.

‘l Ite in castellum quod con travos est. Et in ven ietis " elios alligatos et plures cum eis.

Illic orata“n e in tretis in temptacion em.

’ Dixeruutque illi,

Domin e, verbavite habes ; cum quo ibimus? Tun e sitRex,

Cum custode civitatis, ut respondeat pm vobis in die

iudicii.’ Domine Rex,miserere nObis.

’Tune sitRex, Que

procedun t de labiis mois non faciam irrita somel iuravi iniramea,‘ n on habebitis partem mecum,

‘ quiahonor regis

indicium diligit.’ Illiautem dixerun t, Domine, fiat volun tas

tua.’ Et escuti sun t custodem, et peraliam viam reversi

sun t“in Babiloniam, expectantes donoc ven iat dominusultionum, dominus qui reddet un icuique iuxtacperasua.

MS. B theappended verses immediately follow the PassionSumpserun t curbyt Lu. Ley



Et plures facien t tan to magis sitien t.Set n equeun t bibere clero cratere solutoCorn ers n ec serere dedecus esse puto .

plangunt plures, reliquos dicun t fore fures.

Est Adam de Strat‘ in scaccario per escheke mat.Sumitur ille roous nec min or ille locus,Set causan t gentes in ban co nun c residen tes

Ne don t iudicium quod ten eat uitium ,

MS. B in serts est.’ MS. B inserts est.

’ MS. B in serts si . ’MS. A nostri .MS . B in sorts rex.

’ MS. B. omits from this poin t to tempore .

MS. B in sorts ibi .’ MS. B illis.MS. A in trate. MS. B in sorte Dixerun t min istri.’MS. B. in serts tunc.

’ MS. B secundum.

Weyland, Brompton , Lovetot, Leicester, Littleburyand Stratton are left intheirabbreviated forms for con ven ience of scan sion .

The castle (in chess, stillalso called the rock) is taken awayand the board isnone the worse.

Little.MS. ne.

For this and certain emendation s we are indebted toMr. A . G .


Noto.— The following sbbrevistionsare used ; H. hundred. S. sherifl .

Name of Accused Ofi ce Accuser

1 Abbot, John Bs. of E. ci Humbleyard Agnes de DunstoneHeyth, Alex. de la

2 Aledone, Hon . de S.E. of H. of Larkfield J. Bufl‘yu de Leyburn s.

8 Aleveut, Will. de B. of H. of Lothingland Geoff. de Thurton4 Dittoand Will.Makeseyre

Slipst, Bog.

Bordone, Rich.

5 Aleyn , Pet. Bs. of S. of Sussex J0 . de Polyn ssnd

Noreys, Bob. de

Gargat, Will.Bernham, J0 . de

Dole, Steph .

6 Aleyn , Pet. B. of S. of Sussex Jo. DammartinFraunceys, Bob. B.B.

7 Annesleye, J0. S. of Notts and Derbys. Sim. de Notynghsmde 1


spelt Alewen t. Also spelt Anesle.

The date between square brackets is the date at which asherifl wasappoin ted, oratwhich hisaccoun t was commenced. The datesare taken from the List of Bhem


ia, P .R .O.

Listsand Indexer, No. IX.


B.= bailifl S.S. under—sharifl . B.B. sub-bailifl . inM.

= in misericordia.

Oflen ce Result Reference-membran e Coun ty


Seizure of horses Ben . sine dieJ0. inM.

22d“, 87d, 44d Sufl'


Seizure of beasts 87d, 44d Sufiolk

Seizure of grain, %d, 55d, Sussexb e s s t 8 an d 58d


Seizure of grain 18, 40 Sussex












Name of Accused Oflìce Accuser

Annesleye, J0 . de S. of Notts and Derbys. Rog. de Beltoft


Ditto Will. de Cateclive

J0 . de Heryz

Bittoand ditto Will. deBoynburgh deBoldestone, B. of Newark Cotoun

Ditto S. of Notts.and Derby Sim. de Paris

Ditto Avice, who was the

wife of Tho .Martinde Tydeswell

Bittoand J0 . de BnemyngtoneBulcoto, Geoff.Ansthorp, Tho. de B. of the Wapentake of Will.Brun deDerlyng

North Claro . tone, chaplainLithsote, Will. S.Bs.

Stayn born, Tho. de

Appelby, Pet. de Bs. of York Alice de Thoreworthe

Sperry, ReynerWyte, Nich. le

Segensus, J0 . Clerk to bailifi'


Appelby, Pet. de Bs. of York Hugh le Biller andPopeltone,Will. de Bog. le Blund

Appelby, Rog. de ‘ S. ofMiddlesex Saer de Peldone

Probablyan under-sherifi . His name does notappear in the List of Sher









Name of Accused

Appelby, Bog. de

Asshe, Rob. de

Attehurst, Tho.

Attehurste, BichMslegrafe, Will .Avenewyk,Hon . de

Wyfome, Hon .

Caretor, Roger leIsabel, J0 .

K nyght,Will . leTHereneghe,Will .

Ayneeham,Hon .de

Bachelaye,Will. de


Bacoun , Rog.

Bacoun , Rog.

BartholomewLeechild, Bich.


Cauleton , Rob. de

Slemondeshey, J0 .

Ultingee, Tho. de

Bsgstone, Tho. de

Balheued, Rob.


Ofi ce Accuser

8 . ofMiddlesex Steph. deDepham

Alice de Csveforde

Keeper ofWorcester Gaol Mariotade ImmerJ0 . Foucher


Min isters of the King Hereward de laMorede Blunteedone

B of [H. of] Bullingdon Tho. de Somerton ,Alice his wife


s B. Will . Paulyn de Retteford

Bob., son of Brayton

B. of H. of Witham Nich. de laBrome

B. of King, honour of Rob. Huberd deBoulogne Whitenotle

Clerks of Rog.


S.E. of B. of H. of] AlbredaParmyhodClaydon


Oflence Result

False returns


Un just fine Rich. sine die, Jo. inM.

Seizure of goods, All made fines. Hereejection werd to recover loseee

Procuring indict Baocun sine die, Rob.

ment of Rob. for in M. Leschild totheft. Seizure of gaol. Charge withbesets. drawn against Barth.

and Tho. de Ulfingee

Seizure of horse Albredawithdrew. Balheued sine die



56d, 66, 74d,76

86d, 44d, 57,60d, 71, 73








Oxon .




106 APPENDIX n .

Name of Accused

81 Balheued, Rob. S.E. of B. of [H. of] Jo. Joce de DebenClaydon

B. of Bishop of

88 s nbiry, Rog. de Agnes laCanoune deTodmertone

84 Ditto andLyonn , J0. le

Rob. Justices de Ban

86 Ditto Tho. deMareye

37 rDitto Margery, wife of Will.Attele de Banbiry

88 Bsrowe, Rog. de Clerk of Tho. de Farne Rich. de laHulle dedon , late S. of Leicester “Outheby

39 Berri, Will. B. of H . of Worth J0.Mslemeyns40 Bsrteluni , Hon . S.S. of Yorke. G eofi


. de K ellsweWarde, Nich.

41 Baud, Rob. le S. of Northants. Nich. eon of Turville

42 Ditto Will. de Tyryrighamclerk


Name of Accused Ofi co Accuser

Bayle, Jordan do Be. of Bh okburnshiro, John Den iseWl:itingham, Ad. Lance.


Irlsm, Rob. do B. of AmoundornessAsbo, Hugh de B. of LeylandshireThorn tono,Almaric B. of Blackburn ehirodo

Bodel, Ralph lo Sim. lo Estrange‘ doGillingham

Bel, Hon . lo Walt , son of Walt.Bob., son of Sim. Coroner do Doingtonode Nothorkote

Willsres, Nich. do Bs.

Waryn , Rich

46 1'Belencombe, Jo. de B. of Sufl


olk Will . do Brokodis

47 Belhous, Tho. do 2 S. of Cambo. and Hun ts. Tho. do Exeter

[1281]48 Ditto Bog. lo Granger

49 Dittoand Nich., eon of Rob. do

K yntht, Steph. Hougham

50 Bollowes, Rich. de

51 Botsford, Osbert do Lato S. [of Leicester-Shiro] Tho. Hoto do Folyholl[1278, 1280]

52 Berkham,Austin do Verdorer of King’

s forest Walt. do Belstodo

Also spelt Straunge. Also spelt Belhus.


Seizure of aboat,with cargo

Seizure of horse

Seizure of horse

Release of horses

attached for debt

False return s, im

prisonmen t

S. returned write

late, so inM.

Procuring indictmont, imprisonmon t.



Sim. did not come, so inM., and Ralph sino

die. But Ralph madofino to K ing

Walt. did not come.

Accused sine die

J0. amerced. 1292,mado fino

Charge withdrawnTho. in

Belhous sino dic, Rog.


Nich. did not come,Tho. sine die

Accused sine die, Walt.inM.


56, 25, 44

58, 60, 66d

l 8d"

28, 45, 64, 68


21' , 87d

52d‘ , 58

Coun ty


K ent




Hun ts.

Hun ts.











Bortone, Jo. de Bs. of Norwich Rob. AlynClerk, J0 . le

Bortone, Jo. do Jo. Cnrpsyl

Virk, Goofi.

Martin , Nich.

Cacheml, Begin .

1'Bissopesgate,Ad. do Margaret, daughter of

1'Serjsunt, Ralph lo Tho.WybordDorre, Andrew

Blaunch, Rob. lo Parson of church of Bir Bob., son of Olivelingham, clerk of H. of do Stsfi




Ditto J0. Assowy of London

Ditto Ditto, clerk of Rob. le Rich. do Birlingham,


Blammin stor, J0. B. of [H.] of Dunmow Will ., eon of Walt. dede Dunmawo

Ditto Walt.Paykyn demagnaDunmawo

Ditto Jo. Foucher

Bloun t, Will . lo, Coron er of Worcester, Rich. do Ssntmsroys,do Doverdale Keeper of the Peace parson of church of

Grafton , J0 . Grafton

Blount, Hugh lo Once 8 . of Essex [1286] J0 . Fouchor

Also spolt Cuppol. Also spelt Virly.











Name of Accused Ofi oe Accusor

Bolde, Hugh do la Walt. deDoingtonBladinton ,Will . do

Borghulle,‘Rog. do S. of Hereford [1278] Hon . loMareschal

Stretton , Will . de

Ditto Rog. do Longhouro,senior

Ditto Rich. do Bagingedono

Bitto,and ditto J0. Deverous

Stretton ,Will. de Clerk

Ditto ,and Will . de Evoroue do

Porter, Jo., oto. Louhsles

Ditto, Jo. Oruay of Islyn ton

and others

+Botard, J0. of Baseot Ad. do Donoby

Boxford, Will . de Bs. of [H. ofl Blackbourn Louisade K otfeldBsdlingham,

Bern ingham,Steph .


Boxstodo,‘Ralph de S. of Essex [1288] Rob. de K onebumoMolho, Rog. de Clarke

Peyntour, Rob. lo

Eures, Silvester doAldham, Walt. do

Also spelt Burhulle, Burbull,Burghullo. Aleo spelt Buxetedo,Woxstedo .

ANALYSIS or ROLL 541 A . 113

Offonco Result Reference-membrano Coun ty

Walt. did not come. l 8d‘ Gloucesters.

Hugh and Will . simdie

Bribery, imprison 84d" , 87, 58, Horofords.

mon t, seizure of 54d, 6od, 64d,

goods 67

Seizure of oxon, sell Herefords.

ing of corn

Seizure of boasts Herefords.

Favour 6d" , 8d Herefords.

7d" 20d, 41d, Herefords.

Seizure of goods

Dl troatmon t 41, 54d, 62d“, Notte.

69, 78, 77



Silvester, Walt. and 80, 88d‘, 4là Essex

Rog., sino ch'



Name of Accused Office Accuser

74 Boxstode, Ralph de flitto Will., son of Will . deRob. Late clerk to Rog. de Brondohs llo

Burro, Will . Molho75 Ditto Will . Phileman

76 Ditto Rog. doMolho

77 Ditto Drogo do Hsren tyn

78 Ditto Jo . lo Feuore do


79 Ditto Alice, wife of Sim.

de Colchester

80 +Boyvillo,Will . do.

3 Once S. of Warw icks.and Tho. de Soggefoldo

Loicoetors. [1288]

81 Ditto Once S. of Beds. and Hon . Olyver de StaBucks. [1285] pelho

82 Ditto Once S. of Leicesters. Rich. de Seloby

88 Ditto, and Once S. of Beds. and Will . do GarlokoBucks.

Porter, Tho. lo B. of Dunstable

84 Boyvilo, Will . de Once S. of Beds. and Will. HutkocBucks.

85 Ditto Once S. of Warwicks. Emma, daughter of

Geoff . de Rokeby86 Ditto Once S. of Beds. and Milo de HaStingges


Also spelt Filmen . Also spelt Futbor. Also spelt Beyvilo, Boyvile.











Name of Accused Ofi co Aocuser

Boyvile,,and OncoS. of Beds.andBucks. Rich. do 8 . Egidio

Boyvilo, Will . de, SS : parson of church of

his eon m enho

Ditto Once 8 . of Bode. and Sarre, wife ofWarin ofBucks. Done

Tho. his son

Ditto,and Once S. of Warwicks. Eustace do HecheBoondone, Hon . de Once his B.

Ditto Once S. of Beds. and Tho. Rykeman de

Bucks. Bronham, Rob.


Ditto Rob. do Belogravo

Bradomer, Rich. do Rich. Goldyngee

Bradenath, Warin J0. Curpelde

Brouthton ,

Bragehatch, Wa B. of Abbey of Ramsey Tho. de Bergh

renne do

Brothtono,Rich. do

Bray, J0 . de Emma, who waswifeofPet. Mogersauz de


Bray, Will. do Coroner of Hereford Jo . de Balim

ANALYSIS or ROLL 541 A . 117

Oflonce Reference-membrane County

Seizure of goods Will. sim die, Rich . in 80d, 41 Bucks.M.

Seizure and Will. sine die , Serra 9"

prisonment and Tho. inM.

Ejoction l 8d Warwicks.


Rich. Goldyngee did 25, 80, 40d, 55d

" Notts.

not come. Accused Derbys.

29d, 40


Emmadid not come. 58d" Lince.Bray sine dic

goods st Er

g;sine dic, J0. in l d" Herefords.

loss than value But JO. to re

cover goods againsttown ofMsrkolo


Namo of Accused Office Accuser



Brem l e e sho ts,l S. of Han te. [1285] Hugh ds BokelondWill. ds

98 Ditto Walt. ds Dornforde

99 Ditto Walt. Henge

100 Ditte Walt. Russel

101 Ditta,and Alan de PlogonotheK en , Will. loWeyto, J0. le

102 Bremlyngss, Rob. Tho. ds Bodyhamds

Tropham, Will . de

108 TBrot, Ad. B. of H. of Williton J0 . Aloyn , FlemildaPayn , Walt. his wife


fBrstdn , J0 . Once Warden of London Will . lo ChaundslorJ0 . de Flete

Begin . le Chsundslsr

Will. Daveynse

105 Brian , Will. Be. of the King in Bode. Rich . lo Polster ds

Dok, Hugh Godiwyk

Carounsr, Will.

106 Brigsford, Rob. ds, Joan do Herefordds Covsham

Sensor, J0 . le, do

Hsrdyngtons B.Msrws, Tho . ds S.S . of Surrey

Also spolt Brymlesots, Brimblechote, Bromelsmhyto, Bromloekhsta, Brimlscheto.

Also spolt Plukenot. Also spolt s enays.


Ofllcs Accuser

B. of H. of Guiltcross Jo. de WygeuhaloAttsgrous, Nich. S.B.

Ralph, son of Ralph

108 Brokesbonyn, JO. K oepsrs of the Peace Jo. de Wymptono,

Bodewoll, Pet. do

B. of H. of Tendring Olivodo Hobriggo,andJuliads Hobrigge

110 Brun , Hou. lo Alan , son of Roaldus

111 Bryt, Will . le Coroner of DorbyTho. Martin de


112 Bulkoto, Gsofl'

. B. of the King in Notts Susan , who was wifeof J0. del Pek de


Will. ds Cattoclivo

Onestone, Pot. de

115 TBungay,‘ Goofi. de Once B. of Norwich Rog. dsMorls116 Ditto,and do Bonhale,

Blsksstre, J0. leBertone, Jo. de

117 Bungeyo, Steph. do Constable of the Pesco in Will . Skatlot ds

H. of Lothingland Shatogravo

Also spolt Bunggsyo.


Seizure of boasts.

Holding H. ct.

in place not anuouncod

Refusal to arrsstmalefactors

Housobrsaking, illtreatmen t


Removaland subetitution of jurors


Result Re ference-membrane

Jo. did not come. 10"

Brigsham etc. sine drio

Jo. de Wymptoue in 886"M. J0. de Brokes

bouyn etc. eine dts

Oliveand Juliarecover 66

586, 60, 666


676, 68,786, 766

20, soa, 556

18, 25, 86

In on6, Will. did not 286, 866, 446

game. Steph. sine

Coun ty










Name of Accused Office Acousor

118 Bun t, J0 . Walt. ds Dernssfords

119 TBurgwaresley,‘ Constable of Bridgnorth Bob., eon of GilbertNich. de Le Spicer de Bris


120 Ditto,and Will . ds Hammo,Rochalo, Begin . do parson of HamptonBody, Rich. Lovett

121 Burley, Jo. do B. of H. o f Chippenham Jo. lo G ras do Litteltons

122 Ditte Will . Gofray do Litteltons

128 Butho, Alan , ds Once B. [ecko of] Boling Hugh Godals ds

K yrksby broke [parts of'Liud Revesby

say]124 Buxste6e, Nich. J0 . Alyet

125 Caruucswyk, J0 . Once sub-escheator of J0 . G rymetandMariaYork his wife

126 Castellobromwyz, Constable of the Peace J0. Lovol

Hon . de

127 Catchspol,Will. lo, J0. theMerchantof St. Albans

Gilbert128 TChadworth,’ Rob. S. of Lince. [1285, 1287] Joan do Dakrs


129 Ditto ditto J0 . Skarlst1 Also spolt Burgwardesle. Also spolt Chaddeworth . Schadoworth , Scha6worth


Name of Accused Ofi co Accusor


fChadworth, Rob. 8 . of Lince. [1285, 1287] Will . ds Percyde

181 Ditto, and Giles leMoygno.

Kestevens, Ad. de

Burtons, Nich.

Ford, Will . doBorgham, Will. do Suburban Bs. of StamfordPuttock, Hon .

Chamborleyn, J0. Clerk to S. of Lincolns. Hou. lo Pyper

lo Roland le Clerk ds

K estsvon , Walt. do Bamborghs srcotos, Wil . doEdlyngton , Jo. de

Chamborleyn,‘ J0 . Bob. Broun


134 Charm, J0 . Rich. Chanu

185 Chapelle,Maynard Constable of the Posco Will . Schyrove de

de la SnaveHomsrsam, J0.

Typpydsne, Hou.


186 Chelosfoud,aWill . 8 . of Ken t [1286] Prior and convent of

ds St. Gregory, Cantorbury

187 Ditto Ad. ds Bishopsgato

188 Ditto Will. Paysrs

Also spolt Chaumbsrlsyn . Aleo spelt Chelsfsud. Also spoltPaystorer.


Oflencs Result Reference-membrane Coun ty





levy of


806, 55

Giles did not come. 86"

Accused sine die

296 Lince.

Rob. did not come. J0. 80"

sino dae

appearance Jo. sine die, for the 21"

accused in question

is Jo. Charm senior

Seizure of boasts, 266, 40, Kentimprisonment, ill 446

Allowing debtor toescape

Name of Accused

189 Chslssfeud,

140 Ditto

141 Ditto

142 Ditto,andChernok, Henry de

148 Choleefsud,

Bedel, Ralph le

144 Ditte

145 Ditto

146 Chiche, Steph.

Chiltenham, Walt.147


Chiltons, Jo . de

J0 . de'

TCartswriths,Will . loWoylsto,Sim . dolaHolt,Maurice delPopsr, Hugh+Blobro, Sim.

+Ssbindous,Will . de

149 Cimoterio,Ralph de



S. of Ken t [1286]


B. of Can terbury

Rector of church of Ampney,ministsr of theKing

B. of H. of Petham


Tho . ds Rokyngse

Will . ds Arar, citizen

of London


Pot. ds SaxhullWilliam du Los

Sim. lo Estrauugs doG illiuggeham

Jo . de l ham

Hou. ds GreyAd. de Bisespisgato

Will . PageWalt. Patyu

Edw . de K suyufsud

and Alice his wife

C . laVenole ds



Name of Accused Ofi co Accuser

150 Clerk, Tho. lo B. of H. ofMsrdon Tho. le Clerk do

Patyudenuo,Hon .de S.B. Mordsuo151 Clerk, Tho., son of Will .G ens do Adelyng

Rich .dsAdslyng ton s and Rob. his

tono eon

152 Glifo, Rob. ds Constable of Scarborough, Wil l. ds Deringtouo,escheator chaplain


fCliftou, Gerv. do S. of Yorke. [1285] Idonea, daughter of

Bonors, Hon . Bs. Rog. of MiddlesColtpyn tsl, Rob. haltsloshay

154 Clifton , G erv. de 8. of Yorke. Jo. do Staveley

155 Ditto,and ditto Jo. de CarletonsBrocton , Rich . do His clerk

156 Clif ton , Gerv. do S. of Yorke. Walt , son ofMildredds Brocton

157 Ditto J0 . le Forester ds


Ingram Foleusauntand his son

Clerk to 8 .

ANALYSIS or ROLL 541 A . 129

Oflonce Result Rofsrsncs omombran s

296 .



se' ,


55, Yorke.

Seizure of boasts

Non execution of J0. loseee. 566 Yorke.

writ, false return Gervaso to gaolto three write.

Asked money in

tion of writ

Seizure of boasts, 72 Yorke.





Imprisonmen t, ssiz 26, 866, 58, 566, Yorke.

nre of goods 64, 666, 766"


Name of Acc…159 Clif ton , Gerv. de

160 Ditto

161 DittoJo. de St. JohnJo. de SallayGervaso his sonRanulf deHuntingfeud

162 Clift n , Gorv. ds

168 Ditto

164 Ditto

165 Ditto

166 Ditto

167 Clifton , Gilb. de

168 Bitto


Ofi ce

8. of Yorke.

S. of Yorke.


Rich., son of Will. dsPentone

Bob.Hughtmd deSkardoburgh

Will., son of Gsofl'

. ds


Humph. ds Veyllyandwife

Sim. do Lund

Amandus de Ruda

Will.ds Braytons,clerk

Begin . dsMassinghamds Donocastrs

Ingram do Gyves

Gilb. ds Haleehalo


Name of Accused

169 Clifton , Gilb. de

170 Bitto

171 Bitto,andPluket, Hugh

172 Clifton , Gilb. de

178 Ditto

174 Ditto,andWartoue,Rich. doTattoloke,A6.

Forester, Ralph le

175 Ditto

176 Ditto

177 ‘

l“Clyvs,Walt. de laHonyngtons, J0 .deCres Eylof; Rog.deWill . his sonLundres, Jo. de

178 Cocksfeld, Rich. de B. of K ing in Suffolk

179 Conestable, Sim. le




S. of Lance.

S. of Lance.


Parson of PoulshotB. ofMslkesham

Justice of King


Alan le Bretone, parson of church of


Joan de Dacre

Rich. le Horskuave deAthertons

J0 . Cofyu

J0. de Bsrtone qui

seqwitur pro rage

Tho. le Butslsr

Tho.ModyWill. de laSale

Sim. de Pà.ulesholt

and others

Tho. Smalwods de laRose

Jo. le Words'



Ol onco

Extortion of money

from Joanalone. Seizure of


Seizure of boasts

Seizure of boasts

Not making proclamatiou that com

plain ts again stministers should

be brought

Distraintin spiritualfisf

Malicious distraint

Seizure of goods,imprisonment

ANALYSIS or ROLL 541 A . 183

Result Reference-membrane County

446, 566


sr , e, so Lance.

86, 26"


866, 546, Wilts.596, 67,

56, 14‘

876, 58 Yorke

180 Corbet, Rob.

and others

181 DittoNorwich, Rob. deWaloshsle,

Wolverhm touo,Hon . ds

Cornerth, Rob. ds

Seriaun t, Phil. le

Cotes, Hugh deBob., his son

Paàyngtone, Steph.


Cotone, Jo., de


185 Co ere, Rob. de,o Tanwell

Thotol, Geol .




186 Croppill ,Croppill,Cuman , Will .

Crosholm, Jo. deMartone, Nich. de


188 +Crotemau, Hon .




Ditto,andSumter, Begin . le

Plucliug, Reg.

Carpenter, Hamo


Il .


Once S. of SalopStafis. [1288]

and J0 . Payneland wife


S. S.

Tho . lo Spicer

Ssneschal of precentor of Saer do PeldonsSt. Paul ’s

Will . de Folkestous dsSkartheborghs

Hawiso, daughter of

Hugh doBrunnWalt. Gallo de Salfletby

wm. doNotingbsru‘

Bs. of H. of Well Hugh, son of Bob.Joweyu ds Stouws

Clerk, minister of King, J0 . de Bonhals, chaponoo S.S. of Norfolk

Valentiuods Sohotford

Isabel, daughter of

Rob. Plucling


Name of Accused



Crotsmsn , Hen .,

Sumter, Begin . le

Olegou, J0.

192 DittoandStsueford,Will . de

198 Crundale, Bob. de

194 Curpel, J0 .

195 TDalliug, Bich. de

David, Bog., son ofBurgoyn , Tho.

Claricemau, Hon .

Abyudoue, Hon . do"i‘Fsustrsts, Tho. dsRothekoc, Steph.

Fool, Hon . lePatomers , Jo. deK ing, Hon . loDod, Bob.

?Seblsme, J0.

Skot, Bob.

Ve se, Hon .

Sasmau, J0 .

Will., eon of RalphJazar6,Will .Bob., eon of T‘ho.


* Ingholf, J0.

Wards, J0 . le



Clerk, minister of King,once S.S. of Norfolk

Once B. of H. of Borno


s Sombouru

B. of H. of Holt?


Also spolt Dallynges.


Jo. ds Wyttono (Jo.

de Ronhals, his



Bob. de Wytefeld

Nich., son of Phil . do

Barth. de Beusvils

Tho. of Excestre andAlice his wife

ANALYSIS or ROLL 541 A . 137

Reference-membrane Coun ty

45, 496‘

mont in court

Seizure of boasts 45, 56

86, 27

Seizure ofahorse 586, 76,

Casealready tried sleo 456,496”

Accused sine





Name of Accused

Dsuoye, Tho.

Pueye, Bich. ds

Afford, Bob. de

Nowelaunde, Rich.

de laLsnhsm, Jo. de


;nail, Almeriao

Denoys, Will. de

K navsnekote

Despenser,G sofi . le

Dive, Ralph

Dogor, Tho.


Draper, Bich. lo

Druel, Baldwin

Duraunt, Walt.

Durham, Au6r. de

Edmunds StGeoff. de

Elham, Hon . ds



Late S. of Oxon .


K ing’

s B. of Ashwell

Coroner of Northants

S.B. of H. of Frosbridgo

B. of Derby

Once mayor of Bristol

Geoff . do Botysfsud

Jo., son of Rob.

Will . ds Assewslls

Ralph de CatesbyWill. Hautopo

Bich. Laveroks

Martin lo Tannour dsBristo ll

Will . de Homoby

Constable of Norwich Reyner do ColekirkeCastle

Ssnsschal of Bishop ofRochester

Hugh lo Tsylour













Name of Accused Oflico Accuser

Elmsswalla, A6. daB. of Wostridiug [Lin6 Welt. dalaLyndasay]

Ely, J0 . da Bog., son of Bich. daSt. Augustine

Esthop, Jo. da On

sca S.S. Stefi. and Will. daKnaptonalop

Bette, Bob. B. of H. of Ofllow

Eulanewyka, Will. Be. of H. of Longbridge Steph. lo Gutslerand

Cda Alice his w iferappa, Will .Hemund, Bob.

Evvaloda, Bich. da Walt. daDun tonsClark, J0 .

Wichs, Welt. la

Farudons, Tho. da S. of Warwick [1285] Bich. daNsuboldMorya, J0 . B. of K uightlow

Ditto,and ditto Sim., aon of Gsofl'

.Morya, J0 . B. of K uightlow le Favre daHardsborwa

Ditto Will . lo Vanur daHerdborwa

Ditto,and 6itto J0 . daManscastraLyuya, Ad. Minister of KingFarndone, Bob. de B. Walt. le Blound

Fanna, Phil . da Coroner Rich ., son of Peu

linus daSaham.

Jcen his wife

Aleo spolt Vanour. Also spoltLin ie.

ANALYSIS :or ROLL 541 A . 141


Result Reference-membrane Coun ty


Non execution of 806, 61


Imprisonment, seiz Sussexuraof goo6a

Welt. did not come. 186“Worcestore.

Accueod sine die

Imprisonment 556, 67, 766 Warwicks.

Imprisonment 556, 67 766 Warwicks .

Imprisonment 56, 67 Warwicks.

J0 . did not come. T‘ho . 406, 55 Warwicks.

daFarndouoato. sine



Rescue of goods Accuears did not come 876 Norfolk

6istrainod upon , eventually. Fermabeating, damage sine dde














Name of Accused Ofi ca Accuser

Pentone, J0. da Once mayor of Exeter Will . NormanOkemochoua, Will. Be.

6aSchillingford, Phil.da

Forreras, Bob. da Sub-aachsator of Norfolk Sim. ChukatdaWesen


Fsrrour,Will . la S. B. of Bridport Welt. le Bloun t

Fleming, A6. la Han . de Lichfield, quisequiturpro rega

Flemyng, J0 . la B. of [H. of] Peak Avise, who was wife ofSoleby, Rob. 6a ditto T


Flode,Nich. do la

Forde, Steph. dalaB. of H. of Carlford J0 . Bond daMertlos


Wii]. dalaBrandhalla

Ditto G sofl'

. daCostoshsya

Fotur, Bob. le S.R. of Odiham Austin daBerthemLaurenz, Tho.

Porteys, Jo., daBerthem

Foxeleys, J0 . da King’

s minister in liberty Hon . daLougviladaof Westminster Norhem







Name of Accused

Foxtons, J0 . da

+Frituncoys, Steph.


tq nceys, Will. laBob., son of Pat.1”Biesab Jo. daSkot, ill .

Hull, Steph. del

Bikawerd, Alan

+Frauucays, Will. la+Skot, Will .+Ryeeeby, J0 daf Stoph., son of Will .q ncoys

+Duka, Ralph1'


Bob., aon of Pot.,?Iugrem,Steph.

fHulla, Steph. daLembyu, Bob.


Fuke,1 Nich .

Vestiario, J0 del

Gayolar, Wal. laSkynston , J0

Gelou, J0 .

Gemege, Han .

Ssrvan t, Phil . leAsk, Rob. le


Ofi cs

Min ister of King in townof Eastling


B. of H. of Holdsmass


Bs. of St. Edrhund’


B. of Newport Pagnell

B. of Oxford

Also spolt Fouk.


Margery, daughter of



Emme daSkyppoaedaOteringhem

Rob. daGravsuoy

Christiaue HsnyeandRich. daBraunford

Pat. laFavre

Tho. daSomertonandwife

ANALYSIS or ROLL 541 A . 145

Oflcncc Result Reference—membrane Coun ty

h prisonmaut, seizuraof goods

Seizure of goods. Steph. , son of 206, 86, 58,not concerned. Rest 68, 74, 76committed to geol.Emmato recover harloseee

Rob. did not come. 686, 74‘

Accused sine die

Imprisonment Cese removed to court 86, 28” Suffolk


Pet. did not come. Ac 25" Bucks.

Tho. withdraw. Aso 86“Oxon.

cussd n'

m dw


Name of Accused Office

288 tGemage, Hon . B. of OxfordBob.,aon of Hugh S.E.

Bob. daWelles

289 Ditto,and Bs. of Oxford+Colssburn ,Will. da


+Milton , Bob. da*Wyrynssee

‘ Ros

240 Ditto,andPyry, Andr. da

241 Gatton , Hsmo da S. of Ken t

Lato B. of Oxford


Will. daWodostoke

Tho . daSomartonandwi fe

Han . daChikauwelle

Bob. daLenhsm, ex

acutor of Alice daGatton

242 Gsyton , Ralph da Once mayor of Lancaster J0 . Scoills

Wykingby, Will .da

Lung, Hugh leWrangal,Wslt. da Be.

Alke, A6.

248 Gsrmsnus,‘son of S.B. of King in H. of Mery daFloxmera‘

Rich . Hytho

244 Gornamute,Will. da

245 Garyugs,Mich…da B. of Teynham

246 Gillot, Jo . B. of King

247 .* Gilwerd, Hou.

Hogg, Tho .

Wolryk, Rog.

Also spoltWyring. Also Gsrvasius.

Goofl . Oliver

A6. laFever

Walt , son ofMildred"’Jo. de Houton s

Alsoapolt Flaxmsrs.



Glovsra, J0. laHull, Jo. del

Evyutoua, Rich. daPastor, J0. lo

Goldyngtono,Will. Latomayor of ApplebydaWynds, Tho.

TGreftons, Alan da



B. of Colchester

His clark

Bs. of the K ing

B. of town of York

S. of Essexand Horta.[1290]

Warwalle Hathawy

Elias, clark of Bristol

Will. Franke, vicar of


A6. laMonnarandwif e

Will. daSfirkolend

Felicia, who was wifeof Tho. Russel daAlyuosstra

Hugh Bloms daTapofold

Han . daLyohefald qm'

sequitur pro rage

Walt. daBarnathorp

Bob. Huberd daWytnotela


Oflsncs Result

Intreetment, steal Cese previously tried.

ing royal write, As to steeling, Warimpfieonmant wella to recover

loseee. As to im

prisonmen t, G lovoresme die

Seizure of goods Eventually, Will. did

got come. Bich. sine


Delay ofassise A6. inM. Accused sine

Not diatrain ing Pet.daMolyngtous

Retiremen t in con

temmof court in

caso R. Huberd

h prisonment Charge withdrawn . So



ìuM. Accused simw


45, 586, 59,766


14, 266




Coun ty


G loucoets.







Name of Accueod Ofi co Accuser

258 Cmunt,Rob. lq°


Be. in H. of Scarsdale Bich. Goldynga

Tokssfords, Hughda

259 Groushulle, Sim. S. of Worcestore. [1286] Will . Olyvarda

Grettorda, ROb. daB. of H. of Flaxwell Alice, who was wife ofRal ph Drepcot

Tho. le Verdoun

262 Gyves, Bob. da Steph. daDephsm

Halos,Bog. da Coroner of Norfolk Steph. daSulbarlingham,and Begin . his


264 Helesworthy,‘ J0. Once sub escheator of J0 . daBoyvile

da Devon

265 Ditto Walt. daSomerset quisequiturpro rego

266 +Haleeworthy,Will. Person of church of Lan Will. Devaneys dada horn K uevstrok


I'Hemouud, Rob. B. of Scarborough J0. daThoretansby

Rog. lo Fareman daScarborough

269 Ditto J0 . daCrsuncewykAlso spoltHs ldosworthLanhorn , in Cornwall, IS the modern parish of St.Mawgan (MS. laHime ).


Nemo of Accused Office

270 Haudswyns,Welt. B. of H. of Samford Hugh daSpennoby271 Hayward, Hamo laLato B. of Shepway J0. OdadaFaversham

272 Dittosnastad

278 Hal, Hon . del, daB. itinerant in Essa: J0. dalaFords qw .

Storm sequitwrpro rego

274 Halmsswall, A6. da Mich. daLytlaport275 Herdsby, Geoff . daRe.

Lyudabg, Tho. da

Letha, im. daleOverton , Hugh daWill., his son

276 Herthewyk,‘ Will . Coroner of Warwicks. Hugh daLouther qui

da sequitur pro rego

277 Hawan ,Rog. dala B.


of K ing in Stsunary, Will . daHorshamavon

278 Hays, Tho. del, de Hundredman ofDespwadaWalt. WynneTessaburg fe"Y“8895

279 Heytho, Pat. da S.B. in H. of Gallowand J0 . daK oksfordeBrotharoross

280 H(àddeshoks, Han . Will. daCattoclivoa

281 Holmeto6e, Jo. daB. of King in H. of Ongar Steph. daleMors

Aleo spoltHerdwyk.


Illtreatmen t

Placing kinsmen ofaccused on jury(in case ofMounoro. Golafra)

Imprisonmen t

Taking bribes for

execution of duty

Seizure of horas ete.

Seizure of boasts

Sealing doorsso thatJ0. could not ed

ministar goods

Seizure of boasts byRog. le Wsyta,


Result Reference-membrane

Ode inM.Hemo sinedie 606

Begin. to recover loseee. 256, 566

Hemo inM.

41, 556, 666

J0. dal lam did not 18, 86, 446”

coma. Accused sinedie

To be tried by next 26”

To go toExchequerand 8"

plead there











Nome of Accused 0fi cs Accuser

282 Homedon J0 Clark of Rog. Inkopanuo Jcoelin dale Grava

288 Bortone, Will . daK ing’

s B Bob., son of Laurence

Frenne, Guy del Parson of SweloolifiaHorawod, J0 . da,daThalbrigge

284 Hothom, Nich. da Will. daHelmwall,Hothom, Tho. da person of Neutons

in Kastsyvena

285 Hoyleuda, Rob. daConstable of the Pescain John DanyasK snsrdala, Leuca.Ad Bob., Rich.,

his sons

Elias, his brotherHorton , A6.

286 Hunstensstuu, Prior of Cokosford Andr. daLavenhamBob. da and wife

Crowe, J0 .

287 Huntingfs16, Rs Will., son of G eofi. danulf da Pykyhala

288 Ialkas,Will .a Leto S . of Lince. Bich. daProstoua

289 Holgate, Denis da Coroner of Kent Eleanor daSt. Paulo

290 1'


à:apauno, Rog. S. of Cornwall [1285, 1286, Rich. daTravage 5

a‘ 1802]+n yugforde, Alena

Also spolt Den ise.

Proban en under-shsrifi . His name does notappear in List of Shaifi'

s. In m. 25 he

is describedas h uper ballivus.

Also spolt Dsuslegets . In the Eyre Rolls of Ken t, 21 Edw . 1. (No. 874 in the Public

Record Ofi ce, m. 8) he is describedas D. daIldhallogate.

Also spolt Ingksponns, Ingepenne. Also spolt Trovsrsn .


291 Inkspsnna, Bog. da

292 Ditto

298 Ditto


Burns, Han . davicar of


294 Inkopanuo, Rog. daDenvara, Tho.

295 Inkspsnna,Rog. da

Brunne, Han . daPercher, J0. loBotalo, Bob. daWyndeforns, Tho.Gescoyn , Gerard laLyveny, J0. daCroyte, Bich. daleLoung, J0 . laBostons, Will. daHovadsn , Pot. da

297 Irlaund, J0. da

Also spoltMadduckoe10ud.


Ofi ca

8 . of Cornwell


dittaClarke, late hundrddmeuand bailifie

Also spolt Gflgato.

Rog. daMedokesloud

Rich. Batekoc daBodmine

Mark daTrewsldsr

Will. dalaCou6rye

Han . Canal

Han . le Criour of Oxford.

Also spolt Coudray.




Result Reference-membrana

646, 67, 786

866, 566

67, 786

67, 746









299 1‘Kempa, G eofi’.Haltebon ,‘ ,






Name of Accused

Irlsund, Bob.'da


Lageman , Alex.

Skate, Tha.Malvostro, Walt.K smpo, Gaofi


Haltebon , Christopher

Thweyte , Tho. da

K smpo, Gacfi .

Coetyn , J0 .

Ditto,andGostyn , J0 .

Haltebon , Christopher

Sosta, T‘ho.

Fot, Rog.

Bog., son of Silvseter

K smpo, Geoff .Paga, J0 .

K smpo, Geoff .Soete, Tho.

Alteba, ChristopherCostan cyn , Jo .

l haued, Rob.

Sibleund, Rob.


Keeper of Ipswich

Kaspar of Ipswich


Kasper of geo]at Ipswich

Kasper of IpswichKaspar of geo] et Ipswich

Coroner of Ipswich

Keeper of IpswichClark of S. of Norfolk

Kaspar of Ipswich

Also spolt Baltebo.


Ralph lo TaylourJ0. his son


Nich. daHalst96a

Rich. Lovaben6, clarkof Archdeecou of


Pet. daMalles

Hon . daLyohefald gm?sequitm pro rego

Rob. Blomsand Isoldahis wife

. 160

Name of Accused

805 K smpo,Goof .

Boxford,Will . daOysel, Pot.

K ompa, Goofl.

807 Bitto, daWonardostone

808 Ditto

809 '


K eyvile, Jo. daBeeumar, Bob. da

810 Klut, Bich.

Eddagar, Pat. da

811 K ressinghsm,Nich.

Kaîîtono, Hugh daArnald, J0 .

812 K yngestona,Pat. da

818 Leghe, Han . dala

814 Lansford, Rich. da

815 Lek, Rich. la, daAdelyngtone


Ofi ca

Kaspar of IpswichLato B. of Hartismars

Kasper of Ipswich


8. of Northumbarland[1288]


B. of H. of Harlow


Also spalt Knout.


A6. daLanna, clark

J0 . daDaemon, merchant

Will ., eon of RanulfdaBsmholt

Tho. daBorn, personof Long Stratton

Will. daKalesoys

Will., son of Will. daWerdoun

A6. laFreuucays daFarnhem

J0. daWaddonoJ0. his brother

Hon . daclark

Thoob. daMarko


Warin , son of Jo. daK irkaton

Will. GanadaAdalyngtona,and son

ANALYSIS or ROLL 541 A . 161

Oflence Result Reference-membrane Coun ty

Ad. did not come. Ao 44, 54, 60 Suffolk

cussd sim die

Seizure of goods Jury confirmed Jo .

s 646, 72 Suffolk


Levying money Suffolk

Illtraatmaut, ou two 586, 71, 74 Yorke.


286, 40 Northumbarland

80, 54, 59, 66, 786 Norfolk


Seizure of boasts Hon. did not come. 646" Essex


Theobald to recover 446, 586, 71 Essex

loseee. Han . committed to gaol. Han . of

Lyohefaldappears forthe Crown












Also spolt G ereels.

Name of Accused

Lenna, Alan da

Leverer, Pat. laWill. le


Lucie, Fulk da

Ditto,andWaleys, Will. laG rashala, Tho. daNotinghsm, Han .


Lucia, E l li! daBarwo, Rog. daPalmer, Will . da

Luecoto, J0 . daHinon , Will .Hannsmara, Tho.

Luthis, J0 . da3

Lyngo, J0 .

Bog., son ofWelt.

Flemyng, Hugh laPaese, Ad.

Maldon , J0 . da


Office Accuser

S.B. of Derby Rich. daThorp

B. of H. of Chilford Alan Osemound

Hugh daAldithalays

S. of Warw icks.and Lei Rich. daLogoscostare. [1287]

Will., eon of Jo. daKegworth

Han ., son of Rosldus

Con stable of Peace in H. Jos. Scompoof Braunton

Mayor of Wallingford a.. Gilb., son of Ber

tholomaw ,and Alan

his brother

b. Eustace laOrfavraBob. laOrfavra

J0 . laFavre

Lats clark of win. daMatilda, w ife of Will .Suthwell, mayor of laGaun terdaKyugaKingston stone

Also spolt Hammers. Also spolt Louthis. Also spolt Pus.


Name of Accused Office Accuser

Mera, Pet. dala Bristol Elias, clark of BristolMenogotefsld,Rich.

daDraper, Rich. laFraunceys,Walt.Forester, J0 . le

Westminster, Tho.

daDon , John daCelue, Rich. daLoung, Rich. lo

Stratton , A6. daBurton , Sim. da

27 Mara, Pat. dale Constable of Bristol Bob., aon of Gilb. lo

Bernate,Rich. da Keeper of the geol Espicsr

828 Mera, Pat. dale Constable of Bristol Phil. le Espicsr

829 Meriot,Jo.,daPske J0 . G ermeyn daRissaham brok

880 Martel, Warin, daConstable of the Peace Walt , son of

magnaDunmawe Peykyn

Martin, J0 . Once mayor of Cambridge Sim. le DoreMewslo, J0 . Be.

Dun tons, Will. daCo&nbertons,Begin .


Sutton , Gilb. daGarnin , J0 .

Sherowynd, Tho.

Chaumbre, Rog. dala

Also spoltMors.


Gflsncs Result Reference-membrane Coun ty

Imprisonment 58" G loucests.

Making false will to 72,746 G loucests.

diainherit Rob.

Seizure of horse 666 Gloucests.


Diatraint un justly Walt. withdrew. Essex


Unjust imprison Martin and Will . da 256, 296, Cambo.ment, soizuro of Duntons to geol. 566, 60, 686 Hun ts.goods Sim. to recover

loseee. As to soizuro

goods, Sim. in


Namaof Accused Office

882 Martin , Nich., da J0 . CurpolRoxham

Begin . fiz leBartherda Wymodasham

888 +Mertleshem,‘ Bog. B. of H. of Bedabsrwe J0 . Clerebaud, person

lo [Babergh of SulburyChacheral, Rob. le S.E.

884 +Matt., son of Jo. S. of Devon [1287]

885 iMaundrsl, Will. BS. of the King AVÎGO. wife Of Tho.Will brother of Tidse

Ralph Attohir

chezardSoleby, Rob. de B. of H. of the Peek

Meundral, Will. B. of Scarsdale Will. daCetolivoJ la B. of ChesterfieldNswbolt, Hugh daTapptone, A6. da

887 MaundrekWill . B. of Scarsdale Bich. daStratton

888 Ditta Jo. daBremyngtono

889 Ditto Tho. daLeyas

840 Meundaril,Gilb. daOnce B. of Wallingford Will. daCenvils

841 Molho, Rog. da Clark to Shariff Ral. daBoxetode

842 Mordano, Tho. da B. of K ing Pet. daPacham

Also spaltMarkeshsm .


Nams of Accueod Office Accuser

848 Marows,‘ Tho. da Loco S. of Sussex Bag. daTyrseheggaPageham, Will. da8 . and wife Emma

844 Ditto daHereford

845 Modi, Bich. B. of H. ofMus Juliene daAmmori

846 fMolyngton , Pot. daSub-escheator of Essex Will.attaPond

847 Ditto Nich. daHaleteda

848 Moneela, Nich . da B. of G t. Yarmouth J0 . Edo daFileby849 Mors, J0. dala B. in Lincoln Rob. Poron da

Routhaby850 Mosawsll, Bog. da, Coroner of Kant Jo.atto Broune

and his servente

852 Moyna, Alan la B. of Albingtone Alen , eon of A6. daAlbingtone

858 Moyna, Alan la Constable of the Peace Will. daBorladaAbingtons

854 Munt, Jo. lo Jo. JoseB. of H. of Dunmow J0 . Wyther

Also speltMarne.


Oflen0e Result

oglact of two write.Delaying execu

tion of writ


eg. and Emmawithraw

Shariffand coronare inM. for nou-

productionand falso returns

Seizure of boasts

Rob. did not come.More sine dieJ0 . withdrew .

wall sine dicMose

Bob. Joye did notcome.

Bal. sine die

Assault, imprison Alan , son of Ad., didment not come. Alan leMoyne sine dic

Ejection Will . to recover loseee.

Fine to King

Procuring indict Rob. sine die. Jo. inM.

ment, seizure of

Reference-membrane County

1° Sussex


28, 40, 596 Bucks

296, 56, 596, Essex

686, 74



55 Linea.


86 Suffolk

8, 75° Cambo.

296, 406, 78, Combs.




116, 186, 276° Essex


Name of Accused

856 Newcastle, Ber Be. in city of York Bog. daSchirsbornstram da

Botham, Laur. daSummon ,Matt.Graham, J0.

857 Normanby, Rich. Late Bs. of King in YorkdaMarek, J0 . dal

858 Northw06a, Walt. Constable of the Peace Will. daHeldda

859 Nortous, Rob. da Clark to S. of Butlsnd Bob. Edawyn

860 Norwich,Bob. da Clark to S. of Salop and Bokenhela, Rob. daStafl'

e. Pyn ton , Phil . daAllsrwyca, Rob.

861 iNottingham, Sim. Will. FaneldaMekane, Ranulf da

862 Olivastada, J0. da B. of King, seneschal of Tho. dalaMoraJ0 . daRiverae


Orlsustoua, J0 . daMin istri Will. laHunte andEatholta, Will . da sone

Bradmsde, Alan daWill., son of Rob.


864 Oygon, Rich S.S. of Horta. Goofi'

. daByeela

ase Pageham,Will . da5 . of SussexBrothamtons, Clark SchodenhemRich . da


Name of Accused Ofi ce Accuser

866 Parlour, Ral. le B. of Lincoln J0 . StormsCarswoll,Will. da Will . da Langtoft,

Vicar of Sutterton

867 Parlour, Ral. la Rob. Brian daBseBroun ,Will. tone


Staunford, Alex.

daWrenne, Bich.

868 Penali, Walt. Will. Johanand others

869 Paumer, J0. la Mayor of Nottingham Jcan and Margery,daughters of Will .Bugge daNottinghem

870 Patauyn , Hub., da Tho. daFramynghemCocton

871 Peyn tor, Rob. lo Bob. daK eueburne

872 Pira, Andr. da Re. of Oxford Nich . dalaBarwo,Sowy, Tho. Helenahis wifeWotasdons,, with

Seriaunt, Jo. le

878 Plukat, Hugh B. of H. of WestDerbyAd his son

874 Ditto Will. dalaSale875 Plumstode, Itinerant B. of Will. daPet. daHeyths

Royngos, 8. of Norfolk



Seizure, imprisonment. Seizure of

horse, and other


Seizure, imprisonmont

Immisonmen t on


Extortion of money

Imprisonmen t



Charge already with

drawn elsewhere : so

accused sine diaWill. daWotasdonawasneveraminister eo

sine die

geol. Afterwards madefine


5, 86



Mich. to be committed to 226°


Coun ty






Oxon .





Name of Accused Office Accuser

876 Podinggs, Han . da B. of H. of Teynham J0 . Ode daFsvé rsohsmWanele, Rich . S.E.

877 Pon tafrecto, Rob. Late S.S. of Yorke. J0 . daBraytonda

878 Provost, Rog. le, B. of Camelford Walt.°Godman

and others

879 Pupplingtone,Will. B. in Worcester Will i daWesthallda

880 Pymps, Bich. Constable of the Pescain J0 . daHemstedaH. of Twyford

881 Ditto Pat. daSaxhulle

882 Quappsleda, Edm., Coroner of Lince. Tho., son of Julianason of Tho. da

Wollo, Tho.Miles, Hugh888 Ramasoy, Abbot da Nich ., eon of Leggo

Bindun , Rich .

Dans, Will. daHendeman ,Will .Meriot, J0 .

Gut, Ad.

Beldswyn ,Will .Rich., son of Reg.

Fok, J0 .

Gotingges, Pet. daBidone, J0 . daSporofunche, Rob.

(Freeman of the to

of St. Ives)


Name of Accused Office Accuser

Rargossy, Abbot da Bich.Msyle daStokfery

G il

885 Rede, J0 . lo Be. of King in Kant.Helkabrauud, Jo.


886 Beymoude,Will . Once B. of H. of K inaton Tho. dalaBere

iby, Will . Walt.,son ofMilos,andiby, J0 . Beatrix his wifeich., eon of AguasdaThorpeBozone, Rob.

Rel., son of Walterof Thorp

Alan , son of Will.daHurby

888 Rich. S.B. of H. of Lothingland. Jo., son of Will . daNautono and Barth.


889 Riggss,‘ A6. da Alex. le Moyno daHebin tons

890 Rieseby,’ J0 . da King

s B. in York. Will. daCsmsryngtonsScot,Will. Clark

891 Rieseby, J0. da Once B. in Holdemsss Nich. lo Wer6e daBurtons Pydse

Aleo spolt Ruges. Also spolt Rescoby, Risceby.

ANALYSIS or ROLL 541 A . 177

Oflonce Result Reference-membrane Coun ty

Non execution of Rich. is pleading in 15° Norfolk

writ name of others, so

abbotand bailifis sinedieand Rich. inM.

Non execution of Jua Warwicks.

writ ill . sin epo

d!ie. Tho. in

4, led, Suffolk

Imprisonment for 256, 27° Cambo.

nou-fulfilmsnt of

duties before timowhen became S.R.

Seizure of basato, 40, 596 Yorke.


Un just placing on 546, 69, 746, Yorke.

though ha 766


dyuot 408 .worth

of land


Name of Accused Accuser

892 Bisssby, J0. da Once B. in Holdsmses Will. daFrothingham

898 Bob., son ofHenry Mayor of Northamptcu Han . daLougovils

894 ‘

l‘Rochels, Reg. da Rich ., eon of Goof. daTLondon , J0 da Pychests6e

895 Rokefald, Bich. daB. of King Tho . Smalwods dalaBos

896 Boston , Hon . da K ing’

s Bs. of Scarborough Bog. le Lorymer ds

Coroner, Bob. lo Costrsfeud

897 TRueesll, Andr. J0 . DurouHokstcno, Will . da

898 Bye, Will. 6a Will . Bateman de

Tyco, Bold. AppaltcnoPaualy,Bob., son of

Rob. lo

Hedone, Will. da



n , Auger. da J0. daTornydletcns, Tho.

eon of Will. of

400 Semford, Tho. da Jo. daLutegerss le

401 Sampson , J0 . LateMayor of York. Warh, Tho. daYfi


erd, Wil l. B. of Archbishop. Rysst, Will .

Samson , Jo. Bob. daSkultorpo

408 Samson ,Matt. B. of city of York Walt. daBornthorpe

404 Ditto J0. daGraham daYorkBothom, Laur. da

Also spalt Lotsgsrada.









Name of Accused Ofi cs Accuser

Sancto Lando, Je. S. of Dorsetand Somerset Nich . Choppeda [1288] Schyrsborne

Rob. Cmmma

Ditto Han . leMcunsr


Will. daInsula

Sancto Lando J0 . S. of Dorsetand Somerset Han . Cripsda

Ditto J0 . daPercy

Sancto Quintino, Justicaof geol delivery Steph. daVhamWill:da

Bringham,Hugh daClark to 8 . laConostsblaBicheby, J0 . da Re. of HoldsmaeeLamor, Rob. le

Sandalo, Will. da Clark of S. Ad.,aon of Ranulph


Saudiacra, Geoff. Once S . of G loucestars. A6. daNorwich, clarkda [1287]

J0 . ScholadaSchyroborus

J0 . laMonnarWill. SporlyngoWill. Tankards do



Oflonco Result Marenco-membrana Coun ty

Imprisonmen t. Seme dafaucase below 196° DorsetAlso bsilifi



treated Nich. andRob.

Seizure, imprison Shariff says it was be 86 Dorset

ment censo Han . illtreatedhis ofiicors sen t to

saizahis clavigerBich. daTeratwode

Imprisonmen t Samadefense 86, 58, 64 Dorset

Fine, selling of 86 Dorset


seisuraof 186° Dorset

25, 806° Somerset

Staph. did not come. 56° Yorke.

Accused sine die

Imprisonmen t Imprisonment wes for 18° G loucests.

receivingathief. SO

G eoff . sine dde. A6.



Name of Accused Ofi co Accuser

414 Sandiacre, Geoff . Once S. of G loucestars. Bog. daWsluxor

da [1287]

415 Ditto Rob. daBye

416 Ditto MariotadaImmer

417 Sevener, Bog. daClark in the bench Gilb. dalaPittoBruges

418 Say, Bob. 6a Once coronsr of Shrop Will. da Em ma,shiro person of Hampton


419 Schafeld, Bob. da Sansechal of town of Hugh daK ingestonoPeterborough

420 Schappeya, A6. da J0 . Odo daFavershamWonol, Bich. Once S .B. of [H. of] Tayn


421 Schilyngford, Phil . B. of liberty of Cridington A6. daCridingtonada

422 Schirsmsu,Will . le Bs. of Nottiughem Will. daCattoclivoFlemyng, A6. laOrfavra,Mich. lo

Cuppers,Rich. lo







Name of Accused Accuser

Be. of Colchester Will…daOldegats

Soleby,Nich. da Mayor of York Pot., eon of J0.agisLaàigetoue, Nich. His Be.

aSoleby, Tho. da

Con stable of the PascaJohu Fouchor

in town of Ingravs

Seriaunt, Gsofl’

. la B. of Exeter Tho. Pauros

Sarisunt, Rel. le Bs. of King in K ent Margaret, deughtar ofBsdel, Welt. Tho. WybordGrom, J0. loAtefolo, Will.Chen inggee, Lukeda

Severus, Walt. Bs. of Gloucester Geoff. le Tsilor, daSheward, Will. WyndashonDagga, Will.

Sawa, Jo. B. of Oxford Nich. laMounor

Sithinggs,Bich. daRe. Bog. of Norwich, clarkHall, Rich. dalSiward,‘ Rich. Be. in H. of Stratton Rog. daMsdokssloudRiche, Bich. leOsborn , N1011.Bissop, J0Simund, Will.

Siward, Bich. B. of Thurstopel Walt. dale Tye daGoldehauga]

Also spelt Sward, Syward, Styward, Stiwsrd. Also Will . dale Tye, Will. Attstye.

ANALYSIS or ROLL 541 A. 185

Result Referencem embrana Coun ty

Placing Will . on

jury in caos ofMonnar v.Golafra,con trary to writ


Carrying off wood. Jo. recovsrad loseee. 57, 606 Essex

Abduction ofboasts Bob. to geol. Medafina


Seizure of horses 206, 286° G loucests.

and fish

Breakingagreement Nich . recovers loseee. 776° Oxon .

J0 . inM.


Imprisonment Rog. did not come. 586, 646, CornwellBich. etc. sine dic 67, 72, 786,


Seizure of boasts Rich. sine die. Will . in 256, 486° EssexM.


Name of Accused Ofiìce Accuser

482 Skep, Begin . Bs. of Bristol Walt. daFronshawa

K erdyf , Rich.

Cornwelsys, Bich .


Scharling, Will.

?Skirmiasour,‘J0. la Tho. Honyngga, vicarGrye, Han ., da of BesthorpeBertona

servant of


. RampaPyrouu, Han.

Skirmissour, J0. laBs. of Will. of Bothingga, Will. daCaldswallaonce S. of Suffolk

Berry, Will .Bamesay, J0 . da

485 Skot, Will. Bs. of Holdemoss Pot. daMouncansLorimsr, Rob.


gllestone, Will. William daK naptonaaMolinews, Bob. da

Favor, Bel. lo, daKirkeby

Will ., his eonKagusynstra, Ral.a

K emaynst m,Pet. daWill.Rich.,aon of Bal.Bog. servan t of

Rob.MolinawaLevot, Will ., ser

vent of Will. deSuellastoue

Aleo spolt Skyrmessur.


Nemo of Accused Ofi cs Accuser

487 Springehus, Rog. Ones 8. of Salop and Urian daS. Potro


s. [1278]

488 St

suefords, Will . Rich.Maylae

489 Staun ford, Alex., Bob. Bryaneon of Elean or da

Brenno, Rich .

440 Stok, Sim. da, l aua‘ ds LactonedaHotham

441 Stokolynge, Bal. Clark of A6. laBret, Walt. daLorteyeB. of Wostpsret

442 Stowemarket, Lato B. of Gloucester Sim., vicar of Bek

Bog. da ford

448 Surdeyle, Bog. da Bs. of Boston Bich. dale FnutaynEverwyka, Tho. daWencs, Alen da

444 Sutho, Hamo da Bs. of the Honour of Bob., son of Steph.

Comptons,3 J0 . da Boulogne Alan , son of A6.


445 Suttons, G ilb.


da S.S. of Hun te. Warin daS. Neot

446 Suttons, Bich. da B. of AbbeSs of Barking Alice daCavsford

447 Suttons, Will. da Welt. Burdat, Isabelhis wife

Also spoltWlw ìna, Wolwyn s . Also spelt del Ortheys.

Also spolt Comtons .


Levying 1008 . with

out giving quittenco

Seizure of money.

Supp of


Falsareturns, ill !


Seizure of goods



Result Reference-membrana

Bug. says he was nota286°


Bnl. to be punishsd at 56, 86, 55

44, esa

will of King [Han . of

Lich . for

be ajury ou other



Alan did not come. 206, 84°

InM. Hamoand Jo. 446

sine die

Alice did not come.MO Bich. sine dieIn 46°














Name of Accused Ofi ca Accuser

448 Bygin , Bich. S.B. of H. of Smithdon Tho. daVileuovs

449 Telmeri, Steph. B. of Winchester

450 Taverner, Ral. le Bs. of Nottingham Egidius daBoehaloSeriaunt, Rob. le

Cursoun , Will.Paumsr, J0 . la

451 Tavarusr, Bel . le ditto Rog. laSkotCorson , Will.Champonsya, Rich.


452 Taverner, Bel. le ditto Bob. daSteflordLentona, Bob. S.B.

458 Tondringes, Will . B. of Stoke-usar-Nayland Will. lo Conostsblale

454 Toynturale,Bich. la, B. of Stratford Bob. dale BarradaRoderham

Will. daCatclivo

456 Thornathorpe,‘ Rich. , son of EverardBich. da daBorusthorpa

Bob., eon of Alice

TBingtone,‘Rich. da

457 Thorntons, Greg. B. of H. of Stainclifl'

e Welt , son ofMildredda daBrocton

Also spolt Thorgenthorps, Thourhosthorpe. Also spolt Byngtons, Byn ingto











Nemo of Accused Ofi ca Accuser

Thymnor,Hugh daCoroner of Staffe. Margery, daughter of

Petron illa daStrothay

J0 . Dsurdont daFisherwyk

1’Todenam,‘Bog. da B. of Norwich J0. daRonhals

Ditto,and Bs. of Norwich Simon daSkorn inggss,Ely, J0. da clarkBunggeye, Geoff.da

Ballo, RanulfBil, Pot.

Todenam,Hugh da, B. of Thredling Bob. Fydyan dasud Dodoham

Hui , Will . delHul, Hugh delBritwelda, Will .Britwelda, Tho.

Britwelda, Pat.

Tolot,2 Jo., da Rob. daMirfield


Tolet,3 Roger King

s B. John daAppirla

Tolone, Bich. S.R. of H. of Osweldslow John Coyngne, chapIain

Trsloek, Andr. Letely justice in Devon Will . daBysinghamAi s


o epelt Tudenham,Tuddenham. Also epelt Toylet, Typlot.

Also spelt Toilet. Also epelt Apparie.

ANALYSIS or ROLL 541 A . 198

Oflsnce Result Coun ty

Seizure ofachest Stafi's.

soizuro Stafi‘s.

J0. daRonhalawith 46° [Norfolk]draw. In M. Rog.

Seizure of horse 18, 57, 59, Norfolk

686, 74, 756

Seizure of goods Suffolk

416, 556, Yorke.


20, 87, 54, 59,

806, 416 Worcesters.

866, 56 Devon


Nsme of Accused Ofi ca Accuser

467 Trot, Tho., da J0 . daBuuhelsBergh

68 Turville,‘Will. da 8. of Bada.and Bucks. William daTyvila

[1288, 1291]

469 Ditto Will . le Gardener

470 Ditto Alan daSchanls

471 Ditto MatildaStanbomo

472 Ditto Austin daWostbrok

478 Ditto Gilb. daWostbrok

474 Ditto Begin . laProvost daMidslclsydone475 Tylly, John , da Rob. Beggo

Wyllyngham Banulph le Hey476 Vsyse, Welt. da B. of Worcester Bob. Collo daDerby

Pus,Rag., daLodelaws

477 Vsyse,Walt. da B. of Worcester J0. daAttilberg

Also spolt Turvile.







Nemo of Accused

Weleaham, Rob.

Atteharne da

Waleshsm, Rob. da

K nyth, Rel.

Boinggas, Will . da

Welssham,Rob. da

Berton e, J0 . daK nyght, Ral.

Waleshsm,Rob. da

Walaeham, Gsofi'


daBynatra, Geoff . daBertona, J0.

Walssham,Rob. da

Batsford, Bog. daWalsham,Geoff .daBynatra, G eofl . daUrlsby, Rich. daChapeleyn ,Will. la

Waleys,‘ Walt. la

Welshe, Will .

Waltone, Rich. daBethesdale,Rog.da


Ofi cs Accuser

Once con stable of Norwich Jo., son of Nich. daCastle

Con stableCastle

His B.


of Norwich Pat. daHeyths

Lato 8. of Norfolk [1281]

Con stableCastle

of Norwich Mich. daPlumeteda

Itineran t Bs.




S .Bs.


B. of King

Al so spolt Welles.

of Norwich

of Norwich

Sub-escheator in Norfolk

Will . le Channdeler

Hon . daLokJ0 . daAschslaJ0 . Petit daNorwich

Rob. Donal daCamadona

Steph daHspworthe

Will. daK uaptons

Also spolt Doyn sl .

ANALYSIS or ROLL 54 1 A . 197

Oflsn ce Result Reference-membrana Coun ty

26, 29, 876 Norfolk


Seizure of goods Losaae recovered 56, 8, 256, Norfolk

55, 67, 78, 756

186, 286, 86 Norfolk

Illtraatmant, seizure Han ., Jo.,and J0 . with 296, 406, 45, Norfolk

of goods drew . InM. Accused 646, 67,sino die. Mistake of 68, 77


Abduction of 9, 586, 67, CornwellRob.

s wife, seiz 786, 77

nre of goods

8, 28, 44 Northanta.

Seizure of goods 29, 54 Leuca.


Name of Accueod Ofi ca Accuser

486 Wenforda, Tho. da Will. daHalsworthy

487 Welbe, J0 . la B. of Buardsan Nich. laPsumerAthelwy, Will.

488 Walesbsrghe,‘ A6. Constable of the Peace J0. Paynel and wifeWeek, Philip, daDrayton

89 Wàuawa, Anselm On

lge B. of H. of Baeest Rich. G oldyngee

a W

490 Welles, Bob. da Once B. outside east gate Will . lo Taylour daHugh, son of Hugh of Oxford WodostokoBun sey, James da

491 Westyngtons, J0. daB. of King J0.Mermyon

492 Wooton , J0 . da Once S. of Wilts. [1281] Hugh le Taylour

498 Wodswerd, WilL Bs. Hawyeia'

dalaRoche .

le, daLyohefaldBsdsl, Bag. lo

Fynch, J0.

494 i‘Wykstoft, Tho. daB. of Parts of Holland Rel. daBocheford1'

Pakherneys, A6.

495 Wymodham, Rog. AbrahamQuin tebrunda daBrumham

Also spoltWhonleebsrow.


Name of Accused

l‘Wymn , Jo ., eon of

Rog. daiBeylifs, J0. le, da

Edelington e“U O. , eon of Alex.

daNathsrtin ctona

TDaiderby, Alan da“l‘Hardsgray, Will .,daHorncastrs

TFlyer, Han . la

497 Wynkeburne,Welt. da

498 Ditto

499 Ditto

500 Wytherpyn , A6.

501 Ditto

502 Ditto,ands ot, Will. daEst Budaham

508 Wytherpyn , Rob.

G ut, Gervaso le504 Ditto,and

Leuot, Will .



Forester in Sherwood

Possibly the same case.


Alan , son of J0 . daHorbelinge

Will . daChaddaworthand wife

Will. lo Josano '

daMakworthJ0. Biggs, Rector of


OnceB. of H. of Smithdon Bob. Alyfand

Nich. Swan daDorkyngas

A6. daTychawelle,‘clark

Will. Walrem

Ad. Harlewyn ,‘ clark


Illtreatment, stealing, h prisomant

Non paymen t ofdebt, soizuro ofboasts

Seizure of horse, im

prisonmen t

Un just imprisonmen t, non -execu

tion of orders

Un justamercemen t,imprisonmen t


Re sult

Proved that

vionsly, so inM.

cussd sin e die

Will. did not come.M. Walt. sine dic


Jo. laBeylii sine die. 646, 66, 76


has quitc1aimed pro


did n ot come. In 18, 87°

M. Accused sino dde

supportsWytherpynLsuot sin e die. Jury 44, 526


Coun ty











Nata—The followingabbreviationsare used S. ahsrifl .

Annesley, J0.

Brangwayn , A6.

Aynashem, Hon. da

Bannebiri, Bog. da

Balancomba, J0. da

Ofi cs Accuser

8 . of Notts. and Jo. daHeryzDerby [1285]

Bs. of the King in Felicia, who was the wifeaiWarwick Tho. Russel daAlyncostm

B. of Bullingdon Tho. of Oxford, and Alice his


Hundredman Agn es Cancun daTadmertono.

Bob. JusticaadaBsnnabiri

Rog. daBanhalo

B. in Suffolk Will. daBrekedis, person of

church of Pattehaghs






Bernare, Rich . da

Bigod, Rog.

Binygtons, Bich. da

Bisshopesgate , A6. daHolt, J0 . daSelomona,‘ BenedictG ildefcrde,

2 Rob. da

Boat, Walt.Boat, Tha.Dadin tone, J0 . daMilton , Rob. da

Botard, J0 .

Also spolt Saleman .


Ofi ce Accuser

Kasper of the geol, Bob., son of Gilb. le Espicsrde

Bristol Bristol

Earl of Norfolk Geoff. Attaweters

Rich ., son of Everard


s Bs. Pet. of Arundel

Walt.’ laHarpour daMelmasbmand Alice his wife


sB. of Bassstlaw A6. daDansby

Aleo spolt Gsidsforde, Guldefordo.


Ofisncs Details Result

Seizure ofahorse Adjournmen t.

Seizure and J0 . says he has been Claim not pur

msn t quitclaime6 of samo oued. Accused

oifsncs. Proved. Ao sine dde. Pet.

cusation therefore inM.

withdrawn . Accu

sation not pursued

against rest

Breaking into bones, 1m Raepits. Before Pet. daprisoning Alice, pra Leicester at Milton ,van ting rspeirs, cutting Boat etc. gave su ex

down trees. Several planationimprisonmen ts, 1287129 1

Illtreatment Adjournment

486,45, 456







Oxon .

886, and A , Notte.

41 ,62d° ,73, 77


87, 886, 42, G loucs.

andA ,

606, 72 ,746


896, and A , Yorke.

8d, 21d° ,41d,55d,60,




Accused Ofi ca

14 Boylen6,

‘ Bich. da,and Gaofl'

. daBurdeleyaLamester, Rog. da

15 Boyland, Bich. da, and Rich.MaillaBofie, Solomon da

16 Ditto Rayner. Darnals

ElswyeiaDs msls

Also spelt Boylaunde, Boilonde, Boilaunde, Boylund, Boylonde.

Proceedings printed in Select Case No. 8. Also spoltMalle,Maylle,Mayle,Mslye,Maho.


Accused Office Accuser

17 l Boyland, Rich. da Justice wm. e.Dern eforde

Pet. daWeytaneham

19 Boyvilla, Tho. da [S. ofWarwicks.Mis Fulk daLucytake for Wil . Boyville [1288]

Beckabiri, J0 . da S.S. of Warwicks.

20 Bray,Han . da. Escheator Tho. daSkern inge,Heukesdone, Steph. da Sub-escheator of Norfolk

21 Ditto Alice, daughter and hoir of

Hugh daBrodowyndslosoums

Proceedings prin ted in Select Case No . 2 . Proceedings printed in Select Case No . 4.


Offencs Details

In cosabetween Will.andBOI) . daRada, RiCh(1) Would notallowWill!e(2) By threets forced .

Will. to make afine of 42200 w ith

the Earl of G loucoetar

Seizure of property,brask Tho. said Fulk was ining in to house debt to the

banco goods seized

Ejsction from land ou Hon . said (a) he hadpretaxt that it bslongad orders from the Chauto the K ing. Assign (b) injury wasmon t of dowar out of donabefore King


landaheld by Tho. departure, so ho need

notanswer. Adjournmen te

When Alice was awerd Han . said themenorwasof the K ing, Bray gave given after due in

amenor, to which sha quiry :and he wasprawas hair, to e relative santad to the church

of his own . two years beforeawritAlso ho himself took a forbade him to in ter

church to which the fere with har laudeK ing should have presan tsd


4,iuM.andsine che.

(2) NO final eutry

Pot. did not 4, 126, 296

appear, so inM.

Bich . sm die

To beInquirymsiprius etc.

Inquiry, before

Will . daGiselhaman6HughdsCrossingham



41°“di 4d. 7,24


G louc.











APPENDIX l l l .

Accused Ofi co

Bremlaschote ,‘ Will .K en , Will. le Bs.

Weyto, J0. lo

Bret, A6. la

Bretone, J0. lo Once KeeperLondon

Bristol,Mayorand bailifl'

s of

Brompton , Will. da Justica






Also spelt Bremeschots, Bremlaschste, Bremlashsto.

S. of Haute [1285]

B. of H . ofWilliton


Alan Plukanst

J0 . Alaynand Flemildahiswife

of Ral. daHonylans

Elias, son of Will. of Bristol

1 . Nigel daAncotes

2. Welt., eon of Ranulf dlHsbington

8. Begin .daTyreshssso,Emmihis wife

4. Humph. daVeylly,Lucybiiwife

5 . Jo. daWalkingham

6. Ral . daLaukenoreAlso spolt Plogeneth .


Accused Ofi cs

Brompton , Will. da Justica

88 Ditto

84 Ditto

85 Ditto

86 Ditto

87 Ditto

88 Ditto


7. Rel., son of Roger

8. Tho. daMares, Joanwife

9. J0 . daTytaleshals

10. Jo., son of Thomas inGoldyngtons

11 . Walt. Surdanal

1 2. J0. daBrydes, Alice hisvii!

18. Jo. dale Wade



h vonring Jo.

s advar Rolls sant forsery byadjourninganessoin after advversaryhad mado default. Parsons nemsd


In the writdied ; debts could not

be recoversd

Bafusing Welt.’

s challangs of jurors in cer

tain suit, who warstonan te of h is opponent.Walt. lost his suitandlandaIn con sequence

Villains of J0 had beenfinsd for n ot coming toview of frenkpla6gaHouseasuit, in whichJo. said n o one holding the hun dred hadaright to view of frankpledge over their taneuts.Will .ds Bromptonwould n ot admit thisanswer, and J0. andAlice ware finsd


answerwithouthiscolleaguesand rolls



Coun ty




Oxon .



Brompton , Will. da Justica 14. Sim. Chokat daWaechsm

l 5. Hugh daGoeebeks

Abbot of Roche

Proceedings printed in Select Case No. 1 .



Brompton, Will . ds, and all Justica 17. AgathadaNewcastlejustices of Common Pleas

18. Rob. Baynerds

44 Ditto 19 . Rich . GoldyngeeWill. dalaDenno

45 Ditta 20. J0 . daDomaforde

46 Ditto 21 . Jo. daLondon andWalt. dalaMare(Executors of Bal. leMareschel)

47 Ditto and 22 . The KingStratfords,abbot of


Onenoa Details Result County

Refusal to give dgmant, Record sent for. Found Northan ts.

that judgment hadforms of p been given against


In assize of n ovel dissei No judgment enrolled in Norfolk

sin,Brompton favourad the caseBob.

s opponent by1 . Not allow ing m ep


2 . Forcing the jury to

altar their statemen t,which was in support

of Rob.

8. Throwing away proofwhen Rob.brought it,and ordering Bob.


imprisonmen t

Rapaated ordersandax Bich. and Will. 1, 16, 4 Combs.cusas for non -produc ware to recover

tion of money money

Jo., complainant, 856° Wilts.

did not come.InM. Will.simdie

Ejoction of executorsfrom Brompton put himself Londontenement,and, on com upon the record of thelain t of executors, hin keeper of the citygramos of suitwhen daygiven . Thus meintonance against the

custom of the city

Abbot did not comeAdjournmant


Accueod Accuser

48 Brompton , Will . da Justica 28. Rob. daBotyndono

49 Ditte

50 Ditta 25. J0 . le Bret

51 Ditta 26. Hub. HakinaSerrade BrayMargaret daWars

52 Ditto 27 . Rog. daThorn ton

58 Dittoand 28. Han . dalaLegheSaham, Will . da Nich. daComes

Hengham, Ral. da

Proceedings prin ted in Select Case No. 5. Proceedings prin ted in Sslsct Case No. 8.

Bob. le Paumar '


Bob., son of J0 .

Thaob. daBrokhslsGodi . daChslveetonaRob. Puttoko

Hugh le K enBassills AttobfiggoHarwelinue daK edytoneWill . IrykeAlice Theobald




Bruges, Rog. da

Bryan , J0 .

Bungay,‘ Geoff. da

Blekestm, J0. le

Bertone, J0. da

Burns, Hon . da

Burwardaslsye, Nich. da

Rochals, Reg. daBody, Bich .

Cava, J0 . da

APPENDIX l l l .

Office Accusor

Clark of Tho. daRob. daBromwyzWeyland

Rob. dalaSala

B. of Norwich Sim. daSkarnynggas, clark

Be. of Norwich J0. daRonhals, chaplain

Clark to Roger daBich . BatecocksInkopanuo

Constable of Bridg Will .Hemme, person of Ampton


north Lovst

Clark to Ralph da 1 . Frster Gilb. daS. Augustine,Hengham preceptor of Slebecchs

Also spelt Bunggeys.


Oflence Details Result Coun ty

Rag. daBrugesand Nich . Adjournments 8, 76, 106, Notte.

daBollsstouaseized 126, 28, Yorke.


s goods after ha 246, 296,had had the church of e 88, 48


Barusby for threeyears

Adjournments 8, 4, 7, 246 Horta.

Adjournment Norfolk

In an in

guiry before As to seisin , Jo. daRon 42,and Norfolk

G sofl'

. su Jo., J0. rs halo could only have A, 18,moved 8 menand sub remedy by common 25, 36

stituted 8 others. Thus lawJ0 . daRonhalalost hiscass . Utensile in the

house were adjudgadto his oppon ente

Adjournmen ts Rich. racovsradmoney Haute.

Seizure of goods Adjournments

Securing his own prsseu J0 . said he was not in J0. daCavato the 81° Warwicks.tution to e church, cou the K ing

s service, or Tower. Fino of

trary to statuto Hougbam’

e service,at 10marksthe time. He was intheservice of theAbbot

of Fé csmp, tanquamalius privetus

APPENDIX l l l .

Accused Office Accuser

61 Cave, J0 . da Clark to Ralph 2 . Tho. daSomerton ,and AliceHengham

62 ‘ Ditto 8. WilLdaSaham

68 Ditto Margery daGunsdale

64 Certaeeyo,3 J0 . da Once clark to J0. daBada, son of Bog. daRededaBrompton

Proceedings printed in Select Coso NO. Se .

Proceedings printed in Select Case No . 6. Also spolt Chertsoie.


Accused Office Accuser

65 ‘ Castrie, J0 . da Clark to Ralph daHan . laKan and Agnes hisHengham

66 Chaddaworths, Rob. da Once S. of Lince. Denis Abraham,and othersClarke,Will . la [1285, 1287]Surdeyle, Rog.

67 Chamber, J0. dala J0. daLongespays

68 Chyryn tona,Will. da Edm. daMortimer

69 Clifton, Garv. Wylfords da Once28

S. of Yorke. Prior of Holy Trinity,[1 5]

70 Ditto Amaudus daRuda

Ditto,and Ingram Foloneauut,Bmghtcna, Rich. da his son

Potanyn, Will.Ras,Will . daGysaloyBottar, Will .Suttons, Tho. daSuini, Alursd daRodsrhem, Rich. da

Proceedings printed in Select CasaNo. 7.


Ofiouos Details Result Coun ty

Maintenance of Hon .

s Jury confirmed John’

s J0 . daCastrieac 5° Londonand Agnes’adverseriee. defen se quitted, andImproper conduct of complainan tscaso. Bsetingand es in mercysault upon Aguas

Se izure of goods belong Accusers did not 426, 44, 446° Lince.

in g to Denisand other come. Accused

merchan ts

Accusatiouewith 876, 88, 42° North

drawn . Ac umberla'ndcuesd sine die.

Accusers inM.

At request of 88° Northantscomplainen t, remittod to common law

Prior recoverod 8, 4, 126, 88 Notts.


S eizure, imprisonment, As to imprison 876, 88, 42, Yorke.

exaction of money ment, already and Ae suit, so Gor 396, 566,vase sine dic 71 , 746, 76

Imprisonmentandseizure 416, and A , Yorke.

of goods 53,566,666, 766










Clyva, Walt. dalaCres Eylof, Bog. le

Hongngtons, J0 . da

Lon res, J0 . da

Cobham, J0 . da

Collo, Rob.

Hiclynges, J daNottingham, Sim. da

Colla, Rob.

Billawa, Will . da

Crotaman , Hon .

Bunggeye, Gaofi'


Sumter, Bag. laOlegou, J0.

Crotaman ,Hon .

Dellynges, Bich. da

Don, J0 .


Ofi ce

B. ofMolksham


Bs. of Stsfls.


Sim. daPeulssholte and others

Hugh laTaillour

Avise laGeuutor

Hugh ds Wodaforde, vicar of

St. Werborgh

Once S.S. of Norfolk J0 . daRonhals, chaplain

B. of H. of Holt

Once S.B.

Kingof the


Barth. daBeusvils, person of


Tho. daWyn tone and Jcen




Accused Ofi co Accuser

Fanstrste, Tho. da King’

s Be. in Combe. Tho. daExcestre and Alice hisSsblams, J0 . wife

Ingholf, J0 .

Forester, Will. la B. of Ospringe Katherine dalaRyole

Fraunceys, Steph . la Be. in Holderness OdalinadaSkypesSkot, Will .Rieeaby, J0 . daFraunceys, Will. la

Fraunceys, Will. le EmmadaSkipassFraun ceys, Staph. lo

Rieseby, J0 . daDuke, Bal .Attshsnges, Tho.

Bob., son of Pat.Ingram, Steph.

Hul l, Stoph. da

Fraunceys, Steph. EmmadaSkipassRieseby, J0. daLaurence, Will. son of

Suthorns, Rich . laLasks, Will .Fraunceys, Will. lo


Ofience Details Result

and imprrson Roll A. includes 18 other Cambo.

m en t names dafaucathereis that casahasalreadybeen tried elsewhere

Ro bbary Robbary committedwhile the King was inEngland

Se izure, robbery, Jury declared Yorke.

risonmen t. False Odalina wes

ictmen t for theft.

Exclusion from her

h ouse ou release

Seizure of goods, Defence is that she war Steph son of 44, and A , Yorke.prisonmen t indiofi d for theft Will ., was not 206,

concerned.Rest 36, 53, 68,74, 76

gaol . Emme torecover loseee

Emmaim 87, Yorke.


it, shut bar in her

houseandseized the ox.

When shagot awritagain st him, haagainsoizo6 her







Accueod Ofi co

Frsstons, Alan le Archdeacon of Norfolk

Gerardo, Han ., daG ildefcrde Clark to J0. daDuva


Reg. deWetrsdsne


Ditto J0. daStaundons

J0 . daHoutons

Glovars, J0 . Warwalle Hathswy

Grapynsl, Hon . S. of Horta. AliceattaHevyhath

Hallesworthy, Will. da Person of church of Will. s suaysLanharn

Hamounda, Rob. da Once B. of Scar Jo. daCrsuncewycoborough


Accused Office Accuser

98 Haytha, Pat. da S.B. of H. of Gallow Mich. daPlumetsde

94 Hengham, Rel . da Chief jueticeof King’

s Will . daBerdewellaBench

95 Ditto Will . daKanvile, merchant of


96 Ditto Rich. daLangefords

97 Ditto Walt. Mendut, for self andothers

98 Ditto Rog. Peytauyn s

Proceedings prin ted in Select Cass No. 10. Proceedings prin ted in Ssloct Cass No. 9 .


Ofience Result County

Mich. did not 42 Norfolk

come. Pat. sine669 andMich.


Favourand main tenance Suffolk

of abbot of St. Ed


s in his caseagainst Will .

Refusal to hear csas Henghamproducedewrit Hougham ec 14°

from the King bidding quitted. Wil l.him leave the case to inM.

bs tried in Ireland

In case where Rich. and Records prove that Rich. Rich. 1 , 16, 8, su, Devonothers were acquitted, was not injured 7d, 226


Hougham should haveimprisoned their edversaryan d mado theirloseee good. He neglectod to do so, byfavour to the bishopof Exeter. Falseanrolmanta

Walt. and others were Rolls sen t for. Hougham Hougham sine 216°

manucaptors in acar plasdadanalibi die. Rich. intsin cass . Then s fresh M. quiadaset of mannoaptors. dixitrecordumHaugham impn sonadthe first sat when aconesdwas notproduced

Delay and false judg Rolls prove Rog. had no Defence proved 10, 82,ment injury true 886







Hougham, Rel . da Chief justiceof K ing’s Tho. daSeggesfslds



Ditto Ankatin ns daWodscoteMatildahis wife

Hugh,aon of Han . Bog. daThorntons

Inkspsnna, Rog. da S. of Cornwall [1285, Mark daTrewalder

Ditto Will. daCondray

Ditto, with Bich . daTrovagaWalingforde, Alan da

Also spolt Sochsfsld, Seggesfsld, Seggesfsud, Ssgssfsld.


Assured Office Accuser

106 John B. of the Archbishop Edw. daK snefeudo ‘

of Cauterbury .mH. of Patham

Blcher, Sim? Late Bs. of Cen terMonnar, Rich . la3 burySebindone, Will daEwa, NIch dalLounge, Reg. le

G rymslingsa, Bag. da‘Hurala, Rag.

Lumiugge, Alex. daStspals, Bich. daSebindone, J0 . daCarrer, Will . le

107 K smpo, G sofi'

. Once kasper of Ips Bich. Naumanwich

108 K yuile, J Will . daKalaseyResumer, Rob. da

109 Leicester, Rog. da Justica Hugh daG oeebeks

110 Lincoln , Bog. da Constable of Exeter Tho. Silvester


111 Luvstot, J0 . da Justice Hugh daGosbeke

Also spelt Kanefelde. Also epelt Blowsrs . Al so epeltMoungner.Also spolt G rimmygges. Also spolt Limingge, Lymyngs .

Also epelt Kayvils . Proceedings prin ted in Select Case No. 11.


Oflonco Details Result County

406, 486 Norfolk

Illtrsatmen t Yorke.

and A, 536,71 , 74

Hugh rscovered 5, 7, 10, 12, Combs.

money against 246, 88, 86


Il ltreatmen t, imprison Bog.wes declared e beimout, soizuro of goods lifl


of the K inTho. wasforarrsars due

Hugh rscovered 106, 12, 246, Suffolk

money against 88


Accusation with 87, 44, K en tdrawn . Accused 406, 446,

45, and A,

57, 606, 66




Accused Ofi ce Accuser

112 ‘ Luvstot, J0 . da Justica Jo ., son of Hub. daHarelaws

118 Ditto J0 . daPyksryngee and two'

utyfour others

J0 . daPiksringes

115 Ditte Rich., son of Jo. daK isssre

116 2 Ditto Tho.,Prior of St.Mery daButtolsy

1 17 Lyttolbiri, Rob. da Justices Elias, son of Will . daBristollaBradefords, J0 . da

118 Mertlisham, Rog. da J0 . Clarbeud, person of SnlbyryRalph

119 Matt., son of J0 . S. of Devon [1287] Will. DarwynPoulssholt, Rich. Constable of DevonLincoln , Rog. daChichester, J0. da

Proceedings printed in Select Cass No. 12 . Proceedings prin ted in Select Cass No. 18.


Accused Ofi ce Accuser

120 Matt., son of Jo. Jo. of Exeter

Lincoln , Rog. daChapsls, Rog. dala

121 Matt., eon of J0. Rog. daArdsrne

122 Ditto Inge, qui sequiturp ro rega

128 Maundml, Will . Tho. daLayes

124 Miltons, Rob. da Bs. of Oxford Tha. daSomartonand Alice hisWyryngss, Rob. wife

125 Molyngtons, Pet. da Su

fi-escheator in Will . daBonsvi lesesx

126 Norwich, Jo. da Jo. daRonhala, cheplain


Ofisnce Details Result Coun ty

8 86 6 76 Devon'




, 24:29

Money due from 5, 76 DevonMatt. to Rog.

Hindrancaof coronare Devonf rom executing orders

in cassaagainst J0 . of

Exeter and Rog. of


Illtrsatment, seizure of 886, and A , Derbys.

boasts 56, 676,76

Robbsry Oxon .

and55, 57 606,756 (underGamage)10, 82 Essex

Non -prosecution , through J0 . daNorwich 456 London

collusion , of casain committed to

which J0 . daNorwich the Floatwes attorney for J0 .



Accused Accuser

Picheforde, G sofi. da [Cons]tab1s of Wind Rob. daStauntons


Pmetedo, Bich. da B. of the King Alice, who was the wife o f Rich

Prestone, Rob. de Clarke of Sol. Rob. dalaSalaSkanholte, Han . da Rochester

180 Pylai, Rob. S.B. in H. of Edwins Elias the Carpenter

181 Bochalo, Bag. da Be. of the King Rich., aon of Geofi. daPicheLondon , Jo. da fcrde

182 Rochester, Sol. da Justice Tho. daCsrdoyl


Accused Office Accuser

188 Rochester, Sol . da Justica Han ., son of Nich . daSt.Edmunds

184 Ditto, with Rob. Ross

Sudingtone, Tho. da

185 Ditto Tho. Wynter

186 Boldsstons, Nich. da B. of the King in Jo. daK elumWapsn takaof Nawork

187 Bussole, Andr. Jo. Durows

188 Saham, Will. da Justica Alan Osmnnds

189 Ditto Will., son of Will. daBrandhalls

Proceedings printed in Select Caso No. 14.


Forgery of documen ts toaccuse Hon . of receiv

ing felons. Imprisonment, in order to haveSol.

s proté gé in stalledin achurch which

Hon .hadpresentedelsewhere. Imprisonmentof ajury which would

notconvictHtenancs of prior of

Bromholme againstHon .

Delay of judgmen t

Delay of judgmen t

Abjudging of tenemen t,though Alan ofi


ored to

payarrears of rent

Un just arrest, and longimprisonment


Result Coun ty


Sol . and Tho. 12° Norfolk

sine die, Rob.



406, 486 Notts.

876, 896,486, Cornwall446,and74

5, 76, Gambe.

Will. son of Will. 846° [Norfolk]inM. for falseclaim


Accused Ofi ce Accuser

146 Saumfforde, Tho. da Bich. daMaswenhamMargery his wifeJ0 . their son

147 ‘ Segefelde, Tho. da

148 Seriaunt, Rob. le Once B. of the King Egidius daRoehals

149 Skirmissour, JO. le B. to Sharifl'

Tho. daHon inggs, vicar of

Pyroun , Hon . Cellarer of ditto BesthorpeAd. Prior ofWymondhamHan . CellarorSeriaunt, J0 . laK smpo, Geofl.

150 Skot, Will. Pet. daMouncewee151 Stapeltone, Nich. da A6. daHeveryngatona

Louthre, Hugh da

152 Stapeltone, Nich. da Bob. daChiltons

Proceedings prin ted in Select Cass No . 17.



158 Stapeltone, Nich. da Tho. daGoldingtonAmico his wife

154 Strattone, Ad. Baron of Exchequer Pet. daCr0ppary

155 Ditto Bog. Godman da Batmudessye

156 Suttons, Gilb. Once clark to the S. Bich. Potsrsl

of Cambs.

157 Taylor, Gilb. le, J0 . German 68Derbyand 40more

158 Todenham, Rog. da Be. of Norwich Aguas daAcreButto , Will .Woucht,Mich . da

159 Vascy, Will. da Justicaof the forest J0 . daFsrlyngetouaL

Proceedings prin ted in Select Cass No . 18. Proceedings prin ted in Select Case No . 19.

Proceedings prin ted in Select Case No. 20.


Inquest,after murder of


s brother, wastaken by Nich. in

Newcastle instead of inWestmoreland,and bykinsfolk of the telone

After fixing aterm of'

years for paymen t of

adebt, A6. sudden lyclaimed it. Pet. paid.

A6. than destroyed thedocumen tackuowladging his paymen t

Seizure of Rog.

’e horses.

Declaration , when the

horses were dameudsd,that Rog. was afugitive villain

Making regard of acartaiu wood, and takingit in to King

s hands


Details Result

Action fell to the 176°

ground. Nich.

producode desd

from the King

Falso complaint. 1, 8, 4, 18°

Pet. inM.

A6. convictedand 11

sen t to gaol

Jo. did not pro 426°

esente the coso.

Gilb. etc. sine


Coun ty









Accused Ofiics Accuser

160 Weldafords, Han . da Jo. daStaundons

161 Wsyleunds, Tho. Chief justice Ware general attorneyCommon Plose to theab t of St. Evroult

162 Wayao, Welt. da B. of Worcester Hon . daLychefalde, attorneyfor Rob. Colla

168 Wyforno, Hou. da Hereward dalaMors de

Hernan igha, Will. da Blunteedone

164 Wykstoft, Tho. da Re. in Wapentake of Bel. daRochafordaPackharnsys, Ad. Holland

Wymn, J0 . da Alan, son of Jo. daHorblengo

Wiluby, Will. da Constable of the peaceHardsgrey, Will. B. of HorncastleJo. B. of Edlington

Jo., son of Alex.

daNsthortin toneDalderby, Alen daFlyer, Han . laBudda, Will.Alan , son of Rog. daConynggesby

Proceedings prin ted in Select Case No. 21 .


Nora.—The Index refers on ly to the Introduction , the Select Cases, andAppendix I. Appendices II.and 111. erathemselves in some sort an index, sincethe names of accused persons ars arranged in alphabetical order. It seemedtherefore unnecessary to increase the present index by several hundred entries

withoutany grestaddition to its usefulnsas.

Asan o AND PRIORIESBsbwell, Norfolk (Franciscsn ), 95Beaulieu,Hampshire Cistercisn ), 2 , 4Broomholme. Norfolk (Clun iac), 68Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk (Ben edietin e), III, 49—51

Butley, Sufl olk (Black Canone), 62—67Leicester, Leicestershire

Canon e), 91 , 92Lilleshall, Shropshire (Black Canone),xxvi

Netley, Hampshire (Cisterciau), 2Quarr, Isle of Wight (Cietercian ), 96Roche, Yorkshire (Cistercian ), xxxix,1—5

St. Evroult, dep. Orna(Bensdiotine),91 , 92

Shouldham, Norfolk (Gilbertine), 12Stratford, Essex (Cistercian ), 88

Abergavenny , letterdatedat, 67castle, keeper of (Henry do Bray),xxxh

Accusation s,analysis of , xxxixnature of the, xxxiii…xl iii

Acton Burn ell , Statute of , 888 StatutesA lbaMara, de, 888 AlbemarleAlbemarle, Countees of (Isabellada

Fora), 51 , 85, 87Andreu. Sec Andrew

Andrew , Richard, 81 , 45Apperley, Nicholas da, steward to Earl

of Gloucester, 7, 10Appleby, Westmoreland, 81Robert de, 81 , 88


BARWRLL PRIORY. Sac under Abbeysand PrioriesBakewell, John da, xxiv , 56

Hugh le Taylor v., 78-80Balliol, John , xxvii

Ban bury, Roger da, hundredman . xxvi ,xxvu

Barba, Thomas cum, 81 , 45

Bardwell, Suflolk, 49, 68, 69Will iam de, cheplain , o . Boyland,Hougham, Lovetot, and Weyland,xl , xli, 49, 51 , 70

Barford, Bedfordsh ire, 28, 88Barking, John de, steward of Adam da

Stratton , 90

Basinghall prison . See under PrisoneBassingsehswe. See BasinghallBaudo, Robert le, sherifl of Northamp

ton shiro, 86

Bauquells . See BakewellBeauchamp, James de , 78Ralph do, 28, 29, 81 , 82, 86, 41 , 42

Beaulieu Abbey. See under Abbeysand Prioriss

Aqua, G eoflrsy de, xlviArcy, Norman da, 78, 79Thomas da, 79

Aeby, Westmoreland, 82Askeby . Sec AsbyAssor, John , 91

. i zaiitores Qusrelar um,appoin tmen t of ,Oct. 18, 1289, xii ; xiv, xv xxi—xxvin city of London , xxiv, 79, 80


Bsgevillo, Thomas da, 64Bekingham, Elise da, justice, 68 ,

79 , 80

Bekyngham. See BekinghamBolso. See BelaBelo, John da, 26Belet, William, 12, 18

Belhus, Thomas da, sherifl of Cambridgeshirs , 78, 74

Bello Campo , de , ses BeauchampBen edict, Prior of Shouldham, 12, 18,

16Bsrdeswelle, Berdswells. Sec BardwellBerefordo. See BarfordWilliam da, narrator for R0ger daThornton , 20, 21

Bergevsny. Seo AbergavennyBerkyngos . See BerkingBermondsey, Surrey, 90Bermundssye . See BermondseyBerw ick-on -Tweed , letters datedat, 66,


Beverley, William de, bailiff of Dublin ,


Biggleswade hundred, Bsdfordehiro, 28Bigod, Ralph ,

58 , 60, 61

Roger, Earl of Norfolk, xlviBlanmouster, John da, hailifi of shorifl

of Essex, 56

Blenes, Richard da, 81 , 45Blon t, Hugh le , 81 , 45Blund, Hugh le, shsrifl of Essex, 54, 55,

58 , 60, 61

Boilaunde, Boilonde. Ses BoylandBon ifacs VIII. , Pops , xxxvii

Botyndono, Robert de, xlii

Boyland, Richard de, justice : Williamde Bardwell v. , 49, 51

William ds Durn ford r xl, 5—11

RichardMaille s 1 1—17

references to , xxxii, 56, 69

Boylonde , Boylund . Sec BoylandBoynon , William, 81 , 45

Royville ,William da, Sheriff of Bedfordshirs , 27

Bradswyn dslssoure. Seo Broadwin sorBradford, John da, clerk to theauditores

gusrelaruqn , xiv

Bray, Henry da, escheator and justiceof the Jsws : Alice , daughter of

Hugh daBroadw insor, v. , 17, 18

history of, xxxii- xxxiii

imprisonmen t of , xiii

Breton , John la, werden of LondonRalph daHoney Lane e . , xxiv, 12 , 18

Brimblsschots , William da, sherifl of

Hampshire, xlivBristol, 8 , 9 , 46

hallat, xlmayor of , xxv n

Broadwinsor, Al ice, daughter of Hughdo, l 7, 18

Hugh da, 17Broadw insor, Dorset, 17, 18Brodewyndslssoures. Sec Broadwin sorBromholme. See Broomholms

Brompton ,William da, justice Geoflrsyde Aquav. , xlvi

Robert de Botyndono v., xlmHenry dale Legh and NicholasdaCorno v., xlvi, 27—40Abbot of Roche e ., 1- 5

— ‘

Rogsr daThornton e., 18- 28

history of , xxxi

imprisonment of , xmreferences to , xliii, 40, 41 , 42 , 45 , 98

Broomholms, Prior of , 68- 70Priory, 888 under Abbeysand Prioriss

Brun , Roger, 8

Bygod. See Bigod

Bukleswade, Bykleswade. Sac Biggleswads

Burefordo. Soe Burford

Burford, Oxon . , 26

Burnell , Robert , Bishop of Bath andWella, Chancellor, aud itor querelarum, xii

references to , xxi, u n , xxiv

Bury St. Edmunds , Abbey, sec under

Abbeysand PrioriesAbbot of , xl , 49—5 1

Liberty of, 49

Euston , William da, 58Butley Priory. See under Abbeys and


Thomas, Prior of , e . Johu daLovetot, 62—67

CALDBECK , Cumberland, 81Walter da, 81 - 88

Calendar, 1289- 1298, xx

Camville, William da, merchant, 46- 68Cen vils . Sec CamvilleCandlswick Street, London , 26

Candoweke. See CandlawickCan terbury, Archbiehop of, 16


Flamville, Henry da, 31 , 45Fleet, Flete. See under Prisons

Florence, merchante of , 78Fodringessghs . See FotheringhayForester, William la, hailiff of Oepring

KatharinadalaRyole v . , xlvi

Fors, Isabella da. See Albemarle,Coun tees of

Fotbaringhay, Northamptonshiro, 81Richard da, 81, 88

Frsnkeleyn , Frannkelsyn . Seo FranklinFranklin , Simon , 81 , 45

Fraunceys , Adam le, parson of Asby, 82

John , son of William lo, 81 , 88

John le, 82Richard le, 81William le, 81

Fulk, person of Bardwell , 68Robert, eon of , itinerant justice , 68

GASCONY, stay of Edward I. in , 1286

1289 , xi, xxvi , 74

Gateshill, Suffolk, 68

G iffsrd, Robert, 61

G ildefcrde . See GuildfordG iselham,

William da, justice , 15, 80Gloucester, Earl of, xl, 6—9Statute of . Sec under Statutes

G natoehale . See K n ettiehallGoodman , Roger, 90, 91

G osefelde , Richard da, 20Gotheleforde , Jamos da, 11G rimeshowe. Sec Grimshoe

G rimshoo hundred, Norfolk, 15

Guichard, Bishop of Troyes, xxxvu

Guildford, Henry da, clark to John deLovetot, 57, 59 , 61

G uildhall, London , 79

Gwen t, bailiff of (Hen ry de Bray), xxxnGwyhalda. Seo GuildhallGyeelham. See G iselham

HAMBLE, river in Hampshire, 4Hamle . See HambleHanvile, Ben edict da, 85Hanytons , Simon de, 87Hercla. See BarclayBarclay,Michael da, 81 , 82Harlow , Essex,


John , son of Hubert da, 58—61Richard, son of William da, 5560, 61

Harper, William le, 81 , 45

Ixos , WILLIAM, gn i sequitur proxxv, 74

In timidation ,in stance of, xl

l evano. Sco JeuneIreland, 28, 46- 48Irish Sas , 19Isaac, Jew , 12 , 14

Inns. Sec JeuneIvingho, Ralph da, 88

Haspey, 'Wiiliam da, 81, 45Hastings, Thomas de, 81Heukesdone , Stephen da, 70Hsuteyn , Hamo, justice, 12Hoghem, Roger da, narrator to Roger

daThornton , 20, 21

Hemmaeby, Richard da, baiiifl of Priorof Butley, 68, 65

n hamMagna, 98Hengham Parse , 98

Hengham, Ralph da, Chief Justice of

K ing’s Bench William daBardwell

v. , xl, xii , 49—51William daCamville v . , 46-48

Henry dalaLegh and N icholas doCarne e . , 27.-40

history of , xxx

imprisonmentand fine of , xmreferences to, 8, 25- 27, 45 , 80, 81 , 82

Henries , w ife of RichardMaillo, 12, 14Hen ry , Hugh , son of , 18- 23

Hercle. See HarolayHerizarde, Robert, 80Beriewo. SoaHarlowHart, John lo, 6Hartford, Robert de , xxivHilton , Hun tingdonehirs , 77Holbroke, Richard da, 71 , 72, 78auditor querelarum in the city of

London , 79

Honey Lan s, Ralph da, xxiv, xxvHon ilana. Seo Honey LaneHopton , Walter da, 40Huberd, John . See HarlowHugh , once person of Tempsford, 28

29, 45

Ralph, son of , 28, 29Richard, eon of , 28, 29Hugh , eon of , 28, 29- 82 , 45

Hugh , son of Henry, 18—28Hundred, Adam, bailiff of Dublin , 46. 48

Hyltons. See HiltonHyn tone . Soc Cherry Hinton


JRUNE, Jour: La, 81, 45Robert le, 81 , 88

John , John , son of , 19John , son of John daColmorde, 81 , 45Joveno. See Jeune°

Judgss, disgrace of the, xiiiJulian , Richard, son of . Seo HarlowJugo. See Ingo

KANVILE. See CamvilleK en , Agnes, wife of Henry lo,Henry le,Ralph la, 57

King’s Lynn , Norfolk,Kirkby, John , Bishop of Ely, 1

K nettiehall, Suflolk, 68K yn siyn , Walter, 9K yngssclipsstona. Sec Clipston

K ypps , Henry, daMsrynch , 9

LACY, HENRY. Sec Lincoln , Earl ofLatimer, William lo, aud itor quere

larum, xii, xxi , xxii, xxiii, xxiv, 7,38 , 44

Latymor. See Latimer

Laundichs . Seo LaunditchLaunditch hundred, Norfolk, 15Laundree. Sec LondonLosito, Robert. 888 Cita, Robert laLedet, Richard, 55Legh, Hen ry dala, xxiv, xxv, xxxix,

xlvi, 27—40, 41 , 44, 45

John , son of Robert de la, xlviLeicesterAbbey. Secunder Abbeysand


Abbot of , 92

Peter da, aud itor querelarum, xxiii,xxiv, 8, 20, 40

Roger da, xiii, xxxn , 56, 98Lanus . Seo King’

s Lynns os, Sussex, xlviLeycestre, Leycestria. See LeicesterLeye. Seo Legh

Lichfield, Henry da, clark to the aud itores querelarum, xv

Lilleshall Abbey. Seo under Abbeysand PrioriesAbbot of , xxvi

Lincoln , Earl of (Henry Lacy),auditorquerelarum, xii, xxl -xxiv, 88, 78Eustacs da, of Devon , 58Roger da, con stable of Devon

Thomas Silvester o. , xii, xlii, 51—58

Lincoln , Thomas de , 25, xm , xxm , 98London , privileges oi , xxiv, xxv, 79Alario or Almario de, 31 , 45

Lothingland hundred, Sufiolk, xxvuLouth , William de, Bishop of Ely,auditor querelarum, xii, xxi , xxii


Louther. See LowtherLovetot, John de, justice : William de

Bardwell v. , 49 51

Thomas, Prior of Butley, v. , 62- 67

John , son of Hubert de Harlow , v. ,

53- 61

imprisonmen tand fin e of, x mreferences to, xxxi i, xl, 98

Lowther, Hugh de, qui sequitur prorage, xxv

narrator for Roger de Thorn ton ,20, 21

Ludham, Robert de, justice, 12Londres, Alaric de. See London

Mmm ,m m, sen ior, 57MagnaCharta, judgmen t given contraryto , 50Maille, Henrica, wife ot Richard, 12 , 14Richard, of Stokeferry, 11- 17Malerba, Richard, 31 , 45Malet, Robert, 95Malherb. SecMalerbeMalie,Malle ,Malye . SeeMailleMarch , William de, treasurer, auditorquerelarum, xii, xxi, xxii, 40, 61Marchia, de . SacMarch .Marlborough , Statute of . See under

StatutesMatching, Essex, 54, 68, 59Matchynges. SeeMatchingMayle,Maylle. SecMailleMaun sel, Will iam, 31 , 45MeaburnMaulds, Westmoreland, 81Mebrunmalde . SacMeaburnMauldsMerke , Ralph le, 55 ,Merynch, Hen ry K yppe de, 9Metingham, John de, 77Middeltone. SwMiddletonMiddleton , Peter de, 89

Will iam de, justice , 60Min ister. defin ition of the word, xxvu ,

xxviiiMissadaPotatorilms, 94Mon tague, Simon de, 51 , 53Monte Acuto , da. SeeMon tague


Mordan t, William, 31 , 45Moreville, Robert de, 84Mortmain , Statute of . See under


Narratio de Passione Justiciarior um.

See PassionNetley Abbey. See under Abbeys

Neugate. See NewgateNewcastle-ou-Tyne, 82 , 84

Newenham, John de, xlviNewgate, 91Newgate prison . Sec under Prisons

Nicholas, brother of Amice de Goldington , 81 , 83

Norfolk, Earl of (Roger Bigod), xlviNorham, near Berwick, letters datedat,


Northampton Castle, 86Norw ich , 14, 15

Archdeacon of. See Scarn ingJohn de, 13

Note, Richard, 25

Orrsnnxns , nature of the, xxvn—xxix

the great, xxix—xxxiiiOfiìcium Coronatoris, 1275, xiiOxton , James de, 53Oyldeboef , Hugh , 31 , 45

Oysel, Henry, 11

Pxoxnm , W… DE, justice, 63, 64Parodies, in stances of mediaaval, 94Passion of the Judges, the, vii, 93- 99 ;

manuscripts of the, 93 , 94Passion s, instances of , 94Paulesholte , Richard de, jan itor of

Exeter Castle , 52Paynel, John , 1 , 3 , 4, 85

Philip, 4, 5

Peche, John , xlvi

Perevile, John , son of Peter de, 53, 54,60, 61

Peter de, 53 , 54

Philip IV . of Fran ce, xxxviiPicheforde, Geoflrey de , 73- 75

Pickering, John de, 63, 64Plan of the Book, xl iii

Pon thieu, 59

Pon to ise, John de,Bishop ofWinchester,auditor querelaram, xii, xxi- xxiv,20, 44, 65 , 66, 74, 77

Poutyn , William, 55

Porchester Castle, xxnPorthorse, John , son of John , 21

Preston , Richard de, 84Prison s

Basinghall, 32Fleet, 32 , 33

Newgate , 32 , 33

Tower of London , 61 , 87Provost, Edric, g mndfather of Osbert

le, 62

Humphrey, father of Osbert le, 62 ,65Martin , son of Osbert le, 62, 63

64, 65 , 66, 67Matilda, wife of Martin , son of

Osbert le, 62

Osbert le, 62 , 65 , 66, 67

Pycheforde. See Picheforde

Pykeringes. See PickeringPyngin , Robert, 9

Quam, Abbey. See under AbbeysandPriories

Bas sam , Statute of. See under

StatutesRalph, cook of Clemen t de Cookham, 58

son of Hugh de Tempsford, 28, 29Ramesey, John de, 24Reda, Reed, John , son of Roger de.

868 Reed

Red, Robert le, xl , 5, 7 , 9

Rede, Robert le. See Red, Robert le

Reed, Suflolk, 24, 25

Isabella, mother of John de, 25John , son of Roger de, xxxvi , 24, 25

Richard, son of Hugh de Tempsford,28 , 29


oin of Julian . See Harlow ,Richarde

Rivers, John de, steward of, xxv…Roche Abbey. See under Abbeys and


Abbot of , xxxix, 1- 5

Rochester, Solomon de, justice :RichardMaille v . , 11- 17

Hen ry, son of Nicholas of St.

Edmunds,v., 67—70

history of , xiii, xxxi

Rofia, de, see RochesterRokesle, G eofirey de, Keeper of the

Exchange : Hugh le Taylor v.,



Sutton , William da, undersheriff of

Essex, 58 , 59

Sutwelle, Suweile . See Southwick

Swithin , St., church of , 26

Tnus sroan . Sao TempsfordTemplars , Trials of the, xxxvnTempsford, Bedfordshire, 28- 32 , 33 , 38 ,


Tempsford, Ralph , son of Hugh da,

Richard, son of Hugh da, 28—31 , 33Wil liam, son of Hugh da, 28—32 , 34,35 , 37 , 40, 41

Terms, Law , 1289—1293, xxi

Thames, River, 86, 87Themesforde. See TempsfordThornburgh , Roland da, 84Thorneton e. See Thorn ton

Thorn ton , G ilbert da, 4, 7 , 8, 10, 51 , 72 ,75, 76 ; Roger da, xxv, 18.-23

Thrapston , Northampton shire, 78Thyvilla, William, 31 , 45

Tickhill, Nicholas da, clerk to theaud itores querelarum, xv

Tisson , Robert , 53

Tower. See Prison s

Tracy, John , coroner ofEssex, 54, 55 , 58 ,60

Trapestone. See ThrapstonTrials, duration of the, xx

Tylo, William da, 84Tyrin gtone, William de, 12 , 13Tyviile. See Thyviile

Vann es s , Joux nr:, justice , 33, 75, 77Violence , Cases of, xi i, xlii

w sxs . ScaSaffron WaldenWallingford,Mayor of , xxviiWareyn ,flVilliam,attorney of Abbot of

St. Evroult, 91

Warin , Ki ng’s bailifi in Essex, 54, 55

Warre , Robert, 9Warwick,Nicholas da, narrator to Roger

de Thornton , 20, 21

qui sequitur pro rage, xxvWarwyke . SeeWarwick

Co. Ltd., Printers, New-etn ei Square, London.

Westdale, Cumberland, 81Geoflrey da, 81 , 83

Westmin ster Chapel of rece iptat, 86Hall, 32 , 88|Statutas of . See under Statutesstone crossat, 87

West Somerton , Norfolk, 62 , 66, 67Weyland, Thomas da, Chief Justice of

Common Pleas : William daBardwell o . , 49- 51Abbot of St. Evroult v., 91

- 92

histo ry of , xiii, xxix-xxx

references to, xii , 4 , 60, 95, 98

Weylaunda. See WeylandWheteringes, Hugh da, 12, 13Wicken , Sufiolk, 67Widdington , Essex, 54

William laEnvayse da, 54 , 55 , 58Widford, Hertfordshire, 90, 91Wilbraham, G reat, Cambridgeshire, 19 ,


Little , Cambridgeshire, 19, 20William, clark, parson of Bardwell, 68

son of Hugh, once parson of

Tempsford , 28- 32 , 34, 35, 37, 40, 41Winbuma, Walter da, justice, 27 , 41Winchester, Bishop of . See Pontoise,John of

Simon da, xlviWinsor, Geoflrey, son of John da, 17, 18John da, 17, 18

Wimmtree hundred, Bedfordshire , 28Wokingdon , Nicholas da, 61Richard da, 60

Wokingdcne. SeeWokingdon

Wolneric, father of Edric, 62Won ford hundred, Devon , Court of , 52

Wycham. See WykhamWydeforde . See WidfordWykham, John da, xi, 6, 7, 9Wyke. See WickenWydyngton ,Wydyton . SeeWiddingtonWylburgham, Magnaet Parva. Seo

WilbrahamWyn forde. See Wonford

Wyn delesoure. See WinsorWythlmenhale, Nicholas da, 87Wyxston stre . See Wixamtree