Download - SN 56.11 Dhammacakkappavattanasutta - Setting in Motion the Wheel of the Dhamma


SN 56.11 Dhammacakkappavattanasutta《轉法輪經》 as at 28 Sep 2020

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Saṃyuttanikāya SN > Part 5 Mahāvagga > SN 56 Saccasaṃyutta (Connected Discourses on the Truths)

SN 56.11 Dhammacakkappavattanasutta1 (Setting in Motion the Wheel of the Dhamma)

m sg acc m sg acc m sg nom f sg loc pres 3rd sg n sg loc n sg loc

Ekaṃ samayaṃ2 bhagavā bārāṇasiyaṃ viharati isipatane3 migadāye4. one time Bhagavant 世尊 Bārāṇasī dwells at Isipatana in deer-grove

On one occasion the Blessed One dwells at Bārānasī in the Deer Park at Isipatana.


ind pcl [kamma (digu)] adj m acc pl m pl acc aor 3rd sg

Tatra kho bhagavā pañca-vaggiye6 bhikkhū āmantesi7: there indeed to group-of-five bhikkus addressed

There the Blessed One addressed the group-of-five bhikkhus:


m pl nom m pl voc m pl nom ~ta pp m sg inst ind fpp m pl nom pron adj m pl nom m pl nom

“Dveme8, bhikkhave, antā pabbajitena9 na sevitabbā10. Katame dve? these two Bhikkus! ends by a mendicant not to be associated with which two

"Bhikkhus! These two extremes should not be followed by a mendicant. What two?


nom m sg nom ~a m pl loc [tappu] m sg nom

Yo caāayaṃ kāmesu kāmasukhallikānuyogo11 which and this in sense desires sensual pleasures-worldly happiness-pursuit

This pursuit of sensual pleasures and worldly happiness in regard of sense desires,


pp adj gāma pp adj adj m sg nom adj an+ariya [bahu] adj m sg nom

hīno12 gammo pothujjaniko13 anariyo anatthasaṃhito14, low of the village of common beings ignoble non-benefit-possessed of

which is low, vulgar, the way of worldlings, ignoble, unbeneficial;


[tappu] m sg nom adj m sg nom adj m sg nom adj m sg nom yo cāyaṃ attakilamathānuyogo15 dukkho anariyo anatthasaṃhito. self-mortification-pursuit painful ignoble non-benefit-possessed of

and the pursuit of self-mortification, which is painful, ignoble, unbeneficial.


1 first discourse of the Buddha

2 sam+√i coming together, hence time, congregation etc; acc used as duration of time or point in time; (AK Warder Introduction to Pali, The Pali

Text Society, Oxford, 2001) 用做時間副詞,表達「不確定時間」 3 isi (Skt ṛṣi) [m] sage, -√pad to fall, 6 Km north of present day Sārnath; CPD: etym ‘the place where the isis alight, meet, wherefrom they

take their flight’ 4 miga [n] dear, -dāya [n] grove

5 地名,仙人降落、聚集、升天處

6 pañca [num] five -vaggiya [adj] in a group, they are: Koṇḍañña 憍陳如, Vappa 波沙菠, Bhaddiya (Bhadrika)跋提梨迦, Mahānāma 摩訶

那摩 and Assaji 阿涉逾時; other groupings also exist 7 aor of āmanteti, ā-mant Skt. ā-√mantr to address, speak to, summon, invite, deliberate

8 dve [m pl nom] two -ime [m pl nom] these

9 Skt: pravrājita √vraj to walk, walk out from home into the life of a recluse ie. bhikkhu

10 √sev sevati to (serve), associate with, (服侍)、親近、和„來往

11 kāma [m] sensual pleasures, -sukhallikā BHS worldly pleasure (PED: -allika fr alliya [ger] clinging to, doubtful?), -anuyoga [m] pursuit

12 fr. jahati √hā to be deficient, wanting, decrease, wane, decline,

13 fr. puthujjana: puthu [adj] numerous, various, several, many, -jana [m] people, 出家人

14 an-attha [n] non-benefit, -saṃhita [hita pp of dahati] possessed of

15 atta [m] self, -kilamatha [m] √klam fatigue, exhaustion, -anuyoga [m] pursuit

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m pl acc pron adj m pl acc m acc pl ger Ete kho, bhikkhave, ubho16 ante anupagamma17 these both ends having avoided

After avoiding both these extremes,

比丘們!避開這兩個極端後, adj f sg nom f sg nom m sg inst abhisambujjhati adj pp f sg nom

majjhimā paṭipadā tathāgatena abhisambuddhā middle path by Tathāgata is awaken to

the middle way is awakened to by the Tathagata,


n [kamma] adj f sg nom n [kamma] adj f sg nom √śam m sg dat √nā f sg dat √bhud m sg dat n sg dat √vŗt pres 3rd sg

cakkhu-karaṇī ñāṇa-karaṇī18 upasamāya abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya saṃvattati. eye/vision-producing insight-producing for peace for higher knowledge for enlightenment for Nibbāna leads to

it is vision-producing, insight-producing; it leads to peace, direct knowledge, enlightenment and Nibbāna.


pron adj f sg nom f sg nom Katamā ca sā, bhikkhave, majjhimā paṭipadā tathāgatena abhisambuddhā what ‘that’

And what, bhikkhus, is that middle way awakened to by the Tathagata,


cakkhukaraṇī ñāṇakaraṇī upasamāya abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya saṃvattati? (that) is vision-producing, insight-producing, (and) leads to peace, direct knowledge, enlightenment and Nibbāna?


dpn m sg nom pcl adj m num [digu] adj m sg nom m sg nom seyyathā adv -idam Ayameva ariyo20 aṭṭha-aṅgiko maggo, seyyathidaṃ – this just of the noble eight-fold path namely this

(It is) just this eightfold path of the noble. Namely this:


ind [kamma] √dṛś f sg nom ind [kamma] √kḷp m sg nom ind [kamma] √vac f sg nom ind [kamma] -anta m sg nom sammā-diṭṭhi21 sammā-saṅkappo sammā-vācā sammā-kammanto22 right-view right-intention right-speech right-action

right view, right intention, right speech, right action,


ind [kamma] m sg nom ind [kamma] m sg nom ind [kamma] f sg nom ind [kamma] m sg nom sammā-ājīvo24 sammā-vāyāmo25 sammā-sati sammā-samādhi. right-livelihood right-effort right-mindfulness right-concentration

right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration.



ubho an old remnant of a dual form in Pāli for [nom] and [acc] 17

upagamma [ger] of upagacchati (or upagantvā) anupagamma CPD: ’not having approached or avoiding’ 18

karaṇa [ifc adj] karaṇī [f] -producing, [adj] qualifying majjhimā paṭipadā [f] 19“作眼、作智”(MA)、“成眼、成智”(AA); cakkhu-karaṇī ñāṇa-karaṇī 陰性形容詞修飾陰性名詞“中道”majjhimā paṭipadā [f]

20 =ayira, ayya, Skt. ārya, 1. [n] =ayira, ayya ariyan, nobleman (; 2. [adj] belonging to the ariyan, worthy, venerable; here, a ‘nobleman’ is one

who is partially or fully awakened: stream-winners, once-returners, non-returners and arhats. 21

cf. SN 12.15 Kaccānagottasutta for ‘what is right view’ 22

kamma+anta lit. ‘work-end’, PED: doing, working, acting (also work, business, occupation, profession); CPD: at the end of a compound in some

instances apparently pleonastic (redundant), but probably giving a more concrete sense including 'completion, entirety, or system' of something 23

正思惟 24

note double ‘āā’ sammāājīvo 25

vi+ā+√yam to sustain 26


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Ayaṃ kho sā, bhikkhave, majjhimā paṭipadā tathāgatena abhisambuddhā cakkhukaraṇī ñāṇakaraṇī upasamāya abhiññāya sambodhāya nibbānāya saṃvattati. This, bhikkhus, is that middle way awakened to by the Tathagata, (that) is vision-producing, insight-producing, (and) leads to peace, direct knowledge, enlightenment, and Nibbāna.


n sg nom pcl pcl n sg nom [tatpu] n sg nom Idaṃ kho pana, bhikkhave, dukkhaṃ ariya-saccaṃ27 – this indeed further more suffering to the noble -truth

And indeed, bhikkhus, suffering – this is truth to the noble,


f -api adj f sg nom f adj f sg nom =vyādhi m sg nom adj m sg nom n sg nom adj n sg nom

jātipi dukkhā, jarāpi dukkhā, byādhipi dukkho, maraṇampi dukkhaṃ, birth also miserable ageing also miserable sickness also miserable death also miserable

birth is miserable, aging is miserable, illness is miserable, death is miserable;


√śuc socati m √div devati m n n [dvanda] m pl nom -api adj m pl nom

Soka-parideva-dukkha-domanassa29-upāyāsā-pi dukkhā,30

griefs -laments -pains -worries -distress miserable griefs-laments-sufferings-worries-and-distress are miserable;


a+piya m pl inst √yuj m sg nom adj m sg nom piya m pl inst √yuj m sg nom adj m sg nom

appiyehi sampayogo dukkho, piyehi vippayogo dukkho, with the displeasing association miserable with the pleasing separation miserable

association with the displeasing is miserable, separation from the pleasing is miserable;


n sg nom -pi -iccha adj n nom pres 3rd sg n sg nom -api adj n sg nom

yampicchaṃ na labhati tampi dukkhaṃ – what -longing obtain that miserable

not getting that which one longs for is also miserable;


sankhitta pp m sg inst [kamma (digu)] m pl nom adj m pl nom

saṅkhittena31 pañca-upādāna-kkhandhā dukkhā. in short five-grasping-aggregates miserable

in short, the five-grasping-aggregates are miserable.


n sg nom [tatpu] m sg acc [tatpu] n sg nom Idaṃ kho pana, bhikkhave, dukkha-samudayaṃ32 ariya-saccaṃ – this of suffering-origin to the noble -truth And indeed, bhikkhus, origin-of-suffering – this is truth to the noble:



the popular translation ‘noble truth’ takes ariya-sacca as [kamma] cpd, with the first member ariya as [adj] ‘noble’. This reading is considered

by Buddhist philologist KR Norman as “... least likely”. Alternatively, the compound can also be taken as [tatpu], with the first member ariya (or ayira) as *m+ ‘a noble man’, hence ‘truth to the noble one’ (ariya in [dat] sense), or ‘truth of the noble one’ (ariya in [gen] sense); the former is adopted here. In fact the commentators have: ‘truth of the noble one(s)’ or ‘truth for a noble one’, ie. ‘truth that will make one a noble’. Here, the ‘noble ones’ are those who are partially or fully awakened: stream-winners, once-returners, non-returners and arhats, the Buddha. KR Norman The Four Noble Truths: a problem of Pāli syntax. 1982 and Pia Tan note 74 of 28

ariya 聖 -sacca 諦;取依主釋 [tatpu]“於聖者為諦”、“聖者之諦”,不取持業釋 [kamma]“神聖的諦”(見前注) 29

Skt daur-manas-ya 30

absent in some recensions 31

√kṣi to dissipate, sankhipati to abridge, shorten, sankhitta [pp] shortened i.e. in short 32

syntax issue with the common reading: ‘this is the noble truth of origin of suffering’: 1. idaṃ [n sg nom] samudayaṃ [m sg acc] gender & case

mismatch (KR Norman ibid)

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yā-ayam f nom f sg nom [bahu] adj f sg nom [bahu] adj f sg nom [bahu] -abhinandin adj f nom sg seyyathā adv -idam yāyaṃ taṇhā ponobbhava-ikā33 nandi-rāga-sahagatā34 tatra-tatra-abhinandinī, seyyathidaṃ– which this craving rebirth-involving delight-and-lust-associated here-there-rejoicing at namely this this craving which is rebirth-involving, delight-and-lust-associated, rejoicing-here-and-there. Namely this:


m [tatpu] f sg nom m [tatpu] f sg nom vi-bhava m [tatpu] f sg nom

kāma-taṇhā, bhava-taṇhā, vibhava-taṇhā. desire-craving existence-craving non-existence-craving

desire-craving, existence-craving, extermination-craving.


n sg nom [tatpu] √rudh m sg acc [tatpu] n sg nom Idaṃ kho pana, bhikkhave, dukkha-nirodhaṃ35 ariya-saccaṃ – this of suffering-cessation to the noble -truth And indeed, bhikkhus, cessation-of-suffering – this is truth to the noble:


m sg tad f sg gen -eva f sg gen √śiṣ a-sesa [kamma] m sg nom yo tassāyeva taṇhāya asesa-virāga-nirodho which of that very craving complete-fading away-cessation

which is the complete fading away and cessation of that very craving,


√tyaj m √sṛj nissajjati m sg nom √muc f sg nom m sg nom cāgo paṭinissaggo mutti anālayo. abandoning giving up release non-abiding

(its) abandoing, giving up, letting go, and non-abiding.


n sg nom [bahu] -gāminī adj f sg nom f sg nom [tatpu] n sg nom Idaṃ kho pana, bhikkhave, dukkha-nirodha-gāminī paṭipadā36 ariya-saccaṃ37 – this suffering-cessation-leading to path to the noble -truth

And indeed, bhikkhus, path leading-to-suffering-cessation – this is truth to the noble:


ayameva ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo, seyyathidaṃ – sammādiṭṭhi … pe38 … sammāsamādhi. (It is) just this Noble Eightfold Path. Namely: right view . . . right concentration.


n sg nom n sg nom [tatpu] n sg nom ~ṃ-iti 1st sg dat adj m sg loc an-anusutta pp adj m pl loc m pl loc (loc of reference) Idaṃ dukkhaṃ ariya-saccan’ti me, bhikkhave, pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu this suffering to the noble -truth for me in previous time unheard of in regard to dharmas

'Suffering – this (is) truth to the noble'. For me, bhikkhus, in regard to dharmas unheard of before,


n sg nom ut+√pad aor 3rd sg n sg nom f sg nom f sg nom m sg nom

cakkhuṃ udapādi, ñāṇaṃ udapādi, paññā udapādi, vijjā udapādi, āloko udapādi. vision arose knowledge wisdom higher knowledge light

vision arose, knowledge arose, wisdom arose, higher knowledge arose and light arose.



punabbhava+ika, punabbhava lit. re-becoming, a sutta term for rebirth; -ika [suffix] forms [adj] pertaining to, engaged/involved in 34

nandi [f] delight 歡喜, -rāga [m] lust 貪欲, -sahagata [pp] associated or endowed with 伴隨 35

syntax issue with the common reading: ‘this is the noble truth of cessation of suffering’: idaṃ [n sg nom] -nirodhaṃ [m sg acc] gender and case

mismatch (see KR Norman ibid) 36

syntax issue with the common reading: ‘this is the noble truth of path leading to cessation of suffering’: idaṃ [n] -nirodha-gāminī [f] paṭipadā

[f] gender mismatch (see KR Norman ibid) 37

note dukkhanirodhagāminī [f] paṭipadā [f] poses a syntax problem with idaṃ [n], see Norman ibid 38

peyyāla ‘repetition’中略

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adv pcl pana -idam n sg nom n sg nom [tatpu] n sg nom fpp n sg nom -ṃ-iti

Taṃ39 kho panidaṃ dukkhaṃ ariya-saccaṃ pariññeyyan’ti40 me, bhikkhave, pubbe … pe … udapādi. then indeed moreover this suffering to the noble -truth is to be well understood

'Then moreover indeed, this is to be well understood: suffering, truth to the noble’. For me, bhikkhus, . . . and light arose.


adv n sg nom n sg nom [tatpu] n sg nom adj pp n sg nom -ṃ-iti Taṃ kho panidaṃ dukkhaṃ ariya-saccaṃ pariññātan’ti41 me, bhikkhave, pubbe … pe… udapādi. then this suffering to the noble -truth is well understood ‘Then moreover indeed, this is well understood: suffering, truth to the noble'. For me, bhikkhus, . . . and light arose.

『而且,這已被遍知:對於聖者是諦的苦』。比丘們!於我,„(中略)„光生起。 n sg nom [tatpu] m sg acc [tatpu] n sg nom Idaṃ dukkha-samudayaṃ42 ariya-saccan’ti me, bhikkhave, pubbe … pe … udapādi. this suffering -origin to the noble -truth ‘Origin-of-suffering – this (is) truth to the noble’. For me, bhikkhus. . . and light arose.


adv pcl -idam n sg nom m sg acc [tatpu] n sg nom fpp n sg nom -ṃ-iti Taṃ kho panidaṃ dukkha-samudayaṃ

43 ariya-saccaṃ pahātabban’ti

44,45 me, bhikkhave, pubbe … pe … udapādi.

then indeed moreover this suffering -origin to the noble -truth is to be abandoned ‘Then moreover indeed, this is to be abandoned: origin-of-suffering, truth to the noble'. For me, bhikkhus. . . and light arose.


adv -idam n sg nom m sg acc [tatpu] n sg nom pahīna pp adj n sg nom -ṃ-iti Taṃ kho panidaṃ dukkha-samudayaṃ47 ariya-saccaṃ pahīnan’ti me, bhikkhave, pubbe … pe … udapādi. then suffering -origin to the noble -truth is abandoned 'Then moreover indeed, this is abandoned: origin-of-suffering, truth to the noble'.

For me, bhikkhus . . . and light arose.


n sg nom [tatpu] m sg acc [tatpu] n sg nom Idaṃ dukkha-nirodhaṃ49 ariya-saccan’ti me, bhikkhave, pubbe … pe … udapādi. this suffering -cessation to the noble -truth 'Cessation-of-suffering – this (is) truth to the noble. For me, bhikkhus . . . and light arose.


adv pcl -idam n sg nom m sg acc [tatpu] n sg nom fpp n sg nom -ṃ-iti Taṃ kho panidaṃ dukkha-nirodhaṃ

50 ariya-saccaṃ sacchikātabban’ti

51 me, bhikkhave, pubbe … pe … udapādi.

then indeed moreover this suffering -cessation to the noble -truth is to be realised 'Then moreover indeed, this is to be realised: cessation-of-suffering, truth to the noble’. For me, bhikkhus . . . and light arose.


adv m sg acc [tatpu] n sg nom pp n sg nom -ṃ-iti Taṃ kho panidaṃ dukkha-nirodhaṃ

52 ariya-saccaṃ sacchikatan’ti me, bhikkhave, pubbe … pe … udapādi.

then suffering -cessation to the noble -truth is realised 'Then moreover indeed, this is realised: cessation-of-suffering, truth to the noble’. For me, bhikkhus . . . and light arose.



ta(d) *rpn n sg acc+ use adverbially ‘then, so now’ AK Warder Introduction to Pali Third Edition p.75 40

parijānāti ‘to know accurately’, pariññeyya [fpp] ‘to be well-understood’ 41

pariññāta [adj pp] known 42

expecting [nom] 43

expecting [nom] 44

pajahati ‘to abandon’, pahātabba *fpp+ ‘to be abandoned’ 45

exegetical issue with the common rendering ‘this noble truth of origin of suffering is to be abandoned’ (KR Norman ibid) 46

慣常譯法“這苦集聖諦應該被捨斷”有語病。參考筆者漢譯:《四圣諦–巴利文語法问题 (重译 2017) 》載於 47

expecting [nom] 48

慣常譯法“這苦集聖諦已經被捨斷”有語病 (見前注)。 49

expecting [nom] 50

expecting [nom] 51

sacchikaroti ‘to realise, to experience for oneself’, sacchikātabba *fpp+ ‘to be realised’ 52

expecting [nom]

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n sg nom [bahu] -gāminī adj f sg nom f sg nom [tatpu] n sg nom

Idaṃ dukkha-nirodha-gāminī paṭipadā ariya-saccan’ti me, bhikkhave, pubbe … pe … udapādi. this suffering-cessation-leading to path to the noble -truth 'Path leading to-suffering-cessation – this (is) truth to the noble’. For me, bhikkhus . . . and light arose.


adv pcl -idam n sg nom [bahu] -gāminī adj f sg nom f sg nom [tatpu] n sg nom fpp n sg acc -ṃ-iti

Taṃ kho panidaṃ dukkha-nirodha-gāminī paṭipadā ariya-saccaṃ bhāvetabban’ti53

me, bhikkhave, pubbe … pe … udapādi. then indeed moreover this suffering-cessation-leading to path to the noble -truth is to be cultivated

‘Then moreover indeed, this is to be cultivated: path leading-to-suffering-cessation, truth to the noble’. For me, bhikkhus, . . . and light arose.


adv n sg nom [tatpu] n sg nom pp n sg acc -ṃ-iti

Taṃ kho panidaṃ dukkha-nirodha-gāminī paṭipadā ariya-saccaṃ bhāvitan’ti54

me, bhikkhave, pubbe … pe … udapādi. then this to the noble -truth is cultivated

‘Then moreover indeed, this is cultivated: path leading-to-suffering-cessation, truth to the noble. For me, bhikkhus, . . . and light arose.


yāva-kīvaṃ adv gen n pl loc num pl loc [tatpu] n pl loc ind -pari√vṛ t m sg acc -ākāra m sg acc Yāvakīvañca me, bhikkhave, imesu catūsu ariy-saccesu evaṃ ti-parivaṭṭaṃ55 dvādasa-ākāraṃ56 so long as my in these four to the noble -truths thus regarding three-turning regarding twelve-mode

adv n sg nom su-visuddha pp adj n sg nom aor 3rd sg na-eva tāva-ahaṃ yathābhūtaṃ ñāṇadassanaṃ na suvisuddhaṃ ahosi, neva tāvāhaṃ, bhikkhave, as is/as they are knowledge and vision thoroughly pure was never for as long -I

[bahu] adj m sg loc m sg loc -ka [bahu] adj m sg loc -ka [bahu] adj m sg loc [bahu] adj f sg loc -brāhmanī pajā f sg loc [bahu] adj f sg loc -manussā sa-devake57 loke sa-mārake sa-brahmake sa-s-samaṇa-brāhmaṇiyā58 pajāya sa-deva-manussāya along with devas in this world along with māra along with brahmā along with ascetic and brāhmaṇa in this generation along with devas and humans

an-uttara adj f sg acc sammā-sambodhi f sg acc ~buddha pp sg nom paṭi+aññāsi aor 1st sg

‘anuttaraṃ sammāsambodhiṃ abhisambuddho59’ti paccaññāsiṃ. unsurpassed perfect enlightenment (have) awakened to I claimed

Bhikkhus! So long as my knowledge and vision in these four truths to the noble as they are, regarding [their] three-turning and twelve-mode, was not thoroughly pure, for as song I never claimed to have awakened to ‘unsurpassed perfect enlightenment’ in this world along with its Devas, Māra and Brahmā; and in this generation along with its ascetic, brahmin, devas and human.




Yato ca kho me, bhikkhave, imesu catūsu ariyasaccesu evaṃ tiparivaṭṭaṃ dvādasākāraṃ whence 自從

atha adv -aham

yathābhūtaṃ ñāṇadassanaṃ suvisuddhaṃ ahosi, athāhaṃ, bhikkhave, sadevake loke thence 而後 samārake sabrahmake sassamaṇabrāhmaṇiyā pajāya sadevamanussāya ‘anuttaraṃ

sammāsambodhiṃ abhisambuddho’ti paccaññāsiṃ.

(But) since my knowledge and vision in these Four Noble Truths as they are, regarding [their] three-turning and twelve-aspect, was thoroughly pure, then I did claim to have awakened to ‘unsurpassed perfect enlightenment’ in this world along with its Devas, Māra and Brahmā; and in this generation along with its ascetic, brahmin, devas and human.




bhāveti [cau] ‘to cultivate (by means of meditation)’ note loss of causative sense 54

bhāvita [adj pp] of bhāveti 55

The three turning phases are: (1) the knowledge of each truth (saccañāṇa) e.g. ‘the truth of suffering’; (2) the knowledge of the task to be

accomplished regarding each truth (kiccañāṇa) e.g. ‘the truth to be fully understood’; and (3) the knowledge of accomplishment regarding each truth (katañāṇa) e.g. ‘the truth has been fully understood’; -parivaṭṭaṃ *acc+ used in the sense of ‘with reference to’? 56

The twelve modes are obtained by applying the above three phases to the four truths; -ākāraṃ *acc+ used in the sense of ‘with reference to’? 57

sa-deva-ka: sa *prefix+ ’along with’ 包括, -ka [=ika forms adj], also sa-māra-ka, sa-brahma-ka 58

PED: brāhmaṇī *f+ ‘the wife of a brāhmaṇa’? but here as [f adj] for pajā [f]. 59

pp used as verb and is thus in [nom] case and agree with the grammatical subject ‘I’ in this case

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n sg nom pcl dat n sg nom aor 3rd sg Ñāṇaṃñca pana me dassanaṃ udapādi: knowledge moreover for me vision arose

For me, moreover, knowledge and vision arose:


kuppati adj f gen f sg nom f nom sg adj sg nom f sg nom na atthi adv m sg nom

‘akuppā me vimutti, ayamantimā jāti, natthi dāni60 punabbhavo’”ti. unshakable my liberation this final birth no longer is ’become again‘ =rebirth 'Unshakable is my liberation, this is final birth, there is no longer rebirth.’”


n sg nom aor 3rd sg m sg nom atta-mano adj pl nom [kamma (digu)] adj m pl nom m pl nom m sg gen n sg acc abhinandati aro 3rd pl

Idamavoca bhagavā. Attamanā61 pañca-vaggiyā bhikkhū bhagavato bhāsitaṃ abhinandunti. this said Bhagavant delighted group-of-five bhikkhus Bhagavant’s speech, word rejoiced (in)

This was what the Blessed One said. Delighted, the group-of-five bhikkhus rejoiced in the words of the Blessed One.


dpn ayaṃ m sg loc ind m sg loc √bhaņ ppp m sg loc [loc abs]

Imasmiṃñca pana veyyākaraṇasmiṃ bhaññamāne62 when this moreover exposition being spoken

And while this discourse was being spoken,

而當這解說被闡明時, āyasmant m sg gen m sg gen adj n sg acc adj n sg acc [kamma] n sg acc aor 3rd sg

āyasmato koṇḍaññassa virajaṃ63 vītamalaṃ64 dhamma-cakkhuṃ udapādi: of venerable of Kondañña dust-free stainless dhamma-eye arose there arose the dust-free, stainless dhamma-vision of Venerable Kondañña:


rpn n nom ipn n sg nom m [bahu] adj n sg nom -ifc pron adj n sg nom rpn n sg nom m [bahu] adj n sg nom -ifc

“yaṃ kiñci samudaya-dhammaṃ65 sabbaṃ taṃ nirodha-dhammaṃn”ti. what ever origination -subject to all that cessation -subject to "Whatever is subject to origination, all that is subject to cessation."


pavattita cau pp loc m sg inst n sg loc Pavattite66 ca pana bhagavatā dhamma-cakke is made to set going by Bhagavant while dhamma-wheel

And when the dhamma-wheel is set rolling by the Blessed One,


Skt bhūmya adj m pl m pl m sg acc sāveti cau aor 3rd pl dpn n sg nom

bhummā devā saddamanussāvesuṃ67: “etaṃ bhagavatā bārāṇasiyaṃ isipatane migadāye earthly devas sound proclaimed this

the earthly devas raised a cry: "At Bārānasī, in the Deer Park at Isipatana,


adj n sg nom [kamma] n sg nom pp adj n sg nom a-paṭi-√vṛt vattiya fpp adj n sg nom m sg inst pcl m sg inst anuttaraṃ dhamma-cakkaṃ pavattitaṃ, appaṭivattiyaṃ samaṇena vā brāhmaṇena vā unsurpassed dhamma-wheel is set rolling can’t be rolled back by ascetic or by brahmin

this unsurpassed dhamma-wheel is set rolling by the Blessed One, it cannot be stopped by the ascetic or the Brahmin,



shortened form for idāni [ind], CPD: after a negation: ‘no longer, no more’ 61

atta [pp. of ādadāti] taken, atta-mano ‘having an upraised mind, delighted’ 62

√bhaņ bhaņati ‘to speak, tell, proclaim’, bhaññati [pass], bhaññamāne *pre pass participle m sg loc+ ‘being spoken’ 63

vi [prefix] away from, -raja dust, defilement 64

vīta [pp vi-√i-ta] free from, -mala stain, impurity 65

dhamma is normally [m] rarely [n], note the use of dhammam [n] here as [ifc] =Skt dharman *n+ ‘-nature, -quality, -characteristic or -attribute’;

PED: ‘having the inherent quality of, liable to’ 66

√vṛt pavattita ’set to go’ [pp] of pavatteti [cau] ‘make to set going’, pavattati ‘to go forward’ 67

anu-√śru sāveti [cau of sunāti] made to hear =proclaims, declares

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m sg inst m sg inst brahman n sg inst ipn m sg inst loka m sg loc

devena vā mārena vā brahmunā vā kenaci vā lokasmin”ti. by deva by Māre by Brahman by anyone in this world

or the deva or Māra or Brahmā or anyone in this world."


m pl gen m pl gen m sg acc sunāti ger [bahu] adj m pl nom m pl nom m sg acc anu-√śru sāveti cau aor 3rd pl Bhummānaṃ devānaṃ saddaṃ sutvā cātu-mahā-rāja-ikā68 devā saddamanussāvesuṃ: of earthly of devas sound having heard Four-Great-Kings-related devas sound proclaimed

Having heard the cry of the earthly devas, the devas related to the (realm of) Four-Great-Kings raised a cry:


“etaṃ bhagavatā bārāṇasiyaṃ … pe … anuttaraṃ dhammacakkaṃ pavattitaṃ, appaṭivattiyaṃ … pe … kenaci vā lokasmin”ti. "At Bārānasī, … this unsurpassed dhamma-wheel is set rolling … it cannot be stopped … by anyone in the world."


m pl gen m pl nom

Cātumahārājikānaṃ devānaṃ saddaṃ sutvā tāvatiṃsā69 devā saddamanussāvesuṃ: of Four-Great-Kings-related Thirty-three Having heard the cry of the devas related to the (realm of) the Four Great Kings, the Tavatimsa devas raised a cry:


“etaṃ bhagavatā bārāṇasiyaṃ … pe … anuttaraṃ dhammacakkaṃ pavattitaṃ, appaṭivattiyaṃ … pe … kenaci vā lokasmin”ti. "At Bārānasī, … this unsurpassed dhamma-wheel is set rolling …it cannot be stopped … by anyone in the world."


m pl gen m pl nom

Tāvatiṃsānaṃ devānaṃ saddaṃ sutvā, yāmā devā saddamanussāvesuṃ: of Thirty-three Yāma Having heard the cry of the Tavatimsa devas, the Yāma devas raised a cry:


“etaṃ bhagavatā bārāṇasiyaṃ … pe … anuttaraṃ dhammacakkaṃ pavattitaṃ, appaṭivattiyaṃ … pe … kenaci vā lokasmin”ti. "At Bārānasī, … this unsurpassed dhamma-wheel is set rolling … it cannot be stopped … by anyone in the world."


m pl gen m pl nom

Yāmānaṃ devānaṃ saddaṃ sutvā, tusitā70 devā saddamanussāvesuṃ: of Yāma Tusitā

Having heard the cry of the Yāma devas, the Tusitā devas raised a cry:


“etaṃ bhagavatā bārāṇasiyaṃ … pe … anuttaraṃ dhammacakkaṃ pavattitaṃ, appaṭivattiyaṃ … pe … kenaci vā lokasmin”ti. "At Bārānasī, … this unsurpassed dhamma-wheel is set rolling … it cannot be stopped … by anyone in the world."


68 cātur only in cpd ‘four’ -ika [suffix] forms adjective, ‘pertaining to’ 69 tāvatiṃsa only in cpd for no. 33 ie. the Thirty-three Gods, a class of heavenly beings in the sensuous sphere (numeral ‘33’ is tettimsā) 70

√tuṣ tussati to be satisfied tusitā [pp]

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m pl gen m pl nom

Tusitānaṃ devānaṃ saddaṃ sutvā, nimmānaratī71 devā saddamanussāvesuṃ: of Tusitā Nimmānaratī Having heard the cry of the Tusitā devas, the Nimmānaratī devas raised a cry:


“etaṃ bhagavatā bārāṇasiyaṃ … pe … anuttaraṃ dhammacakkaṃ pavattitaṃ, appaṭivattiyaṃ … pe … kenaci vā lokasmin”ti. "At Bārānasī, … this unsurpassed dhamma-wheel is set rolling … it cannot be stopped … by anyone in the world."


m pl gen m pl nom

Nimmānaratīnaṃ devānaṃ saddaṃ sutvā, paranimmitavasavattī72 devā saddamanussāvesuṃ: of Nimmānaratī Paranimmitavasavattī Having heard the cry of the Nimmānaratī devas the Paranimmitavasavattī devas raised a cry:


“etaṃ bhagavatā bārāṇasiyaṃ … pe … anuttaraṃ dhammacakkaṃ pavattitaṃ, appaṭivattiyaṃ … pe … kenaci vā lokasmin”ti. "At Bārānasī, … this unsurpassed dhamma-wheel is set rolling … it cannot be stopped … by anyone in the world."


m pl gen [bahu] adj m pl nom

Paranimmitavasavattīnaṃ devānaṃ saddaṃ sutvā, brahmakāyikā73 devā saddamanussāvesuṃ: of Paranimmitavasavattī in the company of Brahmā Having heard the cry of the Paranimmitavasavattī devas, the devas of Brahmā’s company raised a cry:


“etaṃ bhagavatā bārāṇasiyaṃ … pe … anuttaraṃ dhammacakkaṃ pavattitaṃ, appaṭivattiyaṃ … pe … kenaci vā lokasmin”ti. "At Bārānasī, … this unsurpassed dhamma-wheel is set rolling … it cannot be stopped … by anyone in the world."


ind tad inst Skt kṣaṇa m sg inst laya m sg inst m sg inst adv m sg abl m sg nom aor 3rd sg

Itiha74 tena khaṇena tena layena tena muhuttena75 yāva brahmalokā saddo abbhuggacchi76. thus surely by that moment 刹那 instant 瞬間 a second 須臾 up to 乃至 through brahmā world sound rose up

Thus by that moment, by that instant, by that second, the cry rose all the way up through the brahmā world,


f sg nom pcl [kamma (digu)] f sg nom sam-kampati aor 3rd sg sam-pakampati aor 3rd sg sam-pavedhati aor 3rd sg

Ayaṃñca dasasahassi-loka-dhātu77 saṅkampi78 sampakampi sampavedhi79, this and ten-thousand-world system trembled 震動 shook 搖動 quivered 顫抖 and this ten thousand-world-system trembled, shook, quivered.



nimmāna[n] ‘creation’, √ram ratin [adj] ratī [m sg nom+ ‘fond of’, nimmānaratī devā ‘the devā who are delighted in creating’ 72

para ‘other’, -nimmitta [pp] of nimmināti ‘created’, -vasa ‘power’ vassavatin [adj] vassavatī [m sg nom] ‘the devā who are delighted in

creating others’ 73

brahmā-kāya ‘body’ -ika forms [adj], brahmakāyika ‘belonging to the body (company) of Brahmā’ 74

iti [ind] thus, -ha [pcl emphatic] Oh! 75

Skt muhūrta fr muhur suddenly 76

fr. abbhuggacchati (abhi-ud-gacchati) ‘to go forth, go out, rise into’ 全面-上-去 77

dasa ten -sahassi(ka) thousandfold -loka world -dhātu [f] world system 78

√kamp to tremble, shake 79

√vyath to be frightened or agitated, to tremble or quiver

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adj m sg nom adj m sg nom √bhā m sg nom m sg loc aor 3rd sg ger (+acc) m pl gen deva-anubhāvam-ti m sg acc

appamāṇo ca uḷāro80 obhāso loke pāturahosi81 atikkamma82 devānaṃ devānubhāvanti83. immeasurable excellent radiance in the world manifested having surpassed of the devas majesty, power

and an immeasurable excellent radiance manifested in the world, surpassing the divine majesty of the devas.


ind pcl dpn n sg nom n sg acc aor 3rd sg

Atha kho bhagavā imaṃ udānaṃ udānesi84: then this utterance uttered Then the Blessed One uttered this udāna:


ā-√jñā aor 3rd sg ind ind voc m sg voc

“aññāsi vata bho86, koṇḍañño, aññāsi vata bho, koṇḍañño”ti. understood certainly Sir/Friend! Koṇḍañña

“Koṇḍañña my friend certainly understood! Koṇḍañña my friend certainly understood!”


ind ha-idam n acc āyasmant gen m sg gen aor 3rd sg m sg voc iti-eva nāma n sg acc aor 3rd sg -iti

Iti hidaṃ āyasmato koṇḍaññassa “aññāsi-koṇḍañño” tveva87 nāmaṃ ahosīti. thus -this of Venerable of Koṇḍañña knew-Koṇḍañña as such name there was Thus there was this name of Venerable Koṇḍañña as such: "Koṇḍañña (who) knew”.


Grammatical Abbreviations

<masculine feminine neuter> <singular plural> <1st 2nd 3rd person> <nominative accusative instrumental dative ablative genitive locative vocative>

<present aorist perfect imperative optative future gerund infinitive> <causative desiderative intensive denominative conditional>

<adjective adverb indecline numeral particle – emphatic, affirmative, adversative> <comparative superlative>

<compound – tappurissa, kammadhāraya, bahubbīhi, dvanda, upapada, avyayībhāva, ibc at start of cpd, ifc at end of cpd> <pronoun – ppn personal ~, rpn relative ~, ipn interrogative ~, dpn demonstrative ~, pron adj pronominal adjective> <participle: pap present active ~, pmp present middle ~, ppp present passive ~; psap past active ~, pp past passive ~;

fap future active ~, fmp future middle ~, fpp future passive ~; pfap perfect active ~, pfmp perfect middle ~>


Pāli text (Mahāsaṅgīti Tipiṭaka Buddhavasse 2500 edition of the Sixth Council recension) Bhikkhu Bodhi The Connected Discourses of the Buddha: a new translation of the Saṃyutta Nikāya 2000 Wisdom Publications

莊春江 PED Pāli English Dictionary Pāli Text Society CPD Critical Pāli Dictionary

Spk Sāratthappakāsinī (commentaries of SN)《顯揚真義》


Skt udāra [adj] 81

pātur-√hū ahosi pātur *ind+ ‘before the door’ ie. visible, open, manifest; only in cpd with √kṛ & √bhū, before vowels; (pātu before consonants) 82

√kram atikkama [m] go beyond, atikkamma [ger] having surpassed 83

anubhāva fr. anubhavati originally ‘experience, concomitance’; later ‘power, majesty, greatness, splendour etc.’ 84

ud+√an ‘breathing out’ =’utterance (of an inspired thought)’, usually in standard phrase: imaṃ udānaṃ udānesi ‘breathed forth this udāna (an

inspired self-proclamation not prompted by a question from other persons’) 85

udāna 優陀那“自說”佛陀不待人問的自己感悟之說 86

3rd sg voc of bhavant a familiar term of address (in speaking to equals or inferiors) ‘sir, friend, you, my dear’ 87

iti 这样 -eva 如此

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Chinese parallels in Taishō Tripiṭaka《大正新脩大藏經》(Chinese Electronic Tripiṭaka Collection CBETA)

T02 No.99《雜阿含經》卷15,379 經















憍陳如白佛:「已知。世尊!」復告尊者憍陳如:「知法未?」拘隣 (=憍陳如) 白佛:「已知。善逝!」尊者拘隣(=憍











T109 《佛說三轉法輪經》後漢安息三藏安世高譯




















