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Results – SBPS Teacher Retention Survey 2021

9. As we prepare for the 2020-2021 school year, what feedback and/or recommendations do you have for our SBPS administration and parent community in regards to Covid safety?

• As long as numbers continue as they are, I would prefer to have students in school (not remote) over other changes (no masks, mixed cohorts). I hope we would then respect restriction such as travel, etc. I hope that everyone able to get vaccinated, does.

• I'd like more direction/details on sharing items for group work. We will have to wait and see if kids can share class materials for certain activities or does everyone need to have their own things - in the case of a one day activity.

• Making sure all grade levels are on the same page with safety guidelines. While everyone had (mostly) the same guidelines, many teachers PK-8 were not following the same expectations on a variety of levels.

• Keep updated on news and data regarding COVID spread so that they can make appropriate decisions for our community. I appreciate all the hard decisions you have been making!

• I just want the parents to know that we are all trying to stay safe and healthy and that unfortunately sometimes what they do outside of school can affect so many people, not just

themselves. Hopefully we are coming to the other end of this, but we have to be smart and do what is best for all and think about the bigger picture not just ourselves.

• I would require students over the age of 12 be vaccinated. I think it is the best way for the school to get back to "normal"

• Parents consistently need to work to help students understand the importance of whatever COVID protocols are in place and help their children accept them. The hardest part of this year was managing the pushback from students about certain protocols, and it would great to see a reduction in that with more supportive messages to students at home.

• Continue to follow CDC guidance and make adjustments as necessary. • I think we could potentially start to have recess with other cohorts where we don't have to

keep them separate. Also, for specials classes, allow students to go to those classrooms. • While we all want to stay safe, it is important to start thinking of ways to readjust some of our

policies to allow for more freedom of movement and social mixing opportunities for the students.

• keep hand sanitizing • remote learning, if this is going to be a thing, only used for quarantine purposes. • In person learning should remain the priority for next school year. Encouraging families to

keep their children home with any symptoms has really prevented the spread of the common cold etc.

• All teachers need to be on board. A lot of teachers would do/say things that were in direct contrast to what administration asked us to do.

• Hoping for a more normal school year; keeping young kids separated was nearly impossible. Also the not sharing items and such seemed to be not as important as the CDC recommendations changed.

• Thank you for all you have done to keep staff and students safe. This has been 14 months of learning new ways to do instruction teach young children how to stay safe, while keep everyone engaged by being creative in everything we do.

• Going forward, students should have all their own supplies and be taught not share them with other kids. Students need to be reminded to respect their own and other's personal space. Teachers need to remain diligent about keeping their classrooms clean and orderly. For parents--don't send sick children to school, and keep kids home if they have been exposed to someone who is sick. If masks are required, kids need to be taught the proper way to wear them--over their mouths AND noses!!!

19. What resources or support would like our school and/or our parent community to provide that aren't available?

• Printer/copier on 3rd floor • Updated furniture in some classrooms (tables/student chairs) • More flexibility in work schedule - in today's world it is very hard to balance a work life and

home life with the rigidity of the schedule. • Conversations with students about the very “taboo” words in the LGBTQ acronym. As a MS

teacher, these topics come up in class and I have no guidance about managing them and I’m doubtful of having community support in any way I converse about it. I have students who use different pronouns than they’re assigned, identify as queer, and receive homophobic and transphobic comments from other students online. I feel like I don’t have “school-appropriate” (really, “Catholic-school-appropriate”) tools to talk about it.

• I would appreciate some opportunities to have PD that would count towards CPDU or CEU hours.

• free daycare • You have done a fantastic job this year, nothing comes to mind • reading specialist • Lunch Supervisors • Childcare assistance for those who have young children would be hugely beneficial to

members of the St Ben's staff. • floating aids for students with special needs • Your generosity has provided so many resources. We need to be better about using the

resources we already have. One resource that would be helpful is having more teaching assistants for the lower grades.

• lunch/recess duty supervision

• Everyone here is supported by the many different resources that are provided. I feel we are very fortunate to have so many people willing to support the staff in so many different ways

22. What small amenities would improve your day at SBPS?

• 1-Additional time or a break in which to prep/clean up materials used for student activities. 2-Recess or lunch duty coverage reduced to 3-4 times a week instead of every day. 25 mins for teacher lunch is way too short - especially with a bathroom break, preparation to go out for recess (colder days), copies, class preparation etc. It cuts into the very short lunch break and leaves us stressed.

• A working water fountain on the third floor in building two. • bigger rooms where cohorts can mix while still following COVID guidelines • A bigger fridge in the teacher's lounge in the preschool so that we can all have room for our

lunches as well as items from stock the lounge (cans of pop, LaCroix, etc). • I private area to rest besides the teachers workrooms • coffee cart, stocked lounge, • Updated (small scale) staff bathrooms.

• Making sure remote learning is a short term goal. Not allowing students to be remote all year. • More check-ins with admin. Coming to our team meetings with information of upcoming events

or communications would be helpful • This is not a small amenity, but improved AC would make a huge to teachers, especially those

who are on the top floor of the school. A plan to work on this has been discussed many times over the past few years, and it would be such a relief to see things being put into place.

• coffee/creamers and lacroix (or variations) throughout the year. a few canopies on the playground/parking lot for sunny hot days

• coffee bar :), more half days or opportunities to do PD from home, bathroom breaks • An AC in my classroom would be nice

23. Other thoughts on your satisfaction with SBPS.

• More time to plan meaningful lessons • I love this place. • I am satisfied • I love working here and am so grateful for the support that I receive from my co-workers,

administration, and parents. I love the feel of community and it is a big part of why I love working here so much!

• I am extremely happy here! • Supportive parents and admin are big reasons why I continue to stay at SBPS • In order to retain experienced teachers, St Ben's needs to consider offering some childcare

support to teachers whose children are not yet school-age. Each year, the school loses a number of teachers simply because our salary is less than the cost of full-time childcare. This causes high-quality teachers to leave St Ben's when they would prefer to stay.

• grateful to be a part of such a kind community • This has been a difficult year but I am grateful that I work at SBPS. I have felt appreciated

more than ever this year by parents and admin. • Just because a person shows an interest in a club/position, doesn't mean they are qualified or

committed to the position. It shouldn't be driven by money, rather it should be driven by passion.

• Overall I love it here but I think the money is always an issue. So many great teachers are leaving because of money alone. That makes me so sad and I also worry that I might get to that point too.

• I love my work, and I feel (and have always felt) respected by all of administration. This is why I love working at St. Bens