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Tnz KL'iT CouNTY ANNUAL roa 1890. 1

S0C:1t<::rr<>'s fiBnC:I<::rl, H3®0. YES I THREE PAGES FORWARD.





Be bu WIMt, cbot«**\ u4 obea.,.., auortment. or Fume u4 oU!er PrOPtr\J lD CoWltJ. or lae au\ P~aCt


B_O_R_R_O_W....,_ M 0 N EY --GOLD I On Real Eat&t.e >lortK•&•· at loweet rate of int.ernt, on more liberal terma (without

commiaion) and at 1- ezpeoae than e!Mwbere. Be aure aod call upon

OUT.AH. LOAN AGENT C:H..A. T:a.A..ll.ct.


!O~l!;~W s~~.n~ttSlirl!lfl w~~ &~a: Wl\b oomfort, ~. U~d aafety, &nd without troubla, in beet ateamabipe, al\bv b7

Moo.trea.l or New York or Bolton, &Dd to all European pl&c:ea. Oon't fall firat to apply to


,. Old oouatr;r trilllda aent for aod brouabt onr wltboat trouble and t:tpeDM.

t I

~----- rttr. KI(N1 UoONTV ANNUAL IIOK 1890 l


.O~ana t.> the limited apace whlob •• ar vaptaoo of farm an•l other prupeniee f ~ able,t.o allow In lhil A\~t:AL to the d• a~lAI appear Bllt lf de~~~: e, on } a 14mple }JOrtion of tbo.e on our.

wall wrllAI t.> Ill, etaun§ fully their ••uta !: pu~~,aae re&l •tate of &lly deecriptiOD •• will forward full de.criptiou d ' 01 a . llpoaal, ID•I any otb~r particulan which we think will be liktly tot.ll evehry' c:th.•r mformation ooncerninl properti~ I

h b . . meet t ear v1e"·1 and 'f d-'-.. -meoll • ere 1 lnteodaoa huyera mal vieit th • • h • 1 _...,..,. make amoge. llpe!lee. e •me Wit every ooovenJence LDd little

, CAMDEN. 196 AClU_,_,.,W tUI A \h:ll kno f

2l milee from Th,~ea:•lle and ... me"'~· ~nu, ffnuu~ ou the Hiver ThLDlf'l, •bout Iandy loam, b.lance hoe cia~ loam, \\ ellll~c~ 1'(17"" ent Hridge. 60 acree. etroog I p.tllture. 1 i a.; rea youn bea 1 ID • ....., r.crea cleared ; ba!&nce to buah bu11 with brick fOIID•IoOii!o; fr~~! =~h::b)e 2 ttory fz:neAhOtae ; la!ge frame IJ.ok

~oe.h1~1f :,'.L be 110hhl, or tb~ •bole farm e\ch~n~~Z,· 1 ~mau~:f.!~•n&l:..~':~~ - •~ N.t , or •JIItYaltot.

CHATHAM. I lOO.JOR! ACR.E' , 't~IO(). 'atua~.ed on the 13th UODl:-CJD, adJoining Oo•·er To1!'D

Line. 4 m1l." f~m \\ alla<."ebut "' ••ne clay loam eoil, dry and .-ell drained i6 acree under culuvataon, balatu.l<l in huab and puture Orchard of 40 bearing froi~ treu. I Large frame 16 e•ory dwelliog. Luge barn, etablet 20xOO and other bulldiDge 1\~bCJOit and cbur<'h_n near by. A tine farm. .May be nchang'.d for two 50 acre loti I wuh butldingL L•h•rAI v·rma

100 AC~f:-l-;-f-1,500 . 1\ Down u tho Jrwin llo•et tarm, 9th <.:once.~on; 40 &i:rn under cultavataon and 10 crop; I 10 acree in timber of tbe bett kinde, LDd aloue of l i 'reat nine New frame t\Oo atory bouae, alto a frame Le.r11 and new fencea, LDd all ill perfect order for 1 bu}er. $31) per r.cre i.a dirt chup the <>WDt:rt -a Loan <Ampany -bting bound to acll S171~1 cub payment and bAian;,. by auy paymenu fora t.enn of ye&ra at lo• intereat. It may be diapoaed in 60 acre l<>t.L

12.~ ACRES~,OOO. Sitoar.d on North Branch, I mile from Wallaceburg. knon u tho famona McDougall place. Soil, clay loam; all under cultivation. Framebouee, tll'o new frame bern•, granary and out ho11-. Fine orchard, well drained, well ed. A choice farm : cootidered the beet in the neighborhood. Price far under value, and fa only put eo low 1.0 aecure immediate •le. 12,600 doWD, baiLDce on euy t.enna Ditcooa t for cub !I Iii-it ACKFs-f30()(). Lying oo the Prince Albert Road, adJoiniD(t the lndiaa Lice, eome 3t milee!rom \V~laoeborg. Soil a atroog friable clay loam, 60 acrflll cleered ; b.Janoe ill both . Dry-drained by the P. A. ditch. Now frame boaae, good lor atable and bern. ~hool and church near by. A IIIII' choice productive farm. mall ouh payment down.

173 ACRF~"-SI3 000 ituar.d on the River Th~omea, near Ke~~t Bridge R. R.. Station, and 8 muea'..,i of Chatham. Clay loam eoil; laud dry and ll'ell .watered rdby creek. 128 r.crea cleared, balance La buah puture and timber horea beerJDg orcba · Brink bouae · 2 frame barn.1 and atable, &Dd one large barn on back part of farm. School, churo'h, P. 0. and R R SlAitloo one mile diatant. A Yery tine farm. May bt eold in tWD portionL

lOll ACRF..S-~,600. Situated on the 6th oon~on, &dJoiD!ng E~~ Station t.~ E. a; H. Ry, about 6 milee from ChAtham. So!l, cb~fty cla7 With ~Veh d:Z.'!J bJ about 90 acrea under cultivation and baluce lD bWih an~ -'d'·t~re. barna, &... A be a creek. New I~ alory !ra~ho~, goth fram~~woe:th ~v:J and tho low prloe orchard and everything a.n II""" 0 or. Llebep

1 1 urch-'

Ia olfered only becanae oW'Iler i.a ebaeot. ra 1«1111 ° P ·



Tux Kr.NT COUNTY ANNUAl. 'o~< 1890

DOVER. ~ ACRE.'i - S5,600. Oil the River front, oritb •elueble thlppina ud ~kale

facllitin. Mott tuperlor eoil of clay loem ; dry, end under a perft€t .•tate of ~ultavetl?n· Ne" freme two atory booM ("orth alone .1.800) and good out bulldaoae. F&ne bearm~: orchard of apple and other fruit treea, and a hall acre of amall frultL Wei! fenced ; ncellent water. Church adjoining the farm, and acbool hnu.. near by. Fave mllea from market; boat landing on next lot. The fineet farm on the rlnr ; land, without building•, alone worth 1100 per acre. A charmln1 home. Liberal terma of payn•ent.. Rentl for S.125 and taxe1.

6.1 A(.;RES- $."i,300, Including crope; without c~pe at conaiderehla die ·oun.t. Beautifully eituated on the river bank. Choice lllnll, racb u a garden. -tl) acrea an crop bt.lance In paature and buah. Dry and well feoc .. l , One and a • half at«•ry frame bo~ etc. ; frame hero etable and out·houaee. Sr-hoolanll church• near by. Would rent ~t $300; eold at $.5,800 three yean ago. A bt.r"aio for eumel10<iy. .\ little para· diM of a home. $1,600 tn fl,OOO cub ; balance on hme- 10 yean

300 ACRJ.:.q_.$13 per acre. Lota 2 and 3, Con. i, Dover, knowu u the Martin farm. Splendid hay and 1tock farm. Jo'rame bouee, freme bt.rn and ou.tbulldiogL Thi1 farm ., .. lately nlaed at .30 acre. Mr. Oray uk1 l'lO for the adJolnln~t lot. It bee come i.Dto the banda of a Loan Company, hence the low price uked. Littl. money down, ud MIY terme to good men. Aleo the Dumu farm oppoei•e

HARWICH. 90 ACRES- S-4,760. 81toated on the 6th Con~ioo (T L. ran11e) ahn011t .djoi.Din1

J'a1rfield vmaae ( froy), about·~ mllea from Rld,etown, IIDII c46 from Rltnheim. Soil a olay and aranlly loam, and dry ; 60 acru under cultlvatiou, anJ t. .. Jan,., ln buth and bu.h puture, 16 of which le ln eolld maple and beech ud eoft 'ltoodt. ·· rarue 11 etory d'ltelliog booM-~ room• and kltch«"n attachment. l<rame doublt·roof barn, 60.36; al10, log bern and etablt Oood well and apring of water. Churchea, echoola and Poet Office In the Immediate neichborhood Oood roada. CMh, 12,000, h l11nce un euy term..

10~ ACRY~~-$i ,000. A well known farm aituated on the Old Htre.t, adJOining Ouild•. 6~ milf't from Blenheim and 6i from Rldgetown. Soil - clay and black loam, clay tubeoil. Dry- o•turel drainage. 82 ..-rea under cultivation, 10 eolid and 1~ upen b1111h. l:!prlng welle, 2 acre. b.ring orchard. ll 1tory 1tone booM with "ina ; large frame barn, cow bt.rn, d.rin abed and co" •tablea. Oat of the h.t farme on tbe etreet and lo perfect condition. ohool, church, •tore, blacktmlth near lly. termt. A reduction ln prioe for cub or equi,alent.

44 ACRF.S- 1'2.600. llee on the .. me 1treet ae the preoeding farm and Ia known ae the Laurenoe . .McKay farm. Deep eandy loam-26 ecru cltanld ; baluoe 1D eolld bard maple and beech timber. All fenced. 25 b.riog apple treN : may },. eold In connection with the prtc*iing farm. Liberal terma.

HOWARD. 70.76 ACRl': - $4,000. Heeutifully eitn~•ted uo ralbot Street, 14 mllea I':Ut of

Morpeth, and 4 milea eouth of Ridgetown. Chnrch and achool on nut lot Clay loam toil, well fenced, part tile drained, and all under cultivation 11ve ~or 3 acree of buah or bueh paeture. Oootl t•o-atory frame dwellin~r houae. Fine T·ahaped bank bern build Ina• with •hed• underneath. Hu ~en rented for r260 and tax•. A hargain at t.he money. F.aay term• of paymtnt. Diacount ofT for oaeh.


200 ACHJ.!~- 9.500. Oo Talbot street, adjoining Clearville. A famou1 old bomeetead. Fme laoll, dry, and a great portion tile drained. 160 acree under cultl· vatlon, 20 under putu~e, aocl balance in augar maple bu.h, &:c. Well watered by wella and creek. Fence. pme, and cedar poatl. Frame dwelling houat •ery JarJie frame barn, drive IIArn, and other out bou~1. Churcbee, ecbool and poet office adjoioln farm. Bee~tlfully locat.ttl on Lakto Erie. Diatant from Ridgeto.,n , I! mllet; Mulrlllrk ~lhny etataon 3 mlleL A chan~ for • dlliryman or etock raleer. S..1000 or eo down balance at 6 pet cent. lot« tt'~t. Rentl for f600 aDd ta.xee. '

Jt 4


. ~ Tnx K KNT CotTln'V ANNUAL FOIC 1890. - . t

li 6ACR~-~---~-OD----r~--~--~-6-2-u-d-~--T-~-~--o---.~-------- ----lo&meo•l·IOOAcHedeu~ ·a lob d ood trwau,Orford, l'rl.ociplllycia)' Fra~~~e & Shed &lid D ' ' acree ar "' . Orchard, 100 trte.. Brick oottaiL L.oua Cotn ru, • . t.h th rive Boo... Wu eold aot loaa ago for li,600. Ilelo~~p to a

puy, aa •low price, A bugaia for eomebody. Eaay termt.

RALEIGH. Co eo ~CRF-8 ... 1,4110 Raluoe of the Lee farm or Fed~ral llaok lauda oa the 6t~ •~KID, Deer tbe Drake Rna.d About 10 acree cleared aud iu meado!l' and Ote

t.luoe !• baah, _wblcb bu the moe~ of the elm auJ I'Ordwood timber ia~t. .A niut foot draw al?DJ Itt ~tern boundary, now thoroughly drain• the laud eaban ina ita nlue MX. The umbtr w11l alone rMlir.e the pri~ aalr"'l Little caeh wan~ do•a Li~ral tllnL

1&0 AUR~ - 114,000. l~utlfally tituated on the Rh·u TbamM, beiug the bal uoe naeol<i of the famoaa McKellar fatwl wdlknoW'tl fori~ fertihty. :"~il, 1 rich cia.' 10&111, dry, and part nuder rlrained, 12.~ arree under cultivation, and :\5 acrenodedh.e buab puture. Frame dwelling·ho~~~<o, 'l large frame harm•, and aeveral out Large htariug orchud. The other half of farm wu 10ld fur $101) per acre withou• the bulldlnp AD able farmer who app~iatee a beautiful aituation, good aodety, and prodmlty to Ghathun-2; mil• dttt.r.nt-.,;u eeldom bave aucb u oppnrtuoity otrm-1 Very llbtral ten111 of paym•t.

1611 ACRE.'!-tl.f.,OOO. , 1tuated oa the Riur Thunea, a few mill" from Cha.r.ham. Oae of the fio•t f~, aad l.o a blgh 1ta~ of eultiYation, yieltliog l(reat retutDL Feace~ ud draiDage good, aad every lleld iu exoellent ord•r. Bri~k dwelling boOM t.od aood out boa. Coaeiderable area under drained . May be ucb&~ed for a amalle! fana. The cb•peet farm oo the river, ooo•lderiog the fine l1111d aod h1gh atate of cnltnatlon.

00 ACRY.8-4.1,i00. CooOIMion 3, one mile from oew C. P. R. S~tion, aud 5t from Cbatham. Rlcb eoll, all under cultlntioo. A aeat frame houae, b&ra and oat· bola-. Cboloe orch&rd, grapery eto.: all fenoed. Orowa eoormou• croJll I I ,200 cub b&lt.ooe on nry euy ter~ · f til 6 t w A110ther 30 acl"'l adjollllng, alao for aale; and a mile dlauat, ooe o • nee Pl&iae fann• ill the County. .

100 AC"RF.~ •• 600 Old Maloolm McNeil plac·~. lficlJie Rt>~d, one m1l~ from • • -~. 'II r t Offi e cburchee ~hoola tte

Merll.o Village, wben are griat and '· ltoret: 01 b •h' ture. • \\·,n t.'a •l Soli, clay loam; 110 IICI'ft uad~r cultlnt•on, balan.oe In open u L ~ brick ttD roomtd well dn.ioed, watered by rpnna well and runnta~ha~rea~150 ~r~peo abed and koft, dwelling boute ; frame bara, L30ibe'GOj I!: oew 1"f;oo do'•o ; ba~oe at pleuure; lo• 1table, etc mall orchard. ra rm1. • l.otereet

TILBURY EAST • . ddl Road . a ltv loam IOiJ, clay •ab 101~

100 ACRES-1.5,000. ~nth of the M• e h and n •tore. Timber.....Jm, aoft well drained ; 60 acree uodtr crop, and ~0 ~ buaframe l;.raa and ltable ha excell~t maple, bla< k uk, etc. Hew~ lo~~0~. two '!:u. of good ••ter. A boat four 10U• ooadJtlon. Youag orchard, Ju•t .-rtag • from Ttlbury C.eatre. Uberal tenn.L

TOWN PROPERTY. ill h ,. • ., nry fo II Hat of

We ha ve DO .pace to dtteribe It Ia detailt b:~:,. ::r:~ b!tel•, ct.c. Ruid~net• choice re•idenoee, Yillaa,hbulldl~g 011~t~o ~::~:r!., and 'retired grntleman~=~~~ to nit all partlee !rom t • mec ; the choloett properliea In Chatham 110,000. ln our h•tt are eome o '"ud otbere •hould tee DL H OTELS.

II . T W1l in Kmt 1 · tbe centre of " l•r'J!8 n ° 60 f •

116 ()()(). A tiDe brick balldin~, titualt<f ~~nnlry. Lnt 100 fr-et froor~ge, I d ::~ Conaty: I UIT(IU"dtd I y ~ lpleol~o .t~.~ 63rl20. nuiltling. three ~n;·~~·.b:, .hop.

deep. with b•ck lot.~':~'fi~1°:t!rc:l (one lOS tl~p}, b !~:r~o:yfnr the prt~prlrror, wino &0 room•, beo• d n ·~ a fit~e bullnHI, hal m f the bo1el tbe !rout b tbe oornrn~rcia\;o:: 11t~end lJ:ther bualn(" hi J~'!:!:'tdd;:~ lntereat upon iomt­wbo ,,.,.~ t. oafint·cl&ll •torte, the reo tal o ,. o •Y be taken to flllll property.



~~~~~~o~f~p~a~y:m:e:n~t.~P~u~t~pa~ym~o~o;t~m~~~~~~~==~~::::=: meat. • ........

L ~



l:ND.El::X: ON THE LAST PAGE. --- - --

6 Tnt KENT Con~r\' ANNt' AL I'OR l:i90.

CHRONOLOGICAL EVENTS ~;::leal lAtten • e • • • •. _ .... R Rolar C:vcle ... .' . ........... .. . . .... . IS

0 1d "'N" " · "· • ·" • .. • .. · • .... -9 1 Roman Indiction 1

o tn a.mber .................... 10 Julian Perlod .... ::::::::::::::::::iiol EPOCHS.

The yeu MIS I of the Jewlah F.ra cnmmeo~ Ill Sept. , 1!1!10. The year 1308of the Mohammeda.a Era, 17th Aog111t. The 54th of QuHn Victoria'• Relrn. 20th Jun.. The 24th of the Dominion of Canada. lit July. And the lllith of the Independence of tbe United Statu begin 4th July, 1890.


Aah Wtdoelday . St. David .......... . St. Patrick . • • • . .. . . Anoal'clatioo- L&dy Day . . ... Oood Friday .... E•atf'r ~uod•y .• St. ( ;Porge ..•.

Feb'v 19 March I ~larch li ~hrch 2~ . April 4

. . . . . . . . • . . . April 6 April 23

A~~etoeioo Holy Thunday . . May 15 PeoteC<lllt Whit Suadey May 25 Corpu• Chri~ti • • . . . . . . . • June 5 ~·- John Bapti1t .. . ....... . .. June 24 Michaelmu Day •..•.... •• . .. . Sept. 29 Rt. Andrew.... . • •.••. .. , . . .. Nov'r 30 Chrlttmaa . . . . • . . . Dec'r 25

SIGN POSITION OF THE ZODIAC. July 22 t'l An~tuat 22 .. . .. . .... "lAo."

January 20 to J.'ebruary 19 . " AquariuR." February 19 to March 20.. "PI~•" March 20 to Apri120...... . "AriPR." A pril 20 to ltay 20.. . ..... "Taurue. '' May 20 to June 21 . ... ... "~~mini." ]oae 21 to July 2'2 .. • .. .. . • "Cancrr. "

Aullllat 22 to ~Pptemlwor 22 ...•. "Virgo." ~ .. pt. 22 to Ocrnbrr \?:t ........ "Lihra." Oct. 2:! t~> N ov~m ~r 2:!.. .. .. "~rpio.: Nov. 23 to Oectmbrr \!I . .. " ~jtrttaruee. Dec. '.!1 to January 2'! ••• • "Caprlcomua."

No .&c:JipMilOr 1S90 vlalble ill Canada. _ _

MORNINGAND EVENING STARS. • "' Morn ill Star till Frbruarv 18 : thtn "" EnnlnK Star till Dformber 3. }:~~~~;~A Mnrn~j( Star till Jut~ :!(); thtn ;

9n ~~~e~~i~~ Ht•:t~~~:;:Jr~';g ; 10

~hlll'UKY-A Moroinjl HtAr fn m J •,nna• Y • • • •Y • • a Evening ~tar from April!!, July 22. "''1 ~ovtmbn Ill.

1.• ngut J>ay .. · "'loortctt Oay

LONGEST DAYS. J e 21 - 15h 2'im. , o .. y and Night ~!JU&l. • Spring- Ms:: ~ .... .'. 'oec. 21- Sh . .iim- Oay and Night equal. .. Autumn- p .





I l'HH QV>;E> .' ";u~u, bo,, o< K''"'J!!" PI-, M•y "· l819, =no! Jo~ I 211, lH:JS, and mamed Feb~ 10, IH40, to H11 yal Highntte Prince Al~rt of Cobour

and. (rotha. He':~1&J81ty 11 the only child of hie late Roy&! Righneae Ed..-ard Dui~ of Kent, aon of . Ktng G~rge ~11. The children of Her Maj~ety are- ' e Her~ •yal H1gbneae Vtctona Adelaide ~Jary Louiaa, !Prioceea Hoyt.! of Eo lllld) ~rn .No,· ember 21,. 1S40, and marlied to Frederick 1\'ilJiam, the l•te F.m~~r oi ' f,er'!Jany, Jauu~ry 25, 185~. and hae ieaue living two eoua and four daoshtera • lha Royal H•gho~ea Albert Edward, l'riuce of Walee, born November 9, 11m; mar n~d, Mar~b 10,_ 11163, A_lexandra of Denmark, !Priocen of Wa!ea), born Decen


ber 1,

I I,HH; and hu lllue, Pnnce Albert Victor, horn J4Dul\ry S, J~; George ~·rederici j;;roeat Al!.e~t, born Junr 3, IS~ ; L••uiee \ ' tctoria Alexandra DAf!mar, (Durh.., of J.tfe), born february 00, IM7 ; hctorra A/(Xaodra Oll!a Mary born July 6 l86S and Maude Charlotte .Yary Victoria, born November 26, 11!69. ' ' '

Her Royal Highoeea Alice Mau1 Mary, born April 25, IS-1.3; muried to H. R. H. Prince frederick Louie of Heeae, July I, 1862, 4Dd baa iuue living four dangbterund one aoo, (•ecood aon killed by acciffent .\Jay, 18i3) Died December If, J8i8

Hie Royal Highneq Alfred Ernut Albert, Duke of Edinburgh, born Aoguu 6, 18U; married Her Imperi&l R ighneae the Orand Ouch- Marie of .Rueaia, January 23, l8i4, and baa it.ue one aoo 4Dd tivo daughtera.

Her Royal Highneea Helena Aagueta Victoria, born Afay 25, 1846; married to H. R H Prince Frederick- Chriati&n Charlet Au~Uitu• of Schle~wig.Holatein-Sonderburg. AnRUetenburg, July 6, 1866, and b~ ieaueliv1nl!' two .ant and twodaughtera..

Her Royal Highoeea Louile Carolina. Alberta, born March 18, 18(8; marrrtd to the ~larqula of Lorne, eldeat .an of the Duke of Argyle, .March 21, 1871 Hi.t Royal Higbn- .Artbur William Patrick Albert,. Duke of Conuau11ht, born .May '

I, 1850; mitried to Prinoeu Louite Margaret of Prueara, March 13, 1879, and hutau• one aoo and two daughtert . .

Hi1 Royal Highneu Leopold George Dllllean Albert, Duke of A_lbaoy, born Aprrl 7, 1853 ; married April 2i, 1&2. Priooeea Helen of Waldec, •ud hu 1aeue one aonaod one daughter. Died Man:b 29, I~ . · d

Her Royal HighneM Beatrice .\!ary Victoria Feodora, born April 14, 1867 ; mabe ' to Prince Henry of Battenbursr, July 23, 1885, and hae i•ue one eon aud one daug ter.

THE ROYAL GRANTS OR PENSIONS ARE: ' · .,., 000 ()()()/ Prmceae Louiee. . . . . . . . . . . . . 130,000 Her MaJeety tl·e Queen · · • · · · .,.,, • . '! . 30 000 { \

" 1 500 000 Pt~nceu r: eatrtce . . . . · · · · · · • Prince 0

•a ea ....... •·· · .. · · 1u'ooo Prinoeae Helen (of Waldec) .. · .. · 30,000 Prince Alfr<d .... · .... .. · · 125•000 Princeea Augueta(of Mecklenburg) 1.5,000 Prince Artlaur · · · · · · · · · · · ~·000 Prince .. Marv (ot Teck). .... . . 2.'!.000 Princeea of \\'alee • • · • · · · · · · ' ' 4 'ooo Duke of Cam.brid~o ... · . · · · · · · · · ao,ooo Prin'*' Royal .. ·· · · • • · • · · • · • • :lg•000 H ueehold of deceaeed Sovereigaa 30,000 Princeea Helena .... •·· · . .. ·•·· ' ' 0

• All of tbe • 1 \V 1 a.1eo derive income~ from pravate llltAt~, . d

The Queen aod. Pnnoe o a tll • and betides the net annulttlll men~1ooe Royal Princee eDJOY free pela~. or bouae~, val aervicee. The emolumeota aocrurog to receive oonaiderable euJDJ for m1htarl -gd :a f Cambridge lSI 000. Priooe Edward of the Prince of \Va.le~ ia ~!()()(); to J ;rfn~ Hobenlohe aud' otb~r relative~ of tbe Qaeeo Sue. Weimar, PrLDoe Letotogen, Jan t.ive JMMitiona In ibe Army and Navy reoei.-e 00 aunult.iea, but occupy ucra

...... 1st Mont h.] JANUARY, 1890. [31 D ays.


-.p f?app~ f?ew ~ee!'l~

~ Thia tprlg of miatlutoe I O...UDt aa a ftaa of

truce, And recreant ka ight Ia miae ahould be ae·

gleot ita uae.


-10 THE KENT. CotrNTY ..__ - ANNUAL FOR 1890.

-IM PERIAL OR BRITISH CABINET M l'tnt Lord of Tr tooK omc~ i'TH ACOt'8T 11186 INISTERS. Chaooellor of tn::.:~ ud Leader H of c Rt. H:n W · H . !IALAIUI!I.

Lord Preeideot of ~he ~:=il ... • ....•..• G. J . G~ech~n . mJtb,£6,000 NY 12.5,000 Lord H1gh Chancellor . • • · · · · · · · · · · · · Viacouot Cra~b~k · · · 5

•000 " 2.5,000 rrd Chancellor of Irelud · '' • • • · · · · • . Baron Halahury · · l

2•000 " 10,000

pecn!Ary of Home De~»ortm~~t · .. • ...... • .. Lord Aahbourne "· .. · ~·: " 50,000 Nmter and Secretery of F . . . . . ...... Henry Matthew~. Q ·c. ' 40,000 ~retery of the Colonie• oretgo Aff;r.ira .. . . Marquia of Saliab'ury . :·: 2.~,000

retery of War . • · ·' • · · · · • • · · · · · Sir Henry Holland · 6• 000 ~.000 ~retery for India • ' .. · "· " ...... · .. • Edward St.nbope .. " · f; " 2.'1 000 Ftnt Lord of the Ad. : " t" .. " ........ · .. 'ieoount Croea .. " .. ~·000 ~ 000

Chi f S mtn ty .... Lo d · ........ v 000 .,, 000

e ecretery for Ireland .. ' " · .. .. r Oeorge Han1ilton 4 Si 0 _,, Secretary for Scotland ' .. ·· .. "· .. ·. Arthur Jamu Balfour .. 4'425 ~·~ ~h~ceUor of Duchy of. La";~·~~ .. "·"" . Marquia of J.othian .. :: 2:000 10·:

ree!dent Local Government Board' .. · .. . Lord Joho _.Manneu .... 2,000 10•000 Preetdent Board of · · · · · · .. Chu. T. Ritchie ....... 2 000 , 1 ' Preeideot Board of Agrioult~~ · · · · · · · · · · · Col. Fred A. Stanley . .. 2',ooo ;, 1 ~·=

p • · • · · · · · · Henry Chaplin 2 • 01tmuter G111eral Henry(.' .1 R k · · · · · · · ,000 " 10,000 .lO,OOO; Lord Lieuteoa'nt of lrel:C~d SH~· $10,000 ; Lord Privy Seal, Lord Cadogan tb-latter bne nu-t io tbe Cal•in~t.. ,000. Although membera of the ~lini•trY

. T H E HOUSE OF LORDS. fbe memberahip number• ,14 ; in l d ' 16 . .

elected from among•~ their numt.>.:r. c f~r ~b r~itueh repreaeoteti,:e l'eera (who are Peera (•ho are elected for life. I.ord f •r •ameot) and 28 l~11h repreteotative poral baroniee Seven uoi r ll ' 1 0 Appeal tit by VIrtue of tbetr biahoprica- tem eeata io the Houae. T,!eot; ~:~t'tfh'• 1~lthoughdap3iri1t~al l'eera of Parliament, have no in the Houee of Lords. ' een an 6 mh Peen have no repreeentation


1'cot~d ~;1!:! ;::::r~~~ niiJ(I:r• 68:; l<~uglan•1 and \\'alee return .J9S memben, ough• by 234, and Univerai~:;,_/~ mem':~~ are repreeeoted by 37~ memben, Ror·

bo The preee.ot electorate,." resulting !rom the l<'ranchiee Act of 18!14, j 1 .i,7ll,325 or a . ut one elector.t~ every.ux of populanon-rrr.ctically a vote w every adult cari to en1oy on;. A Brtt~h aubJ.ect, t.Dd ~I years o age, ia the only qualification for me:t:: 1h1p. l'o P-Y or. todemnlt)' Ia attached to the po8itioo. l'arliamente are limited to M\'en yean duration unleu eooner diNolvod.

T H E B RITISH E MPI RE. Ia io !'Dund figurea 9,2.j(),000111JUare milea in area-one.fifth of the whole earth, with

a population of 325,000,000, a re,•eoue income of 1'1,:!.50,000,000 and a debt of ~.;ro, 00~,~· and an. o6Unual uport and import of ~.500,000,000. The area of the Brttlth leland& us 121,115 ltJUare milee, population 37,020,000, revenue, ~6(),()()(1,000, debt $3,500,000,000 and a trade of !3,250,000,000. The wealth of the Empire ia ~ .. 000,000,000; of Great Britain alone f~5,000,000,000, with an income of $6,000,000,000.

TBE I M PERIAL R EVE N UE . la derived from few aour<.:Uii. Thll c~atomB !.&riff-about $100,000,000-i• aimplicity itaeU, and practically coueiete of four .. rticlee, viz : -Beer, liquon, etc., $27,000,000; teu, coffeee, etc , $22,600,000 ; tobacco, $i8,000,000 ; currant&, raiaina, otc., $2,500,000. The f.xciee alone raiJel from beer, epirite, etc., over one-fourth of the eo tire rennue, or 1118,0CO,OOO; so tnat the liquor tre.fflc and tobacco yieldal193,000,000 of the annnal income-which ia ~6(),()00,000. Income tex at !1. 4d. (33c) per £, or $6 ; ~e Poat Oflioe aod Stam(»o cbiefty make up the balance. Although the duty on tea realtaeaaollle $27,600,000, ooly I2i ceotl per pound ia cherged. Unhke oor CaoadiWI tariff there II

uo duty on augara. . Ireland with I 000 000 more of population than Scotland contnbutN to the reventt $6,000,000 1~ The p:Oportion contributed r.ccording to population l1 -England,,IO ·

6f>; S:otland, Sll.40 ; Ireland, $7.80. =

r-·· - -2nd Month.] · FEBRUARY. [28 Days.

MOOil • Moob • KW. .. ...._

- - - -- - -i::.r HOW TO F ORECAST WEATHER. b.m b.m. b. m. 32 I ' S 7 17 611 16 l S .. 1. When the temperatur" fr.lla euddenly there S3 i 8.r•' T Ill 5 1S II 05

il a etorm forming eonth of you. M s

ll 7 16 5 U 11 60 ruu:::: 8.~ 4 7 lC 516 m.. 2. When the temperature rbee euddeuly there 311 I T IS 1 17 6 40 ila etorm fonni.Dg north of you. S7 e T il 6 18 6 6S

88 i 1 10 120 T SO S. The wi.Dd alwaye blow11 from a reglun of 311 I s 7 II 6 II 11 00 fair weather towards a regiou where a etorm il 40 II ~I:. 7 s 6 21 10 04 form lug. 41 10 M 7 II 6 ! 4 nu 42 II 'r 7 ' 5!5 morn. ········ 4. Cirru cloude r.hray1 mo"e from a region u 12 w 7 • l!e 0 10 Laft qr. where a etonn ill In progreu to a regioll of fair 44 13 T 7 ! 5!d ! Ill weather 45 1 1'

P' 7 0 6!9 !41 6. Oumulue clouds al"a1emove from a region 4!1 I~ 8 1160 ISO an

47 Ill 8t'X 1158 5 82 4 611 of fair weather to a reg1on where a storm Ia 48 17 )If IIIII a as 56S forming. lA 18 T 6 16 6 • • ..... N~~:; : : 6, When cirrue cloude are movlllH rapidly 60 Ill .,

8 IS 5111 II. Of ~1 ~"0

,. G 61 637 7tll from the north or northuet there wl I be rai.D !•! :!I P' 11 60 6 111 815 in.aide of 2i houn no matter how cold it ie. 6:1 t:! 8 II 4~ 5 40 II 47

7. When cirrue oloude are movlug; rapidly 114 !3 SVII 6 47 5 41 10 68 M ! 4 w II 15 5 l !l ft!Oin from the eouth or there "ill be a oold 511 !5 T 8 4S au oos

""i·~: rr.inetorm oo the morrow, if it be i.D eummer ; 17 !e w II 42 6 ·~ 1 08

t.nd if it 1M' ill wh1ter there will be a mow etorm. 58 17 T IHO ~ 48 I 10 111 1 !8 r ft ' ' ,, 307 , .


--FcJI: Hs!W.

THE ARMY AND NAVY The Imperial Armt ptoJ>f'r ind tt· h 1 d' · · • · ._1_. .,u. OOo • u tog t • n tao :;er.,toe, 11 iJI round li II

- "• . ....v, ' ... r .. u .. ~ •. - gorw, • Hegular Army-Homu F.t.ohli•hmrnt . . ............. I

( rolfiOial. l·:•tnhli•loment ............. 1141,000 ln • loa~a Jo.,u.hli~ohmtut .. . . .. .. .. H9 000 :l

I.ndlt.n .\rmy- :1\'tll'e 1roope ' '""h llritioh '!1\I,IMI(J) ' ·~~:·: (.ul~ut•l .\rrn)·-:\ 11\tl troope •ith llntiah :!!l,('lltll ..

lf-irv•-R..gulou Anny .. • ... . • ......... . M thtia aoo.l \' eomaory Cav•lry Volunteer• .. ... .. .. ····· .. . ........... .

li ()()() AAS,OOO 6:.! 000- :!.:i.i,ooo

13 000 Total . • • • . . • • . . . • • • . . . • • . . . . • • . . '1.>1,000

. l'~e p~h•ate a.rmiee ~of tu•l~r~••l,ut In:li•n 3.'.0,000 ~11b 4 2~0guo1• n~ laoa<han ~oluntet'ranurnlwr :l, UOO. H~giiiUIJtauf 1111h11a •rt-otgauiz.:d lotheCii-1 l&laode JUl.} \ 'to}Uillfl'r ( •fiJI ID th~ c .. to.uiu of the \\'e.L lnoh81, Cape, C'eyloa, Hoal Koq, ~l.alta, :\auo.l, \ew '-outh \\ al111 (Including Arullery ( orp•l Taemuia Yictoria; W81tero .\u-tr.alia and IoJia. ' '

~.t.VY .

AU \-Ia oumb•r ••me 30<1, of which 2CI) are in oommi•eion. There are &O iroa dada. Of three 2J are IG,IIUO t••noage or oH:r; :16 ere ~.11011 ton• ur o\'er; and H are 11.000 tone or o\·er. Teo are 10,000 hora~ p<>wer or 11\'~r; l:lare >UNIO h. p llt owr; &Dd 23 a,. 6,000 b. p or over. The new t.arhctte \-h lt.r~ e."'h 10.000 tone, 11 ;,oo h. p , a ad ~arry 10 larll" gunt. 1 h11 oe" turret vee•ela •r<> ll\'tr II ,500 U.on•g~, 10,;.00 h p, aoo\ t•arry J0 tO J,) hf'avy ~UDI rhe "\'fO •••·;;J.belteol Ctlltoetl are each 5,0()() lODI, ~.500 h. p, carry 12 hr~~:ti(UOI, •rd 14'tlll'f'am 2'! urdioary mil-. per hour. The ' ' lll•ke" ancl 1 liD I' l!lt~ly t .. nno heol "'IT ,.,'l•t•la ho\\'e aho .. ·n intlit·ttl~d h. p. n~arly :.'0.000 on<l a •pHd .,f 22 knll a p•r ~~·ur Tl .. nw•l tet \il"' oonai•~• of 4i,000eai~or•lind 13 00·1 m•r· in~s-00,000 u tn, bea1d~ 2'2,(.011 H:Jl• r 1 ~.!!anoia II pc11~1Nitr unrlf'r 1\a ye.r• uf •Me. Tbe Auttraliao (. 'oloniet poaeeu; ,..,u ' .. ,ete r f • ho tr o..-n

THE DRITISH MERCHAN,. NAVY. Numben eome 22 .i()(J nu I•. •n•l ha• an a.:!lrto.·'\te rnnMI(e of 11,000 000 too11. J'he llf'&nt "' ••tl• ono11l,. 1 •l"o" 4().';11 ,.,,.1 a ,,,. n•l{" of G.(A)(II)(J(I tono, ur m~"" than h•lf tht ate.n• ,.,;,11a..e ,.( til" ,..,,r.l Th,. .... 1:'""::' ' t'll•rl• of all ll&tlonahllet ~o;;.ul"'r ahout 60,000, ,..,, h • tOn It All• nf '!3,01111 CJ(I() The C .ntult~ 010vy oumberttume 1,500 vHatla, with a toR11111(8 of I :l.i(J,I 00, •·r nft h iu the lr1t of o&tM>I.

T HE UNITED STATES, P .•rtol th· ir uulrfl"Udencl! July, 17;6, ~n·l •·loptrol tho rtr.,•tD~ Gooatitutiou, Jj'b6 7. Th~re '" rt~ tbru tlllrttrn St.. tea. all located eut nf the AII~Jih• n\' Mountain• and alu~IC the At· h ntic ( ' '""• ancloorr•pri!'ed a population of10n • 2 614 :i ~~ iuduohujl •la\·t•, an•l with a d~bt ?( sio 1100 OIHJ ')'he tint l'raiJent took oft~e .. 1,11

1 ;~o!l Jn •II thl.'re hal been t,.·eoty-three l'r••· J•n'•· in• luclinl( the pte .. nt, aeven of II. hom

" aen·!Kl ciuu !ole ttrltll.

Tlo~> l'ruitlent aocl \'ice Preeid~:ut a!" ~~~ alt loonJ.:b tltl'\llllfh tht~ polil.ical m.cbtue ~ .. 'loco Ei· cror .t l ,.lie~"· pracucally by ~b•hrc:rbi

,) fhl'l J'r1:111l• Ill haw tht apptHDtDleDt 0 t • (' O· \ 1 f h' h have no acat Jn ~


o•t (the norno ,..,. " " I< t the •r e. a•ul tl•e o'Dnt rol .,f •II patrOD!ll(e uce


1 1 • 1 1 J {.1..,. ,..hoaree~·" ._ •• , ...... c·al •• loll' ... "'" u. ... • ~~ 11 roll· I

' T •u I'N" ' I~nt•hil-'. CobttJOII ,,tficere Th ;, cleral I • t t't• erd c f thu p, . .,,.,l. n•i .t terut-four ye.o.n. e ~

tied app~tint?'~nh Altplle ~ . '1 by tho l'relhlllnt for hlu. 11 Juilcl•l vtfi~t•l• ""' "PfKHDtc< - __.

1 8rd Month.]




.. , = , . ,. ~ .. •I .. -:.::I:.:. -- ---h _ rn 10 I

ll 1\ U7 81 2 ~lN tl ~~ Cit s M Cl S3 G.'S ~ T I Ill!'! ~ ~

..., OliO

86 ' T Cl ~~ .. 7 ... II :,!II 117 II 8 ~~ 118 II Sr~ 1112 119 10 ~I e 21 70 II T 0111 " t 71 I~ w ft 1~ I) :1 71 lS T •• )11 II I• 7ll If .. tiU .. I H 1~ II til'! II .. 7~ IU ~t:. a to a " ;e IT ll a II " \1 7; lo T II . II Ill 7< Ill w • 6 111 1 7il to ,.

II ., II~~

'<0 II I" II I ~H ,, a " • II 0 II t \ 0~ !I r. ~~~ , •• . ,, _,

f4 ~ r.o " t: '4 '!\ ':' 6 61 II h ~ :!II w 6 6~ II t•

II .~ t4 T

A :.CJ I ll ¥1 ,, ~d ~· 64ol 112! a; :!} H 6 H tl U

•Q 10 s •• 6 ·~ e 2~ 110 II K an ~~~ I

MARCH. [81

I htl l"'re hedge• quaka -\nrl •hhcr io the ice brw.te, yet whhal Uf., lurkti "ithin the hedlll'r«>wa: wioter'a grup I• c\'"r aharpl'~t •·re he yit•hl to l)pring-E\'eu as t ho tl. rlout uiJ,:bt of the dark ni,ht Ia nrareat to tile criru11e.m burn of day.

----l'if'r._ ... lh the little anowdrop tbrouRh the ahrourl Around hPr, "it h a ten•ltor forttthnught thrown By the v.hite aor1w her •JIOOI!<.•r: tlc1v.eret tint To lor,wu the oot yet eHft•neol wintt!r wiuda: Aa vft liCHne atom of a lolue·tyliCI chlltl lhrea with" pretty nudneu the will

'"""' (If one "h ,.e hantl coultl crm.h him; contident o ~s firat qr. In his ow11 winning acta, i•nd reading well, I 113

~ ·~ Th&t to •II mPn of true oobility I 21

\\'eak thin~r~ "re strong, aince we&kncea Ia their ~()() atr .. IJ,:th!



The u.olo~ (iocludioa the addition• made to it thia yeart DOll numbera 42 ...... _ and A Trrrttonea. ., .. _


P~deot- llto. Reo.J•,mln Jbrriann, 4th Mareh,ISSIJ. ::,alary,ISO,OOO. l:'reaideat of the Neoate-Hoo. Lev1 I . )lorwo, 1!1,000. Speaker of tho HouM of RapreeeotaLivu -Hoa. -Reed.

S.Cretary of ~tate, Ju G. Rlaioe .OnO Sec'y. of the Trta~ury, W. \\- iDdom .. t~~,OOO ~ecretary of War, Rerlfield Prnctor H.OOO ~cretary of the:\ avy, Beo.F. Tracy ,CIXl 8ecntary of thelnttrior, .J. W, Nohle 11,000 Poatmuter (leu., ,Juo. Wa1111amaker K,OOO S.ntary of Agriculture,.J.M. Rutk. IS,OOO Attorney-Geoeral, W. H. H. ~Iiller. S,OCO

Memben of the ~nate are choten bv the ·•tate ~gialaturM-two from each atatc­aod an electerl for 6 yeara. \lemhtra recei\"11& _i.,nalallowance of $5,000 and 20e. mile· age for MCh •~•ion. fbe (!Ualific&tioo ia :10 yeara' of age aod 9 yeara au Uolted ~Ia tea citil"D I" he 'eoate noll' numbera S-l memLerL

The Houee of Reprc~~eotativea, including membera of newly Otji&Diled au tea, 11umben 330 membera aoJ 7 deltg~Ltee, and the aame are electe<l every two yeara The oalJ tjU&lifioation nec4!a&t)' ia 2.' yeart of age and 7 yean an l'nited ~taU. cititeu. Tba Ml·

aiooal allowance ia ~.'i,OOO and mileage. Ueaidee the Hou- of Coag..- each Nate hu ita own Lei!lalature-AIMI!lbly ud

S..Oate-aa the calf' may be. STATE REPRESENTATION IN CONORESS.

Alabama ..... _ ll 1\auau ... ... ... j ~ebraalra _ 3 south CarotiD& .... 7 A k 5 Keatu •k.y 11 N e~a~la . . . . . II ~uth OakoL& ...... I r

Crl'~oaaj · .... · 6 Loui i~na •• .... 6 New Hampahire 2 Tenn-.. · ..... 10 ,,a I oru,a.:. . .. • 'la"n•A ••.. , . • New Juaey . • Tuu .. . .. .. .. 11 ... onn~~et ctt. • l.l 1 ., • • • • • • .. • •

C I d .... 1 •t 1 1 0 New \'ork. ... 34 \ermoot ........... • o ora o -' ar)- an• · · · • • · • y· · · 10

1) 1 e • • • • · · · 1 :\la111•·huaetta .. 12 North Carolina · 9 trgn~l& ·-- ·- • • • · 1 e •.war ....... 2 ~~· h' 11 North Vakota 1 \\'aabto~too ....... . ~lond.• ........ 10 M:~o~~a·::.::: IS Ohio ........... . 21 \\:~t \'~ia ..... ! Georf!ta . · • • • • • · • , • 0 1 \\ tecon.~tn ......... • Ill' • 20 \liaaiu1ppi... .. ' regoa .. ·: •.... _

IDOII .. .. · • . 1~ I'ennaylnnt.a ... 2!4 Indiana ........ l:t :\h1110un .. ...... 1 Rbodelalaod .... 2 Total ..... . S30 Iowa ........... Il l Montana .. .. .. "" A . 1o":l· Idaho 11163· Wyom

~ M ico Jfl.'iO· Utllh J~..,· rJ.caa, ""' • ' ' -''··• Tr.RI\IT1llllh-. ew n • -I 'Al k• j~~ · aod Indian T~rritory, onorga..-.

ing, 18U": Uiatrict of Columbia, JM, : •• '• • . • _.. f s te eproaentati•ea-eb i:lt.ate 1Pltb. rep·

'fhe ~:lectoral ('olle11e ia compotf • .,.. ..,0_ tot a :ad Houae Repreaeotatlvet in Coagr• -ti al to the number o It-a .,..oa "'

..-nta OD e<tU . T TE &Sll TERJIIT<IIU tL IL£('1'10~"· Tl'l£ FOR UOI.!IISU " A •

Al'klL-Firat \Vedneaday Hhode Ialand.

Jr:-&-Fint Monday- Oregon. . k d Ut-ah . •t d -~labama '\eotuc y an · .

At•oc:.r-F1rat "oa ay • ' ,~ 1 ~ad Mooday-M&tne.

F. T e..Iav Arkanl&a, 'ermoo . • VI ..!Di&. $t:PTIUiBEJL- u·at u '- ad 'J'ueaday-Iowa and We~t fa• ()c."l''ilt:R-J.o'irat Tuesday-Colorado. Seoo

}'!rat W edoeaday-Georgia. . . Tu~aday after 6rat :\Iooday-A~mua,KC&I_ F' t ~onday-Loulll&na. 1 d' Indian Tern tory, aa NovnrBitR.. 1n Florltla, Idaho. Jlliooia, ~ J&n~, . Miaaonri. Mouteoa,

iforoia, Coonecu~t· O:~~~:t:,: Mlchhzan, Minot•<>"· ~~;':11:Jl~~ .. York, North Car· au, ~larylaNnd: d •xew Hampohire. New Jeraey, ~ew u: ~uth Dakota, Teon..-. Nebraaka, •"' a, • Oh' Ptnoaylvania, • nuth aro a, • -oliDa, North D.ak.ota, .

10' \\'i.tconein and Wyoming. · In e u Caa-

Tena, Vir&ioia, Wuhl?gto~, . 3 09.l :H'2 I<(U&re lllil-oot :;~e~ J aod tbt The area of the U~ted :stat• II OO.()( 0.000. fhe r:e\"enut Ia 20 oOo OOo. 'Nwnbar

d and hUt. population of, about ~-•n 0()0 (()() and lm)lOrtl 86• ' '

a a-- 000 000 r lp<>rll. •""• • • debt aome $1,:.1()(). ~ · d ,, -~ 000 tonnage.

f iDg '"eaaela 8,,00, an ·•' ' -o tel go 1 r Pauncefote.

\\' hiogtoa-Hoo. , u I&O b t)ut t, gliab !tiiuiater at u W H 8 Wehtter, Chat am, ·

\ ·----~~.n~~~::~~~~- ~I~A~u:e:nt~~·~~-~·~~~~~:==:~~==~~~~~ United Statn Commercua o

L_ :::::::: =


4th Mont h .] APRI L.

SPRI N G. ~IL I bet.uteoue Spring, no aeMOn charms

The human heart like thine ; Now freed from Winter's wild alarme

We feel a joy divine. The foreat dona ita robea of green

To welcome back again, The aunny day• and night• aerene,

That mark thy joyoua relgo.

The wild bird carole sweet and clear Hla merry morning aong,

And .choing woodland• far and near, The cheerful note. prolong.

The babbling brooke are ruahinl{ feat Through forest, dale, and plaiD,

The gentle Spring bath oome at laat, And riven Winter'a chain.

(30 Days.H

. ..: I Cbatha m Diatrtct. :c: ~~ ~~ ~uu 1 ~lJ.u ll ou - .. oot.l :.:: ~ =~ ~~~ ~ .. ~. h. ru. h. m b. m.

1 T ~ f ! II ~ I 8i t w 540 6~8 500 :1 T ~ :16 6 te r.-. • F ~IMI 1130 6 43 ;) tl ().. s s1 tl 6l rw·.·::: e sn ~ as e 33 8 01

),( ~ 31 6 ik 0 13 ~ T 6 te 6 35 10 25 U W 6td GIMI 1135

10 T ~ l!1l IS S7 morn. , ...... u •· o ~• e ~ o u Ill S S 211 I •o 1 41 lol ~ 'I'·

10$ 18 Sn ~ :!1 I e fl ~ 8~ lOti H I :II r. 1\1 ~ ft 3 H 106 16 T I ;; 11 e u s co 1116 IU W 6 Ul 41 •6 i b 101 • 11 T 6 u e •• .eu. 1011 111 I •. 6 12 t; n 8 15


1011 10 s 6 11 e 6!1 1 t) ;i~;,:· .. uo to Snt 6 e e 60 s aa 111 !1 I( 6 7 6 61 0 40 ut r~ T 6 t1 e &z 10 u

I Ill 128 w 6 6 8 6S Ill H . • •• IH 21 T ~ 2 e 54 morn. .. .. 116 20 }' f> 1 I 8 6f> 0 87 ,. ,. ..

ue !6 8 ' 1>11 e 67 1 !!lll"'ra' qr 117 27 81:) • 61!


• 68


2 uo = ...... 118 t3 ll 668 86'1 ¥83 • .•..•• no I ~ T 4 u 7'00 a 031.. .. .. 120 ao w 4 w r'ot a 28 •



16 I Tm· J<n;T c - --.· .. OlNT\' ANNl"AL

FOR lR90.


~rio~ Ecl"arcl I.lauc.l Ar~a inS.~ '"''"• . Ae:· IH6i. • 0\'a -"colla ·" · :? I :u 1 'It'. ••. Population F.nt , New Hru : • · · · . . • . . 2o 90• . .. ••.~110 Ht~ ~91 · ue . ronr~,.,~ Quebec ne•nck ••• • .. . • .. 2i j-~ J~q,2 ()(!:J ·H0 ·5~2 ht July, 18; Ontario ..... .. ............ ~~~·fi~~ ~~·.:l!l:l410 ~212:h ht,July,J~ •M · .: ........... ..... 1 (11 -~.. ~~. ;ti2,6.i l J 3.-90:..) ht,J~ly, 1~

~.lion~ .... ..... .. , ·:·•·• b.o,IJI ,46.~ 1 ,' , •- ht,July, 11>6 tRnta•h (olumbi& · · · !23,200 i'l Wi (I(}() •921.2-}S ht July 186' NortbweetTerrito .. ... . :J" . ao~ 211•'·n5'200 6.5.9J4 15rh.luly' lin

• ry ..... • 2 ti65,2i2 J,;o.1:;i;r;21l0 4!l,4.i9 20th .July: 1 ~71 (,r:nd Total D.,miuion .•. ~~ -;-;;--:--: -~ 15th ,July, h;o

• P?pula•ior inch tee 6 - .• . .21 ,O.o9,4(), 4 :l24,810 the l Dlt~d I' late.. Th ,,u, l!'•h •na tTnclu.t~a 2.1 6!)1 J .

Tb, l'arliameot .• r.oopulatrnn .llh·en ia that of 1~111: 't ~chan•. ~Area larg,r thu m()nt, and l..rwal ~r~ tepre&entAtt"ll - h\· ProvinCe&-' I •~ o?" at l~a~t •,i50.~.

I.~,I!Hclclluree, Pmviocial ~uht'tl ' •n the Sena~, lfouee of Com nr, lllr ' I tee, etc .. ie :

p · """""'· I 'oron,onL U><r:••. u ,, No of ·r.,ent _nnce Jo:Ahrnrt] hlao<l . 4 fi 1 A-"'· l.oe. L•·r. Oo. Parllam•nt Pr'l\'inllloJ

Sul>ordy, ~ova Scotia .......... 111 :!J :~o J;J ~ew Rrunewick • . 10 lfi :1.~ 21

1~u~l~ . . . .. • . ...... 2~ n.; ~! 18

li-:t IPL 6-~

:< 19~ .11i 43:? ~;a 4!i' :r.a

l,I>N!,il4 1,3.'19 2!1i 4.3S.~95

• o a no . • . . . • . . 24 !I:! ·• 2! J>f&nitol." • !10 .. !!•Hih~h G;,;,~hla .. ·: ·. J ~ ;~~ ;_

.'i-:l ,. li-3 .. 6-:~ .. i-J " !i-:1 ., nort "t<at Teniwr•· .. 2 , • • •

J .. 'l'l : 212.151 lt.I~,IM

84,293,51,1 Thn repre~~entation ia about

1' 01 m•wl~r to evrry 21 000

tnh"bitanta in the olrler Pro. ''inre~. and half that number in _rh~ "~" ~r. Settatorure~p­potnt~>d hy thl' net for Itt~ ; Memten of the Hou•" of Commona elected fur eat·h Parliament. Ltkal Legi., l&turt-e are aiJO 10 elected, but the Local Councile, or St:<.'OIId ~ouae, . are appointffl by the Lteut. (.overnor for life witb the exc~pti1tn of the Priace 1-:d ward Council, 11'hich iaelec· I tive. /

Puliamentl of the Houte nf Commooa, if not aooaer di•· JOh·ed, terminate every fire I years ; P .. , liamPnta of Local Auemhliea every four yean. / The pay or indemnity of /lena· tnra ia SJ ,roo; membere of rbe /' Houae of Commooa, $1,000; aorl of membt-111 of t~e Auem

bliea (Ontario at le&IJI ) ,.tii.IO, f·lr every .,.,ion or year, beaidea mileage for trav~lling ex- / pen~~ea to and from Parli .. mcnt. ~cnatnn rffluire a property qualification of S4 OOOo\·tr and above all liabilitie&; lor tbe Common• nothing u required but majority and beiDg a Britiah aubjt>ct.

The electorate oompri•ea the bulk of tbe male population over 21 yean of age. Unl· venal •uffrage has boon adopted by Ontario and will be nted at the nut election. The voting ia by ballot.

. [St Days.

• ~I , . .. .. ~ .. 8 .. = Sua l!uo Moon Mooo' e ~> ~ll QS "- ..... Mk. Pbae".

:-~-1 tT- -- -- -b . ro b . m. h.-. '" 7 I • 61

l!S I , F • 61 7 s • u Ita a II '" 7 6 , .... ;u,·,:::: " Ba71q the Moon." IS. • l t!!o ... 7 8 868 IIi • M •n 7 7 a to Tbal 1e, ti&Y\tn11 nul M oblaln tupper Tbe tOU' of tbe 1111 • T .. , 7 • ttl Uo" •-•bl .. dltl&ll\ lb'loder and beln!f ro-eeboed by tbe lt7

7 1 w ... 7 • 10 u roekt and m~>on&al•e, •I•Pf>ll and putt \o ftilhle•trr ani· Ita I T . ., 711 u. ..... , ••thin bearlr~r. S.l->nrJor to tbe ~•&tribe. bl• eyu 1!11 . , .. , 711 .o,,. are 1-pable of 1\toor ll11ln ; 'b• nlwlll Ia there lore bit 130 10 II • •o 7 II ou

~· q·,: pooper ltme lor acllon. Ulo pttyle prlnclp•lly d .. r and tal lt bt'll ••• 71f I 1f o&her l•rt• hetblvurJIItqoodr•Jpedt. ll11 •lrlnlflh Ia ~1'0-

U2 It M •a.:t 7 16 163 dlrlna; • oltor. llroke ol hio ....... Ill bre •k lh• bac of 13.1 1 11 T '" 1 18 IU a hn-; on I he will oorry olr •~ an'"l"pe (be Mlolom &I · u• a " •u · 1n "' ~&eke -n) wl• b .,. •~ch appareol- .. • d"« will • ral. 116 ~~

,. '" 7 Ill Ill I.JIIIt&, ID &OJcl&DI tlw .. , 'll'tro •oty DWIItrUUII l.D &uropa,

118 18 .. ... 710 IU ... , ... ,411o. UT 11 8 I . ., 7 ll .•.. 1H I• s ·~ • il 7 Ji 718 N•• .... 111&7. 11'1 10

~ I •st 711 1111 110 "' 1110 7 tl

·~ Rn•trava•l ••• lh ft 1•1• and {l''•u I Il l II • t• T t\ \I fD Tnt f• •lhorod • •·•vn n ohr their lovu ; HI ti . ~~ 7 I \ 11 18 Tnt doyo ,,. warru th <~•1• aro bril{bl ; liS 23 r .t7 '~ liN Wl\b b oom •~• nrcb~ •dt art •II wbllt; 1 • ~ 8 4!8 TIT ru"rn. The •"'•llo•• •111m lbe river'o brio II ; U5 u l'o• •u Ttl 0 14 ,;n.q~:

In tneadowe oloce al11 bobo.lnlt: ; H~ 118 .M

·~ 7!11 1«14 Wlltre bul•troul'l adorn lbt dolo U7 t7 T '" 110 1 "'

And diolllt1 •Ink lhelr ,, .. , 1U Stl " • tf T 11 1k Tba brltldlt oow 'll'l'b eupple 1&1.1 Ull !8 y •ta Tn tte Whlakt of! lilt p-.11:)' lUte uo 10 r •tt 711 taa 161 11 • •tt 7a. 101



flo\'entor ~~~•eral-f.ord Sta I OOVII:RJ(ORS. " o ty ~f Pre.too, t •• C. R

:-ot.lary, ~),()On. · · t.ppolnte.l II th J uoe, ••~~



' " II \I 11!10 fi(T<IIlY.Jt I i, l'lill. I .. • • ' ·" lltl. ~r.t·m1er anti ~flntal(r of Ry a t.otl Right lion . ..:~John A. llt.erlonald . . $!t,!n' .f!J!!•t.r of fmance ..... . ............ ffon. (,eorge f .. Foater ........ .. .... ;,000 ,\t~!'t.r of J11.1ti~ ... . .. .. .. . . ..... .. ,, ' ?hn S. U. Tbomp.on ........... 7,000 M1o11ter of Pubhc Worlra........... ... .. S1r Hector I •. I.t.ngevin .... . .... ;,IX» t'reaident of the Council. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ,, ( harlea G. Colby .......... . .... 7,000 \linitter of Agriculture and Stati.atiCI... " John ('arliog .................... i,OOO llioitter of Cottom• • • .. .. . .. • .. • , lf<•Ktonzie Howell ................ i,OOO Minuter of the Interior. ... • .. .. .. • .. . E·lward Dewdney ............... 7,000 Mfnitter of .\filitia t.nd Defence......... " 1'-ir Adolphua P. Caron, . . , .. . .... i,IJOO Mioitter of \Jt.rioe and Fitheriea • .. .. . ( ',H Tupper.... ............... i,OOO Poatmuter General. .... .. .. .. .. .. • .. . .. .John Hagg&rt . . . . ........... 7,000 Mioitter of lnl&od Revenue .. . .. . . .. .. " .John Coatig&a . . . • ...... .... 7,000 &cretary of ~tate • .. • • .. .. .. .. • .. .. . . " .Joaeph Adolphe Chapleau ........ i,OOO Without l'ortf.,lio .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. • .]. J . C Ahbott .. ............... -

High Commi•loner-Repre.eutati"e t.t I..oodoo, Eng., Sir Charlea Tupper, o.ppolottd ' Mt.y 24, lkS-1, $10,000.

----- - -

- - --b . rn h rn

152 ~ I,;Ji 4 ~I 1 ~~ 15$ '.! M 4Yl 7:1& 1!14 :i T 4'l0 ,. H5 • w 4'l0 7 17 H8 5 T 4 IQ f)t 157 e ... 4 Ill Till! 1~!1 s I Ill Till I'll <I 1- L ~ , I ~~ 7311 rnf'rD 1110 II '" 4 ld 7 40 Ol!7 14>1 10 T f Ill 7 41 OM lilt II W 4 Ill 7 fl I Ill 111.1 12 T t Ill 7 4"! l II l!W Ill .. 4:111 T 11 lUll IM .. ~ 4 Ill 7 43 i &:l IM 15 • Ill 7U ll 01 ICI7 Ul 4 Ill 7U a au If~ 117 • 18 7H lftll Ill 1,1~ 7U 170 Ill . ,,. 741 101 !0 1'111 1 46 li:! ~1 '·'' 7 15

ti ~ ~ 4 1!1 7 45 ~3 ){ I 10 74&

T 4 Ill 7n w 4 IU 7 16 r 4!0 7 46 r 41!0 146 H • tl 7 fS

Sur f !I 1 45 ~~ IH 7 4:1

Brlnf( no ...... bpalello ....... o'tr th bltr to thed, Brlnr ftQ ..... ,. to tb• lhfiDI where .. . k oeel lo prayt r> A cro"·o lor ' • bro" ol lbe •rh d .. tl Tbt y ar• r·ature'e otrerinr. tbeo peace le \litre 1


For \bla tbrourb Itt lea•M h'lb tho "bile r0o1 hunt I Thty epeall: of hope to lhe laloUnr boar&, For tbla In tb e wood• wa• the •l<>l•t nur..,.l . I With a •olc:e ol rrotn la.. t hey rcmo a nll ""' '· l'bOIIJb l hty emile In •·aln lor" hat ,. • ., Ollfl 1Th~y aiHp In dueUbrOUjlb t he •intry hou rw, fto)' tortlo•e' ;laatiC•II l·rlr•~t ) a no .. oro pal~ nu .. en:ITbey break for th In Klon·-hrinr fto•o n , brlrlot IIG .. . ... .

HOU --u:'\1.uuu ~t.JIIILII.S(9'll SE OF COMMONS.- - _

U...LIII&MG) t.I.X..TIH 2'.!11 APIUL, 1811;. ~l'KA. • 'Add ' ' II•IKr .. 1ec&. Pol. llhj "--~ KU. BO!>. JOII. A. OOiliiT "-"""' • lll&t.oo J h \\'

1 ....._" ... ...,, 11 • 9"'W • 'I . • • o o . S.U (' ~t" \f'-'dl ,.,.,.. Elto& Pol II .... aoma s I 1 . . . • • • ''"" 1" _,. E I H . •J.

• Bo· L II •. • ' . • • )to willa • C I' • 'l'ddl ' •. ·• . . ~laraball C "59 + .... we H [) . • . • .. I _,. N T ,._ ..... '• j


,. "· · · on. and Milia 1 •ll ,1.ddl • • • VJU11hlio ,, '""" • rent ,, 1 '- ~ . .. - 1 een W \V F ... • · . v , ..,. •s ... .... •· ;"'m"r•lll~t ..... L. lltl l '\l '<lll , . • .. Roome ... C 105 • raot, S. • • • •• \\ m l'aterao L - • 1 1

"an, ~ . ,Jamea Armat · ;srochille .... lc.oho l' \\' n ... ' ~·4 ~Iouck.... .. . Arthur 1lo rc.oa, .. L "• T8roce N AI .. , ''~I .... ( . z,r .Muak A:l'y.l"d. w t' 0 .,YI• . .... G. M Bra 'w .. ".. coli. . "c.,tl · ... .. (.:. 11: ::\orf .. tk ~ · '" nnea . • .C !Ill

8 oe, .. • ... Jamee Rowand L '\ r I ', • John Ch•nletoo L r.d

ruce, Jo: ....... Heury r ·u " ... · ~<:o , ·~r" 11• S Oto•i<l Tatdal " • ' ' K.'ardwe\1 [> ~ \\'h~KI .... G • • !,I .St~rtbom'l'd w n-rae (' ' lie .... u. Ill • .. · .. ~. ,,, tte ,. • - " •Ill et (' 3" sCarlewo (' L ))' .... . .. v.-- 'IOorthumb'l dE ~:d (' h • • I • "· .. • •· . at"kio10o (' t) t · • oc rane ('\:~l()r . Uarhy lkrgtn' (' - 1.1 Oo &Ill!'\ •••• Frank Ma~hll .• l ' 1;: •o d • • ot.ano s \\" r · .. · • ""

• WI aa ...... ('. K Hie Ley l Ill 0 •· . ~.. lll<m Smith . (: 18" • 0 h )f • · • • n-no .. J () L'-' ·" • • : ur am • . .... Heury A \\' arJ l '!9: Dtt~~ .. • '•"Kat ...... L ;)!It :llu~b·~ \\' .. Hoo. lo: Ul .. ke . 1. , 'ui •ln .. :~ . .. . . \\ . (; , l'erl .. ~ .... C. !UH .. EII'JI ~ ....... John H. \\'ilaoo I ;~ ·oxr rd N.. Jllonore Roballar•l .. G. ~II :r:tgco \\' ..... . C: K <'••ey '"r' ,1. :0 fo d t.t" ' .•m•aSutherlaod .. L 1236 t:-x, ~ ..... Jau•t~~llrleo ..... L. . .,;, :,_:1 or ' ' 1'1\\'~ R.J t:~rtw..; L.lltl •Jo' n• ·...... ""' '~ A M (' II •• aeex, n ..... J. C. p,.u~non , , 1.,. •Hen' h" "..:'" , · < u a .... C. 43 • Jo'ro ' • ... v. "' ,r ., I' It II C •, oteo.c .... lr A. Klrkpatud,; C 411 ·p.,rthS .. I .. ~o .. . :Ml c ·leogarrre.. . • • Peter l'uroell I •""+, I terboro' . ,·,·... .Jam ... I row .. .. . L S3 • "' , • • • • ~ • .. ·v\_ c &tllt'l S ' .(.reo•ll e s .... \\'alter ~hanley (' ·~.l( i'fterbo • L' •• I I Lattphroevo C. 18 •(• "' • • 1" r. • • • 0 10 111 I 1(19 • rrey, " ..... Ueo Lao<lerldn I 11' '1'-tt "" • •· •u • ~· T ' . . . • • •~v . . . • . /'!mum L•l•n- L 191 (l NJ ·~ • • · " J · .~. :S~IODito • l 5.). !Priace EJw.rtl J ~hlf,.0 Platt"" L ' ·1

•~jj · · d · · · · Ca~~ ; lauon . C 5: :Heofr•"' S ..• , l'ec.r \\hit. :::. c: 24~ maD ... . ~ . voult<'r ..... L - ,§R•ufrt:w S .. J•·hn r., w.oa C

tflaltoo ......... Johu \\'aldtll ,. .... l. __ •:,._ .... 11 \\ l ' L-8.,. 1 " ' 1 - 1 •• H II " .. .... · .-..1· rc • .,

H t.rn.11()n ...... A•lam R~wn ..... ~. 1;~ :..'-amcoe N ...... tl•l"•u \l.Uarthy:·c ~19

amt.ton .. ; .. . All'~ \lcKay ... l • lti '<llllo:u• :- . .... H 1'vrwhitt , ( ' J~W ;Haataa '' \\ • H. (orhy ... ..... C . - . '""':ne, P. • • II, H (.'ook 1 "4 !iutl~l(•. t: .... s B. llordette ... 1.. c;.~ Toronto w .... :. Fr .. ! c. o~o,,;...;~ · <:· 4S; .. Huttnf.~ ~ . Hoo. ~!.:.Bowell .. 1;. 1041 .... runto, (; .. ,; , H H c ..• J,.I.urut: 4."o4. Huron ~ . .... R·Jbert l'ortlll' .. (', :!t :r..,,,nt•• •: .. lol"' .;rn•ll ...... r 1~.\i ~uroo E .. . Ytter\l".:•luuai.J ... J. . til ·~ '"'"•' .. Auo.m H·•l•J"'th .. t;, 4; •• Ruroo S .... John ~~~ \lilian . I. :M • .. , o,i• ~ John A Jlarron ... L. 301 Kent ....... Arch C•mp...,ll L II~ ,·. r.·rl·· ~ . l .. at•E llo~rnao J. ~·y Kio~atoo ..... ~lrJ.A llacdonald.C 1; 1\'att>rlno & ... JAmtaLivingatoo~ L 36l! :Lambtoa \V . .. J . F. Liater .... .. L M~ ::Wella~~d ...... John Fergu10n .... C. \!12 Lambtoo, Jo~ .... t:eo. !lfoncritfi . C 14~' ~Wellin~too N Jamea Mo\lullea .. L 3611 lLt.nark N ... .. Joaeph Jamieeoo . C' Jo:i Wellioatoo C .... Andrew Semple. L. 50 :Lt.nark, o. . Hun J . {r Haggart,C S!S! : Wellington S .Jamea Iooea ...... L. 126 lLeed• .t Ore~~ .. C. F. Fergu10n.. . C 393 ~Went•·orth N Thra. 'BalDI •• L.--!Leeda, S ..... George Taylor ..... C . •HI Wentworth S .. .. F. M Carpt'DW .C li6 LeiUIOI. • .. Uriah \ViliOn ... c 2.· t\'ork N ..... Wm Mulock. . L. m !Linc'n.t Niap.J. C. Rykert .C. 487 ::\'orl' E.. ... Hoa.A. t.lackeule L 160 !Looiloo .. .. Hoo. Jobn Carlin~r .. C 3!1 !Yorlt \\ . .. . .. N, C. Wall~.. C ~28

! Were membrra lo the laat P•rliamrot. tBye electionL Whole HoDII 'CoDIOI' nth·•, loclndlog I odepeudeota, 126; Llbuala, 85, NatiooaliliC., 4.-21~.

L I EUTENANT GOVERNOR& Ontario ..•...•••.• , •• Hoo. . lr Aiel. Campbell .6 \far. I !lSi ..•. .. . tiO,OOO Quebec ..... .. . .. .. . • ., A. R . Ao~~:~ra . .. • .. li Nov. J!lgj' ....... 10,000 New Brunawick. .. . .. .. , ~lr S. L. Ttlley.... .. . 31 Oct. JSSJ........ 9,010 Non Sootla , A. W. McLean .. .. .. . 9 July~~~'! ........ ~,000 Prince Edward lalaad. ... .. J. S. (.:arvell .... . ...... I Aug. I'!~~ ...... ": Briti.ah Columbia . .. . • .. .. Hugh Neleou ......... '::,~tar. Ill~. .. .. . ~·ooo Manitoba . . . Job a C Shulu .......... .. July ll'o~ • 000 NorthwMtTerrlt.ory .. , JotepbRoyaJ ............. 2July 1'1.'! .... ••

he Oovernor (.,ieoertl iJ appointed by the Brltith Govern!Dent: the Lieuuo~aot nov;mol'flloy the f)ominion Cabln~t. The c.rm of appointmeollll!lllU-r1111Y the )an

for Gov . .(.)eneral and four yeare fnr Lieut .. (.,iovernora.

-= -

7th Month.] JULY, 1890. [St Days.

' A JULY. •• Wbe~~ &be -.lot oardlool tAIIo

Iter dr•m• &o tho dflllon dy, ADd tho luy brHu malt• • o.,.t Ia lb• tn ..

.£041 auuUlUh a lu1h1•\ ~ " .. Jill)'.

Whoo &h• &on,ltd ool>wohiPIIII• ' The oorft·Cl•wer'e L)ue cap a-.ry.

A ad tho 1111111 tolllo•11 ovor UM •oll To bow so \be blll&ltlll'i


Yo' boo the btot like ' mi.- veil noate, Aod tbo poppt .. II•"'• I" &he r) e,

And \be ollvor too&e In &be ttr•~o~~~lot'• thtoot llw ool&ooed ""''""t"' • ol1rb,

It Ia July,

Whe" til• hooro ore oo oUII tho& time "'"~••• tbtro ood leto thlm Ue

• 'i •\lh l"''••o pink tilt the Dltbt rian Wlak .u tb• • •nMt Ia the •kr


-- -

I -' I I Chatham Dl1trtct . • ;:: i -~--~-~ ,. "" .,. : t-tt·w I •c·• rMncut Unt•'•

~;. ~a I~$ al•••· • ._,_ •11.. YUUIIs ·----- --- ---:s 6 ~

7 ~ II

10 II I~ 1.1 u

II lit:• Ill T w T .. II

·~ Ul 17 18 Ill 20 !I ft u ll4 ~ • ~ ~ !II 30 II

:it.:~ M T w T •• 8

liCit II T w T , s

lltll X T w T

~ .... •n ' '::I 4 !!C • :!-4 6 %-'t 4 !:. l!'l

·~ 41114 't~ ' :1!1 6110 631 .. ~:! fU •a.~ ,,. 616 631 • 17 fa.l

'"' 660 • 61 . ·~ ' 6~ '" 6 66 • 60

' • 67

7 H :s 17 1 •~• ,,,.. .. r,.n , .. . 7 ,, g I'll 1 .. , • :,';! 7 U Ill ill 7 .. 10 ~ 7 U II~· 7 H 11 ti IMt qr. 7 43 DtO.m ~ •• .••• 7 H U I'! 7 ·~ 0 17 7 t1 I 1111 1 •o 1 :sr 7 10 t u 710 =~7 • 1 83 s., lie;, .. :. 7:17 ..... 7 3'1 ll 07 7 ~ 1116 7 I$ 10 00 7 :u 10 tJ f "~ 10 ~,, 7 :u Ill 06 r st

1u ~ nN&'ci'

7 II 11 50 7 110 IDOth 7!!11 Ot7 7-n 106 1 to 1 ..

; i! ; : l!uli" ' ·



:!PI'!Ali.I:B., HOS. fl W ALU • • -• 000 Samtol8eo&l<lr lteold • • x, ""'• • 17 'UII('H, 1&'111. • Alexuder, Hon. Geo Woo~=~ ' App&'i_ Name ol Sena&or. R<ltldeD<e. Appl'4 I • Allt.n, lion. G. W . Torontoock ... ~~~~~ \~c~illan, Hon Don Alexandria I ~aagrain,Hon. C.E ... Wiod~ar ··· IS,~~cKmdlt' ,Hon. G. C . Milton .. 1884 Clemon, Hon. 1-'randa . . . Ottaw .. ··· · · ~~~~~Q:er, i'lon. Ramul .N. Hamburg :1~ 'Flint, Hun, 8 •. .••.••• l~llevillo .. · · · li!tl:., Ree~o'}j•· Hon. J ..... Toronto . . . 18M2 Oowa.n, Hon. R. J •• Barrie · · · IS'!~, • on. Robt .••. , Relleville . • 18i0 •Loon~ord, Hnn. Elijl.b .. London ...... 1~":. .:lRI!f'tiOHr, HonR D ...... Yorkville ..... !~~ M _,.. II H . · · · · · ""'' ·'00 t ou. W Ot '-"a. urn, on. L • • ~tromneu Ill'!-~ . h H · · · tawa .. . . 1~74 Macdona.ld, Hon. ,J. . • Toron•~ .. I ku7' :, milt 'd Ron. Fr\Vank ... Toronto ...... lSi I 'M h ,. . .... •... "" .~an or ' on. F R ') • acp enon, ~tr D L . Toron•o 1 ~~·- •• 11. H · , · · · 1.m1 ton . .... I&!, u I H · • · · · .. ·''' -_u Ivan, on M K' to .u&e noll, on. Don . Ha.milton I~~·~ '"'d I H . I . .. .. Ulgl II .. .. I~

• • • • """ Y 1 a , ou. A e). . . . S..rnia 18~3

~~W~d L~gialative Councilhra previoua to O>nieder,.tion M .. ra Flio.t ·;,;.:· ~ -u ~-~;t. ~r t.nd Soott the only Reformen ; the r~t are C'on'.ervati~ea. P Tw~


I J l'o,...•tiM or I I !!al, ni l ~l . ot 1 )i'nl ~o Pro•lnoc. II l'r~wl~r I •t·rc>•""""' t l'oh~k• ll'rem r · other "'n1 P'rt-

- - . -- __ __ I • I ' '""''· I I m'b' ra l t,.,. t tollo Outarto . . .. • ... . Hon. OJiv,.r Mow~~ot ·l.i Oct. J "17·i:" Kooform. ""·'~)(f~.oOO 7--7-<Juebe~ ... . ...... . Hun II M,.rcier .. 2\J Jan. JIIS7 . Rt-form .. ;';,000 4,000 !I 7 ~ova Sooua . .. . Hon. \\' H Fieldint( 2!1 July \'I'·'- Reform .. 2,-lOO 2,000 7 3 New Brunawtcll .. Hoo. A(,, Jll~~oir :J~lar. l!l!s:l . Rl'form .. 2,100 t 7 li P. E. lalaud . . .... Hnn. St••l \1c1Aod Dec. .. 18!!9. ('nn .. . 1.3(11) 1.300 9 3 \fanttobA ... .. Hon. T (Jrwnwav . I!J,Jan. 11\'<'1. ~form. 4.fl(l() 3,000 5 ;, ' Brltl.ah Columhi~ . Hou. A. K B. Da\•ia . 2ti Ja.n. lb-1.'1 ('on. .. . 3,000 3,000! 5 5 tProv. Sec'y. ,l2,100; Cummis•ioMr Crowrt L'\o•la. ~I iOO; Surveyor General, Sl,i'OO;

a.ncl Solicitor-General, $1,•200.


Pro• i•c . ., •n k., nl '-·•mb'•· ·\N••Int.ed I l'al•rv I 11 ... Allow• '•• I L\IIGen F.lf<l

(jjj'i;rio . ~ .. Hun. L>r. J Bnter . I' Ill ~th. '""2 ~.I,MI(t ,$600 & mil'gP 2-l Ofc. ISSS. (Jnebec .. .. Hon. F C. :O.J,.rchard '.?'J J•n. 1!111, , 2,® MlO 14 Oct. J8ll6. Nova ' ootia Hon. :\1. J . Power . . 10 Mar lkS7 ~00 -t(lO Ill Juo I~ New Bruoawick . Hoo. Wm. Pu~•ley 3 Mar. JH!l'7 . 400 300 26Apr.IIS!IIJ.

P. E. Iala.nd ... Hon.J.A. .M\~1•0o1naamld .,20_ .. M .. ".r_. _I ·8·S-3. 300 li2 ~~:fvl: Alanltoba. . . . . . . IRon. Wm • 1.000 600 Brltiah Columbia.. Ron. ('h. Jo:d Pooley ... 24 Jan. ll'lk7.. !lOO 400 'i ,July I~


'l'l'KI(\I V.I'Ul'RT fiJI CA!!AilA.

(.;hief Juetice, Sir \\'. J . Ritchie .... l:$'1,000 ,.Justice, Hon. Henri E. Tuchereau .. iz,OOO Juatlce Hon S. H. Strong ....... 7,000 , Hoo. ,J. W. Gwynne ..... · !•:

, ' Ron: T. }<'ournier . .. .. . ..•. 7,000 .. Hoo. C. ~. Pa.tterton · · · · '• 1

l'OUilT OJI A~I'I.AL-Sl' l'KJUtt: I'OI'RT ll¥ ONTARIO.

Chief Juetice, Hon. J, H. Haga.rty . $7,000 I ,Justice, ~·. Oaler . .. ............. ~·: Juetice, o. W. Horton . . . ... ..... 6,000 ,. J~ozn• Maclennao .... . . ·. ,

KI/Jii ('()UBT Ot ' JC~TICJI.-O!iT.UUO. I OOI:KT ,

1, q t: ltL'i'S ua!'CH . I Juatice, ,John E. Role ...... .. · .. ·~·: ,..

000 ., Hugh M•cMabon .. ·. · · · · · •



Chief Juetlce, Hon. J. Armour. ··· ·'"'1: 1 c urRT o F ~li.A!oCKRY. Juatlce, W. 0. Falcon bridge .... ·· · h.:: 1 Chancellor. Hon. John A. Boyd.. $7,000 J111tice, W. P . R. Street ........... tl, I J01tice, W11liam Proudfoot .. ..... . 6,000 J

I'OOilT ot· OOM:IIO!i I' LIAS. ,. Tbomaa Ferguaon · · · · · · · · :·: _.,_, -000 Thomaa Robertaon ........ • Chief Jllltice, Hon. 'fhomu .., .. t .•• ,, " ,

8th Month.] AUGUST. (31 Days. '·1

rlndloattona ofthe:Barometel'. • to very bot "eatber Lbe loll of tbe mercury lo

the barometer donote• tbe arproaob or Lbuoder· tlo.,.,. ; otberwteo, a lUdden tal deootee hlgb wlod

2. Jo :roecy weather, Lbt fall of Lbe barometer de· ootee thaw.

a. 11 wet "•tiler happeoe eooo after Lbe fall o r tbe barometer, expeot little of l'-

4. lo w·o& weather, It &he barometer f&lla, ••pea& muob wet,

0, 1 o talr wutber, If tbe barometer Ialii mu~b aud romaine low, npeot muob wet In a lew day1, and probably wind.

e. Ia wloter, th• rleo ot tho barometer deao&ee froet.

7. lo froety weather, tho rloe of &be barometer lndloat• aoow.

'1. II f&lr we•tbcr h•ppeoe 1000 alter U.e rloe of tbt barometer expeot little of lt.

(), In wol woaU.u, ltlbe\bormomt&or rl..,eblrh and rer.,.lcuo nped 04Dlioued ftnewoather loa daJ ono.

I _, I .

1 Chat.h&m Dtlt.rtct..

,. = ,. ~ ,.. e ~un 1 !'\I ~fiOtl Moon' ' Q;! ~~ 1 ::: $

1 Rt ... J liot• liete. l'huet.

-~-- - b.';,";" h . m. h . m. ~IS 1 f ' l : 10 7 !3 ft 2H ~ ~ 8 4 1o0 7~ !'toll ~16 3 ~~· 4 61 ; !1.1 II ~t ~~" , '' • C.!! ; ·~ v r.o 217 · ~· T 4 6:1 7 1~ 10 Ill ~Iii II W I U 7 ltl 10 H 219 T ' 65 7 1& 11 0"1 Laic qr, t!O ~ f' I 7H 1183 !21 o S 4 67 7 1 ~ morn . • m 10 s~~ 1 ; 11 o 13 mn 11 ~o uo66 !SI 1:! T 6 1 b I U :t.U. IS W 6 t II ! 87 !!!tlUT 3 4~:!S ¥'.!7 1~ f' 5 4 7 S f 1k1 Now ... t2ll 18 8 6 6 2 IM'te. till 17 Snt 6 7 7 0 8 f7 t30 18 M li II II 611 8 19 %31 10 T 6 0 b 67 II 11 23~ ~'0 w I> 10 6 66 0 , , 233 :!1 T 6 11 664 8~ 13412'! F 6 12 8 6! 10 2tl w = s 6 13 e 61 11 00 fi r•• or Del, U St'lf 6 14 & t tl II .S U7 26 M 6 16 6 17 ruoro •.• 2311 ill '!' 6 16 6 • 6 0 87 239 t7 W I• 1& II U 1 11 t fO :t8 T 6 10 II t2 ~ 68 Ul !II F 6 to & ~0 4 17 l'u.ll .. .. u z 10 8 6 21 6 39 6 ag 2tS 11 Sttr 6 ~ 6 87 ti &!l

Trn: K•:.sT ('ouNn Asxnl. ron I 890. -·----


l<l!t'IHl U("T<lllt'k :!.'\, 11>12 .

• \LluiU~) •·~UI r I Minieter of EduA•tto·u· · · · · · · · · Hoo Olin•r \to .. ·at. '"'I.I.IIY. - (. \\' ,. .. .......... . ..... . $6 000 < ommlaelooer of (;ro•~ ·~~~ds" .. ·.. •· • · •ua.. .. .. i~m <,omml.looer of Publlo \\'orke ' •.• •... " A. R. Hardy .....•...... •.... • I reaaurer · · • · · · • " C. F. Fraeer · · · • • • • • • · · • • ·' • • · •.~m ~ .... ...................... • Alex. MeT ... R~::: ............... 4•im • ecretary . . . • . . • . . . . . 1 M C: 'ben • • • .••••..••.• 4,000 ('omm'r. of Ajll'ionlture ~~i iiegl~t;.:;,: Ch l ~! J)n • • · · · • ••...••..•. . . 4,!m

" ar •• •· rury.... . . . . • • .. . .. • 4,(lt)O

HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY • Oorlatitu~"l') • Mtml~r Eltd. Pol. Jhj. Conotltutn~,. • Addiogt.oo .•...• 1. ~. Mtller C <>J9,Middl E MtmMr l':l....t. Pol. lhl Ulgowa 1: ... H A . Lyuu : .. .. ,; ;;j t \liddi=~ 'w· .. R. T~ley; ....... (', lu; t\lgomd\ ...... J•m~• Conm.,e L ~H.\I'ddl · . Hon.h. \\ . lto. .. L l!l.i lir&~~t, l'·•rth .... w. H. \\' u .• d .. L . :Jli6 t:\/ k·-..,~. ~ .... J?hn \\'ate,... .... L ;1 tHrant, :-. ....... Hun A. !-\ J-i~;rly · L • ij.)- ,; 0

:\ .. : ...... Htch'd Harcourt L. 113 Bru~. l\••rth .. Col .John lllggor •• (;. 110 t;.~ ,o lk .N .. · ',•eo. ~· ~Ia• ter •.. c.; , 223 tl!ruc.. I' H J> u·c 1 • _ ', r 0 • ....... H. f reemao •. L . 3';~ t

u • : • • • • • • • ounor . • :lt, tt\orrniJ.. ..; \\'m 'lor (' 12, o•uOo- ( eot \\' J) k I . • .. .. •• gao .. .. • +H ·t.:' •11 • • • ·H ~ • ~ · · · · -. 31 ~orthnmhtrl'<l I~ Hr. \Vdlouahby . l' . Ut

t"~l VI e . ·.. "" l:. P. huer L 2't'i ~orthmnherl '<l \\' (' (' }'1etd L 4".) ..... r tolon .... ,(; W . ,\lrm,k l,; 1:.!'}!1 0 t ::\ J • '• • • .. " · '

tCar~lw•l \\' H 11 'II (; .. ~~ ~ 0) •r":• • · .. •.. ""c ,J. huold . , L . I~! 11

t:r . • • • • • • • • • ammt ,, • . < •tar to, ~ ...... . John r>rydeo L 233 u""' '" ...•••• F {.;, St .. .-arL . (' ace 'J•tawa "' H 11 .. " L. """ "D d J 8 \Vb ....... · r.. rrneoo .. .,.

~ uo U • • · •• • • • • ltoey .. C - - ~Odr,rd, 1\ .•• , .• Hon 0 .\lowat . · L · 1133 Durh&m, .'*• .... 1 W. M_cl..o:Au~hlin. L. 30xfur,I,S ...... nr A. McKay .. :L · 590 H~rh•m •. I · · · · · T. I? ( ra1g .... (; 3"-1 Parry ~ouod .••• i'1m'l Armetrooa . L. H7 ~.lg10 h ....... 1 C n,oce . . L --I~Peel .......... K. Chiehotm ..... L. 2'20

Jo~lg10, \~ ..... ~- U. Ingram . .. <.: 4:l ~Perth,~ ....... <:eor~e liMe .... (;. ~2 E~eu, N lo~pard l'acaud L . i!ltPerth, ~ ...... T. Ballantyne ... L. ·~~ tKnex s \\ J~ Halfour .... L . :1.5.3 Peterboro', W ..... J R. ~tratton ... L. :'1.1 1 §~rootl'uc H. Smith ... C 54j+Peterbon/, }; .... T. K Bleurd .... L. :ltO tGieog~rry .. ..J,"mea H~yeide . ~ • 32 Pr~srott. • .. .. • A. J.:nnturel .... I 14a tGreov1Jle .... F. ,J ~rencb . C . 550Pnoc41 .. J.J.A.~pragoe .. L. 81 tGrey,l'\ 0 Creil{htoo .... C. 18tReofre,,X .... ThomM)turray .. L . 86 1 (;rey, C'o•nt ..•.• . lllme~ Roke . . (' 112 Reo(rew, S . . } .\ . \lc.-\odrew L P H>rey, ~ ...... . Joho Blythe . • C 2.53 Ruuell .. A. Hobillanl L. H8 +Halduu .. url . . llr .• J. Huter .. L 26S +Simcoe, .to: • Hoo. (;. Drury L 214 tHaltoo ...... \\' heme .. C . 122 :iimcoe, W ... . l>r. '1'. Wylie C 3.54 1

tHamlltou Hon. ,J M Gibeoa L . 43.5 +Simcoe, <.:tnt .0 .. }. l'belpe . L 20i : tHaetioge, F W. P. Hudeoo .•. C 106,Stormont .... ,\\'m. Mack ...... L :UO · +Eluting•. ?\ A. I-' Wood .... C. i63 rorooto .. .. . E. F. Clarke .. C 149 HutiogeW .... <; . W Oetrom ... C . 119t ........... 11. E.Clarke .. C. l503 1 tHuroo, E ..... Thoenibeoa . . L 4-43 ......... John Lev• .. . .L 1:m tHoroo, ~ .... Arch. Uiehop .... L 507 +Victoria, R ..... John Fell .C. 324 +Huron, w .... Hon.A.}fcL ROIILL. 337Victoria, w ...... John s. CreuM. c 10 tKeot, E .... Robt . Ferguaoo L 5Fi0 +Waterloo, N . E. \\'. B. Snider L !ICC tKeot,\\' ...... Jamoe t;taocy ... C . 15t\Vaterloo, S . ... Ieaac .Mdten .... L 457 tKingeton . . .. J. H. Metcalfe .... C. 24~ tWf'lland ...•. Col E J. Morin L. 293 tLambtoo, E Peter Graham .... L 239\Velliogton,S .... Oonald Guthrie . L. 571 fLambtoo, W .... (;. Mackenzie. .. L. 66u t\Volliogton, E .C',ol C (;l.rke ... L ace Lanark, N ... W. C Cald•ell. L. ac< W.-llingwn, W .. A. S Allan ..... L. 297 tLr.nark Wm. LeM ..... .. C . tiD +Wentworth, N . Dr. J . Mao\lahoo. L. 468 . tLeccle . ' .. T>r.RH Prcttoa .. C . 34id\Ventworth, S Nichol ... Awrey L. !09 i Lennox . ....... \\'. W. Meacham C. 103 York, .Ea•t ..... G B. Smith ... L. ~~ 1

Lincoln (L,bor) Wm. Ganon ... L !.~York, Weet .. Dr. J . R. Oilmour.L. 181 I tLondoo . .. W R . .Meredith C 223tYork, North . E. L. t>avle . L


t l.temben of PArliament. Lib..ral• 611 and (;oMerntlvee :13, aad I lode ' deadeot. 90 members. f Bye election•. -

I-- =

9th Month.] SEPTEMBER. (30 Days.

·I Chatham Dlatrtct. :; ~I bun ~un ~lo nro :llooo, • 0$. ,,,f11 ... u ·~·Ill PhiiH,

h . .., h. "'· h "' ~· :.!!, 681> s ·~ :! T .... ~' • ll l ~ .,

a w 5 ;!\ II 9-~ 'I 08 ~ .... ~ T r. ~~~ 118<1 I) &'I

lA~·· :1.: ~·~ r. •• :.u II 211 10 II tw e :; S'!ll H!7 10 :.1 1!.".0 7 !Its 580 0 :.\ II BS '!~·· ~ )I

llo ~· nt:l mora . .. .... • SEPTEM BER. !5! II T &3:! IIYI o ao ~>3 10 VI an • 19 tr. Bee no,. th~ wtU·t&uaht p<;lnttr 18<1 l.he ••r. 2.'4 II T 6 • • II 18 t !!S The oee~& I'<O• ..... ,.., ; he 1to11: be·~""£' tht' J"O) ; !.'16 ·~ .. 6 llll e 111 310 Tbo HuUerlDIC oo• e) o from tho atutoble r iM, l!$ti 19 II 637 • 14 4 Zl iii.:.:· :. And on 11•111 wing d1>ld1 t~.e IOUDdlDJ tlrlee ; !.~7 H j lh~ IS8

0 · ~ ISO The ac&ttorhoJ leaoi rurau .. tbe c.rlaln li&hl, ~ 15 M li Ill e tu ..... And death In lhundtr o•ertaku th•lr "'Kb&. 2!i!l •• T II ~0 • 8 7 40

~'0 I '~ .... & U II e 803

:!til Ill T 613 II 6 IIIII The troul eeaaon't open. au.l aponan.en now loolr • ~i"? lH •• b 44 • 3 II 00 For a then~ to behke them to ""me puriiDJ broc·lr, :!ll:l !0 II 5 45 II I IIS\1 Whe11 the A.h, 10 lh< '1 a&), •l ulc~ ly jurup a& the hoolr, 1!1·1 ~· 5 40 6 loO 10 l?7 Fini ;j, Thou,b •here ll may be- • ell, ~all)·. ) OU - - 2llS ... 6 47 1 17 11:!0 TIH-7 don'. llLe to rhel• a\\&)'. ~'1:.<1 1!;1 II IR 6NI morn.

:!fiT 6 ~0 li M OliO With onallttle 8oh lht'1 return bome at ~liM, !fill !1 60 ~ r~~ I 6! And lor r .. aona ~ult. prudt nl they lr••P I' lrono altrht, ~10 6 !,1 a r.o au Bu' toll ol the •l•e oo lt\l•lhan, •Iuiie- r.o C.63 r. 48 4 so FUJI· :··

I No douh& It lo ao- but oou:.cho .. , )OU know 271 114 6f1 5 49

Thty don'l like to trh·t It o .. oil{ h. 27~ 6U & tll 706 !73 566 !I fa 8 ~'() --

I :!li Tm: K r.~ r CoUNTY A..'l'NT u ~·on 1890.

T HE TRADE OF CANADA. Aooording to the lut publiehed official return• il ·- Exportl 100 203 000 · Jmporta

!I HI, 94,630, on which t.l'l,lt-7,86(1 duty wu oollectefl. The a~ere~t~ du'ty ~r centl~ on the total nlue of import! entere1l for conaumption-including free goode, ia about Ill%: per he&d of population, 14. t6, and the coat of collection, 0.. V,.

Our principal cuatomera are: Great Britain f-&0,000,000: United 'it.t.te~ fiO,OOO,OOO: Sewfoundland ll,JOO,OOO: Rritilh Weet Lndiea $1,.300 OCJO; Brazil and South Amtri· c•, 11,500,000; Spt.olah Weat Jodie~, $1,000,000; Fran:e'and (.ermany, 1600,000 udall othera i-1,000,().)().

We buy from England $40,000,000, from the United • tat01 148,000,000, Fr~~~ca $'!,~,000, Germ&Dy :.!,400,000, Britiah Weet Indiea ~l,OClO,OOO,. paoilh Weat Iodlt~~ $'2,500,000, Braxil and South Ameriu 11,000,000, China 11,000,000, Japan 11,000,000, Newfoundland 1500,000.

The Dominion poMeNee about 13,500 milea of R.ilway, nlued at ;30,000,000. Her o.nall co-t f-')(),000,000 and p11blio worka $17.\000,000. The grou dt ht Ia about 5'29(1,000,000; net debt f2-l0,000,COO; Revt'oue ~40,000,000 and the average inter01t p.~id oo debt 3.45 . The peid up upital of Cau•dian Banka Ia 800,000,000.


HOY&. For Canada Point.& and For Newfoundland 111d

the United St.t.tee. (heat Brltaill. Let ten ..••... • ....•.... 3 oenta every ounoe • • • . .. II oente every Mif OtoM~ • .. • • J'oet carda .••.••.•••.... 1 ceot each . . ..... . ..•. 2 centl each .. . •..•.• •. · · 0~ prlnted cl.rculara ..•... L cent each .. .. . . ....... ,2 centl each .. · · • ...... · • · Newept.pera, .tc . .......... 1 cent every 4 oze ....... I cent ever~ 4 ora. .. -- · .. .. Letter ~gittratlon ....... II ceota each . ............. 6 cent. eac ... · ...... · .. ..

Local drop !etten I cent each; drop newapapere l cent each anJ tf under I OJ. mt.y be mailed w any Canadian poet office for i cent.


0or l1TIIIa. brJI Cl l"o ... I i.nTIU ~~nllt•UU t'or .,.1") c.... ror -"

- --- ---- - - - • hAt · -I· 5f b 2(;.-1 Ceol&.-1-'or Europe generally, Turkey, E~yft and ~ort nca. eo · ·

Weetinaiee (ucept F'rench W .. and St. Uartholome,., 2

• " Cuba, Hayti, Bermudu, Sandwich blan~•· Jal:.n1 3 ,, ~lexioo, Central Am. Statea, New Granada, Uolom 11,

5 \Veat Cout · .. .. .. ·" .. · ·" .. · .. · " 10 B '1 Guianu Honduru and Ptru.. -- .. · · · · · · · · · ~::~r'ndiee, Ceylon, Burmah, H~ng Kong, Stralta Set· 10

tlementa, Singapore, Java, Sumatra,, &:c. ·-·;·· · · • " Aden, Peraia, Mau~tiu_-, Zanzibar, Afncan \\ Ht u~ 10

Oold ('out, Ltbena . • ...... · .. ·" · · • · · .. • · 15 of Good Hope Nat.t.l .. ... · · .. · " .. · -•.. South and Weet A.;.tralia and Figii Ialanda · • • · • • · • d 1

Now South \Valee, Victoria, Queell.ll&Dd, -~~-~-~ 16 " New Zealand . .. ·· · · · · · · ·: · · · ·

• Additional charge made on delivery.

2 ., 'l ~ 2

2 H 2

FOREIGN MAI L ROUT ES. Q bee Ha!Uax everyThuraday,

Maile for Great Britain and Europe leave either ue or

ud i:;~~o~!r e~~?~i~nN~:1z:t.~~~r::. ~~!::i.~!~t~d~~:~!rl~b_w;; ~ San f'rancilco ooee a month; ~I.o ~~h~~~fPID6m& and ~uth Amertca, Beri:c~d:t.~. fortoightly

1. d~tr.f:nt;; ~:·~~;.. .. y of J'\ew York tLewice 1 f ~S~ .Jo:hnthNe~fou.!dtand,

the Weet n ta ' h II I portent onea. ttera o • b• ti t place and

li'eu:~~~':~~rtt:~'~!!;tin~~ rt:J:~ 't:rv:u~U.:rv;Jrt~":t ~:=":;w t·~~~to~fd d:.! once a month for the otd~r:· by way of New York or !'lao ranc Brit.!n. Lettera inteo .-u to go addreeaed· - .....,..;

= J

10th Month.] OCTOBER. [81 Days.

b.m h.m b,m. & 67 6 U 7 Sf 6 6S 6 8\1 808 66{1 6 8S s ca e I 68e G II

~··q·.: tl I 6U 10 y~ II I 63:! ll17 Cl • 6ll0 IJIOf'D • 6 6!11 017 II 1 6!7 1. • a 616 IU • II 6!31116 e 10 612 6 18 lilt 6!10 611 New ••• I IS 6 16 • 17 IIH 617 ..... , e u 616 700

, II 17 6 11 718 e 18 61t BU I 1G 6 10 I to OCTOBBR. eto 6 • 10 u

;;~ q·.: Alae I 'U. Autum11'1 wlar tllat broodetb bore, en 6 7 use eta 6 6 -a. ········ The lueor.!J eooWa11 wllb a r oJdra ebow eu 6 • 0 61 ''fl. Aokmo'e wttall' \ba' atle UM burdened air, eu 6 t 107 etT & 1 au Blf ._,. UMt malto tbo tll• er bro.h o'or8ow ; llta 6 0 • co Uor melaaoboly Unll'" •••I'J biU , e ao C 6il 666 FU!i:::: n. loe' allertaooo of •II Gowen 'ba' bloor, Ill • 67 .a-. l'boeoace *ba• otber 1Jd11 O.lld • all171 411, er. • 66 102 en ... 11110 llbo.lll .. •• • •o.oo.nt bomo, a ...... lor Wlcter' e eoow. ea. ' " 7 t t



Embr&e• all pamphlet., occ .. ioual J•uLhcalloup, pnnW<l circular., pn~• cu;rtat, hand-tnlla and other matter wholly au pnnt, and pt~elo.•a• ot -.Ia, butba, roota, acao111 ~nd gralta, pattern• or nmplc• 01 ~oot11 auu merchandtM, on whach the r•te of pottage II ost. et..'•T t·o~ t.A\ 11 I uz~. or lr.o.ction thereof; alto all IJ:.ok and newepaper 1040u ICI'III~oot; vnut<:ra pruol &hll<lta, wnotb r corr«t\S<J or not; mr.p.t, pranuo, drawan11e, eo,rav lnl(l, htno!)r&ph•, pbotograpua, when not ou glau or an cu. .:ontaauan{l Ill"" · aoeet !nuau.: wlu:tbor prwt.ed or; Jocument.t wholly praniAid or wnu.en, IUtb u deoda, anauranc:e poh.:at~t, \'Otera' het.t, matatla and .chool r .. turu• or other docurnenta of a like naturv, ..,.,1 all other miecell&oeoua matter not othc-rwaae e:rpr-ly provaded for oa ...-bach the rate of poatag41 •• os& Cli!\"T •·vK .r.wu 'l <•z,;. or !rOLe Lion thereot. '

fhe ~11-":ellollleoua l'uat ooly av1-1tu "' l:a1111da a11d th41 Urutetl ::,utee, Great llritaia not &<iuutlwi traDIIlllMIOn of m~tlaneoua matter aa auc h ; lJut the 11reater }J&n ollht lilt nuder that beading may IJe lorwarded to the Unatt:d 1\wgllom by liook l'oat. l'tockell to or frum the United ~~tel auu Cot.oada are eubJ~>Ct to t11u Cuewma o: eACh couotry­parucularly 11 packet.t are over the valuo of $1. ~ucda and aucll lake lor tra.uamlllion to tho Uoa!A:d ;')t&toe, mu1t lMl eeut by "Sr.mple l'oat." All ptcketa muat l;e aent tn ~.-oven, open •~ the end• or aidot, or oth111rwiee ptu Ui> eo u W adtntt ot oootenta liean11 examined II D~ry.

'l'he hout in &iz:e i• :Zhl'.! inchot; of weight 4 lba.; rot.tee u r.IJOve.

BOOK PACKETS . }(ay contain whatever may properly be conaidered W claea u b lOk matur, iucludinjl

any number of eeparate bo~ka, pnoiAid publicot.taoue, mapa or priou, phowgrapht, <fh.,. nut ou glau or in framet oooi&Jnlni glua, drawtoge, engravauga, lithogrr.plll, and eheet mu&ic whether printed or wratteu.

Book packet. proper, applv ouly to and IMltween l'•uada and the United :)r.atee; but moat uf the matter under ".utacellr.ueoua l'a~ket" tor t;r.,_G llritaan auu some countnel 11 covered by,•nd may be ~at under, thte he•diog or cl&~~~-ID paruc~lar, commllrcial •nd legal pot.pere, deed•, oopaea of deed., way· tJIIIA, bula ot ladaog, aD\·oacea, waur~ce docu· menu ud otber documeot.t of a merc•nttle charot.c:ter. l'..cketl between C..nada and United if of the value vf il or over wtll ~ IUbJect to cutoma dutaea: l'..ckell muat bo put up in open o.:.overe ur in auch a muner aod, futaned wath twane, ""wtll enable the poatmuter to uamaue cootent.t it duired. . . . . .

The rate of poatage for C'aoad• ~nd the Una ted :'!t&te._aa osY. cr_,T fOR ~HoP.\ ' ozs. UK IKA<.'I'WS THf.tU:OF, the limit lU IIZe coOhDI!tl tO :!lxl~ IDChUI; of weaght il liM.

for t;r~t Hn~.~oiu (and aume other European plr.cea) the rate of poataae II 2t'L'Tl> for fir.t ~ 0'-t. and u,... t: CMiT for e\·cry auccoed~ :.! ozt. or fractaon tht~reof; the limit 1D

1ize I~XI~ iuchee; ol weight J lb•.

PARCEL POST PACKETS. ~lay oontain closed lJli<·keta of legal and comm•·rcialpap.·r. &eoerally (i~cludiog baDk

paa· book a) hook• IJ"uer•IIY, d•guarrotyp08, photographs, w,ntton or pnoted ma~er, retur01 aud allli1te traoemtatwne not betug atractly letter.. gl.-, apectaclee, c. • if carefully put up may be acnt under tbill head.. • • . • . . . . ht 5 Apph~>~ to Canada only. 'Jh.,limlt 10 au:e 11 coo~ed to lhl:lwch~ • 1D ~~tl lba. '1 lao rate ot po1t.age il ti ccnta every 4 oz.a or frr.ctaona thereof. Reg11tr&tiOD ·


l'ackot.a may contain hom' Jid• pattern• or .amploe of IIIOrc~audill(l(; ec4•· ff::t Oour, druga, a.nd emtill h .. ~Lrtt?lot if carefully put up. h ~pr::,e:ur:; ec~n:; ~;able to Brita10, and moat countraea. ~~~ artacle can be sent wh:~h • ;;..y exa~iuation of con· cuatoma dutiea. C'overa muat be of auch ,. oature_ aa W a .0 "

0 1 be eucloaed.

tent.t by tho poatmutor. N'a'!'e of ae'?cler, ~n~ praco of adtac~e or ~m~ ;.::~,"C, mrt; ct.~T For C'..nada only, the hmat 10 weaght 1•.• .! j ' ·:u ;~.~~~::the limit ill! ouncea in

1.~1, rot' K ut:'l:"-· J{~:giatrataon fee :-IC. ·or t e 01 •

weight and the r~Lte 10 ceuta per pt.eket. r · · ·eight il, ouncee; l''or ( :reat Bntain r.nd foreagu countrita lleoera!ly, ~·et ~~~~to~~ :Oct tbcrcaft.,r o:-t.

o! •i7.• ~dx:.! iochea and rate~ ol poatage ~wo cunll 6 or n: fo~ fin~ iz ot.a. and thcroafter CI:;.ST t'OJ-111:\'KR\' TWO 01-~. i'or \.'UDJIUerCatL) papcl.. Cd 1 cent overy :.! ota. ---- ----- ..---


ttth Month. ] NOVEMBER. (30 Day s.

FALLING LEAVES. Tbe li)'IDJI~tel 1•111-.t, Cbel&au*. willow, oall &D.t beeob,

All browo aod withered lie, !low ew~Uoc in abe ooUiq blut, Now l.rod<IM uoderlooa-U.e) &aacll

That ooe aDd all m111l die.

Tbe laa111>1d IDioke. o'er orcbarda browo &0<1 bare, Aod I eat nrew o "'"'"' t.d trllcl a, Owle l&zUyiDto the lh ld air, Fro~~:~ hom11 by yellow etaolu.

AD Dature -mUll held ID deep eu.peDM, Ae lbe lmpeadiDJilorm-

Now dftwiDJ DMrer aod DOW .,..,.lor beDc­AieumM oo 11tUod lonn.

B1c drope aooD pl.m oo &bo rutay ro&d, Aod bure .. lbe pul up ••tua11:

Tbo we..ry laborer -k• hie 1ou,r abode, Aod rtoom d-odeoo all,

J .: I ·j Chatham Dlltrtct. !; : ~ t !; t l>t~ ><u11 .W IICI.'f Aioo~·• :..::.~~~~~ ~~ 3113 1 8 8 311 4 61 10 ••••.•• SOU t .~t~ II 87 4 60 II Gr. ....... . 11r. ~ a.t e su 4 ·~ to 04 , ••••••• SUS 4 T II 40 4 H 11 0:. Lut qr. liO'J 6 w • 11 4~ 4 to mora. 310 II T I 41 lS 4 H 0 0 au 1 r ti H 4 ., 1 to lllll 11 41 4~ I I! ! II

11 II :;~'ll II 47 4 U a 17 aH to Ill e 48 4 10 1 u 116 11 T e 411 • Ill .. w. 31~ II W 0 loO 4 17 6 02 ~··~"':: •11 II T II 6t t 311 6 18 lll It F 41 fi3 I ~ II Ill s1·• u 8 e 61 1 ~ 1 u S%0 Ill Stll 41 ~ 4 II 8 14 121 17 Ill e 67 4 13 II U 3!:! 111 T 41 ~ I 82 10 ID 123 1t W 7 00 4 II 11 foG Fim"q; 8:4 10 T 1 1 1 110 mora. iW !1 P' 7 :t 4 10 I It 11%1> u 8 1 a 4!!1 tts 1!7 :!S ll•·x 7 4 4 !S I 17 :J2S U M 78 428 44~ 3!:1 ~ T 7 7 4 t7 8 Ol ..... , •• 3*> Ill W 7 I 4!11 ri~LFall ,,, SSI "n T 711 lit16Jt 13! - F 7 10 4 U 6 69 W 'Ill tl 7 U I:,-. 0 ~.; 3U 30 Sl H 7 " 4 ~.. 7 :.o




-------==--------------~ MONEY ORDERS. C.ol t>AD.~. -Money ordera are iaaued for an .

ratoe :-If the amount doe~ not exceed If 2 Y 't:mfnot e;ceedtng $100, at the following 10 oente : tlO to 140, 20 cente. UO to 160• 30~~~. M~to•.!0° 1~0, 5 cente ; flO to 120, cente. ' • • • ~ , 40 cente; $80 kl fiOO, ro

GRLt.T BRI TAIN, Us1nw STATE~ N . . AI76TilALtA. -Money ordera are ill8ued K".:.OUNOLASI>, EOJU)f' lt 0E!'IKII.ALLY, INDIA .tl.tfD

lowing rate&. -lf not exceeding in fLOnto•mou.~t. n$o2t0 exceeding f!;O, at tbe fol-$50, 60 cente. • cen.., • • 20 oente; 130, 30 oent.;

Orden payable in Norway a.nd Swed D It Ro · aubjoot to additional chugea accruing in tra::lt o;~r;:~ ~rriv:l~&al& and Auatralia &re

For ev.ery eh~lling atcrli~g, 24 cente; every franc, 19.3 cente and for 2..1 8 oente ll requtred to obtatn po•t office ordera payable in th- monlee. o'·ery mark,


. All mail m .. tter muet be prepai~ and properly directed. Letten directed to initial. for tnetanoe, J. 8:, Toronto P. 0. wall not be forwarded by postmaster, being unmaiJ. affible matter; bnt U addreaaed J . S., 14 Kirk street, Toronto or to the number of a ~V~At o oe box, they will be forwarded. ' r-·

Letten once poated cannot be recalled; they beoome the property to whom addreued.

Lettera addreued to ., firm may be delivered to ally member thereof.

. Letters may be re·directed &nd forwarded without extra charge if inatructiona be gaven to the poetmaeter to that eiiect.

Request letten-letten on which are printed "If not delivered or called for within 10 daye (or other date) return to (addre~~~ given)" wiU be oornplie8 with by the Depart· ment, bu.t can only apply to lettera poatod in Canada or the United States. Regiat.ered letten-w spite of a requeat-c&n only be returned llhrough the Dead Letter office.

Lettera &nd mail matter addreaaed to Government Department., Heada of Depart· menta, .to., at Ottawa are free, 110 are letten for Pa.rliameota.ry officiala and membera of Po~orliament when in eeasion at Ott.awa.

Writing ineide of newepapere will mulct the addreeaed for letter ratee; new•papera however, may contain marks calling attention of the ~rty addreeeed-aay, to aome par ticular paragraph or advertiaement, &:o.; but thia pnvilege .,ppliea only to ~:~ewapapera for Canada Poat Offic811.

Poetmutera are not authorized to open letters, tell aboat them, give information concerning aenden or the P . 0 . from whence aent, nor muat he Opc!n and read newa· papera. He may, however, open newspaper• if he hu rea110n to auapect that they oon· tai.n e.ucloaurea, but muat carefully refold an1 re-&ddreaa the same.

The Poat Office departme~:~t ia not reaponaible for tbe loea of Regiatered letten, but their aerv&nte are, U !oat through their negligence or atoleR through their oonnivanoe, and il bound to proaecute th11m.

Money P. 0. senden abould alwaya obtaw a receipt from the P. M. lor their regia· tered letter or packet. Payece of money orders mu1t identify themaelvea u auch to the P. M.; 110 must re~eiver1 of registered letters. Money for the United Statee ahould be sent by money order (not by registered letter) a~ in O&le of lo• of latter, little effort il made to recover it.

A poatmaater ia not legally bound to furnish change: he rn&y require that the euct poetage be tendered him in coin or atampa. But It ia expected he shall oevorthelell afford every reaaooable accommodation and treat per110n1 with courteay.

Mail carriers are bound to receive let ten off11red to them whil1t on the road betweea one P. 0. and aaother, U it is prepaid by 1tamp &nd the diataace ia one mile beyond a po1t office.

Oh~e or immoral booke, pictltrlll, photor~aph•, .tc., will be detained and not for·

warded. · h d The Poat Office Department hu ihe aole Tight ol carryillg letten; but the 1'141 t oea

not apply to letter• received by a friond from -one (MinDD for penonal delivery to a~~t~~: .... -

t2tb Month.] DECEMBER. [81 Days.

~: jJI ~s l CM.Uiam Dllt.rtc:t. 81111 1 llua Moo• IIIOOii't ...... 0 •

IUtM. lelt. a.-. P"-. ~~Q· ' - ---------ILa. b. m. b. Ill.

sr. I .. 7U 4 21 • 61 118 t 1' 7 16 4 14 II 61 S37 • w 1 Ul 42:1 10 60 :I 4 1' 7 18 4 IJ 1160 t.n qr,

6 .. 7 18 423 moro., 840, e I 7 111 413 1 01 141 7

·~· 710 413 104 JH • M 1 tl 423 s to 14! II T 712 41S 4 Iii au 10 w 713 4 !3 680

i-i~~: .. 145 11 T 7U 41S eu 148 u r 71S 413 ..... 34i IS • 716 423 e 01 148 14 S!• 7:1!11 423 7U 340 u lil 711 I 21 8!11 ~ 18 1' 718 • !4 II 47 161 17 VI 718 4 21 llo4

i-i~·~·r llll2 IH 1' 7111 4 25 morn ar.a Ill ~· 7110 42:. 0 ,. &54 20 8 730 4211 !Ill M6 !1 81111 7S1 426 ~ ~ 158 112 II 1 11 41!7 160 157 !S 1' 711 11!7 600 16814 w Tn 4tl 8011 .. , ..... 16016 1' 7SS ... rl- ......... -· p 7113 4111 442 rwl .... Ill 17 8 718 410 6SII

CHRISTMAS. Ill • Yl 711 4110 •• Ill! Ill 714 4 11 741

Tbe .,...itotloo of t~ Cbrltt!Me I..Un.J It aUrlbo'*' ... 10 TIU •n ... .., Po~ Ttlnpborue. wbo dltd A. D 1!8, aDd !tom U..l -II 754 4 S4 D 48 time l bu aJ••I• -o oz:e ol &~ IIIOil noted ol Cbrle-taln aol-•ltlll. At eru Ia ,... 1 be llloe$1D0nbiD ol lbe flltiYe t:J•· ol&u eoolouaded wl&b &be tplpbaoy, ud celebra by &be ... ttro oburchlllo AprU aod May . Ja

0 toonb cenlury Po8: Jullut l. ordered aa IDYIIU,.. >- I tloo .. so l!le day of 'brltt't oallvlly The rnoll of the Inquiry by the lbaoiO«Iaae of lhe Eul aad WNl ... ao a:: ::0 "'l'teellleal upon lbe l:ltb ol D-m!M.r. Tbe eblet a::

(fJ crouadt ol thtt d• cb•on •trt the tablu of tbe - •ort to LU _, the a rcbl•" Gf Rome ; aod, altbourb all tbe falhert did ~ aot eonelder lha' the proc fe were autbenuo or 1al!lcleoa, ~ lbe day ... uolfonDiy -.p...s, and from tha' lime &be ~ )> oaliYI' J hat l»en <elebn.lld by ehrialeadom (uotpa bJ

(fJ lbe Oretll: Cburcb) on lbe day. l& bat al10 *n a oommon tr&dhloo tbaa Cbriat wae hora abou\ the mtddle ol the n lclo&.

- -Tllr. KP\T COttNTY ANNUAl. mt: 1R90.

DOMINION AND UNITED STATES CUSTOMS T Ur.:;cJUJ'TJOs- 11., <lllm.s. ( ' ARIFFS. -----·- .orADIA'< DtTn·• u

\\'heat ..• , • .. •• .. .. • • • • !'JT•:ni'TATt~ I•PcH Barley · · ' · · • • • • • · • · · 15 centa rwor bo h 20- ---Rye. .. . . . .. . • .. .. .. . .. • . . . .. . l" r- I .. .. • ~~·per bush

• ••• • •• •••• U II :: ••• 10 It tl •

I ~~!:: :::::::::::::::::::·:::::::::· :g :: ..... : :g " " Buckwheat. " ... " ....... .. 7!" " :::: 10 :; " p ... . ................... . 10 ,. " I "

I o~ ·" • • " .. • ........ , .. • 10 .. · .. • 0 per cent.

I ~

! ·~· ··················· ········· - .. . ... ~ .. Flax a-.1 · "·" ·"" I.> " " 20 ., Agricultu;..i ·~;e'd," ·i·n bu.tki ·' '' • · ·' ' · 11~ " " :::: 20 "

" .. • • · · • • · · · · · ., per ceo t ·ro H

an packet a . . . . . . . 25 · · · · · · · · · · - " emp and Rape H-t I • .. · .. · .... 20 ,.

Potat.ooe.,.... . . . ·' · · '' ' '' · · · · · • · 1 cent per 1b · · · · · ·. t cent ""f lb.

T • ... ·•• •• • . . ''' 10 " IIi r-

omltoel. , .• , • , .. , , . , ... , • 10 " · · • • • • • • centa per buah. Vegetablee. ... .. • " .. " .. , " " ... .. .. 10 per cent. Hay · "·" ............ 00 per cent......... 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ..• ·ro " Beef and Pork ' · · · · · ' • · - " · · · · • · · · · t.! pn ton. Bacon Ham a, t~ · · ' ' ' ' · ·' ' · · · · · · · · · · ,,1 cent per 1b · • · • · 1 cut per lb. nutter · '· ' '· '· · • · • • • • · • · • · - centa per lb.· · ·· · · . •.! centa per lb Cbeeae··························· · · ~ " " .. . ... 4 ., .

! !I

Lard · ·''' · • ·' ''' • • · · • · · · • • · · · · · · .l " •• ..... • 4 ,. T11· ················· · · ······· ·· 2 "" 2

• 0Wo ooo oo •••• •••• • ••• 1 1t II • • • •• • 1 II

\\'ool, Combing, Value of:~: ·· ·~~d~~ 3 ., "·" JOe " " " above 30 ceata 'l ' · .. " • · per lb . and tt •,

Animala, all kin<la alive · • • • • • , ' " " · • • • · · 12c. per lb. and 12% Salt in bulk ' .. . "· "· • 2Q per oent .. " .... • 20 per cent. Salt in barrei

1' ·~ic""" · "" "· "' · S centa per 100 lba. ., !!c. Vtr 100 1\.oa.

L I • · · · •. · .........•. 12 ,, " I"·

urn Jer <nut cab' t ) · " '""· " " Farm Imp! :e . ............... lO per cent........ . I to '2 perM. We •on• an~mc:rrl~· .......... . .. . !l~ " ......... :l:! per ctnt. (' f B't . gee ......•. • ..... 3., " av ...... . . 1., " Shoa - .,'L~mm.oua . 't' •.• • •......•. •• 00 per ton .. . .. • • • • • itlc ptr ton ' cep ;:,atna, m woo Free '10 • U I 1 1' I ....... .. ...... 1 .............. . . }M'rt•eot F m ree~o< ou try ...•• . . • ....•.• , ..... .. .... , ..•.. , , . 10 ,, ' ,gga • · • • • • · · · · · · •• • ·•.• . . . Ftee Frle Hidee, untured . . . ... . . ' · · · · · · '•'rea .... ·" • "" • "· F · F d ··' · · · • · · · • · · • ~ · • · · · • . . . • . . . ree. utt, un rease<J, ..... . .......••••.•. ~·ree ...•.•. • .•••... . Free.

A pplet and J>eachu, green . . Free •' ree (;reen Fruita, enerall " .. · • .. "" .... "" · ', ·

\ 1 lg Y •.••••• •• ••. J:tree ...• , ....•..... l'ree .

. aogoee, Me ODJI Haoanae .to F'r~ F' CloHr "'od Timoth aeed ' · · · · · · ~ • · · " · · · • ·" · · .rce. S y • . .••. . ... Free .•. .....•.... . •. ~ree.

ugar l~t and Canary eeed ..... , • Free . . . . . . . . . . . • , • Free. Ainlfo and other herb teed a . • . . • . Free . . • . . . , .• , •. , .lt' ree ~~of fruit treee . . . . . . . . [t'rec . • • . . . . . . ..• Free: Treea, ~brubt, Plante, BWiht~, Fruit

and ornamental T~ • • . . .. . . Free . • ..... , • . • • . . . ~·rce. Cord wood .... . . .•. •• •• • ..•. Free .. , ............ Free. Loge, . . . . . • • . . • . . . • . • .... Free ...•.. , • . . . • • . . • io'ree. llanuree. • . • . • • . • ...• •• • • .•..•. Free .•.•••.•••.•... Free. \\'oaring Apparel ................. io'ree .............. J:t'ree. •settlcn' 1-:ffectl ................... Free ............... Jl'ree. Ani malt for impru' emeot of Stock.. Free.... . . ....•.... Free.


• locludee Houaehold Oooda, Jt'arm lmplemeota and wagona, &Jitl IICJrtU in ""by the eeUler, priur tu and at time. of mewing.

Jt' ree GuCJciM re<Jilii'CJ tu he enu•red at Cuatoma aa well aa I>utiahl11 (i Otl<lt . llood• or !olercbanc1i~e •hipped tu the li. S. rfotuirc a ( 'ontnlnr Cfrtificate. ( 'onMulnr •·c·rtificate is alway• uc•o·t .. tu·y,l<l ,,. .. UJt:<·<linK ~ot.ock ; uucl J,y the U. !:1. regnlllliunK entigtunt .. or aettlera' t'lll-c la- unl~u whea o thero h no CoMular A lo(CDt· in "hich caH! u~ntra' ntli. 1

davit be(oro a J.l'. will be autlkient. l:lhipmeotl \'ia U.s. fttr tllanitol a ntul llrltiah Colum· 1 bia do not re•tnire a Conaular certificate, but require a ( 'anacllnn ( 'us tum» Clli'Ufietl in\'Oice. rl --



Tm: Kr.NT UoUNTY ANNtiAL FOR 1890.



Prior to liOO the country lying weat of the meriflian of Long Point, and inclutlln' the State of Macbigan,

one of the four divinona Into which Lord divided Upper Canada in Iii>~. and waa at fint the Diatrict of Heaee, and aube~uently-in liO'l­the Weatero District, with Detroit u the Diatrict town. Bu~ iu tho year fint named the American portion of thia territory

wall under the "Jay Treaty," aurnmdered to the United Statea; and i~ li!lll, when ne,.· territorial diviaiona were made, the \Yeatem

Diatrict waa limite<l to the preaent boundariea of the countiea of F.e· eex and Kent, the latter including Lambton, with the .Judicial aeat. at Xandwich.

The County of Madflleeex, which Included J.:lgin, ~came part of the new or l..ondon District, with he.dquarten at \'ittoria, in Norfolk County, untill826-i, when a rediatribution of Dittricta was made and the Di•·

trict aeat removed to London.

The ~1uoicipal Act of IS4!l abolished l)jatricU., and gave judicial autono· not only to oounties, but municipal power to the townahipe comprialng

them. 1~ Elgin was attached to Middleeex, and Lor.mbton, ,.·hich ur to a late period ht.d been a part of Kent, and then for a few yean for politica purpoaea attached to the lat ter, and for other purposes to F.nex, when both became fully organ­ized counties in themselves. The older townahipe had been aurveye<\ and deaignated­fint by numerals-as early u li92-4, and the newer town~hipe of Lambton and Mid· dleeex in 1821 ~d 1830·5. There has been no material change \n the bound&riee aince.

It is perhapa not generally known that the Britieh title to this territory is legally derived from the Indian tribee through aeveral aurrenden. The firat of tbeae i1 by the Five Nation Indi&na, 19th ~h.y, 1790, aurrendering the tract of l&nd lyingweet of Cat· 6ah Creek and .auth o{ the River Thamea and Indian line, terminating at Walpole bland, 2,000,000 acrea: the aecood by the Chippewa Indiana, IBth July, 1822, aurren· doring the " Long Tract," a r~ge of townahipe lying on the north bank of the River Tbamea, from London Townahip to the Sombra line, 680,000 acrea : and the third, al.a by the Chippewa Indiana, ~th July, 1~27, aurrendering 2,200,000 acrea In Lambwn Middleeex and the old Huron Tract. Sombra Township- then 88,000 acree-had bee~ apecially aurrendered, itb September, li96.

SETTLEMENT. Except the email declining French colony on the Detroit River, which had been

eatablish~ by the French Uovern~ent with diabanded .aldien u early u 1750, there wu, until the cloae of the Revolutionary War, none other in the Weetem Pen\naula. But that event inatituted and hutened further B&tUement, and wu the direct cauae of atarting the tirat wave of thAt great tide of emigration which, later on, awept onr the whole country. Land had to be provided for the disbanded aoldien who had taken part in the war, a.nd alao for the l&rge number of people who h&d remained true to tbe British flag, and, with shattered fortunea, left from State couflacation followed it to ~i!'D 10il A new aettlement, 10 called In contradistinction to the' old wu e~tab­\iahed m Malden, at the mouth of the Detroit River, ~d in Colcheater, ~n the lAke

Erie ahoro; whilat a 11000ud waa located nor.r Cha.thr.m, oo the lower ba.nks of the Thame• RIVllr-tl!e I;; Tranche of Surveya ntl the "K1ounntsepe" of the J>rovided with lAnd warrant& covering 200 acrea of free land, &nd aaaieted with provl eiona and other Jneatlll when De<;eeaary, thcae patriote r.nd other• 10ttled in great num bert during that a.nd the next decade. The surrender of Detroit and l1ichigan in I i96, which loyal reaiden'A there hd hoped would have remained Britiah terntory, drove e.ddltional number~, wu.ny with me.ona, acrou the new boundary line, thu• 10 greatly iucreaeing tho area of the settlements that at the clOM of 1!!00 the frontage Ianda were ~senerally taken up, clearings conaidera.hly extended, ud the Mt.tlerl •joying 00111pva tive com{orl.

But beyond theee am all coloniea-aa ye' ...... lpt'Oklupon the lake ud river mar· gina ef tbe tl"&Qir.l- wilderneaa- there waa not a break in the whole virtnnal foreat oomprialng the Weatern District. Not eveu, for a det'&<Je or more thereafter, W&l \here a puu.ble road, and aoeeee to the aettlementa wa.a only obtainable by water jonmey• in cauoee ot.nd batteanx, or bv teaion• foot journey along the ill·detined Indian traila. There was practically no ioteroourae whb the Eut. .Maild came weet only at lntcrvala of three or alx month1, and tho whole trade product& and gent•rt.l intl'roatl of the varioua eettlementl treuded toward a U&troit, which wae not only the chief Ahrket lOwn, but, until 1796, the loo ,J aeat. of government Thia period m'y be termed the flrat, and wu one of a trial, self-denial and oonra11eou• endurance.

The aeoond period commenced in the comparative lull which foUowed the cloea o£ the grea' United J<;mpire Loyal tat exodua from the United !ltatca, ud properly datee from the advent of Colonel Talbot in 1~0:3 Under hie auapicea, aa the promoter ud &!(ent of the oolOIJaal government coloniBtion scheme, beat kn•>wn onder hie name, a continuous stream of emigration-thi• time including mnny old country people, particularly many

• Argyle Highlander~-wu fint aet in motion on the Lkke Erie shore of the Townehipa of Dunwich ud Aldborough, in Elgin County, flowing not unly,eutward but weetward, and although temporarily checked hy the outbreak of the 1812 w•r, reaching Kent County in 1!116, and ultimately extending to the R'lmney town line, following aa ite courae the !l'tnoua Tklbot Road, which generally preceded it, ud along which, chiefly in doulle linea of fkrma, the settler~ located. 1 ta progre8s. nevertheless, wa• deaultory, and &I little free from the dr•urbacka and diflicultiu which had be'ICt the e&rlier 10ttlement1. Owing to a hallw&y location, it wu C!JUally a.a iaolated and !elf depend en~. and poaseaaing neither tho convenient facilitiea of communication which the former enjoyed, nor tl$ ad•anta· f!OI which proximity to the m .. rketa, milia, and Go,•ernment employment at the town• of .l)etroit, ~&ndwich and Amhcr~tburg afforded, greater trial• and ha.rdahipe were prob&· bly experienced, a fiLCt which the hopeful but p&inful history of the Talbot Settlement leaves liUle d"uht.

Meanwhile a thlrd colony-the peculiarly inter<'~ting Jl&ldoon Settlement of Earl Selk,rk-h&tl been CJUietly and snugly ensconced on tho Chenil Jl:carta, in Dover, 1804. Silttlod princip•lly with people from Argylcshire, under what &ppeared r .. vorablo eir OUIJlStances,aicknC)se 1000 O\'crtook them, from whcch many died, and through other and

~ adve~ cauaea, the aettlen 1000 di•perlltld, a few of them to neighboring locatlnna nearer the ~t. C) River, At {)·!aware, \\"ardaville, and 10mo other pointe on the London aud Chatham road, a few famillea had already unintentionally laid, in their clearings, the sitea of future village•; but their number wa1 limited, and at the etoile of the 1000nd period there were properly only the eettlementa deacribed. All of them had l&rgely extended their nea. The Now settlement ha.d lon~ eince reached not only Ooafieldbut Merle& ; the Thames settlements now lined both Bi<les of the ri\'er aa ft.r 61\llt u the Moravian Reserve; and the Talbot &ettlement had advanced into Sou~hwold nod beyond. But they were yet compo•ecl of mere frontage linea, the rear concessions being aeldom occllpiecl much lellll improved. Still coneidera.blo progreaa was apparent. In tplte of the war o£ 18\2, in which all able bodied aett\era had ta..ken part, 80me to lo&ve their honea to ble&eh in f'>relgn land•, and which a.t timoa threatened their homc1 by its itnmodiate location -for it muet he ~memberecl skirmlah, battle and plundering raid a were ordinary event11 for ao,·cral year~ on the Detroit River ud Ri vcr Thames -in epite of this, impro\'e· meut w~~o~~ noticea.ble. :-\rn •11 clearing•, with the mode.~ cabin, appeared along the ~ver and highwt.l• _givlug evldonce of aucooaaf• llabor. At anternla, e.t adve.ntageoae pomtl at.<>od the "Settlement Store," or the inevitable tavern the one providing the needy aottler with little household nooel&&rica and a convenient market for the exehan~e of hl1 farm

In hili ~-· c<~oulne•l a populatwn 11f !l,2.i.), iuduclio~ :NI llur<•o ln•ll4n .. nti lOll Britlth 10ldier1 : J\eut 1,~'<2, iocludio!l td'; M~>ra,· ian lndrana ; l ... uul.tnn H)u ~hltea; Ktgln Weet 1,)!(10, an1l Midlll-'t about \!011, or at tlut d nse of 1''11\ 1\bnut "i ,Q4',~ all tuld. In Kent 11'A16x and 1.-mhton thue 11ere th~n forty arnret~, t .. vu ty t• •erna, ll\'e waltr · milia; 6~e dretillerlea, fourt~o echoola, an•l ~i1 pri~ata aattl t•rl'a~h<'rt , lu l ·:l~in th .. re •ere three etores, four laverne, one "riat n.ill and the .,;h••>lo. , '

S~tch wu the pcoeitioo c.f the Weetern lhetrrl'l ..-h«"n '""~ -.mtuta l.ea•n uf the founh -t ,,..., etreun 61 ell'li![I'Mioo, which at nret alowly ""''..ameooe~l o•n Ita w•twani c?ur.e ill the Mit an<leouth of Londoo, Rra<luatly utendiag (;bat ham WIOroil alcml( the 1-"n~ a...!, throlll(b Lobo alool( the l<!lo(remon' Ro"ol, anol oorth•artl iu the Huroo lfr~, penicu~ly in the lleC60ea IW:W..-10 &lld UH() ..MI, &he R.bellion period noepteo.l, i& e...-1 iJI torrenta ~er •h• eoare 060otry-&ton1J the river ba111&., _, ne_w hae, -"»o after oomoeeeioo l .. villlt ill time btat IMnall io\f'rvale of huah aeparaunr tbtl oilier aad orltciDal frontier eeitMIIliDta from 011e 1ooutbw. l'rn•lclid with ruada, eJ.ove•• · ••• -i.ta.ooe aocl aoperviaioa, and witll the atfvan~e of J>NistMhy to tho oldo;r •UI_ea .. , the hardellllpo an<l niala- ao rluabt aoltil'i4ttlltl' tryinJr~'lll·hieh were ap;trt · •oed by "" eetillll'll of thla period wlf'e uompenr.tively ligh~ wheo comp•red 11id1 'b""e ... VI(- by the pioaeer eettlen. r

In thie ~riod ar1- our ebief Towns. C:h~ttuun, a1thou~h aun·t) etl io J";•r;;, aml wr 10me yean enjoying a telllJl~'r&ry eettlf'ment occuionoo by the IOUtotiuou( at.o\CrDIIlt'ut ihlpyard anti military ol'th i•l11, ooly ebt~oinf'<l ita 6nt ptrmanent eetller, , in thD pera«..n of "\Viii" ('hryaler, in J, ~'0. ""hoeoacooee<l himaeU aodehantyoo thepiteof Dr. llolrnee' reeidooo;e, I..ouclHn had ouly ita firat llf'ttlera located in l'>~tl ill the pt>rlllln• of Anilre~ Yerex ~~Gel l' .\lct':ret;nr, the lattf"r erecting hie log ehanty - which eulho.;ed a• an bot41l - at the corner of King and Rirlout etreete. ~t . Thomu, with a much earliH uiet~nc .. , 'IJU IWIW a place ''of eome •loum hnu-, &lld of eome imporw.nco," Saraia wM atill ctlled by the name of the " Kapide," 1.111\ the arl\'en• of her !!rat ~ttttll'n proper 1111 U1 1113'.!.; ooe of the nnmber l>eina Pwneer t•eorge l>~tn.nd, '111·11<• Ol'eoJletl hi• ahanty 1tore at •ta• foot of the Loudon Road, and partly on the grounol omr o.·onpie•l by the reeidu~;e ol Mr. U~trd. Willdeor, if we except .\loy, the h .. diJDI.rt.en ol the l\orthweet Fur COaiptooy, only exietell u fiU'm boll- until I ·119, and ,Pft'hapot. more propwly. uuwl lK3'.!., the Dougall Brothen beiDg the promioaot foundera. ~ctwlch ud Amhtll .. bul'~ were " oreatllree of clr.•um.\anoe," for the former ro•ed ita •te.blieh~ent in lillti, w the removal there of the l>iatriot heedt(uarten from l~troit ; and thfl latc.r WM (oulld~td iu l HOO, when a fortitied aarrieon e.od na,·al ehipy~ord ,..eft' erect.e•l there. 1


The pl"'lll(!nt ~:eneration, ac..·uetome<l w the ~'Omforta an•l '!'on' eni~:ocu of the a.g'r, 0t.11 liave but little conception of the eevere hartlehi(ltl, privations a.nd l~oborioua toil which their forefathera underwent in the pion«"er timea. The journey f.rnm the Old Country, or even from Americtu1 poiota, wu alone a l!r«"&t unllerukiDg. Bere il the eonaition of an arriv~ol rJter euch latt...r tu1 occaeioo : "Hie feet were adorned •ish • of ehoee which ehowt-d m .. rlu of time and t~mPN,t and rent a of indt'pel;ldeuoe: Hie bro.skA, which juat concealed the abame of hie naketlneu, h•d forllW!rly been blAck, but the color, worn by ~oge, wa~ now iodeecribe.ble. 0\'t-r the coe.ree tow an!llinett ahirt bung a tlireadbar. coat, full of bolea ~o~~<l rente tu1d cleformitlu, and to complet.e tbe whole a ruaty hat, ita monetroua brim replete with notchee 1.11<1 furrowa, and grown J.iAip by altvo&~ intlillt.ioua of 1tonn1 and eunahin•. lli11 wife wu ar.-.yed I» a ragj(ed be.ite nijlht-aown, tied round her middle with e. woolen atring 1 her llMd aclomtd wiih a bonnet of hlaok moth·raten etuft', almoat devoured b)' the ttetb of Liu1e; her pe&t.ioorot, ~ed at the bot &om, diatinauiabed by a multitude of fi11ur.._" , • Jon

Arrived, the pioneer had no cleared prod active farm to enter upon. Jt Ia true the laud wu • fr~e ,rant, or ro•t at moet two or three •hUllnl,l• per acrt<, but It bad Ul 'be fought frum the fr>rut hy laborioua toil, io·wbicb man, women anrl f'hiM f'OSI&ed, Uld

:lti Tm: KKNT CoUNTY ANSUH FOU 1890.

at tbe aame time, a bare exiatence eked out of it. For protection from the elementa a mere shanty-an aggregation of loge and bark, without 'll'indowa or door, with a deer. all in bung over the opening intended for the latter, and a chimney for the egrua of amoke and ingreaa of light-had often to auffioe for yeara. Hia original implement plant would not probably exceed an axe, a large hoe, an auger, a aiokle : or, if better footed than ordin .. ry, - a aaw, a apMie, a wooden plow, plow aharea, ox yoke and chain may be added. Hie chief houaehold effeclll were a skillet, a pot, apinning whool an(l a aet of carda (not playinj( one., modern youtha pleue noticu), a log cra.dle an•l a aug~~or trough for bread tray. Uorn und vegetablea grown in the arnall atump·pltt.ed cle.uins waa the extent of hia reaourc~, unleaa hia labor on the older f&rma, or at Detroit, ouldtu aome acanty addition thereto, in which cue, in the huaband'a absence, tho women and chit. dren remained the aole occup&nta of the little foreat horne for month a at a time.

And a llfe in the buab bad in it little of ro1n~nce -w.u not one for nervoleaa ch .. rac. ter. The lle~p ailenc~ prevailin~ w.n at tim" unbear .. ble. Between uwd•J.uitoet •ntl the am>king punk, ne.:enary t~ deter their atta~kt, the summer night• w .. re a cootinu ed penance ; the visits of lndtau., aornutimes b<Jl<l and &uu .. cioua, were ever, evom if withou~ jult cause; anti danger from wild beasta w&l evor present. \\'olve1 were a terror in tbo land, and at ce•·t..;in ld&IIOns, no worn'ln'a life, much le&! ch•ldren'1, '!l'ere asfe, who got belated after nightfall Sbeop it wou alm<>st irnpouible to r;t.ise, their livet being unaa.fe in the broad dr.y, and •II young no~k h&d to be securely penned at aundown. Often, the night waa made hitleoua by their unel\rthly howhng &a they prowled t.round the encloeures, or tried to atampede belated c&ttle, which, alone aucoeaa· fully defied their aanulta, by forming circlo-cal"e' ioeide -and showing a front of low· ering heada and borne to the r .. venoua brutea. ~<l deatructi"e were their depredations that legi1lation early became neoesaary, and a bounty co.lled "wolf sc•lp warr•ota" or oerti6catell, of the va.lue of $6 00 was paid for wolf ac.~lp aecureu. l!'rom a mom· orandum in tbe boolr.a of the late John D"lseo, J. P .. Do' or·, 'II'& re..U: "H!3t, April 25, iatued to Archibald 'l'homaoo, one certificate for wolf acalp ; May l!lth, iaaue<l certi­ficate for five 1calps, (and on same date) certiticate for two •~alpe killed on l~th. C. Clr.ttier aay• th•t Tbomaon h11 killeu 23 or 2~ wolves in all up to tbi» time thia year."

The ordinary food waa cornmeal (aometimea Uour) and ve6et&t>lea, with auoh g&me aa waa occuionally killed. Tea, augar and me&t were luxuries, the former .. etdom uaed, except oo Sund&ye. Coolr. 1toves wer~ unknown, the b&king being done in htnall Dutch ovena or in oven a made of mud; a rod stretching &cross the ohimney. auapending a chain with a book, on which 1wung the bellied pots, 1utficed for all ordinary culinary purpoaee. Rand-carded, hand·apun, hand·woven and butterout·dyed woolena formed the better olothing; aheep and deer ak.ina, totr -linena and Iinsey• the ordinary and every·day wearing apparel Corn and grain, in the absence of ~~;riat milia, were grcnnd with hand­mill• or pounded, in morta.rt1 formed out ot the head of tree atumps, and the cbatf w&a separated by the children'• lunga or oo ahoota blown by tho breeze.

It waa a period of self.denial and frugality. CILilh w1u scarcely a\'ailable- baroly aufficient to pay taxea or the very amall l&nd inatlilmonta- and auch producta aa would realize it were boarded up u if gold. Barter WAI the sole mode of exchange. To pur· ch&IO the amall bouaobold neoeaaltiea, farm products or labor were given in payment. Lon!( journey• to the "Store" for the aimple•t 1.:ommodity, and when the va.lue did not exceed a few pence, waa an almoet every day occurrence. It wu one day a roll of butt .. r to buy a pound of aalt, another day, two or throo egga to buy a darning needle and ion­other day for a bag of flour, which the aettl~>r often carried home acroea hie ahouldtra. An old man from the Longwood• walked the distance to I<'ield11' bl&ckamith ahop in Bar· wloh, to h&ve hie plowshare laid, returning tho &a'lle de.y-a journey ot 50 milea. Then, a buahel of salt ooat eighteen buahela of whut, a yard of cotton one buahel, a pound of tea $'2 or $3, and plow.irona 62! conta.

Travelling •a• done chie8y on fo'lt. It waa seldom new aettlera poucaaed a horae, and aa for wagona few r<"da permitted of their uae ; there W4S not fifty of aucb veblclee in the whol" \\'•stern JJiatrict u late u 1830-aa a matter of fact, there were only 2.3 in Kent tmtl L.tmbton in lilt2 To perform logging and farming operation•, oxen were l(enecally employ.,d, and, u far as the new 10ttler Willi concerned, for •11 pur· poaea u well. Stone-boat~~-& tree crotch boarded over wu at once bia wa~:on and <-arriage. Roada, aavo iu favomble seaaona, were almost impaaB&hle, u.nd oven l•te in rho eighteen forth•a it wu no uncommon occurn-nc(• for tbt• Rny~tl ~!ail etngf', with its


!' (

I -

TnE Kr.NT CorNTY AN"Sl'AI. mn 1X90.

four hor~~ee, to get thoroughly mirl!(l. A few of the abler eettlen may have owned a epan of ho~ ; others & riding horM--Iadica often rode aatride- \..ut " ahank'• naggie" wu the popul&r animal. )farriage couplea often ar.companieJ by a train of frien<la, travel. led Jon~ Jiat&noea to the nearcat minister. A Raleil!h yeoman and hie atlianced, y,·alked the entire distance to Vetroit and back, ale.-pioj,( ()ver night in a hollow log Md rMUm· ing tho journey in the morning. A Romul'y bean, on hie way to Chatham-upon the •m• erran•l - ferried bis bride over a Har-wich twale mounted on hi• thouldcn. ,Jury men from Howard and Orford, often from eht"er nece11ity, walked to and from the Court at ~an1lwic:1 , receiving neither pay, food or accommodation, if we except the paltry pe111uiaite of twentv· tive ceota attached to each cMe, upon which they may have l&t a• jurymen. Bnt, il journey• on foot were a nececel8ity, there were amelioratin~ advantagee. The doon of many hou•ee were never barred ; every traveller wu wel· oome to enter. In winter, on the main Iince of travel, in the taverna and many farm hou-, great firea were built aorl banked upon retirinj( to be•l. to accommodate the needy and impecuuioua who mi,~tht arrive during the nhzht. the morn in){ often u:poaing many arrival• curled up on the tloor, enjoying a aound tleep before the humble but com fortable hearth. Even when chargee were made, they Wf!re moat reti!Onabl&-meall, 12t oentl; bed or lodging, l~i centa, &Dd whiskey per gill, ,; centa.

Social intercourae, there waa little or none. A visit from a 'leighbor- not often a near one-nr a friend from a distance waa a rare and welcome occurrence- break in the uneventful even of foreat life. liut, at the cle&rin1"(11 cloeed upon one another, eocial amenitie~ and iuteroourae bee\ me poulble A popular form waa the "rlaoce," an event which, if in the backwoode, re11uiring littl" preparation beyond the "fixin1." which the "boy•" generally provided and diabur~~ed by instituting coon-bunta to raise che waya and meana (coon-akin being a cash commodity at the ttore); but if in tht'l front cle&ring, rCIJUiring previoue consideration and a rt>sort to the "cornen," for ue.nkeen knee troueera and veeta at 67/ (York mon11y), scarlet ami swan~ down veatl at at 50 '. dancing pumpe at 'HI, calico gowns at ~1.00 per yard, cambric waiwt, and ecarfs at ~:100 P':r vard. bo­tidee numcrout ribbons "ailver lace bow and hair h&m\s," as C~M~enttal rO<jUIIitea. Then to the mu1ic of the "Iiddle or bag pipes," playCil with 1\ll fervor and oonse<tuenco~ by eomo Celtic Pat or :-<andy, perched on hi~h in tome convenient corner, dt.n~e after (l:\nce in ondleu round continued f&r into the eurlv morn. The only interruption bein;; the frefptent vi.aita of the male dancnr~ to an a•ljuining room where thlly cngage•l t!eeply into the merita of Dolsons corn juice, aometimea to the detriment of puce, when the home eeoort of tome foreet belle bec&me in (jUCAtion.

Their po~.~times like the aurroundinge were ru<leand wild . ( oon hunts, ~-ock lighting rifte matchee, wrettling and ll!ticuffatifft. and later on, horae racing were popular inati tutiona. On all th616 occasion• whiskey wat ever preeent-ever the regular a .. :compani­ment. Nor wae ita uae confined to the croCia-roada; it formerl the " social beverage," ..qually of the yeoman, merchant. equir!', jud~e and pan10n Drunk aa a ~·tuire, WM a true, if net a complim~ntary eayin~: . The pl'rnici"u• hahit prevailetl at every "rMin" and gathering-even &t funerala, and "drit•king under the dead" wu a common obeer­vance. At the funer!M of a prominent otlidal per110o, '~<'ho died at :-Ially Ainee, the Mtt'd Indian woman, on the river, in Do .. l'r, even the presiding parson had to be propped up by friendly handt wbiltt he read the funl'r&l aenice, hie voluble tongue givin~ no evi­dence of hi~ paralized limbe Anrl it ia written that to secure attl'n<lance at the l'\abhatb ~rvillt'a, which be inetituted. Colonel 'l'all>ot found it ni'<'•Sa>Lry to ha•·e prl'aent a demi John of wbilkey. with which he rt>j;(alt'd th<.> ,,.Iller~ &t the close. " EbtlneLet Dolson, to :i gallon• of whi•k~y for Parson'• dMc<': Hett•kiah Wilcox, to:!~ galhn epirit1 for Gibaon'a funeral, 3:!, and for thare at H. Ball ·a dance, 10; and Thomaa Williamt, for eag-nogg, 6/, "because be wu afraid tl) fight," are cntri!'a in tb~ daybook of a merchant, of the Mrly aettlement, &~>d at once forminl{ intereeting items, and at e&mo time facta expreuive of the timea and babita of tho people.

Sohoole were few, poorly attended, aurl only open on the average 1ix months in the year. They were pt.rtly 1ustained by the DiatriC't and Government in proportion to the 11umber uf pupils and length of time open, but chiefly hy the aettlf'n, who boarded the h .. lf.paid Dominie r.t their homea by turns. Even &II late u 1'-10 a baker'• dor.en of vr,.achen tutticed for the apiritual wanta of the oomm•tnlty, the tyinR of marriage knotl, .. nd. the chri~tening of the reaulting olive branche8. There were a few Do.:ton, bot the habtet ""me mto the world without th.,ir att~iatanl'l' -and, 1trange to uy, with utonith·

~---------T_u_E __ K_~_:N-·1_·_c_·o_u_N_T_> __ A_N_-~_-u_.\_'_· _r_o_'~ __ 1K_'u_o_. ____________ _

inJJ suoceaa. U uleu upon special occasions the sick aett.leta 11till drenched tbemaeh•e.. wtth salta at 3i l <..>enta per dose, or had rccourae to "a. vomit" at aimila.r cost. A ooru­mon a.nd popular medicine was sulphur at 4 shillings ptr Ill. '!'he atrife- breeding l•'fo' · yer, with his exacting fees and privileges, was yet confined to $&ndwich.

MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. Municipal government, u now understood, waa unknown until lR .. O 41. Jtrom

varticipatiun in a.ll matte~ effecting the maDAgoment of local aff~~oira the ordinary set­tler waa entirely debarred. Tho ooulrol lay with the me.gietratea &ad their council­the l)uarur Sessions. The Je,•ying and collection of taxes waa under their juriJodiction, a.s was alao tho appointment of all local officers - even at one time poatm&sters-coneta­bles, and the licensing of tlwerns, di~tilleriea, hawkers, a.nd the regul&tion of tolls, etc Ae a P .. rli .. meut,.ry return of 183-t gives it, they controlled all moneys e~pended to coroners, jailers, aurveyorH of roads, consttthles, trea.eurera, deputy aherifia and prin· cipals, clerks of the pe"ce for fees llnd coutingeucieR. printing, bridges, roads, wolf 11C8lp certificates, medical men, wa~es for Members of I'~<rliament, and it might be add­ed, in earl1er timee, the reoommenda.tion of free grant l~<nd warrante e.nd the paraon'll preroga.tive of joining man and woman. It is true the pooplc did elect their own .\!em­ben of Parliament, as ttlso their 'fowushi1> Councils and Pa.rish officers ; but the pow~ra of the Councils were limited to the r~ullltion of pounds, height of fences, eatr&y cat ­tle and atone hones, boars ~;.nd bulls wheu at large, in se"on. The Clerk, A'iselll!Or a.nd Collector-obviously there w&a no Treasurer-were subject to the At Sand­wich only. It wu only at a. late period that Townships acquired full control of the 8ta.tute Labor, ita a.~aessment and expenditure. ,

Theee ~entry, whom Gnurlay the historie.n of their time~~ divided into four cla1!8ea, viz: 1st-Simple magi•tr~<tes-miodlesa, ignorant, ~10()(\ -mcaDing, hut afraid ; 2nd ­loyal-ml\d, half-pay officers, good-hearted, hut biiU!ed, and damn-Yankee everyborly; ad- ruffi&na, e.bonnding about tbe borders, unttCrupulous and dangerous, and, 4th, " 13ig Buga,"-ronfioed to towns-big cheaters, gorged merchlluta and ~ociety apera- these gentry Wl're in no way rcspousible to the poople of tho District. They recoive<1 therr ~<ppointmenb! from the Executive Council, and owod allegiance to it only. So one could question their authority, no one could call to <1neation their act•, and when peculation and mi1111.ppropriation were charged to them even refttgt>•l to fnrnieh sr&te mentA! of accounts, although demanded of theno at the rt>•tneet of tha Houae of Aeaembly.

THE COURTS. The {.luarter Se~~aiona, Uistrict l.'<lurt, and the poor man's .;Ourt thtt Court of

Re<tueat-were practically under the supervision of these aame mllgiatrates. Until 182'2, by virtue of their oflice, they were Commissioners of the latter Court. llow shamefully they allueed their po¥itioo~ ill a matter of politic~<l history and wae a subject of Parlia· mentary debate. Their rafiC;dlity f.,rced oven an unijcrupnloue executh•e to interfere, by the appointment of other and spcdal Commi~aionora. But the improvement was only temporary. The court worse than ever _ ,. mere vehicle by which Ctlrtain polit­cal partiaa.n cliques, compoeed of magistrates, tr~<dcrs and storolccepers,leg"lly plundt'r­ed the settlers &'ld their poorer customers. A (>.,rJi~>roentary report telltilica to that f .. ct and the hooks of that court in Chath~>.m furnish evidence that a certain Commi&oioner never acted in his judicial capacity except upon one occasion when a large number 6f hit own store accounts carne before tha Court. X or were the other Courtll above suspicion. Earl Selkirk h&d soma queer experiences with them, some <tucationable proceeding• at the Saudwich Court, and there ia yet freeh in tho memory of many old settlers, stories, of men who euffered impriaoDment, and wore plundered of their property, under 10·

called leg&! proce.s and legal decisions, but really threugh downright rtLI!cality. It wu the aame with the


Local rin.J(ll contrull~d tbem. s .. ttlere, who wl're t;ntltled to receive the l&nda at fin1t hands "nd curN-n~ rl\tea, h1u\ ofteD w "pay tributo to tho C.Nar" thereof, whi<:h ha.d anticipated (~ his •election of land, to reloaac tho riDA:8' prior (!) claim. It wu e.


pi- - an hon .. t lrJUr, of the ~Item i.Jitroduc:ed by Lieut. 1;o.,, Ru-11, when many of th~ Crown l'Atentl then f•uecl practically read. "1, Lieut.; llt>vemor Rua.ell, convey w you, Mr l'et~r Hu-11, gentleman," or ~rhapa to ••.J . Uummer J'owell, my trulty f.W.d" aa the cue m~~oy l~ -a eyetPm vutly improvecl upon nn•ler the rf'glme of the "f~Uy oompact," when thouaanrle of a•·r1011 of the bfoat l.t.mle whkh were ~uired aad de.lreil by actual aettlera. "·ere lavished upon thl'ir friPrula - not forgettl111 frie~~de­orljpoal heatle of well kno.,n f~~omiliea in the Wutnn And l..nn•lon J>ietriCU: It wu a loug ftght In the Alll'emhly "for the interdlcti•Jn of the rll1~al of lanil RraDtl to fa,·or· (UIII." Rut even whfon free (!l COinJHl!ition by puhJic a&)e wae attaine.J, johl*)" Wae not at.llot, aa the late Duncan }l oVicar, of Chatham Towr•ahip, lrarntd to hie 0011t. He foud tbl' adviot, "Appl,Y to ~!ac .. •ith my complirnenta.'' rnorfl potent thaa etaadillg upoD bla riahte .ad bidd1ng at the eal ...

Indee.l the whnl11 politic \! f •bric W&S rotten to the oo ro~ (:ovemment apJolaaa.Dt.a -jadlcial, and other, were given to frienila and P"'tlof the f uoJiy comJIACt, H•ui•nee, fttae• 1ond •tnallflcatione Wl'relittle con•i<lered - the poaitlou cotJ)I he farmed not . .'-ome famlllee had a eurfeir of otticea ; one pereon in the Weetern I>iatrict, r.lone heM live at one time; and It waa a! moat a rare occurrence when r.ppolntmenta were 1ingly held. Jaatlcee of the Peace were often pereona with little claim np<>n and leta rHidtnce in the Dlatrfct. Unl- In exceptional ca- the appointment• mArle were all of OM political bliii. Even the militia promotion• were of r. aimilar etripe an•l made unbluohingly over the head• of othera who ha<l eerved In the wau, to pete and favorites-often fawning ayeophanta- of family frlent!a. And thla Is no exaggeration ; it h a matter of faet , of re· oorrled hiatury.

h would be unfair to cl<\wi!y all Magiatratee ao(! Officiate uollu thia ; nor clo Ch- rern,rke J»orticululy apply to t'toee of the We~terra Uietrict. Of a. d11ferent oompluioo and beyond the pale of the rtog connection, were many honeet Joeticee ; bnt ~dirt oot belong to the ruhng clique who eo loog ran the local machine and caroused over their iniquity at the Handwich and other Quarter ~eaaiona.

Waa the reb111Uon of IR37·M justifiable! Whether i t wu or not, it, at all enmta, bl'ouaht gren.t bl'ne6te to the C"Untry, through the re•ulting Union, ~lunlcipd aod other 4ota of 11441. It the people reap<>naible government, an incle~nrlent Judidary ; h relt>gated the Juaticea to th~ir proper position, trauferrerl the control of local afT•ire t.o e Diawict Council eloctecl directly by the Jl"'ple, and aubetituted a Divieion Court, wi&h a preelding Jurlge, for the Magiatrate'1 rotten Court c.f Hec1nut. Aod 1ince rhen the Act of ISHl haa given ua the liberal Municip&l regime nuder 'll'hicb our local atfr.ira now managed directly by the people.

Fr..,.n a prim11val fo~N!t &a~>~X:t of coo~utr.v inolente.l in a few pi \ e M hy iaolat..d lt't· tlcll!ent c_lear1n~ eaeh with ito •~oty •1uot& ol ptnple atrug.;lio!( for a hare uie~nce u dep&r.ted 10 the prlk'ecling tket,·h, to one of aolitl cloarin~r of cultivat.e.t tielcl , comfort­~hle hon1~! en~erpri11ina ~1wns, and a n•Jmf'roue, p~oepcrou•, free. an<l conteoted people, a.e a U11011Uon 111 1>&rely en.ty yeara ecarcely ooncen·r.hle yet atnctly tree aa &ppliod to that part at leut now forming the famous County of Keut.

-1-0 THE Kr:-;r CoU;'\TY ANNUAL FOR 18!'1:>.

THE COUNTY OF KENT. Occupie~" rcntrl\l position in ~he lliatrict previ<>ualy tlescribcd iu

tho extrernu aoutb weatern end of the Ontano peninaula,-r.nd ia the chief, wealthiest and moat pupuloua of the aever10l oountie1 compria ing it. Bounded on two 1idea by water, by Lakes Erie and St.. Clair respectivf'ly, and intencoted by two nou·igable riveoa, and being the molt aoutherly land in the Dominion of Canr.dr., it enjoye a location of much climl\lical and commorci&l importance.

Topographically, with tho exception of the gravf') rid~~:e }Jrevailing in ae' er•l BYuthern to~ nabipe, and a •l•ghtly rolling char10ctcr iu thoae of the eaet, the territory ia aubetantially a level plain, ~ ith only aulficient elope towarda the weat to inauro thorough, and cont•ina an arct. of over 600,000 t.crea of land, of which t.bout

tbree.fourtha are improved, all capable of improvement, t.nd forming one of the fineat stretches of agricnltura\land either in the Dominion or the United Sta.tea

The lr.ndacape if a~t ia moat intereating r.nd picturesque. Univena.l luxuriance of plr.n.t growth and foliage, green fertile neld and orchard embowered farm hou-, ba.clled by a. ~ ea.lth of fore1t coloring, it• chief ICenic che.racteriatice ; and many a view, u aeon from the open ror.d stretches, 1loping elov&tiona of land, and &long the r iver benda p~nt picturt"S of lovelineu aeldom to be aeen elaewhere in the Dominion.

The aoil-generally a deep rich friable clr.y loam with cl&y •ubaoil, but in the river valle} I and prr.tri .. Ianda a blt.cll vegetablo mould underl&id with cla.y-ia most fertile, and, excepting t. few meadow lr.nds, excellent' for ptutur&ge, ia all e&pablo of cultivt.tion with very ordinr.ry labor, without acarcely eo much r.a e. atone to interfere with fa.rming operation a.

The· a. peculi&r feature of the county-is moat complete, r.nd, porhape, t. more thorough ayatem ia not extant in the whole Dominion. Thu Thamea t.nd Syden ham rivera &ud the numeroua creeks t.lfording line naturo.l outlet¥, whillt the construction of the mr.ny •ubst&nti<•l t.nd costly municipal draina which the fw.vorable Jay of t he land facilitat~, aerve r.a le~t.d .. ra for the indi\•idue.l dr&inllgo of the farma, all of which, with few exceptions, well drained or capt.ble of drainage. It m&y here be a&id thr.t in Kent County municipal drr.inage wr.a I:Jrat instituted.

Ita reeources-chiefiy r.griculturr.l- many and import&nt. J.'t.ll IUld 1pring whut, b&rley, oats, peu, rye, buckwhor.t r.nd other grr.in1 are raised r.nd yield moat abunda.ntly-in 'w di<trkt /,,.u,r. All the clovere. and graaaUII grow luxuriantly. Corn r.nd white beaua,-crops peculiar and r.ud limited to thisBCction, in Ct.n&dll are grown aucceaafully r.nd give great returns. Clover aced, another ataple product peculiu.r to the locr.lity, ia rai1od in largeljuantitiea; t.nd, until ita cultivation w&& destroyed by excise regulr.tiona, tobacco, waa a. protitable o.nd ll!lfe crop. \'ielda of 4,; buahela of wheat, 100 of oats, iO of ahelled corn and 50 of beans &nd b10rloy per aero in no way very excep· tion&l crops for tho better cultiv .. tcd farma; whilst a1 an average for r.ll Kent fa.rmt, the Government (;ommiaaion under the auspices of the Burer.u of Agriculture, givea 30 buahela for wher.t, r,o for corn and oata and :lO for l> a.nd bo.rloy.

!\or Jo theae particular crops limit tho productions. The deep open aoil pro<luooe great yield of potatoes, rnaugolda aud other roots and r.U vegeubloa; whilat tho equr.ble climate, owing to geoj(rr.pbica.l and e. half insular position, make it pouible, besides growing every known Cr.oa.die.n crop, to grow aucceeafully a range of others iodigenoua to more aoutbern l&titudea.

The range of fruit grown ie 11. wide one, aud comprises all tho beat varietiea of r.pploa, peara, plumt, peaches, nectr.rines r.od quinces, etrawberriea, gooaebcrrica, curranta, rupberriea, bl&ckberriea, m&ny varietier. of grapoe, tomatoes, melona, cauli!lower, colery, a.nd all common ' 'egctablea. Over 10,000 acres in orch&rda. Indeed, u the Agricultural <:ommiaaion baa exrrCIIaod it, .. many parte of Kent pre116nt the r.ppearance "of a vut fruit g .. rdcn; the aoi and tempera.turo ia uueurpa.aaed for fruit growing."

- -THE KL'iT CoUNTY ANNUAL fOB 1890. 41 '

O•iag co the au-fa! coltivat10a of the gru.e., prolitlc natur~ meado•• uad U.. oom~rat1..-e abort a.nd mild •inter, atock railing ud kindred ponoitl are proeecuted 11ader mott favorable ooodttiooa. Hull• are f•ttene.l in thouaaode, and Ia an loduauy which woulJ be mocb leN pouible but f.,r the uohmitecl auvply llf the ~at of all fatteD· iog food -cura - a fact •bicb JnteoJio;; aettlera ahoull aot 1.- oi11bt of when loold.og op f•tma. It u a f..ct, too, tha~ Kent Cuunty fed bvga llriJIII the h111h•t prlcee a~ the eu~.era pacll.iog hooaea.

, Beaidea (O'.J"tila fie) Ia, conaiderahle areu of timber laud-the DOW e&refolly pr~ed remaioa ol the pnmeval fureat •·f w .. Jout, u•k, ••h, c\c.,-yet prevail, ud beald• pro•ld· iog fot.rmera wlth bualcliog•o1l folU~e matenal, furo11b l11ml>cilrmeo and manuf..cturen .-ltb valuabh1 •upphee to thll hoauctal l><:oo:lit uf tbe owueu; "'btl at io the olhar wood1 of 1- e..'Onomaa value, out only furoiah coo iue11haultlble •upply for hi• own wantl but an abuodcoot aurplua whach lind• a reaciy and prulitable m .. rket io the IOC¥ol towoa, on the ralhvaya and to the n~•11hhorm11 Aaueracau cttiee. lodMd the advaotagee pertaini.Dg to timber lao1ll are uot properly appreciated.

The ahi!Jpioll f.ocihuee are ncelleot and oompetitl•e. Eut and weet the oounlry 11 tnnned by tho truuk linea of the <.:ao ... la Southern (Y C.), Grand Trunk and Canadian Pacific Railway•, anrl north JLDd aouth by Erie .t. Hurllo ra.ihn.y; wbila' • lara• atea• manoa aervtce ia c..rrie•l on along tbe and river porta.

Tbe local mark eta for all kind. of producta, are, iu conacquenoe good, uad the prlcea obtaio41d u aatiafa..:tory u in &OY other point in C.wad•, oouahleri.og the geograpbiw poeitioo. Pro~imity to Deuoit, ud the large lwa.l oompetitio11 of the merchant milling eatabliabmeota, aecure the f11.rmer (!Uvtatiooa dilferi.o" only, at moat, a few ceDtl from thoae obtai.oed at thelarl{er eattern citiea. Pric:o. for live •toclr. are t•tually ~atiafactory, and a atrunJil competitive demud available at every mao'a door.

The climate ia an •~ceptionally line one, the wmter• bciu~ llUmparatlnly abort, moderate, cr-i•p aml clear, and . the 11ummera lou!!, warot t.JJd vlo~co.~&Ut. Snow ~ldom lalla, iu aulficJIIDt (!U&atity w lie, uuul D<lcember, .wc.l aav11 .. u u.x: .. ie>oal "Xunwber hluatn" in the latter p•rt llf that month, tine 1ummer "'<l•ther oftw <.-ootiuue. till Cbriatmin. The ho..t of July aud .luguat ia grfUotly modified lly 11eutle wiud11 fr<ow the aurrouodiug lake•. ~eediog bel!iDI from tho l11t to tho 15th of Aprll-~>hw. much ecorli~r. Ulover cutting commencBI m the laat two weck.11 uf JUJ1<1, 1t.11d th11 wh~~<ot h .. rve"t imme· di~~.telr after. Coru huakiog ia continued through October .wtl Nuveml..,r; f.,.ll l'lowi.o11 often mto ~eml>cilr.

1'he hy11ieue of the Cuunty i• moat Mtiaf&ewry, tho d .... th r•1.61 beiu~ beluw th• l'ru· viooial average. No ~ymotic di-•u. pruv.Ul, anti practic..lly ~~.11 v-r~ '"'" hecoltby. Fenr and ague, moru or 1- prevalout twWlty-livt' year• ago, .., w other J:*ttl llf Uu·, whe.o dramage wu 1- ill voguo, ia now UJiknowu.

The aocl~ ati.Lcllog of the people ia good, .wd will WIUJ:*fll t .. vural.oly whh o~ber )lllrlioo1 of Ontario. Old cuuotry peoplo cood reaideot11 of tbu uhl11r o11ttl..U porliuoa uf the Uominioo, need not fear the lack ot tho.u 110eW pri.,alegu. w whi~b they may hcove been acc01tomed Where it ia preferrod, town•hipa or 11ettlemeuta iu which particular natiooaliti~• nclUllively preponderate, may ~ •looted iu differeut p.rta of the County.

The nationality according to populat111o ia in thu proportion llf 1S J::ogliah to 12 Iriah, 10 Sootch, 4 U11rman and a honch -the Iauer lletnJl ouutiuud priucipodly to one looali~y. The relil.(ioua a tanding i11 u 21 :'oletbodU.ta to !I l'r•byturi&UI, S Roman <.:&t.h· ollca, 9 Church of };niland and 4 &ptlltl. Churcbeca ar• numutvllll auti ~uveoient to all.

There are about 160 fine common lre6 ::,cnool• of u.oaurp...-1 etliciency, and no locallt;y ia devoid of one; whilat the r...wn of Ridgetowo, aud CbatblliD-the county to.-o poeaeee aupui.or Collegiata loatitutect.

The oouotry eoJoya a mon efficient Poet Ollice ~M>rvtco-Do aettler bein" U.yond an ... y dlataooe of a daily mail, whilat telegnph, telophonu and nprtllle otbol81 are folllld at ooonoieot pointa at •hort intervela apart. In evury luO&lity elhoiont magiatrat.ea are appointed who are a.n~werahle for the peace therein ; whilat Oiviaioa Courll-the poor

I j

1•1 . ~ ... Tm: K~::\T t 'ot ~TY .\NNt' AJ. i''ott 1H90.

~an'• court-are held monthly ".t the acw~ral convenient headquarter., for the eummary d11pou.l of caeea of per110nal action and of small debt and contr&cta.

In ~hort, no dietrict of couutry off era better inducements to the farmer etockmr.n dah·yman, fruit ·grower, mechanic an•l CApitalist generally. The able aud capitaliat

· f~rmer and atock-~aiser w.ill tlml. e\•ery facility , many a!lvantagea an<l ready opportuni­lte~t. fo~ prosocuuo~; the1r calhnge on a large aualo; tho ordinary f,.rmer may ohtain cho1ce tmprovcd farms of from lOO to 200 acre• at very rcaaon .. ble prices and not ex­t--ceding the_ pricee obL&ioing for leu p~ductive farma further cut-and upon very euy a~d oonvemcut ~erma of payment ; ~ lulst the new aettler and leas able farmer may pro­n_dc .a home of .)()or 10? acrea,,puually cleared, on e<JUally as good terma, and atpricee Wlthm the reach of al110duatrtoua persona-or, at least, of thoae who are able to a amall payment.

The grca~ range of frui~. atlorda e'•er>: ecopc for thu grower, or.nd the choice ,1ut.hty a~u gru.t Yartet)', eHry fac1hty to th? fruot J! •cker :•nd preserver; the for810t t.florda r. w1de field for the lumberman 10ud ktndred 1ndustncs; and the towns con,·enient ~nd industrial centres for the m&nuf .. cturers. The long m..rgina and leading riven at­ford rich and ,·a.luablc fiahiug grounds for pickerel, whitefish, m~~oskalonge, bat.a, herring etc.

It offen, iu ltarticular, line opportuniliee to tho llblo old country tenant farmer, whoae meana will enable him tu pur.:huo tho lar.cer 1mpron•d ft.rma, and to carry on operations on the large acale an<l untler the impro,•ed methods to which he hu been accuatomed, whilat t.t the same time enjoying the eocial prh·ilegea and or.d,·antagea ind· dent to all settled and progreeah e loc&litiee.

The muoicipt.l county of J\ent ia composed of ten town~hips : Camden, t.:hathr.m, Do\'er, Harwich, Howard, Orford, lhleigh, l~omney, Tilbury Eut and Zone, together with the towns of Chatham, Blcnlwim, Uresdcu, Bothwell and Ridget.<>wn, anu the in corpor.ltcd ,·illagea of Walla.ceburg, Tha.mcadllc r<ud Tilbury Centre _form eight~eu municip1litie11 ea.~h having ita own loc.Ll council hoard of management bestdea (excepting the 'J'own of Chatha.m), contributing repreae11to.ti\'CI to the County Council of which it il forme•l. The county popul&tion ia probably now 65,000.

'J'he aaaeued value of tne real and pereonl\1 eetate of the county ia $30,000,000; it1 true valuation ia ~40,000,00(). The Bureau of lnduatriee place the average value of farm property alone -land, building•, atock a.nd implementa-at ;:;60 per acre, or a total valuation of ~'lJ,OOO.OOO.

According to municipal returns and the t>bo,·e tjuoted Co,•ernment authority there are in the oounty eomej19,0()() horses, cattle, :m,ooo. ahecp, 50,000 piga and ~00,000 poultry. The avero~oge yeuly pro,Jucuous, 10,. ael'teaof ti\'e years, Wheat, 2,000, ()()() buahela ; barley, 200,000; oa.ta, 1,000,000 ; corn, 1,000,000 : beans, 500,009 ; pe~ 1;.0,000 ; buckwheat, f.O,OOI.I; rye, ~'0,000 ; potatoee, 1,000,000 buahela! or._od hay, 200, tone. The product of ch0010 is c»timated at i50,000 lba., b~tter at or. stmtlar amo~~t and wool at 1:30,000 lbs '!'he ahipmcuta last seabriD wore eetunated to be : Flour, 350,000 b •rrela ; 500,000 dozen a of egg•; 100,000 barrel a of a)Jplea and 25,000 bu1hela of. clover aeod. 15,000 dead hoga o.l??e• ''ntl probably lUI many more 011 foot, left the diJferent rail way atAtions Other ampuoeub mclurlcd numcroua ll?ada of ca.ttle, hore01, aheed~ poultry, fruit, fi!b and loge, lumber, at~n·ca, hoopa, headmg, cordwood, etc., nor theae include the large volume of m11nufactured pro<lucta proper.

-- -


Tm: Kr\T Con.n A ~NI '.\1, f oR 18fl:1. 4 •• ..



DRY GOODS, Ml~l,IN~RY •'-&.- .AND· -_..



1st-By far the Largest Selection of desirable Goods. This Is an important Item to those who value tasty goods.

2nd-The Best Lighted Store in Chatham. Selections made in our store always open up satisfactory. Our goods are not afraid of daylight.

3rd-The Lowest Prices consistnnt with quality.

4th-All goods guaranteed as represented. error will be cheerfully rectified.


5th-Honest dealing. We try to use our customers as we desire to be used by them.

6th.-Courteous treatment to all.



TH l: K F:NT COUNTY ANN l" AI. F()Jt IX90. -I P. 0 . BOOK STORE.






In these three lines we

are always supplied


P. 0. BOOK S TORE, Morrish's Old Stand.


Furnishiug· Good~.

Hats, CHDS & Furs. ~€lVE~GOlfllr~,.~

From 6 yean to full jll'own men-$2.50, .,.2.i5, ~ 00, $3 i6, $4.60, $5.00. $0.00, t; 00, 1 $8.00 to S15 00. SUITS-All &ize•. from little bove to old men, $2 50, $:1 JO, 1:-1 00,

1 15.00, S6.7CI, S.7 50, $9.00 to Sl5. UNDERCLOTHING Fino Canadian all .... ool, Merino&, Na.t11ral Wool, HPIWV Scotch. Rtblwd, Ph•in and Fancy-a.t all pric•·~. We ha.ndle STOREY'S CELEBRATED GLOVES, aa well u •orne of tho Best Engli&h a.nd French Maken. SHIRTS- Our "ock l A imm('Jtle in all the new thing1, Fancy F•l•, \\'hite. Linen ami (;ambric-sizea 12 to li, PLt e,·r·ry Jnice Our .i()" U sLAll\JH;KJt;D l.-lllKT i1 the Hut Shirt for tbo monn •old in Cha•h~&m.

We are now or<lertns our Sprtns Goo<la, moetly from EDJlan<l particularly our U&ta 1 trom Ule Celebrate<! CHRJbTY, the Larseat H&t Factory In l.he worl<l

OUr new Rea<ly-ma<le Cloth lUI for the Sprtnr will be goo<! value &t 20 per cent lell II

than O!'dered ClotblDJ COME AND SEE US.

RIDLE~& Co., Chicago C lothing Sto.~e: ......... l

THE KENT Cou:-;n ANNr AL YnH 1890. 45

CHATHAM. llhath~m. the judicial .cat of the ( 'nunty of Kent, a place of 10,000

inhabit.anta, ie pleasantly ~ituated on the Rinr Tham• (which ~ nnigahle for thfl larg.,_t clue of lake \·-Ia) at a point wher• it ia j.,ineol by :llcOregor'a Creek, IH milet frfJm ite mouth on l•ke St. Clair, an.! ia the lar~eeet and rno.t import.lot town west of London. Origin­ally laid out hy t:overnor ~inacoe in I i\l.i when GOO acree wer'l r-r\'ed for a town Jalat anti a military reeerve, ita prHent limite now embrace an area of 16.311 acr~. e'tcndiog over .everal of the original Iota In the townebipe of llarvoich, Ralf'igh, Uover aotl ('hatham, which here coo . verge.

The early hiatory of Chatham waA eventful-full of intf'reatiog re· mini•cencea. Ita aite, then call!!d the "fo'~trlra"-""' •·hoaen chietly for, or ,..ith a view to military occf"B'litie,, It ,. ..... tn form a fortitied P'"'t on the we~~tern exten~i•·n of the l~ovnnor'a, or London Roatl, at

the point whtre a lateral line 10'1011 to run to Pointe aux Pioa ou Lake Erie-a line now locate•! hy the Communication HOAd. Here, in 171», lonl( prior to actual .ettlemeot, ou, anol n~•u the "Point" of the :lfilitary R~erve, (now Tec:um10eh Park), the Oo\'trD· mf'nt h-ul erected a atockaded fort, eatabli11bed a .. w pita and ahip yartl, anol, in IUitici, J>"t•ua of " renewal of h""tilitiea with the of'wly fteolgeol ()onfeclerated :"~tales, had un.h•r C!'uatruction .evcralgun boata, upon which a l&rge nnnrher of men were •mploy. ed, under charge of William JhkPr, the maternal l!r&ntlfAther of William Eberte, of Chatham. Oo the aame •pot- in the war of h\2- lay the lntlllln troope under ('hief T•cum~~eb, on th,. night of the :n O'tobtor. 1'\J:l. whil~t their Rriti~h alliea, help· 1-. withnutor•leno, deacrted hy thl'ir lea•ler, oecupi•" l the oppoeite or northern bank of the rh·~r; for it waa at the "Chatham Fork 'I" it htul lx:t'n C(lnternpl \te<l- promiH<I to thf' Jnrliana - that a atantl ahonl•l he m'lde 1\jt\inst the pnnming .\m11ricana for their laolls And home•; and it ,..,.,, here, th~~ot on the following wom, the loyal lntliana re· mainrrl t1> di•pute the Ad\·ance of th" Amf'ri""n VAnCI(uarrl. anti "hPn ,..,., ~heol the tint c,o~iolerahle hlOO<I in the mill"rahl .. tin•m" 'h•l rf'tn~&t no thfl ThAme@," •hi.:h •nde<l ao rliAaalrnn•ly at .\l,,aviantow" '''" foll(l,.in;: ''"Y· For lone ton in the urllcr po. liticlllelecti•ma, Ch~tham Furk~ ..... ,.., th,. ,,Je Jl')lling pl&,•e fur tl.e united o·onnties of Kent ~ntl L&mhtun; aool nf'or th" epot wloPro• •h11 AmPrir. 10 'ictima nl the ltulian Hre had f~llen-the aite of tloe :\lerchaota Rank - st<Jttd the poll in.: l.onth. -..hcrt'l thtl •cat. tered votere recortletl their votea by open word of mouth 1\11•1 nntlt'r the frtfl Cl\nopy c•f heaven. To Ch&tharn, the mutioLI tramp of meu in ~<rm•. haa ti\"Olr lleen 11 f .. mrli.u aouod ; it ••a• again bearcl in lll3i when an un~cru1mlnua t<;,e.;utive 1\0d ita miniona drove honeat men to rebellion, autl let looa6 1\ horde of pluotlt>rin!l Am~ri.:ana under the plea of 1ympathi~er1 ; and •!pin Rritish Re•lr:oata ao•l loyal t'aoatllan ~lilitia "forme<!'' In oumben, IUid for aeveral yeant gave pletUAnt coloring to the hiatoric Park.

. Chatham properly dAtf"a ita tint actual aettlemt•nt from I'~~: for ';'ith the ucep­ttoo of Abram Irdell, the r,.moua Surveyor, who aome \"Unt prwr to lua tlfath (about IRII l matle hia h'•me on Lot I i, c-orner of Willi •nr '"'' \\' •ter 11treet, no peraon preood· ed "Will Chryalt"t"" who at that date lrcatetl hir11!clf ou what ia now the reeidence of Dr. Holrnea, near Thirrl atreet hritlt:P, thhH oettlera .ot>n followed, the tint being ,John H0o1per and l'eter Jot, whotM:ttleol on n •ol atreet, acrou the Creek ; P. P. La. croix and one Sh•rJI, who eatablishNI themRc:He on the preeeot m~rta' Block, and Iarael J.:vana, er. , and the Merril\ln Broe, who reaidr<l near the old" ChAtham \Jill•," which atood juat eaat of the Erie .\. Huron ltail•ay Station. Stephen Urock waa the flntt merchant, hia •tore - " hich waa built in 1~30-oocupylog the rear portion of the :lferchant1 Bank. :lloet of the nlcl familir, aettletl in hetwPfiD l'l30 and 1~:\3-F.berta, Forayth, Doloen, Buter, K!!i<l, Hmyth tC:\pt. ), Pratt, \'aoAII,.n, Orr, Brown, \'errall, Northwootl, ~lc(JMn • .to. ' rhe p<•pulation at that time wna 300, in 1~-&0. 110(); and in I,H, 1100. In I ,,-,n, undt·r the .\Innidp•l Act, it waa incorp<lfi<tf'tl a villaae and in IS."I.i, a town. Sincu ISSO the t.uwn has been from County juriadlctio~.

(;hatham Ia tbe oeotre of • fine agricultural diatri<'t of oouotry, and the 1eat o{ a manufacturlnJ;t anti commercial inh·reat. It ia a Port of F.ntry, a promlo· l!llli 1taUoo on the Or~d Trunk and Canadian Pao16o Rallwaya, headquartent of the


F.rie and Huron Ra.ilwav, (which conuoct. directly with the :\lichiga.u Centra.! Railwuy, a few miles dittAnt), anti the County Heat of tho ( "ounty of Kent, when• all ( '11unty Building• e.nd Public Olliccs are locat~d. Bcsiclca the ll'cul.iog county highwe.ya which hero converge; the Ri.,er Thaones affords communication with th11 Lakes for the lc\rgest clue of eteamboa.t..t and sailing craft.

Chatham il a eubetantlal and well built toWD, prettily out on both aidee of the River Thame1 and McGregor's Creek, the chief bneineaa atreetl being lined with apacioue blocke and fine public buildinge- worthy of a muoh lcu-p;er city, whilet numer. ous elegant rll8idencea adorn the more euburban portion.. All tho atreotl are well graded, tho reaidential fronted with rowe of ehade trees, and the bnaineaa onoe, block or brick pa,•ed, along the chief uf which rune a etreet railway, connecting together the clill"erent railways and atoaroboa t h\ruli uga. 'T'be tlraiilage i1 good ; an extensive ayat..lm of wAter works from artesian aourcee ill unclPr contra.ct, guarllDteeinp; a daily anpply of :lllO,OOII ~rallona, and the town ia well lighted both by I(U and the electric light. The Hivcr Tham01 ia spanned by two very line etoos and iron draw bridgea, uml :\lc<Jregor'e Greek by one atone and iron and two aubat&ntial wooden bridgea. The city buildings conaiat or a brick Town Hall, brick Fire Hall and Police quarters ao<l




·rriCDKET + OFFIGE, 115 King Street, Chatham.

Tiokots sold to all Poincs in Canada. J~fn11itoba.

Nort!J West 'l'erritories) British ColunJbia,) W aslzin.crton Territory, Gali/(Jrniu. United States

CLnd Europe) at Lowest Excursion Rates.

T o and from the Old Count ry by any lint: of Steamships

crossing tht· Atl .mtic. I can bring out your fr ienJs to this

country without extra expense or trouble to you. Call and

see me. W . E. R ISPIN,

General Ticket Agent.


No commiss ion charged to borr owers. Farms and Town Property bought. and sold. F ir e, Life, Marine and Accident Insurance

in best Enelish and Canadian Companies, at Lowest. Figures.

AT K I NSON & RISPIN, General Land, Loan and Insurance Agents, 115 King St .. Chatham.

Tut: KEsT Cou~TY ANNl'AL roH IR90.

llo.d..A.NUFAO T U RE1.> av

1,000 MIUs Sold In 1884 1,380 Mills Sold In 1886 2,000 Mills Sold ln 1886 2,300 Mllls Sold In 1887 2,500 Mllls Sold ln 1888 3,500 Mllls Sold In 1889

More than Double the number turned out

by any other Factory In



My B&g«ill&' attachment 11 lint clue In every re.pect.

The Mill Is fitted wlth Screens and Riddles to clean and separate all kinds of Grain & Seede·



.o-aee my IIIWl before buying any other; lt. will be to your Bend for Circular.


roemnant Tailors & Gents' Outfitters. THE LARGEST .AND FINEST


~uitings, Overcoatings and Trouserings, And at. PI>I~ that no establlshmont that. IL1nul to do nr.t-o~ work

oan beat.

Wo at.o carry a woll aasorted Stock ot

Men's Furnishing Goods nnd llnts and {'ap!ii, IN THJ.'.: MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES.


Oppoelte Market, Chatham


Merchant Tailor• and GBDtA' Outfitter•.


Tm: 1\.::sT Cor:sn· As:st:.\1, Hit: lH!.IO. I!IJ I


court. ' I he tire I.Jriga!le Ia a pahl one. antl ~onaiet of twc. oloul.ll! ••ylinoltr IteAm tin• t•n. ginee, hook and ladder outfit, and the neceuary hor1u: whllet, unoler thu 'IUter·worh contract, U50 hydrant• and a water preuure of 100 lbe. i1 guaranteeol at all tim•~. No. where are hetter public:. echool1: I>Eoai.Iee t he Ward 1choola, (indu.linl( the "'"parate l:lohool) which numl>f'r eeven floe hrick builclin~a. erO<•tctlat an aglfrtl(l\te <·oat of '(ilt,WO, there are a large brick ( 'entral ~ohool , a Model School, and one uf tlw tinl'et l'olll'giate lnetitution• In tho rountry. 'l'here are aleo of private in1titution~. tL lirw L~•lil'a' Semi· nary the l'nuline t'ouvent-the \\'ilherfor,·e Inatitult•, an<l a t'urnrnercil\1 College. ~'ully a doteo of handwme churchee - two of them ~'Oitinl( $i.i,l100 atul '~.O,()(HI rcspec. tlvely, teetify to t he relicioua atamling of the people. Four of tl.c ltntliu!( cluLrtued banlu-eacb po.,_ing fine building~. pro,·iole amplu llnnncial iCI.'Ornrno.htion : thru public ba1l1 anti a bantleoml! anti tinely c<juippetlOpera llvuae- the l>eet we1t of Tonm to-alford ample fa~ilitif'l fnr holdina.: public mtetings 1\D.l tht J•r<•tt•nt.Ltion of thtatri· cal anl Opt"rliti<l performAncea: ••hilat three livt~ De\UI'&JIC.'rl aupply the bt~at newe nf the day. A l'ul.lic Lihr~ry lintl \le..,!$ lndtituUI i ~ al"<< une of tltl! inottitutiona, aa are aleo an inftuentlal Boar<! of Tr.ule mtl Active Board of Health. A l>f'autiful and auiJetantia.l Poet Otlice ancl Cuetom llou•e, built of hri~k ancl heavy etone work, ia onl! of the rdghtl ; the atonu built l'ourt Hou&e and I :.wl ie anothe-r. and the impoainl{ County and City Building ju1t unutr an advanced etage uf e<•netruction, at a ~'Uit of ..-~.000, form to~:tetheor a trio of el:~.:eptinnl\lly ht.n<homo etructuree. Two line puhlic parka--one a lovely 1pot in th<' t:entre of th~ tow.,, Alford tine open epal'tlll fur J""'timf'll and recreation : '!Vhiilt the lArgel'onineuhr F~toir 1:rouncla t.tive c\·ery acope for l:,hihi· tlone and provide a convenient driving and radn~t l'ark:. Two tine inatrum~ntal hand~ - one of Provincial reputation- administer to the musically inclined at the town'• ex-· penae.

The induatrlal Mtahli11hment1 are nnoy aoci Important, aotl coneiat of : three large !louring mill~ with a .t,.lly cap,.city of !100 l.J.rrela of !lour, no ex~ndve wagon fee·

,'\0 Tm: Kt::n CoPSTY A~Nuu HJR 189J.

All the worthy, old nod rellable. New Fruit, Nut and Ornamen­tal Trees, Sht uhs, Vines, Plants, &c., including the Best Kinds

ot Hedging. Best and Cheapest, Wholesale o.nd Retail. The Beat l•nprowol Spraying Pumps, for 'rr- and Beet, waahinll Winliowa.

Bn~r~tie•. &c, utin~ui•t·w~ tiro:•, &c., &:c. f. \V. \\'>'!l Improved Wire Tree Guards, from ;\lice. Rtthl·ila. &:c.

WILSON'S .I'URP.ERIEB KEliNELS. the Iargeat In Canada, of Grea~ Danea, st. let­nard's anc1 Fox Terrien. Won 8 Ptizea, Special and Diploma, In Toron~. lSS9. Write, nat1ng what you want. (su ~nT rAoK.) F. W. WILSON, Chatham P. 0., Ontario.


You want to know where to Buy lt. You are anxious to invest your money to the Best

Advantage. We are in a position to do better for you than any ,

House west of London. THIS IS NO IDLE BOAST. ------ -- ---We carry a very large stock and can offer you a aplendid selection In the followln&

linea : DUfNER SETS- From $9 to $60. AU at:r.ea, TEA 8BT8 Chtna- $1! to $21!.

ehapea, dealgna and colora. BEDROOM SETS Colorcd-Irom $3 to $20. TEA SETS- Colored-from $3 to fl!.

VASES from 100. to $10, WATER SETS- !rom Sl to .1!. ST A!ID LAMPS • Fancy, !rom T5c. to •10.

LIBRARY LAMPS - With Fancy Decorated. Shades and Prl1m1, Ball Weight or Patent Extension Spring, from i2 110 to 1120.

W An endle'• variety of Fancy Gooda. Your inapection aoliclted.

HUGH MALCOLMSON. liDl>orter, CI~Y~TAL .HALL, Chatham.

\VOOLEN l\1ILLS. T. H, TAYLOR & Co., Proprietors.

Manufacture all Descriptions of Domestic Woolen Goods. ~TTII A>!

Flannels, Blankets. Suttlngs. Tweeds, Woolen Varna In va­rious colors nnd qua.lltlos. Sa.mploa on o.ppllcatloo.

All gooda tmule from I(M<l fr<·ah Wool of l.oth Home and Foreign growth. Cu•toro Carding, ~faouf.tctnrin..:, Spiooin~, &:c., pr.>mptly attfn led to. Alao,

PROPRIETGRS OF THF. BEAVER FLOURING MILLS, ~Ianuf~cturc111 nf ~ cw Procc1a Flour &nd Uualenr iu Grain.

Tm. K•::-.T CorxtY A:-o'NUAJ. roR 1890 51

ORCHARD HOME---R esid en ce and omce or F. W. WILSON, Esq., a n Ex­~nalve Nu,..ryma n , Farmer and Fruit Exportor---A ropresentatlve Suburban a n d Farm R esidence. See preceding page.

tory-t he mu.t complete of italdnd-~ith a yearly capacity of ~ liOO vchiclca, a large png aaw ahip p1611k mill ancl -'~ foot bmtl eaw mill, harvester ~orka, three machine lhope, two fann ing mill f&ctoriee-ooe with a 4000 mill cap~city, three planing and aub f60tori• , four lumber yarcla, alarl{e woolen cloth rn&nu(act<lry, fourcarri111gc ahnpe-ooe with a provincial reputation-two furniture f11ctoriea, canning al)ll pick lin"" tahlhhment, -p worka, three pump ancl one win•! mill f11o:tories, be l epring f!lctory, baeket worlu, two barrel and atave works, hoiltr ahop, fruit twapt;rator, railway wurkalwp, P"rk la1 houee, egg-p acldnJl and refrii(~rator compsny, gruln elevaton, hrick work•. lim" klla, etc.

The commercial eoncema are equally important, an•l emhraal'l all the uau•latandard linea of bu•in-. The chltf retail ut •hli~hmenta 11ro imJ~"'iDJ a!I:Iil'll - luge, Pltgautly equipped and rivalling thoae of the ll\rge citi~~ . 'rhe produce hou•es, louit.ling and other tradea are tqually auhstantial and \-ell rf'pre•entctl, aucl, u a whule, a l11rge volume of hnalneaa i1 traoaacted. l o no town in Can!lcla i! to he suo ftuch a lnrl(e wt•ekly mMket 1o11 Chatt-am eojoya; It it within the ma.rk to '"Y that on :-ntur.l<t) a J,llllll eom·eyaoccoe tlllter Chatham, and from l,li(l() to 2,000 people- all hent 11u trading.

All the leading eecret and l•enefit eocietica ha,•e a atrong and numcroua following, whllat Charch, ('hrlatian anti Temperance ~ocietiea ,.r,1 active and in excellent atAtf' of Literary, political, aporting anti pAatimo dube are ec,ually well patroa· iNcl.

The .....ued valu11 of Chatham Ia, in rountl fig urea, f..1,ii00,000 ; the rate of tuation generally from 16 tc 18 milla- thia yur, owing to numtroua impronmenta, 20 mille­and the income from all aourcea, $~0,000. The Town Utlicial1 are noticed elaewhere. . ln fine, no town Ia more d-rvlng thl' cousldoration of manufacturen ; few can oft'w them more advantagu.

ONEY T O J~OA.~ """. I .JAME S SOUTAR, Cha.thnm,

l..o&na Money <>n ~ \l l'RO\"EO fA JUtS .. nd }'ro lut·th·e T.O\\' :\ PIWI'UtTY, on auch.J ~tlllllu muat aat11fy all apphcaota. Lo~t11t loterc&t ; 1'i1• ( ummhBiou Vh•u~ed; No r~n .. Impoeed; Aunoyauce and e). penH of rcnewale a\'o'.tod. \'aluator for .. TIIY Hvaol!f i. Ean: LOA"' .t S.ntNO'I l'o., Losuo~.

;i2 THE }{~;NT COUNTY ANNUAL FOil 1890.


--.C(lR.\'ER KlNCr i lJ\JJ ?lfTi! ST!.EETS.- .








SBHF DJD BEDYY HDBDWDlE I Bar, Hoop and Band Iron and Steel,


Carriage Goods and Bendings.

Si0ve~, 0ir;>w<:lfle, pl<:Jrnh>ir;>S t1 G<:1 ~ ~iUir;>Si· Glass, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Cordage.

T1vo Doors from Market) Kin{! Street) Cllatham. R. MORTON & Co.

Tm~ K E:\T I~HlNTr A~:"I'AI. ron lK!lO.


Chatham OpePa House-AUDITORIUM. (S-tln.r Capaol t)' 1200.)

54 TilE KF.NT COUNrY ANNUAL h>R 1890.

Ohatbnro. Ontnrlo, <..:Rnnda.

, . 'a z w -rr: "-


Railway Platform Baggage Trucks, Lorries Farm and other Dump Carts. Hardwood Lumber and White Oak Gang Sawed Ship Plank. The Patent Champion Hay Rack,

Etc., Etc. oo ...... poadeDCM 8oUelted.

THE KF.~T C'O\'NTY ~\NNt.:Al •. I<'OR 1890.



Ha\·e A larl(e 11nd "t'll au01 te,l atol k of


Huts &-. Caps, E0ots &- Siloa~, Grocerie0 &a.~ ,\I. .I fet'l oo~tident tlut thPy can please all who m~~oy fa, or 1 hem with their plltronage.

Highest Prices paid for Farm Pr>oduce , taken in exchange for Goods.

pgents for tne Celebrated St. leon fflineral Water.


Ia the< 'heaJM:at ,,lace to huy IX>ore, ~·ramee, Suh, Hlimll ~tnd ;\louhling• of ILll kinde.

Contracting and Building a Specialty.

LUMBER~ SHINGLES ALWAYS IN STOCK lt will bo to ytnll' advau tagc to'~~ec us before b••yin..: elltlwhere.

McBRAYEN & COBURN, BLENHEIM, ONT. -- Ocean and Railway 'l'icketl to & from any p1ut of the old country by leading

Steamahips Friend a

~~~IIC::.' safely bro't ~~"!!--..- out without

extr& ex· pcnae.

JAMES SOUTAR, Chatham, Ontario.

Tm KJ:NT CouNTY ANNUAL roB 1890. 57

BLENHEIM. Blenheim, an importa.nt town of 2000 inhabitant., la nry pleu·

aotly eituated on the R11.1ge Road at I lA U1l11rae<:tion by the Chatham and IWnd Eau and Commuoicatio~< R....W, In the To'lfuhip of Har· " ·ich, 110me 6 milu from Rood Eau harbor and 12 rnilee frnm Chat· ham It il the praent 110uthern termlnue of the J::rie .t Huron Railway, and beadquartera of the Leamington, Rood Ean ud Morpetb t~agee. The toll'n 'II'Ulaid out by Colonel L1ttle In 1846, the enrvey then confined to original Lot 10, W. U. R. The •ub· division Iota •ere fint eold at I~ each. To the oonetruotion of the RondEau Harbor Workl, the location of the Oonmment town of Shre'lfebury and tbe oonetrnotion of Chatham and Rood .Ea~J-0 ravel rO&d, it undoubtedly owee ite foundation. It wu incorporated a village in 187t; a town ln 1884.

Blenheim hu little of an early biltory. Until 1840 ite eite formed put of the twelve·mile bueh; and perhapa with the exception of "Baldwin'•," a ebanty located t1ro m1lea weet near the manh, and "Hugheon'a," at Veeter'e corner, there were no honMI up to 1830'or later. F. Storey, who traveJled the road in 1829 eaye : "Blenheim wae in the middle of the twelve-m1le·woode which were thick with wolvee, and the oowe and oalvee which I wae tlriving h.\lt to be puehed through before night fall - not a houee there. In 1837 when I again lraveraf!d the road with prieonen taken •n Tilbury and Romney, after the akirm1eh of Baby'e Orchard, at Wimleor,(eix of whom were after· ward ahot at London) there wero a few hute along the road." The history of Dlenheim ia the hittory of Rood Eau Harbor and tihrewabury. ln 179.3, when Surveyor IrdeJl ran the ~lilitery Road atraight from Chatham to Point Aux Pint, hie inetruotione were to reaerve at the latter place, a town eite to be called the "Land guard." Whether Shre'lfabury wae choaen in compliance with Governor 8imcoe'a doeirea, it mattera little ; it ie only intere4ling to note that a town platted with Government authority, and backed by an outlay of $200,000 for harbor improvement and the creation of a Port of Entr\', 11 now a myth of 1he paat, whilet Blenheim, una~tiated, ia a largo fiouruhing to••· Man indeed propoaea, but l!od diapoeea I Of Shrewabury, Surveyor Burwell wrote ln 1846, "My belief i~, th&t weet of Hamilton, there ie no poaition 10 well aniterl and in every way adaptod to the growing up and aust&ining a h\rge town."

Excepting ThoL Ricke, Wm. ~lcGregor, and &Jdwin, aettlen on the adjoining farma, George Hugheon, at V eeter a Corner, ""'the firet aettler proper; Donald Cameron a blackemith, waa thll aecond, locating hie shop immediately in rear of ITugheon. Wal· ter an<l R'obert }J<lll were the pioueer merchante, their primitive atore a:andiDg about the eite of llienett'a atore, .Mr P.-pps, the tailor, following immediate)¥ after, and iD 1846 i Henry Pickering-he erecting first, the McGregor Hotel, and aub4aequently the atore-the second we•t of the S. W. corner, diagoneiJy opposite. Oron Gee erected tb~ brick tavern in IIHR 9 and aubaequently a etore near Samaon'a hardware eatabliahment. Meure. Hovey an ll:)helden arrived in 1851 and E. L. Stoddard in ISM

Blenheim i• the Centre of a fine agricultur&J oountry, the trade of which it naturaJly ~ecuree. It ahipe largely of Hour, bcaua and other farm producte, live atock, dea•l hOj!l, applea, fruit, at&vee and bent a tufT. It oooupiee a beautiful t'1evated aituation, 100 feet above Lake Erie which ie here in view. The town ie oompact, wtoll built, the chi<'f etreet princip&lly with good brick buildinga. It contains 2 roller ftour mille-one of large capacity, foundry, 2 carriageahopa, cattle food factory, barrel factory, fruit tovapor­ator, .to. There are eome fine churchee-Epiecopal, Presbyterian, Methodlet, Baptiat, Roman Catholh:, Univcraaliatand La.tter day eainte; and there ia one of the tineet gr•ded school-a luge thrt'e etory brick with a •eating capacity of .W-In the diatrict. It poe181eee a mue1u hall aeatiog ·l:SO; and thne ie under oontract a line town hall-a hand· aome brick atruoture 1.0 be en~cted at a ooat of $13,000. The atreete are .. •ell graded and grav.,l\ed and tho town &nd chief ahope lighted with the electric light. The •hope are rar~te, and all of tb .. uaual standard linea of bueiDeu well repre.euted There ie one public and one priv«L'O bllDk, four good hotela an<l an excellent weekly new~p <J>er, "The Blenheim Newt." Here ~tore located No. 4 Divuion Court and hesulquarten "'"d grounde of the Harwich Agricultural Society. AU the aecret a.nd be.nevolent 10-ietiee have well organised lodgee. h CDjoya a da.ily mail, hu ezpreu, telegraph and teJopbone oltioee, wfth daily etagea to Rondeau, Morpeth and Leamington. The preeent -.-ment la 1370,000, lnoome of $6,1500 and bonded debt eome 114,600.




STRPlE - BJD - FBJGY - DRY - GOODS, 1Ja,ts a,nd Caps in all the La,test Styles,

lllen't and Boy'• &ead> -made Clotb.m.. - -OBDEBED CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. Tbe Beet Workmen Employed and Oood Pit Guaranteed.

Owo Prloes DefY Competition. Remember the name,

JAJv1 ES SCOTT, The Noted l>ry Uoodt Man, corner Jamea and atreete, Wallaoeburg.

4iA. H. McDonald & Brother,~ OEALER J!C ALL Kll'U~ 0,.

SffELF ifND ffEif TIY ffifRDWtlRE,

~~ Ooal and Wood Stoves, RacgesJ &o. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OF ALL KINDS,

Builder's Suppltes, ·.Glass, P aint.c;, Oils, &c .. #JI' Agentl for the Famoua Pattenon Light Steel Binder.


--::;~~IMFEEIAL TEA STOEE. - _ - - ----







W ALLACEBURG. Wallacehnrg, an uterpriaing and important town of li,OOO in·

babltanta, ia pl~tly and-in a commerdal aeoaa-adnntajteoualy aituated on the , ydenham river (which Ia na•igahle for the largeat. lake v_l,) at the "Forlta" or con8uence «>f the 1'\orth Rranch and the malr' atream, about 9 milea from the River !'\t. Clair, 12 milea from W1lkeaport the limit of 11&\·igatlon of tho north \,rauch above and 12 mllee from the To•n of I>readen, the limit of navigation of the eaat or main branch beyond, and liee i11 the North l.ore of Chat· bam Tow11ahip, 17 milee 11ortb of the Town of Chatham. It ia a Port

of Entry .ad a prominent atation on the Erie & Huron Railway. 1-'irat talc! out eoutb of the river: by L )1. Dougall and Hugh McC.Uum II' 18:\:\ ~.and on the north ai•ltl (calleJ at one time &byvllla) by Jam4!e Baby in 1840, It haagro~on lt(UOtlily, llltely rapidly, being Incorporated a vlllage In 1876, and although by populatiQu loog above the neceatary population entitllna to lnoorporation aa a town, hu declio•l the empty honor, avoiding [n oonMquence the oott of ereotlng and the maintaining of two upenaivo bridges.

The .uly hlatory of \Vallaoeburg Ia the hietory of the Ualdoon eettlement of Earl Selkirk, (the location ol wbloh lay Immediately below the town limite) for the eettlera of the one aube.jueotly became merged into aettlera ot the other. It waa ll·ithin the tria.naular oaaia(tbendry land) formed bythelodiao Line of I 7tMJaurrenderand the Soy, .t Sydenham Rivert that the F..arl ~laced bit Highland emigranta-eome 30 famlliee - 111 10ula, in 1804. Hera, near the • Soy," were erected tne ~o'()mmon buildinKI, cattle .ad ebeep provided, atoree laid In, and a portion of the land pl~u .. J out in 60 ao:re farma The erection of the" Cutle " (eo called) - long an inter~ating lantlmark loomin~t up from che prairie apioat the uno!Jetruct.ed aky- followed in due ooun... Apart from the world, a 100re of milee from any Httlement and aurrounded by the primeval fore.t on the one hand and the almoet e..1ually Interminable "Orand Marala" on the other, here they oommenoed their grueeome but hopeful future. The louatlon, however, waa not a for. tunate ooe and waa matte 1- eo by proximity to the not over pleaaed Walpole Indiana. :iicko~• came, decimating the little colony to aucb an extent that nearly one ball ita number ,. ere lain In the lonely God'a acre ot the colony the firat year; and through riaing watera .ad other adveree circumatancee, in little more than a decade therealt~r-ao far u the ~elklrk farm waa concerned-the oolony wae broken up and the eettleratli•peraed in the immediate neighborhood. The Mttlement did not eacape the evila incident to the 181'l war:. The Rydenham valley and Indian Li11e furniahed a thort and aafe route for the America.o troorra· bent on plundering raids on the Upper Thamee aotl f..ake F.rie Mttlemeote heyon . It Ia aaid a large body of Col McArthur'• troopera bivouacked on the •ery alte of Wallaoeburg, and the general hlmaelf geoeroualy entertained by the friendly &eta at Raldoon <:utle ; while on another occaaion Captain Forayth a11d hia men- 18M friendly and generoua than Mr. McArthur - plundered Haldoon farm of ita cattle and famoua aheep, .to.. (which, for 10me reaeoo, the United Statel afterwards made reatitution) and hunted the men .ad threatened the familiea, who aa Royal Kent Militia had taku part In the defuae of their country. Much to their pluck and petri· otlam the eettlera of Btoldoon formed a large quota of McGrej{Orl fiWtoua company of Kent volunt4!Cira and aaw bloody fighting at the Longwooda and elae,. here.

Below Wallaceburg ia Walpole laland-tbe lodlan ,_rve-wherearelocated eome ~00 Chippewa and merged Huron Indiana. Here a\OOd the old Huron vlllaae then extant and form loa the etartlng point of the eurvey of the Indian Line of 1790 aurrendu. Acrou the river, nearly oppoalte, ia the McDonald farm-lot BIn the 4th conc ... loo, eo famnua u being the location of the " Soy Splrlta," whlcb 1829 ao peculiarly manlfeeted themaelvee to the aoperatitioua And terror atricken Httlera. From atone throwing­coming from the deepe of the "Soy''-apirit rapping and othtr antica, to the more reprehenaibl. acta of 6re raiaing buil•linge and cropa, were not above the "doiu~a" of th- ehaddowv devila. Silly aa It may appear at the pr811Pnt l!lf'; fnr undoubtedly it wu the work of two ·ltggt~d devila In the !leah and a reaolt of" l~ncl wrnnl(le, yet the "apirlta" wore reAdily believed, not only by the local aettltra but Vo•e on the River Thamee and ~lae,. here. JndtPd thll "facta" were aworn to by lnU<IIi)ltnt f.eoplfl· and even to tbla day peraooe are to be found who are helievera In tho aupnoatura . In;redl· ble ult may be, numbera of the aottlera temporarily left the locality and prltate made vlalta to quiet the people; whilat numoroua pilgrima;ea were made by pei'IOnl fmm the

oo THt: Kt~'l' Cot 1\'1\' ANH' AL n1a It-90 '



Fire, Life, Marine and Accident. Inaurance A .. ents.


Local Man&&'ers for Bell Telephone Co. Mort&'&ges & Notes Bought VALUATORS, CONVEYANO:.IRB, ETC.

~UEEJ'S BOTH, Wallaoebur .. , Ont.


Thil hotel (formerly the Now Jackaon Hou.e) has been thoroughly Remodelled and newly furniehed throughout. Oood Table. Good accommodation. Stabling

in oonnection. TJI:RMS, .l.60 PlllR DAY.


l•••i~ler, Solieilor, PROCTOli\, &c.

SoUoltor for the Bank ot Montreal.


Brtn.dcr'a Drug and Book Store, ViT ALLAOliJE URG.

The proprietor or thta reliable drug bouae bep to tl!ank ble DlAilJ patron• !or their Uberal patronage extended towards hJm by tbe people of Wallaceburg and vicinity during the put yean, at tbe same Ume w11bee to aay tbat, lmoYing the neceaatty or uaJng pure drug•, that In the t'll\ure u In the put, none but thD BEST QUALITY OF DRUGS will be dll· penaed on the premillea. Alwara on hand a large and well ~elected lltock or Pure Drup, ToUet. Arttclee, Patent Medlclnea, Dye Stufl'~. Boon and Stationery, at wholeeale and retaiL



WM. H. HEATH, ll&nutacturer ud dealer In au 111nc1e or


Reliable goods a.t Low Prices. Strict and careful attention to Undertaking. All requisites of the business in stock of

both the common and high grades. WM. H. HEATH.

Tm; K1~T CoUNTY ANNl1AL liOR 1890. 61

Detroit rinr and other poinu·aod aa they returoed ac~ tb~ plaioa from the -o• of aotloo, were met at "DoiMn'a Landing " by gaping oativea who resaled the traveller• with drinka ae they recounted to them the myatery.

The aettlemeot of Wallaoebure ~Jroper ·latea from 1~22 whell Laughlin .McDougall, a Raldoon aettler, located himaelf on the aite of •hat ia now (..ot I, Rlock A, McDou~all aurvey- better known u the Peck property on Wall 'ce atreet, and tbtre erected a log ahanty, 'IVhich aubaequently, with aome addition•, aerved •• bonae, Indian truck atore, .tc Captain )fcOrt>gor'a family - of 1812 fame - aettled immediately alter, juat aouth of M~D .. ugalls on the lat cooceasion Hu~h ~1cCallum, alao a ll•lolooo emigrant, arrived a few yean IMer, erectin& a lo& bouae and aubseotututly-in 1'<3.~-a frame, on what Ia no'IV Lot 10 ~cCallum aurvey, 'IIO'bere be kept acbool and the 6nt poet gffioe. It Ia to Hu~h McC.r.llnm that Wallaceburg o•ea ite name. Probably, Mr. Baby wu the ou:t eattler, he erecting a at.ore on the oorner of \Vallaoe and Bridge 1treeta; wbillt about the aame time oo the oppoaite corner- Lot 1, Mr. Job11.1t.oM followed auit. North of the ri~•r Jaa. Heodereon •aa the 6nt aettler, he erecting a bonae oo Nelaon atreet n .. r the

• river ud oppoal.te Mr Jaa. Soott'a •here aome ., .. n later Hector McDonald wu oceu· pt.Dt l'he tint atore north of the river •aa built by L. II Johoatooe about lStO, and atood in rear of Mr. Jaa Acott'a atore-on Lot 4. Baby aurvey. Here, at Ita erection, nameroua Indian remaina and trlnketa were uoeartb.d Smlth'a Guetteer of 18-&IS aaya Wallaceburg oontained one atore, I tavern and l blackamltb tbOp and 60 iohabitaota. Io 1849, it oontained aa gener.l merch"nta, Joboatone Prioe, John Lillil'l, B. Raby, A McDougall, and Raxtn, Kina) ct Co - the latter proprieton of ate.m uor mill. Tanro keepera: Capt Flab, F'ruer, and McDougall; H . t\ T. Martin, Shoe makera ; ~. ct W. Judaoo, Carpentera ; Meara Campbell, Tallon and Shoemaken; Manaell ct Pomeroy,

• Ulackamitba; Mr. Fraaer, Carpenter : Mr. Bell, Colle.Jtor of Cuatoma; Rev. McDonald aod A. A; J . McDougall, Ferrymen.

Wallaceburg u the centre of a good agricultural oountry, greatly increaaiog In area and Ia yet, but baa been particularly in the paat, of a great lumbering intereat. It ahiP­Iargely of timber, atavea, bolta, hoopa, heading, cordwo<.d and farm produota. It doea an extensive business by na•lgatlon. The atave and hoop milia are very extenaive COD·

ceroa, employing aome 600 banda Of induatrial eatabliahmenta it contain• 4 atave and hoop milia, 2 pl&ning mille, foundry and machine •hop, 2 roller flouring milla, l aaw mill, furniture faotory, aeYer&l carriage ahopa and otb~r conceroa. Thue ia I chartered aurl I private b\nk; telegraph, telephone and upreu officea anti a daUy mail. Here are located the Cu1torna Hou1e for the Port ae aleo for Port Lambt.oo IU'Id Sombra; heed · quartera and Fair C:rouoda of the Chatham, Dover and Aomhra Agricultural Society, ud office of No. 6 Diviaion Court.

The t.o•n Ia oonveniently laid out- the chief bualne11 blocka, which •re of brick, con ftned to Wall~&co atreet ou the south and Jo.mea and "l~l•on atreeta on the nortb, wbilat the private reaideoooa tlxtond along upper Nelaon atreet, acroea the :North Branch and to theN W. portion of the town. A fino iron draw bridge counecta North and South Wallaceburg, whilst another bridjle (aoon to he replaced for IUl iron one) connecta the town with the portion a beyond the North Branch. All tho chief religious denomination• are well repr-nted and poueaa fine churchea-1-~piacopal, Pre•byteriao, Metbodiat, Raptlat, and Roman Catholic-the latter, particul&rly, a fine structure. The public iluotitutiona are : a fine brick to1t'n hall; two graded common ao'loola, one of wbicb Ia a hand110me atructure- an honor to lhe pla .. e : a eeparate achool, and a ateam 6re brigade. The town and chief atorea are lighted with the electric Jll(ht. All tb$ll'&ding aecret ud benevolent 10<.:ietiea aro repre.ente.l: a.nd Jut, not )Put, there ia a live weekly newspaper -Tha Herald .Recond. Tho aue.,c!d ••&lui! of lhe town la !l.JOO,OOO, a.nd the bonded iodebtedoeaa ~30,000.


McV~AN & MoV~AN, lmportere and DealeN tn

Shell tad IlctlJ lltldwtn . STOVES AND TINWARE

Lamps and Lamp Goods. House Furnishing Goods. BulldePs' Hardware. Cross Cut Saws.

Axes, Flies, Chains, CarpentePS' Tools.

Filla x Gutlarg, ·:·Silverware, x Guns, ·:· lllllmunition. I


Sign of the Big Axe. DRESDEN.

D. V. HICKS, Real Esta,te and Loan Agent.

General Insurance.

MONEY LOANED On Real Eat&te at 6 percent. lntereat,

All Business strictly confidential




jloncy to Lotal OI!'PICB

Cor. Main a.nd St. GBorga Sts.l

~===·~======~======~======-=====~ SMITH BROS.,

Floe English Worsted Coatings, Blankets, Yarns, Broadcloths, Doeskins, Scotch and Irish Tweeds,

overcoatlngs, Gents' Furnishings, Hats and Caps. MEROHANT TAILORING A SPECIALTY. Wholesale & Retail.


I~---------T_•_n_:_K_E_N_T __ c_o_~N_T_v_A __ N_N_uA_r_,_r_o_R_J_s_9_o_. ------~ DRESDEN. -~

The TotrD of Oraden ia pr• ttily ai~uated on both baolu of. the Sydenbam Ri•er, at the head of na•1gatton, 21 mllu from the R1ver St. Clair 12 milet above Walht.ceburg, and 12 mllea by railway from the'l'ow~ of Chatham A ahipplng point and a prominent atation 011 the }o~rie & .Huron Railway, It bw grown rapidly ainoe 1880, and ie a large place of 'l,tiOO inbabitt.nte- one of the mon i~portallt towoa in the rounty lt wu ""llint.lly laid uut by the \ ~o~~Allcm Hrothera -in rt:ality by IJ R. \ ' .wAllen, of Chatham, In 184.';-G, U1e 1 urvey coveriDg 'lO aaea of the S. W. part of Lot 4, in th• 6th Con· c-ion of the Gore of (Jbatham, or nearly the triangular tract bound· ed by George and Main Strtell and the ·ydenham River, ~o~~d com. priainll 63 Iota. It wu inoorpor~oted a villaae i.n 18i2; a totrD in 18SJ.

With JUtle of an early hiatory-!or the, aite f?rme<! part of origi.nal foreat. '!P to 18-&0, if we except pioneer Gerald ~1ndaley • cleanng_- •t bu neve~hel- !f~D~b Ill Ita rw. that Ia intere.tinr; Ita. hiatory 1.• that of the Britleh an~ Ame.rtC&D InatltutiOD-UI aaeociation organized by philanthropic people to give material 11111tanoe and educatioa to the h11odrede of refugee elavea, who in the decadee 1840-.)(), were lleeing from their Southel'tl alan muterw and here dumped from the untlergrouad railway, (10 called) throu~th the oonnivance of Anti·Sla••ery aympathir.erw in the United Statee ~o~~d Can.da. Tbe l111titution-wit.h Ita induatrit.llanda, llllhoola, eaw anti Uour mille- wu for a aoore of yean the l.,..ding factor in the importa.nce and compotitinn of the place. Bot Ita ueefolo- le gone, ir.~~ell a thing of the paet, ita many hundred "contrahand'' (10 naJDed) aradoatea dieperaed, even the oolor tone of the eurroundinga obliterated, and alone, the ohllnatitotlon Red mill-long a familiar landmr.rk looming in the dlet&nce-remaine (in the ehape of the renon~ mille of Powell Broa.) to remind one of put greatn-. f;nn the chief actor in thie life play ie gone-departing to hia "long home'' full of r_eara, -ing hi• work finiebed-the llter•1 character of .Mra. Harriet Stowe'• "Uncle Tom," the Rev. Joelah Hen10n.

The eite of Dreeden ,., .. fi.nt located hy r:erald Lindaley about 1~. and uatll Wm. Wright'e &dvent in old Fairport maoy yean after, hr.d no ()C(!upant. Ita aettlement u a village oommencel with Mr. V~o~~Allen who erected the fi.nt building in 1848-a com· blnation of etore &Dd tavern, which atood on the S. E. corner of Lindaley atreet and Metcalfe Avenue on the river ~nk and which, a fe• yean later, became better known u ''Kirby'•" Tr.vern. Gerald Lindsley'• farmhouse stood near by- about the widow Turner'• where hia old ~ring wellatill bubblee from the river bank, Wm. Wright, concurrently with VanAllen • aurvey, h&d ntabliehed • prospective town on Lot 3, Conceaaion l'i, which he named Fairport In contradietioction to Dre~den, and laid claim to the honor of pioneer meroh&nt and founder, by erecting • etore at the corner of \Vater a.nd Sydenbam etreeta. Blaokwood- IUt.ekwood & Ba.xter- followcd VanAllen a few yearw later, com­meocin& a large general bo111i~eee in V~o~~Allen'• w~reb?use, which he b&d con•erted to hie purpoaea, t.Dd then etandtng between ~io\ean a mill a.ud tbe woolen factory. It wu hera ""here the firwt poet office "!u keJ?t· About t~e IW!le time, or perhape 1100ner, Hoaea Pordy oomrnenced buaineaa1n the l· ret.~: house, dtreetly oppoaite the Kirby Tavern u did Jacob Webater, in the bouse adjoining. ~Ir. Windover followed b1 the erecUo~ of the Cragll house, and Gilmore .t Morton b&d already bung out their ebwgle in a log building abOut the ooraor of Maio and George atreet.P. In the nut dec&de ~oppear -ner or. later: Trerice .t Hart, carriage maken; Craig .t Howard and D: Wright .t Co. M'W · mille; John Weet, eh06 ahop; Rev. M. Bugbee and Watton .t Co., A.. P. Watton, Hollennrorth .t Turner, .John H. Johaet.ono; P. H. Kitchen, Oeaeral Merohanta; John W atar>a, Hotel .to.

The town of J?reeden ia th~ centre of a fine agricultural diatrict ever increuing in area, r.artlcularly ~n Dawn, ow111g to foreet olear~o~~cea. It ahipe largely of grain, pro­duce, 'bent etuff, timber, oordwood and live atook. It Ia eubetantlt.lly built Ita chief bueln"' bloclu being fine brick building•, wbilat in the enviro01 and &.erose 'the river &re ma.ny elegan~ private reeldeaoea. It ooutaiaa two partlcula.~ly fine brick botela 2 roller proc.. mila, 2 """milia, 2 planing milia, foundry and machine ahop MoV~·8 lara• Serven -..heel worke, etave mill, woolen factory, 2 carriaae ahope ebip 'yard tan nery, pump, -.raahhll machine and 10rghum faclxlriu, and other eetabl~hmeuta. All th~


uanallinea of general bu.iD- are well repl'fJM11ted. There are fine Methodiet, Catbollo, Preebyterlaa, Eplaoopal .ad &ptlat Churchea: ud 2 public 10hoola-one a fine eub. matial buildinl(.

There il an excellent town hall with acoommodation for .00 per10na, a oonnntent market at&ooe, a fire ball and ateam fire engine, atreet electric lighte &nd a very fine iron bridge connecting North and South Dreeden, erected by the towu and oounty. There il a privat. bank, a daily poet office, tele~raph, U.lephone, and e.xpr- offioea and alive .... eekly newapaper-tbe "OrMden Timea.. ' Here Ia located Diviaion Co1ut N~. 3 ; bead­quarten of the Camden And Dreeden Agricultural .. enciatlon, "alae of the Drelldon or No. 6 Company of Kent '·olunteera. \I ail ahgea da.ily for DAwn Milia and for Croton and Grove Milla, '"mi . .,..eeldy. There arelodgea of 'Vorkmen, Maeona, Oddfellowt, Or&~~gemen, &c. A-.ed v.olue of ro•l .ad peraonal property, 1450,000. Funded Debt, $40,000.

BOTHWELL. The to"'o of &th'll'oli la located on the London road in the townthip

of Zone, & mile north of the River Tba.moa, a.nd 2'l miloa e .. t of Chatham, the oount.y town. An important ltAtioo on the Grand Trunk and Caoa diu Pacitic Railwa.ya ; it Ia a. lao headq u&rtera for the Florence a.nd Claohan etagee. It waa laid ont in 1854 by the la.te Hen. George Brown, to whoee enterpri;r;e a.nd the oonatruction of the Gre&t Weatern ltailway it owoa ita e:riatenoe: and wu iDoorporated aa a town, by apecial Act of Parliament,

iD 1 d6i . The preaeot population i1 about I 000. The early hiatory il not eventful, but is remarkable in connection with it• onoe

famoua oU-woU.. Ite eite, until 1850, formed part of A dense hueh-the once Iodiu reserve of the Moraviana- ud then,, the population of the whole townehip did not exceed a dor;eo eettlen, chiefly loc&t.ed along the river road. The enrvey (made by Dennie Boulton, P. L . S ) dateefrom 1!!54, when a great aale of Iota, widelv advertieed, bad place the 21•~ November following, rea.lizi[\g thereat $13,000. Mr. Brown, who owned 110me 6,000 acrea of eurroundiog land, eot to work for ita eyetematic clearing, erecting , • .,.. mille and furniture faotorlea a.nd until the oolla.pse of 1857-8 waa a buay hive of enterprile. Then until the diaoovery of oil in 1865-6 the town wa.a all but deaerted. That event, ho'!l'ever, eet thing• booming; ita fortunea roae reached the height of irA old poaitioo- weot a etrlde f&r beyond it. Corner loti until then unaaleable at lo50to 1100, now realized $1000-tho ~- 1<:. corner lot of Main and Oa.k atreetl, $3000. Duildioga ran up by the hundredl, hotela oould not acoommoda.te half the people. A• a paptr putl it: "Feb'y 1866 a year ago 400 or 500 people, to-day 5000 or 6000; eight pueenger train• atop bore and 100 people often arrive by one train; Griffith• Hotel I~ for 12000-tbe Martin Houee for ~00." But ita greatneaa hu again departed I

The lint aettlen were Henry D. Munro (a nephew of the famoue Sir Jamea Duke) who with hit partner-one McLaughliD-opened the firat atore in a building which atood acutb of the railwa.y track, net.r tho old refinery, which served alae u a tem· por.ory boarding houao for iooomera; Mr. Oriflitha, who crcoted the firat tlvern two doon eaat of the old echool bonae; George Peoniculck who erected the dwelling next door eaat, and Capt. Taylor who arrived the following winter. The firat merchant north of the railway, wa1 John E. Brooke of Chatham, who did buaine" about the alto of Mayor Dillon'• new etore and wu aucceeded by the l&te Duncan Ca.mpbell and Donald McNabb, l:oth alao of Chatham; Wm. Laughton followod immediately &iter e.nd ia yet in bueiDeu and now the oldoet mercbr.nt. '

llotbnll, oreaoot, i1 a prosperous town, the centre of a floe gruing eectioo of ooun· try. The town il well built and cootlioa several fine blocka of atorea, hotell and haod-10me dwelling• ; a fine two·atory brick town ball, • public ball ud a large &nd very fine brick 10hool There are Proabyteri&n, Epiloopal, Baptilt &nd R. Catholic ohorobea. It oontaiDI of indu.trla.l eeta.blilhmenta:-ftouriog, piiUltng and aaw milia; oania,llt~lhopa, pump facwrv, foundrv, aoa.p 'llforlu, bAallet f&etory, &o. Hero &re located tUt. uead· quarteno of the Zone Agricultural Society; No. 6, Dlnaioo oourt; a.nd the Bothwell or No 5 volunteer company. There il alao an efficient fire brig&de. A dr.lly mall and uP.rca aervioo; telegraph, bankiDg and telephone office eat.abliabed facta ; and there is a daily 1tage to Florence r.nd Aughrim, &c. and weekly newapaper-Tbe &thwell Timoa. Tbe ahlpmeote are grain, live etook, lumber, ra'llf oil, wool and other farm produotl The ... eaaed v~lue of property i.a about 120,000 and the bonded indebtedoeu, 55,000.

Tlu KDT ComrrT AlrNUAL lOR 1890.




~UIO('J Steamship

-x....Ha._.., IJJIIOat•&MaiJ


CGIIINaTa•La , ...... ... 1 ·-IlLII

Onl¥ Ltne with Second Cabin on main deck. Cabln P'JoaU~ P~ l!l..._r&4f• ft.rst cl.- Oet tlcket.e t.o ~o home or ror I'Ptenda oomlDc'

out. from



__D0miAi0;-FC:JfJ?P ~, BOT:S:"W"ELL, ONT.

Take thie method of upreulog our moet einoere thiUiu t.o all our many patron~ for their very liberal patronage dnrlug the year JUit olo1ed, and truet that by l(irlog honeet goode at the Iowen living price., we may merh a oontiouanoe of patroD"fl from all our old oust.omer1 ae •ell u many new on... Eighteen hundred aod Eighty·nloe hu been a proeperou. year •lth oe, therefore 'lt'e thiUik all •ho have helped t.o make h eo, IUid 'lt'ieh you a Happy New Year, u well u health end happlo- tbrouah life Durlog the year that le ju1t da-.nloa •• ehaU etriYe t.o ear'l and merit your trade. •

:oo:---The ONLY Ft1U18 lo the County of K•11-r haYiDg the

right t.o uee

Gotnnartson's Patont fflBtaliG BnGkBt, In their pumpe are

DO~ON J?U~ ViTORXS, EOT'l3:ViTEJ:... C. TIC&~aa, Cs.a.m.a.x, and MusRS. P.t.o l: .t MILLaa, RIDOaTOWlf,

.a.u oLbore olalmlo.: &o have Un •m• buoll•' areloadlnr tho pubho wtr~. Wbn 'I'OU aralD a...s ol a I'IIIDp, IODd 111 'b• deplb ol 1011r ••II ao•l 11:1' our prioa baloro bu{lalf alM•horo and 7011 will • • • •otMJ. llo t rouble &o aoe, oorr11pood;noe. Wa pay tbo hl(heit prl~ o oub for (Ood, oouud WbUeweod lop. 10. 11 &ad If tea' IOD( Ia narJ OUi&om ITIIU Jatd ln Oa'-rlo.


~ 115Z'. R. HIC~EY,~ Bar r ister, Sollcltor in S u p rem e Court, Not.a.ey


L_ _


~ew & ~eF,lx· GE:NERAI., ME:RGHANfS,

Palace Store, Thamesville, Ont.

§(la,"!! .how it H a.:zrJno 'Z', -·An atlll Doine--

The Lar{Jest Business in tllis Part of the Country. - """\1V"" :a: "Y ~-

Becauee their long experience in the b11.1in1111, extending over a period of many ye&n~, tol{ether with the fact of their ability to purchaae in the very Be.t Marlleta for Cub, making it euy for them to aell at prlcee which cannot be beaten and in many e&- defy oompetition. Combined with thia may be added their

Strict Attention to Business and Desire to Please their Customers. They do not olaim to aell gooda at or below o.:oat, b l4t

DO BUSINESS ON A FAIR AND HONEST BASIS, M&rldng Gooda at a amall advance of coat.

Their atock i1 ao large r.nd varied that you aro aure to find juat what you want r.t r.ny eeuon of the yer.r, ~ond


You reapectfolly invited to call at



THAMESVILLE, ONT. Kou, io Lot.n on Notea and Korira&"e• Farmer'• Motea Dlacounted.

Colltct1ona Promptly K&de. ReiDitta.nce Dra!tt Iuued. A O.U.eral BankiD.r Buetneaa Tranaa.ctod. Kortga.1ea and Debenture• Purchuad.

Apprailen for the C&na4a. LOan Permanent and S&VlllP Company, Toronto. KOMY io Loan on :aeal EIU.te at Lowo.t current Rawa of Intereat and on Fa'forablt

Terma of Repayment. Apntl for the Gtucow a London Ftre Alaurance Company.


Deposits Received and Interest Allowed. AllrBuklng oflice open from 9 a. m. till 5 p. m.


Tut Kr.NT CouNTY AN:-.'tiAl. mR 1890.


Thameaville ie a llooriahlDg villa&e eitaated oa the Londoa Road In the Townehip of c .. mden, a half mJle from the River Tha.m• and eixteen milte eaat of Chatham. It Ia an Important atatJon on the Orand Trunk and Canadian P•clfic Ralhnye. The Towu •ae 6nt laid out by David Shennan in 1854, owing Ita ulateuce to the COD·

etruction of the (:reat Weetern Raihny which opened that year. Incorporated in 11.; 4, it hat now a population or 1000

The original villaJ!e lay wut of the p~nt-ou what i1 uow the Mayhew !!'arm, London Road north Anll hall •omewhat of an Mrly blatory. hoript· ed through the locatlou of Coruw .. ll'e primitive aaw mill, which etood on the Fergueou farm, directly oppoaite. The mill wu 6ret erected about 11\06- a mill by the wa7, which nuder war ealgencee, wu hurued b) the Brltlah under Oeueral Proct.or, in the Thamee retreat of 1813, and for which Joebua, then member of Parlla.meut for, obtained Sl,liOO, u compeneatloo A etore atuched to the new mill, followed : tbtn • eeriee of tanro on the Mayhew farm, commenclDg ln 1818, and known 111 Orangen' i.u 1834 ; Aubrer.'• In 1837 and Mayhew'• i.u 154!;. In • new etore addition built thereto, M-n. Hal , John E. Brooke, H. fi'. L'ummiog r.nd ,J. C. C"ollier oocupled, u (leueral Merchute, in turn. Joe. Com wall, Jun. , al110 carried on a tore on hie owu plaoe oppoaite for a abort time. Here, in I 32, wu eetaloliahed a poet othce- one of the tint aix in the county. Here, too, lived Joehua L'ornw .. ll, \I. P. l'lltl, alao bit eon Matthew, who repr-nted the county jointly with Wm. ~JcCra.-, of Raleijlh, In 18.'10 ~ . The PrMIII' eite of Themee\'illl ie hiatorical. A military rleapatch of 11413 aaye of eventl preceding the .\loravian h~ttle (which had place 3 mile~~ eaet) ".\bout !4 o'clock (;apt. ~Jnir'e company (Brltlah JWgulan) w•• halted at Riehardaon'e (Wallace farm} eix mile. from }foraviantown, and the l.renadier company waa left with it t.o aupport In the nent of an attack: the remainder proceeded on the advance being at a bouM called "Shearman'•.'' one mile from Rlcharrlaon'a. At day bre&k next morning (5th Oct.) the rear suard and grenadier company moved to 8hearm~n'e where the "hole regimen' (4let) collected. At thie place, after bavin~ halted aome time, a few head of cattle were ehot, but before the meat could be tlivlded the enemy were reported io be cloee at hand, and were order ed to march.

Pre.nt Tbamenllle, 111 "' hue aaid, Jatee from 1864. The 6ret eettlere were : Joehu Cornwall, who prior to the village eurvey, erected • abanty on the now(, , T. etation ground, and eubeequeotly a aecond on what i• now Jdaybew'e hotel sardtn; H. F. Cummln, who removed the aame year-185.."i, to the buUdlng now occupied by Mr. Sayer; William Watb, who followed immediately, erecting the ?.r-t hoiel; Jamu Duncan, who built and opened etore (at Newcombe) directly oppoatte and William May. hew, who erected an hotel on the preeent aite. Meaare. Ferguaoo- tbe .M.P. P. 'a family -arrived lo 1~7 and completed the half finiahed aaw miU of Sherman.

TbameaviUe ie the eentre of a fine farming ~eetion of conntry to which fact Ia owing much of ite proaperity. It Ia an excellent market for farm and other product. and abipe largely of grain, llour, live atock, lumber, railway tiee, l.c. h containa MYeral fine brick buai.ueea blocke-particularly the Ferguaon block-a ered.Jtable io tbe ownere; aome ~ood botela many reeldencee- notably the villaa of M-n. J. and R. ll'erguaou, Fred. Mayhew and J . N. Harmer. There are two publlo balla-one with 300 -ting capacity; Preehyterian, ~lethodiat, Roman Catholic, Eplacopallu and Baptlat churcbee, and a large, hantlaome Lrlck graded echool- an honor to the place. There Ia a fire brl· gade. The induatrial concerne conelat of: a large roller flouring mill, aaw mill, planing mill, two carriage ehope, uheeae factory, cider factory, and the 1Uual compliment of blackamith, carl)f'oter and builden ahopa. The buaineea firma cover all the ttaple linee -eeveral 11tabli•hment1 havinjl coneidenble pretentiona. Here are located the bulldloH• and fair jlrounde of the F.aat Ke.nt Agricultural Auociation. There Ia a dtJ!y mail· expreu, tole~rraph and telephome offioee, etage connoction wltb .Rldgetown; two prlva~ banke and a weekly newepaper, "Tho HeriJd." Tho ....-men~ viJue it about S170,000.

~· i~~~i:~~:~~:f),~ ~111..13URY GENIRE.E- I

Drg 'Goods, GrocBii'BS: Bats and cans, ! RE:tlDY-llilDE CLOTfiiNG BOOTS. flND SffOES .


7DREss -:·goons x AND-:· MILLINERY.~

., The Highest Price Paid in Cash !or all Kinds o! Farm Pro­duce.



.U.80 llfiLDI .. or aa:;-O.A.RR:I.A.GEIS,I 'W' .A.GONS, SLEI:IGHS, &:;o_e;:;;:.:s





-:o:-Diacounta Motea; Juuea Dn.ftl ; M&ll:ea - <>ntnl"io _ CoUe~lou. ; Pu• Jn~reet on Depoaita; , - ::J

TIUliSACTS A TERMS, $ 1 PER D A Y . B<!n ADOOIIIm~cSatlon lor u.~ Tu velllntr: Publlo.

GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS, I llar Surplled~l:g;.,<;:,oi-H.lquoll

_. iiLBURY G~NiR~, liE-

Tax KENT CouNTY ANNUAL roa 1890 69


Ie a ritlog and an enterpriting villaae, eltuated on d1e Kent and EaMI: County Line, in the toW'llJibipe of Tilbury Eut and Tilbury W ut (In both of which itelimiteextend)eome 21 mllee frc.m the town of F.Mn Centre and 18 milee from the town Chatham. It ia an Important ehtion on the Micbi4'an Central Railway which pueee through the villag~, and will be on the Canadian l'aciflo Railway, whose etation lia about f mile north of the village. It firat commenced itl ui1tence in 11>75 - .. buut the time of tho oonetruction of theM .

.._ _ _.~.-..-...J C. Hy Inoorpol'llted e villege by epecial act of Parliament in ISSi- , it wu by tho ume m•na-eo far u the limite in ~ .. ex County are concerned­attached +4 the County of Kent for all purpoeee, Tho population ia probably now ll'IOO.

It hu no early hietory-farther than the uanal biatory of a fairly Mttled farm dia­trict with Olarlle'a mill u a centro. The firat atep taken towanla •illage recognition wu made in 1876, the Initiative towneman being William Hen!lereon who lint located hit modoat etore (10 or about the alto of Crawfonll\ Powell'• b)l)(k, II Pre ( ,u the f:Un eide), waa eetablilhed the lint P. 0 .-then called "Hendereon." He aubat•lu"' 'y moved to the eita of the brick houae directly north eut of rail•ay track and there t. .ul · nrd opened ~w.~other eton~. It ia hie auney which lead• all othera in the plattin& of the villaao. Meantime Kidd'• mill had arleen, and the ineYitable tavern on the coruer, now occupied by the fine lfarehand Houae, In a etore adjoining the latter, J. :S. Richardeon- the real pioneer merchant, commenced bueineu in 1H71J, aubee>tuently mo'l'ing to hi• pr-nt premiaea, eonth of the railroad track, where he hu enr eince cerried on hla lara• and aucceuful undertakings. Two yean later-1880, Mungo Stewart built hie etore, corner Kin~ and Young etreete (hie houte the year befo10); Mr. Wilton, another at the corner of Kmg and Canal etreet•. But the event of the period wu the erection of Jamea Stewart's fine brick block a fe'tl' year• after.

The 'l'illage ot ' Tilbury Centre il •ell built, contaiDing eome bandeome buaineu blocka, M'l'eral lirat clue hotat. ancl perhaps, conaiderin& Itt eize, more line roaidences than any other ~wn in the county The atreetl are no' pued - altbough a achame of gravelling not only etreetl but roada ie in view - but a eyatem of water pi poe l'lltnify them, giving ample fire protection at a momenta notice and a aupply of water for all purpoeea beyond. There il coneiderable in the •illage- mdeed there hu ahvaya been, and le tho aeocr«-t of ita eucceu. To :'llr. J. S. Richar.II!On, .\I r . 8hephtrd, Jam«-• Staw•n and Mr. Jamee i>owell ia owing the fine marktt an I many un•lertak inge bringin11 trade and cuetom, which it enjoya. It contain•: larjle tlouriog mill, 2 cerria~te ehope, planing mill, 2 furniture factoriee, machine ehop, t\o . Then~ Ia a private bank ; taltgraph, telephone, aud exprel8 offices; There are ~lethodiet, Preebyl!'rian and Con­J(re~ational cburchee; two fine c:ommon echoola, ud a lively weekly ne,np•rr- the Tilbury Centre Timoa. Beaidoa the efficient waterworke there ia a town hal and a public ball IMting :100. There are ~Iaeonic, Workm~n. Foreat~ra an•l C. ~1. II. A. ueociationa.

Tilbury C<·ntre ie the centnl of a fine diltrict of country, anti of a large timber inter. oat. It ehilJI largeoly of farm prodncta- itl fico market inliucinl' trade from a long dlttanoe-.lm l·,ga, atavea, live etock, &c.-the volume of which 11 very conelderable. A .. eued value <·f pf()perty $200,000.

MONEY f_r(() LOAN.

JAMES SOUTAR, Cho.tho.m.

Loana Money on IMPROVED FARMS and Producth•e TOWN PROl'ERT'l, onauch u.rma u muat aatiefy all applicanta. Loweet intereet; Nu Cornmlaeioo Charl!ed; No F10ee Impoeed ; Annoyanc11 and nponco of rcoowrJ.a avoided. Valuator for "'flU BoRON & E.u1 Lou & s ... vJNos Co., LoNDO~.



Real Estate and Insurance A~ents. --::--

OrrJC'& :










Bua, Telephone anc1 Electric Belli. Commo­clloua l&lllple B.oom•.



A.-ent. ror

I Brant!on1 B1nc1er anc1 llltower, (A. Ba.n1J It 8011.

· Wiener'• Drill, R&ke, Tec1c1er anc1 Pavortte SIAN U t' A(lTClU\R Cu.ltl 'f&tor,

..llNDME'..Il LS Chatbam Wt.~on Workl Cllee PaceM.) ROLLER FLOUR I1 ll ' Fleury'• Plow•. G~•. Root cutten, k, Allro Grllrtlnc. il (8oo Pace 87.)



(;,! tv•n, a town of 2,[,0() Inhabitant•, i1 prettily aituate.t on tho "divi•liog ridge" 110 callecl ) io the town· ahip of llowartl, eome 4 mtlta north of the vtllag11 of ~l orpeth, 11 lOuth "f 'fhameaville, an•l ~~ milt-a of Chatham. A etatk n on the Michi~n Central R~ihuy, the objectiv11 pc.iot uf t htl ~l ot i'tlth and 'fhamenille ata~fJI, i t ia the most important town io the liue of the L .. ke Erio townahiJII. h tint a•pirttl to a \ illage nia·

ten<"ll a l10nt 18.)(), .,.hen ( '. l'••lloy laid off part of the origin!\ I farm lot into ' " me •cure uf \·illage loti on "h•t ia now ~la.iu atreet, and on Jamca an<l Eheuner atreota. Ki•l~tett•wn wal inwrporated a village in lllii; a towu in 111'12.

The hiltory of Ri<lgetowo ie uneventful aud compl\r•tively modern. Prior to 11<30 the elte wu • eolid buah, full of raccoona which the incoming ~eUler• hunted to provide the cub to pay the fiddler at their lOCi&) daocea. The eettlen of the original fum lou which here oornereJ were : A. Marsh, E. Colby, E<l. ~litton and K Wataon. Beyond their log h.rm hou•ee there were uouo other for a tlecade. Until lb46 the place wu known u the dividing ridge, and tl(oordiog to the Canadian lluetteer, of 1"~~6. Joe. Newcomb, au and wagon maker, one an•l a half milu oat~ of the Har"ich line, the only boaio- penon ther• . ~Jr. Do·l~te however. eoon aft~r put in an appearan<·e aa wagon maker, loc:t.ting himeelf near the aite of Jamea Ruahtoo'a reaidence : 11 diol about aame time Mr. Mitton, blackemith, "·hoee •hop ltO()(l between Main etreet &no\ t:unter'a mill -• loc:ation which will t.l110 anawer for the old Mitton burying ground. Mr. Marab had erected a log etore at the N. r;, curner of the Porter Houae t.lcx:k, •here he 10ld jlroeerie. and truck, and ratlled candiee with the "bo> 1," as aubeectnently did l>odge In the erection of the original part of hia ..-ell known hotel, on the s \\'. corner, oppoaite. The achool boule had alre&.ty been erected, occupying a poeition no.., located by the rear of Hagaman & Jull1 Store. An amueiog incident 11 conne.:ted wtth Colby'• original town plat. Colby wu aomewhat of a character, end when the Preabyterian church bad obtained a building lot of him, the ~ethodistl made application for another -that now occupied by Mr. Hancock. No! aaye he, Pr~ahyttoriana are a quiet people; you are a ooiey lot ; you would annoy the Presbyteriana.

Amonget the chief early aettlers, were: R. Marth, Mr. Dudge, Mr. Mitton, John Moody, Dr. Smith and Meeera. Rraah, llritton, Hancock, Kitaon, McLean, Wileoo, Weet· land~.

Ridgeto•n, ia a compact, well. built town, the chil'f Lueln811 street containing eome fine bloclte of brick buildinga and the reeidential atreeta anti auburba many handeome dwellinge. 'fhe atreeu are ll~hted with the electrio lisrht It poaaeaaea a good brick graded common ecbool and a hoe Colle;:iate Institute There are Preebyteriao, .\letho· dilt, Jo:pi100pal, Baptiet, ( 'athollc and Di4ciple Churchca-eome of them very fine building.. There are two fine publio balls - one the opera houae with a aeatiog oapecity of 1000, a Mechanic. lnltilute and a public library with 2500 volumee and two aplritetl. weekly ne1npaper1 the l<:ut Kent J'laindealer, E. McKay proprietL>r, and the Ridgetowo ~tandard, Philip H. Bowyer, proprietor. .All the aecret and benevolent aocietlee are well repretented. There are two branche~ of chartered banka,Cuatome houee and expreu, telegraph and telephone office&. The mail ia a daily one each way. There ill a Towu Hall and eteam engine fire brigade. Here ue headquarters and grounde of the Howll!'d A4rlcoltural Socit>t.Y, aleo Division Court No 2. Of lnduatrlee, It coo. taloa: 3 planmg mtlle, a large burymg cuket factory, 2 foundrlee, 2 ftouriog mills-one a roller mill of large oapaclty, woolen and knitting factory, organ factory, carriage aboJIII, eto.

Ridgetown ie the centre of a fino farm coUDtry, the trade of which II large and puerally tributary to the to..,n. It ships largely of 8our, grain, beana, clover eeed, live etock, hoga, etc . The aueued value of Ridgetown ill660,000.


lncpl L- M~ici~ality. I Reeve. ~ lat. Deputy. I 2nd Deputy. I 3rd Deputy. Councillora ~ Township .. 'wm. A~i~ William \vickrn;-~IE. W. Hazlett~~Arthu~ ·Stewar~ J E. St~wart .. ~.~ ~


1860 Harw1ch " . Jno A. Langford William Cameron .. James \to~lull~n .... ,Jamee Le~lie .. ••• 1 0. HutchillliOn . . .. 6 1860 Howard .. . . Henry Buller ...... Joa"ph lloothroyd . George 'Jcltonald . 3 7n Crowder, u .• vicl. Gladstone .••.•.•.. 6 I 1860 Raleigh .. ,R. J . Morrison . ... Gilbert H: Dol10n .. S. L. Well wood .... 3 eleon :Shepley, A: G. Robertaon .••• ,'... 5 ';} 1860Camden " A.M. Muon ..... ,y, H. Wtndo...-er . ? A. Greenwood, Jamea Craft, Stephen R,urgea .. . ....... .,.. .. 6 li'S 1860 Dover " Cor. Pureer. . John Richm~.ond .••. ~ fheodore Bonrraua, V S. Cartier, Cor. Rowe. . ..... . • . . . . . . . 6 1860p!"'ord " 1·1?· ~·GESNER Colin ~itch . . . 2 Thomaa pavid110n, John Murray, Pe~er Speece............. . 6 l8601T1lbury F.ut .. ". <.;. Fletcher .. ,Henry Sales .. ~ Hf'nry [ owell, Alexander Gracey, F10lay Ro~ ertaon... . .. . . . . . 6 1875


Blenheim, Town of . . J . K. Morrie . . 2 L. H. Edmonda .. . 2 Xo. 1 ward, J. H. Feri(Uaon, A. J. Can1r•bell, I>. J. Durfy; No.3 'I S. Telford, Robt. Nichol,, T. B. Sh1llin~;ton; No. 3, R. Wil·

1 liam1on, T. J. Lee, M. Clement . .•• ... . ...• . .......•••• . . 12 187~ Dreaden .. D. V. Hicka ....... H. Weaton .. . .... . 2 L. Peten, J. M. Shaw, J. Cragg, T N. Willaon, N. B. CariiO&l-

len, R. McConnell ............................. . ....... 9 l877'Ridgetown ... Louie Rowe ..... Tboa Wat.on ... .•. 2 No.1 ward, Chaa. r.ib110n, D. U'Loane; No. 2, John (;ochrane,

John McPhel'll(ln ; No. 3, Arthur licKinlay, A. Page ; NoA,

I I r Joho Leitch, .T1•l-n Watson.......... . ................ . 11

1875\Vallaceburg Village. J. S. Fraaer • ... A. L Shambleau. \..~.Chubb, F. '>\-'. Robinaon, F'. M. Smith .................... 5 1853


Romney Townahip .. Arthur L&mareh lr;Jamee Hodg10a, 1. . Stobbe, S. 0. Lounsbury, Hugh Shanka . ..•.........•••... • . 5 1867 Zone " .. L. E. Vogler .••... I oahua Lidster, A. G. !\lcDonald, Richard White, Jamea Welch ... • ................ 5 1867 Bothwell, Town . .. Geo. Jonea .... 1 M. Lebu, W. B Kellett, D. Campbell, N. D. McLean, C. Reid, J. Shephard, A. Me-

Roberta, J. Dickson, and Geo. Swalwell ...•.•.... . ........ . •.•...•... . ...•. 11 1874Thameaville, Village Wm. M. Drader . 1 F. J. Mayhew, Wm. C. Hoy, C. Richardaon, Geor~e Taylor • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • • . . . . . 5 18871Tilbury Centre " A R. Nicol ... , . 1 W. C. Crawford, Charlea Ouelette, ,Jaa. Palmer, D. D. Ellis ..... . ....... . ...... . ... 6

County Council Membera-35. The membera of the County Council are left of the zig.zag line. Together with thoae right of the line, the local councile are formed excepting the mayora which are given below and nevertheleu included in the memberabip number.

1850 I Chatham Town I Ward No. 3, Alfrrd Craddoek, Geo. K. Atkinmn ; No. 2, John A. Walker, and J. C. Wanltu; No. 4, N. T. Bogart and John Carpentu; No 1, John Flook and lda.naon Campbell; No.5, John McCorvie and D. M. Cbrietie.-11 membera.

MAYORS F OR 1890. Chatham, Hugh Malcolmeon; Blenheim, H. K. Youna ; Bothwell, P. Richard•; Dr..den, Capt. Aaa Ribble; Ridgetown, Ju. A. Dut.

w .. aD&M OJ' CovnY.-D. H. Geaner.

- --;::- -;. ~·

Tm: K~.N1 Cot'ST\' , AN~TAt. •·«11: lflflfl.


Municipality. Clerk. Y er.r I Poet Office. Ap'd.

---··--1---··----11-- - - ---- _, ___ .. ___ _

Yr. ap'd

Camden, .. ,, ... ,Jamn Hootton ... , 1~711 Dreaden .•..• Ja.mea Rlackburn • ..• 1873 Gbathr.m .. , ... .. W. G . Merritt .• ,... I!J~ Louiaville •••• Alex. W. Crow . • . l!S'I5 Dover , •...... • ,John Welah . , . . • IRRI Ounjrah .. ••• ~c. M. Caron. .... I!S!17 Harwich ... .. . . \V. R. Fellow• • .. . 1861 Hl~nheim .... G. M. Balnl ........ I~ Howard ...... Charlet Gra.Dt .. . 6'l-79 Hld(Cetown ... lo; B Harritnn ...... lb60 Orford . .. ...... Henrv \VAtaOD • •• ,.. ISH ( ' l•arville .... :r H. Rirllfl)' .. .. . 1'1 R'leigb ... . .. ..


John·o Stflwart ... lb1<0Jo'letchtl .... . §:o;ilu W . Hauvry .. 1"70 Romney .... . ... Alfnod Coaboworth , 11-1\0 Rnuuai'V ... . Wm. Wickwire ..... ll!l!2 Tilbury D. R. li'Hqubanon .. 1!173 Steaart , , .... IJ. R. Far4uhanon .. I~ Zone ... ... .. ... ~amuel HMrie..... 1'1711 ~'Iorence .John Udater ... lSi~ Blenheim ....... John W . GIIAon .... 11!85 Blenheim .... Jamet Rutherford .. 11$.1\3 Bothwell .•..... Geora~ Moore .... , 181J8 Bothwell , •. . 'Thomao~ Bumaide., •. liSSti Chatham •.. .. .. John 'l'iMlnan . . • . 1864 Chatham ... • Roht. ,J Flemin~ •. , 1~'19 l>rf'eden . , .. . •. . John Chapple. , .• • , . 11!72\0reeden ..... 1c. P. Wateon. . .. .. 11172 Ridgetown , .. . . D. lAK-Iuane ...••. , , 1!184 Rldgetown , ., A. ~f. ~I<'IAan .•• . ·,IS.>jlS Thametville , •• . ,John Duncan .... . . , ISR4 Thamuvill~ .. teor(e Watta ... ... l!lll3 Wallacehulg, . H. E. Johoeon...... 11483 \\"alla~burg .. D. ( Mcl>nnald ..•. lb~!l Tilbury Centre A. A Wileon... . ... ~~~ Tilbury('entre A. A Wlleon ... , . 1b'1'4

• Poet office. of Trer.euren •me ae thoee of Clerk exoeptin(, t whicb ie lJo\·er South, ~which Ia Duart, 1 which I• Charlng Croea, and which ia Bothwell

The ~11larlee of Townahlp CJ,.rk• avere~e Sl90, (the hlgbeet le S3001 and tboM of I Townthlp Treuuren only Sl40. Th• •larlf'a of urbton clf'rk• (leaving Chatham Town out of the eetlmate) enrage 1140: thn<!e of Treuuren only ft6. Of coune there are oertaln oommietlont or perquieltee attached to the poeltion, particularly to thoee of the I townahlpe.

MUNICIPALITIES OF THE COUNTY. - ,o.,; -~s· · .!:!~~R- d I - - :.e ·, .,:_c '!! ,.s-: • e • ~ ,. • epr, ocorp 'fown or .. t' 'l' e :: e • I

Townablp. e s -::; "' f 5 \V at n under I nu .~ .. ;:: 0 ~ ~ f ~ ·- ~ <UI <<II Dietr't ~1. Act age. e;.. ~ :> i! := :; < <

----- :._ ~ --· -- -- ---- - -- • - _": I_ Chatham .... .. . . 1794 179'l.8-1,800 1842 18.:".0 Blenheim ..... 18-1-1 1~7.>1 1&5 ti\!0 Camdem . ..... .. 179-&1792 46,400 18-12 1850. Bothwell •. .. . , 18.'>4 • . 11867 23.0 Dover ... .. . .. 179-1 178" 81,000 18-12 1tB.'iO. ( 'hatham .. .. .. 179.) 1850 lb55 IGrJ() Howard .... ... . 179Hi92~.600 18-12 18.">0 Oree<len ...... .. 18-ll'i, ISi\! ll:t!;\! 6-1\! H•r.,lch .. .... 179-1 lillll!)1,400 18-&2 IS.'iO Rld.zetnwn ..... 18:>1 1877 1882 671 Orford .•.. . . . . 179-11!116~3.0110 1~2 . 18rl0 Wallaceburg . . .. 1&13187~ . ... 600 R.lelgb ... , . . .. 1791 17!1.5 72,400 18-12 .. llt'W1 Thame1ville .. . Ill.'~ 1874 . . . . 382 R'lmoey .... .... 179-lll!li 27,-4001842 . 18.13 .. 1 Ti1hurv Centre . 18791887 .... Tilbury ....... .. 179-1171li 3'2 600 I'l-l~ 18.)() .. • Bothwell wu ln<'orporated by Zone . .. • , . , .... 1~1 H!2.3 29,000 18-&2 . 1857 . tpe.:ialaot of Parliament.

The fint and outline aurvev of the county wat made In 1792 Prior to li94 the townsbipe were oamed No. I, 2, 3, and ' north and eouth of th11 River Thamea. Zone and north half of Orfnrd oompri~ the Moravian reserve The acreage given ia u orlgin,lly taken from Crown T...tLU(l office, and changed to include the aduitiollt of Chat ham and Cam(leo Goru, &:c.

R'lward wu llret repre<~ented in thfi<.Jounty Council by a ~£C:.'OIW Ok D.ttPUTV RE&\'.It in 1&3, Har•lch in HlM. Ralel,~rh In 1858, Chatham Towo•hip in 1860, Ca.mden and Orford io 1863, Dover in I bUS and Tilbnry Eut in l'-i8 Dreed•n wu fint repreeented In li:IS7, Rirluetown In ISS7, and Wallacebur!C In 1887. Harwi<'h returned a Tauto Run: in ISUS, Chatham In 1&72, Boward in 1&74, Raleigh In 1878 aod Dover in 1887. SlnNt 189:) Harwich hu returned a Fot'RTH Rnv1 and eince 1889, Chatham The Town of Chatham, h•ving aeparated from the County in 1880, bu no repreeentatlon In the County Council.


COUNTY OFFICIALS, t889-t890. -~--i



Office. Incumbent. :? ; Salary ~.. l'o1t Office. ~... IS88.

(;;,uoty-Judg;,-i,nior -~~:- ;;:-h,bald R;;jj~~~- i87scbatham --- ~-;ooo I Cou~tyJudgP, Junior ...... RvLt. S. Wood• .. ::: 11!185 .. ·::::::·: 2400 SheraffofCouuty ............ John Mercer ..... ... L85f " . .. . .. . 2235 Clerk of the Peace. . . . . . . . . William Douglu ..... 1868 ., ..... { County Attorney . ........ . Willhm Dougla~ .... ,. 1868 " . . . . . . 2600 Local Ma~ler, High Court ... Robert O'Hara . . . . . . 1870 ,, . . . . . 1600 .Jurl!le• Surrogate ........... Archibald Bell ....... 1878 .. ... . . ... 455 Regtatrar Surro,11ate . . . . . . . . William A Campbell . 1872 ,, LoCal Registrar, High Court \Villi~rn A Campbell . 1872 " Registrar of Deede .......... Pell'r D !>fcKellar . ... 1862 ,,

...... { 1381

3000 MUNICIPAL, &c.

(,1erk of County .. .. . .. . Jae. C. Flemiug...... 1887,Chatham ......... j()() County Tre.~ur.,r .. .. .. .. "' J. Arnold ........ 1887 ,. .. . .. .. . llOO County Auditor (1889) • .. . • Henry \Vataoo ....... 1889 Clearville. . .. . .. . . 30

" " ....... A. R Nichol . . . . . . . 1~8!J Tilbury Centre . . 30 Gaoler . . . . . . . ............ Robt. Mercer • 8i2 Chatham . . . . . . . . . 650 GaolSurgeoo . ............. Dr.J. L Bray ........ l87i ,. ....... 17:1 Conaty Solicitor . . . . . . . . . . Chu. E. Pe~rley ...... 1876


.. . ...... Fee1. County Engineer .. . .. .. . William \lcGeorge .... 1881 ,, ........ Fee• School Superintendent No. 1 .. W. N Nichol ........ 18i7 Blenheim . . . . . . . . I 900 School Superintendent No.2 W. B. Colle~ . . . . . . . 1885 Chatham . . . . . . . 9.;()

The judicial Mlariee are NET of all disbursement.. The ealary of Local Muter Is commuted. The Mlary of Regiatrar of Deeds i1 approximate. 'I'he ealaril!s of Judges include $200 for tra,·ellin~ expenaca. Jud~ree recewe fees of Judge Surro~rate; also uf Revising Rarri1ten, aome S6()0. Tbe salary of County '£reuurer do not include perqui al~• of office. Tbe l&lary of School Superintendent. are approlt.ima.te and include Go,· ernment grant, but doea not include about $200 for examinations, &:o. The Roard of Aurliton (J'amea ~fcMullen and J u C. Fleming) receive each audit, $,&. County Coun· clllnra per day $3 and Township Councillon 82, and mileage. The Turnkey recei\'ti ${30 ; the ,\[atron 82()0.

GOVERNMENT OFFICERS, 1889-90. ~!;b. - Incumbent. _-


--- Poaition of Ofti~----..,..-P-o_•_t_O_ffi_ce_. -~~""~•""'8~.,..,'1 1862 . . J. 0. Pennefatber . Collector of Cuatom1 ............••... Chatham .... '1200 186-& .. Cba.rlea f' ..... Coll<"ctor of Customa . .... . ........ Wallaceburg. iOO 1884 .. AI& Cronk ••••.... Sub-Collector, Port Lambton. , , ...... Pt. LambtoD . 500 1862 .. A. R. McGre~r .. Le.ndlng Wai~r ..•.•. , ••........••.. Chatham,... 800 1884 .. Joaeph M. Eberta . " .................... Chatham . .. . 600 18M .. J obn Duck . . . . . . . . •' . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1tJorpetb. . . . . 600 1870 Caleb Coataworth ,. Preventive Officer .. ... , •• , ••..•.•... Romney. . . . . 300 1873.: Charles Dnnlop .••. Dep. Coil. Inland Revenue . . • .. .. •... Chatham ... 1200 1883 .. Alex'rMcKelvey ... lndlanAgent, Walpole !•land ........ Wallaceburg. 600 1879 . . John Beattie . . . .. . " Mor&vfa.ntowo ......... High~tate .... ~00 1188 .. R.ev'd J. Jaoob1 .. . . Protestant Jdl.ulonary, Walpole...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 1886 .. Dr. J . D. Wllaon ... Medical attendant, Mor&vla.ntown ..... Bothwell .. . 200 1884 .. Mr1. Th01. Cartier. LighthouHkeeper-Thame• ......... Chatham.... 4~ 1889 . W. R. Fellowa, J r " " -Rondeau . . . . . . . Rondeau U. . , 500 1883 .. Richard Linton . . .. ln•pector of Hldea, Chatham .... . .. ~hatbu1 .... F~@. 1878 .. Timothy McQueen . IIn1pector Fi1heriea, Lower Thames .... Chatha_m ... S ,6 1873 . . John '\1 c~fichael . " " Lake Erie ....... 131el'h~·•m .... ~~ 1~ .. JohnCrotty ·······~ " " UpperThamca ... Ro1h"t~ll . . 1879 Charlee ~aymond . " " Lake St. . . ~litchells Bay 60 1880: · t•. "frCo.rron .... :. " " Svdenh•m River ·j \\;allaceburg. 1?0

1. n Moody ..... I " " ~orth Branch .. \\ ahuoo..... ,j(J )

Tm: KENT CoUNTY ANNUAL t"'R 1890. i5


As"T.-CoiDprW. the Tn•aahipeof Dour, Harwich, &leiah, Tilbury Eut, Ro. · ..,., .ad •he towot of Cbath&m aa.l Sleabeim. Pop11latloo, 2t,ltM

Bonrw&LL.-Tbe Towothipe of C&md.o, z.,oe, Chatham, aod the \Owoe aad ••­of W.tac.b11rg Dreedeo, Thamenille aod (hthwell lo Keot Co11o\y, aad the toY11ebipe of ll•WDaad ~o


mbn lo Lt.mbtoo Co>ooty. Populatloo ~.1.4ii . LOCAL.

~ss:r, EA~T.-Compn- the \OWDIIhipe or Harwich, Howard, Orford, ?..cme, ( amdea, aod tbe towoe aod village~ of Blenheim, Ridgeto•a, Tbamenillt~, Bothwellaod Orwdea. Popalatioo, '1~,306.

Ksn, W&!!T -The towoehl~ of Donr,, Chatham, Raleiab Jo:Ut Tilbury, IWtniHif• aod the Town of Ghat ham aorl \ ill11fe of \\ .tt-bura. l'opalatitJo, 28,00..



__ lvote~ ~\1~:.:~~-- ~j: ,_<J?~==-·-- ~:.:: 1 ·~:~~- ~:~ ~~ Com· 9373 Arcb. c .. mpbell ••• , .. 2982 Heory ~myth. . . .. . 2Hi0 ~2 112 IDODI. S\ljll Roo. IJ••u.l }!tilt • •• • 'll~:l lJt. G. Mttehell , •.• 1 2lll:l 1 4J4~ 21

Local 6~~ Robt. Fecgueoa ...... 23ltl r. R. Jeclteon .. .. li2'l 402" ~ · 7i55 Jeme~Claucy .. .... . 2'.1014 J ... DiUoo ..... . .. 2193 •407 U


1183 Arch. Bell, Seoior Judge . • IRniling &rr11ter-for F.ut Keot Chatham P.O . MOO 11185 R. S. Woode, JlliL Jadae . " " for We~t. Kea~ " 1100 1~ A. J . C. Shaw • • , .•.•. Rev. Ba.r. Clerk - for Jo~ut. Kent •• Tham4lllv'a " 1 F-11183 R. A. Hughu. .... . .. .. " •• for WeetKeoL .. Chatham "I " 1885 R. S WOOde, (J1111. Jndae) ~Surrogate Judge Maritime Court., " " " 1811,; W. H. Robioeon •.•••. , • . Regiatrar MarlliiDe Court . • . . . • " " " 1&1.5 Jame1 Holm• .. ........ . L.w , CAmp Yeodor-Keot . . . . . . . " ., Com

The R•wi• of R... . Rarrieteno' clerka are •uppoeed to be 1'1. per day of 1 or 1 hoan.


&AliT ltF.~T. W&!IT ltS!'IT. Commia'r, leu.c Swarthout, Ridley P. 0. Comml..'r, David Smith Chatham r 0

" R. P. Wriaht, Drlllldeo P, 0. " Job.o Holm..: " • ' •· A. McDermid, Rldgetowo, P. 0. " D. H. McN&IlJhtoo, "

lupeotor, Thoe. Booo, Bothwell P 0 . lotpector, lvae1 EviUII " Iupector'• ealary ~- lotpector'eealary, alsoo.

ColllDliaiooen receive oAly expo._

&uT KIJIT.-~oeoeed 101overoe . Orford -&, Howard 2, Harwich 10, C&mdeo 1, JUdae~wu 4, Rleobetm 3, Dtw<l~o 4, Tbametville 3, aod Bot.b"ell 3~'- Oa. (I) •hop , 1ioeAM ... R.dgetowu-io all3~ u--

WJ:ft Kc~>or.-Li"-!, t.anr .. : Chatham town•bip 3, Dour 4,.Raleigh 2, Cbalha111 Town ~J .ad ~-36. There are 2 ehop lice._ lo WaUaoeboro ud 3 1o

Cbath&m- ia all 41lloeo- -• POLJCJD MAOISTRATII:S.

Eltab. Town. Magiatrate.. P 0 A p'd Sala 1866 .•.. .. Chatham .•.. . ... Michael Ho111too Chatha~ · ts:f · fl~ 1884 . . .. I>Nideo ... . .. .J. Chapple . ... : ::::: : Dreedeo .. • • · 1~ .. ·" · ~ 1100 18114 ..... Ridptown .... J. P. McKinlay ........ Ridgeto...,·::.'.'t881 ···· t 1881 ..••. Wallaoebara .. . • Aln'r MoDougall ..••... Wallaoeburg 1888 · · · t 1186 ..... Keot Coaoty •• " , . . • • . " : :: 11118 :::::

100 II • Co•en at.o the town c1erkahip. t No Salary yet. att.aohad.



~~ ~ Al Eat, aion Clerk. Poat Office. p'td •Court eitl &iliff.. m t.

18411No ~ Wm. B. Welle ~. Chath~ i87u ~e• pr yr. :charlee Moore.. 1186()

Tbeo. Ne110n . . . -11872 18.&51 2 John Dock . . . . . Ridget.own . 1860' 8

1 William TeitF.el 18611

UI·U 3 S. W. Wallace .... Dreeden .... 18781 6 !John Uilleepie .... 1887 1861 4 Yaloolm8amaon .. Blenheim. . 1887 6 John M. Burka .• 188i

William Hall •....


188g 1851 5 Deloa C. McDonald Wallaoeburg 1880 10 ThOmu Fordham . 1881 IS59 6 (:eo. Moore .. ... t Bothwell ... Ulb21 ~ ., .S. J . Thomu . •.. . 1868

H . F. Smith . . . • 1867 1117~ 7!D. R. Farqohar10nt Fletcher... 18iR II Michael Dillon .. .. I87S

• or at pleuure of Judge. Coortl •it at placee named u the P.O. of clerk, e:~~oeptiDg No.6, which ia bold alternat~ly at Bothwell and Thameeville and No. i which ia held alter· nately at Merlin and l'ilbory Centre. The P. 0 . of baililfa are the same u the clerka, ex::epting M. Uillon, whoae P. 0. ia Merlin .


l. Coneiate of : the Town of Chatham; Hover aouth of t:lth cunceesion : ( hatham Townehip-eouth of 13 conce•aion and weet of 12 and I~ aide road and ot.lleouth of 6th conoeaaion eut of aid 12 and 13 aide road; Harwich- north of fi conooeaion 1eaatun boundary); Rlleigh-nonh of 16 conoeaalon, eJat of aide road 12 and 13 and north of 7 conoeuion, weet of 12 end 13 aide road; Tilbury Eaat- north of 4 conce11ion

2. Conailte of: Howard-eouth of Botany road; and Orford-eouth of 11 conce11lon.

3. Con1i1t1 of: Gore of Camdcn,weet of ll cooce11ion, and of Camden proper, weet of G and 7 1ide road; the Town of IJreeden ; ~~>nd Chatham townahip north of 5 conceeaion and eaat of 12 and 13 aide road.

-l Conai•ta of : Harwich, eouth of ;) conceaaion (eutern boundary) and eouth of 3 ooooeetion (weetern boundary); Raleigh, aouth of IIi oonce11ion and east of 12 and l:l aide road; and the town of Blenheim. .

5. Conalate of: the Town of Wallaceburg, (.,ore of Cbatbr.m and Chatham proper north of 12 conoeeaion and weet of 12 and Iii etde road ; Dover, north of 12 oonceeeion.

6. Conabtl of: Howard, north of Botany road: Orford, north of 10 conceaaion; Zone; the town of Bothwell ; village of Tbamea\lille ; (~ore of C'amdeo eaat of 19 conceesion and Camden proper eut of 6 and i aide line.

7. Conaiatl of; T1lbury l-:ut,eouth of:l conoeaaion ; all Romney ; and R.~oleijlh, aoutb of IJ con00111ioo ud weet of 12 and 13 aide to4d. Aleo the put of the viii"!Ce of l'ilhury ('entre lying in the townehip of Tilbury l!d.1t.

D IVISION C O URT SITTIN GS, FOR 1890-1. ------.. -.. l>A\' 01' W&P.K A!o!D "O!'CTJI OS \\BIC'll COURT 11:1 UELD, a:c. 0 PL.ACt: \\ HEk£ - --.--1 ~ "' Ci CiO c;;r- Anreg'~ "Q COURT UY.LD. :0:, :0:, '5 ...; . 1 . a Jl ~~ ..: . . ' No.of amount

, "'g :0 :; ~ ~ ~ b = t S ~ ·u A ~ :t l•uita, of z 1 ~ ri: ;a<:;;:; .; I.;<~ c3 Z A~~~ 1888 .1 clo>lm•.:_

1 Chatham - ~Tueaday - 28 25 25 2'1 W; 22 ~ 23 2i 25 23 26 23 30 -580 ~29,046 2 Ridgetown . Friday .. . :J ~ 11 9 . • 11 19 17\21 . 5 .. 6 322 11,20.& 3 Dree<len. . . Tuesday • . .. 4 . 81 10\ .. J 2 71 .. 9 . 3 181 3,430 4 Blenheim .. . Jo'riday. .. i . 4 . 6 25 12 .. . 14 . 9 6 .. 74 2,252 a W&llacehurg Wodnesd'y 16 1'2 12 16 II 16 li lu 1917 14 11 . . 319 10,616

Rothwell . . .. \tonday. . 31. · 112 . 13 .. 16 · '2 · {159 5,020 6 Thameeville \lond&y . 31 30 . . • I . 24 .. · · · 2 · - ~Merlin . IWedueed'yl t! •• . .. 1 'i . • 10 ·I -- .. 7 .. · I 183 S,06'i

' Tilbury ~o Wedneed'y .. 5 . ... ·.. 0 .. • 12 . .. .. . • l Honl'll of openiDg-10 a. m.

Tm: Kr.~"r c 'ouNn AN~iUAr .. FOn 1890.

CO URT SITTINGS, 1890. l'omon CoeaT and (i&'<&RAt. Stt.'l.~tn"~ of the Peace bel!in

iD ,Juae and December. Cor.:<TY A~U 3URR()(,AT& CCH RT Term• begin on the aeconn :\lond.ay in .January

fint Monday in April, July and O.:tober. S&:<IOR Jufl(.&' CRAXBtR~, every \\'ednuday and , aturJay: and .Jonlor Judge'•

Chamber• on •II legal d .. ya, except Court daya and during vacation•. ,Jurymen •re aelecte<l {dr•wn) by the Warden, '-herift", ( ' Jerk of Court, County

TfMeurer from aelected Iiili providod bv the municipahtieL The pay of the Grand I .Juron ia II.~ per day and mileage; of Petty Juron1 ~1.00 and mileage. Witn­reoeive 1 1, and mileage, and if practlcina a profenion cq per day.

BANKS. Io1titution. Location. Manager.

Cuadian Bank of Commerce .. .... Hlenheim • . . . . . . R. C . .\lacpher10n . .M.-chADh Bank of Cauda .......... Chath1m ... ....... A. 8t L. Mcl nt01h C.Udian Rank of Commerce.. ......... " •........ ,) E. Thomu. Bank of :\lontreal .. .... . .. . . .. .. . " . .. .. .. . .-\ogue Kirkland . Standard Rank of Canada • • . . • . . " . . . . . . • . . ft. N. Ro~en. Moll0n1 U&nk • . . • . . . • • • . . . . . • . Ri<lgetown ...•••. John 'lcMaboo. T raden Bank of Uanac\" . . . . . . . . . . " . . .] A. McKellar. Hank of \ lootreal. ... . . . . . . . • • \\'alla~hurg Douglu (;)ass

24TH BATTALION, KENT COUNTY. O r ganiz e d 14 S ept., 18 76--H eadqw.a r te.,., Chath a m .

-.TAFL !'fU. :1 f 'O.\ll"A''• RIDG.,Tu\\~. Lieut. Colonel. .. ;\1atthew Martin .... l~!'l6 lat. Lien tenant •. . Thos. P. Wat.on .... li:I!S4 .\b jor, {~o 'r) D. S. Denhardt .... 111\ltl "loll Lieutenant. ,Jo"eph Black ...... 1887 :\l~Jor, (Jun'r) •. ..• J. B. Rankin .... 181!1! .S(>. 4 C.>\ll'Al>\. (TII.flUK\ 1 c HATH.'"· l'ay Muter • .... H. U. Reed ....... 11!'-:l Captain • , ....••• Thomaa R. Ct>Ogan . l~F\7 Adjutant ..... . . . . J. B. Rankin .... 11-1'-:lllst. Lieutenant •.. Thoe K. M<"Keand . Jtlil!l IJu•rter .Muter Theo H Xeleon .... lf.i7 2nd r.ieutenant ... J<:d,.nn J. Ryall ... 111"0 ~urgeon ......... Dr. (.eo. A. Tye .... I~S6 -.o. 5 t'Olii'A:-\, tiOTII\1 UL. A•. Surgeon ... Dr John E l'ickHd 1889 Captain.. .. .. . \\'. X. John.oo. • . 188!1 I

'O· 1 CO!IIII'ANY, CHATIL\'1 , l1t. Lieutenant Wrn. R. lliclrey ... 1SS8 ?aptr.i~1.. .... . .. H. A_. P~ttetOtl. .. . 181!! 2o I. Lieuteo~nt T. C Clark ...... , 1889 2od l. .. teutenaot . Edwm Bell ... •••• II-!-,, '<O. h c·oMP.I:-IY, DRI:~D.,,.

I<O. 2COlll'A'l, t"II\TIIA'II. Captain ........ A W. Yount( ... 1887 vaptaio .......... <ieo. K. Atkinaon ll!lil l1t Lieutena.nt .. LaUe ,J. Wrtgbt .. .. l&!i '2nd Ueuteuant .. Fr~ok Ryall ...... 11!119 2nd Lieutenant .. Alex. 0. Bourne .. 1118i

The pay of offioen and men whilst on d uty it: per day :\1 eM A llowaoce. per day. .\1 eas Allowance.

Lieut. Colon1ll •.. 14 117 $1 00 Captain ..•.• ..... S2 82 ~ ill ~1ajora . . . . . .... 3 90 I 00 lat Lieutanaot 1 58 i~ Pay Muter 3 06 00 2nd Lieutenant I 28 09 Adjutant •....... 2 82 go ~r~eante.... .... i6 to ~I 00 and found Quarter Muter 2 8'2 iG Corporal . . . . . . . 60 do ~urgeon . • • . . . . . 3 M I 00 Privates . . . . . ~ do A1t. Surgeon . . . . . 2 4:l i2 ,. eterin'y ~urgooo 2 50 and itl. allowance. ~--~~- ~..----=iA:.::;:ORICULTURAL SOCIETIES. Orgaoir.ed. ~arne of ~ocuity. four tlrouutl•, ~~cretary. Post Office. - ---1--------- ----·---- ---- -----Mar 2i, 1843 W e~~t Kent ....•.... Chatham . . . John Ti .. iman .. Chatham ...

1874 F..aat Kent • • • . . . . . . . . . . . Thameeville • A J . Campbell Thamuvlllo Feb 9, 1878 Chatham, Dover an<l Sombra Wa!lactburg. Wm A. Ayree .. Wallaoeburg

ISM Harwich . . • . . . . . . . . • . . Ulenheim • .John F. Titu1 Blenheim •. Sept 7, 1871 Howard ••..•..... , ... ;, . Ridgetown .. • 0 Cochrane . Ridgetown •. April 6, 1844 Raleigh .............•.. Town Hall • • A. H. White . . Chathem .... J an. 9, 18~ Orford . ...... . . ...••..... . Highgate . •


J. 0. Croaby • Highgate •• Tilbury Eaet .... .' .•.••... . Town Hall . J. R..rtlcv ..... Tilb'ry (A'tre

1880 Romney . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Wheatley . • J . W. Hodgwon Wheatley .. Apr 27,1867 Camden . .. .. . .. . .. Drelden ... John Chapplo Dreaden ....

Chatham To11t'tlehip Soeioty organiEild 2llt ,Jaoua.ry, 1!146; Harwiob and lloward 211' Febru.ry, 1846. • Are alto Trouuren.

= c . . ~.



1878 P'.Uo'", W. R •...••• 11163 rrerice, Alennder .... I !~Sa Glarkeoo , Jobn ... ... . 1~ MoLacbl&~~, D • • • 1858 Wtndover, Wm. H • 1 •8 Dillon, 'fimotby .. .•.. IMt MoM1oha·l, John • oovaR. 18!17 Dillon, ~1atthe• ...... 181;8 ~ullboll&~~o.l, John W. 1887 Fleming, J&~. W .. . ••• 1863 Ool•on, Hilbert H •...

IIOTIIWIILI. 18H Grant, \V11liam • . . . ... 1811R Dyke, F.lbert R •••••• • 187t Boon, Tbomu •.•••. . 11:!7-' .\tcFarlane, Jamea •••. 1874 For ham, Patrick • ..•.• 187-1 Dilloo, Thomat.. ..... 1~7• McQueen, Trmothy ... . l~'l Jo'oxton, ,John .. . . • .

CA'ICDE)'.. Jtllj7 Pauon, John . .. ... ltlgij flilhooly, Jr.mN H .. .. 1874 Blacllburu, Jrunea ..... 1887 ::!mith, Robert ... .. 11174 c:oolet, Alu . ........ . . . . . Boy lUI, William .. ••. 1887 P1uonneault, Nap . . 18H Keney, John W . . ... . 1874 Fonhea, (;, P . . . ... . 187t Thibodeau, Henry ... 1Hi4 Morrieon, R. J .... . • , . 18~ Greenwood, Alben. .•.. 11:!74 Winter, Solomon . . 1874 Hmith, David • ...... litiS Maeon, Alux' r M...... IU.RWICH. 1K83 Atewart, John G . . . .. . 1863 McDonald, John ...• . lt!H Cameron, John. . .. 188.1 White, A. H .•.•..... 1888 Perry, Oulel H. . . • 18&1 Caughlll, Dnld ....•. 11163 Willlama, Robert •••• 1863 Phillip!, George. .. . . • . 1874 For bel, William •.... 11!77 Taylor, Wm H .....•. !ISS¥ Soary, Henry •• •• •. .. lt17-l Houaton, John • • • • . . IUOOSTOW!f, 1863 Sllaw, A. J. li ... ... .. lt!IIH Hlltlter, Archibald . .. 11176 Carpenter, Luther .. .

CRATUA~-T0\\11', 1874 Laogford, John A ••••• 11\lol() Cochrane, Capt. ,T .. .. . 1!17.'1 Uell, Arob. (.Ju tgel •. .. I liN Leahe, Jamea ......... 11175 (;rant, vharlea ...... . l!li9 Craddock, William . • . • ISS!! McCoig, J)uncan . . .. . 1!1"16 Middleditch, Geo . . . 181!0 DDnovan, Jeremiah . . .. IS·UI ~lclntyre, Tbomu .... IHSO McKinlay, J.P. (P.M. ) Hl63 Jo~vaoa, brae! .. •.. • ••• 1881:! Neil, Andre• .••.• •• I !IN Ruahton, ,Jamea . . . ISH Hadley, 8ylv11ter . .... ... . McCully, Cyrua ..... I!!H Shaw, Charlea .. ... .. 18~ Holmu, A. S 1R74 Swarthout, laue ..• •. 11<74 Wat.aoo, George A . . . . 11;63 Holm•, Thomu .. .. White, Wm. H . ..... IR74 W•tland, Henry .. .. ~~~~ Houatoo M.. (P. M.) .. . 1!174 Willrle, Rohen..... ... BOlliN KY. IIIH Jonea, J . ~~ .... . . .. 184!1 Young, George ..... 1Ri4 ()aweon, Randolph .. . ISI!a Kerr, lJ•nie1... • .. . IIO"ARD. 1Hi4 Reo•ick, T. C ... .. .. 11:!74 McKeough, ,John . • • . 1874 Bro111n, Jonathan . .... 1887 Lamanh, Arthur .... .. 1116.1 ~loNaUjlbWn, Dunc•n. 1!174 cra .. ford, John • • • • . 1874 Roblneon, George ..•. • 1863 ~orthwood, John • • . 11163 IJuck, John . . . . . . 1887 Rmitb, Edward ..•.••. 11174 O'l:ia.ra, Robert.... • • . . ... Fyabe, ~·rederick . . . TIIAMF-~VrLLit . . . . • O'F1ynn, Patrick ••• •.• 18&1 Gardiner, Ieuo ... . 1874 Fergueon, Robert ••.. LHH 1'-oblneon, Fred . • . • . • . .•• McAnally, t'eter ••• • . . . . . Feathenton, Darby .. 1!174 Scevena, }14, H 1888 \lcKinlay, Jamea.. . . . TlLI'It:RY IIA~T. ISH Wood, Uh•r1ea H .. ... . 1gijg Macdonald, Lawrence. 1!174 Rlohardeon, John 1886 Wooda, R. S. (Ju.dao) I!!H Richardeon, Chadea l ~ti7 Hickey, William ..... .

CHATHA)I-TOWN!!HlJ>. Hl74 Ruahton, G. 0 . .. .. . lfl!!7 Fletcher, Wm. C .. . .. 1854 Everett, W. A 11:!74 Senona, James ..•.. 11174 Ruuell, William . .•• • 11:!113 Kolght, (;bu. W. . • • . ORTORD. 1!17• Ste•art, Jam•. • . • . . 11163 MoKiolay, Andrew • • .. 1880 Gilliea, John D . ... . lt!M Waddell, R. H .... . 18113 l:'arrett, Mwio E . .... 11:1111:! Ooenell, Jonu....... . WALUOIIBO&o. lll63 Slmpkina, Jamea ... .. 1ts74 Lee, John ..... .... . 1887 McDougall, Alax.(P.Ml 11174 Stephana, W. H ..•• . 1863 M.acdould, Ju. 0 . . . . ~0!(11,

IIU.'IDI!f. lllgij M~D<>nald, A rob. J . . .. 1874 Coli, William . . ... • • • • 1876 Chapple, Job.o (1:'. M..). I~ Raycn.ft,Jobn ..... .. 187t Vosler, La•reoce .... . 1874 Highgate, Aaron ...... 111&1 Wateoo, Henry ... ..

M~~~tlatntee reoeiY• oert&in r- upoo ~ Mayora and reaYea are rnaglatrat­for tbe time belog-by virtue of office.


Chatham .... . .. . . . Dr. John L Bray. " ..•.• • . . .. Dr. T. K. Holmea.

• . • • • . . . Or. H. J • .Morphy. u • •••• • • •• • Dr. George A. Tye.

Rl~to.n . ..•• .. Dr. ~ C~ Young. Thameanlle .. . . .• . Dr. R. D. SwlAner.

!Tilbury Centre. . • • Dr. ,Jno F. O'Keefe. Bothwell . • • , . •. • Or. Francia H. Pop! Buckhorn .. ....... . Dr. Cyrua McCully . Doart .......• .••• • Dr. Peter L. Davy. ,Dreaden. . . . •.• .. Dr. Gilbert TwMdle. Wallacebura . . •.. . l>r. Oeorge Mitchell.

TuE KE~T CoUNTY A..NNl"4l •·on IR90. ~ --~_

RAILWAY STATIONS. _ - - M. C. Ry. - --- 11 :- T. Ry. ~---:-,_~:-.-;-6:--;H~.~R-y.

~ I § I ~ Dletanoe from Rood t:&u . .

.. ;!I ..J (4) Fargo ............. 6 I Dietaoce from ~ Ditltaoce from. j g Blenheim . . ........... 4l 4

~ N...,bury .. .• _ 6!1 37' (6) Chatham ......... 7 18 Taylor ••• .. 3 3 :13 1 Bothwell .......... , 66 421 t:bert ......... . ..... . U'l Muirkirk .. H... 2 7 3.5 ~ Tbun•rille ••..... ;~ I 49f Drndeo .. •.•...•••••• 8 a Highgate ....... 2 2 ~!4 0 (3) ('batb&m ...... 15il' tl-li TuppenUle.......... 0 :U Ridgetown . • • • • 6 6 ol!l6 Prairie Siding . • •.• 113! 786 W&.llacebora. . .. .. .. 040 Harwich . • . • • • • • • 6. I ·!9. 7 'i~oney Point • . . . 6 8-t ~ort Lambton • • • • • 8t!' (I ) lo'.orgo ........ 5.~ M .9 \\lnd10r .......... -- 110 S&mla.. ... • • ... - jO Cbarin& C'ruM .•. 2 0, 66.9 -- Non. At Rood Ean tlle Buxtor ... .. ..... U.2 tl3.1 C. P. Ry. line le beiD1 uteuded to l''letcher •.••••..• 4.0 67 1 Identical atatlooa with the Lake Erie. Tilbury Centre ... . 7 . I 74.2 above 6nt tive,bealdea other• (2) Comber • ...•• 6.5 t!O.i at Kent Bridife, Loulavllle, Wiodaor . . . . . . • . • 110.9 end Tilbury C@otre.

tll Connection with Erie A: Huron; (~) wltb Leaminaton aud th. Clair RJ.; (I) witll Io;. A H and (', ' l'. Rya. : (4) with •t. C. R; (6) with 0 . T . Ry. aud 0 . P. Ry.


lileuheim .• . . . -~ l~rudeo .. .. • . , Blg_hg~te... . . . I Port Lambton I T~lbury Centre &thwell ...... }argo ......... Ml111'1r.trk- l>uan Rldgeto•• .... Wellacebura .. Chatham . , • . • . Fletcher. . • . . . . Ne•bury . . . Thame.vllle. ..


Bothwell ...... l>readeo... ... . Highgate . .. .. . l'ort Lambtou. Tbameevllle. Bleubelm .... .. CAdu Springe 'I Florence. • . I North Uuxroa "I Tilbury

Butoo • . • • . . • Duart . • . • • • . . Merlin . •...... , Port Alma . . . . . WbeetJey . . . . . Cbering Croee.. Fargo. .. . .. . .. I Morpeth • • . . . . Rldgetown . ••.. I W .U..c.burg l'heth&m ...... I Fletcher ... .. .. .M olrkirk . .. • .. Rood F'.all .....

Ratea, 'l.'\o. for 10 worda: 100. bet ween local poinu under I~ mllee; avery additionAl word, lo. , nlaht rate to ell pointe at I c. per word, but no meaae~ee~e~~t for 1- the\ 25c. , whatever the number of worde. American dey me&~&gea 25c. for 10 worde, aud every addltJour.l word 2o., olabt rete lo. everyeddltiooel word.


Blenheim . . ... I Chatham . ...• , Dreedeo ....... , Thameevllle •.. , WrJI&cebu.ra •. . Bothwell ,..... Dover Celltre .. Rldaetowo .... Tilbury Centre.


Five minute oonverMtlona within 15 mile redlua, 15c; ';6 mllea, 25c ; half ratee ere oberged for every eddltlonel five ml.outee' ooounatlon. MeuaA• of 20 worda I@Dt to poiDta in Canada at tht~ aeme prlc. u five minute oonvenatlooa, aud half n.tea for every additional 20 wor.ta. Dt!llvery of m-gea, 10 cente.


Rlenhf'im .t Leamington, . . . . . . Blenheim• 11 a. m. Leemin,~Cton• 8 30 a. 110.. f l. 50 Blenheim!. Morpetb, . . . •... ....• •• Rlenbeim• 11 a. m • .\forpeth• 2. 00 p. m. 60 Mllrpeth!. Ridgetown •••••••..•..•. Morpetb t 6 a m Rldttetown :t 6 00 p.m. 25 Rld~etnwn & Themenllle •••.• . ..••• Rldgeto.-nt 7 •· m. Th•meevlJlt! 4 00 p. m. 60 Bothwell ,'t: Flnrtoce ....••...••.. . &t'twell :: 4 p. m. F1orenc.t 7 00 a. m. 60 Newbury.\: Wardaville •.•.. ..•.. Newbury:: 4 p. m. Ward•vlllet 7 30 a. m. 25

• Cnonl'ct with Erie " Huron traine. tor to oonnect with morning mall trtJn1 1-:.foli. :: Or upon &rrival of mall train from the

CR.t.THAII .t.ND D£Tll0 1T.

~~••mer "Citv of Chethem," -A.. Cornette, Muter- leavea Chatham oo Moodaya \\',.dn ... leye and Jo' rideya at 8 a. m.; ler.vM Detroit oo Tueadeya, fbu.ndeya aud Sa tar: deye at 7 a. m. Fare, 60o.


~· -~0 Tnt: Kto.:ST t 'ot.:NTY ANNUAL l'oH 1 R90.


Blenheim.. R Fletcher . . • . . • . . . Both'll'ell .. . ••• C'harlee Poole. .• • •• • . •. . . . r Ut'RCR m r.~GLA.,.D. I JtArTI:o1 .

Chatham ... \'en. Arch. Dea. F. W .Randya Blenheim .... .. Theupholua Rooker .. .. .. .. " . . • ::\'. H. Martin ....... • .. ... Chatham .. . .. Jl. \\are ....... .... .. " ,J Hill, M. A .. ( R . D .) ...... Dreaden ....... W. S. McAlpine .. .. .... .. .. \V. 0 H. CoJlee ....... . . . Kent Bridge . .. A.. ~t . Fr.cey . . . .. .. . .... .

Dreadeu .. • . W. T. Connor .... ... .... RidgetoW'II .... L. Jler .. .. ..... . ... .. . .. Duart ... .. ... . J Hale • .. . .. .. . .... .. .. " .... 0 . H. Malina ..... . .. .... . Flore-nce ..... • 1<'. Ryan, B. D . ... .. . ..... Wallaceburg . . N. McD,nald . . • • •.. .• • . .. J11orpeth .• . ,,, F. Harding •. , . ,. .......... IUTHODI~T CUUIU'U . Ricigetown ... A. F. Burt ..... .. ........ Blenheim .... Wm Onotlwin , (F. Secy.). Thameaville W. Hinde .. . .. .. .... . .... ~th11'ell . .... Ed,.in Holmea .......... . Wallaceburg . C. Milflll, B. A .... . ..... Chatham .. . .. . R. J . Treleann ..... .... ..

RO\IA'i CATIIOLIO CUt"J!('B " • • • Arthur H Coiojr . • ..... • . . Bothwell .. .. . l<'. M Cummine. Cha1ing Cr~~e~ . Wm. W . Edward• ... ... . Big Point . • •.. Wm. naueepohl, 0. S. to' .. " . John A. Ayearat ......... . Chatham ••••.• f'. lwrnardine, 0 . H. F .•... Dretd<"n . .••.. • John Holmea ... ... ...... . .

" .... F. Carriere . • . . . • ......•. . Da1Ft1 ::'lfiiiM •••• Samuel A. Ralton .. .... ... . Dovcor~uth . .. P. Andrieu, , . .. .... ...... Dover ... . . . ... <:eorJ(e Raker ... . . .. .... .. Fletcher. • • . . T (Juigley . . . . . .... .. .•. • Fairfield ••• . .. Charlu Barltrop •....•... . Port Lambton N Uixon,..... .. .. . .. . .. Florence • . .• . • Wm M. Pomeroy ••• ... • . \Vall-burg .. . J. Ronan .. ..... ...... ... " . . •. J . !\Joniaon .. ....... .... ..

PRt 'ill\ttHIAl'l \' IH'RCU. Harwich • . . • . • Thomu H. ,L.Ith •. •• . : . • Blenheim .... A. W. \\'add~ll .. .... . .... Highgatll .... . John Reynold• ......... . .. 8oth well .. •. . . Alu'r Ru .. 4'11, • . • •• • •.. ••• Louiaville .. . .. . Sterhen K"ott .. .. ....... . Chatham . .. .. J R. Battlaby, Pb. D .... Morpf'th ..... . W . H Shaw, ( F. Seo'y) ... .

" . An11ua M{C<>Il . . . . . . . • . . . Port Lambton F.dwln Feaaant . . . . .••• . . " • . . F. Jl Larkin, B. D . . . . . . Rldgetown •.•. J (,rebam•, (Chair. D. ) .

Clachan .. . .. John Currie .. . ... .. Romney .... C. Crichton . ..... .... .. Drnden . . • . Thomu Tallach, M.A . .•. . Thamuvllle . Thome. R. MeNalr

u Hf'or~ Sinclair, ( \V. Ch. ) . \~•lla~(:burg .. \Vm Hayhur1t . ···· · •••• Dover ...... Wm. Farquhareon, B. A . IIRITisn " · &. t 111 1\('ll. Dnart .•.•• , An·h Currie. . . . . . . . . Chatham .. ••• William Hawk ina, ( Riahop) Ridgetown . <l U. &lcRobbie . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. T. 0. Oliver .. ......... .. Thamuville. ,John Bee kit .• . ... . . . .. . ..

1Huxton . . • .. . C. Croaby .. . ....•.. .. •. • ·

Tilbury Centre \\' illht.m l<'urreet (W. Ch ) . • Drerden .. .. .. . N . Ellaworth .. ........ .. \\'allaceburg Donald C urrie • . . . . . . . . • . AfRICA?' • · •:. Clll' Rl'U . Valetta ..... Altx'rL ~lan,on •. ... .... Buxton ... .... L L . Towneond • . . ..... •

UNI v UISALI~T t' IICI<CII Chatham . . • . H. T Tanner, D D. ('Blahop) Blenheim . .. W S. Goodell .. . ..... . . " . ..... \\', H . (.A,atou .... ...... ..

l 'ONI Rt'liATIUNAL c u cru•Jt. Drelden ..... . W. ,J Rutler .. .. . . . )<;dgeworth .• • }o; J Uurgna . • • . • . • . . . LA1'1'rR liAY 'IAIICTS.

ll!'ITI:IJ lllU.TIIIltS r:- <."II RI'T Ultnheim ..... J<:lder Mamuel Brown • ••... Duart. • . W. M 1>ore •.•. ..•..


TRUSTEES, 1889-00. Judge Arch 'd Bell (Chairman); Jamn LP•liP, Harwich : JAm~• Hameon, M D.,

Blenheim, (appointed by the county e<IUndl ); E W . Hcane. N. H St•phPna and S. T. )Jartln, of Chatham, (appointed by Chatham Tnwn Counoil ); A. Craddock, Chatham !appointed by H 8 ~- Uoarci. T. R. Rania, s .. cretary, $50.

Rnd Ma>tl'r, 1>. <.; Pa.ttPJ'IIOn, B A • $1400 ; ~1athematloa, G. R. i.>fotoka. B. A., $1000; Claa•ll•• . \\' ,J T"'oh11v, M. A , SJ(ICO; Scitnee, A. A. Knox , B A $800; Com mercia!, Arch'tl Camphll, n A .• W.O; J ohn 1'1inclair, $6<'0 and J. F . Calrna, $MO. Oro .. ordlnarv iot."Ome about ~. No fen C'ott of pupil per total (Dot average) atten•lancll ! 24

Xumbt-r uf pupil• "''roll for lhu Y'ar 11!!18 (laat publl•ht't\ return) S6i; boya, 186; 11irla, lSI; from '""·n, 20:;; frnm country. 144 ; other count I ~•. HI; admitted durlnj! year, -17; in form 1, 29.i; form 2. IJO: form S, 12; pr•parina for junior matriculation. 10; for aeoior, 0; learned profee•ion, ;'i; teach era, 3rd claaa, 60; aeoond do., 3; lint do. , 38; ge~~· era! oourae, 50.

TilE Ka;~l' Cul'~TY A~Sl'AL )'OH U:!90.


Rev. ti. (;, Me Robbie, Ri•lll•tAIIro, (l:h•irm•n); f'erguton, Thameevllle, and A J . McDoneld, Ou•rt. ~e"r11t•ry, Chn, vt•nt, ~.

STAFF lt!Si. Principal, (;eo, A. Ch41M; )Jatberm•tlct, J. t; . LiuJ.,; cirnett, G. \\·. )torJen;

Cl-ic:a, H. L. W llaon; t:•oer•l, J ll. "IIIIth. Higheat .al•r> 12fJO ''The reiliaw ..... l att11mlance fnr u : .. year 1 '1'~ Uaet Jrl'hhahe<l rt turu) wu 200; boy•,

9.l: 11irle, 10.~ ; I,IJ" n, ; I; co.;ot) art I other l'locc.;, ll!ll; eJt•rutu •ll<ma duriu~ y~r. 0; t.eacben p&Me•l, li; Uoi•·erel~y. 2; S..l•ool af l'rAt lit .• l:-icteoce, ~; l•w, 1. "


Including town•, ru al110 Sep •r • .c.:-chool,, the totalachuol ro~"ialrl4tion ie in round fig· urea 1-',r.OO, the inr:ume$1:li,OOO 111 •I tho coat per pupil ;;7.!.!-i UJ'oD th" total.thm<l uco­the coat of rural ~~ehnol• hllinj! ~ • t)!l, Blcohcam ••n" ·I~. $;i t :!, t ' .. ru t<J" u, $1\ aU, au.J Chatbam Separrote :,ch•~•l, i!l Ill l'ht•r., ar.,, auclud an;; 11.:--"l"'r .. te :-.,hooltc•chen;, 200 lo all. Of exclu•ively rur.ol...:h •• ola the te••·h"r• munber 1;1; ~:.!with I at cl 1u: 52, 'lnrl clue, and Ml, :11.1 due certiti~ate~ (-!.J vith XormAI ~chool trainiugJ. Aver.1ge male ul· ary, IH'l; female, I:Hn. Thc 2:; tc•cher1 of C'hstham h•ve au averAge ll'lary : mdt>,., 16-'iO; femalea, $:1.·.0 lu rA•t Kent there are til sr:-hoola autl liu tl!aclaera ~. In,. IU'JI; 39, 2od da• ; ao<l 4:1, :lr•l clau. llf the >jlj ,· .. ch<n, 2'.! are m ltitlyetown , llro•wco, B:~~hwell, anr• 'l'hame.ville, the hen e luie:~ hr iu;.c $500, WOV nl ., i)(l !'Ire la•t l11g echool in the county diuppeere<l in HI~!'\.


The ordinary net income i1 about ~Z.\001>, chictly obtaim:rl hy municaJlfila e&ment, The net diabnrlt'meota ar\'1: Adminietr•tion of .Juoti..t', $5,()(wa ; p.1) rnout uf JUrura 21JOO anti wltneaaea $1100; Councillor•' iodemony, $:.!,~41(); aalauu " ' olliciale,, t,-.1!0; echool 1Uperintenda.n.:e aud enmioatiooa, $1,500 ; c.;.,Jir;;:i ~te I natitu ttH .3,00(1 nnol t hu h, huce in oootio"enci•- roada, hritl~• ao•l tlebentu r\'1 tl<!ht intPrt:at. l'ho deb~ ie ~liu.l~)ll ~rou and f'l-&,000 net-the dillerenc"l, auu111ed by Ch•th.un and county muuadpal ttiea. 1'he utetl coneiet of: A••ailable- t.'ourt Hooat', I~egietry •·llice an rl t.:Uuury huil·lin ~ : un .. vailahle-the v10rioue hridKea. 1 he (ftoaliatl county ll!M'Uillfnt i• ... ~.'i,OCH,I..Utt: with Chatham, $2!l,OUO,Otttl. 1 he Mle.aetl a~rl':\;;:e ia 5~11,'l.i3 acrea, aud th•• , . .t 10 .,f laud :- Howard, Harwi~h and lh.leigh, $."'.0; Orfur•l, $40; Till.ury l':ut, ~::o: ltr.annt·) I'll!; and Zone, $:li per acre. The number of rrt.tcp•yen, 1~ >,&5, nclurliug Chothdm.


Town Cl~rk ..•.. • Jnu. Titaim~~on . tiUOO Polil.!e \fagiatrdtu ~1. llouetott .. !1200 Treuurer .... .. R U. 1-'lomiug. 600 S~h1Xtl lntpecttor .. l{t-v. A. ,\: ,Colt .. !\JO l:oUeotor . . , , , . , , Wm Rannie .. , ,;()() p -iecret'y :-;ch. Brl. . ,IT. {;, ~lacu .. bb , :ZOO Chief of Pola.:11 .•. \\'m. \·oun.!l ';()() 1Tuwn ~-·licitor . , ., ~latthew Wtleou. 100 Chief Fire Dept .... \\'arreoLamhert 2.i0 Town Phyairi.lll .. Dr. !,. Bad• u~ .. 1:!J Fire Engineer ..... Jt~a. D~g.;e .. ... U."iO ·Sanituy ltupo.,.•tor . . J. R lluttri•lgt> • 4.30 Street lnapectur . .. J 1\., H1ck•on.. 400 \l'lerk H'•l of lle<&h b .Jno Tt!!im•n .. •• '«! Health Officer , , , , Dr. I>. W. R H•ll 100 ,Gemotrr)· l :uaetak 'r I~ Snln.shury . • • 400

.a-n (2) reoei9e about $17~ each ; auditora, ~00. Th" n1arket clerk and clerk of weigh--1• are paid hy fcea. Policemen (5) rotnhll I4SO ucb. ThHe (31 tirem<U receive f.&"() each, aud 10 othon (:all breml!n) fa om $S l t o e101J e&ch.


The ordinary net iocome ia in round fi~urea 1"10,000, oh•alne41 " futlo .. a :-Tt.~XII 170,000; fioee $1,2110, m•rket 1<:11IU, reu!l .t.:. , $2.00o; Ji.·Mte;o 36.00<1: uo•lrie<~. $1,000. Of thia amount l'ou<•e •li•huraea S:l,:.OO, Firu Dt!p rtment S.i,l..OO, ('ounty (u" ' ) ~.&.oou. lighting $.'l ,OOO, ch \rity t''.!,OOO, lh•r•l of Health tii,OOII, S rhuol• lAimmn '• ;:-, p t. to aod Collo~Zi•t•· lnttitutt~ $1 'l,OOO. The Bn .. r,l of \\',, kA oouaumes i!III,UOO, ~ oluiUI $:iu!!lt· t.nd, allowing a ltl)' r.>l eum for coutin,.;encif'!l, &c. , It,., lulaLOO ia r~•juirerl to I'll \' tl•~ ioter•t of the funcletl or •lt•ferred duh•, which am nut• to ~270,000, cuntrACUtl , j, dly for bonuae1 to rolil\\'uya, county ro .. tlt~<m<l tbe cona:ruction nf "ul.tttu.otilll bridge.., vul.tltu building•, ~~ehool• and othsr permanent i.mprovemonta. The ~ota cmaeiet of real e1tate ISJ,OOO, eohoola, inr lutling SeVI'r•te ud High Rchool $100,0 '0, aud of Kecuriti81 held hy t he Sohool Board f4(),000. The tnterf!llt on the lu.tor contraotod rldot i• only ~~ •,,

--=- =- ::::_-=- - -:: -=-_ ..... __



Tbe Poal Officee mt.rked thna t are Money Order uffieea: thou proceeded hy r.n • Sa>~inl(a ' lll\nk oftlcee.

The Pou Office nr.mea follo"'ed by the lettera T. W. and H. W. in cape mean that the mail aenioe Ia hut Tri Weekly or Semi· Weekly; othen not 10 mr.rked hue a daily een·ice.

Jo;n. r\amo P. 0. I To'lf'nahip. ~ - LOoaUoii. I f'oat ~futu.·

lBM Applco•lor~~~ (;hr.tham . = itb coo. Lindaloy Ror.d .•. Thoa McKerrall. 11176 Baldoon .•... ... Dover . • ..... Rankin Settlement ....... \\'m A Riahop. 18ll4 Big Point (T. \V) • Hover ... .. •. .. 9th con. Big Point • . . . . .Tot~eph Chelf. 1849j"tlllcnheim . .... Harori.:h ...... To'lf'n of Blenheim ...... 1. I\ , \1orria I~ Botany . . . . • • • • Ho'lf'ard . . . .... . Cor. 7, Botany&. Shle Line C. Mcllray .. . ~~,·tBothwcll .. .. .. Zone ••....... , Town .,r Bothwell , ..•..•. \\'m. Regan. 185Jil•\ton 'i'luth .. .. l~allligh ..... Buxton Village .... .... . J). C. Echlin. 1~61 'H'h>uino( l'ro,. , lt•leigh . .. . . Charing <.:rou \'illul(l' ... . John Hunter lts!i()('e•lat Spring• . . • Harwich .... . Buclthorn \'ill.oge •. . . . '.1. \f. Taylor. IS'l:, ~•tchatham . ...•• RaJ H u.Ch l>o•·ITown of l!batham ••.... ~arn. Barfoot. 183WtClean·ille ..... Orford ........ Clcarvtlle \~ill"ge ....... ·!Henry Wataon. IS63

1CI"~han .•......• Orford. ...... lltb <.:on. Aldboro' T. Line Jam• l'hue.

1~1 t;r .. twt {S. \\' ). ( '•mrlt>n . .. , ~~~tore opp. Croton \tilla .. L. l'hillipe. ISS I D•nto ...... Zone ......... Lot IS, con~ Zone ...... . Ju. \\'. t;rl"cn. 1'63' Darrell .... .. .... Chatham .. ... Store, Jo:. k. H "tation •. Edward Hall. IS3-4 Dawn \I tilt ..... Canulen.. .••• Dawn ~Iilla \'•llal(e . . \'1'. A. Ward. IS.'Jt Dealtowo .•••• .• Ita leigh ......•. Lot 162, Talbot Road ••• M ra. K .\ ! bert ISS.3 l>oll'm (~ . \\',) , • • Tilhury E&at. . French Chur~h, H1\'er ••• . l~rnard D•ly. lo60 Donlr south .. . l>~\'er .. . . . . . . . Pain \...ourt \'illage ••••• . JO!Ieph B~hr.rd. ll;l<J l)oyle, ( ~ . W. ) .... R~lcigh . . • .. tith con. I 'l and 19 Siclo lin~ \1 l>oyle I ::IS~ •tLJretdcn .•.•.. tA.m<lt'n.. . ... Town of Drea<lcn .••••••.. C. 1•. \\'aU<>u. 1857 tDuut ... . . •... Orford ....... \'illage of llnart , • • . ~am'l E. \\'alker. 18.35 E<lgeworth...... l'ilfmry Eut . .. Lot 2J, \lidcllo Hoacl .... . )~~out• \\'acldcll. I~ 1-:bcrll ..•.••.... Chtotham ... .... Ch .. tha.m l' lrc, E &: II. R .\n<l Rol>ertaon. 1&.; ~'ar5<J •....•.•. ll .. rwich ... .. .• Cruill'g E. & II a.nd .~l . ( ' R Wm . II Hunter. 18';5 l•'letdter . . .... l'ilhury F.ut . Fletcher \"illage ~1. ( ', I{) P. '1'. Barry. 1881 1;ro'e ~l•ll•1:-. W I Catlldenl: .... . Wabaah Settlement ..... Alonto H.eul>le lb67 !luil•l• ......... Harwich . . . . . !.JOt lOS, 0!.1 Street ...... Jae I :uild. IS.'il Har11ich ...... ll.uwich :.IcKay 'a l 'ornrre . ...... l~eorge K Booth. 11'6.> Hil!hl!·•te . . • . I lrf<>rd ......... Highl(ate \'tllage .....•• K T. Beattie. l~'t:i lr11in (:i W.) ... !~ .• leigh ........ Lot t:l, Con. tl, and A ... fh(•mulrwin. l bb:J Keith •..•• •• •.• . Chatham ...... Lot 'lt), Con. :.! llore «>f C Rohert Kill ina. 1830 1\ent Bridge .. .... l'amdeu.. ... . Kent. tJridge \ tllage ...•• Joo. A. Lan!V'ord. l'tll:l Lid~'<Jtc t S \\',) .•. Chatham.. . . . . 6th con. c .. tt',louia K u"l (), D. l'urcly. IM4:2 Louil\•ille, (T. \\' J (;hatharn .•. • ... Louie ville Village .• . .. .• . L. H. Arnold. l~"j.'i l.·m•l) ( I' \\' ). • Harwich . ..... Bridge En<l •.. . • •.. , !lavld ,Johnaton . 1!:!6~ \l ~rlm ........... lhleigh .... .. ~lerlta Vlllag~.> , .......... l{obert A. Muon. 187:! ~ttch'l'a Hay(S\\') llo\'er .... 13 cnu. l..altt1 St. Clair .• • . C \\' Haymond. ll:s'H \lnravian~·n (."\\\') Orfonl .. .... Uc.raviao \'ill&ge . • . . • Ro>~. A Hartman. I~! 't.\!OIJ.18lh ..... . n ...... ml ..... \lo~pe_th V.Ua~::e.. "," ' ( Sation. 1811 .\lutrktrk ••.•• ... Orford . . . . ~lutrktrk etatton .M. C. }{, .\Ira, A . .\to Donald IR:~l \lull •• •. •.•. Harwich . .... . Harwich Station M. (', R) Seil \\'ataon. I '47!1 ~orth Buxt.on •.. R •leil(h . . . . . . bth oon , ;\\. C. H. lttoti"' : . ll. :-ihrit•vr. 1'-79 '\orthwoo<i . . Hrorl\'tch ....... Loui•ville lltllti()ll, t: . i . H Kuight. l ~i601•ltic· lol ('1'. \\'.) •• Cht&th <m. 14th con. Jl,l\•cr T. Lino . .\ti11 Kunnedy. IK.'ii t)ungah T \\' ). . Ctlath..Lm. . . . 9th con. " " John W. Uyer. 1M76 <)uvry . . . . • . Hal<'igh Lot 151 T •lbot Strt'et . . . U!'o. Guulet. ll~i;; !'almyra.. . Orfurol ....... P.olmyra Vill&f.:O, T. StrcN John Mill1. I S.'i.5 Port AlttH 1T \\ ) filhury Eut .. .. L"ko Rh<lrc•, Til. &. H.•l line ,Joaeph l'll.l&ck. lllx3 Q•tinn (T \\' Tilhury K .... I..C>t li, ~li•lcllo H S . . Peter\\'. Richarlta l!~~j •tRi•lgelll"n ... ..


1low .. rd . ..... Tuwn of Hi<ll!et"wu !.. S. TTanoock. 11154 !tid ley • . . • . . . lbrwtch J'my or f"irtiel•l Vill•ge \\'n1. Hidley. 11!31 l<onmey . . .•. , • R'lmn<•y. Lot :.!'l(), Ttolb(>t K••r•d . (' Goataworth. 1Mi7 Konle.on .•.... . H~~orwich Rood Eau H!lrhor..... \\'m. R. Stirling.


Tm: KKNT Col'~TY AN.S VAL t'Olt 1~911. s:;

~~ Name.~ 1 Town~~ __ l.oca~-- _ P~~-liMIOSeltoo ........... Howard .. ... ~tb Coo. ThamH•illen•ari. II:Wht. \\'alt. 1161 8tA1f'art .... ...... Tilbury F..aet . Smith'• Mille, M. C. R .John llnioleon l8Stj•tT~ameevllle ... C•mden .•... . Tha.mcsville Vtlh•s~ •• • Johr! l>uncan. 1877 runn • . ......... Orford • . .. , . . lith con , Lut a . . . . . . It ~ Dr< krM•n. 18113 ThornclUI'e ...... Uhatham .. .. • Lot 2-l, coo 7th ..... .. .. l ~ tu . H "h"'"' . 188SjTupperville .. . , ~hatha.m .•.. . • :-itarkweather'a E l H. R ,J~~n_.J . Sutor. 1888 Turnerville . , ... Chatham . • . .. . . . . . • .... . ....... \\ rlh•n• l u rner. l!MU Valetta . ... . • ••• Tilbury •• Lot 15 ~iddle Roacl ... ...• John Hir h•nlton 11811 Vanhoru {S. W.). KAr1f'ich ....... 12.\13 ~icle line on Hi•er Jr«ph Zrnk . 11811 Wabuh (;-\, \\' , ) .. Camden ....... .. .. .. .. . . ... .. . , , Artlour \urlerrM•D 1834 •tWallachurg .. . , Chatham • • . • \ 'illag•· ••f \\' •llacel•ur~ . )Jan It \, cHunal•l 187tWeldon ........ Hanrich ....... Howar•l Line~~ . G 1: .. t, ha• . \\'. Umlerhill t883tWiliaii!J (S. W .) • Raleigh ........ Lot 7, River t'rout ... ltubort \\'illi•m

The Sala.riea of Poet Muten vary from $.1.100 for Chathot.m, do"o \4• tlO- thc loW'eat 1lno. Thoee for Blenheim ia in round 6gur .. al~C~ut ,.,..,;O : Both,. ell t7tl0; Or.ecleo tiiO(); RidaetoW'II, ~: Thameeville, $675; Walluehuq:. i'-00: Tilb"ry Centre, ~- The average aalary of 6i poet mutera Ia about, $100: hut lea•lng out the eight abon mentioned the netaae of tbe other 59 Ia only about '-:Ill.


-l:~tabliabed !No Lod&e. \\ hero lldd. !\r)(hta of ,\leeti~ 1\lthJuly , 1!!5'i , •6 •Wellington Chat hum ... ~'int ~unolay 12thJuly, 1!!66\li9•Hothwell . Roth~tell. .. Wt<rlnurlay,o . u,f,m, 13thJuly, 18712~5Tecurnteh Thamuville .. Tm.Uay, o. u. f . 01 .

13th July, 1~>71 2J!i i'l"lenham. l>reerlto.. ..... \\'udneaday, o. a . f. m. lltb Jaly, 1~':2 20i i'P.•rlhenon . . . . C'hathot.m • . . . \Firat Wtolnu<lay. 11th July, t~7o!r.~ '1\•·nt ..........

1Bieuhtim •...... ~lot.rlay , o ''· r. m.

!lth.July, 1Si1 :112 'l' inl ••••.•.. •• \\'allal·ehurg .•.. \l<,nda)' , o . u. f. m. 13th Jnly, l'-jtl :l:~ti 'lfi..;logat<' .•.... Highg&te . . • ,Fir.t Tl .. tntlay 13th .July, l'-1!1 :l!I I 1 'Ho~artl ... . ... Ridgeto'Oiu ... , .. :'oct~nu Thuru l .. y. 13th Jul>;. 1&~1

13;10 ·~'loreur ·.e ....... F!orence ·; ...... ;ru• •da) . o. u. f. m.

Jul), l!!!j ~ 3 ~apt bah • , • . • . Ttl bury Certre lueS<!ay . o. b . f. m. __, • I~ ~2 ~tar of ;!te eut ••• Bothwell .• ••.... Wt•du .. adot.y, o. ~· f. 111.

lllll AL ARCH lf ~80!<'!.

- F.atahliaheu ~No l'hapter. I Where Held . Ni~hu of Meeting. 9tb Auguat, l'il ~7 •Wellingtun ..... Chatham ....... 1'hunuay, o. u. f . m. lith Auguat, 1~7tl 73 1-:rle ....... . • • Ridgetown .••... w~ .. lneaday, o. b f. Ul .

19th Jan. , 1M\! SS ~Jac!\abb ........ Dre.den ...... . Mood .. y, o. b. f. U\.

_. Lodge. marked thue • bold lo•tallatioo of offir.:en ou the t 'utival of ~t .• John the Eva.ngtU.t ; 1\ll otben ou that of St. John the Baptist.



- l:atiiill•hed. No Lod~o~a . \\here Held-. Nighta uf ~ltetinji: IOtb Aug., 18-Jj :.!9 (.;hatlu•m . . . . . .••u ....••. ll:u.•adt.y. 2lat March, I "'611' ,.0 Ttood f: •u . . . . • . Blenheim . , .•... t rulay. 23rd Juoa, !Mil 7• Bothwell ...... Buth• ell ....... Tuoad11y 13th June, 1117'2' 93 \\'eatl!'rn Citv .. Chatham .. ,, , ... 1 ~louday. ~tb Sept. , 1874 12() Sydeoham \ ' alley Wallaceburg .... Friday


lith Jan'y, 1874


124 Hrea41en .......... Drt'Fden ........ Moudar lith June, l~j-l IH Ttirlge•owo ...... , Riugetown .. ... Wedutaday. <lth March, I!S71115j Thamt•aville •..... Themeeville ., •.. Tburaday

/ ,~h Jan'y, 11.17ijl 96 FIMf'm•e .• , ...... Florl!nce . ....... Monday. Ld ~J arch, !Sill 2-..!li "l'rlin ...... ~.. :\Jerlin . .. ·=Saturday.

TilE KI::NT CorNTY ANNt:AL }'OR 1890.

KttabhabO<l INo Nam6. 1 Where Held. I Ni1hta of MeeURI(. lith Nov., 1871 111 Chatham. • . • . . . Chatham .• •.•• lat aort lrd Tbuooay. iath ~lay, 1881 51 Both well .......... &thwell ....... 2od and 4th Friday .... .. R.b. Degree Lodge No. 13 _ Jubilee . I Chatham ...... I


- E.I,.l•liat\;..i l\u


-Lodll•· - Where Held. --Nighta of Meetlos.~-

23rol Xuv., Hs7::! S Howard .: ........ Ridgetown •.•.•. 2nfl antl 4th Friday. 3ro.l \luy, 187~ 2 Puuiuaular • •..•.•


Chatham ..•.•.•. E\·f'ry Frid•Y-·

13th Jao, lbi~, 13 Blenheim ...•.•. . . fiend Eau ...•. • Every alternate \\'edneaday 2!oc\ J.oo. , l!ljO 15 \lurpetb ......... \lorpeth ........ )+~very Wedoeaday. lith ,J •D , 1&79 111 Highgate • . •.•.•. Highgate . ••.. .•. Jo:very Monday. :lOth May, 18i9 2~ jl'hw.met ••••. ..... Th•meaville . .•.. Alternate ~' ridayR. g,~l Xuv., 1880 ~ . \'aletta ........•. Valetta...... F.very lllternate Saturday. 14th De~.. 18!:! )1 100 ,Clo . .t.rville ..•.... Clearvillu ...... lhtao<l2od Tut tday. 12th ~···b., ISSIIIO Dr•••ILn .......... Drtaden ... \\'o<lu.:...''':.:J:.:'~:!.Y..:..·-----L~:GIO~ . I 26 L•·upoJ,l ...... I Ch~~.tham ..•... !Monday evening.


--F..:abliahed. 1 Xu. Court \\'hare Held. ~ Sigh•• uf \h:etiu11.-12tl• Julr, 1!>77 U:!H Hupa of Ootario .. ~Chatham .... . ... ,1-;vcry TueJtlar. 18th Apr1l, l>\')1 tJJ;J l'rhl~ of Erie ..... jBuckhorn .....•• Every Satuniay 30th .\lay, 1'<'13 ti~ 0 Uulty ....... ... •,Chatham ......•. 1 1<~\'try Wedoeada;y. 12lh Nov. 1.,,3 7tll 4 B tlo:volence •.... Thameaville . .•• 2o<l aotl 'th ~londa)'a 23rtl :-. .. pt 1~'-l 71:!:1 (.'on<Xord •••.. • :. K .. ut Rridge .... Alternattl Thura<hya.

7-tabliah~:tl. 12th July, 6th J), c • 12 11 J11u., :!ith .J.u., lOth )lay,

I~Dt:P&l> O~~T

No. • 1\~>.me 1 , \Vbtre llt•hl. ~ighta ?~ ~eetiog.--0 \fct.rq (or ........


Chatham.. •. •. I at ~t.nd 3rd I ueadaya :!.i )1, otiu ton ........ Hi~hgatto ••.•• 2nd aotl4th \\'edoea•laya. 9'> tt ... n~i.:h ..... ... lllenheim ..... . , F:H•ry Tueatlay. ,y; H ;u mooy ........ Bothwell ........ Jo:\·~1 )' Thuraolay. ti6 t'J .. rence ....... Florence .... ~od :lrd l'uead~

CA~.\D1AY •

• E•t~~l.lhahed. _ 1 :-\o.i . S•me. \\hero Ht:ld. • . ·Nii(!Ju 7.r Mectio11-.-2:oth \ ov , I !I, !J l1 ( It .t hllrn. . . . . . . . Chltthllm ...... .. Ji,Hry 1 h u,..duy. Nm· , I S7!l :!'.! ~""' of Kntt . . Ridj.'olown ... h~ 11ntl :lrd Tueaday. St~p• 11>1'10 ·I!! l{<tae of Htorwich. Jltlrwio·h Centre . 2nd t.od 4th Saturday.


-Eatabllah~d~l 1'•mc;:- -- LtJC&tion-. --,- Nightaof Mee~· 23r•l :\fay, llliO Ill \larmion .. ..• .. Chatham .. . ..•

1ht and 3rd Monday.

19th .\lan·h, IAAO 24 Rl .. u:tr .... 'Riclllet.own : Friday.


Eatabliehed. 1 S~. Name, -\\'hert~ Hel-d.-- Nighttof )!eut'iiig. lat , 188-1 ~!12 Ch•th•m ....... IIIJ . ( ' h"th1.m. '2nd Wedncad,;y 2od Sept., 188t !;5:J !it. George .... . . ~18 W•llace~~~·~ay. ------


J·:•to~bliaht<ol. 4th Oct., h'>IJ :.!Sth M11y, IS~:! Uth Sept., I ~·H

:.. ( 'h ,•luun. . . . ... Ch .. :lt&m , .••.•. Thund&ye. 'Sn :'\•mu. \\'here Held. I Ni~hta vf \l eeti;;g- -

2:.! \\',.n ... ~.,lmrJ( ..... \\'a.Jl~~ocehur~t ... . Thuraday• :l(j l'vrt l.:unhton .... Port L&mbtoo .. . Altero&te Tutaod .. ) t .

TilE Kt~T CoUNTY AN!WAL FOR 1890. 85


Canadian cnrren ry, Jikt thr Rriti1h, I• a mixed-metalir and )'laptr- eorrto~~ey aad be~d ur.on a FnH ~tandard. The paper currency conel•t• of Onmlnlnn notea nf the nf $1 , ~2 and f:.f Thr metalic currrncy con1i111 ol ('anaclian eilnr and eorr~r coin• of thr d11nnminatinn1 of 3, ~. 10. ~. 2.i And r.o cent• in 1ilvrr, and 1, 2, 3


j and 6 cent. in nlrklr or rnpJl('r. end tl.r £lold ~'flin of c:reat Rritain, the intrinaio or 1tatute value of which i1: ~onreijln $4.66s and half ~overeian ~2 43~. Ry 1tatnte the 1old ooine of the Unit.ed Ntatn, 110 long ae of the finenua of 900 to 1000, are a legal tender at par.


The aihrr cnina r,f tho United ~tate. are : 3, 5, 10, 20, 2.';, 60 cent a and $1.; the oor.per or nickle coloa : I, 2. 3, A: 1\ cent1, neither of which are ltgal trndera . The gold 00 n~ are fl, .2;Ml, s>.OO, tJO.OO and ~~ 00 and ue, .. we have nid, lqal tenden. The gold coin• nf C:rrnt Tiritaln are •• &bove •tated- Sonreign and half.aonrelgn; the allver colna, with thrir C•nadiAn ''alue: Three Pence ·6 ('f'nta; Four l'tnce· 'l centa; Six· pence-12 ceota; Rhllling · 2.f centa; F1orin-48 crnta; Half crowo-60 <'enta and Crown­'1.20.

Rrltiah anrl <.:ana,Jiau cuina are identical in finen- aod purer than tho~ of the Unite<\ Htatea, ahhou~h, the l•tter wei~h1 •lightly more . For inat.ant'e the Rriti~h ~nreilfll i• 12:l2i ~raioa in ..-tijlbt 1\l"l 1116:; to 1000 in fint~nf' .. ; whert&l tht1 ll&lf ~:agle of the l'ulteu Rtat•, (which LB• Ahout tht~ nlue of ~6. 00) Ia 129 anlna In 111eicrht and 000 to 10)() in tlnenua or r·•rity. The Urhi•h ahillinl! i~ 87 grain• in wf'i)(ht an•l 11'2~ . 6 to 1000 io purity: the l"oi l.l'tl ~ ·at t-1 r1narter 1lollar ia !lli 4) graina in .. eight ~<nrl DIJO to IIJOO p.r.rtll in purity ; and r.thl'r ('Oin• aimilar prnrortioz.~ .

The Rritl1h (;o)ll Stllnd.u~ ia 11 parta ~..,J,l to I of alloy - SIS PI per ot . The United S:ate~ Oc.ltl " II " ·' I " 18.004 " The Hritiah or (.'aoaoth" ailver at&ndar.t ia 3i puta of ailver to 3 of alloy-tl . 2.~t peroz•-Tbe llnited Htatea " " 9 " " I " - 1.~6 "

l'ure gohl i• 24 o:arata or $20 6j t><• oum·e; az11l Hriti~h ..;t.amlanl l~nhl 'l'l carau l'ure eilvt~r il 2~0 dwt, ur ~I 30 per ouut·e ami 1tanrlard 1ilnr 2'l'l dwta. Eighteen (HI) carat aold ia lland .. n l j~welry golll.


.I.A!gal teodere nf money are Tirlti1b and Am,.rican ~old (at 1t&tute value) Dominion nntea, Canadian ailvtr nzzly to the amount of $10 in any one P••yment, and Canadian nickola or copper• to the amount of '2~. Not technically &lq~al trnder, but by cuatom and a quaai recognition nf the court& AI auch, are the notu of aolvent chartered banka -lawful money of C'•nada and will ordinarily be a 1ullicient ttmler (uol- where particularly payment of the 1lrbt or ohligatiGn waa ('Outractt'tl for in ~told) and pereon• refualng to r-ive aoh·ent h;tnk notee, current at par, in utiafactlon 11f n debtor demand wlllllo eo at their ri1k.


Cuunterfflt or altered notee, of either the Dominion or chartered bank iaeo .. , pre· MDted at any h~nklng or pul;lio office may be marked or eU.mptd In prominent lettera aero .. th11 r..ce tho word ' ' l'uunterft~lt" by any official of 1uch offioe1 wltbout liability or Indemnification to the hold~r

Hpurlou1 eotn, or ~>ppuently apuriou1 coin, tendcrtod to any peraon In pafmeot may by euch J•erann hu broken or bent to satilfy hlmeelf of ita geoulnene11, wbtn 1f it ehould prove to bo gnod he muat pay for ita value, but if bad he will not Le ao liahle. Penona utterin" oouutcrfciL ur alterod billa or 1purioue coin, knowlrg the umo to be IU<'h and for tho JIUrpo•o of thftlluding, will bo liable to criminal proeecutlon.


"AS~P'AM"UIU'!Ul OP' AIL Kl"l>ll OP'


The Best In U6e. Adjustable. Under perfect control. Light Draft. Wtll do what any Walking Plow wtll do, and a great deal more. Has

beaten all others at trials. Call and get Testimonials or those using them. Sold on Trial.

THE FLEURY LIGHT S T EEL B I NDER, 1890. The Lighte.t, Stroogut end mo.t tlbcif'ot io UM lo warranted. Uo not be mialed. Trial egeinet ell comen. See It before buyiDg. 0\·er j~ in County. See our reference•.

IGR'l1 no Ell. Compact, Durable, Llrht Draft, But In Market. Both Rear and Front CU~

Apply to 111 directly or to the follow in~ Agent., who he\'e .. mple• of our good• on hand :

Rc>HY.RT SOUTAR, Chatham. A \lOS kAN:-;0~1. llnrkhorn. • JOliN I:HAYRON, Wallacthurg.

------. Dretdf n R n. RANDALL, Bo'hwell. ,\ RTHl'R DJ-:LM AGE, Rldgetown .

Tu~ Kt:NT CouNTY ANNUAl. ro1: 1~90.

=-J. FLEURY SONS, AURORA,-V.&Jr{rA•'Ttalll o•

W&llttq PlOW'I-&11 Kl.luu.

One Bon• Garden PlOW'I,

2 Mould Gan,r Plow-t,

S Mould Oan,r PlOW I ,

Oraln Choppen,

Power and Rand Straw CUtwn,

The IIDM\ A .. on­ment of

STEEL "W' .ALKING 'PLO"W'S ln tht Country. All aold on \rt&l, and aaalnat all other makea.

NEVER GO E.A..::::=K ! TR:L ONE ! Sbh atod rotaott at Ute Ohlel Anne ~•.


-or,l.IJ Jilt.-


l horoo b~u•vlc• ol Fon· ,:o &n J LoNI \irown <•r&lo l'enlltnn , J...,d l'!uttr, ('a\lle Jl'oodt, lnttctielde lltlxturM, .tc. .IJiarllet

Gardenen aDd l••K• ~ rowcn ouppllcd a& WboiMO!e Prleeo. Bieda eenttoanyad· drell. Clot•er (ReA and Alalhl to Jot.ben a•t·l

rarnl\" at [ 0'4. Prl<'ee.

A[ent for tbr. fi-AMIL1'0N PEERLESS THJ;E .'.' ..

L.D.S. PORTABLE ENGINE "Oraln Saver" and J!cllpae Thrtahers and

~~ lclnda of

Arricnltnral Machinery Gencrnlly. WA f ull 1tork t f F't~ury'4 Plow• a nd tt..-r-n• :\I-. •)t6

on hand



\\ t. I .. IIT>- A~IJ \I t..ASUKEll In contract. for the aale ,.u,t delivery of any of the uodermentioned article~~ th

buahel ahall be tleter?1ioed hy. weighing, unle .. a h11ahel meu11re 1e apecially agreed upon- the weight equ1valent be1ng u follows ;


Pounda. Pounda. Pounds. +Barley .... .. ...... . 48 +Clover Seed ........... 60 ~Bee1 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .110 !Beao@ . ·.. .. ...... . 60 +Flax .Seed ............ 50 tC><rrote .. .. ........... 60 , Buckwhe&t ......... • 4~ +Hemp ,:,end .. , .... H tOuhm~ ................ 60 Hran ... .. .... .. ... .. . 20 H?og& Graee ...... 48 tPar1nipe ............. 60 +,Corn •. ahelled .......... 51! :\llll.,t Med . . . . . . . . AS Peache8, dried ......... 3.1 Corn, 10 ear ...•....... . j(l ~1ea,low ~'eecue Seed •.. 12 tPoU.toea .............. 60 Corn. meal .....•..... 50 Orchard Grass Sud ..... 14 1tTuruipe ......... . ...... 60 t:llalt ................. 36 Hape b~ ............ 50 Charcol\1. ...... . .. .. 2'l +O•ts ........... . .... . .. 34 He<ltop :seed . ...... . .... 14 Coal anthracite 80 tl't~aa. · · · · · · · · · · · · · • • · 60 Hye Grus Seed · · · · · · · · · 'l'.l t e o :1, llit11mino~~ .. ::::: 70 tHr,e ...•...........•.. ~6 ":a~e• ........... . 60 Cok.. . .......... . .... 5o t\\ hut .. . · ...... · .. 60 ; :'ie<!d ...... -!8 Lillie, unalaked ......... 80 Bent G ra .. Seed ........ 14 1 urn•p beed ...... · .... • · oO I'Lutedug hair ......... g tHlueGrau Seed ...•..•. 14 Applea, green ........ 56 , ~-tt ........... . ...... 56 "!"Cutor Beane ......•. . 40 Applee, dried ..•...... 'l'.l Ice, per foot ............ 63

NOTt.-The atatute mention• only thoae articles preceded by the t; the weights of the othen1 w~ighte sanctioned by cuatom and gonerr.l uao amongat dealera.

Io u1ing a Dominion meuure of, the same ahall not I~ heaplld, but either shall be etricken with a round atick or roller atraight, and of the aame diameter from end to end, or if the article aold cannot from ita eize or ahape be eonYeniently atriokeu, ahall be filled in all puta as nearly to the le,·el of the brim a.a the aize and shape of the article ad mitt of.

EYery contract, bargain, sale or dealin~ made or had in respect of any work, gooda, ware~~ or merchandiae, or other thing which baa been or ia to be clone, aold, delivered, carried, or agreed for by wei.,:h t or meae11re, ahall be .Jeemod to be mado aooording to one of the DominiOn weighta or ml!a.auree aa<.:ertained by the act.

The ueo of local or cu!tomary meaeurea, or of heaped meaaurea 1hall not be lawful.


Countriea antllocalitiee have 611Ch their own customs in respect to the grading and purcbuo of cerula of wheat in particular. In aome places wheat weighing over :iS lba. to the standard lluahel, ia 1 uted "merchantallle," for which one ruling price ia paid, at the atandard buahel of 60 lb•.; if weighing 5!1 lba. only, or undor, 2 lba. for every lb. under is taken form \Ice-up weight ; say, for instance, if wheat wclgha only 58, 5i or 56 lb1., then 62, 63 or 64 lba. will be taken aa a atandard buahel.

The following classification ia the one authorized by Statute for the Provln:e of Manitoba and the C<\nadian Northwest and Ia the same u th10t prevailing ia Detroit, Chicago, St. Paul, and other American Krain centrea.

Attached to the grading will be aeen the difference in prioe go,·erned thereby. ~o I Red \\'beat of 62 lba. and over, ., 5c. above, or .... SI.(IS. No. 2' .. 60 . .. -~ Oc., Standard, or . 1.00. No. 3 " " 6i .. " ~ 6c. under, or .. .. .. . 94

~trangely enough prior to the introduction of the jiirain teater, the prevailins cua tom of Weetern Canada baa b en an expert eye cluaification - a f•ulty one at beat the price governed by appearance of aample, and p.iid for accordingly at the rate of tho at&ndard buahel.

TIJK ORAl" TKIITKR. An inatrument now intimlltely knowu to every farmer i1,-liko weigh acalea for

wvoigbing- thorougly reliable (boiug aubject to Ooveroment verilication) and will cor· reedy determine the weight of tho meaaur~ buehel. of any ~ruple of. wheu.t, &c.~ and 10, other thing• being equal, govern the prace, wh1ch, under the tariff of the M1lllera Ae110ci11tion, ia u follow• ;

I ---------------------------------------------------------- ·



_c ·_ . •· ~· .

Tn KINT CooNTY;JANNUAL roa 1890. - 89

For eo nn. wh•~ P"1 atudr.rd prloe. For 61 " " lc more. fur U " II~ mure. Fur CU 3 J. Ulf)te.

Fur 6l " 4J. more.

For 69 lbl. 'll'hMt pay lo. 1-. Fur 6:i n " tJ. 1-. }'or 67 " " 6o. 1-. Fur 6CS ,. ,. 8.1. 1-Fur :,5 ,. 1~. 1-


1o welahiog graio or other farm vruJuate wbeo oootaloed lo the ordloary 2 buuel '-~• 001 puuu•i loa ... .,b b.&~ 11 tl.Uiicwd ... a tare lruw the gru.- Wll~h&. . ,

h weighingsraio by h ... vy tlr•ugh~uf from 31.1 w 60 b~&abele- ~ 10 miller • h,p,.n -the oJJ w•i»bt or IX'"ude w11a~b hu the evwa 011ur .. u~ aoterval• of 6 tb"­eay u botweeo IIHO-IbU· l:).')O I be. ud 10 on, are never reukuued; tD ell\all wei~Jb~, fr.o· ti.,. of a lb. are oever oon•aderetl. •

lD all CUll the buyer il entitled to 111 ap-'ll'eiaht, th•t ill, the beam moe$ etrike the upper au•rd of the ealea.

Jo welshing dreaeed hoge, 2 lbt. oo each carcau ill allowed u • tare to the boyen for eookaae ; aod i the weiant ie deducted for ataa hoga,


'!belea•l toll for griodiog aod bolting ie 1-12-• tariff which ., .. authoriaed. whee ooly water D'lille existed. 'l'lle l•w h11 newer been chaogetl ; bu' wbeo Iteam mllle whh IDiprond mllhog ma<:binery came ioto uee, ou1tom regul•tetl • oew toll tariiJ of 1-10 (ill_. pl.oel1 ·9) for ftour, l ·ll fur corn 111d J. 6 for budtwb•t.

Uo 1D eYengt a buebel of sood wheat will make 43 lbe.. ftuur, II lb1. of bre.n, 4~ lba, ahor~(wuiAiallowa.oce I. lbt.); aod 4i buebela of wDMt will m.&lr.e a berrel of ftuur. Lawr imoroved roller mille will pr.xluc.t a 10mewb•U ditf~reot r•ult-in particular, t 10011 of ft11ur. ·

The nchange toll-tariff of the mlller1 uaociation ia ao arbitrary one -not autbor. leed by atatuiAI ; but at i1 uot illegal, b11iog a pnvate arraogem•o' uf their own which Lhey may in•ilt upon, for there 11 no 1.-,.. oo'nl"'lling mall• '<> du griatiug by toll or even at all Millera are oot reapoo•illle for lo•t b •g• uoluet wh11r11 marll.etl Wltb uwnera name.

PJ\ODt'CI 00:-oTII.Acr.! -LAW,

• Aa between farmen aud produce dealen, are geoer•lly unwritten, ofT hauded Yerb&l tranucLionL T111 wratteo tack-' or marll11~ vuuuh .. r, cu•wm•ra•y gavcu toy buyera to fermen upoo the purch-.e of the lat'-r'• lo.~~d iu the Oj)11D m•rlloH, 11 ,f httl11 legal nlue, alone binding upon the bu)'tn (&Dd uut alway• upon th~111)-1tldom upon the fanner.

Written cootrt.etl, accepte~l by both partiea, are blading; 10 are verbal cootraote Dpoo which money baa beeu adv•oo.:eu, or upou whiuh a v•n olehvery of the produotAt b .. been made.

TO FIND TJII PI\Jrf. I'V.I\ Btl'lllY.L WHK:. DOt'OIJT BY Tllll 10') LBS.

Multiply the price by the 1t&nolard buabel and divide the prnduct by 100. Eumple The prloe of barley i• tJ 2(1 per 100 lbe. wh•t ia that per buahel! 1.21.1 x 4~=5i60-T 100• 6i.llo. per bu1hel.

TO I'IND TUY. PRIOI r&A 100 LJIS WHitS BOt'Olll: BV Tlllt Dt'SB&L.

Multiply the p_rloe rr bo1hel by" 1.~ and divide the product by the ataodr.rd bu1bel. E•ample The prace o I.rley i1 6, 3/.JC. per buabel, how much ia it per 100 lbe.T 67.h 100=67600+48= $1 '20 por 100 lbe.


Multiply the net weight of the loa.d or loada by the price per bu1hel aod divide the product by the atan<larol bu1hel of the grain weighed. Ex•mple: - Two wagnn lor.cla o~ wheat w•il(h 2SOO r.nd 2300 lba re•pectivf'ly wha.t Ia their v•lue at OOil. por buebel r 2;j()() aod 2300=4SOO lba. r.od -ISOOx 90= 43200-;- 6J = Si2 the nlue.


Reduce the ahillinge per lmperir.l qur.rter into dollara r.n!l centa at ,_. 2 •hilling (~ Y.xcht.n~te 'f .. bli.) aod divide by 8 the nu!Y'ber cof buahela in ,.;; lm~::l q11ar1Atr. Enmple-~qu1red the prl~-e of wheat per C .. na.rli .. o buehel io Liv 1 ;!'~et qaoted at 68/6 eterllna per Imperial quariAirf 68 .. 6d.:ll4.16+8;tr.77


SEED LIABILITY-GUARANTEE. Dealen in Meda naing the following "formula" in their catalogue• price li1t1 &c.

wil~ void liability for damagea -"While exerci1ing the ~rcateet ca~ to aupply ~very van ety true to name. and of good qual.ity, yet the. co.ndition• of 10il, mode of plt.nting and other oontlngeoo.:tea which may anee, render 1t tmpouible to warrant ae.ed•, or be reaponaible for any lou which may occur. "

SIJlll"JU.Oit or OR-'ll'~, &TC. Wheat wi11 •brink in •ix months from threshing, 2 quarts per IJu•hel or 6~. Com in

t he ear , will abrink in aix month• from hu1king, 12~ buaheb in 100, or 8i~· Po~tatoet will ehrink or Joee by rot in aix month• from harveeting, l /5th or 'lOi~· Hay, on an n erage, will ehrink within one yeu from cutting, ith, or 25% of it• origanal weight.

SIILLI:-(0 FOUL s•;hn. Any peAOn offering for eale, knowingly, graae, clover or other eeed, among•t which

there ill aeed of Canada thietlea, ox.eye daity, white oata, ragweed, baudock or wild muetard, •hall be liable to a fine of from S5 to $20 for every c.ff~nce.

TO COJoiPCTJI: THII PRH'K or IIAY, COAL, i:c., WilE~ !'tll.D BY 1'1111 TOS OF 2000 Lll!l

Multiply the ll'eight of the load in pound• by the price per ton and divide the pro d uct by 2000. Kxample 1-A load of hay, wea)(hing li35 lb1 , i• bought at the rate of f9 50 per ton, what sum must the buyer pay for it! 173.J " II ;JO = 16482507 2000 $8.24 Example 2.-A load of coal weigh11 lS!iO 11>8. and the price per tun ia $7 .• 50, v. luH i• ill n lue! 1850 .. i 50= 13'1/!iUO + 2000= 16 9~ ita value.

NoT&.-The computation11 may he aimplified by tirat clivi\liog the price per ton by 20 •be number of huodrerl ..-eights : thua, ae abo,•e ~ !i0 -;- 20 - 4i ~ and tht>r~fore 1735 X 47i-18.24.

TO COMP'CTE Ttlll PIUCI'. OP J.l !11111!.11. ~OL!i IIY THY. 1000 n~t.T. Multiply the numb.-r of feet hy the price per 1000 foet and divide the reault by

1000. Enmple:-A load of lumber contain• 740 feot and the price per 1000 feet ia at5.00 what ia ita value! Then i.W • I.'\ 00 = 1110000.; 1000 Sl 1.10 the value. TO OOJoiPUHTII& PIUC'I or C'ORD'''""U A!oJ) 1\ARK WHILS !!IlLII II\ Til II CORD OP' 128 ('f'JIIC UltT

Subetitute the 1000 for 128 ancl proceed u if for lumber, Jo:umple.-A load of cordwood meaaure1 100 feet (see rule to me&auro cord..-ood) •ntt the pric~ to be paid~ a.t t he rate of t3 75 per cord, wha.t ia ita \'alue! 100 3 j.i-3i,f>OO 128-1'2 9S: or tf 320 fMt in load then 320 >< !H:i ~ 120,000 ~ 128 = 19 3/

PILLSBIHtY PLOtJBlNG Jl{lLLB- 7600 Barrels c1a1lY capaott~




... EUREKA BAKERY.--203 Queen Street.

IU \J."4~ARTII:R..1 J'tJR



~~ountry Produce Bought and ~old.~ Superior Bread b~ked o;;t'he Premises and retailed

at first cost.

J. H. BOGARf, .Proprie&oP.

1HE BES11N CANADA! ~·---·-

1 he A djnsts ble Head Rest BED SPRING.

Known aa the CBATBAII IPRlii'O, manufactured by


m.n ~)~~~g~c£g .n:IYD ~~IY £.!s<J:t ~~fD'mii A Call 8ollette4. Orden Prompt.lJ AUendeC1 w

===== ~-~ - - ====~

-~JOHN GLASSFORD,E-.a.&:ANU:PA.OTu ....... U P


UPRI GHT P IANO CASES A SPECIALTY. CouUnuoUIBUur DiDIO and Automatic Mntlc Dealr Olll111&nu!&cturv t.n C&u.4a 1&11111

&Dd rllht to u .. the famoua "t='ARRAND & ¥0T~Y' AQ'HOR."

- - O.UBS IK R.OIBWOOD, llrU.BOO~ AND OTHER. VUUU TO OKDIL­_. rln t Prlae ud I.Jiploma \\ tttero l'alt Chatham, 111!19.

Tux KlNT COUIITY AM'NUAL roa 1890.

MERCANTILE LAW. raoMIII01.1' l<OTU, !liLLI Or IXCBA.l\01, 1 0 u'a lo.

A proml.-ory note or bill of ucbuge muat be pay&ble, &beolutely ud Dot ooad.l· t.lollally or upon a oontlngenoy.

The • ·orde "•aloe re«h·ed" are not legally nror-ry ln a promiMOry note ba• abould ahraya be lnaert&d, 10 •• to npren a conafo:leratlon for tbe promlae. '

A note drawn on Sunday Ia not void, but the J.ow will not aid in Ita collection. If a no~e be !oat or atolen It doea not releaH the maker; he moat p&y it. But If bt

doee pay h be ia entitled to be Indemnified &gain•t lou in conaequf'oce.

A note obtained by fraud, or from a per.on In a atate of intoxication with intent to · defraud, or from ~ peraon for .roncuJm,.nt of crime, for w•grra, or by way of traDI&C· tiona agalnat pubho morale, rtghta and internta cannot be collectf'd.

A Y&luable conaidrr&tlon moat be giYf'n for a note t() make it valid (mere lo•e aad atrectlon or mor&l obligation ia not & aufficif'nt conaidf'ration) u betwf't>D maktr and p&yee, but an innoCC!nt purchalf.>r mav recovf'r tbe 11mount from f.>itber of them (rxc•pt· log notea given in settlement of gamblin~r debta). But the note mnet have befn bought prior to Ita mAturity, without notice of defect, and & valuable conaideratlon givf'll there· for, otherwise he will not be protectt'd againat any f'quity edating in fuor of the maktr.

A note falling due on a Sunday or on & leg&! bolld&y ia Dot pay&ble until tbe day foUowiDg.

A note commencin~r "I promiae to pay," &Dd aigned by two or more pt.rdea, be­oomea a joint, or aevC'ral note.

A note p&yable to order ia tranaferable only by enrlonem@Dt; a note payable to bee.rer, by deli\'l'ry; utd & note p&yable to the payee only, &nd r:ot to order or bearer, la oot tr&naferable.

A blank endorsement rtquiru merely the bere aijt'D&ture of enrloreer to make a note tra.nafer .. ble to bearer ; & apecial endoraement requirea the name of payee to be written over • aignatu r,.,

Notet bur inttreat durlnfl currf'ncy only, if IKl atat.-d, and if no rate Ia mf'ntlonrd, thtn only legal intereat until paid. Rut " 'Y rate of interHt may be collected if ao atattd ; It cea•n however at maturitv, u thereafter legal lnterut ia only recovC'rable, unlea apeclally provirlC'd for in 111'ritinp-.

A note made by a minor Ia , ·oirl, PO Ia one made by an idiot. A note rnuat be pro­teated (noted) tbe urne day on ~ hich it m&turea, but notice of proteat may be del •yed uy time before noon of the following day.

Preaentation or demand muat he made on the laat dav of grace, ann if payeblellt a bank,held there until the hour of closing; thia ~ill be eufficient demanll or prea~ntatlon to ch&rge endonera or acc~>ptore ; if no place of P"Ymtnt Ia atalfd the Mle mu't be

r.reaented peTIIOu&lly or at hla J-lace of bueintu dnrl"g huainua hours or at hia reairll'nce n reaaonable houn ; if a partnerahip note, to ~ithtr of the partn.-n or &t thC' firm'•

place of buaine11 ; if made by aeverr.l penona jointly (not partnera) demtu~d muet be made upon all.

An endoraer of a note Ia enmpt from liability If not aernd with a notice of Ita dl•· honor. He ia aleo diacharged from liability if the holder },ufl!v•n tim~ for ita pa)'meot or hu taken a new bill or note from tbo maker or acc~ptor 11'ttbout bta knowledge or conaent. .

An endoraer of a note hu A ri11bt of action &I!Ainat tho•e prrced•np: him on the note, elthtr &I endorser or maker. F.ndorBers m"v prole •t thl'mot>lvu ~gainat the daima r.f aublfqutnt tndor!t'rs ancl holtll'rl hy wrilinjl ovl'r bia aipnature "without recourae." Sigoaturea made with a Jeatl p!'nl'il Arl' ll()()rl in IILW.

Trado ordt>r" (A fnrm of tlrdt lll l'rl hy trotlt•m ~n ) ohonl~ h .. tPnd .. rP~ h': th .. r•r•• within a rn.•onahle timr , 1 thPrwl'"' the n,akrr w •I! hi' nllf·\·rd from lu•Lthty tf the &mount c&nnot be recovf'rerl nf the pr r on on whom I t Ia nr1lw n.

Cheque. are t reatf'tl thf' 11me &• hill a of ~xchan11e an1l mn•t hP prr~ntl'n tht' '"m" rlav, 11 receiv~d or the da v followinll IHmanrl no~a ar .. P"l&ble upon prl'•entat lnn "itlwut gr&ce &nd hear lellAI intereat aftf'r dtm,.nd if not 10 'lfritten. An enduraer of a. d~mand note ia holden only for a reaaonable time. .

Time promiuory no tea &re cntitl~ to three llaya of jlrace after the time for payme:! hu expired ; il not then paid the endozwra, if &Dy, abould be legt.!ly notified to


TH:I KoT Coulln AlllfUAL roR 1890. 93


WJIOI,lt!IALlt AND 111tTAIL DULFU nr Ume, Cement, Plaster, Sewer Pipe, Plaster Orn~

ments, Stone, Sand, Hair, Flre-Brlck, Fire Clay, Land Plaster. Cut Stone of

all Descriptions. OPPICE--171 King St. West. Lime Kiln and Stone Yard next to the lent lUis, I C.

NOBfll CIJ4f'll~·

ALEX. HALL Corner King and William Street..



Vl1tton to CB.ATIUK who f&Tor me wUb a eau W1ll lind Ul&t I am 1Ull &lin to Ulelr wu.u, ud Ul&t 111.1 prtCQ an 1n reach of au.





Farm Produce, Salt, etc.

Maeul"''luter aed dealer ID


FAcroat-rooaol B • , NORTH CHATHAM.


~common sense wasner * Will do more •ork, and rio It qui< ker and

betttor than any \\'aahinl( ~J .. l•hioe m&de, and ~~t~hl at the low price,

ONLY $5.00. Enrybody hal a chance to get one frtL

Send for circular, ILUfl1FA.OTU.&BD BT

l. L, WEIR, • Cbatbtm, Ont.


MOTU &MD BILI.S OON'Tl!\UKD. Chauel notea are not negotiable and cannot be collected except in name of payee.

A maker of a chattel note muat tender the goode mentioned (specified) in the not••' the time the note become• due and at the place namtd for delivery. if he neglecte to do eo he will be liable to pay the amount in money; if he preaentl the chattela and the payee then refu~ea to accept them, the debt will be diacharged; but the right to the property ~ndered will p1111 to the creditor.

An I 0. U. Ia not negotiable, it ie aim ply an ackno•ledgment of a debt, but h11 all the elf~ct of a note of demand and may be aued at t.nv time. The crf'ditor'e oarnubould ahnya be mentioned, otberwiao it •ill be prima fade evidence that the holder il the czeditor.

INT!RU'l' Where interett ia payable, but no rate expreaeed, the legal rate of 6 per cent. will

prevail. There ia no uauary Jaw ann any rate mar be contracted ann collected-if ia writing. Legal intereat ia allowed on overdue notes, demand notee and billa of excbana• from the time they become due. Legal intereet ie alae allowed on judgmente. A pro Yill9, that the rate would be reduced upon the punctual payment of a note or debt ia goOd at law ; if to increaae tho rate in cue of default, it ie bad.

Interest cannot be collected on open account• unle1a there ia an expr1111 or implied agreement to pay intereat. Printed bill bt!lad.a intimating a claim to interest Ia ill ilw

loOOfntereet aettJernentl in ordinary buaineae traneactiona are eft'eot.ed llnder the "oom mercia! rule" ; but in settlement of honda, mortgagea .tc., the interMt ia!d by tbelegr.l rule. (W1!!ee legal and oommeroial interMt rule.) No arrean for intereatC&D be recovered for more tban eix yeara.

• •

Happy Oa,ys.



lodal Fanning Mill and Bagging Attachment . f\.oET£~s -Mode l -


"1 han one of 7our MoDr.L FAMI'IIl'O YtLL'l iu u~ .nd consider i~ the h.t Mill 1 bave ...-er aeen. It will do all it ia guar· u~todo."

A.DOL8Ell, lUnr Itoad, Italeiab



AJD CORRECT PRIMCIPLES. Cleana and aepara\ea in \be m011\ perfec\

manner, &llld..Dda of OraiD • 8eelb


OUR MILL FOR 1890 Will ecllPM t.Dy\biq in \be marllte\. Do no\

buy unUlrou- 1\, 1\ Y1ll be &o JOUJ' adY&n\I.CI .




Keeps on hand n Complete Stock or


The Largest Stock of WALL PAPER, Border and Decorations, West of

Tol'onto, and at Lowest PPices.




Ther~ la no lim I~ putnerehip in b:.nking. n .. nka may be either prlnte or joint atook. :ro carry ~n bu11ntu a pubho chouter i~ necea,ary. (;hartered b&uka are author. hnl t~ tr.a~e thetr own not~• up to tbe !Inti~ of the uoimp ••red paid up capital, 11r denomtnauona not leu .' dollara. Alllu.nlt no tea are rede.<mabl~tlo gold. Hanlr.. note holden have t~e tirat hen upon the a.ueta of a b.\uk; the depoailora nut. A bank muat r.ocept at allumea-even auepeotton of p&yment ita own notr.a in aettltment of d£bt due the b.\Dk, at par value. Sh .. rehohJera are !table to the public for double the value of their ahare or awck-'' H .. ble to on amount over and aLo•e any an1unt tot paid up on hia aharea, ~qual to the amount of aucb aharea." Holder• uf bank atock which baa h~n eold or uanefened, in. att ordmary buaineu way, within thirty daya of tho meolvenoy of a. bank, are hahle fo; any lou accruing thereby, nen although the vendor wu tgnor~ont of ampendtog auapenaion ; in the )~ow the,1 are atlll ahareholdera. By atr.tule the rate of antereat charged for dl100unta aa limitetl to eevon per cent., and no rate can be r~verable an the ooDrtl; a11:v greater rr.te however may be charged, nor wall no tea and btl Ia be voided by 10 charging aa there are no uaury lawa. Ba.nka are authorized to charge on bill1 of nchange draw~ upon and payable at other branohea or a~ nther banka & commia!ion u follo,n: for billa of es:cbaoge under 30 d&ya a%, under 60 daye 1%, under 90 day• IY. when dr&WIII upon their own br1011cbea and when dr&wn on other banks iY.·


A bank cheque i1 aim ply an order to the banker to pay money to bearer or order­• .art of bill of txchange, and aubject to the rule• regul•ting them, but governed by

10mewhat difl'ertont circutn1tance1. A banker ia obliged to p~~oy chequea dr•wn on htm

by hia cuatomer, if he bae money of the cuetomere aufficient to meet the cheque. A cheque, like a, muat be preeented within a reaeonable time, -:hic.h generally aocludea the day after it ia iNned, to hold the m':kor or drawer; fo_r ·~ preJudu:ed ~y d~lay-a~ in cue the banker failed-he would be d11charged from habahty ; otherwlll8, tmmedtate preaentatlon ia not onentlaL A cheque ia not pay men~ uut~l it ia paid &!though prac:tl· c

1111y it U., unlen diahonored. 13ut, tf a cheque be gtven 1n payment o_f a. note or btU,

and the note given up by the holder, he woulti loae a~l reme?y by the btlltf the chrque wu diahonored. He will, however, have right of &ouon ag.untt the cheque. lf a bank pava a forger! cheque, the loll will be itao~n, for the bank can only chargt> .bia cuetomer with money paid upon ~~~ cheques, but the mero fact of an endoreemeot betog a forgery doe1 not throw the lou on the bank if ignorant of the foq~ory. Marked ohequea--cer· ti6ed chequea-practically amount• to~ acceptance &nd btn<}a the b.1nk u an acceptor, Certi6ca~ of depohlt are in effect promtunry note• and eul>JCCt to tho nme rules &nd

· ci le1 applicable to tb&t claaa ot paper. Chequea @hould &lwaya be dr&wn to order prt~h p eerve not"ooly u receipta, but guard• &gat nat loaa and theft and fr&ud, 11.1 when ~!ali:v with atr;ngere the bank will n~t pay chequea until the holder indoraea and identilea bimaeU u the ptriOn n&med tn the cheque.


b erl b B&nkera &nd Hill Broker•, for dlacounting bille, ia not & diaeonnt bot AI c &rg R ~t ia the on!) true diacount, &nd iB aucb a eum that when deducted

an interett. I. .e 1

e um &nd the latter put out &t the given rate of intereat and for from .tho P,r nc•p~ll .1 prove 10 u to enctly m&ke the origtn~~ol principt.laum. tbe gtven ttmo wt tm

d B'\1 Brokera char~e lntereet not only from the timo of disoountlng a Ban~e.ra an 1 due but for the three daya of grace "'MitionaL Thf'y do more,

note untalat becomt;' 'd (taken) in advance the bill diacouotere reclvo intereet upon lor aa the diacount 11df:' which at leut in th~ &Verage diecount will &mount to ao •.d· intel"ett-a compouo t~e f~~oce nlue of tho bill. AI it I• cuat.omary to cb&rge a com mil· ditloo&l ~ per cent on able at place• othor than th&t where ma.lle, an additional t or lion on btUI drawn or p:~~oy b t be added i per oent. u the cue may e, mn• ·

Tn K.L~ CoUNTY Amrou. roa 18~. ~7

PR.OII!I. DAT•a wa•N NOT•a PALL DlJ& •

Wbeo "'e term of a aote ie up~ in daya tbe day of da~ uad day of maturity alwap counted u one. Wben ihe term of a no~ ie exp~ in montba, oaleoda.r ::.w a.ra alway• UDderatood uad it becom .. due on tbe lut month o! ha ':ft1D oorr•· ,_cn.1 with ita date to wbicb are to be added tbe daya of grace. 1-.:atabU.bed •-ce

&Ilk• no notice of ua ~nequallenath of a IDOIItb, nor doee it permit ~he term of a oote to u•d beyond the end of a moolb uoept for the daya of graoe; for UJ.atence, notee made 30th aod 3let March at three month, wtll both beoome due on 3rd Jnly.

A difference of a day in the date of drawing or accepting a note, will defer the date of maturity 2, 3 or • daya u the- may be. A DOte drawn ht March .lnttead of 'l8th February will defer the date of maturity four day•; draWll on 30tb Aprtl inatead ol In Way two daya time will be gained If draW'D for I, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9 and 11 mf.lntha. DraW'n oa .:me other datM uad for certain ~rma reauha 10mewhat aimilar •ill be obtained


To caloalate the daooun' upon a note, ucertain the unuyire<t term to which add three deya for qrace; then multiply tbe face aum by the ra~ o daoount (intereet) and both by the number of day• to ran, dh•ide product by365. If term of DO\ae ie in month• nbltitute montba for daya &nd diYide by 12.

lf 173.67 wu tbe llilcouat •pon a note of Sl3611. 7~ which had :1'li daya to run, what wu the rate per cent of intere~~tcharlled! The inter .. ton Sl36ll 72 for :12i dayaat 1 per cent ie S\2.26 . Thea fi3.67 + Sl2.26= G per c.o&..

3. If I want to borrow exactly SIOOO for It month• at 7 per cent. lntereet at what amount muat I draw my note 110 that when diacountad at the &nk l 1ball draw •1000. Tbe ioter .. t on $1000 at 7X for It month•= •70. Then IO J0 - 7 = 1130, and 1000+ 1130 :a 10752S ancll07525,..11075 ~.and •ot IIOi O u eome would imagine.

THE GUNTER CHAIN, By which all l~ton•l 1urveya are made, oontaina exactly 100 llnka of i. ll'.! inchee in len~~:th, and ill 4 rod1 or 22 yarda or 66 feet in length. Th11 ch .. iu waa lixed at 2"1 yar<la in length, becau~e.the tquare whOM •ide i1 22, contain• exactly one tenth of an acre · or 1 obaio in width and 10 chaine in length, exactly Jue acre. Eighty chaine in length 'make one mile, and a mile aquare ia the aquare of IIU or 1»0 acrea

An acre frontage ie ~8. 71 feet, being the lenath of a 1i•le .. hoee ~1uare will makt a tquare acre or 43,560 aqaare feet.

The oruioary 100 acre farm Iota, u laid out under the aun")' in the Vounty of Kent, meuure 30 chain a of fron~ge •nd 33. 2S chain• In depth ; 20() acre Iota doubl11 th- &gurea-00 and 66 50 reapectively.

The depth of a con-ion block ill 66 50 ch•ina or .113 of a mtle, or lf from centr~t to oent'! o! oon....ton road1, .8·H of a '!lile. Hide Roada are 2! mil .. •part; and all roada 1 cham tn width. .Bat in 1ome ~rucular cu.. thi• general rule may not apfly.

RolUug or alopmg land• oontata no more are. than le.,el l&n•l• for practi.:a purpo-. No more farm produetl cua be groWD on the one than on the other. An ordina ltalr ill an apt lllu1tration of thi_a fa~t. In aurveya, hilly Ianda are m..,..ured u if a ;lane, a Mt·back, aooordlng to lnchnatton, being deducted from every chain advanced.


001Ut.IISPONDU'0 D.IOJUUtS OF 'Ill& Dlrl'.lllt.ST :'QAL.ll"

Ceatlgrade . • • • .. .. 100 • . • • .. o -&0 • • • • • !ahreaheit .. . ... ·1 Boiling beat, 212 . ... , Jo'reedoa, 3'2" •• • ••• , Zer0 •• 4o . • • " " •• II <• so• 0 •., •" • II-32'' • • • •'

•Other than for the object of the table th~ ·;ero.of th .. e two ·,~,.j~ i1 the'tr-;zin~ ~~-~t~ h To redu~ t.he deareea of a Reaumer or Centtgrade Thermometer to that of }.' h eh, the one tn uae In C.Oada : • rea ·

Reaamer to Pahrenheit.-Multiply the number of degreea by 9 and diYid th ~by 4: tbeu when '!tey are above tbe freezing poinudd 32 to the quotie t e de p:o· +t':7';=~72tb~~!\!h:~:r:'ct32. TbtU.-32 Reaumer. Thea3.z.": 9 ; 2::

100" ~~·to TJI'ahrh enhl~t--9 Ry the aame r!lle, •ubetituting the divieor by a 6 thua · vwa-.·-•· eo vv x = 1)()()+6z:l80, uad 180 · 32 212' Fahrenheit. ' ·

- - - -


o~o-o--=-o-0:;....;.0 LSIY~~®~~ o o o o o o

Drt ooda tabl~a cnt CORNER

GARNER HOUSE BLOCK. The Store le Beautlf'ully Attranged and Be•t Lighted Store

tn t he Dtatrtct . -- :o:

Have already received a large assortment of

~PRING G£9os. The aeuon be~ 10 open the trade 4eman4e Ulem. Call an4 See ror YouneU.

w e don't &4vertlae &117 aellJI&Uonal ma'ter, ttl onlY &

SQUAR~ AND 5fRAIGH1 ANNOUNGE:ME:Nf. ;J O~:l.Y Jit"'X'~jLV:f->~


f. ~ND f 1RUNK f. ~CERY, f. QU bJEN STREET, C S:.A.'rHA.U -A Co mplete Asso rtmont. of


C EYLO N TEAS A Specialty The beat Teu 1n the.

Pannen an4 otbera ctve me & call; lt wtll be~ your &4Yutap.

R. S . DUNLOP. - --~--------

S. C. WALKER, GeA~PGl ~C:l~iG s~0Pe ,

Dealer 1D


Tbe Celsbr,ted Be!l Pianos and organs. JJ I-;1:\TS'fA:S I'IAliO ANO OOHt.II.TY OJI.OAtl ,

TUNING AND REPAIRING Promptly attended to. GOOD TERMS an4 t he Loweat Poaalble PrlceL .BYerythlDC Ouarant.ee4.


Tu& Kl.NT CoUNTY ANNUAl. 'o" U:l90

SUNSHINE. Su118hino touchu all thu l .. o.l,

&tha thu hill• iu amber li~bt, Palota the lield• with uuuuiu11 band

And the wiltl hirrl on It• 1\igbt ;

l' .. rta Ll.o clvud, a113pcoda tho bow, ~ .. 1. .. the very dewdropa ahioe,

Till tbe world Ia rJl .glow With a glory half divino




Labor ongagementa, reet wholly upon oontr.ct, expr.eed or implied. Contr.cta for a period 1- than a year, or, if for a year if the ~en•ice can be completed •lthin a year from date of contract, need not be in writing. If for over a year they muet be in *riting. If no definite term of employment ie agreed upon, the maeter bae the riaht to ducharge, and the serv~~>nt the right to leave, withc;ut cauee. Rut a maeter or eervant muat give reuonablu oo1 icu ro terminate the engal(ement. A notice before, of a termin­ation of .. n en~ .. gement, will biorl bo~h pt.rtiee if there wae euch an underetaoding; not otherwi10. \\'here tho term of engagement it definite, no notice I• neoeN&ry.

A aernnt it bound to obey the reuonable order• of hia muter and dlaobedienoe will juatify diami11al; 10 will rnoral mi.cooduct. inaulting language, habitual dronken­neu and u.owarranted abtence from duty. A~nulting a 10rvant, using abueive lang· uage, denying him enough of wholeaome food and suitable lodging• it equally a juetificatlon for IMving the muter'• employ.

If the ~ervant it employed for a definite time, anti hef,Jre ita termination he lea•ea without cauae or coneent of hie maater, he will be liable fur any lo .. or damage euatained by hia muter in oontCKiuence- fur hie nonfulfillment of contract ; but, at eame time he will be entitled to reoover whatever what his u.opaid aervicea are reaeonably wc.rth up to the time of bit leaving the employment. But no claim of wagea by the eervant can be ofl'eet againat the claim of the employer for damagea. A 10nant wrongfully dia mi..ed Ia only entitled to the .ctual damagea auetained in ooneequence ; he must credit the muter with the 'IJ&get earned bv him.

Contr&cta made with eenanta under age are not binding : auch Mn&Dta may lean 10rvice at any time and be entitled to recover what their eervioea are r-nably 'IJOrth, without deduction for bre.cb of contract..

In the abeence of any agreement to the oontrary, a 10rvant hired by the month or a. longer term, Ia entitled to legal holiday•; and he Ia not bound to make "fair weather" or to "ION time" when there Ia nothing to do. It ia otherwiae with a penon hired by the day.

Dt.m"l!!ea done to the prejudice of another by a eervant through nesllgence whllat under the eoope of hit regular employment will make the muter liable therefor, but the lllt.lter may reoover the damage paid, from the aervant. A eervant who Ia mea a hor.e or injurea an Implement or ma.chinery Ia liable for• only when it hu been done through n•gllgeoco. rhia will apply to servanta. Servant. muat take ordinary rielu Jncident to their occupation, ha.ving no cl .. im for injuriea received. The muter Ia not eotitled to pay for medicine or a.ttenrlance or provide a phyaiciao, if A

aervaot fall aick. Death or ill nus will dis.olve a • ontr.ct.

A poreon •ho enticea away a eorvAnt whn i• under contr .4Ct, knowing It to be a f.ct, will he liotbl" tor da.maKea to the employer whoae eervant he hu deprived him of.

Workmen, hired by the day, even if paid by the week, may be diacharged, or they may diacharge themaelve1, at a.ny time, and ahall in either cue he entitled to pay for the .ctual time worked. If under continuoua employment, paid by the week, a week'• notice of ita termination ia cuatomary on both the part of maeter or workma.n, but ia not binding unleea It hu been expreealy agreed upon.

Workmen, hired by the day or week are not entitled ~ holldaye, nor can they claim for )oat time caueed by weather or other cauee; they are entitled only to the ""ge fur the .ctual boura employed. ~a.lary or wagoa (not exceeding :t montha\ have priority in inaolvency, aa .. 110 over exooutionl.


It rcqnirca:l.i\! thirty foot r&ila 10 lo.y a mile ofaingl11 trl\ck , l• · •~•n'fll' 15 ff'<t ~,;,ell for upJ.n.aion-thu clilfuu:uco iu tht> length of r&il in utreme cold of wiut~r anrl heat of eummcr beluu: fully half an inch per 100 feet. Steele raila average '.!lnta per foot for heny traffic roada, or 1\!G toni to the n1ile. 2610 tiee are required for a m1le <•f N>Ml hc·rl, thll avel"lloge lift~ ul "llich i• live ylla.rt ll•g~age anti c-xprcu c•r• w·ei~h .;o,OOOit.a; a d .. y coach 6'.!,000, a 1leopor 116,000 and an engmo 150,()()(111•.



SPEEDS. A m&n walke about J mil• or 4 feet· ~ A fut rinr runa 7 mil• or 10 feet. -d A hone troll 7 milre or 10 feet. g All ordinary eteamboat 12 milee or 17 fee•. g A fut borte trota 12 milee or l'i feet. I A Oreyhouod Steemahip 23 mllu or 33ft. t A fut bone rona 20 milea or 29 feet. .. An ordinary train rune 36 milre or 62 feet. .. A alow river rona 3 mllea nr 4 feet . !. Fut Eipreu train• up to 60 mil" or 88ft. !.. A 6 minute horM tranla about 17 feet per aeoond or at the rate of 12 mil• per hour. A 4 minute bono 2'l ft'et or 15 milu. I A lt.30 hor,... 3.5 feet or 25 mil-. A 3 minute hnrltl 29 feet or 20 milee. A 2.20 horae :li feet or 27 milea. A 2.40 horae 3.1 feet or 23 milea. A 2.10 horn -10 feet or 29 mil•.

A paaaen11er train, aay of engioe ADd &nd 6 cara, traveUiog 40 mil• per hour, will put a given point in 5 aec<mrla ; at 200 feet dlata.nt it would likely run down &n on obaerVImt peraon crouin~ the track at an orrlit1ary walk. A 62:1 foot Greyhound Steemahip ateaming 23 malea per hour, would patl her length any given point ln 16 aecondt; ancl a ten mile veuel of SOO feet in length croaaing her bo1011 1000 feet ahekl, ADd 60(1 feet atide of the head lloe, W'ould be etruck amldabi~. AuthoaltiM aay that if ateam wu ehut otT at full epee<! of a Greyhouod Rteamehlp, a mile would be run before the v .. f'l came to a etADd etllL

R!' l .& TO L,.IM.lT.X.SP&fO Or TRAIN'<. Watch the mile pottl. Note the number of 11100nde that the train talr.u to pua be

tween two of them Ry the time in aeoonde thus obtained divide 3600 (teconda in an hour) and the reeult will be the·~ in boura. F.:umple.-l'ijnety aeooodt it the time taken to pau between two poatl ; therefore 3600 :-90= 40 mileL

SoT&- Jo jumping from movinl'( traioe, atreet care, etc. , (alway• a d&naeroue pro~· illl!) atep ofT, looking forward, with the outeide foot forward, anlt at the aame moment. braca the bt>dy hack warda.

Ull't;ITUD& TUn:.

To •timt.te the time eut or weat of a ginn meridian . Reduce longitulte into timf'. Multiply the degr-, minutea, etc., by 4 &nd the product il the time. Eumple-~­qulred the time enrre.poodlng to 82". 10' (aay the lonjlltude of Chatham). Then 8'r 10' x 4 ::::6h, 28', -60" or within a fraction of 6~ boon alower than (;reenwich, EnR· land. To l!i"e the lonjlltude frnm the time : Reduce the time Into minutee and aeconda and divide by 4-for example the preceding tigurea : :ih, 2!1' , l (;"-:l2>1', 40": -l - >12 ', 10' longitude weat.

102 Tu1 ~NT CoUNTY ANNUAL JOR 1890

G. E. YOUNG, DI';.\LII:l\ l!f

t I I f I t I I I I I t I


We Claim ln Teas and Coffees we cannot be tQuched

by any one ln the trade .

&Dd DurabWty llJUIU'llUMd All work Onv~nt<>f"d

-.CAliDA CARRIAGE lORIS . ._ CJH.ATN.A .... ON'"l."'.

MAhU,ACTUIItll't• 011

Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, SLE'IO iiS . OUTTE'R~,

C. ·•.s ·· nd T'ro'l iDJ 'ulkies. VI:\ 1-: \\"OftK A l'ii' J<:CI.\ LTY .

Beat lfatertal uaed &Del Beet Worlanen employed Ftnleb , Btylt,

Rf,''fl!Rl~'" D(J T W.'f'"'.' . Tfl7 .,, ~· tLV/J JJJSPil.TCf/.

WEL..DON & DUMASI Gereral Fire, Life and Accident

INSURANCE AGENTS . • \lao .\gonta for

Frost & Woad Celebrated Single Apron EIN DEE,

SULKY PLOW nod all ldncla of tarmi.D& Imple­menta.

1\-I ONEY TO LOAN a t Lowest Rate o f Into!'ost. AUCTION­EERS fo t' K ent and Essex.

Omot:, Oppotito P. O. ~TH.A.~, ONT.

I ~ Tot Kv.NT CouNTY ANNUAL roR t89o. ----~------- ------------





Clo06di&n Winter Putimee....... i Mlnneapoli1 Milt. .•••.•.......•.••. 90 Hoo- of Parliament ..•..•....•..... 16 Happy Day1 . .• . . . • • • • • . ...•.•• ••• Sf Sir John A. •tacdonald .•••...••.... 18 Lake Rcenee ••• •••• •.•. . ...• , ••.•• 101 County Building• • • • • • • • • • • . • . 48 Summer Lan~pe ..••..•.•• , .• , • . .. 911

MONTHLY CALENDARS. Jaouary-"A Happy New Year ••.... 91 July- 'The Old Mill." ............. 21 February- " Driving Pip.'' .......... 11 AugtUt- ".Mouutain Lake." .......... 23 March -"Snow Dropt1 " .... , ........ 13 ~eptember~ ' Pointer LDd Pheaeaot.'' • 2.'1 April-"Spring Warblen '' ......... 151 Octoher-"Autumn.''.. .. ••• . • .... 11; May-••Bayina the Moon," •... ...... . Ii Novt~mbar-"Falllng Leavea." •..•...• 29 June-"Jun~ RoMe." .... . .. 19 December - "Chri1tmae Scene." ....... 31

OE.NERAL CONTENTS. Agricultural ~ocietiu ii Grain Teeter, cla .. ificatlon, .tc ...... 88 Billlke ud Banken ....•...........• 96 Gunter chain and land m ... IU'U •••• • 97 Bank Dieoount, Chequee, .tc ....••..• 96 Intereet law..... ... • ........ .. tu Barometer, The , . . . .... .•.•.. • 23 Ju1tioe1 of the Peace for County ...... 78 Bue Coin, Counterfeit Notee .. .... . 96 Judgee of Ontario, .tc ....... ...... ~ Benevolent tu1d f\ecret Socletlee .... 83 84 Land m ... uree, Tow01hlpe .to •.••• .•. g; Blenheim, Town of ...• .•.•.••..•.. 67 I.egal Tenden-wbat they are .•• •. ..• 85 Bothwell, Town of .• • •.... •... ..•.. M Law and Cuetome-Buying and SelllB& 88 Britieh Empire, The •• , ... •...•.... 10 Ll<enee I1111pecton and Commbelonen. 75 Britieb Cabinet, The. . . • . • • . • . . . . . • 10 Local Memben of Pullament . .... 75 Rritieh llo~ of P .. rliam~ut 10 Loogi•u,Je - tu reduce to Time . . .. 101 Rriti8h Revenue and Debt . . . • HI ,,JayorA elect - II)Cal town•, 1!190.. 72 lsritbh Army and Navy 12 .\Jiniat riN of all the Pro~lncee •••. . . • . ~ Brhi1h Shipping .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. 12 ~la11ter anti ~ervant ................ 100 Canada, The Dominion of . • . . . . . . . 16 ~Iillera Toll for Hrietiog, .tc ..... . 89 t'•nadian Political 'itatiati•·• .... 16, 'l6 ~Junicipo.l councile, Kent .... ... . .... 7t Chartered lhnke of County . . . . . . . . . 77 }tunic~! officiala of County.... . ... 73 Cabinet. of all the Provincee . . .•.... . 78 \1 unici~litiee of the County .... . ... 7t Chatham, Town of . 45 1 Notee. Bille, I. 0. U'• , a:c .......... 1n Chatham, Oftici•le, &:c 81 Ontario Cabinet olfi..:en . ..•• • , .. . . . ~ Chatham, Town Council 7-l Ontario Houee of ANembly.. . . . . . . . ~ Chrbtmae, Ioetitution of ...•.••.••. 31 l>olioe Maj(ietratee of Towna . . . . . 76 Clergy of the County.... . . . • . . . . . SO


Political Ofliciale. of County .•......... 76 Collegiate Iuelitutee . , • . ...•. 80 Poll, &:c , of lut local election... . . . . 76 Coine-Curreot in Canada • • • . . .. . 85 Poet office. a.nd P. M'e. County .... 82 Counterfeit No tee and Bale Coin.. .. . 85 Poet office, ratee, rulee, law•, .t.c 26,28,30 Common Scbooll of County ••... ...• 81 Produce contr~ll. Farmere, .to . 89 County Council, Membenof 72 Preciee Datee when notes fall due ..... 97 County official• .• .• , . • . • • . • . . 73 IUld 74 Queen and Royal family . . • . . . . . 8 County StatiltiCI .... •.•.. ... 73 and SO Railway etatlone IUld dlltaocee . . . . 79 County, Hietorical uetch of . . . 33 Railway Tracke . • • . . . . . , ........ 100 County, Deecriptlve eketch of . . . ... 40 Ridgetolll'n, Town of .• .•.•.......... 71 Coronen ?f the County 78 Rulee to compute eundriee . . . n, ~. 17 Courte, Sattlnge of . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . 77 Schoob- Common anti Collegiate. . . . • 81 Cuetome Tarll!', Caoadl&n •nd U.S .... ln Secret and Benevolent &cleti• .... 83, M Currency, Canadian .. .... . ... . ...... 85 Seed liabilit7 ... ........... .... 80 Diviaion Court Clerkt and Baillifl ...• 78 Soede, telling fool ., •.......•.......• 80 Dlviaion Court Sitting. 1880 . . . .. 76 Sem.tcn-Ontario memben •...•..... 11 Dominion 18 Shrink•ge of, hay, .tc ... ..•• 80 Dominion Parliament- Out. Memben . . 20 Speaken of Provincial A~~embly . . . . . . 211 Dom!nlon of Canada, The . . . . . . . . . . Ul Speedl of rallwave, ho,..., .to •.....• 101 Domanlon Mlnbtry, The .......••• • 18 Stage IUld Steamboat Routee .... •.• , . 71 Dread en, Town of . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . 63 Standard buabel, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Electoral Divblooe and Popu1atloDI .. 76 Telegraph offioee &nd Rate. .......... 711 Erpree. offioee . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Telephone offica and Rate. 71 Govaromeot Officlab of County .. .. ... 74 Thameevillo, Vlll•ge of . .•. :::::: :::: 81 Governon of Canada ud Provlnoee ... 110 Thermometer, Tha .•. •.••.••.....•• WT


GBNBRAL INOBX.--Cont.lnu.ct.

Tilbury Centre, Village of. . . . . . . . • • . 69 I Warden of County . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ill Time, to reduce to Longitude ........ 101 \Vallaceburg, Village of .•..•.•....... 59 Trade of Canada .................... 26 Weather forecaete . . . . • • . • . 11 United St&t.el, The • • • • ......... . 12 Weighing cu1tome buying and aelliDg. 80 United State. Cabinet .............. 14 Volunteere- 2Hh 'nattalion ......... ii


Atkinaon and Ria pin .... Chatham ... •7 Banner Printing Co . Chatham .. Cover Beaver Line Steamahipa . . . . . . . . . . ( 'over Blenheim Advertieementa.... . . . . . 50 Bogart, J . H .,., .... Chatham .•. 91 Both\vell Advertiaementa ......•. 65 Brander, A D ........ Wallaceburg 60 Campbell, Manaon , Chatham •.. .(8 Campbell & Leitch, . . . Ridgetown. . 70 Central Drug Store, . . . Chatham . • 52 Chatham Manulactur'cr Co. Chatham . . . 54 Chubb and Scott ..•••.. , Wallaceburg 60 Cro'IV, D. W .....•.• , . Chatham •.. 93 Delmage, Arthur . . . Ridgeto'IVD .. 70 Dominion Pump Workl . Bothwell • .. 65 Dreaden Advertiaementl .......... .. 62 Dunlop, R. S .. . ..... . Chatham ... 98 Furgueon & Weatherill .. Blenheim .. 56 Fleury, S. F. Sona . . , •.. Aurora . ... 86 li'lroter, R. K &: S. B ..••. Chatham . . 95 Fruer, J . S ........... Wallr.ceburg 60 Glauford, John . ... ..... . Cbtham •.. 91 Guion Line Steamahipa .. . . . ... . ..... 65 Hall, Alexander ....... Chatb&m • . . 93 Heath, Wm S . .••...... Wallaceburg 60 Hewaon Rroe .. , •. , .••.. Chatham . •. 102 Hickey, W. R ......... Bothwell ... 65 Hicka, D. \ .......•.•. Dreeclen . . . . 62 Holmea, Jamea .•...... Chatham. . 95 Hutr, G. N . ......... Chatham . .. 91 Hyelov. John .... .• . •• . Chatham . .. 98 Lud and Farm Liat .. . .. . . . • .. .. .. 2 McBrayen & Coburn ..... Blenheim. .. 56 McRae, D. F .... .... ... Wallaccburg 60 .McDonald, A. H. & Bro . • Wallaceburg 58

I McVean & McVean ..... Dreaden . .. 82 )Jalcolmeon, Hugh ...... Chatham . 50 Marchand, J . H . . . • . . Tilbury C'tr 6S Mayhew &. Jhormer . . . Thameaville. 86 ~lerchanta Line Steamboatl ..•••..... 51 Mitton, J . n ........... Ridgetown .. 70 Money to Loan .. . . . . . . . 1, 51, 69 Morton, R. & Co •. . .... Chatham •.. 52 Murphy, John . . . ...•. Wallacebnrg 58 Oldenhaw, J . & J ....... Chatham ... 93 Pilkey, A. E . .t C .. , .... Chatham . 5t Piggott, J ohn ............ Chatham. Cov'r Poet Office Book Store .... Chatham . •• Richardeon, J . S ....... Tilbury C'tr 88 Ridley &. Co. . • . . . . . . . . Chatham . . • H Ridgetown Advertie~mentl ........ 70 Scott, J a mea . . . . . . . . . . W allaoeburg 58 Sharpe, J . \\' ............ Dreaden . . . 62 Smith Broa ............ Dreeden .... 82 Smith & Richardaon ....•. Chatham . . . 48 Stewart, James .....•... Tilbury C'tr 88 Stewart, Mungo ..• . ...... Tilbury C'tr 68 Soutar, James . . ........ Chathamland2 Soutar, Robert .. . ...... Ch•tham .. 87 S tone, Thomu . . . . . . . • . Chatham. . . 43 Taylor, Thoa H. & Co .... Chatham. . 50 Thames ville Advertiaementa .... . . . . . 86 Tickner, C •..••.. . ..... Chatham ... 113 Tilbury Centre Advertiaementa ... • .. 88 WalkerS. C ........... Chatham . .. 98 Wallr.ceburg Advertiaementl ..• . 68, 60 Weir, Jamea L ........ Chatham. .. V3 Weldon & Dumaa •...... Chatham .. 10'2 Wilaon, F. \V . • • • • . • . . Chatham . . 50 Young, G. E ............ Chatham . . 10'2