Download - of seminar ieta (the indonesian english teachers association)




Cetakan Pertama, April 2019

Editor : Dr. Farikah, M.Pd.

Published by:


CHARACTER”. Tim Editor : Dr. Farikah, M.Pd. dkk. – Yogyakarta : Universitas TIDAR. xiv +

226. 20 x 28 mm. ISBN : 978-602-0785-45-5



Chair : I. Drs. Andri Devrioka, M.Pd

II. Dr. Nur Zaida, M.Pd

III. R. Agus Purnama, M.Pd

Vice : I. Ndayani, M.Pd

: II. Dr. Farikah, M.Pd

Secretary : I. Arlina Candra Dewi, M.Pd

: II. Yuniar Widati, M.Pd

Treasurer : I. Sri Sugiyanti, M.Pd

: II. Dra. Isaratun Nafiah, M.Pd

: III. Indriyani Nurohmah, S.Pd

Program Organizer : Widyawati Palupi, M.Pd

Sri Wahyuni, M.Pd

Proceeding : Retma Sari, M.Pd

Imam Baihaqi, M.A

Alvi Nurhidayati, M.Pd

Endah Ratnaningsih, M.Pd

Venue and Decoration : Yunan Hamami Mubarok, S.Pd

Fauzi, S.Pd

Dalhari, S.Pd

Y. Endri Widyanto, S.S

Moch. Malik Al Firdaus, M.Pd

Refreshment : Yuni Dwi Wiratni, M.Pd

Dila Kusumawati, M.Pd

Lutfi Amaliya Fuadah, M.Pd

Ari Prihatiningsih, M.Pd

Krismawati Indah Lestari, S.Pd



1. Dr. Farikah, M.Pd. 2. Retma Sari, M.Pd

3. Imam Baihaqi, M.A

4. Ndayani, M.Pd 5. Dr. Nur Zaida, M.Pd 6. Alvi Nurhidayati, M.Pd

7. Endah Ratnaningsih, M.Pd


1. UPT Bahasa Universitas Tidar

2. Penerbit Buku Erlangga 3. Yuni’s Batik



His Excellency Dean of Faculty of Language of Tidar University Distinguished Guests Conference Participants Ladies and Gentlemen A very good morning and Assalamu’alaikum war.wab.

A feel honored to bid you all welcome to the IETA Conference I must be the first to admit that the preparation of the conference came out tops, especially the swiftness of gaining positive responses from invited speakers ; Prof. Dr. Sukarno, M.Si, Dr. Nur Arifah Darojati, M.Pd, Mr. Bradley Horn, Mrs. Itje Chodijah, MA and Amy Griffin. Ladies and Gentlemen

IETA is a professional organization which stands for Indonesian English Teachers Association. The members of IETA are institutions and individual teachers of English in primary, secondary and tertiary education institution in Indonesia as well as instructors in non-formal English course. IETA was set in 2008 as the result of the first congress of English teachers to provide them with opportunities to share and discuss contempory issues and trends as well as developments in language teaching, learning, and research. IETA also aims to provide direction to the future development of English language teaching in the country.

To achive its purpose, IETA conducts conferences and workshops organized by its member institutions. The last conference was attended by more than 300 domestic and overseas participants. The speakers at the conference consist of invited scholars, university lectures, and teachers from schools and other educational institutions. It was conducted in Kupang in September 2017, collaborated with Wira Mandira University.

Since it was established, IETA has conducted a lot of programs and conferences. Until now, It has been established 19 branches of IETA. Since 2010, IETA has been the member of IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) based in Canterbury, England. IETA has been involved in developing the association in selecting IATEFL board, conducting survey etc, Ladies and gentleman,

In 2013, the ministry came with a new concept of school curriculum, which is claimed to be a curriculum emphasizing the affective domain of education. Therefore, the desired attitudes and characters expected of the learners are explicitly stated in terms of competences across the curriculum. As a whole, Curriculum 2013 is still a competence-based curriculum in that the objectives are formulated in terms of the target competence or the product of language learning. Despite the similarities, however, this new curriculum seems to have sent much bigger shockwaves to the teachers in its implementation. The use of technology in teaching English is also one of teaching challenges for teachers of English. There has been a lot of talk


about 21st century skills for learning which are required for progressive learning in modern and effective ways. The essence of these skills includes , Critical Thinking Communication,

Collaboration, and Creativity which are often referred to as the 4Cs of learning. The implementation of Peraturan Presiden No 87, 2017 about “Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter is also one of the considerations in English language teaching. That is why at this conference, we choose the theme “English Langage Learning in 21 st Century Innovation for

Excellent Character”.This theme may give inspiration for their success of EFL teaching and learning in Indonesia, especially at secondary and higher education.

To achieve and support the above government program , the IETA will have hard job in enabling English teachers to: 1. improve learning outcomes for students 2. take a more active role in curriculum planning, including building on and refining

existing practices. 3. constantly develop excellent teaching practices 4. actively participate in evaluation of teaching practices and programs, 5. actively participate in the implementation of local state and national curriculum

initiatives. Ladies and Gentlemen,

On behalf of the National IETA Board, I would like to take this opportunity to extend my high appreciation and sincere gratitude to invited speakers, institutions such as Tidar University, without whom no sessions of the workshop could be held. Our appreciation is also intended to the honourable Dean of Faculty of English Department program of Tidar university and staff for their willingness to support and to host this conference. My highest appreciation also goes to RELO which always give contributions with keynote speaker and Journals at this conference. Likewise, my thanks also go to members of the MGMP Bahasa Inggris of Magelang city as well as the IETA Jawa Tengah and board for their hard work without which this conference would not be what it is now.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Mine is not to make a long speech but rather to welcome you. I invite yo while in this city, certaintly outside the conference sessions to visit a few of tourist resorts such as Borobudur Temple and other Magelang culinaries Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen

I wish you fruitful deliberations and have a nice conference, and we’d like to call upon His Excellency, the Dean of English Department of Tidar University to officially open this conference. Thank you.

Drs. Andri Defrioka, M.Pd The President of IETA






Nursiam Muspiati, S.Pd 1 – 6



Fuadah, Lutfi Amaliya 7 – 15




Yuniar Widati, M. Pd 16 – 23



Rukadah 24 – 32



Fery Yanti 33 – 41



YEAR 2016/2017

Arlina Candra Dewi, M.Pd. 42 – 50



Wibianno Putra Prasadana Herrera and Aji Maulana 51 – 56



YEAR 2017-2018

Yuni Dwi Wiratni, M.Pd 57 – 66




Leni Pangestuti and Ika Azizah Kusuma Wardhani 67 – 76



Irnawati, Siti Ulfatul Mu’awanah 77 – 85


Jihan Nur Astuti 86 - 93



Novia Indri Susanti 94 – 99



Ari Prihatiningsih 100 – 103




Iis Nurhayani, S.Pd, M.M.Pd 104 – 112



Sholihatul Hamidah Daulay 113 – 119


Khusnul Wilanten 120 – 130





Dr. Damianus Talok, MA 131 – 146


Isaratun Nafiah 147 – 153






Sri Redjeki, A.Md., S.Pd, M.Si 154 – 160


Nur Rokhmah Fitriyati, Nur Himah 161 – 166



Ndayani 167 – 175



Retma Sari 176 – 182



Atiqoch Novie Ameliani and Septa Hardiyaning Tiyas 183 – 190



Niken Suryowati 191 – 200



Muhammad Rauuf Oktavian Nur 201 – 204


Umi Rahmawati 205 – 212



Yulia Esti Katrini, Farikah 213 - 223



1. Registration

It takes places at 08.00 – 09.00 a.m on Saturday, October 20th 2018 and Sunday, October 21st 2018 in front of SMA N 4 Magelang auditorium, Jl. Panembahan Senopati, No. 42/47, Kel. Jurangombo Utara, Kec. Magelang Selatan, Magelang, JATENG 56123

2. Information Desk

It will be opened in front of SMA N 4 Magelang auditorium to provide information and assistance during the seminar.

3. Opening Ceremony

Be on time and kindly seated at 09.00 a.m to join the opening ceremony in SMA N 4 Magelang auditorium

4. Session Types

a. Plenary Sessions

All of the plenary sessions are held in SMA N 4 Magelang auditorium, Jl. Panembahan Senopati, No. 42/4, Kel. Jurangombo Utara, Kec. Magelang Selatan, Magelang, JATENG 56123 in two days, Saturday-Sunday, October 20th -21st 2018.

b. Workshop

It will talk about the language teaching and active learning. c. Parallel Sessions

Each presenter will present the paper in 15 minutes followed by 10 minutes question answer session. The presentation is placed in SMA N 4 Magelang auditorium.

5. Certificate dan SPPD

Certificate and SPPD can be taken in the information desk in front of SMA N 4 Magelang auditorium.

6. Prayer Room

It is available in SMA N 4 Magelang auditorium area. Please ask the committee to show the way to prayer room/ mosque or it can be checked in the map.

































































st DAY




No. Time Agenda PIC Remarks

1. 08.00-09.00 Registration Committee Venue: Auditorium of SMAN 4 Magelang

2. 09.00- 09.05 Opening Ceremony Committee MC B. Palupi dan B. Sri Wahyuni

3. 09.05-09.15 Singing National Anthem “Indonesia Raya”

Committee B. Sri Sugiyanti

4. 09.15-09.45 Welcoming Speech I Welcoming Speech II

Dean of FKIP/ representative Chairman of IETA

Dr. Dwi Winarsih, M.Pd Drs. Andri Defrioka, M.Pd

5. 09.45-09.55 Traditional Dance Performance “Gambyong”

Committee Students of SMA N 4 Magelang

6. 09.55-11.25 Parallel Session I Presenters Committee 7. 11.25-12.55 Plennary Speaker 1 Dr. Nur

Arifah Drajati, M.Pd

Moderator Arlina Candra Dewi, M.Pd

8. 12.55-13.00 Token of Appreciation Committee 9. 13.00-14.00 LUNCH BREAK AND PRAYER

10. 14.00-15.30 Plennary Speaker 2 Dr. Bradley Horn (Brad) (RELO)

Moderator Dr. Nur Zaida, M.Pd

11. 15.30-15.35 Token of Appreciation Committee 12. 15.35-17.00 Parallel Session 2 Presenters Committee



nd DAY



No. Waktu Kegiatan PIC Keterangan

* 03.30- selesai Tour Committee Tourism Resorts in Magelang 1. 08.00-09.00 Registration Committee Venue: Auditorium of SMAN 4

Magelang 2. 09.00-10.30 Plennary Speaker 3 Dr. Itje

Chodidjah, MA

Moderator Sri Sarwanti, M.Hum

3. 10.30-10.35 Token of Appreciation Committee 4. 10.35-11.35 Workshop Amy Griffin

(English Language Fellow)

5. 11.35-12.30 LUNCH BREAK AND PRAYER 6. 12.30–13.30 Parallel Session 3 Presenters 7. 13.30-15.00 Parallel Session 4 Presenters 8. 15.00-16.30 Parallel Session 5 Presenters 10. 16.30-16.40 Closing Ceremony Committee Venue: Auditorium of SMAN 4

Magelang 11. 16.40-17.00 Certificate Distribution Committee Venue: Auditorium of SMAN 4






Leni Pangestuti and Ika Azizah Kusuma Wardhani

Universitas Tidar

[email protected] and [email protected]


English is as a foreign language in Indonesia. English or language has built by

four skills. The one of the skills is speaking. That is speaking cannot be express

without vocabulary, but learners mostly has a difficult way when they are learning

vocabulary. The one of the way to solve this problem is by using direct method.

This method work by drill learner’s mind and this way can habituate learners to

learn new vocabulary directly. The other method that is related with this lesson is

grammar-translation method that has some different way on teaching process. The

way to know the result of this research is by using questionaire, book, journal, and

internet. Experience is also very important to be the basic of thi research. In short,

direct method is very helpfull in learning vocabulary.

Keywords: vocabulary, direct method, grammar-translation method, habituate-


In Indonesia, English is as a foreign

language. In fact, students in Indonesia are

mostly do not like learning English as

well. Especially in learning vocabulary

that some of them said that it is very

difficult to learn. Whereas, vocabulary is

the important thing in learn foreign

language for mastering the four skills in

English. Related with that case, learners

who wants to master the four English

skills, they need to master the vocabulary


This problem mostly become a

challenge to the teacher who teaching

English class to make their student can

learning or remembering vocabulary

easily. Some of the teachers in Indonesia

who teaching English has their own

method to make their student can learn

English easily, especially in learning vo-

cabulary. Meanwhile to teach the students

it is not a simple as we think. It is because

teachers need to observe about the con-

dition of the students first and also what

the subject that teacher will give to their

student. After teacher know well about the

condition and what material that they will

present, teacher can know what the right

method that they will use in their teaching


As the follows of the words above, this

paper is written to give the information of

the right method how to teach vocabulary

to the student and explain it with a simple

word. This paper also will explain in short


words about the comparison between

direct method and grammar translation,

which one is more goods to be apply in a

class for teaching vocabulary. The basic

problems from this paper are:

• Is direct method better than

grammar-translation method in

teaching vocabulary?

• How can direct method habituate

the learners to learn new



Vocabulary is an important thing in

learning English. Without vocabulary

speakers cannot speak what they want to

say, because they do not have word to

express their own meanings. Vocabulary is

the basic component to make a communi-

cation with other and to express people’s

meaning, that is also have important place

on four skills in English (Mofareh

Alqahtani, 2015). In other opinion,

Vocabulary is the main basic term before

learners learn foreign language (Ahmad

Fandi, 2014). That is the basic course that

learners need to learn before learning the

four language skills is vocabulary. It is

because the central part for mastering four

language skills is vocabulary (Jack C.

Richards, 2015). In short, we can say that

vocabulary is the basic or central

component of four English skills that also

can be important part in making

communication with other.

In teaching-learning process for learn

language, teachers also need a method to

be use in their class as their keys to be

success in manage their class. There are

some methods that very useful for teacher

to be use in a class. Yet for each method

has their own purpose, so teachers need to

know which is the right method that

related with the condition of their class.

The one of the methods is direct method.

Direct method itself means that all the

process in teaching-learning is using the

target language. That is in the use of the

mother tongue and translation have been

ignored (Jack C. Richards, 2015). It is

because in this method has aim to drill

learner’s mind to remembering the vo-

cabulary that they have learned before to

improve their public speaking. The other

definition of Direct method is that direct

method also being a technique to improve

the speaking skill with target language,

which is the translation to the mother

tongue is impossible to be given, and also

in this method has a limited grammar

rules that teacher give to their student

(, 2018). Yet if there are

some words that students cannot define

by their self, teacher can help them with

translate it using body language or other,

except speaking. To the specific definition

of direct method, direct method is that all

of the communication that happen in class

is using target language and there is no

translation to the mother tongue and also

has limited grammar rules.

Related to the aim of direct method,

teacher when they are teaching need to

habituate student’s mind to remember the

material (vocabulary) with practicing it

usually until being their habits. The

definition of habituate itself is to get or to

do something easily, someone need to drill

their attitude to make it usual for their

body in physical or psychology. Habituat-

ing is a way that is needs a long time to

make it success. Another definition is that


habituate is a way of how to bears people

habit to do something or get something

(Oxford Dictionary, 2018), and the way to

make someone to get used to something is

called habituate (Cambridge Advanced

Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus ©

Cambridge University Press, 2018).We can

say that habituating is a way to drill some-

one habituates being their habit to make

someone itself being easy to do that habit

without any problem.

The other method that has a similar

aim to teach vocabulary with direct

method is Grammar-Translation method.

That is a traditional method that teacher

until now have used it in their teaching

class. This method is focus on learning

grammar and the translation of target

language is allowed. According to Jack C.

Richards (2015), Grammar-Translation

method is a method that focusing on ana-

lyzing of the grammar and also the

translation of the target language to the

mother tongue. The differences between

both languages are that grammar-trans-

lation method has translating the meaning

of words to make the learners being easily

to understand the material.


3.1. Research Design

This research is using quan-

titative research to collect the data.

Quantitative research is a scientific

approach to collect data using


3.2. Respondents

The respondents of this research

are using 15 respondents from the

students of English Department. In

here, they need to fill about 10

questions in the questionnaire and

also the reason why they give that


3.3. Data Collection

The techniques used to collect the

data are using questionnaire, book,

journal, experience. Questionnaire is

giving some questions to the respon-

dents using online questionnaire to

get the real information. There are

also some data that we get from books

and journals. On the other hand, the

data is completed by using some


3.4. Data Analysis

This step is the last step of this

research, that is analyze the data or

processing the data from question-

naire. In this step, writer using quali-

tative approach to analyze the data

from the research. Those in the data

writer give the explanation of the data

of observation using sentences not

with number.

3.5. Instruments

The instrument in this research

was using questionnaire. In that

questionnaire consist of 10 questions.

This is for each question student need

to fill in their own opinion about the

statement on the table, which wrote in

five numbers of choices. Here, stu-

dents also have to write about the rea-

son why they choose that number that

it can make the analysis being easy.

3.6. The Procedures

The procedures of this research

are doing the observation by using

questionnaire. Then the data from that

research being analyze to get the

answer of the problem.



4.1. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the important

thing in learning foreign language.

With vocabulary learners can master

the 4 skills in language with easiest

way. In learning language vocabulary

becomes a basic way to learners to im-

prove their skill.

Related to the research from the

questionnaire that the writer has pub-

lished before to the respondents, here

are some questions that related with

vocabulary and followed by the ex-

planation of the data of research.

1. Vocabulary is one of the important

aspects in teaching English. (quest-

ion number 1)

This statement is really clear that

vocabulary is the important thing

in teaching English. Vocabulary is

as a foundation of language. That

is without vocabulary people can-

not make a communication each

other. It is also prevailing in class

that teacher need to make commu-

nication with student to present the

material, so the use of vocabulary

to express meaning is really im-

portance in class.

Based on the research, almost of

the respondents are strongly agree

with this statement because vo-

cabulary is the important thing in

teaching process to make commu-

nication. Vocabulary also being the

important one for increasing the

four skills in language.

In short, vocabulary is really im-

portant to make communication,

especially in teaching-learning pro-

cess. Vocabulary also being the ba-

sic thing to master the four

language skills.

2. Achieving the four English

language skills successfully with

vocabulary. (question number 2)

As the explanation of the statement

before, that vocabulary is the basic

thing to master the four language

skills. The four language skills

itself consist of listening, speaking,

reading, and writing that is the

important courses in learning


The data of the research indicate

that almost the respondents have

agreed with this statement. The

reason is because vocabulary has a

lot of functions that very important

to make communication and also

to mastering the four language

skills. Although, learners need to

be wary in learning vocabulary for

mastering the four language skills.

It is because of the each skill has

their own point that sometimes


The conclusion from that data is

that learners who want to

mastering the four language skills

need to mastering the vocabulary


3. Vocabulary is involved in all as-

pects in English course and that

can improving all skills in English.

(question number 3)

Same with the explanation above,

some respondents here are also

agreeing with this statement. Vo-

cabulary is very important. That is


someone can improve their skill in

English. Without vocabulary some-

one cannot learn the four language

skills. It is because vocabulary here

as the connection for each skill in


4.2. Habituating Learners with Direct


Direct Method is a method that

in the process is using target language

and the translation of the meaning to

the mother tongue is not allowed. The

grammatical rules in this method are

not necessary to be teaching, because

in direct method the lesson is focus on

the public speaking. Vocabulary also

has followed to this method because

without vocabulary someone cannot

express their own meaning.

Related with the explanation

above, writer has research about ’is

direct method really useful for

habituating learners to learn new


1. Direct method can develop your

interest in learning vocabulary.

(question number 5)

In teaching-learning process

teacher need to make a fun situa-

tion in their class, because student

mostly being bored quickly in their

learning process if the subject that

they learn is not interesting. Re-

lated with that case, direct method

also has a interesting side for built

learners interest in learning langu-

age. The example for this case is

using the native language in a


Some respondents are agree-

ing with this statement, although

they still not sure with the work of

direct method in built the learners

interest, because the thing that can

make learning process successful

depends on the students.

2. Ensures your good pronunciation.

(question number 6)

Direct method is focus on im-

proving the public speaking of the

learners. This case caused that vo-

cabulary is the important thing in

improve speaking skill. Speaking

are identically with pronunciation

and pronunciation cannot be get

without vocabulary. Yet this condi-

tion make the respondents agree

with this statement, but sometime

the respondents think that it can be

difficult to learn both of them in a

same time.

3. Direct method makes the learning

process of English easy and

pleasant. (question number 7)

The research shows that some

respondents agree with this state-

ment because according to the

lesson, direct method is a good me-

thod for teaching vocabulary. Al-

though some respondents are not

sure that direct method can be

success because students are not a

native speaker, so it can be difficult

for them.

4. The teacher does not have to trans-

late every single unfamiliar word

in teaching English. (question

number 8)


Teacher is someone who has

professionalism in teaching the

learners in a or some lessons. In

teaching process teacher usually

has to explain clearly about the

material that they give to their

student. Related to the student

learning centered now, that has

been use in the education system in

Indonesia, direct method is the one

of method that teacher can to use


The data from the research,

some of the respondents are agree

the system of direct method,

besides the other respondents say

that teacher needs to explain the

material clearly for their student

(teacher learning centered).

5. It is difficult to learn new vocabu-

lary using direct method. (question

number 10)

The respondents from this

statement almost of them say that

sometime this method is really

difficult, but sometime they also

say that it is easy to learn with this

method. It is depends on each

student interest and condition.

4.3. Direct Method vs. Grammar-Transla-

tion Method

1. The meaning of word in learning

process is to be convoyed directly

with the target language. (question

number 4)

Related to the research, some of the

respondents are agree that teacher

have to translate the meaning of

target language to mother tongue

(grammar-translation). It is

because this way can help the stu-

dent who being confused because

of he or she cannot define some

words in some moment.

2. Direct method is better than

grammar-translation method in

learning vocabulary. (question

number 9)

This case, actually depend on the

student interest. Related to the res-

pondent opinion, direct method

can be good method on teaching

vocabulary, but for some respon-

dents also say that grammar-

translation method is better than

direct method.


Table 1. The Percentage of the Participant about Habituating Learners

to New Vocabularies with Direct Method

No. Questions Agree Neither

agree nor


Disagree Total

1. Vocabulary is one

of the important

aspects in teaching


100% - - 100%

2. You can


achieve the four

English language

skills with


80% 20% - 100%

3. Vocabulary is

involved in all

aspects in English

course and that can

improve your skill

in English.

93.3% 6.7% - 100%

4. The meaning of

word in learning

process is to be

conveyed directly

with the target


66.7% 33.3% - 100%

5. Direct method can

develop your

interest in learning


46.7% 40% 13.3% 100%

6. Ensures your good


46.7% 53.3% - 100%

7. Direct method

makes the learning

process of English

easy and pleasant.

53.3% 40% 6.7% 100%

8. The teacher does

not have to

translate every

40% 20% 40% 100%


single unfamiliar

word in teaching


9. Direct method is

better than


translation method

in learning


73.3% 20% 6.7% 100%

10. It is difficult to

learn new

vocabulary using

direct method.

13.3% 20% 66.7% 100%

Figure 1. The Diagram of the Percentage of the Participant about Habituating Learners to

New Vocabularies with Direct Method

Note : 0-16 (respondents)

Related to the research, the conclusion is

that vocabulary is the important thing to

make communication. Vocabulary also

being the four skills of language. To make

learners being easy on learning vocabu-

lary, teacher needs to use the right method

to teach their students. The one of the

method is direct method that have aim to

train the students to using English in their

daily activity to habituate them to speak

English, so it can make them learning new

vocabulary easily and every time.

In other word, direct method is the

good method to teach student to learn

vocabulary easily. In this process student

has their own process to acquire the mate-

rial that their teacher gave to them. This

method is very effective to drill student’s

mind to remember about the vocabulary

that they already have and used before.











neither agree nor disagree



Student also can learn new vocabulary by

listen what their teacher said with another

vocabulary that student do not know

before, because in the classroom they

using English all the time.

The comparison between the direct

method and grammar-translation itself,

just on the focus on their own purpose like

on translating and grammar, but both

method are good to be use in teaching vo-

cabulary. That is depending on student’s

interest and condition of the class.


In Indonesia, English is as a foreign

language. This case make the mindset of

Indonesian people should or should not to

learning English. In fact, English is very

importance to learn because with English

they can develop their self in this era

easily. Here, learning new vocabulary is

the most difficulties thing that the stu-

dents have. To make the student learning

English easily, teacher can use direct me-

thod to support their teaching process. In

this method, teacher can make their stu-

dent learning English with using target

language, this method can drill student’s

mind to remember the material that they

have learned. It can also make the stu-

dents can speak English fluently.

Related with the research, teacher is

not necessary to using direct method

mostly in their teaching class. It is because

for each class has their own interest on

what method that they like.


[1] Ahmad, F. (2014). The effect of

direct method on student's

vocabulary mastering.

[2] Alqahtani, M. (2015). The

importance of vocabulary in

language learning and how to be

taught. International Journal of

Teaching and Education, III , 21-34.

[3] Cambridge English Dictionary:

Meanings & Definitions. (n.d.).

(n.d.). Retrieved June 27, 2018,



[4] Chanastalia, R. N. (2018). The

communication methods in english

classroom for indonesian deaf

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Irnawati dan Siti Ulfatul Mu’awanah

Universitas Tidar

[email protected]

[email protected]


Most of the students have problem in english, especially in speaking skill. It can be

caused by many factors. Such as lack of vocabularies, did not have self confidence, and

any breakdown when they speak which make their speaking is not efficient. Lack of

vocabularies makes the students are difficult to arrange what have they said. This problem

can be minimized by doing many exercises. The researchers try to discuss one of the

exercises which can improve the students’ fluency in speaking. From literature review,

recording voice training can improve the speaking skill, especially in fluency problem.

The researchers will explain the step to solve the problem and give the respondent

questionnaire to know what are their perception when practice recording voice training to

improve their fluency in speaking. Besides, the researchers also do observation to

student’s who do this training. So, the purpose of this study is to discuss and examine

whether recording voice training can improve students’ ability in speaking especially


Keywords: speaking fluency, recording voice training, perception



Speaking skill is very essential to

communicate. Often in the classroom, the

lectures or teachersspeak for the begining

until the end of the learning process. They

teach speaking skill because the main

purpose of the study is they can commu-

nicate in english orally(Prisnanto, Cipto,

Purnawan, & Ari, 2013). Besides, there are

many aspects which is used to make clear

communication. They are the using of

vocabularies, self-confidence, and fluency

in speaking. However, most of the stu-

dents still have minimum vocanbularies,

self-confidence, and they are not able to

speak fluently in front of the classroom.

In the classroom, the teachers still

find the common problem in students’

speaking. Most of them are still lack of

vocabularies. Because they only have

limited vocabularies, they are difficult to

arrange the sentence orally. When they

speak they consume the time to think

what have they said. In this case, they just

say emm,, ehh,, sst,,, etc. It caused the

breakdown in speaking and make their

quality of speaking are not fluent. If the

students have breakdown, usually they

will do it continously. It will become their

habit to make a mistake in give the space

between words. The common problem in

speaking is the pauses between words

which is spoken(Salazar & Leslie, 2014). In

case, they are not able to collaborate their

first sentence to the next sentence by

appropriate vocabularies. Students have

to think for long time to make it clear.

The other problem in speaking is the

self confidence. Most of the students have

less of self-confidence and feel shy when

they are speaking. When the students

have to speak in front of the class, they

will feel so nervous. It is the main

problem when they are speaking.

Although the students have high ability

and vocabularies in speaking but they

don’t have enough self-confidence,so their

speaking will not maximum. This

problem may be caused by the minimum

exercises because they only practice the

speaking ability in the classroom.So the

teachers should give them exercises

outside of the classroom to improve their

speaking skill. In addition, the students

can make an exercises by themselves.

From the problems above, the writers

is motivated to make a paper and discuss

about this problem. The writers try to give

the solution to enhance the quality of

speaking by recording voice training.

Hopefully, with this exercise the students

can make a effective communication

without many mistakes. The purpose of

this paper is to discuss and examine

whether recording voice training can

improve speaking skill, especially in



Speaking fluency

In speaking someone need fluency

and accuracy to make their speech can be

understood with others. Speaking fluency

is the process of speaking without too

much hesitation and many pauses in

communication(Mohammed, Nahed,

Elsayad, & Heba, 2016). People who speak

fluently have not a lot of pauses in

speaking. They also have self confidence

without hesitation when speaking.


Factor which influence the fluency in


Minimum vocabularies

Vocabularies are the most important

aspect in speaking. However, most of the

student are lack of the vocabularies which

makes they are difficult to communicate

fluently. The crucial problem in speaking

is when the students hard to speak be-

cause they have limited vocabulary(Singh

& Rajendra, 2015). So, the students have to

master the vocabulary because it will help

the students to enhance the fluency in

speaking. With knowing a lot of

vocabularies, the students will easy to

arrange the sentences orally. They will not

need pauses when they forget the words

because they can change the words with

the similar vocabulary. Mastering vo-

cabulary can minimize the pauses in

speaking and produce the oral sentence

coherently and semantically.

Lack of self confidence

Lack of the self confidence is the

common reason of the fear of public

speaking because the students feel un-

comfortable and have a meek nature

when they are speaking(Raja, 2017). Most

of the students are not confident in

speaking because they are worried about

the mistakes of grammar, vocabularies,

and pronunciation. However, this

problem can be solved by recording their

own voice before they practice orally

(Abdulmanafi, Jalal, Seyed, Seivi, & Asieh,

2014). Practicing the students’ own voice

will enhance the self confidence and

develop the fluency in speaking

(Sweetlove, Kato, Paller, & Taylor, 2013).

After the students get feedback from their

teacher and know their weakness they can

correct their mistakes by listening several

times of their record. So they can build the

self confidence if they have to speak

directly in front of the class.

Breakdown space in speaking

Sometimes the speakers do the break-

down space when they are speaking. This

breakdown usually consist of ehh,, emm,,,

etc. It makes the quality of speaking is

low. The listener are difficult to under-

stand the meaning. Their speaking is not

maximum and not effective. The break-

down spaces also waste the time when


Recording voice training

Recording voice training is the

communicative strategies to minimize the

long breakdown when speaking (Minh,

2012). This technique can make the stu-

dents fluency in speaking without many

pauses in the middle of speaking. By

recording the voice, the students can have

a lot of experiences because they have

trained for several time. Students will

enhance their ability in oral skills through

voice recording because they can evaluate

and aware their own voice (Wilches,

2014). It will motivate the students before

they practice in the classroom. The

students have opportunity to do exercises

which is given by their teacher using

smartphone. They can train their own

voice. If there is a mistake, they can repeat

the record until they are correct and

fluent. After that, the students can submit

it to the teacher. They will get the

feedback from the teacher. It has purpose

to make them motivated and be better


again in their fluency in speaking directly.

The teacher might give correction and

suggestion to them in order to avoid the

mistakes again. After get the feedback, the

students can correct their mistakes by

using voice recorder. The learners can

hear their own voice in order to enhance

the fluency in speaking (YanJu, Mei, &

Muhamed, 2017).

Recording voice training is suitable

technique to improve the fluency. In

learning process, the students need

fluency ability when they are

communicating or giving presentation to

the public. Before they practice directly,

they can make exercises by recording

voice. (Schier, Mulvany, & Shaw, 2010).

They can do it by using technology, in

order to balance the knowledge and how

they use technology optimally. Recording

voice training as a way to increase the

quality of speaking in target language, so

the learners’ not only focus practice in the

classroom but they have had many other

opportunities to practice speaking.

(Goktur, 2016).

The others advantages is by recording

voice can improve the students’ ability in

speaking, especially the self-confidence

and the fluency (Prisnanto, Cipto,

Purnawan, & Ari, 2013).


Respondents from this research con-

sist of the future teachers from fourth

semester Faculty of Education and

Teacher Training, Tidar University, the

teachers from Senior High School, and the

students from Senior High School. The

sample respondent of future teacher from

Tidar University are the learners’ of class

A. Sample of respondent from future

teachers are random based on the class

quality in the class. The researchers

choose 10 respondents from this class.

The second sample are 5 teachers who are

teaching in Senior High School in

Magelang Regency. The other sample are

5 students who are still studying in Senior

High School.




To ensure the validity of the data, the

researchers give the questionnaire to the

participants. The focus of participants

from this questionnaire are the future

teachers, teachers, and students. They get

the questionnaire which consist of 9

questions and they have to answer based

on their perception and experience. As the

researchers’ main aim was to create a

discussion from the question by giving the

participants a chance to answer the

general question based on their points of

views, such as ‚What do you think about

the recording voice training as an exten-

sive speaking practice?‛, ‚Is speaking

need a lot of vocabulary to minimize the

breakdown space in speaking?‛, and

‚how it contribute to identify your weak-

ness and strength in speaking? The

researchers make this questionnaire by

adapting from the journal by Nazlınur

Gokturk, 2016.


The procedures in this research are :

making questiannaire which adapted

from journal related to the topic in this

research, determining the sample of the


respondent, asking the respondent about

the questionnaire, and analyzing the

questionnaire based on the respondents’


Data Analysis

The data will be collected by using

qualitative research. Each question of the

questionnaire is provided yes or no

answer and the reason. From the result of

questionnaire the researchers analyze all

of them to create a disscussion.


Respondents’ perception about the

effectivenes of speaking fluently and the

important of mastery the vocabularies

Speaking without any breakdown is


From the respondent of students, 80

percent of them agreed that speaking

without any breakdown is effective. 4

from 5 respondent of students realize that

they are difficult to understand what the

speakers said if there is any breakdown

space in their speaking. If the speaker

have a breakdown space too much, or the

speaker just say emm,emh,,etc. 20 percent

of the students disagreed with this

statement because they realize that some-

times the listeners need the breakdown

space to think what the speaker said. So if

he listens the speaker speak slowly with

any breakdown, he will be easy to

understand the meaning because he can

think what the meaning for the

breakdown space time.

Respondents from the future teacher

and the teacher almost have same idea. 90

percent of them said that speaking

without any breakdown space is effective.

The speakers of this type is more

interesting. It means that the speaker have

good ability to communicate fluently. So if

they can communicate fluently without

any breakdown their speaking ability will

be easy to be understand.

‚Speaking without any breakdown is

effective because the interlocutor does not

have to wait what the meaning of the

speech. If the speaker can minimize the

breakdown the interaction more commu-

nicative. On the other hand, the

interlocutor more interested to listen the

speaker. They will have motivation to

speak fluently like the speaker. (respon-

dent 4)

The other respondents from teachers

of Senior High School share their opinion

that if someone wants to give important

information but they speak slowly and

there are many a lot of breakdown, the

information will not clear. While someone

has limit of time to communicate, so

speaking with breakdown space just

waste the time and not communicative.

From the problems above imple-

menting recording voice training can

increase the preparation because the

speaker can train many times using it. So

if someone has been doing exercises he

can speak fluently because it becomes

their habit.

Speaking need a lot of vocabularies

Speaking and vocabularies have a

close relation. 90 percent of the respon-

dents said that speaking need a lot of vo-

cabularies. From the future teachers of

Tidar University opinion,the researcher

conclude that speaking need appropriate

vocabularies. Vocabularies influence the


quality of speaking, include diction,

meaning, and part of speech of the word.

The other respondents also argue if

speaking need vocabularies which

appropriate with the context in the

speech. For example if someone has to

speak in economic sector, he has to use

word that suitable with that.

All of the respondent from the teacher

of Senior High School also said that

vocabularies are very important in speak-

ing. If the speakers have limited vocabu-

laries, they cannot able to convey the

meaning because the speaker uses the

inappropriate word. So the idea which

will be explain from the speaker will not

received well.

From 5 respondent of students, 3 of

them agree if speaking need a lot of

vocabularies. They know that

vocabularies is very important. The

opinion from the student in Senior High

School share their experience when they

are speaking in the classroom sometimes

they forget some words.

‚.....when my teacher asked me to

speak in front of the class, sometimes I

forget the word what should I said, but

when I have enough vocabularies I can

replace that word with another word. So I

don’t need to stop my speech when I

forget some words.‛ (respondent 16).

40 percent of the students from Senior

High School still not sure if the

vocabularies is very important in

speaking. They believe that speaking

needvocabularies but the important thing

is self confidence.

Contribution of recording voice training

to the fluency of speaking skills

Recording voice training as an extensive

speaking practice

From all of the respondents, 80 per-

cent of them believe that recording voice

training can improve students skill,

especially in speaking. From the respon-

dents’ reason, the reasearcher conclude

that with recording voice training, the

students can make exercises so they can

practice their speech before practice in

front of the class. If the students do it

continously and make it to be their habit,

it is very suitable to be their exercises. So,

it make they be able to speak orally in

front of the class or people. Respondent

who disagree with this statement, most of

them believe that in daily activities, they

are not only use the recording voice.

‚No, because sometimes we don’t

have time to do an exercise like that. We

need to communicate orally in real life

without preparation.‛ (respondent 9)

Recording voice training can elaborate the

content of your speech

60 percent of respondent explain that

with recording voice training we can

elaborate and combine the content of the

speech. From recording voice training the

speaker can listen again the recording.

After that, the speaker can evaluate

whether the content is enough or not.

‚Yes of course. When I use recording

training as my exercises, I always play it

many times to make sure my content is

good or not. Then, I also try to make a

recording with other topic.‛ (respondent


30 percent of respondents agree with

this statement but they don’t give the

reason. And the rest of respondents said


that recording voice training need a lot of


Recording voice training can minimize the

breakdown space in speaking

80 percent of the respondents said

that it is very effective to be the exercises.

The students canpractice many time

before they practic orally in real life. So it

will make them can minimize the break-

down space and make their speech are

fluent. 20 percent of responents believe

that the exercises not only come from the

recording voice but the speaker just need


Recording voice training can develop your

self confidence

For this statement, 80 percent of the

respondent said that recording voice

training can develop the self confidence.

From their reason the researcher conclude

that the students have many chances to

practice their speaking. They may hear

their own voice first to know their quality.

After that they can evaluate it by them-

selves. So with recording they can build

self confidence because they have doing

exercises many times.

‚Yes by recording voice I can improve my

self confidence because when I have to

practice in front of the class, I have trained

speaking in other chance.‛ (respondent 5)

20 percent of the respondent diagreed

with this statement because they belive

that self confidence only can be improve

from speaker its self.

Recording voice training is useful to

identify your strengths and weaknesses in


From this statement, 50 percent of

them agreed because by recording voice

the speakers can evaluate the ability in

speaking. They can analyze the weakness

and strengths in speaking. The speakers

can check the mistake and repair it when

they speak orally in real life.

‚Yes, by using it I can know where

the mistake are, After I hear for many

times I try to minimize the mistake in next

training.‛ (respondent 9)

However the rest of the respondents

did not know well if the recording as

effective way to know the strengts and

weakness because the students need other

people to correct them, not only their


Recording voice training is effective

learning before speaking practice

80 percent of these respondent believe

that it is effective learning before speaking

practice. From their reason the researchers

has conclusion if by recording voice the

speaker can evaluate their speech. It is

effective to correct their mistakes or errors

when they want to give a speech.

‚Yes, with recording voice I can

evaluate the quality of my speech. I can

correct my pronunciation. And I also

manage the time before I give speech in

front of the class‛ (respondent 3)

20 percent of the respondent said that

recording voice training need a lot of time.

Sometimes they do not have time to do

this exercise.

‚ No, sometimes I do not have a lot of

time to record my voice first before I

speak.‛ (respondent 10)


Recording voice training can enhance the

quality of speaking skill

50 percent of the respondents belived

that by recording voice training the

speaker can replay it many times then

they can correct the mistake and be better

in next exercise. If they do it continously,

The speaker will have good potential to

speak with good quality.

30 percent of the respondents from

students of Senior High School believed

that they just do it sometimes so they can

not make sure whether it is can enhance

the quality of speaking skill or not.

The rest of the respondent said that

quality of speaking skill become from the

speaker figure. The quality not only comes

from the recording voice but their

background knowledge also influence the

quality of the speech.


Speaking is the important skill which

have to be mastered by the students in

order to communicate. However, the

learners have a problem in fluency in

speaking. They are difficult in arranging

the words when speaking because they

still have minimum vocabularies. It makes

there are pauses or breakdown in the

middle of the speaking which makes the

speech is not effective. Besides, they are

still lack of self-confidence. Therefore, it

needs morepractice outside of the class-

room to improve their fluency and

enhance their self-confidence. The effect-

tive way to make exercises is recording

voice training. By recording voice

training, most of the respondents explain

that they can practice and do exercises to

make their quality of speaking is better

than before. It will increases the

motivation and makes the communication

more effective, especially in learning



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teaching and learning speaking skills

for EFL learner. Journal of sience, 11.

[4] Mohammed, Nahed, Elsayad, &

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International journal of english

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Jihan Nur Astuti

Universitas Tidar

[email protected]


Technology has developed quickly along with the changes in daily life. Almost all of

the activities can be done through the use of technology. Currently, almost

everyone includes students have a smartphone and various applications on it. The

availability of mobile networks and apps allows a mobile learning. The aim of this

study is to know that Bahaso application has the impact to improve English skill of

the students. This study used qualitative research and conducted in fourth-

semester students with the collecting data using the questionnaire. Almost all of

the research findings supported using Bahaso to enhance English skills, enrich

their vocabulary, also enjoy learning grammar. So, the use of mobile application

might give positive effect to enhance students’ English skill.

Keywords: bahaso, application, students, English skills

I. Introduction

The 21st-century education system

and technology are growing rapidly and

bring any change in some aspect of life.

Technology is changing our daily life,

everyone has used it, one of them is a

mobile phone. The use of mobile phone

has expanded upon children to adults

includes students in school.

There are many advantages due to

the use of mobile phone, it is correlated

with Gliksman (2011) stated advantages of

using mobile phones such as the

flexibility, mobility, touch interface and

long battery life. This fact enables the

online learning to be implemented, it is in

line with Mulyono(2016) proved that

using technology in foreign language class

can be done as long as it is useful and can

develop the skills of the learners.

Therefore, using application become one

of the choices to bring technology in EFL


There are also many difficulties that

faced by students in learning English, so it

affects their skills. Moreover, English

which is known as a foreign language that

assumed as a complex language to be

learned. Even students get English

language education in school does not

mean that the students have high

proficiency level. So, this paper will

discuss using Bahaso app to improve

students’ English skill.


II. Review of Literature

2.1 Bahaso Application

Bahaso is an interactive and easy to

use English learning application. Bahaso

presents quality and targeted content in 4

levels: beginner or A1, elementary or A2,

intermediate or B1, and upper-interme-

diate or B2. The existence of many levels

makes students choose the appropriate

level based on their experience. It is an

interesting application and can students

can get the facilities free, but need to pay

to get the premium membership.

Bahaso as an interactive application

means that bahaso is an application that

gives interactive learning process. It helps

students to accelerate their study in

listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Moreover, each material will be given in

the text, picture, audio, and video.

Bahaso is available on Google play

store, Apple App store and

Students can get in Google play or known

as an international android market. They

also can get in Apple App store as the

service of application distribution.

Bahaso app is simple and easy to use,

learners can try all of the facilities on the

application. They can simply open the

application they have installed before and

followed the step as stated in the


After installing the application, they

have to create an account by registering

first and last name, email address, and

password as desired. The next step after

doing registration is login by choosing

‘log in’ and enter the username also the

password. Finally, learners can access the

learning feature to start to learn the

course. Bahaso contains a lot of lessons

that each lesson contains around ten

questions with the explanation of how to


2.2 English Skill

English skill is four skills that need to

learn when we learn a language. The four

skills are listening, speaking, reading, and

writing. All of the skills are related and

should be integrated in an effective way.

According to Aydogan (2014), speaking is

often connected with listening. It seems in

two-way communication that one person

becomes a speaker and the other one is

the listener. Aydogan (2014) also prove

that reading is the receptive skill in a

written mode that can improve vocabu-

lary. The alliance of listening and

speaking with reading and writing make

the learners become good listeners,

speakers, readers, and writers and can

communicate effectively.

III. Methodology

3.1 Research Method

This study used the qualitative me-

thod to get some data.

3.2 Data Collection

Data collection classified into primary

and secondary data. According to Liu &

He (2014) stated that primary data was

data that often unknown before the

research taken and obtained directly for a

specific research project, and the se-

condary data was data that collected

through qualitative research that has been

published in form of journals, books, and

magazines. In this study, the researcher

used the secondary data to conduct this



3.3 Population

The population of this study was 20

students male and female aged 19-21

years old. They were the fourth-semester

students of English Department, Univer-

sity of Tidar.

3.4 Instruments of the Study

The instruments that use to collect

data for this study was students’


3.5 Procedure

This research was conducted using

paper survey tool. The participants were

asked whether their agree or not with

each item in the questionnaire. Below was

the researcher question:

1. Using Bahaso helping me to develop

my speaking skill.

Yes/No. Reason:

2. Using Bahaso helping me to develop

my reading skill.

Yes/No. Reason:

3. Using Bahaso helping me to develop

my writing skill.

Yes/No. Reason:

4. Using Bahaso helping me to enrich my


Yes/No. Reason:

5. Using Bahaso helping me to enjoy

learn grammar.

Yes/No. Reason:

6. Using Bahaso helping me to think in


Yes/No. Reason:

7. Using Bahaso helping me to overcome

my fear to use English language.

Yes/No. Reason:

8. It is easy to download Bahaso in my


Yes/No. Reason:

9. Using Bahaso motivate me to learn


Yes/No. Reason:

IV. Findings and Discussion

1. Using Bahaso helping to develop

speaking skill

The researcher wrote the statement

because bahaso has some features that

need to answer by speaking. The question

was come in audio form and the learners

should answer it by speaking. They had to

respond by dictating to microphone.

Based on the questionnaire, 75% of res-

pondents or 15 students agree with the


Here are 3 of 15 respondents’ reasons

who agree with statement 1 (Using

Bahaso helping me to develop my

speaking skill) :

‚Bahaso is useful and help me to

practice speaking.‛ (student 7)

‚Bahaso can help me to learn speaking

well.‛ (student 11)

‚Bahaso has a lot of speaking form

answers.‛ (student 12)

Based on those reasons, it can be seen

that they have some different reasons but

same perception about how bahaso

helped them to develop their speaking

skill. It is in line with Rashid, Mohamed,

Rahman, & Shamsuddin (2017) that stated

interactive audio application can be used

to develop students’ confidence to speak


Although 15 of 20 respondents agree

with statement 1 complete with their own

arguments, there are 5 respondents do not

agree. Here are 2 of 5 respondents’



‚Speaking is oral practice and not

using an application to practice it.‛

(student 1)

‚I did not find speaking question or

question that need to answer by

speaking.‛ (student 10)

There are possibilities that make those

5 students have a different choice. They

may believe that to develop speaking skill

may involve by personal motivation first.

A student who wants to be a success in

English learning must have own

motivation. After having personal

motivation, a student needs to have high

self-confidence, because starting to speak

in other languages, especially in a foreign

language which is different with the

mother tongue is so complicated.

Sometimes students do not believe

that they can do it, they often think that

they can not. The challenge starts with

their self first after they can believe in

their self they can speak well. The use of

Bahaso can make students learn inde-

pendently without worrying about their

friends’ derision also in low-stress.

2. Using Bahaso helping to develop

reading skill

This statement has relation to the topic

of this research. Bahaso which is an appli-

cation that set aside many lesson force

learners to develop their reading time. By

the time they read the question given by

the application in form of reading text will

make them develop their reading skill.

The answer from the respondents shows a

good result. For about 90% or 18 students

agree with statement 2 and 10% or 2

students disagree.

Here are 3 of 18 respondents’ reasons

who agree with statement 2 :

‚Bahaso is a good application to

learn reading because has a lot of

sentences.‛ (student 2)

‚Bahaso can help and facilitate me to

learn reading.‛ (student 11)

‚There are a lot of reading passage.‛

(student 14)

Based on those reasons, there was the

same perception of the respondents about

the use of Bahaso to develop students’

reading skill. It is in line with Van Wyk

and Louw (2008) that stated some

programmes are effective and fast in

overcoming the reading problems of


There are 2 respondents disagree with

statement 2 that show their different

perception about using bahaso to develop

reading skill. Here were the reasons:

‚I do not think so, because Bahaso

contains a lot of question so learners

have to read, does not mean that Ba-

haso helps to develop my reading

skill.‛ (student 17)

‚Bahaso have a lot of question in

form of sentences.‛ (student 19)

There are possibilities make those 2

students have different reasons for state-

ment 2. It may influence by their expe-

rience or their comprehension in using

Bahaso application. Reading should

become a habit for language learners.

Through reading they will increase their

language skills.

3. Using Bahaso helping to develop

writing skill

This statement comes as Bahaso has

writing part of the lesson. In some part of


the lesson, learners have to write a

passage. According to the questionnaire,

75% or 15 respondents agree with the

statement. Here are 4 of 15 respondents’

reasons who agree with statement 3:

‚Bahaso attracts me to write.‛

(student 2)

‚Bahaso makes me learn how to

make sentences from a word by

word.‛ (student 10)

‚I can learn writing using Bahaso.‛

(student 11)

‚Bahaso guides me to write well‛

(student 14)

Based on those reasons, 75% of

respondents have the same perception

about the use of bahaso to develop

writing skill. They may practice their

writing by Bahaso and attract them to

write effectively.

There are 25% or 5 respondents who

do not agree with statement 3. Here are 2

of 5 respondents’ reason:

‚In writing I just let it flow.‛ (student


‚I do not think so, it makes me face

some difficulties.‛ (student 17)

Those 5 students had different

reasons but still correlate because of their

disagreement about statement 3. They

may have different consideration,

utilization, and experience when using


4. Using Bahaso helping to enrich


The researcher writes this statement

because Bahaso gave many lessons which

had many vocabularies. Learners can find

new vocabulary easily through do the

lesson. The questionnaire shows 100%

respondents agree with the statement.

Here are 3 of 20 respondents’ reason

about statement 3:

‚There were so many new

vocabularies I found.‛ (student 1)

‚I know some strange words.‛

(student 5)

‚I find many new words on Bahaso.‛

(student 13)

Based on those reasons all of the

respondents have almost same reasons for

statement 3. All of them agree with the

statement. It can be said that bahaso really

help them to enrich their vocabulary. It

also in line with Rajayi & Poorahmadi

(2018) claimed that vocabulary learning

through application had a significant

effect on vocabulary learning.

5. Using Bahaso helping to enjoy learn


The researcher used the statement

because it still has big relation with

English skill. Grammar always becomes

the most demanding and challenging

aspects of English learning. According to

the result of questionnaire given to

students, 80% or 16 of 20 respondents

agree with the statement.

Here are 3 of 16 respondents’ reason

about statement 5:

‚Bahaso makes learn grammar

easier.‛ (student 5)

‚It will decrease boredom in learning

grammar.‛ (student 7)

‚Using technology in learn grammar

is not boring.‛ (student 11)

Based on those reasons, the respon-

dents have the different reason but the

same perception about how Bahaso help

them to enjoy learning grammar. It was in


line with Saeedi and Biri (2016) that

proved that use application in teaching

grammar can help EFL learners.

There was 20% or 4 respondent do

not agree with statement 3. Here are 2 of 4

respondents’ reason:

‚I prefer use textbook.‛ (student 1)

‚I do not think so.‛ (student 3)

The disagreement of 4 respondents’

caused by the different reason. Most of

them just did not think so, but one of

them said that he prefers to use a

textbook. The feature used in grammar

lesson of Bahaso challenge the learners to

correct the grammatical structure. It was

easier than memorizing a lot of

grammatical rules but did not help

learners to understand the concept. By the

time they choose the wrong answer, they

would get some experience of it.

6. Using Bahaso helping to think in


The use of English application would

make the user influence in English. So,

that was why the researcher gives the

statement. Based on the questionnaire,

95% or 19 respondents agree with the

statement. Here are 3 of 19 respondents’

reason about the statement:

‚It helps me to think critically.‛

(student 6)

‚It forced me to learn English.‛

(student 11)

‚The more I use Bahaso, the more I

will use English.‛ (student 13)

From the reason above, it seems that

the use of Bahaso makes them think in

English more.

There is 5 % or 1 respondent does not

agree with the statement, but he did not

put the reason.

7. Using Bahaso helping to overcome

fear to use English language

Most of the students do not have the

bravery to express themselves in English.

In other words, they prefer to do not use

English. Based on the questionnaire, there

are 85% or 17 respondents agree with the

statement. Here are 2 of 17 respondents’

reason :

‚It feels like a game which makes us

enjoy the language learning.‛ (student 2)

‚It makes my self-maintain to use

English.‛ (student 5)

Besides that, 15% or 3 respondents did

not agree with the statement. They did not

give specific reason caused their dis-


8. It is easy to download Bahaso in cell-


The researcher put this statement

because Bahaso is an online platform. In

order to get Bahaso, learners should

download it to their cell-phone. Based on

the questionnaire, 80% or 16 respondents

agree with the statement. Here are 3 of 16

respondents’ reasons:

‚It is easy to find in play store.‛

(student 5)

‚No big problem to download

it.‛(student 8)

‚It can be downloaded in smartphone

easily.‛(student 12)

According to the above reasons, most

of the respondents could get the

application easily. Bahaso application

available on Google play store or Apple


app store. Learners also could go to if the did not want to

download it.

There was also 20% or 4 respondents

do not agree with the statement. Here

were 2 of 4 respondents’ reason:

‚The size is too large.‛ (student 2)

‚I do not think so, because I do not

have the internet connection.‛ (student 20)

There were possibilities to make their

reason different. It could be their device,

facility, and desire. It does not a big

problem, if learners can not download,

they can go to Besides that, if

they do not have the internet connection

they can go to a place which supplies free

internet connection. Nowadays, there are

many places give free internet connection.

9. Using Bahaso motivate me to learn


The reason of researcher put this

statement because of the use of something

which enjoyable might make learners

addicted. So, with the use of bahaso that is

not tedious to enable learner to motivate

to learn English more and more. From the

questionnaire, 80% or 16 respondents

agree with statement 9. Here are 3 of 16

respondents’ reason:

‚Because it is fun.‛ (student 2)

‚it is an exciting way to learn

English.‛ (student 8)

‚It forced me to learn English.‛

(student 14)

Based on those reasons, it seems that

most of the respondents accept Bahaso as

one of their motivation to learn English.

But, there are 20% or 4 respondent do not

agree. One of the respondents’ reason:

‚I am not really like using

application.‛ (student 1)

Based on the reason above, using

bahaso that become one of the motivation

of learner to learn English is not approved

by the respondents. It may depend on

their appetite for using something.

V. Conclusion

According to the finding and dis-

cussion above, It can be said that the use

of an application can be an effective way

to learn something. The mobile appli-

cation brought technological equipment in

the learning process. Besides that, the use

of a mobile application in English learning

might give positive effect to learners.

Language learners could enhance their

skill through the use of it.

Since technology developed rapidly,

as a youth we need to know and use it.

We should update these applications that

may help our activities. Moreover, if these

applications can make us a better person

through the learning that given.

VI. References

Aydogan, Hakan. (2014). The four basic

language skills, whole language &

integrated skill Approach in mainstream

university classroom in Turkey.


Gliksman, S. (2011). Exploring the use of

iPads and eBooks in schools and

colleges, discussion and blogs:iPads in


Liu,Q. & He, X. (2014). Using mobile apps to

facilitate English learning for college

students in China, bachelor’s thesis in



Mulyono, H. (2016). Teaching English

with technology. Using quipper as an

online platform for teaching and learning

English as a Foreign Language. Volume

16 (Number 1). Retrieved from

Rajayi, S. & Poorahmadi, M. (2018). The

impact of teaching vocabulary through

‚kik‛ application on improving

intermediate EFL learner’s vocabulary

learning, Volume 5 (Number 1).

Retrieved from

Rashid, R., Mohamed,S., Rahman,M.,

Shamsuddin, S. (2017). Developing

speaking skills using virtual speaking

buddy. Volume 12 (Number 5).

Retrieved from


Saeedi, Z. & Biri, A. (2016).Teaching

English with technology. The

application of technology in teaching

grammar to EFL learners: the role of

animated sitcoms, Volume 16 (Number

2). Retrieved from

Van Wyk, G. &Louw, A. (2008).

Technology-assisted reading for

improving reading skills for young

South African learners. The electronic

journal of e-learning, Volume 6.

Available online at




Novia Indri Susanti

Tidar University

[email protected]


In the 21st century, technology in teaching-learning activity becomes very popular.

Films are one of the results of the enhancement of technology in literature. Films can be

used as a material for learning in literature class. This study discusses the using of films

to gain the students’ interest and understanding in literature class and how the films can

improve the students’ skill in literature. This study used qualitative research and

questionnaire. The data is collected from the questions of questionnaire that is given to

the students after they watch films and analyze the intrinsic and extrinsic elements. The

results are students agree that accessing and watching films for study are interesting,

using films for analyzing intrinsic and extrinsic element of literature is fun, and they can

improve their skill in analyzing literature by practicing using films. The using of films

gives many effects for the enhancement of students’ interest and understanding in

literature class.

Keywords: films, fiction’s elements, literature class

I. Introduction

According to (Pospelov, 1967), Litera-

ture is the development of art in the hu-

man society which all of the ages quiet

independently of sociology. Literature

comes from Latin word litteratura which

means ‚writing that is formed with letter‛.

Literature can be defined as the expression

of human imagination such as drama,

fiction, non-fiction, poems, songs, etc.

Literature is a media for human to express

their imagination through the work of


The using of films in the classroom

especially in literature class is a practice

that began with black and white film

strips. It becomes more popular in the

digital form. Films nowadays are easy to

access and watch anytime and every-

where. Films can be played in any digital

devices such as computer, mobile phone,

and even television. Films can be used for

discussions, writing assignments, giving

access to language input, and for power-

fully moving picture books (Baddock,

1996). Compared with the words and pic-

tures in books, students have more in-

terest in the changing pictures and sounds

of films, and they can concentrate on the

story more easily (Huston & Wright,



The purpose of this study is to

examine how to gain students’ interest

and understanding in analyzing elements

of fiction in Literature class by using film.

This study discusses the following re-

search questions:

1. How is the students’ perception of

using film in Literature class?

2. What are the benefits of using film

to study intrinsic and extrinsic

elements of fiction?

3. How is the integration of film and

teaching in Literature class?

II. Review of Related Literature


Film is a part of culture which is popular

and most teenagers spend much time to

watch film and/or television (Russel,

2012). It means that film is a familiar thing

for the students. Film contains cultural

aspects which will be analyzed easily by

the students. It is because students tend to

understand easily thing which is familiar

to them.

Elements of Fiction

Elements of fiction consist of intrinsic and

extrinsic elements. Intrinsic elements are

character, setting, atmosphere, plot,

theme, point of view, moral value

(Handayani, 2017). Extrinsic elements of

fiction is the social and psychological

condition in the society (Yulani, Salombe,

& Waris, 2013)

Literature Class

Literature courses are important for the

curriculum of English (Arikan, 2005). It is

because it can be a tool for the teacher to

teach English in the classroom. English

skills such as listening, speaking, reading,

writing and translating can be promoted

while encouraging teaching of literature

with a practical output in mind

(Fernandes & Alsaeed, 2014).

III. Method

Research Design

This study used qualitative research and 5

questions questionnaire was given to the

participants to get the data.


The participants of this study are 32

students of Literary Appreciation class of

English Department from 4th semester.

They are given the questionnaire after

analyzing the elements of fiction in

Literary Appreciation class by using film.


This study used questionnaire adapted

from (Chen, 2012). The questionnaire con-

sisted of 5 questions. Students had to

answer yes or no and also had to give the

reason why. The first question was how

the perception of the students of using

film in Literature class. The second until

fifth questions are what the benefits of

using film to study fiction’s elements.


After the students of Literary Apprecia-

tion class analyzed the fiction’s elements

of the film, they had to answer the

questionnaire that consisted of 5 yes-no



Table 1.1 Students’ perception of using film in Literature class

No Question Yes No Reason

1 Do you think that watching film can increase

your motivation in Literature class?

Table 2.2 Benefits of using film to study fiction’s elements

No Questions Yes No Reason

2 Do you think that watching film can enhance

your listening, speaking, reading, and writing


3 Do you think that watching film can increase

your vocabulary ability?

4 Do you think that watching film can increase

your knowledge of western cultures?

5 Do you think that language skill, vocabulary, and

culture knowledge are needed in analyzing

fiction’s elements?

Data Analysis

The result of the 32 questionnaire of the

students was analyzed to answer the re-

search questions. This study used quali-

tative description to get the percentage of

the variables.

IV. Finding Discussion

Students’ perception of using film in

literature class

The result of the first question about the

students’ perception of using film in Lite-

rature class is shown in the table below:

Table 2.1 Students’ perception of using film in Literature class

No Question Yes No Reason

1 Do you think that

watching film can

increase your motivation

in Literature class?

84.3% 15.6% S.1 Watching movies is more

interesting and simple than

reading novel

S.7 Watching movies is a cool way

to study

S.19 I prefer reading novel than only

watching the film

Based on the questionnaire’s result,

84.3% of students agree that accessing and

watching films is an interesting, simple,

and cool way to study. The view of films

such as a good plot, graphic, and audio

will make the students more interest to

pay attention on the materials of literature

class. The popularity of films also makes

the students can discuss with each other

about the films and the materials that they

learn in the class of literature. Students

just need to watch on the projector that is

provided by the teacher in the classroom.

They don’t need to bring printed novel

which is very heavy and had so many



5 of the students prefer another materials

or tools to practice on literature class

because there are many others materials or

tools with the same function. The other

materials can be used to practice in

literature class as good as films such as

novels and poems. Some of them also

prefer using traditional way like using

printed novel or poems for practicing in

literature class because the paper is easy to

be gotten and learnt.

Benefits of using film to study fiction’s elements

No Questions Yes No Reason

2 Do you think that watching film

can enhance your listening,

speaking, reading, and writing


90.6% 9.37% S.5 We have to use all skills

to watch the movie

S. 27 Sometimes I difficult

to understand the movie

3 Do you think that watching film

can increase your vocabulary


81.2% 18.7% S.13 I found lots of new


S.20 It’s difficult to know

what they said

4 Do you think that watching film

can increase your knowledge of

western cultures?

93.7% 6.2% S.22 Lots of western movies

that I watch

S.23 I don’t really

understand about the


5 Do you think that language skill,

vocabulary, and culture

knowledge are needed in

analyzing fiction’s elements?

96.8% 3.1% S.15 We need to understand

the movie by listening

S.29 We need to write the

analysis well

S.30 We only need to

understand the story only

Language skills enhancement

90.6% of students agree that watching

film can enhance their language skills

because they need to use all skills to watch

the film. English skills such as listening,

speaking, reading, and writing can be

promoted while encouraging teaching of

literature. The audio of the films can be

used to improve students’ listening skills.

Students can improve their speaking skill

by listening to the native speaker on films.

Lecturers can ask students to write

paragraphs about the analysis of the films

to improve the students’ reading and

writing skills.

9.37% disagree that watching film

can enhance their language skills because

they difficult to understand the movie.

Sometimes the level of the movie is too

difficult to understand started from the

language and the story.

Vocabulary ability enhancement

81.2% of students agree that watching

film can increase their vocabulary ability


because they found lots of new vocabu-

lary. They found unknown words then

they looked for the meaning. It can make

the number of vocabulary that they mas-

tered increasing. Translating an English

film into native language can improve

students’ vocabulary and translating skill.

18.7% disagree that watching film can

increase their vocabulary ability because

they don’t understand what the people in

the film said. Sometimes the language of

the movie is difficult to understand and

the students couldn’t find it on dictionary

because they didn’t know the spelling.

They are also difficult to listen to the

difficult words.

Knowledge of Culture Enhancement

93.7% of students agree that watching

film can increase their knowledge of

western culture because there are lots of

western movies. We have to understand

the different culture in order to learn it

effectively. It is because different cultures

cause different rules and different way of

life in the context of literature.

6.2% students disagree that watching

film can increase their knowledge of

western culture because they don’t

understand the culture. Some of the

students didn’t really pay attention to the

culture in the film so they just missed it.

The importance of language skills, vo-

cabulary, and culture knowledge in ana-

lyzing fiction’s elements

96.8% of students agree that language

skills, vocabulary, and culture knowledge

are needed in analyzing fiction’s elements

because we need to listen to understand

the movie. They need to master the

writing skill also to make a good analysis

of the fiction’s elements. Every story of a

movie contains cultural aspects so

students need to understand the culture in

order to analyze the story.

3.1% students disagree that language

skill, vocabulary, and culture knowledge

are needed in analyzing fiction’s elements

because they only need to understand the

story to analyze it. Few of students think

that they still can analyzed the story

without really paying attention to the

skills, vocabulary, and culture knowledge.

The integration of film and teaching in

Literature class

Teacher can use films in order to en-

hance the interest of the students in

literature class by asking them to do an

active learning activity in the class.

Teacher starts the lesson by playing one of

the scenes of the movies, and then the

teacher asks the students to analyze the

elements of fiction of the films. Teacher

only needs to play a part of the films

because the original films have long

duration for about one hour.

In order to improve the language

skills, teachers can use the authentic

English film to improve the listening skill

of the students. Teachers also can improve

the speaking skill by asking the students

to discuss the movie they had watched.

For the reading and writing skill, teachers

can ask the students to start analyze the

elements of fiction of the film in the class.

In order to support the teaching and

learning activity are mostly about the faci-

lities. In order to make the using of films

in literature class effective, the facilities

that support the teaching and learning


activity are already fulfilled. It is because

films needs projector in the classroom to

access and use it so the teachers have to

make sure that there’s good projector

during the class. Films also need good

audio so the students will easily listen and

understand the films. Not only facilities,

teachers also should give clear instruction

about the using of films in literature class.

Teachers also have to manage and control

the using of films during the literature


V. Conclussion

In general, accessing and watching

films is an interesting, simple, and cool

way to study because students don’t need

to bring printed novel which has many

pages. Film can enhance their language

skills because they need to use all skills to

watch and understand the story of the

film. By watching film, students can

increase their vocabulary ability because

they found lots of new vocabulary on the

film. It also can increase their knowledge

of western culture because there are lots of

western movies. They need to master the

language skills, vocabulary, and culture

knowledge also to make a good analysis of

the fiction’s elements. To make the using

of film effective, teachers should make

sure there are enough facilities and

manage the classroom well.

VI. References

Arikan, A. (2005). An evaluation of

literature component of Hacettepe

University English language

teaching department. Hacettepe

University Journal of Education, , 40-


Baddock, B. (1996). Using films in the

English class. Phoenix ELT.

Chen, M.-L. (2012). Effects of Integrating

children's literature and DVD films

into a college EFL class. English

Teaching Practice and Critique , 88-98.

Fernandes, L., & Alsaeed, N. H. (2014).

Using English literature for the

teaching of English. International

Journal of English Language and

Literature Studies , 126-133.

Handayani, L. (2017). An analysis of

intrinsic elements of Efendi's


Huston, A. C., & Wright, J. C. (1987).

Effects of television preplay formats

on children's attention and story

comprehension. Journal of Applied

Developmental Psychology , 329-342.

Pospelov, G. N. (1967). Literature and

sociology. International Social Science

Journal "Sociology of Literary

Creativity" , 534-550. Russel, W. B.

(2012). Teaching with film: a

research study of secondary social

studies teachers use of film. Journal

of Social Studies Education Research ,


Salombe, M. K., & Waris, A. (2013). An

analysis the main characters and the

plot in the novel of Bacharuddin

Jusuf Habibie's Habibies and Ainun.

e-Journal of English Language Teaching

Society (ELTS) , 1-14.



Ari Prihatiningsih

MTs Negeri 4 Magelang

[email protected]


To have an active class in teaching English, teachers should have certain method

that can be enjoyed by most of the students. Having a relaxed and fun situation in

learning will motivate students to learn better. Teachers should be creative in making and

preparing media as a means of fun teaching to get a succesful class.To developthe

students skills in learning language, listening is a phase that should be well prepared.

Listening as one of the languge learning skills need to be facilitated with appropriate


This paper will discuss a model how to teach listeningfor grade 9 of Junior High

School Students in a fun situation using some media of teaching. Through sets of fun

activities students are motivated to learn English by giving some pictures, a film and a

set of closed text. This model has been applied in the writer’s classes from 9A – 9F of

State Islamic Junior High School (MTs N 4 Magelang).

The result of applying this model, the students are more activelly involved in the

teaching learning process during the class.

Keywords: fun learning, listening, media


From the 'four skills' in learning

language, listening is the first one to be

introduced to the learners. Listening is a

way to give model for the language

learners get examples how words are spo-

ken. The main function of listening is to

facilitate understanding of spoken langu-

age. Students of grade nine in Junior High

School are categorized as novice or

beginners in learning English. Beginners,

especially non-literate learners, should be

given more listening activities than speak-

ing ones. It's essential for the teacher, as a

model; to speak as close to natural speed

as possible.

An intelligent teacher, yet , should

select a technique or model of teaching

listening which involves students during

the teaching learning activities in a fun

atmosphere.Model of teaching is a design

that visualizes the process and environ-

ment situation design which makes

students cooperate each other in order to

make change or development in students.

Model is related with planning strategy.


A fun learning will create students’

motivation to learn more. On this paper,

the writer offers a model of teaching

listening which mostly involves students

during the classroom activities in a fun

way. This model may helpsteachers to

facilitate students’ develop their listening

skill. It is not the best one, but at least it

becomes a good model of teaching


For that reason, this paper mostly

gives details conception of this model and

the way how to apply it. The explanation

will start from the definition of listening in

general and how to be successful to teach

it and the way to apply this model in the

classroom through sequences of activities.

In Pre-Listening, the activity is showing

some pictures related to the topic.

InWhilst-Listening, the students will

watch a film then they have to answer

some questions about the film. At last as a

closing in the Post-Listening the students

will complete a cloze text based on what

the teacher read.


Accordinng to Ricards (2008), strate-

gies for effective listening should be inte-

grated into the materials. He also writes

that students should be given chances to

gradually construct their listening by

paying attention to a text several timesand

by doing increasingly interestinglistening

tasks which give opportunities for them

to play an active role in their own learn-

ing. Students should understand what

they are listening for andwhy they should

do so.

Richards also describes that succesful

listening can also be looked at in terms of

the strategies the listener uses when

listening. There are two kinds of strategies

in learning listening ; cognitive strategies

and meta cognitive strategies. The teach-

ing of listening covers listening as compre-

hension and listening as acquisition. Lis-

tening as comprehensioin is based on the

view that listening in second language

learning is to facilitate understanding of

spoken discourse. Spoken discourse is ge-

nerally instantaneous and immediate that

often there is no chance to listen it again.

In understanding spoken discourse, the

process may be bottom up.

Learning listening in second langu-

age may use grammatical approach which

give students opportunities to use some

words to make grammatically correct

sentences. (Flowerdew and Miller- 2005)

Good listening lessons givestudents

the listening tasksusing sets of related acti-

vities before and after the listening. The

simple constructions are:


Prepare the students by introducing the

topic and knowingwhat they already

identify about it. Brainstorming is a

good way to do recall the students un-

derstanding about the topic. Giving

them some essential background know-

ledge and new vocabulary will help

the students to listen better during the

listening activity.


Be specific about what students need to

listen for. They can listen for selective

details or general content, or for an

emotional tone such as happy, surprise-

ed, or angry. If they are not marking

answers or otherwise responding while


listening, tell them ahead of time what

will be required afterward.


End the listening activity by giving

some exercises which help the students

extend the topic and remember the

new vocabulary. Itmay be a group dis-

cussion, craft project, writing task,

game, etc.These three phases are sui-

table with Steps of Learning Cycle: stu-

dents’ prior knowledge, motivate stu-

dent to create idea based on his/her

prior knowledge, introduce new spe-

cific information to student (definition,

concept etc.), plan activity to give stu-

dent experience (challenge, cognitive

conflict, develop idea), guide student to

questioning, discussing, debating and

making conclusion as well as develop-

ing concept.

In online oxford dictionaries, media or

medium, as it is singular form,


This paper is a suggestion model of

teaching listening for novice or beginner

students as a best practise. The writer has

applied this model to make the students

motivated in learning narrative text

through Learning Cycle , using three

phases of listening; pre- listening, whilst-

listening, and post-listening using media

of picture, a video and a cloze text.


As listening activity is the first step in

learning language, teachers should make

the activities run smoothly to gain the next

steps of learning. Teachers should prepare

some media which can make the process

of learning is interesting to follow.

In this best practice, the writer uses

some pictures related to narrative text as

the pre-listening activities. The picture are

set in some slides.Not all classrooms in the

writer’s school have LCD so as alterna-

tives, the writer displays the picture on

pieces of paper. The pictures show some

characters in narrative text such as Snow

White, Aladin, Sangkuriang, Roro

Jonggrang, Golden Snail, Malin Kundang,

Cinderella, etc. The writer asks the

students to answer some questions orally

about the pictures. The students’ answers

may vary dipend on their experiences. Let

them answer by using their ownlanguage

and give them feedback.

In the second step, the writer gives a

video .Inthis best practice she chooses

‚Little Red Riding Hood‛. In order to give

the best listening materials, the writer

should ensure that the media is useful

totally during the process of listening. The

writer makes sure by checking whether

the sound of the film can be heard by all

students in the class or not. A mini por-

table loudspeaker will help the students to

listen better. The writer plays the video

twice without pausing. After playing the

video, the writer asks the students to

answer the questions related to the film in

pairs. The form of the first exercise in this

best practice is true- false statement with 8

questions. The writer gives the students

chance to discuss the answers with their

tablemate. She discusses the answers and

gives them feedback in order to crosscheck

the right answers. The writer also gives

the students more activities to answer

questions still in pairs. The writer uses 5

questions to comprehend in this model.

The questions are related to the content of


the text like the characters, the setting of

place and time of the story, the conflict ,

the resolution and re-orientation of the

story. The students should understand

first about the questions before the teacher

plays the video. After playing the video

twice,she discusses the answers and gives

the students response to ensure the

appropriate ones.

In the post-listening, to make the

students memorize the vocabulary they

have learned, the writer uses a cloze text

entitle Sangkuriang. The students should

do the activity individually. The writer

distributes the text in the form of slide or

students’ work sheet when there is no

projector or LCD in the classroom . The

witer asks the students to read the text

first and guessing the missing words

before they are listening. The writer reads

the text in common speed and asks the

students to complete the 15 missing

words. She repeats to read it twice and

checks the answer as the feedback. At the

end of the activities, the writer informs

that for the next meeting, in reading and

writing learning they will discuss more

narrative texts.


This model of listening class has

helped the writer make the class alive and

entertaining. The students of 9A to 9F MTs

Negeri 4 Magelang where this model used

seem to be excited in joining the class. It

can be applied in any level of Junior High

School or higher level by modifying the

materials based on the syllabus of each



[1] Richards, Jack C (2008). Teaching

Listening and Speaking ,from Theory to

Practice. Cambrige : Cambrige

University Press

[2] Flowerdew, John and Miller, Lindsay

(2005). Second Language Listening :

Theory to Practice. Cambrige :

Cambrige University Press

[3] Richards, Jack C ( ....). Current Trend in

Teaching Listening and Speaking.

Oxford : Oxford University Press

[4] Kemendikbud. (2017). Silabus

matapelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMP dan

MTs . Jakarta: Kementerian

Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan







Supervisor for SMK


Jl Dr. Rajiman no 6 Bandung

[email protected]


This report is about Classroom Action Research which was done in grade XI

Chemistry Analyst Department 3 SMKN 7 Bandung. It was carried out in 3 months in

2015.The study of this Classroom Action Research based on the unsatisfied feeling of the

result of the researcher class dealing with the passive voice topic and the basic competence

7 that is understanding and applying sentences to express activities without telling the

doer based on the context appropriately. The minimum passing criteria (KKM) of English

for curriculum 2013 is 2,67. The score got by the students for the pre test they did was far

away from 2,67. The average was only 1,13.There were two cyles used in this study. Each

one consisted of planning, actuating, observing, and reflecting. In the part of actuating,

students were explained the passive voice topic then they were asked to divide themselves

in a group consisted of 3 students. The researcher shared the newspaper, Student Globe,

to each group. The students were asked to choose the topic from the newspaper they like.

After that the researcher asked them to find out the sentences using passive voice form in

it as many as they could and write them down on the board. The next activity was the

students and the researcher discussed whether the sentences were right or wrong. After

that the students had to get the meaning and the main idea of each paragraph. The last

activity was they made the passive voice in their own words.In each cycle, there was

always a post test. The test was about finding out the passive from a text, reading

comprehension, and making the passive voice in their own words. The result was quite

satisfied; the score is getting bigger and bigger. Somehow it is concluded that the study is

good enough to teach the passive voice topic and the basic competence 7 that is

understanding and applying sentences to express activities without telling the doer based

on the context appropriately.

Key words: passive voice, newspaper media



A. Background of the Study

In the year of 2015, SMKN 7 Bandung

has been implementing the new curri-

culum in two grades, year X and XI. Some

problems have come up when we have

been implementing the curriculum, they

are, (1) there are many basic competences

added. This becomes very complicating

for us as teachers because (2) the time gi-

ven is only two hours, which is less than

the previous year that is 5 hours. It means

so far away sufficient to fulfill all basic

competences, and (3) not all teachers are

ready to use the new curriculum thus

somehow the new curriculum comes, the

old teaching methodology is still used.

One of basic competences for year XI

is understanding and applying activities

expressing sentences without telling the

doer based on the context appropriately

(Basic Competence 7). That competence

contains passive voice topic. The pattern

of passive voice actually tells the doer but

it’s not a must.Generally, most of text used

in public speaking or media use passive

voice which does not tell the doer.

The researcher teaches six classes,

four classes of grade XII and two clasess of

grade XI. From the two grade classes

taught Basic Competence 7, Chemistry

Analist 3 class shown unsatisfied per-


The real situations we have are:

• Students do not understand the whole


• Passive voiceis taught using a usual

method like explaining, discussing, and

giving exercises.

• Students’motivation are low.

• Some of the students are chatting when

the class is going on.

• Some of the students do not care with

the material discussed.

• The students do not feel like


To improve the students' grammar

comprehension and the Basic Competence

7, the researcher uses newspaper media.

Why is it newspaper? Newspaper is used

with two reasons they are (1) to make stu-

dents realize that passive voice sentences

without telling the doerare used in real

world (says newspaper) (2) to help stu-

dents easy to understand the newspaper

languages (3) to help teachers in teaching

grammar as an implementation for im-

proving the grammarcomprehension’s

ability (4) to help students easier to cons-

truct some passive voice sentences using

vocabularies they find in a newspaper.

The target of this research is that the

students can analyse passive voice, to

improve their understanding of the factual

text using those sentences in it and to

produce passive voice. Therefore, the re-

searcher will use the title: Improving Stu-

dents Ability In Understanding And

Applying Passive voice Through News-

paper Media.

B. Statement of the Problem

The research questions are:

1. Doesnewspaper media improve stu-

dents' ability in understanding Basic

Competence 7based on the context


2. How is the students behaviorwhen

newspaper media is used in the class?


C. The Objective of the Study

The objectives as follows:

1. To identify whether newspaper media

can improve students' ability in un-

derstanding and applying passive voice

based on the context appropriately.

2. To describe the students behavior when

newspaper media is used in the class.


A. Action Research

According to Kemmis and McTaggart

(1988)action research is a form of collec-

tive self-reflective enquiry undertaken by

participants in social situations in order to

improve the rationality and justice of

their own social or educational practices,

as well as their understanding of these

practices and the situations in which

these practices are carried out.

Based on the definition, thisstudy can

be done by every people who are

interested and eager to do the research to

answer some questions they have in their

mind in order to solve the problem.

Action researches are usually done by the

academic for some purposes. The result of

the them can be used for the better

qualification or the improvement of the

field applied.

B. Classroom Action Research

Classroom Action Research is similar

to action research. This is a study of the

small unit of field. Classroom Action

Research should be done by teacher for a

better quality of the education. According

to Hermida (2001) Classroom Action

Research is a method of finding out what

works best in your own classroom so that

you can improve student learning. There

are many ways to improve knowledge

about teaching. Many teachers practice

personal reflection on teaching, others

conduct formal empirical studies on

teaching and learning. Classroom Action

Research is more systematic than personal

reflection but it is more informal and

personal than formal educational research.

She states that the goal of Classroom

Action Research is to improve your own

teaching in your own classroom, depart-

ment, or school. While there is no require-

ment that the findings be generalized to

other situations the results can add to

knowledge base. Classroom Action Re-

search goes beyond personal reflection to

use informal research practices such as a

brief literature review, group compare-

sons, and data collection and analysis.

Validity is achieved through the triangu-

lation of data. The focus is on the practical

significance of findings, rather than

statistical or theoretical significance.

C. Classroom Action Research Procedure

A Classroom Action Research (CAR)

never be realized well if it is not carried

out in a good order. There are some

experts talk about the Classroom Action

Research Procedure. One of them is

Kemmis & McTaggart. According to

Kemmis & McTaggart (1988) as cited in

Burns (2010), here are the procedures of

doing Classroom Action Research:

1) Planning

2) Actuating

3) Observing

4) Reflecting


Planning is the first thing a researcher

does. In this step compiling problem is

supposed to be conducted. Compiling pro-

blem is good to make us focus on the tar-

get of our research. Don’t take a broad

problem to discuss because it’s going to

take longer time to finish however take the

smallest and important one that could be

finished in two or three cycles. The

problem chosen should be related with the

material or basic competence discussed.

Don’t make a topic like the relationship

between what and what because we are

not going to write a thesis but solve the

problem with our effort like changing the

methodology of teaching, or adding the

new instructional media. After that, we

have to plan the action to do by making

the schedule of action research.

The next step is actuating. This is an

important step because we as a teacher is

cooking here. We apply our trial and plan.

Don’t forget to observe it. We can ask our

colleague to do it so there will be you and

observer who do observing. You also have

to observe it in order to make a compa-

rison with what the observer says.

From the performance seen and ob-

served, the result is studied and discussed

with the observer. There will be adding

and erasing action if necesarry. In this

step, not only we a s teacher who can give

the idea but the researcher does. Idea of

adding or erasing the action could come

from anyone.

Reflecting is when we see whether the

acting is done as we plan or not. We can

do revising if it is necessary. The aim is to

make the action better than before. After

that we do replanning for the next cycle of

course with some changesin it.

The scheme of CAR is drawn like this


Cyclical AR model based on Kemmis and

McTaggart (1988, as cited in Burns, 2010)

Taken from Hilda gupitasari, 2013

D. Learning Theory

Learning theory below is summarized


1. Behaviorism

Behaviorism is a theory of animal

and human learning that only focuses

on objectively observable behaviors

and discounts mental activities. Beha-

viorism theory defines learning as

nothing more than the acquisition of

new behavior. Behaviorism was used

long time ago and was believed to be

the best theory for learning.

Based on Behaviorism, role of learn-

ers are basically passive, just responding

to stimuli. They are not given time to

express their idea or wants. They cannot

choose the topic they want. While the

role of teachers based on Behaviorism,


Instructor designs the learning environ-

ment. Instructor shapes child’s behavior

by positive/ negative reinforcement,

teacher presents the information and

then students demonstrate that they

understand the material. Students are

assessed primarily through tests. The

researcher think the students’ results are

more important than the process they

have done.

2. Cognitivism

In Cognitivism, learners process,

store, and retrieve information for later

use that is creating associations and a

knowledge set that is useful for living.

The learner uses the information pro-

cessing approach to transfer and assi-

milate new information.While teacher

or instructor manages problem solving

and structured search activities, espe-

cially with group learning strategies.

Instructor provides opportunities for

students to connect new information to


3. Constructivism

Constructivism focuses on how

learners construct their own mean-

ing. They ask questions, develop ans-

wers and interact and interpret the

environment. By doing these things,

they incorporate new knowledge with

prior knowledge to create new mean-

ings. Constructivism Learning is an

active process in which learners cons-

truct new ideas or concepts based upon

their current or past knowledge, social

interactions, and motivation affect the


Educators focus on making connec-

tions between facts and fostering new

understanding in students. Instructors

tailor their teaching strategies to stu-

dent responses and encourage students

to analyze, interpret, and predict infor-

mation. Teachers also rely heavily on

open-ended questions and promote ex-

tensive dialogue among students.

Constructivism calls for the elimination

of a standardized curriculum. Instead,

it promotes using curricula customized

to the students' prior knowledge. Also,

it emphasizes hands-on problem


E. Instructional Media

Syaifullah compiles some theories

about media or instructional media in



1. Functions of Instructional Media

Audio-visual materials and devices

can add interest and variety to your


Skillful use of audio visual material

can be great motivator and can add

life and color to the classroom.

Furthermore, the use of audio-visual

aids puts your points across. Well-

used audio-visual aids add to the

impact of the presentation.

2. Kinds of Instructional Media

still pictures


Drawings or Teacher Made Drawing

Charts, Posters, and Cartoons


Real Objects



A. Setting and Subject of the Study

The subject of the study is XI

Chemistry Analist 3of SMK 7 Ban-

dung in the fourth semester of

2014/2015. The number of the students

is 31. The place is in SMKN 7 Ban-

dung on Jl Soekarno Hatta no 596


B. Research Preparation

The steps of research prepara-

tions are as follows:

1. Arranging a schedule classroom

action research

2. Designing a lesson plan

3. Preparing some students‘ work-


4. Preparing the newspaper as the


5. Preparing the students’ question-


6. Preparing a form of assessment

7. Preparing observation sheets

C. Cycles

There are two cycles in this class-

room action research. Each cycle con-

sists of planning, acting, observing,

and reflecting. Both cycles focus on

activity using newspaper media. Each

activity needs 3 meetings.

One meeting is for building

knowledge of the field,modeling of

text, and analysing the text. Another

meeting is for comprehending text,

and individual construction of text.

The each last meeting is for doing the

test. So, the two cycles of the action

research need 6 meetings.

The process is set as follows:

1. Students watch the video clip

containing passive voice ma-


2. Teacher explains the material.

3. Students are asked to make


4. Each group gets two pieces of


5. They are asked to find out as

many passive voice sentences

as in it.

6. Each member of the group

should write down the sen-

tences found on the board.

7. Students and teacher discusses

whether the sentences right or


8. They are asked to discuss the

meaning of the articles and

explain it.

9. At the end, one of the students

should make a conclusion

about passive voice.

10. Teacher does confirmation.

D. Instruments

The instruments used to collect

the data area test and observation

sheets. A form of assessment, the

students’ questionnaires, and the

observation sheets are used to:

1. assess the students before and after

the learning process.

2. check whether the students enjoy

or like the learning activity using

newspaper media.

3. Check the students’ understanding

about the passive voice topic.

4. check the students’ understanding

about the a text in a newspaper.


5. check how the students enable to

construct Passive voice Without

Telling The Doer.

6. check how the students enable to

answer the text comprehension.

7. check the students’ attitude to take

part in the learning process of

passive voice topic by using news-

paper as the media of teaching.

E. Research Plan

The research will be done in three

months from January to March 2015.

The schedule can be seen in the

tablepage. (table 1)


A. The Implementation of Cycle 1

Before implementing cycle 1, the

researcher administered pre-test by asking

the students to read text from a Student

Globe newspapercontains Passive voice.

The pre test is finding some passive voice

in the text, some questions of reading

comprehension and makingpassive voice

sentences. The result of the test indicates

that most students cannot do the test.

Based on the observation and interview to

the students, the problem is that they

donot well comprehend the topic of the

passive voice.

In cycle 1 the researcher presented the

passive voice by explaining and dis-

cussing. After that, they are asked to make

group consists of three students in it and

shared the newspaper. In a group, they

have to choose the text they like and find

out as many Passive voice Without Telling

The Doer as they can. The next activity is

they have to write down the sentences and

discuss them with the class. They have to

analize them in their discusion.

When the students were doing their

activity, the researcher and observer ob-

served them. It is done to know the stu-

dents motivation and their activeness in

doing the task as influence of the use of

newspaper media. In this activity, the re-

searcher and observer wrote the students’

development happened during the


The result of the implementation of

cycle 1 shows that the students’ writing

ability is improved, but it has not achieved

the criterion of success. The minimal stan-

dard criterion of the students’ compre-

hending ability is when the mean score of

all the students is 2,67. The result reveals

that the mean score of the students is only

2,09. It means that the study has not been

successful yet.

The students’ scores for the first cycle

can be seen in the table pagetable (table 2).

From the table 2, the score is put into test

score range like the table in table page

(table 3).

B. Reflection for Cycle 1

It can be stated that the implementta-

tion of using newspaper media to improve

the students’ ability in the Basic Compe-

tence 7is not successful yet. The criterion

of success is if the mean score of the

students is at least 2,67 and the students

are active in class of Basic Competence


In terms of the students’ activeness in

Basic Competence 7activity, the result

shows that some students are active, but

some others are not active. They look still


confused in answering reading compre-

hension that means they do not com-

prehend the text, and they cannotmake

their passive voice.

Although some students show their

improvement in Basic Competence 7, the

motivation and score of the test, the cycle

2 needs to be conducted. The cycle 2 is

done to find the appropriate strategy in

improving students’ ability of Basic

Competence 7 using newspaper media.

C. The Implementation of Cycle 2

In cycle 2, the researcher still used

newspaper mediain presenting the Basic

Competence 7. After the students have un-

derstood and been confident, the re-

searcher gave them the text in newspaper,

and the students do the same activities

like they did in cycle 1. The difference is

the students are guided carefully in cons-

tructing the sentences in their own words.

The result shows that most students are

very active and serious doing their tasks.

Before the time given is over, all students

submitted their sentences. When they

were interviewed, they stated that they

understood how to find the Passive voice

by analyzing them, comprehend the text,

and somehow, they can construct the

sentences by the help of the newspaper

mediaand the researcher’s explanation.

In Cycle 2, researcher also gave

questionnaires to the students to fill like

stated in table page. (table 6)


A. Conclusion

It is concluded that the use of news-

paper media can improve the students’ of

SMKN 7 Bandung ability in coping the

Basic Competence 7. The students’ mean

score is 2,89. It fulfills the criterion of

success which is determined 2,67 or more.

In terms of students motivation and

activeness, during the teaching and

learning process using newspaper media

the students are actively involved and

more motivated to read the text or


For the questionare, it can be conclud-

ed that students state agree or yes is about

70,96%, about 15,80% of the students state

disagree or no and about 19,35% state in

doubt. The students are sure that they

have ever got the passive voice topic be-

fore in the previous grade. They are sure

that the previous teacher use media

besides a text book. They state that they

haven’t mastered the passive voice topic at

that time. They admit that the teacher use

other media besides a text book when

teaching passive voice. They also state that

the passive voice topic is easily under-

stood using the newspaper media. They

add that the topic should be given two or

more to make it clearer to catch. They

admit that learning using newspaper

media can make them fun. They are sure

that they need a newspaper media in the

learning process. They also need audio or

song media in the learning process. They

like game media in the learning process as


B. Suggestions

The suggestions are for:

1. English teachers of SMK 7 Bandung:

newspaper can be used as an alterna-

tive media for teaching English, in the

teaching of grammar especially passive

voice or Basic Competence 7.


2. For the future researcher: the result of

the study can be used as reference to

conduct further study about the effec-

tiveness of using newspaper media.



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Bandung. Bandung. Universitas

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Cambridge: Cambridge University


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to Language Learning. London.

Oxford University Press

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Sholihatul Hamidah Daulay

Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan

email: [email protected]


The aims of this research were : 1) To know the students’ achievement in English

evaluated by true-false test, 2) To know the students’ achievement in English evaluated

by matching test. This research is a quantitative research, where the total of population

consisted of 4 classes. Furthermore, the sample were taken by using cluster random

sampling techique. The total of sample were 72 students which consists of two classes.

The instrument of this research was test. In analyzing the data, the researcher used T-test

Formula of statistic. There was a significant difference between students’ achievement

evaluated by true-false test and matching test. Furthermore, by looking for average score

(mean), it can be seen that the students’ achievement evaluated by true-false test was

higher than students’ achievement evaluated by matching test.

1. Background

Learning is a process of efforts

to acquire a new behaviour changes as a

whole, as a result of his own experience

in interaction with the environ-

ment. Learning is a complex event, many

factors and conditions involved in it. Each

factor is closely related to other factors

jointly; it also influences the process and

the result of learning activity will be

achieved. There are two factors that influ-

ence students’ achievement. They are in-

ternal and external factors. Internal factor

is the factor which exists in students’ own

selves, while external factor is the con-

dition of environment outsides of stu-

dents. One of external factor which affects

students’ achievement is school and all

elements found in it, like the teacher that

hold an important role in learning process. A component of learning process is

evaluation. In learning process, one step

must be taken by the teacher is evaluation.

It means evaluation is very important in

teaching learning process. Evaluation is a

deliberate attempt to allow a person

(student) experienced growth through the

learning process. It is also an activity or

process to assess things. To determine the

value of something that is being assessed

in evaluation, we must use a test as the

instrument of evaluation. Test is an ins-

trument or procedure used to determine

or measure something which related with

value. In general, the test differentiated

into two forms, namely the subjective tests

and objective tests. The kinds of objective


test are true-false, matching, and comple-

tion test. In this discussion, the writer li-

mited the problem that once a variable is a

discussion about the objective tests that is

completely true false and matching test. True-false test is the type of tests that

matter-because the form of a statement

(statement), there is right and wrong state-

ment. Students who were asked in charge

of marking each question with a question

mark it by circling the letter T if it is true

and the letter F if it is false. While the test

match we can replace with the term equa-

lize, match, or pair. Matching test consists

of a series of questions and a series of

answers. Each question contained the true

answer in the series of answers. Students’

task is to find and place the answer, so in

accordance with the question. Dealing

with the background of study, the writer

formulated the problem of the reasearch

as follows, how is the students’ achieve-

ment in English evaluated by true-false

test and matching test?

2. Evaluation in Education

Harold (1971) stated that evaluation is

a process of education which makes use of

measurement techniques which, when

applied to either the product or process,

result in both qualitative and quantitative

data expressed in both subjective and

objective manner and used for compa-

risons with preconceived criteria. On the

other hand, Anas (2005) argued that as for

"evaluation" is includes two activities that

have been raised earlier, it includes

"measurement" and "assessment". Evalua-

tion is an activity or process to assess

things. To determine the value of some-

thing that is being assessed, measurement

must be done. So, an instrument of that

measurement is a test.

The term ‚test‛ is taken from the

word ‚testum‛ a sense in Old French

which means the plate to set aside pre-

cious metals. Some are interpreted as a

dish made from ground. Arikunto (2009)

stated that the test is a tool or procedures

used to determine or measure something

in the atmosphere, with the way and the

rules that have been determined. To do

this test depends on the instructions given

for example: circling the correct answer,

explain the answer, crossing out the

wrong answer, perform tasks or errands,

answering verbally, and so forth.

Slameto (1988) stated that the mean-

ing of achievement test is a group of qu-

estions or tasks that must be answered or

solved by the students with the aim to

measure students' progress.

1. Essay Test/Subjective Test

Essay is also often known as the

subjective test (subjective test). It is one

type of achievement test that has certain


2. Objective Test

Objective tests require a brief res-

ponse of recall or recognition and gene-

rally are concerned with smaller informa-

tion. Objective test is also known as short-

answer test (short answer test), testing for

"yes-no" (yes-no test) and a new model

test (new-type test). It is one type of test

which consists of grain- point items that

can be answered by the tested with

choosing one (or more) between several

possible answers that have been attached

to the respective items; or write (fill) the


answer in the form of words or specific

symbols in place which has been provided

for each item in question.

3. Definition of True-False Test

Stanley (1964) declared that an alter-

native-response test is made up of items

which each permit only two possible

responses. The usual forms are the fami-

liar true-false test. Others similar forms are

right-wrong, correct-incorrect, yes-no,

same-opposite, and two-option multiple

choices. True-false test is a statement

which contains two options, namely true

or false. The students asked to determine

their choice about the questions or

statements which asked in the instruction

of exercise. One function of this test is to

measure the students’ ability in distingu-

ish between fact and opinion. This test

more used to measure the students’ ability

in identifying information based on a sim-

ple connection. Stanley and Marvin stated

that true-false test item is nothing more

than a declarative statement to which the

student responds in one of two ways-the

statement is true or it is false. Occasio-

nally, the statement is so worded that it is

more convenient to ask the student to

respond with ‚Right‛ or ‚Wrong‛ rather

than ‚True‛ or ‚False‛. Moreover,

changing the declarative statement to a

question need not necessarily increase the

number of possible responses. In these

instances, the question can be phrased so

that a ‚Yes‛ or ‚No‛ response is re-


True-false items cannot be depended

on to provide valid information on

students’ achievements unless the stu-

dents are first taught the meaning of the

phrases true-statement and false state-

ment. Teachers sometimes choose a true/

false format because they think the items

will be easy to score and the statements

can be readily developed. Surely true/false

items are easy to score, but developing the

statements and training students to take

true/false items are difficult tasks (James:


True-false test often known as an

objective test of "yes-no" (yes-no test).

True-false test is an objective test which

the form of items is statement. There are

true statement and false statement. Here

the task of tested is signing a particular

symbol or cross out the letter T if the state-

ment is true, or signing specific symbol or

cross out the letter F is wrong. Thus, the

form of objective tests is sentence or

statement which containing two possibi-

lities of the answer; they are true or false,

and the tested was asked to determine an

opinion on these statements as defined by

the instructions above how to do the test.

4. Definition of Matching Test

James (1990) stated that matching

items are a common variation of the mul-

tiple-choice format. A matching item

presents students with two lists and the

task of associating each entry of one list

with an entry from the second list. The

matching test item in its simplest form

consists of two lists of items and a set of

instructions for matching each of the items

in the first with one in the second. The first

is known as a list of premises; the second is

the list of responses. The instructions ex-

plain how the students are to much each

premise with one or more of the res-

ponses. Premises and responses may be


statements, names of peoples or places,

titles of works of art, dates, formulas, and

symbols, even parts of a picture or dra-

wing. They may very greatly but will tend

to be homogeneous within a given list.

Usually the length of each premise or

response is (and should be) relatively

short, perhaps no longer than a word or

two. In some matching exercises, the

number of premises and responses in the

same in each response can be used only

once; this is a ‚perfect matching‛ exercise.

In other instances some responses do not

match any of the premises; this is an

‚imperfect matching‛ exercise. An ‚im-

perfect matching‛ exercise can be cons-

tructed by making the list of responses

longer than the list of premises or, if the

lists are of equal length, by including some

responses that must used more than once.

Matching test commonly known as

the match, looking for a partner, adjust,

match, and compare test. Matching test

can be changed by suitable term. Matching

test consists of a set of question and a set

of answer. Every question has answer that

is in set of answer.

5. Population and Sample

Population is the generalization

which consists of objects/subjects who

have certain qualities and characteristics

that set by the writers to learn and then

take the conclusions. Population is the

whole subject of research. So, the popula-

tion of this research were all students of

class X as many as 142 students. Accord-

ing to Sugiyono, sample is part of the

number and characteristics possessed by

the population. Syahrum and Salim (2007)

stated that sample is a part of population

that is as research object. On the other

hand, Indra Jaya (2010) explains that

sample is a part of amount and charac-

teristic that has the population. Based on

the opinion above the sample of this

research were a population study. The

writer took the sample by using Cluster

Random Sampling. It’s mean that the writer

taking two classes as the sample from four

classes randomly. They are class X-1 and

X-3 with the total is 72 students.

a. Students’ Achievement in English

Evaluated by True-False Test

Students’ achievement in English

when evaluated by true-false test at MAN

Sidikalang shows that the lowest score is

40 and the highest score is 90. The com-

plete scores can be seen at the following


No Name Score

1 Alvin Khaira 70

2 Andania Gajah 90

3 Bella Monika 70

4 Cakra Syahputra Sir 80

5 Eka Elpida Sari 70

6 Friska Situngkir 60

7 Halimatussa’diah 40

8 Haryanti. D 60

9 Ilham Sholeh 90

10 Irma Yanti. D 50

11 Julius Stg. 70

12 Kharissa’adah 70

13 M. Arif Husein. G 60

14 M. Arsyad Bayazid 90

15 M. Diky Andika 70

16 M. Irham Maha 70

17 M. sura Pelima. B 90

18 Mariah Karina. G 70


19 Meyyeshy. M 90

20 Mirawahni. Gtg 50

21 Murni Banurea 90

22 Nurjannah. M 60

23 Nuryahnita 80

24 Robbyansyah 60

25 Safrini Limbong 90

26 Sangapta Girsang 40

27 Siti Rohma Munthe 80

28 Sri Marlina. Rtg 80

29 Sunartina Manik 70

30 Susi Susanti. A 80

31 Titik Puji Lestari 60

32 Tiya Nariadi. S 80

33 Torus Sarjono Lingga 90

34 Tria Susnita. M 70

35 Yanti Bintang 40

36 Yayang Zhulaini 80

b. Students’ Achievement in English

Evaluated by Matching Test

Students’ achievement in English

when evaluated by matching test at MAN

Sidikalang shows that the lowest score is

40 and the highest score is 100. The com-

plete scores can be seen at the following


No Name Score

1 Agustina Sagala 80

2 Alexandro 60

3 Ani Rafikah 60

4 Canra H. Pinayungan 70

5 Doni Alfian Capah 50

6 Doni Kurniawan 40

7 Dosniati Angkat 90


Eka Putri Purnama

Yanti 80

9 Fauziah 50

10 Fitriani Maha 70

11 Ika Putri Hariyati. S 80

12 Junairah 50

13 Juwita Putri Padang 40

14 Lasma Manik 50

15 Nenni Khamsani. S 70

16 Nia Elvina Padang 50

17 Nurhidayah 70

18 Nurifahmi 50

19 Nurleli Kudadiri 40

20 Putri Nuraisah 80

21 Rahena Tinambunan 60

22 Ramadhan Banurea 50

23 Rayadi Sahputra 100

24 Rika Masriah 60

25 Risky Fajar 60

26 Ropanta Maibang 40

27 Salamah Maibang 60

28 Sartika Padang 70

29 Sawaliyah 90

30 Silfa Yani Siregar 60

31 Siti Hajar Sagala 80

32 Sri Handayani 60

33 Sri Wahyu 70

34 Susanti 50

35 Susanti Sagala 80

36 Zarabiatul M. Lubis 70

6. Discussion

Based on calculation and analyzing

data above, finding of research can be

showed as follows:

1. Students’ achievement evaluated by

true-false test got average 1X = 71,11,

variant (S2) is 227,30 and standard

deviation (S) is 15,07

2. Students’ achievement evaluated by

matching test got average 2X = 63,61,


variant (S2) is 240,87 and standard

deviation (S) is 15,51.

The result of research shows that

students’ achievement evaluated by true-

false test is higher than students’ achieve-

ment evaluated by matching test. This fact

is caused of the students more concentrate

in doing true-false test. That result got by

analyzing the data of the students’ score

which tested to the samples. With the

distribution of two kinds of test to two

groups of samples at man sidikalang that

aim to know the comparison of students’

avhievement, so mean of the students’

achievement evaluated by true-false test as

the first sample is 71,11 and the mean of

students’ achievement evaluated by

matching test as the second sample is

63,61. Furthermore, normality and homo-

genity test show that the data is normal

and the sample is also homogen. And

then, the result verification which shows

that there is a significant difference bet-

ween true-false and matching test on the

students’ achievement is done with t-test.

The result of this test with total n=36 from

each sample, and dk 36 +36 -2 got t(0,05)(70) =

1,667; so got tcalculate 2,136. So that, the result

of analysis shows that students’ achieve-

ment evaluated by true-false test has the

difference significant with the students’

achievement evaluated by matching test.

7. Conclusion

Based on the description, the writer

concludes that students’ achievement at

class X1 that evaluated by true-false test get

the average score 71,11 with the highest

score is 90 and the lowest score is 40 from

total items are 10. On the other hand,

students’ achievement at class X3 that

evaluated by matching test get the average

score 63,61 with the highest score is 100

and the lowest score is 40 from total items

are 10.


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Khusnul Wilanten

Tidar University

[email protected]


This paper describes the author’s research about the use of audio-visual media

such as Youglish in pronunciation learning. This study aims to analyse students’

responses to some questions from the questionnaire. Although pronunciation is a

very important skill in English, but it often get less attention by students or

teacher. In this case, Youglish comes as a new way of pronunciation learning. It

provides a more practical, easy, and fun learning for the students.

The method that is used in this paper are descriptive qualitative approach. The

respondents of this study are 17 students of English Department of Tidar

University. The findings show that students have positive response to audio-visual

media like Youglish in pronunciation learning. They are interested to use audio-

visual media in learning pronunciation. Moreover, Youglish has many advantages

such as it gives accurate example of words pronunciation, easy to use, and it also

includes the words’ context.

Keywords : Pronunciation, learning, practical, audio-visual and Youglish

1. Introduction

English is an international language

which is spreading fast around the world.

The number of English speakers increase

every years. Soon, we will face the time

where English becomes a usual language

that is spoken by almost all of the world

citizen. If we want get more knowledge

from the world, the first step that we have

to do is mastering the bridge of universal

communication, that is English. Therefore,

learning English becomes very important.

Talking about learning English, ac-

tually it is easy, but maybe sometimes we

will find difficulties in it. Some of that

difficulties are in words pronunciation

and the use of English words in appro-

priate context. As the foreign language

learners, when we learn about English, we

will find that it is quite difficult to pro-

nounce English words correctly because

we are not accustomed, also because of

our mother tongue influence. Many

linguist and researches on (SLA) conclude

that problems of the foreign learners in

English pronunciation are the same but it

is relative based on their language back-

ground (Hassan, 2014). Moreover, there

are mistake cases we often find on

language learners about the choice and the


use of words in their purpose context.

That is why the writer bring that problem

to be discussed in this paper. After doing a

simple research, the writer find YouGlish

as the solution for a practical learning of

English pronunciation and words use in

context. It is a strategic way because using

multimedia technology to integrate

pictures or video into the lesson, can help

teacher giving students the necessary

contextual clues to understand new

concepts (Maria Neira et al , 2011).

2. Review of literature

2. 1 Learning English Pronunciation

The purpose of learning a language is

to be able to communicate well by using

that language to the other person. When

we speak English as foreign language, we

do not simply only say words, but we also

have to pay attention about how we say

that words in the correct way. How we

pronounce a word as it should be pro-

nounced, so we do not cause misunder-

standing to our interlocuters. According

to Yates as cited in (Gilakjani, 2016) pro-

nunciation is the production of sounds

that is used for creating meaning. While

Paulston and Burder as cited in (Gilakjani,

2016) defined pronunciation as the pro-

duction of a sound system which does not

confuse with communication either from

the speakers’ or listeners’ point of view.

Different sound may cause a different

meaning, that is the emphasis and why we

need to learn pronunciation. It may be one

reason of the statement that English pro-

nunciation is one of the most difficult

skills to acquire and learners should

spends lots of time to improve their pro-

nunciation (Gilakjani, 2016). Good pro-

nunciation will help you in learning

process, while bad pronunciation will

make the learning process more compli-

cated (Gilakjani, 2012). The difficulty is

also found by the teachers, according to

(Gilakjani, 2016) Teachers are left without

clear directive and dealt with contradic-

tory practices for pronunciation instruct-

tion. There is no definite standard for

determining the lesson.

2.2 Using YouGlish to Learn Pronuncio-


From the explanation above, there are

two main problems of this discussion, they

are how to improve our pronunciation to

be more accurate and how to use the

words precisely with the context. If you

want to make your lesson to be more

attractive for your students and be closer

with them, technology is the answer!

(Maria Neira et al , 2011). Relating this

stement with that problem, technology is

the right solution for it. Moreover we live

in 21st century, where education is very

sophisticated. The education in the 21st

century means preparing students to

utilize an ever-expanding various techno-

logies to improve intellectual develop-

ment, career opportunities, either in local,

national and global connections (Maria

Neira et al , 2011).

Based on (Gilakjani, English

Pronounciation Instruction: A Literarture

Review, 2016) although the role of pro-

nunciation is very significant in English

language, many teachers do not take

enough notice to this important skill. It

occurs because unlike the other subjects in

English language teaching, there is not

enough clear guidelines in pronunciation


teaching. That is why we have to give

more attention in pronunciation. Based on

the research that has been done by the

writer, there is a solution in that can help

the learners, and the finding is YouGlish.

The 21st century of pronunciation learning


What is YouGlish? YouGlish is a site

that similar with youtube where people

can find the pronunciation of English

words by native speakers through watch-

ing part of Youtube videos. This site is

created by Dan Barhen, a software

engineer from Paris. This site is such a

serendipity for pronunciation learners,

because it helps so much. Well, what make

it different from Youtube is the concern of

video . In the Youtube, the videos that we

watch are filtered based on the context of

the content, while in YouGlish the videos

are according to the context of the words

that we search. YouGlish simply is an

audio-visual pronunciation dictionary. It

does not only give us the examples of

pronunciation, but also the context where

we should use that word. This is a good

way for the learners, because video is

particularly powerful tool (Maria Neira et

al , 2011). It is certainly a practical learning

of pronunciation and also words context,

because we do not need to open our heavy

dictionary, find word by word, and read

the phonetic transcription manually. We

just need to type the word that we want to

know, click enter, and the result is on your

grab in seconds. This site also provides

subtitle, transcription and even the option

to choose the accents, such as American,

British, and Australian.

3. Method

3.1 Data Analysis

3.1 Descriptive qualitative approach.

The design employed of this research

is descriptive qualitative approach.

According to (Council) the goal of qualita-

tive descriptive studies is a comprehensive

summarization, in everyday terms, of

specific events experienced by individuals

or groups of individuals. It is used to gain

an understanding of underlying reasons,

opinions, and motivations (DeFranzo,

2011). The sample size is typically small,

and respondents are selected to fulfil a

given quota (DeFranzo, 2011).

3.2 Respondents

The subject of this research was 17

students of English Department of Tidar

University. 16 respondents are from 4th

semester students and one student from

2nd semester.

3.3 Instrument and Procedures

In order to collect data, the writer

used questionnaire to get information

from the respondents. The questionnaire

was made by addopting questions from

some different researchers in their papers.

It was done to adjust the need of this pa-

per focus, so the writer can get the re-

quired information. Those questions were

taken from Alice Henderson, Dan Frost et

alii,2012; Marta Nowacka,2012; Magdalena

Szyszka, 2015; Narmeen Mahmood

Muhammad, 2014. There are totally 9

questions about pronunciation learning,

which consists of 8 questions with degree

answers and 1 question with choice op-

tion. The form is completed by reason


column for each questions, so the respon-

dents could give their reason too.

The questionnaire was shared ran-

domly to the 4th semester students of

English Department of Tidar University.

The file was sent in soft copy form via

internet. Then, the respondents answered

the questions by giving checklist or

choosing the option and also enclose their

reason. After finishing the questionnaire,

the respondents sent back their file in soft

copy form to the writer via internet. The

collecting questionnaire data was done in

2 weeks.

4. Findings and discussion

The research main goal is to know

whether or not audio visual such as

Youglish can improve students’ skill in

pronunciation. So after distributing the

questionnaire, here are the findings that

were collected.

4.1 The importance of pronunciation in

relation to the other language skills

The first question in the questionnaire

is ‚pronunciation is important in relation to

the other language skills?‛. This question

measures the respondents’ opinion about

how importance is English pronunciation

according to them. There are 5 points of

choices which measure the degree, they

are ‚strongly agree - agree – undecided –

disagree – strongly disagree‛. The result

can be seen below.

Figure 1: ”Pronunciation is important in relation to the other language skills?”

Based on the graphic above, it can be

concluded that the majority of students

(82%) agree with statement that pronun-

ciation has important role in relation to the

other language skills. With the specifica-

tion 35% strongly agree, 47% agree, and

18% undecided to make answer. Besides

choosing the answer, the respondents also

gave their reasons for this statement. Some

of the reasons are because it makes the

communication easier, it affects the other

skill in English, avoid misunderstanding

in communication. Pronunciation is also

considered as the first thing people notice

from our speech. From this first question,

the conclusion is most all of the respon-

dents considering pronunciation has the

important position in learning language. It

help people to communicate well.

4.2 Desire to have a good pronunciation

The second point in the questionnaire

is ‚It is important for me to have good English

pronunciation‛. From this statement we can

know whether good pronunciation is a

priority or not for the respondent. The

result is shown by this graphic.

strongly agree 35%

agree 47%

undecided 18%



Figure 2: “It is important for me to have good English pronunciation”

It is obvious that all of the respon-

dents (100%) agree if they need to have a

good pronunciation. Specifically, 47%

strongly agree and 53% agree with the

statement. Thus, the respondents have the

same good motivation to master English

pronunciation. There are various reasons

they put in the questionnaire. It is because

the respondent wants to go abroad, make

the communication more understandable,

help them when they become teacher in

the future, to be good in speaking, being

confident when talking to native speaker,

even to be earned better.

So, from some reasons collected

above, the respondents think they need to

have good pronunciation, because it will

give them many advantage. It means a

good start for them because at least they

already had a good principal about

pronunciation. It will grow their

motivation to learn pronunciation.

4.3 Use audio visual media to learn pro-


The third point is ‚Using audio visual

media is interesting way to learn pro-

nunciation‛. This statement will detect the

respondents’ interest with audio-visual

media in pronunciation learning, whether

they like this way or not.

Figure 3: “Using audio visual media is interesting way to learn pronunciation”

The majority of respondents (83%)

agree with the statement, with specifica-

tion 12% respondents strongly agree, 71%

agree, 12% undecided, and 5% disagree.

The reasons that was given by affirmative

respondents are: because it is fun,easy and

effective;it is a valid source; it includes

pictures and sounds; make the learner

interested and not bored; students are

excited using application in learning.

There are 2 respondents who chose un-

decided. It shows that they still have

doubt whether audio visual media in

learning pronunciation is interesting or

not. One respondent said disagree with

reason that some ways in learning

pronunciation do not give any significant


For the data above, we can conclude

that the majority of respondents consider

audio visual media as an interesting way

to learn pronunciation. Rather than the

Strongly agree 47% Agree




Strongly agree 12%

Agree 71%

Undecided 12%

Disagree 5%


convetional way of learning like looking

for phonetic in dictionary, this way is

much fun, interesting, and easier for the


4.4The effectiveness of audio visual media

as pronounciation learning way

The fourth point is ‚Using audio visual

media is an effective way to learn pro-

nunciation‛. One of the most important

indicator of a learning way is about its

effectiveness. A good learning way is if it

gives effectiveness in students’ learning

especially for process and output.

Figure 4: Using audio visual media is an effective way to learn pronunciation”

As shown in the graphic, the majority

of respondents agree with the statement

that audio visual media is an effective way

to learn pronunciation. More details, there

are 18% respondents strongly agree, 53%

agree, 24% undecided, 5% disagree. Here

are the reasons of affirmative respodents:

students can listen how to pronunce the

word well, they can learn the correct pro-

nunciation of the word happily, it is easy

to remember, more enjoyable than learn

only with printed words, if we get more

intensive correct promounciation, we will

get more perfect english also. There is

respondent that positioned her self as

teacher point of view, thought that this is

practical and effective too. There are few

of them have no decision about the ans-

wer, it maybe because they have never

tried this learning way before. Also there

is one respondent disagreed just with the

similar reason with the previous question.

Learning pronunciation by using

audio visual media gives more chances for

the learners to learn better. Since it is an

extraordinary way from the conventional

way, it gives the students new and fresh

experience in learning pronunciation.

4.5 Learning audio visual media

stimulates learners’ interest in

learning pronunciation

When someone insterests about a

certain subject in lesson, it feels like the

subject becomes easier and enjoyable.

That is the work of interest in learning

process. It is an important aspect that

should be on every learners mind before

they start learn something. Learners need

to be interested to make them learn some-

thing well. What is important in learning

is not only how to make them reach the

goal of learning, but also how to make

them enjoy the process. In this case, inte-

rest becomes the key to learner, so they

can love their lesson. It relates to the fifth

point in the questionnaire‚Learning audio

visual media can stimulate my interest in

learning pronunciation‛. Here are the result.

Strongly agree 18%

Agree 53%

Undecided 24%

Disagree 5%


Figure 5: “Learning audio visual media can stimulate my interest in learning pronunciation”

Based on graphic above, the majority

of respondents agreed that learning audio

visual media stimulates learners’ interest

in learning pronunciation. The number of

respondents who strongly agreed is 24%,

agree 59%, undecided 12%, disagree 5%.

Some of their reasons are: it is not bored;

more interesting; native speakers’ style in

speaking make them insterested; I like

watching picture and hearing sound, so it

helps me a lot when it comes to speaking.

While one respondent who disagreed

prefer that internal motivation is more

affected to interest him in learning.

From the data above, we can conclude

that learning audio visual media can sti-

mulate learners’ interest in learning pro-

nunciation. So it will make them enjoy the

pronunciation learning which gives the

positif impact to their pronunciation


4.6 Use English media such as television,

movies, and videos to learn new

English sounds.

When people learn about something,

we often know that they may use their

own style, so they can comprehend the

subject easier, that is called individual

learning stategy. Relating to the pro-

nunciation learning, the learners also can

get many sources to improve their skill,

such as from dictionary, audio, video, etc.

That is the sixth question of the

questionnaire ‚When I am trying to learn

new English sounds, I use English media such

as television, movies, and videos‛. Here are

the opinion of the respondents.

Figure 6: “When I am trying to learn new English sounds, I use English media such as

television, movies, and videos”

Still, the majority of respondents

agree with this statement, although there

are decent amount for other options too.

18% respondents agreed with the state-

ment, 47% agree, 18% undecided, 5%

disagree, and 12% strongly disagree. For

the affirmative respondents their reason

are: it can not make me bored, it is a valid

source, easy&fun, imitating the native

speaker, it is such a daily activity. One

respondent disagreed becauseshe uses

online and offline dictionar in learning

pronunciation. The another strongly dis-

Strongly agree 24%

Agree 59%

Undecided 12%

Disagree 5%

Strongly agree 18%

Agree 47%

Undecided 18%

Disagree 5%

Strongly disagree 12%


agreed because he prefer using e-dic-


Many respondents use English media

such as television, movies, and videos to

learn new English sounds. It is a funny

way to learn pronunciation. While some

others have different way, they tend to use

dictionary whether offline or online. It is

back to individual style of learning.

4.7 Repeating words silently when lis-

tening to someone speaking English

The next question is ‚When I am

listening to someone speaking English, I repeat

their words silently‛. Actually it is a very

common thing that is done by many of

language students. Sometimes it works as

it is a spontanity. However, language stu-

dents have tendency to practice their new


Figure 7: “When I am listening to someone speaking English, I repeat their words silently”

The number of percentage is domi-

nated by ‚agree‛ respondents (60%), spe-

cifically 18% strongly agree and 42%

agree. A considerable amount for ‚unde-

cided‛ 35%, and disagree 5%. Some of the

affirmative respondents’ reason are: in

order to adapt their accent so other people

will more understand about what we said;

to remember the words; to learn their

pronunciation;it happened everytime after

I watch a movie, I started to imitate what

the actors had said. While generally for

them who chose undecided, they do it but

just sometimes. Then, for respondent who

chose disagree, it is because she rarely do


From the result above we can con-

clude that there are many respondents do

repeating words silently when listening to

someone speaking English. Those come

with various reason depends on indivi-

dual. However, try repeating someone

speaking English may help someone

improving their pronunciation skill.

4.8 Imitating native speakers in learning


There are many English speakers,

since it spread around the world. Various

kind of accents becomes the phenomenon

because the expanding of English globali-

zation. There are called Japanese English,

Indianese English, Chinese English, etc.

However, although if someone success-

fully master English in four aspects of

skills, there are still a desire to speak as

closely similar as the native speaker. That

is we talking about in this point ‚I imitate

native speakers‛. Here are the responses of

the participants whether they imitate the

native speaker or not.

Strongly agree 18%

Agree 42%

Undecided 35%

Disagree 5%


Figure 8: “I imitate native speakers”

The majority answer is dominated by

‚agree‛ option (71%). More details, 18 %

respondents strongly agree, agree 53%.

undecide 18%, and disagree 11%. The

affimartive reasons are: to be as natural as

native speaker, it is such a necessity, it is

passion, it is cool.Mostly undecided res-

pondents’ reason is that they tried but it

was not easy. While, the reason of respon-

dent who choose disagree are because‚ I

want but I can not‛ and the result is not

satisfying enough.

We can conclude that most of respon-

dents imitate the native speaker because

as English student, becoming as natural as

native speaker is such an complement to

make their practice perfect. While the

doubt from some students decreases their

willingness to imitate native speakers.

4.9 Factors affecting the learners’

pronunciation progress

The last question has a different type

from the previous questions. If the pre-

vious questions ask the respondents to

choose one from 1 to 5, in this last point,

the respondents have to choose which is

the factor affecting their pronunciation

improvement. The purpose is to know in

which way the learners feel most enjoy

and like to use. The question is ‚What

factors have contributed to improving

your English pronounciation most?‛. Here

are the options.

a. Listening to authentic English

b. Practical phonetic classes

c. Contacts with native speakers

d. Imitating authentic speech

e. Self study on pronunciation

f. Primary/secondary school

g. Descriptive grammar classes

Figure 9: Factors affecting the learners’ pronunciation progress

From the graphic above, we know the

respondents have various answers. The

first factor that affects most of respondents

are ‚Listening to authentic English‛ and ‚

Imitating authentic speech‛, both of them

get 27% vote. The second vote (15%) are ‚

Self study on pronunciation‛ and ‚

Contacts with native speakers‛. The third

Strongly agree 18%

Agree 53%

Undecided 18%

Disagree 11%


0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%

Listening to authentic EnglishPractical phonetic classes

Contacts with native speakersImitating authentic speech

Self study on pronunciationPrimary/secondary school


vote (8%) are ‚Primary/secondary school‛

and ‚Practical phonetics classes‛.

From the result above, the conclusion

is that the learners have tendency to get

the example of pronunciation from

authentic English speaker. It means that

native speaker still becomes the first prior

source for them.

5. Youglish as an audio-visual media to

make pronunciation learning easier and


Well from the findings above,

although the questionnaire can not be so

specific to explain about Youglish as pro-

nunciation learning media, but we can

conclude that it the same that respondents

indirectly have the positive responses to

Youglish. Since Youglish literally is an

audio-visual media, so it relates to the

case. Moreover, Youglish has more ad-

vantage than the only an audio-visual me-

dia because it serves practical and com-

plete package of pronunciation learning. It

includes the accuracy, an authentic

pronunciation example, different accents

example, and also giving example for con-

text of the words.

Here are the practical steps to learn

pronunciation by using Youglish:

1. Open in your


2. There are 4 options for accents,

British, American, Australian, or

all of them, choose which one you

want to search.

3. Input the word that you want to

know how is the pronunciation in

‚search for‛ tab, klick enter/

search button.

4. The the result of your word will be

displayed in your screen just in

few second. There are many videos

show speakers use that word in

their speech. The important one

also they speak according to the

word context. So it will make you

clear with the different meanings

of a word.

5. Conclusion

English pronunciation is very im-

portant in English learning. In this 21st

century we can integrate learning process

with technologies to support it. Audio

visual is an option of media in learning

process. One of that audio-visual media

that we can use to learn that subject is

YouGlish. This site becomes a practice

way for the learners to improve pro-

nunciation and make them more under-

stand about the use of words according to

the context. The respondents that consist

of English students showed a positive

response of the idea. They are intersted to

use audio-visual media like Youglish.

Hopefully by using this media in learning,

the students can be more helped in

learning and make its process to be much

enjoyable. Finally the learners can increase

their English pronunciation and wording

proficiency that will boost the whole of

their English skill.


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Dr. Damianus Talok, MA

Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Ingris

FKIP, Unika Widya Mandira

[email protected]


Through three level guides strategy students can fully comprehend the text they read.

More than that, through the strategy students may be able to discover the meaning of the

text, It is indeed the message a writer intends to convey to readers. It is not only the

overall idea of the text that a writer intends to convey to readers, but it is possibly a moral

message as well. The moral message is a basic principle of how people can select what is

appropriate or inapproriate to him or her; and this is present in the text they are reading.

The three level guides strategy leads students to easily find such a significant message,

provided that teachers of English are competent enough selecting reading texts for the

obtaining of this purpose.


Various offerings from the modern

world to the young generation insist that

the education world should take necessary

steps to lead them to live morally a good

life among others. For teachers of English

to introduce the so called ‚moral values‛

to the students through the teaching and

learning of the English language, at least,

to the Indonesian young learning English,

thus, gains its appropriate momentum.

Speaking of moral values, it is necessary to

propose, roughly at least, what the moral

value is all about. Moral values may be

defined as some important ethical points

which may become guides or the founda-

tion for people to select for himself or

herself for a better life of people, especially

concerning their doings and behaviors in

their social togetherness. In human life,

people who are living together in a

community or in a state, e.g. in Indonesia,

need to have clear conscience of what they

can do, what they can act out or what they

can perform. Likewise, they know so

surely what they can not, in accordance

with social and cultural codes they have

been practicing and have been internali-

zed as social guides in their daily activities

in their communities.


Having knowledge of moral values is

possibly inadequate. To have knowledge

about it is just and only the starting point

for those who are living together with

other people. People indeed need to live

what they know. What they live is, by the

social point of view, to strengthen the

existence of joint honor among community

members. Hence, in their togetherness

there are, at least, no destruction and no

deviation of the togetherness principles.

Of course, this will add up to the life

quality among mankind.

Is it possible to introduce the moral

values to the students? How to act this

out? To be able to do this, teachers have to

select relevant reading materials. Texts to

read are expected containing the so called

‚moral values.‛ The texts may offer some

ideas leading the students to acquire the

meant values. To state it differently, read-

ings in classroom for students demand

teachers of English to decide what to read

and then the materials have to be designed

in such a way so that students may obtain

some basic principles dealing with morali-

ty for their good lives now and in the fu-

ture in various communities.

This research aims to propose the way

teachers of English afford to endorse the

growth of knowledge of moral values

which may lead students to intake them as

their subconscious social control in the

everyday lives. By this, individual mem-

bers may select what is best for him or her

in relation to his or her living together

with others.

Armed with this idea, here is a

research which entitles ‚Moral Values in

Reading Comprehension: Using Three

Level Guides Strategy, Semester III

Students, English Education Study

Program, FKIP, Unika Widya Mandira,

Kupang, In Academic Year 2017/2018‛

A. Basic Idea on Moral Values

‚Moral‛ is an adjective of the word

‚morality‛. If the word ‚moral is attached

to the word ‚value‛, a new lexical phrase

appears, that is ‚moral value‛. Let us pro-

mote some questions, like: What is morali-

ty? What is moral value? Why is moral

value important for the teaching of

English in Indonesia? How is it planned

and implemented in the classes for


Moral values refer to some principles

or some ethical points which may function

to guide or lead human beings to select

what is good and accepted in their lives in

a community. People in a community

indeed live their lives based on social rules

which they have practiced thus far in their

togertherness. To say it differently, in

living together, there are some endowed

rules of lives which are given down by

poeple of some previous generations to

the now generation to be the guide of their

lives wherein they live. Say for example, to

help one another or what is known as

‚gotong royong‛ in Indonesia. People in a

community help one another if a member

of a family in the community passes away

or is going to wed one of the family mem-

bers, others will come to offer their help-

ing hands. They will sacrifice their energy

working to enable the event going very

well. Even they donate some money to the

family to help them handle with full care

either for the dead or to entertain others in

their social gatherings.


Derived from this basic concept, thus,

what is meant by moral value is that it is

the impact of such endowed principles to

the now generation in their real lives in

the community in that they may perform a

life which indicates clearly that they have

mutual honor and love; and hence, peace

grows and stays in individual hearts as

members of a community.

Reading Comprehension

The main objective of reading is to

comprehend what is read. When we read

what we want to gain is that the essence of

the text we read. Yet, when talking about

comprehension, we are talking about not

only the essence of the text we read, but

any implication the text may carry to the


According Ledesma (1986) and

Hyldebrant (2014) comprehension can be

seen in, at least, three levels. They are

literal comprehension, inferential compre-

hension and critical comprehension. Lite-

ral comprehension is claimed to be the

lowest. It concerns only what is cleraly

stated in the text. Very commonly,

questions of this level are who, when,

where, which of...and or specific infor-

mation clearly stated in the text. Or else,

to check students’ literal comprehension,

teachers may provide some exercises in

forms of like Yes – No or True – False or

Agree – Disagree.

With the inferential comprehension,

readers are hoped to make use of their

ability to draw conclusion and to make

relevant interpretation to some statement

taken from the text. Still, for the inferen-

tial, questions are made with Wh- qu-

estions words like, How and Why.

Meanwhile, with the critical comprehen-

sion, readers are required to find general

idea of the whole text; or they are also

required to find the theme of the text; even

they find the moral message of what they


Thus, what is very significant here in

all comprehension activities is that to find

the so called (moral) message the text

conveys. It is the message functioning as

the subconscious power which is inten-

tionally promoted in the reading text. Yet

to enable readers to really understand the

message, readers are to act out or to de-

monstrate how the message gets its fullest

meaning to them. Only by this final ac-

tivity over a reading text, it is possible to

inject such a value into their brain, while

hoping that they will be able to make use

of it in their actual lives with others.

Research Method

This is a Classroom Action Research

(CAR). For the present CAR, classroom

activities were divided into two cycles. In

the first cycle, there were two reading

texts to read. To each text, questions and

or statements aimed to trace students’

comprehension were made in three levels:

literal, inferential and critical. Specially in

the critical level, students were asked to

speak out the moral message each text

conveys to them. Further, if necessary,

individual students were to draw values

personally, how they behave, acts, do in

accordance with the found values. After

all texts were read and activities done,

researcher did some deep reflection and

then decided to move to the second cycle.


In the second cycle, there was a text to

read. Similar activities were also done. The

researcher, as well, did a deep reflection

on how and the result of reading compre-

hension activities were based on what

students did. Heavy emphasis was given

to individual students’ reflection on the

moral message from each text.

At the end of the research, there was a

post test. A text was selected and compre-

hension items were prepared. Included

was the message rather ‚moral message‛

of the text. The aim is that to see if the

result of the post test does give evidence to

the process of comprehension activities. It

is worthy saying that the effective process

is verified by the post test.


The following is the analysis of

classroom activities divided into two


A. Cycle 1

A.1 Activity 1: Understanding the text

Text One


Once upon a time, there lived a family

in a vey remote area. They were nine of

all; the father, the mother and their

seven beautiful girls. The youngest was

Buik. Aside from going to the corn and

rice fields, the girls were fond of going

to the river nearby. They took bath and

also each of them tried to catch any fish

in the water pool.

The youngest, Buik, was not so lucky.

Everytime they went to the river, she

failed to catch any fish at all. To this,

her six older sisters teased and even

bullied her. They said: ‚ Your are a very

unfortunate woman. Everyday you fail.

You only catch all sank tamarinds.‛

They continued: ‚It seems that no man

will marry you because of your

unfortunate fate. How pity you are!‛

Everyday, Buik heard such a tease and

bullying words. Many times she cried

but nobody cared for her cry. Then, she

tried and tried again to make up her

mind. She kept silent. Yet, she did not

know what to do. What she did was she

brought home all tamarinds she picked

up from the river. Sometime later, she

built her own hut near her parent’s

house. She stayed there alone. Yet, she

joined all activities as her six sisters did

everyday. One day, after coming back

from the field, as usual, they went to

the river to clean themselves and to

catch fish for dinner. Again, she failed

to catch any fish but she got a very

unique tamarind. It was straight and

long not as the other tamarinds she

already took home. It was what she got

that day. They went home. She kept

that special tamarind in another basket

in her hut.

Early next morning, she also went to

the field. It was so surprising when she

came back home. The dinner was ready

for her to eat. This went for seven times

successively. She decided to know who

prepared dinner at her hut. The next

morning she pretended to go to the

field. Indeed, she hid at the back of her

hut. She peeped into her hut, the wall

of which was from ‚bebak‛. Finally,

she knew that the special tamarind was

a young and handsome man. They got

married. They worked hard. They were

happy. Her six sisters stayed single, no


young man came and asked to get

married with any of them.

(Abridged by Talok, 2016)

A.1.1 Literal level

Say YES if each of the statement is in

the text. Say NO if each of the

statement is not as in the text!

a. The title of the folktale is Mane


b. A family with 6 persons lived in a

remote area

c. The eldest of the six children is


d. The six girls were fond of going

only the corn and rice fields

e. They usually went to the nearby

river to clean themselves

f. They also went to the river to

catch fish

g. The older five girls were

successful in catching fish

h. Buik was unsuccessful in catching


i. The youngest caught tamarinds

j. One day the youngest got a rare


k. She put the rare tamarind in a

special basket in her hut

l. Everyday the youngest also went

the corn and rice fields

m. Buik was so surprised when she

arrived at her hut for the dinner

was ready

n. The surprising dinner occured 7

times before she decided to know

who did it

o. Finally, she knew that the rare

tamarind was a young and

handsome boy

p. The eldest merried to tamarind


q. All older girls were not married

r. Buik and husband worked very

hard for their happy life

s. Buik’s husband died before their

merriage taking place

A.1.2 Inferential level

Say AGREE with some textual rea-

sons to each of the following state-

ments if you think it is an appro-

priate inference of the text!

Say DISAGREE with some textual

reasons to each of the following sta-

tements if you think it is an inappro-

priate inference of the text!

a. Buik did not regret of what she

got when she and her sisters were

in the river.

b. Buik did not bother herself to the

bullies from her elder sisters

b. Buik appeared to be happy with

all tamarind she got when she

and others were in the river

c. Buik was also a hard workers as

her other sisters

d. Good luck sides the youngest,


A.1.3 Critical level

Speak out whether or not each of the

two statements below is the message

of the text!

a. Nobody knows what happens to

his or her future life

b. Rubbish is, but it can mean a lot

for someone’s life

c. Tamarind is still a tamarind which

tastes sour


d. The youngest, Buik, symbolizes

the unfortunate

Analysis of Activity 1

20 students, as the subject of this

research scored 100, an answer is

scored 5 if it is correct. The perfect score

in this level is due to the students’ abi-

lity to select the correct answer of each

stem since it is in the text they read. It

is worth saying that True – False can be

one of many ways to help students

understand what they read literally. In

addition, one point to note here is that

the time needed to accomplish this ac-

tivity was only 14 minutes.

To the inferential level, again, each

student scored 100, provided that to

each correct answer scores 25. This is

due to their ability to read critically. As

well, they are able to draw conclusion

or else they are able to make necessary

interpretation, as what this level re-

quires. Yet, for this level, although the-

re were only 4 questions, students

needed about 24 minutes to accomplish

the task.

With the critical level, all students

also scored 100, provided that each

item scored 50 if it is correct, and there

are two items which are accepted as

correct answers. This is due to the

students’ ability to read the text thrice.

The time spent for this activity was

about 26 minutes.

The following is another activity

using WH-questions. Yet it is still in the

three level guides exercises.

A.2.1 Activity 2: Understanding the


Text Two


Once upon a time there lived a crow.

She had built her nest on a tree. At the

root of the same tree, a snake had built

its home.

Whenever the crow laid eggs, the snake

would eat them up. The crow felt help-

less. ‚That evil snake. I must do some-

thing. Let me go and talk to him,‛

thought the crow.

The next morning, the crow went to the

snake and said politely, Please spare

my eggs, dear friend. Let us live like

good neighbors and not disturb each


‚Huh! You can not expect me to go

hungry. Eggs are what I eat.‛ Replied

the snake, in a nasty tone.

The crow felt angry and thought, ‚I

must teach that snake a lesson.‛

The very next day, the crow was flying

over the King’s palace. She saw the

Princess wearing an expensive neck-

lace. Sudenly a thought flashed in her

mind and swooped down, picked up

the necklace in her beak and flew off to

her nest.

When the princess saw the crow flying

with her necklace, she screamed, ‚so-

mebody help, the crow has taken my


Soon the palace guards were running

around in search of the necklace.

Within a short time the guards found

the crow. She still sat with the necklace

hanging from her beak.


The clever crow thought, ‚Now it’s

time to act.‛ And she dropped the

necklace, which fell right into the

snake’s pit of house.

When the snake heard the noice, it

came out of its pit of house. The palace

guards saw the snake. ‚Snake! They

shouted. With big sticks they bit the

snake and killed it.

The guards took the necklace and went

back to the princess. The crow was

happy, ‚Now my eggs will be safe,‛

she thought and led a happy and

peaceful life.

Read the text again carefully! Answers

the following questions!

A.2.1.1 Literal Level

1. What is the title of the text?

2. Who built the nest on a tree?

3. Where did the snake build its


4. What happened to the eggs of the


5. Who ate up the eggs of the crow?

6. What did the crow feel knowing

her eggs were eaten up by the


7. What did the crow say to the

snake to stop it from eating the

her eggs?

8. What did the snake reply to the


9. What did the crow do to give a

lesson to the snake?

10. To what place did the crow drop

the necklace?

A.2.1.2 Inferential Level

1. How did the crow take the first

step to solve the problem she

faced concerning her eggs which

the snake ate up?

2. Why did the crow take another

step to solve such a problem?

3. How did she end up the life of the


4. What was the feeling of the


A.2.1.3 Critical level

1. What is the overall idea of the


2. What significan message can one

get from this text?

Analysis of Activity 2

19 out of 20 students perfectly

scored 100 to the literal level. Thus

there was only 1 student who did

not score 100. He scored 80. He

failed to provide acceptable answers

to question number 6 and 7. Here

are their answers, as compared to

the one considered accepted as

answers for question 6 and 7. The

answer provided: (6) The crow felt

shelpless and decided to talk to the

snake; (7) ‚Plesase spare my eggs

dear friend. Let us live like good

neighbors and not disturb each

other‛. The answers from the two

students are as follows:

(6) The crow is not afraid of the

snake (student 1)

(7) The crow talked to the snake

(student 1)

Since one of CAR main ob-

jectives is to lead students to acquire


appropriate information to what

they are learning, the researcher

reminded all students joining the

CAR, especially the one who failed

to provide acceptable answer to

question number 6 and 7 that for

literal level comprehension students

may find the answer in the text they

read. Accordingly, all students went

through the text again. The one who

failed confirmed that the answers

were in the text. The following are

his answers:

(6) The crow felt shelpless and

decided to talk to the snake;

(7) ‚Plesase spare my eggs dear

friend. Let us live like good

neighbors and not disturb

each other‛

For the inferential comprehen-

sion, 16 out of 20 students failed to

provide acceptable answers. Thus 4

(four) students did not score 100 for

the inferential level. In average, they

only scored 75 to this level of com-

prehension. The following are the

answers provided:

(1) To her helplessness, she decided

to take a step in order that the

snake stopped eating her eggs.

The step is that the next

morning she met the snake and

talked to him friendly. The crow

begged that the snake did not

eat her eggs again because of

being neighbors. But, the snake

did not heed to what was

requested by the crow. Instead,

the snake said prodly that eating

eggs was what he had to do in

order that he was free from


(2) Because the snake did not listen

to what she said and appeared

to continue eating the eggs after-


(3) The crow frustrated and hence

tried to find another solution.

Incedentally when she flew over

the palace she saw the princess

wearing a necklace. She flew

down and beaked the necklace

and flew up again to her nest.

The palace guards found the

crow with the necklace on her

beak on the top of the tree. The

crow dropped the necklace and

it fell right on the pit of the

snake’s house. The snake came

out and killed.

(4) The princess got her necklace

again and she was happy. She

was also so thankful to the

palace guards.

The following will be the answers

from four students:

(1) The crow and the snake met and

talked (student 2)

(2) The crow went to the palace and

took the necklace from the

princess and the princess solved

her problem (student 3)

(3) The snake was stupid. He came

out of its house and died

(student 4)

(4) The story did not tell this

(student 5)

To all and specially those who

failed, another activity will be


designed and given to them in order

that they may have additional

practices. The objective is that to

help them get the message of the text

when reading via the three level

guides for comprehension.

1. What is the overall idea of the


2. What significan message can one

get from this text?

As for the critical level, 2 out of

20 students who gave unsatifactory

answers. Their answers are not

written grammatically. In addition

the content of question 1 neglected

one or more points. Here are the

provided answers:

(1) The overall idea of the text is (a)

the crow did all she can to

protect her eggs; and (b) the

snake did not have good deed to

stop eating the crow’s eggs; (c)

the crow found a solution which

ended the life of the snake;

(2) Those who do not listen and

have no good deed to change to

will have bad fate

The following are the answers of the

two students:

(1) The crow and snake fighting

and the crow won (student 6)

(2) The crow had good kuck but the

snake has bad luck (student 6)

These students were reminded

to read the text more critically in

order to discover the whole story

and can draw the message the text

aims to convey to readers.

To prove that the three level

guides for comprehension can help

students understand the text they

read critically; as well as the

students may be successfully getting

the message.

Moral Discussion of Cycle 1

To each activity, the following

question was delivered to the subject of

the study. The question is ‚ What signi-

ficant message can you get from the two

texts you have read? ‚ The given questions

aim to detect if the two texts selected for

cycle 1 do offer the students a moral

information and to which it is hoped that

they will get them and retain them in their

memory. Further, they hoped to apply

such a moral point in their lives.

The following are what students

spoke out in the discussion of text one.

Based on their chosen points in the

Critical Level on A.1.3 and A.2.1.3,

students were to speak out their own

standpoints. The following are some sa-

lient statements from students of text one.

(1) Consistency of Buik, the youngest, to

all tamarinds she picked from the

water pool and she brought them

home and kept them in a special

place. This has become the lucky point

for her future life. Some students gave

evidences from the text, as follows:

(par.2: 8) What she did was she brought

home all tamarinds she picked up from the

river. (par 2:12) Again, she failed to catch

any fish but she got a very unique

tamarind. It was straight and long not as

the other tamarinds she already took

home.....She kept that tamarind in another

basket in her hut.


(2) The six elder sister had evil heart to

their youngest sister. Some students

displayed the evidences as follows: (a)

(par 2:3) They said: ‚You are a very

unlucky woman. Everyday you fail. You

only catch all sank tamarinds.‛ (b) They

continued: ‚It seems that no man will

marry you because of your unfortunate

fate. How pity you are.‛

(3) The youngest received what is good

for her life. Some students gave

quoted some sentences as evidences,

as follows: (a) (par 3: 1) (a) Early next

morning she also went to the field. It was

surprising when she came back home. The

dinner was ready for her to eat. This went

for seven times successively.She decided to

know who prepared dinner at her hut. (b)

(par. 2: 20) Finally she knew that the

special tamarind was a young and

handsome man. They got married.

(4) The others received badness for their

lives. Some students quoted the

following sentences as the sole

evidence: (par.2: the very last line) Her

six sisters stayed single, no young man

came and asked to get married with any of


(5) Do not hesitate to go forward despite

you have weaknesses. The following

is the quotation from students: (par.

2:6) Many times she cried but nobody

cared for her cry. Then she tried and tried

to make up her mind. She kept silent. Yet

she did not know what to do. What she did

was she brought home all tamarinds she

picked up from the river.

Students were, likewise, to speak out

their own standpoints. The following are

some salient statements from students of

text two.

The question raised to students is as

what is in A.1.3, number 2, namely: ‚What

significant message can one get from the

text?‛ To this question every student could

speak out his or her own idea. The

following are some salient standpoinst:

(1) The wisdom. Some students said that the

solution taken by the crow indicates the

wisdom. The crow reminded the snake of

the mistake he (the snake) made. But for

the snake would not heed to the

reminding, the crow took another step

which caused the deeath of the snake.

(2) The greed. The fact that the snake ate up

all the Crow’s eggs indicates the greed. He

(snake) ate up all eggs to satify his

stomach. Indeedm the students said:

‚what belongs to others, it is not right to

take it for one’s satisfaction.

(3) The creativity. In the part of the snake,

do what is commonly done signs what is

called ‚no creativity‛. Meanwhilem the

second step the crow took to punish the

snake clearly indicates the creativity.

(4) Luck sides who is true. The crow is true

as far as her eggs are concerned. Her

attempt to save her eggs finally occured.

Why Move to Cycle 2?

Although, what have been done by

students in the first cycle very obviously

indicates the workability of this technique,

another cycle needs to be taken. At least,

the new cycle can confirm whether or not

the technique for reading really helps

students to find what is suggested to find.

For the first cycle, although it is till

temporary, a conclusion that the technique

is good for students to obtain what they

want to, is by evidences right. To

emphasize, this technique is effective in


the sense that students can get the

message a selected reading text offers to

them to read. In this case it is what is

meant by the moral message.

B. Cycle 2

B.1 Understanding the text


(Anonymous, 1612)

The silver swan, who living had no note,

When death approached, unlocked her

silent throat;

Leaning her breast against the reedy shore,

Thus sung her first and last, and sung no


Farewell all joys; O death, come close my


More geese than swans now live; more

fools than wise

B. 1.1 Literal Level

B.1.1.1 True – False Items

1. The silver swan lived with many


2. The silver swan unlocked her throat

when she was about to die

3. She put her breast against the reedy


4. She did not sing any song

5. Her song is:

Farewell all joys; O death, come

close my eyes;

More geese than swans now live;

more fools than wise

B.1.1.2 Yes – No Items

1. The silver swan lived had no note

2. The silver swan only unlocked her

throat when she was about to die

3. She put her breast on the sand

4. The silver swan sang her first and

last song

5. This is her song:

Farewell all joys; O death, come

close my eyes;

More geese than swans now live;

more fools than wise

B.1.2 Comprehension

Literal Comprehension Questions

Answer each of the following


1. Who lived with no note?

2. When did she sing her first and last

song at once?

3. Where did she put her breast when

the death approached her?

4. What is her song?

Inferential Comprehension Questions

1. Why did the writer (the poet)

mention ‚geese‛ at he last line of his


2. What is meant by the ‚swam‛ in the

last line of the poem?

3. What is the difference between the

geese and the swan?

Critical Comprehension Question

What is the message the poet

conveys to us?

B.1.3 Combination of the three Levels

Multiple Choice items

1. Who lived with no note?

a. The geese

b. The swan

c. The duck

d. The seagull


2. When did the silver swan sing her

first and last song at once?

a. When she rested in the shore

b. When she liked to sing

c. When the death approached her

d. When the night caught her

3. Where did she put her breast when

the death approached her?

a. On the sandy shore

b. On the windy shore

c. On the high tide shore

d. On the reedy shore

4. What is her song?

a. Farewell all joys; O death, come

close my eyes;

More geese than swans now live;

more fools than wise

b. Welcome all joys; O death, go

away with your bad deed

c. Come friends, et us enjoy our

lives by singing many songs

d. Come friends, learn from me,

working and enjoying, and

speaking all the time

5. Why did the poet mention the

‚geese‛ at the last line of the poem?

a. He wanted to show the good

character of the geese

b. He wanted readers to imitate

what the geese did

c. He wanted to show the goodness

of the geese

d. He wanted to say that swan is the

good one

6. What is the difference between the

geese and the swan?

a. Swans are fools and geese are


b. Geese are wise and swans are


c. Swans are wise and geese are


d. Both swans and geese are fools

7. What message does the poet convey

to us?

a. Talk more but work less

b. Enjoy talking than working

c. Like talking than working

d. Working is first and talking just

next to it

Analysis of Cycle 2

20 students, as the subject of he

research, scored 100 to all activities. In

WH-questions activities, dividing up

into literal, infrential and critical levels,

individual students scored 100.

Likewise, in activities using multiple

choice, again, individual students

scored 100.

Thus, here, the researcher is so

confident to say that this technique is

effective. Through this technique,

students read the text may get what he

wante to get. Their comprehension is

well graded, from literal up the

inferentian and to the highest – the

cfritical. In terms of the moral mesaage,

the selected texts given to students

indeed haven successfully identified by

the students.

Moral Discussion of Cycle 2

The following is the question address-

ed to the subject of the study to speak

about. Againm the aim is to discover the

moral message they can gain from the

given text. The question is: ‚What is the

message the poet conveys to us?‛


The following are some stand-

points from the subject of the study:

(1) To speak when it is so necessary.

Some students said that what was

done by the swan is the very important

indication. As the swan spoke when

she was about to die, and it was his

first and last talk as well. Yet, some

syudents added that the swan

preferred working for her own needs

rather than talking. For the students

talk less and work harder is the

message from the text.

(2) To remind us to live a gtood life.

The students said that at the last line

of the poem, the poet clearly

distinguished the swan from the geese.

The wisdom addressed to the swan is

meant to lead us to live a life an

examplified by the swan. They argued

that a good life is not from the fool as

what the poet addressed to the geese.

The Result of Post Test

The following is the post test.


James Thurber

A young and impressionable moth

once set his heart on a certain star. He told

his mother about this and she counselled

him to set his heart on a bridge lamp

instead. ‚Stars aren’t the things to hang

around,‛ she said; ‚lamps are the things to

hang around.‛ ‚You get somewhere that

way,‛ said the moth’s father. ‚You don’t

get anywhere chasing stars.‛ But the moth

wouldn’t heed the words of either parent.

Every evening at dusk when the star came

out he would crawl back home worn out

with his vain endeavor. One day his father

said to him, ‚ You haven’t burned a wing

in months, boy, and it looks to me as if

you were never going to. All your bothers

and sisters have been terribly singed

flying around the house lamps. Come on,

now, get out of here and get your self

scorched! A big strapping moth like you

without a mark on him!‛

The moth left his father’s house, but

he would not fly around the street lamps

and he would not fly around the house

lamps too. He went right on trying to

reach the star, which was four and one-

third light years, or twenty five trillion

miles, away. The moth thought it was just

caught in the top branches of an elm. He

never did reach the star, but he went on

trying, night after night, and when he was

a very very old moth he began to think

that he really had reached the star and he

went around saying so. This gave him a

deep and lasting pleasure, and he lived to

a great old age. His parents and his

brothers and sisters had all been burned to

death when they were quite young.

(Ledesma, et al, 1986: 215)

Multiple Choice


Choose one of the following options of

which you think the correct answer to the


1. What is the title of the text?

a. the Star and the Moth

b. the Moth and the Star

c. the Moth, the Mother, and the


d. the Moth and the Family

2. Who once set up his heart to a

certain star?


a. the father

b. the mother

c. the moth

d. the brother

3. What did the mother say to the


a. stars are not things to hang


b. stars are the things to hang


c. street lamps are not the things

to hang around

d. street lamps are things to hang


4. Having listened to his father’

words, the moth .............

a. flew around street lamps

b. flew around house lamps

c. tried to fly to the star

d. tried to stay at the house

5. How far was the star from the

moth’s house?

a. only twenty trillions miles

b. only fifty trillions miles

c. only twenty five trillion miles

d. only fifty two trillion miles

6. What did he compare the distance

to the star?

a. It was a high as the branch of

an elm

b. It was just higher than the

street lamps

c. It was just as high a their house

d. It was just not so far from his


7. How many times did the month

try to reach the star?

a. He tried only one time

b. He tried only two times

c. He tried three times

d. He tried again and again

8. What did the moth say to himself

and others?

a. He failed to reach the star

b. He succeeded to reach the star

c. He regretted to go to the star

d. He regretted not to obey the


9. What happened to the moth’s life?

a. He lived longer

b. He died young

c. He died like his brothers’

d. He lived for ever

10. What did you learn from the


a. The naughty young moth

b. The common life of moth

c. Keeping life tradition on

d. Making new path of life

Essay Questions

1. What is the title of the passage?

2. Whom do you like best in the story

3. What do you think about the dream of

the young moth?

4. Why did the young moth live longer

than others?

5. What is the message the story offers to


Scores of Multiple Choice




01 100

02 100

03 90

04 100

05 100

06 100

07 90


08 80

09 100

010 100

011 100

012 100

013 100

014 100

015 90

016 100

017 80

018 100

019 100

020 90




The average score of the subject of the

study is as follows:

Total score X 100 = the average score

Total num of subj.

1830 X 100 = 91.50


As of the answers to the WH-

Questions, result of the post test shows

that all students scores 92.00.

What does this mean? The average

score of the post test has become a con-

firmative evidence that the technique is

effective to help students understand the

text they read. More than this is that the

students are able to get the message pro-

posed by the the texts they read.

It is the confirmative evidence because

the post test also endorses what the pro-

cess in both cycle one and cycle two. The

process has clearly indicates that students

using the the techniques of reading

comprehended the texts better; and

moreover, they get moral message the

texts offer to them.

The strong points of the techniques

are as follows:

(1) Students know complete information

of the text through all literal com-

prehension activities. At this point,

every information (even in individual

sentences) is put into more than one


(2) In inferential comprehension, stu-

dents are to make conclusion or inter-

pretation concerning the text. By this,

they better comprehend the text. They

have been able to understand what is

called ‚information between the


(3) In critical comprehension, students

are led to know not only the overall

idea of a text but also the message the

text may offer to readers to know.

(4) Finally, the students are able to speak

in their own words the message of

any of the texts they have gone



The following are two conclusions,


1. Three level technique for reading

comprehension is effective to help

students understand a text in an

overall way. They know both

detailed and overall infomation in

the text.

2. Three level technique has been able

to help students to come up with

the moral message in a text they

have read. They have been able to

speak out about the message.



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