Download - New York Clipper (February 1915)





__I3J5 W. ^lAth STREET, [NeW



Keep a Little in Your Pocket,


Put a Little in Your Shoes,

I Then You Can Handle Anybody Any Way You Choose.

Oh! You Hypnotizing GOOFER DUST!



Seating Capacity, 1,600

New Seats and Befitted

in 1914

la Centre of City OppositeCity Hall

Will Lease for One, Two or

Three Years


Clly Cowplfolier, Balllaore, Hd.




TABLOIDS WANTEDC^ii 1IH0 ten or iiioro imoplc Tnh. HIiowh. TImo, 30

inliitiicii lu HI) linur: iniitl cIihmro twlcowcvklT:H|)Ci IrtI Hcoiery iiihI wiirdrolto fnr our Inbluld

vlii'ct. SicHdy wurk If you liuvc tlio tfuodri. Chhalrtu iiric MiiHlcttl CuiiiL'dy rcoplv.

TABLOID PIlOUirCTIOM COBIPANY.'ir. 11. roi.ACK, llooklMK ItuprcHuniHilvc,

Gox-iu l.ycoum Tlietitru llullilliiK. riilHbiirgli, I'rt.


No DUtUr vlint 70U wrnit lu timt line, 1 oninpplr lu NoTT or Hccnnd tmnO. Scud for

OtblOglie. B. H. AHKAIIAUS t COMPANY,506 .Mm kcl 8U, PtilladelplilA, Ps.


LETER HEADSOontrucu, Tickou, Kuvolopoa, Free Bamplca, etc

DTAQKUONKY, Itc. Book bf llenOd OdIs, 310

CROSS 6o'l'il.''uo»rtion}"si CHICAGOWAMTcn ritoDucKU koii tabVVAniCU nusicAi. coMBitVAlilo to ilo Principal CiilLicil)'. Aim Sccoml Conic-

dlitii, Slnil^lilMHli, Wonial) forOuriurnl IIihIiii-m,

ttoubrclio iiuil o.xiicriciiccil clioriiH lllrlii. All niuMnliiit. Tlila IH our tlilnl Tuli. Iiiilcr. cuKHflcnicnuUiiko Balury iicciirdlnKly. (iilcll niiil WIiIIIiik wire.

MOUHIH A WV1.KU,Htar Theatric, Bun Aittonio, I'ox,

For Sale CheapRwlBS Uellit; SIclf;)i Hells; Uarlmliiiplmnc; Citilic-

ilml Chlinca; Mimical IliurlcH; Aliiiiilniiin HurtsKlowor I'oIh; KiiiiiivIk; CIidihcm; I'lirlulilu I'lpc Ui'-

Kim; CowlMJils: Oritnii Cliliiivs; Miirlmiiii IIcIIh;

Xylouhoiic: tHnyluriniiikH.Write U. FltANK JIAII.KY, Ihiiiilii>;lflii, Ind. >

Large List o( New I'rotrs*Hlonn) and Amateur rinyn,

IVuudovlllu Bkulahni^ bluoMnnolr>uiU'R, Mlnxlrol Mntorftt— JekM, Muitckl Jtr<««, HeHla.

IoD>, INalofBM, Uak^up U»tHla,ctfc CalaloBaerWo.Ni^OINliON A 00., OOpU 1 7. OK^OQBft.


CONTRACTSLBTTKR UKAD3, KNVKLOPES, TIOEnt),BASBE8, 0AHU3, KTO. Writo for Ssmplee.Webb r<«. Oo.. Hit So. Uearbom 8L, (llilciigo, lUi.



Addiena u per Itouie, or c»re UliIl>rF:K Olllct

"Dearest Girl of My Heart"Now Song lilt. rrori'Mloiiiil i;oplF« nnd Orcli. tntforlHloprvKi-Hin.

O. 8. UAII'IIKWS, llu.\ JUO, New OrlcllllB, |jt.

XUC nillC'^ W"lct null llouic-like tiaul

I nt IJAH3 liiniiiu rurTri'iiiiiicui a( Allwnnw Mi;(lk»l niiil ^illr|llcHl Cwicii.Duly gmdunto numm «niulovcd. Aililiciu II. K.

hub, U. I)., UxronI, lud.



Wrlllun tnunlcr. Uuiinuilocd lo umkc (uikI. Wrilctor icruw.

N. J. llUc:^\\'nKI£T, lliiiilliiKiuu, MiuH.

NEW 212 PAGE lUUST. MAGIC CATAlCoDt«lDlo« cut* of Lewlliis Coiijurot., SOcNnr 124 book Cttil., 10c None fmW. D. LBfuttY, ion Court St., Uoeton. lUni



riioiioHrtmlulpli Ki'fi. WON. IK'lU liurii SI., UlilcHito.

OIBCnS & JUGGLINGApimTHlUH, UutlliiR Ololirti, ClllllH,

wire WHikeni' AmmrHtnn htid Nuvifor CHlHliig. KhW. VAN WYCK. 01

.llntoiiB, (Itiiis,

Nuvclilcfl. Srmnp* Cliicliiimil, u.


FOR MTOUK, llcp. nnil AniHIeon.TalilolilH, UlnmruliiHiiil YkurtoiUliActii. HiAUip for (VilHloguo.N. Y. I'LAY UUItKAU t AUTHORSKX„ TreiDODt ThcHtrc, N. Y. VII;

riANO, OUOIUOtTRA. UelodlM writtento KSf (Menu. W. H. NBLSON, AitoiTliMtre Dldg.. 1631 Dro»itw«y. N. I.

(In anmcring til. plea<« ttiantion Clipp...)

CLIPPERBUSINESS INDEXAdTectlMmnti not ncKdlu <»• Uw koftllU be pabllibtd, pnp<il| dulted la tku Ma

•t tlw nt* of 110 for ow yni 4119 Unee). ioopf o( TBI Nnr Toix Cumi will be Mat doto ttek edTrrUMT whlU Um uliirtlwwat ii mASBBSTOI CVRTAIMI AND PIC7TDBB

OOOTUI.0. W. TrUMr ur.. Oo„ TS Paul It., loetMUu*.OARHIV.IL FROIfM AND IHOW

BAHMBIRfl.D. 0. auBpbm Oo., ail Aick «., ruuMpku


BoMkhela Bra, A Bebtulii, Mb Bo. Peerl. M.Oblciio.

HVSIOAL BBLLB AND NOVBl/TIBf.P.dw<ii n. StiKt, 38 DlDok at, Berttad, 09iu>.

B. a. Utylud A Bob, B< Wllbvliby Bk.Bnoklyn, N. I,

HIIBIOAL BPBOIALTIBi.1. O. DniDD. (800 N. Ol.rk at, Oklofs, 111.

MUSICAL QLABSBB.A. BnoMta., 1019 Ntplef At.., Nieftgmi Bin,N I.

POPCORN alANUFACTDRBRB.BntckheliD Broi. A BcbiwUi, in 80. PtorU M.


prihtino op all kinds."Pluiet" 8bow Print A Eng. Honae, OutMm, OdLBCBNBHV AND SCBNIU PAINTBRS.

0. L. Story Smlc Oo., Bowrrllle Bullsn, Bo»100. lllH.

Oovtrtf Tiltl*. 1909 Oniur at. unwiakn. WUBCENBRY FOR HIRB AND BALB.

Anwilt Onlo, tl9 Sprint Gutfm 8t, Pbllt,, Pa.

THD BINOINO AND BPBAKIRO YOIOB.Tbr<. ViQ Yori. 21 W. Mth St, Nrw York.

Ttl., Omlcy 8701.

THEATRICAL GOODS.BoiloD B«ftlla Oo., 887 Wua. Bt, Bottoa, Uaa

THEATRICAL PROPERTIBB.1. Wilker. 309 W. 8ttb at., Nnr York.


WIGS, DBARDS AND HUSTACnES.Percy Eirlog Sopply Uoow, Decntar, lU.

OUT OF TOW NEWSRocheiter. H, f^—Lymm <U. F.. Wolf,

tncr.) Irvlo B. Oobb Feb. 3, for Icclurc on ViaEonpttn War, *'Lad/ I.uiurj" 0.

Thmpls (M. J. Fhu), mfT.)—<DI11 for week ofL: Nat M. Villi, Homer Mlln and Uf)«n IU7oompiDj, DnniB anO Fulton, LucUlo ami Cockk.R«)thair iDd ATa7. Ilioloa Droi., OoIUm andHart, and Booit and Oaraoo.Babii.—Bilprr Stock Oo., la "Leoa Ulrm,"

nwk of 1.

ViuiLT (J. H. FouMTcaar, mfr.)—Dill v««k of1 : Uidam BUferado. Llofa Aatonla, TrarelingTomMera, Vail and Tomy, Ooy Wcadlnc aad com-paoy. and AIMlard. KJog nad Wataco.Ooiiimiu.H (J. QlcoKD, mgr.)—He lOH Ec>

TlawTioToiu (J. FancD. rejrr.)—AMI 1*0 Utclodea,

Iba Umm QurtMle. of Iiorralo, and FIomc« Rayndd.


Tai Holdcn PIa»ra bare bcoi taken orer tvHtair A BtTllD, and nndflr U>e nama of Ihe BakerTbaatre Stock Oo. will flalah tbe pnaeot aeaaoavrlth Um aam aood caart Jaoua wall baa takencbargv of tba oouaa ta raldeat maaager. BtairA BaTlln wen Kyiewated ben by H. w, Kloii«,of the N«w York oDce.TBI Blppodrooie Tbeitre, one of tfa« oldeit

moTla booaea Id Bocheater, dosed Jaa. 80.

TroTV If, r,—Proetor** New (P. J. 8bea,nrr.) Feb. "Jim Town JoocUon,** I^Ufielblsl and conpaDy. Weber and BUIott, eilrerad Dn Vail. Ed. Wlocbeatcr, Lemard Kaor,Itaoey and MoCuaker. aod Orace Oamp. For 4-0:

Anjniita Qloia. Nlb1o*i birda, "Ber Fliat Oaae."Dnan Blaten, Picd OrlOlb. Abbott and Brookn,Jonea aad Walloo, and Btevena and Doon.

PnooToi*a OaiiwoLD (B. B. £iade, ofr.)

Paramoont featorea.Psooroa'a Ltokok, Pzou. NorxLTr, Kbtr'b,

TaojAH, ALRHii, Umano and BKPfti^ pboto*playa only.

Ban DfcsOi Cal,—Sprecbvla* (Dodgv kHajvard, irns.) "OaWrla"^ (pletorei) wetk ofF4b. 1. "derea Koya to BaVlpate'* 13, 13;Bt-Drr Ul'lcr, Lo **Da1dy Txtrifflcgs,'* IB. 10;"Peg o* My Beart" 1% 20, 'To-day" 21-23,"ErerTWomtn*' 34-27.KMPBEsa (D. L. Furry, mgr.)—Tbta bouao la

dark.Batot 1 Scott A. Palmer, nigr.) — Faolafct*

Tact^CTllIe week of 1: Imperial Orand 0pmOomptny, Tom Kelly. Bberbonnw and Monrgomcry.

ARTHUR H. MILLER, 333 W. 44th St., N. Y. o.t. 8ih & oth at«..



Loffanaport, lad.—Vclcon tEJw. f, Oalll*

fan, lur.) Billy Bryant C>). Feb. 1-n, cicept 0,

wbin UlcMT Onla'a Ilui>iquct^ appear. "Pairof Maea" 10, "Damon miil Pytblaa" (plcturM)16, "PotAJtb ft Pcrlmuttrt" 19. 'TtHlaj" 21,3£cIolTr« Qtd Beath Zi, Dr. Onk and Aictic pie-

tuna 28.OCLOKUL (Uarlow Bycrlr, in«r.)—Bin 1-3*

Knrltim and Kllffonl, Bilratcr and Yaocc. a:id

VlttCTl and Ocorxetta. For 4-0: Dolly Jlar:)ball,

Van Dtoa., and Boao anJ Kllla.

UaoAOWAT (Mangos & Jcfltles, mgra.)—Vaoile-tUlo and plctuva.PiEAUOONT (Wto. IL LMasy, mgr.)—Feature

fllma only.

AiiK an-J OaAND, pbotoplaya.


BuoBT AKD Powia wen> a bit at tbe OblonialJan. 25-27, In "Tb« .Vrtlit'a Dmm," to elabo-rately stased acrobatic acLNat Qwdwiw, In '•New Say Die," drew two

capacity tcnaea at tlis N«Iaon 80. An EdnaGcodrlcb, a fomer wlfv vf tbe cuncdiin'a. wasbCTL In Ibia clly, bla Tlalt beie held added In-

tCT«t^"Bn "ZononA" aerlei belD«; tbown at tbo

Ooknlsl are developing tiuQiaal InlcreaLTui Paaauount, under tbe manjyenxiit of W.

n. LIndaay, la tbe lateat addllloi lo tho city'abtnutlfol n.ctuie bousea. cpcolng Jan. 27. wltliErody'a '^Oountr Obnlnnan." 'Xbe tbeatre b«Ha aeatlDg capacity of 403. Two projecting ma-cblncfl ore iiaed, Incaaeil in a conaeio flreproofbootb. Tbe Ark. owned by tbo aomo maoagcnnit.


Jobcnle Jobnalon and collcg'nna. ASibl Qalntctte,OartmeU and llarrla, titncTiero Wirncr und com-pany, Dainty ^:agllb Trio, Pathe Dally.Liuo (L. M. Oarauin. inrr.)—Ulll 1-0: Waller

Tcnr nod FIJI Qlrh. Xbreo Aa:cr«t, TlarryBru)aa and company, KlcMa, WLnvhall and Qrrenc,and Ueaxat'Scllg Ncwi.

Jaokaon. HIcb. — AtbCDsam (Porter AHCfwaoir mgra.) Jobn Drew Feb. 6. llowa'a pic-ture* 0, T; Vogtl'a Minelrcli 8. "Tbe Frueaof Fllaaak'* », AJ.WIlaoa 11, "Scpteuber Uom" 13.PUOD (Frank II. Lnoipraan, mgr.)—For Jan.

Sl-Feb. 3: Pollard Opera Co., In "A UlUlooalrafor a Day." Vaudovllla UannuTlta Oal-Tert, Jcne* aod Sylrcater. "Oallfomla," BobFinley, and Lcltiel and Jeanett«,

Kalauaaoo, Uloh^Fuller (^Vlll J. TKui-nelly, mp-.) '*Tb« Prince of Dlacn" Feb. 0, ^ult-uey Stock 7-18, except 8, uheu John Prow Ap-pcnrtd Lu "ROTemary.''

Majbstio (Will MjraliNll. mjr.)—VandeTllleand inotloii picture*.

CoiiOKUL^ EuTa, Lrtio, .Vsw and OaPDCOu,motion plcturea only.

San Antonio, Tex,—Orand (Sid II. Wela,mgr.) Oeo. Arllu, In "Dliraell.'' Feb. 2. 3,toallnee aod olibt.

Majbstio (KdwarO flayDood, mgr.)—Vaude-rlllr.

Plau (Willie PoUtier, mgr.)—Tbe OolumhiaQlrls' Aluslcal Comedy Co.. at popalar pricea.EMPiBO (Wm. J. Lytle. mgr.)—Fcaton ple-


Quickest Hit on Record !|

I'lFJlCR AND n03IAN are rrDOrlcO lo bo "a


rioi" on tbe l'an(a;i-9 time. Tiicy are la tbtlfourth week witb the tliow.





Kl^ll-; NOllWOOD AND NEAL 3. ANDERSONuro prcKcDtlnf,', over llie U. U. O., out of Cbleago,ibU Feason, a brand now owedy playlet. "WbatM^e Could Ilo Tltlnk?" wrltlen for tbem by FrtdJ. L^miin. Tlic akctcti la .'trelcul, clean aad ln>lerfdiliig In every particular. Norwood and Andepon arc Itookcd lollil on the U. B. 0. time untilApril. KxceltCDl rvuorts come to tbe U. B. 0.(rutii oTcry (own (hla act U presented. It la alauKliIng lilt of every bill. Joacpb Bemlnglon dl-rccictl and prwluced It.

O. PARK \rrl(ea: "Tbe lllneaa of Butb Arling-ton, of Park aod Arlington, makee U oeceaaarrto cancel furtbcr eogageaKota. Alao aa oar cb-griKenieiit la no longer a aecrel In Detroit, I takapinaurc In aoaounclng tbe fame lo our manyfrlciHla on tbe road."


Colonblo, S. C— Colombia (P. L. OrowD,m(r.) Nell O'Drlcn'a Ulnitre'u Krb. 2 Bostonboglib Oprm Co. 0.









"BY HECK" Eccaiililii Foi Tfot,

F«r OrehfBtra, 10, 'Callo, I6t.

For Orch.itra, Full, and Plaao, 2Be.

For Full Bri88 Band, 26o.


Cliiirlcaton, S. C Acnilcmj (Clm. B.Iaiollb^ws, oiKr.) Uoaliiu Opi-rii Oo. IVli. 3, NellO'Drlni'i Mliulrrls S.VlCTOBU (Ptmlme Am. Co.. m;fs.>--nill 1-3:

I Strl Sldlera. Jack Syioonda. G(.ti>--i-Ic l.«iie, and) the Qauilsclinililta. Kor 4.0; JuU.) Goozalcs"Wblltlcr'a Uart<oot Uoj," Talc's "Uolorlni "

IAdifr and Arlinc, Vlre Yoacarya.PaiNcaaa, iiajBTio, Libio, i:ho, l° Caia-

OSNT, MioBO I ad DuiuuHD, plclum onlyI Mnakosee, Okln^Dioadway, Yale'a.' a^l.Icty^ Wigwam and Bmfraai, motion plctum oalr.

I BiDTOH TuaaTaa la dark.

1.«"^"'?..'"""" f'*^'^ "> cainclty lioii«, Jan.

1 18._ at Illnton.iraciTr booaea hara Imo nllog at tbo Unnd-tnr alnoe tl>4 Inamaratlon at \M Icaiura


JOS. W. STERN $c CO. 1 02-104 Wes; 38lti SUfel


FREE Plino Copy lor PrelawlOMlifinding lite program. Othert MRd 10c,

Song Orchiitrallon. lOt.

L. WOLFE GILBERT, Prof, Manager

TIIQ SOIITIICOK BOOUEBANO QIBLBNOTlvS.—Ullly Caiiier OLcned wltb tbe RoutbernHoeiuernng Ulria tablolu cauilcal come^ com-l<ai)y, at ilie Tcuivic, Uagmtotpn, Md.. doingM«unil cor.ic4ly pans. 'l*be abow la under tbaillrcrtlon c>f Iho Sonlliein Stalea Producing Oct..

I'lnvliig ilie Greenwoal Uireult. We baro.a tooda<nipiinr and our prcieut bills on week standiar<: "Cosey'a Vacation." "A Trip to Palmliecch" and "Tlie ilreat White Woy.'' Boater ofkIiuw : rrunk .Moniroao, nunagcr, prodiieet andUnit comedy; Ullly Ciaiter, aecond comedy; Ma-bel Wvllliigton, riOLi'orotlea: OIIU AWance, leadannd Inin^iinm: Frank Falrcblld, atralgfata andclibracicni. Ohorua of noulea: ifabol Ouper,Jeii-ctto MuntroM. .May Wagner, Sue Dorka andhyWU Wdgnor. We all read tbe old atand-hy.Tim Nuw VoHK Oi.ii'i'Ea. .May It alwaya proaper.

KD. HUTU, formerly wltb ibe BJngllng Bros.*CIrcuB doing tbo "Bldo for Life," later la SoolbAmerica nlcb a circus, doJng tbe gap, and tbenIII tbe SlatM In burlosQue wllb tbe Paccmakenand nicby Cral);'a Sliuw, la reluming to tbaIwirds wltb a noveliy, ncit aeaaoa, called "HoClRnretle Fleul."

JA.Mt3s) A. lliaiJ.Y baa relumed Baat and la"doing o. K."TILKSTOM linVCR wrllce : "I nve a nrodnf-

Hon of my dramatic nlaylM. 'Ttt Drnnkara'a Be-Teuge.' at tbe Arcado Tbcatre, flOfflmerTllIc, 8.0.1 on Jan. 10."JOSKl'US BYLVF^TER 'S. J. Orotbera). ccn-

Icrikinlot. or anyone knowing bla whereabouts, larcqueaieO to communicate nltb bla nutber. orwltb If r. Saunders, :il Sotilb Elcbtetntb Street,PblladolpblB.

.MltS. AIIGU3TA FRlKDniOnSRN, motber ofOlara Wbllney, uf I^iiird and ^Vbltncty, dkUJcu. 23, at ber Itomo In lloboken. N. J., and waaInterred at Woo^llawn iVinelcry, New Ynik.POP WARD laid off Inat week on arcobnt Of

(Itrvnt trouble."TIIH PBINCR OF PILSSN," beaded by Join

W, lUoKoe ard Rda ron Luke, bit concludeda nio&t aucceraful week's tour tbntngb Bontb Da-kota. In Sioux Falls, llnroa. Aberdeen aodWalerlown new box oulce ncorda for reerlpta\nro eslatdlalKd.

PllOF. VON DEOK, musical director for dUmptoniba with the Angell Stock Co., bai somedIlls conoectlm wllb Ibat company for a tbreawwka' rest at Uomer Oliy, Pa.



Inir iinsca of TUB CLIPPBIl will b«Itisrrtril at tbcae prloeai

Front ragr« Cnt fOS,00Double Colnmu f10.00SluKir Colnnin $6,00

Four De Kock Bros., nuj IXaruId Elolland aodccmpaoy. ^

PuiHOBJB. — Wolf and Lctrla MuaJcal Block,dally mollncea.

GAiarr. — Vaadevlllc. three acts ct Bert Le-Tey'a, and plclures. Air. Ballein offers Uu^abowB dally.

CA8iN0.--Tbla boas« baa atlded rondevlUe toIta program of elgbt leela of plclum.

ItllB, ItnOIDVAT, Oai.TT, PlJKWIOS, Pr.A2A.feature flinis,

Moxaj.Geo. V. DiiaZ. la tonrlng tbo Pantagea Circuit,

In "Iliilii,** and wilt appear In "Tbe Bypoulles,''for a llTo weeks* tour

CiiAiiia IlAarr, 'The Ilooiler Boy," U npend-log a monib with bla faoilly here, nnd takingIn Ibe Bipo. He will go East wen to Oil vaodo-tUIo datea

Blontrcnip Can.—Sl(a Ma1eafc^'a-(H; P.- Hill,ngr.) "A Woman'a Woj" week of Feb. I.

^ciKCMS (Abble Wrlgbt, mgr.)—atOTln« pictcn-a of ''The Spoilers" 1-0.

O&ruBou ((3eo. UrldcoU. ragr.i — VatidOTjUe.Week of 1-0: Moudlnl, illlton Pollock and com-~»boy. Bird Ulllmao Trio, Bawtaome and Inqlis,larlo Dorr. Unx anl Mabel Ford, Qod' JuliaOoiitalet,OATarr (Fred Orov, mgr.>—DIj Jidilleo 10.

Drcamlanl Uurlesquers :ioxt.

Uomllton, Cnn. — OrAnd (A. B. I/)m1on,agr.) on accoiQt of llio wtr. bookings are Tewand far belweeo bcro. "Thlrly J^dguos UnrtHrtbo Bea," pictures, Jan. 2t)-Keb. 3.Savor ((feo. mroiid, mvr.)—Qlrla of the Fol-

llea week uf 1. .MlacbloC .MakiTs next.Tua larcer i>lclure bou«v>a eonttoito to do excel-

lent busliKts.Fnio nonrjis baa ngiln taken over the Qslety.

Waterbary, Conn.—Jacquce (A. Oouta.mgr.) Oook Stuck Oo., lo "Teas of ibe StormOouDlrjr." Fob. 1-0.

Pou^a (A. Vaiuil, mgr.)—Vaudovllte and mo-tion plctorva.

Stiand. I'BiNoaas. Stab, colonial and OAk-DBt, motion plcturea only.

N0TB3.OaoBoa ZocoA, fornerly of ibe Iforley I'layetv

cf thia city, la agabi appearing beie. wlib tbaCook Players. openlDg Fob. 1.

JoiiM MoOoaiiAOK. tbe lileb tenor. wlU makebla Oral appearance la Walerbury. at BucUngbamHall, 0, uDder Uia auperrLslou of raul Pratael.Donald .MoBeatb. a yowwg Australian rtollnlat,will aulat (Mr. McOonuaok, wblle hUwlo SobuledctwlU be tbe acoomiianlal.

HanolieHtfrr, N. II.—Star (R. J. Caroo,mgr.) ParamooDt plcturea.Pamk (P. P. Sliea Tbcalra Co., ugrs.)—Gar

WIdowa Feb. 1-3.

AcDiTOMuu—Photoptaya and Taoderllle.OnowH, Ltbio, Qoaaw, Qlobb, OiAHm

and RMriBB, pictoreo only.

rarerla to Ibno rtela. chnngvd dally.Dbbtha and QoiTBT, now managers of Ibe

Grood. anronnce ibat Ine theatre wl!l be cloccd

for two T^eeka during Ftihrunry. when a newfront will be lnatalle«l, «xtra wota added andctber Improrcments, totaling $3,500, will be made.

SCajoe Coult. of tbo Oommunltr Film Co.,

Is It tbo dty, lo make a three reel picture bla-

torr of this city, wbldi will be pboira Inter lo' tbo local tbeatroe.

Cedar Rnplda, la.—iMajestlc fVIe Hugo,mgr.) blU Jan. 31-Feb. 8: Lea Dougeta. Uanleyand Wooda, Frear, Baggot aod Froir, Pearl andRotb, Grade E^onett and '.compaDj, and ApdalaZoological CIrcoa. Fbr 4^Q: Ghtng L«e Sre.Tbonaa and Hall, Saunden and Voa Eonta, BidLowla, Eeat ud Peidott, Tbree Weter Blsleia.

WllaoD and Hart.OusfB'B (W. 3. Oolllor, R«r.)—Rcee Slabl.

In "A Peffeet tady," S: "Ibe Round-Up'* 0.

Parld Waxfleld 8, '"Ulgb Jlnki" 10.

Dca Holnca. la,—Prlaoeaa (FJl-ert ft (3el-

cfaell, mgn.) Prlocess Stock Co., In The Lionand tbe Uonae." week of Feb. 1. "n«adr Uooey"next.RupUBB (Elbert A Getcbell, Dfra.)—Vaude-

ville and pictures.Oiruivu (II. B. BarlOD. mgr.)—HUl week of

Jan. 31 : DlTing seals, Ann Taiker and company,Elg Oltj FtKir. Olara luge. Stone and Ungbes,Uclene acbolder* Al. Rorer and Bister, and pic-


Clinton, la.—(Jllaton (0. B. Dixon, mgr.)Dartd Wardeld. Id 'The Aoctloocer,'* Feb. 0;'^Hlgb JUka" 10.Obpuboh (U. Cohan, mgr.)—For 1-3, Max

Bloom. In '*Tbe Soanysue of Broadway."A4I08B-U, BnT. Ltiio, Odiomial and Oabiko,

ptotnrta only.Tlia OoLONUL, a plclore honae on Reeond

Btzeet. was opened ntioer ttie new managementof 0. Nygind, Jan. 23.

Peoria* 111* — Majeatlfl (Orpbeimi Ooropaoy,mgraj Billy Walaoo's Ueef Tnutt Beauilea Jin.61. FcbL 1. "Poush k Ptrlmnttcr" 2. .1; Nat(Joodwbk 0. De Wolf Hopper 7.Obthsuh (Nathan A tineiteot^ n.gra.)—Vaude-

Tills Sl-Frb. 0. UsK DlJoo, In "Tbe SunnyGtds of Bioadway" 4*0.

HirroDBOUB (D. P. ObonbUt, mir.)—I.trlng-

atcoe Stock Company, in "Merely Uary Aoo,^*81 and w«ek.

PuNOBBti (Searer Amue. Co., U'Cn)*)—Vnmle-Tllle and pictures.FOLLT (llarTT l^rbetrllle Jr., mgr.)—Uuslcal

Block 0& Pete De Vail the urod'ieer. ba9 madegood from tbe aiyle of OorlesoiK' bo baa put on.and atlmdarce Increasea,

Ltnoolni Ifcb^^llrer ((X F. Zebmng, mgr.)"Bierrwoman** Feb. 1. 3, Rose Stsbl 3-0, "TbeWblp*' 8-10. John Bnnnr 1-.OiraaDic (L. U. Oamian, resident raer.)

Bill 1-0: UoBigOBMry and Uoorc, Prlncesa llalab.

picture policy. Klelue's "OQcer 000." pictures,

played to caimdty tHwinets from 1 to U r. u.Aa a special added attraotlon Jan. 2-1.

Eabui Dbwby and Mabsl noons, aiors last

B«aaon wltb "Tbe Runaways," prcsenteil ibe

speedy musical comedy farce, "Safety KIrii "

liere. and were remembered from last season by anR. O. bouae.

Clorkadnle, llUa.— Majestic (L. Uarprr.mgr.) motion pictures aad raudevllle betwt«uregular bookings. "To-dajr" Feb. 1, "Sotcq Keya(0 Bnldttttc" g, W. B. Pat ton 12.


Annie Laurie WlUlama la tbe IngCQoe wltb tbeBobla De Farras Company. Mlaa WUltama Is oueof the clerereat Inmsuos on tbe stage to-day.

aad doea not depend iqKn ber gowna and goodlooks (although aba baa bolb) to win ber audi-

cDccs. Tho nunagomeot considers itaelf fortnnate

In oecurUig ber.Wo bave one of tbo strongest oompaolea on tbe

road. MLsa De Farras, who la of Spanlsb-FrCDcborlgtn, la one of tbe youngeat and most Tereatlle

Iradlng wtinen on our attge, and thIa, combinedwith ber Southern beaniy, nas made ber a favor-

ite wltb ber audiences wherever she has apucared.Tba company iDCludes: Ralph Uenalo(, leadlDg

man and tUrector; Annie Laurie Williams. RtbelVan Ordo. Robt. S. Lawccnoo, Fred P. Miller.

Ctiaa. Erie. Wayne Lyter, - Richard Lloyd, andJoaepb lUdxeway.

J. M. Jaooba la tbo advaoca icfireaentaUTe.

Tbe company corrlea apodal seeiuiy and electrical


OlilVBR ST0C7K NOTES*All three of tbe Otis OUrer organJutlooe report

excellent bualneaa for laat wrcfc. "The MeliloiPot," at tho American Thealce, DaTraport. la.,

piored an excellont drawing card. "Tbe Boosaof Bouilage," at tba Oarnck, Burlington. la.,

drew sTR. 0. wltb tbta play, and ^'Arlaona'^

waa cboaen fbr the opening plcoe of the OlleeePlayeta at tbe Etauplra Theatre, Rock Island, ill.,

vbare the company la breaking reoords.B. W. King ban rejolotd tbe Oliver fbrcta, and

J. Kalmayer bas been tranaCemd from Ibe Bor-Ungtoo Company to Darraport, la. John .

Parksbas been engagod by Mr. WllllaniB fbr tbaDnrllagton canpany.



I t

Copyright lOlB. bj tli« Fnai Quern PaMlihlpg Cempuir (UmUM)

Founded by

FRANK QUEEN, 1863. NEW YORK, FEBRUA^RY 6, 1916. VOLUME LXII-No, 62.Prios, 10 Ctnla.




The CcBtur; llieatre wae packed to ca-

pacltr Frldar oftersooD, Jan. 20, wheo tbe

curtain went up on the Drat act of the tnam-

motb bill vtalch had be«n arranged b; Daniel

Krohmto, preeldent of the Actors' Fund of

America, loi the annual bencllt, and anyocn'tlon ot those present In the audience

i7ould be quite the llat ot "Who's V/bo" In

the world ot prominent folk to-day. Dut onis

box full attracted especial attention and re-

ceived a rousing hand on their entrance.

They were several of the eucets' of tb.)

Aclnrs' Cund Home on Staten Island, and lu

lurn guests at the beneflt ot Charles Chrli-

tiio old circus cloiwn, ttIio lest n-eek pold

<1 000 for tbe samo box. Among them wereMr. and Mrs. George Uorton, Nannie Cotter.

Harry Irving, Leon J. Vincent and Fred

''"owing to Illness, both Fannie Brice andMrs. Vernon Caetle were unable to appear,

tut Trlxle Frlgania most generously volun-

tterwl to appear for Mlw Drlce. and FranKTinoey kept the audience convulsed with hli

efforts to imitate the sprightly Mrs. Cast'p

In a dance with her husband, Vernon CasMn.

I.aet en tbe bill, bat a tremendous bit,

wan tbe minstrel flrat pnrt And olio. In

nhlch halt a. hundred ot the Twelfth Milic

Club members took part, under the musical

KBBFE'S UA8TY DEPARTUnE.CnicAOO, 111., Jan. 28.—Walter V. Kcete.

one of the booking mnnagera of the MarcusLoew Western Circuit, left Chicago rather

suilJeoly on Wednesday night for De;Moines. Be Is also reported to have vlaltcJ

Omaha. , . ...With the announcement made by nuthnrl-

tatlve members of the AITIMnted nookln;;

Company tbat they bad aecured the bookings

nf the Miles, Detroit, a house that has been

booked by Keefe for n number of years. It Hthought that this, pcrhnns, had caused thi>

Kuddcn dqiarture of Mr. Keefe for DeaUolncs and Omaha,

It is known that before departing Mr.

Keefe held a long conference with his at-

torney, Fred lOTftnthnl. The matter Is said

to have been very Important and was not



Pnncrs were signed Inst week for the sale

of the. Columbia Thnntro. In Nemrk. N, J.,

to a wew York nyndlcnte headed by B. J.

nodel, the theatrical manager.Tlie ncw.owncrB will spend oboiu »40,ooo

In altcrutloTiB. A new balronv will be In-

stalled with a tier of meMonIno boies. Anew stage built and concrete floors laid. Anew lobby will bo In marble trim and newseats thronghont. ,„ .

Back of the twlcony a larec ipnec will bedevoted to dancing. The policy ot the bousewill be announced shortly.

"OAHDY SHOP" TROUBLES.Daphne Pollard, of "The Candy Shop"

Company, was unable to play her role at

South Bend, Ind., Jan. 25, on account ot

serious Illness. ,^ .

Alfred Qarrard, juvenile with the ssmccompany, went on for that date wearing

green glasses as a result ot coming In con-

tact with an electric wire on a sleeping car.

It Is feared he will lose sight ot one eye,

GARFIELD'S TABLOID.(Speolal to The CurFsn.)

Jamestown, N. T.—B. M. OarBeld for

many seasons manager of one of "Matt anaJer' companies for Gus Hill, and this sea-

son manager ot "The Winning of Daroatn

Worth," which toured the South, opcne.1

his musical tabloid company nt MayvlUi',

N. Y., Jan. 28, after ten dsye' rehearsal at

bis home. here, Mr. Garfleld whipped a

good company Into sbspc nt short notice,

NO SALE.II was reported thst Marcus Ijocw bought

the Newark Theatre, on Market Street New-ark, from the Miner estate, at $400,000, but

Henry C. Miner Informed Tnn CLiprUB that

tlero Is "nothing to It.'^


direction ot Lsura Sedgwick Culllns. MissCollins conducted the orchestra hcrselt. Idanaterman was the Interlocuio?, and othersprominent In speclaltlea were Margaret Mc-Klaney. Louise Drew, Mrs, Kdvin Arden,JIIss Arden, MInette Barrett, Louise Dresser.Josephine Drake, Julia Dean and olheni.The entrance of the girls was partlcuiariT

effective. When tbe curtain rose they wcr^discovered with their backs to the audience,seated way np stsge, then turned nround onthe rerolTjng stsge until they were all welldown front.

Elsie Ferguson wos chsrmlnjt In an en.Hrely new one act play, entitled "TheDramatist at Home," and supported by Will-iam Courtlelgb.

Ethel Barrymore presented Sir J, MBarrle's "A Slice of Lite," with John Barry-more and Battle Williams In the cast, andOils Skinner. Mile. Dorzlnt, Wlilinra Collier,George U. Cohan, Fred Stone, Dave Mnnt-gomeiT. the "Watch Your Steppers," TomPenfold's Itagtlme Trio, Blchard Carle, Vir-ginia Brooks, Frank Tlnncy .ind VernonCsatle all contributed generously to the cn-jovnient, Lllllao Kassdl, nided by a corpsof well known actreases, sold- programs,candy and cigarettes In the lobby. The beoe-llt netted about 10,000, a sum necessary tosupport the Fund for almost two months.

Meyers ' agent.

* ?JlV'?.'''«nM"u,faT!.1nS?n'^^?'Cl!l ^^"o^^rci^j;^^general' press representative. will remain there for a year's rest.


at the Exposition Ball, St, Louis,A BEAUTT BROW woa hohl at the Gaiety

.Museum, New York,It, a. KNowLxa reslgnod from Augustus

Daly's Co. and signed tor "A Pair of Jacka"T. J. Cronln also retired from Daly's Co.

I'nop. Kabl Mebz died.W.U. Bdcki.1I and Wu. Jbioub formed a

partnehsblp for a black face act.l>>rTRa JACKSON AND JACK AsiiTOit boBded

a variety combination and did t0,210 forthe week at Hjde & Behman'a.

B. S. nOSS LEASES PROSPECT.The Prospect Theatre, at Prospect and

Westchester Avenues, one of the largest Inthe Umnx, has been leased by II, 8. Mobs forten years at $25,000 a year. It seats twotiipxsand.Tbe house will be Included In tbo B. B.

Mo!n Circuit.

'WamingB from the new police board weresent out last week thst bcneOt performnacesfor war auffcrers and the uneDpioycd, sacredconcerts, dances and bashclball gamea willno longer bo permitted lo Newark, N, J.

Concerts and oenoflts previously armogcdfor Siindav were canceled, and tno theatresrefunded tne advance snie money.

Commissioner nrledenbnch, president ofthe board, refused to give any Informallniifurther than "all Sunday nrausements willbe stopped hereafter,"

nr rsiNK ii. tiioui'Son,

BECK A SINGER I.SSPECTINO.Chicaoo, III,, Jbu, 30,—Martin Deck and

Slort H. Singer are making a tour of theSouthland. They ore reported to be In-specting varlnuB land sites, possibly for thoerection of Orpheum Tiiestres in that vi-

cinity. I*, is not known hero when Mr,Singer will return to Ills olllcci.

NEW DRADT PRODUCTIONS,On FeK 4. at the Comedy Theatre, Wm.

A. Brady will present "The white Fcnlbrr."by I.echmerc worrall and Harold Terry. The(«Bt will inclnde: Cynthia Brooks. Jessie0!ondtnTiing, Elaine Inescort, Frances Csr-iion. Mshol Held. Mabel Arohdaw. ArthurKliiolt. Alan Mudie Leslie Fnber. John Bur-kcll F.ric Maion and Alexander J Herbert.On I'oh. 8, nt tbe Maxine Elliott. Mr.

Brndv will produce another pla.v. written byRillshury Field, and entitled "The Rentedr.orI." Tbe company for this wlil include


Trtwrencc D'Orsav, Albert B.'witti, DouglasWood, Schnyler i.idd, T.eonard Grey. AliceNndabl, Teresa Jfaxwcll-Conovcr and OliveTemplelon.

THREATEN TO REVOKE LICENSES,necnmmendatlon that Mnyor Harrison re-

voke the IlcaoRcs of seven downtown Chicagotheatres wae made Inst week by the City Conn-cii Jndiclary committee. Detectives report,ed thst they had been unable to buy seatsat the box ofnces of the theatres hut soonafter had obtnlned them on orders from thespeculators: (hat thev had Intercepted nies>

songers returning tickets to the box ofdcfns the hour for the performance appronphed,nnd thst they had sefn box offlre men deliverticketa to sneciilators' messengerB withoutT'Oyment of funds.

JACK WRD9TER WniTES.Jack Webster, writing from Johannesburg,

South Afrlci, says:"I was commanded to present myself to

T.ord and T.ndv Iluxton after the flrat actInst night. (I am starring In amtge M.Cohan's myslcry farce, 'Seven Keys lo Bald-pate,' with tho J. C, Williamson Cn„ Ud.lix>rd Buxton Is tho govcrnor-genrrnl nfSouth Africa, and I am loIJ that It Is thesecond time In tho history nf this cniintr.v

that such an honor baa ticen conferred onan actor, and also that I should feci vcr.v

proud of the disllnctlon. I do."Hie Johannesburg Trannvaal^ In review-

ing Uio llrst performnnco of 'Seven Keys lo

Baldpalo' In this city, salil : 'Very InrgrlyGeorge II. Cohan's mystery farce fslki onthe snonlders of one mnn. In this esse (he

one man Is John Webster, who showed snAtlas-like capacity for tbo work Itnnosnlupon him. Mr. Webster Is nn actor of dl«-

Imcllan. with an Indlvldunllty of his ownwhich Is not less noteworthy hornudo he Is

so entirely natural—and to he nntiiml Is

one of Mio most dimniit things In singelite, or lite of any other kind, for thatmatter. Hut how Sir. Webster carries It nil

elf—with what discretion nnd resource, hu-mor and Intensity—cnn only be gntliernl

from per.sonal experience of the plnr. Tlwnbvinus morfli Is—co and see Mr, Webstervmiiwoir. It Is a flrat-mte plore of work, n

niece of work which must lake n nince ofIts own In the rccnnls nf dlstlngulsli(.i1 nui-

ce.':ics In South Africa.'"

CIIAIILES E. TAYLUII.The Unmum of UurlCMiuc, Owner uiiil Manager

ot Tteylor'8 Tuiigu Ulrls, Tlic Siliow is UakliigNew House Ileconls All Over,

RUSCO AT PT. WORTH.W. A, Rusco. resident manager of the

nijnu, Acndemv and Jetrers, Saginaw, Mich-,Is at It, Worth, Tex., for his health, wherebe eipeots to stay for six to eight weeks.He says the Texas air Is making him feel

like a youngster.His time Is spent pleasantly with his

friend. Oscar Gould, manager ot tbe Ma-jestic Theatre.

NEW TRIAL IN DAILEY CASE.Juatice Keogh, of Mt. Vernon, N. Y„ has

granted the application for a new trial In

the Mrs. Jas. A. Ballev wlil caic, whleh wnirecently decided In tho favor of J. T. Mc-Cndden. Mr. nutcblnson'a attorn^^ys will

try to have the case put on tbe earlycalendar.


NEW ACT.Mabel Baker, who was prima donna of

"The MertT Countess" Co., will open overthe I'roctor time In a new singing single

act, Joe Myers Is booking her.

TO TRY VAODEVII.I.E.I/B Blanc and Lorraine, the dancing act

tbut made such a bit with the Ginger Girls,

Is now going to try Tandcvlltc, DanieyIs tbelr !

I'ERFORMBR INJURED AT BLSMBnB,Bmlly Parley, wbo featured a "saw mill"

In her novelty musical aot, fell Into tbe elec-tric saw wheel during her performance attbe Eismere 'Rieatre, One Huodred andEevonfy-slxtb Street and Southern Boulevard,Tbursoay evening, Jan, 28, and bad berright arm badly lacerated.

Only for tbe quick octtoo ot ber two part-ners. Fay iWtllard end Ansa Simpson, tboacddent might have resulted fatally.

WHERE IB BJCRDBaT WVOKSIAnyone knowing the whereabouts ot Her-

bert wycks will confer a favor by addreu-Ing M, L Bltteolender. 861 California Street,San Francisco. Mr, Wycks' mother desiresto locate him.

rilfl.irP TO ACT IN KN<il,l.<<ll.

Adolf Phlllpp will shortly make Ills np-penrnote upon the IvtielMi speaking singe In

nn Rngitsb role, supported l>y a strong cast

of Kngilah speaking pinyers.Tbe vehicle seiecteil liy Mr. I'hillop for liN

appearance is the muHit-nl comcdv drams."Two Lota In the Ilrnnr," successfully pro-

duced br htm nt his theatre Inst se.isnn, nndRlnrn then adopted for the Rneiinh aince.

"Two Irfits In tlie Brnni" ran for one hu'i-

drcd consecuUve nicbts at bin cozy ltttli>

p'nyhouse on Knst Kifly-sevcnlli Street, nn-1

was written by Adolf I 'liillpp.

NO snow AT EMPRRSS, .MAN HIECO.As a result nt nn nitercation lietween Hie

lessees, I'Sjrry ft Kernnn. nnd Jnlm 0. Wrsy,manager of tiie World's Fnlr Stock Co.,

which brought nil tiiK pnrtlcs Into court, the

Impress Theatre, In San Dlcgo, Cal., Is

closed,Mnnnger Wrny was nmiawl by liie Icshtcs

ot mimnnnagement, hut bin cnnlrncl, sliown

In court, proved hioi tr> lie wiiliin ills rights,

nnd V'.n case wan dlsmlBRcd, For the prcsen!.

nt least, the Empress liaa no show.


Clarence Bennett, nf Rnii Dipgn. Cnl., linn

leased Ms "A Rnvnl Stave" In Ned llstcs, of

Suit r.akc City. 1I„ who wlil tnke It on t'le

road. Boy Van Kosaen linn hecn engnged bi

play a pnrt nnd stage theprodnctifiii.

SU.IIHER SEASON OK OPERA.Msnagcr Dodge, of tbe Snrerktes 'ilientre.

San DlPgo, Cal„ Is considering o pmpnslttnii(0 put In Wilbur's Opera Co. at that bous.-

fnr a run through next Summer,

9IIUIMANN-HBINK RESTING.}Ine. Shuosnn-Heink has returned lo her

CALVIN THOMAS has succeeded Ernest Olendennlng Id "Tho Song ot Songs," ot Ihe

^'"jTLl'STjohNBON bM resigned as press agent for Comstock & Gest, In order to edit

' ^^BAlffiY^oSt'^BLA^.^ contemplates returning lo the stage after an nbscnco of two

yeaS, dStog^rt be bns devot^^^^ to the management ot bU. various stlr.c

"°OI.tVBm MOnOBCO returns to New York this y;eck.

I^WIB S. STONE goes with "Inside the Lines.

THE Broadway Rose Grrdcn. Now Torx, '« «'0'«''i, .„ ,,, -..n „, .,,„ orandThM ."gi'ortrmu'j.c.Y'-.aSffi ''.^^N^ifSby!'''' in'i"h.cS*^"i. ll'us's'Sl i'^lS..

'""pi?ANB'^"ni«I Jan, 20 for a sixteen^ry store and factor, building, on (ho sl(c ot

''''^'V'S^yVA''oX!'X:o^ a former employee named F«I,«w. wbo

was sent to prison some years ago for robbing Mr. Draay.

"BUZl" will doso at Ilsrtford, Conn., Feb, 6.

"ran MODEL GIIIL" opens 8 at nichmond. Va.

MRS. DB WOLF nOPPfin nrescntcd iier tin"*and »,S«%- /-'"Vo'L"^ In ,ueuna lIAnniBT WOLFF eulng ber bneband, Rennold woilt, lor ajvorec in luo

'""KMfe PAIUJ5Y, a vaudeville per(V,rm_er, had her rljh} "nn cut«t the ^raer^ Tbealrc

""mS'. VEHNON CASTLE was out of the cast ot "Watcb Your Step" last week, owing

'°'&B"s'D?LMAtf bas''go«CB;S'' I, prepare for a touslcal comedy

""anna PAVrOTA opsned her ballet bcbob at th. Coptuw, Nnr York, wllh "nByBonds,"

ALFRED DRYAN,A Dunic BO well ItDOwn to the muAlc builncis tbat on InlroductloD to our rendcrn in

v.DnwBfnry., ,

Mr. llr/an la tho writer of over two tiDndiod Mngn, inanv of wblch hovo bcca rccognlzeu

ns thft largMt bita ever rcfordcd In the oiiibIc InduaLry. Ilo orlgloatca hia own UtlcH nnHbaa to ble credit a-isne of the moat orifflaal Ideae Jo aonga that haTc erer ticca relcaaed.

He Ir t*ie writer of that now famous peace ballad, "I Dldo't llalao Hoy to Ho aSoldier/* tbaf la oakloir nualc liUtory. ^

Ur. Bnan la one of tbe inoit SDcccsifal free tancca, barlnf aonfa with nrarij everymoalc pabJIlbfr In tbe coUDti7>

Jakb VKituu U iMit ilifiiil of 'Tcfh** nnil II07*'

Oi>.. In Town at ptr^oulMiHHlNC. llKt innitfTlnn, If t'lnylng llio 1111111

onrn In Mnnliinn.I.LNTim lii ccK lj no r In MlritimttA nllh bin

FtlANK llANR». nt'.OT A TT^t hIX Vrfltl, If lOMlititf»<ilii n-llli hi* rmJl)* ntioir,

TiiK JfinHrmi^, KNIo .^ml Ktigrnr arr pUyInftlin Riimll iimiiM :n Soiiiti iviicoiixln \mk vlinl*,(A fntr liu'lnnm.

0()l.. IT11B.V, irlin u*n1 la linrp it WIM Wnt BlUivon llic rrail Unn Imply liuill a iir\v ibeatm atKlnnnamn. III. Hp iIio nin^ |Ih- linlel lh«"»,nntl hiN null lUc mail.

Mamik MiM.nrr, In^t apfiiMn nith Ihe Onllmar5ihim-.i ikilnff an nr^ art. ami luarlrcil at Ibtmil nt Ihp Rpamn, la fnniln^ a dniiNrp i«rU1 actwllh hpr hii^lnm), whn xrnn lM«i itptporlj nanWilli llip flollniar Hhntv imt yrnr. Tlia act willU> p.illnl Dip Aprlfll l^^lem.W. J. Maninplil, irhD hna hml out a "IT. T.

0. " Co., nlH,rlnji halt* thla WInlpr, harkInin Dip tnoillrlnp ahmr tMiMlnraa annn.TiDnr naaiia. thp urange JuiM l'iiiK>r Worker,

ban again lanncliPil a iniiHlral ahnn-.I'cn Monriir. thp fair frouiMl workiT, U In

tlilrago for IhP WItiipr.Ifaiar T. Biunnoh ano coMi'ANr of Imtre

1. rt' tirownllnff lb? inhlolil ttlar. "Nohtntv Ilnme"In IllliiloN. on Iho Krnn:< lltlplni (Imp'

SirriiKKijtNn Htthik Co. la phrlnic SonthpmWlatonaln, and will alioTd^ onno Into Norlhprnlllliiola. TTip atio'r rnns Wlnirr nnil Hiimmor,iniall caai, aniall iawik. hiit aiin> mrux^,Tnar'n "(imt, or tub Shnnt Hoimi" Co

Ploni-il latplj for larK of bMtInp«i.i. It irai fliieKtllp alimr. anil aliinrlrl havp \x^i a nucrPM.

ItlcituoNn KiWT. n*bo. n roar aft>. |irrapnlMAinck In Aiimra, III., at tlic Koi Thoairp, la rr*hrarNlnir "TWn of Dip Slorm Cnnnlry." In a nhorlTprnloii. Willi LwclTP pcDitlr. oiiciiIiir Jan. 7H,nt Aurom.

Pr.ntA nn Voan Co. U m rnuta Ihnui^ IlllnolaplftviriT oM iprrllnrr.

Till Ja(k llNooKa Ftock Co.. wllh IwpImPPiml*'. I" lilarltis oM frrrllnry In IIip HMilie\\tr\. nml In aplfo of tlio off renaun li crlllaabirt'lnpwt.

Tub .Mnh-^Mc Hlork Oo.. fnwi llir MilfliMr.Hnrhfortl. III., Iina luorpfl liiNi tUo flrninl OiipraMoiiM<. Aitrora. for nn linlrflrillf riui, nml la clvlnjrthP nmplp a run tnr Iholr m'riifr. wlili iiUiularilrnj-Blly iilay*. *rfth pk»\ rniKlfvlllr nii<l iilrtiirra,nt Ipn nnd Iwnity ppiita. Manngpr Tlnnvn. nt IhoaMtp mnipnMT, clvpa n flop niiiinnnnvwnt onehIKTformanrT, IiPhvcm ari«.

J. ArniiHiiiH riAiT. Willi liiN wirp anil in-pittr.OOP IninliH nf itmiMTlloa, la glrlnjr n innulral ahoWIII Norllicrn Whmnntn wirit %tnnOn, tii fair bnrf*lima. 1!p \rlll rl(M> In Manrli aii*l oi»pn hla tfiitalinw III Ifar.

nil. WfiiTR ^'U>lr,B'1 UniiiriNn f)i(ow i.landHp»1 fink. MI., wp^h nt Jim. I«.Cm. W. flitiiiaTT, wIki liail out hln raHrneil

kIii.w In^i KiiniiiirT la Mliirr'^iolfi. ninl turthtwM'ral. Iina Ntnrrtl Mn r«r fop Hip Wlnlpf. and w*lhIlia wife iiDR out N picture Miow. plnj-liu Mlnno*aoln.

Piif* 0. llAi.i, Cab ftihtw In wnrklnj lowirtliNpw Mrilm. piiN«ltu llirmuih Illlinl*. It In «poitil fnnillf •IraiiiBttc ctKiipaiiy. pon O. If^ill fann ompp-ImMnr in hlvVvn, W|a., nnd nulte airmiilnPMt pdllllL'Inii.

TiinMAH Ilr.AivriiAnP. ilin maulrlhn. fa at TTop.kliilnn. III.. hU linmp, fnr Ihn WInipr Will f»wllh rrniik tl. TIUHn|«oiia Trnt Hlfiw again oektacrroii.

roit o\n i*RnFouHA\crt] oivly.Irar AnilprwM) ami Ilmh I't^Wrti {.ifni. Ander-

aoiil. who were (r«nit rarorlrm In rninlral compdytvfnrp ihpir rcllrcmpnt a fpw apaaona aInce,t'irnpit lo ihp ahifn f(tf niip pprformanre. bi 'TtiaITInce of rilapfi." at Ran Olalrr, Wa., flnndarnlirht. Jan. 2-1. l^or apvprnl apaannn Mr. An>Tcr-Mn nrnn Ihe Amprlrnn Mptiipnant nnd MIm Pp*-Moa plafprl iIiP mI«of K4lltii Ailam* In "I'llapn "Tiip rniinjr roiipip worn ntarrlpil whlto appcarinaIn Ihp ninalral romwlr. and Ihrpp yp.ira iRn looklip rpMhVncp In Rnq Chirp, whpro Sir. Antfenoola pnaagptl tn lh.i ahop hinliipaa.Wirn Krunk T. IIiipI]. advanop for "TIip Prinro

of rilapji/' rrarhpfl Fan fllaltp. he Indncpd Mr.and Mra. Andrraon l»i nphMr In I'-pIr fona^rrolpa for ono perfornianrp.

TO 8TAII I\ "Tlin IlKD nO.SID."Wally nprlhirk ami John P. Dnlr hnfp madp a

fi.iilritri wllh Znf nariicll lo alor her In 'Tbe«l ll^w'''. which Ihejf harp ptirp|ifla(<il fmoi

Jrhn O. nahrr Tbp.T will oppn nt AllPnlown.Pn.. Holiirday. K-li. |:|. nnil play nnly tno wcpkaIn Ihe K-iaf. nfKT whirli thpy aini't for fher>iflai ovpr thp Canadian I'nplllr, Tlie compin*(MBaTTd liirliidP*: Miiirirp Darry, Warne Hnnn.i.ctTKv Wllllnrnii. '.Vliilfml yniinif. Ilz-nrl Iji IJonlPJ'Mi.h HIandUh, Onrl Hiahl. I.niirn JilTMy smlCliiiTlollo OdIp.

WHO K.VOWH MACKK.V/.IKrAloiaii'Ipr Moi-Kiiitlc kllM hlioaplf In Kanrnia

f^liy. Mo.. Innl wppk. .Volhlnir una fniiiid on himt'l givp any aildrmti of niiy of hla iiroplp. Hpwnm hiirlcl I17 Krrt'iiion A; .Mamliill, r:U0 MainMrrppt. Kanaai fJliy. AIpi. A. srcDonalrt. binl-npaa inanairr of "llnuKht ami Paid Kor" OO., nnj.Vplhlnl nnr] fJroTliiI nlirii'M Hip HPnlf^a. .Mana-»:pr Jiidnb paid In full all firni<ip«. If any onpkrimra anrlhing rpcnnllritf MacKpniIf't folk*,kindly noiify Min/ijpr Judnh. nrnnl Thraifp.Krinaaa City .Mo,

BETTV NANSEN.Ilcllj Nonscn, Iho miiclihoraldwl Scan-

dinavian Irngnllcniin. wfrii wc.irs dccornllonstrlliMlorr lo hnr E''nliiii from every pulcnlntulit Kuniric, liiia r.rrlrni In this country andIH now linril nt work In n apctlal studio cii

Kiizcd fur licr utile nuc posing In n gri'ntnirwn [iroiliirilnn of "Tiii'. World and III4Wlfi'," KRchcrgnry'K drama of Interna.lliHinl funic. Wllllnm I'nx, unilcr whoso c«-tluslvi' mnnsgcmcut Miss Nnnscn waslir'iuglil (n Mils country from (he Iloyal The-iilri' iif (.'opcnhagcn, met .MIsi Nnn*nn down,\(iv York Hay on the revenue cultor Han-halinn, accompanied liy a committee ofnotiililcH.

'I'lic collector (if tlio port, DimIIct KIoU.Miiliiri", allowed MIhs Nnnscn'a wnrilroho ofriiriy llro trunks to enter (ho countrv onljrnfiiT Mr, I'"OT had pnntnl a Imnd nf t'lO.ono.Tlrero aro many wonderful gowni In tho'ollcctlon, creations "t I'ngiiln, Worth, Dou-eel, llcflfcrn anil folret, hut tlio one whichwill act cTory woinnn In Ihe rnuntry lo talk-ing, -when they spo MIhh Nnnscn wearing It

'in tho screen. Is hnriwn nn "The (loldcndown," Mlw ,S'nriricii will wear this gownfnr Ihe timt lime In 'The World nnd Ills

Wlfo." anil II lit sure In rriMte n Ncnsatlon,A hrlcf ilcHiTliill'in tit tlin gnivn Is that It

consists of rliitli tit gold, iipnnglcd withstrings of ncc'l pi'nrlH. The "tunic" part ofIt. or clonk, wclglia Iwenly-four pounds. Thegown llscif Is of embroidered rosorolorcdsilk Willi a "nsh'Inll" Iraln.



Sprinkle r Linie -'GODFER DUST!''

Conneettd with Mr. CbariM Frohnun'* Emplr* Thtitr* mil CompinlM

Recognized as the Leading; Institution

for Dramatic Training In AmericaBOARD OF TRUSTEES

Fnnklln H. Sirgint, PrMMint FOUNDEDDiMti FrehiMB John Ortit In ISB4

Binltwln F. RMinr HmquiIu* Thuiwi

For catling indInfsrmitlon ipply lo III* SicrtUr;

RMm 182, Ctrntgli HiUNiw Verh


IIuLMK (Obirlri J. Ulcb, mic.) — Utjlnnliiil

Fob 1 Mlllc^ Iluikc oiKMin (i llircc wwki' ntwami n "Jmr." In Ibc ore: Rhcllcj Hull.

Helen* JoLokon. Alice Joliu, U. UwMiev Umn,riuu IleTlwIdii, Edwin Uurcli onU Arlliur Uurlrr.

MiJMTio (Wllbur-ahuUrt Oo.. ngre.)—Wll-Until h"nTonliiiii. la 'Tbe U»wk." ooaien Kili. I.

The com Includet: Vlrglult rnnion, Coo"«FTeaile. Kriok Umt nnd (Irnra UendsrHoii. Miirle

TlnriH-st t-Jid bor Londou ccjicpaiv bail a iiilen-

dld week,I'UMilTU (Kred B. ^7rlil^t, our.) — "Too

Moi.r Ocoki," DOW In aecnnd week, bus mot

T-lll: n cerillal teceptloK, and oiubt (o en|or

niDiiy wttka ot proiperlly. Krank Criten lie«ilc

4 Terr capable ootDpaor of plirera,

TaiHOBl (Jno. U. Scboeirel, nur.)—Slilh weeka! "Sereo Keia to naldpate," tad llial perfnnn-

ancc bore will occur Fet). 6, It will Ihm go Inio

the New Eniland clllea, laklnf In tbs blilni uC

Ualae, Now llampahlre and Vemojl.OouMiiL (Obailea Froliman & WIIIUo llnrrli,

uert. )—Olilrd and Onal w»ek of naul Dawji^n"Tba Debounte," Leo Dltrlclllt«lo, la "Herhaaton BltaV' Feb. 8.

OoBT (Jobn B. Oort. nur.)—After manj dlaap-

solDtnxnla "Wiafi doing On?" • oew miialcil

faict. will flnallT let elarltd Feb. 1. Tbe book

la br William 11. OlIITonl. Irrlo I17 MIlea Ojer-

lH>1t, and muffle br WUllaoi Loralne aad Josepnlne

Ibmien. Tbe coat: Waller Lawrence, Francea

Oamaron. Kaoi Wlllon. Hot Atwell.. DorolbrWebb, Maude Dealt;, and Dojie and Dlion.

enoBiiT (Wllt)nr-.1butiert Co.. in«Tf.)—•'Tbe

Pmunt Olrl,'' wllb Kmma Tienllnl In tn« prima

donaa role, haa found mucb faror at Ibia bouac.

Tbitd week beglna Feb. 1.

Yl WiLuoa (Wllhur Tlienlr* Oo.. mna.)—Slilhweek of "A I'air <d Slioa." Doalon koa taken to

«lila briibl and nerrr farce.

errllle, OonarcM Hall, Nlajara. New PiU«.Soulb End, Back Dir. Cagle. Roibuir, Premier,

Apollo, PorlUo, Wllllama' Ideal, Oriental, Him-lllon, Barfard and otben,Muon li etpected ot Splllane and Held, wlio

are Tandarllllni for tbe lint lime tbia week. Boib

um Eodon prMucta and hare done a lot or uu-teur work.

Lrnn, Hau,—Andllorlum Tbealre (R. V.I'belan. mir.) Leater Lonernn Players pn»««t•Wltbln tbe r,aw." week of Feb. 1. "Tbe SJiep-

lierd of Uie HUla" neit.. . , . ^

Ltmk.—TbIa theatre re-opened with a atoek

(t>mpaaj ], under Ihe manaiement of William H.Kafir, and tbe I.rnn Plaren, ropportlnt HelenWare, In "Tbe Third Dfireo." Neil week,

"^LTMri? (V. J. Oobee, mgr.)—Vauderllle andmoving plcturea.

OiMloin (Al. Newhall, mgr.)—Slollon plcturea

""IJtHTaii Bgoill (Col. Wllllsrd 0. Btanton,

miT.)—VandcTllle and motion plcturea.

Milfnrd, Masa.—Opera House (F. Tonuiklni,

mgr.) for week o< Feb. 1. Ibe Flhel liar Bborer

Co. 1n n rtpertolre of ilramaa. all written andproduced br Mli» Shorer. who Blla lb* leading

tole In each. FOrd 8. Oimpbell la leading man.

Motion plchiiea between aola.

Inwu—Motion plclucea and lllostraled aong".

MiMAOka ToMMlNn cilli thli week the beat

crcr at the Opera llouae. aa In adilltlon to hia

big dramatic and picture program he la preaentlng

Hie TaiKlerllle acta., , „

IluaiKua aeema to be Improrlng all arounil

riila aeetlon. The nhopa are one br one falling In

Hne. pulling Ibelr emplojee* on full time.

Trrre llnnlc, Inil.—Qrinrl (Ctiie. Rnllh.

mjr.l Nat 0. Oooilwin Fob. 1, Ilowe'a pIclurM

8. 0. "Omar, tti'^ TcplmakiT" 10. "Ilrlnglni: Tip

ralhd" mat. and nljtit 14. "Tbe Whip" 28 28.

Tbere U [oHiInc new la toirn for tb? flnt wMkof Fetmurr. B«twc«a tli« nodoi to Florldi tDdthp EJUr BDodtr KTlvil lerTlcCT there li plntrof onpc«ltl&a (0 the pli7lioi»n. bol despite tbIa

ODCdlilou Apiwftr to be faronble.Lnic (Ixooird Blnmbetf, nifr.)—Crrll Uaoilc't

8ucc«« liKt week, lo "Orompj,*' wqi moil vin-

ribsik. Tbe bouaes were ct capidtr ide, and9wt$b In tbeir appliDie <-f tbe dellohttal cbir*icter work ot the itar. EUle Machej flDil Rolaiil

Occbtcne lire the Oneit kind ct support. TbrHc<iid week befffni 1.

AtWLPBX (Iteooard Bloabcrv. mir.) — T*ieiv

wai DO oocatwo aboat tbe ncoees of "Tbe Tblnlrarly" uat we«k (o etcelltot baalneis, TTalte?Jooea eM Taylor Holmes are moat aklllfal lo

piOTldlns Ibe fan, and tbey tot ricblj deterredoprlBDae. Tbe secood week beslDi 1.

Oauiok (Obas. O. Waunaior. mcr.)—"Thelllfb Oost or LoTlDf" la a iceniiloe fan prorldcr,and there was oo doubt nlHnit lis laecm toil«eek. Tbe booaes were packed and tb«f on-Jored ttic work of Lew Fields lo straight faice.Altc* Fisher, Obarlotte Itci. Ocone IIkswII todJunes Lsckoye were itrj cleTcr lo the aopporl.Ibe aeccod aod Onal wevk vtarla 1,Hboad (NIiod ft ZIomenasD, mm.)—Oood

HiMd faonsci eojored "Tbe Pbaotom BUal" laiCueek. Tbe play la btodiiofselr noaoted, sod tbei-klll (tf I>arld Belaooo \» teeo In the detilli oC:he prodocllon. Leo DItrlrbstelo'a actiog Ii per-fect, and be Is aplendldiy suiiported br LauraUope Orewa. T%e second week begtos 1.

FostUT (NIioD ft Zhnmernian. cncn.)—"TbeOlrl fran Utah" cootloaed lo delight One hoosceI«at week. Jolla 8aoder«oo. Donald Brian andJoe Oawtbom are dtddedlj In bigta favor. Tbethird week begtos 1.

WiLWOT (W. D. Weteftrlh. mgr.)—"DamagedCooda" 1-e. "September Worn" was a lltely

musical ahow that pteased floe bouaes last week.Pi«ke O'Hars follows.

AusaiOAit (Wm. W. Miller, mgr.)—Tbe sloekpuis OD "One Day." 1*0. "Roojrbt and Paid For'*Msa carefallr rerWed, to giod retiirna. lait week.Frnld May Jackaoo and Bernard McOwen, Id tbeliflils. did pralKwortbr work.

D. F. KiiTii'8 (H. T. Jordan, mgr.)—Blancb^Walfh. In a tabloid Tfralon of "Tbe Woman In

tiie Oaee," la *be featore for F^b. 1 adJ week.OtbfTS are: Babj Relen. Flanat.'an and m-warda. Bajroitrbl. Uirton l.ltllcfiel'l'a FinrentlneetnRers, Miller and Lylev, Charlotte nsTca^rroft.Plplfoz and Pouto. Btuart name?, acd morloffpicturer.QuNn (Wm. \7. Ulller. m^n' )—'^^'•ok of 1-0:

Will W^rd rnd rompanj, Rral and Karly. JewellOoiDCdy FVjor, OdllOD. Bernaid and Scarlh, Rob-bie OordoDC and motlng r'ctnrn.KvrnxNi (.M. W. Tarlor, mgr.)—Week of \-4i:

"Somroirland." Fire Itnllsn Aluskele^rs, Clarkr.nd HcCulkiUgh. Ifrnrr Frrr. Ooldlng nml Kent-

dclpbla Orcbeatra, at tbe Academy cf Moslc. on

"Boats GoprKor** draw a aplendid aadleoce at

tlie JletTopolllaD Opera Uoose on 26.

Peiwcis X. HopM. personal repteseptative of

George SI. Oobao. waa "•"W. J". M. Lt the

Cotbedr«l. to BUMbelh A. O'Brien, oi tbIa clly.

Mr. and \If«. Bore bare gwe 4o tbe Florida re-

sorts for their booeymocm.Tna DiiBCTOB or Pobuo Simr suddenly

closed, on 33. tbltty-thre4 moring ptetore boasee

l«caoae tbey failed to ottalo their 1»1S licenses.

Tbeie waa an awfol bowl pat op. tut tbe police

vere obdurate, and It via not until the foUowlog{lay that the manaiers obialoed there llcenaoe and

vere tben permlltcd to re-open.

flcnntoD, P«,—Lyceam (R. H. KobBstammtcgr.) '"The Lime Oafe" Feb. a. "The Newly-weds ai,d Their llabr" 3. 0.

Tcu'B (John If. Dorklog. mgr.)—mil week of

1: HomcT Llnd and conpany. IloederV iDTeatlon,

r»ert Fttcglbbon. Norloa and Psyne. Uander DeOordora and CDm^1Dy. Lola and Otto Tate, andEthel klcDonough.ACADSUT (F. lamea Carroll, mgr.)—Poll PIs.r-

era. lo "Sky Vanr." 1-6. „ „

Btab (Harry W. atonna, mgr.)—MouHc RoaifeGlrla 1-6.

Majkctio (Tbomaa QuIgWy, mgr.)-Folllea of1020 4-0. This theatre, uhtch openeO Jnn. 21.

will ion burle«iae the liat three days of enrhneek. deroilog ihe flrvt bnlf to amati-ur boxicgntLtobes.


TOBu and Ooubt Squibb, ticlures oiilr.

Altoona, Pa.—MIdiler (I. 0. Sllsbler. cngr.)

Elltn Ti-rry, In scenes from Shokesprore. Feb. 3;(he Tad Glrla Burlnqners 4, nowe's pictures ff.

0. Oeroun pictures 8-10.OBruFDH (Arthur R. Dentnan. Dtffr.)-^lll 1*^:

Welilne-Lererlog Troupe, Barlow, Craig and Will-

iams. Shcrmnn aiid Ultr. For 4 0: "Tbe FaahlooSbop." American Omrndy Four, Mr. nnd Mrs.EantoDd, and Dcre Wellington.

ScxravUj N. J.—Newark (Oeo. TV. Robbing,mgr.) will remain dark Feb. 1-3.

OAirrr (Wm. Kocnls. mgr.)—The Eeautx P«-

"?f.;p!J«':H-. K^'Dming,. .nrrO-Bm Feb.

1-0. Mile. Slartba and Slelcrf, Nelfabr Tnuiie,

Faulman, Fum.n and Fnnlraan, Jim and Marlon

Utrklna Wiodlcrd'a animals and pboloplara.

Niw OUND (Wn. Uocb. mgr.)—Dill week of

1 : Three Falcone, Onl, Dohannon and compi':r.

Howard and White, noma Sitlerj, and "Zndrra'

'''ltuo'. Btmkd. Navr CiaaicK, Bmurr. Pom-CEee, IBIB, iSMniCAM and Oitstal, plctaiea


Denver, Col Tabor flrand (Peter UcOonrt,mgr.) "Dabr Mine" Jan. 81 and week.OuBBcnc (Max Fablsb, mgr.)—Bill Feb. 1 ud

w<ek : Hanlion Drockbank and oompanj, Kncwl'inonkera, Minnie Allen. Plator and UcOltienr.

Moore and llaager, Kolb md Harlani, AleianderMroa.. and Orpbran Weeklr. ,DtKHAU (D. 0. Woodward, nft.) — 'Tbe

Nlnger" Jan. 81 and week.BuPiinH (Lawrence Deatu, mgr.)—Bill 28-al

Included: Prlncean Kalama aod ooopanr, Alrinend Kenor. Avoroa and Mnlrer. "Snooxer," Oaba-ret Trio, nuTT 8. Toomer and compur, andmoving plctorea.BaoinwAl (Peter McOoort, mgr.)—T-aog-Ulller

Oo., In "Tbe Tbird Degree," 81 and week.

Colorado SprlnBH, Colo.-Bnma (J. T.nawklna, mgr.) thla new theatre la bow In Ike(>rplirnm Oltcnit, wllb Kra Laug and Cbaa. WU-ber Stock Co. Elena Garbardl, aloger, Feb, 2.

PBiHot'18 (J. R. TAupklns, mgr.) — "Ura.WIgn of the Cabbage Patch" 1, "Tbe (loo*Clrr 2.

Odeon (0. A. Loretand, mgr.)—Moring plc-


Tne o'.ualcal concerle, under direction of Prof.DIetrhh. held at Ihe Bnrna Theatre Siindar after-noon, ore drawing capadtr bouM*.

St. Jobn, IlooaeCan.—OpelWood., mgr.) the Wllmot Young Oo. preaeot "A

- - •Feb. 1-3, and

"(Walterlent "A

'A' Oowter'iwife's SacrlBce'Honor" 4-0.

Oeu. UNiquH. Stib and Euprbsb, pictures onlr.l.TRio.—Vauilerllle and plctorea.





LoaioN (Francla J. D. Fcpmion. mgr.)-Digbomea rule wllb "Dco-llur," ivblch li now lu Ita

'°l[o»ioM*OPMi IloUBl (W. n. Macdonnlil, mgr.)

—The llcnri Jowott I'layen. In "The Merebant

of YenlS," llr. MacLean aa dhrlock, Mlaa DIrkctt

(1 Portia, and Mr. Itelph aa Uassanlo.

OiaTLi Bguani (John Oralg. mgr.l— Omjraon

Otv" Ixglna It" fourth week Prt. 1.

PAiK (JoKiib DoUi, mgr,)—Ota heailllne at-

traction of w«k of Feb. 1 Is Marr Plckford, In

"Mltlrcos Nell." Other fMtnna are Obarlea

Franks' Srmpbonr Ordintra, Aoslln organ re-

'^WiltVch'b Oabiho (Obarlce B. Waldioo, mgr.)

—Kd. Wrotho and his aailaunta. the (llnter

Olrla, are funnr making liore Ibla week, 'llie Hon-

err lliirlcKjnere aro neit In order.

Xijunt (Qeorgo 11. Ualchellcr. iiier.)—BenBaker wasn't wllb Ibe Ikin Tona lait week, bu

Uie grrtlfuian who roplucwl him wni Krenl. unu

tbe thow waa one of lb. be«l of I'lO ,Be3«on.

Hen Welch and company (lilB ww*. with the

Gaiclr Olrla lo follow.

Ilowiio (Ooorge B. I>othnp Jr., mgr.)—'nicburleecu Ibla week la tumUbed Uv l!ic Ohnrralng

Wlilbwa Darlcaquo Oo., and the olio by Al. Del-

mrnt. Four Dnnta Biothtn, Ford ami Tnilr,

Thouaa llagtlnie Trio, Itcb and llrh, Cnrmau,

Adoluho and La Pavla and compaav. Ueiinlr.

youtb nnd Follr Oo. roil week.QuMo Orni lIoiiBa (dcorgo K. Ix>tnrep.

mgr. )—Zallah'a Durlcsnue Oo. onl Ibe uiual

eilrn feature nighla. Obarmliig Widows Oo. Is

to follqw. . ., , ..

KUTU'S (Bobert O. UtMu, mjr ) — Va esks

Suratt and companr, Dcrt Brrol, Occntc nolianii

and comptnr. Four Voluntoirs. Irene nml UobbyBmllh, lloilLlid and Farrell, Toaca rour, Turellr

•ud Charlct 'I'boinpson,

I/oiw'B St. Jiuaa (Mareui Loew aunagonent).Feb. 1-3 : Dora Deau'a Fanlhom. Wllard, 'AVo

Dtiants, aud otben, Laat half : Muriibr and

rwer. Carroll and llleker, Hugh Bairoell, .Mara-

IboQ Conedr Four, and Rqulllo llnthers.

LoKw's Oipiiiuu (Victor J. MoiTl.. n»rr.)

For 1-8: Wataon and Ounnlnghim, Irvne Miller,

nugli KiuniDlt, Marathon OaneJr Four. Moulrose

nnd Srdell, nml otben. lisst three ilsys: Jean

lioiithern. l,a 'IHtooiubo end cominny. Two llryanta,

ond olhera.. „

lAiw'B QLoni (Fnnk Mciglier. mgr.)—For1-3: Arno and atlckner. Bow and llooii. OcrlmdeBatnea. Frankljn Atddl and compaur. Saroy andBrenuan. and Kiiulllo Urollicn. Ilolmc* and

Well.. Ttoee I/otvtlaa. Bolaud West Plajers, aod

othen. laMer part of wwk.DowmiN Bquii (Qeorge R. l.o!lirop. mgr.)—

Derajo anvl Eemeter. Tanncnn and Clnxlon. Tomllalrman, Prerelt .nd Merrill, llnriv Sydell and

Oeorre Olarkaon. „ , ^llijoo (Uarrx Oualln. mtr.) — Orand Oitora

Trio. Roiiln KoraleckT, Mnlvlle lllttmhouje. AlmaLa ralne. Jamei K. Oonn'>ll, U Oiutn. ArthurMTorK. au I otben. _^ . ^

OninKiN'a OLTltril (John K (Xwnertol. mgr.)

—The lilll ih'a week Inclmlci ihe Ore«.ny Triope.

Ijickr aud Yoaat, Bpllllane anil IloU. Jane Oour-

thorpe and cnmnnr. Black Dratlicra. and Morcn«Uualral Block 00. . ., _VAOOHim AHO PlOTUIIFt,— Bcellaj Bqnare.

VAQimca (Otto Merer, mgr.)—dlUl 1-3: MeoloMoore'a "Young Ajiicrlcn," Ourdon BroB.. Itlres

and llaiTlaon. Norcross and conipanr. Bill 4-7:

Kmerson and Brldwln, Hale and Qoe, Fenner tndTollmdn, Ffoilnl, Master Oibrlel antl componr.Nbw (»LOHlAf, (M, I.OSS, mgr.)—^lualcal com*

cdr and plclu.'es.

Loib (ft. B. (beeta, mgr.)—Slock and plclurea.

AUUICIM, OOLOHIIL, ObUOENT, FOONTIIN,(lAi'linN, lup, LiciuH, Onpiiiuu, Oca, I'bim-

CCflH, I'sUlUe, POPULiB, l*il:K, llOTil., SaTOT.Swan, Twai-ri Pomn aod 'riitATOBiou, pic-

turce onlr.n^yrn.

BnaNTUNOii A Bhoubu, ot Ft. Wayne, haveleaned the Detnlng Block and will open a newpiclnre Itouse about Feb. 13, wnllng l.TOn.

Otto Alaraa will bare charge of mauagementof New lllppodnmo randerlUe bonac, which opcnt10.

Driiall, Ind.—Sourwlne (Bailey Scbtomerer,mgr. ) OoQley A Keeoaa, Musical Oo. and pleturta.

PniNOBse, CoLOHiAL and Aao. piclorea ODly.INDUHAFOUB partlea bare made an offer for a

Icaie ot ten jean on a bnslnesa bkwk oi WealNational Aronue. here. In wbldi Iber propose toereet a Tauderllle tbealre. Tber make the offer

proTiaing Ihe owner* accept ptopoaltlon by Feb. 1.

Taa moring picture theatre ownen of tbla cityheld a meeting Jan. 30, for tbe potpooe of onan-lalng a Block company to bnlld a now theatre to

be used for high elaaa plcturea only, and bare aBeating capadtr of atlcen btudred. It met withhearty appnral. Another meeting waa held SO.A UBOa portion of Braall tbcatregoen are

Journeying to Terre Haute ererj nlglit to wItncMstar Dim prcdnellons, and co:i«eqiiently tbis ftlep

WAS taken.

South Dcnd, Inil Ollrer (S. W. Picker-ing, mgr.) "Pair of Sljea" Feb. 0. Jobn Drew0. Darlil Waifleld 20.OariiauH 10. J. Allanll. mgr.)—Bill 1-3: Dr.

Frnlerick Oook. Oeo. W. Day and cooinanr, Mar-riott Tttupe, Uopklns nnd .\xtell. and Aordon andKInlcy.Majxtio (P. J. Olltford. mgr.)—Mnslcal com-

edr and plduren.AVMTvniifK, l.A SAI.LI, SunrniBr: an'l Oolokial.

picture, only.

Atlanta) Cla.—Atlanta illouer (Horge, mgr.)BaldwIn^elTllle Stock a>., In "The .Mao fromnome," Feb. 1-0.

FCIBTin (II. I,. Canloil, mgr.) — Bill 1-0:

"Tbe BMutlea." Dritt Wood, Mnrion. Luder amicompany, ai,d Florence l\>iupett and company.Mill (A. K. Jonea. mgr.)—Durle«)ue.BoniTA (Qeo. Campbell, niir.)—Tolileau nnd

plctorea.SnANO, UONTOOHmT, Uband. SArOT, KLrrt,

VACPam. Altua. Alamoii (2). and AitUA.motion plelurea only.

Ansnata, Ga.—Grand (RIebard Taot. mar.)Nell o'Urlen'a Minstrels Feb. «. Boalon EnglishOpera Oo. S. Raymond nitcbeock 9.

BlIOD (Sparka A Bchramecb, mgra.)—Da<eNewnan'a "Tabarin Olrla" 1-0.

Stoawp, MOMieKA and Dbuulahd, piclunaonly.


big, Arcble and Gertie Falls, and moring pie-

NiioH (Fred'k Leopold, mgr,)— Week of 1:Frank Buan, Bmlly Bmlley and company, Mortonaud .Vustin, Hoogbtoo, Morrla and Hoogbton,Murphy and Tbomaa, and moving plctnrca.

Wm, PanH (Wm. W. Miller, mgr.)—Week of1: "Tbe Lawn Party," Mooro aod Yalea, Maddenand Fliapatrick, Pedcraen Broa., Frank Terry,Folke and Adams, and moring plctnrce.

Orobb Kcib (Jaa. I. Springer, mgr. )—^For 1-1


Reed Bmlib and company, De Dlo'* Olrcua^ Olay-lon and Lennle, Tclezrapb Four, and W. 8. Bar-ney and company. I^r 4-6: Jack Lerr and coBi-

paur. Block, Uumca and Tkomaa, iBbakawa Japs,be LongB. Ooi De Tricky, aod Barton and Dnrm,Olobk (Eugene Perry, mgr.)—Week of 1; Ixinji

aud Elliott, MoMaboo, DlamoDd and Obaplov,Metropolitan MlnBlrels, Bliarlli and Btiaasner.(^)lberlne Oballoner and conipanr. Francis Liid

noae, Wllaon and Pearson, D'Amore aod Douglais,and moTlos pictures,

EupiiB (Wm. F, Rife, mgr.)—Rooe Sydell'a

l,ondon Bellea aro ackedoltd for Feb. 1-0. TheSodal Ualda wen dellghltil eolertalners. lo fine

houaee, laat week.Oabino (Wm. J. Valll. mgr.)—Girls fran

llappyland 1-0. Tbe Oolleto Olrla was a classyshow, lo bijg bouaes, laat week.GATari (Wm. S. (}lark, mgr.)-Tile Ul()i Life

Qlrls 1-0. TaylOT's Ttanfo Olrla enjoyed Oneliatrenage laat week.TaooAniao (Robt. Morrow, mgr.)—Ibe Moote

Oarlo Olrla are lenanu 1 and week. The PoUleaot 1020 iraa roled one ot Ibe beat Bbonn of theeaaon by orerlloyrlng booaea laat week.DnKOHT'a (Prank Onmoat, mgr.)—"Ibe White

nonse Baby" waa a thnelr new akit that scoredbig laat week. Obarlea Ilr.ydea rraa the nuiseand be eilracled plenty of fan ont oC tbe role.

Bddle Oapsady bad some new offerings Ihst weregreatly liked, while to thn Ont part there was acbenee of soogB ond Jokea that were entirely totbe riklni of the One avilasices.

OHasTNUT Binm OroA Donsa Oolowial.AtLIOUaKT. ALnAHBBA, UlJOU. GfUmD. PLAU.VlOMUA, BTAHLIT, PALAO*, HIOIHT, FUMBC-roao. LisniTT, Pbopli's, Evraraa tod Oa-rnauH, moving plelurea.


company oa 8, wllb "Ibo Admirable Baabrllle."

Robert Dempaler la a now cooer witii the com-pane,

"Tna TtnoA. a big movltg piclnre heose, alBerentren aoA Venango Stmts, tbrwir open Ita

iwn on 80. It Ii a tlOO.OOO renlnre, wllb a

1,700 renting caiiadtj. Uark W. Wllsoo, fomorlrof the Cbestnnt BItcet Opera Oonse, la the mm-ager.Tun DanaBtB Opdatio Booiarr sanir In clever

Biyle "Hie Magic Flnte," st Ibe Academy of &lu-ale: on 2T.

FniTB KBBiBLBB wai Ihc sololst wllh Ibe Pblla-

SiiUBEBT (Lee Otlolengul, mgr.) Is dark 1-0.

"Peg 0' My Ilesrl" 8-13.

Plooiob's (L. R. adding, mjr.)-Bill Tuck Sam and, Ous Edwards' "KidCabare:," Dore'a Beaux and Bellea, "Hie D.cbelorUlrla."OBPllEuu (U. S. Scblesloger, m^.)—^Tbe Fore-

berg Playcre unseat "The Obost Dreaker" 1-0.

An unnnmed play, by Jobn Ernest Warren, offering$'.£3 for tbe beet tltlo Bubnllled by tbe patrona,will be put on 8-13.

StiNin'B EMPiBB (Tom -Mbier, mgr-)—AnnWer-nty wiek 1-0. rrlib the Girls of tbs Oay WhileWay as the ottrectlon. Bpeclsl erent/ of irreal-lliig. ciRua stunlB, slogloif and danclne conlests,etc., each night. The Beuunn Show 6-lR.

Ltjuo (L. K. Ooldbig, mgr.) — Plctnres androudevllle. Bill 1-3: Dell and Olln. EmpireOoDCdr Trio, Bohr Grace, Guy Baldirln Trk>,James Ktnoedy and compaur, Port and Delacey,"lbs Bachelor Ulrla" and Nlblo's Birds. For4-0: (ko. 8chlndler, Doltr King, Ruth Glbionond companr, Bennett Slsten, Miller and Kent,Sumlka Oelsha Girls, GrlCn and Lewis, andthe Daring Datta.

Joraer Oltr, N. J.—aiajeeilc (Frank E.Ilenderaoo, mgr.) "Tbe fllodcesa <t VIrtne" Feb.1-0. Neit week, "Sla Bopklns."ACAoaiir (Oair MoAdow. mgr.)-French Models

1-0. Next week, Tanio (iocens.OaruiUAi (Leo M. Ksntor, mgr.)—Tbe Or-

pboum Sloek 0>., to "Ibe Escspe" 1-0. Neitweek. "Offlcer 000."

Kbtii's (Wm. B. Garro, mgr.l^lD 1-3: J.Warreo Keane aod compaar. Potts Bros, companr,Klsle Oanieoann, Doris Wllaon and companr.Church Oltr Four. Dill chanted 4-0.

Uobokeoi N. J anplre (Wm. F. Flu-gerald, mgr.) Social Maids Feb. 1-0. Neil week,<Mt\a frem Happylaad.

Lrato (0. S. Rlggi, mgr.)—Loow raoderllloand ptclurca.

Blinneapolla, Minn Melropolllan (I,. K.Eeoll mgr.)—"Dunnr In Fnanrbnd." with loiinDonnr, week of Jon. 31. Le Bor. Talna andr<4co company Feb. 7-10. Darld Wartleld, lo'The Aurtloneer." 11-18.BAINSklDOB PLArHODKB (A. 0. BAlobrldrc Jr..

mgr.)—The Balnbrldge Playere, In "Over Klihl,"wllb Florence Stone aid AverlU Harris, week ofJan. 81.SnuoBT (Ob.B. A. Sllcbler, mgr,)—Tbe Wright

HuLthiglon Playen, In "The COnspIncr," vreek

OafnBOM (O. B. Raynond, mgr.)—Bill week of31

: Joseph Jellennn aod companr, Dorolbr Tree.IHnlln and Mcllale, Marie Lo nnd compinv.Frenk >ortb ond cotaiuny, Tonng and JieotnI'tilllo and Fabrllo, aoA Otphenm Travel Weekly,UmilOB (Jack Dlllott, mgr.)—Bill Feb. 1-0:

S'!Sff iS™^"' B''«rre and Rlog.Vauderllle In Uonkejland, Oscar Lorraine, LeMaire and Dtwson, qsd mollon pictures.

iMPiaiAL.—Gertrude Asbo aod Marlon Weeka losongs, and nlclutes.

KiBRAK KBLTr, formcrlr manager ot tbe OperanouHT. here, strlved In town Jan. 28.Tub dlrccton of tbe Opera Bouse, at Ibelr

rcceut mccllog, declared s sli per cent, dlrldend.'nt old oOlcen were eiectcd. Local Manager W.C. McKsy, of Ibc Opera Bouse, has moted hisoiUce down stain, and also fltted op a neat smoh'Ing room on the otchestn floor.

St. CathnvlncB, Con. — Grand (0. B.Odium, cgr.) 'The Quaker Olrl" Feb. 8.

"MUesloneo'' 10.

OhiFriN'a Family (0. J, Forhan, mgr.)

Vaudeville and moving jiletnres..

BiprorBOUB ((3eo. Drcnnon, mgr.) — Vsndc-vltio ocd raoTlog plcturea.

Mllrrnnkee, Wis,— Davldaon (BbenunI<rown, mgr.) ''Tbe Misleading Lady" Jan. 81and week, Julian EHInge Feb. T-10, "FolaBh APerlmulter" 11-18.Majbstio (J. A. Hlgler, mgr.)—BUI ireek of

1: Eddie Foy aod Beren Fbys, Charlie Abeara'scompany, Courber Bisters, Daffy and Lotense,Ida DIrlnoff, Mollen and Ooogan, Brooks aodI'owen, and Jack and Forli,

SBCuaitT (0. A. Newton, in^.)—The SbnbtrtSlock Oo. present "A Fool There Wsi" 1-4 and"Madame X" 0-T. "Big Jim Garrltr" next week.OATBrr (J. H. lUioadrs. mgr.) — "Winning

Widows" Jan. 8I-Feb. 0, Watioo SIstera' Showi«it.Empbbsb (Jas. Kraose, mgr.)—"Mis. WIgn of

tbe Oabbsge Patch" week of Jan. 31.<krBTAL (Wm. Gray, mgr.)—Bill Feb. 1-6:

Owen McOlrener, Ethel Wbllealde and her Picks,Paul Bowens, and Rockwell and Wool.OtrnBSM (Wm. B. Mick, mir.)—Bill week of

Jan. 81 : Eleclrlce, Dose and May, Carnll. Rest-ing and Fay, Pal and May Tonney, and ThroeBennett Blstcn.

Racine, Wis,—Orpbeum (Msotlos Bankln-son, Digr.) bill Jan. Sl-Fch. 8; HajcaUo HoslcalFour, Johnson, Bowaid and Llsstte. Bonell osoCRinreh. Barl Vance, aod Harry Gilbert. For4-0: WlUlam Morris sod Orace Tbonloi, In themoslcal tabloid. "Whose LIlUe Girl Are Ton,"and moving plctorea.

.VLMBsno, Gbaud, Baowb, Wbri Bodbb,NijoD, Amus^ Ahbiioam, An and Oabikc,moving plctons only.

Hemphla, Tnnn.—Lyceum (Ftaik Gray,

mgr.) "To-Day" Feb. 8, T; Nat (Joodwln 18.

OBpnani (Arthor Une, mgr.)—Bill l-Tsg"*mine Shnne snd eoopanr, Barnes sod Orawforo,

Ueoige Damenl and company, Saos .Enoou,(Thick Sale, Mr. and Un. Oordsa Wilde, Oleo

Gascolgne. and plcloits. . ^ ,,,Ltbio (Jteol. U. BUIoback. mgr.)—Lytic All

SIsr Players,ln<ed by BlHy Long, opened ao In;

ileOnlte eniaienent here Jio. 24. with Alaska,

to crowded louses. "Altar ot Lots" 81-Feb. o.

Ai.i Ihe mollon plolura bovin are doing siceiy.


Tbe ^VUta Rata' Scamper, held Satarfaynight, 30, lo honor of Chief lUt Frank Fo*fartri atar In Neir York, vas a huge Buce«ts.The aoaltoriom vas Oiled at olOalght

when tlis performance started,, when JulTuoLcniherf and his orchestra hsd contrlhuted

' s«Tenl characteristic pieces which kept thotrap dmmmer fulljr encaged. Other psrtii oltha clubhouaa also bela capacity, and a great

' nncr ladlea were present.The <>nt«rtalnment Included acts by j^hef',

man. Tan and Ilyman (big hit), ArthurBehlo, MliK Dowera and Sammy Levy,' Inionn; Tick Lynch's Tillage Cabaret, afuao-mnslcal act, with the oldT maid gcttlioh the contents of tho water cooler; TanHoren, In acme "nut" atuS ; Mildred Talmoraand Sammy Collins, In character songs ; IhoBcmldcFoar, In flno quartette work; IrvingDaah, at the piano for Sydney Jarrls, who

I aang "Wonderful Olrl," after having beencalled ipott by LUIIan Shaw, who was toohoarse to sing.Arthur Prince was called opon by Uasler

of Ceiemonles Will Cooke, and he respondedwith a short speech directed to the Batsstwat their organization anil future^ Bnasked for one favor, and that was that allthe actors, particularly Rats, ebould savetheir money, that 1( when the proper timearrives they would be In a position to beready to assist In the general movementwhich would assure tbe actor bis rlgbts, andMr. Prince promised to be with them at suclitime,Mr. Cooke, In Introdncing Mr, Fogarty as

the guest of the night, preflxed his remarksby referring to tho coming beneflt for theViadevllle comedy Club, of which many mem.bers sre also Hats.'Frank Fogarty hod a glorious reception,

and when finally allowed to speak be openedtiy thsnklng everyone present, Rats and no-Bats, for tnelr presence and supporr. of hisvotk, which he has taken up so earnestly,persistently and successfully. He said hiwanted action ^y the members, not talk aboutthe war. He went right at them, pointingout tbat the actor actually had to be drivento any effort to help himself and to protecttbe buabiess from which he derived his live-

lihood.Ho mentioned $31,000 as the amount for

which acton were Indebted to the organlia-Uon for advertising and duee. Then Mr.Fogarty appointed Dick Lynch as tbe chair-man of a committee to sell tho remainingtenia Xor llie White Bats' Home, and per-

WHHE RATJIBMIS, Q^J Qp JQ^ jjg^jn noioa T. tass.P*mo Brymt aist.

^ Xas, we certalalyhive a noose Oon*mltte*. bat thit doesnot mciB 70Q..a am*btr, itnold^be dlila.temted In doMioasemVue. Jost n t a

rd cenimoB sense sad;<n notice a detill

Ibat li sot Kbit II

sboelil be, comet ssmepenonallT, withoutcnlog ''UooM Oon-nittce," icwis not.

ntxi to Oniltniu, etc.,hllst In rlaUioow or

icont (lor, olcofiUnriietc., pies hud hi hu4

^ St joor sbode, eiHol'Homer' So make rounelf a eoauntlle* of one.LLOvn IND Adaus are dohig nlcelj co 'Loew's

Circuit oC ptrtly ibeilres. . ,Eraav ur one or two. jca, sod thcte, new

"lire EOTnlvrs" ace aililcd (o loof <llst noir Inframe as too enlet reading room, nod In a veryabort time these namea will mn Into the bon-dteda. Dfallta now, thoae of yon "vbo are notasnnnt ni, that abortly Ihe White Bats will bea iiowvrtal organliatlon. it Is.Soiai n>n were not one of the fellom who

took in "FonrlT Nlslit" SitortlaT last. I wHlnot rare about the time of tlmce, for really conldnot And eooojh ailjcctirn lo no aroud. So willSIT acalD, "bo Tfrr aorry joa weie not mwefit."OluOHT Itu Black, of Block Bros., bin)oti:s,

playing bllllarda wllb Maalfr Herliert Dasiman.AlloNO the real stars who helWNl much to bnT»

tbo Palace bill called an exceplloaable procrjmwos oar "filg Ohlcr' Frank Fogarty. Of conne,jou kDOir that be tells atorica on tbe atafo oniy,for alOTles ho tells about "Tbe Order" are tnilbaPaul ITrcniNO, late I'eichlnir Bros., Is tuck

from tbe lome town. Piorldence. I'anI, withbis wife ere dobg iheir oilgloal creation, theMualcal Oirilon (copyrightel). Emit has rcliivd,and la tnainf,KiiLBr l!nus,. some yeitrs dolor baji puoching

are back In America. »fi<:r a lonf alby aliroad.Fan I. Lewis ROe« to 'Frisco, and opens In

act called "The Anio Bandit." Part,has seventysides.Last week. In Altnny. Gov. Whitman was ten*

dersd a reception, and T.iila Keenin, the cbarji-lag wire of Joa. P. Mncii, manager of tbe T!ll-mere, enterlalDed, as did members of Al, Bleb'sOoneynooo Co. No doubt 'twas some SMoquet.Ktbt Wetlnesday In tbe coay lilllo Oealre,

ca1ie<l "Myatic,'' in Bnolilyn, there are oldfashioned atterpiem put oa that rival ihe oncopresented st UamDkersteln's. Fred Alljtaler man-ai<9 to secon talent that makea tlw aoUeace

' eiusoo (L. Stoddard Taylor, mat.)—9am Der-nard, m "The. Belle af<Bon<l .1Cm-l," drew nodtnibie^ weMi of Jan. IS, "lb* Lam OobTho"Fob. I, WUUsoi Uodge, In "Tbe Bead to Uappl-nes^" neit.OoLovBU (Fred. 0. Berger iMr.)—'The UtileOtW drew BMd bOBlraas week e( 3S. riaka

O-nan, In "Jack's Itaaaoce," Feb. 1. OtarMiFnhman pments, for Ibe first time on any atace,Ann SloiUock, in "A Qirl of Ts-day," not.Naiiohal (Wm. n. Bapley. ngr.) — Uaud*

Adams and her eic«lient compaay, In "Ibe Leaendot Ltooora," 'The Ladlta ahaknaears" and"Quality Siieet," had good bnalneaa week o( 39."The Miracle Man" Feb. 1, "Qninvy," withCyril Uande and his Kogllah company, neat.

_ Pou's (LonU J. FOase, mirj—fte ^opnlsTPlayer*, hi "Tte Road to YMterdar," asT* ala* perforaano* wmk at ao. (Aiarie* dackay,Robert Lowe, Daniel Ilanioo, Jeroo* Kennedy, rLillian Eemhie, VIoletto-EhnbsU, Belen TIas miKatherlae SUstoo, were ail eiwllenl. Oood buat-seu ralcd. "Aa a Man ThUka" week 7«b^ 1."T1» Bole oC Ibfce" neit.

, Oasiko (A. Julian Brylawikl, in«r.)—It* Be*e-bnda week o( Feb. 1, with other acta and newplctnie*. Sunday concerts do well.• COSKOS (A. Jnlian BfylawskI, mfr.)—Bill 1.3:"ttm Ooney Island to the North Pole," Alex-ander Porter, Hr. and .lira. Tbomlon Friel,(lamllle PersonI coopany, Uae Rvau. Scott andAnita, and new plcluiea, Bsnday concerts d*caoaclty,Qatrt (Oeort* Peek, mir,)—iDare Marian and

hii own company pleased lire* aQdlencea wwkof 39, The Priie Winnen week Feb. 1, CollegeGIrti next. -Sanilay coDcerta do well.

KaiTn's (Bolanil 9. Robblni nu(T.)—(los Rd-wcrds and cooipauy. in hi* i-vn new "Sons Re-voo of 1014;" Pool ArraMtionr prewota Citiier-Ine Calrrr: and conipany, in "TV< Save One Olrl."PlSDk FogartT, "The Dahlia Ulnattei;" Uc-Mohoo and Cbappeile, tbe I,ew and Mol*lie Hnntinr, Dupreo and Duprc^. the nearst'SeilgNew* pictorial. Sunday concerts do capacity.

hlAjasTio (I. Theo Muiyby, mgr.)—Ibe Ool-tol Beauties are BononDccd as the attraction foetbe week of Feb. 1,

HOTIS.Tin snnouncemoit In these celnmni tefsTdlng

tho oid-timera rboto* in the Oolnuibla lobby hasdemonstrated the fact thai Tua Ct.rrrn Is leadIn Waabio^ton, for reveral have bcvn seen in tit*

Kbby with tbe cllpning froa Tna Cupvn.Mauna Apaks, ^"Tbo Delio o( Bond Sheet,"

end "Tbe Llill* Cafe" (onied a combination wtattracUona that nleased nil ciiSR*,WasuiMOTON Is sUlI OB the sup, and all tho


nrw Ad«Qi» autm Emie QuarMtc, Omrceyxt^, Uit UtrOT, and fMitsfp pl«tvm. NicfeS» Ton ud company U btcOllnlnff for Ibe MC«odhalf, witb Ddl-TtHLwr Bm., Nfwrll ud U«lUoOormick. Nadel h«1 Otm. ibe AuKm, todlora ptiotGplaja, complfie tbe Mil.' nivPODtOMi (rrmnk 0»aoberT7. mcr. )—-Vaodtt-Tllle and featora nlrtom.Oaivrr (Matt 9nltii. mfr.}—Tho OltAQltotrra

mek It Jan. SI. Qaj N«w Yorkera 7-14.OKmiT mtoa. T». T^affe, mfr.)—'IV Uf Re>

Tkw fit 1»1D wfck eommmclDff 31. Auto Qlrlil>b. 7 and w««k.WiuiB Wood <Jo*. Qlldtr. mffr.)—FMtm pic-

tnm and moalc. . v

BoTAL (F. Lt NnrauD, rtcr.) —iFcatom pic*ton* ul otdtmltm ud pipe onan.

Bora*.Viioui LoBv ma la town ftrly In ihe WMlr,

and atter a vlilt vllh Maaaffr* Jacdtd. o( tlHK»roM. Mt for ttw Wni.


HiMma Booaa. Ilanr Btrt. ^rtle EUxnlon indlack UWdletoo an cahaTtUnf at ibc Jrireraon,and "bowUnf Umn orcr** wlitti tbtir >oon iimmtter. ..''-^


Otd at tbe BIdA Qoaae Ottt, DfTi>tilr>c Warner,Btrl Aleiaadrr. Grace r^rrr ami Wiiril IVrrr.are tmldlnc ftwlth Dlctatl7i ind drawlnit llg cronrdioC dlnec*.

Philnfleld, W. X— malnnrld. Fkld'a Mtn*trela Frb. 3, mailim idI uiBhi . "Ii'm i T^nu.Lent War to Tlptxrary*' 0. OUrr citfliii, moTlnfpiclom.

PaooTOB'fl.^-Photopli^a and TMndcTlllc.Abtoi (J. H. Oovm, osr.)—Opennl Ita doon

anla Jtn. 80, after btlnf dark for lacTcral wccka,rbotopliijB.


J. r. Dalt, ot thlfl dtr. httn pnrrbaM<i1 (hepicducllon o( "Tha Red Rm>,'* the Irdi jtcrfttnu*

occ of wblcli will tie fflren at Allrr.lown, I'n.,

lVb.l5.Oni of Ibfr cleTtmt Uti of tbo flrat art la

Pleld'i Vlnitreln irta a utlro ou tbo modem diovetj O'NcLI and Mnrkrr.Pateraon, N. J.—Mifoatle <W. IL Wnlub,

irpr.) bill Feb. l-l: "Tbo Mthw ami nellr*.*'

Ont. Jack naniot and Son. iho Tire Orion Tnniiwianil Oaae and Atna. Vor -I d: . ClirrllT Ili<UTrrupe, Rtjnioar and Itownrd, Wllllanui nitil

Beld. Otpt. Moore and pl'turcM.Ltoiuu (B. WIImt, iD^.)—''Beplomhcr Morn".

Ktek of I.

OaPiiitiM (L. Roble, oigr.)—Lrr KrilrFebman.Sbow week, ot 1.

TrentoH. IT. J.—Sitte Str^t (Hernnn Wilin.tnsr.) bin Vtb. 1-3, Marie Hntv. In "Moralu oCftlBrc»" (pleture). Tbree Ollden Olrlr, .^(erIello

Trto, . Bimtti and Radd, Oor E>o Trickr, and' Rrplolta of RIalDe/' Wedsrmlav onlr. For ^-n:Ftlltn TallaferTD.'ln 'Tonne Itumanco'* (plctunnil.

"Tbe Man la tbe Dark." Teld-Tniih Four. Fredand Annie Pelot. and Uarle AtTLlIe.

ZancvTllIe. O.—SolittftB (Arthiir Morctr,mur.) "To-daj" Kch. 1. "Mull bikI JcfT lit

Meiiro" % 'ToUA A I'erlnmHer" If.

OarjiaoM (B. It. UarriB, ui«t.) — Vau'leTllle

and piclure*.QoiMBr'a, luPBBiAr.. Qhand, Uu'I'odboub and

AuBBiCAN, moUoD pIctOTta.

HAnnoirs creat ebpireSHOWS*


Mra. Klliabetli llanH^lon, Ibe proprlolmB, tin:

t irtanod ttvm a- tbrto voeLa' rlalt lo iiio

I wltb ber notb^r Bod aUter and brotbm.Un. lIaD|»t«u ta bavlni her beaalUOl car.

"Kllaabetb." ^boroocblj OTerbanlrd. repMated.YBrnUbvd and dMocawd.Tbe tSmpln Train I* brloi all ihorouiblr rr-

IMlnted, lha tweatr car* will aooa be flolabeii bi)>I

will be one of tbe bandaoant ibow trains on Ibecead,Tbape baie bm foar new waioos addH lo the

«)nlpiiMCkt, whAcb rtow rcakea iweiKr-elaht to all.

Im O, OolllBB. a well known Oolunbtn, O.. hoiplnan, baj iMteil ttie rilning car, "^rionlal." an 1

"wtll run an up'to-daio dining car In titrj n-a|4CL

J. Ulltoa Trater. an old Irot^r. of ttia cltr,

la a Tialtor, and icriia Ihlngi avako wltb M*Teitarlee.

GDlIn L. (Do;k) Onnrbell and wife. Marie, ^refrefioant rUMon In Ilnnnttonvllle. anil bare on-Jered manr One NttilllfiinM and dlnnen aa lbsunlv chief uows how lo rmb.

OBiitaln Jack CliaiiiiBn. of CIillMcnlhe, 0.. whowQI be BBaoclBletl wlih Puck Onmpbeira Tcn-tn-Une Showi tbli K'awii. wa4 alM a Tlcllor, snil

efiioxed blmadf,On account at Ibe rinnr proide who are wnrkctl

at tbo Orrat Kinidre .MhnwN In Winter niiBrloTBIwre, (bo clllienn tinre nmnM llic miini "Iliinnlnn-Tllle," and all iho ulnvl car comlaclon bavrIceraal to call nut iho imnte.hln, Malifl Oowoll and dauRhleT, Pella, accom*

Sinled I17 K<1. I). M<^rrlii, kvller knovn oa iheInulnRlinu Kkl, Hivnt llirce dnjn TlMllInf Mri.


The Wnllona, h'tle? Known »% tin* Oreal Kiir-'

nan .Mhlelrs, whn will lie th" f^ilnre free ni

irartlonH nnd ptit on the collM<uin uliowa vlth tin'

Great Kmidro Shown, liare been fmiiirnt TlnltfT*w'ten nla^-lnn nil the aiirrminlliiir irrrirur; hi Hn'btqh clBM ihenirea.

Clg Tim" hn* rtiaroo of *he Winter (]iinrln-4.

and ban ten mm nndrr lilni who are kn>|dnutli'nu <kmn to n nirrtr-Cnn nro all lielnv iwlnlnl a tulght Ttd with

trlmmlnga black aiul >rll<i\v.


TI1Q biuUet place In Kaatan Otty If without adcubt llio ontre of JarrU-Heoaan Sbowa. lo*

cntcd ot Iho Kdwanl Iloiel. whrir abowmm of all

clBPiea are uvo dnilr. It la Bate to aaj tbiit

D-rlr llno-up of RhowoKii and conceaaloontrw cun*alHt of tbo iiH>*t unremkfnl rarnlral pmile In IheIH-Blnrjs. Thi-y tiriTe li«*n BO aiicewfal In book*Init Intio BilmrilonK Hut Iber bBTo fonnd It

mwMarjf In fironro ftfe mor*» cNra from O. W.I'arktf, In Adilllkm (0 the Iwenir the7 bnre al*

read/ conlrncttil fur, utaklng It a lwenl7*flT0 carbL'OW.



vronoa bt chas. hccahron SHE USED TO BE THE




WILL VON TILZER, Pres.,145 W. 45th St., N. Y. City

CHICAGO: 123 N. CLARK 8T. J Carnivals.

sonoll; promised to liaTo tlie home frco andclear wlcbln a ;cnr.Ho reported that dnrlDR tbe fourteen years

uf the Rats' eilsteuee, tnlrly-oiu' life mem-bers bad been acquired, while during tbe fiii*.

three months alone sixtir-elglit each dealrablemembersblps bad been secured, tbe latestrecruits being Hap Ward, Triile Krignoza,Mmc. NaxlmoTa, Lillian Shaw, EllzabetbMurrer and Nnt Wills, sbowlnf what can bedone. He adrlsed all m^bors to act and to


get them lo, In the go-ahead spiritbusiness men, the lawjer, the clenyshould get In touch with tbo actor. He"Protett the business. Let 'Whlto Rats' beyour slogan."He pointed out that In order to be able to

Play In a New York orcbesira It was neces-sary to show a musical anion card, and re-marked that only recently a slace managertold him he expected the lime to do not veryfar distant when an actor who wanted apiece ot scenery hung In a theatre wouldhave to show a white nnt card.

Mr. Fogarty spoke with the spirit ot con-viction and barked up by the record of blaown achievement, and every member presentusdoMbtcdIy absorbed that certain "It cod bedone" feeling, vblch should bear great andImmediate results. . lit. Fogarty said : "I'mgolos to make you do It, and I'm going tomake yoa like yonr medicine."He pointed out the advantages pSered br

the organization and Its home, which he saidwas the Orat piece of property that the actor*as a body could point to as their own.

Bert CevT cartoons, shown In moving plo-iana, closed tiie show.

Mr. Fogarty held receptions la vsrlonsparts of Ihe building while the hall wascleared for dancing, which occupied attenttsnfrom 8 A, II. on.Tbo cibuet downstairs iras well pat-

ronized.The occulon certainly angnrs well for the

success at the White nets.

LOEWGETS ROCHESTERTHEATRETbo flhobert, Itochcster. N. T., panes to tho

control ot Marcoa Lotw, betinplng Feb. 8. nmmil be all or htcd kI. wtlh phoioiiiajs. Theoctp will rem.ln ihe entire wwk.



roar. Fred acted oat manf jcan btmself.All Uio prlnilnff for raaaquo ball U nolque,

and quite Dorel—eartooDeil tij bucU orlgluiton aaUert Lercj and ArcUo aoito. Date, Uardi 10»

Xerraee GarOeo.FouLUAVBN noDBB iiuoacer'a snnntlm for

dBDce onlrr for ball la one daodj—wall llU 70Usee It and 70U vlU sure colncttla wllb me.Au "WAaNB loft for Daltlmoto to jola an act

Moch luck, Al.OuB s^nttoaaolj clerk Hcriwrt UacTnt7i«. will

tn mlaafd Mind desk for aereral veekH. takingUr.'a advico aud going to mouatala counlrr. Uecan be addroased care of J. H. Van Oleff, IT. D.B. No. 8. Waterloo, N. T.TCHT WuxiuiB, after rtatlnff N«ir Tork. and.

of course, club, aar« b« lua aeea and tIiUciI tbemall, bat ptoclalma that oar orfianluUon baa tbeirorld beaL Tooj'a soarvtloa of baring meioo-

rlil wrrlcca held onco a jear for dear brotbfra

i^marted will no doiibt be sanctioned hj all.

I enowKD Walter Welma' adrcttlBcotent, aent

me b/ Sir Waller, and the bora Juat aald "Im-menae.*' Walter Inat liitea blaxelf, Ibua tboreason of printing InTcatiDent; or wa» It want ofeidteoient for aometblog to do tbeao cold daji

• In camt> towna?Uhod our dear friend. Dr. Freman's eare Dro.

Joe Blna la mending slow but sure. We mlu jovabOQt club. Joe. Be baa been cooflned In roomguc* Deo, 2S.

Whiut pUjIng tho BUmere, Will O. Mattbavralook alck anddeofr, and bad to cancel.

BoLaND OmaB, Jamca F. Hajes and Nat LoBor ue stilt 111.

Ann loog alc«e, Howard Preroat la back fromihe West looking dandr.

- Do not forget our jaw Mortoo. althonch onthe job tn onr bllllanl room each day, tI^Hb ilckbrolnen. and don much to cbter then. Knoir•U "Batdom" Uian^ hlni for Interest taken.

Nofr, pleaae do not minaoderatand ne, but Id

TeT7 near fvtare Frank Fogarty and members aregoing to fry nuke It u powerful aa thoae whopredomlnata with do Intentions of dictating. JnatJnatlcs for Ur. Actor and Mr. ManBger. In oneword: "Squtty*' wben It coom lo oooinctB.

ROTAL ULLIPUmN'S REVUE.Ono of tbe tint Aom to be rooted by tbe new

KIbw ft Brlinger-^nbert oofflblnatlon la Ihe Itoyal

LllllDDtlan DeToe, which la now being preparvd

V Prank Bohm. Tbo reme, wfalch wlir be etagrdby Ned Warbon), wlH bare Ita nnwlc written byIrrlog Berlin. Only Etaropean noreltics wlU tnmetented. Two ac!a haTO already bem engaced.They «rs Bdllh and Ilertba Altboft, wondcr^llmoflclaoB, and that derer canine act, LlplnNkjr'B

OO0. Other aela are ttelag engagnl.llie lour will open Marrh I. at Pnnmna' irnrl*

ford. Conn. Howard Oalo goes In fldrance, owlClando SBTiodem., raanaiter. It la itoanlbte thatthere will be dally parailca ot some'of tbo acta.

kcal maoagcn are satlaQod. l%e TDorlog pletore

hontea haYS nolhlng to aai aa tLcy are all doingbig bualnets.Onm of the past Waalilocton faTorltM, and

Blirays well reoccil^rcfl. ^nd van aaw '"Iho Llt-

tlo Cafe," waa MIka H. WlaUreU Po Witt, for*

nier manager of CbaM's.Wits the dnal cnrlalu at roU'a. Saturday,

Feb. 0, a nnmber of tUe I'opular FlayerB will aayIbelr good-bre. Tbe new i>laycrs Ibat aro to be

on band at tbo opening of tbe week H, arv : MandeQltbeft leading ladr: Itockclirfo t'eltowa, lead'

Ing man: arabam Vclsejr, I<ob1s Halucif, HobertLowe, Daniel llanlon. O. Uarrla, Helen Tracy.Gertnule Uondblll aod Iftrlft Nlcbota. In tbia

llBt will bo foaod Bome ot tbo old farorltea whohiTo retomed bome, and vlUno*l^ hearty,

warn welcome. HaiTT AlunHra inu nOHi Mdirector, as heretofore,ANDBua DrrriL, wbo li prodoclag "Tbo LItaa

Domloo" in tbiB city Ibla w*f>k, will dellrer alecture before tbe Drama Lenxue. Tneador after*

noon. Feb. 2, at 4.30, In Iho Woodward & Lo*tbix>p'H Auiltorliim. Snbjcctt '*The AmericanGirl In Opera Abroad."

Kansas CItrt Ho.—Abnbert (Earl Stowanl,nurr.) "Ihe Wblp" Cuiopaur failed to open Hun*day. Jan. 24, as booked, ovlng to dlfllnlt^a in

ScUog teener/ from Denrer. Tbo play opeo*donday nigbt, 2B, and played Ronday. 81, b> makofull week. DaTid Warfleld. In 'Tbs Aoc-

tloDeer/* wcU of Fob. 1 ; Clunnoey Oloott mekof 7.Oamuic (Uirtln Lehman, mgr.)-^l seals

Ibr tb« oTMlnf performance. Jan. 28. were re-

aerrod for tbe Sontbweat Lnmbermen's Aaaoola-tk>n. In annnil oonrentlon bere, 2T-30. Bill f^r

wees of 31: Blanche Ring aod oompaoy* AlanBrvoks sod company, Bebaailan and Deatler, Tro*y»U>, nidley and Fleming, Miller and Vincnit,Ellda Morris, ud Oipbeom Trrr^ Weekly.AUDiTOUnif (Mota Miller, mgr.)—Alock oom*

eny, la "Seren Day*," 31 and week. Uvchterest wu maotfeated In tbe initial amaraai's

€t Hiss Miller as Anne Drown. In Ihta piece,being sel«tcd for lotroduclojr the company's Dopa-lar manAger to tho local powlc. To Hlas Miller'saplendld conrage and ber cantfol atteatlon tocTtfy detail ot tbe oiBOBgement the uuprooedoiteleooocsa of IhU company la due.

flnAHD (A. Judab, mgr.]—"Doogbt and PaidFor." for Ibo flnt time at popular prleee, ptayfdto nig traalnoBs week cndhig 30. "HlloBtonea"weeli of 31.Khpisbb iOj. Jaooto, mjrr.)—.mil week of

Feb. 1: Tbe WHaon Ilroa., IfohncH arvl Itliey.

eiarman All, flallle Hl<nnl>ltr and Urolhm C«ni*eron-De VItt and com|iany. Ckldcn and West, andfc.-ihire photoplayB. Jimiib Ueriiard an<I Il.ivlllnrrlnium irero enBlly Ibe li^illnera bere, In Itwlronw-ly playlcl, "Wlto la Hhr," laat week.

ni^na <w. D. NewklNr. mgr.)—^pllt weeklaodevUle and plctorw. IlIll for Jan, ;jl>Keb. 3:Harry Brooks god compinyi Uio Tossinc AosUnv,

HEINZ & BECEnAR SHOWS.•nie Uolns ft BeckDun Bhows will be one «(

tbe targeat shows id tbo camWal fleld tbls com-ing aoawn. It's equipment la the rery beat. Anumber of now DOTOltlcn will bo Introdaod byIbla coniiany In tbe way of featnre attnietlonsItaat will b« a omplelo suprlae to Ihe camlraJworld. In fact, ttie organlaailon from train tolot will be tbo otost no-to-dato In erery 'df|tart*

Dent, and Uio ahow prapor will be mler th« per*sonal aoperrlaloA of Fru Beckmin. white Fd. L.HelM wilt attend to tho utrance. Rrery denart'-ment wUl bo In tbe bands ot experienced anow-men of recognbed abUliy.

FrniaralkinB for tho season of lOlB will bewell under way by Fob. 1, at tbo spactout Winterquartets In Kaat Bt Lonla. III. A number ofeontracts bare been signed (or the enanlng tea*DO with dctlraMo conoetsloua* wbtcb we bopoCo bo able to famUh rtortly.The oompioy will cany tweoty-tU cars lo ac*

oomitodats aUteea ataowa. dbm rlilea, a band ofthirty pletes. on* cooc«asloa of a blad, and willbo able to fomUh aU nitb sleeping acoomowdg-Uoiia on their train.

It wUI bs lbs aim at nelna ft Decktiun to4Pcko tho mnidcsl deparlmant of iMa hIm^w a fea*tuie. The baud will be under tbo dlrn-tlun ofKd. Oionelts and a steam calloiw will l« iiaedIn tbe dally street parade, which \t1I| bo aaotharfciilure of this abov this year.The psxada will b» mon tban a half mllo long,

BbeUand ucnias. cameli. llooa, tlurra nnd manybeeata ot Ibe forest will bo abown In upon wa^otiaIn the parade, not forgetting four elcpbanls wblcbwill furolth me of tbo Crcs acta on Itra lot rieryaflrrnooo and erenlng.


<JharIea F. Oorran, proprietor of Oarran*eOrcaier Hbowo, hat made arrangements to fumlthall ahowt, rldloi derlm and cooeeaolona at tbeDig BprlDg FtfUral to be held at Temple. Tei.,Jate In Starch. Many new ahfira bare atgaed atthla writing, and do doi^t t'als will be on* oftho best cekHirallMia erer lv4d at Tanple. Tbeaiianclat condition ot Ten^W aod tbe aurroundlngtowns la far better than "iwo montba S|0, aalaat week, bece^ oottoa adranL0<1 two and ooe-balfcents, this naket a bdght outlook for tbe Onrranflbcnr'a opening.

•Many people of tbe National AinaM. Oo, lasteaaoo, tjt wtalch Mr. Ourran was manager, andheroral tt tbe Curran Bhowa will be IdeDtiOed atIhe Temiilo ceMratlon. The entire outfit of Our*rnn'a (Ireater Bhuim will tn atrifriictl fruu QrandVlfw, Ark., wIhto It cIoAfd laat neaiion, to Tenple.Mr. Chirran, wltb Ibe nnlnlanon of W. 0. JamcMnand W. H. Hlyier, arp Tcry bintlr ongaced atf-nwnt ((rtllnif Miliirn In Hhape. Tho eiaot date,jiaa not yet been iln;l<leil itituii. An ad. In n'l mrlylasue of Tub CuiTcn wJC giro fuU detalla ot thobig week.

No Dnlli]tintrr| allrnrtlorii linri* \y^n toikM liy

U.i'in, utnl whi-ii (In- IIM'i »K*nwiii Irt itMhiTfl Intoeilileii'V, tlK< Jnnlp-S^vliiHii Hliiiwi4 will mviiiiy alik'lin III lliu bId II I Til hi ti i'«riilTn|N nt Ihu twriillrlbctnlury. Tlirlr oHDpaiiy will miHliit uf twrWoflral-clRu ailriiclluiia. ami Lwvniy'Hil hlxh c'hkmooiciwlona. N'ino but l<>ullltiialv vuiicculuua willho penuUted on tliclr Midway.

Wllllau llodd Jnrvla will bare cbarifo of llio

Advance aa gvueral oonlracUog agent, and Adol)i)ifleeman will hare charge of tbo •how, la generalmaoogvr. Dan MoCliBln, tbe halo follow well met.end well known lo the ahtnr world, bai been eu-gaied as special agent.

Connie I'rowitt, for three years treainrer of thoBUndard Theatre, Omaha, Neb., will be lbs aec-reury and treaiurer. Fat Duncan will l>o aaalat'

* . - . ...ji^^ant manager. Obarles Johuton haa IraH«l _.

dining car. mil Hpenccr, loo yeara with ihnI'arker Intrnela, lua algi.ed at iho chief cleC'Irlclan, Oeorgo Olark, tralnnaator. M, L. Veruon,preos repreaentatlre.

Tbero la no doubt Ibat Dudd and Adolpb willhare Ibelr company complete In a Us* days, aaibey are going at It with tome speed. A oumpleipllne-up of tbe eiecutlre ataff, soowa and concen-atona <4 cbit gtganllo organlaatlon wIU apiieir Inuna of tbo iMauet of Tiis OLirm In (he nearfuture.


News from flan Antonio, whoro Mr. Woribam laaupcrlntcnding the getting toKctber of bin maia*mulh organlutloii. Is aotncwhat oieagrr llila week,uolbing of murh Intereat having lranii|>rvil.

Htevo A. Woodi. Ibo grnrrallmtltiu '•f (br<

Worlham adranco forces, la aomcwbere around Ihfcountry liwhlng urer Ihe alluailen ami laying oi:t

hia plan of camjialin lu Iho lutual Wowla manner.Uo la Tcr/ reticent ainut bin morvnentt, anil

. .,liafilr not befor tome llllle time.will prohahlr not be beard from for publlcatlo:!

Mr Allen la at Hhrerenort attending to thebnlhllng of Ihe now Tom W. Allcu Kitowa, which,nomerlcally. will be the lame Mr. Wortham'aaggregation, and putctti Ibo latne atronx Featurei.

and hIa Bcneral agrnt, II. L. liOhmar. la alau outon acont duly.Tbe ciTlce of the Worlhana ft Allen Hhow* at

1207 Maoonlc nullding, Cblcago, are hiiiy. andSir. Povert Is mahlnr aercrtl rlalla lo Vilparalnucllrnding to Ibe bultdlug and aaaembling ot hiM

attracttooa. In bla alttrnce. Nat Relni, wliugwlllact at gmeral agent Tor thla ihow. In fo l»o fnundthere helping out with TaTh)u.s iletalli that hi*loiitf eiprrleoce haa made him pnat mnitcr uf.

Mr. Relaa announces that he liaa cnKtunl ArtDitU tod J. II. Kltfpatrlck for Ibo tt\inirv torwtbla aeaaon. and that Km, ltet<M will hafe aerfrnloonccaalona wllb tbe tbow. a«NlBtr<l hj Nat Mil*ler. wbo hni l«m wltb bim for yeora.John A. rollltt. the nialattnl manager. It ex*

r>erlc<l hrre r.lHirlly tu lake nji liN iliil'n with thoegirregatlui. and hlii iirtur.ncf will be vnry wrl*tmofj to Mr. I'owira, who at (ircrent haa nmrnthan Ilia haMla full with Iho many delnlla of thfnew orgnalaatloii to atUiid to, ond wlirn It rouicato IhU nrHifiilllnK nod hulMlng bUUT, John A, It

the right uun lu tbo tight plan.


Pevsr Danshcrtr • Bin., "Pern Diaghcrty," as Chirlolte Boda-BOir, daughter of a promlDcot BcatUe, Wash,,bualueu mnu, who woa knowa as a "niDKl)^slDgloe cooicdleDoe In vaudeville, "waa quietlymartled to l<'rcderlck H. Clodgo, of HartXoru,Conn., At roughtcepalc, N. Y~ Dec. lavl,aod than rc-marrlea Id the Catbolc CburcbJd New York, Jan. 8.

Ncedlcaa to caj', the gifted with o Hoc so-

Jnnv voice I'eggr will alog onlj occanloiiall;ercaflrr, alUiougb ahc will continue her

atndj of miulc, Jlr, Clodgo Is the Kaaterorppreaentallve of the Llggects-Uyets TohacnsCo. After a «hort etav In Boalon, MaestUie7 will loeatc In Uartiord, Cono.

Irene West Hart.A change wqh made ncceiwaiT In the Mil

at Foll'a rahicc, Id Hprlngllcid, Uaw., laathalf of laat week, when Irene West, of ttas

team of Olrard and West, aprnlned her anklsId one of Jier dances od Thurfldny Rftoruooo.niltman and Iloberta flnlshcd the dat;, open-ing Kriday.

Joe Vovel Hade Hanaser,Joe Vogcl, youttafnl—and Mmo think band'

aoDie—who baa been one of Marcus Ijoow'smoat aSelant assistant managers, was hustledcmt of the Beventb ATenne rheatre laat Bun-day night and 'opened In Brooklyn," Mon-day, oa manager ot Loew** FdUod, sltoalsdat the comer o< Fnlton Street and NoatnndAvennc.

Do Tan Know Tbat—BII^Y 'BOYLB, of the Jngeling Daanon^

vibo dlalocated bis riglit ohumb duitac aperformance at the Bpoodwty, a tewweeks ago, resomed work last we<k Ingood sbepe again.

POOOT KBLI.Y AND NBLSON T/BVEQUalooked like one ot t2ie best doable "tum^ttat baa been piaycd In Hailem In somaitjbBS

DIIiLY WAieON TIKI] -was bow Mr. andan. Davo Vine's (Luella Temple) boyuna cbclateocd, with "Slldlnii'' Bltlv'stUesslojn Uu/t be be as succcvsnri as BigSill. CaTe and I/nella worked tbe Un-lem 0. H. Drat lialf of last week, to"good going/' and bestdos working tnrcoa day with liiiella, Dave did Ave a nighttHUi niny Wataon Tine.

CiflntID LILTB got over the woriTlog Imbltdie was featuring o( late.

VaB ORBAT PBLII'AM opens on ttis Proctoritlmc D«it Monday.

QDOBR AND QUAINT bad to cancel twoveeks' work owing to a Dccessory opera-rtlon on Frank Quc<:r's nose and throat.Tbey open on the Proctor time Keb. 8.

BIIiLT OT.ABON bad siidb cuoccss at the Day8q., In East Dontou, witjb "business" putIn lilH "Cbl-Dntown** number that he'snow dressInK his "Co." of two yixingatcrsIn sailor uniforms and himself In aKbalcl rlB for "I Oldn't Itolse My Itoj

to Be a Btfldler."

I. B. DIIOOKMAN sore baa tlie right opinionprcaaacentlng tor Proctor's Fifth Avivnue. Bliows appear to bo iwnng botweeathere ond the B. 0. . latoly.

BILLY MATTHEWS Is liome booker.

URB. nARRY SWIFT la recovering from aserious lllDess, slow but sure.

LE70T, BIQLOW CO. are doing a speedytrucking turn.

WITH "SALVATION 8DB" AND "RIIDCROSS MIARY" sketrhes on the Ramsbill made the boiiro look like n reformiDBlllutlos Jan. :!C-27. Doth went overgood.

<SW>RaE nOTUCBILD, wen known to bur-Icsnuors ond patrons l>y his connKtlonTrith HuKlir & Smmon's The«lrc, passedInto biB flfty-flfth year recently, with aiforty year look about bloi.

OLLIB WOOD Is doing welt on elgfatcen

weeks' booking with her "Buntor Brown"Klpfile. (fi(>aikH •well of yoD, Billy.

Yon must be good.) flood!

BD. VINTON b evIdentlT teacbbs "Ba«ter»(not OlUe) some new stunts each mom.out on the United time. Iliere're postofllccs In most ot the elUa), olu't tnere,Edt

BtTTH PANNING, formerly with tbe "StopTbiet" end "Oet-RlcIi>qulck WtUlng-ford" companies, has Joined the OnokStock Co., a.t Jacqoes' Hieatre. In Water-bory, Conn., and la giving dancing lea-

sons on the stage after each matineeperfornuincu.

6AM SniBK win rntonn to Ills old love, tboFifth Avenue Tboatre, aa stsoo manager,when Out bouse reverts back to Keith,Ig May,


BMPIBB'S NBW MANAGER.Cluirles Cochran very quickly got to work

at the Umpire with a aenHatloual cugnge-oont lliroughnut ncit week llurntlo Bet-tomlpy will break the variety program witha patriotic ovation, lasting twenty minutes,Rottomley was a Journsllst as a youth. Thenbe llnanced tremcnduus trUHte, with varyingsuccess, but with unvarying reclanir. flicnbe went Into Parliament, but had to retireowing to legal dliabllliles. Now ho runa aweekly paper called Jn\\n BsU, which klekaont In all dlrectlona. Ue la a remarkablecharactrr; not leaat of all, a brilliant Im-psRHloned speaker. The renult of this Kmplreoiperbncnt 18 awaited with Interest. CorhranIs hard at work on n revue In wlilrh BthelI,evey and Ocorgo OraveH will be aaaoelntctl.

The new mnnnger dtTlares that be lias noItitcntlan of deparllog fmm the mnin linesof the Allows with whirh tho Rmplrc boalong been aiuvii'luted—that Is. he will givebU productions a npeetucular quullly andrun some sort of ballot.

"KIN'QB AND QIIEIRNS" AT ST. JA.MRB.Sir George Alciauder bought n piny from

J. Hartley Manners u while ago, btit con-cluded that Its tone was loo serious for lo)-

DifOlate use. So, Inslead, be produced onSaturday niglit, nt the St. Jnmcs Tbnitre.a fantastic comedy by Rudolph Rcslcr, for-

merly a mngaaino editor. wliu?<o one roDinrk-nble piny so for ws» "Don," prwludMl nt thellaymarket. 'iKIngs nud Qnct^ns" bad aiiretty giiod reception ill Ihe SI. James. TheIdea of depleting tho Intlmnle life nt ii roynlfsoiilly l» not new. Captnlii Marshall aacd It

years ago. Of course, lleslor hns not ven-tured lo carlcntnre any myal family, thoughtho kindly, cominon-srnslcal, mthor cynleniold king rcprpsrnti>d by Alexauder msy haveteen augvested by Kdwnrd VII, and thestarchy old mothcr-ln-lew queen, who ntlflcs

her entourage In n dull, moral stmoapliere,mar bnvc bcoii snggesled by Victoria. IlarinI.ohr plays tlie heroine ratlier better thanshe bns plnywl anything yet, though bcrIntountlcn Is becoming miuinercd to n degree.Rlio Is a Joyous young queen, fond of herrnlher solemn hURhiind. nlno fonil of life, nndterribly opprossed by mntlipi^ln.lsw. Firstof nil. site trim (he olTni't of shntiilng hercovLTnoN by ui/Zre copliitnes. rlgnrt'tle sinok-liig nnd so fori?'. Whcu tbol I'ourao fal?«i



ghe antagei to a foollab fllrtaUoa tlut naariibcoomas a scaodaloas elopaneat Bat Sha Itai last reooDcllod to ber haibanlU and all

«o« bapplly.^

Thtro was a meeting ot tbe gristv Art^lata' KcderatloD on Sunday, at vbKh Oaqncatlon of contlnulog tne es-epciatlvoechone, framed up to help oat us warI roubles, and now on tbe eva ot eiplring,wss considered. Tbe artlata deddca that-they would have no mora "eiHCfiantlon."Managers must henceforth pay full con-tracted for salaries, and sny cODcerted re-

fusal to do so will be coDironttd with astrike. It l6 nndentood that the managerswill Just lie dowDl The truth Is that tbelionscs which ate doing well have lost bythe co-operative aystem, and tbs booseswhich are doing 4)adly have not found It

specially belptal. They will probably classdown. Btoll bsg tbrougbout Bteadfsstly re-

fused to baTe aaytblng to do wltb eo-opm-Uon.

^Ids C.-lspl, of Amerlrs. and Fsrras, ot

tbe Rniulre, lure Jolnol In • tKblnd the-aeines

stetcb, which they cill "Stsae Bimek," tndwhich they -lid si Ihe Victoria raUct Uit week,l-t Is oaoiilns.

lirnrl de Vclcs has • new tkelcb, cntltM "OnBeml BOTloe." Its loi(ionant clitneirn iit sOeimuo wpy aod s detoctlre nbo tnugi tbtcgato a cUmss by himself eipMlss ose of theraacsl'c own boiabs. Tbe tIcIodm cbaneteis are•Ulo, aod tho vlrtooua cbsneten «ninte tnvatheir prlsoa by the bote which the bomb madela the walL



MR. SAM OOLDISWho died six years ago today, Feb. S

OonoUulNotFoigotteD. AnaUinlcKtMaSUAROIB HILTON REDED. I

plctvn tctrm, wu UmA dead lik bsmniU 310 Wat Oao lluudrod tod nutb Suvrt.tbls city, (>lJu/ ennluK. Jan. a. It li nldthat eho aod brr /Iohw, Hobrrt U LyatD, l»oka (l<MKr ot QwrpbliM at a tiaro br « man irto baanot located, tlifr ol^t bc^MV. LmuiD mafoubtl fllU uiulcr Uio off«ta of tbo dnif. Wbnn-riTcU be* BBld Ubat the jflrl boil been leteptioneonrntoT In UrtdcvpOTt, Conn., bot bad cmw tothia cllj' lbm> or four nwntba aso to bp a nw-tloD picture actmi. He bad como down lo apnltba twiJitlelh annlTcnaTT of bcr tririb, withbcr. and vbUc at dViner was latiodncod to afnao alM tad mot alam *.omlnf bm. Tbpj irentto lio7 iruna, and aft2r a witiiicr Uwre do dircdbcr to take moiphlne, 8hc uM so and » didLTinaii. Mlia Oaylea' pareota nre noUOf)! at DOPo|ila.' tlnct, DrlilgfpoTt. Lyuao wis rbarpdwith b<iiJclde, and hold until tlK coioacr couMluke a tboioqch iareatJiiUoa.

JKDiea Wllllama. (Jaim B. Levcck). oBlftrotbcr ot Qua Wllllama, wtio cotmnlttcd aulcldoJan. 16, iraa found dead lo bf<d Jan. ID. at tbo latatomo ot biH bralber, 74 Worlnc Plac«. Yonkcra.N. T. He attodcd the tuiirral of bis btotb«r attbe Elks' Club In Boulb Droadnv. Tonken, IB.and ifilml aliout eletea p. u. Un. Ooa WIU-Uma foQDd blm dead wbi>a sho vent to caH bbato iTMkfaat Ibe folknring morntna. Jamca VUWlams waa aUtj'tour »ara old. tnd vaa an actor.Htb. WllUania nald be wna dlvtamd rroin St.VliiccDt's Hoaplial tbo prevlooa Prllar, afterbavHw been treated for Ave weeks for hearttniuble. Tt« abock ot hla brolber't anlctde waab-oro tbaa bo oooU atand la bU vttkeoed ooniU-tloo.

Oeorve Frothtsffham* tte ortrlnal FrtavTuck of tbe old Bostoniana, died atMUcuIr, Jan.10, at Burlington, Vl, oC beavt fUIore. Ur.Fntblngbom waa bom April 12, IBH. ai Dodoo,Man. la 180D be was wltb Doutbcnr. AVIM,llnnior ft Iltoc'a Mlnstnls; aubHetiUftillr ho nanwith Bhuplqr'B. DUly Uurrla'v Bwame nucUe^'a.Oamcroaa & Dlmy'a and Camcnwa MloalrvW. wltball of wtileb ho uoally uppcarcd as Inirrlonitor.Mr. FmiblngtiaaL appeared In a ntral «< "RoMnHood/* Id Uurllofitoa, tho nltfbt prevlouH to lila

death. Mn. ftothlngbam wea wltb blm wheabn dl«d. Rloee Ont appearlns %m tbo Jolly friar,about tweuiy icovcn ycora am. be bad repeatedthe icrfonuaiue more than alx tboosaod times.

Barl Haek, a mente of tbo Oay Hickman,0)ii«>an7. dlttl at :^(Bton Oily, la., Jau. 17, frompneofflOBla. Ur. Mack vos -n-«lt known la Tiode-TlUe aa well aa dramatic drclea. aul hla loss willba kcoily felt by bis many frlcnda. Ths bodywas taken to bhi lato faoae, fak Dlalr, IM>., forburial.Umrry K» CoIe» huAaad cC Adim Red

Watber. of tho UIk JoMlee 0»., tonoerlr ofOolo and llostlniis. aod wltb his wUc. aa Wliltakfoon and IU>d Kcatber, died Jan. 14. at Jamalra.N. Y. Itcuialna wero cremated at Froh ToailOrrmalory.Hrs. Zara Bancroft dkd tctt aoddtoly at

North Rose, N. Y., Dec. 31 loHt, fn her tblrty-fourth year of bcr life. Dvceaacd waa a memberof tho vauderlTlo team, tbe IlaDcrafin, and wasTtTT well known tbrouiboot tbo pnffsslon, eope-dally In tbo WosL Tho remaloo were Interred InDroofclyD. N. T. Gbe Is SDrrlnd by her huaband,Nell O. Bancroft, and a eon br a former nurrlas^.(Weahrro papers please copy,)Cbnrles Dalsar» afcd thirty-four yoara, who

retired fran tbo eta^ abont «Ubt weeks affo,owlnc to llUima, died of Drlsht's disease. Jun. 32,at Jackaon, Mich., Vklicre Ite waa nekllag. lieWHS well known oa tbo leflllmato sta<e as smember of aereral stock companies, and hadplayed tbs leading part In tbo Bonafalla BtoekOompany, of Detroit, for two or thres scasone,snd once wl'** " '•*rn.Ilnrrr H. Clifford, cf tbs Tat^tlts team

of Harry Clltrbid and Zelda Tiylor, died, Jan.18, at Obolaca, Hasa.« frcsn a coopllcailao otdlMsses, after a year's tllDeas. Fnneral aerrtceswero held 31. Man; beautiful donl tributeswere receiTfd from frtenda snd Ml«a Taylor,In behalf nf bccself and decesseil wishes tolhank all for kindoesB daring Ur. Ollfford's HI*hena.

<*Dllly*» Gellcr. TsadeTllls performer, andhnnband of Joae^dtloe Dai4s, atnitlnk comedienne,died Friday nlcht, Jan. 32. rollowfDV an 0]'>era>

tlon for K|knendlcltla. lo a boapttsl lo Drooslyn,N. T. ns had recently recoretrd fran an attackcf typhoid fcTor and waa In a wcskencd oondltlmM^u the operalloo wss found necessary fvr tbsflnnl lllneas.

nnnlel Pltssrcrald. a inHst st tbe Aelors*nmno, St XVeit N<nr Orlflbton. 8. 1.. died Jan.23. afled perenty-nne yenis. lie was wdl knownon <*io stsce In Noiv York AC one time.Mss. OiBt -llAioBsnBim^ wire of Jnbn Otren.

of Orren and McKensle, died Jan. IS. at the bomsof her mother. 600 RMt Btnct, BpiiniAeld. O.*of cancer. Intcrmoit was la iFsrocUft Oametcryitbat city.

CnAS. V, WrsniiffD, Jan. M.(iicuHA R. VoDiaY, Jan. 22.,AHa T. Van Winkls. Jon. 20^\Vh. MoYat. Jna. 20.Loojs Unsa. F^sb. 1.

TIUI JERRY J. CODAN TOXNBR.r«Hill« the fact thit Tumlny Pt|hl, Jan. 31.

WSH one of tho most dl«i3r<eAblo New York Cityban cirH-rlenctHl lii vears, over flOO Prinm aihItlH>lr RvestH k'nlbiTcd at tbe Ilolel Jtstor to doL<ti.oT to Je.'.'y J. Oohan. It \rss a Ear nUblini'onrs, for mcrrhncnt aad good tcllowihipTcupKd au;>iew.

At the hpe.ikeT*s tahio were: Tkeodoro BoQi-lean, ncctelary to the Miiror, l>nn RobertAdamaon. the Fire Ooim! > Irrlny Berlin.Knm Berlbner, William Oourtlet^b. Jcrvpb Diooks,PcrcT a. Williams. K. F, Alb» A. Paul Keith,Dodley Field Maloue, OilUvtor of the Tort ofnew York: Jerry J. Oolnn. Qioise U. Cohan,THinlol Frohmnn, F. F. Prirlor. Irvin S. Oohb,CeoiTT McAiieny, William Oqlller. Her. John Tal»tot S'nillh. OtU niilnne*-. Ronn'^M Arolf. Sam IT.Karris cud llolbm^k nihUL

Ceorpe M. Ouhnn |treiiliM. and bla reraarhswere Tcry wHIt. Hie yuct of hmior nvtlled laimetry, In whicii nml of the iimmltient iitemher^of ilto rl nil were nieit ( Inn iil. Tliwi fnl lowrtl niitimt<er iif lirllllntit sprorhcs by ItennoM Wolf.^^nn^ Harris. IrwIn r-»i*»i, I'tTi-v \\'inij*-ii4

i'hiiimv nnil Diidlcr Plell Mn1ot*e A short, batpvhI TnihU^rlllo followcil. aiiil (lancloa fres. Ihero^vere ladles pmcut) closed tbo ovcouir's fesUrl*tictf.


AaTOB—OwHgb M. Cohan aid ^Ullam Col-lier, In ^'Hello Broadway," slith week.

BBLABCO—Francei Btarr. Id ^Marle-Odlle,"second week.

BOOTH—"Children of EiTtli," fonrta wceLCASINO— "lUiperlence," Uteentb week;

fourth at this bouse.CANDLUB—•'On Trial," Iweoty-ll/tli week.OOUT—"Under Cover,'' twenty-lourtb week.COHAN—-It Fays to Advertise," twenty-sec-

ond week.UMl'lRU— Uthcl nanymore, In "Tlw

Shadow/' second week.BOriNOK—"itie Bong ot Boigs," aOTentb

FORTY-GIGHm STREET- "The Uw otlbs I^nd," with Julia Dean, nine-tcentb week.

FOr.TON—"Twin Beds," twenty-alxth week.OAIEJIY—Ruth Chattertoo, In "Daddy Long-

I'tSs," nineteenth week.GLOBIi-^ODtgaincry ana Stone, In "Chin-

Cliln," sutceotb week.UIPFODBOMB— "Winter Cliena," second

HUDSON—Dooglaa Fairbanks, In •The BhoirSliop," aUth week.

HABOIS—iHaigaret IlUngtos. In The Lie,"»lith week.

KNICKERBOCKER — Richard Carle andMaile CabUI, In "Ninety la thoShade," second ire^

LiaTIyff—"A I'alr ot BUk Blockings." ali-teentb week.

UUSaTY— Ods Skinner, In ^The BlleiitVoice," sixth week.

tTBIC—"The Only Olrl," fenrleenth week;twelfth at this booae.

I.YCBDU— BiBle Ferguson, In <<Oatcast,"fourteenth week.

HANnAITAN OPSRA UOVBB— "Lite,"flfteentb week.

KBW AU&HBRDAM—"Watcb Tour Step,"with Mr. and Hrs. Vernon Castle andFrank TInney, ninth week.

rUNClI AND jnDY—-Tie Clever Ones,"aecond week.

PI.ATHOnSB—"Sinners," llfth week.PARK-'Tolygamy," tenth week; soTenth at

thiB bouse.PIMNCES8— "The Critic," second week:

"Uaternlty," matinees only, llftTi week.IiEPDHLIC— John Barrynore ond Jane

arev. In "Kick In,'' aliteenUi week;twelfth at this bouse.

8IIUBGRT—"To-Nlght'a the Nlgbt," seTenttiweek.

IHIIITY-NINTH STRSKT—SJarle Dressier,In "A Mli-rp," sUth week.

'WINTGR OaSDSN- "Dancing Around,"seventeenih week.

WALLACK'S—Ultlan McCarthy and (Iron-Tllle Barker. In "Andtocles and theLion" and "I'le Man Who U&rrled aDumb Wife," t econd week.

"THE OEVIR ONES."Pnaeh and Jladr (Ocorgo VlTlan, mgr.)—The Clevrr Ones, a comedy In three acts

by Alfred Sutro. Produced by Charles Hop-kins on Thursday, Jan. 28.

Wilfrid Callender Charles HopkinsPeter Mnrroble Edward ^eryDavid EOlck Uiiia WlivlalUannllml I'lpkln Chirli'ii IlummlenIlarrold Marrable Herbert YoHtThomson Charles Oodnworl'iKrown John KoecrsMartin Charles CoguianJamca Noel r,esll«

Hose Efflck Mnu HopklnaDoris Unmtde Beatrice l*TeotlcoMrs. Marrablo (Irene) Annie Hughes.Athene Settle Loulso Closscr lla'eMrs. SduU Vera I'ole

llie action of this play passes In the mu«icroom at tbe Uarrablea' taouge In Uainpstead,and In David EtSck's sitting room, UlgglnionBnlldlug, Uetbaal Oreen UoicL

Staged by Tully MarabalL

After a setae of darknesi, which extenaedover a perloa ot seren weeks, this theatre,the qualntcat of playhouaea, opened on tbsaboro date with the first petformnnco InAmerica of Alfred Butro'a new comedy, "HieCievcr Ones."

Mr. Sutro's comedy Is well wrKlen. 'I'berearc mauy clever epigrammatic Il^'es, espe-cially In the flrst act. ms act Is rich Incomedy, but after tbat the Interest slackfoa,ond by tbe time the laat act la reached theplay lalla to plecea The play alms to be afcatlre on the anobbery of the KnglLib middleand lower classes. On the whole the playadds nothing to tbe reputation of Mr. Sutro,who baa been long -prominent In tho list otBrltUb olaywrlghta.

In order to win the hand of-Dorla Har-nble, a young woman with "advancedIdeas," who baa been overheard lo any thataho would never marry the "average" youuffman, Wilfrid Callender pretends that he Is afmnoua anarchist To carry out the decep-tioD, h2 engages two roughly dressed men toapplaud bis speeches. He Invites Doris andbar mother and aunt (all would-be Intel-lectuals) to dins with him nt tbe home ot afriend who la a real anarchist. The latterproves that be la a man who believes Inequal rights, for he Inslsbi that tho char-woman alt down at the table with the guests.They are served by Rose Efllck, the aaar-chlet'a daughter, who decides allently thatDoris la not the proper wife for (blender,and tbat alie. Rose, would marry him herself.In the firat act Callender had confessed toDoris' father, a rich but uncultured brewer,that be was not an anarchist, but a richyounf man, but be bad to pretend to be a'wild man" to secure Doris. In tho laat actDoris decides tbat she would not marry Wil-frid, 4)ut will again receive the atteniloos ota young man she Jilted for tbe aoarchlet.Wilfrid leaves without dlacloelag hU realIdeas regarding wealth and soclsT standing,and folia a ready vli tlm to tbe dever Ruse.

"The rompaoy. which may leally be called astuck orgauliatlou, were nil excellent In Iholrrespective roles. The greatest auccrss wnsnnaoubtedly scored by Edwird Emery who,aa the unrnltuted brewer, won both aymnstbyond laughter. It la a splendid tele, piaycdby a aplendid actor.

Charles nopklns, who Is tbe hood of tbePnncb snd Judy Theatre, had the role ofCallender, but, to put It mildly, tho role Is

unsnltcd to blm. Mrs. Hopkins, who, b?roreher msrrlagc, was known ss Violet Vivian,lent beauty, charm and tolcnt to Ihe role ofRose.

Russ Wliylnl made the real anarchist amild and altogether eliannlog man, andacted wltb much tendemesa Tho cleverI^ulBs Closser Ilcle, ns Hiss Settle, was notgiven much opporl unity to sblnc. rbe nmomay be snld ot Ilcrbert Yost, one of the bestof our vonnger actors.

Excellent character acting was enntrlhutedbv Vera Polo, as a chairwoman, ond CharlesItampden, aa a talkative worknnn. MissPole's make-up, from faor loose hair to hertorn shoes, was a wondorful sight to eehold.Beatrice Prentice, ss Doris, gave an excel-

lent performance of a role tbat conid easilybe Bpollcd by overacting, aod Annie Uugbeslent i^od comedy sId with her excellent sct-Ing as Mrs. Mnrmblc. Tho others did theirwork well.

Tiillv Mors'inll stngnl the pinv. and biswork shownl the bond of an

nronx Opcr« Ilnaac inirbnnl Madden,nicr. ^—"So\5liirli for Sn ^liicli" came to thispopular iiplown theatre on Monday night,niul If the Monday night nudloiicc can botaken as a criterion, a "sell-out" all weekcan he safely looked for. Week of Feb. B,fiun Denote lo "It>« Delle «f Bond Street''


Wollaok's (Chas. Bnnhsm, mgr.)—Onnvllls Barker'a companr of EngUab play-em opened at thla bonse Wednesday evening,Jan. 27, presenting two plays new to Amei^lea. They were TAe Hon IfAo irarrinl Ti

Dnmh 1»'i/<i, a one act play by AnatoleJ^raoce, and Androolu and lbs Moh, a fouract fable play by Bernard Shaw.

Cast of "llie Man Who Married a DumbWife:"tiiles Dolscourtler Horace BrahomAlison Eva Leonard-lioyueMaster Adam l<'^mee Udgnr KentMaster I,eonard Botal 0. PTUcggleA Watercress Man Oerald llnmerA Candle Man Uu^ MeKaeGatliarlne Ullab McCarthyA Blind blddler CecU CameronA Sweep Oeorge CarrMiRter Simons Colllne Arnold LucyMaster Jean Maugler Lionel UrahamMaster Scralln Dulanrisr Ernest CussartMtdam dc la Brulnc Ruby IllythMUe. de la Uarandleie Isabel Jeans"The Man Who Married a Dumb Wife"

exemplllles the aomewbat trite adage, "Letwell enough alone." Tbe play Is pecullarlvconstructed, aomewbat after the fashion oftlie drama of the EUaahetban period, andwhile tbe costumes are vivid and plcturesoue,and doubtless exactly true to tbe period. an-Jtbe artlag ef the very best tbat a geniunelycapable company of artists can produce, theplmv dngged woetolly In spots, and tbe storymight bare been easily reUied In t«entyminutes leas time than that taken to tell It

Brsnvllle Barker abowed his art la originalOE wcU as picturesque In the natter of light-ing the stage for Doth plaja offered Jnringtbe evening,

Inatead of footllgbts, these nsnally. lodls-penaable propa ot the drama were eliminated,a platform being placed over the orchmtrapit and atepa tullt ont to the Drat row of theorchestra seat acctlon. The entrances, too,were made from two Improvised sections ateither slds of the stage, the boxes havingbeen altered In order to (Sect ttila changedcondition.The atage was lUnmlnnted tbrougli tlis

medium of elglit or ten tclcscople calcbuciLplaced on the balcony. The citect aecnteo,wan beautiful and Imprcsslonlstle.

Ilstmouloua color blends softened tlieiUnof the balcony lights, creating an effect softaid pleasing to the ey& No orchestra ormusic was utilised to fill In waits, the per-formance aUrtlng with a gong, resemblingBelasco's method of curtain raising In thisrcnpeet."The Man Who Married a Dumb Wife"

centres Its cblof claim to Interest In Its oddmethod of construction and "prodactlon"eiccllenre. Aa a play It Is only fairly enter-taining.The piece has been mounted lavishly as to

scenery, the one set used showing u me-diaevsl dwelling that seemed to have beenerected out of the mists of the Dark Ages.An Interval of flfteen minutes elapsed beforethe second play of the evening commenced.

Cast of "Androclcs nnd the Lion :"

The Emperor Waller CrelebtonThe Uaplnln Inn MaclarenAndrocles 0. P. >IeggleThe Uon Phil DwyerLenlulua Horace BrabamMclulliiB Wright KrumerFerrovlug Lionel BmhamSnlnlho Arnold LucyThe Centurion Ernest CosaarCTbe RMltor , Eric HUnd7be Call Boy Cecil CameronSccutor J. H. (Jreenenetlarlus Ocrald IlamcrThe .Menagerie Keeper Edgar KentThe Slave Driver Ungh McRaeUagnera Kate CarlyonLavlnia Llllah McCarthy

There Is nothing distinctive, startllDg orextraordinary about George Dernnrd Shaw'spliiy, "Andrudes and tbe Lion." As n matterof (net. Ibe Fsble Play, as the author InsistsIt shall be called, borders at thnes on ratherbroad farce wltb a dash of comedy, wblle thegeneral effect Is out and out travesty of asort that appeals through burlesque actionratlier thon any subtleties of dialogue.The author Is not partlcularlv clear, either

In tbe morals he seemingly wishes to pointout. and the result Is more often a Isboredattompt at humor than tho really olever aortof drojuatlc literature we bavs been led toexpect from the epigrammatic Iconoclast ofthe Itritlsh Idles.

On past performances "Andracles and theLion" does not begin to compare humorouslyer constnirtlvcly to others of bis nuoierousstage works In satirical vein.

I'oaalbly bceuusc ot the points made belnjtof far mora relative Interest to iMndonentban to New Yorkers, "Andracles" may seema little Btunld and dull, but no mutter -whereproduced there la no denying the fact thattbe most locnily lotermied audience In theentire world could not hut feel a trifle boredby the lengthy apeechcs. obviously mechanlcnlsftustlona and retarded action of the piece,nn matter bow closely lbs messages of the

flay might be applicable to their owu psr-Icular lot, condition and geographical loca-

tion.In a word, the play lacks universal appeal,

f>rliiclnally because It alms to bo smart ratherhsn liuronn.The production Itself Is superb. Qranvllle

narkrr Is to be congmtolnted on tbe scenicInvestment and the excellent acting through-out.

The outalde and Inside of tho Roman arenaIs shown realistically In two splendid setstliat are In themaelvea superior examples oftbe art of acenlc stogeeiaitThe acting Is flawless, and tbe costumes

ghotngraphlcally correct to tbe SDiallcat

Brenlrally, blstrlonlcally, aa well as In tbematter of properties and wardrobe, (Ivsn-vlllo Barker haa achieved something real andlasting.

Ian Maelarcn, as a Roman Captain, playswith a gift ot repreaslon Beldom found InBrondwny thealrm. nis Is a notable andartistic performonce. Llllah McCarthy makesa Htnluetque nnd Imposing Idvlnla. and por-trays her role perfectly. Lionel Brabsm, agrlnnt In slue and acting aMIIty, plara Kcrro-Tlua In cnmmanding fsahlon. Phil DwyerImpersonated the Lion, nn excellent nud In-

telligent bit of work. ^ . .

The entire cast read tbeir lines with afine show of llngnlstic nnd elocutlnniry train-

ing, and the ensemblos are ical and ron-

Tlnclng evidences of flrst class stage man-agement if«».

Proti<Br*a Fittli Avenwe,—^Tbo policy otrecruiting big time acta to appear nt Proc-tor's Fifth Avenue Theatre Is still bring keptup with great auccess. The bill tbe first halfwna exceptionally good, luid promises todraw a R. O. bouao for the thn>e days.I/>ng Tack Sam and company, direct fromthe Palace Theatre, were toe hits of tlie bill.

Zcrah, the calc'ilalor prodigy, pleased wltb anovel nfferlng. Mnrirnetll snd Srlvoiter, Intheir famous chsir and bump act receivedanme well .'Irnervetl langbs. chain «nd Tern-uletnn, comedians, were good. The ThreeMelody Olrls sang and were well riwlvedMnrrUwy nud llnckcit, lu their moving pic-

ture (mvestv, were a riot. Leonard andArnold. In "Never Too Late to I.ove." were•well received. \n excellent selertloo of mov-ing plrhires were presented. ifvles.

«:<inirilT' (Ix>e & J. J. fOinbert. mgm)

Wni A. Rrndv. Ltd.. will present "The WhiteKestber" at this house ninrsdav evening,Feb. 4. "The Fallen Idol" closed Batur-day night, Jan. 30,

PROSPECT.Ojicii<n0 Batnrdttl Bve., Jan. X,

Vbe management et the Prospect lieatrc^In tbe Bnux, who abico the begioalng at tboeeoson played burlesque In the bouse, leasedthe theatre to Uie B, 8. Moss thitarpristsand the policy of tbe bouse la now changedto tbrcc-o-day vaudovlUe. Tbo house wasdark for two weeks, and In that time wonders-Mere performed. Dveryiblng but tbo fixmda-tlon Is near, rugs, curialas, lights, employeesand other details. Tho tbeaire, before tbenew people leased tt only bad one Uer otboxes, since, eight boxes have been addedfour on each side. The cSeot is very naietibetter, as It equally balances tbe house. Thenew orchestra, under the leaderohlp of Slan-IfB W. Lawton, Is a pleasing feature, yMdiwill be appreciated. Tbe boose, nowlyiialmted and decorated wltb Ameilcan flags,looked festive. Tbe policy of the bouse willhe to present tbe highest class vaudevlllsmoney can buy, at reduced prices. Ten centsfor the matinee, and ten, fifteen and twenty-live cents for tbe evening.Tbe show atorted promptly at 8.30 with

"Tbe Star Spangled Banner," and one of thelargest audiences the Prospect ever has seenarose to tbe occasion, it waa a very re-sponsive audience, and by the looks of tnlagsIt appears aa though tho house la In for alung run under this pollcv.The hill was excepflonally good and not an

act received less than dve bowa L. WdfeGilbert, the popular song writer, whom Hr.Mobs rails Ms mascot, wae there, and jier-formed for tbe large bouse. The rousingTrelcome bo received gave proof that ha waato lire up to tbe UUe.The bill was as follows: Bmlly Egonar,

who sang herself Into applause ; JhnmyRosen, In "Dr. Cupid," a very good sketch;I'rooks and Harris, a claasy duo ; "In OldNew York," a serlo-comedy sketch, well ap-preciated; Hariln and Leslie, an excellentmusical act; Otto Brothers, the tamooa Oer-man comodlans, received many langba; theElz Cornallae, very good comic tumblers, andtbe feature photoplay, "Enehactcd Souls,"and a noinber of Keystone comedies and oneTcelera.Thb CLin'sn offers Its best wishes for tbe

ncccas of tbe house and congratulates tbsmanagement In secnrinc sncli « good stand.


DRmilC STUDENTS AG.Kt the Empire, Thursday afternoon, Jan.

28. the students of the American Academy ofDramatic Arts and Empire School of Actingmve their second performance ot the season.There also oocorred cn this occasion tbe llrst

performance In this country ot "Plavgoers,"in Arthur Win; lineco, and "The Cute," byLndwlg Fulda. Ihe latter piece was doneInto Rngll^ by Mrs. Charles A. Doremus.

"Playgoers" opened the bill. lit tells ota happily married couple who desire to givetheir servumts an evening at the theatre.Uut the employers and servants cannot asr^eut to the kind of play to see. and the wnolaolfalr ends with every servant leaving exceptone, and be never cared tor a ISieatclcal eo-trrtnlnmontThe acting wos really more Inteieatloc

than Ibe play. In fact, the play 1b bo poorthat one can bardly believe that It camefrom tbe pen of Ploero.

Florence Morton, as the distrncted wife,

and CIcmence Randolt (the latter a verypretty girl), oa a parlor maid, played their

roles welL The others also lent aid In mak-ing a most uninteresting playlet bearable.^Tlie Core'' Is an Interesting plov, remind-

ing us at times ot "Ihe OmcertT' for It con-cerns a mudi loved musician who Is so tliedout from Ulrtlng that he seeka rest In asanitarium, or, as It Is known hi Oeimany,"The Cure,^' but while then be bi keopbig npa flirtation with a French woman who Is •nuno to one of tbe Inmates.Ibe cast Is a long one and lack of space

prevents lengthy mention of the Indlvlaualwork of the students, which, wltb one ortwo exceptlona, was excellent.

amadway,—An nnusually good bill wwpresented at the Broadway for the flist boltof the week. 'I\he heavy rain drove a numberot patrons In (ur tbe matinee, snd when theshow was over everybody went out perfectlysatisfied and with one opinion 'that It wnsan excellent entertainment. "Llezle's DizzyOaroor," a Nestor comedy, put tbo audlencoIn good humor. "Mabel. Fatty and theI^w," a Keystone, helped to keep them Inthat etate. h'rancia and Palmer, In hits ofvaudeville, were good. Lasky's Vision DeArt was very pretty. The Broadwsy The-atre Itcriow was Interesting. "Zip and Ills

Gsng," an L-Ko comedy, wns tunny. TheThree Dancing Buga were flue. Ilarry nou-ton and company. In stnljrbt and crookedmagic, was excellent The Howell SIsterawere nils. Mildred BlanCbard nnd a com-pany of tblrty people. In "I'he Snerlnee,"acted a strong playlet Tbe feature photo-play, "Three Weeks," taken from tbe popu-lar novel, closed the excellent bill. Uulci.Uortic & SeaiBon's (Louis uuitig,

mgr.)—^Uostlnffs' Big fihoio this week.Cotnmbia (J. Horbert Mack, mgr.) —

FolUes 0/ the Dau this week.Olyiapta (Dave Kraiis, mgr.) — Sattgo

Querns this week.Cituad Opera Honsc.

The (Hrls from^•**«- —Alhambm (Bert Young, mgr.) — Thisweek's bill includes: Henrietta Crosman andtfon^any, Tilxle Filgunsa and conspany,Rvan and TIerney, Henry Lewie, Condon,Deverenux and company, Cbarlea McNangh-ton and company, uarzella'a blrda, Moc-re

and Young, and (Grossman and Stewart,

Miner's (Bronx) (D. D. Miner, mgr.)

Love Uaken this week. _ _Koltli's Royal (Droni:) (C. C. Egan,

mgr.)—^Thla week's hill Includea: MinnieDupreo and company, Toby Claude and com-pany. Wee Qeoivlo Wood, Harry Brecn, FredArdath and company, Joe and Lew Coope^Abou ITamad Triiiipe, Evelyn Dunmore, andCuHgrnvo nnd Uiinm.

. , ,

Daly's.— Jcanelts Duprc&t Show this

Ce'ntarr-—Pavlowo. with her ballet andorcheFtra, began n four weeksT engagementhere Tuesday night, Feb. 2. ....Mulne Elliott's (Gccrgo J. Appleton,mgr.)—Capt. Ucnsley's South American pic-

tures arc In their lost week here. Wm. A.

iBrady will preeeot "Tho Rented Barl" at

this house Monday, Feb. 8.

Forty-foarlb Street (Lee & J. J. Shu-bert nu[ra,)—Robert B. Mantcll. presented

by wm. A. Drndy, began a four weeks' cnengc-moit here Tuesday, Feb. 2, In Sbikespcaroanand classic dromos. The flrst week'a offer-

ings are: Tuesday evening and WednesdaynuHnee, "King John:" Wednesday and Sat-

urday evenings, "Macbeth ;" llinrsday even-

lag and Saturday niatlnce. "Hamlet," nndFridny evenhilg •'The Merchant ot Venlea"Slandord (Harry L. Cert, mgr.)—Maris

Tempest and bcr company, headed by W.Grnhnm Browne, began a week's engagementhere on Monday night In her greatest com-edy success, "ffio Mamsge ot Kitty," whichwas preceded by "Tbe Dumb and tho Blind.

The "Iwuse" on Mondav was excellent "BoMuch for So Much" followB.

Ne«r York Hippodrome (John D. Fltz-

Vfctrlck, mgr.)—The circus performnnci here

Is flfty per cent better than It was on the

oneolug night, for tbe "nets" have all got

their hearings. Several clowns were laid olT,

and tbe stunt of pcrformerB running downtbe aisles of the huge theatre hoe been

stopred. Duslnees Is highly satlafactorr to

thr* mnnagGmpiit.Hurrar Hiu (Fred Wnldmann, nfr.)—

Oiris /rem ^ovhuxi this week.


(lUUB F. lOOEBfl, UOLjHeld OT«r tlie second week on acconal of

her Inrnesdonj niccciu, Nailmon end herexcellent vompRny, pruenting "Wnr Itrldet,"

went erea bigger nt this MondaT'a matineetlun at her Initial appearance, uor adrentiDlo vandertlle la marked by a great triumphfor her.

The Palace nmEanancnt, alwaja on thealert to gire Ita patrosa aomethlnK out o(the ordinary, baa this ircek, In addition to

the above mentioned star, aocared CacollnnWhite, the well known opera star, fi)r herInitial Tandevllle appearance. The iccoptlonaccorded lier on Monday ademoon provedthat talent conquere. Hlsa White linB apleailsg Totco and a ton of persoDAllly,

which caned lier a big aacceea. (New Acta.)

If lliete la a single woman In TauderlUewho can win more laughs from bcr audiencethan Kaanle Btlce, the writer baa never so^uher. MluB Brlce l.s without a superior in hot

line. She Intitidnced a new song tor tbeDnt time, called "Mosha from Nova .Sculhi,"

and waa a riot with It, The song aultrd herto a T, and aha got everything poaalhic outof the number. It's a hit song, If ever onewoe written. Then she gave "By Heck,"uild to be bv tbe same writer, wblcli wentover big. "Too High," one of her old num-bers, was also well received.

Ttat eaponent of tan, Billy UcOermott,rleancd up. He had tbem roarlnu withlaughter eveir second he was on. His fea-

ture Is operatic selections, with the aialstance

of Ibe trap drummer, which earned bim tre-

mendnos applause. Billy has plenty of newmaterial that brought In the desired raulta.

."Neptune's Qarden of Living Statues." Id

the closing poaltloa, shows a t>evy of beau-

tiful and ahapaly Touig models that cause

Ibc men In ttio andltnee to «tt up and takenotice. Tbt act la n big spectacle andmakes a great vaadevlllc featnit.

and KItB, In their one net satire,colled "Coontown Dlvorcom," capturtd theli\iicl;lng hit of the bill. The act Is by JunleMcCree ami Is brlnlul of laucbs. VVingliar.Comfort, In a rich tenor voice, rendpre.l "Vlr-jlnla 1*0, one of the flrst real bit «oags tomake Ita appearance this season, Tbo anngwas little short of a sensation at tlie Moii-liny matinee, lie also ottered "Vou'rc MoreThan the World to Me," and scored equallyas big. Its an exceptional h&llad anashowed on Comfort's voice to good advantage.Moran and Wiser, boomerang hat Ihmnetk

made their re-appearance here and alrawedthat they were maateta In handling hats.The act Is a good feature and took severalbown.When It comes to putting over songs, Ona

Vsn and Joe Scbenck tako a hack aoat foruo one. Golly, hot the boya went big attheir opening here! They gave In rcvtatlon-"Juet for To-nleht" "Why Not 3ln« 'Wearingof tbe Oreen,'^ "I Don't Need a Job ThaiBad," "When You're a Long, Long Wayfrom Home," "Shores of Italy" nnd "liarmony Band," Sacb number waa put over asonly tbey can, and the result was a dcclde<lbit.

In the opening position, Joseph Cole andGertrude Dennhy gave a dcmonatratlon ofthe popular dances, and scored bl^t thanany act In this position thst has ever playedthis house. Both ate flnlshod artists andshoved grace and ease In the seveml originaldsnces.The near8t-Sell« Weekly, showlne lnte^

crtlng Tlewi, atotted tblDgs oS In good thapt./ao*.



RoMcaln'l ks tlie beat Vos T«e< pnbllslkMl., Haw York luui bob* daCy orer It.•PiaBOir WAIiK." It's* wonder tor Doab Aets, Umsloal Aets mmi OsaelBg Aets. aanit ttor It Bt'onea'aBii beoame

Wherever yoo go yaa hsar

ramoBS over irlglkt*

BBOflDWftf MUSIC CORP., Will VON TILZER. Pres.. ^oilft ^'nl^ s?YORK



n ruircHa biuib.

Bt "nilX POBTB

(il,, DASI.INO,

Owing to the act of "Those Four nays"not "nolng over" at the matinee. Mnaday,neceKltated Al. Darling's switching his bill

wme for the night show, and Vau andSchctick, who are also working the Talacethia week, doubled up for the week and tookthe place of "Tbe Four Boys" In next todoling on tbia bill. John and Winnie Ilen-

blogs were moved from No, 3 to T, NelliWebb from 7 to opening after Intermission."Anrora of Llgbt' from closing to No. 8.

and Mr. and Mrs. Qeoe Hodgklns from dos-ing Intermission to closing the show.

Arthur Frlncc, billed pretty close to bcln^cotrect as "The World's Qreateat Ycntrilo-

qulsl," and Boss Cogblan, In a new act byEdgar Allan Woolf, headline a fairly goodthow, the edge of it being taken off someby tbo falling down of the turn that wasclosed.

J<taa and Winnie iHennlngs and AathurPrbice Shored the leading honors Moiida>y

evanlng, altbounrh the Hcnnlngses were casll;

tbe leaders, Joba being forced to moJie ashort speech at -the conclusion of their act

Prince bas, wlUioat a doubt, tbe best ma-leital for displaying his ventrlloqnll* ability,

than perbsi)S any one In bis line. At'snyrate, wltti hbnself rigged out In an admiral'scnltorm, a flashy gun boat aet and a "stupid"sailor ''dunm;'' to work on, the turn Is astream of laughs from the time be beclns till

he releaiea tbe head of the "aeaman" to his

asilstant, wbo Is also rigged In a blue "tar"u^lfntm. . ...

Tttio eccentide grmnaets on tbe triple bars,

Slirio and Duf^, opened 'the show, did verywell and were folloived by those clover slng-

Ine, doDclnff, fun makhig mlnstiels, Coakley,

ACTina MOB.)UooTey and Duslevy.

Lasky's "The Aurora of Light," a bean-teous Bight ottetlDK, with a pretty, finelyformed woman po.qTng under tne dlBsolvIng(olored slldcB, Sited In nicely In No. .1 spot,and after Hose Coeblso's sketch, Clara Mor-ton (New Act) closed the ilrat bsif of theshow.

N'ella Webb Is making her re-anpearsBcohere this weeV and. In opening after Inter*vlivilon, acored a nice Utile success and nc-C(*p[ed three handaomo bonqurts of flowers,attci offering five numbers. Miss Wcb'> haslost nnry a olt of licr personal charm, acdalthough vaudeville would prefer her t-hnng-log a few of her songs, tlie "little ringingactress" puts her material over In sucli amanner that she knows It's not iiccesAarv tochange !ier gt,wo. She la accompanlrd Ineach bv a male planlat, who ml^ht Improvethe grace with which he gets himself "on"nnd "off."

John aud Winnie Hennliigs followed Nella,then ramo Arthur Prince, and then Gus Vonand Joe Schenok, the ncnr-locompamhle duoof ^ongbtcrs. The boys' rcpcrtolro here Mon-day was : "Just for To-nlnht," "Why NotEhig 'Wearing of the Oreeo, I Don't S'eeJa Job Tlint Rsd," and scored big with "LittleHouse Upon the Hill" and '^Mr Old I/>gCabin Ho.110." "Iny old time" Is the timeto listen to fellows who can get the goodsfrom songs like Van and Scbenck. A vet7proStahle week for them—and the (now wasfalling fast Monday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Hodgliins (New Aet), Inrloxlog siK)t.

New Acts will appear In next week's lasnii.


eallsboiT Ledte of Elki itagcd a saeectifnlalnstrel eoierltlnroent two alattts last week, underthe illreclkin of Wm, tl. I'llllc, at SbetoTno.Ulch. The ODIOBlal was ciotrdcO each night, andtbe show v»B a big bit. The flrat part letllagWat ODOiuallly clabunite. and reprraatrd tbe deckof tbe battle Hblp Nerlh CaroHna. Ibe Bi>Brks6boir bunch waa lafRely rvpnqcotcd In ta« show.Uanaser Charles Rfiarki, an eotliaelBatIc Klh.vhlle tihtnfi no bcUtc part In tbe piwlaetloo.headeil the Dif street parade, and marcbed alongla trae nlcstrel stjrlc. Tde feature of tbe olk>waa tbe Uirlemue side Rhow, In whtcb there waaa big dlaplar cif frenkH. Fletcher .Sii>llb utdc the

Inlrofiuccl llie freaks. Blid bMo


An exceptlonallr lalny flay brought tlie „ BoUna, the Queer Magician, waa a big JJtpatrons of Hamrnerateln's to tlie theatre la Bis Imltatlans ot^ dlfferei)t_mus[caj_ Insten-

moves. It also draw a. numtrer of trap-

alrnis, who were attracted ty an nnnauallygood bill Between tbe two classes the thea-

tre was packed early with a very appreclatlv;

sndlence. Loney iHaskell deserves a gooddeal 01 credit for being able to corral three

menta with his mouUi Is remarkable. His* nut" comedy helped to make his act a mostnovel offering.

Claire lloclieiter received a big ovation onher return to the "Comer." Miss BochcsterIs truly B remarkable slagle. Her double

ol vaudeville's biggest ncadllncre, Orace La voice flinging made un Immense hit with the

Rae, Bernard Granville and Claire Bocliester. patrons. Both her bsritooe and soprano

fsr one show. Tbe bill, like wine, Improved u5Vi.i?r.!L^ tn*

^^1-ter a rather poor atatr, the Virginia," "Walt Till My Ship Copes In, anWith age. Alter a rather poor aiarr, virpinia,^ J-'" »«^. »»

ilov uVencd op to more than the reeular excerpt from tho sextette ,iJ>c>i^ *°*

cpe«d uiimJlF run «t "tbo Comer." Thore for an encore sbe eaoj "Last Nlglit W 08 tho

•mnre a number of new acts and rc-appear- Rod of the World. j «v . «Bccfl this week. Uowever. collectively, riom. Tbe return of Al. Shean and Charles War-

aersteln'fl presents a corking good three and ren waa aFProclatcdiand the pair went very

a baU hoar entertainment *Ut (?o-appearci:ce8.)

The show opened promptly at 2 o'clock

vlth a funnj Keystone comedr entitled

"Fatty's New Bole."

The.StllllBgs bare a neat banjo act. (NewiCl8.)

%oe Cook» the One Uan Vauderlllo tSlmw,

was a bit He Is one of tho forconnat "nut"comedians In tbo profestiloo. He has u nov-

»lLy act that any audience would oppreolate.

He Is a clever humorist.

Steve Argen, hilled as England's premierHarrv Boss had n nnmber of frisnda In •^^gtitr. proved to be no other ttuin Jot

the nudlenco and received a good hand. (New cook, In & ctf»ter dleinilsc.

, ^cts.) Orace La Hue waa tiio real bit of the after** John Stanley and company presented a noon. Bb& Is one of the cinaslcet atnglee bkcomedy sketch entitled "At- the Elevator." vaudeville. (Rc-eppcaraaccs.)Veil acted and well liked. (New Acta) ^ nernard Orani^le shared tbe Ug hit

Allck T>aader did not live up to bl9 brotber QK^nors with lAss la Ilue, OraavlUe Is anHarry's reputation. (New Acts.) f/^ No.« 1" mole single, and coald headline

Col. Diamond and &fmc. Grant, tho "Oil aJcinstAny hllL (Re-appenrancea.)Dasclng 0>nple," Is one of the qualDtout acta 'Artbin- Obrat, asalsttfl Uetcoe Barat;

la vaiiaovllle, and ts one that 9liould have perToroed some ftialr ralolng fesa In chair

absolutely no trouble In being booked. Tho talandng. His Wg trick, that of balandngold gentleman of eighty and the Jfldy of sUty UnseM oai two chairs, whose ™rt leffl

S-tnrougb all the modern dances with awe- rested on two plosscs, from a high altitude,

spiring aglUty and grace. Tliey danced was surely a breath etopper.

the mlanet, hesitation, Texas Tommy and An Interestlns Ffttbe Dally News closed

onestep, and vere a big success. the MIL tfttwi.

oponltiff dill _ .

unow band, nude up of CUfiQD ffpntki. John OlSpirhi Jr. and UBi«r Wirll. made pkoiy of Doisr.

Tm Ktks clmwl Mwut 1000. oDd will itpntitbeshow At StamTlllr Id tbe near fatorc.Jim Hodge, lilt scnioo vUh tbe 8parfca Show,

has parcbiMd two scali ind a taxciia and wUlvat 00 n big flvc-lD-oac ihow wlUi (be UontcrCarolTal ibe ccnnlDg H«a«on.A proferlf mm biiuwu is "Whlley,** whUo

on hi* way to the nbuw lat*t week, fell fniu a(rain at Atibevlllc aud hml an arm cut off.

John 11. S|ifirlu Jr. and lA>8ler Wall, ot EaatDrailr, l*a.. bare nrrlrcd at quarlera m. aro as*alstlnir In llie painting.

Fred >Varrcn. for seroral aeatons a maBletanwith ttw Uun Bros., baa arrlreil at qoattere. and1« anIaUng Mn. Snarba Tritli tier work.

O'NcIl and Janelle, th« Htrons mm, karc ticca

re-eiixaccd for lUe coming acnKon. Tbey are oK'Ct-

Juff \Tltb 8UCCMII UHh Wlutor In TauderlUe.Sin. Gay Oolin, wife of ibc hot tatnalc trap

drumuer wltb tbe abow, la working U an UonJnv act at the Ncvt York III|jpodro3i(. She Is

onft of the T.nncllc SlalcrH.Fritz BninBor boa bU fonr Iktna working dally

and hoa friinnl up a bin foiiiun; aet. Aa a con*cindlog feature they will alt aninnd s table andbe fed raw meat from bin naknl liandn.

"Ttie Prince of To-iilRlit" cvmpaiiy Tinited theqoarlen durlnR Iholr atoy In (he diy laat wcfk,aod (be buDcb waa InvltM (o take In thv eTcnlogperforaaoce. Tbe abow was great astf «o was ihacrowd.Tbe loDg ran of hod weslbor thIa Wlater has

kept Sofwrlolendent Jania Jacotn busy wlih tholock, hat be baa met with good luck wKb aimciceptlon. LaH week a valoable borae died otluii? fevrr.

Captain Tlelior wUl have a new deo aod carttor bla aeala (be comloa aeaaon. Ilia TaudevUltfiMokiogB wlU keep blm boay Dp to tbe week beforathe openlnB.

Uarry Hugbca, a formrr nember of the tUgbow baaJ and a oompoeer nt note, who Is nowa member ot the onbcetio In the Aeadaotf o(Mualc. HaTerblU, Mau.. bat Joat written, andhad pabllshed a sew match tor DlltlaTr bandscalled "Spaiks TrtDmrhal." It Is iMlcated toUunags Cbarlea Bpaika.

Ray DIE end wife wllagain this scasoB.

Jlmskle Qieer, who has imt In tbe nmter partof tbe Wluter la Ssllsbacr* l^ft a abort Ume agoto jola a abow In tbe far Soulh.

Alhrrt Keller will have tire big attiaetloiu inbla pit abow this season with bis Ug aaake andloonatrr ope.

Jobo H. Bparks Jr. Is prOThig an eipett aircalliope manipulator, and be la eatarlalatng thebunch vltb dally concerts. A new wacoo hastMn built to booae tbe tall bnd parade feature.

A mcetlog of alt ttio fair nunacvra of the6la(e WP8 recently twld at Qrceoaboro, and aplan aOopied to do away wKb oouOlclIng datea.An aieoclalton wis fonnei and offlcera electodfor tbe ensuing year. Laat Fall the two bigfflira at ibli oectloo of Hie State eaoie on theame datei. to Uw ilctrlaient of both.The nijoD. Oreenflboro, 1» belog remodeled, and

a bao(lM>iDe new front pt^ In place. The houseti puttlwr on feature prctoros.Mn. Cborlee Bparks la bavtoit all new ward*

n>be maile for the oonlog scaaoo, and wban heStrade koc« out on tbe opeobig then Is boond

> be aomn daih.It Is witb revret that we annoance that Mrs.

J<>lin f^parki la sertMslj 111 at her hone at EaktBrady, l*o.

Reporto from all secllona of the flooth showibat DDsloen la Impnwlnr In erery line. Floridala orerroD with (oorlata Joat now. and a fewnlgbtt ago s s^d train of Pulhnsn aleapen_psaaadIbrouKh here C4rrylag colored waltets lo Florida>riater resorts.

will be with tbe aids show

Buuoo, Wis.—Vred J. Winsll. ot tba Bfaig-

Una Dros., Is la town.uosT Anr ruos. — Fml Bcchman, Arthur

Davli and Ucri Barbv are bi othtr kinds of showtwloeaa.

I'BSU, INO.—J. J. McNolty will aaaln ounaco4be aldMbonr witb (he Pamnin KohlDiiOO Shows,

In VAUuinrit.LC—-Walter Shannon.ANDBiaoK, iNn.—W. U. niinry, «f the 101

Baoch Wild Went, la at bla htntc.CiioUri IN riiB Aim.—l( la rabljbit Bud Slars*

the aviator, 'at plamilng riiicb a venture.CiiiOAno.—Tho clrcD4 tulk« mlo^ \V. R. Welt%

who DOW oiakca blj bonu* In llrltlsrport, Ovn.,Ibe home of tbo Durnuin & Utllej Oiv^;::! sjijwcn Earth,

At. l*ADL.—J. H. Oarrclt. of tbo once BloeBron., bna plana fur a trnroliiic expnultltm,\Ve»r Uaukn, Ind.—Kronk J. N'nrtlicn, of the

Flafteobeck-Wallace Clrcna, la In aud out cf this10WQ nulie frrf)uenlly of U(o.

In Ohioaoo.—Cbaa. Andreaa, Arthur Donoett,Rhofta RoyaU J. IMdIe Urowu, Krauk Sveciwy,Nobby Clark, Col. Wm. A. IfOrelle, Robert Ool*trell, Albert Uodglnl, J. Krauk Longbolbam,Beverly White. J. J. .McNoliy, MorrU. J.n. Duffy, Dan R. Boblnaoo, John Ilonry Rice.Jack Deacb, Ar(bur Davla» 'Bert Karlce, KredIiecbman, llonier Wllaon, 0. D, Molniyre, RbvlARoyal. Qiai. D. Knilerlcka, U I. MonlRfnic, Al.\V. Martin, F^ldlo Martin, Lcn B. '\VllllMtni, Pr««lWajmer, Hank BUo (clown). J, S. Oltlay, W. II.

Gotlfrey, 11111 Roden, Jlam^ Frntt, May Daren*port, Rva Darenport, U. S. Sodbla, and a hostot other followem ot the white t^jM.Tom Uooau llkea to OMoa|c aide abAws. Lett

•cpion tnanaKcr of the No. 2 with tbo BsUS'Floto*ItufTalo out coniblnitlon.Tioaa Hiu.'H Wild Wbt, fnrmerlv a wagon

aliunr, ttwH wllh tito 0. A. wortboto CornlTal.Al. HiLTAir, will anin bnve the ilito abow with

ItK' Yanlro Itoblnaoti Circus.Kanhah OiTr.—I.ovTrmcv' Rnu'ey had Ihe jihoto

calliry wlib tbo HvllH-Kloto-llLlTiilo IMIl Circusloflt aeomn. Il4* dt^lnr.J hlnitclf retired frumcIrcuKca In (bo future,

OiiicAOO.—J. Rddio Brown la In town walkingcmund.M. B. OooxsTON la very alleot at present. WbL-o

ho relanta to l.sRncaater, Afot•CsuAB BaptDS, Ia.—^Vle Ilar> and his staff are

very bu«y men. Chaa. W. MoOorrm la mulcringvaluable aultance In gcltlDg tbe big dog and ponyoooblnallon in readlm-aa.SiHOHOHOus,—W. II. Godfrey—7tnkes Bobla-

aon drcut.SDaETBPovT, La.—Worklnxnten are converting

tbo Mighty naag Olrcua Into a carnival for ToaiV. Allen.

VALPADiiao. Ind.—rr<^t.irttlona ate now beingnode to tranaforra tbo nice Uros, Otrcua ennljt*

meot reccDtly aold to Wortbtm A .Vilou by w. B,Franhlln, Into* a carnlvaLWho will put ont an enlln>ly now elms this

seawNiT Who darea In iba face ot tbe pmentcoKdIIIooa and oppoaltlootDnNvaa.—Ool. W. P. Qxlr (Boffalo Bill) wat

one of (bo big drawing cards at tbe horse abowrecenlly held To (bla citr

Ton Ohablis OiSLOH Doo AHV Poirv OnonTill be tho chief sttractlna of Ibe flivt anuud"Society CUrcm" of tbe Aurora, 111.. Y. M. O. A.,to be held Feb. 1M8. Bnterlalnera of othersorta wlU tM given by Iscil taleat oC tbe aoao-elatlon. Oarloa to featartne what he clalma to betbe only riding goat (a the United fllnlea. Aa-otber member ot tbe cut li a trick mule named"Jack Johnann." Olrcna M«ta wilt lie placv^l In

(he (tymnaalam lo accoonoodalo eight hundredpeople.

lloirr Rmkbioe, formerly aaaoclaled with theBarnum ft Ilaller Sliow, hai been owlRncd (o theadrance ataff of Ulngllng Droa.* Olrcus tor tbsaeaaon of 1&16,TuKBB will be no aide show wllh the fleHs-

riotO'Buffalo Bill, blmsdf. .Show tlOa aeaaon,

The Knir .^tnnagrra' .Vaaoclallcn lirM n meclln:;St Oontea' Hotel. Kanaoa City, Jnn. 'M\ whtdivna laiitely attemltd by n'tireKntrlWca fn>ntOklahoma HIato Pair, Uklohoma Cllfl KanHaailiate KnIr, llutehlnaon: To|teha Pair, TVtpeha;Lculslnna State Vair, ahrcTeporl: IViaa HiateFair. Dallna: New Stale Fair. Mflakoieo. OUa.


American Royal Fair, Kantuia Oly, Mo.A. L. .Hmnaler, of llutehlnaon, Kan., wis

etteled nreaident; 1. S. Mahan, Oklabotna Olty,Tlce'prealtk^t; Joba T. Sllnaon, Sedalla, Mo., •rr*TTtary. Kitti M. naroee tvobed attmctloDx withall fain In aaaocUtlon. Jamea I'attetarn a!in>ci1

with llatchlnaw Slate Fair and OHIahoina StateFair tor (imt t*at'enoB Shows, to fumlah car-niral stlroctlons.

loppUBMBtal Iilat—ncoelved Too lMt»tor CiaaainoatloDi

ATsins Plarori—VinnniTor, Can,, 8-lS."Utuu lllrr'— I'llliriiuriU ll-ll),

Eorb Hluck—KriYUliJ, l*u., 1.0.

"Ii'c«:liln"^UuUvlllo Ul.Kob. aUuiM I'laycri—Urraiii, H. Oik., 4-0, Wlilts I, s,

llrUlol lu, U, \ViiUk-r 12, 10."nrlp WinlnV—SI. Idull HMTcli. S.

Kluikc, (lUilyi, block—Urltlul, OoDu., 1-0, Hi.

MbiicIickIit t-13.La l(i>> aiwk lUiirn'clluu)—v. Uuilluhl, I)


1-0. .Ut. Viclorr H.|:i,

Loot KiiKHlUwi .Mlmw.—Tcauilo, Tel., I'tf.

"Ulalwilliiii Uilf"-<l. II., OkTFlaiii), H i:!.

Olcott. Cliauiirvy—.SI. Uul. Bl-Kvli. 0.

"On tho Froillkf"—'I'mn Ua.ojr'n (M, O. LmnN-r-dale, mar.)— (Irmillo Knlla, MInu., 0, Mumliall8, Caillijr 0, WuhTluirii. fit. UaL, 10, Ctritr

Uko 11, Tororilii 12. U'lillo 13.PmI, Quy tlnln—.Ml. i.<iuh 31.|i'<4j. 0.

I't-rry'a I'ccrlfM I'larcn (U, II, VmSi uivr.)

'rumiilo, Can., Iiiili-f.

lUalUno, Ailolllia—T'ir.nitn, Can., S-ii.Itiihnril & frliiiiiy. Mlimlri'l. (Iliilhiid ft (''llklmi.

ii.lin.l— IkJlv, lib., :i, 1. (^jilivrll C, .Mouiilalii

liviiio 0, (llcitiiri l-'iTrjr S, UlHiilitmii 0. Uaklrjr lu,Jlurloy 11, Tiflu ralla l:!, l.'l.

Rmi Carlo (Iraiiil 0|icm 0>.—Ii|ilNliurittl fl'IB,

"i:iorr of ibii Ikwiirj"—riii.iHiniii I'U,Ti'iii|>nit NIock—Urj-rrvliilr, I'.., 1.0.

"Wliiulim ot Datlnna Wurlli"—IKmcr 7-13.

oniFFiTii nooKiNO roLi cinouiT.Wallor <lrtnilli, rnrmiirl/ F.'talant manafrr at

roH'a I'Dlaif. Hii.-lii'in.-lil, MfiH., and iiivfloualyat llir old riill Ihiii.w III iliNt rlly for Ivfo yvant.Inrt broil iiruiiHili-d In a |iimIiIiiii In Poira NewYork Ikuklnil Omco In lllo I'alnco Tliraliv Duild-Ids

Itcvldo worklnir iiimii ilio i-OMtal liooklniia howill dIrrcL nfTalrH rcl.Mvo lo aondlug oat tlio

Iww, tor tlio niilni I'liU Olrcitlt.

FOII LOHBS tlARTFORD,'Rin Tlnririird Tlir.iro, on Jan. .10, paaaM from

lh« oiiilml ut H. '/,. roll, and ngilli) tindrr iIhiliiniini^fiiiciit uf II, M. JennliiH., Ikim-o ot i\tolirojMTiy. Sir. Jpnii|p|>t nniiininccfl TaudOTllla ,Ddiilciurca oa llio now iHdlcy, liu bum to r»«|i«aVeil, U.

FAMOUS RNdl.lNII MANAOnn DBAD.IioNiuiH, Kill. I. -.11; ralilo to Tni CUrpaa—

l/ml. Mcyiir. tliv wrl' kiwwu uonagari dM lm«

RaHiar W. Rrasi.a, roivwrlr villi Ibo llliiE'

llcff flbowf, commtttfd nlclde fir loaiiinf from aIbird olorr wlodow, at IStO Woililnntoo Rtm't,BootoD, Saaday, Jan, 31, alKr he bid Uirown Iila

baby flona tho aamo wlotor.

ESCHMAR SHOW ROTES.winter qurten of tbo J, IT. Eacbmao Worlil

United Olrcna, at diot Sprlnce, Ark., ptcaent aMen* of aeilrlly. After liaTlof taken (be mrMRnowncd --'^ '- — '~


On acoount ot a rainy and dlanErcoiUoIgbt tbo root ma sot as crowded as usual,UiTsrmtT, tbe crowd tbait wa^ tlicre were TerrUberai Ln amouirt ot ag>plauso banded out.Tbe bill was an excellent one, and I'otsdamdiODldlbe coogratukated on tbe way be laidIt outArthur Ward, ten mlutca, In one. Arthur

mird la a VHp juggler ot Oie first water.Ills work was enjoyable. Tbe maJa trick,fuit ot Jugirtlng Bcren hoops at the same Ume,wns very dllDcult. Ho fli>lsbed by doing aTerr good eccentric dnncc. Five bows.Tommy van and Ward Blstera, Bftccn mlii-

atca, la one. Tommy Van nnd tho WardDlaters have a neat "nut" act. Van la aSod singer and the slaters are clover come*

panes. The girls make their entrancesfrom the audience. Crackcrjack, nuro-fireset for tho big amall time. Four bows.AltboS Bisters, fourteen minutes. In three,

nia is Jpst the style act that would go bigat the Palace Theatre, Olrl, slxlcen yearsef age, at piano, and girl, ten years old, atneloUcon. Act la classy and would mako aue number on any bill on tbe big time. Thensntat Is a flnlslicd artiste. xouoKer k\tIhas charming personality and Is really culp,^ey played tno Llsit Rhapaodle, "Tbe Do-aary" and a ragtime selection. Six bows.'Herbert and Dennis, twelve minutes, In

one. Both boys are fast woitets. Vat manB a vo>7 funny comedian, and straight man> good. ThIa la on act that would gd bigCD any kind of a bill. Five bows snd vnrare,_"ni8 Father's Son," twenty minutes lathree, Walter H. Dro>wn bas a very dramaticVnylot In "His Father's Boo," and It Is one•sat holds the Interest of tbe audience. It

lolls ot e son's Inheritance ef a thlerlMtrait ot his father's, and how he fights It.

All the characters were well portrayed. Firecurtains, . _During Intermission a very funny Key

atone comedy was proaented. "Hogan'o alosjyJob" Is Interesting and amusing,


Eva Prout, ten minutes In one. Miss Proatbaa a very neat single. Bbc bas personolltrand a good volco. Her wardrobe la pretty.She males » good looking boy tor her sec-

ond number. She Is very dainty and is agracefnl dancer. Oliree bows.

Kitty Vrands and company, twenty-flreminutes, open In ono and close In three,

special set. Kitty Krsncls and her Widows'League la a very tunny act Ulsa Francisla an excellent Irish character woman and ascream In her role. Tbe blonde woman andboy Bie good. The giria are well gowned.Borne good numbers. Little girl sings sweet*ly. Fonrlecn proplo In the act. Six bows,Frank Morrcll, ten minutes. In one. Prank

Uorrell, the golden voiced tenor and the sil-

ver moaologlat and story teller, was a big

hit Tbo audlrnco did not seem lo get enoughof his slnaln;. He hns a beaiillfiil voice,

lie sans "What's In a Heart," "Little HouseUpon the Ulll" and "Dear Old Olrl." 8Ubows.Bob Tip and company, twelve mlnntes, toll

stage. Bob Hp, assisted by a young ladyand a dog, presented a somcnrtiat dlirerent

aorobatte act Tip Is a good oerobst andcomedian. Tbe young Isdr has a swcot voice,

and the doe ds very well trained Four bowsTbe sixth episode of tLo "Eiplottii ot

Klnlnc" proved an Interesting closing ct anciccllent ahow. Mylet.

(Oontlniiet on pcgo t$.)

Wn.KV. .UU UJCtV IL _.thlis u taking on a dnnte or nowscas, tse rasoltsef the nuDwroos mechanics who bavt booi busysince the Ont of the year ortrbsolbig sodpalotliir tbe eqolfDmL

Ur, Kacbnua (Ibe aoremor, as b* Is familiarlyknown by Ibe coployees) bss been trtveUng veryexIcnalTclr daring tbe lost Donlb. oMlatalolnr oaofflce at too UotnpolUan Natlooai Dink ot UliiDt-•polli, MlBD., but at loat reports MCtlTod atwinter qnartsrs be will soon be la oar aildat•gain, whea some teal sorprlKS nay be lookMfor by lb» (at abow world.K Is alrtadr romoted (bat Ihla baatllnc show-

nun baa porcnaofd several car loads «f modemelrcas nllroad eqnlpmcst sad the ptople wboboTO watcbed os grov may be soipflssd to seeour colarccment for tbe oomlor aeosdo,

Uoweier, ire ore not prvvaml to ba too opti-mistic at Ibis writing, and shall sU be satlsiadto wait tor developments,

AL F.WHEELER ROTES.AL F. Wbeeltr, manafer ot tha XVnr ICedel

Show, apmt (be gnater part of tb* past week00 tho Philadelphia snd Bsltlsum naifcota. nor*^alnr draufht borasa Cor qm ivUh tboso ahoin,aerorai flntfj malched pairs mn aecured, and InaddlilvD Mr. Whccler furcbaatd tweati-alx headal rrlv;t« g^le from tho Adama Riprw Ooo^any,Tho nvdrr Sh-iira will ow npwardaol cm hno*dred head tf alock the ooialnf aeaam.

Wltaon Broff. A Ob., 'bt circos waioo bonders,of Ca/ord. I'a., ar» balldlnff two Tssr elaaar ad*vertlslof wafona for \bo adraoos. slao a ponyInod wsno tor tbe No. Q baad. MeKlnttfT'aDonate «cDtch Baad wUl cecv/ thla la pande.•nd ft will be drawn hr t«n beaBllfol opoiteilfibetlaod ponla. wbleta will inake a tcct noTfl•ad attractlrs parade ^ealare.

^ notert Tajlor, tho now genent icnt ot tbenew Uodfl will nae four wacoaa ahasdL and bebaa sorrooDded blnuHf wllh a ooms of llcutcn'ntj ibat win milk^ nry fenald^le torn. UewlU haTc a mrnpleie new lliw of nHclal paDWto herald tbe comlM of (ha ibow.

THD TIOTOR-HENnY IIIOW.tto Vldor-neaiT CamlTal li beloff onanlsM

bv V. r^ltt and llmrv Meyeitiofr, tn start fromNow Tork. Therbari all oteo oa tbs roail, anddemands tor tbt Lerltt-Merarboff flhowa came In

so faat tbsr flad It noccatair to «4iufp Ibis Moondsbow. Ooo. H. Banlllon vlU bo raaaaier. HM-MT Wire Is fsDstal press agnit for tos Lerlit-Inraihoff Bhowa,

UEINZ A DEOKHAN SUOIVS.Tho official roater Indodea: Manitrr, Krei] nefk*

BUo: traDlc manager, Kd. Si. Helm; cuitracUngBseot. Earl Knoa; aecrctnT7'lreaauier. ilvo. liul-

llDSijtrcia agent, L. \V. TrowlirltUo, band leadrr.Ed. Olienettc; gcicral so^trlulendeat, (Irorite W.nrned water carta thcra ererrtbdy Is wide Ed. Oienetle; gcicral SQi«rlul«ndeat. (leotite W.

ke, aud there U notbing but buJle. Brerr- BJtbardi tralnnaalcr, Uo fL^^Zapri apeclal

I is taking on a decree of nowDcas, tbe rastflta s«ni(s, C. B. Rdrlug(oD, sad B. N. /ollao.

TnB Tn.ii HpTlng Fntlral and Oala W«>kWlU bo held at Temiilo. Ttx., March 20-Aprll 3.

O. F. Corrao, gantral managrr, waa ftirrnerly

feneral manager of Qonnaa Or««ter Hliowa; n. Ti.

Ifonercatt h treaaorvr. W. O. Jaumon, arcrrury i

W. (f. Hlftcf, annerlnleodffkt Of coaceaaloiiit.

A "Dira or iV' beefaieak dinner will l« given,Feb. 4, bT Wm. RamlcUpb Ileorat, ot bla Ulvcr*side Drlre homo, In Now York.Tna Cimlral Mcn'a Aatoclallon of New York

have efecred HIdnej Wire, irceldent : Mai ^.triiler,

Tloe pmldnit: R. Kfllothia, aerrctary and tread*arer: Lcwia Kehlnkol, aenceniit'it-annit; 8. II.LoDCki, chairman of tbo houao commlttve.

. SUCCESSFUL BECAUSEI It duHorvoH lo ho. rurrnrmnrs buyU iwcnuaeI tboy oto do Iwuor vrlili it tban without lu

MADISON'S BUDGET No. 15lOiiiiiints loclndo 19 great tnonnlngnos, n

I wnridurfnl nuiit for two iniik-s iinil 7 nets forIniiilu mid ruitiiilii, IS lutOMt piiniillra, 3 Up-tJiiilinliiHinil UrMi'imr's ii Hldu-MpDitliiK tniilrilfl

furcu, liOHlilcii liiiiidredH of iirlKliinl imaN,SliloWHlk lilla, mu. MADIBIIN'H IIIIIKII'IT,

Nil. 16 ciislil (INK I>OLI,AKjpor copy lliickIkhmi'ii nut of print, except No, It; prlcu, $1,

lor lliidKuU 14 iiml IS tosuthor, tIM.


Hi LIOtnlT Ohar. i Uuu. lias., MpsclalUss. in28,IIL6tlS;WLin, ThiimiiKli esnertSDM, BMlllyand wardrotio. llirril THAflOD. MfSSX,Fnke and Tmnsimiio, Wlllloa to doable stseo asIiiKonue. Alio IS, IIL 9 ft. 4 vri, mibs. giook.Hup, or Ono NIahl. Rolliblo niKn. only. Wriloor wire IIAIITI'OUD A TllANOU. VozUt, SUU-water, OUa. UsD join en receipt Uokels.

SPECIAL AND EXCLUSIVEAll kinds and slrlss for Vandavllla

Burlesquoj OaCarets and Uluba.

Big Time Acts to OrderBtampforclrcalar, terms, et&

Robr H.Brsnnsii,l433 B'wiy.N.Y.m Skolrhos, flays snd Bntertalnnienit

fmWriiteii to order. Terms for stainp,

AUBLU, riHywrliilit, Kusl Liverpool, OUo.

HUQO BROS; MODERN UNITED SHOWSBossss tn all depannMRila, also Talking sod RlnRlnit Clowns tiist can produco good track nnmben,Troope of Seals, Strong Ooncert Kcnlure, Neat Too-ln.Ono for sldo abow, Uon or Woman lo playTonney Oalllone, Man to IihikIIo Cnoklioaiio,

FUa TIIB ADVANCH-UllliKMints, Uthnnmplicm nnil llnnnor Hen. Hnst bo anion.Wibb BVT—Vsrved I'uiiy Ubkck, I'liiy llnriiciu, TmpiiliiHs, eio., thirty besd of Spoiled Ponies,fromM toM Indies hlsh. MnHt he rlieniiiriir ciub.

Advance addreiw. Low U. WIl,l,iAMII. Oen. AKont. Wliid.or-Clirion lloUl. OhlcM*.111. Allotbers,HIIOO BKQg., HajMtIo Th»tre, O.dar Uuiiids, la.

1880 85th ANNUAL TOUR 1015

FRKIIK II. nOBBINS All FEmilRE SHOWSTVAMTKD-For Hie conlnir Setsea, DntHSlsss and swi ll dressed Acts for h\g Show, WHil West peoplafor Conceit, Udy Uan Pnncher, Bnsko VhsiBii:. Willi <iwa fnskcs. (,'iihnsltlcs, yrooks, OrlentalHusl-claasand Dancers. Colored llnrid snd MInxrrlH. And anr Aei-i miliniiv '"r a llnit-claM 8lda Hhotr.Bide Bbow peni,).. nddrtss A. II. "Punvil" AL>I.KN,^I(i.1 IS. luib Ut., New Vorh Cltr.AU oiheni PHANK A. KOUUINS, Jersey Clty,^. J.




ALBERT } DOBIEBsnoiui *HD BstiKU* tmuoB.


Botmd JQM ti, U1», 11 tka Poit OSet itNtw York, N. T.. u Mccul cIih ouiur, lu^tUw ict of Mtrek 8, 18T9.

ItTCiUwiMSU—13.80 per iDcb, Uoila eolanu.AliMtlMBUu Mt wllb Iniiler, 10 per tu «itn.

UBfCRIPTIOR.Om Tcir, la idTuct. f< i ti* moatlu. |3 ; (hi«»

Montte, 81. Ouudt ud CoKlfs pnuie eitn.Blsfta eopkt will b* MDI, pmlptld. on nnlpt of

One Terma are Caab.taa OiIPPEB la Inonl «f<rr WBDNB8DAT.

Tbe Forma Cloiinc Frompllr oaTacadar. at 10 A. U.

Pluw NDll bi npnu domt orfn, ek«ck.

r. O. «id4r Of mbttRil All cub aelsitdwith lattw tt ml of HiHlcr.

Addrcai All CotumaaleatloaaTUB NBW YORK CMPPBB,4T Weat 38tli Street, New Toclc.

T«l. aiTI-UlllWO.nttlttmi t'aM< Aiirui, "AOTHOun."

THE WEBTBBN' BUBXIAU«( Taa Curpn li louttd at Boom COS, AibliidBlock, Okiaio, VTMicn A. PaUIck, nuiftr andcorrapoodeat.

OMAHA BRABTOH.Data llttfbtll, miniicr, Ilooas 809-810

UoOtcae BuUillac Omtlu, Neb.

THa OuTPaa out aa obuihid wHOLauia md•ariiL, at our ifraU, Daw'* BUnublp Aanc/,IT OrMO Btml, Cbiilu Osou Botd, LodJou,W. a, Eiilaod: Biuituo'i D«wi dmot, n At«iwd* rOotn Pirli, FriDM; Uaollt Book ud Btt-Xmny Co., 138 Etcolu, Utalli, P. L| OoidoaA ootob, las piu ainai, ajdntr. H. a w.,AmUalla.


DBASIATIO,A. B. a, Hamblll.—);fe wooll tdrlM 70a to'

BMko ptrraial tppllcatloo. We do Dot belkre, bow-«>er, tb«t t dnniUe whool la cooilaciol la coa-aectloD with Ui« oomfwuj.^ „ _j

W. a H., XouiptowD.—^tn. r. <M7 (Billdo.Dill) wu bora la Aawrlrt.

, .B. J. H., Filrtlew.—"CbtilcT'* Aool" recelnd

Ita Aral Awrleta piodociloB eept 2D, 1803, atBeibleboD, I'l.. Siat In N«w Tork av, BtanditdTbtaMb (>ct. i, 1803, and aootloaeA at etaodatdtM oral two bundtcd pertonaiDoia. BUeniie Otra-dot pUred tbe Ulle tole. It wta anla aeea at«bl* Ibealra, wtek ct BepL 3, 18DII (foe ooe weekeolr), and una aolog on tba toad wlOk Ut. Oeiar«ot elui Id Um due role.

B. K. B., lUabaooT Otj.—"n>-D*T" opeDedOct. O, 1018, at tba V>tti.el(lit]i SiRct Tbtatte,Hew xorlL and bid a nia o< tblttr-four wMta.

r. 'W. B., North Sakhni J. B. Baredr died

Sept 31, loot, in Salt Lake atr, Uuh, ai«delitr^lTe tnn.- nia lait occupailoa waa aemacutr o( a blir Taudoillle conpaar at OkbKcbo ratk, Waslilngion, D. a, wblcb openedJnoa 80, leOI. The Tcntare waa not aocecatfnl.

Be died poor. He vaa not tbe owner <A tbe mln*atral coDipanv twirlng b'.B same at tbe time yoaowDlkn. The cwMva of tbe compooj meielxpaid for tbo lue oC tbe lltTerlr name.A RaiDia, «t. Loula.—I. We do not know tbo

preatnt wbereaboota at party. Addma brr lacar oare and we will adTcrilHe letter In Curmletter lint. 2. We ncrer anawer qutttuna tela-ting bo tbe prirate life of anvone.

i. O. B., LloolennTllle Wllllaat Granlan diedfcb. IB, 1808, ut Ihe Dloomlngdalo Initoa AaT-Inm. While Plilni, N. \.K OcxauMT lluuin, N<nr TciIl—W« are not

able to decide the qucetloo. To be on the aafeaide, 70a had belter wtlla to tbe Attomer Oca.cnl. waiUoftco, O. a

OADDS,Notice Kaw Tork,—A la rltbt, tbe 8, 8, T, B

caake a eequencc^ and entitle tbe plajer of tbeB to fois lolota.

U, B., Otuwa.—A la Tiaht, the man next theaie baa a perfect right to rolae.

D, W. Ilir Buffalo.—It la a mlaileal.


(<4taa Onion.')

Wbo pot Ur. Bonlirel «a Ilia "oatr*Uiva coornge. lio tbe beat jou can. K la

Winter time now. Qood tlmei we ahead. Beprepared.Build a now ahow wlHIe you Itare tlie

Man, Bemodol the old one.Yon mar be wlae—but jou can be footed.Dsaa DocTOB Bullvwax : I haTe been dut

aereial wecka with a "ball" ahow that fhUedto va aalarlca. Wbot aball I do7

"CUB18 M. HuiTU."—JHie maa that knowaend doea do,

J. Allex Diunabt.—What caralral are

mVCh the Jarrto C Seeman SliowB wben the

caillupe plara.W. B. BaauB, of the Beiuatlonal Barkery

make* Chicago hi* Winter atopplns plara.

He wlihe* to be remembered to all tna

xeadrra of Tea Old BaLiABU. .„ , _BruBi, Dub, tbe high diver, will again be

with W, T. HarriDiton'a Oreat itonthera

8how», according to Loula J. Berger, the

general agent of that organization. All the

Doe Staler* are married now, we hear, ore

of them being Ura. Al. Demberger. Oood

«BIAID IN AUBRIOA."ne cait for tho new Winter Oanleo nrodueUoQ

Indudea : Kora Dajree, Ulle. Uaile, Maud Lambert,llloauMD 'Seelej, Tanicl Solly, Belle Aiblrn,ymte, UlnfTf* OoTcrdale, Robj nrlder. Uai^Iuerlte Beilaa, It<«allDd Utr, Harir Kor, Obarica

. Roaa, Bert Olarke, Joe Jarkaon, Ual Vonle,narrr Carroll, Lew Brlce, John 6paTka, BamAilama, Jann Olranni, I'cmlkoD, Oarl Dellorto,

Harold Robe, W. II. Datli, Will Slanloo, Eleanorlirom. Oil* Hemoatoae, Lola Whltner, ElalnaI'rriich and Jane Elliott.

Tbe title aelecled la '<Uald In America," andtniiMd of the uBoal "cndlta," Harold Abterldnwill bo known oa tbe author o( tbe "S<aw Oien?'Mgreunil Itooiberg and nirrr Oarroll, the com*iioeera. -will be Tr!itii>ni(lblc for tuo Inak of con-Irlliullng "all kIniU of mnsic re-wrlltcn," wbUaIbo •Sronli" will be luppllcd \ij Ihe aclora. J.0. Uuffinan la alaclng tbo production, and JackUaaoo tbo dance numiieis.

Ooutrorjr to (lie uhubI cuatom. "Maid In Ame^lea" will bo plBT«d for a vxek oat town,01>cnlDg in New York Ihe week of Fob. 10.

THB COIiUMBIA CONCERT.Tbe bill at tbe Onlnmbla. Kew York, Jan, 81,

Inlailed: Keeler Dr», bag punchen: NormodaiMl Norwcod, •Ingera anil dancen ; Bert Bbep*rarti and. companr, bull whin ami roplog expetta;llert llaatoo, mcnotoglit: Charira Oreaiman andbli Dnnjopbln-la. Norwood Uall, Kclao and Lo'^h-(on. llert Ilaker, tbo Ron Ton comedian, andIlBill A Hie Tnupe of Araba. In their wcnde^fnltuaifi*ing nad pyiamld act.

-WOODSTOCK HAS PLCtTT.Nerer In the hlilorr of thMttlcal* In Wood-

lock. Oin., hia tbrre hcca auob a deartii of (he*alrlfal attiactlona aa now.

Plana are out for the erection hr tbe SmallIniereeia of a new 00m. hooMi on the comer ofWelllnirton and Dindat BIreeti. W. n. Wilcox,fonacrlr naoaeer of what la now OrllOn** Tbo*aire, will be ntanascr of tbo now booae.

TUB OARDBN OPUNS.Tbe Kew Garden Tbc4t;e. In P^ltlmre, waa

FKoed for a ajieelal InrltatloD ncrformance, Jan.Sti. Adcle nilchle waa tbo hcatillnrr, and li alaofvatutrd f<r thia week. Tbo Ihi-aira proiMr plaT*coullnwiia TaudoTlllo under Iho inaDnsefflcnt oftbo Wbltehiint nrotbora. Tbo leof garden willbo uaed for dancing.

REP. COMPANY FTRANDBDi(Bftdai to turn Ouivn).

JiManowN. N. T.—It n tepmcd the Whll»Lead-8tnb.a Rcrcrtolie 00. attended at Mead-Tillf, I'a. laat work. Aa attempt to attach theI>i<vert7 tailed, on accouat of a pierloua bill otaalc.


At the Apollo, Atlantic Ollj, N. J., Rlaw AKrlinger announce their new rerue for Feb. 11.«-lth Dorolhy Jirdon, T>rdla Ixmoukora. Latrrairanlltoo^Paul Morton. 0»nror ami I,e Malic. l.«oOarlllo, DiiTo Abmnw. ItaMiioml and Oamlj,l->ank Moolan ami SIrlla lloultan, In the caat.


Price and Qoalllr Aliraya the siuaaBOLD DVBRYWBBRB.

;oa going to handle the ptoes tor? Cm T,Kenned; 7

Tub Showmen'* League of Anerloa -wlUHt« BDd continue Ita good -trorlL Kiiocken^you ere on the wrong trsck.

"C. TlHOTMI KrMNEDt."—Olie hcTo vt thercrolTlng door*.Did 70a read laat week'a Nbw Yobk Clip-

pib7 It not, wbr not? An "al." In TbiOld Beliaiilb wUl get you Jost what yoowant cverytlmc.

Jon J. CoNNELLBT I* In SbnTeport; la.,eupcrlDtcndlng tfao butldhg ot tbe Tom. W,AllcD outfit Joe J, left LeaTeDWortb andKanaa* CU7 (omo two week* *go. for tteLouisiana and his new posltloaLknow* how.

WiiCN scgotlaMng a -loan In the Wintertittw Blwa;* use a shock Mnoiher.

K. C. TiLDon -mt* -with the hoja a wUleIn Kenwo City recently.

TiiB big Moooe doing* that I* echedaledto take fiace In Pltlshurgh, I'a., eome timeclurlDC the eeaaon will be played by one ofthe big Western carolvala why did not onoot tbe Eastern one* get It? Who first aui

festi-d that the Moose have a celebration'Ittaburrii ? You know. Answer it yoanel. Eed OxtOH left Chicago Sunday, Jan.


for Sanaa* City, trhers he will remaineome time. La Orand Hotel.

: Wno plays thO big doings In Taoft, PU.?Now or aoon.

. C, W. PASEn la Teiy bn*y making trip*between Leavenworth and Kansas City, Lookout, there nay be eome more camlTala comeout of bl* home town, " '"


WOBO conies fiom I


the A. H, Drown Greatclooed In that city laat week, to itay closedfor the rest of .the Winter.

JiAD reporta are coming from Texa* ro-

enllng. tne Winter toon of eome carnlTnlatbe Lone Star State. Wintertime.'Dick CoLLiNa"—Qeneral pteaa repreaen-

tatlve. Why not more of the Q. P. R, claa&IJouN F. Uabtin Is due In Chicago now

from New York. Ones* he got there. Healways gcta to what and where he gota torand to.

OrjiBBAL AaiiNT&—Se nre and pick outa good manager.

M. B. (Spikb) WlOHIB, Viol* and Pan!(Little Bplkc) are at present m.iklng theirbeadqiuirtera at the La Grand Hotel, Kan-aa* City, Mo. We wlU know noon who thc7will go with this Bcaton.

EuGENB P. McKbmka.—Why so silentvhlle on the P. X. Ksnch, Del Bio, Tez.1Eugene P., are you going to float down theriver this year with lUce t Dore'.i Carnivalon water?W. J, KinoE 1* on the P. X. RancA, Del

nio, Tex. W. J., -why ride "akldoo mllea"to get your mall t

dlBB. W. J. KxnOB (Jennto Smith) Is Win-tcrkig In Kaneas City. She will again be"Up In the Moon" with some csfnlvaT It herCresent plane are carried out

OoH, T. KiNNBDi^ Konsaa City head-qoartera Is at the Baltimore Hotel Be lathere quite frequently of la<&.BoUB say In Chicago, "Let^a ctick to the

Wellington until It Is no mora" What doyou say? .

O-Mab Sau-T.—Ton got It rlAt ttls tloia.flood luck. Regards to Ssin W.

Inck, folk*.Ed. Jbbbop*.—Did yon acquire the prop-

erly of tie Hampton Oreat Empire Show*?It was talked around Chicago that yoa

Koold.Lew HomiAKff, of Iho Capitol City

Amusement Co., of St Paul, visited Mllwaii-

kce ond Chicago recently. Lew waa In Cbl-

cago Sunday, Jan. 24. He said tbe Capitol

City organliallon would be very strong this

coining season In the Northwest where It

has a great repataUon for giving good

amoBcmestJAUES PATTZB80H wan doe In Lancaator,

Uo.. laut week, to purchoae aomo elephant*.

Wonder U hVlld? Now, yon Jo»t jalch outH« and ace tbe big animal show to bp put out by

the Pattereon^ackman combination.

Abb jou money mod? If *o, try and get

over It When tn that atote one U llah'e to

overlook many good bet*. _I. P. EsLicK arrived In Chicago from De

toolt Sonday, Jan. 24. His plan* tor the

coming leaaon are not ready yet Look ontBiEVB A. Wood*, the general agent for the

Woithem Shows, la very busy In and

CMc Ideals" Boards of Trade and com.merclal clubs should eat It up. It la good,TOO will admit . _W. H. DiCB leCt Chicago for. St Paul Sun-

day, Jan 24. He sold that the Ulce A DoreCamivkl on Wat!r would open In PIttiourgb,Pa., April 24. He went to the -Mlnnfaptarity; to break tho Ico on tho Vl^slsslppl ,

Al.' F. aoB)(AN sara positively tbat theGonnan' Qroatcr would he out this season.When last seen by the welter be was pre-

narlDg to Journey to Cincinnati - and : New .

York, from Chicago, of course. Itceardles*

to this, many say he will again be (he gen-earl agent ror the S. O. Barkcot World'sGreatest What do you think or know? Thelatter would. In the openlon of tho ''Onion,"


be all well and good.You are In. the carnival bpslnes* aren't

you ) Well, watch this column each week.Do dot miss lU- Heurebt a. Kline's Streets of Alt Na-tions Is a good Idea. He will have ItDoe Alluam.v arrived In Eansa* City,

Bitnrday. Jan. 30, from Lancaster, Uo., hlaWinter neadquartei*.Habold Edbrba I* very much Improved In

health since going to Eureka Springs, Ark.Wb lbabn In Kansas City tbat Mrs. Fred

B. Holmes Is confined to s hospHsl In HotSprings, Ark., recovering from an operationYou are In the world to make the best of

It Yon are ambitious, ot course, and wantto go forward, so keep tbat fact constantlyIn mind. Labor and work consistently toaccomplish your deslie* and won will win.Will win.PracT CoDBT has a coty little flat In Eon-

*a* City. He ani Mr*. Court are charmingentertainers. Daby Is well and doing fine. .

J. H. JonHSOH will have all new equip-ment for hi* famon* Nomla Show when haopens In Paola, Ken.Tub dates ot the Hanlln, P. I., carnival

were set for Jan, SI to Feb. 7. Who knowsIf It bapponed?

Eo. L. Heinz, of the Heinz & BedimnnShows, Is due In Chicago tbis week fromHannibal, Uo. Watch for his announce-ments In the advertising columns ot The

Ihing when acason 1016 rlosof, Uke someof yon were ia season 1014'* Cloee<fna- general sgcbt* are all working now.Whi ere the Dlvhig Queens so silent ..'It

will be some vreeks yet Then splaab, splosh•gain.Neab Uanacerb.—In order to get next to

Ihe special It I* very necessary, that}ou £0 to the scat of .government and not toa man atandlng In a hotel lobby.Doc Alluann wlaiies the. entlro dMw

world a .proeperoua scaaoo. Jtut like hewished them all a Ueriy ChrlatiDas and aUsppy New Year. Doc Is thete when It comesto wishing his fellow man weU-'

A UAK that Is' In the show business and Isnot for Ihe Showmen's League of Americais not for. himself. You got thatf^ didn't vpu?

J. C. UcCArrafiT arrived In Chlcaco Sun-day, Jan. 24, alKcr a short stay . In KaueaCity r.nd thereabouts. Be said he had a greattime with the bunch. J. C. will have much todo the coming season If his present plans arefilled, and we believe they wlU be. Wonderw!'.o will be oh bis staff? Let'a hear.TUERB arc many peo|de In the worhl who

•re not B'Mxt of It as tar OS some ttilngs

we know of go. Toko thatTbrat the opposition kindly, they may

not do you no harm.W. J. (Doc) Allmanh Is going to have

some carnival to be reckonea with. Lookwho la with blm.

AoBNTB, .pick ont the right and - goodbotela Some of them are awful.

fiEis'u Casbt writes from a city In Kansasthat be Is busy beosllng tho Kanaoa Poaltryfihow. He will arrive In Chlrago next montbBome timo to take up bis publicity workwith a carnival for the season. Gsrlbaldl16 dead.

A. D. (Red) Mubbat writes' from BanAntonio, Tex., Jon. 14: "Priend Red—AmSolng with Lockmann-Lewls Shows at'range, Tex. Everybody around Ban An-

tonio has been asking for you. Hope youore having success." Tbsnks, A. D, tor thogood wlshee. See yon this Summer. WrltoagaliL

Red Onion wishes to acknowledge tbe re-

ceipt of - a season ticket to the Yankee-- ~ . oeo„e J-.

r that big,


Oeorge In the

anv time you Uke. Just get It tight,

>•»"• .. - .

Wv B. J1BVI8 has sold "Bod's SmokeChop," In the Edwards Hotel, Kanaas.^C'W,

adM* devoting all ot bis time to the Jarvi*

„ * Seeman Interests. Wm. B. left K. C. for

n. Yon can't telL gt. Lool* and Chicago Monday, Jan. 26, onDonaldsonvllle, .Lo^ that « strlcstly burinesR mission. He will arrive-eat Inlcrnatlonsl Show* tn doe Ume ai a flrat class carnival maiuger.— '—

He haa some etrong personality and a moat

"'wilS.^'&that "Carnival De Luxs"thing this season? ^

-VAifABAiso geta on me camlvU map,WJ. Franklin's hame town, too.

Whbii and where do yon opoiT Dont doIt too soon.

CuAO. S Haicb -wont ten -what tUa sear

mm. What's op?DAW. R BoBiNSOR wanto It to be known

tint ho 1* no kin to a grouch.Hani carnival folk* aleep until noon-thirty

each day In the Wintertime. Bome longer.

CoL. 1,A00'* Grbatfji Brows hove their

Winter quarter* In New York, with n Brnail-

way oddreea. Colonel, let 'ran New YohkClifpeb hear from yon.

Chas. Da KuKo Is atlll In Chicago, andbealthy. -

W. A. UiLLXB, the nertr-go-toond king ot -

Indianapolis,:!* due hi Chicago now. He Istin bnjlng cars for the Heuu A Beckmanixaln.Thb a. p. Whitney Shows are still out In

Tsxa*. Weather or not they go on juot the•*me.

Mas. Wk. fi. lABTis send* her beat re-

garda to all readers of The Old Rbliabi.b.Bdoofbtionb tor carnival club*: "Hot

Dmb." "DUl Pickle," "Sower," "Club Sand-wich," "Prone Devonrera" and "Soup In-balers." Are yon a member of "Itbet"?

Habbt B. Notbb.—^Where did 70D go7Vo, we do not forget our trtcndaimm na a list of the member* of your of*

W. U. EwiNO, director ot W. U.ITgrnous . Zouave Band, of Champali

Ewlnifa- „«lgn, IlL,

was a visitor In Cblcago, Tuesday, Jan. 10.He reporta everything going «ai finely withthat atetUng mnalcal organisation of dis-

tinctive orlAiallty. He returned home thenext day. He will be back In Chicago dur-ing the fair managers' meeting next month.

A. H. Hbmdleb and Cohpant, San Vran-Cisco.—Ynnr circulars and general news mat-ter received. Thank yon. Very muchpleased that yon are for The Old Reliailb.Ubs. Fbahk O. Waluck writes from

MoOehee, Ark., Jan. 18 : "Dear Bed Onion—We have not heard from yon In seveniDonttaa Frank Is now flue and dandy."Note—Frank O. WalUdc has be<en sick. Hoto well now and -will have a band vrlth one

flclal etaS. We do sot know them alt but big onos wben the season opens,re wlDtag to get acquainted. Bend ft to- Awrnua Davis writes from Toledu, O.,day. Jan. 20: 'iRed OnlOn-(the fellow wbo orlgl-

Oet that "Do It now" thtsg In your head nates things), Uy Dear Confrere—^A dropbefore the seoaon opens. Do not procrastl- of Ink makes a man think just the ssme asnaie. Do not be six month* beblna on any- a drop ot soup makes him sure. Tbe Days

end all the Island '^bunch."Snio Kablo.—Where vrfU yon

liaUy-hoo'^.l* called?


be KrtiA



All of them are getting placed, ona at •tiem. IVhere are you going?

C. U. Gasei la a real flrat da** pmsagent He know* the newapaper game. ThatI* worth a whole lot Con he write? Well,;ea. Can ho place It? Yes, yes.

It snowed In uuny places In Texas lastweek. Tbat makes It very nice for carnivalsand tent ahows. We do not think.

"PuniLs or TUB Deei'," a scenic, mo-chanlcnl, electrical production, aa shown atthe Hippodrome, Kansas City, last wevk,would make a great carnival show U puttinder a black top and properly presented.

M. B. (Spike) Waonbb baa been makingfrequent trips to Leavenworth, Kan., fro-uKansas City. U. B, left the latter placeSaturday, Jan. SO. for St Louis. The wiseones say ho -will this season be secretary andtreasurer tor tho Louis J. Heath Bhowa.Can't tell yot ; lot you know next week anre,

Ili;u Onion wishes to thank bis manyfriends tor tho avalanche of letters opropoabis recent soro tooth. D— that molar.ToK W. Allen la due In Shreveport, La.,

this week from Leavenworth, Kan., where hahas been detained for some weeks with abadly bruised foot Tom W. will make tbeLouisiana city his headquartera for aomotime. He WlU see to It tbat the Tom W.Allen Bhowa Is made right for the ISIS tour.Oeobob Harmon, «f cafe car tame, 1* atlll

making Miami, Fia., hla Winter qtuirters.flee, It I* nice to have lots of coin ao one cando as ho likes 1

B. El, TitiB la In Southam California tnthe vicinity ot San Diego,

Dosni Fbamxbl Is In Ban Slego. Bobby,some nowa, please.

IlEroBTS from Ban DIsgo have It that tbedally attendaiKo at the Callfomla-PansmaExposition average aniuid the threo hon-drcd nark. Too bod. Everyone says, and"such a beautlfiU expoaltlon, too." It maygot better? Wlty did not tho carnival ahow ..„men go there? They kuo;w a 4hkig or two We need eome carnival ahowa.about tho amusement buslnesa. "w. a wrr.f.tAun " «ia rot

Kenhbov, proprietor and general

HABitz Doas.—How la Washington C, B..Ohio?

AooLPn Siesun Is living In Leavenworth,JCnn., now, -where he is very buav buildingand aasemoUng the Jervls A Beemoa Shows,Be Is some constructor.WANtET, one hundred gross of gum shoes.Wilbub 8. Cbsbbv.—Who are you with

for seaaon lOlC? How Is Baltimore?C. Smith.—Who Is the general agent for

the Smith Greater?W, J, (BiLLi) RiCHAiDS oays he la com-

ing North from Oklahoma In shoot flvo

sreeka. Billy, why take so long to come soabort a distance? Vaudeville Is almost thesame thing -s war nowadays One to threeday engagements are. W. j. will again havethe Mlmcle Hhow with a W. Bmiidage. Sobe It welLW. Y. (Doc) TUBHSB la atlll Uvlng In

Kanaaa City on bis pilvate car, Usrguerlte.Doc Is eome Doc, and his car Is the samething.HoUBB T. ToNBS 1* anlborltr for tbe state-

meot that B. W. Brosdage nul apriog a Ugnrprlge very soon. Watdi the advertlalngcolumns ot Tna New Yobx Clippxb.Uahaoebb.—Do yOn know what kind of a

ahow a Uother Oooee ahow Is? If so, g«t one.

It wUI be acme novelty. Ask C. W. ranker.R. 3. Lewis Is due to knpoDt aune more

twins like the Samar Twins, Hope be do.

CON T. . . .

mnnoger, Walter F. Stanley, assistant man.agor ; A. H. Berkley, general agent and Tomet. Warren, aecretary and treasurer of theOon T, Kennedy Show, are very busy menjust now, nttlng things In tfi^ie for thatcarnival, Watdh '<m.What good In a million people to draw

from, if yon have nothing ot merit to offerIhcm.Uanaoeis.—OTease do notM na start lbs

aeason with any Spring tosUvals. Get modemfor your own profit <Ibe puMu la al<A otthe ''festival" fkig.

C. W. Pabkeb c«n cany-ns-alLIIOUEB V. Jones aaya -watdi the S. W.

nnindage camlvad. Wo wilL Homer V. Isluck In Kansas City from Oilcaco. Verytuny now.MORS camlvale -will start acason lOlB than

over before. How many will atlck to thoInlRh? Ijidy woman, what ate you doing?

IIUT bread tor tbe living. Norer mind tnerofTota and flowers aVter ney have^sscd.SouE carnival managers and general

aconts have n diBcase that might bo calle<IwcsitcrnunlonpoBtaltclcgrapliltls. Did youever nlop to figure n|i hnw much you spendIn wirrs In a season, when a letter In tImowill bring tlio anmo ro.iiilla.

J. M IUtmawav.— II. II. (Knt) DuncanviMilK ti> 1tr:tr from .tou, cnrc Nrw YohKCi.ii'i'i:i:, Cklcneu, II, II, tclla us ha will bo

Pebc¥ Tibbell getatnnt tor the Gonter.

(bla "Durs of '40"

__. Arttior Davis, BertBarles and Fred Be^onaa pnt «o tbe "Daysof '4B" at the La Salle batA, Chisago. Otherbotols wtll bOlow. Yon w«U see.Dice Collins prove* that a press agent

<an keep bnsy In the Winter time. Dick goestn and out of Chicago sometimes two andthree tUnes a Week,

Sou* people lose their mlads when tfaeylosa tbeir bank rolls How about a man thatnever had a mind or a bank roll Be shon'dbe pretrr well off about nowDan k. Bobihsoh aaya a Btteen-hi-ose car-

Blval oxaBS fltteea back and one In frontHow do Ton Uke It? It listen* smatblc. DanIt., can lb be that you are coming back tocarnl-TaL

Mb. Davis, tho costume man, of Grecnfleld,ill., was a visitor In Chicago some days (go.Uundi. are jod paying attention to tao co»-tuu^ng of your mow.

Calipobnia Fbank.—EIndly tell ns whatoarnlval yon -will bo with, dlow la vaudovlNenow. What?

J. B. Warrbk.—^Wo arc ready now to wel-come TOU book. J. D., |iay oS the bets andcome Id.Harrt F. noFKR.—JMd wo tell you that

you have been picked as a general agentTlint goes. too.Urncral Aobnts.—Uero ts a new nuaplces.

"Auspices ol A Fund for tho riomotlon of

Heinz £ Beckman ShowsWANT MUSICIANS

All Instruments (Including Harp and Vlolln—elther sex)

For My Concert Band and Musical ShowSInaers, Vonltr iBstnments, Daneers, Hevelt^ and Bpeolalt^ Acta, donbllagin Brasi, answer. Stale salary expected and who you have bees with. Thirty weeks conttictvnih a real *bow. WiU open la Kaat Bt. AasI*, III*,, alMBt AprU 10th. AmatantakeepoSMa. Addre** S. BID. OBBirBTTSl, Band iMder,

aaiA 'West FoBiUi Street, Dnlntb, Blaa.Cam plan* a first elasa HeckaBleal 8taow| MiiiieltalBa Bew| 1^*0 mny other Showof nerit that daesn't eonfllet with what wa already have.

FOR SALE—All Kinds Coneessions, excepting WheelsWANTED—Ttralnmostor, Head Porter, Promoters that oan ooUdtSaaner ads., Drivers, BlackamlUi that oan do waged work

Address HEINZ & BEOKBCAN SHOWS,M13 Broadway. St.. Hasntbalt Mo.






AaJIrsss irOBUS ot. FAIRLT, Outar HetaL Baa Antonio, Taab


HARRY G. MELVILLE, Manager20 Soutb Market Street, - • CHICAGO, ILL.


IManagers, Fair Secretaries and Concessionaires WriteTell Us What Concessions You Want


FOB PUHOH BOARD OPERATORSWbaala, Thaateaa, Pteks, and All Othar PupoaaaCANDY» CANDY =^^F

CANDYOur Chocola•re Hade Fi^

Mt»*t naFGet ear Piloe* on Halt, One, Two and Five Ponid Bozos

Dapt. O.118 B. Dearborn St.onioAoo, I1.I,.


J. J. HOWARDoohtbaot



MU80.000 Ctaln-80,000 Oniil Itaidt-M.OOO CIrcM laib n Hiid tar RidUri PaifMM


ISVa W. 3d St. TU., Main dO. OsBBeaatTtlU, Fa. n. BaekweU St. TsL, WestM

Cable AddressKDNKELY



DOS Baat l»7th Street. Under tbo I'orsonol Supervision of UAZ lnn<KLG7


PALACEcm »i^lt-MlM

. mt.



jllPf OlnwUon or JOHH 00BT.'

^» A Erg. ^jj. n,^ ^Sat.&M. Wed. Bkt too. to tlJO.

BBLffra A 00. pKMnt

A malolniu of Iots, mjatair tad Umui,ByBOl ooorhRiiiiOBnB.

I VIIEUM nr. Bnadwsj.LfuEUB BTai.,S.U.KUATliDn.A8kl,U

Cluilea FlDluiiin, EUw A ErUigtr pnunt

ELSIE FERGUSONIn • FU7 In Foot Acta tij HalMrt Henrj DavlM.


NUDSjlHMtli St., W. of BroadnT. MkttBus, Wed. and Sat- xu.

THE SHOW SHOPBf Junta Forbes, Antbor at •Ttie Otionu Ladj"


Bres. Bl8.It. Hata.. — Taca. ABaLBt2.i6.OOHAH A BARBia Preaent

"HELLO BROADWAY"WItli New Tork's Favorite OOnAN, WM. OOLUER.


wwaaaBM 'popaur Wed. Mat. Mo. to ILW.OOHAN A BABBU PRBSEMT



CANDLER I»f5»4"V^TS!^^t*(BMf"vmii/uuM gjj^ jj,^ Wed; A Bat ut.BffT Torki Keweat Flajlioaie. Oohan A HaiHipnaent (bjr viwwementwitli AiUiDr HopUnilknew pUf b7 » isw yoiun Amerlean aatbor

"ON TRIAL"By B. L. BelienaMln. Beala I weeU In adrinoe.


4eih 8L or. B'wtyBvenlngB St e.lO.

HaUneea WedseadayandSacordarxao.'




REPUBLICW.mst. ETenlngae.U;MaUsees Wednesdar


"KICK IN'^ToM"?;WUlard Maefc




CAHILL CARLEMuBlcal Comedy 811 TBB! jHBIICnV IHfiTBDnillf w. 4:lBd St. Erea, e.It.Un UlalBKVAfl Haia Wed. and Sat, a.l«.


Fraeenta a Syncopated Moalcal Sbow

WATCH YOUR STEPIfnalo and lyilca by Irrlnir Berlin. Book by HarryB. Bmllb. Wltb Mr. d( nri. VemoB Caatle.

A H, WOODS Pretenu an AmtrtoSi^_Flayln»Acl».

THE SONG OF SONGS~*~1>BHELD0H. BaaedontbenoTalby


Brenlnsi at 8.11.Vata. Wed. and SaL, %\t.8ELWTH A CO. PRESEOT

HARRISSELWnt A . .^„„»


STBAND "a^iSoToL'*-MART PICKFORD"MBIISTBESS NELLOTHJi" SpfERtOR PICTDRE ATTRACnONSu.— 'ifl Orcbeatra and Bololitaweit Week—Oaby Dealya, In "tier Trtnmph."

S2JIIPIRli B'«*7^4«1>W- BTe«.Ui.

oiuR!Kfpte'?i:.^':*-S?,SSr'''"__.CHAHLE8 FROIIMAH Piwenta*^


By Darto Mlccodoinl A Micbael Uortoo


Al. Bmtm Btor (Inlii Rsale, inr.)—(ItletT.ODttia, F«bk 14, tar «a 8j3, UlnMpolliJO. .

Amtficu Bnnlln (Loa Epattlo, mir.)—Bmpli*,Tokdo, Ptb. 1-a, OUetfD 8-lS.

Bebmio BiMv (jAck Slupr, mir.)—Onbeata,PtltnoB, Feb. I S, Bmplw. Newtra, s O,

Boo Tina (Fnnk UcAlnr, ncr.)—Hinronl lodAlbinr F«b. l-e, Bnoi. New Toik. 8-13.

FIc jQllln (Minim Jie>M, D(r.)-'ail«l7. Hon-tml, P(b. 1-a, Albiiv and Hartford 8-13.

MURRAY HILL, NBW YORK.(Iltvln<i Ttctiat Amiv, M).

Wbm Dcrrnnl ind Zrlnlrr ilirKd out it Uit

bnlonlBi nt tlx mioD tlirr wtr* wocrln) *lwtl>f.'

tbeir alMW lotog to ivioatD on lha wb«*l. TotMt Iho Tenllct of lb« wnaon Uift pnt a KtlcoDwdian and tmvT man la Ibe nnncllial role*

Tb<j »plo;«d Fnnk Uatt and Fnd l>e 8IW.1

UNCLE SAM'S BELLES._ ICellr. Damwl * Wllll>n)>" prtnnttd Cnrlea«B'> I1«ll« at Oalj'i lut wttk (Jta. M-30)."A Nlitt It ilM Cabarat" and "Tb* B«IIm atRom" nir ilaifd by Ktllr. Damiel and Will-Ian*, aa.l Ktllr. Danarl and Wllllaon catrlflthe abow ortT wllb th^Ir MpptfT CDHMdy. Hi*run, Uouth or "blalah," tint in a few placn,la voTth too |i«r ctut. In dfllTeir. but Dot forbo'RS motion. A "irlo" oumber at a andafounialo. tviiTMa K., D. and W., la "nilalitir."

TiMTr'a no |>lot. 3onfi w«rv 14,1 for tbt ooottart by tbal mr c\&m lltllo aoobrrtle. mnc*<'arr. WfeMbvr ihr waa hamkO a coajflo oT Boai>hem ibai wriv Kdjibe Ulbbm' for Iba Nm Yorki-naagMneni la nut antiHNi : liut aurrly aucb a abape*If prima (limna aa xtiM illUxHia la worth nunirtaj

ttfuBi vbcrl. Frank llnrl la one of tbo funnlrat

and DcaUit cooKdlana In burleaque. Tba ml of

, th* pilaclpala acrm to onjor wortlna wllb bim,Ben Welcb'a On Oo. (Darry Sbiplro, njir.)— and tbfr put cn tbclr beat eiToria wlien he la on

Oaltty, Boalon, Feb. 1-4, OolnmbU, Kew York, tbo atate.

—, —, -T .... , .- "> a ""^l cllpppd part and two aonn. oeltbfT

end tbey niado tbo abow oae of Ibr bnl on toe vf wblcb anMnulnl to mnrh ouulilo tbe way Ibty

Beauty Parade (Bd. Scbaeftr, mir.) — Oalety,Miijxanalli, Feb, 1-4, Star, Strraal. S-IS.

BoweTy__Dorlea4neri ( Bob _Ooben. nxr.)—Albany

Tbe Uuiv.-<r mu baa been pnttloi on iwie i^iod

abcwa UUlT, but not In a long lime haa anyahow KOIM aa bl( a hit. Manaser Kcnl Wald-

man adnlltrd that ^.o thuiigtit tbia burlnxiao oneof tbe beat on tbe wcon I nlwel. True, wc allow

Ibat Ibia alnw la itlll a Utile rough but tli«

clever maolcurlat. Durt, will a(« that It will not

lean.- bli ibop without • alilne on all lla parla.

'Ibo prhiclpali bare oil bci^n well aelccte<1. andthere la nr>l a bit of fault to be found wllb anyor tbem- Tbo cboiua la on eicerttlonally roiwI

loohinc one, and alw a c<k I alncliig anretatkiii,

Tbe noubera were alagnl l>; llucbcy Kcnonl. amialand Itj IlUiibcr ncmord. and her rlimtlrv

fCtuHl Job. *l*lie glrla am wlllliig oulwclBhlita

BELASCO jy?' ^Ji?Mat»^TliniB.4Bat.,ia»... , DAVID BELASCO I^ewgia



Eeih Are., oiMiti sia. DallyUailneea at 2, 26c to II.EvonlDga at 8, 2Sc. to $140.


B^y A Mtk SUPhono «980 O0L

on. and SaL,AOO.1<A8T a WBBKB1<A8T a WBB.


VBIA CdBL W.ofB'way.' PbonetngBiyasUal nlw Evea. ai6. Hats. Wod. A Sat. XU,

JOB WBBEn'BHmlcaLl Comedy FroduoUon

TIE ONLY eiRLIQt'h Tbea., nr. B'way. Pbona 418 BryantOtfill OU, Uato. Wed.ABat.2.W.

DRESSLERIntlM Ui^ laaBb Tohlcle «^ MIX'DP"

TTHBATBE, Mth St.,waat of B'vay.Pbona, 84W Bryant Brea. LU,HaUnece Wed. A SaL, 2.1t.

All4tar Company Direct from tbe OaletyTlieatrt, London. SHABTEST SBOW IM TOWN.


B. V. KBTTB'a B'way ktUBLUallnee Dally. Sun-day Oonoeita iMand 8.U-COLONIAL


Clare Borton, Nella 'n'ebb, Ur. A Ills. HodgklnB,711080 4 Uoya," Auronbot Ligbt"

V fmS*BTV w. 43nd BL Eves. AM.bAOCiKX Z Mala. Wed. 4 Sat. at a.U.OHABLRS PROUBAH Presents


raiES EORRRT OOODUAN.on the atory by Ooaverocar Bonis

Bway. A 4(ita St. Brea. Bats. wed. A Sau a.U

'blakQEB, Kanacen



I ITTI e THEATRE, 44th St., W. Of B'way.LI I I LE Phone aioo Bryant. Erea., 8.4<.

Msuneea Wedneaday A Sat, a.80


DAATI! VHEATBB, 4>th, W. Of B'way.IIUII I n Fboneoioo Bryant BTee,<JO.



rAQTNO B'wayAsgtbStPhone884eareeleyVAOinU Ere8.e.20. Hats, Wed. A Bat, 2.-J).


EXPERIENCE0« THEATRE. West of B'way44Xn Ola Phono, 1^ Bryant

Brea. 8.00. Matinees Wed. A Sat, 2.00.



nnRRATHILLTIIElTREI«ilBfftaa Awe. ud «ad Bt., B. T.Ttli Week, QIBLS FBOn JOYLARD

of '40' are doing finely, and it looks good all . Clutzb will to only too pleased to tell thealong the line. Last week In Limn . wo . world about you.packed them in every night. Turned them A. H. DnowM.—Hoir be tbe Great Inter-away on the opening night In FlndUiT. I ex- national Ehowa doing in. Donaldionvllle, T*^enrtloned a carload (rooi Toledo, we plog thin week? Send In your rente and sonsChicago, Hotel La Balle, for the Wllfeys- news.Overland Auto Company banquet, Jan. 2ri, TiHS back your "bucks," they cannot buythen Jump into Toledo for a week, fallowed my cAmlvel. "I' got to have theby Fremont, O. ; Kendallvillo iind Anderson, money."Ind. Have no trouble getting bookings, and j. c. McCaitbet got nwny from Cblcocowe tij to give the people 0 iwl show. With without making any noise or letting anyonekindest regards to yourself. Jow llopp, Jow nuch know bis buslneas. J. C. is one of theDokm, Jow HnUt, Jow Cannon and nil the real on«, tcgudlegs. He must like Kansaaother Jowa yon can think of; with beatwishes again for yourseif, blniselt and my-self, I remain, Ibo fellow that sets tbem uphead of tbe world's monster, massive andmastodonlc. the new Indoor nmuaement at"traction, Tbe Days of '4B.'" Note well

Arthur la there.Tacs SHiaT.D8. Artel Shields and Pearl

wliletta.—^Your New Year'a rard from BtMartinsville, La., received In duo time, tfsnythanks for your kind wlabes and remem'


Ursbert a, Klinb says Con T. Kennedyta Ibe wlseat one of them all, and when theyall wake .up they will And oat Con T. lias

not been tnvellog for nothing. Some much real coin do yoo figure on mak-

ing In IPIO? Make It n big aum. Don't bea piker.

J. 0. Daout says be will very likely havebrnoccs. Klidly write, and Tiif New Yobk «»„ «o wltli a carnival, aince Worlhom A— .^^^^^^»[^^— ^ Allen bought out the Mighty Uaag Show.~ Well, well. J. O., aa rou know, had algned



DEER ISLAND, BILOXI, MISS.ttmnslODt popnlatlon darlnffBeoAOD 10,000'.dftUj. CommniLieato, wlUi dotAllB, to



up to go w)tb the Mlffotj Hsair.Duirj> joufMlf a bome like C. W. Parker

hji9 Id T^TCDworth, Kin'. Some place. Theirrllfr wishes to acIcDofflodxe (he receipt ofa TC17 floe photograph of said home. Heaaw It when It waa bulldlD?.

* Neprr loso algbt of jour object. Meaningthe thing vou loteod to accompllBb. Tf 70abaro no lueal or omblsb, well, that la dif-ferent Hope 70Q have.

Ip Tou had the nionor the Smith GreaterbOB made iDd saved, you would not baTc toworry. Oh. that I'lttsbiirgb bank account.TnBRE Is moncT Id the camtTal buslnesa.

Do jou know bow to get It ouc7TiKa blm 9Uti QWTE^ 004 eIto liUo eome


voik«r« sod shoir ao Intcmt In ihrtr Duntcri.The bfoks, "In Wronu" iml "The lUJsh num."

tn full of >lf^ snd tbcro U not a ihtll motnriit lo

vltbcr of thm. Bolh <>f conlsln nine rrry

fui-iajr lUuBtlons. Anioiu 'It fuQnIctt irvtt: Th6cnlranvo of Iho two cumrillnni. tho lolroilUtfClon,

Uic cnirsncc of th« bAil man. tbo ntlnd Tfstllni

bit. tho holdhig of tbo mMiry hi:, tho Hnijiplntf

of tbe Bnccrs bit. Uie itruitusltig Mont. thekli»log Mt, the MMIIntf of (ho iitalurs bit. lira

table wenc. Iho cfffinlitalo bit, Iho Inmirancr bit.

Iho loadM clfior bit. thf> haml bit, tbo cntnncaof tbe 04TinaD in tbe burl««qite, Ibo riart niiml^r.

tbo colrouco of ibo Itajn^. Iho f|»-«laUr of llcr*

aod IlMtfOTd Feb. 1-6, Ca^loo, Doatoo, 8*19.Bjllr WatWB'a Dig Show (DIII7 WiUod, ncr.)—

Oinaiilc, OloclDDail, Feb. 1<0, Eoplre. Toledo»13.

CBmallOD Bfaotln <Bam RoMnioo, mgr.) — Qll*lEore, Spvlagflcld, M«as., Feb. 4*0. rrorldencoS-13.

<y::cfo Qlrlt (Max Splcip-l. ngr.)—Palace. Baltl-DKTe, Feb. 1-0, Oalotx, Voiblngton. 9-13. ,.-

Drpamlcnd Burleanucn (Doh TraTcrt^ mgr.)— b^ baa pat OTer a gw Job.

SjracLto iDd Utlca Feb. l O* Oslotjr. Moolrcal.013.

Dare Mailon's Owa (Inr UkrU. mgr.)—QilctftPlltsbureh. Fob. l U, !:tnr. ClorelNDd, 8-13.

rollln of Ibo Dir tJtck MoNamara, mgr.)

Ckilumbla. .New York, Feb. 10. lar off 8-13.CaMno. IlklD.. lB-20.

OoldfD Croiks (JamcA 0. Fulton, mgr.)— oOFeb. 1-0, MlDneapolla g-l.*!.

Galeir OlrlH (Jacob* A Jennno, mgrs.)—Weat-miDSter, iTovldctice, Feb. 1-0. GaielT. Boatcn.til3.

(llDIRr Olrli (R. 17. ChlpmaD» mgr. )—OtilAO,iKutoo, Ffb. 1-0. Marirord A Atbaoy 8-18.

airla of (ho Qar Wblte War (DaTO Oordoo. our.)—Rmpire, Nowark, Feb. l-e, Pblla, 840.Qlobo Trotler* (Wa«b Martin, mgr.)—Oate^,

Kansaa CItjr, Feb. 10.' Galetr. Omaba. 8-13.

Qtvt MqIiU (Wm. V. Jconlnfta. mgr.)—Oblum*blo^ Chlcigo, Feb. 10. Eoglewood. Ghlcato,

Olrla of tbe HodIId Ronge <ITiirtlg ft Beomon,TDBTS.)—'L«7 off Feb. 1-0, GasbM, Dtookljo,6-13.

Oar New Torkera (Jake Qoldeoberg, mgr.)—Im*perlal, Rt. Louis, Feb. 1-0, Oaletj. Kantaa0117. 8-13.

Glrla from Happ7land (Geo. II. Ilarrts. mgr.)—Ouloo, Pblla.. Feb. 10. Hmpire Hobokeo. 8-10.

Ilanpf Widows (FeoeM7 A Uerh. iDgn.)—^alelj,Detroit, Feb. 1-0. Osletj. Toronto. 8*18.

QooerraooD Girls—Caainn, Dkln.. F^. 1-0, nur*tig A fteitnoD's: New York. 8-13. .

Dsailnn' Big Sbow (Ilarrr llasllDn, mgr.)— name lii cai>llals) was tbo riot of tho ahow.Hnrtig & Seamn's, New' York, Fob. 1*0, Em- quaint German character van inoiv tlinn appro-pire, Pblla., 6*]3. ciLtttl. ' Them Is uo ollipr ciiiitr< In Inirlcoiiiio

LIborlr Olrls (Alex. D. Gonnnn. mgr.)—Engte- that works with exacUr <bo winio alylo llo

wood. Clilcigo, Feb. 10. Oatotr. Detroit. 8-13. ktMMvs bow lo wear dullim. Wlicn ho nin.*ca

Tore Makers (Sam Howe, mgr.)—DroDX, New out In a full drou salt, bo laukn It. Ills nakL-Tork, Feb. 1-0. Orpliram. Pstorsoo. 8-13. up snd dialect an both vory lood. He has a

Million Dollar Dolls (Ira Miller, mprr.)—Empire, nice toIc*. end la quite norao eccenlrlo ^nd acro-

Brooklm, Feb. 10. nilnniv. fMirfngfleld. 813. hatic diccer. nurt eonUi nially apiv/ir In

wer« sung. "Cnwnor Melody" la iwiw a grandbll td joatentaj. \Vh7 did K.; I), ft W. notswitch lo a newer ooeT NerertlictMa Mlas OtbbonsOld well *rlih Ibe Tttcal cn<l of It. and mansKfilWitw with "Mr Urlonial gitm." In tbe aecomll>art, wearing riill while tle«blnB)i and a jHlor*robe snd Iial for tbo flrst snd a iHrcry acalrdnrrsir orcr llrxhlngn tttr ibo latlrr. Sh« wnri"them" as b^uiillfnlly ai any prima donna toburlraqtto to-day, and the only regrei li aho dlitn'lbhT« al lNi>t ihroe guoti numlwrs to Frances Farr'sirlA. Ihsl Inrlndo^l "Harmony liar," M wlihllirney ^'llllanu: "MI»iiliUi|p|il Otibiret." "Hello,Folk*" and "(^liri>rnlB riiiI Yon." tmldca lirtngyrtXl Irtaih^l a|t with niiicb. for n soiibrotto part,but Mil ncelkitlly rnml for.

Oborrblsb i^viiror wai In Itie !«|tni nisiiy lUniH,her rlihnrfmf aloiio, ami with ClIfTtinl !>« (InifT,

hor, (radlnR tlio "Ciilnnlown.'to IMxIelnnd" ami ".Mlchlg] niu»4.vni.

"Hack•MofiP't - -

woo^lt'n aboe a|K>clnlly wlih I)e Or»rr wnn a nicdbit iif work, with homoir hi al>lir«>vIi«:oil bliio anilwbllo "litlckcr" Mitt, ami Do <lrorr In lilnck Mitlt.

Mtho Kelly, flmt as (Amut nilharo ami lairr»* .MIkw McCirlhy. aitti nnrury Wlllknii inn UimhiIwron: Iheii doing Ixtnla llolns. In llio "Hrllrx utIldiuo" ImrlPLia. ni>rkrtl k'oII lufrrttior. FrniilcDainsol did a Konlueky Colonel, a bunrn |ii/,

sirnlgbt aod "c«mi." and wna In n ilroHn aiilt itMig

enough for Iba "audlnu-o" bit who^o the orrhrs-tra 4iilt. and Kelly, Willlanu. De Oroff and MImFarr, crmtinl Into iIh< pit and "ployctl" Uiulrown ranvlc. It tiMik big.

nard end Marlln, Iho by-nlay wllb tbe llalili, TTie "Ubinitown" niuiibcr lud (ho cbnnu rigged(be fcurUsniie 00 "Olhclb»,_ th« cborui nuniifcr, to blue Tama uuidin, anil "Oallfornlii" ImHiiHit

tod tlie anUh with (Im Itsjsb. All of (hcsoscene* T«eelT«a good Istighi.

Ainon# tho nnulcil numbers wove "I Can't ne*IleTo Yoo Really Loto Me." by BfaTtln; "Tulipand Boae." tiy Miss Allyo ; "Mluliilppl Co'baret*' by Miss UoOloud : "All Abosrd forDixie." by Ulss Houston: "Itooknl In Ibe Crad>oof Lote.'' by Martin and Mc<:k>ud: "Roaa Ro-itetls." by DeBllTB snd AII70; "Mooching Along,"by Dcrurd: "Mlchlgnn." by lloiialon; "VIC'hols." byJucCload; "When tho btweet Magnolias

by llMnnnl (bla own con-_ _ l Htop tYom fjotln* Me

by "OuTt snd Allyn. smi "High Obst ofLoflDg," by Hooiitoo. TTie MOttlogi were veiy

Bloom lo TeDn«*se&"norltkm) ; "Vou Oan*t Htop t>YomNow.", by 'Hurt snd Allyn. f

LoTlDg," by Hooiitoo. TheLTod, eopeclally Itie sccnml pari.FRANK I'URT (for ho dowrroti to liore bis

' His

3Ila« Fnrr and the glrla out lu wbllc Jackola ouddrahlnga ftf military mak^>.Hio cuaiirotea fur the other' niinilK'n, from

"Chinatown" on, wrre well coalumnl.As a apeclst allraollrai, JotkIc Rlkor. from tba

ranks of tbo "Itt'llei"* chorus, nmlor tho title"Kinrlrnia," {tfToml "Daniti Is Arabic." a imirbtwKchlof. SQulrmliig of sll of Jessie but ber feet,ILat oeoreil nig.

This compinr will return to Dalr'a Feb. 8.lo llnlah out ibe Irani* of thIa honso wllb alockInirleagiio. and with Rrownlo O^rroll si primadt'noa, IS Mlw Qllibona' realsnstlon took vfTcct 10.

Hio rborw: Ins Brlfbt. I^dlth GUI. I'eggrDuahsn, Mlhlred ' dlalro, RI'Hinor Omr, Mnhelrunrre. Ilabn Detiell, Rote Ui>)tsoa, DeKyfe 'I>ickcr,

llolon WlllUmi. I«« IMa>rer. Flo Miniuotio. Joaido

Price Winners (A. Foanon, mgr.)—Oilely, Wash-Invton. Feb. 1-6. Gaiety. Vlttaburgb. 8-13.

Roneiaml Girls (Walter Greares, mgr.)—Osletj,Doffalo, Feb. 1-6, Syiicuse and Uilca B-M.

lloHe Sydell's (Dsrrr Tbompaon, mgr.)—Rnplre.Pblls.. Fob. 1-0, Pstarc, llaVtlmore. 8-13.

no*ey Poicy Olrls (P. B. CIsrk, mgr.)—Oalety,Toronto, Fob. I'-O. Oayely, IlulTalo. 8-13.

SocUl Mslds (J. J. Llebennann, mgr.)—KmpiR,Hoboken. Feb. 1*0. Kroplro. Rrooblyn. 8-13.

Star ft Girter (Prank Wolaberg, mgr.) — 8lsrsnd Gsrier. Chicago. Feb. l*o Imperial, Bt.T.f>uU, 813.

Trocaderoa (Frank 8. Pierce, mgr.)—Slsr. Otero*Isnd, Fob. 1-0. Olymplo. Clndnnstl, 8-l.T

Winning Widows (Louis Ollbert, mgr.)—Oslely,&lllwaakt«, Feb. 1-6, Star snd Gsrtrr, Cbl-csgo. P-13.

Wathon Slitont* Co. (Mf^x Spteir^I, msr.l—Star,St. Paul, Feb. 1-0, Gaiety, Mllwinkce, 8-13.

Colombia Wheel—Added.Aujo nirls (Teddr Bloiond.^. mgr.)—Standard.

' '0. Oeotury, Ksnass City. 8-'~ ' ~ " Slandsrd,

Bt8-13.Touts, Fob. 1-0. Oeotury, Ksnass CIt;

Bntdway Olrls (Boh OordoD, mgr.)—!Clocliioatl.' Feb. 1-0. 'B(bpreei|, 'Oblambus, 8-13,

Doheralana (Tom Miner,' mirr.l-^alely. Ilrooklyo,Feb. 1-0, New Haren and Drldgop^rt 8-13.

Big Rerlew (Henry P. Dixon, rom".)—OcDtory,Ransss Olty, Feti. 1-0. layoff 8-13. Cbtcdco ia-20,

Beaitty, Tooth and Folly (Louis Slark. mgr.)

OrcenOeld'aod Holyoke Fob. 1-0. Howard, Bos-ton. 8-13,


Big ScueltJon - (MorrU Walnntock. mgr.)—ffewnaren and Bridgeport Feb. 1-0, Orand OperaCoDse, Kew - Tori, 8*13. -


City Sports. (R.-B. Pattoo. mgr.)—I^y off 7eb.l-e. GstetT. Oblcago.. 8-13.

Crseker Jacks (Cfaorles Faiko, mgr.) — Gayety.Cblcsgo. Feb. 1-0, Oolumhits. Irclfnapolls 8-10.

Cherry IlloMOma' (Msatico Jacobs, mpr.)—Tejiple,Fort.Wsyoe, lud.. Feb. 1-0. Oblcigo 8-13.

Olty Belloa-^Star, DUo., Feb. I'O, O^adermPhils., 8-13.

Charming Widows—Howard, Boston, Feb. 1*0,Grand, Rosf^n, 8-13.

Rts Hull's Show (Lew Tslbot. mgr.)—Wllkea*Rarre and Scranton Fob. 1-0, Dlogb-imton sndflchrDcclady 8-13.

Follies of Pl,!SBore (Rabo Rem^ieln. mgr.)—Perth Amboy, South nelhlrhem snd Baston Feb.1-0. Gsloly, Doltlmore, 8-1.1.

Fny Ftaaler Oo. (Joo Oppeuholmer, mgr.)—Bock-logbom, LoolSTllle, Feb, 1*0, Slsn lsrd, Olncln*osti, 613.

French Models (Dick Zclsler, mgr.)—Academy,Jeraey Olty, Fob. l-O, Perib Amboy, SouthPelblehem and Baston 8-13.

Girls of Ibe Follies (H. M. StioDse. mgr.)—SsYor,Hamilton, Ont.. Feb. 1-0. Oadlllac. Detroit. B-13.

O17 Wldowa (Loots J. Obe!*wortb, mgr.)—Msn*Chester, N. H.. and Worcester. Msss.. Feb. 1-0.Now York 8-13.

Qlrla from Joylaml (BJm Wllllsms. mgr.}—Mar-I^UIU. New Tork, Feb. 1-0, Star, Drooklyo.

Oinleo' cf Olrla (Louli Gerard, mgr.)—Hsymarker,Cblesgo. Feb. 1-0. Htandanl. St. Loula, 8-18.

Osy Morning Glories (Jack mines, mgr.)—Blog-bsmtOD and Schenectady Feb. 10, Oorlntblin.Rochester. 8-1 3.

Hello, Paris (Wm. Roebm. mgr.)—OolomMs. In-disupolls. Feb. 1-0, UucbTnibsm. Loalsrllle.,

Hbi, Llfo OWa^ (Frank OsHer, mgr.)—Oalely,Phlla.-Feb. J-«. Atlantic Oltr andl^entoa 8-13.

High Rollen—Empress, Oolumbos, O.. Fob. 1-0.Hmpire. Olerelsnd. 8-13.

Heart Ctaormers (Dsre G<nidron. mgr.)—Empire.

S13 • °" Pltlabiugh,

Mischief tfskers (F. w. Oebsnly, mgr.)—Slsr,Ibronto. Feb. l-O, Saroy. UamlltOD. A-n.

^V'Jf, SI: fluJll"". mgr.)—Troeadero,Phils., Fob. 1-0, Wtlkes-Bsrro sod Smntoo 8*1S,

Orlenlsls (Billy Wstaon, mgr.)—Orand OperaPS^ ^<"''' 1*0. OreenOeld ft Uol-

yoke 8*13.Passing RoTlew <* 1014 (Joe Lerltt, mgr.)—CnlntblaD. Boebcsier, Fob. 10, Star. Toronto,

Senimber Vomtag Oloriea—Victoria, Plttsbanb,Feb. I-fl, Peon Circuit 8-1.1.

Tango Olrls (Obas. R. TaykTr. mgr.)—Atlontle0lt7 and Treo4oo Feb. 10. Osletr. Rkln.. 813.

Tempters (Gas Ksbn. rair. )—Osdlllsc, Detroit,Feb. 1-0, TVmpIe. Ft. Wayne, lod., 8-13.

Tsngo QDi«ns (R. S. Dsly. mgr.)—Olympic. NewYork. F«4». 1-0. Academy, Jersey Olty. 8-13'

Tsxl Olrls (Jack Levy, mgr.)—I'enn Olmilt Feb.1-0, New York 8-13.

TrsDs-Atlsotlcs (Cbsa. Donoftoe. mgr.)—Oalety,BsKIfflore, Feb. 1-0. Pblla. 8-13..

ZsMsb's Own Sbow (Jobn Kokbsrdt. nxr.l^OrsDd. Boaton, Feb. 1-0. Usocfaegter, N7 O.,aad Woroesier, disss., 6-13.

pRNN cittroiT.Rosrer Falls. Fs.—Mondsy.IfcReefport, Pa.—Toeadsy.Orsensban. Pa.—Wedoeadsr.HIsbler, Altoons. Ps.—Tborsda7.Ofpbeoo, Toffk, Ps.—Friday.Acsdemy. Beadlog. Ps.—Satordsy,

Irroodn'oy I'mbtoilon. Ilu in tho Rtrt of ilie,oMrerowned vaulFTlMo toaiii nt Hawthonio and Hurt.

Waller Vtmoii, who pisjrn ii|i|wlio, la veryfuDr,y. but a cooit deal of hl*i dmihiIt la loat onttctcunt of Mil* fastness of Hurt. Vcniun la agood foil, llo purtroys thn Irlsii'aaii and tboFt4-i>chmnn, ^nd Is gnrnl In both.

HV^l ]>o .^IIts hcl|»t s b>hh1 iloni lu put thshow ovor. lie la a charartrr acini of iisr extol-ler)ce. Ills clisrscler of Hie HbJbIi was runny aodalrrn. and was rory well plajeit. Ko ahoiritl

ss a 'Iromntlc actor when be tHirIe»)iied "Olbello.**Ills training ao an acior on tk* CuaHt bns wunMm a good licrlh aitd a fliio name.Gm. (Itfrl) Marlln Is a ne looking straight mso.

TTe knows how to wear Ills clotbm and alwayslocka neat. Tie bas a fair roico snd la a fooddeiiter. Bftrlln slmnld got sway fnini ttte sotHnea who[rt>Ter bo cau. Ad Hbblng mskes goodstnilptit mco.

llneliey Ronaid was very comical at tlin negrohell hop IJnlHio till* uMinl IptII lioyn. Ikrnanlti\i\ no il.inclii?. !Il> ui«o«i Jila swcel voko liisicud,end Mie n^aullii wrro far louro irrntlfylng.Amy Allyn Is a flue looking irrlma donna, has

a beaiillfiil roleo and kn<i>Ts bow lo uso It. Hbola 8 iptotl ferdor nnd ran si>eak Ikt llnrs. Ontbbi lieiullful woman her gowns am worth whilelooking al.

KIosbIo McCloiid la a oloror comcillonne. andwith a Utile loning, would bo emlnenlly lit forbig ilmo vauficTlIk*. She la a tall woiiinn. nndcould oso bcr height to good sdrantnge. It»r roloeIs rood, ood abe can put ot<t a rag song as wellss anybody,

taAura llouatnn m&kea so excellent Utile nou-btette. She lias loo^i, role* snd nimble foot In tierf^Tor. and kfuws hir/f to Mponk hor llneft.

T)w olio waa very eood. Floanle MrOloud aang"At the Ball" ami 'THpiterary," ami reoelfr«l abig band. Ilcrnard and Martin hare n pnni lino oftalk. Martin's Imllatton of rkonco I'rlniroM-'asoft shoe (lancing, and Itoniard'a y<*lltnir, madeIbo act a hit. Hio "Foarlw-n Sons vt Iho I>enort,'*an Arablsn acrohatle act, atooixHl tbe sbow. Theywere forced lo do two encores.

An oicoltcnt sbow. Uyict.

CHANCE TO BUT STOOLThe Columbis Amuflemeot Oo. liare T<»tsd to

Jncreaae tbolr capital atock to g'jnn.uoo, Tho ad-dlttonsl 105.000 losiM la offered at 12 per nbsra-to nroient lioldnn tit Colmnbta slock, snd I2.D0a SDsro to now InTOHloni.

OEOnOD IIAnillS ItUIlT.George IT. Harris waa Injuml by an automobllo

last week at Ooa llundrr«l snd Tweiity-fourlUBttcct and Amaterdam Afenue. New York. Firelr<«fl on bll right foot bad to Lo amputated at tboKnickerbocker nootiltal, whoro he will bo con*floed probably for Ibree works.

IHPBRIAX OPBNM^The Zmperlal, Bt. Iritis, oneocd Jan. SI, (n tb«

Columbia wheel, with tbe Osy Now Torkem.Molllo Williams has joined tbo company for tbe

rest tbe season.

Ons Fat boa signed with Kna Pplejel for three7esrs. He was married in Inn- llutward, of ili«

Uaywards. 00 Jan. 38. at (bo New York Oily HoU.SraHroio, Cokh., Is «iigg>vlrd oa a imaslltiv

thieo day apllt week with fihTlrgOeld. Msm., sodNew HsTMi Is alio mentlonei).

brtulr. Hoy Marlln and Klls Arlhiii^.

The Hiaff: J, W. HtanillMh, manarvr ; J. STnrrls.hualnt-M m«nri«n*r; W. Willllng. iituiilcnl dinvtor;J. Fretf, niiairr mevhaiilc: .T. Wrmlo. ninnirr oCprt itertr : J. NoIpoo, electrician, auil MadameClare, wanlrvbo nilHlro**!. Tod,

4 aAI«ft WKUK.Cnmnionrlng .Monday 'naiitirt*, Fi'b. R, MIner'H

In Iho llrviiT, hnhla lln nfly-OrHt niilvtTmry 'llio

(h«Llro Ih tlotrtrrnlrti with IIoicm and oloclrh* llHbla.Ilirt linker and hh Ifaiii 'l^m rili lx am lhi> at*

lrotlh>n. wliU 'XttolH Pakit aud her HawallnnH aaa foal lire.

<ir. Monday maltnoo a iiH^-lal trlnl nmnt ofMimT'a .Miiko l/p will bo hIti-ii lu mrh lady In IhOaudience, and aa .Monday and WiN'm-.tiay nlKhialo ererrcno who buys a ctnji«n, on» ttt iho framedpljolographs.On TiicHilay nlslit, 0, Hioy givit to itOTwiiy-iIro

fTA) of thotr psinns a drx'tuuM clilrkou ' Hiekind you eat), aud a.mnrkot baakct llllnl wllltCj Inga.

(Hi Tlmmlay night Iher will iipct<-nt sonii* ra>traordlnary big nmaleur fealtirea for Ibis ii|k'cI:iI

olght.On Kridny night. 13, a ajwvlal wreatllna lournn*

meiit, Tiiin Matlliows t». U-v Korner; Mikr WII-Innl V!f. Vic KiirlB, (Imri;^ Itnthnt-r, IIghiwoii;i|tcbaiiiplon, ra. Arnntd I'elorKon.on Hniiinhy mailiioi-, ]:i, fiblhln'n'a Day, every

child Dl lending will got n l»i of lotto's cnmly.

Hiriiriiv'sf STOCK.The Capitol Deaulloa Is Hie (Ilia of J. Theo.|nro

.\ttirtili7's bur)osi|uo suargatlnu. at tho Mnjo^llr,Waahloaioh, 1>. O., Uila work.

'II10 cfmijiaiiy Ineludra : J. Tbootloro Munthy,r>ldl« llsrTla. Win. H. 4tinllb. Tommy HarrlH, )b>b.fttoGirIro, Mnrle Delmar, Corrltiim Do Koroai.

ifliorus: Sblrley HIalr. Tlirrvaa llrown, JennieOlaen. NleO Itltaa, l'e«ty Uavtn, llalm Forro«H*r,Jennie Oarran, IlorleiiM DiHinla. draco lllnl, T/tr*

elta Hwtnier, Ilatito Hinlth, Mao Navy, ioniitoKorvin, Uelle Lynch. Krelyi (lll>aott, Hthel VanAuailn.

llisMiiesa U gra(Lr>^iig. and tbo aeaMn will uu*douhlnlly bo a wIniHT.

TIh* Iioiibo ataff: J. 'llipmlor^* Murphy, mnnaser;Wn. Itowiimn, treaHiiror: <J. V. HchUlehl. iiuihI*

ral illroetor; Frank Whito. alasn mnnaxer: Oina.4. White, property ; Hharn (IraTon, otioraior; JannesLuftas, tftcolrlrlaii ; J. \V. Uuwo. |iil. Kcpni.

NaTB n. ftl' AHI> WaI.TBU lldttnMliKnri

wlihdritw from tho Unly Tht^lro inatiaumient.New Vork, loJit \v<i''.t. Jtrr^iK* K^wMilirrg niul Jl.

A. T<(wImo mnaln. Joaiicile Ihiiiro'n Company Is

tbe sltrncilnn ihta wook.MANAUHoa Tai'Mr HmnNOf*, of Hih Auin (llrls

Oo„ has rngagetl Mllf*. ItoE<>ll, "Ute DancingVfnua," as a special attracMon (Vir Uie roat of tbeaesnoD.

PaiFfnusM Or>iA Wii.n. ceceiilrle dancor, wasextra attraction with the Uyirsy Mahla (V>., atIho .Star. HI. TaoulM, Intit wei^k, playing In largehouars. snd la Imoknl sollit to pisy relom date*for Ibn next nlX wet'ba.

OiiAOi.u IiuBKiiAsiiT and bla slide r(v)>cedChaa. Ilowo wllb Hie Heart Oliarmers,Tou IlAunvrr ahu Mat hare Jolnril tbo

ZaMiah Show.DonoTnr Oom.inh who has been playing clubs

for Ore yesra, weul back lo burlewjue. Joiningtbo Monte ^'nrlo (Hrls.Raar IUkd has revorrro'l, and Olleil lo laat

Sunday at Hm Onlim>)ita. Now York.MAHr-LLtt HnuuAK gm orcr to Hie R.>wory Rnr*

lenquen, and Is suecoolnl wlih tbe GirU nf (l.u

Moulin lUHise by Kthel Mannont, wlio aiiccoa^*fully nang "Honinbofly Kmiwa," at Ibo OolumbUlaat wool,Hta Mur.L has cb)wd a lib lh« Follies of ]Di20.

ItsU-lto. who baa liern rUilnir ber niioclalry onlyfof a few weeks wlih Ibo abow. n&w plays thepsrt.



HARRY K. MORTONOf Qua Vajr'a Qajatr Olrls



Jast B few or thIa Heaaon'a abow/: Olalcli Cooprr'a Paar Showa, Bmiatf GerardMoore A Beaalon ikiad Che C)«baret Olrla,




ASftlilDg cant for. lIolRlit, ( ft. < In.


An;tlilng caat for. HpcclalUcii. Ilelg?it, tfl. (In.

L'XpcrleitcrJ. Rap. or at/>ck. Joint or alnalo.A'lllrnw W. If. KVKRttTINK, OUUUKKI.ANI), Ml).

In aniicerlnn ait, ptcute tncndsn CtUtUk

10 THE NEW YORK OlilPPER Febbtjabt 6



n&TlTIG*OboroM Cofltmncs 0c«nrry100 100 100

FrliiolpalB Nainlicn Comnl^lOO 100 lOO

At the Oolamhli. New York, ihts ibow ap-

miei] Feb. 1, crowded nltb noreltlfi IQ tbc wt;ot BPCCltl Ducnben, ront'dr tolta bdU Mrlotu vcciiea

n wltta a burlc«-iiM noltli, accorOlog (o rcfculor

bane/ Ocrard conception ot builcwiue. It «ui«cHt«i1 b7 tb« Dlitlit bone. tb« ifco ot wblcbWON kept tlowD, DO ttoubt Uj Ibc bad weather.

Bam BIdman did not do lo moch in the flrat

part ai the hot dos mao. but abooe lo the reToe

**(icrlriide Uijoi. caal aa Peg o' My Deort, hadthe look* and the brogue, and O0atrllmte<l ber

KOoA\y Bhare to the creDmi'a entertaloment la

ber part ai well oi In ber apeclallr. with tbe

four aabom balred gllmmeren.• Cbeater Nelwo waa a fui)Oj faced Robe, foU

of DOTel raaoner Id patting over hla coracily, andhe did sot lack langblDg reluron for bU efforta

In the Tarloui cometij atroef. A funny fife aaddrum bit wai a big acream.

Blaa Mar Is a nwect facni. aweet Tolcfd In*

genoF, who look good care of tbe nambera aa-

atgnod to her, and lookcil well In oeveral fetch*

log coiiuffic etreclfl.

Utile Anna I'rapp hae sradnated Uto a real

rirlnclpal In rarUiua jnlaet. and looked partku*irlr fetching ai tbe Oopld, In the "Danctnc with

•TcK 0' Uy Heart" number, whicli Inlrodoccdcouplaa of varloua naltonatltlci aod pertoda,

VlTlei:ne Ollai bud not mocb to uke care <it

In the way ot acting, but raste loto her own foran operatic oieillcy, wlilcb illaplaycd her well*

cultlfateil soprano toIcc. Rbe waa well remeru*Kittf with floral trlbutea. loclodtog a large lyre.

Mlaa Uayea alio bad to bow otiao. In eckoowl-edging a nomber nf Oowen, lncludln,T a flue offer*

Iru mm ber "Dowriiowo Frtendn."9Ul7 Waldron I'loked the part of Oacar Tlimr

iHTMein, and acted It aa mr eool4 br.

Jack UcHorler Uld Uirld Ucluco In facialiuakc*ap and dremi.

Jctm B, Williams was tJio Olva Ko QnAlt Boy.AI, Bcetes, well mimicking bis pecoJiarltln, andrhU Bihltb tctrd and trkil to look like atoipM. Oohan for tbe parpoie In the plot. R. I>,

fiedao, Bnlh. BulllTiD ood UorloD It. Pox com*pleted the coat

"What Do«i Ihu Pobllc Wantr* was the title

decided open by tbe foor lupressorloa for a newItevoe. and they prenenieil It accordingly.The eceoea showed TImee Bquare and an ex*

IcrtoT of the Ooluuhla Tbcstre Snlldlog, also aballroom.The elghteeo glrla were of general good appear


Sam Bldman and Miss Ilsyes opened wltb awonly quarrel betwen the Duldi asu tbe Irlnb.

The Bojnbtrs Included: "Yankee Doodle IV^y."

by Mr. Bmltb; "01r« Ue OredU, Bon,'* by Johnr. Wllllsros; "We're the Ksrouui: lmpr««arlM."!•/ tbe Big Four; "Virginia Itose," by MliaeaI'ropp and .May, to a creit niHny encores; "BanFrsnclico Pair." by Miss Troi^p nnd Mr. Seilan;

a BalTatloii Army nnmber, wlili Mr. Bldnsn sscaptain; "ttliat Dora Ibe I'ulillc Want." by Mr.AlcSorley on the singe nnd Ibc different prtnd*|ioIb leBpotiilliiR n'hii appropriate verHea, fmmvnrlouB psrlH of lite liouw, but AI. llcert-s

fltially die'd4-s tbe question by tlie Tome Ibot tifl

tJitf "cooch." ami nil the otbcn* otrcv.Mlhs Hay song "I Wonder Wbr Tboy Riare at

Mf," wlib good ehorns work. A drinking song,"It's Qrent 8pc-rt Just the Hnne.'* IjdiI n greatawing. MIsa llsyos d^Urereil a pathetic recita-

tion about tbe "iMt flinlcr," wlih a ponch On*lab. A tclfMoiie hit hImitciI th-i^ moUcIn lo

tialcB salts posing In a store window.

Rcene 2 Introtluced Mlu Tlaym In Ibree mnlecoftume changes, with ber tricktoti* (Anns Propp,Dor HMwr, Rulh Hiilllvsn .mil Irene Olsrk). In

"Chinatown, My Olilnatuwo," "I'snama Conal,""lie Ooraes Up Bmlling" and the gmlcMjuo Qnlsb,villi the troiiHcn fslllni; off little Mfrs rro(ip.

In Act Th-o. Flan May Hnns the "nones" wng,tt> encflrett. Tlie oiKTutlc luiillcy wnv hig Mt,and the Teoipto Qnnrtct (Arthur Brooks. Phlt W.FiPlth, R. D. Weblon and Ilsrrr Lnng) did wellT»Uh 'Tulip and llose," "Cammin." "Can't OctAnay Frwn II" nnd "Tlpiw-sry Mnr.v."

In the ballroom scene, Mica Iluyes and Mr.Kelson bn<l s funny an<l atrenuouH traTc^tT iic

•Tbrce Weeks." The wlrelewi telephone boothMt waa well worhnl up hy Mr. Bldnsn, In tbol<oth; Mr. WilllADiH on Ibe onlpMc, snd R. D.Fednn ss an eiollahlr Ptrnchunn. kicking theLrotb, wblch kept Stdman btt<iy keeping bin bsl-snce In the ever mOTlng antl eTcr forking bnntlt.

"It Wonid Ue Nice" wss a duct by ^niw Hayesami Mr. Nelson. "Volley of the Moon" wnsveil nmg by the btggeat chorus girl. Mr. Bid* QB Dartd Warlleld, bsri-LlH nnthetlr Intcr-Tlew wltb Belaaco. and ilellvered (he scene from*Tlte Music Monler." wltb a comrtty flnlih.

Tbe ragthDo medley. stave<1 hy Dan DdiIj, witha morle effect, was all octinn, and bdd thorn tothe drop ot ihe curlDlo.

The ohorus: Ponies—^Buth RolllTnn, IreneOlnrk. Amy Bmllb, Inline Elilrtdge, I>ot Blblcr.Lottie Nelson, Bnltfile llumetl, Mny Oronauer.Show glrlR—4'^llth MslTore. rilltsn Bitxh. Nancy

Trnipeiit. Rlna Mlllc. Nell Ilnll, Bsitie \MeNlsb.Kilty De 'n'uipte. IMrIa Esucbe. May Htsney,Loona Morray, Jane Van Home, Altre -Usnley.

Staff: Barney Ocmni, Inc.. projirletor; JackV.c*Nsmnm, maiisser : T^uls aeratd. bn^lneax msn*sfrer; Fred lloundp. innslcnl director: Morion n.Fox carpenter; Wm. Oronaner, property man;Cbu. ntzdj, electrician. tfllL






WON'T YOU GOME BACK TO MEhSO WOOOV FIBBT aflUiSABB. AInadr a VMtara wltk Barenl Btmdllacn.

THE PICK OF THE FAmr a»lJN GARDENTwo Blny ITtUBben TBStWill StnB|tk«B theWMk Ipeto it Toor Act NMdi It.

I'LL CO FIFTY-FIFTY WITH YOUABOtlicr ot til* HoTeltlM W* ReeommMd.


JOE MORRIS iUSIG GO. 'ISJ^,ofl^„^*-jnKB li. HORRIB, Ugr.

FUILA.: ue K. tU> SU BOSTON: 82 Bo/laton Bb

OHICAOOi Onnd Opam Heu« BIdg.

—OtinmD airlf—Jack WibM 4 Od.—lliTc-nun'B AJilnial.—Beagle Olrjrtoo ± €d.

O0ABUUTON, S. 0. — VICIVUIA. Vlnl bilt'DuKtlln Duo—Afoaat Dros.—PttulnaODn ACtmtroD. Lait half ; hnmalag A Own—Mii1» BivB, A Bo6lir—Hcnrlatta Ot Snib.

DUrrnoIT—TBUPLS : Loplla I'ena—Ailm BUti-Irr—KItu Ooidon A Co.—WcAb A Batns—IUtdomI a Utidcr

The Le OfVha—OordonBiM A Oo Qoclltt'a Uonlu.

KBIB. PA.—COLONIAL: Bnrna. Kllotr A Ontj—WfatoD ft l^tm—BiDtia A Dloaa—il^r Ilia-lon Bros.—Vraok WhltnajL

FOBT \TkYSF., ISO.—KBITH'S: D]llon-ShlI-Utd Ttio—E<L Vliit«o A Buatn—Caaior A

OSAND RAPIDS. lOOII.—OBPBBnH : LotelUTwlsa—Ftaok tfarkler—^AntlioiiT A Hack—Okaa. Efana A Oa.—&n Cannn Ida.

C. Noarnt A"M Dlka—

was flome talk latclr about Sam IawIb,the Uebicw comnllas, Imlat ibr Vonin otFlMRuro. Tbit retHvt waa cmfbaUcallj denied byL«vla.

PITTBDUnGH, PAn NOTES.Jm Barton, vho plarcd bore In etock tbe latter

part ot laat staaoo, waa at Ube Victoria Uatvcek. anil waa boay rcuewlnc acqoalolanccs wIUIbla many local frlcnda.Ttt yrcat suecna of Jack Betil'a company made

it nccenHHry to tvtain ttie company for anotber-week. Jack l« a Smoky City boy, and bla frieoda

ttcie are lei:Ioo.

Tlio Beiileulier Uora number, vhlch made ancli

a bit, will tie Rpcotctl, with Lillian LIppnanIn ttro apot llfbL Great crnllt for Ibe popu-larlly ot Ihia number la doe Fmlille Clark, who

A JOOTHOT of iiASOJiS baa Iieen entered

aralDBt Jack Johnson, aa tbe raiilt of n ault by

MUier and Ocranl for failure to foiau a contract

vlth then to appear with the I'tlllca of tbe Day.

Wm. it. imcTU and "La ferlda" are In etoek

at tbe Mnjnllc. Waeblneton, D. a Mutor Al-

bert la alao with ihem.Thb nen Welch Show, at the Odombla, New

Tork, will preaent Ben Welch, Ptorence Bother,

Pietla Ploieoce. Bwl Harrlion. Mabel novard,Pat Kearney, Vic Cawnore. Prank P. Unrphy,Ownte Doutlaa and the Amtelcan ZooaTea.

la jiQttIng .'.n Dumbera for Jack Beld.Dalay De Vemo waa tho b-juor iiueat at a pret-

tily ap]>oliiU-d parly siren jhutfilnv nlibl by aparty ot frlenda frvn the Nnrtli Side.

II. L. IlU'bardaon aniu tcoivil wltb Academyaudlencee. bla pivaaing tenor mice beloR tbe eqoalto aoyUiloB beonl here Ihia rcaacn.lUafile Hopklna ha« left the .Midnight Maids

astl returned (u Iut honie In cttU'ogo.

A NEW WATSON.Tli« atork dellrercd tbe good, to Mr. and Mr*.

Filly WulM (Anna Fentou), at tbe Oeneral Ilea,

pltal, I'aterwii, N, J.

Billy \\im> : "I'm iho papa of a tnhy girl, eightpouiKla, Feb. 2. Kverylioily happy,"

NOW TIIB BACnBLOR OIRLB.0«o. N. HK-liblna baa t<MirfanM bla Patam*

fllrla burlcaque uoupauy, under the name of IbeUacbelor duo GirlH, and will open a three days*Cligagcment b'eb. 12, In Akron. O.

Tdb Oxond 0pm Boom*. Kew Terk,mil burlcaque. 1\'U 2. Tbe Orlentala aict» tbo DUlo Qltls.


V, B, O. TIMBaFeb. 8-18*

A,n.Aieri—POBSYTB : Ul UoQ Khn—aiMsloWrnn—60UO0, Uclntyre & SnttOD


DInelitrt 4 Oo.—Tbree Melrim Qimpon AO'Ovuwr.

BBOOK'LYiN, N. T.—ORPBEDU: BlorenCfr Tm-pMt & Oo^—Boberu ft V«ren—"Aaron of

LiAht"—Stturt Bsrof*—Join Bawtw & Go.—3lancb« Walab ft Oo.—L«oo ft Oow

BROOKLTK. N. T.—HUSHWIOK : Bdmrda' Sod;Itffiif—Mom * Young—JohD ft lUae Bnrkc—Pool OoQt bao—Woodii ft Woods Trto—<y>iuloa,Devenux & Oo.

DBOOKLTN. V. T.—«>IlOSmor : FYfd ft AdeloAHtalr—ll«nr; Lewltt—Lev A Mcrille noDtltif;

—Uoe/ ft U«-^trlo ft Doffy—wnUe Bnw.eUFPALO—sncVS: nanr noliDM ft Oow—4toRU

Llojd—uarrr ft Cra I'uck—ticeon tttmQraad Opm—Tbm L«l«taioiu—^Looc TackSam Co.—OlBKawDi Bios.

B&iUriUOBE—UARTLAND: Frank Focartf—Flanacan A Hdwanis—Olark ft Venll—Uron-000 ft Ualrtwlo—Trlile l<tlgaDta—b'n&k OU-more ft Oo.—•Hio Lawn Party"


BOSTON-KBITfl'8 : Miller ft Ljlco—OaidlowTrio—Aire. L«II« Garter ft Co.—Okabe Japs—JoMphlne Davla—J£iirtli* Booatm—Uar-shall uoQtgomcrj—Brandon Hont ft Oo.—HiriT Brcen,

BllOfLSOBAaM — LYRIO: "Tbe Beaattoi**—Moran ft Wiser—Lauctoo. Lucler ft Co.—CYedKoruao-^dlfr ft Ariln^—Wills ft Basstn—Eiposltlon Ftmr.

BEIOOETORT—poors : Arloo Sw)>~ImdohV»ninlB—Uanlon ft Olifton—Lerloo ft Ionian-Musical KleU.

CLBVIZaAND—KEim'S: ObDofrUy A Weorlcb—noland ft HollB—Fljlng nenrrs—BecttnCreljtbtOD St Co.—Oerliude Hoffman.

O0I<miBDS—SBITB'B: Uodood ft Oarp—DavisKirDllr—UMle Collins—Kddle F»7 ft Oo.—Junes K. OicCurdy ft Co.

CINCINNATI—KBITirS: nyiuck—Etbel Qreea

ILkBnT tiiHi pens thst Jack Ilonan. Francis F.Hojmoldi and blcDself arc pnll^utly wallInK lo

filay Hobenecladr, so as Ihey c«u take a (rlji toAltamout. to vIrH Kieir Oerman conmllan's home.Will Q, Is said to bm tbe proitleni bouseIn itH* town, "nie Folllr* ot 1920 Is dolog rcrrgood bosloets oo Ibe road.

TlvrriHA BiiBLDoN, tbe only Oriental ilincer

who Is a prlmn donna, li at tbe (Irsnd OiktaHouse Ibtt ireck, bnt It U dooblfut wbcther stio

vlU let out or not.

Lilt and Kat» ara sllll worMnjr In Jacobs ft

Jcmon'R offlcf, aod with to bo rancrabered to all

tbclr friend*.

LiTTLH Ciai. Tin T<obto, the eccentric violin-

ist, wbo i\-iH pleknl up In IX'tMit by Bom GrecD*cues wltb tlto Winter Onnlon Sboir.

JiOE Smti'H at preecnt Is 'wlth tbe Maratbonr«ar. In vaudcflUe. wsn inerrlnl Jan. 12, toIJIllan Aniknon, a burlra-iiKr.

IlHOWNtR OiHnoL Is With PDrlc fom's Belles.

Till) AmKlmnB and t.Ane flock Oo. nre atthe Arch fltrrei, Pbtladelitliln. for elpht atnl^htMwks. llio ctfin|iDnr reisnlnii the snme escept for

rHcn Onlf, who rellcTOil Mnlvl Taker rr the

prinin donna, nnd awwle White, whu Is tbo newsuubrctto Ui iilncc o( Itclen MoArdle.

r,oui8 Stabr. tho pointlnr maniinT of tbo

llrnnly. Yooth and hVilly Co.. Ii iDuurnlUK Ibc lois

or hlH Qiolbcr. wbo died Jin. 37.

Mabu lUKin, Ibe popnlnr ytrlmN donna, flilefl

Ir. sciiK* ilmrt liefrtw oi>pnliii; oTor the l*n>eior

lime, by taklnc llelle PnniueKo's place in a vamle-vlllo act. Sbo abould provo a big success la


Fhanic "Haor" MoBrnr, now houmllnir wlifathe lion IVtnii, his xlsneil n coiitrtcl for tn-o

yenrs wllh Jacobs ft Jemton, nt n larcc Increasoor salary.

AvTHTiii ^fATHi Putcb comcllBO, wlih tb<> ITIetin'>l)cn, has r'ciKd a ooolrict for next (-eoson withjQocbn & JcniHin.

La Buno and J^bbaikx, wbo recentlr left ttt«

Olticcr Qlrli. are a big lucceMi Id vauderllle.

llni.Kif McAbdls, aoQhreU« with tbe OeninBlock Co., Kill Julu a TaudcTllle act. entlllMl "TheThree KMs from Pclwol." l>oni TK>ne. Mae Rn-rlpbt aod Violet tlrialow are all innkliijr bU hlliWilli (lie Arniritroat; ft Imw? Slock Co.

Lian La lUr, wtio formerly was with HieOIni.'pr Olrls, la nonr aoubn>'.(r wltb tbe Trnns*Allniillc*.

BntT BiKf.n. iirlnclpal conH'dInn of (he BonT(-iiii, who lins Uvn talil iijt with lllncaa for thepit»^hrc^\wk?^o^^



"ms T.ADT WB LOVE," 'wbtch was produced by Oliver Uoiosco at the Btubask, LotAngeles, tvIII bo seen in Hcv York ataurllj.

I'llA erourrr ind roHtiimea, proi)nrty o( Htrrlnn Onj Flske, .Trill be sold at auctionFob. H, at 71 Uroadwny. Now York.

TIIIC death of Mr. WenUel, wbc owned coualdcmblo Droadtmy property, dlaclosed tbefact tbut IiIh reluctance In sell lios Rreutly tatcrfetcd wltb lopravemcnta of Uroadira)'troiitn ut inilrtj-MTCDth and ThIrlT-cliibtli Streets.

HK.NltY IlUSStlL,!,, dlrccor of too lloetoii Opera Co., aallcd for Ehicland Jan. SO.'JVM I'rofeaiilonal Woman'a I.eoguo will start prndudng plays Feb. 4, at tbelr auditorium

In New York, wltb "Tlio Mlcer.""TUB KAI.LHN IIKIL" clnsed Jan. 30 at tbe Comedy, New YorkPItANK llEIiCHlilt snlled for Kngland Jan 30.KliSIIO JAMS sailed Jnn. 80, to >^n In « now London teruc. She boa signed (or tbice

yearn with the BoBWorth l^caluro KUms.WILLIAM MORIIIS baa cnffoxed Ida Puller and thirty dancers to produce a "Midnight

Prellr" at the Jardin De nance, by l-'eb, fl.

WILSON MIZNBR hud bis production, *BblM That Faas In tho Nigbt" at Proctor'sFirih Artane, New York, last Stuiday. ue will shortly Incorporate tbe Wlleon MIsii'roduelag Co.

MAKOUS LOBW, It Is reported, will raise Ms prices of admission to all the bouses onhis circuit to ten, twenty nnd forty rents, creating thus the "middle" tlma, as a mediumbot^'een Ibe small ttair anil tho "big time."

"HYPdOr.lTKS" Is dmwlng well at tbc Lonjtaere.TIIIH Is Anulrersarr Week at the JeffetsoD, New York,M.ME. flCTUOVA wfu be featured in "l>anthca" Feb. 8, with the nrooklya Qand Opera

Eleu^e stork.FRANK nOIHM mnums tbe loss «t bis father.TOMMY OltAY will write a burlesque on "Twin Beds" (or Hammersteln's, "Dncle

rrbona«rhet<ky'B Cnbin" iirit week.MARTIN UIIOWN' Is no longer wltb "Hollo nroadway."UNA BBLL BIIINKKIt la suing Darcy U Wolford (or false arrest on a cborge of pirating

"The Typhoon," ou wlilrli ilinrco slio was discharged by the U. S. Commissioner.CAllUSO will sail for Kuropo FN), ii.

TIIK new tbratro In .New ilnveii. Conn., for tbc Gordon Bros.' Amusoncnt Companfcof Doaton, In being rubhrd along nnd will be completed early Is the Spring. It will scat

2,800, nnd have ii rao^iug picture and viiudcvllle pollry.

A DALL, supper and cabaret, given ut tbe Hotel (lotbsm. New York, OD Saturday night.

Jan. HO, by tbo Actrtssc!)' Umcrgcncy Fund Committee, netted f1,000 (or needy actors andactrencn.

TIIK allrnntton action begun by Mrs. Martha Richards, wife of Tom Richards, formerlyleading own tor Lulu Glaaer, tor ^00,000 damages, against UIss Qlascr, has been aettlod

out nf pflurl.

aiiltTltUDK DAnNRB In layioff off tbla week la order t» have Dr. Henri lekowltaporfarni nu operation on ber throac.

ALniOIlT HTIIAII!) has l>een appointed assistant to John 0. Stranger, treasurer of tberorli-elEhth Street Theatre, New York.

linitt; I^NtlK. for several yrnn; private sKretarv to Arthur Vocgllln, Into direelor otthe New York III|i|in<lrame, Is now ronne<'ted with tho press dcpartmrnt of that Institution.William Pine Is aleo lu the niibllcltv dep.irtment, which In hroded bv Hon II. Atwell.

AN'NAIllOLI.n CALDWRLL, of I>e WuK Hopper's compauy. In now the wife of LeeOnbiiriie, nii nttornev of Iji I'lirle. hid.

J. I>. WILLIAMil. nf the HuKh Mi-lnlnsh Vnuilrvlllc riroiilt. Auntralla, Is vlsltlna NewYork, ind Is innkinc his heiidqiinrler.i In the cnnrern'a New York otllco In tlie Sfinii'l Thc-rlro Uiilldlng. Chris U. Itrown, th,* New York represeoLatlve of tho clriiilt. Is showingKir. Wlllluiiis cniunil.

"Rll/I" clusad at the Standard, New York, Jan. 30. Fritil Urbclf also closed same dateot Buffalo

CARTPOBO OONtt.—POLI'S: J, _Oo.—"A Dij ot the Olrcos"—Juliet ,

Uiyja A TbatcUer—De Ocloi Trk>.

llAJlBlSBDRa — oaPBGUM : Welllnf. LeveringA Co.—iBert Fllnlbbon—Tbe Knmeri

Oiraj A BandsU—Tbe Tobuteets—Mack AvioceaL

INDIANAPOUS—KBTTH'S: Fields A Uwlr—Tbe l^angdonii—Krmka Broo.—Mr. A Mrs.Kteil'k Voelktr^Eddle Boss—La Mllo.

JAOKBOS'VIIxr,—ORPUKUM : Raitmsn A Moore—Srltt Wood—Tbe Gsuilsmldts—Five Yoe-csrys—"At tbe Woedjide Inn."

LOUlSVIUf— KKIDB'B : Edwin George— Au-stralian Woodcbotifteri—"Society Bud."

Belle Baker—Nelion A Nelnon—Faiber Qlils.

UONTBEAL. CAN.—OBl'BEUU : Wills Ro'.tWsfefdeld—Four Lnkens—Ford A Truly

FriDcli UeOInn A Oa—Howard A Simon

iiyilx A Barry Girls—Cltodlos A Scarlet

6ain Mann A Oo.

N. T. OITT—RAMMnRSTRIN'B: FIAer A Grren—Hbarp A Tniek—Uattella's Birds—AlUrtDoonrllr—Tom Snitb—LUUaB Sbaw—RclneD&Tls A Oo Bemaid Gnnvlllo The Bttll.


H. T. (STT—OOLONIAL: Weston A Glare—OnceLelsb Trl»—Relnia Connelll A Oo.—Kajlysms—JEvA Tanguaj.

N, Y. GITY-AimMBRA : Van Bovas—Mera-koe Trio—Van A—^Wco GeosvloWood—'Tbo Looesome La.alrs."

N. T. CHTT—ROYAL: Angelo Fatrlula— HanBins. A Co.—I/nnsTd A BusmU-8ally Fields—John A Winnie RcnnlnfiS— Boeo ValeriaSextette—Arthur Oaist—tteaae A Wladow

Homer Mlln A Oo.

NORFOLK, VA.—OOLONLIL. FiRt half: LenaIlri:!—BiKosbl. Last halt: Mave A Addis-La Ttfcca—^cMabcn A ^anfello,

OTTAWA, CAH.—DOUINION: Ball A West—The Crasen—Marie Pcrr—Bird Ulllmaji AOo.—Hawthorne A Inclla—illUon Pollock AOo.—Tbe Gladlstois.

PirrSBURGH GRAND O. H. : WUIIe Westoa—Woodman A Llvlnostoa—Fmbh Uullanis.*Lohse A BterlUig—Ulaale A Fanrlo Usher

Chip A Marble.

PBOVIDBNOB-^ITH^: Boack A MoODrdy-Irene A Bobtv •Smith—Harry Bemfonl AOo.—Dancing La Vara—Fanny Brlce—WallerKelly—Norton A Aostin—Fred Ardsih A Co.

PniLADELPHl.A—KRITH'S: Il;an A Lee—Oe-cells Wrlgbt—Angelo Annento Trio—NotWills—Five AnnaiwUs Boys—Arthor Prince

HopklnB Sister*—Mohooey A Anbum—Mrs.Gene Hugbes A Oo.

RUUHhmV.B—TRMPLE : Date A Bope—dSlckel AWatson—Le Horn A Dunrce—Lucy Olllettc

Ernest Ball—Grasia Nordlnl—Pealson AGoldlt—Fay Coortney A Oo.

lUCHMnND. TA LTJUO. Flrat haU: 4Iaye AAddis—La Toso—dto-Mshon A Chsppdle.Last bslf: Lena Byd—DstoD«bl.

SYBAOGSB—GRAND: Bruce. Diiiretl A Co.—Frldkowaky Troope-^U Bolt—Houdlnl—Kirk A FOgaity-Bond A Oassco.

SORANTON—fOLI'G: Francis A Boae-inie Beb-reus—Oitdo A Noll—Riy Dooley THo.

SPBINOFTELD. MASS.-POM'S PALAOB: ThreeYoacsrjs—asmoys—Comfort A Slug—Will-Isms A Segsl—ainslcal Wolfs—YokobojisJapa.

SAVAKNAH, OA.—SIJOU. Flrat halt: MsslneDros. A Bobby—Browning A Dean—BesrlctiaDe Serrls, Last halt: Three Ln««—Onnivdin Duo—Amnat Bros.—SttaslmauDa ACameton.

TORONTO. OAN.—SHPJl'S : Frila A Lncy Bnch—Mlllon A De t/ing Slaters—^Ralb Iloye

Cooi>er A Emilh—Dnre Dtos.—John R. Got-lion A Oo.—iMlIe. Dorlo A Dogs.




hmmhT the Date, Saturday, Mareh 27, 1915^

nuoE TOR pionnixs

* -



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• 4000


NETpMrlMb.Blafll»Oaln» . . . . t 2MlOOIdaw « • - > - > - la.00IBOUbm ....... 24J0OOuvteFliK*, 4U0BUfPu* ....... 90.40Wkola raio ...... ie9JW


THE NEW YORK CLIPPER47 W. 28tlx St, New York

Xh* Rank Queen Pub. Co., Limited. PubllBhecsALBERT J. BORIS, Manager

WESTERN BUREAU605 Ashland Block, Chicago, lU.

FBBtttABt 6 rrHE NEW YdltK CCLrPI»ER. 11



Once funln we bnmp Into a New Tear,Aai ttae scaeon- of 1U16 Is aaw bere


For some tbe peat year bee been good, forotbura bad,

And the bo;e wbo bad bita lave cause to teal

glad.'n'atersoo. BetUn & Sii;der lul "AaielM,"

tbe beautiful aooi,

"MlcbliaD," "Rag Picker" "CaroUaa" as4"Wben Batb Cane Along;"

Tbeas aongi went awful big, taking btt forbit,

And eveiTone conid be ttutbfnlly teemed &bit:

fTbe crew in rtalllr, wltb Barrj Ertni attbeir bead,

Certainly woke np old Quaker Town anilknocked tbetn dead.

And tben Will Von TUier into Pbllly didroam,

With "Dancing Arouod," "Mlas Tou" and"Sroneone Like Ton at Home;"

Murray Wbllrman wan tbe manager tbey all

ppoke well of,

Wbo worked bard on "rx)ng Way from Home"iind "Ob My Love,"

And they all went over big, you can bet.

For they are still calling for tbe songs yetT.eo Fclst bad bis sbsro of tbe numbers tbat

bring tbe Jingle,

Namely, "Game of Love," "Tulip." "Tou'reHere" and "Rip Van Winkle,"

And witb CIIS Odon putting tbem over, tbegood natarcd Clin,

Tbe songs went over wItb a bini, bang, bllf.

Joe Morris, with bis gong, working mamlog,nigbt and noon,

Put over In great style, "In tbe Valley of theMoon."

Tbat wonderful writer, Maurice Abrahams,

Withniayed hie part,1 'llashful Doll.' "Qrown-up Ladles,""Vlctrola" and "Ilreaklng My Heart."

The Fblladelphla ^orce, with Milt Stcreu,so big and fat.

Made these songs go in Phllly, yoa can betA good hat.

To start 11)16, George Meyer cane with Kal-mnr and Puck,

And on behalf of his Phllly friends, I wishhim the best of luck.

In conclusion, let me wish for the New Tearto Jack I^dworde, all tbe joya,

r>ut why don't he mention the Philadelphiaboys?

Wo await anxiously each week for the oldreliable CLirrna to come out.

Hut when it comes to Philadelphia news. Miwriting arm gels the gout


And hoping that those who closed theiroSIces, get back and things start tohustle.

Tor the more opposition we liave tbe harderwo bustle.

Best wishes to onr friends in New Toik fromtile boTS In Phllly here,

I am, as always, the Song Plugger Shake-speare.Paul Mobrat, The Song Plugger PoeL

JOE GOODiriN TAKING REST.By a peculiar coincidence Joe Goodwin has

given to each publisher he associates with ahit In bis llrst song. Tbo Sbaplro-lleristeln^'ompany were tbe lucky ones this time."The Little House Upon tbe IIIIl" Is Joe'slatest, and Is predicted to gain more favorthnn "Lonesofflo Pine."

Joe saw that the song was given a start tofame, and tben beat it for a two mnatos'trip to Cuba. He Is now on that Island ea-Joylng himself, and eipccts to return wituseveral good Ideas.

KoKINLEY BKIglO CO.'S NEW NUMBER,A now comedy song by Liz and Anabel

Osgood and Perclvol Montgomery, entitlediQe Kissed Her On tbo Qangplank As theShin Sunk." has Just been Issued by theUcKlnlcy Music Co., of Chicago.

TWO SinriABLB SON'GS."If Every Girl Were a Beautltnl Bose"

and "Last Night" are two of the most recentIssues of Otto Uelnzmsn. Both aro sultalxfor feature songs, and as tbis Is tbe dratannouncement of tbem performen are ad-Tbicd to give them a trial.

FBIST LOOICINQ FOR RECORD.' Following along with bis wonderful grand-slund flnlsn of 1014, Leo Kolat bos severalsongs besides that whirlwind hit, "I Didn'tliaise My Boy to Be a Soldier," that be canrefold on his lOliS ledger. "I Want to Go toToklo" and "There's a Spark of Lovo Still

I'urnlng" are two songs that arellabeled hits.Then lie bas several more written by JoeMcCarthy and Jimmy Monaco that haven'tbctn announced yet, but wblcb hnvo beenpicked as possible contenders. Tbe^ boysore duo for a big winner, and Leo FeUt Isgolnir to bb the lucky one again.

Bo.vs, It's the wonderful "Feist system"tlint docs It, and to (hink that all this mar-velous work la controlled by Phil Kornbelscr,ouo cf the greatest ever In the game.

LEWIS F. MCnt'S DIG FOUR."The Melody Man," Lewis P. Slulr, who

has always come across rear after year withthose faaclnating melodies, has four newwngs, written In conjunction wltl T/OWBrown, that will abortly be heard from. Allfour are constructed with bit Ideas, andirlcDd Lewis Is looking torirard to a bit octwo this year.

IiBWIS HDSTLIRO.RddlR Lewis, of Ibo Sbaplro-BernBtctn

forces, has been doing some excellent work*for his Ann. He has placed "The Littlenouid TIpon the Hill" with many vanJcvllIoacts, and predicts It to bo tbe season's flrstsong hit.


Theodore Morse and Arthur Fields seemto hare struck the public's fancy with tiielr

.recent monkey love song, "Doodle Oodle Dee."Ilolh hoys are working nigbt and day deuion-strntlog the song, and the results are verygrntirylng. They nave been a feature ot acv.oral vauiiffvllle houses In New York lately,and the song has been the hit at each bill.

Ted also^boa a seml-comlc novelty number,entitled "Somebody Cume and Kissed Me''l»as It You?), that Is gaining much favorwith comedlcnneaGBORCB IIEYBR AND JOB YOVNG

RETURN.Kalmar & Puck's recently appointed pro.

icsHlonal manager, George W. Meyer, sccou-Jsnlcd by Joe Young, took a trip to Pltts-urgb and other nearby cities last week to

try ont several of Meycr'd latest songs, andthe resulta were so gratifying that .levcrolwill be released shortly.

TRB nVSV DALY OFFICE.. William McClymonI, Newark's favorite bnl-sd slnccr, la going to be connected with theiMly Muilc Co. next week. He sure wouldIke to hear from bis many friends In tbeprorvsslon, as Will la qnlle a favorite.Arthur Harris, formerly with the Hnckelt-

Morgan Players of Harlem, One Hundred andHlxtcenth street Thentre, and n clevi-r boy.put over "To-nlght'a My Lest Night Single"and I'Wlnter Gardca Girl," scoring repeatedlyou them songs.

Jnck Cook Is fealnrlDg all of Daly's niim-Jfra at Ileleenweher'a Cafe. "At the Oirlmgogentlemen's Ball" being bis favorite number.

Some treat me nice and gentle.Some like no up—some down,

And I've been InstrumentalIn supporting many a clown.

All sbapvn and sorts I get 'em,I'm silent, as a rule:

When they complain, I let 'coh—For I'm only a piano «tool I

The "Ivory" In the music room is Botwvs conHned to the piano key&BLiaiiTki larger around tbe waiatUoe, but

otherwise as smiling and serene as ever. TonQulgley visited tbo Mg city last Tuesday,cavorted and conversed four days, and leftNew York flat Saturday. Tom declined to boInterviewed, but expressed tbe nnblasedoclalon tbat WItmatk'a (for whom he laChicago manager) have ttae beat songs he basever heard.

JuDoiNo from the results aome "profes-slooal" managers and their "asslstanta" tovtbey get, they aro either auperbuman orwonderful Itsrs.

H.«nLBU'a weekly excitement takea placeevtry Thamday at the Mt. Morris Theatre,One Hundred and Sixteenth Street and FifthAvenue, for that Is "song writers' " night atthis place. Glance over the following list,allow three aoogs to each singer, hear theenthusiastic applause, and you will be eon-vlnced that the "song boys" (snd girls) dohold a nlace Jo the hearts of the people:Charles slartin (Tell Tsvlor), Herry Tenney(Stern), n.'>n Alberts (Abrahams), Uorls Bit-ter (Levi), Horry Hoch (Pelst), Moe Klec>man and Bob Klebcr (Blehmond), ArtbofFields (Wltmsrk), Billy Moras (Morris),Botstord's Quartette (Rcmick), Most ot tb»boys use chorus elides and tbe audience lit-

crslly sing their heads off. Not all "songwriters," 'lis true, but not one "songwronger."Happt Is the booster who can use a tnolor

car.We gaied with bulging eyes at some of the

Feist writers' royalty checks last week. Tbelion. Mr. Feist seems to write 'em so largeand so cheerfully. It's almost uncanny. Mayhe never get "writer's cramp."Tub postman brought us n dalnlv en-

velope. 'Twaa In a feminine hand and dell-cutely perfumed. "Ila I Ha I" thought we,"nt last wo get a •mash note.' We opened it

carefully, Twos only this, and signed "An-nette :"

He wrote of love and flowen pink.Address hhn now—"Hotel Do OInk."

She was a great klddcr. "Hello, Teddy,"said she, "give mo 'E>oodle Onrtle Dee' In on'apartment'^ key." We were wise. We gaveIt to her In A-flat t

A REGULAR HARRIS BALLAD.In '-'Can Yo:i Pay for a BroHen Heart?"

Cbm. K. Harris hns agoln clinched tbe titleof "king of balind writers." It's his flrst

ballsd release this year, and that It willmake many bnlUd singers famous goes wlih-oiit saying. nftcr year Chas. K. Harris'name has appeared on the real homo hsiladt,end If they did not become hllH It was nofault of his. He lins never composed a songor allowed his name to bo used In cnnoecUonwith any blue songs.

Mr. llnrrls has always contended that theclean, wholesome none would win out lu tboend, and In "Can You Pay for a BrokenHeart?" he Ihlnka that bis dream baa at Instbeea realized.

Ilnllnd singers tbrnughont the country whowere fortunato to have received a copy oCthis song all report that tbo song has beenthe biggest hit In their career. A line toMeyer Cohen, It you are a professional, will

iTing you a copy.


Tbo J. U. Itcmlck Company have registeredtwo hits In "On the S.13" and "Cblnatowo,My Chinatown," two songs that have becomebig favorites. The Orst Is by Henry Marshalland Stanley Murphy, and tbe other Is bythose old Btaadbya, Billy Jerome and JeanSchwartz,

"Over the IIllls to Mary's," another songcontrolled by thia house, and which little baabeen done with, will Jump Into much popu-larity when brought out.Moso Gumble, professional manager, hnd a

heart to heart talk with bis force la^t weeksnd Instructed tben that Jerome II. Itfrmlck

wouldn't be satlsned with Icsn than four lills

(bis Fcason, which accounts for the renewedactivity In tbo Remlck oIUco In New York.

BROADWAY'S NEW ROAD MAN.Murray V\'hlleman, one of the hustling

boys of Melody Ijine, bus been appointedgeneral road man for the Broadn-ay MusicCo. Murray will dovote much of bis timovisiting nearby clllos to Introduce the Arm'slastest numbers to tbo traveling profession.


Harry Von Tllzer, who hsn started In themusic game with renewed vigor this year,seems to have found the succciiHor to i*ls fa-moiiB "Wiilt Till the Sun Shines, Nellie." In"When My Ship Comes In." The way per-formers have gone ofter It would Indlcststhat Harry bos a bit right off tho reel. It's

a march ballad, tho kind that the public hasbeen waiting for.

.Another number that will get In the moneyIslcallcd "Go and Get the Habit." said to beanother "Cubanola Glide." Then there la

that wonderful ballad, called ".My BeautifulChateau ot Love," that wna written to followHarris famous hit. "Last Night Woa tbe Endof tho World."The house of Von Tllzer la bonking •:n the

biggest year It ever had, and Judging fromtbe list ot aoD^ Harry la In for a Danneryear.

A NEW PUDLISHINO CONCBRV.Maurice Levi Music Publishing Company

Is the latest to cuter the Held to publishpopular music. The firm will publish 31r.

Levi's compositions ns well as outsldir num-bers tlist have merit.

Charles Lang, long identlfled with thopopular song gome, has been appointed asprofessional manacer.

They will shortly aonouncc their catalogue.

DALY AND ALLEN'S LATEST.Joe Daly nnd Tommy Allen have Just nn-

Ished a .Oallad which Is the companion songto "Heart of the City." Mr. Daly Is high In

the praise of this song, not because he wroteIt. but It has all the cormarkH of bulnir aeong that the public will appreciate. Thetitle of tho song Is "Don't Tell the Folks YouSaw Me."IIAVILAND'S NUMBER LIKELY TO GO


"Face to Face with the Girl of My Dreams,"that Fred llnvlland Is working on, stauJa afairly good chance of going over It hard workcounts for SDythlng. lie has his force on the

jou every minute Iwostlnn the number, wblcblas found much favor with the profession.


liCO Feist's road man, Mort Bchnffcr. after

a week's stay In New York, niortcd on a tour

that will keep him on the mod for aevenlnonlba. Jlort la a good hustler and hasaccnmpllahcd some big things In the bigcities for Irfo Feist. "I Didn't Rnlw My Boyto Be 0 Soldier." that aentnllonal peace bal-

lsd, will bo Ills feature number.


BERNSTEIN CO.Louis BematelD, president ot tbe fUiiplr»

Dcrnsloln Co., wbo published that RnsaUonof all sensational song bits, "The Trail oltbe Lonesome line," has aiMtber by theeame composer tbat should prove almost asropnlar.

I was one of the flrst to predict that"Lonesome Pine" would aweep tho countryaa on i ot the biggest songs published np tothat time.

I v'Ul now go on record as saying tbat"The Utile House Upon the Hill" will equalU not exceed that wonderful seller.

Pettormen all over the eountrr are send-ing for thIa excellent number, ana it proaentorders are an Indication It will be one ot tlie

first clean-up songs of the new year,

A NBW WW SONO.All arts that are uaing tbat big song hit

that will lire long In the hearts ot tbe mualeI ubllc, "On the Siiorea of Italy," will be gladto know that AI. Ptontadosl and Jack Glogaohave written a new Italian song, with JoeMc(^rtl>y writing tho lytlca Thia combina-tion ot writers can't be beat when it comesto writing Italian songs. The name of thenew song is "My Own Venetian Bose," and•talk about a pretty aongl Well, It's betterthan "Shores of Italy." Iliat's saying aome.A funny patter chorus goes with It. Onedistinct feature abont this song la that It

will be a credit In any blgb class singer'sropertolro (either male or female). Be ontot the early birds and get It wblie it Is still

in manuscript, because wben once it getsstsrted you will tw able to sing It way Intothe end of 1016, and be a terrific hit with itNaturally, Leo Feist is tbe pnnllaber. Keep?our eyea on IL The title is "My Own Vent^Ian Bose."

AMERICAN COMEDY FOUR'S DIO HIT.One of tho flrst quartettes lo put on that

sensational song bit, entitled "I Didn't RaiseMy Hoy to Bo a Soldier," was Ibo AmericanComedy Four, and they do so much with it

that they always respond to several encores.

NOW WITH H. WITUARK A SONS.Harry Dellon las left the Hhsnlro-Born-

ateln Co. and la now associated with H. W1I-nark & Sons. Ho extends a welcome to all

his friends.


If yon haven't beard Raymond Walker andCharley McCnrron's latest song, entitled "ThoPrice I 1'alrt for You," yoa arc losing an op-portunity to featorc unc of the beat and mostoriginal aonga written In some time. It's aLuniltcr that will appeal to orerybody, thoainrj- cf which hlla man and woman. Attho pre.Henl time It Is being restricted forcahnret performers, but will ehortly he rc-

leesed to tho general profcsalun. Get yourcupy early.


Henry Marahill, featuring bis latest eong,"On the G.ID." baa been a big fluccMH lavaudeville In New York tbo past two weckhHenry Is working with Mlaa Heather, and(egcther they have been one ot this jeer'sTaudevlllo surpriaes.

"The Lltll^Honse Upon tho IIIIl"

'(SUAMBO-IIRaNaTKIH CO.)"When You're a Long, Long Wayfrom IIome".(BBOtowAT Music Co.)

"On the B.18". . (J. H. Bbkiok & Co.)"There's a Spark ot Love Still

Burning" (Leo Feist, Ikc)*^lrglnla Lee" (Job MobbibsCo.)"I Didn't Raise My Boy to Be a

Soldier" (Leo Fbist, Inc.)"Sweet Eentnckr Lady"

(M. Wit.«a«k ft Sons.)"Maybe a Day, Maybe a Year"

(Jos. W. Stbbm a Ca>"When My Ship Comes In"

(Habbt Von TiiZBB.)"Chinatown, My (?hbialowii"

(J. H. Rbuicc ft Co.)"I Hear Yoa Calling, Tennessee"

(BMpiaB Music Co.)"When the Mission Bells AroChiming" (Tcr.L Taii/ib Co.)

"Can You Pay for a Broken Heart?"(Chah. K. IIarbih Co.)

"You Aro the Rose of My Heart"(MAiraiCH RKTiiuoxn Co.)

VFaee to Face with the (llrl of MyDreams" (F. B. IIaviusd Co.)

"That Du-Sali Dey"(F. A. Mills Co.)

SOMETHING NBW.A certain young song demonstrator by the

name of Slltnick Is conducting h(idc riub-

llshers' nights at the dlffi reut llghls held InNew York, tbat has altr.\ctcd considerableattention.

For a consideration of a sot of regularsany luuslc publisher con hnvo his niieclal

night at one of tbo flglits, and Incidentallythe uald Mltnlck has tho honor to witnessthe sport.

It's the newest and moat up-to.iialc methodot Introducing songa, and the originator de-serves much credit for bis Ides.

JIMMY MONACO'S NBW IDBA.What ia anil to he the best song Jimmy

Afonnco ever composet* Is shortly to bo re-

leased by the I.eo Keint Compnny. Jimmyiir.a sJrrady turned Into the Feist concernthree original Ideas, and wbllo tbey are notworld beaters, irlll attain ranch ponularitr.Tbe new one Is tho baby that will signal hUassociation with the Feist firm, snd Is saidtn be the most original Idea in a aoiig thathas ever been publlNhcd.Jimmy retuined from I.akewood recently,

where he had gone for a rrat, and whllothere wroto sovernl other songs tbat willbava a bearing abortly.

A SAD TALB.Time and again Murray Bloom has been

warned about wearing titoso loud shirts ofhis, but bds failure to take heed rcHuiled Ina robbery In his apartments last week, wtieusomeonwntered and stole every shirt .'in had.A necuilnr thing nbout the decil was thitnothing of value but the rnl and bluo oneswas In the room, so the thief did the JimmyValentine witli them.A NBW CARROLL AND DALL SONO.Fori Carroll, who rerenlly Joined tbo staff

of M. WItmark ft Hons, lias Just finished a newsong with Ernest Ilnll, enUtied "Won't YonTake Mo HoDo to Meet Your Mother," thatsounds very nueb like a hit. Julius WItmarkthinks so well of the number that ho Intendito go after It at once.


Kddle Docrr took charge of tho profee-slonsi deportment ot the MvKlniey MusicCo. in Now York last week, nnd l« hard atwork on the several feature unngs releasedby tbo firm this year. He has met witb mucbsuccess Willi "One Wonderful .'41ght," that Is

destined to go over big.

THE SONG TO STOP THE WAR)"i Didn't Balse My Boy to Be a Soldier,"

AI. I'iantndosl and Alfred Bryan's reoentknockuut, ami puhilshed by that hliMinllh,Leo Kelst, popularized by Phil Koru'ielserand bis wonderful ataff, suneniaed by Kd. K.Bltner, and sold by Pick windernirk, la nowbeing recognised as ono ot the greatest bal-lads evei eompoied.My, what a sensation It is creating

throughout the country I Acts are writingthe Felet oillces dally saying tbat the song la

a riot, stopa tbe show at each performance.The dalllea are devoting page after page,

depleting its effect on tbe war situatloo, somaeven going so farwill stop Tbe war.

so far aa to tay "the song that

Tho Fong baa taken each a ilart that 70Bcouldn't stop it

DO TOV "PIGBON WALK'*?Everybody is going after "Pigeon Walk,"

the Broadway Music Co.'s latest Inatmmuntaltit.

It's already the erase In New York, nndtiefore another month passes It will bo tbocountry's biggest Inatrumentoi success.

PIANTADOSt MAKING GOOD.Arthur PUntadoal, who has been ciuineetcd

with Shaplro-BernstcIn for several years. Is

cue of tbe bardeet workers of that llrm. Hela on the Job at all times, and never loses anopportunity to boost tho aongs nuhltsln'il byhis hnune. Ho la making "The Little KunsoUpon tbe Hill" hta feature song, and shouldbe given much credit for tho great successtbo song naa already attained.

WaOI>|WITU HARRIS.Victor Wood, one of tbe most popular sales-

men In tho muHic game, Joined the Chas. K.Harris Compnny last week, and oxpe<.ta toclean up with "tho king of ballad writers'"httest song, "Can You Pay for a BrokenHeart T'

TBLL TAYLOR IN THB BAST.Tell Taylor's advent Into tho East with

"When the Mission Hells Are Chiming,"after on absence of aome six tnouths. Is likelyto bo very prosperous for hira. Tho eong Isonly a few weeks old nnd has been receivedvvry fiivombly by tho profession. Tell'soilier big number, "You till the JudgmentDay," la also getting its ehnro of popuhirlly.NEW PROFESSIONAL MANAGER.Sid Miteliell, recently connecird with

Jnine.s Kendls and tho Dniy Music Cinnpauy,la now nrofesalniial manager for tho (.'re^ceiitMusic (.0., one of tho newest firms to euiharkin pnbllHbliii; miiHlc. |4id in one of tho regu-lara and will treat yuu right, I'ny bliu avisit,

AL. VON TILZBR HAS A NEW ONE.AI, Vnn Tllzer, who has bad little llnin of

late lo give to song t-niiipoHlng on iiiTonnt ofvaiidm'llio knokiiiKH, has Just given lu hispiilillHheni, .Sliniilni-lliTiiHti'ln, n sung <;illi<ii

"Darlln' " that promlacs to attoln inucli favor.HARRY TBNNY WITH STERN.

Harry Tenny Is the laiest to nsao.'liile wltlithe Jos. W. Sicrn Company, to assist L.Wolfe Gilbert In putting over the two wiin-derfui aoiigH, "Weop No M.ire, My I/ody" and"Moybo a Day, Maybu a Year."

BOOSBY A CO. START SUIT.Booaey & Company hnvo brought a copy-

right Infrlncement suit agninHl the KinpireMusic Co. lu the Federal IHatrlct I'inirl.Tiio plalntlffa say that they aro the ownersof the copyright ot tlio nong, "I Hear TouCalllDC," nnd that tho ileri-iiilnnt bi infring-ing their rigiits In piilillHhliig thii eong,"Tennessee, f llrnr Ynii Calling," tbo nongthat AI. ,Tnlniin scored aiich a hit wltii at theWinter Uardeu.DRANBN AND LANGB'S NBW SONO,Not content with having "Virginia T^ee,"

a bit song, to their crnllt for tho new year,Jeff Uraneo and Arthur Lange bavo Juacturned Into their piibllslicr a now ono entitled"That's Why I'm Single To-day." Joe UoriUthinks it la a winner.

THB HIOHT IDEA.Have you ever caught tho Wnterson, Derlln

A Snyder (urces demuiiatrating a new aonglG0II.V, but don't tliey go after It lu tho Hglitwayi Yuu start HliiKlng the Hniig bi-ftiro yuiiknow 11, Ted Hiiydi-r rerliiliiiy linri uitt tberight Idea about iip-tu-ditte song plugging.

0IIA8. K. IIARIIIS INCREASES STAFFiOn ncniuiit of (lin wniidrrfiil success nt-

tnlned by rhnH, K. lliirrlH' lalc-Ht l>allnd,

"Cnn You I'ay fur a llrukeii ileiirtV" Mi-yerCoheu, general iiiniiiiKer, nnd Ltiiilit <.*itlii>n,

prnresHlonnl innnnger, Iieid a coiiKUitiitiiiii

with Mr. Harris oim! night last wi-ck, and nildecided lliat they would enlAri.'e tli"ir forre.The new ballad InuiiH ho good that .Mr. llnrrlsIs going In let iiolliliiir Kiniul In llii* way Intrying to make It another "After tbo Hall."

WATCIIIKO FOR NBW BERLIN SONGS.Now (hat Irving Brrllii has relunii-il from

Ills vaciitloii, all kinds of predict ioiiH nrobeing mndn as to what the king .if aoiigwriters will relenHc, It's In the wlml HintIrving ban Hoveml new ni'iiKalional Hoiigri uphbi alei've that will shortly he aniiniiiiL'nl byIlls pulillahors, Wateraoii, Ilerllii A Hiiydor.As he lins aiwoya been "Johnny on the

spot" for tho past ten yeani with now andoriginal Ideas, tho present will prove no ei-ceptlun.

A FAMOUS SONO DEMONSTRATOR.Boh RuMck. asMlstnnt profcHHlnrini mana-

Cer for lliii SliapinHllf-niMti-iii (.'oiniiany. Is

eeomlng ho poinilar tliat even the dalliesaro devoting Npiicc de|ilctlng liim and bisniisrtettc rendering fiiat bal-lad, 'Tho Mttlu IldUsn Upon tlx- IIIIl.'' Bobla HO TniKlcMt Ihnt he Is hiiyini; nil tho impersthat talk about bim tri his rHenilH won't getjealous.

GILDERT HAS HIT ABROAD.Song only four weeks old hero la alrcOily a

success in Lfnidon, war or no war. JackYork, genial huHhond nnd nBiniiger of AlvaYork, writes Wolflo that ".Mnylsi a Day,Have a Year" was a big suci-eKs fur Alvanm and orerr nerformance, nt her rngnge-inent nt tbo Victoria Palace, l/>ndon, wlilrli

proves that good goods like good news, travel.

COWAN WORKING ON rDODUC:TION.Bubey Cowon. ono of Phil Knrnhelanr's

chief aids, has iiecn quite hUHy of latu work-ing on a production. Ituliey liaan't ilononucb in the iKiniiiar snug line for somo time,but It's still lu hlin and he's likHy to blnHHoniout any time. You kuuw, lluhey wos morrledrecently.

MAURICB RICHMOND'S HAPPY SMILE.With (he ofTlrea rrowdnl dally hy perfnrm-

ors rehearsing "For Kvi-ry Hinlle Yoii (laveMe You Caused n 'l*hoUNand 'rears," tho aue-cessor to tlio nnw famoiiH "Curse of An Acii-

Ing Heart" aud "You Are the Ruse of MrHeart" that you are hearing so mucli ahout,nnd which hus been (ho direct meann of thumarket being flinided with a lot of rlieaii

Imllntlnns, ont to mention "Bvery Night.'

"Keep It Hp." and tho great surprise comedyaong. "Yoii Didn't (live It to Me," nut over-

looking "Cotton Hall," a great, big. font

opi-ning or cloning nong. aa well as Hie lienu-

tiful linllad. "If I Hud My War," whichkeeps growing UUgcr overy day, sny wniidor

that Maurice llii.'liinond wenm a |ierp'-liinl

mile (heso days''

The IVIuelo RubllsHors' OfHFIolal Orsains

WHEN I HESITATE WITH YOU:. L-o-., i,„i, ,- .,. ,< J,

• 'f*


,-'^M.,;l.^,v^-,i;,);,rl^4^j^,':'• ,, '---l

\m[ IS S0M[ONrWHOj(S-'THINKlNC{0f--]fOI)

n:: I'.Oh-: ilAV NK sivj . c 'sT iloix. mo


ITio hoy who gets tho small time nets,F.ddic Abie-s, :iaa Joined the Ilarty Von TilierCompany.

Kddio is a giHxl plugger and ebouid placethe Vun TllBor sunga to good advantage.

GILBBRT TALKSt'Dout Btem PHbllealloM.)

Wbrp no mubi ut udt Is tho llrat songthat 1 lisvo taken credit (or tho inuHli- anwell as tho words—that Is, my name Is downaa composer for name—but, by the wby. It

by no means tho riiisT ublout I'va cosi-roagn, Ank ono or two of my past com-nosers, wbo look credit for them. It cer-tainly Is gmlUylng Hint thia number la suchan : .stniuieutal bit aa well as a vocal suc-cess.

It (hero ever was a smart feller It's JlramyMoiinco. When ho loft Will Von Tliior hehad ir all planned to go with Leo Feist (orrather, Phil Kernheiner), but—tliiiiiglit wiseJames—during the few days vacanvy be-

tween tho time I leave "Will'' and sign with"I'bli" I can write n lilt with "Oil"—and hodid. "Maybe a Uay, Maybe a Year" Is alreadyconceded hy rival puliilHliers lo he a lilt,

that's tho beet proof in Ibo world—and TinSAI.KH.

S. 11. Henry, who la belter known In pri-vate llfu as ilenry Hiern, brother of joaophW., iieedH no inlroilucllon as nn originalmelody writer. Ilia latest hit, "By llerk." la

the iinii'lieat inatriimental success on tii-nn!.

Now, it Is a real ramie song, with a lyric

by yours truly, and (.'nrter De Hnven, FannyUrlco nti' only a sample of the mauy actawho are -lolng this number already.

it tnkra longer to make n ballad than anovelty or rag song, but the rciults are somuch better.

No, "The Same Old Town" la not a hit yet,

but every day brings arts In unsnlli'li.'d. ri-

niieatlng this siirc-flre, heart Interest ballad.

Wntch it grow—Into o llfe-tilied hit.

If there Is ono man who deserves aa rourh

credit for the shiti'hh of •'FIfly-KKtv" na thecoinposerH, Snitlli and llnrrls, thai ainii la

George I'oniier, tho partner of OhrlH Siuilh

In vniidevllle. Tlint hoy cnn certainly putover n niimlier, nnd lio HUra puta over "FUty-Fifty."Why don't you drop n feller a lino?

(Sec yuu iicjt teoek.l


Tho llilnl ntinttnl Wufttt tnr itw AnirrlCBn lb**fttrlml llfMiltal will U* lifM nt llip AutlUurla<«,

Clih-nRn III.. Hlinilny iirirrii'«iii, Mir l>.

On y<^. 7, a n)«)iiHi«T iiiocilim trill U* hi>l<l )>t

iiw tht*if\\Ai AHMirlnrlun In Ihv OM KrU'wIi i(

Amorlnn <:iijli Ui-idm, mt I* N^irlli licHriaini

tlln'oi. 'i'lio nhl Krli-mlH* Oluli will |iArlkl|iaii'.

t.HMl t<*rl Iiij'h iiin-l liiir WMH ono ot \hv iwiat

Piircrfxriil 11 KHrri. While nnlhlng ivrlilnlnB in

Rrhiil liuxlncn ocriirrnl. It hid I hi' illittliicll-iii

wirnlntf ia Ihu hMo nt the Amrrtcnn 'I'liratrlrjl

JIow|tllfil Iho niiliort nf Iho iiiN>ir jmrilun uf tho

Old Krl(*ntti n>rmlM>ntlil|i. .\ rmnnilKA' iwrr*Hfnting Iho OKI K^lrmlii wan iinwnt it tlw nntuna mccllDff hclil hjr Ihn ritniillnl AiKwIall io.

Tito (ftpio of riMirrrnitlnn mii nlmiir rtiannt'la Mt'tilnlOK lo itrtfl riinmri, whlrh liid hail ihrlrt'lrrct npon the rnrluui iiutiMvni of th» ulil

Primila. Ttino gpiilk'iiK-n nllntiM with liitrn*

tlfltiN of olthrr iirurliiK tlinio ninHirs wholD Urn nriilMfiIut« inillti. It riiilnl afUT much iN^ho'lnf,vllh Ihfl nilitilft of 11)0 vtrlotu nH-uilicn of thnOld KrlPii'U* Ulub nettled m to tto TBrlouH rp-

vonotl ruiDuri.

The oommlltco RiimrallDV Ibo Old Frtnidi'Oluh wiiH cont»oHil ut lUMfcrt Hbcmiatt, LInrolnJ. Onrlrr. Ktlwnnl Itnwliinil, llnrrr Hliolibiii. KratikOauulo. Gro. Hllint. K. Itlcknen aiM II. lUnu-iillul,

JcilRf Chirlvfl N. (iooiliiow actrd nn iirrftldoiil

and chilriiun, In ibo aboneo of rrrxMnil J«i-

•rpb Ilniij), whnw abicDoe from Ibo nicPllnv vm»duo to Iho dtuth ir Ma Jauinttr, wlm wn* klllnlInilintif lait Thuniliy iiliht In an autuiitiiiiili>

arcMcnt. A rinuiivr was iilpcvl u|hio Ihr Rndicr*Jiitr, duo lo tbia locldrnt. Tbn chnlrnian unh'rr'l

Jhnt Ivltrn of roiiil<>li>iico and nonmi U* m\iDiiitotllilfly lu Mill lir.'rjvMl |in-»ldi'iit.

KJiorily uttvr (lici nicvll'iit waa niK>itri| lir lion.JndRo Owilnuv, Dr. Moi Tliorck aiiKKPttvd honrlniiriitm lln* iirl'itN ni>rfi«ciitntl\rj of tbo OhlKrlHida Cliih. l,ln<.-olii J. Oartfr pjtolio for blahiYiilipr Al»ln^ltl^ft and told tbo Amcrlcin HbtpllalA^Miclnihrfi that llm moinbcn of tho OH Krlt'icUwere unfjnillUr with llio ptam of tho aDmrlnlMi.tiKi tlirlr pTviMwil llicalrleal l.fMjdlal. I|«> nUulolrl uf tlio ruiiigra of nilntriniim-nt Ifaat badIftcD clrcalRinl.

Anolbvr jmlht waa n\M*\ hy K. Itlckni'ii, ofKlint, 3anolo ft UkkHun. wlm Mid *'We are aothiro to cauRO dlNwnaloii. \Vti nru IntiTMlnl.Tfaoroforo 1 would Ukv. aa widl aa llv olIicT tmiii*Iwra of tho Old Krh-nda CInti, Ut Mty Hal of allllloao cbarll/ caara. I woiilfl anicKvnl thut llmbe prepared ko (hit iC can be ahown to lliurarloua otoinlirra ot thf Old FrItTKli.'*

Jii'Iko (JiHJiliioiv (inlvkl/ bl»)cctnl to o Hat ofrJiarltr pallciila bolnif maiTo iift, clahnlnir llinl Itwaa UDoDilcal and not jimiHT, llr cnllnl iirmii

Dr. Mai TfaoTok lo ciplafn llitt alliiailoii. "Hrnllo-mm," aald lb** doeinr, "It la unethical lo unkoa Hit of obarlty v^XtmlH nnd wml It }tnttinHtthroiiffh Iho city, alioniliitf 'ani ihla Im what lir.

Thorek haa Accoiapllalinl tor lUn imifnMlun.' Hut(millnnpn. I extend to jmi Ihrtr, aa a commllleo,ati hiTllatlon to tho Ainn-lcan Thoatrltal IToai)!*tal, whrrv tbo rroorda of thow iiatlonU will booiMWftl to foo to InTMllvalo."Hta memhrrii of Iho Old Prlmilii arcrfrtod tbo

mDlt<T In Ibfl aamo aplrlt aa Jndup Ooodnonr andDr. Tborob. ind arcppt«l Iho Invltallon lo IniRMVtlite lH>ipflai. TJnrriln J. Onrlrr arnao aru?r thlnBHhad \tti*n aallrrfactorllr a4>ill4.'d In bla mind, ludaald. "I aot not a wealthy tnan. hot ladlM andlii'ntldnon. I pli^tico lo yoii my hanblo nutport.both itiinnclnllT ami nliyiitrallr."

II. Howntbai wna tlitfO rallnl upna, rto ntTntAa nhun anrorh, and In clwlnir. donated 1100, aapart t)t \ht> Fpnlal nf Hio Audltorlooi Tbralrv,for Ihe Itcnrflt.

Thn American Tliealrlral Ilnqilinl Aaio^IallnnhiH liern payinf IRnO t'lr tUn rental of llio Audi*t'lrlum TItoalre. ilurlny Ila annual lioneflla. TbiHli n charily rale.Jamm llenahpl, acMnr fnr Iho MimlrlaDi Union,

flnntninml Ibit Ihir (ndpagn KitliTnllon tif Mual-rinni will donalo an firrhntra i4 Hlily'dro ptoca.which will bo Jcil by Mr. irenabol.Amona thoM* pr««>iit were: IInii. Jiidfo Obarlea

N. Oorriinow, Mra, Olinrtea K. (loodnow, Dr. MbkThorfk, Mra. Mai 'fliorPk.aMfia OtfitI Oonlon.r.liiivdn J. Carter. Mra, r<ro Kraui, V^calor Iter*

T>nr«l. Oharlni Andreaa. Harry HheMnn. flmriroKllmt. K. nirkmn, Kdwanl Howland. Mra. Flor*tiirf Norlon, Jamea llenRliPl, n. Rf>Benllial, KntH>rt

Phmnan. FVank riaooto. Dr. P. J. Kiinr. RdwardRliayop, U. J. ("Kport") rienitan, and Qfly oilion.


The ntiotoiitsy. "TImo fork 770." fealnrlnieJi^ Wi'Irti, oa lame 4hraham^ In u\s parlf.

wnu riven , a priralp ^boiTlnif to revnpaper mmand otiiera at lh<^ IfnlvprMl e!tl:lblllr(n room, hi

C(ilrap>. Inat wetV, and Ihia we'hacteil. allrrlni,

midt^wnrld drama, by TTal Ileld. abooM b« In

irr^at dimnndIt In a fi^atoro pboto^laf ' of nnniQil merU,

fanltleaa lu Ita pbototfiapblo detail tvd rplrmlldlyalPHCd.







VAM0C8 PLAYERS ADNOVNCBI 8TD- oroducers alMuld accrue to the tint concernPKUIDOUS PUOll>^Pli]CTACL.B, «TI1U In tli« world to prncnt a resuUr featureBTBRNAL CITV," FOR NATIONAL proimim.

f »

RBLBASB —MUCH DlflOVflSBD "Ant "Tbo Eternal dtr" vlll crate aNCRBEK TRIUMPH AND OTHER IM- cieater end more laatlng Intpresslon amonePORTANT 8UIMBOT8 TO FOLLOW Ue goiicral vublle tban that acblored byWILL DB DISTRIBUTED THROUOII any otber production In the hlntory of theSPECIAL BOOKINO AOENCV OR- llJm Is i comporatlTelT safe prediction.OAMIZBD DY FAMOUS FLAYERS. ADOLFH ZVKOR, FAMOCS FLAYERBThe Famooa Flayers Pltm Company an- TOBSIDEllT, JJEAVBB FOR^LOS AN-

sonoces Its gluBcndons photo-spectacle, "TheKternal City," by Uall Calne, nith PaulineKrederick, tor Immedlato relcoie to legiti-mate thoetrte and motion picture taouaeschntiilDg twenty-live cents na the mlnlmnmcthnfiwlon, that can bouso a long-run attrac-

a a*ai»u«E<n a. in iju w MO fvn AJl*GELBS ON tIRVflUAIXY IMPORTANTiHIBSION.

' Adolpli Zukor, president of tbo FamoMFlayers KUni Co., left Ner York Monday ona trip to Los Angeles, vbere the Westernctudlos of the FanuuB Playcrv Film Co. are

tlon such as this tinusual flim achlcTement aonr sltiinted, for a pnrvow said to be of theA special booking agency bas b«n or- utmost hnjwrlanco to tho tmde In gcnoralcanUed -by the >-amou« I'lojers Film Co. «nil tothe FMaons Hayem Film Co. perUcu- .™ .w .—. — —


for the eiploltatlon of "The Eternal Cltj" jarly. Wb«t tlie real ream for the^to Is a one hundred tboosand doHar concern, baa

Hiougb^mc Intimation woa dlvnlgcd tliat

theac new plana were In consideration by thenmonnel of tlie Kontoua I'layers Film Co.,ibolr exact porport m» noror disclosed. Re-cently, however, It became a martter of beliefthat the I'^inioug I'layen Film Co. were plan-stng to produce a number of elaborate Dimsubjects in Japan. Tbc imcnrtedge that thePamouB rinyers posaessed the film rights of"lladamo Butterfly" atreiurtbened this Im-

frcsslon. and when Mary nckford 'was sent0 the I'aclllc Coast. It was genornlly theo-

rized that she would go Oience lo Jcwan tobegin work on the nim version of tbdii cele-brated opera and play.The fact that Mr. Zukor Is eipeeted to be

e^ay for a considerable period of time,tends to the belief that bis ultimate objec-tive Is a trip across tbo PaclOc to theOrient. If this possible venture materlallus,the trado wllUbe glvon the flrat serlca ofsubjects produced In Japan and possiblyChina by an American feature eoneem. ThatIt will be a notable acompUsbment Is at-tested by the BtupcndoDB lemlts obtolnedla ICurope, where "The Eternal City" wasproduced last Sumner."WIZARD OP OZ" IN PICTUIIES-FRANK SiOORE, FORMERLY BUIULESItUB 8TAR,'rLAY8 BOAIIECROW.The "New Wizard of Os," a modem film

Tcralon of the fomons fantastical romance,iwblch In the form of a musical comedyplayed for over two years In Ncv York, andthen enjorod unabated succsa throughout thecountry for eight aeaaona, la announced asthe. latest release on tbe Alliance program.

In It apnar tbe Bearecrow, the Tin Wood-man and. Dorothy, tbe Kansas a^rl. It Issafe to say that there has not been createdcither In Ictlon or stage llte.'atnre duringtbe last two decades a trio of charactersthst are better known than these three, whichappear In Ht. Banm'a new production. Ontbe stage ttaelr exploits afforded tens ofthousands of tbeatregoers wllb amnsementand diversion, and the Scarecrow, his com-8union, the Tin Woodman, are the leadbiggures In wbat bsa ibecome a modem classic,

end they are bousehold names. . ,The audience of exchange men and ex- 'Company, nas been enjcagcd

slbltors who viewed the picture Isat week at llam W; Jefferson of thethe Alliance bcadquartera, aaaured both Mr. '


Dnum and General ^Manager Cobe that lisTalue as a money (ttter was too evident tote questioned.

Frank Moore, who ppeitcA In the originalproduction, " " "-llanm


. man isotby, the Eansaa girl, Is played 'by TloietMacmlllan, who appeared In the originalproduction before the footlights.

There axe several distinct novelties, someof which were obtained by means knownonly to Mr. Baum and bis associates, andethers which are the result of clever yetsimple manipulation of tbe camera.

It Is the IntenUon of Mr. Cobe to put thepicture oot with an excellent selection «Cpaper, upon which artist* are now working.





THE iCINETOPHOTElae-isa west 46th street. New Toik

Telcpbos'e, Bryant mil

jK jaouiv. -wav apuf icu in ue originaltlon, was apedally engaged by Mr.lo plar the Scarecrow ; the Tin Wood-I handled by Pierre Coodere, and Dor-

nnd other special jubjecta too long for the mnnot be dcllnttely ascertained, but ItTiaaregular rrogram. This hooking organUatlon recently been commonly mmorcTln the trade? *"

*^J^,'i}^'^m S*^ 5*^l,V?f *^ ^e" preaent Kuropoan wars tor-Agency, with ofltces at 110 West lortletb mlnate tho »Vtniona Players plans of pro-Btrect, Now York. dudng a series of lokportaot feature auhjceta

Owirgc M. Wolty., one of the beet knowu in Hiirope. Sir. Zuli» beeon active coiitom'booking managers In this country, has been platlon of continulns the fordgn nim Inva- Cantnots have already been closed '

cucagcd na representative. slon In coimlrics not offeoted by «he contl- do AngeHs. well known aa havingMr. Welly was -for yeora with the Ueblprs nealal conflict. • atar In "Ibo Deaatr Shop." '.^EYinta;' yeora

In a similar capacity. Tbe Famous Playersfuture Mary I'lckford releases will also bebooked throufdi this special agency.When asked for an olllclal explanation of

tbe purpose and policy of tbe Select FilmHooking Agency, Mr. zukor, president of theFamous IMsyers, tald : '

"For a long time we have been perplexedby the limitations of a dcdnlto lour andfive reel program, which otften militatedagnlnst Important subjects whose nature re-

quired longer and unusual treanacnt. Thesolution of this problem wo found In thecrgunliallou of a special booking agency lorthe dlatrlbatlon of a tew selected subjectsthat wora too long or expenaivo to be con-fined to the regular prngrum. After thcsoFubjeets have Seen booked In tho theatrestbroui;hout tho country tbnt are equippedto hoiiao loni; run, Hpeclal attractions, tlioy

will ho plnced on tlio rcKiilnr program, nudwhen llicy are fo roleoHOd to tlio regularprogram exhlbltoni they will possess a prcp-llge similar to ilint which attaches to aIhenlrlcal production after n nictropolltnnrun. The enormous cost of tbo forthcomingMiiry IMckford releascB mnko It Imperatlvolo distribute theao subjects through tho(elect Film Hooking Aecnrv.

"The organisation ol this apcclal attrac-tion program will do more to cnbnnco thodignity of tbo featuro Olm, and tho Intes'lty

of tho Industry at large than any other slneloor various atcpa over ueforo taken, ae for thofiret lime In the hlntory of tho motion pic-

ture business It Is absolutely and Inpqwrablyplaced on the plane of legitimate theatricalofferings of the moat serious type. Tbe adop-tion of this policy will greatly dignify thopublic aapoels of Ihs trade, as It will noivosaume every lota of systrmatlutlon asso-ciated with the business methods of thethi«tre." • .

In reviewing Ur. Enkor's declaration It

doea not aecm surprlaing tliot tbo man whoorconlted the first movement to connect thoscreen with the ataio should also be re-

sponalble for tbe last slop toward tho thor-ough odoptlon of accented theatrical methodsIn the presentation nt motion nlctui«s.The mammoth film odnptatlon of Hall

Onlnc's maaterwork, "IThc Btemal City,"lie first nrod-.ictlon to bo distributed throughthe Beleet Film Hookluc Agency, which wasproiluccd last Bummer In Itnly and England,and In the exact loeatlona In' which HallCalnc made tbe stirring action occur, undertho direction of IMwln B. Porter and UughFord, and which van recently given a nom-bic prcnicrt exhibition at the Lyceum The-atre, has received more unstinted praisefrom motion plcluro trado Jouraala and dullynennpapen litan any oilier tllia offering Inthe Iriatory of the screen.Added to Its gcsoral ond nnusunl value la

the vital timeliness derived from tbe recentdlanntroiis earthquakes In Itoly, which In-lured many of the historic and ancient build-ings that form the Iwckground of tho screenproiluctton of this Immortal novel ond piny.No other lllm subject over before produce<1

lins oltracted Uie allenllon or promoted theillKi'uaalon which followed tbe Initial sliow-liip i>f this extraordinary screen achlevomenl.Coming on Ih'! crowning triumph of the Fn-motm Ployera' producfog nerlvltles. nftertlTis' yenra of fiunreroe londersliln In featureproiliir; InuH atenilllv niiilnlnlneil Itv Ibis eoti-

eerii. rut] dlsnlnylng In the ulmnsi llie trnn-pfi'iiilrul geitlus or lOihrIn S. rorlcr ns nninviiT r.f Hip hlclier iirIiu-l|»*«»R of the plleninrl. It woH nccepteil nn iiecullurly appro-prlnlr llmt the (:rente»t dWihu-tlou tlinl wnaever won by a auUJccl llluicd ity AucrKan

t)eea toimed, wMh Flril 01el<linian, wellknown In. the motion, plehsre Held, as the<Iomtnant flgure. Tde aim of this new cor-poration la to manofacture and market one-reel comedies, wltti thneus stare of the legiti-

mate and vandevllle stage In tSie leadlna roles.

Contnots have already been closed with Jeff" been tbe


many other Shubcrt successes; I/bIn Olaser,

anomer widely known star, who has appearedIn "Ecmlnle, with Frsnds Wllsob, "DollyVardeo," and other sncceoaes too numerousto Dontlon : Florence Tempest, of the wellknown vaudeville team, Tempest and Bun-<hlae ; Katheryn Oatennan. who made a repu-

tation for herself In "Plff, ftff, Ponff," "AFetadan Garden." • . ,^


Edmund Lawrence, vrho hae had an Inter-

eatlng and varied experience on tiie legitimate

stage as a iirodncer, bavlnc been with Him.WTKeoie UU|an Rnssell, B. H. Sothcrn, DoWolf Hopper, and recently with the Kalem

. 'ci. ,g dlreolsr. Wll-— -le famooa Jefferson

family of actors, Is to be his associate. ^Tbe scenarios are to be written by Usik

Swan, who has been engaged In turning out

tcoaslos for tiie Bdlaon Company, and whoIs also a well known playwriglit for the legltU

mate staga.Tbo World Comedy Btanj Wlm Coifwratlon,

according to the advice of Phil Olelchmon,Is here to 111 a place which, op to tte present

time, haa been sadly neglected. These eom-^

cdles, with well known names, aro to be re-

leased on a regular piognm.


neb notable stars of the "legitimate" se

Betity Nanaen, Charles Blcbmsn, EdmundiBrecM, Dorothy Donnelly, Wilton Lackayeend William Psmnm, announces that NanceO'Neill the dlstlngnlabcd interprelor of emo(lonal role» who orealeJ a aenaitlon underthe management of David Belasco, In "TheLily." and otber enccesses. haa signed acontract with him. tor a feature screen pro-

duction of Count Leo Tolstoi's inastetprece,

"Hie Kreutier Bonata." This should be a

deeply IntercsUng production In more waysthan one. as It marks iMlas O'Neill's debut

is a aim sUr. "Tbe Krentier Sonata"forms one Tpore of the ambitious series of

features produced by William Fox.

Eliminating TroubleExhibitors and Operators caused much annoyance.

' With audience dissatisfied. Exhibitor losing patronage.

Impending trouble always thought of by Operator.

Through loss of lower loop, meaning interrupted picture.

All this can be avoided by use of

ingenious device.

This device is Power's Automatic Loop

Setter and

Is used exclusively on machines of Power's


Write for CstaloK X "With PnU Details




Complets for Btandaru Blse Fflm,

soTino pio>TORE VacblUM

$10 00; Moving Flc-tnre Camera Tri-pods, tl7.oo; Sleie-optloeas complete,any Myle of light,

tlioo;- ^Oalclnmlight Jets. ttM;Acetylene Oss Oen-

entois, 12N; An Lamp, tl.oo; Btaosiats. tin);Hovlng PloMre'ObJecUves, |2.7t; Having PlclnreLens Jacket, 12.21: Stereoptlcon Lens, sny tocos,toc.i Hovlng Picture Hochlne Feed Sprockets, ue.Ii. HETZ, goa M. «3d Street, ». Y. City.

FILM andSONGSLIDESA big rodncUoB In Film, 100 reels at leant a foot,

some at IS a reel: have Weatem and Indian Beela,BOO S«ta •t ioag Slldeii, Wo. to tl a set;Power'aNo.t Hsohlne, tT6; also other cheap Ma-ohlnea: Model "B" Ooldnm Macblnsi |90. T alsokwv rllaa, Blldss and HaeillMa, If good.g.F.GAliLOT.lS Klahtb At«., 1I,T,

8p»cltl_H||ttin Picture MielllH-Barflilns

Blareopilcona, Spot Lights. Lenses, Condensers,OartMos, Annonnceroent Slides, loc. Box Rewlno-en, Portaiile OperaUog Booths, Benalr Puns forBdlsoni Poiret'si.I.l'Sll'- Second-hand Machinesbonghlsndaoldi'Vli REPAIR BROKEN OR WOBNFAHT3 OF M. P. MACHINES OF ALL HAKES. KGORUIiR TOO SMALL FOR ODR ATTEKTION.

CHA8. H. BENNETTso Mo.Mb St. ..PIIUiAOat,PaiA,PA.

It follows the cleveriT prodoced WllMamFox -pdcturlaatluns of "The TUef," "Samp-sani""The Wslls of Jericho" alia "A VoolItotn Was." Herbert Brenon, producer of"Neptune's Daughter," and eevei«l otlier too-cestful Olo creations, will direct Miss O'NeLflIn the Fox production of the Busslsn novel-ist's maslsrwork. In the stage version atwhldi Bertha Kallcb scored heavily on Droadrwav and' throughout the coontry.

William Shea, featured In a Dumber ofrecent Broadway succeases, and recently alsoof ' the ' Dnlverasl forces, supports MissO'Neill. WlUlam Farnum appears In themost recent Fox releasee ss tbe leading play-er of "A Gilded Fool." 'Ihe next pictureIn which Ur. . Famom appears Is a scrceiversion to be staged by Edgar Lewis, of

,, Edward Sheldon, - •—


... authorake's beat known veblclo. "Sslva-

A Fool There

"Xhe NIj

of Mrs. .

tlon Nell."Frank PowcU, producer of

Wss," Is presently wfirking on a vlauallza-tlon of 'rxhe Valley of Mlaslng Hen."HERB'S A TBAH TBAT HOWARDCRAMPTON. CIIARMB ELDRBDGUAND OTMEIR "VOUMQ FBI/LBRS''Wirli RBMBHBBR.Jennie Lee and Charles Cortrlght are tea-

ture<l In the tloJcatlc-Mutual pastoral drama,"Farm Folk." They appear as an elderlycouple, whose son leaves the farm tor acareer In a big city. More than thirty veal's

ogO' Jennie Lee was known oa one of the fore-

most actresses of England and America.Ehe made a specialty of Bhakcapeareon roles,

and eeeured a noteworthy HUccesH In thedramatization of Charles Dickens' "BleakHouse-" I.orctta Blake nnd O. V. Mac-Dlarmld play the leads. "Farm Folk" Ik aMajestic toleaso In the Mutual program.TBFFT JOHNSON FILMS THB NBW

YORK SUBWAY.Shortly after ten o'clock, Monday morning,

Jan. 2C, the Vltagraph Company of .\merlcalook the flrst motion pictures ever made In

the . Intetborough Subway. Fowertul arclighta were Inatslled at the Omnd CentralBfatldn, the camera was "set up" In the"crow's nest" and arranscd to show the con-gestion at "rush hour" when the crowdschanged from the lotal to the express: Thiswill iM nacd In tbe. reels ot t£e "aresterCity" for the ranama-raclBc Exposition.1'elft Jobnaon was the man In charge of the

^"'''HB'S IHMBRSB AS A UDRVMK.""Having seen Ben Wlbion Is so many dra-

matic roles, It wsa qnlte a treat to see himportraying the role ot an Intoxicated backdriver In The Adventures ot a 8ea-QolngHack,' icex comedv. He la very droll, andthe homoron's pliant lo which he flnrts him-self forma a dellgntful climax to an amusingstory."Bo wyelh tbe publicity man np st the

llolverinl, from which one night be led to

Inter tbat'Ben Is a "good dmnkcn actor."


. „Fred Thomson, who made "The Christian"

tor Vltagraph Co^ and the big feature pro-

4uctlon ot '^The Sign of the Crosa" for tbenimoue Players Film Co., arrived In NewTork from Los Angeles esrly last week. Mr.Tbomson, while on the Coast mit on "Theacoso Girl" nnd "Tho Country Doy." Hehas some Interesting tales to tell ot Coastpicture conditions, actors snMrles. general

managing directors, etc.. tliat fcre highly ai-

lertalnhig and decidedly enllghtentng.


9. B. nutohlnaoo. president of tbe Amer-ican Film M.inutaetarlng Company, has con-

cluded the purehnsn ot the exclualve movingplcluro rlghta ot "The r,uro ot tbo Mask," b.v

Ilsrold AlscOrath, and a nin voralon ot tbebook soon will be aeoi In the Mutual pro-

gram. It will he produced by a special fea-

ture company, now twlng or.i^.inlzea at thoAmericans Santa Barbara studios.








WITHraui-ine: frederiokA inaiumotli photo-prodnctioii of Hall Gaine's epochal novel and play.

Produced amid the grandenr and heanty of Rome—the Eternal City,

Under the direction ofEDWAED S. FOBTEB and HUGH FOBD.

Added to its general and nncsnal valne is the vital timelineBS derived

from the recent disastronB earthquakes in Italy, which injured many of

the historic and ancient huildings that form the hacl^ound of the screen

production of Hall Gaine's stirring romance.

liTo other film offering in the history of the screen ever received suchunstinted praise from t£e trade papers as:

"Will rank with the world's greatest kinematographic aduevements."—MOTION PICTURE WORLD'The finest dramatic woiic thus far made, here or elsewhere. Devdoped with surpassing skill—magnifi-

cent settings new to photoplays—a tremendous scenic accomplishment"—DRAMATIC MIRROR.. "Exemplifies the full and comprehensive meaning of the word masterpiece. Beautiful and impressive

Should draw as wdl five years from now as to-day".—N. Y. CLIPPER."In The Eternal City* the Famous Players have turned out a film which it can be fairly said is the

most pretentious production which any American concern has placed on the maikeL"—N. Y. TELEGRAPH."Nothing would be more ridiculous than to compare The Eternal City* with any other picture.

It stands in a class in which others may be placed in the future, hut not in the present"—MOTIONPICTURE NEWS.

'^eld the audience spdlbound for two hours—nothing finer in the camera art"—VARIETY."Set a new standard in picture-making."-MOTOGRAPHY.<Tremendous-a revelation."-N. Y. EVENING MAIL"Fulfills the highest miuion of the photo^lrama—deserves the adjective great"—N. Y. EVENING SUN.




GEOBOE M. WELTT, Bepresentative


DANIEL FROHMAN, Managing Director EDWIN S. PORTER, Technical Director

14 Febbuabt 6




I The Nlcbolas Power Co., of 00 Oold Street,; Nfrw York, manufacturers of Ike I'ower'a (WACnmcragrapa oad other proJcctluo dt^Tlccn

'. for a nuiiib<!r of yearn piuil, ntu) jiirt l>BUeda new flfly-two (Rce colalngue. detalllog the

i good points of tlicTr iiroduct.Tile calaluxuc Is printed m ti high nailo

Iof ealcDda/ coated paper and profusely lllus-

: troteil wtth ,cut< of ithe numerous devicesI turned out by Ibe Power flr-m.


lixclUBlve features of ttie Ponrcr's OAI Oomcrasroph are grapblcnlly staoim In lUus-I tmtlons with accompaDylai type explana-tions of their delicate worKlnKS. "nio newTower's ootalogiie la a technical book thateveryone who owns a moving picture machineof any tipc or mako, sbould Immediatelyccenrc. The books Tttll be smt on requestlb ezblbltorn.AI.CO FILM CORPORATIOn SITTA-T I O N — fllAl DIRTHIBUTIKO OON-CBRN IN UECEIVBR'B UANDS-ALIjSTAR KKATUHU OORFOHATION

' BANKRUPT.iMIIton M. Oolilcmllh and Arthur F. Oott-

liold were appointed receivers, Tuesday, Jan.!tO. for the the AIco Film Corporation, doingn mm distrlbutlni; liuslncHS at 2'JU West

. i'oity-spcond lUreot, New Vork.hiring the vrc«k previous to the appoint-

ment 01 tbc receivers by the II. B. District(.'oui I, acTcral exriinnce men reprcscuting theAko concern IhrougDout the country, got-togrUier In New Vork and endeavored tomake n forty cents oa the dollar settlementwlto Alco'a numerous crcUlom, but some-bow or other the plan fell through, KrldRV.Ion. 211 Messrs. (loldamlth and OotUiuld,the receivers Butipesnacd several of tbc ex-concc men coimrctod with AIco and asked(bcm a tew qucatlona In a IicarlnK held bc-(ure-U. S. ConnijMiloner Olk^hrl»t.

Nothing of tmporlance -wns lirouubt out attlii^ Friday mooting, and another session Isscheduled for ^Yeduesdny, Feb. 3, when U IsJ'opeil that Bomi' dollutte liifoniintlon may horblolneil as to the coudltlon of the llUn coui-IJi.ny's tangled alfnlrii.

'Wie Btsndnrd I'>ngmvlng Co.. crciUtors for$1,800; Jnmcr A, Walton, iU2, nnil tliorlnygoers nim Co., 12,040, afgncd tlie ix-tl-lloa that put the Amo Co. In bouliruiMcT.


The All Star Kenturo Corporation, of 220«. 1' iirly-Bi'conil Street, New York, has hadu iielllliin lu hnnkniptcy nicd egnJnat It bv.1. P. .Miller, n tri'dlfor for trM; MlnndarilMogmxlng Co., ^22, and Frank A. lloogta-lliii;, $41.The film producing concern was formed

Lbodt'a year .igo by Harry II. Iljiver andAutfUblus 'Jlioains, who iccontly dlHiiused oftheir holdings. Tho All Slur Iisn lu'nit rc-Icnxlug their product through tho Alro J''llni

t'oriKirrtlldn, and that coneeru In reputed toI f'lu n licnvy btock Isterest in tbe formerrouiimuy.

•'.MOIIMNO" MATIKBB nBOEMSARY TOSATISFY PICKKOllD AU.tllUBnS INWIIiMINOTOK, UKI.,'ilie Majcnllc Tbcoitre, Wlbnington, Del., Is

t-liiLbterliiK all looal movie hoi oOco recordsiiM '^'J'lie Honic of l^aMUlOllDt&" U wns neccs-piiry to run a morning show whcu Mary lick-furd. lu "Cludcrella,' was shotwD.iMurh of the present success o< tills de

luxe motion pMurc bouse Is duo lo the care-ful attention to dotuLla by Mftuamr James<ilnns and bis asslstnnt, Joseph iKlalr, andIhe never falling courte«y of the entire honsoctair. The house itself la one of Uie most beau-tiful theatres of the midera tyjie, and wueri'cnvtly reported by tbe huUatng InspoctotUS being oos of th« itwo local theatres whichmet every renulrcment for safety and perfectYiivtlhitlon. It bas teen eztremoly aucccss-ful presenting Iteramount flInM since thoAvenue Theatre, tltit city, was destroyed bylire.

The Rtifr Is an follows : James (Hobb, man-nun: Joseph nelalr, assistant manager : Le-rof Ilye, chief opcrsitor ; Leonard Wrlglit, aa-iil.stniit opernlor ; Harry dibort, door man ;

J>. A. Thompson, liousc mnn ; Arniur Vernon,Miirrls Oreensldn ond Jack Rose, usbors


llirbent JncksoD, head usher: Otto Trultt,rnhllrlty promoter : Arthur S. llanbv, ptsnlst


lii'iiflin I'nniu, relief pianist : MIsa Jones,eaxhler.


UUKFALO, K. Y.Prominent men In tlic film world attended

the trill ot United Hlntni Onverumeut vaKnHl-Qjnn Kodak Co., In Uulfnlo, N, Y., Jan.^7-20. ,lule8 llrulatour, DoTld lloraley, IjoulsHurntein, Kdwin ThanhousN*, Vt. A. Neale,^V. II. Gray. 1,. J. II. Il<ilat and XleoriroICiistmon were nmoiiB tliose present. Tliohult 1ms bo«n on trial for about a year,I'.'rmlttcnily, ond wns brought nndcr thoiiiilMrnst net prohibiting muuuiulles In re->!triilnt of trade.


Ccinpiiiiy'B world beloved star, lins been ex-tended Ibo most signal diBtliicllon ever coa-fcrred tiiion n motion picture nrtress l>y thoIiiinrd c{ Kducnilon of Kansas City, Mu.

In eoinpllInK n list of the world's cclob-rlilci, comprlslDE the greatest Dsnies ot IiIb-

lory, pcleuce and plillotfophy slnco the dawnor civil Iziil Ion for the pupils of the publicdchools ot that city, the Uoard of ICdiicntlonlins Included the iiniue ot the unlvernnllyIdolliod "Mtlle Mary."Among the Iniiuortnl names with which

Miss I'lekford Is llslnl appeared tbc follmv*liii; : Dame. lannc Kewtoii, Dalrac. (Iruerallicrnbardi, Ulysses, Lord llobert^, vlUa,VRITZI BCIIEFK STARTS WORK ON

"PRBll'V MRS. S.MITU.'>Krltzl ScbeO, Iho prominent favorite ot tlio

legitimate siniie, whose sigiintnro wns re-cently secured by the Oliver Murosco I'lioto-piny Compnuy lo appear before tlie motlouiilcture rumera, bna arrived at the Ilonvorth-Momsc) studios to star lu n screeu versionot her latest play, "Pretty Mrs. Hmltb."AVurk has been begun In enruest In tbe Ilia-lug of tho comedy, written by Oliver Miiroseonnd KImer Harris, and nn Glnboratcly spcr-tacular production Is assured.

Tills Is the Hrst nppcaninco of Ml9S SchcltIn plciurcs, ami It wns with great cuthuslnsinIhnt the star ot tho tootllghts cnmmonced3ier work at the sludlo. liach day nlTorUalicr new surprises In tbe nrt ot motion pic-ture iirnduclleii niid every morning llads tier

iimong the Hrst at Iho studio, eager lo com-mence tho day's work, Bupportlni; MissHchcff are Owen Moore, Forrest Stanley,Ixiyle UennlsoD, Myrtle Stcdmnn nnd a scoroof other screeu favorites.


Tlirouph a casual Item published In n the-nirlcnl lournni last week, niid Immedlutrlycopied by n few sorlely papers. It o dls-rhised Hint the lure of (lie singe—or mtherot the sereeu— lins dniwii Mrs. Bybllla Pone,who Is conHldered one ot the most beautltuiwomen In Fifth Avenue society eirclow, fromthe innrtilc floors ot fnshlooablo receptionmoms before the motion picture enmern. Shewill appear for the llrsi time on the screenIn the Famous Ploycrs I'llui I'orapaiir'a fourpnrt photoplay adaptation ot Martbn Unr-Inn's celebrated play, "I'hc Uachdor'a llo-

nsncc," the setcea Tcnton of Kblch willpresent John Hmerson In the title rolo, to bereleased Feb. 11.One of the mib-tltlea In tbc production that

will appear on the scre« will read as fol-

lows: ''Jack Meets nn Attractive BodolyIrfindcr :" nnd tihe nuiUonce w4ll have theadded satisfaction of knowing that the scenecontilOH true rmllsm. and that n aocletyleader. Indeed. Is ponlDg tor their amusement-

)lra. I'ope Is tbo wife of Charles II. Pope,a wealthy cotton broker. Hctor.. her Jnarrlagoshe appeared In several Droadway aucccsaes,and walle on the stage afao was known tother bcsirty and isnice.

It Is not flnsnclal conditions that have por-fundcd Mrs. rope to become a motion pictureactress. She has a Iwoutltul home at 247Fifth Avenue, where mau dabonUc aocletyfunctfons and recopUons nave been given Inthe last two years.ARNOLD DALY INJVnBD-^AS A DAD


Amnll Daly, oopnlar star of the st.ige. andnow much hi the niKilllght bocaiise of hisbeing featured la the Pathc serial picture,"Vhe Kiplolts of Elaine," had a had tall

thin week, which fortunatelv resulted In

nothing worse than a severe snaking up, butmlfrht very easily have become serious. Achurch hternle had bees ercrled on the cdgo6t the I'allMidea In Jersey City, and Mr.Daly was retiulrcd by :he scenario to pursueA orook up Into the heltrv and from thenceup to tho very pliuii:Ic of the steeple wherea strunic was to t.ike plnce between the4wo while hanging on to rhc golden cross.The stnigelc was so violent that Mr. Dalvlout bis grip and fell headlong to the groundbelow. Fortunately he 'aiided upon hisshoulder and escaped witli bad bruises only,'ilic camera maa succeeded in gottlng a i>of.tlon ot his toll.


JOHN BMRRSON RB-APPBARS ON THBSCntSBN IN SECOKn FAMOUS PLAV-BRS piioniicTioN, «Tua dach-BLOR'S ROMANCE."John Emerson, wOio orlnlimlly made Ms

fIrMt nppcarnnco In motion pintures 4n theFnmoiis I'layern film vernlo.i ot his termortheiilrlcal Huccesn, "The Conspiracy," throughirlilcb he lienimc liiMn«lkiti'ly uc<|ualntcdwith the motion plotiii-e piHillc throughoutthe cimntry, rotiirns to tile screen in a four-pnrt film ndnptnllon of the celebrated nentl-4nental comedy. "Tbo Rochclor's Romance."by Martha Morton, to ho released Feb. 11.'Tho Daehelor's Itomonce" Is a charming

liuman m'tiire drama, brimiolng over with<limlnt humor, colorful chai'antei4Ea.tlon, andlefrcshlnc roinnnco. In this delightful comedyilnimn, John Umprsun portrays tbe role otlinvid llohiies, the lornhle baeholor of tliopl:iy, a kindly, mllilly eccuutrlc llu-rary<^rltlc. -Kilo runs at the ulubt ot a wennn,only to be trlmicd bend over heels la a vio-lent love nffalr with Us yotrng and prettywaitl, .Sjlvhi.

WIioji "The nacbelnr's Romnnce" wne pro-Bont..Ml throughout tho country nn n play nev-ernl years ngo. It won national po)iularltythrough Ita charming bumno qunllll.''H Itshumorously pleasing nspecta ot life nnil lovi',

nnd Its splendid note of sincerity. In Msscreen version It has Innt none of Its tenilorDi>|u-nl. but gnlus npnreclnhly In Interestinriiugh Ibo ampllflcntloii of blot nnd char-acterlzallon made posslblo by tlie wider scopeof tin* camera.The splendid manner In which Mr. Boer-

ton portrayed the dllllcult and ecccnt.ic roleol 1110 autlior-dulocilve In "The Consplrticy'*Indicates his complete adaptability to therole In the present subject.

His nnlnuo portraynl ot the middle-agedbachelor wlio suddenly awakens to the /netthat there ore things more lupnrtnnt In llfo

than books, will be even more appreciated bythe motion picture audiences who witness thisdollgblful and artistic presentation. Thepart ot tho girl who ofTecta the change Inthe outlook and msnners ot tbo conrirmi>dbachelor is adnjuately porlrnyed by l.or-

ralne IfuUng, who has app.>ared In a num-ber ot recent Famous Plavera productions.

Tlie feature la divided inio two essentliilparts

ihe division before love comes to thebnclielor, nnd the one after he hss learnedof lite existence of the one woman. Rothare dUtliiCt Iniperson.iilons, varying fnimeach olber In overy dolnU. nnd It may thero-Inrc be tTuthfiilly said that Mr. Kmersonportrays tn-o cbni-actors la one role.


American pictures, nt Maxlue Klllotl's The-atre, Btnrted Monuny, Feb. 1.

The lutrepld explorer, who Is well knownon both sides ot the Atlnnilc as an luter-nnlliinal polo player ot higb reputu and anenthii.slnrllc sportsman nnd blazer of trails

In unknown lands, has by the aid of bisDintlou picture camera auccceded la record-ing, la uii lutercsllng nnd plcturosque form.f;ci-nes met wjtb on his recently completedBiiuth American expeilltlnn. Despite tboOauv dinicultles attendant upon photoifrophyin tho tropical Juiiglo lutltutlcs, the pictures,nhlch are exquisitely toned, depict life laLotlu .\uierlca lu n manner uovcr before pre-sented to the public. With a we.illli ol ma-terial 10 choose from. Captoln Ilcsley wiselyrofnlued from Including the ordinary scenictravel views. Ills aim and object tbrouKhoutwas to secure such pictures as lisd neverbefore been attained, nud In this be has ad-

mirably succeeded. From the pcruetiinl snow-covered pIuteniiT and rnngea of tho Andes to

the tropical Jungle Is a far erv, but tho uudl-ciiee Is carried nlonj with Inntructlve andtinlqiio scenes, which do not lor a municntriernilt Interest lo flog.

b\>llo\vlnc the co<irM> of the longest trlbu-

tnrloH of tho irrent v\vi-r sereml of the deadcities ot the Incas of Peru were visited, thopictures showing In deiull tbe oraatlng stoneivork ot these pcopie, whose history Is only

a unttor ot conjoctloo, and whose stories uf•nythlcal treosurea hove cauned this seotloatit Ihc countFT to ho named "The Wondcr-Inud of Peru.'


end deslgacd eicluslvoir for the use of Oieenles force ot tho World Film Corporntlen,vHI lie Issued shortly.

It Is to be published weekly, and will boedited by C. U. fleelyo, sales director. LeonJ. Dnirciorger will net as assistant editor.

Tlie fist number will make Itn nppenranceI<Vb. 10, nnd It Is planned thst only theliveliest, sort of material thnt will be ot vsliis

lo the uilcs and executive staff of thn WorldFilm Corporation will appear In this veryiaierestliic publication.

•Jlie editor of "I'hc Firing Lino" hna adopt-ed OS hlH slogan "Watch Us Orow, Grow WlihUa." a. a. Schsetir. sccrcury to Mr. Sole-

Dick, Is entitled to, the credit for chrlstcn<:ig

th: puhllcatloD. (.


M. n^lle Chnulnrd Is one ot the bestknown Ffcnch directors. He Is now atwork nt Ihc World 111m Studios at I<\>rt Lee,on n fenturo In which Vivian ttartln Is tolie etarrnl. M. CTinulnrd Is n eradunic of thoFrench Kclalr studios, and has been nBS>elated with such noted nrtlRts ns Itejaiie.

lie lins plnyeil nt the Fmncnise nnd vniidcvlllo theatres la Paris. M. Maurice Touroicr,who Is well known to American picture fansbecause of Ills making ot tbo photoplay,

Bobcrt Wanri^ In "Itie Han of theHour," and Vivian Martin, in "The Wlsh-.-ig

Ring, was formerly a member ot the samecon^any In which U. Chautard appeared.When "Alhis Jimmy Valentine" was origin,ally producedlln Paris, M. Chautard playedValentbiet while M, Tournenr acted as stagemanager.


Bcatrls Mlchdeaa did not appear at theTlroll Opera House. Han Kranclsco. Cnl..

during the week ot Jan. 24. where she mighthave nung arias from the grand opera."MIgnon," while tbe motion picture, dealingwith the same theme, wss thrown on thescreen with Miss Ulebeleoa taking the tltierole la the iibotoplay.

When an exclusive gnlhcrlng wltneswd thoexhibition of the motion picture at the St.Frani'bi I!atel. Sao Francisco, Ulss Miche-lena waa prevailed npon to sing, and her richsoprano notes thrilled and surprlsetl.The bit she made causod Turuer Sc Pahn-

ken, managers ot the Tlroll Opera Huiue, t.i

stiomut n novel stroke. They urged thesongbird to aiipear as a (pedal attractiondurlne 'iMIgnon" week.. Although tbe offer made to Miss Michelenawas flattering, the motion picture star wasforced to refiuo It. as her eugagemeot withtile California Motion Picture Corporationrequires her presence continuously tor sev-eral WH>ka with lier company In the SantaCrnz Mountains and In the Sierra miningloglon. to rake part In the Hlmlng of a rewDrete Ilnrte photoplay, "Lily ot PovertyFist," which will Roon be released on thoWorld Mim Corporation achcdule.


The suffragists ot Omaha, Neh., headed byMrs. Draper Smith sod otliers, arc wordinghand In hand with the World Film brai>'atbere to moke "Your Oirl and .Mine," thosuffrage picture, tbe talk of the year. Thatthey have succeeded is evldeirt from the st-leailon Oiftt they are receiving at the handsof the OmaJia newspapers.

Bo Successful has been tibe exploitation of"Tour Gin and -Mine" 'ttat the women Inter-cntcd are determined to have a suflrage filmlike "Your Girl and ^Une" shown for everyyear for the next three years, so as to heable to carry Nebraska for soffrage.

While recently In Orouhn, Ixnvis J. Selz-nlek, vice presldont and general manager ofthe World Mlm Corporation was the guestot the Nebraska Suffragist Oiganlzatlon.

HERE AND THERE IN HLMDOM.IliciiAno Fox, ot the Chicago branch of

Ihe World Film Corporation : J. Walter 1 ambnnd Jerome Sohcl, both of the Now Yorkbranch, are the Oral prlzo winnera to winsalesman bonuses iin<ler the Kclznlck profitsharing plan, Lba: If-, in active operation withtlio employcoa of the World Film Corpora-lion.

Mr. Fox won tiio first prize of JlOO MrI.omb sccureil the s.^rond prliie, $50, aoil MrSubd'a prize Is ^ITi. t;ioso prlzos wereawarded to the three winner.-* theyeecaicd the grentest amuunt of businessl-nsed ou gross casli collections at the :'jwestexpense during the flrat four weeks of theproHt sharing {ilsn's operation. The {leilodstarted Nov. 20, and ended Dec. 2a

BInce the announcement was made ttotthe profit shaxlng plan wns to become arcallfr alt tho salesmca In the omploy ot thoWorld Film Corporntlon have ontorod thorace wdth enthuslsmn, and while there liavebeen only three prize winners, many recordsbare been broken. Gcnml managr Seltolek,in cODgratulnlIng the prize winners, sold:

"I am so pleased with the succeas that yonhave won that I want to offer to ereiy repre-sentstlTe concern all tho details In tnls plan.I'hc enthualasn that the i>lan Inspires bene-Sts tbe Industry as a whole, nod I am happyIn tho thought that you have won tte pHies,for -with ootual jirollt sharing yon will feel

that the welfnre of -the World FUm Corpora-tion is your welfare"

Mr. Selanlck has prepared a completeschedule at the details of his iproflt sharingplan, and the booklet giving this Infoimatloncan bo secured npon request at the homeomce of the World Film Corporaitlon.

KKw runroriAT thtutu for uancbbstzb,N. u.

T'he Gngle Theatre Compnay, an areaae-ment corporation of Mnnrhentcr, 19. IL, whichwill bulla a theatre In Hint :liy, was formedrecently with a id,v'|1'ji; lu the ofHces ofAttorney Harry K. I.ovf.-lng. OHlcers weroelected, the organ..nation of tho corporationcompleted, ind^ pti-.iis consummated for thocrertlon ot ManclnviIor'H lutest motion pic-

ture house on a siti- near Elm and WestBridge Streets.The olPcers are: Pre."!ldent, Hcrtal Parl-

sonu ; vice nrcBldent. Tnncrcde Parlsenii


treasurer nnd clerk, Pcrlcy J. Urown ; gen-eral mnnngor, J. E. Ctmrbonnenu. All ofScemwill serve nn the board of directors.

The theatre site Is 100 by 100. and II Is

the cuinaeement'A Intention to have the build-

ing nrrnnited slinlliirlv to the ucw Palaceniicntrc ou Hanover Street.


T. W. Ilrlght, of Ft. Scott, Knn., owner ofStnte rights of the "lUl Ranch" Olm. hasadded Wisconsin, ond In now working thatState, aB.slsted by his son, William.

iWM. FAnKTIM AMD KI>a.\n LEWIS DOWN INAUOIIBTA, OA., FILUIHO "TUB NEW OOV-BBNUB."Willi lam Parnom and suppoitlne company

of the William Fox Players are In Augusta,Ga. where the eitcrlor scenes for Che photodrama "The New Governor," are to be pro-

duced,' under the dlrecllon ot Kdgar Lewis.Anuog bboso with Mr. Fonunn are : Ohilre

Whitney, Oertnido Clomons, Frank Kugler,Ccorgo De CarUon, \1. W. Crlmmlns andCliarlca Uavenposit John Zanft Is 'managerof the company.The players will Ronaln la the South for

about a month. ' The New Qovomor" wasphiycd on the dremotle stage under the nameot "The Nigger."

^Oveh o thonsand dollars In two days In a

house scaling three hundred persons, at afitly cent odmlsslon. Is the record ot "Ca-Mrla," In Jacksonville. Fla. The Itala FilmCompany's report from H. n. Mason, who Is

cxplottlng the famous vroihictlou in thoSouth, brings this Information.

Pi-ANB' Sot the rfinlatgoment of displayrooms and operating rooms of Francis J. 011-

bcrt. 1020K Main Street, Dallaa. Tex., havebeen approved by the city Inpspectors. "Cn-Mrla" and other Itnla productions are bebigdistributed by Mr. Ullliert la the I/ose StarState and najntninj icrrltoiy iwlth markedaucctsa,

RoaAR SELWT^r and hts cqu.iUy dlstln-gulsbcd.wlfc. Margaret Mayo, have ngreed tomake their first screen appearances underthe management ot tho Jesse L. Lasky Fea-ture I*Uiy Co. This will all take place In con-nection with the picturliatinn ot Mr. Scl-wyn'B own very famous and successful play,"'Tho Amb," In which ho was himself thestar during Its original engagement In NewYorit at the Lyceum Theatre. Mr. Sclwyn,It Is now otUclally announced, will Interpretfor Ihc screen the same Btelkir role which hecreated tor the stage.

TiiK .^11 Star Film nenlnl Co., New YorkCIt.v, Is booking the Ilnla tour reel "Cablrla-Blara" pnductloD, "The 'lYensure of theI.ouiats,'' with Lydla Qiinrnnin In the lend-ing role, for New York Slate and NorthernNew Jerse.v. Walter Isaac, managerof the Ml Star Film Rental C o.. reports greatactivity among exhibitors who are eager toLhow tnls new Him, following the tremendoussuccess of "Cablrla."

State Bights Have Come Backk — —— —

In less than one week the




Electric Theatre Supply CompanyPbUadelpbla, Pa.

Famoas Stars Fihn CorporationClevelaad, Ohio

Liberty Film Renting CompanyPlttBburgb, Pa.

Casino Feature Film CompanyDotrolt, BSlob.

Northern Film CompanyPittsburgh, Pa.

Celebrated Players CompanyChicago, 111.

The above eoaoerns have eoatraoted fornext twrelve months.

There's a lot of luscious territory Just ripe for our productions,still open.

If you are Interested, vralte or wlie us novr.

LIFE PHOTO niH CORPORATION220 West 42nd St, New Yoik City

C. A. CiiiVEns, who tor some years pasttraveled In thn South for one ot the IntsestHim or^nnlzntlons, aud who was the oldestroadninn In pohit ot service In tbo employ otthat comiieny, has severed his connectionswith them and is now with the World FilmCorporntlon In the same capacity. Mr.Cblvers Is well known and popular with ex-hibitors In the South. Hlr territory willombr&co Ihe States ot Qoorela. Tennessee,Alnbema, Florida, North and South CaroUnn,







Eastern Pa.DelawareDistrict of ColumbiaMaryland


Western Pa.West Vlrglnli^


Western Pa.OhioWestern Va.Kentucky


our output for the

Tua rapidly dcvoloplng buslncBs ot tbeWorld Klim Corporation has necessitatedmore elbow room, and Jo larger floor spacohas hcen taken In the new ornate JaegerBuilding, 820 3t Catherine Street, West,Montreal, Can. When they have flnollyBattled down, the World Kllm Corporationwin undoubtedly have one of the tlnecCqunrtcrs there, and will be equal to theluihing business that 1b being done by It. S.Bell, the mles mauasjer, worthily supporlcdby 11. SIskInd, oOlco manager: 0. W. Kerr,ossltont sales manager, end n. W. Talbolt,Gulosmon.

ftKATIUIYN OSTEHMAN DBC0UB8 AWORLD COMEDY STAR.Eathirn Osterauin, llie comedienne has

Joined tbo World Comedy Stnrs Mlm Cor-poivtloa and wlH be starred In o number otone-reel uomodlca.

Miss Ostermnn's career on the stage hasbeen a most Interesting one. For soveral sea-sons Bhe starred at the heed ot her own cein-nany, In Mark Swan's clever comedy, "TheOlrl That Looks Like Via." and also "TboNlrtit ot the Play," wtilch afterwards beoamoLllUon nusaell's starring vehicle, onder thotitle of '"Rie First Nlrht." After this shepiayetl under A. IT, wood's nuinngement In'Modest Susanne" and "The Qlrl In tho

Taxi." She ma ols» an Important Taadevl laleaturo os the co-star with Louis Simon, In"A INirlalan Garden," which was successfullypresented tor two years In all the priadpalva-udovllle theatres.

^Iss Ostemin's last appearance In NowYork was at Uommerstcln's, In her own one-act play, "True to Nature." She has oftenbeen spoken ot as tbc iiucen of comedy, andPossesses talent plus vitality. Wss Ostetsianhas a splendid sense 'ot farce, a legitimateonethod ot lough provocation, and a radiantand smiling face tbait will surely get oivoE4hc screen ea It does over tho feoUuptts.


' Jess WUIard, one ot the numerous whitehopes ot the nation, played the principalrole In a Qihttne drama recently, entitled*The Heart Punch," on Imp picture. Thisfilm was produced eveml^t, as WUIard wasfompollcd to leave for tho West file tollowlogsnornlng. Stuart I'atOTi wrote tho scenarioand produced tho play at a day's notlce-

"Tbe Ilcart Piinolh" uffers the merle tanaon onportunlty ot seelne the O^Aar who winthortly discuss a little matter ot opinion with"Mlolah JohnslDg." down In Mexico, In sev-eral characteristic and Intimate close-uii



Director Carrol Floming has jost comrDlelcd tor release In the Mutual program, atwo reeler called "In the Jury Iloom." It la

by I'hIMp IjOrnergao. nnd features MIgnonAnderson, "the dare-devil Ingenue:" ArthurAshley and Sidney Urncy, who plays the parte! a 6cU-abnegatlng pbyeldan.



Hill compoDr Is coUrslnR lU eotmtnr for IbefiprlD?. Buntner 4ni] Fall nnaou. KJille MoonJj DiklD# preparatlooe for his Urce banrl odO or-cbcfllrli and cipccto lo bear from Mrurol of hisMiaMDiaimt lo tbt boalofn Ibroofb D<rt Mfl-ymIc's "afl." !n Tun Kkw Yobk CLirris^ whlcbo«Tcr filli to give farorablc malu.

MtlTine'i Ontilluia, Nok. 1 aod 2, will opcitiitlr acasoD, rujKctjTeW, Mrlj In Uie SprloK.«L'be icDt ooxllta an belot attended to bj twotfrvn. wbo are patUoR ttilnge In fln« afaape.

Maoacrr Pete 'Swan. « tbe UelTlHea No. 2, te ibntv we, nn<) haa eo^jod moat << bla cut.Pmpccio f07 a favorablb aeaaen are promlalnt-

Eremlilnii haa oradaally bees ImpivTlni.Uarrr I<a7ioD wlahea to be remetDfaered.Sbor foUu, do mt ala mtthliig Tna Cur-

rix. Tbere la eome Tety InterMlliig nem. PaDleiaiirell will have iiudt an loterMilor write-updo Uie oolamDa of Tna Ncir Yoaic Curpn.

TIUIFBST STOCK CO. NOTES.We bare been dolog floe btslMas tbcoogb Pem.

cytranla. iVhlle plajlng Naotr Olo, wbMi watoor Unt Tlalt. wc made a nmnber of Dew friendiOn Friday erenliig we wrre all aorprlteU to re-

celre an InrltatJoo tnm Mr- Uaelcia, proprietorof tbe Lafatelte Hotel, to tala booae aricr tbe |ier-

^onnance. We went and fooad a Hoe banquetewbltlflg pa. Tbe table vroaoed tjoder tbe weiifbt^ all the nod tblnta to «at. Tbr«e lo attriHl-

•o<« were J, L. Tcupeat W. IT. Hcaiiloo, Wm.Wallace, Tboa. Kogg, I-enn J. ^Tempest FraoaHattiaway, Vabala and Florence Border. l,ettJeEatbawar, Ftaoce* Cbampe, Jennie Tcmpeat, Ur.ud Mrt. Maaten, )tn. Powell, Mr. Daila. Mn.Hoiwtll and othera, Inclndlng tbe botel atair. Waliad a reiT enjorabto tine until the wee ama*licwa, and w« all rated oar boat and boatesa aatwo of the beat people on earth. We adrlae all«nte<cra to par a visit to tlie Lalajelu Hotel,Then la Nant^r Qlo.

A PREMIER STOCK ORGANIZATION.Bncellent piadoctkus ate brcaalag a babit wllh

tbe Poll PISTOa at Ibe Ilrperloa, Now Harcn,Conn, nie platen ar« all mll-koown and tb-Tiodoetoo la one that la jreetcd at all iHrfomnnceswith crowded bouses. The etaodlng room sign 1*Ja naa exeiy daj, Tlie leading [«Dple are JaneUotgan and Ohailea Carter, wbo are nost ei-eellcst In their work. Tbe mt o( the eoopanrInclDde WlUlani Bonner, W. J. Touieheod, Fian-cee WilUams, Bella Cains, Hart; Howler andUfrlcomb Owen,

The plara are ttaged nod piodnced mder tb«B. a.- PoU baa a premiers stock o-.ganUatlon la

Immediate direotloa of Paul GaaeneaTe.his Brperlon Phijeis, and lo which he end therlarrrs ere Jostlr proud, Tbe bill for Jan. Zir andweek la "UtUe ulaa Eeelln."


Uaoager A. O. Balnbrldgo Jr., opentlni theriJalirldge PlaTeia at the Dalnlirldse Playboure,Vbu:eapolls, Mum., has <i>eacil a new picture tbe-nlie. In coojunctloa with Howard McCc7, In thateltj. The boose la uamtd tbe Bufiaalow Pca-luie Photo Flaybouse, and la located on I-akeHHeet. near Hennepin Arenac. Tho theatre h»ldau infocmal opening Satnrdiij erenlog, Jan. 30.

CBARLES DAlSAn DEAD.Charles Balsar. well-known as a stock actor,

^leU In Jacka«i, MIcb., Jim. 22. Be was tblrtr*fonr rears old and bad been long Ul. Ho H.tiled from tbe stage eight weeks ogo.

DE LUXE MDSICAI. OfWIEDY 00. NOTB.—"I am Jnat dropping jou a l:ne to let rou kuowthkt we ai« on earth. Wo arc In stock here, indIt Is one of the lest show tonus In tbls nort t't

the cwmtrr, Wa sre going on oar fourth week,and we here been packing them In. Doesn'tsonnd like hard tlmea, Ooea lt7 We arc puttingon two blUa o week, nud cbango .\fooils7 andThcrsdar. Tbi«« a dar, hut It Is eaar aa It Is

tabloid. We hare fourtceu In the companjr, mostlygirls, and we an making big. The theatre weare plajlng la Is cue oC tbe flncst In tbts partof Tesas. And one of tbe flncst msnsgcni. Thonesther Is Juat Ilka SumuKr. We all look forTna Old luuaBLB ercry week, and the onlyranlt we flid la that w« can't eet It quirk enoughaa the man aella them out helbiv we get to tbedure. Yours, O. W. Uanh, raaoager De I.nieMi'ocal Couiedr Co., arud Itcatte, Amarlllo,T»a."TSE UAYLON STOCK 00., sunporilng the

dainty little CalUomla actress, Oirollne playing Pennaylranla, report hig businessaince tbe Brat of tbe yesr. The looter ot thacomprny Is Ann Deir, Judith Hares, CsnlLie Ed.'Wards. Palrkk 1. Broderlck. II. Addlason Lester,Balpb Sptigue, Janes L. Martin and William E.Marlon.ANNA ajeVEbAUD la leading woman with the

Poll Stock, at Lynn, ^ss. - -

VASOL'aUTB SKIKVIN li lesdlic wcnua atPoll's. Hartford.

1t\P. HATUAWAYB (Fnsk and Leltle) write:"We are In oar third aeascn wUh the J. L.Teoneal Stock Oo., touring PeDoaylranla. Lottiela playing bearles and cbsracters; Frank, generalhoalness ud adrance. Yes, we socaied It throughTBI Currn. Our only agent,"SANOBB A JOBOAN hare psrrhased oot right

lor AostrolU New Zealand and South Arrlcs.from Cohsu ft Harris Intereste, 'Oo Trail'* and"It Pays to Adrertlae," acting oc behalf of J. C.Williamson, TM.IHNNBAPOUS (UInn) stoch patmna t<trett<«

<he doaa of the eagaceincnt of Obareto Ounn laleading inao at the Wright Hundngtoo Players,at tbe Sbibert Theatre there, wltb the last ner-grmsoce ot "Teas of ttie Storm Cbantrr," Jan.

AVBRtLL mnaaa, formerly leading mao f«the Balnbrldge Stock Oimponr, In Vllnneapolla,when that organlaatlon operated at the Sbuhe^Theatre, has re-lolned tbe conpsny now operatiseat the Balnbrldge Plarhoase there, making hiaflrat anpeaianoe week of Jon. 31.HAlftY L. UIim>BM, who )aat closed a rood

season with "Fine F>eMbe.-s," baa joined tbe War-rington Stock On., pIsylQg at the Warrington The-atre, Oak Park. IlL (Otalcago aoburb), aa leadlncman;'UBEUIA" m* the eirering ot tbe Hajeatlo

Players, at Ibe Grand, Aurora, III., Jan. 3t-27.Tbt comeanr la doinc niceir,<mAVUM B. HAIILIM Joined the Kelth'a

Sroni stock. Feb. 1.

JESSIE BONBTZLUI wlH open a season ofmlTsls at tbe Wat End, New Y%rk, Feb. 8, wlUi"Nobody's widow."


THE MARRIAGE GAMETDIE8~"A pla7 of ery disttnat diarm utd humor.'

•••ADOIfH KIiAUBSBflMEBIOAlT—"irreslBUblo.- .-ALAJS SAUEERAIiD—"A &rce with a pnrposaBDIT—"Really dellghtfhlly nmna^ng and refreablng.'

—^AWJtBHOB BXAIQBIBJEVins—"0«nnJlneIy bright and humorooB."EVSmra BUn-."BooT«a » ripping saooeas.* —AXnOV SAVIBS

WOB£J>—"Fresh treatment of theme and flna ooat rank it amongleading produotlona' ~.BBOCK PHUBEBTON'

JdVJiNlNQ WOBIiJ}—"It Is entairtatnlng and It does provokelaughtoT," »OHAKLBB PABHTON

UVJJNiNa UAHi—"Put The Marriage Game' on your list ofplays worth seeing.* •~BOBira MACTTLB

flVXHINO aLOBB~>'<BaTlahliig and ImalatlUs.* -^UIB BBBEWIN

SANGER and JORDANj Empire Theatre BIdg., Mew York City


OA^yOm It's n simpio proiilem. Keep rnur material0AaOa ii|M<MtiiI« and "hnrdlock" dlea from iMkof nonrtshiseaL If you owe yontadt » good Act, Bkeirh orUonotogne you'd holler letma wnu It torjna now. Wrtle

AI.1.F.N SFENOEa^ENnBY, 1«0« Brew!way, Kew Weak.



Adele Blood. Aaalated byPercy LcBHoa.

28 xm.. m THiai (incuL an).

Btaoowery."M am., Ul mm

Onkenm. Brooklyn.—Boaa Ooc^ln, atv*poctca tiy a capable company of Coor. preacntadweek ot Jan. ts, at thio hooae, Dtacoreir,'*

a sketch liv Ediar Allan Woolf, which psored mratr capable oAerlog.

Hr. Wsolf has Uken for bis hackgrooad tkictd aleei>'WalJ[lng Idea, but he has handled It tBa derer and somewhat different saaaaer, and tfte

Ttoilt la latlatsctoiT. Uia. Betty Faattraot Is «weslthr widow who dtilghta In the posacastao cCOMnralaaCBds sad other rsloable Jewels. FlnsJtytbcy basin to diaapfiear, and Mrs. Pssteraat si»pevta eifijmte of Mnf the thief.

Sbe emr'cys llagvs IfcTavlsh, a famons dctee-

_ . ^ live, ta solve the praWen, and he acta a ttaptammerateln'a. — .tdcle Bleed and Pefcy wtlch nnlta In tbe iHetorerr that Mn. Putef

Lennon put over ao eicellent act that went ID oat la berrelf the cnlnrlt. She walks In herabow tbe Trrullllty ot Mlia Bkiod. Ser sketn tic«p, ,„i in this somnaolallsllc state she hidestells tbe stair ot a buMuncI who has tired ot hIa |^ Jewels l-efOie the aslinlMi^ eyea ot tbe d(>wife and refuses to CO wllh ber to the theatre, tertlie and some of ibose she hss mspected,Che tells bim that he will some dir m- the wsy trin Coatilan gare the diataeier of Mrs. U treating her. When she goes, 'he bnhasd got a dnished dramatic lonch. In the bandsUes down an'l falta to sleep, dreaming of hit of a leaa able actress the cleep-walktng sctaosweethearts of tbe paat. Mlsa Blood appears to g,||bt hsre been ma>le laOlcmno.

' ' " "lage. Tlie ~ ""

bin,le tol-

Patlenoe,him each time from a darkened at

krwlug characters sie protiayed to

a Quaker girl; Floisle, a burlevine oaeca:Uusutte, a French dnnoer; s Spanish girl aadMemory, a rlslon, wbo rcmhids bIm of bis mar-riage row, onl how he Las iicglcole*! bli wife.

Ills wlfo Abpears In a rlsloa aloglag "Oh, StyD.irllDg." l-.bc then api^rs throu'i^h a trane-pflreiH curtain as tbongii In a room upstil'a,writing blm, and saying tbst abe Is going to

Her eompsny, srtileh Included Mnylon Hamllttli^aa Blehard Pasternol ; Wm. K. Randall, aa Ilo-gus MeTkrUb; Wanda Carlisle, as Lefty FslrehIM, snd <%srlotto Crawfoxd, sa Una, gareadeqoate miiport. Out,

Omcc La Rae.20 KIK., tlf TWO.

'f^l^'^r-o^^^lTj^C ^ ,lne^'SS"\«"'AliSVw-|„inS,''J.*d.-S,?J^ JL*^ k., .Ji*^„H"J2lS;f?S^i. fiS La Bne. Sho 6nlr 8»a l»« aadlenc iwentr ml»ilf^™"'" " ererrtbing Is t«- ^ ,^ ralaaMe Uma. and there wot not *Vii« m^i ,,i ,ii««f..> _<ih iw.. soul that could not bare sat thiough iiv<nty more.

Wanted for the Earle Stock GOaBXPBRIBIICBD BBPBRTOIBB FKOPla* AL.I. UNCa. iBmadlata aaaga*Meat* CWrer Yonna Inaeaae, Leadlai l.ndy. Capable of playlmg eemple ofBamwy lioada. Phuloa and all Ilrat louer. Must nl<soluteIy ntro plonty of nMHloim wartiotw.noas dolDg Succlalilca praferrcd. Uon'l nliiropnaeDt.Sow ¥oA Bddreaa,13T KMlokerisoeker Tbsatre BMf. Addreaa L. A, BAiRliB.

Iraelaad, I'euna., itab iroek.

PEOPLE IN ALL LINESROa PBRMAIiaaT arOOK. Two BlUa a weak. Balaaee Winter and amnser

Ittue lowttt. Kodoae pholos. SABI and BONA PABK STOCK CO.,lls^)•atle Tkeatre, HoalgasBeay, Ala.


Mane k«re«i salary. Address DBBUB BHOB. Mill B'l'HBLS. Kaaion, HA., Kob. at

BL Mlcluels, Ud., <; llotlock, Hd., t: Vienna, Ud., 6; UainbHdga, Ud,, S; Usilsburr, Ud., •.

Harrison SistersDlroo^lort M. TruWur^

(Pat Oasey Aganoy)

Benella, Best flirl Banjolst In the World

Clipper Post Office.

TIic acting of Percy t^nnon li one ot (ho UffealurcR ot tS» act. lie Is kept fur more hus/tban -Miss Blood, and It N no easy tblne to fill «ptlio time It takes for UI!h DIood's cainjiey. aaw<-n as be does It. Miss DIood bis a tctj floe

vfb'cle, aod ebould bare no tnmblc la irttlacIt bcoked. FlTo curtjiD call9. IffEei.

tooklDff. wltb a niDBrkable wardrobe and i)caa*

tiral Tdce. wooid naturally tnake a bit. All iMiUtaa I.a Uu l«. Sbe ainga "When a Olrl T.c«di

a HiDd." "My Little Grry Home In tbe West,*'"SolutiUoo of tbo Dawn.'' a bcaaMful number:"I LoTc Tou Go," and for eocorea ahe rcndrmi


The Masytya (Haman Bolamaader)*10 KIK,, PVLL mot.

Harlem O. B. (Jsn, 24,)—Usn and garbed aa McThIsb> and abe In tedhnlcker suit. The girl doce a "Mt" more than

'The Tango Dreain." "Dancing tbe Bluea Awfiy*'— <rrybo4ly Dance With Ma." Cbarles anion_^ eiceptlonally good accompanist. Ten

torn sad thno encom " ~

and "Divi


Carolina White.12 uiir., roLL sriga

...1,* I. >.i»» ««. k_ Palace,—Well knowa In tho evenUe field,

h..Sli^.iSi'^ ^^Kli^.iSn <*n>llna While made ber Ont reolm Into rau.te-oiooth. which husluese tslies op a third o< thHr

,||,,^ ,, ibUM performance at the Uon-

IRWIH AND BBRSOa OUT.Flor. some xesaoe or other Irwio nd Beixog

went out of the Harlem Opera House hill lliarsdarnight, Jan. 28, snd were mitniltuieii Friday, brOoowrll snd O* Day, Madctoee CDroedlana.

I. and B. didn't care ahoat following Sot Le-Tcy'a lUutralcd aong. It la aald.

<«niB Onu. OF TO-DAT.»»Tor Feb. S, tt the Aiiollo, Atlantic Olty, Chaa,

Frohoian annouooea Ihla play, wltti Ann Uordock,Bagme O'Brln, Eleanor Ooidon, IMIe DauberKrank Mills, Bdwtn KIcandet, Wo. BoMen, narrrBaddeld and -Wm. grille.

"WHAT'S aOIN» OK" OPESNa."What'a Oolng Co I" was glren Itn praalero by looking

Jfhn Oort, at tbe Shobtft, Xew Haren, Oonn., —Jan. 28. The book Is <ty W. H. CIIITosd snd the

Jrrles bj MIleo Orattelt The coransny Included:''ranne camenm. Boy Atwell, millam Banls,Doyle sod Dixon, and Oanenn snd UcCkttliy.

time, to opeu. Usn then featorca applrlng Iwowbtie beat cirbone to hIa tcngoe, also the oxiin*gulshlDg of a cigar and the nibhlng eg heatedeealing wax oo It. One of those exhibitions thatirlres tbe women "goaseOesh" ss welt sa landingTic after Its sll oyer. A good opening ton for tbebig time, OTcn thouch clssscd under "Iteaka."


Keaae and Window (Soagi).IE »N., IN OHa

Colonial.— (Jan. £9-30)—Bobett OnmeltKeone aod MuHcI WIn,(oiv offer songs togetherand sloi:e. sod when *ho act gets tbst oewneseworn off Bhonid become a farnlte vaodcTlllecombination. Keane Is a derer oitenalner, alooe;sod his l2nxllBb choracterlxatloo landed Ug re*Bulla. ailHS Window lookel becoming In a while,fur-trimmed cloak, and didn't cast It off tilt afterILelr third ninnber, a travel Sherlock Holmeabit. Ao a different "niit" comed!enne who csn%1'lstle ss well as she sings, she's deddedlyeotertslnlng, Hier Just soiled the aodlcnce Uon*day arenlng, 25. Tod.

Tine and Temple (onsa, Talk).It VIM., om,

Harlem O, II. - - (Jan. 20). — Dare Vinesod Luella Temple reeumed their raoileTllte workhere (with yoong Billy Wstson Vine "safelyarrlred") ond found tlie boiiae here ready for

Dare'a "nut" atnlf. He evens the act snd la

"mi" somrtlne for tho ^'bug" work beforeLoella arrlres for some more "not" airtitlnmsterlsl. a aong and a bit of a dance for sxitWhen bolstered op a wee Wt, and wltb ooora-leeclsg (.uelln's daring to do more, the ton willBOoro wortbllr In any of the "pop** boosca. Dare'ea "not" and Luella haa loots oealdea being ableto do ttie "eccratric" some beraelt. Itt,

Knthrrn DorUIn (Soao*).IS KiH.. on.

Harlem O. H.—(Jan. SO). A prettr (tnm.etie) girl, wltb a "whole lot" d peiaonallty. Dwsecond number, "The Dresa My Wotber Wore,"In a crinoline gown, went reir well, but retom-4ng 10 a black braided yellow cloak orrr larmdei-purple gown, whlcb she used for h« openingnnmber, took swar from Its rtiowlness. 'Thla"sneelsl" geta Katliryn nothing, and bs lOarth,

"Utile IMtd Daeibleil," Is a dead Inue. Wltbnew songs, a "single" who win bear watching, 7o4

John Stanler and Co. (S_fce4eh).

10 uiM., IN Tcaos. sr«cu£ sir.


(Bprdal vln lo Tna (Xirrsa, rcb. 1,>

Palnce MohIc Hall (Harry Singer, mgr.)diaries Qllfon —Ooed hou.ic Uoiidsy matinee, an<l au cnterlnln-

lllg bill. UHiln Slooe'H tni>]i.v tiirry iIbiicIuk wai oil

iMereitlng opi^ier, snd recelvrO well rnninl ap>plauae. "A Night In a .Monkey Uu^lc Hall,"onder the Kflldlng hands of Maud Kochcx, Intro-ducr<l illHlliirtly clerer anhnal actors sihI woorpc«Knttk>n In early spot. (Irace WIImiii, Clilcsgit's

own girl, sang a nisnlier of iMpular soosm, win*ning on merlin and persunDllly. Uertrwle Coghlao,In "Kood," iiroTcd a rcOlcle that tonehed ersrrfnnnr bone In house. It's leal traresly, with aIflutta In every slloallon. flian HIanler and btabouncing eomitsny, scored decidedly Ma nit. HIan*ley Is winning neiotatlon as ooinedlaii. Theo-<Ioie Dendix and bis syrapliony players oflcrvlelawlcsl Mflivllon,, which proml dellghtfal bitiif niiterlslnnietit. IlerlMTt Ashley snd Al. Oan*OfM belli Ibe Ists ipot. Ailclalile and J. J. Ilogbeedanced Ihfir way lato favor, ond lielil this dlsllnc.

tica until the fall ct tbeir curtain. IMlnIr Marie,a lively lltllo las^. liehl boose to scillil Hose.I^ext week : Ins Olslre, Una Olayinn and com-pasy. flporve McKirlnnd, Hwnr and Mark, OhsrleaAbeam OmeOy Oomnosy, Ida nirlni^ snd Hhiler,

Dairy and lAielis, Layman and Otianliea, ICugcneTrio.

Hajeatic (I.rman D. niorrr, mgr.) —dew-tmde IRffinnn. alivaya n fiivurlle In Chlcsgo. lo

at SIo^Klli- Ibl, «,^'h. AlllliNivli art In ainilt

snmo a* l*e<orc. It la highly lutrn-fllDg In everrmpect. Tbe new melhud of Inlnjilucliiu tho glri^

Is quite a iiorelly. Pill surmunJIng .MIm llnff*

man Is not nortrcolsrly IniprLvslro. but has sneiei-Ilent fcnturo lu Olaiiilr (loldi-n, Aiiilrallaacan! ex|iert. RIphye fluotinlrn U at leaHi bit dis.ailrantsge, bobtg oi same 1,111 witli Miss UofTmnn,wbo atsD oirmi nclety 'lancing. Usrrr Iflneaaiyl Gemxe l^ix erorcd ilivl'lnlly big. Ulia Kr*vmeat bnlon nnd comiiaiiy otTrr comic sb«>tcb wlilrhIs oXGOPllonnllr good. Thn PV>rtr Amixanllisopened show nlrvrly, Jane Ward and nilly Oollenare on seeond. hut Kored mildly at Mofulay mntl*nee. Nelt week : Onr] Joni, Jim. Jcffermn andreaipsn)-. Cliiyton While sii'l njraiisny. Ids Dlvln*oil, Onirtiiey Bti'erH, Miilhvi and Cooiran. HlxWalcT LIIIM, Uro'isn SLd Ik>wen. Cugene Trio.Great Iforliicra Hippodrome- (K, G.

Ehrrta, Bgr. I—Day sbov, Drat half of week, wnsopenod by tbe Llmows Jsos, who gave aa Inlir.

estlna perfonnance. Qonlsu snd Day dM some„ . . , , , clrver KcycHng. Deuny and WouiIh pcoird onHammmteln'ev-Olme D-AiAwf, taslsled ,wwnisllly. 'iBioailway love" was nrilieileally

^?J',.Pj?"!l','.i?!5 '.'J! 'r!!^''Sl_r"°!!.J'i!^?'_"'_ '? Piewiiled. Held and Cameron gave clever gllmos

«lay matinee scored n aucceea.Sbe offered In lolatlon (he walla soog from

"Bomeo nnd Juliet," "One Pine Day" and ^'Annlelanrle."

flbe appeared lo a handsome white and blackSssgled fown and bad a pretty setting. As to

e voice, she was lo floe fom. sn'l her rra-dltlon of the there nnmbera mot with the ap-troval of the Iirae sodlence. Jack,

Shcan and Warrea (Sketoh),v., n om. apaouL drop, ouibi ot TUio.

una an.Honmerateln'a. — Al. flhean and Oiaa.

Wmen have Joined bands again after s sepera*tlon of Ove yein. ond are again pieaentlng ttielr

ol.l sketch, "Ouo Vadls Upatde Down.*^ .41.

Fbeon I, e funny Qermaa cornevllan. wbo knowabow to ooroe lib laaghs. and nias. WarreaMkea a perfect old style "legit" chsracter. Theset la voir conical. Five bows. Mjfitt,

Dcrnnrd OranTllle.10 IDM., or OMA

namttierateln*a.—DenisiO OrsnvlUe vaa arMiag riot Uooday aftcrnonn. Tho readers ofTno OLirpaa are loo well acqoalnted with blawc<rk to go Isto details. Emngh to say everyaamber went oyer i,lg, ani ha rcclutkin,

Allen. AgnsaAnunrung.

.MlasiAlleii, AnnAh-xsinli'r IranAllen, MItmIellill tiler Ikttynallnruur. AdaUlrtch MnrgirclIlell Uril''run>:ls

llender. I.lllsu

Mark. VeraIlund, lluiiny

r.iirna. Hiiille

Rrnpu. .Mn. N.Ilsker, (Hire h.

Htr.illey, AloaLad'ir,

tin, Lk arernnni, nosonnyliHi, IMna A(luliiiiiin KroBceaLlaik Mn. tihas


Cook, UIgsIieViin, IvetiaIxiiwlis, HelenDniikar. Kdllta

UrMuid, MahalItovi'rp, DeliaDenlO'i, Trtll*IaiIsm. IImsIoDibcull,

.Uia. LeoI'djih, ItnaoKi-rrlllu, KmluFowler, meansOlorer UdoaMir

I.ADIBf MNT.nienral, RIleollviilllo, UllnUi4lry, KvaUeorgis,

Aogostn(Irar, Jane M,Gotoam,

KaUiarlnellnililen, DIanchuHarlow, Mrs.Ilnekell .Mrs.Uullunler, AilnUlpple,

iHsIrl r,. Ullrrrla. llnlvlluffiuaa, llllila

lrylaod^ KttaI'ehsler, llclenIsaarbsro,

UosnlloIvy, Mn. JackJucolis, AnnaKing. KdllhKellr, I)i>nilby

Lord. I.llllsu

Irwiii, Usmk*La I'orte, Mao

Htock Co,LaSfaicba,

iS'ranUsUII, EmllaLambert, Idal.ewanl, firaceIW>iy, MariaIfsrifin, MarieMerrllcm, Pythel

Meek, AunaMrlnlyre, IluhrM^ycrson MlnD,Mayr, Btellx

Mnraliall, KnrMclntyrr, UullyNk'koimli,

Mn, K, a.I'elel, HelenI'uwrll, Itulll

frcptoii, Mnofallllmi. Mllo,llniiil, VnlleyItayniond, AllcoItnctelt OlaroD,I'n^aslen, UullyVllee<l. UmaItllato, MIsvllnletoo, UnrolHay, I'hylls

UaU, VlisliilaHevler, RdneHpeirs, MabelHaliboll, UarloHix'ucer, Itulhblewatt, l,lulnHIerle, GertruiloTrilllgan,

Miili'linoTiitlle, Mile.Trey, Jrails


VInrent, Mln 9Vnugti. aiadyaVon Ilnus,

Msdsm R.nWylile, II>s<<l

Walters, UIm t,

WaiulsW«ton, P.t^icI

WMte, Mian A,Williams, I/OlaWalloce. RotKiYoder, t^nn

"Honor."'Ig, ai _ _ _received a volley of apolanse. os did bis danre.

"Ileart if Mine," "Eveirooc SingeDidn't Baise My ~Be HTc:

Unnowrr," "I Didn't Baise My BmtFoldlerJ' "Who'll TIske Oatv of the Oa'I'm fioksLcaitala apeecfe.

to be.laltm*' and

Nine bows, tvro cncorea and aiflirrf.

Diane D'Anbrcr.It HivmB iH ona

excellent singing acL Hbe haa a charming per. of mlnslrotsrsonalltr, and tbst oo<«iled with ber Krencb le-teat aad her sweet roloe, belped lo nut lier turnover. Miss IVAubrey, bosirever. should be cartfol

3lagda Dslil and naapsny offeredTtjo

of ber eoooclatlon, 'It waa poor at tbnes. HheI, and for an eocoie abe deseeodedSana four songai

fnto tte HPiwarber lait iong. rt'

Into ttw aodlenoa and lepeatedJfgiss,

JcB Dawla.10 igiir., IH ona

Hammerateln'B^^eff Davis, tbo adnllledleadsr og the boboea. preoeoted a most Inleresilngact, telling seme of Us experiences ss a boljo. Ills

wlimlog smile csAtnrj^l the sudlenee from IhealarL Oo tells of the life of s boho Ihe IlolelDe Gink, the htatorr of hoboes, and gives ail.

hlct grade onerstic sluglog, which sroreilHlrifKMlnane Kour msde hit ta gooil fun. NlRtitshow: Vaterlniry Ui^s. sml Teiiny, maslcal co.nMllam: Uarle Hloddanl, oaonllenoe ; <ltu> Klineasd oompany, n<OM*y and Ilowmao, aongs ; Mintand WrrlB. larrliiriue comedians,meVloicer*a (J. 0. flurch, ngr.)— l/irmlne

llochanan and risiiiKiny, Mario anil TrrvMIe,nvivr airla. Mirle Binuirll. Uay Hihiw. KreyTwlta ami Pmr. Drace He Wlnlrm, Mallhm Trio,Fire Joggllrg NoruauH, Pink's Comedy CIrcns.

Hammrnleln'a_Iohn Stanley and enm- iiL'VrW^hllJ!I?'nr »ki^^I«~ JE 7^ ewlmmliig school and gymnaalmo, awd

Kny opposred In a funny skit, "At the Berator 1^ !!*• SJ?" ^!S"L^ SLi^ •»"•• <»>«t»l«d by Ihe BUaod TieaUoaood Idea and well worked out. Out la SL*?™" " '"'ViS * •«™«-

trWrniMINO SCHOOL ANJ «<1YM."The liren bajwment imdcr llie Htranil Tbpafro,

New Yfirk, will mnia be convened liilo a hnipsnd 'ntrhlsb


very good. Stanler la a clorer eomedlao, a gooddsnccr and a fair alnier, Toong lady baa anice voice and uiakca a neat appcat^ooe. Bog-Uthmu knowa how to speak Uneai (Oor baira,


The Stllllnaa (BaDjoUla).11 aiH., IN oNa


Tonraacr Tronpe.U Dram, raiL tTAoa

Aaaeploan,—l%e ten Arabs ccnsirlsliiff the11>orB|er Troupe are very clerer acrouta, Tbiaelaaa eg acts hss been overdone In New Tork,This act, hovrercr, rtieold find no trooble In hcincbooked. Open ywlth good pyramid tnlldhig, and

MIWIWD ni,AtiaiIAIlD bos baa, oU1|«d tacinoH ber engagement at the Droadwar, HoirYork, owing til sudilen lllncas,

J. IIKILNAnD UYIA/YN sods D« a ellppln(fnim rgs l/lnrfivfiall rimcS'IIfar, of Jsn. 21). sK^n-lluoliir Mill'. (Hlrelle (Mrs. Ids iDrownl, wife atV'm. llruwo. sa belnr III and In need of behi, st1012 John Htiret. CUielnnaH. Hlw b0|M lo la

Hautmeralcln'a^-inw^smilnjm ^.ao wM' Wl.rwCriwliri Onbh inlTpkoIr In s p:;.irkin trVeeeiTSiS, offsrSjking pair, who know how to play the haajo. «rf nobe, Ihreo boas. ifgles. after she reeovem.

Tbey offer ss their big number the "Mlsere** from"II Trovatore," lo which each plays foor dla>

tlnctiro aoconiliBnlsicuta. fiouaa's March, "IheBtara and Stripes^" made a good ckiabig

JUUDS OAHN ILL.Owing to the vetr poor tealtb of Jollns Oshn,

oner of tho Opera House, hi Itfwell. Msss,, real

estate dealora In (hat dtjr Uava been nthorlialt) sell the pmparlr.

ARB FOOTLIOIITS DOOMEDTPolh David Qelascn. in his iiTnducllon of "Ifa-

rlc-Odlle." ot tho Dclaero enii Clrdnvllle Bsrker,In Ills praluclkin at Wallncf's, ili> not nse foot-llgMs. The lights ccane fivni Ibe "Oles."

A good set, but on too early to at— Jferteaaitf. Uma bom. itet.

Barry Hoae.10 aiH., m OVM,

Hammeraleln'a.—nsrrr Base to a roimcman of the typical omall lime variety. Be has

Ing ael, a little bit dliremt from Ibe


Vllt and Wlater (Oraaaata).10 Kor., oaf.

CotealaL— (Jan. SS-CO),— Two deaaentchate, who offer a good, hsnd'to-hsnd halin>tisr ton, Ihongta tbsr work mrdisaleally skiw.Anplaoae Intmnptcd the act (or a fow new tricks,wen eunUd. Tct.

after she reeoveiw.JIHIN AOAin JR. write* from Rlrghenvllle,

O. : "All linalaees relations between K. 1. Halland RjkHf hove been srvrrtd. Uy cvanpaar laBOW knaain as 'John Adsir Jr. niul Ilia Onn-tonr.' 1 nm In my elglileenlh week bore, sndboslnees shows no Oecllne sa yet: however, 1will he here UD April, then I (o lo. _ _ Ihe Vic-torlsj Vbeellng, W. Vs., Cor Hvitof aad Hammer

a^slnxlng an s little hit dlivrmt from Ibe BBCAUSE of a Art departmest law which forlililH Ihn iisn of gnaolinn In anf nanoeraeneral ran o( singles, but not enough lo wsirant CO the singe of a New Yotlt thentrc, AJax, wlioao uroclnlty In to permit two aevi n pamasASra time berth. Ho haa o good voice. Die at-

tempt at "nut" comedy fell short FOnr bova.Jfyles.

AI!olc Lander.10 lUH,, oPBjr IN TWO, wmi spaoxsL ngor gao


linmmeraleln'a.—Alick lender, bralher of

tLe cteat llnay l.iindcr, was a big dlsappulnt*

fivnt. Ho only sang two aonga, Itolh of themonlywere unlit. One bow.

aatonmUIn to pom orer hla body, wup comiwllcd in cnnci l oo Haturdny night, Jan, 81,TMM Comedy CiDb will bavo a bcncDt nt the An«r. New York, next Rundn;,AI^T. tbs tlicAlren In Ncwaric, N J., were kept closfM tiglit liisl Rundny,niH IMtIs, I'ltlshiirah, I'a., will be oponi-d Krli. IS liy the Fhivln I'Inycrg.HUB. IJSBLIR C.'AIITBR w1>l be seen In New York In vnudnvlllc, Kcb. IS. Tio bouts

irlll bo nnnnunrcd later by tbe U. II. O.".MAIT> IN AMBIlf(7A" will open Feb. 8 ot lliilTnlii. N. Y."(iOOIKNICIir NUItsr." Im.-i Hinrled rnliprirHnltt. nllli llsli' Ilninllton, lliili.'rt K. Cain,

KdirlD MorVmt, Marie Chambers. AuuustiiH llurBi-ii, Mnrciicrllc lllloy, Almn Mam, JullnItalpli, eli'n Curry, JoJio Ualjr Uurplir, William UohcIII, Align Atwdl, Qcoigo O'llouocllgod It«d(cio Cloik.

Alvfter. V.AlKlrrWM. LouAnirli, CllfroAubrry & IJoydAirllng A I,lo;drulirr, (lensnsiry, HIcb, T.Ilenroo, lilts

llrrnns. N.nltanJlrviiiiau, JuoIleliuout, JooIlainrs, 0, B.leieler, A, B,llnlloyH, MtislCBl

Roil wick KttvMllBirlson, I'hIUpHrairg, lleo. M,Hells, Cspt.I'lnr, Illllr

noad. Use L,llenard. Ileallrown. KlikHsmed O, Bdw,Curran, Jobo 9aarletoii, Al.(hillr. BamOntirr, Arihnr(}urthi, Wall n.Onrlftoo, AleiOuralt. 0. V.(^Kwy, KrankConns, I'rof.

thrtki <r NullOofipl'iger, i'at

OfOMiinian. Tierl


Otttt. VralOlirion, Jot. D,CItrh, Ilanr 0,IHre. ITrank n.Darling, 8. P.Darls, UanplonIMUor, I'sull>eKiiae«l. JicbPcniivsn, Jss. BDoiacr A


JobsnaesPndley, EihtsrIMwarits, JsekKcan. Joa, U,Wwsrds. 0. F,I'JIIiilt, Mas aI'lvW, riedFrIriMl, AdenFiuter, Iter(Mirr, Rlrhd.(loold, Oeo,(iBvOeld, n, M,OllokOiT, U. F,

OBMTLIDMBN'B MIT.riooilrlch. D, W(Innrni, C.r.rnnill, Ilolil.

(;riiiier A niceOillls, n, J.Ilnywsrd, II.

iluiton a lumollwlge, Herls-rtHnmllton, Jss.llsmia CuoslerA

Maiinolleaker, K<lw,llnluwe'en

I'artyOo, HgrIlnll. IleldIlulrlilns, a, Tllsskril, W, II.

Harvey TrhiIlnwe, rrankllsnvey, r,0Q

Howard (Handnalsnoer)

James, Alf, P.Jtues, MerlinJunlin, Chss.JpritfiU A JcssooKnlin, A. iHyliislw, JoM-iihKuhiM a Wsgner ) utrvnk N, KIV

OPB, I _I'rMa a BoilerI'sne, Oha*, V,Oiilun, 0, J.ll'iy. Wallerllliehls, Uwline, John U,Hwihani, O, IT,

ll-ib-rlH, II. J,lluilier, Al.Idicenf, WlleonlUickwcll, .1.

HomanelT, A.lUcc, OhiH, o.Bbaw, John n.Hiiiiivan, Joe 1Hnnleeher J,n,BHandles, TwoHmlth, I'hllHlmiiis, Alvnh DHcbell, W. n.Htanley, OInr.Hiiylur, llublilti

HInulelou. O. r.Vi-hnlfor, KnillHheton, Woriliy

Iforrrll, GreatKi-riis, Bill

KrIIrr, U, (I.

KuKwuane. Illllr

Kent, lllchinnir.

Kl-llli. Kngiuol.nrlon, HarryLyle, fascll W,I.eanan1, J, 11.

I,awrcnce, D. K,la-IUiy, Jerry,lrlnptoDii, 3Ix^rmila, Clisn.

I.lyblner, Olainie

I.a Hue nnis.I^'evena Block

Oo., Hgr,Lynn, 0. J.

l.-i<:na, JlaunyMnck, Ilnd

Mark, Ur.UcDsnlela. J. BMiller, IMMillar, J, D,UHB, AlbertMcMabon. DobMi-Ivin, Pat. D.Ilaria, Alf,Miller, Wm. y.Nairn, nolpli

Nye, Thos. w.Mye. T. Prank,(/Hglllvan,

Hliirktm, bnnil,Itlrclr, All>.rtMtJt, Arlh.Hully. Jnhn J.Hi^'clor, O.Knrr, Otaas,Hhnrru, U. I(,

Tllford, On.Taoher, HamTeani^ TrtoTurher, I. F,Vor. 0.Vonbcck, A. L,Ward, llanpyWillis, Wm.Wurman, (Jlltf

Walklns, H. W,Wlillnms II. U.Ward, Ul TomWolson HiockOoWsllln, Hr.Walsh, Ullly I

Wolf. J. H.Walling, niHiit. I

Whitman, gnuI'TlillOelil, J. T.miltney'B IM\tWolf, llarryWay. Oeo.Wl«i, J<dinWeaton. W. A,Ymt. Barry M.Zeil, H 'Smoke'

KKM.Y nRomnis* om niNo anava, wiihttreo elofibr.iit srt will be ooo o< Ibe fcatutce lovamk'vlllL., In ClilruKO,



; II. I J I Y



BAHDOLPH ABD CLARK TBBBTB, CHIOAOO. TBooooccoooooooc>ooooooooooeoooocxooooooouoo»scoooocco3cccccoeeooecsc sciixg

_ , HONDIT, Feb. 1. irMcli <bM Id "Bwkr Golcli,** whm at; im«nrnlDf to tlie dniu for tho nnt lime lo llbnallj prorlcM wtth tondi (•lif«) for •aiw

Ita hutorr, tfaa La B^le Opera IIoum oDeri iw-iit porpoM bj "Liula Jtk*" (Vna BkIdub),Kdnr ScIwTn'i new comedy of ChKago life, pn-prlnor o< Um "Bockr.aiileh"tiled "Eolfl • • ~ —

railed "Bollinc atonea," wlth Uroeat OleO'dlDDlnr, IllchanI HIerllDK, Frani'n Ulog,Vauitaan Trevor and othart aclinji In It.

"irlie yeoman of tbo Guard," one ot tlie

%Sf&.i!f»'*'°.¥i,"iI^'^ .'J''?.'"*''

i'.-t'S ««ae who w«* aoireriiK from mid tttttAuditorium, with De Wolf Hopper making iDooKni ot eicllraent •ncldtnl lo airiloi with

baak. "Boa-„ird M'a OalTij" wta'llbmUr palroalnd bythe tblnt/ and Uiera was «naliKTabla tot Irot-

llnff lad one-itcvplof to Ibe mule' of plaoo aadmmo In "Oilanltr JaoaV* dinco ball. Fortium«em won and loat ilatb^ tbo emlaf, and "Nni.

brief OB* of 111* 8L Piol beiet'* MgboMlan*'n* aooomcM tkal be will like ont tbo lana

alad elww ai berrtofon', opeobg atMint tbo endot Utj.Tb9 Capllal Oltr Bfaora .wen aaoog tb« bli

Booer nann laat aeawo. aod HotTEaan la wen>scwn arxnd MIoneaota inJ tbo Dokolaa. Cbnill-

Uona tbera are lood be leporta, and Ibew Htatc*wlU bo Ilia atanplnf ROimd again thla 7«ar.

ooealu. with the cortala two fcot np, pirlag to go at tte b»ad <t ttelr own etavanTa

oi^rlDg tfilr lega, baa been worked- Ij, eeroaJ tbngj^ nnnala uid Iowa.

hla llrit appearance as Jack PointAt the Little Tbeatre, Tueidar erenlng,

Feb. 2, Maurice Drown will give inrce playi,by Mr*. HaTclock Kllla. their Brst aUglng.NumerouB dnnrors iiirnlah the entertain

Dent at the Midway Uardena, among thembeing Ellsworth Cook and Knlly PranceaIlooper. Ono n( their new dlverllsonent* laThe Hunter's Drive."At the motion picture bousea.—The snb-

aarlno pictures are now on display at theSladcbeker. The /legfeld has a double bill

_ airilDftbo Ooddfaa of .Obaoo& '-Hi* Dare of '40" la atbrtller with the atliig of the thrill taken oot, aodpiorfdM ao eTenlng'a eolfrialamrnt that awakcssthe moat bfa<9 from a alalo of lethargy.


did. no I

araodevlUe Boieliy. Tbt WlUm .< reooe patrans s tensaUoo on tb* VMen raoderllle Uanigmar

tntort^ I aalb€T dU the ««it of tbU t««m'» Aaaoelalloa tlma.

oSsCa, Tbo Moiart <J»lQtrtto dUplayrt foor tal- Aiiaw aouHBa la hiSi'3»i;_„,^ „^bntiH^Ki • woBdnfol aoni blrd. IM WiuuK Qaoas, In "Tbo Miaqneradeti," mad*

uif bS;TJS?ffbte"Al«rwbldh «> jSnaat w«k-« tte Palace. D«™it. It was

tcirbM a hlX lanie. but alwaya remalDa ptcKa- bfld over for tbU week. _iU be Ula ataioplng Romia again uoa y«r. l?l?*^Ki«y aid^oUla. Joat a »f,"Si £27^iuM oTlK Slo?TcbI«*Bd. B. BOJWI wlTl ft bla gSrnl ageol. an« rellvwo with gomptto «nwh to mabc tbrlr

SSr*^o r^ollJ? tbe^tS?"

HaJltalil. Oowdj will again bt wltb talm, with a now cnoe like Iboo. tbey made '«'' 'Jf^"' • 5":.°"^ __ .ri .

1,1, ,(1,1, winning the boiu>c all Ibroogboot Ibe booae..i.i..,

lime iKjr wenToiL Ibo comedian la a rate epe- W. H. Oaiwa was •njp>»!r^*..*'?!'il •Lffldea and dcatrvm the balk of tbo credit. Tbeyactied a bit at tbell lewnd »r*>nn»n«laatUcbday evcnlag. 7b* Mt-lnotto^La Nolle Trmirt

Ool.and op-tiHdite pit *^*^

LOH B. -WILUASI8 ACTIVB.Len B. Tnillami. geneni ageit for Bogo Broi.'

Ifodem United Bbowa. breeial Iota tb* Western urored a alrong and •enaatlooil ctooUw nniober.- - •• Joat CLurn oIBce. Id Chi- they acoctd on merits, llkcwlio well pucea

R. 0. Btrhoot was a welcooie caller at lb*Weiten Dureaa of Tna Naw Iobk CLirrn,

_ ., while in Oblcfgo laat wrek. and dotlog a verythis week, new pictures of the war, and Harr pleasant loiorvlew oaiUned In a meaaoio bis

I'lckford, In a Aiming ot "Mistress Nell." for the.aesjon won lo «ien.

On Feb. 8 Wllllnm Olllcttc, Blanche Bates Tb* K. p. Barkoot Bbowa,

Sorean ot Tna Nsw' toac Currn oOce. Id Chi- 'rhey acoctdrago, on his i«tam from in extenalvo Irip tbrouiili comedy.RoDtbem Ullnolj, on malteis anoeeted with the

ibowa.He baa porchastd a nnmber of Shetland ponM«,

Old Fclenda' Onh. In Chicago, laat week, behig

plk>ted by A. Mllo Bennett. _ ^ .W. J. OoLauH will play tl-e Ornbenm. Detroit,

Ulcb., week of Feb. 8, looked by J. O. MatthCTra.

InauNO iHO Oano letnmed to vandeTllle- laat

viek. anpeariiig at the Oieat Hortben DIpiio-

wl>b Mg

wbleb. In addition to tbOM* already In tralnlog at" of IDWO

and Marl* Doro will bring to the DIackstonoa re-staging of Virlorlcn Sardou's "Diplo-macy." Jcnrcya Lewis. Uustav von BeyCer*tltc, Noiman Tbarp and lilllott Dcitcr araIn the caoL

"Allco In Wonderland," a new treatment«r Lewis CarroU'a story by Alice Ueralen-terg, comn to the Fine Arts on Feb, 10.Vivian Tobin, Gcoirrey Bteln, Donald Oal-laher and Mnry Berviss are In It.

On Feb. 14 Julian Kltlnge brings "ThaCrlnolluo Olrl" to tbo Olympic. JeanneEaglet, Jane Marbury and Kdwatd Oarvleare In tbe cast.Li Balu Opiea nousB (Josepb Brantky,

mgr.)—Weak ot 31, "Rolling Btoncs."powwis' (IfariT Towcra, mgr.)—"Tie

Dummy," flOtta week.iLLiNOia OA. ntou Jr., mgr.)—"Bari," sec-

ond week.Pbihciss (B. p. Oorson, mgr.)—^"Onr

Cblldren," fifth week.AuDiTOiiUH (Ouy Ilardj, mgr.)—^Do Wolf

nqpper, third week.OuaiCK (John J, Oarrlty, mgr.)—'*Pasii-

Ing Show," fourth week' Osoias M. CoiiiN'H Obinp Oraat RriiiniIHdrrr BIdlngs, mgr.)—"On Trlsl," elxmweek.

Odar DapMa, will bring the nmnbrrplan% dlolontlvo eqolnes op to a tout of eighty head.

The latSi puichaaes wen shipped to Vlnfr qoartn*•laat week. Ue aaooonces, hoirerer, that be Is

still In th« matket for more.Ur. WUIIania alao told a jepieioitatlve ot

Tna Naw Tobk Omppsb tbat«h* bad mcagedUlln I/. Jolly aa contraction agent, and that

carnival .orianl-

sallon of the flral claaa. Itinaported on twentyalily.foot cam and magnlflcently cqnippcd la all

departments, will open Ibe sraaoo In tbo Sooth,alibough Manarer Barkool elated that be* bad not ^ ^ _ ^ ,™Bni« « x« .w,u- -dednltely declilnl upon the opcolng Ion or date, a. Ogle, who bu for many ;oan been one of J^iS^tb* jKaJmatleishot It Is iunula«I that the Inaogotal ot the lOli m, iiWenants, wlU take cbnrw of the bllllDg of Si OT*r™runll«d States,totr win occir at Mobile, Ala., as eicloalTel>> the show.

»ii_oi»v uic

fiitrcaated la s leceot lain* ot Tna Old Ubua- Tb* Hogs Bros. Show ttIU /jpen In Cnlar Rip.lid, g)ng( about tb* litter part of .Mirll. nnd

According lo Mr. Barkoot, his eamlval anre- willlama Inllnated ibat bo will book the ailrac-gallon will he auperlor hi every way to that of tlon dhectly Went from, that city,prevlona yean, and It Is s matter of record tbst nr. Williams Is one of the beat known and

TB) 8. Baiaoir. th« *»" SS^.^In?.,!^ TShki; SimS Is now reheaning her new act,

Uaher. arrlvtdln<»k«r> lartw«rt. and^which 5lll contain four boya. It wlU bavr a

among Tun OLirrai caltes. Mr. Baicon mayJf^";^ ibowing within a week or two. Jamea

headlined at SH. Wayne. Ind.. ble 11m In Ohlcixo. The jtrering la nndor theOilier acts ah*"Uumb, I'm

Bed Creaa Nurae."

-i-rt.z~niA'v*u^am> rluh' of "The Imrwier." itoae aoi rtPnali'lle. nwl Hon.

iSSdS: ;^14"N?rtbI>:.t2S ifSjlS- •«> Slpim. m -on.lhe lUce Track

- of theatrical people fnmtcr and Chaplin _ -.- , _

Kiirrna. rou.n ako la.vrna open In Dayton,

O. for the On« Son Circuit.

Raaais sHO Bahoili ate doing aplendldly lanaLTOH Powiu. haa conHncd hImoeU to pio- ^- p. ,

dncing and odlce -work fof,'™i'lrtt'Jr.nd Join! P. Molosbw haa hren commlsatooM to

?.';i!i.i?,iir'Hiipi;iM,?'? s'^'i^,":'^-siSrA.'"*

"Um. ... ,.,„. duaias W. BuaoB arrived In ailcaiio...l*atprevlou rem aod It Is s matter of record tbst nr. Williams Is one of the beat known and n navu la nnUIng aon* splendid Mils -iia ••rhVt Pri^^^ib* Dar<ioot Shows bare occvled au eDvIable .hlthly -espected aienla In the drcni bo-incaa. an,l ..Tj-^ * iLiKk i'sSi^wnbeKiw In Cbl- r?l *' itl ^^^f'IJ;„,n. iS ihiS Baiford D<^

poaltlon In. the .nalm of ^otdoor. entertainment hla «inne«lon with the Hugo ISmi. Rhow la one 1?J"* iS!*V,iiliJ' „£S!,J^fi,^iiiina aery L^'P^.-Tll^J*"""•'"^

Hlaainco the daya they cane Into olatcnee. Man<agcr Barkoot elalma that hi* shows bsve bmon the load for a longer coniecntlve. lubrokentierloil tbao any camrrat wganlaatlon eitaut,operating Winter and Summer.

LBASB9 OHILHOWEB PABE.IC. 0. Barkoot haa koaed the Appalactalan Rz*

pOBltlon priwerre, at KooiTllle. Tnn.. for al>erlod of twenty yeata, beglanlog Jan. 1, 1015,anil win operate It a* an amoacoeot park andrsinrlllon, under the dtio of Obllhoweo Park,niieiibig Its flrst lemMn dlay 17. Tbis park em-i.racea an area of slaty-llTO acres, aad Is fitted

pat with s nonher « pemuseot aimotoiaa oflirest beauty and design. Barkoot will protiablyPTonwl* a fltate fair, or eipoaltloo. to b* beld atChllbowee iTark next Fall, and b« baa been prom-ised the hearty aanport of leadltig cookmerelal In

bla connecllon with the Hncothat abcold paov* of a noat advanlageoaa nalurvhotli to tb* show Itselt and the genial I«n a.

AinrtB'WiLUinnoH, well known In repertoire,

la playlog ooe of the leads In "Old Kentochr."Ona Ouro may not on atoek at Springfield,


Tbb llaaonmADi—. — .

•mt oot u a Ubiold early in lb* aeaaon, haa beenIH. . condenaed to a vandovllle act, and opened at

Kinrr, OitiOLO * Bioicaax at* pnctlng oot ih« onnd (Tblrty-fiiat and State Btieets) the

"The Lutc," over tb* SUIr A Bavlln OlrenlL ^ Jau«.-alartlng Jan. 21. It make* a goodFour weeta will be played In Cblcaao alone. eloabiina^irr for a houe of that kind. Tboie

'^Oaiwoiso Up Fitdk" opened lis aeaoon In t«i people Is the cast. Billy Onas, lb*

eaao, •nl ioslneaa" oonseooetitly ttmalna aery w.a"feaUiied.SSd at thoao home., ^''"i"" H. D. KoireaH, a B. Plooih and John 0<m-

Esv* Inia-Hably beenwrad * "J rer* bsve tbmfd a partnerohC and have the

tlie pregtama have teen laid out well with proper Alhambra Garlen and Liberty 'Tbpatiee. In Cbl-

variety for tho he«t entertaliment cigo, and' the Oilnmtt, In Sonth ChIca(o.. Thoy"Tbb llaaoinnAoaa," which Jamea A. Oalvln • ... • —

Oblcaao laat week, at Ibe Iniperlil,,aad moreil to nrtnclMl comedian! Is"n»nr than^baff of^Sr...... V .k. m.n.

Jj^J'JJ^,' g;,^ 3,1, ^„ two nnndiera, and In

tb* <ondenili« oihon have been cut down ro

much that there II very lltUo cqnnrtnnUy for

ttem. In *plt.-> of Ihll handicap."

Ibe Victoria thla week, onder the nenonal man-ageiaent oCObarlee H. Yale, nie abow U highly

entertaining. The hook la by John P. Holgrew,of Dubuqnr la., a oomlog tlgnre In that line of

endeavor, -with dances and (naemUes snangedbf Bd; Hutchinson and staged and elaborated byit.... trr V -MM. \ xt*« i«u me oeariy aanport ox leau ng coennereiai in- pj so, naKDimai ana aiaacu anu toww«u m/

•^^y^.JS' f.I'""'''"".mgr.)— •Too New |„ Knoavlft aod other leading cltlea ot Frank Tannerhlll Jr. John E. Oaln, LIda Kane.

arena maktfTb* act la pleaalng In every

Ucnrletta," sixth week.Olthfic (Oeorgo C. Warr?ii, mgr.)—^"Pot-

ash & Perlmutter/' twenty-fourth week.. FiNi AtiTS (Albert rert7, mgr.) UoUoopictures.• STtlDIBAHEn (IiOUdS J.

tton vlcturcaDLACKirroNE (Bdwln

"PmaallOD," third woe*,luFtni*!. (J. nigrlm,

], "Little ILoat Sister."TicioniA (H.- C. DroloskI, mgr.)—^Wcek

fcb. 1. "Dringlog lip I'nUirr."Nationai, (J. P.


Peb. 1, "Tho Lure."LHowN (A. J. Rautniaji, tDgr.)—Week Feb.

1. "Is Old Kentucky."CoLDMoiA (WUIIom Roche, mgr.)—Week

Feb. 1, Oypsy Mnlda.Bnqliwood (EMw. Dentty, mgr.)—Week

Jonea, mgr.)—iMo

•Waplcr, mgr.) —' mgr.)—Week Feb.

Darrcit mgr.)—^Wcek

Tennessee, In this dircctloo. An oOcIal anitounce-ment ooooemlnff Ibia promolloo will appcer laTub Nbw Xoax Ourrsa In due time.

PBAISBS THB OUIVBB.During bis call nt (be Chicago ofllcn of Tna

Ourraa .Ur. Barkoot voiced tbe'aentlment wblrhU over growing In tbe camUal renla In faror ofthla inibllealloo. Ue aald that II wii IKUs wooderto bim that tbe cimlval Interests favor TnaOurPEa, for lis poller Is ao dearly defined sodBO conafiteotly ciirleo oot, a neutnl iiollcy ofcooperation, and not coercion, a dlsokled attuud*maintained, withoat amgaace, and a belpful aer-

vie* for eveiT branch of tb* show bnalneaa, withfsTorltlam towarda non* and an .>TeD bmk for all.

He bnnjtht out the fact In n forcible manner,that Ton Kvvr Toaic OLo-raa rervr* the carnival

l>eople without attempting to oloiate their pol'-

cire, and wnlle aervlng them ai a medium ofcommunication, one with the other, lecoHIngIbeir activities for tbe benefit of Ibe amosenentvorld St large. It gets them definite ivaults In

Oracw U. UanaoQ, Blanche Nenroorob, HadellneOi«y, Tom Meade, Boberl a. Bice, Edward Hlihy,Dave Oooroy ana klarlam Darli bar* the piln-

clpal role*, all of which ara nicely handled.

n.o« than good. — — , ^ .

ivrtlcnlar, and ehove tbe average of those of-

teiTd on anall and medl«> time at the Igunthla oreting probably commandsHost amans, bead of the Wrsteen VsndevlUo

MaaaceiB' Assoelalloo. rotJmcd from hie East-

ern trip last Monday aoralng. and departed for

sie ninnlng vindevllle and plctntes, and chantingbllli three tlmea a week. . „ _ ^Bsasn Kaplah vrlll open In New Tork vsoda-

.vllle neit month, sfler playing a namher of tte

Jones, Llnlck A SChaefer tbeaties with decided

'aocceal. '. _

. Tun Spi.wrrB Qoihtwptb wHl open-on s tone

•^1,* In of I'd* Orphevm Circuit, st tbe UsJesUe, Obi-" caeo. In AfrUT- -

CAUPsau, AKn Bainr bsv* been routed for atour of tb* Weatem Vaudeville Managets* Asu-clntlon lime.Jon Sdi.livan has arranged a toar over the

Weslera Vaodevllle ifanagers' A.wcIatlon time

For Jolly and Wild..

Caoan akp MooHwr will ahortiv open In Chi-

cago with a new act, written by flarry L. New-

"Oxa OlBl, IH A Hii.uo.1" came to an end at ,,^11 uilknown on last Wedneoday.Des Uoloea. Is., recently.Tna Ajnerlcan Drsms Leagae bas cbaplera at

tbe following points In Hlcblgin: Detroit, aranti

Baiilda, Kalamisoo, Liming and Ann Arlwr, andIlattl* Creek, lira. W. 8. Bnttetfield founded tbechapter at Ann Ai4x>r. dflltles Butterfiem. herdanghter, -wai acllve In llie organisation while the _

n.^vo'^'S? l!'m,ill!i^ 'ifflh'deelded aneceaa In CMplVre'lhelp' weiiern liur a'lil rclam lo _Ohl-

UM^I?. .illitHiu^hJ^decided sneceaa In > ^ ^ ^^^^ aarvlces ot Oecll

*^ -^S. «7iS?nii«.?^'n«l sudar nlrirt 1..> OoVduo. <be weft hnoiru coaedlenne. -.vbo ls also

^ ,521™^,! iS" 5 SS!Sr, pSSK S Vifi • e"*!** *' "» team. Tbo act will be greatlyat.inanimaid, Ind. T. Owlgbt Pepgl* plajri tbo .(rombened, aud will be i«-ronted over th*

Rmua Caius will u»e as lier vaodcrllie offer-

ing "Maggie Magee,"'WTLtiten for her by JackLall.

Nap DacKCB la iwlalng hli old ottering, "flight

fieelng,*' and will shortly open for a tour ot local


AaTRim BroNB ahu UAtioH Batbs wni ahortiv

Vcit. 1, Liberty Olrla.STAn AND Oabtcr (Psul RobortH mgr.)— ita lavertlalog columni.

Week 1, Jack Conway and Billy Illll, In the . oabNIVAL'S FDTTOB.''?f.J?.'l.1"Ji°M®H''n«rf, TO..U 1 Th' e'mlvol In America la a mowing Inalltu-

'*' ""Sf-)—"e«k 4ton. It u In lis Infancy, for Ihe pmflaeers -ofthe WInnetB. _ „, , _ . thla form ot enterUlnmeut at* leicblng oot for

Majkstic (LyiDin B. Qloyer. mgr.)—Week i,i„,, ,„ putting Into effect new method],I hill Includes : Oortrudo IlolIiDnn, Fremont and throojb a pioceu' of evolution, sre forcjng

KIphye Bnowden, tbgry nines and George

Benton and compeay,Four Aniarapths, HarryFoi, Claudo QoldcD, Jnuo Ward and mill*Cullcn. •

Palace Uubic Uall (Mort n. Singer,mgr.)—^Weck 1 bill Includia: Adelaide andnughca, Oertrudo Co^lan and J. II. Oil-

4b*-camlvjl Into b' preiloffllaating noaltlon In th*tent ahow Held. The circus will always be wllhoa, and the rnmlTal will grow In tnportonce wllhevery year. .Mr. llnrkont t^elt at aooie length npooIhe great iire^jnrntlon which la being made by 'TnaOurraa for Its spioial uijvoonn AuusnuBirrKuunmi. to ho Issued Satoidiy. March 27, sod

following people with Ihe show: Billy Wandai,Cecil Summere, Mart Franklin, Jack Oates, WllmaStuart, Adel* Hardy, Polly Ilart, Orcll Dodd,Lillian Bnmaf QeoeflTe Duma and Floieoce Boa-sell.

Ourm Labaois Isato tske s protean version of"Faoat'"over a leeluro' courve.Auoa J.Ba waa placed with Issy Welngarrien's

Gcplenter Morning Olorlee by T. Dwlsht I'eppte.

•OoBA Kino bsa Joined the Wllaon Todd Stock,St Harlon. Ind.,' placed by T. Dvlght Tepple.'

Davio UawiNBonH la about to leave for Oall-

fomla.MAScca losw haa porcnaaed a all* for th*

ereetion of a theatn at Jjn Apirles, Cel., to costgl.000.000. Mr. '.oow is accomiionled on hisWeatem trip Inr P. J. UcUncrer. or tbe firm ofJoues. Llnlck « Schaefor, and Morris Kobo, ofMew York.Ana OonN, mansger ;>t tho Uldway BIpp^

i;iI,?i;"*l.V.?.w"iiS?Hi-°^Sido™"lli;flll: SU' deeTatid' that her wUh tbe olR« carnival man- •'<»''MSS?."/ji"S'°'7. SSKJ'. 'S^'Sl.^,'"""^. •pt*. waa lookmg forward wlth..keen anilclpaSelani. Grttco WItaon, Stan Stanley. A.Llcj 7&"'m-;;.Ta.u.5e;°S"^;;»t-;MlK^." ^hlcb"7;and Btannoid. _ ^ <bnaH (o prcrre of gmt hniWlt lo th*^ ootdoorObcatNodthbbn niPPODROUD iF. C. Ebertfl, fr«i«rnlt7 at lirsc dihI tlcrliVtily fflrirbMih. nora

li>gr.)—'Weolc 1 Mil Inrludrn: MoRdA Dnhl thnn «vrr. Tiih Nrw Yank CLTrrin lo the »tand company, Alarlo Stoddard, tho Five fecilou of nmuGcmeni |turT<^-on.

KlBwa Japii.' jnppDdrome l''*our. Held andCameron, watcrbiirjr Ilroe. and Tonny, .Otco

Kloino and company, Tyron'a dog^ Hurat,Watta and ITurati Vivian Murray and JoanEtnrm. ' ^

McViCKBH'fl (J. 0. IlHrch, mar.)—^weck 1

till litcluri(>ii : "lloncy airln," Isormlno Hu-chnnan and Playcra. JuRgllnn Nonnnnfl,Klnk'a Comnly Clrcua. the Mat then Trio,Grace Pc Wlntem, tho Frey Twins and Prey*Mario and Trevotle. _CoLONUii (Norman Field, mar.)—weeV 1

bill Ineliidca: "School Duya.'* KubUcb, Will-

iam Piemen and rooipany. DIIW and BtinnyMaittaowA, Rill nnrl l^i Vlicno Slatcra. RnntarruB. Tji noao and Mnrsuerlte. the HtandardBros., Dill Uoblnaon. Mlack gpd White*


9HOW9.Arthur DaTia hai been eoptBed aa piodoIct lo

ilTance of ibe Worlbam A Allen Sbowt, workingIn ciHiJuncthHt wllb Ocneral Arc&I Nat TM*t In

pllotliif tbat camlTal onraDliatlMi. Tbli U oneof the mni Intcrctlhir cDffoimmti itconled tbta

For a ntmbcr ot jottn Arthur Dtfli haa b«eit

liteatlAcd with •rrtral ot America*! leaUttiB cIrctM

and Wild W<«t ocfanlutloaa aa •npcrlniouttcnt oCcofmDtiaarT. IaM Moaon he oSlclatctl in thatiKMltlon with filler Broa A Arllnrton'a 101 RanchWild \V«at. DorlDf tbe current Winter monthaDftfla baa been a member of the promoting alaff

for Pred Qfckman's "Daya of UP." and bla

clerer ahowing attracted the attention of NatItelia, wbo U not ogly a incceaaTul .camlTal, cxe-

cuHve but kcm Jmtge of talent. N«ffotlatlono for

A(r. iDoTJa* acTTlcc* reached a hai>pj eoncli»loaMonday night, and he will oMunie hh dultea

wllh Ibe wortbani A Allen ^howii In the nearfuture. In the meantime Parli ban honkM upline week! ot eiccllwt thne for Dcdanan'a "Dojaof '4(i."

Pollowlng Ibe condnalon of Ibe '40 tour ^fr.

IWkman will auume actlro charge of ihe Jlplna

A IWvbniNn Bliowa, now la proi'eM of CMitiructlon

at lUnnVlial, Mo., and to opCD tbo ecoaoa of JOlIt

IQ Real Ht. IxHila. III.

Ihiring a cull at tbe Weatern Jlnreau of TniOld ItoLunLO, Itecknwn. In b\n moilmt way, con-

fratulatcd Tna Ouppoa npon Ita ivrrlcY In corei^

igi omuBRDcnt ereola of every nature, ami re*

nnrhed that It was alniiUr wnmlprfiil tbe bold It


Under ^ate of Jan. 2i, Jam D. O'lfell. diletof l>e|)brtirent of Oonermlona Dlrlitlnn, Otncei-alona and Admlaalona, Tanana-Pacific Ripoollloii*

wrliea from San KraiiclHco U> Ihe Wt^lem trpre-oentatlTe of Tub Naw Yoav Cuppb, In Cblcuo:"Spent oljout t^To wcvka on mr way from Chl-nago to Ban rrancltco. and vlilted Loa Anveln.Venice. Oovan Parlr, Santa Monica and 9aa DIese.Oorerad crerythlDg and pUc« pretty well, batfounj ererytblog qnlet. ' Vtalled with Paul D.Uowae. Tboiua I'rior, Abiiot and nioroloo,Kenoey, Fred Robinson and numy otbera. MetFred Sarv^iit aoTcnl timeo at San Dlfgo, andopent part ot a week on tbe 'lot* wltti him*Gould not oee the Son I>lec» from a *ooln* view*aad reporta floating In nov are not at all en-coitraglng. The laibmua la only partly filled, hutvbat la there looka rerr cood. and It reolW la

loo bod that builMoa la ai bad aa reliable re-

Krta make It. We arrind in Sao FVanclHOV. 1, aad I called on Bkb Haller and fbnnd

hlffl In bed with a bid cold. Re waa aroundlo a feir daja, bat nnfortonantely It waa notfer long, for on Jan. 3, be was taken to tbe hon*

tillrl. operated on and Rouluod tbe^s for abi>utao daya.' ICe la around rgoln now. Tlie l*ounu-raclOo la eolog to bo aome expoaltlon, eferytblogteanllfni. and It would take on« of your abilityto properly corer It. U .'a boyond nte and notla my Itne^ Alt bolldlngs v the RipoiltloDprcpcr are flnlnbtd, alao ibo ground*, ani( cmraare worklag day and nlgbt MDatallbig tb* vnitnambcr of eihlblta. Tbo lighting ocheroe la en>tirely neir, and tbe many beaatlful effectn rira

aiaTtllng. The Tower of Jcwela la all Ibe nam*Impllee, aod will be a inrprtae to erorybody. Itla 430 feet hlfh. Tbe \- la entirely flIlcO. nndabonk nlKlf per cet'.. complete; w crerythlngIcoka cood for opeoh'^ 'lay.

nad tbe pieuure M a coll from P. J. Bcbaefer,Friday, and U T<aa good to aee aome one dlreotfrom dear old Chicago. Ur dutlf« hare kept meca Ibe Jump. Onmlof In at tola late date boa madeIt doubly hard, but X am hard at It and will domy Terr -beat. Mr. Bctrt deeerrea a world -ofcreillt for what he haa aocompHabed. ne oeodahie regnrda. F. W. McGoonell la a boar man withhla farloua IntoreAia, and tbey wilt all be ready

It IB reported tbat Ltanno Carrra, the daaahlerof.Aona lldd. who haa wen tocrlng Ihe OrphcumCircuit for tbe past two aeaKna, wlU glTO opTavderllle.Ana Ox^AN la nt tho AmeHcan. noflDltal aaffCr*

lag from rrH^dlcltla.KDiHB HiaoBN has hlc<1 binuelf to Wyoming to

tccoprrate.flDB KiHK la Tiallbii In Msdlsoo^Wlo.OBOBoa Fbiobb baa ancceedcd O. W. SchAffer

aa OMnncrr of tbe new theatre at Oomfier. Mtnn.niL Oiraaa ahd Ldbib DarmNX bare JoUied

Blnaldo'a Playern.Wiiataica Gn-FEH lj ahead of the Allen Rtock

Oo. Bthd May la coe of tbe features with theabow

J. ' A. DiwaoH ANo TriPBa (Eleanor JeoUna)bare dosed with tha "Ole Swanson" Show.

«HA]IKT PANKY" IN CHICAGO.lew FIrtda* "ITaaky Panky." at the eooclnsloo

of Its Delrolt eognitenmt. Feb. 20. will come toOileago tfor fonr wfok*. playing the Imperial. Vic-loria, Oroim aad National Thealtee. M. I*. Gelderbos Bocceeded P. W. Lederboer aa treaaaier;while Willie Kleman la now aaslatant manager.6. J. Jacobeon has auocetded A). Datlef aa boaKDeas manager. Nathan Rdtaca doaed irlth theabow at Oary. Ind,. Jan. .^l.

VAUDEVILLE IN CHICAGO.Rab PoiTO opened In "no Dreem Qlrl," at

the Virginia, aitd tho elabonlo l(lra of the orr<r>

tag and Ue eieelloot preaeutallOD 'Inpteased llself

OD tboae who wlioewd the act.

Built PoAncia Hoona and Kllswobtix Cona,who were plnred at tbe UMvay Qaidens by BertHoward, an doing ntudi toward eatabllablng Ur.Ubward aa ine of Chlcago'H Mg ogenta. Tlw actwaa booked there (or an Indcflalte engagmrnt.WALm Downra. of lbe W.*V. H. A.. li noir

booking tbo Oon, Indiana Harbor, and the OperaHouae, Whiting. lod.'Bdwabd UABBn, naoBKer of the Fair Depart-

nrent of tbe Western VnudcTllle Mannjier^* Asmhclatton, nwle a abort trip oat of town laat week*Klemloff 30. .

UiEB Babnbb. -who Is dn Albnqoeniue, N. Uez.»for hla health, writes tbo he ba* gained aereapooDda. He boms to bo able to rejoin bin frlendawdtfaln a month, aod le re^y defilroua of gettlr^

to tbe fair game. Upon bin retnto be willtbe ounagemest of tha Fred M.

time, Fred Tboopaon ta coing to . have _

Blartler for aure. In bio *T^land Grown Up.'*Jay J. Hrran waa with Mr. •Bart aUtce January,1014, and waa anpolated otalatant dlnctor whenI woa made cbleC ot conccoalooa. Srerybody baal)eea rery nlco to me, Wealber has been eiceed*— "7u^'L^V^~^''V\i^ t^nt miu^im t*mt»rnuw l"ffl/ I"' ^ "'^y Beoooo, ooly one day

had opop the eel««ofSSlSJl « thla week. Sorry I cannot be at tbe big

-.P^IISleLVJ^^tS^^-^irj' ll!lsi?.Jr'*£?*jK "wnnff ot 8howB»en;a Uogne^of America, la

Chlcagn., neit noolh. Hoping all fa wcll_ withnew thTOogboat, and a worthy contender for car-

nlral honora la the moi^a to cone.

"PATS OF FORTV-MNB** IN CUICAGO.On Monday ere.. Jan. 26. John N. Wlllya,

maldent of the <>reTland Autonwiittl^ 0>.. waa(io»t at a banquet. he1>l at Ihe Hold Tja Bollr.

(^UcsRO, wblch will be Tetnembercd hv thorn

Rretent for yeara lo eome. On Ihe nineteenthnor of that magnineent bestelry there had been

eucted fbr the enter!.ifnment of Ihe mtestM anrllca of "Rocky Gnlrti. Cnl.." porinylnf amining camn In tbo tnld rush da:r^ of '40. Kffdrprhn:nn'» ^'ntyn of '10." proatolrd by ArthurDai la. was teouiiltl to Chlcam for the eecfl«|4tn.

acit It proved to be the big DPiinnilon of the wT>ph,

IncIiWnl to the aatomoUle pbow bring held here.Pli hundred aotomot>lle nnd newii|t!iiHT ntm nrretaken on an ImaQlnary trip to ''Roekr Gulch.'*thp gumin doning mithrcmo and rr«l hnndnnaItanilkerfhlpfn to mnrlilo nddltlonat Inral color.Tbcsr tb«a procccM throat « momtata pibb,

you, with biat wlahoa, 1 no, yoaia Iraly, JahuD. O'Nmu

BEVERLY WHITE WITH GETITnYfl.TWrerir White, the weH known pT*«ii aaent^

will .lunln he nKROclattfd wllh tbe Ocntry B'i'nra

itila roning seaaon. aa general preai reprceenla*tlTc. a pealtlon be has graced with marked abll*

lly for aereral yeara.tererly has done yeoman aerrlcv^ for thla or-

ganlaatlon In the paat, and haa a rrrtutatloTy forpetting OTcr "croat kIu,T.'* He Is a cl'^n-r

wrller. an<l 1^ wrll known to new'imif<'r nlltoreall nror ilH* ronntry. Tic la the right man In tberlubt plarr.

- LEW IIOPPMAN IN CHICAGO.T,e>w norrman. manaier and pmprlelor of the

Oapltnl Cil) Amiiseni^^it Ox, la a vlaltor at tlie

Wellington Hotel, Ohlcan. f^ew came on hmafter wltMaalag tbe OUbby'QltfteaB Ogbt at UU-

bockagainBaiDHs lac.

BAisAaoK ANO OBona left Oh'.raio laat week for8t IPanl. Ulan., wbete they are appearing attbe OrphHmi Tbeetre thla week. otfcrlog tbodainty daoclng act wblch wo« aoch faror leceot-ly at tbe -Uajeetlc Theatre. In Cbloago. .

UoOom Am TaouiN arrired In Chicago laatweek, from 4be Bast, and will he eeen at theOnlonUI. Chicago, In the near rutore. Fr^nk Q*Doyle boa amura a nnling for 4beT0.Obobob'II. WiaaTB ban added tbe n«nr Apollo

ta«bla exleulTO Hat of booklan now baridkn laOhleafo. atarllog 30. The policy calla for IhreeSJIta weehly. Abe Ooben, who bos tbe Uldw.iyIppodmme. la ibe kmee of Ibe Ibeaire.Law OiKToa Is booking nome apleodid fCtowa nt

the Tblrtr-flnt Street Grand. A cnlorrd ncboolact ta tk(> big altraclton Ihia wrek. and ihaCreole Band, Joat olf Ibe Pontagea Circoll, willheadline Ihe proeram neat week.

Tiia Wllvn Avenne for ibc drat half of laatmek presented a ralkcr eniertalnlnv proaram.Prank P^rt>h cpennl with liigh kicking, wodenMiop and acrobatic danclrii;. He ^n Instantnfognlllon. Maoley and Wooli^ wllb ibrlr nov-elly o|ieiilre. rate Ihem nn nceltent ainrt. an-l

ihrtu In maklug ihc good imptessloo they



Weatem Vaodvllle Uanac-^rs' Awrclatlon time.

An olTerlnt with plenty of laueblng material will

undoubtedly remit by the alBllatKn ot these twowell known laugh producers.

GoAOia Euunr haa opened for the WesternTauderillo Uonafien* AsMclatron time. fUie comaWest for Maroua laoenr. bot left that circuit wbllerUylng MoVIckor'a, Chlcn;o.

'^DiiiAon Goods'* la rqiortetl to bare closed atEfflngtaom. III., laat week.Gbhb GaaaNB baa been booked for a ivtom en-

gagement at the Wilson Arenue. BHtcb Uetltlmade tanmedlate aRangeaaoDta for a retom engage-

ment, and was auceeaffful la aecurlng tbe star's

alnvtare to « conlract.OTHBL AniHHOK, 0 member of tha NIghthawka,

maa taken aerionBly Ul at St Loula last week.6he II slowly recorerlng.CRiaLBB B. IloDciKe T»tvmed a few weekv ag->

from bla Boolbeni trip, wher(>. be hod gone tofbria a drcult of Uaun>Dlxon boofve. He la

reported to bara secured n nnmber of randcTliletlieatree, which will be booked from the offlfci ofJ. 0. Uattbewa.Mb. ANO Mbb. nAPPT Doc HotxiND were pre*

eerted with a baby boy ot OklabMna City onJan. 10.

W. D. Tawuescb, manager of the Pantogee,Wlnnl{)C^, Can., was a Chlcajn visitor.

Ma. AND .Mrs. CnABLM WAaiienaN were pro-sented with a baby boy oa Jon. 10. In, Oblcago.CiuBLBB M. AlinHH la cspeetrd to retum to

CIilcBgo eoms lime thla week, tinA will Imrnnllately0L>en offlcea for the Inohlni;? cf bin fair contncta.

Stan Btaklbt was initialed Into tbe Elks atBcottle, Wnih., recently.- Kacbl Moania appeare*! nt tbe Rmnrens DeeMolnea, laat week, aal Is crelltcd w1t\ big sue*

Pabk ahd Uall have TMnned to Chicago afterale weeks of U. D. 0. ilme. booked out of Ciil-


EnDT Tailuak loadeil the car for the tabloid"Nobody lloine." at Rlfln, III., on Wclnesuliynight of laat wm^, wbni the tbenufsneicr vravat elxteeo below.The Zat Zams, In 'belr knlfe-tbrowhig ope-

claMy, are playing dates through Illlnolo.

B(AB Frnnbsbt, prlTnio 9ccrelary to EdwaidHaroh, manager of the Fair Department of tbe^\'eatem VaudcTllle Manager*' AaaodotloB. cele-bmled her birthday :aat Friday, and all herfrifwla are puttied o to her ose.TuuoN UABua, formerly one >f the Barlle

Slsteni. who hns been off ihe a'^ge for a year, 1bprnporlog a alogle. to he oecn In Chicago abortly.Tkr RAcamTA TBOoru opened on the Pan-

lagen Olrcnlt, 1.

Duo MBTtsn„ of Ibe P. M. Baroee, Inc.. baareturned to ChlcagD after a abort trln througbthe West.Tna Abtibto TnaATiit, oo Ibe North aide, be-

gkn playing vamlevlllo last week, nalng threeacia with a ebance of bill nl|hUy, supplied byOeorfe -H. Webster. Pied Harloian, tne man-ager. is very entbaalutic aboet tbe new policy.

J. O. UATTnawa joameyed to Bagloaw, Mich.,early last w<«k, to wltneea:the opening of tbeNew Franklin Tlieatre, which waa a Tcry aucceos-fot occBsloo. Oeorfe n. PrUniose, who wasscheduled to beadllns the abow, disappointed, butthe Mil weot (breugh with a grand harrab Justtbe aoine. Antcdlo la reported to have been thebit of the show on tbe opening nlgbtSnaooB AND OnAPPBLLB. Jn Spokane, Wash.,

thla week, oo tbe Loew tltoe. are baTlng a Terraaccetiiful Weatem toor. Ibelr act la being weuliked out that way, and they dad tbe circuit verylatUtfactory In erery respect.Tbb cnmwella are having a Bucceaafnl toor

again tbla bcbboo.BntT Fox la orfBDlalng a eld act lo vandeTllle

tbU aeroon.Thb Pour Zabell BlatetB are meellog wllh buc>

cem over ibe Gos Son toor."Tub DnriL'B Ball" vtu 'ihorlly be routed.Rktmolob AMD Dux.*(BUK left for Waahlngtoo.

D. a. laat week, to play an engagement ot oneDlpbt

Wii;rBa F. Kbbpb retimed from b abort tripon Friday of last w^k.Tna Five 'Flying Do Velle will be tvoked for'

fain by the F. M. Ilamea. Inc. tbla coming oea-son. They, bare been playing trnderille dates.GuiMO YuBBt Laa offered b new act to Oblcago.

at the Albambrm Hippodrome. Feb. l and 3. ItW built along novel iloea. and OMng Tueo Lee,hlmnelf, la a capable entertainer.Tub Cbesletgb Sliten, who are feetarcd la

Doyle Woolfolks' "Nobody Home," have had Ibelrmother vUttIng tbeoi for the past fortnight, leav-ln« her at Cbloago when the show lumped to Bt.Joseph, Uo„ lo (fien on the Family Inter-QtBtetime.NoBUAN, the frog man. Eetnmed to Oblcv> last

week, after en absence of ali years.Bolt l.i!rK waa entertained by tbe Sib at

Oalesburg. 111., tceeotly.Caou Goaooif ahd FuaaHOB Nobtor btb pro*

NoBMAK HAcanr la preparing to aend anewact OTer the W. V. M. A. mla aeasoo.

Wabd, Dbll and Wabd have closed a aoccMirqltnnr of tbe Oipbenia and Inter-State Circuit*,

and hnve opened for a toor of tbe Western Vaude-Tllle Managerv Aaaoclatlon.Clara Inob did not nlay the Majestic, Sprlng-

fleld. III.. last week, Blihouxb billed.

OHABUrTTB' haa been booked for a tour ot theSouthern TJ. B, O. time.iMoBBT Sranif la now aaslslant manager of the

Wnterson, Berlin A Snyder. Ue la aaalstlag Frankdark.

iMARcns Jjomw haa nromlaed to bolld a 1600,000TandcTllle theatre In MInnrapolla In 1016.Madbiob Wolt la now managing the Uarlowe,

Chicago.J0LB8 Waltob Aim Uabib Jaubb are- orfon-

liing a oompany to play "8trte Tracked."Dana and Walko cIoMd tbflr Fantaces route

lant week, and opened for tbe United DooklirgOffice.


onaGO WIRES.(Spectol to Thb Nbw Tobk Cuf^bb.)'

CexcaoOj Uonday, Feb. 1.

HUGO BUYS FIRE ENGINE.Vic Huso waa a caller at the Western Barcan

of Tna Nbw Tobk OLrppaa, lit Cblca^), 8ai*ir-

day. aod annooneed that he bad purtiiaaed amlnfcture Are appantua. which will tw made ararade fealors with the Hugo Broe.' Dog aadPony Showa. that twiaty>two brand new wacooehad alreadr naen turned ont fiom tbe Oedar napidaHhopa and that others were nearlng ooaipleilon.

Xfr. iTogo waa la Ohlcago In conference wllhOeneral Agent Lon -B. WlillAma, who la abaplnanp a aplendid adeance force, and la laylns outan Itinerary which he belleTce will prore a wlonvr.Wllb Hugo and Willlama at the helm It la dim-cult to Imagine tbe Hugo Bros.' Showa being any-thing bnt a aacceaa. Charlea McCiirren and KorRush arc at the Otdar Eaplda Winter quartcrasetting ready tot tbe opening at Oedar Itnphlit.

ETHEL AOBI\90.V DVSV.Ftbel RoblnaoD, prealdcnt and s^neinl monacer

of the RoblDMo Amaneiuont OurpomtloD. Ohl-repo, waa a neteome caller at tbo Western Bureauof Tub Olo Rkliabls, and elated that her com-pany waa making great preparations lo boDiMoiLe booklogn for a lanre number of representa-tive atlractlona for faira, parks, eire^ltlona. homeamlnga and celebratlona tale year. Ribel Bobln-aon la an enterprising evecuilve and enjoys aHide an;oAlntance aaioog fair niuni-fcra ami withthe ptofeaalon at large. MUt 6. Mf,oocy*a TrinioKIretric Tsni'em la naioDj tbe featare acta handledby tho Roblufoa ODm)ratli>n.

DARNBS IN KANSAS CITY.Fred M. Danwe, rcpresentln.t Prcd U. Bame«,

Ice. waa In Kanoaa City, Uo.. Satorday. to

atlMid Ibe meeting of the Southwestern Poir Man-aoezB' AMoclaibn at the Ooates Hoose. Somoiden of tbe acope of the Ilamea oiBce* can beCleaned when It la known that 407 r.ilrs wrrosnt'plled with atttactlonB last aeaaon. and accord-ing to Mr. Bamea Ibe proapecta for 1010 iron^re glowbuc than titey were at tbla time- foelaat year. Booking fair amnaementii hao dorrl-

oped bnge inoportlooa.ln the ltei few yean.-

LOBW NEWS FROM SEATTLE.FH^rlngB of news,' coming from Seattle,

Wash., atatea tbat •TTangements between UarcuaLoow and Jobn Oonaldloe have aaceeaafnlly bceadoaed. and tbat Uarcos Loew will atlll ronalaIn command of the Weetem circuit.

Peter J. Schaefer. of the Jonef, Unlek &Schaefer Olreolt. Is aald to have been pnoDlnenUyoinoecled wllb the aatlofactory ending of tklogs*Tbey are eipected to return Baat ahotlly,

LOBW FRANCHISE IN OBTROIT.The aeeuTlng of Ihe Ulles Theatre, Iti Detroit.

Kllch., brings forth the report that ttie loew CIr*cult permitted that boose to leare Ha booka laorder to aell the Loow fnnchlae for Delrolt totbe Prlncees Tbeatre. It U oold that tbe Prln-ceta Theatre Is paying 9100 a week for the Loewfranchlie.


y.. IT. Wood, formerly nionoecr of the Oelnm*bla. who recently returned to Chicago from MIn-ir.capolls, may aasuma Ihe lureermcnt ot WhiteCity tbiB season.

It ta uld that a nanber ef bl« thtnga are onder-way fbr tbe Boulh Side resort, and Wood wouldaeem to be the very man to csryy them through.rrcTlona to taking np Ihe thtatrleal cad. Woodwaa In adrinco of tbe John Robinson Ten BigE^wa.

RBBL FELLOWS PLAN DIG AFFAIR*Plana for Ihc Reel FellowB Oltlb of Ohiengo

ball Bt Ihe Hotel Sbenonn 23, are pn};ire«a'

Ing nicely, aod Ihe erent promises to boBD aooeoally Intereatlng one, wllh a cafe

ct.antant and cotMiret In a'idltlon. Two Ooors

of the flotel Sherman have been engaged. Mari'

ogrr Frank Bering, of tha Hotel Bhennao, Is giv-

ing hla psBoaal atlenUoD to tbe botd'B po'Lk>n

Fbbbitabt 6 THE iSTEW YORK CLIPPER. 17

of Ibe #D(ertalameDt, irblch will iDfurt-faolt-

rmi'tnit R. n. NeMii. Sccntorr aoO TrMiurerT A. C4irrilii< CbiilrmnD Warrrn A. Pttrlck

faiT« AllfniM to the ipnllmluirr trrnnsfiMiili;.

It Is Ibf liitrnllon ttt lavorilw Ihr cinb fane-

tlon br mean* of nlldfs to br dlspliT^ umd Umecrt^ni of tb«' Cblcacp uoTrnK picture tht^iiivs.

d wblcb tbfc* arr 73a In number.Thi> batlnru ofllcM of nw Hv^l Fclkrwt Club^ It COS Aabland Blofk, Chicago.

BUiOiSQlIE m CHICAGO.rorl«tQOft rccelTfld a htiwj ruttGoai^ lait wv«k.

ronr ciMptloDallT •troof abuirs tnc«^«] lo

irawlnf a tmneinoDa btulMas.Rocbf. VQT.)—Jahc Ooldbrrg,


Foot,drawlnf „CoLxniBU (Wm, . . -

IDC prtMUted tht MorTtsM-/ SlKifn aoil

t^itstl an^l Irrlnx Qdir m \bf |irlrcl|>ali of (be

OiT New Torkvra. DoKy «irl Kirlh MorrlwyM -tbe female oontlDrroi, c-.iiLfui; tbMr warlltionrboiit ibe two boon and a ti«lf perform*at'Cf. lli<7 acore«l iQdIvliliiillr trAl as a combl*nailOD. TVlllle Blegr). welt n>n>fnbcred hrre la

TOuikTlIk -circles, wlib Ibe ccc'siinre of IrrlDcOear, Kored Instaollj as two comttllsas.

Tbe coatttines are <5'f-cate)ilu »d<1 tH^utlful. Tb«KifS, biClctllni: "Dlite." "It's a Long Way to

fTlppcrair/' "ttafiis JohiiKn't Il^rnioiiy Bood"acd "Mj ArTcnir Hot;*." eiccllenily renderedbr the Tirloi:i prlnclnaM. (XI. HnrLe reported

ficod bafloets Ihrongbout tbe entire ircek,

Oatrt (B. 0. -Scboeneclicr. mgr.)—"Hello,

Paris," Is tbe atlraclloa ihU week ai tbe aaTet7<Tbe mlrtb proToklng pnMlucilon Is offered lo twobarletta, cpeolng wllb "Hello, Paris" sod closing

wltb "A Night. In Firls." Aowng tbe prloclpsls

to win dUtlDCllon daring tbe Cblctoo engagnneBCare: Geovfe A. Clark, Jfin Jlartoo, Ltoyd Uarpby,A. J. Howell, Irene Mers, Florence Tanner, NsocrIVslker. Obarle* Fagao, Jules X.a Barbe, Jcaele

Wright and Xble Kltner.

KiTVABKri (T. M. Herk. incr.)~Tfddr SImondsand Janies J. Lake*<i Anlo Olrls. In "A Mlllloti-

alre's Jail,*' oreoed here Jao. 24. Tbe prodacilonwas glren In mo parts, Iniennlogted with Taada*

' Tllle spei-lallles. la tbe lmfl^ti.t«. Carol Schroder,• James J. I*al:e. Barry Beymour, Harry Ward,Row Allen. Uadellae Webl), Riiward Frorcts,Billy Hallman and Oeorge Walker won Inalaatlecognltloi, while In the spe-jlaltlcs Frsocls Rlli-

ott offered a Parisian lunlooilDe sensation, whichprored a norel as well as an Intereflting creattnn.

**The Olrl With Ibe Red Rom." Tbe Uaymarketpatrous dlnlayed Intense Interest la tbta ntmelesti

'ranan, and advice to tbe maoagement woald t«"to gtre the tlrl a chance."STAB Am GABTm (Paal Roberts, mgr.)—Tbe

Liberty Olrls, In tbeir laoiiilng snllre. "TbeAlimony Oltit,** assisted the boi office man attbe Star and Oart^. Matt Kennedr. as DanO'Dar. 'wsa capably anlstnl by Orl OPorge. Jos.

Ward. Oliver De Onot, Harry Kits. Harrr Bber*wood. LUUan fimalley, Dorrls Claire aod DeliaCarina. '

THE RIVER EXPOSITION CO.W. H. (Bill) RIM. W. O. P., -WM Tl>lt<l 10

liU CblcifD oflloe XiT • nprctntttlT. of TnsN«ir ToiK Curm mi foiud to b« op to bUi.;m Id a mau of oomnoiukDce melrra riom am^t adrfirtUciD«nt In tMte coloaua. tbe lelrera

IDUlInf well Into tb« hondndi. Bt had llttk)


A Hew T«BT Barprlte ftorTos And Ironr Andloncr. A Ballad Wllh m Throb That Will Barprlaa tk«Blanafar ortha Tbamtra With ttar Applaaao loa BaoalTa and Bring Viibovndad

and BarprlalBfi Raaaita


Bjr JOS. a. McKBOlT and liBO BEHKBTT. Th« Traaat and Boat BMllille Seag BTar Wrlttam.A Baantlfai Wwli Appealing to tbe Ijoyaltr and Pldalltr of Womanhood

^^n'A-gy"- HfcURICE RICHMOND MUSIC CO.. Inc., I4S W. 4Stli St.. Hew Yorfc



(0 say' for pobllcatlon, exeept tbat thlags wer«' iwtt - " *: *—

ereral well hkowa motorboat maonractaters anif



jtter .than his fbnndat antlcliMtlons,test retomed from a tIsU amon^

s&hlMtors of bcceaaorlea nsed In rlrer naTlgatl«>n

and fleosnre, and foond ttoem verr entboslasllcOJfT dIs new Tentnre. lliey asanred bim of theirwUllngMSS to take exhibit apace and edvertUloffIn thli* tbe latest amasemeot feature of IbecnitaiT. and donhtl^ bis joomey will bring bigOnanclsl resnltt In Ibe way of additional lacoaeto the Rlrer Exposition comptoy.Bonw facta that bare bllberto not been pnh*

llabed, and which are Interesting to onr readen,many of wboin hare been anxtourty awaiting In*

formation on the snbject, axe as follows:

OABaSlVAL ON WATCB.The floor space on deck will be In tbe nelgb'

borbood of tHI.VOO Bonaxe feet, or saOdcnt to

aceomnwdaie 7.000 Tlsltots at one time. Thiswill be amnged to a Uldway oo tbe water OOOfeet long and 100 feet wide. At one end of tbisaildmr the water camlral and flreworha willbe shown, and at the otber the merry-go-roundwill be the feature. The Ferrli wheel wUl beset op In the ctirire.

Aroand tlib space there will be shows and con*ctealons, completely enckulng It, wltb the ex*cepilon of tbe wscev reeerred for the entrancesfor passeiiters rroo excursion steamers and theboat landing at w4ilch they abtblt.The adrance hllllog will he done by two motor

boat* and two antomobllea. the former corerlngtbe rtrer landings and towns and tbe latter attend*log to the country zontce wlibln ittj miles ofthe town where the attracllon Is booked. Tbe


FndBeckmanlaflntotnlla modeat man. Aioanwbodoti notpubellhar blnueltorbljopinions (orwanl laleaa aated. But vboea worda wban duly velgbed and uttered are tonndto falrir brlBtle wltb Bound common acDae and all round wUdom In amnaenieat inaliora,

Fr«d baa Mrred a long and couplcuous appranticeablp in tb« tcnt«d Held, and now la icc-

ogDized as one c( lis past masters. Clrcos, Wild TVeat, CamlTal and Gcncial OntdoorAmnss-ments bare at some time or other felt bis Influence and appreciated bis presence. Not onlj

In this country alone 18 bis name known as one of tbo morlng factors In the entertainmentfield, but foreign ebores bare been Invaded bj blm In abov enterprlae. Fred Beckman Is a manof wonderful Initiative and eiperlcnce tbat Include all pbasea of tbe amuacncnt world.

Bets aatengcbsraclerand dominating penonalllty, Is a construcure genius, pajlng siftot

attention to the iltue detail! so often omitted br ebowmen, wblcb make all tbe dlierenco betweensuccess and failure. Mo matter Is too email to escape bis attention, no organization too big for

blm to bandle and pilot to guccees. ne Is wbat one would call an all 'rosnd sbownan,methodical, aggressive and progressive.

Ho one ever aceuaed Fred Beckman of doing an onUnd action or deacendlng to a tattr

meansees. BIslsacbaraoleraboToaucbdefeclb He la tbe emt>odlmentotwbol»«>nled, genial

klndneas, and in bis bluft, beaitr w*j will alwajs nmaln silent, ratber than jolu Id tbe "anvil

eliorus" wbeie posslbl7 tbe business and lepntaUon of a brotber sbowmaa Is at stake. "It jobcant boost, don't knock" la the motio he lives op to In hla dallr life, and «aa of tlia isasona tor

bis great popnlarltr among men wtaoae opinions are woitb while.

Ken of Fred Beckman's atamp are wanted In tbe sboir boslneai, tbelr ripe, soond Judg-

ment mskes tor tbe betterment of «Ti.iing condlUons ud tbelr buslneea netbods are a credit

to tbe profession and help to dlgnlflr tbe amusement buslneea among outsiders wbo have but

lltue knowledge of tbe manj sterling cbaracten that Aneilca can produce in Ita world of celeb-

rities wbo cater to tbe amnsement wants of tbe coontrr. Men whose word la tbelr bond, and

who are In every respect reliable, upright and straightforward, both In tbelr own profesalon andthe world at large.

Fred Beckman la associated this rear wltb Ed. L. Belnz In tbe organization of tbe Eelns andBeckman Shows. It should prove to be an Ideal oomblnatlon and one tbat will make a big markIn show circles this season. Thej will bare an equipment of which any carnival proprietor

might well be proud and with tbe years of schooling both have received In outdoor amusementaOklrs and the name that both partners bave wltb tbe entlro show world tbelr progrcaa should

be npid and sure.

Fred Beckman In brief Is one of tbe solid men of the show business. Bolld In Integrity,

reputation and strength.



(BptM Win to TBM Knr Tou Ourrm)Fas. 1.

•The World at GCome will provide the caraWalaltractioos for the leading fairs In NorthwesternCanada, und Fred U. Barnes. Inc. the specialfiee acts and e<D»tkuial exhibitions, Inclailngthe Barnes Eurouean Olmia. tbe arrangemcntaLavlog been negotiate by E. O. Taibott, for theWorld at Home, and Ben roeeothal, for the

who were lb Biglna laat week la-- -- -- - Bcnes agctcy, who were lb Biglna laatcoontrr blllloff wUl be made aloog drcna lines, altendanco uiM>n the meeting of the Gtoadlan fairand will draw hearlly to special days arranged nuuiagerv. Oootntcis w^re closed fv Oalgair.aa (fade days and picnics by merdiants wbo are Eeglsa, Boskstooos £dm'»ton ind Brandon. The

, . ..... --^ ^ j^l^ ictsou In Northwestern Oanada wUl open atCaigoiT June.2(f.Tbe rei>ort, Ihst on acconat of the war thera

will be no fair held at Wlnnlftcf, Uanltoha, Uekacooflrmatloo.

The war actlriUes wlU hare little effect, so it

U bellcTed, oa tbe fain whkh have been boohedby the World at Home and tbe Banes Agency.Tbe terrltorj embraced Is a great wheat growlna

lotereeted la the exposition as a feature for draw-liig crowds to tbelr town. A look at tbe mapwill show tbat there are orer six bmdrcd of thesetovnn along the Ohk>, .MInIssIwiI, llllnula Rivers,and tbelr trHmlarke, besides tke large cities nhetestands of three days can be played with proflt.

AH the attracllons will be bnllt eo that all

4tast will be necemarj to do whea oorlog will beto drop the top doirn and sail on. Tbe eHmlna-tlou of the greatest bog^bet? of the showman'sexistence, tbe maddf lot and locg fasnis, will becnilrrty rilmlnsted, and If Bill Ktce has not gotIbis sbow flrared down to sbont as near perfectcondltloDs taat it Is possible to eiblblt under,there Is no nse In caicniating anything In theamusement Itoe tbli Bnmner.

CHA6. H« HARSH OPENS AGENCY.Cliarles M. Mrmb. fonnerly general trarellng

rcpretcntstlTe for ibe Fair Deiiartmeot of tbeWealern ToDderllle .Managem' Anoclntlon, has de-cldftl to go it "slvrle htoded," and has ofteneda suite of olBcee In the Saralotfa Hotel. Ur.Marab will act as exclonlre esMt to the actsbcoklog fairs, parks oud olber opea door amnse-menti, and Incldentollj Inlld and promote Stateand coonly fairs.Obarlra M. Mar«h la wMl known tbrooghoot

county and State folr circles, and hla new Tea*

wheat crop last year was a record breaking e*e.

and the crop irrospeeta for 1015 are fine, withthe prloe of wheat contloually oa the adrance.Mmtn. Talbott and Boacnthal are t« be tnart*

Uy ftiidlaled apvn this master etroke la dosingeootracta for their respecllTe firms. In tbe faceof ^Irlted competiUoD. and the Cajuidlao fair

Dkanagen auj feel son thst iheir coDsUtneniawill ind BO caase for CDoplalnt when the Worlilat Booie and tbe Baroea featares are onfoldeO fortheir amuseocnt.

BOOKi BIO AlVIHAL SHOW,;^ ncrrj O.Booked aa «oe <£

• "The World at

Wnsoo's B\w Animal Bbow has beenleading attraetloos whbMt. WlleoD arrived here


couatry—nerhapa the greatest on tlw North Aaterl-

can Conllneat. Obvtouaty these fairs are of anarrlcattoral nalore and dertrad' largely npon thefarmer contingent for patiwuge and aopport. The

. and la Daklor hla headquarters at thePalmer Hooae. He, with Joe Bauman, presidentof 'The World at Itome,'* arranfemeota we^ per-

fected for the projection of a trained animal ei*hlbltlon along prrienilom lines.

According to Mr. Bauman, **Tbe World at

Boom" will opn at DsTenjiort, la., on or aboutUay 3. Great preparations are being made at th<*

Winter qoartefv. and aitracllona are titlng bookedSt the Obtcsgo otBcee.

HOSPITAL NOTES.ALE.TANDEB riLiK Is Mrlously 111 nt the

^-merlcau Hospital, under the care of Dr.Tborck. Tbe doctor tbloke he will be con-toti In the boepltal for a couple of weeks.

fiEUdiB Oeb.sabd, of Iteiniard anil DeHaven. bOB been opereteJ npon at the Amer-ican Uoepltul, and left that luatllutloD in aTerr tew dsfs to nil bcr eugogemente.

ii.nraT , HciNisD, of the Cjcling Key-sards, wblle performing at tbe Virginia The-atre, «BS eelzed wltb an attack ot appen-

, „. ... dlcltls and was rushed to the American Hos-lure 'irlll ptore icteMful. 'h. plau to bolld pltaU where Dr. Thorek operated npon hbnand eqilp an entire fair tram otnagrr to elite at 2 o'clock In the morning. At tne presentdriver. He baa alpinl a lumUr of wcU known (jme Mr. Revnard Is doing very nicely, andnira, which he Tnlenda to annonnce ahortlv. v„ t, npccted to leave the Inatltntlon In •Well known ads bare niao signed eiclsalvely daysi

be booked by an opinaMllon drentt tk«7will nndoubledlj be piepared for a flsbt bj emt.Ins another bmutlfnl vaudeville theatre Id this

vlcbiUy, and thna be able to meet the oompetltloo.

TE.Ul BOOK TS MARCH.Uort H. BiDser, necotlre maoaser of the Weet-

em VaiKtevllle Uaoasera' AaaoclatloD, ajuKraoceatbat the W. V. It. A. 'a anooal Tear Bock will beIsancd early la Uarcb. It will be Ibo aame alioaa tbe ooe laaued by them laat aeaaon.

wlih hlffl.

Laat week Ur. Slanh waa In Vopeka, Ean.,where be looked aflw the Iniemta vl Ibe KansasUld-Wlnter Eipoelilon. While there be atarteden a aecret cootlac caDpaliii. ant was reported

" met- — -L chalroian of tb— .'latlTe to fumlabloy

(lona for the 19111 celrhratbn, to be held In Oc-

to have vlBlted wTcblta, Kan., where be Inter-viewed W. P, InneiL cbaliaian of tbe WichitaGipoaltloo Board. rrlailTe to (umlabloy atlrae-

AsE Oi.HiN, music publisher, vho bas been

In tbe hospital, for some time, following aserious operation performed by Dr. Ttoirk.

has completely recovered and will leave the

Insttlutlon very shortly. ^. . ^, ,

Mrs. Datb ZiuUEi, wblle attending berhnsbnnd, Dave ZImmer, who Is condned at

the American Hospital, sulferln* from beat*,

disease, was operated upon by Dr. Tborokfor a Weeding tumor. She Is in splendid

pbyslc«l condition anil eipecla to b« able to

leave tbe boapltal In a short time.

MnB. VraniNU. Bt. who wsa opcr-

It Is said tbat alirr hU Wichita vbitMr. Marab Immediately pto«e<M on a flylog hml-neaa trip througheot tbat arclloa ot tbe cuunlir.Be la ripecteil to reach Ohlcam within tbe neit«w» weeba, and will Imniedlnlely Miam a aolleat oOcea hi one of the piomlnent b'llldlnss In ,,r!,„rj,„ tar a. ten eerlous condition aer-!»ie,.Uop. Tbew oocee wiil unV>iihte.lly compare «tcd upon

V'gcuMrallncTciT nicelyJIUi the beat In Ibr cltr, aa Mr. Marsh Inieol. era! 'W'^/''^ 'f, 'ilVii^ a tewo look after Ibe arnrforta ot aU hla bnalneaa aMo- and wlU be out of tbe loaiituiion in a icwelates duclng their short vlalts lo tbo Wlnily Olty. days.

A. B, C. GBTS HILRS THKATRB,The Anilatcd Hooking Oomiunr. of tlUa cllT.

baa arqulred the hooklnga of the Hlles Theetie, InI>etn>lt, HIcb. Fied Llncohi, bead ot tbe A. B. O.ude tbe annofincenent to TBM OLieraa reporteron Weilneedoy of laat week.^ The annouuMottnt. ot aecorlng the Mllee honaein I>eirlll. la one ot neat Imiwrtuc^ to vaude-ville. The A. B. O. Is showlnc vapid growthneentir, end tbe lakliic over of the Detroit boosotaarts a riln meipectM In vauilcvllle circles,and metna a ireit deal to the new agency.

In the past, mcolh tbe Afflllited has seciired awnnbo ot weH-hiuirii ontKiMown hooklnga. In-

dodlnf the Riiprtaa Theatre at Ft- Wayne. Ind.,

which thej atarled boobhi« lait week. They re-

ceplly ac'iolred tbe booklniKi or Ibe Kanaaa CityHlppodierae. Other rv<»nt aiMlllooa to the elr-

eolt are Aberdeen, 8. D., Valley Clly, MInot andDevil" Uke. B, b.^Pred M. Unn/m, head ot Ibe A. B. O.. re-

turned lo OhlcAio laat week, after an ha, other pTana, which ate eaiMted to leadto a further growth of the circnil. John Haah.who la dolni the looking of (he circolt. ha. notMen Itlter a real chance op to thh time, win*teered to cccuiir hlmwir with the araiiller hoiwcewhile with gnlllrnn k Uinalilliie. la dolnit aplen-

Jld m/rk, and Ihe Mfellnice ot Mt aUowa hashrotsbt blm mnnr coiiiiillmciit,._,It I. Ihooiht that wllhin a week !he circuitwill aniiODPce olber Imuorlaat counectlooa.


riant, for the eieetloo of a 1900,000 bidldlni.

which will conuin a theatre with a seating caps-

clfy ot l.JOO. bare been arttled. Thenew kou*win be eieoted at CUrk Slr<«< and Porter Atotw.

and will be completed hy tat Sprtng. THe Wll-

Jon Avenoe Theatre, booked by the Weelem Vande-

vnle MaJiafers' Aanodatlon la In Ihla vldnlty and

Ih^Sid th?^ ho.« be !«ff^J»"rjSSlaiencT than the W. V. M. A. It will nndooMedly

B deiUred (roceltlal and wUl be ••blaehllated^

wflllan HTKlaley * Boo. "•'» '•^•J"9^»:nine year lease oo the pionerly. They hawRuled the theaire aecUon ot tlejt propowd balW-

1ns to the Oargorle Theatre Company for the

neit Mteen jea?a. Ilenlal not ineolloDwl. Tlie

theatre will i hnllt after modem Ideat. and I la

atld that It will be one of the mott beaalltol

theatrea In tbe oolljine '"-""fi^ 2?nmeat haa vet been made a> lo who will book tbe

"Tt iJ'kMwn that the Western VaodMllle Maa-

lier*' Asanelatlon conlrol a pramlneiitir located

pfee ot property to thli Ticlnlly md aWld tlie



100 HEE SSEEI^m«do tnm youw•wm oopx. OBOcolor of ImM, tow

aOO <br BOO ftraMf B004brMOt 100 la twocolon ftr (UtOO.VBIOB labal prtB<lB(. Veaid forprlco Ilat ol Mhar prlB.lag atproportloaatc paic«a« RoatcBooli, IDs. Bauafaotlota gawr-•Btaod>

mmniiiiiui»KHA<n*OON, ILUNOia

(On aceonit ot Co. closing)

OHAaACTXMCHAR. OOMDS or BXM. BVt.nslfbt,*n.,4ln. Weight, IM, Age, 84.

Ujrsaisliook snd Bep. ezperlsnee. flood ward-robe, flood Blsdr. BoiwrandreUabls. MoBpeo-laliy. Join on wirs. Tlckett Tea.

Address IIItob, lillBob, Bex ua.Per. Block or Bep. preferred.



HEAvm or our. bub.nclgbt, t ft. II In. Weight, IM lbs. Ags, 9t yn.good wsrdrobe aod thoronghlr sneilenced.Address 1303 Wanraa at., tt. ImbU, Be.

OUT OF TOWW NEWSCteTcUmd, O.—Opera TToiiae (A. F. ITarla,

eacr.) Klo-Toee n«d- lo "T^ Yellow Tlekrl.*'

feb. I Ca. Next week, "Ttie Ulalradlug Lady,"with Paul Dickey.

OoLiiNUL (P. Ray Oomalock. mir.)—4leluro nictures are shown umlrr the auiplces ot the Htcngsgeoteiit of "The Bird of I'aradlse'* 10. "Hie Loula ryllilaii AaHOclalloit.

**rnB Ooi4'Wiv nno," wbldi la t» be produced•I tiie O.>lonlal Olieatre veek of Feb. 8. la aKccsifal amatoor preseniatlfii of a plsy stajted

In dlirereni citlea for charliable piiriKieca. Tii itiJs

ciLy Wade Pavla baa secured lite serTlces of pereohundrctl of Cterelnntrn foremmi jimiiir xncleiyfolk. Ind-Jillna Mrs. Chas. 11. llin>l>t*r, dnugliter ofJntwr J. R. rrliclinnl. wbu vrlll iilay tlie leailliig

feminine iiart, oml Wllllsiu Taylur, wbo won nutIn a cou)|«MliiMt ot iwcntf-nre snpllcanla.fnr the"hem" rule. Mr. Darls hsa ban many rei|ue«isfToiu charlinltlr Inailintlona about Ihe cminirT 'oitrcsent his muKlcal exlravaganaa In their clllrs.

la»t DecentWr. lll.nOQ waa rpallse<l for Ibo loealcharllr, In Plltstiurgh, ana the iireseiit tale ofatatii Inillcalea a ailll larger amount here. Mrt.Ujron T. llerrtrh la raip of lbs prime moren,ami otber pronilneiu folk of Cleeelnnd are aailit-iHg.

St. l/oola. Mo flhultcrt (Mclrlllo Bids,O'Cr. > "ttniiir. the Tcnitnaker" wci'k at Jan. 31.

OI.VUPIU (WallfT 8aiifor«l, mjrr. >—ChauncerOKnit, Id "The Heart of Patlilr W'hach," weekof 31.

AJiKBiraN (II. R. Wallace. fon<>—"HelpWanted" week of ai.I'lRK.—"Our WiTcs," for lis first tlmo In SL

l.oiU. week of 31.BiiBNANiHUii.—"The M'slts Dream" week of 31.i*RiNi;Kiifl.—MoTlng piciiirra.ttTANiMan.—.\u(u (llrls week of .11.

ViirmHia (Wm. Care. mgr. »—.l-YMI AmltroRlo,tlte pitimlnr contrtllan t4 Ihr Ornian Hiork Co.,aiMl valuablo member for wano jenn*. waa glren abenedt at thla theatre Suiiilny nlflhi, .11. "DIsNaoherlD" ('"Hie Beamalrcan") was the atlraclloa.Nsw QiuND Oa.HTaAi—"The Three of Ua,"

with MaM Taliaferro In tlir W-atl. 31 an«l tveek.

ViLToni*.—<X>uui)enelnit Humlaj af(ern<:on, 31,

Ibe "DHinirn and Pyllilaa" (|)li)itfv|i|af ). Ttiees

engageoeiiOomie Hero ' will be vrDOuced umler ibc management ot Wade Dafla. by local inlvnl, for ihobrnoQt of tbe Dorcoa Boclcly. wlih a caat ofacTCD hundml pcofile neit trevk.

Kbtu's lliri'onKoua (U. A. Daniels, mgr.)

DUl weeh ot 1 : Sam Oblp and .Mary Uorblc. Mi-*kand Ortb, llarrj >*erD aiul cmnpan.r, Drawet^KrlJCO and 'llsniUo, Warren and Conler, Ulll

rnilU, Cbjs. K. liraua aod comfiauy, Ilarrlct-Uurl, and vu-liires.MvrtomuTAN (Preil E. JofanioD, nnrr.l—Fur

we«li cf 1, die MeirxittoUtau riajrers. In "The Qua-aplracj.*' Neat week, "Ura. uumrsieail Leigb."

rasspsor (J. W. Lyon, mgr.)—"The Trail ofl>onesome PW l-O^ "Hebecra ot BouDybrooaKam" B13.OLBTm.aMD (n. V. ZIrker. imt.1—Tbe Dniden

Players, lo 'The X.ure." 1-6: Carolyn Dales, aabew leading lady, had a Ttry aocceaaful debatlaat week.•Obaho (B. T. Nlttaola. local mgr.)—The pema*

Lent atock enupaoy. Id ^'Little Loot Blater,^'"Ttt nird Dqpee" aext.

UitaBs (Ohas. flamer, mgr.)—Dllt week of 1:etewait Blstcra and Bacons, Hnslcal Arolloa, Rarland Oortla Merlla, Bryan, Buauner coopaoy.Jobnaoa aim Dean, and pictures.

raisaii,L4 <P. K, Bbcj. mgr.)—mil wi<ck «f1 : Lillian krortlncr and cxnuaoy RIcr, Dell sodEatdwlo, Major Wright aa<1 i>anchtg nogs. Law-renct Johnson, B(tfard aod Mooll, AUeo Trio sodrvtnren.

Goanoif Sqdaib fnarrr Dorocher, mgr.)—Forweek of 1 : "Tbe Snake Ohancer'' and Piof.Ollirgvd, in bypoollc act. and pl^tares.

Stab (Drew A Oampnell. logrs.)—WaMron'aTmcadeto Burleequers 1-d.

Eacriaa (Bert MePball, aigr.> —Heart Chamera10. Hl|h Rollera 8 l.i.

KmcBKiBooKia (E. K. Downs^ mgr.)—Featureplctarsa.DooHsaa (A. At Oorao-, mgr.)—Feature pic*

tures.Btanpiui (Jot. aroseman, mgr.)—Fcalui*


Till Barmoiilc CHab oonrert, wlih Tleleo Rmth*era, aoprano, and Evan Williams, tenor, soloists,will take place In dray's Arntory 1

John UcOoiuAnii was tieard In recital sStGray's Araorr 1.

Tna Foon fExpoamoH openetl at Wlsmon Oolt-aeum, 1. Hlch's Orchcatim la furnishing uuilcalP'cgrama.

for uy iDsirumfliit or nonber Of Uutramanta.Boofa, wontiuMllfaglo.Bkelohog.oto. BondftAmp,OtlAfl. L. LBWia. 4» Rfokmond SL. OUoloutL 6.

FOR SAl^B—Booftor Orohestr*. TlTlioeaonAct liDproTed. fiplder with 'Womaa'o Head lIloaloD,Ka KlDD Rnbtwr Necks. Fat Clown for Bar AotClown that swells op fac, etc., Prop. AnlmaliAiidOlutisuulotoordsr. Also (nowD Props. No est*-logttoa. K. WALKER.W W.aPthBt.Wew York.

WAJUMD—For TentlDg fioamn for LOWRRTBROB BHOW. CIrcu and Vaudorlllo Acu of sUkinds. Make ftUibroe day atands. UuHtbeshlolocUaoge. Osn plac« good Oomedj Uualcal Aot,Fenuue Inpenooalors, Oroand aud Aerial AcIh,PlHOO Player, Ifan aad Wtre with Olpaj FortQDOTelllDff outfit, man to tUDdlsPsomo other gaoio.Hunt no moner-ffetten. No boozors or kickenwanted. No fancj salaries; It mnst below.sflltlssure, fitatajuflt wbAtyoDcan snd will do InfliBtletter. Bhow opena earlrln May. Address

QBO. Be LOWBBY. Bhensndoab, Pfc

Wo baveOne IIoDdredsad more PLAYS,Uurlesiiueti)TruKCdV. OqoAct to Fl7e.

BiperUy Selectedfrom tbe works of

ooe thouHttUdWflters. Everr uiiu

avail/ulkfor youruhk.

Wheiber joa sre sn Aciur Id Vsadevllle, a Produ-clngUsnagor or FUm Usnafacturer

We Havt Your Rsqiilrvmsfrift. Whil Art They?Wanted. PliotoplsFS muA BkortFlotlonWe sre Bcllers of Bundard Lltoraturo, Fiction sodDrsmullc, la MS& Funa We assist the writer tomake his work Balesble, snd b«U lU Bmsll chsrg


for lilorsry asMlstaoctf. Ko chnrge for selUog.

lliniiKrlp*e Unlverul, Sooltly •! Writer*, Ine.aaO Plftk Aramae. H. Y.

duiimmeii it iiBERnDns to closing ot theaire. Pnll line o(Traps and BeOe, Experienced In Vande-vine, Maalcal Corned/ aid rtctore Work.Sober. Ueterenco from IsalposlUon, A.F.«t U. WALTRH H. TULhKS,

n« B. Ollnlon Ave., Trenton, N. J.

CHEF AT LIBERTT, CeleredDInlos car eiMriencs. Beferences AI. Do alli. UAMIl/ION, um M. AdUand Are., OUcago.

Cni.vunu.—mil n|.Krti.n; Irene Franklin in^nnrton Orten, CiRiiile ailUiifwaler iin<l crnitit.nv,

Mirrla Cronlii mil M. Ali'rr> Mm. Mai'k ii)4

W.lhrr, Hli AinoTlciin D.nivni. Ihi* I'rlniniio Four,the Kl Her Slilor., tinl lilctiirvK.

GtANn.—mil ni-hVli. <l: "I'lia I.lttle Moill.le,"

llif 'MuRlr.l OtnuiTTitiirr. Mnrllii K. Jnhn.ini,

I.nn., itnnicr anil T.nne. Nrluico and Hnrler,SJIIIinl llTollien, mil Univrrul Anlmnlnl Wrrklr.

Ilinniianus. — mil Jl l'Vh. n; IVmird tnlITcrrlnifn. llajt tlid Warli-ll. Ilio NIchoU-NHntTi(.ii|>e, SIrlnloali owl Muili-nl U.lila, Krtd Illlle-

binntl. iHto lo flil.

Toronto, Can. Prlnmn (W. Ilulhollind,r*r.) "The QiuKer Olrl" K.'j I ' and week,r.rk 8-1.1. ••I'riucii of I'llKvi" Wlowi.ALUANoas (L. Holonwi, mtfr.)~.Pirk I'L

•Itie BInl of Pir.nllw" H-ta.OaaNO (J. W. ikirau, mgr.)- -Rosen le DUIr,

In "A Fool Tberv*"." «»« oj 1. AdellnaRoattlno, In 'Tba^lnier," 8 and week. "UlU-alurM" to follow.Fnu'a IJ. Sbei, mir.)—DUl 1-6: 8li Waur

L'*lf«, Knok Hilton nod corpany, Mnro sad7.117. H'lIU Ilolt Waktdeli. tir. end Mm. JackftlcGrteTer, OaTiuna Duo and Brandon nant andctopinj.

LoEW'a (J. Demileln, mar.)— Dill 1-S: Danelus Krniieirt, A.h .ml HItaTr, r.nt«in Atk*ktM. Ik-rtbel Jlrndler, Tlirro Loiellea, (lonluBend Blnnlrj, Surko and llarrl.. end Viola I>uVaL

IlirronaiiHB (B. A. UcAr.lle. oiur.)—Dill 1-1:Waller Beyiiolda, Dooorao and lec, I.ear nndVIeldt, and fnture fltm..

fl.Twrr (T. R. IfenrT. nmr.) — Roaej FoaerOlrls I and wtva. Ilappr Widcwa K 111.

»»a (P. W. I<lalr. mar. I — UlKblrf Uikoaweek ot I. I'aMlnji Heilew C-tl.KruHD (I.. RcUlftlnser. msr.irkoloplera and

Kcuianelll Bympbonir Orclieslra.UA/iano <D. H, Oraftin, mgr.)—Tabloid ma*

^csl CCUMdj.

Vanronver. Cnn.—Arenuo (R. It. lUcketla.oar.) Avenue riajer..l.oBW'a (Jai. nllliw. mir.)—.mil vrek of Ktbt

I : Juasllns He l.l.le. Hloatt lllack aod companr,Crawtord and llroderlck. "Ye Uld TIom lUl-liiwe'eo," Tom llaliunej. and Rrsotll anil I.llltpu.

tiani.1UNT10B0' (E. n. nraham, uar.)—Mill l-t:

War of tbt Ttxif." Ilertle Fowler, (hildeo

Trotve. DoDlap sod VIrdIo, ajid Qordon Oroa. sadtamiroa

FRBB^BIX HONTIIS—irmUTINO FOBmOFIT. A HonUilr Onlds lo Honsj-Maklnif. Telktiow tlOO growa to liooo-llow to gat rich taloUfand tiooesUj. II. L. RARHKR, Fnb.,

«3i|.g3 w. Jaokson lllrd., Ohlcage.

WANTEDMan for Juvenilesand ComedyHDtTDO SPCOIALTV. Wire



Thone Hitli •pcclallles preforrod. Don't mlsto^reaoiit. 1'<:ll all Hi llrnl. riintos rotamed.

JAUK I'AlttfDNH, UanlmtunTliOHtre Co.,ElkHTIiealro, Iluton Ileugo, La.

Perfoners DoibllnK li Briss, Speolalllnon riANO for balance of this and Bamner season.Can Place aood reiinle at All Times, 1.0Wjirlcea,aalurj. Addren II.1a HOY, LA HOY HTUOK CO.,week Pell. 1, West Mansdeld, Ohio; weok Feii.s,

MU Victory, Ohio.

leiCT roil DOIUI BILLOiuranteed lo be aa a iod aa aoj actin Vaadofllle.KnotpetfecilTaaturaoiorr to rou, rstam UioaciMd lU RKKONII YOUll DOLLAR. Two raoplsActa and Honoloraea;aii7ctiaracl«rs. I'vswrltfeiihandieds of seta.CHAI. i«A«D«» OARTBH, C»bool, Mo.


Oaeldti Oo*Address aAH WALDOH,

Whltesboro, H. V.


iDOlDdIng Kan, capable Leads or neaeles: espable Vomaa for Benbretlo and logon ae I.eada, with Speo-taltloa preferred. AI appcatmnce, Tersalllllf and Repertoire eiperlence essential. State all In lint.

Ton know the aeaaon. Hske salair accordloglr. Ileaao do not mlsrepresenu H. HUao,Bryant, fl. P., Feb. 4, », «; Whits, B,t; Bristol, 10, Il| Webstor, 13,11; Kllendale, V. P., U, It, IT.

PEOPLE IN .ALL LINES FOR OUR NO. 2 SHOWPBBNAIIBMT ATOOK. One blU a week. At Comedian, Youns, Good Looking Heavr Han, AIBtage Manager that can plaj a reaponalble lino of part<i, AI Uliamcterllan and UonetMlnitlness People,AlBccnlcAnlsL Bend lino photos, BIslo age. hMslil, weight and paal experience. This la K hlfthclaui organization, plarlng all the latcat Now York releases. Yon must be AI or joo won't do, Ho-hcsnais Pell. >. Addrtaa

UOBRB BTUOK COHPANV, Orand Opera llaasa, TsaBBalowtt, Ohio.

Phono aoBT BrroBt VBadeTllle Aaenta

THE GAIETY THEATRICAL ENTERPRISESVonid like to hear from sIl'AcIs, largo or small. Write, wire or phonoySBO V. WBIOUHAlir, iMr Bre«d«rai|r, Osiotp Bldg., Balto 311, Raw York.




LOUlB PlBBklStanley Piloo0«o. O. RobersonPl«nd Akey

INOI.VJDINOEileen CosgrltfBeatrix LewisClaudia WhiteAdele LewisMargerette Bougber

George BradleyWm. onggsHarry SpeertaassBud Jamison

16tli Week, National Theatre, Bte«benTiUe, OhioOpaalmg for mm All Sninmar Ru^ »t tlw

Victoria Theatre, Wheeling, Wert Va. in April

People in All Lines Wanted>ERIVIANKIM-r

Miutlolnto optn Fob. S. OdIt c4pKble Stock People need UBWcr, Scenic Artist at once; fliBtclamDlnolor, teaalng People, Oomodlin, oto. Hnke ssfiirT reuouMe. Itlaaure.

Mgr. DVVAti TUJBATBE, JaokaonTdla, Wlm,

Jewell RelleyWANTSA rev (rood Stock Peopio for Ljrio Theatre, Uohlle, Ala., oponlnir Monday, Vsrch 1, Comedian wllbHpocUllles. Team Han and Woman who Play Parts aiiil change BpeclalUra once a week. Bcenlo AitlBt,

wlio can and wUlpliyemiill Fane. Aildfcw Care of Lyric TtcMre, Mobile, Ala.


Fob. 1-0 la repr«aciit«il.Aliljott ft lumta, rroclor'i, Tnj, N. T., * t-

Ainu llimid Tmnie, Bojal, N. i. O.

Clark H MoOjllni«li. Keyatone, Pblh.O>non, Lolo, Ban DInsi. Oil., ImM.CDIham, .Icnsle. JIMIr "Hireilc" II.ilI & Oo., lodd.Collier k J» WaUc, F^mpRn, OblcUD. i-i.

ALOHA TWINS ha-^^slu tbeir Weoderful Darcfooi

Uela-Unla DanceaFeatoRd With the "Hlachler Uaken'

WILL CONLEYThe Dllly BoBdar at VandevlUc

Onlltd Time Direction JOB HARRIS

Adln ft Arllae, Vletoda. CkulnUn, B. a, 4^.Adolpba, Umaid, Boalas.Adalh ft Qaylord. Palace, Bnlaineld, Maaa., i-t.Ah«are, CAa«., Traape, MaJeaOc MllwiQkce.AkI Trio, Natloaal, M. I. A, 1-3 i Ddaaeay St.,

N. y. O.. 4*Altlo, Yankee Babe, Oltf Point. Haaa., iadef.

AlTlu. Peter H., Oipbnm, Omaba, Keh,'

Alplno Tnnjw. Ooloolal, lOuiMfalowo, 0., 4-0.

Anarantha 44), MOeallc. CblraSD,Aoerlean Diocen (6), t^Lice, Cbicaae.Abierlcan Ouncdr Kour. O/ntim Altooaa, Pa.,4-^AiiUioay ft Mack, Kallh'a, 4MiiiBbua, O.AnacT, Lou. Kflih**. I'roTlOcnce.Auttioiiy ft AiMe, Pndm'a SOi St., N. I. O.,

1-3: PiocUr'i. Ut. Vermi. 4-0.

Antunlo. IJrJt, KrdIIt, Uoz'jntir. N. T.AniBut Drca., Osleolal, Norfolk. Vi.. 4-0.

ArlolB Una., Proctor's 23d M., N. T. a, 1-3.

Amnironic & Fonl. Sbobert. Bklo., 4-Q.

ArJell, FrinklTD, ft Oo., 8t. JaaMt, Boetoo, 4-4.

Ardatb, Fml J.. Itonl, V. T. O.Arien. Stere, TIclorli, N. T. O..\rlon (4). Palace. S|>rlii«lleld. Mass., 4-1.Arrelle. Malle, Htate St.. Tmloo, N. 44.Aauie Troupt. Pioolot's Utli St., N. T. O., 1-3;

Proctor's 1231b at., N. V. O.. 4-8.

Austnllsn Woo^cfaoovars, Keith's, olocUmattAubrey ft Rfeble. Kellii'a, I'toTldeacc."Aurora ot Llikl," OoloDhl. N. T. 0.ATolloa. MualesI (4)^LIimdIo tM]., N. T. a, 1-3;

IxMv's, Nmirk, N. J., 4.6.Arrllag i Unrd National. N. T. O.. 1-3.

Aaatd Bros.. Kellh'a, Prorlrtence,Ball. BfiMit, Temple, Detroli.




A* aniiB by Wlnonn Winter. Profea.lonni Coplea and Orclieatrntlonii slowTcndy. ALSO

I/Ovo'B Illvjl-^own Ilv tlic Old Red Mill—Tiyn Dear—l>Rat NIkIiI h Sad Dreuni—liii-

ropcan Armngcddon Vinr Sonc—I Dreamed I

I/ny Whpro T'lowcrs Were tTprbtfrinx—Cuin-mdea By the Moonlight—^c Merry Ila-Ilt—The Kllilit—lloy ScoulB—'Ncatli tin;

I'Inca—My FlrKt I/Orc—Halcyon Diiys—MyTrleco llollc—I Couldn't I<o.ivc My PoorSilk I'Mcud—^llic Lnsl aoo(M)yc—Cnryn UntriHsiim—Aly llochy Mt. Olrl—Thot ttnifg.v

iU\K—How I ItcRrot tlio Day Wc Met Sincellio Day Wo Siild Uood-byc—My SweetDreams of Ynii

—'Mid the Ozark Mounlalns

or Mlasourl—Ou K«Rle Wing—Oil, llic Kulacr—Give Hit n Ilou.iuct of Hoses—Why DidYuu Qo Aivny Krom Mo—My Money Won'tI.ct Mn Love—tMothcr la WalMng Kor M<—The Winning of Sue—College March—Oh,'J'liose Dreamy. Dreamy Hvcs Bo Iliuc


I'rettlcst and SmnrlOHt Olrl In Town— It's

Only a Kodnk Picture of fhe OM Mill n.imnt Home—Mv Krli-od Down South—ComeOn. Ma Honey, and Daoco This Knir WithMu—If It's Him I'll Did Adlcn—(;omc Borne,Dear, For Uahy'a Soke—At tlio Sotllny oftile Sun—Down Dy the Little Bloux—Trcj-tlon—ITio Whispering Winds—I Only Sleepto Dream of You—Luhoma—What Is UiinicWithout n Mother—You I/Oved Ue Wlien1 Was Near You—In llip Garden of Rose-hud Dreams—(Colonial Dnys—Whcro NInga'aKnlls Arn Kalllng—Paying 01 the Mortgag!)—*!vcrytbInB la Rnggy on Old Broadway

Yotithlul Ilooos—JIusIc Is Love— 1 AmThinking of You—I I/OTo You, Honey, NutYour Money—'In the Valley of Dakota.

PPM Coplei (o Profeialonola

IMSflOLBSIITB ft(!0.,Wa8liiB8toD.P.C.


Doubling Dross. Board ou car. Opoiu Fob. 8,

Nu tickels.



For tho purposo ot liclplng musicianssecure dcslmblo positions, and to liolpleaders and managers secuto tto mu-eldaua thej mint, m bavo eBtabllalitd

A tm mm mmmm.A Trcll equipped bnrcaa keeps track

ot the wnutH of musicians nnil leaderseverywhere, and us souu ns we knowtlielr vrnnts wo liniucdlnlely innll Ihcniu list of niuslclanH or posltluiis aurh aawc think will meet their needs. There!b no charge for this service. If youure out ot work or If you need musicians,write us to-dny.FRANK IIOLI-ON A CO., Mnkers ntIIlHh tirade Maud Inslriimeuts Kxclu-Mlvuly, 2U34 aindyn Ave., Chicago, III

LEARN TO ACT>Up to D«t« lo tTcrv dtttlL^

( flCtSUrt. CboriN Toitf Opcf^

:hca, AcIIai Dnmitio Art, EtA

StagA Danolnif Bto*«yUp to D«t« lo tTcrvdtttU^^



_ ScTioot Alwnyd Qnen.P.J.ltinOIO.niul 'I'KN (Vl'lJKIia.llNo.l4LSn1lc£>tClIlCA(JO,ILU


I tell yon bowl FaaoluUnff profession forolttaer sex. Blir soluios. Experlenco on-neootaaiT* Bplondld onffogomonU alwvswaiting. OpportQnlty for tnvel. TbM»

I trloftlagmuandftuthorlUcflondorMiny1 mothods. ThlrlT years* oiporlonce at* manager and parfomier. Illustrated

book **AII About VMidavllla" soat FRKLFretloiio La I>«lle» Bta. ti, Jnoksoo, mi^

Willi nn Inforiiinl tllunor iifior thi> pciformrtnccJnii. :w. C. A. Itolnliiinl, miiAlcnl illr'ciorof (III* OnilKiiiii, llrwtklvii, tMiichhlnl a \vc^>L ufcrU>l>rii((iiri 'ii Imnor of IiIh nritvnili yrnr of i»r*vliv In thp (irritHnni. niul llip l\rcutj--nrih Jubltx^of IiIm canvr nH n i-omhu'htr.

'riH' tlliiiirr wii" rniiigiit by Kmiik Olrnnl. maa-AKtT lit -Ik* (>ii>liriini. iiiwUtCil Ur Murk Nnthiinmill Hoiitc of ilic oihi*r niiwiiltrrn of ttio Ori'tieunhiafr. A iiiiii<lH<r of tlip ivrfoniipw win* iiiipoaTwlu Ibc t>liyliuuiii- ihirlug tuo wivk wore pivscol.

OUT OF TOWN KEWSPortlud. We^9(fcnai (M. 7. Qsrrftr.

ngr.) "DumagcO Ooortd" rpmretl, matlnev aodDiHht. Kob. 3. "Tb4i y.^lloff Ticket" -1-0, AddsI*>a V&j onil TaiKlfvlUe (Oinpanj 8-13Kmirs (Louia K. Kllbjr. mgr.)—The Keith

tlick Oo. preamt '"lYio OciirceilOD" WO. R«pie-Bt'itintlrm from Uio local bmi(>ii«*i of tlio Knlefatsof Oolunibos onil A. O. II.. oiid ilrk>iratcii fromllie local clenrr bare tircti InrlUi] to otttod thisIToilucUon. "IIcli> Waote<r* 8-13.Nbw roRTLANi) (M. 0. niunu*ni)<»rc, msT.)—

Vaiulovlllc Jiiil imllon plctutea. Illll 1-3: V)c-tor'a Mualcal &lcUi)^>. Kniiclnatint; Fnnkol, Ham*r.rt-iiil nriil Korrcikr, TIiimo 'J'bre; Bo^e and Will-laiiLi ami Oxicy. Bill -t-O: ^aIn Usrlon. the^luu'ln \f\\c, Olliun oiiJ Iht Molt, noil Joo Morae.

C;uKm.T'8 (Jnmcti W. Urcel.r mifr.) — Vaud**\lllt' anil iimilon ,il:hirofi. mil l-.l: "The Maaof Myiiery," KuiBi**tt llroa.. anil Jimmy Mulrcy.lull -l-U: TI:o KliituroH. llsmMii Slsk'ra. Itaml^s(luKv. Ilomnn'a lOlC Aliulcal Iteruc la bookcUto - week or 8.

Oahco (Jomes E. Moore, ebat.)—The MarcusMuNlcfll Conicily Co. cloned a aucceaaful two weeks*ci»tnnioent tiere Jao, 30. For week of Feb. 1,

lite "MiiHlcal ViAMi-i ot 1013/' with GOtlle Dowlliiff, t'liilay and llurke, aaU the Klulay Slaters,

licmllnit lilt »\\ovf.

NiCKSL (Win. K. Reeres. infrr.)—Tlils pictoretiniiKe. aoon lo be calkil tbe fllrand. wllb Its n«wKG.OOO orpnn ^a^d orcbectlra aelectloaa, featUKBtUe Parauiuuiil victure ofTcrlDRa.RHrins (Geo. I. Appleby, mgr.)—Feature oo-

lloii plcturra.CiTT llALU

Id the Ifonldpal Oriran O&ncert,4, Will 0. Uacfarlaite, aulst«d by .May^mprlK tbe Intercatlog featurea. Local lAJentwill conduct DIekcm carDlTtl ami itageent. laaid of the Woraaa'H Club Uouse Fund, 8.

Portland, Ore.— Ilelllff (W. T. Fufl^fogr,) Kutb St. l>CDnU Feb. 5. U.

UBMiuuH (T. li. Coalou, mgr.)—DUl Jao. 31-

Fob. 0: RiLwlit Hlerena and Tins Marabtll coot'

pany, lUgoletio llroa., Mario FttBfflbboaB, Drown-Flotcber Trio, Breut Hayes, ood Mile. Lo7araaiilnkala,

I'ANTAOts' (J. A. JohQMD, siRr.)—fllU wcek of1: VIvlnii Marnliall anU coniiwny. Harry airardbihI co4uiiaDy, Hanilltoa and ilarovd, Qulua UnM.,eiHl Marliin and HlUlar. _

ISuraasB (H. \Y. Ptciong. mffr.)—Bill weekof 1: J, K, Bmntett ami couipauy, Olnrk audBoAC. Roy and Arthur, tbe OgdcD Quartette, SinItU

and PAriDor, and ttic Three Doualda.Bakuu (M, \7. Seaman, ni«T.)—Stock company,

in "Tbe Dawn of a Tomorrow," Jiin. 31 aud

I.YHio (Kentlti): & Klood, niKra.l—"Iny tho

Frviicliiunn" 31 aiHl week.I'KuiLH'ii. ilTAi, Katiohal. AIajlhtio ami Co*

LUUUiA. iihotupUyn.U.\Kun.—'Hie linker Slock Company Is ivorihy

of the iM>|)Ulnrlty Ibnt liaA falleu to Jli» lat tbls

wnaoti. for llieir piwlucilons hiivp nil bi«en of

hlxb claw onler. Slary PhlJielt Baker, who hasbivn playlnK Hw Icadi for aererol week*, hasariilercil iMiPh Horteia, and has galiml a boat «friends theroby.

EvoBSvllle, Ind,«Wolls DIJou (O^ IdrrOffull. lupr.J 'Fine Feathers" I'\Jb. 0, "Hio RedWlttow" 7. "Under OoTer'* 8, "DrlnKlnu UpFather" 11, T^vnwn llwe's trSTrl plclur^-a 12.

i;i. "A I'ltlr of Slum" 14, "reg o' My Heart"17. "Tb« TUlnji That Owni" 18, 'Ihe Wnlp"23-27.N»w 4laAND (Wm. McOoffon, mgr.)—Bill

Feniier ojuI Tallman, Hale and Qoe, .Uaalcr Qa-lirlel and c<muiioiit, Proiliil, ami Kuimcr^ii andlialilwhi. Pot -1-7: Younc America. RItm nnrl

Harrison. Nororons and company, and "Uob'a"tu.i1ug katmaruo.Majkstic (Clian. Sweolon. nvr.)—Obas. OlMon

Ts. John Klrnri. wrefltllnj; match, 3.

Oai'JiKUM and NoiTiisttiK (Chas. Sweeter,Qtgr.)—,\.ni-ueur nudeTllle \m\ motion plcturrt.

rniNcnn, Satoy, Obitiuiion, Ririu0ii>s, Nor-Ki.Tr, C0U>KIAL, l^ANKLIN, VlRaiNIA. COLDMDIA*FUl.TON, VaI^IU. STAPIUU, (luVUKon. ALHAM-niiA, jKrmiHOH, Wooni,AWN, Walnitt, Fatoniti;,Oabtlh UkLh and Alauo. luotlou pictured ouly.

IndlnnnpoIUt Ind.—Murat (J. O. namrs,mar.) •T»Hf o' My Iloart" wwk uf Fob. 1; "To-day" 1M3.

Knomsii's (Art. F. Miller, ran".) — JulianRlllONT 10. Zleffeld'B "FoUlca'' B-in.

LTcauH (AntlcrtMMi A. Xlq:ler. nigrs.)—"Tho

Ro:«ary" 1-0, "The Cut nml the Fiddle" R-13,KuTit's (Ned 8. lleatliitn. mffTJ—4II1I 1-0:

"1^0 Bride aiiofi," Jack 'A'IIhod. Dnrrell jndOoiiway. Bthel Orccn, Edvtln Qcorve. Nelaou udNelimn. nnd Woodman and l/lrlnRiton.Lybio (Barton A Olscn, intn^)—>11UI 1-3: Cole-

ton and Ullrs, Im Vine \^[nioi-va eootpniiy. nn>u>:tt-

ton and Turner, nnd Uoolli and T,eanilor. For•1 -U : ^:u«leal nvderlckn, IMfAno and Ulngham.>ly\v* .NtcCarlby nml Ida Walmit couiikiii)*, \\tAter,

D<ilan nnd I'Vaacr, and Fnur Konerx ilroM.

CoM>ui.iA (0. J. Banics, mgr.) — FrenchFnllguca 1-0.

noadlDR, Pa.—Acaderar (Thll Lerj, mgr.)"Tlir Little Colo" Feb. 0, Ihe new Taxi Olrls(hiirkaque) U.

OaruKUU (Ncal Harper, unr.l—Tbe OrpbeumPlnyors, hi "Baby MhK,^* 10, "Ninety aud Nine"

IIiiTniwoui) (O. O. Keeiiey, mgr.)—Bill 1-3:Fraiih Mnyno and coiiipany. Franconla Opera com-pany, Faber lli^«. oud Adam:*, Wi«lon and Youur,r.nd Qiieente l>utir«Un. Lafft baU: *'A M«ht InMoole Oarlo" U bew-'lner.


Tun thinl at o aerlea of Qto Sunday ooncetls,br the Iteadliif: Syfiiiiliony Orchettra, will begiven I'Vb. 7, at the l[l|i|K)<lrouie.

Fon llie pKHlucllon, "Ninety and Nino," by IheOrphnvn rlnyera, an euglne twenlr-lhree f<etliMii: will be brmiyht from Ulles, N. V. A specialral Iroaden* u I git t will be nlwerred dtirlng tbeweek.Fi^namoB Vi.>irKNT. who was to haTe l»een re-

iilacfil by Mary KMne, 1* atlll wllb ihe Oivheuniria)-ers, aa luscuue.

<Baf:on(rhl, Kellb'B, Fhlla.Bamen. AliiBrt. Keith's, Phlla.Bames ft Onwford, Orpheooi. Memphis.Barabao & Creha, Orphcun, 31. Paul.Baldwin. Ouf. Trio, Proctor'a 23d St., N.T.a,4-f,Faker, Uabel. Proctor's 'Jn«l at.. N. Y. a, 4-0.Banta <Unxi. (4), Howard, 'Boston.natcTDao, Tom. Bawdoln Sq., Eoaton.Barton « Brown, Oross Keys, Phlla., 4*6.


Jlankoff & aijllc. Emnrea,, Grand Haptds, Ulca.Ilamos & IU>biDHOa. uopiew, St. Paol.llortoD, Snm, rortliad, Portland, Me., 4-0.Ilsrat. Arthur. Victoria, K. Y. 0.r^verly & Slacker. QrldlB Cir;ull, Inilef.

Urlmont A H,rl, Ooloalal. CLlcsp'. 4.0.Ueroard ft llarrlnaton. Ulpi>., at. Louis."lieautlei. 'rlie." Vonylh. Atlinli, Ot.Ik-rcvrunl, Hurry. & 0>., Douiliilon, Ultawa, Oan.iKTnnrd, Sniihjrc Kcllb's. l':orl(lcnce.Uvrrens, 'nir. Kollli's, Wraslilngton.llcnion. Freowiit, & 09.. Mdi»Ktlc. ChlcsRO.Iwrao & CaHj,or. American. N. Y. 0..«).slc'B iVtckaloM. Uoiilcrarvl. .^f. Y. C.. 1-3.Bt'lle ft Onn, Dllou. Ilklii.. 4-0.I>Tlln Madc<i« (111. Nulkiiial, N. Y. C, i i.Eellwlslre Or>,.. Kultun. Ilkln.. 4-0."Eelwee?b Tralnrf," Locv'i, roL-pbliccpsIe,N.T.,l-0.CuTlck ft Hart, Pnsiiect, Ukln.Bttinett, Rlch,rd. Orvheusi. Palo.Bt-rnsrd ft Hearth. Qrand. l'>i!ln.

rert, Klo, A Oo.. Keith',. Ixiaell, tlM.Ul« Oily four, OrpbeuD, lies MoUes, la.; Or-pheum. Wlnolpeff. Caa., {»-13.

rickel & WatMo. Tenipir, t><lrolt.

I1:i:na ft Dnt, Kcltli'a, (.uilavllle.niack ft White, Ooloolal. Qilcrsu, 1-6.

Black Bros., Olymplt, Boaton.l..'ock, lluoMa ft Tliomas. Oroas Keys, Phlla., 4-0.

Boffera, Walters ft Cfoolur, Oruheuoi, Kanaas01 ty, Mo.

Borslal Troupe, Amerlcao, Chlcajto, 4-6.Jtolaod ft Holla, Kellh'a, Oolumbua, 0.Road ft OanoQ, Teniple, Rccheater, N. Y.liowera, Paal, Onatal, Ullwaukee.Onnm Bna„ Uoalgoae^ ft Stone, H, T. 01, in-


OoAer ft Smith, Shea's, BnlTalo.Odiolly ft Wenrlcb. Orphem. Qrand BapUs, HIcb,Collier ft SfflUb, Bbesos. DofTato,Ooaoelly, Jane, ft Oo.. 0. O. II.. Flttsharfb.Oilllns k Hart, Temple, Rochester. S. Y.Cvwhoy MIostnlB, Keith's, Toledo, O.Ooortner Slaters, Ustestlc. UllwaekM.OMk ft 0>i, I'ncior'a lUih St.. N. Y. 0., 1-S;

Fnetor's S3i SL, N. Y. 0.. 4.8.

Oole, Boiaell ft Daris. Proclor'l 23d SL,N.Y.0.,4-aGooiran ft Cos. DIJou, Bkln.. 4-0.

ODOke, OIja, Loow'a, Newbanh. N, X., 4-4,Oole i Deaaby, PaUce. M. I. O.Comfort ft Klo(, PsUee, N, Y. O.CoDnara ft Witt. Hip,., Baltimore.Ooncbos. Paai, Pnniect. Bhla.Oonelll, Re^iaa. ft Oo., Oipheoffl, BUn.Goamr, ft Duiri, Boyal, N. Y. O.Oouper, Joe ft Lev, Xoral. N. Y. 0.OoDdoD. Derereaoa ft Oo.. Albaaibra, N, T, 0,Cook. Joe. Victoria, N. Y. 0.ODBkley, flaoTey ft Duolory, Ooloalal, N, T. 0,Ooihlu. Rose, Ooloolal. N. Y. C.OorelU ft Olllrt'ie, Biahwick, Bkln.Conoell. Jss. R., BUmi. Boston.Ovpelaud, Draiter Co., Kniinws, Omahs, Neb. : Na>

tkxial, illoH aty, la., H ia.Connelly Dolly. Ramtna, Qrand Raplte, MIcb."Oolonlai Days." Poll*,, New Darea, Ooon., 4-0.Cremy ft Deyne, Orpheuin, EdmoatOD, Can,; Or-

pbouu. Vancoarer, 8.13.Cronla. Morris, ft Ob., Paltoe, Cblcaco,Cree, BlUle, PiecKir', 123tt St., N, Y. 0.. l-3l

Procloc'a SSth .St., N. Y. C. 4-0.Croaoion, HentletU, ft Oo. Alhambra, N. Y. aCrossnag ft steward. Alhijibra, N. Y. O.Cosbmaa ft Oe Von.Oarroltoo,Mo. ;Lrona,Kan.,S-13,OimohiKbam ft llarloo, Hipp., Alloa, Ul., 4.«;

Rnipresa. St. Louis. 8-10.Oinunin ft Seaham. Panlaccs'. Taooma, Waab.


d'antafw', Portland. Ore., 813,


Cutty. Rllsabelb, LIbeity, Bkln., 4-6.Culleo, James. Ivmprra,, Oraud Rapids. dUch.Cusbmao ft ^uj]derlBnt].<»loDlal,llaverhlllJdass..4-aDarla ft Mattbeirs, Hipp., SL Louis.Uare Bros,, Shea's, BufTalo,Darrell ft Conway. Keith's, Indlanapolla.Darts. Daring, Lirtlc, Newark. N, J,, 4-6.Daniels, Walter, ft 0>., Bouteianl. N. Y. a, 14.Damerel, Oco., ft Co., Orpheum. Uempbls.D'Aiaoie-Dougtaas, Olobe. Phils.Dehllnier, FearL Olnaplc. BuiTalo.Darlt. Geo. O, KelUi's. Lowell, Maas.De Wliitera. Qrace, UoVleker's, Cblcaco,De Mar, Qrace, Kellb'ii, Kl. Wiiync. Ind.Delmore ft L<«, O. O. B.. Pittsburgh.De CordOTo, Lcander ft Oo.. Poll's. Scrantoo, Pa.Deeley. Ren, ft Oo.. Oroheum. Dw .Moines, la.Denumit. Carl. Anwrlean. N. Y. O.. 4-6.Deane, UnrKarel. Onelrj Sq.. N. Y. C. 4-6.Deao's, Dora, Phanlooa, Academy, Fall BlTtr.

Mass.. 4.0.

De Witt ft .Stewart. Palace. PhUa., 4-0.De .Maiest, Oorl. Orpheuin. Dkln.Delmonl. Al., Ilowant, Ronton,]>evaro ft Zeineter, Dowdolo 8q., Boston.De LoncB, Cross Kers, Phils., 4-0.!<• Trlckry. Cor, Grass Keys, Pblls., 4-4.DlTlnolT. lilo, MnJCH'l?. .Mlltv.iukec.

Diamond ft Qraitt, VIclorls, N. Y. ar=xoii. Bowen ft DI:;on, ijlyinplc. Eoffslo.Docbslader, Lew, Keltb's, 'Toledo, O.Dirls. Mile,, ft Dojs, Sim's. UulTillo.Pcoley. Ray, Trio. Orplieiim. irarrlsburf Pa.Doit. Morlc. Orpbeiioi, Mon^rejl, Con.Dockslader, Lew, KeUb's, Toledo. 0.Prnlln ft MrRsle, ^riihe'i-n, Mlrnespolls,Docler ft Erelyo, Orpbeum, Sloui Olty, la.Decldry. Will, l>ro:lor-a liatb St.. N. Y. O., i-9,Dolce Slstcfs (3), Rreprefti, Clnelooall.tvi.ertja. Hie. Keltb's, .'.oirell Mrs*.Prawev. Prlxo ft Hambo. Keith's. Clereland.Duokdr'a Beil Rhigeis. Kellh'a. Oolunbus, O.Dunedlc Duo, Cokiolal, Norfolk. Va., 4-0.Dupree ft Dopree, Keith's, Wssblogton.DofTy ft Loimse. Majestic. .Milwaukee.Da Bols. Wluned. Proctor'a. .ilbanr, 4-6.Dunn SlBtera. I'roctcr's, Troy. N. Y.. 44.

Bi Ba>oncl»Isl ^aTJlOCHElJMake a cough easy bypreventinsT the irrita-

tion that inducoBcoughing.Freefromopiates. 2Sc,60oand $1,00. Sample fYe«,

Jftbn 1. Brown > Sum, BumUm,

Dunn ft Stereos, Pioctor's. Troy. N. Y., 4.,.DursI, Viola, Uiew'., Tonnlo. Can.Dunnicre Breiyo, Royal, N. Y. 0.

FRED ft ilNITA BRAD p^nSS'^-rar;.?'^Bl Hey Slaters, Palace. Ohlca^,Elklos, Fay & Blklns. Proctor's 125tb Bt„ N. T.

O., 1-3; Pfoclor'8 08th St.. N. Y. O., 4-0.Elliott & West. Prfletor'B, Albany, N. Y., 4-».Elllbon. Grice, l*ro»i>ect. Hhln.KIretrlc. Orpheum, XlUvoukee.DmmelU Mr. & Mrs. Qugb, St. James. Bostot, 4-4.Kmorson & Baldwin. VarlelIe«.Terre lIaute,Ind.,4-0F.<)ullIo DroB.. St. Jimes, Dostoo, 4-0.Krrol, Bert, Kelth'H, Bostoo.FoBmottd. Mr. & Mrs., Orpheum, Altoona. Pa., 4-0.Kfans, Billy & Clara, daiety, ChlciiKo, Indof.ICrans, Chas., A Oo, Keith's, Otoroland.

First VaoABt Week, May M. 1015Mgr.- Cbus. A, Pouoliot, Pal. Theatre BIdg,, N. Y. 0,

•Bradley ft .Vorrla, .Marytind, Baltimore.Urice, Fannie, Palace, N. Y. CBrueh, Frlu ft Lucy, ^lien'a, -llurrola

Hrlndnmour, Orntieuoi, lliiTTl^iurs, Pn."Bride 3bop, The,'* Kellh'R, IndlnnapollR.Urown, Delmore & Brfnvo, INjll'a, SprlngHeld,

Alasa.Brooks & llowen, MaJestLc, Alllwankee.Jirady & Milioiiey. Defancey St., H. Y. 0,. 4 0.

Brower, Walter, Flatbuab. Bklu., 4 0.

Drj-anta (2). Oipbeam, Dosion, 4'0.



Tlreen, Hanr. Royal. N. Y. O.JJrl£fatons. Tlx, Poll's, henr Harco, OoDn,. 4*0.

Burr ft llopc, Tonple, Detroit.Uuroa ft ^lon, 'reoiple, Rocbeater, N. T.BiirDbau ft Brwin, btvbeum. Kaasaa 01&. Ifo,

"lluterly ft Rose,'' Pnetor's OSthSt., N.I,0., 4-4.

Burke ft Barke, Orpheom, Doston, .4-0,

Burke ft Harris, Loew's, Toronto, Can.nurk«, Jolia ft Use, Proapeot, Bkln,Duroa & lana. I^pect. Bkln.Busb, Kratik, Nlion, Phlla,Jiurt, Anna, Olympic, Boiralo.Dyal ft Bariy, Orand, PblU,Oasail ft l)e Verne. Dajloii. O.. lodef.Oaliarls ft OIco, t3olonlal. Chlca^, 4-0.

Cnrcenm, De VItt ft Oo.. Knipreoa, Knnsss OIlT,Mo.

Crnieron A O'Oinoor, E^le, ItlrmlnjAam, Ala.Oarus ft Bandall, Ljrlc. BlrrolDsbini, Ala.Cnniien, Zars, Ttk), Doalnloii, Ottawa, Can,Carona Doo. Bhea's. Ibronto, Can,Calvert, tSatberloo, ft Ok., Keith's, Waahlnitoi.Carter, Waters ,t Oo., PnK'.ti»i's 23d !t„ N. T.

O., 1-3: Proctor's, actKiicclndy. N, Y., 4-0.

Cannen'a Mluatiels, Praetor's l'3d 8t., N.Y.0.,4.6.CncDeld ft Oarleloo, Piwlor's. Ht. Vernoa, H.

Y.. 4-0.

OnTolIo's Circus, Proctor'a, Mt. Vcmon, N.T.. 4-0.

Cahlwell, Dlaacbe, American, N, T. O., 4-0.

Carbrey Bn»., Orpheum, N. T. O., 4-0,

Cnrrall ft Blekey, St. Jaiaea. Bmon. 4 0.

CslTcrt, Mannierlle, Bli»u, ,1ackwi, MIcb.. 4-4.

Calirornla. Illlou, Jackson, Mleh., 4-0.

Cunuen. Ilowaxd, Bostoa.Carioll. KeaiUif ft Pay. On^ouni, Mllwankee.Carr. Ulille. ft Oo., KeUb's. I.owell, .Mass.

Cerene Troaiie, Tth Ato., N. Y. O.. 1-3. Flat-buab, nUn., 411.

Clili- ft Marble, Kellh'a, <;ieTelan<!.

Chanlne, (ixiibnun. N, Y. C. 1-3; Columbia,llkln.. 4-8.

Chllds, Joanctle, Loe%r'B, Ponahkefi-ple, N, Y.. 4m.Challls. nelh, nonl*T.ild. M, Y. 0.. 4-0.

Olialloner. C^lherloe. Oo., Ulciv, Phlla.Chsller Blatera ft Ililllday. Olyople. BulTale.

Clinton ft Beatrice, llnonaa A Puller, ladtf.


GLINTONandBEATRICEDBENNAN & FPUiBa AtiBtnilla. Inilollnlto

Cllir, Laddie, Ofpbcum, eioux Oily. Is., B-13.Olnrk ft Tunier, llose B.Tdcll'a Co., Iadef.Clayton, Ileusle, ft Co.. Kellb's, Loalarllle.Clarion, Kra, Ulup.. Dtlllnnre."Olaint Acent," Kioery, Prorlilenee, 4-0.CIsnile, Tub;, Royal, N, Y. U.Olsrksoo, (leo.. BowilulB Sq., Uniton.Clarke ft Ora, OtUot UolthU, Oinal tM, 1-

iMaith t.

Presdaallnc "BETWAKN B.«TT1,B8'>Special Scenery^ Eirecta. Flaying V. B. 0. Time

"Brerfbody." National, N. I. a, 1-3; Loew's,Newark. N. J.. 4-0.

Exposition Four. CMonlal, Norfolk, Ta., 4-0.Farber Olrls. Kellb'a. (Jlnclnutl.Farrell-Tsjlor Trio. Keltb's, Ft. Wsyne, lodt.Pay, Kvs, Proetor'a, Albany, N. Y., 4.6.

Fanton'a Athletes. Loew's, Toronto, Can."Ksahlna Shop, The," Omheum, Altoona, Pa., 4.4,Falls, Archie ft Oertle, Keystone. Phils.Fslhe ft Adams, Wm, Pesn, Pblls.rem. Ilnrry, ft Co.. Keith's. Clerelsnd.Frni. Ilsy, ProclWe :3d 8t., N. Y. 0„ I-S:

Pioclor's, Mt. Vernon. 4-ll,

Felli ft Tsiie. Alhambra, Pblls., 4-6.F(-oiier ft TaJIunn, Varlcles, Tem Baata.

Ind.. 4 6,

FInk'a Comedy Clrci*, Mcyic',(cr'p, Gilcaao.Flelils, W. 0., Oniheiun, Otsnd Rapids, HIcb.Fields, Faille, Colonhl, Norr.iU. Vs„ 4-0.r:irKlbbou. Bert, Poll's. ScMuton, Pa.Klfher ft Qrven, Dc'iwl^k. Dkln.I-1nlry. Bob. BIJon, Jackson, Ulch,, 4-6.Flsiismn ft Kdwards. Keirh's. Phils.VIetchew, Isabelle, ft Oo.. Pnctor's 2M Bt, N.

T. g, 1-8 i Pfoctor'a IMth BL, N. Y. C, ^4.


DinECTIOM - DILLY ATWELLFold. Max ft Hntwl. OrphPUD. Montreal, Can.IVater-lloll ft Co.. Kellh^i, Pmvidpuce.Pegarty, Frank. Keith's, Washtiielon.Fcj, Eddie, & FnDily, Ifajeadc, Mllwaokoe.


Fonda, Mabelle, Tienpci, Gmnd, nichlandtoira,Md., 4-11.

rent ft Hewitt, l>n»n<v:t. Bkb).Fonl ft Traly, llowarl Boston


IN VAUDEVILLEVnr Twlno ft Frey. McVlcker's. Cblesso.Fnofclin ft Oreeo, Palace. Ohlca^.Frana, aig.. Troupe, I>roclor's I2Stb St., N, T.C. 1-3; PnctoCa nstb St., N. Y. O., 4-4,

Prsnels A Tones, Proctor's. Albany, N, Y,, 4-4.Knncbi. Kilty, ft Oo. American, N. Y, 0,, 1-3)

Qreelcy Oq., .N. Y. C, 4-0.Kridktnrsby Tioupe. Orpbeum Dkln.FrlHaDoa, Trlile, Albambra. N. Y. O.Froalnl, Tatlclln, Tcite nanle, lad., 4.4.


IN VAUPBVILLB•Fiey, Henry,' Ke;«tone, Pbtlj,Francis ft Rose, Olobe, Phils.Fredericks, Muskal, Lyric, Indlanaavlls, 4-0.Gaailaebmldts. Tbe, BIJou, ^rannah, (M,, 4-4.Osxolgne, C1e>. Olnaplc .Memphis.QsKoriies, Iloysl, Delancey St., U. Y. O., 1-3;

Oniheum. N. Y. 0., 4 4.Oaby, Frink, Ttb Are,, N. Y. O. 1-3.

Oabrlrl, Hester, ft Co., Vsrlelles, Terrs Bante,Ind,, 4-0.

Oallon. Grand. Phlla.Gardner ft Le Roy, Olynmle, Baffalo.Oeenie, Edwin, Keith's, IndlsnapoUs,QeoiioUa Ttlo. Proetofo IMih at, rf. T. ft, 4<.

SAM GILDERThe OrlBlnal Loae Star Hluatral

P. B. O. TIME Miectlon HABBY BAPFGillette, Lacy, Temple, Detroit,Gllllniwaler, Claude, it Co,, Palace. Cblcsfo."Girl from .Milwaukee," Orpheum, St. Paul,enroll. Hairy. Oipbeum, Sloni Olty. la.Olhhs, Cbas.. Proctor's CSth St.. N. Y. O. 1-3:

Proctor's 23d 3L, N. Y. O, 4-0.


Gibson, Rath, ft Oo., Lyric, Newark, N, J., 4-4.anils jsi, Orpbeum. N. Y, 0., 1-3; Ttb Are., N.

Y. d.. 411."(UtI from Mscj's," Lyric, Hoboken, N. J., 4-4.UUsoo ft Pemoot. Portland, Portland, Me, 4-4.



Gladiators, The, Shea's. Toronto, Oan.Olose, Angusta, Proctor's, Troy, N. Y., 4 4.Golden ft West. Kmpress. Kansas Olty, Mo,Gordon, John, ft Co.. Shea's, BuITbIo.Gordon, Kitty, i Co., O. O. II., Plttshar(b.Goriloo ft Ulca, Grand, Syrseuie, N. Y.Gotdea. Oloude, Mnjestlc. Cblca^.Goeu, Odenian. Lincoln Sq., N. Y. O., t-S; Oo-

limbla. llkln.. 4 0.Oeuld, Rita. Kmeiy. Prosldence. 4-0.Goad ft Laacdoo. Albambra, N. Y. 01 *


PeraaaHont Address. W. T. CLIPPEH.Gordone, Robbie, Grand. Pblls.Ooldlnfr ft Keallnf, Keystone. Phlla.Ocssans. Bobby. Majesllc, Weal Orore, la. ; Vaude,

Doudi, 8-13,Oruher ft Kew, Park, tlltehell. Mo.' Electric.

Joplln, Mo., 8-10; Bleclrle. Kansas City, Ksn.,11-13.

"Green Beetle. The," Orpbeum. Qrand Rapids,Mleh.

Oieen, Flbel, Keith's, Indlsnanolls.Onhnm ft Randall, Omiieiim. Jaekso&Tllle. Fls.Orimth. Fred., Proctor's. Troy. N. Y., 4-8,arima ft Lewis, Lyric, Newark, N, J., 4.6.Grand Opera Trio. OInnpla, Boston.Oranrllle. Bernard. Victoria. N. Y. O.GievDiy Tnmpe, Olynpla, Beaton.Owynn ft Geaaett, PoM'a, New Hstip, Obm., 4-4.


Bayward ft fiLilTord Go., Majevtlc, Dallaa, ^x.


'Majeellc. MobsIoo, 8-18.Hallen ft lluoter, Lycenin, tTanton, O. ; Grand,

Phlla,, 81;!,Hawthorne & ItigUs, Orphe'ini, Montiesl, Oan.Hart. Marie ft Billy, Msjesllc, Dallas, 'Tel. ; Mc-

Jesllc, UouBtoo, 8-13.Harris ft Rainioll, Pioctor'a bSIb St, N. Y. C4-0; Proctor's, Mienectady, 8-10,


naydn, Bo:ton ft nardo. Colonial, Cblcaco. 4-6.HaTcoian's Aulinsls, 0. tj. H., Plttshutnb,Haalou Bros,, Temple, Rochester, N. Y.Harrington, Isiwrvnce, Proetor'a 08tt St,, N, Y.O.. 1-3.

Hall, Vera, Proctor's. Albsny. N. Y., 4-8.Bansoo, Alice. Llncohi Sq., N. Y. O., 1-8 : Flat-

buab. DhUl., 4-0.EarrayDo Vera Trio, American, N, Y. C, 4-6.


Direction JAMES B. I'LUmtBTT,Rayea, Edmnod. ft Oo., BIJou. nkla.. 4 0.


Haywood Slatetfl, Albambra, Phlla,, 4.0.

Vawtey, Halitht ft 0>., Prospect, Dkln,Bamld, Onllle, Olfiheura, Ukln.Halperln, Nan, Dushwlck, Ukln.Hajpco, U. 0., ft Co., Olympic, DulTalo.Uaason ft aialds, OoloB lal, HaTerhUl. Hois,, 4-0.

The Haywardsrm. addra, white RAT8.Uooke<laaUd40 weeks

Uaruon BIsten, Greely's, Portland, tfe^ 4-4.Herman, Lew, St, Olslr, GreensbuTit. Pa., 4-S;

O. n„ Lslrobe, 8-10; O, IL, MeyerdaJe, 1113.flenry ft Adelaide. American. Ohkaflo, 4-0.IleiuTS, Plylna. Lyrle. Rlcbuiond, va , 4-0,ITcnabaw ft Arery, Temple, Rochesler, N. Y,Berrera. Proctor's 126lh St., N. Y. O,"Her First Osse," Proctor's, Troy, N, Y., 4-fl.

nerhrrt ft Dennis, American, N. Y. 0., 1-S; Flst-busb, Dkln., 4 0.

nelm, Dud ft Nellie. Lyric, nobobcn. N J., 4-0.

"Her Naine Was Deanls." Liberty. Bkln., 4-0.flennlnas. John ft Winnie, Colonial, N, Y. 0.dielcn. Oaby, Eeltb's. Phils,nilllar, W. J., Psnt,ima'. I'ortlscA, Orairillebnndl. Fred, Hipp., St. Uuls.nines ft FoT. Mnjentlc. Oli!i!;uro.

Iltifisn, Oos, Rrnle Msrhs Oo,. luM,IIOLsloo, Uenry, Touring Australia, Iadef."Iloney Girls," McVlcker's, Oilcago.



nclmcs ft Rlltar, Enipr>8s, Kansas Olty, Ho.Ilcyt ft Wsrde)(. Ulnp., Louis.Holt. Air. J.. Cohinlal, Erie, Pa.Uocdlnl, Orpbeom. Montteal, Csn.Ifoirmsnn, (lertrode, ft Co.. MsKelle, Ohicsgo.IIowBid. (Asa, ft Co., Orphenm, SInnx Olbr, Is.IIollls. nolly, Procter's. S<>heneclady. N. V. 4-6.

Iloffmaa 1.0,1, Loew'i. NewViryh, N. Y., 4-0.Holmes ft Wells, Olobe. Itos^jo. 4-8.




DON'T BE MISLED BY COUNTERFEITSThe Only Real and. Genuine Sons

FIFTY II. the One^ by SMITH & BURRI8, WrI.ors cr"Bnllln' the J ack," anti


JOS, W. STERN & CO;I02-I04 W. 38lli Sl.


BodgklM. Mr. Ic Mn. >>flr Colonlil, K, T aEoccbtOD, Morris ic Unur'ilM. Stion. PbWa'UudKn, B«rt E., o. S., £ln>T, W1>.: o.' H..

Uxll. 8-20./. n

.v.. n.,

Bont, Bnndon, ft Oa., Bbn'a, T«n»to, Oin.HniillDit, Uw A Uolll«, Kfllh'a. Wublnstn.BnBm ft I/OcMirt Olrla, RleliBrdjDii, Oiwcso. N.

Dlr««<leiiIflTBD TmB

PAT OASBYfijnuek, K«Ith*A. Oolanlnu, o.Bjuiu & MclDtjiv. Olvbfua. Stou 011^, li.iDct, OUrt, Oipbfum, Des -Uolncs, li.IntttwrtloHl Six, Pilaw, Hilla., 4-0.

Irwlo, May, ft Co., Ontbtum, Nev Or)«Bsi,lancd, Oiptatam, K«ir orleana.lihakama Japa, Croaa K«t«. PhJU.It«1i ft Itch. Boward, Bobioq,Iltllao MoakctMK (S), KcTaiow, PbDa.Jaooba' Doga, Marylaoa. llalUmolc.Jarrow, Lyric, Bimlns'ti-in, Ala.Jack ft Porta. Uijmllc, illlnaokw.Jahos (8), OrphaoiD, Nev (irleanaJavMs, Uorrla, ft Co.. mxlor a, AIUdt, N.T„4-4.itmt, Aaitmj, Pall Rlnr. Mn-t., 4 0.JiOvraoa, Jo:!., ft Col, »rnli«3ni, Mlnnoapnlla.Jcrts ft namllloD, Proct-H'a 1291b SI.. N.y.O.,4-0.Javcll OooMdy Four, iJrand, I'hlli.Jchutonf, Umlcal, BIpn., DuMId, Irt. : I^pln,

Bradfoid, Bnjf., 9.13; Palace IToll. 10.20;Emplrr. Lnds, 2S-S7; Palan, Mandintor,tfanh 1-0.

Jobuoa ft BockloT, Prociur'a 13Gth St., N. T. 0,,1-8; Proclor'a fiStb !<t., N, Y. O., 4-0.

JcbsaOD's Dun, Llnrolu Rq., H, Y, C„AmwIcaD, N. V. 0., 4-0.

lean ft Icihnaon, Ornb«L-n, N, Y. O., 1-3: Boid^Tanl, N. Y. a. 4-0.

CcDM ft SylTnler, UIJoo. Jacbion. MIcb.. 4 0.'•Juat Hair Way." 7lh Av.v. N. Y. C, 1-3: Ful-

ton, nkln., 4-0.KnDfiiun Bisters. Bhalwr. Itklo., 4-0.KwnaD, Prank, ft Co.. Kt. Wa>nr. Inil.Kwina, Cbaa., 7th Arg, .S. Y. g. 4.0.


Kaloa (8), nipp., naltliiio:«.CroDeilye. Dancing, locw's. 1\n<o(o, Can.Krily, Waller 0., Kclth'«. Pro>:il«ncc.Ktnao ft Window, Orand. .<tymcuio. N. Y.Kc:ao. tSi. ft Mrs. Janm. Omn'l, :?yracurc. N. T.KiDjDton ft Elcner, I'lntbMm. Dulalb, Minn.Kluuieni. 'riK, Proc:«r's 12.);h si.. N. Y. c, 1-3;

i'roclor's, Albany, 4-0.Kag, Dottle. Lyric. Nemrk N. J.. 4 0.K.ltk ft t\>girty, Duatiwlck. Bkln.Kliouraa, Tbe, OluUy's. PortlKOd. Me.. 4-0.KoH) ft Barlaod, Orpbetun. Dmver; Orpbeom,

I/lncolo. 8-18.Kornaa. Fred, Lyric. BtoliinODd, 7a.. 4K).Kobe Troupe. Amerlcio, N. Y. 0., 4.0.KoralMto, SonU, DIJou. Boaton.Konen Broo. (4). Lyric, IndlaauioUs, 4-4.Kiemka Broa.. KellVa. (Xnclnnttr.Kramer ft kfortDO. Oryfaeom. llarrlabor;,Kionold, Bans. Orpbeum. Mempbla.Lancloo, Loeler ft Oo., Foraylb. Atlanta, Ot,Lai Moo KhD, Lyric. Blnnlnnboai. Aln.LiDidoo*. Tbe, Kellb'a. Onclonttl.Laiar ft Dale. Orpbeum. JickaouTllle, Fli.L* Bona, Boiy. Oomloloo. Otuvi, Can.Lanbertl, Orpbeum. St. faul.La Prance Bros, ft Eugeoe, pfoclot's Mlh St,

N. Y. O.. 1-S.

La Tlaa. Mile.. Proctor'a SSIta St.. N. Y. O, 1-0.

I«be. Max. Proctor's 120tb St, N. Y. O., 4-0.La Palsa, Prator'a. Bchrnwiadr, N. Y., 4-0.Lane. Plant ft Tlmoona. Delaocey SL, N. Y. 0.,

1-.1; Loew'a. Poucbkceptle. 4-0.

Lang ft Ooolter. Oreeley Bq., M. Y. a, 1-8


Anerlnn. N. Y. C. 4 0.Id Delia Oomlniiea. Orpbeum. N. Y. C 4-6.Laat Hope." Glooe. Bodt'Mi. 4-0

Lawloo, Lyric. Robokro. N. I., 4.0.La Boe, Oraco. TIclorln. N. Y. aLauder. AUck, Victoria. N. Y. 0.La Palma, Aloia. Bljoo. Bostoo.La Ooata. BIJou. Bontou.La Tltcomb, Orpbenn. Boxton. 4-0.l» Paela ft Oo.. Howard. Boatoo."Lawn Party. Tbe." Wm. Penn.. Fblli,La Toy Bros., Keith's, Lowell, Uaa«.


WITH PftgglWO BBVlgW OF 191*

lelcbtAi ft Roblomn, American, Chicago, 4-0.Le Uocn ft Dupree<:e. Temple. Delfo!*.Leu ft Oranatoo, Orpbemn, BajTlaboTV. Pa.Leenard ft l.oule. OrrelFj Eq., N. Y. 0., 1-8;Emtiy, ProTldeniie. 4-0^



f45.00Donbls TrolloT, steel Ronnil. Flbi« OoTOicd, oodIt la BDIL.T BT BALi

_A P«w of Onr Osii^f-TowB AceataiW. A. DAOON ft CO BoKion. Mass-QDARANTRG TRUNK CO Ilartfortl, Conn.niR TRTOR SHOP New llKVcn. Conn.HYIIACDSR TRUNK 00 SrnicUBC, N. Y.B. BILTBR Dridgcport Conn.TDSTIN'8 TRUNK BHOP. DIogbnmloD. N. V.


WnXXAM BAX, Ino. ^14 W. 4l>tlt at., . • •w York.

M.n, HI.'

BESSIE LE GflOIITfjuter TMo. Hipp,, Baltloion'.Lewis, HeaiT, Albamhra. K. Y. aLewla. Tom. Bualiwlck. Dklo.Li<nanl ft Russell. Du.'rtiisick RklnLeiliel ft jMoetlo. HIjou. Jacksoo,' Ulcb., !«.Ury, Jack, ft Oa, Onaa Kcyai Pblu., 44.


ia Oteao Vnir Ato.. WoodbaTon. M. T.

tlllleOeld UirloD. ft Go.. Kvlth'a, Phlla.I/nd. Homer, ft Co.. PoU'a. ScrAfloa. P*."Little .Miss U. B. A.," OolonlaL BaTeiUlLMan.. 4<.

I>;d, Bosle, Orani. Syraeoao. N, Y.IJrid ft Urllt, Palace. SprlngOold, Ua»., 4-41.Lotetta Twins. Kellb'a, Oolambus, O.LAse ft SlerllDff. OrirtietsD. Ilairlabuiv. Pa.Lockett ft WaldroD,^ Olpheum, New Oncans.Loolae ft Ullchell. Loow'a. Newark, N. J., 4-4.Loiettaa (3). Qlotie, Boston. 4-0.Loni ft Elliott, aiobc. Phlla.Loclera (4). Rmpim, Cblcaro, 4-0.Lstllle ft Pariot, Temple. Rwbater, N, T.Lucky ft Yout. Olym^la. Beaton.Luts. Clare, ft Co.. Academy. BuffslaLudlnii ft Stuart, Tbomastllle. N. a, 4-0.Ljons ft Yoaco. Colonial. Rrle. Pa.Vllon. Roy. ft Co.. Kellb'a, LouIstUIcMario ft Tierette, MeVlcker's. Ctlcago.



Mattbn Tth>. MeTlcker'a, OhlOKO.MQXIne Bros, ft B^Miy, Lyric, Ulralnj^haiD, Ala*Man Bros, ft Co., Keith's. I'roTldence.MacDonouAh. Rtbel. Poll's. Scranloo. I'o.

Msyo ft Tolly. Sbva'9, Toronlo, Can.Harkley. Pnnk, Keith's. TcIhIo. O.Mack ft Walker, Palace. Chicago.Uason ft K«eler 0>„ Uniheum. MloneanoHs.Hae ft Adills. Proctor's ilil St.. N. Y. 0.. 1-3.

Maoklni. The. Proclor'a 2M 31., N. Y. 0., 1-3;froctot-n 128th St., N. Y, g, 4-0.


DIBECTION OF M. 8. DENTHAM.Uaek ft Maek, Pnetor'a 23d St.. N. Y. O.. 44.HallJand. Mailio P., Uoolcrard. N. Y. O., 1-3;

Pulton. BMo.. 4-0.

Madden ft C\iia. Loew'a. Newhursh. N. Y., 4-0,

Manihon Omcdy Pour. St. James. Boaton,Uarletie'a Manikins. IIIpp.. Baltimore.UauTlce ft. Wilnn. Oiiineuoi. Dkln.ftUnella'B Bltdt, Albamhra. N. Y. aMario ft Dnirj. Ooloulal. N. Y. O.Uatlbowa ft Stiayne. Keith's. Olndnnatl.Ifacart ft Bradford. Empreca. OndnnAtt

PRODVCKRVIOLET MASCOTTEPerm, ndd.. Tbe Bnng»k)w. Rmndelph, M>«». PIiodo

Madden A Fltapatrlck. Wkn. Penn. Pblla.

Moraliilt, Dollf, Colonial. Logaosport. Ind., 4-tl.

Mack ft William. Keith's, Lowell. Mass.".Mau la the Dark, The," Bute SI., Tmlon, R,

J.. 4-0.lIcNutts. Crrllnff. American. OilcSKO, 4-0.

MrKlnlCT. Kell, Barir'^i. Cli'.cn^o. 4-0.

Vclntoah ft MildH, lll|ip.. Sc. Ix,ula.

Hi-Drillt, Kelly ft I.nce7. Colonial, Erie. Pa.aioDcnuolt. Dllly, Palace. N. Y. aIk'cConnack ft Irvlnv. OriiluMn. JucksotiTllle. Pla.ttrClond ft Cun>. 0. O. il.. PItlsbntrh.

KiflrcvTCT, Mr. ft Mn. Jack, Bba'r, Toronto,



Comedy AerobaUcCyclUia. UlrecUoii Pmnt Boliin

UcUabon ft Oiappelle, Kellh't. Warblnxton.McConnoll ft HImpson, i)riihe*tm. St. Paul.MiGowaa ft Oordan, Pronor'B Sflb St., N. Y.a. t-3.

Mraure ft Dolly. Natlonll. K. Y. 0.. 1-8;Oreeley So.. N. Y. a, 4fl.

MrMIIIan. Llda. ft Co.. Pliiibert. Bkln. 4.0.

tlcNaui:htan ft Stosri. .Ohjiibni. N. Y. aMcOlrnry. Owo. Crystal. Mllnackce.MrMahoR DIuioad ft Cbajilow, Globe Phlla.

McixmrnvAllken Co.. I'nntixer'. Seottlo. Waah.UelTlns (31. Oinheam. JacVconrllle. Fla.

lUetsetlls (3). Oirhenm. Duluth, Minn.


MENNEUI & SIDELLITboae LnJIctonn Acrobatn Booked bollil

PHILADELPHIAjQA New Jersey Central

EVERY HOUR ON THE HOURFfwm Lilbortf Bl., T A, H. to 10 P. M.

smd at HIilBlght yrlth ••pan10 HIN0TE8 OF TUB HOUR

Pnna W. a3d St.



DO YOU COMPOSEBongiorlnilrumoniftlllaalot If so, b« 8DRR tobase auno uramted tir no KXPKHT I An nnUtlonmnnmeni raunasDcoKsa I I haye doiio IIUN-DREU8 or blO I1IT8 1 wnio or call anemoonA 84VOBNB PliATZHAIfnOr» Bhaplto. Ba> W» BTtli Bt, M. Y. C.

B<olch Players. Lincoln Rq., N. T. O. 1-8:Anwrlcan. N. Y. a. iH.

flehjtilinn ft Itoolley. (trphinun, Kinna City. Mo.S47-nwur ft Uowanl, .Majesllc. I'alormit. N. J., 4-0,

Herlian's Do)n. Orribenin. Slon City. Ta.

Merkelt. Bert. Oiroeuni. Bloux City. la.

Mryako Slaters. On'beum. Ukln.Melnpolll.ui MIosliels. aWie. Pblla.

Ulller ft Vincent, (indii-uni. Kausaa Olty, Mo.


Oolunbla. St. Loula. 8.13,

Milton ft De 1.001; Sisters, Sben'a. EulTalo.

Mlllmnn. Bird, ft Co., OtribeaD, Olonlml, Can.illlliT It LyI-. Kcllb'o, Plills. _ ^ „ _Miles. Homer, ft Co.. Teiniile. Iticbesler. N. Y.Mlltou. Wslter. ft Oo.. Shea's. TV^ponlo. Oan.

bllllcr ft Vincent. On'heini. onnu City. Mo.Miller ft Kelt. Pronlor's LSSIh BL. N. Y. 0, 1-8;

Ljric, Nroark. N. J.. 4,(>.

Miller. Irene. Acailemy. Fall Rlrer. Man., 4-Q.

Ulllanl. KlaK ft Walmn. Family. Rocbestcr, N. V."Uoforlnir." Victoria. CliirUwton. H. O.. 4*0.

iMorrls, Mr ft .Mn. Wm.. Proclor'a IZOIh St., N,Y. 6., 1-3.

Vornn, Beatrice, ft Oo.. Proclor'a Mlh SL, N.

y; 0.. 1-3iProclor'a 120IU St.. N. Y. O., 4-0.

Uole. Editb. Proctor's. Mt Venxm, N Y., 4-0.

Morrell. Prink. American. N. Y. C.. 1-3-

Morris ft Beasley. Oreeley Sq.. N. Y. O., I-B|

Ni!lanal. N. Y. C, 4 0.

Motelle'B, Besirlce. Seitetle Plalbnsb. Dkln., 4-0.

Moss ft Fry. Loew's. Newark. N. J.. 4 0.

.Montrose % SydeU, Qkitie. Boston. 4 0.

MonsTCb Ooinedy Four, Alhsmbn, Pblla., 4-4.

t'orrls ft Wilson. Palace. Ph'ls.. 4-0.

Moore ft Younc. Albamhra, N Y. O.

y<w Qoartette. Vic'yirli. IIocb<elep N. I.Hilton ft Sbeen. Ullinlll. N Y. 0.

Moore ft Ystn*. Wm. i'enn. I'lilla.

Morton ft Austin. Nlion. I'blla.

Moore. Capl., Majestic. Palerson, N. J., 4-9.

Monelte. Kelth'a, Loneoll Man.Ilonela Fire, Portland, Portland, MO.. 4-0.

Morse. Joe. Purtlanil. I'orllaiMl. Me., 4K>.

Moran ft Wlvr, Palace. K. Y. C&<ullane, Fronk. Kelth'a. CIncUinall.

I'lnphT. Mr. ft Mrs. Mark, Lyric,

V*., 4-0.

Unllea ft Coonn. Majestl; UllwaukAMurphy ft Thomas. Nljoii. I'blla.Murphy ft Poley, SL lame*. Boston, 44,IIiaTk: Bird. Tlh An., N. V. Oi, 4.4.

Myeiu, Aithor, BIJoo. Boatxi.Naidlne, Ofsclc. Temple. Detroit.Ktslmora, Palace. N. T. O.Nash, Jnllan, ft Oa,, Otvhejm, Uantsbni, tm>Krstit A allTotd. Harylinl. DrlllmomNelaoD * Nelaoo. Kellh't. lodlanapolla.N«wlald A Orlbheo Oipbem. Mutiral, OaibNeedham ft Wood. RoiTon. Allerheoy, Pa."NepluiM'a Oaida," Palace. N. Y. aNIeholt-Melaon Troupe. Hipp.. Bt. Lonla.Mhlo'a Dots, Proctor'a, Tmy. N. Y„ 44.MKbids, NelU* v., Onkem. Bkla.NIah ft MoNloh. Aoadcmy. IluOalo.Wck'a Skatlni Olrla. BIJou. Bay Olty, Hleh., I t.NoUe ft Brooka, Taurine Australia. Indtf.Ufa I a. Hoilcal (B), Pantaaua', Spokane, V«*.


Paniaies*, Beattle. B-18.Itamaaa. Jaallnf. MeVlctcs'a, Cblcaco.Moidatroo, Marl*, Manlaid, BalUnmi*,Korth, Frank, ft On,. Ornbnnn. lUraeapolla.Itoclos ft Payne. Poll's. Bcrmtoi. Pa.Mordalrotn, Fraocea, ft Oo., Palaoe, 6prtntfMd,

Uaas.. 4-0.

Dorertas ft Oo., Oraod. BranaTllle. lad., 4-0.

Knient. J. Q. ft 0»., Otund. Syiacuae. N. Y.Oaklaad Blalers. Majeattc, London. Oan.O'Brleo, Harel ft Co.. Oiphcum, narriubiirf. Fa.O'Olaie. Wm.. ft Olrls. Tlh Are.. N. Y. 0., 4.0.

Ckabe Japa. Maryland. BalUmorr.CM BoldkT Flddlem (Si. I.lncola Eu., N.Y.O.. 4-0.

"On Itie BiTlera," Oreeley Oq., K. Y. O., 14;Vooleratd, N. 1. O.. -I-O.

O'Nell SlsleT* (3). Tth Are., N. Y. a. 1-8.

Falrlcola ft Myere. Kmpresa. Oblcaeo, 4-6.

Pauline. Orpbeum. Du]u:b, Minn.Parlllo ft Frablto. Orph^un. Kaisaa n^, Mo.Palace Trio. Proctor's. Bchewtady. N. Y., 4 0.

"I'srdon. Tbe." DeHnn-y St., N. T. 0.. 4-0.

Ftntaer. Paul. I.oew'ii. ro'i4'i!:e.^«le. N. Y,. 4-0.

Peslson ft Oolille. Teniiile. Detnlt.Pemilno. Oreeley Hn.. V. Y. O.. 4.«.

"I'ekln Mrslerlcs." nuHwlck. Bkln.Pedenon llrw,. Wm. Penn. I'tilln.

Polot. FrnI ft Annie. HIate St.. Trenton. VJ., 4-8.

Phllllpa, .Vondane. Kmpmis, Ohlcafo. 4APhllbriek ft Cardownle Bisters. O. O. n.. Pitta-

hmith. •

i'hillljta, Ulnna. ft 0>.. Proclor'a 23d SL, N.T. O.. 4-0.

riaano. Oen.. ft Co.. .MaJmtle. Ft. Worth, Tn.I'Inard. Al., I,.rrlc. Okla. OUy. Ukla.; MaJntle.

Ft. Worlli. Tex.. S-ia.Plplfix ft Panlo. Keith's. Phils.4*1efce fteRoalyo. Pantajtes', flpokane. Waak., 8.18.'TIpm of Pan." Bnsbwlck. Bkln.IHpano ft Blniham. Lytic, IndlanaiwIU, 4-0.

follack. MUtpo. ft Co.. Orphcim. Mooteeal. Oaa.


ILTON POLLOCK AND GO.In "SptaMng ot Fatter." by OEO. APB

Pnllt. Bill. Kelth'a, Ooreland.PclBroae Pour, Palace. Cblcaco.Prelle'a Dop. Ontieum. Dulnlb. Htna.Piont. Bra., Amerlun. HYA.l.^: lllJ«>Dkln.,44Prince. Arthur. OolonM, N. Y. O.Preeett ft MerrlU. Howiloln Sq.. Boatoo.Qntioga. Manuel. Marylanl. BaltimoreBolpb. Baybl ft Co.. Oipbeutn. Jai-kannrllle, Fla.

BavenacTdt. Charlotte, l.rlt'j s. Phlla.

fray ft Ullllard. Keith's. Itoledo. O.Itsnedell Diw. Llnmm S, Y. 0.. 4.0.

Bale ft Ooe. Varieties. Terrs rianle. Ind.. 4 0.

Bayleld, Florence. Vlclsrla. Uucbwiee, N. Y.Bcod'a Dots. Omly'a. PortlciHl. ue. 4-0.

Bex comedy Olrcaa. Lyric. Rlchnond, Va., 4-0.


reluier ft (lorn. Orph,*uin, Kev Orleans.Dtdmond. RIU. 'lieel^y Sq.. .V. Y. II.. 1-8; De

linen St.. N. y. a, 4-0.

r.eoo, 0<o, U.. ft Co.. KuiiirosM. OInelnoallnine. Blanche, ft Co., Oriibenn, Ksnssa 0117, M,bBio. Andy. 7lh Are., M Y. O, 1-8; Loew'a, New-

srk. N. I., 4-0.

nicksrds. arls. Lincoln Sq., N. Y. a. 4-*.

nice ft Knn.-ls. FIslhuth. Bkln., 4 0.

iUttenhoose. Mstelle. BI>M. Iloston.

mtetile. Allele. Oarden. naltlmore.Rlveii ft llBirlscn. Orand. Fjesnsrllle. Ind., 4-0.

lUroll, Otesar. Hmprtss. Ht. Paul,nobyns,' Ur. ft Mis, Psnlaces'. Bpokane, Wash.,

Bolland ft Farrell, Kellb'a. Eoaton.Boioh ft UoOnsdy, Msryland. Ilslllmate.Bore. Ruth, Shea's. DnlTalo.

BotMS, Will, Lyric, BlehmonJ, Vs., 44.

May Roeder"TMB WPT.'' WeMr Act Bhortly.

Hoatai (7). flrand. Byraouse.nmer. Al.. ft Slits. Oriibeuro, Dnlnlb, Mian.B<Mr'a Docs. Pmotor'a 2.311 St.. N. Y. a. 1-1;

I'nclor's Jt-lh iU., N. Y. C. 4-0.

Rase ft Moon. Emery. Pmvliletue, 4-0.Homey ft Pent. Orvhemu. Bain.Bobertt ft Verera, hunliwlck. Bkln.Itoeder'a lorcnlion. Poll's, Hcrantoo, Pa.Roland. Ooo.. Keith's. Jbistnn.Rockwell ft Wood, Crystal, Mllwaiike*.Itosc ft May. Ointieua). Milwaukee.Rot Ids. VIclorlo. N. V. O.

Ilochxter. Claire. Vlclorra. N. Y. 0.Bnr. norry. Victoria. N. Y. ORom ft Rills, Colonial, r^anitwrt. Ind., 4-0.lAvbell, Mark; MoVlcter'a, Cu'^a^o.

filioiic, Becnloc^ ft Co., Oipheum. Mcsnnlils.Sherman. Van A Ilrmnn. Nallmial. N. Y. 0., 4-t.Shran ft Warren. Vl.-tnrla. N. Y. 0.Bblmller. Cleo.. Lyric. Newark. N. J.. 4-0.

Mhm in Khp tansUNITED TlitB


Fllrer ft Da Val. Proctor'a, Sehenectady. N.Y., 4-B.BiDEer'ii Miditetl. StnAvrl. Bkln.(tllrerada. Madam, Family, Uochesler, N. Y. mt MV mmg i | MSkipper. Kennedy ft IKwees. l'anla(«a'. Jm 1» IIIJB I . In. Wlfll_l_a

lees. (tel.: plntaees'. Han I>le«^ BJ3. BWr» B«B B WW BtalaW

Wells. Im. Delanery SL. N. Y. O., 1-3.\Vi!ii.iii. ,Vm.. ft (ti., l>rvheum. N. X, a, 1-8|

biew*'^. .Newliurfdi. 4-0.Wells. U'.r. Nrlliiiinl. N. Y. t\. 4-0.Wrldi. Nella, Oilotilal. N. Y. O.W'elllti«1i,n. Iiave. l»r|tlHninl, Altntna. Fa., 4-0.Wfsdlnx. nuy. ft 0>.. FamllT, Ilnebmter. N. Y.Weher, Uolao ft Frsaer. Lyric. Indlanapolla, 4-0.

WELLMEVERUVO TROUPEFmlist Cyote Art l» VaiidMlllB

Wheat A Zeklo. Albnmhra, Pblla.. 4-0.White. Uamllna, Paliee. N. Y. 0.Wlilteslilr. F.iliel. ft I'Icki. OryaUI. Mllwaaket.•Whilller's llairfuot Jtoy." Victoria, Oharlealol,

"When Wo Onsr Up." nnpresa. SL Pan).


BUWMWn WOltW IN CBXTIIAL PARKWilson Rma.. Rmiirm, Kanins Olty. Mo.Wllsai, Jack, ft lV>., Kritli'a. ImHaiiaialls.Wlllm Nat. 'TnniiU-. Rioliester. N. Y.Willi ft Ilnusn, Koltli's. Tnlinw. Fla.Wlkle. Mr. ft Mrs. Ilonkiu. <ln>heum. Hennihlt.Winchester. Kil.. I'mctnr's. ANisiiy. N. Y., 4 0.Wlllanl. Kmery. I'roTlilenee. 4.|l.

WtnlTrrd ft Msrlln. Palace. Pblla,. 48.Wilson ft Wilson, Kmpras, Cincinnati.

leles. Oal. : Pantacea'. San IMeilo, BJ3,Elsjman All's Arabs, nmpieia. Kanaaa Oltr, HOkSlonne. Blanche. Riiau aaa. Bt. Paul.Bmllb, Irene ft Bohhy. Kolth'a, Iloston.

Sbrodo and Chappollo"OOBIlia OKB'B LIFB"


telth. flamniy. Ploclor's 12Iltli Bt., N. Y. a, H,bnlley. Krolly. ft Co.. Nlion. Phils,foowden. Khihye, ft Oo.. Mojcatle. Ohlosfa"Society lludi. 'Hie," Keith's, OInclnnaU.Boutherit. Jesn. Uniheuni. Boston. 4-0.

tiuMlierH, Tlio. lUJou. Jlkln.

"hnusrlng Accooma." Praetor's, Bcheneclidy, N,v.. 4-11.

tarrett. Uowald U.. Jr.. ZlcffcM FolUc* oC 1B14,Indef.

Btamhler. SalUe. ft Droa., Jdmpioaa, Kanaaa OUy,Mo.

eiclner Itlo, Keltti'a. Otereland.




Ctcrens, IIsl. ft Oo.. Colonial. Erie. I's.

Btime ft Ilujlint, tlrtiliruiii. Ilea Midniii. la.

etemrt. Ilnle. a'rwtur's (iHtli St.. N. Y. 0., 1-1;Proctor'a r.Ulb St.. N. Y. <).. 4.(1.

Btatie .Stniek Kliln. Ouluiiilila. Ukln.. 4 0.

Stanley, .Mae, I'atrUHa, Vaoconrer, Can., Indof.

8tal.:ey. ,lohnny, ft Ud,. Victoria. N. 1. 0.SllllliiKi. Tlie. Victoria. N. Y. U.

eirailU ft Strauiier. Illolr, Phils.Suinlka ft (k'lubs lllrli. I'roclor's lUth St., N.

Y. O.. l-a; Lyric. Newsrb. N. J., 4 0.

"tiuimnerlaiid." Keyitone. I'blla.

Bonitl. Valeska. Koltli's. Iloston.

SnItoD, Nelntyre and MtmTHB PUMPKIIV OIRI.


Bully ft Pbelpa. O. n.. Oomlng. N. Y. ; 0. IL,I'ron Ysn. H IS.

I^ltur ft Mark, Driilicunt. filona C1^, la.

Bwan ft llonharO. Proclor'a Ifilltb BL, N.Y.O., 4-0.


Direction MAX HAYEBTanpiay. Kra. Prospect. BkJn.Tale ft T.ite, Poll's, ilcTwrton. I'a.

Taaker, Ann. A Co., Orpfaeom, l)f« Molsea. la.

Tanhean ft Oifcirloa, Bowiblii Bo,. Iloitoo.

Tsmpeat. Floteooo. ft Co.. IfVnvylh. Atlanta, Oa.Terry. Pran:i. Wm. Pain., Phlla.Taleinph fViur, Htale HI.. Tronton, N. J., 4 8.

Tbooison. Clua.. Kelth'a, Iloaton.

Thoae Kraub Oirla. Kalih'e, Toledo, O.


Those Pair Itoys. Colonial. N. Y, O,'niumriH 'I'rld, llusrsrd, llostiHl.


RYAN and LEE"If you flee oi do It, iV» oof9"

r.jM ft RlrhMd, h^Dpratf. Chlrito. 4-9,

R|MD It TlffTvy, N. Y, 0.Blttjw, Joiii. t (>>., Khfj'n, Ruffalo,

Cfloa BUitfen, anwl, Kjrtcuw, N. T.



Bale. Obick, Orphnm. >Knpbla.Bitilns ft Ilroiuier ro.. I'lwtr'a. Mt. Vernon. N.

v.. 4-0.

6avc7 ft BiennoD. Acadcny. PsllBlTer, Mom,, 4-0.


"School Dnys." MeVlehiT*s. Oblcop).Brhreek ft l'err|, llu'Uisi, llnkin lllll. N. J.Pcholder. Helen. -jr|Ji,'iLn. Kn:iLGi Ully, Uo.ficlisffiT. Bylresur. Urpbeuui, bL I'oul.

TiKlie ft llsJrIlt'. Kellb'a. IaiIbtUIc.TllDhen:. Ik-nimn. Orsnil. Hyraniiar, N. Y.Tip. Ikili. .« Po.. AnK,rlcau. H. Y. O.. 1-8; Liuoln

Sq.. N. V. O.. 4-0.

Tlm^n. Kloniiee. Delsiicey HI,. N. Y. O., 1-3;

Nalkmsl. N. V. «.. 4-11.

fl\>scn .Slalera 14). Kellli's, Pmlno.Toyo Tiuivoc, (I. O. II.. I'lllihiitKli.

Toye, Dorothy, i>^ptleusl^ illuiiespDlls.

OVeTlll's t>i«s. Keith's. TeMo. II.

Trsrllla Iin#.' rienlM. >rilie.tin. Dm Moines. la.

Tnrata. Ori,|irum. Kansas Gliy, Mo.TLrrelly. Keith's llontTn.

l,'ab<T. Claude ft Faiinlo. I.yrle. Illimlnahnm. AlaVuui-e. Clarice. Anurlcam CI'lenRu, 4-fl.

Yfli), Chaa. A Pauitc, Urpa.'uii. (Irsiul Baplds.Ulch.

TandloolT ft Lonlc. Kedth'a. Prorldence,Von llvrni. Iluilsnn, Union nill. N. J.Vun ft KriH,ock. Palaoe. N. Y. U.Viilerle. Ilue. Hellctle. PloqtfCI. Hkln.Vail ft Tomr. Family. Roclieater. N. Y.Vaiwlin. Walter. Keith's, OInelnnall.Van llros.. Ontonlol.|jort. Ind., 4-8.Van UnnL Hotly, Myuplr. Ku/Talo.Veater. Ilealrkv, tilniiiilc, natTolo.Tolunleera. 1*0, Kc^lh'a, Boalai.


PBATIIWIWG ADBI.AIDB M. DBHWard. Many. Olrla fran llsppyland, IndeT.

Wanen ft O'joley. Keith's. Clereland.WakeOeld, A'llla Holt. Shea's. 1>>tMulo, Oan.Want ft Cullen. Majesllr OhicainVald-mar Younf ft Jaooha. Orpbeum. Mlaneapolla.Ward. Aitliiir. American. N. Y. 0., 1-3; llsiUft-

tatJ, N. Y. v.. 4 0.



"Way Oot." American. N. Y. 0.. 1-3.

Watann ft Oniioloaham, Ijnouln Hu., N. T. O., 4-8.

Wolley. nichard. Olumhla. RUn.. 4.0.

Warn. Will, ft Od.. Oraml. I'hils.

Wsldi. niaacbe, ft Oo.. KHin'a. Pblla.

Water Llllea ,0). Hhea'a, Toronlo. Oin.


Wiltch tliem Tfcer di» It

Warren ft Owiley, KHOi'a. dorelandt BherldaDNil.. I'lt'Kisirtih. H-13,

Wells. Illllr A Nellie. Mulches' Onnnllaiv, lodot.WnUon. Willie. Kellh'i. lyiiiliTllle.

Wemer-Aniona Tpoaiie. Kcltii'a. Prorldmee;



^Ibur. Olarencp. Rmpreaa. Olndnnatl.Wilson ft I'eanon. Olobe. Phlla.Williams a Held. Mojeatlc. i'stetson, N. 4 0.WHson, Obas, ft Adelskls, Poll's, N«ir ncren,

Oonn.. 4-n.

WHIIams ft Oiley, Colonial. naTerblll, Haaa., 4 8.Wooiiwan). Itoinaln L., Oook Ooraeily Oo., met.Wood, Urltl, Fonylh, AtUnla, Oa.


WM. B. IIBWWUlgBy-The DooUmftUerWnnlman ft I.WInftilon, Keith's, InillanaitoUs.Woil, Wee llrurilc, Ikiysl. N. Y. (',.

Wyiiu. Ikwlv. Illjuii. Havnnnsli. (la., 4-0.Yixrnrys (.11. Victoria. Cbarlnlon. H. C 4 0.

"Vouna America." (Iranil, Rranavllla Ind., 4,0.ZhnmcTninn. Willy. Amerleau. Olltca|r>, 4-0.Boeller 'ITki. Bmpieiui. Ht. Paul.

OUT OF TOWN HEWSnnffnlo. BT, Y.— Tcck 'Ueana. Bbahrrt,

U(ra.) "A Pair oC HIS"S," wllh Ilslpb llcii,wtek of Feb. 1. Winter Uanlcn producuun weekvt H.

UMBanu (J. Ijii'jihiln. mm I — "WUhIa lbsLaw" Ml. KugciUo lilslr vwk ot a,

Hltaa's (M. H:iej. iii<t.|— IIPI ror week ot 1:Jcbii II. th,rikiii Bud wmtiniiy, Ftlta Urudi sndFiller, Itulh lloye. Joan I'aarver and comiwtiy.Frank Milton and l)o f/tna h-itcra, Owper niidAuiltb. l>iio Una. Mile. Uorla'a ilo^, and Uiokluetoarapli.Klhwooii Moato Uau,.—«Ah£rea Barlo 4.

Iriln B. Urbb 0.

Likio (i. W. I'aytoii, lugr.,^— Tlia slock com*lauy, In "The Blue Mosio." l-O. "FUc Us*UiLTdna's Sska" 8-13.(lATRi (J- U. Ward, mir./—Roieland Olrla

week oC I. Roaef Piwr Olrls 8-13.AritiauT Mules Mlrbsels m^r.)— Bill week of

1 Is headed by Olsn Luta sud company, aa4Blah snd McNUb,Omhmo (Ohas. Dsiiiiugcr. mir.) — Bill for

week or 1 : I'rorl IleblUicsr, liealrico Venter,Laity Vau llrunl. IHaoii, llon-era and Dixon,Anna Burt, U, t7. llajcen and ceinpanr. OardoiTand Lu llsy, Uiatlara Ulslcts, sml llolllday.

Alhimr, N. Y.—narmanna lilareker HalliSdsranl M. Hart, mar.)—"lAly I.uaucy" Peli.

. 8: Irtln H. Coldi 4, Joao Collins. In 'Boal."8. 0 ; "A Pair o( tHiea" 8, 0 : Italirllowllscb 10,tiaurloa ind Florenn.' Walton 11.

Ifyriaa (Prank Ahbotl. mtrr.)—dkrworr Bur*Irujuera 1-3, Hon TooM 4 0, lllf Jublle* 8-10,aimer oitia ii-iu.Pao4m>a'a (Iund (Joa. f. Ooyiio. mfr.)—Bill

for 13: Kea Fay (full week). Joe Kramer andcompany. Uarrlovn Annittuna Playera. PalaceTrio. Joe lIullaiKl. Jnaea and Walton, Kred llrlf-

ath, and Jlollt Mollis. For 4 0: Morria Jaiiieaand cfanpaby. Francis and Jonca, Wilfred nulfila.Bd. Wliicliestar. Iho Klnaion. Vers Hall, llrownand Hmllh. and JIssivt41olli plctuisa.1'animiH'H I.sijnii (Oiiy Orares, lom. mfr.)—

Oantlnuoun raielcwHIe ami movlnir pinttitaa.

OntnHIAL, Cl.lHTf)IV etcjUABB. IIUUSOH. TIBOAO*WAT. I'Aiaua. Wiiira War. Stab. Paocma'a am*Mai, PAiariuKU and OaruauH, noflnc plcturaonly.MijiHTio (VkM Delcbes. ni(r.)—VandarlUa and

raorlmr pleluies.

Vrrannan, If, Y.—linplt* (Ptoderlck Osmmat.) Is lisrk.

WttrriNfi tPrsnda I*. Msrlln. mir.) — OoraaI'nilrai HIrck 10.Hastabui (Hlonhcn Bastaltlo. mar.) — Dream-

land llnrleMinora 1-3. "Tha Btaopberd at th» lUlls"1118.USANO IMyriai J. Kallslt. m|r.)—Hill 10:

^nlim Hlniers. J. O. Niiaent and ivsiiiiany, ITennanTlit.lMlH. Keamt nnil Wlndcw. Mr. and Mrs. Jai.Kelso. Itosia IJoyl, Bere-j Ron si, snd (loMonsail lllca.

TsMi'i.a (JoliB J, nreslln. m(r.l—Bill 1-3:(Ircea lialgh and Mnore. O'ltrleii mil Onmack,I'fur lAjbtns. Altiii llms,, JefTerson snd Sr.CIstro. anil HmlUi, Oiek and Drsndun. Bill 4 0 r

"(Aeyeane Diyi." I.lnlin ami [.awrroce. IhoKeuMis. Msmoyo. and Maurico Wood.

Olrna Falla, N. V^RmpIra (Joa Miller,nuT.lblll weak t4 F<*. 1 : "TlieileinliiaTy Hcaiidal.''tlthoir. flalbi-rfno (IIIM. Four Uarda. MtOsrthyeiilers. aiHl Unnv Huim. Al. (I. KMd'a lUnatrela10. "Llltiv Osfr" 2,n.

WoBUi IN HonoH (P. J. Dorin. mfr.)—.Mo-tion pletorn.AT 7lia Kinyln, 27. Oailp Oahrllnwllseb fate

the seeoiul of the arrlea <t Md>iw-Franbltn Oiia-oerta Lo a larfr. well pleaaed home. Tlio proarnmwas one of the heat eoncerta erer atren nere bys plsnlst. Kenn Wllllims and Ada Hassoll. TinaI.emer and Krancia MacMJIIen. March 11. .

PI. Pnol, Minn.—Uettopolllan (L. N. Bonit,rear.) "I'Mesh ft PcrliauMer'' Will. 7-13. DatldWsrOeld 1420.Ftinraar (Krank O. I'rierl. mar.)—nuollnn-

ton I'lsvers. In "Her Own Money.'' week 31.niiriiKOH (H. O. nurmujhs, infr.)—mil week

of Jsn. 31 : HylTenter Hcliifer. Alan Bronlis amieouiiaiiy. Ilia Ulrl frtsn Mllwiul-<«. Piimbam andIrwIn. Itarihan and O. Oholis. bwi others.

Kui'Sffsa ((lua N, Qreenlnf. tofr.)— lllll weekof 31 : Zorlliw Trio, "When Wo Orow Hp."i:sn>f« end Ikohlnson, A>ssr RItoU and BIsnehoSkinixr.

I'alNciaa (Dert CMdman. ni;r.)—^Blll 01-Fcb.8: Four PrOTosIs, Three Mfllanls. I>awion. Laiil-

f«nand Oirert. ami Mala;a I'oneenl. l,ait hnlf:

'arke^ Booie aad Kennels. Veof*llin Four. Relbtnland (jroTlnl. Harry llolden s.-id I,oey Ilerron.

Htab (John P. Kirk, mar.)—Watson Hlptera'Rbow wscii Ml 1. Tbe Beiaty Parade 6*13.

DaT»nporl. la.—nnrili (f, B. Powellcon.mgr.) John Ilniiny Onniisnr Feb. 8. Bla Horuaof 1P10. iHtrlesiiiHTs with I'nrkey MaeFsrlanil, 12."illi;li Jinks" in, Aiito (litis, hiirlesqueni. in;"Pea o' My Ilrsrl" 20. "Mrs. Wins U the (lib-luxe I'nieh" lei.

(V.i.oaatA (J.' Harry Blincbard. mgr.)—^Vnud»TlllF.



WEBER tt ELLIOTT? thit i p«d for you-

20 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Febbaury 6"

Pair <K ItUA,' A,


Tbeie was a neto idea in

creating Fatima Ciguettcs,

and koto a did catch on/

The idea was to blend cer«

tain Hght. aromalicTurldsh

tobaccos with rich, full*

bodied leaf^—to keepthem MILD, but entitel^


But we'd no idea so many

aiillions of smokers were

waiting foi ^113/ ibatt

Pilw'i Populu FUren (Mo B. Ptlc«, mn-)—

Wnwn (U. H. Km*,

l<hulirrt, MllmakM.„„.„.. -Db Kilb. III.. lotf»f.

BmbrrUnd Block—UoollcvlU).\VI«.,l-.1,En4«t<r i-*

Bbnkr 1*Ut«ts—ill'.ioltr, fltialnrfli.

filocUlr. Ltun, S'-oek (am K<iiit>lt, mgr.)—Oiroc<a uldi., 1-6.

Sbonr. -Btiiel Mir, Stock—Alllfotd. UUt.. 1-0.

Tnoulalt Dim.' Slock—8m OItT, li., 3. UM" Cll> 4, Bockmll B, FoDdt 0; Bctineofr ». Jrf»

Inion », Ru Cllr 10, Uk« OHr It, Backoelt

iW>tU>UD, Stm,, iDlM.Itrem—ProrMlencv. lodtf.

.Co. if. Muk, iii{r.)^(>plt^

n'MiiiiiXl<>n '^iMk—Dcliolt, iatrt.

n,, 14- WoMli. Jamblw. ftarm (OonJc* DiBiUtoa,

Wf,.4 Mm York A nCT.)—XhlboqU0, loaff.

„„ „ ,„„ .*• WrlSit'niuUDiim l'UyM»—MlnoMpolli.' iDiVf.

cSoioKC, inn.)—Mt. Bterllof, Kr.. Wl"- litkCT TUalw Btok—BochMWr. N. l-!'"''"' Ellnbtib, N. C, ln<l»I.

dSS!? 4. UilDgUlo », «, 0»«l««" *. S?- Hi! ^'S'',i:2;'Sr..?'r:!I^kSi?l.' O^lndcr WarrlSkton Slock-WatrLglon, Cfclnno. _loo 12, Oi«u,Tllle 13.

Pni 0? Il7 Utori" (SlitlMi DwUot) (OUrn Mo- o«-Rob Stock—lluikop*. OkU.. l«i

BMO Dwr.)—Oolnnoo, la., 3, Biowonrood Conrll-Pilct Pltjer»--BiJif«. P«..

BmSt tT I*S««m T«r:« 8. B«lr«p u, colonial Plijen—ColonUl, Norfolk,

.rnc»nl Stock—CmeMt, BklD.- - - •- - OkU., I«il»f.

for. Pi.. 1-0.

Bfiar t'. UminoM •), XV-ix 8. Buitop », colonial iMijer»—wo;i«i, Norfolk, Vi.

»„.; 10, SU .1. Lollo. 1*. Ban Clj... S.«k-wa«^^^^^

T« ^'Mt Heart" (n»a Martin) (Ollm Mo- iwion, N. Dak., 1.3, F«gn» Falli, Mlon.. 4-6,

TOCO. mn.l-^'ijMIOTlllf. Tcun., 8, OolDinbla at. Cloml 8-13. „ . ,_ „ v?8iemaa AlaTT », Tupilo, Mlu., 6. Jackioo chauitcty-Kclirn Stock—Wat»rUn»D, N. Y.,

fti : 6, i'«la ». UoloV dltr 10, Cairo, 111., IMnkam Block-Dcnbam, Denmr.

11 Padocak 12, Prlncwoa 13. Korabwit

Tolai *rirIniollcr'' (A. H. WooJi. our. — Pollj Mm. Slock (Hattr TarbcrrUle Jr.


Folask * I'reloiollcr" (A. H. woooo. nur.i— roiij jiia. atoca iiwrry mrutr.ure mgr.)-

•pte'k 5!'X"StJ'."'-(A. H. Wo«l.. m,r.)- KiliS'.'.''>l':?Sl2'rlt"'-at«* (H. A. Man*, iwr.)-

Qralkl CInclnDall, 3l-i>o. 6. St. Panl 7.13. All«towB. iU.. 1-8.

"PuHlBB akoir ot lOW'-^anlck, Clilcago, In- orand Slock—Orawl, Clwlind.Jrf (lotliain Plijn»—Oollinni, Bkln.

'Prodlcal Bon. Tl«" (Oicar Oralian. mjr.)-Dd OHinw, Barab.Oo-—Simla. Out., Can.. IralB.

mH^nTi. Unblnal 4. », Uondo 0. , OramI OpM* Hojio Slock-Qrand. Dklo.

••Pdit«r of Udcira, 11iii"-^i»m * MacVltty'i Oordlnlrr Broj-'. Stock ^lydf H. Oordlnler, mgi.)

—uSolt. Km.. 1, Oobornc 4, Lowna B, Con- —Obarllon. It.. l-T, Wapcl o 8-14.

conlla o! Uinkllo 8. KalrlMrj, N«b-. ". WjtBOt« Holdco IMajera-CTMriind. odjC.

10, Btfatrtc* 11, Seward -« --

"Prince of PU»«i'' (P»rc7ford, III.. 1, KcDOaba, WlaHleb., B, Kilamiioo 0, Ol .

Jiokioo 0, Ann Aclior 10, Laoalof 11, Flint 12, iLilct.

"ftnalfr^oTrll*h>«" -Toronto, Can., l-O. St. Ctth- "iKlkiia'rt.'lDd.', Indcf.

ctluM 8. « „ III- iitliilton Plnj-m—St. Pool. Indcf." Sllr D.—.McrrUl, Wla., 31-Pob. 0, Bteicna j',„ill,* Hcnrx, Plarar*—O. II., DoiloD. lo.I«f,

.'olot 8-13. „, _ ^ Kfllb Pla/era—Krttlu; Tolr<to, O.

Heninl Etcl. Tbe"—Miiln* ElUolfo, 8, Indcf. k»IiU Stock—Kellba, Portland, M«,

"ItollloK Bloieo"—1* ~ •— '—

"Bun tor U«r Mo»T


'"•ifejt*'!^ ''?„':-'? ll.^oip"«iTL'il"'3. »?•..«. mir.)-B.rr.,

ItollloK Bloieo"—1* Balle, Cbloaio. ,l"d*., Kcym aialna Block-Wlcblla, Kin.. Indet.

Hun tor U«f Monc/" (Uallon Powell. n>fr.)— Kellb Wnr»r»—Bronx, New York. Indef.

SL JoMiib, Mo., 31<F»I>. t. VMcblU. Ku., 8-. j^^an Bfuirc Stock—Cblca(0, Indef.

Whllner Slock—HiaUnia, Mlcb., 4-6, Kaltnuu*7-1.1.

YcuDg-Adanu Stock—St. John, Can,, 1.13.

MIMSTIUILS.Six CItr UlnitMlB'Hotui W. V*»el .-B».>;j^a»Urn Inil., 3. KendatlTilTe 4. Angola B. Adrian,

«lcb'.. 0, Manball 7, Jackun 8. Tecumeli 0,

Colilwnter 10, Albion 11, aiat!oll« 12.

F.«''Sf, a«o. (Daniel 8be«, our.)-Waco, Tex , 3.

Ft. Worth 4. Dalian 8. 0. Sbtereiwtt. I.n.,J,

Vonroe B Vlckiburf, Mlu., », Natcbei 10,

Jackioo II, Merlillan 12. Mobile. Ala., 13.

rield'a. Al G. (RilwarJ Conrad, mer.)—Blngbom-lon, N. Y., A. Newburtb 8. MIddletown V,

rouibkeepale 10. Uoilaon II. Albany 12-13.

IfULtliatooV r. 0. (J, W. Wrat, mgr.)--Monll-cello, .trk., 3, Warren 4. B, Poldrco 6, Cm-den 8, aordoo 9. ;>mcctt 10, NaibTllle It.

O'Brlco'a. 'Neil—Aiken, S. O., 3. Aninita. at., 4,

Cborleaton, 3. a, \ Saianaab, Oc, 8. Jackaoo-Tllle. Fla., 8. Ocala 0, 'llimpa 10, St. I'elert.

borx 11, Orlando 12, Sanford 13.


Cliyion Players (LloydVt. Indef.

Carter. Soun, Mm. 0>m. Co.—Tolia, Okla.. l-e.

Kouin Mua.' Com. Co.-Wayneaboro, Pa„ t-«,

(jtitoberabnrg 8-18. ., ^ „ „Oardnar-LawBon Com. Co.—CfOwiiort rnrwa, Va.,

2-7. Bcckynuint 9-19.

Hlyh Scbool Mln«tr*l OlrU (a R. SInclotai. mgr.)

Roatcn Hunt Hcaoh Tbia OOIec Not Later Than Satnrlar.

Adma. Maude (Cbni. Krohman, mcr.)—I'llU-

burgh Ml, Olootauk, Dkln.. B'1.1.

Arllao, 0»o.—aau Antoilo. Tel.. 3.

Anilln, Mnrgirel—N«TW Orleaua SI-KcU. 0.

"Alice In Woolerland"-Finn Ana, Cblcigo, 10,

Indefnorker Cranrtlle—WilliCk'a. New York. Indef.

llorrjnMra, Klhel lObia. Frobman, mgr.)-Km-lilre. New York. Indef.

nurke, ' UlUle (Obaa. Frobman, mgr.)—IIoIUl.

Dcminl, ' Bam-^Academy. DallUnore, lO, QmndO. II., New Yoril. 8 )3. _ . ^,

Boiton 6i>mi Co.--%arIealon, B. 0.. 3, Oolunibia

0. Auguita, Qa., 8.

"Jilrd of I'lridlie, The" (OlIfenMoroneo, mgr.)—Oleteland I-O. Lrrlc. Cl.ncl;inall, 7-13.

"llrluKing Up Pailwr," No. 1 Oo. (Cbjt. Yale,

mgr.)—Vli'lorli, Cblcngo, 10-"Uen-Ilur" (Klnw 4 Krlonger, nigra.)—'floiton,

Boxioi). Intiof. . w • , A•^Dllnilneti oJ Virtue. The"—Jeiaey Oily. h.J.,1-0.

Ohatlerlon. Rulh—Oilcly, Sew Ifork. Iiidet.

Cabin, Mnrle. * IlK-lnnl Carlo (Daniel V. Ar-

thur, logr. )—Knickerbocker, Sew York, Indef.

OolmiMa iluii. Co.—OHawa, Ca».._lwlef.

Oliniago. Arthur, Mot. Com. Co. (Olauile IT. lotf,

mgr.)—Oouncll BluITi, la., 31-Peb. 7.

OaDpbell Mm. Patrick-Blnckalon*. Oilcapo. l-B,

OUSonl, nilly S.—Wlcblla Folia, Tei„ 3..^ F.leclra .

4. B. Ilolwrt, Okla., 0. Uwton 7, Oblckiaha 8,

Bl llfiio n, HliiiOibrr 10, Enid 11, I'ciry I2>

OuUirlc 13.

"Olner Oiiea"—Ponch and Judy. Now York. Indef.

•KJhlldrcn of Karib" (Wlnlbrop Amea, mgr.)—Bcolh. Now York, Indof.

''OrlUc. The"— Prlncpu. Now York, Indef.

"Cniidy Short, The"—Orand, Cincinnati. 7.13.

•Walllac cf Dan Mltlhewa. The"—Oioklll.* Mac-Vliiy'a—Caiiry. Kan.. 3, Miami, Okla., 0,

Aorort. .Mo., 0. Joplln 7, Butler R, Clinton S,

Womimbunt 10, .Icdilll 11, UardlQ 13, Law-rence, Koii.. 13.

. . _ , „"Call of lha Oumbcttandt"—Oinblll ft Mac-VMly'a—Toleilo. la., 3, Traer 4, Jlajopton B,

MsBon City a, Albert lea, Minn., 7, NortbOeld

8, Itocbealer 10, Winona 11, La Ctouc, Wis.,

13, BlklOer, In,, 13.

"Cat anil the FUrflo"—Indlanajiolla 8-13.

Dieirler. aiorlc (Tlie SliuUrU, mgra.)—TblrU-ninth Sli*et. New Vorh, Ipilof.

Dnn-n, llacci (John 0. FUher, mgr.)—Ogionhi,Doalon. 1-a. . ,

Diew, John (Cbaa. Frobman. mgr.) — LanilnbI'.lcb.. 3, Ann Arbor 4. Jnctaon B, Grand Roii-

ld> 0, Kolaniaaoo 8, Sn, Send, Ind., 8. rattl*

Creek. Xllch., 10, Koledo, O., 11, Culumbuj12, 13

rnion a KInc'a Mui. Clom. Co.—Oakland, Oil,,


r» Korni Oiiera Co.—Oenert. N. T., 10."PaneliiR Anuud" (tlio Shuberia, mgn.)—

WliKrr Oarden, Now York, 1-13.

"Di^mmy, The"—Powera*. Chlcaio, Indef.

"Uamiaeil Oooda"—Walnut, PhlTa., 1-0.

Eltlnce Jnllas—Tndlananolla 1-8, Ullwnukoa 7-10.

"Briierleac*" (Wm. Blllott, mtr.)—Oaalno, SewYork, Indef.

"Bicrywomkn" (Henry W. Bayags, mgr,)—Ilea,trice. Neb.. 3, Manhattan. Kan., 4. JunctionCity B, Salloa 8, Wichita 8, OQtchlnKn 0, I,a

Junta, Obi., 10, Trinidad 11, Banta Fc, N,Uei.. 12.

"Excnio Me"—SprlngileM, Uaas.. 0, 0.

Ferfuoon, Blalo (Cbaa. Vnhnan, mgr.)—Lyceum,iNorw York, ln<M.

Parerahiin, Wm.—Afajeatlc. Iloaton, Indef.

rorbea-Roliertaon (Percy Diinoo, mgr.)—Vancou*Ter, Can., 3-0. ColaaTT 8-10. Riknonton ll-UI.

"Follies of 1014" (F. a«fe4d, mirr.l—Dayton.O., 3. (MujilKia 4 8, Indlananolla 8.13.

"Fads and Fancies" (Klaw 4 Krlanger, mgn.)

Atlantic Olty It.

"Fine Feathera" (P. A. Wade, nucr.)—Dnioo Cltr.lynn.. 3, Cklto. III.. 4, I'adumh, Ky.. n,

l^rlnceton 0, OwmaboTO R. Henderson 9, Rrana.itlle. Ind., 10, Vlncennea 11.

"roDi Tlie.-e Wai, A"—Toronto, 0«n., 1.8. Puf-4llo 8-13,

anietto-natf«-Doro Co. (Ohai. Frobman, our.)

Detroit 1-0, Blaoksuoe, Oleago, R-Marrb n.

Gilbert ft SnlllTan Opera Oi.—Audllorltan, till.

eago l.a, Pnrlt 7.Oondwln, Nat O. — Prurli. 111.. B, Naahrlllo,

Trnn., 11, 12. Meini>hbi 1.1.

•'Olrl of Ragle Ranch. The" (Oeo. Alteb^ry, mgr.)—(larloru. Kin., 3, Stockton 0. Onbom 8, lie.

Hot 10."Olrl and the Tramn." Kastem—Pwl Ityfm' (0.

A. Derg. mgr.)—KIngsttee. 6. Oi. 3. Lwnbertoi),N. C, B.

"Olrl and the Tramp." Western—Fred Breri'(Fred Flood, rair.l—Orderfllle, II., 3. Kinili4-B

"(llrl He Couldn't Buy, The" (Ohaa. II. Ilrooke,niar.l-Ohillleotbe. •>., 3, l*arktn«boni, W,Va., 4, Silem 0, 01ajkabir,c 0.




llodco, Wm. — Ford'a, nalllmore, 1-0, Bclaico,

Washington, 8-lJ.IKteboock, Raymond-Auguita. Gi-. 0.

"Hello Uroodway" (Ootmn ft Ilarrli. ogra.)

Alter. New York, Indef. „ , ,.-



"Ilinto " I'inky" (Uw Pldda, mgr.)—Plnibursh1-0, Walnut, CInclanatI, 6-lS-

, „ -

"niich Jlnha" (Arthur Uammeislelo, mgr.)—dCfO-buk, la., 3. Ottnonn 4, De< Moines B. 8,

Waterloo 8, Uarnballtown B, Ordit Baptds 10, .

MuKatlns 11, MoUno U. DtTenpolt 13._ _,,"Ilniveckcd HeniT," "iSutem (llollon rows",mgf)—amnTHfe. 0., 8, Mesdrllle 4, PtankMoB. oil CltT 0, OofiT 8, Salamanca. N. Y.. »,

Urailfurd, Pa., 10, Kane 11, Du Dots 13, Oleat-

"Ilei'l'iecked ncniT." Western (naltoo Powell,

mgr.)—Olrmslroog, la., 3. Buncroft 4. Wlnnj-l«go. Minn., B, Blmore 0, Oraeteoger, 1i.. 8,

W, Bend 8, Forest <Mj to, nampton It, uar-

ner 12, Mason Cltr 13.

"Deopocked neniy," Oentral Hallon Powell,

niifr.)—d>aytoa, O., 31-F<*>. 3. irt- Wayae, Ind.,

4Tl, Orand OapliU. Mich., 7-13.

Illlnxton, Hargatet (Selwyn ft Co., aigrs.)—nsr-

rli. K«w York, Indc*. „ , _ ,"It Paya h> AdTCrtlse" (Oohao ft Hirtln, mgn.)—Ooban's, Now York, Indc*. - ,u

"ISBOcent" (A. S. Woods, isfr.)— De Eslb,

Bkln., 1-0. _ . „"In Old Kentucky"—Crown. Ohlcaco, 1-6. •

"Kick In" (A. n. Woods, mgr.)—ItepuMlc, NewYork, Indef. .

Le Roy, Tslnu. Botco Oi. (Iluio Bm.. "srs.)

—BoMOsn, Moot., 3, BllltDgs 4, lIlnn<«polIt

7-10."law 0* the Ijnd. The"—Forty.elghlb street.

Now York. Indef. „ _"I.Uo" tvnn. A. nrsdy. mgr.)—Alsnhattan 0- II-,

Now York, lulff. _ ,

"Lilac Domino. The" (Dlpiiel Opera C^nllnue Co.,

E«n.)—BelaKO, W^lilnglou I.e. .Mnjestic,

likln., 8-13.

"Lady Luiinr" (Tlie IhuWrts^ mgrs.)—Albany3, Ithaca 6. Ilocbeater (1.

"Little Lost Siller" (Johu BeiLcro, mgr-)—Im-perial, Chicago 1-6.

, _ ..

"Llltls Olfe" (Klaw ft Erlanger. mgrs.)-Read-h«, Pa., B.

"lore, The"—Mitlonal. Chlcieo. 1-6.

UootoomotT ft Sloao (Cliai. Dillingham, mgr.)

Olobs, New York. Inmr.hiclityrs ft neath—Lyric, Cloelonltl. Sl-Feli. <l,

MIddletown 7, Anih-nwil, Intl., 8, Mnnclc 8,

SprlngBeld 10, n9.>'lnn 11. Colomhos 12, 13.

MelTllls, ROM—Bi<ondwiy, DtlD., 1.0, Jns^ Clly,

N. J., 8. 13.

ilinlell, BoM.—Forty-Kiurih Slreet, New York.2-27.

MoTdock, Ann ((Aan. Fruhman, mgr.)—AtlanticCity i. 6, Columbia. Wnnblaitlon, 8-13.

Unwl*. Oyrll—Lyric, Pbllt., 16, Nsr,oual, Woib-Inctork 8-13,

Mann, lAuIs—lAnerlcso, Cliicigo, Indef.

"Siatemttj"—Princess, New Vcrk (miti. only),bidet.

">Ilraels llan, The" (Oohrn ft narrts, mgrs )

NstknsI, Wsshlngton. 1-6.

Mott sn>l JeS Is Meiico" ()m l*cttenc«II. mgr.)—Oolurabaa. 0„ 1-6, Toledo 7-10, Ssndukj II,

BIyrta It. Norwalk IS.

"Mutt and Jeff," No. 3 (Orlir Wlllliras. mgr.)—York, Neb.. 8, Falrbnry 4, Realrlce 3, Kortm,Kan., 4, Bolton 1. Topeka 0. P), F.i'.li Clly,Neb., 11. Olirinda II.

"Mismurl Olrl"—Uerle IL Korton'i — Allanltc.Ii., 6, Fxlra 9, AnOnbon B, Conn niptds 10,RedBeld 12, Ailel 13.

'Mlleelooes"—Kioiss Oltr. Mc, SI Fch. 6. BLCallinrlnes. Csn., 10.

"Now nenrlotts. The"—Oort, (Xleago, Indef.

"Newlyweils, The"—Scnu;oo. Pa., B. 0.

b'Hara, I'tibe'—Columbia, Wish., 1-6, Walnut,I'blla.. (1-13.

r-'fott. Cliatineey—Ksntis O^ty, Uo., T-I3."On Trlsl" (Ootsn ft Ilarrli, mgis.)—Obndlef,New York, Indef,

"On Trial" ICobu ft Hatrtt, Dgts.)—Cohan's,(titrain Indtf.

"Only Qlil, The" (Joe Weber, mgr.)—Lyric, NewYork. Indef.

"Our CbHdreo"—Princeas, Chicago, Indef."Ole Awanaon" (Martin Bowers, mgr.)—<HHlilea,

B. Dak., 8, Plitle 4, VIborg B, (CLesterTHIe 7,' naTsllle, 8, Elk Point S. Rniersoo, Neb.. 10,hinoi 11, LautH 13. Ilsrtlaiclon 13.

"Old lloomlead"—Oblonlal. nalllmore, 1-0.

"CMe. the Fan any" (iNed O. Smith, mgr.)—Ijooi, Nob., 3. Dcostur 4. Pender B, Hirtlnc-ton 6.

Prilon. W. B. (Frank D, Smith, mgr.)—Olitkn-dale. MIm.. 13. BnotlinTes 13.

Pntt, Coy Dstes—^Terre llsnte, Ind., 10.'Tolygsniy" (Motlem Play Oo.. mgis.)—Park,New York. Indef.

"Pair nf Silk Stockings" (Wlnlbrop Amis, mgr.)—I.lltle, Nffw York, 4ndrf."PhsntTsn RItiI, The" (DstUI nelwnu. nurr.)

Brosd, I'hiln., 1-0, Oilonlil, Tinten, R. Inlef.

Tstr ot Slini, A" (II, II. Fraice, mgr.)—Wll-I bnr. lUMton. Intlef.' ' I'tiT ot Slieti. A" (IT. n. Fratte. niir.)—Bof-

file 1-0, Albany 9, 0, Rocbestcr 10, II, Wheel-ing, W^ Va., la, 1.1.

"I'llr of Sixes, A." Ruten (B. U. Fnan, mgr.)—OneMa, K, T„ S, I'tOB Xia 4, BaUtU 8.

10. Tulsi 11.18. ^ „ , . _. LltUo Stock—UUle. Phils..

• Betecca of Snnnybtodk Farm"—Walnut, Otoeln- rlajiil I »mii, .3Isas.. Indef.

usti, 31-Feb. 0. . „ „, , Ijiiig-Mlller Stock—Omwr 31-/eh. 8.

"Hcd Widow" (Philip n. Nlren. mgr.)—^belby- i.t,ralus Mus. Com. Co.— ?o. Bend, Ind., Indef.

Tills. Ind., 3, Bedford 4, Blormlngton B, Mn- i,,wrence, Del 8., Stock—Slootreal. Can., Indef.

counea 0, ETansrllle 7, Henderson. 8' uiiergas, Lester, Plsyera—Lynn, Mass., Indef. .

owensbori 9. MadliooTllle 10. Psducsh 11, j,,,, 3,0511 (Harry La Roy, mgr.)—Mt. Vle-

Oalra. 111.. 12, Popular Bluff, Mo., 13. . o., 1-8.

"Itusary. The"—Indianapolis 1-0. Lycram Slock—New Britain, Oonn.. Indef.

"Itouiiil-Up, Tbe"—Cedar Rapids, II., 0. i,y,|t Plsycis—Lyric, llemiihls, Tenn,

Sklmier. OtU (Obas. . *"t«hmao. mgr.)-Lieerty, i,i,|„|Bi„ne Scoek—Peoria, 111., Indef.-.\ew York, Indef.

, „ .„ Leonard I'lnyera (Win. R. Leonard, mgr.)—RaTee-Slarr. Frances (Dafid Bcliico. mgr.)—Belaico, j,„._ j.q^ j|t. Morllli 8-13.

New Votk, .In.lef. _ __k„.„ Lone ft Wilbur Stock—Colo. Springs, Colo., Indef.

R.cdesson-iman-Cawtbom Co. (Chai. Fmhmnn, ^^,,5 gioci—Lyric. Buffalo.mgr.)—Koireat, Fhlla., 1-13. Mack's Aisocllte Pliyrn—Monessen, Pa.. Indef.

StabI, Bo« (Henry B. Harris' »itate. mgr.)— jialley-Denntocn Slock—Salem, Maia., Indef.

Oalir Rinldi. In.. 3, Lincoln, Neb.. I>, 0. Majestic Stock (O. K. Brawn, mgr.)—Aurora,El. Denln, Tlulh-Porllanl O..*.. «. , Til., Indef.

••tx-tit of Songs, The" (.\. II. Woodi, mgr.)- jteleopolllan Flayers—Metropolitan, Cleretand.Elllngc. New York, Indef. M,rk So. Plajers—Merk 3«.. I.awell, Mais.

"EluMn" (Wm. A. UrMj, mgr.) — Plnyboo«, j|„cns Mns. Com. 0>., No. I—'Boston 1-13.

New York, Imlef. _ Marcus Mns. Com. Co., No. 2—Dnth, Me., 1.13.

"frbow Shop, The" (Sfllwjn ft CO., mgrs.)—Uud- aarcus Mos. Com. Co., No. 3—Now London,son, Now York, Indof. Conn., I-I3.

"Ssrl'' (HeitT w. SsTiae, mgr.)-Illloolf, Cbl- uatcos ilus. Ccm. Co., No. 4—Osrdner, Mass.,

"&>*Snch tor So Much" lU. H. Frasee, mgr.)-- jfurphy's Comedlsni. No. 3—Monroe, La., 1.0.

Bmni. Neir York. 10, Standard, New York, uayloo Stock (Wn. B. Maylon, mgr.)—Norlh-8-13. , „ _ omberlaod, Pa., 1.3.

"Susl" (Lew Fields, mgr.)—Now Haien, oonn., Kcw ni«iraas Stock—<taw Rrapieaa. Tscomn. Wsita.

3. BntliigaeM. Mass.. 4, AlhanT, N. Y.. B. 0. Nalloosl Stock (P. B. OM, mgr.)—Union Oily,

"thWSetd of the imia"-aiBklll 4 .'HacVltty's— juj^., 1.5 jilka 8-13.Waiblngloi. S. 0., Roeky Mount 4. 'Tarhoro ornbeim Players—Orpbemn, Reading, Pa.B, Plymontb 8, ElliaBclh Olty ». Suffolk, Va., „ij„f Dmna Players (Otto OHrer, mgr.)—Daren-- • - Wartenton „^ ,,10. Uoinoks Biplda, N, O.

12. DurhsD 13.12. DurhsD 13. _ Ollrer Stock—Burllngtoi, la.. Indef."Sbspbetd ol the nuis"—Ibledo, 0., 1-3, Daytoa ornheum Stock—Orpheian, Jersey Ctlr.

4, B. IxxilsTllls 7-13., „ ,

Prlngle, Delia, Stock—Boise. Idaho. Indef.

"Seren Keys to Bsldpsl*" (Oohsu ft Harris, p^ii Players—Poll's, Washlnelon.nigrs.)—Tremont, Boston, 1-0. poll 1'liyers—AtidltorJum, Ililtlmore. Indef.

"Seven Keys to Bildpnie" (Oohsn ft Hirrti, |,taj»rs—.New Hmen, Oonn.. Indef.

mgrs.)—Clarksdsle, Mln., B, Sin Diego. Cal., roll IMiyers—Scranton. Pa., Indef.

12, 13. Poll Players—^NTorccster. Mass.. Indef.

"Seren Ilonts In Now York" (0. E. W^e, mgr.) Poll Plsyrrs—Hartford, Coaa., Indef.

—Dnrhsm. N- C S, Burlington 4. Henderson ITIncesi Slock—ITIncess. Dea Moines. Is.

B WUmb e. WeldoD 8, Mew Bern 10, Ellaabeth Park l)pera Co—Shenandoah, St. Looll, Indef,

olty 12^ rlyraoalh 13., ,

"Sonar South" (J. O. Bockwtll, mar.)—Plain-sreli; MIcl., 3, Oatego 4, Allegin i, llsrt B.

Peatwaler 10, Lndlngton 11, Brart 12, B1(

Baplds 18. • , .. ,

"Safety FInt" (Haltoit Powell, mar.)—Lincoln,Neb. 1-3, Boone. la., 4-0. Hirahalltown T->,

Aaro're 10, Aurora, III., Il-1»._, , ^

"heplMnber Mom," Clreult Co.—Rowland ft Clif-

ford's—Oipboum, Phlli.. I B, Colonial, Boltl.

n-ote 8.13..,

"Beplimter Mom." Central—Rowlaod ft Clifford'^

—WIcblta, Kan., 3, AnUiouy 4. Ark. City 3,

WInfleld 6, Independiince 7, OolTeyvllle 8, Oia-iiule 10, Pltlshuigh II, Columbus 12, Pir-

ems 13."Seolomber B(om," Kastem — Roirlnnd ft Clif-

ford'!—Btcyrus, 0.. 8, Ynn Wert 4, Wapaaon.els 0, Lima 0, Marl-m. Ind.. 7.

"September .Mom," Wcitern- -Rowland ft Cllf-

furd'i—3ia leranclBco 1-n, Stockton 7, Hollll-

trr 8, WatsonslUe 0, Balinu 11, Ssn LutsObispo la. Santa Din>:iro lo.

Tempeet, Mirle (The !>liulicrts, mgn:,)—Stindatd,New York. 1-0.

TicuUnl, Eiuna—Shuberl, Boston, Indef.

Tl'unton, Howard (Jhck Jones, m^.) — Qr^ndRspldl. Mich.. 31-Feo. G. Detroit T-13.

"To-Day" (Rdmund Breese) (Horry Von Tllser.

mgr.)—ZintBTllle, O., 3, Dayton 4, MIddletownB, airlngteld 6, Q>lunihua 8-10, IndlanapoUl11.13,

'To-Day" (Arthur Byron) (Harry Von Tllser,

mgr.)—San Jose, Cal-. 3, San Lola Oblrao 4,

Santa RailMra B, 6. Oiiiinl 7, Ran Die?) 8.10,

RcdliiHls 11, Ssn Bereardhw 12, Riverside IS.

"To-Dsy." Oo. 0 (Horry Von Tllrer. mcr.l—SLCloud. Ulnn., 3, Bralnerd 4. Aibland, Wis., B,

Calumet, Mlcb.. 0, Hancock S, Marquette B,

Istoemlng 10. Bscanatai II, Mennmlnee 12.

"To-Day." Co. O (Harry Voit Tllcer. mgr.)—laDtSrrlna, Ark.. 3, LllUe Rock 4. Pbie Bluff B,

ueoBphls, T^n., 6. 7, . MnrfreeSbnro B, Chstts-roofs 0. Qadadcn, All., 10, Athens. Oa.,- L3,

Macon 13."To-algbt'B the Night"—Shnbert, New Tort, la-

dcf."Twin Bedi" (Wm. Sairts, mgr.)—Fulton, Sew

York, Indof."Twbt Beds," No. 2 Oa.—'New Hireo, Oonn., 44."T«l.-1 Pirly, The"—AdelphI, PhlU,, ludef."Too afsny OMks" (Wm. A. Brady, mgr.)—Ply-

looutb. Boston, lodof,'"Too Msny Cooks," Cosst 0». (Wm. A. Brady.

mgr. ) — 1-orlland, Ore., 31-Feb. 0, Seattle,Wlah, 7-13.

"Trail of the (.oitesome J'lne"—dereltnd t-0."Under Ooier" (Selwyn ft Co., mgn.)—Oort,New York, bideif.

"Under Oorer" (Relwyn ft 0>., mgra.)—Loali-Tllle, Ky., 4.6, RvanaTllle 8.

"Uncle Tom's Oabin" (Wm. Kibble, mgr.)—York,Pa., 3, Wilmington, Del., 4 6, Loo( Branch, N.J.. 8, Aihury I'ark 0, 10.

"Unde Tma's Cabin" (llioa. L. Finn, mgr.)

NorthSeld. Maa*.. 8.

WlUrai, Al. n. (Sidney R. Bills, mgr.)—Jscbaon,Mich., 11.

WaraeM, David—Kaniis CHy. Uo., 16, CedarKiplda, la., 9, Ollntun 0, Terrv llaotc, Ind.,

10, MluMspolls 11-1.1.

Haute, Int., 10, Mlnnoapolla 11-13.

"Watch Yoor Step" (Cbai. Dillingham, mgr.)-Now Amalerdim. New York, Indet.

"White Feather. The" (Wm. A. Brady, mgr.)—Comedy, New York, 4. Indef.

"What'a Oolng OnP* (John Cott. mgr.)—(}ort,

BaIoo. i«^tr." 'Wit Dnsn Kaat"—SnrlngOeld, Uaaa., 8.13."Within the I*w"—Buffilo 1.<1.

"Whin. The"—Lincoln, Neb.. «-10.

"Yeltow •neket. The"—Ovoland 10."YeUow Tltkct, I]ic"»l'<nUiad, Uc. 4-0.

BTOOE Aim HOSICAl COHBDIBI.PnnMncmt.aad Tnireliait,

AcsAtmy Plama-^Acidcmy, HsTettlll, Man.

Players' Co.—Park, St. Louis. IsiM.PaytoD, Corse, Stock—Syracuse, N. T., lodcC

—CIsrbshutv. W. Va., 810, Pirkenburg 11-13,

My Oluderella Olrl"—Bldn;- 111., 3I-Feti. 3.

Oanan's. .Billy D., Mns. Com. Oo. (Thomas Me-Cnckea, mgr.)—Usnoicr. Pa.. 3-6.

T«il ft L«« Mns. Cool Ox, (Baymood Ifi, mgr.)—Lima. 0., 31-Fsb. 3. . .

Thomsi' Mus. Com. Co.—Walerrllle, Me.. 1-13.

"Tabarln Olrls" (Dave Newman, mgr.)—Aa-Koala, la.. 1.6. _

, , _"Who's LltUe Olrl Are You"—Badne, Wis., 4.6.

BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS.Olstdler; Nellie B., ft Harmony Malils (CAas. W.

Goe\t, mgr.)—Boston. Mass.. Indef.

Kbike's Ssnd—Wonderlsnd Floating Tbcslre. ln<

def.Mr!>iisrron's Bind—i;Ua.aha-OD. Indef.


NeePs, Carl, Bind—Login. W. Va.. Indef.

HISCELLANEOt'S.American Amnie. Oo.—MangoD, Okli., 1-8, Elk

City 6^)1. „Bragg ft Bragg Show (Qoo. M. BraBg, mgr.)-;

Yarker, Oin., 3, 4, Enterprise B, 0, Weetpurt

8, 9, Newhoio 10, II, Defts 12, 13,

Uecqne Picture Show—New Olty, N. T, (Fri-

diyl), Indf*. . «Bunny. John—61 Innespolls 31-Fob. 6, DaTeniMt,

la,. 8. Lincoln, Neb.. 12.

Uowe'a Pictures—Jaekso:i. illcb., 6, T, Ten*'Ifaule. ind,, 8, 9, BvuisTllle 12 13. .

"nyvocrltes" (picture)—Longscrc. Now York, In-

def.Locey, Thos. Ehnore—Colnmboi. O., 3. Cumber*

liud 4. AtlshUc. Pi.. 6, Erie R.

UoOlnley. Bob ft Rn—Psiermo. N. Dak.-. 3, 4,

Tk>ga B, 6, White Earth 8. Bay 9, WheeludcII, 13.


RIclon Show—Clerelsnd. Indef.

Hiymond, Oreit (Mourlce F. Rsymond, mgr.)—Pnntaa Arenaa 0-lV. Dueoos Aires, Anentlni,18-27.

anith. Myilerhiuii—Backiui. Minn.. 3, 4, Fositon' B. o: Shevlln 8, 0. Ilaglry 10, II, Lesgby 12,

Red Ube Fslls 13.Thompson, Friok B.. Pictures—Monroe Center.

IH., 16.Wsliirn, Dina-Whltowrlcht, Tel., B. Hope, Ark.,

0. MInden. I.a.. 8. Stamps. Ark.. 9.

Winter Olicm .aipp.. New York,. miKfc




lAST NIGHTWltbont aoT exception the PreUlest Ballad Written In Yean. KoUilng can atop tbU

WoDderfal Numb«r. Loose do ume sendlnff tor IL

The Dainty Novelty Number- -Differeiit from the Rest


OTTO M. HEINZMAN. 135th Si & Willow Ave.. N. Y.






AT XJBERTT-Aiter Feb. 18

LEBOY H. BAILEY - - HEAVIESBxiMnonccd, Boiicr and reliable. Age, 90; tiolaht, B ft. 9K In.; welltht, 1W. Can fnmltli gUt otic*reretence. Al preseat with "llnken Hoanry" tx>., Dablnskr Bros., Oolonlal Tliettie, Blonx 01^, Ia.;

KawuM, ni,, Feb, », 10; atlor 13, Wayne Uoiel, North Otark BL, Olil(»go, IIL

Mi^^. Louise Browning,ot Oompany cloaibg ^7 and reliable

Al modern wardrobe. Rent Stock rcrcrcnce. Uolght,Bn.t Kin. Weight, IS. Kewance, lU . P^b.S-lO.Broken Rosarjr Co,, Per. add. SOU* Bstdlnm St., SU MB. Ji, Mo,


SECOND bus;Eneiteieedand r<


TDIISATILB bBADIira WOBfAN. IltlRht B ft 6 In.. welRht 189 Ibi., with hllltj', appeanDCaand wardrobe. Permanent Stock preferred. Roaponalblo Uaoainira only. _H. 8. RODBNBOVGH, Plana, Aft., Bns. MRr., ASSa Waah. Bird , Ohtesgo, 111.— «———

^(im maiTtig ate ylfCN MaHaa Cfaimi.)


E. F. AIiBEE, Gtoneral Manager

For Booking AddrosB: S. K. HODODON,Palaoe Theatre Building, New York City


MABTIN BECK, General Manager

For Booking Address: FRANK VINCENT,Palace Theatre Building, New York City

PARAGON BOOKINfi A8ENGY "^'"S.'ti'et. Wnt to taaar (Mm bII Mia, Imrf or •mall. Writ*, wUr* of ptaoB*


CU8 EDWARDS presents


Address all communlCAllODS to QU.S KUWARDS, Aslor Tbealre D!dg., Times Sqiisre, K. Y. C.



HolITieS and WellsIN VAUDKVIL.I.e:








x.dMiss marie leeTHE LITTLB BBAVTT



Hugh J. EmmettAsBlsted by HZLDRBD EMMETT

Alwy» worMng. Addr—s »27 Wert «6tli Bt- N. Y.

Headlining on the Loew Circuit





Theatrical and Character Ceatumea

UNIFORMSRU88ELL UNIFORM CO., 1600 B'wey, H. Y., Cor.4eth 8t.

5,000 lUDSlnilons. Tint oar BslnnoD. Anj Fonlfn RtOonllllllmr^ mmd HsTal. No Omer loo BnuOl or too DUBonlt

NEW YORK COSTUME CO.Rannfactttiers and Rmteis. 140 R. Dcaibora St, CHiaGO


Tbe AdTcrtlMra OlQb ot OlnclDDftU nre t Umt*rical toucb to Its lut mlil-ire«k laocbm. atthe Ilotfl aiFlnpolf, wbm UsDsrrr Jobn V. Uojmlat B. F. Kelib'e Ttnatr^, wat toe gucet of boaorend the speaker. He ttlkoJ oc 'rrbeatrlcal AdreT'lUlof,** and was an apoatU vt (raDkncaa. Toiimpafier adTertltlnc be ascribed tbe lucceta ot

ibeatrlcal Tfntniea, placlo< tbe btsbeat raloe u^kuastmeots la ocd tdTrrlUlDf. Hie sreat D.

R Kfltb fortase was foaodcd upon faliD Id tbeviTlcKr ot adrertUlat aod "nakloc good" od tbe

i.bowa adrertlaeiL Oarl Ilubrrt lleuch, maoigerot tbe l^TT-lc, wfao was anolbtr (wst of tbe club,

nodded aisent wbco Ur. ncjal declared Ibat mkufof ibe leglUmate bouse* tuffered baadlcips un<

hDowa la TaQtorllle bfcaute tbe local bousewas oonpellM to keep vltblo tbe adTertlslDgappToprlitlon of tbe tUUIiir attraction. In coa-

scqutnco tbe adTertlalng wai DOt qolte rlgonuior cxtfcalio cooogb (o cnaie desire to are 11.

No otbir adTertlsen ImTe to staml tbo Are o(

criticism as tbe tbeitrc U:inactT no7*lgiTo allfbt tetennce lo Ulltoards hs on adrcr-

UrUg ncdlon, but bcUcTed that n'lndow Utbo-

trapbUa would ncrcr b* abanaoned because Ibtt

gaTO a legUtmite can«e for "ptpeflog" i bouieca itae lirst nlgbt wbeo It Is eascnilal to makea good ImnroBiloa. At a resolt ot tbia lUtli

fraternal Tisit arrangoriK'nts ate belug made for

AdTcrllurs' Glob Dl|lit at Kcltb's before ibe

sKson ends. Pollowlag Ibe Kellar Ulk, WUIIeWeilon tlio oonologiai at Kdlb's, ralwd bij

voice u rn ictor-advocate of adrerllalog, aod

Rre a«bl^ cUBS latlug to "tbat grand Old llr-

itle, niK Mbw Yudk Cijppxb. wblcb I baTolucnssfullf oicd for jears.** Tben bo told aC0D(le of yaroB.

OsAND Opvu Uousb (Jobu II. UaTllD, mgr.)—Julian Rose ind Jnllus Tanoen will lotroduce

"Potuib & rerlmatter" to OlDClonatlsiis Jan 81

~lhe local premion of tbe famojs plar. Lastweek, Flo Zlcsfcbl's FVtllln, a brwIIOorlDg galber-

|[« a< beiutlful women, prored one ot ibe lojous

CTenis of the rc«r. The rerue Is a» stuonlug is

errr. and rlcb In Ireaaom of Ibe dince and song.

Verm MIcbaleoa was tbe cblef feminine person-

ue of niinr sceneM. In tbe bright couitelliUouitir* lonlie Mejcn, Lton Krml Hurl Will-

linu. Ed Wrnn and Arlhur Uagon alt ibone wUbcbaraclirlktlc tirllllance. Tbe chorua waa a ilrcMiii

of benuly—cblc, cbiitc and lurcbarg*^ wllb glo^rr

and grice. Of course, bu<ilnesi wis line, "TbeCandy Blwp" Feb. 7. _

Ltbio (Ctrl lloUrt Ilouck, mgr.)—Those ict-

eriDi of burnt cork, Mrluiyre and neatb, cameJan. fll, io ibelr rerlval ot "The Ham Tree."Last week *Tbe Story of cbe Roaary" was balled

ui ntelodrana ot the jean agone brouglH back to

action. Tbere was tbe hero, heroine, Tlllnin and

bU tbe rest ot tbe busy folk of familiar Unea.

Wilier Uowoid donn'l ':a)l bis crootloo a rerlTal,

t'.though be confesses lo psttrrnlnK after tlie old

rurj Lane noilels. Tbe story Is Intcrcathig. and

lbs crowds got lou of enJoytDcnt mil of the may

so Its week's mission was succesnfully fumllctl.

Tbe locale of the pity IMelum. .Tnnws Hany.Clifton Aldersou, Edyth Utimer, Chris Walker.

George Desmond^ Marjorle Day. Wyntlbain Bland-

Ing aod Ernest Leicester, are all In ilic llmellihi

of faeoraLle allentlou. Lowla lllllhnu<«. lu h-s

criticism adds: "Fralse should go to the energetic

person who louchea off the «unnowiI?r behind tin?

«enw." "A nicd of Paradise'* Ki*!). 7.

Wii.NUT Street (George F. Pl%b. war.)—"Re-becca of Sunai*brook Farm" came Jan. SI. *'Tb^

Trail ot the Lonesome Pine" wa^ welccioe last

week, when laabelle I^owo Bare a eptrlteil Inter

pretntlon lo June, tbe half sftMje dnughler of

the wlldwitew. Jami:s Herron, as the engineer.

Jrlm Hale, (mmetllitely von the gooil graces of

his autlivncei. Nocb Ueerj wni o drinatlcallr

stroPK Jud;l TolllTcr, and John W. Itennle well

playc*; Uncle Hilly. The whole caal was deaerT*

Inc. and Jack Pendleton. Eva Jlrnton Paul

£cl\varer, Marguerite Abbott nnd Ailrltn MoTonwere anioni: rbem. "flsnky Pauky" comes KHi.

7, with Hobby North.

B. P. Knrii'a (Jolin F. Ruyal, mgr.)—Clarkanil Deigman ate coming Jri*. 31, with tb^ "Uu-

cKty Duds," a big Lasky i-roductlon. Otber* tn-

ctuile : Mathews sod Hbiyoe, In "Dreaulnnd :"

WaMer Vnuglin, lbs local afngor; Jleriba Crdgn*ton end coiiipajiy. lo "Oor Uufband:" tbe Ijng-dons. In "A Night on ibe Itoulerard;" tbe FsbrrGirls, Frank Mullsoe, Ibe AuBlrallan Wo^ebott-

ri. OLd Kremka Brolbon. Janntfl ami JourneyspIctciTS.Lccw'8 EUFjnfl (Gcorjre A. Dotyer. rojr.)--

W. II. Macatt aod Drodfonl nre thetcpllnCTS Jaa. Al. 0^nve B. Reno, Dessle Rrno(.nd coirnoLy will offer "The MltBt Army:" OInr-

soco Wllbar, ibe Three Uotcc Slstera, aol Wil-son and Wllaon make up the bill. Keystonecomedy plctorea.OLYUPin (0. L. Waltcis. mgr.)—'Rllly Wat*

son's HIg Show Is due Jan. 81. Korreiler's Amer-ican Bcaatles, with Fstlma. Orlcniil dancer,were the msgneti Isat week. Troeadexo Our-lesgurrs Feb. 7.Stsndabd (Cbsrles B. Arnold, mgr.) — Tbe

Broadway Girls STrlred Jan. 81. Juat as the BlfbRollers rollttd swar after a succ«istul week. FayF0B:er Barleaooe Co. Pcb. 7.

GrauaH (OKu Emit Scbmlil, mgr.]—Tbe Ger-ma£ Slock Co, will pirt on Bcblllet'i "WilliamTell" Jan. 81. with 6(tbmld In Ibe title role.

HnjOK'B OPEBA UooBB. Btund^ Fauilt ondObfjibuu, motion pictures.

m SUOBT UVTBS.WiltSB Tauorh'b Tauderllle debut, at Kellb'a.

(a a rated mnslcal ereot of note, because be Is i

popular OlodoDBtl singer.AucB ExoELUBBT, B Cranstoo girl, and pupil

of TkIb Vigoa, wsi a Cebuianie singer at Uie

trl-Slate dinner of 4be Rotary Olub. Bhe madea aucceastui "flrsl appearance."Gbobob Hunt came In adraoce of "Poiach &

Perlmutler."MiKB fttiHTOif waa tbe man Bbead for Mclo*

t^re and Kellh.DcBTi. BcDiNSTCiN. the hlx tccn jcar otd [ilsnlrt,

ROve a recital at Ibe Woubds' Glut Auilltor-lorn 20.Buobkb Brivox, tbe Vrencb playwright, was

dined at the Gibson 20. and be afterward gavea Iltirory talk.KiTTT GoBDON and bor eowos were tlie feminine

talk of tbe Keltb loraouls. Bbe w.ts sc«d In

Jack Lalt'a one act conceit, "Alma's Return,"In which sho wu aided by ilirriMn Hunter andHelen Goff,

Rhil liDBiUKH, concert owlstn- of Ibe Cin-nlonall Syoi^bor.y Orcbestra, wllppeil np lo Rnlon,0.. Jon. 20, aod married bla ptrpU. I>orolby Klrk-polrlck.Anna PnnriKmn waa rated 'he dalotlest

"Utile package" In tbe Follies of 'U.1am Prey Twins did a wrestling slanl tbat

pleased ibe Bmnren crowda.Tbr Oaroes Bisters ani Jeule DumB haTo a

mostcal act tn tbe American Beauties tbat wouldget by Id vauderllle.TUK ilAj Musical CBioriiB Ib to sing at MukIo

Ilall May 20, during the conrentlon of Ibe Na*tlonal Conrentlon of School Saperlnteodenta. Dr.Rniat Konwald, will pat on two orebcatral niiai*

bers and a new cantata for children's voices, "AFestal Day." will be sua;. Tlilrly motion plclurstheatre managen bare pronlaed aid In the cam*(ralgn to idrertlie dndnnntl to Oinclonatlan*.Gboboi A. <B0Trn baa taeird froJi New Tork

tliat T>oow'b Empress has recelred rights to pre-

sent Weber A FleMs' feature comedy niclores.Tub Obphbuh TuaiTSB—Olanager I. hi. Mar-

tin's bill top pldute boua^'La to try conllnDOoaafff-noon perlormances. Tremendosf. crowds ofyonnKslen of the Bedllme Btnrles Club crowdedIhe iHnise to see Msry I'lckford, lo "Oladerelli.""Tub GBavAM Bidb or TfiB Wan" la .belnv

sl.own at Music ITsll. B. 8. Mnckeifnaa, once otlbs 8t. Loula National League Club. Is msoagingthese pictures, satd to bavc Ihe 0. K at IbeKslser.Till Standard Is making a fealuro ot amateur

einnta on Friday ntghta.Hops Vnrion U a charming llllle body who

(^ellghtfally added lo tbe good things oo tbe Keltbbill.

Pau I/AWBDKcm. ot tbe High Rollers, bas a

cLeeiful p<noaa1ty.The one bnodred and llfty-BtiUi annlrenary of

Robert iloma was celebrated at tbe Odeon. underIhe Joint Ba^)leea ct the Buma OlOb. the Gale*donlan Boclety and Ibe Olan Sutherland. IMpc-major Dnocan MacPhall came from Detroit to

lake part, aa did Brtty Caldrr, Bcolcb dancer,from ^Ilddtetown. O.Tns OlnclnnaU Rnfllah Opera Club la being re-

cruited lo glre Cincinnati a stock opera comranycomposed whsllr of local talent.

IIorthamploD, Maoa. — Acalemr for Feb.a-0. "Mam'aelle." Toodsy, Jsn. 30. Ibis playwas acted b^ore Ibe csmera, and are being sbowabetween tbe aeu of 'Vam'selle."Puu, Ltkic and Pauoi, pboolplaye onlj.


A pipe, a maid,

A sheet of ice,

The glow of life— —And that glow doubledBy the glow of LUCKY STRIKECuddling warm in the bowl.

This is the life

In the good old winter-time !


No other tobacco givco you thnt aid tatty yum-yumout-o'.doon •mack vou get from LUCKY STRIKE, It'a

aimply the richet ot Kentucky'a golden tun and bounti-ful aoil alored up in mellow brown Itavea againit yourwinter'a content— a ripe, meaty, in.piring tobacco that (or(oity yeaia haa been held to be the emperor of them all.

TA« IMW iJia-tlm Roll Cal- tninAIn lail iltht fal Hn anJtllaitll:

la kiDil lOetbuaadlaBOcuHlll.OOGlMaHunililon

TVUK IVIwNbT t3AS-»lV with tiikhk pahodihi"Viillejfor Moon," '•(iitmo tif l,uvy," "Hliirt Vlcimln," "Just f(ir Tm-NIhIiI," "Voii Woro Tulip." "Oh,Uy Ixjvo," "VliiKcr In I'Ic." "KIM Uakoii liiickcl," "line Mck AIhihi lllrlri." "KvorylliliiK by You,""Tlpporary" aiiil "UlclilHiiii." IjuiIOJcw. IOc. each: 3 for iiilior iiiiiictIhI, UnliiluiiuoHnil ou-iloraomeiilH FIIKK. nAHV B, P, TIIAVKIl, MIUU ilroail HI., ProvlileBca, B, I,


Five MiDules CofkliK Cmi-FIn(2 Males), m

Fife MlRotes Siappr 6ros^Fln

(Mile ail FeBile), 508.

Fhe Mlinles Bright Moaoiogge Ckittir

(Male) 500.

nn Mlegtes Miiitral Mateflal

(Efld Man aid litirlocBlef), 50e,This malerlal comes In neatly tFP**written form, aaiit la not abop-woraJnnlc* Has been tried ont sbiiI nasnnnbsolate blok In evar/ line. Pvlessqnoted on eielnslve material. AattaororRajmond niid BalB*s **l«oeked Oat*"

HARRY L. NBWTQN.M Or«Bd 0|iar» Ho«a«, 0hl»»go.

611 ath Kn., BMT Slat St.

taa WMt 43481., iiMrTlBuaS*.IB Sd Am. asw lOlk St.Bnil for UlntttBlM CaUIon* C.UaU Ordtn CsrafDllf nilefl.

HYPNOTISMByfblapovtrfld.flRieeoforcD of bat«i«you_eoatrol oitKri.cfcAU cndlcti ha sad winder,refora lh« degraded, ireal th*sick and sfflktcd, aiUlo rowamMlIon Sad mahs Doner rur.YOU miy l"*n III Wilu fordc«rr1plliaaQdlllDiintc>1 llrrri*

tura udfwll pankdan FREE. _Addrcu M. DTBlTTe. 8U. *41> Jaaksoe. Mlafc,


MOUQUIN'S6lkAie.,let.27tli ait 2BtkStt., New York



TIGHTSSilk Opera Hose"" Stockings


AI1lilT¥ »>• vmWT sBdIJIJIUII paioBi iha uavmn

MdialSUrirBmadei. BUki. SiUu

Thntrleil Jimlr;, Spuglei, et«.


Wlgi, Beardi ud bU GNdiTbeiUtil

CatitOflM* ind SamplM upa* rtquHl

menaiklogrorOatalogne, pleaae

isesUoo wbal fOO<li are wanted

SIEQiAN I WEILI, W, Cot. 2Tlh SL a SidlMa kn.



Al WAItDIIOII TIIUNKS3 Uradai. U Hlliii. Man'a or WomeB'aUroloiine and pinin llriliiga. « rear guanniae.

HfiiUIAI. IIIHUUUNT TO TUK rHUFK88I0NWaWTOIt A sow, - Cortland, W. T.

thbatbicaij wigsVDDpmLadlairHtlraooda. U. Btaln'a liak*-~ ^SaicnFrlcaUat. OBO. BHINOaaUI.

W. 41»t Bt.. Nay Toit. Tal lT2«-Bfy«Dt

4T waiT talk tTKiaT, Raw tobb.

22 THE N:E3W YORK CLIPPER. Februaby 6


....Ulldred Don..Amy FlUpatrtck

Utr; aretoNona UutnjAlice Carroll

. . . Frances Stari;


"HARIE-ODILL"B«laaeo (Darld Belaico, nur.)

UarU-OMt, a tbrae act jriaj by BdwariT Knoblauch,preMDtcd Incadaj ercnlDt, Jtn. 26, bj DaTldfieliKO, wltb FriDCea Surr and ue follow-

Int •uppoTtloc cast: _.-

Ifotlier Baint Dominic, Motber Boberlor oCthg CoDTont (Mario walnwrlght

Slater CloUlde, tbe PoMrcsa Ada C. NevUSiator Lonlie Harriet Otis DelleobaugbSister Uonlca Allce_MartuiEliter AnatoloSlater AnidlaSlater Ce<ilUSlater JosepbBister KUsabethSlittr CatberlneUarle-Odlle, a novice - - - —

Kathar Haber, tbe Cbaplaln..lidwaTd Donndltreter tbe Qardoner Krank Belcber

Vblans In a PtuuUin Qeglmtnt:Beifcant Otto Beck ..Ucnrjr VoaclCorvoral PbUIlp Molasncr. . . .Jerome I'atrlck

BtolnliauBer ..Vavl Blanloy

Hartmann Alptaonae Utbler

Bom Edward WaldmanaHlttondort Cbarles W. KaiitmauBcbnunm Uobert Qobson

aiitcra : Margaret Cadnan, Udltb Klpf,Dorotb7 Tamer, iStylht Uayn^rd, UadelclneUanball, Oeitrude Wapier.

Soldiers: Uugo Scbmedes, August Nelson




Tbeio la 'a lapse of one jear between acta

, two and tbrce.

'A pli^ bj Edward Knoblauch Is almosttarew bo^aw from -Ibe beaten patb of oon-

TenUonalU.r,-iuid a .production by Uovld Dp-

lasco U equally auie to be wortb while. It le

Ihorcforc Uttlle wonder that on tbe above

date ttile plnTkoiuo was Ullcd to Its utmost

nuaclty -wbep "-Marle-oaJc, Mr. Knob-laudi'a lotest woVk.wae ilvou Its llret metro.

pOIUan buiTlag. :'Jbs aotbor bed lived up to

Ills reputation (or tbe isiconveDtloiinl, andIt waa Indeed a UcHeoo ptoductJon.

The one aceno ol lu'e play Is laid In n small

ranrent In itbo mountalnoju -tcslons oi Aliacc,

and tht time la during'ranood'ruiBkin

War of 1870. - •

.k'MarleOdlle bad been left as a babe, on tbe

c<lnrent steps nnd taken In by the dslcri.

clven ber name (Ma.rlc-Udllc) and brovclit

ir tbem until, irben tbe action ot tbe play

Sns, she Is about olgbtcen yont't ot age

tus boon allo^'od to become a noTlce wltb.-

tlta vlow of biter bocomlnii a sister. •

^nt In spite of ber religious training ther*-.

U In jdarle Odlle a roboHlous spirit wbleh ai'^<

serts .Itself, tor whlcb - sbe Is continually :

obliged to do penance.. tuber Flaber, tbe<bap)aln, and Foter, tbe

uardnor, are tbe only men she bos over laid

Met upon, and as tbeio arc botb old tbe girl

loois to iee young men. In ber fliUid abc

rlefurea them as salati. AaMc from tbls her -

Ihougbts centre upon eevoral tame plgoons;

wbldi are tbe only Joy in lier joungllfo. ibe,

Motber Superior, U> punish Slorlc-Odlle tcl.j

ber to order I'oter to kill tlic brown piscou

(her particular favorite), and abc robole, and

*'''l!Sthor'''Asho?^*i>rriTca wUb tbe bitoMua-

Uon tbat the Pruislnaa are coming and tbe

ooly bopo tor thn nuns In to escape aiid so

to Awltaorland. 'llils tboy do, leaving Mnrle-

Odlle behind because she . does not answer

tboir call, and because Father Flsbor urges

*^rponl Pbllllp MelBsner, a Ublan, la Uie.

flrit of tbe Pruaalaoa to arrive, and Marlc-

Odlle believes blrm to bo a saint, be is so

bandtome, so unlike tbo only two otbcr men

'''pblSlp'a'Siairades follow shortly after, andMarle-Oailo Is forced by Serccant OUo Beck

to toed thorn. HnoJiy the soTdlera, excepting

PWlllp. 4eave. He etnys, and later we loam(hot die did not luve tHI tbe following morn-

year passes and we see Marlo-Odlle, still

alone In the convent, save for old Peter, with

a baby-ber baby and PbUllp's. Tbe war bover. Tbe nnns return and Marlo-Odllo la

tliiust out In tbe world because of nor e n.

•From tbls story Mr. Knoblauch has written

a Dlay both Interesting and unuaual.

jFrances Starr, as Uarle«dllc, gave a rc-

inarkablo performance. Bbe gave tlio youngoonco all the cblM-lllie Inoocenco one wonloemect her to bavo, and Invested the charac-

ter with ber own pleasing pcraonnllty, lend-

ing It an Irreslellble charm. Mo gave to

Marlo-Odlle—tba maid—a girlish buoyancy,

snmivbit saddened by ber longings tor things

she knoirs not of. As Marle-Odllo—the womanand motber—sbo shoved that IneHoble bap-

plnns which motherhood brlu;;s, her face

fairly beaming with Joy and supremo con-

tent Fiances Start's aarle-O.llle Is a char-

acter study, and In her portrnyr.1 sbe gives a

performance of whlcb any actrtsa conid

fustly be proud., ,

ifarle Walnwrlght gave a convlnolng pyi;

trayal of the Mother Superior, and Harriet

Otl« Dellenbangb made a lovable Sister


Jerome Patrick made a manly Phillip, andFrank Relcber made a One cbnraclerUatlon

of Peter.Henry Vogol gave a atrlktng performanco

of Benieant Otto Deck, and tbj othora lent

good aid._


Harry Swift was shipped .back to Proc-

tor's FKtb Avenue, leaving Bolly "Sing 'Bm''

Levoy In full charge aipln---ond It Is «nia

Swift will remain at Ue downtown bouse

Indeflnltcly.,^ . . • , . kk.

Larry Ooldo was bumped Into In the lobby

here last Thursday (Jan. 28). Bald ho hada great show down at tho Fifth, snd v,c

dtOD't dispute bim upon bearing who were"on" then. '


At any rate, neither 'In Old Tyrol" norHurley, Stan and Wren lived up to^^belng

"In the lights" out front, althouirb tho

former got closer to It duo to Ada MItcbell s

good soprano voice. Sam Williams rarrled

a Ilebreiw comedian role over to only fair

reiultr, wltb poor mntorlal nud sltuatlona

A flery French male nnd six neat looking

choriiB giria, with bslf good mimbors fn

work In, constituted tbe rest of tbo cnsi.

An Hngllah trio, Hurley, Sinn and Wrcu(two men and n woman), otrcreu mediocrefun In a "noisy burglar" coracdv turn. Oneof tho men works ns a tough character,

while tho comedian Is made up to resemble

tbe picture comedian, Charlie Chaplin. Tholatter did some. good (alls nnd tumbles, andtvns the llto of a "well done" Idea, whichthey finish with a burlesquo boilns bit. Tbelittle woman gelR on nod off a few timcB,

nnd stoys a while for some comic "love

business on a coneb with the cnmedlan.IrfC Bnrtli nnd WllUam f.ytoll and com-

lany did bent of the entiro bill. Ilnrth with.jIs slorlcs In IrUli. Qeminn. IINirew. China,, Ilallan, Scolrli nnd Swcdlah nccenta,

but -worked loo long. .

William I.ytoll nnd n new compnny o(man nnil wniunn rtli'. lilK nmiililprlnB tlie new-ness of Ills Biippo 1, In Ills "A Nlunt of It,"

4*o:np0y Hkelch.Tlie Three nniielnr Hug.* opencil nnil slnrt-

«1 liip show well, anil Seymnur and Williamsliepan III clinnmlonRhln (onn, with the eccenIrfrnllv drraneu up woman mnking a flymii

Irip across etnge. Hut Iheir ((illowlng mn-lerlnl ant tnmcr lis th.; turn progrcescd, andllio folKs were disappointed.

Sol. I.evoT annir Ihst nood "Virginia Leo"song of the Joe Morris C«mp.iny, nnd irwin

and Ilenog had alow going ontU ther gotto. an "audlActf' bit that llnlthsd themquite big. Tod.

RIVERSIDL(RmHeued Thuriaail Evtnlne, Jon. tt.)

There are very few days In the season thstthe Rlvetslde Is not packed to capacity. It

le rerr surprising, loo, (or right neit doorIs WlUlam Fox's other house, the Riven,playing tbe same policy. Tbe people ot ther.elgHborhood must alternate between the twobousesi for they are very seldom empty. Alltbe acts for the last halt ot the week we/egood, but wrre not arranged to get the bestthere was In tbem. It waa an unusual andsurprising tblng to bear an audience of tbiitheatre try to belittle one of tbe singles.The performer held bla temper and In theend waa a big bit.Wnnl and Fsy, ten minutes. In one. Ward

nnd Fay bare a very neat dancing act. Theycct away from tbe general run, and with thrnid of nut comedy tboy go over big. Tbeyopen wltb a nut song and donee. Thencomes an eccentric dsnce by tbe straightcomedian. Yodling and n soft ahoe dancefollow, nnd tbey close with a good conversa-tion Mng and dance. Three bowa"Clonks nnd Bulla," Oftecn minutes, In

llirce, special set. "Cloaks and Bnlta' In

another ono ot the now overdone "Potash ft

Perlmutter" sklta The story tells ot twopartners who cannot make tbe business pay.The; hear that a buyer from New Orleans IsIn town, and tboy phone him up to comeover anil ace their stock. One of tbe part

"THE SHADOW."empire (nomas Shea, bus. mar.)

TheBhaioic, a drama In three sots by Darto Nlc-codenl an4 Mlebnel Morton. Prodnccd onMonday night, Jan. 20, by Charles FVotamn.Cast:Borthe Tregnler Btbel BarrymorcUorard Tregnler Bmce McBaaCiHcbel Oelon Bmest I^wfordDoctor Magre Edward Fieldingllelene Prevllle Ocace BlllatonJeanne Amy VenessLouise Olive Mnmy

Time—The present.ACT I.—A. Room at tbe Home of tho Treg-

nlers. Psila.ACT II.—Studio of Qerrsrd Tregnler.Act III.—Bsme ss Act I.

"Tlie Shadow," Bthd Dartymore's vehicletbls season, b a serious work, for tbe mostpert gloomy, bat latcnsely Interesting fromIts first line to the fall or the final curtain.Tbe comedy lines can be counted on thefingers of one band. It has seversl scenesthat are very dramatic, and tbe play, on thowhole. Is vet7 well written.

"'I'be Shadow" tells (he sad story of MmeUcrthe Tregnler, who has been so III for sixvenrs that Ibe was unable to move about thehouse, and when the pisy onens ahe Is seensitting In an arm chair v lth only her chestand heed exposed to view.

Tlie husband, a rich pointer, professes tostill love ber, but Is spending bis days wl|^ afriend of bis wife, Helen Prevllle, In bisstudio, which In in another part of Paris

wltb sincerity, and tfie handled well tbeone big scene which falls to her,

Ernest Lawford, In tlie role of a fiimUrfriend, and Bdmrd lildkig, aa tht physi-cian, were both exoriloitThe prodaotlon U .-nry good. Bspedally

fine Is the studio sc^ Kcleev.

"90 m THE SHADE."KDlokcrboolccr (Barry 0. Bommers,

mgr.)—M In (fie Bhalt, wbldi waa producedot this house Monday evening, Jan. 2S, withMarie CabUI and Rlcoaid Cttla, did not comeun to tbe nanal qualification to warrant It

attalnbig any great snccess.Lack ot tuneful melodies, forced comedy,

und a mediocre book Is tbe dilcf reason forIts failure to arouse Interest Both starsworked hard on the opening night, but theirefTorta wore In vain, and before the first actlied progressed very tat the piece dwindleddown to shoot cere.Whst little story there Is tells about Polly

Balnbrldge, an American wldonr engaged tobe married to Wlllooghby Parker. ParkerIs fond of the ladles, ana before bis fianceeorrlves on the Island be has started a num-ber ot filrtatlons. Polly arrives nnezpectedlyand finds her lover with plenty ot isdy ad-mirers. Tliere la one. Donna Estnido, widowot a planter. On acconnt ot ber explosivenature ahe has been nicknamed "Tbe HotTamale." Rob Mandrake, the ronefa andready captain of "Tbe Donble Croas," comesalong, enters In tbe mli-np, and finally winsPnlly, leaving Parker to be consoled wltb"Tile Hot Tamsle."


!,i Hr.NllV C MlNCR.l-.

riTT9DUnGII \0TE8.Tbe iDtrodactloD oC two tlanccn, dorlof tb«

conne of Jsck ndd'i Big Sboir, wai aomelbbBDcw to PltUborthcri, Aod tbej ntt\j got tbeiroonej'* vortb la tbtt l\Dt ot mpoltr cntertalo-il«dL Flnt cuw DoTla Dv Lorb, wliboot dotfbt,1b« nullat ot the prcsrat 6»j tniaatlao«] dto*ccn, vbo did t ntf rracefol KflntUn diQce tbitpIctKd InoDcnMlj. nabe La mm, mlertaliKd loib« ii«coDd part, with an acrotmtlc daocc, aodRCVlTfll TOtomliunis epplauTf.

Art Sofad baa a aonrfDlr, aod la proudlrdiMilajiDc wbat la tennfd "tbe soffrafKtte's grip/*Tbe Victoria crev are atlll as pnkr u b«mo*

fore, and are well llktd bj rJilHoc Mrfonneit.Freddy Kfadderback, Harir Lang aod olart Fox,of "laundrr fame." are allll lo the boncb.

Eddie DoDorao la now In charge of tbe awltdi-b9anl at tbe AcaOemr, and Is Juat as well likedas wben he waa at tbe Sberltlso Sqoare.l^e local b078 wen glad to welcome Bro. Llacb,

upon hli arrival bere witli Jack Reld'a Show.I.lscb In Terr popnlar orer tbe clrcoll, and la welln-ganlcO bj toe local bojrs.

A MOTHERS PLEA FOR PEACEAn Anti-War Song of Sentiment and Fact that ought to and will be sung throughout our landin answer to the European War Lords and their followers, Read the inspiri-ng words -they tell

the tale. -•



oeVv sends tbe Junior out to buy up a newmodel dress. Wbllo be Is gone tbe buyer.comes, and tbo model, who has been phonedfor: .nrrlvcs soon afterward. After placingn big order wltb the firm the buyer exits.

While the two partners. are In tbo workroomllie buyer and model return. Tiiey turn outto be rrooks, ond tbey 'Steal the whole slocknnil the money from the sofa When tbepartners return to tbo room tbey find tlie

goiids gone, ond they announce that tbey areruined. It Is a very commonplace plot. Tbeacting, however, was very good. Four cur-

tain calls.

Vltbol Mae Darker, twelve minutes. In one.KiiboUk once said In tcfercnco to this artiste

that sbe was tbe best female violinist In

America, Sbe charmed the audience by herlenurksbly ewiet touch. Her selections wereall classy, nnd ber rendition ot tbe "IIu-

tnoresko" was Indeed beautiful. Iler act

went exceptionally well In tbe uptown houae.

It Is doubttul If she would bo appreciated In

ono of the downtown bouses. Bhe waaforced to take sovcn bows and do on encore.

"Shoddy, the Tailor," was the comedy film.

Kin Ivnid Kilties, twenty-tour minutes,

throe special dropa The Kin Knid Kilties b>

n big act to carry on tbo email time. It Is

0 good aggregation ot girls snd boys, seven

and four la the way tbey are divided. Tb>act Inkes In all the Scotch aongs nnd dances,

not forgetting the bagpipes. Rose Mauercarried The act to a small sized riot. She Is

a cnmollenno of rare merit. Naturally funny,

slie gets almost all tho laughs of tbe act.

George KInkald Davis, tbe rending mon, la

also very clover. He has a good voice, Bli

curtain cnlla and two cncoreaO. Herbert Mitchell, twenty rolnutca. lu

one. Tho act Is entirely too long for a

single. It should bo cut at least eight mln-utOB. Mitchell Is a good storv teller, but lie

iallR down In his reciting. Ills Imitation ot

Joe Hawlliorne wos good. Three bows.

I. _.

Ten million soldiers to the war have gono, , .

Who; may.nevBr;t6tum.'agaln;:.: .!. -..


Ton million :momcts!. hc6ttS Tnu»t break v; ,-

For the one who died Ir vain.Head bowed down ln.:aonrow, -In her lorvely years, .

I noard a mother murmur.thro' her learfi.

CHORUSI didn't ral.-ie my boy to bo a soMior, -

T brought him; up .to .bo. .rtiy.. pride and joy

Who dates to place tt musket on- hla shoulderTo shoot some othermolhefa. darling boy?,Le'. nations atbllrate their futurjj :troubles, :

It's Lime to lay the «word and gun away.There'd be no war to-day, il mothers all would say,

1 didn't raise .my boy lo be a soldier. •

What ulctoty can cheer a mothstTs.heari

When Bhe lool« al: her blighted home?What victory oan bring her.baclt ;

All she cared to call herown? ..

Lot each mother aruswarv In tho years to be,

Remember that n;iy boy- bolones to me, .

CooyrijM. 1915 LEO FEIST, lie..' Ne* tatk.

I« Wloraiich. Bmej DrsiiMpil, TA. lf«l».

Krank Paulson onil Ihc r«t ot the ciew at the

Mllot. «ro ever on ihe Job. TheM tors "f*,'}"

well itooslil ot. anil ore ilwars looking oat Mrllie coaif.wt of visitors. .

Two at Ihe mo«l jairalar boi oOce men In the

c!l7 ore Treasurer Dave LItlic and his booOjone

r.mwont. Dave Blwinls. who look after tbe pM e-

boarils at Ihe Asnlemy. Dot.i hojs ate very oWig-

Ins nnd coogeiilol. and hare nsny frl«ld« uoonjllie finlrono of this honse. Tre««nr«r Utile has

ileddnt to lake out a "eoocli" show this

with one of the lorger esnlvalo. and from tae

numher of female vinltors wen .""'"t?" .S?7;he Is snr» io hive some besnUes. Bdwards is

colnit out as hesd ot <he bally-hoo, and will, no

donbt. mm good buslneis.

Miniger Harry Smith, of tbe Aeadesny. IsJ

verr boey boy these days, and Is ever on tlieJoblooking ifler the varlons details, back and fmit.

ni« splendid aMislnnts could not be Impiwfl-ipon, and Harry keeps tbem on the Jmnp at anlimes. -°'


New ewoiher* ate coming la at evAr neellnf

of Iho new Agents snd Minigers Tbeatrl'«i Avo-cinl!on, end Ihe dob rooms are always lineo

viih nonhcrs paaslng thiengb New York or those

who ate lojlng off.

AiDODg the niDie* of proposed m*mben nowposted on the hulletln l«sfd at lh» »lnb rwmore those of Fted J. Pates, aeocie C. Sfoter

Fr»r.k Ablott. a Plount Liidw|g. 0)l. mil Pics-

ens and Arlhor Morris. Ibe motion iiletotee

lioTc claimed a number ot Ihe Idtcis ot late ;ndfew ot there who iteie nl liberty at» now left

Sam U-svItt Is In Jeiser Oily, bliiing 'Themiudnen of Vlrme," wiilie TM Mlil»r hss Joined

Ibo Dave .Marion lorcet. end will rcptMent oneof the Uorlon altractioni ahead. Geutre nfiniier.

wlio has ijet-o manasln^ Fap Wattl nnd i.iH*y Daly.Is luck in Nnv Y,>::li, as It flrant Lncc and Dsnn;Mock, trho blen- In from lloston. &om Conning.I,nm ia oi^o back from n Irin West, where ho hssIwn necr.liating for the aale of Ihe T^eatorti rghtsof the Couiilii:in & SlinnDoo "Alice In bonder-


BOSTOIVr-CHICAGOEastern odlce : Western 0 Ihce ;



Brpadw.ay_Parkway Bldg.,

Broad & Cherry S is


"A Monkey Cabaret," fifteen minutes, full

tinge. This Is n very good monkey net. ThennlmniA arc all well trained nnd, wltb a little

ninro roflnloe down, the not would do In anycompany, 'rbcro are enough thrills In thoact and tho comedy Is good. Pour bows.The Famous I'inycra Co. presented Mar.

guprlte Cinrk, In "The Criiclble." The storvla IntoiiHcly Interesting nnd the acting Is

exreiitluiinlly good. -Thli: picture clo.icd thebill. Uyle».

THEATRES andOPERA HOUSESWe Isssit sSvertiseBicBta la this ealosui si «

•prctal late of 11,76 per ante line ftr g aontkilor II tlBts). Ihls will anaUe local nanagwito ksep Ikslv konats prominently and ceattasalltbefeie tbe manasvct of eoapanlN. Oatlni tki

dOM tbe ad. la renolog «t will aead e«eh tin*User a copy of Tan Ourrsa m*.

BERLIN, PA., OPERA IIOVSE. Beatstoo. I,srge Binge. New managemeiit by nn oldtrooper. Clood, clean alinwa wniilcd. Am alUiinledWilli nearby good show lon iia. AilrtrcM llOX *.

ODD FELLOWS' TIIRATUB, Baekctsltarlior,N. V, Newly funilalicd, now Rconery.siago'Ux\i opening. Oooil. clean Hhown. (I. I). Renu.Mgr.



Ilcleiio Is deepi.v In love with lilm, so mucliso, tbat sbo bos divorced her husband. Forthree years th^ llvo together, and tbey havea baby boy. Tholr relations and tho boy arc,of course, turinown to Umc. Trcgnlor.

Both Tregnler and Helone, and every onefor tbat matter, believe Mme. Tregnler nliopeloss cripple, but under Ihc rare ot Dr.Magre she rapidly regains tho use of herarms ond legs, and sitbongh she walks with(liniculty, sbe decides to pay her husband nvisit at his studio. There ahe teams theblHer truth, Heleno cicnsea her conduct

PSplaadbiR that .ber (Mme. Trcgnler's)

yslcal InahUlty to have children has causedho painter mnch grief, and It wsb to give

him a Child that sbe, Ileienb consented tolive with the man they botb loved,

Mme. Tregnler decides that abo was curedtoo late. She will get a divorce, and in theeyes of the world she will siwnyd ho ncrinple. For the uko ot tho boy Tregnlerard his mistress sccept condlllons.

Miss Darrymore's rolo, one ot unusuallength and a most trying one, makes greatdemands upon her, but sbe meets tbem all.

Her acting ot tbe emotional rolo ot the In-

valid wife anrpasaes anything she baa everdone In tbo dramatic line, and we still bareIE mind ber brllllsnt work In botb "Tanto"nnd "Hlil^Ihnnncl" ns wc write tbls.

€Sie spends the entire first not sltHng Intlie chair, making the picture an appealingorne. Throughout the remaining two acts tbewalks with dlfllcultr—a -task vnilch Is harderto remember than to exeeuta

llnice Mediae played with Intdligcnce nndliiilrti tho dIOlcult rolo ot Tregnler.Omce Kllistev, as Helens rrevtlle^ played

Mas Cnhlll, as I'olly, gave her usual finelierformaiicc. and rendered tbe only songthat showed any merit, called "Whistlinglinn."

lUcbntd Carlo was the Tarker, and In his(ittaint and humorous manner made conslder-iihlc of the character. Of bis several songs,

. oollsbneas," with several repent lines Inllie cboTUft was perhstu the ttcst

ICd. Martlndel was tbe Dob Mandrake, acting gave much tone to tbe piece. Heuna nllotteo the only song of tbe entire scorethat Is likely to abtaln any populartty. It Is

culled "Where's tbo Olrt for ^^e."xbe action of tbe piece takes plsce on tbe

Amorlllo Island, In too Pblilpplnefl, ond Is Intwo scones, botb of which showed that little

I'lpense bad been spared In tbe scenic pro-duction. Good work wss done by tho othermembers of tbe compnny. Jack.

THB RBWklAN TIIAVBL TALKS.E. U, Kemoan, tbe trevel-talker. Is announcfd

to vteaeat two parallel eoniws ot traTet-laikaIn New Tork, dorlna Uareh. Oonrse A wit: bet tbe New Aioeteraan Tbeitie on Bte snccc*-rlre Thninday aftenooas, at 6. hetloDlog March4, end Oootie D, at Carnegie Hall, on fire sue.fttslve guoday eTeoinga, beflonlog March 7.Tlie anblecto tvhicb are oil new ana lllostrated,as cinol. trlili colored views and motion pie*iL'ret, wlil be preeenttd In the foltoirlna otder;"France ami the War." "Berlin, tbe Wor Oen-Irt." "The War Ospltals," -"The Holy I.aod"f.nd "neriti."

TIIR Uarco Twins folkintd Ibeir dims, whlcbt ad been sboim In tbe I'aolsgce. Alberta, Oan.,out) mad« a big bit aceoldlng to TAe ITornlng AI.bctlan of Jon, 10.

li'i:d" pictures, nilly lleiter ia managlns theTuiedo Theatre in New York, and reports sooil

bi,slms«I.(-iters from oienhcra on tho road all speak (it

on ImproTcmcnt In tbe general tnislness condl.lionn. Tito neit rcgulnr meeting of the A. A M.T. A. will he hell at 1431 Draadway, Feb. 3, at

r. M. SroMiT -^Tiaa.

nreoHiOH grade


Uniform in Color and

Quality Guaranteedrnrr (

Hanoraidmn Date Beet'"t jBoottte Artot "HaUniUp"

nUSICiL GLASSESXylophones, Rmltles, Hn-slcal ElectrlcBl Bells.

Mnsicsl Flower rols. Coins. Fannels, UatRacks,cow Ilells,eui.,elc. Cataloguesndtoll Isrormsuon on receipt of stomps. A.

BRAimsiaa. um tout avoj, alaimond fui^wj.


Februaby; 6 THE NKW YORK OLIPPER. 23



Hira U l*-Th( B B (i B Thiitrlcal WARDROBETroDk. Pedtlvdy th* ttrongnt ind mo«t coa-

nalaiil Wardroba Trunk on lha markaL ThaiMl mrd In tronk Prograaa. Sand (or Ganaral

Catalog and Ual et Aganta,

B B t B TRUNK COMPANY, PltUburgh, Pa.


Plain Kid, • • $3.60

Patent Laithar, $4.50

All Color*, • $5.00

Bxtim neat, will notnp.

8TAQE U8TId Oifotdi, auppen

and Bhouilend for Catalog

Sent C. O. D. If tl.OOjMr nir la tdranctd.FMB MAPLBI DANOINd KA.TI, mad* tO

Older at SOcta. per aqnaia foot.NEEUY BROS.729 W. llkdiaoii Street

Opp, Haymarket Theatre OHIOAGO


Tfce Ballole.

Cotton Tighta, Terr goodqDalli;, a pr., 16c; wontedTighis, mcdlom welaht, a

ET.,ti; Wotated Tlgbts,

eavj weight, a pr, t2.76;BUk Flailed nghu, (im-ported), a nr., 12.10; UeanTipercent. SllkTigliialnWblte,Fleah, Pink and Red only,

reduced from t< pr. to |4;Pore SUt Tighta In creamwhite oDlr, reduced fromts.u a pair to ta. Shiru to

match, same price oatlghta

Ordara Filled Promptly

Clipper Cataloa Freeon Application

BEBKAnD OAiaOI.310-'il2 W. Uadlaon Street

CillCAaO, lliL.

Earo $35 to )500 mill. Stid;

iCTAlSC DANCINGOlAliC SINGINGTauOarUla Acta, fiketcbaa, Diana,Mnalcal Comedj and Na» Not-cltlea In Btage Dancca. Wrtt* tor

lUoatiated booklet bow 8,000 ato-

denta ancceedad. KaUnra Impoa-alble.

Aluleu Theatre Sclod ot Aetleg

BTth tt. at B'war.Bntr. 228 W. BTtli Bt, N. I.

IDflKBHGTHEW TOUB ACTTwith the wonderful

DEAdAN mimDeagan Xylophonce,Uarlmbaphonefl, OrganOtalmcs and other UubI-

cal -SpcclaUj Inatru-mcDte are the


Wrllo for Catalog "U'

J. O. OBAOAM, Deagan Ballding,4100 Bavenewood Ave., Clileago, 111.

I. MILIER, 1554 Breadwir, "4*7'.-^°^^''

VaL (M8-7 Chela**



0 1 Theatric*

Boota andBhoea.

Clog, BaUel

and Acrobatic

Bhoea. Kept

In atock, all


TIQUTS AMD SHinTB of OTCrfdesorlptlon, Paddlnc, FroB,Snake and Monlier Snlla,Blaatio and Oloth Sapportei*,Ojrinnnatlo Pomp* and Galtera,SpanBle* and Dalllon Frlnae.Bedd for caUlogn* and aampla ofturbta—FIIEB.

JOHir SPICERBncee*aot to Spl<«r Bra*.


Joseph NolannARVFACTVKaB

ofLeotardi.Tlghla,Bhina, Plc-

mre aolu, Contortion, DearandHooker Bulla, Faddlnge, Baa-lie Supporten, Pumpe. Sendfor price llat

OD and 07 Kllerp Bt.Brooklya, Sewlfork


OATALOU Of Protenlonal andAmateur Flays, Bketchea, Kono-loga, lllnatrelJokee,RccltaUona

V lI*ke.Dpaood*,Btc.,eentFRBE.tZOEOALD, 90 Ann SL, New Tork.

Jauman nair, Irlah Comedian, Jew, Dnlch-

nan, Mc; Drcaa Wig, 11.00 and ILM;loubreuo, $1.00, ll.Mj Negro, S»c., Mo,;

Bamlral " " " " ~~lalr, lOc.k catalog,


SuTgeon-ln-Cblef Am«rlcan Hospital; ConBultlna; SurgeonCook County Hospital; ConBUItlng Surgeon ihentlan PaikHospital, Chicago; Surgeon Wlilte Rats and Actors Fund,etc., etc.

TItea* areielet are written •aelBalrelr (br (heHKW VOBK CIjIPPKB. llaeetloBi perlalnlBB to

health, dlieaae. hygiene, lelr-preierTatlsB, pre-eatlon ofdlieaieeand matteraofgeaeral Internato health vlll be anewered la thli eolama. AO-DRKS8 ALL ISCilllRIEB TO DR. MAX TIIOREK,A.1IBRICAN HOSPITAL, OIIICAGO ILLS. Whereapace will not |.ermltor the aabjeet li not aaltahlefor an open answer, letter* will be aent to theapp*.lcant peraonally. Dr. Thorek ihoald not heexproted to dlagaoie or preeerlhe In theee colnmn*for Individual diaeaaea.

PMUnoNIA: ITS CAUSES ADD IREATRERT.,\Ve are ncajlng the mcntlia of February,

March and April, when tho dreaded dlseaae,pneumonia) la moat frci]UtinL According tothe bullcUn losuod by me Chicago ileulthl>epariment about tnvo hundred people diedIn thla city from pueumonla In one wwk.The deahb i-urve reacnee Ita peak la the laitorput of March, bcgina to eJbaldc la April, anduiUwldea In May.j'neumonla 19 caused by a germ, aa dlaUnct

and diamctcrlBtlc In. ltd pacul&ritlca andcharacicrlpilca ae aoytiilng wu know'iaukel, a Uerinan acicuuct, dlacovated It.

This little "mlachlet-makcr" migrate* downto the lung tissues, and when our bodies arenon-rcsistuot ua a result of colds. ovemo.*kor worry, the Uttle lairudcr la sure to "getus."Uow U gets there? Simple enough. It la

Inhaled Uko one would Inhale partldca ofdUBt.

Occasionally, we find that pneumonia de-velops In an (4>ulemlc form and appears toapriml throughout u considerable percentagei>r the entire population of urban and ruraloulrlcta. 1 rvniumbvr, three years ago, Uvemembers of a ccrtsia theatrical troupe be-came stricken with pneumonia almost slmul-tancuusly.Some authorities believe pneumonia' to be

contagious, 'ilte majority of the profeaalon,however, do not think so. Yet, when one be-gins to think that ofieu caaea develop Idcertain families aul dwellings, prl8on^ room-ing housos, etc., one canuo: help but concedeihit there may be a possibility of coutagloii.

Vooumoola la An alUMt unlvcreally dla-

trUiuted affection. It prevails, however, moreextenslve'.y In certain countries than Inothers. ioT Instance, In our own couutry,rhe disease la more frequent In the Boututhun In the North. In London most cases otpneumonia occur botwceu the end ot Marchand the ,ud ot Jui;e.

It cannot be denied that "catching cold"plays a very Important role In causing pneu-monia. I'er at: Without the germ Inieellon,

cold cannot produce Che dlseoue. lioth work-log In conjunotloo, however, atart the trouble.

Anything, In fact that hsa a tendency to:ower the bodily resistance, prepares the soil

tor germ Intecaon, IiOurJes to tho chest un-doubtedly predispose to pneumonia, 'i'bus,

aorotaats and others who subjeot themselvesto all kind* od "knocks and bumps," will

often, by leason of Injury to the ofaest, pre-

pare the soil for the trouble. Couple withthis the pcrsplraUon (which la so profuseotter athletic and dsnclog acta) and a hur-

ried exit through chilly wings and dnCtydressing rooms and tbe surprise Is why pneu-monia does not more often attack pertormera.

With reference to the ago at whloh pneu-monia la most frequent, toe following maybe ot Interest : The disease Is common at all

aces. It aSeots the Intent aa well as the old.

Statistics, however, show that between twoand twenty yeara ot age there la Icsa llahlllty

to the disease, and between tho twentieth

to the fortieth year the predisposition to the

troublo la Increased, while irom forty to

fifty, susceptibility dlmlnlahea to return

again after that age.

Males suffer from pneumonia more thanfemales. The reason? Greater exposure andmore alcohol (booie).^.

, , .

Unhygienic surroundings play on Important

role, no doubt, -where dlu nnJ poverty reign

—and one usually- begeta the other—pncu_

moola kills in greater numbers loan In well

ventilated and eanltaty apartments. In other

words, the poor man gets the worst of It

CV6D bcrCiDrunkards show a peculiar susceptlhUltj

to the dlseosc. This la explained by the uctthat alcohol has a tendency to devltaJlae

the tlassw at the body and an alcdiDlloally

oevltaJlted lung stands aa much chance lu

a flgbt with Mr. I'neumococcua (aam« namefor a Utae but mighty germ) aa the pro-

verbial snowball In well, you knowwhere I mean.Uowerer, not only alcohol preparea tho

Held tor the acUvltlea ot the genn. Anythingthat baa devltallilng InSuence*, aucb aa over-

work worry, bad sahlta (and Ood knewathere are a lot of them among tha moat of

ua), and eiposurea ot all kind* are effective,

rersona who or* tho vlctlma ot other dis-

eases fall easy prey to pneumonln. In this

class belong Indlvlduala who arc euSererafrom heart dlseas*. Bright'a dineaso ot thekidneys, dlabetea ond cancer.Tbe question la often aaked: Do persona

who have had potumoola aver get anotherattack v Indeed they do I in tact, one at-tack predlepoaes to another, by leavbig thesystem more susceptible to ths disease, xhoreare persons who, according to good author-ity, nave gone through ten or more attack*of poeumoula. Thla statement Is corrobo-rated by no leas an authority than ProtesaorAnders, of VhUadelphla.A remarkable colncldcnco that le wn<ih

inenllonlng la the tact that In tho Isal flt-

te^ yeara the number ot caaea ot pneumoniahaa Increojed, Thla la due to the tact thatwe are now often eugering from InOuenia(a technical term tor the grippe), which dla-

ease Initiates certain forms ot lineumonla.Dr, Evans la authority for ue atuement

that most people have obe dlseaae at Icojit

once during their Una. Uaor people have It

mors than once or twice. More than Qftyper cent, of the people In Chicago, he aaya,nave pneumoida once between tho nurseryand the grave.


IX haa also been shown statistically thatIn this country the negro race la deddodlymore liable to pneumonia than the wtdte.The proposition la often expounded: It It

true that poor people live In an environmcotwhich rendera them peculiarly auaceptlble tocontract tho disease ; why then do rich peo-ple, living in luxury and Idleneaa ao oftensuccumb to the maludy? The nnswer tothla la to be found in the «iie<(lon, Tbe tactthat the proaperoua Jo live In Idleness andluxury causes Uiem to tall viotlms to Mr,I'neumonla Germ Idleness, obcalty, gluttonyand inactivity are dAngerous propooTtlons.

Now n word with reference to Immunity In

poeumonia, (You underatand that by immu-nity we mean an Impoaslbllltr to acquire acei^n disease). In poeumonia there is ap-parently no nntural immunity. In otherwords, there Is no one who con boast thatbe can effectually resist pneumonia.The performer, oa account of his peculiar

mode of living end on account of the manyhardahlps he hes to wdure. telle on easyprey to the disease. This is teatlllcd to byphyslclana who enjoy a large clientele in thetheatrical world.At the present writing. I personally know

ot a number of pertonners who are labor-

ing under tbe terrific strain ot IiiOammottonof the lungB, In various parts ot tbe coun-try.

Pneumonia has been recognized tor manycenturies past. And, while other maladlrshave been in obscurity, this disease has beennoil established. One ot tho writera on thetubjeot telle ua that la the llttcenth century"The people of Switzerland letcrred to pneu-monia as the stitch, Alpenatlch, malignantstitch and putrid stitch : that cawa occurredahnost every year at the melting of thesnowa, and particularly wUen nie dampwinds were blowing strong,"

CTAIs orHola will be oonttaued M the naii»!Ut.)




Dun DOCTOB. . ., , ,

I have visited an advertising spedallat

yesterday and he told mo that 1 ain auffei;

log from Drighfa Dlaeaae. 1 ani frightened

beyond cbnceptlon. I had pain in^the back

and nothing else bothers me, Tbe doctor

there looked at my tongue and touched myback a taw tlmea nnd pronounced my cas*Doca a lew tunw wu ,i»v,.w»»v..«


Urlght'a Disease of severe grade. I am turn-

ing to you tor advice. Be wanted m* to

take a course of Ueatmcnt and quite a great

deal ot money tor curing me. It you will

advise me to take the course I will do so.

it not, what ahall I do? I must make a

living tor my family, and nm nt present

employed In one of the local theatres aa a

suge hsnd. Please let me know what to

do. for which accept tbnnks.

HDPLY.Tnke a specimen of your urine and send It

to n laboratory. I am convinced that, the

report will aay that you have no kUntuIroubla Aa tar aa I can make out you mayhave a little lumbago or muscular rheuma-tism, and the fellow over there la trying to

get Fome money from you. Do a* I fell youend tho result* will b* gratifying, I am con-

vinced. No man can tell that one la aut-

tering from Bright'a Disease without makbigan examination ot tha urine. Looking at

your tongue nnd feeling your back ahow noaymptoma ot kidney trouble, and how tbe

advertising "specialist" can nuke such a

diagnosis 1 fall to ace. 'Take no "course"

ot ttealmont until you are convinced tha*.

you actually have kidney trouble, and then

1 would see on ethical physician In yourclly ond bav* nlm taka care ot you.




My phyaldan diagnosed my case as

chronic appendicitis. I am a dramatist, andwhile I do not auffcr physically very much,

t am juat worried sick. Can I postpone auopemtlon? It ao, how long? Is tbe operaUondangerous? How long will It lay me„up?Can a man wltli ao appendix live as well as

one without one? „atlTLT.

It th* diagnoals Is correct, why wait? nielonger you wait the more nervous you will

get from thinking and trotting. A pcrsOT

with chronic appendlcIUa may go about Indrt-

nitely bnt there ta do way of telling when Ibr

nppendU may get rebellious nnd JeoporJItotno safety of Its poascssor. In sklUcd handsdie ooeratloD la not dangerous. It no com-plications arlso you may expect to bo aboutIn ten day* or a fortnight. A man Is betterPIT, certainly, without than trillk a trouble-

some appenniz.


Dr.iB Docioi


I am a performer, forty-one years otaga, and began to aulcr from palna In thetack about a year ago. I received treatmentfrom many pbyalclarj, but they did notknow what waa the matter, 1 consulted acouple of months ago, a sneclaUst, whot'Stuetcrlzed my kidne;* and discovered thatI hsd tuberculosis ot ths left kidney. I amvery worried about It and would like to askyou tlie following queatlons which I hopeyou will answer soon, tbrougn Tua Ctirraa


i( the diaease curable) Can I get well with-out an operation? What chance ot Icodloga healthy life have I U I submit to an opera-ton? Will thb operation delay mo much?li. It dangerous? Thanking you In ndrsncc,etc.

aSFLY.Yon caimot expect to get well ^nn a kid

ney ta tuberculoua The disease Is not cursble by medicinal moans—surgery la the onlymethod that olTers hope for cure lu suchrases. Persons who are successfully operatedupon tor the rcmovsl of a kldnev mny lenda natural and ab$olutetu normal lite, pro-vided the other kidney Is free from diseaseend functionating well. You mnv count upona month of Incapacity after the operationIn experienced hands you should not tesr,



Deiu Dociun


I bad an argument with a performer. Ina dreaslng room, the other day, about tlie

curability of Urlgbt's disease. Snc mnlnlalnstlmt It is Dot curable, wbllc I sUtod that It

Is, when one bos a good doctor We decidedto ask you to kindly decide tU-_ question forus, through Thb CLiprcu. ilaiiy thanks, etc.

UKI'IjY.You both win and loee. Acute Urlgbt's

dlstase (early) can bo cured, wUlc thechroDle variety, that baa existod for years,la usually Incurable. It dcpenda entirelyupon bow lona the diaeasc has lasted, howold the patient la and bow much damage hasbeen done to the kidney atnicture.

New Victoria HotelIN NEW TORK


146 to 166 West 47th StiMt

••The Very Bear* of Mew Tork"


T*rr od*rB 0*>T*Bl*ke*

Buopeam Plaa BaelulwelF

BATBBBlngl* room*, h*t and eold water II

Single roonas, prlvat* b*th |l.B«aa<«ySnlte, parlor, bsdioom and bath tdaaavpBnlte, parlor, a bedrooms and bath aaa mpFIrat Class DlBlag Service at Beaseaable Prtee*

O. A. IIOLLINasWOBTH, Hew York City

LOTT'S HOMELIKE HOTELS ^'ivSlS^'lli'Sil^l*'BT, KECIS IIUTKI.,511'2JN.0lark, Cor.drand Ave, IIUTEI. RAI.KI(lll,OI8-UI N. Dearborn, Cor, Brie Bt,

ItATBBSingle, $5.00 to $10.00 per week

Double, $6.00 ta $12,00 per week

Bnropean Fireproof


Foar HiBBles to all Theatres

Cafe aad Dairy LaaehIn eoaneetlon

Formorlv ralace Hole).Remodelled and Ucrunilstietl at a Cost of |13ft,0OO.OO,

Evorvihlng Armngcd and Fittedfor Your Individual Comfort.

CUNTER HnTPL,SeaA.te.le.Tei.VBOFBAH. Absolotaly Srepioot. We want ahow people, la the laaaoa w«adveitla* In ThaOUppat




CHICAOO, ILL,NBw losK orric&

1473 Bioadww,Longaera Bldit,,dSlt. affwai

SBA'PTLB orFica,iosio-ia nm at*., sa

BAH raANcucoomca.73* lilaaloa Ml.

The A. H. Andrews Co.

H. TARR665 8th'Ave.

Near 42iid Bt.



TheatricarPhotographeriOO 8xlO,ei2.BO (Orlglnili)

100 6x10, 88.00 (Raproductlone)

100 0 x 7, 84.00 (Aeproducllont)



C^.TAYLOn TRUNK 'WOEKS.NCvrvoRK. 131 w.asmsT. Chicago. .asii.RANi)oi.piisT.pOdTON. nvPPAIjO. CLKVet-lkMD.

Jul — — -


ACiENTS MAMM CO. «TBWAf>T* Ur.«.0««TOl-EDO, mniANAPOU/S.wiummiToM MoaalsoN « ou.

Illaoa* CO,0T, LOUir),rAMOW-IIAlUi CO,

To deliver Che Best Theatrical Goods, Oostamea, Tights, Trlmmlags, •t«.Oar lately revised eaialogae sent free ta an|r address,

iUtnitsHois-oini odbtoiixiu


Lmrg»9t atoch in the coontry for Am«for and tchool Pl>y»

DELIVERIES For All TliBatflcal Merohairilse



9 OOSTUIVIB WOPtiCSPhone Centml vm. lU So. Deaibom St., OOIOAOO, n. S. A

CENTRAL TRUNKS26ln., 110; 23iD,. IllJ BZln^ 112: SSIo^ fIS; tOlo,, |14.gO, arcn* Tronk*, 24al8alB, t9M.Bill Trunks, BOsiaall, Inside, IlilO, Lllho. Tnmks, «2Ki28Hil2, InaUa, fta.BO. Bh]pp«ion receipt ot IB, balance C. O. D„ eicsDt ovtr SOO mllaa, than remit whole amountCBNTBlL TBDNE FACTOBT, bt ISM. SIUONB A CO., B. W. cor, Tth A Arch StA, PhUa,




W* apeelall** Ib Sloek Wiv*.


WIGS.TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, BTO.Aid (he UlMt sad Moel Pepelar Slylei Is Udln' Hilr Drseetif

A. M. BUCH & CO.IlWW.»liittet>—t ..... PfcUB4altkto


or llglilly atod BvenlBHUowoe, Oper* Cottle, etc., ftl

Wundorfol tiergelnn; Into deilffn**

M. TILLY104W.44tllSl.NEWY0RK

PLAYSFor STOCK, REPERTOIRE, AMATEUR COIPAinESLABOBST ABBOUTllBNT IN TOB WOBLD. Booka foe boa*ornuMment, Negro .Pl*ys. I'*P*.r. Scenery, lire, Jailey^l WaiWork*. Cataloina Free I Free I

BAHUBL FnB<IOII, 38 Weat SSth St.,

Free I

IfCW T*>lb

(fn aniteirlnii adn. pleait menllon CLipraa.)

2^ <rEt3S JSTEW YORK CLIPPER. Febbuaby 6


Oldest Theatrical Journal in AmericaFounded in 1853 by Frank Queen



L.E:0 p-EIS-r - - - - 135 W. ^AXH street-, iMEW VOWK CITV




TriE Bljnu Tbeairj propertr was trmDsferreil Feb. 3 to Walter ncrpper, o( I»ac A.Hopper, Jnr., who will Wcct a lite«D itor; «IBce bulldlDg on the tlte.

"ItAItON nio OINK" Is the title of a Diialcal cnmedr aoon to be produced by Comatock

PLAYS READY FOR PRODUCTIONllirolil OiKplii, who wrote "'Jh« .MnrrJin o(

CiiiiiJiililiir" aiii] "X'lic Diunb nnl ihc llllnd," taan

jiiril IDiubC'l A (lircv act cmiiH'iI)' nillnl vi^laluOi*'uilh Uie SWUM l.ilil lu .Nuilli VVuIck. TIic ca^tcniuJojB oiiJX I'Jiflil uIiyiTri.

Jlrur/ KlHlinuarckcrH liin -wrlllcii flnli to afour Ret uimJeru plajr, ciilitIcO '"Hic AiiiliusU,"\tlui all at ill sceiiet lalil Jit Ilaly. 'I'licre arctlitiv iBtcrlor tiiO one ixicrkir icmci. FKlifjcuurtcicri.A jiew uutbor, LiAiirOfico Cowon, baa written a

ilmiiKllc wutk bi uiie tei—t farm In lUiiilt, wItJi

tuurieeu clitraclvra. 'I'lie iwrlod l» motleru. 'ilia

Vlay lieira llie title "lie I'liit Ii WJtliout Ulu."lice Artbur, wlio Is fnrorablj known aa a play*

«ii|;bl, baa niilalieU u i.laj' called "lleaibi bt'lain Carei." 'i'b? w:«iu-ii are lilU In a nilnluit

caiHi Id tiiu Wc«t, |Ui'l lu a bplel In I'alm UeacU.l<'lu 'Ilic pla> culia (or three loterlor ueta aiiil

tbirlcni cbiracti-ra.A vl'^wrlK'it bcnrliij tlin uiiouninon unine of

. II. A, Aralilun (wlilcli »c Im-IU-vc tu be i numdc f.tutnr;, tiiiii riM.Jj 'for jinxluctluii a luotlcrn

lila>, called "Ix»vl*." 'i'li<; iiliiy Ijiui Ibree laicrluriitriiea ami ten cbnructeii*,

Jetvniu \\. JeniMk', ubune plnj, '"J'hc roaaluKof Ibe 'ililid Kliwr lliicL," la ojic uf tbe aoliil

KucceAbca ol tliu JCiiKllHl)-f|>oakliig Hl.i|;e, baaullvtiLti Ki lil« iiliiy LUL'iiiH u inrvo ucl cuineily,

I'jilillnl "ibe MucTbe lat4! uitnu-y lluiit:lit'ii), \Tliofle death cut

aliun a prv<ni«liig writer » career, left bebloil acvnieJj auiuiig oilier iilayii. He culled It "I'art-iiera," and Ji Jh miIiI io Hpurkip with geuuluevli. It la uut iiH tin line may iDilieatr, a playof bu<Uir«a life. biiL lilia uS ibe ailvrulurea oftwo iiinrrlcd u-i-itlea. 11 u HitUI to bivc been tie*

\elupL-d frjiD the humu' nuUiur'a clever iilaylvli

^"l'"aiU"y i-' !«.', ' iiiu'IucihI iK-verul yeuiH tin;

J'rluceHa Tlio.are. .^''mv Vurk. "I'urtiien!'* li lutbriv uela, one act uinl ncveii cliaraclcra.

•Joanio lliiiMlliun, Die Kii|,-lliilr drHniallat, baslireimntl fer iiuriinc:luii Jh aiiktU'ii n llirw lo;play wlilcb lie.bna jiaiiu'fl ".ienrrier'a Wife." 11la iiwierii .ii pi riuil jiiil il'ere are nine uaria.

U. ^oilieni, ilie ucter;. la Mcekliig rauje aUoaa a playwrlglil. In uilillilou to "Aniuilii.-^luiiijJa," lic iiua HTiiicii a iliri<c act play uUiiouu kctiHi (iiiteriorj, eai.'ol ••Biniiner Tliau Pie-uoii," wall iiliiu elinrjuu'rT. 'I'lie |iiuy cvnialna ii

autir« on playnrUliiu. Tlic piece la Bald to !«vtry bunioiuUK.

1 rtiJoriL* Ariiuld Kuiiuikt, wIio la (KTlispa U'lierknunu us o iiovelhi iiiau u iiiu)»ni;bt, ullbgu^ili

. bu bua levcrul plu>a ul luorli lo iIIh cre<l|l. binJuat uj.|»bcil a fuur Hci cuiiiedy, ealk'U **,Spivii.


wblcli lie bua wriiien lu limr itcia and leu ebnr-iciera. •Jipwl" la :lie :iai'iie of ilic linilliii' iliar-

I'llB I' ItkllllU.

' RVA TAMOTTAY cloietl ber CDg&efment loat week at tbe Ptoape«t, Brookljo, N 7 nt,accoant of Uloeie, alao tbU week at the Colonial, New York.

THE acinery, cfMtnmrc and other propcrtlco belongloK to Harrlion Orey Flake arc

MAKII-: DltE8SLIi:n, who WAR out ot the "Mix-Up" caat for aeTcral ahowa laat weekowing to lllneia, la back again.

\V\mem Zlegfeld' Jr.), and underwent it eurgical operation Feb. 3 at Un.Sanltarlua, thla city.



niOTON SHOW NOTBS.Tlio nicloii ^bow will opto la OrookKTllle, O..

,\irrll 2U: CrookKtlllc la a tbrlTlng notl«rj townor Ore tbousand lotabltaDte, and the tollowlosnotice, clipped from a dally newapaper of tbatloo'n, ahowg tbat tbo ptibltclty promoter ot tbeUlcton Sbows U already on the Job.

"Rlclon'n Oreatcr Show cornea Sunday, for bigllste on Moulay. Lltlle boya and big men arecelling ready to ae« the big abow. A long timeIo watt, to be aur«, but make pivptratlODi asy-»iiy for ibe Napoleon of abowdom, tbe fuDorrlo\Taa, tbo painted wagona and tbe tDoalc, wltb-(iiit which there cnild l>e no abow. Some day In

llie near future, about the time Ibe milkman Is

niiking Ida rounda, Ihe big hearlly loaded wagonitwill pull In. Aboard will be tbe parapbenitlla of

Uerthe amum Medicine 6bow, which la aehedQledfor a lilg s'low on Uc ahow lot. Already tbe kbl-Ifia' beorta are beating faot In anticipation of\'lmt la to be seen. And they will bare a betterllinc than tbey had on Ohrlalmas. Blaren big lent*will be uDCtl to bouoe tlila big a^aw. The buirio|i will Ik a new lienuly and will riae In toenir like a treroeniloua Aladdla-IIke tented palace.

BcvcDly, with three thirties, containing orer threeihuuMnd oeata anil a big elerated atage, on whichniiMt of th(i perforniince will be glren. Thelirst nl(bt will be free to eTcryone. So get readyfor A ureal amount of enjoyment."

"StILLIO.N DUI.IMll nOI.L," KOTli:!).' ibu .Ulllluii IMlinc Uuir lju. (nmalcul onu-

edy) la one uf tJjv few cuinponlca Uulug giiodbLHinuia. i'lie aliuw oiaiinl In iliu latter pan uC•'.viiivipiier, and tlie mm leii weeka played lu^•ii.jciiy uuHlucoa live nitriiiif oiii of tbe week, uii>l

0. .- liiiiineaa baa lnvu u-ij k<»iI ever bIiicv, w'lili

I...- i >L'i'iiiiuii uf the inree v\ivkii Hint «ire pliji'Jlu ..lO .lOUIIieru t>lali-.'>. I uc hiiow iinine H Jituiji

lioiii luscjiuoaa, Am., It> j-.tniifiulli', liid., wnMel( ;.i.ijL-u lu caiiacii> iiiitini-.^.i uii Uiirialliii>!«,

^ i lo ilitte ivc nave iiijMji-.t jj-wl lij>iiiiMh- hi1 U'n played.

I ciial la Hbuiil Ilic i^iiiiic, wllli inly inircl i<ux mill i.^-uiiniti, II ii-itiii iti itui'iciy mill

iKiiicera, liu>c 11*11 lu t*iiu-i viiiiiii'v nil', ^ulI.., iiei'ii i-epltiL-vil !'> Ia- \Ky\i iiiiii t;ilii>nil., .i

,...1 k.ignn ilmiciiii; ncl, uim urc iiuw |t«i'.>rii.iii^

liig eiuuorate iliilieniK nuiniH-i.s, wlilcIl tunls liicril

ii> lue prwlucliuii.l''lvd liayiiiuiiil Jr., of iIm' "iiih* Clil In

a Allllluu" Co., \Mirii^- M-i-ii 111 llu- li-niliiii; Ju-venile rule \iilli liiv iiiiine. .Mr. Uii.viiioini uiilalHu lutruiliice liia ueil Knuwii eccciiU'ic uinicini; net.

'i'liu. cuuip.ll,>' In iiuw tuurliiif tMisHoiiii iiid

Neuraaka, niiu i\iil ue mvii m ibu luiluwiutjbiiuica: Ibivii, .Miiniri^iu uinl VS'IhcuiibIii, uiid ii'lil

play u iiiiiuu\'r ui luiurn ilalea. 'I'lie unuw enrrieaUilrl)' iK-uplu anil iravcia In Iwu hik-cIuI eiira, vvllU

one, u oiKiy (uut bagKUi;e car uf biKviul Aceuery.file luatvr : Harvey iJ. iirr, utMier uiiti uidiiii*

Let; ildroid il. orr, LrriMiirer; ttoy \V. bniniiaiin,

uiiiiuk-v icpreaenluuve;

lliip|i> lU'iiry, atage inuii*

u^el ; Wuller 1>. urr, eli'viricimi ; lUtwnld U. Ituy.

iiiuAicul uirvctui'. I'l'ineiiialH Jeattie Webaier, NuiiieWumla, Allllle liuruili • Wliyle, lieiie Wallace,tJladya Ciiuurd. At. W. WuriiiT, l-'rcil llayinundJr., Jack Waniiilni;, UurUllilunl and Jack \k Uuy.'lliecbuina; liluiieiie tjarr, llvleii 'i'lniiuuiia, lluiniy

.Marcelun, llluiiclle Itarkcr, lllalie Wayne, UuyILuu, tSeillv v^^nii, Mur^uci'lie llu\Yurd, WliinluAiciier, iiiiiiiku Shaw; .Mnxliie Ardcii, tlracv^'urM**, Allcj (Jorduii, Aljnc .Miiilnini, llaxel Wlii-Ltii and Kraukle Uay.

'.Manaiur urr alalca tliut nest aeaiun lie nlllliuve iHu uouipanlea plnyliig "ihe ^llllluii DuiUrLiuU" and u new muairul cuniedy yet uiiiidiiie>l.


AM Ot'TLMliiriC MA.>A(iL:U.ticu. W. llHlley, rtealdmt uianouei' of Ibe Au*

dliunuin, Aabevliie, A'. (J., ii an upiliubl, andai-iiua ibta evinnmiilc'ntluii lu prove ll'ut bla- vlewaHie »ell tuuiKled :

"1 Kuuul like tbe |irlvlli<|,-v of uaing a aluriaiHU-u lu your pulnicuiiun In lU-reiiie ut tlie the*uu'ual iHihluena In Ablicvllle. 'i'lila bu;iliie<a In

tbe entire buuiii liua Uh'ii ooverely erltleloinl dur-liit; Ibu preueiil waaoii, aud n'lille I uiu iiut In aIiuaIIIuii iu uuitwer fur ullier clllet of Ibe iHvilun,1 (10 nut (wl tliut liila eliy Hbunid euirer by It

Altliunun we have not bad u i;rea* Diiinber uf'-aiiruciluna, owing to i.uiiienjuiBtio\ia ciualiiK tiefui'e re.-icblii),* unbw'ii a iiruaiieruua one. \ie Imv'e broken ri-euiiia

lur tbe aunib In iiirru illalliicl lliiea uf atirae-tiuiia— mluaiitd, drniiiuih: uuil iiinvlnt,' jilelurea.I bnve Ibe ilgurea lu allow, ili'a, niid 1 fivl tbatIt la due na lUni »'e lie inil ln iiie im>|>er Uiihl,

"ibu aeaauii u|>i<ne\| bere In KepieiuU'r whliAl. u. KlelJ'a .Mlualrela, lu wlilcb iliere werenearly ll\e lliuuannd iialil iiiliiil>.'«liiiia to tbe iiiati*

Hue jiid night ivrturniaun'.i. .Vltliuncli nu (urilierreeorda wece bivkeu ilurlit); the l-'ull uiuiiilia, ilie

liublnejia ua a wbole wua cxceeiilugly gtKHl. tin Jnii.II we prx'aeiiled .Maude Ailninti iiiid cuiupiiiiy, anddeaplio u euniliiuuua rnliirnll uf fuuriivn liuuralininudlatcly pree\tliii); iik' rlw of Ihe curtain, auda veriiubie cltiudbuinl Juki at tlie uiH'nIiit; huur,Ibe liuiiae una blled lu Ho eapaeliy mid buudrcdn«eiv turueil u«uy, utier nlneiy runr clirina wen'plntvd til Ibe urclH'alni pit iih extra Hecuuiniedu-Itun. Unrlnii Ibe anme »WU (uii Jan. 1U| lueatlruclloij waa l.yumii 11. lluwe a travel plcltirea.ami tliiK |iru<li!ced a IMiu bualneiia.

".VU iliriv of' llie nielilenia inen'.loneil are rcc-onla lur ilie Sniiili, and by UieHc enaea lliu^* In

tlie lliejili'lciil wvtrld Btionid bo U'tier abie to

iuilfie uf llie volume ot ilic (liciitrtcal bualu-'iia

en* Itittii iliey have hvcii liercturuiv. 'ibe liuat*

ueaf dcpiVbalue liinv linve ruined llie liualiieaa luoiber cltlea, tint 1 iln noi put n ^rem deal ufcreileiuv In wiich cepuri^. Art lo .Valieville, bow*ever, ilierv Iniii l>e\'ii no InirilneaH liepicsHlon In aofar ui« lln iiii'iuren are cmu-rrnevl. tli:^l^^B W.Lailky, Ite.tldciif .vtiiiiiii;er ,\ii<lilur>inii 't'heair^.


Mcw.MAX oi'TiMisrii;. '

"Duve Nevvnmn'M 'I'lii'.M-ln ilIrN jvinyevl n re-

turr. eliKl.Kellknil neck enilliii: .Inn .10, iil Ibellljcu, .^nifiiLln, till. Ill I:h-i iviiiin eiii:n);i'iiieiiia

ke\>|f ua ri'uiu Kelllii): fnr ilvviiv tivini llila lerri*

liry. Writing fiMiii iiii' ^.l.lll.||<lllll i.r n ninn wliha highly HUCC\'VUiflll sllnvv, iiliv:i.vs lil:iv lux td recuril-luenabig ntlindninv. I inn i mv nnvilini; but uii-

no^'HOAry i>etuiliiilKui In i:i.> 'Imv.I iinn-.s' vvUliie ofthe (Much, 'i'lie i-<>Uiiii .xIiikiiIhii liere'ls Iniprovliii;dally, auil while imMu-y is not ;:riiiv in^ on fi.iHv.lula down lure. i<iillinl-iin Is llie i.lii.;iin. :ind nlfar aa we ai\* vMiiit'ninl. Iius|iii.nh |h

'"I'lic tlniMlvviKnl 'inliliilil IMrcii'I iiela wills.factory nvaulla for loili llie il'ei'.ivn niid 'Mie nl-tractluni.

"Joe jACkaoii. Clcvehiiid's I'nvit nuHlcliKr, In(Irevuvllle, a. O., bla Imnie unvn, I'lnl pd bua ofiLalde doiie on llie Kaebnll Hiliniilnii. ilili \\

the -1101110 of 'iy C)ulib. and during vnr eincnv.'vnienthere teTeril weeka niw, be biiciiiU>1 our ivrfiTiii-a nee •eteral tluice,

"M.X. Newman li plnnnlni; great tlihiga for nextreteos Co the atmigtb of ibe repuiAilon be is

galDlac DOW whciercr we hive idoyiil. Item toall frleoda."

^ «»pnou KBronT i.-iiosi tanaua.

.Nnvi'.iis ropnrls front Cimnilii allow thatihi' I iiniii l. nl ImsliioAj In Hint qunrlcr Isvery mil. Ii niiu- \\, |i. Wllnon, the Oermauillnl.'il sln.:;lii); loninlli.n. In "\Ylit>ii Old Nerr^|>rli Wns Hiil.'li," idiijeil lo riijiu'llv In'r..ii.iilii .Hill llir.iii;;|iou| Dniiirlo, the iunll-rr.-.v. s'lo.vlii;; bini Irloiiillv ili'iiiiiiislrnllonslit :i|i|ii-..viil. 'I'hU Is -renin rkuhle fiiun thela.l Ihiii .Mr. Wllmur.s iliiirneter Ib ou Uc:-iiinii ilhili'i'i Hues, and Hint he wns rcrelve.lWilli niMrhcl fnvnr In 8pltc uf It provoa hiskU'il pi rKO'.ml inijniliirll}'.

M3W Oni'llRUH. 1>011TI.AXD.Ii>r:land, Ore., feela pretty nroiHl of lla nevr

Oriihoum Thcotn'. The ImpreoalTO building whichIho Ihnitre Is In, waa Onhhed late laat Fall, at n

coet <A 1200,00(1. and la iDdlcatlte of the grovtlU

of Ihe city. The Inlerlor of tbe tbentre Itaelf

roTMbi Ihe acme of perfection In altractlTenea.!.

Ilie Oriiheiun has a new manngement this »<«-

noQ In T. R. Onnlon, ivbo III' Alrlrlng to gl»e bla

patmna the ta.f.t ninl niortt entclent' acrrlce, I'lio

llic^nlro Ifl niovin:; .mo uf Ibe |iopiilar anuuem'-ntplaces of tJie city.

GOOFER DUSTGreatest Novelty Song ol tlie Age. B/ Chris. Smith and

James B'urri's, writers ol "Ballin' Ihe Jack."

BY HECKQuickest htl on record, Sung by Carter DeHaven, Fannie

Brlce and -a score ol Vaudeville's Biggest Headliners,

Also published as a Fox-Trot.

FIFTY-flFfYiSuccessor to "Ballin' the Jack," by same writers, Chris

Smith and James Burrls. Featured by Chris,

Smith and George :cboper. .'.; ;u^



UiT DKitNiUBDT, of Ihc OcDallon Beantlo*.has added ecTtral pretty new roslucnea lo bnrwardrobeOaonoB BnvrABDA IIii.L, director linlrerral

nim Co., left New York with liU faailly Jan.20, for l/'nlTenul Olty, (^il.

JEBOI AND Hauiltox fariTo been working tbeU. B. 0. time contlnuo'ialy alace i'ept. 14.

OiADTB WiLBim la going Vt slgglng "I Didn'tRaloe My Boy .To De a Soldier," with the Oar-ULtlon Birautlee.

Mia SoEi'ES, formerly of Ibe Two Roeil^rs, Ik

reheanlng a new single act.

IsriNO DLICKHIN. r>f Ibe Big Cl^ (Jnartotto.LOW with Charlie (tohluwn's Show, cto^ tbe Eiuplre, Brooklyn. Ik>b Barton, tbe wnli-known mlmle, replaces bim,

Dicic KKOWI.BS and IiId r>3rtner iro rehenrsIng a ne.r act which vrlll be ready nptt week.C^iDB And«98on, becretnry and tre.iauref of

tbe S. .% K. Ani.i. Oo., also canvmlex ot theMillion Dollar Dolls thU aenuon, will wed AnnaOnrers, <ne- of tbe looit shapely aad beautlfiilgirls of Born Hustings' Ul;; Show.

.MoEQiii .-.ND UcASLnr lire playing the Loew Cir-


Edoar r.En<)En Is In Nov Vork oftc^ n long tripover llio tig U. B. 0. time, for a fc<iC weeds'rest, heforo flnlahlng out his contract. %Tub Crclehloa ''.tirls joined Hurtig & EenmoD'a

Qlrls from Uaiipylnnd Oo,

Nasu and Kvans are .rorklng tho Loew time,<.pcnlng lu Iloboken.

'Msnn^aTI and SinsT.L Onlshed tbe Inter.Stntt.Clicult !nat week. 'I'hey will be In New 'i'orkehortly.

WEEP NO MORE, MY LADYOne Thousand Acts already making tbe Hit of their careers 'with this Novelty Song by L. Wolfe Gilbert

MAYBE A DAY-MAYBE A YEARSung by more acts than any other song on the market. Great' lyric by L. Wolfe Gilbert, writer of

Wonderful melody by Jas. V. Monac6, composer of "You Made Me Love You"'Robt. E, Lee

liiV «.r i,} . "-^'>-' 'n"™ pmcfl, IL IB oc ODCc ncraiiicc

^uivihluun. a'd -il'Vjvorld in krgo bontlllDca In the pat

s the aea-Hju baa bow . oeldoni Is publicity Riven to anve broken reeuivia "f kliidniua. $1,000 la a larec sum.



W. T. StcphcuB, a Euest of the Actors'rund Home, Slalcn Islanil, N. Y., aeoda uitlic^ollowlui;:"A little man with a lorco heart."Ulckcna anys 'time, nhlui atrcwa n man'n

licnd with Gllver, aomctlmcs Blla Ula pocketswith gold.' We at tlio Actors' Homo eln-icroly hope this may bo tbe case ivltli CbnrleiClirtsdlc, whoso goocrous heart has promptot'lilm to do ^0 maDT kind arts for hU oldHue friends In the profession."When a crlmu Is committed or some dls-

nj!:ter takoa place. It 1b at once bcralilcd tJpapers,an act

. notItlvcii by n nillllounlrc, but by a costumer onrile niych nbuecd old Howcry, Charles('I>,rj!ii1l(v, one time a fellow prufnusloual. 1

lirvo nover liccii Inlrodnced to tho gentleman,but lir.vo hen'nl niiieh of hlni.

^ "We, nl the Actors' Home, TVl.ih him lomllfij Mild ImpplnL' s."!."

^ ^ ^


On KpIi. 1, tbe Initial meeting of the Dra.iia

U'ninie uf Aurora. III., was held In the Bast HighScIkhiI, And nrraiigc^nenlA made for future meei*Xv.ti. Tbe pnrimHe of the leagne la to atlmulilepulillc liiierral In gooil drama.

Olllcera i>le<le<l were: Pmhlent, N. M. Ilutebl-oon ; vice nre.ililenla, Ml*. T. J. Parker. I»uiaeAlilrlcb and Clark Currier; oecrelnr.v, Ilel.'ii

I'raaler; irenanrer, Mt«. (Jeoree Sleplieni ; lioAr.l

of inniin^<ni, Mra. D. II. I'lerjen. Mn. J. C.Mnniliy. .Mr.-«. T. N. lliilden. l,<-ln Ilarria, If. 0.Ailnniwii, Dr. R. It. Cnlld, Dr. OuKtnr Thur-1 nuer, J, A. Oiiiiiey, Dr. George A. Daruwr andI'llhi S.'lnnlii.

Prof, copies free on re-

ceipt of late program.Otherwise send lOc.Orchestrations, lOc.each for mailing.

FOX-TROT BALLAnother ripper by Snnlth. and Burns, writers of "Ballin"

the Jack."

SAME OLD TOWNThe Ballad Supreme ol 1915. . A real Wollie Gilbert creation.

Plaintive Melody. He'art appealing Lyric.

BALLIN' THE JACKThe Song that sot a new record in popular hit's. On the

lips o( lOO.CKX) porlormers Also published as a Fox-Tiot,.

JOS. W. STERN & CO1 02- 1 04 W. 38th St ., N. Y. C.L. WOLFE GILBERT, IManager Prof. Dept.

CAnioTT.v St. Elm.) will be ace-j In a new ortfihorlly wifi a male partner,

l-'RANK .Mackbt Is iirninglng time for his ipior-telle— tho "Dig Cltr"—MiiMnenclng at the close^of the burlesiiite ueason.

Mas Macic has tijn-.vl ep.ivlib the Slllllon Dol-Inr DoUh tax next reison.

nriiBL IlAqnig, of the nrllatic IlawaliMn dnn-ehig act, the Alnlla 't'lvln^, was 111 last week InIloihestcr, but managed lo do her net. She laImproving.

GnioE Armcnd Is nt Houston, Tex., recorerlngfrom recent otiack ot slckoess.

SuBDMAN ANo I'ttbt nr« putting o»cr a grr^atnet on tho big United Ilmo, iKwked by M.-' S. -

P<ntl-Qiii. ( •

L(>No, CiiAPSoN ANO OnsHN- ire plarlng Uu!UnllHl time. At the Jetfeis. Bay UIIf, .Mcb., lastvvtek, tliey ivero bold airt tot a full week.A CAim recerred from Prorldenc«, II. I., leod-

Irg OS follows, tells a story In Itself: "illss MmalUayward rcquostB your prosecce at n lunch toho tjmlered to .Mr. and Mrs. Qus Fay, at ' thoHotel Newman, February first. clovon-thlrtyr. M." Ou8 b"oy and Inn Ilayward, of the Ony-ety Oris were lunrrlerl Jan. 2S. nt City HallNew York City, lllis llnyward Is of the Musicalllnywonis,

Frank IiIllbh la now lotiucd at Somers', InDraklyu, ond doing nicely,

.Ki.onBNCD Tai.iiot. of the Million Dollar Dolla

Oo. won tcudervl !hcutre pai-tJes wbilo playing thell'.inplre. Inst iveek. by the cabaret entertalnerk"niid employeea of ,S!on>er», Tuesday matinee, and.the other by tbe Nut Club of Brooklyn, Krldaj

' night.

L*'?,"" ,CnoaDr, formerly of Crosby, Scott anilrusllo Joined the Dig City Qimrtetle, of IbeOlios. Robinson Carnation Beauties, nt bprlngfleld,

I^Moaa., last week.;

Instrumental Hit« forPIANO 80L0^ iOc.each, excepting thosemarked which are26c. each; orchestra-tions, i6c. each.

Also publishers of the World's Greatest Instrumental Successes: *"Nights of Gladness/'"Ballin' the Jack" Fox-Trot, "By Heck" Fox-Trot, "Meadowbrook Fox-Trot," ^''IllusionWaltzes," "Chevy Chase" Fox-Trot, "Music Box Rag" Fpx-Trot, "Reuben" Fox-Trot,


itOld Folks Rag" Fox-Trot, *"Love's Melody" Waltz, "Castle House Rag,"Lump" Fox-Trot, "Sweetie Dear" Fox-Trot, "Parfum D'Ambur" Waltzes, "CruelFox-Trot, "Junkman Rag," "Beautiful Eyes" Hesitation.

A„.'Yi"'^'*'^'*' jUuRhtor of Joseph Urooks, will play her flrat cnnstment In

nt n,i'Sf^.'i " PJifol^'il/'"^•''b

^'•'•'^o'-'rcfy/B Co., m "The ASycnturo of La^y'^DnuUi "

mS.S".''"' ''"lolt Ihentr" ^ow York, op;nlng Marcli I . = j u>a..ui,

1 M . i.'.'*'^"^'""'..'"'" United Tclophonc Opcratora of New York CItv will he

h h/ h^^hSn^'{h«''l-H Y'''.^°' k'"""awoclatirn I. compoeed ot ope«tor« of tho.YhcVtrltN^l

nr™ i'Kv'»ii*,°„i"' i'"""" TS**Uooin auts. Tho otHtcn are: Burt Curtui.

L.'if. n i^J,.""* t'S'5.'''' V'^'president

;Thomas Chlftlllcr, chnlrniaD, and Thomii WitheV.M>rgeni,t-nl-nmi». JiulglnK froaa the advance sale, the atfa r will be the bligMt^ntnfieliifniicy of the orvsnlrjttlun.

lIl'fNUY ItLOSSOU U to rewrite "Tbo Olrl of Olrla."


(irease Paints, Cold Cream ^Bead 10 cents for Bamplea.

^ MAKE UPIRoDges, Liners, PowdersSauder llros,, Hi W. 4«th St., N. y. Clly.

/• anncertng q4$. pUott tttmUom Cuppn.

Copyrlglit 1915. bj the Frint (tn««a PiUlihtnf Compur (United)

Founded by


Price, 10 Cante.





Theatrical New York heard l.iat week thnt

•1 bronk was likely to occur In the neeotla-

lions started n few weeks ago between Klaw* lOrlanser-and the Shuberta, looking to the

nliiiilnatlon of "auperfluous" theatres through-

cm the country.

If was lntcnde<l that the iiroposed agrct-

lucnt was to go" Into effpct with the. opening

r,r the season of lOin-1010,. but, according

I.) the rumor, the dlCercnces which have

-riKoo .ire apparently .Inaurmountable, and

ili;it next seaeon will And tlie two campsii-.iire determinedly arrayed against each


The hitch has come, It Is stated, over the

division of pcrcentagea which were to be

l:ald by road attractions to tho theatres


It had been agreed to eliminate the less

'ninoitant theatres In tl'e various towns an.t

cliics from the flrst class list. Irrespective of

llic ownership of these thoatrsB, and relegat-

ing them to the second class, or turning

tlicm over to pictures or vaudeville. Of((.ursc, In some cities the Klaw & Erlnngeriiousca were to be retained, and In others tho

F.huhert houses. Shubert attractions playingMaw & Erlauger houses and Klaw k Er-Innger attra'ctMns playing Shubert hontciwere to receive sixty pfer cent., forty per(cut. going to the theatre. Attractions of nllotlicr managers were to play ou a flfty-llflybasis.

On the face of It this was en equltatlcnrrangcmcnt. But the stumbling block cnn.nwiicn the disclosure came that while Klaw Jb

Krlanzer own a number of e!iow# outright,they nave an Interest In very few of thebIiows of fielr allied managers.On the other hand, the Sbuberts not only

own outright a goodly number of shows, buthave an Interest In practically all of thethows of their illled managers. Hence noarlvevery show under the Sbubert banner wouldplay oa the slxty-fortv basis, while only asm.ill percentage of those of the K. & K.c-yndimte would receive the same terms.No conflrm.x.tlon of the rumor could be o'l-

tftlned from the offices of (Ither Klaw ft

Krlnnger or the Shubcrtfl, .tltbongh nt thelatter It was admitted that details hadarisen in the perfecting of the proposed planwhich lad not been foreseen.

SUIT FOLLOWS HIPP. ROW.On Feb. 4 suits were filed iu the^'.ipremo

f.)iirt of New York by Arthur Voegtlin and\Vni. J. AYilaon against the Shubert-AndersoiiO).. proprietors of the Hippodrome.

Thctc two suits are the outgrowth of thereported disagreement bctwewn the parties

mrntloned. which resulted un Jan. 2.*) In

Mossrs. Voegtlin and WIIbju, respectlvciviirlistic director and director, being dis-

missed from the employ of the Shubert-.".firterson Co.


Coiinn & TIarrls have donated the Bron.^C|iera House for a monster beneflt, to be heldTue^iday afternoon, Feb. 16, by the NorthSide .^miliary School Lunch Committee, forthe purpose of raising money to feed hungiychildren.

Douglas Fairbanks and Patricia Colllngo,v.'hn are now appearing In "The Show Shop,I'.'iv'c been kind enough to niter their service;!

(0 nppenr at the beneflt performance, nndthrough the kindness of E. V. .Albee. we 'will

lave many Of the feature acta of the B. V.Keith theatres, whose names will appearInter.

llic fallowing have also been kind cnoug'ito oiler their services, viz.: Harry Her/ih-r.nM. .cartoonist of "Able the Agent ;" Irvinglicrlln. Ted Snyder. Horry Carroll. DorothyHerman, Maxinc Sickles and many otherd,n:id quartette by F. Shannon.


«- "WILTON NOTES.I.ols Ewcll, formerly the prima donna so-

prnnc of the Century Opera Company, nccom-panlod by Corlnnc Wolersteln, made vaude-viiie debut at the Palace, Chlcn.^o, Feb. 8.

Sam Mann, formerly with Gertrude Unl!'-

mnn'<r road show, has been hooked up solidIn his new comedy, "Lota and Lots of It."

opening 8 nt the Orpheum, Moutrenl.Dnve Ocnnro, formerly of Gcnnro iiud

r.niior, nnd Frank Crumit, formerly of "TheQnccn of the Movies," have Joined hands for.1 new olnglng. dancing nnd t.nlking ai't. In

,./.ne. colltled "The Italian nnd the Salesman.''by-.liimcs Madison, opening hereabouts U\ t':o

near tuturf:.

; ii.vnRY consoN claiikii: co. sails.Unrry Corson Clarke nnd his company of

entcrtnlners sailed' on the steamer Alliancel'"eb. 4, for Panamn. The tour Btnrts InChrlstobal Feb. 12. nnd -will bo followed with

^^ciicngomcnts at Balboa Bmi)lre. -Las Cas-cadns, Cuiebra, Gatum, Parnteo, Ancon. Pan-nni.i -nnd Colon, nnd will continue for sixwioks, wlien the company will return to NewVork nnd proceed to Cu'hn, playing Ilavnnn,Santiago, then to Porto Rico. Bermuda, Trlni-und nnd Flnrbadds. The tour lins been nr-runged by Felix Blel.


riTT.inonaii. Pa.. Feb. 4, 1015.In behalf of Mrs. Martha Illch.ards, of

Pittsburgh. Pa., her attorney, Rody P. Mnr-shtill, emphaticnllv denies that any flettle-

mcnl hns bceu mnde In the suit ngninst Luiiininaer for tho alienation of Ihc airectlnns ofher hnsbnnd, Tom Rich.irds, who-wns former-ly lending man with Miss Gla-icr. The fukl« for $riO,000, nnd will be allowed to go loIrliil.



Illclmiil Bennett, who wns announced !o

P -i.v nt tlic Qrplieum, Brooklyn, week.Ml an net cntltlwl The Vnnlty Man," by1 .111! Armstrong, Old not appear. It Is said.1'' hus nbnndoned the vaudeville Idea.

Inn Claire, who was to make her vnud.>-vllle bow In Chlrnco. replaced Mr. Bennett"II llie Orphcum bill.

» » .

, IIK.N'RYETTA'S NE'W THEATRE.Ila relay Morgan la building n new theatre

'\ llonryetta. Okla., at a cost of »2B.0no,'vlilcli will be ready to open about April 10,I' will be a moving picture and vaudeville;"usc. with stage large enough to accommo-•Jlc big productions, and with seating cn-i'^irlty i)f nine hundred. Chnrle? Blaine, well. ii.Hvn lo (be profession, will manage tli2^jr.ilrr... .

MIIKIIE IS ROY ARGENDniniITtlururmallon Is grcativ desired os to the

'J'^cMt whcrenbnuls of Roy' Argenbrlihc-iniortlonlstt. by his mother, Mrs. J. w.rechbrlght. Chamberaburg. Pn., who hns'••iril nothing from him for months and IsMich worried.

TO cemspoMiiiTS.All mnUcr Intended for pnb-

Ilcndon In CLIPPER dnted Feb.27, MUST rcacli tbia office notlater than Frldar, Feb. 10, to

Innnrc Inecrtlon.

PAVLOWA IN NEW BALLET.Anna Pnvlowa, whose wonderful danrint;

has won columns of praise from the world's^endlnc: critics, began on Tuesday night,Feb. 2, ot the Century Opera House, NewI'ork. a season of Russian dancing to lastfour weeks— the longeat period ever nttempt-ed by a dnnrcr. o

She presented for the first time outside olRussia. "Raymonda." a ballet arranged bvIvnn Clustin, mu«lc by GlazounolT. Thelarge audience present was most generouswith Its applause, and dcserv.jUly so. for I'

»ls charTilng. The scene la laid In France Inthe thirteenth century. We can sum upPnvlown's art when we nny that she has nosuperior ns a doncer on the stage to-dny.

The company wns the same nn that scon.tlrendy this season. Including Miles. I.ln-

dovsknla, PIcskovlctzkn nnd Kuhn. and Mm..

Volinine. Clustlne, Oukrnlnsky, VnjinskI andy.nlew.skl. Theodore Stipr conducted.. Dur-ing the divertlasemcnis Mile. Pnvlowndanced for the flrst time here "The DragonFly," which will probably prove very pnpu-Inr. "Rnymondn" -rt-ns given Thursdny nn'l

Friday evenings.^^


Sir .Tohnston Forbofi-RobertRon, who Is

now making his farewoll American tour, will

giro a beneflt performnncc on the openingnight of bin farewell Wlnnli)eg engagement.Monday, Feb. 22, the entire receipts of whichwill t>c devoted to a war fund.

Tlie piny to be Elven on this occasion will

he "Hnmlet." 'While In San Francisco.Forbcs'Ilobertson and his company gave a

spccini matinee on Ciirlstmas Day for thebencQt of tho Fund for Homeless Belgians.

Jtrome K. Jerome, the nuthor of the pinygiven, nnd John Cort, whose theatre waHused on that occasign. rave their share of the

proceeds so thnt the entire receipts mighti.sed for the Belgian fund. Forbes-Rohertsnnhas also been nble to raise considerable

money by sellliig his nutogrnphed photo-

graphs for one dollar each, th,; sura derived

being devoted to the Prince of Wales' Na-tional Relief Fund.

"HIGH SCHOOL MINSTREL GIRLS,"Chnrlfa E. Singleton's new musical comedytabloid, opens Feb. 8 In Clarksburg. W. Va.

Jtr. Singleton claims thnt he Ims secured a

very good oroduetton, speflai scenery amielaborate chnngp,s of wnrdrnbe. Following Utbc roster: Charles H. Singleton, owner andmnnager; T. T. Fnrnus, sirnlghta nnd iiro

(lucer; C. TO. Arnold, mmedlnn : A. W. Fo.n-

rer. comodlnn: riinrles V- nrnuii. muslcil

director; Rvclyn Putllllo. lends: I'eggy

nrnim, snuhfette : chorus : .Margaret Connors,

Lllifnn Walker,'' MiirV «iiilth. Agnes Irn-y,

Il'anche Smith and Mlllan Foster.

MARSHALL P. WILDBR'S ESTATE.Mnrshall P. Wilder, wiio dl«l .Tnn. lOnt Sr

Pnul. Minn., loft nn estate of $2r.7.0nn nil

of 'Which, with the exception of n few minor

henueKtfl. goes to his two children, firnci

Isabel nnd Mnr.=hnll V. .Tr.


Cnrli'toii Honclnnd lins returned to NewYork from Cnlifornln. where he was n^«o-

clatcd with the Orplieiim ofllcas, and hns

Inken up a similar ponltlon In tlic U. v.. O.,

In the Palace Thentre Building.

every/day in LARAMIE.Maiinw- .M. H. Todd. Of tlic Empress Th--

ntfe. In Lnramle. W.vo.. hna arranged with

Denver. Colo., vnudevllle necnta for tiic

hbowing of vnudevllle acts nt his house dailv.

Instead of pnce a week.


"Wicked T.o.noon" was produced at BanFrancisco.

.An E.NOMsn syndicate bought an InterestIn the Adam Forepaugb Sh«w.

"M.vflTEB,.AND Man" was produced by Rich-ard Mansfleld. „"The Citj DiBE'tib'RY" was produced by

John II. Ri%cirht th'e BIJou, New York.Col. T. Allston Bbown was manager of

"llnus the lioatman" Co.Cal McCARTnr and George Dixon fought

a seventy round draw jit Boston.BiLLir CABAD'a MI.N8TREI.S Were touring

Dukotu.RtioRNE WAno, footless dancer, was tilling

dales.Tiios. I/. GaEMcn managed the I.yieum

Theatre, Chicago.

JOINS SIIllDERT PRESS DEP'T.A. Toxen Worm, head of the pnbilcltv de-

partment of the Shubcrt theatres ana at-

trooliocs, has added Chnrlcs Philips (for-

merly of the New York City News Assocla-tlon) to his staff.

ACTORS FUND BENEHT.Daniel Frohman, president of tho Actors*

Fund, announces a lensatlonHl special vnudevlllo beneflt In behalf of the Actors' Fund, totake place at tho Century Thcntrc on Sun-day night, March 7. Brrnn^Icments havingbeen made with K. F. Albee. genernl mana-ger of tho United Booking oni:e3 of America,10 present a number 'ot the great Mnrs Invaudeville, and to arrange a bill of unusiinlmagnitude. The Ilaminemlelii mnnagemrntl.-as also agreed to assist. Home sperlai fen-lures to be arranged hy Thonms Pcnfnlil areto be contributed, all of them consisting ofti srpeclalty. Including twenty-live men, Willi

special music br George llotsford now beingundortakcn. Ileoldcn Iho vnudevllle num-bers, there will be two one net plays withfilar cnsts. ono of which Is belni prepnre<l bvDouglas Fatr.banks. This will be the vaude-ville profession contributions to the Arlnrs'Fund.

Olto Kahn, the chnlrmnn of tlie Hoard ofDirectors of the Century, has kindly fur-nished the then Ire. The genernl mnnnge-nent will he under the Immrdlnte illrectlon

of A. Paul Keith nnd K. V. Albee.


The American Academy of Dramatic Artswill give Ito third matinee of the sennon onThursday atternonn, Feb. It. nt the EmpireThe program will consist of "Tiic Enigma."

n drnma in two acts by Paul llcrvleu. nndtwo new one act plays, "A Iiogend of Siiint

Nicholas," bv Reulnh Marin nix, and "ToKent, Fumlened," hy Cora Mnynnrd.

< • » i

lunnw GOES south.Sam n. Harris left New York for Pnlni

llcach, I'la.. Feb. 0, acrompnnled by Mm.IlnrHs nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Wallnrc EdJlnger.


Uviierol ^Kciil

1. T.'iomas J.

Williams; 7. MrsItiird : 11. Harry

FUNERAL OF HERMAN WILKN,of the Dnrhool Show, nt llic Elka' Rml, N«.-«v Orlciiiia. .Inn. ll>.

Hurd; I. llcnywear; 'A. Hobby Hums: 4. I. Ooodstelii ;(I.. Clinrlen

Rose Goodman; 8. Mrs. Boll Fisher; 0. .Mrs, Kerhauer ; 10. Miss Ilnrty

Trunhie: 12. All llnha ; l.'l. rt. W. Corben; 14. Illlly .MndisiMi.

1 ^

f >#

FIRST IN FORTY YEARS.John J. Fields nud Lew Hanson. In hinck

fncc, ot the Grand, Hamilton, O.. Feb. l-:i.

were the guests, of Manager McCarthey. nt

thf De Armori I Hotel. This was their first

vii;lt to Hamilton alnce 187n.

SIRS. CARTER NEXT WEEK.Mrs. Leslie Carter, who was announced to

opto her engngement at hellh s. Bostnn. this

week, will not begin her tour until next

.Monday, Feb. 1.', at the Orpbeum, Brooklyn.


Edw F Scott, for the pnat four yeirs

Iroasurer of the Harris. I'lttBburgh. !'«•.«''

H>'cb 10 takes unto himself a bride In the

.person of Violet Mustailcr, a non professional.

A BEXTETTE OP PnOHlNENT UTAOFl HTARSSeen In the World Film Cornoratlon's current fcatnrd Aim production of "Old'' Left

to right Ihey are; CharlCB Judels, i.'hester Harnett, Oeorgollassell, Marin hrnpress, \lv|Br.

Martin nnd Lew Fields. The motion pictoro version of "Old Dutch' was shown recently

at a private Mhlbltlon nt the Casino Theatre. New Votk. and voted a success.


Sh.\tti.b. Wash., Feb. 7.— A real estate dealnf jRiore lli:iii ordinary IntercHt wnn clnsedhist Week, liy which the CeiitrnI llenlty Co.,W. J. llriigKeninnn. president, Iniseil thoI'aiilnges llulliling, now In ciiurite ot fniinlni:'-


lion nt the corner ot Third Avpiiue nnd Uni-versity Strri'l, for n iieriiiil nt live years, nta mini rental Hllghlly in excens of tllO.nnn.

AlexMiider I'uiilngeM, owner iif tho hulld-lug. reserves Ihe llienlre, the ri'Ht of tli"

hiilldiug. ronnlptltig ot Hl.x(y olllco.i nnd fourslorcriioius, with linnenient, i>:iyHlng to thoninlrol of the lessees.The nlnros ami fllflres nre lo bs rendr

wllliln forlv-dvo dnys.The building is lii lie of while lerrB eotta,

nnd will he of dlrlkiug niipi'nrnnce. Aneinborntn exterior lighting si-lioine, with elei-trie rays rollectcd on the while «nrtnce, willnmke nt It n dnrr.iing plelurc liy night, Timinterior trim Is to lie of qiinrii'MMl mik, withmntile floors. CDnstriirllou is llreproof, nndof the highest ly|ir throiiglinii;.

BROADWAY 'for PICTURES.The Brondway Tlirnlre, .Vew Vork, lins

answered tho rnll of Ihe iiiiillnii iilciiirf, nndon Feb. 20 bernmex ii liniiie tar fi'nturo lllin:<

ITiidiiced hy Ihe Fniooiis I'Inyers I'MIni (.'n.

The now lensee of llie llientrn Is tlir Way-iirond Co., of wlileli Adiiliih /.iiknr, presidentof the FniniiMH I'Inyers Film Co, lit preihlent.


. PI. V MOUTH.' On Fell. 1 the Old ('iiiiiMy 'I'lienire, at1'lyiiiouili, Mns.H., Ih-khii o|>i.riling iliiiier ii

rlinngu ot pnlli-y |.|illri>ly ii.'W In tliiit vi-

cliilly. Now lliere are lliri'e ciMiipli'lo

clinngcti iif shows rncli week, of . vnuiiiiviiln

nnd pill iiri's, with nil si'ntH jit ten cents ntinalliii'i's. Ill Hie I'Vi'iilngs Iwo liiiiiilri'il moIiI nt len reiilH, llvi. Iiiiii.lrril at flfleeii

rents, niiil n fi-w riiwii of nfiiivilrii senlM nt; wi'iiiy-llvp .

All tills wiiM niriiii' iiuhhIIiI > tlirniigli Ihei.ffiirls nf Hnin SIimIIhii, llio well knownlinokliiv iigenl of liii' liiiiixi.. Mr. HtrntlniiliiiH elfc-li'd n c'lri'iill lielwceii tlii'iitri'M inriyinnulli, Tniiiilon luid AMIeii>>ri> anil iithi-r

Mn.uHai'liiNrl In inwiiH, whiTi'liy •Illfi'rent nclKwll! work two iliiyi In eiirh lioiiHr.

IIK-M<»ltri.IMJ (JtlAM), 'l'|.:ilIIE

HMTK.Kdwnpl Ili'iidiT mill (ii'iir-,'e Wlllinms, of

Cniitiili. (>., who, Willi .MniKiger CliMS. Sinitli,

iif Ihe (Iriiiiil' Thi'alrc, Term Hniile, Ind.,

loiilrni till. IiilerHtnle Tlienire Cii., ii-HBee^

of Iheiilrcn In Olilii and Indlniin, nro In

Terr.' Ilnule for ronferi'iin) with Mr. Hinlthri'gardlng iiiiprnvi'iiii.nls In lii- iriniin nt the<:riit:il diirliiK iiexl HiiMinier.

The ilelnils hnve not lii'cii fiilly ilm-Iilpd

iipiin. Iiiit It Ih iiiiilerHtiiiid iilioul .f lr>.i)nn wlhlie Hpeiit III re Iiiiidelliig llie llinilri', mill thntMil ori'lii'iilrion will he liiHlnlled.

I'OLi'.N iiMir itiniiflN.

't he current week (l''eli. H I.'I) Is "Mine Itib

]f»i Weiik" nt I'oll'.i 'i'hiiitri.. Hi-niiiton, I'n..

:iiiil .Manager .loliii lliM-king Iihh nn excellent

show on taj). One extra not hmh added lo

ihn lilll anil nlsn Hpi>i'liil iiiiixlcni niiiiilM.ri

nre reiiilrTed hv Poll's Own OrolKwlrii, iimli-r

the dlrcrtliiii of r.'liri.M Hclimer.

ALICE JOYCE.All'-f .Tiivct* linfl Ih'imi n iiiiiUfiii itlrliii'i; ntnr

fnv M)!Vi'ni( vi'iirH: She hi fipiicftrlnK /it prnH-

(111 In Knlf'in fllmH.

r«>iiM|i;<T|rii; ll't' Willi nKnnllii>f lln» lnr(cT)f hiinl-

nrrtt Im-1iik ihitu- IIiIr m'liMni, HiiriKiT Ac J'lrilnii

rrnlly Iihtc no rniiiM> fifr inmitlnliit. TliHr Uivntn(


ItMIc* ''f 'I iricr^i 'ir Ichh f-uiirtjili'iMitiii nnhrrn<tii<ii||il itt llii' rl>llll^vltl^' U'riHliiu nin'rirlH

Willi MvKMrH. [>i|inn .V. llurrlH nml Artljur iropldim

r«r I1m» i.hMliM'liMM III Knulrrril nf "«>if 'rl'rlnl." UyttfentrH. (lr(>KHitill)i nrnl LnitrJIInnt. A *pijr''l<'<'*^

Milrlulit for AiMiinillii. N<mv ^Ci-iilriiiil, nti«l , K<im|||

Afiicn. fm li.-liNir nf .f. (J. WHIIniiityjii, Md.. nf"On Tilnl" nrnl "It rn\« In A»lvi'rll«»." Ali'irnllif? I'liiitntrt fur Hnitlli Afrli-n, fnr J C.

WirilniciMiii. 't.\'\., nf "Mr. |. Tlili-f" mill "(mir*'rfinO." frniii (ViIkiii A I liirrl>'. tinil "'Ifii* f.fiw ut

llii* rnn<l/' IcMHi-l fur Mm* niiin* Drni fnr AuHtrnlln.Ni'M' /ofilAlnl iitiit SfHilll Afrlri

"TliO Hinry nf Mm- Wnnry." iil-^t t-tr J. (?. Wilt-,

|piii(Hm, Mil. , fr»r AiinlrnllM. N<m7 /4>n1.inil. iiri<|!',

Innl. lilt i>nl li'iivl, Wiilirr (*. .fnnlnii, linn ttl«i

rtnritl wllli A. 11 WimhIm nn niilrltflit imrrlnH*of "Kirk In," f'*r Ai»>lr)illii mimI Nimv '^mImjmI.

on tiflinlf nf .1. (). WlltliintMni. U<l.

iMC'i itovA AT Tin: (niA.\l».

Hy |tri'Viillii:f Mndiui)'* li\un Ivirnv/i In f)i>>

li*ii>1liif( title In "rmiiliiM." rlii' llriiml < MhthIfmiM', llrmklyn. N. Y.. hnn ti<l it imw filcli

nrnniliinl fnr nlm k iirifln'rlnim In Urfioklyn. Ni'V<t

l-^'forc 111 !!•'* ItUinry of DiIn Ilnpmuli Unn n nUu-kritinpiiny' nl'f iiijihil ro |iriT<i-rit iiiw nf Mk* lili{lif'f<r

rInxH llrnniliviiy nllnirllnni wl.rli l)ii> nrlKtiinl nfnr

I'l lli:> li'i<IlM|f rnll*, 11 fit :ui ni-tid'Vi-iniMil Hint

li'llrrln gr«'ii rr«'illl I't llir <'iiliT|rrlH» »if lln* ufw^

)ii.iiinui-tii(-iit nf llif> flriHi'l f>|MTn l4nTivr>. ninl \n In'

l(Hqif(i;f vviM (In* IIh( nf uiihniiiiM)^ lilt^li ifnuU* nl-

IrnrllniiH wMrh linv(> U-fU Hinio"! I>i Mili pInjrIintiM*.

Mfiflnnif IN lro7n Mjjl .U» Kniti-irtrd liv llii< t'lill"*

ilnr firninl Ci|'''>'n IInii'rM< rmtl In Ihln |iln)-.

/ ^ • •

NTiiiKK orl^.1. J. WIimNmi. ii)Annu«<r of (ho Slrnnj TIii'nlr<'.

I'.iirllhittnii. Vr., wrllfn; 'TIm* »iI«K« IirmiU nf 111"

KirnriK w-cil nn ii(rllt# nli'nil n ypnr n<o whMt tli«

i-nri»'>iil<T iiinl prnrKTiy ninn wcro i\)*r]\nrmt\, nl

':'lMinr lln* flnn* of «)'ilnliiff tlio (. A. T. H. K.

'I'll'- MirlkiTH wiTf* not fflvcn flnniirlnl mtrtport, fmttrnvi'llKif '•ri-wi* wito rnll(<tt fiiit nnlll timt wprk.v.lHii tlir\k** vrnn iIiH^lnr**!! '»fr Bn«1 rlio m^dI'rrw nf iln* fNili-iU" ftl'n«-|( dt. nro wnrkliitf ti'rni

lliln Hi-^-k"

fm:\<:K (*ni.i;iiiiATi:.

Tlio rr«p. :.'( iir<», II. I., I.'bIi:*' I'llhf n\n'itii\

'tiolr no)V ^miiii'. nl \Vu<«lilni{|nii ninl (JriM-o^ Htr<<«')ii.

ViMMlnr, Vv'tt. 7. 'I'Ih' rchdirntlnn lnr-|nd<Hl a nhnrt

lirirfldi* In Dk' iirirriio<Mi, fnitii (lie <iU\ cliihhoiiM*

1» llip now. At f-.'lO r. H. n l/Nn(|ii<>t whn icWen.

Willi John i:. Ilnrlojr iiclInK nn lotMlmniitrr. VA*wnrO f.rdrii nun ftnmng llio Hirf^kcm. )foniUywni Lniltpn' NIfftit.




Cllppar BareM, 5 Beatk Bqaar* Qwrny'i Inm, L*a4*B, 1*. O.

JiN. 80.


To-day, the repudiation of co-operation, In

tor form, by tho Vnrlcty Artists' Kodcratlon.tales cITvct. Krom Monday salaries are pay-able In full OS contracted for. Tbo Import-ant managers make no kick oiialnBt tliUi.

Btoll lias never tliown a dlspoBi.tron to nvn'lblDUC'ir of co-opcratlon.Tbe Moss people say that llic scheme was

necessary at the nutset, and has dono Its

work. They would bavc abandoned It, any-lltiw, UulllTcr, for ivhat were once tbc (ilD-

bODf houses, snys Tcry mucli the some thing.

Id truth, the b\g, ba'se hoiisns of each trusi

fDUmerated, namely, the CollHcum, Ibe Tion-

dOD Hippodrome and the I,ondon I'alladlum.tro all doing very well Just now, and so ar^'dale to help out tboir poorer houses If needtx. Dnt some of the smaller trusts fouRhlto the last minute for co-opcrntlon, or some•Iirod of co-opcratlon. Tlicy sny that thevcaDPOt otherwise carry on biinlnrss, and wlUba7« to close down tnelr linlls, or many oftliem. I do not- doubt llipy will carnr outThia threat. But they must not prcfonn thateo-opcrat.lon would snvn lliem, or that thewar IK the sdle, tf even It Is the most Im-portant reason of (heir IrimhlcH.

The financial dIfllcHltlp.i of one, even of

two, of the lesser trusts arc nolorlous. Thismakoa for bitter atrlfe, tni the complete rf-

orKanlxatton, If not tho complete disruption,

of two Rroups of halls may sliorlly be cr-

peeted. llUrilncsi Is enod Jn very few cnscB--thpalrlcal or vaudeville—other tiinn those I

namc4l. One of our very big mannsors told

m* this mornint; that ttactrotlom had droppedout, and bo eipccted no Improvement nowtill Rnster.

Durlnff this week the public schools havero-opcne3. Tlils slops tho plnyRnlng of someIhousnndn of little folk, who have been prettybosy during tho nix weeks. And again,the liberal leave granted lo soldiers is nowcortsiled. b'or weeks post n third of Ihjaodlence In West ICnd llicntres has beenmade up of ofnccrn and men In khnkl. Hutthere Is n notable diminution.


Nothing In I/ondon Is drawing no well nsBarrlc's ''Der Tae," grim nnd tlrosomo nsmany Important crlllcs have declnrni It to bo.

Kut the box nfllcR tells the tale I IrcnoVanbrugh has left the cant, liping under con-

Th«tre to-nliht wllh tie forty-ninth perfonn.iiie«

or "IleotT VT"OM>rg« Dssce's Orlentil atraTigtosa, "Hm

Chinese nonerinoon," wis rcrlTtd at the Prioeeof\/a\t»' Thntre on TbufiilAT,

IT 0 Oorlon's pisy, "A Bnsy Day," will b*

pn<<)nced ot Ibe Apollo Tbcetre to-DlRbt. Asuniil, bli wife, Kin Amiitoo, li Its central Bfacc.

Fbe Is (DppoKd to meet Ilswtrry, accidentally,

In Ihe early mominc, and a rurlous cbalo of

eifDts keeps tbeia buy to^tber all day.

Od ToNdsT Ibere will be an ''all alar" per-

foncnDce of "Tb« Reboot for Scandal," at OntntflcTdra. for the aoginenta'lon of theilrlcal churl-,

ties, with the king and queen pic«n»^ Tree will

play Sir refer, and Irene VanbnEb Lady Teaile.

^tVianderiWllI be "A Serroat," and so on, Tbcmail for setia baa been lenarksMo.Teed TeiTT leports very Kooa builnese with

"MUlreti Ndl," at'the Btnnd Theatre, Bat habaa two plaji op hia altere, "The Dndicaa ofi-udi" and "The Argyle Case."

Matthfson Lang and bla wife, IIullo Biltten,

ore on the toad wllb "Mr. Wu ''

Oaplala Parefoy, onoltaer Important director ofthe Oatety and the Adelpbl, hie Joined QebnreDance In retirement from Ihe board. E, V.noyee, Oeorge Rdnanles' ittge manager, beoomean director. Ooyce la a nn of the faraona old

Hmo Oalely conmllnn, iillll hale and beany.A rerlvil of "The Old duard" Is lalkeil of.

Thli la the opera bonlTe In which Arlhnr Rob-frti became flmons after his 'Tcn<lon from vaude-Tllle. 'Ue would play hIa original part.

"A OonniTT Qlri." which hsa Juat recorded Ihoone bnndcedlh perrormance of lla rcvlred run atDalr'a neatre, has now tieen plarcd aevcn hao-dred and thirty llnee In all, at Ihe Wnt Bn-1.

Oahy Deelya li aoJd to be making a good re-

(bvery fnan a seilee of eneralloDa, hut she ha}been very 111, and It Is qulle aocertaln when thenew Darrle reroe, whlcli Is to auperncde "I'elprI'an" at tJho Dole at York'a Theatre, can be pro-diKed.

There baa been aomelhlng bi the nature of .'<

' alrlbe of the HIppotlrome chorliten, apropos of"war aalariM," hut It baa ended, chiefly In farorof Ibe strikers.

"Little Lord Faantleroy" has rnde<1 his Ohrls'.-

mna visit lo London, at the Playiiouse. Dut"Alice In Wonderland," at the Saroy, ao lncTeaae<l

In popularity that she has been placed In tU<(rening bill.

Jaraee Welch, who has been iilaying "The NewCVmn," efietnoons, and "Wlien Knigbis WerePold.'' e»»nlngs, at Ihe New Theatre, has atun-ikniM Ihe latter ami U mnning 'The N?w Olown"et'erUngs, wllb Nina Douclcault for hIa leadlngi


Again II Is said Ihnt illr Charles Wyndbam ll

OemaD direeloa* hid taea rsmored, and tbdiproAta paid la to the pitf>Uc tnvtee. Ihe right o<

the petillonera to etate a ease baa he«o allowed.

7ABIBTr AKTISTS UBRTT.TMd Kitchen, so loog the standlag dish of

Karoo eon>liloath>ns, haa loat his mother. Shewaa the widow of a famona eV>wn, B. H. Eltclwo


Not herself In Ibe profeaaloo, bot aa lotereallng

cbartcter. Since the reign of Jamea I HMKitchen family have enjoyed the right, grantedby that monarch, of graiing a cow In St. JnmcaPark, and aclUog Its mUk lo wayfarers. Tbslate Mrs. Kitchen waa aerred with ootlce to qalt

by tbe aothoiltlfa, but King Edward itepped In,

and arranged a compromise. She gave np heroow and milk cans, and got ^ little candy atorelThat wsa a moat lati-rceting concert at tbe

London OollMum, on Bnnday, got np by OewaldStoll for tha angmentatloa again of the militaryfnnda. The great fealare waa a camp concert.A dosen bright boys ot the theatrical and varietypntfealona serving .with the oolon, trat home onihort tesve, nre a ahow, ..witb Dennla Nellaos^errr for Uielr ebalrmali. Dennla, hlmadf, le-

clt«d "Ihe Uan from 7A Dorado" finely.

Fred Winter, who wr'>te the wuds of thai wall-'

kiiown KTt, "Ihe Rosary," CIcd In a Londonllnme for IDcarabln. where be had lingered teayears.Oahy Dcflya baa needed another operation on

her throat. II la said to have been qnlte aoccesa-fnl.

Oeorjc Dance, a most InOacntlal, though neveran obtnalve member of tbe boarda of directorsof the Gaiety ' and Ihe AdMphI Tbealiea, haiwithdrawn from that poalUon.

er _ly, with a new play by It. 0. Oarton.

Oharlea Ilawtrey will re-open the Apolk> ahort-

AHted Batt haa retired from tbe directorateat Ihe Palace of Varlettea, Manctaesler.

Oscar Aaebe and Lily Drayton are to tour theTarlety theatres In a new sketch by Edward KnOb-Inneh, on Ihe "Klamet" order, called "AnotherNight In tbe Life of IladJ. Ihe Beggar."

Alice llrydoe, on old-time comic singer andokelcb artUt, wldoir of one of tbe Two Macks,hks been nilsilng for' aomo time. She proves tohe a prisoner of war In Aoatrla,Con Fiwlrrlcka has )iiat l<ecoin? a Water Rat."Betty," the noalca! piny, written hv Fredirlck

f/iLadale, and composed by Olndys linger, whichr-4vrge Edwanles ptodnced at tlnnchestcr atCbrlatmas, comes to Djiy'i Tlieaire at Easter,ptobably.

Nathan RIeklee billed as America's Hebrewcomedlsn, produced , a sketch called "Tbe YiddishI'nperhannr,'' at tbe Brlito.i Bmptre. The paper-hanger dlsnrds his job to make love to sn opn-lent wld}w wiiose flot he has lo decorate.

HIBdEHT nEMEMRBIlED,"We are reminded," snld The Lonion Bun-

dau Time». In Its Issue cnsulni; to Christmas,"that It Is twenty-flvc years ago to-night

Carnivals.GREATER HIPPRODROnE SHOWS'From loformatloo lecelved from tbe head-

.uartem ot tbe Oreater Hippodrome Shows, thereIs much activity Ibereabonta, making full, com-plete and detailed preparation for the coming aea-Fon, which Is expected to be a banner one In this

popular line of outdoor amnsemenl. Will 11.

welder, vioieral manager of Ihe HippodromeShows, Is pemnally looking after all details andmaking ready to launch bis companr In the early

luring, wlt<i g full coterie of the claaalat attrae-tlona on the road, and It Is expected he will haveone of the .big onea of Ihe year.

Aa Unt assistant to Mr. Wekler Is Q. B. O'Con-nor, of Plltsbnigb, Vs., who hu been associatedwith a nnmber of Ibe large companies during Ibe

paat seritnl yeata, Inclndlng tbe J. Fnnk Ilatoh

Ebows and welder Amnarment Company. Bobwill help k»k after tbe general boslnesii and will

be In eaarge of tbe bt, tbns sissrlnc a sqnsre,ftJr deal to sU. He has a irlde experience In

Ibis line, aa well aa tnnaportatlon, 'and la avolnablo addition to Ihe Hippodrome Shows.

E. D, Uorrlson Is genersl sgeni, and la verybusy at this Umo linking after and completingdetalla for an early openbg, and already reporlaahont tea good towna are In line, and from tbeer.tbualastic manner In wblcb be la being re-ceived by 'the various coounlltees. It Is aore theyv.'lll hustle to- ouko escb engagement a grandauceeaa.

Many Inquiries have been Tecelved from well-

known camlvil peo3le, In an elTort to placevbrloua abows and eonccMlons, snd Mr. Welder lo

carefully weighing tbe vslue of each, ao that bewill bare a bbow i>r.r excellence. Sn tnr be hasarranged lo have mnser's three-abreast camnsel.Ji.ut'i Ell wboel, >3aulson's motordome, Lewlj'Crnty Bouse, I«w1«' TCn-ln-One, Mrs. Welder'sDig riantstlon Show, which bsn alwayi been alilg winner; Handsome Harry, tbe world'i fattestn'Hn with a sboir; Walcott A Ohnpnao's IteJlWild West Show, carrj'lng twenty head of atock.Including two blgh-dlvlng boiws.The Flying Oeyers, known for their daring,

have been engaged aa one ot tbe three free acta,and carry double traps, and sensational ' clo\idswing; while Frank Meeker's All American Band,of flfteen pieces, will again' furnish the music, loaddition to this, several good abowa are underconsideration, aa well as a big athletic itaow. Tbeflrealer Hippodrome Shows will have ten showa,three rldln-,' devices, three free sets, large band.Wild West ahow, and about thirty legitimate con-cessions, and II Is expected they will number aboutcne hundred snd eighty people.

The ibow will he carried on twelve cars, dinorand apeclal sleeper, and will play throagb Ohio.West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Marylnnd. Aspecial representative of Tna <h,irPEH will travel


Willie Levlne Is koowD throughont the car-Dival fraternity as one of the moat success-ful BDd likable chaps In the game. Afterfourteen years of continuous attention tobusluess, Mr. Iievlne Is now taking a welldeserved rest visiting in the I^ast

Willie has elaborate .plans for tbe comingseason and promises to fntroduce several newlunovatlons In tbe concession line. Asidefrom belqs a genius in hie particular profession, he Is known from Coast to Coast as themna with the perpetual smile, and Is a sourceof sunshine and good cheer among those whoLave the good fortune of his friendship amiacqubintauce. He is deserving of all tbeeuccc.w and prosperity that has been be-

stowed upon him.

aiie season of 1015 will dnd bim with theJ. Redrge Looa Shows.

ml for the pnrriose of purchanlni; show materialand parapbcmalfa.The new Rssoclallon, with lis charter already

closed, now boaata ot one hundred nnd four mem-bera In good standing, with a llat of over twenty

r BROADWAY'S FOURWOHPg nv n.vM n, i,ic«Vis

WHATLL TOU DOI'OViriVKI.V 1 II It «ilMRA,1'V.»T ! i.Vlllr, »Jiltc,yrien' JIK.I.OHV, Uhk, TK^^T DDI MLI', I KIIMIOI viy :Y#i;ARM, A* WiV^niCMKllC . v



tract to tour with '"I'lic Lund of rromlsc."On Thuruduy ulglil her pliu'c wjis lukeu byLillian llraltliwiilU'. I lienr llmt the wni'boom bns helpi'd the Kiuplre ii llltlp, tin).

Horatio lloilomli'y, n soiiHiiiloiial pnlltlclnn,.

appears between the two IuiIvch oC IIio showana dfllvcrB nil liiipniislntu'd unitlun. It hnscaused talk, but mniiy llilnk siicli :in Inno-vation iniiy hnvr. i-vcnluully, iiu K<»>d elToit

on tho house, wlili'li Is ho fuil of inulItlouH.

*At the Uarrkk Tliontre. mi Sniiirdny iilglil,

"Tlio Olrl In the Tuxl" wn.s revived. In suf-ccHfllou to Arthur lliMircliU-i's 111 loui'i-lvi'.l

drauiii twico iilulillv expi'rliiieiii. YvonneArnniul pluys her olil pari, Siirnnne, iis wellas ever. Othcrivl;ic llu'ri' Ih a dls|iwliloii. to"rnugh" Iho fun. Tliu prii.i;nim (Uvcs llii:

nn.-uea of the Kreiu-h niid llUKllsii uuihnrs of"Tiio Qlrl In Iho Tuxl," but' oinliorntelyomiln that of llie (-onipoHor,' Jojin (illberl;'J'bat looks Kreiu'h, hul It iHii't, for GilbertIs a real Toulon, .ind Is tlglillng for his owupeoolo good and linrd.

Fannv llrouRh'H will cannot be found. Thepoor lady was very errullc In Inter life.

Hlleo Clorc goiK lo Auatrnlln to producefor Macklulosli. She hns (llsllngulsiheil boi-olf as a dnneer nl llie lOmplre and theAlhatnbrn, hut ciliechilly ns a teneher, KllseCraven was one of lier pupils.

Oonee, on lier reoent arrival In London,


Bid she was Rurprlneil in And lhlu(,'s KolnKBO well. 'I'lie Hltunllon struck lier as boliicmuch heller thnii Hint she had left behindin Anerlfa. A.sked If It were true kIic woreliable lo brenk her retlreincnt resolulluii niidanpenr for Sloll, she said Ihe war hadchnnced many conditions, nnd ehc might befound at llie Collaemn. I believe II to be afact that tlenee will appear at the Irf>nduiiColiseum, nnd also lhat she has nlcned ncuntrnet for Iho Kniplre In UMO. iVut I'llwnger she'll gel n betlor salary than Ihntf.ho was drnwInK when »Uu< left the famouslioHso In I.cleeslcr l>i|nnre, where she stayedfo m.iny years.

roriinps by wny of n relief to tho monotonyof wnr news. The /.oiidon KvcnUiil Kcict, nIl.trin! worth iinper, has slarled .i oontroversvon Ihr moral tono of the riitertnlnment InIne l,<>iMlnn mualc halls. This ei-ems rathern Hliiphl lime lo choose, for It Is the hotterI'i\rl (if n year ere .the managers have to comeup for llieir ll<Vii(.e.i. Moreover, none of us"tlinl reully wulrli nnO kiimv the Imsliie.Ms sooanylhliig si>eelull.v wrnng Just now. .Ipro/'iiiiI liplleye Alexnniler lind n very nerloUH inlkWilli Itiidiilph, M(\aler ns to n few llnei In•'Kings nnd <Oiieeiis." whieh explained vervfranl;ly why there wAi n iiilsiinderslnndlfti;(iptwpcu the King niid the <)ueen. The llneiwent I

r. n. nenenn enda his fcnuon al llie Sh.stliwhurT .

lelionrsing, oiid inpana In act.ik'yniour Ukks miiil hire |iretly dne power* of.

iKupenitlon. for he lina alre.nly left the uurslog-hwiie nt i)Oulhajn|iti>ii. where lie was near death,wllh double paftinioiilo after hU exi>lull al Iba'war.


Tlicro hai been a ron-. not iinexpcele<I, at IbelALdoii Ofiera IIoiiho. llumphrpy Urninuiall bos(One, and Is atlnckhig hIa hmther dlrcrton In tholaw oourta. Hut ilio ".^Inddlu" paufoulme la aaort of Bucccsfi, (linnkK mnlnly to tbe cleremoafl ofIhe |irlncl|ul Iwy, Olnlru llonialuc—Teddy Solo-ir<j\'» daughter. '

II. II. Irving la playing "Waterloo" at the Lon-d(ii rallndlum, this week.

'llioy Miy Hlliel l erey It lo hare 12.000 a weekat Iho lunplrc. She hna hecii Inlkiiig over tbCcpeaK<«iient quite a long tme.

News conx-s frpiii I'arli lhat ocme ot the pic-turv liuusce may v|ieii up Kliorlly. Since the warhOKBi: Iho gny oily Ima liwii wItliOHt gaiety.

Ilradahaw lli»ilier8 are due nt tbe l/>ndoo Pjlla-lUiiiu on Monday.

IVlend and IKiwiiliig have delayed their dc-liarluru for Anwrlea.Jack Norworlh conios to the London Oollsmm

nn Monday. Ue baa a aeouel to "Sister Ruile'sSewing Shirts for Soldleni.'' Ii runs : ^'Mother'saltling' knitting Utile mlltens fttr the navy, anilEerUia's busy bathing Uelglan luby refugees.''Having brought aiilt ogalnst 'l^rry and I.aniberl

n reepcci of a "barring" dltfiule, Ihe QlasiowI'avlllou nnceolnl to many Irrllnting acta, thenabandoned the caae. They have bad lo nay IheboavT coats on Ibe artists, honcerer.

Just ta complete his conlradlcllcn of the sbite-mcnt that be wn« dead, JoM^h Talrar baa wrillena nme. 'Tell .My Daddy to Come Home Again."rrancla A Day pre giving llie proceeda to tbew-r fund.Marie Lloyd 'has Just been booked for Ihe Sloll

lour. This pola an end to Ihe stoey that ahe waagoing trmind the world.

Krneat Kdelateo and Harry Purna an to put oulI revue called 'The Itec* 'Troat."

Al the anooni nieeling of the Traveling Bbow-men'a Unlld, at the World'e' Fair, AgrTcoMural''"II. 1 "I Oolllns. the nierry-goround pioprletor.eald showmen had ''dilated np to Ihe strength oftwo haliallona, and aeot fifty traction engine* tothe front : alao, had eontrluleil flO.OOO to tbe warcbarlllra. In (pile ot llie fact lliat many of Iheffmmunlty had been mined by tbe war.

Ilolierl Lormlne. who was abot through Ihelungs while perfurinlnc feats of splendid darlnsas a mllltar.t' arlslor. haa made a remarkable re-corcry, lo complete which he has been deaiiatcheilon, a aeven weeha' sea voyage.

« Criterion, In 'T.a Kommandaliir." theBelgian nlaycn have given us their most nelalan

!?.'ai^ Belgian famlW suffering Mlns and

imlgnluo* irador Oerman mllllsiy rule? anally, aBelgian -girl atabbing the brute who juat madeloio to her. then tried lo make her believe Ibatner own boy had been slain In the wan. It la.llnqile and palbetlr. without Isstlog qnalltle*.

In tho Inw cniirta thia week araieal haa beenlongea agatnst a decision of tbo ODnnt? Oounell

™L!? J!?^ l«'aU*l picture theatre, haltowned by Geimn*. ft . waa repreaented that the

BROADWAY MUSIC CORP.,Ginco Ucnry Qeorgo Hlbbert, one of the bestknown and oldest of dramatic crlllcs, wltiian cDcyclopcedIc knowledRc of liltigllsli stagohistory, presented himself lo I.,un(Ion. ond tothe omcc. of The Bunday Times at Its acliqgeditor. In that quarter of n century be hasdone couDlloss culumua of jood work. Mayho be long spared to write cuunllosi, cuLniiiuimorel Mr. llibbort has hud a very variedond highly luccessful JournallMtl; cnreor. Hi:has served with distinction uu Muiiy piipcni.* * * He is tbe Londou coric'siioiKlciil ofTill Naw YODK Cui-tBn, tbe most Intcresl-log vaudeville paper published aoywherc."

J. T. OrclD, president of tbc Ci Ji'cs' Circle,wrote: "Uj Deor Ilibbcrt—That little pnr.In Tho Buniou T\m«t, so brief yet so elo-quent a testimony to your valuable work,prompts me to send you a confratcroal lineof cordial confratulauon, I have often rvodyou with pront, and If all .vour colleaguesupprodBte yon as highly us I do, yours Is

Inaccd a happy now year to couio!

with the company lo look after the various newsIICHIS.



Tlic L'cw Oumlvol Men's Assoclallou has erl-dcutly come to stay, and with the dallT increas-ing nicmhecshl:! it Is certain that II will surpassIhe expectations of even the most enlbuslaatlcof Its organisers. It will Oil a long-felt want,nnd will prove a boon to those engaged In tbecarnival, fair grounds and Sunmier resort bnalneas,offering, as II will, a permanent place of rendex-voua and clubnom for oamlval and fair workerswhile In New York Oily. With Ibe thousand andodd concessioners and (bowmen who spend theSunuuer al Ooney Island, there are, II la estbnated,over 2,000 oarnlval men who make their pcrui-iient homo in or near Mew York, while there Is

nlwaya a conatsnl alream ot transient showmenwho visit Iho <>lg city In search ot attractions


on tlic bulletin board, walling for election at tbeiiexr regular meeting of the club. The last mcet-Irg, which was held on 'i'hiir.^diiy Inst, waa wellattended, and much Imiiorliiiu business was trans,acted, 4a boar*! of dlrcctori nnd trnntecs being op-polnted, OS well as a pei-niaueiit house committeeond other minor bodice.Tbe board of directors Is as follows: John Wnl--

lace, Isadore Fireside, Edward Mo.vd and ^V1II-lam Donneson. The house commltlee Includn:Samuel Sberllng, Frank Michaels, Jack Kline, >Isi-doro Fireside, Max Allman and Udv/arVl l.loyd.AoKng the new members elected at the last meet-ing were: Oeorge 11. Victor D. Levitt. Ralph Ed-son, lAcIs Qould, Oeorgo Bngel, isanc Wemberg,Otorge YLmanaka, rhil Levitt, Harry Kniolkin,Harry Bentum, William Dauphin, Ruby Reeback.Hanida Ben and Frank Michaels. A delqnilonof Ooney lalnnd showmen and . cen>miBionors nt-tended a smoking concert at the ciuh nn Kridayevening Inel. and over twenty ot lho?e presentfilled aiipllratloa blanks to be acted upon at Ih"noil ueeliiig.The club rooms cf thi> association nee liX:uts-1

nl 1431 Dioadway. whero all hnnu (Ids -.amlval.-uid fdir ground ahon-men are lnvlle<l lo iinv avJalt. Tbe Inltlnllon fee lo the cinb baa beenraised to Ave dcllaia sltce the closing of Ihecharter. .

HEINZ & BECKMAN SHOWS.Geo. Bolllns Writee: "I Just noticed In your lesuo

of Jsn. 80 an Item staling that Ihe Kelly Bros.'OnajWag Olrcns has contracted with Ibe Wortbamft AlIsD Bhowa for tho coming season.

"In reply, beg to slate that ttere la certainlya, iplslako m the part of your infonnant aa ourcompany has booked Kelly Brae.' One-Ring ar-ena, and have signed contracts for aame. Athree elephant act will aleo be added lo this at-traction.."In addition to Ihe above, I might mention thatwe have already booked Ihe following attrecllon*:

Frticla four big platform tfiows — Ftancia'

^^'S Ji'^'SSi" Aala' (ilmllor to the Oardenof Allah)—Helna & Beckman'a Trip to Mexico'—S5l;??li*i' n

Minlcal Oowhoy Show—Thompson'sPeocllfal Bellea-JonJan'a Langbland Show-Jor-dan s Ottzj Uouw—Mlllet'a $10,000 fonr-abrMs:leiuptog borne carry-us-allT-JIIIer'* big Ell Fer-rb>' .Wheel—Hart'* big circus side ahoTr—P.rmsr -

Jonea and his caltle-5lelaa A Beckmao'* Bald of

i?2-^iJIX:iV^S'!,' 5"5«H»I» and t«n-rlece eoMred band—Foiir Bradbnry'* posing bonesJJd dogs— WIlson'B Panama Oanal — Obenette'e

calMope—Two Wg, classy free acts.

. „,_*f^i'" <n"„hagg«go stock, and will give

k«Si?jSl ""M'^- .'ilf""'^= lady bnglera onborrtback—Beanllful carved band tableaux wednnZ^tHI^^^',,^'^?"*'— o' lions—band

u^*?IIrir"i""'"L ••''canx. with joeya onII—Orleolel mnslclsna on beantlfol carved tab-


fBBBUABY 13 NEW YORK! OLIPPER.t>nT_Stz mwiDtrt mile r(d«»—OMowd 'bmil on

t!bl»ai tUMl wtff>n—Bl«plMnt» tnd umels—Sin*

"T^Tcoiclnila* I »n« Ml to JOQ that oon nUlt> • imI TCfoltr atioir.

"A mfle Mrr on wlU «jlTl«e yoo as to aoioa

rf'oor oOTWt !(!«•• tni derlct* oonteoipUUdd,

wuSTwlU «irprl3» th> oinilTil woild."



(Beaivurteri Horrg C. Umter Skout).

. loUNQttTon.y, O., Fob. 4.

Til. forrtollon of the iboT. Mrural-clrcua-WlM

wil »h«w« tor tb« teaaoo lUip oo May 1. la ).to.

Ir^iiit ItoelT. "Tin place *tere" may remain

KSet for a brleT few ilaya. Mr. Uuuler wanZcamJed aucb carJIal wlcuin. laat attmn, and

mVt witb «> maiiy urgeiit luTltw to jlie tbeir

bwn pKCCtleuw, Uo bus Uo«u at a lomi to kuow

iuicb town to Wiiect ;or lUe prciiWer oirrrlog.

TwtBtj-four car. 1> the alio of the i^vM ahoir

tralD aa It op at ib« prCMnt, Ibtble to cut

or onlargvoieat, according to ou-cusb ot apecUil

talcut, ftaturca and neccwItlM.Ptrliaiia tbr ino^l llirlllliig and eneelal act witu

the iJiowa tbiB aeaaon will be the free act, "ThuDl^e For Life llir.)0iU Fire aud Water, ' pic-

ttuled by I'lof. D, ti. Da Balla. Tbe iwrforiuer.

from a lii'ljiht ol sevi-iiiy-. feet, Juiiipa out bilo

il>i:« throuDb a bOon ')f flro aiid damea, lindiug

'lu n lilif tank of water.

Tlirrv will be sarerjl otber fioe acts, aa "tilin-

u'lifB." a« It were; ineto nppctliers tot Iho

uriiicr eicnt, ," „ ^

Mr. Hunter has engiiged tbe same excelleat

llalian band of ttrcolr pieces. Each maa la an•rust. Tlity have been busily cngngnl all Winter

Dlayinir for parks ond parlies at tbe homes of the

oilliloaalrev In Jac'iaoDvlUe and other claas r«-

crta. Their return oiigiixenieiit Is aa -Indu ofuulasl cordial relallous existing.

Tho "bigaeet motor Icome ou the road," or,

an-cng the biggest, will be taken from Its Winterstorage for another (aupnlgn-.

The big Parker carrousel, under managmient at

the Negaata Btotbcrs 'Jnraoesel will lecelTe lia

osw coat of palut aud gild shortly, and vlll

nrann proudly around In manner to t;rlng happl-

DNS ti> little and big 'una.

Tbe athletic top sliow Is under contract—


liiger tent epic, xrlth a genuine llght-beavy

weubt, V'ho will nuxt all comers: two skilled

laZy wrestlers, who \rtll also give defl to any of

Sair sex who are imulatlre of physical prowesaUsers. Tbe management will make a special

(catoie of thU Httractlon.

; Ttiera will alto be a clicua and Wild West com-

Used -wltti Uie Hunter Shows, both adorned bymoat aklUtul asd "t« tbe manner bom" actirs

aod riders.< lit. Huatar !• tlilnklng of extendln^r hia Hbo^r

lODte tUe ooolliis season, taking la fatlbcr East,

On T, Ktaoedy oomea (otward ullb hh plansfor the oomlng seaaon, and at once tela at rcet•11 raicors of any break between himself and 0.W. Parker. In a -conviTHatlon wlib tbe U«n<inCity special renreeentatlve of Tui .Nnw YniKCuM-ii on Friday, I'eu, 5. In the Baltln.ore Mr. Ktnnedy aald: "It has been my goo.1fortune to have been iil the bead of the O W.l'Lrl'«r carulral lnter?9i« f»r the past siTlwnyviirs, uid our aMoclatloa has always beenpM-rfknt and proStabl.v

•To-day I closed coolrncla with C, W. Parkerfor anotbcr two years, which has alwajs l)ecnour arrangenents In the past. By :he agweuii-utJwat slgred I uke oror a lblrty<ar show rom.iilelo In all physical ojiilpinent urW'iiarT lo niaasIt Ibe premiers organlaitlon In Aoicrlca.

."Again 1 wlah to eniiibaslie the fact that Ihoro

lias nsTer been any break of any kind bi-lnconllr. Parker and myaolf during our entire sixteenyears' association, It Is my wish tbot tbit alale-

mrat will maka It plain to all who mar be in-temted In tbe wruar. at the Oca T. KennedyShow.: as tbor wUI take tbe road <h Afrrll 13,.tetter eqalpped than erer before,

°'.\.s you know I bare mad. two Toniol tripsoTer tbe entli* Oontloeot of Amerli^a, Tlaltlog tbetwo big expotltloui, Interrlewing ttao leadingamusement men, and constantly on tbe ontlookfor new Ideas, .with tbe rle^ at prorldlog tbefhowfolng pabllc wltb something entirely new andmeritorious. Yoa will Ond that man; new Ideasbare been eTolred, and will make their appearanceon our opening day."When asked aa to the ontlook for tbe aeasoo,

Mr. Kennedy replied: "I am oiillmlsllc lo apltc at•be calamity howler and dyed In the wooT pnisl.mist. When the Spring opens and the aoup bousesare clos«l and foTKottcn, money will come easlrrtthat naturally will fullnw renewed Interest andoctlTllli-s In all lluoa of buithiesV emlearor. Mytour over America has oponetl roy eyes to tliofuture iMisHlbllllles la our glorious Amerlcs."



TOM W. AILEN SHOWS.Trem Sbrevoport comes Ihc nfws that Dolly

Lyons will have a ber.v of beautlm. such nsLnlly koows so well how to get together In amusical orKsnlzatlon ttait will be secoml In nansIn tbe country, with the Tam W. MUa illiowj.The allrnctlon will be a revelation In lis spiiolnt-raonts and Is tbe matt?r of much discusilou be*tweon the iwwers that be as to Ju^t hotr rlabn-rdtely It shall be flttxl up. Sufflce to siy It willbe In Ibe "<Ie luxe" claas, and that. wHb tbisallow, olfans something in a class hr Itself.

Barl Htrout. In adilltlon to handling Ibe Iwsd,which will bo of the nsusi Sirout calibre, willhave his Miracle Show witb tbe nrnaolaatlimiunder tb« niiU'jgement of Mrs. Stronl, aud BeuCarr will have two pit shows, ooo conQoed tostrange and curious animals from all parts of tbeworld, a verllable JungMand,, and tbe other tilledwKb living cariosities and reatoiv pit ahuw at-tractions.A neir crystal maze will be a part of tbe equip,

[nent, mouliled upon modern lines ond of a some,what dlfforent order to those hitherto presented.

Ok>?onlal mualcnl act and eight trick dogv In tbeatttactlon. It Is of a most pleaslni; clisrnrti<r, amione of the bent nttractlnofl In tho lniiiln?!>H.

J. 0. McCatTery will have the privilege carwith the Worlham & Alien Sbnws, this clinnp)brving been niado at tho last moment as we go loptiTS.

The Tanderllle show will hnva ss bcedllneisthe Trio, sensational cvcllsi^. In s re-ared coireily act. They are Just teturnln-r fromsr. eitentlve tour over the Orpheoin Olrcut, rndwere for twovyeirs tbe closloe feature with thenp^^nlieck-Wallacq Hhows, Five other acts of-Rell-kuo^n -trortU will dll out the progrini.

The welcome' arrival of John A. Pollltt, In CTil-cngo. Is also nnnouncetl, oml no ooeL, 's wsiitoilmore lu (he Wortbam Allen camirat WinterquuTtera, which opened Monday, at Valparaiso. Ind,He will be of material assistance to Sir. Powers,Sfl U.tb Mr. Allen and Mr. Worthsn bav. fullcflblMence In bis ludgment and ability aroundIbe consiractloo and building headnuarten of Ibeshow.

DON TUTES, t natlTe of Laramie, Wyo.,joined the Kmplre Mosleal Oomedy Oo., aa lead-Inn min. when that organlatloa played tlatinvo week of Jan. 23,


Send for New Catalogue Stating Kind Desired,

THEATHICAL CATAinCUC ol Sho« Prli.t- MAGIC PRINIING. Hypfio'tlini. llluiloM,

Iny. ReocfloifO. StncK. Circui. Wild Mind Roilinq. Etc. ' v

Wall, Tint Showj. Elc. MINSTREL PRINTING. While oi ColoreiJ,

FAin PKINTINn, Filrj, Ric.5.' Avialion,- With or Wllhoui Tillc Elc_

Aulo. Horse. Slock Shqw». tic. MOVING PICTURE PRINTINC. Etc'

WESTERN PUrS, Etn. FOLDERS ol Noii-lloyBlly Pliyl with Prinling.

Show and Tliealrical


Lilliogiaplieis, Engravers

IV jJ^*'- _ Stock Hangers and Posleis

AmusemenI Enlerprise


neatrlcil eoloslati In tho old Quoni Olty weroIn the aiKilllght of attention during Kehruary'searliest days. "PoverIT pnrllvs" and charilyballs src listed for the slil <>r Ibe unem|iliiyc\l, andMveral of Clnclunatl's thealrloal mantiiera bsvotaken a vljtnrous Initiative \o ilo llioir Hhnro fi>r

the cause. Tbe Oral frulta will come from II. K.

Keith's, where, on Feb. H, a "nionilun apeclnl"will be given—a nistlneo n Is New Orleans of tlio

olilm times. To leml InK'rcst lo thU uniuualevent tbe vaudeville folks who are on the currrntbill "tnok to tbo atreets," and sold tickets lo

the popnl.>rc. Manager Hobble Shirley, of tliu

ttoclely llu>ls, msde tbe first sale, ami a WeslmiiUnion mcsscniirr boy was the llrat )iur>'haM-r,

Among the cnnis of actor-salesfnlk were. WalterVaimbsn. Henry llerinnan.Jack Cbilre.Olauile l,»ror,

Heih, Mulligan, (llaiirs CInrk. Abre lloyi, AnnaVane, C>pal Rsseni, OerlruJe and Charlotte Kleld-

Ini, Linian Vogelle, Klla Oold, Dull Matthews,Antoinette Schado and R. llrelter. .ManasvrsJolin K. Hoysl. (korgo F. Tlsb. of the Walniit,

end Carl llnbert Ileuck, of tbe I.yrlc. ace alllce

In thia movement for lelM. On Kountain Square,on the aftcmoon ot 10, tbe "llankv I'onky" eora-

risay will give a concert ami acll iiaiicrs, and«iMre Verlcb, ot "Tho .DIrd nf Parsillae," will

give a sale at kewplee, at tbe'Slnton, R, all

proceeds going to tbe fund. During llie sale .a

concert will be given by Ibe ITawallan niuslolana,

Aaotbrr langblag week of aucceaa made brilliant

tbe story nf the. fifth week of the new rear.

(?aiNn Opnii llouaa (John II. Ilavlln. mgr.)

"tte Cindy Bhop," seen here during Its early

wspks of Srauser trial, cmiM back Krl>. 7, markedO. K., and with • raclS<: Ooast reeonl for run-

tlaunii pcrftraances. Wlllism it<ick and .S^aoda

rolton sre featured. Last week, Jnllsn itn^e andJillus Tsrnen were seen In "I'nlsah and TctI-

nutter." Crowds of overwhelmlnit nuinlieni en-

joyed the humor ot Obsries Klein's drsmstleidsptatlon of '.Mnntsiiuo lllssn' character atoiles.

kfanager A. II. WouiU gave bis ilars an adndra-

bis suppOTtIng eompsny, and "A lie" and "Maa-ntt" w«ie aislatoil by Uolen HallngiT, Oari>lyn

naiel Crosby. .<<he was every Inch a little aocen,clean as s whlalli*, smi nhe wtin 'oin snd belil 'cm.

Klorrnre CsmplK-ll was simlber n'rl who was full

of Khicer snd lield high court. Tin' chief iiimi'-

llsn, 1). K. Mall, la very fnnuy. VTukcyeia."the dtni<er, was dracrlluM na n vlsiiriina cxpinrjit

of Iho nrt graivful. The Frx-nch Kr<illcki'rs U.OanuxH (t)lti> Kriiat HcbniW. in«r. »—The (b-r-

msn I'lsye.-s will pniK'nt "IVr Zi'chpri'ller" T.

Kmrrt Aimuiiihiiih.—Klena ili'rbsrdt was lbi>

•nlolm nt ibe ivinnTis nf the Cliiblnnail Srm-

Kbri.y Orclu'ilrn, Dr. Kriiat Kuinwald, cunducior,

, UllKIICK'S Ol'SHA llnii'O, ORi'iini'U. Famii.v,

Stlinp, inolluii plchirv.i.


IsviH CiiPn, Ibe buinorlat, is to tell bli w ir

evitcrleiicrs at .Mnalr Mnll, 14.

''Til*! Siiriicrt lliiim," n I.afiky pm?lupih>n.eenlered about the clever in'rannalltles uf Ulsrksnd llergmin, wlu> were In ''The Trained Nnr:<P',


Isat sessun. This act waa a real liipllneT at 11.

v. Keltb'a.

Porra IlraHniinaiis, Itiisnlsn playwright, hastaken out his first paix-ra aa su American citlaen.

Vkjo IS a Jugvler wliu ploaanl In tbo olio irllli

tbo Ilruadway (llrls.

J. M. ABatuN waa taken III nt Indlanaiaillsand Bent hums to Ni'w York, whito bla worli In

ailvanoe ot "Tho Candy Hbnp" waa taken up byW. V., now IngOlnclnnatl.

CinciN.tan Is tiling ot war pictures, Tli-*

sight ot ruins snd carnsgH psils very soon. TIh<llecman war picturea, which came to Uuslo Halltor tbur weeks, clooeil after Iwn weeks.Jnn Uoni», Nst Baker and Harry O'Neal are

a Irk) fun makers with the llriNiilway Olrl*."Uua IIUHBANI)," In which llertha OrelEhlnn

atarrtd, was a bright play-spot In tbo II, K, KelMibill. -


• Tin Three Dolce .Slatera were cheerful aildlllisis

to tbe Kmprcas bill. The erowda llke<l 'em suwell lliey were alwajs encoreil.

.\ "Hi'i.Ahii (ir t.ira" U what nn enlhualnatli'critic oalird Ihp Karls>r lllria, wlwi niada eilrigood at U. ff, Keith's.



WILL VON TILZER, Pres.,145 W. 45th St., N. Y. Oity


Jtneslbly Into aonjc of tlio^blj! cllli-s ot New En^-ISM. Dut that will depend upon conditions oftrade, opposition ami |>ertenaclty of onibtas eom-nuttces who are sure to repent their luvltntlousor last Summer.-From the Lumber of letters '.he raiinacom-nr

Hre Ij recolvlu,- dally—applications from all owthe tJnItrd Suios (almost)—the r»|iutatlon nftut' Uunter (iLoivs must have recelvc<l ,a blir i.n-

oiWMing Inst year.While the Midway will still be the centre ofWH unoonnned, there will also he an SBtonlnbliii:

array of conceealonalres, store keeps and dealcriin rare snd curloiw wares.

OtciipaMlB of the ten-ln-one nit shows are te-r.acloim Ui their apidlcailons. It will be oa.vjucKing amoMex; so many aslonlahlngly cariousiwiile. Later letter will give more personal ac-(ourita nnil dewrlpllons of . Ibe condng IliinlcriMiows, with routes aud Interesting side lights.

'CAnxiVAL lilEN'S ASSOCIATION.P.ri^ney Wire, who wss elected president nf the

iJin^val Men'a Aniwlatlon, Informs us that tbo•-tctory iiiwlliLg wna well attended, ami many In-jeiestlng ei.whes wore inado by th« various car-nival men present. K. II. I.oncks, the teiniiorary

"J^."' orgauliatlon, sUtcd that be,with Sydney Wire, had licen In receipt of mcnyleiK-ra from chownu-n In all parts of She conntr.v.ine n.ajorlty of theni rtqup^tlng application blanks

?*,j;lnff for hiformatlon reg.irdlae the new.fbe club bvailquarters, nt H31 Drosdwiy.

5^1. v' .""on'lol. and all carnival men v1s|iIp,inew \ork ore- Invited to droii ln. . Applicationstor membereblp should be made to Sydney Wire,P«»'<lent or to Iluehea Kalolkin, aeeietary

UOI.VG DIQ BUSINESS.'"i'*.'"* Sfhfrnl business depression In sll

i,.?lJ?""'""' fair Amusement ComiunyvSiu 1

'"lU'uslly brisk. The concern wss com-

Knii o "»» loora In their present

en ^''f"" Avenue, New York, and an11 .

"'1 I" I'" iielghborliood. Tbe ssleomoii

?h! VI ,° ^"'^ gettlug tbelr goods resily for•he comlni season-.

Krlwlnuin'nisnagcd by Mike

ARMY AUCTION BARGAINSArwr Rvvatf•!* 9tMn" u-L mats • . .sa


• Il>«r4l ... .It '

'IRkal CutlDal.SO'law Callarms . l,ao


Wilts W,Ms»rlalti .**^

. saHiraw ll.SI*r«sli(l,»alr . .It'•u . . . i «,9tC«1liC>l.4S, Cl|i. le eacli. ISAerei Gavaromcnt Aoctloa Barsslat llluelraledsad deierlbvil la iU laraa pais «boIe«al« andretail cyclopedls catslofaa, nailed 25 renti

^~ East tni 30 ctnti W»t ollhaUiailailppI Ulvai.

francia B.^mrman. BOl Broadwnr. New yarlt

Tills feature Olr. Allen Is now building In .Shreve-

|iort. and so tar cannot announce tbe name of Its

IiT-iiascr. Joe Oonley Is busy, os msaler of con-

Rlrucllon, superintend lug all the Imlldlug arrange-

UH'HtM, which oro most pi;eientlous.

Tuin Allen baa vurcbaiied a new privnie cnr for

Ills iiersousl use'tbis coming, sesson, and In havingthe srimo sblppod to- Sbrereport. where tbo reirt

1)1 ll>e rolling stock Is now being reiinvated In

Winter onarters. Tbe train, when It puts out for

the coming season, will be one ot the best .sml

tiioit up-to-dnte In every respect In the carnival


CLARDNCE A. WORTDAH SUOWfl.The "Mttle Olant" In bnay sronnd Winter quar-

ters at Hnn Antonio, and torwarits the following

imcllal list ot attractloua that are now ready for

the road, or will be ahorlly. . ..^ .,

Ills lUppodrome, wblcb will be one of the tilg

feslures of tho agrgegalUin, will be gre.iily

Mlrcngthcned by the addition .of Jsm.>s D.rer a

animals, wblcb will be exhibited Ui oonJunciI'M'

with Ibe Wortbam animals and eirnhanls. Tlili

will make up lion acts, bear acts aud o>her animal

fenturea, together with two aenaatlonil clrcua

nets, with clowns and other clrcua featurv.>s m«k-

Inx up a teal all .iround attrncllon, -wjllcb will

iM given In one big ring aud two an-nas.

Kasle Kay will present a new feature Ibat will.

Ir Mr. Worllioni's wonla. "astonish Ihe worlil."

It will be In the "orlitlnal" class, and furth.-r

ibnn this Mr, Wortbam ylll pot go at prewnl.

Another new spectacle will be "Mysterpina

She," In the form ot a miracle. productl-/n. to Ivof a most pretentious nature, whilst tbo WorLbamadranccl vaudeville show will hare six nnmhers.

headed by a well known vaudeville team, at pres-

ent plajing the big time... ...

Tbe musical comedy show will be under Che

nmnniiement of D. II. Kujuell. wllh Ilussell's Dan-rliig Modela as tbe big feature and Wortbain'sTrip lo Mirs will aialn be found In tbe Ilne nii

<ii: opening day, under tbe msnsgement uf "Ueafy '


Worfham's New Idea Water Circus will beaiMilber headline sttractloo. and be someibliig

'nay nut uf tbe ordinary In an aquatic aruse.

I'smoua water i>erfaTmeTs have been lined up liy

tbe management to make It a big drawing card

this season, and, of course, the KslienjsminerGostle, Aolodrome. Crystal ifaie, wllh three rid-

Ing devices, will lie lncluile<l as usual.

Sir, Wortham la eipecled In Chicago, ahorlly,

and will have furtlier ilelalls tor imWIcatlon.

onent two other novelties that he Is producing Ibis


WOKTnAM /k AIXR5 SHOWS.llr. Powers anno'inc"s that the set ImoVnl tiC

WrtKlfnrd's luslng liorv-s aid dc«n »!K>iild linvo

l«en llio I'our Ilradburrs In! lesd. Thej ore -lul-

tine on the posing show WUh ihHr Iiotpic. four

doifs, .ill |teople, snd In add (Ion there .-Ke ttiree

lady buglers, lady ond aia!I|JB i>osIoe act, a

OUT OF TQWH HEWSOraaba, Neb.—Rrandlei (Crawford, Pllley

& 'Muuuf. mgcB.) "I'elr of Slies" Vth, T, H,

Cielghlon 0>llege tlbe Club 0, John Ilonny, In

'I'umiy In KuunyUud." 10, 11; local tsli-nt I'J.

IlbiD's (W. J. UuriTM, mgr.)—Iloyd Tbealroftlock CO., In "Big Jim Osrrlty," 7-13. .\'e>:t

week, "A Woman's Way."OiTVTT (E. I,. JolinMn. mgr.)—Cllobe Trotters

7-13. Next week, Osy New Yorkers.OHriiBDU (W. r. Dyrne, mgr.) — Bill 7-ia:

rianche Iling and company, Kervllle I'amlly, HenU<-«ley snd Marie Wa)ne. IMerrv Pelletler sndcouipsny, Uldley snd Viemlng, Bamham and Ir-

win. Helen Bcholdler, and Orpbeam Travelogue.°

KupBIsa (Krank Harris, mgr.)—Dill T-U:Cbss. and Anna <llo:<(rT, Talior and Olalr, Fields,

WiLchell and Oreeu, Kens and KIdtId, and Harnli

I-L-ruhardt, In "giMKD lillsabelh" (pictures), la

Uve parts.

ITirr, I'lii^R, Osunupnoira, ALniuBaa,IIii'i'uunouH, Kutn, Kiiouo, HonuaiUN, KiitN.(.

LIN, 'MuNnoB, LoTiiBOP and KaaMAif, motion pic-

tuica only,

Sermnton, Pa.—f>yceum (K. If. Kohnslsmin.ner.) ".Spring TImn" tmotloa picture) b'sli. t-10. "It's a Long Way to 'llpperary" II, 12.

Puu (John II. Uncklng, mgr.)— Bill 814,Lr.c.wo na Blue Rlblion Week, Inciudea: Day DooleyTrio. Ihrilo and Noll, (he Bertens, Horetll ondAntoinette, Will J. Wsrd snd Olrlt, Ksmotis NIkkoTrou|>e, ''BUdlng" Hilly Watson and company,and Krsiicia and Boss.ACAPHUT (IT. Jarnm Carroll, mgr.)—ror weeic

of 8 tbe Poll Block Oo. present "Tho Ulvorco<)ueetlon."

Hraa (Usrrr W. Storms, mgr.)—Jcsnetle Du-pree'a Own Hlg .lliow S-13.

ni/ou Dauiia, .MiNOsTTAiv, WoNoiniH, OonnRiiniaa. WoNoaauiKn, Vic-ronii, OaFiiacu andi;ii-rouau>iB, pictures only,


Johnatown. Pa,—Csmbrls (flcherer A Kelly,mar<. I Arvns' I'larcr's, la "Tbe Third Degree,"Ft-ti. N-1.1.

Majbhtic (M. J. I'oylo, mgr.)—Vaudeville anilptrtiirea.

diMnu (J. 0. Foley, mgr.)—I'lctures and vaude-ville.

I'Anir. Nuo, OAiniir, PiLiCB and UaiND, pic-tures only.

THAT ^"pIiP^FOB "yOU"(tn antwtriuo 9**. plta»« mention Curpi*.)

Lllja, Ilarrr ntnlon, Lei> D< oily and .Mniirli-u

Uariclt. "The Kcllow Ticket" 11,

I.TBio (Carl Iluliert Ileuck. mur.l— "Tin- lllnl

of I'aradlae," that lluwallaii roiiianco hj lllrtinr.l

Walton 'I'ully. Is coming hack 7. wPh I^'Morul.'lrlrh ouil Wllllsiii Ihnumnd In (lie i.-nHt. I.j-^c

reek audlenccH of K'wd Hixe welcuiiiril (hfiiir o,il

monarclis uf black fai*e, Mclntyre nii'l HpsIIi, In

"The Ham Tree," the faiinvl ilcur^la uililHlrel

sketch, uo'w blosiMiineil Into a wlnile cveiiliig's d»-

IlRbtful eutertaliiuieni. The strniiihil iiilnKrels

found Iho sorrows ot Aleismlcr, from Ibe livery

nalile, uulte as amualng as (licy were to lliealre-

diiers ot hy-gone genera (Ions. Jubn <Vir( hasrecruited a nplcndld company for the atari.

"Tbe Ham Tree," brimful nt Oeorgs V, nulinrtbnmor«ls well stsged and brigbtir costumed. 'J'hn

chorus' eerlslnly csn dance. Kdward Wade, Ar*thur'Barry, John Lorens. Otto Jr.hnion, iMwanlN. Holder, Nurman Wuoilward, Mildred lleverly,

Ifaliel Ktsin, Winnie (IrNp, Jack Criap and Jm'kUell were clever members of tbo utara' suppurt.

"A Pair of Hliea" 14.

Walnitt MTBsivr (Oenrgo V. Iflsh, mgr.)—I/ew

rielila' big niuaical counily, "llinky I'liuk;." Is

reining 7, with Ihjbby North and uthera ot thooriginal cast. That Kate Douglas Wlggln pas-

toral, "Itebe^a of Hunybrunk Farm," 'vnjoreda week of prosiierlty. iMarcnerlte Ilenry was

IS Ileliecca. An old, old friend was rt-oufnleeil

In A. P. MaotjollliiB, ss tne' stage driver. UthersIncluded: Jein MoAlpIn, as Aunt MIrsndt, amlyllottfrt Utevens, as- Adim 'I/Sild. In fart, tbrwbole cast wss adniuste, liicluiling Kannle D.Hall. Dana llowland, Ixtulae Il/iwlsnd, Ituse

Fielding, (llailjts Tulliert; Wllllnm 0. Duan andItlcbsrd Usriuws, "WlUiln tbe" 14.

n. P, Kuril's (John F. Iloyal, mgr.)—ItessleClayton Is to tie the Ttwpslcliuresn star uf Ihe Mil,7. Hbe will be saalsted by l.«ater Hliechan amitbe Olsytoo Sextette, In ''Dance* ot Vealerdny,.,Today and To-morniw." Others Include: llaver-man'a animals, Jack Wlloon and Franklyii llallei

In "An Impromptu ftevus;" Kthel Ureen, JosephAdier, Harris and Manlun, tn "(Incle Jerry at tlie

Opera," and Ilymack, the chamelefMi comedian, In

-'kriasit Junction;" jaunts and Jourueya In pic.


Ruraasa (Oenrge A. lioyver, mgr.)—Joe Welrh,the Hebrew eumeillan, li the hesdilner 7. (libera:Van Oello, Btta llrysn. Boy Humner and comiianr.In K.lgsr Allen Woolf's playlet, "A Odlege l>r»|H>-

•itloo ;" Johnson snd Decii, snd tbe John Trou|i<.Motion pictures.

Oltmfio (Cbsriee r. Waller*, mgr.)—Troca-dero Hurlesquera sre due 7. Last week, llllly

Watwin (bliuselt), ot Ileet "Trust fame, waa^ givena boisterous welcome Isat week. ' Tli*f creator ofKrauaerapy^r was seen * In new rnrlroiiriieiil--Japan. Walaou haa a gosl toll In Jo>in Jmh. IheOi^iiian ot Ihe mat. The liurlpsi|upa, "KrauHi*-treyer's Obrlstmlng" and "Krsiiivmeypr In,Ta|iafi." wore Uitli Klven 4'lnliorste staging. Lil-lian Franklin, Ms Wsllliii:, John Wpst snd ItulifMarlon were 4Tiii»|iU'uoua sin«ili;r I In- UMlslIng(ilaje's. I).ive Marlon's ()wn Hhnw H.

Mtaniiabp fCharles II. Arnold, rnirr. I—Fay "ni-ter's lliirlesi|ue (Jo. Is oiiiiing 7. Tlie Ilrondwaf(Itrli |Hit on "A Dar liiiid s ' .Nlslil" tit ilie de-llKht^ fit f-Mlowera or (he bijrles'iiH', who foand

' ' ': little pcrsunallty over wkon lo rtTOi—

"llii.i.T" .Mai:aiit AHii F.Tiiri.i.NB IlntOKonii were(ho clilrf niugiii-lH of (lilt I-:in|iri-.ia oirerlng. Tin*/uere nioro Ihiiii clercr In (liclr sk'-tcli, '^A I>egl(l-

ninie IIoIiIhiii."

Two rNiii'lniiiillnjiH were on llin Keith bill.

Waller Vi;iluliiiJi nitiilo lih vniiib'vllli' lU'liilt nH ii

vopsIIhI. sllnoiiKli'lM* bus oflcii Ihm'ii ln*nr'l In ron-..

irrl and oiK-rii. Mii(llii''.vs, of .Mnlllieiv'i*

mid Hiin/ne, was tlie oilier iialUi* win. The liit'i-,''

iireseiileil n evuiedy skotrli, "Hri'anilsnd." wlilrli

lisrveHled (lie lilKg4<st npiiluusii of Iho bill fur l-.s

fsnlaadc orlnlnnlKy.At TliH iiial aoplal the (Miiplnnatl Press liliili.

n. Julian Ibi4e, Julius Taiiiirn, OItu Krnat Hchinid,Willy DeldrliM. Liulwig Ko|i|ie,i, 5li-lnlyri> andHeath, and (leorge 14. ilann are lo nmlrlliute to

tlie iirtigram. TImi Volunlwr Mliiatrel and lluwl-

lug Clnli will bn there. In full hloaaoni, na slinie'i

At tub Faiu, 2, an Innovation Was ufferiil' In

Ihe uri'sentutlon of "I'otasb A I'sriniiiller," In

the llesli, as clerks lo the viosk amt suit ilc|itrt-

ment.L'lOiH ViRToi Haab, miialrlan, liss recelveil csbli>

sdvlces of the deslh uf bis iiHilber, Fanny Husr-Jneger. at I'.ntlsweller llsvarln, at llw ago otelgbly-two. In her rarlv life she wss a dramaticaoprano nt (Vivent (lartleii. liumlon.

laBNB llMi.n. a (llnclnnad girl, wllh "Dm llnniTree," eiijoyiil lior Itrst visit (o tlin hfsiH? (ownsince lier (irofifsslonal i-ntrH- us a ilniM.vir. I'lcniy'of flowera and s niunlaT irt sorlul sffalrs In herliiinor made her alsy iiienioralile.

Ai.rnKii Hbau canio In advanro uf ','A I'air ot«llCB."

Akron, O,— Oilonlnl (liiiils Wlae, mgr.) bill

Irli, H IO: Two Alfri'.lH. Word and Ciillni, LciiIkii

anil (Irela, llruiinrll ninl llnrry Klevriis, WlllliiWeston and llnrry F.tii and foriiiiniiy. Last liolf:

lUdihliia nml I's-In, .Maud 1'irrniiy, an<l Illlllardpiid Lyons niid Yox'o.

(laaitn (l^iiils Wise, mgr.)—Irvin H. Cobh H,".Mutt 4nd .leir III .Mi-il,,ti" ll-i:i.

.Muaic IIai.i..—Hun Oarlo Urand Oiiera Oa. 11*1.1.

WAMHiur, DuuAUi.ANO, OilCiiBirH, F.Mrnirag,Natiiinai., I'laza, Luna. Hank, TiinnNToN, Pm-TiMR, WiNTKn nnil Main niuvlng pictures. ~

Ma. WiNTrn, wner of (be Ilsnk and Winter,moving piPtnrn lliiMtres here; will bulM a now tlie-

atre on Main Hlreet,<on tho site where tbo Ui:at'un vandevlllu Ivhiho was Vt la-.

Tub TiisATan «lll be erected hero eooii.

nainlltnn. O,—JelTurson (John n. Dmnm-hiill. Ingr.) .Mrlnlyre and Ilralli, In "Tlio llsniTree." Feb. 17.

Omaki) (lolin K. .MnOnrlliy.. mgr.)—Vaudovlllnand iilcliiroH,

I'niNi.-BsH (ICd. Kullinan, mgr.)—Vnudevlllo andplelurea.Jbwcl, Utah, KiOLg, Uotaii am} Ltbio, pic.


pnicna ai.watb tiib bamb.




Reviewed TnuBSDAT Evmiwo, FsB. 4. Comedr^(D. a hamg, bna. mcr.)— (wn xahh, man.)

Under the new regKno the Acadcaif of v>«,»l?*J2^'i'°S;(Reviewed Friday Night, Feb. S.)

MddIc M aitalD pro.perlng. Lent we«k Mr. ^J^^Tlt w?iJ?m a n^S*. t% A rattling good small tlmo show of DineKoi appointed B. H WaUili ai. manner, and JJ^Xll f 0^ w^ti tjKrt l^"" "« K«hn for Kcb. ^-erand ^ShMlcbacf Bawyer a«RlBtant. In place of Johii SSSnT^rStinM* T Arlhar Elliot '"^ "ehowlDg'' tie pro-Ziimft and Krcd Brown. TUe orcheatta of Jo™ iL^^"- * u»kJi Archdiw ?™™ entirely satlafoctory from the Mmothe bpoac IH very good. The theatre wis fT«\Tll»lbKiia •""^M.b^l H^ld "ap Uandy and company, bubble* rafuaed tojilmoat packed to capacity Tburjday nlgbl.

Pen^?cVkk '^JnilSd e »"P ""t" <^'e^ »"'"t Llgbtnlng beldand lo taeoc hard time* It made yon led Jit^fiiyS^n^Vinf?^ 's^tl^ rt^l the audience glued to Oielr eeata Uuooghoutriore conndcnt. '(bo fl^l was Very good an l SS'.^^pSSil?*""' JeiJ^Gi^mSS^e "ehowlng" "An Indian ClalmT^


Uicplctarea lr.tcre«tlng:. jfe"? '

•''**'joh?^BD?kS1 Alter the Handy cnterulnaent, even withThu Bhow opcEed Trtth a funny RdiMn X^^V^ BiiiTlneaaSt "'O f"'"! e^^i ^""f- ^»ef

coined^, entltlod ••Kount-A Ifjit lledocer.;cbriSSoh?? Bi^iit'' iSlle fXt V"**'- UanraJmn.. and Bauer and Baun-

McCrcn and iJiport. tlx mlnntea, In foil «7?"£P„aI^" i<»iithSa Brooke ^'e* followed In orderBloge. ThiB comcay trapeze team and bar- f"^ ^Eric ld?ion tJ"" Booni and Uelloa (oneleaflue acrobat act Jb very.funny. Both enter cJ^L^f aJvj°- AleiiidVe J Herbert '^e-"* *»• apeclal aettUig, olTered ani two Bailor* and cloae as two. Chinamen. '"'S^i^Liv. ^^:rW ll'Af»S^™^^ iooA "musk aitd aong" turn, In ColonialThe comwly, although all «lap«tlck la good ,i!li?rr;"Teaf A(?r1lfi|JSi 1-Aft« «»t<™ea. with a dance by tw) if the ^rla

jjnrr, ib very runny, juoy uorK wcii lo- oc-ne. nrn Bandrrann Prlvatn Sltrlne *> with ttodr quartette uunbcrs,e-ithcr nnd aliould have no tronblo In pinylue f^^"^ the "Wave C^" Ho?(d a^^ t^o'* mualcal Spcdaltles (violinClK sinall lime hoiiHOB. Three Lotvb. AnoUa plnno and 'cello) ore all well worked 4n.Kddle Ilowloy, fourteen mlnntce. In one. .Fur* ^ Wlllaid'a Temnle of MdqIc. also Colonlallv

Mdlt Itowlcj/ln "Bvolutlon of bnnclnR/' ^^^^eotloa cf tbe {tlay passes In fifteen

^^.^^JSi'Mi ™th the "uT w'ren In kn^showed some very dlfflrult stops. lie flrst 0^,04 ii„>i_ ^ Direction of imfOi «r«s»e«>. met with the same succeeiiallows the eood old dnya atylc of aofclng. J<aTow!iiw^ ' 'ho act baa enjoyed most rcgnUrly In pestThen he BwltclicB to the prime of, buck and joon \.r»uw. eu.

uPrtBons. Credit Is heapaUe upon the small-wing dantlng. After that lie Bhows the buck est girl, for Ae ptays In every one of theniul wluK nt preacDt. The hurdle dance, blind- "ereJB a military play ta wtUh ttiere are specPultfcifolded, cnrnoil aomo honest apulaune, and tbf only three eoUUere (and they make their The Clipper Comedy Four 'did well with-


(hiir dnrro wa« i^ood. The »Sft bhoe daa-lng ftppcarance Just befo« tha Md of the ytay), rouch-hoiS^ line ™c6medy and fa^^^and the fii.lOi, with an eiTentrle dance, in a fna eun Is flred unW the IjMt act, and WiiiinmJ. Kell7 (NiiTActa) got ovwn.i«Qucrn.I<; costume, made an excellent hnlsb. that "wat off In tje dJsUncfc" Xlere 1b with a moniloSe, knd the -lit hrre bows.

»<L'""' ^' tern and comttSy (a man) closed thVrw^ll.rry nhd Wllholm, ten ralnutci, In one. boort^lng houie In Bnglana, and to this on- ^^^^ TrtthTwrforronce on the wlrethat

WoTnnu member of tfie tcnm Is pitllo and Jisoal pTay of war anS the dreaded apy sys- is worthy of bilig r^te^^^^^j«sscB»c8 a Rood voice. She la an eicel- Jem there arc eoough thrllla and ajirpriaoB ;.^pcriea< acU of Ita^d In vw^^lent comcdlcDDo and known the eclcnco to supply a Brady drama at thoJ>lg-Manhat-

otui «» «» m yauuBviiie.

of being able to deliver the goods. Ualu tan Opera ilonse, the Drory Lane (rf America. "wi-u- 7«..» -..T «ifrT.^ •• v _ » t.„ij•netnber^leadB (he J?ehe«lrn. \A during the 'P'e P»«y "» w^tteD by. two Enrltstunen, „n?i?^?%'°''^ *t"«ha»«» o?°dil„2'" ii!time of )i.T clinngca he Imporwinatefl differ- and the (lemiBn spy eySem Is the theme ^^._'!?g_?*%„t"*"^^^^ H^^A^^Jn^S ".ent mdalrnl Icndc^B. Hhe slinp -Tlpperury." «pon whdch they have bnUded their work. S9«'S°Sf lSv?' "pS K O^^k^^U^^"I'oor Pauline" siid 'Too Iflirh.* He fm- 1° the battle of w<t« they give the victory,, .rJi .VSr ^ U % r v'»,.''-'tS. "°vprr^onnt^ Creator" and BouSa BoUi of course, to the KngUsh.'bot they have,thtn, woTO very cirTor." r;e yonng lady -how., that the Oennnn spy, bo matter what'

vaudJrtU^ l^edlte^v "*


fcl.ould sing one and two, Instond of two and Jtoe he or she may be pcrspiwlly, they are ^\?^^J' ^\ony^T^<> »?£lo wmen^ onotwo. Far muel. better rwtullH could be oh. faithful in aJleglance to their aoverelgn and

„ duS5 ai5 one (vomit^^^

IK.II "'i^X.r'^•""•^""'^

""^o-Hn>e of .he play ^ early In the prea- ^0^JhMSllira^^'The Insurance N phtmnre- proved to be '"t »«r. and the icllin taie/phic* In'^the ''?i?"°J'^,^* f*?!™?,?,*"";

an oxrenllo..nlly funny Kalera comedy^ i>rlvnt« rtttlng room of a senafte boarding ro"o«est

VrlTiSiliyB^ Pe°t"^ HgCn°S.teB. la''""-"^n-

'Tl'e room 1, occupied by a widow, a Sr^^-ig^J'S ^,1^^ bSt''she°i^n'crt''he^three This blit tin.e not will cerlnlnir rlenn Mrs. Bonderson, and ihfir son, t>ar , who la

o'g. cnuseu a nicca, oat sne soon got ner

up on thV wc Lnl time TT.ri^^ emplo-ed In a responsfcle pirtUon In the S'l^^BS and repeated after many, majiy

the hesr of t« kind The do-s are very well J^rltW. War Office. BcRpltc their nome. they bows. The two larger gbto have gooil voices,

{rnlne.l nnd mind isinmy 'perfJ^tly Th? com! ore re^My Oennans andVcs of the Father- Si'-liVL'^l^'l "with^^e^'r"rdy nnd posing of the act U good. Four l«n<J- Uving there aJso la a FraHilela Bchroe- !™ „l"r„{"„? „„^I" ''"^^

bowB.8 "I <J a<.i « B"w. r ur

j ^^^^ ^ govemesB on rangement of nuinbers, so that the large girl

iiTL 1 >r n 1 . ... a vaenllon and on Individual called -Fritz. ^eft Idle down front In thei:ihel M.1C Barker, ten minutes. In one. "

1,0 J^ls n', Mrs HanderSn? butlei Sere "Chlnotown"-"Burgundy" number, the threeMlBs Ilarkni; wu« reviewed lust week In -riiii J 2l8o etaylw at this r«»rt jShn Preston ••'o"" round out a nice little, prettily dressedOr.iiTKii. Klie went very finely last Thursday w 1? nml hTo .{...^/.TiSii^^ turn for the "Pop" houses.

?^r\";:wrn,rdni?'e"n'ioVe' Vor n?/nt'V?:ttde'^VB''tl5.°e''p£^^^^ \2S™h^4Wndhe"??our -Picks'- (eJl ofW(j time. l our 4)owH nnU na encore.

tennis and refuses to enlist In EoElond'a whom are fumlllar to vaudeville as a apecdyri.oD...B 1>. JnckBon and conjpany. sixteen ^JJ,™" Swiy. wh™loves hta innot nnder- Qonrtetto of eIngerB and dancera) scofcd a

minutes; In three. Thnmns P. Jackaon and ^^•J hj" rftuMl to "gbt a^d eb^ heart- "'^e hit- Miss Xe Roy discarded a prettytompnny pr«ente(l a corking good dramatic 3:on. when a clrl Sin" Mm a wMo Jellow fur trimmed doik to a showy beartea

'v. L',yoil'B '''o»e fcShM, whui meiSfl cowardice '^'tc satin jtown after lending "Dixieland"

ro','r'nM,M frnm" 1." n"!., ?,n."5L^L?:S'hu 1^ valHlSly aTd^h?? filhM ask him Why o open, and during her elnglng of "I'm (Joinsurorlrnllon frnii. It nn(1 has neglected his v. Jncq not enlist Uc ronlles that he has ^'"''o ^"U '-ove Me ' two of /the "Picks"(..^MnrfiH, A friend of Ills calls on him tj S^rwnal rSaB^Ss why he rStn^^ TheS^-rS^ nsalsted with a slow tango. "Bufus John-ron>lr,(l hlmthathc Bl.oul,lbeat thcolBceat SSm ^n uodcrBt^od^ the iXn^^^^ «<">'« Harmony Band" wSs Just suited forDine to keep an ijppolntment. fie promises HTla wlM oa a '^llTasB^' 8^^ "*>'k bab4eB,' and it was flnlohed byand the friend exits. .lust as soon sa be la ^^^^^ the susSjclonB of the Germa" l^ the ^^^1 a 'l^lri at a dance specialty,pno the young man plrks irp fi revolver and Vor he Is n Swret BcrrlM aM With the 'Vlcka" dressed up Zarah can go

enro^?" "rio "rlJid"; a'/^"?.,^''.? Vr'Si'' th'^;thSTniltlBh aover£n?S's'^nt d^u to**d°eUt 'ipht out and All all the tlmTehe can landi-

entors. The friend has a letter from the pj j „„-nfy which be does bv and make good.

f.;rj^.bT;?r^,ro*;'?hrwV^ .?»^i;d°?iSf«rpi •"'cfie°Srally'' shoot?nT?irriir plge^n2^^^^ ,^C. Joseph Rllev (who played a "Tad" onti.kcs the picture of the wife out and replarej

nJOfBagos. and destroying the wlreleas in- regular bill) Is a versatUe chap. He put

e''V.^?^!e°h^'%rr,^rn no,°f?;finn''''-Ph2 stwicnt wh ch tl'c BcSdeMoash^^^^ monologue of IrlBh stories and Sls-

vm.n'>i mnn i» T^ri r K l^l' w^l 'o the flroplace,- uDd sIbo by hdillug a dicto- payed a good singing voice that also landed

iK"^ Tirn.nhnwr^fan spcak p„ph In a large Jardiniere, lly dSlng these a eplld success. Full- worth a try

t*;b llr»rpt HMf,:. nirMir,.. n-nv»rt In he prevented the German subMrlnes «ttj,e small tlme lonscB In n' single." .

<or«i in JP"'""^*^' " from blowfnB up the British mon-of-war In , J,"'''

^.eet WJitnlng aud hia company ofterpMllnif.

., » . the harbor. . Indians (two men and a woman) iind qd

«nl''"Z„T''«t^„ X'''n^Vr'?,mnS^°nJ™^^ LrIIo Kabcr. hitherto known as an excel- interpreter, acting a half4>reed part, pro-

.iii^^n^L i» v£ri ^?.vir ^^^^^^^ lent ploycr of ittalght dmmatlc parts, ployed "onted a. novel sketch In "An ndlan'sn.o (llnlocue Is very clever and must have

^, • ,^ j Brent—for the Kreiitcr ijart a Claim," and moy soon be seen doing thp.o,t a good deal of money to collect. TTielr Joracdv oniUand surprised ev(S^^^ prewnt thrcc-a-dnya, and possibly 1ho big etutf, wllhf.arodles are funny, und for a change they wIUiTib abiilty M a7Snc«an, ^ « "ttle re^rlUng of the act. The Btory (nsore nil clean. Ono suggestion to the act we seen o bitter niece of

'"irfy "ayej,,;. told the audience by the h«lf-breot1

L*° ^r'^^rtY. "''^*^„J"" *';VS;«''l«^^^^ M«x<.rsi Cari Bandorson, contributed PJfty d»rlng the act'fl prryress) b"ow8 l;owthe parodli'H. -llipy ore nlwnyB suri-n«« (In- „

, ^ , actlni as a Gcrmaii spy. It 1b hnlf-breed tried to "bent" the redskin

|!ln"ti,"r"" Klv^ml!;i'^^a'i,^!!),'k?^'''' a melodramatic role wen played by Sn actor *lof hv paying him counterfeit money forIcnn lisp. I l\e l)pw.s nnil an encore. .^s^ var had e%ldently much experience In 'and and cottle. nnd tie chase given by theThree Melvin nrotliers., elft mlnulen. full

i<,,nrtrarna^""'"'^ """^"^ experience in

Indiana of fo tribe. The hfllf-breed

t Il-fnnJlicrn^nTiP ^m''' TiJl^-irlfenn I'^SnS Mabel Itold, as Praulelo Schrooder. looked loves f^e oMers daughter but t^c fart doefl

I r nS,??-"tS,^S' „,? .


.n?,r V r rin^ tnJm '"ery lnx!li the Teuton, an.l nmdc her perform- not eave him, for at curtain a struggle with

'nrJ,?r.„wc^ ° " closing team. p„ce ^tand out. The same tnny be ml.l of one of he rednlolns on a cHtT shows the

-n.^ vi )n\,.„ «i„n„« „f =,.,.1, I. n>, John Ihirkoir as I'-Vlti. Mr. nurl<nir« hnsl- "crooked" one thrown over the edge and into

r?n" 'r,.'*,'?* ' was demands that he be very roughly treated * Bpecin roekv. water drop. teat.Aheloa, In Tnio Will Ion. riila la a good fea-

Messrs. Fai)er and Mhxon. etc.. «ietllng added to the novoltv of It nil.

i"r!;;m?*Jhi«"i^^^'''^Thl"»^^^^^^ 'jcsale Olmdlnmn- who IB a. sl.qter of Credit la due tlo chief for his good enough

vIrlJ inJ/ Thi. T ^JS^hill """t Glendlnnlng, w»s sweet aifl charming psn'^mlme work.„. ^ '

.also very good. This closed a ^ery good bill. „^,„ pr^ton. and Arbhur BUIot, one of ^ Manager Knhn will have to step some toUVM*.

ji,^ ejigracter actom, gavo o very land live as good extras for this week. Tod.

food performance of an egotlstloil and ex- •

fflcKTNLFY SrtTIAKE cMatle ineinber of Parliament « Forty.fonrth Street Ilobert MantclliUkliWU:i Alan Mudle, well known here and In Lob- began, Feb. 8, his second week In repertoire.(iiGNUY i\ KBiviT, uon.) don ns o musloal comedy favorite, demon- Tbi; bliie for th*« week indudc : "King Lenr, •

A good e«medy hill Is shown hero flret half etratcd thnt ho is at home In drama. Ho ••Macbeth," "The Merchant of Venice,"of week, end vvus appreciated by tho andl- t"'*.". P'eoalng performance as Perdval "othello,'' "Klol.elleH," "lUchard III" andeure ou Moji(I.iy ulght, Fob. 8. Ponnlculek a young soldier, bubbling over «HnmleL" Mr. Mantell's company InclodM:Tho nr.icep, colored song and dance act, with boylsbness and patriotism.

, Vlrgtola Bronson, Genevieve Hamper, Ed-got a good 'ITie men'.'t buck and wiu« -.vnthla Brooke, as Mra Banderaon, and .^^^d Lowers, John D>H-ke, Frank Clanccy,dance on Hkatca was esj'o lnlly well received. Elaine Inescourt, aa Mlrtam Lee (who aided p^t^ Lelber, Walter Clbbs, Qily. LIndslcy,

Hall nnd Ward also offered n song and p'ert In trapping the spdts) wero excellent Harold Skinner, Frank Petcoa, Jdhn Glbbs.dnnop net, with the wn.nnn playing a few 'n their rmpecUve -roles. Edwin Foos, (5harlea Rcnsoncr, Qenevlcvoselpcllons on n violin before clo.Ong fong. '"The White Feather" la now bclag played noyunids, Florence Aucr. EJthel Mantell.

(leno Frur.Ier nnd company preaemcd n "t Ihe Kowny Theatre, I^ndoh, onder tho proctor's SUd St.—Acts Mlled for wookclover ekiifl., ouMtlod "'rhn WntcU Pog." nnine of I''nie Man That Staved at Home, „f g-lS aro:"nhe Ciitterfly and IhoThere Ib a eonttnuni Bi.rprlw ut the tui-n of which Is a much better tlUc, In onr opinion, nose," the Gront Pelham, Den'tricc Morgiiiievents with a big surprise and Wugh for tho KeKty. coinpany, and Bernard and iScaith.lluliih. . • Proctor's Fifth Avcnae.—Tbls week's

Ituber nnd Tuniiniou. In n DOvelt,r song act, lU UliUDCAIff hill presents "Neptune's : Garden," tho Fivewere very good. With .ho man In cavalier " JtmiRJUil* pnlly Fao^ly, Donovnm nnd I^e. ITowfrd('nHi..mi), they offered Helcfilons from Severn Tlio bill for Feb. 0-8 included Julln Ed- Chase and eom^viny. J. Warren Kcnne andoporaa, which went over big. • yrards, lu a clever comedy ring act, with a Grace 'Whtte, tola BctUnl, and Leonard ond- Kir Walter Weens, •black faco comedian, little n.U talk i^t caught on. Ulss Bd- Wlllard.wns heartily recclve<l and wns encored acv- words strips well In pink. Colnmltla (J. Herbert Mack,'.'TDgr.)—fol tJuu's. . Tho Six Ovandos, marUnbaphonlets, played Ben Welch Burleiquera this week.The CloBO Bros., ncrobjilR, received thdr Intereellog selectJons on the soporous fnstru- Miner's (Dronx) <B. D. Miner, mgr.)

sharp of n|>i)l.-\..He. mot, n duct of "The Rosnrj" being por- j)on Tom this week. '

§"Onifei: fliKi' wan the fiiWuro film offe> tlculariy caecUvc, ns wos the closing popular Murray Hill (Fre<l Waldmann, mgr.)—

Ing, nnd oilier picture? Iiirh.ilcd "The Cal)orct uedlev. ' • gap Widowa this week.WnKcr" (Kaleiu), "A Mother's Way" (lUo- Lou'is Chevalier nnd company played their olyiapta (Dave Kraas, mgr.)—Taxi nud a he.vstonu comedy, "Colored sketch, in.whldi au actress breaks into the this weekMllaluy." JSmiL Hat of a thontrlcnl n.nnager and Inipenonatcs Drooiriyn, .N. Y.—^Aciilenir (F. 0. Kdnall,

— • ( u tough crook, to convince hUn thsit she pos- mgr.) co'ic<tIb. miiilcnl enterraliunenls, lectures,

nl (llr«nx> (C. i"" Henn, sesaee suitable tJ\lent to secure a part for etc. Burton Holmes' tnv.Jlop.en ererr Weilnes-

ingr.)—Thl<i wwk'M bill Includci •• Leonard which l.o has refused .her an Interview. The Front SpeaJgM, In ar«matlc piekene tp-

niul itussolil I'vlur Muri Uros «ud\J^^^ filrl Is tough enough and gols the part, all ^t^to. ««ry fl.tnrdoy. SraiLhooy Society of N.'w

Ki-aiie iiml Wl.idow. Monior Miles nud com- "E''t. . »^ , , , . Mmiirir (Rilwiinl Trail mir ) iMnnrte Adinau.ny. Angel.. I'ntrlcoln. Jnhn nnd WInnIo Monty and I>ot, a sprl-htly couple with UotSI? 8 i ? Wcl^lTlULuIngs, Valerlo Sextette nnd Arthur BaTot. tunny bright sayings, Bcored well. A bit with "PSiSinVTr (HertJrt Acher Scr.l-'The IHtlle

Alhiimlirn ( llert Young, nier.)— This him carry the girl nroiiud, oa If she was aoiife" this week. FHkc O'Hor., In "Jack's Ho-

w.vk's bill' Includes ; (Irnce l.n Itue. MInnIo dumm". made n lilt. Both aire thoro with na„ce," lB-20.Kuprco nnd compnnv. Ww lieorglo " Wood, tht^lniii li^ nnd Blue ng power. Majcttio (J. n. Plcrj?. niBr. > — "The llUoVnn nnd Seheni'k, "'riie Ixii.psonie Lnssles,'' The Moffntt Ckilr Trio, two moa and a girl, noinlnb" tbia n-eek. nosworth's svas^atkinal

Yn.i lloven. "Aurori. of IJght." Lew and offered tJielr extensive repertoire In dancing "llyvocrltes, .plcrturcB, 13-20.

Mollle lluntlug, «.id l>e.I and AllH>rt. wilh good results, as us.ial. Dk Kald (!. FlhjxelmjTi. mtr^^^K<>ltli> Ilroni—'IV..' stork company aro

,Ajtlo ilnll. browned up, as usual, did well '^'j:. '•''» li^f- J,^„"' "TlnJ. pm,«..

<iirnliic neonle .wnV hero now. For this 'n her opening song, "Mlswlsslpul Cabarot," Oband (William Tlennan mijr. ^-^^Irti Pctroja

w^k "The \\Ve'^^^^ hut fell down on tho swond. wfilch got tho

,»'».^*,, ""P'^y. i*"„,l!i^H;

Weat i.?n;i.'i:>rhe ,mO ley of this house has audience restless. Iler nuleldng with'' '•Rcu- pj^ ..TjJ'-j'*''"-"M.^^ ot Sui^nTtrcV

chnnsetl from plcturiw to stock, with Jesslu ben -.loiinson s llnrmony Baud saved the doy a^im (w,n. Wooltolk, n«r.)—Taniio CIrlsllimslellc Stock tVniiwnv. and she went off towing. • this week.

• 'w

r«>olI Siioonrr Marcus Ixiow has ec- ,"'e™ 'Jevlns «'>'» coinpnuy had a rnrnl si„ (y. j. jojet, miT.')—Qlrla from Joyland

curcil this house, and opcue<l 8 with motion sketch, wllh Mr. llevlna ns n father whoaa tbU week.i.l,.iM'i-H runaway daughter returned with a "burlcg" Rupirb (J. H. Onrtin, Ri«r.l—«ioeUl Matda this

StnnUnrd (Ilnrrv L. <5ort, mgr.)

Ho troupe, ns be called It. They ore re-unltra, week. OlrlB from TItprpWnd next wm*.Much fvr ^u Ifiirh 'opene4l l.ert) ou Mondny nnd she also rejolus her hUBbaod, whom Bhe .Casino (Chu. DanlelB. nmr.)—Olrlii of tho

/l.lght lo au excellent audience, 'rhla Is U.o hud left, at tl.e sauic time. Mr. llevlns did Moi.lln llooge this week. Follies of the Day next

Inst wok of Wlllard Unck'a clever piny, good work ns the rube on* was well suslBted. ,_„„k . „,__, „ •, b,iio,,.Mlw Jlnoubeau K0«. Unto a new play at tho .^Ward and rjolmar. asThe cxprejamannnd j„^"S^..^^^^t,^Ji^l'- Sa^ii^? BHnchi

to ItnhMavte." "W!'^,..'^'"*:??" S-i.TK-.m, rw,„r., ..„m™n„ ^e m.n .„A "O'l companr, nran and Tlernej, the Oteat I*on.I'rtiotor'a RNth St— Mill announced for The Bnulo Opera cnnjpnnyof four men and potwrlo and Vetera. Jnnott and Morweli, and

H.llt luohidiw; IsnlK-llo Hetchor aTiil two women contributed good operatic aelcc- j,,,^) n„„.I'oinpnny. the Ikiehelor (llrb, Jcrgo and lliun> Hons. .... nuflfwirs (Henedlct Blntt mfr.)—Bill 8-13;

.Ilia., iind l.avemer'B M«k'l«. John IVilh -gtkt the house going good with Ous K<lwnTd»' &mg Iterne of lOiri, Pool 0>ncbis.lionlKncrp (II. II. K.nnee. mgr.)—/n«*d« hlsjokes and comedy bits with tho oj-chestru. Evi Owidon ami Jcek IMewanx ai:il eompaoT.

tfie Mmiji Li in <ven hore Feb 1" I""' iRl.lknwn Japs, oldening with all four John and M«e Burke. Wm. J. Kellr. iloorc andI.,>wls fstoaie, Kokirt SloWnde. Onopi-r tMlfTe! standing on one baud, offered splendid work '".'.""iJiriL ^JfJ? "M.Zr?^'JX.'*'i' ni.i «i<>_WIVllniu Koli!hUn-, Il«niee IMlock. Carroll In the ncrobatlc line, thrce-hlpb bahinclnf I'aoBrKi-r (Mm. MasmJ, mgr.I—Bill 8 13—MiH'iHi.ns. 'Sulherlnnd ami others .iro nnd cnrrrlug. They ore well put up nth- r™™T^"™"~- —


:.i 111.. ri-!t. Ictcs, working well together. IIHL aim. ...

Grniiu opcrn liuiiBr The Cabaret Oirla » HITli jVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILft ,

IbiN wivk. Proctor'i* ISKth St.—n«x'6 marionette's. •'T'MIC RRIOKlliirtiir Nonmun'B (Ixiuls llurtig, C. nnd A. Wilson, As-lOo-'Mon. (VnlleM (iiid V||MT I Blllk mS VAIIIImgr.)—yiuucyiiioutt (JirM ihls week. Oarleton, C. U. Ward oad cooipDiiy. IHAI I rAlU ~ rUH fUU

J .

Fbbbuabt 13

CONnmiED ATTRACTIONS.ASTOK—Oecrge H. Cohan and William Col-

lier, Id "ileUo Broadway," seventhweek.

BEIiAHCU—FraiKcs iitarr, in "MarlcOdlle,"third week.

BOOTH—"Children nf f^arth," Dfth week.COXIKDY — "The - White Feather."CASINO—"Kxperlcnce," sixteenth week ; fifth

at this liuuse.

CANnLI'lll—"On TriaJ," twcnty-alxth week.CUNTUllY—I>avlowa and Utllet, second

week.COBT—"Under Corvor," twenty-flfth week.COHAN— "It Pays to AdverUse," twcnty-

tMrd week.EMPIRE— Ethel Barrymore, In "The

Ulmdow." third week.I'lLTINGH— "Tho ijong of SoDga," olghU

we<>k.FORTl-FOnilTH BniBIOT—Jlobt, B. Uan-

tell, lu reucrtolre second week.FORTY-KltlllTII «TltHI.rr— "The Lsw of

the I.jind," with Julia Dean, twentiethweek.

FU!m),N— "TVln Beds," twcnty-acventhweek.

OAH-ypV—Itoth Chatterton, In "Daddy Long-?-egH," twcutletli week.

GLOIII.:—.Miintgomery nnd Htone, lo "C3x\d-Chin." seventeenth week,

IflPI'ODIMWn.V—"Winter CIrcua," third week.IIUDSOiV— Ik>ugla<i Falrbanka, In "The Bbuw

Hhop," seventh week.IIARIIIH—Margarol Illlngton, la "The Lie,"

sevenlh work.lCNlCKnillMK;Kl.;it— lllclmrd (Mrle and

Marin Cnlilll, In "Ninety In thoHlmdc" third week.

MTri.B—"A I'nir of Bilk StocklngB," scvcn-l«Dlb "week.

LIllKICrY— Oils Bklnner, In "Hie BllentVolro." K(.venU) week.

LYRIC-"The Only Girl." flfteeirtt week:thlrl<.<.nlh at this house.

LtCLDM — l.:isle Ferguson, • la "Outcaat,"flfti.'nM. week.

MANlIAPrO.N niMORA HOUSE— "Life,"sixteenth week.

NEW AMHTK.ItDAM—"Wntch Yoof fltep."'Will. Mr. nnd Mrs. Vernon Cnstle ojidI'n^nk 'rlnney, tenth week.

1»U^^CH AND JUI>Y— "Tlie Clever Ones,'third week.

I'LAYHOUHB—"Sinners," slxlh we<*.PARK—"I'olyKuniy," eleventh week ; eighth

nl IUIk hoi. ho.

RBPL'HLK;— John Barrymore and Jnno(Iriy. In "Kick In." Kovente<^ntli week;tl.l.tcenlh nt tb.s house.

aUtJlllOlfr—-I'o^Nlghi'B the Night," elgblll

TIflU'^^. NINTH fimiHET—Alarlc Drossier,In "A Mlx-IIp," aeveDtb week.

UN— "WINTBR (1A1II)H> Doi.clng Arotmd,"i^lglvleioitb and Inst week.

WALLA^K'U—Lillian McCnrthv and Ornn-vllle Mnrher, In "Audriieles niiil tho1 Ion" nnil "Hie M«n Who Married aDumb Wife," third week.

"THE RENTED EARL/'Mnxtno I!:ill»t<<a (deonge J. Ai>i)leton

li.iH. logr.) 'V7ie Ucnicd liurl, a farekitl eun-Illy .li. tlirv*. notH, by AallKinjry Meld. Pro.duci-d by WillU..n. A. Bradiy, Ltd,, on Mondaylilplit, Foil. H. witl. Uds oaitt:tlra. Sundciuon-Ilurr,

I'Jvelyn Carter (Mrrlngton1 loratby Milliners Aillee Tilnaali


.Mrs. Answomli TVrcsa Mhvwell.rMaovi'r'!'hc ICiirl i>f t'nruiomlale. .ixuwreiicc D'Orsnv|;hrry Riindoliili HchuyJer Ln.lM.Mamie ItJi.iihHtib. .

'. Olive 'rui.t|»li.<r'>ii

I ii.(ldy lio.teivoud •. .-DoukIua J. 'Suixl' rdillKild J.-llt^uiT AI1>er' lirownl.lj'iw I,eoii. ra (irey

.Sy\iirHiH OK HrnNKS.

Act I—'lie Mo'o-l|.g llooiii ivf "'n..; Wvirtn\tiy»," M.x. f^nnderMO-I irr'H Ilrtine. Act 11—'n.o Hnine. Next 'l.iv.

/IT III—m.e Tivrnce of '"ll.o WiHtwivs."M:i davM Inter, 'lime—'PiX'seut. I'lnce

Lenox, >(. Y.

Snillfix.ry Flehl wJio wrote the book upon• i.lch "Twin lleil.9"- Is horicd, a..d who aljo. lied Mflrgnrttf Mnyo prupare the work Mnge, iilTered n new work fro.n bis pel1:1 the ftlKiVf diile, ciilli'd "Tl.e Itenlcd Knrl."I I umii.Hliig iH.l ve.'.v light, whldi may) '.ly to n.Kxl b<i.>il..|...w fur .i few weeks. Thjl>'ece 1h one nf those trllli>M that uu.usu yo.i

«mic y.u. nre wj.tcl.lug It. only to rornetsU about It before your subway iruln reaches.viur stiMloii

It has, iKnvcvfT, a plot that hi orlglnoj,sMhoUKli (lou.e nf ll.e ^'hUKlni'HM'* lutruduced-hUH d.Kie duty before In plays.

.Arc}iU>i.lO J. Benmor, who may best <w>

d.^icrlhi'd ns a "wise guv," Induces a rinlI'jigllsb I.))ii'l to eonic to America by tellingM.u thn4 111' would mei<t scHue wnrm friendsiJii're of Ills p...!, who Is rcferre<l toliy tlu! Ki.rl IIS "Deal. Old IMc*y.''ei sohcmc Is to rent out tho Earlnl $l,(HUl por day to fanilllM who desire tobiTiik Into high society. A Mra. Bnndereon-'llurr. wIh> has mado strenuous efforts. to bor-pocnlied by the BOrinI lendcni of f/onox,N. v., h.llR for tlio schnme. Hhc Is Intrii-

.'eed to the l'>.rl by Itenmer an n friend of"I'lcky," nud society stiirma her doors to bnl-ivseuliHl- III his loriMilp. Hverythlng goeson heiiutlfully until Freddy Gntewmiil, whoiivH 111 the rlnrl n rival for DonXdiy Mnu-ii'.r's Imuil, pipoHea the sohome, nud not untilllii-n does Hie |.)nrl Uurn tliut lie has beeni.<nted nut by Uenmer for a flnunclal cou-t l.'rntl.iu.

The.. F.iirl pees the humor of . Benmer'arrhiMue anil f.^rglves him ou condlllou thiit

l'<< ri'turu lo Hie Banderson-llurni and iktherI niillles t.lie money be re<'elv<.il for lite rental. ' the title<l gui«t. The phiy ends withliorotby MannerH' eugngeiueni In Hin Karl.

Iflwreuce IvOrtiny plnyed Hie role of thefl'iiple, hiiw-l.iiwlug Bnrl—lu fnrt. It Is nu•llHl.of I'linliK-kot" "role" awl, of,

i.-iirwl. D'tini.iy can only nlny these rolcw,lull In thorn he Is uiiexcelleil,

.Albert Brown, ns'lbe Hiuinpy, busy Ileamcr,p'li'.'ed wllh dOHl. i.uil Nplrl). spli'iiill.l iwlresH, T.-nval Mi.xwell Cou-ov.T. i.nif Init a bit, hut she innde it tell.

Huiiglrts J. WivhI, as GatewiH.d, a role thatrive lilni no chance to net. did well, iloplto111.' liniidlorvii. Alice Undnlil played withii.ii.i.n the nil*' of Divroth.v Milliners, nud |.\i-iMi Oirtor 4\irrlii«}tou, aa tlie anclnl ellinher,Mrs. Kn.nilensoni.JliirrlKiive a it«oil nivount ofl.i'...ielf. ('uii|iuii.

Bronx Op«>rn IIoiiho (Mlwuril Mndilen,tniir.)—Siiin Iteriiurd. In ll.e u.uslnil (..uuihI.v,

Till Holli! ()/ floiiil K/i'i'cf, will, n KOoil coni-t.:iiiv nud n chorus ot rorly. lu'uiiii n wii'k'sI'liL'.igeiiiiMit hero on Moiiduv i.lchl. It looksI'k II hit' wei>k. "The .Mlxl.'ii.llng Lad.v"iiiii'i'S 111 tills ]>opul..r llroux h.iiiwi for onew.> 'i, bi'glnulnK Moudny, I'vh. l.'i.



Lee Lash Studios

308 to 31^ East 48th street :^






ETHELBERT NEVINwith • sale ezoeedlng

5,000,000 COPIESwe are noir enfcafcedIn putting m romn



8 keys: High, Medium and TiOW.Composer of ''Blng Me to Sleep."

2. ADDRITION, (Tioun obu.) .60

By TBL<HA.8 keys: High, Medlimi and Low.

3. ROSE OF HT UFE - -oo

4 keys;

Br ROSE.High, Medium (1-3) and Low.

4. inOOIIIUfiBT mi DRI?E


Set to music of "Destiny" Waltz.2 keys: lligh and Medium.


By FISBBR.4 keys : High, Medlnm (1-2) and Low.

The Ave BongB listed' above, In any key desired,will be sent, postpaid. If you encloao

91X)0 i^nd thia part of tbo adverdae-meat to tike pabll •tiers


aa and 28 West StreetBUSTOft, IIA.SS. .

FOK SALE—Somersault, Do.Nlng, High Dlr-Ing Trick l>og8 and lliiycs, 2 Mpn7-(lo-l(oands,Powers Mo. 6 P. U. 60 Keels of ontU^ all complete.Johnstown Flood Electrical f>how for sulo or lease.Wanted Hap.-r Playing hand Urgan, Prof. UaxryBmllb, Oraiz, Fa.

SORO WRITERS. Amateurs, I'm having mjBougB published gratis. Nccdlnformatlenr Stamp.

L. IlERTON WILLSON, San Ulero, Callt

All Taitoo Marks removed from skin Icavlug noBCiir. Sufflclenc quantity to remove largo piecewith InstructloDB sent postpaid for tl.OO In IT. H. A.foreign poslago auiljiucklnff, lOc. euro.H. K. BfcLli.iU. D., Jlermatoloalat,44 W. 34th Wt., Sow York City. V. B« A.

DIRECTORWilli Short Cast Ullle for Fall and Tab-loid Shows. Must bo cipalile or i lea d wlihoutnotice. Bee ad. on pago 21. GEO. C. IlALl,.

"MY RENT IS PAID"Latest Comic Bong 11 1 Agents making over eo

Eer cent.- Sample copy, music, words and patUca-its, IOj. popular MUHIO AQK UY,

207 W 183rt St., New York.

f-TR.tP DRVMMEn. Owingto closing uf Tandevlllo house.

I biubiii I Kxpcrlenced all lines, ll'-lls.

Drams, Tnpe, A. RotM. JAMliS 0. ENGUSU,Trenton Tueatre, Lynchburg, Va.


Jubilee Wi.«el>-: Marto and DuIT.t, Trtd and A.k'le

Aatalr, llmonoi. on.1 Aiinls. Vlo Irwin ond com-pany. Mullcr :inil Stanley, I'ckhi WyskrlM, LaI'elltc .Mltnnn, Wlllo Uros., lloey iind U'C, Itolfe »

"Oolonljl Uaye," llcorjr ).r<rlB and Treat'e SOals.

OaCHCKKT (Eilw. I', rielily. mp-.)—Ttic Otcb-

tent Stock Oo. pie«ent "Tlie .'vlarrli«e Oauw" Uils

week. "Tho Yeltow Ticket" uext week.

aoTiuu (PnuHne Doyle, nigr.) — The OoUaniPlnvers present "Ttie Vaiiiplte" Ihls week."Within the Law" next week.

Keunbt'8 (Frank A. Kcenpy, mpr. )—Obntlnu-0118 siillt week Taudevllle. Illll B-10: Tlio Acro-

C"le La4l(s. -Hong Kon,T noil comiuny, Oresoryupe, Rlcbanli and Montrose, Tbm ami ber,'

Sondles. and' tbrte oilier blB acli. Fnr H l-l,;

lie. MInnI Amoto. hi "The Apple o* Paris;''

n.)M and Fenuin Playen, Jiaruioay Four, an«others.'• QRitENTOiNT, Ft.ATnDBU, WABWicK. SHimarr,OLTUriC, COLUMDI*, OoUltnT. FOLLT, FlTTHAvrNUR JoNcn, I.idbrt.t, IIijod, IIalsbt, UbhroBit, Fcl.TON, vaodevlllo siid pklnrcs.' OouBBLiND, nvmn.n, I.tnticn. Uisiioir,O:cr0Rn, Rotil, isotloa pictucoi uily.

'<l'0-D.iY" STIIilj OETTINO IT.The- Soalhem "Ito-Day" Onmnany. ot which

rmll Ankermlller la manager, plajeil a return

dale In lint Siirlnsts, Art., to blgsor hnrtoess Ihao

on llB fomier stop, Fet». .1. This company la

la Its tncni.T.flrat week, only two of which, tn

the cotton »latc«. being Iwers. Harry Von Til'

Vrr wmt lniliir«l to Bend Ihe camD.niiv buck Into

niilelnnd, wllh the that pnat efaceks 01no mean amoaut ate agaUi ivllliic hlls way.


9, BOGBas, hub;.; '

lOila lioose, always Boprcmo In Tandevllle, net that sliotild keep her btuy for MIBe ttnM,IS prcBcntiDg a ptogram tbU week that Is on Sho surprised the targo audlcMO wltha toernnr with anythtog je« leeD aere; eloglng voice, rcDderlij? "Keotuckr Daya" to"

N VZIMOTA, starting her third succcasfnl scTeral encorca

»(l.k held attention with her wwlderful peace VnudcTllle •welooitiM mic* cnpeble nrtutsrkSt-h "War Brides." for fijU/ thlrty-tUrcc ns UAI.l'H KIOGS and KATIIHRINBoluutai. At the Mondftj iMtlncc the Uouje WITCIIIU. who are toKlne a a»or In Taud"was taxed t« capadtr.ahowlDg the remark- \llle from musU-al comcdj. Maoj daDCloRTblc drawing powers of this artistic actress, acls have been seen here, but It la doubtfulNizlmoTft 1» without eieeptlon one of the whether nnv: have been superior than this

ercatcst attxaeUons that l>aa over been seen clever coaplc. Thcj ere a credit to theirfn vRUdcTllIo. profession.

INA CLAIIbB, direct from her trlamph In KIlAIXB]R.and &10RTON, wtio call tbcm-—mieai comedy, made her loltlal appearanco selves 'Two Black Dots," waren't particular

In vandeTllle at thia bouse, and If the reccp- Trtmsc act they 0>ve. The boys are devcf. bi-.t

lion accorded her oonnts for future bookings. <aiiftie thrmaelTTfl to other people'a matorlnl.

ahe has a bright prospect fcefore her. While There Isn't a bit of original stuff In their

one or two of ner songs could be greatly Im- whole performance. Ther can slog and dancenroved. the audience nked hor, and that goes and U would be to their advaoUge to bnvoIn vaudeville. (See .(ew Acts.) an act suitable to their talent written for


•ertlng "Twenty Minutes of Pat and Marlon," TUP. WEUNEJIt-iUIOROS COMPANY, four

went over as they always do. Several new men, had the ooeolng spot, end their per-

eoocs have been added, aUo an Impersonation fonnance at the Monday matinee should war-

o( an up-to-uate leader, In which Rooney rant them a hotter spot. Juggling, dancing,

direota the orchestra from the orchestra pit, piano playing, singing and many other atunu^itIdc a dcnwDstr^loa of his dancing abil- embrace their work.

Thm M. and MMFX COHRADINl'S HRNAfl-WILL ROOBBS, with a line of patter toat BIllB, In the closing position, had a hard

cot bim over with TDUch to spare, and a half time keeping them seated, bot when they got

dozen lariats, captured one of the laughing started tho crowd simply Awarmed back to

hits o( the bill. It's a return eo0agemcnt of witness one of the classiest animal acts ever

Roeers at this bouse, and the way they ap- presented here. . Zebras, elephants, homesolauded him showed wbat a big favorite ne La. and dogs arc put throosh a rovtihe of tricks;

MARIV NORDSTROM, in an act almost a the like of wtlch has never been eeen herecounterpart of lier liusbiuid, Henry B. Dlxcy, teforc. Ithc eot was a distinct suooess. ( Mewfdvos bits of TaodervUle as presented by a ^cts, nexrt week.)

celtimaite star, were very enjoyable. Miss The Heiarst-Sellg Weccly, 8h<nrlos views of

Koidatroa is a capable actress ajad has an tho past week, wa« Intarasan^ Jtct.

ffTANDARD Rnoe., tU mlnutca, toll(age. Here an excellent act. Tbey area- Clever pair of gymnasts. Both boys workvery nusy and free 'from cicrtli>n. Tnelr ttg(eat Is lumping from altitude^ wlUi bajpsover head, and TandlDR on hands of partner.Three bows.Tho most thrillliig episode of "The Bx-

plolli of Klaino" oloavd tho show, ifylf.


Bernard Ownvlllo, "donblln« up" at this

fcocBo from Hanunerstelu's, is enough to pull

4he crowds, bur besides OranvUle, Orvllle

IbuTOld, the noted Yankee tenor, la going"OftT.AlltF'' In tiie headline position oo iin.

. oUier near wonder Ull liere Unls week, whicbwas chAi^ced, owing to E)m Tanguay's can-

cellation.OnvHiLLiB QAIUliOIiD was "on" one spot

400 late to an tliat wns due for hl.i live

Slumbers, tils openatlc one fhlH'ng below the

way thoy received his singing otf "rm Falling

In l/ove with Someone," ''l llear Yoo Caillne

«e," and fintsUng with "Uohher hiachrec."

S)inli Polak assisted him «t the piano and. had a one hand npoclatty. „„„„

• nniUNAinO OBAItTILU) foUorwed niEIlTc-WVyS well known eketeUne, aocoinpAnl?d

by himself os w«ll as JuUus Xenzt>erirs O-'lonfcil unkmlzed miualclBne. "Why Not Sing'Wcnrlnf; of the Oroen,' " "Wtio'll Tsic Caroof bho Harem When the Bnltan Goes to Wnr."iwhlch scored U«, and "I Didn't Ralec My\Boy to lie a Boldlor," first straight and then

as he and Ruby Cowan had beaxd a cabaret

singer "-put it over," were In Granville's

repertoire Monday night This is one of thefunniest bits <he has "in." end it scored asbig as his second song and hds two recita-

iUons, and the "tipsy" eong and corking ec-

centric dance. OranTille; la a great big head-liner. _Two now offerings that scored de<4dcd suc-

ces«s here s(t both Shows Monday, wcr.5

URA^M LBDOn and URIO (Moore, O'Brienand Cormaek), In ooe ot hho best sma turnseeen on Now York'a v«ud«Ttlle stage this sr«-

fon. and "aH)IP3 TUuVt PIASS IN TUBNKUIT," a one act comedy by WHson Mlznur,tlmt foaturos DiiUan DillwoUli to advantagi.

(Cooh wlU be fully reTlerwed In N«iw Aets.ncrt week.) The skotch closed B>« Sret haltof the Ull (Kttcr riemard (Iranvllle) and theOnvce Lel0h act was sooond after lotcraU,!-Elon.Ddgar Alton Woolf wrote a world-beating

funny sketch when he completed "The Uil-tard'' for \«,ndevlHe purnosos, tor RnOLSACaNNIiU^U ANiD COUPAN'Y. She nnkcs amost convincing an<l dianntof wife ot a•Lolkird" In tt» sketch, tlie action oc-curlng In the Uvdng roan of an old maiddrceamaker, who 1ms a flniv looking boarderpaying her rooon rent weekly. Tho stta3t.ouIE capital, ooid the porformonces of Mln Con-ncHl and Harriet Mnrlolte solid goU. Al.I!)-An, as the "Ix>llard" of a husband, andHave Unibuy, lu Dbc boarder, avve oic«^l!orit

aid In landini; thu comnly a '^ixnmor" lorgood lively ontcrtalnment.

Dnncin? a-cts'wlch songs, Uke OBOHORWiriTE and ISAOBLI^ .TASDN present, aronot to l>e sneered at. Ibaln* is a good dis-tance away from other (ipibo-<late and ec-(imtrlc d.tnce doubles, and opcntnc aSor In-

temilsalon, and dressed up-to^om[i>ube, theywore huge flavorltos here.SAM WI'>STON and SIDNRT OLiAiRB

opened Uic biU after the Hearst-Sellg Weekly,end soorcd with their single and'doubic softshno dancing.The TWO MDYAKO SISTBOS gave a flno

performance, opening with a routine of goodcontortion work, and closing "In one," withthree songs, the Inst being their Idea or anAmci-ican ragtime couple singing ."DumDiddle Ds-TTm Itum," to a big flnlsh.

SfERUG'S COCKATOOS do luxe closed theshow, and held tlie house protty, still till

the birds' last stunt Tod.


Tto Ulddletowa V»lt AMOctalUm, UMdlMOTn,Fa., wni hold Its slxtemtb inoBtl Mr, Mp«.7-ia

Wllh a view to oilartlsf (he activities la no-mctloo with the Baugrarat at tbe fair ti» (tock-hohlfn. at tiM aDoual iiiretliiK Id Jidwit electediirtem dlctcton Inatmil ot bIim, as h<reUi4on>. Inont«r to cairy out the pcilcjr of expanaloa mtc-ffeotlvelr. lh« tflrmUM iMvmta ot the (lit

K«t« carffullj roiuiliVTnl In anklnx Ifaa per-

maar\ ot the dlnctnrale, and tbe Irapartaoce othaving i1lir<m)t sccllom of Iho coaatj Rvieoentvdon tt>e board wm not OT«rloobt<l.


Tbe aaiwlellaa la nry inccli enramand evertbe ttrtirtil oalkMk tor a gnater anl bettn fair.

Tbe KtiDdIng oommlttTCa m well omaa'aed, aadeiiMct to put Into prscttc* pod* ailvaacvd bUaski fair maiiagtawBt that will t.e of gnmt-tnMIn tbe aiTaDoeamt ot acrlruliure, donmtlescience end other nlllMt Intcnrati that c» to wtk»up a uncvm^ol fair.

Tbe iinort ot bone tacliiK will be made a pno)-^tnent (<M(ut(>, aiiil bota«j«u nrr cordially Invited(a take In lh« Ulildtetovrn Fair Ibla Pill. Tbcrs«in b« a font trick, .(ood iiurocs, ami a wirawekoae for all,

Th« folloirlnK offlcent will serve dnlDf theStar: A. L, Brb. ptmldmt; E. Kelptr, vieo-LrMldent; M. H. Oin«rlck. l-*<*nnv; If. B.ucbaeaer, manager; f. B. KUjman. stcietiOT-

YOaiC, PA.. FAIR.17k] atlrndniica at ic Urand Old Totk Day and

Might Pair, York. ,Pii., for Ibr jtn 19M wianivut ITJ.OOO. Plieodinlnal whm the millMVondlllon* are cooal'leitit Il.nin every day ei-«ipt Prldiy, RMdptv $33.IiSI>.B0. Rxpeadltam, Biliacc, IS.Mt.tS.Tbe offlcers elected for Ike year tSlB as tol-

Iowa: Jnbn H. Wogan. (trMldtnt; D. T. SlaaOer,vice prv«|.|,sl ; O. O, Heckent, Hmlarr ; DlidH. l/ouckit, trmanrer ; D. 0. Dnvdonf, eon*-ponding utt^ltT) i II. D. Smrier, nice lecielaryaiul aDnerlnteudeot of altraotiou* ; F. 0. Uuller,(UTierlDtraikiK of machinery.The MIrtwnT will bo In ohatee of D. 0. Drar-

dorir anil will not be aublet. Bp^lal altncttonawill feature Ibe iiUbt eihlhMon tnli yeir.,-AII Ve Oraiiil Old York l^nlr ask to Inxnr* an

iltendance In cic««ii (Vf 200,000 for IDID la fairweather. As tfie °nrlng, live ttock' aod atrlcul-tunl and all eibtblu will b* ka>: ^to Ike stindraid ot exixllence and hnnenally. ttiti bos oon-Irtbulod to the fime ot tbe lircMt twmy.Svecent fair In America.

Va\T da'.e tor ihia year will be Oct. 4 to 8, la-eluilTe.

Harrison SistersOrroo-tlort M. Truffurtt

(Pat Caaejr Agency)

Benella, Best flirl Banjolst In the World

Clipper Post Office.


KANSAS CITY *VIATION CRNTRE.KnnMiia CItr may berouic tbe aTlalluu cvnrrr ot

the UnlKd &latn this year lo plim ot Oblngo.A mimbrr of arlalon whii. hitTC Imn bonking iiut

of nicago, bavo anuoiinccil that tbej aro goingto make Overland I'ark (heir hcidavutcn Uilsyear. A nimibtr of cilillililon fllcnls will bo(l>«n from tbne to time ilimifhoot Ibe somii.Fnnk Obamiilon, a dirlnx rldvr of tbe oiono-

vlaiie, hii asnoiuoeil that hv will make thIa cityhis taendqnartera. Do Lloird TbooMon U goingtt build hi* nmr loop-the-lwp amnlaue at Over-Innrl l>irk. (Jautain IlmoTwrll, at Ot. L^nb, is

gobig to superlntetid Ibe ciiiiklrucllon ot a mwtni-ris«cneer dirigible at the sama park thlaBpFillg.

Armstrong MisAAllca. MhiaWArUar. Ur«eeAndenon MarlonAdile. UUr.Aaderooo UllmaAbtntI, HieAlwatar, RvaBlair, UlasBairlngtoo.


LIbby A,WtWd. CIMBalrdv DlanrheHall. MadPlhMBwe, llat» M

JolUOOBmil.i Un. F.B.Drona, N<naUnant Itettt ABolnl, LMbOortla, UartaOontaer.

PaullmQillaOD. Aimaark, Ifjrtle


Oiaie, r.nifva

aark. Allk>ChOTBlon.

Madameflvidray, PegyVeU. On]>*). niisabtibVeVtKtnt. StdliDmly Mrs. Jai.

DnNord, Mal>ell>emarr«t Mirgvne Youog, Iloaa

noyle, nncnl)ovlne,Mn. IVwil. J.


nooLevy UlasMDevero, DeliaItnaenoo UatfOnDbotboit.

' Mra. FrankRTCfenb, MctaDrwelt MHrl»fulnkoodo IVkrIa

Formt. MltlamrrandJ, Trials

Pord, Hllvia Mojer 8I<itPTt

yrr. KlorvDc* Mack. Obaa. 1>. .

nrldo, l>olly Molk>y, MiriamPwter, Kihel Manly, Un WnPItbcr. Kmllv NctMi, NanKir Un.]. laiai Oweita Mra.PJ,Pair. I'earle Price, LillianKaber. Annette I'otaraon,

Piy. I.llllan Rllahathnnley, llrule Pond. Ooldeo*GlWrnia, Mlytlif Uollalre; l.rola

GodtrvT, Rowtle, 'QiweoMaTbellc Iluaelln, May

Orant Uf«.aw. Illnaldo,

(Im'ne Mary I.. . Ilrlru DeUarOmai, Mrt). OW Bayuoiid.Uonnon, : OariMlt

Mariarel Ibxle, Vandallnbert. Mn. II BIhi. UjlviaHewitt, Dnlh SlMVlilao, Maud*Harding. Uuliy Sykro, OirullneHall, Aleta Hluart. UortbaHall, Ikiale Short Etanmllrlncrk. Anita Stirling, .

Hint Mallrooki Jiwle nialTlllte. KlMnon M. John AldulaKlbbert Mac fltaowl. KittylliKloon. Hair, Klnrenc*

llihe A Ola Htauiitiin. MUo.Inmnn. iSplltler, Qraco

.May Oiborji* Xb'lirr. Mlu

Wiirk, 'nios.Wllmn, l<>

Wllcoi, UwlgbtWylbe, Obaa. P.Wllla A ttoulhrrofwWllkcniwn. C t,Wblto AOtoaJeaoWbltfleld. J. T,


IrlnoJniut, MabrtioJohnaoo.

OenevlcvaJnhnmn, IlrrtbaIviiiaht, K.llnor

Kem»y, MnJohnl4inln», Jtanoel.ynutte,

KatbleanIxvnnnI, HavaaI/O Itoy, kllMl.rOuuiit,, DfMleI.arar1e, Marl*Uwl^ Adal/t*. Nal^rlnr. SollyMrKriitle Dycle.MrWIn. MarMuvhall, IdaMay. OraceMott, RNa R.'Uouie Uarlett

(It. Jobn.AU.UU

Bpaelb, (Irnre

atuarl, Ma^le.Mi|i|«'ily. KniinyHtrrae, OenllTnnwr, OalnvThianaa, MatteTellfr. HluTtaunton I.llllan

nVaodale, I,nulwVance. RnnlcuTastier Koor,

Mra. If. 1^

William*. May

OeialUo*Wiley. Ctllth

Wllann, HollyWnrirt. (line

Wallace, HopeWalRlit, MnyWallen. RelmaWall, KdllbYale, Anna


Ang«lo, BillyAdams &

PTCTiph, Jno. F. I Kott.Addlooo OoFenpiugb 0< U Marku, 0. ACE vvcvvmiv *k .......V.., ...

Bchacttr ICnnliritrd nroa |>llll*. Jm. O.Frank, J. B IfuoreDOdlnn 00Frink, ' P. J. Marrloh. la*.PTred, Ilenrr MarPatlnne. 811maka,. Mnnlrnl Melvin, I'nol

Ulllr*, W. I.arry MiOTCticad, P.O.


A corliing good bill drew tho people 'Into Jtonday maUnec, being foroed Into two en-

Hanmiersteln's, and tho theatre Ttas crowdedat the rise of the cuptalnl Such heodllncrsas Bernard OranvUle, Lillian Blinw, Ken'oDavlos and Fisher and Orcen on one bill

would na/turally pack a house.As so added abtrantlon, on oilterpiecc, Loney

Hsaraii and Aithnr Ilammersteln preaent-MTamny Otatr's-lOiteet "uncle Thomasobefsky's made her entrance, sue was given a vsry

Cabin,'' a travesty on "Uncle Tom's Oabln." iipdsy ovation. As iisu.M she a migiity

The umngement learned a lesson a few wedn Ug tit Try as Uic n.iidl«ico would th-jy

ago when It ptit "On nie" lost on the bill, fouW nwt got •her to sing more thon three

and had the people walking out In the middle songa Sbo song stralehil and litaUan andof It This week. Barnard Qranvllle fol- Uobrew dharacter apyp*.

cores. Tholr closing dance, "Tango Beg,'novel, and nvs voty nuich Uked.

JiAiCK KiRAliYT OMi BIDiitUi!) UROe broughtthe house down with their eioeliont danafngturn. (Ktm Acts.)lilLLIAN miKW nvust liAve tbou^t thew moved over to IIa.mmemteln's when At)

made her entrance. She was gireo a v?ry

FIKSTA AT SAir ARTONtO.It lias hewi decided fay Ibe •lecnllre tMUd el

Pleata Aaaaciatlon, ot San AUoolo, IVx., tbit astbe King's Hall will be Sfimdar nlfbt, April 1»,Timday and W«dn««)By, April 20 and 21, will balet ifiirt for tbe Flenti Vote, wbldb la aofmallyglien under tbe aneploe* o! tbe BVowtt Diltl*Amoclntlon. Tbntsday vlU witness Ibe corooatlooand Queen's Jlall, aod ttie Ploirer Battle and Flo««>Pand* will lake place FrUtay afteraooe. April 23,thga prolonging tbe social eveota of tbe Flest* torItw entire week.

Allee B. Ayrea Is ptetMent of lbs Fletta Aaao-cladoD. Thl* Oeata u cairled on laifcly tr Itmaoclety people at San Antonio. 4od la antvent.

kwod tbe piece, anil the people retained theirseats. All In all, tbe bill was nicely select-ed and arranged. There ivns a good varietyKt acts, and tho poArons scumcd porfcutlysatisfied.''

Loncy Hnscnll has ' the nicdt idea. HI;showed £ godd' Keystone comedy, entitled "Aliirtl's a Bird," and got all his oustomers In.good humor.


FlSirsit and OitIDI')N returned to the cor-

ner with their sketch, "The I'antncts.:' It

Is 3 funny story on. the style of "Potash &Perlmiitter," with ft little subway bit thrownIn. Tiie act Is excellent oiid tho tnlcut Is

better, If possible. ItoUi of lbe_ boysj.arovery clever Ilobrcw comi'dlanH, who ' knowhow lo get laugh^i over, 'Hey were assisted

b\ Grace Dv Miornt, NVtao makes a ecod op-

pcanuKC ond is n good nctross.

r».»„ xf„ AiA„."iIMCbR THlX\U.SCllHPSIvy'fl CAIII.V"

was tbe next bl; act, and was Mkcd. (NewAcW.)


HBRNARD GRANVir>R. held over for asecond week, ropoiitcd hLs previous surccas.

lie Is a gri-at fa\-i)ritc with the "Cornerlteii.'

He snm; "Take Her IVnrk." '"Hie A. O. II?.

Ing, "Love Me or Leave Me Alone,' "Itosoof My Uenxt" and "Niiht-Tlnic In Dlxle-Ipnd.'' .

ALBERT DONNDLLY. who bllU himself"The Sllciit Humoriat," Uvea up to liU Wil-ing, Donnelly Jias a novel shadowgraph actthat la presented In a way ^llgUtly dlitcrent' ..^ironn bls-otiior confrerco. He received a good of the 0. S. A." and "I Didn't My Boy

TWO FAIRS FOn RBADHrQ.A nnodier of ReodInK, I>a., borsenMn .held a

meetbiff In that city lait week, and pbrnied tostart a fair tills year on Ibe old fair gnnada,nfler bntirovenenla are marie. On Feb. A, Ibadirectors of the Berks Oountry Ilertlealtnmi andAgrlcnltnral Society held a meetlnc, and tke eoiA-milled on sites re{>orle<J that It bad onder coo-BlilcmUon the selecUod ot one of the three sitesfor the n«t fair. , ,

It la llkelr tbat CarmHila Park win be oelcotedRInce tbe atiand^nlne of the old fair grounds, Ihcsociety bougbt aooe land out of :'tbe dty, butbare uliicc given that up .alfto.

PATTEHSOM ROOKS F.i^IIlfl.JareoH PatterAon, owner.* bitd narry B. ^Koyes,

gefiernt iignit fOr Ibe Omit i'atteraon Maows onlL*tnrdoy,. Jan. ;in, al!ni>l"<l ihn rwUns of theyoulliweatern Aaniclatkm cf fairs at th^ Ooita'II<wie, In Kansas Cll.v. and nroiited Ibe conlracieto fiimlHb the oxclaidre .Mlilwuy ebows al thaSlate faira of Knnua anil .Oklilioma,

MAIIA<W I'RAISR.H IRRO^Al'T.I. H. Mabiin, tbe oerrciary' ut tbe Oklahoma

Slate Pair, loi'lm In (hank Rd. U. Ilalchbiiin.Ibe aeitmiut, Ibniiu^h tbe cohonns of Tiia NawToBK Oijn-m, for the excelleat aeroinadeiil ex-lilbltlnus Riven by hho at the Oklahoma gUl« FoirLiiit Pall.

Alman, DanAlvln, FrankAihcroft. PbllAllan, Jack

. Alvo, KmeatAudloy PlajeraAnick. JackApplevate. UoyAngoU, ploeBaker. IlanyBowen. Ilarr*Biirnia. CallBavTt. Wm.Bell, Chis. T.narraa, ValDarrvtl, Pal R.

Barbler, John FBranl, F^lwlnBate*. Olrdf J.

Biecktorlilga aBivry. W. V,Ballir, 0«o.BnTlon, JoeBenne4l. L«oBaker, Or. JohnBarketi DchBrtmpt, F. R.Drown ABhcrldii

Boolhe, II

Burke, JohnIllondin, LeoKnm, DickBiiekley. W, C

UllltV, IT. ,(n,i/ «,vi«uf-«.i, .,

Ont. Byron l.xrnrrls, Andy0<Ti«»r. Oheiler Mmrv, Arlh TOorlon's Mliiillii'ifelnai), D<''.i

Oocdon AOnrilnn Miller, Arlliiir

Boaeh.Ill J ,

Brook*, BacbtBuck, J. I..

Diirtos, Ttaoa.B.BlaliuMI, Wm.Bland. II. II.

Ilrowu, Dill

Boulden lloivard

Burmia, Wm.IIIIIInK, 11. a.

.^Btirby. Ofirdun

ChaM-, nal<'hrl«ty. IvinOollni, HarryCbant FredCrrtlawl, O. E.Ouuilnffbam .1.P

Ciuey. l*<Miird-riiMiiiplon, JackOranford B. D.C'borrroH-

Iloltldar Oojv,,iuH, vr#, ,,u,l(i^,,,

CariKTiier. Wra. llHrrcy Ttiotiark. Wed " "

sheru of applause.TOM SaaTH, a nowoomor on Wg time,

was reviewed a fow wcolis ago wSillc at tbo'Acodomy of Mualc by Tub Ci.ippen. As anut" oomedbui bo will bo. hard to beat Ho

provfid to be tiae dark home of the Mil, and

to Co a Soldier." He rcalt-nl a now.^-rocltii-

tlon tWa week, "The Yoiuw /Wrttiah- SoIiHcr," ,

by Kipling, ntid nho repcatMi the rwltallon,


J'Honor." lie vs-as ono of tha big bits ofthe ^dll.

SIAIIZELLA'S DIRDS Is one of the pret-

HcKt and most Intorestlng bird acts In the

world. The several members of the fealhcrzdMIAjY SQARP and Vl'SV TDREK havo a troupe performed many reraarkable foats.

tery neat black aitd <tan face dondog and A Pathe Frcro Weekly dosed the excellentBlnelne act iOmv •mn quite a decided hit - bill. JTyloa,

ran among tlie Orst tbrec for the anplauscLonors,


Tbo Omt thr<>0 days In Jiuw bun l>wa flicdfor the n>-imlon of Ihe Mnll'sl Onifittcnle Vot-PTuns'ln lUrhmond hr .)nl<-r ot Oi'iMTil ItcnnettII. Young, comfnaniWr-lnctilef, The order wasiKiuvd lu Mobllo on Jan ,'lfl.

(CBAU. POTSDAU, MOB.)On Mbntaf ercnlng, Fy>U 8, Manager Pota-

oam pjrt the okl reliable S. It O. sign on Uevex olDce wilndow. 'ibto Is quite an unnsii.Tlbapncnlng for Monday night, as the patronsor tae AmcrUan sceoi '6o prufer any night butMonday to see Uio rtiow. Tho bill wns veryBoou. In appreciation the nlgbt audienceroundly arobiuded every -tum, a,nd OTere wofl

SS^ did no* go down stairs agninw tho theatre fecUoir porfooOy sure that hoOf ahc wore tho hMs of tho sliow.<./5^''«"*" «l>en«l 'wlUh nn illufltrated song,

You IVvy^-fcr a Broken Ilenrt"BIW81H and WILLIAM RAM8DBLL, ten

minutes run stage. The Ramsdclls have aneat ballet and modem danclns act. Theyore oxceedlnely clever toe dancers. Theireitwino number, a comblnaUon of the one-aicp, hesltstlon, tango and fox trot, was very800(1 Three bo>wB.

xrio '^H^.S CALDWBLL, ten mlnuten. In one.

S? ^-'./^'''well bas o very nice volco. HerWBNrobc Is neat She inakcs a good anlicar-"b'^*'. She sang a big number, "TiltUo Ilouse

;i!'i'".,Jl'"' "On the Shorra of Italy"nna Tlppenury Mary." Tho audience liked


,ii^*i™21«''* CTINNINOnAM, fifteen mln-

'V special set TMs Is a nice, re-

r^i ."'"King, dancing and Ulklng act Olrl^1 Ingenue and boy Is One Juvenile. Hoy1..1?.*'7 All tbe songs were put?»" nicely. lUn snng "llnshful Doll."

•rSL".?;",!?. I«<llee* and "Slowest Qirl In

1.1, Would mnko a good number two for

TiiVS"? SUL Four bow*tiuw niQLLS. odgfeiteon mlutibB la one.

Wells ns one of the Ug hits of tlM MIL Uingafter his turn the wpplaune woa still kept up,

and he woa forced Iji return and do an Cm-

core. He is an excellent monoloelat and hn»nomo very One nuUcrial. Ills Zaiapbone ( ?)

plajilng vfos A big Uit Six bows and ancncorii.

I'M). GAriI.<Ai(«IIEIR and nOB CAELTN,Fcvenitem mJwrtos, i^wcdo) dn>p and "props.'

BO. Gallagher and Dob Carlln presented •'Be-

fore the Jftist." 'fhls is very similar to Onl-

Inghor's "Itattio of Hoy Itnm." Tbe not Id ei

tttmely cnnilcal and Ls biilibling with honeit

laughs. The boys are clever aotors. Themedley of nungn Is very good. Tho net wasa riot l'"lve curtain cnlls.

A funny ICoystwie comedy. "Mnbel, Fattyand the Law" tv-qs presented thirlng littur-

mljslon.THK SOI.OMINES, twelve minotes, In one.

The Solomdneu have a neat piano and vliilln

offering. Until In Spnnlsh coatumcs. Mnnot plauo. girl plnys violin. They ore Unbilled

mufllclnns. A very enjoyable turn. Four bows.

"<'I,0,VK9 A NO SlflTH." Dftecn mlnutcn.

In throe, special set. A very, funny Oct

modeled after the famous "I'otash * Perl-

mutter" style. Act was reviewed at River-

side Tlicatre by TliK CtirPBS. Hhe acting Is

very good. Three airtain onlls.

COOOAiN and Cn.X, 10 urinutca hi "one.

This Is n very good headline a*t Straight

nnd funny oocentrlr nut comedian.^Open wWi

For«,dnnceKtrtfor - ..

ahODt. Four bows.


Hm: Nebruki Agricultural HoeMy mc* at Un-colD; Friday, Peb. ft. and ttanoacled raiulderableLmlnew ot ««pcclal heueat to tbe coooty filnohd Bgrlealtnral Inlrmla of that State.

WORLD AT iiomf: a>d oanadiaji' BXIIiniTIONH.

Tho World at IIudw has boobeil tbe following\ttMtn niutuWnn rThlbUUos: Calgary, Bdosnloa,trssbalcoD and Qegliii. •

Tna RiOLB's I'tRK. .ine rello East of Rrasll,Ird,, which was olTrmI "fur sale" aaDc.tlme ajpo,bu been looked uvir by a party of Chicago oat-c'oor amnwAient croiuot*-* and, . piDrlilln; ar-|rangemmta can be nuiki wtib the streal car com<paiiy lo fomleb hourlr icrvlcc, wUI be opcntfai an-imoaemcTK park nnt Rummer,

ANNdiTNcnMtNT hos twn nudf by PreeldtctOurlct C. Menre, of Ihe I'ananla-I'ai'ine Inter-nalhaial Krpc^i.'llon, Hut ibr cPMind* ord all lb*eiblhil pi'«rM i»f tbe eipiwlMim will h«' openeverr day hetwreo Prb. 30 and Dec, 4, IDIIS. la-dividual e>blljlior» and niirewnlallvn nl hrelfnand Stat* ^vernmenta will be pennllted to eloo*(tclr dl«plvs at Ibrlr own dUcrettoa.oM day eatkweek,Tua new Atrdom* Itollor Itlnk, hi ZaB«vlll«,

O.. opened Jan, 23, to hie liualiKW, "nn larcraiiiMlirrliiin wan ciunded, and Ihe vmlnie pnmlieato bo 1 siircraa. It la o,ipraU.d uy the laHt.tiate Blnk 00., wllh W. K. (Iriina. general nun-i-rer, nnd A. A. Acfceruun. n-iiiii^iit o<anac^. .\tnimilnf; ond oftenKioii wMaliiia inihtlr 1« furalahcdby an entan. whlli* nl nlsut tb«re la a linnd.Ttiki rink la, liullt on llw ,lte of the old Alrdome'riieaire, on .''unlli .Mlitb rilreH, wb<rh wa* for-Kirrly opernlcil by W. O. Oulm^ an a vaofevlli*awl alock Ikealte.

Tiia Oyatil r.*ke I'nrk Cow wa* IneorporaKdat Albany by K. K. tvblla'icr. A, Kcllan andB, P. llanllnglon. 4 1 I'ark Uuw. Mtw y«rk.

V' •-

STOVE AND IIUGHRS.Bea Btoae and Prank Iliwbe*. wi;rklac toeether

lo a neat dantc 'iirerlu oo tte Vrpbeaa tia»,wm arriwi la Sloox Oily, la., IM. 0.

Mnrrla, II. A 0>MiOirty. JerryMallelt. OnpUnNt-Hli-lle, P.. II.

Kugrnt Wm. F.Ni'luen. 0. BNcwklrk A

Kr.iiis HIateraM'l-. Thna. P.Nank**IIIr-

IlemardViimian, IVrcy.Nnman, Vic. LNorrl*. O. J.

Prir* A lloniielll

Feiieltnn. lUiv

Page. JiidgrO.B.Piedmont Nov.ObPollack, K. a.Piedmont i

DmowPhillips A

Drennanriiil. f>. U.'l-rlnee ot Ti>-

Nlilht" OoQuality Hlipi &

NiivellT Cn.

R<N;hro, Ilimry

Hrnn, FruiikItitfo. fireni

Iti-UI, II., I>r.O<i

ltivi.iw:n>fl C. 0nicliiirdiwii. A It

llli'hnrdi T. JHnnwll, P. A.Ilnuoni, flw.Iliiitw'll, P/ilwIn

Riwll. KrnlItime i Ite.viHild*

lllley A Stnni'

Rimwll, I> K,

llllpy, J, P.

Itniim A PliianItiMMley, JackIllHV lllOH,

rtm.Kj Il'>i. C'innleVlU,,!. "-^ Ilftcy, II. IIir»y nicbdrda, llarrrflllironl A Ray Julinaon, O. 0, Himm, JuIis <t.

Oblvmon, Harry Je%ri'll, JMt IIhIhtUi, lliiiiiph

(Joiili-y. Will. J X t Ranch A nin.. Rllly I,.

><v>rllniid T)r,n.B IlarrN Hhow lihidnbinlt C>B.Otmlci, W. K. Jack, Bert . Rl'.file, I'ai'li-

OarMon. Alei. King, Jack ntriiniH. JackOnjie, 'ni'ii <:. Kl'iif. HInnliT •4|...rviiiinl. Dill(Vslune AAnuto, Klnxjnrw, llnv Haiiniel* MaiirlivCU-n-lind A Ki'"iii.dy, H, .\. Mh>-rldan ASIiori

Downy Kelly, JuinlaOlMilnga, II, Kci'iuin, Jna, B,Chmney, larapl.-Ki'VOH, Cliel

nrnndl, Bolierl

Qnhiin, P,irl

(lowtrlcb D, W,(iitliicsH, Chan,(llilman. Win,nonnnik A Dell

(IrtMell. (liHi,

tlrewmer, (leo.

Orrxlwln, Kenlllral, Dll!yHoarard. HarryIlnrl* ii MeyerItiloey, Helb 0.Henry, F. 0.

II A K Stock Oo.Ilartman k

WallaciIlnynci, D. E,llraly. Din ,

llayn, OordonHarvey TrioHall & AdairITarrl*, Wm.Howard AmuaOollnat. Jayllovird, Oee FIloirenateln-

tlnrinn Atlrne,Honiird W. «.

Hnvlr, llarrylliinl'a Hliownitir A lli-lliin

Iflllnn. JuhnH'llhrookN, Mui.Henda. Ili-d

Ilniso, llarrrllarxrave. F II.

Iliaiter A Itoaa

Hakh-nliy, den,Ilallell. Vf. II.

II.Tile, OIKrnrdIIiinuHiiiil l.luyO

llr.>c». (li-o. K.llHmllii, II. M.Iliiluu'ii. AVIIlii

Harrliwn, Jno L

Cheffelo, I'rof.

Obtlelan,- Pled<^iM. IlemyOaollle. 0.

Corradrn J. B.Ofetn, Abitiin

Ollffcml. IlaT*

(Voaby, Hnnl 4Poglia

Obok. F^. 'ivT

Dnnlap, Rd.IWilan. JooTibDonovan. JoeIH in t. HarryDelavan, T, J,

Demtag, BobDr Fra, Mr.DeQiuracy KdwaDenton, Lord B.DaklnDlion, JoeDlfk. Oco, L.Drlnkwalrr

Blom G«.Donnelly. II. 0.Duniv, K, I.,

I>er/»rl«, JnhnDe Kalb, .KmralDale A llarrUDial, KugeopI>eNoyer, Kdille

Down*, W, 0.

Dnria, WallerDean, (Jbas.

Dmr, I'aal '

KllawoTlh Adm.llDicraun. PriukKrw'.n, W, BKnorb Pros

Htwk Oo,Rdwanta. JoeRvans, I^s. P.Pope A I'lni

RMre4, (lonloannetsoB, DanKills. JarPm, K. n,Krledell, PrankPoi. Boy R. E.PsrreirJi*Foyv, fkiiiiiett

ICiLorr. II. C.King Bma.

Willi Wcol 'naniar T\<\niICrlck, HiikeneKinnia CircusKing A.S>lfeat*r Hlaw»ri,<0. AKroloe, Win.'i-iilnll, i'lTHtoii

K«iini<dy, JtmIC'dli, J. W.Klrkwiml, Ja>Mvln'.iiil«n Irrblfe lUjy, BiTtN-wla, Illlly

l«e, nickl^wrmla. Doel/civlll, liny.

.nUarn, FlyingJ,mlar, U. A,l.lnts. II, W.T.liuTiim, f,, O.I,a Malr. Wm,lea. Markl/iureiila, Oba«,IJirbll, K, F,l/ilKirt, JoeI.nylon. HurryMnta, Ilufffie

Ijiiirr. Pieil O,1,4 llffrlviiiT, KMcDiTiwitt, JWVnUtr. VhttMyrrr, JffoephMrMoverii, J. F,\r''(k<ll, lUiMi.ili'l A KaneMnjnr, Ham 0.^f||^b. II, U,.Mark, JobnMrlhmalil. O. O,, ,„„, ,„,,,Mrnunnan C,W.^ Vnuaho. K. T.Mack, 0.[ H. . Vlllbi. Nal


(Iniunir Oo.Scha"ITi.r, 1).

St. Clilr llarrrnhrrldan. [luH'd.

BlnTinan, llnliert

Hbcewlry, J, ,Vt,

Htanino, I,. A,MlanliT. N. II.

Mhprlilin, W. II.

Hbliiey, ArlliurHiKbta. J. vt.

.SI«Tn«nl. J.

.Mnillli. I'lTcyl.Hhvdi'r A Halloihcela, nillvfltrllman, WoLBm'tb, Max>'rtiii;iri, II,

Hli^laTV. I»nn^lh«^ly, PatrickHlniili-y. .Miirry

Hbfiater, MllloaHchinHtana TIiP'Hlot-i-riHiii, I'nt

Klnnlrr, ,Miirry

Miuati'r. MlltunHIcvpiia, lUTtTmltl QiiartJit

Tvllcr, JackTwlKtoTrphon, Chief'ra.vlf.r A IlownlTimi»r, Joy O.TuriuT. -Jay '1.

Tniiitiilak*. W,'riioiiiiiwiii. Illlly

Ti'pi*! llol>»rl

Tlriinion^. Or<i.

irrliilMn. CIlDl.Vnn, nilly

Mannina & Polmtiarks, Abe A C<

Marks. W. B.Marl In Oeo,Manflllo, Cbi*.Maddoi; DirkMichael, I). A.Mundiy. IlnraceMonlead, Al.

Vnlle, P.Vrc«i, Alht fl.

Wallelte NblrleyWntn'liary O.Jr.WrlKlit. DphkWoula. KmntWetton A. KeithWbllney, A. P.Wrigbl, O.

Winkler, On*Weber A P.lllcolt

Wll*ua, WallerWhlt^ UlenAVIIber, NewtonWbllaildo JacaWUir, IkttWalcn, Wctt

Want Walter •

Walrk, Kara O.Well, llerninnnYennce. 0, T.Yiilc A MackeyZrll. Il<-n K.Zabo, Uuorg*

POB TOUR iraa.wnimiRR yon are a HUr of tho ioglilmaia

Mage, a VaDdevlUo Actor, ProdmUng Mnn-ager or Film Mrr. Theao playi aro tho "iii-

pnt of tho bestbralns lu dowa-to-dato llleiary


WANTOUc Photoplays and short Action Wn am aellnra

of Slaadard tliarainro. Hotb Pirtloii andDraaalle, In MHS form. Wo aHSlat tho writerto tnako hia work aalablo hih) hoII II. Minall

cbarge for literary aasUtaocc. No Chargefor aollltig,






Age a, wslfht IIO^ Horn* IngnnQsa, Ago II,

belghl't ft. tn. wvlglii loi, boigbi b ft.

Rap. orfltouk. WrttaerwiroSAM WAbboH, Upx an. Whilaahoro. W. T.


Account company rlnalng.

Ago, •a; UU, trt II lu.; Wl„ llblha. .

JUVENILES, HEAVIER, GEN'l UTILUr(Do nnt do low comedy or dlah-ct cliamiMorH).

SI'KUIALTY. Al HONOH AND WlllMTMNIt.Rxiii-rlenoed, nollablo. t'uu JulJi ou wiru. Uuat

have ilc.kotOeaawil PsItwery, llaaelton, Vm.

AT r mVDTV VBRSATILB COn-Al LlOElIll I BDY HUMIOALACT'TKAM (I ally and Oent) wllh other DiiuMo nndUlnulo Sncclaltlus. I'leutv ut iiiabirlikl In i.liniige

fur H week. WantrohoamI Insiruiiii'iits Al. Until

upltiAriH. rutsttinoun. WorkCHiincdyiirHtrHlghLlimit., allde In l>and, or fake piano, ll«illahle Mgia,wrlto. TlokeU roqnirwi. (IllAIIAM A VaN,

eo UarrlBun Bt, I'nioraon. N. J.

AT LIBERTYADVAROB AOHNT. Hrllnliln. oxporlenoed

BUOlai UIVKII81 1 QpowB 8t., - Woro*at«r, Hlisa,

CORNET AT LIBERTYKxperlenced In all linos and thoniiiahly rellablaA. P.ofM. T. U.IIAUU.tias Ohareh g>^ - liyncliburg, Va>.




NumberNo Advance in Advertising Rates

No Increase i£tJ|ePjlGg Per Cop/



March 27, 1915TEN NTS


SiM 2M«3H]. - . . .« IM81r*4Mxa ...... 10,00Pafo l«),00MP««« 76001M P«c* .... .J . 40.00J


Par Inoh. Sbmle ColamB - > S 2.80ICOIilaM ..... lejOOIfiOLlsM 24.00QaartoF Pac* .... 4AJ(0HaliPag^ ...... 90.40WhoUPac*. .... ltf9JI0


THE NEWTORK CLIPPER47 W. asth 8t , New York

Tbe Vnaak Haeen Pab. Oo,, Ailmlled,' PablUlurs.

A1<BBBT J. DORIE, BlKliager

WBVTBIIN UUIIKAU0OB AahlMd'aioek, - Cliioago, III.

8 TtlE NEW YORK CLII^PEIt. Februabt 13






KiileHd Jon* 24. J8T9. It tl» Tout Offlc* tt

Hew York, N. T.. ircond cUit oialKr. ludtr

tUc *cl of Uarcb 3, I81».


(«B0d Onion.')

, IIt,Kn*nI !limiuii!.forDan McOuKln. Ho Jan. 28, »{tci; on «lKht a„fih» hccn londMl at lant. aod It ia Bome se- City, lie Plantation mlDMrw^IcclliiD on the port of Jarvis & S«eiDan. We "Mji,jna jou uttve_Ko_i

IdMitlminiit*—la.eo vtt Inch, iloilo column.

AdTccUirmaaU iet wltb bolder, 10 pec et. eiict.

•UBICaiPTIOlf.On* jeir, la idTiiiK, <4 ; all monlhif; 12 ;


oiootbi, II. Ciiitdi lUil torclfo iwnliie

Bliiil* eoplM Will t»wat, poilpild, ou nc«lpl or

10 cnU. _ .

Oar Terns are Cask.

TDK CLIPPB& la iMilcd ertrr WEDNRBDAT.The Porma Cloilnff Promptlr on

TocBdar. at 10 A. H.I'lMie r»mlt bj »pr«ii monef ordir. cbeck.

V. (>. ord»r or rrKlil*r«<l Inter. All c»»U cnclowdfrith letter at riik of aender.

Addreaa All Commanleatloiia (•TIIID NCW YOlllC CLirPER;47 Weat 2Slb aircet, Aevr York.

Tel. 33T4'UtdUoa.Aeglflered Call* Aitlitu, "AnBoyiTt."

TEB WEBTBBK BUKEAUor Tna CLiPPaa U locttcd at Boom 605, Aafalanil

Illock, Chicago, .Warren A. I>atrlck, maDaver aod .


OUAHA BRAirCH.Dale Mairholl, naiugcr, lUnma 300-31O

UcCfugno Dullillog, Om&lia, Neb.

Tna OLircaa oiN sa oBTimao vBOLaaALa andkcnii., at dur.ageniB, Uaw'a HIeaoiililp Agcncj.17 Ortco Street. Cbarlu O.-osa Boad, Ix>odou.

W. O., Rnglasd: BreolaiKra mwa demt. 07 ATninede ropcra Parta, Ftaoce; Manila book and Hla-tlonerj Co.. 1S8 Eacdla. Uanlla, P. I.; OordoDft Oolcb. 123 Pitt Direet, Djduer, N, B. W . .



DRAUATIC.ri. E. X., Clilrngo.—\Vc do not know.

. r. II., Mnii.ilk'ld—Illlly KerBunda la dIItci)

C. !<'. II.—The cIniiHincd UusIdchb tdcpliODOtllri'clor.v o( New York Clly liu» a list of tbevurloiiH ageotB.

CAJIDS,No. n Cdbw, Toledo.—All the playom In

11k> Kiiino coil uc'iniiiid tlio prlTllogo of xhiir-

llliiK lliu cnnlfl. lint It la tlio deolcr'a rlgli'.

, tu«liiilllu luit.

SIiaCGLLANGOVD.'TiTB IIi'NiiiiEU .Dni,i.iR )lrr."—Jolin L.

HiiUlTnn wi'Ut to AiintrnllQ with lilsi <lrn-

iniitlu comi)i>iiy In IHIil, roturulng to SauI'rnnrlBco. vci. 'in, 18UI.

THE coltjio:a concert.Od Sunday, 8, n Koud bill was prcscnlod

to two eood taoiiKOH.

Thn ('univtii, tliri>o Indies nnd n coincdlnn,iiK-Hiriil<>(l 0 Kutid jDiisli'ul not,^wllb ir'plniio

('It hy thu thri-<> (tn-lM iih nu <i|)ciirr. Mnnlcullu'lls, lint rack Ai\\\h\\vh, linndlicllB, rornctmill siiiopnuiiCHi nni) n innrliiibn-zjlophnno'Holortlonii, til a fnilmwny llnlith, uiadc It In-

tcroMIngly liineful,

WlllliiinA nnil Ilolil, n iirell bliirkcd tip mnniiiKl II rucnn colorril inll glr.' Rtiirtrd In withnil Brgiimont ovor I lie cnt-lu-tlio-wpll niid other RPt-bnck atiifr. MI99 IIclil gotiippinnnc for Hlnslng "Muyltv You'll OhnngoYiiiir Mliid," mid iNith' dId: well with 'ThjwnIII I'lilnntown" ond "Tburc In No Itoom furMp."

'i'bo Kcystonn Trio, one sorvuiit girl niidtwo nolHy biirKlntH, ouc of tliciii In t.'linplln

ni.ihc-iip nod ortliin, liud n lut iif comedylillH, soma nvw, Mtllli n bniiih mill n riiiiKli-

I'.niiNi' llnlKh. riu "Olinpllii" p:irly bud torvKpimd to Bevcnil renillH.

Iliirlo mid t'lnrli' loft nionc on nn l.ilnnd,

f-nssi'd thu tliiu* lili'UNnDll.r' for tlKMiiNClvotmill Ihnsi' who wiiU-IumI them. Siiniu goodcirini-dy lliii'H mill funny lovomnkliig wero(). 1\., bill lliplr lliMt work wnn, diini> In Ihnfliiiidiii; to tlio tuiiR of u phimiigrnph, thoInilV (In white) lieliic pnrlli-iilnrl; nltrnctlvnniiM ciifrcriil. "l|r I I.lvi'd On An Inlnnd^VIih V'.iii" wits tlic^ong Hint furulBhcd lhathi'iiie.

IIi'li'ii St. Honk Is «<(rpe(lvp oh n Ringer nndni'ircss, Sh<> niKMieil Willi I he "IliinnoiiyHmul" noiig, folliittcil liy "Yiiu'vi! flot to I.<ivo

Ve or l.(':ive Me Aliiiie." one of tl'iigp dnrki'VWillis. Then n Kceiir from "Wllhhi Iho I.nw.Mild for n good eliwer nn Imllnlloii of Al..IiiIhoii iliigliig "AVIipn (>rowu-up Ladles ActLike IliililPH." to n big lilt.

.llnrry lloUiinn ond cpmpnny presented•'.\ilMni Killjoy" (K-e New Aelsl.

'"I'lip (.'mini mill tlio >liiUI," Willi cleTen.peo|ile. 111 tnlilold liurleBipip. where nn hclrrsn('liiiii}:!^ plore wllli Iter innid nnd a countwith hlH vnlet. Tlie chorus girls ODd tboI'reiiili waiter eeinplete the eleven, Theranro Kereriil good kiiiiks. Including a cowborrinnilier, "Thp Vi'golnlilc Cnrden" Bong, wit 1

tho glrlB' cl'itlicH rxarnibllng dlffprent cardenprnduelH. ".Mv Love Is All for Yon, Dear,"nnd q bnppv flnlali. Tho valet wns a goodronipdlnn nnd tlip count a good elralgbt.

can"uVmenMrk\'SfaVfn"iU%'i?X\Tba^ T^lf^^^'^f^'^^i^l^'^^^^XD(«a. iwu liastoecn engaged as chief special Jj.i^PPe » 'VfX^?,Slv^om?J FrSnk

&'da1\e hoar of-aome new carolril •b»T„the P«!;rirhcln^ framed up.

.Where will It atop? Hope

It Is not ynu tlmt inuat lose.

T. J. (roMMY) CAN.fos left Kansas Citywithout anyone seeing him. Bumo, aay bewent to J<ew York. Hinco the GreatjWcstemlu nut Ao be, make a guess that: Tommywill onlb tic a general agent for one of thereal blA oiuMt. T, J.,' speak for publlentlnn.

UiD ybtr play Tampa, Kla.? If so, whatabout ItV Jv . . .

Uh.' 11. n. IlANiroL'RDK.—ivhal'e doing In

Jacksonville, I-'l'a.7 \Miat kind of a celebra-

tion Is It you are planning for that city?llemcmher Wichita?.« have a word. Dr.Wb )Iavb yet to nnd a man or woman In

the show business that Is not a J^KW YoBKCMFrsn twoster. It covers all lines. Yoapay for adrertlslng In Tiiir Nkw YonKCUPPKK. Advertising In Tub Nuw TobkCmi'FCS pays. You Enow It. Just mention

., Did anyone ever see the Death Swing, aa

It Is called? llelleve It was & free act.

What do you know abont It? Say IL. Jack IiAniiiH, where ore you?Who Jo going to Chicago to the fair nan-

agrro' meellngf Arc you booked eoUd?i''UANK I.ARKINH (Devaixi), tho motor-

drome rider.—When you left Kausas City,

Vhcre did you go? ...• Jauro I'attkhbon has a very lucky andIirodncllvc farm at I'nola, Kan. 11c Is In

nnd out of Kansas City very often. lie Is

bu»y now.HoMH general agents arc now in tho Co-

nndlun NorthwiMit. Who gets the pick? Arethe plcklngN going to be good up there tbla

Benson? What du yii so?Nei.l Iiuimos.—llow be yu?Jakfi I'kns.—Heard «omc of tho boys In

the WclUngloiv Chicago, recently askingaUiut you. llow la Florida? Jake, wbat'athe .noise wc heur about you going withJohnny J. Jones? It should be a good nclec-

tU.n. Jobnny J. knows his business mightyWell, Jake.How fuollsh some people act when con-

fronted with Ihe truth.Tub Nuw Yoiik Cliiter gets nnd prints

the news. Jiint make a comparUion sometimp JiiHt for yniir own satlsfiietlon. If forndtlUng more. Tlicn decide. You want toknow wlint Ih going on? Then read TubNbw York Oi.hteu.Jaukh ItAimY, the talker, orrlved la Chi-

cago, Husduy, Jan. 24, from DctroH. Theorator of old rcportu ludnstrlnl conditions Inthe Michigan mctropolla as flourishing. Hepredicts a great BeaHou for carnivals. Wbowill he 'be wltb IblH coming soneon? Askklm. We Bsy wltb Delgnrlan tt /i^iiey.

W. It. Weimie.—Drop us a line,

etlll In Denver?IlKKMAK WiLEK, bottcr known to the car-

nival profession os "Jew" Murphy, Is dead,lie lind Burved In mhny capacities, was rv.-- -

nlwaya faithful to his employer, ond did his Durb

Tlio costiinips wore pretty..Miller nnd I.vie rop<;0tp<1 here with their

\i(innl suocefiH for their comic arguing andtbolr bpxing-llnurliiif llnlsh.

ChlRf Tenderlioe, an Indian nthlete, opftiedIn full Indlit'li regalia, singing '.'I Didn't ttalaolify Hoy tp.Ho n floldlpr," then changed to•Onrrtpn of the Ooiln." The full atago thendtiioliispd bla ring' nppsrntufl, nnd in tbonthlele's costume tie showed wonderful mns-oular devolopment In n nlnrtUng ring act withmniiv novel tricks. Romp musculnr nosingiiroetHlod his flnnl wlilrl by neck nnd feet Inthe two rlnj~<.

THE FOGARTY JUBOEE.The iwenly-flflli anniversary of Frank

roxnrly'R gnlric u|inii the ntngp will be fli-

lliiKlv eo1el>rnlp<1 by Ills Ilrooklyii fellowlitl/.eiiR wpek of Fob. Id. when lie will All aweek lit Ihe I'rosoeot. Tlio Kopnrty theatrei.nrly will probnbl.v Inst nil week, nnd a higl>nni|iipt hnn been nrrnngpd at Bllsbee's, fol-lowlug the Mnndny night show.

iiinronitoMi'! attacwes'T HICICKSTUAK.

Another nno of Ifieir eiiJovnM'e fnne'tlnnswns held In Iheir cinlirooiii, Snturdny night,<l. Tho ' liinds were liiselous nnd tho enter-tntnniei'i II 10. miiioiik the singers nnd storytellers hein Win, (!. Stewnrt. Dnn Dnwaoiiiin'l .lorry ( in.Mon, while Kddle Honker oW-i hitiHl nt tj 0 pl;iiii>. A lively luiTlng :lmutwiiB llie slf r foatiire. A- gcKid crowd waspioceiil.

Tnrj JAVOY j'ltoiH'riNfl ro.This nem eoriiiirntliin wan properlv listed

rl Alhiiiiv. IK. v.. ll'b. (I. A. S. I.pvy, A. M.Wiiili'iihi-rgl nnd M. I>. Josopbson, of 2,"131

'• I-' 'M il wio\^^>^|\^Vir|vjj^



at'Qiglibec, Mo.i Jan. 28, age twenty-sir

II« woghcd about eoren handred pounds, anavaa known to show people os Zeko.

FBi.icc Bernardi aaye he likes to re«a

Dr. Mai Thorck's health talka in Tii« NbwYork Clippbr. Bo do all «he othera.

Uiu,T Etbbbttb wlU have a girl snow "witn

the' IVbrtbum k Allen Shows that Is under

the management of A. A. Po^wera.He was In

Cblcsga and Cleveland recently. Borne weeksago Ullly lost his mother, Mn. Uary E2ckard,

who died In a Chlcogo hoepdital, flrom a very

iCTloufl operation.Dabcou M. Faulkner (one of the oldest

and best known-.plt and platform abowmeoIn the business,)', after spending two weekson the Faulkner form, near Tippecanoe City,

O., journcved to Chicago and spent Sunday,Jan. 24, wltb the boys In that town. Hfi left

the same day for Kansas City, and thence to

Corpus Cbrlstl, Tex. Dascom U. sayu : "Myplans for the coming season ere not yetmade. I will known after reaching Corpus."Don C. Btevbnbon.—Will you kindly let

"Onion" koow how you are?Carkival business Is a business. Business

of looking wise when saying ItK. 0. Barkoot arrived In Chicago from

KnozvlIIe. Sunday, Jan. 24. He was thecentre of attraction at the Wellington all

dn'v long, meeting his friends. Wbat do youthink 01 this K. 0. Barkoot, carnival mana-ger, park manager, Inventor And mRker ofwagons? He Is going to put Knoxvllle onthe map. Keep your eye on blm. Wonderwhat tho Invention Is? Speak up,. K. Q.

B. W. Den Nar Ib In Kansas City, and




Address ALliBIAlIN BAOB., Winter qaartera, Ijancaater, BHaaonrl.

Fair Becretaries—Celebratlon Ittana^en—Fraternal Organizations—Boards ofTrade—Commercial Clabs—Managera and Promoters of Olrlc ETonIa


JARVIS-SEEMAN SHOWS^a&—Can of brand new Parker Show Eqalpment—2( 14—Large Pay Attractions—1430—Concessions -30 Address JARiriS-BEEMAN BHOWB.WU . B. JARTIS, Oeneral Agont. MAIN OFFICK: Edwnrd Hotel, Kansas City, Mo.ADOLPU SEBUAN, Gencnkl Manager. WINTEH QUARTERS: J.euvenwortb, Kansas.

WAj^TBD—Mnslclana on all ln»tron)«nta. Write JOllNN Y MAIION, Bandmaster, aa abovo



'-iu CHAIRS '"^r'80.000 Clulr^-60,000 Orand Stawl*—00,000 Circu State « Hind far RabUag Pgrpatai


IBM W.MitT Tel., Main UI. CoaneaatTllle^Pa. aOB H. Boekwell Tel., We«t»M

BANNERS"QDAIITT FIRST"—Not the Cheapest battbe Best—with now Ideas. Qnulltr wlU beremembered long after the price Is forgotten.

For fiif Side .Sbows» Fairs, Caraivals,

Circus and Store Fronts


Cable Address ITIIIIIfEIV AC MEUf VADV TelephoneK0NKELY IVIIIlRCIil Ur IVEII T Uim T884 Melr09a


aee Bast ISTUi street. Under the Personal btipervlaloa of UAX KUNKLRT

mighty bnsy, too.WHAT '.


' doing In KansasTiiB New York

|B~ the "Onion'City? Answer: IteadCi.irPEB.

Speciai, Notice.—All mall or telegramsfor William Judktns Hewitt (Hed Onion),Address care tbe La Grand Hotel, KansasClly, Mo., ontll further notice. Thank e^eli

and every one for your favors ^ond support.Write and you will be taken care of to thelicst of ths writer's ability.

IviifATORS,—Why do so mnny of youaspire to be "nutty?" Ain't It liad enoughfor the orlgmnl to be nulty ? j^^m Jn'^Khnsas City at present' g'.tling

y» "'8* «' things ready for the nVw ontf greater^"'JOim.SI J. JONEH ploj

Artiiub IXofkuan.—Kindly iet the boyshenr from you.

IlAnnY I*A IlRFXltiE.—Are jo'.i genornl agentfor or have been for A. II. Rrown's GreotInternational? Where arc you, then?

It is estimated that at leant one hundredand ;ieventy-two carnivals will atftempt to

take the road' In lUlG. Wonder how manywill close the season or go thro:igh any partof It surccesfully. Let's slog "1 want to bean Independent showman."

bsTe wciuld make a banker 111 at sight. (Octclassy stationery.) You can get your money'sworth out of a modest one.Tub New York Clipper 1» anywhere from

two to six weeks In sdvance of all otherswhen it coffies to what Is really doing thocircus and carnival world. Vou know It.

New Yobe Clipper advertising pays: Youknow that.

J. H. HABVEf dropped Into Kansas Citylast week tor a short stay. J. n., we nnder-etond that, the "Little Olant" has a grcntposition ready for you.

G. A. (Dolly) lvoxs Is very busy at his

„ _ _ NomlAShow that goes with the Tom W. Allen Shows.Swell costumes? Nothbig short of the veryRwellcst. Gee, but how nice those girls wiltlook on the front. Tae way It should ber

IChsie Fay.—Heard you had signed wltbanother. Well, tell us who It Is.

W. I£. TIavi.s.—How nre you. old top?Den ICahr Is a real pit showman. Y'oa

know nliere ho goes.Casnival talkers that are there can make

^no a week without much effort. If the ex-position showmen expect to get real talk-— .

- "flngto

work well at all times. He was wltb K. G.Hnrkoot many years. We ore sorry be lias

left IIS.

It is out nt lust. They admit tb^ areImitators nnd 6vor one hundred strong.Unniu cnnpUnient to the originator, aiid wethauk them all for the admlsslou. Dut whybp an Imitator and have to follow when youare suni)0BC<l lo be the leader? Shame.Why numlt your s'enkuesa?

ItAVMoKi) U, nu>K».—How Li^Oltawa andrnolo, Knn., ond Uinuhn. .Neb,? lluw manydays In "I1ie l>ays of '4U" nuw, Itaymond U. 7

Let's have a line from you.W. M. Williams.—We nre sorry Indeed to

lean of the death of Mrs. Williams. Youhave our heartfelt E}-mpatby, In you loss.

Hot Sti'KF.—JIarry 8. Noyes Just droppedInto ICnnsn.s City (Friday, Jan. 21)1 and sald|

«iV...J: -I.. »VlJri.^# this. iiTInrrv W yUOmOU KMUWIDCU CApVCl lO XeC leni IBIK-Wuat do you think of this:

n"'/ w- cr» they must he resdy Dnd willing to pny cx-ccker, general agent |0f L«<>i W. Wash- „osHlon prices, which ore from Ifly to one

^r,! m'i."'?r/R?Jr''i;»,. „„tf„n «„t ?""aV<l T^^y- J^'^y lo'.'"" as fop priceThe Smith Greater Shows have gottpn out

a very attractive folder poat-tnrd for their11116 antioUDcement. The principal para-graph reads : "In anticipation of R most pro^-peroui season, the Smith Greater Shoiws are

fireparing to open the season 1015 on a

arger scale than ever before, &tlll maintain-ing the name moral standard of tbe past.'

Look out for their official route card.

Don't let It be said that your band wagonla only "truck." Moke It very bright and

' Con T.' Kbnneot Iraught the "bulls" butwill aot sund for the Dull. This Is Tcryrclcpt matter. The wise ones to It know.

IlARiiY 12. Dixon will have the feature payettractloB with one of the big ones this

.Summer. Dlion has for several years beennromlnently Identified with some of theI ^ I .1 - J.. «t..k AA.mtH.* ITa la

r lme"!riwl"'rcturn"d'' from 'tllc" gcn~'3 farB«st 'nggreBatjons )a the country. ^He Is

n*,vntB' convcatloo In- SItko, Ahiska.'' Now nt' present handling feature pictures on tho

ilu .i-ou know where he was?JuiiN \i. MoouK.—Mny we have the picas-

uro of hivirlng from you?James Patt?:iisiin stJirted them all to buy-

ing-- troupes of elephants, followed by C. A.Wortlinui nnd Con T. Kennedy. Doc Allmauu,how niiiiiy nre you going to nnve?

Srahu.n 11115 will llnd n carnlvo-l of someklud nt every cross ronil nnd then '^omc. If It

kiops ui> like It Jias started.Earl 1). -Stuout and Alice Uelvillb oro

not In Knui>nB City, and have .not been forrunic time. Tbey are (n vnudevlllo soiueheroIn tlio Dakotns. There now. Earl D., therowas Bomo mail for you nt the Western Uu-icnu of The New York Clipper, Chlrago.

H. C. TAi.uivrT.—Ilmv do things look forthe season ki Northwestprn Canada?

Joe N. Cai.lih .sends blu best wishes to allfroiu Kansas (?lty. He says, "Cnn't get along%vlUiout TiiK Oi.i> ItKi.iAni.u." Thanks, Joe N.

Vic Ksi.ioK will linvo tho band with HairyW. Wright's Cumlval, ~accordlug to.A. C.iLsUck.W. M. MoST.ET Is very busy In Kansas City,

on an advertising schemu that looks Tcryl.romlslng.

NouLB C. Fari.t, a pK showman of notennd a general nil 'round good follow, leftKansas Cltv for San Antonio, Thursday, Jan.-H, to got lilnisfIf ready for the cooling aea-


ton. Just before leaving he gave a party toa snmbcr of friends ot the Ld Grand Uotel.'

West Codit.Wuo got the exclusive?Wiiv sot give him tbe ex.'?

Jaues T. Clyde.—Kbidly permit us to in-

sist that you get back In tbe carnival gamethis season. May we expect you?

Kddie .UonnE, of the J. U. Johnson Nomla6how for several seasons, went to DenverAfter 'he close of last season and acceptedhimself a position with a theatre In thatclly. Tlicy closed alt Uie cabarets In Donvsr,which made things very lonesome for himthere, Kddlc arrived In Kansas City>day, Feb. 3, to remain the rest of thoWinter. Oe bos not yet decided who ho willcnrnlval wltli seasoa iUlS.

Stuve a. Woods.—Did you miss a train,

too iomewbcre In the Northwest? Stevo A.Is so busy now booking towns for the C. A.AVorthom Shows. <


Mas-aoeiis and Ognebai. ' AOENTS.— IlcreIs a name for celebrations. Call them Street<NiJ)aretH. How do you like it? Get theIdea? It listens good. Try It. .Y'ou aro wel-come One ot tne proDUslng Ideas of theseason.

ILABar B, KoTES la doing mlgbtv well alfireeent lining op the route of the Great i at-erson -ShowB. llarry S, has tbe Idea. Shortjumps to good spots. /

E. C. 'rAiJiOTr, A. II. Berkley, Trank L.Albert. JIarry W. Wrifht, Con J, Kemiedy,

Is nof going to get mnny to oven t£ln^ oflanding on an exposition grounds. MniiSgcrsof exposition shows, gut tills In your uooule))light now before It Is too lale.Major Chas. F. Rhodes.—We wuuldst

some words from you. --

CtiAB. B. Kidder and Mn. Murray nre'tbechiefs of construction Rt the-C. A. Worthuhiheadquarters In San Antonio. Where Is Mur-ray? A plank Is broke. You can't Kidder.Mannino B. Pi.etz.—Who do you go with?

Manning. B., we liave got to give It to you.You have few equals. If any,.4n your, par-ticular line.

KvEBYBODY.—Just OS soon as you qualifyyou will be noticed and knocked. So, whatcare we.

J. C. JfcCAFFREY.—The Imncli In -KansasCity -wanted you to remain tnere a littleB'hilo longer. J. C., .why didn't you do it?Cu, "ViCTOB and Henry," -welcome, and

please accept our best wishes.Newman and D, T. Bartlbtt.—How and

where ere you? Going to be with us tblaeenson ?

"n. n. Barnes,"—Motordrome king? nigntoff the reel.

WitAT ifi a dant'Ing carnlvnl? We Veryoften see them ndvertlsed In New York.Why not old fashioned bam dances withcarnivals? Special, agents, get thee busy,^he Ak-Sar-Ben In Omaha always has a dan-cing pavilion. It Is a very profitable one, too.Wuo Is golnc'to piny the .Mitchell, S. D:,

Corn Falaco? it 4s enid to be good for some

A. A. rowers, U. ennon, yt. U. Ul<:e,

Ifc mid In parting, "I expect to be.'Among' «.Harold Buabea and hundreds of other sbow-

thoeo present at iSe big Oeorgo Weshlnrton *'* '•'"-™»-'- — »—


Birthday Celebration at Ijiredo. Tex., In Feb-ruary/', Noblo C, will have a good pit showttith C, A. Wortnam wlien tho season opens,at Austin, Tel., April 12.

l^HESB AOE.VTS.—All of you admit that yoftfound some mUihty flup matter In the (Christ-iims Number of 'riiB New Yonit Cwppeb—You just wnlt and see how much more roodmatter the Special Outdoor Amusement Num-ber will contain. Nothing like It ever hap.pened beforo In tho history of outdoor amuae-iiionts.

W. M. WitLiAMR' Mamib Show »-III openthe sennon with the C. A. Wortboni Shows.1^

. H. promises us r doit kind of a shovcwn.Dan Fiankel (brother of Bobby), has as-

I'lrallons'to Ik? a cnmlvnl nress agent Withthis pnd In vltrw ip Is now la Chicago castingnhout for a position of that kind.

.A NKW rldlnr device Is on the market,colloti "The Whirl of Death." Ilavo yoanccnlt? What about It?

^t'liAM. H. JoiiNHON, for nine vears with

<>porgo Harmon on the I'arkpr KennedySliowe, will have the cafe car the comingFenson with the Jnrvls A Seoman Bhowa

Etta Ikiiiisn IIlakb Is st pro.icDt plavlogvnudevlllc -through Nebraska. She is doingwell.Lkon W. MAR.siiAi.t, ( the oldest son of

old rann Mnrshnll, of Norfolk, Va.), a younglunn of good mnunprs, good bcbnvlor andplrnslng nddrcss, -n-Ill hnve one renl bigcoloriMl minstrel show with S. W. Hruudngetills nenson. According to Homer V. Jones.Fonip of the notable <paturps will be twentvpcrformprs, flfteen piece band, all new cos-t'lnips nnd stOKe mnterlnl. A parade will begiven dally. The nlmw will be all now natil i<i|Ul|<niont nud o big double front. I^on

Is at prcBent wlili the A. I'. Wblliioy.^ Uc roJolncU tUciu at Sayre, Tci.,

men are for ihe Showmen's Leagne of Amer-ica. Wbat Is the wrong with you that youare not? . Get In. Many are reedy to join.Write the secreUry, SOS Ashland Block, Chi-cago,W. H. Ricb will no doubt require for tbo

Rice & Doro Carnival on Water, specialAgents that can row boats, walk on thewater, handle life preservers, swim and dtvo,end do endurance tests under water and rideon the water wagon while with the carnivalon water.UoNRT comes first In alt things In America,

It seems. Some wise man has told us ihatnext to love that work Is tbe beat thing «ntbe world. All right. Georse, joat get your-self a little Job and go to work, and thenyoa can hare eomo of what the Americanslike best of all.

TiiB .Nbw York Clipper has put overmany exclusive news Items recently. If youwill give credit that la due Tiie 'Old re-LiABLB yoa will admit It. E^en the guesseshave not gono wrong. You know this to lietrue. ,po you want to know what Is renlWgoing on? Yes. All right, get Tub ?1ewYork Clipper.

lU S. Halke.—Are you going to be one ofthe special agents wltb one nf the biggestand best carnivals this season ? K. 8., bowwas or la Houston?

II. H. (Fati Di NCAN is In Kansas CityGelling fly napcr. Moral: There le nt leastone foot of enow on the ground. Figure Itout your own self.

nAScxJM .M. FAPtKNER.—Tlndorslnnd youwin have a pit s^ow «1th the Worthnm &Allen Shows?' Yes or no? Send some newsfrom Corpus ChrlstI, Tex., Rascom M. -

How DmuT mnnngers In the enrnlrol Imsl-npiw have n Itttor-hend Ihat innjfos -pinil Hintyou kni>w of? (let n Joltrr-hend Flint doesnot carry Uie history of the mnna;:pr's llfoon It, • yucU IcttcMicada os some of them

V\uiB of shows and conceadons. It Is goingto be again, we hear. -

Pbtb Cela.—Are you- In Montgomery 4tIIl?Potfl, did you get anv money with ''Irish,'.?

the monkey. -Ask It. H. Molntyro why this.Hon CAVANAUon.—Arc you still In Los

Angeles? Bob, which one of the two Jobsdid you take?JOHKNT BOWEN AND CfRLKY Ci'VMINOS.

At the dose of the R'.cc & Dore Water Car-nival last season you two went to yourliomes in the show me State. Where are younow and where w4Il you bo when the* lightsare turned on for lOlC?War not on the tax. The prosperity that

ewalis all Industrious Anl'crlcnns In the nearfutnre will soon lift that tcmpo.-tiry toil. „,„Wh. X. McCoLLiN Is some motordrome the carnival .that another Vmus^ta^en^r loiii

talker. He Is lavish In descriptive detail nnd • said he wou.d be wltlj • • ^ .^-9

convincing. Wm. X. Is one of the llluinl- "vrr T.i,a i. — j.,, ...native talkers. 'Very much eo. Where doeshe go?

Satdrdat. the closing day at the Mlnnc-«ota State Fair last season, wns o wonderfulday In point of attendance. Lincoln Ilenchey,tbe aviiitor, and Barney Oldflcld. the autospeed king, were the magnets, that drew tJic

crowds. It was not a very clear or chcprfulday, cither. What does he want to. put thatIn at this time for? Never you mind.

Nat Resb, toys table "dotes" cause mony" "

"" ~ t

K" Vilp a^UMU 40 foot middle piece,lirteen lengths 8 tier blue seals, six lengths re-served B«ats with hack and foot rests, six un-burn Lights, Bide Show Paintings, llfly.«lx footBaggage Car; will puss M. 0. B. inspection. Allproperty In orst'Class condition. .WlU sell as apart or whole or take partner. WARREN DALE,W Central Avenue, Passaic, N. J.

U. E, (Spike) Maoner will be with TxraliJ. Heath's Shows. He 1b now at the Winterquarters of that organlia-tlon. In East St.l/ouls. III., getting bis end of tbe businesslined up In line shape.

C. N. Fairly . was In Kansas City lastweek. He will be with Jarvls-Seeman.Some small town "guys" are often worried

because their presence In a big cltj Is notnoticed, Snme with some otoer^klnd ofamall town, small noodle "guys^

C. A. WORTUAM gives 0. W. Parker creditfor making It possible for many In tbe car-nival business to get a start In the world.C. A. droves In thla t^at he Is not narrow.

D. M. Atwoop.—Do you remombcr thla?"Are .Tou rca<ly, father? All ready. Turn Itover, Jlcnry." ' Glad he did not have twoarms.


J. Ai-ousTUs' Jones, come In.' Welcome.J. Augustus, you do really know tbe show

. business and a whole lot that other pedpledo not know about the fair ground showbuslnoBs.Why Ukke water show tanks out of ex-

motordromt^?• It -IS', persistently rumored In Kansas City

.that B. W. BrundRge will put out a numbertwo carnival, unaer the management 6fHomer V. Jones.'

C. M. Casey, the press agent. Is due InICaneas City this week from Wichita.Foley & Bt;BK.—It Is talked In Knncjis

City that the Foley & Uurk Shows will notbe on tour this season. What about It?Wb are mighty stroQg for that guy "horse

sense." •

Jack Reili.y.—Tell us something about tbehall show business os It Is this Wlnt>r. Jack,\VbM. carnlvnl?Tom U. Allen, for the past two seasons

with tbe A. 11. Miller (irenter Shows, hasaccepted a poMtlbn In an exeentlve capacitywith Harry W. Wright's orgruilKation. TomM. has been In KnnisuH City since Ja.i 14.He enine from Moberlv, Mo., the Winterqnnrlers still of the A. B. Mllloi- Shows,whom all agree Is going to be one of the bigones.

. W. H. Birfe.^How did you happen to missIhe train?Look out here comes a' "Jitney." 'Why

not celebrations .under the auspices of the"Jitney" Drivers' Association?

IjiNDA May Kcciiellb Is stopping a whileIn Kcnsns CItv.Who first colled Urn the "Little Olnnt?"

It Is bothering a Jot' of people to. find outP'ho ,was the first one to call C. A. ^^orthnrathe "Little Glunt." Wns it Brnnev H. Qerety,

n-mF®" \ r»"''''^t 'obn Aloisndcr PoUtt .ir«llllnm Judklnfl Hewitt? Red Onion thinksthe credit goes to Barney R. Gerety, the sec-retary ond trtnsurer of thi. C. A. Wortham^"P*? ...Po JO" think or know that this Isnot right? Start the argument.

'.iP' 'I?^,^^Vi' 'or a long, long time agentfor the Nomla Show, says he Is not going onthe road th|R season. Will he? L. B. Is athis homekin Kblppensbiirg, Pa., where he hastieen since. last season doted for him fn Colo-rado.

^^.^I' ^"''^ ^^^^^''''-i^ wall of somecnrnlval managers. .Yes, and some of themare d-:— weak, too.

advortlfling In TitsNew York Clippbb.. Tell tlictn wliere yon.really did see it.

. Walter P. -Stanley sots "bUll" Is belowpar. Tou must have ability and deliver ifyon expect conMnued success In tbt camlvilbiislness.

AllOtlT .

to be like- toe "bcll.vgnm" sufferers. Don'lworry If you don't get It.

Manaoers.—Do not be In too Mg n 'hnrrvIn book any fairs or celebrations that runover a week. Not many of them are good.You witnt to ploy fairs and celebrations thatrun from .Monday to Saturday, Inclusive.\\TiBt do you think? -


F. D. CORVT Is responsible for the Infor-mation that tJie Corey Bros.' Shows cloaredeonslderndly ' over JIO.OOO "Se.non. W.;do not doubt him. F. D. will hnve his ownshow this season.

10. D. COREY.—How Is, or -was, the Wg mln-,slrel troupe' A line, picz.

W. J. (Doc.) Ai.LMANN wants n first cinssinunlnit comedy. Bee the nd. of the All-man;! Bros., In nnother column. Sonc swelllloe-np they have now. ^

AoENTS.—Bo not a "gent." Tlifre flln'tno such' anlmsl. Re n gvntlemnn. Thv'enre mony 'geutlcmen that arc ng.-nts. Belike Ihem. llo one of them.

riAVE you still got your bnbndclgnrln over-coat ?

Ufin OxioN wTintfl to Iienr from nil of theliiiuch thnt was with the World nt Ilftmolast Benson. Where are ,voii? .Most nill:nvp come to light.

11ekiu:ht a. Kmnf ndnills Ihnf he willhave a llnp Mr.c up of i.eliows wlion the b.indplays. Wc know Ue will have at oiionew one. '


,. , . . thlrtv-slx carnival people maketheir headquarters at the La Grand Hotel,Kansas City. Vou can find out where mostanyone Is by dropping In' ot any time.Which will be the first of the big ones to

open, Johnny J. Jones or K. G. Barkoot TnTien nnd where?.j^^.f!""^" (BuDP) Kennedy will again beIdentified with the Con T. Kennedy officewagon as assistant to Tom M, Warren, thetrensi'rer.

,.,)^'"",.''v«o'dK to hnve tho first nnd be^t"Jitney" show? Oh, It has got to be did.Yon try it.


Pr.ANa arc under way for a Wg labor cele-bration In Kansas City for an early Springdote. How does he get all of that dope?Are you an optimist? If not. make your

exit Inio aorap other- line. We can't use vo-j.F. F. CARRi TiinRR. of the United Fairs

rooking Ass.ieln Hon.- Chicago, can write eora-iIplling truths when he takes a notion to.He knows his business well.

A. A. Powers.—Ilowdv.DKi.ntniAN AND Zinne'v. Wnltor K. Sibley

nnd C'nllfornln Frnnk.—Where will you bethis .^onson with vonr shows.Ciwa. \f. M.inHii.--Whnt In the nptr stunt

Ihpv nre trying to tnlk nboiit In Knnsna CItv?Omaii Hami.—1)0 not forget tbe Cnrnlviih.

Itubvniit.Ciii-Kii lip. drin't despair. Tlip 'ranjorltv rf

llio p'.npi,. In the World nr* on the "snnare."For ihlH wp nro i''nnkfiil.

Milt S. Moonly.— lIell-», ililt 3.



MONEY GETTER-OR SHOW OF EQUAL MERITAddress CON T. KENNEDY, Baltimore Hotel, Kansas City, Mo.

Permanent address and Winter Quarters of the CON T. KENNEDY SHOWS, Leavenworth. Kan.

J;jV''Bi:r.'.r, 'I filial


Attention Carnival Mana&ers I

li 70Br Compaay eqalppea with oneof Uia»« World Famoo*


If BO. yoa are fcrtanaw. If not, got Into communl-catloa wltbme stonco, as I Iiave aevenlof tbcsDbest of all coUt barveslera to place iritli lellJtble

compaalea on favorable tsnna0. W. PAOKKB. Iiea-ranwortb, K»b.


Al n««T« Show (IrrlDg E»irIp, mar.)—Lar off8-13, Oaletr, MUiDeapoUs. 10-2u.

American U«autl«« (Lou Kpstelo, isKr.)—Cnlim-lila.CblcaKO, 8-13. Imperial, flt. I^uiiH,

Bebraaa Show (Jac* Sliiicr, mgr. ) —Kniplre, N.w-art. 813, PUIla. 13-20.

laii Twia (Crank JlcAlew, m^r.)—Droui. NewYork 8-13, lax off 15-20, Kmplrt. Ncwarlc.22-2T.

BiK Ji'bllee (Nfaurlce Jacobs, m«r.>—-Albany an<lIlirirord 8<i:i. Gilety, Iknton, lu-20.

Di>n Wvlcli's Oi\n (\). (Harrj Sbn;plto, ni-„T.i

UolufflUla, N<w Xork, B-13>-0rpbcuiu, raurwn,

Seautj Parade (E». 3cbaercr, mgr.)—Star, Bt.I'aol, fc-13, Oalety. Mllwaukw. 13-20. a

Baw(!Ty Burlmiiicis (Bob Oobeo, mzr-l-^nitliio,Boilun, 8-13, Ctolaiobla, New Yoik, Ib-,li).

Silly Wation'B Big Bbaw (Billy Waimn, ni«r.)—

. Wabbbn a. Patbice saya one bamp doesDOt meke'S'liUl—but that bUmp should -wokosome peopla>up—not down them.KirasNa^F. ' McKbnna says some people

could raise goats all tbelr llTes and then nutbe able to 6utt-ln right. Ureat«tuir, Uugeoe r.Music to be used by the Rice & Dore Walor

Carnival: "He Kissed Uer On the Uaog-plank, While Floating Down the Diver, <tndUhen They Had to How, How."

. Dick CoLLi.Na Is In Chicago. Lew IIoH-sun Is In St. lUnil. It was their intention .it

tbiB, time to be comfortably quartered InI'arfs.t France. Moral: Vou can never tell

wbat Is going lo prevent you from doln;;wbat you wish. So always do the best youtan.EVABT carnival in America 'will "be repr'>

eentcd in the Special Outdoor AmusciuuiitNumber- of Tue Nb^v York Clitpuii, tu bdIssued Saturday, March 27. Get your adver-llslDg copy Ip as cqrly as' possible.SAMtJ. Levy.—You' may apeak now. Uow

Is tbe fair booklnc buslncs.i'^

John Albxa.nukii I'ulmtt claims that Dr.A. V. nutledge, uf Uculson, 'X'cx., Is v.omngreat prai'lltloner, cod tlint during hl.s Ill-

ness In Deolson that thcdoctor rendered lilmexcellent slrvlce. Dr. A. V. succeeded v\waall others failed In treating John Alexanderproperly,iTiiL live elcphanta p.urcbasc<l by' Jami»

Pattcr.'son are due Co nrrlYo In Paola thisireek from the W, P. liall auartera at Lan-caster, Mo.


OUT OF TOWH NEWSCleTeland, O^-^^nera HoQse.(A. F. Earti,

age ) "The Mlileading Lady," with Francinc Lar-Tlmore, Feb. 8-13. Next we«k, returu eugnKtmeiit•bt Itock anl Fulton, In "The Candy Sho|i." IrvlnOobb gave two wor lectures Sunday atleruoon andeteiilDg, T, here.

CoLo.siiL (F. Hay Odmatock, mgr.)—^WadeDaTis' amateur .protluclloa of "Tbe Oollege Hero."-nrlth a largo cait at local -talmit, 8-1 :l. Nv\tweek, "The Blue Bird" wllUplaj) a leturu en-gagement, with Jack Davis and llarrlet MendelIn tbo prlijclpal chlldtea roles. \KmTU'B IIirroOBoua <1I. A. Daniels, mgr.)

Dill week of 8: Qertrude UolTmano abd coii>i>uu]r,

Illnos and Burt, Bolaad and Uolts, Darrell andConway, Bertha Crelghton and company, Ouunollyand Wenrlcb, and pictures.Mbihppoutan (Fred Johnson, -mgr.)—For week

ot 8, May Buckley an<1 Jobii Ilalllday. with tboUetToimllten I'layerfl, In a Hpeclnl production at"Mrs. UuoipsteBil-Lclgli." Kelt Vreck, "U« FellIn Lore with. Ills Wire."

rsOHPECT (J. W. Lroiis. mgr.)—"Itobeccs ofSunnybrook Farm" 6-13, "Mutt and JcS hi Mex-ico" lB-20.

CLEVEtiND (II. D. Zlrker, mgr.)—For week of8. tbo lloldcn I'loycrs present "Under SouthernSkies," wlib'Carolyu Qatea and Arlliig Alclne.

tiUAND (Drew &.Campbell, mgr».)—Tbo stockcompany, In "Tbe Third Degree," 8-13.

I'.iLBS (Chas, Qarner, mgr.,) — Uaruolil's ani-mals, Mra. I.ouls Jumca aud compaar, Qroy audGraham, Cook aud Itntliert, BlanchK Leslie, Black tand White, and pictures.

ruisciLLA (P. K. Seas, mgr.) — mil 8-13:Knight Dtos, and Sawtellc, Ileury Borne Trou|>e,Regent Four, Luola Blalsdell, In "Visions LaFlame,"- Jcsbt, Jack aud Jerry, Luoler aud KIls-wortb, and pictures,


GOBOON SauABB (Ilorry Durocher. mgr.)—Billv^k of 8 Includes: Oe\<i Clay and company, -ind

• TBvjloss of I'auama," other acta and plctur<>s.StiBn (Drew & Campbell, mgrs.)—Dare Mar-

Kai e Bbrlcsqucrs 8-1.1.

-J^^'J" M9PhBll, msT,)—Tbe High Holl-eW 8-13. Broadway airU lB-4o.KNHntmDOOKsa ( K. N. Downs, mgr.)—^Para-

joount pictures for week fit 8 arc: Gaby Des-lyj, in "Her Triumph" ami John Umerson, la'The Bachelor's Romnnce."

DuciiiMs ^A. A. Oomey, mgr.)—For week ofB. Hoteiio! ^ Naah, In "Sprlugtlmo" (picturco),°"t ,',hrei) days, ond -"The Trespa«aing Show of

aouland""^ ^'o"'* Hea'a Ouslneu Club of

(O^w: Bydcr, mgr.)—J>arsn)onnt niins,

• J J!'"'^ Marguerite Clark, In "The Criiellilc."

S?j3* Kallcb, In "Martha of tbo LowlandH,"

a ^'.i.'J''*"' "o"- Groasman, mgr.)—For -week ofB, Lillian Busiioll. in •'WlldQre;" ''The .'Wizard ot

tS" Fields, IB- "OM ,Dutch." and LjdiaAwrelll. In "Love Urerlasllng." are amon« IhoHigh class flima ahown.ALnAHiBA <Preil Brandt, mgr.l-^or week of

2,' °*;'rl» Mlchelenn, In "Jllgnon," and Joavphluo«^«rsjthe, prima douna soprnno.

MOTES,At ids violin recital of Friti Krelsler. to lie

giren In Qruy's Armory, IC, uiiiler the manag^-gent Of Mrs, rel|j nughea, Mme. Kllaabeth VanfSJett. lyric soprano, will mako her Urst localappearance.

,I» sm.B of tTie dimcuUIes of 'Var Umcs."Jj*.!"Core Iheatrea. slmost without CMcptloo, re-port tn attendance! ami gmernl prosperity, par-ticularly tbe higb class houses.

Grand napliln, Mich.—Powctb' (ITarrT O.^tun)ers & Co., niKrx.) Jnbu W. llanaoiie. In "Tliorrlnco of Plieen," r,.i.. .7. 8. Lyraon 11, Uowc'aB.".S?.- •2-14, De Wolf lloiiper 18-20, .DarldVrarteld 27.

Majbstio (Orln RIalr. mgr.)—Qncens of lh«_.EcTgere 11-14. "Bringing Up rnt!i«"

ween of 21. "DnmaKe<l Cowls" week of 2fl.KMPRBas (Dan'l McCoy, mgr.)—Bill week of

o. Anthony and .Mack, Ilsrry nnrt Wolford. John


conroy and .Mo<t<-la, Oiias. K. E»nn» and com.l-nrella T«-lu», Frnnk Marckly, and Zari

anrnm Trio.


ti.'iS' Dill week of 8: usical TJemlda.

B^f?*"'^ iS?. ^ flam V^a". Wallace andBoso and •?7UMa aiid Aobrcy.

aey Olty, 8-13, Pert^ Amboy, Sonth Betlilehenand KaatoD. 10-20.

Temptsrs (Qua Kabn, mgr.)—Temple, Ft. Wayne,Inil.. 8-i:), Oiynurket, Chicago, IS-CO.

Tail OlriB (Jack Leryp, mgr.)—Olympic, Now\ork. 8-13, Academy, Jersey City, 10-20.

Trana-Atltntlcs (Obis. DoDohue, mgr.)—Oalety,I'hila-, 8.13, Atlantic City and Treotoa 10-20.

Zailah's Own Show (John Kckhardt, mgr.)—Mancheater. N. U,, 8-11. Murray Ulll,=- NewTork. 13-30.

PEN» OIBCUIT.RMTer Falls. Pa.—Monday.UcKeesport, fa.—Toeaday.Greenabanr, Pa.—Wedsfwlay.liltbler, AUoona, Pa.—Tbocaday.Orphean, Tork, Pa.—iFrtday.Academy, Readlof, . Pa.—Satnnlay.

CAKNATIOR BEAUTIES ROTES.Initead ot laying oH all at laat week, tbe laat

lbre« days were fllled at the Ollmoi*, Sprlngfleld,

Miaa.Several thestte and dinner parllee are arranged

for this week at Providence, where Chas. Rabln--son baa bceo a great favorite for many yein.Sam Robinson and Ilarry Link are bring royally

nlertaUnd by Dr. Cordon and Prof. Uarry Ara-blin.Lew Spooler dropped la at tbe opening of the

DcT. v'.ir'on'. no,i» M»,» n^A, m,™ 1 Qi.v ' '"k* Hooi«. No. H, Ust Monday nlgbt. ami

(7eTH..Lf i?r° ftir™^,^? ri^HnnJrr ir^n ' Pwoounced It one of tbe nnest In the country.

<V5h.,^m i>.,J^ a?aS^I.ini nJi- ^fi'ITT- °i character material. JuM catch Qiem In

f'nijTn ii^SS:. n'''iff??'i'"*' f'flr Chhieie wmedy and. dances, and aa the ruijeGo1d)q Crooka (Janes 0- Fulton, mgr-)—Oaleiy,

S'nr.. St. rnul, 15-20._. iVillig Blackman. of llie City Comedy Four,

Kmpire, Toledo, 8-13, Star.& Garter, Chicago,lS-20.

Carnation Beauties (Sam Roblnaoo, mgr.)—IVeat-minster, ProTldeaor. 8-13, Oasino, Boa'lon, lS-20

College Glrla (Max 3plca<>l. mgr.)—-Gaiety, Wash-IngtoD, 8-13, Gilely, Pltlaburg. 13-20.

Dreamland Uurlew)u(.-rs ruob Travers, mvr.)—Gaiety, Montreal, 8-13, Albany anl Hartford•5-20.

15-20.CioliO Trotters (Waah Msriln, mitr-) — Galely,

(nuaha. 8-13, lay off 13-20. Oalel.v, Mloneaio-lis. 32-27.

CjT'y llnlds {Vim. V. Jennings, mqr.)—Bngle-wood. Olilcigo. 8-13, Qalet)', IVtrolt, 13-20. ,

CIrls "f tlic Moulin Rouge (Ilurili.' & !<eanion,

jngra.)—Chuino, Dkln.. 8-13, llurllg A .Sei'

Dion's, Neur York, 10-20. --- .— .—, - — - - - - -

Oay New Yorkers (Jake Goldenfccrg. mgr.)—Gal- »b the burkM-iue bouMOS are concvroeU.

Jtrry Clemlng conllrma the rumor that she Is

engnfT<l lo bo married at the end of tbe fleamn,to a welt-kiiowa burIeHr,ue ond rlrcua agoot.

Polly Atouion aaya mni« prugierty men can act.

BURLESQUE IR'?HILADaPHIA.Tlie.'e arc strenuous times In tbe Quaker OKy-

ely, runsna City, 8-13, Onlvly. (.'nialia, lD-20.Glrla from Ilnppylaad (Ceo. II. Harris, mgr.)—

ISntplre. Hoboken, 8-13. Pjmplre. Ukln.. 16-20.ITaippy WIdoK'a (Fcnncsiy A Jlerk, nigra. )—Gai-

ety. Toronto, 8-l:t, Gaiety, UulTalo, 19-20.•Foneymoon Girls—Ilurtlg A Seanion'a, New lotb,

8-13. Phils. 13-20.nastlnKS* lib; -Show (Ilarry Ilsatlnga, mgr.)—

lOmplre, I'lilla., 8-13, Kmplro. Uoboken, 13-20.. . , , , . ,• , ...

IJlOTty Girls (Aloi. 6. Gornun, mgr.)-GalHy,^ '"o,'? I'urleaiiuers to ilow up x\\o pace, 11 Is

. Detroit, 8-13,_ Unloly. Toront... 15-20. j'^iH?.':! T:^^" ,?L'?"- ... „„.,„„ ^

Out of tho four uliotra playing there list week,three hod coochee featuren. the eiceptfai beingtbe Rose 9y<lell Show. Zeninra la addcil tills weekto the City Ilelles, at -the Trw.

AX. the .Ircb, the cuuip.iny ;iut*ln hy 5Iai ,\rm-strong had their work cut nut to follow the kindof shinva that had been playing tbero aud keepwithin I lie law.

Tlie rvrurmer.i are taking nnllce, ami It would

Lore Makers (W. ,M. •I.<>slle, •nisr.)-;rl-ay off 8-13,Wuplre. NcATiirk. 15-:;ii.

Ullllon Dollar Dolls (ITa Miller, Jogr.)—Gllmon>,Sprlnelleld, 11-13, 'Westminster, l>TOvl(Ieni<e,lS-'20

Prite WUinere (A. Pearson, mgr.)—Gaiety, I'ltra-

buTgh, 8-13, .'jlar. Olovelaiul,'-^1S-20.

Boselaod Girls (Walter Greaves, mgr.)—Syttcoseand Utlca 8-13, Gaiety, aMontreal, 19-20.

Boss Sydell's (Harry Tboropaoo, mgr.)—Palace,IlalUmore; 8-13, Gaiety, Washington, lS-20.

Itosey Posey Olrls (P. S. Clark, mfr.)—liayety.Biiffato, 8-13. Syracuse and Utlca 15-20.


doclal Maids (J. J. Llolvrmann, mgr.)—Empire,Ilkln., 8-13, Ollnore.s.Snrlngfleld, 18-20.

Star k Garter (Frank Welaberg. mgr.)—Imperial,St. La4ila, 8-13, Goleiy. Kansas City, 19^20,

Trocndcroa (Frank 3. Pierce, mgr.)— Olynple,Cinclimatl. S-13. Bmplre. "Toleilo, 15-20.

Winning Widows (I/ouls Gilbert, mgr.I—Star andGarter, Ohlcago, 8-13, Knglewuod, Oblca.w,15-20.

Watson SJjtera' 0>. (Mnr Spiegel, raer.)—Gai-ety, Milwaukee, 8-13, Columbia, Chicago. 15-20.

Columbia IVIieel—.Added.Auto Glrla (,Te<liIy SIniond.i. nicr.)—Oniury. Kas.

aas City, 8-13, lay off 15-20, Gaiety, Oblcsgo,22-27.

Broadway Olrls (Bob Gordon, mgr)—Kmpresi,Columbas, fl-13, I'lmplre. Clevelanil, 15-20.

Bohemlaoa (Tom Miner, mgr.)—Now HaTvn audBrMgeiwt 8-M.

Big lleilew (Ueiiry P. Dixon, mgr.)—Lay off 8-

13. Gaiety, Clilcago. 13-20.Beauty, Youth and Folly (Ixnila Stark, mgr.)—

lloirard, lloston, 813, Grand, Boston, 15 21).

Big Sensation (Morris Wnlostook, mgr.)—Grand

The R:nplr« Is playing the Ilaallnga Show uii

abort billing, as It wa. aupixiivMl to nsnaln darkttis wcok. Tho dramatic stock company to dll

in here baa not yet been aniiuiuiced. .

DALY'S TO CORTSuE.Meaers Levlne«and Rownberg ara.blgblr pleued

with tbe boslnesa done at Daly's, and InformTub CLirrrj that tbey will nndoubtedly be abloto make arraDgemAils for the renewal of theirllmse, which ciplces Feb. 23, for tbe r««t of themaon. This week they present the Damsel-KellyGbmpany, which leturna from Newark, with theI'rlncesa Mala In an added festure dance. LastMeek ths*Jeaaette Dnpre Show played lo capacityat every performance. Thuraday night Is act aaldefur aoug publlahera Instead cif fur tbe OiuattyStore.

Dl'RLESQl'E AT Tim URANI) ArAiLiini!:.

The errerlment of ahowliig burlesque shows attho Grand (>iora House, Nvw York,- InauKural-.<<l

last weeic with tbe Orlentala, proved that

riirt or tbe West Hlda Is not a fertile dell (or

rurlesriuo any longer. The business fell far N*-

low llie (2,000 mark, and on the Ofty-dftr baala,

the company hjrdly piill^l out wii i|e. Tbis week,Wi.liiatack's nig Kenaatloa la ° there, -under lliu

/ tllle of tbe Cabaret Glrla. "niat will be aboutall for burlesque at tho Grand.

Flsko O'Uara playa there Feb. 22.

CHANGE IN PATI5U»ON.g Sensation (Morris Walnalook, mgr.)—Grana flam Howe. Instead of going to Pateraoa forOixra House. New York, 8-13, Greeodeld aud thla week, from tbe Broui. .New York, lays uff

nolyoke 15-20,

City Sports (It. K Patton. mgr.)—Oaletv,cago, 8-13, Columbia, lucllsnapoMs, 19-20.


Cracker Jacks ( Charles Falkc, mgr.)—Oolumla,Indianapolis, 8'13. Dncklugham, IxmlSTllle, 19-20

CHierry Bloinoma (Maurice Jacobs, mgr.)—dlay-market, Chicago, 8-13, .Standard. St. I.oala. 19-:0

City Belles—Trocadcro, Phils., 8-13, Wllkea-Barraand Bcrantoa 10-20.

Oharioliig )Vld<nrs—<}TU)<], Doslon, 8-13. MaS'Chester. H. H., and Worcealer, Mass., 13-20.

Follies of 1020 (I>ew Talbot, mgr.)—ningbB.B-'

ton and Schenectady 8-13, Corlnlblao, Ilo-

Chester. lS-20,Folllco of Pleasure (Babe Demsteln, mgr.)—Gai-

ety, Balllinore, H-13. Phlla. 13-20.

Fay Footer <J>. (Joe Opnenbelmer. mgr.)—Stand-ard. Cincinnati. 8-13, Kmpress. Columbua. 19-20.

French Models (Dick KelaWr, mgr.)—Purth Am-boy. South Bethlehem anl Kaaton 8-13, Gaiety,Baltimore, 19-20.

Glrla ot tho Folllee (IT. M. Stroaie, mgr,)—Osdll-lac. Detroit, SdJ, Toople, Ft. Wayne, lnd.,lS-aO

Oay WIdowt (Louis. J. Olierworth, mgr.)—.Murraj

Hill, New York, 8-13, atar, Bkln,. 13-20.

Girls from Joyland (Sim Wllllama, mgr.)—Star,Itkln., 8-13, Trocadero. IMilla., 19-20.

(^den of Olrl. (Ix)al8 Gersrd, mgr.)—standard..St. Louln. 8-13, Century, Kansas 0\\j. 13-20.

Oar MornlnB Glories (Jack Ollnes, mgr.)—Cnrhi-

tblan, BocbMter, 8-13. Star, Toronto, 19-20

3-— 4 1 « irv tfjauaiAa A*\rv Bwasi su^sv t«ia

ate Is Oiled by Harney Gerail'a FV>llIes.

of the Day. Tbe shows that have played Pat-ereon will, of course, lay off, tho wm'k aftv theBreni, and the shows will go to Patenon fromtbe ColimbU, New York, on all such occaaloua.

A NEW SOUDliCTTB.Jomplog Into the sonbrette part wlthoot prepa-

ration, and «ukUig good from the start ao wellthat abs Is being retained for. the part, HelenBlytbe, ot the Midnight Maid* Oon)|iniiy, Is re-ceiving congratalatloos from her many trlenJs.

JEAIWETTE DUPRE'S SHOWsJ<>anuette Du|>n> urganlard ber company to open

at DalT's, New York, Fell, 1. She hn> a U\trliow taat will draw (leople In any ot th<> Inde-iiendent bnuae*. Tbo Qrat bnuk H a tramly on^Pinafore," anil the s<H'ond luixt Is a typical tnir-

liwiue. TiM priiurlpals ar>< gmil. 'I'lw churuacnuld be Improve^l. Tbe nuiiilK^ra are nicely jiuton. The costumes and aliiging an* guml. TbomnM^dy la not as giwii aa It might lie. but eomocf the funny acenea thut wnit over weru: Tboentrance of tbe two ciHueillsiis, the enlranoi* oftbe dower girl, tbe anmo tvtween the admiral andJosephine, between tho niUnlral and tbe Il<iwer

glrla and lietwn'n the mlinlral .ml the captain,the drunk bit, Ibo Intotlrutiil cliuni* itanir, llie

Imaginary drink, tho iniknr gamo, Iho telling ofthe former marriage, the chmMliig uf the cemll-<lates, the meeting, thi> chorus niintlier, the kre^i-

hig uf tbe aippolntments, tho selling >tf tlic gattw,this rotuming of the garter, the tabk* scene, tholeer drinking, the sudilen return of -tlw liuabsmls.and Ihe target nractlce, Amuiig the annoe were:"Walt Until My Ship Cumes In," ".MlsalaslpplCabaret," by Mlaa Anirll ;

" 'Way Down Kaat."by MIsa WUte: "I Didn't Raise .My lh>y In bea Soldier," by Mlaa White; "DItle I.snd,'' "Win-ler," "Osrollne," "Hack to Iho Land of I.otr."uMilog chcrua ; "How's Hverytbing by You."ohorus nnmbcr: VIls Came Up .Smiling." MlasKarger: "Fatlma-'llrown," iMIaa Thumpion, aud"Linger."The otlo wae good, A sister set openeil with

Bsonn. Mile Deiere and her Modala were a goodnnslug act. The Mlnalrel .Maid, went over. Mile.Dee ttocbes, the Girl In the MulT. went big.

iMabel White made a pleasing prim* donna, fUieoakm a good appeatanix) ami baa a sweet voire.

Oarl Ounnlngtam and Barney Gallagher madefunny eccenlxlc cotneillana.

Jaate* Ooronsj la a nv«t siralgbt man.Gertrude Wager la a cute Ingenue amilirette,

tpriib a..nlce voice.'I1is abow la st tbe Star, Scraiiton, I's., this

week, IfirfM.

NlLL Oaitxb left Jack Ileld'a Go. In IMttalMiruli

)sa| weok, going illtvcl tu lier Ihhuo In KausisCity, wbcro shu will rtst until neit susMin.Thb burlesijue huuKS In I'lllaliu.-gb. Pa. (A'.al-

eoiy. Osyety and Victoria), sri; but after 'hepatronage, sinl are using erery jitiiiHllilo ineniii ofluiveliy advertising, Kur tbo paat two wivk. tboAraib-my lian lisd large aiitos wllli all the girlsriling sruunil lilarlng liornn nnd JniiglliiK ciiw-

liells, aud Ilia retiirna have iH-eii enurunrtiH, TheOayoty, with llavu .Mnrhm n> lliu attraclbin,

came out atruiig uu Monday wllli a braaa handh-ndliiH a siiull paraile uf ten cnlM. ndyvrlUliig"Siiutry" tli^.i/'nlMunn. Iltirilnesri Hliiinid \v hihhI aaMurlon la [lOiMilur lierv, althungli Jnrk Itelil Is

aure to vivo tbeui all a run fur tbitlr money, bat-ing a rliiB<47 allow.

Nat Youno made ninny friends during liU thresweuka' atay In I'lttaliurHli, I's.. ami la mnnlileivdlliu etiuni to any Jew cihiiimIIhii i.'.'vii then' In aMong while. l;ter alert fur ml UU. "»tiilf" thatbrlnga Inuglis^ loung never falls lu gel bis aliini

of appriiral, mill bla Imalness In aefvial uuinlH'rs

brliiRS furlh rlutuus outbiimta.Jack Itaiit went tu Plllsliiirgli. Pa.,

weeks ago fur uiio wei-k'H eiii:ngi-iiiiMl. biii nrcminlof hia liniiiriise iHipnlnrlty wlili Iih':iI pntruns. wliu

do nut furget that Jack Is h Kniuhy nty lail, tl.u

mausgeiivnt was forced In kevp liliii fur the mtiiimI

week, but Ibis did nut whmii Iu Hsllnfy, siid stier

again rvtaluliig for tliv third wirk, ho Is to stay

fur his luurtJi. making a re«urd In liurleHipu' fur

this city. He hsa aurruundeil bliiiM'lf wlih a

clover crvwd uml a largu Is-auty churns, whichDSTcr falls 10 receive prabniwurlhy meiitlun,

Gsuaoi llu'riiMBS, wtiu nrvntly siuiuiincixt

his rxtlrrment tram actlire wreelllng 'liocanm'. In

bla opiiilisi, he bad roaclieil the age llisll uf furty-

cighl. Is In the embarraaslng prnllcajueut of hvliig

<uiu|vlleil lu go on Iho mat wliuiber he want. Ui

or nut. Sum. niontba ago. ll<iibiH<r sigiieit a con-

tract with the Acme Tlieatre <;ii., uf wlildi HenryClay Miner Is nianagnr, lu aiKiear In Irwelvo laiiits

on the Miner GIrcult, IlotliiHT told a reporter

that he wuuhl carry out bin ogrefiiimt with lbs

theatre, ami wuiibl pwltlvely ap|H-ar at Miner's,

In tbe Brmi, on Friday iilxbt, Feb. 12. ilurliiu

Ihelr Flfty^Or.t Annlvernsry wi<>k. when bn will

nieot Amtoiid I'etcnnui, Die .Sweiltsh MiddleweightChampion, to a nnlab.Wu ABB In receipt of tlin following uiialKiie<l

eraiininnli'iillon : "On Ih-c. lull, a lialiy l<iy

waa liorn tu Mrs. Ham Apnieloii, at tlis llnrt

I'MTstn IIOHpllal, Itoibury. .Ma/<s. i)n Jan. 24,

101 5, at 2 r. u., ther<* was s clirl.ti'iiliig at tlin

Apiilelon hmiio ou Morrison Avenue- West K<miiT-

vllle. ItelnllVe. ami frleiiita to llie niinilirr of

oiet 100 weru pB<»eiit, (oinlnif "from Oinneclleiit,

New tismpsliire snd Ushii.icIiiu>-i:s. llio lialiy re-

eeivsd a uuinlier of iireai-iils, Ineluiling a piirsv of

|2S'ht gold. Jakn Abronia, tlio wmtillan, keptthe guests In a liajipy nioiai Tliu AIpliHi tjiiar-

tut renderetl wveral of the lale«t san«ii. Dliiiii'r

was aerved at 4 i'. u., and lliu feallrltles eon-

tinned until nildiilglit. ,Mr. and .Mrs. Applnton amwell known to lmrI(W|iM>n(, an tbey baru cuncin-

slons al Wahlnm'H 00.11110, ll<«lon,"

Knuia Jbbuon has bn'u very busy of lale grab-

bing acU fruiu tho dirtereiit circuits anwiul NmvYork. He Is said In have prociiml no l>Y tlinu

twenty-throe now acts for Iwrlwiun for ueH sea-


Rtrtn CuiTis. prima donna uf Ihn Illth Rollers,

will leave burhNHiuo wlini »lio nrrl»e« In Newr«o4c, to nil (ut Ihe M>aaoii In v.iiidi-vllle.

Lbks 1>alt. the gingery s<iiilireiif with Mie

Tar^o Qiveoa, la atlll reglslvrlng r<nir and tiro ml-


Ana .Mirns la fivlliig lonnsomo losratbiya. All,or the AruHtroiig A I.ane .Hturk Oo. are hi Phlla.ilelpliln. ami Abe lias iin plai-u tu' acl any more,eitt'iit rlulit triilnil the Imr.

liAVH KiNiii.HS Is making quito snuiu 'nuceetuwith the City llellrs. Last week ho' rolIim'i'<I

'I'lhitn I'ska. and went nliniMl as bl^ as she did.MAnw. IIahbb was rurnil tu ciiicvl her llmt

vaudevlllo date after leaving burleaijue. on aci^oiiiit

of Ulnesn. She will cdiitliiue over tho tluw liy

next week.Unit IIsunhtmn can Is- seen at Iho Columbia

now. In Ihe capacity uf nsiiriirtiit trensiirer. Ilo

Is taking tbo placv of Tunnny llcMiatdt, who la

sick witn iineuniunls.Maiiat. I.aHLia, who rereiilly cliwed with the

Freiii'li .Mmlela, may bo ihsoi aburtly' In a vaude-vlllo skelcb. /•Who la the lirat ilreswil aiyur In burlciiiie?

Hoinr aav Frank Hurt.'

Tun llayety Girls will Iimp snd Ihe Girls fromJcrikiid will gain .Man lislairno. Feb. in.

WiiBU coiues /rnsi Chicago that Nelllo Klorolnla no belter. She Is nupia>K>il tu Iv In ilint

straits sod Iheie Is very llttio bo|iu loft for <ier

n-eoA-ry, -

llAunv Paascnn la at tho Grand Oixra Houm-(bla week, wllb the Big Henaallnn Ou.Hal Lanb, Jimlor uieuiivr of tho butlosipiii

sleek company o^ Arnulrviig and I.ane, la iimv -

well on :hp naid lo recovery fiom a Ihnw wet>k<'aelni nf the grip. Ho will be on the Job 111

PhllailclphlB by neat week. Tlio cnmimny fromall ri'purta, aro ilotiiif very well In llie now aland.

MAniiii ItoiiKWKLt., the pclnia diuiiin o( tbo Gillsof Ibo liay While Way, will leafo Iho show In

a few weeks..Ml.i.s. I>ss IbKiiisH, tlii> nrlglliil Girl In IIik

..Muff, and the'addeil altracllun at Daly's lastvri>ek. aciireil a big aiieix'ss,

Kaui. Siihaiia.w, who replnn'il Don Kerr n. Ihedniieliig ],ariiii'r uf ilie KeiinlsHifti sisters, nn-iiiiiiiii-eH Ihrtt he will marry I.DIIiii llayiiiori\ anieiiilHT of the Taligu Qiieeiiri. uii ,\prll I, Uu-hIluck III tlin- pair.

luviNii III.AI-KUAN was M-pIaml by llnlDllnrlon.Ili« well known (amlevlllo arlur, sitli tho Cnriis-Hon lleaiiilea.

STut;K iMiii(inliles seem lo ls> tho llnlilt now 1-

dnyn. The bilest to nliliolllin* ntiH'k llllelltloll:i arts

Deorgo nriil Jeanetin Dnpre, who will ii]ieii ut Iin*

Kolly, iH'iroli, Willi s eonijmny uiiiler the iht-oiuil NtipiTvlHlon of Miss Jf-niiello.

Jk/nrhth Iii'I'iis'h lilg h\u-w will iiinvo fro.ii

Diily'rt lo I'lilluelplil;!. Ilieiii'i- lu .Sersntoii. Ilicini*

III Iwn wi-i'ks III Pltlslilirilll, liiil'k tu I'lllhli'el-

I'liin. iiriil rroiii llieru lu liiily's, 'I'lie cast willrtiiif.lii llie i:iiiiie.

I.ATAtA.N ANII ItllAIII.HHA,. foniKirly Wllh Mill

Iti^iity I'nrnile, aliirt on (tie^riilieiim tliiie thowwk uf l-*eli, H, at Dm riibnv,^ OlilenKo. .

ItiiHH Snow, tniiiip eomeilliiii wllti the (llrls 'if

ll:i> (Iny While Wsy, lenvi'H tho show In Nownrk,ml ni'i-iiiiiit uf a aalary ent.

'I'liirra I'AKA, Ihi* rniniiiiri llonlt-llooln ilnnrer,

was Ihe aildi'd altrsethin ulili ihi> Ulty Ikdies Cn.,"^nt III!' Slur, llnKiklyii Inst v.'i<<>k.

WiMT II jiliiLH-lilf I'oiiiMiiniloii, Joe l-^meriiiii.

I:iiilrli t'iMipt-r and Henry I'. IMxoii. You enn'l|.|.||l llielll.

AciiUHT I.KH, Ihu lllrl III Whlto. wrIUe Hint '•ho

never fell Isller III her life. Hlni lufl Iho Ik'lil

sielii yiKw :i wit-U lifter (.'brlstiiias, )tiiil In 1

Imtii ri>fitliig Hliieiv

Hauhv I.anii wrlleri Unit PhIs'IIh waa n gifniniii'cif.s In l>>a .Miill'.i roh-. Hurry In still iimk-liij; n HoMil bit wllh the l-'nllles of IU20.

KiiiiiB Jhiimiin la wnliliig psileblly for the HllliIti.llers to ciiiiio .In tuwn. Al.\ Hliig'er, In tboJi'iiisiii olllee, la a hustler, uml\kiioY;n liuw tograb bnslnesH, ,

'Co Al.l, tlANA'lHHHl 'I'llll ('UI'I'MU Will Im gisd .

to^pulilUli liny ilitlii iioles yuii iiiuy baro obimt '

your yiliow.



OBRARD DID DV9INBB8.Bualneai at the Oolamhla, New Tnrk, last

week, with the Follies of tbe Day, kept eiesdllrIncreaaing, and a number of aell outs «re reiiorteu.

An enouraging fact to remember for the stauwathst follow.

THE GAY 'WIDOWS.At tbe Murray IIIIl. Krw«York. this week, this

-company Includes ' t)ie Five Alnyrona, IncludingKrrne Alarcon. The Four .illraiiu Ilrothcrs are saadded feature.

SHIFT IN SPniNCKIELD.FpriDgdeld, Maai., has a fall week of bur-

, . -I, 1.1 ... leeaue Ibis vteek, as .the Orientals go Ibj-re fnr

Hello, Paris (Wm. Bortm mgr --Jiuoklngiara, ^^'a„i u,,^ „a Million Dollar i)oll«I,nulBvllle. 8-13, fltandanl, OIncIiinal , l»fO. foribo last three.

Ulgh Life GIMs (Frank Calder, mgr.)—Atlsntle '"r '°°

City nnd Trenton 8-10. Gaiety, Jlkln., 19-20."

nieh Rollers—ftni>Ite, Cleveland, 8-13, Vlclorla,

•Plttsliursh, 13-20. , . ,, ,

Heart Ohatmers (Dsvo Condron, mgr.)—vlclorla,

Pittsburgh. 8-13. Penn Olreult 19-20.

Mischief Makers (P. W. Geliardy, mgr.)—Savoy,Ilnmllton, 8-lS, Cadillac, Detroit, 19-20.

.Monte Carlo GlrU (T. Snlllvao. mgr.)—Wilkes-Barre nnd .Hcranton 8-13, OIngbamton and."tchenectaily 15 20.

, _ , . .

Orientals (Dllly Watson, mgr.)—Bprlngneld andHotyoke 8-13, Howard, nojton. 19-20.

Paasing Review of 1014 (Jne ly^ltt, mgr.)—Star,Toronto, H I3. ft«voy, llsmllmn. )5-20.

September Morning Glories—Penn Circuit 8-13,

Olrmplr. New York, 13-20., « , .

1'Argo Olrle (Obas. F, Toylor. mvr.)—Oilety,Bkln.. 8-13, New Haven ami Ilridgniort 15-20.

Taneo Queena (15. E. Daly, mgr.)—Acadgny, Jer-


THAT T^pSid'IoR "you"

LEAVES BURLESQIJE,Carl Williams closed ss mnleal director at

Dily'a. Feb, 7. and o|iened 8, wllh his qoarletteorchestra, at the (Vinii^ly, New York.

Davi OornoR ond Max Gordon will do a look-ing busljicss.

DoK Babciat may join the Keystone FealuroFilm Co. ^ ^Ahbobo OoLi.Bccni an Italian tenor, sang witn

the Follba a< <be l>sy at Ihr Cojumhla. Feb, B.

6ah Uowabo bpg^closed aa advance nan for

the Winners. ' .•

JoiiKMia Wrsn liecame a life member of tbeVlilte Hats hut week.

F^ HiiBKixiCK, who Ofieratesi tbe spiit

nt tbe Acailemy, I'ltLsburgli. I'a., hsu manyfrienibi among visiting jM-rfur-ner^. Always lU--

elroua lo please, aa well as lielng rUliI one the

job, fasvc made him a piiiiiilar l>;y.

HAsar Mas,ON baa cluaeil as advance man lor '

the li.x-anilnnils.

lUnai NswHAN Is' In odvanrc for the IkmM'elch Show. He Is also rtMili-eteil aa rcconUngsecretary of Ibo JerKy Clly UlllpvstWl.

on all her soiiin.

Ton CnvNB Is slin the funny Irishman that hehaS bem for s numlK-r of i>eis>iiis. Ilo Is liogglna

tke lauohs with tbe Toiiiin Qurams.flAUur WniiiUT, acamllng lu Al, Reeves, la

tbe blggivt Ond of tlin aeaaVi.Wai.t I. Mill. IB Is now innnsgln;r Ihe Hsin Itirwn

SI1UW aa well aa hnnillliig Uie pulillclly and sd-'

vanee^f'T llert Baker's Hon Tuns.llt'nTKi K Srauo.v, II Is viiKirle.1, luaight out

Dove (lord'Si's liitertnl hi Tho <lay Whlla Waylast Aeek, .

Iks WriiKn leaves New York Ibis week for

Meileo, In attend to lni>ilrie«S IntenntH UoTr.Tiia Million Iiiilijik play the New

Nlicn T!i.«lre, Allaiillc Glly, Holy Week, Inaleadct Ibo Kmplie, I'bllndeliibla.

Tiia rjnEiniiToN riiiiL:< are a big kit wllii theOlrls from Hnin>ylaiol Oo."Habbt DiiTi'ir Wauci." In the ICcTStuno onn-

edy Olma, has had Ha Oral relesae.

nii.i.r INUAN goes wlUi lbs Girls feim Joylandnnt w«'k.

MAnoAnirr Nkwhlt. wrilee from Verona, N. J,,

thst the visit lo tbu sanllarlum Is greslly liene-

Oti'ng her.PsiNUBSH DovBBB Is Idlled with Ihn Tail Glrla

fur Ihla week.DUBINO George Harris' atny In Ihe Knlrker-

iHiekrr Hnspltal, New Ynrk, Jake Idcls'noann !*

looking after the 'lirli from dlainolaml, andAloiirlc* Uain Is piloting Ibe .Huelal .Mnlds.

I/So HraraHH will rest f'lr tlin balaiiui uf IboaoasOo. lie I. algiwl up by Ms( Hplegul. who.has also Biinod Ous Kuy.

New Ynrk hns sppnreiitly gono IteTiio ernay.l':vari' iiiniisi;i<r In tin- .Mi>lr<i|«illA Is trying In

eiltilu Ula lluilis;;i>rlill nelghUir ns n (iroiliii-iT ofsijiei.tlunnl revih'r*. and iiii-tn d.ito Hie piil.llr sh-iiis

to bn r-aylng . Iiiiililsoriiidy for tliij privilege ofviewing tliHHi rival i-iTorii,

Hut wImhi wu aet ilowii lo an nniilysls nf t'lo

brAlc priiielpli-n iTiiit sis-ll Hiieri-na for the ri'viio

we aru uily biillillng^ou the Name prliii'lplea thiitInirlewiiM msiiaHera linvit fiillowisl fur yoara, 'i'lio illffeieiire Is In lliu reriie llio iiinnagersInilld tho i.ny.|oll uml llio iirisliiethiii cuet nwhole b;t higher, nnd liii'ldeiilnlly buost Uni |irli:o

ot »a\M 'along with It,

Tho lairlnii|iio manager alwnya hsa workeil sule-1r on llm thiory that lli« \iiMU\ want* laily lirlght,UrwiT eotertaliiiiienl. It iloii't rare nioiil plot.It sbotyir won't bu aniiofi.<l wllh 'siieli n fwllHbttiing, Wbnt the piihllK dis's wnni and wlinl IIm-v

aro.uaylng for Is niiKle, fun nml siH'nt—and pleniyfif tlio latter.

]liirlMi|un, during the Inst sennnii esj eulnlly hnseb'/wii t reniarkalil^ growth In «i'>pi:lartly. andtlirOiKh lla Ineresalng jialr.nngn of Hi. liurli'siiiHi

the public has uiilv biiwii Hieir dealru fur lirliilit.

•pSMy tniulral iMilertalnmeni. while on Ihe otherbond thft scarcity of the atnilglrt iniiiili'al eoiiiiilv,

vrlUi Its plot, and all that guea arllb H.-lina Jnsla/ fully deuioiialratul that the public dues u<>t

want II.

tiaal season the Inirlemiiii; manager tietfan toturn to Ibe vainlevllln alsgn for talent, 'llie eii-

Kagwneiil of apcclally ortlsla hna reavntly ls>eisiii>

imrrs and mnro frei|iieiit. until of lale the Isir-

li sqiw iterforinaiiro ha. iMi-vnim a aiiow nt person-B:itlM aud Imllrldiialltlm rather than Itie priwrna-lion of any ariilior's •rrnrta.Now cfiiiies Ibft legltlirinte ninnnger along wllli

llio Ideii'ical nrliiirlplen. pri-wiilliiu a revue luiHtiilHin iiersoiiallllea nnd the Imllrliliial efforu ofsuch pHri*orinllMes---M scoru or mure of HiH-i-lnliy

ariUls Willi run prnrldn lirlgbt, siiafipy enleris.Ilo'llt, Willi a rlioniH of girls only to weiivo llit'i ;

eirorts together and nfforil tbeni a la-.iiillfiil lisrl:-


And hi diiigg nwsy wllh tlin i-horiis mnn nwiis-Hers sre UIllv foHowlllg the eislliple llie'lior|i*Hi;i|->

prislueera l.iid down many .vejirs nuo.. Hi) .'ifler ii,

the revues are rosily offering thi* |iiitillr> iiolMii'

n.w, for tho rerne of lo tlay Is iriily nii. ••Inliorill' 11

sf hiirleeiiii. built on Ihe sfiisn prim-lpli 1 -in

wlilcti Imrli.'sjpie bas Isieii iiMHlelrd for yi'nrs. Ti>Ih* sure, 11.ere are iiiilold dlfTeremw.s In Hii- .inlter

f'f the jierMiialltles of eaeb. Iliit the i.^rri'rriiL-ii

ab far aa lbs prinrlplu Is eonceriieil U .'ipial InB4«ro, atlll the dl/Tereiico Is-twi-en Die revuo andburlsiipi. lo the fnibllc la simtily om.- ilolliir.

Tlin Taal fitrla'an* the nltrnclloii tbh wei,kal tho (ilyinple. New York, wlier«i Inislness keii|is

IIP lo cipni'lty, Tlie.abow Ineliiiles: Jon llnrtiui.

<:iisrleH Wesson, Msrk Wwley, Jnrk Hownnl Idnllnytiiii. I.ynn Carter, Una OrHwIck and (ilalrtr



01 Qua r»7*B Oayatjr CMrl»



SHAPIRO. BERNSTEIN &. CO .SggLast we^ i-wt -tinTiouncta a Sonrtbat we predicted would sweep the country.: In just ten days this Song, the greatest applause gettw we have published''


since "LonesomB Pine," 'is sweeping the country The wise Singer wjll get this Song now—while It is brand new. - '



Hairy Carroll, has just handed us the lunniest Comedy Song ever placed before the American Public, Will ,be restricted to Acts known to us,





SHAPIRO, BERNSTEIN & CO., =%r^o^l? ^f^^r__ :

• - : CHICAGOr-rOt^ ' S



Prin'clpala Comedjr

'rifli: noWRIlY nilHLESdURRS.Ncit vnk, at Ihr Oulumlili, tim York, Ibis

rliow will pment Kllzinriilil lOil QnlaD, EdnaOtn-n, Clurlin Jinvi'ii, l;o:i7 Oinin, 0«nr|Cf^iiyiliT, Il<>lil>lf> llarrliin'luii, Jonc lltj, UnmjiloluiouC *sd Julo Kliic


HATING.Cfaorna CuatiimcB fiocnery

100 100 100Nambera


SOCIAL MAIDS HEPUAT.Tbt Rnclul Malilfi will nlay * rrtnm nugt-

l»nt nnl wwk at lliuil^ A Hranion'a, Nrw Xoiii,III |.la«i of Ihc Ulrbi oi the Moulin Bonce Co.,wblcli uiu tiwrsanlcliiH.

M tv Oolumbli, Neir Yiirk, II«n Welch uilhlB coniptiiy tuade rwhI tb« advaueo Dvlicca at"a BU041 allow." OiwnluR wUli a liundauiuo acl-

tiiiiC ot a grtiiil aialrcaav, with oiaaalvr InoklDKlilllars anil a tonnlalo (iUjIdk, llie Drat part la

- iirlnclpally a aucorealoii. of sumlKTM, I'acli uuuiDtroducInK a iirliiL-l:iul, uiilll tkv arrival ut livu

Wricb hlian-ir.

Minnie "Iliid" Ilarrlroii lutriHluc«<1 blinwlf byItiHuita ami llisidy <llrU. aiiJ "Unity Tuliy Uoy,"4lir ullvr iiiuuraiuiiH'd aa (;<t>riiv UoiiKlaa' iiuin-

ter. Flori'ui'i' Ruikrr I'uiiu' on fur "WidowWiae:" VL- i'.awnute iiul over "Tbli Ii\>r Myt'ofia." KiiMla I'luri'Dix* warbloil "'I*hc FbhIiIuii

UixTii " Unirnr l>otiKhii aunii "A Itcviilsr Uny.""at KeatDry gut c|uiri> a n^viiilnu, oud oiTorol"Lore Water." Kraiilt IV Miiriiby, m- .Mulvaiiey.

. a oeil Irlibrr, wiu "Ik-ir Uld IMildy." wlibthe cborna <lli>nlayliin' ell aorta of Ililuriilan ac-41flt/, and AluUd llowurtl ivotf Ubsl^iifd a calciiyllttlO TUf ,

Ikvi Wcli'li U'liii rrvlriil \vllli uiiuii aniiH, andBooo bad- bla iiuillviiiv hi ri\<iiUri> •ih.i.I for lil-i

litfectivua •mill' niid iMiiiior. Ula linlliin cbiir-

•cter Mt waa well duiii> mid ai»iduud(-d. 'IboNlccolloe uii'itlirr wont uvor wlili a riihli, andfor bl| HKVIally be rrtnliuHl ihr widl kiiowu uiA-Urlal. «lil<li ki'iii IhiMi lauidiliiK.

Mliinl« Uiil UurrlwMi oITitihI Imt aiu'Clnl'y. aim;-iDg "Hm MiiiK> Uc Ji'avo My ubi KeuluckyUdai^." wllb I.OMIC "iiiiKiiliit:,"

Mlaa lUillicr ivulrllmktl "Jiim a'le Lof^t Utile KldH" mid "You Ah' llio ll'juc of MyHeart,'' lu eiceliciii tuIcc.

Tb« eoiMludhi); uiuobiT. "At Ibe Hall," rnimintltbe' entire cuiiii'uny Ui tbo llin'-up reijuired by Lbhat'CrcotlTe bit.

Duriuf Ibo aoUuii, -Vic Onmitorp was kept biit<7

]iinii>lus ii|i niid >W\vu In Ida I'ri'iu'li laKO, amifciiuuiff |iriMiilHi>ii(iUNl-v. 'I'bo kht nihl pay ao>:inwat irell walked up by Stlaa Ilatb<c, ai (b* inft.Jiitf ooaier, und lU'ii WvlcU uid I'luiik iluridiyvaTt up wllb Kowl jiruiv.

Fiat Kearney ulTerM Ida elTi'mliiate poliMvinnfor a btlo< Hiwll niid whh Li^ii tolerably buay wllbIlia 'wanlroU' nil evfiihi);,

Oeorte DtniKlna' and Ml.inlo "lliid" Ilarrli^nweiv active dumvn lu "The Lovlilk Dai^ce Mau"luiiilier. ^Tns i>ec«iid net sbnweil the Zone at the I'aDMua

Fair. 6aDi Iwevy ninl Owen MiHiuey uro iHdDi;llie Fair, and arr fulli>wi^l their wlvoa, who ki><>r<ike aiid bire oiit an daiKvr,< lu Ibe Cwicb Bhow,tvlilch (Teatlj liitereiit> U-ry nlid Muuiiey, lullie aetwi) all oT ilti« prtni'lpnln ar<' i'onoerned.llio reading of l,evy'« lelier liv Mw uei ,1* afiiiniy tit, alio llio t'ible drlnkldc rreiie, ' wli'aV,l>« Rothor aa Hie linly Ihiy are pilni; to buydriiika tor. and (>iiiHiii«ire ax ibe wjImt.

'llio "Hleepy .Mwui" b<iii); woa wtII Bang by>I1m DoUice, anil CiHaiiK'iv, UimikImm^* nini MIsmllnrrlroo did a eraty Hiitvluliy. (in ibe Irlnhuiau'i<iaie, Ilcn Weleh xurinlM'tl wlili biH aliiKhiKthe good Iilab bmiiik. Iiii'lmllii^t ".Miiibcr .Maubti'e,""Maroiirnecn," "Helleve M,' ir. All Tluw Hn,leiir-

IfiK Young daniiii" '((rf wl'li'b lie e'liHilly dbln'tkiimv the wonlnl, and llnlslietl up wllb a parody

' on "Kllltniey." A4>|dou:K> loud and Inaliteutwaa bin for lula.

Tbe ISiiiiave Clrln lypiit Ibpniiuh a nplendlill'(ir<HH>r drill In llie reciilallnn eiwliimrii.

Aii'.4'rlenii dniin*M wew done by Ml-ia ITarTtaoDmill Ueorii<> DiiiiKlau. mid tlirv InirMiliiit'il nnueLient whirin niul fnll^. lu-n blinm-lf link partIII theae «erela« mihI eiij,<l l^lni'o'ir (.-elMiii; In-

ftjnc nuirti work w-IMi MIm llnrrlum for a lotof ci'ftm-*. "Walt Till M.V Ship IV'iiin In" wnaM |iy MIM Ilowiird, In n nnlly iiarni unlfer'ii,niid Ibe firin III pllik snd -llvi'r eiiAininea of inneldi^Un, wlilrli nlMi nerved fur the ^lIl4l'lg tlinile.

Tlie elioriM : U'liu.i I'-nrl I'Moreiire .\r(iidd,liinink" nunv'll, I'-wLi IIuhki. AlUv llonanl. AlleeWatnoa, Rriire llnnii-in, Ivn I-Niwler. ilerntdlnel''«liTn. niaiiehe JUkire. Ilinsy llnriell, Oku ilrav.K1«u-J Tlarrbi, liny M-irrls. lo^irte liarvllle. Aliei'1.1V, Helen WnlM,ni, tlerfru'li* Di'vn,',. Irene (liT-till, and every one of IheM u ii><od worker oU'lainerr.

T'lie »tia: Harry .^, Shnplm; innnnei-r; OhrliNaiiinnn, I-iikIiu'im ronn^K<'r; Jw Spleod nmilrjl'-dlnK-lor; Teil npay. Blngi" enrpenler; M'ke Mur-I' iiUMle'r of pi\>i>ertlni ; Jo-- I,voih vli'ctrlclnii


Oli;a dray, ujnnlndie inlHini-ii.- , Kill.

I TIIK niQ, SICVSATION.riiid<T Ibe llllv of till' I'nhan-I i;irl>i, Maii-le<i

WuhiHloek'n Sl»w In idnyliii; the (Irinid (i|nTa.llmirt'. New York, lliln ww'k. wllb l.yilin Jospv,Mriiile iniiiniiiliiii. I,nrt>- .Sinllii, Chan. \V. HoiitlV':,Jw Weat, Harry I'ri'.nvli, lli>iiieo> llrlaiit.i, VelinnAiMiMai, »Iuy Lane, Vlr(;liilii Ix-iii and K:itellottynlon.

AvaaiiA Aiat -waa the add«il danger at theOlyiuplc Isat week, wllli Ibe Taoio Queea.

HL,iNciia Dkin *ucce«l«il I'^vel.m Earla la tbeStar aoil (larier Bhinv. doing We«t.

'J'liB IiuRNA'a, a Dau ond woman, wire act,Ineludlog aoina clever work, la a featare withthe UlrlH fruu Joylaud. They are foimer clrcoatroiiiiera.

llAWiT Olidk la now Ireaaurcr of the OlTmpIc,Obielnndtl. u.

.^tiiiEL J.KHi.iB closed with the Krench Uodeli,Jan. no,

IliHar IMrA/OT la noir at tbo Dnuiairick Dooae,Anillyvlllc, I,. I.. N. Y. ,

I-'hank l-iviNoaTiiN la now manager or theGlrlH of Ibe Oay White Way Tanuii (iiaui are aiiiHjuiiceil sa the attrac-

Ibiii nl tbe Urnnil OiMra II,iU!U>, New York, ifxtwii'k, uiiiliT liie title iif the lllg Ileiuly ShoH-,mih (lluilvs heoiii, Ix'e Allen. Jenny Delmar,ttnin Ilnieli'y, (U-orco W. MIIIod, Lucie Arnold,ISerIha lllcb OJUl Chis. Oilllna.


Ilert Coir and hla Tnnga Shoes la the title ata neiv act breaking In tbia week. 11111/ Butka ImIwiKiDilblo fur tbe Iwokliiv".'

SOMR of the' llljipoilrome acts. Including JockOliver and the Weurers, paid a visit to Mr, andaim. nert Oule. at Totl^nvllle, S. I., laat Sunday.

KItOM tbe Winter (Juartera of the Smith GmterSbowa. hi Augusta, (]a., coiiiea the newa at-


tnH'.for-all laiiile between four leoiwrda and twolloin (roni Ibe wild iiiUuial show, -which renultedIn the 4eulb of "ICruger," one of the priae beaitaof Hie uiilill. .Despite tbe etrnrla of armed at-leiiilanla aud tralnerH, Hie anUnala fought In tbearena for . nlinoat half an hniB-. and were Dot»nbdiH<d until eliemlrul (Ire ettlngulabera werr finit

to use, Ibe finuea of which orvercame them', and-tbey were driven b.'irk to their caeca.MH.TtlN nAJOMl AND WM. (miJ,) WHITTON

are s|ieudlng the ^V1lller In Akron. O.IIAlinY r.ADY la anlsllng "Doc." Keene adver-

\Muf tor Oolonlal Tlietire, AkroD, O. It Inokaas ibougb "Doc." will bo unable to itay awayfrom the "white toi>9" ncit acoaon, oa he la

alreadr gellbm iiervoiiK.

O. ll. d^ILKiK Is writing moving pletvie tilaya

and iiiogailne storlee -vrhlle s|iendlng the Winterat diU bunio In Aknin. Civdo alayn sende tkmI-agr -with hU nuigicinc articles, floinetlmea forn ri's'sin

TUB Iwenty-fonr foot pylhm ownfd hy IbeIloue Show. dl«l at .Peru, Ind, Tbe. akin willbe pteeerrcd.

JiiiiN A. PoLUTT,^ astlPlant manager WorthamA Allen ilhowa^ ar>-ivt<l hi Chicago from Bbnlfr-jHirt, Feb. 8.


•npplemental Llat—Ilcaelved Too Latefur CluBHiUoutlou.

riRLDs Avn riFi.ns in newnun Ai\.I-'li'lila and Vlelds and eonii>iinv are In their

fonrlli Bueeewful wtvk at Keeiiv'i Tlii'.iln-. V'-wIlillnln. f>iin.. (irrwiiling ebnngi' of hill w-wkiv.

'Hie Tlicve Shiin-n and llnrrv Jnrl.-^«ln. ll.d'i'wI'liiHsllaii

; an- crowing f.ivorlle.H wllb iIiIm Mi-jw.



Ai'pdl'a Ideals (Stock) (Jack Aualet, mgr.;—WluiiiN. MiM., x-i:,.

JIurri'it I'liot'K (J. It. narrelt, ogr.) — Porta'-

-liHilllll, ()., Illdi'f.

neniliii;. l.avvreiiw, S Uvk—Jlrooklngs, S. Dlk.,1."•-;«.

"CWili n Ape, Tbe"—Toronlo. Oaii., S-l.l.

"Ilelli Wnlili-.l"— K:ili~Lis.l'lty, M,).,>-7-13. %dlooHtti .su,t'k

lAtA .\iitn'lei, Inilef,

"Mi'l In Ann-rler'-^lnffalo 0-13."I'n.liT- Cover" iSelwju- 4. C\)., msia.)—KansiJ

,I'lly. M.I., 14. ill.

"Wlilrl ot Hie World"—loa Augcles 7->3.

ACTORS FUWD BENEFIT.A nM^'lliig was hold Monday. Feb; M. afternoon,

1IT l-i l'\ Allee's oilln-. In tbe PsHce "nicattvlluriliiig. to arrnnce deialla for the hU vaudevilleIn-iH'lll 10 lie iflven tty the ieailing vnuderllle atarsof till' .AeloVH* Kimd of .Viuerlea. under tbe ill-

nelliii: of K. F. Allx-e and A. Paul Kellh. Amongllii'W Mlio wer»> pnwiil In nxisiillitlon wllh Mr.A; wvrc Daniel Krotinian, nrenldi-nt of thennul: A. Paul Krllb. J, II. Uiiriloch. S. K.lloi|:.-il<ui, Rdille Durlliig. Martin Sampler, ToaI'll.fold,' Jeiite Jacoln and Umirgi- San^mls,A iiirgmni wan iilanncl for the benefit, vtbleb

will lake place al llie rentury Tliealrc BUDdayCM i.Ii:k, Murvb T. c«iii|iiwed of the leading vaode-vlllu dkrs to bo nnnonnnil later. \

A VOUMO WOnKMAN.Cliurllo Workninn, treanin'r of Kellb'a IlarlCTa

0|H-ra lIoiBv, Ik ln-liii: slapiHtl on tin- back ftiTNliii; pTcHiiled wllb a l^juiirliig baby daimbler(MiidU.

Wllilsin McVaT, formerly a well-knownactor Id Neir Yorit Oily, dk-d Jan. 2S, at bitlioioe, 221 Wcet Blity nlnlh Street, aged ality-Ave year*. Ue was bom in Qulacy, III,, and hadlibyed nnd^r the nanagnsent of Obsrlee Frobiaanand David Uelosco. and waa at one time a memberof the N«r Theatre Oompnny. He made hla laataiiearance aa Jljmny Oallnhan, In "Ibo Fight,"IIU widow MUTlvcB blm.Aaa T. Van Winkle, formerly a drommer

In Vooa'e Flnt lUglmcnt Dand, and for the laatthirty yeira first violin In Ia,4erS Ordiealra, ofNewark. K. ]., died Jan. Z-'i, at bis home, 44North Kullerton Avenue, Montclair, N. J., agedabily-f4gbi years,Charlca V, WleKaRd. acf<l ality-clgbt

years, pninlnent aa a thentitctu manager formany years, died at his home, 280 St. NlcbolnaAveooe, New York, Jan. Id, after an IIIdchs oftwo years. For forty-sevi'n jream Mr. Wlegondwu coaaected with tbeatrlcals, daring which tlraebe acted »n oanaiier for many of Its elan. Healso waa nanagi'r at various tloiea of the oldl-'iurloentb ainv: 'Hieaire, the Oranrt Oper:i

- House, and NIblo's Oardtii. He wa,: one of thefounders of tbe I-'rlars, and was vice-president ofU. A A. Asaoel.itlou. Ills w:fe and a <lau;bleraurvlve blni, Tbo funeral wrvlces were Mi 2fl.

Among those wbo attended Ibe rervlces vreee:frank niiby. Georie F. Jlopjier, Joe Hewitt,rrank ClianiuBD,Nellie Dcrser, In prlvalo life Tlllle Showers,

daughter of the late Andy Showers, an old-timecircua man, who jiassed away some years ago,died at the Onok Oounty Bo«pllal, Chicago, Mon-doy night. Feb. 1, from blood poisoning, aftera brief Illness at ^ the IU>vere Hotel, Decersedwoa ihoot thirty years old, and had been on tJicatrge as a eoniortlonlat for a number of yea'-e.the waa burled In Cblcago. some of her relativesceinlng fnm dlstont points to attend the luter-EWt, Charles Andrcsa. pending the arrival ofthe family, attended to the arrangementn firelbn-Inary to tbe fueral: Andy Showers, at one ilniewaa Mr. Andreas' partner In Ibf cltena business.

Kklika B. Voi»Br. mother of tbe famous ool-ortd cmposer. Will H. Vodory, died at ber temeISS Ploe Street, Fblladclptla, Pa., Jta. 30, aftera abort Illness.

ALS.XAHniS J'RANK, Fob. 0.Pbop. John W. Kicuuly, Jod. 10,Paul LaiuBaK, Jan: 31.RINMT Dk JltiKCK, —B. Kb. Ubrken, Joq. 25.RbViRu Besu, Jan. .SI.

Hoaar Colbmak, Prh. 4.nun KaHKMif.Et, Feb. 7.BiKruoo .ARaiLLiQA,- Jan. 27.Alob a. WarruBTii. Jan, 31,Mia. U. B. WAiTt;. Jan. 28,Mabbl Adklthia, Jan. 31.I'kor, S. HBNRr llAOi.Er, Feb. 2.CI.AUNOS K. TuxL. Feb. 2.Ouaa PiANciu, Feb. 4.

O. P. OiLiXT, Jan. 29.Wabipi WiLLUMe. Jan. H.

$1,860 FOR COMEDY aCB.That Bmonnt was CHiDDted u'- after the boi

office was closed Sunday olRht for the Vaude-'vllle Comedy Club bcnellt, at tbe Astor, wblchboune nas donated by Uco. U. Cohan.A number ot One acts an^ a large (unounl

(rf "hlddloR" paBsed 41ie time plcauinny.Bpeaklog about kida, -we mcntlOD Pat

Rooney III, wbo made a W(t ibit In a eoncard dance, "whllo - I'apa I'at stood by ad-mlrliifly.


IrvW nerlln had to sin; the "Friars'nog." Polly Prim was there, also nioro, 'tboaccordloDlet : Cplo nnd Ilenahy, White andJason. Others announced srerc: Triilo Frl-sania', Lillian Sbaiv, Kellx Adler, flrace I.aline. KTS SMrlry, Powder nud (?apmaD, L»iiAnger, Martin van Dcrgen, PekJo Mystery,llnrty llrccii, MeUonnutt. tlie Kontnna, Man-<illn and I.lovd, Sopbre Rimnrd niid otlKTs.

O^bc mombcrs of tihp club and thoir friendsturued nut, and the occasion qiraks -well forthe success of the revived otvanliatlOD.


. Activity on ihe porl "f a newly appointed hn.'id-

,lag Immeotor In Wllmliigion. Del., renulted InMayor llurrlson W. IIo^^Tn calling a s|>eclsl meet-Ine of tbe Olt.v Council. Fob. 4. In regard totsklng Bcllon against theatres In th^ olty, wbleliit Is alleged are defective In resrinl lo legalapeclScailons. The nin.vor baa asseried that elghlor the nine Wilmington iiKiilon picture theatresare not conatriKlcd lu acMinlance with ihe citybulldlug regulatlotM. and* Ihnt the safety of IhepiUillc la In cnnslnnt }e<iiardy.

FollowlDc the eonfercnce. the Hulldlng Inapeetorwas onlered lo deterniliie the length of Urne neces-sary foe each theatre to make tlie nccea-wrvchanges, and the ownerv will be nnllfletl ibitmtess (rders are camplletl wllh that the theatreswill he cloneil opon Ihe exnirallon of Ibis perloil.The Police Depsrinicnl was ordered to see thatIbis Is obeyed. '\

MISS ri,.\rnR wins.1\iliy OlaiHio liBH \«>ii hi Wh- anil bniugbt agslnst

hi'i hy ,lulli!-« lioiiKlvrir. llii> Ilnrfalo. N. Y. .Jew-eler, tvT iilles\'<l no i-inyuK'Ut fer .Vwelrj.


Ki.lhal.rn Kloreniv Traev-y has-been engageil toIdny the nile of SlEn'>r.i Monte. In "Twin lledn."IIiM Tracey. altlnaigli nut n-ell-knnwn In theKl^I, biiH lung Ihw pmuiliiciil ns no nclresn onHie Pnelile Oms;. She -Is n lull. baud.Haine bru-ueile. wllh u good stsgv |ired«ncv,

( 1

CHAMBERLAIN BROWN NOTES*Florence Aoer Is playing the heavy lead with

Dobert Msntell, Miss Auer was, last season, In"\ Fool There Was," as the Vauiplre.

Katberlne Qrey will go to Lynn neit week toplay "The Rale of Three," as stock star.

T, J. Carrlgaa la wllb Lew FleUs, la "Thenigh Cost 6t loving."

Zoe Bamett -will cnen ber season as star ot"The Red Bose." at Xllentown, 16. la her castore: -Wayne Nunn, Wilfred Tonng, Manrlca D'Arcyand Lotta Gale. MIsa Bamett will appear at all

the Dtoox and Newark bouse*.Bert W-llcox, Nell Prntt and Elisabeth Spencer

are seen In "Tbe Family Oapboard," at the Wads-worth Theatre, this vreek,


Catherine Tower Is tbe leading woman for Mil-waukee, with Ifarle Curtis and Holcoln Fassett.

Harrington Olevelsnd Is snpportlag MinnaJ'hilllne In her vaudeville act, and has scored ahit. Mr. Cleveland bids fsir to become one ofthe coming Jnvenlle men In this country. MissPhillips Is playing at her old stock hoase, tbeOreenpolnt, In Brooklyn, this week. .

Laiirl De Ftece snd Fay Gompton, of Ine "To-Nights the Night" Company, hsve been the gneslsof the Vernon Castles the past week at severaltciiclkina, and have been approached lo open adaiw garden In New York.

Fvelyn Jones, who !b playing In 'il.lfe." at theMenbatlan, baa plny,;<l alrnnet everv role In tbei lece pliice It opened. Miss Jnnen bos been wllbHelawo for siivin-ul ycors, and In "The Olrl In tbeTnxl" won i^ncims,

Doris Moore Is now playing "Peg o' My Hear;"111 the Middle West.

Iteth Franklyn will be seen la tbe Harris pTO-ducMon of "F,llxlr of Youth,


Chamberlain Drown has - obtained aU the rightsto the coml'5 opem. "Wo<dlnnd," thnt was roiionnlar a tew years ago with Alice Dovey, HelenII,-.le. Hrttt Bulger and Stanley Fonle.

Adelvn Wesley bat joined H. H. Fratee'a "APair ot Sixes.'*

AMRRICArr nOSPIl'AL MEETING.llie meeting of American Theairii.'.il llo:pltnl

wna held at Old Frlmdt' Olnh last Sunda.v. ThebenOt slated for May 9, was the main tcnic ofconversation, Tbe aasoelatlon cmpoweie,! IheBoard ot Directors to sel?^ their own committeesfor the benefit. The Board will meet en Thnrt-day aflemocn ot this week tor selection of varl-

oea ooirmlttce. Another meeting of ibe Auto-claHon Is called for Sunday tflemoon, Feb. 14,

at the club rooms of the.Old'Trlen.-ls..Hie Investigation o*/ the comnilttee of Old

Frlendn Into the charity wdrk to fsv acconpllabtdby American Hospital, disclosed^ that 706,000 Otthis work had already been done.The benedt commltteea will be announced In -next

'week's CLiri'ZB.4 »

CABTER Die HAVIW will show "Stco Lively"al the Palace. N'ew York, next wfek.MARCUS LOEIW opened tbe Spooncr, Bronx,

New York. Feb. «.


lu vnndevlllc toirelher.

KITTY O'BIUGN was In the cost ot tbe Irishplay. "The Donlile Conrlahlp." followed hy aCrilidt or tntuleal play, at the Central OperaHcutc, 'New York. Feh. 0, given under the aua-I'lees of the Irish Womens' Oonncll. John P.Campbell' staged the pMducflon. Nellie Huban,Harry Phlbbs and Bhainus O'Oonnell were alsoIn -the cast.lONO. OHAPnON AND ORBITOF weie held

at JefTeis, Snglnaw. MIeli., a full week ln3t->ldof tttee days as originally bookeil. changing theiract and continuing Ihc hit of Ihe bill.

PITTSDVnGH NOTES.Charley Caae made his naual hit at the Grand,

PItlnburgh, laat week, and kept large audiencesconvulsed with his comments on "father."WesloD snd Leon, those "totally different" girls,

bad trouble getting sway from Pittsburgh auill-

ences, as they were so well liked that seven bowsfailed to aatlsty, so several encores were In order.While one plays tlie piano, the other entertainswith a aeries of character songs tbat would hebard to beat. The act la well dressed, and theniiplanse given the pair equalled tbat given tbeheadllner of a oplennld bill.

Once again Harry J. Smith Is happy. The popn-lar manager of the Academy has been qnlle lonelythe past few weeks, ss Ma Smith ond the hclrawere- vlslllog "dorwn bum," by heck, while paworked on from day to day. The "Mlsaos" hasnow returned, and Harry J. wears a smile thatwon't come off.

Hob StsTttman Is one ot tbe bnalest of JackBeld's Big Company, and no mutter where placedtomes tbrottgb witb oolors flying. Daring tbe pasteeveral weeks we have seen blm la several cnat-acters, straight. Dutch and French, and all good.Harry Richardson, Ihc classy singer with Jack

Beld, waa Joined hy his wife last week.Cecil Borle In stfll on the Joh at the Harris,

koking after the electric equipment of this i

henne. As usual he continues to Increase hitInrgt list of friends, and Is ono of the mostKpulnr to.vs In the city. With his Dntch friend,

edrtle. they are a good pair.Tbe entire company of "Hanky Pank.v" gsve an

oiien-air free concert In I'litslnirgh last wcliies-<'ey, and between sonca sold newspapers for Ihetienefit ot the Home for the Improvement of thePtoT ot thin cUf, netting a snug snm tor thisvorlhy charily.

'ihe entire chorus of Jack Ileld's Oomnsny en-Icitnlned the members of Ibe Tsrlfr GInb, lastTliumlay iilL'bt after tbe flmv/. going to the eluOIr. actos, where the^ were entertnlned by thenHinbeis. Babe Labelle dbl her sneclally danceand wits forced to acknowledge iinmeronH co-coies. The chorus was nl«o n bit; hit, and let

b,v Hnrry nichardaoo, singing "TIppertry," re-

celvid riotous applause. .

At the banquet given hy the Blewanis Club,on Thursday night, nf the Colonial Hotel, rev-eral members of Jack Ileld's company >!ntT-Isiiied. Lillian LIppman ifang iteverni songs, andwas well received, while Doris DeUirIa, tbe popu-lar little dancer did her apeetalty. and waagreeted with volardlnons applause as well aa ashower ot oorey, and after gathering the. con-tributions In a napkin, fcjnd ahe had nxne than$35 In nickels, dimes and qnartcrs.

VERA MYERS SCORES.At the Hotel Astor, Wednesday, Feb, 3, V^ra

Uyers. daughter of Jacob Myers, ndvertlolngagent tor Rlaw A Rrlanger, annearo<l as llie FnlryOwen, In the operetta, "Obosclcnce." HissMyerti sang and also danced the classical ntunbur,"Plitlcato." by Dellbes,

EX.PRESinENT IN &TOCK.Tbom.ia J, L.vncb. former iircsldent of the Na-

tloua: League <->f Professlo'inl naaeball. now hascon^dete control of the Lyceum Ployers StockCVinpnny, at tbe I.ycenin, Now Britain, Conn.,wbleli la Ills Iionio town.

SCNDAY SHOWS AT ATI/ANTIC CITY.Tbe managers of the Atlantic City hosses In order

to lest the legality of Ihe order prOblbltlnd Bun-day shows, gave firll performances hat Sunday.Notes were taken by the lepreeentatlvea of thePlrector of J*ubllc Safety, but aa arrests weretuude.


To open osrly in Uarch for pcrmnnent stoott Spring and Stmunar sooaon. Mast have plenty nt scenery,effects, strop; cast aud BUlBulcnt plays to obango four times wccldj. Prices, lo-zo-ao. F,zccllent op-

porluulty for recognized company orator. Write nil partlcnlara to EUW. F. QAJLUQAM, Mgr.

Wanted For Permanent StockPEOPLE IN ALL LINES

FOR TWO COMPANIESAddress B. J. IIAJjIa, Blk Omnd Theatre, Bellaira, O.


Woman fbr Second BaslBets, IleaTiea. Not leas than S 5; -srelght not less than139. Man fOr Heavies, Oen. Dao. Not lost than D.lli weight not leaa thjta ISO.Send photos. Other latefal B 4)CK Peoiil.., write.

Wlt^SON n. TODD, Indiana Theatre, najrloa, lad^^

WAIMTCn PADTMFD With from taoo to Caoo. Tandemtc flliow. A irasnntaeJW^ldVf r/\I\lildIV of from ton to llttccn dollars profit nightly to iDTCgtor. Miist

actna treanurcr; and, Ujposslblo, work In olio. Ablgclianoo. Mono' alisolntc y secured. Ho objei'-

tloii lo good itmatcur. 'Tlioso only meanlpg business writo qtilok. JA.OR OLIKFOno, 2M West 37th St.,

Mew York Oltj. M, U.—Waul to Lear from a Uva wire advooca mait—odo not otnld ot work.



TEDDY MORSE'S MUSINGS.He called him In liii- oflici'.

,"^'our statcmrnt, hIf !" hp said,

J_ owe J/ia ttMtr- the vr\r<:i- iiMinri],liicn fllowl; dropped di>wu doHJ!

„ ^'"L*."" K'^^ 'o "e^' "I'l frU>nl. Ilniry ,

yon Tllzcr,. oDleKnc tho tray ng-.Un. Now

nELVIfct-Iil MOBBI8 II* OIIICACO.«wvllln Morris, that two hunrtrnd pounds

„r hSinj ^Itt" the J. II. Ucnnlck Co loft

NM, York l»Bt week to do some boosting Iti

"hleago. He expects t4 tw gone nttor.t twa


jamei KenSIs, general ninnager of the Just watch thia" biS pnt rliit ln° ihs m'ldlri

Jtaurtc* UlchrDond Music Co.. rcs-rlrcd tlv; of ttc flght rnd ilo tRlugs. Harry confeBseifollowlne cnoniirolcatluu lawt wci'k fr.,m W. to torly-Uirce yeara, hasn't taken taa coniit(• WnlnwrlijW,-ni«Tia3er of the thwitio at ret and never Inlenda to. II.j writes suniis

liin^eHer l?all«. N, Y. ; >mt. and la one right gone writer.

I)EAn Sill-— I l">^e Icflmeil sin-?' wrltlni;

rnu that the jroiing Indy that pKys the piano

it my shnw lias be<'n pettlag music frrm you.

bat I hare nerer heard her play any o( lu

I will irlre you her name, and tt you baTo kamut Tivt u .<i,„ •. ^

^^M^mm^^^m7M^mY^^^^^^ STOCKlolure pianist, lln.l their way Into prlvato sPP»K,Nn "f h.T"i. * ^^^^i".oujea.


You cint always Judge n nong ;>t ;ts titlepage, nor a imbllsbcr by ftl« snulp.'enn vo-j?Simple. Isn't U? Men have bi-aii nhoi forlesM.

T. n. 9. W.. LOCAL IfO. IS.On aaount of the president rinnhi-

dlaol reolgnlng. tho I. 11. S. M. (which wasthe Rccret order) hn« dIsMnllmicd. TheMm of ihp I. H. S. Vf. wna In Had ftoTRWrltorH, and nil In right song writers wereineligible and as Al. ^nt oyer (hesrnsnn's scnsatlcnnl song hit. "V Didn'tIlalae My .Hoy to He a Boldlcr."'. he wae-oi^dcrpd by thn committee to" resign, thus dla-coDtlnnlng the society. All tbo mcmliorsneemrd to hare stnick a lot of luck, .ir.d

hare great proaperts for hits, ibervrorc bo-coming In lUght Song Writers. IfonorablnThsodore Morse onr tmisnrpr. hna been notl-flod to liavd a drink with tho moneys in thetreasury.

DOTSPOnD'B 4kUAIlTBTTB.All that nolso you've b««n licvlBa around

town la telog made by Oeone Botstord'nllarmouy Quartette, slnnlnir "Cooe Orer toDover," a late reloaac of the J. n. Benlefc Co.DRA\EN AND LAIfORVS NEW COHKDV

WAR BONO.The .Toe UorrlH Maalc Co. will ahnrtlj re-

lease a new comedy war nnng by Jelf Braneopnd Arthur I«nge, eoMtlcd "Brother HillWent to War While I Stayed at Uomr." Itwas tried out last week and met wltb muchapproval.

BILLT BHYAirr STOCK OO. NOTH9.Mr. and .\trj. J«ok MuyliT sn- niiw lu Ibclr

flfiniitli wfvk wllh Ihf rupu'iir llllly llrynul

Block (X>., nl priwnt In i.0Kii<«|ii>rl. Inil.. amiwhile the •enniu haii not l«u a r\-cor«l lire«k>T,

WF are nnt rompUlnln^.lUpiiy-tlo-I.urky Dllly

tlloD. Is fast btvfluliu a rnvnrllo witti Inillnnit imly, onr Iltllo rome.


SrEAKiKo Of hard workers, every "songooy In the game nods approval when youEicntlim Wolfe (JlllicrL at cuur«.. wmh..

.\ Ipasn hM'b«7ffl'by M Wit- S?-the.dvantag;ovVrmn7l.rtho-?ael'ma?

n,ark * soJ'for^ auan"? tAXoii^y. Lr'aoSg^uVs'-^hlL 'wayTnVt^b^^'^SlS^^r.'VI'JSnedoor Souti. of r«ia«e Theatre^ where h?rf„8lcg?c thlt'^n '^I'.S^V ImSSSL^" I epftcr eitenslrc alterations, they will locate never fnlN in vnm n ii f •

in t.X» ulU J.

ri.''«'°;t' wT'brfSfy'V,sli^?S"b; "rrgone' •rl;t.T:j t1,e"lJoV]"g^in' .'iVar^d J

"a' ,h, ; ^rfd/ Ted MMse Itad Corrolf T*!*" "'^^ ^ hta. Woltle IsArthur *]e'?*',„^^<l, ,,„„m a iS»

' "'"'"K Bn-at stunts with bis songs thc«e daynI/)>il«_We«lyn. Jack Brcnnan^ Harold A^J)el- and cerlulnly deserves hU sburS of So "'bitIcn Ted Coleman and a staff of demonatrntom. Julius P. Wltmark will apend a

good deal of bla time at the new offices.

TUB PB.^CEl BOWa.TJIc Jfcio Korfc Kveninj Jounal, it Fridi.v.

Feb. 3, had blila to say n{ Al. riantailosl andAlfred Bryan's wondorful peace song: "AUotlicr's I'lea for I'ejce." A song that will

accomplish more for perpetual peac« than all

Uc mllllODBLre's nllltons. Stag It to yourchildren. Taach them to 8ln„' It to tho'.r

etUldrcD, and Ihcy will have peace forever

after 'I DIdu't liaise My Dor to Uc n Sol-

dier.' the mOHt talked of most sensational,

-most Min? Hong ever pnbllshed la history.

1.00 I''c!st Is the lucky pnblls.'irr.


Mr. snd Mrs. Vernon Castle linve added unew druice tc their repertoire, called "PigeonWalk." aaluB the Instrumental number Issuedby the Ilrc»a<hvay M'lslc Corp., entUiol"Pigeon Walk." The plcco has mc* withwonderful svicceKS In and around Nmv Vurk,and Is destined to become one of the Kcason'sdance numbers.KALUBR 4i rUCK RBLI3.19B FIRST

MBYER BONO."All I<\>r tho Lore of a Olrl" Is tho first

!<c>ng released by the Kahnnr & Puck Ooni-pnnv. written by Oeorgc Meyer and EdgnrI^rIIc and Joe Young since Mcvrrs tookcharge several weoks ego. It was placedwltb many yaudcvUIe acta last ween.

HARRIS INCRBASir^G STAFF.Chas. K. Harris added several moro men

to hig staff last weok. Murray Sturtz, SammySmith and Meyer Friedman wcro the bovs(Hit OD; AH three ore well known In theprofeaslon, and should prove valuablo asslst-nnts to IXHils Cobn.

QILBERT TALKS('Bout atcrn PubUcationii).

I have to quote, the exact viotiSh of AlbertDc Ouurevlllo, .fhc managing director of theLondon Hippodrome, who Is visiting us now.Came Into our oOIcc. After the usual greet-ing I sang him twenty or more of mlr num-bers, and some lio Ilked-r-others not so much,lie turned to me, saida Day, Maybe a Ywill maJio It ae bif;Me Love You.' " Mr. Do Courevlllo's Judg-ncDt should moan something.

Clever Uttlo Kannle lirlcc ' has certainlyImd u bad slese of It. The week tKtforc Inutrbe had to quit at Keith's Iloyal, and this


Do not ''pee-anner" players Just love toplay for "aouool" aud "pick" acts'/ Vej,they do not I

Tno aomo seductive perfume I The samehandwriting; ! The <>ame feeling as wo openedtbe dalQiy missive ! The same tbrUI—butshucks I, 'Twos signed "Annetle" again, andre:id : «


"He wrote some dlttJes a little bit olT

Wc's a success—lives In tho Waldorf!"Am rare as a bit In Canarsli.—a smiling

pec-ttULcr p.uyer


MORSE'S MUSICAL FICTIOrfAIlY.(Third paroxylsm.)

No. to.

"Rcyular Copu"—Uread and buttirof our Industry. Hade out ofpaper, Ink, aotes, words, etc.Sometlmon greatly handicapped hyf>Iciures uf writers. Have bce.'i

Kuuwu to reach large edliloas Inspite of tills. In grcul Uenuiod bystage hands, doormen, mauagors,IMstmcu, iMtllccmen, poUllcians,etc., etc. ijupposud to be for aaleonly. When tliey don't sell arecalled "Jrrcf;ular copies" (audother tli-lng.s), and sold by thopound to tiiu Junkman.

No. 17.

"I'luno ICoom"—I'Our walls, arbout

5 by 12, a piano, stool, pluin glassIn upper liiilf of door. "AgonyChamber." Un-notlccd "No Kmok-Ing" sign on wall. Talrly com-fortable In Winter. In Summer,as a' weight reduce:', better thana Turkish bath. ilupiHJsnl to besound proof.

No. 18.—">'flri)iT;" timactlme!) inlleil "flop."

All writers have 'cm. Home liavonotlUng else, but won't admit it.

Always uif.'d wheu speaking ofthe other fellow's .song, thutly


"I hcuird Uinbo's new one last

night. It wuK un awful lllvvur!"

or "It took an aw/ul Qup!"(Compore "regular ropy.")

WILL ROSBITGR'S CO(>I>-LUCK TIPS.Curtis aud Hebard, two Chicago girls. an<

BDWAnn8>WILSO:f CO.-KOTES,Tl>l. pepalsr coonpany <QailaiK>s n do t^ boai-

n(t( iliit nukn llie rtiht tide of ihe Mm look

lieary. At Lltirriy Oatfr, <i.. bIf tMowa mmthe rule, ana on Friday and SaturJ.iT nl(bu tbt

a. It. O. dan haJ to go up. 'Ibis ms cur third

Tiall to Llbrrly Oenlcr, tod U unpte pmn( Uiattbe po^larlty ut Ihla CMopany In not wtBlii#.

It win be rccrrtted liy our many frieoils ta theprofc^'^lon to learn of tbe dP4lb ffnu mtsoaofonr nuuot. "I'Ikcr," one of ihp heat known doesIn tbe bnlotm. Ills loaa Is felt by e«ery nemtKroC tlib con>i>any.

lleofirtU Wllnnn (Mn. )'.ilwora>) baa rrrav-end from her lllaew luil la hack In Uip cant,

niaklDR tbem all alt up ami take nollce. l/il*

and Ibaa Wllana an making tbe bit iK tlirtr

Uvea with ttaetr apeclalllm ami Mnm.Ilr. RdiTirda, our DuinMgi^r, wears a ccoteoted

amlle, and the world keunu all mkcik.

AUBRBY PLAYBRS NOTBt.Klna KImIsIc wTltn : "I imi glad :o uy I have

rejoined mj oM (rlen<la, lite Aubrey Players, afternn alweocv of sSTCral weela. This la ray Ulbceamn with then aid tbelr coniritlallly baa lieen

the keynote oC their wonderful eucceo. Tlie com-pany has relMiieil tbe aome mnubrra for ihrseyeara, maklog bat three otMngea In tbat time.Tbe roatpr la aa followa: Herbert De Bouie. Jackilammond. W. ndward De Witt. Ton Jlrlstar,

Wayne MatUB, Iterothy Wallace, Il0|>e Wallace.Olaip Uatbes, Nina PlalMg. and our lealal. big.

fat man. 1). Otto llltnrr. nMnager. "nt corapanybaa uotlcnl no tlepreaalon of tinmi, playing (lorma-

iient Mock ouly, and all uioinbera are anxlvualyawaiting '.be tiate to return to their fliBDOerllralhig home. The Oolim Bleminm. Tbe aeamnaniirar end with "Ttw Aubrey I'laypni.* Thf7 havek»t tbe key and can't cloae, barrloc foi^Dtteal»w."

tlHatregutn. Tonwlay eviMihig. .ificr the nintl

nee. Ihe K»l lU»er went oi a ranniajie anit over-

m>wf<l lis baiika, eoTi'rhw i |.'n'ar purl or IiUk^iih.

port wllh two feet of waUr. M'hI of llie cisii-

rruy'a I aggnin being tn ihe ba-mncnt rtmalngrooina. It «» a atrenuiniA half liouTa' work fur

ft'riiager Dolan of the NcK'iii, and Managtv "inafiTBBt, at ibe company.

I^lday evening Ibe ronpany gnvo way to nicbyW. Craig ami the gnma of thA Pnllira llervrr.

nnil n-e gave a |>orronnaac« foe tba braffll of tiM

lr.n.atc« and attache* ot 'he lingcllir Aaylum.To aay Ihe leant, tho company liaa iiiaile cm!

In LocaDarorl. awl Dndlna 11 lni|>os4llil(> In wear*Ihe Nelarni for elock, cnrlng In Ihe numeroiw onepiece aUrartlons already Innknl, .MannixT llryant

has secured Ihe llniatlway. wberc cimniany fi\<rw

-iloDday, l^4>. fl, pmKollDg two Itllla a week, to-

K^tlxr wHb OBtamsaMl vawlrrUle aod tbe fea-

ture fllis, "The Maalec Key."All nrodoetkma under tbe pmontl lUrectlm of

Jack jtnyrler.

Prion Carl, the man they ^an't tJe, la allll art-lUftum Ibm all. Tub (Iui ItauaaLa tialia ua

rejrularly, and Li analouaty bnknl fur hy all of

ua, Pmsperlty lo tho only real theatrical pai>pr la

the wish of all..


Maria Doran, tbe draaiatlat, who has vlgornmly

pnraont and proaeented play "Itnlea, aereral bay-

la* been, arrtated on MiM Doran'a eiia<plalnl, la

nboot to Isaue a eonplhillon. entltM "What I

Know About Play Thlerea." The reTolallant eon-

ttlued In Ibe pabMottiM will aaake aurprlaina ani<

valuable reading. Hm autbur baa Tiallail the

lopyrlahl office at W<«blncton. ami vrlll baao muchof the Infonnatlai aba Intends la circulate, upon

her JIaeoverlea In that oOlce. Tbo publlcalbw will

roDlaln a couplelo llat of all She Ulles. ntm^vi <t

conyrlftal clalmaBts, and reimted aiHhnm al ^Hj*aold by manuacrlpt cumpanlrH and InillvlilunlM. It

will alto coDlaln eaaw, hIiowIiuc Infrlngemenle.

and Barnes of managfra wttm Mlaa Doraii accnwa(/ ptrary, and aniasc wbnn she baa nie<l complalnta In New York, Mamacbuaetui, «Mib>, ICan

•aa. Uenrgia aul elsewbere.The aulhiw bellevei Ibo master ali* ban piwared

irlll aDonl miportinvlty for whale«ale curaplalaU,

allct;lng vIolaMoim of Ve<leral and fllalo Uwii.

nUNTIXG IN OKLAHOMA.nmmi Ilunllni and iiM .'layer* n|>mtd an In.

dpHnlte engtgeiuent at Ibo l)»prb<diii>r Theniro,

Oklahoma Cllr, Jan. , 27. "Tnt at tbe StormCountry" waa Ihe oiK'nIiir plc<.p. f'dliMTPd by

"W*at Ilappenol to .Mnry.^' Mttle MN» Ilnnt-

Ing baa alirady fomiil n pbnco In -iIh* luviria of Ihe

Oirrbolaer patrons, nnd n kngiby atay la pro-

dieted for her. llealdM Ml<a lluntinf, Ihe ci^t

luclwlea: Kra Sargent. Marie Ilalrruurl. Kalli

ryn Franela. Oeorge H. Wbllaker. I«ila Lytlon,

Joel F'riedkin, £am O. Miller. Jack tiall. W. ."I.

IIurli.y. K. A. OMIIer h genrril manager, aiul

Krank Cari>enlcr Ihe Iniihieea inancKi'r.


b's^Z-S^aMW '^^XXul^'^l Btl^"/c.'e1e"r "arc^ppInT^^ow^r S'e'VesT

and now have their eves on a buucb of con-tracts from I'antages.

Carl McCullough, who was the llrst to In-

troduce the "mudc In the U. H. A." song,I'm a Long Way. from 'llpporary," opens on

TOflt wick likewise at the Palace* owing "o *^^-<' I'antages time next Miiriday ,it Winnipeg.

Idnes,"' Wllb 'a" '?hta h\n«ra"rNfoSdn'v^«nd '•'-"i; 'he »' L-'^.^nTn'.;'I'uesdnj lart Fannie started ''By Heck'' and .J'"5» *P„ ''^S^.^i^ «Jv rh.Vr wn itn.^^^^^^^^"Moshn from Novo Scotia" on tho road to t<S™« "iP


success. Tbeso two numbers aro restrictedfor the use of o limited number of recog-nised vfiudRVllIc nots.

Onrter Do Haven iiaa spent $2,ri00 pro-ducing "Hy Heck," In the latest net produced-by I)c llovcii & tipliigold.

I'm iKit(<«ncd. end so Is the Irm, that

number la by far themusic -on the wark.;t

'Down Homo Rag'Krcatest "fox trot'


ALrilED HHVAN WITH HIiiMICK.Allrcd Uryau signed n cuntnict to write

for the J. IJ. Heiiilck (."o.. Inst week. Ills

llrst rulensc will bi; niiiiouucvd In n weck ur

Weep No More, My Lady" Is tho rng'lilt <if «ik AI. Ims ii uonUcrful Idea for a .song, midllie present, and I kunw we are not kidd'.ngoiirsi!lved) We don't believe In It

expects It lo be tlio biggest .song lie ever

wrote.Vou tnorw It took almost three ymrs to CALVIN A.\D VINCENT'S NKW SONtiS.

ni.ikf- "Just n Little I.ove. a Utile Klsn" n (iaivlii nnd Vincent, .since Joining tin; stnlT; Well,. It won't take ua Ihnt long— of the Oe«. J. Kocli Mimic Co.. Iiiive tpct withno, not ODC-tliIrd that long, but it does talJC wonderful dUcccHB In tbo vnurievllle houiealongor to put over a ballad, and we will ir New York, featuring their latest songs,innke n bit out of "The Sanio Old Town"sooner or later,

Tiro ."MliistreiR On I'ariiile," "Sly Old MoonMan" and ".My American Glrl.'^ Tlie Inst

AMERICAN STOCK NOT1The Amarlcan Otock Oct., mder Ibe managemeot

ef D. II. Nye and W. A. Kaerlcber.- will open theacaaoo under lent on April 19, carrying twmiy-flvepeople, wifj ladlea band ami orcheolra. showingender a tent that will seat Mro tboosand people.

Tbe company will Ineliide |ioaie of lb* beat taownreiiertotre pl.'<yers and will pmrnt Ihe lalrat con-edlfs and dramaa, acnx of th« prorioatloaa beingroyally bllLn on whldi the monageoenl will paybe regulor city royalty. Hie outot la all a«w,and the Bnlshing touches to the aocDerr and elfeets

are now being added at Hie Winter qiiarten. at

llarletia. •) Jfr. Nye la iraeral manager, and n.1). OOBMT liaa been eoMged ts.geoeral agent wltbIwo aaslstanla. Mr. Kaerlcher. win baa been la

Ibe amusement field for a nmber.of yean, will

take on active part lo Hw manageiaent at aame.

JFWEI.L KBLLBV COMPANY NOTBB.Tba Jawell 'M\tf Oa. baa Joat coopMad •

four wreki'- enxngemrut at the Dteaolaad, Mobile,/la., to record bualoeaa. In Mobile. Tlw bouse,nllli a few etceptkiDa on Moouat of bad wMlber.wa.i packed twice a lay. The ancceaa of Ibis com*pany waa ao phenonvnnl that Mr. Kelley waaoffered the f.yrle TbealT. of Mobile, for an In-

dellr,llc cnfagraint. ftnunciictng Match I. wblcilbe aovptetl. and will a|ieu on that data wltb aOrat elaaa ' company, offering prodoetiens ef latalucctk.Mw .at iKHiiilnr f>rl(ea. Jewell Kelley andlloM Morna will bead Ibo company, playlag all

tbe |irlncl|.aN- roles. Mr. Kelley la lomaoaelyl^i-ular In Mobile, wbenr ho baa appeared at van-oui 'llDM wltb rtaat tucreta.

A NEW STOCK-.CMt^rno C. Hall, manager for tbe Arnnnon h

|tU.^ivno Aniuaement Knierprlsea. jf Piirliam sndUalelcb, N. O., will change Ibo policy n( ihoArc.idi- Tbcnlre.

.Durham, N. U., and Inatall a

pi>rnir.iir>:i: l&blold company Feb. 22.Tlir Soufli han iK-en havin; Iho mualcal tabloid

coniimiilOH tor Ibe- pasl two yonra. and In cba:iK'

liii; llio jKillclea of Ibe hoiiKes In which Mr. Hadla connccKol nllli be baa found that Ibe Houl'i Is

In a great condition at the prcHpnt fur tbe dra-matic taliM. From Ibe eiperltnental alage Ibedramatic slioirs proved auch a hiicc<'<ih Ibal he la

cbaiicliiR Ibe policy of tbe Durham buuac entirely,

and will plnrn a permanent stock company In >bla

(beatre on- or about Keb. 22,

'NOW A LBAI>IN<> MAN.William Ingeniull. formerly of the Orphonm

Playrra, Phlln-lelpbla, I'a.. mad(t Ida deliut aa

the new trading man ot Iba Wllllnui A. Ilrady

SInrk Cbmpony at Ihr riuyhi>nw, WllmlDglotiDel., Feb. », In 'I'liip |."c:iilii'rii."'

. NEW LEAD AT tliniJIKHT.Kalhertiip I'mnr will ••I'en n» Icaillig woman

of tbe Bliuliert .Hlwk ti-i.. ut tbe Hbiilwrt. .Mil-

w.inlee. Pi-b. H. with "TIhi Trarellng Baloa-

muc" aa tbo bill.

"(Jo West, Youne Man." Who wos It said naincd Is uure going lo rleiui for Ihcsi. boys,llinl? What's the dllToi'cacc. I'm golni; m A do^cn or more liendllncrs ure u-ilii;; It, iinJa coirple of wciks. rcp<»rt tlint It Is one ot Ihe songs tbuy

Ain't that some song Mint "Fllfty-Flfty." bare over used.Here are two writers, Chris Smith nnd .llm niDKON '»/ITII RED CROSS,tiirrls, who are c(<rta(liily wonders. Watch a oidvlllc (JIdeoii, who left this country cev-ittlp song, a new-one th:vt we aro advertising „,,„ „„j ,,^.1 with gicot succcs'*In Olii Ubliablh this week. Toko a tip—

• with lil-s Amerluiii In London, lo novget right on It. Won't toll tbe .title. It ronnccleil wlili llu" Ited Cross at Arrn«, aminponks for itself—It's odd—uud moro than

j gj rccunl reports Is doing cicellcut wornUint.

It seoma like Irish songs have come backInto their own again. "Tl'iperady" has

NAT D. AVER HAS A LONDON HIT.Nat U. Aycr, ime of the best, known b')y8

ETHEL BIIOIIRY SCORES.Mif.Foai), .Mam. — HomvlblnK unuaual In Ibe

reperlolrf of a draraalle coinp-nny waa at the0|>*ra llouv" Inut week (Feb. l-d). »»ery dramaprearnteil by Ibe Uthel May Rhorer Co. waa newlo Ibia levn. and all A Nu. 1 pioduCtlona. ThnCflsH were crcellent.

'ITilH n-an MlM .storey's first rl;.lt .hfre. but willei'lik'nlly not lip her last. Ttaey ncorri bcavlly111 every iiruiluctloii.

I.YTELL-VAUOIIN FOR ALBANY.Tbe Ik-rt LyU-ll-Kvclyn V'aiiglin Krock Ou. will

4naogiirate a «e«w>ri iJt »toek pmitucik>na lii AlUnj, N. Y.. IvglDnlsg March IB.

KATIIBRINB BVANB IN TEXAS.Kalberino Uvana (Mrs. I^larencn llennMI), of

flaa IMego, Oal., baa k>eat«1 In Kl I'aao, Tai.T7l>ere stio is playing cbaraclcra In atock. .

ntCItT LRinn writes: "ThA Hazele nurgnfiFla^tTH, a ouMPilflcenl aPick company of laMilwlplajCTS. headed by IlateU> Ourgosn. tbe bnullfuland pniDlar leading lady, wtio waa tbo earlle/

part of the aaaaou with 'Slop llilrf.' will oimian lDdeAnlte nn at tba Tampa Tlicatre. Tampa.Fla., BBdar, Feb. 7 Ilorolty playa, with apcelal

•rerory, will b* given imiler tho perwinni dlriH'lInn

ot Bert I^elgti. The I/km and tho Mouae' wilt banaed aa an opening nttraetlon, folbwed wl>b 'HtepThief,' Wadani X,' "Ibo llan on lh« IV>i,' amiclLeia. My adr In CLirraa dated Jan. 20 wai anawttad by bniidrvda, and I thank Tiia OiJJ Il>-

UAitLB for getting what peoplo I neiil."HARDIN n. 1U(]KlMAjN, formerly alage mana

ger In tbe Sbnl>ert |in«lucllon of "In IIm> Vanguaid," baa been engauM by Jeaalo Donatvllr forthat position In her now atook c(mn>aiiy. at tbeWeiA Knd. New York. Mr. Itlekinaii was niaoaeon Ukla aiaoon wltb Theodore FrMnia, In viuilr-

vllle. Loin Sluarl (Mra. Illckmniil In dnlnii recentric cmurdy In F/dlxun Hbna, iiiid<T thr direclion of Jaa. W. CVrntlo.

OUAIU.OTTF, M. HrPANL]^Y la playing ebarnrlera and gramlo danwa In nim'h. iii ilii' I'niao*,

<'lark^lnint. W. Vn., 'Hie ct>tninny nnd iiinii^Kcioenl

Is eiC4-llent, ami biialni>44 (iiilff HPilKructury."IIOltN—To Managi r . ami Mm. Kraiik Abram

(Alley SMiltlliey), niiinuKer of Oolicn (>.. No. 2show, at jiuller, Ind., Jan. 10, a virl. (HlKiied)Krnnk Abrani."[at- TOWtlNOTflN, 0()^r^f., th<> Winttrcl .4t

Clnlpe Co. .broke all nlm'k ni'-irdn.

iHANriKIt A JOIIIMN, Ihi' iilny lirnkprH amaatbora' agenis, bnvp iila<'i>d ror jiroilni'ihui li

fiifwark, tbo week of Feb. H, a ni'w play by Johnidriieat Warren, tbi* well kiif>wn ihh.| imil ilninia

tiat. Aa yet no name linn lHs>n derltUil upon, ant

n HUltatile caah jirlx4> iifffr In licliig iiiailc for (br

bent auggralinn rnr a lllle.

AKNA MoIK>NAI,l> In riofirliu; llu- <H'C<ind iriontb

of her ePKagenHsil an li'ndliig wniiiuii of Kidlli''

Uotbom Tlipnire. Itmiklyii. Hlio linn yuulbbi' and niarfciM taUiit.nnKOIlKK ADD HI')»S li^fiinn nn llii-y nrp iiol

v.'lih tlip l,a lloy HKmk 4Ju., nn i>er iwlliw In TinOi.irPiH of rec<"nl dale. ,


flillog a auccettoful entf-j^nriit at Ibi* .Mitjcnilc

Montgomery, Ala.

eonga. icirst place It would take up tooniiinh spucc. ond secondly. 1 might forget and

ABB OI.MAN, SOLE OWNERUarrnii II. lliisklu rotIrc<l from tho firm of

Rllglit n few. .uid thirdly. tli?re is nn net the La Snlle Music,V'' J",f„'r,T ^^naj?r

wiiltlng to rehciiTSe them now. so excuse me. fiic Olrann, who wna tbe geueri! manager, os

Xri! j/oM neri ircefc.

WITH JOE D.tLY.Hvans nnd Bvans, with Ifnrry irnBtlngs'

Jig Shonv, arc eolng very big with"! Won-

^olo owner.^

nccnuse It's new, bccaiitie It's contagious,

bccnuNC it:** golug to • tni (ill evor.vhody s

^*?f':!e 'S.\"'«>'fr «'li?.";"- PIP;",^^""?; g™t'"„l^gle "St a g?eat r do We A beaut!-

St"r.><y. i^? .PUhllihcr's' friend, jc^.^{"^^^'j'J^'iJ^HMimy story, and a "kick" In

liorus. 11 Is. the kind of song_tliat yiii

Lnxe In riroak'lyn'Frank Davis, a..^

!i'5..Me<;'-.<>''y nvo and ten _ cent store.-., and„/„;^^. ii'^n chingcd." cutting down tl.e

flurely boosting' Daly's 8on?s, wllh Aiini f"' mtlod:

lSxp- in mookfe'*cabaret up

il'.^^^'Vum^,-;. --unTo-niciously, n-id It will

K?a rila%t'"a-f,er making Hio rounds^ of '^^^^Z^"i^'i^J^'^^^^i,,„ of Mythe Mc< rorv fivo nnd ton ront ntorp.s and _

An*... .V""-. " A- i _ ii...

uinklng his name a by-word nround tills clrneluvo. making it easy for

It certnlnly has Im-"lit. hail left It for the time being, nnJ Is ""^^ l^f'Xi

weok jinH th«,r „i...j. oMiiniT im nnd "txir l-\ er.( r>miin_ loi" V .Jt:.-_

'•They're All Ooln' Into the Movio ' Jack opening''I.<='""'"^^-iu-ro to iike It.

«, ..'?.'" "o^el'T Bnd "Don't Tell llie snap and c .and you

^nOld Polka You Saw Mo." n ballad, supirlor ^"".J^l't"} i,,, '^i,niv .nougli to innkc It0 nny that these writers huve written, s'lffff't-'r""?"";,, ' Xnslvc The Hong is'•W \m 1 Get Dnck to-My Old Dl.'l." n roB cuto rather lliuii ollcnslvc. i"<. B

hallnd. by John Drl^roll and. Geo. Hcanlon. "Ih'Jie.^^ „ j„„,, tr„t by Chris

.<-<-F . > , , ,|,„ i.nut fiLlnir I'nrlR bABtwo. I)nly boy.i of IlosLon, and I.h nurelv.oDCof the pre4itlent iinml>crs for this style of"pnB- It Is Iheir llrst try In the songwrlt-big gamp, ami !l looks that their olTorts will

"o very well nwordcd.

Si.ilth, aud Is about the best tlflng Chris bafl

?rer done. AM .the «h-'v.;..'!I«>'>'.'^!!,«!.„''/.

llie Maiirirc Itlchmond Music Co., and any, ne In Iho profp^.alon Is.welconlc 10 copies.

The Music Publishers Official Organ.


Plays for BtocK, at

PERCENTAGESwith a OuarantM of

$150 per WeekEACH

nesllalng tho Rxlstlng Thontrlcal Oimdltlon.s

MR. CHARLES FR^HMAN(In order to allnV ovory Stock Company lo iiinkn

money by plaving hia aiicrrHHCs, which navu lieri'-

ttifore commanded "tho high dollar" In roynlti-Hi,

ban aulburli d his Agciim, MANIIKll A Joui),tN,to allow any Compan- conirHCting fur pnHlucilKii

within tho next alx P> eight weoks to hc ect any.

one vr more of the follnwliig plays at a royally of

Iioroentagea, with a guaritiilco of | por wih'k

each. \',

















































1432 Broadway New York Cily

. Sole KBd Kifilualve Agent* i|



oomuEHonfo Jinns i


STOCK COMPANYfor long engagement at Grand Theatre, Owmiaboro, Ry. Record: Wanda I.udow I'layont, 13 wookijHawkins I'rayeni, 13 wc ks; Ted Dalley, t weeks; Jack liarrett, 4 wceka: Mall I'layerH, u wei'kn. Wuold

Stock people In all IIih h and lady niuslcluiin pli'iikn write,but you'll get it

engage our own companv If ncnessary,

guUna all lint letter, liabirv low. but vi" PKDLBV d( UUnciI TIIRATIIIVAL CO., Ow*nal>or», Ky,

Lewis and Oliver Playersvat raiMnnnl BSock. rilUlT OLAfW HOBNIC AUTIBT. OM who can play PkrU nnUmA^ Alao rOUNOLBAUlNa LADY. Addraaa LBWIS>OLIVBB, Acaidem|r ot nusfe,.Hslel||h, N. €.



of thu OLIVKU DitAM.i I'LAYKllH Ciiin-

iianbn IH In DO way cnnneoted wllh tboiKWIH-ULIVBIl t'OMl'AN t —un orKuHi'Jk-

ilim managed by JAIJK I.KWIH. Mr. Ollvcriiaano Intarnattn any Thentrb nl Cnnijiaiiy oubdduof tho OLIVKR DMA HA PLAVKhH, withlicndqiinrteni ntS'^l Hoiiroo llldg., ClilcnHo, III.

IIAIlllY VAN wriloi: "Tlin KHIili-cn Warila

(Vaiiiiiiny, unili r Hie •llrrrlluii of W,ilur. .Siiiiturd, .

In M>w Ii. lis fuurlb wcvk'ul Ibi- I'inriiuitir I'.llia-

U'll. (Ilty, N. '.'.. iloliiu an .'iionisjiia biwbii'ia.

Wo am m.-bliig I'lg mtiiIi: |irudiii:tbnH of nil llt«

irllnlilo pln-n ut yi'iira .ik». Mlaa W^inila tins

nmilv ei.lnlill«lir<l liiThcIf In Ilii- briirlh of Ibo

liHipIo, mill la lrii.(^iiiliig n grrntrr fiirorlto rvcry

day. Mr, Kunfnnl. Ihi- ilirprlor. Is Hiring s|a-<.'lal

nlUntlur lo lint m-«'IiIc iIcIiiIIh i>f eiicli piny, nndwbi-n yon lab* lulo ivinalib-riillifn tliiil tbl* |irlt»

la only Irn and twenty criila. It iiiakett a wmi-(M-rfnlly linn <*veiilnK'a nmuNiniwnl. .Ml^ Waiiila

liaa iMTn eiigageil lu bead llw luuH-a A<lonM Vloat-

liig Tlieaire Outniiaiiy fur Ibo M'aiuii of lliin. In arc|.erlclro uf bur gn'alMt atiiri'HMa. Tbo iilay

uani tbis week la nn original thnvnet mrluira-malic riMiM'ily, writlvn ny Mr. Hnnf<ir«l. rn(lil«l

"A Woinan'n Wnrnlnir." It lina nia.le a Irn-

strike lill, and rciH'rInIro OMnaKera alioiild eoiiniilt

Mr, banforil In regard to It. It'iilvr: KalbleenWaniln, Ir-nila: Doris Carter. Juvi-nllea: JamesllelTnrr. Iienrlia: llnrry flmiM-, comedy; Ted(nioae. .ultllly: Walter Haoford. leada. Hlnif forMlaa Wo lid a : Ifnrry Vifn, IhhiIih'hh niaiinii<T; l.ynnV- JoliiMii, Iri'BNNrer; uiwlb-y Ibirkci-. iniiHli.r .if

[mp<Tlle«: MIk* Ilomer, derlrlelpu' I'ror. WoK"-man, plsalaC; Wallor ijanford, dirislor.

KliOltRNITR MAItTlN la npgotlstliig for a Hum-iner nl'jck bouae at Troy. N. Y.

mmns dakkii and wm. tniu.) miiT-Tr>N ore apendlo^ Ibo Winter lo Akiun. O.


MAZRI. nAWT>BM. formerly leading womanwllh the Robt. Menafleld I'laveni. nl lbs l.yrlr.

New irrlenna. has Joined the I'ercv llaswoll (!o.,

nt Hie Oreacenl. Hbis Dnwden alao created Itwtrading fmlnlne rol« In a rert-nt pfodncllon nt"Tbo'drand flianee," hy KaUiarlne Henry, an4laa hiva eniaged lo piny tin' part neit aeaaoaen tour. lUda-rl Unlnnnn and Ilea I'V>nf amalw> reirnt adillllunH lo liie Perry Ifanrrll O,Tbli weok'a bill, "Tho Two Orvbant,"

12 THE ]SrEW YORK OIL.IPPER. Febbuabit 13




donft of rorciit llmcM IinH lu6t ycoii (riiDnum-niatpa, by wlilcli iln- Ilroailwjiy TliMtrc, onfiof He DcBl ktiuwii |)liiylious'.'H° In New Vorlt,w trRnHfurrotl In new iniiiiiiKi'inc-nl, wUli aiDiUcal chniiKO In iKillry in ln^ iiliiiii] In Im-t.U'dlate cITirrt. Tin' new Iprs-i'm of lliln fn-iiioiie thoniro, fjirincrly lUi! Iiiimi' of tiiniiy «tI lie (Irnmntic microssrH of tlio pjiHl fewilcrndcs, nro Incorpomicil nn (hp \Vnvl>ron<lrompnny, coiitrolliKl liy Adulpli Znkor, prwil-ilciit of tlic Knmnus rififors l-'lliii (.'o., iindt>lanlcy MnHlhftiiin, one of the biohI Iniport-iint motion -picture and tlipulrknl men ofriilladelpliln.

IICKtnnlne flaturdn;, Feb. 20, thin tlirntrnwill InniiRurntc n policy of Imporlniit fonturorhotoplnyx to be pro<liiccU by the Kniniii'.BI'liiycrH Klliii Co., which will be eihlhltrd inthe raauncr of rcBiiIar thentrlcjil nttrnclloni,with en mlinlSHlon chnrKO rnnclnv fromIwentv-llvc ceiitii to n (lollnr. rrci-otllnif thendoptlon nf I hi' ni'W piilk y, extcpislvc nlleni-llons will lie flTi'CK'il, ihi' liilcrlor of thehoiiflc niihiitniillnlly rc-nrrnnp'd, and the ci-Icrlor npiHsirniire Rri'iitlv liiiprovcd! Tlicm!clia/lKOS, liiKCllior with tlio liiMiiiMnllon of n• ompk'lc Rymphiiiiy orrhp«lrii, will convertthe nronihvny Into iiiic of the miml rjiihoratolihoti'pliiy lli.'iitres In the grciiliT city.

This depnrlurc from the roiiilne incihod ofImoklns film prndiuilimfl U notnble for theronHcn tiiat, fcr the llrHt tlnir In llie hlHlnryof feature fllmF, It pronKitcH tlu' I'llilhlllonof motion nlciiiri'H to the HtaiMlnrd iiinln-liilncd hy the Iccltlmnte tlientn-i^, na underthe new policy the llrondway will confomiwith the CMHlom Bovrrnlnp drnmnilr pro-(luctlon.1, nnd will oontliine the oxhihillon ofn rIiikIc RiihJiH'l nn lunK na lit popiilnrlivendiircfl. Thin syntem In In direct varlbnc'ewith the ii.ninl inclhrHl of tipi'mlln*; iilcliirqtlicAlroi;. whlcli, wlllioal rx'-xplhui, cliaoKiitliclr proKMiii!) weekly, nnd m'jre often aoml-•neckly mid llntly.

II Is wild Hint two InipiirlnnI Erniipa ofIcKltlntnte mannRrra and it powerful vnude-villc coR:hliin(lon nre wiili'hlii); Ihe re^iiiltii ofthia KiRiilllcant Inniivatlon with frnuk In-'lircKt.

The Initial dim nrodncllnn, to open Fel).20, under the UnfKlwiiy'H new imllcv, will hothe Kanimi.s riiiyi'r-i I'Mliii Co. n HtiipeiidoiiMpliolo-uiMTlpcle, ••'ri'e ICleninl Clly," Iiv lliiil

Cnlne. Willi I'aullnc Frederick, iiriHliieed MItJily nnd Knuland under the direction ofEdwin S. Toner nnd HiikIi Kord.

Tlila plnlioinle lllni prodiiellon. at Us re-cent premier exhlhltlnn nt the I.vceuni Tliea-tec crontc<1 n aenwitlon hmone the tlientrlcilDinnnKora, utar.i nnd drninnile nuthora In theiincclally Invltnl nudlence, nnd wna pro-clnlnied by llin mollon .plciiire trndc pa|>eriiKB the grontent niin-drnninllc trluinpli everncrecued. Added to IIh mnny other lailnla ofbeauty nnd power, the a>il>J"cc Htlaehea a^Itfll timdy liitoreHt liv renaon of the fnettlint mnnr of tlii< nnclent nnd hliitorle biilld-liitrn Hint were Injiired liv Hie recent dla-Ofitrona en rlliiiualo'H In IliHy fcrin the bnek-sround of the aereeii prodiiellon of Ual!CnlPO'n cdelirnled novel and play.oi-rvnn moronoo tiirnino many

AVRI.Ij known NTA<iF: BUCCRHHEilINTO I»1I0T0I'I,ATS.Oliver MoroBco Is brnnelilnp nut ns II

plioloplny prmlneer to aliii'ist the annie extentns n prcKliicer of the leultlrnnle dniinn. Atpreacnt Mr. MoroKcn Iuih In the cmirse ofprepanitlnn by the Muniseii riiolophiv Com-paiiy, nnd In nasoehiMon wllli Iliiswortli. Inc.,the I'olloivlnji: KIsle .laiils. In '"I'lie Caprlceaof Kilty;" Frit/I KcliefT, In "I'reltv Mr*..Kiiiltli," nnd Diistln I'arniini. In "('nptnJufonrleii.v," o play hy Kdwnrd ("hllds Curl.-iiler. •


"SiinBlilre Molly." fentiirlni; iU^ Weber,IMillUpK (tinnlley nnd lloli.irt Unsn-ortli


"Ilelp Wonted." .Tnek I. nil's plav. which wasIMiHliicod nt Mnxlne lOlUoll's theatre. .NeivViirit, and the I'orl Theatre, flilcajro"Utile Kiinaet," a slorv bv t'hnrles K. VnnlAian, nnd KMr' iTniils, In "llellv In Searchof n Thrill," will be relcnse.l In the u-iirfUlll IV.

DiirliiK Hie coniliiu' nioiitlis the rclen«ea ofIhe Morocco rimloplav (Niinpiiiiv will nlsoInclude "The .liiilte ninl Hie .lurv." by OliverMoroMco nnd Harry n. t'o:trell; "WildOlive." by OllTcr Moro.sco nnd Kluier Ilnrrlsnnd "The Society I'lUit," bv Oliver Moroscoand Or. C. C. Unclinnm. In the Intter l.enorct'Irlch will Rtnt, tvhlle In "Wild Olive" IVkk?O'Nell will be seen In the prlndpnl chnrnctcr.WII,Ii,nAVIR. I.IKR rilOTO FILM !>!-UF.rTOn, STACKS IIKAI.ISTIO FIIIKIICEINEI FOU ".MOUUItN MAOMALEN."It W(iK Donn hour; the men were Just Icnv-

Intt tbclr benclics. when a thick, curllnKpmoke was neeu comlnK im( of the factorywindows of tbo Oils Sncnr Heflnerles.

Tnnic Eoon relgnc<l : Hie omd bends nt themill mndo every olTort to r»'iissnrf ihe.pnnlckyones, but their elTorls were In vivln. Thetire olnrffl ronit its wnrnliiH thrvURh tbe mill,nnd sooM the rtro-escniieH, Htnlra nnd elevntonwere lllptl with viuplovee.s who preferred tobe on the niitlnde, lookliiK In.

T'le Jersey Are depnrtmriit soon arrived..Miove the clnnFluK of bells nnd the shrill

•wlilsHcH of the New York nud Neif' Jersevtire bunts could be benrd Ihe Inud. rool, cnni-nnuidlnE voice of Will H. Pnvls, the MfeI'lioto director, lie wns orgluit on ("nthrlneCountls?, Lionel Hnrryniore nnd the rrst of"A Modern MnRdnlen" cnsl. HirouRh Ihe evn-snilonni mill bcciics Ihnt will be .a fenturc Inthin production.Howard Tohlns, the director's hustlln?

nsslstant, nnd (lie chniuplon llanie ainker nndsmoke pot lighter, wna cnrrlt'd oat hy thellrcnien, bnrnInK 'iii—with ex"lieinenl. "Theonly denies discovered by the ilrenien weren few youiiK ones, whom they had recentlyluet nt n (icrninn picnic.

jioitsi.nT's i.os A^ arrnaHAS AI>SI>K:I01^S OPUMNU.

Piivld IIorslcy'H lliwilock Arena nnd Junniconeiied I(h t;iitcH In the hearl of I,os AiiKiOes,Tuesdny, Jan. :!(!. to n cnpaclty. piHierlnp,thnt r»'lire.seiiU'<l (he tluesl elemeul of Hiecll.v.

NNlily nil or (he inuiilclpnl olllclnl.s, Includ-Ini; the mayor, chief of pulice nnd membersof the City Council, weri' on hnnd to blcalfytheir niiprovnl of Hie enter|>il>!.'. •

Iloisli'y I'ark. as Hie exliihlllen jilncc Is

cnlliil. Is ioiiiii'd at the c.ini'T of Main andWntililiu'tnii Stri'i'Is. and itcc:i)iles a plot offri'iiiiil H.'iOxl.'iH feel III exten;. A sulvslnn-l::I ciniirele wall. Iliil.>^hi'd In I'nlirornla MIm-men siyle. runs iilmi;; Hie entire front, whilea liuu'i- luclnviiv lowaiil Ihe lower end car-rlis "ii; the s;iii'e scheme aii'l forms ,T( oiH'r-

the iiinla eiiti-niice immI e^'ei'ii'l.*'' onicc;.' Theli.lci'liii' iircMiKi'meiiK an' liluMv arll.'<lli' an.


ni'Vi'l. (lie WMlhi heliiL' hi'.il i-ilt In' lr<>|ili.'il

|:ai'i|ens ninl |i:iliii'ilra|«'il riiies, Hin>iii:h

VbUh the clcji'innlt; irinlKe abmil, tanylii,:-

londa of happy children on their backt.Kvery turolnK of the walks has Its little enr-

Crigei, Buch os monkey coceB, ostrich : rant,by ilnna and aTlarlea. Then comen nn lio-

mcnso aeml-clrele of dona; contnlnlnft thennlmnl> thnt have stained fame and Khiry laevery section of the gidbt. The fronta ofthese Rlily odd dena are made of aolld Ironhirs, wltli'iat Rnten, so that the animalscannot posslhly escnpe. Tbe backgroands ofHie dcnn ore pnlnted to rcpronent the nativeeiivlronirent of the vArlnus species, and tbeIlKbts arc so nrranged that n startling lllu-Kliin Is ohinlned. A concealed passagewaynt tlic bnek connects each den with tbe arenant the centre, where tbe nerformoncen areheld. This liU|je Iron-barred enclosure frontsIn n covered auditorium. In which twtdrehundred people wore comfortnbly seated townt'cli what Ia Bald to embrace the moattr.nrrelouB exhibition of trained wild anImaUHint hns ever been made.

Wlion completed, the entire plant will, wItUthe uurchnco price of tbe animals, representnn outlay it akmt $200,000, with - pos-sible earning capacltT qnlte bvyond calcula-tion, The arena llBclf will be operate<l as aF"pnrntc enterprise, with highly remunera-tive i)iiH.ilbllltle8, while the studio and jungle.In which more ndvnnced pictures nf any de-ncrlntlon mny Ik) mnde, will, with the as-•^isinnce of the owner's newly InTcnteidiiiihic cxiioBure trick csmern, assure aneklraordlnnry product. Tnken nil In all, Ihol/os AnKcleM instlliiHon offers a striking ex-emplo of the forethought, originality anddnrin? so frequently dcmnnntrnled by thatBiiecoraful pioneer of the Indu.stry, ' DaTidTlorsley.


• riinMciTV MAN wii.i, "niEu lance"IT FUn THE PIlBSrNT.

In order Hint he mny devote all his timqto ihn wrltlns of photoplays. Ilnrvcy Gates,wlin lins'nchlev<'<l n reputation In the fllmMoHd us n publicity man. has left the f/ubloconipiiny nt r-hneiili, Ariz., of which Ilo-iiiniiie l-'lelding Is the director. Two monthsnu'o llarvey, lui he Is known to a Jiost offriends In the gnme. severed bin afflllntlonflwith Ihe Dalvcrsnl Company, where ho hndbeen iiHsoclnte edilor of the IJ. Weekly, andhnd bundled n great part of Ihe trade paperpiihlleliy. to write scenarios for Fielding anddo his personal niihllclty work. One of hl.4two reel plnys, "West, Two Thousand Miles."Is Jii:it being conipletoa lu IMioenlx, andnimllicr, "Dr. Oonznles, from Mexico," Inllire<! reelfl. Is tbe next one Eclie<luled foriirodncilon. The publicity dope put out by

,^;eldlll^' for Ilnrvey hns attracted wldo-Bprend nt lenllon.

(ihles llrst- broke In as a writer and film.reviewer on n theatrical paper over twojenr.-: ago. Ijiter he becnme nssnclnted withthe llniversa;, nnd while his duties' as editor

'nnd iMiiilirlty man -were erdjou's, he foundtime to turn out Acenarlos which sold.iAmonc those r/lileh he hns had produced"nrer "I Was Meant for You,"' 'Tonceutra-Hon." "Ills Knther's House." "The Scar," allIMogrnphs; "'nie Rider Ilrolher" a two reelI'.HHiinny. In which FrnnclH X. Dusiimanstnrroil: "When Ihe World Was Silent." atliri^p rfel Imp drama: "At the IlannuetTnble. two reel Imp, and "In the Ilnuds ofthe rotter," Essann.v.

For the present llnrrey will he located InBnlt I.nUe^Clty, where ho hns gone, with hia

T/lfe, to,visit his folks, from whom he hatle«o separated e^veral years. "Uennle(Zeldman) of Lublnvllle" and be left Field-ing's Lubln company tbe same day. Donolcla now located In I/os Angeles, and there ii

e probability of Mr. Oates moving on to thePacIHc Coast within a month or eo.

Jesse Laskt bia engaged Marshal NellaD.formerly one of the leading stars associatedwith the Kalem Co., for the title role lu thepictunzatlon of Kdgar Sclwyn's play, "Thecountry Bov." The two leading feminineroloa In "The Country Boy" are played b.v

Florence Dagmar, who appears as the nn-Bophliilcatcd country girl, and . DorothyGreen, of Uroadway and Korty-aceond Street.Others In tbe cast are: I^yola O'Connor,Airs. Ixjwla McCord, Horace B. Carpenter.I'.dward Lewis, Ernest Joy, 'fex Drificoll andErnest Qarcla.

^Tkc Rrlterlon service, which will be tssued

eut of Alluucapolls, commencing Feb. l.t, wl'.l

be handled by an. exchange which Is backedby a coterie of motion picture people of tbutIcrrHory.AicMg them are eereral well known ex-

hibitors of that section.Tbe Krlterlon Service Company, as It has

teen named, will aorve all of Ulnneoota,North and South Uulcota, part o( Iowa,Northern Wisconsin and tbe upper penlnoula01 'Michigan.

ThIa new exchange will not only purchasethose-plctnrcs which are now being released,but win also have In stock nil the pictureswldch have been made since the inception ofthe Krlterlon Service. This Is done In acieasnre to take more adequate care of allthoee who will use the Krlterlon pictures,and also bccantie among those earlier pic-ture* It Is felt that subjects are Indudelthat .will materially bclp to lend convincingproof of the quality of the Krlterlon brands.Tbe powers that be nt tbe headauarlers otthe Krlterlon Co. aelinowledgc tnis Mlnne-tpollS' acquisition a valuable aeaet In tbestring of exchanges which they' arc arrang-ing for, to cover' this entire country andCanada. Its geographical position and greatiiumber of theatres that abound In Its terri-

tory are two valuoble Items In the choice ofexchange locations.

Ai.PEBT C. FnooMB, '^or many yekrs ahondllncr at tbe New York nippodrome, hasbeen cngngcd to appear In 'The TwentyMillion Dollar Mystery," tbe latest Thau-houscr-Mutual serial.

Mr. Kroome. plays tbe role of a woaltliyMontana mine owner, who was a friend ofZudora's father when both were prospecting,aiid the part nhould suit this performer, whohas earned for himself the title of "the actorunafraid." There never has been a stuntwlilch caused Froome to hesitate a second.Taking his life In bis hands seems simple

enough to this new member of the Than-bouser-Miitunl Block Company.

"All you do Is do It," he says by "way otexplaining his lack of^lmldlty.

ANSwun to many Inqalrtes eomliig fromcihihltors, the New 'York Motion FlcturoCorpornilon wishes to announce that its fourreel feature, "On the Night Htoge," feetnrlugRobert Ifdeson, Wm. 8. Hart and RbeaMitchell, will be reJeaBe<1 through the Mu-tual . Fllm Corporation, In pursuance withtheir new policy of releasing features on theicgular program. .


Hnrry Myers, the gonial Victor-Universaldirector, while rejiearslng a tcene In "Unvcdby a »rcam,V leaned against the door of a



TME KINETORHOTE126-182 "West 4eth Street, New York

Telephona Bryant 00711

wooden safe, slightly ajar, and as he walkedaway he felt a weight on his coat-tall. Sals'weight was none other thna "the aafe,'

locked tightly, and not a soul In the studioknew the comblnntion. I'oor Harry struggledfor two hours, and then someone suggestedthat he take his coat off ! And be did. He'sstill saying unutterable thlugs under bUibreath,


The lesolts already obtained by Jesse J.

Odldburg, the secretary ot the Life ThotoFllm Corporation, in bis one week of travelamong State right buyers and feature rx-

cbajigCB, have proven conclusively that theselling ot high class feature Blms to Staleright bnyers Is far from dead. In fact, the

I rices that the Life I'hoto Fllm Co. Is nowreceiving arc better thou those received for

"The Banker's Daughter" or "The Grey-hound," which were released when Staterights were the sole channel of feature lihn


Tm Dlo Film Company, of 135 WestForty-fonrth Street, purchased tbe rights to

"The- Avalanche," a five part Icature release

of the Life I'hoto Fllm (jorporatlon, and all

of the productlone of that company, for the

coming year, for the Btotc of New Jersey.

Mr. Mundt, who is the presldeut of theDlo Film Company, also coutemplates pur^

chasing (he New Jersey rights to "The Or-

deol," another flvo part feature release of

the Mfe rhoto Company.Mr. Mundt Is very enthusiastic over the

Life Photo productions, and expects to makea clean-up In New Jersey with this valuable

addition to his program.


W. IC. Browning, formerly a well knownTauddvlllc entertoTner, W now engaged as a

screen comedian. Mr. Browning has signed

lip for a term of years with the Crystal t Ihn


E. D. Horkhelmcr, secretary and treasurer

of the Dalboa Company, la now In New lorK

TheLesson of SuccessWhen a piece of machinery, made for serviceand not for show, becomes an immediate successand remains a success, does it not tell anythingof the merit ofthe article?

dan any machine go into extensiye use and eigoycontinued popularity if it does not render ser-vice that is satisfactory.

K success from its first appear-ance, and constantly eztendinK,means anything to you, you wulconsider the wonderfol recordfor many years of


before you purchase a motionpicture projecting machine.

CatalogX will glva you all detoUa



tfOVINO PIOTPBB KachlneaComplete for Standsrd. Size FIIol$30.00; UoTlDg I>tc-

ture Camen Til-pods, $17.00; Stere-optlcona complete,any stjle of light,|i2.oop CalcinmLight Jet9. $2.26;Acetylene Gas Oco-

eratoiB, $2W; Arc Lamp, $1.00; nheoatats. $2.(0:Uovlng Picture Objectives, $2.76; llovlng PlctnriI«ns Jitcket, $2.22; BtereopUcon Lens, any focusHOC.: Moving Picture Miichine Feed Sprockets, 65c.iA. METZ, 30a K. a3<l street. W. \. City.

FILM and SONG SLIDESA big reduction In Fllni, lOO ree Is at I cent a foot,some at $8 a reel; have western and Indian Reels.500 Sets of Bong Slldea, 60c. to $1 a set:Power's No. 6 Jlochlue, $76; also other cheap Mo-cblnes: Model "B" Oalclnm Hacblne, $ao. ralfabay Film, Slides and RIachlnn, IfRood.O.F. OAIiLOT. 10 aiitlitb A've.. N. Y.

?E2£!5!-Motlfln Picture. Maclilie-5^s^

BUreoptlcons, Spot Lights, Lenses, CoudenuersCurlioiis. Announcement Slides, lOc. box Kewliid-om, PorlAlile Operating Booths, Repair Puns (orEdison, Power s. LUBIN. Second-hand Uschlncsboughtaudsold. REPAIR BROKEN UKWOHNPARTS OK M. P, MAOHINKS OF ALL MAKES. NOORDER TOO SMALL FOR OUR ATTENTION, I


50 Wu. Wli St. PHILAPgJLPmA, PA.

This Is his oerond'trlp to the En ot with In amonth, but Ihe Journey was necessary be-.i-an«e of the growing Interest In lialboas.He took with hlni thirty-eight thousand feetof ncKOllvc, the lot Including the Orst two ofthe "Who rays?" series, which wne con-Cilvtd, planned, nnd Is being produced nndcrthe personal supcrvlElon of H. U. Hork-helmcr, protildent and general manager ofthe Hull'oa Company. -This series of pictures,of which- tlicre will he twelve, hope to set anew tjtundard lu clncmntogriiphy.

At prcueut the liiillion Company is turulugout lu excess of eight thousand feet otnegative n week, and this large footage willbe Incienscd as soon as a number' of newcameras, which have been purchased, arriveIn Long Ueach, Cal., where lie plnut la lo-cated.

M. F. TotHAS, president of the All Thea-tres I'Um Co., wlilch bundles the AUlan'ogrograni In New York, lian Just returued to

Is Nov/ York odlce after a tour of the State.Mr. Tobias spent the best part of n week

In DulTalo, and then worked his way bnOk tothe city, during which time he made It apoint to rcucw ncqualutauce with as manyexhibitors as time would permit-.

. ^In THE writing of "nunnwny June'' for

tiie Serial I'ubllcatlon Corporation aod theRellauce Motion IMcturo Cp., which is pro-ducing It for the screen, Oeorgc ItnndolpUChester, the f.imouB nnlhor of "Get-Rlch-Qitlek WAlllnKford" nod many -other stories,tas called- In the services of his -ivlfc. Lil-lian Chester, to Insure genuine femlninoAmnspliere. Mrs. Cheater has been co-authorwltli her husband on Bcvcral ether works.when the Chesters write together they

write at top speed and under high pressure.They neglect themselves ns to both deep nndfood, bc.levlng .that the best resalts arc tobe bad In thnt way. They .retire to a placowhere they cannot be found, ' and 'thereforecannot suffer the detriment of Interruption,vrblch means relaxation.-' That Is^hat theyhave t)een doing for weeks on "RunawayJune." The result Is a photoplay serialwhich, aside from Its Action and ammatttattraction, sliould lnfere«t. every -morrledman and every married woman Because oflt& appeal to their sociological and economictendencies.


The Ststlc Club held thrtr second annualball, at the Rpthcrford Hall. L«e Angeles,Jan. :>0, and It wo^ a dellgivtful aOnlr Infnovj W'ay. The outstanding attraction wasIhe appearance of .Margarita Flocbcr, -B-hoJourneyed from Santa Barbara for the event,.ind who wore one of the most beautiful cos-tumes Imaginable. Bh(< was a wry radiantflipire as she led the grand march ,*lth bigHobby I.,eunaird. MJss Klscbcr wore an Im-ported broriide with sliver floiwers embossedon the surface, the train wo« of wWte silk,urnped from her neck to her feet was antrrldescent trimming with numerous spark-ling rblnestooes, while the heels of hor whiteshoes wero studded with rhlnestono. and anornament of the same being In her hair. Herclonk was of American lleaiity shade trimmedwith fur, and she carried nn Ostrlcb feathertnn. prcsctstcd by Harry I'olhird. -The cluboOlclals provided some wonderful AmericanUcniity roies'nnd n limousine.

Nntura'ly the. Static Club members wcro '

prepured to take numerous photogmpbs, andthe hall m-os hrililantly lighted wJth extraeffcols provided by the TOnnOoId-Scott UgWflwhich are used In the studios.

Jinny noted names wore dotted down fromthose present and llfcrnture. nrt and tboHlnce wprp nil liberally reprreented.The hnll was an artistic as well as a flnon-

clnl succcs-i.

John McAi.kkii lins*been appnlntc<1 mnnn-;er of the I'lttshiirgli brancli of the I'ictiiroI'inyhouseiCo. Mr. .McAlcer is n well ktloivnlilni man, nnd hns munancd scvcl-ol; largovdudevlllo theatres, i

. » .



?^"',?' tJ^'orC'inliaUon, which will be called

« .• ' • League of FcoDsjlTaDlo.

Other offlccra elected were: KIrst viceprcBlilent, G. W. Bahner, nttsbnrjh ; eecondvice president, Gilbert C. Miller, I'lyBioutli


ecerclnry, James Delves, llttsburgli : treas-urer. Charles Segall, I'hllBdelphla ; publlcltVagent, Frank A. Uould, Heading. Fred J.IIcrrlDgton, of Ilttsburgh, was chosen a»

organizations, to beoome constituent partsof the Pennsjflvanta Leamie, were orKanliedns follows: Philadelphia Local No. 1, Wllkc*Bnrrc No. 2, Kcodlng No. 3. Uarrlsburg No.4, Wllllamsport No. C, Altoona No. 0. I'ltta-lurgh No. 7. Erie No. 8, and Dubois No. 9.

rhllartelphla. Bonding, nnrriahnrg andwlllccs-narre. bod locals. Wllllameport Is anew organliatloD.The nine locals will endeavor to recruit

members from their surroundlnR towns.Another convention Is schcdaled for Junt

8, 0 and 10. It will be held la Reading, Pa.

K!?.*^. ?J ""iPt'oit Interest taken on tbobatlleflelUa of Ilalglum and Krance. TittywUl l)c exhibited as a theatrical attraction.


tore the camera in a Wm. A. Brady phiitD

^X^J' J*"^"' °" ^* Kdward Sheldon piny,1 he Uofls, he will havo the most expertasjistance pomlble, since Alice Uradv willuppcar opposite him. playing the part thatWas created bv Bmily Stevens, and the director will lio-£rederlck Thomson, who Is onwof the beet knon^ directors In tho field. Illsexperiences In makinf features for the Vlta-gniph Company, the l«sky and the KamousPlayers have made bis namQ_ aynonymouswith the best, bat it must not be forgottenthat Mr. Thomson bad won a high place unthe stage before turning his attention to thescreen world.When 'Trilby" was sent 00 tour it was

Mr. Thomson who produced and rcheorsedtho vai^loui organizations. For years be wasBSBodateil with Boi Smith Russell, nodbe urdentudled , Btcllar roles with DavidHelasco. Those who saw his performance of'/jikkiiri," the war minister, in "The DarlingA committee oTOointed to increase' the oHliV fl"od8l"''bave no77oreotTen 'the Impra^^

nifmherBhlp of the league In local dlstrlcta efon that be made. .conslts of Nat Fischer, rhtlad.elplila ; J. G. Ulrlc Collins, who was the original Davidllcnscn, Reading

; J S. Thomas, Plymouth ; In the producUon of " 'Way Down l-^oat," htiI rani " oode, Indiana ; F. B. Wlilteman, been secured by Mr. Ttomson as bU asslst-J.oarlng Springs; Peter Hagaro, Uarrisburg, ant. Ui. Collina has been associated for

ftA. G. TlinmBB, Pittsburgh. years with the various Ilrady enterprises.

On the Bnnl day of the session n legislative and has appeared in several screen nroduc-commlttee was elected, and pledged to do its tlonn as well.utmost In the way, of aecuring the repeal of The Dolbrook Blinn photoplay will be re-the present Pcansylvanla State censor law. leased through the World Film CorpornUonPeter Mngnro, of Harrlsbnrg ; Fred J. Ilcr- In April, and it vlHl be one of the montrlngton, Pittsburgh; Charles Segall. Phlla- elaborate ever^tumed ont by the William A.delnhla; Frnnols B. Deblln. of rittsburgh, Brady Plotoplaye. Inc. It is planned toand Ben H. Zerr, of Pittsburgh, were elected bave as miny of the original productionsto this important committee. appear in the photoplay as possible. ActunlA branch of the legMatlve committee, work has started on tnla production at tbo

composed of exchange and>8iinnly men, ar« - -

RUTH SUEPLIsr.Iluth Sheplcy, one of the most bennllful

w.imi'u on the Ajuericau stage. ha.s been en-Kugcrt by tho World Kllm Corporation toi.ppcar opposite Robert Warwick Id the filmvi'ralrjD of the great Paul Armstrong Bucceoi,Alius Jlimny .ValenUno." This feature will

be released on the World Film schedule Feb.Si. She is now playing In "It Pays to Ad-vortlsc," the very successful farce comedytjiat Cnhab & Uarrie arc prcaentlnc at theCohan Theatre, New York City. ,


the stnlutts gorornlug picture exhibitions bythe liuard of Aldermen of Now Vorlt City,a mnsj meeting of pxhlbltore was held In theCnndlcr Thontre. Tuesday. Feb. 2.A commit iMi of aldermen appointed to

rc-cedlfy ihc existing ordinances of tho cityrclailvo to the iidmtssloii of vlilldrcn topicture houecs was the Immcdlolc cause ofa small but sincere gathering of one hundredor more picture men, who dIscuHsod wujsand means of combatting the proposed roxuraning of the ordinances In qncstiou.A fund of ?4O0 was Collected aa the result

of the mectlnB.^

It the proposed changes in the Inw gothrough it will menn that a Greater Newlurk cxhibllor or owner of ,i pkMiire pluy-iKiuse who pernilis n child uuder filxteen tocntci' Ills houKC, or If any cmploycu or mnna-Ccr ilocs likewise, unlora the aforesaid InfuntUn the I'jos <if tbo luw) Is accoanp.inled bya giinrdlnn. pjiront or olhcr person dulyaiitbiirlzcd ns a cntupanlon, said ph'Uiro houseproprietor will be t;ull(y of a crime puiil»li-able by a fiue of $100 or thirty days lu Jailor -both.

Further, the proposed ordinance slates aanddltlonirl pennllv of $50 mav^o Impositd foreucb olfcnse. This $IiO Is^ov^eruble by thetlty in civil action.Whether a '.'gunrdlon" Is duly quallfled to

act as such or. not, according to the proposedInw. Rill devolve upon the. i>erjplcaclty of-the pxlilbltor. In otuer words, the owner ofany picture emporium In New York will bo.expected, practically, if tho law la to bo'^[ri<"tly enforced, to know every Individual •

flilld who enters bis ploce of amuscmcut,ano the guardian as well.

It can be readily seen that grcnt Injusticncould be practiced 'under this system, U<Ai-nuii-h as anyone who had a personal gmdgencnmst an>exblbltor could revenge himself\'y ploking up a child in the street and bringilint cnlld Into n picture house. If: It were.P''J'\™ that'tho person acfoippanylng. Mid.I'hiln Into the picture pUice was unquulltlcdIII tlie eyes of the .law, tlien the exhibitorwould Burely be up against It.Tho meeting to flgbt the changes In thn

law was held rjotntly under tho auspices of.the Motion Picture F,xlilbltors' Asaodatlon"I ''«U" N«w York and the Clncmu Club,of the nroui. . The a«Ki>mblage was called to

J-iJ'""President Nf>4>dlefl, of the Cinema

Uirti. who Ti'llnuqulahod the chair to Bnti.frlPKcr. president of the M. P. Asani

Mr. Trl;;ger, in his remarks, mentionedenfiinlly that,out of 805 exhibitors in Newlork, only oiio-eigbth of the number belongto any organltotlon.

Trigger.. -urged I the necessity of nnlflednctlon In this as well as other importantmnitcra relating ko the welfare of the ci-blhltor.

J'I'he connsol of the M. P. Assn. of Greater

^. Y., James .Wallace Jr., and I.oui9 II. Harris,Who acts in n nlnllnr capacity for tlie Cinemat.nib, win endeavor to secure a fairer re-viBlnn for Iheir respective clients than thechanges proposed.


instlne three days, wbk hold Jon. 20, 1!7 and'O, In the Bolton ilou«e. IlnrrlshurK, Pa-.»nrt rosnllpd In the formntlon of n sollil

nrK-mlzntlon of picture men who will un-<l"Mihi,.iliy nnninte wlUi Ihc M. P. K. U. of>.llilTl<u.-

'I Ills course will be taken tlirniiph the In-ler,<si iHsplnviMl bv National Preslriciit Pcarru,

the .U. (If.. B. L. of A., who was pr«sentouring the entire session.

ileu Ii; Zerr, of Reading, wa3 elected ptcsl*

_ ige and>8iipply men, ar«ns follows; Ilunt MlHer, Pittsburgh: Geo.W. liennethum. Rending; Ilarrv Schwalbe,Philadelphia; J. n. Rutner. Philadelphia,

• and I* F. Levlson, Pittsburgh. The Hon.A. C. Btein, a Pittsburgh asaemblyman, byucnnlmona vote wao elected an honorarymember ot the committee.

There were numerons Interrntlng spe<'che3made during the conrse of the convpncion'sdeliberations. Marlon B. Pearce told howthe M. P. 10. Ii. of A. had secured a reductionIn tho war tax as applied to motion pictureproprietors. Peter Magaro proposed a Statel.iw which would permit an. exhibitor toGcat separately in different sect Ions blackand white patrons. J. W. RInder, of theNational Board of Censorship, spoke on"Legalized and Voluntary Censorship."An advisory committee, who will try to

cdjiist any grievances that may arise, wasappointed.

Floyd TToiAtns, manager of the OrphenmTheatre, of Harrisbarg. was elected chairmanof this committee, which consists of the fol-lowing : Peter Magaro, Uarrisburg ; JayFmannel, Philadelphia; H. Herman, Phtla-drlphta, and Harry Green, of the same city.A charter, wblch will be received by tho

new organization providing it Joins with thenational organization, as It Is expected itwill, will be u!H^I as a constltntlon to governIts affairs. Owing to the fact that It laehnoat cerinln that an afDIIatlon will beshortly effected with the M. P. R L. ofAmerica, the national body of exhibitors, noconstitution was adopted, it being decidedthat the charter the parent league gives Ust-'tato branches would serve the purpose of awritten constltutlos.

' A per capita assessment of seventy-flvecents was made for the quarter beginning.Jan. 1 and ending April 1.. The sum realized

. nlU be need to pa; for the national charter.


. CENSOR BIUj DECOBIINO A LAW.Tho Smith-Hughes National Censorship

Dm, which alms to establish a Fe<Ieral com-mission to censor all motion pictures to beexhibited in the United States, wns reportedout of committee in the Ilouse of Ilopresen-tatlvca Feb. 2. Tlie IIoiihr Committee onr.ducPtlon, consisting of the following, hastho bill under consideration, with Imminentdanger nfirr It rcacbvH tho Senate of Its

eventually becoming a law : John W. Aber-cromblc, of Alabama ; J. Thompson Ilakor, ofNew Jersey ; Thomas C. Tlialrher, of Massa-chusetts ; Cilcb Powers, of Kentucky ; Hor-ace M. Towner, of Iowa ; Allen S. Trondway.of Massachusetts: Simeon I>. Fous, of Oblu,and Arthur It. Itlpley, of Pennsylvania.

L4i5t Mny Itcv. William Carter, ot the Na-tional Uiinrd of Censors, the present volun-tary ortnmlzatlon,, and Walter N. Sellgsliurg,

of the Mutual Film Corporation, went downto Wi\8hlnglon nnd appeared heforo the com-mit tee. Jioth speaking against tbo proposedmviisurc.

The Universal Film Co. nl.<!o sent JacobScliecter, lis nttorncy, to Washington.

Frederick Howe, a member of the NationalIioiird, and Fulton Rrylaw.skl. a well knownWn.shlngton exhibitor, who huB the beat Inter-

ests of the business at heart, bave also giventhe Congresi>lonal committee excellent ren-Lons why Ihc censor bill sliouldi.not be passed.

Willie the present Congress may not act onthe bill, It behooves the exhibitors of thocoiinttT, nnd this goes for every person whoowns or operates a picture machine In bis

theatre, whether it be a vaudeville, barlesqu-,combination or dramatic bouse, to got busyimisedl.->tely end write to bis Coogresanuinai.d Senator nt -Wastalngton, requesting thatthe bill be killed.

Tlicro iB too much film, censorship alreadywithout a- National Federal tl«a^ to dict^tfthe precise footage of .p screen kiss 6t theethics' of Itroncbo Petes clopement'wlth thevillage heiress.


elaborate film version of which has Just beenproduced by the r'amoan Players Film <?o.

at I..OS Angeles, will be released on the Para-mount program Feb. 21.

Among the many striking effects Intro-

duced In thin subject is the actual construc-

tion of a railroad, from the first spade dugin the ground to the laying of the last tie

and the final running of the mammoth engineover the newly laid line, a distinct novelty In

motion picturoe.


• Alice DoTcy, one of the most captivating

nnd brilliant Ingenues lu this country andEngland, in both of which she has won sig-

nal honors, and who was featured in tbe tworecent theatrical successes. "Papa's Darling"and "The Oirl On tbe MIm," Is now on herwuv to the Pacific Coast studios of tbe Fa-mous Players Him Co.. where she will as-

Bume the feminine lend In that concern'sforthcoming film production of Theodore Hurtfinyre'F noti-d military romance, "Tbe Com-Diandlng OOlcer."

bo well and favorably known In this playnN not to require dclafled description, yetthere are so many striking nnd novel situa-

tions In the story that a hrli-f resumo of tbelilot may nut be Innpiiriiprlate.


A'miA<;TI«N.l/owreace M. Itorlc hasi l«cn apr.oluled gea.

eral rcpresentatlvo of the ficrmnn war pi.'-

tiires now being shown ji^ Jjm Itvlog Placo'Ihcatrc, New York. .


Fort Lee atudlos:

mtrrERiAti citt txoodbd.7he Unlvorsal studios,' Bituated at' Hollv-

Vood, Ixw Angeles, Cal., was damaged. It la

reported, by the recent floods which visited

I/on Angeles and vicinity, to the extent of$100,000. Several buildings were sweptDway and many valuable sets completelyruined by the severe etormi of the past week.


The Prlnc'esB Theatre, New York, startedMonday with "Hypocrites," tho sensationalnoHWorth picture play, which featurenthroughout Its four reels a nude wotnan, whosnpposediy symbolizes "Tnitb." The picture

moved ovor from the I/odk Acre, where It

was forced to make way for "Inside theIjnes," a new dramatic production.The Uborty Theatre, New York, will houac

a twelve reel film veralon of "The Clans-man," called "Tbe Rirth ot a Nation," aboutthe end of February, or as soon as Otis Skin-

ner flnlshen his engagement at that house.

I). W. Orimth made "The Ulrth of a Nation.It la said to bo very elaborate.

WORLD FILM TfOTBB.Manrlce Gelger, who has been aasoclated

with tbe P.-itbe Ricbange In Michigan, Js

now a member of the traveling forces of the

Detroit branch ot the World Film Corporation.

Harry Weiss, manager of the Chicagobranch of the World Film Corporation, w.wtbe pyachologlcal moment to -preBcnt tbo

Itrady foiture Hhowlng Allce' Orady, In "AsYe Sow," In Rochelle, lU. There wns a fight

to close the motion picture theatre in RO'chellc on Sundays but the majority won outby six votes. Manager Weiss saw an. oppor-tunity to Impress Rochelle with the value ofthe World Film features, and be arranged to

play Alice Rrady, In "As Ye Bow," the first

open Sunday, . thereby proving to the con-

Bcrvatlves thnt .the voters knew what theywere doing whoa they voted for Sunday per-

formances. •

Manager I'.cvlson. of tho PIttnbnrgh brancsof the World Film Corporation, has appoint-ed Joel A. l/cvy. one of his road men. m."in-

acer of tho special fea'.urc department Uewill handle 'Tour Olrl and Mine," the co-

operative Suffragette picture : the npeclal re-

leasft for the Itoy Scout production to beworked In cnnjnnctlon wltb that popiilrtr

movement; "Tlie I.and of thn Head Iliintcrs,"

a notable exposition of the secret religions

ceremonies of the Kwutinc Indians, and theother special rnUnseu to cmluate from theWorld Film olDces.


At the large and cntbUHlnstlc meoling ofthe Inlernutlucnl Motion I'lrtiirc Kihlblto-.i'Association, held TliurHilnv. i''ob. 4. nt Ri.ini

^10 Masonic Tompio llulliUng, Cble.igo, th!following oOlcers 'H'vre elected for the periodoflOlB-10:

President, John 11. Frundt, Arlston The-,aire, S4I0Lawrence Avenue.

Vice president,' Ilnrry Itoac, Star Theatre,1510 WT Sixly-third Street.

Treasurer, Wm. J. Sweeney, 838 8. StateBtn-et.

Recording nnd financial secretary, SidneySmith, H'2it Masonic Temple.

Sergoant'at-.\rmR, Max Hthwnrts, DalfioldTheatre, G4C1 S. Ualsted Street.

EXBCl'TVE <-OMMITirB.H. L. Leiberlhal. Colleen Theatre. 718 W.

Forty-eeventh Htrcet.J.- Victor, Homan Theatre, 8348 W. Twcn-

ty^»lith Street..

T. W. May. Kenwood Thoatre, 1226 E.Forty-seventh 'Street.

II.' U. Immenhauaen, K«w Standard The-atre, 7S0-2 N. aark Btreet.

D. W. Martin, BuUer Theatre, 618 W.Twenly-slxth .Street.

DavidId TopUn, Le Grand Theatre, D241 N.Clark Street.

Harry Aacher, Panorama Heatre, 6110Prairie Avenue.

After the 'election an elaborate lunch wasBPr%'fd. The Installation of tho newly elect-ed offlrers will take place at the next rcfoiarmeeting. •


6am Stratton, who has been connected wltbthe Old Colony Theatre, in .Plymonth, Mass.,for some time past, recently completed writ-ing the scenario of a serial photoplay whichgives promise of being a blig incceu, Mr.Btretton was in New York City recently,called here by urcent blfpatch; immodlate^after sutmilttlnr his play to a large prodocerof moTlnf pictures. He riefuses to divulgeany .Inside Information In regard to hli plansor as to what 'was done, bnt It Is safe totay that be Mds fair to shortly get into thelimelight ai the author of a picture serialwhich will make them sit op and take notice.


The Great Northnrn Flim Company willrelease ahorily another tAg proluctlon In fourparts, entitled "Through the Bnomy's Lints:"It Is a war picture, said to be within theboundary of p<p-fe<:t neatrallty, and inter-woven with a pathetic and stirring Incidentof a great conflict.

fjhba Thomsen, who pilars tbe part of theheroine. Is a member of tbe Royal neatre. In

Cuiicnhagen, and a favorite with photoplayfans all over the world.

It Is anticipated that "Through theF.nemy's Mnrs" will enjoy, at least, the en-

thusiastic reception which was accorded "LayI>owo Your Arras." of recent fame.


Marcus I.oew has secured the ficluslvocontrol of tiM serial showing Weber andFields lif m^Oon picturos, Ihe first of tbla


In His Or«at Oharaoteiiaation


One of the qualnteet and noblest ohai^ter studloaever oontrlbutod to the Asiorican Bta^o

IN FIVE PARTS* RftlMBOd February 22 on Paramount Program

Produced by the

ADOLPH ZUKOR.Prtskl«isieANieiPitoMMAN,»tei^Dieic(w BowiN-a'Ponift,rt<itMaiOifMW

Exccutivtt Offices. ^ jm213*229 W.26TKSTReET/NEW^YORK. JH



LAUCHED and LAUGHED and LAUGHEDThat's what YOUR Audlenoe will do

whan they see the greatest




And an All Star Cast, includingCHARLES JUDELS, GEORGE HA88ELL, W. J. FERGUSON, ;

and MARIE EMPRESS•'Last niatat I saw the private •lio'«rlii|( of Iiew Vlelda In •'Old

Dotch," a Vl'V* Heel Comedy, tritii Hi-. Vl«l<l*, VItIbb narlln,and real, hoocsi>to-||<MdBe>a all alar caal, and It Im anprrb.Frank Uraa* baa B>a4« a wondarful'dlin and Mr, FIvlds Is (uralirto b« coBgratnlated en his Mr«cin dabtit."


A Photoplay Version of X.ew Fields' GreatestStage Comedy Success


Far irarthsr Infarmatlon eontinanlBata with tll« nsarost braneh of th*


130 West 46th street, New York City, N. Y.BRAMOIUB BVaaYWilBHli: BRANCIIKS BVBIIVWIIBRE''

Hrloa, mtltled "Ullce «nd Mfvcr." was•liovii in bill Orplioiitn and Nutl'iiiiil I'Ihv•troa Monday, Tuosdar nnd Wedntodny, I'di.

«. 0, 10.. Th« plcturM' rrprcncnt IncidmlN from tin;

liret of the famuiM romnllnriH ami hcch"!tiktn rrocn thdr wcU known Hiircc-NDcn. llnU alao aboTrlric tbeiie plctiirpn In ull u( IiIb


iIj. H, Hlller, nannKcr uni, nwricr thorriocraa vaudwllli; tlmlro, in Wli liliri, Khii.,Dd K. J. BllVfn, of Warn, Ti'i., on- '.(>

btUld a 'motion picture tlieatre with a HPiitInKcaptrlt; of l.tiW, Id Wlcblla. 'I'liit tiiiildlnic

will bo MxlOH <e«t, and will havir• ladles' rot room and a <uni>kini; rooni turtentleiDeD. llratiDr nod conllnK HyHii'niN will

L' flriit claM, and tne Ihcatrn will bi; »|iil|iiii:d

wittf a atandard alio Rtagc, »<> thiit wfii'.'i

Wichita demaodH anotlirr vniidovllli' Ijihimh

the Uieatro can l>c UHed fur niirh ntlriictlnnH.A •pecial featurci will bn n 410,000 |>l|ii; orKiin.

Tlie bouHP will liH op4<rntHi with one |irl>'i.>,

lf>n crnid f'lr every nttriictlun, no liJutti.T

wbot the- hill.

JACKfl(»VIM.R. ri,A., piCTunu.inTTtMlH.

It bt to lii> rcKrc'ltcd lliat tho Killioin Coin-rnny Ih niit In Jnrkroiivllli' ihU Winter.J'hc.pouulo faere mliw the kciiImI. Olrcrltu-, (.'.

Jpjr , tV'lillumj, who la tivw wlLU- tlu> .V 'W

Rriinli ('it<npni\y nroiliirliii; I'liriicillcx, nnd "'VO-I'lally WlllOiin Wadxw-trlli and Arlliiir lldiiio-man, tho Wt-Ovr iind 1''I('J<Ih nt mutlou iilc-

turpH.'i'lio I'''(t|i-h» Conitinny, DIrcrlor A.' O. r.

I.iind, llarlinra 'J'l-niicnt, Ilinvard Kitahrcjoltnnd olhiTH. nrn In Jni'kHOUTllli!, ond hivi; aBliiiio oJi Mc(Jiilrl'» Crmk, ont of JnckKon-vlllo. 'llii-y linvo liiHt iroiriiiletvd (llii.|iiK

•"njo Ilntltrliy," and nro now worklnif o:;"M'IIhh."

'llm l.iililn Compnny, Dlrirtor flcorKC Tcr-wllli.>(j(.T. Kurl Meli'nirc!. OnnI ilawlry, K<iiip-tcm (Irrcni- nnd othi>rH, orn lu tit Auinihlln;,end will ri'mala fur Noniv tlino, tDikTiii; ploturcH.

It H<-<'inii thnt JiTry Aualln, of thn Knhmt.liidir). at JarkHOnvlllf, rvIh Mh Nimrn of cntxuiiil hrnlNiw. 111k .liTry hnn Mh hnnd In anIIiik now fr<iin n rut lio rvi.'iHvird wliilo uiik-liJK plrlriri'K luHt wc'i'k.

It Ih n fainlllur olKht In hci> ICf>nan lUi-tl.

(Mri'i'lor of llii< Kiilwa hIikIIii. Hpln aroundloun In hlH Norwnik IodiimIii auto.

\-Ulr l,an'r<'nn;, nf llio l.uliln iitudio, wlinJilnycd till- part of Mr. Cnrr. In "Slup I'liliT,"

wllh Il'^rt I.clxli nnd llnzclc Mnrtonii, lia<«

M'n lonni'il liy Mr. Ilnlnllni;. diri'i'lor of tli.i

I.iilila Hhnllo. Ill llir> llii'/i'l« Ilifrui'K.i rinyiTH,'anil Ih liliiylnj; In tlii> hIiu'U riiiiipp.nv flihi

'Wi'i'k. 'ilii'y an' initlinc <in "•''li'|> 'I'lilii'."

Kil. Im a clovor cfinil uiid la a fiivorllu ofJuckbuuvillc.

14 THE'NEW YORK OlilPPER Febbvasy 13

ALL READY FOR YOU, AND THE GOOD NEWS IS TRUE-". r. ,rFresh Sprinjg Song3';Before Spring H



• ; Who wrote all ol the woids and music of that sensation^i'success at the Amsterdam Theatre, .Vew Vork .


/"NIGHT TIME DOWN IN DIXIELAND" iw now released ^or general use. It ha s a wonderfal donUe version



. .. li'3<a.uoique Number that c an/tit .m anywhere v.



^^^^• -H to match':-^' .,


LOVE IVIE OR LEAVE lYIE ALONE"— ,^ By HOWARD. JOHNSON and ARCHIE GOTTLERsingle and double version. ' LooKa;MlK« ahc best of its ;kind on the market since VYou Made M Was ? veRiiiar not

CAN'T - BE . STOPPED"RAORIOKER"Another Berlin Hit Everybody's doing it


"I CANT STOP LOVING YOU NOWBy Ted Snyder. Bert Kalmar;and; Edgar Leslie; It's a Standard



Sweeping over the Country like aHood. . Nothtng like the popuuflty^ot. this. Number lias bsen seen this Season, it burstlne right over the "TIpperary"•

: wave. "Carolina". l8<a substantial hit that will; live forever. . . .-


S-trand THo«^re. Bulldine 47t-l-k 'S'^reo-t and ^Broadway, IME:\A^ YORKCHICACO-86 Randolph Street PHILADELFHIA..923 Walnut Street 8T. LOU js--Frank Building B08TOri--220 Trom ant Street

MAX WIN8L0W, Professional Oapartmenti]

OUT OF TOWN HEWSAtlnntlo OKy, N. J.—<Apo1Io .(Prrtl .Moon',

mar.) wan dark 1<VI>. 4>lu, Ihviuiw of rvtivarintU

iiiid MlfualTO (iivixiratluiiii IhMiik iuuiK> rur Ihe newimvlnil rOTtH', "KailH nuA KhiicUh," wlilvli will Iw

ofTcml Iwrp hT KlAw & KrlniipT, CnHlliicluitw: Tnul tlurlun, Frniik iM<mlaii, I)<ir.

O N«(l, Unrlllo, Tom OriiYis, Conroy r»ml U--

niiUte, llnjinoaO luiil Uavrrlr, Mlllrr iiiiil Mni-li,

l)ftv« AlirniiiH, Uorvtlir Jnrilun, l.ydia lxi|Kiko\vii,

Idiira llnmllliin, 8li>lla Ilvbjiii, Mmid (Irny. UalHyItiiilil. niMl n Inrvv clionis. TIk- l««ik In liy (Ilcim

MiinlVnimmli, iiiiulc U; lliijr lliililu'll, Ht>Ei'<l bj

lliTljorl Oi\>>tiiuii itiKl Jiillnii vMlliMiell.

N«w NixiiN (Ilnrrf llmwii, iiiur. )—nkli T<iro

UlrU, will) IIIIlT Ki-lli<y, Iamv 1U-> iiiililii. Dun Mnu-jiliii;, Hie All, Vnink (IIIiIhuih. Jiiok lllin'. AgiKK.Mity Kli'inliiK. (Mnilya Alico AniuiruiiK nixl

) lo Wnllmv, 7 II>.

(iiirruKinN,—Thl« vUMiiro lionxo n'-o|K»nnl 0, rea-

litrliiii Mfh. 1,4'dllc OorliT. In "IMi lliirry."

YinUINI.V, lll.lllll. Allt'AniA. (.'JTV SlIIMUH, Oi-IJ>MAL, ('"1.1, I'.IINTIIM, nnil OlIKI.KKA, lUullmi

InriM.Till KMiiilrty iMiKTlnlnniont conltnvcrsj Ir nciln

)»i><tutn(Mil. 1( Pivini* Ihul Mtnu* (lit not wiuil tlM*;i(-

rlonl iH'rttimwiiux^ luTt' nn Siiniliiy]*. iiH Imvr Wv\t\\<v ivn'iil iKilk-U-H (if Null tlio AiHillo anil NcivIs'liw 'IMiMlm, mill mHiit' >lo not vvcii wiiiit ini>-

iloii )iloliir<«. Ttii' oiiumiu* Is IkIuk lovki'il forWilli uiiti'li liiloriKl.

New OrlrnnH, l,o.—Tiilnnc (T. O. Onmplioll,-

niKL'.) (K'MrKO ArVlw ami "liotfr Little ltli>li Olrl''

•n* diK* wiYk of K*^i. H. ' '

it'BBnniiNT (T. U OnimiMI. nurr.)—I'crcy lU"-Mfll mill luT tiimiiniiy |inwiit "TIm' ri'iinlly" T-i:i. Jlllv. Hniill nMiinliHi otit for her llilnl roii-

hiviitln* wtvk III iHMv MMtHnlloiinl iIiiiuhm.

Daui'IIINH (Ix"k lUwe. iiinr. I—^Tony KimiiioiIt

iiml hiM InirlwiiHTH prostMiuNl '"Mii* <;ruwilral

llolcl" nnil "I'lilil Wlion lie Wim Tixi Full" wwki.r 1. yA>lln CUylon, l,orn IlarrlH, "l.n Nrln," nndllie Tan Arakls Tixunie nrflrol iK-atlly.

OuriinuM lArlliiir II. \Mille. nicr.l—^S|llenl:d]Hiu>irtf nili'M lii*n\ Ulll R-IM: (U<o. linnivnM iirid

riiiiitniiy. lleminn Slioiie aiHl roiniiaiiy. HnriuK nml(Tnwtord. Iluna Kn>iiolil. Clilo t<iile. Mr.Miiil -Mrn,

(Kinloa Wlldo, Biiil MtlU- C'lco Oancolciie.


OnoATonn ano IIih Hand, m ronto lo Onlironila,pUMipeil *>ver Ikt«* 7, nml ijnve two |H>rfoniKinceH,

ninllnee nml nljilit, nt tlie I>afny<>tle.

.MiBu ttAirniin ani> T. Foanini, ilniice oic|ioi»>iil!i,

itiiillliiK* auori^fullj at Kiiltli'H,

MTiri'LH UiiWAiiii, I'aulo IK' Sllva, Oiiii Ik'nluni,nml Tkylla Uiwloi), are mill l<lK iiuractluim ntlite tlniliewnld Oufv.

lliLLr TuiHm.H, IIh* |in|Milar mlrorlli^lni; nmlliekrl nReiil of IJic Orplidini. who wum iiuIIo UIr<ir a tliiK>, la back cm Mn Joli. aikl being coiiktiiIii-

lulnl by kla loclun of frli'nitK.

Nt. Piiiil, Mlnn.-^Molr<T|inlltnn (L. iN. RcoU,iiiin-.l •'I'oiiiuli & l'i>rliin|tlw" walk of PMi. 7,Dnrhl WdnU'lil w<vk uf 14.

NilunanT (Krank 0. I'riest, niRT.)—IhinlliiKlonrinyrn are iliilm: biK biulitctti. "Tetss of llie

Stiinn <)n«nlTy"« week of 7.

Oai'iinnM (It. C. lliirtoiiKlia, niirr.)—Rill 7-13:Ilynnw nnil Mrlnlyre, Harry Ollfoll, Ann Tankermill u'luj'nny. UeyiHililM ami Pniuvnii, I'arlllo anill'r:vlilln. Al. Itiiver anil lli-ri Mnrkel.

llMrRHHn |(lna. H. On'<>iilnii, inKr.)—inill T-13:l.nrraliio nnd llraillor, llrlerro nixl Klnc, l>e TjIimI^iinl Ciirr. Oarar Lorraine, nilil VnuiUrTlUc laMniikevlniid.ruiNema (lN>rl nnlihnan. nik-r. )—Ulll 7-10:

^'Itnv Kiilnina. tirilo lli>liaii:ioii nml eiwu|iany, lliiw<mil nail While, ami llie Hiiriix SHI.^ra. Laiil half;.NelTskj 'I'mie'i'. Mine. Mnrlto ami SUter, IN-leliakiT, and Jim anil Marlon llnrklmi.

Staii (John I'. Kirk. incr. >—IVaiil; Paniilor\n-k 0/ 7, Hip (JoIiIhi Tr^xik H-30.

.STaAKB, (lAIRTT, .'^TAIII.A.SK nml .MAJIUTIO, BOT.Iiic^lrlurca.

Hot .SprlnKii, Ark, — Anilltorlimi (PrankIleail. nirr.l ut (k««lwln Feb. -.'.'S.

I'BiKcHrtH (On'. Ow.ns. iiicr. )

TIiIk hmineoiK^ied S, bookeil by Ori>;ii'nin tWic ae'«. An or-(•lii^tm of ONix'etnl merit liaa be*ii ensnse'l. amithin biinne la now iMii.4lil'>r«iil oD» of Ihe lilEhentrlnsa vnmleTllle ' lioiiwa In Ihc 8mi'h. (lo-iltnl'lll,«-10 InrlDkH: Thi»« lllrkir nnw.. KmnlreOnioHr t\w, KIpp luil Klir/. Ihe I'Vur MIkw,

LlTiu^ nnd Ooono, and K'^yatone comedy plcloros,

OuNTBAL. UotAL aiul l^TUiu, moylui) pictures.'

nay City, Mloh, — WaablnKton (R, O.Pei.lly. tnin-.) ''iriicic J'nh Jroklna'^ Ficb. 7. AI.II. WIlHoii S. "riin l*rliice of IMI'vn" i;i.

III.IOU (K. 0. neatly, ri),T.)—mil 7-10: "Cal^rcTnlu," MarKiiiTlio OilTcrt, Jaiia anil SylTcsMr,lUtli Miller, U'lizel and Jeanoltc, and tbc Bl)oa-Hiii<o. l''or Il-i:i, tho I'Dlltrd Oihts Oocnpanr(tnlilold). In "A MUIIcnaln> f»r a Dut."

(iRinro (Wm. T. Farorlto. mgr.)—VaudoTllloend iihiilC'i'Inyn.

WuNoNAii, Stah, Auinum, Itauilt. ri<*ri'nE-I.AMI, AtKNIin. IIIIOAnWAV, I'AUK, TKUI'LH lUld

Ciitiwrf, tnovlitj; iilotureH only.

HOT SPRINGS ON ORPHEDM TIMETlio I'rliiii'.ia Thi'ntro. Hot Sprlnpi, Ark.,

niuliT Ihe mniingement of Doc. OwC'ii'h. oii":i"dtill* 'Week' Willi BpUt week Oriiheiim \:iinlc-

Vlllo. 'Two shows d.illy t\-111 wintliiiU', llio

imillRee <vi.;;hiiilii'; nt lliree. n;ul ilic iilj-.lit

lierfoi-rnniiio nt elclit o'clock, piiiesmiglni; (rum ten to ilfl.v voiiIh.

«.M.\ID IN AMEIIICA" I>UOnUCI3D.(Sptclal tu Tub Clii'I'HU.)

Ili KKA/.n, .N. y., l''et. 0.—

'J'lio new WlnforOnnli'n i)'""''"<'tl>in, "Mall^ In Amerlen," oin-ploylut; ueiirly two liuiidruil pcntitiK), UriMtd.v for llsi llixc prwentntloa ut tho TookTliiMilrc lipru tu-nl«(lit btiTorc u capndty nndl-Q\Kv. Tlieru will bo many surprises durlui;llio purtitrinnnep, vriilcli la rlveu lu two nctumill eleven ureoen, induoliiK two bnlleUiHln»;wl li.v TlieiHlore KoslolT, Tlim- nrc ttillej"IVie llnlU't «C t'olor and Motion" and 'ThoItnMet llussc." Mile. PmkIc \a tlio iirviiKcri]iliinnrnre In both.Tho Iftnte rn.Ht lorludes : Nora Hnycw, JIllo.

PnviU'. M.Tiido LniDlierl, ltl<i.i!ii>nk Sivley,Yniwel Dollv, Hollo Aslilyn, YvcWe, MInorvaI'ovenliiK', Itiiby llolilor, Marguerite Ilvrlza,ItiMillnil May. Ilnrry Vox, OhnrloH J. Robs,Ili-rl Clnrke, Joo Jnek.<)tiu. Ilnl l''orde, Harry<^arroll, llrlee, Jn'iii StMirks. Bam Adams,Janie.s riemons, Temlkoir, Cnrl Dollortn, Ilar-oUl Kobe. \V. U. I»nvlH. Will atantou, WItyinorIlrtnvn, Olijn lU'iuiwInne, Ix>lti Whitney,GInIno Preneli, Jnne I'Sllott and othdre.

'riio "soiiK cuKi" arc aDtrtbutcd to llarolilAl'terldhv, nnd tlic luihilc, "rc-wrlttcu trooiiihl worivM," to Rlinnund KoMberK and Hnr-rfnrroll. Tlio rotitinniw were dratKOtMl by f-le)-

\llle mils. .'IMie entire pNxViM^Jon iViia BtnucJb.v J. i\ llnninuinii.'nnd the nuMk'm dan'-ejnuMl euwnibles 1^ .tuck MaMon. Tlic tthmiti-eU Mid out (or the ronMluJne pcrrorniaDOM ottho wok. After tlic Sntiimay p»>rfoi<innuoefltlio eonipnjiy will n<tiim by Bpeolnl trtvln toNon- York, to ojK-n nt tho Winter OnrdonuiirlnB tliu week of Foli. Ifi. C. V. OnsNBStu.

J ^nroT Fon nnciLS PARAon.

Tlio people pnrtlrlp.itlnn In thu parndo oftho llI|i|Kiilronie . Irons were routed by acnowkall ntlnek nt KlKlith Avonui" nnd 8cT«n-teenth Street, Sniurilny. ITie onhpnla BotfriKhlenrtl, but Doc I'otter ROt Ihcm aatelyInto line, and the ^mrada resumnd ltd cor-go<m<; wny lownrda the lllpp.A Luinbtr of nets were let out SatunlOJ, 4.

NEW ACT.ItnrlT Meehnn nnd Hert limia liaTo jollHrl

inrees nnd will (i|irn Tbamday Id a newviiudevlllc act. llnth boya arc eleTwr and an^vell knimii In TnudcTllIr. Thoy ItOTv a c«rt>III*: Kooil net nnd ehoiild Itave no trouble InbeliiR bookni.

« » >

OLAinr Romi-^TBR at twoilOHSHM.

After Tnesdny eTciHnc Wrek Clairtnorliesler ilmililetl with IlainiDorBtaln'fi indthe I'nlneo. She wfls a prOBOOimd sacctnal both houses.

HAY STAR IN SHOW.The old vaudeville team of Al. Sbcan nnd

Cbarlea Warren contcmplate\>a ttarrlnj tournndcr the direction of a promlirent mannsctIn a. Tohlcle especially written (or tbcm,

BLLEM TERHY Ol'ISRATIO?!.Ellen Tcrt7 la In Ncrr Ygrli to undergo an

operation for cata'racta on the tycn, wl^lchnlll delay for a month Iicr Intended dcpar-lorc (or England to Join her daughter.

STARS FOR PICTDRRS.Ira Claire, lately Btnr of "Lady Lnxury."

and now la vaudeville, will pose (or the, Jesno I.. Ijaoky Kcnturc Piny Co. HlchnrdCarle will pose for the World's ComoUyStars I'tlDi Corporation.

< "TIPPERARY?' OPENS.[Hhh rilU'fl "'nie Ito.-id to TIpperary" opened

Feb. C nt Tortli Amboy. Tho show wen*over nicely.


The rrohlbltlon bill mnklns Arkansao on,;

of I he Hcrentecn dry States hns been poascd,end gota Into elect Jan, 1, 1010.

. J.VMIOS n. IX>NOVAN AND 11(98 LEH nroB'.lliit: a Mieclal oiiKaKenifot at I'ror'oT's FlttbAvenue, New York, this week, leuidng In fromTfrtiuo, Uut. The; an> priwcntlns rayld-Uietalk and aoiigv, right op to the minute.


Feb. 1B>20.ATLAATA — FW-WTII: vMoraii A Wiser— The

Oniiiliiiiildta—I-'reil Komau—niHaello k Hoa^—MeCOriiiack & .'rrhiji—llu|;»U(UI.

BBOOKI.YN, N. T.—OtU'IlEUM: Hatcl Borra—Marl'iii LltlloUeld k Oo.—(Xiaklcr. IlauTrr &nunlpTy—UaKlloer Trio—^Walter O. Kelly

The Yoluntl^<T>—I/mii Tack Sam Cok—Ilenlb-er A Murahall—Mrs. Lculla airt<r A On.

BBODKI.VN, N. Y.—D'lSltWIOK : TbePaldnma—Maek h Ortb—"EIoplUK"—Jfeahlt A Oilltorl—JInll>r ft ataalcy— Nooettt— "Aaiom ofLlrt:."

CROOKLrK. H. T.—l>B0SPROr: 'IKiank Fo.Riirt.r—Cheatci'a Dogs "Neytang'g Oanlm"—Ray ' QwUik—UtnnJ* Dd^tm—Onamlnes AQladyliiga Adair A Oaylatd.

DALTIVOnn— HARTLAND: Nellie Nlchab—Ryui * I,**—Wllle Bna.—Ina Olali* ft Oo"A IWcyhoae Tanulo"—^MZy Berks.

BUPKAI/)— firiKAVS: TandlnolT ft Leale—n'Aaioiir A DauglaB—Oeo. Monrlasd—BuileOlaytou—^rh« Outtya—OathMtoo Calrett ACo.

iroSTON— KKTITCa: Anijelo Patrtcola —.ParolOnii'ha.-.—.Uoncb k U ;Cunly—Oimloit ft King—Tieiifa SealH—"Hqnailnj Acroonta"—Me-Mnlioii. 'Dlanwod ft Cliapknr—Dnnllv ft Nor'Tllf.

aURMl.V.IIVM—I.TRIO: Aniaiit nni<i—''At tb*WWI^iiie Inu"—ilcnrlrtlA I)e Serrla A Oo.—Alexnniler A Seolt—Allen UlochMrt A Oo.—Caoieiuu A U'Ouonor—Skaters UljouTe.

IIRirrrKronT—POU'SI: Tokahana Jap*—Wm,l.viill s Oo.

OlNClNX.Vri—KBITTS. Chip A Marble—Ro-land It llolti—Quiroga—Kaufman Dnai—LaMllo.

OU:VFll.\NI>—KRITirfli ItaTia Family—RntkRoyc—llerl Lenlle A >0i).—Linton ft (.^wrmc*—Ailclalile ft llugtieii

—"Society Rada"—FUiAnuaiwlla Boja—Tbo I.*iigOiBu.

OOr.mjnilS—KBlTir.'* : Cornolly A Wearich—Nelaoo A MelMtn—naMaaiia Anii^iiiii l«JMon Ktm.

OnARI.nSTON, a a—'VKTTODIA. Pint half':McClou'J ft Oki^>—ttOM. H. Dodim A Oo. I^half: Bcoda TiMpe—Uaita Vtatw.

OBTBOTT—iraBOUBt Bncti * Baiiai--Stz

Wat«r Llllci—Rail and Weat—Rooney A R«nt—Crunnellc Girls & Stephens—Corlo's Dogi—Pannlc Brlce—Three Johns.

FUlir>—OOLOKIAL: Olaffk A Verdi—JnUa HashA Co.—Ray Dooley Trh>—Ford ft lYolj—BoDsdlng Fatenona—Mendetsohn Poor.

irORT WAYNE—iaiTn'3: Oonroy ft Model*—Ckeebert'a Manchurlans—Cbas. Evans ft Oo.—Harriet Burt—Zara Oarmeo Tlio—FrankMollane.

GRAND RAPIDS—ORI»nEOM; Friti ft LoCTnmch—Woodman A LIvlDgstoD—Lohse ASterling—Jbb. K. SIcCunly Oo.—Grace DoMar— Dontnr'a Bell Ulogeia— Uatlhews ASbayne Co.

IIAl'.niHBORa—OnPHEUM: Van A Aohenck—mil I'rnllt—Min Bros, ft Oa.—Darrell AOonway.

•IIARTPORD—POU'9 : loicen aislon—"ColonialUjyg '—Prince ICannI—CIllTord A Barkc.

INDIANAPOLIS—KBITirS: llymnck—Redfo d trVlnehesier—Loltle Collins—Ocrtrado lloft-manu A Co.

JAOKS.-)NVILE. PT,A.—ORPnnUM : DnnediD Dno—*<iitlon, Melntyre A Sutton—Ilcs&lc Wyna—li'ltialnionna A Cameron—Agoust Kamlly.

I/OUISVIliiF—KBITn'S- Krcmka Bros. — Jack\l\Um & Co.—Ward A Cullon—Buna ftKtillon,

I.ONU'JN. a\.N.—KEITII'Si Cooper A Smith.MONTREAL. aVN.—ORPimuM : The Caoalnos—

'rii> I.eloniht—I'.ruce DulTett A Cu.—OlalraIlo-Apilor—Dooley A Ilusel—Ik>rt Fllif^bbon—Henry E. DUey—Toby Claude ft Co.


.V. Y. OITT — lIASniUUSTEIN'a: Franklin ftGm-n—.Mlltoa I'ollock A Co,—Ryan A Tier-ney—I/omloo & Burks—Iluiel Klrke Trio

Ilocy A Lee.

N. Y. cm'—COLONIAL : Henrietta Omsman &Co.—smart Barnes—Flu Irwin A COw-i—CecilI/can A Co.—Joo A Lcw COoper.

N. Y. 31T\'—AUIAMP.R.\ : WoatoD ft Clare—Wllla Uolt WabeUelJ—Fisher .ft GraPi>->lackTnj-lor—Loclllo ft Cnekl"—l,eon A Co.—Lil-lian Shaw—Rhiochs Walsh A (X>.

N. Y. CITV—nOTAi,: Lo Roy Lyton ft Co.—Moore ft Youns—Rrandun Iluryt A Co.

Pdwarda' Song IteTuc—Ilenry LowIb—Rolnies' A Buchanan—Hary Tsuda.

NORFOLK, VA.—OafiONLAL. Flmt halt: Kfn-berlT A JUohr—Rastnnn ft Moore. "Motor-hii:." Last halt: Brllt Woo'l, Tiiu Moyakoa.—naxlae Bros. A Poliby—Oautltr'i "T-jyShop"—Kiioaltlon Vour.

NF,W IIAVKN—POU-a. Flmt half: Ilyauin Ad-ler ft Oo. Last half: Harney Oll'iiiirc—J. O.Nneent A Co.—llanlun A CIKton—iSaUjFlclils

'ORPIIEini CIRCUIT.0)IinA(;o—I'AI.AOG : nrasle CInyon A Ob.—XTna

Claylon A-Oo.—W. O. Plolda—Bert ICrrol

Jeil A Flhel' Dooley-Frank North ft Co.—Chief Couinllcan-^Flve Hetsettts—Hop* Ma-iiuu.

OniCAOrv-MAjranO; Mr. A Mrs. OOrlcr 0«Ilrvrn—Johnny Johnston A Co.—Ilclfo Stan-ley—Tluhe ft Rahtiette—Tmrato—^The Mag-leji—IllTi-i A (TarrlsoD—Threo Types JohnR. Gordon A Co.

DUI,lT'I-^BPIT«:TOr: I>Brlllo ft Prablto—TlJeRhsimcka—McOonnell A Simpson— Stone ftIlinse*—lUynoIdH A Dom-ean.

DIM MMlfES—ORPHEUM: Harrison Rmclibsnkft Oo.—Sllnole Allen—Oylrester ScbaScr. PaOil.

DKNVlin-ORPinhtTM; Billy B. Van A BeaumontSlaters — Chlnko — Minnie Kaufman — («Krniiee A Bruce—Oal A Frances—Nine Whit*llusaare.

KANSAS OITY, MO.—ORPHBOM: Alan DroofciA Oo.—Joi. Santly A Ui.-Pinter ft Qlaser—Kolb k Uarlanl—Delen Scholderi—A MonkeyClrens—Oboa. nowatd A Oo

LINCOI-N-^-ORFRKUM: Alfred Eenten—SplnetteQuIntetie—'Urown A KochclU^—De llaTeii ANlc«—?lecre Pclletler ft Cto.—Wllllaais AWoUaa.

LOS ANGELES, OAIx^-OBPSIGDM : SU A French—Jack Gardner Co.—Schwan Bros.—McKay& Ardlne—Four Dannbce—Cross Josephluo—Fied V. Bowers—MacBie A (Jlegg.

MBTIPIIIS—OHPUBDM: "Tlie Redheads"—^eoBenilU i'lnyers—Stan Stanley Trio—aloes AFox— Janvw— Miller A Vincent— ThreeBIODdya,

ST. LOUIS—^LCBIBIA: Emroett Q>rrlgan ft Oa.


—Jos. Jeuerson A Co.—Uullcn & (^ooffan—Courtney Sisters—Choa. Abeam ft Co.—Dainty Marie—Ume. Aldrlch.

SlOrX CITY-ORl'Hr;r.\I: Bowers, Waltcra ft

Crooker—Clare Inge—Two Oarletons—OiOTCrA nicbatds—."The Bride Shop"—Lew, Haw-'Klna.

ST. rAUI^-ORPHEUM:' Dnntlne ft Franchv—'

Trnrllla Bros.—Moore A llnnger—Seven O)-lonUl BellM—^Dorothy. Toye—Lnwience ftHurl FalU)—"The QreAi Beetle."


Faye' A .Mynn—Cnesar RIvoll—Chas. DelaudA Co.—Three Bennett Slaters.

DILLlNGfl, MONT. — lUBOOOK. Last half:Bloiidie Leell^^rlerre ft King—Oscar Lor-raine—"When We Grow Dp"—Voadevllle In


I)ENVRR-j!MJ<BnaS: Wxnm A (3oi*ett—<Nlp A..:Tuck—"r.ower of Meloily"—(Princeton ft Yale—Melnotte Twins—lAerlal La Valla.

ICAM3A3 OITY, MO.—BMPIKBas : Dlion & DIjon—lMcIIs a De Paula—Chas. Loooard Fletcher—Nlobols SIstets—Wauda.LOS ANOSr^ES. QAL. — EMPRESa: Pntcclla

Bros—Holmes ft Holllston—Joe Kelaey—I*Vler—iDrown ft Jackson—"Love In a Sani-tarium."

MINNEAPOLIS—UNTQTTB : Stewart ft DaMn—KloHs A Bemie—"Between Eight A Nine"

Snady Sbaw—Japanese Prince.OODEN, U.—ORPREDM. Last half: Lcs Oasa-

ilos—^Wrxd saattrs—EI. Cleve—James OcadyA Ook—Sampson A Dooglas—iRnasdl's Mln-atnls.

PORTLAND. ORB.—EMPRESS; David Katclkoa— Hartley ft Pecan—Alchmond A Hantk—"Inthe Oivy ot the Dawu"—iloyor Lew Shiiih—Recklesi Trio.


ST PACr^KMPRESS: Ben ft Haiel Mano—OjT.iiy CniMitew)—Owen McOlveney—Aockwellft Wood—Etbcl Wbltexlde A Picks.


A Co.—Rosa Harslen A Oct Jimmy Green

Archie Nicholson A Gs.—Grace Ladell ft Oo.EDMONTON, CAN PAOTAOBS' : Herbert Lloyd

A Oo—.WUey A Ten Eyck^nMdk>—Tom ftBtada Mooiv—WUly Zimmerman—Oieat Ar-nesens.

LOS ANOEUa. OAL.—PANTAGES*: Iln JllsnTroope—Wright A Lane—Danny aimmnna

The Bndleys—loles Mstceau A Co.OAKLAND. OAL PANTAaRS' lOpens Ronilsy

mst.) .Tal Plen Troope—Guy Woodward AOo.—Fred Dniirei—Pnlne ft Nesbitt—Gnadn-lonpe.

PORTI.AND. ORE.—PANTAGR9' : 'The Wrongnird"—"Joallce of fie Peace"—Ncvlnrf ABrwood—^ArKO—Ctuiimlos ft Seabooi.

BAN FRANCISCO, OIL. — PANTAOFJI' (OpensSun<lny mat.) : Vivian Mafsliatl ft WaterLille''—Harry i^Irord ft Co.—Qulnn Bros. AUarloo—Uanillton A Bacues—llllllar.

SAN DIEGO. OAL—PANTA0E8' : Kleren Whirl-wind .Bcantles—Oora Simpson A OD.—O'Nealft Walmsley—Baker Troupe—Beml A Bal-lengerl.

,JnDflK MATBR, In Uip Federal Ptatrlct Court, has dismissed *lic coy Infringement

Bait of John M. Venpn, atithor of 'n-hrcads of DceUnr," against Samnei ST ft Lee Sbnbert,Inc.. proilucem of "At.Bay," and Jobb C. Huffman and Geonee BcarborooEh Itii authors

rntlS COMMISSIONKfi ADAMSON has laaued otden t"tK SffScttiat no Sdi"Olma shall »« ttniNI IB any pubUc New York. City conveyance unless Inclosed In a metaltioi wtth a tight uttlng cover.

PUUO NUU) AI^D JOSBFaiNO COUAN irlU ntnrn to America nut Sumfflcr.



BEAPPEARAHCESClaro Morton, and Company (Sodbs).

10 MIK., ONB mo rULL BTAO^

Colonlnl (F«b. 1).—Olara Morton, Oeabln

bat Jist oa aireet • nbi'C working with Sam and

Rittr (ad I'ai>l> >ulalod bj Krank Htaccn, pic-

•cDttd • new "mnlcal dlTcnl«ii br Jmle MoOkc"bcK l«(t week. Ttraofb a traiuparCDt window ot

a BDCClal drop U>* oSetlnc starta, (bowlns Mr.

fibeeo. ai u> aatlior, tekftboolDr anpposeitlr to

UJia HortoD, repe«tli« tbe roatliw ct bd act lie

bui pIiiuKd iot ber. First be tells of a bridal

inmber to open wltb. asd Olara nake*' her «b-

<raucc, Id a bilde'a attire and aloga "two and

two" ot "Deserted at the Altar," a fair enootti

tiecUmtr, tlKnicb teeinlosV misplaced, llien bock

10 tiT. Stieto and lite eiplainlDR tbe second nmn-

let, laid to 1800, called "Pbotoeiapbs," a machbetter one. aoted and tang in an Ulterior set.

tor tbia Ml« Morton loolied paacbes. etc., In a

OMily blo« tai wtilte crinoline and bonnet, anduelated b; Ur. Bhfto. ritfcd aa a rube lover,

"rlaitlng Trltb bis famllj aMua," tbe bit hclpel

make tbe soog bit eucc<«a. Afftln to tbe trnna-

iiaRot window and taslnesa ct pbODlog, .and a

"SJade Id. AoMrlca" Bong 1* ailTlsed, brUixIne

Clan back \ln one). In a sbow; orauge culu nl

oostune and bit and DpfT, eacb trimmed witli

tvblte (or to matcb. Vetj neat, but tbe punch Is

not aa stroag as tbe ptecedlng song'or tbe nndone (Interior) oC a number at Olara old Rpeclal-

ttce, ibowing her In tbe abort white mllltarr cos-

'.oine and pUyIng dfe, soprano Eai«i>boiie, andflnMilog op with her-sand jig at the nlaoo. Bol-

iitere<l np to lit, and It will do olcoly, <aa TobyOleiiile's BCTue la doing, for' Clara's cITorta are

aliu) to wnrk tip to ber "old specliltlrs," Ur.ebcen neeltte caj>ably. Tod.

Tbe D.eytoa Famllr (Acrobats)..

^Inrrar HIII, New York.—An on added at-

tructJon with tbe Olrla from JoyUind, this tru.M>c

ot twelve oCTObats, just arrived (rota Eurojic,

created qolte a sematloD. Tbe troupe Includes

lour aturd; athletic mm, four graceful ladles andfour iKi^s. ' nie whole act goes like clockwork,(he RIsley work being espectall; Interesting, Tbeydo cuuelderable pyramid bnlMIng, A mlnlalnrecarrousel with two beya on horses belnit whirledaround In a circle by. a two high stand, la asoieUy and eoold be made one with (our honea,with great effeot. The actions ot tbe troops,

eolntn, etc., ate distinctly Qcrman, and tb* co«.

tinnes are attractive. Qalte'a little oomedy I)

Injected by Uie four little fellows.

Daaev and Snnndera (Song*).10 mn., ONB.

Kelth'a UnloniSqnnrc (Peb. ll).—JL "eh-ter" comblmtlon who should strike borne on uusc

Snybill with their .duet sluglng. The girls know

bw tn pick ond wear neat, showy wardnxw.T«t> rha-iges a(ll^M here. * Tod.

The nnnrabons (Skctehi).16 KIN./ inraioB.

Keith'* Union Square (Feb. 5) WIUf..?"?' (l*ii«e im-n and one wtiman), andblllnl sn 'Tlie Il.tnnibanii," thin llttio (onpanyKcscnted an Irlfib ooniedy ahvloh that ahonld Mn-tbioc to get laD«:h> on tbe sD-all lime, with tbaIrlwbn ctoplc making tJiA fw. The latter, with anncti petleil si^ of a son on their hasda. dUo't"raise the boy to be a ao<dler," be becooii acrook Instead, and wtcn Ned, a "plain cJotbesman" and In love with the daivbter of the Uon.rabauR tracks (be kid down as ttte tlilef ot •Toluoble necklace, the hoy nhows blmwlf tobe a coward, an.l wins Ned over by hiding bcbloA"the dlrgmce the thing woold hrln^ nimn tbe nUlady ond the old mon, and Kolly." '-Nod" has a"duty comes flmt" line, hnt It dliln't ^ot lesaltant the Rqnare. The Juvenile Is ninch too "stapey"ID his work. Tbd others do woU enough wbeiatbe act nlU play. Toi,

Kwafwn and BoUth.16 Um., TWO (8FECI1L SkOP). '

Harlem O. H. (Feb. ».—Two men, Aftera "third" party crosses before a special streetdr(v (time. 8 a. u.). one n( the "titles" of t'joact enten. as a bicycle "cop," pata un wheel iarack and, after getting a "handoat" from thecorner aakxm, his leal partner enter* In dmncult; and "Upsy." <Vaver«allnn leadu to tb.!lrbeing friends from the some town up klolnc they talk. This voito v> to the. "tttsy


eoe's flBglsg a oomk naulier,' '*lle Had to Rtay OntAll h'Iglil," that took lilg. Another "double"bamher and Ikea tbe "cop," chinged to a mhntdress ault, s'lul they Onlsbed with a double BOia-ber that had too many verse*: The "tipey" ponycariln the Ism. Ills parlper work* "stlf, >

both la talk and songs. For tne small time. ro<l.

Uorphy and Lachmar.14 MIM.. OMB. '

Harlem O. H. (Feb. 2.)—Bfon and woman,toraer: In atnilght drees ndt, set off to St bis"nut" wort nim a "few atses small" fedora bat,•nd tbe woman, tipping over the two bondteuentrk in weight. In a green gtFwn. She atarts the(urn In song. Is loterrurled By a comedy entranceby partner, and (ben follows a roiktlne el non-sense ci "not" taUc, a travesty operatic hit aJHl

a straight finish duet of "My Hero," that shmvsenrh hss voice enoogfa to warrant Uio oprrn'lcniimher. A fon turn that took real well hero.A single song by tbe woman, and with good ward-Ril>e and some fast, lip-to-rtfllc naterJal, they willdo fttr the "big amall time." Tad.



Francia and Palmer (Sensa, Tnllcand Dnnce).

' 14 IIIN.. ONaBrondwoy (Feb, 3). — Short man, with

"doliity" iniuelacbe, dniug daucr, Bni;llsh tym'.In ilreaa suit, and woman, wlw, bcslile« abowuigan Inclination towards dauciuc irltb grace, dieaseawell and also uoes a little Vrenctiy and later alittle normju. accent. Tnik Is fair. Use '0>M,Cold Winter" to niiea ; "All> for tbe U>ve ot aOlrl," soloed by mm hlub 'pltobrd voice; eiie-

cinl wocda for "1 Con Her, Oh, Oh, Oh."doubled, flulsheU with lome neat aiepplng,* oMclosed with "Bngllab Rag," sung ainlie' by mnn.aud joined by partner for dance eilt. A cleanlydad "po!!" torn. / 3'atf.

(Bketeh).6 mN,. rut* arMik 'mautt aa*.

Baaaaerateia'a. — "Uicla Tboma*tMr*fOaUo," a Uebnw tnveatr on "llad* ToB'aOabbi," waa not aa hlg a aaeeeaa aa "Oa File."

ne Idea l« fnaoy aoiT there sie many comicalaltcetloiiii. liawever. the *krt(4\ nw (low attlniea. Tlie conihlnallon of a nogro-llrtTew dinlecttiiiught out many laughs. Jack (lurtis and IJIIIaDBhaw arc, feeliind. Iloth are fuuny. IltrrrOreea. tieorge hlsber, Billy BhaT)i, Tom Hadthanl SoUy Lee all lecelvcil mmy lnn):lis. Thiaaf(eij>tc«a la not atteng enoifli tor the "Ott-OCT.* JfgtSl.

CAlTAIN nAnNRTT AND flON wore ^tho

centre of attraction In the Vonnajlmnln


(Bpcdal vHrt to Tus (Xirran, Feb. I.)

Haieatle (Ljman B (Hover, mgr.)—Catartlylionse, eiceUent program are two points In favorof MajeoUc U1I opening tlnula; matinee. JohnIIIggtBS Jumped bla way Into favor In 0(>culrg snnt.

bbelton Bieoks bimI (Uarrnce Itowcn, two aat<c

sfiolB o( Joy, npheld itaelr hllkng i<t>ulaitlon andt*m their aongs and patter over to treraendminapfilanae; Jeeepta Jefferaoo, with Blanche ncoilor

and eampany, offered their old skit. "l*nor did,

Idll," which proved Inlrrentlng. ' "nt cmiedy Is

cxccUcot snil heartily enjoyed. "P-e Oonrtiwy Sis-

ters, with nffy fltralns and hollBty soiiis. hrld

th«lr own and shared aivlsnse honon with leaden:Karl Jota, ot Hetrcpolltin Opera Oom|>aoy, provedTaluahle addition to variety onthiy, lovers ot•uoatle ibusle were dell(:lrted wUh hla rei>ertolre;

Kullcn and Ooogin miseDsed their way to fore-

anat spot on program, noving .ddlghtfid pair,

eegardlcss << old gags; Ola;<on White and rom-tany offered "Obette" to ao ap(>veelatlve a<idlenr<".

It's Us old akit wllh new actions; HlalrthUnnay h^lA down nnnber elchl ponlLlon In Trn1:>n

fasblott,. hiT iiambeie, arc all new, some poTiular.

tuf^ajta proMltin, restricted. Miss Mnrray Is agreat ncal favorite. TTie Hli Water I.llleit, wltti

/aDcy diving, held andlcnce to close sitd forenlthan' to spplsude each IhdIvldonI stunt. Nextweek's blll: Ur. and lit*. Carter De Ilsveu,Johnny Johnson and coim<any, Trovato, John II.

Gordon and ennnany, Harry 'rUbe and eooiany,the Uaglcya, Baini Rlvea aod Ben Ilarrlsom auil

1.aaty's Three T)Tee.Palace Musle Hall (Uort Sbicrr. mgr)—

ThU week: .Tlie E>ngvae Trio, Jileo WlvlnoC, mih-slan violinist ; Chnrlle Alteam's Hit (Viinoly Ouin-pany, (icorge MtcKarlane. hnritonc; Rimrelt Oi>r.

rlgon ami contiiinj. In '''Hie Iteil Unto ;" JjuicAT. DulTy and Merceiles Loreni. In "Sprlny TInir :"

1.oIr Pwcll. American sorrnno; Swnr and Mitck,Impiesalona ot Boutbani Negroes; 9li>bel I^iytnanand-gylvlB Cliaolate, novelty wblrlwlhd daiirrrd,

Neit week: Bessie OlaytOB, aiinporic<l liy l/nie-Cbeeban and Sextette: I'na Clayton and com-pany, W. 0. Fields, Bert Ktn\. Jnl ami F.lhrl

Doole;, Ilofie Vtmoii, Pmnk North snd company.Chief <3aa|, . Five Mettettlii. .Great Norlbr'rn Illfipudrbiiie (F. (T

Rberts, mgr.)—Week 8: Uunnie and company. In

"A BuHlnesB I'roposali" Kelly and >lnlvln. In"Tbe Actor and the Italian;" Doltomley Tnupo,flying; I'Isy Opmn Trio. In gmnd oikts ; Ksg j:ul

Verri, wlonen of the slz day bike rye; Msfon,V-IUmr A Jordan, In "A BoMler's Df«iim}" Seekand Ilvnncy, song and dance; llerr Jonwn andMystery Mnlds, Gilbert Losee, nan of uinnyvoices: Miillnlly, Plngree and company. In "MlsaTbsnkaglTlng;" Zoiclle Vernon anil amiiiiuiy,

comedy nentoinlme: Diinley and Mrrrlll. musicalcomvil.v fjTnrlieii; Amaiida llisiilrlcks, nlnglug nndtalking; Lcnnctt and Wilson, couicdy bur artlslo.

IVrmlnal . last Sntunlar aftcrumin.AwnltlnR their tralD to Wd <>" <'<'>>'

travta tills week.

VHB ini.VN SISTRIUI bad bt|r cnlnR itt

Proctor'a now tbcafiSB In Troy, 4-0, withtheir neat singing anwdaneliig act llio

girls ate boukeil pr«t» aoUl oa ttao U.B, O. ttmc. r

CTB Biiitiinnr ranATiiK rneh(«ter, N.y.. opened Monda.T, H, with I,>ouw vjiadc-

Tlllc, and rc-namc«t Uirw's.

Fimnini-! IlKnjUE Ima Wked "In Old Vlr-

fllBln." .a two part IaiWh featun-, to loji

off Ills Lincoln H lUnJiilny nliow of sevenreels at New City, They know wbiitIlamiuemtoln's lonVi like op Now CUywny now, liecsnHe tYcd la hiunlng u"time-board" out front.

Itm KAItN Is '•)ooMni'" the "trj^ont.V ntKelth'a Union Sqiure cypty TiicHduy niiil

Friday, OH well as tb(> rogiilnr bl wot*lytdlls—(neclna thai there is aootlier who-didn't know Itl.

rBNIMOIlR COOrr.n TOWNR, ••t\\n rliam.

plon juTcnllo," is getting ready In clmnKnhla middle Dnino to "IlnjfvviT," ns hasboea' hla wont oncb SprLog In tJio past,

OIUI'I'H trmbbrd Ollle Wood last week nnd' comf>er.ed her to cancel this week's diuv.

WIU'IAM CANSINO tins been I ransforred,

as munngor, (rvin tbe I'ark, MnncluvtiT,N. II.. to the I*. V\ Hjim house In UrldK<-purt, Cmid,, and la Ruccoedetl In .Mnii-

chcstor by II, K Cimt*. wtm sjtvmI iia

manaRer of the Park during tho Hlorkaeaaon Inat year. 'Wllllnni* wMHlim It

known that hn'nrcd not be fwred nN fur

as his last noine koch.)

"DtlNNY" IIOWFJ.r,, of tho rtowell Sbitcn,refUBcs to Vo<v that l«rt Hlioulder ofhora covered tliningb at Icnsl one num-ber. (Bloan'a Uolmeirt la good hIiiII for

creaking JoIdIb, rlieumatlcs, aud ,cvmfuede tn|K ahuui.)

THE SrANISFIOOI.niNOa wouM ilf) woll to

rllinlnatn fCt'' "Iris' danru on tlio oleclrlc

plate Very bad on au audliMicu's ortix.

TUB IiAWimNCH TWI.S8. of Ah« Three nun-tins nuga act, look much bpttor wltli

ctMrla for Ihelr dnutle dojico In pretty,

new. yellow drcsMw. TUo act went overbig Id Harlem lust week,

aBUTniirn cart, -the clovcr Ingenuo withKdward OwliigH Towne's "Kbhv Mouc.v"Bkctcb, wlUi which (Icopmo Ulcliurds in

fentiircd, left for 'l'ro» K. Y., Iier lionio,

iRHt wi'V'k, tn roxt up aftor a recent spell

of Illness In Hew York:ZBLOA 1\AVr/0iIl, whnsa liusbfind, Harry

Cllirnrd, died Jan. 1H In Cliclarn, Mass.,will start Tcfaeamlng a ringlH act, aftera rest at Ur. CIlSajTil's rareifts' homo Id

, Chelsea.

TDB TIIANHOTIBBR KIO (Marie RUne) haareplaced Klngdan llmmn Willi "Jllllv"

Fctrrsun, to assist her Id Iior vaodovjlleeDgagcocDU,

mules, AlTin arid Kenny, Amoeos and Mnlvey,one to mi, snil featnre nlMituiilays.

Hi<>na (W. II. Newkirk, mgr,!—flplll weekTamlevllls anil'iilrtnrra, lllll H-IO: l,litle Msrieand ber Bit Itears, Moralls Orob,. Ileaflrr nndli»lril, MoutB<n>cr>' sinl MrfiTao. Ilarrla Vn«,.Krne Fotteat, ami plrtnres. Jmt halt; Tomrowell's Uliistirls and pletores make u|> the

Wll. _ „ .. ^(Uvrrr (Unit Smith, mgr.)—tjay New \orkers

7 and «'eeh, i*iiir ai.d (Inner RhavT U-SO.(^iiNTiiHv (Tlio», I,. TsBlTe, mar.)—Aoto OItU

SIliw T nnil wivk. the Wlimen Rkaw 14-Sil.

Ilirrniinniiii (Frank (Xilttnberry. mgr.)—Hill

81.1: Walter Usher and Company, Uo Fnrrfid

llrON,, iliTvi- and (.V>e, Thrrr Ilalsty SIsterH, ".\

Htreniious l>nlsy," I'rlnrvss Kalaaaa and com-pany. one to (111. and the lltppoaceve. ^ _Wiuja Wnnn (Jos, Ollday, aicr,)—ITcaturo

iilclnres nnil music,, _

llDTAi. (F. L. Newman, mgr.)—#Mtii(o pic-

tures, orchestra and pipe organ,


Tiia Auditorium was sold recently fCr $12ll,niiii.

Iiut IhU will have no effect on the stork enmjiniiy

iww plnyluH tliero under the nioiisirrmrnt at UiM i

Miller. The Or|>hc«m Theatn' Oimiiany have n

Irsso which <loe« not eipire fur some lime, ninl

till slock cnmiiany will slay lhen> Indeamuiy.

their srranntMneot lieing wllh tUo lens* holdi'rs.

Ah ANN«tiNi:H> several weeks ago, llic Kn-< .v

Musical and Dramatic OInb sro actlvel;<

lug Ibeir nnnuni musical rnmetly, sod this lsb'«t

Kansas (Mty-made pnnlnctlon. 'Tettlroat I.smp.'

will !»• ataieil at Arsrst Temple Feb. in. 10. i!m;

|iroce«\ts to he tnnir^l Into the charily fund if

tho nrganlutliin. Tlie scenes are lard InKaiisiM

(!lly. The snire Is hr I.uflen llenni. The fnul

(iiIIowb; Mm. Vests llrlims I'eariHm, Kiilli Woi-on. Kalhryii IK- llnven Haker. OertijBile WishU.

I.llllan iiBrlHli.v, Mrs. Onrg* t!«lp, Julia Itiibln,

Alice l>»nv. Msvis Kelley. (leiiriie flulp, tleorti-

(Wilman, I>r, W, Mluu-oo.liO Verne Wathln»..

llsrry ncrte. Milton FeUI, Rilward (UiiUvrl.

Itiichester IVarwm and Urieliel I>nvld, and n

rlMirns nf (Ifiy. Much Intenrst attochea to Ihi-

iimlnctlonn ot this orgnnliatlon. and II fv*wlthimt Huylng that the seal SBles will total n»

much. . If i»>l more, . than former yenrs.

Toronlat, Can.--I'rl:in« (W UiilMlviliniir. I dark K'lOi. S-IH. "Tlie Prince ol I'llwn

•'"A'l.itiUNni.Ti (f.. Solrvnon, mgr.)—"The fliililiii

A«i>'' H i:i. '"Ilio lllnl .rf PaniiUse" 1I1-20.

(liuNn (J, W. (Viwan, ma'.)—.Adele Itotltil. In

'Tlie Hlnner," 8-in; "Mllmloiws" M-M, On-il

eix.iner, 111 "taiTo'K .Mtilcl," lii fcilliw.

Kiisia's (J. Hbe:i, mgrl — lllll H.11: Itnl'i

noje Jiilin 11. (Inrihm nnd pnnM«iiy, Frank WMton nnil Oe l.^riu Slite.K, (li»i|«'r ami HniJ.'i.

rrlta and l.iioy llrmli, Unm ProllK'ni, and Dorln -

'** fl'ir.w's (J. Tlernileln.— Bill R l:i: Wll-

Inrd, lllaiiHie I<'»lle, Tun Krnw, 'I'sHel llr<«..

Miirlnii Slid II.ililiHi. Itiiliiu'a Hung Hints, nndiliirvey llrviifM 'I'rlii.

llMTiiiiaiiun (K. A. McAtdte, mgr.)—Jllll y-

I,1: Bit MupiIosI (lomi.ins, In-iie Meyers »lorri-i

niul I'nrki, Tlirve llo:ii:iim; and Ullly 'IVIte'a Ml-leVliinH.

ilAVCTT (T. n. Ileiirv. mgr. )—4Ieppy WJifciwH

81.1, LNiorty (llrls in-'iA.

Htab <F. W. Htnlr. iiivr.)--I'aashiR Hovlew H-

in, flay Vionilng- flliirlcvi III IO.MtsaNP (Ii. Si'bhwlnjif. iiigr,) — l'h»li)plnvH

and UominMll Byni|4>niiy (Irehi'strs.

Majkhtio (D. B. UtHflln, mgr.)—Uovlnx pic-

tores cnlj.

Ilartfnrdi Onnn.—Psmons' (A. O. ranano.tngr. I '*Pivlu nnln" liss n big ndvatiee sslo fi-r

Feb, Q, 10. Haiol Uswn, In "I1ie l>elniliiii:i'"

II. 12: "Kinu» Mu" I :i, "Kitty MnnKny" 1U I7

Pnu's (Jimea lliatckei, mgr.)—MnrKuniRkliTlii ami I'ull risyers. In "The lllhidWNi i>r

VInne," wivk oi 8._(lUAJtD (Joe Menalng, mgr.)—F4I, Leii Wrotlii-


' LANGESingles,. Doubles, Trios, Quartettes; and Tablolcla. Don't overlook -this GREAT N In .all keys;:

for Orchestra; Dancing and Dunib AoiB,V;V/rUe^ Wire It's In the air ,^.

MIKE L. MORRIS, Minjgir PHILA:;,.91h SI. BOSTON; 32 BoyI»ten Sl.:>.

145 W. 45th ST., NEW YORK CITYCHICAGO: Grand opera Hbuae BJ^g.

Mr. and BIra. Qene HodRlclna (SonsraAnd DanclnsL).

18 UN,, mix BTitOB (aric<31L B3T).

Colonial (Peb. 1).— Mr. and Mrs, OeneEodgldns, who nstU last 'Obrlstnas Day .

wefeGun- HodgUna and Irene HonHonnd, went "allMriiiK*.' here.' above show In a eong, dance and(aiicrlment offering, 'rhe act made a daih atoixrjng, showing a close-In of white, with a whitestelr-caBe, and Ura. Uodgklni iiolsed at the top,.ond getting to the stage with a danoey walk,T'blle Mr. . (In dr<^ suit) sang "My TsngoQueen," and they Holah^d It with a few stens to-

Ktther. Their next was a donhle song. "I >IevefIVenled Anything 1V> «ood So Dad," with Mr, Hodg.I'Jna dccomiiaiylog It at iilano—the Mrs. making achoLge from a pretty, allver-siiangled pink to bItvtLder ond pnrple affair. (It vrould have cotheller iceulta had they not been following Vanai-^l Schenck 00 (hla hill). Then Mr. II. mado

> a ahrrt speech, telling be was going to Introducethe Dcumona, a ° he^pvilaled mechanical de«lrc,with whi«h oil the "effecin" needed for motionI'^i-iurcs ale derived. It Mr. Hodghlns Intcnilsleeplug It 'In hly ttim, all wrong again, for It

.takes Uly pjr tat. ot the class sway from himuid his sv/eet, allm ' young hrlde. Hie ap-paratus waa out of "tone" In a few ot (he cirecls.!«hlli> (M>ne. apparently shaky of how ningh thlngaverv running 'Ihla particular show, amrsrcd opHie words to the accompanied song for the ex-IH-rlnent. Follirwlng this a square, paper picture<lro[i was lowered, and come feet of Qln throwui:i'On It sho»-lng the newlywedi dancing the MBilxe.IhemMlvea ' hrer.klng througti and Ontshing wliba nniicei. Oonslderltig (hey ot,> worthy of more,title's no use plcklii;( on thehi further—for they;i°lll umlDiihtedly o((er oomcthlug "worth vehlle"la the near future. Tod.

Ina Claire (Singer).14 UIH., PVLL STIOB, CLOSa IN OKU.

Phlncc—Ina Claire Is the most recent of theniuMcal coniedy stars ' to make her how to vsmle?vMIe At the Monday nintlnee quite n numlierof rrlends OT^t front gave licr a gooil sen<l-olf.Her act conalsts ot singing, dancing am' several

liuhTsodatlonB.0|iealng with a aong of Ihe nraslcaV coincdy va-

riety ;he emn had the uudlence with her. -Shesnve ane(hcr*Bong and then gave her Iropersniis-tloiis, that Included: Ethel Levey. and Ilirry Lao-"fj,, the IiBt|beln« the best of the two.

•Miss Olalre hot a wcll-costnnied and Dnely ir-^nmn aiNdalty, and nude a good Imprvsaloo.!>hc should make a suitable vaudeville feature forany iirogramT^ Joct.

Lcon'a Uodela De Lnxe (PoalnB)*l-t UX., rULL BTIOD (SFtCUL BR).

Ilarleu O. H. (m. 2),—Two men and twowomen each np to rcqnlremonlB In form to war-Mtit their feeloig worthy oT -working and lookingwell In white gDlon aalta with whitened flesh and*in. El^t poBca, la order umed, Inclnded:

Oroupe," "Farewell,' '"For (he Floit."

..'T*'.'?.' !. '"^'""'"u' "Anllra'a Dance," "Im-niorlolKy" and "The OslI to Arms." All gonl,«lth Nos. 1. 4. 0 and 8 enpeelslly (Ine. All (hei"rk Is done 'Within a special elevated frsny?iH fore a wlilto background, awl each iswe held(iBwIeiiBly. the qoartetto working In all. Therei<.t Ux b:g time. Tod.

Wm. J. Kelly (Monoloirne).10 IQH.. «<RC

Kclth'M Union So. (Feb. S> In dtesswm. J. Kelly offercil a very entertaining

inn hmnomii jnooologne, fcitorlng Irish ato'rlee,"nil nnUheil strong with a Ktpling leoltatloo.iMcn took the keen edro from nls going by aen-

jitdrtijlly Breaking "I Didn't nel>c My noy Ta

lie II lifti.iiM,," Kelly doesn't neeil It. lie liss a prwence, and will N)Id his ovra on ^nylilt, j.^

Harry Ilolninn and Companyi *'AdankKllUoy" (Sketch).

At Ihe Colombia, New Tork, 00 Honda;, 8,

Barry Uolmau prcBcotcd (hla now skit. It IB

WTttten on sluyikr line* (o several other sketches

which Mr. Holman has sbcceasTully esi>lolted. Therole at Killjoy, with Us "hsnuner throwing." Ols

Mr. Holman to a "T." Aa a hustling, energetic,

matter of fact business nun, he sarcastically be-

rates his son, who shows some sjiorilng blooil,

also his trpewrlter, whom he desrrlhes as ton

slow and sleepy. The boy MkeS^ber and idvlses

ber to show Adams that she caa folk back,'. Shedoes so at the first opportnirtty, much to Kill-

ley's soTprlae. He agrees to let' them marry It tho

boy shvn thai be can do sooothlng. Jnst then

the typewriter discovers that a couple ot sharpers

have got (> the "old man.V who Is aboot to f*v/l

them his check to close the deal. The lioj holiU

oat the check and soares KUIJoy Into believing

that he has ' been njlhed. 'rhen tho cheek l«

llashed and all la well. Tbe boy also pays a nOker

debt contraaed with the same shsn>er» by 1

H«Victf«r'a (J. O. nureht mgr.)—Week A:Hscart and Bradford, Geo. Iteno snd couiiraiiy,

Daawnn Tmuiie, Faye anl Hviinc,' Olsrrnce Wil-bur, I'atrlccia and Myer, Collier and De WaMc,tejgbtou aud Uoblnaao, Uyon and UleUdeld, Uorlna,anil Coltey. t

«HIP." ON THE MARKET?It Is t^inrtsil that the New York" Hlppodromo

Is on tti« market. ^It Is said to have been of-feral for an entertAunent similar to the Strand.A skating rink, proposition has alst been aen*

threwt to eipose them. Mr. Itolmsn got a great

many laughs for (he snappy Maes, with a '.ooch

of profanity, and wti well aided In the eichang«of the'Tepantee by Us son and the slenoarapiher.

A Utile more effeetlve work might lie dime hy

Ht,. Ilolman. when he reads the tetters from tbe

shaiTien. The selting was adequate, reiiresenthij;

the odice ot an aAtomohlle dealer.

The act Is booked ot Shea's, Bniralo. Ilils week,

wllh Bbea'a, Toronto, to follow, and ahould haveno trouble In grtting a long roule.^

George Harcoart & Co. (Sketeb).14 imt,, iKTBtioa. •

' -

Broadway (Fe*. 3).—"Hie I.lttle Olrl'' Is

a dramatic sketch that will very likely meet wlUj

pot more than mild appreMatlon ;veti In the oojf

houMB, Ahont a man who loved and oerrled abnrlesqner, who, after a child was bom, resumfdber "sowing ot wild oats," She died ami be threw

the "kid" (a girl) ont of his life beesuse he didn't

care to sec ter ftollow In mnllier's footsteps.

A frlord (male) localei the child (fourtwiyears of aire) "living In a theatrical boarding

house and going to the devil." lie brings tho

kid (aslecn In his arms) (o the father's bonsoSlid eiplsfns In a wblniiery way. that he (the

frk^nd) Is going to adopt ber.. Father Anally says,

"give ber to me." Kid awakes and cnrtaln. Nopunch or real Interest to Hs entirety, while It's

fmnrulHiliIe »neh a well grown child could slnmherthronsiL oil the handling of her. till thf croclal

moment. There's aliM a "roald" In the cast. Tod.

Oaner and Coaey (Sunsii and Dances).10 MIN,, OKI.

Keith's Union Sqoarr (m. .C),—InesBniKT and WlUtam C^asey. iselsteil at tlie iilsno

by William Noll, presenteil a neat sonr soil dsncoturn .here last week. Doth H's* Ilaaer and Mr.Casey have good personality end loots (and tbe

•ame goca for Mr. Noll). "MooeUrtit Bermsde"to oncit, end "Itufns Johneon's BsriDOor Band"to close, were Ihelr douWe numbe's. while Mlr.i

raoer has "Oan't Oet Arrested Just for Hilik-'

Ingi" snd Mr. C.iser "FIftr-Klfly" for sincle nwn-bem. ell accompanied by Noll. Ine* finishes bernolo wllh a gnveful. kicky dance, ami docs nnm,>

giwd jliTlng In the llnnl iinnvlier. while Casey re-

peats the chorus, lis mule a chnnse fpsnsmart blue salt to full dresm and Miss IlaaiT

alimreil tuo shnwy coslniiMii. the first a black an'l

white satin and Ihe second a laory. yellow onewllh nranse' slkilicrs ^rfil aincklncs. It nil shnpe^np good for Uie bcHt lili small tine, wllh muchelisnce of them sning hli^ier. Tad.



.. I.OBW TAKiu oariiBva.The Marcus Loew Olrcult have Temoved their

frsnclilse tnsn Mr Mlleu Tlieatre to tbe Otpbeoa'llieatre. In iMffdt. This fact was condrmcd byAsron J. Jnfie«, bend .of the .Marcus Loew WeatemHooking Aftcncy, to ' a Ci.irrgit reiurter, ^earlyWeiliKwIoy ninruing, .Tlie Marcus Loew rooid'ahovrwill cfieu llK new Loew stand In Detroit onFeb. 18. :

Tbe Miles 'nmilre has heeo Iease<l, anl willbereafter be bonked by Johnny Maeli. from theofn'oM ot tlie AfllUated Bookliic Oou>iiuiiy, ot thiscity.

» » .

CnLElfRATRS DIRTIinAY,' Oeoi. Wasblogtcn Utockdale, affectionately (enoed"Pop," by the actors at tlie American, ocl<4ratvdthe seveDty-tklrd aunlveraary of hla hlrUi, Feb, ,2.

Btockdaje Is^se off the most (iu|iulnr buckdoor.nienIn the profesiloo, ' sad every one lores Mo hearabout his eiperlenocs when be was' a BeifCBnt la0. A. 0.

4 s » .

nOYLB TAKB8 TRIP.Frank Qi Doyle, booking manign' of .the Jooci^

linlck k Rchiftfer Olrcult, left Wednesday tor a

maATRICD lUTKMAN toiu not In HintNiDtli Avrniio 'Mj". ivr<sk Innt I'rbln.v

morolDir (Feb. :,), at 8.:i0. (KuClrelytoo cariv for Utyatrlcc)

LBW OOTjDTVrnrj, "of rnilcnpo," in iiirwr

boivkInK W4llln IlriMik«' MIrlh .Mahcnt"alrl act," nnd (lie turn. Is In line fortilt! eollro W. V, M. A. nnd I'nnlngiH'

' rMrnilfH, (Joliiiii.v IIiig'lit'H lins a slily-three dollar t>niikfnH lioiir<led nwny, Uuf.

tlirtjUcned to liny Wnlllo n drink n-cently. Ilonrdlng nln't not In Joliuny'Hline.) Wfllllif llrrHikH bnH nne hiiiidrtil

and twnnty-Nix toblnlilH tn hlH trunk uiiil.

Kit)) tho 'muHleol . conKilv and sluek i-i-

perlPDCn lih lins hnil, sliouldii'l Iny nffTor the next liundrnil vcam. Ip IDlii, '1 L

and '12 he prudtiriHl, for (lijrly-ali wi-ekH,In Rpokaoe : rniincK'ii weeks nf HInr,Scatflo; eJghteen In Vnnr<iUTpr; twend.v-elijht In CrilKarv : nflti'<>n' In IMmonlun,and twenty weeks Hashatonn, putlInK on

' a dlfrcrcDt abow cTnry week.

BABRirrT OnBRNWOOD, rormcrly wllh"The Qncon of th'a Movies," lins repliireil.

"—Uari4son Uarret wltli the llazol KlrkoTrio,

'^LTIIOTfOTI giren a poor snot and rrnnpnm-lively unfi-atiiri'd on tlie blll at the flnr-

rlrk, Wliinlnirton. Del., Inst week, 'IN-il

I/Orratni' nnd Knttle llnrks literally

"kiM>rki-d 'pin off tlio B<-alK." ami witoconccled ono -nt llin best (lanclof; bc4haoen at Uiat ^ouae this ecnoop.

short (rhi through Bonthera Illinois ami Indiana.Ills mlnslnn It sild to he one of grest^knportaneeibut nothing on the mstfcr was dlsclwcd.

4t¥ •

I DRCK TO DI Y OR IIUIMI.Ma^bi lleck. of llie Urphsoni Oreiilt, was n Vew

OrMia, La., vlilior last week, and mnor bad It

ho was (hen to either pncbaae the OnihenmTheatre Dullilbig there, or build a new theatre lathat city.

OXa WIl.LIAHfl DIRD POOB.TdlieD the wlU of (]ua Wllllaina, Uie old

eomedlnn wbo oommltled sulalde rccoDtlT.was read. It -was lenrnnd Uiat all he had Inmoney was (.'iuo. He left no real estate.

MADIBO.N DITa.When "DaDcfoK Arniind" goca on tonr, Al.

Jolson will use a Duoiber nf new comedy bitswritten for blm by JamcH .Madlfloo. Theomc aothor kaa also supplied Davo Oenarowith a new act. "Tbe Ifallaa and (be Rale*-man," lo which (he servlres of Frank rrum-tnlt are employed. It Is meeting witb blfauccess on the Proctor time.

DALY'S BUMDAY RILL.The hill at Daly's, New York. H. Included •

De I'lnra, Hhennaii and Do Forrest, lyinaleand AugoBt, Ilarrclt ond ()t(, Iler( flhrpard,Elmer Tenlcy, (iertrude I.41 Kuluum, ZaraLaroy and four pirkn.


Qfom PrIroroBe la rroduclnit his mliutnlllrtt pirt rtrcio In Taudevllle, nnd Its succesgreanlted In twenty weeks* bnoklnRS on .W. V.

A. Circuit. Ho U DOW on the' Uottarflelil


POT OF TOWN MEWSKanaaa CMy. Ho,—Sholiert (Rsrl Htewsrt.

mxr.) was sold not for Dsvlil Wnilli'lil, for ef<Ty|irrfonnniii>o of "The An'*llone*T," w*vk of Kelt. 1,

An llitrrvlew with WIIhiiii H. ILo^s, nNiliiii;i>r nfthe naniioiiy, by 'liic Omitkh irisii, vevenhil tli"

fiipt that. eic*^it In one or twfi Inniiineni, t'n'in''l'y

iinslness hns been tlie rule at eviry |ierf(iriiiaii'-n

aloee Ihe sinrt ot tbe w-nwiii. <):iniinn*y Olcnlt,

In "Tlie Ilesrt of Paddy Whnch," 7-|:i, tulloweil

by "Uwlsr Ocntt," with II, U. Waruer.Obpiibtiu (Marllo L/rboian, mgr.)—Klsnehe ninr

was the s|a<elB| itrawing card here 1 anil wii-k. Tllll

weric ot 7: Montgomery ami tbsire, ('tlni'<'SM

Itadjab, Jnliiiiiy Johnnlim, Clnrs Inue. 'HmoItulVH, Oinniell rti't llarrls. Krermillnn unit Durviallros., anil tlie (iriilieiim Travl Weekly.

(iHAWn *A, Jnilnli. higr.)—

"llrlji Wniilnl" w-M-kof 7 (mum), (111! lime at iniiultr prki.i. lolmDnnny. In "Knnnvlvill.',' neil »eek,

AuniToBinu <MHa Miller, Bgr.l—Nni only thetort that "84.'ven Days" Is ons of tho fnnnleal ofoomedle* yet 4<nea<nli>.1 by Ihe irtocfc ooiDfiany. Isst

year, bnt lhs« Uet^ Miller nods her (Irat apprsr-anoe. Mlas Miller can an, bot It was uiul-feat that. In spltn of tho pepslarlty nf .


several amhers of tba eomptny . with theAndltorlnm pattoDs, aha baa a "jinblic."too, and this "pnlille" made ber the fav/rlte.In so doing Mls> Miller wis conifillmenlKl. (0 Ix.

sure, hnt rndtrretly whni her sUirk c<4M|>iior wniiendfirstd. Ilnllln. others wh*, iiiqH'nr i-vi-rv iiiiilit

iKlilnil Ihe r«n|llclilH. flllU-r hii« •mly hi-ii

cnHiiiilly U'firre inr |r.iltllc. Ilut wh«-lliiT <ir. 'ifii

Hill. , 1^ known i^rwinnlly. vhe staiitU f<-r «i.fih'-

thing that her rHtrinis r.iliie, and fjtcy nrt- i iUlifif

ailvaiilave ot the csnioriimlty l» say "llinilj'.''

and this wsa atld In Ib^ fonri of nn ufnll.iniiimn her first M|r|ieariiirp,^ Ann f)'I)sv. Itil|>li

Kellanl. R. J. Tllunkall, (Hay flnnrnl, .Mlii:<,

MIsq Farvel, Bupert Olark sod Ted (lltKun - nersall well caft.

siMPsass (Cy, Jarnfa, rogr,)—Dill week nf H:lli nry II. Toomer and eoin|iBnj>. In "HIilellKliiii

Mrrliklh ami "Uowncr," lb« Cabaret Trli>, niik'st

snil <1liu,iT nirls 8-10. Illg Jubllc<\ with t>atVhlti- It 1:1.

I'AMcn iWm. t>, AKmiish. tngr.)— lllll Nlii..Ti'lti'iN- nikii, Dliin l.ii)iy 1111(1 tisiiiNiiiy, IVviin'l^niiii.y I.-uixiTH, llaycH iiuil Tliiit«hur, awl Itli'li

. ariln snil I'.rsMilt.

llAiirninii (II. II. JninliiKs, itiMr. )--'nii' npt'i*

Illg hill H-in, Ineluilin: "I'lie HMuliMry <;irl'"

FniiMi-HCti llc<l<lliig mill rdiiipiiiiy. Mrreillfli nu'l

llrnilky, HiH-nn>r atij Brnwii, the < (>UkimH, ihmI

fi-nliire |ilcllin<ti.

CtTiiANii (W. A. True, B>gr. )—JTeatufn trleliiriH

anil Ibe Hirainl (iiitrti-l ti-.

I'uiNrKHS (A. 0. tlorrliiin, mgr.)—i^cwt pii--

turt'H shown here cirliislvely.Tits Hajimtio, n hronil new, and T<Ty moiiiilil

rent Ihentre, u(Knieil Its diiors R, featiinliiu I'sr >

iii-iiiiit tlliiw. A. 0. >Iorrlaou Is dlreolbi«; Uhi i-jk


Neir nrltnin. Conn.—Keeney-'s 4P. R. M>'.Miih'in, ni:!r.) Fields snd Fields are In IIh-i -

fiiiirth wei-k here, Thla weok's lrarln<|iii' I


lli'lly I'l'ltr illria, sinl will ngiiln littm Uu> 'lliro-

flinwi and llnrry Jsekson to sdvantsgtv I'mirsris of rundrvllle snd pli^lunw an< aim ufflrml.'

(Iiiinii (<'llni<kln,' mgr.)—IMclfire tfi-alilivi.

Hi.-uNiii (lliilllhy, m4(r.)—Always cnwileil. Hte^-llenl films are Rliown. 'HjIs wsm oob of Ihe lir.i

iileluro hisism //iM^netl In this city. I'sruiimnnicenlutM will Hnin la> eihthltrtl at this tlii<nlr<'.

Fug's (11^ JackHim, loar.)—J'enltii* |lll•lll^'t

are ilriorlog hlg liunliima lier.>. 'Hie 8in,(|^l <,rgiiii

if (hihig Its Mlinre In ilrawlnir pafmrui.f.riiBiiH f'r. J. f.vnrh, mgr. )— "llin Ileil Mill,"

put UN l-:i fur liU'iil I'hnrlly liy local tsleiil, wiihs hlg surrcus llnnnrlnlly. During Ihe IohI hiilfof the wok the l.yti'iiin INoyers prewntMl "Tin'Fni." Tho riiiii|iany's efTiirls are highly niinn--elated. Kiir wwk nf B they prcaeot '"lie Fell InLove wItb Ills Wife."

Loa Anireles, C'nl.—Ilainhiirqer's Ma]i<>ili-(nilvcr Munwco, mgr.) ">Vhlrl of Um» W«1iI"Feb. T-I.'i.

.Mmiosrii (Oliver Morosen, our,)—/"Hin .\rcn-dinns" T i:i.

MiiHiisrii'H ItiiiiiuNK (Oliver MoroMO, mtfr.)

"Tlie Vlrgllilnlr" 7 i;i,

iinniKiiif K'.lsn-Mi'e ih-ipwn. mgr.)—nill H sn'lw/N'kr fJnwB anil Jiisi"»lilne, Frederick V, I'iiw.'H'.ml Cftnilinny. Mr. sinl Mrs. .fliiiiny llnrrr, A'rliil(Nislni, Msrilnr sinl Cli'sg. Ilie Ilrll Kaiiilly. ''an'well anil Walker, nnil iTie Auslrsllsn Miilrf'iiiii.

'aktaobh' (CnrI Wskler, nw.)—4)111 H nn<lw«'k: The Anerlenn Wilrlwliid nesufliw, ii'Neiii

.ami Wolinslry, Oira Klinirwiii ami ooiupany, lion'and lliillcni.'prl. ninl llnlor Troiiiie.

r.oew'H F.trrnENH ffrrtl Fnllntle, n>gr.l—lllll Hami week : Juiih's Orsdr and ersoiiuay, llie WardHliiiera, lliiiiM<irB Mliinlrvt Ooinollnns, Hampwi'iami Ihiiiulns, n f^leve, and l,es CssndiH,

(!i.iiNr.'H AiiniTiinrirH. Oi.iinh'h llniiinwAV.TAi.i.r'n llnnAOWAr, AMiAMnna, Mn.t.m's. Wimp.i.rr. QniNM'N Niienns, (Iiiink's OAnaicK. Hvh-vuuNi ami Da l.uxa. ' movlnc pictures only.

Itlinco, W. Y.—Bfsr (O, I<. Ifamer, mgr.')blll Feb, ll-ll>: Levee and Pond. Tom Nawn amiofsnpiny, snd pbatoplays. For ll-IR; Col. JackOenriei "Tho Oonnt and Ihe Mahl," and photn-plnys.Lrerrw (P. D. Terry, mgr.)—Vaodavllle sikI


IlAfit IIiiuD (L. K. Tiee. mgr.)—Plmlojilsysonly, I

Fall River, Mnas.—Aesdnnr fL, H. r.<Ms.

n-rr. I blll Feb. A-IO: CsdetF r>i> 'lasnrinie, Uiiwif^fepheiis. Mimtrrmo an.l Knnffll, Murray nii'l

MiTfanr*!, Hliniinon, Renfey niiil 'irriHiniiy, and "-n

neMii'rH>l-pl'ol"t>lBr, "The l.lfe <>f Ilie Hnvkxir."fiAtnr ff;. K ll'iiMin. mgr.)— lllll R.IO: aen.

Ohio's "l.tille .MUa If H. A,." tbe ThtTi» tCa-wpiui ttr'illiiTs. Helm DICKWin ami ll:inililiT S'ls-

'ters, .Mfilcl J(p(iiiiu,ii. Two Frbnids. nnil (ho plc-Inre. 'I'jToiie I'liwi-rs, In "Arlstorrney."

rtioii fO. P. Ouik. mgr. I—Fnrwu'h nf R. th«nijoii Htock Oo. piVK-ntB "The Hisk-sf Way,"

16 THE NEW YORK: CLIPPER. Pbbeuaby 13



lIoifDAr, Feb. 8.Charlef Frobman trill preicnt lipre, at ihi

.*v'f""'.*' 'o-n'Sbt, Ills litl-mtr productlcniof Vl( lorlcn HarJou'a well knowo triajr, "Dl-pIuniQiy," with WlIllMi Oillettc, Dliincliol.ati'E aud Mario Vuto lo tho prlaclpul rolcM.

IColllDir 3tonc8." at the Lu SkIIl- OperaIiouHf, Lulcago lias turnuU that liousc intoa riot of cuincdy tliat t)lJa fair (u laat iiutlllute yprlDK. X

Loitfs Maoo liaa accompllHlicd nomo won-oe". Willi tlie abalBlance of an cicvllcat oast,lu -riie Hubble." IJe Iioh rejuvvaaled tlioAmerican. MuHlc Hall, a tuHk wblc-h could bea'.'compllBlitrd only by an cxeccdlDgly atrougplay with H BtcriluE acl<ir, and llila coinwlydrama with Mr. Mutiu sc^'iua to Mil tbc bill.A week lii-iico our old frlcndii, "I'otaah &

rcrlmutlvr,'' bid u« adli'ii, aud that popularluvorltc of CblciiKo pluyuoors, Julian BitlnKi',tomcn to L'literlulu uu with -"nio CrluuUouUlrl."

Chicago In Hupporllnc ll» tlioatres In greattlylc. OH ran bo readily proved by tbv ex-liaurdluary riiim, ninHlderliiK JmnhiesB con-dlllona all over tho country, wlil'.-lj arc bcluglundu by nunic of tho proHent iitlrnetlon.H."On Trial," at tbu Uraud, Is alionlni; a biglinprovcineot In Its' allciidunce durfug tbo>uHl few wcekx, and It Heema to be In for along Btoy, packed bouHcs being the rule andnot too excenllun. I'owura' la niuklng n linoiiUowlDg wllh "The lJuminy" aa the attrac-tion, aod tbiR piny blilH fnlr to utay fur qultoa length of time. At tbo (.'ort Iho lire alara•tt atlil making 'The .Sew Henrietta" ncclotlllatlDg .iDnlr, twiukllng-wlth lnrreaelni(Irlchtneaa lu tbu .tbeatrlcal Uruiamenc ufihlcugo. ,


'Tho rasalng Show" la busy Ironing outTrlnklra from tho coualenaocea of Ita pn-trona, and .".Mr. Uloom" bnan't been Hern onkandulph HIrcet aluro thla dl.ipeniier -oflaugha was luilalled at tho Uarrlrk. I'lenty«t tuneful, duties, lioala of pretty girls, andtvnrythibg.that goes to muke a Joy producer<au oc found there.

At tho IlllnbU, "Sari." wltU MIr.zl llnjosin the tltlo role, aod plenty of niuslr, merrl-sent and comical situations, draws a capacityluiisR every night lu the Week.

Henry Kolker, In "Our l.'hlldren," at therrlocese, la securing bin abarc of tho bigl-UHlomu which aecms to be found evorywhcro111 Chicago. WhT |g It Chicago llieatros pros-per In so-called "hard times"? They arotlvlng tbo peopio what llicy wnn:.

At tho motion plclnru tiinntres: 'JlioStiidehuker bos WllllnniHun's yubinarlna plc-lui'cH, with I.umun C. .Mnnu as the Iccliirur,i»H this picture Is ono gf tho ^ilereat-jug, us well ns eduratlonnl, plcttirw seen hemIn sniiic time, tlulir IlcHlys. In pIclureH. willte seen nt liio Klcgfi'ld nil thiH week. Ilnrrvrllcer, lier nnrliicr, In Included In tliUlllnilJiH of "Iter Triumph."

I,A Sai.i.k Oi'EiLi Uoi.'sH (Joseph Ilransky,ni(rr.)

—"Itolling Stoncn," hocouU week.rutt-KiiN' (llnrry Powers, iBgr.j

—"ThoDimimy," nlilh week.

iLi.i.Nois (AiiKiiittua Tltou Jr., mgr.)—"anrl," tWrd week.

I'lii.NCKHH (S. r. Ui-rsoii, mgr.)—"OiirChildren." sixth week.

(i.viiiiiCK (.liilin J. (Inrrlty, mgr.)—"rasa-IDs Show," wci>k.

<>KlimiH .M, CllllAN'M (IHANM) Ol'KnA IlOtUll!(Ihirry Wdlngs, mgr.)—"Ou 'IVIol," soveatUKviAi.

l-'onr (T'. J. 'Ili'rmnnn, mgr.)—"Tho Nowllciirleltn," Hi'veiith week.

Oi.vMi'in ((ii'orge C. Wnrivn, tngt.)—"I'ot-aah & I'lM-lmuttcr," twiyily llftli wrck.

I'"INB Anr.M (Albert I'lTO', mgr.)—"AliceIII Wohdorliinil," llr»t wivk.

STiiDKhAKKii (I»iUs J. Joue.s, mgr.)—>Mo-llun pdeturen.

lii.ACKNTONR (Kdwiu Wnplcr, ingr.)—"Dl-

plomiicy," Urst week.iMi'KRiAi,, (J. rugrlni, mgr.)—Week of H,

"The Lure."ViCToHiA (II. r. Ilrolnskl, mgr.)—Week 3,

"lloHght and I'nid Kor."Natio.nai, (J. V. Iliirrett; mgr.)—Wei-k R,

'Tho Ilound-iip."CiiowN (.\. J. Kniifuian, niijr.)—Week S,

"Bringing Up l-'itlier."'

Cni.uuniA (Wllllnni llurlie, mgr.)-Wcelc8, American llcinitlcs.

OAVBrr (It. C. flcboeuecker, mgr.)—Wo(Ic8, City SporLs.Majertic (I.ynian It. fllover. mgr.)—iWeeIc

of ft .bill InclndeH: Karl ,I»rn. KU/.nbi'th Miir-rn.r; Claytim White and company, ihe Court-ney Slatcrd, JIulleii nild Congnn, Joseph Ji'f-fer.Hon and lllnnehe llender, nmoks undllowon, John lllggln* Five Water Ullra.

I'Ai.irn MiiKii? IlAi.i. (Mint 11. Sln;er,liigr.)—Week i>f 8 bill IneludeH : I.ols Kwcll,Kmmett Corrlgnn nnd mmpnny, tienrge Mc-Fnrl!>np, Hwor und Mnck. DulTy nnil l.nronz.AhearirH Cycllsl.s, lilii DIvluolT, l.iiyiiiiui nnJChiiulsao, Kiigene Trio. ,

lillBAT NonTliKiiN lliiM'cMitiotin (K. 0. ElierH,mgr.)—Week of 8 bill Includes: Dunhiy nndMerrill, Amanda

.flendrlcks, « Ilultomley

'irniipe. Kelly .-.nd (Jslrln. Mnllnly-I'lMgreocompany, llerr J.inseii nnd hid Mvslerv .

Sinlds. Mondne and conipsny. Mnjion, Wlllin'rSlid Jordan, (illberl I,<m>e, /.nzelle Vernon.

MoViCKnn'H (J. (1. Ihireh, mgr.)—Week of8 lilll Include: Macart nnd llradford. U.iind compnny, Karl Bltmann Tronoe, Clnrence

Wlitur, Connteas Szccby, Faya and Mjdd,'Uynn anct Itlchfleld.

CuiuNiAi, (.Norman Field, mgr.)—Week ofR bill Includes: Hrengall, assisted by KlaloTerry, Ilutb lloche PrnoclH and company.Four Crtsters, Dobbs and Dale, Mar McCrea,Mclntoah and .Musical Maids, lloyt andWardiil.


Staii and flAHTMn (Paul nohocts, mgr.)—Week of 8, tha Winning Widows.

llAi'tfAnKRT (I. II. flerk, mgr.)—Week of8, the Cherry IlloasonM.

Enoi.kwooo (Kdw. Ueatty, mgr.)—iWcek ofB, Gypsy Mald«.


".Mr UKi'n Pat; I^et mo tak« yon hack In fancy! > yuLir uUloe one Wliilrr's if(croouo ; In thooino- nt-re tlire« imrn—Cbas. JIcDonaid, WarronI'n(rlck and ATlbor I><tI>. You wer« looklog tutof the window. It wo* cvld anil tDOirlDK. Caau-nlly I remarked tbat It wu a touah day for bniDi: nlio wa» btoko. Ton looked at me, anil Inthe following worda you gare birlh to tha jjbow-nicr.'i Ixngue of Amertct 'Vet. old top, and b'/Wii'iiiiy old, hrokOD-down tbowuMn are there wbo,un a day liko thia, aro In need of a helplDgrbanil.'

"Gn, I'at, do you rew.mbrr all lite (blDKa wethicc talked alwut Ibnt'afieriioon? I can a«e uanow, going orer tb« plans ut the caoipalgn. lie-.

Kcinbrr how we figured out Ibat In a abort tbne)>brmigera on railroad tralus wiuld aeo a beauti-ful, sbailed tpol, atid c4o(enlcillr altting aroundw(ul(l ba old men witli latlsBed looka In tbelrfrrrst Do yoa reormber the Brat meeting atLlbflHarutoga Ilotel,' Iho- way eTrryoae entboaed orrrthe Idea? Do you remrail'er bow cbeeTfulIyurtrjone gaT* their) floanclal auppor? Then eamatl.uae Irat meetings when eTerytoIng was In bar-ntoiij, ereryooe had aonie good thing lo propoaafuc Ihe Ltorat, then tbe big bauqnrt at the IlotelLa Kallc—tba talk of Obicago.

"Nerer waa there a grauder, more noble Tcntmelaunched than Tlie Sbowmen'a Leagoe. Tbea camethe call for help In the loaded dtstfleta. Wblleoiher organlaatiosa talked about helping, In a fewI'uiira tbe l.eafae bad a carload of soppilea on Itsnay Id Peru. Uoei that sot proTC wsat oould lie

d»ne liy a real ahoulder lo ahouhler moTemeotTII could brcome one at the alroageat -fraleioalrodte* In the world. It coubl do more real goodihan anything elnc In the world, for Ita membereare not dreamers but real men who- do thlnga

talk ahont dubandliig Tlie Sbowmeu'a League, wbythat would 'b« a crime.

"."bowmen are buliilert. not wreckera. they pmllawhen tbiiigi are coiniiig tbe tongbcet. Oome, lioys,

Icl'a get together, we need an organization of ourown and what would he better than one whoeevroiecting arm tetckea Into eTsry corner <f theuntrerae. ua not make Ihe t&latake of allow-ing petty jealouaiee and personal feeling block auioTeoient that nieiinA a aafe harlmr In a atorm,Kiery oilier branch la reprewnled by soue onler

are Tre. who are all powerful, to keeu .on doinggiKKl for ail anil hate nothing to fall back on.oiinrlTea. Hiirely there miiat l>e some one to heada inOTen^nt of this kind who will aatlafy tbe ma-jority. I>et the I,eagu4 life, belli It prosper, be a.

bniaier for II, and somo day let ua point wllbvriile to Ihf fact that the world's greatest fra-ternal oraanlrailon Ij The Showmen^ League ofAmerica.*'

#TaixiR Frioan/a has secured legal releaao from

her hiialiniid, Chnrlee A. (loeltler. a New Yurkliirnlrlcal iiiaiiafi'r. Judge Koell, of Cblcu,7>,algiird tho decree.

Till Wi'.iliieT Opera Uoiiae. In Ohicago, hisagfin cbaimeil Its name. It Is now (he OeJi.'-il.Mnnic Hall, and will l>o used for what It waafoiirerly iiileuitoil. iiiualc and rerltuls.

O. M. I'Al'i, left for i<nh5ni Cltr leaf week.I). iM. Hi nt Ih with (he "Whirl of Mirth" Co.IliCK riii.i.iNs, (I. '•, It.. Is ijuito biiKr, In uiid

out of ChlriRo. Iiioklni; nfter the Intereata ofIhe Iii(er-S(al<> I'rv-na s»ttIc«.W. II. Ciiiirssr, Dliou's greatest promoter, -

wna a weleoiiic caller at the Chicago otllcei nfTub Oi.iprin. laal week. O. 0. P. baa a aomlOlio on (he Brr. which he will spring In aboutthirty days. Watcb for the big announceuienc IntLeae coluuina.

WIIyL'RISK LIFE FOR AI.T,Ey.Tom W. Allen la In retelpt of a leKer from a

yoiiint iiian w;io, nn lie mi.iim, baa had antiw. ex-lierlfiice In nriiillnn. lie sla(es If Allenwill furiilnh a machine, he (the aviator) la ijuhewilling ihnt Tumi Mhall iiiiure hia 110.- for (hetu'iioilt of (he allow, anl (hat he will "try aa(nii( that will help lu making a bigger name furthe allow."

Ilo will not only eciviit aiiTlhIng (ha: Tuna '

otTcra, but will conic lo Oliioijo at hl<i owu ex-pen ap.

I'ntn iin in mind 'of tho llildlcal itatciiient,(Iri'nlcr Invo Imlh no nmi than (hl<, 'hoi be

give liU Uf,. u frlpiid." The n|i|illcant goeaone beKer aa Tom dorsn'l eren know hlu.

SIGSDEB LEAVES FOR 'FRISCO.Cant. .Slgnliee left, Feb. n. for the Panama-

racKIc RipoHldon, a( ;ian .Francisco, wllh hiahome, 'The. tlaiKiln." which has \<ivn iH>lcc(e<loTcr all uiher e<liica«d hornes to eihlldt on tbeKone, In one of Kmmett .MaOonnell'a bullilinsn. anduuiler Ihe dlrrrtion of that noted coiifvslonalre.

Nida datlrnlehl. tho well known <i|iiesrrienneof Ilacenherk-Wallace and Illngllng «h«wa fame,wlwi will eihltill (he borne for Onnl. aigsliee. lenreeThnrailaj night. Mla^ JIatterflpM In a aplendldhorsewoman, and one of (he »ie«t known In tbohiialnesa. and she has made a hi- bit In Clilram,where she baa worked at ae»eral (heatre« here,bolb wllh her talking collies and "The Oaptaln."

MANUEL HAKES A UIT.Maroel. t^ BKflllan orilat-, has rreelrxl somo

lerj Salterlng press nothva In Strealor, Ottawa,niut other eltlee, where lleiaa A Bice's "Dnvs of'4»" haa been playrdr, for bis excellent work enIhe "Rogue'a Oallory."Iiomlivnt merchaiits hSTe berni plelureil In cm-

tiime, and lb«y are all eoTlng the oicellcnt >-'«rl-mliirew made by Manuel, who Is now establishedsi >'-m>{h Halated ftrwt, tailengo, doing acenicwcrk for aereral pbuws


Tlie null) who wins Is an STerace nun, ^NiX liiillt In any parilculnr plan..Vit Ideat wllh any (vcullar lues. »Jii»t sli-ady and e«nio»t. and full of pluck,nhen aMked a quenilim he does no( '';iii'«i;"Its anewers the i)iM>Mkin. "No" or "Yi-.<.'"WTien wt (n a laok that the rest can't dolie biickl.'s down till lie's-put It thMu-,-h.

'hitiits lie learneil : That Ihe mau who triesI liiiH farnr In his ciiiplnyer'a ejes


I'hat It iiajs lo know more bban one Ihliig well:lhal It ikH-sn't pay nil he knows to lell.l-..r l!ic nwn yiV.n wins is (he nun who works.J}M iioKher Intmr nor ImuMe shirks,

"Iio uses Ms hniid. his heort, his etcsWic man who wins la Ihe man who tries.


, i.'^"'!'-?years the Amerlein ITos-

I,'. «^ilcain>. under (he dlrecdon of Dr vinx

, e ^ ""l "f" thousand do'ilan'worlh

ii.»^ ^ y atijrns shown tiy an InTestigatloii ofthe bi«ilis hr-'s committee consisilog of Jii.l,v

I „ Ti.';""!'""'• " prominent thealrleal agPiK;

I. nnilii J. Orler. pix-si.lcnt of the Old Friend's

J.;'".;h?."''''""•"'•^ Ihit eluh, iid

Ji.M>|ih ll..p|.. imMldcnt (IM Union Film Cora-

BURLESQDE IN CHiaGO.Colnmblaa (UH, yfrn. Bocbe, mgr.)—Blotch

Oooper'a Oynsy Maija held forth at the aolofflbla

laal week, playing fourtetsn performances, to gratl-

fylDg bualoeaa. II Is olfercd In a liwo act bar-lei(a, under tbe caption "Smoke Among ibedypples," Amoog tbe principal players are ftgls-Icrod: Jin 0. Dlzoa. Morria Moscow, Murrayllarrla. 81 Jenks, Uarry Wettou, Tom Jlcltae,l^elle Uallette, Kanny Bt. Clair, Jennie Rosa andliotlle BUck/ord, including a cbonia ngmberlDgtwenty.GmyttT (R. O. Schonecker, mgr.) — Harry

Cooper end the Ciseker Jacka made a doable «t-tractlTc bill at liie Oayety last week, anl pnredbot only ptofeaslonal ancceas, bnt a Dnanclalone aa veil, Tbe Southsldera remember Oooper.Tlie Cracker Jacka haa anotber drawing card InPccky MoFarland, tbe well known pugilist, whoalao la c.-edlled with aaslstlog greatly In draw-ing. The musical farce Is seen In two psrts,wllb sneclallr acta Intermingling. Doth actsare reudered under tbe title of "The Ok>ad Han,"and ars.. capably acted by Uarry Oooper, ' Lewfeymour,' Jack Dempser, Uarry Seymour, Fredrempcey. Oectle De Vere, Oeclle Dunham andTeddy Dgpont. In tbe olk> are seen Ceclle Don-

SPANDAU & COULTRYBanquet and Commercial Photographers




D ATG*Q (Single, tS.nO to SlO.OO per WecU '

ilAl HO {Doable,9e.OO to tlll.uO p»r IVeek

Bar mnA Reafurant in Connection. MILIaKB A MOBBOW, ftopi.

him, Packy .McFarlaud. Seimour, Dempsey sndSennour sod Jack Dempaey. This week. JacobsA JermoQ'B CitT Sports la the Oayety'a attraction.Haymarket (I. n. Ilerk, mgr.)—Snita

Moore and Oeo. D. \Soank>n'a Ttie Winuera polledtgood bouae* all week. Tbe dances are by B«y-n»nd 0. rem, aod tbe music by Von Tllaer andGilbert. A high class cast Including Salts Moore,<lto. B. Sconlun, Alra dlcOIII, Martha Edmood,Ilaael Parker, Ilartey Oieene, Albert Shaiw,, Beatrice La Due, Uelolse aortoo. Tbe oliobad as enlertaloera : Shaw and Lee. dancers; SnllsMoore and company, In a one act playlet; AlranicOlll. "tbe Parlalenoe Nightingale." Some oftbe aongs Ibat went orer tdg were: "BeautifulLand of Lore," "The- Ai>a-d>«bs Honeymooo," "Inthe alley of the Moon" and "Hats Olf to Mr..Wilson.'' As extraordinarily fine choma helped toplease appreclatlTe audiences.Star and Garter (Psal Boberts, mgr.)—Tbe

ISlt-lS edition of the Star and Carter Sbow. waa- a«en at tlie Star and Oarter last week, and laIt was olscloted an eiceptkmally atrong array ofborlesooe atara and comedlane. A anlendhl sing-ing and dancing cborna and beaatlful seenery as-sisted In osklng tbe'prodnctloa one to be desired,snd sboold bold tbe Star and (barter Show- toglrlng Ibe Bummer running production a closerace. The mnslcal eirraTaganaa Is seen In twosrta, under the title. "The ilystle Jewel." In Its

cast sre recorded : (Mark Thompson. Thomas Welch,Dlllle mil, John Sckart, Mahle Jlark, Jack Con-way, Henry Stelnmao, Edward Orllfon, Harrietllerlm-t and Kitty Howard. The prodnctlon wasstalled by Jack Cowwar. and the ensembles byJallsn Alfred and Dan Dody.

VAUDEVILLE IN CHICAGO."JiRi EosutTiiiL, mtnager of the Uajestle,

I>ubii<iue, la., waa a Tlsltor to Ihe WesternVL»lerllle Msnsgers' Association. He arrangedlockings for the next foir months, selecting manybig names and atrong bills. Jake'a Bible la TnaOld Kklubi.b.TouiiT Quiui.'-T, OJilcago manager of M. Wlt-

oiark A ftoa'., returned last .Monday from NewYork City.

ABCiiia AID Dolus Onri will continue tbelr

WesteT.i VniidoTllle Managers' Aasoclailon' lourwKhhi Ihe m-it four w«eks.

AariiuR Stonb and Mario:( Haves will rei.-h

Clilca;?') next ueek, anil lnune<llatoly prepare theirnew act, which will re<|Uire the services of Ci'Cil

Cordon, (he well known comedleooe. Stone andllayea bare piayetl amuml forty weeks conaecu-ilve for the Western VaudeTllte Manacers' Asso-clalloD. using a comedy Tehlcle, entitled "CreenOoods," It Is along a carnlTsl tbeme. with good,wholesome comedy and catchy lines and aituntlons.

BiLi.T SciiAAB has .sonieiUng under bis bonnet,hut refused to talk before newspaper men. Uesaid (bat his "cloaeness" of speech was upon tbeadvice ef hia atlorner.Law OoLnnrju will: return from New York Feb.

IS. He la reported as bsTlog secured a uumberof well known acts, which be will book orer tbeWcote,-u Vnuderllle Managers' Association time,"Ten rRSCENTBiB" are to diminish la a way,

lull will not be entlrely.loet—according to happeu-liirs of tho psst few daya. Uert Oortelyou baay.lned hnnda as a .iiartner to Jno. B. Simon, olthe Blmon Agency, and has slresdy moved fromIns olUces III the Wcatem Vsnderllie Mnnsgers'ArMXIatlon to those of the Blmon Agency. Inllie Fort Dearborn llulidlng. Mr. OorteTyoa.' fora.i.iimbi.>r of rears hss beoo nnmliersd among tbenioi'.l Imiiortunt hookers of tbe W. V. M. A., kndliolils the respect of thoae who' bare oome In oo.vtact with bim during bla tiooklug yenra. As onliidependeni sgent Oortelyou should urore a sue-eekhlul addition lo tbe list. He -la a cnpablnpicker of new noreltr sets and knows tho work-ings ot Ihe Torlous artists. With his kiiowledgoor the "gamelU Bert ahuuM not only be a suc--crteful ogejit, but' a deslrsble one.

CoNzr IIoLuie will shortly aciiuJre lbs serrloesof Irving YaKa. formerly connected wllh tbooOces of Joe Sullivan.

DiTB IlbitiiLm and Bill Jacobst have coosoll-.deled, and have placed tho doiilile reins to work.This ngcacy was the Orst to form a parlnershl|i

wblcl' was followed by the balance of piomlncutIr^eiiCDd-mt bookers.All eyes are now tamed lonrirJ tbo Fort Dear-

t>om UiilMliig, wbei« oi>eratcs two other wellknawn Ind°(iendeate — Uarry S. Splngold andJames Tt, McKoweii In name.

llii.L's CisouB has been routed <Trer the LoewMiddle West time by Frank Q. Soyle. It la saidto <ie a T( ry worthy act.

Uraa.'a CrasA IIodsb, Jancavllle, W's.. Is re-ported to tw dark, having dlscontlnivd vaude-Title.

'riia Qband, Bellot, Wis., Is vlao aald to havegiven lip vaudeville.

t SnnioN BaouKS. author Of "Some, of TheseDays," "All NIcht Long" and Will Bossltcr'alatest bit, "lAinesome for Tou," Is expected InCllcago this week.

Cvnris AND lleBABD have eontracta for the Pin.tstes' time, nnd will sing Will Bosilter's sonnout tbst way.

Rioiiuc'Nii Kbnt and Hbsbot O'CbvNua'Btsblflid Is .'leellng with big success on tbo Tblo-len Circuit.

Fan-j.B AND SnuN's new tabloid, "Hie WhUof MIrlh." was recently seen. In Chicago theatresnie Morrette Blaters head tUe ecanpanr. Tbe glrisnre youi:g, highly talented, and have peraonuTllj,vblch eslabllslies them as fsvorlteb with sn auill-ohce. Ilie Uelropole Paur, a splendid alnglug ot-ganiaallon. registers big In this tabloid. Hiltonend IJuebrs nnd (he Five ti'Uonnor Slslns aroalso well liked.

AsiiOBT wn.coiiR caller at the Cnileaso etPcesor Tna CLiri'te, lust week, w.ia Lillian Luciis.After a aomewbat leugthy visit In her home town.San Itanelseo, she has returned to tho city hv tliolake to an cugaceineota .<rcure<l Ihrough thi W..'• .• .' ™"klng her drsi appeannce at tho Oo-Jnmhta Thralro en Kel>. .Mlw I.ucaa. for sometime, wcs en-n lu (he title role of "The Girl ofthe Weal."

MERSBLIN8 WINS S0IT.Tie International nieatrlcal Company, which

was the OiICAgo branch of the Sullivan Ponjl-dlno Circuit, Iisit a ault against J. W. .MersPlln-i.former manager of the Majestic, Waterloo, la.,for caminlasioiis collected. The amount Inrolvi^was 1(10. Mersellna won the case on the coiitiMi-tlon (hat (he ac(s Sullivan A Oonsldlne aent tcWaterloo were not up to the atanilanl. expUliiiiii}:hn( he hehl (he cominlsslnns as damairoi

Kd. ltiir:(Ani>, tlie well known; venifilnnulst.ban bev'u rout.'d Tor a tour of (he l'iu;ai>ii CIr-cull.

KkvrutJi, Plocqr AMD CoNNOES. who havetaken tbo leaae of the Alharabra, Llher:y, nar-


oen and tho Calamet, In Sonth Oilcugo, i^eem to

tave the right klea as to what the public dealri^,.

A Tialt to tbe Albambri tbe other night founda full bouse, and a remarkable big ahow fur :encents, lop price. There were six acta, booked Inby (Jeotge IT. Webster, wllb Monre, Browning•lid Christie ss tbe fealate, and Chlng Yuen U-eand company (a i»w act), alao taking big honors,Tho show Id Iti intliety was exceptionally guoil.

Fbank a. p. Uazzolo made a trip to Indiananolla see Ualton Powell, In "IIeupeck.2d p!tnl, •completely, cured,Fenry," nnd oa a result the show wo» bookeil for ~ -' *- "-- ' "-•

HOSPITAL NOTES.Fdankib SteoBL Is under tbe caie of Dr. Thorcl:

for a sllL'ht ailment,Drlla l''iNnoan.j, wife of Cbas. FIneberg. a.l.

TSDce agent of Dixon's Review of lOlS, has l.ecii

opi-rfated upon nt ihe American Hospital for cuin-tdlcatlona. nnd Dr. Tliorek U-llevCH she will In*

nl-le to leave the hospital hi * a n:uiiiparnllvelyshcrt lime.

Mas. Dati ZniUBB, wl'.o was opirraiul uiio;i

for tumor that week, haa left the American ll.ij'

Her husband, who Ih

four weeka in' Chicago. ZlegfelA's Follies wnsthe opposition to "Henpecked Ueory," at Dayton,0., bnt It did not Interfere trltb tha big returnslett'Stered elsewlierc.CoBA You:<aiiLOOD Cobbon, tnstrnmentallst, will

appear at tbe Franklin, Saginaw,. MIcli., m'Xtweek, and plays Detroit tbe week following. '>pen-

!ng a few weeks later for a tour of lbs FsntSi^'SCircuit.'- A vaiT WBAK BILL was displayed at tbe PremierTheatre, on South Stale Street, last week.CHABLBa M. MAB4U, iiroiluci'r and promoter of

efalrs, csrntviila, eiiwsltloiis, parks .snd hnnie-comlogs, was a Cliitbu bureau caller last Satur-day,

Stohb and IIaybh will return to Oblcogo nextweek, and prtiiart^ .heir neW act.

KnwAKD .Mabuk, inunager of the f.nlr dep.irt-

ment of the Western Vaudeville Mau.t:(i'rs' Asso-ciation, left ChJcago last Saturday fur a shortTlslt out of town.

Hill's Coukdt Oibous, oeen at tho Colonial _.. , „,^eatre last week, may soon api>eAr over the- have to remain In the hospKnl for a couple u(

couhued to tho bonpllsl, sulTerlng frcrn heart iliii-

esse. Is icperle<l lo be Improving.Alex. I'ALar la Improving nicely, and It Is ci-

peeled be wiU be able to leave Ihe Instltutloa Ina short tloie.

Babb Da Palueb, of the Ohsrry Bh>s.«om On.,wss rushed from Ft. Wjyne to - Chicago, to heplaced under the care of Dr. Tliorek. at thu


American Hoapltal. The doctor operateil upon norfor en absceea caused by an unsuccessful opera-tion perforoed some Ume ago by another pbyMl-elan. . While the prneiit operation la a veryKrious one. she i'a expected' to lie up and' srounilIn a very short time.Albkbt Bai.vuno, who waa operated upon for

a< 'udlcltis Isst week, la Improving very nicelyand will soon be able to leave /the Institution.

Eddib Da NoTBB Jumped Iip from his show inMllwsukee. lo consult Dr.' Thorek snd h'ave a fewold adhesions taken care of. Ue left the sanioevening, feeling very miirh better.

Mas. St. ViKoanT. who underwent a very seri-ous operallon some dsys ago, and who eiiiected to

western Vaudeville Manugers' Asaochitlun time,Hill Is booked for a four months' tour of fairsthrough Ihe ollices of RtPel Unhlnsnn. "The actundoubtedly will be bandied through the otnc-isof Ileehler ft Jocobs.'

Law CoLiiuuui], the well known Independentagent, will 'reliim to CUIcaKO on Feb. 15, lie la

kt (iresent In ;Ue Fast.Tub Western Vaiiilpvllle Managers' Aasoclatlon

year book will be Issunl early In Alarch.FsctT QEonoB, traveling repreji'Mlnllvc of the

W. V. <M. A., Is making a lour of We'stcrn ter-tllory.

MlEB BanNRS writes from yew Albiinuerqnethat be la feeling like a two year old. and ttiic

he Is positive »f walking nioiig the Chicago Tiallowithin the next few weeks.Tub bulldogs of Rdward Iteed. who died In

Chicago, Jan. 01, were looked after, there, l>7

friends, who Immediately turned over all proper-ties to Airs, Iteed, upon her arrival hi Clilcaco.The deceased is said to have had 11,000 on hisperson, of which J400 waa In gold coin. It Is

said thnt the Chicago notice tutfaorliles have thismoney In their possession, which was also turnedever to Mrs. Itecd,

Will Connelly. Chicago renresentative of. theWhite Rats Actors' Union, Is Investiiratlng thenatter. Shonld Reed be a member of that organ-ization, that aggregation will take command ofthe situation (or the widow. No srrangement badbeen made for Ihe funeral, as the matter waaleft to Mrs. Reeil.

months, has left ten days' after her operation,feellug fine.

SiD. Vi.vchnt, who was operated upon for sev-eral dllTerent cnmplicotlons, sometime ago, vlsiiclthe American Hospital, Thursday afternoon. .Mr.Vincent la recu|iprntlng very nicely afler his dl-i-

charge from the Institution, and ezpre^uies hliusi'lfas Ijeing much pleased wllh the outcome In hiscase.


F. 0. Talli-)lt, for tha World at Home, and DenRosenthal, for Krcl 'M. Uaruesi Inc., closed cun-tracta Thuiiiay. 4, lo furnish the csriilvnl at-triielrens nnd si>eclsl amusement events (or Ihebig exiKMltkin, to 0|icn In Winnipeg, Msn., June21.As stated In Tub Xbw Ycric Clippeb last wieeic.

It waa not cvrtnln for a time witcther or notthere would he a foir held In Winnipeg this Bum-mer, on acMuiit of the condlllona In that territory,li'Qldeut to Ihe war activities. Tlio dlrcftotsof the Winnipeg Rxposlthin held a special meet-ing which was sttended by Messrs. Talhott andB<«ailhal, and It was decided to bold their iiuiinal4ifrslr this year alum; the same lines ss la yearspast. Tho Uanodlila pai>ers commenting upouthis decision congratulated the directors ui>ontaring secured the World at Home for the .MM-wsy smusemeola and the Barnes aneclal featutcs.Tbe Canadian fair bookings for the World nt

Hosne Include: Wlunliieg, Oilgary, Fdmonton,Ilrandon, Itegliia end fla«kato>>u. .\iid this meansthat the big carnival jnpMilxiilirn will :'>ave thoStales early in lla 191C Itinerary.

In tbe oteantlme Uarry 0. Wilson Is ms'.orl-ally Bcoentuating bla animal shcnr, which will Ica leading featnre with the World at Home, andwork nt the Davenport, la.. Winter ipiarters Isprogre^iring steadily, and will lie completely laample time for the opeulog In that city on orahont Muy 3. . .

GORMAN NEARLY SPOILED IT.Tt.ere waa a persistent rumor noatlng about

tbe cnrly part of last week that BUI Rico wouldrot carry out his orrangeaients for hlssblir riverexposition show. Wise old hesds shook and manywere tho ^querlea aa lo why Dill bad taken coldIn his iirtlal extremities.Even Into lUe' sanctum of Tnr Naw Yobc Cur-

rag bIDce.' In Chicago, the rumor came, and arepresentative of The Olp Rxliablb called opoaElll at his olDce. ...

"Yes." remarked tho W. O. P.. "I waj dls.Iieartcneil. anil It Is true that I did think for atlmo "of glvUig It nil up. But I found that torieiiy people were hilerviiied In tbo promo'lon oftho boat show, that I had got to go through withIt to tha hitler end." » '

"What .cunteil .vour temporary ohange of mind.Dill?" Tiia CMiTKn roi^irler aaknl.

"Al. Oomian dhln't like the proposition." Billreplied, with tears of i.iigiilsb. "and I thoughtIbat It would die im that account."

Cheer up, Uilt, we're with you, no matter whathe|ii*eas.

SIXOER UXrKCTED SOON.Mort n. Singer, general manager of the West-

ern Vaudeville Managers' Association, is ex-pected .tu return from the Soutb within the next .

ten dnys He 'will remain bere Dot a short white,'

end then proceed direct to -New York <Ilty..Mort n, tjliiaer and Murtln Beck have made a

eoieful tour of (he Sou:h. AKhougb no offlclilstotiment has lieen lasued by either the Orptieiinior Western Vauderllle ^lansgors' Association theconlentioai Is thot a net of Orpheum bou.^es will lioliidit la the ^*outuland.

1'. J. VEH IIALEN, S«r.

Game and See Ua

MAitsii urnxs office.r.-uT'"''"' .*•', •'""^''' hiilMcr nnd pnmioler ofr Irs, ,.nriilvnls |,srk.i. eiii.Mlili.iis an.l lionioeoni-

f J!:n Ciinsuiiiers lIulU-

dir. .Marsti recentlv reinrneil (wm a tour of tho

«-«r;,i"i,.''.\''' "'I',',"'":' '•»"• •'^•<-» « wry sue-cCKtfn] hiraslon. IL- i» iir^>|,iirlni: lu iiiske fuliiw

•'<• eoliiinns o'f Tua OujItiLiAULB. wlthbi'the next ten days.

hBA.SK Q. PoTLB was eipecleil lo mcmiatiTsome dldlrnlly In Imnklng the Junes. Mnlrk- &S^haefer lliealr^n. .acninling lo the harphiiw ofsome bind and tvl.nlnt liidlvMnals, wlipn (he• rder waa iw^] that therp w-oiild l« no inorodealing with outside ajenls. Ins(ead, (he in-o-

. itranis at tlie Trrhnis .lours. I.lnirk fc Sriiaefertli«'sttes have iniprov.Hl with the new onler of a(.f.xlrs. The I>lll at MrVlrkp:'s last week wnsfPiieially toieil one of (lie !»•«( ever pri'senled atpopular prlten, and Imth shows at Ibe Coloniallast week won high praise.


At a meeting of the State Fair Assoclnttnn.hehl la Madison. Wis., last week, the foliivwingodlrvtw wcrn e!ecte<l : A. II. Wllklnsoa. president.Biieeeollng 0. 0.- Rewey and O. K. Remey. nfMilwaukee, aecretary. wicce«<lln7 J. O. MacKeiiaTe.

Fred M. Dames, repres/<ntlng P. M. BsriK^s,Inc.. of tmicagn. was present nt Ihe mpetlni;,ami hook<^l a niMiiber of ntlrartlons for the WIe-cohBln Stale Fnlr, which iiromlses lo be creatorthan over In lOlJ.

t.i .

'd .1-

RIVER EXPOSITION COMPANY.(Bp iHler-Slalo Prtu Bervtce.)

Oinriao, III., Feb. 0.—Dill Bice, W. 0. P., h.naiinouuced a r.iimber of sales lo ronresali''iul space on his big water exiiosltlou. wblrh Kstill the principal topic of conversation aaio.i„'bhowinen In (Chicago.

Those who l-ave already securetl snace are :mfollows: Samuel .Uert, punch' bonrl-i'; the f'.ili'

Amusement CXimpany hav-." the excliidve coin'i'i-(l<Nis tor their dolls; A. C. Jeiisuii. Ul;: II.


clocks; Harry Fillmore, cat rack; J. A. HiMhli,dnrt gallery; C. E. Levliie, high striker; II. .V.

Mllblne. cane rack; Ohua. It. Long, swln.-lii;; h:ill.

•Hurry Fink will bare charge of all the co'ici-sloiis on ilie excursbn steamers.

As mil states, there wilt be practically lltlL'opiiosltioo- with conces:tioiialres, cs the siiAce is

liiLlten, and he will endeavor not to iicve thencuntllct. Kveryune will In this way be practicallyexc usire. Although he cminot guarantee a strictexclusive policy on account of the many nppllca-tlona he receives by every ms II from jiurtles .vhowish to put on neveral different stores, he will lio

Bll possible to give everybody an even hreik inthis respect, l.ut In no case will more thnn twoof the same kind be permitted upon the hoaii.Add to thla the fact that the coiicessloiuiirs

only puts his store up once, aud Is not liotheredwith lesrlng down every week, and tlie new at-tendance that he will have every day. It Is smullwonder that Rice Is overwbelme<l with nppllcanisfor apace, and that be conid sell enough to takethirty more bsrgea In addition to what he alreadyhas.

' The opening will lie early In A|irll. around Pitta-I'urgh. and It may be meni toned that Rice hasalready contracted a number nf merchant's davsIn msny of the prominent river tovms along theroil to. '»

AH the ahow .space has already been laid out.and there wllMbe a llne-up of attractions ami e.-c-

lilblts -thaV will astonish all wiio view the i>|ien-

Jng. It will be In keeping with the msgnltudeof the.sfheius and afford the newest features theihow world has hitherto seen for years.

NEWTHEATRE INTERRE EAUTEeThe F. A H. Amusement 0>., Inc., will open the..

New Hippodrome. TerrcfHsute. Ind., iMoadny even-

Jf5.' " I* exiiected that a number ofLblcagoans will go to Terre Dsute to atlcml theInaugural. The F, ft n. Amnsement Contionyoperates the following theatres: New Ornheum,Champaign, III.; nmpress, Dccalur; Now Palace.Rockford; Orphemn; Rockford: Ohatterion OperaHouse and Majestic. Springfield; Illinois Theat.-e,Urbana ; Orpheum, Crpen Day,- Wis. ; Fuller OperaHouse, Madison; Orpheum, Madison; AmerlctnTheatre. Davenport. la. ; Oolnrabia. Dnveniiort;Majestic. Waterloo; iVew Orand, IJvansvllle; Or-gbenm, (Jary; Orphemn, ,Mlchlgan City; Orpheum.oulh Bend; Vnrietlee and aippodrome. Terre

naute; under- tbe general management of MnrnisHelman. bookeil hy.Samiuel KshI, with hendquar-ters with the Western Vaudeville Managers' Asso-claticsi, Ohlca.{o.

SPINGOLD & aicKOWRN..... CnifAflo, Pell. 0.

. Ilnrry S. Snlugold .Ind James B. McKowenhove niipounced ibat they will Join partnership.This In tho third set of Independent aaents lomake 'his announcement. Another report statesthat (loner Holmes ami Joe Sullivan contemi|ilnl'oa partnership. In this, manner tho teams willwork easier, claimed a certato well-kuown "ten|Krc«nter.". It means that one of ua will lal'Schrrgs of the Inner workhigs o( onf own odlccs. ,

while tho other will take care of the hookbig endat the various sgencles.

It bad first been stated that oilers were(inletly given that tbo nomtier of Independentagents must be cut down snd the onir way tonave tn» major portion of tho well-known .ig'^nla-.vas lliiwugh partnorshlp agreement. The nart-

.rersHtis now stsnd—Bill Jacobs and Dave Beeh-Ici'. John B. Blmon nnd Ilert Oortelyou.

GORMAN JOINS DARKOOT.As vas exclnslvcly fnrecnsled In Tna Sr.v

Torn Curraa some weeks ago, AI. F. Connanhss Jolred K. O. - Barknut as general sgent nithe Bnrkoot Shows, n carnival organisation of Ilie

first class. Cormnn Is In Mobile, Ala. shanhigup the prellnilnsries for Ibe llarkoot engavenK'Klat the Molilla M.^idl-Oras. lie will probably at.leud Ihe Fair Secretaries' meeting In Chlcugo.

"DICTV noO" MAKES HIT.'.Tlclr Doo." composed by Carey Jtorgsn nnd

liuldlshed by Joe .Stern, was rendereil by Ihe Col-lei'e Inn Orcheslrn ss a siieelal, durlnc tin- Iti-el

Fellews Olid) dinner, Frldsy evening, Feb, .">. Itwas one nf (he nwwt ivi|dilsr iiim)bers on Iho ito*ITnm, snd was lioardly apidauded by tho llwlFellows and other gwsts at the Ino, who de-raaaded an encore.


BUSINESS INDEXkAniOaeaaXM tat aondlsi^ ob* Um la lacik

Stir TM of lltf for OM jtmr (MSdt THB Nbw Zou Cuprai will to nat fiat

u«Mk adTCMMr vtll* tb* idrwtlMaMBt la tm-


0. V. Tnlan Htf. (to., M P«tl WL,

D. a BHVkfra (to.. Ul AMk It. miaddgU^p»,

COHFIDOTIOIia.goMkbtlm Bna. * Bekitala. S4S So. Ftorta M.,


HVBIOAIt PF"-^-* A]ID ROTBIAIBB.EdwlB B. SBiit, 38 Bnok Bt, Baitford, Com.-,

a E. lUrUad * B<a. M wniooihlv bL.BmoUra, M. Z.


BDDBIOAI< ai.ABSB18.A. BnoMla, 1011 Bifln At*.. BMtocaB Bn,-

V. T. . •

FOPOOBR MAnUFA(m7BBBf.BoMkhelm Bna. * BeteHila. SM a». P«orU BL,


PRINTHrO OF AU. KINDS."Pluet*'- Bboir Pitat A Ba(. Boom; ftntym, OBtaOBBBBT Ain> BOBHIO PAIIfTBBS.

0. L. BtotT 8fl«l« 0».. BimmiiHU BlaUca. BwHovud Tattle, IIM Oatcr It. UIlwitkM, Wla.

SOBHBaY FOB BIBB ABD 8AUB.AiKlIa SralD, 618 Sprlof Gudtn St, Fhlla., Pa.

THB BMOIHO Aim flPBAKDIO TOIOBbHMO. Tu ToTZ, ai W. SStk Bt, Haw lork.

Tel., Orcalcr >T01.TBSLATRIOAI< OOODB.

Boat«a BtfiUa Oo., 887 Wub. Bt, Boataa. IbM,THEATRtOAI< PBOPBRTIBB. '

B. Wtlkar. 8M W. 8Btb BL. New Tork.

TiDirmiL(MtiiiBT FiGimas.Ba EotaoD, IBM Amatardaa At*., K. T. Oly.WIGS, BBARDB ABD HOSTAOBBB.

PCTcr BwlBt Bapply Hoiw^ Paator. lU.

SHOWMN'S LEAGUE OF AMER-ICA WILL ELECT OFFICERS.The reenlir onniul me«tljis ot the Bbowm^n'a

Leuoe of America will b* held Id Oblcago Wed-aeiaij, Feb. IT, at wblch time tlie aoDoal elec-

tion 01 all oOlcera ot tbla orgaolutlui will takeplace.A ipeclal oMCtlOf of tlie Leogne will be held

In Cblcato fullowliir Uie annnal meetdng, during-the week In which the Btate Fair lecrelnrleg boldtheir owellnj. It Is rumored that the fair me«t-hig will be held at the Andltorlum Hoiel,, i''eb.

32, 23, bat DO offlclal annoaoceoent baa been made.It has been mnrted that the, fair Mcretorlea willpoatpone ttaelr meeieing until tome time In March,but this lacks conflrniatlOD. A dednlle announce-nient will ptobabl/ be furlhcomliiit from the Uta:efair people next weeK. Ihia Is belsK onxluudlyawilt«d b/ Iho carnlTal manngers and argentswho Intend to be In Chicago .for that meetlnft. aswdl as \>J booking agencies handling fair at-tractions.The offlcen of the Sbownen's League of Amer-

ica to be elected next week are: President, flnt,second and thlid Tlce presidents, secretary, tteas-nrer and eleTn goremors.* The aiiounl mecllDKwill undoDbtedl; prove an Interesting one, nnuwill bo largely attended. Judging by the aeaur-ances received by the secretary. The charlvrinesiben ot the organlxallon ate drmly In favorot making the S, L. A. was orlgln.illyluteniled to be, a league of Itnt showmen, to pro-mote the mutual welfare ot Its rnemhen, and tobring them totiother In harmonlonB fraternal andsocial Intercourse


' to aplltt tbe morale of theouK'.oor amnsurent profession at large, and toaid and assist aged and seedy abownen and theirwidows and children. .

IIEIU, FEI^LpWa IUiOW>0DT,'Bit cafe' chantant, cabaret and grand ball to

be given by the Itcel Fellows Olob ot Chicago,at tbe Sherman Uotel, Feb. 22, promises to betbe most unique social and amusement functloDof the year. Folly three thousand people are ex>peeled to attend. The arrangements for the event,luder tbe genersi chalrmauship ot Warren A.I'ttrtck, were tborongbly dlacuasM at a apeclalmeeting of the club, held at the (Jollege Inn, Ftl- <

day evening, Feb. 6, and It was tmanlmotuly de-cided to place all niatlen in connection with theball In the hands at tbe executive committee,which consists of Warren A. Patrick, B. B. Nehls,Charles Nixon, Omer f. Doud, Oant. L. A. 'Soen-InR. Walter R. Early and W. It. Rotbacker. Allor the hundred meoAera ot the club have consti-tuted themselves a committee to push tbe sale ottickets. Attractive billing matter has been prc-raietl'ln tbe way of foor coKr w4ndow cards, andcolored slides wUl displayed on the screem atthe moving plcture^beaun IB~ Chicago. It Isquite prohoble that Ma;or Carter U. Harrisonand lilTs. Harrison -will lead the grand march.Ik'inon's Orchestra ot sixteen soloists will pr6-Tlilc tbe music for tbe bill and cabaret. A greatTaodevllle bill Is being assembled. There willhe dlvertlaements In plenty. Famous photoiilayeTshare been Invited to attend the function. It irlllbe a real, night with Heel Fellows.The- next regular meeting of the Beel Fellow*

' '^^'^ '>>eld In the Louis XI Room o* theflhennsn Hoael, Wednesday evenltffc, Feb. 17. «wlU be ladles' night.


Through the courtesy of Oeorge Elelne, a privateexhibition of .his latest flve-psrt comedy, 'WlopThief," presenting Msry Bynn srd Hnrry Mca-



'. -V.

IA song that will accomplish more for PERPETUAL PEACE than all tbo millionaires' millions v i

Sing It' to your children--teach them sing it to.thelr children, and then weMl ' haveU'"i


V ' - : ---i.-' . :.

peace forever moro ~. •'





The mo3' talked ol. mosl sensationaV, most s'.mg' in'ii c'c p'Jbli.Thed in his.or.-




^o. 18—JV. A. Pp'W^RtS."Tooth WlU Berred" Is a trite bajIhc and a tme ono, Yonog blood Is neccesarj nowadaya

intbepromoUpnaiidcaiTrliisoatot big aflkln, and most big ondertaklDgB have mtn^th thaAre and energy of jronng manhood on the execatlve stair.

Bat all men are not leadeis;* manj excel In some partlonlar sttrlbnta and fall in others. Al-thoDgh this Is an age of speclaltj, It Is neTenhelesi an age of' ambition and tsmlghtcd buslncsaabllltf. Cicero was the foremost orator ot the Roman Beoate, bat OctaTlos Csssr posneased theambition and baslneaa head to control the Roman Empire. Bo It b with the show bualneiis—thebaslnesa man la an Mbeolote seceaBllj.

A. A. Powers possesses the necessary boslness liutlQct to be at the head ot an organization.

Be hasproved In tbe past that he has the atlrlbaiea that go to make np a leader In the camlvalaOhlts ot the present day, and It Is small wonder that when Messrs. Wortham A Allen lookedsroond tor a manager of their organization, the Wortham A Allen Shows, their choice tell nponthe subject of this "pen plctnte."

Fosaessing an energy that has been marked by coniplcnons saccesa In the adTsniM and prt>.

.motion end ot the bus.ness, a strslgbttorwardnesp that has carried him succesafDlIy to the top ofthe ladder among the leading caralTal lights ot the show business, he enters this season with the

tall responsibility of management upon his shoDlders, and will, no doabt, add Itisterto bis al-

ready well-known reputation,

Powers'ls diplomatic, even tempered and concise—three Tlrtnea In tbe show business that

. are IhdlBScnsable at the managerial end of aOhiis. U« Is popular with all, and rcBi>cctcd byeveiyonv with whom he comes In contact He Is reserved In manner and docs not tell all hoknows, possessing cantlon where needed and at the same time la progressive and aggressUowhen necessity demands.

A, A. Powere Is a charter member ot the Showmen's Leagne ot America, and has since Its

Inception been one ot lis strongest adherenia and sappottets, and at the forthoomlng mectlDg to

be held In Chicago Febraaiy, 17, It would not be siiitirlslng It he were elected aa one ot the BoardofOovemon.

' Althoogh one ot the youngest ezeentlTca among prominent aggregations. It Is safe to say

that the trust that has been reposed In him by Ueasrs. Wortham and Allen has nut been'iiila'

placed, and that a bright future awaits him In bis choseu profession.

M«D, and everything selllM lot, the ssllifsetlor ofall. You now ran appivach Utnagi'r lli-rvrrH n(.

(Ice with cnnAilenc* and ask (or IntormalliHi. ItistMulle he grv^tJi you with meann mudi when y«>aaik hint about the time for Ihe mum of thekiosk wason of Columbia Playen, ho >a)H, "watchDie; It'sall aettled that It's 'to tm lliu bml-cveratork at Oolombla Playero."OiuRLaH KBouuiN camp to WaKhlnglon to wll-

l>r« hlH new iirnlucdon ot "A lllrl trf Today,"'nllh Ann Murdock, at Ibe Oolumbla, .Monday,KcN 8. ,

P.' II. Catna, ,Mra. Chase, anil thrlr daiurhler,lira. II, Vf Keith, were aioonr tlio larnv 4iiiilli.|ict*«

during the v>'t wr<>k, at Kelib'!. Tliey w<Tr all

warnilv welci.nwd by their old frlpmla. Tbia wna

tayer, wai en]o-red by an Invited aodlence, at thePsUce' aittslc Hall, Oblcago, Toesday monlsg,FA. 9.

QITT OF TOWH HEWSDnltlmore, Hd.— Fcrd's (Chos. R. Vmi,

mgr.) "The Sloiy ot tba Bosaiy" Feb. 8-13,

"Orumpy" 10-20.. _ACADm (Tunis Dean, mgr.) — Marie Tmpeot

S-IS. Sou Carlo Orsnd Ot><>ra Oa. lC-20.

Aunm>Hic»i.—Tlie Poll Stock Co.. In "Oldncldelbcrg," 8-13. "A Woman's Way" 16-20.

CoLONiiL.—"!j«ptember Mum" 8.13. "Dam-aged Goods" 15-20. *

, „ „,GarBTX (iM. Soiilherlaiid, mgr.) — Follies ot

Pleuiure 8.13. Fl^ench Models IB.20.

PAl,aca (Wm. Dallauf, mgr.)—Ix>ndon Belles

8-13. airls from (be Gay White Way 15-20.

UiBTUND (Fredk. Scbambenier, mgr.)—iDlil 8-

13: Lean and .MaylJelil. Frank Ollmore, Triile

Fricnmu and company, "The Lawn Parly," FrankroKarty, Klanngan and Kdwards, Bveleen Dun-more, and Clark and Verdi.

IlirFODBOUB (Chas. E. Ix;wl8, mgr.)—Jllll 8.13:

Bob Tin and company. (3eo. Dnirj llarl and com-tinny, McDcrraott and Wallace. Murray Jlennett,

Three Lotettas, t,amb's manikins, and Six Berlin

""viCTOBU (Ohae. E. Lewla. mgr.j—Blll 8-13:

The Crent Faliman, Four Kichards, Alex. Porter,

Orocey, Nan Ueivlna and company, Mr. and lira.

Thornton Frlel, Oltcio f!omedy Four, and the Van-

"*OA«DieM (Oeo. Schneider, mgr.)—Bill 813*.

Dalton Family, Margnret Irving, Uorley and Scott,

Rego and Devoltel, Bhoda and Oramptoi, andOrma and Dells,

iiyieuDniUiiKUiKRWA HHBITATiqif, a beantltnl new waltz, CHOPVIOTOBB AAGTUm BARD, SWISS CHBBSB BAG. gaA^HJITA TAdtiO.


a, E. BOHBEB CO., U3I Braa^ttai, N, Y. CHy.

Young, Attractive Leading WomanBOUBHIETTB; strong SpccUlties. YOlJWO QBlfJCRAL. BUSIlfKBS WOMAfl. Anjthlng(Mat, with Speclalttes, Youth, wardrobe, abUliy Imperative. Ycnre work. Bommer and Winter.

BalariesabsoYptclysnre. Send toll pinlcuUg^re^gm^^gjKjU^^ Kfig.. SoathD^kot^



.If yon play parts or have Repertoire experience ao

nuuli the better.~Bong aii'd'Dance Teains, Musical Acts, NovelUes, Uandcqff King, Al B. and_ D,

Cnnd Live Vaudeville Acts that tan change often,

Uomcdlnn. Al wardroli and rcflncinent essential. Can place any good Act that can change. Stale

all, wlih photos, wUc&wlU be nturaed. Olve two weeks route. nU. WICMOT'yOIIHC Opaf Ho»aa. St. Jahn. W. B.


Specialties, L.lght or CIiav«Ki'ntaro DoK Act In 1 .

Address 47 W. Beueca St., Buffalo, H. T.

Glias. E. NewhartOBIf. BVSISBSB

ABTlhlng Csal far SpeclotltlesOood Wardrobe, Btudj and Ai>ll|-y

Address WalnotUt., Nautlcoke, Pa.

Weather bere'ls <3t real Winter calibre, and' ae-cordlag (o Arclomys Monaa (commouly hikowii nsIbe "grcuod hog") the wealtirr prephit abune,!bis nose out ot his hole on Fvb. 2, and falieil id ih«his shadow,' crawled back In bis hole, and ac-cordbittly "Winter la over," and with othin: Oriic

class sltractloiis a (ood business was done furIhe week.

iBsLisco (L. Stoddard Tayk)r, mgr.)—"TheLilac DumlBO," aeen here for the flrat time Ifrb.1-U. was a real treat,- and drew big buslnes').Wm. Uwlgc, )n "Tbe lload to llapplutna," weekof b. "Lady Luxury" next. Dauuigordt'a Bnu-day sUbt travel Uniis beglu U.CoLtuuu (Fred O Uorier. mgr;) — Flnlie

O'llara, In "Jack Boioaucv,''^ gave on eicfliciitperformance week ending 6, to good buslnr««.Ann Munlock, In the uew American comedy, "AGirl of To-day,'> week of H; ItoM Melville, In"»\M •Uoiiktog," naxt. Newman's travel talkscontinue, with "Uuly I^nd" Suudsy, 7.

iNiTioNiL (Wm. u. Rapley, mgr.)— 'The Mir-acle Man," new to Waabliigton, bad good busluesiweek ot 1. Cyril Maude, In "Grumpy," week ot8. Annette Kellermann, In "The Model Ulri."next, Philharmonic Soolety of New York, sololit,Oabrllowlisch. 0; I'asquole Amato and Mile. 8as.soil, harpist, 12.

Pou'a (IjouIs J. Foase, mgr.)—"Aa a UanThinks" wss gtvcn so excellent perfonnsnce, 1.0,

by the' Popular Players, minus k leading manand leading lady, as (TtaaTlee Mackav and fillllan

Kemhle were out at the cast. Robert Lowe, aWakhlngtoo favorite, tbe second leading man, waacapital. Daniel Ilanlon, Joseph Onsack, Jerome Ken-redy. Master Joseph Eaton, VIoletle Kimball, PearlFold and Helen Tracy,were all good. Oood boslDessnled. "Tbe Rule of Thrca," week of 8, will betbe play to Introduce tbe ne>w leading lady, MaudeOUbert, and the new leading man, Bockllffe Fel-

lowes, and other new players and old favorilM.'The Llais" next.Cisiwo (A. Julian BrylavrsU, mgr.) — "Dacle

Joah," mnslcal comedy, week ot 8. Other, fes.

tutes Include: Edna Rlchardsoo, Walker and III,

with n«w pictures to all out tbe week's prograin.

OomtiT. Snnw ocsitlnoe* a success. Snadaj «on>arts do well.Coaiioa '(A. Jtillsa Btrlswskl.' bit.)—Bill 8-

10: "The Bayer ^ftom rlllsbargb,'' the Olrria

Ooaiedr Foor, Dna Oooper and company, (pinkand Tate, Uaytielle Dooda Tmaie, Bndy and.

I« Roy, and new ptetores. Soodaj ceeoeits dacaprdty. _aaTBST (Oaoie Peck, ngr.)

fitt Prlie WIs-aers, with Don B. Barclay, had good boalDenweek at 1. Oollega OlrU week at 8. JobnniaWeber and Base Hy<Ml Co, ant. OotmtiT RtoraccBllnoea a auceees. Rsnday coorerts do well.

B. F. Kami's (Roland S. Robins, mcr.)—Bill

week at 8 : Rvelyn Nesbit and Jack <71l(rord, theKeien Bracks, Nan llaliitTio, Marlon LltlleBelil

and company, Bknmel Devoy and company, BUIrMcDennott, Pletvo, the Pedersen Brotben, thePaihe Weekly Review, Bmiday concerts do ca-peclty.Mmbbtio (J. neo. Murphy, ipgr.)—^Tbe Ospl-

tal Peactles gave a good *b<rw. to good tnalaeaaweek ot I. The Sector Olrle week ot 8, Susdaroat'certs do well.

nmae.Xiw^oaa FsED a. Bnoaa ot the Oolnnbla.

imist he very partial to the ''girls," for he hashad on hU hands this aeaaoa "My imt Girl,'*

"Tbe Olrl ot the OlrU," and vow he has a newcue. "A Olrl 0* To-day," Who's neiltTna week tt Feb. 8, at Poll's, will see a faonae

wamdoc. Or rather, there will be a wsrni wel-

eooe extended to tone old favorites of the Poll

Playeia, aamrly : (Jertmde Bondhlil, Orsbapi Val-sey and Losla Haloes. Tliey ate old frl,:nils and.will Bnd tbe hand ot welcome oblstretcbrd.

POLi's PoroLsa Piutess demoDalraled the fact

diving the week ot Feb. 1, thst thrr are so otim-

poaed that they can give s sood iwrf-jrmsiice with-out a leading man and leading wonon, for R/,t,rrt

Ixiwe. second lesdiog man. s Wasblnglon favnrlie,

BIM' the Brat place satliractoriiy, and Ibe I'lay-

era did well "As s Uan Thinks. ''

A aotST went over tbe faotligbts Rslurdsy alghlilnrlilg the performance ot "Jack's Itonisno'" andthe Sllniter of that ruast was Flake O'lTsnt,

Hp W is folly Justified, and those It hit innil havefelt u itasy, sn'l tbe audience, by hearty applausr,Kuatal Hd Mr. O'lUrs. Why ^bi It that someivnile will visit a shonr with etaly one object In

virw, and that la to let thoee before and Iwhiud

the CI rtslD know ^at they are In tks haute,

A < LEts, sky now all oioosd tbe hortsvu Is

Mr. Cbaso's flnt riilt slucu ho guvc U|i bis In-

teres ts.

.Lopiavlllr, Kt Uapsnlrv's (John T. Ms-

rauley, mgr.) hii<a Ityaii, In "I'tK o' Mr llruri,"if<rk at Feb. B. John Drew, lu "H.winury,"li>-20.

heiTii'n (J. I,. Weed, mgr.)— nill 71:1: Clnrkrml Ikrcrran, Iklli' llakcr. Will I'iiiltirlck niidoiiiiliany, KnrlMT (llrla. Jurkaon aiiiV .Mcl.arfn,l.'omenin Klmrrs, Wblpiiie, llutlon (tnii|.iiu}', andlA'Uiii (leorito.

Oatvit (0. T. Taylor, mgr.)—"Tlip Mhr|iliordof Iko Illlit" week of 7. "In Old Kentucky"-iii'it week.

Pi'CKiNiiiiAK (Horace UclTiocklln, mgr.)—TboI'tntch Krolinuen 7-13MiONiii.u llaaiisN (L. Gsapr, nitn°.l — Wherlrr

snil I>(.lan, Minion Douglas, prof. N,'iriinrH Miiiul,

and Weiivpr and Uloim sro featuiv nllrncltujiabtro week of 7.Mahoniu (I', "nuirmann, mgr.)'— Mliiura|ulls

Kyiii|iiio<iy OrriiestraMaht ANiiiinaoN (U (loldiwrg, msr.)


con" feclurlng lllm for week 7.MAjkHTiu (1.. DIttmeIr, mgr. )-—.Mary I'lckfurd.

Ik "MlBlnM Null," featured lllui 7-1 :i.

AiaMu iil. Hwllow, mgr. ) -MrK. il/vnllx Cnrter,.lu "I>u Harry," ti'aturril BIni 7-l.'l.

Norei.Ti IH. I^vensun, mgr.)—Kduiimd llreeae,

lu "Tbe Walla ut Jericho," fealurrd lliiii 71.1.Oai'iiruu (A. Krnney mgr.)—'"tlir Oauw ot

Life." featured Oim 7.|3.<]asino (A. Kenney, mgr.)

—"TiMi Devil'sKiddle," featured flim 7-13,

- Htab (A. Kenney, mgr.)—"The Painted World,"rcatured Btm (M. L, Simon, mgr.)—"Old Pet'a Will," featured Um 7-10.CsTSTAL (M. SwUow, mgr.)—"The Low of thi>

Wilds," featured BIm T-IU.Oi.vHric (\I. Ij. HImnn, mgr.)

—"In the JuryItoom," featured Blm 7-lB,

^Jaebaanrllle, Pla.— Duval, Itsymnnd

Kllciidick, In 'The.neauly Blmii." bad ckkI hu^l-nra Feb. 0. Nell O'ilrlen's Alliislrcia fulluweil Y,tu very good liuslness.

Oanicuu Jllll 8-13: llermlne Vbone and mm-I,ony, llsmes and Crswfonl, llenrk-lla DpiNerrIaand eoni4>jny, IfaniT Kronohl tliirk Halp, Mr.and Mm. (lurdon Wlldp, ami Clt^, (lapnilKiii..

iMi'Uiii McphmtI picturra and llimo Ollvtr,In soiigM.

RaiMipiKi.—Univornai niclures. Ilio Injur llu-rlral Oales wrri' lierp 10. '

(iDANU.—Mrenwd idctuiva and Aurli'ino, fpinaleliiii^rHonalor, 1-0.

I'AHTiMtt.—J'asllme iriialral Slia-k CV>.

UAVur..aud PU'jK.ti.'C, |.|cturra uiily.

: Hons,Tub TitriTHE. wIiIpIi haa lii'rplofore

\*iu Tlliinlii4( iiictiln-v riciuaivi.iy. In t» llinlilivuikieHlie.

lU'ou Oi.ivrai, now singlnir ot lb» IniiHTlnl. la

highly appreciated '...v bis ainllimtva r<jr bin Aliotejrf>r sirigliuf. ,

MlNAUB^, (iirABI.KI A. LKAPII. of Ibf ()r|iil.-i|>II,

hsa made many .;li.tiii't>H on tli(. extfrinr uf (lintLcnre. wlilrti ndda, coiirflilcrublr "loiikH."

IIBHi Lainil Sh'l llin'l lliirgi.Ha mil nii "HtopTlilef" In slock, nt (ho Iiovul, last wii'k, tuwty good buKliH'Hi.

CiiNiiiTiuNH lu Ihe Houlb aro iioproviiii. aacotton la comtnencliig to innro fm.|y, nvvoralIhouasnd bales leaving CharU-ituii, H, C fur -(Icr.many, and a similar cargi* from Havannali.

Jan. 21) waa KIks' night at the llniheuin TIipo.trc, .when Ibe KIks alteodeil In a iMaly. A greatovation was given Onl. Ili>idi<wnrtli and JoiH-iihNorrroas ami. Mark Murpby. three of tiie olilratKIks In the cnuiitry, Joiu>|ih Norrruas 'Ih Iiik tbeoldpat living KIk snd a charter miwiirr of .S'». 1,

New York Clly. All men on the bill week of 2ll

were KIks.TUB Uaaparllla Carnival, which la an annual

sirsir, slmllsi to the UardI flras, at New Orleana,wsa held st Tancpa, F<4i. 0 to 0.

Okobob Aiib, the well known writer, psasodthtongta lackaonrllle rtentlit. - lie. la WintcrlnaSt the BellPvleV. Ilnlel, npilealr. Pla. Ur. Adeattended tbe Osaparllla Cavulval, at Tam(ia, onlaviialloo.. >


pBi«nA<)(if.A Is planoDg a treat Oonnty Par. tote held in thst city, next >sll. This Is to testrictly, a county ulToir, and effort la lieing madeto. make II the beat that has cier beo-n hrld.OlDcem of the asaoclltlon ate: Qto. 0. Wlillngi,rresldenl; T. J. Ilanlon Jr., Ireaaurer; Chas. A.ikTo, secrelsry.

' DiiVAL OiUNTr I'JacbODvllle) la piannlne nnfl

of the greateat State folra ever iidd In thispart of Ihe counliy for next Fall, rieorge Maaoii,ci.airman of the committee, la working liani onthe pmijoallloo, and ahon-'ng resullH. Onevnf theIdana being to liavo a mmlel Florida farm aiir-

KAindlng 'Mbe Idenl farmrr'a boine" In llie fairgrr.unds, which will be a unique Idea. Tie Ja';^-eonvllle Hotel Men's Aasopiatimi has broken Intothe game, and they will aiir things up for theITiJect,

Prtiaarola, Pla.—Penaaoola O. n. IHIdiiey

P. I*V7 loar. ) "Heren Keys to Daldpale" Feb.U], Nell U'Urleo'a Mlnstrpli 2*.

Poiilaorf, Mr.—Jprrnm (H. J. rinrrlly.

mgr.) Anna Kva Fay ami her vaudeviiiv onniioiiy

aiipear Feb. ((.13. Ilorrr Wysll snd nmimiiy,Ilsudy Slid Fields, and llarry Htoiili-y an. fi.,,.

lores with Ihia osnpaoy. The P. .M. A II, <V,.

Mli'Slrei Folles (local)- 10. "gulncr Adams Havr-

yiT" 10.20.

KriTii'H (Ixiiiia K. KIIIt. mgr.)—Tip KoltbSlock Co., aupiHirilng Kilwnrd Il<,rt<ni ond Do-n.ihy Dalloh, |ir«*ent "llpii, Wont<.<l," hill.

Walter Dlrkln«nii >dnrd h. Mark Koiil will In.

alaunt fioin tin, cast fi/r a tiua.-, vacntl/jiiliiH.

•Thf Inwr Khrlm-" IS^O.^Naw I', (M. lilimtPiii'n'g, mgr. I--

P.lil H.|U: TDp IdifHT (tirl Mbuttreia. H^.aiinry

and Priiv, P.iil nmi Miiiul KPilar, I'Hytuii siol

(Irnn IlatPi (llln,<iiir, oihI pii.tiHm, lliil l|.|:i:

lltrman lU'Cker's '"llio I'lui Hlioii," lloiii-v ninl

Ili.iMy, iBMttn Walk<T, Tuui (JliUii. Mojiim amiMuiray. rml piclnrw.

(IHrrj.r'H (.luiiira W, <'.ii-o\y, mer.)—Il,mian a

Musical Itpvu,. i<.:,-ali u Iw.i wr:<'k's pniinKeHHilt

lipn> k. .with nilii .wcck i-hnnge of pn>criiiiis. TbuUJiinl iiioliim iii'lure ulTerliiifa ifinll.-iu'-

tUHi,o (Jiirtes K. Mwre, mgr.)—

'/be AUnc

dors Oomedj Co., feslnrlaa Loo Uotiaa, Osteland Metlura and others, 8.13.

NioKBi, (Wm. K, lie*Ton, mgr. )—I'atanoiploluri.« are fealun.,1.

Khpihb ((leo. I. Appleby, mgr.)—Motion pi

turpi (enturi'd,

CiTT llALi.—Tbe IXcki-na Carnival and Pageanjt.liven by local sucK'tv iwplPi In aiil of li

Wuiiian'a i^tiili lli>u>c KimJ, was big eroiiiWill (.'.. .Mnctarlaiie, aSHlitcd by Grscu Keriia, htNew York, will epi^nr In a munirifal organ con-cert, 1^,

WllnilnKton. Dpi.—Plsyhniiac (l/ouls AIIp-man. insr. i

—"Klin" |.Viiili<.rB" h>l,. H-|;|.

ilAUiiii'K (W. I.. IhH'ksiadpr, mgr.)—Ulll H.l.t:

JwIp llMilier ami ivniouiiy. "The Nolay .4iiklpnt,

Toncv and Norman. Frank Terry, llmaklo amithe lliiM'i KIrko Trio, awl Uwer aiulllancnift,


WniT.B AI. CI. Flfld'a Aflnstrels and " 'WoyDmvii Kant" apiti tho wrok at llip I'laxhoiisp. I d.

MnnsErr Umla Alliiiiaii i>iiole«l the stork cnnH>aiiy

to Sniiininiry. Mil., to put mi "Over .Niglil." Mr.Ailrinnn lM<iiPTri< tiiat Itrlswarp ami Marrlaml n(r>'r

an «*|iininl Held for rbp nnp nigblPra.Tub itouHp stsfT jiud niiinagpaeiit of thp Ma-

Vallc tiavp orAniml timlpr tbv name nt "Thorarnnioiiiil OiuTi," In himur nt the Ceaturp lllnia

Irlnu iiliiiwn st that tliPatri', and have pUiiii<M a

nninlH>r of hioIhI MfTnlrx.

Hvo.Niir Mai'SV, alaR«> director of thA WilliamA. llrady atm-k ooiii'inny, has ACi4Ulr\il a wlile

fullowInK of Io*'iil frlp«.|.<. ^ ^ ^

Woonaorkct. 11. I.—nilon |W. Paniientor,mgr.) vnuilpvllie ami moving plrturea. t

I'AiiK, .NirKxr, and Smith's, tuOTlnjT piclureaonl.v.

THEATRES andOPERA HOUSESW« taant advertlaeotata ta this ealama at a

special lata af |l,Ta per agau llaa br I soatkalor li tlMa). <nu wlU saabla local aaaaCBnto kstp tksiT heasaa promloently aad asatlaaal^batois tka Bsaageia ot ootavaolas, Darlag IkeUaa Iks ad. U rainlBg wa will aat sa«k sdvaf-tlaet a copy ef Tai Oum» tiaa.

DBHLIN, PA., OPERA liOll^n. HOSIS(00, I,iirKc StAuii. Nrw tuiinHgoiiiiinl tiy an oldtrooper, (lood, clonn ahiiws witnlud. An) afllllatod

Willi nearliy good show Iowiih. AddrpMs'lloX 4.

~bOD~FBLI/OWS' TIIBATIia. BiickciNnariinr.N. X. Newly furnlahud, now scenery, sihroMiia opening, Uood,.cleitn shows. O. I>. Head.llgr.



nvBiO COBiPOBBD AlVD AIlilARaBDfor an; Instrument or namber of instmmanls.Hongs, Words and Hiislfl, Hketohos, oto. Bend itjimp.

UIIAH. li. I.KWIH, ta lUchmond Ht.. Clnolnoail, (t.

FOR SAIiR—llonstor OrchnHira, VlTlanclInoAct linprovud, H|ildnr with Womim's llead llluniiiii.

Kit Klup Kiililinr NeckH, Fitt Cliiwii for llnr Act.Clown tliat swiillNup ful, elc, I'ron. Aiilninls Hiid°

OliiiitH mailo In order. AlsnCliiwii Props. No rjtlv

liigut-H. K. \VALKKll^a«Oy.,luili Ht. Nuw York,

it 6'P PM A N iv - M A I/'iVb ir INIIBRI-TANCK. Inrorinutloii witntnl of LUUIBBIIOPPMANN. wliliiw ordorinaii t4:arher Adolf


orot AiiKUHt M. llmiror, nctnrtiiil tcuolier In iiiu-

hIo coiimirvntorr: or l.llliii llnfnnniin, arlrew.NATHAN H<;iltVAllT/.,'JilllrnitdHirpet, New York.

PRBB.-HtX UONTIIH - INVKBTINa POIlPnUFIl'. A HoiilMy lluiile Ur-Moiiiiy-UHklng. Tuils

how lloo grows tu |'J,uuo—liuw to get rloli ii'uictlj

sndhunesUy, II, I., liAllliK.ll, I'liii.,

42/l-nl W. jHcksdii llivd., Clilriigfh

AT LIIIRRTT POR MROiriNB BliOWYOU.SU I.ADY. Uood I'lanlHto, Hlglil rtiador andfakur. Hinging and llttucliig Hidm'. sIiIuh. anil apin all acts. Kiunpllntinl wurdnilHi niiil thoroughlyexpcrluiicuU, HAItlON ALDllRI), BtMil UsrporAto.-, First flat, tlhlcagn. ;

BOMBARDI the audluiivo with a nipld. liro of ComedyI Animunllluuanil Ihoj'll respond with vulluys

I of laughter, (lot

MADISON'S BUDGET No. 15((.'onlPntH llii'liMin V: uvml inniiuliigiii'H, H

Iwoiidrrriil HrlH riir two itiiiii.M iiiiti 7 ih'Ik for

Iniiiluuml rpiiiiili-. III iiili nt piiroillrH, :i till rn|i

linliiHiri'l llrHt-iuirlH, n Hiili- H|iitliliig tMlilutd

Ifliri'l', illtHilllfN lllllllil'l'llri of origiiiiii KltgH,

Isiilowitik liltH, i-lu. MANl.MDN'H IIIIIIIIKT,

I No. Ift coHiM ONK DIIM.AIl |n'r copy. iliii.'k

|iHHiiPHoiiliir prim, I'Xi'l'pi No, 14; pricii, $t,

lor lludgiitM M Mild III louolliiT. tl.riU.


L.IBEV9-rYFrank L. Root



HInBlnnr luliit. flnt i lnus Hloi:k1ir iteii. IU.'Hpoi>.

slldn HgrH. only. AddresH PKANK I,. ftoOT,

Hului No. U, ar.211 PriMpoct Aw., CIcvulaud, 0.

L.IBKff(On Acciiiint of Co, Closing)

Sioond ButlnMi, HmvIm, Qtntral ButlntM

BELLE BRUCEAge 33, t tt. « In., 1116 llM. Alilllty, appearance,wardriibe. HelUililu Managers only, Adaress cure


Join and Oppa at once

INaENUE WITH SPECIAITIESAlio JUVKNII.K MAN with epcclnlllcs. Iloth mustiHiAl, liavii wurdrolie and expnrluiicn. No liiid

habits tolerHtcii. This is n llrunmllc Tahlnld (.'u.,

and Is getting tho uiuiiey. Harry Pulton aud llsliih

Puguo wiro.

Norese St. Clair Stock Co., Durfaam, N. C.



Ronffh Heavies, Gen. Bub.Handle Btago. Kzpvrletired and reliable. Can Join

at on^te. TOM PllKNTIHH, ifoysur, W. /o.

GaDplKtll HU-atton I Bmily L. LeFebvre

I/cadlng aiHl licaTy lias. I flccond llnnlncss

Two Orel clKHS rc'lisbio propjo. Kxceliciil appear-

aura and warilnibo. Ono ii week Hiouk or (lepur*

Udro. AddriwH IIOTKI, (JI.AIIKNDON,,Uark and OnUrlo St., Clilcago, III.

WANTED\QIJICKHolier and rcllnljin Mcil. PorformorS. Tlioso that„„,.,. _ JrmoUoiiiile I'liinn Biid Or»uii. No lli-kutB.

C'llAH.. rOWUA, iro<| no4s, Ont,, Can.

ur AMT17n~'*IAN; aiU Larty ginaars:W An ISilf liivo HKo. iiulglit, weight loweat

soiury. CEflL L.VLK wlru ""'"'^•j.j, .^^yTemple, Ocncro, N, Y., Fub, Ml.






A WORLD WITHOirr PAIN.ureH H, u. M. A„ nrrsDuiioH, pa.,



Dbaji Ooctob :

I am iDtercatod in topic* pcrtaitrlnir totl>« wclfarA of people. I nm not a ppofcs-

''tloMl vromaD but am iDtoreatod in yournrttelM Id Tnn OLirrin. I iiopp t«u will

le^lf to fDT query. Do you not thlok that(lio ratdlcal «rt imil aclcoce nai progrcRBed«-«ndorfallj, aimI thtit thr tlnie la nmr wbcnall paJn vrfli be AJnllubcd ; vlien motbnrs will

boix cUldron irlthout auirorlng; aod germs' ^vdtl bo UDfcixnrn? KclcntMlc ohcmlatrT la

irraduaUf substltutlnc. I bollove. artificial

food£ fctr the alow nnil often Incomploto pro-rwrcA of natiirp. Would like to bonr. froin


It Ih (ritp llmt wonderful ai^lcTomentsivcrp rcco'rrted In rccnnt years Id the d.imalaof tJic hoallnv art. Hut lot mc clip Dr. New-oil Uwlght itlllla, anil yon may draw yourcnm coDdualona : "Take inin luid Horrow out

' of llf*," he oayfl, "and the mothera' syra-

patliy aad ancrHlcf, the hem'a atnigqle andDie aaRo'a martyrilom wniild go and tbobrletiKst titiira be eitlnitulahed In llfc'R sky."Ard fDTttaer ho aaya : "In the laboratory InGormany, lant Summer, n adenllat nhowedme the new foodn—thcuc were Ihe aiibRtltutcsfor 'tJie alow tardy grov/tha In Odd and\li:<V<ird. what cannulea of dry power!^yhat cotnblnotiona of chomlmla In tin canstTried by all known fonri teiitn, Ihene cboml-oalH eartlnfled fully nature'H demflnih. lintl9oklni at the capHiilea .ind dry povilera andr.anneu portion* I tliongbt of the dltfereDccbetween the wuy man manufnctnrcH foi>daand huw God iirovB foods, i thouglit of theConcord grapon and (jitawbaa, of the wine-bS-p iiitpip and the (Irawforrt peach, of thoHtrntrt)crry and the pomefcraoatc, of the nec-tarine and <tbo ranlalonpe. AKalnat mud-lago capaulea I put tbu rniiri>erry ond black-berry, end OTor against the chemical pelctnI put llie penr and the plum. It Is iiRlloeasagalnet beauty, osuefi against amhrosln, galln^alnat" nectar, aawduHt against strawberry,

,death against life. How pinpty these mod'cm sutMitltutcs for cliurncter r

^;Il. n. v., miijwaukbh. wis., w«iteh:ItOAB UUCTUH :

I haro coiwuKed a pbyvlclan for atroubleNomu case of piles, whicb were blerd-ine ami ranking nin lu^semblp. Hp iiil^lxedan oporablon for their reoiovu], llvforn doingthat I will appred^i-tc If you will pKmuwantrwrr the folliiwliig quostlons: La Uie opiiri-ttaa dangerous? How Imx should It lay uioilf> la a hospital? Are uporatlona of suchnature wually aucccastful} opentftlon 1» n»l danotrout. Five to

kIx days In »ll tlHit U nucuEAnry In tliu'or-dlaary uncaiiTpllcn.ted rntte. I'JIo opomtlnns.iirv, ns a rule. siiecpRvfitl In uklllcd liandfl,y<»a b*io ballttug to fenr.


I will ho obHged to recplTO, tJirougli Tnii.'Liri'Ra, on'oworH to tho fullowluc qucotlcnn:Im TarMocelo mrablvT Would Iho averogoiiiaitrmneo company doctor patis a o)un asV. K. tha<J{^ ho has varlcoculc?

IIBI'LY,Tos. Tea.

> r. L. M., ciiiCAdo, wniTiss:

Dhaii Ductoii :

I hnro aeon your rolumns Id Tun And would like to kliiilly aak you tojidflRP mil through thni piiiicr. I iini n per-furmcr, Ihlrly-lwn yenrs of nge. I am u.)tjvoll—at IphbI, 1 think I nm nut an. WhlloI liaro nn Hteady pnhiH or nelies In iinv pnrt.of tho body imrllrulnrly. I feel iloprmned mdnielnurhely, at IIuwh.- I nin n' rre<inont suf-ferer fr«tn tho "blues." On snrli iluvs I iimIncspucllated ; cnnuol tlilnlt nr exert invseiflo nuy extent. I gel spellH of illHennhige-incnt. Nothing, at sui-h llhies, Inlereajs inv.

My appcUto and genernl comlltliin are gneil.

1 lopk 'well, lUid yet I feel hk vfleii /lls-gitls-

Jled for no oxidlenble rejiHon. I reeelved agood odueallon ami dn not know wliliher t

Kin drifting, v I have consullpd a pliyBlehin.w'lici found potldng wrnni;, ho snlil. I n:nejiptred Ui be married anil fear to iinilertnkeUie elep, though the doctor told mc It wouldbl> n piiwl Idea for mc to lunrry. I nninnxliMiKly awaiting your reply. Thanks, elo.

UMI'I.V.'Hin eondlllon you ilesiTlhe Is a suli]erllV'.>

nfl"'ilr and the best pbyslelan Im voiirjelf. HtIbat 1 menu you iuuhI llnd IIiIiikr to inlereHtyou niid, nhnve nil. aveld broiidlng. You nuiyget uiarrle<l If yon emi select a eiingeiilnl|ii\rtner. Ilefiire doing no, liowevpr, makesure that yuu will Improve .vmir rondllinn bymarr.vInK, fur It l» belter In s»t "I nm lu

• trouble" than "wo nre lu I rouble.' My adopt-ing tbo following as a policy you m.ny ridyourself of your trouble :

JuRt keep your lieurl a-bi>n(lu' warm ;

1)0 kind lo every fclloi-


T/Ook for the ralnliow !n tlio Htorm,Hut—I'arrv your umbreller!

He brarc lo baltip with Hie strife;He true wlipu i)eiiple ilnubt vmi


Von't think that money In nil In life,

Hut—carry aomo about vou !

An* ^vhcn It's tinio to slmllle off.

And yuu huvo douo yeur mission.Just jiul your trust In I'rovldimre,An call a good pbyslrlan.

—v'tf'u'i'n (.'oiislifuflot*.

woRiiiin) cAnrooMST.MR. s. M. v.. nirniioiT, mich.. w kites;Dhad IMi. Tiiiuigk :

I am .1 i)erh)iiiiwr. twmty-t\w years ofoge. nnd a memlM>r of tlio Wldli» lljit.s. Kiiow-liiir tile v.nlue of yoitr tulvlco (tliroitgh theeolunins of 'I'liH ( i.irfKn) to nt^rformerji luvvivy pari of the nvuirtry, I nil! v<\iiture toi.1a.te my «use briefly, luwl liojio to derivethe fUMne lienelll.

b'or tJuMKiit six years I lm>v ns.Hil eatarnli and "dn>ppliig In thelilinuw." I luive bnd my tnuslls and adeuol'!^renH>t.iHl, iinil also biiil n Hubiiuueou.') rwseetlou<'f tbn Hoptuni of mv niMe .iK'rfornictl upouine. The mucous dropping doivu uiy throat of t-

tlniiw uimels iivy PlouKich nnd I often haveM (lull ncbe umlu n>y lent shotildnr bindo,nnd Hie seme sont of \inin on enrh ship ofmy eJieot. I bavi; visited many plivalelanaihn\K nnd tbroiit sperlnll.'^lsl \vlui; .ift«>T

thorough 4^utniUiiitloiis and <<t«ts, claim thattln'v could Mild no situ of nnv bing or bearltiiiiiiile. Most of tlieiii H:iJd thill I am nerv-iiuH and have byperlroplilr eatiirrh. IjiihI

wek, w-Oille playing 'l\>i'oiWo. 1 visited thebmt none nud Hiroot hix^^-IjiIM hi town, whoiimll that nir nol ao Ixid aH tlmt•if tlie :iverace e/ltarrli sulTonT but Hiat I

viis Imi seiKltlte. Hi' pnliMeil out that thisform of catarrh Is knuwu to prmvut tuburcu.

iMila. lie adrlaod mc to torcot trouble*,Imt bow oau I ? I am aotmlly a elck oan.I aim had to glTo up a good parhig poettlonas cantooiylat for a big litnr York dally, onncccaint of my 111 bealm. Tnatlng ttiat youiffUl reply tbrougb Tiia CLipraa, etc.

BBIPLY.Yon arc do doubt sofferlog from neurai-

thenla, brought on by your trouble and dtId-cipalty aggravated by morbid latraapttcUoD.You also tatve an exaggented form ofpliiyaopbnbla, I Tpntnre to oploe. The doc-tor In Toronto gave yoa proper adrlce. It

IB tr'Je you are a nick man, but your ceoernlcondition li, ti ao many doctors told yoo,good, hence yoor Derrou* syatea )• belowoar and requires attention. This attentionprlDclpally depends on yonr will-power tocombat the phobia and Infuse into your otroaolf confldence that you Iia/re no tDDercaloRlsor any otbor form of Inog trouble. For, If It

were there, the pbysklana would surely havedlscoTercd It xoa tnust endearor to buildyounelf dp tad take caro of the postnasalcatarrh, rnlch yon do dobnt hare, The lat-

ter coodltlun la responsible for the droppingof murouR IdIo yoinr throat Use aoy alka>line epray, mornlag aod night: become afiesb air flcnd ; emile, and b« regular In yourhabits. Yet. you can do these tbiDga If yonwnnt to, You had the optnlons of manyphysicians: now etop doctoring and ke\'Pyour mind In channels other than yourphysical coodllloD. People of your type(cartoonlstsl, arllata, as well as brain worc-ers bf All types, bare a greater or loss ten-

dency to bo neurotlps, especially so If theybavo Inherited a. perroM temperameut



Dbah DocToa


li\>r some wwJs paat I observed on tbeliudde of my mouth dirty ydtowlah lookingpaXchcs wlilcb are about the alie of a dime.ntul hurt mc when 1 oat or smoke. There Is

nobbkig eiKe tho nuittsr with me, but my nalranl cyc-bro^ are falttng out fast. I con-

sulted a local physldan, wiio told me thatI have canker aores end tliat It did notomouDt to anytblne. T aia a mosldan,twenty-four ycBrs old and single. Can yoaadrlse mo inait to do, and n'bat roa thlak1« the master wKh me? Thanks, etc.

BBl'LY.Tlicro In a strong suapldon that you hare

blood i>olson patches In your mouth. Bee aeom/potiMit physician at ones. l>o not delay.

Thorn are many good dootnre la your dtyond I prge you to get bnsy right sway.

OUT OF TOWN HEWSIndlanapolts, Ind.—Murat (J. a. Barnes,

n>ff.) '"IXj-iImj." wlUi Udnniul Bre«», Fe*. Il-

ia. '-The I'lilngs That Oount" 15-17. MclatymDd Heath, In "Ttw Hkoi Tree," 18-;<0. DeWolf Uuiiiier aud UlllKit-:iolllran Opcta Ob, wvekot 22.

IvNiiLiHii's lAd. P. Miller, mgr.) — Zleifetd's

"Ktlllfn" we«k of S.LtcBM (AivleiiioD & Zlegter, mgcs.)—"The Oat

and Iho FliiUlu" wn'k ot b. "Uaoky Panky" 10-

•M.Kxrrii'B (Ned 8. Uiai^agi, mgr.)—Dill w*ek

of M: La Mil", llerl U'all« and cuinpauy, Pl<tils

and Lonls, llarrlM Burl, llic I.iii:(tlno*, Bbissand Kiiliuu, Cliiik and McCulluugb, aud the Kr«Bi<ka Unm.

Luiio (UarUn A Olacii, mgn.)—Bill B-IO:Tlic Jonlan Clrls, Jeroini> and C'nnkin, l>als andl>>)le. Van lirus., nnd Jaiors li'eliuii aivl -coin-

iiinj. K»r 11.13: 'Dill Uulilnwu, Uiiaiai andCliurcb, Willie Hiile* and llrotlier, Alice Wareand i>el Vecvlile. Oh«tup and oomiiiar.OoLcuuiA |U. J. IliriiH, mcr.j—The Cracker-

Jai'kH week 8.IcIS. i>Ai MS, AUIlMaCA. VtUtLY, OOLONUIt

ssu KuiaTu.Nis, tealun iilciiuus.

ISvansville, Ind«—W<U*' BUM (CbasOBalt.msr. I "llrloKliii Up Vatbcr" IiNili. 11, LimanUuwv'B Uuvd iilclures 12. 13; "A fair of Sliai"14, "l-cs o' Uy Ilmrt'* 17, "Do Tblaga 'Itiat

Count" IH, "The Wblp" 2&-in. .^nMvw OUAND {Vim. HcOowvu. nigT.)^=^lll S-IO:

tlvof anil KlIlK, Mione aiul Uayes, llendrU '\BeUsiHle" eonijinny, Al. Abbott, and Blclndall Uros.l''ur U-M: lieorgo W. Hay awl cuuipauy, Uel-iioite-lx'nnle Yroui>o, Jetter and Rodcvrs, MevkIrkand KraiiH iilsleni, ami He beoa nnd Uarlco.

Oaeiisiiu nnd NoaTHsiiiB (Caas. Sir<«tOD, '

mgr.)—^Vuuiteur vaudvvllle aud luutlou plclunM.riiiNCKHH, yiror, CaiTaaioH, Itiraaaiui, t<or-


I''UI.TON, I'ALArK, Stauiuu, GOTHUNnu, Aliiaiiuua,Jnyt'imsoN, Wtioui.A\v.N, Walnut. fArunnatt,AHTi,ii llALi. aud Alauu, o»iltfu iilcturoi ouly.

K'A'W Ilnven, Conn.—Shubeit (D. D. Rl-

drlili;e, iiit|r.| lliuel Lianii li'eb. D, lU.: "i:x-

I'UKK .Me" i*.

liviKiodN (lleiity MriiKO!), mgr.)—The stockc<<in)>hiijr iinvtenl "The Ulxorco (Juceillou" 6-i;l.

tiiiANU.—'.MIiK'x's llolieiuUus 8-10. Vauderllla111:1.

i:ijou (ICugcnu Wlluoii, nigr.)—Vauderlllo audpit IWK*.

U.i.i'H (Oliver 0. ^>I^Tnrlll, mgr.)—Dili S-10:llk'P 'iuHl Iki-iin, lU'iio Aiwild, U<>auiiiaut andAriKdd, 6>(0'niuiir's Auhiials, and De Vara oiid

yA<iiUiU>, lllll 11-13: The Ar|on Kuiir, WhItllefIiKv nnniiAii)', Hii>va nnd Tbiitclier, SvWt Bros.,slid Ojiiiiort nnd King.

TiiH \nlo llnlTcndty Dmnntlc Association ia»aei'le<l four uiie aci ulnyi at Uie Sbubcrt, S.Tun I'ui-iti.AniTV 01 tho IlyjuTlon aud Iho Poll

riiiyera iiovtr t\<cvlved a txnitsr test thiu week<i( I, uhra lui|,v eruwda attended nnd ap-idniid|.<l the |iro<luellon of "Vha Heart of^tlllylllnd," Ttie wuik ut illta Murian and Ut.Carver is dewrvlag of siieclal mentluu. Ttie oth<TiiH'iiihiOT of tho cuuitiaiiy un« ciiiull/ stivng In thoTC«i«ilvo pacts. ,

Knid, Okln.—Araerleao (W. S. Bnilnia,mgr. ) J.>'eei'nii coiirae re.o|H>ned thiM taou44 Feb. 8,<;nlliulU- iKiniv II. llllly (.-SIiihIv) OUffui^l. lo "Be-lieve Me," 11: l.y>voiu conne in, liigh Schoolaludenls. In ".Mlsn Uub WUUe." 19.

tlAjiitiTK^ and lIuvAL, filclures oulj.rWuNiiBiiuiNii (L, J. Uackwwth, mgr.)—^Taode-

Title Mini pIciim'A,(.iseiiiiuM (Kwlcr (UoSiraln, Dfr.)—^yandevlU*

and pL'turei.NOTr.S.

WiEX'a TiiBiTsa la cliwcil,

ICii. MiTCiiBU, was hen.> 3, ahead of Billy OUt-ford'n c^iinpaiix.

l-ni'iBs j.LNwi.i.TN, In "Old Fblks," drew w«U•t the llapllMl Cbun-h. 4.

(>klnh< t Clly, Oklo.— Orettalaer tt,<). Well!:*, nuir. ) Uiiuua Uunilng awl bet playoatir»-.<eiu •'.Mffvly Mn.-y Ann," Keb. 7-i;t.

l.iKiu (JoUn SlnoaloiN), mgr. )—VandcTlU* aoAplehirm.

I'oi.i.r (F. U. TuU, D)gr.)—raudcTlUe |>r.

I'ui'SKsa (Jack nalawl, oigr.)—yaad»Tlll<> amiI»li'inn-5.

.MAjKbTie. DiBAMLtNo aod Ouuno. moIlMIdcluitvl (III).

Dnttlr Creek, Mich,—Peat (B. H. Smith,iiigi.) Jolin Drew. In "ItiHeniar.v." Keb. 10. Al.II WIlHin, III "When Old New York Was Untcb,"li. ".sciHeoiUr Mnrn'' 14.Pumi (ll.irry S. torch uiKr.)—Ulll 7-10: 0««.

rUiiintieV Tnlilnid Mlnsln-ls,' iKitf, Ohaiinm aiiillinen, O. It. Klll.'< anil cvmpiiir, Ocurgr and.i|prk, nnd Ulndrs Oirlell. . For 11-13: Rd«atAIi'Im'miii Kly nnd emii|innv, Ouluinbhie and Fattilnr:ei|iilns. I'nrk nnd II1II, KIsle SUrk and Will-lug, lleniliy iiiftl Willing. .

Norfnll:, V«,—Wells' (Olio Wella, B>gt.).Mnrle tii\'Mler. In "Tlllle'a Puueluml llomaiicv"(IdrumHi. Keli. 0-10; "Th* .Model Oltl" IMS.(Vui.MAL (M. M. Kniirtil. nun-.l

—'Itte adonU

rinyen iin-.wil "Alias Jimmy Vak>ntlne" B-U..A.-AiiKMv (Olio Well». nigr.)—VamlcrlUe and

motion idcum'A.Stiiano. <^aiMauAN. AuaaioAR, AioAO^ Wew-

iiini.AM>. CuLriuuA, Koiofuo and But% Biotloapictures.


NOTICB-5?o"^, SS> atVeb. 8>13 Is rep>es«Bte«.Ahrl, mi, Mc7lck(*'s, ChltmgaAdicr & Arllns, Lyric Blnnlntbaoi. Ala.AM.uu, * DoflMS, KdUi'a, Tolado, 0.Adier, Joseph,' Keith'*, OhKlnnati.Adier, Ilymso, A 00. B»«iV>1d Bq., Bosbqn.Adoacds (3), Olobe, Fblla.Abran, Ob**.. A Oo.. I'alaw, Obleaco.Aki m«, Amodcaa, N. \. C. S-10.AlTta, TonkM Babe. Oily Point. Uaas.. tadtf.Aldrkk, Hme., Makstk, HUrsokcv.Aleiasdila Elds, Oolisabla. 8L Lools.Alvln * Kenny, Empiesa, Kansas qiy. Mow


BAWAIIAnIn tholr WoDdeifal Barefoot

Huls-Unla DancesFHtnred With the "Mbohlef Matef

AllboB €hlldicn, 7Ui Are., H. t. a, ll-ia.Alex (3), Loew's, Newark. N. J., 11-13.itldlne, Nat, Cross Keys, Phllt., tl-lXAoirU, Proctor's lUtta St., N. Y. O.. 11-U.Americaa Haacen (0), Otptienm. MaafAls, THa.Aiuaiaotbs H), OolnmUa. St. Loala.Aoioraa A Uolrcr. Bmpros. Eaniss City, MOkAmbler Btm., Bljoalsckaoii, Ji;ch.. 11-18.Aotbm A Hack, Oppbcaaa. Otud Ba^lda. MltkADaatMlls Bo/a (S). Keltli'a, Phils.Ardath, IiYcd J., A Co., KeUb'a. PrarldBKcArocDtA Angelo. Trto, Ktttk'a, PhUa.Aroaal Bna., BUoa, SaTamah, Q*-. 11-lS.Armstroig A UoM, LiDColn &|., N. T. 0.. tl-lt.Ardetl, Fnnklyn, A 0>., Entry, Pmrldeoce, 11-13,Arloa Four, PoU'a, New nareo. Conn., 11<13.Aaaaa Troops, Proctor's S3d at, H. Y. a, 11-18.Aatalr, Prrd A Adele, Pioepcct."At tbs Woedside Im," OrplMa, JactaoeTlll^

Via."Aunr* of Light," Alhamhn N. T. O.Aualnllan Woodcbsppeta, Keith's, LoaMlle.Ai«l)oa llnskcal (41. Oreelry 8q., N. Y. C, 8-10.

AvTllag & Uoyd, St. Jajnea'. Uoaton. 11-1.1.

Axsrd DroB.. Academy. ITall Blrer. Mass.. 11-lS."Bachelor Qtrls," Pnclor's CSUi St. S. J. a,



DNITBD 'nMBOoTlon & Lotos, Proctor's. PlatnUeU, V, !*

11-13.DariiM, Sturt, OrpbeoD, BUa.Ilaker. Belle, Kclth'a, Loulsrllle.Daiat, Arthur, Royal, N. Y. O.ball A Weal, Dominion. Ottawa. Oao.Ball. Emeat. 'nrmpK Bschetler, N. T.boroogbl. Lyric, Blchmoad. Vs.. Ilrl3.Bailies A Boblnsoo. Orphvum, New Orleans.BoTLbao A Onhs, Orpheum, Slou CUj, la.Laker, EMhel A Locy, CMcotal, Chlcagn, 11-13.Earlta, I>re. National, M. Y. 0., 8-10; American,

N. y. O., 11-13.Barnes, Oerlndc, Ektery. ProrKence, 11-13.l:i:rion A Le Roy. Howard, Boaton.DcTllella A.Rorl, State ill.. Tienion, N. J.. 11-13.liarda (4),*PaUce, SprlncneU, Maes., 11-13.


liarnold'a Animals, MIloa, Olrreland,lUkec, Pete, I'cinceea, ^t. Paul,Dauer A Uaundets. Vlcbaria, N. Y. aIiercrly A Maokey, Qrldla CItvult, IndeCBernard A Scsrtb, Proctor's 2ai St., N. T. C.

8-10; Piocior'a BStb St.. M. Y. O., 11-13."Ilclilinl tbe trootllghta," Proctor's, Aibany, H.

v., 11-13.BsoDetl SIstefS {2f, Pmolar'a, fMcbeeter, M. y.,

1113.'VBeaatles, Tbe," Lyric, Birmingham. Ala.Utrra, Mabel, Orjiheun,«t««ford, Uarry, A Oo., Keltb'a, Prortdence.liendli, 'ntto., Players, Oolambla, St. Loots.Uelmont A Uarl, I'Smpteet. Clilcaso, 11-13.Heenard A Barrbittos, Oolonlal, Ohloao*. 11-13.Jicrlln Uadcam, (ireelcy 8q., N. X. 0., 8-10; rnl-

IDS, BklB.. 11-13.Dell A Obtoo. NaUonal. N. T. O.. 8-10; FUltaab,

BHn., 11-13."netween Tralos." Delanoey St., N. T. a, 8-10)Oipbeum, N. Y. 0., 11-13.

Ocyer. Beo, A Bio., Lcew'o, Newboqti, N. Tn11-13.

Belleclilre Braa., Hhubert. Bkln.. 11-13.Bennett. Hurrsy, Blw., Baltimore.Bessie's Oockalon, dlobe. Boston, 11-10.

Bemna, The, Poll's, Serantoo. Pa.<UeoneK Slaters <A). ttoliiDe. UlDnespolls.Big Olty Pour, Orpbeim, Wlnolneg, OaikUlnns A BInne, Ooloolal, Brie, Pa.nickel A Watson, Tennde. RocbMter, N. T.lUnM A Bert, Oipheam, Peoria. III., 11-18."lUi Borprlse." Olrntplc. DuUalo. ^

Blancbard. Raown. Kellh'a. Boatoo. .

mack A Wblte. Ullea, Clerelnnd.~-Blaladtll, Loola. Prlaellla, Olereland. -

Boiren Wallers A Orooker. OrpbeoiD, RansuCity, Mo. ; Or(ih«ura. Sloui Oily. la., lD-20.

Kolaoil A Holts, Keltb'a. Clerelnnd.Iliind Onsaon, Grand,' S.^rscuse, N. Y.Hinniup llrui.. Olobe, Pblla.Ilrovru Broa., Muntgaucry a Stone, N. T. 0.;' ta-' drf.

FRED & MINITA BRADFirst VaaesBt We«k. BI»r 3rd. ISIS

Mgr. Ohaa. A, Pouchot. Pal. 'Thestra Blilg.. N. Y. 0

llreeo, Harry, Keith's; Boston.Snnrnlntf & Deno, VIclotis, Charleston, 9. 0.,

11-13.Jlrlc«, Fenny, Kellh'a, Providence.Iinice, Duffelt A Co.. Oraud. Syracoao. V. T.Droch, Kelts A Lucy, Htaca'a. TMonlo, Oan.Krouka A Dowen, Majestic, Oblcavo.llrooka. AInii. & Oo., Orphcum. Sloni Oily, la.Brady A Mahoney, Lincoln 8q.. N. Y. 0., 8-10;

Oniheiim, N. Y 0.. 11.13.Brooks, Herbert, A On.. 7Ui Ave., N. Y. 0.. 8-10;

Greeley SQ..N. Y. 0.. 11-13. '

Brace A Kimball, 7tli Ave.. N, T. C, 8-10; mi-loo. Dkln., 11-13.

DrivntB 12), Bmcrr, Prorldenoe, 11-13.'llryan, Ruioner A Oo.. I£D»i>rc«s, CInclaiistl.Ilraun. Alarfaret, A Co.. Grand. Mloaeaiiolls.linuahloa A Toraer, Oniheum. Peoria. III., 11-13,lliuadwcT Oooudy Four; Uofiieaa, VU Wayne,

Ind,. lc-2tt,

Bristol's I^ioles, Wo. Penh, Phlla.llracks (7), Kellh'a, 'WashloEtoB.llraiidoo, IliiseeU A Oa, Oljaipic, Bntlalo.ilrierre A Klas, Em|it«>s, St. P.<inl.




Droakle A Dnncrofl, (Jarrlck. Wllmlnxton, Del.Brooks, Wallle. * UlrlliBMkers, Academy, Btf-

laki: O. O. II.. UsDlllon, Oun., 10-17; Q. 0.H., London. 18-20.

JRiirna A "oran, I'nictor'n 12rdh St.. N.Y.O., 8-10.'•Ilullernj i: the Itaie." Proctor's -^Sd 81., N. Y.C. 8-10; I'roelor's. AUienv, 11-13.

Burke. John A Mae. Buskwlck, Dkln.llunii, Kllnier A Orady. Oolonlal; Erie, Pa.lliirr A Ho|*. Tenivle. lloche«lcr. Y.lIuehaiKin, Lorsloe, A Oo., American, Ohlcagot

Hnckley*. Oiss.. A On., rslsee. Phlla.. 11-13.J'.iirkc A lliirrlo, Olobe, Uoslon, IMS.liiinu A Fulion, Kellh'a. Indlan^ills.I'nrt, llsrrlct. Keltli'a. Indianapolis.Omnil A De Vane, Dajloo. O.. Indef.CVpOeld A Orlelon, .Pruclor's.iznib St. M. T.

C.. 8 10; Lyric. Nownrk. N. J.. 11-13.Of-ier. Waleni A Oo., Pnclor's. PlalnSchl. N. t.,

11. 13.Oniueroii A- O'atnitor. Porarlh. Allants, Oa.ifulor A lee.. Kellh'a, Kt. Wsrne. IndC.11 inen. 2ara, lYIov ' Oriihrom. Umnii Eaplds,

MIcb.r«rm A Randall Orphouni. narrtsburr. Pa.Cnninllcnn. Chief. I'alaer. OilrnTO.('4riniHI A Harrla. OtiMeum. Kaiwas City, Uo,(inharet TTIo, l^iresa. Kansas Cllr. Mo.Ci.rLrey L'los., I«ew'n, Hocbetter; N. T.C»rOD A NolU Poll'a. ScflintBa. Ps.CYrrne lVjuB« Orphean.', N. I. 0., 8-10; Ha-

(looal, M, I, O, IMl;I

Cblp A Marbles O. 0. H.. Plttsbotsb.Challls. Beth, Natloaal. N. T. O., 8-10.CiBDlbi. Ohos., Academy, Baffalo.Circle Oooedy Fonr, Victoria, BaltlmoreLOllntoa A Beatrice, Bieooan A Folier, Anstndlf,

Indef.Olsrk A Tamer, Bose Sydell'S Oo., Indef,

OlUr. Laddie, OnAeoot Blon OUj, la.


Minneapolis, 18-20.Clark A Owen. Salbos Heiitats, Oand Zoiar, 8-18.

OUrk A Okirle. Proctor'a 12Sa St, N. Y. O.. 8-

10; Lyric, Newark. M. J., 11-11.Oark. dolrla. Proctor's, Tror, N. r., 11-It.ClaMmoDt Bios., Bhaa's, BoBak).


CLINTONandBEATRIGEBaSNNAM & irULUDB. Anitralla, Indeflnlta

Qaifc A Verdt Maryland, Baltimore.Otajton, Bessie, A Oo.. KeHb's. ClnriisiaH,dadlos A Scarlett, Oi|>beuin. Montreal, Oka.Olalte, Ins, Pslace, N, Y. aClaytoo, While A Co., UajeaUc, ObUago.Clayton, Una. A Oa., Ptface, OUcafo,"Cloaks A Soils," Americas. mTt. <X, 640|Loew's, Poochkemals. 11-13.

CUrk A McOollongli, IMth'a. Indlana^lo.a^t, Jose, Ms>nUc Faterson.'N. J., 11-18.Cottaai, Lole, Son Dle(& Cat, IndetOolbon, Jennie, BUly 'Swede" Hall A Co., hideCOopelnd. Draper On.. Natloaal, Sloax Clly. la.;

oesa, Ft Dod^, 1»-17 i Ma^Uc, La Croaac,Wls.ri8-10.

Oole, BoaaeU A Dmrtt, Proctor'a, Portcbeetcr, N.y., 11-13. , •


Ooodoo, Demeam A: CO., Bnihwlok, BUn.Conchas, Paul, Bnohwick. Akin.Coanelly A Weorlefa, KcMh's, Olerelsad.Collins. LotBe, Keith's, Colniobus, O.


WILL CONLEYThe BIII7 Bqiidar <•< VaadcTllle

nnlled 'Xliue Dlrecllon JOH -HAttBIB

CouwlU, Bedna, A OO. OolonUI, N. T. a'UoUnlsl Days?' Piaspoct BUn.Oorradlnl'a Animals, Palace, N. T. O.Coottsey. Fay, A Co.. Teople. Boebester, K. T,Cooper A Smith, Sbet'a, Tomato, Oan.Oonrtoey Bisters. Majestic. Oblcafo.OolonUI Belles (7), Orphean, Des ISotoO), la.

Oolllos A Dart, Golambia, St Louis.Coffey, Norlnoe. McVlcker's, OblcaiObCollier A De Wslde, McVlcker's, (jhlcago.Ootlrell-PoweU Troape, Empms, OlalafO, tl-lS.

Cooian A Cox. Amerlcssi. N. Y. O., frOO; Volton,fikln., 11-13.

Comedy Fonr. Natloaal. N. Y. C, ll-dS,Oolanun, ' BartT. Hnraid, Boston.OoIUns A Seymour, Olobe, Phlla.(kMirthrope, Jane, A Co., Olynvia, Lynn, -Mass.,

11-13.Coidln, Roy, Temple, Syracuse, N, Y., 11-13.,'Comfort A Kinf. Poll's. New Haven, Oona,, 11-13.Cooper A Anderson, Stiea'a, DiilTalo.

Cook A Haokllioo. faoilly, Kuffalo.Cook A Rolhert, .Mllea. Cleveland.Oilomblne A Harieqohis (4), DIJoo, Battle Olceek,

.Mich., 11-13.Oreesy A Dayoe. Orphemn, Tsnconrer, Oan.; Or-

pheom, Seattle, Wash., 111-20.

Cral( A Veeey, Pimtoc's 12Stb St.. N. T. a.1113.

CrelKhton, Berlba, ft 0>., Keith's, Olevetand.OroDlo. Morris, A Oo., Ombeum, Meopblj, Teno.Creo. Palace. Phlla., 11-13.Craoken, Prof.. A Co.. Family, Dnrtalo.

OommlD A Seabam. Paiifaiee'. Portland, Ore.;rutages', San mntirUieo, 10-20.

lyiYTcfjiiiiiArm YATOEVILL^

Onnnlnrbam A Marlon. Hl-p.: Terre Haute, InA,16-17; Grand, Bvanavllle, 18-2n.

Oishnas A Do Von. Lyons. Kan.-Outty, Eltuhetb. BIJou, DUo., 11-13.(Tuctia, Julia, Otobe, Phlla.D'Arvllle, Jeaoette, RiilTalo. Indef.Davlet, UlcDe. VlctorU, N. Y. aDkvls, Josenblne, Kellh's, Boston.


Dsria Fauilly, Kelth'H, Colamt^wi. O.Dan EcoB.. Shea's, Toronto, -Can.Domacn. Uacl, Troape, Ucvlcker's, Oblea(s.Daris. Helen, Lincoln H<i , N. Y. 0., 810; Ds-

lancpy Ft, N. T. 0.. 11-13.Dairy Mslila. Olobe. Boston, 11-13.DaoWy A Tborpe. OTpbeum, Al'oona, Pa.Uavles, Dtoe., Vo^rel's Mlnatrels, Indef.Daly A KecnedT, OraBdi I'Mln.Dalton Family, Gordon, DaltimoiOkDesir A Kramer, Balboa HelgbU, Oasal Zoae,


De Servla, Henrietta, Victoria, (AaTleatco, S. 0.,U-i:t.

De V.vy, Bmmelt A Oo., Kellh'a Washington.Do Seerls. lleurlette. Orobeuni, New Orleans.Delmore. John. A On., On'OW Sq., N. Y. O., 8-

10: National. H. Y. 0.. 11-1.1.

Demnrest. Carl. Lincoln !<<i.. N. T. a, 8-10;Amerlcnn, N. Y. C, ll-)3..


Deane. Mnrgaret. Bonlcvard. V. Y. O.. 11-13.De Onsculgnee, Cadets, St. Jiinies, Beaton, 11-18,De Telle, 0. II.,'rvnce^ Mura., 11-13.De DIo's Circus, . Orone Kejs. Phlln., 11-13.De Vecrbiu, Cbonip, L>Tl7, Indlnoapolls, 11-13.

Do Vsra & Zonoto, Polace, KprliigOeld. Mass..1113

De Maces, The, ^mlly, nnlTnlo.JVIanil & Cnrr, noiprvss. St. Paul.Delmar A Delmur. Koveltr . Topeks, Ean. ; Em-

press, Tulsa, Okla., lS-20,Dloebart, Alien, A Oo., Foraylh. Atlanta.sOa.l>lllon-.Shallsnl Trio, Keltli'A; I'L Wayae,*Isd.DIvlcoff. Ida, Maleatlc, Ohlcaso.DIeco, Loew'8._N(<«hursh, N. Y., 11-18.DIka, JullX, >alA:e, Sprlbitleld, Mass., 11-13.Divine A Ininan, Poll's, Sprlngfleld, Mass., 11-13,Dooley A Uiifel. Otnboum, Moolieal. Qaa., lS-20.Dnnnellr. Albert. Victoria, N. Y. C.IKirr. Unrle, Domlsloa. Ottawa, Can.Dorlo'u Do<B. Shea's. Tonnto. Can.Dockstsder. lAfw, Uajesllc, Mllwinkcc.Dollmon A Neville, CJolonlal. Ohlcai^i, 11-18,Donley, Rsj. Trki. Poll's. Scranton. Pa.Dovle. PalB.r. Gordon's Oljmnls, DostOQ.Donertys, The. Ilonnrd. Boston,Dolson A Oonlon. Grand. .MInneapolle."Dream of Ihe Orient, TSic," Oniheom, AlhMoa,

I'n.. U-in.Du riolB, Wilfred. Proctor's 08tb St, N. T. a.


Dunmore. Rvelyn. UarTland, Baltimore.Diipree, Minnie. Alharabra, N. Y. (XDunedin Duo, DIJou. Savannah. Ga.. 11-13.Dunbar's Bell Rlngrns. Kellh'a, lyiledo. O.Dunedin, Queenle, Uodaoo, Union Hill, N. if.Duffy A Lorenae. Palace, Ohlcoco.Rastman A Hooro, Orpbcum, ^ackaoovtlle, Fla,Kdna, Bnthc. Glean, N. Y.. Indef.Krtwards, Julia, Ijnic. Newark N. J.. 11-13.Rilwaids' '.'Song Rrvne," BushwJsk, BkliuRitvaids Bma., QUbe, Boston, 11-13.Blllott A West, Proolor'a, SchcDectidy. N, X.,

11-13.Blklns.^F^ ft ElklDS, Ptocbir's, Schesectady, M,

"Klopement, Ihe." Loew's. Toronto. Caa.Kl Rey Sisters. Ontheum, Mempbla, Tens.Rllne. Marie. Teoinle, Bvrscus". N. T.. 11-13.nil. K>\taT A., A 0>., DIJou, Battle Creek, Mich.,

11-13.Rmmy's Karl, Pets.- Lincoln Sq.. W. T. O.. 8-10.Rmmett, Mr. A Mn. llngh, Loew's, Uoohcster,

h. Y,'

KuBeno Trio. Mnjesde, Ohlcaio.Hvaiis, nill; A Clara, Gslely. Chicago, Indrf.— EVENS & SMITH—Pres*Btlii( ••BRTWB.v R B^'TTI.ICa"

Special SceneryA Birecra. Playing II. B. O. Tlitio

Kvnns. Chaa., A O., Orpbean. Qmi BaoIdlLMich.

"Kverybo>ly." Lincoln Sn.. M. Y. C, 11-13.Evans A Wllllanis, Palace, - Springfield, Mass,,

ExposltfuD Fionr. Lyric, nirmldghsm, Ala.Kn,v, Bra, Proctor'a. Troj, N. Y.Kslloo. Thooaa P.. A On.. Proctor's SSd St, K.

Y. 6.. 11-13. '«>

Parhcr Olrls. Keith's, Louisville.Kalla^ Lawrence ft Hurt, Orpheum Dn Uolens, la.Far A MIna.. M(^VkAer'a. Chicago,"Fall of Aatwerp," Uclancer 8t, N. T a, 8-10;

Tth Ave., W. I. 0.. U'U,


S^JP' IntoMilltiB srtlole on LooomotorAtAxlA, Dr. Henry CBtory say a that drnShave pmoUoally no beneOoIal effeot Id thesaeases. He says that rest shoald b« Inalste?apon. and there should be no worries optroubles. Plenty of fresh air and moderariezerolie moat be loaltted opon, bat ov^•xerUon Is Uihuloos. The aae of tobacoo iand aloohol shoald be strictly forblddu£ '

and over-eatlnf Is dangeroos, eipeol^hrwhen the food Is pooily maatleated. Thefood most bo ot the most noarlihlna UntLand the qaantlty and vonety mast beehanged so that the patient wlU not loae Ua I

ABpeUte. The most annoylns symptom tothese oaaes Ja the pain which at times iSaalmost nnbearable. Dr. Btory sayg that haflndstwoAnU-kamnlaTabletsrepeatedlnan I

hour U neoessary, Blves prompt reUef and r

rest to the patient. These Zhbleta oaaobtained at all dniiuUts la an/ qiSntlSdesired. Aik lor A-K TabletsT^


^o zLMxeOlwi tot headaohes, nearaisia I

and all Pain.

Fom, Ray, Proctor'a 08th St, N, T, 0.. 8-10*Lyrie, Newark, N. J., 11-13.

Felix A Barry (llrla, Oioheom, Montreal. Can.Felix ft Valre, Natlaul, N. T. a, S-10; Or-

pbeiSB, N. Y. a. 11-18,Flaber A Oireo, Victoria. N. Y. 0.rielda ft Brown, L^lc. Netvark. N. J., 11-13.Kllzglbboo, Bert, Orphenni, Harrlshna. Pa.FMda A LewU, Ke'lh's. IndlanapoUsTFields, Ssllle. Roysl, N. V. O.Kllsslmmons A (}ajieroo, Bljos. SaTanoah, Ox.,

Flekte. W. C, Keith's, TnlMo, O.Fltmrsld A Ashtoo, Delanccy St, W. T. a. 8-

10; 7th Ave., ft. Y. 0, 11-13.'»'"•'"

Fields A LewlSL Academy, ItalTslo.Fletcber, Isabelle; A Co., Proctor's SSth St. N.

Y. 0., 8-10; P.-octor's, Pla'rfleld. N. J., U-ia,Flansten A Kdwnrds, Marrlsnd, Bsltlmote.riemcn, Wm., A Q>., Empress, Oilcajio, 11-13.


OinECTION' - BILLY ATWELLFonda. Uabello, Troope, AHejbeny, Phlla., lB-17:

Lijoo, Phlla., 18-20.7ogiiTl7. Frank, Marjlsnd. BaltliDore.Foy, Edde, A Co., Kelth'9, Ol^imbnr 0.IXud A Tmly, Orpheum, Montreal. Can. ^

Foyer, Eddie, Ootdos's Olympic. Boston.Fostell A r.mmelt Wllkes-Dant. Fa.


JDlrectlon HARBY yiTZQBBALDFrancis A Jooes, Proctor's 23d St, N. Y. 0.,

11-13..Frlgassa. Tclzle, Maryland, Baltlmoce. .

Fred A Albert, Alhambia, N. Y. O.


IN VAUDBVILLBFridkowsky Troupe, Grand, Syraniae, N. Y.Frey Twios A Frey, American, Chicago, 11-13.Frsncls, Kitty, A Co., DlJon. Dkln., 11-18.Francis A Boss, Poll's^ Scranlih,' Pa.


IN VAUDEVILLPFrank's, (Jallfomla, Wild West UajMlIc, Aim

Arter, Ulch.. 1148; Oipbeoa, So. Bend, Ind.,16-20.

"Fan In a Semlaaiy,** Olympb. Lynii,Maa8., 11-18."Fan Shop, .The," Portland, Portland, Me., IMS.Oarcloettt BrciB,, Pnctofa 125tti St, N. T. a,

8-10. '.

Gardiner Trio. Keith's. Boston.Gandsefamldts, Tbe. Orpbeom. yackaonrHIe, Fls.Ooaoolgne, Oleo, Oipheum, New Orleans.Oahy, FHnk, niphruu, N. Y. 0.. 11-13.Owcoroes, lioyol. Lcew'e. New bochells, N. Y.,

OallsBdo. Orpbcum. Boslon.' Il-lS.Oulleriol Four, Nickel. Lawrence. Mass.. 11-13.George. Edwin, Keith's, I.KjulavUle.

SAM GILDERThe Orlarlnal Lnae Star Minstrel

D. B. O. TIME Direction HAnRY BAl'g

Ollraore, Frank, A Co., Maryland, Baltlnxa^.Cllletle. Lucy. Temple, Rocheaior. N. Y.Ollllnnraler, Qsude, A Co., HllrnheiBn, MomnUs.Gllfoll, Hany, Oiptaeon, St Paul.'


Ollmoro, Helen, Nickel, Lawrence, Mass., 11-13.Gllberi, Vesta, BoKon.Gloee, Au£usla. Proctor's, Albany, N. Y., 11-13.Gladiators, The, Dontlnloo, Ottawa, Can.



Goasans, Bobby. Vaude. Doads. la.Gordon. Kitty. A Co.. Teniule. Detroit.Gordon. John B., A Co. Sliea's, Toronto, Oan.Golden. Claude, Majestic, Milwaukee.Goets, Oolemao, Fnlioo, Bkln.. 11-13.Gordon. Bert A. Harry, Albannhca, Phlla.,' 11-13.Goidad BioSm Howard. Boston.

.Ootmiey ft Qattrey. Oiand, MJmiespolls.


Permaaawat Addrsas. ' W. Y. OMPPBHOordone, Bobby. Nixon, Phils.'Ooudu-bi, T.. A Co.. Acadwu}. Burralo.Oruher A Kew. Electric, Kansas Olty, Kan., Il-

ls; Globe, Kansas CIt.v, Mo., lG-17; Jelleraoi'..

Sprlnsfleld, 18-20..Granville, Bernard, TIetorla. N. Y. 0.Grossman. Al.. Proctor'a 129tb St. N. Y. C 8-

10; Proctor'a B8th St.. N. Y. 0., 11-13.GrIIBtb. Kred. Proctor's aid St., N. Y. O.,'8-10;

Proctor's 12Sth St., N Y. O., 11-13.'

Green, Ethel, Keith's, Olnctainstl.OrsseiB, Tbe, Domlokin Oltsnea, OhnuOrovar ft Blehsrds, Orpheum, MInneapoUs.Gieen. IssbeBe, Onnd, Phlla.Orsy ft Grahsoe, Miles, Cleveland.Grscey, VIetorls, Baltimore.Hayward-Stafford OO,, Majcatle. Honstoo, Tel.;

Miijcellc, San Antooloi 19-20,

i«^HALLENiuiDBURT««>nireetioa JOSEPH 11. SMITH

Uallea A Hunts, Grand, phlla: r Tower. Camden,N. J., 10-20.

^Hnrl. Marie A Billy, UalesUe, Hboston, Tel.;

.Mnjeailc, Ban Antnrio, lO-ao,Harris,^ A Randall, {•nctor'S; Albmy, 'V. T.,

Ravenan'a AnlsialaL Keith's, Ohichmatl.nanloD Braa. (4), Oolonlal. Eric, Pa.Ilairttaonn ft Inglis, Dominion. Ottawa, Oan.Balporin, Nnn, Kelth'e^ Wanhlnrton.Hawkins, Lew, Orphomi, Dolnlh, Mlon.


Danaon. Alice, Orpbemn. R. Y. O, S-lOt IiOcnr'fiNewark, N. J., 11-18.

nawthona, BlUa, Flatho*. BklB., ll.M,


PHILADELPHIAm New Jersey Central

EVERY HOUR ON THE HOURFrom Llbarty St., 7 A. H. to 10 P. U,

mnd »t SUdntfh.t vrltU Blcepen

10 niRIITSS OF THE HOURFrom W. I»2d. St.

voua WATOU IS Tova tihb table

Consult P. W. HEROY, E. P. Agt1440 BROADWAY. RKW YORK.

llai». EdBWiiJ. 4 Co-. Hipp., BilUmor*.iliiVvOT-IX! Vorn Trio, Lgcw's. Torouto, Ou.Ilnrria A Uioloo. Kclt:i'ii, ClDclDnQtl.

llBiranrt, Howinl. '.kMton.

arrow. Or»llI», Ooloolnl. N. Y. aI nle, wmie. 4 Bro,. Lj^lc, InrtUnipoIl". 1M3."Ililloidl^D Kld«." Ua]«Btlc, Pitarroo. N.J., 11-13

lUyn 4 Tbateber, Poll's, Nev Haveu, Good.,


Dlrectk-n JAME3 E. PLU.VKETT.

llnnrs (4). AnOauj, BnfTnlo.

"rman, iW.- O- H.. MeyCTS.lal*. Ta., IMS,'Karrlini!, Cnmberlanil, Ud., 15-17; 0. U.,

1-alrinont, W. Va.. lS-20.^ „ „

"Her Flfit Cue." Proclufa, PfhnifCUdT, N. T..

U-13.Iftrrem, Proctor'B, Albany. N. T., 11-13. •

lloiirrt. riTlnr. Keith's. OlefelaDil.

HtnnlDgs. JobD 4 Winnie, Itorol. N. 1. a-HMman. A1-. Oreeley 84., M. V C-, 8-10.

"lirr Nsmf Was Dennis," Greeley 8q., N. T.

C. 8-10: Oolumbla. Bkln., 11-ir..

nnuller, Ilersbel, KatloDKl, N. Y. 0., 8-10; Oo-himbla, Bklo., 11.13. . „

lldni Olillilren, Bhubert. Bkln., 11J.3.

Iln-bort 4 Dennis, Globe, Forton. 11-13.

Ilrras 4 Pre«ton. Palace, MIoAranolU.ITi'ndrlx's "Belle lele," Varltllw. Teno Binte,

Iiid., il-13.Hrlmcr, John, 4 Oo., Nixon. Plilla.

II(wlns. Nan. & Co., Vlclo*a dnltlmoie.

Ilralher, Jo»le, 4 Co., anrrlrk. V/llmlnirtoD. Del.

llinipr. W. J.. I'entaKea', San FreiicliPo, 16-20.

IIICRlnwn 4 lUrett, Proctor's 12Stb St.. N. Y.

C.. 11-13.

nicclna. John, Palace. Cblcaro. ^Hlnes 4 Foi. Oolumbia, .St. Lonls. ^Illldebrand. Fred., Ooloiilal. ChlcaRO, 11-13.

llogaD, Oos, Ernie Marks' Co., Indet.

Mae Holdenthe: EliBCTRIC SPARK

QAliyfY GlltLB CO.

Houston. Henry, Tonrlng An^traUa, Inilef.

IIollls, lloliW, Proctor's, Troy. N. V.. 11-13.

lloey 4 Motart Girls, Proctor's OSib St., N. Y.

Holiand, Joe, Proctor's, Porteliester, N. Y., 11-13.

'Ifoey 4 Lee. Prospect, Dkln.llolmea. Harry, 4 Co., Sliea's, Dultalo.

llolTmaiui, Oeitrsde.' KeUh's. CleTcUod.Howard * Simon, Orpbeum. Montreal. CiD.llopklM EJsters, KtuB's. Pblla.



Ilolt. Alf., Grand, Syracuse, N.-Y.lluudlnl, Grand, Syrscuse, N. Y.Honey Girls, American, Oblcaxo, 11-13.

lloUus 4 wells Orpbeum, .Boston, 11-13,lloirman. Lou, Liberty, Bkln , 11-13."lloocyleu lloneymoon. A," Orpbeum, Altoona,

• Pa., 11-13.IlowarJ 4 Obase, Orpbeum, Altoona, Pa., 1113.Honey 4, Honey, Portland. Portland, Uc.,IhHlHun, JBert E., O. II., Lodl. Wis., 8-20.

lIulTord & Lockbart Girls, Colonial, Krie, Pa.


Grand, Olean, N. Y., IC-17 ; Lyric, JasMstown,18-^0.

mmm m mmmUNITED TIMB

IH,...^ti,... ... - PAT CASEYi>. ix'w it Uollle, Albambra, N. Y. alluEhea. Mrs. Gene. 4 Oo., Keltb's. PhlU.Hunter 4 Ross, Princess, London, Can..llymack, Keith's, dnoiiiDatl.Hygl, Lo'nSt Lyric, Bletamond, Va., 1143.Hyams ft Mdntrie, Orplienm, St. PuiL'Ullg, Clara, Proctor's, Albany. N. Y.. 11-lS.Inge, Olora, Orpbeum, Kaugaa City, Mo.Irtrin, Klo, Prospect, Dkln.Irvln ft Herzog, Palace, Plilla., 11-13.Iroeoas, Jennie, iBowdoln fiq.. Boston.Irene's Olrcus. Orystsl. .Milwaukee.Irving, Horraret, Gordon, Uaklmore."Isaac,. Yon Tell Her," Keystone. Pblla-Jtrratt ft Msivoll, Orpbeum. Dkln.Jasper. Orpbcom, >I. Y. 0., 8-10; BJJoo, Bklo.,

11-18.James, Urs. Lools, & Co., Ultes, dereland. ^Jerge 4 Unmllton, Proctor's B8lb St.. N. Y. 0.,

8-10; Proctor'* 23d St., N. Y. 0., 11-13.Jewell's Uanlklns. Lyric,' Newark, N. J., 11-13.Jelterson, Jos., JtlajesUc, Chicago.Jewell Sisters, Colonial. Unrrlsbanr, Pa., 11-13.Jestey, Jack i Jerry, Prigcllla. Olofeland.Jobnatons, Musical, Empire. Bradrord, Kng. ; PnN

ace, Boll, 15-20; Empire, Lewis. 22-27; Pal-ace^ Mtncbester, Mnr. 1-0; Empire. Preston,

Jobnaon 'ft Welis, Proctor's, Plalnfleld.N.}. 11-13.


lona k Wsllon, Proctor's 23d Bt., R T. OL ••, 10; Proctor's SStb St., N I. C-, 11-lJ.Jom. Cnrl. Msjnilc, Cblcopi.JuhnstOD, Jobikuy, ft Co., Urpbeom, Kusu Oltr,

Mo.Jones 4 JobnMm. Loew's. Newark. N. J..'11-IS.Johnson ft Dean. Ruiirrss. Cincinnati.John Troupe. F.oipm». Ctnclnnall.Johnun ft iloey. Bowilobi 8g., Boston.John Troupe. Ka-j-atono. Phlla.•'Jnst HaU Way," Kulloo. Dkln,, 11-13.I>iithl«en. I/oew'a. Hocliester. N. Y.Kamuiwa Trk), St. Jamec, Iioston, 11-13.Kala. Ilnmld. ft Oo., (iTtnA. Mlaneapolls.

Kesne ft WbiiMw,' Royal, S. Y. C'Kelly, WlllaiD J., Rnnhwlek, l<kln.I»»lly. Wuller C. Kclth'i rrorliienrp.kenllle Panilly. Oriihennv Kanras City, UaKtwian, I'rank, Majcm lc. Ulllwaukec.


Kenna, Chas.. 7th Are., N. Y. O., 8-10; Ixev's,t'ouchket-vsle. U-U.

Kent Seals,. Alliaubra Pblla.. 11-13,Kema (2)i.' Loi-w'a. 'loronio. Can.Kwinedy, Joe. Grand, Pblla-Kelto 4 .Xidney, Olympic,' BuiTalo.Klneners, The, Proctor's, Tr«y. N. Y., II-IS.Kirk ft I'lMsrtj, Grand, ,''yri>eu$e. N. Y.KInkald, Ellly. }jxii'a, Newark N. J., 11-lS.KInibcrly ft Mohr, Wui. Penn. Phlla. -

KIrke, Haiti, Trio, Garrick. WllmlnctOD, Del.Klaas ft Ikme. 0i7ttnl, .Vllwaukco.Knlfbt ft Bawtelle, Priscllla. (levelud.Kolb A Hsriand, Orpbeum. Lincoln, Neb.; Of

pbtoffl, Des Uolnes, 15-20.Kornan, Fred, Delanccy St., N. Y. C, 8-10 ; Flat*

bulb, Bkln., 11-13.Kramers, Tlie. Orpheam, Harrlnbinv, Fa.KroTt ft Gns., Victoria, N. Y. C.Kremka Dns., Keith's, Indianapolis.Kramer ft Morton. Paace, N. Y. C.Kremollna ft Darras, Orplienm, Kansas Oltj, ICo.Kronold, Hana, Orahevn, New Orleans.Kurtls' Rooslera, Koltb's, Boston.Lsreme's Models. Proctor's BHtta St.. N. Y. a, 8-

10; Proctor's 23d St.. N. Y. C, 11-13.

La Tour ft Zats. Proctor':* 58l|i St.. N. Y. 0.8-10;^ Proctor's aOd St.. N. Y.-C. 11-13.

Lslrd ft ThompMin, Praetor's li.tth St., N. Y. C,8-10; Proctor's 23d St.. N. Y. G, 11-13.

La I'eorl. Roy, Proctur's. adicwclnilT. N.Y., 11-13LarscD. Rlra, Troupe, Prcctor'a. Scbeaertady, V.

y., 11-13.Lai Moo Kim. Fomptta. Aflama. Ga."Lawn Parly. The," .Maryland, llaUlninre.

I.ancton, Lucler 4 Co.. l.yrlc. Blrmlsilitn, Ala.1.1 Ullo, Kellb'a. Indianapolis.Latifdons. The. Koltli'M. Indianapolis.

La Toscs. Colonial. Norfolk. Vs., 11-13.

La Bne. Grace. Alhambra. N. Y. 0.

I.a Vara, Dancloc. Keltb's. Pnnlilener.I,amberU, Orpbeum. Dululb, Minn."Land of Make BelleTe," Colonial, Oblca««k It-13.La Dells Comlqnefl. Anerlcan. N. V. a. IMS.Lane ft Coulter. Columbia. Bkln,, 11-13.

"Last Hope," Loew's. NewbijrRb. N. Y-, ll-U.La Tllcomb, Flstbusli. llkln.. 11-13.

Laurie ft Alecn, Loew's. Newark, N, J., 11-18.

I.,awtoo, Orpbcom, Boston, 11-13.

Lamb's Manlklas. nipn-. BaUlmore.I,and. Joe. Nickel, Lawrence. Uast.. II-IS.

Lam. nillle ft Mae, Family. ShamoMo, Ps., IS-17 ; ninp.. Reading. 18-20.

Lanalnc. Biidd 4 Annn. Academy, Pnffala.

Ixoiiord, Cub, Proclor's 58tU St.. H. Y. tt. HO.


WITH PABBINQ BEVIKW OP IW4Leon Slaters 4 Co., Lyric. Mewark, V. J., 11-lS.

Ixon ft Co., Onibeum, Uhln.I*ivl«, Heury, Prosiiect, llkln.

I.clghlons (3). Shea's. BuIThIo.

I* Orohs, The. Temnlo, lii'trnlt.

I-elsh. Grace. Trio. Oblonlal. N. T. 0.Leiiuard k Itussell. Hoyal. N. Y. O. •

BESSIE u urnI/^rls, Tom. Orpheom,' Bkln.Le lloen & Duiirce, Xemp'e. Bochesler, N. T.Wchton 4 noblMson.. McVlckcr's, Chlesito.

La Alex CarnBeMls. 7lli Ave., N Y. O., B-10;American, N. Y. C. II III. ......

I^eoiiard .4 Loiile. Dolnncy St.. N. Y. O., 11-18.

Ixn!le. Illnnche. loew's. Toronto, Can.

J.* Moire & Dawson. Orjihcini. I''«rla, 111., 11-18.

iKjniB. Al.. ft Co., OlolK-. I'hil.i.

iKonanl ft Dempsey, OruSM Ke.;9. Phlla., II-IH.


742 Oceiin View Ave., WoodliaTeii. H. Y.


S45.00Double Trollc-7, Steel DoudiI, Fibre Covered and

It la BUILT BY DALA Fei* of Oar Oat-of-Town Ancenta t

w. A. BACON ft CO Doston', Maaf.OUARANriiK TltllNK CO. . . Ilorlford, Conn.THE 'IWINK SHOP New Hqtcb, Conu.sYUACUBn TKIINIC CO Syrnciisc, N. VTHR RMPOUIU.M nnlTalo, N. Y.MANDKL IlItOTIII'JtH Chicago, III.

BUWARD MOVr.K S.ivanHob, Gn.HOOKS TUU.N'K CO K-insns City, Mi>C. W. Fnvn CO Scrnnlon, I'n.

19. 3, CAnSI'U'OlII ludliiiiiipollH, Iiid.

J. IV DUOAN ft SON Ti^Jy, N. Y.HACK TIIUNK CO Xcrw Orlonns. Lii.

Br; Block Mcrrootllc Co<-r. . .Mcni|ihl.i, Touu.

WTT.T.TAW ^BAL, Inc.14 W. 4Bth St., - - NcfV York.


Ootdy AcroliaUcCydlsts. lH fi.cUor> FraakBoIim

ftreDermolt 4 ITallaeei, Hlpt.. BallliBore^Hcaimey, Owen. I<n«a»e, >llnprapollaHrDcTltt. Kelly k Liiwy. Woi I'enn. Phlla.UcCarser* (2). Olympln. I.ynn. Msaa., 11-13.UeHlns (3). Kmyth. Allanla. <ki.Uryako Trio. Otlonlal N. Y. C.tlechan's Dopi. (Irirheimi, Memnhls. Vraa.'Uerkett. llert. CiTiHirnm. Si. I'aal.Meredith 4 .inooier. KAprcfs. Kansas City, iia,Uerta ft Mauley. Kryniooe. Pblla.


MENNETTI & SIDELLITfcoac Aerobnla Dooked aolld JUAURICfi SAMUKLSUerle'a OockMrn. Colonial. N. Y. C.Mlllnrd. Cuhri ft \VatM>ii. OI>-ni|dr, TtntTalo.

Miller ft Vincent, Oilninlila. St. I»ul9; Urpbeaa,Memphis. Tenn., IXM.

Miller ft I.yles. Kt'llb's. Itmitan.Miles, Homer, ft Co.. lUiyul. N. Y. O.Ulllmaa, Itlnl. ft Co., Doaalnlon. Ottawa, Csn.UlxDon, I.a Petite. Prosivct. llkln.Mlxoer, Wllsoo, Oi>.. Colonial, N. Y. O.Ulaacr, Wilson, Co.. Oolonlal. N. Y. C.ailllea ft De Loa^ Slaters, Bhrs-s,_To>Malo^ <ka.

When you're feeling blue,

Don't know what to do,

Sprinkle a lijtle "GOOFER DUSTI"

Ryan ft Rlrhllelit. MeVlrker's. nilcacn.KawytT. Joan. A f>t.. Orphenm, llkln.

Sate, mrk. OrpheiMn. Npw nrleana.Saroy ft llrcnnan. Urphcum. Ilnsion. 11-13.


Lee ft Onnaton. NIzon. Pblla.

I.eTy, Bert. Colonial, N.. Y. O.

lerlle, Bert. Kelth'H. Indlamipolls

U Mar 4 Lo Mar, Family, linrnlft.

Uon ft Maylleld. Moryland. ErlthnowLttleaelil. -Marlon. 4 Co.. K.ilth's. WnablactSB.

Lloyd, Roale, Shea's. BiilTu;o. „ „ .Lloyd 4 Ilrltt, Delancey St., .N. Y. Q, MO;

AmertcsD. N. Y. 0.. 11-13-

lanit Tack Sam 4 Co., Shea'.". BntTalo.

Loretis Twins,- 'Orphcnm. Grand uaflns. men.."Lonesome Lassies." Alhsmoro. N. Y. O.

Lobse St SterlUiiC. 0. O. II., PIllsbHrgh.

Lockbart 4 Leddy, Loew'a, Poughktevilr, IL T.,

11-13.Ivoretlsa (3). Hipp., Bnltlniore.

Lockett, Mattic, Academy, Botlslo.

Lorraine. (Iscar. Empreas. St. Paul., ^ ^ „

Loekatnne & Oampbi'll, Proclor's, Foitcbalcr. W.Y., 11-13.

Lukens (*), Orpheuir, Montreal. Cm.Luaons. The, Olympla, Lynn, Mass., 11-13,

Lnby, Edna, 4 Co., Palace, Sfirlnslleld,

11-18.Lucler 4 EllDsworth, Priscllc, dcvolnnrt.

Lyres (3), Blloo. BsTannab. Gn., IMS.Lydell. Rojers 4 L.»dell. Orpbeum. Des MolDca,1a.

NaiBclln's. Birds, Victoria, N. Y. O.



Unrtlne. Nellie. Proctor's 23d St.. N. Y.-C, 8-

10; Proctor's 12nih St.. N. Y. 0., II-IJ.

Mario ft Dniry. Pmsp«t. Ijkln. _ , , _Miiiinc Bros. & Uobby, Victoria. Oiarlatan, fl.

ll-l''- „ . „ «.~^^Inrklcy. Frank, On'heiini, Oranil Rtplds,. ft Vincent, Or|iliMini. Ilorrlsbdr?, Pa.

Mnnn fain, .'i Oi.. OrriliiMim. Monlrul. OiD.

Unyc'ft AdulH. Colonial. Nu.-folk, Va., 11-18.



Mnhoney 4 Alburn. KeUh's. Phlla.

ilaek ft Wnlkcr. (Vl'heiim. .MeiiinjlH. Tenn.

llnonrl & llimlfof I, McVlolt-r'a. CMcsiro.

Hnttbes. Trio. Ein|iro«». C-jlcnKO 11-13.

Jinrllii's UiK llondllH. Colonial, dilcsgo, 11-18-

Ualtlanil, lljil«c, l.oew's, Pougbkccpsir, H. T.,

11-13'".Man it MvKlcr}," O. 11.. Ijiwrercc. Maaa..ll.iaL

Uack ft Williams, lunv-loln Hu.. Boston.

HalTerii fJoniliiuoH. Nlion. Phils.

Ualla, Ban, ft Co., Colonial, IlarrlabBfK, Pa.,



VIOLET MASCOTTEPerm, add.. TTic Bnngaloir, Randolph, ilim.namMnson 4 Mnrrsy. Portland' Porllnad, He, 11-13.

Marlell. Jaoies. Academy BuTalo.

Mcrlto. llnie.. 4 Sleler. Princess. Rt. Paul.

.M.CIond ft Osrp. Keith's. fVlumf.""., O.

j;.(;ur<ly. Jsmes Kyile, 4 On.. Keltb'a. OitaataH,

O Oolumliln. Grsnd Rinlila. Mick., It-2a

lloOlon, Francs. 4 Oo., Oriiheiim. Montreal. Oao.

McMahoa 4 'lAsppelle, <^)lmlal, Norfblk. Ta..

IKD^Jmili:. nilly. Kelth'n. Mnthhiatoo.

J'lOlurc ft Ikilly. Llnndr Sci. N. \. C, IMS.McMillan. I.Wr Nnilonal. N. V. C. 11-13.

UcKlulry. Nell. Flalhn-h. Ilkhi.. 11-13.

Ulller, Isalielle. 4 Co., FUtbosh. llkln.. 11-13.Honcan, Beatrice, ft Co., Procior'n 2;ld St., N,

Y. 0-, 8-10: Proctor's. Trey. 1113.Uolr. Bdlth, Prootor's 68th St-. N. Y. C, 11-18.lloor* A Yoou. Boabwlrk, tin.

MontcosneiT. Xaiaball. K«4th's. Boston.Morao 4 Wlacr. Lyric. ' BIrntlniilwra. Ala.Uortoo ft AustlD. Keith's. Prasldeocc.Morrell, Frank. Ornheura. N. T. C. 8-10; Oreder

8q.. N. Y. C, II 13.

Uonarch Oome<ly Four. National, N. Y. O., 8.10;4k>lDmhla, Bkln., 11-13.

Morris ft bMstey. BonlSTard. N. Y. 0., 8-IOtDelancey St.. N. Y. C. 11-13.

Vontrose ft SyiVII, Shnliert. Bkln.. 11-1.1.

Morris 4 Wllimn, Emery. Prnvhlcace. 11-18.Uoss 4 Fry. I.yrle, Ilg<Kiken, N. J.. 11-13.Uurry'a "Titanic Disaster. * Gordon's Olmpl^

Boston.llnrley ft Scott, Oonloo, Baltimore.Mni;anc. Prank. O. O. H., Plttebmsfa.t'LlIer 4 (.tanlcy, PTaitpe.<t. Bkls.Mollen ft Oooma, MaJesU*. Cnlea«D.Murray, F.liinl.elh, pnla^v, dilroL'o,«(nrpby ft Foley, nooleranl. N. Y, a, 840; Dr-

Itncey fit.. N. Y. C. 11-13.ftinrrsy ft Bsllon. Palare. Pbila'., 11-13.Mullen ft Flltinrald. Slnle St.. Tprotoo, N. J.'.

11-13.Uystic Bird. Orpheiim, nnston, 11-13.KaslmoTB. Paloec, N. Y. C.Nanllnl, Grniln, T^inidf. Rochester, N. Y.Nelion ft Nelsoa. Kelth'i. l.o-iiiitUle.

Nesbit ft Clifford. Keith's. WavhlhftoaNestor. Ned, ft Uwectbearls, American, K. T. <F,

8-10; Greeley Hq., N. Y. O.. 1113-Keeley. F, Tennyson, Loew'a, Ncwborili, N. Y.,

11-13.NelTaky Tranpe. Princess, St. Panl.NIbki's Birds, Proctor's, Albany. N. Y., 11-13.Nichols-Nelson Troaiic. Onlinlsl. flblcsgS^ 11-13.Mkko Trorpe, Poll's. BcrantoD. Pa.Noble A Brooks, Tourlnf Anstralla. Indef.NoMcs. Muslcnl (A), Pautngva', F-oattle, Wssb.


I'rntsces', VsneouTcr. Csn.. lA-UO.Noidstrom. Matle. Psiace, N. -V. O.North. Frank, ft Co.. Mn><stlc MllwaokeCkKowlln ft St. Clair. Unique. UUiicaiiolla."Noisy Stnitent. The," Garrick. Wllo<n(tOD. Del.Gakland, V'lll. & Co.. Orplicum. Stooi Olty. la.

O'Clare Wm., t GIrla. Loew's. Ik<hc«tcr. N. Y.Oddooe, Bt-olevanl, N. Y. C. 8-10; Lincoln So.,

N. Y. 0., 11-1.3.

Okabe Japs, Krilb's. BoatoaOld Soldier FUilkirs (5), Lony.'s, Newark, N, J.,


O'Nrll disleis 13), Delancey St., N. Y. a, 11-13."On the SchiMl Playirroundi," (Irand. Pblla.r'$100.000 Reward." llljou, Jack^n, MIrli., 11-13.Orplntin Trio, UonlO'i's- Olvmjiln, Doalon.Onus ft Delia, Gordon, Uallliiore.Os-KO'Uoo 4 Oo., Proclor's I'^ntb St, N. Y. a,

8-10: Proctor's. Alhaur. 11-lfl.

Over 4 Owtr, Osrrlck. wllmiiiiton, Del.T-cUce Trio. I'roctor's 68U1 St., N. Y. 0-, 11-18.Palrlcola, Angrk). Boyal, N. Y. 0.Pntirtson, JDunlella. ()n>henm. Duloth. Mian.Paotr, Paul, St. Juims, Itos'oii. ll-TM. \

Park ft Hall. Ulfjn. Battle Creek. Mlili., 11-18.I'elbam. Great, ft Ou.. I'rorlur's 2.341 tU.. N. Y.

0., B-IU: Proclor's 12Atb SI., N. Y. C, 11-18.Pern. Luplta. Tennile. l>rlrult.

"Pekin Myate.Tle4." PrnmipTl. llkln.Pealson 4 (ioldle. Travjilr. llnrheKler, N. Y.lyderson Bros.. Keith's. WanhliiKton.fierce ft HoHl.rn: I'aiilui.'es'. N|Hikaue. WsBb.I'JnsTd. Al.. Majestic. >FL Worth, Tel.


Dsllas. 15-20.PlelTD. Keith'*, WashlnRlon.Pollack, Mlltoa, ft U>., Domlaioo, Ottawa. Can.


ILTON POLLOCK AND CO.lo "Speaklnr of Fatlier." by OEO. ADE

I'ortee, Alei., Victoria. BalUniorc.Primroae (4), Urpheum, Memiihla, TVnn.Front. K>a, Lincoln Hi|., N. Y. C. It-13.Primrose. Oeoree. Knlatnatoo, MU-h.. 11-13 1 Lao*

aim. 15-17; Flint, 18-20.

Pock. Harry k Rva, Slieu'n, Iiurralo.

Itayraond A Ileldcr, Temple. Detroit.

Baoisdell Duo. American. .V Y. 0., 8-10; Btl«o,Ukln., 11-13.

Bayfield, Flonncc, Detroit. -,-

nay, Billy U., Stcrens Polot, Wis- ; Oiaad Ba^Ids. 16-20.

Band's Do(s. Keystone. I'blla.

BstDo'B boas. Globe. Phlla.Haul, Claude. Globe, I'hils.

Bsya, The. ' Academy. BulTalo.

Bei'a Marionettes, Proctor's 12.'itb St., N. T, CL,

8-10."Bedheads, The." (iolombis, fit Lonli.


Reno. OeOL B., ft Co., McVlcher's, Cblcago.Reded ft lllllon. Olyiupir, llulTalu.

Beteot Four, Priscllla, Clirrlnnd.

Beeo ft Devoitel. Gordon. Biilllm»re.

Hboila ft Cranpton. Oonlon, Italtlmore.

Rlgna A WItchle, Palace, .N. Y. (!.

Blebanl Bros., Iliidsun, Uitlon Hill, N, J.

BUls, The. Amerlstn, N. Y. C, 8-10; Orpbeam,N. T- O. ll '»-

Rice. Andy, HIiuIhtI, Bkln., 11-13.lilddlDC, FrAiii^nca, ft O)., Nickel, Lawrence,

Mass.. ll-i;i.

BIrhanIs, Geo., ft Co., O)lonlal. Harrlshurr. Pa.,11-13.

Rk-hsnls (4), VIclorlii. TlslMinure.^Boliyns. Mr. ft Mr^., I'nnijues', Spokane, Wash.;

Pania««', Scalllc, 1C-2U.

May Roeder^IIKftUT.'' New Act Bhbrtly.

Ro;:rrs. Wllron'. Proclor's 2.1-1 St. N. Y. C. 8-10.Roberta ft Vererii. On'henm, Ilklo.


Rogers. W«I, Palace, N. Y. C.Bumey ft lien I. I'alsce, N. Y 0. .

Boacb ft UcOurdy. Keith's, Providence.Rbye. Ruth. Miea's, Tnrrmto. Can. ,'

Bocbia's, Ueirkera. Miji'illr. Ullwaokpe.Boser. Al., ft SiHter, Ur|>heuni, St. PauLRoae ft Moon, Orphrum, Ikxton, 11-13.Boekwell 4 Wood. Unique. Mlnueniiolls.Rose ft Kills, Varlellni. Trrre Haute, Ind.. 11-18.Royal Qusrlrlte. CrMs K-yi, I'lilla., 11-13.Bneen. Jliamy, Crofw Keys. I'blla.. 11-13.Roblnaon. Dili. l.yrlc. IndlauBpollH, IMI.Boofet, 'Albert, ft Partner, Majratic, I'attrsoo,

N..J., 11-13.

Al). Hhea'a. Botrsln.

, oC Pinanu." U«r<lon H<i., Olrreland.RossrII. Msrie, American, Chlcuu, 11-13.Bataa'a Sonr Itlrds, l.«ew's. 'rgronto, Ou.Raaacll A Cbinch. Lyric. Indlanafiolls.

llaa*ell,'lll>>u, Stale St.. TmUai, S.-l,, 11-18.'Raasell A Cb.. Olynailc, nnfTslo.Hysa A TIeiney. (Irnbeom. Bklo.Rysii A Lcc, Kellb's. Pblla.

Salorw. Oprst. Keith's. Syraen'C. N. Y.«KHi Quartette. Temple. Syranuie. N. Y., 11-3.Vcepes from Drnml Opem. Shen'n. Ilotralo,

Ct-lisfTer, Hyli-nter, Orpheinn. Mlnne«|H»lls,dehmler A Iklcklnson, T>ra)|>le, HyrnciiHe, N, Y.,


fieyromir ft IIowsr<1. Proelor's, Trny, N. Y.. 11-111,

Sebastian ft Bcntley, Onili(<iiu. Des kfoliies. la.

Gearlt ft Stuart, Palace. «<|irin(11i-lil. Mass.. 11-13.Marp ft Turek. VktorU. N. Y. 0.Bbaw, Lllllag, Victoria. N. Y. C.


SHERMAN"' UTTRYUbiroo A Woo<li, .tjibclor's 125th St., N. Y. C,

1113.BhaiUHHi It Annis, i'rosi>ect. llkln.

Hbirrocks. TIh*. Oriibenni. Mln:H.atiolli«.

thooe,' Ilrriulne, A On., Orphvuin, New Orleans.

WnlHin 4 Ciiiinln.-hnni, Amrrlcin, N. T. O.. R IO;KInllmih. llklii.. tl l.'l.

Wnr.1. Arthnr, IVLmrey SI. N. Y. 0., 8-10;(ipivlcy S(|.. N Y. (;.. 11 1;:.

"Wn-T Out." Amrrlraii. N. Y. C. 11-13.

Wnlnh-I.ynih 4 Mi., ondu-iiir. l'<f>l si. 11-13.

'W'atton, "Sliding." Billy . Poll's, BciBnton, Pa.


ToniiNO oiirin-:iiM nitcurr;

WapIr.WIII J.. * Co.. Pnir«. Pcrnnlon, Pa.W-yrv. Alliv. l.jTir, IndliinHiKdU. I MM.Walton ft HiiilniHl. MiiMUc. I'atrrMD. N. J..


Wnlrh tlirni Thcr- «l« •!

Wnlki-r. Aiiiii ili'. I'.irllniiil. rurlliin I. Me., ll l l.

Worwlrk. ICiiUtI. Ardili'liiv. liliTil-i.

WelN. llllly A Nrlllr. ll.ik-li'' l\ linns, Indrf.

Wi'Iht a I'.llliill, I'riH'K.r's. I'inlnllild. N. J.. »l l:i.

Welrh. tSins., I.'.. Proctor s f.Olli St., N. V. U..


Wehl' A llnrns, Ti-mple. Ikelnill.

WeMon ft I,eoii. Oitunlat Kili-. Pa.

UMTEU TIMUSherman, Van ft Hymau, Acadnny. Fall HItit,

Mass., 11-13.8h«w, SHiKly. Crystal.' Mllvraukre.Silver ft Dii Val, PTOctur's I25lh Ht. N. Y. C,

11-13. .

"Side I.lchls." Knnress. Ksnrsa Clly. .Mri., 11-13.Ebifrr'a Midgets, Uoulevanl, N. V. U.

Shrodo and Chappelle•'DVltINU ONE'S LIFE*


Slni|isoD ft Uenne. Palace. Plilln.. Il-i:i.

l.lai(i..T. Jubn, a Twins, Alhn;nbrs. I'liltn.. 11-13.SKIppcr, Kennedy ft lU«T«a, I'.'iiitsinW, San

llli'KO, Cat,Snillb, Tom, VlcUtrla, N. Y. 0.tsiltli, Irene ft llnbhy. KeUh's. Pnivldence.BolUi. Oook ft Ilrsndon. Nliou. I'lilln.

Kiilley. Kinlly, ft Co., (Irniid, Phils.Bdow. Ray. American, (lili.'aRu. 11 13."Society lIuilH." Keith's. l//iiliivlll>'.

eu1lmlnt-s. American. N. Y. C. H-10; I,orw'l,I'cin.-lik«-|.>,l<>, N. v., 11-13.

Soutliem. l««n. Ht. James. Ilontftn. 11-13.Sort'tly A Anlolnett". i'ldl'.i. Ki-rnniKii. Pa.t>ock-ly Ulrla (4), Palace, Mlnnen|>illH. .

Biwicer ft Wlllluma, llljim. JuckaiNi. MIrh., 11-13.Staojey, Mse, Patricia, VanrvuTrr, <'aii., Imh-r.dlarrctt, Howard S.; Zkgfeld I->i>llloa iif 11)14, In-

dc*. ,fit. Pierre, Proctor's, Troy. N. Y., 1113.flloildard ft llyne*. Pniciur'a. Troy. N. Y., 11-13.Stanley, Alleoii, Tranile. Del Ml t.

(Uone 4 Orjiheinn. Mliine>|m1la.




Ill rci;ll(ili SrOKKIl and III DItll.M'KIl

Mtfii Stanley Trio. OJnmlila. I.ntiiit.

Kt'romlHTK, I'sl. Ilniijevnnl. N. Y, C.. 8-10; Na-tional. N. Y. C 11-13.

Pti^ihens. liwna, Olnbe. Ikwtun. 11 13.Htmvas, Jack. AUiuinlirn. I'hila.. 1M3.etatter. Onrl, A On.. Alhunibru. Phllu.^ tf-18iStocldnrd, Marie, t'alace. Hlnnea|<dN.Rl<.«'art 4 Dakln. Crystal Milwaukee. .


Stone 4 llaj-en. Varlstlt-s. Terrv llsule, Iml.. 11-13Klelnilell Bros,. Varieties. TerTL' llmttr. Inil.. 1 11


Hamrl ft KeOlr, Temple, Syracuse, N. Y., 11-lS,Mirk. RIsle, Bijou, Battls Greek, Mti-h.. ll-ll).

Bolly 4 Pbelpa, O. IL. Penii Yan, N. Y.

SdUod, MdntyreM SuttonTIIK PUMPKIN taill.


Kutton, MclMlyro A Sntlon, ForH.nli, Allsilln, (la.

Subera A Keefe. Tth Ave., N. V. 0., 11-13.UTetigall. Coluiilul. Oblrain. 11-13.Hwor 4 Hack. Palace. IHilrncn.Bwecney. Ilmrlce, ft Ou.. F/in|ii««s, aiicsKO, II IS"Hwag," I.yrle, lloUikeii, N. J,. 11-13.


Dlrectlou MA.\ HAYESSylrla, Oulinnliln, Delroll.lasker, Ann, A (>>., tJrjilieuin. Ht. I'uul.

Talior ft Green. IIIJuii. Illilii., 11-13."I^gle. The," Loew's. Itmiliestrr. N. Y.Tolsu Itrus.. I»ew's. 'roroiiiu, tJin.

Tsllmsn. 'Irent. Vlriorln. llalllnjure.

"TVItiilMihc iJIri." Wm. I'cDO, Pblla.


Tlir, Huh. ft (y., lllpp.. nnlllmnre.Tlemvy A Hn^Mt, On'hiuiii. I'eorln. 111., lt-1.1.

Tolir l?.loiiki'yl. VIclorIn, N. Y. <;.

'l'oriind<ii-rt <l), Pprlor'n ' I'J.'illl flt.. N. V. 0., 8-

1<J; I'r.KTlor's fihlli St., N. Y. C. 1111.Toye. Durolhy. (lr|,!M'iiin. Dnlill.'i. .Mlii'i.

'I'fiyii TrvniM-^ Win. Pcmi. plill'n.

1\>nry A .^'uniii n. (I.irrlrk. Wllinlnv't"!!. I'i'l.

'i'raenlo. .Miijrailr. Mllwauki-e.'J'rovlllii Ilrui. ft Kenla. <n|ili4'uiM, Klinix Oily. In."Trlrkr<l." 7th Avi-.. N. Y. O.. H-H); J-ia-w's,

Ncwnik. N. J.. 11-13. *Tusenno llrua.. Ilnwdoln Si|.. iluiilun.

Tnies (31. MsjeMlc. MIlHoiikto."l/nrle '''(imaKchersy's (."awn." VIriorin. N. Y. O.TIhIiit Trio. I'nii-Kir'M. Kihi-iwiuily, .S, V.. ll-lliVaure. Illodys. Prnetnr'a lUr.ili SI., N. Y. 0., S-IO.>Bn A Srhenrk. Alhanibra, N. V. 0.Van llovnn, AUianihra, N. Y. C.ValcTlu. Rose. Seilettc. Il^yol. N. Y. 0,Van. Chaa. A Fannie. Keith's. Tolotn. O,Yall, Ollse, llljou. Jackson. Midi., 11-13.Van Olio, F.mpre<ia. rjliirhinatl. I

Van. Illllv. OoNsilnl. Ilarrlshnrg. Pa.. IMS."VamieTllle. lo Mnnkeylaml." .Kmiirrss. Ht. Paul.Vl-niim. II'nK'. Keith's, Tnlnlrt. 0.VIntciii. K.I.. A Tlnit<-r. Kellb'ii, Ft Wilyne. In.TIrlnria Four. nij<nl. Bkln.. 1113.Voli'iilren. The. 'Iridieum. IIsiTlrliMrr.,'l's.Vnii llatupion A -loeelyn. :.^'K^n. ll(-li»tcr. N. V.W«nl| Marty, (llria from llappylai.i! 0>„ Inilef.




RYAN and LEE"If you fee « do It, It'i tun"

\iiiir(-n ft fofiley. Hlifrlfliiii rlMHhiirKli.Ward. CtiJiM. 11.^ A (>,. frcrriir'^^l'.'illi Ht

Y. 'J.. H-IO; Lyric. Neiv.irk. N. J*- 1 1 13.Waleh. Itloi-rlie. ft Co.. >ir|iliel'ill. 'flklll

Waheni'lil. Wlllii Molt. Or uiii. .M.>lili'-jl. C^ii.

Water Llllea (<;|. Mni'-ill -. )'!ili'u</ii

WMMM-r. Ui-iieilf-ve, ft C*;, (yi'l'li^UMi: Kaninn CllyHo,


WEBFR & ELLIOTT?Wrlllne, U'verlnu, A Oi., clrp'ii-iliii, IlnrTlsUim.


V'rtliin A ClKre. (Vil.inlnl, N. Y. «'.

V'ellii' l...»-. Auii-rlcnii, .N. V. C. H 10; Ihiuleviir.l.

N. V. (V. 11 1.1.

WcBlo'i. .V\iM.. \ ni.. m-liud'y St.. N. V. «'..

11 I'l.

"W.-lrii, Joe, I'^iiiiin-fs. riit'liinnll.

Wrsl. Il<dnnd. A Co., OijHirili ITIIwnukev.

WELllN« LEVEftllll« TRAUfEFunniest Cycle Act In Vauderllle

Weriii'r-Ai',iiriiH 'I'ri'ii:^'. f'nini-r. f^. Y. O.Whiiinan. I'riiil.. C'.l.iiilul. i:rli.. I'li.

Whili- A Jii.4111. Col .N. Y. <1.

Whlirnlih.. I'lhi'l. .V I'Irk'). Iiriliiue, .Mlnnrnyiill-i.

WJiliUrr, Ince A Ou.,. Pull's, New lluveu, (Junii.,

W. E. WHITTLEIN iiifl Nnw Atrr

HIIMMril M«lll.% IN CKNTItAI, I'AltK

\\i;'«in, (Inn. A Ailelnlile, Proetor'a I2nth .St.,

N. Y. <!., M ill.

Willi. Al N., Pr«l->r M r.\i\ St., N. Y. 0,, II IM.

Willie llron., >('riMi<<>rl . llkln.

Wills A IliiHunit, l.yrlc. Illnnlnifltitm. AIn,Wllnm, Jni'k. A I'.i.. K<^llh'*. Hlwlnii ill.

WIIN, Nnl. K.'llh's. I-Nllii.

WlUle. Mr. A xirH. litirikii), Oriilii-iiiii, Nuiv Orleinm.Wllliiir. Clnr JlrVli-Vi-r't. (HiUukh.WIliKch A Vn.n; l.liiiiihi Sij., N. Y. 0., H-IO;

iSliiilierl, llkln.. 11 13.


KKl'l'U ,V DlirilKU.'M TIMIC

N. Y. a. H 10;WiMirn-il ,V .M'irllii. iirpl

Sliiil»<rl. Iliilii.. 1 1 1."..

Wllllrinl, Ijh'v'k. 'riH-i'iitii ('nil.

Wllliiir. Iilji.'i. Jiii'ki-iiii. nIii'^i . 1113.WllllliK. Ilenlli-y u Wlllinu. llljou, llattli' On-i-k,

Mli'h.. Il-I.l,

WiNilH A Wiiiiilt 'I'rin. IIiiHliirl 'l., llkln. •

WoHl. Weu (livrulc, Alliaiiilirn. N. Y, 0.


W.M. fl, IIKNN-rN.SY—Tho llnokmakrr

OUT OF TOWN HEWSNikriiiKRcId) Mnsa, — Qmrl I'Qiiare U>. O.

OlliM/re. in^r.) "Ni-arly Mrirrliil" Feli. I'J. 1;t.

,"Thi- I'l-nHiil dlri" Id. Alawl Adunia IT, "KiltyMurKny" lH-2(».

I'i'i.i's 'i;oriliiii WrlKhter. iiivr.l- -Uill H-IO: J.

O. f'uui'iit Slid r«nu|Miiiy. Y'ikt4iHina JniiH. (kinifurd

and Kiri^. Ihiriiui. IIhIiii aiid irifoiiai'll, Mii-

•leal wJlli'ii, WllllsMi mill Hei-unl. Ilumdl SIk-

li ra, ond I'ijIImoix-. Fur 1 1-13 ; 'K-liis l.uliy and.oiiiipniiy, Juliet l>lka. fTiuir Pardn. ICvnns iiinl

Wllllniiis. IN* VHrn iind l.'iiiolo. fii-vliio and Iimiihii.

64.arli' iiii'l Hlinrt. iiinl i'ollainiH'. r

(lii.M'iuH lll'jiit. 4. .McliisMilil. |i«r.)--W<ilsiiii's

Orliiiiiiln F in. Million Ih.lliir Ikills 11-13.Pi.i-/.A.--Viiiiderlllo sDd nfilhin plrliinw.Iiijiiii. riiiuiiWAV. l'.|i|,«. Fnx. (Uiffn,

Ol.i'llM. lilUelia, lilUNO. lll'IIHII.N, l.rUM', .Mlllllllll,

NioKi.Tr. t'invu, Utei, mill Hiiir.i'ir. nwlloii ph:-


lUiiiirRN iiiyiitini-d erir.v Ii-il lutiuwv nt I'oH'm I'lil-

ai'i- liy IiIh talilllly in i-.icnp'' rro-ii hHiiilciitrH.' milkrui llllifl H'lih H-.ih-r. pitekliiK cam-s. eic. fiir-

lilrlii'il by lilt III 'iirirt'riit.

"Si:/.i.'' luiki'il r<ir (Viiirl Viiusre. t, didn'tshow, ns Hit- r.l.<i-.v 1-ltMe.l Jitii. 3<l,

" 'Way Dfiu-.s K.AHT," l««jki->l fur Wfek nf M.

sIhii riilil-4-lril,

llijKiNHii.s'H CAiiNATtiiN IlrAii-nnn (UiluniM 1


Iilnyiil IImv (JlliiHire 4-il. oiid m^uriHl heavy

iirK** iMiiin^K. 1'iiii. wurk 'ff lihiilys Wllli.r. M.iIh-I

1.4-e nitd .Mtiy Ili-riihiir<ll huh iiwifil fuvuruhly .-•iiii-

meiiteil uimii.Tim: lu'iv orcnii ^^'lili'li wiis Inillt hy J. \V.

fth-en- A Sifii. orKsii f-«,iii|iniiy. of (Ills ellv, fortill' IMJiiii, will III' ili<dli-iiii-<l wivk' of '> It liiiN

llirw iiiniiiH.I. or k«.y InmnlH. lilted with furi.v-i>x

fi|ri-HkliiK i.i"|iM. n lliii' M'l Iff i:liliiK-M, ct-Uvlii iiimI


JiiMN Mi)(!«iiaiAi'i( will a|i(ii.iir at 'lie Audi-tiirliirii 12, 'i'liu wliftle lion'w wnu iiinirif mihl outby <>.

-Ili-i .Mnji-«ly'« nr. P. lllll,

l-Vh. 813. "My Kririilnrontrrnl, f'nn.

wur.t "'I'lii! Iliirrlii:-"

tlinn lii'lln" iri'Jii

I'liiNrKHH (Alilili' Wrlahl. tnMr. 1—Tlio Prliie>"mMiikIiuI Omuily Co. In ".N'niuihly .Marleltn." 8-13.

(mi-iiKiiM ((Ini. Drlsriill. mgr.) — Hill R-t.'l:

tun Mann aisl c«iiir>uiiy. Wills Ilolt WakelWMil.Prmirln .MirOlnii nnl cunipnnr. Olaudlim nndSrnrli-l. (Iiiirgii Kelli and the llarry Girls. Ii^mr

I.iihi lie. Pord nnd Truly, and llowaril and Hyiiuit.

CAimx' (Pn^l (ir'M. mnr.)—llredDiland Ilur-

Icwpiers 8-13. Roiclaiid Girls lN-20

Hi. Joarpji, Mo.-msr. I ".Mlllluii iNi^llar

-il.yeeinn (O- U. Plillley.

Doll" Peh. 7, 8;'lleleiiKellar 0.

.MtjKH-rii (Kreit ConiuiM, nigr. )— Vaiulerlllo nmlplriiiri'H.

CiiyBTAi, (I're.1 Onman, inxr.;—High ela»s

vnii'l'-vllti. Riiil inliliilil.!. .

i*ii|.|iri.'M. ll'iTAi., Kui'iirjiH anil <Xii.ORiAl. pic-

lures and rilngers.






FeMared liy ll««dHn«>r»-» Great One Btrp, Two Step or Trot. UaJ • popolarwlna aad direot modalittlon that atrikon the ear witb aare appeal for mere.

Full orcheetra, 17 veutii, Fall Hand, na centn.

MEXi. B. KAUFMAnr A40 Saint BTloIialaa Plac*IfBW VOttK CITY.

mJl LIST-Roatca Moat' Reach Tbie OfRcr Not Later Than Satardar<

Ailoaii. Moude (CTinn. rruliiiinn, rigr M-mlijiili.

liklu., B i:i. Ilrlilgi-iKiri . Oiiiin ,l'>. ..Imiifoni

i: llolyuki', Menu.. >7. Worctmer 18, N"'W

Annlln. Mopgircl—Allrnitn. (I*., 12. U-Arll»«. (Joo.-^Now OrlpuiiB 7-ia, iM<?n>|iblii. Tonn.,


\"Allr« io WondMlunrt"—KIne ArM, Oilcofo, lu.

••Awi xM Molnwk" (N.vlhiTii l'lo» O) ,inuiii.'

-HoCvf, N. t., 10, Kljilra U, I'onii ^iiii

Alton 13.

IlirkiT, (JMiiTllli—WillacU'B. New Jnrk. InW.EonymoiT, Hl'.it'l ((-"lim". I'Toliiuoii. iiiiir.)—

lilro, Niir Vo:'':. liidtf .., ,, „,

Eurti', llllll> (Cl'««. t'riliunn, mcr.) — IlglUx,

l.i«l<in, fl-20.

llenmnl, Hnio—TIroni O. II.. New Jork. 811.

I'lriidl, 7,<K (Dorthlrk 4 JJ«ly, mifr" )—vAllfnlo*"'I**., 13, I'ulttlowii^ in, liiilPlon 10. .Sba:nukiii

IT, Wlllltimiiort 18, TjrDiio II). Alliioiia 2i)

•'Illtil o( I'lMUlie, nil)" lOllviT llorouru, laitt.)—

I.jrir, Olricliinill, 7-13.. ., . >

"llrlniilng Vp K»Ihor," No. 1 (Ciian. Yale, mer.),

rinmn. Chlcain, 7-in.

"Uringing Op Kallwr," No. 2 (Cliai. toremin,

mir.)—Sao KrancUco '-^il.

'IlrTiigfag Up FalUcr." No. :i (Arrlile M»ckoiul<>.

iij«r.)—Mllwaukm T.-13. fl«r.», Iml., 14, Kraiik-

fcrt 19. Wabaali 10, Klwuid IT, Muiiclr IM,

Nrwcamle 10. UlcliriKinil 20.

•Il»n-niir!' (Klanr & BrIaugK, mgra.)—Boaloo,lloatun, InArf.

'niiiiglit and I'lM Kor"—VIclorli, Cblcago, 8-13.

••l!lue IllriJ, Tb»"—J'litabiireh 8-13.•

Cliallrrlofi, nulh-^alety, Ni>« York. Inilef.

CnblU, Marlf, ft Rlcbard <;«rlo (Danl.-l V. Arthur,

nijr.)—J<nlckMl«kpr, Now York, \rulrt.

Oolniul>la .Mua. Oom. 0>.—Oltiwi, 0«n., Imlrf.

Ciiin|il<-ll,' Mra. •alrlrk—llrunil, I'hiln., H-2ci.

OlIIToril. milT H.—.ICIiigiliiluT, Okla., 10. EnidII, rerrr 12, Uulhrle n, Cuiliiiiif II lUrtk-.v

tIIIo IB. Cofr.'jTlllf, Koii.. HI, I'nivmnka,

Oklii., 17. Nowala IH, VInlla 10, Clnmnop* 20.

"fllillJron of KnrlU" -(Wliilliniii Anii-ii. uiiisr.)—lluulll, Ni-:r York, Imlof.

"Olfver OiKt"—IMiiicli & JiKir, Ni-tr Viirk. Inilcf.

"PmiXr Sbu]!. 'IW—<Jr:iMil. Clni-limall, 713,llnmllloii 14.

"Culling iif Dnn aiallbpvTH. 'Ilio" ((Sasklll A Mar-Vlny. mam. )—\V«rr<<ii!-l>uric. ilo.. |o. ^SiNlalla

11, llnrcirn 12. I.iiwn'iiri-. Kmi.. 1.1. I!"liiiii ITi.

KkIIk out, N.'h.. 111. .Vb. C11J17, Wabuo 18,

KpliKh 10, O'Ni'llI 20.

"Oill of- Ibc OunilRTliniiln. 'I'lii'" (dnsKIll & "MacVltly, iiigrii.)— ll"rti"il«T. Mliin., in, WInoiin II,

I.n' Oro«».'. Wis., 12, Hlktilvr, U., i:i. Wnuk.iii

l.l.' nlchlnnd Oiiirp, Wis.. 10. l'<.rlai,v 17,

lliiniliria IH. I1i'«»<t P«iii 10, Slu' 20.

"Cit and llic KlililU-"- -linlUiiapolli N l.l.

Dri'xalor, ,\lark> (Tlio iSluilii.rlK. inia". )—^Thlrly-

lillilli SlK-"'!. New York, liuli-f.

Dn-w. John ((.IhnH. Fruliinmi, iiicr.)—Ilnllli> rrwk..Mlfli.; 10, Toli-tli). (>., 11, OihiMiliiH li;, IM,

.Sjirlngtlrlil l,'i, Dnyliiii 111, U'lhiKluii, Ky., ITv

l.oulHTlllp lK-20.Dawn, llutvl IJi.lin C. I'lslior, insr.)—^Ni'w Iliiven,

(Viiiii,, 10, Ilnrlfnril 11. 12.

IMlliHi & KliiK iMiiH. Onn. Co.—O.tklanil, Cat.,

Dc Ki>T<>n (Iprrn ('•< - I'.rm'yn. N. Y.. 10.' llnniMin A'ouinl" I'I'lii- ShulnTi.i, iui;r». )—WliiliT

(ijrden, NiMv Vitrk. s"riiiiiuiiy. Til*'"— -I'lMVorrt". rltli'iip>,'f.

"llilMIMKril diniils" -LVJiirilill, llallllii.'r". 1.1-2I>.

tllliW'. Julian—MIlwankiT 71.'l. ()l)ni(ilc, Chl-

MKO, H 20,"HiiKTleuc.i" (Wui, Kllldti, uifcT.)—Cniliio, Ncir

York, .liiili-f ., ,

"HuTyflfbnuii" (IIciir.T W. Sitiro, insr.)—I.a

.Iiinia, Cc.lo., 10. Trina.liiil II. Saiiln l-V. N.

,M«., 13, Kl I'lmo, 'IVi.. I."i-I7. Dml^liN, Aril.,

18, nl»b«'»ll>, TiiolMm 20. ^ .

"Htcuao Me"

Npw IMn-n, Omn.. 12. Marlforl13. •

Forgii.'ion. Miilo (Cbna. I-'rolinian, iim,t.>—I.yn<iini,

NiMV Y«rk, liuli't.

ynvvrBlmn. Win (UNiiianl I.. UallHtlior, nur.)—MhIvhiIc. notion. llnUxf.

rorlwlliilicptiion (I'l-rcy Iliirlun, mgr.)—OnlKary,

.Run., H IO, I'AlniimloM ll i:i, !j,i:<kKlouii lO IT,

lU-ilna Iri^o."FolMva cif 11)14

d^mIIi II-13.

"Knili and Kaiwlw" (Kluw * Krl«ni,vr, niRn.)—Allnulic Clly ll i:l.

"Flni' |.ViilH'r«" (K. A. Wndo, msr.)—KTanaTlllo,

hill., 10, VInoiMiniYi II.

"I'lml ThPlv Waa. A"— illnfTnlo H i:i.

GllUllr-llulM-n i.v Co. (i:iio«. Krolimm, :ni;r.)—lll«c>ksloiii<, Dlilongo, KiMari'li 0.

CIlllKTl ti SulllTaii OiHTn l.\>.— I'liirla, III.. ..1,

14. Oiaiid lln|>lilH. Nlli<li., lK'2n.

Oomlirln, Nat O.— Naubfllliv 'IVuu., II. Vi. .Mwn-

Ibla 13"Olrl iif Haglc Ilnni-li" (i;c»\ All^lx'r.r. ni^r.)—

lU<loU, Kan., lU, Onirlliiiid 13, l<'ur,.v>aii l,t,

Knlwn to, A I hoi 17.

"(iltl ani llif 'l"rain|i." \V>'»lorn KKSl llvor.t'

^Vrn\ VIooA, nipr.l—K.Tiiiili, II. i-io llim-j.-ano

1113. Ml. (Iroryv IS W. (Vilnr Clly l.S-20.

"tllrl Ilf OnuMn't Miiy" U'ho.t. 11. llronkv. nisr.)—.Vlltmn:!, I'll.. i:i.

IIoiIho, %Vu>.—lli-liiKi-o, Wii.shlnslon, S-n.4Iilchoirk, ILiynuunl—<Vi:irlwiim. .S. C, 10.

"lIHIo. lUoailwa.T" (I'lvlian A llarrlx, nigni.)—Amor, New York, Imlof.

'MIliSi OoBt of l*)vln«" (Low KU'lilsl—.Sini'.icrt,

llooluii. 8 21).

"Illsli JInka" (Arlhii' . lUniiiiPMli'lii. nisr.l—i\\\»t ItipIdH, In., 10. Miuvalliie II. Molino12. l>aA>aport 13, R<vk iMlamI 14. ininlon ID,

Itorkfonl. Ill:, 10, Itnlmiinc, la., 17.

"llnnky ranSj'' (Ib'w KIi'IiIh. inirr.l—Walnut,.

Oliirlnniitl, 8-13, IniUniiiiixilh 111.20.

lUlMijhm, Xtari;«n<l (iMi'lwyii & (>>., mcra.)—lUr-rill. New York, linlof.

"It I'aya to Ailiortlw" (IViban A Harris, n)i;ra.)

—Crtli»i>'«, New York, Inilcf.

**In«li1e thp l.liiivt" IJ. I'ri>l S^linimVtiinn ,1r. A\Vm, llarrlH Jr., nixru. )--jAinciifn', Ximt Y.irk,

12, luiipr.Wi«nU. niK-r. 1 — (larrlck,

(!'. Zlix-fv'M,


St. i.i.iiu 7-i:i. i,iiiiuviii«

IBiH'rury"—^Sl•ranton, Tn.,



Va., 11 1:1. N.I-

11. WoiHls insr. 1—Ui'iiuljlli*, Now

'• OYni. KlllMll, incr.)— llarifor.l.

"Inmvvnl" (AI'hllii., Iiiili'f.

"In Old K-nlni-kv"I.12(1.

"Il'i a I*)ng \Y».T I

H. 12.

Ki'llorniann, Anni'ili'

llinial. Wii»liUii:l "ii

"Kkk In" (A.Y.irk, miot.

"Kllly .Mni-K.iy

Onin., 1.117.

I.« Hoy, Tjlina IVwrn Oft. Illiiw Unn., niKra.)—MUllleiiioll-i 7. 10, \Val>':li>i. I.i.. II. i\t\nr llaji-

Idi. 12, gnliiry, HI., S<. IimiIh 14-20.

"l.Ke" (Win. A. llr.Aily, mi!r. )—.Mniihailnn 0.

II. . New York. Inili-f.

"I.iw of thf l.siid"—J-'iirlv oliSilh Sttwt, NowYork, hi'li-*.

"I.Mac Dimilnn" (I>I|i|M'I l>i»>rn CiMnli|ii<> Co.,

nixm.)—Mnji-nllc. nuin . s.i:i.

"I.iiilr Miiury" ( r?ip Shnlniriii. inifr<.>—l.yili'.

riilla., S13, IV'laiiv, Wnshlnalon. 1.1-20.

'i.liiu and tho Monso" (dfo. '11. ItuMi, nipr.l—OiKirlln. Km., 10, Norton II, Albol 12. Jrn-iilnpi 13, Unlb'.T in. Onkli-T 10, (Iraliilli-M 17,

UlliMn 18, llanlon lU, K»krlilgi' 20.

"I.urv, Tlip"— Inuiorlitl, i'1iIimi,m. .>i l3.

,1'.ii<li>ni l>rania I'laycr*—^Toy, llontnn. Imlrf.



A;onl|,iiiiio,-T (c mnr.f (rii.n. Dlllliigli.Ai), mgr.)—ilhilip. ,SctT York, Inilcf.

Jlrliilyrc .V lli'.illi—.SiirliiKnilil, 0-, 10. bnyloii

11 OiUonlMin :2. I:i, .Marlon l.'i, I.linj. 10,

lluMilllon 17. Ii.<llaiiui.<illii IN./O.

.M.iiiili-. Cyril—Natloiinl, WunblAglcn, « 13, Kord^,lliiilliiKire, iri-211.

MllliT, llriiry—.Sir.i DliKO, Cal.. I-". 10.

.Mniiii-ll, ItolK-rl—Korly-f.jurlb X.w V.irk.

M 27..Mi'lvlllr, Iloso—Jcrw-T City, .\. J., 8 i;i, falum-

hU. WishlD^ioii, 11-20.

.Maiiii. I.imln—Vim-rlL-aii. Chicago. Imlcf.

Murilu>'k .Viiu (Conn. Krcliiiian. nii;r. i—Culniubia,

WnHliliuliill, S-i:i, JIuiTfIo 15-20.

"Jlnlil 111 Aiuorica"—WlniiT Oanlfn, New York,iri. biilpf.

".Mlri:<le .Man, Tlio" (Gibiin & Ilarrli, nixrs.)

Treiuint. llofftoii, Inilef.

".Mult an'l Jeff lu .Mpiloi" (Joe IVtlongrll, mgr.)—TuUilo. O.. 10, SanOuKkj II, Klyriit 12,

lluryriM 13, Ul.'veland 13.20,

"iliitt ao'l Jfir," .No. 2 Oo. (0. n Wlllhiraa,

mxr.)—VIclorla. Oon..~ 10, VoncouTiT 11-13.

Kiiinl<M|i» IS, Itcri>lito>:c 10, I,«t:ibrbUd. 13, 20.

".Mult and Jrir," No. 3 Ug. (drllf VVIIIIuuio, mgr.)—Toiwka, Kan., in. Kail) Oily, NebvH, Mary-Tllle, Kao., 12, Clarluda. la., 13. (Trealoo 1H,

llrd Oik 10, Allanllc 17, <]utbrle Centre 18,Terry 10, flloui City 20,

"JIutt and Jeff," No.,4 Co.' (Harry IHlK ingr.)—


Oanlu, <).. 10. Akran 11-13, K. Liverpool IS,

Rearer Vtlla, Pa., 10. ,Mt. rieaaaat 17, Con-nellarllle 18, I,atiube 10, Oreesaburg 20.

"Mutt and Jeff," Hi«clal Oo. - (Walter Tnmar,iiigr.)_CjiBllla, Oa.. 10, Daiabrldge 11, Quincy,Kla., 12, Quitman, Oa., 13, Drunewlck IS, Por-naodloi, I'li., 10, JiokaonTlIle 17, Ht. Auguatme

V. 18. Oilunrllle 10. Daylooa 20.

^•Jllaaourl (llrl. The" (Merle II. .Norton, mgr.)

(yxm llanlda, 10, RedSeld 12. A>lel 13. Cam.Iirliljie 13. Slater 10, I'aton IT, Dlalr, Neb., 18,

lite. la.. ID, Caataaa 20."MhlraOIng l.idy. The"—O. II.. CleTelaod, 8-13,

llmux O. II.. York, 15-20.

".Mllnitonca"—St. Oalborlnea, Can., 10, TorontoI,1-20.

"Miulrrn Kro, A"—Talla, TfK.. 10, Lu'jbock 11,

.Snpetwnirr 12 '8:in Angelo 12.

"New Henrietta, The"— Cort, Chicago, Inilef.

"Nrnrlv .\l.irrli-d"—Mprlncflolrt, .Mua.. 12. 13.

".Noilly Kvilj & Their Ilaby, Tbc"—Cuiuberlaud,.Mil., ;"0.

Olcotl. miiniiccy—Kan.ioa Olty, Mo.. 7-13.

O'llara. KNUi-—Wnllint, I'lillJ.. Iililof.

"(>n Trial" ICi'lnn Sc llarrH, u,grii. )—Candler,New VirV, lndi*f.

"On Trill" (tViban tc Harris, ingrs. )—C<>han'a,

ChlCKKo. lllill'f.

"Only <;irl, Tliv" (Jiw \VW«r. initr.)—I.yrlc, NewYork,. Iiiilt\f.

"Our (yillilrcn"—I'rlnccss, .Olilcago. Indef.

"Oil- Snvoinon" (-Martin lloarerx. mgr.)—Kmerson,Ni'li., 10, I'oiica II, i.aim'l 12, llarlln>:iii:i 13.

"Oil lUe KmiiUcr"—^Tuiii 0^lK^y'» (M, O. I.«iiit4.r-

ilili'. nifr.)—Watvrtown. 8. D., 10, Clear LakeII, TiiriHilo 12, While l.'l.

"Old lloiiHwIonil. llie"— Itraillng, Ta,, 10, 1^-n-va, N. Y., ID.

I'oBt tiny i;ali-s—Torre Haute, Ind., 10.

ra'tiiin. W. 11. (Frank Sjnilh, in|;r.)—Clirk^iilalP,

MIsa., 11, llrotiklrirt'n 1:1.

"robsaniy" (.Miiilwii I'lay Co., uiKri-l—'I'lirk,

,Ni>Hr York. Illilef.

".rair of Hllk Stncklnga. A" (WIntliroii Amos,mgr.)—I.lttle, Jfew York, liidpf.

"IMinntniii nivijl. The" (UaTid illelasco, mgr.)—<^ilii|ilnl. llualon, liidrf.

"1 -air of Sinn. A" 'II, II. mice, iDKr.)—Wlllinr,IkiHliill, lllllof. .

"Pair of aiips. A" (II. II.- Praace, mgr.)—IlfMlirNter. N. Y.. 10, II, -ATlieellDg, W. .Va.,!2, 13, I.yrli', Clnrlnnatl, 14-20.

"I'air of Slxea, A," Kaatorp (II. II. Fraaee, mgr.)—..Norwli-h, N. Y., 10, ayracwn 11-13, Norlh-ani|>(iin 13, I'ltliinelil 10, Kllchliurg 17, Uelkjwal-"Hlla, Vt., IK. CoiironI, N, II., 20. -

"I'ilrof MlieH. A," Weatorn (II. II. rraaee. mgr.)—-liiigainiHirt, Ind..' 10, CrawfordBrlllo 11, 01-iioy 12, Wislilngton 13, KTRiiNTllle 14. llende'-sini, Ky.,- 1,1, I'nducoh 10, Naehrllle, Temi., 17,IH, Jni-ksun 20.

"I'alr of .Sl»i«. A," Cen'iral (11. II. Kraaee. mgr.)<'.iiltiinliii4. Nob.. 10, York 11, lloMrege 12, .Mc-<'(Mk Kl. Orpiid iHlnnil 14 Hastings IS, MncoliiIII, 17. Ih-ntrlcc 18, Maubattan, Kan., 10, Law-n'lico 20.

"IVk <•' .My Ill-art" (I'lorcnre Martin) (Ollter .Mo.

mjr. )—New:irk, N, J,, 8-13, Hkin-,I.1-2II. <»

"I'lT o' :ly Heart" (Pefgy 0'N.!ir. (OllTCf Mo-T^i*.-!!, mgr.)— Miin rranclieo 8-13. San Joce II,

' Moittoniy 1.1, Hsii I,onU Ubispo 111. Santa Dar-hara 17, Ventura IS, 9tn Diego 10. 20.

"I'lV <•' My Heart" (Dorothy .Maokaye) (OIlTerMiirinro. mgr.)—illamlllon. 0., 10, SnrlnglleldII, (MIntoii 12, QceenrlUe 13, Union Olly, In<l.,

13, Munrle 10, Newcjnllo IT, Rtohnioi<d is,

IVinniirBrllle II), OreeinUnirg 2i).-

"r<-g -d' My lloail" (KN:i llynn) (OIIti',- Morwpn,niKr.)— IxiiUi-llle .s-13. On'oirHlirrii r>, H.^ilir-Hill 10, |.^i*ansf lllp, Intl., 17. Vlncciiuitl H.Terrp Ilniile 10, 20.

"I'PK o' My Heart" (r»orl> .^(0l)^e> (OII»er Mo-nasco, mgr.) — (Tlillllrolhp. Mo., 10, IlniokPpIdII. KlrkBTlIlp 12. Mann 13. Kanu'ba^ 1.1. Cfii-tTi'VlIlp 10. All'ln 17. Wnshlngton IS, Muaia-Cue It). l)«Tr;n|'ort. la., 20.

"IVg o' -My Heart" ( Dentler) (Ollrpr Mo-Tv>vo, mgr.)—.louthTllle. Tea., 10. Sei,-ulii II.I.nlIng rj, 8au .Mnroi 13. New Ilrannfelii 14,UuoKU 1.1, llei>vlllo 10. CkUlad 17, OlMro IS,Yiiakiiiu 10, >Vliarton 20.

"I'eg .>' My Heart" (Ilea Martin) (Ollrer Mo-nis.;o, logr. I—Union Clly,. Tenn-. 10. Cairo,111-. II, I'Bdiicah. Kr., 12. Priiieplon 13,Marlon, III.. 13, Oarluuilale 10, Ooatralla 18,Oliipy 10, Kfllngbnni 20

"rola»li k I'erlniutler" (A. II. Wocda, mgr.)

01y<n|i|p. Chh-nfo S13."INit.ish A IVrlnnitler" (.V. II Wooda, mgr. )--

St. I'aul 7. 13, Mlnnpa)iiillH H-20."I'littiih IV.-lnnUli-r" (A. 11, Wools*, mgr. )--

St. Ixiula 713."I'rlnpe tft I'llson" (I'oroy J. KeMy. mgr.)— .<nn

Arltir, .Mh-h.. 10, I.anaing 11, Kllut 12, Hay<;iiy 13, S»i;liniv 14, TXirouto, Can., 1,1-20.

"I'niilliial .s,-ii. The" (l)»p«r llrahain. mgr.)—^•<llllll•llllurg. 'IVi., 10, I.:agle Lake II. Ifcll-Tllle 12, )ld<lliiga 13, Klgln 1,1. OeorgrtownIII. ni-uml llock IT. Iluniptt IS, .Marblp l-Villa111, l.lnno 20.

"rrhrier of li.lpll'a. Thai" (0.>tklll & Ma,pVltlT,iiignt.)— Wyinore. NNi., 10. Ileatrlpe 11\ Snw-ard 12. York 13, l.Mgjr IH, Sutierlor Ifl.Miber-iln. Kan., 17, .Morton 18. .Mrdaik, N<4>., 20.

"rassliig Shaw of 1U14"—ilarrlrk, lUiloagii, luilef,"I'lS'k'B Had lloy"— Vjufn'rlanil, Md., 1.1.

"1'ixiri l.lllle Kli'h fllrl"—Ne»- Drleans IJ-L'O.llollnl. Adplp

—'l\inmto. Can., 8-13.

"llPhliil h^arl. The"—iMaaliie Hlllolt'a, New York,S. Iihlef.

"Ilolling St.mea"—I,* ««I1p. OJilcago. Imlpf."lUM Widow" (!'. 11. .NUpii, nigr.)—Maillnni.

vll'e, Ky.. 10, I'adiicah 11. <1alrii. III.; 12,l'i>|ilar IllnlT, Mo.. 13, Marlon Cliy. Tenn., 1.1.

I'arli 111, Jaokson 17. IMpna. Ark., IS, Clarks.dale, MIs"., It). Yaiu) 4'lly 20.

"IMnvoa of ^iinnyliriaik Fiinn"—4'roanect, t^lere-Innd. 8-13.

"Itoiiiid I'll.' Tlie"— Natloiiiil, Clilpico, ^S-13.Skinner. Dtis (Olias. Krolininn, iiiKr,)—l.ll*rly.New Yiirk, liuli'f.

Starr, l-'miipos (ItaTld llplam-o. mgr.)—llplaaoo,. Npw York, Inilpf.

Srtiiilrr!ii»i.1lrlan-i>awtlinrn 0>. (Clms. Krohninn,nicT.l-'l-'iirtx'Kt, rblla., K-13, I'ltlMliiirgh 1.1-20,

S:ni (':irlii llrdiid Oppm <\i.—^Vkrnn, t).. 11-13,.\i-:i,|piiir. Itiiltlniopii, 13-20.

i-' of Sour*" (A. II. Winnie, tnqr.)—Klllnce.Npw York, indef.

".siuiiprn" (Win A. Urmly, nisr. I — PLiybouw,Npw York, ludpf.


The big song hit by MURIEL HUDSON, In the ZieCPELD*8 MIDNIGHt T1>C^LIC8:MARYLYN MILLER, In the PASSING SHOW I 9 1 4;also the great VAN and SCHENCK, In vaudeville.



If you did not get a copy of song In CLIPPER of Jan. 03, send for Prof. Copy at onceOBGHBSTBATION IN ART KB'T

CHAS. K. HARRIS, Music Publisher

COLDUM nam Vmntl iiiiEYBBcoHEH,inanag.. MEW YORK CITY

"dbow'Bbop, l^x" (9elw:yn & Co., m^)—Hoi-. Seiitelle, Jeaile, Stock-^West End, New Tork, S,

aoo. Now To L-k; Indef. bidef.

"8o Much ror-8o MuoU" (H. H. Praaee, mgr.)— taker Theatre Stock-Rochester, N. Y., Indef."

Slandjnl New Vmk. 8-13. Uiri.eB Tteatre Oo.—i:ilLtoa^,Ia., 17. •

"Sari" XOmij \t. .SaTage, -air.) lUltoli » Obt-.- gfaU ataot-rrOaalle Hqnare. -Beaton, Indef.

cago, 6-3T oLeelet gMlaiifr-.Ranai a Ajlrtabula, 0., Indef.

"8tary of the Ileaatr'.'-nFord'i, Baltimore, 8-13, Oreti^ut Staai Oinmt Bkln.Je'raty Olty. N. J.. 15-20. ' , .,(iilonlal- Playera—Colonial. Norfolk, Va.

"ittpbard of the. Illlla" (OaaklH &' MacVTlty, Gnik. Chaa., '-Slock-rWattrbury, Cuoa., ijidcf..

luar*.)- Surfol'a,- Va.', 10, IbniKike Ilaplda, .N. Chii»e'-I.|«ter Stock .(W. B. Analey.l aijr.) — St.

C, .11,' Wlrmtoa la, Dnrhnm 13, -UurllnRton Cloud, .Mluu., 8-13, Wlllmar 13-20.

IC, necdafllle 18, Ofcenaboro 17, Dantllle, Va.,. 0.»>Il9 I'ltyer^—Naaaao. Uabama lalanrta, Indef.

18, Itedford Ollr lA, Lrnebbum '20. Crrne-Sblrly Stock—Troy. N. Y.. Indef.

"Sliepberd . of tbe Hllla" (Qaaklll & .M.icVItly. C</iii441-I-rUe ('layers—Mt. Oaruicl. Pa., 8-13.

m«n.)^Laula/llt4 7-13. Bt. Louia 14-20. Ctamplln, Ohas. .<{., Stock—Cumbvlaud, Md.,"8bp)iberd of tbe Hllla" fOaaklll & MacVltly, 8-13. .

mgra. )—Syracose. N. T., 11-KI. Debbam Stoc'i—Deubam. nearer.".Scren Hoora In New York" (0. B. wee, mgr.) Mnpire .Stouk-.-A'iiuata, Me., . Indef.—Newliem, N. C, 10, Hlltahetb City 12, I'ln,pre«s Stu:K—Ijmnretia, Tacoma, Warh.riymoutb 13, Wllllanuton 15, Washington 16, Unu-rprlftc Stock (Normun Ullyard, mgr.)— Cbl-'

Rocky Mount 17, Fayetterllle IH. I.urlnbarg 19.- ergo, Indef. «"Seren Keya to Ualdnate" (OohaiT"* Harris, IVraberg I'lay.^rd—Newark, V. J., Indef.

nigra.)—Lawrence, Maaa., 12, Standard, >cw Folly Mus. Stock (Harry TuberTllle Jr., mgr.)

York. 15-20. Folly, Peorlu, III. -

"Seren Keya to Baldpate" (Cohan tc Ilarria, Grand aiiKk—Orand, Ctereland,mgrs.)—I'ensacola. Pla., 13. 'lOtbam I'luyor^i—Gotham, Dkln.

"Seren Ker* lo Raldnate"' (Cohan t Harris, GIbney, Sorjb, Oo.—SarnU, Ont,, C.iu., Indef.

mgrs.)—San Diego, 12. 1.3. Qraud Open Lfouae Stock—Grand. Bl^ln.

"Sunny Sojth" (J. C. Rockwell, mgr.)—rent- Goidlnler Diw). ttock (Clyde H. Qorilnler, mgr.)water, Mich.. 10, I.udlugton 11, Brart 12, Bin —Wapello. Ii.. 8-14.

Itaplds 13, Fi'cmont IS, Newaygo 10, Lakerlew I'lolden l'lay>.-<;—Clereland, Inilef.

17. Slanlon 18, arppnrlllp 19, Deldlng 20. kaywntd, Onoe, Slock—Wlllard, Cbteogo, Indcf.".September iMorn," Circuit Co. (Rowland & Cllf- llaawcll, I'eroy, Stock—New Orleana Imlef.

ford, mgra.)—Oolonlal, Baltimore, 8-13, Tren- .I'.onier Oom. Oo.—EatberTllIe, la., Iniief.

Ion. N. J.. 15-20. lltyile Drama I'layera (I'hU H- lUyde, mir.)—"September Morn," Central Co. (Itowland & aif- lllkhart, InJ., Indef.

fnni, mgrH.)—Chanute, Kan., 10, Plttfiburg 11, Uuntlngton IMayera—St. I'aul Indef.(Vilunihua 12, I'tnwos 13. Hugo I'Iuyer.«—nrlalul, S. Dak.. 10, 11, Webster

"September Morn" (Rowland & Ollfford, mgr).)- 12, 13, Ellcudale, N. Uak., lB-17,Killnas, CaL, II, San l^nils Oblapo 12, Santa Jewett, ilonrr. Flayers—0. H„ BojtOD, iDdcf.Parliara 13, I.m Angelea 14-20. Keith Players—Keith's. Toledo, O.

Tl urslon. Ilowanl (Jack Jonpn, mgr.)—Detroit Keith Slock—Kelth'a, Portland, Me.T-13, Canton, 0., 13-17, Akmn 18-20. Keyes Sisters Stock—Wlcblln, Kao., Indef.

Treiitliil, Kmma— Scraiiton, Pa.. 10. Itletb Players—Brooi, New Y'ork, Indef,Teinpeat, Marie— Academy, Ilalllinore, 813, Al- Klork, Gladys, Stock—So. Uauchester, Conn., 7-'

bany. N. Y.. l.-S-H. 13. Watertiury 14^0.•To-nlghfa the Night" (The Shuberts, m«m.)— Logan Sipuire Stock—Cblcago, Indef.

S^iubert, New York. Indef, . Little Stock—Little, I'taila.

"Twin neda" (Selwyu tc Co., mgis.)—Fulton, raise Mus. Com. <5o.—^. Bend, lad., Indef.New York, Ind.-f. Losergan, Leoter, Players—Lynu, iMasa., Indef.

"Tn1n B«dH" (Seliryn ft Oo., mgra.)—nnrlford, 'Llrlngatone Stock—I'eoria, III., Inilef.

Oonn., 10. • La Hoy Slock—W. .ManaSeld, O., 8-13."T»-Dty" (Edmund IlReae) (Harry Von TUoer, "Lynn Playvta—Lynn. Mus,, Indef.mgr.)—OoInmlHia, O., 8-10, IndlanajMlla 11-1!!, l/owrence Del. S.,: Stock—^Montreal, Oan.. lodef.Detroit IJ.JO. .

Lyceum Stock—New. Britain, Oonn., Indef."TorDay" (Arthur nr>''>n) (n^rry Von Tiller, Lyric Playem—Lyric, Memphis, Tenn.sigr.)-Ban ni.*BO,' Cal., 10, Bedland* 11, Han- Ltoiuird players (Wm. -R. Leonard, mgr.)—Mt.


Fernardind 12. niTerilile 13, Txw Angeles 15-20. Morlab. Mo., 8-13, EaglceTllle - 15-30.-

"To-Day." Oo 0 (Uarry Von Titter, mgr. )—leb- Lung i Wilbur Stock—Colo. Spclogs, Oolo. Indef.renilng. Ulch., '.0, I^randba 11, Menomlocv 12, Lyric. Stock—Lrylc, Buffalo,Waiiaau, Wis.. 13, Merrlir 14. Apploton IS She-, l^ewls Stock—.Mobile,' Ala., S-27.Iioygan 10, Oahkoah IT, Pood du Lac IS, Madi- Mack's Asroclate Players—Uoncssen, Pa., Indef.son 10, Rock'ord, III., 20. AIetn|)olltan Players—iI.!lropolltiin, Cleveland.

"To-Day." Co, D (Harry Von Tllter. mgr.)—Gads- Merk, 8q, flayers—Merk. ' Sq., Lowell, Moss,den,- Ala., 10, .Athens. Oa.. 12. Mieo3 13, -Marcus Mas. Com. Co., No. 1—iDoston 8i20.JacksonTllle. Fla.. in. Palatki 10, Daytona IT, Alarcua Mus. Cum. Co.. No. 2—lUatb, Me., 8-13,De Land 18, Sanford lo: St, I'eteraburg 20. .

.Mllford, Mass., 15-20.

"Third Party, The"—A.lelnhl, Phlla.. Indef. ' 'Marcus .Mus. Oooi. Oo,. No, 3—Now London,"Things That Cbunt, The''—St I>ouls 7-lfrIo-- Oonn., 8-13, Norwich 15.20.

dlinspolla 15-17, Kvansvllle IR. ' Uarcus Uus. Ootn. Co., No. 4—Onrdner, Mass.,"Too Many Cooks." Ooast Co. (WHn. A. Drady, .,8-20.mgr.)—Seattle, Wash., 7-13. Aberdeen 14. Ta- Maylon Stock—Mt. Union, Pa., 8-13, Lilly 15-20,coma 15, 10, Victoria, Waab., 17, VaneouTer National Stock (F. R. Cole, mgr.)—Miles, Mich.,


18-20. „ 8-13, No. Judson, Ind.. 15-17, K«wanna 18-20."Tno Many C!ooto" (Wm. A. Drady, msi-.)— OnAeijin Players—Otpbenm, Reading. Pa.PlymoDlh, notion, Indef, ,

' OllTor Drtma Plarer* (OUs OUrer, mgr.)—^Daren-"Under OoTor" (Sclwyn tc Co., mgrs.)—iCorl, New ,,P<>". !«.. Ini'rf.

York. Indef. 5 Stock—Rock Island, 111., Indcf. '

"I'lider CoTcr". (Selwyn A Co., mgra.)—Peoria, OUrer Stock—Durllngtrm, I«., IndefIII.. 10. Ornbeum Slock—Orrieum, Jersey City,

"Uncle Tom's -Oahin" (Wm'. KlWdp, mgr.)— " I'ringle. Dells, Stock—Boise, Idaho, . Indef.

loll Phyers, New Haven. Oonn., Indof.mgr.) --Jack- Players—Scranlon, Pa., Indef.

Pol Players—Worcester, Mass., Indef.Id, David-Terra Uantp, Ind., 10, »tlnne- S."]^

Players—Hartford, Oonn., Indef.Is 11-13, St. Paol 14-20. J,''"'*" Stock—Princeaa, Des Molnei, la,

h, Dcna — jMecoata. .Mich. 11. Honor 12.'

' OP*ra Co.—ShenanJoah.-St. .Louis li

KUgaley 13, Onekama 16,- Roscom'.-ion HI. Yan- Oo.—Park, St. Louis, Indef.derbllt 17, Dryden 18, I'ulton, 'Wis.'; 20. E'^'","' Stock-^yracuie, N. Y., Ibuoi,

ham, nigr.)^ r.*f'^* r*"!*" Players—TVironto, Oan.. Indef. •

r. /Price's Popular PUyers (John R, Price, mgr.)—

rady, mgr.)— „,^""'«'* Y., Indef.^

riayhodse PIayore—Wilmington, Del. Indef.t, 'Ji*^"» Ctwl lleaudoln, mgr.)—Clarks-

burg, W. Va.. ladef.-»r.;—v^iaras

Aslory Park-, N. J., 10. Rridgflon 12, UllsnlvtU '« Players—Poll's,, Washington,13, PatcTFon 13-17, Udckcnsick 18. T)oT«r li), }*» > I'loyers—Auditorium, Boltlmore Indtf.A1lentt>wn, Pi., 20.

' "" "' — "' '


Vrilson. Al. II. (Sidney R. Ellis,

•on, Mich,, It, BatUa Creek 12,


Waldeh, Dcna — jMecoata. .Mich. 11. Honor 12.' };"" in>*ra Co.—Shenandoah, -St. .Loulo Indef,

riaycrs Oo.—Park, St. Louis, Indef,Payton, CoiSB, Stock-^yracuie, N. Y., Indof,

Watch Your Step" (Chas. Dllllngh. ' '"— '— - -


New Amaterdtm. New York, Indef."White Feather, The" (Wim. A. Brady,Oomedy, New York, Indpf.

'-What's Going On" '(John Oort, mfr.)—CortRoatoa, lnde<f. . „ , - -

"Within the I*w" (Selwyn ><c Co., m|;i;^.)— .M"?- Oom. Co.—Montreal, Can.. 8-13Wrlnut, anclnnill. 11-20. llciitftow's Stock (J. N. Reiitittow, mgr.Wxeias

"Whlti. The"—Lincoln, Neh., 10. ^S',}"- l*"- '>"'*'-

"Winning of Bartiara •\Yc.rth" (L. 03 Yeomuns, ' Jhubert Stock—atmbert, -Milwaukee,mgr.)—Denver 7-13, ;»velaiid 1,1. 'Ft. ("olUns .S''*£"?'' fS^k .Oo.—De Kilb. 111., Indef.u;, lAwgmofit IT, Douliler 18, Oolo. Sprints SntherlandBtock—Adama, Wis., 8-10, Oxford 11-1K.20. „ I aekwaukee 15-17.

"When DrearaH Ome Triie"—Zanesvllle. O., 18. Sf'","','*PlaTcrs—Scbenley, Pittsburgh

' Yellow Ticket, The"—Grand, Cincinnati. 11-20.'"'" - - - -

STOCK A5D MUSICAL COHBDIBB,PeriuaBcnt iind TrarellBn.

Acmiemy Plnyera—Acailnny, nsvcrhlll, Mass.American Slock—American, Pblla.Angell Stock (.'oe Angell, iugr.).^^roalburg. Mil.,

8-13..Arvliie Plnyero—Jotinaluwn, P«., Indef.Allen: Billy, Muh. Cum. .Oo.—Port Jervls; N V

6*13.Adrlr, John Jr., & Oi — Steubenvllle,Audltorlura Stock—AmUtorlum, Kansas Oliy, 3lo. WaRhlnglnn Stock—Detroit IndefAvenue Plo.Ter«—Vancouver. C^n., 8-13. -i,.— ... • -.

nnrlisiik- Stock—iDiirtunk, 1,09 Angeles.KivLnt, Dllly. Rtock—Jxiganainrt. 'Ind., Indef.nijou Stock—nijou. Fall lUvpr. Mass. .

nealon. Manxit, Stock—llemliljl, Minn.. Inilef.

Cat row-Uoward I'layen—Council BlufTs, la.. In-. "Warrington Slock—WarrTiigton Chicago^Volf A, l.Dwla Mns. Stock—Oan Dlpgo Cal Indef

niahop ris.vers-Oaklniid, Oal., Indef. Whitney Slock—Kalamsi^Sllch T-'nr.ieta. Frpil. Slock (IlyeTS & Ingram, mgrs.)— Young- Ada-nis Slock—St. John, Can 8-13_ I-aducah., Ky.. Iii.lpf,

_ _ COMPANIES I!« TAni.nin ' nv a'

^"ll""'- [TJl <«"'» K«n^ "', m«r.)-atJohns, Mldff. 8-13,.Durind 16-20.°*^''^''

St. Claire, Wlnlfre.1, Stork (.E. D. SIpe, mgr.)-Ilackenaack. N. J,, 8-13.


Thoriion-Wooda O.-ir-WalUiara, Mass., IndefTiinipr-IIoniinouil .Players—Providence, Indef'Irou-idale Bros.' Stock—«sc City, la 10 LakeOlty 11, Ilockwell 12, Fonda 13. Scranton IB

. „ i«? Mra"2^'" "'

.. o.. .i„.(rr: '"o!!'l',fdi.'="'»««^-)^op"».

ilnginn Stock—Detroit, Indef.h, Josephine. Players (Gonloo nomlllon,

,„ ..r.)—Diibunue, In., Indef.WrIght-lIiHitlnglon Playera—iMInneapolls. Indef.Waiiils. Kalhleeo, Stock (Walter Sadford, mgr.)—

hllaabelh. N. 0.. Indef, ' '

.r<iiker Stock— linker, Portland. Ore.rmwn. I.onlie. Stock (Kdwanl Doyle. Tngr. )

Dcnlelw-i. Omn., S-N. ,

Drimdway Stnp.t— Ilnuidway, Denver.Halnlirldw I'ln.rer"—11a luln-ldgc. Minneapolis.Ill'on Stock (•?. Freil Diiuni, mgr. )—llaleigh, N.C. 813. .

llal.lwln-iMplvlllo Slock— Allnnln. Go.. 9-li.Hunllng. Knim.i. Stock—Okln. Clly, Okla., 7-13,Kjil Slock—Iloyd, Ouuhn, .Noh.



COMPANIES I.-V TADLOID PLAYS,.fHayton PLirera (Lloyd 0. Fosler, mgr.)—Barre

VI.. Inilet

Kmpire Mus Own. Co.—Cbanibersburg, Pa. 8-13- I.eiilslon 16-20. ,


"Fine Feathers" (Robert Sbennan, mgr.)—Elgin111.. 11-13 .. /

gn,'Jon Coin. Co noekyTnount, Va,, 0-10Oalvin Mus. Tab.—I«i;ans|llirt, Ind. 11-13"High School MhiBlrt'l Olrin" (C. E. Singletonmgr.)—Clnrkuliurg. W. Va.. 8-10, Parkerabiiri;11-13. Wlippllng 15-17. Wnsblnglon. Pa., 18-20

"Ileiilieckpil lli'iiry." Essteni On. (Ilnllon Powel'mgr. I—nrailford. Pa., 10, Kanp II, Du Bols12. •Oleanield M. ,^

"IIeii|>eeke<l Henry," Wpatem Co. (Hallon Powell.• mgr.)—Forest City. la., 10, nnmirton -ll. Gar-

-aer IS,,.Mason Oltj 13, Lawlor 1-1, Sumner 16,\


Osage le, Le Boy, Mlna., IT. New BamUs ISWest Union 19, Manchester 20.

"Henpecked Henry,'.' Central Go. (Haltoik Powell.mgr.)—Oiand 'Ranlds, Mlcta.,,7-13.

"Masquersders, ' The'' (A. U. JdcAdam. mgr.)M^ne, lU., 8-13.


"Nobody Borne" (Boyle Woolfolk, mgr.)—Logans-port, Ind., 11-13.

Osman Mus.- Com. Oo. -(Thoman -McCracken, mgr.


-—Hagerstown, Md., 8-13, Gbautbersburg, I'a.,i3-20.

l-olltrd Opera Oo.—Bay Olly. Mich., U-13."Bnn For Her Mon-ty, A" (Ballon Powell, mgr )

—Wichita. Ksn., 8-iO. Tulsa. Okla., IMI.MiiskO|t« 14-ie. Okla. Olty 17-20.

"Safety First" (Haltoa Powell. nigr.j—Aurorn.III.. 11-13, KlQln U-10. Jollet 17-20.

Sun Slilne Oom. Co. (Goodwin & Sllverlnk-.mgrs.)—Easley, S,^ C, 8-13.

Tbomas Mus. Oom. (V).-Watervllle, Me.. 8-13."Tabarin Girls" (Dave Mewman. niitT.)—tpartsn-

burg, S. 0., 8-13. Salisbury, N. O., 15-20.

MINSTRELS.Big City Mlnslrels ' (John W. Vosel. mgr.)

Coldwotcr, illcb., 10, 4lblon 11, Uliarlotte 12,LiirBlng 13. Hay City 14, Saginaw 10, Hint 10,

Evans, Geo. (Dtnlel Sbea, mgr.)—Natchee, .MIsa.10, Jackson 11, Meridian Vi, Mobile. Als.. 13.'

ritlds", Al. C. . (Edword t.->)nrnd, mgr.)—Poueh-kerpsle. N. Y., 10, IIiidTin 11, Albany 12. 13,Glens Falls 14, 15. Trey 10. SclienecUdv 17,I IttsOeld, MSHS., 18, Amsterdam, N. Y.' 19,J<brstown 20.

Huntington's, F. C. (J. W. West, mgr.)-Pres-cott. Ark,, 10, Nashville 11, Ilofw 12, 13,'Mlii-den, I,a., 16, 10, iStaraps. Ark., 17, 18, Tiior^kana, Tex., in, 20.

O'lfrlen's. Nell (Oscar V. Hoilgc, mgr.)—Tampa,Fla., 10. Si. Petersburg 11, Orlando 12. Sanfonl13, Palalka 15, St. Augustine 10, Wayoross,Ga., 17, Albany 18, Micun 10, Oolurabns 20.

Richard & Priiigle's (Holland i Fllklns. mgr.-:.)—Oakler. idn.. 10. Burley II, Twin FalLs 12. 111.BuliI 1,1. American Knlls 10. I'ocntello 17, IdalidFalls 18, Reiburg 10, St. Anthony 20.


IIAMDS AMD ORCIIESTnAif.Chandler. Nellie n., & nannony Maids (Chas. W.

(h>etz, mgr.)—Boston. .Mass., Indef.Flake's Band—Wonderland Moating Theatre, la-

• lie*. - .\

McSpntrow''. Band—iBlla-flha-Co.. IndPf.Neel's, Carl, Band—Lojan, W. Va., ludef.

CABNIVALS,Amerlcon Amuse. Oo.

n\ Paso. Tn., 8-13."Jones, Johnny, Exposition Shows (J.>;inny J.

Joues, mgr.)—Orlando, b'la., 8-13, Tonspa 15-20.

MISCELLANEOUS.Brosg ft Brogg Show (Geo. M, Bragg, mgr.)—

Newhoro, Oan.. 10, 11, Delta 12. 13.Becque Picture Shows—<.Vew City, N. 'Y..- (Fri-

days), inik'f, . .

Bunny, John—Omah.'r Neli., 10, 11, Lincoln 12.Howe'n Pictures—.Kvnnsvllle. Ind., 12, 13;'IHyiioctltes" (picture)—Princess, New York, In-


Lucey. Thos, Elmore—.D.ivlon, Pa.. 15, F,pplig;Mills 10, Phlla. IT, Bridgeport 18, Pblla. II).

H. Greenville 20. .

McGliiley, Bob Ic—Wheelock. N. Dak., 11, 12.Raymond. Oreat (Maurice F. Raymond, mgr.)—Buenos Aires, Argentina. 16-27.

RIctoh Show—Cleveland. Indef.§rolth. .Mysterious—Bagley. Minn.. .10, 11. Lens-' by 12. Red Lake Mills 13. 14, Wauban 10, 17.Habnomen 18, 10. Almora 20.

HiomiMon's. Frank H., Pictures—LMonroe Center.III.. 14-20.

Winter Circus—Hipp.', Now York, Indcf.


The Deaf anil Dumb Boy.The Ulsrs and Btrlpcs Of U. 8. A.When the LtsareB llcgln To Fall.What Is Home Wlttiout A Mother.Good Uye, Hlater Moon, Oood Dje.The Dear Old Story.Yon KIsa And Bus Her, Too,Open Yonr Boor, Mother.Toa Cao't Keep A Good ManDown.I Know More Abont It Than Yoti.The Bnbmarlne Dip.Hy Old New Bonland Home Upon The Ooaat.


Ban Francisco, Queco Of Tho Golden Wi^t.Oampflre Dreams. h

The Olrl or Tbo Golden West. I

The Den. /

YouAreTheOlMForMc. JlGone Uut Not Forsotlen. '


What I LoTo.My Wlfo. My Children And I.

My Little Ofrlle With Tho Golden Balr.On The Banks Of Tho liadson All AJono.Love Finds A Way.Love Eternal.Verise, Tho Woman Detectlye.Social Rivals.


NATIONAL MANUSCRIPT SALES GO.,Broadway and 40th Street, Mew Yorlc.WANTKD


And Novelty People capable of chan^lDg for week.Preference to those Doubling Brass. No pareaci). .

Vaudeville and Uramatic: week stands. Showopens Foil. 22. All people to report one weekearllLT, All Htimmor'n ongagomcnt to rl(tht people.State lowest salary. Pay own. Adrian Kllnwortli,write. HAMRY LA REANE,

Mgr. Kmmons L» ReBiao Pl»jreri,Lsanadowne Hotel, St. John, W. B.

Onort nnd clean, rcrcenlaec. WriteJ. H. TRBABUnn, OrpIi%inm Theatre,

Ilo» an. Teams City. Tea.


Ff.bbitary 13 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 21

JAlbolene(/ I'l am greatly pleased wlthlAl-

bolene and consider It unequalled

for removing grease paint."

rut up In 1 and 2 oz. tubes to flt thomake-up box, alio InU^'and l lb.

cans, b7 all first class druggistsand dealers In make-up.

SampU'Free on Re(iue>tKoKBSSON A ROBBINB

01 Falton St. NEW YORK

AltooBB, Pa.-^Ub]«r (I. 0. UUttler, ur.)QcRDjin ifir plmara F*b. 8-10, B«irt(ttb»r Horn-

rH'*"i"™ "ju '<x*' '»«>'>«la '•Tli« Olrl B« Omldn't Baj" 18.

,<>a™"OK (Arthar B. Dnimu, tnfr.)—iBIll 8-

10: AilliaT IatIm and omiq)iD)r. Unrphr andI«ckmar, Otrtnule Ardrn ud eaoMj, and TvoI«w«. For IMS: "A. Dmm of the Orlfnt,"Howard aod Cbue, I>atl(T and Thonw. and ''Alloncjltas Honeymoon."

NOTia.I. O. Misnua, manat^r ot the Ulabler Tbe-

aire, Altoona, aod Hitry Scherer. maaam of ttatOanbrla Tbeatn, JotiaatowD, P«., went on a

trip together to Now York Mtj lait weei.Tn» new n»Tln« plctore theatre, now ooderconatnKtlon on the alte of the old Elereotb Aie-noe Opera Ilooie here br A. Notopolla. wUI bt

Oljiaplc." Tho honse will open earlrIn. the Spring.

,,*^JJ"J??1 I«^-Cllnton (0. B. Dlion. mir.)—DaTld Warteld, In "The Auctioneer," Feb ;•.

°lll(b Jinks" IS, Oberammerian aod Bane* The-aire a. 17. 'Ihe Mlalndlng Lndj" 23.OnrnmiM (U, OMin, mgr.)—Vauderlllc. •

LiBio. AuuKi-U, Bmr, Ooloniil anil C'l-siKO, pictures.


Tir'^?'.."¥"""' Ob'cago, nrcsl.lcnt of the

. ; Zl^"--'*-' Ollntoa .Uondaj, 1, in thoiLlercat of tho Oipbenm Theatre. Ur. UeacUerIs urealxnt ot the Ollnbm Annwaient Oo. MCohn, Eciuiager of the local Orpbcum, la eetie.tnry and treaanrer at the Regime

nil; big bnalnees.

>M m

••YOV ARrWiIE R08R Or mV IIBART.'Th«> Most Talkeit of Ballad In the Coantrir.


Tlie aong witli the "kirk.


Br LOn KLEIN and JAMKB KENSIS* A Oreiat Double Naiiili<>r. a Wontlorfal SInglo, Anylioti)- rnn 8lnK It.

MAURICE RICHMOND MUSIC CO., Inc., 145 W. 45th St.. New York

•FOR KVKHY SHIhK YOU GAVK MR YOU ('AUSEI)The Uallad that li Dlfl>renl.



AlaNiOD Wall, of the Baker Tlieairo, bai In-

stalled girl others at that house."Caiiisu" pictures sre at the Oordon R-IO.

Ilmdrli's "Ilelle Inlo,"

l.eis, mur.)— VauilCTlllo


'Hie new offerings for 8 aod neek consist of

Mrs Patrick Campbell, In "PrenialloD, ,at tlie

i'.roid : I'aullne KrederlcU, In "luuoc.'nt." st the

Orrrlck; Florence Webtier, In "Lulv I.uiiirj',"'

at the Lrrlc, and Flske O'llara, In "Jack'snmiJinco," at the Walnot.FsoiD (Nixon & Zlminernun, mgnO —Mrs.

Tatilck Ampbell, In "Pygmalion," 8, for a twonecks' stiy. I<co Dltrlcbcleln, In "The I'baniumItlrnl," bed two sncceasfal we<-kd, ending 0

Caboiok (Cboa. 0. Wanamaker, mgr.)—Panlliic

Rtilerlck gives her first local view 8, of "liim^crnt." :*w Fields, In "The Hlih Oosl of Lot-In;." bad two eminently s.itlafaiftorT trcrks, end-liiK 0.

I/inio (Leonard Blnmberg, mgr.) — FlorenceWelibcr, In "Lady Lniury," Is another new oneEiorling 8. C^rll Uaude, Is "Orumpy," madea rcluctaot departure 0, after a blgblj proB(able(oriiilght's eloy.

AoBLPiii (Leonard Blnmberg, mgr.) — "TheThird Port;'" continues to be very popular, andstarts 8 the third week of Its stay. TaylorHolmes and Walter Jones gire their best erorissnd receirejUchly deserved applause.

FoBP.EST TNIion & Zlnimermsn, .mgrs.)—"TheGirl from Utah" C9ntlnucs merrily on Its war tn

srilendll returns. Julli Sanderson, Joe Caw-liioroe . snd Duald Brian ere a splendid trio,

and there are no dull moments In the show. Theloal neek begins 8,' LiTTLi Thutbi (neulob E. Jay, mgr.)—Thehouse re.opens 8, whea the stock produces "The.tdnlrable BashTllIc" will be seen.WALNor (W. D. Wegefartb, mgr.)—FIske

O'Hara, In ''Jack's Romance," S-13. "DamagedGoods" ' scored successfully to big houses lastweek.

AuniOAK (Wm. W. Miller, mgr.)—^The stockoffering 8 and week Is "The TrsfHc." "One Day,"cleverly acieil, drew big bouses last week.

n. P. KarrB'B (H. "f. Jordan, mgr.)—ArthurPrince and Nit M. Wills are the headllnera weukof 8, In addition to Mrs. Oeoe Hughes and com-pany, Ryan and Lee, Cecilia Wright, Five Annap-olis Boys, Angelo Armenio Trio, Bthcl and EmmaHopkins, Mahouey nnd Auburn, and moving pic-tures.

Nixon (P.-^d'k f^eopold, mgr.)—^Week of S:John B. Ilelmer anil company, Bobble Oordone,Kinlth, Onk end Brandon, Malvern ConUques.Ixw and Cranston, and. moving pictures.Kbvbtonb (M. W. Taylor, mgr.)—Week of 8:

"Isanc, You Tell Her," Band's dogs. VorlnlvFour, John Troupe, Bose and Itose. Mertz andUanley, and moving pictures.Wm. PH.fN (Wm. W". ..Miller, mgr.)—iTTeek. of

8: "Telephone Qlrl," HoOovItt, Kelly and I.ncey:KImberly and Molr, Robins, Toyo Troup, flrlttoI'Bponies, and morlog pictures.

CnosB Kfts (Jas. J. Springer, mgr.)—For810: Daisy Harconrt, Sommerland airls, KleinIlros., Three Ertords, and Roberts and Kulu. For11-13: Jimmy Rosen. De DIo'a Circus. IloyalQuarlotle,. I-eoaird and Dempaey, Nat Aldlno.

GifliiE (Rugene Perry, mgr.)—.We«k of 8: Al.i«»'ls and company. Bowman Bros., Julia Curtis.Collins and Seymour, AI. Royno's bulldogs, ThreeAdiinrds, Oieudo Ranf, -and moving pictures.OUAND (Fred O. Nlioh-Nlrdllnger. mgr.)—Week

or 8 : Bnlly Smiley and company. "On the SchoolI'laygroonds." Joe Kennedy, Hallen and JIunler.Issbelle Oreen. Daly and Kennedy, and movingpicturea.

Empub (Wm. F. Elfe, mgr.)—Ila'etlngB' Bigr-now 8. Rose Sydell's London , Delles pleasedline bouses Inat week. Johnnie Weber was on theJob and he dominated the show from start lolljilRh.

CiSiMO (Wni. J. Vain, mgr.)—The Ony WhileWay Co. Is due 8 and week. The Qlrls fromIluppyland was a clever aggregation lo fine num.lers last week. Phil Doyle and Luba Mero^Twere Ihe elan and they scored big.- Mny C'Lonnh-lln. In a diving act, and Ibe Orelghton Staterswan the best liked nambera in the olln.


GATm (Wra. S. Clark, mgr.)—The Trans-Atlunllcs are acheduled for 8 and week. TheHigh Life Olrls gave a good account ot them-telres list week to doe returns. Billy Kelly nndIxv Reynolds fnmlshedv highly diverting comedyIII the bnrlesques. MIchMcna Penittl and AgnesMay Fleming were the stars of the- female con-lIiiKcnt.

TnoDinmo (Robt. Morrow, mgr.)—^The OltyIdles are tenants 8 and week, The Montet'lrlo Olrls enjoyed splendid patronage last wee>:.Hurry Welsh, TIddlsb comedy, wss higbly merl-inrlotts, and he got a big band. Dolly Morrlseymid Ihe Big Fonr Quartette also pleased greatly.DuuoNT'B (Frank Dnmont, mgr.)—A borlosane

on robberies In the anbnrban aecUon was the Digi'<-'ie:im last week, and Ihe Dumont comediansucre ratalnly on the job. Eddie (tassndy's ofrering was the hit of Ihe blU, while Bennle Frank-lin a vocal eftorta met with Instant approvnl,

* flrat part; la as popular ss ever, and<and jokea are put un In clever form.UiirantDT Sracrr Opeba Housii, Cot,ONiAr.-

ALLBBtXT, ALnAlinaA, BiJOD, OlBADD, PIAZA.MCTOBU, Bta*U>T, FArjCB, RbOINT, FlANEr<iRD, LinmiTT, PsopLB'e, Empsisb and (la-I iiBDU give vaudevUIo and moving pictures.

NOTEB.Tub ani>nal function of the Theatre TreaniTor's

' lub tskes place at midnight, 0, at"olel. There will bo a beefsttnk dinner ns nkiarter, to be follovcd by a vsndeville sli^w.' litre will be several hundred gucslB. »laviN 8. Conn, the war correopondent, had a

crowded house at the Academy of Music 2..„.^'?i'*>' SANnr will be the eololat with llieI'hiladelpbia Orchestra at the Academy of Mnilc5 and 8.

Tu» Bebrens Opera Club la rehearsing "TIiclalea pt IloSman" for presentation at the Acad-mj of kluBlc early In April.*Tne United Booking Offlcc* provided a smoker

' the Uercnntlle Club 4. The bill was headed>>r SInart Dames.The moving picture theatre at Nos. 1032-li't

\orih Fourth Street, on a lot SO by 110 foet, hisi-een sold by George Kata to Alfredo Bcoptno forf 1!>,(IOO.

HnrrlabarR, Pa.— Majeallc (Wllmtr. Tin-<~nt & Appell, mgm.) arman War Plcturee Feh.'. "Mikado" (local) 11.Oipuaijn (Wllmer, Vln<ent A Appell, mgra,)—

,_lll week of 8: Tho Kram«B, Mack and VIncmt,ir. nnd Mrs. Esmonde, Bert Fllaglbbon, Cams


>'<! Randall, the Volunteers, and the Wlllln;-' ><rlng Troupe,C<L0KiAL (Wllmer, Vincent A Appell, mgrs.)—I' 8-11

: Looie and LoMe, Plerlet and Rcolleld,uart and I,onf, and ItocMng'a elenhanta. For'-'3: Jewell filaten, Oeo. RIctaTla and eon-

I -ny, Plliy vao, and IfaUla, Bart and eonptay.I

Dea Holnci, la—Berchall (Elbert A Qel-chell, mgrs.) Rose Slahl wis here Feb. i, 6.PaiNoisB (Elbert A Oetchell, mgrs.l—"The

Oonpslracy,' — •'


_ OarnBDM (H. Tj. Durlon, mgr.)—Bill week of7: Seven Colonial Bells, C»iaa. Howard and com-pany, Lydell, Rogers and Lydell, Dainty EngllstiIrlo, Lawrence and Hurl Falls, Ilelene Schalder,nnd pictures.EKraasB (Elbert A Oetchell, mgrs.)—Split

week vaudeville and Keystone pictures,

Darlington, In,—Grand (tt. T. Ilolmri,mgr.) Packy UcFarland Pobb. 10. Autovllle 18.Uauick (1. MoCrellls, mgr.)-^llver tltwk Co.

Is still drawing.Pauob (L. P. Dlani:. mgr.)— This picture

house wUlvOpen^-JIiirch 1.vmC E&J4 I'l

Troy. V. Y.— Proctor's Now (P. J. Shea,n:gr. ) bill for 8-10: Eva Kay and company, "U^'-

K. .k 1.1 l-'nil 'be Footlights," Elliott aod West, Hssel

by Ihe Princess Stock Co., 7 and .Mornn, Ray Monde, Ous I,eonnrd, . Clara llllg and^Vilfrrd Da Bols. Tor 11-13: Beatrice Morganfind company, the Kluinem, Eva Fay and com-rnnj-, Seymour and Howard, St. Pierre. Stoildardand llynes Hollle Hillli and Oalvin Clark,

rnoCToaa OaiswoLO (U, R, Emde, mgr.)—Paminount featum.

Ur.vee. StelmloU Bros.,

anil others.Nrw Colonial (.M.

ojul plctnrea.

I.ois (Fl. II. Sliocis, m^r.l-^lock nnd piclum.AumrAN, Oi>i.oKiAU CnasctNT, Fduntain,

nijuiiKN, lur, Ltccuu, Ori'Iisuv, Our, PniN-CKHS, rAIaCt, POrULAB, I'AMK, ItOTAL, SaVOT,Swan, TwELta Points and TiiCAToniuu, piclumonly.

I.OBnnapnrt, Iiiil.—N'eisou (Edvr. F. Onlll-

cnn. mgr.) "Under Cover" I'rli. 8, "A Poir oftlUea" lU, Qslvln .Mu<it:al I'alilaM Oo. 11-13,"Pnmon and l'ythl«H" (plclnrr*) Id, "PutaahPirlniutlCT" JU, "TO'diy" 22, ttclnlyre and

Jbttw; Kttvi, I'BiNCEsa, Neuo 'and Ozabk,niovleg pictures.

FinsT nnnosl connert of Qurllnglon SymphonyOrchestin occurred Jan. 28, and scored Impres-sively. Jinch credit Is due Conductor' J. UeirlHscfcer,

Keokuk, la.—Grand (Ctaas. U. Dodge, mgr.)"Tho Misleading Lady" Feb. 16, "The Spollen"'fo, .Modday Cve. Uusic Club (local) 20.HirroDBOUB (R. II. Friedman, mgr.)—Vaude-

ville and pictures.. -

Colonial and_ Obpubuu, pictures only,

Oakland. Cal,—iMacdonougb (F. A. Gtlit.ii:gr.) Mane Dreasler and Charles Ohaplln, In thepholoplav, 'Time's. Puoctnred Itomance" (secondweek), ending Feb. 0, broken all records for at-tendance here. Henry Miller, In "Daddy I,ouglegs," Is booked for 23 md week.Ye Lioertt (II. W. Bishop, mgr.)—ninbop's

Stock Co. present "The Money Makers" 813.Obi'Heuk (Geo. Bhey, mgr.)—Sill 7-13: Ching

Ling Foo and company, Mile. Maryon Vadle, Ray 0lOleanor Ball, Ellnoie nnd Williams, Louis London,Soltl Duo, the Aerlil Oostas. and motion pictures.

. Pantaom (Wm. n. Wright, mgr.)—DIM 7-13:Iloyal Japanese Troupe, Danny Simmons, Ted andUno Bradley, Wright and Lane, Jules Marceau anil

company, Jean Tralg and company, end motionpictures.

Oboadwa't (Oay 0. Smith, mgr.)—Vaudevilleand plcturM,Columbia (Oeo. W. Fitch, mgr.)—DTllon and

ICIog, with their Qlnger Girls, present "The LovePirates" 7-13. (Rex Uldgley, mgr.)—Feature Dims.Oakland, Reobkt, Caheba, Mablowb, Gbu,

Gaibtt, SBquniA and Hillman's, motion picturesciily.

Son DIcKo, Cal.—Spreckels (Dodae 4 Hay- rL''"'^^'")ward, mgra.) "Seven Keys to Bnldpate'' Feb. I'J.

13. Henry Miller IS, 16, "Peg o' Aly Heart" 10. ' ,,rc:,S!i

the Esianny Film Oomimny, doncil with thatcompany 0, and loft for l>etrolt. .Mich., where lie

will go Into muxiral conicily, and later vaiiilevlllp.

'I'lie conip.iiiy ha* l>een ti<ilng moving picturei Inand aruiinil .Mobile since Dec. H last.

T. I,. CiiBisrr (l.oiie Tsr llaby), manager ofho C. K. WItllami Viinlovlllo Ompunj. hna

li-naeil the Gaiety Tlioalre. loraled nii Snhth Dcar-Imrn, near Teia<. this clly, and will run rauilc-Tllle and pictiimi.

Pcurln, JII.—.MajMllc lOriiheum Oompanv,mjra. ) "ll.-yiie of 1016" Feb. 7, 8, "Uniler Ourer"lU, l>e WuK llimwr 1.1, H.DsriicuM (Nilhnii A Oreenlwrs, mgn.l-Bl<l

fnr 7-10: Mennetll and Sldelll, Lillian Walann,Arthur Sullivan and company, Pliiaiio and lllng-hain, and l,« Corlo and DInns. For 11-10; I.eMalre and Dnvron, Alfonse 7,olaya, llrotigblaiiSlid Turner, Tlrriiey and Sabbot, aii'l lllinia aii.l

Hen.•IlirronaoMa (K. P. Churchill, nigrj-Llvlnj-

Hlniie Stock l>>n!pRiiy,

I'uiNcEsa (.Iraver Aniuee. Ou., mgra.)—VauLi-vllle mill pichireit.

Fiii.i.r (llsrry TurlvrTllle Jr.. mgr.!—.Musli'alSliK'k Oi).. In "Tho 'IXJurlsIa" anil "A Day at thellciioli." 7-l.'l.

,M'i>f,i.o, Cui.i;miiia, Cobt, UatarAL, Da Loxt,DiiciiBss, Klvsiuu, Kmi'rchs, (lARnrv, Ii.i.inuir,lui'RniAL, LiniRTr, l.viiauu, Palavb, .sanoaih,riiiil Mtar, plcitirca only.

nipwnrk, N.; J.^Newark (llco. W.

niitr. )-^"l'<.g II' .Myrills liiiuac li ri'iileil fur

A RRALISTIC SCICNRI''roui the Life Photo Film Co.'b production ot "A Modcru Mngdolono," a Dvc pnrt fenliirc

IHin Terslon of tlio otory.

, . , i ,, , .— ... Itiiliblni,

niKr. I la ilaik Kcli. H.l.'l.

.^liUlianT' (l,ee Ollolriigiil.Ili'iirt" (reiiTMl H HI. Il.'>-17. ami -il.irh IH-20.

I'liooTnii'-i '(!,. K (liildlng, mgr.)—lllll H Ki:(hiiilllc li'Arirlllo and Frank .MluTldan ciiiniiany,mill nllirrs.

iinniKUM (.M. a. SchlralnnT, mgr. )— I'lio Kurn-l«'r» l'l»y«T< arc apiiearliig In an "uiinmiii-d" piny.Iiy Jiilin l-;inr«l Wurrvii, ami |2.1 In iiffcri'tl InMm- imlniii Willi anigniiii the In-st name, '"rheliiiii'liii'm ,if vtriiie'' in.:;o.

MiNBii'H KuMim (Toiu Miner, mgr.)—Tho lli-li-

innn .Shmv s u, wlih l,ew Kelly, l,<m lln^call,.Imni.H TiMi llroike, Vliieont .Mack, W.vnn Douglim,Iiiiii Irivln. Oirlnne Fiml, Ainetn Vynn ariii

> iiiiilo .Hanlley. Wllh pmfiiae drwiralliiiu, Ixiihhmlde nnil nut, nnd niMvlal feiliiera niuhlly, IhialiiMiM. relvlirnliil lla llfiy-nrst «ni:lviT««ry wllh ai.iiri'i..<«|iin iif fniwila, wpt-k of U. Ham Ilnwc'sNivi. '.Mnki-ra Ill-i!i).

Ki-K.NKv'H (.Iiilin McNnllr, mgr. ) — Kcneyvrnili'tllli. la I.IIII parking lht< hniiM. dnily, lllllhid: Mile. .Mlinil Aninlu and company, Walib,Lynch anil c<m|inhy, and olliers

Lvniii (I, II. llulillMir. ingr.l-l-nill 810: C'liaH,.n Mnlle nnil Itaynnmil, Aiciirna 'I'rnniie,


20, "To-Day" 21-2^, "Everywonon" 24-27,.

KuPBBsa (D. L. Furry, mgr.)—Dark.Savot (Scott A. Palmer, mgr.) — Panlaii'M"

vaudeville. Dill week of 8: Jamea J. CorbMt.Harold Holland «nd co.npany. Skipper. KenncO.^nnd Reeves, Transdeld Sisters, Baltns Dios., :hi!

.Mlnatrela De Luxe.I'niNOBSs.—I,ewls A Wolf Minlcal Slock. Tho

Ra.s-d's (V. N. Lappeus, mgr.) — Tho Ornnc-l:irly Oomnony opened 8. In "The Price."rrooTon's Lrceou, [>i.aza, NovBi/rr. Kcirn's,

Altinb, .MAnssTio and Eufibb. iiIiuio-

Dctrrra the fact of business Ix^lng dull >ll

Ih nlrcs ure enjoying excellent patronage.

St. Looln,. Mo Shuert (Melville Slolz,

Di^r.) "The ThIngB That Count" week of Fob. 7.

I OLYUrio (Waller Sanford, mgr.)— "I'olasb AI'erlmutter" week of 7.I AUEBioAN (O. R. Wallace, mgr.)—"In OldKentucky" week of 7.

lli'iiih. In "The II.vii Tier." !a.1. David Wrrllold.In "ri;i> Aucllniievr," la an early April bnnktny.

Oiii.oNiAL (Harlow liycrly, m«r.) — VaudivllleS-10. lloylo Woolf.ilk's nniMlcnl ("IbIi"), "No-U«ty Iloiiio." featuring Ilnrry L. 8liannon. Il-M.

I'noAiiWAT (Matijna A Jelfrleii. iiigrs.)— llllly

r.ryiint Sluck Oo. uiiemil on liiileflnllc engafl^iiH.nlbiTO 8. _fanAunuKT, Ainc nul Gbanii, nlelnrea only.LiNiEi, ltijK>'U(N retnriul lo this cllr ovvln^-

lo the cloHliig of "Tlie I.lltle ImI Slater, '* wiili-ii

he Kas sheail of. Ho eipri iind aurprlao at 'hegood laislncsH accorlel llip attrartloni at the N"!-w>n here.

St. Jiilm, Con.—0.<ll. (Walter Woods, mgv.)the Young-Adams Oo. |irearnt "lahinai.|" F.'b.H-IO. and '"rhv Gambler and the Girl" 11-13.

(IBM, .Stiii, UNiguB and Khi'SBSH, m'lVliig plc-ttircii iinly. .

I.rnio.—Vaudeville and moving plcturi's.iMinniAf..—Vaudeville and nnivlng pirlnrea.Us Wirr Caidnb, formerly of MiIh cKy, nnd

win) has Iwn singing at dlirereiil moving picture"icniics Ihroughout llio Uiille<l Slaien and

Jnlinwin ami Wi-IIn. I.a Vlvn Oartor ami Wa'VerM!Mil' .MnnlkliiH. mil H'l-lier ami Klllnlt. Fur ll-i;i-.i.iin Sl!.l<.r» mill diinpnny. riehlii and llriiwn.1,1110 Jrwi'll « iiinnlkliin, liny Kern, (Ulan. -11.W.ird ami niinimiiy, Unnllidd and Uarlelon, JuliaI'/ilwnnlii, ii'il (;inrk und illnrla.OnKUN I I lililii. mgr. I—.HiiK.k liiirliwiiiii-, wllh

()niyn« of|iii.. H.|;i; liuuli.raril (llrU 16-20I.iiKiv'H Majbktio (Kugine .Myeri, mgr.) l,oi>w

niiiili'i'lllo i.liirl.-it ullh a Imng Ual wi<.k, In hluliiiiliHTii. I. 'II fur .H id: Hiitij; and corn"piiii.v, and Wllllnm WnlHon and ciNnnnny, andothers.

J«>r»t>jr CUy, N, ,1. — .Majestic (Frank H.) Hone Jlelylllc, In ''Bis linn-

Next week, "The Sinry of Itiu

eniterwin. nur. ]

kliiH," Fob. 8.13.Hillary.'

Ai;ami!»u (Onrv .MnViluw, mgr.)—T.iiigo Queenili i:i. Neil v,pi.k, 'I'liil Olrls.

Oni'iianM (l,ro M. Knnlur, mgr.)— Tho Or-lilii'iini Hlock fo.. In "Olllrer lllHI," W in. N-ttHii'k. ".Mailniiie X."

Kkitii'b (Win. II. Onryn. mgr.)- -Hill ' 810:.Mr. aiHl .Mra. Onrlcr IM llnven, .Midiv PearsonSlid roMiiinny, Orr mid l>« On!-!. Three .Molo^ly

ItidMirl Di-nnin Triii. For 11-13: Oami'to

lloliitkeii, IV. J,—Itmiilre (Wm. F. Kllsger-alil, mgr.) llif lilrli. friim llniiprliind, wllb'Prln.

" ' " Nr

lliimlllitti, Cnn. — Grand (A. R. I^ Itulpli 1!. Ou Inga, In 'Ti'wi of ilio S;nr,nOnntry," Feb. r,. o. '•Jllleatonca" U. Wnr tlin"*ciiuKliig a noiirclty of njjil attracllnini; Ihu .nan.nKninMit, U'gliinliig |l, tvlH Imiiltuip mi liiili.n.i.ile milon of lilgli; clnaa inoring pictures undvuniletllle. at iwinilnr irlcea.

fltrou'l. mgr.)—.MlKchlef M«keraS l.l. Jlio Passing Slnw of 11116 next, v

.Milwaukee. WU, — Havldson (,SherniBnllroni gr.) Julian |.:itlnge will Ic the allrartlonwwk of Ftb. 7, "PotaHh A Perlinulter" week of

Majbhtic (J. A. lllBler, mgr.)—Mill 7-13: LnwDnrkMlniler, Mnie. Slorlakn Aldrlch, Frank Kreiiminml coni|>any, 'lliree Tyjies, Troralo. Frank NorthOlid roiniiany, Claude (kilden, and Lnyninii andt.'li.'iiilien,

SiiuiiKUT (C. A. Newton, mgr.)—'I'he KhnU'^rtSioik (>). pri'iM'nl "HIg Jtin Garrlly" wivk of 7,"nin Trnvollng Hile«inan" wwk of M.

f-13.i-fM .Mcliiir, |.'i.|).

Illk'a HIg HIn.K-.

I.vnin (II. M lllgiiM, mgr.)—Vmiilevlllo andI'lHiire; lllll H-iic Krmik IJaley. '"nio Girlnm, M"<-y'«.<.lh t>ittv, I,eo„„,i „dl/ni)i-. iiiK. to nil. I.-„r ll in; '•kwnu"I'ryc, tlino tu nil.

Mt'iii plila,Mfiiiplila, 'I'enii Lyrmun (Frunk Gray.mgr.) ,Mot lli.iihvln P'l.t.. i;i, (i,.„ri,o AiHia 1H.:!II

iini'iiiciui (Arihiir Lnm-, inur.)—Finr hiistni'isciintlniii-H. Mlll;,H-.:il, till.' tirplieMin Itnnil Nhoi'

Srxt wiiek, Ha,<l-

Mois and

- .- - ^k. mgr. J—Iiark..MAjrMTii;H (2). Kmpiuhh (2), PniNraaii, Ai,*-

A ^;Al' '"^'*J- l'AI.Adn. f.'AUUni.TOH,Aubiiii;ah. .iuiinniiAN, I.amaii, Knat*, Itax LUta:

"AL," DARLING,The Popular Uaoagcr. of the Colenlal, New York.

company Includea: Allyn Lewis. Willie Dcvlns.

Fronk Dndd. Lola Norlas. ^Lllllsn I-ewls, Jue

Lees, Jane Omel and a largo chorus.

OAierr,—Vert Levey vauderlllo and plclure*.

Oabino.—Vaudeville and picturea.

Ibis.—Featuie dims. ^ •?>

Tma Expo, movlo theatre, has bten trans-

formed Into a cabaret cafe, named ''The B'flac).'

and owned Us doora h> the public Jan. 80, with

the following entertalnen: Bert Mwy, Isms Clif-

ford. Angela May. Oene Oarroll, Edith Wallace.

Flossie De Dell, Chock (violinist). J. II. Hoi.

lirook, at the piano, and the .Purrell Slaters.

The new cafe li -Tinder ttie management of L. M.

Qulnn and J. H. Bolbert.

mgr.) Rochester Orchestra Feb. 8, "A Pair of

^'tbmpiS' (U. I. Finn, mgr.)—Bill for week of

3: Pay Coortaey, BIckel and Watson, Ernest Ball,

nurr and Hojie. Iaict Gillette, Pealipn and Ooldle,

Craala NarJInI, and Lahoen and Dupreece.

BAEBB (J. Vall, mgr.)-Baker Theatre Block-

Co.. In "The Rosary." 8-18.

Fauilt (J. II. Fenneveaay. ragrj-Bill 8-13:

Paul Ollmore and company, Faima. \delarn I*weand company, Hllbert and Myers, ^Aid Otaartler

SJIslera and Hoi I Id ay. _ _ , ^I,owB.—Bill 8-13: Wo. O'Clare and Bbamtock

Glrla. Roland West's "The Tangle." Kathleen.

Carbrer Bros., Ton nanpton and Jocelya, snd

Mr. and Mri. IISBh KomeU. . _ .

OoaiirrniAif (J, Olennen, nxp.)—Oay HoralogGlories 8-13.

, _ . .„ ,

VinoaiA (J. Farreo, mgr.) — Vaodevllle and


Pabk.—"The Tsnkee Oonaul" week of 7.

SiiENAHnriAH.—"Our Wives" week o* 7.

Standabs (L. Delchenbacb, mgr.)—Tlie Wln-nnrs week if T.

GArBTt.—Naughty Qlrla week of 7.

lupEsiAL—Stir and Garter Show week of 7.

VicToaiA (Wm. Cave, mgr.)—The German The-atre Obmpany preaeat, by general request, Ihepatrkitlc play ''Deulachland Ueber Alles."Odion.— Krelsler, the violinist, sialilcd by

Klliahelb Van Ilndert, aoprano.Oabsiok. — Oommenclnj Sunday, T, Unlv>rsal

piclniea.(^LOifBii.—Bill 8-13: "The Red Heads," Tbeo.

IbiHlIx Playen, Aleiander Kids, HInea and Vnx,.Miller and Vlgcent, Four Mnaranlhs, Stan Hlan-Iry Trio, and 0)lllns and Hsrt.Grand.—High clan vandevllle.HiproDBOMB—Vanderlllc.

Tcrre Ilante, Ind.—Grand (Chns. Bmllh,mgr.) Howe's pletort* Feb. 8, 0. Plcturta 10-16,

"I'ng 0' Uy lleart" ID, 70, De Wolf Hopper, in

"The lOkado," 21; "Tho Whip" 2i-2t, "lllghJinks" March '4, Datid Wardeld 8, John Drew It.

VARiBnaa (Otto Meyer, mgr.)—Hill 8-10: Jet-

Icr snd RoHTS, Newkirk and Evans .Slaters. Al.Ahbolt.x Btfuner Trio and Geo. W. Day and com-pany. Bill 11-14: Rose and Ellin, Rtono and

<;nrMTAi, (Win. Gray, mgr.)—Hill wwk .if 7:Mile. Irene's Circus. Kins* and Iturnle, Handy.Shun', mill .Slewart mid Dakln.

<iiiMIKn« (Wni. K. ,Mlok., mgr.)—lllll weekII la licadiil liy Prof. AHnlo's animals.

opriiAIloclne. Wla,—^Iridienm (Minrlre llankin^. (di-lUren

Mon. mgr.) Mil Feb. 7 l4: ChInT I,ee lire' •!"

Itlce anil Morgan, NorwoodI)<Olo and Kljine Illckiiell. Forrlirn, MIclinoI Ilrniliers, Holer ond lUiguK. Hulllvan und MnMin, KInzo. ami moving |it( lures

WiiiTB llousa (Wm. Droeger, inur )—Vaude-tllle and moving pictures.

Majbstic, OuANn, Haoinb. Hijoo. Amebioa;).Rax, AuuBB and Casino, features.

^Mobile, AIn.—Lyric (HIdiier Berrey, mgr.)-Margoret Anglln Feb. 8, George Evans' Sllnilrels

faRBAULiNn (nilly Waddle, mgr.)—The I,ewls.

Miened a four weeks' engagement here1. This boune haa been' lesaed by the 0. K. Will.Iimi Voud<>vllle Agency.OaowN, F.Mi'iRB, CsaaoBNT and Rotal. feature


NOTKH.Hii.i.r Masiin, wIio has been In this clly wllh

tho Iloptier Block Company under conlract with

liin irnvpllng Hile«inan" wwk of M. tai., I.ahi.a, iixriiiin Wbi i inot n i...'...',.. .,1GATErrr (J. II. Rlioiles mgr.)—Walsoii Htnlors' "-H-xh. lis .s..T."h "am inoK l" Tin

.Sli.nv week of fl. lu-niity Parade ne.t week., .Nlmuir" .TaN/ry..«,?ui H^2t V^J^IL

I nllior -w.iek rif (1, tii.uH ond Ci»,iinmA. niollim plirluiTS.

>fy i.i.V'f^V-l'"''''"""••,-Odonlal (llnl|ih Ward.

niKr.). feniiire iiKjU.,n uleiurca |.\.b. H anil week

*m'"lIil"!!''^" '» "al'lPa"""

'• Ibillierg. ingr,l—.Molloi.- Jn..

di-lUr... ond v«.iil,.,lt|,.. iim H 10: aK-Vi liar-T I/ie lire, Volga s ilnga, <!,„i, and Meyers, niM)ltagltiii«nd Aiidrraon, on I ' ''''' l^l:l: l)|•lell.^ ''.Men of Myayry,'' amnr 11-13: La Orj-

.Vji'KKi, (Jolni It. OIiHIlM, mgr.)— lllll 8-10:

iirr'i? „1"'"'J'"'" "<--<i>f'"«. A'l<'le and Jane

(>nir:hi,ri* and nsnpany-IfFor II 13: Joo LamI,

ii^IiLh?? if'"''""».*":' »'"liany,vjlel,.n Ullmore,

Jnllnrlril Four, and pictures.I'nruiRu. IlnoAowAr, Viotohia, D)«uiiim)i,itah

• Nil Htaii, motion plclurc« only.

Ilnvcrlilll, Mnas.—Academy (K. A. Cuddy,,,Ajalniiy players preaent "The l>eeii

!ii"i1l'* i'^'h.,"I>»' 't«r Gorilon and Florciici

.llilrley In tlie leading roles.

T ^"'I'ln'i*''*• «'>«r.)—lllll 811:

Foni fllllen. Mason and Murray, tlie Hhuii." Last UM: Turrell, PaylimMrs. 'I'om Tlnunli, and Honey Olrl

.Majistiu and Mrs-

i>nd "The Fun Hhiand Green.MIiiHtrelii.

OnfiiauM. HcBNii) Tnun,nc, fralniv phoiiiplnja.


mi j^MiriofVor



Would lie glsd in lienr from I'libliMliora who wiinl thuir Muilii kiioivii licin. vIhIIIiik Vuiirtevllln ArllHlHpl-iHSO piiy IIS H vlHlt. AlWH.VH u wuli:oiii|. for yn ii al uur Itiiiiae.

vnuricMiin AriiHiH

WANTED Fi TiieiiriMitM,1'^:;

"' f""" "•»' I'*'-' PcrfornnTH In all ihick hIio will n|i|ii, i |»ii. „ g„,,i| |. ,g i nuZ'SWilli M-ltK Ki.lnrr. Mill c hI . HOinl plintns, i,r<.griiiiiinu, .•l. „ ilml<',. N„ I irni r ng 1?^^ m^^^

A,i,?r?/i'f-A!i ^w '"iilT;''«""" •'•"111?

J'"!""H|'e<:lnltlcH prnf. rr.Ml. Him-.'« i,n,.„K w.Aildri.w f.MiKI.K I,. HAM.. MnimgiT. .IHONSD.N A IIIIDWNK AMI HKMK.VT KXTKIll'IIIMF.S

DnrhHiii, .V i;. Itnlirlgli, .N. i;.

22 THE N^EW YORK GlalPPER. Februaby 13

R F. ALBEE, Qeneral Manager

For Booking Address: S. K. HODODON,Palace Theatre Building, New York City

0MABTIN BECK, General Manager

For Booking Address: FRANK VINCENT,Palace Tlieatre Building, New York City


Want to besr from •!! aeU, large or •mall. Write, wire or phoneW. II. WOL.FFB, nanagei


GU8 EDWARDS presents


AilrlrCHHHll CO IcitlloiiHto (il'S KDWAUDH, ANlor'l'licatre IIIiIr., TIiiich Squnrn, N. Y. C.



HolineS and WellsIN VAiJDKVI







Hugh J. EmmettAlvayi working.

Assisted by HILDRED EMMETTAddrou 287 Wait iSth St> N. Y.

Headlining on the Loew Circuit



TllKMKSlHil S HIT Till-: I'.M.Al i; tlN Ills l-lllST AriM'.AK/^NCi;.





HI 99

l>lr<>i'lloii II'AUIIY WKDKll


Aililrioii itll (iiiiiliiiiiilrnlloiii li> .lACK COSOltOVK.m.\\a(;i;mi:m- iiAiii- .V KMi:i.M(iN. iinvAi, tmkatiik this wkkk.

YOUR"\ illU'V of Miniii,'

My' Hllll '


"(liiiiii' iif l.ov.'," -simi Vli'linljt," ••Jnal for ro Nluhl,'' "You Woro Tulip." "Oh."l liiO'i- III I'll'," "l-ill Diikcii lliii'kul," ••One lili'ii AlMMil Clrln." "KvcijlliliiR liv You,"

•'lllilM-iiin Kiiil ••Mirlilniin." l,iisii\ Jew. ioim'kcIi: » for ac. (illicr iimiprlnl. CMHinauc AUd ca-(lorsoiiuiil- HIKK. MAIIY K. I». TIIAYRIt, UlttO llroni) 81., Providence, R. 1.


BT nCTOI T. TISI.Phone Bryant-STBO.

Now "Ll»t" Biifi

do Dot let bim <l> Hll

tbe guo<J work hlsMFlf,Will (Implir/ ItiDK.

Tbe contraclor nctd*the tnlitiDoe o( tlio

bird - TTom^ng lilioror,

ai don oor Olc Clilet

Dted TOO 'o 91 operatewith bl« rood, hardwork. iVc biTe nsninu min; llf« mfmbitrB• we did all moiilbaB(o, dor to >lT, Voprtj's matllDt. 'I'r/,

Kt If pin can accnro olc number, ' lar-momlmariao count nacb. Uet Ibe "FViKarvY" aplrlt t>lo

i:(/t refer to tbat faiDooa cocktail to bo bad In onrca/0-"Cdabub" bllla bImHif as "World't riroatest

rriitoniliiM Daodoc OomcJIui." But bow nlnatjour daabing, pcUtt wife. Some talker, cert^iliil/,

Can deliTtr cbatter. Wllkena and Wllkcna llic/

bill tbenwirea.To am a real good bnrl/ lauqb and la maiir

a« elghlr-fogr gigglei, Jue and "Mick" Schenck,ot Ijomi Mix, trareled to Flatlnsb. Tea, 'Iwaaa joiinie; for tbeae JOTlal booken. Bat ttarr

vere amplr repaid wbea BberoaD, Van and Uy-man pounced vuon tbeo In one. "IlyaaD rarecnn comic." and as for Van and Sacrninti—


Pit Wuitb Is oow drcuilng It a bit at li

ilrome, but flnda lime to apiiid a tew fflamrnUilfilly In reading room.Back from a abort aaccesafnl tonr are Law'

rence end FVlwarda,Autiiub.K. Wiao, V, A. F.. Ko. 1,817, after

ninny years ot mucb jiicceu (hroogboat tbe coii-

tlKnt, la alopplng nt club. Frlenrii write bini.

Vou can readily understand what a nlgfat-ourUaiqut Had la going to be. I'll bet there willbe stondln;; room only, so take adTaolage andfwure apace In '*SouTenir Booklet," which le

Arcble Ouon. WIngor McKay, 0«o. UcUanus. Jas.going to excell anything yet attempted. Ilert I.eTy,

.Monlironier.r Klagg, and other Bkelch ftenluaea are(ionaiin;; their ekfll In nony original pictures, ^ofor good of the order oend ad. along and I willuitend tn >nme personally.WiiATEViB twcaiie of one. CImrlle Farmil,

ilnncer and whistler. Seeing Uncle Tommy Sbef-_lc'ii Cabin billed at Ilinimerstoln's made methink at Clisriea.Do Yoo iiBHEUBOi Sir. Fogsrly's request aooie

time last Smnnier, for quick action to calm adebt. Gue»i there were at leost eorae Uttj Rstipresent. After the Big Cblet'a little talk manrdue Into Jeans and quite a heap accumulated ontable. Tlinse Klio could not were not chnstlsd,and thou^t as much of. But there were pre.i*

cnt some members who I know hare worked con-thiixnisly for many, ninny years, own autne, nt^aiii

launches. Oah hooka, etc., who. like a Fonrth ofJuly Are criickar, poped up and said : "Put medown for a life membef," "I donate ItO," "I'llImy four bonds." Now on bulletin board I notemnny nam?s who hare evidently for^tten thealiorc opceches, also names who bare made gwnlll clr promife. Hope .vou take no olTensc, liMtht-r,but kindly consider this a reminder.Andy MoOloud, our noteil Irish silver tnncil

coriietNI. )(>lue<1 act called "Tbe Old Nel.qh-Iniliood." It act Is^llked as yon are personally,It should be one tremendous success.The RAriiBErLLEn Trio, now touring Canada.

"Tiibliy," iho "corned." In apeclalty, left NewYork In Summer make-up, but forgot bis sttvwhat. Trust be will not swim creek, as bo pens.He Is s nl:k man.AuB IlALZUAN, of musIc pnbllshlDg fame, told

me that he nnds thla column qalte Intereellnr.OK Ir It tc reads about some old timera

Once ngaln oroong us Is tbe one and only Al-bert Warner. Honest to goodness be irsa awayone whole colld week.

Wii,i, VinocQ, of Krans and VIdocq, Is feeilngmuch better.Cn DUi.oi.TiN toknn mere are telegra^n -idiyeiaed

lo I/ouls U.due, Willie Slegel, and Harry Ilewett.They may be linporlant newa. I trust Old Bbu-/.iii.n will be means ot hoys sending for same.

"l.s 0\a New York" Is name of sketch thatBro. Oeo. Iloey stars In. ills beautiful wife IsIiIko parllclpatlne In same.Hon, ch.-ilnnnn of bouse committee. Is

nclliig out, ond whilst away Ned Dano la chair-man pro tm. and doing nicely.Oun popular counselor, James A. TImony. haa

jKvn ajipohited chairman, of the bond committee.Iny members, and la sunlly doing wonderful workfor our orvanlr.<llon.Tub Ax.ii/aAUiTBD Bkuet AseociiTtON Is an

order that all brothers In good standing can join.Costs two dollars lo become s member, and hcase of a death you are a9ses.<<ed fifty cents.This la llie beneOt. In case of death your nen-.est kin tels'hni; amount In treasury. You eliouMJoin. Write Cliorles MePhee, care of club. .fodi.The small amount-will nercr be missed.

IlADRT WiRDEi.L Is consldoreil l>T those whoknow to be the 1iand.<nmest msn on Winter Oanleustafe. AI. Jolson tella me different. We a.-egoinc to let Loney Ilnskoll decide.KvraT Thursday nlglit our ".Scamiiers" make

tbe tlientrlctl world rejoice.Tub oUce on sale cute Rat bnttons. Senl

for one.lliu.T Oaiiill amused all presc-t scamper night

with Ills original 6lorl-;s—perfomera go: meoiiliiiliTtantnn«oualy.

InviNO Dash, plaoo player ot note, Is stillwith us.

Knniii Pk Vof, of Baker. De Voe Trio, Is rowa "movie" sctor. After flnlshlnc on Proclof timellio tenm will Join Ilagrnbeck-Wallare Clrcur. Ilcstwishes, Rddle.



Big Success at Hammerstein's Last WeekPLAYING ALL UNITED TIME

Direction JENIE JACOBS, "The Queei of Ibe Booliies."

REPRODUCTIO?r^fTANifDISASTERNothing shocklnK or morbid lA this prodncllon, but generously Interspersed with comedy.Unique, iDtereatIng Hnd Inatructlve. Given In three scenes.



THE nniEai SULLIVAN BUOS. "tionoed" InFrerett, Mass., lost week, and report another hitwith their act.JOHN ALLEN WALKER, known to tbe sUgeIlav-a-lnf Walker, writes: "I was married

Jan. 28, nt Jelferson, Tex., to Cbiy Lewis, clar-inet player with the Billy Single Ulllfonl Co., otvblch 1 am also a member. We will be knownns .Mu.wlcal Walker aDd'Oosy, and we aro nowr«l-i i!tTlng nn net which we will soon present."•MARY K. PR0&PERT 'niAYBB writes; ••Mv

lilies; parodies sre selling like botcakes. Innd If you have 'the goods' and offer money backeuorantec. It pays to advertise, it the aintrttte-fient It in Thb Clippbi)."

n ^'^y'ii'F' '-^^ >» « headllner at tberoyal, Feb. 18.

Vaudeville..VBTIIUR I'llINOK goes to Kngland shortly to

•crve bis kinv.• MAR0U19.HTB TOIIRBT, a new dancer fromihe West, opena at the Duahwick, New York, Italsweek.ISADORF; DUNCAN danced, 2, at the Metro-

politan .v)|iera House, New York, aasljttd by bergirl iniplla

TRIXIB FRIQANZA la slgneil np for fourmonths more le vaudeville. She hsj become nlife member ot the White Rats A. A. A.ROBRRT LF:i.AND, the Boaton aketch writer,

In busy. Six new acta have come from I.eland'spen In tbe last two weeks, nnd In tbe same susceof time be has released three cicluslre souk-s.As n Utile novelty on Ihe aide he la Inauing lonrlUitn playlni Boston a folder called "In Boaton,"liy which players can locallce their material.Inland Is alio directing all of Arthur Itobabnu-'apnxliicllona.

AIlBA OMAR, "The Human Top,*' li presett-ing his Whirling Dervish specially, witb magnlB-cent costnmea and colored lUht cfTecbi, na i.niiiliUil attraction at New York Illopodrome Clrv*us.LA MOTT LROTa. "The llya'tlc." baa closed

vdih the Bex JfcOnll .Vnndcvtile Oo., and will

Eloy da Ice with his iiove'ly miglc act, featnrlngIs tratp^l ddck. "Pat."TUB LRSTKIW. trapeie arlUla, have been en-

gngeil tor the Qrenler RIeton Slnw season 19111,oiicnlng at Crookavllle. 0.. April 20. with Rose-Tllle. Znneevllle. Oambrhlpe, etc , to follow mak-ing one. two and three week alnnds.

ITAIIRY noisn writes from Oolombo Ceylon,tinrtcr date of Dec. 24 : "l,cf t Aiutrilli for Lon-don. Eng., Dee. 10, after a most succesatnl tonrIn Ihe >.nll|>odes." On another card, dated Port."•ahl, Egypt. Jan. 4".- Mr. Boise saya: "Just (In-IM-ed psMlnz through the Siiei Canal.""TUB MASQT)BR,AnKn9," one V the neatest

Eirl ncis In vaudeville, went so big at Ihe PalaceDetroit, that Manager Ilolfmann held Ihe offeringover for the- second week. When an entirely newproduction wna presenteil. entitled "Ilotel ilankyI'niikv," featuring Tlllly Oross and Little Tootale.This etmii.iiiT claims lo be Ihe moat elaborately.InMtsM^'glrl net" In viinlevllle. and has someI'ooil l>ookln|a for Ihe rest of the season and ne»tt^iunnier.

OIIAS. T. LEWIS Is, this season, with nonierMiles' "Inneroiit Byslonder" company, playing higlime vauilcvllle.



DOB RUSAOK,Arsldtont profcsslDnal mansser for tbe Sba-plro-Ucrnsteln Co., la one ot tbe best knownmen In soatcdom. In bis connRctlon with .tbenbove company during the past four years heboa been rcsponslblo for tbe success of manyof Ibe big songs put over by Ills house. Al-ways on the Job, he seldom mJs&cs an oppor-tunity to boost his firm's songs.

OUT OF TOWDf MEWSElafln, III.—Qrand (W. B. Newman, mgr.)

"The Whirl of the World" Feb. 7-10, fe.ilurinzMoiette SIstcTB, Vive O'd/ooer Slaters nnd.Melropole Qunrletlc. "Fine Featbcra" (tabloid)11-13.FiAR, Trmple and OnniBnu, Dielores only.


Tun KSTEt.LB Obat OoHrANi, at OongregatlonalChurch, 8, hsd a packed house, under tbe auspicesof the Iteilpath Bureau.RoDNEi lUxooa AND .Mabib Nelson were fca-

ti.Tcd at the Oram <-T, In Balph Kettering'si'r,in:ntlc sketch, "ftinaclence." Thla was thellrst Elgin nppearauoo of this couple. WInon.iWiiilcr olso scored.Mabib Mitciibli., of K'gin, Is asslated by the

Wnnngton Stock Oo., In "Tbe Talkers." at OakPork, week of 1.

Atlanta. Ga.—Atlanta (Oomer George, mgr.)Jtaldwln-lleivllle Stock Co.. In "Stop Tbiof." Feb.}-i;i. Margaret .ADglln, la "Lady WIndemere'aban." next.KocevTiiB (Keith vaudeville) (H. L. Cordoin,

mgr.)—lilll 8-13: Resale Wynn, Lai Uon Klo,SOlton, .Mcl;ityre and Sutton, Allen Dlnehart andi-oinpany. Three Uelvlns, and OamerOD and O'Con-nor.

liOKiTA (Oeo. Oompell, mgr.)—Tableau and pic-tures.


Mill fA. K. Jones, mgr.)—Burlesque.MONTOOUKUT. (;baND. .StHAND. ELITB, VaDD-

BTTie, Swell, Alpha, Alahos i2) and Alsha,pictures only.

AnicnBln, Gn.—Qrand (R. B. Tant, mgr.)Boston En','llsh Grand Oi>ero Co. Feb. 8, RaymondHitchcock !>.


r.ijoD (.'parks 4' Schramecb, mgrs.)—Watson.Musical Comedy Oo. 8-13.Strand (Sparka Sc Scbraoiech, mgrs.)—Feature

pictures..XoDJK.nKA and Dbeaml.\nd. pictures.

DcnTcr, Col.— Broadway (Peter McOouri.mrr.) "Oorsin Kate" Feb. 7 and week.

K.MPDECs (Lawrcuce Beatus, mgr ) — Bill 5-7:DiNon and Dixon, .Uellor and De Paulo. Charb-sI . Fletcher. "Wlfer," Nichols Sisters, Wnmlannd moving pictures.Dknrah (D. O. Woodward, mgr.) — "Utile

Vilss Brown" T and weekTabob QoANn (Peter McOourt, mgr.)—"The

^V^nnlng ot Barbara Wonb" 7 and week.' CurncuK (Max Fnblsh, ou^.)—Bill 8 nnil

week: Ideal, Williams and Wolfos, ImholT, ComLi'il Oorecne, the Spbmettc Quintette. De Harmcm', Nice. Alfred Bergen, Brown and Rocbelle, amiOrpheum Weekly,

Jnckaon, Hlch.—Alh.mieum (Porter Si Hniv-eon, mgrs.) AI, Wilson Feb. II. "SeptemberMoin" 13.

Biyoc (Frank R. Laopmun, mgr.)—Bill T-li>:

MDt;:cal Mncks, Dean, Do.t Jt Dean. Wm. blcKxyend company, Gre-Jter City Four, and CallfornhFrank's Wild West. For 11-13: Wilbur. S\>^vrand Williams. "1100,000 Reward," Ollrc Vnllond .\mbler Bros.

KalnmoBOO, Ulch.—Puller (Will J. I>n-i;elly,

, uigr.) Whitney Stock Company, la rejier-

lolre, week ot Feb. 7, except 8, when John Dre.viipi'ecrwl In "Rosemary."Majestic (Will Morsb-tll, mgr,) — 'Vaudeville

and motion pictures,CoioNiAL, bXrTE Lyri:, New and Oaruev'-t,

motion pictures only.

Waco. Tci.—Andltodum (P. S. Ingrahsm.o>gr.) Geo. Evans' Uoaey Boy Minstrels playc^ll ero Feb. 3.Majebtio (Mr. Withers, mgr.)—Adelaide Irvlns

Players, In atcck.CojT (W. L. Terry, Digr.)—Besse Dainty Play-

ers. In stock.IIirroDRouz, Rex and Queen, movln; plctur.r-!.

Crtstal and Ve.ndoiie, vaudeville and morln;pictures.

Manclicntcr, N. II,—Stor (E. J.;r. ) Parumount pictures.Park (P. F. Shea, mgr.)—d'"or "Feb. 8-10, Zal-

lah's Own fihow (burlesque).AuniTonii'u.—Photoplays and vaudeville.Lrnio, Globe, Qdekn, GaANrra Sq., Crown..

EupiRE and National, pictures only.Manaobu LiBERTr, of tbe National, opened lint

theatre to the public Jan. 30.

icAICHter, Okln.—Busby (A. Bert Esle«.ni^r.) "Hoidember Morn" Feb. 10, AI. G. Fl^lifsMinstrels are booked for March 23.

Yalg-Majbstio, Star and ^.tOEBTT, picture."onlyCoMMCNCiNO 8, Ihe Bosby Tbeiire will continue

to exhibit Paramount fenlure pictnres on dnie.inot fllled by r(gular theatrical performances:Tub YALK'MAJBsnc commenced tb» "Exploits

of Elaine" serial pictures, to big business, 1.

Daveniiort, la'.—Bnrtis (F. B. Powel.inn,mgr.) John lliinny Pel). 8, ."The Misleading Latly"U. Revue of lOIB 12, "High Jinks" 13, AutoGlrle IB, "Peg o' Mv Heart" 21, "Mrs. WIgssot the Caboiige Patch" 27.,

CoLi/UDiA (J. Harry Blanchaid, mgr.)—Vaude-ville, two' abon's dally, three Salucdaya and Sun-dnyf.


America.—Tbe Oliver Players. >Fauilt nnd ELrrc, moving pictures. '

Camlierlnna, iMd. — Maryl-ind 'MellcDK-'rBros., mgr.i.)—Ohae. K. Champlln Co. Feb. 81-1."Peck'a Bad Boy" la Bne 13, and "Tbe Newlv-weds snd Their Baby" 20. Charlie Ohamp;lnand bis company nre favorites with tbe pntro'Hof tbe Maryland, and no doubt will play to,v


Victoria, Librrtt, Grande and BELVRbERE. piclures. -

CliarlcMton. 8. C.-i-Academr (CAas. A. M::l-thewa, mgr.T "Tlio Beauty Shop" Feb. 10.

Victoria (Pastime Am. Co., mgrs.)—Bill S-10:Purj-dln Uno, Drowning and Dean, Arnaut Hmi..olbers. For 11-13: SItone nnd Alexia. FItr'Im-iiiuns and Cameron, Maxine Bros, and Doby, BobWarren and Ilenrleita De Setrla nnd corapnny.ruraoEsi. VicToniA, Lvnio, Umo, Elco. Chkj-

CKNT, Maceo and Dixieland, plctuns only,

WaterlbniTr, Conn.— Jacques (A. Coins,mgr.) Oook Stock Ob., In "IWverly ot Ornuslark."with Loretle Healy and Albert Howson In the.leailing roles.

PoLi's (A. VannI, mgr.)—Vaulcvlll.j and mo-tion pictnres.

Strand. Pcenio, Princess, Gardei •and Co-tcNiAT., motion 'ilctnres only,

Geneva, K. Y.—Sm\a< (U. B. Outstadt, mgr.*"Oablrla" i pictures) Feb. 8, 0; De Koven OiwrnCo.. In "R.jldn Hood." 10; "Tbe Old Horacslcnd"10. "Damaged Goods" 22.

Tbsiplb.—Vaudeville and pictures.Motion rwoBLD.—Pictures. ,

WIcblta, Kan. —Crawford Grand (E. L-Mnrlllng, mgr.) "Evcryvroman" Feb. 8-PBiNcisa'(U M. Miller, mgr.)-Vcadevlllc no'l

piclinee."l^MrniBS (Obct Keyon. mgr.)—The Ke.rr^Stock Oo.

Clarkadale, MIbb.-Majestic IL. HariH-.-.

mgr.) W. B. Patton Feb. 11. bfotlon iilctui-vand vaudivllle between repilor bookings.

Robert LelandMni-o Tliiin -l-'i Minnies From llrondway. Uiil Writing the Sketches niat (id Over.

224 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass.(



'>lBd« to Order from yoar own copy,sny one color of Ink

Only $8.00I' ritcd on beavj i ply card. All other priotlDg

ji i)roportionBt« prices. Union label on all work'.. rlM for price llit. Route t>ook 10c.





TaO VInCBnt Ave., Clevela-nd, O.


FBB. 13-I0.

Charles HartOHAR. and COM


Gertrude GilbertINO. and SOUS.


Addre«« Knoivllle, la.


n,l-'or Slock. Ileiiertolrc, One Piece. Experience, Relliiliillty, Wardrobe. v.

KATHERYN KIRK1718 Peach HI., Erie, Pg,

CIRCUS PERFORMERSFor Society GIrcus, Feb. 12, 13

HOUSTON, TEX.Ud; Rider irllli Horse. Answer nolck. AdUienH

STUART A. OIRAUU.218 Flret NaU. Hank llldg. Houalon, Tex.

GET ON THEVAUOEVIULCOi* I tell Toa howl Faadnatliv profesaloii for

either a«z. IBig salaries. Experience nii>

necesaarr. Splendid engacementa alwajswaiting. Opportonlty for traveL Thea-trical agents and sathoritles endorsemy[methods. Thirty years' experience as* manager and peifonner. Illustrated

book "All About Vaudavlller sent FRC^Frederic La Delle, Bta. oi, Jackson, auk



Ago, 23; height, art. 4I11.; welalit, I2«nj9. AuburnImlr. Cspablo and reliable. Join hnmedlalel; onreceipt of vrlro and ticket. Address




Slate If you do Bpecloltlcu. All purtlclilarH ttnl let-

ter, iQiludlng lowest ssUrr.Address WM. K. MAYI.ON,

This week, Mount Union; Pa.; week Feb. 15, L lly,



MRS. UEKTIIA E. IIAYNES,scare of A. H. Clark, Ollfton St., Watcrford, Conn.«. F. D. No. 2.



SPECIAL ANir EXCLUSIVEAll kinds and styles for Vaudeville

Burleaiine, Csbarclsnud Clubs.

Big Time Acts to Orderstamp for circular, terms, etc.

Robt. H. Brenn»n,1433B'wiy,W.Y.

WAWTRTk PROOVCER FOR TABTf AniCiU HDBICAIj COMEDYAble to do Principal Comedy. Also Second Come-

' dian, Straight Han, Woman for (Jeneral Uuslncss,Soubrette and ezpenonced Cborug Olrls, All mustsing. This la oar third Tab. Indcf. engagemenuMake salary accordingly. Odell and Whiting wire.

UOHRIB A^VLBR,Btar Theatre, Ban Antonio, Tex.

A Quiet and Uome-Uke SanItarfum for Treatment of AllOAKS MeaicBi and Burgltsl Coses,

Only grsduato nurses employed. Address It. K.LEE. M. ]>., Oxford, Ind.

BIG TIME ACTSWritten m order. Ouarantced to make good. Write(or terms.

It. J. BUCKWIIBET, IlunllDglOD,.MaiB.

GIBGUS & JUOGLIXGApparatus, Rolling Globes, Clubs, Batons, a.uns,wire Walkers' Apparatus snd Novelties. Stamptor catalog. Elfw. VAN WYCK, CInclDnaU, 0.

NEW 212 PA6E ILLUST. MAGIC CATAlCoalalnlng cola of ijaAing Coajarota, BOc'New 124_Dfn book CataL, lOe. Nom freeW. D. IBIROY. 108 Coort BL, Boatoa. Mali

Comet Player to do sirulglil parts In acts,

i yay all. Feb. 16, 10, 17, Canton, N. Theatre; Feb. 18, 19, 20, Oedcnshurg,N. Y., Ooera House; Feb. 22, 23, 24, Ualonc, N. Y.,Grand Tlieatre. FUKU. UAltllEAU, Mgr.

SITPTfII17G Written to Order on com-0AJCill^Il£iaa,isBinnl>aHlR. AdrirewiUICUAEL J. FLOOl),2«20 W. I.cblgli Avc.,rhlla., I'n

Kkctclies, Plays and KnlcrialiimentuWritten 10 order. Tcrnis for slnmp.

L^AUIILK, Playwright, Kiist l.lverpoiil, Ohio


Send' Sc. Stamp for NewPocket Trick and Catalog.

MAGIC CO., Sta. 1, 24» W. 38th St., New York.



Sureeon-in-Chief American Hospital; ConsultlDK SurseonCook County Hospital; ConsultlaK Surgeon iherldan ParkIlospltal, Chicago; Surgeon White Rats and Actors Fund,etc., etc.

These aHlclea are written eaolaslTely n>r theHBW VORK CLIPPER, tineslloni pertaining tohealth, disease, hygiene, srlf-preier-vatlon,Teatlonordlieaieahnd matters ofceneral i ntereatto health vrlll be answered In thit rolnran. AD-DIIEBB ALL IRdUIRIEB TO DR. MAX TIIOREK,AMERICAN HOSPITAL, CHICAGO ILLS. Where•pace will not (ermlt or the snbjrct it not tnltahlefor an open an.wer, letters will be sent to theapplicant personally. Dr. Thorek shonid not beexpected to diagnose or prescribe In these eolnmnsfor IndlTldnal diseases. -

PNEUMONIA: ITS EFFECTS AND TREATMENT.^Continued from tost loeefe.;

pcnson contract pneumonia from possible to Increase our bodily resistanceWmself 7 Yes. Strange, isn't It? Yet It la and prevent the dovclopmcnt of pncumuula

"i^'S;, "f* possible?," you wlU as much ns possible. Should a person begin(awry? Well. h«re is the answer. The germs to develop the symptoms «f the dlsense. hethat cause pneumonia are with us all the •-- ' ' • . . •. .

time. Hny live under health; conditions Idour mouths, throats and nosca. Yet, no harmbefalls us; because onr bodies are resistantto the iMfarlous attacks of the microbes.However, as sooa as we derltnllze that re-sistance, as soon as we got cold, abuse our-selves. In one way or another, Mr. MicrobeIs right there,' and then follows his "cue."The sufferer rrom pneumonia can. Dine Umcsout of t«u, recall an exposure to "cold" orsomething similar, os a forerunner of hisaffliction.

A petaoa contracting pneumonia will, asa rule, be taken ill abruptly. Usually- a chillberoldis the onset of the trouble. Commonly,(he chill In severe and prolonged. At othertimes It Is Blight. The fever now mountsquickly, to say about 103, lOi or even higher.A short time after the onset of the trouble,the victim will comiplain of a stitching painIn the alltctcd side, more or less severe

usually severe.' This pain is increased whenthe portlcnt coughs or attempts to move about.

Simultaneously the person beglus to feelvery ill ; be coughs ; Ims headaches, painsthroughout the l>ody—now here, now there


the respirations become hurried and the puis.)Is full and bounding, A sort of short gruntduring expiration is characteristic. Thecolor of toe face hecomes slightly bluish,dusky—and one ° or ' both cheeks becomeflushed. Tbe eyes ore bright—the eipres-Elon la anxious ; the nostrils dilate and feverblisters appear about the Hps.

After a day or so the patient begins torouffh ap a ••prune-Julce" colored or •Tasty"sputum, lie usually lies on the affected sideor flat on the back.The fcier keeps up for tour, five or seven

dny<3, nod then suddenly drops. This we call"crisis." Tlie patient usually suffers froiuheadaches. In children convulsiuus oftenoccur during pneumonia. Drunkards usuallydevelop dellrrum tremens while the pneu-monic process is at its height.

In favorable cases, after "crisis" bo's

taken plane,, the untoward manifestationsquickly subside and the patient recovers.However, not all cases end so favorably.Complications' In pneumonia i:rc varied andmay couie at any time durln;{ the course ofthe disease. Of these, the nost ImportantIs paralysis of the heart. Indeed, the heartIn pneumonia is working overtime rightalong. Its work depends on the o.Ttcnt ofInvolvement of lung. In other words, tbcgreater the lung tissue involvement, thegreater the strain on the heart. In doublepneumonia, therefore, things look prettygloomy.The favorable case of pneumonia terml-

notes around the ninth day (crisis). Totalduration of the average case, from two tu

three weeks. Of course, this Is only truewhen coaipllcations do not arise.

The mortality of pneumonia ranges be-

tween fifteen and twenty-flve per cent. Thedeath rate, however. Is greatly modlfled bytbc type of tbe trouble, the presence or ab-

sence of complications, tbe rcslstlug powerso( tlie Individual, and other factory. Trof.

Wells collected 223,730 csEes from medicalliterature and found a mortality In Ibis

series of 18.1 per cent.' 0If a physician is confronted with thtrques-

tlon: will thls.pcraon recover from pneu-monia?" ho has to take a number of fea-

tures Inlo consideration before be can give uprobable 'verdict. Ue has to answer to him-self the fSllowlDg : Is the infection severe r-r

mild? Bow much lung tissue is Involved?What Is the power of the hcart?v Is the case

runnlna amuothly, or are complication? likely

to develop? Is the patient an old or youngperson? Is he addicted to alcohol or othr-r.

vicious habits? Has he had pneiimonia be

tore? Is he muscular or fnt?After weighing this medical evidence, akiu

fo the lawyer who scrutinizes his legal facts,

the doctor can arrive at a conclusion.

pNow tlien let us turn to the most Impo/t-

ant question : Wiat can wc do for pneu-

monia 7

First of all, prevention Is by far superior

to cnrc. . Let us, therefore, do everything

phnuld not be about, but at once get to bnlnnd oend for a physician. You may say thisis msy, but how about the fellow on tbe rond.the "one-nlght-slsnder," and others who can-not get a physician? Yes, clrcumstsncciunder such conditions arc unfortunate, andthe average person should possess surerlrnlknowledge to Intelligently help the strickeureteon until proper attention may be received.

And, let me say right here, that It Is grati-fying to know that nursing la pneumonia Isof prhoc ImportaDce, In ract. In uncompll-catod coses nursing is really what aids re-covery, for nature's efforts are toward con-scrvatlnn. On the other hand, while this Is

undoubtedly true, we must not forgot thatone In ewry ten cases' of pneumonia. Inordinarily healthy people, proves fatal. (Winslow.)You must at once take your patient to n

well vonttlnted nnd sunny room. The tem-perature III the room must be moderate, andjou must KO arrange the Windows tbst thenir Is fre?h and pure. Don't cover the pa-tient or bundle bim up to such an extentthat he swca.ts. An especially made flannelJacket that opens In the front snd a nightshirt over this Is all that Is necessary tocover the body. Destroy nil the expectoratedmatter from the patlcat. It contains theimciiinonla germ. Perfect rost la at»olutnlyi-ssomtal, Howcvor. the aHllcted may chaogc'positions ;n bed as often as he desires andlemaJn In nn attlRide which feels moat com-lortshle to him. At least a week shouldelapse after the crisis before a person suffer-ing from pcumonia should leave the Jhed,

Proper feeding Is essential. Tbe diet mustbp liquid, easily aaalmllabte and palatablyprcrksred. JUlk usually- constitutes the chiefiirtlclc of diet. Meat broths, or meat Juices,egg noecs, etc.. nay bo allon-ed.Tbe Dody of tbc pntlcivt should be sponged

il,illy with tepid water. In doing this do notexpose the whole bodv at once, but spongennd dry limb after limb. If the fever Is high(10.*) or 10-1) the water used for spongingMvuat be made cold (77 to 70 degress). Keepvisitors aw,ay as much as you can. One per.son at a timo may he Bllon-ed In the sickroom, snd that.'.for a brlof perkxl only.Clean out the bowels. It does not matter

how this Is nocompllshcd, by ennma, castoroil, cipsom salts or other csthartlas as longns the desired action Is obtained.

The pain In the affected side requires considerallon. The applleiitlon of an Ice bog totliibt side Is gratifying to the patient, nnd Imsn tcndecy not only to relieve pain but tofflvorablv Influence the affected lung tissueIr that region.

IVitdents frequently become delirious at theliclRht of the sffectlon. Under these clrciini-Htnncos careful watclUng Is essential. Youoften hoar that persons thus>«fl1loted willpcit away from the sitondahts and leapilirough R window or do themselves bodllvinjury. When the mind of the patient nhow'sIJic slightest tiTidnncy to wandor, you mustImvc someone at the hetloldc constantly. Atthe height of the fever patients of this sortcrave for water—give them plenty of It, asmuch ns they want to have.

In debilitated persons, small quanlltlns ofwine, champaKnc or brandy are allowed.

if the restlessness and pain .are markoilynu may get one-quarter of a .groin of mor-phine and give It to the patient, followed bvn little water. It is best to keep away fromIt, however, but sometimes Ihc.sufferlng IsRu acuro th£t the dose:acts like A-Oo'Isend lnp.iclfylng the patient and puts hlin to restfor some time to cnmc.

Of course, this outline of treatment shouldbe practiced In the absence of a physician,who knows best how tu safeguard againstcomplications, and what and when to usecertain drugs and methods ns the conditionsinuy warrant,

Of late a great deal of Inik Is heard abiiiit

antitoxins" In the treatment of pneumonia,,It may not be amiss to state In tlilH connrc-tinn that; while 0 great many good reportshave come In from splendid authority, themethod Is sUlI In its experimental stage andthe future will prove Its value.




Db/lb DocTon:. ^.

I am a young moo of thlrty-ithrpc. I amiiD aar(>hat--dolng a trnpezlal act. I fe'l

from a heleht of about twelve feet, about

light monms ago, Bod I have not workedKtnoe. Since the tail 1 have suffered with

'flts." The doctors have prescribed all kinds

i>f modldnes for me but they have Bailed to

help me. These flts get worse now, and I ambavlOK them as often as five or six tliaes a

day. J am miserable. Vhe flrst doctor whotreated me aald I had a fracture of the skull.

I am gotUng (llBeourage<l with life, whichseoms to mo not worth living. I am turning

to yon for advice and hope you will tell mosomething that I con do.

REn>Y.T«u, no doubt, are suBcrlnjt from trau-

matic epilepsy. If 1 were you I would first

of all have on X-ray picture taken of tho

bone that was fractured. I am inclined to

believe that there Is a piece of bone dls-

lodgod and Is pressing against your .biuln,

which cause* the epileptic fits. If the X-roy

picture will show such conditions then the

romoval of the piece of bone wlU undoubtedly

cure you of your trouoles. Do not dcspoir

but got busy and; try to And the cause of

your condltloii and ploc,^ vourself In com-

petent bands, and you will oc alrlgbt.


Mlt. I,. K. O., NEW T0IIK,-.N. Y., WRITES


DEAti Doctor :

I'lcBse answer through The CLirpia the

foIlowlDg questions : If a person U suffering

from a blood disease and has eruption on his

body, snd iises the bathtub in which othermeoiberi of the family batbe, can others con-

tract lb» disease la that manner?


ITCH.MR, D, 8. A., WIMCRS-nAItniC, TA,,



"Please let me know If one person concontract the Itch from another liy Hlccplngwilth them V"



Ur.AH DuuToii


I am flfty.fonr years of age, nnd a re-

tired Rkbwman. I have nlwnys lead u deanand careful life. In the past nineteenmonths, boirevcr I sufTerrd from two strokesof paralysis, which my nliysUrlan asserts,were mild In cliaracter (perhaps mild forbtan, but I did not thick they were mild. Is

there anything I rah do to prevent occur-rence of these attacks?


' Such attacks are usually due to brcaltlngof a blriod voxsci, wlilcb iicrmlts the estapeof blood Into the brain. In other words yourajtcries arc brittle. You must avoid cvery-bhlng thot will raise the bleed pressure. Usecomnion sense mrtlMds. For Instance, yoii

know that exertions of nil sorts will raisethe pressure in the vewelii—ovoid them,dverontlng Is lind—leave the table aiwoys alittle huugrv. I>o not uhp. or at least cutdown on alcohol, cofTee, tea ond f>baccu.keep yinir bowifla nctlvr. Do not permit yoiir-

s<<ii to g<'t <-xcltr(l. Will power Is a Kpleodldthing to train In your caec. I>o not becomeIntrospective, snd live a tieaccful life. Divertyour attention Into channels that will notlead to excltODnnt sufllclcnt enough to raise

your blood pressure beyond safe means.I Hte pave IBJ



PALACEBtOldway A 4Tth SLKvs. Ifr-W-Tt tl-tl.lMUsllv Mats. U-iO-lt.

BanXXina' ».U


INA CLAIRETIIEA., 4ath St., R. Of Bwoy.

JffJK J. UlrecUon of JOHN CORT.* Eves.. Mais. Wsd. «8ak,a.ia. Wed. Mat MO. to tl.M.

SELWYN A 00. present

A malodrama of love, mystery and thrlUa.


I VAEim St>. Broadway.LIVCUB Eves,, (.11. Uats,Thats. ASal,3 16

(Ibarles Frohnun, Kitw a ErUngor present

ELSIE FERGUSONIn a Play In Fonr Acts by Uuhert Henry Davles

"OUTCAST."44th St.. W. of Hrtindway, Kves.,

8.1b. MKtlnees, Wed. ami Hat., 3.16

BBLWVN A CO. PresentH«pSpJl

THE SHOW SHOPDy Jmnes Forbes, Anllinrof "The Chorus Ijidy"

With DOUGUS FAIRBANKSCOHAN 4( HAltlllS ll'wuy snil 4Aih Hi.

Kves. HlH.16. MnlH.TUCH. ,i 8111. HI ^.16.


"HELLO BROADWAY"With New York's Favorite ConicillHiis



MAT. WKD. A HAT., X16.Popular Wed. Mat. 60c, to |1,B4GOHArS.,,




CANDLEIlTIIBATIIB, West 43d 81. neat

UruBdwa*. Tel. Bryant 6M4.Eves. 8,-JO. Mats. Wed. A Sat. 3.30.

New York's Newest Plsyhouie. Cohan A llarriipresent (by armngement with Arthnr IlopklDs)*new play by a new rouog American anihor

"ON TRIAL"By E. L. Rslsensicln. Heats 8 weeks In advance


4eih St. nr. B'wi>

Evenings at 8.W.MntlnccH Wediiesdajand Saturday 3.30.




W. 43d St. Evenings 8.16:

UHiinei's Wi'ilnesUsy huiIMHtuniHy al 3.16.


''KICK IN"^^^Wlllsrrt Mack.


til r rp I mr^wi w. 4'.iiiii m. Kvm., h.i6.y*-' * Jlia ^MWJ MkIh. Weil. \ Hut., 3.16.

X'. II. WUODH PreHenlH mi Aiiierlciiii

Pluy In 6 Ai'.lH.

THE SONG OF SONGSBy EDWARD SIIKI.DON. llnHed on tho novel byHERMANN SUDKKMANN, Willi hii All Htar Cant.


KveiiliigH III 8.16.

MhIh, Weil. HliU .Sill., 3.16.

B. V, KKI'CjrB

oolonTilH'way A <M St.

HHiinco Dally. Son-day Cuncertj 3.11

snil 8.16.


t fnC*DTV -"iKl ^-veN. 8.16,LdADCtK A -I Mats. Wcil. A .Sal, at 316,OIIAIlI,K.S FIIOIIUAS ITcHcnts

OTIS SKINNER V'a'.![°p^^


Based on tlio story l iy tlnuveriiiMir Morris

^ATITTV II*way «t 40 81. Kves. n.l.'..WAIXIsl X .Mnin. Woil. A .•<i»i.,'.'.iri.

KI.AW ,V KItl.ANOKIt Miiiiiigcra


.\ iii-w Coiiicily liy'jK.VN WKHS I'KU.

iirli Avi>., l:iil 411I1 StH. Iliiily

.MiiiliK'1'4 III 3. 'J.'i('. to $1.Kt i'iiltii[-i Hi H, '.'.->'. to tl.r,ii.


Kvua. at 8. Mhi«. Tnea. Thnr«, and Sat., 3.00,


With AL. JOLSONNext AttrHi'lliii| .-.M.\lll IS AMF.ItUU

I VDIfk 4'JdSt.W. or It-way. Phone 6310 Uryanl.

LI niU Eves, 8.16. Hnts, Wed. A MhU 316.

JOK WKUKIfHHiihIuhI Uomuily Produullon

THE ONLY 61HOtll TlieH.. nr. Il'wiiy. riiniie 41.1 llryniilOOUl Ul. KvrH, H.;in, MiUh. Weil. A .Mill. 3U<i.


DRESSLER111 the iHti-Hl Iniigh vi'lili'lii 4ip^ MIX'UP"


TIIK.ATIIK, 44th Hl.,we8tur B'way.Plioiiu, H4:iii llrTHnl. Kves. 8.l»,

Mltlilli'i-il Wnl. A. .Silt., 3.16.

AII'SIHrCniiipiiiiv IMiiii'l rioiii tliii (liiliity

TheHlru. I.oiiilnu. .S,MAIITK,ST HllOW IN TOWN,


TIIKATIIK, 44111 .St., W, or il'way.Phono illou llryiiiil. Kves,, 8.46.

Miitlliei'H WiHliK'Hiliiy A Slit,, 3.30LITTLE



All Hi'Hts Hi All PiirrorniHiii'es $3.00,

BOOTHTIIKATRB, 46th, W. of H'way.I'lioMu Illou llryHiii, Kves, 8,110.

HhIIiii-iih WuiI. a HhI, 3..10.

ili»PA,>aHS' AMKIIICAN i'ill/,E I'l.AY




Qm-n A 1^T\ n-way a 4T4h Bt,3 X XLxL MJ Noon to 11,3U p. tn,



MlrHnd Coiicurl OrclieslrH ami HoliilHtM

Next Week-"T11K W.MlllKNS til' VIIU it.N I A .


ilMUWDIp U'wsy A4(nn5l, Kvw«,l6Mi" » MhIs,, Wed, anil MhI. iit i.l6

CliARi,l-;s FIKIIIMAN Miiiiiigi 1

OHAHUES FHullHAN Prei-i-iiih


By llurlu NIccoiiciiil A .Mlrhiiel Million

BS<f AOOn WuNl44lllHl. Kves. 8,30.DCaLinOwW HhUi., Thurs, A Hal,, 3.30.

DAVID UKI.AiiCU Prexi'iilM


ily KinVAIlll K.SOIII.AI.X'll.

VlllirVVUIIIkiiVVIf ii'wiy ''xiih HI. KviiH.,.

ftHlULDnDVl/REili tiHiH, Wed. A HhI.


CAHILL CARLEin the New i*A|l IN QllJinCnMusical Cuiiieily gU THE OHwUfc

HURftATHlLLMATRELeilngtoB Ave. and 4lld Bl., It. Y.

This wotilt, UAY WIIIOWN.

4lHt .-^l.. l-jiKi or H'wiiy. I'lioiio

filUI llrjrillll. i:vKn.,,. h\l^ll^.,

'I'lHWillljH .t ^»\., 3.14.

P ACIMn K'wiiy A t'lioiii!:is4ilOrei'loyVAOlllU Kvi'H. H.-JO. ,Mul>i. Weil. A ,Siil.,3.'iil.


EXPERIENCE>|>|*|. 0« TIIKATIIK, Wusl or B'wayat4Xn Ola I'hoiio, 73ti3 ilryaiii.

KveH. H.OJ, Mlilttliiuri Weil, A HHt., 3110.





MIVIKV VI I llk'l1''U 'I'll K A :.iMii :ii.,'Kn>iior

nAAinr/ nijllVI l a U-wny. • :i"lii'M7iilliyiiiiL

KvUH,, X.I.'.. Miiln. WimI '. .>*..|,

THK IVKW A,1ll<;itl4' l>l<AY

The Renfed Earllly HiillHliury Fli;|il, (Co iiiillioror "Twin IIImIh.")

lUVW IMUTVIIIIlM W. 441111 Mt. Kves, 8,16,

llfin AolillElkililin MhIh. Wi'iI. huiI .Shi., 3.16,

KI.AW A KIll.AMlKIl, MHrnigors.



ProKunlH II Hyiico|iiiiiMl MiiHli:nl Show

WATCH YOUR STEPMiiNlu unil lyrli H by Irving ilurlln. Itook tiy HurryU. Hniltli. Willi nr. it Mrs. Vnrnon Clastin,


World of Players.Myrita kiu)M uhs toth .MunioAr. of>M

lODY 0>).—We ifla/wl Lolnl (^hta IIuuw. UrCfU-Ik'. I'M,, wri'ic of Jan. IH, wIktl* \\v Hjipnt otio

of thv DuMt plcoNuiit wwkH of ilio MfuMii. Mao*'aatff IRnlHn oml llir Ktkw ciihTlali:!*!! tlic mcouf the ODiijiaiij at' the KlkM every nlvbt durliu(cur 4fn({AKL'iiirji(. Tlie ffjllmvlii]/ WM>k (Juii. UTi)

He |iUy«^l llic* Oiwra JIuuhc nt Corr/. tmlllie entire CMitiianx whi liivjlnl lo Urn Kllm ruuiiii

Tuewlax, wbirrc we wfru ruyalljr ciilcrlaliiuil, iimI

on KrIdBX nljlit Mnnuuvr I'arkcr iml Iho lutUKallccliM ^iTc ou elKlMFBto "fO,irrii(l" for tbe cutu*ittri/ on ibe nlnu^ ifu*r Iho mUuvr, 'llie coupiu/

left a good record bctiliid It tbe entire if*'Min, Willi :nan/ return ilnhii fvwhifl. We liMlrritwo are carrylittf tlib lilK;{c«t "llltle" bUow od Ibenihil from reiMirla.

JACK lltAINKR. In "WalcU Your Bleu."had a "wld out" buune at tlie Maavi-gr*. Ok\n., Jan. 31. Trnhirr was rnneiutA*r<Milii*ro from bla work lo "Jluipcvked Iknrx" halacaaon.


Price nnd Qoaillr Alwars tlie Banti•OLD BVBRYWBiORB,

"lion AND i;VA MuOl.SI.BV nrlte: "Wii barsItiHt L-loiKfl B TIT/ HiicCfaartii four urvi'lca urifr Iba

Surrey lliir,' froiii I'liiico ga far .North aa .Sortligilv,

i,;i the Ciiinillrui lliii*, anil illil tliii-ly, aiitt aro in>w

nlayliig oiir 'oM trrrlKiry,' At llarllaiiU wr givnKri'lyii Kin;, i/ur iilnnlat ami ilnncir, a Jolly lur-

Irlni', 'on liL*r rlglilii'iilli lilriliiliiy,' Jan. 31, in

iliu aliajfc or tt lmiii|iii't arid iliiiil'i*, arirr tliv pcr-

rxroiaiice, on lli« aUKv. jinny Inrlteil aiinta wen|ir\<ML'iil. MliM Klnif reci'lrtHj nitiny valuabla iiroi*

iiiIh, aiiit oiii.* woriliy i*t ifii'iiilon, a illaiiiniiil rliiv,

rnnii .Mra. ICvn .Modliili'y. Imt aiiiit. aiiil a Ula,

olil tliiip rnilt cuke Jcmn Ikt nintlicr, fioni Uas-lanil, Cal., hi-r liunic. It waa a haiij)/ etcnt, andI'HiK to Iw ri.'riH'ii»(HTiil aa one ot tlie moat enjoy-able oni-H ift llic ni'W ynr."THK fHUOAT llAIllllN(m>N A»IH<X)IATiON

I'l.AYKIlH write: "Wi.' are ilpi|F|ilnK yon a lino

In r<'Karil lo aii. In Ci.iri'SM, l-imj i-t Jan, III. W«wish lo aay that It wna n lilK auccraa In errryway. livLT Iwi) liuiiilri'd riiilki, rrf^ni which wel.avc Inrrii ahlo lf> accure b«;iiio very cIhtit ii«oplt.

Till! Oi.n Itai.iiiii.H la aiirrly . ri'iul liy ^V(•ryllJ'l/

HH we liive r<t;L' lelt.ra ami prvvraiiii fro<a

the :iiniilll-Ht :uwna to tlio lar.-i'nl cttira. Vroni.\'i'W York <^liy aUaie wo ri-ct'lvcii nearly liftv

aiiawrrs. We tlnil It Inii^oaatlile to anawer all

^•Itera, iia lliny are Htlll rcnilnu In In every mall."JiiJlN It. TllfiKI-K wrili-a rruin Carthige, N.

v.: "KliiK iiikl Hylvinier iilayeil hire wfek milinff.Inn. .'10 lo H. II. <>. There were Driecu peoiileo'lili til., allow. Htlll Stanley Kin; ami .MaffufrltoSylii'aler, eaallji* tlir reatnrtv. 'I'atiloM nuilcali'niiHlli-a liilrialiirril after 'he ilrajua, iiul thet-lrlire allow waa A I."

(Jill I''!' WIl.MAim rrfHirla cirrllenl hiisliieta

for -'.Mutt and Jen" In Houlb Dakota, bealli«laal aeaoon'a rtcrlpla In many tomij.




$37a50 0 ye»' ««•""»«••

Tlifl new«it and Itfit arrnngeinent forcarrying clotlilng oiiiliodlril In tlilitrunki . Kvttry comfort of the homeright with vou In ll>« liolvl orTheatro.





WOOD SOLEMSPliln Kid, • • $3.60

Patant Liathir, $4.60

All Colore, • $6.00

Bxtra neat, will notflp.

8TAQE U8TIn Oiforda, SUppen

and BhotaL

cod (or OataloB

Bent C. 0. D. If (1.00 par pair la tdTaneed.FINB MAPLB DAMOINa HATS, mada to

order al tOcta. par aqaara foot.NEE1.Y BROS.T29 W. UadlaoB Straat

Opp. Hayaiartet Theatra OHIOAQO

CotlOD TlKh(«, Ten goodqiiHllty, H pr., T6c.; WonU)dTIghIR, DiedlUDi wolRhl, apr., U\ Wuretcd Ttghte,

Tk* llota.

lieBvj weight, b nr., tl-lt:

Bilk PlHluiil Tlghta, (Im-

port«d), H nr.. t2.W; Heavy 7iperconl. HllkTlRliUjlnWhlte,Meali, I'Ink and Ked oDiy,

reduced from It pr. to |4;Pure Milk Tlghu Id creamirlilte ODIT, reduced from18.60 a psir to $«. flhirta to

match, SBnie price as tlihu

Ordare Fllltd Promptly

Cllppur Catalog Pre*on Application

BEIINAHD UANDL310-m W. UBdlaon Street


Earn )35 to (500 Weeklir. Study

i^TAfiF DANCINGOlilllC SINGINGVabdenUa Acta, SkatoliaB. Dtana,Uoalcal Comadj. and Naw Not-cUlaa In BUfa Dancca. Wrtta tor

llltutrated booklet b«rw 8,000 ata-

denia auecaeded. BUloie intpoa-


Alvlene Iheatre Scliool of AetlDg

STth Rt. at B'TTar.Bntr. 22B W. BTth 8t.. H. T.

'BTRXNGTHEN YOUR ACTwith I ho wonderful


llciignn Xyloiihoiics,

MarliiiliuphuncH, Orgi>nChlmcH ii:id uthcr Miml-i-nl i^pecliilty Iiiatru-ineiiiH iiru Mio


Wrilo for CfttBlog "II"

J. C. DBAUAn, Uragan UulMlna,aaUl) Havxii»wm)il Ave.. Chlcn go, III.

I. MILIER, 1554 Broadway, V/.-h'^i^..'^UBimraclurer

of Tlicntrira

U 0 0 1 a andShoes.

Clog, BHilet

lid AcruliAtIc

HhooH. Kept

III Block, lUI


VaL esoa-T Ctielaaa


ijrQeHiaN brade


Uniform in Color and

Quality Guaranteedrnrr I Mcmorudum Ditt Book

mtt jBooktht Attof "HaUngUp"

TIOUTS AMD aUIRTS of OTorydeiorlptlon, Paddlns, Froc,Bake and Honkor Salta,Blaallo and Olotk apportera,GyiBBaBtle Pamps and Oaltara,Bpanslea and Dalllon Prlaca,Bend for catalocna and aamsla ofllgbta-FRnK.

JOHN SPICERBoccaaaor to B{tic«r Bioa.

80 WOODBINE BT,, BKLlll. N. I.m UATAl.OO of FrofoBalonal andAnmleur rinTii, Bkctoties, Hono-loga, UlDBtrel Jokes, ReolUtlonsw Uako-UpOooda, RtcaentFREE,

FlrZQKKALl),'aO ADD Bu, New York.

r lluimn llBlr, Irish Comedian, Jaw, Dulch-man. Tic; Itrcsa Wig, ll.oo and fl-W;

.Houbrotle, ll.oo, ll.H; Negro, 9ia., »oc.;

lUatDlTHl pnporcBps da., 31c.; Syda. OrepoI Hair, MO.; Al OottoD ngbts. toc.; SUkollne,

|1.U. ABkc«(aIog, Kllppen, Ufg, 44 Cooper Sq„N.Y.


lo ondleaaTarlatx Inatook andmadoto ordsr according to aketohaa.






OATALOOUES and SAUPLES upon reqaeit.Wben aoklDg for Oatalogae, pleaae mentionTbat goodi are wanted.

aVALmsa the best.PaiOEB the loweit.

[SIEGMAN & WEILS. W. Cof.iTtb Bt iTMadlaoD Ato., N. T.



FiYB MlhDtos CorklDK Cross-FIre

(2 Males), 500.

Five Minutes Siappy Gross-Fire

(Male aad Female), 50c.

File Mlnntes Brigbt MoDOiogue GliattBr

(Male) 50c.

Fin MIoutes Mlastrel Material

(End Mao and Interlocutor), 50c,Thia material cornea In neatly type-written form, and la not ahop-wornJnnk. Has been tried oat and naa anabaolnta kick In erery line. Prlceaquoted on exelaalve material. Authorof Raymond and Bain's "Locked Oat." -

HARRY L. NEWTON.ei Grand Opera Houae, Chicago.

511 6th Ave., near 31at St._

't4a VV»ai 4'4il St., n«ar 'l lniea 8<|.no 3d Are , n«ur 10th St..Si'hil ri)r llliiHirHled CiiIbIukmu (.'.

,Mull (Irilcru I'Aiuriilly I'lllcil.

nVPNOTlSM^ Bjr thltpo»cH\i!, UQieen forco of ottura fea ouy^lcoolrolotb<M,CTcaio cndldj fuauilwoiidtri


Irefona the deeriiled. ircat iholiick OBd iffllctcd, atulo yourIftmbliion tnd tntho money cisy.

I YOU tn%j leirn III Writs for


Iture tnd full parllculan FREE. '

I Addreit M. D. BBTTB, BU. 441 » Jaatoon, Mloh. |


MOUQUIN'SetIiAiie., bet.27tli and 28lliSts., New York



y Fine Magical Catalogue

ILLUSIONS, TRICKB. Bte.Grand Bnd of t^eDtDn.tulljI'lluatrated. BOOK 0ATA>l.OGUIil, 2Bc., free by maaCatalogue of Parlor Trlckatree. UARTINKA A CO.,Mfra.. 408 Blxth Ato., N. T.


COSTUMESAnd Mllllnory




I No multor whm you wimt In tliut lino, I caniaopply It. New or second hand. Send for

I oaUoguo. U. B. ADRAIIAUS A COMPANY,m Miirkcl 8U, Philadelphia, Pa.



ConimcM, Tlcketa, EaTolopcs, Free Samploa,eto.STAGE MONEY, 160. Uook of Herald (JDia, ato



Addrtwa as per llnute. nr caro OI.IPPER omce



IMiuiic ItHiidolph iva. WON. IicarlioriiSL, Chicago.




Kztnae cold aod atomy weatber knocked Ibalife right ont of tlie boalocu lait week, tba eita-log p<>rrormaDoeB anSerlof the meat. Week ofl''flb. 8 trliica three new attraclloiia to ItglUnutehOUMI.CoLONUL (Cbarlea rrohman A Wllllain Harria,

in;rs.)—"The Pbintom BIral," DaTld Belaaeo'apioductlon, In which Leo Dltncbalelii la atanltg,will bo at this houae 8.

TaiuoNT (Jno. B. Bchoefffl, mgr.)—George U.Cohsn'a "Tbo'Mlracle Man" has lU flrat local

pio<lnctlon here 8.

Siik-snT (Wllbur.ShDbert Oo., mar.X—Lewrieldii appcara tbla wt«k In "Tbe BIgE Ooat of

LoTlDtf." Tbe CDgateineDt la for two waeki.Holms (Oha^rn J. Rich, mgr.)—Seoosd week

of Ulllle Durke, In "Jerry." Mlsa Bocke waattken 111 durlog tbe perforauDoe on 2, and tbe

bouse reauloed cloaed for tbe rest of tba week.Accordlag lo ber phystclana, abe wlU poaltlrely

resume her pnfonnsncea 8.

iUjasTio rwillwr.ahnbert Oo., mgra.)—Afteran absence of two years, William ^aTerabam !••

turned to Iloston 1, In a new play. "Tbe.9awk,"which Is well worth wIlDnsInc, for It Is'lnler-cstlng and adcninbly pieaented. Second week la

now on.I'LiuoDiii (Fred B. Wright, mgr.) — "Too

Many Oooka" la In Ita third week.Yb Wilsdr (Wilbur Ilieatre Oo., mgra.)—"A

I'olr of SKrH," In lis Hrenlh wi>ek, oonllnoeato produce ..inntineous Isngtater froio Urge ao-dleiicrs.

OoiiT (John R, Dart, mgr.)—Second week of"Whsl's Uolug On." The company la Tcry capa-ble.

UocTON (William Woods, oar.)—Fifth weekof "Oen-II'jr," to oontlnued good baslDtaa.

llosTCN Urau Uouaa (W. B. Macdonald,n-gr.)—So Croat I waa the popolarlty of "JallnaCirror" during the week of Jan. 2S that tbe man-oRTinent dn-lded to continue tbe tragedy the weekof 1, In place of "Tbe Merchant of Venice,"as iirerlously aaiouaced. The latter play will bedone cunrnt week by the Henry Jewett Playeia.OisTLB Sqdaub (John Oralg, mgr.)

—"(CommonClay," riow Id lit Oftb week baa occasioned wide-si>read discussion, and good bnaloeaa la the result.

Tor (Wn. D. Andreas, mgr.)—Modem DramaPlayers tfm Philadelphia, lo "Ohrlta," "TheEetr" tJti "WomanUiid."Waldbon'8 OieiNo (Chailee IT. Waldrco, mgr.)—Tbe Bowery Durleaoera supply tbe abow thli

wrek. Ed. Lee Wrotbe and tbe Ginger Olrianiajed to one of the banoer weeks of tbe aeason.\V««k of 1(1. (3iarlee Boblnson'a Oamatlon Beao-l!c«.

U.iierT George R. Batcheller, mgr.)—BenWelch llrnl up to hia TcputatloD, last week, ofbeing one of ibe best single entertalnera In bur-loflqoc to-djy, and waa aurrounded by a companyof very clever people. The buslneas was big. TheGaycty Olrli tbla week, wlih tbe Big Jubilee tofollow.lIowiDD (George E. Lolhrop Jr., isgT.)—iBeauly,

Youth and Folly and followlog olio week of 8:Dick nudolph, Ikjston Drarea pitcher; Harcourt,ilio Dobcrlys, Qordon Brother*, Uermsn Zelti,llorton and Le'Iloy, and Harry Oolemaa. Orientalliurlcsquera next.(IniND Ofiua Housa (Geori^ B. Lothrop, mgr.)—Week of 8, tbe (farming WIdowa, an organlxa-llon headed by Eddie Dale. Special wreatllng,nmalpur and circus nights. Youth, 'Beauty andFoiiy next.KciTH'a (Robert 0. Larson, mgr.)—(Bill week

of 8 : lUunon Blanchart, Okabe Japs, MsnhallMontgomery. Josephine Darla and oompany, BarryDre^n, Gardiner Trio, Kurtia' noatera, and Millerand. I.ylM.Loew's -ODpnnu (Victor J. Morrla, mgr.)

Bill 8-10: Herbert and Dennla, Dora Dean'aI'hinlumi, Franklyn Aidell and company. Burkeand Harris, aod Alard Brothers. For 11-13:Osllando. Wnlih, Lynch and company, "Myalloniril." nalnMB and Wells, Rose and Mood, Savoynttil rrenusD and Lauton.Mxnr's St. Jaubs (Marcus Loew management).

—Bill 810: Lantoo, Sherman, Tan and,noic and ^fonn, and othera. For 11-13: ATOllngnnd.Lurd, Cadela De Oascogne, Panl Panier, Mon-trose and Sydell, and othera.Lorw'a Glodb (Frank Meagher, mgr.)—Bill

8-10: Morria and Wllaon, Kanacava Trio, (>er-

truile Darnee, Avellng and Lord, and othera. For11-13: Bessie's Oockatoos, Ilerbert^snd Dennis,I«ona Stephens. "Dairy Malda," Burke and Hur-rla. ond Rdi^anla Ilrotbera.

nonooN'B Olyupia (John B. Oomerford, mgr.)—Kill for week of 8 Includes: Tho Orplnton Trto,

Kddic Koycr. Morey'a Titanic Dlsoaler, PatsyDoyle, and the Marcus Miielcal Comedy company.Also scTcral feature picturca.PowBoiN SqUABB (George E. Lotbrop, mgr.)—

Ilymsn Adicr aud eonipnny Tnscano Brotbc,-s,

lloi:oy Johnson, Two Irmenas, Mack and Williams,and Jennie Dcweese. "The Master Key" and"Anitrlca" ere the picture fealurea.

I'AnK.-^—The Fammount picture for tbla weekIs Gaby Dcslys, In "Her Triumph." ,:Park Oaa-cerl Orchestra, AuatlD organ, aololala 'are otheriv-nlures.

Bijod (Harry Gustln, mgr.)—Ourt«nt week'shill Includea tho cualomary high daaa TandeTlllofeatijica anil newest motloD picture films.

VAL'DitviLi.B iHD pioTunBS : Scollay Suuare, Na-lloi:al, Modem, Sbawmnt, Old South, Washington,Scenic Temple, Star, UnliJUF, Oimlque, Wlntnropllcll, narmrd, 0«m, Day Sijuaie, Somerrlllo. Oon-mrns Hall, Niagara. New Palace, Franklin Park,^'nuih Bnd, Back Bay, Ekgle, Roxbury, Premier,Alwllo, Purlton, Williams' Ideal, Orlenta, Ham-ilton und olliers.


NiT BuncESa, 'who baa managed theatres In

ihla clly during the paat Ofleen or more years, <*

now at the helm of the National, which Is proh-

itbl.v the lirgest TauilcTllle and picture house In

IVMinn. Esc«llent resulta hare lieen noted alnce

Mr. Uurgoss asaumotl the management..MANAOKn CiiAni.BS II. Waldbon has hooked

The Yellow Ticket" for the Colonial, In Lacoola,N i:., beginning 10.

TiinnB nre three Bostonlara In the caat of".VPnir of Sites," now tunning at the Wllbor.Krllx Wllllnnu was bom here, nnd la the son of

Krcd Wlllla.-u9, for many ycara stage nunsger ofllie fiinious Boston Museum Company. QeoncI.yneh was born In Soalh Boston. He used lo

sing In a local choir and grodually ilrlfted to themii.'<lrnl singe. Thomaa O'Hara, who playa theluohkeep^r. was bom la Boston, altlionrb hIa

family hns since moved to U>w^ll. Mr. O'Haracomniuios betneen here and Lowell every day.

KvA Mab Fbanci!) relumed to the caat of".Seven Keys lo Balilpote" Just before the showleft on a lour of New Knglosd. A aelge of ap-rendleitls waa the cause of ber retirement fromtho cnBt.OwiNO lo a re-arrsngetnent of the tear of Mra.

I.rslle Carter. II has been found n<!e<99iiry lo post-l>ono her engngcment nt Keith's originally an-nounced for this >\Teh, until acne future date.

NnrtlinnintAii, Mnaa.—Academy, for weekof Feb. 8, 'The Oountry Boy."

PuiEA, I.vnio nnd Paucb, plcturea only.At tub Academy of Music laat week

"Moni'selle" was graced with the largest .Mondaynli;ht .imllence In the history of the Academy.AInut three hundred Smilh College glrla were In(he audience,

Allltordi RIoBa.—Otwxa Uouoe (F, Tomp-kins, mgr.) beginning Feb. 8, this house retnmedlo pictures, presenting eight feature dims, and.Mnl>el Kllloen, In songs. The Ethel May BhoieyDramatic Conipanr, despite the oofaTorableweather, did good Iinalnees last week,

InuAL.—Molk)n plcturea and songa,

Ulnncupolla, Minn.—Metropolitan (L. N.Scott, mgr. I Le Roy, Talma and Boaoo companynf magicians and lllnsloalata Feb. T-10; DavidWarOeld. In "inie AucUooeer," 11-13; ''Potaahpnl I'erlmutler" week of 14.

Siiodbbt (Ohss. A. Sticbter, mgr.)—WrlgbtHuntington IMayers, In "Because 3be Loved HimSo." week of 7.

BiiNnnipoE Pi.iTnoDBa (A. G. Babibrldie Jr.jr.)—Dalubrldge Playen, In "Overel^l,'' weekragr,

of 7OnrnBDU (0. R. Raymond, mgr.)—BUI week

of 7: Sylvester iSchatTer, Ibe Shoitoeka, Gtoverand Rlchoida. Stone and Bngtaea, aod otbtllkUniqub (Jack Elliott. mgr.l-i-BIU 8-18: Owen

MoOlveney, lOthel Whlteelde and PIcki, llitce Ben-nett Sisters. Itockwell and Wood, KowUn and Sin-clair, and plcturra.Oatbtt (Wm. Koeolg, mgr.)—Golden (Jrook

week of 7.

New Pamcb (II. E. Billings, mgr.)—Bill 8-13:<.Mii.leatlc Musical Four, Marie Stoddard, FVrar So-cleir Girls, Iloraa and Preston, and pbotoplaya.New GnANu (Wm. Koch, n«r.)—BUI 8-13:

Gonnlry ani OafTrey, Doteon and Gordon, Mar-garet Iliaun and Slater, and HomM Kala Paaba.aaalited by Jack Dubba and Mack Bklmimlf, andplcturea.

New Victoria HotelIN NEW YORK


146 to 166 West 47th Str^tTka Verj- Baart of Raw Tork "


rary •dana boBTaattaMo

Bwropoaai Plaa Bzelaalrely

BATBBiBglo rooBa, Iiot and sold waterSingle rooma, prlwato bath and upalta, parlor, bedrvom and bath M and upBalte, parlor, S hedroona and bath (B and upFlrat Claaa Dining Berrlce at Heaaonablo PricesO. A. HOLiLinOBWOaTH, New York City

GUNTER HOTEL, S«nl.>Ml., Tax.

I7B.OFKAli . Abaolotelr flrepiool. We wantabow people, la tbe reaaon we adTerUae in Tbe ClipperPBROV TYBRKtiL


BBTABUSBBD 16«BWBITB FOB OAT. Na. 41ll»-117ao.WabaMkATa,

CHICAOO. ILL.MBw xoBK ornca,1473 Bwadwmy,Louacra BUg.,421 at, *7wai

BATXLB OFFICIIKt-10-13 nm Ave.. Bo.


The A. H. Andrews Co.

H. TARR665 8th Ave.

Near *2nd StPHONE, 7684 BRYANT


Tjieatrical PhotograDher1 00 8 X I O, 8 1 2.60 (Orlglnatt)

lOQ 8x10, 88.00 (Raproductlons)

.100 6 x 7, 84.00 (Reproductions)





To dellTor the Beat Theatrloal Gooda, Goatamea, Tlghta, Trlmmlnga, etto.

Oar lately rewlaed oatalogae aent ftee to mny addreaa,



Largeat atook In the conntry for Amatenr and flehool Play.

QUICKDELIlfERIES For All Theatrical Merchaidise



Fbone Central sua.E ^A/ORK8

lU Ho. Dearborn Bt, omoAOO, U. 8. A

CENTRAL TRUNKS2eiB- 910; Uu.. Bll; 821n.. |12: Btio, IIS; tOln., I14.B0. Oieaa Tranka. 24zl8il8, t».W.BuTtruika, 8028gll, Inalda. flA.BO. tdlho. Tranka, 42Hi28Hzl2, Inalde, llfl.60. SIdppalon raoelpt of IS. balance C. O. D., axeept OTor SOO mllea, tlien remit wbole aiiioontCHNTBIl raUNK FACTOBT, Hat ism. BIUONB a CO., B. W. oor. 7tli * Arch Bta., PhllA.



THE WieOERY 1%°a^%"b\^ CHICAaO


119 H. Hiath Btraet FhlUdalpUa



Foi STOCK, R£l>ERTOIREa AMATEUR CORPAinESLABODST AS80BTUBMT IN THB WOBLD. Booka fot bomaamDaement, Negro Playa, Paper, Bcenerr, Mra, Jarlej'a WaxWorka. Cataloxae Free I Free I Free I

BAMUBL FUBNCB, 28 Weat 88th Bt., Vmw York.

Theatrical and Character Costumes5,000 lUnattaUons. Vlalt oar Salearoom, Any Foreign NationJHllltarr and IVawal . No Order too SmaU or too DllDotilt<

RUSSELL UNIFORM CO., 1600 B'way, N. Y., Cor. 4ath St.

NEW YORK COSTUME CO.Manofaetortrs andRentas. 140 Ra Dearborn St., CHiaGO

"Dearest Girl of My Heart"New SODB lilt. Professional Coplea and Orch. ftto

tor late program.0. B. MATTUKWa, Boi <W, Now OrleanB, La.

THEATRICAL WIGSTonpe«a,LadJeirHalra«edaL K. Btela'a &.akaUn, BandtoPricaLlat OBO. BHINDBBLM.»MW.41tBt..NewT«it. TO. »72e-Bryant


>|C •WIvKMitaaUeMMeJ' inNtw racHS- cacAKs-MINOfitABIHS ACTS-REAL


FOR STOCK, Rep. and Amatenre.Tabloldf, MlnstrelB and VandeTllle

Act*. Stamp for Catalogue.

N. T. PLAT BUREAU A AUTU0B8EX., Tiemont Theatre. N. T. City

miSIC ABBANOEDPIANO, OROBBBTRA. Ifelodlea writJMto aoDg poeaia. W. B, NBLSON, Aatof

TOBK. Thaatre Bldg., 1B»1 Broadwar. N. I.



Oldest Theiatrical Journal in AmericaFounded in 1853 hy Frank (^een



44tlx St.» Xi

2 TSm NEW YORK CLIPPER. Febbuaby 20











FIRST VERSE^A mother was kneellnsf to pray,


For the loved ones at war far awayAnd there by her side, her one Joy and prideKnelt down with her that day.Then came a knock on the door;Your hoy is commanded to war.No. captain, please, here on my knees',I plead for one I adore

CHORUSDon't take my darling boy away from meDon't send him off to war;You took his father and brothers three.Now you come back for more.Who are the heroes that fight your wars;Motherswho bave no say.But my duty's done, so for God's sake leave one.And don't take my darling boy away.

SECOND VERSEA hero is now laid to rest,A hero and one of the best^She fought with each son, the battle she'd wonAnd the battles that proved a test;Tbo' she never went to the warShe was the hero by far.They gave the guns, but who gave the sonsM-O-T-H-E-R,

Copyright, 19W, Broadway Muile QTorp-. N. Y.





eROADWAY MUSIC CORP., WILL VOII MB, Pes.145 W. 45lh St., N. Y. Clt/


CopyrlKht 1815. by On Tnak Qbw PrtlUhtni Ooiap««7 (Umltod)

Founded by


Prlo*, 10 Canta.





What may prove the undoing o( work al-

ready accomplished by. the American Society

of Authors, Composers' and >Iub1c I'ubllslicra

Is based on a declolon handed down laat weekby the United States Circuit Court of Ap-peals. • •. , .

This court unanimously reTersed a Judg-.ment by tbe lower court, granted the JobaChnreh' Music Company, rcstralnlbg the Van-derbllt Hotel (Company and Its orobcstraleader, .Henry iiartlnl.^from. playing com-poRltlons published by. th(s,' house.Tbe trouble started when tbe John Church


Company alleged tbelr rlgbts -were beingviolated by the Hotel Vnnderbllt orchestraId playing "Fi^xn Uaine to Oregon," of wbloti

tkey had tbe publishing rlgbtB.

Judge Hand, In tbe. District Court, agreedwith It. The opinion of the Court of Appeals

JuBt given, written by Judge W.ird, 'declareswhen a copyright proprietor of a musicalcomposltlOD sells printed copies of a song orInstriuncnlal piece, the performing rightsgoes' with them.The Court of Appeals decision Is apparently

baaed on the fact that as tbe managemrnt ofthe Hotel Vanderbllt charges no admissionto Its dining room, It Is entitled to have Usorchestra play any selection It sees fit.

The court's opinion also sets forth that asno admission- is charged, any musical com-position can bo played without a fee beingciacted./ Kai4^an Durkan, counsel for tihe assocla-(los, will most likely carry tbe matter to theUnited States Supreme Court In order toprotect what It believes to be the rights ofIts members.


Oliver Morosco, tbe leading producer ODthe Paclflc Coast, Is now In New York forthe purpose of securing a Broadway theatre,as he Intends to Ogure more prominently latatnre In theatrical matters Iq tbe Kast,After looking over the various theatres hiachoice fell on the Booth, on Forty-llfth 'Street.

West of Broadway. . The bouse was ciocteda little over a year ago by Wlnthrop Apies,

..^u . lu present occupant, and It Is the generalopinion that tbe. Shuberts a>re also flnanclallyinterested In tbe bouse, which is one of thehtniisomest and most artistically appointedtheatres In the world.The Booth nas no gallery, and this fact

appealed strongly to iMr. Morosco as he Is astrong advocate of the Intlmatf theatre. Heand Br. Ames have had several Intcrrlerwaregarding tbe saile or transfer of the theatre,bat np to th^* present writing the papershave not been signed. i

' Mr. Ames, whose genius as a. producer Is' admitted by all, haa not had much financialluck with the tbeatA. and it Is believed thatUe would sell should he get the desired prlcii

for it, or he would rent It. He', will, ofeiti'rce, continue to operate the Little Thea-

' tie. which Is his pet "child."'Should Mr. Morosco fall to secure the

Booth he 'wlU look around for another tbe-atrc, as he has decided to Invade the NowYork field. His New York house will piosontcomedies and drama, for he Informed aClipi'eo representative that he was .througti-with the production of musical plays (hisJast ono -was "I'retty Mrs. Smlth,"'^ of whichhe was co-author).Before coming to New York a fortnight

acn Mr. Morosco disposed of the 'Morosco andmajestic Theatres, In Los Angeles, Cal., to asyndicate beaded by 3. U. Frlcdlander. TheMajestic -will 'present attractions, and tbeMorosco win oifer musical stock, under thedirection of the new managers. 'niU leaves

\Mr. Morosco the Buitbank Theatre, In thatcity, -which be will continue to operate on itspresent lines.

Mr. Morosco 'will in all probability makeNew York City his future home and tfte

scene of his future operations. For severalyears he has bad large and expensive offices

In the Loogacre Building, at Forty-secondStreet and Broadway, under the supervisionof TC{[b general manager, George Hooser. Mr.Mornfico's ^^nufacturlng plant will still belocated at Los Angeles, and he will alsospend a few: month's of each year in the mag-nificent borne be has hullt there.


Paris, for some years, has rented the Metro-politan Theatre, Cleveland, 0., for a fourmontbs' term, and will open tbe bouse Feb.22 with a vaudeville bill, consisting mostlyof European features, playing a full week, atten, twenty, thlrtv and fifty cents.Tbe house Is located at Euclid Avenue and

East Firty-ntth Street, and will hardly boconsidered opposition - to any of tbe other'vaudeville houses.' Mr. Itoberts -will have charge of tbe bousoand booklni;s, and Mr. Johnson -win representthe owners of tbe property as treasurer.Ur. Itoberts was In New liTork several dayslast week closing arrangements for tbe open-ing bin.


Edna Kcoley, who. has been in Australiawith tbe Allen Doone Co. for so many "con-secutive" years that she refers to gasoleneas "petrol nnd America as "your country"In her writings to us, won't visit Now Yorkafter all this year, as she and Mr. Doonoand his mother Intended.On Dec. 23 Inst the Allen Doonc conrpnny

Unlshrd a successful season at the I'nlncc(Sydney), and went' Into a recess that wouldlast for a little over three montlw. WhenMr. Doono re-opens it will bo at the Palace,In Sydney, April .1, and for the oc.'nslon ilr.Doone wfll stage a newplny. In aill probability"O'Sliea, the Rogue," by Theodore Burt Snyre,the writer of a number of the play.s In irhlchUr. Do.-jne has been seen In Austrnlln.

Mr. Doone, his "ma" and Miss Keeley hodVleasaotly mapped It nil out for a visit toAmerica, during the fourteen woks' rest,put .couluo't get awov from "the Innd ofkangaroos" on the steamer they wished, andJO have postponed the trip until IftlO, ns-the "next steamer 'wvuld mean on water sixweeks, and land, two. -

iNOiAKAFotiia, Feb. 10.—Theatre manage-ments and theatrical companies would borequired to live up to advance advertise-ments of attractions that come to this t>tate,

by provisions of a bill of RcprescntatlvoVrlend, Just Introduced In the Indiana Loels-lature. A penal cinuse providing for a tineof from ISO to 1 100 .upon conviction Is

Inserted -

«ALMA" CLOSES.The R. B. I. Theatrical Hiiterprlscw hnvo

closed their company of "Almn, Wln-i-c DoTou Live?" o-Blng to' tbe Illness of Mnhi-lleIji Couver,.'wlio was featured as Alma. 'I'hisconcern still '.hns out three tabloid miislcnlonneillos. Inclucllng Mabello I41 Conver'sQardon Party," n tabloid written hy Mnhdle

1-n Couver for her own use, but she wn.s un-able to go with this season o-wlng to herlllnni<>. For next season the R. B. I. Is pre-' paring several musical attractions. Including

Jtk a new musical comedy for Mnbellc La Couver,'w^iin made, a host of friends this season asAlma.


Tlie policy of the BuBby Theatre, McAles-ter, Okla., which heretofore had shown thc-

^ntrlcnl nttractlnnn only. Installed movingpictures Feb. 8, with Mary PIckford, luIlniiind the- 'Scenes."Parnmount pttyliirtlons nnd feature dim

plcturoft, logethflh with llcense<l nimn. -will beshown dally, except when rcmilnr theatricalperformances are given. The IJnaby neati

T 1,400. A. Bert Estcs is manager of theItouac.

I.ONGACIIB THEATRE IN THE COIinTS.• . There was Instituted In the Third Munici-pal Court, on Thursday, Feb. II, an actionto oust tlie Frazee Tlicatra Corporation bythe owners, l:ke Adlon Construction Company,(or the alleged non-payment of rent, amount-ing to ^4,444.45, due, it hi charged by theplaintiff, for bbe month of February.

In the cooiplalnt It Is alleged that thetheatre 'was rented to the defendant In Sep-tember. 1013, at a yearly rental of (40,000.payable in nine Installments. It Is admittedthat thcso payments have been mot,':wlth theexception of February. As a result, CharlesMeyers, attorney for the plaintiff, nskcd tbecourt for a dlq>osses9 warrant.

In dofense, the Frazeo Theatre Corpora-tion said It was willing to meet the payment,but was not satisfied wlbh tbe status of theownership of tbe property. It charged therowas a mechanics lien foreclosure sole onJan. 20, and the property was piircha«e(l byRalph nioom, and, according to thc .temiH ofthe sale, tho owncnshlp of the theatre will

be transferred to tbe purchaser on Feb. "JO.

To prevent a aubsciiuent claim, It says pay-ment was deferred.


' Judge .S'oonan reserved decision and askedthe attorneys to file briefs.

« »

NEW DANCE IN "HELLO DnOADWAY."A new danclnf number bos been Inlrndui ed

In "Hello Broadway,", at the Aslor. It wasshown for the first time Fob. V2, nnil par-tlclpnted In by ItoTislka Dolly, nnd lleurgoCohnn, Wllllnm Collier and Iinrry Dcif, as-

sisted by a large chorus background, was alilg hl4. The new number Is an exhibition nf

the old time "cake walk," a style of dancln;;

prlKlnatcd In America a decade ago, amiwhich was directly responsible for the nu-


.melius tangoes, fox trots, .Maxlirs, the busl-

tntlf.n. nnd fascinating ono and two-sti^ps of

ttie present day.

FIltR LA'W STOPS DAIIO.Daro, whose sensational act conslnts of

permitting two seven passenger automobllmfilled -wltli -people to pass over bis neck, wjis

the UDfortnnnte victim of a law of the NewYork Fire Department. The automobilesneed gnsollne, of course, and an the New YorkFire Dcparlinent forbids the use of gasolineon the stage lu any form. Dnro wns comnclledto cancel his act at tbe New York lllppo-


CHICAGO ACAbRMY DliRNH.The Academy of Music, at Ilalstcd and

Mndlson Streets. Ohlcngo, was destrovod byfire early Feb. 12, with a Ions of tlVn.OOO.The house WAS erected Ip 1870. Recently It

liad been a vaudeville house.

TWENH-FIVE YEARS AGO.Tub -ploturo of itNiarlos K. (Ivans, was on

the front page of TiiK Cliitkr."7iic I>iMiiEHTO.N8" was producod at Al-

bany, -N. Y., by J. M. IMll.TiCB Marquam -Grnnd Opera Iloune. Port-

land, Ore., yraa opened by -the Ehnma JuohOpera Co,

J. J. SriES announced his wltlidrawal fromthe Actons' Fund Dramatic Agency.

jAifi:.'! H. Mkadu wns convicted on thecharge of allowing children to appear In"Blue Beard Jr." at Nlblo's Garden, NowYork."Tub SnpriNG iStonb" iw»b producod at

the Standard, New York.CnAnLBB w. Fiaii 'was In Mexico.UEoaoB W. Uam. liad a teat case In tha

courts at iMempUs, Tenn., to deride -where


he was entitled to vote.BiLLT Watson was engaged to iilay ttie

parto/ Budwlsrr, with Daniel Sirily's "('oroerOrocery" Co. He lived at tH Bldrtdge Street,New 'York.Jaki Kicbaik and James ConncTT gave

in eLhlhlllon 'bout at the Southern AlblntioClub, New Orieans.

Cabi. Clair was bandmaster 'With tbe Klnck Franklin Show.Clabk Saumis was manager for Wilson

BsTTett.-Will Datis ANb Ai.c. IIaymas leased the

Columbia Theatre, Chicago.Tna Auditorium, Chicago, opened for a

revival of "Plnaifore.".Habbi QATBS.A-Nn ANDY Lbwib Were dotog

a double Mack face singing and talking act,and closed at "Amsterdam, N. Y., on accountof Harry Gates taking the management ofCentral Theatre (Buunel's), Jersey City.The opening bill consisted of: Dolin andLenbarr, 'George Fuller Golden. Clark andAngellne. Bam (UttleJ Cblo,- Wilton Bros.,Sohple Thome, and Harry Oates and com-pany. In "Neighborly Nelgbbois." lit. GatesIs nnw with the Golden Rule motion picture


theatre. New York.* »



Owing to the recent demise of Cbas. F.Wlc^and, a special meeting of tho Agentsand .Mnnagens' Association was called, andseveral ohanges of tbe executive were made,l^e late .Mr. Wlegand has been replaced asvice president by I'^rank Chapman, who wasa mnmt)er of the board of trustees, wdille Mr.Chapman's place on the <>oard will be takenby Julius Franke.Tho next regular meeting of the associa-

tion will be held at the clubrooois, March 2.About twenty new members are posted forelection. Leo Levitt writes from Jackson-Tllle, Fla., that owing to the closing of the"Polly of the Circus" Co... he is still InJacksonville. Proprietor Muien, of the com-pany, refused to my tbe transportation ofthe members of the company to New York,the original starting piilut. liOvltt claimsthat business was fairly good, and that therewere no good reasons .for Moxen'u closing


the company, as the entire company wastrilling to proceed, at least until bhe showarrived within a reasonable dlstanco of NunYork.-Mr. Levitt says that he is not lu fear of

the colli) as the weather In Jacksonville baabeen sublime, but that he hates to undertakethe walk home. George Itoberst Jias beenelected to tbe membornhlp of the board ofdirectors, rojilaclng CNias. II. Livingstone,i7ho resigned.


HAnCH 4.The now tTS.UOO theatre at Frecmont,

Neb., -will have Its grand opening Thursday,Alarch 4. Tbe attractions for this hcnullfultheotrc are to be furnished by the MarshallTheatrical ISicbange. I-^mll - JohnHiin, thoenterprising voung owner and ninnagcr ofthis large undertaking. Is an »i>lluilst of thofirat water, and has all of the characteristicsof n successful showman.

Allhougb the theatre Is to he a popularpriced' vaudeville bouse, admission for open-nig uight will be $1 caah, and .Mr. JohnsonInfiirnis us that the housu has been sold outfor over two wcoks.

. The decorations aro Icvender and groy,and tbe seating capacity Is one< thoUHUnd.The "show" will consist of three nets ofvaudeville, motion pictures, and a six pieceorclicstra, The architecture Is of tho modemoiyle, with, a numhor of novel and originalMms carried out, vblch makes It ono of tbeTnoKt unlnue and beautiful theatres in thatscctlcu of tbe country.

TRIES TO STOP "THE HAWK.^In I he Boston courts, Marie X. Taylor, gt

New York, Is trying to stop William Faver-slinm from continuing "The Hawk," and

. from difliiosing of any rights to It, from dls-

JOHlng j^i any of Its iirojicrtlus, and demand-ng :in accounting.She says she has exclusive right to adapt

tbe play from tbe manuscript. >

A CORRECTION.Frank IT. Thompson writes us : "I was

misinformed as to Thomas I>cntcr, of theAerial I>cnters, bning a former boss propertyman of Gollmnr's Shows. .Mr. I,ester hashad several years' expcrlimce In nnrlal work.Mrs. I.cntcr was formerly .Marie Mllette, lateof Gollmar's Show. Tlie l/ostera have- lefttheir home, Tltusvllle, I'a., for New YorkCity, to enter vaudeville."


Mncoln J. Pollsk has written the libretto,and iKldore Luckstonc comjiosed the muHleof a romantic llgtat opera, entitled "TheFlirting UucbcoB."



Ths coming together of the K. & R nndShubcrt Interests for a mutual booking ar-

Tangcmcflt will not materialize, at least It

has been pi'istponcd Indefinitely. The follow-ing announcement from tlin Klaw & KrlnngorolDren explains the staliM at the MituaUon: x

"The much dlHciiHsi'tl niiuilgnninllnn nfbooking Interests of Mrnsra. Khiw ft ICrlangerand Lhe Moisrs. Sh\ibert linn not been con-summated, 'nieso two factious have for twoyears been operating under a working agree-meat In the Cities of Boston, I'hllnilHphln,

Clilrngo, St. I/ouIh nnil Mnltlnnore, which theyhoped lo extend to oHu'r rltleSvIn Lhe rniin-try, iMii In working out llio nelnlls It wnsfound lihni It wnn linprnellriihlit nt this timeto bring this about, nnd so lhe matter for Mmtime being Is deferred. Thin dues not meann llunlrlcnl warfare, «h Iish hi>on Minted hisoinp nowHunpers. On ilm i-oulriiry, tlio dls-(UHHlons of tho matter Imve been In nn en-tirely huslneHS-IIku nnd MUilcnlili* nnlrlt, amithe arrnngemeiits hereliifoni ciiteriMl Into forthe elllos -aluve mentloncit will remain lufirt-ee."'



According to a .dlctilon hondol down byJustice Murray, In tho Muiilel|ial (Niurt ofNew York, playwrlehts will draw niynllliuon tbe extra' premliiint -phIiI fur seats pur-chased at hotel ticket stanilH nnd other out-side agencies. The Amerlrun Play Co., roi)-

relenting Itol Cooper Mnfirue, lins won Its

artlon waged against Sclwyn A Co. nnd iHisedupon that very jraint, and rather llian apiH'nltbo case, Selwyn & Co. have paid. Ihu Judg-ment.

For some time playwright* have agitated

their right to nUaro In tlio nmoiint paid InexciMS (if regulnr Ih>x iiIIIi-o prices, hut until-lug inuie of ll until John W. Ilnmsey as-siinietl ciiiitriil of tho American Play Co. andstarted a genernl roriinn.

.Megruu then eniuu fiirwnnl. Ills claim h<i

hnsod on a slinrn of tbo prpmliiiiM paid fortlekols for "Under l.'over" In New liiirk andHuston, placing tho Niiin lin was «<iilltlr<l tii

at a llttlo less than f.'IOil. 'riils <'laliu lie

transferrnl lo tlio American Piny llurcnii,who brought suit with the abnvn riwilt.

ACTORS' FUND BENEFIT.' Tho progTBDi Is Bteadilr growing for the-monster benefit which is to bo given by thebig vaudeville stars under the auspices ofI'l. F, Albeo nnd A. Paul Keith, Hiiudoy even-ing. .March 7. at the Century Tlicatrc, fortho Actors' Fund of America. Already manyof tbe public's favorites havo voluuteercatbelr services, and a groot purformanro Is

n.iHurcd. Last week Donlol Frohman receivedthe following telegram from Frank i''ogarty,the Dublin Minstrel:•-I'D Daniki. Fhoiiman, Ltcevm TlIEATal,

Nr.'v YoBK :

"Certainly. . Always on tbo Job for su<<h a-worthy cause. Will be with you March 7.

"Frank FouAsrv."-A prominent feature will bn tbo two girls

who -will act as pages to change tbo cardson each aide of ntnge, having tho numbers oftbs aetir. They will be selected by u voteopen lo all for the two most beautiful choral*girls now playing In Now York. Send yourvole by an ordinary penny postal card ad-dressed : ^

Manaoer BRAti-ry Contest.Caro Sccnrlary Actors' Knnd.

.IyOuj3crn Building, Now York City,and «n reverse side, merely lUii name of thecontestant selected and signed by thu Bonder.

NO MORE AFRICAN DODGERS.Senator Oilchrtst and Aasemhlyman Mulll-

inn, of Ilrimklyn, have Intnxlucud a Ull Inllauy, -n-lLlch will moko It Illegal for anyonn

to put their heads up an a Urgi!t for ImlltosHors. It also proUldts thu fall In thowntiT nnd irf.1ier dovlriM thnt depend UIKinthe skill of the linii throwers to mnko a ulL

NOTES PROM RICHARD LAMDRRT.Ilicha-rd Dennett, bending a sjiiK^aliy si^

lected cast, began an eiigngeiuent at thaCort Theatre, IliMton, Monday iilpht, Feb.IS, in Mgttr Selwyn's farce, "NiKirlr Mar-ried," which had Its nrlglnhl proihircion atthe (layuty Theatre, Nnw York.

John (fort's production of tho musicalfarce."What's Going On?" began an engage-ment of one week at tho Teck Theatre, Iliif-

talo, on Monday night, -with Frances Ciua-eron. Waller lAwrenen, Dorothy Wcbli, Itiiy

Atwell, Maude Ilently, Kni/x Wilson, andDoyle and Illion forming the nomplote castvt prInrlimlH. Tho nttrnrtloii huH Jiist. coin-pletMl two wcnks of natisfnctory bUHliiesH atthe Cort Theatre, Ilnston, ilurini; which tlniuWilliam Jeromo nrciirnpirHhiHl Homo veryne<'i-SKory iniprovrnm-nls In lis singing.

Mclnlyre nnd Ili«tli arn still liltling thohigh marks in box olTlcn rerolpis tlirouglioiit

the Middle West In John Cort's revival ofOeorgn V. Holiart and Jenn Hehwarlz's mu-sienl comedy, "'Phi! Ham Tree."

Cyril Maude will make a foi'r of Iho West,Pinylug the thenlri'S of Ihu Northwesli'mTheatrical Association. In his Internationalsureesfl, "Grumpy," neglnnlng at Denverabout the first of May, nnd roncliiiltng thotrip In Wlnnl|>eg nlxuit the first of July, sothat he may sail from .Montreal on July Bfor ICngland.

« »•


nie National AmiiNem«nt Co., owners oftho Twin City Motordrome, operated betweenMinneapolis and St. Paul (Minn.), has lilnda petition In tho Federal (.'niirt for volun.tsry bnnkniptry, with llnlilllllr« of tiri,.1.1ll.

The physical value of ilin .\folordrn(ne Isgiven at m.OOO, nifd the acliinl vnliio of thebook nccoiints are nnid lo bn worth fini).The directors autlioHzeil W. A. Koenig, sec-retary, to file the petition.

"A ni/SY I>AY."Tf. 11. Fraeee's new Jnrksnn fnrre, "A Busy

Day," will have Horlierl rnrlhell, Ilvronllenseley, Ka>lph Morgan, Kilgnr Norion, HughCameron, Arbnur P. Hymnn. f\ W. Ooo<lrlch,May Yokes. Kllzabeth Nelson, Fny Wnllno,Ida Waterman, Ruth Clirster, <.'lnre Weldonand Roto Winter In the cast. K<lgar H^c-flregor Is singing the play.



NEW WmNEY STOCK.VnA C, Wliltney, wlio producod "The

Chocolate Soldier," Is out wltn an annniiiico-ment' tlint ho -will organize the .NntlnnalTheatre, a iilg stock riiiibiiaiiy to play In }(vwYork next Hensnn. Iln will rely npiin suh-acrlberi nf nut less Ihnii' ti.UOO In number furhis lincklng. Hlnniinrd ami cinHSlc |>lnys willbo presented at prlc«i from twcnly-llvu eentsto Dwo ilollnrs.

Mr. Wlilliii-y snyn: "What we plan I1 notnn eudoweil or sirlisldiiefl theatre, as tllvalreHof Hint kind ni'e never HUceiMsriil wllhiiiiltlio support of tliir Uoveruiuent, tinekeil liy

thn nntloiinl tri*nHiiry,- lo supply ilenellH. Tim.plan proposed Is lo erento n solf-Huppurllngorganlznllim of five thoiiwiiid "

for a llilrty wei'ks' season, at the ritT^of $\1

per week, raeh Hubscrtlier <paylng 900, M<eiir-

Ing lliUH ono seat each weok for Ihn cnliracca8<,n. 'I'll thn llmt fivo tliiiusnud sub-scrlbers will lio IhhUihI full nnlil and iinn-aHH<;i<Kul>lo stuck Ip the NotlnanI 'llieatru Com;'nany. In llin oxtent of thnir siibsv-rliKUiu—llio. Aflor Uio first season each HtiH'klioiilerwill pny for seats ot thu samii rato as thdgenerui pulillr."


Marcus I>oew has aunouncnl his plans fora now -theatre In Han -Francisco. It Is tocost over .$1,000,000 and when. C(Siiplete<l.Mr. Lo<<w stintin, will ilie the nioHt lieaittlfulBtriictiiro of itx kind hi ttie llnUnl Htntes.nio house will bn inoileleil after tliu To-

ronto tlii-ntre owned iiy the name eonceni.'11ii> arelil^j'Ctiirii will Ih> n blniiillng of th»Italian ItenalHsnnce ami tin- Ciiloiilal nty'e.

It will hi; (lenrted exelil»lve|y to vandevllle.

VAIIDRVII,l,r. OUT AT TIILBA,A. ('. King, riinniTly of .MeAli-sler niiif

MllHkngee, Okln., hns ni'ctipleil llie piiHllliiii

of iiinnnger nf the Orplieiirn Tiii'stre atTiilnn, llkln., hiicj ding Cnri Hri'Hg.

1'he Orpliisiin will hIiiiw fenlnre iilrtiiri-s

rxetiislvely In thu future, linviiig nliniidiinedvaudeville.

ARCH SELWYN.Arch Helwyn In the innnHglng.'dlroetnr of

Ihn linn of Helwyn & (.'nnipuny, IIk) voiinguHtnnd one of l.lio must progrumilve llientrlenl.pniilucliig finiiH 111 America. Mr. Helwyn Islooked iiiion liy niniiy managers ns niin nf lliii

(test pickers of siieroHseH. It wns liii whitalhne hud fnllh In "Within the l.nw," nflerWin. A. Ilrndy nnd otliers iiHH<ii'lnt<!<l Willithat jilny. liiiil come to tint ciiiii liiHlon llinl:

It was M riiiiuri!. Mr. Hnlwyn wnn nt Hinttime tlie liend of Ihn AiiierlcMii I'Iny ('»in-pnny, whleii fiirnlslieil Htixk orKniilznlioiiitwith phiys, ami wlien lie nnd .Mr. liniily dif-fered, nho'lt "Within llin Law," Vr. Helwviibought nut Mr. llrady's IiiIiti'hI for $1l),lii'lO.

As enn be i^een by IiIh pnrtrnlt on tliii llrsCjKige of this «;e(;k'» (.'i,ii-i'kh, .Mr. Helwyn Instill n very young man. Ainnnif the |ii:iyii

under IiIh direction nrn "Tim Hlinw Hlmii," ntthe lliiilHiin Tlienire, with DiiiiglSH Fftirbniiksas till! fentiired plnyer; "The Lie," with .Mnr-gnrut llllnglon ns the stnr, nt llio llnrrlsrlioa-tre, wiilch, liy Hie wny. Is nwnifil liy .Mr.Helwyn; "Under Cover." one coinpnny plnjf-Ing nt thn Cort 'Miealre. .S'ew York; one InChicago, nnd one on Imir.

It wns Mr. Helwyn wlio Insisleil Hint "TwinBikIs" wns a sin-eesH, In Hiilte nf (lie fnet th.ittho ncwsimpers treated It so iiiiklnilly Ihnt awell known tlientrli'sl manager, who was In-terested III It with Mr. Helwyn, sold IiIm shnroto Hehvyn 4 Coiiinnny. 'rho hIiow is stillplaying to hig hiislness nt tlio I'liltnn Then-tr^-, and the -third company Is now reody lotakn to the rnnd..

lie In also Inloresird In "It Pnvs lo Adver-tise," at the George .M. Cohnn 'Ph'^ntre, nnd"Kirk. In," nt Iho llepiilille Tlienlr.^*" III! Is at pr(.sent deviirliig miention lo"Itolllng Hfimi'S," n new coimily ivrltlen byIlls hrbtlior, Kdgnr Helwyn, nnil ho is lookingafter the revlvnl of Ills hnrtlier's earlier sue-nun, "Ni-nrly Married."

In ndilltlnii to the nhnve lie flnds timo lodireet tlio leeliire tour nf Irvin H. (.'obb, rhownr correspondent for Tho Huturilay KvenlnuPout,

Desplln his great work' he finds timo loaltenil nil of thn liniMirtnnt first iilghtH ivltli.Mrs. Helwyn. Kdgnr Helwyn nnd MrH. KdgnrHelwyn. known In lhe ihenlrc as MargarotMayo, actress and play.ifrlght.

THE JfTETW YbRK OLIPPER. Febbuabt 20ANn rioi zDWiSMi

ERNDST n. DALL.Above wc priut tlic lat<rst picture of tho

KTorld fatuung composer, Kmost II. Hall. HeleccDtly playcJ a vctk at Ube Iludaun Thea-tre, Union lllll, N. J., wberc be Mbowcd iils

new single act for the benoUt of manBgcraand ARcntA, and demonstrated tbot lie Is IiMtns great an eotcrtalocr as he Is a writer,'i'be new offcrlnR was such an ononnouH hitthat be In booked solid for tbc rest of theoeasnn. It was made up entlroly of bis ownoompoollloos—ail now aoum, as follows: "Inthe (Jnrdcn of tbo OodH,'^"A Utic Ult ofHeaven Hhurc The; Call It Ireland," "VonUonH Know IIow Olad I Am to Oet DarkHome," "Mow Things Have CliangodV^ "Co-lonial Ilag" (InstriiDiental), and n medley ofhlH great snccesxes, ipast and prcxpnt, wlilcli

Included : "In the uarden of My llcorl,""llaby Hose," "l^dy Angollnc," ''lK)ve Meend the World Is iMInc," ^•nil the Honda of-

the DcHcrt Urow Colil,'' "WUl You Ixive MoIn December As You Do In MayV' "Afterthe Itoere Have Faded Away," "Wibllc theItlYorb of I^ve Flow OB" and "MotherMachfce " M. Wltmark & Som are bla ex-cluwive publljiicrs.

McKIM'IOY IIDYN OOI'IIRUH CATALOG.H'iw MoKlnley MjurIc, last week, purchoiii'd

tlio cat-tluKue of (ho Orpbcum Miulc Oo. of((hlcaro. and will fVaturo sovcnil of tlia

{trlndiiel ounriietB,

TEDDY MORSE'S HUSDIGS.Ill' •.'icnod- jw>m(? clever writers,

(iiiiid sonKS thev wrote—got wise I

Hp lost tliein nn(f Iris bankroll

He (Mdo't advertise 1

JiMMv Kf.ndih deserves ft won) of praJso

for his poj ial card Idea for the moving pic-

liire iiliiiilKtH. TItU Idea has been "borrowed"by FcvcrnI inibU'Shers, but to James sbouldgo the crrdft. Orlginnl Idcnd for tbo ioMor-rient of llic none InduHtry nre bo mre thatIfimts K. is entitled to 0 Mttle puWdctty for


Tnr call of tlie ivJld—Joe Goodwin's In

Cuba.Tiir courts landed* an awful wallop, last

T.-eek, on the American Society oif Authors,C'(>ni|>oser3 nn<l I'ubs., hut n> they are strong-

ly oripiQl/ed (and orcanlzA/tlon Is tht tMnftntit eniiiilK ihesc dn\'«) tibey are far frombi-ntnri. There will bo lots doing with this

bodcty before^ tt takes the count

Tijr, Kmplrc Mnrfic Co. (Jack Von Tllzer)eliio received n hnrd blow on their "Tcnocflsea

I Hear You Colling Mc" song. Some of thebOYS havo been a lUUe free In helping ttiom-

si'lvee to bits of the high class copyrl^edsongtt, and this deolslon may cause them to

be more careful.

The rirynns are at It again—Alfred. •VIii-

cent and )V41ILam J.

He win a succesnful budnoss nun from athriving Middle Western tmni, and was visit-

ing tbe big <My, Wc had a luncbcoo date<K\\h him the day he dropped In our oOlcc,

Oiir place was or ithc usual slse, conadstdngof piano rooms, stook room, end one generalrecc|>tlon nnd business office, from wblcb afull view could b« had of the whole ewabHsli-(ncnt In tho course of the hnkf an boor orlo our friend was wattlDg, orchestra leadnscame, got the latest dance and hotel orches-trationa, n canstant streun of rinQcre, acts(malo nnd feioale) asked for and received"Bcts" of copied sevcml bdlls were paJd. aUdeawofc exchanged, <lborus sIMes handed out,two whispered "touches" were made, andluat as wc hajided a sot of "regolara to atiasehnll player, our friend called ns over anilInonlrcd, "what do yoa oall your bniloessT"'This Is the 'popular* sons' basineBs,"'we'rc-pUed. "Tbm,'' said he, "In Uie name of com-mon sense, tcAcn. where and iohat do youBELLV"Tns miiKle buatnese Is lust one tmn

after onoiher!Tub Kelst To, la setting a terrifle pace

with Ibeir new«naper adverttslng eacopalgn.Itlval "pubs." sit back In wonderment andtry to figure out ho<w It's done. Wc Inaglthe recipe bi something llko this—£roln« pl


JjBO Friedman ami Frank Tyler Danlolshave Juat written the successor to Iheir lostt>alla4l hit, called "Itotnrn With the Hprlng-time" (AcuBbla Macbree). The song bosalready beeo released In Chicago, and onMr. Daniels' return to New York, In ab(nit aweek) be will start work here

NBWTORK'B FBATDRB 801108.The Uttle House Upon the Hill"

(BUAPIRO-UEnNSTEIN CO.)"When > You're a Long, Long Way

from Home". (BnOADWAT Mi;aic Co.)"Co the 6.1B". . (J. II. Brmics & Co.)"There's a Spark of Love Btlll

Hunilng" (Leo Feist. Inc.)"TlrglDla Lee". . .'. . (Job Mobris Co.)"I Didn't Boise My Boy to He a

Soldier" (Leo Fbist. Inc.)"Swce: Kentucky Lady"

OL WiTUiBS A Sons.)"Uaybe a Day, Maybe a Year"

(Jos. W. Stebn & Co.)"When My Ship Comes In"

(iUabbt Ton Tilzbb.)"Otkliutowii, Htj Chhiatown"

• • (J. H. Bbuics h Co.)"I Hear Tod Calling, Tenncflsee"

(Dkfibb Mdbic Co.)"When the Ulsalon Bells Arc

Chiming" (Teix Tatiob Co.)"Cut Tou Pay for a Broken Ueart?'

(ClUS. E. IlABBIB Co.)"Yoa Are the Rose of My Heart"

CUavbicb Bicuuond Co.)"Face to Face with the Olrl of My. Dreams" (F. B. BiviLitro Co.)"That Da-Dah Dey"

(F. A. Mills Ca)

"TinOINIA LER" GOING OVER."Virginia Lee," the song that the Joe

Morris Company are working on, has shownop btggcr than any song this Arm has hadin tht past five years. Vaoghn Comfort,irtio featured it at the Palace. Theatre InNew York a week ago, took a halt dotea«ncor«, BOd rnuld (have taken as many more.It's the best number Jeff Dranen and Arthurlisngo ovur wrote.


The Iloosey Coini)any, publlsbcre of "I

Hear You Calling Me," which sought to en-

join the Ivmuire Music Company, publishersof "I Hear You Calling Me, Tennessee," ol-

leglug iDfringcment of their copyright, hadto be rontent with Judge Mayer's deolslon

that denied them an lajunctlon, but the de-

fendant wos required to give bond to respondto damages should they be nsscBscd.

"I have," says Judge Moycr In lide opinion,"bad some one Indifferent to the controversyplay both eongs for me. Sitting for themoment as the uninformed and technicallyuntutored public, the main thing that Im-pressed me was the plaintive 'I Hear YouCalllug Me* in hoth songs. I—the public

really was not much concerned as to thedetails of the solemn song sung by JohnMcCormack, or the details of the syncppetedInterprctajUon of Al. Jolson."

In the meantime the E^nplre Music Com-pany will fll>. orders, and Incidentally getsome corking good advertising.

»" 9T. PATRICK'S DAY COMING.As Mardh 17 is fast approaoUn^r Irtsb

songs are coming very strongly In vogue. Onoof tbo bctt Irish soius on ue market to-dayIs the song pubHsbed by Leo Feist, entttled••Wliv Not Blng 'Weaiin' of the Green,'".which Is being featured wUb tremendous mc-cess by Blanche lUnft AJao bcdng sung b7Bornard OnanvlUe, van k Bchench, IMneDavles, Frank Mullane, Bllnore and willisana,

•Lee and Cranstm. and BUda Monlf.

BILL JACOBS OLBAN9 UP.BlU Jacobs, the hustling salesman of

Joe Morris MuhIc OoaqMiny, writes me fromOmaha, Ntb., that he has Just received

aggest order In bis career for "Virginia Lee,"le Arm's laitcst success.Bill expects to return ito Nenr Toifc aboot

Uardi 1.

ANOTIIBR REASON.The Manrice Rlchanond (Music Company re-

Cftved the foltowlng card last we«k : "Dear^rs, please send me your lalteat song hits andadviie mo if I can get a card, so l can getprofcsdonaL copies,- OS I' sing at parties and.clubs." \

It Is gatBng to be a fine ertate of affairs,wben these professional copy grafters arefinally resorting to ha^vo tho pubUShers them-eelvee prkit carda

THAT BALL IN CHICAGO.The music boys of Chicago arc making ex-

tensive preparations for their grand hmi andreception, to be given Feb. 20 at the UnltvClubhouse, 3140 Indiana Avenne.

Bvcry ijjdlcnUon la ithot It will be an ovcnlto -be talked about for many months to comeAll of the be»t known publishers have prom-ised to lend titclr aid, nad entertainers from

. all quarters are eagerly looking forward toranking the occasion one of great Joy andmerriment.

InvltBtloDB*have been sent out carrying tlioslogan, "Tango Denilc -with Me." A prmrr.imof unusual merM Is being planned, nnd com-mittees are busily engaged In selHng tickotsand boosting the affair all over Chicago."WUERE THE SHANDON DELLS ARE

RINGING."This Is the title of n now Irish song by

J. Brandon Walsh, writer of "The IrljiiTnngo," "For J{||lnrney and You," "IlnrmoavBnv" and " 'Way Down Enst To-night," voea"lgems which have already enjoyed markeduopailnrKy. "Where the Sbandon Hell.') AroItlnglng" 4s one of the best songs he hns everwjitten, and Is undoubtedly the greatestIrlfdi ballad since "Where the Illver ShannonFlows." 'ilbe sincerely expressed Ivrlc andthe sln>ple harmonic construction by Alfred4joodman has mode tbis song an Instan-taneous favorite with performers and musicbuyers everywhere. It baa a sweet interna-tional ttppoad, t)Ound to enthrall all lovers ufDtiElc. It is published by the Lyceum MnelcCo.

FEATURING WITMARK SONGS."The Midnight Oirl" having closed Its sea-

son, George UacFarlone, the well knownbaritone and star of tMs organization. Inagain playing In vaadevlllc. He opeued atthe Palace Tbeetre, Chicago, last Monday,and registered one of the Diggeat hits everknown In that theatre. As usual, his reper-toire conslBted entirely of Wltmark songo,and they Included: '<Can't Yon Heah MeCallln', Caiollne7' "A Little Bit of Heavenebure Hiey CbU It Ireland," "The Ited,White and Bine," "Mother Macbree," "Too-Ba-Loo-Ila LootRal, That's An Irish LulLiby,"•ad "In the Garden of the Gods."HAVRIOB RICHMOND WINS CDP.At the first .publiaberB' contest held at

Daly's Theatre, New York, the Maurice Itlch-nond Music Co., represented by Bob Fisherand Dave Joachim, against every publisherIn New York City, won a beautiful lovingenp, presented by Rdward Felner, the wellknown Fftb Avenue Jeweler. Bob Flsbersang "Yon Are the Bose of My Heart,""From No^w On" and "Who'll Take Care oftlie Harem Wlien the Sultan Goes to War?"It was left to the audience to (ilek the win-ner, and the Maurice BlclimMMl Music Cacarried off the honors.


WHAT'LL YOU DOI'DsiTic K 1. > I'liF. I. II K» II '.s 1 n iiir, (i j; K.A i'K>'i .iii;i.i) iM. i; II i;a II .si- uoi lu. i; \ »;u s i n \ i

.-. v ^. mi » . ^^ >.: n K i: i 1 1, .\ ^ "»oi' madi. .iii; luv'i'. vcii.'



HORACO'B "PiaCON WALK."Jtnuqy Monaco's Intcat lilt Is In the In-

slrumental dine, wIlli u eiimiinsltann cillleil

"IMgeon Walk," jtubUslied bv the llrnndwayMunIc Co. Its ono of the l>cst iiuiuljers oftlilH kind that has been relenued In somelime. It Is being featured In miiHtly all thethi'StrcH, hotels and cabareld lit lowii, mid Is

4le«llnod to bcciiiuc the uvusoii's lu-

trunientnl bum'cks.' Tlui Ciislles, M-ho roeeatly added It to llielr

ra|)erlulro, have nloo iirrauged a new danco,cnlitag it "I'lgeou Walk."

UILIIICUT TALKSCnout Strrn I'ublWaHont.)

Wo mn.v be out of the wuie—In fact. wltJi(he vxeiii>llou uf i>ue, tlio ouly puhlMiInghouse dinvii biduw l''ortjr-Ni'<'oud Strei<t, now,iinil I tell you In ail bonesty that we barelyluive ruuui enough to take rare of^ tlic per-fopinors \A\n visit our rnoin.1 dally. AftorMarch 1 we nro fining tu enlarge our pro-fewilniinl di^mptmciM.

I want l« loll you thlH In Mrlet eonfldenco.Mid If you niciit Mr. Mnnk.M or Mr. Stern,don't tell thrin I told you, hitt you knOM- thokind of Instniniental miiHle we puliUsh—^veH—"Weep No More, My Ijidy," urind you—Just n rag song—Is ulvhi^r all of our liistru-uieiitaJ one*U<pa "scune" riiiu Pnnehig nets,ami tiatl rnum dnncere^giiloru Are Ililling forthis ntiinber.

fSome more secret. IVi you knmv AnntolFrledlnnder? Well, anyway, he wrote "I'er-slan Hose." nnd you don t reineiiiher anyprettier melody, do you? Anntol nnd 1 ullltiave n anng In tho next tliree days enlllled•My Mttio Drenn Olrl." Write that Nilodown In your niomoniudum book—".My LMtlnUrcnm Girl"—^vell, the story Is nbout—no,on second thought i won't tell you—Ju.'t thotlMe, thnl's nil. Oli wlint a molody—It's afcm. AVrtle mi^ In a coiiulo of days, I maysend you n lend sheet of It.• WTieii Henry Stern (8. R Henry) askedmc to write words to his instrumuiilnl tiue-

CCBS, "lly Heck," ho Just let me in on flio

KTound floor <if n terrlllc hit. Byron lliirlnn,of 0>llln!< and Ili^rlnn, who has been Hingingrubo chamrler songs for a nunrter of a cen-tury for the Vli-tor and Colinnhln I'hnnographCo.B, eairt: " 'Ily Heek* Is the best rubo cha^«cter song I've heard In Iwenly years." I'mVroud of that eoninieitt.

Did you hour "MohIis from Nova BeotIn?"fltils Is an Inoffensive lINirew ehnrneler song—nvlth a melody. MnlvIn I-'riinklln dc^nrveaA lot of rrvdit for thl» tune. You knmw, I

linto to hrag. but It's n marvelous Ivrle.Wnteh. '"nie Some Old Town" grow Into

A renl IHi hit.

TnlV HiKiiit "mw fire" writers. Ohrls. Rnilthnnd Jim llurrls have another knock-out In"F1fiy-l''irty"—It's n sure riioiiKli auereniorlo -"linllliiR tlie Jnok."

Just a reiitliider—tlon't fonrot nnd wrtl.'liie for n livid shoi-t. In a eoinile of days, of"M.v little ;»ri«ni fiirl."

(Hic i/iiM (irrf iii'i'ltj

c^oluiioy plus bankroll.

Soxns may come, songo may go, but plug-ging (oca CD forever.

Wa trust our readers will make allo>wanccsfor the gloom pervudliig the column thisInuc. There hns been no sweet-scented oplstlefrom tho unknown fair one this week.

"1 WANT TO GO TO TOKIO."Tbo new novelty ballad by Fred Flsober

and Joo McCtartliy la tho ballad the Falatboys arc goliij; after foir tho novelty hit ofthe season. Bob Miller and Jack aiogan io-trftdiired tho song in some of the big theattesthe post week, and tlie result was that it wusa nosltlvc scuiiatlun, and looks as If tlio songTrill be u regular Foist hit. A great eong ontilt) Q'pe of a Btlco and King song.

MoKINLEY MUSIC CO.'S NOTB9.The Primrose Four, the famous "1,000 Ibc

of barmuny," arc now featuilng our big har-mony number, "Koll Along, Harvest Moon."Vtom all rctjorts tuts uunidicr la going Uswith the boi-s.

Ulnes and Fot, anoiUier Wg time act, ar«cleaulng uii wiiCh our greiit ouoictky song,"Oh I for the life of a Flnvnan." Wo takeour hats off to you, Mr. Blues.

Billy Rhonn, the bVg faixirlte. on (tie West-ern tluie, ('iVi>|ipod us a card last week, my-Ing that "Kviiilog by tbo MOoiillfiAit' (InDonr Old TenncHsce) nnd "The 'Frisco Oaoa-ret" are bivo gren>t numtK-rs, and tihat northingwould Indiiro hlii> to make a change In tlieeoiig Nile. Hiat's tho way we like to hearyuu talk, Billy.

linker and Flmmett, a (nunk«I act of railirorlt, nro now ufdng "Hio 'l-^lsco Oibnrct"0.1 their \A« iiuo)l>er, and from all roports theyjiro "innklii' 'eon m up and take notice."

Iturklev ami Do I^rab, tlic "two clniisygIrlK." Iiiive Just rocciitly added tKO of ourKoiiCT to their rcfieptolTd. "In tho Eveningby tlie .Moonlight" nnd "Tho 'Frisco CWwiret,"nnd they wrlto va tlint they arc batik gulno .

Wg.One of the new features. nt the ofllce of tte

McKlnloy Music Co. Is the Instnlliucnt of atiooUng agency, under the direction of HarryUanbnry and BlUy 'niomnson, the latterformerly ttanager of J. H. Bcmtck for eightyean, 'niey style lliem.<ielvcs the BandoTphBooking Agi'ucy, and at present arc providingontertnlnment In about fifty thestrm In andnrimiid This la one of the ueweatnnd most inTjulnr ngoncles In town.

"One Woiiilcrrul Night," our big wolti bal-lad, which lo one of the most popular soogaof the day, is n-lnning the cups at mora songcnntesl!) than nil other songs comhinrd. Thefollowing are t(ie well known slngvrs thathave won oonleota bv- singing Mils song:Harry I.. Pnvlii. H. nininn Kolthlev, Ilnrryllniihiiry, M'.irrisoii nnd Wood, George Dwyernnd others.

.Iliuuile I,Hoa<>, the well known eharneterfilmier. Is usIiiK "The 'Frisco Ciilinret," on thoOrplicuni time, nnd reiKirls number to bo aI'lg SUCCO.'!'' Ill his HOt.



Hits question w^U proba-hly bo IfCat

•Bswered by the audiences who havo'IienrdAl Jolson and 'Bernard OronvUle, who sangthl^twentlcth century song hit It Is put>-

Ushia by tho proorcetAve firm of MauriceBk^mond MunIc Co., also bbo pubHsber otthe greatcht comedy Irish song ever written,entitled "I'm 'i'Unklng Hbey're Making aMonkey Out of Me,", not overlookdng ttio

beautiful baJlads of "You Are the Rose oflUy Heart" and "Por Dvery Smile Yoa (}«veto 'Me." 'nic new, fbst donchie number, "Daa-dng at the Cotton Ball," Is catching on veryrsfridly. "Every NIghL" "You Didn't G4veIt to Mc" and "Keop It Up" arc being gob-bind up hy nil real aota who look for "renl"DMUtorlnl. "From Kow On" Is a groat doublesong tbait cvcrytwdy Is taiUdng about It Is

referred to as a song being on the order of."You Mode Mc Love You" wMth a "Billy"Uck In the flniab of the dhorus. "Soma song".U dgbt.

THOSE NEW BERLIN SONGS.To the inquiring ones ns to when Irving

Berlin will nnnounce h'.s new songs, let mugive them a tip. BerUn lias six new songsnp his sleeve that the Watemon, Berlin &Snyder, ills ;>ubllsliers, have been holding forseveral weckb trying them out.

This genius has nhvays been there wheanow 80DR8 were needed, and that he Is still

In the ring can easily be seen by. the won-derful success ot "Watcb Your aStop," ofwhich Irving wrote all the melody."I DIDN'T RAISE BTV -BOY TO DB ASOLDIER" AN CNaVESTIOMED HIT.It piMlclty and advertising count la mak-

ing a hit, then Al. FlantadosI and Al. Bryan'slatest cyclonic success, "I Didn't Italso MyBor to Be a Soldier," and published by LeoFeist, la going to be the greatest hit everrecorded In this country.

rnge after page la being written nbout tbasong, some writers even going so fnr as tosay that It will be the song to itop the prcd-cnt Kuropenn Wor.

Lnet week In New York there hardly wasa theatre In which the song wnsnt sung. Atthe Colonlol Theatre Bernard Ornnvlllo msdothe hit of bh career>s1nglne It, and reportssay It Is the same condition everywhere.

Throughout the country It Is being takenop by the dllTerent suftrnge societies and cbagrcotost movement In their bdialf.


. See Pago X

HARDING WITH WITMARK.Bob Harding is now connooted with M.

JWitmark & Sons, aod extends a welcome toall Us friends to pay him a ^ilalt.


'*rSio Uttlo House Upon tho Hill," tlie

latest by Harry I^iok and Joe Goodwdn, haslirovon Itself ooo of tho host songs pnhllahedBO far this season. It has been a regularclean-up tor hundreds of ads throo^ouit ttiecountry, and If Its success coDtlnuesL thereooTd of '^Lonesooie Pine" Is Ukely to besholfered. Ube SDiatdnvBernstein force, underthe dltectlon of Diavc Onpenhelmer and BobBuslck, ore leaving lurthlng undono to matethis song tho oreaitest on the market

Louis Bcrnaltaln says, "there's notblncr toIt but a soconU *Laicaoine Pine,' " let's hopato. .

NEW HARRIS DAIiLAD GOING BIO.Chas. K. Harris, who has been rightly

vaoDod Jtio ballad kina eait reqt on hds laurelsthis year. His recent ballad, entitled "CanYou ray For a Broken Benrt" Is tiie onesong that Is likely to bring his name beforethe music public ogalif ns "tho composer otthe greatest Inllad success.The song is so far out of the ordinary that

Meypr Cohen, Us eoncral managor. Increasedthe sbiir sSmply to 'work on it.

Ballad singers are puttkig the song on, andall say tOuif it's the beet Uanda liallad luyears,

THE BROADWAY'S NEW PEACE SONG.Another "peace aosgv nwitte Its appcaronoe

last week, when the Bronttway Miisic Orp.relNiscd "Don't Take My Darling Boy Away,"•wi4tton by Albert Von Tllrcr and Will Dillon.Hhc lyric is so good that kt^ worCh ropR^duelng, and follonvs.

Don't take my darling hoy away fcom me^Don't send htm off to war.

Yon took his Ihthcr and 'brothers ttire«\

Now you conic back Por more.Wlio aro the heroes tluit fight yoi# vni%

.Motbers. viiho have no say;Hut my duty's done, so for Ood's nke lean

one.And don't take mr doxflng'boy tmj,'J^ie melody Is lust as gooa aod Is «oe «c

tho best ot Uita Und of soo^ released.ttto


That clever team of dancers, Eraft andCrohs, originators of the eccentric fox trot,

ore meeting with unusual success at Hnm-'oerstclo's this week. This couple is to beeongrattilatcd on having en excellent or-

i.4diostra accompanying them, under the dlrdc-

tloc of Arthur M. Araus, a composer whohas arisen to nn enviable <poBltlon with sucha pbejiomcnal hit as "Tho Meadowbrook FoxTrot," and several others, to his credit. Mr.Kraus also deserves much crodlt for really

being the dlscQ^erer of this successful vaude-ville teem. As.a whole, it Is an excellent com-blnatlnn and should moke a great acquisitionto vaudeville.

LEW BROWN'S NEW PEACE SONG.When Fred Mills signed Lew Brown as

co-writer to Lewis F. Uiilr, the melody man,be made no mistake. Lew is onecleverest lyric writers in. the game, and Is

(oe of the tew wlu> can write every kind of

a song.He has Blieady six or more ntimbers wlHi

the Mills concern In conjunction with Mr.Mulr. that, with tibe proper demonstration,should attain mueb popularity.

Last week Brown and Kerry Mills turnedout a new peace song entitled "When ItsAll COfT," that performers are raving about.

OHBEN ON ROAD FOR STA8NEY.Uort Qrecn writes mc he is on the roan

for the A. J. Btasney Hustc Company, plog-

ang their new Irish ballad, entitled "On thoinks of Klllamey." Mort Is quite n hus-

tler and should meet with much success wiuidie nnmber.


The OosmopoKtan Qtusic Company of N(<wYork have Just issued a new noveltv Idea,euLlUod "I'm An American, That's All."



Th* thestiTs In Leilnjlon, Ky., were all open

Sondty, Feb. 7, In iMasce al the recnHly pisjeJ

"BnndsT aiosln«" Law. No acUon hid been taken

« jet by the city oIBcUIn al thin rtrort.

LTRIC, N. O., BOLD.•Om Lytie 'Hwntr*, New Orleans, !.«., was ««'''

at pnbllc auctkin tor $24,000 1M>. 10. \M<al the

tntore has In store Cor this olit playbonKo In not

InntwTi at present.

The Mcialo l»M>>lla^or lal

ARTHUR H. MIDLER, 333 W. 44th St^N. Y. B.t.8thA»tiiAT.s.



Febbuabt 20 THE NlSrW YORK CLIPPER.'

^lAYKEU'B nOTUBll, of Rolher and Ad-tliouy, Is coDtlned to a liotd In Ilostun

witli a serious trouble to her right

oDllc. The act had to throw, out all

time booked lor Uie preacut.

L;VWnKN'CE PDIN Is being touted Iilfhly oh

ouc of the coming youug comedlnns.

As "Issy," with Qua Edwards' "St-liool

Daye" (throe act ahow), this boy la

C'lUslDg Bomowhftt of a aeuaaaon tbrougli

I'll! Cauadlan Provinces at We


lercnt with

Ills Blngtng and dancing and fnn-maklngaiillltlea. Ue baa some good otTerf (or

unt acaxou.

iTIlVNK WINOH, "dovlbllna" an manafter andtri'BS repreaentatlve for Louds Sorcho'aleep Sea Divers act, ds doing neat warb.

In. both onpadtlna along the ronte.

Wduoh Is one of itbose chii;pa one Is al-

ways much -willing to gnsa mlta with

a rspvtar fcIJer. (Outside Dbat—

"I knewhim -when he was all right.")


lieu Jerome's Mualcal Itcme act, andhas Jotned Carter Dc Haven for a partnud to do her spcolalty. Good 1

nil. AND MJIS. .BILLY HORN are with OuaHill's "Tlpperory" company— aJso thechild wonder.

JACK RAWSON AND BBHIT STOKES orednlDg a black and white face talkingand aingln^ act, and with Its novel opeu-log In the form of one hundred feet ofmotion ploturoE, the boys listen like

tliey were beaded for the big stulf. Raw-SOD. handles the blackface chatter well,

nnd'StokCH ls4ssulng two ballads In goodvoice, besides making up a very goodlooking stralglit. Hhey are "gebtlng In

line" 00 the Proctor time Just now.

AUiFJlTA MOORE AND MYRTLE YQTTN'Omake one of the best "sLiter" combina-tions on any lime—but the girls wouldleave class to tboir act by eliminatingmany of the "little movements" In oneof their numbers. It smears up all theprevious impression they make.

iriLDTTR HUFF ls„ evidently hav4ng neattimes on the rond with "The Round-up"this season—and tries hard not to forgetthe "girl he left behind blm," Yourgreoit little jockey-brother, Nick, Is

Chum from Florida, -"WU/' old top.

UNLESS Street Conunlssloner Foatborstonela more liberal giving Jeff Davis' men"a chance" with the enow, the Hotel Dc

THE Af.lDEMY TLAVEUS.The AcniUmy. I'li.vtTH. lliiviTlilll,- Msm.. U pro

sriillnj; "Tlii- ni-j |.lv;i" ihls w.vt. Willi '-Wlrhiiin,e I.UW," OjiiylnK Ti. . TIiIh H ihc Iwraty-ililnlciTsniiilvc wi'tk lit llu- Ai'.iili'iii,v I'lnyiTs. tlii>

luLXent ru:i of any [HTuinmut slorl! Mtnpaiiy Into«l cllj, biiil tlic iiluyrn h;ivv mniU' Ihi'iiim-lvd(!r«l rii7«rllps witu the ihMlrcknlns imli-lic. T1k> Acailniir I'Inycts li<i.i><u of iiii cii-«'l-

li-nt •iwiTK'llon of slock arllntu with Hor (kir-Uou, foniu'ily of tlic IlarUin (JmikI Odcm Stuck.I'oll'j. of Dsltlniocp, aiiil UiIm m-.iwii wHh one lif

Ihe "Too Many Cooks" ramiLiiilt-i, s<> l»«illiii{

sua. Klorrnn Siilrloy, IIosluu'ii Rroiit fnriTltc.who has btra slth the DIaiicho K!ne aiMiwp. amiliiItT wlUi John CrjIit's Cattle Sqnate Slock Ci>iu-luoy, lo Eoston, (or sovrral yoart. anil who thissrtaoo mtTreU in Ibe orijiliial vnxlnetlm of Ssr-nire-8 " Came Riilli," is ilii> IchIIdi; Inly.Tile sorroiuiillni; romiiaiiy Is nw of rare ricfl-Iciiw. Incluillng; (lllhi^rla Fuiist.!^» MlPTonii,lUise Morrison. Jniat» J. llnyilen. Iluliert I'Irrce.William AuHUKIInf, Ju.iciililiie Riiiery. Diiiotliyrunn, Qcviice Iliuit, Uuionor Nichols anil ulbcra0( equal i.romlucnce. Durk W. Synoan It tba(llrectDF, nnU thia yoiin; iiiun has bad much lailj nHh the biicccth of tlio aggre^itlon. KmwcIfnniinonil Is the i-cmlc nrllst. It Is plouc\il lol-ioCuce alrck until June 1.

STOCK RF,pt,.\cr.s nuni,E$4ttF;.The Biuplre CIrriiU rom|iU>ti>il nrraiiUoinvntM for

dramallc stock at tlio Ki:iiilro. at liruml untl Kalr-DMiinl Ateiiue, rbll:iilpliilii.i. The Louse renialnsdtrk tills B-wk ami roHipons 22. w-lth a nUickoimir.iny. nt in. 20. :ii) |.iul ."ii). plnyliii; ".yijaJimmy Valrntliip." IT. J. Ihio will Iw the !<liii;c' iM-

re«lor, ^rlille the cvihuiiiv will roiwlst of KthrlElder, I-'kinnce Illll. Illi-lnnl I.n .Ssllp. Clnreju-oChaae Viilter IIIU. Civree Iteno, Percy Uolllo^rand May Jordan.Tie Kniplre w-o.i formerly known a« the Park,

•nil WQS Inusht hy thf Kni|ilro Urcult (comNUoQ Sl ZliunM-rman ahoiit five .^^nrs ago.

: ANV O'DAY OPT.Ann' OToy. the Icailloi;, who wotv mnch

poimldrllr In the I«aillii« female roles with MrtaMiller HiorV Uo.. at the AaiUtnrlunj, KiiiusCity. .Mo., clonoil wlili that orcnnlt-itloii Feh |:|.

No Buccefsor hail bccu anuouueed at tlio timethis went lo tyjie.

CITAS. PARK JR.. and father, have flvm nothe lease of their thontre In (Indsalcn. Ala., aniare orgnnlrliig il dramatic coni|i.iny for a Miiringtour.


THK NEW nA7IS THEATRE. Pltlshnnjh, Pn..tiieneO villi the Dbtis'' Utock Ob., with "IlabrMine."-'JAMKS MURRAT, mnslial 'Uieclor with Cinad

£ Amiomra "'Quikjr Doclor" t)o., will resumebis dutle« with th« No, 1 cojiinny ifouiliy,Match 1, at Plyonuth. Wis.

See Pago 2.

Tlir. KNTK.nrRI.IB .STOOK CO. Is rem In IIS

arcuiitl > In Chlcieo. pinyliic Inblohl veralnnaof nt.iiiiliiril |i|ajt. Deaplle the hani times. Ihitt.-iM'iiil liti.1 iilaytHl one y*Mr uuil :i iintiith In (*hl.

cnpi. Willi oely fmir wreks' layolT In tho Suinnior.Seven p.IbJiIs a week im; iihiyisl la the U-tler cli^ifamily thialm ami aJmuly .there are vkoikIi a|i-

I'lleatlotiB lo ml a i-ecnnil ahmr. Nonnnn IlllyanI,nMiiincrr and leailln^ ninii of the ciaiuaoy. haai-stDbllslieil a Tecord for ointlniKius tnlihild In Chi*cr«ix !>lx i-eoiile are cmployetl, with Nellie Hop-lier at ihe feature.JOK IIIAYKH la In his Iwe^ly-oUhlh week at

the Merrliiuirk Siioaro Thealir. low-.Hl. Mn«s. Thertork la uiMfer the naiufeuicnt uf llioaiiiaoD tt

WoikIs,RPKIE ASn nnXY HAU, are in Iheir berenth

wvek at Ihe Ilnthflway Theatre, nr.K'klon, .Mail.,with the Yale Stock Co. Mr. ITilt Is |ilayln«

T>rlncH>al mnedy rii>M and ehsDglii,; lw-lce weeklyIhe Fiteelaltles with .Mr*. IHll.

B. W. OAflTWRiairr, Amnerly acenh artistT.lth the (Vitoaltl Plajirs, it Onliwitan. Kf., In-

<<trma us that a beiby boy w.ui born to ala wifeJan. a. at their hotoa In Detioll. Mich. Matherauil child <k>lnK well.

\y. iiARixi^ rnncuTON and wm. r. din-r>Rn imve Ke»ere<l their coiiurelloDt with theKilwarils-lVllson • Sloek CV). They, will J,.ln aInrio ^:uslern CDoiixiiiy In the ferv near fuiore.I'lnyln;t a eelect ami resfuiislhle lliw rf prirls.

Mr. Kprpison lioliig fe.tIlm^l In hU Jrsiikittereiidlni!!, for -whlfh he Is rotnl. >lr. IU:iJ<<r

i.iteil nn oiK^ of the yiiunci'it rhnrirlor nrtor* Infile hinim-wi, will do a rv.^iionrllile line of char*acler leads.

P1-MU;Y IIAS«-iki,t, elrace her «l<wk teoton itIhe Crwewit. New Orlenna, this week.HILLY LONU'S SCWK CO. cloaeil at lIciDphls,

Teh. n. ,



Uo you not apiilause when yon sing Ihc 8tnr SimngltHl llanuerr WeU.thlx Ixjiisinslilg nnapplaoso'geller. It win make 'ireni ainml up In their Hoitts ntiil howl. A trulv ureal amiK. One llmt will IIt*after ibo wtkr Is rorgulten. Hero Is llie lyric. Kvery lino aud every nnnl lian lliu inmch.

nRST VER.IRTwaaaftrr school, the cIhki had Roiir, Iho toarliersnw hlui there,lie asked the hoy what i-nuseil the leant, and lllleil him with iiesiialr.The luiy re|illi'il: "M.T parenis, sir, rnnm fniiii iiiu.lhiT laiiil

Ami III this war the luiys asked mnt^i tell lliein wIhtu 1 sluiid."The teacher tilled ivltli (irldu, then lu the Uiy replliil.

OIIORIISTonr father may Ihi from aonisa the soa, from n land ho may call hia own.And your mother, too, ni»r awcar ahe'a true, Ui linr king who la mi hia tlinma;Bat no raatitr what your alailon, you've Jnat one oIiIih»iIoi). to anawor your own nation's call.SUDd by Old Qloiy, bu proud to say, "I'm an American, Thal'a All."

SECOND VKRflKTbo natloni on the niher xlde, whoro liliHiiUhod reigns lo-ilny.Can't iisk a son of Uncle Ham lo t ikuHlde.i either way:Your dniy to jour hmne anil friends, laatrlet neiiirHlMv;And when Ihey ask )i>u wheru you hIhihI, Just lell iheiii'iill furillo,"Yuu stuud right here lo.diiy, fiirgiiiiil old t!. H. A."

Ci>|iyrlKhl, lulo, N. Am. Unalu Corp.' ThO melody for this song lisa been roiii|iosed hr I hat mast verHHtllerompnMer, JOIIANN C. flCIIHID—the man that wro.u the Five Mllllnii Copy MmiK. "Vho lli>atillfiil (Unluu of lloaes." Ihi Iiiih (riven Ibochorus a swing thai puts aU olhcnniin-h inehulles liiin ihu rear miik. It la a aoug llisl any oiiu with avoico can slug and makes buadlliier hiu bund for It quick. OruhestrHlloiui and I'mfeaaloual Oopleanow ready.

CQSMQPOIITAN MUSIC CO., 1367 Broadway. Newm


niTT nC TAIITW TOTJTirC BANC5ER & JORiDAN nnnoiinre the cloKlnir of n <1im1 wlieridiy (lllhert ProtiiiUB aertire*UUl Ur ivWil ivCfVu for I'^lliel Irvlnv, tho telibmteil Kuglidh luln-.-ei, ihe Kngllsli iIkIiIs lo A. Jl. Woods' greatsuccess, "KU'k In."

AI>KI.AII>K-TIIIIUMT(>N wlli bo awn III viiiiilevllle.

IIKI.KN IIYIUI.N will shortly nn>d>ire ii .sk<>l'.-li.

TlUt demiilltloii uf the IIIJnii Tlienlre. IIiiIIiIIiil' lins been sinrleil."KKBl' MDVINti" will lie prmluoeil iit M.ixliiia, Ni-w Vnrk, Im-Ii. T2.AUUUSTHa TIIO.MAM will lecture ' l"ie Knits llrhlml a I'liiy."

, MAUDE I'-l'ltNIS.S Is plnylng "I'mhIiIoii," In "Kxperli-m-e.""A CIIAltMl,\4) h'KLI.OW," with l.<iii 'I'elk'idiii, will he iirtxliired liy Ihe Mhiiberti.NAT JtKItNSTI'IIN lia.s le:isi-il from Kiluuril Miirgolli's llie thi'utre lie Is eiiMtln^ nn the

Arverne, L. I., pli-r. The tlienlro Is ludiig liiilli of ronrretn niiil lirlek to w1iIih1i>ii(1 UuiWinter storms, which play harno with llie lieiirli ill lliu-k.i wny.

UAHNKY KI<AWANS, Ihe Ireiisurer of the I'nrt Thi-alre, New Yiirk, wiis rniillned to Ills

bed tho greater part of Isat week with ii si'V.tre iilUiik of rheiiiniil Ihiii. IIIh wnilt wiu^attended to by Oiiirgo IailiuIh, » well kiiuwii Lux uilli-e man, Mr. Klawiiiin reliirneil to IiIh

work on Kridfy night fully recovered.TIIK niiirlH have Riven periulsrilnn <o tlir receiver of tin. I.di>b|i>r l.'omiuiiiy lit Nell' Iho

pmdiictlon of "The Unrdeii uf .Mluli." This iliieir loil, however, lin-lude Hie iiKdloii pictiirurlghla

TIFF l.yrir, formerly known as Weniier's lli-er (iiirdeii, Ni>w OrleiiuM, I.n., wna IiiiiikIiI liy

Mm. Nettle f.ieliniao l''r:ink, of that city, fur f:i'l,UUt). Tho (iiliiro uf lliu Iiuiihc la linkiiowulit present.

I'KAUL WlUTIi, sine of "llio KxplollH of Klnlne," which It ninr beliiK Hhiiwii In IhoAfnrcns IjOcw llieatres, will sbnrtly nppi:ir In .i vniidevlllii art ou a lour of the I w Clri'iiir.

Miss White Is !^aM to litvo been ulferiKl tho liLgliesl salary ever glvi'ii u iiiullon pletiiri' slnifur vnuilevllle work.

I'AVMiU'A, ihirinc tbo week, prewenla n now Imliet ciitllliMl "Seven IimiikIiIits of thoOhOHt Kinc" Hh<- will make a hmg lour of I'niiii, I'aiiiinin uinl lliu Paellli' ('misi.

UOOD-NIUIII. NURHK." will opuu Ti «t Albnuy, N. Y.

Cleveland, O.—Opera ITonae (A. P. Hans,mKr.) '"Ill* Cniidy Mlioji," with lUiek and Kulton,lell. Ifi-Jii. Nfit wwk. 'PoUi'h lVtlniuir<T."

C01.0.S-UI. (F. liny IVnaitork, Di4jr.)—"The Blgo

riiil" 13 20. Guy Post, lu "uiiuir, Uia Teot.Maker," 22-^7.

KiiTii'H llirropDOUS (IT. A. Danlehi, recr.)—mil 13-2U'. Adelaide and Hushes. Hawthorn andliirlla. the l^ineik-ns, nulh lOiye, IWrt ImUoniid eoniimny. Five Annninllt P.oys, the DotIcsFamily, and LIulon and l^awrenfr.tlcnofoLiTAM (Fred K. Johiiaun, in?r.)—Week

of 15 It the elKbleentb nml fliial week of tin*

MetroinHlan Phiyer*. "Re fell hi Love WithIlls WMe" Il Rlren. Bexlnnlng 22, hlfti elais

vuDdevllle will be Installed btre.Pkobi-lct -(J. W. I.vuna. mgr.)—"Mntt aad

.'cir In Meileu" irr2n. the .Smart Het 22-27.Ci.HVM.ANi) fll. n. ZIrker. uiKr.)- -llolJcn Play-

ers, I'l '"llie Itelurii of Hve," 13-20.



SHE USED TO BE THE icsu iiv iiAvno.yii WAt.KKU

SLOWEST GIRL IN TOWN.M.K • HllIT n il \ llMINfi ."iO.VOS. vol' Dl.tiiri' TO SV.K I" F.lll-llll.llKIIS tO.lIK Ah'I'KH III IS <1VK.-IK 1 u I 'T 1 1 I .V K •i'lJCIII 1' A I, I Id K' W A S \ (JIlKAl ilO.KI, IIA VK A I.IHIK AT ' -S I ,() K.SI- U A I,"

WILL VON TILZER, Pres.,145 W. 45th St., N. Y. City


OInk stao^ to go under or JelT mustcontinue Us "Slagle la TaudcvUlc."

ZAR/v I,E ROY, formerly ot Howard andr.c Roy, lias taken over a quartette Offlicks from anotbor act and went OTerK. "showing" at Keith's Union Sqaata

recently. Kara haa looks and wardrobe^and can elng. Tbe "picks" are equal t*any four.

DEN .milOME still stands out prominentlybefore tbe leader of tbe Ilarlem U. If.

orchestra, ( He's coustantly playing "Roseof the Qbetto" for tbe Macmaiitu partiof irictnrea.)


cludes Helen Avery Hardy, scored beav-lly with a clever laughing act kt I'roc-

tor'B Twenty-tlilnl Street, last kalf oflast week.


See Page a.

_ TIIEnnORK DOUffl-n", whose sketch, "Who HShe?" has ptoTe<l one of the laueblnr socceflsesof the waaon. his further slrenglliennl bis castiliroucli the eiignKement of 0«crg« M. Devcre fo."

Ilir- hlirkfecc role and Frances Meaile, l»le ofThe Uw of the Plains," Eleanor Om.TC« ( I coiiilnui-s In the title tole.(JtlKaMF, DIINnDIN re-umed work last SIIRHM.VN Is iilavloi Pnwtueket. R. I.,

Ihls week, ainrting a five weeks' D. B. O. toor.I'.ONITA A.SII I^BW IIKAIIN. r»-unlle<l, .will

oiHU Oil the Drnheuni lime Feh. 22.\VM. J. KPJ.LY Is dol-JK a noDOlocne In


PleiNCKRS RAJAH plays th? Majestic, Chi-ton". .Mnreli 1.

.M,r,AN IIIN-Kl.,Er, operatic bisao, has signediiT vnuilev'lll<..

,I'll-: Mart «lll put out Atthn AylMwortb, In

l^.irl of a Pair."Al.. UFX^KKIIIUII, mouaccr of "Ole. the flwMo

nilicllvo" Company, writet: "Roster— lllllle

';ijen. iJHIy Duan, Joe llolf, Elser Wheeler uiul'"I. .M. A. Mu.wley. In ndTancc. T7e haye Urn"111 Bhifp Auc. an. iiiroiji;h Minnesota, North Dn-I.Ola, .Mont'ing nnd South Dokota, ond bafe lostmuy nti> iRuniiH ao tar and only ene Iqslog week,run ('i.ii'ri:ii arrives cviiv wr»'k. Ifa our mas-cot wltli our fi'estern pniieT, The Rtportcr,"

UnoOKHAN llblKR WELL.Inrlni; lirookoian, who recently lolnod the

... Procto^ loroes as press representativeof their Fifth Avcntio Theatre, hsa been doinc•niKhly pood work Ui behalf ot that "favorite oldhaunt of vaolevllle goers:"




On Feb. 27, Wright QuntlnKlon will withdrawbit sloek company from the Shulicrt, lo Minne-'

apollai Minn., as aanio has not proved s payingva.turc, skd will operiito.bls iit. Puul slock com-pasy only.

A. O. Ealqibrldge Jr., managing the DslohrldgsStock Co., now at ilu^ Mlnuespolls llalshrld:ii)

PlByhoiiie, will niovv.- his stock coiuiiuiy back to

the fitmbert there.

IB.AVIXfl A>'D JOIMVG.The La Ileane lYIo ami Olyde Cole closed vlth

the yoenK-Adams r<o., at tbo 0. il., ^l. John,

Can., Fe'i 13.

Den Hstfleld joined tho company to piny li«.ivlri.

and Olsri Rose Miihner lotc of Wm. A llnidy'i

"'Way Down East," also Little .Mnrjuerte, t!:o

child wouOrr, will Join -this cooipsny IT.

THE TFUiPI.>K PLAViDRS opened at the Audi-tot4uni. Maiden, Mars., tor so IndeUnlte stsy, >Vli.

8, with 'Officer 0110." The caat locluiles; (ler-

tniile Fowler, Kallierlne Dlalr, AnIolDette Roelile,

Frank Coiiivsy, llogeiM Harker, Lawrence Brooke,

Korl Rowell, Karle Ritchie. F,nrl« Crsddock, Wll-

ilani Forler and >Krnjik Huston. Prodoctlona are

'Siaeed bv Kte<leTlck IxiotdIh.

GORDIS'ICR IlltOS.' STOOK (O. H. aorillnlar,

mgr.) cloaes the Winter season at Oentervllk?, It.,

Feb. 27. They will open tbelr Summer season,

under esnvas, about May 4.

TUB slock at the Orand, Clcrelsnd, will dowFeb. 20.TBB Ilslllday k Bnehley stock will close Its

season St the MelroTolltan, Clerelsod Frii. 20,

snd nuay of the members will go to Di'irolt,

TUB Lewis-Oliver PIsyeri, under the nanaj*-mem ot JiiCk Ix'wia. are now nolni; on iheir

eirhtli week to rnimcliy biialiiina st the .Academyot Muide, at Rolelith. N. C. Ilalelgb pniKrn are

In prabc of Ihi'* cmpniiy. and It Is mid to ho

tbe iliao,(est coRii'iaiiy pier at Rslelgb. Ito^lor

as fnlloiva: Jack I.<nvlii. r,uy Ilsrper, Hilton Gmxl.'hand, Allen Knrtli, Iloliert Arnold, Scott Will-

iams, Elnnrd y<fv. '.'Inn-nce Dalley, Miss DMIleMarlowe, F.<lDa Oraiidln. .Mable fltcm. Ella Fuller.

JAOK AUSLI'TP writes ut: "We stn gltd to ad-

The you Ibat conditions ato rapidly linprovln; In

tbo Sootb. All mills am resumlnK o|iernlloas andLuilnnt Is good. We openeil hiat wepk Is Pts-

ctfOulS, MJes., and had a eiilemlld iretk, sod sll

t'his fair here for another one sa good. We laksIhu DMass to advlMC thp profeiiKlon tbst tni^lnenIs plrElnc up In this terrllorT."OF;DDE.S O. .sniBON, former lesAtni mto with

•Myrtle VUiton lleiiertolre Co., writes tbst lie onjFranklin Nl. Lrlller. i;<'neral biiKloeat man wiltKelly k BrenntQ .Show^, are si>endlng a fourmonths* vucstlon at their re<iieetlre homes ULalnaburg, Vleh. . Till: Cmi'I-cb vltlta L.tlns-

Imtg cveiT week. Wo would ai soon think ornltalng a week'i hoard ta ot mlialng a 'taanibcr of'£nw CurpiL"BEDBOOA or .SlJ.VNYIMtOOK PAOSl" Is the.

bill St tbo Qrsad Opera UOBSe, New Tork, thit

"'raE OOBJB PATTON STOOK. st Hynense,N. T., 1* preacnlbic "Iba Olrl U tbe Tail."

GRiNn (II. T. Nli'iiolt, niLT.) — PermaneittPloyer,«, In •Whvre/llie Trull Divides," 16-20.

MiLKn 'OittM. Uarnrr, mgr.)—Illll wn-k of 10;nyMu, lllcb(k-ld company, "Heliuol Days," tbnKenncilya, the .Stanloiui, Msivnrel Kurtel, Ca-narlH uiid Cleo ami plciu.-cs.

PnisciLI,& (P. -Sena, mir.)— Illll week ot15: Kred C lln.'i'nn unit cinniiaiiv, .Marllia Hlmera,thu UinclDg ^lurH. O'IMiirhe uiul Alklctun, Kelly

mid 'Hulls, fx>nKfi-atli<T and Jninei, nnd pictures.

OoauuN iigUABE (lliirry Iiiri-ln-r. nii:r.)—Illll

week ot IG lncluik-<i : llie H<-vi>ii (lr.:illles, DIako'SCouH'ily Circus, ullier ot-it and jilcliires,

t^TiB rOrew k CoiupUell, mgrs.)—Priio Vln-sera l-'S-20.

KupiBB (Dcrt McPball, mgr.)—BlonAwty Qlrls15-20. Ksy Foster .Sbw 22-27.KNiCKSunocaaa (K. N. Downs mirr.) — Psra-

ir/>uiit Qlnuf.

Uiiciiitus (A. A- Oomer, mgr.)—Feature photo,plnys.AkHAUUBA (Fred Urandt, mgr.)—creature niina.

.Stanoabd (JoD, OrossmsD, mgr.)—Feature pie-

turrs.TiiD N. T. Stupiiont OnciimTSk, Wnl'ir

Pnuiruwii, cnniluctor, will give tlie soventli of. ihcHyo.phouy sirles at Cray's Amuty, oruilog lu.

Jcupk UoOtnaa will be soU>hil.

nsiKlmare, Md.^—Ford's ((Aa*. B, Farl,mgr.) O.vrll .Maude. In "flrunjpy," F*. '16-20(Allnett« Kellerniann. In 'The .Mixlel CHrl." 22-27AciDSUT Cl'unlH Dean, imir.i—Kan Carlo OrsM

Ojitra 0> 15-20. t/sw Klelds, In 'Ttie Ulgb Ooatof living " 22-2f


AnDrroittiM,—PoU'a Stock Oo., In "A Wonan'sWnr." lS-20: "Mrs. Wlgipi of tho Oithbiige Patcb"32-i7.Oolonil.—"DsmsKod Uoo<li", lS-20, "It's a

LoDB Way to Tlwpemry" 22-27. -• •

VilAOt (Wis. Ilallniir. mgT.)-4DcD Tmia 15-20,Orrat Belman Show Tt TI,

Oaiarr (ll. s<iiiilHTl>n<l. mgr,)—French M>idelslD-20, Tango Qiii'<<iiii 2:i-27.

.MasTijiNn IKriil HehnnilH-rEer, mgr.)— Illll IS-

20: Joan K:iwyer niid eii:ii|,niiy, CharlU- Oase.Id« Olslre. Ilyon an<V I"-. Will J. Ward tadOlrls, Wille llroa. Mabouey and Anhutn, aadJulia Ooncolea.

IIiPPoosoHE fOhas. V). I/Twla. mgr.)—Dill IS-20: WIIMhs and Wllkliw. Win. WcHion snd ooa-i.PDr. Ilelene Davis, llcClurv and Dolly, andWliiHCh and I'oore.

Vktoru (Chaa. K. I.ewls, mgr.)—mil lB-20:Julcn LoTT P'smlly, Wilw.n and I^-.SoIr, the Ao-tirey'i, the Orest Jiiliiiwiii. Walker ami III. Ileo.

YocmtJi, Leo Cliaoder Trb.- and Waller Nealandand oonipaoy-naionf (Oeo. Sehoelder, mtr. I — Illll I.I-^O


Rlla (Viold. Harry rielilier. Tlin-i- Ji-nnrlls, llirry

ond w'llheim, and Marlln nnd P'rslilnl.

THn Kwm TiiKATiiR. fnriiii-rly inanasnl by Ur.firhnelder, wrw ot tho Oorden, .Is nuw a ph-luri-

Loui«, ctclimlvcly.



"DANCINQ AnOTJND" goes on the rond thiH wiwk.TIIK Waidilnrton Sipinrv I'lnyi-rH will iijioii at Ilic llanillH>x Tlinilri'. Snw Vnrk. -•-li. III.

*"rUI!: TIIAP" ii|ieim nt the lliiiilh, .Si<w Vnrh, h'eb. 111. Tin- i uhl liirlnili.H : llidlirnnkIlUnn, Uart'ii Uptliiinii, 'I'lilly .MiirHlmll, Unvld I'usvell, h'riili rh U llnrlnii, llnlii-i-t Wiiynr,<iciirge Ilerllner anil Kliiliir IIhiiiiiii-ihii-Iii.

TllK cumimuy HupporlliiK I'liylllH .Ni-llwin-'rerry will Include: VlrKlnlu llrooliH, .MuiiliiguLove. Ilnbert Wndtnurlh, Aiinli- IOhiiiihiiI, Wm. (lllTord nml lOrlc Hiii>wih-ii.

MARY (lltKY bns Joined "riKr lllnl of I'nrndlHC" Co.'nil'; lloasborr Juwulry llrin, of Iliifriilii, Und UieniHi'lveM di-fi'iKlitiilK lu-ii suit for $'jr>ll,non

damnKes for falso nrreiit, bruii^l't OKnItiHt thmn by TiHty (.'luiiili>.

I'UIJI.V ailA'n't'L'K In feulureU with "Tliu llellu of New York," nt tlio Giilnly, MauI''raiii'lHi'ii.

JOHNNY b'OUD Boyo lio will cnnlliiup lo W'irk Hiiigly.

Tide (^nlunvhla, Ilronklyn, liiiM liei'ii hmiglit for nii iiihllll'in In llie pnHt iilUce.

(IT'lOItdK TYLldlllH rctiirnli.K (ii Arnerlni on the /.usilanin, which miIIi'iI frfiiii- MvitPhoI 1,1.

"Tlin IIRNTIOI) BAIU." eloxi'd Keh. I.'l at t'ke Muxltin Klllott. .Sew York.A. 'rOXIfN WOUM giivo n dliiiHT iinil dniirr for Miuo. Ilelly h'aoHeii, llio fiiiiiMiiH .Sciiii*

dlonvlnii nclroHS, At tlin lluli'l I'lir^n, <iii Hntunliiy iilglit, Ki'b. 12,'run .MOUKIl.N HTAOr: will prexent "KiKa" ou KiJi. 2.'l al tlio Oarrlck, .Ni-w Yurk,ftlAillIH TKWI'IWr will Iri'ir with 'Neurlj Murrle<l^' for John (.'orl.

• (Ml"!'. HCOITH ANTAIICTK? IMCTUIIIW nnr at llin Miiilne Hlllolt, New York.DK WOM' llOPI'I'-.It will pluy "y('<iinan i.f lliii (Jiiurdi*^' In Now York, ,i.|irll fi.

"KXI'HItirNCK" will go to Hiin I''mni'lsi'o ihhi SiiiDiiii'r.

A 'jAIILI'XiUAM from llordi'iiiix, frsnec. ri'iinrlii Hint \fine. Ilvrnhatilt linit rxmtDOnodtho oi>«r<itk>n uiwn Iht kni'i', with wlileli sliii Imih lieeii Hiiltcrliig rdCL'uMy, It iiail beooirefiorteil thnt tho leg lind bi'i'U iilnpiitnleil.

J-'UKDK.ItrC.-K NfeKAY will lie siii'i-.-diil hy Clmrles U'uerz with Iho "Ijidv I.iiiury" C*,JOII.N COM/INH' iiiilii WON In coIIIhIoii Willi ii trolley cur uiul WU4 HDUuiliud. Homo Of

the ni'diiMints went In ilii' hniiiltnl.

M. C. ANUKKijO.N^.S (ondllloii was repnrlcd lo lie Improving 'I'licadDy inurnlug.

On Salurdayjarcb 27,1915









tronchmcnti. I bare had some dangeroutaskH to do, but ererytblDg went oo well tarDie Id spite of m; company bavlDg liiat 48of tbc '200 In tbree days. We arc now llgbt-

r Il^PRESIDRNT MOORE, log since tbc 16th aliravi without r«it and cnnsiaereble experience Id uus line, qdo !i

BXFOHTIOM, UPFICIALLY Wo aie W nine ™^ u'lS a ""O"" «« e'*^ "hlbltor lb tte terrlMR. 8ELZNICK. bard proposltlol Tmt we f«>I Sure we wIII buS ^'"7- Pr<*»bly the Urst tastouce Id tll«

L«wle J. ScliDlck, the Bcneral manager of "f^'J P^at the eSd " "'^^^ *


the World Film Cororntlopo, was at San stronger every day. i

opn, _.FranrlBCo In the course of his recent ' tourof the United Blstos, Id the Interests ofWorld Film, and while In that city vlsUcdthe srnunds snd tnilldlngs of the I'snsmn-l*acl(lc iDlc-rnallunal Kx|iog1tloD, as the guestof President Charles C. Moore.The KipoBltlon Is scheduled to open Feb.20.

. Mr. Belznlck was ao Impressed by whut hoeaw, bin cDthusltsm over the work done wnsno. great thst he lostabtly offered aDd placedat the disposal of the authorities all tboresources aod organization facilities of theWorld Film Corporation In bringing the Kx-pnalllon to tbe nttlco of the people of thisrouotrv and Cajiada. .- '

He instructed ihb nnnagcrs o( oil the com-poDy's broDrhes tb ha^e throwh on the screen

.1 am feellog fine andstronger every day, and »ll kinds of buUetiithe Oermnns wend us seem to pass- byscared to touch my .poor body.

"I bad this DiornlDg the fourth mao killedat my side, aad I did not had a alDgle ecratchyet. I hope this luck will follow. me con-stantly. I wish vou all could see me rightnow, I did Dot bad a single chance to un-dress since' a noDtb, and Just before wrlilngI waeluedA^y face for the first time In twelvedays. I am absolutely covered with mud.My beard and mustache are growing. Wet),imnglne a dirty, sloppv soldier of . fortuneand Tou will have a pale Idea of my presentcondition. I am now at rest for a few hoursabout oDC mile and a half from the front,aud the roar of- the greot guns reaches thelittle house -ivtiere I am. In a towo of 80,000,

cobs, vho WM elected president in hi* stead.


msDoger 4>f the Pittsburgh oOlce of theWorld Film CorporatloD, he appointed JesaleR. Sachs at bis temporary aucceasor incharge of the Pittsburgh office.

Miss Sachs is a young lady who has hadconsiderable experience Id this line, and'ls

•• • •' ' rrl-

. tHehistory of the moviog pictnre' iDdustrynrherelo an olDce waa^entruated'to ODe ofthe (weaker) sex.


' The Picture Ilaybouse Film Co., Inc.,follox'lng o.uC their recently annouDced Pigitm to adid alz more exchanges, has openan office in Boston, Mass. John Curran hasbeen appelated manager.


The office opens with a full set of theireighteen' feature releases, besides a numberof comedies.V/M. J. OANB, PIONEER EXHIBITOR,GENERAL MANAGER BIQ 4 EX>CHANGE IN PHILADELPHIA.The Big 4 Feature Film Exchange hos been

organized^ In I'hUadelphia by Wm_.. J.^Qane,

tfike adTsntoRc of the low rates od all railrpads and sec the grrnlOHt, the mont bcautlful aud the noHt important cxhikitloa iuhl8thr>." ,


• This pctton of Mr. Selznlck elicited fromthe president of the Ijxposltlon a cordialnrknowlcdKmenl, In the course of which Mr.Mnorc snld : ^"The ICrpnslllon mRnngcmcnt and the peo-

ple or Callliirnln nc'copt with thanks yourolTcr to help tlico) tell the people of America

the imiiortancp, the irrnndciir and thehi-nuty <if the raunma-l'ncltlc luternationnlKxpoRllloo."The Pauamo Kiponltlon la the blnnit

tiling In the public eye this yenr. With}hirnpo vtrlunliy closcil to American triiv-olcrN, Snn Franclnrn and lis lixposKlon will

we' can slcop even In the first lino,

lylnp on the ground under the rain or snowin the tcrrlflc nolee of the burtfllng shells.-

"Well, I am collecting great ideas for warntorles, and If you think It would be good toimvc a war installment In the serial, 1(ccp Itfor the end. I hope to be in New York bythat time and bo of great help to jp\i if the

policy of moving pictures. Mr. Gane has beenassociated with Felix Isman for years,' and'Was the first general manager ot tae MbvlDgPicture Company of America.The HLg Four Feature Film Excbaoge will

tte under nls persooal dlreictioD, and he 'vrlll

act in the capacity of general manager. It

in the future her entire time and talent will

be employed '^o make permanent on celluloid

come of tbe splendid big productions in whlvhshe was featured, sod also many other Inter-

pretations, 'Which undoubtedly -will bring heras much fame In tbe photoplay Held as didlier legltimato career In tbe theotrlcal world.


"Runaway June'' has found a' new place to

run away to. Bbe is running awav fromcfaUllnlr blasts and snow and sleet and slush,

from, darkling ekl^s and bleak mld-WiDt.!rscenes, to balmy Bermuda, where the WeatherIs fair and the birds are In tbe trees. Shebat packed her thirty-seven truoks and llfty-

oue hat boxes and, aocompanied by bcr falth-

fDl cojlie, "Bouncer," and her entire companyof flfty, embarked on tbe steamer Bermudinn,chartered by Reliance for tbe purpone, nn'Wednesday, Feb. 10. Sbe will remalD lo thetropics till 'Spring smiles once more od New'Vork. .

In the little party are Norma Phillips,

Marguerite Loverldge, Evelyn Dumo, tneIlliBes brew, James aod Adev. J. w. Joba-^twa. Arthur Donaldson, Cnarles Mssoo,Eirs Walck, Qeitrg^ • Doy, Arthur Korbej,

Frank Holland, EMward Fay, Jamea Barnes,Alfred Fischer and many minor characters.

Chief Director Oecar Eagle, Assistant Di-

rector Harry Weir, Marc EMmund Jones, •who

writes tbe scenarios from the George Ran-(iester story ; three camera meD, two

.obe women, and several stage rarpen-

electrldODS and property men were in


^C Lang Cobb Jr., manager of sales aodSubllclty 'of Ramo Films, Inc.,' visited Cdlupi-

us, OMiFeb. li_for the solp pnrpose of bsvlng'The War of Wars" passed npon by the Ohio

Oe7maii-^;iirb; klD"d'"eiougC To ^pa re my l-xbthi^rs^T's'SS a^UTh'liaS'el,;?^,.'^ &'|aT^S''2S^*?S&e?ty°*^^^^u . «hould enable tbe IMg Four to*^ offer very 5.»«J.^:r?L^/,T,SJ„.r?, ?h5^^?u,^^^^rhe Whartons have prnmlsc<l Dubray to

krep Ills old Job open for hftn. He has madeIlls linmo Id this couDtry now for about el^tyears.

ttractlve Inducements to the manufacturerot Aims.

The officers of the new company ar'^:F. 0. Nlxon-Nirdllnger, president ; ,M. W.Taylor, who represents the Zimmerman in-terests. Tiro president ; James H. Simpson,former laanager of the Manhtfttan Theatre,


• It Is felt by the Krlterlon Film 'E^Tchanira'•'eaourer, and T. M. Doucherty, general man-

pr<iliiihly attract cDormdus throngs of visitors. Ihnt a valuable ncnulslilon has been scRlaeiN»Wn-Nli;*"°Kep»lntereBts. scc-

Ncvrrthclons. there are clrcutaHinnfOS which for that Institution in the securlnrof llnr?; retary. Ilranrhes will be opened shortlymnke It pnitlpiit to give the Kxpositlon nil Howo as manager, formerly owner of tho

tliwyBliout tl"* country,pnwlblc publicity and by every nvatlablo lC<wo Feature Film ComnnDy of that sumn KRITERION SECURES CLEVER


rndcr tho direction of Mr. Rowe it Is. ex- Pl">'opl.?y ^or'^Vs claimed ODOthermen lis. i'he rnnrmniiH value of tbc motionpli'Inre for advertising purposes is shrewdlyrealized hy both Mr. Sclznlrk and Mr. .Muore,nnd we think both grntleuien arc to be con-frnlulntcd on the elllrlenC way in whichliey are availing themselves of It.


before Judge riiilzek. In the Supreme Court,liy Kl.w & HrluiigiT iiiiil Iloburt llllllnrd, lii

nn ni'tlun nenliml the (leiieriil I'llm Companylo compel tiic iilelure loiii'crn to nrconiil loKInw k ICrlnngcr iiiid .Mr. Illlllard for nilHie mmieys lliev hiirv miiilv out of (be pic-tnre pliiy cnlltloKl "A Knol There Wiis."Tile Geiiernl.Kllin I'ciiuimiiy linH UHed ll\e tUlo'.'A Kdol Thoro WiiB," iiltlioiigli. the pliiy wqheiitlroly disllurt from the one wrKlun byI'ordir KmerHcm Ilrownc niid |irn<liiml by thelilnliilllfH, nnd llie hiIi< cliilin wiis to the titleof the I'lny. The rourl lind lesiied n pn--lUnlimr.r Injiiiu lhin irnnie time nco oiijoliilnghe- (ieiierni Kllin t.'(>iii|iiiiiy nnd Uiblii Miiiiii-fiieturliig.CiiniiHiiiy frnm using the title. l)e-elKldii WHH reMeneil. iKInw & Hrliiniter nndItoliei't Illlllnril were represi'iited hy MortimerFlshel, niul tho (ieiierni' I'MUn Company byI-eroy lliill.


Fire l)i>|>nr(nu'iit, linn wnt out the foJlowiugloiter, -which Is self-explnnntory. It ron-corns the tniUNporlntloii of Hlms lu NewYork Clly:

Km. 8.The Cuiteii, Motion I'lelure JJdllor, 47

Went i;Hth Street, Clly.QriNTLCMK.s'


On the evenliii; of Nov. lOH, n pna-seiigor oil n Iniln riiniiliiK nut of l^hUncoonrrleil into Hie edmlilimtlon smoking nndbngg.iKO our n jinper wriipiiwl imckiige, cdii-tnlnlng four rci'ls of iiiovlug plctiiri' lllin.M,

Tvhich he hud m'l-iirnl ftdiii n lllm coinimnvIn (?lilciigo for use lii nu eihlliKlon nt neuhurlinii club.

The pncknKO wns placed on the floor of thernr between two Heiils, nenr tho centre of thecnr. nnd nlHiut four minutes nfler tho trainlind left the Clilengo Icrmliinl n puff of smoktarose from the |inckn):e, which wns Insinntlyfollowed by n burst ot lliinie. The trnln wnsstopped, but before llio passengers could getout of thp ear thirty-eight - persons ivcrolisdlv InJiiriM. Two hnvo died as a resultof tbelr Injuries, nnd one Is not expected tolive. Tbo dnnmec to railroad equipmentamuuntvd to |L>,44i,l.

In order to nvpld a slnillnr accident In thiselly, where fllkus ore carried In all publicconveynnces in all mnniior nnd forms, thisPopartment has found it necessary to rulethat "No person shnll transport Innnnimahlcmotion picture lllnia in nnv street cnr, sub-way or oh'vntod line, omnibus, ferryboat .ir

other public couvoynnee, or enrry ttic snnleInto any rnilrny, Bubwny station or ferryhouse iiule<>s enrh of such lllm shnll bo en-closed In n Biiltnble metal box with n tlcht-flttlng cover, and not more than ten (101111ms BO enclosed shnll bo rarrU>d nt any onetime by nny person."

You w-lirnHslBt this nepnrlmout vorv muchif you i-nii see your wnv elenr lo glvliiK thisInfoniintldu nn wide piililleltv ns possible.Uespert fully, Koiikut Ahamson,

Fire Comuilsslouer.PirTURR MAN WIIITRS OP HISKXPKIIIKNCK AT TIIK rit«t\'l<-(-AMIIRA M.*N Itl'IIUAV SKNDS LKT.TER TO THE WllAHTONii.Whnrlon, Inc., dlreclors of molloii pictures

relensed liy Put he, hns reeelviM n letter fromJ. A. niibrny, wlm was foruierlv ompldred byIhein ns camera man, niul whi»"ls now at thefront In Krnave. I>ulirny. when the warbrdhe out. was excused from Ker*-U-e dwlng lothe fnci thnt uiMii hliii devolved the supportof not only bis own fnmllv, but that of hisbrother lu Krnm-e. who wns snninioiinl tothe colors nt tlie very, stnri. Ilni n relnllveill Paris wrote hliu thnt she had lienni Ihnthis hrdtlier hnil lutit liolh of his lees lu theI'Mltleof the Mnriie, and Ihibrnv tlilr^tled forreveiiso. leavliii: New York «n tbo nextsteamer nfler reeelvluc the letter. This Isjlii- llrst letter thnt hns heeii rwolvisl fromhlin sliH'e Ills! departure, and sbdw* plaliilvils |.|rH):.:l..s ttllb tlie KiiKllsli IniiKUUKe,. I'l

Is Klveii liere ns \vrllleii :

"I am ill llie fniiit shine a ludiitli. nndhave tt-orkeil hard diiy« and ultthts In Hie eii-

pccted thnt this new tTXnn.r7.^iii onP^^ actress from the legitimate. Lorle Palmer,una 'ual Buccras He is tho?m?rtiv f»m?iu^ ^^O- 'cr tbeitricsl career, has played „

Ith the territory -that Is served by they"l>,,«'"=e

<>'i*'? this decade pertly into the monthiof March.

Inucnpolls office. ITic many venrs lie has Ji"A"'^."j.^".-.'il".fFP_l*/.'^JP.i°'??.?* Jerome Lewis, general mena^OT of the-wi

Mlspent in the motion picture' Suafnoiw'' wmTprove 0. volunbtc osRct to him in his newIioRltldn. The greater .part of . his time inthe nim business has been spent in tbe cx-chnnge end, -where be succeeded In mekloEmhny friends.


Cobb on tbe exceltency of the picture, '.^he

War of Wars" Is a very strong photoplay,

which cost tbe Ramo Company t22,000 to

produce. Tbe Stn'teo of Ohio, iDdlana, Ken-tucky, Illinois. Missouri and Texas are the

only States unsold for this feature.

THB Noted Plays Film Exchange, of NewYork Olty, has taken over from the Life

Photo Film Corporation, "CoptalD STyttt" and"Northern LIghte," this mokce their .third

release of the Life Photo- Film Co.'s produc-

tions, as they also conrtrol -tlhe I'Greyionnd."

iThelr .territory consists otf Grcarter ^ew YorkBDd^New York State. ^ '

^ ^ .»^eorire Jacobs, monagor of tie booUng de-

partmeDt, reports thnt thcao subjep.ta are

booked solid for th- moDth cS February and

biggest successes of the past dozen years, hascast her lot with thc<motlon pictures. MissJ'nlmcr In the future will be seen In thephotoplays 'which bear tbe trade mark ofthe Alhambra brand.

Till") glv<;» tbe Krlterlon service SDother

?!M2lMjjS:ir7= KKSSa^SSS >.«^.»s«j*W^?a

chaiwo. is very well pleased lynth bav.lng se-

cured these subjects, as the Mfe Photo' fea-

tures have no troiibl^ln getting dates.


Cliarlotte Walker, the draanatic bUlt, baa

thing, that will mnpe for a complete andmodern exchange.LEO ROSRNGARTEN OUT OF COSMOS

PICTfllK CONCERN.At a recent moelng of the Hoard of Dl-

rectom of the Cosmos Feature Film Cor-porallou, Leo Kosengnrlen tendered hisresljjMatlon ns prosldeiit. nnd sold his entlroholdings In the comimny to Arthur U. Ja-

IJikc City for many years claimed her asleading Indy.

This win be M^RS Pnlmcr's debut In motionpictures to a certain extent. While she hasliecn called upon before to pose before thecHniera for a reel or so, her many other con-tracts ufvcT pernilltrd her to give pictures(he lerlous consideration that sbe wl^heil.Her dccifllOD, however, has been made, aud

EamucJ G-j^sb aDDOuncesltbait Miss Walkeronters InJlSbls contract tbrouith the kindiMrmilssliApf Messrs. Klanv & Erlnngcr, andthat sh^BTll make lier photodrama<tlc debut

In onc iy he Lasky-UeUisco otTerlngs soon to

W.u.i.T Van. the *tngraph director ondcomedian, otherwise known as "Cutcy, left;

SPECIAUSTSThis is the day . of speciftlista in practioallF every fieldof endeavor.

A specialist is considered the court of last resort in any-thing pertaining to his line.

When you have money to spend on any high-class article,you look for the product or the speoialist.

A concern which has devoted itselfexclusively to the manufacture of pro-jecting machines for years should berecognized as specialists.

A large majority of motion picturemachine users have shown their dis-criminating "powers," and are usingthe product of this Company.

Write for our Catalog T









HEAD HUNTERS"W. BTBPHBir BUSH, of (he M. P. World,

aldofUi"Mr. Oattis concclTed.thls wonderful study. In

ethnologT as an epic. . It fuUy deservtsf tbe name.Indeed, it seemea to me thst there was s nostBtriklne resemblance between the musical epicsof Blcbsrd Wainier and the theme and treatmentof this Indian epic. The- fire dance, tbe vlgUjoamey with Its command of silence and chastity,the whole character of the nero'were nost remi-niscent of Parsifal aqd.ttft RHig'iif the Nlbelno^B -

I speak advisedly when I .say that tbis productionsetda Dew nark in artisUo-liaDdllne.of films Inwhich educational values mingle with dtsmaUointerest."

RELEASED FEB. 17F.or farther InformBtloa oommniilckts

with the nesrest liraaeh oif-the -


General ManagerISO We8t«th St.,- NEW YORK CITY. N. T.Branches Everywhere Branches Everywhere

MOVING FIC-TURB MachinesComplete for Stan-dard Size Film,$30.00; Moving Picture Camera Trlpods, $17.00; Stero-optlcons complete,any style of light,

$l-.t.OO; CalclamLight Jets, $2.25;Acetylene Gas Qea.

eratots, $2S0; Arc I,smp, $1.00; Rheostats, $2.(0;Hoving Plctore ObJecUves, t2.Te; Moving PlctoxeLens Jacket, S2.2S; Stereoptlcon Lens, any focna,soc.: Moving Picture Machine Feed Sprockets, uc.I.. HBTZ, aoa B. a3d Street, f . Y. City.

FILM andSONG SLIDESA big redaction in Film, 100 reels at 1 cent a footsome at $3 a reel; have western and Indian Rebls,500 Sets of Song Slides, eOc. to $1 a set;Power's No. 6 Machine, $76; also other bheap Ma-ohlnct: Model "B" Ualclnm Machine, $20. I alsobay Film. Slides and Machines, if good.O.Fi OAI.].iOT, 10 ElKhtb Ave., R.Y.


last week -with a company of Vitagtaphplny-irs for Saranac Lake, N. Y., to take- athree reel comedy, written by himself. Thelarge Ice carnival and many other featuroH

-.of interest tvUI be filmed. Wnlly was accom-padicd by the following ulnyera NltraKrnicr, Albert IloccardI, Donnld McBrld(>,"Daddle" Lewis, Alice Lake, Jack Bro\f1l,'tnocamera man, and B. Fitzgerald, assistantdirector. When Wallr and hts -companyfltarc the camera at Sarana<; there will befome big things on ice aad some' weighty,matters on skates. Tbe company expects toremain there for about two or three weeko^If they succeed in getting away with themany big stunts that they have arranged.This comedy -will be one oC tbc funniest andmost interesting ever made possible by thenovel aud local conditions at this season oftbe year. Thousands ot visitors from abroadand all the lababltants of this popular moun-tain resort -will be there In holiday attire tolake part in tbe picture.

Tub FnATCBE Filu Associatbs, with of-fices In rhe Candler BuMInf, are boolclng"Tlho Snrpent of tlie Slumis" flirougihout Naw-York City with success. It fi a three-reelfeature of the underworld variety, - and Issold to bs In great demand by local ex-hibitors.

. *MUX FiOMAN and Ills compony, including

Lolita- Robertson, who In private life is Ura.Mlax FlgouiH made a ftylng trtp to Seattle,from Los Angelos, and dimod a number ofbig .scenes on the Sacrainento lUver for "JackChaaty," a forthcoming release on the Alli-ance program,U eeemed that all of Seattle turaed out

to hoDor the movie thesplans, for dnrtag everymoment of their spare nme they were enter-,talDed and feted. .Several g«itJierlngs werearranged In thoir honor, and Uie Flgmanparty, from the star down, carried awaysratetui remcmberanees of Beo/title hospitality.

.Tirei DANCED A BEEL VOR TIIB BEELS.Roszika DoJIy and Martin B»own, the

dancers, have been .filmed in a special ex-,mbltlon doDce r«el, which will be released on

23 by the Universal KllmJIfg. Co.In this, their Srst eogagemonc before the

camera, Mr. Brown and Miss Dolly' arrangeda wide variety of dances, consisting of "TheOriDOilDo Polka," "The Woltz Cuasdque,""The Clown Trot." "The Uabanoro- Hesita-tion" and '.'Chopsticks."

Gene Schwartz, of TTaterson, Berlin *Hnyder, arranged his felt, "Chinatown, MyChlnaton-n," to accompany the dancing of'Chopsticks," and for "The Habanera Hcsl-lation" tbc Jerome II. Bemlck flrm arranged"Tbe Buenos Ayrcs Tango.""The CrlnollDc Polka," ooe of the prettiest

of the dances eibibltcd by Mr. Brown andMiss •Dolly, is nn ante-bellum reminiscence,libllo "The Habanera Hesitation" Is Mr.nrowD's conceutlon of what cbe Spaoisbdnnco may evolve Into. "Chopsticks" Is anoriginal conception, while "The WalliOasslqiic" reminds one strongly of tbc balletof the "aos. •

WILL C. GENTZ. JTRW PimLICITri . .MA\ FOR WAIlXER'a.Will C. Geatz is the dciv publlcli^ mana«or

nt Watner'e Fcoturcs, Inc. Mr. Gcnlz "putoomrtbing over" that counrted, wh(^ begrnUliod off a fow hundred cohimns of now*-|kai>6r <tpnce during the Inst two or throe-n-roks, cnld columns being In tlic largest andmost Influcntinl big citr dnillcs, and explain-ing da detail -nhy P. A. I'owors dccmc<l thefl^-c cent admission prico tlie proper one forpicture patrons to pay.



"Enporlcnce," will appear In "WLcn Vi'c WcTwcntj-«ne, by II. V. Esmoude. ChnrICherry, In F. Hopklneon Smith's powcrlctX'ff "Thtt TIHaa /if narnofrnf " nnA fin'


Idc °vw stage favorites to I'.t already Im-poslog list of stellar celebrities, the KamoudI'layers Film Co. wUI Introduce to the mo-tluD picture pubUc, on Its next quarterlyrootrlbutloD to the Paramount procram, suchprumlDCOt stage .peraonages as Jouo Mason,William lilllott sod Cliarles Cherry, In suli-

Jects epeclally selected and preeminentlyappropriate for tbeir screen debuts. In addi-

tion, ^ree former Kcmous PUyen starn,

who have rapidly assumed a supreme posi-

tion as scrcea laTorltes, MarKuerttc Clark,

Join Barrymore and Hazel Daiwn, will return

to the Famous Fmyers screen.

As an appreciation of tbe astounding popu-larity irblcn sbe has von through her formerKamons IMayera productions, tbe FamousPlayers -will present Marguerite Clark la

(1T0 subjects within this period, first In anrlaborotd screen production of Grace Uv-ingston Furnlss' famous comedy drnma,"(Jretna Oreeo," to be released Marcli 11,

end subsequently In an ImpresslTe flim ver-

sion of Frances Hodgson Burnett's cele-

brated novel and play, "Tbe Pretty Sister ofJose," produced In California.

John Oarrymore wlU gladden the bcnrls of

tbe many flim followers who welcomed blmiL "An American Citizen" and "The Manfrom Mexico," In an Indescribably funnyplvturhaHon of Leo Dltrlcbsteln's celebratedfarce. "Are You a .Mason?"Jonn Mason will be Introduced to the

screen ia the thrilling dramatic success,"Jim, the Penman," by Charles L. Young.WUIIam Elliott, the famous actor-manager,who is at present winning a tremendous per-sonal success In tbe dramatic sensation,

"I\'n WereCharles

powerfulstory, "The Tides of Barnesat," and HazelDawn, in a subject that will display. In thegreatest degree, her charm and talent, "Gam-Icr's Advocate," by Ronald MaoDonald, willcomplAe this not.-\ble series.

It Is of Interest ibat during February, theshortest month ol the yenr, tbe FamousPlayers Film Co. wIL relense five subjects,the greatest number of features ever Issuedwithin one laonth by a single producing com-pany.


Augii.ite Durmester, who plays tbe leadingrbsracter role of Mrs. ^Carr, In GeorgeKlclne's "Stop Thl«f,". boasts a unique ex-

Jerleurc In the course of her long and event-ul stnge career. Mrs. Burmester Is probablythe only living actress who can - lay claim tohaving played Ophelia to Edwin Booth'sHamlet.' This she did In Berlin In 1883.'Mrs. Ilurmestcr la now with Henry Kolker,In "Our Children," af the Princess Theatre,Chicago. ^


^ THEATRE, CHICAGO.Two professional performances of George

Klelne's "Stop Thief were given last weekfor the beneflt of exhibitors and members ofthe theatrical profession. One was held atthe Candler Irheatre. New York, and thoother at the Palace Tbeatre, Chicago. HarryMostayer and Mrs. Auguste Burmester, whoare playing In Chicago, had the pleasure ofwitnessing their own work In that city, whileMary Ryan, Dan Moyles, Delia Conor, ttar-

gnerlte Boyd and William Boyd were guestsat the Candler entertainment In New I'ork.


Players Film Co. will present -MargueriteClark, the dainty and magnetic little star ofthe previous Famous Players releases, "AVlld-flower" and - '^he Crucible," will be thediarmlng comedy drama,"Orctna Green," byOiace Livingston Fnrnlas, now In the couriaof production.


The play ' possesses all tbe essential ele-

ments valuable to the. successful screendrama—love, sacrifice, humor, myJttery andthrill—and Is of the. picturesque period ofthe early nineteenth century, when romanticelopements to Qretna Green, a lovers' bavenin tbe North of England, added a dash ofexcitement to many true love matches, andwhen hearts reigned over tbe marts of com-merce Just before the prose of businessusurped tbe poetry of romance In old Gng-land.

Mlas :Clark will portray the character ofDolly -Ersklne, a little English telle and abit oi<. a flirt, but loyal to her friends andbrave of heart. She queens It over Harrow-J;ate'B beaux with sovereign sway, untill shoOSes her heart to handsome Richard Mur-ray, her riding master. She Is loo proud toconfess her attectlon for Mm, even to herself,

but nevertheless often favors lilm aboveothers with her society. Richard Ims lost

hrh head and lioart, too, and has determinedto win the wilful Dolly.Through this period of the story the au-

dience wUl know that Murray Is In realitythe Earl of Dassctt, who, woary of the fuwn-In' hypocrisy of society. Is living IncognitaIn Harrowgate and hugely enjoying his first

experiences as a laboring man.A friend whom Murray nccidentallT meets

Is about to reveal tain identity, but Itirnard

dissuades blm from this course, as he hasresolved to win Dolly's love in the guise ofa riding master.- He wagers with his friendthat he will gain hie neart.'s desire, andDolly, nccldenlally overheaning hl.s cnntidentboost, thinks him a cad. Uowevur, -to saven frivolous married sister's reputation, sheasks his aid, and they arrive to Gretna Greento prevent a disgraceful elopement.


Iiow Dolly's reputation is thereby placedIn Jeopardy, how unaworc of the full importof what she Is saying, she makes a stntomcnt,which, according to tho Scotch law, makeslier Richard's wife, and until she can secureA divorce is forced to acknowledge Richardas her husband In tbe eyes of the world. Themany complications that follow thin Im-prnmptu marriage, the delightful comedy 'of

Dolly's final capitulation of tho liURbnnd sheIiretends to detcsti but re<illy adores, an'l

a.^ly, the actual arrest of Richard for hisown murder before the mystery '>f his iliinl

Identity is finally cleared, arc thrllllngly un-folded In this fascinating pliotoploy.REEL LIFE INCIDENT DUPLICATED

IN REAL LIFE.Manager Boas, of l/oew's. Fall River.

Mass., Academy .of Miialc, hnn Informoilrathe that an accident occurred In FallRiver several weeks ago which almost ex-actly duplicated the elcrtrocurllon of "Tay-lor Dodge." in the first episode of 'i-Thc Ex-ploits of Elaine."A young man was Instantly killed by com-

ing in conta'ct with a broken telephone wirewhich had been crossed by a high tensionelectrlf llghA wire.

Btrangc as Is fiction, it Is often paralleledby thn truth.SOCIAL CENTRE BENEFITS THROUGH

CURTIS PHOTOPLAY.Fop tie beneflt of tho Social Centre Move-

ment, n Hpeclol exhibition -of the KilwnrdCurtis Indian motion picture drama. "In theL4ind of the Ilenrt Huntcrfl." was given 'Hies-day. Feb. 0, at Carnegie Hall..-The pictures, which It took Mr. rnrlls

three years among the imtives of Hrltilsli

Columbia nqd Alaska to collect, represent, blm, the foremost o( tlio head*

hunting tribes of North America. They area sea-going people, huildlug canoos big enoughto hold eighty persons, from gigantic cedam,and among the pictures Is one ahowlug u suc-cessful iunt friHn a sulphur-bottom whale,and othen; which show raids on tbe clustered"eo-Ilon rockeries far out to sea.

rhe organization committee for the entcr-lalnmcnt consisted of Helen Frlck, .Mra. Al-fred ( . Bossom, Jonettc Alexander and Mrs.r. Asliton de I'eystcr.


George J. Relholf, who Is the special rep-resentative of the World nim Corporationbranch in PhJJadelphln. arranged for a spc-clol showing at the World Him projectionrooms, 13U Vine Street. In that cfty, tocnaole Lw Fields to «ee himself In "Old.v"v-., party with Mr. Fields werethe following members of his "High Cost ofIX)vlDg" company : Alice Klaohor, CharlotteJvoa, Ucoreo Ilnsiiell, Grace Melnkon,, Thomas Carrlran, Wllford Clark,Ivrnest Lambart, MlchJtas Burnham, IdaDarllur, Amy Summers and Fred Fields.Judging frcm the -prolonged laughter, theparty .'art a delightful time watchlijg thepicture, and I^ew IMclds lUmsclf nnjoyed theevent Immensely by telling his experiencesIhot happened while the picture was takennt the Fort Lee Hludlos of the World FilmCorporation, under the direction of FrankCrane.

EDGAR LEWIS HAS SHARP EXCOUX-TEll WITH U. S. RUVU.NUE CUTTER.Reports of naval nctlvllv come from Edgar

Lewis, who Is directing for the Uui OfficeAttrRctious Co., in Georgia. Ia-wIs Is awireless ciitlnislnst, nnrt Im-s an mitlH onthe Hotel Van I'lirllandt, In .Now York. InAiiguMta he secured a «lnilliir apparatus.This he set up hi a yacht chnrterwl by thecompany to make a scene off tho coast noarSavannah."On our first cruise," .says Ix^wis, "I tuned

up the Instrument and sont out the privatesignal which I hoped might reach my part-ner at the Van Cortlandt. I tried severaltlmm, 4iut without success, and then had toleave off to busy myself about tho picture.After an hour or so had passed we ail ob-served a ship approaching rapidly from thoNorth. She stopped some distance from us,lowered a hoat, which drew alongside, anNiwithout ceremony ten iHisky sailors, com-manded by a lieutenant, boarded us.

" There It is,' this from tho lieutenant totho sailors."

" There's what 7' -said I."" 'We are hero to slop this sort of busi-

ness uiid, besides, your messages arc wasted.T-here Is not a foreign eruiscr In these parts,nor lias there been for two weeks to ourknowledge.'


"At tl>3 point I tumbled," said LeA'ls,"and hastened to a.<ourc tbe officer thatwere strlntly neutral; wHJi which slalcmentho sgned after a glance at the 'wirelessapparatus. He suggested . that I try theGeorgia coast, as New York mes.sagea mightrequire a uomewbat more powerful sendingapparatus. Ilofbrc saying 'good-bye' I putthem all In the picture."

GRAND OPERA STARS SEE "MIGNON."When tbe Ilea-trlz MIchelcna picture, "Mig-

non," was shown In Los Angeles, the Na-tional Grand Operd Company, who wbre ap-pearing at that time at one of tbe theatres,enjoyed a very JntcreatlJig experience In see-ing the opcm, which Is tbe feature of theirrepertoire, as a photoplay. Signor Constan-tino, the noted tenor, who Is tbe principalmember of the organization, was most en-Chuelastlc regarding "Mdgnon" as a photo-

*tilay, and informed Manager W. W. Drum, ofthe Los Angeles branch of the World l>11mCorporation, that the production was notonly f.iilMu! to the hook, but most' interest-ing to watch from the standpoint of theopera singer.


J, Arthur Fischer, la conjunction with thethe H. H. Gibson Realty Company, leased forCross It Brown the lap fioor at Nos. 3 to 7West Sixty-first Street, New York, for tenyears to the Dyreda.Art Film Corporation,whose producttons ure handled through theWorld Film Corporation. The floor -will beused as a motion picture studio. With thelease is Included an option on half tho floor

beneath, the aggregate rental being |I17,S0U,The premises are 7Sx2O0, extending throughthe block to Sixty-second Street.


"COMMUTERS."iGsorge Elednc announces that Charles

jQdels has 'boon cngtced to nluy oppoeitoIrene Fenwlck la tho Klelnc fltanlng of thupopular James Forbes comedy, "Tho Com-muters." Director I'Htznuiurlco Is busily at'n'ork tvJth lila star cast at tho Kiel DC ptudiTt,

11 East I'\>urtpeTitai Street, where Hio big111m is bcliiK rdikldly completed.

. A POLITICAL FEATURE.In litaelnjr and directing the latest tmo-

poirt produollon of the American Ktudlos,

Thos. RIckutts has unraveled a plot wltli

plenty of punch—in fact there is notliing butpuncli vlilch is as a jiolltdcal plot should be.

This picture. "Tho Two Sentences," unfurlsan uniMual story oif love and politics. In

which strong situations dovcton, holding thoviewers Jnitcresl until tho etid. No details

have been omitted In perfecting the picture,

and orer one hundred and llCiy extra jieoplc

liavc been .used la soma of the nceoes. I'he

major .part of Jim Rodgcr.s, aH.4gne<l to IlnrryVon Meter, portrays the embittered man,Jurist ond govemor, which Ls clmracterlzrawlUx dlpntty and strength, the pnrty nlTord-

Ing a jitting medium for hb> art. VlvlnnIlicU plays the rolo of Helen, requiringbreadth and vorftatiUty, In tie chamHns man-ner onlglDfll with this talented actress.


Dnuglos Gerrard, whose correct nnme la

Douglas Gerrard MncMurrough Kavaniuigli,was born In Dublin, Ireland, thipty-one yearsago. "Gerrv," as his Intlmotos call lilm, wasc<lucatcd at Dublin University, Dublin


Stonyhurst -(.^ollege, Just outsldo of London,and also at the historic Heidelberg Uni-versity.

Ills theatrical career commenced at anearly age. Ills first appoarance was In

"Henry the Fifth," at the Lyceum Theatre,liOiidon. 'Later he wqs featured at theZurich Theatre. Switzerland, aa Carl Ileln-

rlch. In "Old Heidelberg." -He speaks Ger-man fluently, and. was prominently nssocla-

tc<l with a number of the leading f;ernuin

stock companies. He is the typical Irish

f;cotleman in manner and' appearance. lie

los the dark, rich Spanlsli coloring of thoWcHlern Coast Irish peoiilc, a wealth ofcurly raven hair, large dark eyes. Is of excel-

lent physlnue. and, in all. the type whichlends Itself readily to tbe moving picturescreen.

Mr. Gerrard is a daring horsemnn, andthe happioHt inomcntH of his life are spentlopping Klx-foot fences on his thoroughbred.Dermof. He Is a member of the I'in.ver.'t'

(Mull. New York: the Savage Club, I.,ond(in :

Hip Pholoplnycrs' Club. Im)h Angeles, and theLos Angeles Athletic Club. He Is one of th"Itonrd (if Dlrpctors of the I'hirtoplnyorH'

Club, and his enviable reputation as a rnenn-tr'.ir pInre.H lilm In the foremost ranks of theentertainment committees of all clubs.

Ills first American appearance was withViola Allen. In "Oymbellae." at the EmpressThmtre. New York, returning to London for

B limited encagement, where he w^s cDgico<l

by WJIIInm A. Itrady, for Ahdenwr, In "ni-vorcons," with Grace Genw. .Mr. Cerranlwns ng.'iln hmiight to tJils cuintry to plnrihe. Juvenile U'ad with Hthol Uarryuiorc, lii

'•Lady I-'redrlcli."

Mr. Gerrard's succrtwes on the (tiTPon areUADy. He was featunyl with the Unlver-ulMIm Co., i'alho htores (Wratern), tilso theMajestic and Kniom (iMnpanles.Among the feature.^ In wlilcb he so ably

took part were ; "Tlie Qiilcksnndn," '>Shannoiiof the KAttb," dn which he snpeare*! as iflban.non : 'The King of Chance,'' "The InvisibleI'owor," 'The IVrellct," and others, lie Is

nt nreseivt engngert In the Favorite I'layefsprodintion of "The High Hand," playingl/owls. the pollticnl Imss, In support of thl>wotM Jomcd star, Carlylo Dlackwell.


.C.' tjir>g Cobb Jr., maottger Ramo Flbns,

•mm hastily -tailed to Now York «t», fromToronto, Can., on l->ldny, Feb. 12. iblR, onoocnuot of the nudilen death of his youngestbrother. Harry Orpenter Cohb, in Oakland,Cat. .Mr. Cobb has nrrangort 1<o bring the re--.nalns Must J^ineral services will bo heldIn I'hilndelphia, tbe hnme of his rehitlvon.Interment will ho In I.durel Hill Cemetery,ITilladelphla, Feb. 20.


.Southern women wore In charge of theColonial 'i'henilre. Wn.Mhlngton, where thesuiTrage melodrama, "Your Girl aud Mine,"was -presenteil. They acted ns doorkeepers,ushers and ticket sellers, aud made briefKUlTnige Inlka hetwci-n tlie reels.

>Irs. Wesley -.Mart In Stoner, president ofthe Kate Gordon Chapter of the Southern•SUitcJ Woman's Suffrage Conference, wns Incharge, and bore the linint of the apcech-nuklng. Sbe was assisted by Mnry O' Toole,Mrs. K. II. Snell, Jeanette Rnnklu and Vlr-glhin WatrouH.The Meu's I'^ual Sulfrngc League of the

District co-operated with the sulTraglsts andciintrlbiitcd geucruiwly to n fund for the pur-chase of tickets that were distributed freefor the ptnpaganda purposes. More thanlive hundred tirketi were purchased Ihrouf^hthis means. Th'o tickets were placed wlmH. Kann Sons & Co., Lnnshurg & Ilrother,artd Saks & Co., for distributing among theiremployees. Isaac Gans, of the latter com-pany, told Ihe committee that he would dis-

tribute tbe tickets personally and see thatevery one was used.The Anthony League and the Lucy Slouo

I.esgue operated the tUeatrc Jointly.


Jeff Davis, "the king of the hoboes,", nian-ngoT of the Hotel do Gink Is tbe .latestrecruit for pictures.

Davis is president of the IntemntlnnAlItinerant Workers' Union, Ilotioes of Ainerios.and ropresonta -four hundred thousand globotrottere. Ho has astabll.<ihed in Nhw .York,n'ltb the aid of Mayor -MItehel anil tlie IIii-

iimployod Committee, a unique -in-stltutlon.

linonvi o-s "Hie Hotel de <Hnk." Tlie hotel,

on old factory building, on Centre Strn-t.has been leasod to the hohoes. It Is not acharity. No charity in any form is desired.Kvery hnlio wlio registers at the Hotel doGink wants work.


Jeff Davis lias t>een a'holio for sixteenyears, for the pupnu^o of stud.vlng holm con-ditions and ditvLslpg a pmcfclcnl means ofhelp for tho fraternity. He has hfrtmed tivleoaround tho world, ond -three times aroundtho irnltod .<itates, Davis defines the word"hobo" as follows : ".Hobo—a man who goesabout, from olaco to place, seeking an opor-tunkty to meka good."Thn Broadway Film Company will present

Jeff Davis In "The Krldge or Sighs," a dramaof the underworld, in three parts, de^plotrinff

nodal conditions to-day in this country. Thestory centers around "{he king of >tht> hoboes,"and portrays faithfully the triails and tribu-lations of the man who is <V)wn on Ms luck.'The Bridge of Sighs" will be released <ra

or about tbe first of February.WORLD FILM TRADE NOTES.

Ono of tbe moxt cnergetib members of theWorld Film Corporation sales force is Alien'May, who is representing that live organiza-tion In the Philadelphia district. IIo parsno attention to former records (n his work,and simply plunges ahead and brli^s in 'con-tracts that. keep the bookers busy.The Minneapolis branch of the World Film

Corpofation Is now located on the fifth floorof the : Produce ISirbange Building, SixthStreet and First Avenue, in tho Northwestern-metropolis. E. D. Sheldon -Is la charge oftho office.

Ernest M. I.anc, Phil Adier and W. A. Ratz'

Mro the very energetic Individuals who rop-resent the World Film Corporation in tho"Hooslcr" country. From the way the busi-ness Is increasing In that territory It is

evident that the trio are on tbe Job, andere loug will have Indlnnnfiolls one of theleading oOlces In the World Film list.

The Cincinnati branch of Ihe World FilmCorporation Is now located on the tblrit

floor of the Savoy. Illock, on l-^ast HlithStreet. Tho lease will run for three yi-nrs,

and was ncifollateil through Cleneny, Nouraoft Huntington. Manager Clay Ilrclim Qu'lsthat the Increasing business .has made thochange to larger quarters neceSHilry.

ANOTHER WALTHALL iS' IMCTURKS..Anna 'May Waltlloill. the beautiful and ac-

complished sister of Henry B. Wnlthall, hasalso Joined the Balboa organlzntlun of pic-

ture playera She has liad a lot of ecpericncola spite of her youth—iwhich is meaHiired bytwenty Summers—an<J promises to make aname for herself Uiat y4ll tause iwr dis-

tinguished brother to be iproiul of ter. ShoIs tmder the direction of diaries lisyden,anil has Just finished her Italboa photo-'pla.v, "Tbe Light o' lA>ve," In which she pinyediin Ingenue load. "IJcht o' Love" is a suaHtory w4th a broad npiienl, liecaiise of Its

deep heart lnt(^reHt. Ml^« Wsltliall Is a rarutype at Idn^uld lovellneH.s u^im In re-pose,

but when toe sktuntlon calls for it she Is

capable of exprcsnlne fwlgiiaiit emotion aiyd

displaying onusual dramatic force. Person-ally she Is a charming youhS wom(in. andwhile she 4dollZ(ts her linither, nnd bcllnvcshlin the greatest nctiir -liefore the rninem

which he Is—she n«plreH lo d>i hlg things hor-.self. With the Ilnllxm (>>inp:in.v ,She will Iwgiven a splendid opportunity to advance fa

nor chosen profession.


Until the already famous picture housestruok Broadway, that celcbmted thorough-faro llttlo TcaUzed 11-1111.1 ooiild l>o dpno .In

the manner of properly presenting a photo-dramatic entortalnment of a high order. -

To hegln with, tho beautiful iDterlor oftho HitnDd en-hancen, to a great dogree. thequalities of the stnge ami Hrri«>n entrtnln-ment offerol, and the light elfentK, nrarveloiuIn their color l>lends, worked In ptrrfect iic-

cord wkth the liarniAnloiw renillUons of theStrand's large concert orclii^m, bring outvividly thn dramatic moments and stirringclUnaxni of thn big phntiqilny productii^iuitvhich nre tho crmm of thf output pnidiicedby America's principal feotiire picture mak-ing organlmtlonn.

Tlie Strand presents rnnHlslenlly good en-tertainment, nnd Inst week's bill wns fullyup to the high standard of excellence set bythe management,

.Vfter a classical overture by CnrlE'louardes' KololHts. a trnveloifiie |»lrliir<v

series was shown, which nlxt with uiiliuuiidi'dnuproval. Tlie views at Hun Dli-go, ('.al .'

showed renllslirnlly ilmt America i-onlalnsHcenos of landscape heniity Ibit cohIIv -i^iual

tlie hcst of Uie.aort nhotogrsphed In l-;urf»pe.

Bernardo Olsnaaakl, a nwcet voiced bari-tone, who Is long OB TOCAl quality and a

Utile shy on dressing and singe presence,Wifs niuiiber three. Olshankl's hhiikh werowell llkc<l.

\ ivlored I'athe pliMure, shiiwlng the Iliiy

Scmit.-i <if Krnnce In vnrltniM i-viilMllonH.

IilejiNCd mightily aud »'as good for severalaiigbs.

I'Tl Coin, the vaudeville xyhiplnihlHl, billedns the world's greatest, ninv he. but It wniildbe diniciilt to delennlne \'.\ Cola's alilllty

until liu secures n |H>rcu:wluii iustriiineiit

more In tuneful accoril with the urchcHlralpitch In vogue at the Htranil.He pinyeu three HelectlonH, all well chosen,

and met with a line reci^illnn, hut I ho factriunalns that the lohtrumoiit he usni Hhuulileither be tuned up properly or another one.secured Immediatoly.


OABY DKSLYS IN 'MIEIl TIIIUMPII,"ITAHOUS PLAYERS I'llOIMICTION.Gaby. In plotures, will draw big nil over

the country, duo no duulit to thi< enormousiiubllcky given thn Frenuli muiili; hall artist,'ilbe picture has a fuw tocbulcal faults and<'arrlcs an ordinary story, but In thn mainIs well aoted, and vroduceil in tho FnminusPlayers umuil nicellent style. Horry IMIcer,Oalqr's iloncing partner, suiitwrta her In "IterTriumph," and docs vnry well IndiiMl, con-siderin;; that this was his initial appearancubefore the camera.

Rerveral danc>», •lnclii<lln« tho Oaby tllUIe,and a sort of conililnation fox brut, tiingoanilmaxlxe, aro Introduced. 'Full sized llguresof tho dancers aro shown, and will undoubt-edly interest those who have seen the dap-cers In the flesh, as well as tlioso not so for-tunate.

'I'he tov>lcal review followed tho Onliy pic-ture, tho usual war views Is'lng showii'

Hardy WIMIsmsnn, a Welsh tenor nilth asweet \tHce of wWo range, nnd Clinrles II.

Mareb. a violinist, offured threo finely .ren-ih'TfA selections. ,

This week tho Htriind Is rimolng a filmversion of W. C. De Mllle's war play, "l*lio

Warrens of Virginia."RALPH INCE, ANITA STEWART ANDPAUL NCARDON OFF FOR -niKSUNNY SOUTHWith Ilalph Incn and Anitn Stewart and

Karl Williams, Paul Scnrdon, tho populnrcharacter nrtbit of the Vltagraph Conipaiiy,will leave fur the South next wii-k, to appearin the final scenes of "Tho Goildcss."These three performeni ninko up one of

Ihe strongest casbs possible to sei'Urn fur 11

lilcturn presentation, anil "The GoddcsH'' willundoubtnlly be one of <llio Vltngraph's grenl-nnt nrtintlc triiimiijis.

'While Paul Scnrdon has roiitrlbuled niniivfine cliaracterlzatlonH to the -jili'tiire pliiy art.Ills hesl roproHentntloii was iindoiibti'illy In"Hie Sins of the .Mother," that receutiv heldthe principal pbtco on thn Vltagraph Tlientreprogram, and his re-ninienrniice In a pliiywith .Miss Stewart hIihuM hi- u repetition ofthat siii-ce.'vi.


Phi! World Hlin I.V)riHirutloii celi>hrnte<l Usfirst anniversary Fol>. III. In the brief piTlislof twelve inontlis It IiOm done enough In inukirIt one of tho best known iiuijor fHitiire IMiiwi

pr'MliicIng nnd diMtiiliirtIng orgnnlzatlniiH.-I''.ib. H. UtH, tho World H|)<.clnl Hlms Co..

releasing two fenturir films a'lnon-Mi, wml outof liiiKlni-HS, and the World l>1liii l.'iirhoriitluii

wuH formed to mnnufucluru and JiHtrtbiilufeatures every week.

At tliitt period, coniUlionH In some diiiinrtrments of tills biiHlni^ss were not HitliHruotory,the nu'tlioil of' inarki-llng lilins on the Hlnteright plan had provwi unworknhle, nnd st theKSMie time, fenturn films theiiLxelves were, It

Is mUi, losing favor with exhibitors and tliopltllllc.. .

I/iMvis J.. Helznick mot Ihi'se rondlllojts byorirsnlzlnir tin- World I-'lliii Corii'irntlon alonglines wl>!i-li ndinltti-d of 'the iMHtriluitlon oflllnis by the iH^t coiiinuTi'Inl mi-tli<sls. In theearly months of the oin'orutlon'M i>ilHti'ix'i'.

ho shinviil that goml feature lllins wen- In(.'rent di'sinnd S'sm/iik cxhlliliurH nnd the piili-

Hc, hy r(ilen«l;i« weekly, ojnong other pic-tures, thu ' following : "Ha|»lio." "Proten,""Jonn 'If Arr," "MuMti-r <;rimlnal." "IlmHSMottle." "Ust iHiys- of l'omp<!ll." "tier-monla." '"llKi Llglitjt o' I/ondon," "UncleTom's rnbin" and "Tim Lure."

.Mr. Helznick. by. this ezjierienre, conllrinedhis nrffiliial Idea that exhlbttiini wniiteil"nro<lncllons," lilg plctiinis, with the Imeklngof iinimlnent iisinej, He saw clearly llini

the picture turned nut by a scenario writerwith ordinary players might be n good iilc-

ture, hut that It hadn't nflvi<rtlslng vnnie,that It wasn't known, nnd that to innke It

known entailed Ihe Iohh of valuable energynn^l nuiiicy. 'Ilie liiHtnn-taneiiiis KiicresH i»f

llils I'len iii'liici'ti hlin to secure f'lr the Wiirlil

l-'llm CoriHirntlon the film prodiiciliiiiH andrights to nil the Mi-wrs. Hhiihert offerings.

'Iliroiiuh that arrangement he openi-il theway te lllml'tf many of the MggesI Ilro,idwnysuccesses '.nnt have appcarinl under Ihe dl-

rei'tlciii of' thrato famous' managers. Hoonafter Mr. Helznirk .Hcciirnd the productionsof the Wm. A. Brady Photoplays, Inc., and(Ills mndo possible siirh sucremes as ItohertWanvjek. In "Tlie Dollar Mark" nnd "TheHan of tbe Hour;" Emma DifDO, In

"Mother:" Wilton I.acUnye, In '"i'he Pit:"Allcu Brady, hi "As Vo How," and ntliiTH(iHi iiiiiiierous tu meiitliiii. The next arrniuii!nieiits that .Mr. <Sii|inlck cniu'ludwl hrniiglitliilii the World Film fold tho entire outputof the Clins. M. Illniiey pliiilii|>layH.

The Ciiliiiilnl Motion I'li'tiire Ciirporatlniihad siieut n forlniie In ninke "The Seats ofIbe ,\lluhty," and whi'li .Mr. HelziiIrk pni-|MiHi<(l llint thiilr priHiiictliiii shiiiild lie pvleasi'd lliroiiKh thn World -Film Ciiriiornllnn.they reaillly saw the ailvaiitiiiii's iif |>liicliii(

this feiiluro lu his liaiiilH, and Ihe niici'i>>:s

that lias followed tills nrniiigi-iiieiit Is 11 jiriiiif

Hint Mr. Helznli'k Know wlitil liu wns iloliig.

The Ilryi'ila Art Film ('or|M>riillon wan Ilhi

next iiiilt brought Into llin World Film Cur-'iHinilliin Ihroiigli Mr. .Seleiilck's efforts. ThisInsiireit all of thu nrljstic pruitMctlons of J.H<<ar)o Dawli'y to World Film eiliHilturK.

HiHin after It liix'niiiu evident that the Call-fiinila .Motion Plrtiirn Coriioratlon's festjireswero of thu stnniliiril that the World FilmCorpora tlou had vslnb!lslied, aud Mr. Hel-z--

nlck nrrnnged to havo their film* relenwilthrough thu Wurhl Flhu iv^rpurailon. It wasdun to Mr. Helr.ulck'i persunal efforts th^tIJIIIan Itiiisell wns prevailed upon In ninkoher groaloHt succ(>hs "Wlldllre." and thn saninIs true with thu noted comedinn. Lew Fields'work befiTu thn caiuern. The ' Paul Arm-strong masteriA<i<ns, "The .^<ep Purple" ar>l"Allnn JI(iimH|Vnlrnt:;ie," were on thu Okir-ki>l lor uiutliA pli.tiiru tiriHliu>lli«is, aud .Mir,

Hulziiick limt no tliiu.* In si'ciirtug them forhis Hvbediile. - And so It has lim-n his Idea loseciiru for his clients the Is-st tho market af-fords.A recent aciiiilsllloii Is ".Money," inad<> br

thn Kenikigntiih Coiiiimny, Fairfax, t'ni.TiMit assurL<<il tlieiu the "lli-rtliivyetti-s, thoaoiiiilqiiu offerings of the muster UPtlHt, llertiHivy; Thu World Film i|s placing tliu suffragepliutuiilny, "Your Girl aiul Mliiu," which .In

the '^>allzA)tlon of nil Idea that >Mrs. Mctllll.McCOriiJIck had, tu bring the suffrage lUimoiMifiire thuiisaniw who In-retiifiin! lu-vn knownIt only as a proiiagnixbi.

"Thi> Advontiires of a tUiv Hoout" Is nlsobeing liaiidled through the World I'lliu (.'or-

pnrntion lieeniisii of Its iiirli|iin Interioit totliiiUHniiilH of lii>ys tlirougliniit llii> oiiuiitry.

To Insure that tliivto iiiiiliiiie offerliiuH are i:lventhe lilHilb-lty that they ih'.nTve, .^^r. Hi'1/.iilek

crmted a speolal attn-jii'tl>siM iluiHirtinieut,

under the guliLiiicii of Al. LIclitiiuin. 'l'hroii;;li

this di<|iartni4-nt one of tlii> greatest fitrelgu

iiinsteriileces ever liiipoiitifil In lliU i-iiuii.lry,

"HtlluiiHsi," will Ih) riileiiHiil to I'liii |iiililU'

'i'bo ik<ivel rden of Jk'ivliig •iiiipiin llcki>ls

Kiilil liy till) varloUN orgiiiUzatliiiis liitiTi'xled

III such features ns "Viiur iMrl ami .Mine"nnd "Tho AilvKi tares of a Hoy Hromt" thatnri! ri"li>enuililii wherever the fi<nluri>s areeiM'n, 1< entirely due to .Mr. Hel'/nhk, and tlni

credit for Ibe liHivln tlioiiglit Is his alone.The weekly release i>( feature IIIiiih <in

tlieaii riiliJectH nnil with good stars delliillely

eHtalillHlM^I the World Film (.'npiHiralloii astliegrentiKt hiisliiess (if the kind III the world.Of the uhovii iionieil slurs, ltiilM>rt War-

wick, Clara KImliull Young aiul Vlvliiii Mar;tin nre under perniaiiont coiitrnet to IhoWiirld Flhii l.^irii<>ratloii.

Tlii> World Film illrertornle Is as follows:Van Horn l>:i|r^ in Wall Htreol; Lewis J.

Hi'liinli'k. l.'li) Forly-Hlxlh Hlri>el : 'llrllouN. Il:isi1j, 1:10 W. I>'iirly-slilli HtreM ; ller-lierl ll'.^leiin, 'JT I'llie HI reel ; W. AllienI'riitt, :;7 Pino Street; Frederick Kdey,1 1 1 llMailwoy : fleoffrey Kimtn. il'.J CednrHireot: TlieiMlore F. IteyiioldH. Mills llnlld-

lug: Jiil(«< I']. Ilrulaloiir, l.'lll W. Fopty-slxlh Hireet; (Minrles JncKSoii, III I'liiigreHS

Htreet; .\inory (I. Ilndges. I-I Wnll Hireet;Lee Kliuhert Hhiihert Theatre lliilldlng : J.

J. Hhubert, Hhiihert 'I'lieiilre llivllilliig : Jo-

Hefili L. Ithlii'Mrk, Hliiilierl 'I'lii'iilre lliillilliig


William Klein. 31(1 llrondwny ; Frniik II.

Ilnll, ;ill Cliiirch Hlri>el.

Tlin company owns, ojierntes nnd ronlro'sIts own i-tcliaiiges lit .Now Ynrk, I'lilliiilei'

jililn. Cleveland. Iieiri.ll. .MIiiiii<n|iolls. 1104-


Ion, Indlnnniiolls, l'li:ingi>. Kansas I'Ky, ('[ii-

ciminti, I'lttshu.-gh, Atlanta, lliiffnio, St.

1,'iiils, Dallas, .Vew Orleans, Wnsliliigioii,

Itenver Los Aiigeli-H hail Francisco, SentlH,Oinahn. Halt Lake lily.

Ill Noi-('iiiiH>r,' llll'l. .Mr. Helzniek outlinednnd pinieil in oiierat!oii n profit sliiirliig

si'hiiiie hy whh'll every eiiuiloyei' of ll'.e Worldrilin (.'orporntlon Is pennllted to on rtllepn'o

In the pri-llts of the (oiniiany. 'rliis Is Ihofirst time In Ihe Mn'ory of aniiisemifit enter-prlicH Hull Hiicli a step has been taken.

Wlllilii sixty dnys uf the InHlitiitloii oftills plan prizes linvi' hem dlslrlhiiteil ani'ingKiii'iTHsfiil salesmen.

O. II., LOWELL, I|l<;AI>r.The Opern lleuse, l,<iwi>ll, .Mnss., will re-

open Fell. LI, under the iiiniiaueiaeiit iit Fell!.Lee, with a plctlin- iiolli-y, fi'S-liirlng one or'two Ivvo-pnrt iirodiicllnnH wi'ckly.

Wllllnm Tnylor Is In-nvlng big Hlirlis of re-

lief nt Ibe I'oneliislon of "The llluli Hand."Ill wlili'h Cnrlyle lllnckrwell In fi^itiireil, for

. thn I''av<«1te I'lnviTs. Wlint with thi> hnil

weather anil riilnki'S for various rensniiH, thoiiroiliictlon has iH-en niiicli longer than usual,lint a trlnl run shows tliat here Is nn ex-ei'fiilonol picture, worthy to follow "Thi- f'--'^





Prldav Evening, Pcb. U."nnck to tlic care nml lino of your lOTc"

and Hurry Swlfl, InborlnK iindor a xovcroculd,' TuUirocd to ]iLh llarlnm ImiiiiU liHt

iveck mill .iirlim'nl Hul l/oviiy tu cciihc IiU

euicrsMTiil 'TiO-riO" HoJournliiR /rom backWage to iJie from nml vice vcrna.A L'rcat big Mncoln'H lllrllulnv liouflo

"In" liy I'ljjbt liullH, iibovc KVonlnu; ODil thoHtlllliiuH nnd (iuiic and Arthur <ict and In-

criiiHi'if tho pace In (be two early spots onthi^ hill.

"Yoiitlifiir' JamrH Donovan nml "Cbic"Mnrle wore kdWib- half and halt with•Tlir .IhIu of WrlHhcH" filrl net. Hut only In

(!ic lIclitK unl In fnint of tlic boiinc did .I'lm

unil Marie split with the "Wlsliest" olTorlne.

Inside they lind. liowell nnd Ktrthor Drew i

"At the Drug Store" an tlieir clomwl coin-

ivtltor for appluuHe bonoru. with Krank J.

Kirk and company, In ""rbc Top Kloorl''riint," n near tliltxl.

Orr nnd Do Costa did veil, with IIolcDOrr's guud sluglnf of scntl-operallc ami pop-

' iilar uuinbers, and Uarry Dc CoBta'a fine plnnoHiicclulty. Mlsa Orr is one of thp dalntloitDingers, with a great big sweet tonod Tolcothat has shown bcrc In many wcvJih, and«'lth a wee Rwltch of sclootlODs, big' time Is

tliolr speed alwaye.Jim Dounran, "The Klog of Ireland." woi

glTen a Ktand reception af^cr bla "little

leauty" partner oncnod with a song anddance spcvlaltj. Tlioy have a punchy lineof talk and were a plenty biK bit.

I/ow.cU Drew la as olnver a light comedlantIn the part of drug Hlore clerk, sh ho iJstrong on <pcrsonallty nnd two Hinull feet, andiwlth pretty ICstber (o du a bit more thanmerely "feed,".' they arc always strong ta-vorlieS'Wlth tbelr "pharmacy of fun" act

Molly Lcvoy worked "two In one" to-nlKbtwitii the slldv:i, Hinging flrat "Hpark of Ijove,"nnd rllipailng big wHJi tbree repeats of "WblNc: BIrtg 'Wcarin' of the Oreen.'



JEFFERSON.The bill for Feb. 1M» Included Mldgely

and JCltun, In a Amedy net, with IJager doingthe silly kid, with Hinging and dancing, ablyasslstetl by Minn lOllon.

Iliown nnd McComiuck, acrobatic dancers,did wuU li llielr dIvorulllMl ••'.i. Includinga clever bandstand on the taolo and somagood tumbling and footwork."A Night. Ill tlie I'ikrk," -nith tlio two glrU

and live boys,. Including the drunk and itio

efTenilnate stout poirty. The frtrl In the honp-sklrt ' Hlarlcil the act, and tlio aloglug androiiiedy work were wHl rerelvod.

<'iijn.]ilicll and Itnrber did good straightbicycle tricks, and the comedy elemoiit wohulily liilrudiK'ed by the luirly with tbu funnyface, who UHed iniiiiy IiatH of dllTcrcnt de-signs, The upright wheeling, two ihlgli, wasa good Unl«h,

Joie Hauford, as the wblHtlIng hostler,started In with uurnc kuikI whlHllIng, thentold 11 few Jokex, and went Into R yodi'l mmv,for which he was oucored, and cauie backfur n good lullaby.

I'aull mid llyrne bnd a drop of an oldfanliloneil strei-t, and although the ladyworked witb a lamo foot, slio forgot about it

111 the dunce. The window coiiversallnn In-

cluded Homo clover material, anil tbc singingWUU a factor.

Hliorty llealey and Minn Adamn, In mill-toiy mnke-i»ii, with a gun' nnd a linHK <lrum,respertlvely, gave a comical drill uiid didother conMxly work with the drum uud tlia

gun. Shorty's peculiar construction madelaughH, CM usual.

Mile. Morscroau did one of those snakyiiand and fret dances, with uii lOgyptInn set-ting. Bhe WAR Id action all over, and dniillyputs to tbu BWurd King lUunuscs ur somesucb vernoii, and tlicu stabs herself anddupe acrous bis body. The act held closeeirentlon, iMorsercau danced In bare logs.

lirown. Dclmore and Urown bad a niceooonllglii Bcono an ii dock, and as an utncer,a castaway nml a snllur, ofTored several songH,Including "My It<iHnry" und n medley offiopulnr songs, alno nunc rKltutlons. Theyflnlalied In one, nlwnys In the dark.A Keystone comedy completed the bill, iliil.

Write or call."RIVIERA.

Revienti Thurtiay evening, Feh, U.TJiiooln'K IMnliidaT eve drrcm almost

many people as Cbrletimui «ve draws."

tile itlvemldc nnd "tjio Itlvlcra were 1™^,.,.-. r---. ...

'ilic thoatres are right ncit door to each and Illley Ilatcb

other, ond arc owned by tbe same mail, ^oi. nrooUlyn, w. Y.-T-Acadomy (F,


was perfectly sntlHtlcd.

"Tlic l-'unuicc Man" was an InitcrontInQ

Liibin comody-dmma, I'utlic i'rcrcB -Weeklybeld the attention.

l<N>ur Iti-iidlngs, 10 minutes, full stngc. TboFour Itcndlnga, In: "Fim In a Ojinnneruni," la

."Kdward Bco on cxceiitlonnilly stronj; gymnnntlc act. The...Ixwls B. Btone '>oyB arc all clover, and tbc eat slunild be

wortchcd. 'X*ey perform many dlOlcult fcuts;and were liked 1^ the audience. Four bows.

Julia lloooey, ten minutes, open In twoand close In one. Miss Itooncy'lias a rnthornoTel elDglng, playing and uonclnc: lUnglc.

Hhc Is a dnc looking ulrl who knows the artof wearing clothes. mIsh llooney would inakoan exceptionally good Ingenue for a show.6he III a blch kicker and ner danclns wusWell liked, tier Imltuttbn of J'at Itooney wasvery good. The moving iplcturcB, while sboIs nailng her changes. Is a good Idea. HerElano playing la good nnd her voice \» sweet,be Is a very nice single. Four bows."Justice," fifteen mlnntofl. In three, sketch.

Ti,- .^^^A «K„ .rvi... "Justlco"' provcd to bc On excellent sketch.Tho eccond of tho^plays^ fwujdod^opon^tiio ^ tju, of a boy ^o lias heart failure, and" . — - ~ "

jj ifrarncd that If ho becomes excited that hoKiW die. Ills father Is a well known lodge,and Is visited by the father of n girl whowill be tried on tbe morrow for tbe murderof ber bojby, who has been smothered todeath. The fatber cf the girl tells him thathe, In a flt of anger, took tbc locket, con-taining the motbors picture, away from thoKlrl. I'be Jodge looks Into the locket andgees his son's picture. Ue calls his son la,

and hH son admits that be -ruined the girland also accidentally smothered the baby.Just as .the ]utee to ahout to turn his souover to the jMlIce, tbc boy ladls dead fromheart failure. The acting of tbe son andfatber Is very good. Tbe acting of tbe Judgehelps to detract 'from the Interest - of tho

Five curtains.

MOHTAiiu (K<h\nid Trail, mgr.)—


will t«l>«i Feb: 22. wlUi "The Mlsleoilliig Lailj."

UnoiDWAY (IKTliert Awher. in?r. ) — FIskeO'llura, In "Jack's Itomonce." 16 anil week.".Sown Kcjs 'to Jtnldiinli.'" licit WM*Majfhtio (J. II. I'lerce,, nier.)


iflJwc°X%c«*'«*?.la7'\?'l].Vcc ac« tjSS^^'rmMlikT^yri^Si,' Ih^ ss evening. Jieb. 10, with « cast lncI;.d!nB nol-

Dm U J'ScVh ^rU ?e'^^l byT FfSd Zlm many people as Chrlstoas eve dmws. BoA bnK.k H nn, A artha Ilc(i™in T^ll^^^^^^

Snn Jr and' wilto^^^^^^ Ulven-ldc nnd 4dio Itlvlcra were packed^ fbaU, l-:iolEO„.iram.jTieral<;ln, David PoiVell

nlRlit, Feb. rj, wUli thU Vast: .""

"' -- " - -


JoKcpli Aimer ..llobcrt McWadoMrs. Henry J. BhenmiD Camilla (,'rume

(MI«H Ivkty Sbcrmon Isabel OoodrwlnKrltz llobcrt FischerJleiiry J. Slioraian James llradbury

WUIlmn KiuOiaU. . WlUlam Kel*bleyMnrln Mildred Morel*Mr. Caliper Ivnn BImpson•Scrgt. <;ru.>iby , . . . . .M.\yne LynlonIviJV Crandull.; .Marlon June Gcrson Currojl UcCouaaMr. Ilevnoltbt<'iipl. WoodMouse.Jnlmllir Klian. Mnccy UarlanMajor Oen. Ulr ticorgu Crnndnll,

Henry BtcphonsonM-iJor llluliop Ilonice I'oUock

Maid Cynlbla Latham'STKOl'SIS or BCENF.ltY.

Act I.—'I'he lobby of tho Hotel aplcndlde,Wnlerport tttreet. Tuesday Night. Act II.— Ijlbrnry la -the -Homo of Uie Oovcmor'Oeneral. Tburaday Afternoon. Act III.—Same Bccne aa Act II. Thurxdny iNlgbt.

TiuB—^August, 11114.

6CCNE—^'i'bo Jlock of (rlbmltoj'.

Btagod by FoHx lOdwarda.


UK yonr sense and have me write yonan Act. Sketch or Uonol i;ae tha.irlll bring vou the drillura

At>bKR BPEBTCEU TERIfK'S', 146a BjOAdwm^, Aew York Clly,'

Kollr, I<ing Tack Sam comriany. Fva Oirolon-jnck Dem-^aox and comirjny, Mnrion LIIIIi-OfIiIted cofnpany, Mlgnon/ Coalilay, Hanvey Bnd t>un-le^T, and Daaclng La Vara. .

Ui'siiWJCK (llcne<llct Illatt, mgr.)


noavortb'aii;n Cark>"UjpocTltcs" (pictures) this week.

Oi>era Oa. next week.l}% Ititn (I. Flucsclmnn, miT.)

—"ffg o' Mrncarl" tills week. "Tlie I.Uac Do-nlno" fi«;t

OaiNn (WlUlajn TlemKin, mgr.)—TTie QmTidOpera Iloune Stock Co.. li«d«l Iry JWlIb T«Ua-feiTo, In "Ilobcccn of Bonxtirook Farm.^' this

WH-k, "3o. .^^uch for So Sfiicli" n«t votk. .

OiTBTT iWlllinn Wootfolk, mgr.)—41Igh Clfc

Olrli this -woek.Star (M. J. Joyce, mgr.)—Qay 'WIiIowb thlj

week. '


KHriRFi (J. II. Ouriln. muf.) — flirls fromIlappylond thbj week. llasMnja" Dig Shtnr MIt^vcok.

Oahiho (nias. DiEdrla. mgr.)—Pulllea ot the

Day tlita nevk. Jleii Welcli'n Shaivjicxt we«k.Oarniou (Frtiik A. Qtruvl, mer.)—SOI IB-

SO: Mrs. LeslKi Carter and- coissaiiy, '\\'alt«r U.

iiOBPEcr (Win. Masiod, itigr.)—Dill week o(l.~: Frank KoRarty, Minnie Uupreo- anil CTiioinin,'"Neptune':! Cjnrden,'' "On llie School I'Ip.jiTounil.''Hot Oonlln.'^Iaa.-l Klxke 'I rlo. Chrl Ensliio, Cum-icli'gii and Gladflnga. aaJ Cbester's Do;,:.

C'iiB8C»NT (Edw. F. Kollly. msT.)-»'riie Crre-ff-nt Stock Co. present "TLe Yellow .Tlojtpl" iiii<v/«ek. "Wheie tbe Trail DWldCT" m-xi weeVGotdaW (raullne Boyle, mgr.)—The Ciitham

I'laytrs pieaent "Within the Law" this week"Tlie fltranger" next wwk.KsENBT's (Fratfk A. Keeney, mgr.)—Cartlnu-

noi Taudcvllle and nlctur<?«. 2III1 in-17: (JerileCarlyle and Her Klsbt Sweethctng, S|«s.iellDros.' and Hick, Hickman Broa. and cniniiaD]-,1>« Alarcy'B baboons; Dunclnff Bcennes. l-'or 18-20: "The 'Dopellend'ii Drejtn,^' "Town IIhiI MIi,-atiels," DUk -CroUua and, o'.i'l olbtrfealiitet.

OKann-niNT. Flatbosii, 'Wabwick, ."Siinaai!^

OLnifIC, CbLOIIBIA, COHDT. FOLLT, FirTH \VK-hVl, JONZS, LlBKaTT. Dijoo, Halsbt. Or.Dmir)and Fulton, Taado?lik> and pletarea.CmnmiaNn, Domin.o, lAmm, ilAoiaoN

OxroBO atul Botal. notkm pletnrci onlr.

proHont European War camo to N«w xork onthe above date.

It Is called "Inaldo the Lines," and Is thetiandlwork of tbc man wbo wrote tbtx clevernovel, "iBcvea Keys to Ilaldvate," wblcbQcorge M. Oohan turned Into a luige dta-nutlc success.


Mr. BIggere, aKbougb for several years adramatic critic for a Tloston nuwuiiaper, hasnuch to learn about stage teobnique. I^eroare aeveral woak spots In his play and beliUB mlHsnl aeveral oi>portu;iKles for dra-.

mtile atrengtb. Hut, oo tbe other band, habus given us an Intensely Interesting story,fuU Zt exeltencut and suspeUHc, witb a sen-aatlonail if Dot wholly unexpected twist to dt

at tlie end. Tlie story throws the audienceoil the scent continually, There are IhrlUsin plenty and the 'play Is not without a gen-erous amount of amualng Unas. A remark-nic feature about this nidlUury play Is Uietotal alMencc of iftiootlng.

The scenes aro all laid on tbe Bock otOlbrnltnr In AiiguHt of last year. The playiB, of counc, (pro-Engllsb, and vet tbe vll'



lain Is not o Oeriiiau, but 4 lUndoo. who a^„„ curtain, and whcr tbe light darkensliatca t*ie IlrltlHh becuiwe his fa.tlier, a rrluco f.„^ ^f tlie comparttnentB open and the todyof India, bos been reduced to poverty. le. „, ^ lomous star Is sliown with llui^ton'athe son. Is employed us servattt to Mojor- 5,^^^ jj^ u,cn Imhatcs the Btars, (he

Oovcrnor of jigt^s ore again Hwltchod and tlie curtainnmalna Ijilnet. Ills card rcods "by requost."Ho Is aeslBled <>y a very good looking woman.He KlniTR "Itoll On, IleaiitHful World, ItollOn," 'Tlppcmry" nr.d "CblnatoR-n." HobnltatPB Chauncey Olcott. J. W. Kelly, J.K. lOmniett, Harry I.audcr and Uacgle Cilne:Beven <)nws und two encores.

sketch."Ilia New Job," an EBssnav'twv icel com-

edy feature, presenting Charlie ClinpUn, tholata Kc/htonc star, 'ftie lUm Is very funny,olniough it Is a Ubtle dmivn out. _ _ _.

,Al. II. Ilurden's Itcvlew, Dftccn minutes, ueMs bctfore she was able to proceed wlUi tier

special drop In two. Al. II. Barden baa a eketcli. i'be can llsJ a b<ase in vjuJerllle anylenl novelty to offer vaudeville. He bas a

«9Ii1ps That In the Nlirlit"(Sketch).

10 VI!?.. TWO (BPKCIAI, SR.)Colonial (Feb. 8).—^Wilson MIxner imt Into

ttie vndervorlil again for ttala Taudrrllle -iiTcrln^.

He dag up a gem In Ita line for tbe two a myalso, and It sboald go along wlthoat trannlni;

Icet'Mg* for a great uoerse. Tlie "sblpa'' ire ;.i

,lh« form of some wonldbe crook, come poUeeman,iome street wilkor and eome man-about-tovTo.nie crook Ig discovtred going over tiling Insidea dellcatneen store (on tbe kywer East side ofI«nr York) by a "cop," and bi held at the pointct a, gun by aald "oop" fiom.ontalde tlie ^toie.

A third ".ship" (Lillian Dllworth) as a dcre>lct.baiilH-ns along, and thin a well gioomeil "jacbt,"In the man-aboot-tova. Thfr are called npon bythe "OOP" to •ummon aosUtance, and after mach

Charlotte 'Walker, In "The Ulffh*,,Hnve-llccn«."

palnce.—AuoUiw yandcvmc suir tnui erwted 'talJbig Tby «bc *omer 'l'> hope of tho cjjok'e mi-law WcdiHtday aflemcon, when the InltUl «p- 'K^" fS?*,T,1"

another blueroat and a plain

w7r.iicr la Tiudovlllc Charlotte W.lker ce- 'MtKs ^'bu I'' nrrlTfe. The store I^ entwed, bat

currcd. Miss Walkn- received aucb a loyal wel-^fl'"ll''!fj»?'tln« touched, tbc "ball" "boat." up the

rooM from her friends llmt It ivttB eeveral mo- ^ •auk "vlaln lo^nako more evlilenee. The crook's

Uoneral Sir Ucorgc £raDdall,"Tlie Uock." ^Among tbe solders arriving at "Tbe Rock"

is one \vliu culls MnweU Cuiptalu Woodhoiiue,of the Eugllsb SlgnaJ Corps, who, aucurdlugto his own £tory, came direct to Ulbralldrfrom I'^gypt . A drlnk-ernzod lOnellsbmau lu-

atonns tho Oovcrnor lihat Wooduuusc Is inreuUty a Ucnnan spy. Although not con-


time she cboows.Arthur Hopkins, who la leenonslble for ber ap-

-pesronce in TAwlerllle, und also fur the original

elcrine, ncleclcd an entertaining -little, playletcalled 'Itie Mlgbt-Uave-Ueens," by Uobcrt Sned-don. It te^lB a pretty stoiy about b couple been <uitt1c«1 fOr same ten years, and wbosre. without chlldrcji. The whole action of thepleco tokcs place before n fireplace eo .Trranaeil onthe Btagd 4fcjit M1b8 Walker and ber assistants

face tbe aiidlencn during the entire twenty nln-nti'H. While tbe young coupio are talking, cfv-hat mliht have been two "dream children"

, _ nr.'ke, their appearance, and after glvlnR both tomenob Ward, 15 minutes In one. Bob Waid, advice, doiinrt as tbcy mtpre<l froin nowhere. The

merltoTlons per-

'fbe two children parts were portrayed by lle?l-........ . . .pyj^m^n^ ^^fy ,jf

hare ever gncedthis stage, Joolr.

Joviil^fo blm^'VloWo^dee^w^^Jwenty^e'mln,it«,, open one tinj: closTTi; „,S%M"i'^S°«.^'*?al'

reveo-JB to iiim a plot to aesiroy soVLrai mr- three. Bpeclol drop set. Joele Flynn bos a tbe clerereet yoiueitcis thatIlali wui«lil ..s auehpred off (rlbraJtnr. Al very good minatrel net. All the glrlB In the'


Woodboiiee lias o do la to go to tlie signal art nrTvery good singers and dfitcers. -Rietower und wait here uuull be gets woi^ from got has heed rwlawod by Tub Ci.itpbb. fTbeythe Hindoo, and then give a certain signal, j,„n^. .-nufug itaetua' BaJftluM Bond,''

WoodhouBO leiives ami tho Hindoo pro- jJlphtUme In Mile," "I Want to <3o toccods to ruh the Ooycruor'B safe, but to caught TOflo," " Winter NJ»Mb," "I IMdn't Raise MyIn the not by June <iersop, a stronded Amer- noy to P,e a 8i>ldler;"^MllrtHgBn" and "Itan-

atory ot "after food for bis family" oal'S for longhtivatmeot from tlie ball, und unUl the girl, poalagas tbe wlfo of "the man about town," butts IntoIt all, lifts the gnu oil the handeuOM crook, anlbe (the thM) IB fotiBd mluns a shootliut Ironwhen aearcbed, the buabawl (7) slips the "bull"bds card, and, IkIik teimeiUtely rccosTtlted as a"Fifth Avenno Bwell." the "bull" cringes beforeMm and ataures him tbe thief will get ontall rlolit. The "girl" and "*he man" clOTe the•ct with Mm finding himself minus a watch, hot"In" the gun she lifted from the thief, and afterIhii ewapiilDg ot some articles, and hU slippingJier a yellow-baek, by ie<iuest—curtain. MlasDillwortb gave a eterling pertormanec' it theTCUb'ta-toagned nlgbt-^rowler, and her dellveiy ofthe slang comedy wea a success In Itself. l/Muardnolllster did well as the gentleman, and John J.Ward was very good aa the pUln-clotbes man.

-.i,u[.u.L.W'lillam Erietor was the thief, and Charles Bro-

Ihe husband Jowpb Kelly pla.ved parts of polleemen."

' A special "street and Hores^' drop, wlih tbedellcatesBen shop" baying a tranapareut wlu-Bbop" .

duw, makea a good acltlog. rod.

'J'<l"i?r"^' "L''1"''J} l''"". "y one of.tihe 4>Ie was clever, .The act

Jock Kraft n'bd IlewKle (Iroa (VodemEcoeutrlo Dancers).10 VIV,, rUt.L BTAOa

Hammerateln's.'— Jack Kraft and B<esIoOros.i oab-lsted by Arthur Krnns' Orchestra, were

"Tohlnc a Chance" (Sketoh).At the CoIunMa, New York, Feb. 14, thia act

woa preseatcd with one lady and three men. Areal eeute broker tried to swindle a girl out of(2,0(XI which she had depoclted on a llttle..dealand for which she had lost his receipt. He wb>

DRAMATIC STUDENTS Aa.The third performance given tills eenaon

t<y tho stuilentM uf the Anierlenn Academy ofDrainutlc Art and Kiiiiilre Hrnninllc Mcnooloccurrctl iit tho Kniplre on 'IMiundiiy iifter-

imuii, I'Vli. II. (»r llie lliri>e otrorliigM, llio

sCcoud, "Tho Wnlgiiiu," was Mic Jiuwl ain-bllloUH. It Is u driiJUii In two acts by I'aulllervleu. and IraiiHliited Into Kiigllsh byJuliet llnrrelt Itiiblee. It Is, di-Hiilte ItssliortnesH, InleiiNely liitermtliig iiail lias sev-eral drninutle pniielicH, but It eiiilH so iiliruptly1l.nt the aiiilli-iu'i- never leiiriiM wlinlher thohusbnud ilnis forgiven his faithless wife ornot.

All of the Tolrti v.'ero well played, oiul Inseveral eases tliuy tliuiinndMl vniiilhinnl net-lug. Those w^lii) Ihorouglily! ciirntMl IhelrniMihuuic were >Metn Ouiid and Anue Keiiilnl.

Aiiiuiiir thu men Uu> best work was done byJohn B. Wise, "who nmde no nilstake whenlie ehiHift the stage ns a profe.sslKii. AInn H.KdwiirdH was lUuo very good us Uiu wrongllllslillllll.

"To Kent, ^^lrnlHhc<l." which began Iboaftirnnon'R iH'rforiiiaiiees, wiih nn niuuNlngtrllle by Cora Maynard. The four stndeiitHeniployiMl In the vre.Henialliin of'tlie playletwere all clever. 'Pliey were Httu Mnnslleld, ayonng wimiaa of good stage preneiive; AlauK. Kdwiirds, Zuiila Curzuu and lOdmuud.H'Orsuy.

'riio liiHt offering was "A U>goiid of SaintNleliola^' by Ueulnli Marie IMi, who'wroto"Aerosa flic llorder." It wiAi written lurbyine and preBi'iite<l with no seeiiery. OnlyA pluali drui> was hung In the rear of thestage. Tlie pri>p« were earrle<l In na neediil.The pcrfomiani'u was well worth seeing.The pleeo Is' fall ot eoniedy nnd Is liloal for-college Iheiitrleal perfoniiaiit'es. 'Phe pliiversnil did well, and only lack of siiaee forlildsus dwelling nt length a|u<n Individualperfortnanee, but we must uieiillon Frletlalloberts, Florence 10. We«t«n. AArleiine linn-noil, Anna llrownliig, Keuuuth Loauo suil/aina Cnr/.mi.

Btondnrd (lUarry L. Cort, mgr.)

ScrtnKi-iit to ytuli'fiutu Is here for the final ret^foriiiniieeH of IJie vli'.v In New York. ThecojU]iany Inoludra : tJeorge I'ursoaH, CnrlotouMaey, MiirtUi I,. Alsop, Vuniell II. I'ratt,Rilgar Hnlstead. Jpsiidi Allen, Clamie Ilroiike,Roy Falrt-hlhl, John C. King, l')\-n Mae Fran-els, Jeniiette lliirliin, Ixireiia Atwiiod andJessie (Iralinm. Next .week, Sum llernurd. la"The Hollo of Jloiid St rent."ilronx Opvrn lIouH'r (Itleharti Mndilen.

bus. mgr.)

Tho Mlnlnnniw l.mlu Is heroHilH week. I'aiil DIekey, irtio. wlili CliiirleH(loddard, wrote the play, Is fivitnred. l-'riiii-

I'liie Ijirrliiiore Is the leading woinun. llolliplvu splendid iH-rfondaiu-ra. In the «>mviinvare: Albert .>^ai>kett, 'nionias F. Traeev, Allc'oWilson, IJraco llarlHiur, Daisy Ail'imv, jUllson'Bkliiner. Henry Stockbrldge, Fmnk t«vIvestor.Waller V. Itegaii, Slwvart ItulAiln.i uuiloIlKTH. Next week. Hose Melville. In "Siallopklnn." y

W«-Ml Kna—^IMie Jeswle Il<iiistello sloeklioil good biisliiess for its llrsl week. Forthis week, "Kitty MaeKay" la the nitrnclloii.

tool of Woodlinuses, for ahc makes no secretuf her deep Interest In him. She awakenslier liuMt nnd, when lie enters the room, theyaro both "covered" by the Hindoo's revolver.Ah lie holds tbem at toy the Hindoo tolc-

tihones Woiulbousc |hal the hour for thesignal has come; but Instead of tfolng to theittiwer, WooclhoiiHo «nteni tlio rooju andDJikos tliu Hindoo a prisoner. He then'proves his rank In tho Kugllsb Army and re-M-als his right name. Vhe play ends as boiKHMimcs eiigUL'od to KUsa Gerson, who hadfaith In Jilni, doHplte the fact that ho refusedto tell her anything about Muuclt or bisnilKslun,

iHiwls S. Rinne, whose acting I'n "Tlio Birdof I'urudlse" and lu "Thu Mlsleudlng I.udy"tHuinihMl liliu as nn actor of marked ability.Is featured In this play, and ns CaptainWooflhouMe, the lOngllnii scerot service onlcer,lie gave a pertonuaneo' marked with force,Hyiiipict'hy and dignity. In tlio llrat not,where be meets u (iemmn any, he spoke witha inllil Tuutoulc accenl^i^Tiirnietliial uf act-ing resembles that of \Vllllaia Ulllettc.

Noil 111 uetliig InniHirtnueo was Mncey liar-lan'.s work na the treuelicrous llluduo. Itwas clever noting by a clever actor.

Iviiii iilmpuoii. Olio of the best charactermiiMi on our aluge, made the smull role of thedrlnk-erazed Kngllshman stand out with moraproiiilneneo than iiurlial>s tho author liitendod,

Jume« Hradbury, who Is always u iileusuroto sec, hiul tho rolo of a stranded American,\vUluh he played Willi exquisite synnintli?nnd liiinior, Tho comedy linos fall to llrad-bury, and they *trc oil well "put over."

Ileury yividienson nuule a dlgnllled andcoiiiinnndliig ollleer as the (aovernor, andi\Iiirli<ii AlHiott ai:adc the e.barueter ot MsAiiierli'an wife n lovable one.

(Miss) Oiirroll MnComas hod few ni>pur.itunltles. A.s Jnue (lertiun, and the mnie may<io S.1I1I of the clever Itobert McWadc, wliolilnyed- the role ot a Oermun spy, and whowas not seen aflcr 4he llrst act. The othersdid well wUU the smull rules assigned theiu.


J..>a V«ij-r_.n."n~r'_"i.i .Ti " niatliiee. niise two young peoiile nrtseot a dltfer-

"hl^ lJ^ rocMvlng five orrtaln colls, tof. kind of a dancing nct,T2d tWlr appearance

..r ^'^ iJ^ fSterling comeito. md grace help to pot It over. Their iSa rork

rx)vu Triumphs" proved to be an Intereflic la cieellent. They danced the Uag One Step,Ing Lidiln drama. Uylet. tho UcellaUon and the eccentric Meadowbrook

. ^ , - . . . • V, , , i muviuuiu luu i~ui- /, J . , ... . „ ^ .Kmope the next day. A frierrt calli on

lean, wlbo la u guest at tlie Governor's home, clns the niuea AnraV" ttHp iweniTle rt<in«v»uros., oah-lsted by Arthur Krnos' Orchestra, were tfae broker to aecomjiany him to a dinner, and la>».... ... CTOg tne mues AWBjr,. «ie cocemTlc_aancc one o^ tho_blg bltson HammcTstcln's bill, Monday informed that the broker's stoti would arrive~

" " shortly. The broker's victim conec In nuan-iiAuaccd and pleads for tho retom of her mouer.De laughs st her. and orders her from th» room.Bbe leuves, hot retains and meets the friend, whotakes, her for the broker's sUter, and la iireatlyImpressed. Then tbe broker returns and denoonceeher Just as a man, presumably tbe girl's has-Loiid enters, gun In hand, nnd occofcs tbe girlof a njrtat'on with the broker. She eiplalna toher huaband that she Is there to get her moneybuck, and the broker, at pistol point, dellverathe money to her. She then discloses the factthot ahe fa not married und that the "lioabind" laa dotrctlve. Tbe friend <b (h^llghted that she Isnot married and proposes to see ber home. Thebeoker eecures the pistol, holds np the deteellve.tot the girl allns (he money to the friend andhe leaves with the detective, and the broker findsthe girl's bag empty. Folic! I

The oIa7let Is Interesting throngbout In actionand dialogue, and was well played. JflU.


A long thil will accomplish mora (or PERPETUAL PEACE than'illth'e

mllllonalro's mlllloni. Sing It to your chlldrin--t(ach them to ilng tt]

to their children, and then we'll have peace forever more


The most tallied of, most teniatlonal, noit tung song ever publlthedl

In hlitory- Extract from NEW YORK EVENING JOURNAL



Owing to' the bad weather, this theatrewas not crowded on Monday night, Keu. 15.The Vcnetlnn Trio, playing guitar nod

mandolin, wlbU songs, went over big audwere encored. Their songs ranged fromeraiid oucra to nigtlma

I'Mdrlilga and Ilurlow (irescnted a comedyeketch, untitled "Tbe Law," wlilcli received

Fox Trot, The latlor Is tletr Wg number, andthe Idea Is original. They civobloo aa eccentricocuntry dance with the Koi Trot, ami the resultIs giatlf^hig. They tccelvcil ecvch bows. il^Ir*.

Grace Lelffh and Trio (Songrs).15 HIN., TWO.

Colonial (Feb. 8).—Oracc Leigh, amlsted bya male alnglng trio (.Moore, O'Urlen and Oi.'uiack), scored a gr.-at lilg success nt tlila houseut tho crenlug.sliow, shore date. Wr. Oorraack

Heine Davlea (Sinffing),18 UIN., IN TWO.

HnxDmersteln's^nelne Pavles pnt aeroiBa very neat ringing act. She Is a vrr.\- pretty7Minf; lady, and la dainty. Her iiorsonullty andbM'UtlfuI volco helped to make ber s succcai.Her wardrobe Is tastily selected. The "I Want ToGo To Toklo" number wns put over In a truensun.col comedy manner. Hhe enters bi d Qelahadrawn .by a Japanese. Iter gown la eiqulalte.Tbe Jap slngB the second choma This Is anwcrllent niurber. She la .laelsted hy an aceom-paciet. She song "I net Married To-Day,""Sonlhan IJosrltallty" "When lie <3eta to NowTork What'II 'Xou Do?" and "Tfchlo." She hasa iJivel singing turn, nnd will probably haveno trouble to headline bills. Five bows and anen«>rc. Uvla.

Toby (Trnlnetl irfonkey).10 UIN., IN TUBEBj BFKCiab SETT.

HamnierHteln'ii.— Tohv, asslstnl by PaulPcdrlnl, iirecenied a» iicrobotle sketch, entitled"I^uD On e Buttleshlp." Almost the entire actIs tbe man. Tbe monkey, wbo Is billed the onlya fair reception. nrer,mi>anlnl nil hilt ' ntir. W,mi^' .V " ""e muD. iue monicey, wno is Diiiwi tne only

Keith'* noynl (nronx> (C. C. Egan,augr. )—ri'lilfi wivk's bljl liichidi>!): tlus Hil-

'Kiiixl's Now Souk Jteviie, Jlrnndon Uurst and<vniiiauiy, Ileury l.<<ivls^ Holmes and Itii-

eliaiiiin. Iai Ituy, r,vl4<iu nii<l n«ni)i:uvy, Moojroand Yuiiiig. nnd Harry l^iida.

Wnliark's (<;iias. Uurnham. mgr.)

Oriiuvllle llnrker presents tlila week, on al-tcrnnto evenings. "j\nilro»-le« nnd the Lion"nnd "The Man WIio .Marrli-d a Ihimb Wife"ns one bill, nnd "A Mld.winmer Night'sDreiim" nn another, ihe latter opening onTiii-sday evening. l-'el>. HI.

I'rnelur'M 5Slli iitreot.—I'.III n'liiouneedfor I'.-b. l.'i-ai Jiu-linles: l-'liwt linlf: l.'^ed(•rllliilis. Ilollv llollls. Silver nnd Ihival,llosH and tiverholt. .Mile. Tattle's lUrds, Onn-llolil aud I'arletoii, MInola Ilurat and herMldki-l. and tile Ormt IVllinni. Ijuit bnlif:Jwlln I'Mwnrds, Olins. nnd .Adelaide Wilson.I^ Valva Kranels and Jones. I'.nrtnn niidUiviMii. (;iiiil.VH Vance, Clark und Gloria andIlex's MarliHietlin.

l*r«otor'H llinth Street—Illll announcedfor 1-VIi, iri-:;0 Inelmles: half: Al. Uwi-liart, Juno Claire, IMek Thompson nnd coni->njiy, Al,_Wlld, l)i>ttio King, llernani and

oiiich oppreclaied.tlaston and DuprcU nlTerod magical tricks

and band ehadowv. The latter wero veryclever and dtssorvlng of cnmmcndiMJon.Snm Harris elicited a few laughs with lils

jokes and songeiLewis' dogs and monkeys gave a Una per-

formance.The fTOture flhn oHering wa.i Wilton

Lnekaye, In "The I'lt." (Xlicr pictures In-cluded A 'Keystone comedy, "Uiughlng (las,"

"An Attack'' (lOdl-(lad "An Invitation andsou.) Jimil.

Fopty-foarth Street (Carl Ilnnt. bus.mgr.)—llobcrt Manlell's rraiertolre Tor thisweek hn<i been arrnuKed as inllows: Mondnv,"Louis XI ;" Tuesday, "Merchant of 'Venice ';"'

Wednesday matinee, ''lUclielleu ;" Weducadnyovenlug, "Hamlet ;"

. ThurHday, "Othello'*(Mr. Mnntoll as laco) ; Friday, "Macbeth;"SlatunlRy matinee, ".Sleretinnt of 'Venice," undSaturday evening, "King I<cor."

I'rociop's :23d Street, — lUll nunnuncedfor Feh. l.''i-20 IncluiUw: First JiaU : JulialOdwards, Cook and llenncssy, la Fnlva,"Her First Case," Ghidvs 'Vance, .TtmmjIhinn, Four Ikineing Marlowes, diaries andAdel.slde Wilson, and l^'our Ttirnndoes. Ij1.1t

Night, l.ltilc Olrl, Omd-Klght." Wins lel^heboo'eu a half dotea stunning coatmnes, and wasIn good \oice. The three bc^s aro a corkUigtrio of sliicers, and put every nuinher they usedover In A So. 1 style. Iteforo a «iKtIjl, showy,black and white etrlii«l velvet drup, the "trto,"in cutaway salts, open with "I Woniler WlintMould Woi. Ti'll?" nnd are followed by MissU'lgb Joining tlio two aliigers (with resjiect toOinnack'i lolce) for "How Long Have Von BeenSIuitImI?" Moora had an Engllnh verslou oC"tlh. Sly Love" for No. 3. while Mlas l.clKh dls-ciiided a fiir-lrlmmcd. oM rose cloak nnd hnt. andacctmpanled by the on-lnwlra (to allow the trioto chnnKe to dress aultsi, Hiloe<I "You're a RoseTliat Will Never Die." With tb<» return of thoirlo "niere's Only One California for illne"Is Bung by them, und In niiotlicr purple anil oldroFe outfit, "' -


— Tho monkey goes thn<iw(h somehiuiun trlcta, some handaiirln^, and tlien Intothe Itlaley stunts. It Is novel, and will go over.The man lusnles a torpedo on his feet, and tbenonr-ounces that he \t1I1 supimrt a cannon, giin-ear-rlogo and luau. all In nil weighing 450 iiounJs,on- bla feet, lie fires olf the cannon, and a re-lease cctch releases flags, banneis and atrlpi.Good so>eltr net. Two bows. Uylct.

Kddle Howard (Comedy Tnmhler).C UIM., FULL STAOB.

HnmmrrBteln's«—IXoward bas a tctv goodTOutlne of tumbling, and come of his fe.lls arofunny. Ills make-op la good, bnt his comedyfalls short at times. With a little hmshing ophe would bo quite a bit, fOr he Is clever. He

. ... received three' bows. Jf^lea.outfit. MlBB I.elgh Kot back nfter Oormack's ~*~- m—^^^^m^— ^for doubing "TlKTe 11 CViine n Time," with '


k..,<;;fi. '•rL„.-» u-.i'i,""'!- VT.'".' 6; ;. "t WIneliesler, Silver and IhiVHj. (bill

nml-rJiK«.m»ni. .""t^^"I ^r"''*'.^^''1 ^'tewt.rt, tile S<iiig Doctors. La SHlle nnd

rj ^n^'l'./'*"'';*, •'""'^8 and lloymond, Cunlleldlnnd Carlcton, Os*o-Mon,.iiMioH, and Arthur llueston nnd eomj^y.- nud the fclusnera.


I-nst ^inlf : UrnI nnd dng. Holly llollls, JSkckand Maek, I-rauk Mniisfleld. (iwvnu andt.itaett, Ilosa and Overholt, Cnnut^ii's lUln-strels, liidier Trio. MorrLs, James, nnd com-'l>;iiiy. rralK nu*I Wdlllnms, oml lUvn Larseneointidiiv f

Iveltli'n Ilranz,—fTlic stock compnnv pro-mit "Alias JIminy Valentine" tills week.



Alhnmbra (r*rt Voiiiig. mgr.l—Thiswivk's Mil Includes : lllanehc Walsh and oom*nany, lilHUin Sh.inv. Jarrott ami Mamell,TOlla Holt Wnkeneld, Fisher and Qreco, Lti-

<'lllc nnd (>ockIe, (iren/t I.<vin cotnpany. JackTiiylor. nnd Wcshon asd Ouift

noulh (Wlihthmii ,\nie ; m""-.! — ""i heTrap'' will bc protluccd ttt this house FrMay


tho O'Dilen "party" of tlio tvlo. Tlie (Inlshuiiiiil4<r, "llogtlmo nail," had nrace anil O'Otlen»li4,'lnif, Miore on bnnjo. nnd Oimiacl: at piano.One of tho best vnndevllli? has oflercd. Tod.

Verne Boirera (Trlma Donnii),''

10 UIM., Ul-XN IN TUnS^ CLfSB I.N O.NB.'

TInmmentein's.—As, an latrodoctlon themaiiagenHiit utTertd the folloWlntr note:

Norn.—UIss Ilogers lost her cnfugtnneot In Lon-d<in owloj to being mleqooted and uilsTCiiteseatedIn a newHimiicr Interview on tho sabjfet of tbewar. Tills araevd consliler^ble diseuseton. UlsaItiMTS <sii|iliatleally ik'nlea tbe alleveil leoarkaattributed tu ber. She Is an .\inerlesu clrl. nu'li.viitral. >lr. Tlainiiiersteln U irivlnr ber a rqaara(ten! und oii|iorlunlty to continue In ber cbnscnlirnfe.sslon tn America.MiM lIOKcrs owns a volco ct good tooo and

i;ii:illly. Iier euunelalloii was very clear. Shesniii: a aelcctkin ot classical ami lluht songii,nr.d scan <iulte a hit. Slie should not take herl.i>wa In ac Inseiiloua n'.nnoer. She makes afMO alngle for a big time bill. Five bowa. Utilrt.


flee rage a.


OKU. FDliljEn OOUDXUIDied Feb. 17, isia

MaS:' Mauei. AnEr.rnia, wife cf Del Adslphla.the maglelnn. died ;n Toledo. O., J«n. 31, aiedfurty-flrc years. Uer bnstnnd, two looj and onedniichter Rurvlve her.

IlKMRT D. BEISCtnCBB, Wb. t.IIauht Koructt. Feb. 1.

IlaanEBT \V. Hthwabt, Feb, 1ftJohn A. Deh, Feb. n.IvurASETn Itui'TP, —


Hubt KiiLiKB PiCBnn, Feb. 0.K. 0. Van VALKiNosna, Feb. U.I.voop BsLUHO. Jau.- 2-1.





: 1 J >



DaiKlDK playod an in^nUnt part In tbo anco here this soMon, ami the crwwd wasprogram pKscntcd licro this wcok Out of a sure «laa to sec him I-M(llc-V dniuMnff wistouTl of nine acts., dx made danolnc a fca- tic pflnolpiil ronson for tlio nJt s,.}i.rc. A9 the patrons hero like danclnf It CflAIlLOTn.: WALK-IOIl nud CONir \.N^=Uidn't maie mooh dlffcronco.

. presented a new ukctch, cullllod "'riif MIclitTbc Ucaret-ScUB Weekly, with cventa o( Ho^vc lU'cns,--' aurt si-orcd a diehlnl

41m; past week, opened,


Kongs and dancing, were In nuiudcr one posl-

llou and bad little fault to find with theri-CfPtlon accorded thorn, JVoth bojn arecicvpr, and for a floale executed a limberdance tbAt got them plenty of applaose.

.TOIIN and WIJJXllH IIDNiNKSXffl. also•bowing a good dl8p^Dy of dancing, olcantdup Tlicy duvHcafed the suoccss recently ac-

corded them at an oprto^ bouse. The malamember does most all of the work, puttingvver a dance that mis a corker.

JOHN JAltROTT and VKRA MAXiWBLL.oubstltutod for Marie end Mary Uol'^Lrlani),

cave a domoastratloo ot the latest donees,and mndtt one of.tbe hits o( the bllL

lODDIE LtRONlAItlD and MiABEIUyD RUf)-gniX were the real hit gotters at tJic Mon-


„ JAMAIS C. MOftTON and KltANK F.MOOai'., re-urUtcil njjiilu aJltiT a year or moreseiMu-atlon. gave thpir old not, wlili some newoiiiterlal, and went over big. Mortun, n.i usual,do^ the bulk of tho work, ami (irlnclpollytnrou^b nls endeavors the act was a amallllot.

.VaTniH: prince nnd "jrM" llrcd up toWa UlUDg as one of tho grcntest voatrllo.iluJsU In Uic bufinrea. lUs Hne of tnlk Is"/ehf and Intcrostlup, and brought tho de-alrcd lauEha.NAN IrATiPBRIN, ono Of 'the cl.isalpst

single acts In Tamk-rillc, was called In Iutcto fill In Belle IJukcr's position, nnd wentb^ger than on her first appearance here aercral 'weeks ago.

JAtiKSOIN and MoLAlRnN. girtag an ex>gniX were thercal hit gotters at the Nton- kftlOon or wood cutUnir, closed the moUnee, The auficnce simply coul,dTj^t. .,„<i Ji^m the audience sjatlnl until tfie lliSSget enou«b at Eddie. It waa bis flrst n'pp.erfijv. of ttn-lr eiceUent performance. Joe*.


A great Mg sloiny, rainy nl^fht was Mon- g6o<l "slneJeday's, but nothwltlu-rtfindlnj; tlie wentlicr a


IM>od sized bouse wna in attend.incc to soo aL-rnat big "Vaudevlllo Jubilee" show that Is

headlined by UISNHIBTTA CROSMAN andher little company, offering "Tbou Shalt Notlean,"

I'^or applause bonors the VOLiUNTEISRS,Cecil Lean end Cleo Mayfleld, and Orace LaUiic ran in the order named. tSrcry audienceIs salonilng to this Volunteer turn, and wellthey may, boMi for the Idee of how it Is

1^-orked up and ithe lator good singing ofISIllT Cripps, Al. Rauh, Jerome Daley andFrod Lron. RAuh makos good fun as "theboob," but nearly pulled Bomcrthlng unu8ua.<Monday night.

CECIIi LEAN Is billed up in "hnge"on the program, "aBslated by Cico Mnyftcidand Jaracs Ullllngs." A solidly packed withfun'nnd xong eoleptalnment offering is theirs,tboiigli Miss Jfayfield's good looks and voicewarrant more type, than Is used on thoColonial menoa this week, 'Sbe wore a coupleof stunning gowns, and two odd but olfty"airalrs" in "wardrobe, while Lnan lookediwcll In a Prince Albert. They have ascleverly an arranged "rap." at (Tongs asvaudcvMIc could demand, while the "Gee,Hut We'll Soon Bo Married" one and cere-mony "bit" Is a strong finisher.

(rRAiCE) LA RUra 'was OD rather late(11.10), bnt cave her nsual fine TOlce displayand show of glittering gowns, singing "Ilove You So," "Thi^ Salutatdon of the Dmvn,""My Tango Dronm," "Uttlo Orey Home Inthn Weet,^' "When a Girl Leads tho band,"nnd danced enough to mako her the sajnc

- ..v^ • - T'-'i-iwIevllle" b(»fore rlo-tlnffwith "Dajiclng tho lllura Away" nnd drnR-glng off" tn-o hiiw lloral pli><-c<, pa-jsi-dticross the footllgbt.s. ClKirlcs (illirn Is MLsa

ea|>,TJ>le pliino acMminiuiist.'

STtrART IiArIs-ICS snug nnd lalki-U ontnotrlmouy much, showed up the Idioticlyri™ ot a once popular sonc. nnd (lalsbwlwltb a cbarncterlstlc nuniUor, ".SlnKlc"Unrncs Is as good as ever—Imt wn» "on"rather long Monday nl?ht nnd Uie edge wastaken off what was due him.PROF. OTA GYCI, the violinist, opening

tho second half of the show, srorcd woU withtwo eelcctlous tliat limuglit lilui bntk for aFhort euci>rc. Tlie professor has tlic rightIdea of giving "Jiwt enuf."JOU and I/iiW COOl'UH, the popular song

"writers, wore jiTen a nk-e reieptlon wln'oIbey came "on," offered half n catchyunmbere, and landed big going as they went

PLO. mWIN and COMPANY prosmtodJloss Irwin's one«ct comedy, "The J.ady ofthe Praaa," to eood rrflults rlslit after thoOARDINI'/R TRIO clc>:iniHl up n iirat suecofSwith th*ir qnlntotte of dances, and r>15W andSrOLUK IliJ.VriiNVl wcr,- In ttiHr over clovermo(Ml, mailing lau;^s oud dancing.FRFJD nod AiLIUORT, two ni.ilc Kymnnsts.

did seven minutes p<»«d stn-uirth work on llmrings, and wltjj Uielr "*lt" .work, fraturlnj;a "derrick" trie* for finish, and ttie Hcnrst-."iellc Weekly -took up seven mlnuces to hc-ghithe snow.

It w.ns 11.40 when the ROSK VALF-RIO•anXTKTTIO camo on to rUiHC the sliow withtheir Fpcedy work on tlic wire. Tod.

WbpTi the orchestra struck up t!io openin;.overture (he th'jatre was fairly well crowded.Unlike usual Monday matlncc audiences, tlicywere very demonstrative.The bill stuptcd off with a Iveytono com-

c<'y. "A Coat's Sale," but before the finishthe mm broke.LIGmNINO TOEBTON demonFtrated his

rapid druwbiK of pictures, and was well re-ceived. He drew a young lady, a beid ofGeorge Wasblngiton. a head of an Indian, andbis feature an original picture of tbo"Sinking of tho Titanic," showing the me-dianlcai effects in operation, tbe wirelessand the double explosion.

EDDII! HOWARD bad third place on thobill. His tumbling was liked. iNew Acts.)JACK RY^ and IIIAIUIY TIHIUNEY pre-

•rated their excellent ekiging and piano act,flDd were one of tlbe big hits of the Mil, ByanIs a good singer, and Hemey, the boy withthe personality, received a good deal of ap-plause ait -the piano. 'I'hey sang "NlehtlinoDpwi} In IMxleland." "All for t;he Love of aGirl," indodlne the patter chorus; "I Wantto Go to Tolcio;' "The Slowest Girl la Toim"onOfor encores they rendered "Pntlmaijnown" and a nerw one, "Don't Take My Dar-fog Boy Aiwny." Tlcmey's rendition ofuirollna, ' In & triple aocompanlment. was

«xcellentTiao LOniRAINiD and HATTIID (ftURKa

went over very nicely. They arc a cleverteam, and are well matched. They have niceTolCM. Miss Burks has a -wardrobe that wasenvied by many -women In the audience. Tlieysang; "I Want to Ungcr," "Oa the 6.15,''n. solo by Milas Burks, 'ttome In My Pctvlanharden." l*ey danced tho hesitation, and asan encore offered a comblnatAon plgoon -walk*hd fox ti-ot. Their one-step wns very pretty.PDiaND ttOGElRS recoivcd quite a hand oa

her appearance. Her act -wns pretty. (NewActs.


MIMM>N POLLOCK AND COSIPAiNT pre-sented • new- coanedy sketch by George Ado..


octlDcxl "Speaking to Father." T'janks tov.r. I'ollork aud Fred Urndbury, tho cuuiedywas put over In a first class mauuer. Pol-lock is a very clover character actor, n:id biswork as Uie old plckla manufacturer andIrate fntlier wns e.xcelleut. llradbiiry :nii(lua very good Juv(<nlle. Anita Allen wns g""'!OS tho daughter, and Kd. 3, Thompeuu wasliked as tho profcxsor.A "Dertlovyctto" opened ftfter Intermis-

sion, It showed the -well known artist andcartx>onl3t off to great adantoge, ond shouldinnke a very good opener or closer on a bigtime MILIllUNH FRANKLIN nnd DDRTO-V OREEN

were absolutely tho blegost riots that ha,-oappeared at tho "Comer" for ninny weeX:iMiss Frjnklln's wonderful pcrsonollly nndsweat smile completely captivated tho house.Her songs arc all new, and arc better. Ifpoetble.' ilian any nho has used so far. She.•dnra "Toeso Are tho Good Old noys," '"riieI'ollcewuu'on," "Nobody's Baby," "AllWrong" and "Say, What's tho Men?" Korencores slio offei-c<l two or her old successes,"I Want to Ih! a Janitor's Child" and -"riioWaitresa from Chllda'. Restalimnt." .Mr.Green offered during one of Miss Irene'schongos, the dnsgcr dance from Victor lli-r-

fcert'a cjjcra ''NntonKi." It Is o remark-able piece, and was capitally rendered.

IIOUV and LHH, the Hebrew parodists,-Boro iin Immense lilt. The boys luive soiU'inew talk' that Is very funny. Their parodieshave some exceptloiHilly comical lines. Theysung l)ariidles on "1 Didn't Kalse Mv Hoy, toHo a Suldler." "IHgh Cost ot Ix)Vlng,'' "Ynu'reHere nnd I'm Hi-re," "When You Wore aTulip" Mild "Carolina."

A'.MI-TrA presented her mirror spectaele nndtho net wns enjoyed. Her butterlly. serpeu-tlna and scarf dances were benutlfiil. It Is

a novelty act and can hold any position ona em.

Patbo Prcres' Weekly, an lutorcstlng sec-tion, cln.sod the bill. Sti/le>.


The world-famous Composer-Entertainer, whose name on any ballad Is more eloquentthan anything we might say In praise of It, is at present dellghtlnK thousands of peopleweekly in the best Vaudevlllo Theatres of the Country His new ballad I

IN THE GARDEN OF THE GODSIs a sensation at every performance. The lyric by J. KEIRN BRENNAN has a beautifulromantic love theme, in fact, this eong has all the earmarks of a second •^TILL THESANDS OF THE DESERT GROW COLD.'^ It's -already going big and has one of those{amous, typical 12-8 refrains with a "pistol-shot" climax that ilnga olefer and true andtattles the hearer Into enthusiasm.

In addition to the above, Mr. Ball is aiso using:


MOTHER MACHREELyric by RIDA JOHNSON YOUNG. Acknowledged by all to be the greatest Irish Balladof modern tlmps, Originally sung by CHAUNCEY OLCOTT-then by the famous Irish

Tenor, JOHN McCORMACK, and now in tho rppertolre of almost every singer in theEnglish-speaking world.

la all the flowers of Ball's melodious garden, this one is an "Everlastlog.'* It

B0ither fades nor can it die. •

AFTER THE ROSES HAVE FADED AWAYLyric by BESSIE BUCHANAN. This little song is the latest from the fertile brain of this

celebrated composer. -Without doubt It is one of the most sympathetic melodies he hasever penned. Mr. Ball shows his grip hero onjustwhat the great, big song-loving public wants. I

WHEN TRISf EM IE IIILINGAnother CHAXJNCTY OLCOTT song that is now running even ''Mother Machree" a close

second tor popularity. These four songs are so entirely different in style, sentiment anamelody they could all be sung In the same act without in the least conflicting.



IMPORTANT NOTICE!!!-ON OR ABOUTMARCH 1. OUR UPTOWN PROFES-SIONAL ROOMS Win be located at 1660 BROAD-WAY, lust a few feet south of the Palace Theatre.


„„f*'py weather aeonis to be the best pro- who plajs the part of the detecllvr' nnd Is

oJ!iP IS? doctor cou hi prescribe for bho tho last to be cnuclit, Is vury Kood. 'llhe

,•1 ??« tneaitre -was crowded Mondny hljht, otherH hardty twss. The plot Is iinhiuc. Thn-i-leo. IIS, and Cborlcs I'otBdam's fcice washemming wlBh smiles. Kverythlng from sinR^?£.,"> MTObaticB -wns presented, and, on tho

wfiole, it was a good bill.

..'"LLB. BUaSB'S DOGS, ten minutes, full •— -v — .. - .j

stage. Tbo trained troupe of dogs opened tho burglary. Tlio -n-arden flniilly conls themsnow, and -they proved to be a good appetizer, dtnvn nnd leuds them to bed. Three curtiilnrne dogs perform many tricks tlint must have cnll.s.

!.>«„ "ni*"'^ '™'''- ""'e ImltaUon of A Koyntono comedy, "nogan, the Porter,"

f^hnn» Jf"°'L Salome dancer, was roHcvnl the monotony of IniernilsMlon

o.™. - .^tlIItI•UY ond rOlJEY. ten mlDUtgs,Rl'TA EBDMOND, ten minutes, in ona "~ "

men. try to rob a safe liliat coiitjiins !:,'l,Uili)

given by a Mr. IlAi.'tsell. They biiinjlo the Jul),

v.-ltli many comlcnl situations, and It turnsout tlint thi> place Is an Insane iiaultarlumnod thu three are Insane on the siihjmt of

MISS Bedmond la * typical prima donna typooi a woman. She lias a - nice voice anda aharnilDg personality. One bad fwituro oftlie act was that she wore an Oriental cos-tiane to slog a popular bnllnil. niat can»ni ^

,overcome, and then Miss Itedmond

will rank with the best womeu singles onJ.OOW a Circuit. She sang "Tlppernry Mary,"A,","?.? n.I'lttle Spark of Uivc Still Burn-ing. "1 Didn't Italse .My Boy to lie a Sol-llcr, and for an.encore, "The Violin Mr."ifind-daddy Made." She received fourbows and an encore,

„ TOUtt MUSICAL AVOIAjaS. Ofteen rolnrutes, in one. Hero la one ot the bout lylo-

aela on either circuit, The two menana n-omen combine lo harmony and presenta rattling good act. Hie bloude -woman liasa good voice. They rendered gome classicaland potpular numbers. 'Tbo Avollo March"IS a very pretty piece nnd -was olTcrcJ as an

on encore.DL W ITT and STirAaiT, eight minutes, Inone. Shorty, Ue Witt and l-'ranklo Stmrtnli ^^IX cnjoyahic singing nnd dancing.^' ,5^" Stuart I.S a very good dancer, butsnoi id not Bttemrit singing. -Shorty U ii

. . in one.The boys arc proteges of Kred Primrose, nndprcseot a neat slngfng and dancing act. Theyarc good' dancers, and dance everything fromsoft shoe to buck -wlngligr. Koiir Ikitwh.

^3DI) NIOSrOIl and 1118 N1M5 SW13KT-IIUAItl'?!; Iirteen minutes, in three. Theiiilnrlaturi.' niustlcal comedy proved to he agood tabloid. It Is purelv nnd simply a «;oodg^rl act wltli plenty of comical idtuatdoiuitbrarwa In. Ned N'estor lias a good voice nndmakes a clevvr light Juvenile comcdtlao. IIIh

prima donna has n beautiful voice. Tlio girlsare all good looking ond are excellent dnn-eers. The co.Htumeg aru priitty, and tho Co-lonlni numlivr -went over big. Nestor l9 asweet y'odler. Uhls is n very pm.bty aot andmill make a floe hendllnrr for Iakw houHeit.Tbclr mutflc Is tuneful; nnd tbo la!:t nuniliorIs catchy. Mvo curtain calls.


nATD.V, nURTIN nnd riAYDI^, twelveminutes. In one. This Is -prnctlcally the oldsure-flre net of Ilaydn and Iturtln, with anextra diarncter thrown In. Tho act willnlwnys go big bccnuse of tbo fuooy autics ofIlaydn and the m.ignetic personality of .Misslinrtln. Haydn's story of an Ungllshmnoexplaining a haitoball gnme will never griiwold nnd la bdunrl to rccelre mnny laughs.

,™.|M. WITMARK & SONSAL. COOK, Prol. Mor.



Randolph Sl,,^ Chicago; l.lir

row oumLEv,. Msr,

and they could open any b\g -time bill. Thecomedy of the n.ssUlant Is guud. Kour bows.

"rh'e lOiiiliills of Klahie" closed the show.The eighth I'plmKic, "Tlio Hidden 'Voice." al-though lnter<«iliig, 'wua not as thrilling aathe precrdln-.; ones. This Is tast becoming alecognl/cd drawing attrax:tlon In the tlica-

tres. Unlet.


(Upcrlat icfrs to TiU OLirrii, yeb. t!.)

Mnjt-Hllo (Lyman B. Olover, mffr.)—OapadtrN>uM> .Slmiday outlnw, aixl cxceiillnnnlly wi-ll

Iiilnn<-<^1 till throughout Tho Mni:le.v«, In anorlKbinl lU'im rvvue; Shlrll lUrcs nail ll«ii liar-

rl»in. In cierer bits ct sodim; John II. Oiinlimpnil coiii'.mn/ iimciitcd "Kslfflt and Dtj ," -llHrrr

Twhc nn<l lliilictic, "In VaoderllW:" JnhonrJiihiiwjn niKl oiniiinny. hi firce, "Tnlring ThliiniI^iipy:" .Mike Urnianl. raKtlme planlni. ssalsu-il

lij- Iliiny .Sj-lics. In character «oiii,"i; Mr. iinil

Mrs. Uiirloc Or llnvpn prewnlcil dirtatlon. In fourKfnn, cnlltlcl "Thp Mnstwr 'I'rovuiu, Thilln-

iKt o-'^'.-nirlc ; Jchhu I.. I.nxlijr'n "'mrce BriutirulTyim " Next »-<vk : Cnnillim Wlille, Ttoby Oluuiln

niHl comivny, Itrrt I'lizirllOain. tilsmond and nirn-I nn, Ann 'Trnriker i>inl c-<Hii()nny, Oolllns imlIlprt, liumlijim and Irwlit, .Mary Dorr, Two Al-/nnlji.

I'niace Maalc IIqII (Mort IT. aincer, our.)—;T/nnie ni,d iii«i>n>cliitlvo ouillcnce Monnsj fU'f'inon. J"l anil Elhel Dwil.-r, Inlo of Hurryl.dnUiT ,^hi)M- ; Clilof OiuikMIcuii, Intlhii nruior,Inlkc'l .mil muiR ninKs: Uiui Claytiin inil li<<r

I'loyrrs. In Iinniaii liilcri-Ht comrily, **Mllk nofn'VrmoM. In widli anil vkilln: W. C. FU'Ma, Hllrntl-.uriK.rlHt ; I>*rnnk North unil rompaiiy. In "IlucV;ti> Wf'llln^tcn ;" npsski Clayton, nuiiiiorlcil brI.iFior .Siic(*haa nnd "FairfniB Oloytoii y4'Xtetto."In (Innccs of yeHteiday. to-day auU to-moirow;I'ATt Krroll. Tvllh voico anti gowns. In lmp?r.nnintluiiit; I'lvo MeliclllH. with MylrrKler Hr\-zvIIIh. non>lMitlc wonriera. Nozt tvc«k : loaC'liilrc, Kllciiliclli Murray, Ctinrli-M R. Kva'ii^ milcODiiinny, llw .Marrvloas Mauobiirlans, Itnrl'anTiami Vurii'lr, Mulleu ud Otxxjnn, Inuied, Trrvllt'iiiL'Dlnry cmilm-if.

BIcVlckrr'* (J. 0. Eurch, oir.)—Joe W«lrti,,^chllMni,' nnil King, Itryan Hniiiitor anil comiianj.Owk an<l l^llh«rt, Dig Jlio, l..-iur('i>4 Trlu. Jobn-son and Ik-an, UoMiy anil Dale, Von Oello, TomUrantfnril,Oreot Ntirtherii lllppodrouie (K. O.

KbtTla, DTjr.)—Bil. Ileyasnl anil coaipany. la

"lllcknlll<- :" Okwohl and Jaruliraii. mciioniualraloinii-Jy : E«rt tik«i>ard aiMl cwaiianr, Aoirtrallsawhlii klnt; MnmfunI anil Tbuni:iwn, o/uwly;Arrlal Macks, Nrhinoo and Ilarlry, Kinoivnn no»-< llyj Frank Alarkley, t>nn>>l>it ; "Piiicv of theOitlos," lerpsktaoreao norvlly: Wliioni WInlen,'Tbe Obcer Up Olrl;" Hmenmi and Ilaldvln,comedy jugcllng; Uamoi and Itolilnnm, cmv-illnns; thi> IlanilalU, "Hcrcnteen Mlnnlin In Ari-zona Thtcp llarrcy Olrlj, cr/uu^ly riiii,-«; H.>j.mour gad Itoblnaup. In "Ite Mint and the Mlaor."

THE FOGARHJUBILELA wiuTrnlr for thu twcnty-llflh annlvcrnnry nf

ri'uiik Koi;iirty*a flrit alni:i> Hii|M>araitciT lian lifH'ri

luMii'il liy lliir co<nml(l«i' iif arrniuffnii-nln for lh«Jiillli« during hia iiufiiifi'inent at tho I'rfm|i4-ct.

llnHiiiijii ihia woi-k. Hill clUbwiH ot llniolilyn an-reprtiiontvit tty mnny prnrnliu'ui iih-ii In tlu< bnnl-,

IICK9. ulUcial anil (In-alrlcal llnm of Ihp tMmniuh.The ha#iiM't at HIlHlM-e'H, .^ronllB7 nU'lit, in, wniin-ll alTeaiMil, and Uio «ntlr<> wm-Ii pniniliwa lo Imone I>Ik hurrah' fur tho iMifnilnr (Ihlcf of Ilia

White noiK, wlmllntf op with n Hciuiiiht at thnWhile llat'a Oluh llofiw K-cinlny iil';lil.

"iniatnrc CaarlcR Chnplin, the famous mov- The singing of Mlis Burtin was a|>proclated.'"K Pleture comedian. IIo Is very funny, Thn other Ilaydn can almont make an acror-nna knows how and -when to get his laughs, dion talk, nnd, combined -with his piano play-"18 -convcrs-jtlon number wns good, l-'our lag, he makes a valuable asset lo thn act.""wB. ami OS an encore they did a soft ahoc T!ie dnnrlug was good. Six bowH nnd an^''"J.f^ceiitrlc dance. cacnre.

MiYeT,F3IWOUS .Mil. ftUBSHW,." flfteen ORKOOmE nnd DMnXA, ten minutes, full™«nutoe, in three. With hotter actont, witJll Btnge. This -lii a Juggling act that Ig tare,^e etcopaoti, and a little more elahomtion Instead of higgling halls, Indian clubs andon the plot, this sketch would round oot Into hata. they Jiigglo heavy pieces of furnlturo

Tei7 comdcri playlet Tbo joaog ttUm on tadr OMdg. Tho act Is well (tctformod

THE COLDMniA COXCIEnT,Tbe Mil fur 14 was great. Hhlelils and Doten,

a doablo croballo and npinc act tij Ouwhoynnd IiHllan. la full of miriirlM-s. Tli? SlarkniI<rt>lhers, using a mlnalnl purado ilriiv. play cor-net. IrvinLuuc and 'n-llo. ami nav aliiipi mil. Tlicyliolab .Willi th« '"mvalori;" iluet. Takintclirlicv wi-nt well (m-o Nrw Acts). Tilly luifenpfcs cIpTcr Imltalluaa uf iiiiwlral bigtruiDtuta,etc. dun EdwanIs' Kid Knliar«t H-nn tbrre InHa nillrcly. OoaUi-j. Ilanvcy ami I>iinlcT;,tiie njliiatrol mokcM. In full ilri-x nnd lilorkfacr,aang. diincvd. jokvil anil lnii;:lii'<I u (<i lilg llinr.

I'Mller and llartn-rll ha<I a giaxl aiTuhatlc net,Inrlnillng the barrel trlrlc. Illlly "Hr.'.Mc" Hallmade laiijchs wllh hiD IrMi IIMd.r. Ihe OilmanDude and the TouiL (Joy. Iinilhi-r nf the Acin-Mi.very clncrly, wrll aa>lHii«l hy hla Im'.y inrt-nrr. TTic Volimlcr™ Qunrlet, rrcrult^ from lYir

audience, and alafir bands in llie "vitrs," waaTell put on, and bnramalsra f.-iw)lently.

"FnEDALIIfB MUNTOOHBRY 8TOWB."The shore Is tb«f name «-k-ctM] tvr Krnl A.

Alone's neir haby girl. It Ih a rucoblnatlon ofFmi Kim», tin. Stooe (Allege Oriter) and DareUODigaaiacj.

Tiir M;Kf<:> .niiow.W. A. ^noTolanit lii IxpiklMK iiml ruullnii llarr/ Itcnl Illpiioilroulo WliiU'r C'lrnis niid

'I tiiliioil AiilniAl Hhvw. It roiinlHlH uf hvn rurl(..ida of \i|li1 ant donM-nlV niiliitulif. Im-liiilliiu

honim anil |>onles, parnphcniullii and |Kople, .andiiioi:y iitlipt hig fentiin-rt on Ihr* iiri>cr.ini. Mlli-.

I'lYfiyirH mixoil griMip ot trnlin-d liiiiia, IropnrdR,iMinlliors OMl tigi'ra. Tin* MIclpi-rt HIhIpth- iPiiiIiIo

hurt-back Tlilern, Ali-x ^fll'lli-rt, rlnu-mnat'-r ; Ilrir-

llrii-'a aevi-n ))onli'a, IwelTo itauM, ar.d thrc*rlillntc Inonl-evH ; rryer'ii upvi-a r.niHily nrr<ilHiili-.

wmlling nnd rolli-r aknlliii; iH-nrn; tin- I'mri-ll

TniBiKJ of (Iglil wirii gyninnatH, nrrniuitH. ni. ..

Ircelher wllli '"I'hK OonliBt nf lh<i tlinfna." .md•Ix olbiT lilg realnre nnli.

4 »i%"rtioi>iicfv«; yKW mono,

rifflm ltiK-In-Hi(T, tliij doiilili'-vulccl nlngiT, ti In-tru>:ucbiii H iH'w Iletiilan rvlli-f mmt: at (be i)r-

iiliMim, Mnnlri-nl, this week. Irvlni; Uerlbi wruloIt <<i-|i<<clnllr fiir Iu>r.


Ofrlntdo Alter, fomwiy <tsnitx;ilto wlili itM PVMirro( li-ty nirln act, Is frsmlnif vp a ^'ulutd'-." Eur <iii

«iirly afadwlog.'

riTTBniinaii notids, ^Pl.iTTIiniK(i notes linvf Ib-^h glv4»ii Ihe work ef

thr> clMinia with Jnck llohl'it SUmv. by Ih* local

pn'«a. Much nf tho i-n-illl la-lnit <lui- frtHldl* Olark,wlii» la lull ling ou tht* iiiiintKTH- lii hia uiiiil at^r-


A. riiNiiiM nci.i. ANii Wilms I1aM„ who fnr

rnrn win- atnmlliyH wllli .lin k livid, r.-lll plar fihe adiird fi'alur«' ilurhij lln- >vi-«'k nf KHi. IB.'J'i.

JIiilli hiiya aro clever, mid pn H'iil ii rli-nii cnt ni-t.

WicKUaN ANI> WiNTtu wi-ji- ilip cirnii-iip ai-l

at IIh- I'.nipln- InKi wi«'k. »iii>rii iliey pn-ariilxd

an <rl full uf uriri-ltli'n. and i-iiK-rlnliii-d In innny

w-ay«. 'Hie aot In iimily iln>HM«l, atul iltn dlvi>r-

aliiii ciivi-ra clay nii>l<'lluK. iIiikImu. Inlkliik, lUii-

i-lng. ami Mlaa Wnli-r In a iiinrvi-lnini i-ililldthni

of Htri-iiuHi and p1i>-tMHl pnnvrHti. 'tin- act Wrtit

l-lK, ^iid liuvi- a iiiiiiilH-r nf K"i*I 'i(Tri-ji for tlilk


'I'liK bill at Ihn Hhi>r|,tiin last wim-k iviw Ihp lost

of ilii- Hi-ii'.'-n, iiiid i-nriiili'd i:Biin"liy.,nii'l<i'iii-»« at

cirry |«-i fiiriiianr*\ IIi-hIi-iI liy "Tin' ll.irlielor

IHiiiiT," II wcll-liiibiii'- -'I hill AVnH |irr"i'iiliil.

'I'liK v/,-i-kly •Iniii'liitj i-i-iil<-Htii lii-liii, Ill-Id al llm

Mltrx Tlii'dlri- ari* 'Irii-vhiii llii- rr<iit U, .iiid iiiit^-li

giMiil nnlun-il riviilry r^,i'ia niiiMiii^ tin- li-i|,h,-?iiir.

rrll nrttali* nf this i-^ly. uliii vln wlH' i-.n-li oMi^rflip l.iiiiiirri. Tli'i Mi-i Iri vi'Py jiii'iiliir -iiid will

lir ciiiillniii-il hiilfllnll'-l.--.

Tiis N'riy Mniii'^Ni-ii Tlii'nir-. .Mi ii—ri-ii. I'a..

i.riiliT III I iilihi iiiniiil-^' III nf |Hi|> .\Ianri;-'r

I'lirliili, I'.iillniirH iliiliu -i Iliu- Iih-iImi-.i-i'. Mi*. I'lir-

tiiu la M|ri'rliill7.lii:r Mil ifiMj.l liiirli--.i|iii' kIhiivi wIjItIi

art* wpll'pniniiilxiil ninl iifT'inl a pi'il Ti'liirii.

I'HAiif.Kri llnMi.Rii, fiiriiM-rly n i-,-ii-'i uliii p,-v

<*ral KiHii-rn wlu'td nliriii'llnnM. mnl iiinri* ri-ri-iillv

iiirtsil Willi 'tliii;i<iilM<<-k-U'nllni'i* I'tri'ii", N imw In

iniiililulii i-hnrgi' nf Mil* IiIIIIim; fur lln- A'*ndi-iiiy of.MiiKic, and ini-vllmr' wlili mn- i- Olmrli-v la

vi*ry ii'qiuliir. nnd ulri-^ atrli-l nlU'llllon l«> laisl-

lima, am! u-ltli lila wivoral asabilanta, ix^ti-t* avorhl of U*rrlli»r/.

AT LIBERTY-Feb. 15--For Balance off Season


Af«, 1>. Iltlght, 6 fL la Kxperleneed,AddrcM UONAI.U UAK Kit, caro 11, II. Doony, Ueadrllle, Pa.


(Can Direct, If dcnlrcd^ AiMrcsH Caro of \AH WKK A KATOM CO., OInb TUcfttro, Joplln, Mo.




:iMTOpeni /pril ig,

IfeBTy^Hsn, People In All l.liics, with Bpcclallk-s proforrod. -JVinchoarsatn April 10. Wsntstrong flinging and Dancing floabrcllo, U-ndlug Woman,

' '"uuay all; Hrst linsH nrcoinninila-""Vh* NYB, Murlotui, Ohio.Uons,auo ootnu Haliirlcs riiiiHt \n> low.

WANTED- 'U^ninAlll^ rCUri^C Kow organizing for Hpring nml Hunum-r. Imnin-dlaUi, Hualcal Cnmody rrliii;lpiils for Talia. Tony Uhnnis Girls who can "lilt iho ball" ami lend ii iiiiiImts.

lf;\NA(IKlUl—Wlro ino wlif;ii you wunl I'copln of nny kind (iiiick, I (111 nil ordnni haiiio day rei.i!lvi.'d,

NostalllDghoro. Al. MAKINlt«JN'H UllAHATIO k Mb'MICAI. KXCIIANUK,loth flnccCRHfiil Year—llZ.'i Grand Avu., Hniisas City, Uo luth BucuoHnfiil yeur.

BEPKaTOIBB. KKperlcnred—all lilies. Those doing Hpoclnltlcs given priferenrc. Canablllty,fond appcaruncs necessary. riunol'luyor,iusla nr feiaHln, to donhlu abigc-. WccksbindH. Bunci iiliotoa

and Btato lowcAt salary. OOllflKll, 14oa Droudwuy, ll*iw Hotu.


lUlrer HIren, tm; Orlcntnl DanceOutnc, tza; Diamond Ureas; 4 HcaaonH: Queen of Mglit; (Inddcu of (lold;

Oorgooos Owtumea; Olltter llrix-.ade Work; fttrnng Ni:w I.silv AcIh; I'oMn Outfit, tlf>; Herpuiilliiu White8Uk ana, fa; W Ucrp. ur 1'umi Ulldts, fio; big bargain, PBOF. BIfIfBLDH, IMT IJroadway, M. Y.





ProTldence, R. I^OpW* nnto (Felix

'n'oiiritliKborer, mgr.) 'TUc IJInc Domino' Feb,

*KEiTii'H (ObM. LOTOKlicrit, mgr.)—lilll lG-20:

Vnlwka Sumtl anil coiuimiiy. Wpc (Jwiglc Wooil,

VA. Miirioij. Ilurr "ml llup''. IWnaliuo anil Slirw-

iiri. Van Ilovou, Uajillalc and Krnnwjiil, oiiil the

<;..i>iNiAi, (A. II. Sl>lnk, .mi,T.)—The ,0>lonl«'

Kuril <>)., miiiiionlnif ll'»e Mnry Klna, In Tlic

Mnncr," 15-20. ,r on inF.Miar (.Martin Tonhoy. BKtr.)—Bill 10-20 In-

diiiU-B: - Anily UIre, Inring CiMiiwr, Kto I rout,

.Mr. unil MrK. Iluuli Kmm.'lt. and the Two Draiila.

tlHIoM (Cliait. Alloji. niBr.)—mil I5-,!0: K«ir

Ilpldwina. Xorlon Uros., Kay and TcDUlra, and

Dnliiy Itutlnnil. ni..»..McaHio (Kildle Uealw, mgr.)—Temple PUyttf,

tbe HwDlc Trio, and plclun*.'laTKiNnTU (Oco. (Jolllus, mgr.) — MllHon

Dollar Dolla 10-20.^ „ . ,,.

UuLLiicK'a (I'orlwr Dnrke, mgr.)—VindeTllleand plclurn. „ ,, . o..-.,

JlijoD, NicEBL, CiaiNO, "Hii-" and Oukt,picture!,

'Tni biir ruBPLi" nnd "Tte Master Mliid''

are to be prcaented by llic new Colonial Hloclt

Cu., In the De«r futore. Bol Brai-a g, director, Ij

at iirewnt In New York, arranglnlf for praya

•which will .cany the iilajW aeaaon here wall

lulo the Buauser. •

MoNiiitUB MAunioB nnd Florence Wallon, i«-

alatefl by » -tompany of tnmlcal artljla. will be

i«eii In a atrle* of ballroom dancea In tbo Oi>era

llcuae heie'. Thumdoy afionxKin, 2.'!.. ^, , ,

RiitB MlBT KiHti. lending lady of the Ctolonlal

Hoc>-"Co;, wan entertalnisl Hunday, M, by Dr.

and Mm. N. 'J. «erTar, of tlila city.

MitTiN TooBBf,' manager of the Kmcrr, la ea-

tel.llahliig a record for I'rorldeiice. The houM•eala U.OOO, and li conflnually playlug to ca-

l-cilly aodlenwa. .. , ,

lot I.i I'LrrB mitl bin dog, "Clilijullo.' fiirmorly

of ningllnB Dro«.' ClrcuH, will Ik- nt Kidth'a,

l'.«-rc wefk of 22. Joe ;r a I'roTldrnre l«iy, ami»hall nnd many of bli fricnda on deck to giro

1:1m •olid banila.

"Tiis Tiiiiiii I'lBTr" will be the ottraotlon In

tlie Owra Ilouiic, week of 22 with Toylor Ilolmei

and Walter Jonca In the leading roleti.

Portland, Me Jefferaon (M. J. Oarrltr,

mw.) Ihg I". Si. 4 II. .Mliiatrel Kolllen (local)

Vt\i. 10. "(Julncy AdiinH Hiiwyer" 1(1-20, HobOil ani Ills raunlcal conioily company will begin

an Indefinite engngcraeut here 22.

Kbitii'b (I,(>ula K. KIlby, mgr.)—The KellU

Htock Co. prenent "Wie Inner Hhrlne" 10-20.

May Hendemun Tliuraton roturneil to the caat 10.

Din-ton lloltuea TraTolotte.i are an added attrac-

tion the. current week. "The Man VTbo Ownsllroadwny" 23-27.

, ,

Niw PoaxiJiND (M. C. niumenlwrg, mgr.)—VaaileTllle and motion plcluren. 11111 10-17:

"Little -HliiB IJ. a. A.," McCarlhy Hlstem I,a

Toy nmii., Morrlay anil Durlon, and Ilapry Co e-

man. Ulll 18-20: "A i<otaln«ry Hcnndnl," I.aTelle

and Roaa, Counleu Oracler Nardlnl, Zobino, andel'ieri.

, ,

(inisKLr'n (Jnmea W. Orcply. mgr.)—lloninn a

mimical reriie li In lla aecoiid ww-k. prmi'iitliig

"Tlie Amrrlcnn Tea I'arly" 10-17, wllli midweekcliBiifie. Motion jilclures nre a fcaliiri-.

Cabco (Jnnn'.i K. .Moure, mgr.)—Tlic MnrcuaMup-lonl Oi>ni"dy Co. l,'i-2«.

HTI14N11 (Win. B. IliH-viH, mgr.)—TliN thentre,

foruH'rlv known ns lllg Nickel, linit bii-n cliiinged

tn the Sirnnil. wllh Ihi- limliillnlinn of Iih newtaO.OOO orchoHtral nrtnii niid eliilmrnlc elvcflcalgn. PardRHiiiut iilriiinn iin* fi-iiliiri'd.

K»irini) (Qcorge I. Appleby, Difr.) — I-"eafn,o

plclurei.CiTT lUi.t,.—In the municipal organ cinicert.

Will O. .Mrtefnrloiic, anBhled l>y the I'orllaud

Mrn'B HlnRliig Olub, will entertain IN.

Tlic rivrLiiiN, at Kederal ami Temple Strreli.

hBB lieen IruBCrt by F. K. Wllcoi & Son, openinguniler the nnme of the New Nickel Theotre, wliUiiKivIni; pictures, IB.

Ne^ Orlennii, I,n.— Cn-sct-nt (T. O. Cnmp-bell, iiigr. ) I'lTcy llnnwell Co. jiri'«-nt '"llie Siilii-

liuilicler'' IVIi. 14-:i(l. .MUh Ilumvi'll hriH lll-

aiigiirnled her ten ilHiii-eH i-ii the BlnKe, nfler eachlilntllKV, .wlieii till- audteiiri- tn llivlliil to imvL bl-r

l^iiil the ciiiiiiiiiiiy iiK well iib ilniiee.

TiiUNU (T. I). Caiiiplvll, nu;r.)— (leorco Ai-Hks li-rde lils llrm iipiM-nrunee In ilils ell.v wivk(.f K, pri'nenllliK 'DlMliiell." I'nr MrrdltlruHvteh, bii-lni-lni: 1-0 "The I'lmr I.Ulli- KU'li Olrl."

IiAUl-IIINn (Ia-w Hum-, liiur. )— 'lony Keiiiieily

Olid IiIh liurh-HijuerH nre it-dllK well llere. (Itlo

spivlllltlci* of (iHi-iir Uiivllii iilitl Die (!illillt Slil-

terB went liltf liml Hi-ek, nnd Ihe lulu-Ill i»'-

ftiriiinliee given li.v .Miiiiiii:er Kitsi- for SI. Aliiplion-

HUM ABVlnin, w;is II Ilk Diiinii-liil stie(-i>>:H.

Oui'UKiiM (Arllinr II. While, inur.l— lllll weekof 10: Till- (irpheiiiii lUunl SluMr. Int-liidliiK


Claude (llllliigiviili-r Killlli l.)'le nnd eonipniiy. .Mor-rlH (^roiilii mill IIIh Merry .Men, SU Auu-rlL-anllniici-rn, Muck nnd Wtilker, l*rliiiro.-«e 'Four, ICl

Itey Slaters, uud Mi-i-liiiirH Noveliy,

CnrAToRD or.d lila l-niid, I'li roud: to the 'I'riHCO

KxiwHlllou, gave two euiiciTIa herv 7, tu fairt-lii-tl nudleiii-i-a.

Wii.lliauhuN'h huumaiiim: uotiiin i-iihuUKBlieKan a tmo wn-ka' run iii the l.afnyvtle 7. tufnlr bimlnenH, *

KVKnv thentre In tlilK elly 1h hmiilMiniely d)<o-rau-d In IIbkb and liuuiliig for the CHrnlval ooler-i,

mid big ImibIiii-sb 1b Imiki-il for .Miinll llrnB wvi-k,lO-au. The city 1b iroiviU-il with vlHllors.

IVorIn, III,— Mnli'slle (Orpheum Co., nigm.)•The KrollekiTM nf lin.'i" ilnenll l-'i>li. 111. 1";McTic DretBler, In '"rillle'B I'uiietiireil U biuo"tiiiulluu iilclurcs) 20-2It, lluwe'n Triivel I'eBilval


Oni'lianu (Nathan & Orei-nlierg, iiigni.)—lllll

14-17: Klolila and 1a-\vIh. l>\iiir SeiiHoiiH, niiil Nli-k'i

Skniliig lllrln. l-'or IH-liO: Sarah raihlcn, Minnie,iiiid lUchnnla and Kvle.

IIirfiiiiHouis (K. 1'. CliiirchUI, mgr.)—I.lvliig-

rton Stock Co., In "AlluB' JIuiiny Valentine,"14-20.ruiNCisa (Senrer Aniuee. (X>., ugra.)—Vnude-

Tlllo Bud plclures.FuLLT (llarrr TiirbervlUe Jr., mgr.)—Mualral

Slock Co., lu ''reck'B Had Iley" ami '"no Mili-

tary Maid," 10-20.AFOU.0, OOLtlUBIl, OlIBT, CRTBAI.. Dh I,VIB,

Duoiiiaa, Rltbiuh, Riii-k»b, (lAancs, Ii.uNiiia,

lUraalAL, LmBIITT, I.TCE'uH, riUCB, i)ANUA110«ud tlTiB, plctum only,

rorlland. Ore.— Ilelllg (W. T.' Pangle,

mgr.) "Tie Yellow Ticket" l-'ch. 14-20.

. Oiriixuu (T. n. O>nlon, mgr.)— lllll week of

14: Valerie D«,-gere aud company, Ilay Snmuelo,Ma Uelle and ballet, C^elghlon nroB. anil llel-

inoni, LcugUllu'B caulnea, Mljarea, and Clinrk-a

D. Weber.rAMTiaM' (J. A. Johnson, mgr.)—Ulll 10-20:.

"The Wromg Bird," '.'Jiutlce of the Teai-e." NerlnaBWl Krweod, Oiimmin and Deahnni, and Argn.Hui-Bma (H. W. l'leix>ng, mgr.)—Dill 10-20:

tjm Shauk, lllchmond nild Mann, "In the Gniy ofthe Dawn," Darld Ktlelkoa, Hartley and I'ocau,

and the ItevkleBs Trio.IlAKra (iM. W, Beatnan, mtT.)—^t week of

IS, "Mherlock Ilolniea."I.1HIC.—VamleTllle and plcturea.rani-LCe, Htab, National, Coluuiua ami Mt-

JIiKTlC, pbotopliiyB.IlAMiL Svu.v'e "The I'arlBh I'rleal" proreil a

Mg drawing canl nt the llaker, H-i;l. with K.K»-nnu Wallace and Corn Delle Bonnie Id thi-

leading I\ile6.

St. I'anI, Minn.—iMetroiiolUan (I,. N, Seoti,

mgr. I DnTld Warfleld, In "Tlie Auotloiiver," Keh.10-17, with one of llie lieiiTliKt adTanro aniea on-rouuteml at tlilB thi-atn- (hln n-nBoii. War pic-

tu'ien 18-27. Mannger I,. Sleolt la In NewI'crk booking attractions at bin thraln-.

.SiiL-DKKT iKrank C. I'rleat. mgr. I— llunllngtoarin.viTB. In "The Two Orphaiia," l.%-'Jii.

OBi-iiaru (R. C. llurr«iicli». nigr.)— lllll w<vkiif 14: "Tlie Green 1WMU-," with IamiIb CaBBtantuiiil eoiiipaiiy; IViroihy Toye, Tlm-e Travllln llrivi.

and dlTlDff fioals, Moore ai d Hanger, Ihiiitlng nndKrniielB. SeTen CVIonlnl lli.lM, nnd I.nwreniv andHurl Kalln.

IliJIi'nRnB (GuB. 51. Greening, mgr.)—lllll wi'-ek

nf 14; Owen .MoOlTeiiey, Klhel Wnilltnlde niid

MtnOinny. Iterkwi-ll and Wivd, lieu oiid llnielMniin. nnd (l.vpsy C-onnlCBB.

I'bini-i:h» (Ilert llidilui'nn, iiigr,)—Ulll 14-17:Iliiinnil Knin PnMhn, vMnrgnret Urnun aiul SlMer.tlnniiley niitl linfTery. nnd Dolsoii nnd (liiriloii.

I,n"l half: I-'our Soolely tllrlB. Ilern» nnd I'n'Bliiii.


That Soothing Soutliern Serenade of Simple 8entlm«nt. YouVe Heard of It, No Doubt



lyric by WU. H. OAIIDINER, with muaic by CAROwith greater force to the human heart than tbla exquisite i

hlB audiences In Vaudeville, where he Is now playing,"

years ago, would still be popular to-day. as a Duetcapturing as in its solo form.

Copies to recognized professionals or those sending up-to-date programs.

lUPQIHyj^llj NOTICE! 1 1-^^^^^^^^^ '^^^^^ ^'^^ ^'^^^^-^^^^'^-^^


144 W. a7th St., N. Y.AIj. OOOK, Prof. Mgr.

be located at 1660 Broadway, )ust a few feet south of Palace Theatre.

Randolph St., Chicago, 111.

TOM iiviauBv, Ugt.WITMARK ^ SONSUarle Stoddard, and Ur. and .Mra. eoyder.

Htab (John I>. Kirk, mgr.)—Uolilen Crook, withHilly Arlington, week of 14 ; XI. Ileerea Big Showweek of 21. ^ ;,

Utband, MajDiTiu, Gaictt, Rtabund and all

of tho downtowQ picture houoea are doing bl(


Belasco (F,. Stoddard Taylor, mgr.)—"TheBond to IlniipliwaB." with William lloilge and a

fine supportlDtf cniniiany, garo a delightful pcr-

fonnance, to good buBliieaa, week' of Feb. 8.

"I.iiiiy I.uiury" wiek of 10. "A I'alr of Hliee"

next. IlaunigordI lecluree atartnl Hunday after-

m-on, 14, with "I'oiDiiell," and In the" evening

with "Uwedcn.". _ ,

CiiLUMFiA (Frei! <1. Beiger, mgr.) — CharleaKiohman prewntcil Ann .Murdock In "A Olrl of

To Dny." wei-k of 8, nnd a delightful performanceTi'BnItcil. MlBB .Mufdock waa certainly a clinrmlng

"dlrl," and her aupiiort wan up to the Cbarlcnrr<limaa Btindard. Good bualnesa ruleil. Ituse

Melville, In "SIb . Ilopklnn," week of 10. Lyman11.- Howe and hia motion picturea, "(lur NaryIIIIO." iieit. Newman clo«e» hIa Tery Interest-

ing mtIcb of traicl talks HundaT ere and Mondayi:nllni-e. Subject, "Kgypt."

Natiokal (Win. II. llapley, mgr.) — (Jyrll

Maude, In '^Oriimiiy," drew good bualncBa week ofH. Annette Kellemninn, In "The Moilel Olrl,"wt-ek of 10; "The O-lrl from Utah" neit. Elmen-ilorf "Aioiiml the World" Thursday afternoon,18; f'rlti Kreltler afternoon of 10.

I'ni.rB (lAula J. Fosae. mgr.)—"The Bole ofTlin-e," by Toiiiilnr I'Inyers week of 8, waa asiii-ei-Bs. Ilenldni being well done. It served toli,lnii)uce the new idayern, and the piny andiilayi-ra were lienrtlly oiiproveil by Inrge audlencea.The new Ii-adliig man, Uiii-ki-IIIT FrlNiweii, gare aflue jterformnnee, and mnde a good ImpreBBlooWilli the pnLruiiB. Mr. Vi-lsi-y nnd .Mr. Ilalnci,old fnTorllr-B, were given the wnrm welcome, xBndWilli Mr. Ilnrrla, '.Mr. Ix>we were all good. Mauile(;illH>rt, the new lei,ling lad.V, and no alrangerto the pntniiiB, gave an excellent iierformance.Cerlrudo Uciitlhlll (an i-ld fnvorlte) wna made tofii'l at ' lionie. M-irlon Nichols, Doris Katon,Helen Truwy were all good. "The Llaia" weekof 10. "The Big Idea" next.

(^AHINO (A. Julinn Brylawskl, mgr.)—Week ofin lilll_liicludcB:' lloldwIii'H Merry .Miislenl Gom-eily KiiKTtaliiers, lu "A Day at Oollegi-" (all thev.-tek), the VannerhOua, llracey, with new plc-liin-B. Hunday concertn do well.

COBiiiJS lA. Julinn BrylawakI, mgr.)—lllll 10-17: .Mine. Uorec's Ilaruxiny Beaux and Uelles,Itolililiis' eleplisnts, Clayton oiiil I>ennle. Geo.VntiiNin, Uptou liigrnlinni CV.. and the <*arolliiaDuo, with now pictures. Hundsy concerts' dooe.iiiielly.

liAvtTV (OwTge Peck, mgr.) — The College(I Iris had giioil liiislneBK wi-eh of H. Kone H.vileirariuiiiinny and Jul k- Welier we<'k of 10. Theliiiy White Wny noil. Oiiintry Store contlDiie«nH n bit. Suiidsy- concerts do well.

II. F. Kkitii'h (Itulniiil S. UuIiIiIiif.. mgr.)

Kill week iif 10: Kvn 'I'liiiKiuiy, Itnlph lllygB anilKir.lierliie Wllclile. Iloberl l-^ium't Keniie nnd Mu-riel Wliiilow, lloiiier '.Miles niiil coinpnnv, thoiik^ilie Jnps, I'1:iiiii|!nii and Kduards. Ciirl De.Vli.rift. TuBcniiii Iliulliers. Ihe I'nthe W^-kly .S'ewapletiin-B. ifiindny ciiiieerlH do cnpncllv.

.Majkbtic (T. Theo. .Murphy, mgr. )— -'The Hec-tor Olrls" wen' all In a dais by thoniHelTdi,anil gave b line entertnlnineiit, and ploaHol goodonilleiin-a. Good l)ii»liiei>B wwk uf ». The Ca-baret (llria and other acta week of 16. Sundaycoui-ertB do well,

NOTEB.I.ABT «eek'a hiislneaB nt Kelth'a waa to canicltj,.Manauiu Louib J. FoBHB, of Foil's, la toaklBg

hnnila with hliaselt bevnUBu. uf the blK businessat that house.With Newrasu cloBliig hIa lalcreslliig Travel

slkn, llnumgardt (HM-iib at Belasco, Sunday mall-niv, and KliiieiMlorf on Tliurnliiy.At tub tIbo of Ihe curinin on the prcin(fre per-

fxrn niice of "A Girl of Tu doy," a Inrgc audlenouWBB preseiil. nnd they eiw one of the very beatplnyB pre«'iitiil lliln Heamni. 'I'lie pluy Is delight-ful, nnd Anil Miirilork wna the cliarinliig "Olrl"freiii rine li> fall of the curlan. 8ho made •pieiiiuiiiciil lilt, mill won the henrta nt everyone111 Hint largo nnilleiiiv. Tlio niipiurtliig companyw«B eoinplele In every detail.

l.iHAN It. llowM l» cernliig to the Ooliimhia Inthe verv near future, with hIa woinlerfnl plc-tuiX's nnd Ihe "Xnvy lii 11)15."

Albany, N. Y,— Uarnunus B1ce«k<r Ball(Kilwnrd .M. Hurt, mgr.) .Marie Tcnii>e«t Feb. 16-17, "Daiiinged liooils" IH. '-nie Little Cafe" 11),au. "(iwMl Kluiit, Kume" 22-24.

Kui'iBD (F>ank Abbott, mgr.)—Ureamlanil Bur-U-siiuera 16-17. ' Qaletv Qlrla 18-20. RoaelasdCllrls 22-24, and (tarnation Beaatlea 2S-2T

raocTiiB'B aauii. (Joa I'. Ooyne, mgr.)—Bill1517: "Tbe Bachelor Olrla," James Kennedy andM'Uipmiy, I.a France BroB. and Bugene, Bay Fem,Oinrlea II. Want and company, Ix)na Hrgrl, andVralg ahd Cunlnghuiu. Fur 18-20 Beatrice Uor-gan and eompouy, Asana Troupe, Allen and{'"Ml AlhanI, Ilathawav'B docs, Cate and Aline,Dora union, Krnest Uupllle, aud Bcamn andBcamp.

Pbuctob'b I.tijND ^Ouy a; Oravta. amt.)—Ountlnuoua raudetllle, with BMTlng nlcturra, toBntlafaetery busliicsa. . .

Majhstiu (F-mll Dolchcs, o«r. ) — YiDdeTlllewith moving plrtiireB.

OOLONlAt,, CllNTON SQOAIB, PBOrTlll'S ANNKE,BTAB, IlaoAPWAT, I'ALACl, WlllTC WaT, FAOT-la.NM, I'babl, Pmri.K-H, Cbntbal, IIuoson andOai-iiBUM. ukivlut pictures only.



Olena Falls, N. Y^-Cmplre (Joe Killer,

mgr.) Field's Mlostrela FA. 16. Bill 16, 17:"Tbe Blem Saolieama.'.' Bowen anil Bowec Sey-(Eonr and Howard. Marie Laurent, and Baldwin,Braxton and Carter. "The Clttle Osfe" 23.

WoiLD IN UoTiuN (P. J. Doran, mgr.)—Uotlonpictures' only.

Till third of the aeries of McOnne-Piankllaconcerts iraB aDCCtsHfully .given at the Empire, II,

liy Kvan Williams aiKl Ada Saaaoll, to fnll boose.

ilT.. Wllllama was obliged to respond to'fonr en-

cores nfter the close of the program. The fonrth

of this series will be given by. Tloa Leroar.

Hartford, Conn.—Panons' (H. C. Parsons,BgT.) "Kitty MacKay" Feb. 16-17, Koima Tren-tlnl and Ollfton Orartford, In "The Pessent Olrl,"10, 20.

roLi'B (James Thatcher, mgr.) — MargueriteSklrvin i)nd Poll Players, In "Bebecca of Sanny-brcok Farm." week of lO.

Oband (Mos Messing, mgr.)—One Fay andHarry Morton, with the Ooyety Olrls, 15-17;Andy Lewis and Dreamland Burlesqaers 18-20.

Palace (Wte D. Aaoough, mgr.)—Bill weekof IS: KarmI, Clllford and Burke, Deed andTuttle, Leander De Cardova and company, EngeneKmmett and company, and Black Bros.

' Habttoid (<H. H. Jennings, mgr.)—Billed ICand week: Lewis and Ohapln, Pete Ourley andcompany. Silly Morse, Marie Bocco and Bro,, andpictures.

Stbakd, Majbsto and PaiNczas, plctom.

Keyr' Haven, Conn,—Shubert (U. D. BI-drldge, mgr.) Emma Treiitlnl Feb. 18. MaudeAdims 1(1 20.

IlTi'zaioN (Henry O. Mengs, mgr.)—The Hy-peilon I'lajer* present "The Deep Purple" lC-20.

Bijnu lEugene Wilson, mgr.)—Vaudeville andp'elL'rt'B.

ClHANC.—The Olrls of the Moulin Bouge- 19-17.Vnudevllle and picturea 18-20,

I'nu'B (Oliver 0. Udwardes, mgr.)—Bill LI-lT:nix Sons Birds, Burton, Qahn and O'Doonell,I'ircy Warem company, Francia aud Boas, AI.Burton and company, and I.ouls L«o. -For 18-20:J. C, Nagei\t and company, OlWati anil Biuke,Barney Ollmore, Musical Wolfe, Jennings andDorman, and Ilanlon and OllfloB.

Waterbnry, Conn.—Jacqura (A, OoniB,mgr.) Charlea Oook Block Players, In "ReadyMoney," week of Feb. 10.

d'OLi'B (A, VaonI, mgr.)—Vaudeville and mo-tion pictures.

Sthahu. Oabdin, Pbincbss, Colonial and Al-BAUDBA, motion pictures only.

Atlantic City, N. J.—Apollo (Fred Moore,mgr.) prior to 0|>eiiliig at Booth Theatre, NewVurk, Anhiir Ilnmnieratelii presents ITnlhrookBlinn, In '"Die Trap," here, week of Feb. 10.

(^nBt liieludeH : .Martha lleilman, 'fully Mnrshall,Dnvid Powell, Klalne IlaiiunerHteln and Frederickllurli'ii. MnrgQTet .\ii:;llii. In "I.iidy Wluilc-uiere'H Van." la due hero March 12, 13,

Nkw- Nixiin (llnrry Uruwn, iii:,-r.)—HarryFlelilB and 'I'rans-AtlantlCB, BUPi>orleit by Norm'allrowii. Leo llleliman, Rut.v tirey, Chnrlea I.liisoii,

Sum Wliirow. Frnnk Ilughen, Pearl Held, VivianPerry eud Jack Wltta, 14-17. Vaudeville restof week.

Vir.uiNiA, CiiiTKiiiox, Bijou, Abcama, OirrSui-Aui:, CoiiiNiAL, Ckjzr, 0E.NIUAL and OuciuirA,mutluu iilolures.

Trenton, \, J. — Slate Street (Ilerman'Wahii, mgr.) bill Feb. 15-17: Mary Plekford, In" Nell," oil ''week feature picture; Cri-terion Trio, Joe Ketler and company, .\tliB Trioend Mary Black. For lH-20: James McKorlnndand coinpanv, .Monty and Dot, Lucille TIltoD,Walton nnd . Dolly, and pictures. 'Wednesday only,"£xploltB of Klalne."

Fnteraon. N. J,—JMsJestlc (W. H. Walsb,mgr.) bill Feb. 16-17: .Mlllla and Bart cnupany,Baldirtd Comedy company. Three Brlghtonn, anaMile. Doris. For 18-20: Five Itomeoe. Swain'sruts and cats. Ocean Comedy Five, Joe Morse, andpictures.

I.VCEUK (E. Wilbur, mgr.)— "Uncle iTom'sCabin" 16-17, Relklu's Yiddish Co. 18, "TwluUeilB" 10, 20.

OniMiKutt (L. Boble, mgr.)—IDcn Welch com-pany 10-20.

SprlnKfleld, Mail.—Court Square (D. 0,Ollnior-?. mgr.) "The Peoannt Olrl" Fpti. 10,

Maude Adame 17, "Kitty MacKay" 18-20, "Twinileds" 22-24, -Ho'we's pictures 26-27.

PoLi'B PALAca (Oordon Wrlghler, mgr.)—Sill15-17: Barney Ollmore, Fn-d J. Ardalh andoomiiany. Five Parsleys, Sally FleldB, Leonardand Wlllard, Ray and Shea, La Belle and Barry,and Pollscope. For 18-20: KarmI, Hymai AdieroiHl company, and others.

OiLUOBB (Robt. J. McDonald, mgr.) — Bo-bemlsn 18-20, Tango Olrls 26-27.Pliu.—Tsudevllle and pIcturesJBOou, Bboadwat, Edisokia, Fox, UAyKO-no,

OaIRT, OLOBB, ORAND, IIDDBOK, LTBIC, UlBBOB,NrcLTT, PAun, Rxm, and Bobwat, notion pic-tures.Tns Majbstio, at 103 Main Street, <ipeati IB,

ahowlng Keystone lllnis.

Fall niTcr, IHaaa,—'Acsdetny (L. M, Boa^mgr.) bill Feb. 16-17: Princess Victoria, aeorgeDrunr Hart and eomnany, Kanssaira Trio. Boaeand Moon, Lang and Conlter, and a two nel c«m-.edy plctnre.

SATnr (O. E. Benson, mgr.)—SlU 16-17: TbeHoney <}lrl Minstrels, the Le Favera, Adolpho,KIngsbnry and Mnnson, Frescott, and MargueriteClark, In a photoplay,

BijOD (O. E. Cook, mgr.) — For w«ek of 15,

the BIJou Stock 03. present "Broadway Jones."

EranaTllIe, Ind.— Wells'. BUon (C. UrOflntt, ni|T.) "The Whip" Feb. 25-27. "HighJinks" Maich 0. „,„',.N«w Oband (Wm. McOowAn, mgr.)—Bill 18-

17 : (TtunlDgham and Marlon. Raymond and Bain, .

Aribor flulllTan and comany, Kmette Asoria,

ChlTtller De Mar and Miss KIrantc, and AmblerBvoB. For 18-21: Nloa Uorrla and company,Neptune'B MympliB, 'Bpencer and Wllllsms, Orceh.

McKcnry and Detn, and KImlwa Japa. .,

' OBriiBDM and nobthbidb (CSisa. 8W(>*t,on,

mgr.)—Amatcnrs, TanileTlIIeland motloa. pletuwis.

PBINCUB, BAVOT, C^llTZHIOH. RivBaMPB.. Xov-n.Tf, COLOimAL. FBANfUN, VlT.aiNIA, GOLnMBU,FvLTCN, Valada, Stadium, Oovbrkoi. Alhau-BHA, JrrmBON. 'Woodlawn, Wai.not, Favobitb,CaSTLB Uall and Alauo. motion pctuies only,

'South Bend, Ind.—Oliver (8. W. Picker-

ing, mgr.) war pictures Feb. 18-22, David War-fleld 28.

OBPiiBDli (C. AUardt, mgr.) — Bill 16-17:

Nick's Skatli« Olrls, Green, MoIIenry and Dean.Elliabelb Otto, Victoria and Oeorgetto. Last-

half: "The Dance of the Cities," KImlna Japs,

Booth and I«ander, Three Harvey Girls, and Mar-ahall and Cumby. _ _


MAyiaTio (P. J. Clllford, mgr.)—"The BeautyShop." by the Lorraine Musical Omedy Co., weekof io,

Atmnoiiuu, Oolcnul, Li Balls and fiuB'

pnisB, pictures only.

TroF. N. Y. — Proctor's New (P. J. Shea,

mgr.) bill Fell. 10-17: Butterfly and fhe Bose.

Usher Trio, Blva Larsen Trouiie. Oa-Ko-Mon andFnlLer, Dora Hilton, Usrrls and Ilandnll. Allea

and Ilaxel, AlbanI, and Can and Alma. For 18-

20: "Bachelor Girls," La Frnrce Bros., and Ku-gene. Manning, Sloan and compiny, Leo Beers,

Pauline Haxon, Thatcher and Dean. Berrera audEilille Korory- AI, Field's Minstrels played twoIH-rformoncea 10.

PkocTOB's OBiBWOLD (H. R. Emde, mgr.)

Paramount'b (V. N. LspTicns, mgr.)—^The Crnne-

Bhlrley Stock Co., In "The Only Hon." wei-k of 15.

PaoCTOR'S I.TCBUU, NOTELTY, Pl.lZA, KmTH'B,Trojan, Alpink, Majestic end EuriBB, photo-

plnys only.

Rendlnv, Pa.—lAcndemy (Fbll Levy, mgr-)the Heart Charmers, burlesqne. Feb. 20. Theseat r<eerval]oiiB bo far liittlcate thnt UnymonilHitchcock, to "The Bciuty Shop," will be greetedl>y a ncord crowd here tbe latter part of thisUiOiith.

Oii-ui;uAi (N'tol Harper, mgr.)—[Dhe Orpheumriayers present '.'The Stranter" week of 15.

F.velyii I.n Telle and Ethel Dajigelt were addod»«iiiliere to the cnet for '."Ilic Nlnet.v nnd Nine"lost T\'iek. "Tliree TplnH" 22-27-

lln-rouBOMB (O. 0, Keeiicj, mgr.)—Bill 15-17:"Ii: Old Tyrol." Jim Rflseu anil roiuiiiiii.v. Buiith

, end Bui'd, - Telegraph Kour; and Tlirce O'lileii

airlB. - I.list half: SiimmorlHiid (ilrk. FourVl< lorn, Ileberts aud Kaln, and Fred Hurt andccnipciiy.

'Wllllninsrnrt, Pn. — Fnmlly (Wnller Lr-mnile. in^r.) bill Fob 15-17: "K Drenni of theOrient,'' Ilowaril and Cbarels, Diilley ami Tliurpo,


Chns Benniilni;toii. and Mr. nnd Mrs. l-^iooinl.

For 18-20; VnnilerkilH, Wallerc, Walton audRutland, and Saiinyar.

Grand RniildB, Mlcli.—Powers' (llnrry 0.RomnierB & Co., nigm.) Do Wolf Iloinier Fob. 18-

20. Unvid WarUeld 27.iMajestic (Grin Stair, mgr. t la dark week of

14. "Bringing Up Father" week of 22, "^Damaged

Ooodi" -week ot 28, "Booght and Pal4-Fot'> tofoltaw.Emfbisb (Dan'I HcOoy. mgr.)—(Bill week of

15: Frltc rnd Lucy Broch, Horry . Bulosr, OraceDe Mar, Three Kea^ona. Jamej Kyle MsOurdy andoompiny, Lohse and StetUng, and Wcadman andI-lTl(IE!|ton,,

Obchbdic fUarfey Arlington, mgT.)-4UI weekot ,10:^.'AngtIl BlateJ-i,' Veolta OeuTd, Uarle Mc-Npjl and Olrls, Musical Macks, ,Dolly Marshall,Nadje, Orpheum Corned^ Four, Bosiell sad Church,Turn» and Turoo, ajjd Ilirvey Wolf, .

Marlon, O.—Hklhambra (Boset MoF^, mgr.)one night bills here have been record breakers.HcuEe sold oat for Mclntyre and Heath, In 'TheHam Tree.". Fob. IB. "L'nder Cover" 11, Follies

ot T»-day £6-27, AI. O. Field's Minstrels March1, "TO-day" 6. "Prtace of PUsen" 18.Mabion Fauilt.—.Vaodevllle Is supiflinted hy

stock company playinf "The Bell" for vnek of 16.Thb Marion and tne Coldubla, picture houses,

are running high clssa special teatoKC, and re-

port business very moch unproved.

Akron, O.—Qilonlal (Louis Wise, mgr.) bill

Feb. 16-17: Josephine Dunfee, Loietta Twins,Arthur Lavtoe and company, Messrs. Davis andWalker, James McOurdy and coinpaay. Barryand Wolford. William Hodge, in "Th« Road toUanplxesB," -18.

QikKD tBert Howard, mgr.) — ThnHton, na-glrlan, 18. 19. "The Blue Bird" 22,WiLDoar, Dbbaulano, Obfhbok, Esiprbsb,

National, Plaea, Luna, Bank, TnoBNloN, Pas-time, WiNTEB and Maim, moving plcttree.

Hot Sprlnira, .4.rk.—<PrlncesB (Dot. Owens, '

mgr.) re-opened for the sesson Feb. 8, 'with everyM'st sold, and standing room at a premium.Hundreds were unable to gain admission. It con-tlniKd throughout the week. Two peMonnancesdally. Prices ten, twenty-flve, fifty anfl seventy-flve ceuts- BUI 16-17: The Bimbos, ' Blele sodOersril, Robert Fuleora, Hager and <3oo^ln, andNana and Alexia. For 18-20: Rmllle Bisters, E»T\and Neal, Leonsrd Anderson Plsyers, Diamondand Biennan, snd Psul, Le Vsn and Dobba.

AvorroBiDH,—/The Folly Barlesgners 15-19, NatGowlwln 20.CsNTBAL, BoiAL and I^nic, plctuies.

Bay City, Hloh.—Washington (S. a Bsttty,mgr.) John W. Voxel's MlnBtrels Feb. 14. "Sep-temtei Mom" 20, "PoUsh It Perlmuttei" 23.

Rijron (E. 0. Beatty, mgr.)—Bill fDr 14-17:

Wyutt's Scotch Lads snd Lassies, Mayme Rem-ington ond Picks. Frederick Reed, KIntlng'ss'nlmals, and Bllouscope'. For 18-20 Rei Adams,In "The Nlghthawks," snd others, and Bljouscnnr.

GsoiTO (Wm. T. Favorite, mgr,)—Voudevjlleand photoplays.Wenonaii, Star, Family, Pictubblanp, Ave-

WE. llnoAiiWAv, Park, 'Tbmplb snd Crown,luoving pictures ooU'.

Montreal, Can—His Majesty's (H. P. Hill,

mgr.) "My Friend from Indto" Feb. 15-20.

rsiNCEHi) (Abnic Wilght mgr.) — "Mlle-Alortliite" :5-20.

OiPiIEUM (Oeo. DrlBcoII. mgr.) — Bill l.'i-?0:

Ileiiry F,. Dlxey, Toby Claude and compiny,CInlic Roolicwer. Oanplnos, Beit FIticlblwi.Bruce. Hcffet nnd conipnn.T, Dooley and Itugcl,

and the I.eUiiKlB.

Gaydtt (Fred Crow, mgr.) — Roacland Girls. 1S'£0. Itosey I'osoy Olrls next.

McAlcNtcr, Okla.—Busby (A. Bert Estes,ir(.T.) opened Feb. 8 and week, with Parnmocntand Bpeclil feature flim pictures, to capacity buel-ners. "Septemlier Mom'' 10.

Yile-Majestio, Stab, and Lidebit, plctare«.

Good Heavy and Character Man»nd flood Qeneral Bailmaia Man, 'wltb pectaltlei —

Ynii niiiBt be good and ho nlilo to Icnrn lines as they arc written. SobrlGty, appearance and wardrobeaiiBolulely jusentlnl. Tlim Is a good engagement for good people. Salary abiolutelj lute. 'Write orwire. Plioto ami prognuiB required. » * s,

Address KBMtT IDWAHJM, Mgr. dwarda-WUiam Oa., Liberty Centre, Oblo

T YOU'RE IIIG IN THE U. S. X.VUB.A TH« NBUTRAb ONO HITSJ;™.J. 5''i^^T.'**1i." beautiful new wallz. CHOP BTICKB. the Chinese one step (hit hit),VICTUUK KAeTIMK BAND. SWIBB CIIKBSB HAG. FHABtlUITA TAHio.


A. E. BOHBEB CO., 1431 Broadway, H, Y. CHy,

Medicine Shownfen, Agents,Palmists and Hustlers

YOC AIIK ro.SINO SOMK NIOK EASY MOXRY If you fnll to wor){our lIlirli-flrBdoKI.KC'I'RIO IIKI.T.><, AI'l'MAKfKS nnd llODY IIATTKUIKS on tho side or In voiiroilli i'. AlHi) Ik nice Hldi" line fur pcrforiners inaklnK one to eU dnv stands. MO toLOim tor I'oiit. pniill.l Solid for Siiiuiilc licit uiul Lecture on kloctrlcllr. (;ctnet iftlce MbI on the IicbI line out.THE ULKCTUIC AVPLIANCfl CO. (luc, 1601). Burlington, Kansas

ROY E. FOX'S POPULAR PUYERS Under CmasGeneral Business Man and General Business Woman

Unn and 'wife preferred. State it ;oii can do oomc leads and all In flret letter.. Those doing Bpeclallle*given preference, ttliow Iibb not cIubciI In fifteen .veiirH. \Vant to hear from other Oood Useful Rep-artolro People. AVANT CLAKINKT AND UTIIKH UUUiriAKS. ROY K. FOX, Loralne, Teazs,ireelc otFeb. 16; Dig Springe, Texas, weelcof Feb, 22; Mldlnnd, Texas, week of Har. 1.

WANTED, FOR PERMANENT STOCKTwo Bills a Week Company Opens March I

vorife. «ooD IjOokiko liSADino jbah, hbavv man, grnkAaIj avsniBitMAN, VOVlfO, CKIOD LOOKIRQ IifQBIICEI, asiA WOMAN FOR OERSRAli BDSI-HESB. State age and send lateetphoto. Addreu



ToPliyiilBdeflQlteAddress all oommanlcatlona to

at the Utali Tkeatre, SaltLilie eit]r.Utft8AM LOED, PrlnceBS Ttieatre, Salt lAke Cltj.

CHA8. F.-THE BERGER 8-^™ l.

COMEDIAN SINGERS and DANCERS INGENXn: (3 WOBSAN)AgeM. 6 ft. 7K. HOlliB. Age 26. ItUtHin. W1 lbs,

Feature following UAN'ORS: Lore Waltz (Acrobatic). Spcclacnlar UcxTcan, Toe Uoncc, 'Whirlwind,RaulKn CoBSRCk, Taugo, Toxaa Tomin>'. Apache Dance. Dcautlfnl vardrobc Featured for 70 weokawith Ohaao-LIstcr Co. Address fietr Rlctimond Ilotel, 406 N. Clark bU, Ohlcaco, ill.

TUK BARRY GRAY, Of PbilaI IIIV .5:i?.?!-L»IISIHe,«CH.'"'"--^^to OinnaI<ooated In

Wlicn yon want new and op-lo dato material 'WRItE ME. IfMonolORucg. SoiigB and rarodlcn, nnd DKLIVERTHK QOOlJs orthe beat Parodlea crer -wrlttea oa ••Tallp and Moae" and *'TlDDeratrr." TIiCT haveTHE I'VUCU aud are N'lUIPIK. Address D,


' - " " •

la LanBing, t^all. I write Sketcliea,0 PAY. Bend tl. Iter two ot


S'CU aud are h'<^^K.


BARRY ORAV, Bg) grand Ave. 8., Unalng. Mich,

MR. Sb MRS. P. A. PHELPSP, A.—30 yearn' experience. 'Weight 166. Uclgbt

|'Weight ll6. Height 8 ft a OharaoterB, In-

6 It. t. riny Bnythlng caRt for except gcnucs and General Boslness.Pretty Dojb aud Low Comedy.

| Tlcketa, please.

Practical yuige Manager and DIreclor, The Pcoplo Who Make Oood.AdUrcBB P. A. PHELPS, Florence, EasBas.



WHY NOT YOUf Addrees 607 Flrsl Street, UotKfton, ». I.

Febbuaby 20 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 11

A SCINTILLATING LYRICAL GEM IN A SETTING OF GOLDEN MELODYA Bweet story and a refrain that Uvea forever In the responsive heart. A song that everybody can understand,

and a song, therefore, that everybody loves


By >A^IL.L.IAIWI JKROIVIK and UOUIS MIRSOMWhen you hear this beautiful ballad by these tvro masters of song-wrltlng, you can smell the fragrance of old Kentucky in Spring-

time; sight the purple haze that hangs lurlngly over the far-off Kentucky mountains; glimpse the blue-grass that dresses the foot-hills,

and feel yourself In that delightful old-world atmosphere of romantic peace and scent-laden sunshine that existed "befo' de war I"

"SWEET KENTUCKY LADY" can also be used with tremendous effect as a Duet, while as a Quartette there are very few songsr.0 equal It.

Copiea-to recognized professionals or those sending up-to-date programs

IMPORTANT NOTICE ! !!—^^^^ about march l, our uptown professional rooms win be located

at 1660 BROADWAY, lust a few feet south of the Palace Theatre


144 W. 37th St., N. Y.AL. COOK, Prof. Mf(r. WITMARK 1^ SONS Randolph St., Chicago, 111.

TOM (ll>iaL.RV, niHr.

ATcnnr, Now York CI If. Oirnfri. Klif»V'iilM'«il

Itar F.ipmlllon Ooriv, IT Jlillorr rUc«, N«nrYork 0117.

Iliiooici.N, N. y. — Morln^ nicliire Iheilt",FOilOP. |4A.noo. Ardillrcl. I^rjU Alirn .Vtiram-

•on. IJO Fifth Atcmio. New Ywk CI'T.Ciiirtoo, 111. — Tlirnlri' nn.! <« bultillni.

Architect, 0. <V. Oli.l«tfn'rn. 1:1 Vo;th l)«.irhotnSliTtt. Oiviior, II. II. Wi-sni'l, I.T Niirtti Drur-horn Street.

nojTiiN, .Masr—Jl.ivliiir pli-liire ihcnirr,

Owner. Krank r.. 1572 l>i)n'li"«!c-: Afiinii'.

WinrTim. Mum. — Mnvliiit |ili.|,irp tli 'iittF.

AniISO. |.|0.00li. .\r>'l.ll<-ct, (lr<i. NVImii J.i'obs0. Deacon Sliret. ll(«iiiii. Oi-.n-r, II, J. aieln-berv, OM S«ut<) lliillilli'ii, IlKiilitii,

JnnEV OiTY, N. ,1 The.itro. '."OOtlOfl.

iihM*ii, tns.oo.Vnlrersello,

i)li]Tn«ot)iiil A lliirln.:



Surgeon-ln-Chlef American Hospital; Consulting SurgeonCook County Hospital; Consulting Surgeon 5hendan ParkHospital, Chicago; Surgeon White Rats and Actors Fund,etc., etc.

Tliene article* are written eicluilTeljr for theNKW YOUK CLIPPEIt. Uaeition* pertaining (oItealth, dloeaHe, iiyglvne, arir-preiiervBtloii, pre-von (Ion of (llneuiieH nii<I luiit ten ofgeneral Intereitto livnltli will be aiisivered In thia roluiiin. AD-DllESS ALL INiiUIRIE^ TO DR. BIAX TIIOllKK,AinF.RICAN I109HITAL. CHICAOO. ILLS. Whereaiiiice will not (vriiiltor the aabjert la not anltablefor an open answer, lettera will be aent <o theapplicant perHonally. Dr. Thorek ahoiild not beexpeetfid to dlagnoae or preacrlbe In theae colamna

'1 for Inillvldual dlaeaaea. ){


I suffer iDtoDie pains In tlic flnt Jolotaor IHT middle flogers. Thoro la a lightBirclllng and etllTnns, especlnllr In tli« «arl7raomlng. I am aware of tbe fact that It

must bo rliciunatlom In como form. What I

would like to know In, arc the followingfoods Injurious: Vonclnblos, cKRii, tra ami.roffce? Should I consult n (>hvRldan7 I niii

taking Rorhclle milts for tlic blood. Slinll 1

contln.iR It?ni:ri,Y.

Your dlognosls Is rlRht. 1. No. Coffcoond lea should be taken In moderation.2. Yes. 3. No. It will do you no good otherthan you would erpcct from any other lam-tlvc. It docs not alToct the blood one wayor another. Find out the type of rheuma-tism from which you are sufrcrlng.

Mn. CnAS. 8„ Urooki.ym, N. Y. : MishFannib S. VI.. SAN Kbanxisco, Cai., ; MissItABB Ii, V„ DALTiuons: Your lotten bnvobeen answered In person.




If you will let me know what you thinkof voKutnrlanLiim throueh The Nbw YobicC'.iiTKU I will greatly appreciate the klnd-ut>j3. Thanks In advance, etc.

KHI'LY.Vegetarianism, In my opinion, has Its good

sliles. However, like every other fad. It Is

being overdone. Black, commenting uponthis: question, says: "It has been pretty wellostabllshtd that man cannot live In .healthand comfort and enjoy Hfc on a ycgctabledlot clone. As before stated. It would lakea peck of white potatoes a day to give a mansulUclcnt protclus for laborious work. liemny get everything from Tcgctables, but notsulllelcut for u bulauccd ration from a reason-able amount of .food. Vegetarians arcusually fanatics, non-producctv, but, as arule, take care of their hcnitb and do notdissipate, commendable qualities surely, andIt they would only live on a sclenUQc, well-balanced mllon, they would, as a rule, liveInugcr, bo happier, and be more useful cltl-

i^^s. Those who live only on vegetablefood, and on that food which destroys nolife to get It, such as eggs 'and milk and Its

products, can get a well balanced ration,nnd oui'oly will be better and happier tbanthose who tiko an omnivorous diet un-selcntlDcuUy chosen In quality and quantityand ravenously eaten. We cannot argue tliat

the ancient lirltons sut>slsted on roots andnuts and tbe spontaneous productions of theground, or that certain savage tribes live onvegetables alone. Providence provided anddoes provide a complete ration fur them In«qmc way or at some time, If not regulurly,or they would never be tbe sturdy racesthey were and arc."

Rest Is essential. Heat must be applied tothe alTeoted ttack. For this purpose, hot-water h.igs, hot brtin, hot salt, hot snnd ordot bottles prove very soothing. If you cangot electricity at the Dome, two electric hull»send their rays over the affected nren untilthe skin becomos rod. Do port overdo, by per-mitting blisters to form. Take aspirin— five

grains—every three hours. Keep tho bulbssU or olght Inches from the atfeoted part.Dry henjt Is bcrtiter than hot moist comprisedor poultices or fomentations. A box of b-ik-

Ing Bodn to a t>iiitta tub of warm water, tomake a "soda both," and permit the p.itlent

If) romaln In It for from Ave to tweMy niln-

uites, acts splendidly. Pood must be nutri-tious nnd plenty. Cut down on meats nndnlcohollc beverages. Twcnty-dve per cent,

menthol In olive oil Is a splendid prepa'ntlonfoe mnssnge. After you are out of bed, getn.belt wlilch fits snugly around tlic body andthe painful area. Avoid cold. Ho onrerul 'n

your drcsiting room, and do not stand aroundin the •wings after you are through working,-and arc pcrspdrlng. Get a rub down. If youcan.


Will singoing the hair stop It from fall-

ing out? I have been told It would do so,

by quite a number of people.R.RI>I,Y.

NOi It "Win not Singeing the hair Is anabsolutely usclesH procedure and a makeshiftof/the harbor to get some money from thetinlnltlntod.


llv Dbah DocTon:I am .with a musical comedy show nnd

have consulted quite a fow physicians whotell mo that I have cystitis. They give iiic

medicines but my trouble Is getting worsi; tu-EtKid of improving. I am a constant rcuilorof Tub CLii'i'En and would appreciate a fewHues from you on this subject,

IHfPLY.CystlHs Is an Inflnmatlon of tJie bl.niVIer,

and Is due to a variety of causes. It Is

either acute (lasting a short time) or chronic(per&lsUng for a long period). It the medi-cines the doctor prescribes for you did notImprove your condition, I -would take n restand place myself under the care of a doctorwho would treat the bladder by w-nahlnp,rest nnd froper medication. It Is very likelythat the. doctors gave you the proper medl-olnos but did not Insist upon rest and lo-.'iil

trcQtmeuts. which Tiro Jnalspcnsnble, to getthe desired results In coses cuch as yours.


.4^ DoCTOU


-.^'.S.' I am often bothered •with bronchitis. Iam a singer, and soon nftcr exposure to col.lI am down with bronchial trouble. Wlmtwould you -suggost that I do for It? Plensolet me know through Tun Ci.iiTBii, which 1

nave read -tor the pnst six years.IIDI'LY. .

Try to ascertain the cause of your trouble.,oomctlmes exposure to cold and wet, at othertimes improper dotblng, overloading the'stomach, sudden change of climate and otherthlncn may bo rcBponslblc for your bronchialdisturbancos, and under such condltlt^ns thoprompt elimination of the cause avoids thetrouble. As soon as you get an attack ofbroachJtis take a. brisk purge. Annoint yourchest with camphorated oil. Stay Indoors, Ifpoeslblc. Take a Dover's powder^telgbtgrains)- at night, and follow It up with tat-lets of aspirin (Ave grnlus each) evo^y threehours for a dor.en doses. Take a wide-luouthe<l bottle, fill It three-fourths full oflot water, drop half a tcuspoonful of IodineIn It, Inhale tour or Ave times cvory threehours. Innplrc deeply. After the attack hasKiibHldcd lead a hygienic life and build your-self up OS muob OS you, possibly can.


WRITES:I).s-An Doctor;

I am an acrobnt, nnd for the pnst twoweeks have been unnble to work on nccount<>t a severe attack of lumbago. What shallI do for It? This In the HftTi attack withintwo years, ond It makes mc miserable besldcMdisabling me from work.

RBl'I/Y,Aa soon as an attack comes on, go to bod.



Deah Doctor ;

I am a rcHrtMl BCtress, and slxty.fcwoyears of age. For the pnst four or Hvc years I

have been suffering from periodic attneks ofcramps In tile legs (calves prlndpally). Tbcvnchc for three, four hours at « time. Whntonn I do for It? An answer through TheNkw YonK Ci.irPF.ii willl be appreciated.

nF51>I,Y.Your age has perlinps something to do wllh

the crnmps In the limbs. Moderate exerciseMtli TvTtrm tub bnths dnily will do .vou good,flood 'genemi liodlly cnrc Is ewnUnl, nndreguiatidd of the stomach and Ixwel func-tions absolutely necessary. Have .vour feetnnd lees wrapped In flannel on retiring. Rubthem before going to bed with wintergrecnllnnment, which you can procure In any drugstore.




I nm In a "sister net." My partner imdI shore rooms nnd have been together fttr thop.nst two nnd li.ilf years, neccntly Bho begnnnllinc nnd treating with phvsldnns. Amonth ago her eyes began to nother her. Weoften use the (tamo brush, comb. etc. For thoi«i»t tKO weeks I noUeed a redness In myleft e.vo. It hurts me. I saw n doctor In oneof the towns In -which T was pinying, nnd heinnrtc llcht of It. telling me to put some lendwnter on It. Tlic eve is gotUng worse. It Is.wollen nnd I nm nfrnld If It keeps up I shallnot be nlile to cnntlue my work. What nhallI do? I nm worried alrk.

REPLY.Sec an eye specialist nt once. You 'bare,

no doubt, contmeted nn Infection of the eye.On Kot ^Vtt^t. Oet busy. ITad vou given mo.vour nnme nnd nddrens I would have wired.vou direct, hecnusc .vou cannot afford to lose

nny lime. I sincerely hope, however, thntbefore vou rend tlieee linen you hnve placedyourself In proper hands! Do not use towels,etc., which your pnrtner Is using. I hopeyou nre better. Let me know.


niAnBTESMR. A. n. c,



DnAtt Dooron


I enjoy rending your articles In TubCi.irprn, nnd have noticed the relation youassert exists between diabetes and Kverfunction. I an a sufferer from diabetes andwould approclnto If you would let mc knowmore about It through Tifs New YorkCr.irrnB.

RBPLY.Dieting Is essential. Urinal examinations

should bo made from tlmo to time to ssccr-tnln tbe sugar percentage. The boweto ataoDliI

be kept open (a teaspoonful of effervescentsodlum-phonpbato In a tomblerfal of cnld

wnter nn tho empty atomach sniwera tbepurpose admirably). Drink plentr of waterIn keep the lildneya OiMhcd. Do not lakepritrnt medlclnei.

ft Man, 7 Wost MadiMn Slnct. On-iio.-«. Wra.II. Pilalej k a>.ns, nUtS nra,iil«rt.v.

Kankahn, III.—Tli«lti>, 83iliH). .\.ro'.il:cct«.

Z. T, ft Obas. U, Davit, 61 Knsl Viin Miirrn

Rtiwt, Ohlcaio. Owner, Wm, Cailiin-t, til l I-;:iiil

Station Gtreet, Kankakee.Havana, III.—Moving picture tl-eitrr. Ilxi:).'.

llt.OOO, Archllocla, IlotclikiM II.irrlH, IIitiM-Trnnacrlpl Ilnllilliig. I'coria, III.

nos-roN, MasK.—^Tliontit, atorv nn 1 oiUce InilM-

ln». CSxiaS. Arcliltert, B. S. Ix-v.i-. ;;.% CourtStreet.

I*«w niDTonn. Mns«.—^Thealre. f.r.»l,10. Ar.-lil-

t(ct, Wni. L. 5I01TII no llroninrl l Sinil, 1Iiih|,>ii.

Ounetn, Qordon A Hchoolmau I-;iili'r|irlKp Ui>., IH

Tmnont 8ti«et, Doat«,i.PnirAnsLrtriji, Pn.—Thesire nml aloro l,nlli|.

Int. Mim, flO.OPO. Arclillif.'H, II. J. .MoMlfA Hon, 1>H Spruce SIreft, <>\nin'K, ri:.|iiT. l,U.-4<'y

A Rmlrh, 73:1 Banaon flirret,

ToaaiNOTOH, Oonn.—^Thenlre nml ainre Imllil-

Inc. OBxign. Arcbllrcta, W. II. A II. .<lli'I.<-i<,<.

110 Tmiiont Btrrct, lloaton, Mara, Owiut. NIi-Iid- Oalrnrtky. 12» Knal PnrI Str«<-t, 'rnrrliii:l«ii.

WlLUINOTON, IVI.—Thealr«. MO.OOO. Archi-tect, Wallace P,. -narce, 204 Weat T-HpntS-ruiiriliStreet. Owner, .Mra. I.ulu Dalilt.

OLivrTANO. or—Motion iilcturo tliealre nmlstore hullillng. B2Il.^1, |2O,000. Architect, Henry.Ilmilllek. 1001 Illumlnnllng niilg.

CiNCiNNA-n, O. — Moving picture theatre.OAiinn, $40,000. Arrhltrcta. Zeltio A Rnpii, HOTJohnatnn lllilg. f>wner. I'rlro IIIII Amuaeinral C.n.,'

care Jolin W. WoImIk, lin.'l riml Natl. Hank lllils.

YnUKOSTOWN, (). — .Molina picture theatre,

41x70. |in,onn. I-rlvnle plana. Owner, V. A.Stfcillor. ino PrlncWon Avciiuf. Ooricrnl contractlet to K. C. I.Tnii, M F/nal Dolnann Avoiiiie,

Tanna lUuTR. Intl.

'MovIiia picture llipatre,

y;s.00n. Ari-hll.-ct, 'J, (1. Vrj-clnKh, 12 IliniliiK

Illilit.. I) North Stjih Slwl.SiciNAW. Mich.—Tliejire, pirre ami oIUpc twillil.

InR, tliroo nnd a half alor.v ninl ItaMnupiit.,foyer 1^1120. ArrJillpct. O. Ilow-nnl Ornnr, IMnieTViuk nidf., Dolrolt. Mlcli. Oxvncr, Snitlnaw Hip.IKxIromo Amiiaement Ci»., Inc., M. IIitlTinati. ko*.nipr. Snfrlnaw.

.Saoinaw, Mich.—Theatre ami aloro Imllillnir,

.inrnn. Iin.oon. Archltrrta, Alli-n A Ciirtia, Fur-enler Temple lllibf.

fT. T.ODIB, Mn.—Thi-ntre, oarnfl. Arrliltocl*:

Kenncrly * Sllcpcnievcr, IlpixoNt llntlilliii;. Divii-

cr, dec. Molora, 31111 Park Avpniie.OuanA, Niv>, — MoTlni iilclnre llipnlre ami

BlorM, nOlini $1,1.000. Arrhltect, W. K. Stork.Iiam, 420 Ilanice Iliillillnv. OnniT. V,. II. 'Winn,

2I(V1 ninney nrcet. Plana In iirogrna.nnnoKLTN, N. Y.—Il»ce track iiK)|iirili)me an'l

crnnd staml, club lioiinc etc., »l,000,<iOn. ArHil-tccta, KoehVr, Hpyr A farrliii'on, 400 FKlh

hltrrta, Cl."ic«ll A .Mnrnn-llolmkt'U, N. J, On-iura,

. IV'iilrnl .Vvohie anil PacificRtreet Jemey Oily.

I.ARIWiHin, (>, — Tliontpc anil Store Pnllillnff

1(^(148, $10,000. Ari'hltirt. NIrhiila I'pttI THOWllllnmfon Itnllilhi-.*. CL'Tclniiil. tinner, A. itreon-walil, 12201 Mnillx.iii .Vri<iim>, I.nkeArniiil,

CAMnninos. O.—•fhrnlro. Slnro ami Offlce Tliillcl-

lug, 44il4S, jao.Oim. Archlicci, FVe-l Rllloit.ChnnilxT flf OoiniiiiTi'c Itiithlliir, CVIiimhiia, (>,

Oniier, 0. A M. Ainii*'nH>nt 0>,, O, A. Krnna,nijjr., Wtu-cllnff Avi-nue. l?nnihrli[at>.

rrriiiiT. Mlpli.- -rtientn-. I2<)x|-.')l, - Archllrcl,O llmrnnl Orniio, ".M'.M PInie llrnk llulMiiig,Owner, lliiiro ."^chenT. 2S0 p;n<l .Ipffn^in Avpniip,

St. I.iiina, Miv— Hull nml Sioro PiilMlng. tiroati ry, P0xT2, Aroliliivt, II. Iliiiilin', Navarre llullil.liiK.

jKKrnisoN CiTv. \U. — nionlre, $20,000..Vrihltrrt. N. II. Il,<«'nnl. r.SOn IVImnr Avpiiiie,St. Ixiiila. t)Hiipr. Ilr. SchnnK, Jpffprmn Oily.

riptmri CiTt, Knn.--Tlifiitnv .\rrhUppt, It. A.Oiiitl^. t'M llpaprvp Itnnk lliilMInt,' Knnma CII7,Mi>. Owiipr, .Mprrlll lliv^iii, ri<:il|ti* Pity,

SHARPS AND PLATS.It. r.. Konr.UAN ANn r.Dni* llirnutM, late n(

the Opntry .'!hii\T, are with the Klltica, In Kan-aaa Olty.lUnnr Oint.xn haa nlinnat pnllrply rvcovprMl

frmn the InJiirlPi hp rpcflvril in an automntillaacclilrnt at I.nfayptle, Inil.. In<t Fall, and la

tniny at |:rMent omaiilalne n IwpniT-plece bamlforOmlry Ilrolhpra' Show (No. II fnr Ike com.Ing sraaon, Tlila trill make llarrj's ninth aniwiwith the (lentry nrnthem.

A. O. Pmrsaoti, cornptlal, la Wliitrrinf I0 Kaiv-taa Olty."lIoNiiT ntf.T." RuriNii, flip irpll-knnin ctrtni

tnrnetlat, v-aa rrcentlj iinirrl|.<l to. kllia MjlUtVan, a non-pmfpmlonal, at (IihIiIps, N. D,Tm*). Rtout will hnre thp Im'i.l wllh Ine Tan.

kp« nnbliiann Shows axain, ami rrpnrla thai heli now rp.i'ly for the o)tpiitng,

"Hook" Dnriinss, a haaa playe:, with in m-lnnalrv> ncqnalnlance among mualclnn*, has beenflpctnl a itptpffnto In the rfinvcntlon of tho Ampr.Iran Fpileralhin ft Miialclana, wlil.^h la In hihphl In Ann P'ranclapo In May. "llonk" la amnnlrr of I/>ral no, I'lttabnrgh, Pa.Till niiTii\u I/iTran, No, I, M. O. P. 0., (tve

Ihrlr alilh nnnml Imll at the Yurkvllle Oialne,N'pw York, Tiipailay vvpnin'g, Jin. 20, and It waia Ills ailrpi^aa.

KuiNic I'Ai.UA, illroctnr of the Tent Oltv Baml,wt'li-h will Mvii niHt|i the ai^aaon at OiTODado,Cnl., Iini pncnKiil Tony 1', .Snrll, elatlnetllst, wtielina liprn witli tlin HI. Hymphony Orebfat*afor ypnnt, aa anlolat.

Tits O.iuuinciAi, ni.t/n.. at Amnra. 111., la

nlaiihiK tho niynnlatng of a liraan haiiil, a loni-feltn-nnt there. <i. Iliirton.npnnv has been appointedIpnilrr. anil cWrn aiidiitrlty liy the ctuh to aollcltriiiiila t,> lltiaiipo flip vrntiire.

It. (;. .lAi-K will rrnlKit' hia poalllon aa chlrfniiiHli-lan of the H<Tth Itrilnirnt llanil. IlltnolaNnllonal Cliipril, nnil will tnhp up, on May 1, blaiii.\v iliit|p4 na liniiilninatpr of llip IlaQPuheck-Tyal-Inco (^l^a'rt llriiiil. Ilelip-irnali atari alntit April 2,1,

» ' ».

"TIIM THAI'" AT THE IIOOTII.Ai-llitir Ilnniiiipralplira pioiliictluQ of "Tli^

Tnip." will lip rf<-n nt thp IkMith, New Tnrk,aroiinil Wnnliliihton'a lllrlliitjy. . llulhrook DllniItrnila llip ciaiipniiy.

(tjt an»v>«rtKO ait, plw wMnttoii Ctirni.)

Sins. wiM. n. WATSoJi,The mother of the new Watson girl. Hilly

aava: "Philip Is now happy, lie lioa a thea-

tre, a great home, a good wife, a nice babyand a Uoston bull, so what's the use 1"

PROPOSED THEATRESaOiliCAOO, 111.—noil, stoic onil Flat Pullillng,

31x70 $12,000. Architect, Anton Charvot, IHOI

Soatli'Aatalnnd Aienue. Ownei'a nnnw wtlhlielil.

Nbw Yo»k, N. y.—Thentro, 48x1711. $IO(l,oo(i.

Architects, Oorilon & I.a Voile, 607 Fifth Avenue.

OwDCT, J. J. Murphy Katate, 10.1 llrooilwav. Ltr-

MC, Max Vcrwhlclscr, 2o5 Kaat .Sevcnly-iieTentli

^'cBNtvA, N. Y.—Picture Tlicntre, 'BOilUO,


}30,«00. ATChlt>-:l8, I,TO I,nnncrt A Bon, 140

Culler Bulliling, llccheater, N, Y. Ownen, T, II,

Sv.-tenpy & Son. Oviieva.

IiONBiDK, N. Y.— nipnlrc. 50x115, $20,000.

.^.rcliliecta, rr«;bur;{ A FlUU-r, Chailakoln Dullil-

liig, Jonicetonii, N, Y, Owncra, Wnn..Dunkirk, I'laiu cuinpletcil; will probably bullJ

lu Spring.Fall Iltvia, Uaaa. — .Moving Picture Tliealre,

4Bil20 $IB,O0O, Arrhllt'Cta, l„ (i. ]>«>lrenina ACou, 7!l4 South Main Sinx'l. Owner, l)r, J. Low-ney, 1)80 i-oulU Main Sttwt.Niw Havbn, Otmn.—Jloving Plclnre Tlipslre,

dllil20, 130,000, Arcblli'Ct. 0, Jelome liallpy,

88 Chuirh Street. Owner, New Kniilnnil Ileal ly

Co., 21 l.yona StreetJnan Oitx, N. J.—Tlicatre, two-atory,

$100,000, Jcraey Olty. Arihltpcl. Percy A. Vltrt-las, 110 Fourtti Street, Union IIIII, N. J. Ownor.Doltiil btalea Theotie C>9., Fmnk U. Hall, MRlTcr Street, Iloboken, N. J.JiDSR OiTT, N. J.—nu-ntre. tlxIOOxlOOxir.O.

$100,000. Architect, Wiiltcr lluiikln, 28 DM-tIpwAnnue^ Trenton, N. J. Owner, Fnlraiount AmuS')-Dipnt Co., Spaninrii Uiill'llng, Jcmcy r:ity.

UOBIISTOWN, N. J.—'llionlre, CUxI77, $SO,000,Archltoct, Ilymin IloaenHohii, SOO Ilroml HUcel,rjirabetb, N. J, Owner, Jamca J. I.yon, 7 ttpulli

SlKft, Morrlitown.PoaniKTowK, N, J. >- .Movliin Plrhire Theat-(,

40xZC0, $18,000. Ardilte':l, John I'livlpa P?tlp,131 Jackion 8trc«t, Trenton, N, J. Owner, Utr-cri.tJIa ft Delia, Dordoitowii.- Pmevuiinn, Pn. — Moving I lctnrp Thea're,$100,000. Arthllecta, II. K. Kennedy A Oo., HomnTruat DalMlng. Owner, Nicula Co,, Kanneia'Bcnk Uolldlng.IIOLUDATSBuaa, I'l.—\MOTlng picture theatre.

81x120, $10,000. Archltpot, iullan Mlllnnt,Ilutcblaoa Bldg., Altooua, Pa. Owner, C. N. Kol-ler, Altoona.Olevklano, 0.—Motion picture theatre, BOilOO.

Architect, P. II. Lnalaa, 400 Btuior Ulilg.OwDtr'a oan* wJthbelil.AkBON, O.—Auditorium and ermary, two itory

and basement, 120x104, $100,000. Aaao. archl.tfcia, IlarpBlcr A Bllas, Nantucket niitg, Akron.

.and Karl I. Uwt, New lUvea niitx., Uolumbua.O, Owners, city of Akron, 0. P. Parker, dir. ofubllc aervloe, Oily Hall, and Hialo of Ohio; Ilrron

Darnr, aecrelarr State Armory Ikiard, NrwIlaten Illdg,, Oslumbna./snTABULi. O. — Theatre. 40xI2v, $12,000.

Architect, OInrenoe V. Martin, llaakell Ulilg.Uwnrr'a nanit witbheld.

AaiiTAnuLi. 0—Motion plclnre theatre. C0il2S,ri2,000. PrlTole plana. Owners, Arthur J,Oooper, Erie Street, and Jay Beckwilb, Hpruce.siTtet.

.JtASBiuoK, O.—Theatre and stOM bolHlnc.(iCxlSO, ISO.OOO, Matalllor*. Arrbltaels. Guy Til.den * 6on, 34 Scbaefer BIdf. OsbIod, O. Owner,Jobo McI^ln care J, H. McLala Co., Cantnn.

MnntBAroLTi, Mlnn.-'JfOTlng pleinre theatreand atorr, $20,000. ArT^tallect, Perry Croiler, flitPlymoalb Blita,


jBrrBMox Orrr, Mo.—Tbntre, SOiISO, $12,00n,Ardiltect. B, n. LUitart

Oaiiuoo, 111.—Ttacatie, atnre. offlc; ami <pirl.nent bgllitlDg. $270,Q0P, 4rc!|l)ecta, |/eh»nraiini



Experienced Smokers Prefer

Riz La Croix Cigarette PapersFrom the Florida beacJies to the California

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«IZ LA. 4>.(Pronounced: REE-LAH KROY)


80 pure, light and thin, their combustion is

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strong and naturally adhe

sive, they arc rolled

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perfect ciga-

rettes that hold

their shapeMostimportantof

all.entircly health-

ful, because madeexclusively from the

best flax linen —


pure, vegetable product

FREETwo Iritercaling,

llliiHlrutrU lliiok-

ItrlH— ufir libout RIZ... CKOIX Clunrelle Hu-

prra, tlie nllii'r nliowliiK howto 'Hull Yoiii Own" clsiiretle<—

acnl nnywIiMi. in U. .4 on requrat.

Adilr'Ha Tlie AiiuTlLiin Tobacco Co.,

Room 1248 III V\m Ave., N. Y.

12 THE ii^'EW YORK CLIPPER. Fbbbuaby 20


AI. Jolion, In "Duiolii* Arounrl." «l tie Ljrlc.

and ••«•• Looj W»7 to TlUxrirj." it lb* ttil-,

""liiio (Leonard niumlorg, mgr.)—Al. JolKin;-

In "IHiiclti* Aronnd," hm lU Ioc«l firemiere IB.

•LndT Luiurr'.' mot wllh a fair <1««™* of mic-

«M wSk. J. W. Ilerijwt and Klorenw

Wetber, tn th« Icadlin; rolea, were cxc««<llDgb

'ADS?uI*^'(L«onard miimbcrr, 'r^JTbitd I'artj" eonUniiea to win vljinllia n'Sbi^f-

ud WtMer- Joota. The fourlii ami floal week tie-

""pouiar (Nlion & Zliniuerm«n, mn" '—A Brlaogefa "yad« oml Kanclea" ti)ak« Ita local

». "Ill* Olrl from Ulali." wllb Jull. San-

Stnin, Donald brlaii and Juarph 0«''l''""lulrlrt 13. aXler Hire* highly aircceaatul ««;ka.

gSuok (Cliaa. 0. Wdnamaker. mjr.)— 'Inno

tent," o«fpll* lU :ather luiiileaiaiH theme. alruc«' Sb DOPulu lancr laat week. I'aulino Kti'.lerIrK

SSa lerr noteVvurlbr work, an.l Hie acore<l most

Siirewafullj. Jolm Mllu-rn doen olno Bonje very

mlrltcd acting. Tlie K^cond week aUrIa 10.

DkOiCi (N)iou 4 Zlramemuin. mgta )— UKnallon" V'uJ(.ii lo be a rtellglilful trioi laat week.

10 axcelfeiil UualneM. 'nic comedy U (icecllDi;l>

"ec-i iid trnablca Mr». I'.irlck Oanplwll In appeai

to eicfUenl ajlraniiiKe. Her au|.|iort. headed by

I'hlllp *terlTale. la iiioat perfect. TLe lecmd

*i!tti!"tiiiatii (Ueulnb E. Jay. ""f- '"rP,',airok iir.-Nlictloiia of "The Admirable Baabrllle

and •"lirt Dark I^irty of Uie Honutla," drew good


alMil lioureH laat week. 'ITieni will be no ehouge

In llio 1)111 for week of 13.

Vai.sut OV. U. WcBefarlb. mgr.)— t a a

Way lo TIpiKirary" 10-2U. jflake £ Ilaf*

Ip. "Jack'a Itomance," coptlTaleil Iho blggect klnrt

of houiiea lual week. The alar la beruiiUnit rery

liojMlnr la these inr.a, tnd ihc applnua* lie got

MHa well deaerved. . , „AuxaioaN (Wm. W. Sillier, mgr.)—Th* alock

ipiMia ID "A Vool There Waa" lB-2(>. "Tne

Trahlc" w«B well rcflveil laat week, lo aylendj'l

rtturm. ".M^gille I'epper" 22.

B. V. lUiTii'M m. T. Jordan, mgr.)—TrlilcFritaoM Olid cutnpaiiy li the beadlhier of a tii-

TenUled bill week of IB, which InJudea; Harry

llerctford, Ontolliie While, Mr. and Mra. Jnoa

Uoarrvrey, I.ucy (lllU-il. Adler and Arllne. NkI

IlatariD and cuiniiany, ilarllii Van llerg>!ii. the

Uerrvni. and moving ;ilciurra.

OIUND (I'red 0. Nkun-Mrdlliiger. m«r.)—Week of ID: "Tlie Il'iney lleea," JeJinlrign nnd

Krera, MorUin anil .Monn-, Soiilly iii"l AninlmtH'.

Oabartt doga. Kirk iiiiil rugiirly, and moving pi:-

turea.\\u, riKN (Win. W. lllllir, niKr.)—Week of

IB: "The Buyer from niiHliiirKli," .McMuiiou aiil

Uianntllo, Kord and lleivUi. Mi.rrUoy ninl

lUckelt, Oirelll and Olllelle. (jut'eiile Uuiic-llii.

anil niorUig picuirea.

KixoN (KTiJk. I,*oiioM, nigr )—^\^vk iif li-

"TLo Olilet of I'ollee,'' OunilllB IVrwnil and niiii-

riuy, Nine While Iluaaam. Olrvie Uoiniily I'mi..

Alcionder I'orler, Uroat Wbcvler, uinl iiiuvlnt; n'cturea,CBoaB-KiiB (Jaa. J. BprliigiT. iniir. )— .M.nj

Ward will be fenturiil all utrk of I'l. IJIlier n>':<

for 15-17 are; I.aiiky'a 'rhrw 'iVi"'". I'urNlj.i

Trio Walab and Wolnh, i'aull .tnd linvni', uii l

Viago nirick Kbla. Kor IH-iO. Wel.sier -i il

Wooi'tierry. Clem llevena nnd cuiuiniii.v, 'I'liixi* (Jil-

Oen Blaten, and I'hillla Kaiully.

GuiiiB I Kugeno Terry, nifc'r. ) — M'lvli nf I ':

"The Uitam i'lralca," Mlllun and lie l.<ing SK-tera. Afud* Kent, llurna mil KIhih-ii, Ari-u llro,>..

Idiig and Kondig, I'leree and Uaiiie, rif.ilerl aiii<

iiclMOell. and moving piclureu.

. KtiarONK (M. W, Taylor, ragr.l—Wivk nf I.'i:

McDevItt, Kelly and l.iici-y. l'>lwanl Kiirri'll iii:'!

^company. Cblc nyd Chlrlrla. Otlvi'it". (iertnrli-

irtako pnd conipuny, Adluu and r(ini|i:iny, an i

luDvlug p'clurea.Kui'iua (Wni. V. Itlfc. mgr.)


Show la ocbeduled for week of 1(1, Tlie HurryIlaallngB' Hhow waa entirely lo Uie liking uf ihe

liitroni laal wc*k. 'llie Iiuuhiv were uf line ilxi-,

mid fnunil Dan Ooleinnn's eonieily very pleimlii):

'Jlio ICvaiia UroUien and Kllceo Sliedddii vecn.

Harrlabors, Pa.—Uajealle JWUmtr, Tls-

cent A Appell, mfia.) Oboa, K. OnampUa StockOo, Feb, lB-26.Obphiuu (W41in*r, Tlattikt t Appel, mfm.)—

Dllled 10-17: Uori Una. and ooavanr, Darrell

ond Gooway. Sonettl and AntoiBctle. Bill FnctI,Nawoom-Boltb Duo. and Ton and Bchcnck.

Terre Hante, Ind.—Grand rOhoa. emlth,

mtt.) "Pv o' Mr Hsart" Fab. It, 20, De WotfJIoppCT. In "ni* Mlkailo" 21, "•Tia Wblp" 23-

SV^'HIgb Jink*" Uaicb 4, DaTld VaifMd 8,

Jidin Drew 11, "Uoter OoTer" 19, "The Little

Uo/e" 16, Walker Wliltealdc 22.Naw lIirrooioMB (Otto Merer. Dcr.)—Bill

Tell, lB-17: Nina Uotrla and companr, Neplnne'aNyrntAa, Spacer and Wllllaioi, Urevo. UcUtnrynoiTBean, and Klinhra Jape. Bill 18-21 : Ray-mond and DalD. Ambler Broa., Arthur Solllranaod eonpao/, Iknetle Aaoria, CimilnttiaD anil

Marlon.Nnr Ooi/02<ub (K, Leas, mgr.)—YauteTllle

ond piclnrea.Loin (E. B. Sbeeta, mfr.)—Stxk ami picium.AuaiiaiN, OoLonijj,, OacacExr, Fouktain,

UaaoiN, lup, Ltczuh, Oipiiiou. Oun, Tbin-(BBB, riLioa, PorouB, Pibic, ItoraL. Ixaror,HWaN. TWD.ra POINTt and TIlBAtOBIUU, plc-lum only.Tira feature Bio, "A Fool Tli*re Wna," it the

(irand, Snnday natloco and nlgtit, drew Ui« larg-iHt crowd ever In ttaraire, S.BOO pall admlulooafrom 2.30 r. u. to 10.30 r. K.

Losanaport) Ind.—<Nelaoo (Bdw. F. Qtlll-cnn. mgr.) "Damon and I>7thlaa'' (feature Dim)I'cb. 10, "Uanky ranky," wlUi Bobby North, IB;

Stock 09., waa Iha bestflelar/ SooAi^ nigbt, 14,

10 "!>«? Llebe Aofnatln."Gauiok. — WlUlam'a (Sabmailne piclnrea orn-

tlnoo aa tbe attractlan betv.Nrv OiiKD Onrrau.

Un, LcaUe Cirler, In

"Da Ban7" (plctnm) 14-20,

OouiKBU.—dilll 14-20: Bmmet Oi>rrlpin andconpaD/, time, Uatlaka Aldrtcb, Jooeoli JefTeraon,aoalalM tj UlUer and Ooovan, Cotrrloer Blitcrj,

Obaa. Abean'a eDaipas7, and DalntT Uarle.OaiHD.—BUI H-eoT ''A Ntgtit on a New Tork

Roof Garden," wltli llxBmj Bodfea and Jenn nnea


Cbirlca UoOodda and ooopanf. Dale and Doyle,Dc Renoo and La Doe, Howard and Sadler, letterand Rotetf,' and plctorts..HupODBOUa—Bill 14-20: Flnk'a mulea, the

Cabaret Trio, Ileorr B. Tnomer company. In

"Sldcllfbta ;" aU other acta to flir, and plelurea,

Hcirark, If. J.—Newark (Geo. W, Hobblai,mgr,) Il dark F«b. lB-20,Shobbt (Lec Ottolengnl, mgr.)—Tiila boiiM

11 rented for amiteor perfonnancea 15-20. "TheHtory of tb« Booiry" l!;i-27.

Obthbdu (U. B. SdilealEger, mgr.)—The Tor^heil Plaren, In "Tlie Dllrdneaa of Tlrlue," 1520. "Geo. Wisblngton Ji." 22-27,Emtibb (Too Miner, mgr.)—Sam Howe'a Ii>Te

UnkeiB 15-20. Bert Bkker and (he Bon Tana22-27.

FaooTOB'a (L. B. aoldUig..nigT.)—Split week,bigh cloaa Tauderllle and plctniea.Lnio (L. R. Oolding, ngr.)—Blil I,'i-I7: Cole.

Rtuaell and DitIj, Manning, Sloan and OHnpjiiy.Jonea and 'Walton, Ed. WlDebeBter, the Kliiieirn,La Vrme'a Modela. and Carmea'a ulnitrela. ForlB-20: Jetge and UamlUos, Vrar 1\>nudoe(, Fred

JAUB8 BARLT fOM boalneu manager of the Na 8 "Twin Beda.""HAID IK .UIBBicA" wtU open at the Winter Guden, New Tork, 18.BICHABD BSNNETfT, in "Nearly Mirrlcd," opened at Aprtufleld, Haeg., 12.EliSlD FE1B0D80N will rcmtin a few weeka lonser at tbe Ljceom, New Tork.CTBIL SMITH waa mgtgei by Jobn C. Fliber for tbe part of Bo'aan H. U. B. Scorpion

In "Tho Debutante," repladnr Tboiuaa Beyoolds, wbo went to "Tbo Candy Sbop," '

-THE comer Btone of tlie Elks' new borne In Brazil, Ind,, w«t laid Feb, IS.

aiABlE HOUOAN lia* joined tbe De Wolf Hopper Co.


bailed rruuilneiit placea on the iirngroio.

^OoiKO (Wm. J. Valll, mgr.)—The IlnneyniwnOtrla lire tenaola IP and week. The flltla of the

* Great While Way had a doien eieelleiit bouw.'8

laat week. Ueu Binnll anil ilnude KockHcll weretbe Btara, and acnml blK. Aa our aiUleil atlrnc-tlon Joe Uoganny'i Lunalic llekcra wai a jiopiilar


QiTrrT (Wm. S. 01«rk. mgr.)—Iliili* nerii-

aleln'i Kolllea of fleaanr* in-20. The Trani-At-lanilca fumlahcd a lively ahuw lo eoo<1 reliiriia

laat vtck. Harry Klelila and I/w Hickman werekHM: eouiedj provldi'ia and they got It over 1^

line alyle. Norma Urowu auil lluby Grey aloo{ileaied Ihe crowilt.TBOoaDKBO (llobt. .Morrow, mgr.)—^Tbe Qlrla

from Joyland ore ilue 111 and «T«k, The Oltyllelira were a bunch of Inji iiutchcra lo eicellentattendance, 8-13. Mile. Maile'a act waa a big

wtonei. while the Monarob Oxneily Four and theVenll uualcal Trio wore the beat liked numberaIn Ihe olio.

Domont'b (Frank Drnnont. mxr.)— .\ 'neiTik<l."Billy Soine Day," burlrriijulnK llie Illlly Bunilnylerlvsl. will tio put on uivk of 10. Uennleyraiiklln nnd Teil llnpiiinn will .iIko ofTor a Ti..*w

akolcb. Kddle UivKnily fnnil.ihen . n new mow-loaue, while In l!i« nm pnrt l<v Oolilen. a vnri<

liF, makca hia debut. 'Hio atlendiiuce conllinieii

Sne.OiiaaTNvr RmBm' Oiuiit llouar. Coi.k.niai.,

A1.UGIIDNV. AMUHniu. Ilijnu. (Iiutiiii. I'i.a^\.

Vioronia, Stani.kv, Paijioi, IIkobnt, riia.NKFiinn,LiBiBTr, I'Kori.K'H, Kui'iiass ami Oiii'Iikum vlveTBndcTllle oiul niuvliic plelunn.


"DiB WiLKiiiiK." Willi a line easl. drew afiBhlunablo audlencv at the .Meitn|iolllnu 0|>ernIlouae, 0,Tub Ikaton Synipliony Orelienlrn elves a eon.

cert at Itie Academy iif Mii,»li\ !,'>.

Rlmbnoubf beglna hIa irovel Inlks nl Ihe Arii<|.

caij of Muale, 10.

KiuinioK Kiiiu haa rrjoliiid Ihe l.lllle TliinireBlock Oj.

VmiaillMi tunrhcH nre l>eliii: | nt li n li.iii l-

eome iibcKiilay liuun^ IvlnK ImlH he Win r.tivil

<.n abiClnut Stivei, Ww! of Flfliviiih, It willlinTi> n alx hnndn>l aealliig i-iipii'lly.

Tiiu badqticl nnd Tniiilevllle hIihw ;:lven hv tti>'

TliM'rl.^il Trenmip.'r^ nl lliirlli-ultnrul Hill, in7, «n» a big iiieiVHa. There wire ii.ore lli,iii

aOO nKf.ia.Tub I'rrk TlienliT. .1 Mi: inovlii,- pleiure Innue.

at Koa. K36 lo J'JIl llldt:e Avei m-, on n Im84 liy 110 feet, waa fiiIiI Inai week liv IhrActive Henl Uilnto Uuiiiimny. tn John N. WeVr.for b roiiiliinl coimlderJlUMi. niibji'et tu a lU.'l.OOODv>Tlj;agp.

Tub Norlhwett lleally (V In nbnnt 1« awani aconlract fur the erecilun of a nuivliig picture tlie.

otre 02 liy 128 f«>l. nl Thlrly-llnil and Wiltaireeln. Il will oml upwanla of J4ii.(W0.Tub Untied lloflkliiK nilUiK fnrnlalieil Ihe laleni

for an riitcrlalninenl kIvcii by llip Itintwlt, Teller^. Onmiiany «npliiye<'i", nl Men-anllle llall. II, Ontho bill were: Nnl .M. Wills. Ji«> rtmli, MoDevllt,Kelly ami I.urey, jind Ky»\i and


Sornnton, I'n.—I.ycoom (K. II. KohiMlainm.mgr.) Vlddlnher I'layem. In ri'in'riolrx-, Feb. 17,niiitliiee ami evening. I'or real of nivk, iilelurea.

riii.1 (Jobu 11. DtH'klni:. luKr.)—lllil wivk >it

IB: Uaiilain lyonhi'.Sdrvhu e\>ini>aiiy, "Hie OalryMalda,*' l.yona nnd Yoant. IMiia l.ulir and com-pany. Uivn-ii, IV'liimr and Itruivn, the Kninicra,uud Schooler and liloklui m.AcuuBUi (F. JuiiH'a ITurrpll, mgr.)—For week

of 15, the roll Siivk l)«.. In "Daiiiilili'ra of .Men."UajBBTiu (Urorge .N. Tc\'lii. mgr. )— lllll wei'k

of IB^ "D.inMevIl J.i;k" KeyimM-:, Ihe INsltFamily, OnrllKle Slsleis. MeUmio, llsrrlelte Wll-aiiu and eimiii.niy. Mii,:k 1 l^-nlg, WaMo n:i,I

Wallo. Karl Kern, lleeae and Itetxe. nnd UlltytiKbonie.

BTm (Harry W. Sloriin, mgr.)—^lliu DandyUlrii li iO.

IllJOII Dhrwb, WiINOKHS. VlvnilRIA. ,M«MIIT-T4N. IIiei'OUHOUD. Wii.NntKiaNii, i.V)URT :juuane,I'ALAru and OiiniKuu, plclim'a only.

...A'*""?.*! —•Mli'hlcr (I. 0, Mlnliler, mgr.)M illlam llwlsr. In "Tho lloait to llapiilni-ir''Feb. 18. Ill-art Charmera llnrlmqiieiv 18. 7^iHiTiwlt, In "The lle»l lUioe," 2ii: "The Nfwiy.veil* in<l Their Daby" L'J. "I>«uion and I'vllilna"ipleluree) ',23.

(JRrnBDH (Arthur K. Deninnn, mgr.)— lll|| n.17: 'Jlie BU Mualcal Cotiiiana. l-kiiiiict Di. Viivand coirinny, Uobby llenlli. nii<l (loldliic and

"••2"= "»f""l ••""r, KeyKono"•,"".1''"''' '"^ Unnielt and Sou, and I.ody

Alio* I rata.

'H'wlaab ft I'crlmuHer" 10. "To-lHj" 22. Mc-liil)-re and llealh 23, Dr. (Xnk 28.C'uLONiiL (Uarlow Dyerly, mgr.)—Bill (or 15-

17: Oliarlatte, Morton, Wella ami Norwortb, onel» nil.

Ilnuinwar (Maneua A JeHtles, mgra.)—Dlllyllrynnt riayera, Inuetlnlle.

I'anauouNT (W. II. Llndaty, mgr.)—Taramount^Alure fllnis.

-(Abk and Oaaxu, pleturra only.

NOTU.OLAni IxiuinB MooBt, who eo iplendldly por-

:riiyed the leading feminine role lo "Under Oorer,"at (he Nelaon. H, l> llie niece of Mra. Jno. Alber,iif tbia city, wllh wbon ahe vlelled during theI'umpany'a engagement here.

Dehpitb the fact lhat the Oolonlal and Kelsonnlsyed (Bblold In onpOBltlon to each oUier, 11-13,lidlh comi>anlea enjoyed capacity btulneea.

niemplila, Tcnii.—Lyceum (Frank Griiy.iiiiir.) Reurge Arllaa Feb. 18-20. "A Pilt ofSliea" 21.

. Oiii-iiuuH (Arlbur .'.ane. mgr.) — Hill IS>2n:lllr.ea 'Bnd Foi, Mlll«r and Vincent, Blan SlaaleyTrio, Tlieo. Ucudlx I'laycta, Jarrow, Tbrfr Blou-I'ya, "llic Red Ileada.'' and Orplicum Weekly.Majbbtiob (3), Eunncs (2). PaixctsB,

A1.AU0. OoLANUis Qo'BM, Plaza, 1'alicb, Oar-lllll.TON, AUUICAN, SdDURBAN, LaMAB, EOBN,ItBX, OaraTAL, Laaot, OxroBO, Wkluhoton.lui'iBiAL Dh i.vxb Da BuTo, SnAUBOCE, Oct.-llfUCHB. IIKAUTT, I.IBBCTr, MBTBOrOLlTAN, IKI'EBIALB (1), DAIRTS ^3), PABTIMn (2), ftnTAUSavct, Pekin, Fauoub and CoLUlinia, mcllojpliMurra.Tub Nxw MAimrio. under the management of

Ihe Majeallc Amuaemmt Oo., and,rDe ot tbe'wmie molloii

. plcluro theatreg^ In the Sont'j<lieiied Ita doora 11. with "Oablrlt" aa tbe feo-(ure. Farnmount piclurca will tw fcaliired beie.

Naalivllle, Tcnn.—Veodooe iW. A. Bb«elB,nier.) ilargaret Anglln Feb. IB. I4. Geo. Rvans*Mhialrela 19, 20, "A Pulr of Bbna" 17. 18.

I'niNiiRaB (Ilorry flndakam, tiffr.)—BuBlneiagood, with Tauderllle end plctam.

VlCn.BU, (AXBTAL, KUTB, FlfTK ATBNtn. AL-iiAUUBA, Ilax and CJieiioent. moving piclnreaonly.


Btband.-Tbis now "movie" Is e.xpeclcd looiien during week of 10.

IIiprODBOMB (W. II. Uordleaer. mjr.)—akallnela poinilar wlUH the large crowda In attendance!Manager Uordleeer biu epedal - atlracllona every

mgr.) the NaU<iial Grand Oneia Qi. were iSnbore Feb. ll-n. Oeiiry UlllifTa bioked torihowlnj In "Daddy Loiig-I<m."'

6l«k Cb'""'''nKf )-l»lsbop-B

Ani5'?JS"J-**HHKy, mgr.)—Bill U-M : BulhAllen and coupany, hi "Womin P.'.imMM-" wtif-

tolllna UavIIaTd Vnd •n.ornTn.SnnlKTlij "J"}^'Je and oompony (aeeond week). Mr. and »fn.

lit. """iieio-opa, and Keya'oto nlctuiM

vaudeville and motion plctnrej.CcLUMBu (Ocorce W. Mtdi, imrr WDiiim »n,i

Nllef- u'zo"" ^^t^'-oru^l

I^Jiva only.' ""^ ."'>-»<*N'B. mollun plc-

LiJ'mJ'v' .KV'"-^""!"" fWelTlII. sioli.

fS. 14 "»»«« Co. week of

l-o!lli"li?2^^^»"" -Sf-)-'n.e ZlcjfeM

l.enl"S'?hS/,^i,^M'ji"'*- ""^-'•^^^ Sl-cP-

I'lBi.—"Qei-nich-Quiek WaUlngfonl" U-20

f,iiBHANi<0Aii.—"Tho Yanke* Ooncar* K-atLStaniiabu (L. Ilelchenhach. mgr.)—flbnrr

IJl»wnn »'rek of 14, with Motrin and Ilaieltoa.Millie loverldgp, lilti itejnolda. Bbippelle, I'alnBntaiiil Tnnile, and Ulioeceta,

• »ui.u.

lufKniAL.—American Ileautlea M.20(lATBTT.— "Tlio Iloo)i-La-Olrla" <B(eek or II\irlt)RiA (Wm. (3ave. mgr.)—Anna fx>ank. ih»

l>oiiulor BBd clorer Icidloc toabiette ot tbe aeraiia

line line, and bave aocnted the FacamoiDt Dle>tinea, wtlcb coounenced Feb. 8.KnlamaBOO, HIch^Faller (Will J. Ooj.

ncllT. mgr.) Jobn W. Voters MIoatrels FWi. M.Uaiutio (Will Mnraball, mgr.)—nin wo<k of

14: Apolh) Trio, AI. Lamar, Master Gabriel. GeneGnen. ollim. and motion plctumCdiainuu F,i.iTa^ Ltbic. Nbw and OBrazau,

Qrinibs. Olara Ullg, Arlbur Uunlon and com-pare, two to All. and picture*.Jeraer City. N. J.—.Majeallc (Frank V,.

nendtnoo, msr.) "The Slory of the notary" Feb.lS-20. Next weak, "September Uo'm."


AcAoxuT (Gary McAi^ow. mgr.) — The Tnxlnirls, wllh Joe Dmton, Bayton. Lynn Uinfr.Mark Wotley, Jack Uoward. Una C7taa4wlck, OlalreCran-fonl. Cbarlea Wcaaos, lB-20. Next week,Caliaret Qlrl*.Obfobuu (Leo U. Konlor, mgr.) — The tir-

Rbeon Stock Co., bi VITbe Bqusw Maa." 15 20.ext week, "Seren Daya."KaiTn'B (Wm. B. Garyn, mgr.)—Bill IS-17:

Ediratd Abelea aid rompany, Lucy Dalv am!Kmeat D. Wood. lokperlal <)aartettc. Kealln!;.KTini and Cooper, an,1 tlie Patrlcka. For )8 20


Fanny Ward and otberi Good bnaloen rulea.

noboken, N. J.—^Enplre (Wm. F. Fi(a-ccrald, mgr.) Harry Hattlnga' 3ilg <Uiow, wllhDan Oileman, Brans Broa., Palmer ninea, CUeeiiSberldao, Basel Lormbie and Alma Baser. Feb.13-20. Next week. Honeymoon OlrU.

Ltbio (Q. S. Blgga, mgr.)—Vaudeville andplclona.

Hllwankce, Wla. — Davldaon (Shermanllrown, mgr.)"Polaib A PerbnotlCT" week of Fob.14. David Waifleld next.Majbbtio <J. a. HIgler, mgr.)—DDI IB-SO:

Oarl Jom, Ellxabetb Murray, Swor and .Mack.Alexander KIdi, OoUloa and Bart,' Aon Taakerrod coouuny. Foot Amarantbs, and Trevlltjcanla<a.


Sudbot (O. a. Newton, ii«t.)—The ShuberlStook Oo. praent "Tbe Traveling SBtcsman" weekof ID, "At Boy" nextOaiErr (J. H. Bhodea. mgr.)—The Beauly

FotBde week of 14. Tbe Golden Crook next.Burmas (Jaa. Eiauae, mcr.)—"In Wrong"

week ot 14.Outbtal (Wm. Gray, mgr.)—Bill week ot 15:

UcBrlde and Oavanaugh. Four "Honey Glrla" RavSnow, Marie Buaaell, Frey TwLcii and Frey, anilBajork Bioa,Obphxdu (Wn. E. Mick, mcr.)—iBIII week of

14: Princeaa Indlta. Darla and Merrill. FlorenceCampbell and eompany, Maxlm'a Modde, andBoyt and Wardell.

Enn Glalrc, Wla.—Grand D Moon,mgr.) Moivan Stock Co. Feb. 7-14, "nitih Jinks"

UNiQtra (Hlller BroB., ugn.)—Vdadcvllle andParamoont fealuiea.OapaBnu, Oklabs, Ltbio. nu and Stab, fea-

tore BImB,

Bamllton, 0.—Jefferaon (J. R, Broomhall,mgr.) "The Oandy Shop" and Mclntyr* anilHrttb were hero IT, 18. Motion pictures whenuotbJug booked. -Gbakd (J. B. UcCartfiy, mgr.)—Vaudeville and

uMlIoo plctnrca.raiKncBB (Ed. Kullmin, mgr.) — VaodoTlll*

nnn oiollon piclnrea.Jkwbl, Ltbic, Botal, Stab oml Baou, mollon

plcluica only.

, J, H. BBoOMKAli. manager tbe Jeirel and Jet-rttion TliMtrea. attended eonvenlton of Ohio Mo-tlOB rictnre League, at (Jolnmboa. 0., week 8Bboinnino Feb. 28 and week. Manager McCar-

thy, oiinoancea an addition of one act to hij tean-lar bill, making bU In all and mollon plctniM.ii^m*'"'.'^f°<',^ "1'' *•'« Mlaaea llonklna. of theVoAla of To-ilay Co.. playing tbe Grand. 8 an.lweek, niado qulto a hit In tbelr musical numbers

v-Sdr™?"-. V'S" ""tbs Wolf, of IhoFoUka of To day Co.. ur (be Gnail, B and wrvk.

Olrc^nnall, where (hey were married, 0,

Woonaoaket, n, I—DIJoii (W, Parmenlcr.nar.) vandevlllp and moving plctiirea.

onlyf'CKEL, movliii; piclureu

.J^^H"^,"" Theatre bns leen JoliicKood laisliKaii and show ng goml nlclurw thonnnasomcnt feela It within their pSwir^' gh?tho patrrns aomelbing better In the nivlii pic-












NOTE -AH the numl>«r3 is8u« by ua are publlahed for band an«^^^T'

BOSTON . GMIGA60 V Tl l^fjlEastern Office: Wesiern Office ;

AHJBl.%^« W^:**/176 TREMONT ST, 146 N.CLARK 8T, :135 WESTAi^JS'


I.ODIB MANN wUl filar his New. York Mca«emeat at toe Princess to 'Tlie Bubble" m*««m a« mtMwm ww««>*minBIL MABDB J. on U. w«, to the Coost. He eau JulF 6 fo? Eniu?a from QUT OF TOWN NEWSnfu-IE BDRKE rctnrned to tlie role of Jerry, at Boston, Feb 1 1

RAY COX has retnmed to "T^la Beds," after an absence owing to the death of bcr

"'"'HCTiRT W. SAVAOB haa retnmed to New York.FANNIE WABD will appear Id a sketch bj Edgar Allen Woolf.






OetlOT wniUifr nodltlou nude thiDff look •little iKBler •roaiid thr loal tmutrarot plin«last KTCk, bat •till tlwrr w» room tor liDiinve-Dent.OoiT (Jotin R. Oort, out.)—Tllrhtrd Dcnnnt

opens Feb. IS, In "Nearlr Uurlnl." I Two w«*kaot "Wtit'i OclDf On!" wtilfipnl ft lolo diwrunnlDj ibspe.OoLoxru. (Clitrlc* FroiaintD A Wm. lUrrh

insn.)—8«co:U week of Leo Dtti4ctail«la and t'JTi-

portlDf (ompanr. In "Ttie I'butoio BUal." Itu reaatkablj orlalMl ud atrlklnglr effectlTe.lul U I T>ru<luctlou DO one iboold nil (o ice It

•omecblni orUlntI and tklcbl; artUMc U dnlred.Tbiuont (Juo. B, (kbottrel, msr.) — "Tbe

Miracle UtD," In lis Mcond week, made a bitfrom tbe tlar:, and la dolns good boflutM.

Suibjut (Wllbor^Stiubert Co., men.)-Fields, Id "Tbe Illcta Ooat of LotIoc," •econd'week. Qood bualn««..MuBsrio (WlUwDbiJbert 0>.. m«ra.)—Wlllltm

FaTenhim b» Defer been belter Btted, peT*an-illT. wllb 1 role tbin tbit at Oounte de Diaetta,In "Tbe Ilank.'V wblcta coouneacve Its tJiUd week15.

rLTHpuTii (Fred B. WrIgbt, mgr.)—"Too MinyOuckV inn maile tbis tlmlre one o( tbe UiiRblDccrntrra tt tbe dir. Tbe plf«« be«tn« lla tourtbveek, 10, snil good allendintc cnnllniiee.

WiLDca (Wilbur Theatre Oo.. num.)—"A Talrot Sliea," wblcb bia kept tbe audlencet bete lo










conTulslona of laughter Ihroiighout Ms local en-

cawment. on!cr», IB, uiwn Iw e'Sbtb wwk.LVluh (Ohnrlca J. lllCi. mgr.)—Blllle Iliir'co

la now In the laat wevk of her "Jcrrr" ras^r-runt, 'llie Ucum w«» Oork fur iiTcr a well

oninc lo Ml.ia nurke'a llliuiia.

llosTii.N (Wm. \Vo.iild, mgr.)—"Iten-IIur." In

Its eUlb week, must be oluased as an Ircvslstl'.le

mafnet.l;ceT(.N OrasA llouai (W. n. Manlonald

mgr.)— Dc«i.UBe of an Insistent pnimlnr demaml,Henry Jewelt altered tbo onlcr of bin rtperto'.'

ciuinit week. In opler to reiieat "Tbe MerryWl»e» of Windsor."CiBTLB SgUAsa (John Craig, oigr.)—"Comir-ia

Cltj" enters, 10, iiiwn Ms alitb week. No dste

Ii In slfbt for the termination of (he eDrage-UK-nt.

Waldpon's Casino (Oharle* II. Wo.dmn. mgr.)—For tbe elsbtcentb conireullTe teoMin Joe lliir-

tig's Dowerr Burlesqaers were In town last week.Tbe cipacltr of tbIs large lioiise was tested at

neurly everjr perfonnauce, Fltigirsld and QnlnnI'rvved to bs eicellent fun-mak>rs. (;iiarlefl llnb-

Inson'a Carnation Beauties tbls week, nllb Dream-IudO Burlesouers to follow.

QAirnr lOeorgeR. Bstcbeller, mgr.)

Oms Fot,Harry K. Morton and otber members of the Gay-ely Dsrleequen cicsaed op In great sbain- last

week. Tbe bouse reported tbe lest business In

I'ulle > long time. The Jtig Jubilee tbls wcoli,

with Ibe Million I>ollir Dolls to follow.

IluWABD (Gecrge E. Lolhrop, mgr. )—Tbe bur-liat^ue Is supplied by (be Oi:ijital nu'lesouer*.Vnudcrllle Inclndev: Those Four Itutertalners.

Fenway Puo, Four Portia Sisters, Btuart andK<eley, Tiro Friends, Lsne Urolben, Tleruanami Biroea, and Dsrson Slitets.

Kbttb'd (Bobert 0. Larsen, mgr.)—nill 10-

20: MaatmoTa and co.'npany, Vaugta Oamturt siiil

John 8. King, Paul Conchas, Danld Boscb sndJams* ilcCnrdy, Angelo I'alrlcols, Caplalo Tmt'strslned seals, and McMshoo, DIamoLd and Otaap-pelle.

Imkv'b Oapnauu (Victor J. Morrla, mgr.)

Bill IS-IT: WlltoD outers and o'ben. Feb. IS-20: Ling snd Coulter, Klnasama Trio, and oilMra.Loaw's St, jAuaa (Usrcus Loew oinsgementl.—Dill 15-17:. Law BotTmiD, Burke and Harris,

OoogaD and Cox, tbe Blals, and othem. For lA-

20: Liurle and Aleeo, "Uystlc Blid." Three OolseBisten, Boyal Oasoognes, and otben.Lotw'a Olobi (Frank Ueagber, mgr.)—Jllll IS-

17: "Uratle Bird," Unrls and Alees, QallagberaodCirflD, end olheia. Cor' 18-20: Wilton Slaters,

tbe Rials, Andy Bice, Oooaan and Cox, and otben.OosDON's Oltvfu (John E. Oomeiford, nuir.)

—Tbe Losons, Fire Violin BesoMes, Tbeo. Tenii/,

De fooe Opera Co., Walter, Fowler aod Bsrrott,Barrlsoi and Lee, and "Put In a Seminary."

DoirooiN Sqoasb ((Jeorge E. Lotbrop, mgr.)

.Mr. and Afrs. Tom Thumb aod 'Baron UanI, ThreeICawaoo Japs, Uerino Slileta, Dogues and Ollrette,

Victor, an4 Oefere and Lewie.Ouou (Ilarry Oustln, mgr.)—Temi>le, Raymond

and Wales, Oeorie L. Stone, Berlin Trio, tleade,

Newton and Reade, Constance Iteeae, Italpb OleTe-

land, Artbur Moils, and Little All BIgbt company.Noxra.

Vaodxtiixi ako riCTcnsR- Scollay Square,Vrdern, Shawmut, Old South, Washlnglun, ScenicTriLple, Flar, Unique, Oomlque, WIntbrop liar,HiTTsnl, arm, Day Bnuare, Ronicrrllle. (xmgreusIIoll, NIsgsrs, New Pslice, Rontb Rod, llnck Bnr,FJigle, Roxburr, Premier. Puritan, Apollo, Will-lams' Ideal, Orients, Ilamlltan, Ilarrard audothers.

Till Temple Stock Oo. began a season st theMaiden Audltorlnm. week ot 8, wllb s iierform-

once ot tbe merry fsrce. "Offlcer MO." TheIcndlnc leles were pisyed by Frank OnnwsT andOrrtmda n>wler. The Maiden Andllorlnm Is on.ot tbe most beautiful nnd best equipped theatresIn New England, aod uilhln twenty minutes' rblefroni Boston.Cioaoa Uabsr., one of the prinrlpsi come-

rilrns irllb Vtw Flebls, In "Tbe Illgb Cmt ofl/ii Ing," Is no itranger In Boston One bss onlyto recall tbe msay psria he played irblle so loaf

ssya the oplaloa of tbe Boston poMIc legiTdlaga Ibealrtcal prodoetlcrt ts noie Taloftl ^.tbaa Ibatof any city u Ui« eonatiy. Hai sild tbere Is ooqaestkm lo tbe aslnds of theatrical stea that theflnb la the 'greatest "sbow tows" la tbe Unlte^lHIstes. Of oonrse, we Ibink as Ur. UcOanllleoa hot It might he well to state that Mr.Drsdy ha« s sery elerer (arte, "Toa Many Oooka,"vblch Is nnder his wins, going alone splendidlynt the Plynooth. Tbls msr pirtly scconat forMr. McOsnll's enthnslssni, sllbongh ttt has beenconnectnl with many of oar biggest snceeeses Inihe psst, sncb as " 'Way Down Raal," "Tbe.Man ot Ibe llonr" and oiany others.Qua KAUMBabn, one of Doaloo'e beat known

•.Ingen. for tweoty-nlne yeara nieuibet of tbe (NdllMDeetesd Qoaitrtle, died at bis bosse In Dor-rheeler, Feb. 7. He learee s widow and threednqghtem. Mr. Ksmmerlee wsi bom In (}erminy,111 ISie, aod came to tbls /country when a boy.Ills Tolce soon brought him recognition as aFinger. In ISTS he became a member of tb* DcstimMeal Opera Company, and remained with thatorganlssllao onlll 1883. He then ]oln«il tbe DIJrai0|>era Onowany. Wbllo with tbe Old IlonealesdQuarlette Blllng an enganinent In N'ew Orlfnim,he waa atrlcken with malarial lerer. Two werkuago he letoned to bis home In Dorcbeeter. butcontinued lo fall In health until bis death.JniuiAn SriiLiNa and MaarnA IIblo made a

Tery taTorable ImpreosUn during their week Intown, llie dancing was eapeclally good, .MissIleld's eiroriB being about tbe best we hsTe •rvii

bore In some tbne.

I.OTrcll, Haaa—Jiellh's (RenJ. Pickett, mgr.).^Mll tor Feb. ID and week: Viclor'a Muslctl .Me-lange, John and Mae Burke, RIbel MacDgnough,

IToward Chase and oompsny. F*lnn snd Finn, AcAnIllron.. Kurtis' rooslem. and llenrsl Scllg ii|fliipp«.

MrnaiUACK 8g. (Waller Wnodi, mgr.)—Thelock company nresenle "Kaust" 111-20.

AoADiur (William While, mgr.)—d<'ainous Pin;-rr. I.asky and United foBlnre picture".WoL»'a (Wolf nnn., mgrs.)

TIiIb pli'lure

houne opened 10, wllb .Mulusl |ilclnri->.

ALit.^MnRA oiieneil 12. uniirr ninnngrnicnt of

Wni. UBspvr," showing llnl»cn>«I piclnrrp.

OOLONUL, JKWI;!., OWL, ItOTll. snd VOTONl,I'Iclures only.

Ila'vcrhlll, Maaa Arsdmi.v (K. A. (IiiiIiIt.

n-ar. ) for week nf Fob. 18, th» Afmleniy I'Inyert

nrrr4nt "The Bis Ide.^" (formerly known a*

'•Wcnted—122,000''), with Hoy Cordun nilI'lorence Shirley In Ibe Irnilliig mlm.

Coi.ONiiL (Jss. A, Rsyer, mgr.)— Kill IS IT:T.nyello and Roms. Onunlcss Nanllns, "The K^mln-i.ry Girls." one to All. I,nst half: Haism llror

McCsrty HIsters, I.a'.ny htm., and llymsii Adlrrend company.

OnriiavM, flriNir Trjirui, MAjitnric and Mm-TIC, feature pbolopln.vs.

Mllford, Haaa.—4>pera Ilniuie (F. lYimpklna.mgr.) ^fsnsaer Tompkins sprniig s surprise Isst

neek by billing the town besTlly (or (lie week ofFeb. 8, for the Marcus Honeymoon Girls bur-lesque compsny for a week at two-a-day, wllli

he names of Loo I'owera and Frili Marllp as.llie

features of the show. Tuesday nigbl, n. Ilie rmn-iiany laid off. for the drtma "Judailma," wbldiliad been booked for that nl«ht. and liegsn sgslii

Wfdnesdsy. Oood tuslnesa ruled. Pictures smllllusrrated songs 15-20.InxAL.—Pictures ami songs.

Dea Ilfoinea, la.— Prlnceis (F.lbrrt hrelihell. mats.) Princess Block Co,, In "HeadyMoney," Feb. 14-20.

HsBciiSLT. (Elbert ft Oelcbelt, mgrs.)-f^iar mdOcrler flbow 28. Ainerlesn Deiiiitles ilsreh 'i,

Henry Miller 10, 11; Howe's nbitures 2T, m.OnrnauM (H. D, tlurlon, mgr)—Bill 15-20:

S.Tltestcr BchBirer, Harrison nrurkbonV, MlimluAllen, Ceo. M. Iloseiier and pictures.FMraais (Elbert ft Octcbell, ngra.) — Vsude-

Tllle and plclnrca.

Cedar naplda, la.—Alajeellc (Vic. Hugo,mgr.) bill 14-17; WUIIsms and Rsnkln, Princeand Jerry, Bsnlos and Ilayea. Beatrice McKenileand enmiany, J.a Marie snd Dswson, snd Welrb..Mesly snd Montrose. For 18-20; The "Tyrsls, Cor-liett, Sbepnard snd Donorsn, Erallr flralley sndcompsny, the flkatelles. May snd KlldulT, La Ora-cioea, and Wlllard Blmms and company.OnKiMB's (W. S. Collier, mgr.)—"The Whip"

17. 18.

Clinton, la.—Ollotrm (0. R. Dlinn. mgr.)"High Jinks" Feb. IB, "The Mlileeiling Udy" nOOPIIBUIC (M. Oshn, mgr.)—Bill 1517: Tnni

Jlicwn snd Pllly Jobnson, In a muilcsl ouinedy,"Twenty MlIra fiTMn Home."AMuaa i;, BssT, LiBio, Colonial ami Oahino,

picurcs.^— NOTBS.

CRuoni's Akihal«, rcslured st Ibe Orvhenm.1 1-14, were held orer (or Ihe Isst hsif of lbsvifk.

Til a CuH'Ton was sold out for Darld Warflrld,In "Tbe Auclloneer," I),

Davenport. In. — I'urlls <?, n. rowellsoa,rrirr.) Anlo (llrla Feb. 1,1. "The Whin" 10, 20.

Mrs,'Peg o' My Heart" mitlnee snd night 21Wirgs of Ibe Cabbngo Patch" 27.

' Ibf"''"""'mgr.)—Vsnd*-

DenTcr, Colo. — Tal4r Grand (Pelor Mc-Conrt, mgr.) "ResIM Onlers" FA. 7 and week.RMfBSss (r^wrrnce lle;iina, mgr.)-Bill 121 1;

'andr/ Rms., Ilouble Dims, TVInvire snd I.lsht,

5i I 9"TJ. eonipnny, Claude snd Marloncicrelssd, F/lwln ForJ rod company, and motlngplrliires. • •

Dbkiiau (O. D. WwIwbM. mgr.)—"Tho Mininan Uoiue ' 7 and weci,


I .. I I! MIV (• MINI II

a iMDiber of the Osslle Pqnnre Slock Oompanyto leTlre plrnssnt recollections,

UAima Adaub will he lbs next sisr In eooM lo

the llollls, appearing on Wosblnglun's Jllrtbday.

Tiia sttrsctkm st the Bhnbert. week of 22,

will be Pauline Frederick. In "looocenl.."

OoiBUB MoClAFLt, who has Lean eunnaeted

with Wa. A. Brsdr for orer t^tr rmn.mula torn laat vaek tot k Om «afa. Mr. UcOaali

OB04DWAT (Peter HoOnrt, mgr.)-'The Wltch-

liiz Hour" 7 snd we»k.OsriiLi-M (Msx Fn'dnb, mgr.)—Bill 15 and

week: Billy II. Van Bill Beamnont HlttJ^rs, tlrr-

(edes, nnnber's While -lliisssra, liB Frsnoe andItriioe, (;blnko, list and Frsuoee, UlDnle Ksnf-msD, and Orpbenm Weekly.

Colaaakia,' . 0«—Oolaabla iW. L. DrowB,Bigr.) "PHa<* («r To-miht" r«b, 19.

Mlnneapolla, Minn.—Melrn|H>lllan II,. N.(Senrt, mgr.) "I'olssb ft I'erlnmlUT" sivk otI't-b. 14.

IIAIHURIMIB Pi.AiiinDSB (A. (I. lUilnlirldgo Jr.,

mgr. )—dialnlirldge IMsyers niitl Klon'uceIn "The ItosI Thing" (Brat time In .MlniirniKills),

II 20.(iBriiBUH (0. E. Baynxind. uixr.)-dllll H-20:

ll.rains snd Mclnt^v. l.sdiUe Ollff, l.lllle Nsp,Ihe Kerrlllo Fninlly, Ben Deeley and .Mnrle Wayni-,ilriierlere Warner >n<l Ubsrioito Krancis, Dslnl/I'^ngllsh Trio, ami (>Ti>heum Weekly.

llNigua (Jack Klllotl, mgr.)- Illll 14-20: "HieJapanese Prinre," with I/oulse Ksy, Hen Mnrlipnnd William Morton, "llelwreii KIglil and Nine."KInss snd Hvnle, Sandy Shaw, lllllle Sicwsrt smllliHilrlce Dalnn. and niollnn iilctures.

HiiunxnT (tHisa. A. Hllclilcr, mgr.) —WrlKlitllnntliigtim I'lajrra, In "I'bo Oxnfninlim," M l'ii,

(lAirrr (Wni. Kunilg, ngrr.)—Al. Itivri-ii

lld^uly Hlinw 14-:ii1.

New I'Al.iOK (II. v.. Bllllngi. initr.l—Illll H-20: Ohing Mug llee Tr«u|>e. (Inirur WlliKin, ThnvDIxnn Olrls, IKiw irul Pow, HoIhtI (I'Ouniiiir ninl

compsny. anil nHi|l<>n pfolun's.NavT Oraku (Win. Kocb. mKr.)— Illll 112(1:

.Mnrrlolt Troupe, Ilugn l.iili:<-iis. \f Hoy nndOslilll, Oanii.tx'll snd Jlrady, ami "Zmbirt" Ipk'-lurm).

Inis. I.inie. Nbw Garsirk, .Stranm. Hsoknt,Princbsh, AiimiioiN ami Ohthtai., |ilcluri-s only.

Ann nieso. f;nl.—.Spnvkle* (IVnlge ft llnr-ward, mgra. ) ''i'^terywoinsn" K«>li. a4-'J7, lliw).Stahl. In "A Perfect Udy," Mnrrb M ID.Kufsssn (I). U Furry, mgr.)—Now dark, lint

n-lll shortly re-open wllb burlr«i|iie. Included on aWestern whr«l now bclnsr urgonlBeil.Savot (Krott A. I'slmer, mgr.)—I'sntsges'

rauilevllle. Hill we<<k nf IB: Twclre WlilrlwindIleaullni, "A Falher'B Way," Ilsker Tnxiiie, ttiraHImpaoii and onnpiiiy, O'NpbI sml Walinilry, amiIteml snd IlolsngiTl.

I'RiNrsns.—I/Twls ft Wolfi-'« I'Jayprs, In niiliilril

stock, with weekly rhsiiHi' of roiiiriltoK. niul pir-

turrs.GiiRT.—Three ads of I.<'vr.v rniiili<Tllli<, niid

pirlurrs.<UBiNn.—Tbls "lire cent" lliniire olTi-rs vninli.--

vlllp and plrliin-s.

Ihih.—Phyers Aim frnhin's.Grant.— l.sily ori'lmtrn nnil I'nrnniniint pic-

li.rrs. 'I'liU llietiiro wns n'n'nlly tnkni orer, byHen IlnrrlMiiii, wliu Is sImi innnsger uf thu Itn'iad-


llRANn, Pl.AXA. Pii-Kwn-K, Al.lllUnSA, Il.lll-

HIIIN, I'AI.iOS, DrBAU, JKWKI,, ONION, UnTHTAI,,llii.i.rnBST, l.noA.v unit Cokia Aiiaih, pleliirrsonly.

KiKln. ill.—(Irsiid (W. II. Newnisn. niKr. I

"MHfcly First" (niiislcal InliloM) wllb FatIi- S.

Di'wey nnd Mabel llogers, I'eli. 1|.17. "Tin"Itimsrj" (drsmsllc Inbbilil) IH-'JO, iindi-r inniinK''-

iiieiit of Kfllierl .Mbrnimn.TRMri.a. .Stab and Ohi-mkuh, plrlnres.

.Maiiir Mitciiri.i., nf ICIgIn, Is tnklng Die iMirl ofhe lllllo l.oril. In "l.ltlle l.nrd Faiintli-roy," alIbe WsrrliiKliin, link I'nrk, Ibis week.

IlniiKuT HiiKRHAN'H "Fine Kenlliera" (Islibilill,

III Ibree sela. wlilrb s|t|penn«l al Ihe Orsiid II i:i,

Jiiid Die following csst : .Miss WliirhrMier, NIm.i.Mnr, llnrolnr, liny Ilrlnnl, lli^i. ,MuiiliH>riil

iiiitl Mllinn MnrrN."Tub MiiNNr Sina nr Lira" (iniialrni lablnlil)

was given by iiieMi)M.m of Klulii I'hIki*. No, 7IIIi,

I. 1). (). M.. 1M:i, nt the Moiw 'llieotrf.

Tub Kali-Ill* (Irny conn-rt eoiiijinny nllrnrlnl n

Inrge aililleiirr* m( Flritl (loiign^ilnlloiinl (Jliiirrli, H,

iiiiitcr snnideeH of Iteilimlb l.yreiin) lliin-nii.

nncliralrr. <N. Y Lyeriim (M. K. Wolf,mgr.) Marie TeiiiiM'Ht Keli IH 2ii.

Taui-I.a (M. J. KluM. mgr.)— Illll for week IK:Kilty Gonloii ninl 4'iHii|i.iiiy, "A Nlgbt In a .Mnriker.Mnafc Ilnll." AIIm'ii ('.Ii'mIoji, Wolib slid Hums,Ibe l«e (Inilin, tloribm Khlrnl nnd erTii|iniy, l.ii-

pits Peres, nnd lliiby Hn.MiHiii'd nnd Kreil

IIAKII (James Wnll, iiivr.)—linker Hloek Co.,In '"Jlrs. WIcj* of III.- I'nbbnge I'nicb." \^V^

Fauii.t (J. II. V i.'Vii.iiy. mgr.)— Illll IB-iO:Fsrl's Dlrliig Nyinolni I nolo llliilrilell nnd eon.-pnny, Ketsn and HMn'-y, (lllle Wuiil, and lUsndonsml Itiusell.

IxiBW'B (I,. Knen, niirr.)—Illll 15-70: f/iwlon,IlBrrey-DeTurn Trio, Klein Hnis. ( "On llio III-

vlera,".Msdgp P. Miilllind, niiil I'.ipillln Hr>w,OiBiNTiiiAM (J. (II cn, mgr.) — l-'ollUn uf

11(20, 15-';0.


"nAninu" did Idg biiHlnem nt (In- riunbiii M.|nTlia iriHIl.r haa on eilraordlimrlly Miie lii:i for

fi-ek of IB,"TiLMB'n ruNrmiBRn IIiihahck" |<lnyei| iia

seennd roliirn i-nK.-igenieiit ot llio Heitcui, 11 l.'l.

MAKAOsn FAUsrN. nf Ibe VIclorIn, put on "I'lie

tlesrt Punch." Ibe liiu niin, fenlnrlng Je<i Wll-lard, 8,

Oiiinlin, Nrl*.—Ilr-iiulels (Crnwfonl, Pllley ft

7.ebrung. niurs.) OIniuiicey ()lcnU Feb. 1111.Dark 18-20

Horn's (W, J. IliiraeHs, mgr. )—.lloyil ThnlreHloek Co., Ill "A Woiiiii:i'a Wnv,!' I l'2irOatbti (K. I,. Joh;noii, mgr.)—Tbo Gay Nei-'

Yorkers, wIlb'AIollle WIKInnia, 11-20. Htar nmlOsrier Hhnw, wlih Hll'r Illll, 21-27.

OHPiO'Uii (W. p. I'.yrne, nigr,) --Dill 14-20:.Monlgomory snd Moore, Homer II. Ms«in andMargiierllrf Ket-ler comnary l>Tlnceis llnlali. He-bnstlnn and Heiilley, Knriiollr.a and Dnrrns Bros.,Al. Itorer and Ulster, rnd Oniheiifn trsvi'logiie,KursBii (Frank lluirin, mgr,)— Illll 14-20:

Thren llairm lk>ys, Wllllsm llenso rml eorniisny,Hernnr.l ntid Meyers, nnd Nsdel nnd Ksnn

IliiT, P.ini/in, OAMonii-iK.KM, amiauhua, IIip-rnnnoiiir, V.i.nt, Fii.ii.ii,', HiiniiHiiAN,

jroNBOS, LOTiiaof iMMl Farnan, inolloti iictiircionly,

lllueflrld, 'W. Vo.—l'Hks' O, II. (H. II..Tolllffe, m«r. ) Kelili's Tniidevllle Feb. IB-24, "TbeShPidienl of Ibe IlUls" 25, "Keren Hours In NewYnrk" 27.

^I.TBio (J. F. French, mgr.)—VaudoTlllo snd

motion picliirm.Ahuxu (K<lwln l/con, mgr.')—Pictures snd

vsmleTlllr.Iln.—d'letiirts only,Htab la dsrk.Tub Hbx Is exiiecleil lo be "mored" Into lis

i>ew building nl<oiit lh» Brat of Msrch. The newItet will bsfe two entrsncea, one from ItlsndHireet and ono frmii Federal Htnet, the latter en-Itsnce to bate a large and spaclmis Wdiliy, tilednnd mirrored nnd Btled out In style and beauty.The hooae, when coimileled, will I* one of lire

la»l eqiiHiped show liniiaee In the Hniilb, ami ibelieni In tho Rlabi nf West Virginia. Miiliinl iiwvlcnwill be Ihs scrrlce.

f<t. Jolin. f^un.—Opera House Waller Wood',mgr.) Young-Adams Ot, nrewiit "Fn«t l.yiiiie"

Feb. 18-20. "l/iider Ibo lU-nr's I'nw" ",«-2l.Oau, Ukiqub, Utab mid Kmiiikih, ioiivirk pic

tuns only,I.inio,— VsudeTllIn snd nv.rln^ iili'liiren

luraai.ii,.—'Thwi Thne Olrls,", In innslcul

acVtlluiis and niuvbio iibliires.


Tub Obii la nuw rnihllng "The I'tills of run!-Ine."Tub Oi'iURT <*i., of MonlrMl, which hSMdI.-s

Falhe Dims for Csriii'bi, recpnlly otieiie<l a Blinri<'l,angn here.Tub YocHO-AnAttH Co. orn Inylin; oir here 1.':-

17, airing way lo liyjl i mnti-nrs, win. iireseiil

"A MlsB; llm," nt Ihe OKrii Il'-iiw;, for i!ip. .

I« of the lied Crisis Fiiml. Tlii' Ht. JohnNurnee' Aasoclallon Is resroiwllile for tliU prr.rtui:-

llon, snd Klerao Kelly insluced It .'or them.

nt. Cnlhnrlnra. Can (IrarKi ((I. H. I'dl.

lura, mgr.)— Oilonlsl Stork Co. Is ilelng giwl bunl-nesa on Intermeillnle dalMi.

llBirnH'a Fauu.r (0. J. Furban, mgr.)—Taaderllle snd moflna plrturm.

Itiri-onoowB (lleo. Drennan, mgr.)— Vaii'levllle

and otOTlog pictures.

ADBoata, CJa.—Grand (It. M. Tnn(, mgr )

lUymund Hitchcock seurT>d a pemonil IrhimpNIsnore lbs larfest house of Ibb neaaon, Feb. U.

Tlis Olm drams. "Hninwin," wns stinvn 10 II.

Ilijoo (Hparka ft Hcbrninirli, n^urs.l -waliiop'sPcerljOB Haldt had a sucmwfiil niwk a I llilt

bonse, ending |3. Olsrk's Onnitinlg;iers IB-HO.

ATmilo (Hpsrks ft Hrhraniech, ingrs.)—Fea-ture pboloplsyi.UODiaiKi snd Dbbaulano, mollOD pictures.

S|nt«rMte(l, kindly communicate with our B, A O. Depaomtnt.

Wm In


> ;

' p«kw*y Bmt.. PanUc«i Theatre

TOBK Broad &Ch»rry Ste. Bullfline.


£ F. AlBEE, Qenoral Manager

For Booking Address: S. K. HODGDON,Palace Theatre Building, New York City

[11111MARTIN BECK, Gei:^eral Manager

For Booking Address: FRANK VINCENT,Palace Theatre Building, New York City

PARAGON BOOKING AGENCY 'W'''Want to hear from all acta, large or mall. Wrlt«, wir* or phona




HolmeS and WellsIN VAUDKVI




Hugh J. EmmettAssisted by HILDRED EMMETT

Alwara working. Addreis 887 Wait 46tli St.. N. Y.

Headlining on the Loew Circuit






Adilreaa iill ('oiiiiiiiiiilral litim li> .lACK ('0841IIOVK.MASA(lKMi:Nr 11AI5T .1 KIU'.I.MON. UdYAl. TllKATllK TIMS \V1;kK.


BT TIOrOB r. Till.TAoiM 3710 Bri;ont,


J. A. F*REIMCM tseri'ts



WM. K. SAXTON & CO."Cloaks and Suits" Archilcoity

Now playing Locw and Fox Circutts Through IRVING COOPER'


•flCHSONAI. i>i\na(;kh .... autiiuh klkin

William O'ClareANI> II 18


niAitirs i.oKW <-iii«i'iT

Aoiiif •llcnr m<! t<remind ;ou of our mlbiK gala CTtnt at Trr-nc« Otrilra, March10. 1019. Of tout,you iacnr 'tnlll be amasque ball. Tlck«b,one dnIUr. ' Ubeap?Well, I rrma.A wrx ot tbote wtio

bare adrerl<Hd lo our« o n T « a 1 r bookl'^t

through n) « are:lUrgh Mclntoab andcoDipan;, Chna. Oroaa-

mtn. Tan, Ilamii and 7b<»l;n, HI Kllcble, IscMfkeiHL'liilcawa, Bliriman, Van and Iljman, ArtmntTtro<., Ta^a' Muiilc l.lAt. Frcd Mlllor. \Vlli:ard

H. It«d, Arthur J. Honiilr, llluidi Cooptr, Ar-Ihur Orlmin, O. A. -Taylor Tnink Co., Kalrw.I'uck iluiilc Co., I,. Wolfe OlllKn, Dllly McDor-nv>(t, Janm A. Tlmony, Frank Fognrty, KollCallahim, Dr. Chna. .Maiison, Jos, !)lorn It 0>..MoTr$9!adl8 litCB, M. Tlior, I/>ulii Cijcvillrr..Marin Ltiiinctlc, Van ^lovon, Harry I", Wrbrr,Henry Proenan, M I)., Mnurico Ahrami. JackSlormon, Waller Wlema, Marc Diamond, Art. K.Ward, llobrrt Krereat, lono.v Ilaiikcll. Oat lllll.

ICiMIe Itoaa, Irving Cooper, Ilob D'lHoy. VtiBlinok will be Clio ar;l:iilo production, and youhliould ptrM'nt your i:o<)i1k tlironitli Ihia iwJIu.n.Don't be eorry >ou ilM not advertise, 90 send nd.In at once. If you il^jlre, 1 will uttond to' namewith ifleaaure.

Job GtLLiqiiiB, of Oallagbcr and Opp, eayshe delights to lounge In onr big arm rbKlr.t, butv.Auld liaTc house conunlttce attach foot rest.Some cinss to Onllagber.Yon should linre heard Krnle Otto. prlDClpiI

ccincdhn In Ritskellcr, put over his bustlingBong, called "He's a- Jlag I'lcker." Whilst rcn-drrhiK einie he was sbonerol with maiuma. Itrrinlniletl me of llie reii-ular days at "TheI'witle'e," under the in.T.igetnont of my friend,John Connldlne, In Hentlle. Crnle did a grotesqueunhine dnnclng Unale, asslsleil by our famoimtrotters, Tom Sinllh and Charlie Wllkeni. 'Twasa l)li; Isugh. Couniulor Junocs Tlmony ecreamcd(nit loild.

I>n. OiBL lIznuAN arrived from his New Tlimp-•hire l.nme, looking like n June rose, ^a JacK Sim-mons, our pianist, would sny, BalticJ

Jaur.h J. Monniso.v, Horry Cardeel. Dlion Pet-aril. Kreil W. Jlorlon, Brneat I>u]>llle, Sam J.

Curth. Clay Devlna, M. J. Kelly, G. Dean andlioli Dniley are slopping at Club.

Ir Jlr.imy Galli^hiT il'vn not lmpr070 hli plan.,

pin; In; when relieving Jnck, Emma O'Nell, somea'ollnce, will be mtiius n piano playrr.

OiiviR. I.AUDSn Slid tvlfe are frequenters ofIlnlFkelle-.

I jii-uiT IT—Sam, the ords'.lc Oermanlrip**itoimlor^-ilefeaIed ino two cut of three—


also pnid for drinhs. Snm took iijttermllk..Mask .\f>AMS sliowed ine a photo of a cute bahy'l-u-.g his. Yes, .Mark Is n ninrrled mnii. and

<x*lremoIy Inppy. lie kI-ouIiI be, for his wife Juetworships hini He \\-oul:l like to lieur from oneP.llly WftMron.Now Umt innnnsers secure actors for profes-

ilonnl IryoiitH, fl.nnio s-ilil actors I giving; tlieir

llnio anil tnloni, free of cost, to these innnagera.wby not let tlie nianni;ers conic half way «l!htheir imirons. and let llieni In the llieatfe without

chnrtfe uf nitmlsslon on those tryoilt occasions,

l.ii'B memliership roll Increasea steadily. Glanceat the tH.-ird, Itsls.

TiiKUK Is n rumor around that our big chief.

I'rnnk Kogarly, will be with na for a leiictb of

llnie. n« he lins necured himself a poalllon at

Wliiler Gnrden. TI'ofcA Ihlnft hum about club-


CB I'. .Vack tells me that under Ms mnnage-menl "I'-io Ulsmore Theatre,", otherwise knewu

Tlic I'ulncc of 'he llroni." Is now a payin?iiTOioslllon It should be, as I 'know Joe Is doln,:

Ills uliiKut to aeciirc best talent In town.Misscn from our reading room Is Harry EItI'i

.vinek, iio'V known na Harry D'Mnek. Whiilliirkee It Latder Is the presence of Frol. Nolan.

nnaTiiKi: : Have you IrleU to secure one newmi'nilwr? UndcnMr to secure cne this weok.

•Cet the Fogarty >plrll"— 'f(j tr(nt.

Ilfl IS a "Hobo." They do say "llohocn" nevirclean up I "Us false, for our friend Hilly .\ie

Ilerraott certainly illd to closln-,' at "I'nlace"

—rtme spet. soma theatre, some oudlencc— dlil It

all- hy lilniielf, lit one..MiXWKi.L llKYNOLDS Is sbout lo launch a brand

ne^7 sln|.'le, with orlglnol parodies and a Onlsb

that bi all lil«» OU) PAnTKEa, Joe Tlurlon, now w-lth Toil

Girls, paid inc a visit. 'Twas a dandy surprise.

Joe looks llk.i s two-year old.

Do KOT forget our sctimper nights go merrily

on everv Thursday, at 11 P. M. They are genuine

ntcrlalnmenls, a festive foslU'lly until wee weehours.W. n. A. U. made West Korty-slxlb. Street

fnmoua. Can prove It by I'resa Hat.


HVD IHDTVDnill W. 4aBdBt. ABISllUlVAD Usia. Wed. Bnd Sat.,2,i>.


Preatnta a Sjacopated UdbIcsI Show

WATCH YOUR STEPKiulc and lyrlCB br Irrlng Berlin. Book br Uan?B. Smitb. . Wllb Hr.dcUra. Vernon Caitl«<


PALACEBroadway A 47tb8LEtb. 2£-60.Tt-tl-tl-MDsU7Uala.26-60-TS.Sun.Conc'talKAS.lft

CHABLOTTE WALKERLeonBrd A RaMsIl,Morton A Moor*. BelleDakerl'Johndt Winniellennlnga, Iiocket &Wnldron.


^^%mft1 TUEA., 4Stli St., E, Of Bway.K^fl tC I Direction ot JOHN OORT.* ETea., 8.U. Hats. Wed. i

Bat,a.I(. Wed. Hat. 600. to tl.M.SELWrv t CO. present

A melodrama of love. my8t«rT and thrlUt.


I VACIIII '"tb St., nr. Broadwnr.L 1 UCWH ETea, ,8,16, Mata, Thni«. A Sal, X16

Obarlea Frohman, Kiaw A Erlanger present

ELSIE FERGUSONIn a Play 11 Foar Acta bj Bnbert neorr Davles.

"OUTCAST."44th St., W. of Broadway, Eves.,8.1s. MntlDecs, Wed. and Sat., 3.16.

WYN 4c CO. PresentHUDSpjl

THE SHOW SHOPny James forbea, Anthor of "The Chorua Lady"


ePrW^^^S Evca. at8.16. Mats.

^SbSEV X Tacs. A Sat. at 2.16.


"HELLO BROADWAY"with New York'a Favorite ComediansOEO. M. COHAN, WU. COLUER,

R17T AA^A West 441)1 sc. Evea. 8.20.DCiljASwU rfBta..Thnr8.ASa" ISDAYID BELASCO Preaents.





COLONIALB'way A (I2d St.Uallnee Dally, Sun-day Concerts litand 8.16.


;TRIO, Others.

f IRIRWTV W. 42nd St. F.vea. 8.15.AjAOEI>X\A X Mats. Wed. A Sat. at -i 14.




Bailed on the eiory by Oouvcrneur Morris

nATlTTV B'w«y * *o at. evch.s.uMalH. Wed. tSBt.,2.I.V



nURRAf HILL THEATREI^eilngton Ave. and 4ad St., If, Y.Thla week, ZALLAH'S OWN CO.

B'WAY A 48d ST. EVES, 8.U.MAT. WED. A SAT,, 2.16.

Ponnlar Wed. Hat 6O0. to tl.M.CODAN A HARRIS PRESENT


"IT tm TO MERTISE"A Farcical Fact, by ROI COOPER MEORUE and


Vaudeville.SHOW' opens enrly

niiUIng Its eighteenth yearTHE nvnON iiPAUN

April, In Now Jertey. nir._...„ - . „ .

under canvna. Mr. .Spnun his Just purchnaeJ a

three-loo I'cpc-Harlfonl trurk. Kverythlmi 18

tran'jwrted by automobiles niid trucks. I'rof. O.

T,. Fleming's Eclo rand and Orchestra hare been

viigaireil for Ihe eniclng season. .


15 SIINUTF.S" Is the tllle of a novel singing re-

vue, lo be preseiileil by Kitty Eilwnrds nnd ccin-

iinnr. Supiwrthic .Mlsa Kdwards will lie 1/ouls

Der'nisn, tenor; Jack Oook and Hdwlu Morton, ei-

ouciils of ragtime, and Charles Reld, plaolst.

lAURA IMJll) AND I.F.DNA XIIO.MPSOK.with l^dr diiluty singing offering, "A nil ot

I'liik nnd White." o|H-ned ?.tonilay at Proetura

Flfty-elghlh Street Thentre. with the other I'nic-

tor New York I'.oiises to follow.

MnilORDES OI.AaKF, has rcsunieil her ro!e In

tho dramatic playlet, ".Itrnlght," nfler a te»ere

nltnck ot Uie Rrlp, contrnclcd during her r.>ccnt

Cblcnco anpenrnnce.Tini TASMANIAN-VAN DIFjrANS arc held-,

lining a rnntnses bill, wlilch Is being voteil one

of the be«t of the last doien e«>n at l-'tdmont-m.

The girl aciobsis and teeth whirlers give a nvMtfensatlnnni pe-fonnanee.I;DWAUD .MARSH, inanscer of Ihe fair de-

l.nrlnient of the Western Vaudeville Mnni.TCW'Association, hna Jiust re«-lved a copy of a oneBlin-i ot a hill presented on Dee. in, lOOd. at

Uio Riuidro Tlieatre of Varlelles. Johnnneiburr.

South Africa, which (llsid.iys a bill ot tn-elte acta,

of which Ave sie Anierlein offerings. Among the

Anu'ricnii nets KdwnnI Mnrib anil Row Snr-

tellK. ./

l-NDKR il'ato of Feb. 7, ilrs. Cbnrles nnnkswrites as follj>vs : "Mnrle It. Banks. daught-Tof the late Oliarles L. anl Sadie R. Panks. sur-

prised her nioihor. at t^ve^tv minutes' notice, to

wllne.<s her in.irrtiige to Alliett T.. Twceilale. of

VIrtrlnla. The nmrrlagc w-ns aolemnlr.ed st the

Cnnllnnrs rcaljejiee on Norlh Ohnrles Street.

I'nilninre. Md., Dec. 28, 1014, at eight o'eloct

by the Her. lm\\» O'DonoTsn. The bride ImkedTcrv clinrming In a gray traveling snlt with hatniiii (iliives to iiinU'h. They are sloppinc witbme until lliev nrraiige definite plnnt.''

J.\f:K 01,1 1'1'X)11D writes he opera on or aboutFeb. 22. with "The VoudeTllle Sensation," piny-

Ins New Jerser. Penneylvanla, Delaware and.Mnryl.'ind, and Is Inoked solid twenty weeks, In-

i'e|>rndent time. Among Ihe ncis already en,{4dednre: .Mny A. Olark, presenting her season's sue-rius. n rhnnicler comedy ot llie underworld, "TheItnt ;" Itoliort I'rcwtie, In latest sensnL'.nnal

nrrohntle net, "AUne:" Olira l)e Fltiimeler, In

idi-.iio linpersniinllnn ot nisny eelelirnteil sr'Utsot Ihe dny nn l pust ; Ihe Fiimou' De Will .\tld-

gels, iuukIcaI coiiiedy net; Jiiek ClltT-ird, In iiini

idslii talk to Ihe puhllc; Harry llnll (only akill), and ot^iers. making a tdg ten cent andIwenly cs'ul sh o-.v.

K. 11, LlTn.B writes, that he has assnmeil tho:-.i:nngaiient of llie Victoria Tliealre. Wilmington,N. 0., with o srnlhig cap.iclty of 1.200, and doingbig liiisliiess. 'llie new |<illC7 of the bouse li

tuhlolds^tlireo a day—and pleiurea.

chler;THEATRE, West <ad St. near

Broadway. Tel. Bryant 6344,

Eves. 8.20. ifatfl. Wed. A Sat. X30.New York's Newest Plsyhooae. Ccban A Barrlspresent (by arrangement with Arthnr HopUna) snew play by a new young American anthor

"ON TRIAL"By E. L. Relzenstela. Seats 8 weeks In advance.

46th St. nr. B'wty


EvenlDgs at 8.20.

Matinees Wednesdayand Saturday a.20.




W.42dSt. Evenings 8.16:

Matinees Wednesday andSaturday at 2.16,


''KICK IN" voWWWlllard Mack,


A. U.

IjiT rm f -|%r £^"§1* W. 4-.2nd St. Eves., B.I6.KilJ * Mix \KM!d Mats. Wed, A Sat., 2.16.

A. U. WOODS Preaeots an AmericanPlay In 6 Acts.



llAJCtiLlo » Eveplnga at 8.16. .*****'*^"*"' Mats. Wed. and Sat,, 2.16.



STRAND B'wnjr it 4Ttlt St.Noon to 11.30 p, m.

OTHER SUPERIOR PICTURE ATTRACTIONSStrand Concert Orchestra and Soloists

Next Woek-WILLIAMCKANElii "David Unriim •

nii/fDVlfni B'way A 40tb St. Evea. 8,16MualMT RMMiMil Mats,, Wed, and Sat. iit X16



By Dnrlo NIccodcml A Mlclincl Mnrloii




Glh Ave., 43d'44tli St.s. UnllyMiiiliiccs nl'^ i'tz. to f],'"

nliig.s at 8, 'i.'ic. to 11.60.

THEATRE, 44thSt.,we8tor B'way.Phone, 84.11) Bryant. Eves. 8.16.

Matinees Wed. A Sat., 2.1.'i.

All-Star Company Direct from the QHlctyTheatre; London. SMARTEST SHOW IN TOWN.


I VDin 42dSt.W.of B'way. Phone 6216 Bryant.

LiniU Eves. 8.16. Mats. Wed. A Sat. 2.16.

JOB WBBEirSMoBlcal Comedy Production

m ONLY Gt9Qth Qf- Thca., nr. B'way. I'hoiie 413 Urynni00 lU 01. Kves. 8.30. Mais. Wed. 4 Sal. 2.30.


DRESSLERIn the latest Isugli vehicle « A MTY TTP"

of her career n. iUlA'Ur>|y|«U O4 THEATRE, West of B'way' t ' I tn Ola Phone, 7292 Bryant.

Evea. 8.00. Matinees Wed. A Sat., 2.00.


IN REPERTOIREI ITTI 'C THEATRE, 44th St., W. of U'way.LI I I LC Phone eiOO Uryant. Eves., 8.46,

Hstlnees Wednesday A Sat., 2.30 .


All Seats at All Performances $2.00.

r* A Qrifffl ll'way A30thSL riione3S4oarceleyt^AOlil.U Kvcs. 8.20.' Mais. Wed, A Sut., IM.


EXPERIENCE4l.slSt., Kiistof H'wiiy. riionc61U4lli'ynm. KvgH.. 8.16. Mul.s.,

Tuendays A Sat., '2.16.COMEDY


i>lrf('l|fin KllAKK IIOIIIII



IHNDELLA PATBRSON, the abopely little

KMr, etnrts ou tho Orphcum time, tor a fourluontJis' tour.

BITjLY UTTMAN bas started bis agency ag.iln

In I'hlltdelphla, nnd Is booking several wellknown acts.


SAM BARTa'^; tho trnmp comcdion, sails FoK -

17, on Ihe S. 3. Utoantlc, from New York toLiverpool, whi^o he will open March 1.

UARHY nUME) wrltea that the set of Dloeh,Hume and Thomas will dissolve Feb. 19. Mr.Ilume la andccldcd whether he will work alooe oracctpt a nuMlcal comedy offer.

AL. and nan DBL MONT, prcsenllDg theirdIffersDt comedy mualeal and acrobatic dancingact, report doing nleoly and working steadily overthe U. D. 0. time. Their orlgloal noTelty bellOnlsb Is a big hit oa every bill.

GOODWIN AND BILVERLAKR write: "W»have organlrort a tnblold var.devllle show, theSun Shine Oomedr Oo. Tbls la our third weekout, and we are making good on tho Mtasell Cir-cuit. We have a clean ttaow, and_are doing fairliuslneea. Tiia Oi.n Rkuiblx 1* alwaya lookedforward to and goes the rounds every wcvk WithU-st wishes."

STHLLA ItlRALPY will appear shortly In, NewYork, after an absence of several years from theFtage, an.l will be aaalsteil by Paul Bryant Ssnt-ley. In n dancing set, .Mr. Santley Is sn eicei-llonully clever dsncer, hnrlog pla.ved the Juve-nile man la "Tlio Pink I.nd.r," at the AmsterdamTheatre,' New York, for one year, and stz monthsIn Loniloii. .Bliss KIralfy's coatiimea have beenopeelally imported.LBB EDMONDS writes that he bas lolned

Moredock ft Wotaon's MlnBt;:els, tojriog throughTexas. They are headed for San Francisco andwill rlalt the Ezpoeltlon.TDK LBONA ItHMlNGTON AND IIEH OABA-

RDT OIRLS OONn>ANY :s still ninllnDlng atthe Slagle Theatre. South Omiiha. Neb., with Ihemost successful run for a taolold' compsny Inthis locality.

WJI. 0. CLAKE Bn:l bis Shamrock OI'Is head-Ilne<l the One bill openlnj l.oew'a Rochester week. JIuslness' has lieen capacity. Theynre at the Shnbert and Fulton Theatres, Brook-lyn, this w(«k,LUOr DALY hat come back to Tanderllle.

WILUE niTOniE, former llghtweUht aam-plon, with his sister. Is presenting an act etllcl"From the Ballroom to the Oyninnslnm," on theLoew time. Last week he was nt the Rnipres",Los Angels, He will present his act In a Loewtheatre In Now York about the time tiint heBghts Welch In ttadlson Squire 'Jlarden. Mirch 11.


NIXON are ilolng nicely with Ilar.'y Iloliiinn, l;i

bis "AdQ.Ti Killjoy" Bketch. •

CHARLES E. EVAJNS will shorlly proiluce anew act In Chlcnso.THE "OTIOP LIVFILY" production bas l>een


AI.FR13D lATElj, Is on the I>oew time.RONNIE OIASS will be st the Colonial, New

York, next week.EVELYN NESniT Is booked for a return to

Hanmersteln's, next week.MORRIS OKONIN closes bis tour on the Or-

pheuTj Circuit, at New (irleans, 20. ami opens at

the Fnlnce. New York, .March 1, with Baltimoreand Washington to follow.MRS. THOMAS MORIVOW writes: "I

lecn 111 In Ihe hospital nnd have lost the where-niouta of ray liusgaml. 1 nm sorely In need ofhis help.''

FRANKIE PARIIB writes: "Ara still conflnnl nt

Hotel Midlson, Toledo, O., due to a broken kn»-.cap, ami would be glsd to see any friends wl.omight chance to play l\>lcilo. Up lo time of ni-

eldient I had n very sui-cessful aeason. worK-InR cttnrets snd vnuderlllc around Chicago an,!

Middle West. I look fonvanl each week for tlie

time to come when I can get Tut CLirrea amiread the dowb."IRENE WEST, ot the Hnwolloc Scxielle, I'

recovering nicely from the etrocts of an operstloii,

which took place Feb. 5, and Is exi>ected lo. re-

sume work shortly.VAI.F.SKA -SUllATT goes lo Ihe Victoria, Kcsvork, .March 1.







or anybody who knowshis present whereaboutsor past history, will write

to E. LEROY PELLETIER,605 Fine Arts Bldg., De-troit, Mich., he will hearsomething; to his interest,

and, perhaps, advantage.


WHGTIIBK7oa are s S'Mr o( the legUlmste

BtaK«, K V»ude7llle Actor, ProdDclug Uan-ager or Film Urr. TtieKo plajs are the out-

pnt ot the Htot bralOB la dowD-to-d«tc llt«rei7

work, ind ''



Photoplays and ehort Action. We are eellen

ot Standard Llteratare. Both nctlon andDramatic, laMas form. 'We awtlet the writer

to make bli work salable aild sell It. Bmallcharge for Iltenr; ssslstance. No chargeromelUng.Manuscript* UDlvetsal Soc. of Writers, Inc.

220 FlhTU AVENUE. N. Y.


Tbnplan Tisltort hare lilanecd with cntbnsloBia

lolo tlie h«lptal atmosptari'e. of "odlii; things" tor

the unemploywl. Thuy UuTe hsrTesltd «ome dol-

lan for the worthy who iiteil tboD, and a lot of

good BpaK, pralK aa<l liait-tunva tor tbeniHlTes.

Tbr big Kewpir <loll rItpu by Lmorc Vlrlcta wasautlonrl oK by Howard Uaxly. and brought$103 on tbe bid «( A.' E.- Burkbardt. OtbiTfmaller Kewplea—eevenly-wo ot tb«iii—broughtthr sura totnl to 1207.00, nhlvh vos Ibe aid "TheBird ot Parcdlae'' engineered Into Ihr fund. ThnIlaw'jilan nuslclana Kave a rcncert In tbe Simonlobbr dnring ihe aucllnii. Tbe Foouinln Sguarorancrr:, by tbe artlsta In "Manky Fsiikf," was aiiorel alToIr, eii^ueerer by The Times-Star anil

(korge K. Fish. The actor "glrla" and "boyM"aold papc>-4, and tbe snle realized $370.90. 'llie

fliKt paiier broupbt |20U from tbe .Mabley A CarvwCu. I-Vlwird L. Uluuni, maiiagvr of "HankyI'miky." liMroduced tlie^ pert9riiie-a. and theKiri'.-'is w?re packed dutlug the Dovel entertain-UK'llt.

Gbanp OriBA HoDSB (John H. IlaTlln. mgr.)—I'k'iriice E(«d Is coming Keb. H. lu "The YellowTicket." Last week, "The Cnndy Shop" caraebrok, bilglter and belter than ever, viih WlHlnniBock and Uaode Fnlton still In tte etellai roles.


The writer going into the Magic Theatre, SouthS?lSSS'.*°=^J,.'.'?2-£"'°f*' unexpectedly found"LEONA REHINOTOM AND HBR c/bAKBT0IRL8," s Musical Comedy Tabloid. It acemsstrange that a show ot this calibre should beplaying to this class of houses inaicad of beingon the blgclTculta. LEONA UEHI.NGTON Ih anKcccDtric Comcdlenno who pula over her onnihctswith a vim that la rcmarkHblc and in a mannerniled with pleasing personality that hasappanintiywon her many loyal frleudu among the pat runs.Her eccentric dancing ahows big time callbro andwas belter than any other yet witnessed liyioewriter. JACK VIVIAN la doing juvenile StialghlHand with bis good volco mujit needs respond tommy encores. Regarding bis ability In oilier lineshis manner showed conBiderablo dramatic talentas well. The tomcdlans are none other than thewell-known PAULULIFFORU In his original DutchCharacters: HOBar RYAN, the Kcccntric Irlsh-man: and JACK. LESLIE of Tabloid Fame. Thetethree men are carrying the comedy end ot the blUato the highest point of approbation. OLIPFORU.RYAN, VIVIAN and URITT put over one of thecleverest Quartet numbers that has ever been seenwlthaTalAoldprodnctlon. Repealed encores keptthe quarutatwork until their repertoire waiex-haasted. These able people were well backed by achorus who had excellent Tolcea, good ' appear-ance and wardrot>e and are all good dancer*. Th*cho'ras Is ao all round good agaregallon thatwoBld do any show lugtlc«. The show Is by farSDpterlor to moat ot the tabloid allows witnessedby the writer sad Is strange Indeed that this showof high callbr« lias not been contracted by big timemanagers. H. W.—(jdn.)

Emn. OaiSEM'Was one of tbe farorltea of tkelast Keith hill.

Tua .Stewart Snters did a fine series of panto-mimic dances at tbe Empreaa.' OaoRoa tonortTLB, Tibo recently left B. r.Keith's forces . to become trraaurrr at Ihe newStrand, has ntuned to bis old lore, and la oocmmore at Ibe old box office.

Ruth IUtwoOo, a former Chiclnnatl girl, nowwith "Tbe Candy Shoo," wjoycd her vlalt here.She began her career In a musical atock at Lud-low Lagoon.' Tux Hawaiian Singers, of "The Bird ot Para-dlae," were heard at Iho notary Olub dinner, atthe SInton, and later sani; at tho OouEcrratory of&IU9lC.

KiLBOOBKa OoBDoK Came In advance of "To-day."CuFTono Atwoop, of St. Lonis, and Bertha

Wolf, of Brooklyn, )ncinbns of the FOIIloe of tb«bay, slipped STray truui Ilsuilllon, 0., nbrre th«company wts abowlns, and catuo to OUulnnatI tobe uufrled.

GitBTRuns ITomfiir Is coming to B, F. Eclth'a21, end the advance sale In already on.The Standsrd has addnl n oocv a-weck Obunlry

StCrTe feature. Another blunt is a chorus gill'spi:ie waits cn the stigo.

KiBL L. Dzrrz lotioduccd a young Uagda InGrace Merchon, 20, pretty and ambltlaus, andpossessed ot much taillonl. DIeli li drraralng ofan endowed Little Theatre In Cmclnnail tor thodevelopment aC talent.

' RoBiHOND MiLLZB IIas'kin, One of "The CandySho|>," was married it U>vlDgtoa. Ky.. to Qar-lett A. Lans. master taecbanle. of the ahow.She's a New Tork girl. I'ml objected to tbe pab-llcatlon of htr picture—n reounit that goi her aUtile more imbllclty because it was so unnsiial.

(laoaoE Alamua I'uiniUA Is a Norllieru mandespite hla name. Ue <ome to tell of Kloreoc*Heed, In "The Yellow Tl-'kel."

A DOZEN Cincinnati girls iiuallOed to wolr the.CInderella-IIke shoes of Daphne I'ollanl. and asa tewanl yrere sent to Mf "Tho Candy Shop" asthe guevts of a local bIioo store. Maurice B.Hermau, of Ooney lehunl fame, acted as offlclal

Tvferee and made the awards.


Al Hwtca SbCTT (IrTliiit Kiigle. mgr.^—(lalety.

MInnrijull:*, \i-20. Star, St. I'aul, 32-27..\uii-tlcait llcnulln {l^in h^nlein, ugr. )—Iiu-

l|<'tliij, St. Louis. iri.20, Uslrty, Kanss* City,

IWbnuin iih(TW (Jack Singer, mgr.)—Loy off 16*

M. Palace, Baltlnvire, 22-27.Bun Toss (Frank, mgr.)—I'alare, Balll-

more. 16-20, Kmpirr, Newark, 32-27.Big Juliller. (Maurice Jacobs, mgr.)—Ualety, Bos-

too, in.20, Columbia, Ne*' York. 32-27.Ben Wclch'a Own Co. (Harry Snaplivi, mgr.)

Orpheum. Pateraoti, 13-2ii, Casino, Dkln., 23-27.Seauty Ptriile (Bd. Schsefer, mgr.)—(l»let.r, .Mll-

waa',iee, lB-20,- Star A Garter, Chicago, 23-37.Eowei-y Bnrlcaqom (Bob Ocbeti, mgr.)—Oolum-. Ma, New York, lB-20, lay off 22-27.

Billy WatKo's Big Show iDllly Walwiu, mar.)—Star & Garter, Chicago, 10-00, Imperial, SI.

\ LmilS; 22-27. •

Oanfstlon lieanttes (Sam Robinson, mgr.)—Ca-sino. Boston, IB-aO, Itarlfvrd A Albauy 33-37.

College Oirls (Mai Sple^l, mgr.)—aalety, Pitts-burgh, 13-20, Sur. Clerrland, 2U.27, - '

iJieamland Durleiqnera ^Bob Traverv. mgr,)—Al-hany A Hartford lS-20, Casino, Uualcn, 23-37.

Dave Marlon's Own (Imy anida. mgr. I—illyniplc,

Cincinnati, 10-20. Empire, Toledo. 22-27. - •

Follies ot the Day (Jack MoNalnira, mgr.)

Casino, Hkln., 10-20, Uurtlf A SeanoD's, ° NewYork, 32-27.

Coldni Crcoka (James O, Fulton, mgr.)—Star,EL Paol. lB-20, Qalety, Milwaukee, 22-27. -

Qalely QlrU (Jacobs A Jerm<in, ragrs. )—Uartfordand Albtnj, 10-20, Brotii, N<w York 32-27. •>

Oincer Ulrli (B. W. Chlpman. mgr.)—Unni, New^ork, !t-20, Perth' AmboT 22-24. . i

Glrla ot l&e-Oay While Way (Prank Uvlngstra,mgr.) —Lay off lB-20, Gaiety, Waihluglon,2£-27.

Globe TMtlen (Waah Nfatlln, mgr.)—Lsy oH IS-20, Gaiety, .Minneapolis. 22-27.

Gypsy Maids (Wm. V. JennlDg., msr.)—Gaiety,Detroit, 18-20, ilslety, Toronto, 22-27.

Glrla ot Ibe Moulin llunge (Ilurtig A Seamnn,mgrs.)—Now Haven and Urldj^rport 1B-2U, Rm-plre. Pblln.. ',12-27.

Gay New lorkera (Jake Goldberg, nvgr.)—Gaiety,Omaha, 16-20, lay- olf 22-27, MluDeSpollsMarch .'.-0.

GIrIi from llsppylsnd (Oro. 11. IlarTis, mgr. )—rmplre, liklu. 15-20. lay off 22-27.

Happy Widows (Frnii'ssv A link, mgrs.)—Tlalvty,

nulfalo, in-2n, Hyracuiie and Utica 22-27.BoiieymooQ (Itrls— Casino, I'hila, 16-20, liiuplie,

Uobokeu, 2:;-27.

nspllngB' nig Show (IlarrT IXastlngn, tngr.)

Empire, Ilvboken, lS-30, Kmpire, Ukln.. 22-37.Lll^ly Girls (Alei. D. Gorman, mgr. )—<ialety,

Toronto. 10-20, Galetv, Uuftalo, 22-27.Love Makers (W. M. Leslie, mgr.)—Kujilre, New-

ark, l%-20, Phlla.. 22-27.Million I>ollar Dnllli (Irs Miller, mgr.)—West-

iLliiater. l'n>rldru:e, i.l ^O, UoJton 22-27.Prlie Wirwrs (A. Pearson, ngr, )—Xtar. Olere-

Ircd, 16-20, Olympic, Clnclniintl, 22 27.Rr.M-land Glrla (Waller (Ireaven. uicr. )—(lalely,

Mbutrval. 15-20, .\llijny and llanfurd 22-27.Rc*v Hydell's (Horry Tliompson, mgr.)—aslrly,

Washington, iri-20. Gaiety, Plttshurgh, 22-27.Bosey Po.ty Olrls (P. S. Olsrk, mgr,)—Syracuse

and Utioa 1.1-20, Gslety. .Montreal, 22-27.Sorliil MsMa (J. J. Melarmann, mgr.)— llurllg k

Seanioii'*. New York, 1.1-20, Westminster, I'nivl-dtnce. 22 27.

ftnr A Garter (Prank Welshcrg, mgr.)—Oalety,Kansas City, 10-2U, Ualety, Omaha, 22-27.

Tango Olrli (Chas. R. Tn.vlor, mgr.)— Qtsnd(M'rra lli.iuie. New York. 15-20.

Tango <3*iiir (K. K. Duly, msr.)—IVrlh Am-boj, Boolh lU-thleUinu A Haslon lO-iO, tiftlcly,

llalllmo.-e. 22.t7. „^,.Ten^iter. (Hub Knhn. mgr.)—IlsyiniirkrI, thl-

rng>, I.I SU. i>lsnilsrl, St. UinU. J'J '.:'.

Tiijl Ulrl. (J»ck l.i-vr, ri(r.l—Aca lem.v, Jirsey

Wy. 1.1-2», VHP night slsiiils 3'J 37.

Trsiit-Alljiillcs (Obsa. Dminboe, raitr.)—Atlantic

City A 'iwnliin 18-'J0, Oslcly, llklii., . 22.27.

Eallab's Own KhOw (John Kckhinlt, luiir.)—.Mur-

ray mil. New York, 14-20. rtlar, Ukln., 22-27.

PESN CIRCUIT.Eraver Falla. Pa.—Monday.ItcKeesport, Pa.—^Tu*«da7.(IrtrnBliurK, Pa.—Wednenday,Vilshirr, Altoons', I's.—Thursdar.(>ri>heura, York. Pa.—J^rlilay.Academy, Reading, Pa.—Saturday.

AT DALY'S*Prink Damrel, Mike Kelly and Barney, Wlll-

lanis are back In New York. Last week they,

|ir«^te<|. "The Two NoMemen" sml "Out for a

Time," with F.thel Vernon, Brownie Carroll andFrance* Ksrr In the <eni1lna women's niles. wl'h.rud effect. A nomlier of amusing Inoldmta. In-

eludlDg some mw bits, kept up the tun, stsge

muiiey brii.g uxed In profusion tor Ihe variousbuiiro gan>es.

. Ilsnfcom and Vernon did s clever dancing *p»-

clalty. and Princess Malo, billed an the "Saltan'sfainrlte," "very much to tbe hare," was 1h«d.7oclog IC^torr.

Aisatmr olgbt was a snccvve. One of the fea-


turta was a sjioon soloist, who hsndled'a pair efaiHions, after the fashion at (be bones, with agreat effert.

This week, Ihe Fads anil I-Vlles, with "I.nclllo"

SB nil added feature.

THE WESTERN WHEEL.Ran rilrtn will be a spoke In Ihe whoel of Ihs

newly furntril Western Burlcsijtie Citmpiiny, whichrec4i.lly vrpsnlreil In ?.ob Angeles, snil will

nitrate a circuit of hnriesiiuir hiiiMes nii thnOtisst. anior.f uhlrh will U- Ihe Km[>n*^A. of

Dirgo ; Ceiilury, la Imh Angeles, ami Savoy, InSan Franc'scu.Thumss iDce, Ihe well kncwn pmdiicer Is presi-

dent of the new company.: Itiilio (1. Welch vice(•roHlik-nt and general managiT, and John II. Blnck,.wnid Is aecretsry. Osklaiul. Tscoms, I'urllniul,

Suit Lake. Vancouver nod Seattle will be Inirlud-

cd In fhe circnit.

Mr. Welch hss already Arganlicd Ibe nr<t com-Iiaiiy which will present the usual routine of bur-p>i|iie, sod will feature living plctur«<« of slatn-ar/ Kroupi, which decorate tbe Pauama-Pai'lfl;Lultdlngs.

JACK PAI'ST- fliriC.Jack Faust, agent of llie liny Wliluws Co., Is Id

I'l.ijile'n llosjiltal, un Seotm-I AveiHie. New York,niiilerri'lng treatiuoiit and nn <M>"ratlfiii fur tuniitr.

Hp Ih re-engogeil with the Biiiiie .'bow for lieitwasnu.



coix>us IOgAIjI,


flmd 10c. for n Stick to tryand ^^l't»lou

103 &7. lexu ST.. ^tjiW XOiBB



Book - ChoTD* Costnmca leasierTW* US . UO lUOI'rlnelpals Nambera Comedr


Ix)uls Oherwnrth'a allracllon, sirenalheneil by asenistlonsl altructUni did fair huslnesa at tt*Murroy Hill. New Y-irk, last week.The llullew Health lte«>rt" was (be title of

the flrit part, la which E<ldle l.<>veli, a corkinggml alrnlght man, |jut It all over his patients.

Ja*. K. UolMy was a good Irishman along orig-inal lliiei. Slid J<ie Taylor, as the nmnsn, ^'IlsnaDInkle," sucreeded in getting Ihe laughs.

mil Ariimlrmg hsd a Dumber uf fuuay bits tsdo In hla cbarscter of a "nut" faker. Includinga las aulolde machine, mn by a nn'tiY which en-iibled him In charge die suicide* tho pru|ier amountfur ga* oonsnnieil,

TOO nilSY TO FARM.<7eo. CIsytifii Frye has IpspkmI IiIh fsrm. In Mil-

fiinl, .MsNH., fur twii yrnrH. Ha)S bo Is too busy tocuiiie Jiuiue In llic Siiiniiipr.

lie did a clever character at the paste legit,

with hl|i "No Mailer."Janet Faust suhrlltule'1 for Uarh> l>eau>ard«

(Who bad left at abort inrtlcv) as Fayette, In sat-isfactory manner,

Mnr Alddlt waa nn atlrspllro soubrvtte, to'll

quslincil In take care of her iiunilter.^,

Orlla TiKir.ra, Alien Alton ami Ruth Troy vuib-plelo tbe CHSt.

Tlio clinrus IncliidiMl ; Rvelvn ITnwnril. llel tr' Porter, Florence Krit-insn, aIicp Msruh, Ih.h'.iy

I)r Verc, Phyllis Foster, ilniwnli' II nnn, MnyAUrtln, r.'srllis Ross, Dnnithy II it, lli<riba

WuhIs, hiMf Wlly^nn, Kniuia lli'rU>rt, MnlvlWynll and Mny Kelly.

Mils Foster Is n pluin|> hut lively litth- wirk-er, who hsd tu html ' i<evi'r:il iiiiiiiImtm, ami shedid so lit elrrer tushlin, lusliig ,'iin* ,if 'Tlji T*e)

IIAintV AUMr.Il, musical dlrei'lur with theCollege Ulrls. Inis been Te.«iigafed by Max Splvgulfor next seaiun.

TIpiicrnry Msry" and "hroni lluy I'sre^.

mMH'tvn the sels siieelsltles wrn* pn>tho Klvp Alnrcons, 'ii lliolr luill'tno) .MckIcjaonrn, villi lUisi^ Ahirvtoii, the irlfvi-r soprano,Irsuliig; Jas, K. Ilalley misnl In wltli iiuinlter,

and got good K'sulls by his comedy slunit, suck


Singles, Doubleo, Trios, Quartette?: and; Tabloids. Don't overlook this GREAT NUMBER. Orchestrations Iti 'iill keyQ: Published ajBO\for Orchestra, Danotng and. Dumb Acti. Write, wire or call for VTI^GINIA XEE. It's in the airOTOE IVKORRXS ZMCUSXO CO.. 145 W. 45th ST., NEW YORK CITY

MIKE L, MOftBis, winggsr PHiiA, 136 H. 9ih 81. BOSTON- 32 Boyiitan SI. CHICACO : Grand Opefa House BIdg.

Ltbio (Carl Hubert Hcuck, mgr.)—"A Pairot Sliee" Is coming back 14, tu the eipectatluaot repeating the triumph of several weeks ago."Tbi- Bird of Paradise" was stsgeil last week,with l/ecore Ulrlcb leading.. "Today" comco21 wJih F^lmund Breae and Ethel Valentine.

B. F. Kdth's (John F. lloyal, mgr.)— 1.»>lllD, the breathing marble. Is' the headllner 14.ether acts Include Chl.> ond Uary Marble, thoKoufman Lrothers, Maiiiiol Qutroga, Bolniul andHolt, . and Plpafox and Paulo. In a novelty,"Iluupst-Bumpst." Jauuts oud Journeys hi plc-tues.

IN SHOUT KFTBE.EraoiD CiavTON and hcr coterle of dancers were

the Ml lilt of (he last B, F. Keith bill. Theyofftied "Dances of Ye.Hterday, To-dny and To-irocrow." Lestep Sheebnn and the. Clnytou Sextetfare sr,lenuld assistance In the etaguig of thenorel dancing acLWiLiurr DcDoa was one of rhe "Hank;

Penky" stars seen to good advaulage^^Sill Reabn and Helen Ely, new ones to Chicin

natl. pleated In the ckv.>tcli. "Wanted, an Angel. "

Tbey were on tbe -Keith bill.

_ Tjis Blue Qrass Inn, s hannt for those ofBehimlan tnstea, - wss deHlroyed by Are, 7. Theloss waa total, .|eS,0<K>. and no Insurance. -WiLuaK llocK' of "The Candy Shop." lectured

>. to women only: at the Grand Opera Hoose.Hla aubject was •"Modern Tango .Dsnclng.'" Thoa<dte<a was lUnstnted by ladles of the compiny.Walndt .Siaaat-^ (Qeorge ' F. 'Flsb, mgr.)—

"Within the Law" was pcesented 14. Lsat weekIhe Lew Fields i moalcsl hodge-podge. "BaokyPanky," with Bobby North and msiny of theorlgUial caat, was put on at popnlar prices. Busi-ness big. '^lo oia Kent.ioky" 21.Loiw' Ehmmt (Oeorge A. Etoyver, mgr.)—

Mrs, Louis Jamci* and -her company are hesdllnersI'l, presentlu "IHoIdlog a Husbasd.'" Others:Black and While, Uerlfn, Cray and Graham, InThe Musical Bellboy,"' and the Cyclln* MoNutK.neber and Fields In motion niciurea,OLiiipio ((3hatleB L, WaHers. mgr.)—iDavo

Marlon Is coming 14, hi bis ',fsmed creation,Snuffy," and with his own company. Last week

JJank Finney was the brilllsnl in CJhnrles II.

Wslrtron's Trocailero Durlesquers, who were seen

1^1^"The r.egend of the King.'' The Priic Winners

.iTinniBn (riiarles B. Arnold, mgr ) — TheFrench Frcllquea arrived M. They tame after aweek of Fay Foster'a nnrlesqucrs. The CrackerJackj 21.

OniiMiN (Otto Ernst Bchmirt, ro«r.)—The Oer-innn Stock Company will put on ''Am Tage diet.erlchts" 14. The rollicking farce, '"Der Zech-prHler" was thoroughly enjo.ved. 1KuLir AuniToaiuu. — Fritt KnlBler, whose

oeaib wss erroneously snnounced "al the front,"comes 12, 13, as soloist at the next concrts of{be Clnclroatl Bympbony Orchestra, directed byor hmst Kunwald.onrncuu, dicvcE's Orni House. SniNn and

FauiLT, motion pictures.Jot WiLcn, the Hebrew Impersonator, was a

sfij-Bm at the Empress show.

.1.."^ 'he humorist and war conespon-

dent, talks twice at Musi-; Hall. 14.JACK Wilson a^u l-'nANKLiN Ditid nnloo.wd a

"Kiilsr IMal wave of laughter at Keith's. They

Cmua Jonf.s. Sew Tork cabaret singer, known"» ilsrlce Allen, was sued tor dlrorce by herhuitiand, Cllffonl H. Jonea.



ANNrrTB ICiLt.iniUANN, In "The Model Girl,"

la a new Graud Uooklug.

Kanaaa OMy, Mo.—Sliul>ert (Karl Stowsrd,

mgr.) 11. U. Wuriier, lu "Uniler Cover." toi" weokcommencing Feb. 14. Zlegteld's Follies week ot

81.Onrnxuu (Marlliv Lehman, mgr.)—mil 15-20:

Alon DrookB and company, Jos. Saiitley and vim-

Jinny, Plalov anil (ilawr. Kolb nml llarland, Helenflcholder, a monkey circua, and Cbas. llowofd and

**Eilii'nKBB (Cy. Jacobs, mgr.)—Triple headline.

Mil wt«k commencing 15: CThnrlw lx^)DnTd

Fletcher, the Nichols Sisters, Wundo, Dixon and

Dixon, Mellor and Do Paula, two to 1111, and pic-

^"ga'tktt (Matt Smith, mgr.)^lnr and Carter

Show 14-20, American neniitie.H 21-27.'

Ci.iTUBr (Tbos. L. Toofe, mgr.)—The Winner*

14 20, (Hierry iBlossoms 21-'i:7.

AuDiToniuii IMeto -Miller, mcr.)—Stock eom-

nsny present ".Mary Jane's P«" 14_ nml week,

with Peggy Uncrtl, the child actress of Mllwnnkee,

*Gbaso* (A, Jwlah, niRr.)--J<An Dunny and

company 1-1-20, "The Sbeiiherd of Ihe Hills" 21-

27 •

HiPFOPBOICI (Frank Cofflnberry, mBT.)-^nill IB-

20: Charles Terrls and comnsny, Psclieco f arally.

the Orlglnsl MHis Dalay, Wpjne, M«r*oll snd

Roberts. Penn City Trio, Tork and King, the Le

IBruDB. end picture*. . ^ «GM)DB (W. D. Kewklrk. mgr.) —Split week

Tscdevllle and plctupes. Monlo Uoore s EJi-

chanted Forest" draws the headline spot. 14-17

others: The Kngfords, Oniber and Kew, Ihe Lhng-

woTlhs. Psrk, Home and Francis, and festnio

plclnrei. L«>t halt: Mile. Martha and Bisters

(feolored). Fields. Wln.;bell and Green ^l-'red

and May Wailell, Elsie Bose, Frawley and llnnt,

and pictures. . ' , _ ^TIViLUS Wood <Job. Glldsy, mcr.) — Feature

nciures,. pl|>e organ and symiihony orchestra.

noTAL (K. L. Newman, mjr.)-leslure pic-

tures end music. . . „ , . •.

Vast thtcng* altendcd the onnnal Automohlio

Show at Oonventkin Hall week of B.

H(,ST all of tlic local playhouses, jeiiorl excel-

lent buflnnBS. The New Orpheum Is break n«

records, the Shubrrt with Cbaiincey Olcott. had hlg

bui.lnesB week ot 8, and the Au<lllorli:m and

Empress are playing, to cmwiled .li«u«eit. TheUlrnodrome Is doluit good huHlness. ami Iniilness

Is always good at the Globe with Its thrce-a dsy


IndiaoBpoIia, Ind.-Jfurst (J. G. Darnej,

mcT ) "The Thlnsis That C«uiit" heli. 15. 17,

IiTl'n n Ctobb le, Mclntyn snd Heath 10, 20;

lie Wolf Hopper week ot 22... „ ,

ENOUBIl'B (Ad. K. Miller, nurr.)—Annette Kel-

lermnnn's "Neptune's DsuKhter" (pbotoiday) week

of 14. Lyman II. Howe's iildures next week, .

LvcBUM (Anderson A Zlexler. mgrs, )—"IlankyPsnkr" 16-17, Eugenie Dlnlr, In "A FOol Thero

Wss.'' lh.20. , „„,KBiTii'n (Ned S. ntnUngs, mgr-l—D"'

of in: Oertnide Hoffmann an<l company, I.^ttle

Collins Jr., Ilyroack. Smith, Cook snd llrandon,

Ile<ltonl nnil Winchester, and Ihe Slelner TTIo.

I.vBic (Barton k Olser, ngrs,)—'Hill 1->17:

Ilnyt's Minstrels, Ospt. Ailrlan Anson, Grsre Oun-

linr Nile snil compsny. LMsrle Dreams, and Hovl.

Htein ond Daly. For l«-2n: Archie Onrl snd

rvill.v, Cbarlotto. Coates, Keen and Johnson, and

""<>"iiMiiiA (O. E. niBCk. mgr.)—City SporUweek 'of irt.

PttemhnrK, Vn.—.\cadCTny (W. H. Whlte-

henil, mgr.) Ilost'in Kiit'lIsM (;r.inil <i|K.-ra Co.

1VI>. 21. „ J J \,

('ii KAPC ViLni.iu:*, Bijou Ina I'Arari. pic-


"tji's Libjg re-wcneU & t, plcttire boose 15,

Trocaileroa (Frank 9. Pierce, mgr.)—Kinplre, To-ledo, 13-20. Olumhia, Cblesgn, 22-27.

Whining Widows (l/iuls Gilbert, big.)—Rngic-wood, Cbicsgo, 1.1-2U, Gnlcty. IVtrult 22-21.

Watson Sisters' Oj. (Mni fljilegel, niCT.)—Oo>ura.tla, Oblcsgo, 15-20, ICnglrwouil, Chicago, 22-27.

Colombia Wbrcl—Addril.Auto Olrls (Teddy SlmoniUi, mgr.)—Lay off 15-20,

Gaiety, Clilca(p>, :i2-27.

Broadway Glrla (Hob Gonlon, mgr.)—I'/mpIre,

Cleveland, 15-20. Victoria. I'ltti»liiircli. 22.'J7.

Solicmlanii (Tom Miner, mgr. )—iiiirlugileld. Muss.,18-20,

Big Ilerlew (llenry P. Dixon, mgr.)—lOalcty, Ohl-eago, 15-20, Coliinililn. Iiidlniiaiiolls, 22-27,

Beauty, Youth and l-'olly (l.nulH Stnrk. mgr.)—Orsinl, Hixton, 15-20, MancJii'tter. N. 11.. •M-'2t.

Dig Bensotlon (Morris Walmtock, mgr.)—llulyuko18-20, Howard^ lluslon, 22 27.

CltT Sports (It. K. I'ntloii, mgr.)—Oolnmlils, In-dianapolis, 10 20, HnckUighsm, I/iubivllle, 22 27.

Cracker Jacks (Oharlee Falke, mgr.)—Jluckliig-ham, Louisville, lC-20, standard, Cluclunati,22-27.

Cherry Dlossoms (Maurice Jacobs, mgr.)—Stand-ard, BL Louis, lS-20, Century, Kansss 0117.32-27.

Clly Belles—Wllkes-Barre snd Serantcn 10-20,Blnghamton and Hcheneclady 22-27.

Gharmlag Wlilows—.Manchester, N, II., and Wor-cester. Mass., 15.20, New York 23-37.

rcHle* ot 1020 (Lew Talbot, mgr. )—Oorlnlblan,Itocheater. 15-20, Star. Toronto, 22-27.

r«IUe« ot Pleaaure (Bnlw nernsleln, mgr.)-^al-ety, PhlU,, 10-20, Atlantic City snd 'TretMon22-27.

Fsy Foster Co. (Joe Oppeuhelmer,. mgr.)

Bb-. press, (Jolnmbnt, .15-20, Empire, Clevelaod, 23 27French Model* (Dirk Zidsler, mgr.)—<>alet7,'l>alll-

more, 15-20, Pblla. 22-27. --

Olrls of the Fblllce (H. M. Btronse, m«T.)—Tern-|de. Ft. Wayue, Ind., 10-20, Ilaymarket, Chi-cago, 22-27.

Osy Widows (Lonls J. Oberworlh, mgr.)—Star,llkln. 15-20. Trocsdero, Pblla., 22-27.

Olrls tnm Jnylsnd (Slin Wllllanu, mgr.)—Troca-ilem. Phils.. 10-20, Wllkes-Barre i Hcrantm,22-27.

Garden of Girls (Louis Gerard, mgr.)—Oentnry,Kansas Ollv, 16-20, lay off 22 37, Gaiety, Chi-cago. Mnicu 10.

Osy Morning Glories, (Jack Glloes, mgr.)—Blaf,"Tiironlo, 15-20, Sav->'/. I.'amllton, 22-27.

rello. Paris (Wm. Tloehm, mtrr.)—«l.iii lanl, O'n-clniiall. lS-20, Empress, ColinnbiM, 2'2-27.

Illgb Life Girls (Frank Calder, niiir.)—GsMy,Bkln.. ir-20, N<>v llsven A Hrlilgin>^',-t 22-27-

IHgh Rollers—Vlctorhi; Plttshurgb, 1520, PenaCircuit 22 27.

(Heart fjiarmers (Davo Gondron, mgr.)—Penn 01;-cull tr-2«l. New York 2'i-2T.

Ilsclilrif Makers (V. W. (;ehsrity, m';r. I—Csdit-Isc. IH-tioll, 16-20, Temiile, Fort Wayne. Iiid,,

22-27.Uonic Cnrlo Olrls (T. Hiilllvsn. mgr.1—B'ngbt'S-

I'on .\ Si'l.inerlady 15-20, Corlnllilda, Ilocbrs'.er,22-;7.

Orlenlits ''nillr Wstson, mgr.)—Howard, Boslun,15-20, Grand, Kosloii, 22-27.

Pasalnn IV.-ilnv of 101 1 iJne I.evltl, mgr.)—Sa-voy, rijinilton, 1620, Csdillac, Detrnlt. 22-27.

f<Tilfmber .Morr.Ing Olorlea—Olymiilc. New York,15 20, Academy, Jersey City, 22-27.


Price and QaalKr Alway <he faaaSOLD BVBBTWHBmB,


Tlie Mffjesllc, foruu'rl/ Ihe Oiluiiililn. nf Hrrnii-

toii, Ps., when* the olt.'JCtluim ot tin* (X>liiiiilila

ArT.iii«nii<qit <1ijiii|inny iir*' iilnyliig. linH nkhIiirnrhcd Into' the iiiiiiin;i\-nierit nt (Ji^iri.'o Ni-lwui

Tii-ls, who,' barring n very sliurt |ri'rlu,l. has lie<-n

111 clinrgv! since It. was 0|M-ii4hI hIik.* .venrs sgo.Il«cently Ihe tlieatr.!, liigi-tliiT with the ,MsJ>'s.''

tic III Wllkin-Hnrre, was purehiiM4il by a companyinsisting ot William HlnlTel, llnrry IC]istelii, iiii.l

Harry niid Nnllinn KHjiirKky. Tlu* m-w o\vn'>r4

luiniedlatel^ avnlU^ tlnnwlvtv of the eitierleiK-i'il

arrrico of Mr. 'rt-cts. wIkw rurnlllnrlly wlili binduties and with rniMlltlnim In Hcrniitun sdialrslily

lit ' lilm for Gie pliic'-,

.Mr. Tet'ts' thi-nlrli*ril i-x|ii'rli>)i('e civerH s longterm ot jears. Ilegliinlng nt.thc l.yit-uin, Hrriin-1(*h, he U'caine. sui'iNi^tiillv Iri-ssurer and iriait-

sgrr of the Htsr 'riii>uiri>, and then treasureraiKl manager nf Hie Oiliivibla. Pnimlar and n--sourceful, he bss iii-vit tft-nwii ii losing sessnn

Tin* lollry of IIh' Majestic will Incluue popularpriced vsiiilevltlr, nnd Mr. Teds has secured anall-stsr leu act bill for ihe «|ienlng.

IIANKISON'S OPE>IIRO,Ralph A. llaiikliimn will o|>en tbe season of

Auto Polo exhllilUons st Ihe HI. I.onls, Mo,,Coliseum, llio Irst week In March, oiidcT th*.*ukiilc«* of t lw- HI. liools Press Oub.

^"JAITRT FAViT. rniMA DONNA.Marie Ileanganle closed, witli ihe Gar Widows

Co. last week. Janet Faust satlafaclorlly slsjedher rule at the Murrsy lllll. New York.

"DIAUOND JIM" FfmBR Is DOW the msnagerof Kelly, Damsel A Wllllanu' Unci* Rani'a Itelles

Oo., sacceedlng Joe Htamllsh, who has lulaed tbeIted IIOHi On. Wm. Hchllllng Is nuslcsl director.MtcKtr Maskwihui bis numlier nt burles<|us

tabs nn the Pennsylvania ami Ohio time.Jaucs a. RsiLr.r oiy be. ronnected with <-a9

of Dive Usriuii's Hhowa neit srsson.. rniNC^.RH OI.GA, Jt-nnlp Jiinot snd May How.ard, of tbe Fty Foster (>., playing I>nils>llle thewix'k of Jan, ,^0, w,'re given a iiar'y by Durlnii'lClark, at his l<onio, on Purtlsnil Aviiiue, AUiUtlorty were present.TOMMY AND MADBMNK 0"NmL c'osed with

the JiU Jubilee showl In Mnolreat Feb. 0, andwere rndncnl by Hilly (^ulion and Anna Hlaler.ZALLAH it at th.: Murray Hill, New York, this

w«k, and Is showing Ibe uplowners some |ier-

pelual DOlInn,"'TO TAK A MR" was Ihn dancer at Ihe

Ol.iinpic, lr>! week, with tiK- Tail Girls.NRLME WOOD has Ikvii transferred from ths

Tail Olrls lo Ibe Girls nt llie Mniilln Kiiiigo.

-MILDRKD OLAIIF, fUiMil Feb. 0. with I'ncle

Rair"s Ilelle* Go,, In Chester, Pn, \MATT. MONNKJJY sp<>aks quite a bll nf the

Jaiianeoe language, in his new burlesque ut "Ml-kp<io.'"

TIIK Olrls of Hie Gay Wlille Woy ore layingelf Ibis w>ok. Tbe Hun Tons play the date' In

IlnlllnKire Inslead nf Isylng oft,

JIK.VKTA WIIITK, end |<,ny with Ihe Hlsr snd'Inrter Oi.. Ih n llvelv wonder, nml Ju nped Inl"Harriet IIei4H.rl's idser as liigeiiiie. MI>W Ilo-liert

iKfi Kslurdoy nlclit. st Imi'-rlnl, HI. IxwN. to

Join llie Winning Whlows. iml lleneta went righton (hilifg Iwn. nuinliers nml n llrely dsnre. Shelai signed wllb a N«. I wh<t<l, as sinilm-tte, forIjext w-nsim.

as by (iiiltliig IVw list im her back, l.y playlnjIbe giiliiir Mini tsngllii;! iiji things gi'iie.-ally. TheI'liur .Mh'MiHi llrutliers otH'tied their act wllb a u-rchIHTfiiriiinn Iiy the twj snllors, wllb i.'ine llvelv

work snil illsiilay of llsgt nliip th'i I'.tty |wl*

brill by III" uriilerstaii'liT Then caiiio Ihe thrill-

er on a rf*r«ilvlng rrniie, aupiMirlinl ny s ladle*ork Imii tiis'i-r. On on»* arm a toi;iedo.ahnpe.l

4'l|.cirle.|iiiii(iriil nlrshl|i. iiiid on Ihe iiiher arm a

trsiau-. 'Ihe vU-ctrteinu'IslttrtNl his innlir niit

llie nintrlvmii'ii stnrteil tu rvvolre, wlilli' tbe

trriM-to pi-rfuriiier went lliri.iigh a serl'-s of daringfeats, iM'liig Biinpeniled st one time only by lb*1<<-s ot one fi<j|, with bl' Indr standing nut iil-

im/st In s ^Iruiglil line, ami with bis lienil ulenr-

Ing Ibe n-sr snd side walls by a snnil t<ini. Argli ut relief wtiit uji when Hm* appnr.-itiis slnw^l

down, and tlu-n esnio niiplniiM' In rnliinies.

The nurulHirs were: ''Olebrallon liu) In Ten-iit«s<«" anil ullH'r suiitfH In the medley, "AIoiii<:ame Itutb,'" le<l by Kddle I/ivetl, assisted hythe girls, wlu> canw nhi-uil nf lluth; "'On theIlviileviril," by Hiss Fauil ; "MIrblgnii," by MliaFaust; "Your Img Is Your Il4-s( Friend AfleeAll," hy BiMIe liOrelt; "Hack In DIslelanil," abig winner for Usy A4ihotl : "Island uf Miimiry,"iiy Itoie AJarcon ; "Little viclrola,'-' by Joe 'fa;-lor, wlih verses by different girls selected by hint.

A r(4i<ai*Bl of "Lady G'Mllva," directed by Mr.I,ovett, was a food oomedy bit, also tbe vsriunaranui given to the girls fur tbe hotel register.

A baby was also Jllggled around for some laughs.Tlie aperlsl nights are a 'hlg sdoceii the snia.

teur featorea holding them In well on WednesdayDlfht. Ull.

•mr. DAFDT aini.a are at Iho Star. Scranlos.Pa., this week.

VIII(4INIA' TVeON Is with Jseois A Jermoo'smail Hollers.IVIKY .ate selling socks snd neckties Id th4

D<w«'y Theatre lobby, New York,VIGLKT MAH(yrrll{ will put on a (lermnneut

stcck st Hnly'H. New Vork.


One side, sixe AxlK, black Ink onssiaortad postnri on«, two, lltree orall stylaa, e<iual <|uantit}r of a>olilyle for

$12.00The b*st And most Inaipcnslr*pradaeer ot bog ofllee racelpl* Inth« bnslnsss, Vnlon label on allKlnllng, Sand for price list.

n(e book, IVo.

wm m mm (o.MATTOON, ILL.

HWAl GLASSESJLylophones, Itattlns.Hs-

sical Kleclrlcnl Oells.Hoalcal Flower Pots, Culns, FunDsIs, HatItacks.UnW nellH,«u;.,«tc. CHtalogueandfall Intormatloo Oh receipt nt stamps. A

BRAPWBIBB, 1013 Grant AvcRlclimond HIILN, Y.


Wiintcd nflDIAbKk HACK((•DOHANl.T .AdilrrsH • ALICK,curu ot aLiri't;ii.

16 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Febbuabt 20


nnok Cborna Coatomca Scenery1«H>

Princtpnii KumbprM Conirtly

A riimlicr of mlilpil nitrnrtlonii not on tlii! pro-

jTHin rjim.' ti« min'M""" Mnnilny iilRlit "t tlx' Wi-

liiJiiMn. Tiioro wrro Ihc IloK""iiy Nii""llc Il>k-r-..

Ii. Ihclr ncrciliiitli: lUvcrHlon" nml l'-.i|m br Ihc

full iirowrH ami l>T llio ilwsrfn. wli" w.-iil nlicmt

llii'lr w.irk Iti ciiorKOlc mylc. TIjp )»iilriK mn i;n

l.iiwern two inlilKOlH at llie IIhIhIi wiw a I'lC

'Jhc I'rlncPfH DoTccr, wllbout any ':iiii)lK>r«inM!

Mi.iilrolK! to ri'laid IHT inovonunln. got I'li.ty

l:iT ariim. llmliM anil boily llio mliiiilo ilii- iiii-

)iiiiftl. Miil ki'iii tlwrn w»»lnij aDliitorniiiiiilly In

lirr aiH'iiIni; sniikw ilnnrv. Hit nrinH iirc vi-ry

vcri-allU' anil iIk- anally movonii-nl ulsw oiloiiiloO

fiiiillCT ilowinVHril. Tbp KV.imil minilxT. In a

Link veil cnvn-M, with IHIIi- fl"'-. *"» • ""t<if a cinwic li> till- (line uf "Tlii? Troraloro,

nml «nil«l wjtli a Majfilulrna llk« inw. lu

The*aiioiP llaclf haa tUa two mm«1lM6. ICdilla

niiiroralil and Jack giilnn, In "Tbc I> Oartec

Iliinl," wblcb mchm fCDin AtlniillR Ully Into tli«

line HufTMBfltc Jail, na on fiirmiT o<tihIom».

'Jliiy liaTO jinp row •liiiila and the Hllli |irr«»

niicMt piita 'im o«t nonlliiuiiuiily oii tlio cnnllillnii

Irlfliman. Tbo piano nrl waa wi-ll thouiflit uf,

iliJimiKli mmcttlint <'iirliiilril.

Mulx'llc .Miiri-nii. who wan lion- only rocrnlly,

witli tlic Miiulln lUiii«u Show, slinwi^l tii liulU'r

ulTanlaKP In Ihc rolp of Ilio wlilow who lo^t h<T

t.'nrl<T, nml In liir a|ii.":liil ly nnil In iIktb,

v.lili wmoimI orlk'lnal roMlnniir cruatlonK. illil vcrr

well ; also In Un- coiniily iiri>in>s. Dolly Unrni'it,

Willi wna iiroKrniiiniiil nn Ihi' ninlil, wun tnhon

III Atimiliijr. mill wuH rcplaml at llie iiliilit showliy I'lii llnria, who plnyril Ilii- nillil ami Ihc

li'iHili Jail (.'lirli Id lifr own rlK'itniiH alyip, ri inliiK

111 fur lin nil*^inti' ri^oKiilllnn n}^t for wvi-.-ul

lively leailH uf iiiiiiiU'rii.

lUMty Jfiirrliifion wiiH a anlli'fnpiory plnln-

pliillips nun. mill (;h;irlp» Janwn ilM IiIk Tnrlnim

fiillH anil hIIiIpk lUnvu atal» In lb,: llohrcw clnir-


Kilnn flrpon, o-i Margarrt SralUi, waa lit MrpIpiih'iiI. mill In i;iiw'nN im well nn In lliihla, wasthiTC wllh IhP pnixT hiiilwupip piHiit-ilhin.

"fll4rw** Jirlin!*in w.irt aim In Hip carit. .

'riip i-IinTiiM wan a iliinly lot of a'<pii*'ra. In-

rliiitlniC Tinn Iloih, IViUih lliirni't, Irvric IIIII,

Mliliy Ailniim I'.illia I'nrppll. May (llailya, KloS rl. Iilu l/e Montp. Mlllnn Flun'npp, Ilpfny

M<ilill[<>inpr», (lT«re t.llK'rnll. yin Wallapp. ()II*p

illlliprt, I'.'/plyn aivpn, I,«iim IHnt. IIp«<; lUMoan,l)<t)ly I/nw, NniK Hiir.Uin, Olara Maalcrn, Itpnlrln?

Crnnilall, Mninllc .Monvll. Jean Hlonlne, MarieWllwin, U.iinllk- (llnilya.

ITip nunilirtH liichnlpil: "Olpbrallon DaT In

Ti iiiH'HiiK'," "I'lnhi Ololhra Man," "Thi're'n aI.Util 111 the WInilow uf tho Uoum Kihiii tbeIIIII." by Ulna .MiiT«nn ; "Iry," wllh ilaniTS, I17

Mi^HpN .Mor^'an iiml (IriM-n, nml llarrlngtuu ojul

.111,mi; "if 'I'lifv'il (Inly .More OIil Irplaml Orprllrr<" liy .Mr. I'llcijoralil ; "On My Way lo Nwtnlpiina." Iiy .MIhh Darla. wllb th<> rlrla Inihnwy, wliltp anil IiIik* I'liu-hM ; *'ltPuU>n .liilin'nn'H

lliiriniiny llnnil." by .Mlai: Mori(.in; "SuniphalyKi.nwa." Iiy ,MHh (IrpiMi; lUilli* l>MtK«,'praIil ami.Ml^H MorKBii. ill a piuwily HiwTlulty; "llnahfulDrII." "Walt Till .My Sblp tJivnw In," li.v Ibe^MHapa Iln-py, whn* a iilpi* sp<H*laUy; MIhhAlorKun. In "Oiiiiii- lliick lo .Mp" nml "l/<*nvo MpAlinip." nnil "Tm' T.iiit lliml I^iivlni; fur lloinc,"Miiiff by iVM AloFHan, Id bhio nallor IrimniTi.

if IK.

tiif: tango giiils.niiaa. K 'I'uyliir lina Ihp llnnl wpi'li of hnr-

lisilup at till- (iriiiul <.>|H'ni llmun- llila wavL, wllb"(lawy In Smlply" anil ".MMp. I^^nxirv." ThniiMo liHH I.IV AII111 ami T.iiria Ariiiilil. (Vtlllna anill.'nwlpy, Mllluo anil I>plinnr, .mil Clailyn Scirt.

TIIK IvMnili:, rMllnilpliiblj. cloMil in, atxl

rt'-ui^'iia 'L". Willi a ilriinallc ainok cooipany. Hie

I'pliinnti Sliinv laya orr (hla wwk.(1IIAIll.K<t y. lODWAKDS la pntravlDic iHaple

for Hip Ari'b Slrivl .SIik-Ii, l>bllaili'lplilii.

MI,MI1C >;|':aI)i>\VS Ih ihilmr well as.prima donnaWilli tlic i.liariiiliii; Wliluwa.ItKNA WA.SIIllimN (AbUtrln) dl<>:l at Olere-

I I. (1., I-'ph. II.

I'Ndl.K SAM'S UHM.ra win BborUy go intoIhi- Colunilila j\ililpil Wlni'l.

.sTANLI'iV SKKI"S llpimlttar lU'aiiMpa wpnt u|>111 IVlruit.

'I'ltK AUMSTHONCI ft IJlUK STOCK 00. willliprpafipT Up hiHiH'n aa tbp ll^iiinilm !<(ock 00.'I'lio odlrpra of 11 arc; Mas AriiMlrnni;, Jack Mtr-till. DpTToy Oamiibpll anil Mey.r Uarrlu. .


V. n. o. oinriiiT.Voh, 1tZ-'^7.

A TliAN'TA—KOnsYTIl ; Ar il Ilnii.—AlPiniiilprA Srolt—Jic^'philH* I>lllifii'—..^killrn* IliJtMivp--<^ir<lll A (I1IICII4'—llpiirlolla IV Sat\i & Co.—".At Ui« WiaHliililp Inn."

llltOdKI.VN. N. r—OaiMIHI'M: f!:ilon .SliiKPn—KcBiip * tt'liiilow—l.lllliiii Sbnw—.Slicniiaii Airttry—Wlllii II. Wukpllplil—lloliMp (Jnnl.iue—(ilumlliis A tM-arlpt— l.iiplllp A IVN-kli'—Aliir-

.xhull .MiiiilKiiiipry—flnnlliipr Trio—I'V-d ft Al-iHTI— I'-li* Invin ft Co.

I'.IIODKI.YN, K. Y.—ntlsmVIOIC : Arlluir Prince"-lliilinp.H ft llnpliiinun— ,Momn ft WlwT

UiiiK 'I'airk Sniii ft Co.—(Iracu La Ituo—llun-I'liiK l.ii Van.

)iUi>i)HI/YN, N, T.—rna"*Pie(7r: "Anmra nfl.lKlil"—vAllPii niiiPha-t ft On.—nilly .MvPiT-miitl—^njt Itpviip—Soveii llmoka

HyKw A1,1'p.

lUWTCW—iKKITIffl: niirr ft ITopp—.Nnrlmota—Jo1in ft W'lriMlo Doimlnca—iBIU Proltt—NitNoinrro Trmii"'.

IIAI.TIktOUK—MAnVT/ANO: TiCAnaril ani) Bus-aiOl—Hvu 'J'aiiKiia.v—Tbo Gladiators,

iniKrAT-O—Sir'A'S: NcIIIu NlPbol»—Irpno anrtlloliliy Siiillli — Mndilpn ami Flllp.ilrlpkKliiy Oonloii cuiui>auy—Jiorolla Twlna—JnckWllwin ft

IlinMlNOIUM—T.YIlTr; Tho IjnKiIons—MoOirninck ft lrvlni:---1.iiiar ft Dalp- xMartlu VanIkTupn—Tlip (laiiilaiulilla—UaKoiisbl.

iitiiiioKi>oitT— 'm lo atohs—Si^iskullTus. ft MtiPk.

CI.HVKIAND—IvHrni'a: IlOim A Wy—tlaithninii'H Anlinaln— i('4iiiHiron (llrln—Miirlmi Mur-tHy A «V».—ll<iiiliiii-^oo Uopinuy 'frunp^—l*\v Hockeiiiilpr.

00'.>|iMllllS. <).—KKITHl'S: Frank Mnrklpy—I'VlilkowjiVy 'Troiiin'—Itulh Uo.vp -ICmmpt l>cViiy ,^ *>>.—Uartcl A Ouiiwa;—Alaltiipwa ASImyiip tt>.

OINOIKKATI—KEITn'S; Oanlor ft Txip—mip-pU'. UuHifHi ft Co.—Kilwlii Op<irK\>—<Iprlruilalliirfnian A Oo.—Cowboy Mlnstrcla—Duund-ItlK I'llUTXPOa.

OltAaijl)STOM, 8. O,—VlOTOniA. mnil balf:Mi'.vako Twliia— Dert Mpllwiiriip— IlnnnonyI''iiiir. Lttsl balf : Klmborly A Alolir—AgouitKaiiilly.

I)|iTrni»IT—Trnil'Tjl':*.* Paul Oonrliaa—Tbp Vn-pi'1.1- -Uihsp ft stprliiiK—I'lvp A1U111110II9 Uoya--'Mnlnii A I,a\vrpiuv.

r'lltlK—OOtXlNIAT.: Vail A Si-liPiiPk^dtrt A.Arllnp— llivip Mlllor— lady Allw's IVts

llpniinn ThiilvrK—ilvrtjyiliim.

IX>in' VAVN'tl, IND.—KlOmrs : ppTon nonn^flJ—Hip Vplpmiis—JaniPs K. Mp<^mly A Co.

AuUjouy & Mack—i&ir. Uoli—ticro A De-

This is the final word in Soldier Songs, It is positively a

rip-roaring riot. We won't say any more about it. Sendfor it. It wm speak for itself. It has a Second Chorus

which will bring you back.

n NEW HilPSHIRELet us go on record as saying, "This wijil be a hit."

the Prettiest Song we ever published, andit's a great Q,uartetter.


DU DAH DEYThe Funny Song

With th« Jingley Timt


Tktyll Iiaugh Their Heads Oft When TheyHear Tou Blag This One


Come in and hear them if you can. LEWIS F. MUIR andLEW BROWN who wrote most of these Songs will be glad to runthem over for you. Prof. Copies and Orchestrations in all Keys.

Send stamps for postage.

F. A. MILLSN. E. Cor. 48th St. and 7lh Ave.


amOAOiv-MAJBSno: Otrolbu mitc— BortKItzglbboD — Olamoiul A Brvniinn — AmiTnaker A Oo,—Jtumfaam A Irwin—^arlc Durr—Colllna A Uart^-Two Alfreds. .

DULUnr—oni'HKU.VI : Travllla Hroi.—JIunlInTft Kranila—Moore A 'Haagrr—^B<!n Ueelpy ,\

Oo.—l/awrrsce A Uarl Falla.

DEa M0INF.3—ORl'IIRI. M : Kolb A irarlami—Max LauDc—Orovvr A IllchardH—Two Cii:,'tona—iDiholT, Oouu ft Uoretne — A McnkpyCLrcu»—UowOT, Wulltra ft Crookvr.

DENVBB—OIU-IIECM ; Allco Llojrt—Airon Ooin-ody Four—Leo ZarrcU Trio—Urcnopr kWheeler— Ilebla— Jas. miompson A Oo—Iknidlnl Brod.—LltUi Nap.

KANSAS OITY MO.—ORPIKUM: Mr. and Mm.Oordon Wilde—Allnnle AJleo—Rploctle Quin-tette—Dc Uaren A Nice—AJ. BoTer ft Sl-ilpr—Banes A Crawford—Olaaon A Keeler On.

LI^K)0[/N — ORPBKUM : Obloko—Minnie Ktu(-man—I/a France A Bruce—llal ft Krancp.<

DUly B. Van ft Dcanmoat Bbrtera—Uercodp.—Nine Vthite Ilusaars.

L03 ANOELES. OAL.—OBPIIBUM : Chlnf Llni:Foo—Auna Chandler — "Woman I'nipotps"Rllnore A Wllllonu—Klsa Riic^Rcr—ElcaimrIlobe: A Co.—EUe A Frcucb—iMcKay A Ar-dine.

MEMPHIS—OnPUBU.\f: Joa. Jefferson A Co.—Cbas. Abeam A Co.—Dabty Marle^Coiiri-oey Sister*—das. KeHogg—Dnlfy ft Lorenzf.

M1NNHA1'0LI3 — 0IIPUEU3I : Prlcceia Bajnli—John Hlgk'lns—Harrison Brockbank ft Cv.--ScTcn Colonial Bellea—Monlmmerr ft Muiiii'

—Lew Hawkins—Brown ft Newman.•jnLWAUKr:F^MAJBSTlC: Job.' Sanlley ft C.—•Bceo.'c Clayton ft Co.—Itcrt^,

D<> Mar—Lydell, Ilo^rs tc Lydell— PanlzirDuo—OUIc A Jonlit Vaals—William ft


NEW OBLEVANS—ORPnF,0.M; "Tho Il-'dhp.iil.s-

—^TliPO. Ucndlx Players—Stan Stanlpy Trlunines A For—Jarroiv—^Miller ft Vincpnt—Tbroe lllonUys.

OMAIIA— ORPHBU.M : Alfred B<>rKen— AlinBrocks ft 0». — IMalOY ft Qlaser— I.opliv ft

Jimmy Luciit—Oeoevlere Warner A Co StI-VGstcr Scbalfer.

OAKLAND, OAL.—OIXPILEDM: Horellk Troopo—Oban Rrapmvln A Co.

IjOtbI's Anlm.<dn--Brent flayes—Brown, Fletcner Trio—ICjdIeft Bamaden—Oae Kleaoor Ball—Newbous?Snyder & Oo.

POKTLAKD, OHE.—OtlPHEDM : Bertlab—llarriWfltkliif--Crpsay ,V Dnyncs—Cerro—Sam \Kitty Morton—iMclTlllo A UlgKUu—Maria I.o.

S.\<3II.U)T:NT0. OTOOKTON A SAN JOSE, O.U.—>Sillt iveek: Mr. ft Mrs. Doiwrlas Cnni!

Mile. Uaryon Vadle A Oo.—Alllt Cnllln-i—Ilavlland A Tborntoi:—Murle Fltz^bbons

Sully A Norton—Ernie ft Emle.ST. PAUL—OBPHEDM : Kerrllle FKully—"

OUS— Sebastian A Bontley — Clura Inup"The Bride Shop"—Stone A Huali»it—Cillon—Abe Attell.

3T. LOOTS—COLUMBIA r Mr. A Mrs. Carter DeHaTCo—Oblcf Caopollcan— F>onr RomiwH—BwOT A Mack—Trovato—^W. O. Fields— IIUI-

ley A Flemlnf—Jobn R. Gordon A Co.

SEATTLE, WASH. — OIlPHEUjr: Prelle's Doi-n—Kingston A Bbner

Bit City Pour—TlieObrl trom Milwaukee— Dooley ft Efplrii-.UowanI & - McOane—^^VaIdenlcr, Yount ft


3AI/r LAKE Cnr—OnPHEUM: Bell Rnmlly--Mr. ft Mrs. Jlmmle Barry—Ooila TrouiK^-Wallenoteln A F<eebey—Cantwell ft Walkpr—Soltl Etio.

SAN PRANOISOO, O.VL.—ORPHBiar : llu^linerhprl ft Co.—Wblting ft Diirt— Hus.i.<i .V

DoylL—"Tlic Edge of the World"—"The WiillBetwpt'D" — Alexander McJ'ajdtn— EdwinStevens A Oo.—lUgoletto Bros.

SIOUX CITY—OIUFBUM : Dorothy T\).ve—ITop-kina .S|>lpTs

—"ITio Green Beetle" — Krpnio-Una 'ft' Darras—Ideal—Helen Scholder— Cb:i.i.

F. Semon.

WINNIPI-X), OAN. — onpnRUif : Parlllo ft

I'Vablto—The Sbarrocka—Ilyoms A Mclntyro—The Crnmwells—Jack Kennedy A Oo.

Blckel A Watson.

laney—.Dunhnr'a Ilell Itlniiera.

eiUNl> UAIMDS—iMU'lIKli,M: Blbpl Orwn—Mr. ft Mrs. .liuiioH Kolao—Nplium A Npbwn

Franic .MuII.hiip—Smith. 0»k A llramlon.

nAUUISIinu;-^'.|ll'IIU|iM: Wlllp llnn.— Hurry.V Kva I'uck—.MUlun PolliKk A Co.—TatP ATiile.

lUllTI'imiv-ii<Mj"3: Sorflll ft. Antoinette^B.J. Miurp.

ISr>lANAroi,IS — KHlTirfl; The OaJtllllan'i—llmiliiii Urns, ft Oo.—Upland ft Uolli—Klor-<'nce Tpm|K-9t ft Cu.—riiilfns A I'anlo—KddigFoy ft Foya—Kniirnian Iltos.

JAOKSOMVII.LE—tniPlIIUlM : Wllllanii A n«M— -Fieil Korunu— McCloud ft 0<ri>— ZundtTn)ii|>p.

l.OI'TSnT.I.K—KEITH'S: Ih-mnok— Soaman—AdPl.ildp ,^ IliiKhi'ii—I.imit> Oolllnt— Uitl-

foKl f, Wlm-iiciilri^lllril Mlllman A O).

MONTRKAL, TAN.—onrilKltM : RoW. Dp MoiUTrio— tlnrk ft Vpnll—l->nnk Terry—PpktnM.v.ilprlCH—Karher OlrU—Rpjrtna Oounelll ACo.—Swnos frtiiii Ornnil Oppra. ^

N. T. OITV—IIAM.MEIISTKIN'S: Ftlli A BarryOlrlH—Von Hovan—Hcho*ilpr A Ulrklnaon

Lucy Ulllcttu—neury Lcwla—Brrlyn>lt

HiD^RRY K. IVIORTONOf Ooa Fny'ii Qaynty Olrls,

BURLESQUE PEOPLEWANTRM...*'''""""'^'"- Oonnn, Sonlirollo, Good Chorna Ulrls, GooA»f All IBV-Uaentt faaplA tta* tur Slork Dnrleaiiae «:o. — '

4Atav« Alien ST. TIIKATIIB, Phlla«1<>liilila,

A Oo.—Kcrslnke'n I'lga—Mayo A Tally—KlBlP nanjicniun—John Uyiuan ft Co.

N. y, OITY—Ctll.ONlAI, : Burns ft Lynn-ToyoTroupe—Al. Uermaii.


N. Y. OITY—AJ,I1A.MIIK\: Flylnj Marlins—Krank I''iii,iirty—JluHw ft Stanley—KlanagauA Kilwardt^nyelyb Duninoiv—Uranilou >lunit

A Oo ilarloa LIttlNiPid A Oo.—Joe A L«wOooiier—Waller C. Kelly.

N. T. ClTy-EOYiAI,: Nonelte— MiCk A Orti—3tuart Ilames—Leon A Oj.—Henrietta Oroaa-

man ft Oa,


-week- MnxiDC Uroi. A llobblo—Do BellaTtlo.

NOmiiHM.K, VA.—O0J/>NIAfl,. Slrat half; Thr»«Mplrlna—Mack ft WllUaiii*—llesnle Wjnn—Vernon. Ijmt half: Boli Wam-n—i^row ADrako—Haslman A Moore—Will Word AOlrls.

OTTAWA. r.V.X.—.DOAflNION: Dooley i Rugel—Bnipe UulTott A O).—Ol«lro Bocbesler—VanA Dell.

PaOVIDKNOIV-KHITIl'S : Miller A Ljl<»—Lynch ft ZiHki—Ttar VolmUen—Mr. A Mmt;pno JIiibIips—Jos. Lc Klenp—Ilotaw' fie-turc«—'Franklin A Qnxa,

PlTrnniimui—(;«AN3): Krankt Bron.—Connollyft Wtiirlch-Jlcllp Raker—"Society BiKli"—Nat Wills—J. O. Nuinnt ft Oi>.

nnLADKM-llIA—KEITH'S: BlcW ft Wstion—Kil. .MorU)ii—.Moore ft Young—Okabe J»p»—f,yon8 ft Yosro—Ilasel CJoi—Wee GrargltWood—Oole A Uenaliy—Uta. Leslie OarterA Co.

BOdnRSTElR—TFniTLI! : Biooks A Bowen BillA West—Rinoey A Doit—BrooDeUo OlrW AStgilious—Mile. DorI» A Dogs-^anny Brio*—'raree Joiins.


aiOmiOND—LYRIC. First half: Bob Warren—Carcw ft Drake—L'aatman ft Moore—WillWnri! ft Olrls. Last half: Three .Mclvlns

Mack A . Wllllama—Uessle Wynn—Vernon.8TRACUSI'—RKAN'D: Lilian Ilerlpln—Tom OU-

Ipn—Duvlps Family—<;iieBtvr Johnston A Oo.—Ssn .Maun ft Co.—Klelds A U'wla.

SCIuVNTON-I'Olil'H: Harry Deresford A Co.—Mr. ft .Mrj. Jack Mcilreevey—Josephine DavisA Co.—Quecnle Duoedlo—McMabon A Cbap-pclle.

BAVASNAH, OA.—BWOII. First balf: KlmbOTlyA Mohc^-uVgoust Family. Last half: MeyakoTirlns—Bvrt UcMwuriie—,Harmooy Four.

TOaONTO, CAN.—SFIEA'S: Kramer A Morton—' Vandlnoff A I.oule— Ituy A Illlllnrd—D'AjuorvA Douclaas—Qeo. Uicl'^rlane—Oatlicrlno OtI.Tcrt A Oo.

TOLHDO—KEITH'S ; Prltj A Lucy Broeh—WillBogrrs—Woodnun ft I/lTlng^toir— FrniirpsNonlslrom ft Co.—^Alejanilpr K4il.»— ll;irrl« ft

Manlun—Slid Uaxler A Co.—1^ Mllo—lluw-, tbome A IngUs.

UNION nilX, N. J.—flUDSON: Hoiner Miles AQ>.—^Touey A Nomaik—Juiuns Tbornton.


Atwlrallan Woodcboiipers—Joan Sonryer A Co.—Qoliofn—Ford A Hewitt—Jack W. Dercre-am A Co.—UU«s Oanpbell—Kmest BalL

WOBOnSTRR, MASS.—l>OU'9: "A Diy at tk«Olicua."


OHIOAOO—PAI^iAO: : Inn Claire—Ellzabclk Mir-ny—Trai Ufa D«:8—Chaa. K. Krans A Oow—uoed—Obocrbcrt'B Minctioiltns.




Feb. 22.27.Dl^TTEl, MONT. — EMiPBESS: Blanche Sloaji—

BrleiTs A King—Oscar Lorraine—"When WeOrow Up"—Vaudeville in Uonkeyland.

BUJ.INGS, .MO.NT.—BAB09CK. I^t half : DenA Hniel Mann—Gypsy Ocuntpss—Owen >Ic-GlTcney—Rockwell A Wood—Ethel WhlteslilaA Plcka.

DBNVBP.—FJIPRESS: Joyce and West— Valen-tine Vox—Dnsb A Sbavlry—"Wbea It SirikviHome"—Six OlUars.

KANSAS CITY, MO.—EMPRESS; Landry Broi.—Ilcnbic Slnu—Deluure A Light — E. K.Olive A 0>,—Claode A Marlon Olerehnd—Ford's Rerlew.

LOS ANGELES. OAL.—EMPRBSS: Parlw^Tni-\olio—Andrew Mack—Bell Boy Trio—linscUSlslers.

MILKS CITY, MONT.—O. H. First half; Hen ft,

Hniil Miinn—dypsy Countess—Owen .Mciilv-enoy—Kockwijl ft Wood—Ethel Wblteslde 4Picks.

OGDEN—OltPHRUM: Pitrcella Bros.-Holmes ft

IMUslon — Joe Kelsey — Ijvlor— llroiyii ft

Jack£ou—"Lovo In a. Sanitarium."PORTLAJTD, ORE E.MPRE9S: Wolgas ft Git lie—Scbrodes A -lAappello— Phlllpiil Four—

Anddisou A Burt— Morris A Allen—Kr.inkStulTord A Oo.

3A0RA.MBNTO, OAL.—RMPBHSS : Boy and Ar-thur—Ogilen Quartetto—.Smith ft Fnrim'i-.-.l.

K. Enuoett A Co.—Oloik . A IUmc—Tli


SAN FBA'NCISOO, OAL. — EMPRE33; JuffgllngDe Lisle—Stunrt Black ft Cn.—OruwfuiM .V:


Uredtrick—Ye Oldo Time Hallowe'en — IVniMi;Luiii-y—Ergoiti A Lilliputians.

ST. I/)UIS—HIPPODROME; Dlion A Dlion-Melliir ft De I'nula—C!i09. I>e<>u;ii-(1 FIpIlIui- -

KlcliolB SIstcra—Wanda—Twn to Oil.

SALT IJlKR city- EMPRESS: Les' CasiilM—Wonl siHters—El Olee—James Grndv ft O-- —Sompnoo A Douglas—Rufscirs Mlustitls.

SPCnCANE, WASH.-rx)EW'S : Ed. Zoeller T'lo—i'"oyo it: .Mrnn—Oacanr BJvoU—OhaB. DeiaudA Co—Clarice Vance—Hiree Bennett Slsiers.


Mario A- Trpvotle—Oook ft Stevens-IiiM -Mp-

Oauley A Co.-James J. Morton—Tbreo Kil-

VANCOUVER. O.Uf.—diOEW3 : Pre»oIl—Coelet,atorta ft Lafayvtte—iCbas. A SaOle Duabir—Xlale OIlbCTt A Co.—OSessle La Ooont—R<d-dlngton A iQranb


OPERA AT LEXINGTON.Alter April 1, It Is llkclT that the I^ilnel""

Ateaoo Opioa lIonBc, New Yorli, will have owtii.

Tb© seatnn at thn Lexington will be fiirnlrin"!

by the Ninlnunl Theatre Company, of Ilivnn^i.

Oiha. Dnvld Echnrnwdla. M. Dc Pasqunle and

Alfredo V'.sa are tlie managers,Mr. HamnKreteln bellereA bo will have co-ni>ll -<

wllh tho court's Tulln; when the thoatre Is lunipil

<icr to tho mnnagonient of another corporation in

which ue will have no parllclptlon,

I1T Tin: 9I0I.WYN rnESS dept.Oharles E. 'H'liHc'' Hayes, general iirpss tppf''

sentatlvc and booking manager for Selwyii k

Co., -has added to the TxAillclty deiwrtnient HiHh

Hale, formerly ilnimallc odllor of Thn rhliii'l'i-

fMa TiCdffcr and also of 'Voyue, anil RuHiby, also well knonra as a newspaper writer.

DAY eiTT O. K.W. a BnltcrOcld. of Chicago. w«.<i hi Day Clly-

MIeh., Feb. 0, and hispeute^l the Wasliln^lon ami

BIJoo Theatto tbets. Uo stated he was pleaseil

with tbe abowtw of both bouses, and bail ^^limltca Mth la&B fptmo «t Day CUT.


Bee FBgO 2..



Seo Pago 2.

"flOIVQ WRITBRS. Anetcnra, I'm twrtnf mjannus Dabllahed (rratlB. Nccdlnlonnatlonr Bump.sooei

msaTOM \riLL80N, Ban Dlcgo, Calif.

WIGS'x'dBEARDSIn All styles and Qualities


High Grade Qualities at Lowest Prices

CATALOOUES ond SAMPLES upon leqacst.

When asking for Catalogue, '. .case mcDtlonwliat goods are wanted.

SIEGMAN I WEIL$. W. Cor. 27tb 8«. & Madison Ave.

NEW YORKThe Tbeatrtoal SvpplFBmporlani

UIBEIEugene Shea

Lilght Comedy—General Bailtaeu

Gertrude HuntingtonSecond Onalnesi



MONEY BACKvltboat foBs, quibble or argninent, U yoann Dot more ttuneatlsflcd wltb

MADISON'S BUDGET No. 15Contents Inclade 13 great monologues, 8

wondcrfnl acta for tiro malca and 7 acta for

male and female, 16 latest parodlcs.B Up-top(nlnstrel flret-parta, a sldc-splUUng tabloid

farce, besides hondrcds of original gags,sidevralk bits, etc. UADISON'8 BDUOET,No. 16 costs ONE DOLLAR per copy. BackIssoes ont of print, except No. 14; price, SI,or UDdgets 14 and is together, fl.60.



See Page 2.



UdgbtSft, velgbt 171, age 2S. Abeolotely flmt-

class In eyerj parttculsr. Wardrtfhe excellrnt.Tlie beat of Stock and Ilepertoire; references. CanioiDoowlie. Hint bSTcUcket. Address

117 WjyEHLY BT., VmfAlfl., W. T.


HARRY RICHARDSBtooh, Rep. Off One Fleee

USHT COMEDIAN, 6EN. BUS.. SPECIALTIESJoin St once. Ticket. Address




Wiigbu Hotel, ttalelBh. H. O.



lK>ii||a«)r« BnJIding14T6 BROADWAY, NEW YORK

Oat. 4Sd Street


PEARL YOUNQ PLAYERSCOMEDIAN tbat can danco; good JUVENILEHAN. Limit clgbtcoa dollars. No matinees. Smalltonrs. Tickets if I know yon. No time for corro-Bpondence; teU ail lint lelier. Unat loln unlck.

JACK FKITZ, Port Leydcn, N. T.

WANTED II •„"g*2J.v PIANIST„, ^ Plotore Boose, Orobestra.NlgbtBonly. Balarr |12.oo. Xtmtor Dances. Wli«.

BOLiIfSB THEATRE,Calpeper, Va.M M . - —


For Sa f H—'^^nne of good Tnck 0ogB5 1 OAiin—ana Doves, two Wcrij-Go-Bonndg, p. M. Powers No. 4-60 Beela ot Bima.For sale cbeap, U at once.

PBOP. lUEBY BMrm, Praia, Pia. .


u— r...* COWTRADICTIOlt.

^.r^'fl?'' AMililc llorrmann Trtah to

aS^ Ikii. ^'T* •» aothorlty lo snyooc 10

^21 "SP** coDDwtkin wllh tbt- fbolo-

aif' u^^Sl>«>«n2a» Mrs. DeUncy," written by

uS?£,"*iW»P!|g..lnc.. and Dot by HibSc k"rattom « sUted In anothiT pnbUcirtlon.

M^iSJl*'T "OOnESTER, GETS OOIITO.IftJj SLifP' * Hoch««»er. N. T..

•m7i hi.'?!!"*"',.''*''- 8/ "'"> Wllll.m O'Olaio

I''J, ?'>«'°J«k Olrls bndlni; the bill.

nrwikiVn "r '"""''r maniiirr of the FiiitOD,••rooaiyn, li msoaglDS this booM.

i A }• li':

THEY SAY -"LIGHTNING NEVER STRIKES TWICEIn tfan same place." It did, however, this time. ARTHUR FIELDS wrote the words lor "Aba Daba Honeymoon" and heTas

- also wrote them tor the NEW MONKEY SONG HITIII


The above, together vrith the fact that THEO. MORBE wrote the music for It, makes a combination pretty hard to beat. Fromthe way It is going with the acts that have already added it to their repertoire, It looks as though

nothing can stop it from being one of the BIG 1916 numbers.

GREAT FOR SINGLE TREMENDOUS DOUBLE VERSION IMMENSE FOR QUARTETSIf you get"away with less than a % dozen choruses of "DOODLE OODLE DEE" your audience is letting you down easy

Copies to re<^gnized professionals or those sending up-lo-date programs ^mPARTAAIT HATinCfll on or aboitt march i, our uptown professional rooms wui be located atllnr Un I Mil I nU I lUCit i"""l6eo Broadway, just a few feet south of the Palace Theatre.WITUARK BUILDING

144 W. 37th St. N. Y,AL. COOK, Prof. Mgr. WITMARK & SONS BOUILliBB OCIbDINQ

Randolph St., Chicago, III.


VAUDEVILLE ROUTE LIST1%rfk^I^1j^,^ When no date la

Feb. 10-20 ia repreaentcd.Acnie Four. Victoria, OhnrltstDD, S. 16-20.*Acl BemilKul," llarDimrstclii's, N. V. 0,A<lfloliK> k llngbeH, Keltb'a. OleTeund.Ail!cr & Arlint. Ktlth'9, PbUiLAtllon k Co., Ko-aune, Pblla.AdJrr. Ilyman, A Q>., Oaloolal, HaTeifalO, UM3^,


Adams, Iter, Bljoa, Bay 01^, Ulcb., 18-20.AfKiust Family, Omheum. Jatkaonnlle, Fla.Alirarn. Ctaaa.-, ft Oo,. Oolmabla, 8t liools.Akin, FUe & Dnftr. Harris', PltMntgb.AlTlii, YaDlce« Iluhe, CKj Point, Ham., lodef.Alexander & Scott, Lyric, Blimbigham, Ala.

ALOHA TWINS «r^^„B. In ibelr Wonderful Darefoot

Uula-Uuni DancesPeattired yithtbe "Mlscblef Mskere'

Allen, Minnie, Orpb«an, Dra Hollies, la.Alilrloh, Mme., Columbia, SL Loola.A'lTlD & Kconr, Ulpp., Ht. Louisff'exonder Kids, .\fajmlr, Mllwiokee.Atlinnl, Allen & Hazel, Proctor's^ Albaay, N. 7.,


AlMiorr OilldTen, Crwlcy .Sfj.. N. T. tt, 18-17;

UIJou, Ilkln., 18-20.

Al'mnn & .Stone. Uushwirk. Bkln.Alice's, Lndy, Pete, Orpbeum, Altoooa, Pa., 18-10./.uiola, Victoria, N, Y. 0.

Amorns )t Mulvey, Hliip., SI. Ixmls.Amainmlis (J), Mojostic, Milwaukee,American DancrrH (0), OrphetMD, New Orleans.Ambler Bros., Ulpp., Terrc Haute, Ind., 1840.Annapolis Boya (C), Kell>b'«, Olerelanl.AiiUiony & Mack,- Kdtb'a. Tol«<lo, O.AnderaoD, Leonard, Pilncm, Uot Sprlogi, Ark.,


Arnaot Brus., Lyric, lUtmlDgbam, Ala.

Annstining Ic Clark. Doulevtrd, N. Y. O., lS-17.;

l/ocwa. Newark, N. J., 18-20.Ardell, Pranklyn, & Oo., Acodeo^, , Fall Hirer,

Uaa-i., 18-^0.

Arco Broa., Globe, Pblla.Afana Troupe. Proctor's. Albanr. M. Y., 18-20,

Aeorin, EmoUe, & Oo., Hiw., 'Terra Raoie, Ind.,


"At the Wooitolile Inn." Ljrlc, Blrroln^hatn. Alt.

"Aurora ot l.lKht." Basbvkk, Ilkln.

Avollon, Mu.'ilenl (-1). American, N. Y. O,. 10-17


Flatbnsb. Bkln., 18-20.

Asard Bros.. Keith's. Lowell, Mao,Bogonthi, Fergtb, Atlanta, Qa.

Bnseo'e Do«s, Araorican, M. Y. C IS-IT; Sbg.bcTt, Bkln., 18-20.

Oorke k Burke, Delancey St., M. Y. 0., Id-IT.

Burke « Harrla, Academy. Fall Itlrer, Maaa., 18-20Burke, Jobnny h Mae, Keltb'B, lAwell. Mass."Buyrr from Pltlabnrsb, Tbe," Wm. Peon, Pblla.

Burns A Kleses, OloSe. PblU.Burt. Fred, k Co., Hipp., Readlni, Pa., 18-30.

Oasad A De Vere,* DayoD, O.. Iiwef.

Onnor, Mrs. Leslie, tjja., Orpbeun, Dun.CalTert, Catherine, t Co., flbcn'a. Bnffalo.Cameron & O'Connor. L^rlc, DIrmbiiliain, Am.Carmen, Zara, Trio. Keltb'a, F^. Wayne, Ind.Oaslnce The. Orpbenm Montreal, Can.Gameton Glrla, O, O. lI., Plttabiimh.Came .« Kuoilall. 0. O. II., Plttuburgh.Counnllcao, Cbin, Palace, CbluiKO.Onrfelon, (2). Orptaeum, Rloux City, la.

Cabaret Trio. Him.. St. Louis,Canneld & Carlelon, Proclor'a SSIb St., N. T. C,

1.117; Proctor's 3M St., N. Y. C. 18-00.Case 3c Alrna, Proclor'a, Albany, N. Y., 18-20.Carman's Minstrels, 'Proctor's 123lb St.. N. T.

• C, 18-20.

Carroll Ic niekey. Oreeley N. Y. 0.. lB-20.Caldwell, Madge, Locw's. Newark. N. J.. 18-20.Oai^>bell, Florence, A Oo., (>r|)bcuni. Mllwaokce.Caoinbell ft Brady, Oraml, Mlnneaiolls.Carlisle Suiters, Majestic. Hcranlon, Pa.Ci,nnrbi ft Oleo, Miles, Clevelnpil.Oefene Troupe, Fulton, Bkln., 18-20.Oieeler'a nop* Pnwpect. Bkln.Oblp ft Morhle, Keith'H. Cincinnati.Cheebert's Mnncburlnns. Ki-lth'a. Fl. Wayne, Ind.Ohefa, Mvpical, Proclor'a. Plalnllold. N. J„ 18.20.Chains. E<>lb Flnlliush. Bkln.. 18-20.Clilldfi, .reounette. PbIhcc. Phlla., lh-20,Cblnc Mfn; llee 'Troupe, I'.ilnrr, Mlmie.ipolls, 1B-&0Ohaap. Ilownrd, ft 0>., Kellh'a. Lnwrll, Uajl."Chlrf of Police, The," Nliou. Pblla.Cblc ft Cblcklds, Keyatono, Phlla.Charlotte, Lyric, Imllanapolls, IR-20,Chandler ft Lee Ti4o, Victoria, Baltimore.Clrde Ootpedy Fonr. Nlun, I'Llln.

Drane'B. IVea, Pbanlcnis, Luew's, Newbuicb, N,Y., 18-20.

De Pace Opera Oo., Oonlon'a Olnni<la. Dostoo.Prvrre A l.e»1«, Ikntiloln .Iq., lloBtuii.

De Oroo;, Frank. Fnincals (ntawa, Oin. ; Illcti<

ardaon, (Jsw««u. N. Y., 23-27.niioii ft lUion, Kouirrs^, Kanata City, Mo.Dlnebael. Allen, ft Co.. Lyric. Illmili>i(hnna, Als.Itlxey. Ileory B., OqihruiDi Montreal Cun.Dlplodoroa. Aioerlcno, N. V. C, 1H.2U.niion Olrl* (8), Palarr. Mlnnniiwlla. 18-20.

Dlanoncl ft Breolian, Prtncw, Hut Springs, Ark.,lS-20.

Dooley ft ltt«el. Omheum, Montreal, Oao.: D>cHnlon, Otuwo, oau., 32-27.

DoTlo'a Dogs, IVnnple, rletrult.

Dooley. Bay, Trio. Colonial, Krie, Pa.Dorr, lUarlq O. U. II.. l>lnabur«b.Dooley, J«l ft Elbel, Palace, (.liJcigo.

"Don't Walk In Your Blecv," Pimlur'a 1381ft St,N. Y. 0., 10-17,

Donahue. Uarie. Delaitcer flt, M. Y. C. IMTlllouleranl, N. Y. 0., l6-S0.

Dolce HIatera (II), On>heum, IVMtai,, in-20.Don- ft Doir, Palace. .Mlnneaiwlla. U-W."Dream PIraIn, Th?," fllnln'. Pbn*.Dnpree. Allnnle, I'lvpqicct, dtkln,Oonlior'a Boll Rluiiera, Onheuo, Oniid Bapldl,

Ulcb.Dnne<lln Duo, Orrheiim, JackaonTllle, Fla,Dunmore, Btclyii, Kcllb's. Pn'tlilemv.OnoD, Jlnuoy. ft Dojidnt Marlowe*. I'rnetor't tfld

HI., N. Y. C., 15-17 ; Proctor'a, KlltulR'lb, U.JK18-20.

..Dmillle, Brnest, Prodor's, Albaay, N. Y.. 18-20.UuKnn ft llnyiiioMil, Mncofa 8u„ N. Y. U., U-17t

Flatbuab. Ilkln., Ifi-:!V.

IXinnllu ft Qnrenlt*. Wui. Ponn, Pblla.Baatman ft llourr, I,)t1c, lllclin»iMd, Vn., 18-90.F.ari ft Neal. Prlnrewi. lint Minhiga, Ark., 18-20.KIna. llulbf. Ulean, N. Y., Iiirlef!

ISilwaribi' Sung Ilevue Itoyal. N. Y. O.Edwarila, Julln, Pmclor'a 2:id Kt.. N, Y. O, lO-

17; Prwtor'a DHili Ht., N. Y. C, 18-20.Eihrania Uiua,, Lwnv's, I'uUKlikceiialc, N. T-,

18-20.E^an. Joe, A Does, Auilltoriuni, Tauiitoo. Mass.,

22-24.Elifrld, Gordon, A Co.. Tenii>le, nnelimlsr, N. T.Kl Key Slmrra, in^tliviun, Nrw orli-niis.

RMloU ft WcHt, Pructor'K, Kllstbntb, ,N. J., Ifl-m



ClIlwH, Veota, Doslnn.OUdiv niatera (B). Cruaa Keya. Phlln., 18-20.

Olrndowcr, .Momla, ft tv>., (Ilohe, lloaton, IM 20.

Oordun, KItljr, ft Oo., 'I\>iiiiile. Hortiraler, N. V.

Oonloii. John IL. ft Co., Majratlc, C'Jitrniio.

ni>>ls, 0>leni,n, ill|ip.. llaltJ<nort>.

Cofinna. IM>hr, Nn. fliltb Ht., Oilumbua, O.Uulclainltb ft PloanI, Majeallc, Dallna, 'IVi.; .Mi-

ioatlc. Itoustoo. 22-27.

SORDON and GORDON«.NOVKLTir, AOROIIATIO, OONTOBTIONIHTH^•rm»Beiit Aildresa, '. W. V. CblPPBUOuld. Rita, (lanleii, llslllniore,

Onilier ft Ivimt, Jenrrunn, HprlUKflelil, Mo.,niiipn-as. Vm Molnrx. It., 2B-27.

Grtiii. Hfiii'l, Orinil. .Hv.-.ioiwe, N. Y.niorer ft lllcharda. Orjilieum. Skxil Olty,'(Ins-n llN'ili'. 'Ilic," nrirfinim, 8t. Paul.

- ' "t., tf.




18-20.Prof Ota. Colonial. N, Y. O.

~.—. . ~ Kliifwioail. 'Ilie," Louw'b, Newark. V, J., 16'Clark ft Oven, Balboa Heights, Canal Tm*. IB- . KiiKllab, D.iinty, TVIo, Unaivura. Mluneauolls.Mmb U,

Olsrk ft Turner. Bone SydeH's Co., Indef.Clir, Laddie, Orpheum, Ulnneanolls; Orvbeum, Bt.

Paul, 22-27.Ollnlon A Beatrice, Bteonan A Nler, AualroJla,


Oltlre, Ins, ft Co., MoitIbihI, Btlllmor*.Glaylon, Peaale. Sbea'r, Duiralo.Clark ft Vtrdl. Culonlol. Brie, Pa.Claode, lV>by. ft Oo-, Oipheim, Hontml. Can,Olsgdliia A Bcsilet. Domlnloo, Ottava, CajL


fii IDA RAMERIMI CLINTONandBEATRIGEUbHnH UHklibnilm BHENNAN 4 PDliMm. Aostralla. tnaeflnlte


Ban A Wert, Temple, Detroit.

Burncsi Stuart, Cbionlal, N. Y, 0.Bnptlste A litanooiil, Keltb's, I>rOTldeiie«.

Biirlielor Olrla, Froctor's, Troy, N. Y.. 18-30.

Barton A Loreta, l>roctot'a BStli St. V. X. CU18-20.

ronics, Oerlraile, Locw's, Tlmoiito^ OlS.BB)ork Bros.. Cfryatol, MUwaokce.Barnett, Copt. Jack, ft Son, Orj-'ieiai. Altoeoai

Pa., 18-20.

Danlson ft Lee, Oorilon'a Olympla, Boatna,


Bald\rlns ('4), Uiloo, Prorlrtenoe.

Beverly ft Mackey, Crlffln Circuit, tndcf.

Dci4o, Bteffy, Maryland, BaltimMe.lUTiens, The, Kellb'H, I'blla.

Bcresford, Hanr, ft Co., Keltb's, Plills,

BeoilU 'neo., Playem, Urntaeum, Menphda, TlMLOernartl ft Scarth, Proctor's l^th St., N. Y. O,^fc-17, PiTKlor's, Portcheoter, N. Y., 18-20.

Eeeee, Leo. Proctor's, IVoy, N. Y.. 18-20.

Bennett, Morray. Orpbeum, N. T, 0.. 16-17; !>••

laneey St.. N. Y. C. 18-20.

"Between Trains," Fulloo, Dkln.. 18-20.

Bessie's Cockatoos, Loew's, PoDgbkeepsre, N. T.,18-20.

"Bemreeo 8 and 0." Unique. Mlnnetpollf, 18-30.

Berlin Trio, EUou. Dodton. , „BoTcns. Clem, A Oo., Croes Keys, PbUs., 1840.


Berrick A Hart. Ouabirick, Bkln.Berry ft WHbelm, Oardco. Baltimore.nig City Pcvr, Orpbemn. Seattle, WadL, U-37.Bloodya (3), Oifibeam, Memphis, Tcnn.Black ft White, Rmiirefs Cincinnati.

Blake's Oilrcus, Cordon Bq.. Cincinnati.BoH-era, Walters ft Crookcr,' Onibcum, filoai OUf,

It. ; Orpbeum, &(. Paul; 32-37.Boland ft Holts, Keltb's. Olnclnottl.Dolger Bros., Keith's. Prorldoice.Bonrt ft Nelson, Loew'B, Newark, N. J„ 18>t0.BoKues ft OlWette. Bowdoto 8q.. Boalon.Booth ft LeniKler. Orphoum, So. Bend. Ind,, IB-OO.Dolaca (4), Empire, aioa«onr, Soot.; Etaofln, l4ty

don, Rng., 22-.\]Brcli 0,

Bntm Brm., Uoatguiiery A Stole, N. Y, 0., In*


FRED & MINITA BRADVlrat Vaieant Week. Mmy 8id, lOlS

Ugr. Cliiia. A, i'ouchot. Vs.). Theatre Dldg., N. T. 0

BHENNAN A FDU/BR. AoBtralla. tnaeflplte

narnnont Bros., Bbm'a, l^orailo Oao.CliiytOD, Uno, ft Co., Palace, Oilcago,Claylofk, Beaslr, ft On.. Palace. Chlcam.Clair. June, I>roctor's 129th SL, N. Y. O, 18-17.Clark ft Olorls. l^nclor's 08th St., K. t. 0. 18-tO."Clonk ft Bulls," Flatbuth', Bkla. 18-30.Cleveland, Btlpb, Dllou, Bwton,Clifford A Borkc, Poll's, New HtTeo, Oom.,


Ootton, Lola,' Bsn Diego. CaL, lodef.Cribum. Jennie. Billy "Rwode" Hall A Oo.. ladct.Conelsnd, Drsiwr Co,, Majestic, La Oroote, Wis..

18-20.Coakley, Ilanley ft Dunlcry, Orpbttm, DUo.Cmclias. Panl, Keith's, IVwtitn.Unnfort ft King, Keith's. Boston.Connolly ft Wcnrlch, Keith's^ Oolumbns.Cinnny ft Models, Keltli'a, Ft. Wayne, Igla-lllna, LotUe, Kellh's, lodlanaiwlls.

WILL CONLEYThe BiUy Saodnr of VandoTlUe

Pnlted Time DlrfCtlon JOB llAKniS

Coeper ft Rmlth. KvlUi's, Loodoa. OikCroi^r, Joe ft Lew. Oolonlal, N. Y. 0.Crurtney f^iatera. Obluinlila, Ht. Lonlp.CorrlgaD, Kwm^'ll. ft Oo., GDlinobla. St, Lodf.Oolonlal Bellea (7), Oriilieuni, HI. Paul.Olllna ft Hart, Uajeellc. Milwaukee.Cook ^ Ilcunessy, Proctor's 2(ld St. N, T. 0..

Ceogan A Cox, Olobe, Boalon. 1840.Connors ,t: Witt, Palace. Pblla., 18-31).

0(«per, Dptu, ft Co., Albainbrt, PbUa,. 11-30.4>)odQa, Devereaux ft Oo., OrpbeuiD. Rkto.Cnriiett, Hbeiiparcl ft DonoTsn. Ma)nlle, Oadir

Bsnlds, Is., 18-20.OorrelU ic Olllptte, Wis. Penn, Pbll^ODnlld, Bay, Prospect, Bklo,Oostes, I<<ea A Jobuauu, Lyric. lodlaoipoBs,

18-90.Qreuy A Dayne, Ori)Leiim. SeatUa, Wub.1 Or-

|,heani, J'ortlan, Ore., 22-37.Orcsnun, Uenrietls. A Oo.Cronln, ilunia ft Co., Orpbenm. Ketr Orleans,Oralg ft Cuonlngbsm, Proctor's, H<A«aecUdy. H.

Y., 18-20.Oralg ft Wllllaou, Proctor's Kith St, N. T.C, 18-20.

OmnlnKliam A Uarlnii, Orand, Kvanarllle, Intl.,18-20: Orpbeom. <;hain|>algDe, 111., 22-24 : Wil-son, Chicago. 20-27.

lOqulIlo Bioa., Loew'a, IloclHaler, N. Y.i>rol. Bert, Palace, CltlcaKo.Etans, BlUy A Olai«. OaUity, Chleago.


Bpeclal BceneryA EgecM. Playing U. U. 0. 'Qino

Brans. Oias., ft Oo., Keith's. Ft. Wsyni>, Ind."K»eryl)ody'' Urool<7 Hn.-, N. Y. C, 18-20,Rxi>osrUon Four, OolonlaJ, N<j|folk, Vs., 18-20.Falls, Lavrenoe A llurl, (IriilwuDi, HI. PauLFarrell, Kdward, A Oa, Keytlooe, Pblla.Pay ft 'raoolen. UdIod. Pnrldence.Ptrrell. Murearet, Miles. Cl4nelnnil.Felix ft Hurry llirla. Dominion, Ottura, Can.I-Vro, Hay, I'ructo's, Hclienevtady, n. Y.. 18-20.Fealy, Maud, A Ol., I'lUClof'B, Mt, Versoo, H.

Y., 18 JO.Fenway Duo, Ilontrd,. Boalon.Fllariomkiba ft Uameron, Orubeum, JacksoDTllle,

KiB.FltsgNdmn, Bert, Orjihoim, Montreal, Don,Flaher ft Oreen, Alhanilira, N. Y. 0.rielda, W. O-, Palnce, Cblcaio.Pinn ft Flun, Keltb'a. Lowirli, Maas,Fliike, Uerlruili' ft Oo., Keyslow, Phils.riMt, WiMchen ft OrO'.-ii, Olobe. Kama* ntj.

Mo.. 18-211.'

Flelcber, Clius. Lrnnard, F>uprcss, Kansas City,Mo.

Flaijagan A niwanla, Kelth'& Waablnston.rietcb<T, Uarrjf. (lardcn. Baltlmuip.



iiHiy. Bt,anilliha, Kn-il, PmcIot'h 081b St., W. Y. C.

iri l7; L.vrlf,- Nownrk, N. J., 18-20,OrrKora A KImliui. AMH-rlran, N, Y. O., 10-178;

lloulrrarl, N, Y, C; IS-'AOriiy li (Iriihani, Knipr«'ss, Olnelnmtl.Qrnn. Mullt-urjr ft DoaQ, Orand. KtanavUIr, Imi .

1H-20.Gwyuii A OosiOtt, PtOCtOt's 123III HI., S'. Y.

C', K -


mHALLEN«ndBURT«>»nirfetlon.JOBBPn R. BMITB

Hurt, MnriK k lllllle, Mnjcstio, Ban Aninnin,Ti.i. ; .Mn>'Hiif, l.liili- Itork, Ark.. 22-21.

Uiilli'M ft Ihintt-r. 'I'owi'r, CUimlcD, N. J. I Win.I'liin, I'lillii., 22-27.

llnywnnl'KlnrTtird (%.. Mn>ii|lr, Rnii Anioiilii.

Tfx. : MuJ<>«llc. I.ittli- llirk. Ark.. 22-27.Ilnvtuuin'a AiilimtlB, Ki-ltli'H. t'nIiinilMiH.

IIuuliui ft UKtco, Pull's. Ni'W Hnvcn. <>>nii..



llawlluini- ft InKllB, ilrnnd, HyrncnsO, N. Y.HauklnH. Ij'W, orplir.iri] Hloui lj>ty, lu.

Ilailiaway's Iiosa, I'niriiir'B. Allniif. N. Y., 18 20.

Ilurria ft Itaoilull,' PrKliir'a. I'urU'liestor, N. Y.,


Eaydn, knrtOD A llsyilu, Amrrlcan, N. Y, C,18-20,

Ilnlklof^ Tbt, Orpbenm, N. Y. 0., 18-20.

UsyeaTHiltiiinid. £ Ot., Bhobert, Dklj.. 18 W.


Direction JAM1':h k. I'l.ilNICHr^

IlenHon, Alice, Ix>eiT'a, Nowtiumh, N, Y,, 18-20.Ilal|K<rlii. Nnn, Pnluir, N. Y. Cliur*ry-Du Vora 'friu, Iaivw'm, Itucbealcr, N. Y..

18-20.UirycH ft Al|>alnt, VIclnrio, Clinrlwluo, U. 0.,


rr.atell A Knmctt. Willits-Darre. Pa.F«LdB, Malirllp. Trniijic, Ulkm, I'blla., 18-20:

Poll's, KcrantoD. 22-27',

t'togsrty, Ftank, Prospect, Bklp.,


*~ Ford A Truly, Cr>lonlal, Rrie, Pa.Foiest, 11. Kelly, Njillnrnl, K, Y. O., IHT.Fufd it Hewitt, Wui. 1'ci.d. Pbfls.


Wild West, (>i|ilicum. ..

Vsrlotlra, Terro llauli-,' 22-27,Routb

Broadway Comedy FVurr. nmpras, PL ffone^Ind.. Mll<'<i. Detroit, 22^7.

Brooks. Wallie, ft Oo., 0, 0. B., Londoo, Ou.,18-20.

Brunnelle flirts ft fltephcns, IVmple, DotnritBrooks' ft I'-owen, Temple, Dctrolr.

Drice, Faoulc, Tcni'le, Derrplt.

Bnch, FitU A Lacy. Oivboum, Gnnd JtfUm,Mich.

Bruce, Dalfott A Co., Orpbcait, Uootveal, OblDrown, Dcdmoce A iBiuwn, Poll's, tkranloD, Pa.Brown, Geo., ft Cto., Hudson, Untoo Bill, N. J,Bracks (7)", Keith's, Waablnstoo.Brockbank, Bo^rlno, A Oo., Otpocian. Dm

Uolocfl, Is.

Brooks, AIA, A Qa., Ottbtaa, Kaoais Oty, Ua"Bride Shop, The/' OrjAeoo, .Sloni City, la.

Brower. Walter. DLJoa. Okln., 18-20.


Otmimin A Sealapi, PanUgea', Has Pranctaooi Frey TwlDs''ft''Friy?"c'ryiitar, Mllwaakst.Pantagea . Oakland, 22-27. <,....-.- .. '• . '.. .' ——».

Frank's CallTonita,Venil, liiil.: Vst

Pranklln ft (Ircni, Victoria, N. Y. U,FrlKoiiu, Triile, Kollli'a. dlilln.Kriilbnnky Troupe, Kellh's, Toledo, 0.Frain la ft Jones, PrncUjr's lesib St., N. T, A.101 7 ; I'rocKr's OBUi St., N. Y. g, tB-l6.


IN VAUmCVILLBFrancis, Kitty, A Oo., Nsllooat, ». T, a, IB-lTl

7tb Ate., N. Y. C, 18-20.i •»

Prey, Henry, St. Jainefl, Ituabm, 18-20.Fnd ft AllHTt, Oolonlal. N. Y. O.



Brady A UabODcr. Nattooal, N. T. C. 18-20._Dramley ft MoHltb. I^r, Ilobokai, N. J., 18-SO.

Burt, Harriet, Ketth's. Ft. Wayne, lod.

Barns ft Fiilton. Keith's. I/iulsTllle.

Burr ft Hojic. Keith's. Providence, oBums ft llurke. O. O. II.. I'ltudmrgb.Dulterdy ft Bone," Proctor's, BchCDecttdy. H,Y., 18-20.


Ooiumhigs ft Oladringa. Prospect, Bkln.Cottys, nie, Shcs'a, llulfolo.

Cully. Fllcabeth. Lincoln Hq., N. Y. a, 18-10,D'Arrllle. Jcaunette. Ihirialu, lulef.Dsvies Broa., Vogd's Minstrels. Inilrf,

D'Aniour ft Douglas. Shea's. Buffalo.Osria Family, Kellb's, Oterelaiid.Dsirell A Coowsy, Oriihcuu, llarrlatnirg,Darls A Merrill, Onitieaai, Xlllwaokse.Dale ft D'j)Ie, Urand, 81. Ix>uls.

Dsrson Bisters, Howard, Boston.Dslry Mslds, Dainty, Poll's, HcrastolL Pa."Dance of the OlUea," Orpbeom, fio. Btnd. iMt,


Daisy, Mlaa, airai., Kamns Olty, Ho.Dafia, Ilelene, lllpf.. Ilaltlnnre.Delmar ft Ui-luar. Kmiirmt, Tulaa, Ukta.Dcaly ft Kramer. Balboa ilelgbu. Canal eoos,Panama, lO-Msrch 0.

De Scrria, UesiletU, A 0»„ Lrrte, BtimiDiliaa,'Ala.

De Uar, Oraoft Oipbeam, Grand Baptds, HM.Demsrett. Oari, Kelth'a, Wsshbiiton.De HaTcn, Mr. ft Mrs. Carter, Majealle, CWeafO.IKeley, Beo, ft Oo.. On*iean. UUiDeaiiolU.De Witt ft Blewart. AtiMrlcaii, N. Y. 0., 10-171

Oolonhla. Bkln., lH-'iO.

Demsfcat, Carl. OrpbeiED. N. T. C. 18-20.Dfluore, John, ft Oo,, Locw's, Poogbktcuslr, N.

Y.. 18-21).

De Bwto ft Uc Dae, Otaod, BL Loois,

Friends (21, llvward, Uoaton.Frnwin A llunl. (Itnlip. Knnias Ollr, Ho., 1848.CauiltchniMla, Hie. Fmyth, AilanU. Oa,nsrillner Trio, Oiltmlal. N. Y. O.Usmler's "To/ Shop," Uukiolal, Noafolk, Va.,

asscomm. Royal. St. Jaaea, IVwten, 18-20.Callagber ft Oarlln, Baery, PvoTldSDce, 18-M.GiAiy, Frank. Loew'a. Toroato. Ou.Ooorgs, -Bdwlo, 0. O. a.,


SAM GILDERThe OrlalnBl Lose Ntar HtaalMl


Slascllv A ntwf, Fonylh, Allsiila. fls.ilnaire, na.-nt7, Pull's, New Iliirrn, Ooon., 18-30.

CllleltP, Lo:y, Keith's. Plilla.

Ollllnswater, OUnde, tt Oo., Oriibtmn, Matr Of*laans,

GILMORE Sb CASTLE.UMTBD TIM B. Direct ion, PKTH MACK"Olrl from Maer's," JWmliTard, N. T, 0., 18-17; DIrcolion

IIi:r>ey OIrN ini, Ornlienm, Ho, Ilend, lnd„ IS-^KI.

li. iitliMi ft ClIftoM, Puil's, New Haven. Ccon-,18-2U.

The HaywardsA ffOVKLTY lit ai'SIO

Pm. address, WIIITK^aTH. IMnkndwo lid 40 week

Ilugrii, I'K'ii, ft tin., I'riHrlllo. Ulvreland.Herman, Mx'if, Maryland, Ihiinlivrluud, .Md. ; (i,

, H„ Kliigw.HMl, W. Vs., 2U-24; O, ll,. Clarbs-bury, 23-^7.

Ili-iiryH, Flyliuf, Koltb's, Toledo, O,"Hit First <'ii»ii," Pl-ui-liir'a arid HI., N. Y. C.

ln-17; ITiKKir'a, Plalnneld, N. J., 18-20,Ilnn-ra, I'ructor'B, Troy, N.„ Y., 18-2(1,

lUvlil, l.<ino, Iloclor's, UchtiMictady, N. Y.,18-20.


"Hit Nsjuo Was Dtnais." OKvIey Uu., N. Y. ().,

18-20.Helm, Hod A Nellie, Anierlcsn, N. Y. 0.. 18-20.Hrndler, llcrnlii'l, Shiitwrt. Ilkln.. lA-20.Htrln-rt A In-iiiila, Allinnibrn, I'blln., IS-20.Ilninlnjd. John ft Wluiilc, I'uluii', .V. Y. O.Ilvras ft I'noiliiii PrlniYas, HI. I'lini, 18-20.ilDllar, W. }., I'nutngw', Hun FrsnclKu; I'sii-

tiigi's', ilaklunil, 22-27.nines A Kux, (ir|ilii<Min, Mriniihls, Trim.Illltun, I><ira, Proetor'a, Albany, N. Y., IN-!!0.llimaton, lUnirr, 'Iniirlng AiuiUulla, liiilef.

Hoiian, Oui, Krnk. Murks' Co., Indef,IloirmniiM. (liTtriKl)-, ft Ou., Keith's, Imllnnnpolls.lloey ft Ue, VIcturIa, M. Y. 0.


UAiiypY (iiKi.H ro.

llolincA ft Ihii-liitiiBii. It^O'sl, N. Y. 0.llowunl ft Syiiiali. iMniiltibiii. Oltit-wii, Oiii,

iIlolKe. Ilobt. II., ft Cki,, llijuu, Bavaiinidi, On..18-20.

Holt, Alf., Kellhls, Tolnln, 0,lloliaan. Hurry, ft Co.. Hlieo'n, Ton>nto, Con.Iloward, tami.. ft Ou.. Oriilii-wii, Kaiisufi Oily, Mi>,

Hulll", ll'illy, Pro'lor'H ONIh Ht., N. Y. O., 10-

17; Procter's HI., N. Y. C, 18-20.ri'S'y ft Miurt, Pria-tor'B, PUInfli-ld. N. J., 18-20.lloniiiaii, l/iii, Ai-ndi-uiv. Full lllvi-r, Mna*., IB-SO,"lliiiiey Clrla, The," i)ryalal. .Mllwuiikie,ll'iyl ft Wnr-lell. (Iriiliemii. Mllwiiukee.Il<ra-aril A Hrdler. (Irnnd, Ht. I^iiiIh.

Iliiwnrd, K,ldle, VIeiorla. N. Y. O.lloHell Hlati-rn, JuiTtuiiou, Aiiliurn, N> T., 18-20,lloiii.y ll<<<<H. 'Die, Grand, Phlln.Umlnoii. lU rt a. 0. IL, Lull, Wli.t O. U„ N».

Frewkjaii, M-gf,.


Directum HAIlllY W. HPINUOM).

Iliirtunl ft Ixkliort (ikris. Lyric, Jnnimluwn. N,v.. 18-211: Prini-ew,. NaabTlIU-, 'l^-iin., 22-27.

llurHt. nraiidoM. ft Cn., lliiyal, N. V. <J.

Ilnnllng A Francis, (miheuin, Ht. Piiiil.

Hurst. Mlnnln. A .Mlilgets, Proeior'n .IHth HI., N.' Y. O., 16-17; ProcUir's, Mt. Vi-rnon, IH.Jd.DonitOTi, Arthur, ft <lo., Pruel'/r's I2nib HI., N.

T. a, 16-17; Lyric, Uswsrk, N. J.. IH-'20.


7'B. .

('.<>luTnli43, Ilkln.. 11-20.eutto <3). Orvbciai, N. X. 0., 18-30,


(Continued on fogo tl.)

18 THE liTEW TTOUK: CLIPPER Febbuabt 20


Monday, Feb. IE.After an abnencc ot fuur yoani, JulUn

KIllDgo bag returned to Clilcagu fur a abortcbfagoment at the Oljrmplc Tlieatre, folluw-iDi'thc luog run of "I'otaiih A Pcrlmuttcr/'wlilch ended Haturday ereDlog, 13. Thenliycm lo Mr. Ultlngo'B aupport are : JeanneKaglea, Jane Marburr, Coriunc Darker, Nan-nie I'almer. Kdward (jarvlc, Charles Mur-rlion, Herbert MacKenzle, Jamm HpottviroM, Waller Ilorton, Joseph Mnrba andKdwin CuahmoD.

(icorge Ilernard Sbaw'H "The Pbllanilcrer"criincB to the UtUo Theatre Tuuxday cTcn-lug, lU.

^t the motion picture liouRoa: The Zleg-feld ollera the tllnitnR nf "The Warrcnn otVirginia," wltU Ulauclie Hwtxt aa tbc plc-tprlnl ill nr.Tbc Hiudi-bahi^r olTors the SuboinriDC plc-

lorcs for thto week.()» March 1 Jolm Urcvr will bring "the

rHrkor-Cnmim ci>incily, "ItoHcmnry," . t« thellllnitlK, wllh Aluiander CarllHip, MrR. Tlios.WhllTcn, Harry llarivuud and llcrberl Urucolu 11.

Cyril MdnOe, the fntaoim English actor,will bring the ruuiudy called "Urunipy" tothe Illackiitone on .Mari'b H. On Iho damoddtc Otia UklDDcr trill arrive at tbe Illlnula

ulth "The Silent Voice," a curious play byJuira Udtert Uoodmnn.Un March 21, Julia Handerson, Donnld

Ilrlnn and Jooppb Cawtliorn will cumn to thelllliiolt with tho muHlcal comedy, "The Ulrlfrom Utah,"

KiKle I'crgufion, noting Hubert HenryDavleii' "Uiilcant," will bu an early SpringvlylKir at Chicago.

•The Only Olnl," Henry Dlosaom nndVictor Ilerhctt'N mualcallzatlon of tho com-rdy, "Uur WIreH," will probably bo tho all-

Cummer nhow at the <Jarrlrk. .

. A new plar, ns yet UM-namcu, but wltbBliirjorle llambeau au lt» leadlnR |>lnyrr, bi n|ir<i!i|ivi-Uv<! Into Spring nllnictlon at UioLurt.

' Ma'rcb 10 la tbe date net by Daniel Frob-nan for tbe Actor*' li'uud bonellt. .Mr, Kroli-

.mau will como to .CUlcngv 'ten day.<« tn ad-vance of tho performa ncf. and will aaHht Inpulling on acreral uoveltlvn with tbo nid ofthe various atara who will appear In tbls

citv nt that time.1j\ Sam,b OrcRA IIoiiHH (JoHoph Draosky,

mgr.)—"ItolMng Stonea," third wi'ok.I'oWKRH' (Harry I'owera, mgr.) — "The

Diininiy," sovcntb week.iM.i.Noin (A, Pltuu Jr., mgr.) — "H»rl,"

liiiirlh week.I'ni.sTKHB (R. P. Geraun, mgr.)—"OiirCbll-

«lrvn," nevrnth wook.(i.iUiiiCK (J. J.' (Jarrlly, lugr.)—"ra.Hiliig

4II1UW," Hlxth week.OKDnnn M. Cdiian'b CiuNn Oitu.v IUu-hm

(lliirry lUdlnga, mgr.)—"On Triiil," clglilUytv.iik.

t'oiiT (U. J. Ilcrmnnn, mgr.)—"Tho ^ewlU'iirlcMa," t'iRhlli wi'i'k.

Oi.YMi-lO (iJoorge C. Wnrren, -mgr.)—Ju-lian Ultlngr, Jn "Tliu Crliiollnu (Jlrl."

SlTl'DBliAKKH (lAiula J, Juni-H, uigr.)—Mo-thiu pictures.

. IlLAOKHfoNn (Hdwln Wapler, mgr.)—"Dl-jiliMiiiuy."'

liirNRiAL (J. I'llgrim, mgr.)—Week 15,•Tho ltound-l'i»."ncToBU (U. C. llroloskU Mgr.)—Week

15, "The Liire."N'ATio.NAi. (J. r. Ilnrrett, mgr.)—Week 15,

"Urlnglni; t'p Kntber."ChoW.n (A. J. Kaufman, mgr.)—Wcok 15,

"lliiughl and I'ald Kor."StXA ANii OXRTHa (Paul Itoberta, mgr.)—

. \\\«k 10, llllly Waiaon'H Itlg Hhow.CoLUMniA (William Itocho,' nigr,) — Week

iS.'Watnon Blstrru. '

llAVMAiiKHT (k II. llcrk, mgr.)—Week IS,-

(lie Ti^ptcra.Uavbtt (H. C. Schoonci'ker, mgr.)—Wceic

1.-.. tho lleyjfw of 1015.KNfiLBWoup (Ktlw. Ilcatty, mgr.) — Week

i:>\ tbe Winning \Mdonii.. MA.TtiiTic ( I>ymau I). (Hover, mgr.)—Week1.1 bill Includes: Mr. and Mrs. Carter Vollnven, Mike Uernard, illnrry 8ykoH, JohnnyJohnson nnd company, Trovnto, John It.

Jiordon and company, Harry TIgtao andItaliNfb, the Moglcyn.Palacb Music Ham. (Mbrt 11. Singer,

mgr.)—Week IB blU lucludea : HiwkIo Clay-ton, aailsted by LeMtor Bbeohnn : Una Cluir-

ton and compony, W. C. riolils, llcrt Krroll,

Jed and I'Xhpl Dooley, Hope Vcruon, l''rnnl:

North, Chief Caupollcnn, uiid the Klvo Met'(I'ttlfl.

(SiiKAT N'oiiTiinHN nirroiiROMK (I''. C. Bborts,mgr.)—Week IB bill Int'linleH': WInonn Wln-lors, I'Vi. K Iteyiinrd, Adelo Oswald niul

Jerrv Jnrnngin, KuiitsoU nnd Iliildwiii,

Itnrnea and Itultlunnn, MiimfonI nnd Thoiup-Non, the AiTlnl Mncks, the Handnlln, thoThree Ilan'cy (llrln, Krauk Mnrkli>y, Seymour

'lloliliifion, OJid Nelusco aud Herley.

Mc-Viokkh'b (J. O. nurch, mgr.)—Week 15hill Includes: Joe Welch, Klla llrynn, Itiiy

Sumner and company, JoIuihuii nnd Peon,Yon Collo, Tom nrnnlford, I.nuri'nt Trio,

Hclillllug nnd King, 'tho Cottrell-PowellTtolipe.

Colonial (Nnrninn Field, mgr.)—Week 15


Ojmmcnlc'nllons between Lanc«»ter, Mo„ andPalterton'* I'olnt. .>t I'aols, »tlU remain nn-

hrvkm.' nilBsJIer ueiieriil .rattemon Is loOorati-

cable In lining up his forces for the comlag con-

dlcc :>Ld will hsTd nn elepbant batlfry. It nelUclally communicated Ibat be bts sbandoned

111! Ide-j of Invading Canaila. now tbat Ool. E. 0.

Trlbott has asaoiaM the oBenalTe In ibe Dominion

for tbe World st llome, wblch la atronfly cn-

trrnched at DaTenport-on.the-Mlsalsiilppl. .

Flom San AntonIo-on-tli<»-AluDO cnmea wonl that

MiJoT Clarence A. Worlham Is atlll holding blaJames Pattcraon belongs to the coDBerratlTo ochool of camlral managers of tho country.^^^^^ ,. ..

Ho Is one of tho men who bave been through tbo business from Ms earliest dofs, and who jKiitioD'Tird"^ wl'lV, alDuist almultancously, 'wAtl>

has gained wealth .nnd position through hard and fast lines of solid buslneas acumen.vVlnm'L^dlTllIS'Q '"Sine ^"XiJive. thor'

Mr, Pattersnn looks thoroughly Into nntters before be undertakes them,' be analyzes oucbly equipped for all at tbe rlgora ot wartara

most car-jfully Wore ^e Inveatj capital or labor In any undertaking, and weighs tho pro ^blch may !» daring tbo SprUig and

nnd con of every proposition most minutely before accepting It. Ue Is an ezamt>le of '™''"'wrrlL DROP BOMBS. '



staid, solid biislncsH principles In every way. In the n^eantlme. (Jeneral W. II. Blcc, while

Tho enviable po.sltlon that the fJreat. I'attersoa Shows occupy In tho carnival world U Jj??J;'«,.''^iorrg"SS''LlJ,'5iuon"whlch laJSu"n striking example of tbe appllcntlon of these mctbodi. No organization Is beld higher in tururd out at tbe I*alu Arraorr for tbe av> of

tho eslcem of Its fHlowa and no amusement enterprise Is more highly thought of by the big^f, 7/,*e'r"''roS?e'^pl.y'l by"thc'*eipMTtl?a ce^

fair Hccr'>tarles and nnnogers ot hig celebrations throughout tho country. - ucf^fnt. It Is not certain bnt that be may"Ilomo W5R n<< built In n dny." nor Imvfs tbc Patterson Shows risen to their present

*J'''{^„'"/n°'VhT8and''Vi?' l^'^U' MIm"?!?^^I.roud position without much Initiative and .executive.. oMIlty. . Great as. Mr. Patterson's jtim (at tbat a aabmarlno would make a creat

j)ora(inal Indiiince Is,, he has Ihe bnppy faculty of surrotindlnff himself with cafpablc lieu- '•'•'^"h/'"bcJn"'jK)re''or*'^ dcs^Uory

tenanis, and much of his success be oiwes to his soiind' knowledge of human nature, asj^j^^ hetn««i tbo colitradlng*' carnival forces

evidenced by Ma select Ion ot Harry S. Noves as bJs iceneral agent und confidential oido-dc- dorlcg tbe past fow we*k3, no declKlvo action

camp. Mr. Noyea co-npcrated wltb his employer In all matters oppcrtslnlng to tbe Interest

ot file shows and sicorcd 0 rcmnrknltc success In tbe outdoor amusement field.

Mr. Pallrrxon Is a man who, although engoged In the whirl of tbe show business, Is

fond ot domestic lite, and In one of tbo few showmen who own their own ptdvate estates.

A vlHit to Ills hrnutlful residence at Patterson's Point, Paola, Knn., will reveal the tact that

It Is here that tho subject of this pen portraiture Is seen at bis best.

A charming host, who m:\kcs his visitor perfectly at home, surrounding him with — ,

oreat.iro comforts and truo_ Western boapltallty, he here presents a picture ©rthe landed 5fj?r'''ioh?nrJ. JoSes a" ^.«l2^*thrwproprietor, who cnloys tbe good things of life that ho has so worthily worked for and months Jn^e ^lorMa entrencbmim^^^

obtained after much effort.

will be taken until weather condlilons warrant.And then look out for hot etiLT all along aIblrly-Bve hundred mile battle bnelTbe Hannibal, Mo., dlvlslun, under Oenerala

nrlDS and Beckman, will Inaugiiratt active opera-tions at K^aat 3t. Iionls, In April.

Tbe California nnlt. ceaerole<l by Dnrke k Foley,Is puriulng a auccesstui all-tbe-jeir-rounilrmovc-ment wllh succesa.' The Turkkth forces, under Panha Barkoot,

The Ferarl forces, under command of Colonel_ W. L. Wjatt, are planning no lora»lon of New

Mr, Pntteraon Is a living example tor the present generation of showmen to follow, ue EoRland, and will probably blaie « trail tbrough

Is A man whose every action Is made In sincerity and kept with good faith. A Dt subject

to emulate, and whose methods will bear tho strictest Investigation.

«Din" UES nOSISNTHAL CLEANS VP.Tlilui* bare bevii liiuiiuiliiir la Uie Kr«d M.

Darnea olBcea aliico IkMi Kuaeulbil gut back frumCriiinda anil lliu NorlUwett. t'ur, bo It knuvrii,

yiiur Undo UvuliuiUi did nut overlook any U>t<un a buainesa Jaiut tbat took blu lo Oalgnr.v,

'ranilon, IlKjIna, Saskatoon, Kdmonton, Van-ii.uvcr, Seatt4e, Spokane, Helena and Salt I.<k«City, wheto hu attended fair luanaHuni' uleelliiRs,

illniiera and cuafort*iiced. IVrMjiialUy Is a puleu-Hal factor, aud ben Is ptroatr on itonunallty, andmore Iban tbat, be la baeted ui> wlib Ibe "kimxU"\.lien It cuuca to acts and featurei tor fain aiiil

('N.ioMlllona. Ha placed couiraols ti furnlMUr.-niea nllractlons wlib every one of tbe lair

.. iclatlona Haled above. Tbe Utah Slate fair, ut; I'. I.nke Olty, will run two wwka this year.

ot ibo Canadian fair grounds have tbrlr build-

l.i-in full ot re);ulars und rei'rulti, readying u|i it

L'.ie cull cumea for niore Dominion soldiers to goto lliu trout, acrvaa tbe pond. Uut one beat* leaa

uliinlt tbe war lo the Nortbweateru provinces IbanI'lseivlii're In Canada, acconlliig to Mr. KoHcnthil,who waa a v«Ty welcome caller at tbe Westernllureau ot Tub Niw York CurrisB anon his' re-

turn to Olilcoga Incidentally, Illg Ben coaatl-

lutcd hlumelf a traveling reiireaentallve for TinNsw York CLirraa, and reportol tbat at several

ot Ibe fair Ditvlloga llie aecrelarles passed reaolu-

tlona voicing tbeir appreciation ot tbe elforU being|iut forth l>y this publlcatloa In covering ibe out-

dmir amiLsenMUit field, and endoralng Ita policies.

The .Mi>eolal Outdoor Amuwment Numlier, - n»w . In

vn-i'nralloii. ami lo be laaued March 27, cam* upfor favorable diacuaalon.

JOHN A. POLLITT ARIIIVBS.John A. rollltt than whom no one. .Is nnie

'we:c< nio at the Wntern Buivau of Tns Nsw TobkOLirrm, Chicago, arrlveil In town Monday morn-lua, at 8 o'clock. auJ by. 0.30 a. m., wns c^-.forlably eaconsed In a ehalr telling .us all about wouidTaveat.the I'Lg dolLga ot the Worttaan A Alien luterrats here eom*a Ihe ]ok

view of the model the other day. It was ateaullful picture, and when all tbc plans ale car-

ried out Ibe I'aln SiH-ciacle ot l'J13 will un-doubtedly eclipse anylhlnc In a pyrotechnic waye«cr attempted In tbls country.

DBRNARDI JUBILANT.Felice HcinardI, the well known coucci.slnn.ilre.

la In Cblraco, at the Wellington Hole!, birlni;riMiirnrd fn>m an extensive trip tbroiiijli the Nor'b.vest and Cunnila, where he has lievn ojulr.'i'.*(lni{

the various fairs, on-l now Imlils the nece^uiryI'l'pers Klvlcg' him Ibc exclusive rlcbls for bisconrossloiiH.

Ibat FvctlOD that wilt be remembered for a longtime to come. '

PBN.VSYLTAKIA BAnUJOBOUND.The territory contiguous to rittiburgh will bo

the batllegrouud. according to well 'authenticatedrriMrts, for .<ierlcs ot hotly .conleated eneace-rtents betiye^n a doien or more of well knowncarnival organizations. Of course, the GreaterIlutherfiird sharpshooters hope to be able to en-lll=i!e llie Invailln^ rom1>.itNUts.

Chief of Scouts, Nat Iteiss, Is snUl to ne sludy-Ipg pnnle m.ipH ot 'Way-Down. Kast. and by tbelime tbo bind pla.vs. "It'.s a l.imB I»ng Way to

Tlpperiry" noit Spring, be will be fully acquaint-ed wl'h the toiiosrjpby of rork boand New Eng-land, for not a ditch, a briilce, nur a calvertwill escape his searcfabjg scmtliiy.'

' Chief of Kngliieers, John A. I'ollitt, piloted atrain load of ammualtlon from Cblcaeo to Tnl-

K»llc« bneznl Into Tiiu New Vomc Clippib paralao. under cover ot darkness one night last

olBcB like a ray ot sunnulce. and Is full ot op- wek, and tbe boya down there, who had beenlliL'sm for the future. He has Ituseil a bl? slure rtstlr.g easy under Winter camp lite, auddenlyJn Wl. i'. . : fnr Iho promotion of iiis bualnoas,end Is r.itreniely flan:;uloo over tbe outlook.

got a hustle on them which ban amazed theIloonleri In that section ot tbe woods, and bodes111 for any carnival division that Is sot fully pre-.He was ast:ng for bin friend "Pop Com" m for any carnival division that Is not folly pre-.

0«.ipe, with TTho:u he anint Biich a pleasant time' pared to withstand mo<1ern taellcs and happenscn Ibe occshlon ut his last visit. In A. A. Powers' way when the compalipi openslast visit

PUNCH WHIEELEn WRITBSi"New. Oblbans, ji'eb. E.

"Deab Pat: Tbo joyous hot air season la nowopNi, wherein all ' the varlbus scribes will mloacres ot apace telling of the monster caravans

la April.It Is said that (deleleil by the censor), but be

that ns It may, there will be a general confer-ence ot the csmlviil coRimaiiueri at tbe Andl-torlum Hotel, Chicago, March 9, 10, bat It lanot eirected tbat thia will amount- to anythingand Oi4 «lr:u..mi they represent. AU about paint, Tom ,h.n . '^i.JT 'f ^h,^VK»V. .n/iieace la atlll a long way off. Red Onion la beingheld as a hostage Jn Kanaas Olty.


nioally red, and gold leaf knee deep In tbe shopa,turning out from ten to twenty wagona dally.And all tbls Is most bileieatlng. It sot conclusive.Tbe average showman la a real wonder, and not•t alt a bad fellow—maybe a trille eothuslaatlc,but nerertbeless be. Is the most loyal sobject- onearth to the enterprise be la Intereated In, andlikely as not leally believes part ot It anyway. <

"However, every aeasou promlomt and costly'scheme*' ccme and bo, are aucctssful or other-wise, then a new' Idea liermeales ihe brain <>f

aone expert maater thinker, and when It la

laanc^ed be Is fSllowed. and' oouled by No. 3thinkers, cbo really are much' obliged to No. 1, _ ,. _ . . -j. . 1- — -•rot resretting IKey did not think of It first; In Toild, J'rankls Beadlok Jr., W. K. Uack, (3eonefact, seem tbankfal to hare It ipring before thi-y hlF.- it"^ Readiek, Ilaiel Wrlde.

With theao preliminary remarks, Frsenun and Oeytrude -Keltb. Pi J. BonlnJoke of years and uolloas: Bice [a the general. manager of this popnlar nelghbor-

IlAsnT L. MiNTinuf.'now In (Akago with "TheLnie" oomfiany, will relom to tbe WarrlnatonStock Co., at Oak Park (Ohlcago snbnrb), March 1.John 'Habltt Is boalnesa representative Of

Selwyn A Co.'s "Rolling Stones,'' now playingat the La Salle, Chlcaiio.Thb cast of the stock compsny now plsvlng

at the Warrington, Oak Park. III.. ' liiclndea


Walter Ponlter, laabel Bandolnh, William F.

In San Aclonlo and Shreveport. * Dore. with their Boatlug caravan exposition,, food theatre, and be hao the anslatance ot Edwa-dJohn Is greatly enthnaed over tbe piospects ot bave pat one over on the eecooit hand tblokers Morse, who looks after the nobllclty. .Pro-

the two proKvesalve csrnlvsl kliua be hca w long fo; this new sqoatle world's fair Is theonly amas» f?'»<>r Nat Johnson wellds the baton In the or-bien associated with, and la tall ot optluljm for ment enterprise tbat will have no oppoaltlon. Interview with W. A. AJklns.thn future. "Anyone following with s barge full of knitt and Mr. Benin let It he known that Ihe playets were

°"f'.£tfcomblnaUoa you ever hear.1 of." he Ml racka will atrlke a aiiag or drift on a aand g'vlw.great sallafactlon. and tbat his patrons

ssye. —Tirry provct It In tlie past, and tako my bar. This new Water Enuescurrlcalom and Canil- °P 'b« house aimoat every night.M<trt for It, will aatonlsb the eotlra nmusmoent ral Novelty Shows will create more srmchalr this aeasou. ' _ . _ . sud sidewalk conversation than anyttilog ever In-


On Toeedsy and Wednesday, March 0, 10, theSlate Fair Secretaries wiil hold a meeting at thoAuditorium Hotel, Chicago.

This offldal announcement has long breaawaited by camlvul managers, and by agenciesbooking fair attractions, 'and tbe oeetlnz will

undcattedly prove ot unubusl Intcrtst and of gn-itInaxirtanre.

II1C Stste Fsir has Ixcome a tecognlied In-

stltntkin In America. .Not only does It serve 10'educate the masses, but once a yeor It brnt.-i

luto bebig amasement evcnta which go In a larvemeasure to mwo tha Stale Fairs what they ari'

Terllnblo expositions.

The Tlvabr for feature attractions thhi year will

he a spirited one, and fully three hundrol pu--veycrs of outdoor amiuKicent will be present it

the Oblcaio meeting to nirer tbeir wares to tbofair aecrclLrlcs aaseublnl.This Is an age of proiress. Tbe Slate fair hns

gcttcn out ot Its swaddllni; clothes and Is panslni;

through an cvoluttonarr stage wblch promises K'cacdevelopments In the future. Nothing Is too lilc,

no- feature too expensive tor the State fair man-sger ot to-day to conalder. Keeping abreast utthe timee, be Insists upon securing full value 1 forbla money. Thia has bad a tendency to Imiiel

managers of amasement attractions to assemldethe y*TT best ot limber, and to put It forth lu sii

atlrsctlre nunncr, with the consequence that thecarnival, In parllcular, baa assumed a prcilimil-

nallng |iosltl:n In tbe outdoor Held, as it applies lo

State talis, e^roslllons and celebrations.

CARNIVAL MEN WILL ATTEND.Among Ibe carnival factors who will ui<.::oubtc<llr

be present at tbe <lhlcago meellus C- ::.:.

Obsries W. Parker. Amerlca'a ii:--.

Con T. Kennedy, Ilerbert A. Kline, '.v. '. iiii-,..

Harry Dore, James Patterson, CI.. :. A. Wor-lham, Tom' W. Allen, Nat Relss, A. W, Powers,Jobs A. Pollitt, Ed. A. Evans, 3c;. Alhnann.Irr. J. Polack, John P. Martin. Harry S. Noycs,A. H. Uarkley, R'. L, Lohmar, Steve A. W<»iN,K. C. Talbott, Joe Bsnoian, Dick OoUlns, HarryO. Iloter, Dan McOiiglD, Fred Ueckman, K<l. L.Heinz, .\. ^. .Miller. K. 0. Barkoot, A1. F. Rur-uinn- Juliuny J. ..or.:^. W. L. Wjatt, "Tubby"f^nliler, Harry W.. Wright and William JudklnsUewltt.As In Ihe past It Is quite nrobable that Frod

M. B.-.t7T: Ini., the Western Vaudeville Mana-gers' Asuclallah, the Robinson Amusement Cor-poration and the United Fairs Booking Asyocla-tlon, Chlccgo's leading agencies booking fair nt-

trsctlona, will provide siiedal entertainment fix-

the vlaltlog secretaries In Ihe way ot dinner-functions snd tbeatre parties,

-Combining Inislness wjtb' pleaanre, the secre-taries ot the State Fairs, who meet In Oblc:ii;>

annually, have a rt-yal time, and being niire-sentatlve men, they enter Into the various frsis

arranged tor their recreation wllh a spirit of con


raderle which has made them most welcome In

Chicago, Ihe premiere convention clly of tbe world.The readers ot The Naw Yobk CLirm ni:iy

look forward with anllclpatlon to a comfrebru-sivs and rvllsble resume of Ihe Stste Fair M:in-agera' deliberations, together with a fund of con-trlbutoiy matter appertaining to tbe forthco'nini;meeting and forecasting the future plans of ihoiLstltutlogs lepresened at the conclave.

CHICAGOWKES.(Bpeoial to Tsa New Yobk (Tliffkb.;


One of tbe most Iraportsot engsgements recordeilIn Oblcap thia week Is that of Tbavleu's llaudfor tbe Iowa Slate Fair, De* Moines; the sainehavtag beea negotiated iby F. M. Barnes, Inc.

Tbavleu's Bsnd eajoys tbe unique distinction ofopening tbe Paiuma-Paclflc Exposition In SanFrancisco, Feb. 20, Cor a alx weeks'-eogaitemont.Havlea la recognised as one of America's

nromlere tnnd dliectois, snd the Barnes .AgencyIs to -je congratnlated, and will probably have fur-ther bookings to announce In the near future.

9TBVBNS JOINS WORLD AT HOME.President Joe Damnan, of the World at lloiue,

oya that . R: W. ' Stevens, ot DsnVIIIc, lU.. wilthsve toe cook tent with Ohtcago's big carnivalorganlcatlOD. As Superintendent, of Oomralsaarr,wltb a -number ot well known ahows, Mr. Stevensenjoys a practical experience covering a period ot


In BiK-akliig ot the Olarence A. Worlhira Show, „„t«d aince 1B38, when Old John Robinson blrrfthe erganlaatlon ho wha l.lenllflrt with last year, , seperate extra band tor his side show, and

HOSPITAL NOTES,Mas. JiNNiK FanNANDBz, ot Femandet and

will- have Iho Bneal iqulmoent outside of his attractive features almiiiy to cause ellher joy or Thorek, and hasimrliKT s uiioii .the {oail. nio two ou fit, .are of rvmorse, atcordlng to the mental state of tbo tor the Amcrlcsnthe samo cnllHer nnd as near y as jioaslblo alike. reclplenfs teellnBi. more booslera otJohn comes lirro to take cliarge ot the s'seinb* One event can bo mentioned, however, tbat

Klizaudtu .Muhrav has communlcateil with Dr.plctlged her undivided . supportTheatrical nosiillnl. We needher cnllbte.

LroN Blonihin, renowned animal trainer, la

KLIIVB ENGAGES SMITH?A perslBlent rumor' on the Ohlcago RIallo. hi

carnival circles, has It that Herbert A. Kline hasengaged Uermsn Q. Smith, ss general agent, andthat In Ala capadtr Mr. Smith Is now aGeld onscoating duty and Dooking time for the IlerlwrtA. Klloe Sbows. Ilerbert Q. Smith hss been Iden-tlded wllh the Parker Oanilval Interests In ye.irs

sgone, and Is well known to the profession nf

outdoor entertainment. Up lo tbe time ot the

filing ot this dispatch, his engageraent with the

Kline Shows bad not been condrmed.

la Ihls way there will be llltle to cbnoee mcnt. Fondly tbbie, PuNcn WuHKLia.^Is'lnten aiiy ot thb slumii. with the excojillon oftho tcrrllory each will play,

.Mr. I'ollitt will reuuln until tho openint ot


Mil liirliidrs: Maud Tltrauy. Jessie Hlilrley,

ImI; Clevo, Ilrengk'B "Sludy In Uroiize,"

Wcl>er nnd Fields, lu nuitloii plcture.n.




Westsrn Oflfioea nnil Gt>neral

BuCessa ot inroranaillnBt


covery In a very abort time.Dabs Da Palub, of tbe Cherry Blossom Oo.,

who was Ti;ebed In to Chicago on a s;A-clal traUiIlANNiBAi.. .Mo., Feb. 11. ""d Placed under the core ot Dr. Thorck at the

Mt Deab Pat Just a few lines to^ thank yon Hospital, Is r«-coverlng wonderfully weltleave Ibe Institullon In a short

FiNimBna, wife of Obsi. Flneberj, ad-"• for Dixon's Bovlew ot 1015, l.s re-nicely after an operation pTrtcrmeil- some ds.vs ago. iibe also expects

efflclcMt hotel and club men in the Unitcil ,Stit<-<,siul wlif has. fur some time lievn gvneral directori.f^Mjjljray Oanksns, In t^ll^B^•o, hnri assuiiieil IhelunM.ipineiit ot lb<> nrand PaclOe Ifniol, and willeiiiloavor, to the IkuI of bis well known alilllty,III innke It |<lensant tor i>i\>fftvilonal guests. Now

SI Inunensu. amount ot mall hnd lH<cn recelviil I'lre^iso lo our last nd. In Tub Ctirrr.n and sa"«>n an L attend t.) this nnd get :t nil cle.nip.1up. will have snnther ad. for you. Wllh l>estwishes, I remain youra. En, Ly Ueinz,"

I'.uwiBD A. DuNKUonsT, monologlst aud parodyUrBer, Is conUned nt the Anierlcnn IIosi<ltaI,aiinerliig from complhatlons. He Is Improvlncand the Dr. expects to allow blni to leave IheIbstitutlon In a short time.

that Iho Wellhiiton Is alwut to'hilorti''dowii''lo CARNIVAL CONFLirT*^ WTII ROMAVrii< rvraiEi .lunke.wsy lor a Mr oUI.v Imlldlng. Ihe tent show Tfrliili'~ .,r.™f~^* WIUL AO- "'''•*iCB_IN TJIB SCHAEFER^^^fraicriilly will mvk now lieadiiuarlera, and Itunulil not be il all sunirNliig if Iher Boughtabcller and comftwt under Manager Olydo's roof.Mr. Civile Is a rliarler meuiLer of Tbe Showmen'sleigue of America.


TERMINATES IN WEDDING.f S^i ^<i'>«'f"'i brother to Peter J. Schaeter,SUME GIGANTIC PROPORTIONS,

, , , ,

DiviBioN-or.TUB-LAKMs, CiiioAao. Feb. 13. 5?!^"w ^.niS'rJ'V""of

.the Chicago atage.

nri <ii<a<a.-v «va'i-ai wuitl^ll A.T IIUMK. 'vin.^.v av^iiiiu la uoieu in ine various Tbealra (>iniiiin» ^^hl»h V4„V • .iTT"^i..<.-.<rr

W. X. MacOollln. who ei.Joja «« euvlablo '5!^8??^L«b* H"lt«^ era! o?tIyln? theitws Chi?Ss"

ni?*'? •J",*"'- Schaeter Journeyed toTepiiinllou ' as . i«-tuivr and ontn with _.

All the war fmni San Anionlo. Tex., lo San * aevea^«5ri a™ M? "qMi'-S^^l> il allrn.•llou^ will agslu bo Willi Ibe fi?"'''?}' moblllzstlon ot torcen, illantlr mVxn ,hl l^ J™-? 'i^I fCI""'"'?' /"Wiirld .1 Il.Muo lUla st^sou, having slgne.1 con- l"^, ,1"'*'"*" * '"Tr""" ""'""'nt. which Jf mks While there h^^^^).a.-t. Wllh 11. Il...lU.ncs to handle .tbe"fr,H,t at r!lf„^?.!."''««»'«J "Pou the o,«nU.g of tbe Spring S^.S'*'' who^ioni^*;Sp5far meto^llJlS:

" ^.'-'^^'TJi

Seoretaary's Offlco



SeernlBry's OIBre V




Ihe molor^ riHiie. Ma7 la vei^atn^^^^^ compaign, '' "."'"JJ- , V„^f„*„ '"';'J'l'

anil knows when .i„| just ho^ lo inlk^ olSS^ Oenerst Opllmlsm, In chief conraami, haa Issued X^Saidi 8.dl« ^.ty'li^iA'.' ^"."'f^; S!'?'"^which bring UieabekeU tor any abow be iTwlth! 'f""""No- .as^sl-ollshlng thq Order ot tbe muSkSl drcultl lih.^r.,* 't''"''"'


R C Ttl.noTT RiETillixa Double Cross. wblch<nvlU have a decldnl tendency Sii h«, . ~ i,'i

^'b**'" was tbe Drat one to

nmv niiinlrrful tales to tell of cuudltona IMM Inn «f Ibe Duinlulou he vlslM. In the niein-llim> affairs nt the general oaii<es of Tho World atlliiiiie ari' i.rok-w-ssiiig ulody, and not n ilav paws

appeamg wllh an act calleil the Sadie Uelf

Christmas Eve. while she was singing at the

Baslnesa Oflire


LnwmV. J, VER IIALBN, Sec.

Come aiBil Bee Us - ilix-M fill Ouil soini'llil:ig aix»ui|>llslie 1 lowardnlui.kini; ilie Idg nrganlaalion lielter Ihsn It was lait><'»r. niul that In lio.ving n lot. Joe Miller, whofur n nimil-er of Tears was wllh th» Illnvllnglliolhers niHl llie Ilaniiini X Iliillev Sh.iws. willl«< llie IrslnniSRirr with the World st'Ilnnio.I'llUv lloninTiil will have llfuvii wncesslon^ andMil- Idle i-nr. Harry (1. Wllmin Is addlnc scleralIII 'irsla to I. Is nlrendy lnri:e iMlleclloii. Tlie Worldal lliinie foiling muck .-ipilpmenl will Iv 1lr.1tclass In ovcrr respn-l nnd n ."csson of Iblrlylinks, oivnlii:t "ii or alHutt Mny ';, nt Davcuiurt,la.. Is tH-lni; Umkiil.


llonu j^n Barleycorn, by Im|ierlal ukase, bas ceased t?!-n tha .'?i

'''<^''"'"> 'n 'he eonuniaaarlat. and orders to ci,"11.,": ,<'<'<wt bs,o been posted by the division com- pi... Th,;,!™." «"„' .i;A-"v„.'.'i:'

c,",'" o-.''-^" ,'"^

manders (beers and light wines ai« permbulblo T'l"'?'"" Side, Scbaefcr gainedunder eerlain clreunistances. when purrtiased by

' " ^.'n„ ""I"''"'' „ .the other fellow, but not while In action). Forag- ,k. ., ~ '.S"^* Jou yotu- Drst engogement onlug parties have been warne.1 that rhirVon un,! ?"«*• <» «fer you consecutive

FRFID DARNES GOES BAST.Fred M. Rarhes let: Ohlcago, Feb. 12, tor Now

Vork Clly, where, for several days he will niubehis headquarters it tbe note! .\3t0r.

Upon being Interviewed by a reporter for TitsNSW Yoax CurrEB just prior to his deparlurufor the Eost, Mr. Barnes asid: "So great Is Ibodemand ot State fair managers and expoellKindlicctors for uniuual acts and features, and In

spite ot the fact Ibat the F. M. Barnes, Inc.,

has one hundred and torty-seven "play or pay"contracts with recogalrcd feature acts, I am onmy Way to New York to secure. If possible, nftymore ntlractlons.

"1 cannot allow this opportunity to pass to con-gratulate Tnn Nsw York Ctjtpbu upon Its a;-gresslreness and willingness to serve tho ouldooramusement Interests. It la apparent to even tbcmost casual observer Identilleil with this hraticJi

of the show business thnt Tnc Old RsLiAiiinhas sense-1 the possibilities and Is determined to

enhance Its recognlierl value, by covering fair andexposition evenla.Dot only In a sjiirlt of fairness,but with a scope comprehensive and as relinlili>

as It can he made."This uttet-nnce, coming from Ihe ''tips ot a man

who has helped In no sin.ill measure to makeI'.istocy in the onldoor amusement lleld, snd whoenjoys the conDdenco and esleon of the mannK''rsaud secretarlea of America's leading amusementInstltatlons, should 'carry great weight, and bisrecommendation ot Tns Now YonK CuFFsa com-ing unsolicited, bat adds to Its value.

UNDER THE WEATHER.Cbsrles Ilagaraan, aesoelate proinielor and le-

gal aduslcr of tbe Hagcnheck A Wallace ClreuH.and J. Frank Longbotham are sick In Chlcnpi.Ihe forme? undert,<olng trenlmenc.ut Ifenrotln llos-

t" .,' SI'?- at bis npatlroent on theIvorMl Side. It Is expected that they will he ableto Iw out within a few days. They ate boi'icharter luembets of the Showmen's League ofAmirlca,

_CI aril's DiiDirld, (.I'licral maiiiigiT of Pain's OOn,

lug parties have been warneil tbat chicken andquail ate auper-eontrabadd and must he selicd atall haaanls.Todoy's bulletins from ParkcrTllle-on-the..Mla-

fMirl indicate that a strong line ot eomraiinlca-llpus Is being thrown out by forces under theeomninnd of Ool. Oorles W. Parker, who la dU;-Elng tiendies on life left bank of Ihe stream.Tlie nirlii garrison Is being alronElr forlineil wl'hhlgh-)iower raiinons and heavy bnltlemenis,j-hlch are eipecled to he able lo withstand aleng siege, even If the tneiny eniiilnys mortntsand forly-two centimeter guns.

Seoulliig iwrtles, uinler Iho dln<ellon of Col.

, ., ~-. ,— -- you consecutivehonking for Ihe rest of your life. Your sbiging,benreforth, shall be for Ihe benedt of tbe Scbaefcrfamily,

weilding look place Wnlnesday night, Feb.10, In iiarlor 2. II door, ot Ibe New aiorrlsonrrotel. The ceremony was performed by JudgeUopklns. of the Municipal Court.A very select company ot peojile 'witnessed the

ceremony and enjoyed a unique banquet. 'Thonepresent were: .Mr. and .Mrs. Ilarry O. Moir Mr.and Mm. Aaron J. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Peter J.Rchaefcr. Mr. snd Mrs. Frank Scliaefer, Mr. andMrs. Samuel I. I.cvIn, Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Q,I>oyle. Mr. and Jlrs. Campbell, and "Grond Dad''

"GRANDPA" WARREN ENTERTAINS.John B. Wnrren gnve s number of bla friends

n private exhibillon ot some nuvlug pictures mnd-at Hammond, Ind., last Spring, allowing Ihe n:-Kenb(«k-Wnllace parade nnd Incldenls on Ihe rlr-

CUB lot. Among Ihe Inleresteil si>ectalors wniJohn B grsndchllil, son ot Charles Wnrren. and li

was mndi readily apparent lo tlioM> present tl;'it

.the eaaleM way lo John Warren's heart v.-nJ

li yii'ngsler. who, by the way, revni.blcfl his Btond dnd very niiicb. Among those whoattended the circus picture' feat was Mike 3. Hoi-

J.1 T- f^arrulhers. Warren A. Patrick, NoMvClark, John P Martin. M. A. Conlpy, llHIyQuinn, John Miller, Sum J. Levy, Dick Oolllns.Mrs. J, n. Warten, nnd Mr, aud Mrs, Charlesnarren..


Fbbbuaby 20 THE OSTJEW YORK 19

nARKLE'K IfAKINO CONTRACTS.. 11 B*rkler, gencftl igeat ud tiafte mui-

.,»r i ibe Coo T. K»nD*ily GfaOTrs, la In Chi-

JfiJ mM6g railroad contract*. Duriar i ciUl

I ih ' WMlern Bor«o of Tii« CLirriR be alnl«l

fhn iiralra lo !>• d«partiD«nt were sll tbat h«

"Julcl ihmi be, and that cFerythlnj waa ahaplog

m nicely 'or opeDlog Id LcaTemvorth In

Aiiril Uarkler 1* » charter member of tbc

SI Mw'mon'a li«««ue of America, and a locmtcr of

ibc board of gorcrnort. .-

JOHS P. mahtin returms.Jcbn r. Martin, general agent of Ibe Allmonn

rrns' Big American Sbowa. la In Ohlcxgo, bav-

III- coocliSled bU prellrahiarr l»bon In Ntw Yorkriir and the Baatem territory In Ibe Interrat of

hia ailracMon. He will rentln bere until after

i^p meeting of tbe Htate fair eecrelarlea. Dnr-

Inc-a call at tbe Western Barrao of Tat Cutrmthr did aar tbat this year would And a material

accentuation In tbe equipment ami atfrncllonn at

(be Allmann aggKgatJon. Paul Jobannlng'B Ani-

mal sliow will be a big featare, taking e<ni*'-

rmmloeoce wVth West'p Society Olrcuii. There

«lll be a number of Dordtj attractloaa and dl-

Terllaemente galore..

CONI<BY WITH PKIS'S.M A. Oonlcy. the bero of a thousand billing

unlet, waa a- welcome tialtor to the ChlciKO

cSitea of Thi Old Rklublc, and confirmed ttic

rtporC that be wonid' aialn be witb the Painfonea this aeaaoo and would make Ma - heari-

naarlen In Oblcaco nutll after the mceUng of the

filr aeeretarlea bere. Oonley Is a mine of valu-

oMe allow Intormallon. It la a treat to bear himirlale anecdotes of the daja wben the clreni

tnlifbta fongbt In batlleii royal, for lufireniacT.

NeTer waa a day too wet, mtct a night too cold,

for "Bill.- Sncft" to go out and anperlntend a

Lilrade aklrmlab, and h» generally got the beatih«wliiK. He eara:'"Tiiii Old Rd-iablf for aie

crery tln>e—It prints tbr newa and prints it

right. More power to It."-

CARRUTHERS RETURNS.r,. p. Camthet^, general managnr of the United

Fairs Booking .Aaaoolallon, baa -relumed to Obl-ogo from a bnaJpees'trlp to New York, wherehe attended -tbe , Neir York Hippodrome, and wasTcry mnch Impressed with the magnitude and(menil eicellenoe of Ibe drcos perfonnancc. TheUnited Faira Booking Aesoclatlon', In placing a

line of contracts for a splendid lot of attraction!lor this coming fair season.

CHARLES A.NDRESS ILL.Oharles Andress has been condnnl to his resl-

deiice, at 26 N. Ilamlla Avenne, Gblcego, for tbepaat ten days, nnder tb( care of two pbyalclnriS. AIplephove mesaage received ' Saturday, i:*., nt then><i|om Dareau of Tna CLrrrcB. converei] tbe In-

formctlon tbat Mr. Andreas hoped to be out andboni within the ueit few days.




K 0 •


"TOU ARB THB ROBE OF HY HBART."Ibe Moat Talked of BbIIbcI tm (be Ca«Btr|r.


FROM NOW ONBr LOU KUON Md JAMU KXIfDISTbe iOBg wtib the «klck." A Great Doable Hamber, Woaderf«l SlBCle, ABybody cam SlBg It.

^"Slgi'C?"- MAURICE RICHMOND MUSIC CO., Inc., I4S W. 45th St., New York


academy of hu910 destroyed byfire;

Tbe Academy of .Muilc, one of Ohlcaeo'n oMpittlicatrea, at 16 South HaJsted 8tn«t, was en-Drcly diatroycd by Are early Ftldny momlDi;,Feb. 12. A number of firemen were hnrt whenthe caKery and part of the balcony fell Intothe pit. Only one ilfe woe lost, that of "Nellie,"a doc which for twenty yean bad lived at tbeiLratio. Since 1R70 the atugc of tbe Academybaa felt the tread of Tlllolns and rteaperailoa,rhe pcrrormrd in tbrllling melodramas which sentchills vp ard down the rploes of young and oldAn<eilco. Fop thirly-flve yeara the A-'nilemy hiab«n fnmlahtng "Ihrlllera" to. tbe Weat Side,fien the "morles" could not put a dent Into114 piipolarlly. The Bre atnrted in tbe NewarkMioc SIcre, at . 14 Halated Street, and for a timetbrealened tbe entire nelghborbood,

MAYOR LEADS..Maror Carter H. !!arrlson and .Mni. liar '[son

n'lll lead the grand march at the Reel Fellom'Club ball, at the Hotel Sherman. Feb. 22.


ETdrjtblng la set for tbc gala affair, and thefnncllon 7III be unique In every way.

STEVE A. WOODS IN CHICACO.Sii-ve A. iVoods, general agent of tbe O. A.

woniiani Shows, Is In Ohlrogo, and will probablyremain here until after the fair <>ecretarlra nc<<t-ing In Mnrch. IIo rep<irlB conditions whereverhe l:iis beeii rturlnc the past thrty days as hclngmnsi f.-ivnraMe. and he flrmly believes that theM>FE/in of 1015 win prove an advanlogcoos onefor irell conducted carnival attractions carefullyrouted In right terrltcry.


N.AT REIS9 GOES ON TOUR.I. Nat Hel98. general agent for the Worthnm &' Allen Shows, left Chicago, Sunday, Feb. 14, In


Ibe Inlerestg of his organ liat Ion.This well known and Tes|)ectol general agoit

lis an acquisition to (be already stronc WorihamIInterestii, and he will doulftless place the show In

' the large cities of the country, where he has soi-nccessfully piloted both his own atlrncllons Inyean jioat. and last aeasou the Jobnny J. Jonessfxregallon.

Ur. Relas will bare as his assistants. J. H.Fliipatrlck and Arthur Davis, both of these gen-tlemen are among tbe beet In their line of IheIraslnejs, and can he 'relied npon to give theCapable SDpport to Mr. Itelas' promotions.

Mt«. Relsa -win visit In- the East for a fewweeks liefora JoMng the Wortham A Allen Shows,nhete she wlUrbave several concessions under Iheijlrectlmi of- Nat Miller, who has been with Mr.Ileiss for a number of years.


CHICAGO PERSONALS.Jlort H. Singer returned to ChlcBi;o, 15, after

a Kmilbern and Eistern trip with Mnrlln Deck.Auron J. Jones left Chicago, Friday, 12. on a

Urlof burlness trip.Rilword Mnrsta, manager of the Fair Depart-

rn-nt of the W. V. M. A., recerlly returned toCliii-cgo wlib a nnraher of deelralile conlracta.

Kile. Lntne and J. Robert Sohumskrr will booni- of the dlvcrllsements at the Reel Fellows£all,

I-ftuls Madoon, who ban been doing the presswork fcr tho Peloce Music Hall, has gone abendof Kramo Bunting, In "Uclp Wanted," beginninga tcur of Texas.

, A farewell dinner was given to the members ofthe 'Potaab & Perlmutter" company, by theiinnntement of the Hotel Blsmark. 11. ArthnrJ- Dirkens was toeatmasler, and Ixruls Mann waaone of the gueals.

Flunatrlck and UcElroy report greet busioeiatlmjigboat iheir chain- of theatres. The Powera,•t nruni Banldii, baa betfi taken over' by them'<'»_n»»lng Plctucea.


The ITodklns Circuit added a nuober of hooseeas', week: the Qlobe, Kansas Olty, and theatresJJijTopeka, Oklahoma TJlty; Dallaa and ShWre-

^"tlitle Joe" Stool la now with the T<o Feist

..''"1!'° .Sr*'^ •''"y » ""k only Ih Chicago,at the Illinois, March 1.

wllen leaves for New York' ahorlly, and -"hiected with the Harry Von Tllter Tub-

llshlng Co. there.* •""oal heoedt ball of Local No. 2, Inte»-

naiional Asaoclallon of Theatrical Stige Em-Jiorees. was given at the Oollteom Annex, 11,

A was a huge aaccess.

.li-V"" ''*<"' Blondon, an animal trainer, Is

fl™''''„''«<>»erlng from pneumonia, at the Araer-lean Iloanltsl. Chicago, having been sent thete•y the Shuwinen'n I/eagne of America.

RICE'S ADVERlisiNG FEATUKE*(Bt Inter-etatt Pretn Servtee).

, Oniciao. Feb. 1.1.It la rumored that W. n. (Bill) Rice. W. O.

if,'; .1 "P'lng another big surprise uprn

FMiil?.'' ""'"^ shortly, and as far as can be

trUJT'}, !i Prwo't, It will bp In the advance

bi. ^„., S'*" Eiposltlon 0)mpany tbat theWs feature will be found.

il,„ 'n. •» «"> be annooneed at"'^ "f"'"' writing. Is nt follows:

mili 11^ Ib»Te everrtblnic aa doeely as pof-

r or Jl •'''^r'"S "•e isain festurea of MtII l?noi. '^<!""°"v""' fotvom to do bis adtanf*<» J

'"^ llterallT odvertlalni; bis

W.J.7 .'"••'"'B of heralds and advertising mitler"

J ,^ J'^ °I"'*"' 'rtio will Oy to Ihe

Iwt iboiv*'"™'' "^"^

ni,i'i"„illi li"' ""^ aviator will demonstrale on

In iJI^l""* " I'Tdroplnne. dro|iping lomlo'be tJiapc of da.vllgbt flreworks. nod at nli;ht


give 'an eiample of aero tactics punoed br thebStllln^ air craft of Kurope.

' If Bill puts It orcr, It will be the gmtest ad-vertlseuient' that has ever hceo used for sha#Pfrposea, and the blegest novelty In Ihe way ofimbllcliy that tbe River Ezposltlta could pot-alhly Unil, .

At the. present moment no attraction could be'more Inlerestlng than aeroplane and hydrbpladeeihlblllons, ab^wlng what'can be' done In modemwarfare by means of a fleet of aVIatdra. Peoplewould (0 miles to ace each a demonistratloa, andthe additional drawing power of each an eiblbl-tloo would mean much to the ahowa and concea-elons that are IdenliSed with hia organltatlcn.


The only thing that stands in the way of adejBolte announcement Is tbat tbe proper manoihat be obtained, and there ate so few that arereally eoitable, and these have several big cun-trarlBOi their hands, that Ihe tngagement ofsncliflreraan Is going to be almost prohlbltlte Ina financial way. Rice, however, smilea aerenelywhen appnitcheil on the subject, so It looks asit the serial advance agent la going to be oneof the Mfi features of the River F.xpcaltion Oom-ptnf. Dill has ptii Noah In tbe discard, sndnow Is (Ding sfter .Mercury's honors.

vaudeville' m cfflaco.

THEATRES andOPERA HOUSES' Ws (Mart a<mtla«B«Bls la tkla esloa at •i«s«lal nt* at «1.7I vsr Uas fst ( Mita(•r II tlBSi). TkU vUl eiaUe laesl aaaafMSto kMp thatr tooaa prsmlMaUr ta* seatlaiaUfBON* Iks miiiaisis o( eeopula. Dvtia IksUm tks lA is fOBlM -ws will salt aatb aim-tissT a espy at Tn Oura ttsa.

BElUUll, PA., OPERA HOUSE, SeataMO. Large Stsse. New msnagetneDt t>} an oldtrooper. Good, clean ahowa wanted. Am amilstedwith nesrbj good show towns. Address BOX 4.

ODD FELLOWS') THEATRE. SacketaUarbor, N. Y. Newly fnmlahed, new scener;, (Iars24116 openlDg. flood, clean abows. Q. D, Reail.Hgr.



GOCDRON GETS PROGRAM.flaston (loiidron, brother of Paul QoudroD, of

the Western Vaudeville .Managtra' Aasoclatlon, hassecured the rights to tbe Miller Drolhers A Ar-llngtoa'a 101 Ranch Wild West program for thiaaeasoo. He will leave for Uot Springs nextweek to take command of the workings.


Toir Bbant^sd returned in Chicago alter aaurceasful tctir of the Southwest.

EnoiB iMiiBii, fair- manager of the WesternVaodevllle Mrnagets' Association, left Chicagohat Monday snd apent four daya out of town ona matter or Importance.MoiT H. SiNoaa Is expected to return from

the South on Mondn.v. lie hie hren travelingwith Mirlln Eeek. of Ihe Orpheun Circuit,tbrongh the Soulhlamls.

DS.1S1B KiPLAN, whose success at the NcrtbAmerican Cabaret has been BPIouoillng, will leaveon March 1 for New York City, where she willouke her initial appearance lit New York vaude-ville. M. Miisii Is reported to have signedseveral fain for Ihe coming season. When ap-firoached, he stated he would make an announce-ment at a later date.Tns Bonid of Directora of the American The-

atrical Hospital, held a meeting Thursday after-noon for tbe selection of committees to carry outthe work of their annual lionedt, which will t)e

held on May 9, at the Auilllorlum Theatre.Tub -clerieol and olDce tialt of the American

Hrliige Co. held n show at the Sherman Hotel' W^dnns'luy night of Inat week, for whicb FrankQ. Doyle, of the I.oew We>tern Agency, providedthe tahnt. wlilcb he lins Ucu doing for two or alltree jenra past on like occasions beh* by this |hoily. He nrranf;e<l an excellent hill. Including:KiKht Korget-.Me-Nots. Tom llrnntforil. Mrlnloslirnil Mm leal Molds, Nnrlne Coffey, Dick .Miller,

I'nirlcoln nr.d .Mye.', and tlie Rcnl Quartette.Tub Pantages Circuit Is In have some lilg fea-

tures In tho near futimv J. C. Matthe^rs, book-ing ipnnnger of tbe circuit, bns closed witli Nomevary dH-irnblo attractions to start that lonrshcrlly ct Winnipeg, Con. The Eight rorgcl-Me-Nois oiicn for a relurn trip Fob. IS. Tlic CornVeuKgHood Orson Instnimentallsle start Mnrrh22, anil will hnve nine girls In the bnnii aKnInstKix tiio liist time tliat they nnde this trip.

Flortncc Modena opens March B. Winona WIntciwill hcadlino tbe bill, opening March 29. RodneyRnnoua and .Marie Nelson will be tho esTn-addedfeaiuro on the some bill. .Sarah Pailden, In"The I.lltlo Shejibrrd of Bargalu Row," opont onthe Pantages tour April 10.

Blakoiib Sloans, playing I^ew time ihronghtbc Northwest, Is getting over great, 3.1 iikii:iI.

J. LnsLin Si'AnH, manager of the Cora Younf-blood Corson JnRtnimoiitalietR. wns a Chicagovisitor recently, renewing acqnalntancos and visit-

ing old friends.JnE OiiLiGiiKii, of the Avenne, Chicago, let

a pUno fall on him last week.Pu-i'Ln & SiiBAN'R "Whirl of -Mihtk" opcnnl

on tbo Frank Thiclen time two weeks ago. amiBam Thai la advised tbat tbc tabloid Is doioi;


"La DzcztTioNE" is tlic title of a new act for

which T. DivIgM Pejiple has t>cen authnrl7.4'il Li

engage elx people and a working crew of three,

by W. II. Van Zant, the owner.OIUILIB E. Co«rT was ot SturglR, Mich., on cnsea growing out of the Ilagenbcck-Wallarebliiwdown there laat Summer.

IIOD Hilton, of the Whirl of Mirth Oompanv,anil MIsa Fisher, formerly with "Hanky Paiiky,"were married at Michigan City. Ind.,'l<'eb. 3.

Will J. 'Donmblly suc»eds Sid Lawrence asmanager of the Fuller, Kalamitoo, Mich.

"Tiaor, Oomz ixo Tbact and the Three DeLyons are playing the Fisher time.Funk A. P. Oazzolo and R. E. Ricssbn

oDneved to Indianapolis recently to see HaltonI'oweil, in "Henpecked Heni7," with a view ofIilaylng-it four week In Chicago, at the Orown,mperral; National and Victoria.Oeoss ano Uoo.N&r presented a new act. rr-

tltled "A Marahmellow Fiend," at the Grand,Chicago,' thIa week,FnANK Q. DOTLB sent a big tbow to Dayton,

UBIO 0OHPO8ED AND ARRARGBDfor any iDBtrument or nnmber of instnmanta.BoDgB, Words and Mtulo, Skelcbes, etc. Seadaiamp.0HA8. L. LKWI8. 4a lUclimond BU, OlQcIniuU.ft,

FOR SALE—Rooster Orchestra, VivisectionAct Improved, Spider with Woman's Head IllnaloD,Ko Rlup Rubber Necks, Fat Clown (or Bar Act.Clown tnat bwcIIb up fat, etc., Prop. Animals and(Hants made to order. Also Clown Propa. Nocata-lognea. K. WALKRR,aw W.aath SUNow York.

FREE.- SIX MONTHS— nm;8T]N0 FORPROFIT. A UomhiT Oalde to Uoney-UakiDg. Teliahow tlOO grows to $2,(W0—how to get rich quicklyand honestly. II. L. BARIlRIl, Fab.,

42»-32 W. JsckBon lllyd., Ohicsgo.

- OREATflST Sacrlflco ever ofTored. Closingout a tremendous stock ot imported atreet andevcDlDg dresses, wnps and coals, worth fiO to$76. at $10 each.MRS, coil KN.diBath Ave, near »;th«t.,W.T.

HAOIO, SPIRIT CABINET, IILACK ARTiComedy Magic, llandcnff and Escape At'lH llulit.

Staged and Hehcanicd. Our acts iilwaya makogood, and our Instructions will start yon right. Par-tlcnlaiB for Blamp. OEO. A.ltlCE, Aulnim, N. Y,


to play for the Elka loat week.- THB Fox, Aurora, III., whldPllks been ployingTsolcrllle, Snnda; and Monday; pitturea, 'Tuesdayand Wednesday, and tablolda, the last naif, willrevert to Its former policy of offering Ave actsof -vaudeville tho laat half and pictures tbe flrat

half. The vauderllle In preference to tabs, startedlast week.

F.utti 6cniLUN0. Is back in Chicago, after avlalt In "Frisco.

Al. Maeinuon was a Chicago visllnr last week.Ki.wooo AND Snow arc playing for Kellle-Duma,

In Seattle.The Mormeen Four are hock In Chicago, after

a long absence.AUBBN STANLsr Opens In New York Keli. 22.Maron. WiLnuR AND JoBDAN Will pTObabiy dis-

band In two weeks.'

Nolan and Nolan open on Pantages' timeMarch IS.


nil Alh At<>.'. near 3ls( 81.iaao West 4!ld 8(., isear Times Bq.

r>8 n<l Ave., near tftUiBttBcnU for llliislratcd Catalogue C.Mall Urdcni Carefully Killed.

Attention Carnival Managers 1

Is yoar Company eqnlppeil 'wlih oneof (lioae World Famous


If so, you are fortunate. If not, get Into com monication with mo nt once, ns 1 liavo Hcv<^ral of thesebeet uf all coin ImrvvHivni to placo with reliablecomnanles on favnmlilo terms.


' W. J. (Doc) Allmann retunied from KansasCity to Lancostsr, Mo., aecomiioDled br lAWIe J.Heath, of th« Heath «bowa, on »>li. i.

While In Kanaaa Olty, Mr. Allmann iilaced an•rder, for earlv dellvrry, fur thrre biiiHlml and



ihlrty-nlne gaIL of yellow and green paint.

D^DlPARKBH, LeaTenvrortii. Kmn.





Al appearanco, wardrolio and alillliy. Responsi-ble managers only of Unit cIiihi) repertoire tt stock,write or wire. Address

«3I W. Arch .Street, Portland, Ind.

Club JugglersVOUNO HEN

Not ower S ft. 5 isi, lai helgli(


II IIMCTER UDr 7r"g».'^uI WOUliThorongbly tellable and competent, good ward-TObe, good, quick study. Hep., one-nlghter ortabloid, wdold consider good vaudeTllle act.

Ticket? Yes. HARIB LOZAY«l» BtlllwaKer At«., Dgytoa.O.

At Liberty-W, HARTON FCBOUaOH, Jovenllca,

Light Comedy. Age 24, height 6.«. Wardroljeand cipetlence. WM. B. BINDER, lleavlcs

and Qen. Uus. Age 24. Height t.ll. Wardrulwand experience. Kellable Managem Only. Fayette.

Ohio, week Feb. 14; Uutler, Ind.. Fet>. 21,

PLAYSLarge List ol New Frefcs*alonal and Amatcnr Plays,Vaudevllls B k e I o b a a. BiotaMonologues, Irlinitrel Malarial' '

I. llailMl PtMU, BMlla.Bai di,«U.W«a%I>f«li«saa. l(ah>.s»tiai di,«t>Os«aLl«o»ft««i

T> OUllSON * CO., 0«pu 1 7» OhloaBO.

CONTRACTSLXTTKE BEADS, ENTEIXlPEa, TICKETS,PASSES, OA&DS, ETC. Write (or SamplM.Webb Pt«. Oo.. MaSo.JDettrbom BL, Chicago, lll«.

PHOTOGRAPHSPholos, Photo Buttons. I'liolo snd Art Jewelry rnsdcfrom any photo you send. Write for CatMlug andKreoHaliiplCH. CRBBCENT ART CO..O01 WnNewark. P., First Kntl. link. Illdg.,on tin: niuirc

which will he applied tu the train, carrring outtbe color acheme ot yellow and grpcii. the aamesa laat aeason. He takes much pride In hia train,which la aald by many to be the e^iial of anyshow train In the world, the equliuneni Irbig ab-aolately uniform.

New York is to see the orginlsalhin of anothernew Midway organlsatlmi, and this will he ttmntoie to ailil to the grant lolal of iliiitv organlaa-lliiiis which will go out truoi IM> i,evltt'.Mevivhotr onice titia seshin. The new.ahinv, wlilcb wIUbe known aa the Waller K. Slliley Sii|>prli Rbows,will be a full sliiil ranilvil cjsiiiiany'. with tm ormore shows, and thrci^ riding devln^a, aeriralfree acta, a braa lianit of Bflern iilei'ea an<l an-tral large orrheslrlon organs of tlio l.<iuli Brmlbrand. Writer K. HIbk-y, who Is Ihe iVDrtBlmanager of the new show, la well known la ihelarnlvjl Held, snd has heea Iht owner of a aura-l*r ef auceeasfnl Midway abowt, Including Iksfanioua Sibley Water ilhow. which bis beea Ihefvatore of several of the larger carnlTlis for thepast few seasons.The new abgw will bo own«l by a rorporalloa

rerentir fvrineil, and of which the fnllowlnr areiha oflcers: Victor 0. Uvltt, LTesliUnt'; WallernMtt, vlce-iirenldenl /ind leneral manager ; lt«fii7Mereritofr, treaaarrr: ..Morris Taaler. aecratar/.


(lectgs lUmlltnn, general agent, and BydDer Wbt. '

rblef ef iiubllcllr. The sTbley Bb*>T will Irarel <

on lu own special train, to which two PuPaiaKiMliera and a newly-built prlvlleto car will tmattached. <

Tbe ahow will be boiiked from tbe Ilrnry Mar-erhoir olBce. and will cnref a rou'e which will tulrenllirt with the route of tha Mg I^vllt-Meyn-hoO Bbows Unltr<l, whirl' la now urganlslni forthe road. The rmitliig of the Slhlt-y Nhuw willhe avpervlted by Vioinr I). l.eTlll. aislattd'bfGeorge ITawlllao ami a Halt uf promoting eas-tractlpg ogsnla. The nKICTw af Ihe *ow will l«In lbs Lerltt-Meycfholt oHloes In New Yoik. •


, ^ ;.Oiii(l*0O, Feb. 13.John A. PoUitt arrived this past week, and Is

busy with A. A. I'liweis, aawmbliug (he ilevfroula aiul ahowa for the Worthaiii A Alleu orfas-

Tbe ahowa already contracted fur Ihe seaaon . iaalloii, al Valparalan, Ipil. Tbey hava purrh


cosluinc.'fromnrTrlo up. Open for eiiKugeiiicnt

N. V. t.'liy or clacwhcrc. lllghcHt rtfcrcnccH.

F. TUSII, Musical IMrcctor, aw \Y. 41th St., .S. y.

are: John T. Daekman'a TralnnI Wlhl Animal flir-

cua. which will be uniler tbe inanagenM'itt nf PaalJobanalng. Wnt'a Rnrlety Olrcua, featuring 81-karab, tbe fonl-uicht horse, with ten iMnles. threeluulea and two hahy eletihanla ; Tbtaius W4«t,iiianacer.

James W. Deattle'* big inotordron>e. whirli la

decl.leilly dllTerrnt from all other similar device*.

The bii-uan roulette whivl will he ban-llKl liy Hoy

whicili. iiMiler Mr.trausforiued IsIs

nnmlier of elegant wagonaI'ollltl's eiMTt dlrtcllon. willverr deslralds csnilval prajMrl

H. I,. lAhmar has arrived In Chli-agn frogs s'

acouling Iniv, during whlnh he baa cmirlinM aiw- I

eral gml ointraota for Tom Allen, lie leimrls I

thai cunilltluns all over the country are iiiiiek !

Wller than he eapectetl to Soil Ibein, ami thatthe iiaiilcy feeling that was prevaleut lasi Kail


Runlon. 'The working world will he iimrnlcd I17 and alnee Hie war bnike out Is rafiliUy autaldlac.Ohaa. Durtaon. The baby hliniopula'sui, owimlI'y W. P. -Hall, will he managed by Tboniaa Weal.ITarey Jnnea will again offer anake oil. Ten l)j|kKnights will bek aimelhiiu entirely ni-w In tbewsy of a colored bilualrri tierfortnsncv. Illliy

Btreeter will take eire ot this show. i;ami>liell

Rroa.' Circus Ride Show, of which Al. n. C<nij>-Ueil la Ihe owner, will bo under the wslrhfaleye '>f Jan:<a W. Ileitly. who hs« long sincedemonslrs1e<l his sblllly as a aide simw msniger.

Dnc Zeso will eitend himself In maklni tbsten-ln-ooe show the' big thing amonir till siinwa.Allnann Pmi.' Parker cariy iia all will l«> nisn-aged by Alei. Krreinan, while Hoy Ariiialrontwill take care ol their big KM Krrru wheel.Tlie Allmann BrtA. Illg Aiaeriraii Minwi will lie

traosported on twenly two cars, wiiiili are i.'iiw

nn tbs tracks In l.incaater getting th<^ niiisliliig

work.The eaecntiv* aluf rereala the naiiM'S nf anins

of camlvildom'a lieat talent, anil Is as fnllowa


W. J. (Dor.) Allmann, manager l John I'. Martin,general advancv iiianager: At. (I. Caniiilell. Iraf-flr manager : Parker Oimpbell, M-iTdary and i

tmsurer: I,. Claude Myers, niuili-ol dlrrelnr; \I.esler •McClane, presa Ttiirewnlsllvi' ; Iillir

Mr«etvr, general anniiuncer; Itun. 7/elKtr and It.

n. Ilofsn. a|iec|si ageula; II. II. Melrmv, bill.

i'lsler; lliomaa Weal, manager of aicepen, sndIklpiHT Malhewa. head lurter.

and cundllliniB are fast letting iwrsial again,Olareuc* A. Woriham la eiprcleO lo thii city Ike

heglnnlDC of Ihia week, from Shrrveiiarl. wherehe haa limi In comnllatlun with Mr. Allen oaImporluit niattera aiHKTtilnlog to tbeir cuntlilardluteriata.

Mr. Woriham writes and Jobn A. I'ulllll ria-flrma that the Wortham Bbows cuuld take theruad at a week's notice If neceisary, an cnioidelala His orgsnlaallon at tbe prpaent wrilliig. TlHiwork waa alarled early In the WInlsr, ami haaIxvn kept going In Han Antonio with nu hiler-

ruiiloo whatever.Mr. Wiirlham wishes alM> lo atite tbat he will

lie iireaent at Tho Shnwnieu'a l«sgiie nf Aiwrlraiiieeiing nn tbe ITIh liiil., anil lliat h« It lhi«-(iii(hiy In acciiril with Hie ulijeels of Hial nr-

gaiilsallnn. lie wiahea alm> lo announce thai noteiily iiiiiiiieir. but several ntber iiruniinent ahiiw-nieii with wliiiiii lie liss dlsruaanl tlie matter, aiaheartily In favor nt lamalliig Hie (,esgue aluni,litilh wItb ludiieiice and niiauclil liarhlug.


(JIIRATKR MIKIWH.Airancemtnta have jLSt Ivcn rnniiileK-d whick

wlli«eiial>Ie the Utitberfdr.l Hreater mIiowh to urice

TKire feature tho I.a It">»e Kiwlrii; r >iiMlnln. Tlioliiv*i:ior nii'l owner, (Jwirp? I,a lt<iM» will |#r-pi dally have clinrgi* of ilii- slinw, mii-I will preii-ntIlls fire and w|lcr iirud'ictiuu aa a Ml.lwey fea-ture. The lilmy-liiw (if the l.iltiiw Hli'clric

Foiinlain ivlll hove/n ten llioiinnnd dollar mlll-tiry linti'l (irgniKt~wliIrli waa Iriiiorloil last yearl>v llie I'niiirk llmlliiTs. In aiiillilon .In IIiIr hii

eli><Iric rnl'tilii- will Ih' liwd on the front of Hi,*

sIliiw. Miiiiy new nii'l iHivel fcutnrrH nre lieliig

^r^(lllKCil. pud Die sli'iiv will be out on a miirli

larger and iiwiro elnUirnte si'dle than erer liefore.

TIIR iinmpecia arn that there will lie mf/re car-nlviils III .MIiiiicajHilla lliaii rrer Irir^'ire.tlils rmuliigyenr. Tbe I.ako HIreet Ciiiiii)u>ri*lal Dliib, tlin

Kost Lake fltreet - Omuiierral <,'liil> ami the Nl.Aiilliuny Oinmerclal Club all reallieil eiiuugh' fromIheir carnlvala laat rear lo put lliclr IreasurlceIn good conilltkjtuaiidji crop nf the wlaeat ahow-mni on earth 'Ijos li^n ciiltlvateil. wlio arv Iviig-

loc eagvTly for tbe gnyid old Huinnier time.

Tint I.ake Rtreet Obmmerclal i;inl>. Mliuieapolla,MliJii., was so iileaiH'd with Hie I'alrrKin Nlinws,last year, that tbey liandiil "Pat " a nmlraet furthIa year on the s|iot. an'l llarr.v Nfiyes Is ttow luthe clly, arrniiging as to dale. anil liK-allon.

R. T,. I/)ILMAIt, gmerni akPiit and Irafflc man-ager for the Allen HLowa, has slgneil up with tbu(idil Fellows, who want In wml their degnv Icain

tn Ihe San Frnnclsco Ksjiosltiuii for sii earlyHjirhig dalv.

THE CARNIVAL MEN.A widespread interest la lieing taken In Ike

newly furiiieil tlarnlvai .Men's Aswieiiilnn. ami tbsorganisation la faat gmwiiiK lo nilghiy diniriii'nna.

The club paima, altusteil at Fnrllelfi Hlrn>l aail

llniadway, gives tlie .aasw-iatlon mucli iinHnlni'iice,

and wlib eai-li window I.earliii llif guid lettrn,reading Harnlval Men's Arrnclillmi. a wlifii flitsA

Is given III the tlimisainls wlio ilalily fiasa aioagbe (ln<«t White Way. With finir large iteoia

liealeil pvinia. Ilie rar.'iival Uiya have rn-oti^l siiiriifiirialili* home, fur Hirniselvcs. snd :hn plai'o la

cradnaily lii'liig iiwily furnirlicil with llbniryInlilea. wrlllng ilcskii, eaay rhalrn, every Coucelf-atile (-ninftirl.

Th^ laiya nre rallying <iilhiisia>llrally. and newnn'inliera an* ivniilntc In tlally. At Hie laat mv\.-Ing. iivi-r twenty new nieiiilHirH wen* oleclcd, aiminglliem U'Unt a iiiinilH-r nf (*4iney iHlainl «linw owneraand c(iiir4-iiHi<iiM>rM whn an* taking kinilly In Ilia

lili>B. A wnys anil iiii>aiii rnniiiill In* wss npiMiliilL-il,

niih Vli'lnr It. l/i>vill na rliilriiiaii. Walter K.Hlliley, iHOiinrv Flnniili". Henry .Meyerlinlf, Oil.

II. II. I.ngg ami llnrry Sli. Htsllniiery lias 1ii.<en

ilniialeil liy llie K. M, Klilnilge <><. "f llroiklyn.

ami nilii-r prtnled Kiallrr lisn Iwii mi'lviMl fniiallie I'.Difrly Hhnw I'riitl, nf I'ttlsliiirffh. and TitsNnw YnHK Oi.HTBii. 'I'lie ri'Kulnr nieetuiKi of thecluli will Ui litid on Hie drat wcilncsdsy nf <rV4*ry

inniilli, and the neat regular iim*tiiig will lie opWiiineailay, Marvli n. All litfnrmalluii mncrrnlngHie new C. M. A. ran is* nlilaiiinl fniiii tbi' wiTe-tary, at liie clubroonu, I4ni llroailwsy, N«w York,

W. I*. COMSHAN Iti'lAD.Advlriw lisve Iwii re.-«,v«l of th<' recent death -

of W. I'. tVdrinsn, lietler kmiwn pmfctalnnsllyaa "IIaiiilB<.iiie Harry," the fat nun, wlin waswlib Hie (Ireat Ainprl'-ari Klinws iliirlng tin- aes-

a<in <if lliH. Aa he left hiiim* liltii' |jFrxinaljTiiper-y. Iiifnrnisllnn Is (icilrpil as In the wliere-

nUiulH of liny nf his faiiiHy or Tt'iativea and piir-

lidilara will lie a|i|ireclnle<l by II. J. Piii, NawYiiBK Ci.ii'ran lli<|ir<-aeuiallrt, 1414 Frlck llullil-

Ing, Plltahunih, I'r.


MOTORCYCLISTSLadlsa Md Gsndsmen for Uolordrome wim

Z W^ORLaD AT MOIVIESta(e ace, experlsBe^^nd I.OWBBT aatarr. Thirty weeks wevis caaraBlssd,

Bplendld Meommodasdons,

Address B. R. BARNES, The World at Horn;110* Worth AiwKiaii BnlMliig. 0>Ua«fc




80.000 Chilr»-eO,000 firiDd SUBd»-80,000 ClroM iMte n Haod Itr Rislli| PirHM*


IBIM W. Sd It. Tel., Main SSI. OaBBsaa(*llls. Pb. a09 N. ItoeliwsU i», TbI„ W«st»ai

BANNERS"tlUAI.ITY KIIWT"—Not tho Cliiapiist litit

thir llcHt—with new Idi'iia. I^mhIMt will lis

remcinlicrvd long sftvr the prlco Is forRotten,

For Pit, Side Slows, Fairs, Carnivals,

Circus and Store Fronts




ilVO East in7(h 8(ree(. IJndiirllio I'orHiinitl HiifiiTvlHinn of MAX KI,'NKKI,r.

(In ansiccrlnv ait, pleats mention Currcu.

MUSICIANS WANTEDFor the CON. T. KENNEDY SHOWSFIIUHT Cr.AHH MIIHH.'IANH O.M AI.MINH'ritllMKNTH. (^nrin lH, (.'iiii Iiii^Ik. I IhIc niid P|i:i:nlo,.. IlnriiH,

Troniiinni'ji. turiiniii!, DuwieH iind llnuliln IiniMuiii'i'i, l.ndy to iilny Air i.'rilllniK' snd Hliig Willi tliu Ihiiid.

- I'oBlllvtly hUhc lowest salary aiiUciutrleutc III IKntlniiT. Wn im.nill e^iiiunstB. ^ildn'mi


I ' ' A. v. KHLICU, I'asuu, ICansas City, no.

20 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Febbuaby 20



JOHN C. SIMPSONMliin<«ot» Btato Fair

A. R. COREYlewaBtBtaFslr

WM. H. STRAHONSlat* Vmir ofTot—

I. S. MAHANOMalioma Btoto Fair

FRANK FELLOWSprlngfleld DlitHct F«lr

The Thrilling Climax of Modern Achievements


We operate under United States Patent No. 46M>4» IssuedFeb. H, I9IB. Two Complete OipanizationSy UnexcelledPress Department, Big Lline of Exoluslvet Special LItho*graphed Paper. Thia attraction now available season

Hankinson's Anginal Auto-Polo Co.. Inc.


Cen. Mgr.t De Soto, Kansas

Harrison SistersDirocfclon M. T'ruffur'fc

(Fat Caaey Agency)

BflineHa, Best Oiri Banjolst in the World


PleiM Oeoj nmor tbit we hMt Bbow property

or animals In U>e recmt storm at Veolct. W«•le located wbcre It la lisiio«.ilbIe for water ta

Joat melTcd a walraa from tbe Arctic

ntdai. It \B tapinaeA to be tbe oo\j one In np.UtUt ; a ereat animal. Alio bare added to ouralready neo]|!«rie, two leopard*, two camda,oat tiger aud two full grown male Hons.

Al. 0. Uahnbb' Cibods,

JOHm J. JONES SHOWS.Aflor WTrn woi'kn Hiient In tho Dnt W'ntei

auartert ever> oglabllnboil h> Uip Joliniiy J. Joih-s

I'xixiltlon lihowD, tlint orKimUatlan 1h oiraln onthe ronil, liavUic luauguratcU Ita lUlS seasoD atOtianio; Pla., Vet>. 8.

'Hh nKxirKntlcn, an perfected dnilng tbe la;.<iir jHTlul la the moat eitcnalTri ami elaboratoone fver nionnyed t>y Mr. Jonea, Hlxtcco payadrnrllonH, llinr ftw acta, tlirrc banilB onj alwiit

turnly-flro cunceaaluDa are carried at tli« prest-utMTltlnu, Ihe Joijca Htrvl Fljer, coniprlalnx nf-

lien aovcnljr-foot coth, IronaportlDg tb4^ parnpbiT-iiiilla and iiooiile. Alniit the llmt of hay, lbsI lain will lie BDirniciilnl bj the addition of Oval ew com (now lirinc built at Wnfreu, Pa.), wblcUivlll be irgulrcd to carry aererol new ebowa tote aOiled ti> the prwont cvavlemeat.

IToo miK'b pralnp cannot be aliowereil ffll the efll*

clent Wlnier qoiirtera crew vblcb, nmlcr t^ per-Hiual (llrectloii of Mr, Jonea, aeromnllilied woDder*III a comiiorallToly short tpocc ol time, Bierr\>'n|inii anil front baa bct>n entirely te-inMrlod,re iialnln) and ilecoratcd, while aercral ocw f'onta

~ mill li.iKK'ri' wamna were aooftrnctrd. A scbrfse^ i-r .Impllclly of bcouly, a* opiiostd to cbesp

f.'iiiHllnria, has been followed ovt la tbe oonritToc*Hull of Ihi- ilecoralWe (ealurei, ond a bairlxnueMiilway along uew llnce Ih the imolt. Many ofI he atlrnriliiiiN arv not only new to the Jonea,'''|ii,w, hill alau dccldnl loiioralloiui ts tbe car-iiivnl lot.

Tlip Juii.M Traliifl Wild Animal Arena baa bri'niiiiirli riilirRril and t'lahiritltHl ninii, the |ier-ri rnianiv now oonnlailiit; of elKht aria, niaile imhkI-l>h> lhrnii;;b tbe iiutchaae uf aereriil In-ail of HlocklliW Winter. OiilHaln Curlcy Wllwin li aita'.n InHiiiirenic oonunand of ttie animal kIiow, and baiKiiilii'U'il ntiont him aU aaalatiol trulocra ot moroiliiiii ordliiiiryanbllltr.A cnniidcle list of the nitraellons at thIa tinio

IncuMia: Tralnri WUi Animal KshlHIlon (Cnjit,<;. Wllaun, maDagrr; Ilolwrl IrwIn, niiiiounciT;Jiihn and J. T. Lunilcy, tickela ; Fn>f.

Oonliivlllh, callloiin player. .^Halalnat trainI',

ew: Kraiik I/ovlne, I'rlD'^eoa Loulac, l*anl Ilay-iriinil, dinrlin Young, K, Ilowl. MIsa .JeirellIiiiliiini,. UlTlclcni kiiulreti (Joo a. Opplcc,liiiiiiiiKtT; IUtI lllntt, orator): Trip lo Hart (A.Kiinm'y, mmiai^'r) ; World ot lAvlna ll'tiadirs (NellAiiatin, nwnagi'r; W. K. Msennuald, liTlnrer; B..M Nenl and Terry nil->y, tlckett. Altracllona:(^itiiKO nvgirs, the lllilgct Haiunuu; JoIIt AIiiiiC'^r:it rlrl; tbo All-Zacas, Pfyntlan iiiriiMlliiiskWin. HnlllTan and J. H. IIulT, Vti'iiiifif kIkmliUwiTu; I'rlnri'M Zada, Mlitv-.-l Imly • !llioar''r'a<: iliiliiiiliiii niiiHli'lniia ; I'rlnci' Unwiili, AiHiriH^inbimlimMii anil liODiiiprniiK Ilimwrr; icu lloiia. Amor-t'.'Mi faiilo, oclopiu, DKDkey circus).

netltf the Altlgalor Olrt (0. P. Allpn, n-an-

aciT) ; lleLcory'B (Iri/nlal Tanuo Tartgic (H. W.McOvnry. iiiiinager) ; Uogrrt' Alhlcllc and Wrest-Idin Hxlilhillon (Hill lU«i'rs, manager; rAclma,Jllimlort KxtraorilnBrv V. Md'arlaad Jr,ii:iinn«^r) : KilM, tho Oirl ifyalertoiu IW. F.Iiiivl.4, iiinnnger) ; Dollctia ond llcr Itoblet (Q.T. .Mrt^irihy, mnnagrr) ; Bleorti'a Collccllon ofOinnt lleiitllet (Doe tlteama, manaser); Banicrt« liitkata Ma» WM Wctt (W. Sandera, mana-yiTi ; /Jlon'a Animal Frcokt (Joe IMnn, mana-yi r) ; Tho Wonderlul Trio, Klnter$ Ferrlt Whetland HanaeVt Tlireo Abrcatt Jrmoing Jlorie Car-Tou'cl (J. M. KIiwpI).Tho free attractions are: Freil Oiocim' Ar-o-

tuiar*(*dallT baUoon aoconslona, necotlstliix fromtbiecato kIi panichnlo drops from one liallnun;Allen's fticinirlcs X)l<pMv, pivdnred nightly tyAllan I'yralpcholc Oonifi.inr, Alexander Allan,oanaRtt-; J/ofry Sac, trained baby elephant.

Iliulcal coDtliumta: Slcnor M. Vlttacd'iRoral linllan Dand, Rbeater's Oakdooltik Ua-Idana, Dixieland Ractloie Dand.~PianlnrDt among the rancennlnnalRe -are : JobsW. Moore. tbri« conceniloDa ; Al, Dptnbcrte.*itbree). Halph Klnucy (one), J. F. Short (one),liiuls Krcdell (one), H. D. Alilrleb (fifteen), N.Ficnner lone), H, D. nohlnsnn (one), Mrs. H.Jl. Ahlrlch (one). W. Kunta (two). At. Blureen-thnl (i>oe), K. Oeltman (two), T. A. BaDi|e>eun (one), O. Oroaeclose (one).

Mr. Jones hia aiirrouoilod bimaelf with tbe fnl.lowmit olllclal ftnnlly: IlniTy C, Altlng, generalecriit; JoiiQ W. Mnore, aiKclnl nmt; R. A. Ke.i-iii'ily, a«i.<nl: Itobvrt .Stone, nxent; Joe B. Opplce,biialnw manage-; V. (1. SlvU. «MTPlBry-tren<-unr; Ilolierl Irwin, geiiirnl niinouiici'r; W. M.K-eiiirl. Iiiilnnuialrr: M. Vltliircl, dlit'ttor of mu-Hc; I>. .v.rg, chief elwirielnn : I'nul .^torpby,aiir^rliiieodeat of lepaln; Uett Bowley, losstcanatcr.

Tbe' l£iposltloo Shows open a week's ennngementat Tampa, 15, tbo Orat tiro i'ivh nf which willIh) hji featines ct tbe aa»paTlllri<*\'lelirntl<in. TOiafhtuirt i.rore ono'of tlie hli.-.:'«t dates of tborlorlda tour. Tampa la tilled in orerHowIng withftiieata, i.nd tho Jooea ajmeRnllon, located tnclone iiroiiinlty to tbo big dolngi, sbonld prove aapiendld nlltncKr.Tbo next alx weeks will bo spent In Florida, ailUg jnmpa will then put the company Koitb «I

tbo Mason and Dixon line lo good time.

r,rm>K MOLT-TB, lady high diver, algiied eon-Iracla vrlih ihc Wiirld'a Fair Shom as one of thefree otlractlons Iho cmnlnK ncaaon, diving frmithe (uik lit a nliH-ly fnul ladder Into a tank ofwater bot three ond a hal/ feel deep. Sba andIiiT hosband liavo arrived m (>>luinb(jfl, Ind., thoWinter quarters ot tbe World's Pair Show*. Bbe

la framUn some act fo; taatevUIe fiie oomlogataaon, <no tbat never beta* baa been aem.

Tllli POOR OBADDDBirs lafohn ua that thCTare not vllb tbe Uelna k Beckmen Shows, as ic-««>tly staled. Tliey bare tbetr three acta Inokedwith Ibe Wortbam & Allen No. 3 Show, underouuiagcnicnt cf A. A. Powers, and tbey will lire

op lo tbolr contract.

BOOiriniXB FAIR ASSN. HBBTraO.At the regnlar meetlnr of tbe stockboldem or

tte Booovllle AS. Y.) Voir AosodatloD. wtaleb

waa held Jan. 28, In tbnt city, one hundred andIve aharcB of atock wct« represented, C. A.UoBser wofl elected chilroiao of tbe meeting andW. A. \nilie secretary. Frank Qelskopt and A.01 OaproQ were chosen tellers.

Tbe reports of secretary and treasurer werenad and accepted, also a report given by eachof tbe ilelesatcs to the Albany meeting.Tbe folk/wlng oSlccts were elected: Prealdeot.

O. R. Sperry: vice prexldent, A. C. Csptou;aecrctat7, F. A. White, treasurer, C. J. LewW;trustees for three jcon, Philip UaQoIte, Dr.B. 0. Borlbnt and A, T. Calen.Tbe dotes for the fair ot 1013 selected were

Bept T, 8. » and 10.

THE Newton Shows were tbe attractton at tbeHouatoG, Tex.. Roctety Circus, Feb. 12, 13.AL. F. WHEHI.KIt li In New York, looking

crer ttaa acts at the Ilippodrome.


(«Bsd Onion.*)

What's tbo stiuawk nor?Anit fou getting propetly (rsmed up for

the coiuiig Doaaon? U not, you bad bettercot iotr- There are many excellent cir-nlvuli B<m In ttae "^''"g Be lively. Itiaother fdlaw maj get sbeail ot yoa.

tiouu openlnm now, very sooil Who 'wlUt>c Ibe flrst? Was or la It a good caiolrattown? Take your Ume.

JiiiES Patieusos.—Just heard you weregolne to have your own Nomla show.

ViiATuvBU became oC Martyne, the dancerthat was wltb Uorils & BerHcr and eeveral

otber caralTAls yeara a«o7 He wasa femaloInnpeaBODator and liad a ebotr aometolnf like

ACamle. Left hear (torn Mamie and RalpliI'dersoo, too.fTHB IntemaHoiBl sU-day blcycNs raco

LT your press ogtsnt on tbe Job at ooce, «cDt6' beU at tbe Internaitlooial Amphlthea-aiiii keep blin tlierc uotu the dose oX aeasoaVJlo.W. Dated <>obn eoas back with the Con

T. Iveouedy Shows thie nenaon aa apeclalagent, OS lie waa eome two aeauona and moreago.

D. C. McDanibl will bave his crazy houseand «omc other things wUii the A. U. HlllcrShows, avcurdlog to C. W. Parker. D. a laatrw In liCavcDWorth.

J. Oeoiiod Loos la still holding Us ownon a tuur through Teiaoi. He goes ahead in<i|>lle ol uuy aud oU kinds of opposition.

trc. In Chicago, certainly had some llne-up

ot racing taJcnt. Why not one of those tUln^In bonna durlne carnlTal Ume I TCea, wby

W. Y. (Doc.) Tdbnbb will again have hiatw«lv«4n-onc eibow 'wltb Con T, Kennedy.Doc aa/s ten live pits, If not more. His style

13 all his own. lie lue anny Imitators, buttbvy don't seem to get It

l''RED (Psooue) Pool Is Wlntertirg in Kan-sas atr, as usual. He says It Is Tory hardto dcddc Jnst what kind of a side show to put— —, ^ ..rr^-—' odt the coming season, but he will hive one

Ilow la a uuin with the determination that with aome tent organization, wlien the time

SPECIAL NOTICEaaaaffata af tha fbUowIng and other BtaU Fairs wlU meet at the


at which time they will li^c iileiued to mpotnny party or pnrlles haTliiR good, clean feamro atlracUoosto oaur Imre. SouiemiDg now in utlmctlous la CHiicclally desired.

!J??yA«i?J.*'™»''*"H_'»"« ««ln«a. Aoff. as-Sepl. 3y.'i?i2S1""L 8TATB>AIIt. Madl.on, 13-18

JJOBMAHKA STATB PAIR.' Lincoln, Sept. O-IOH-Ain. lidlonapolla, Sent, 0-10BOUTn DAKOTA STAxfa FAUl. lluron 8ei)«. 13.ITILLINOIS BTATB FAIR, SprlnaneM. Sept. 17-98nOVX flTY (I«WA) IIVTlfllB"A'rK'l?AIK Be.t no-as

Tltl BTATB FAIU, Bleiitphia, Sept. au-Oct. «AddrasB all OommtuiioatdonB to the 8eoretarl«s of the above FalrB.



Barand Itastaon^t la ConneeUon. MILLER A MORHOW, Propa.


Starting at lO.OO A. M., Tuesday, March 2, 1916, andcontinuing until all Is sold to the highest bidder


poalUvuly sold I

iiioUod on uppll

O, THE RIVIRSIPB PRnmNQ CO,. g03 BchtUor Bid,,." Chicl^HTm.


rr.K^Tmi^a'^ri.liJ'r'^ Cm:y .louse.

Juck lUiodvs, iilcnso wrlto. uinlngaud slouuina.

JARVIS-SEEMAN SHOWSMAIN OFl'KJK: Kdwuid Hotel, Knnsns niy. Mo. WINTFIl onAnTFnT. tj^n,»lz„^^,r

Warn MiiHlclnii!) I

MUSICIANS WANTED'.™.1L'L"'£ ("lI'lMO.hanil. All..... lio.ililoVlollD. Want to hoar from olhcts

> ai'.'..iniii...liiil>.ni lo gikul niuslclaiis.Iliol di.ulil.-. i:,i„<| miliirjr KiKMt tniatrucni anil nm

Addrvss JOHN L. UMlok, lluudumsl^T, liM UcCPo Slrcciri'iTuaM Olty, Mo,

J. Qeorge Loos liaa suing to keen from aiic. comes,ccodlng lo the world I

Takb your choice while the pickings aregood. While doing so wby not pick a goodone} 'lis well, dear heart

P. T, Skell (Texas i>uod) la saldfto beframing an extraordinarily WUd West withtho view of going with ooo ot tbe Tory blfoucs thia coming tour.

W. D. Millbb wants to know when abloom la not a bloomer. The Onion's anbwerIs "when It falls to blauom." What layours?WuY stay two weeks In a town? Again

we ask you. Are you aottlDg coUl feet!One day In some towns Is baa enough, letalone two weeks.^Y It, Pabkbd ado EinL Pabeeb aireboth very busy In lieavcmworth sit presentNeither will make known tbelr plana for thecomiug HiNiHou. May tye aiik "why not tbeItirlier Jlrothurs world's grcaiteat caririvalT"

Due. II. UcCui.i.uuuii, last Euisoa talkeron tbo Qrcat I'attcrson Anlmad Show, ar-rived In Kansas City rocoutjy, from Baitl4ike. Doc. H. will remain In the Missouri citylor some time at luast 'Ho dove not knairJust where taUe eeason, l>iit It will be withone ot'ttfo beat, as he has luid suvcroi goodiilTcrs.

Ti'LKS Kaspbb hns been tnmldng KansasC\tf bis Winter home, ku and Mrs. Kaspcf

Jabtis & SEEtfAN's letteitead says, "clean,moral. Instructive and np-to-dato." Now thatIs not so bad. TThcy are getting Uned up In

line shape In every iwar.Una. IlATUOND B. blLDEit.—'How do you

like teaching tango lessons as a Winter pas-time? We are .pleased that It Is very proQt-ablo.

IUthond D. tlLDEB lias been for stnne timereading clerk In ttie Kansas 'Senate, tt Is areal good position, and he makes good in lb

In orery way. When tbe season opens be willnenln be found with tlic Great PattersonSnows in bis former capacity. He makesgood with tbe Qreat Patterson organUaUonat all flmes.

WiiT don't you paint those cars andwngons now, so they will be nil dried andrend; tor use -when the season opcna, Qivetbe varnish a Httic time to harden.HoHEB V. JoNBS has recovered from bla

Tocrnt Indlspoaltlon, And 1» again active latho Interests of S. W. Druodagc at Leaven-worth.

J. n. HAnvRT wofl a visitor In Hot Springs,Ark., lost week. lie mokes bis main stop-t.liii; ploce Kansas City. A lot of them dothat.

- \V. J. KFitor.—Did yon take the nQSloalcomedy to Corpus Christ!, Tci.7 W. J. has

iiinklni tliivlr home on tbdr private car, bcpn ulTcrcd the management ot nn-nmuso^Kthpl," 'JThelr other two cars, "Clipper" and mont pier in that lost nomod Tusas cify.l^rliiccas Victoria," are stored nearby. Jules WUI be tnkc It?

la now gottlng some -Mork done on them. Howill very shortly uuiwuDce In Tlia Naw YOBIE(?i.ii'PKn what he will do tbo coming season.Wonder tf It will be lUs own carnival or Willhe lukc tho vans and go wltb some other.Wo will know soon.How niiiny pits dors It take to moke a

pit sliow? Do iplts make a nit show? WibatIms tlic talkoT got bo do wl& the success ofthe pit Bliow? You diould answ«r, George.

TiiK Nrw Yons CLilVzn is Increasing incirculntlun curb week. It Is showing ainiirkod Increase In advertising among car-nival people. You know that. Oct with thewinner. TiiH Nbw York Clipi'KB is goingfornnitl. Not the other way. Keep Inmind bhe Siicclal Oiitdunr Amusement Num.bcr, to be Issued Saturday, March 27. Wc-servo your epnco nmr. Address Warren A,I'atrlclc, mnniiger Western llurcan, SOS Asb-Innd Block, Chicago, or to the publication(.nice, -17 West T.weuly-clghtU Street, NewYork. Do It to-day niid be In wltli all tbolive ones. You rcinonibur tlie CbrlstmosNumber? Well, wntch this one coming.TiiH Nhw Yoiik Clii'I'lii uervcs tho edver-tlsiT well at all times. It's your paper,

llAiiou) JJusuRi Is himself ngnlu. Aftera few months' Illness at lOoreka Sprlugs,Ark., tlurohl canio' to Kansas City on Tues-day, Feb. II, nnd registered at tlie TlaltlmoreHotel. He wants to tbank all ot his friendsfor thcdr kind words and rcmombrnncos dur.Ing Ills conllncmcnt In bed. lie will sbortlyba strong cnoiieb to start on n strcnnousflensun which Is ahead of him. Who getslitm? Uc has been gotten. Lot you knowsoon.

W. J. (Doc) Allmann wants some wogonbuilders. You got any r

Wii.vT do you know about advertising?Learo something. It 1« on art. Tou can'tgo balf way and win. Can you? No.

ItAv AND Peabl Trdnholm wIII have tboexclusive cook house with Jarvis-Seeman.Job Weinbdro, tho concessionaire. Is going

vrlth the Harrington Orcat Southern Shows,with cicluslve wheels, opening In Notcbez,Miss. Joe In now In New Awlcos. Latterdenotes weolbh.

D. D. Daly.—Lot's have some news fromthe nobcrts TTnltod. When the writer ployedIn nrorgla all Winter long years ogo. It wasawful picklnga D. D., bopo It Is better now.

I^niES nnu gentlemen, wonow take picas.tiro In Introducing the international ladychamipton swinHncrs and divers lo aqua.tlcfonts, sports and pastimes. The entire exhi-bition Is glTcn In tbe water by women whoarc Internationally celebrated as experts Inih(> nrt omiotlc.

•Mas. WALTBn K. SrotET.—ifany thanksfor yonr kind rcmcinbronccs. Wifih you a«;reat big sedson In llic Dastom States andnil OTcr.

"Nbw Oni.BAVS MAnni Grab." Were youtliorc? How woo It? It Is gcncrnlly eomocclobitttlon cxtraordbiory.JonN P. Mabtin wqs a visitor In Fltts-

burph, Pn., last week.T. J. Cannon, of tlie Oroot Western Toy

Cormpony, Kansas CH7, Js due In New Yorktills week. He put tt otot after all.tfucn doing next week. Many exclusl've

nnd npccdal Rcooq>s Tub New Yobe CLirrEnwill boTc. Always tbe real nows.


DEUWAKE STATE FAIR.The !!errnleenlli AnnnnI DnlawTire Slate Fair

will be belli nt Ulinlnsiun. Del., Se|it. 0, 7. (I. 0aii.l 10, Olid will bo tioMi a ilaj and night fair tblajear.

'Hie liohllns ot the nlglit fair, thh year. irs»determined uyon bj tlie illiecloni because of tbehuhtllty of « mat munlier of the wnrkintr peopleor Wllnbwton'a one bundred tboasand uopolatuobeliin iinable to attend In the ilajUme.Maty bich cUm free attTactlimn will be sbomi.

lucliHlliiic : Tbe KnieoionUn-Nolrkoir Tnope; tbeU-n-lla Twin Statern. tl» l/»itTn|Ta, the F«nitIWiahura <nm» of Ja|«. WUI IlobDlBS, Um ata^r

and annonncrr; Sato, a great oooMdy animal c1^Cu^, and others.


Tbo attendance laat year broke all teeoids, andas all tbe conccaslonalrca wore hUbty pleased-Kith the reeolts, nMst of theso already bavs•Ipiied bir sitacc at tbe lOlC fair.

T:t1.eeTal attention will be paid to the Kfldimythis year, onil lilgh-cliiii.i eliotva ot every ilescrlp.Hon ^houl.I tlnd ready returns tioni the day antnltibt sliutv.

Snmnel IT. Wilson Jr. Is tho seerelarr and thedlrrclor of amnsenicots. and coDcessloni 1, J.Lrcnaid Juhnson.

lit) Delawara State Fair la a member ot thebiff Kolr Circuit, which Includes: l.elianon,, roltftown, Nazareth and Allcnlown, Pa.,a£d Trmlon and Mt. Uollj, N. J., thuj atroidlnetUrht WKka of tluw wlih short Jutniis.


fiM rage s.

HTNNqSOTA FAIR DAIIS VBNDISRB.Hie Hoard u( Managers nt Ihc Mlniu' Sinle

Fair held a merllnc Knli. 0, In MlniieapoIlP, anda nilln« wa« eatoMlsbed Uiat no cnce^alcns willbe grjLlcd to ribbooa aud pcuoant venders on the

Clipper Post order to avoid mlatakea aud lu

Inanre tlie prompt delivery of thvlettera advertised Id this Hat, a,,envelope plalDl^ addreaaed naat l<v•cat tor eoch letter/ and o writtenorder for tbe letter, alsned with the(a.l aaaie and addresa and tbe lineof bnalneae folloived by tlie aenaer,mnat also be cnoloaed.Pleaae laentloa the date (or tinm-

ber) ot tlie CLIPPER In which thelettera sent tor vrere advertlaed.

LADIBB' LIST.Aureola Badle, Uts. McOratb. AnnaAllen, Ida I-'rancls, Uae Oliver, Ednn .MjBovis, Flo Fane. Mabel Parrott Mh».M'cfDoTtlett Grace Fowler, Alice Porter, Agnes'Bishop, Mabel . QoodwlQ. Grace Rudd, GertruileBrrnard, Mae B. Gold, Irene Knckett. aaraCTIcmeDB, Ida Ollmore, Minnie RaymoDd, nab:;CVioeaD, ilobei Hunter Dorotby Rose. MaeCleve, Helen Hewitt, Rutli Itenshatv, ItoseCarjll. I>ena Ha tfleld, Fsnoy Romaln Heion(Tarleton, Mloole Jocnlis. looa Klchardson FidnaBOrison, Billy Klrksmltb Roberts. June §U)leman Francis Sisters lllvenball, AliceOrter. Ksnnle Kemp. Maria 2 Sllsor. Katherlnol^irran, MrsEdw i.cigri, Mabel Sheldon. Maj «Uampler, i.a Vaun, Kemp SI.Krrt

Jits. Alfred Mafgirct Semans, MerleIVTrlckey. Coy Llo7d, Helnecke Strong, M.ieDiamond. Dollle [.eClaIre Qertlo Stewart, MarioDo Vere, Vera ixrftus, Beairlce Spears, Anna

Block Co. i;ord. Lllllau Saneaat Blrillo

De Vine. Clilie te Reve Motion Sjkes, CarrieDcemonde, Livingston, Sloan, Vivian

..UIUd Oertmde Tipton, Urs.TcdUslmsda. Lee. Madeline Thoniai, NfftMe

Slerccdcs f/orralne. Dolly Taskcr, AnnDenney, Mrs. Moore. Florence Vincent, .MNj 0U'Jory Marollne .Mock. Mabel Worth. OI«aDesmond. Belle .May. Helen K, Wesloc, Ethel

Donosbue, Miller, Wllber,neltrld Mrs. Fred P. ^t^.s. Ra.voMnd

Dale MargaretM ^reOu^lhy, Blta Wlemera. FTolpne

KilmonOs, l>ee Mlllon, Mu'lue ^Thlte, MIsh M,Elliott, Madliion. Dutb Wllmn, Mnuil

Atrs. Wm. F. .N'alloy, Matlam WhittlogtonEdwards, Mazie Moore. Nellie (Bee)

(Maul. Ulna I

GBNTLBHBII'S LIST.AldrUge, Cbas.Atkiss, Dr.Adsma, LewAshley A

ChnfleUAdams Van B.Anbiey ft MackAtkins, Illrh

Alexander Bros.Astaleys, TbeDenner, Y. D.Bliss, John M.Breco FamilyBaldwin, Fkldle

Baker, RromcttBrooks, HarveyBunnell, L.Chaa.Bradley. WallleBarnes, O. B.Bernard, .MikeBrooks, JimUlelm, SamDrown, Geo. E.Booth &

HaywaidBlack, John J.

Harry,, Rich T.Pnker, John T.Bortrand, FrankOultaane, W. B.Cnyno, JackOralg. IUcbyW.ClfTord, MalcolmCoslono, MaandOble. Albert H.OiinUcM. KidOli-ve, El.Cantwell JohmiyOroae, HarryOnrlcton AI9Oamphell, L.Onrroll, Theo.C.irter. Chns.flnrlKon, Billy

CuffrU, Will H.Oliont, irtod

Oorleton, .Al.

Oobum MinstrelT)nnn, HarveyDonovnn. Jas. BIhivall, HarrvJ->perett. J. Wm.Dally, J.Daly, Ed.Dolley, TedI>nTlilBan. S, 0Drew, OlayDarling, S. F.ICHmond. Walt O''dwords. JackFoley, EddieFriel, Mr.fiMrs.Frolley, HarryFerguson &

MackFIndlay. T. M.Green, SamOrlRg, Billyneyer Stock Co.Glbba ft Colvrell

QnodwlD, T. W,nomon, Jos.Grabam, Ferd.(Irceuwocd. B.Coodrlcb. D. WGray, JulianGracay, DanIlargrave. F. DIIUi:o, IIoTty

Hunt, Ert allozler. HowardHope, Douglasllorley, N. 3.Hart, Tboe.Hoffman, H.ftB.Ilarlaod, J.ia.

Haves, 0^ P.Heclow, Onas.Howard, GeiMHamlin, Chas BHenna, AlbdrtJackson, Bert.Tacobs Mr.AMis.Jack, BurtJones, Sber. L,Johnson, OrrinKail, Geo. O.Kely, J. FrankKennedy, wm.Keno ft WajnierKramer, Oias,King, StanleyliUcas, Ed.Latlmore, R.Larklns, Wo.Lanbnm PlayeraLester, H. A <

Ijt Ander. H.Laihley. BuebLeater & Snlt bLoftus, F. J.Lambe, LeeLawrence, EdwdT.aiiiiliii;, AArthutr.lndoay, TB. VI.

LttbKOW, StnoxtLyons, Ed. . B.Lclgb, BertLauren la, Ohi», FrankI/Ombnid Bros.I/ee, Jomeii V.T.ewl8, NatbrlneMcShane, JackMeeha'u. JohnMiller, Joe D.Mlllette, Vr. D.MIUCT ft

BachTDOnMoEiiroe, JoeMcPhllllps, 3..Maklro ft Co.Moll, J. II

MorrU ft ForksMack, DanielMelbourne. DlllyMurphy, Ens J.

Mllten ft MooreMiller. Ftedk.Murray, Dave.McKec, DllyMorrtott Trou|ie.Mathot, A. PaulMack, It. B.Marshall, GeoOMill. J. n,

.Mansbart^r.w, n.

McEwlnir. WaltMuck, Harry K.MacDouald, Don.Moore, E. B.Mack. R. B.North. FrankN.Y.Prodnc. Go.Newton, JackNecdhnm ft


Naiarro, OttoNeifert, FredNye. T I>anklyi»Nell, JohnOpp, JooOtis, Robt. B.Dwens, HarryO'Neill, Jos. J.Olson, Corl


Phllllpps. JohnAPratle, Wm.Park, O. W.Pelbams. TbePllson, SidneyPblpps, C. It.

Phelps, Eu^fficParrlub, EurlRoderv. TwoRosselll, RexRandall. DsnRichmond, VInnosakan,' C. H.Beeves, (TIIITord

Iteushaw, BertHoy, WaltRoach, Jos. B..Dobbins, 0. ft BItoman, RanyRichardson, E.JRockwell, J. anoblnmn, R. C.Revlaod, E. 0.Rapp, AuKUStuaBoy, WalterSpaun, ByronSterlluff, LorrsSt. John, AdnlabStokes. MclvinHhlrley, Roht r,

Sweiey. HownvilSargeant. C.(o.

Stayman, "Vi.

Sbennan-Kclly O).


.Mr. ft Mrs.Scott, Roy U.Schullk, Ftvd JSexton, JackSartonoSborblan, J. J.

.Small, W. D.Snyder. Thoc.Sicanlan, P. J.

Slonn, JohnSnudcrS'J ftRi-iia

Troliem, Al.

TInnotn MMcotsThornton, Betnil

Travers, Belli"

Vandom ProfW.Vnno. Prof. W.Wilson, li\.ink

Whitcomb. K. WWinter, Baiika

Wilson ftAiihrcy

Word, WaltWard, Happ.vWhito. J. ft TIul

Woodall, Billy

WllllajD, Bill L.

Wallace. J. .^I-

WalBon StockCoWillis, W. B.

Wnlsb Edd, HapWnlte. BHIy E.

Yost, Harry M.Zhik, Jcjis S.


gruunds that their wares close ODneccssaiy an.

voyrnco to tho pobll;.B. II. I'nlmer, suporlnlenilcnt of tbe Depart-

nxnt of &i,nltatlon ! Ms.lor W. H. Hart, su|«1n-t< Idiot ot the r>epurlm^'Dl ot Pn.illc Safet.v. and

K. 0. Hlhle, sunerlntcndent ot tho l'"'arm Iloy'

Oninp. wero te eioc^i.'d to oHlce. Tho hoani are

also planolDg Jor a proU'at against a propo'^'d bjll

providing psjses for enhPiltors. Hie boir.l will

auk appropriations from tho Stale I^glslatiire,

agnrj^tlnc )24O,00O, for a new llve-st')Ck build-

ing and, miLor Improvcrarnts on th'J fair Ktouli'U.


, ,

Twelve cnlerprlslnR local cllliens on:a»lr/«i

thLnii<elT<8 Into the Trl-Oounty Fair Assuclnllonanih took over tlH' defunct organlziUon kiioivn nij

the llmnUildt Trl-Dounty Fair Assoclallon, anil

tliry pru|KH« to run a big Fair at llumbolilr.

Tenn., next Fall. Tbe date has not been net.

Tbe uw company has organized by electing <a

E. <;re«ap. prenldeDt: J. U. Warroatb. vlceprenl-

dent: (Tlbit Warmatb, manigor; II. W. Baokii,

trrakuTcr. and A. B. Fonnt, secretary.It Is ptTvposed to fsako aTrangements wltb a

big carnival company for next season's fair.

S. n. Kaiin, tnanaj^r of Forest. Park, locaf"'

at Ooluniblo IlelgMs. snlinrban ti»MbiiMM|wll>.Mirn.. nnnonnccs that Ids park will op<ii the

tier.wn May 00, -1915 (Decoration Day). Tie ai-

triicllons at this pork Include notkin picture.' in

an open-air tlHntrc, Taudcvllle, an electric ton""

tain, band concerts and danchig.

"TAKlSo A OHANCT" was prbdocod socccss.fully at the Columbia. New York, Fob. H-


B. B. MORS has added tio Ocgcnt, New York,to Ida circuit.




PHILADELPHIAmNew Jersey Central

EVERY HOUR ON THE HOURFrom liibertF Bt., 7 A. IS. to 10 P. in.

and Bt Uldnlglit with Sleepers



Consult P. W. HEROY, E. P. Agt.1440 DROADWAV. HEW YORK.


GALVINKern, Earl. Uajratic, ScrantOD, Fa.K«Dt, Amile. Globe, Pblla.KeDDCdye, The, ilUta, Oler«lond.Kril; i llultz, Prlsclila, Cleretand. ^

Klrk«, Basel, Trio, Proapect, Bkln.Klmberl; Jic Motar, Lyric, RIcbmond, 7a., 18-60.King, Dottl«, Proctor'a 12Ctli 3t., N. T. 0,, 16-17.Klnauers, The, I'roctor'a Z3d St., N. T. 0., 18-CO.Klnkald. Billy, 7tli At*., N. Y. 0., 1B17 ; Ameri-

can, N. y. C, 18-20.Kirk A Fogartj, Orand, PblW.KIdk & Kondla, Globe, Pblla.Klein Broa., Loew'a, Itoctaeiter, N. Y., 18-20.Klaea t Bcmle, Unique. Minneapolis. 18-20.Kolb & Harlaod, Orpbcum, Kansaa Olty, Uo,K«rnaD, Fr«d, Konqrtb, Atlanta, Oa,Kobe Troupe, Leew'a, New Rocbelle, N. T., 18-20.Kremka Bros., Keltb'a, Ix)nlaTllle.Knunera, Tbe, PoU'a, Scranton; Pa.Kurtla' KooBten. Keltb'a. Lowell. Mass.Linn, Dlllle <t Uae, Hipp.. IteadlDg, Pa,. 18-20,U .Mllo, Kellh'i. dnelnoall.UnKdons, The, Kelth'a, ClevelaDd.Lai Hm Kim, Kelth'a, Coluiabua.lalTil k Thompson. Proctor'a 12BU1 St, N,' Y. 0.,


U Talva, Proctor'a 23d St,, N. Y. 0., 16-17:'Proctor'a 58tli St., N. Y. O., 18-20.

Larsio, flita, & Oo., Proctor's 12BUi SL, N, Y.C 18-20.

18 20° * "^y""""!' Proctor's 23d St, N. Y. O.,

J-a Viva, Proctor'a, Mt. Vcmon, N. T., 18-20.Latell, Aided, k Oo., National, N. Y. 0., 15-17;American, N. Y. 0., 18-20.

'Lait Uope." Orpbeum, N. Y. O., 18-20.l-ani; & CoiiHer, Orpheum, Dostoo, 18-20;I«nioD, Loe^r'a, Rochester, N. Y., 18-20.{.aople & Aleen, St. Jamea, Boston, 18-20.La Iliie, Grace. Colonial. N. Y. 0.1* Qrocloaii, Majeatic, Oedar Rapids, lo., 18-20.Lane Bros,, Bondoln Sq., Boston.La Toy BiM., Colonial. IlaTerlilll, Mass., 18-20.fa Vara. Danolnc. Orpbeum, Bklo.Larelle ft Boaa. Portland. Portland. Me., 18-20.Iglle. Bert. & Co., Keith's, Olevclnnd,



|45.00Douhlc Trolley, Steel Bound, Fibre Covered and

It im BVILT BY DALn,* *' Out-oNTown Aiienta i

jy.A- IWCON A CO Boston, UoM.

Sn^'^i^.^T''^''' TRTINK CO.. , Hortford, Conn.

VK.^f.U-^'^ SHOP New Haven Codd.

Jn'i.'*£Ii^'' TnUNK C0...,.8yracw»e, N. Yr'.'R KMI'OnUJM .'Buffalo N. Y.

f-iv«,'?E'' nnOTHBnS Chicago, lU.

i^SPl^'JNK ^0 Kansas City, Mo.W. FIIITZ CO Scrantob, Fa.J. aAUSEPOIIL Indianapolis. InO.

w."^.?""*^ * SON Troy. N. Y.MACK TRUNK CO Niw Orleans, Ln.ury BloHc Mercantile Co Ucmphis, "TenD.


'•» W. 48th St., - . New York.


lielasda. The, Oivbeiim, Montreal Gun.Lean, Cecil. & Co.. Colonial. N. V. CLoon & Co., AHiiuuUrii, N. Y. C.UtwIa. Henry. Boyal. N. Y C.


Lc GroliB. nie. Temple, Iloc'liealer, N, Y.1* Iloen ,V Dupree, ilniml. ."(yraciHi-. N. Y.I<el|;hlonn (3), Shea's, 'I\>roiiio. (MnLconlinrt. Al., Proctor's IMib St.', N. Y. C.

Leonnnl Jc Ivuli'. National, N. Y. C.. 13-17: Lib-erty, Bkln., 18-20.


VAUDEVILLE ROUTES(Continued from page IT.)

lluniing. Lew A MolHe Oolonlnl, N, Y. 0..

Iliinier 4 Koaa, Star, Muncic. Ind,

Ih-raack, Keltb'a, Indianapolis,

Hiami A Mclntyre, Orpheum, Minneapolis.

IMIc Clara, Lyric, Newark, N. J., 18-20.

iLSi-; Clatc. Orpbeum, Sloui City. la.

Inrcrnatlooal Trio, Prxlor'a, Plalofleld, N, I.,


loas FuiJly, Oreelcy S<j., N. Y. C, 18-17; Ame«-lean, N. Y. C, 18-20.

Iiullla. Prlnceas, Oicheim. UUwaokce.Irwin, Flo. ft (k., Colonial, N. Y. 0. .Irrlni ft Dode, Uadaon, Union Sill, N. 3.

JuiTOW Orpbcum. Memphis, Tenn.

Jockaon ft McLaren, Palace. N, Y. 0.

Jnmca. Morris, ft Co., Proctor's 120U| SL, N. T.

C, 18:20.

Jiaver, Bljn)., Baltimore,jnrrolt A Maxwell, Palace. N. Y. aJiinoneae Prince, Hie," Unlqne, UlniNapollj, >


Jamea, Mrs- Looli, ft Oo., Bmpreas, Olndnnall.Jewell Sisters, Halsey, Bkln.,. Se-24.

Jellerson, Jos., OoluiDbla, Ct. Lonla.

Jerge ft namllton. Lyric, Nerwark, N. J„ 18-20.Jeter ft Borers, Grand, St. LonlJ.Jennings ft Erera, Grand. Pblla,

Jenninn ft DonnaD, Poll's,' Nenr Haven, Ooon,,18-20.

Jeanetiea (8), Garden, DaUlmore.Johnatons, Musical, Palace, Hull, Eng. ; Empire,

Leeds. Zt-'il; Palace, Mancheetor, March 1-0;l.mplre, Preston, 8-13.; Empire, ShelDeld, 15-20;

Johns (3), Temple, Dctroll.Johnston, Johnny, ft Co., Majestic, Chicago,Jorn, Oarl, Majatlc, Milwaukee.Jones ft WoJton, Proctor'a. Plalndeld, N, T., 18-20.J( bnaon's. Tom, Docs, BooleTard, N. Y. 0.. 1V17


Loew'e, Newark, N. J., 18-20.Jones ft Johnoon, Ehobert, Dkln.. 18-20.Johnson ft Crane, Victoria, ObarlostOD, S. O.


Johnson, Great, Victoria, Baltimore."Just Half Way," Bijou, Bkln., 18-20.Kaafman Bros., Keith's, Cincinnati.Knnnerwa Trio, Orpbenm, Boston, 18-20.Karaun, Bob. ft Oo., Lyric, Hoboken, IT. J.,

Knwann Japs, Bowdflin Sq., Boaton.Ker-.Ml. Palaoe, Bprlngfleld, Mass., 18-20.Kdly, Waller C, Orpbcum, Bkln.Keane ft Window, Keltb'a, Washington.Kcrville .Fuinlly, Oirheum, Mlnneniwlls.Kennedy, Jamea, ft Co., Proctor's, Sctaeneotady,

N. Y.. 1320.Kerns (-2). Orpbcum, N. T. 0., 15-17; BHon,

IHcln., 18-20. •* '.

Keystone Trio, Orpbenm, AMoona, Pa., 18-20.

Leslie. Blanche. Columbl.i Dkln., lS-20.I>elgblon & Itoblnwn. Columliln. llkln., 18-20.Lester Trio. I'nlaco. I'hiln.. 18-2U.Lo Hoy, l.ylton ft Co.. Iloyal. N. V. C.I.«onard ft Rumell. rnlnce. N. Y. n.Lc Roy ft Cabin, Orind. Minneapolis.Le Bruns, The. Illpii.. Kniisna (;itv. .Mo.Le Vno ft DoUk. I'rlni'Mi. Hut S|.riiig.q, Ark,

18-20.Lety, Jules, Family, Victoria. Balllmore."


742 Ocean View Ave., Woudhaven. N, Y.

urtlefleld, Marlon, ft Co., Orpheum, Bkln.Linton ft Lawrence. Keith's, Oleieland.LJnd, Honer, ft Oo., 7th Ave., N. Y. 0., 15-17;

rjocolD Eq.. N. Y. C, 18-20.Little All Right Co., DIJou, Boston.Lloyd, Rosle, Sbei's, "Toronlo, Can.I<cng Tack Sam 0>., Orpbenm, Bkln.Itiihte ft Slerllni;. Orpbcum, Grand RapldSL Ulcb.Lorraine ft Burka, Victoria. N, Y. C.Lerettis (8), Boiilerard, N. V. a, 18-20.Ixckbardt ft LedJy, Kinery, Provlilence, 18-20,L(«kett ft Waldron. Palace. N. Y. C.LiitiifefltheT ft James. I'riscllla. OlcvelonO,Lucille ft Coclile. Albauibra. N. Y. O,Liikens M), Dominion. Ottawa. Oon.Luby, Edna, ft Co., Poll's, Serantou, Pa.Lnlgens, Hugo, Grand, Minneapolis-Lyons ft Yosco, Poll's. Sersnton, I'n.


MvcCurdy, Jamea Kyrlc, ft Co.. Columbia, arindHaplds, Mich.; Palace, Ft. Wayne, loJ., •,!2-27.



Muck & Oith, Bushwlck. Bkln.Muttbews, Suaync ft Co., tirplienm. Grand Bap-

Ids, Mich.Marx Bros, ft Oo., Orpheum, Harrlabnra, Pa.Uaxine Bios, ft BoUiy, Colonial, Noriolk, Vs.,


llsnn, Sam, ft Co., She&'s. Boffato.Magleys. The, . .Majestic, CblcillBi^:

A'.arle, Dainty, Oolumbia, St. Louis,Moe. Little, Orpheum, .Minneapolis,Mack & Walker, Orpheum, New (Orleans.


DIRECTION Ot'" M. 8. BBNTHAM,Manning, Sloane & Oo., Proctor's, Troy, N. T.,

18-ao.McnsUvId, Frank, Proctor's 1251b St., N. Y. O.,

l*-^"- „ „Mack ft ilack, Itoctor'a 12Sth St„ S. Y. O,

18-20.Msnkint, Tbe, Proctor's, Mt. Vernon, N. Y.,

18-20.tluiiland. Madge, Loew's, Rochester, N. Y„ 18-20,

Af'u>uarda, Palace, Pblla., 18-20,Mbxlm'B Models, .Triibeuin, .MilwaukeeMay ft KllduH, Majesllc, Cedar Rapids, la., 18-20.Murrlott Troupe, (jranU Mlnneaiwlla.Mack ft Ix-ula, Msjesllc, Scraulon, Po,UacDonoii|:b, Ethel, Keith's, I,owell, Mass,Uuraball ft Cumlcy, Oriibeiuu, So, Bend, Ind,


PRODUCERVIOLET MASCOTTEDaly's Theatre. 30th A B'wgy, W. Y.

MoTtba. Mile, & SIsler, Globe, Kansas Olty, Mo.,18-2(i.

UacFnjiand, Jas., ft CO., State St, Trenton, N.J., 18-20.

Martin i Frsblid, Garden, BaltimoreMurlba i^lnlers, Prlsclila, Cleveland.Mtrs, Dancing, Prlsclila, Cleveland.UcOornMck ft Irvine, Forsrlh. Atlanta, fla.MiFurland, Geo., Sana's, Buffolo.

MaMahon, Diamond ft Clia4>low, Keith's, Boston,McCurdy, Jaa. K., Co., Oipbcum, Urond Rapids,


McGinn. Francis, Dominion. Ottawa, Onn,Mctirrovey, .Mr. ft Mrs. Jack. Keith's. Pblla.McCloud ,% Carp, Uljou, Savacnnb. On., 18-20.MoDennott. Billy, Hudson, Union Hill, N. J.

McOnunell ft Simpson, Orpheum. Diilulh. Ollnn.McKInley. Nell, 71h Ave. N. Y. C, 15-17;

Loulevurd, N. Y. C. 18-20.


Oomed; Acrobatlo OycUsts. Uliecilon Frank Bohm

UcMllIan, Udo, ft Oo.. Lincoln Bq., N, Y. Q, IS--17; Boulevard, N. Y. C, 18-20.

UcClnre ft Dolly. Hipp., Baltlwire.McGoods, Obas., ft Oo., Grsnd. Ht, r>oitls,

UcNatts, Cycling, Ibnpresij, Cincinnati.Mc.Alnbon ft Obapiielle, Wm. Ponn, I'blln.

McDevltt, Kelly k Locvy, Keystone, Pblla,blcCktty SIsIera, Colonial Haverhill. Mass.. 18-20.Melln ft I>e Paula, Empress, Kansas City, Mo.jlendelsobn Four, Colonial, Erie, Pa..Meyako Sisters, Colonial, .Vortolk, Va., IS-CO,Melzeltis (6), Palace. Cblcaxo.Mere<ILtb ft Bnooter, Hipp., St. Louis.iMeeban's Dogs, Orjibeuui, New Orleans.


See Faco :

Naah, JalU, ft Oo., OolonUI. Erie, Ps,Naiarro, Nat, ft C-o.. Ki-lili's. Pblla. \

Nailniova ft l\>.. Kriili's. mistnn.Neohll ft (!illTi>nl. lliiHliwk'k, llkin,

"Neinano's tlurdcn." I'nwinri. likln.

Neinni ft Ni'ixoit. K«'ltli'ii. Culunttus.Newsom-s ctl, .SnlUtiinl. .N. V. 0.. 1S-'.I0.

Nopliiuc'j NMuiih.-i, llriiiul. l>>ansvllU>. Iml.. 13-20.Nealnrid Whiter, ft Ct>.. Vlt-iorM, lliililnion\

Nichols Slstt-rs, Kmiin':«, KniiKSs Oily, .\Io.

.Nli'liultt. NoilW. .Mar.vlriiiil, lliiUIutort*.

"NIsbt oil n N. Y. lUior Uu.'-len, .V," Urdod, St.I.olll^.

".Mclii ll.iHkn." IIIJoii. Il:iy Oily. MIrli.. 18-20.NollV & llr\H>ki. Toiirltii; Al^sLriillil. tnili-f.

NltH!.c^. MiiMc.iI (.%). I'linlnn-s*, VaiHvuver, Cau.


l'jiiiiiK>'s'. Vlclorla.Noiiemv llushuUk-; llkln.

Nurili, Frank, ft Co., I'nhu-e. Chlcairo.

Nufont..J. C, ft Co., Poll's, .S'ov IUtco, Ooua.,18-20.

O'Clorc, Wm., ft Olrbi. Fiillon. Ukln.. IS-20.O'Cuiiiiur, Ilulit.. l'aI«>^e, MlnneainlU, 18-2(1.

Ocenn Cointdy Five, .Miijiotlc, I'atvrson, N. J.,

18-20.Oddone, National, N. Y. C. 15-17; 7th Arc., N,

Y. C, l.s iio.

Okabe Jo:is. Keith's, WoshliiKlon.Old 8oldU>r Flildlon (5). Nalluual, N. V. O., 16-SOOlivette. Kevstunp. Phlla."On the School PInyi'rounds." Prospect, Bkln. .

"On Ihc Riviera," U«^v'8, Ut»liesirT. N. Y., 18-20O'Nell Sisters (3). I.tbiTly, llklii.. lU iO.

Onri, Archie ft Dolly, Uvrlc, IiiilIans|H>lls. 18-20.O'Ronrke ft Atkinson, rrlscllln, (JK-velaml.

Os-Ko-'Mon. Proctor's 2.1d St.. N. Y. 0., 18-20.

Osborne, Kitty, Majestic. Scranton, Pa.-

Oxford Four, Orpheum, AUoona. d>a„ 18-20.

Oxallles (7), Gordon Sq., Cleveland.Paldrona, Tbe, Boaliwiek, Bkln.Parrlcolo, Anselo, KellU's, Iknton.raler°«ns, Boimdlng. Colonial, nie. PS.Parlllo ft Frabllo, Orphrunv Duhitb, Minn.Panna, Zinka, Proctor's lt!.Mh St., N.Y.C., 15-17.

"Parilon. The," SI. James, Iltwlon, 18-20-

Pocbeco Fniolly, )Up|i., Kanais CItv, Mn.Pma. Lnrlla. T«a»ile. Rochester, N. Y.I>elhun. GTea(, Proctor'a 58ih St., N. Y. 0., 10-

17; P.X)ctor's 12fltti St.. N. Y. C. 18-20.

Persool. Camllle, ft Co., Nixon. Phlln.Penn CItv Four, Ht|>p.. Knnsns Olty. Mo.Phlllls Family Cross Keys. I'blln.. 18-20.

Platov ft Glaser, Ornhnim, Ki Oty, Mo.PJpUax ft Panio, Keith's, Cincinnati.Pierce ft Maltoe, Olotie, PhlU.Ploler: Ik .Schollrld, Okibe. Phlla..Portia Sisters. Howord, Boston.


MILTON POLLOCK AND CO.In "Speaking ot Father." by GEO. ADP

Porter, Alexander, Nlion, Phlla.Pollack Mlllon, ft Co., Vloiorla, N. Y. 0.Prlmros,-. Geonie. Flint. Mich.,. 48-20.Pruitt Bin. Oniheuni. Harrlsbun;, I'a.

Prlnro.'w (4), Orpbeum, Now Orleans.Front, Eva, Boulevard, N. Y. 0.,~'1SU7; rullOD,

Bkln., I8-i0.Price ft .Morgan, oliev't, Toronto. Oan. .

Prince. Arthur Pnlnce, N, Y. O.fuck, Harry ft Eva, .Shea's. Toronto, Con."Put In a Seminary," Ounloik's Olympla, Boston,Quituga. Keith's, CIneliiiiall.

Itii^ Illlly B., Oruud RapMs, Wis.; Bhcboy«a:i


An act of Nnwelly, Ornro and flenaatlnn. Juat a IKtIo «1l<rerent,Repreaentntlvu, B, A. MVKH8, HIranil TIteatre UIiIk., Now York,

Shrode and Chappollo"OUIIINU ONR'M LIFK'*

i,oKW fiiii'i'ir .soi.iii


Colur Ihiplils.


N. Y. 0..

Pkiil,-r*s r-iJi.iivo. I.vrli*. lllriiilin^Kun. -Mn.M.i,U'lls 'llH-. .Miiji-slli-. C'.liir lt:i|.ltl», 1.1. , IH-2i>.

buillll. I°.<I. .l:l<'k. I.lliriilii .<i|.. N. Y. C, 19-

17 :. ll< uU'viir,!. .\. Y. ('.. IS-'Ji>.

riiillli. >.>«i>i .'t llraiiihin. Kilih':!.

Sn.llpy. Kiiillv, ,^ 4.\>., MiiJ<"<iU'.

In. IS I'll.

Snow. Itnv, Ci.vslnl, Vllwuiikiv.tuviler. .Mr. ic Mrs. Kml; l'ilnivs!», St,

1820.'•yoclply lluls," Kfllll's, ncvrlnud.^cT^ln•. * tv... I'lill H. Srmiiiim. Pa.ic-llniliirH, The. Ilinl-aiii, TiiUsi IIIII. N. J.

tint: ItociOTS, llip. I'lxrliir's 2:1,1 St.


foretiv ft Aniolnelle. ririiiil. I'hiln.

Roelc:v (llrlB (41, I'rliuvKS, Si. I'lul, 10-20.

,'4poom'rN, The. I,<ieiv'», I'lMiiihke^wIe, N. Y., IH-IO.

eiMni'pr ft Wllllaiiu. Grmiil, KvsksvIIIo, IikI.,


"Sgtisriiig AcPOHiTls." Kel;irs. lloston.

£tarT\<lt, Kivnnl .s., Jr.. ZIi'h-Mit Follies o(1III4, Indef.

Etinley, Use, PiKrleln, Vnnoniver Cini, luilef.

6te«'iiri ft Donahue, KelCi's. I'rovliletico

Rtanley, Alleeii, Tein|>le. lli>rhcii!rr, N, Y.6tsnle.v. Helen, Mnjeiillc. Otilravn.Atone ft Iliighrs, Oriihriim, Duhilli. Minn.Stanley, Ktcn, Trio, Orpiivimi. Afeniiihls, Tenn.Stewart, Onll. Pmclor's »;iil .St., N. Y. C. lH-20.Blodilnnl ft llyDca, Proctor's, I'ortcbnMer, N. Y.,

!8-20.etrontiierg, Pat^ American, N. Y. 0., 16-17; 7tn.

Ave., N. Y. b., 18^.




et James. Wm. If., ft Oo.. American, N, Y. 0.,

18-17; Flatbiish, Bkln., 18-20.Bleppcrs (11), 7di Ave.. N. Y. 0., 15-17; Bijou,

Ukln. lS-20.Bt. Diicr, Fretl, Troirpe, 7Ui Ave.. N. Y. O.. 18-20.HIamlanI Bros., l^ew'a. New.trk, N. J., 18-20.

eiewart ft Daklii, Ui,lqao, MInnfsmlls, 18-2U.Slusrt, Dick. I.lncolnton. N. C IH-20.Fliwart Kevley. IlowanI, Uoaloii.Rtuiie. Geo. 1... IIIJiki, lluatouetoddunl, Marie, Princess, .HI. Paul, 18-20.«folner Trio. K>lih's, Imll invnlbi, '

eienlnna, 'Hie. Miles, Olrvrlawl.fiuHoii, Mclntyre ft Sutton, Orrhcum, Jnckson-

vllle, Fla.fiuritt. Vnlesks, ft.Oo., Keltb'a, ProvldenOtv.

Wi"i|iiii ft ri.iln-. Alliiimliri. N'. Y. (\Wi-Mi ft HiiiiK, Tiiiiiil.', I|.« lii-.|.'r, N. I.WesliHl, Willie. Kellh'«. W.l^lillicliill.

Woitoii, ' l-lKlitiiliii:,"' VIelorl I, N. V. 0.


WEBER & ELLIftTT?Welier ft rTiiott, I'lVH-lor's. .M'. Veriimii N, T.,

Wottiin ft Yonng. Onx-ley Hij.. N. Y. 0., .1B-17.^Wells. Ix>w, (Invley S.].. N. V. V., 15-17; (>llton,

llkln., 1H-',!II.

Wesloii, Wni., ft Oo,, Hipp.. Itnlllniiire.

WELLiflllil LEVbRlllKil TROUPEFuBBlBst Cycle Acl In VaudflKlIU

Welwler ft Wortltierry. Cmw Keys. I'tJIa., l")-20.^\1lIte, KIsle. Alliniiitirn. I'lilln.. 18-20.While, Oarolhio, Kdth's, I'lilln.

Willie lIusNirs (01. Mkiii. I'IiIIa.

Wheeler, Great, Nixon, I'hllg.


BIIWIIBR MORN IN CWWTIIAL PARKWllle Bros., Marylanit. Ililllniore.Wilson, Jack, A Co., Keith's, lynilavllle.MU; Nat, Keith's, IViletlo, ().

Wild, Al;^ I-rortor's l2«Ui Ht., N. Y. 0„ 1B-I7,Wilson, Cli»». ft Adelildr, I'roctur's 6Sth St., N.

Y. 0.. IH-20.WInrliralrr. Kd., Proelnt's Md St., N.Y.O,, tfi-20.Wliilfreil A Martin, 7tb Are,, N- Y, 0., 15-17;

American, N. Y. O., I«-ao.Wlltmi 8Isleni, Globe, dloston, 18-20,Wilson ft Wllauu, Loew's, Turooto, 4)^n.


KBIPII A OIlI'lll'MIM TIMK'Wilson, Geo., Palaco, MIniiesimlls, 18-30.Wilson, Henrlella, A l>i., M^JtiMIr, Hcranlon, I'n.Wilson ft l/eiioir, Vleiurln. IhililiiHirv,

WInsch ft I'uure, lllpp., Ililtlnwre.Wood, -dllle.. Ksuilly. nwheili'r, N. Y.| Olympic,

lliiffnW. 22 •27.-,>^ I .

Wooilnian ft I.Ivliigaloii. Virivlieum, Grand Ra4>ldf,.MIeh.

Wood, Britt. Odonlal. Niprfnik, Vn., lfl-20.Wood, W'vi' Deiirgle, Kellli'n, I'mvldence. •

Suttou, IHeiutyre and Sntton WOODFORD'S ANIIALS_J-27, ...

Ru.vroond A Helder. Temple. Rochester. N. 'Y.Raymond ft- Bah>, IIIpuN.vdme Haute, tiid., IS-,.fl.

Bonf, cnauil*: Xllb«lienyr^.l'blla,.,..l«-20; 0. I|-^

Bayoane N, J., 2^^^4 ; O. II.', New Umnawlck,2,'i-27.

Bedford ft Winchester, Krllb's, ImllsnsiMll".Kcvnolds & Donetnin. Oriihcuin. Dniulti. Minn."Bfdhesds, Tlie," <>r|iheiini. Mmphls. Tenn.Rex's Mar<Donettcs. Procl'ir's, S8ih St., N. Y. C,



Reese, Otin>tanee, iiljmi, Boston,-Berde, Newlun ft Kesile, llljoii, Boston.Reese ft Reese, Miijestle. Scraiilnii, Pn.Rejoolds, Daredevil Jnck. MajeBtlc, Seranlon, Pa.It4i(a Family, .Majestic, Scranton, Pa.Rlnm ft Wllchip, Keith's, WaHhlninon,Rlres ft Harrison, Majestic. Cblcafio.RIsIs, Tlie, (llulie, lUMlon, 18--J0RIee, Andv. Ulvbe. Iloslon. 18-20.Itohynn. Mr. ft Mrs. Win., PaiilacMi', Reattle^/

Wash. ; PantaRCs', Vancouver, Can., ;C-27-

May Roeder"THE NUT." New Aet Shortly.

Roach ft McCurily, Keith's, Boolon.Roye, Ituth, Keltb's, Clevelnnd.Ilooney ft ,I',ent, Tno^tle, Detrult.Roebesler, Cl.iire, Ori'heum, Moiitioal, Can.Kochea's Monks, Temple, Rochester.Rogi-rs, Will. (Iranil. Syracuse. N. Y.Ross ft Ovcrholt. Proctor's 68th St., N. T. 0.,


•Bowley, ICd., Pmetor's, Troy. N. Y.. 18-20.lUse ft Moon, Lincoln Sn., N. Y. 0., 18-20."Ilooin Seven," Liberty, Bkln., 18-20,Roslne, Carl, Prosiwct, Bkln,Roblilns' lllepbonts, Olty, Freeland, Ud., 18-20.Ropers, Feriie, BanuDerat.^ln's, N, Y. O. -

Roberts ft Kain, Illnp., Reading, Pg., 18-20.Hoae, Elsie, Globe, Kansas City, Mo, 18-20,Romeoe (B), MajcsUc, Palenoo, N. J., 18-20,Kussell, Marie, (>yaul, Milwaukee,Rutland, Daisy, Union, Ifovldencv.


Siilllvun. Arthur, ft 0>., III|ip., 'I'erro Ilaule,ln<l.. IH 20. -

^.'JilUUiK-rlniiil .'llrl:i. Hipp.. Ileaillia, IM., 18-20.ttwiir ft .M.iVk',' .Mujesilc Mllwi.nk<v.Owslii's Ituts ft Osu, Maji'stlr. Pulerson, N. J..



Direction MAX HAYES.Sylvia, Ilrondvs'ny, r>>tunil>ufl, O. : Orpbeum, Lima,

2'.:-24; Uniiiil. Ilsiulltoii, 25-27,Tsylur, Jnck, Allisnibra, N. Y. U.Tusker, Ann, ft Co., .Mnji'stle. MIlH-niikee.'I'ulsir ft (irwii. Nullulisl. N. Y. C, 15-17; Or-

plieuni,_N. Y. «;., IH-20.TnlHu ll4h.. Urvvley Si|., N. Y. C, IH-20."Tsliifle, I'lir." ljMn%-'s, 'i'vroiilo, (2au.

I'linffuay, Eva, Kvllli's, WuHltlliatoii. t

"reletilione 'l'ani(I<>. A." Uarylaiid. lUlUuvbre,Terry, Frank, IHjiiiInlon, Oltawii, Uau. i

I'euijitc's. Itayiiiuitd. Wules, llljou, IIokIoii.

.Teniiy, Then., (liinhm's Olymiils, IIumhhi.:

'I'errls, Clius.. A Co.. IIlpp., KniisuH (.'l(y, Mo,TbutiiiiHun, DIeh, ft Oi., I'ruclor's 125lk St., N,

Y. O.. 1517.Thatcher A Dean, Proctor'a, IVoy, N. Y., 18-20.


IIENNEHSY—The llookninkcr



RYAN and LEE"If you sec tn do it. It's oura"

Ryan ft Lee, Maryland, Ilolthnore.Ryan ft Tiemey, Victoria. N. Y. O.Ryan ft RIctdcM Co., Miles, Olcreland.KsDtly, Jus., ft Co., Orpheum, Kansas Olty, Mo.Saxon, Pauline, l>roctor's, Troy, N. Y., 18-20.

I!!:2.1°r.-r°aa"V*.2!ff- . MAVltlCE SAMDELS. •.'-^IN—



Savoy ft llrennnn, Lincoln Sq., N. Y. O., 15-17;Orpheum, N. Y. C, 18-20.

fiaxoiia, Musical (3), Pisco, Bprlngfleld, Mass.;Central Hi|., I.ynn, 22-ST.

Salem Bros.. Ojlonlal, UavcrUU, Mass., 18-20.


dchooler ft Dloklnaon. Poll's, Hcranton, Pa.".Scenes Iroiii Grand Opera." Sliea's. Toronto, Can.Bchnfter, S>lven(er. Orpbeum. Den Moines, la,

Hchoeder. Helen, <;rpheum, Kansas City, Mo.l>canMt ft

' Scoinp. Proctor's. Albsuy, N. Y..18-20.

"School Days." .Miles, Cleveland,"iksulunry Hcsndal, \," Portland, Portland, He..


MENNETTI & SIDELLIThose Lnilicrooa Acrobats Booked aoltd

Merlin, Empress, Cincinnati. .

Merino Sisters. Dowdoln Mq., Boston.3lelsceno, .Mujtvstic, Scranton. Pa.Sillier ft Vincent, Orplieuin, Mompbls, Tcnm. ; Or-

pbeuoi. .N'ew Orleans. 22-27.Millets, Ju;KlIne, Hudson. Union IIIII, N. J.

Miles, Ilonicr. ft Oo.. Keith's, WnshlnLton.Miller ft Vincent, Orjihcum, Meinjibls, Tenn..Million, Oridieuin, Ilklii,

(Mlltmi ft De I/onii Sisters, Gk>be, Pblla,Mornn ft W4ser, Forsythc, Allnnla, Ua,Moore ft YounE. Royal, N. Y. C.Morton. I-^.. Keith's. Providence."Motorlm." Lyric. Richmond. Va.. 18-20.

"Monkey Oltcun, A," Orphemn, Kansas Olty, Uo.Moore ft IlaaKcr, Orriheuu, 8t, Paul.Morxan, Beatrice, ft On., Proctor's, Albaoy. N. Y,,


Mote, Edith, PtocUh's, Elizabeth, N. J., 18-20.

Monarch Comedy Four. Grceler Bq., N. Y. 0., 16-

17;~Bljun, Bkln,, 18-20,

Mentrose ft Sanlell, LIucuIn Sq„ N. Y. C. lC-17;Flatbush. llkln., 18-20.

Morris ft Beasley, Orpheum. N. Y. 0., 1^-20.

Storton ft Moore, Palace. N. Y. aMorris. Arthur. DIjou. Boston.Morrlsser ft Ilackett, Wm. i'enn, Phllo.

Morris, Nina, ft C/o.. Orand, Bvansvllle, Iod„ 18-20Morton Bros., Union. Providence.

Monty ft Dot. State St., Trenton, N. J., 18-20,

Morse. Joe, Majestic. I'aterson, N. J., 18-20.

Mailer ft Stanley. Bnshn'>ck, Bkln.Mnllane, Frank. Keith's. -Ft W.syne. Ind.

Mullen ft Cooftcn. Oilumbla. St. [.odln.

Murray, EUaabelli, Majestic, Milwaukee, _ .Mnrpby ft Foley, American^ N. Y, O., 10-17;

Oreele.v Sq., N. Y. C. lS-5o.

Murphy, Senator Francis, Flalhaati, Bkln., 18-30.

Hystle Bird. St. Jnines, Bosloa, 18-CO.

Those Four KntcTlnliiers, Iliiwnnl, Boston.'riBlic ft Ilab<<tle. .Msjnilr. (Mili.'«io>.

TIlcoMili, \a\ IMIe, Uri'l'iiiin. N- Y, U, 15-17.Thi- iKih, ft (l>i., AlliaiiiJ>ra. I'lillii., 18-2(1.

Tinils'tK, Ilutllv, Vk'lurla^ C-liark-stan, H, 0., 1-20,

'I'lernsn ft Iliiriies, lluwdulii H<|., Ihsttuu,

'I'llton, liiiclIU-. Hiate HI.. Tnnloii, N. J., IS-'.iO.

M'oyo 'Tr<iir;s«. (Irsiid. Kyraciise. N. V.'I\jye. Durolliy, (Inilieimi, KI. Paul.Tornadoes (4). Prwlor's 2:i<l 81.. N. Y, O,, 1C<

17; l.yrU?, Nen-urk, N. J.. lH-1'0.

Treat's Seiils, Keith's, Ikvitou.

Trovalo, Msjesllc, (^iIcsku.Tn-vllt'H thiini. .Mnjcsllr. .Mllwnukeo."Tricheil." (irpi ii, Ibislon, 18-20.ThhIo. Ilrrry. Itoynl, N, Y. O.TllK'alio Itl-oH., Kellb's, Wasliligflon.Tiilile's. Mile., Birds, PriKlur's SHtb Bt,C, lC-17.

TjTnls, The, Majestic, Oednr nnplils Is.,

'Tyrolean 'i'roubailfiiirH, Alliniubrs. I'lillii.,

TIMS (3). .Msjesllc, Ulilcnni,l.ral ft DoK, Proctor's I2.I1I1 Ht,, N. Y. O.,t'slier Tri"). Proctor's I2r>(li Ht.. N Y. C, l»-'2aVmidliiotr ft l>mle. Hhen's. lliilTah).

Vnii ft lii-lieiick, Orpluniiii, llarrlihurtf, Pa,Vau llerKcn, Martin, Krlih's. Phlla,Vii>erls, R<ive. Hrxletle, Uduiilsl, N, Y. 0.. . Olsilys. I'nvKir's 2:id St., Y, U. 10-

17; Pnieiiir's r,Hib HI., N. i. <).. 1H-2U.Van ft Wurd (llrls, Nallunal, N, Y. U, 18-20,Van, nilly. Tayliir, Treutuii, N. J.. 18-20; Aliel,

' Fnslisi, I'u.. 22-24; (Jrjilieuni. Allvntowo, 25-27.

Voftiierissis, Casino. Washliiftoii,Vernon. Vo\w, I'iiluc«, (,'lilraKo,

Victoria Four, III|i|i., Iliillliuore.

VIriorIa, I'rliiivHs Emery, Providence, 18-20,Victor, Ibmiloln Ki|., Ilustun.>jctor8 .Mus. Melaiiiie, KvIIU's, I/>well, MosS.Vlclorx (4), Illpii.. ll4-ai|lnK, I'u.. 18-20.Voluiileerj, Tlie, OuloiiUI, N. Y. (I.

Vou Hanqiliui ft J^Kt-lyii Lfsnv's. Torunlo, fMn.Ward, Marty, (llrls (roin Ilappylsnil Ui,, Indef,

N. y.



1 8-1.1).

^ WANTED—Imniedlatoly, A BooU Piano I'lay-

For, fur I'Icliiro llniisc. Must rlmiisn nnd ftdluw'

picture. (VaiiilovllliKiccnsliiiiully,) A lino positionfor rlvlit party, Eiisy hiiiini. Klnlo liiwsxi snlnrr


lu UrHllutl4ir. P. 8. DKMAIIBMT. Mar,.Warwie k. New Vorh,

LEARN TO ACT8tag« Danoing, Bte.«<Up to Dale 'o avtnr 4«lalU«

Buck, III, aiit, Choru Totk, Oni^Uocullon. S1d»1o*, Vaoda.lll, JCiJtk4lcbci, Actlnf Dumalla Art. Elo.


Hrlidiil AhvnvH Onon.P.J.UIIilJI'l.anil TKN (yi'illORH,llN ii. l.uHiillem.CHI(.'A»U,IU>


All Tiituio MnrkH removed from skin Imvlnn noBcnr. HiinicKiiil qiiiiiiiliy to reniiivu lurffo plireowith inHlriic.tloim s<riit postpsld for $1,00 lu U, H, A.FiirelKii iMisUire slid prfekliiir. lOc. cxiril.

'14 W. 3« tU »«., Nsw Vorh Dity, U.B. a! '


PISATUItINO ADELftlllH H. UELLWnnila. F.n-rircss, Ksnns Oily, Wo.Woler Miles (0). Ti-niiilc, IJelrolt.

Wnrd ft Cullen, Keith's. L>>ilsvlllf.Wuk<<<leM. Wllln llotl. Alhunilira. N. Y, O,Wnlsh. IMriThe, A (V>., Allisuihra, N. V. <).

WiiriHT, (l^nevlere, .tt Co., Or|>iieuni, Mltmeaiiolls,Warren A Frsiiels. IkmU-v.-irJ, .N. Y. C, 16-17


Lonw's, NewburKb, N. Y,, 18-30,



SHEBMAN'"°UTTRY£baw, T.nilon, Alhsmbra. N, Y. 0.Vharrm-ka, The. (W| Ih-uoi. Dulolb, Mlm."Ships That Pass In the Night," Uashwlck, Bkln.


"SildellKhts," Hl(ip., Rl. I.oot>.

Silver ft IiLvnl, Proctor's .IHIh RL, N, Y. 0„ 16-

17; 1'r.irlor's 2,1d Si.. N. Y. C, 18-20,Blr.Kcr's Mhltcels, Deloncey Ht, N. Y. 0.Simpwiii ft iHiiiie. I.IU-rtv. llkln., 18-20.Blinms. W.llnrd, ft Co, Majcsllc, Cedar Uopllo,

la., WjM.



"Way Out," Ainerlcon, N. Y.C 18-20.W/ilHli-I,yn':li ft' (>>.. 7ili Ave.. N. Y. 0.. 18-20..Ward ft Faye, I'alac-e. PhUo., IH-20.Walker, (J!isrl»tlv, I'nUi-i-, N. Y. O.Waller. Furvler ft llsrreit, Gordon'* Olymptu.

Iloslon,Walls ft WoIIh, Mnjt-aile. > Hrraiilon, Pa.Wuril, May, liniss Keys. I'hila.

Wallun ft m-lly. 8t>iU- HI . 'I'reiilxn, N.;J., 18-20.Walker A HI, VIeiorlo, HGltlmore. ^WeJU, Ullly ft .Nellie. IIuxIhvi' Uuinedlans, Imlef.


Watch them 'I'hey in It

Wiirniu-iNiirs AiiIuisIh. I'IiI IiiivIi. Ilklu.. 18 'JII.

W>iiit. I'-esvle. (irplieniii. Juekwuivllle, Fla,V<*enrys iTil, hellli's. Ts'iinn, l-1n,

V(,M'iirvs 1:11, I'mrKir's, Klltnla'lli, N, J., 18-20.YiTk ft Klnir, lll|iii., Ksnnua i;ilv. Mo.Yveiine. I.liK'iilii Rii., N. Y. (1.. 10-17; Greeler

Ho.. N. Y. O.. IH-io.'/.t'lsla, rnsijs', Vlriorls, Cliiirli-slon, S. 0., 18-20.

FOR HALE—Thri'o real Clreiis Wn|[nnH, HUiln-lile ^or R. K. (ir WuKon Hhiiw, Tnldnsiii, TicketWuKou nnd Oaiiu, covercil wllli ciirvliiir. I'i roiilrs,January Acl. Cumplcte Waifon Hliow OiiiflU Chiilios-eii hern. TIKIh, I„ FINN, lliMWick Falls, W. Y ,

WANTHD-F<ir UNOI.K TOM'H OAIIIN, Joinatoiir.u, Mhii for Tom, (Mher UHofiil IVniilo. Wofiay all, Uiiku It low irjroii want wiirk. HIiow nown lis 43rd weuk. 'TIIOH. L. FINN, <lou. Doi.,Ilarirord, Conn. «

WANTEDTOPTEilOB/OBTBIOMust dnilvor linilad. Hlnt/t n>wcHt Hiilnry. Pormvnoiil oiiRaKuiiiont at 0110 liousu if caimliio. AililrosH

„ „ PRANK J. HOLLAND,Wanttger OrjihouMi, Terro lluute, Intl.



MABEI. HAL.LEXXHOUIIIIK-ITK, INGKNIU;, IIOIJIII,!-; Hl'KOIAl.TIKHHtiM:k, Onn Nlublur, ll<Mi. I'ri-ri'r 'I'nli,

lliivii Tail, Hcrlpls. Address UAL STACK, I'ol),

M l<i vt, (loilerluli, Ont,; '£1 to Hllvortoii; 2A Uj•a. Forest.

JUGGLERSIf Ton WHUtlo put-soiiMilllKlaiiiKhH In your net, actJOHN LE CLAIR'S lulosl ii»yciitl«ii

COMEDY TRICK HAT ntCKTlirco nilnnlcH orHolld latiKliH. Folds un and pockH111 u 30 Inch trunk. Hull Huy'iiel, i:iiiiiiMiy or other-wisu. Usu nnr Intl. i'rlcn iiiiil linrtlciilnrH.

AdilresH K.\ W. VA\\ Htrcci. New York.


ntock oxperlonr.«. Just eluseil nt (Imnd, OalgaiT,Csimdit, Can luin on wire. Address

. JA4IK PI.ATZER,DOS West 40lh Ht, New York. I'lioiii; ivn;i llrynnt,

AT UBKRTY-Acct. CoiDpnuv IMDgHAL OKNTON—ilcnvfss

NELLIE IIENTUN—Uoneral UiislflessWaiiliur,. Wi. Uakiilii, Feb. Ih; (.'Union, ,Mliiii,, ID;

Wliilo ftock. Ha |>»k., ',iiJ;_^i"''i Hlie|)lierrtn Cull (.'ii.

QVOTPUCQ Wrlttoa (o Ortinr on com-OlVEi 1 VllGiO mlHsloii ImslH. AililresH

UIUUAIiL i, FLUUI),2020 W. I/vhlKh Avc.l'hlln., I'u,

THE IJTBW .Febbuabt 20

(A, H. Woods, mgr.)—

ROUTE IIST-DllillMoatcs UuBt neaoh ThU Offloe Not Later Thon aatoraay.

Muuile (UKbs. h'robmoii, mKr.)—Snrliig

>. »>(.. 17. VVoaonlfr IH. Saw lUn'U,ill. 211. IdIii.i. ilu.ilun,

;„. —.M Ti-lili.. lh-:!l).

\\\>iiiliTluiiil<— l-"lii<; Arlii, iJUIcogo,

(Low Flclils)—«liub«t,


— i.kkvwtiiitl. N. J.

(KucilKTii ri«j Oo^ uigrn. I

ulluck'n, N«w York,

J., 1)7, Ul

t, -60.—WiiUrkvr't, vitmiTllli

Iinh'l. .'

Btrryiuorc, .itlii-i (Chiu. ITolinmi, nigT.)-7*m-

plrv, NtfW -i-ik, Imli-f. , „Vurkc. IIIIIU- KroliMiaii, iiigr.) — HolMi,

.IkKton. IJkU .N»rfcilk. V».. ZJ, Uoiiioko' 34, ijnchburg ZD. Itlcbmonil '2il, 2T.

nemiett, lllcUarU- (>jn lUi»tuii, tiiM.^

BernaTd. ' Sim (Tliu Sliulxrm, nwrn.j-^linJud,New Totk. aa-2T.

, ^„'

Bktiwlt, Zo» (I>orlUlck 4 raKf'-f;


klD, Pi., 17, Wllll«in»iH)rt 1», Tyrouo lu. A.-

lOOUt 20. ., nilloRton KDg. Opera Oo.-4'olcr»liurg, \a., 24.

"UlBl ot ParadlM. The" (Ollvw Moroaco, mgr.)• —ritliburgh llJ-20. Toroirto. Oau., 2'.!-27. .

"BMi-IIUt" IKlaw ft Krlingi-r, insri.)—Jlirtlon,

• lloatoo, lna»f.. ,


"ItrluglDg Uii Kairior," No. 1 (CUax. \alf, mgr.)

Natl^Sal, Ctakigo. W-2U, Oraiid Ita|ilil«. Mk-b..

'<nrliigliig Vv Kathfr." S.i. 2 ' (ClinJ. fo"™''.;-• lugr.)—3»n I'raiirliiro 7-20, Ooklanil 21-W.

HaCMBwnlo 24, Ctilw. Orv., 2,"1, ilv.lfuril 28,

'•llSlw Hp FatlK-r." No. n (Arcl.lo Mmkfnal*.

nigr. )—KIwood, Iiul., 17, Miiiido IS, N-wcaallo

111, Ulcliitoiid 20, MlilillPtiiwi; 21, M-nlc..O-.

22, Urliniii 23. Dolaworf 2), Vmi Won J.l, HX.

Marfi 2U. I'liiiia 27. _ , „„"Uoiunt nnil raid For"— Orowii, ClilrnKO. iri-2ii.

"UlwUjllnl, Till;"—Coliiiiliil. Clovolniid, IS 20,

AkrcMi 22.Clicllfrlnn, Iliilh— anii'l.v. NV\r ' York. Iiidi'f.

Oah'.ll, Matlf. * infli:ir.| Crirlc (Ii:iiiii.| \. Arilmr,

mgr. )— Kiili'korlhii'kiT, Now York. Imli'f.

Ooliimlila .Mim. Oihii. (•,i.--Oiiaw:i. Oui., liMi-f.•

Cnn-iilirll, Mra. I'alrU'k— llrooil. i'lilln., 15-211.

Cllir<.ril, illll.v H.-I'n»liiiskii. nkS . 17. N«\v«la

18. Vliilla 10, Ol.iri'iiior.. 20, Siiimlpa 21. nkiiiiil-

Kw 22. rayollovllli-. Ark.. 2:1. I-"I. Siiillli 21,

I.UII* llmk 2.1. llol S|irlii(s 2ll Jolu'ilnini 27.

"CU'^iT niu«"— I'lm.'li \ J1MI7, Now Yor1i. Imlif.

"t'uliily Miiip, Tlio" -O. 11., Clovolaliil. iri-2».

"(lallliiii <if n«« .Mnlllioivs. Till'" (iln^iklll .t .Mm-Vltly, nigra. )—Noli, I'll.v. Noli.. 17, Wiiliiw IS.

Nollgb 111, O'Nolll 21).. Vnloiilliio 22. Cliaiiro;!

a:i, Deailwood, S.' -D.ia.. 24, U'iil ^."i, Mflli-

fniirchf 211, Itapld Ollv 27. .:

"••II of Iho OiimlwrUiuK Tlio" (Cnnklll .V Ma,>v:tly, iiirra.)— I'orluiio, Wia., 17, Cmiiliria l.S,

IWoYcr Dam lU, Sliobo.vgan 20. D.tlik.yli 21,

llflolt 22, Mniiroo 2:i. O^ilriii, 111., 21. Satan-

nail 2.1. Maiiunkda. la., 2il. AnanuM' 27.

Dirailor, Mnrlc (Tlio Slinl-orla. inijrt.)—Tlilrtr-

nliiUi Slrrol, Now Yori;. Imlof.

Drow, John iCIiua. Kmli iimi. iner.l—1/>ilni;lon,

Kj., 17, l,onli.Tlllo )S-2ii. SI. l^iiiU 22-27.

I>llloii « Klnc Mus. Com. LVi.—Oukliiml, Oal.,


"Ilaiii'lng Amnnd" (Tlio SIiuIhtIs, mers.)—I.jrlo,

I'lillt., hulof.

Rlllnto. Ji'llnii—Olrmiilo. Oliloaso, 14-20.

"IMininiy, Tlio"

I'owot!*'. <'1iK-iii;o, linli'f.

"Dainaml (loodM"—('<iliiuliit, IliilUiniw. iri-2il.

"Kxiirrlciio»'" (Wm. Kllloll, mgr.)— ("asliio. NewY'ork, Inilof.

•'UTOrywo:>i«n" (llonr.v W. RaTa|:o. iii(;r.)--Kl

I'aso. Toi., 17. l)iim;ln«. Arlr.., I.s. lluNv 111,

Tucion 20, lloillnnil-i, l^al., 22, San lloriiardlno

23, Sao Dlrgo 24-27.rrrgiuwn, Klalo iCIian. Frolinian. initr.l—LviTUin,Now York, Imlof.

FaTorahani. Win. (Miinard 1,. OalUk'iior, inur.


—i.MajMtli', lioalon. Imlof.

Forl*«-rUilM.rlaoii (I'ori'.v ilnrlioi. m-.'r.)— Ha*^t.l•

toon. Can., 11-17, lla-hn IK-20, Wliinl'iog 22-March A.

"Kolllrt of 1014" (F. ZlfKfi-ld, in<r.)—SI. UMila14-20, Kaiiaaa Ul'.v 2I-2T.

"Fait and Fanoloa" (Klaw ,t Krlansor, nigr'.)—Formt, I'hila.. 1.1-211.

"Foil Thoio Wia"—lnillnlin|iidla l«-2n.Glllrltf-Daifa-Diiro Oi. K'lias. Froliinan, incr.)—

IlliokcKiir. OhU-aio. M-Miroli n.

Qlllirrt A Snlllvin Oinrn Co.—(Irnnil Kniililii,

tikh,, lf:-2U, Torrr Ilanlo. Iml., 21. Indlisaiio-lla 22-27.

, "Ooftl Nlglil. Nurso"- Alli.inv. N Y.. 22 21."Ulrl o< Riglo lUnoli" (Don. AlloWr;, niRr.)—

Alhol, Kan.. 17. I'lillll|i«liiiri: 20, J,.inilm:< 22..Vlden 2;<. Doodlaml 24.

"(III! :.nd llio Tr.iniii." \Vo-»lorii—.Fnsl llvrr«'

(Frod FIoimI. nisr.l—-SI. (Iwrp-, I'.. I,i-I7,

Olar Oll.r l.t.20.

"lilrl llo Coiildn'l liny" (("has. 11. llnviko, nisr.)— Ko.vtor. \V. V«., 17; Oinilvrlaiid. .Md., 10,AiiiiaiiiillH 20. >

ItixlLv. Wiii.--Akron. 0.. IS.

"llollo. llniaiVn-fly" (r,ili;iii ,^ Itarrla. incra. )

Aalor. Now York, Imlof.



(Gua Hill, mgr.)

"High Coal ot Loving'

•Uiwloii. 1.1-ilO.

"UIg'h Jlnka" (Arlhur Ilammetaleln, mgr.)—l»ul)U(|iio. U.. 17, Kan Olalro, Wla., 21.

"Hanky I'auky" (l,ew FlclJi, mgr.)—ludlauaiiolU

"lluiiU'of Iluiiilaco, The" (Rowland 4: Clllford,

nigra. I-Nullounr, Chicago, 22-27.

Illliigloii, .Hargar«t (.Sflwyn & On., nigra.)-liar-

rli. Sow York, laik'f.. . ,. , ,

'•It •« AdrerlliM!" (Cohan & llarrla, nigra.)

—Oouan's, ,N«w York, linlot.

"Inaldo the- Llnoa" (J- Fred Zlmracnnan Jr. »Win. llartli Ji.. nigra.)—Loiigacre, New York,


"Innocent" (A. H. Wooda, mgr.)—Oarrlck, Phlla.,

19.20. nbuhort, Doaton, 22, Imlof.

"Ill -Old Ivfiilnckj"—Ix)ulaTlllo 1.1-20.

"Ifa 1 Lone War to Tliniorar/''

—Walnut, Phlla.. lS-20.

"la WrmiM"-Milwaukee 14-20.

KtllrruuDD, AQneltt^Natlonal, WaahlDgton. 15-20.

"Klok In" (A. II. Woola, uigr.)—lUimbllc, »owYork, Imlof,

. .. , ."Kllly JIuoKay" (Wm. Klllott, nmr.)—HarlfJM,

. Conn., 17,- HprlngneM. Miaa.. 18:20.

L* Hoy. Talma. Uoaco Oo. (Hugo Broi.. niitra.)—- .<(t..!,uula 14-20, LoataTlUa 22-W; Colambiia, 0.,'


•>Llfe" (Wm. A. Bndj, mfr-)—'Manhattan O. n,,Now York. Indef.

"Law of III* Land"—FoitJ.tllWh, .Slreol, New. York, Indef. • „ ,

"Lady Luxury" (Tbo Shnherte, ngra.)—'Dolaaco,NVaahlngton, 19-20.

"Lilac Domino, The" (Dlppel Opera Coralqua

Co., mgia.)-rroTldCDca 10-20, Do Kalh, Ukln.,

22-27."Little Cafe, The" (Klair & Etlingcr, mgrs,)—

Alliaiiy, N. Y.. 10, 20."Lion and the Maun" (Oeo. H. Dubb, mgr )

UraluHeld, Kan., IT, Wllaon IH, Canton IS,

F:<krldgo 20, Ottawa- 22, Klnoald 2», Bulfalo 24,

.Madlaon' 20, SeTcry 20, Korelu 27.

"Lure, The"—Victoria, (Jblcago 13.20.

MiinlKoiuorr & Sloiio (Chua. Dillingham, ogr.)

Ololie, New York, inJcf.

Mialorn Drama I'layera—Toj, Doiton, Indcf.

Molnlyro 1 lloaili— ll.inilllan, O.. 17, Indlanapo-lla. Iiid., II). 20, l.nfiiyotio 22,- I/oi;jnanort 2,1,

l-'l. M'ii)ii<> 24, Wahoiih 23, (loahon 2U, Elk-l:i:rl 27.

Muuilo, CiTll— Ford'9, llalllmore. 1.1-20,

Mlllor. Iloiiry—Uakliiml, 22-27.Ml nioll, lloliorl—Forty fourlU Stwt, Now York,


.Molvlllo, Rnto— Ojlumlda.' Washington, 15-20,llninx-O. II., New York, 22.27.

.Miiriloi'k, All!) (Cliaa. l'robnuti{ mgr.)—BuffaUir.-20.

"ilold In America" (Tho .Shubofta, mgr.)—Wiii«lor llanloii. Now York, 1,S, ImW.

".Mlraclp Man, The" (Cohan & llarrla, mgra.)—

Tn-uioiit, Iloalon, Indof,".Mntt and JefT In Meiico" (Joo I'ettensell,. mrr.)

l'ro.<i>«t. CICTelaml, 1.1-20, I'ltishnrgh 21-27-".Mnll ami Jeff," .No. 2 Co. (C. II. Wllllnin9,

iner. )—U llilirbHc, Can., 10, 20, Calgary 22-24,1'Vliiioiiluii 23-27.

".Mnll and Jolt." No. 3 Oo (Grltt Wllllama, nitr.)—Atlantic, la., 17, Gutlirlo Centre LS, Terry10, SliMi» City 211. Vemilllou, Minn., 22, Car..ton 2.1, Yanktown. S. Uak.. 24. Madlaon 2.'!,

l"l|>t>)ilone. Mlnn.^ 20. Drooklnga, S. Dnk., 27."ilntt an.l Ji-IT," No. 4 tSo. (Harry lllll, niRr.)—

.\lt. rii'iimiiii. I'll., 17. OoniiollHVlllo IH. I.iilrolie

10, (iMvniiliurg M, Vnndorgrift 22, Tarenlura2:1. lliiilor 21, Kliianing 23, 1 unxautawnry 2,1,

lieyiioUsTlllo 27.

"Muu gnil Jeir." Si>eclal O). (Wetter Tamer,iiiKr. )—Jni'lisonrlllo. Fin.. 17, St. Auxuatliie m»llaliiwvlllo 10. Dnytonn 20. Do Land 22, San-fiml 2.1. Orlando 24, Lakeland 23, Tampa 21),St. reieraliiirg 27.

"Mlaaonrl tllrl.. The" (.Merle IL Norton, mgr.)—I'alon, la., 17, lllalr. NWi.. I.s, Die, la.. Ill

Caataiin 2il, Iloriiick 22, jjnillbland 23. Was!24. MoTllle 23. I'leraon 20. Kliiiploy 27.

".Mhloadlin Ijiily, The"—Jllroui I). IL, Ne'York, 13-20, Monlaiik, Dkln., 22-27.

"Mllealniio!!"—^Toronto. Ctn., 19-20."Mra. \\\t6' ot the Cabbago

la.. 27.

".Mi«lorii KTe"—Taylor, Tex.Antonio 10.

".New Henrietta, Tlie"—Oort,'Newlyiretla A Their Ual>'

'Phanlon niral. The" (DitU Selaaoo, mgr.)—Oolonlal, llonon, InileT.

, „„•Pair <rf Sites, V' (dl. H. Fraw*, mfr.)—Wil-bur, Koaton, Indef-

I'alr of «lxe«. A" (II. il. Fraiee, mir.)-Lyric,Cincinnati, 14-20, IlolaiCO,..Waablnglon,. 22-2^.-

I'alrof Sliea, A." Kaatcrudl. H. Fraiet, mgr .

—FItclilMirg, Maaa., 17, Bellowa Falla,- Vt., IH.

Conoorri; N. H., 20, Laconla. 22, Nashua '2-1,

l'orta.roiitb 24, boier .29, I'prlland, Me,, 28, 27.

"I'alrof Hlxca, A," We«leni.(U. H. rrt»«, ingr.)

—Niihfllle, Tenn.; .17, -18, -Jackaoo, 30, Mm-phla 21. Lltlle llock. Ark., 22, Texartana -23,

Fl Worth, Tel., 24,

• I'air of Sliea, A," Oentril (H. H. Fraree. mp )

—Mncotii, Neb., 17, roatrlce 19. MaiiJitiar,

Kan.. lU. I.awreDce 20, St: -Joaepb.- Mo., .w,!,.

22, T.iiwka. Kan., 23, flallna 24, Wichita 2j,

.indepeoiknce 20, I'ariwno. 27.

. _ ;„„ .


l'e«c y My Heart'' (Florence Martin) (01 iTer Mo-

.mco. nigr.)—Do Kalb, Ukln., 13-20. Adelphi,

-I'hila,. 22, Inilef. ,„ ,„„ .

I'cii o' My Ueart" (Powy O'Nell) OUreT.Mo-.

rwco, mgr.).—aanta Darhara, Cal., 17, Veatur*

18, San DleiK) 1.0, 20. Loa Angejea 21-27.

•Pea'o' My' Heart" (Dofothr Mackaye) (OtlTer

Moroacu, mgr.)—Newcastle, led., 17; Blohniond

18, CifMri-Tilie 10, Oreenaburg 20, West Uidea21 Ilcilford aa, W.iBblnglon 23, llloonilngtoo

24' Franklin 23, Ooluinliua 20,- Shelbyrllle 27.

'Peg 0' .My Heart" (Klaa Ryan) (Oliver Moroaco,

mgr.)—KraiHTllle, Ind., 17, VIncennea IB, Terre

Uaule 10, 20.

'Peg 0' -My Heart" (Dorla Sloore) (OUrcr Mo-roaco, mgr.)—.MWa, Mo., 17, WaaLlngton 18,

'Muacalliic 10, Dafeniiiirl, la., 30, Mollne 21,

Iowa City 22, Grinnell 2.1, Newton 24, I'CTry

25. Ft. l>o;iBe 20, Mawin City 27.

'Peg 0' My Ilenrt" (.Marlon Dentler) (Ollyer »I<>-

roaco. Kcr.)—(Jollad, Tex., 17, Cicero IB,

Yoakum in. Wharton 20. Bronbam 22, Dryan

23, Franklin 24, .Mcila 25, Coralcana 28,

"iS"©"* My- Heart" (Rea Martin) (Ollrer Jlo-

-ToUco, mgr.)—Centrnlla, UL, 18, Olney 19,

Kfflnghnm 20, Uolilniion 22, Paris 23, -MattcoD

24, Pans 25, Taylortllle 20, Lincoln 27.

'PolBib 4 I'erlmutler" (A, II. Woods, mgr.)—Milwaukee 14-20,'

Tntniib St PerlmuttcrMInneapolla 14-20. _ _ .

"Potnah * I'erlmutler" (A. H, 'Wooda, mgr.)—I,ogan«|iort. Ind.! 10. Bay City, Mich.. 2:).

"Prliice of PlliM-n" (Percy J. Kelly, mgr.)—Tj-roiilo. Can.. l.">-2fl. London 21, BrantfonI 23,

Hamilton 2.1. Buffalo, N. Y., 25-27.

"Prodigal Son, The" (Oscar Oraham, mgr.)—Round Rock. Tex., 17, Burnett 18, Marble FiUa10. Llano 20, Lampasas 22.

"Printer of Udell's, That" (OaskMI t MacVIIty,

mcra.)—Olierlln, Kan., 17, Morton 18. McCook,

Nell. 20. Holdrege 22. MInden 23, SheltOB 24,

Oacfola 29, Darld City 20. Albion 27,

"Paasing Show of 1014"—Oaiihsk, Chicago. taSef.

"Poor Little Rich Girl"—New Orl««n» 14-20.

"Phllaiiilerer. The"—l.lttle, Chicago, 10, liidef.

'H'rlnce of To.nlght"—Coltimbln, 3. O;, 10.

•Teiiled. KnrI, "The" .(Wm. A. Brady, mgr,)—

Mailiie Klllott'a, New York, Indef.

"Rolllni Stones"—La Salle. Chicago. Indef.

"Red Wlitow" (P. n. Nlren. mgr.)—Jackson,Teiin.. 17. .Helena. Ark., 18. Olarksilale, Mlis.,

10 Yphio City 20, JaokKon '22, Hsttleaburg 23,

Laurel 24, Meridian 2.1, Mobile, AIn.. 20, Peiiaa-

cola 27.

•nound-Up. Ths"—Imperial, Ohlcaso. 15-20.

"Rt ssry, The"—Elgin, 111-, 18-20.; ,

Skinner, Otia (Clias. Frubman, mgr.)—Lllierty,

New York. 13-27., „ , „

Elerr. Frances (Dnrld Delasco, mgr.)—nelajco,NfW York. Inilef. _ .'

.SrmlcrK-u-Brlan-Cowthorn Oo. (Chu. Prohman,

niKr.l—PIttBburgh 13-20, Notional, Waahlnglon,

22-27.San Onrlo. Opera Oo.—Academy, Baltimore, 15-20;

Majestic. Bkln., 22-27, _flrooner, Cecil—Toronto. Can., 22-2T.

"Seng of Soiigi" (A. II. W(W.1«; mgr.)—Eltlnge,New York Indel.

. „, , ."aiMcm" (Wm. A. Bro-ly, mgr.) — Playhouse,

New York, Imlof. , ,

"Ft-cw Fbop. Tliy (Selwyn & Co., mgra.)—Ilnd-

•ann. New York. Iioli-f.

"Sort" (Henry W. Savog:. mgr.)-IIHnolJ, Chi-

caro, lC-27.

"£tory of the Rosary"—ler.iey City, N, J., 15-

20 Newark 22-27."Shepherd of Iho Hills" (Oasklll & MacVltty,

nigra.)-Creenihoro. .N. C-, 17, DanTllle. Ta..

18, neilford City 10, LyiicliNir» 20, Leilngtou

22 Ronrake 23, Princoton. W. Vs., 24, Jlnellol*

25", ffuloKkl, Va., 20, WylheTllle ^27,. .

"Shepherd of the Ullls" iGu^klll . *: .Mac>ltly.-

m^.)—St. Louis U-20, -Kansas Ctty, Mo.,

",4Ver^ Hours In New York". (.0. K. W««- mgr.)—Rocky Mount. N. C, .17,^ I'ayatteTllIe 18, I-arln-

burg 19, Darlington, d. C, 22, Sumter 23,

Orancebtrrg 24'.i Anguata, Ca.. 25, Barnwell, 3.

O., 20, BlueHeld, W. Va., 27. „ '



"Soren Keya to Baldpate" (Oohnn, ft Ilarrls,

. mgra.)—4itudBrd, New York, 15-20, Dtoodway,-

Bkln.. 22-27. • - ',-, ,.

"flillii^ South". (J. 0. itookwell,. mgr.)-—L»ke-TleSe,' Wlch.i.lT, Btanton .\18, <ar«p«TllIc 'a»-

Boldlng 20, Canon City 22, IthacA 23, I-aln^a-

bun 24, OtII 29, 31. Johns 26 • FoiTler 27. .

"^tamber Mom," Circuit Oo. (Rowland & Ollt-

ftriT, mars.)—Trenton, N. J.,' lB-20, Jer.'cy

Olty 22.27."School Daya"—Qu Fjlwatds* (0. Ellmore; mgr.}—Hamilton, Con.;- i3-20.

Thurston, Howard (Jack Jonea, mer.)—Oonton,

O.. 19-17. Akron 18-20, Reading, Pa.. 22-34.

Trepton. N. J., 2.1-27-

Tempeat, Marie—Albany, N, Y., 19-17, lloches'er


Trentlnl. Emma—New Uayen. Conn., 18, Hart-ford 10,' 20

IrtnldaJ 24, Dawabn. K Mei., IS.'Ui Vegif

26, Saiiia F« 27. _ .„ ."When Uteems Come Tn»-"—ZanfatMte, O, 18,

"Vellow Ticket, The"—Oninil, Clnc'nnaU, 14-20,

"Yelloir Ticket, The"-^artl«iid. Oi«., H-iO.


Pennauent and TMwellBB,Acadeniy Players—Academy. HaTcr^in, Mast.

AUierlcan Stock—American, Phlla.

Anieir at<i:k (Joe Aiigcll, aift,) — Oumberland,

Md., 10-17, Boawell. X'lU. 18-20.

Amne P inna,lolwatotrn. Pa., Indcf. •

'Adxlr, Joliu Jr., t Co.-SteobeDrlllc, O., Indef.

Auditorium Slock—.Indllorluoi, Kansas. City, Mo,Uuibank Slock—Bnrbank, iMa Angeles,

llrraut, Dllly, Stock—LojLUport,.. loll,; Indef,

. Utjou dtock—BIJou. Fall HlTcr, Mass.Betlon, Mtrgot, Mock—Bu.nLIJI, Minn., Indef.

f Kiliuw-ltwara' Players—Couuc!! BUffs, la-. iD-

nifbon Playera—Oakland, Oil., Indef. .

PyiH, Fled, Stock (Byera.A lugrani, in<if.)—• I'aducah, Ky:, ludef.

Baker Stock-Baker, Portland, Ore.

Brown. Louise, Stock (Eilwaid Doyle, mir.)—So.Moncheetec, Conn., 22-27

Broadway Stock—Broadway, Denver.Brinhrldg-; Playna—Balnbrldge, .MInneapoUa,

Boyd Stock-Boyd, Omaha, Neb-Blloo Stock (0. Fred Daum, mgr.)—Newben,

N. C, 19-27.

Barrett Playora (J. B, Barrett, mgr.)—Porta-moulh, 0,, Indef.

Bonatelle, Jesile, Stock—Weat Eod, New York,Imlef.

Baker Theatre Stock—Rochester, N. Y., Indef.

Craig Stock—X^aaile Square, Boatoo, Indef-

Cbeater Wallace Plarers—^Aahlabula, 0., Indef.

Orescent Stock—Crescent, Bkln. ,

Colonial Playera—Colonial, Norfolk, Va.Cook. Chaa., Stock—iWalerhury. Oonu., Indef. . .

(Aasc-Llster Stock (W. E. Ansloy, mgr.)—'WIU-mar, Minn., 15-20.

Cooke Players—Nassau, Bahama lalanda, Inder,

Orane-Sblrly Stock—Troy, N. Y,, Imlef.,

Cliamplln, Chja. K., Stock—Ilarrlsburg, iPa., 10-20

Colonial Stock—.St.) Catharines, Can.. Indef.

Carroll, Ion, Stock—IVteraburg, W. Va., 15-20.

Deming, Lawrence, Stock—(Brookings, 3. Dak.,

15-20.Denbam Stock—Denham, Denrcr.

Doty 4 Sight's Comedians (U. H. Doty, mgr.)-——Dexter, .Minn., "20, 21, Brownadale 22-24,

Busbforil 23-27.

Roplre Stock—AiiRusta, Me., Indef.

Empress stock—Kiniircss. Tacwuia, Waah.Bnterprlse Stock (.Norman Ullyard, mgr.)—Cnil-

cago, Indef.

Edwarda.WllsoD Slock (Ebert Edwarda, mgr,)—Fayette, O., 15-20. Butler, Ind., 22-27.

I'oraberg Players—C<owark, N. J... Indef.

Folly Mua. Stock (Uarry Tuberrllle Jr., mgr.)-Folly, Peoria, UL

, , „Fox Boyle E„ Pop. Players—Laramie, Tci,, ID-

20, Ulg Sprln'ga 22-27.

Qrand Stock—Orand, Clerelaod.

Oothain Players—Gotham Bkln. -

Ulbney, Sarah, Co Samla, Ont., Can., Indef.

Grand Opera House '6tock—Oraod, Bkln.

flolden Playera—OlereUnd. Indef.

Uaywird, Grace, Stock-Wlllard, Chicago, Indef.

llaawell, Percy. Stock—iNew Orleaiu, Indef.

Homer (3om. Co.—Kather»llle, la.. Indef.

Ue)da Drama Players (Phil U. Heyde, mgr.)—F.lkbart, .Ind., Indef. ....

nuntlngton Players—St. -Paul. Indef.

Hugo Playera—Ellendale. N. Dak.. 19-17.

Jewett. Henry, Players—O. H., Boston, Indef.

Keith Playera—Keith's. Toledo, O.

Keith Stock—Keith's, d'ortlaud. Me.

Kerea Slaters Stock—(Wichita. Kan., Indef,

Keith Players—Bronx, New York. Indef.

Klark, Gladys, Stock—iNatlck, Mass., 19-20,

King & SylToater Stock (0«o. S. Groonell, mgr.)

—Tapper Lake, N. Y., 15-20.,^

l>iatt Souare Stock—Chicago, Indef.

Little StMk—LIttie. Phils.

Lorraine Mua. Com. Co:>—So, Bend, Ind.. indef.

LoLergan. Leatcr, Playem—Lynn. Mass., icdef.

LlTlnistone Stock—Peoria, UL, Indef.

Ljpn Pla.Tfcra—Lynn, Mass.. Indef.

Lawrence Del. S., Stock—Montreal, Can., Indef.

Lyceum Slock—Now Britain, Oonn., Indef.

Lyric Players—Lyric, Jlemphls, Tenn.Leonard Players (Wm. R. I.«Qnard, mgr.)—Fagles-

Tllle. Mo., 15-20.

Lang ft Wilbur Stock—CVilo. Springs, Colo., Indef.

Lyre St-Kk—Lyric, Buffalo.

Lewli Stock—lifshlle, Ala., 19-27.

Uwls k Wolf's Players—San Diego, Cal., Indef.

La Ror Stock . (H. Ia' It«7, mgr.)—TippecanoeCaty. 0., 22-27.

, ^.".Irrt's-Amoclate Players—Slonessen. Pa., Indef.

Metropolitan Players—Metropolitan. Cleveland.

Merk. So. Players'-Merk. Sq., lowell Mass.Marcos .llns. Com. Oo.. No. 1—rBoston 19-20. /

Uarcoa Mua. Com. Co., No, 2—UUford, Man.,19-20.

Marcns Uus. Oom. Ca, No, 3—Norwich, Conn.,15.20. ••

Marcus Mus. Com. Oo„ No. 4—Gardner, Mass.,.19-20. - • '

Mayloo Stock—Ully. Pa., 15-20.Muiahall- -Playen^New Liberty. Ia-, 13-20. -

UllIett'Cam.--Oo.—<.MlIan. Oa.; lS-20.Nr.tlonal Stock (F. R. Oole, mgT.)-r-No. Jadson,

led.,. 19-17, Kewanua 13-20. Argos 22-27,Orplieum Players—Orpheum, Beading,' Pa.Oliver Drama Playera (Otis Oliver, mgr.)—Daven-

port, In.. Imlof. •

Oliver Stock—Rock Islond, 111., Indef.

OUver Stock—Uurllnvton, la., Indif.

Orpbenm Slock—Orpheiiro, Jersey Olty.

Ott. Dob, .Mua. Com. Co Portland, Me., 22, In-

def.Pringle. Delia, Slock—Boise, Id.ilio, Indcf.

Poll Players—d'oll'H, Washington.Poll PlayerH—Aodltorlum, Battlc^re iiilef.

Poll Players—New Uavcji, Oomi.; ludc.

PotI Flaret^i-MnDton, Pa.., lodef.Foil PlayeiSr'-Worceaier. Maaa., indcf.Foil Players-T-Uart/ord, Oimo., Indef.PrIccess'Btdck'—Princess. Dee Moines. Ia.Park. Opera. (}o.—Shi.'uandoah, SI. Louis, indefPUyera Co I'ack, St Louts, • Indef.I'^ylon. COisc, Stock—Syracuse, N. Y., IndefPeity's, Peerleas Playera-rr-TotoDto, Can., indcf"Prlce'a I'opnlar'1'lajers (John R, Price, ma 1—

Barato«a 8pgs.,rN. v., ,lndef.- ' '

Playhooa^ Players—Wilmington, Del.. Indcf.Pnlnc*' Play<rs' (Fred Ueahdoln. ' Aijt.) — ci,rkj-

Lorg, W. Va., Indef. .-

Riutfrow's Stock (J. N. Rentfrow, mgr.)—TeiasCity, Tex., Indef. -

Sbubert Stock—Shnbert, Milwaukee.Sherman Stuck O.—Do Kalb. III.', hidef.

Sutherland t tock, PAokwaukee, Wis., 19-17. Writ-neld 18-10, JIancocg 22-24, Wi-yunwega 23-2;.

Sehtnley Players—Scienley, • Plttaburgb;SIncIar, laura, -Stock 'Hua KeTulile.-jngr.)—Du-

' rand, Mich., 'JD-XO, IpallanU 32-27.-

Tbomaon-Wf-oda Co.-Waltham, Maaa.^ Indef.

Tumer-Hammood Players—Provldenee. ladef.Trouadale JSros.' Stock—Sac City. la.. 17. LikaCity IS, Bockwell l'>,.Fcnda 20, Scruton i2.Jefferaon 23, Sac City 24, Lake City 29, Boca-well 20. Fonda 27.

Van Dyke & Eaton Co. <W. Mack, mgr.)—lopMo,Ho., Indef.

Waablugtoi Slock—Detroit, lnd«f.

Worth, ' JOMpblnev Playnrr (Oordon HaoUtoo,mgr.)—Dutrnqoe; la., Icikst.


WrTght-HontlngtOa Players-^Innespolla 15-27.Wanda. Kathleen, Stocic (Walter Sanford, mgr.)-.

Ellzabelb, N. C, imlef.

Warrlogtoi Stock—W.irrlnglon Oblcago.Whitney St<ck—KalamasM, Mich., 19-20.

Youn.f-Adsms Stock—St. John,. Can., Indef.

COMPANIES IN T.4BLOID PLAYS.Clayton Pl.^yera (LloyI C. Foster, mgr.)—Dam.. Vt.. InJef.

EiDplre Mua. Oom. -j).-Lewlaton, Va., 15-20,Mllt4o'2-:-27,

"High Sdicol .Minstrel GIrIa" (0. E. SIngletoo,mgr.)—Wheeling, W. V.i.. 19-17, Washlniilon,Pa., lH-20, Pittsburgh 22-24. New CkSIle 23-27.

"IIcnpock-?d Henry." Western Go. (ILilton Posell.ragr.)-^lx' Itoy. Minn., 17, New -Hsmplon 11,West Union- ID, Manchester 20. nnlnrme 21,Volga 22 Wanooma, 23; Independence 21,Waverly 29, Jeaaup 20, Waterloo 27.

Osmoo .Mus. Com. Co. (Thomas McCracken. mgr.)—Ciinniherahurg, Pa., 15i20."Run For Her. iloney. A" (Ilalton Powell, mgr.)—Okla. City. Okla.. 17-20."Sa/ety FIrat" (Uallon Powell, mgr.)—F.lgln.

III.. 14-17. Jollet 18-20, Ottawa 21-23, Blooiu-Ington 24-27.

Thomas Mus. Oom, Co.-^Brockton, Mass., 15-27.

"Tabarln Olrla" (Dave Nowman, mgr)—Salis-

bury, N. C, 15-20.

MINSTRELS,Big City Minstrels (John ^W. Vogel. mgi.)—

Durand, Mich., 17, Pt. Huron 18. Mt. Clemens10, Ann- Ai^r 20, Battle Oreek 21, Kalaniaion22, Allegan 23, So. Haven 24, Benton Hirbor25. Dowaglac 20.

Evans, Geo. (Daniel Shea, mgr.)—Annlaton, Ala.,

17. Birmingham 18, Nashville, Tenn., 10, 20,

Columbia 22, HnntavIHe 23, Chattanooga 21,

Athens. Ga., 29, Augnata 20, 27.

Fields', A1. G. (Edward Conrad, mgr.)—ScheoK-tady. N. Y., 17, PIttsOelil. 3laaB., 18. Amster-dsm N. Y., 10, Johnstown 20. Utlca i2. OoeMa2:1, Penn Yan 24, -Corning 25, Grcenrllle, Pa.,

23, Sharon 27.Ouy Bros. 10. H. Guy, mgr.)—Bclvldere. N. J.,

18, Flomlnglon 10. Clinton 20.untliigton's, F. 0. (J. W. West, mgr.)—MtamiK,

Ark., 17, 18, Teiarkana, Tex., 10, 20, Jrflcr-

aon 22.O'Brien, N'elli'Oacar Fi-Hodgd, mgr.)—Waycrow,

Ga. ' 17, Albany 18, Mnc<in in. Oolamliu< 10.

Dalnbrldgj 22, Talliihussee, Fla., 33, I'rnia-

cola 24. Mobile, Ala, 25, Selra:i 20. Me-TldUA, Miss., 27.

Blehord A Pringle'a (Hollond ft Fllk(ns, mcrs.l—Pccatello. Idaho, 17, Idaho Falls 18. Reshur;!10, St. Anthony 20, Drlgga 22. Aidiion 2-1,

Blnkfuot 24, Logan, U., 23, Preston '.'0, Crlg-

ham 27.

DANDS AND ORCHESTRAS.Chandler, Nellie B., & Harmony Malda (Chas. W.

Goetz, mgr.)—Boston, Mtas., Indef,Flake's Band—Wonderland Floating Theatre. In-

def.M^parrow'a Bind—EIla-,'nia-Oo., IndelNeePa. Carl, Band—Logan, W. Vs., Indef,


.Bragg ft Bragg Show (Geo. M. Bragg, mgr.)—Portland, Can., 17, IS, Lynn 10, 20.

Becque Picture Shows—New City, N,- Y., (Frl.

daya), Indef,Bonny. Johil—Kansas City, Mo., U-Sm.Cook. Or.—Logans(>ort...Inil<,' 28.Howe's, Lyinan H.. lilcturea—Indlananolla 21-27.

'^Hypocrites" (pletnre)—Prlocesa, New York, In-' def.


"BjmcKtea" (plctnie)—Majeatic, Bkln.. 15-20.

Jonea, "Johnny, Rfp*. Shows (Johnny .J, Jnci,-- - mgr,-)—(raiBpa,vJOa., 15-.20. . .

Lncey. Thob. 'Vlnnc—l>hlla. 17. Dvldgeport 13.

. Phlla. 10, B. Gnenvllle 20.:TackcrlDn,'-N. J..

22. Jeaklutown, Pa., 23, .Miuch Chunk 24,Coopersburg 23.

Inken^. Harry, Show— Meadvllle, Pa., l.S-20,

Oil City 22-24, - •,

McGlnler, Boh 3c Era—Spring Brook, N. Dak.,17, 18, WJlllaton 10, 20.


Raymond, (3reat (Maurice P. Raymond, msr.)-Buenos Aires. Argentina. 15-27. '

. .

RIcton SbtFW , iieifVBlaiBt;'1iIdW:Snillh, Mysteiloua^Waubnn. Minn., 17, Mohiio-men 18, 10. Almora 20. Bcamlon 22. 23, Droutea24, :9, Lowry 26, Hoffman 27, <

Thonipeon's, Frank U., Pictures—Monroe Oenter,HI., 14-20, Scarhon '22-23 -


Winter Clrcus-^pp., Netr York, Indrf.

Patch' —Oaveniiort,

, 17, Austin 18, San

,Chicago. Indef.The' '—Oumberland,

Md.. 20, Aliooiia, Pa.. 22.OliMII. CJi.miu'e.r—Otnaha, Neb.. 15-17.U'ltoM. Flake—din>«,lway. Bkln. 19.20. Oranil

O. II.. New York. 22-27."(ill Ttlal" ICohau A llarrla, mgra.)—Candler,

Nea- VOI-k, Imlef,"On Trial" (Cohan A llarrla, nigra.)—Oohan'a,

Clili-ac.i. Inilef.

"OiilT Clrl. The" (Joe Weber, mgr.)—Lyric. .New\ork, liulrf.

"(iiir Clilldren"—rrlncew. Chicago, Indef-"Olil lloiueKiead. Tlie"—tlenera. N. Y.. in."t)le. the .iwede IVtectlTe"—«Iarham A iMcOlure'a

(Al. lleckerlch. mar.)—Vienna, a. I>«k., IS,Lake PM\-<ion 10. Volim 20. Tyler'. Minn.. -"22,

Clear Uki'. S. Dak., 2.1, While 24,. Elkloii 29,llnii-e M. rs<llrn-|iod 27.

"PolyKSnir" (Mivlern Play Oo.. higr.'.)—Par^i.No.v 'York, linlef.

"I'slr of Silk Stivklnas. A" iWlnthrop Amei,mgr.)—J.litlc. Now York, mdet.

"To-ulgbt'a tho Night" (The Sbuberia, mgrs.)

Shuhert. New York, Indef.

"Twin Beda" (Selwyn A Co.. mgra.)—Fulton,New York, Indof.

"Twin Beds'' (Seliwyn ft Co.. ragrs.)—Paterson,

N, J., 10, 20, Siulngfleld, Mass., 22-24.

"Trap, The" (Arlhur Ifammersteln, mgr.)—Booth,.New York, 10, Indef.

'To-Day" (Edmund Ureeiie) (Harry Von Tllaer,

mgr.)-Detroit 19-20, Lyric. Clncliniatl 21-27.

"To-Day" (Arthur Urron) (Harry Von Tllaor.

mgr,)-l/os Angelea 19-20. UakersQcld 21, VI-

aalla 22, Haoford 23, Fresno 24, Modcsta 36,Uaryavllle 20, Sacr,i uen'to 27.

"To-Day," Oo. O (Hnrry Von Tllaer, mg .>

Cahkoah. Wis., 17, Itociford, 111., 18, Madison,Wla., 10. I.aganaport, Ind., 22, Frankfort 23,Muncle 24, Awlerson 25, lllchmond 20. Dayton,O., 27.

"TVi-Day." Oo. D (Hnrry Von Tllier.' mgr.)

Daytona. Fla.. 17. De Land IS, Sncfnrd 10,

St. Peteraliurg 20 Tainpn 22, I.akelani' ?3, Or-lando 24, Oeala 29, Savannah, Ga., 20, Obirlea-ifia. S. C, !i7.

•Third Party. The"—Adelphi, PbHa., 19-20,Providence 22-27.

'Things That Cknmt, The"-Indianapolis 16-17,Rvaiisvllle 19.

"Too Many Cooks," Coast Oo. (Wir. A. Braily,mgr.)—Victoria, Can., 17, Vaucoiner 1.t-20,

Kverelt, Wash., 21, Ellcniburg 22, No. Yakima23, Walla Walla 24, Lewlaton 23, Spokane20, 27.

'Too Many (>»kB" (Wm. A. Brady, nisr.)—Ply-mouth. Boston, liiilof.

"Under Cover" (8eVwyn 4 Co., mgra.)—Cort, NewYork, Indef.

"I'nder CV)ver" (Selwy.-j ft Co., ingrs.)—KiosaiCity. Mo.. 14-20.

"tincle Tem'a Cabin" (Wm. Kibble, mgr.)-Paterson. N. J.. 17, Ilackfnsack IS. Dovr 10,Allrntovn. Pa., 20, Failern 22, Reading 23,21, IlarrUburg 25-'J7.

llncic Toni'a Cabin" 'C. B. Ilarmount. mqr.)

•Waverly. N. Y.. 17. Canton. P«.. 18, Milton10, Merhaiilcaliiirg 20, llsr.over 24, SUIppena-Ininr 20. OliniuberabiiriC 27.

Warfleld, David—St. Paul 1,1-17, Milwaukee 22-

24. So. Uend, Ind.. 20. Orand Raplda. Mich.. 27.Walden. Dnna—Vanderollt, Mirh., 17, Dryden 18,

Fulton. Wla.. 20, FootvUle 22, Lexington, 111.,

23. 3[lnonk 24: Argeutu 29, KIrkwooil 20,.Mor>arll!c, la.. 27.

"Watch Tonr 8tr|i" (Chaa, nillncbam, mgr.)

New Anialerdam. New York, ludef.

"While I'Yather. The" (Wm. .\. Brady, mgr.)

Comedy. New York Indef.

"Within the Law" (Selwyn ft Ob., mgra.)-Wal-init, Cincinnati, 14-20.

"Whip, The"—Cedar Rapids, la., 17, IS, Davcn-rkvt 10, 10, Terre Haute, Ind., 22-24. Evans-vllle 25 27.

"Winning of Barluua Worth" (L. O Yeomons,mgr.)—Longmont. Colo.. 17, Boulder 18. Oblo.SptlDga 10, 30, Qocky Ford 22, La Junta Zt,




CooiweUd wRh Mr. Cbtrlet rrohmtn'* Emplrs Thattra ind Compinlet

Recognized as the Leadlrie: Institutionfor Dramatic Training in AmericaBOARD OF TRUSTEES

FftoUIn H. Sargant, Prasldant FOUNDEDOaMal Frobmtn loho Or«\i» In 18848»n|>mln F. Rower Auaiwtut Tlwiua '

For catalog andInformation apply to tho Seoralar;

/Room 182, Carnagla Hill

Naw V«rk






For C. Fred Daum's Bijou Stocic Co.Will tnj, lease, root or play on pcrccnuigo. Onn uao ;oung, tall, dsrk, Lending Man. Uuflt bo atrongonough to ^l^aturo, Othors write. Anhnr L. Uiyncs wire.

Addrcai O. PRBD DAUM, Mgr., Athena Theatre, New Pern, W. C.

SCENERY WANTEDIP.?i?J^«."S5h.^S??''*'''*?''8o ."m Back ana Legs. Tnck on Sconcir, Pluah Bropa, Klcclrl-cal ijrocla.Mwhanloal Props, cic. Snltatilo for Bond Show,- Send full JcHcriptlon and pn(^e toTHB BliTOir d( WOODS CO., csre Llbblo 8bow Print, '242 Dover 8U, Boston Mum.




$37*50 0 ye"Tli« neweit and bait arrangement forcarrying slothing embodied In thlitrunk. Krer^ comfort of the homerlcl't vrlth yon In the Hotel or Theatre.


STAGE SHOESWOOD SOLEcmPlain Kid, • $3.60

Pttinl Ltilhtr, $4.60

All Colon, • $5.00

Bitn BMt, WlU BOtrip.

8TA0E U8TIn OzfotdL Bllppert

and Sboan••Bi for OatoloB

Bent C. O. D. UJl.OOjNrptlr la adfanead.FIND HAPLB DANOINOMATt, Bad* tO

order at SOcta. per aqoar* foot

IMEE1.Y BROS729 W. Bladlioa Stveet

0pp. Harmarket Tbeatre omOAOO


Tko Ballots.

qaalltj, a pr., 7tc.; wotBUtdTIgbia, medlam welKhl,pr., tl; Worsted Tlgbheavr weight, a nr., |2.Tft;

Bilk Flatted TIgbta, (Im-ported), a pr.,tX60; Ueav77SperceDt.8llkTlghtatnWIilte,Flesh, Pink and Red onl7,redQced from tB pr. to t<;Pnre Bilk Tlgbta In creamwhite onlT, redoced from$8.60 a pair to ts. Shitia tomatch, sane price as tights

Ordtrs Flllid Promptly

Clipper Catalog Freeon ApplleatlaB

BEHHARD dtARDLaio-au W. Uadlson Strwt


Earn )35 to )500 Weekly. Study

OlAaE SINGINGaudarlUa Acts, etetdMa, Dnuaa.Hnaleal Coiaedx and Naw(Itlea In 8taf« PaiiMa. WrKa forUlnatrated booUat how •,O0O ata-denta aaooeeded. Valliiie Impoo-alblB.

AlvlBDB Ibeatre School of Acting

STtk It. at B'way.Bntr. 23S VT. 57th BL, N. T.


with the wonderful

mm mm\Deagan Xylophones,Uarlmbaphones, OrganOblmea and ether Musi-cal Speclttll; Instru-ments are the


Write for Catalog "U'—~.»<w.»n, .^eagan Balldli

Ravenawood Ave.. ChU'KO

I. MILLER, 1554 Broadway,*

TeL eSOB-T Chelsaa


47th Bta.Hsnafactarer

0 1 Theaitrlca

Boots andShoes.

Olog, Ballet

and Acrobatic

Shoes. Kept

In stock, all



* I tell7on bowl Fasolnatlng proteulon foreither ui. Blffsalailca. Ezporlence on.neceasaiT. Splendid ongatiaiiAila alwaTS

- waiting. Opporttmltjr for traveL Theft,trlcai agents and anthorlUes endorsemy

L methods. Thlrtj. jeara' experienos as.•nanascr ond potfonner. Ulnatratcd

IAlhout Vaudovnio" sent FREK,

Froderlo La Dolle, sta. oi, Jaokion, aig.

TIQHTS Alio aaiBTB at vrtwjdesorlptlon, Paddbw, Frac,aake and Monkor Bnlta,Blaatlo aad Cloth Bappovten,Grmnaatla Fwapa and aall«>%Bpanslca and Balllea FtIbbo.Band for catalofoa .Md aasipla oftlgita—i-BElt.

jrOHir SPZCEElBocceoan to Bptear Brm.


CATAIiOO of Profosalonal andAmatear Flan, Sketches, Hono-logi, Mlsstrel Jokea.BeolUUons

r Uake-UpOooda, Etc., aent FREE.lOBBAIJ), BO Ann 8L, Hew York.

\Homan Ualr. Irliti OomedUn, Jew. Dotch-

J nun. Tec; brcsa VTIg, tl.oo and %\Mr,.Soabrette, tl.w, IIJO; Nefro, Stc., too.;I OamlTal paoercapa da,, Sio.: Ijda. OrepeJ BalT, rao.; Al Gotten Tights, too.; BUkoUne,Ask catalog. KUppert, Mfg, MOooperSq.,N.T.

CLIPPERBUSINESS INDEXAdmtlKiBents aot aoMdlia oa* libs la laatt

all! pQblUM. ptDperTdSeSM tkU taC•"l'" «• (»» l»n!l)7A

5?12J 'J'ii"* C^iwaa will bt Mat trw««e»c» adTcrtlaat whlla tin »dt»rtl»eai«at U n>


n « « BAHHBBB.Bngpkiia Ot.. BII Aick Bt, FklladaliWa

. L . _ OOHFBOTIOHB.BoNkkelm Bna. * Bekitela, MD Bo. PntU BL


.UpBICAIi BBIXa AND NOTBLTIBB.Edwin R. Stnet, IB Brook St., Bartftud. Oiaa.


I. 0. Deafsa, S800 N. Olirk 8t. OklcafV, ITL

, _ HVSIOAI. QLABBBB.A. BranMlii, 1011 HaplOT At*., Btckaofil BlUB 1.

POPCOBIT HAHVFAOTVRBRB.Bo«ekbelia Bra. A RekiUla, MB Bo. PmtIs Bt



0. L. Btoiy Beeile 0>., floaerriUa BlallOD, Boat«D, Hau.

Boward Tittle. IMI Oenttr Bt. irnatikn. WUBCBNBRT FOR BIRB AND BALB.

Anrlla flnln. 61B Bprlag Qudca Bt, PUla., Pa.

TBB BINGINO AND BPBAKINO TOICB.Tb«>. Taa Ton, tl W. 18th St, New Tock.

Tel., OtMlcT STOl.

THBATRIOAI. flOODB.Bottoi Betalla Oe., 8S7 Vata. Bt. Boatoa. Haa


VBNTRlLO«niBT FIQURBB.Bo HobaoD, IBM Aaateidaa At*.. N. T. Olt;.

WIOB, BBARD8 AND HDSTAOHBB.FeicT Bwlog Supplj Boow, Decatur, la

World of Players.0. 3. flTtARK li wrltlog moving picture plaja

and nugacloe *h)rl«s while apendlng ttae winterat his home la Akroa, O.JAOK LORD wilt«e: "^7e plajed a retnra date

at Aogofta, Oa., wt«k of IT^b. 1. The weather l9Ona and orerooata are Bu^erfluDus. William Fa>Dim and a ompan; of plijers are In Augatta.taking plctnm for a f«atan Ohn, The New OoY-eraor,' and a nob scene wu enacted la front ofthe llUoa Theatre, where we were plajlng. Oneoxdted natlre tbonght It wia real and callrd thepolice Mr. Newman took tbe part of band leaderId one of the political acenee, and liked the workbello than down la the (Rchestra nit, where hela cutomirll7 found. Regarda to friends."IHD OLADDB REED "Taos Cattle King"

Ctoa>pan7 reporta good biuUuM In the CentralWest Tbia orgonltntlon haa been on tour for allcoDE^CQtlre ;ean nllhout closing. Jomea Obofan,who has had largo experience with one nlghtem,la directing the tour. The Oi>wboj Baml concertsara a fetttrra of the cornponT. Mr. need iilinaa complete tour of the Pacldc Coast for the com-ing Spring and Summer.KARL KINO la passim the \Yliiter In IlBTina,

Cuba, atteodlug the race*.ranNBST J. SHAilPSTBIv.V, nclor, atitlior, plny-

wrlght has jost compleleil a new plar, ontllM"Fujiltlvea," a drama of the Oinadlaii wllJernraa,which will be glren It* Initial production thismoDlb.KLOREKOE UOORE. of '"Die I.adr of the

Slipper" Co., la requested to communlcale wliUthe Atlaa Hotel, Bridgeport, Oonn., nboot someralnable parcel* there for her.THE Buckingham Dramatic Oo. lalolj closed at

Monroe Center, III.

F. A. BAPP cloaed his Winter sceaon at Elilenn.

lU., Feb. 0. He will slay In Chicago for nmonth, aud tben )ourne; to Mlchlnn. lie will

open hi* tent ahow In Illlnola, In Mar.JOHN P. TOOnBY Is doing good wort In od-

ronce of the De Wolf Uopper 0[era Co.R. PEA8D has assumed the mnnagemont of th>

Oil 0lt7 Opera Douw ami has wow gn«d iKuk-ligs for the rest of the teaeon.JOE WALDROy, of the Speedway Clrln' .\!u-

Flcal OomedT Co., la Ibo proud rnpa o.' » sovi-J

and a balf poond babr. All well.


ITarst CoLLlD, formerly ohciiil of a . Blutch-

Cooper Show, la now of jiit of llie Wealmlnite-,Providence.

WiBSEN SpLVCun \* atlM the talk of llie Or-iiheum Olrculc, fur hi* tumbling, with tbe LeoZtrrell Trio.

ZiLLln and her manager. Johnnie Eclianlt,

vlalled the Weatmlnator. I'rovUIenw. lout week, outbeir way, with the Zillah's Unru Show com|)any.

from Manchester, N. II., lo New York. .Manager

Bekbanlt reports good Imalnei* all ulni^K the llr.o.

P0U.T "PrrrflDoao" Abuomoon, of the Carna-

tion Beaktles Conimuy, hu* taken up nome newdance* which he will Introduce In hi* lion act


GBNK1.VI. MiNiocn JBSB UucNfl. of the The-

i.trlcol Oiioralhig Company, algmd FIrieuce Tal-

bot for oiic.llier .vejr.

'BABii" IlABBia, of the Alnho Twln.^, fell on the

Icj pavement In Turonto laH wcct, nnd aprnlMcd

her ankle. She was nnuble ta work llic lest

of tho week. Ili;r slalcr, I'.tliel, lUd n "sluslo"

bill* hula dnnco Inslcid uf the regular act, al

tlic Star.

'Thb OinL IN TUB .MoiT" closed wlib ihe .Mis-

chief Maker* Fob. U.

Wii.i. CoNLir, known «s the "nilly Sunday"of ToiidcTlllJ, In feature.1 In a comedy bkelch.

playing tbe larger boost's of the United Slate*.

Tub TiinEH .CnEKiiiMX RinLs ure i;o'iii; ii'i"

Ith Ihe Girls from llni^pjloml. Jue llurllg hai

(bcm slirncd up for next iwnKpn.

Tub vaudeville nnl i h.-ture lioiu-c* of Provi-

dence are ploying to canivlly business.

Uasx LiNon Is pulling f.ver a now ac-' of four

people pertaining to ibe underworlil. He liivkc ii

la at tbe Union, la Providence, lust week uiil

It wcat over ver; gooJ.

Lo FAsrn Is playing tbe Loev time.







No matter what yon want In that line, I canaoDPlT It Now or second hand. Bend for

oatatonie. a B. ABRAHAMS A COMPANY,e06 Market St, PhlladelphU, Pa.


LETER HEADSOontracta, Tickets, Enrelopes, Fres Bamnlea, etc.

BTAOB MONEY, IM. Book Of Ueiald Oata, Ho




ETHELITERT NEVINwith a sale exceeding

5,000,000 COPIESnrv now vngagrti

111 patting acrois



B-y UHEENB.' 3 kcfs: lllgli, Mcilliim and Low.


Com|>oBcr of "Sing Me to Sleep."

(Violin Obbl.)

Uy TBLMA.3 key*: lllgli, Medium and Low.

3. R0SE0F1I1YLIFE co

By ROBB.4 keys:' High, Mcilliim (1-3) niiil l.nw.



Uy BAYNEB.Set lo music of "IiCBlliiy" Wullz.

t kL'jH: High nnil Medium.


By FIBIIBR.-t kcjH : High, Ucdiurn (I-::) and Low.

The live Huiign ll.slcd above. In any key ilCHlrcil,

will be sent, postpaid, Ifyuu enclose

$1.00 nnd till* part of the advertlae-iiient to the publlaliera


ao and as Weat Street



Five Mliutes GorhlBK Gross-Fire

(2 Males), 50o.

Five Mioutes Soappy Cross-fire

(Male aid Female), 50c.

Fha Mliotes Bright Mooolopie Cbatter

(Male) SOc.

Five Mliutes Mlistrel Mateflal

4 (Eld Mao aod literlocutor), SOc,This material comes In neatly type-written form, and Is not sbop-wornJanlc. Has beea tried out and has anabaolate kick In erery lln^> Pricesqnoted on exclnslwe material. Authorof Raymond ai>d Bala*s "Looked Oat."

HARRY L. NEWTON,01 Grand Opera Hoase, Chicago.

HYPNOTISM1B7 tfali powerful, anieen forco of atture you majr^

CDDbol othen. crciie Qodlcw fuaud voaiieTf^

reform tho degrtded, trut -Ihe

Ick and tflllcied, iiuin your•mblUon And mtke monef cujf<

YOU miir l»m It I Wriia (or

ducripUvoaodllluiifitcd liter**|

tura and fuUjurtUulm FREE. <

iddfcu M. iTBETTB. Bt». 441 » Jsflfaon. Mah,


MOUQUIN'Setb Ave.,bet. 27tb aid 28tbSts., NewYorli


PAIimiAN C'AKB :: MUBIO 6.30 P.M. TO 1 A.M.



Uniform in Color and

Quality Guaranteed_„

InaDotaadoiB Date Book

rntt |Booktli«Ar<ri"|bHiigUp"



SPECIAL AND EXCLUSIVEAll kind* and slylc* for Vaudeville

BurlCHiiuc, Caliari'lH aud Cluln.

Big Time Acts to Ordorstamp fur circular, tcrma, etc.

Robt. H. Brarfnin,1433 B'wty, N.V.

New Victoria HotelIN NEW YORK


146 to 166 Wost 47th Street

"Tho Vorr Beait of Baw York"


BTsay BoAara OoaTsaleaeo

^Bwopaaa Plaa Rxolaalwaly

RATBBBlagle rooma, hot aad cold wator %\Blagle rooms, prlwato bath ll.BO aad apBalte, parlor, bedroom aad bath 9* and apBalte, parlor, B bedrooma aad bath BB aad apFirst Claas DIalag Berrlo* at Reaaoaablo PricesO. A. liOLLlNaBWORTH, Hew York City

CUNTER HnTPr,S.»>ntonlo,Tai.BVBOFBAB. Abaolotalj flieproot. Wewantshowpoopls, lathersaaonweadTertlaelnTheOUppar




CHICAQO. ILUNBW XOOK orricBim Bioadwv.



The A. B. Andrews Co,




NEW YORK.. 131 W.38T11 ST. CHICAGO. BB T^.KANOOLPII ST.nosTow. nvppA.i.o. i„Aa#,i CO. ^nwAUT a ur.N«nH. iiiuhhk ce.

1 TOLEDO. INDIANAPOI.I.S. AT. LOUIA,* wiumMOTOH noAPisiif^ «; 40. fAMoi'^-nAUB cn.

To dollrer the Best Theatrical Qoodi, Costumes, Tights, Trimmings, eta.Oar lately rewlaed oatalogae sent free to any aildress.



Largaat stock la the eoaatry for Amatear and Bohool Plays.

QUICKDEUVEHIES For All Theatrical MBrchaidise



9 oos-ruiwiK WOf«IC«lu BO, uearboto Bk, UUIUAOO, D. h. a

CENTRAL TRUNKS26lii.^«10 ; 2giB.Lfllj *21nv 912 i *>liit,.f.l* : JOlo.. |14.ip. Ctrcna Tranka, 24iigil8^^1|BJ0,

Phone Oentrsl osn.

BlU ^ranka, SOiiSil^, losl^e. fliiO. £iIbo, Tmnks, 42^x28^x13, lnald^ IIS.BO.on receipt of 18, balanca C. O. D., aicept orer BOO milea, tlien ramlt whole amountCBNTBlL TBONK VACrOBT, Bat IBM. 8IHONB * CO., 8. W. cor. lib * Arch Bta., PhlU

S ^E^SS'' ANDREWSV HAnU 506 S. stale St., CHICA60


Wo apeelallBo la Btoek Wlga,



A. M. BUCH & CO.110 ». HlBth atvaat. ..... PUladalpkla



For STOCK, REPERTOIRE* AMATEUR COMPANIESLABOBST ABSOBTUBNT IN THB WOULD. Pooka foi bomaamusement, Nefro I'laya, I'aper, Scenery, Urs. Jarley'a WaiWorka. Catalofue Krrel Free I Kreel

BAMUBL FRUIVCII, 2B West UHlh Bt., Hew York.

Theatrical and Character Costumes0,000 Illuatrutluns. Vlalt our HHlimriHini. Any foreign NationIBIIIIary and Ifaval. Nu Ordor t4H> Hliiall ur too UIIDcult

RUSSELL UNIFORM CO., I60O B'way, N. Y., Cor. 48th St.

NEW YORK COSTUME CO.Manufacturers and Renters. UO N. Dearborn St., CHICAGO



Addreaa as per Honte. or care UMPFKH Odlcg



Pliune l<audol|ih WUi. IMN. llCttrLurii Ht., C'lilcano.

Trapaasi Ladled Hair Oooda U. Btata'a iiaka-Udl Band for Price LdaL OBI^BBIMDUBLU.aaaw. - -. 4lBt BC, New Xoifc. BT2B-BryaBL


roll HTOUK, Hep. and Amateon.Tslilolda, Minstrels and VaoderllltActa. Htamp fur C'atalogat.N. Y. PLAY UUKKAU A AUTUORBBI.. Tremont Theatre. N. r. Olty

MU8IC ABBANOBDPIABO. OROBBBTBA. Uatodlta wHItaato aoDf poena., W. B. NBLaoN, A«t«t

TWr AB|#C A uiilotiiiiil llomo'llku HaniI Mr IIDR^ Urliiin for Tri.'uliiieiit fif All• WWHW Mcillcnl ituil HiirifltaM-'HiicH.

OiilyRraduato nuTHOri ciiipluyud, Addreaa It. K,I.KB, M. 1)., Olfiird ,


CIBCUS & JUGGLINGApparatuN, lUilllhK IIIoIich, C'IuIis, llaUmg, Uuua,wire Walkcra' Aiinaratua niiil Nuvclllca. Htainptor catalog. KliW. VAN WYCK, Cincinnati, 0.

NEW 212 PAGEJLLUST. MA6IC CATALContaining cnba of ^^Mnf CoBjuoia, BOe.Naw 124 psBs book CataL, 10a N«m frca.W D. LBlROY. lOa Court BU Boaton. Baas.

I "THIOLDfllLIABLK**iPlanten^s^^, blacki



MAGICKf^Tfl FOR HA LBHciiil Oc. Htanip for NewYw.kKl Trli'k iiiid l.'alalov.

MAUI« CO., Hia. I, 'UV VI. Mth HI., New York.

24 THE NEW YORK CXilPPER. Febbxjaby 20













FIRST VERSElA mother was kneeling to pray,For the loved ones at war far awayAnd there by her side, her one Joy and prideKnelt down with hier that day.Then came a knock on the door;7our boy Is commanded to war.No, captain, please, here on my knees,I plead (or one I adore

CHORUSDon't take my darling boy away from meDon't send him off to war;You took his father and brothers three,Now you come back for more.Who are the heroes that fight vour wars;Mothers who have no say,But my duty's done, so for God's sake leave one,And don't take my darling boy away.

SECOND VERSEA hero is now laid to rest,A hero and one of the best;She fought with each son, the battles he'd wonAnd the battles that proved a test;Tho' she never went to the warShe was tl)e hero by far.They gave the guns, but who gave the sonsM-O-T-H-E-R.

Copyright. 1915, Broadway Muilc Corp., N. Y.





Cop7rlght 1918. bj th» Vnak Qutea Pablttblng CoBpur (Iialt«d).

Foundsd by

FHANK QUEEN, 1863. NEW YORK, FjfeBRTJ^RY 27. 1915. VOLUME LXtll-No, 3.

Prlot, 10 Cantt.


The Tonvcr of Jewela, four hundred and

Tiic I'snomi-PaPlflc Intcrnallonal Eiposl-

lion San FrancJaco, was opened offlclnJly,

vii ' •>0 at HOOD, iby the presslag of a buttoa,

i.y ^rcsUl^nt Wilson, at the White Hou3c, In

\V:isliln5tMJ, D. C.

w ucn ttx Blpial reached

(.|'( n«l aid -wneela ocgannicH-osslon etartod.

, .


'"'^'""'^ ^'^ '"""^^'^




Proutj."— WiiTOM LiCKAYE nas with "The Pembcr-Bcglaod, G«rman7, Austria uad niwsia are 'o??'' Co.

not oOdally represented, but France, Italy Dockstadeb's TuKATiir, New York, re-

and Japaa arc. opened as the N(<w fl«loty.Al. FIi\HAM saHcd for Europe.Hroi & Deiluan took bndi their I'lirk

SPECTACOLAB EXHIDITIONS.Gn.iKl OuffMi, B«nU Fe Ejaiem, V. P. Sciiser.

l-.,n«m. Oaiial. L. B. Myera Oo.

Ii.ltle o< aettjBbuw^E. W. iWDMuell.

<;««tl<m. E. W. McWnnell.i;«IutlMi of the Dreadnaught, E. W. IK^onocll.

•llic Submarlnte, Combined Amusemcnle Co.

Dartos Flood, Oftmbloel Amniementa Oo.

^cUowatooe Park, pnlon PaclBc Syalem.

liidbn to the Soatt Pole, I^ndon to the South

^^Pola Oo., Stella Norman 7aasban.

niDBS.nie AcroKOpe, PacUc Acrufcope Co.

Human Doalette, B. W. McOennell.

(ilrl n«d Mill. I., a Selpt.

nitfne Ojaater, L. A. Thompsoa Oj.

{^(iilc Hallway, L. A. Thoopaon Oo.

Miniature Ilallway, L. M. McDermott.i^itrrontel, Oomblncd AmuMoent Oo.

rowlB of Joy. Bowl* of Joy Oo.

P.iilsl Aulo Train, Falgl Auto Train, Inc.

TtlrlckebiB, BIcbard Parr A Joee Linde.

PcMvnser Oarrylng llyilioxropUnca, Itobt. 0.

FOwler Afroboat Co. . „^i:!pcjrlc Jlotor Chain. J. Pnaldlug Ertwardfl.

SHOWS. _ „ „.JD Camii, "Daya of Korty-nlnc" Co., W. Bmlin


Kcran Palaet. E. "W. MrOonncll.Natatorluoi, Neptune Amus^m^Dt Oo,Toylanil Oiown Up, To)rlan<1 0>in|)any,Alligator rann, CDmlilii«l Amuieineoia Co.Cavtila4~ Obtrlcb Farm, Southern Cal. Oaltlcb

FofinHio .^utodioise, Irrlng C. Aekonnao.^Dofia of All Nallona, W. B. Mason.Cincmatogrnpby, the Grauinnn Feature Playa Co.101 Kanch Show, Ulll'.-r lifOlhen.nei'glan llnllct, A. W. I.cula.I'lli-.rated Horse, E. W. HiOo6ncll.Illci.!oii rtow, P. \V. .McCtor.nell.

Old Planrallon SUotr. Frederick MllllcaD.

VILLAGES.Chinese Vllla;c, Ohinese VIKifte A Pagoda Oo,old Nuremtiurg, Frlti Mnller A Sona.Sbamrock Isle, Kenneth Croft Amnse. Eolerprlaea.Teheuntapec Vllloge, A. I,ewla A O. M. Ander.

son,Myalerlous Orient. Vahan Oardaahlan,AuBtralaslan Villages, Scoircroft A Zlmmer.Saraoaa Vlllnce, Pango Paiigo Oo.Japan Beaul^ul, N'Ipiion Kyosan Kalaha,Ilan-allan Village, L. V. notoria,

HISCICLLANEOUS.Khootlns Gillerin, John T. Dlckman.Pall Throwing Derlcee, Inrlng O, Ackeroan,Infant Incubators, Dr, M. A, Oouney,


Uyde & Beluimii'fl.OAN fiUICBMAN ANU Davk MouniflRKV Railed

for EuropeTna Bamiun & Batley Show returned from

JAS, B. Coorin bought the Adam Fore-paiWh 3how. Adam Forepauvb Jr. and JohnA. ForcTtaiifrh were appointed managers.

.To Jo ANfi UNr.iE returned from Australia.FeTEB Jacksos was with DenDett Bros.'

Company^Jack D>:ursEY knocked out Billy MoCarthy,

YE OLD rOLKE AT THE CIRCUS,la behalf of James Halfpenny, our worthy

Eupertrvtandent. (ind the gueat.i of the Aetora'Fund nome, I desire to express our sincereappreciation «f the klndlr treatment we re-ceived at Ibe hands of the Messrs. Sbubertfiat the Monday matinee, Feb, IR, of the Hip-podrome Circus, We were met In tbo lobbrof the Hippodrome by that most genMI ondKcntlemariy representative of the ShuhcrtiJ, B. FltziMttrlck, 7bo at once placed us atour ease. We went of coiine, to the cirruswith the memory of our childhood Jnys. thedavs of Dan Rice, Van Amborg and VankvcIloiblnson Shovs,

It Is only by contrast that we roallzc the'\raaderful superloitty of the Hippodrome(Ircus. It was as If a oonstetlatlon of staralinil loft their apbore and bad fallen Intothe Hippodrome arena, and If we were never10 sec another olrcus, the pertonmaDc* willii'ways prove a pleasant retrospect. Wovicrc nice boys and elrle having a holiday,,ind had oil we could do to prevent PmxIllo,vnolds, the old tdme olown and acrobat,fi-om dMns! a hand sprtng.Dear old George Adama and Steve Mlaco

liandcd us many a lauRh, end acted like bojanf slitecn. We irould bare liked to a bouquet to all ttie perfonners, eapc-dally to the beautiful women who eo ebarmcdiif. with their wonderful feats. We" were re-inJDded of the old doya bj Geo. Btlrl, whopcosed us the peanuts and candy.


The opening ort^e oerw UlppoOromo vaude-ville theatre In Terro Haute, Ind., nlxlit ofFob, 16, woa attended by many prnnilucntllie.itrlcal people. Ilesldca novcrnnr Itnlaton,I ho out-of-town guests of Messrs, T. W. llnr-

l:.vdt Jr., Joseph It. I'1nn and ifnrcua llol-

iiiiin, owners of the new Illppodroiiu>, woreliioluded.Among others wre : Juhu J. Murdock, of tho

llultcd Oooklne OQlccs In Ncv/ York ; MrnioMuorc, vaudeville producer, of Clilcsgo ; OllloKultcrneld, of the nutterfleld Circuit: FrankS. Itlvcrs. of Majestic Tlicntrc, Clilcago ; II. J.

nnd C. V, Allardt and C. F. Iluuiplircya, aliiu

i>f LNilcauo: William McOovon, of Now(iranj, Kvansvllle, Ind.: Cbarira Allardt,Orpheiun, South Bend, Ind, : J. II. Ulaiicliard,('olumbia, Davenport, la.; Ixiuls II. Itogena-burg, Karl Roblllzelle, Ocorge llai>i>, of Chl-cngu- Ruben and FInkelatcIn, of llic I'alaco,

.Minneapolis, Minn.; Frnuk Thielman, Hinr,Aurora, III. ; Charles IlAmmerslauKh, AxliyClinloau end John J. O'Connor, of Chlcngo


1'". K. llowde, of New Palncc, l''ort Wnyne,Ind.: Harry Ilurton, of Indlannulls, Intl.;

Aslicr l/cvy, Chicago ropreapntntlro of theHippodrome, and Bani't Kahl, booking nRont.

rnro saw Hie addition to Its units of the

I'rospect liieatre. In the Bronx.The newest iloss capture Is the Begcnt

jilnyhouse, comer of Sovcnth Avenue and

COLONUL IN STOCK.B 8 Moss, who has been extending his en- (Bpeclat to Tub CLirPBB.)

lerprises rince the trade name of Mob9 & Phovidbscb, n. I., Feb, 10.—The Colonialhrlll gave way to the lone Moss standard j,ns turned to the stock Bold for Its line of •

After the show we were conducted bylias Just odded a brand new spoke to the entertainment and, Judging from the cordial mink P. .»pellman to the bannuet hall whereMoss v^pdcvHIe wheel which but a fortnight welcome the new permanent organization ^-c hart a feast fit for tie cods. The table

* received nt the hands of the local. public, this rub dcoomted with flowers, the service wastlientre will run up Inlo the Sumhier with ,-,f sterllnir allvcr. I tried to stcaJ the sugarIts now policy. Rose Marv King Ij the lead- I,or-I—but too many had an oye on me.

—lir-;,.- ,„ „ .nc wompu l Oodfrey Matthews, leading man ; i-ved Rcnolds sahl he was Intoxicated withOne Hundred and Sixteenth Street, wIOi a Walter Renfort, Juvenile ; Laura Tlntlr. In- j,n-, so w»rc we all, W. T. Btrpiirns GueatFi-nting capacity ranked annone the largest genue; Jeanctte Cass, characters ; Eidltb win. of' the Homeof nil the theatres of the Harlem section. Chester, henvlcs; Frank Kcnmore, heavies: 4 1 »

Since the erection of the Regent, several Kdwln Dudley, characters and director; „,,, . „ . „.„,„„„„ „.,„vMrs ago. It has been devoted exclusively to Kred Dana, Henry Hcbcrt,- Danlcr Grant, , ^'It'™'*...*^-^?^?''^ .

the presentation of motion pictures, witli George Dillon and Gcorec Fox are the mem- .Aa an attemata of EWacncc, whlcli rau

(.ccoiJoDftl Incidental diveptlsoments of a bcrs of tlic company. "The Deep Purple," '"o consecutlva 'weeks In the Lyric last Fill,

jiuroly concert character. the current week, will play to two caoaclty ">» action has been begun .by Wllmcr ft Vln-

Manngcr Moas announces the opening of liolldav houses. IJIg advance sale. "Tho 'fnf. 'n'-i 'O recover damages for the failure

the Itcgent under hie direction next Monday,, sinner" this week had wonderful bunlncss. °' the above-mentioned attraction to appearWnshlngton's Birthday, Feb. 22, with "n big niid the beginning of the Lenten season had at their Majestic, Utica, N. Y.

^ . ^.

cnin holiday week Jubilee bill of Moss's Mns- uo eOfect on the patronage. ^"^v^'J"?'.'?^ 7,?? "oo"''' contracted, the

inr Vaudeville." Prize feature photoplays The Colonial Is atlll under the manngemcnt neent bad visited UtIca ond posted his paper,

Hint can be confined exclusively to the -Moss of Alfred II. Spink Jr., who continues to wncn the Wlhner * Vincent people were

Harlem zone during their Initial prescntii- nttraot the public with novel advertising notincd that the attraction was cancelca,

llnna will b" Included in the vaudeville pro- ideas with great succeas, Sol Braunig, for- that It was to be closed for repairs. Tliey

L-rnhi.'. .. - merlv manager of the liJmplre Theatre, Is In were somowhnt surprised to learn that In-

The bl-weekly changes of bill Mondays charge of the production end of the stock, stead, of closing for reheareals, the attrac

,nnd Tliursdaya In practice nt the Hamilton, nnd Is mcellog with success In his eBoTls to <!<>" was to be brought Into the Lyric, NewJclTerson, Eighty-sixth Sireet, McKlnley turn out sulublc scenes, Playe for the next 'ork, and thereupon ba^cd their action for

Square and Prospect Theatres, also controlled twenty weeks linve been contracted for. In- •J''J"'\^^?' ... v v,. , ,

by Moss. wUl bS"

feature if the Regent's cUidlrig "Maggie Pepper," "The House of S"','I'

betnB brought against 'The Ofllce

eohcdulc J ^^^.. „„g j^^^ ,„g ^y,fj., of WInthrop Ames inc."

The m:inagcr's lease of the Regent like nther Broadway succcsaes. The prlci^i have ' rho outcome of this action w II be watched

thA* of the l'nf.|>ccl. Is sa.ld to be for live been reduced to ten, twent- and thirty at "lib Interest by many one-i.)»tt stand maija-

venfs The yearly rental Is reported to bj night, nnd ten and twcnlv In the afternoons, • pers who have suffered injudicious cancelln-

f 35 000 Movlug pictures before the porformnno'! and 11""^ In the past.

« I » vnudcvllic betweon the acts seem to help • • *

OLEO LEWIN,Allttt "Kill " Willi iUx .SpliV"'!"' IVIIixo (llrlH.


Itlchnrd PIlMt liiis booked the D'Ainnier-thalor Tyroleau Troupo of fcurloi'ii pocipfe

for a season's engagement at "Old N'urii-

berg," In the San Francisco MxposUlDii. 'i'hey

left last week from CMIongo, and upoiii'd la

'Frisco Feb. 20.Mr. I'ltrot hiLH aluo riu^(> nrrunKxniciita

with the Luna I'ark peoplu of Cunoy liliiiid,

nnd will put there for tlio llmt lluiu In IIiIh

country the new alugliig, muvhiu coliirod iile-

tures. a brand new Idea colloil Uio "^:iiiii.

plasticon," with an eloctrlcully conlrolkslhynobroinzor. They will i)rp8cut real grandoperas 'and musical coniMllRs. One act of

Ineac sloglng nlct'ires opens Mnrcli 1 ul theMetropolitan, Cleveland, 0., und niinlluT hoI,

March 8, In Son Franrlsco. Ulrlinrd I'llnit

Ul the exclusive Ameik'iiti rriireHoiilntlvi' for

this new luvenlliiii.

CVRIL MAUDE nE-ELECTEn.Cyril Maude bos received a cnblofrmn

from Ixjndon, Eng., announcing thnt he wasro-cleclcd president of the London 'fhcarrlcnl

Manngers' Association at its twentv-nrst

annual meeting, held Feb. 13. Fred "Terry


nnd Tom Davis were elected vice presldonlH.


Rdllh Taliaferro announces that shs will

nnnenr for a limited engaRenient In vnude-

vllle In a sketch by Tom Barry, entitled AUrcRti of Old Virginia." Mnrch 1 Is the

openlcg date.•-.-» •

"MAT." POR COMMERCE S.yKE.IU)-mond Hitchcock has consented to n

mnllnee of "The Beauty Shop" nt the Acad-emy of Mnsic, Readlns. I'n., Fob. 2(1. on ac-

count of the nnnunl dinner of the Chamberof Commerce occurring evening of snmc dnte.

"F.ATTY" RICE AND GIRLS."Fatlv" Rice, formerly with the K".vstnnn

Mnvlag Plrlure Co., Is nt the Lyrie. In \MI-

mlngton. Del.. Feb. 22-2T. "Fatty' h«-s

surrounded hlmR>lf with ten buxom benutles,

bllle<l as "The Topsy Turvy Girls."•-.-»

COLLIN KEMPER MARRIED.It was announced on Feb. 10 thnt Collin

Kemper, of Wagenhnlla 4 Kemper, wna mar-ried on Jan. B. to Hone Lathnm. The cere-

mony took place In Hoboken, N.' J.

4 I t* .

STAGE HANDS' DENEPIT.The "singe hands" of NeWhrk. N. J., were

eWen a-big beneOt at Keeney's Theatre there,

.Sunday, Feb. 21, with Maggie Cllne hearting

a bill of nfteen acts,4 » »

PRANK JAUES DEAD.1- rank James, of the notorious James Roys.

who were (xnloited In drama, died Feb. 13at Ercetolor Springs, Mo., after a prolongedIllness.

iilirnct the crowds. STAGE CHILDREN'S FUND.The Stage Chlldren'a Fund held a monater

card party on Feb. 22 at 2 r. is., at the Park& Tll/ord Rulldlng. One Hundred and Twenty-elxth Street and Lenox Avenue.

The prizes Included theatre tickets audTiinny unique oblects of art. There was

a dnnr prize and a non-players' prlzc-

Mra. Joseph Turner wan chairman cf theoccasion, naslBtcd by Mrs. Millie Thorne, theliroaldcnt ; Mrs, ,lohn II, Van Tine. Ida 0.

.N'nhm. M. D. :'Mrfl. Frances II. Abrahnll.

.Mrs. Fanny Kennedy, Joale flndler, Ix)uIhp

Drossfr, Snlly Cohen Rico, Mrs. Hoi Schwartz,Mrs. Dnrrt Stearns.- Mrs. Bmll Dlckman, Mrs.Cenrgo IC. Jack; Mrs. Rosalie. Iloyrann andMmo. Monzelll.


It Is rumored that Richard Madden In

Khnrlly to resign on buhlndsa mannger nf

rohnn ft Harris and A, II. Woods' BronxOpera Houae, to loin the American Ploy Co.,

of wlilrh John W. llnmacy Is president. Mr.Madden Is also n playwright.

THE IIAYWARD9.lo Corlesqiie.

PANTAGE9 IN K. C.The Globe. Kansas City. Mo., afler Feb.

-1, Is using Pantagcs' shows, the W. V. M. A.

having canceled all their bookings for thntlionse."

CORDETT OFF FOR Al|gTRALI.\.James J. Corbett aallcd Feb. JO from Ban

I'^rnnclsco for Australia.

POY CLOSES VAUDEVILLE SEAMO.V.J J. Mnnlock, executive manaier of the II. F,

K>;ili bircult. received a wire from Eddie For.

i:iile<t at Lonlavllle. Ky.. Feb, 20. staling Ihsl ilif

mnieiltin was tlreil of being arreeted on the cliarge

of Tk>latlng the Child Ijilior 1,iw (For 0M1M-ven children In bis acl. Ho <1ld not amieir at

the matlrM at Kellli'a. T/ratovllle, on SatnnlriT,

Ilia stand next week iraa Indianapolis, and a>the ObIM Labor Laws are nure stringent In

Indiana than In Kenlucky the eomedlaa decldnl lo

end his rauilevllle acoaon and relnm with hit

family to New Iloclielle, N. Y., bit home.

TVLER RETURNS HOME.GKiTge C. Tyler, who wt» the heart of Mie

Lleliler Oompany, arrl.ed Haturday, on thetnnli. lie was In London one ntonth. lie looks

niiicli heller than when he went away.He Trfnaed lo lalk ahonl his iirtln. Iiul alalr-l

hat londm vnn doing Une theatrically, dmiillo

<lie war, and that the biggest twalneaa (here waslieing done by I.aiirelte Taylor. In "Peg 0' Mylleire," al llie Olobe Theatre.

THE No. .1 "TWIN BEDS",CO.Tlie above named company began Ita aeaioa wUh

a EJallnec <n Monday (Wtshliiiton'a .Dlrtbdayi,

at the Qjirrl 5W)aare Thtnlre, HirlngfleM. Ma.s.,.„: -. - -

, .,, Tlip cnmiitnr Inclodea: Elsie Hill, K«lhryr»IVI). 10, unnnlmoualy adopted the reaolnllon KItn-ncr. Ktia nilford, Mlaa Botkley, Bigene

making the silo of Dreamland I'ark, Coney neoiling. Jack Welch, and Frederick Oup.Island, a public beach, with a bathing pa. wnilam J. Phlnney rihrnrwl Ihe company, and

vlllon on tn^ grounds. tUged the farce.

STUDENTS' MATINEE.The fourth mntlnce of tho season lo bo

given bv the American- Aendcmy of DramaticArts will tnke place In the Umpire Thealre,

Tliflrsdav afternoon, Feb. 2,"i. when two newpinvs will be preseutcd, "The J-le lleuutlful,

a ronicdy In three aels by Sfaxwell Perry,

nnd "Pistols for Two," n comedy In one ait

bv Tom Onllon nnd lK>on M, Lion,


The Doanl of Alderjian of New York, on

REV. l><»WMIV«i, AUTOII.Hcv. Robert L. Downliii;, pnHlor nf I lie

First .M. F,. Church of Wilmington, Dul-, whofor tblrly-twu years was widely kimWM In lliii

l-hcalrlcel proresslon as "Hob llnwnlriK, In

^'<h:lkespearpn^ rnleH, will nppxiir In the

dr.ima oncer more, witli IiIh pulpit uh tin; Hel-

ling.Rev. Duwnhii;. In re«|i« to (lie ileniiindM

ot his dock., will wind up a stirring revival

hp lins been rriuducllng In WlliiilnKlon, byni>penr!nK In nil his HhiikeH|i(-arean roles nml(•linrneter IniperHiinntlonH nt the eliiiri'li, Feb.

2r.. The nclor-eviiniti'Mxt will be hhhIiI-iI byMrs. Downing, n iinn-profeHHldiinl.


The UmpreaH Thcalr.', l,ornnile, Wyi)., wnarecently purchaard, and Is lieliiu perHonnlly

ninnngeil by J. H. KInir. a retired e:itlli' nndrnneh man. Vniidevllli! nnil plclnres la the

policy.M. F. T(kM. fornierly innnnger of tlin

hoiiae. Iioa moved to ( hi-yenne, In iiiar.iige

Moore 4 Grepvm' piclnro house tlieri'.


GRAND OPHIIA rOlt IIOM'I'ON.Milton and flnrgent Ahum will lirglii mi

April fi, a llmltul senaoii of gruiid oiierii In

Kiigllsh In IIOHlnn.This decision does not nlTui;! their pinii M

present gnand opera In Kngllsli neit Hep-

lombcr In thin city, hut inny lenil to Ilie

almultaiKoiiH pieKentallun nf grnnd opera In

Kngllah in both clllea next acnaoii,*—-*

MANAOBIIS APPLY KOIl REMKI',Managers Furry ft KIcrnnn, of the Kin-

press, Han Diego, Cul., Iiavc nppll'.'d for

relief through the bankruptcy rnurt.

J. Elckmun, an actor In their stock enni-

pany, eucd for bnrk snlary nnd reeolveil

Judgment, "nic Empress Is Ktlll dark, liijt Is

announced to open soon with hurlcHini'..

POLI ON PinST.S.' 7,. Poll, vaudeville mannger, nrrlvi il In

?anol)lego, Cal„ on tbo Oreat Nortlinrt, thefirst big pnascnger liner through the I'annninCann;. Feb, 10.


Ornce Darling, Hie Hellg-llenrat "inovli;'

girl, wna also on the boni, nnd was plrlurclnmoiig the expo, surroundings.

GOOD TIMRM IN spite of the ao-ea lied hnrd (lines, I''iiiiii::i

Trenllnl nnd Clifton (.'rnwfonl. In '.'The

I'enamt fllrl," at Court Hiiimrp, HprlnglleM,Mass., Fell, in, liirnei] liunilreds nwnr, nndon the following niglit not a vnrnnt wn.s

in the house when Maude Adnms mnde Inir

appeoraifce In "Qualtly HIrect."


Anna I'nvlown marked tlie etddbraUon ofliiT birthdny aniilversnry evening of Fob. 10,nt the tVutury Tlipiitre, Now "ork. 'by thepri'.ienlrttliui of n ninv laillet, cntttled "The.••pven Kiinrhlcrs n( llie Oliimt King." which|>rove<l tAi Ik' ono >>f the moat Rtrlklng iMillotstliU .'irl'i-tte hnH given lis.

The bhlhihiy |Mir1v oiinie nfter the preaen-t.-ilhin of -riie l'"iiliy Dull." 'llie curtain roan.Mid tlie .ruilleneo sjiw the roniimiiy gntherpdoil (hp ilnKo, whilii nllendniits brought Inl:ihles lo.ndeil with (bnvers ond otiier glftn.Mux lllra-.^i, the iiiii linger, nnnmiiiced tlmt It

Mils the uniilvorsjiry of the dnncnr'a birth,nnd lliu eiiHtnni of lb" lliisslan opera houses:n presenting, iriris In pnhllc vn voct oc-inHlons -ttr.uld hi' folliwisl out.

Shnrt rpei'Plies were inndo by Ivan Clus-due, ballet iiinater: Thoodorn flller, orchestrarondiioliir, niid Mllo. I'laskuvietska, ono ofthe prl11c-lp.1l dnncom.

MANTICLL TO MAKE WOULD TOUR.When the preaent eiigngcnient at the Forty-

fourth Htreot 'llieniro terminates It williloiibtleas he siiino yeiirs before Mr. Iltntpllrotiiriis to New York, ns plana aro being mndo.>y Ills innnnger. Win. A, llrady, for a wnrld'a(iiiir. Hinrling next Fall from flnn Franclacn,with Aiintrnlln nnd Hniith Africa aa tho conn.irlea lo lie OrHt visited. That In Now York"SliakrHpeare pays" Is Wm. A. Brady's atslo-iiient, Willi nlso nilila that Mr. Mnntell's re-ivlpls Inst Week exroedi.(l by |7()0 the rn-rel|i!H iif nny nf his provlmiH engagements In(Ills illv. -»

.MM.I.IKFM WNAtJICS ANO'l'IitOlt.S. II. JiilllfTe, inirttnger of the Hlks' Opora

IIduso, llliiellelil, W. Vii., eliisisl n deal wliere-bv lio boooiues inniingor nf the Acnrtemy ofMiiale at l.yiirhbiirg. Va., taking rhnrg-)April I.

This will make three lioiiaoa over w'llrhMr. JiillllTo will hnvii eimlnil. having takeniiyer lliv Aeiidi-Miy iif Music ill lliianoke, Va...Ian. 1.

(I. A. Hnvlii, whii liMs his<ii slauo managernt I III' l-:ikH', III llliiellelil, will bo looni ninna-ner al (lie Lyiielibiirg liiiiise, and will, movoIII (be taller eliy nliiint the llrst of April,

DIAItK'S VltnoRIA, IIUPKAI.O.The VIellrIn ni»llon nicturn hniiao In lluf-

faln. .V. Y., owned by Mitchell II, Mirk, wasiipeiieil Feb. 20.

It Is Hlliinled nil (ho slle of (he iihl Vlc-liirhi. nt (Irnnil nnd West Ferry Htrenta, andli.'iH n Keallng nipaelly nf two tlionnnnil, In->'li:illiig twelve liiixes nnd Intlges. Thero aroI'll galleries >ir alalrwnva, nnd tlio docora-CiiiH are In old rnae niiil Ivory,There am n ris'ejillon riioin nnd olnimrato

dressing roiiiiiH, anil llieliiiiise hns n Npa-:loua,nil rail Ively deslgiied nnd deeoratvd lobby.

,. »

riii:ATUi<;AL ahmicmiily mef.ting.A meellMg of lliii nnwiy fnrmml 'ilioatrlenl

As>ii.inli'.y waa held, nJlerncum of Feb. 10, atthe Hotel AHl<ir, .Now York.

'nil- llr.n lu-l of '"lilio White Feather" wnsIH-eseatisI, by courleHy of Wllllnin A. Hrady,ni'd "A .Moxliviii Kpy," n onn net aketrli hyHarry Ivi'ofi r, was plnyisl. Harvey .1. O'lllg-t'lii.s, m-niilhiir of "Polygamy," Hiioke, nndHarry lliirlelgli, I'pgwy Wood nnd Adolo Rnw-l:iiiil snug, A reri'ptlnn nnd ten followed,

MAN PRANOIHCn OPERA COMPANY.Han Frnnrlseu will have Ha own opora

iniiiiniiy, nwloK to Hip efforts of tlio NewIvra I.i'ngiip. 'I'lio iiiicleiia of Mm companywill bo formed by Hie lieat nf tlie .prlnaliuilaof tlio Ilnvnnl Oiiprn Co. Among the sing-ers already Hlgiied are AIIpp Oenlln Krla-loiTv, riiilnz/.l, (.'iislellniio, Opczzn, Florlan,HI l!|ji'/,l, .liilinn anil F/rnillo.

'I'll!' Hnviiy will be'llip lump nf tho newKi'k'iial/nlliiii, mill (he opening will bo early111 .Mnreli.

I'l.AvwiiKiii'r.H' •i>0T-iioii,iNn."A •'|H>1 liolling" etperlinitil la tii Im tried

I.y njeiiil>i'rH of llie hWielnly of Aimrrlean Ilrn-iiiiil.l'ilH nnd ('iiiiiiiOHerH, wlildi will he theiiiillng of iilays by the eollnliorntUiit of nilll-e iiienilii-i'H. AiigimtiiH 'lliiuans will dlreotthe (Irat firele, nnd lliiPliel Crollipra. Mnr-Karet Mar<j, Cliannlng I'lillnek nad l'>lwlnMlllon lt<iyle will eiii'li. In turn, have chargeof eiri-les. II will Ih^ Hort of n eontlnuoiisI I'i'foriiiaiiee In pliiy writing, for n* Miiiin nslie la llnlMieil nnollier will lio begun.

W. T, I'KlKAItIt MAHIIIED.Win. T. I'leknrd and Zella F4irl were mar-

ili'il Fell. 10 nt 'riiiiawaiidn, N. Y., Ihe Itcv.

F. A. Ilh'gliiii ndlrliillag.Mr. I'll karil Is aui-eesaor to (Captain Thomas

Welili In tbo aeiil nird sitt llnii pthlblllnnl;ijHhiess, nail nt the present llnio hns threelroii|ii<H of lliese water niilinalH on tho road.MIkh Kiirl Ih nil nerlnllHl. The mnrrlngeI'eri'inMiy look plaee nt Ibe lioinp of TlieinnsM. Wehli. iiiirle of llie hrldeKriMim,


Mux llnri nnd M. H. Ilenllinni were In'oiirt laat week. Iiavliiv been nrreHlod forproviding n (1st In piieniinter bntween them.Helves for till! I/iiigaere; Kiiiinre Club miin-Imth on Friday, 111, They (ilended giill'.V nndwero reprlinaiided by MnglHlrale llnnse. Tlin(rouble Is reimrled (n linvo been over theMiae. Calvi! vnndevllle roiitrnct.


The doldateln Ilriis.'.t -AmiMomenl (X, ofHprlngrield, MasH., hns 'lioiight the , Wcslfleld(SlnsH ) Onern Houae, nnd will Inkn pnssns-Klon .Mnrrh 1. The pronerty adjoins thstrerently piirphnned by llie name rninpnny,and now gives them a frnnlngo of TO feel onKlin HI reel. 2nr. fpet on Church Htreet, witha depth of nearly 100 feet.


KNTEIITAIN ELKS,I'hlllls Kills, Chirk Patterson nnd .TpnncKo

Mnrcli, pnlinrel dancers from the Mntostlc,Soiilli Itenil, Ind., enlprtnlnral the KIks' Mon-dav .S'lglit f'liib nt the Temple, Feb. 1(1. Theynivp n very antlsfnetnry entertainment, andare In line lo be cnlli^l In ngnin In tho nearfiil'irp.


PIC'I'IIIIEH IN I.VIlin, NEWARK.The Lyric Thealre. .Nnwnrk, N, J., whirh

lad been, lo all Indlmllnns. succassfiillrshowing I'roPlnr vniidevllle nnd pirturra forseviTnl senaoiis, Is now devolwl cfillrely to"•>letiires'."


WHITE RAT WIBBLES«n noroi v, taii.Pima 871) Bryant.

AocKTii nrc grailu-

ally, ilowl)-, bill (urelr«i)0|itliiic tlH- W. U. A.I<. fonn vt cnmriict,uudcnUcdlnR Ibnl nl

no tlinr> will '.Vipy iv(tbp u-iitut ot It,

T If K Jriiiii >lnHvcll

A^*ncy III AtlAMIn, i'u.,

now iMMir uur roii-

trnrt to nrllHlK. -

Had tlio nltiii«iirp of•> wvln« Wlllli- Kolar,

oiie hli;, 1i-ffltlinilc bit

at Winter Oitiilni, Hun-liar, itlckbiR (o bin otTii Idea oC im-Kiilalliiii lin)

8/u M'ATION, ot "l''9nn" f.iiii<>, N ullli lis.

WiiBN Jack Sihmonh mid lili nriliiinii Ivfl ofl

—Biw. Wallor Wctm*—Illack Hrv.. Mr. Dicktook li.rilil, tnd suru <lld fumlsli twne Uraiitltiil


Oct one ot cliib'i oulo rat butluiw. Tlicy liwktfoiidy.

FSOHI'KCT TiiKATRK, Bmoklyn, bcM ci'|:ii<rllr,

and (hCD pninc, 'I'uosdny, Kcb. 10. CauM«. Frnril:

V^ofnrly wan (oDdorisl a rccfiillon, 'Twos lh<.'

banner wtvk for rrohpcci Ib.'i acas'inCro. larNO Dahii, (ilanlat of muc^ iKipularlly,

haa been III for paat tm lUj; but Is lecovrrlnvDr. Harry l'r('<<nuin .:4ICLdlni, and our inolhorly

' houRCkcciier nctn aa r.nrKO, wlilcb U 0 avcarUyof Ilia mpiiilliM; nii<c)<ly.

Af.r. Orant, Ilub Dilloy aii'I rally IKiylc arcJn town.

T)DK'T rnrp'l innMitu' Ijall, Tuesday. .Mari'li in,

lOlS, nt Terrace (<lfii. O'iclirlllni from far .in.l

near, In mike iiji, will allond. Ucl your nil. Inaoiirmlr iMViklet. fen inc.

IlKmiKii AMI IlnHH arc villi a al^ck (nflipniiy

vrlilcli la li->,keil miMil iinlll June. Hoys inlu Willamnnil cbilihi-iine. very niiicli.

Jack MoI<ai,i.p.h a.vii TuiniT OARnftN bare jnir-

ctaaaeil their new IUI3 S|>c«ilfller, a all cylinderI'alffc. All (liey need now In gawlliie and a gir*age.nixoN I'kTinH Ih nboul to ploy Ibc Qulglcy

time.Oi.irn nniKoi, Ororve Itelinore'a eliarming wIFe,

tioa thrown (Uiwn neveml niiulcnl cunieJy olTers to£0 to .\nalrnlla wHh CJenrKO.

Will OonKi; couM nni linii„-<iic r<>r the life

of him what liajipened wlieii he 6.i\v ilirit walleraon tlK> floor at one time. It irna anili a aur-priac Knd >liock llinl Will prdrrcil ll.c Uilri)

-3tUt) fit idion piuldliig .tiiil chiir):e<l aair.o to ourJoflat liouHo iiianager. Air. Kallliiver.

i1noTi;rmnI Why Ihmi your door iif pioin nr

two i. M. ? Evideiilly ll:cre .ire miiiy banille<ii

vondera. Why not Inke ailTaiila^e ef t!ic ^/n^^l'n

irlft? Uae your niltA anil do not let ev.''r.rone noIbe (Imr know ymi nrv eiilerliiK yojr iVomlcll'?.

A little ronnlderntlon. klnil friends. nii'I liesliles.

we may hnvo n pick i-iiIhiiI. "Irvine Da>h," f'l*'

Inalance. QiiIi'Iiiosk Hliould reUn In tbe vcehoiira <4 morn.

. dlANr eiilerlulnliig nninlM>rs n-erc rendereil lanlacamper iiluUI. Thnnkn lo .Mliw* llolknap amiMnciiAker. .^Iiennnn. Van and llyninii, Mra< Drew,and 01 here v-lm fn vrin<i|.

MiiniiAr Oi.AvKiN. iif ()hiyli>n'I>rew I'layern.will iiuve •ijiTdll'Hi )H>rroriiiiiI nil lilM lliront. Ifflinn U'eri IhiIImtciI nnich. ot laic, ivllli Ihl.i IriMiliN'.

cuualiig lunu ut niauy 'weeks' work iMHikeil.

Klllmr nuit nuiqu* till nrth nitUiia tor.

liMllr. toba


DcLiico (L. fltoddtrd Tiylor, mgt.)—"Ladyl.rauiT," a nivlcil canedy ttnh and scnr toWtahlDgUki, iru ir«U roontcd and eojoyed bylarse and aiifirKlillTo aadlcncn. Oood buslaeaiu'tek ot Vtb. It. "A Pair ot Biiaf' 2V2T.OOLUUBIA (Fred O. iDoftr, mgr.)—'Bom Mel-

ville, IB "81* HDoUni," btA good batsm weekut IS. LjiiuD H. Howe maesU "Our MiTy lo

lOlE" ireck ot 22.,

Natiohal (Wkn. H. Btpley, mfr.)—<AnDetlsI^tllnnaiia, U "Tbe Modrl Oltl," bid good bual-iifia «(«k Of IB. "Xbo Olrl ttvin Dlili'^ 21-27.I'ou'a (Loulf J. mane, togr.)

—"Tti* Utn"

iva« well mrtonud by (be Popidar Playera in.2n.lUvklllfo Pelloim gave ao eictllfot p«rti>nDaiicf.Crabim Veiaer, I.aala UalLtf, nsilel IlanloD, Oi-viD nania, Bobert Lowe, Mawle Ollbrrt, Oer-imde Boiidhlll, Iftiloo Nlcboli and Vlolatte Kin-hall wert all good. Oood bmliieis rulcil. "ThoKlc Idcc" 22-27. "Dorothy Vemoa v>t KnildonIj'oH" t<eit. Manager IiV>mo statca bo bai sooiomirurlaea In itore yet for bis patrons.OAiiR0-(A. Jallin BrylawskI, mgr.)—OnldjilD's

.Musical Ocoedy Ob., Id "Oeo'l Ilajdtact." Tb!sla tho Ibird vetk ot tbis conpany. "Baby"Ann Suta- Jules LcTy's Kaaly and new picturesHeck ot 23, aauotry Blare conlloues os a bighll. Sunday concerts do well.Coauos (A. Jnllin BrylawskI, iiikt.) — Tbe

iixual talcli-grade TaodoTlllo acts oftereil hy tills

louso to Its rutrcns are changed Monlay and'I'liorsday, and with new pictures and a chowIbat dever sKips. Sunday concerts do capacity.OAiawT ( George I'eck. nwr.)—Rose Sydell's

l.ondcn lk>lls, n1(h Johnnie Weber Ihc iblnlogllfihl, bad 1,'ood bualneas week ot IS. Olrls of Ibe.Moulin Douge we«k of 22-27. I'eek's '^XiunlyKlore" la n Idg wlooer. Sunday concerts do well.

KiiTlI's (Roland L. Itohblns. n^r.)—Ttat bnal-neao'at tbli boufe la remarbaMe. Dill week ot 22:.liiin Sawyfir assisted by George Ilarcourt sndher own l'<rrslsn Gaiden Orctacsirs ; Triile Krl-;;.inis, supported by V.'Jt. Oarmao and JImmicI'm; Mario Nordstrom (Mrs. Henry K. Dliey)..Manuel DulgOTa. Kti Oondon, Jack l)erereau.x and(ompany; Knest R. Ball, tbe Analrallan Wood-happen, the Wuoda and Wood* I'rhj. tbe I'alhc

. tVcokly Konra Plclorlal. Bunday cnncerts do capa-illT. '

Majkbtio (J. Thco. Murphy, mitr.)—Tbe Cal^a-ret airia had good tnifllneM week of 111. Theliahity Darllnga 22-27. Bunday concerto do well.Ruuona nfloal that Uie New Lyceum, Keroan's

oM hoiiae. will sbortly re-open.Baldwin's Mitsical Co. muHt hare been eome

ahow as to please tbo pstronn of the Casino aowell tiiBt It has been engagnl for 22 27, wblcbiii.\kea Ita third week.

MsvERAi, old Waohliigloii fnvorte^ were hereduring tlio week, nsuMy Fonevt IIiilT, IfubertWlIke ond Olla Harlan.I'THAN II. ilowt's pleliire!! of "Our Navy '.a

init" should prove a lili: card.Makaokii I/Ouis J. Konat, ot Poll's, belleres

In prlnter'.i Ink. nnd the hu»ln<><s at tbla bouieI'li'vea hlH licllef Is Justllled.

TiiK njiny trIeiidH of Vnlenkn .Suralt will heI'linml ici kno\7 Ihnl i.ho will -In nt U.'lth'H week of .M.nrch 1.

Hawks," KloUsi'a Entertaloers, tod Oraut Oird-iier. tor Jll-27: Three Do For Bom, Berenlieotcti Ladi and Lassies, Mayme B«mliift«n andPicks. WUMr, MiioD sod Jordan, and Bradlee ul

^aenewa. H. Y^^llh O. n. (B. B. GuliUdt,mgr.) "Daoiaced Ooods" Fob. 22. "Tbe Mllle

(W' Mawbi. "T1i« Bird ot Parsdlse" 0. I'lc-

lures oo open dstea.TsHFLS IF. O. Pierce, mgr.)—Bill for week

i>f Feb. 22. Bart and Mack. Whlrllns KrfordK.

American Harmony Four. I,n Bu« and Jfollettc,

Delmoolcn, and Lewta on<l Fletcher.

Motion vroRLO.—(Feature pictures.

Klwln, III.—Orau'l (W. B. Newman, m».-:)

Manager NewnuD bas s cbannlog "girl ebowfor Feb. 21-24, conaUllog ot Slck^a • Skatlnj

Olrls, Mary Gray, Joidao Slaters. Doyle and

Rlaloe, Mamy and Btorni. The SbcnsoD Stack

JOE LA FLUVHAnd Ills Chlquita A.crobatlc Dogs will be a°

foatuic wltli the Sclls-FlotofiulTalo Dill

Showp, ECDsoD lOlC. Joo Js still doing bis

Mnh iBdder Bomcrsaults. Kcl). 22 be playsKMtb'B Tbcatrc, FrovldcDCc, It. 1.

Pou's (A. Vaiml, mcT.)—^Viaderllle and notloD

pleturei. _ . _flTiAND, Gamiik, PaiHOWi, CoLOKiAt and Cii-

BOL, DOllim plctnrei oqly.

. MenphiK, Tenn.—Lyceum (Fnok Orar,

mjtr.) Auaette Kelleraaoo. In "NeBtane'sDaugb-ter" (picture*), wc«k o* Feb. i2; iBbmatln*

ojollon plctuva tfarcb 1-6, "Within tbe IjtW6 7'OapuiDK (Aptliiir Lane, mgr.)—D),ll week of

Feb. 22-28: aiotles KelloRg, Jos. JelTerwn and

nisDChc Bender compiny, Gbarllc Ahcam'a Oom-edy comptioy, Daint/ Msrle, Courtney Bl»te'«.

Duffy and Loivsie, Ilinden sod Mllllss, sad

Ornhenm TrsTel Weekly. _MiLinTlcs (3), Eui-iBis (2), Pbincess, Au-

uo, OoLonuL, Qonir. Plaza, Palace, Oaiwol-TOH, Aubioan, Sdbobban, Lavar, Kdsn, Bex,Cbtbtal. Laici, Oxtobd, Wtt^moroK, Ik-

l ESTAL. Di Luxa, Di Soto, SBAMRncK, DiLvr-rmi, Bbaott, Ldbbtt, MnaovOLrrAN, Impmialf2), Oliarb (2), PAitTIUXB (2), noTAL, Satoy.

I'BSiN, Fahodb and Coluhbia, idoIIoo plclurcs.i

Cbsttsaoosa, Tenn.—BUou (fnd Martlo,

mgr.) after being dark for several meka. tbIs

booae re^ipeced Fab. 17, wllta Uargaret Anglln, to

a large house. A musical comedy, entitled "Ns-tlunsl Dtssinl," by locsl talent, was given IS.

10, aa a bcnellt for the Old Ladles' Home. Theitadlng parts were well lakcn care of by Catherine

Ilendenoo and Leslie Rawlliigs.

I,TBio la dark.MAyiesiia (Will Alberto, ipgr.)—Vsmlerllle.ALHAHBKA. CBBaCENT, PlCTO. BONITO. THBATO.

Aloazab, Oildhul snd Bmtb, niotk>n picture*

^'aibdoub, bk&ting rink. Is doing nice bualocu.

ninefleld, W. V«—ElkV O. II. (S. H.Jnlllffe, mgr.) la still popular with Keith vaude-

ville rood sbows and plrtnre.<. Vsurtevlllc and

Clcllares Feb. 22-24, "The Slieiiberd pf the

Ills" 25.

Box in. B Wehrle, mpr)—Mutual movies.

I/Tuio and AuDZU, plrturcs and vnudcvPle.Stab Is dark.T. .M. A., No 62, held their nnnn:il nieelln^

Fob. 14, and eleoted tie following ofBsera; .Isi-

dore Baker, piealdent; F. T. Ridley, vice presi-

dent: O. A. 3*v1b, recording and (Inanclal secre-

tary ; Robert Baker, troaanrer; Frank Kltta, mnr-lihall: 8. T. Jobnaon, sergeont-nt-anna : 11. Mah-ler, M. Bamath and Ray Prince. tru<ile^s.

IlRDillton. Can.—Grand (A. R. T/OUdon.

iiicT.) the llll-ln policy of blgh-cloos niovles nndliollte Tandcvlllc, ha.* I*en successful, "o for.'

nioivom Robinson and rompany, nnd the Vnitoir

Trio, with pictures, for Feb. 22-21. "SchoolDayo" 2S, "It's a LonK Way to Tlpperncy" 2n.

27; "Tbe Prince of Pllaen" .March 1, "The Bcil

Hose" 2.

SAVor <Geo. Stroud, iiiiir.)—iFor week ^iC 22Cay .Morning Glories. FoIIIch ot lf>2n noil.

OiiiFriK'a (J. Malone. \ntr.)—Harry Stewart ninl

Mir MnnballOD Musical (Vmiedy Oo. nre niakin;n hit at thUi The en;asmieiit Is IndcO-iille.

WHniliiwrton, nrl.--I'lnylioii^ie (I.nnlK Alle-

man, uitr.) Raymond Hitchcock, In "The Deoiity

IAlboleneis a make-up vanisher. K lit:

rubbed over tho ekin bc('.,;

applying the mal<e-up will pr,

vent make-up poisonin(;. Al!

lene positively will not grow hn

I'm up II,

Hnd2o/..iiilo (It 1 :

lUHke iip ii..

niBO la :r

1 lb. UlllK. I

all nnn-cl:;druiTHhtK n:

', deKlcr.sDHkClip.

SampU Free on Regue3(


Bob Finley presenla Ploience Trouiie ot i;iiri>i,e,iii

acrobats, as a special feature."TwBNTi Milbb raoM Uouk" played i<i e.^cep.

Ilonally fine buslneti!) last iveek.

A-UDSI U, BasT, Colo.siXl, Linic and i

IIcturra only.

TWO marlrages "lo tbe pro<e39lo:i" ir..',: piiceIn Sprlngfleld. Mooa, last iveek, uliin it/^

.Miller, of 10 West One Hiinilred and Tlilnl siksmwas married lo Ocrlrude Miller, ot aj.'i Wes-Mncly-tbird Street, New York. Tlicy wn- n|,.

Ii^'orliig at tbe Apollo Theatre with tho l':il»,«

lluiH-en. The other couple were Sylvhi llmi' -

of iMaspeth Bonlevord, L. I., and Geur;;c- lli'ich.

iMinn, ot 43 West Sixtieth Street, New v..rv.

Fl.ORDNZ ZinOFRLD visited the l'»iiu..i ^Indianapolis thrrc da.vs Inst week, with .1 tierto nddlng seveml new tentureK.ilLLV. ClIAPINE filled In tor Sallle I'iil.N m

he hill ot Poll's Palace, S|irlng(lclil. .M^i--... ivii.

15-1 T, nnd tfored n cleun cul success.


WHAT'LL YOU DOK.V KIll IIOIIV a KM.I.lVI; :i.|iK it. JI ST I,IIi:>-, 'I'lll-:^ oil) Kdll "Vdl imdk .IIIV Ml. K vol ."



KiiANK I''*H;AUTY'rt l\v4'tily-lUUi year nii iUc hIukoT\-nH ct'lfhr.ihMl IhsI Sntiinlnjr, In cluMitniM', iiiiiiiy

iiolnhU'ri iiM'U' Ihlii^s merry.With uh mico itRiilo Ih Jm» lUrtio?*. Vmi kiiuw

ho wiiA H Rick lUBti, not 111, rxui*!!/, Imt kai'O

cnp hurt itmch hltdiiK hnuki on (nmk.loolilitilnlly. JiH* nuw In Wiilklii:; I'lviit utt a

prup t'riiio, prv*'nl(M to litiii by Low Mortnii.

Jul* Nliorliy win pn)p.ilHiniuii A. hi38iiii, our bxrKti^i, /vMirnlt^l \\U

PcrontmiUi ycnr of innrrlnKc by lukl'c hl^ p<^l

lo Hw '"nio Only t;irl" 0>, lilll tivlnil. myIhHl scAK'm** Uhh, Id inniioKCi*, iiihI IcIIcto inc,

1 linTc niiiny IIiIhkh |u Iv llnnkriil Tor. ilitx^ncli

iviirlrhli>7> of lilll. AU .wrontj, alt in mi;/ w nnniiiilp lilt riaht nil riijht, vU Mr. lulnii

KiiKii U\ ItBiNB, llio oU^otrlrnl tvlEiinl, lins itiAiiy

iifw iiiir|irl4i*i In IiIh prcttnitHilon.

.M>NUKI,H. l.tLd AMI> WOUU. Um* iltltMlk* lliHip

innnliiulnlt>r<<. vvt'rt* Kt'vrnlti uri tlic hill nl rr<H'iiir'N

Oiir ihimlml nml 'hwnly Ilftli SiriH Tlicnhv. nii<l

\v(*rv n ItU lill. 'itu*y Ittuk very well fn>m rrutii.

nuil nil (Iiviv liitoiKT:} mv nrll^ilH In iliWv lliu* ofwork.

It';i ri up wim In, Um* iiiti-il lii>»lfti*r

fn'i|tH'iitln;; ItnlHkollor. Soinr s:iy l-lvn'r (Mln Ntho friliiw. <iilit<rs iiwnlkm lloli Dnily. iiunhi

iii.Tuy jtiill rci" Ilu' inu» niiJ tmly '"rnhhy" IJarrmi.

wlilltil Sliriiiiiii), Vhii nnd llynwin liiivo itiuny f<t|-

inwcrii, nn<l fur rnt5y l^ivlo lunl Mn lliitiit.

tlicy !« alwnyn ninillonrtl. aitvwny ; W'tlcvr mo!Iliour ctiitloiiKNi nro iMvlnliily hi iloiiiniiil.

riiRSKNTi.Ni: Krovornorii uitli rliitis, ou*.. wlir mwprcMMit mo wKliin lollrr. .Mnll (ilnMor. Cllicin*

iintr* dry ^prolnllxl, picnic wrllo nio.

Turn Ih (a Inrorm \VllMi> Wim'.hi lint 11ri>

Mriurk'O .Mtamih IttiH iKniElit liliifcir :i Itrmiil in'w

(ulilt luul UoJ.i»»l llio imwtn'HMH .iiiu tit* inilill*;lii'f

nt rvi'nii)}; i\f "MnM in .\iiiorl--.)." 1 uni

liylnij to loMtr lliiil piirk:it:o yon vi.:»t ino\TiUNKH. I»nnl II irr»n. for 'iloH'Oillh/. si'il

tniHl vou'ro HiirtviNfiil tn nil iiikIitI iklii'^5.

fUtiMAN WiwnixtiiH. n*tM^'vo;i:in.r Kr\\v,

\VI«lorkcliP. tlio lomllir^ lltoitirlojil t»'»M»'o i»f

Swlttrrlnnil, .tIhIIoiI Ihr ohili \vl!'i l.'arry K.lU'iirj niul Ills brotlior In Isw. -Ho \v;i4 'nuu"*j

lliniikfnl fur tx^iirloxt.^ hlutwii hlin. i<ii.! U f


llplilril with nfiomooii t\vn\ wlililn our iVntnt.

HnoTiiKM Mack \Y. IIaiisr!'. nur rat.«Iio Im plnyliu; WoNtfni ilmo. wrllo.'^ ihni onainn. SO. llruthor COimiIc^ Vttn. of rharlcti nndritiiny Vnii, wan taki'ii wr\ MI whMo llllln^' anI'liRnpruK^nt nl tln' Now rHlan^ TItiMliv. KorlWnyuo, Iiul.. niid » m InVon to St. fuHtvh'H llos-I'ltnl Ih Ihtit city, uhof l.o iinaonMMl a:i oi^rn-IIOR for npivmlloitN. IVrltonlMt (l,'vo'<i)ifi',. r\\u\

hr wni In n <>-uiliiJi'ii fiM* >i<tii-u*:.

* \}\n onndllloii llicilly lti:|iiitvos). ;mi,i i-vti. 7 \w•wns (VhiR iilocly n\u\ wnn wvW m Ju* rv»iid tnHHOTrrv. Ill* iv.Mj.jsl lUo KIV;* r.Hni At ihohoe«pUnl lliirMi>H nUo :nrnM.>ii-( lUst Ilro.Vhii apo:ikM Jilchly t»f -lio ciro ;i'i,i nt'.riiKon i-orrcolTod nt llio lii^pl'it. nn I *>r .ho klndiu***dlipwn liliii ly ni>i|iiT ll.iiH. follow iriri«riiicri

"(iMirv " llio riniou-j iiirlitoMl^t hihI fminlnlniHii n.tin. p>v<i'.it n hivn iillfnl ihmi to ivr.ipn



Manaukii I':iiiiib TiLntiiT Is hiivy ih>w. !o-jkiiii:

(•Yor Ihu iiialerlol on band for lite coming se:isoirHI'nII team, but niiror has It llmt he will iiu<

lu'i'ote (.0 iniKli tlnio lo rporis tbla seisoii.

.SI. John, Can.—Opera House CWnller Wumla.wgT.) local omaleurs. under tbe nuMdccs of the.\'<'w llmnSAick Nursm' Assoclallou. preaeiiliil "A>.M:sllt Hero." Peb. lC-17, to blit iHmlnews. 'I1ie

i io«eda weie turued over to the Red lirfws Kund.K'oran Kelly atased tbe iilece. 1'bo Yuimi:-.\ilnmi Oo.. after a lay off Uicso dates, re»iiinnlilieir eiiyofvincnt. 18, vresentlnB "Raat I.yiine.""Under the Ilear's Paw" 32-2-1.

Gr.u, U»1QUK. Sria nnd Kuracau, movloc pie-li.res only.

l.viiio.— Vaudeville and niovInR pictures. •I.Mi'r.uiii.—Vaudeville and morloR picture*. MhJI

I HI Hiiil ifiivray proved to l>e one of the cleverestLii'is hceii .it tbe Imiierlal since lis openlni.

NOTBS..\!<ii W'Hii.NusiiiT had 00 eltect oo tbo umi'-e

ntiii litiKlneas liorc. this year. Tbe morlnjr pit'-

lure tliealivH did Ibelr Ukual. butlneea. ami Ihei>lorit House, bolb niatbce and night, bid bigliUAlnesB.

MiiTiiiN iilctures of Iho Tweniy slitli New Bruns-wlok Uailallon, nveneas contingent, and the Army^'wvlce Cj.'iw. bolli of whoni sooo leave for theri-nnl. were token IT and 18, l>y a neoiiber at thellnlveriuil ix>. slalT. Pictures ebowlnc the Bat-tiilloii In sklrmlahhif order were Btst taken on tbet'nisklris of the ell.v. IT. On 18 Uie baltallooiiiarolu'tl past In oucli a mnnner that every ofBcernid niau will lie plainly shown In the picture.'J'lie plctnrei will be sbono at the Imperial, here,nnd at other houaen In tlio maritime provinces.

Siirliiirllclil, MasH.— Oourt Square (D. 0.nilnioPT. in*r.) '"IVln Pcds" Ppb. KJ, 23. "Sly.'clentino llahy" owo'k ntovlnc pictures 23'2T.

IMi.i's I'liACB ((iot\luo Wrliiiler. nii;r.>

Vamlevllle.Cii.uoro (llolit. J. MilViimlil. iiisr.l — Tfiii:;o

Clrla 22-2-1. Olrli frmii llnpprlnnd 2.%-2T.I'ljt* (Uoldslelu Iir».<., iMtrj.)—IMotnres and


Knot;, llROAl»V.VV. KniKONIl. Kox. Majistio.(liiKTr. Gloob. (1i:.»ni>. IIudbun. lyiRic. MiRIos,.Vnvsi.Tr, I'lLlcn. IISKi. nml SuniriT, aiollonpli lures.

N"TIS.UssK of IB W0.1 Ai'iil.ersiirv Week .it tbe

liljou. Ilriildc the deillriillun vif tho new orsin atjivlnl musical prpitraDi by tlip Ucrenguer and,tlio tlie.iire orehciira win elveii.' Josuit Punci AND eo»B. of New i>rli<aiii, I.a..ori' roon to coatnenco tbe i^HifilriictKin of a newa«'^lc railway at IllvoT<liU' Pirk.

Kalnmnaon, Mlcli.-^l'uller (Will .1. Don-nilly, mgr.) Jobii W. Vosrl's .Mliiattela Keh. 22.•'.><opl»uiber Morn" 30, '••DomoKeil Ooerta" 21.

.VIiJBSTio (Will .Marsholl. iiict.)—Illll :'I-24:Ma.i«n, Wllbiir sad Jonlnii. Hu For Pnyn. Ilrndlee.Martin ami eoiupiny, Maynie lleinliictmi ami Picks,end Scotch LSda and .UiMle!<. I-Vir 2S-2T : ThreeVolanle

; Bios.. Moi and -Maliel Punl. "Nightllawka," rirant Oordnrr, Kliillng's animols, andluollon ptctores i

RnLONiiL. EuTS, LvRic. New ooil ' Otriianu,'motion pictures only.

IlntOc Creek, Mlrh,'—Pent IK. n. Snil'h.nmr.l ViHtei'o Minstrels IVh. 2K "Tliree Weeks"inleluifsl 22-3'!. "Danlnceil (IniK" 2(1. SiibninrlneVlrtnrea 27, 28.

Ilijoii (Harry !>. Ixircli. niin'.^--illlll J2 I-I


Throe Valdiile Unit.. .Max and Malvl KoM. "Night


Co will prtwiit "Alhw .Tluiniy Valentine" 2ri-2T.

OnruBUJi, Tsuri.u nnd Stiu, picturvo.Tub (;cLiSi:u.\i Koi.leu Kinic Is doing n nkv

bnalncea., AVIh. Davhkion (Slu-rnwuiUrowu, mgr.) David Wurflcid, In "Tbo Au<'lkiii-

«i." Po!). 22-24. "I'ttt o' .My Henri" 26-27..MiiisTio (J. A. Illgler, iiisr.)—Bill week of

22: Bessie Cnaylon ond liollct, Jos. Santloy andcoiiipony, Dert lOrrol, Wllllons and Wolfus,, nooers and Lyilell, Oraco I)? .Mar, Olllc andJniuw vpiili, and the P.inlter 'iVIo.

I'Ansrr (Ludwig Krelan. mgr.-) — The OernionKtnek O). presented •'Gerlruil" IT, and "Dinlih'ule Qoltkl" 18, 10. .

SiiUbBitT (0. A. NowtoM. niKf.)—Tlie ShuberlCo. preoent "Al Buy" week of 22. -nio l-'andlyOipboard" next.OiTBTT (J. U. niiodes, nigr.)—The rioldcu

Crook n-ecL of 21. Al. Ileevea' Big Show nesi.lOUPaBss (Jos. KiMu'ie, iiii:r.)—Thi- "In

Wrong" c<iupony, appearing nt this tbeolre weekot 16. ate conleniplating continuing for ^evrrilweeks, presenting mualeol lableoiis.OarUL-VH (Wni B. Mick, mgr.)—Hill week of

21: Jock oiHl Jessie Ulhson. Ilylaiiil oiid Unlf.Murray K. Illll, Edw. I)o 0>r,lL oud cvnninuv.sud lIIU's Society Circus. '

CaiBTAL (Win. Crny, mgr.)-VsudevUlc niilpictures.

Portlanil, Mc—Jenernoii (mNj. Ooiillv.nigr.) tbe J. W. Oormon Musical Coraeily Co".,headeil by liob Oil, Fob. 22-23. "A Polr of<Slzes"2U>2T.

Keith's (r,ouls K. Kllliy. niKr.)—The KeithStock Oo. _rre»cut "The Man Who Owuo Broad-way" 22-27.Nbw Portlanu (M. 0. UliinienlierR, mgr.)—

!>pllt week vaudeville nnd motion pictures.GntBLT'B (James W. Oieely, mgr.)—IIoui:in'»

.Musical noviie began Its third successful weekhere, 32. The regular motion picture ulTerlncseontlnnc.Oasco (Jcuies K. Moore, mgr.)—^TUIs house

leniolns dark week of 22.Stband, KuriBB and Nkw Nk kki. (fonm-rly the,

ravlllon). pictures.Citv IlAii..—Two hundred Sinie oOIcIoIk nii<l

iiiembero of Ibe LeElslsliire. wllh liov. Oiirtis anilmembers ot the Oouncll .nid Inilira e.inie from.\iiguata. Me., aa guests of Ihe Miwlc Oomnilsalnii.attending the Municipal lircan roneeii. nt whichlbs Portland Mon's Slnvlng (.'-luh ap|H-ure<l. Ifl.

Mobile, AIn.—Lyrb; (.><ldnei- Berrev. nigr. 1

Nell O'Drlea's MUislreN I'eh. 2.">. "The ne.lWidow" 20. The Jewell Kelley .Stock Co. willopen hcru March 1.

DRUUI.1MD (W. D. Wnddle, mgr. )—The IvwisSleek Co. ckiseil a two weeks' engngemcnt l,"!.

Cnovin, Eki'Isb, OaBsror and ItovAi.. festuroOlma.,.Tiii Oalely Tlicsire closed in. nflrr two weeksof poor l>usln«es. The house 'was reeeniK leaiieJby Tns dirlsty. better known In the professionSM "I/ino Tar Doby."

Walrrlaarjr, ronn,—Jactiue-t Omls.mgr.) O)ok I'loyers present their Hrsl of Ihe aeainn In "Alma, Where Po ToilLIveJ' week ot I-eb. 23.

Phop," Fob. 22. The Bmdy Stock Oo.. In "Sweetl.sveuder." 2J-2T. Tb« Sau Carlo Orand OperaCo. Is boutioJ for Moroh 10, 20.

aARiilric rw. L. Dockstadcr, mgr.)—Bill 22-27


"Ilresra I'lrales" and othors.Majb.stiu (James Olnus, lugr.)—J'araniount

Hlms.I.vnic-.—Topsy Turvy 0-lris, with "l.'alty" Rice,

22^7.Victoria. Gbano, Opioa IIouss and Savot, idc-

tiires only.

CIlntoD, la.—Olbilou (C. K. Dl.ton, inxr.)"The Misleading Lady" Fob. 23.

' •'

. ORrnBDU (SI. Cohn. mgr.)—.Uoyle Wuolfolkl.rewnis Irene Cbeslelgb nnd Ceo. Folkner. In•The (Jood Fellow" 22. BUI 25-28; Uemsre and •

lllloy, LIvtey and Tonne, Howard and While, and

UAIUIOUNT'S "Uncle Toni'a aihln" coiii|niii.t

Kotea.—Wo ployed Scrnnlon. Pn., Feb. i:i. i" tw"irncked bonsos. Tbla Is tlie second time for "tliii-le

'J'oDi" la tlinl city tbls season. Wo also phyeil f'lr

:welve pecformanccs by the Poll Slock 0>. 'Itio

show gave iiotect snllsfocllon In every rc.S'"'^''-

Tbls company carries special scenery fur iierynet, also clcctrlenl elTects for producing Uiescene. Hie moving cakes ot 'fc nnd tlie .r-'mml

Monsfornmtlon. Tbo inanagera. pre«s nml |.iil>lk-

iliroiighout the Kost, -where flie comnaiiy Is mm-nbiylng, aro nnanlmoiLS In llieir prnlse<i i.f 'lie

l.'nrmount'a "Uncle Tom" company, which !•> f^i'^l

sniiiinc III prominence.IlBSSIE OIAYTON U '

retalncil Imli'Diillel.' at

Ihe I'.ilnc-e. Ohicagj.FninjND AND DOW.VINQ have rcluriicl fmii


Sru.l?7.'"k's%Ka;A,.'' "ni"^"'"'"-' fro™ IMV,mtn.fcc%rd"}S,2^h.^on.''

Woldlnil teen eX^ron aTih R^JV^^ ""it licr divorce decree frnm

iiot dl?il?caimi Oct. iA^ * ^'^ proved that she

JOIiTm'parkh"^^ "° Uri.nnn"o.. on Ihc sick m.

ITiB eh"?ge^i?^;nlnti;i?in'/n '^I'^/i^^l"""'''l'' j"<'''tcd. Ib now Knimn as Jlcrtfor'!.

-aHE-ir ^^^^^^^ r^i^;.;n?r?- rrk"ati ?Xf/iif.'J.'jy<i9JSP5 ^of'y 1'™»N'' In n licw ninv

Wi«?/l^K,°,?'.Mi °' 'i!M"JTnzoo producUon.

Smtan K^^il.''"''president of the Thcntrlcal MjiDaecrs' Assod.

beglnSuB F^b^2"*^^"'''^ '"l^" cxcIuslTQly to "The JUdnlglit Fr

da.?e'«>W«W-,,\r'^^'.t^S^5!i»^^^^^ Sul-narlnc



i ri7





. ill


.1 -Nl



taePaiDb, Cold Cream ^Bead 10 ceots for Samples.

IfAKEIUFRonges, Liners, Powders

Sander IlroB., lis w. m\\ SU.H. Y. W:


Send for New Catalogue Stating Kind Desired

THtAimCfL CATALOGUE ol Sho* Pnnl- MAGIC PHINIINC H.piollini lllimon:..

ini| Kfoc oiro SInck. Circui, Willi Mind Heidinq. Elc.

WmI. Tinl Shorn, tic. MINSTKEL PHINTINC Nhllr or Colorrd.

FAIR I'HINHNr, furs. Kic«». Avrilion. With or Wilhoui Tillc. CIr

Aulo Hor^o. Slock Showi. Lie. WOVlNfi PICTURE PIIINTINO. tic.

WESTEHN PLAYS, Etc. FOLDERS oI Non-HoTBllj Pliylwllh FTinling.

Stiow and Thealrical, TV^Jtl^M^l "^"^^'^ ^"'^ ''"^'"'^

Lilhographeis, Engravers"""""^^^ Amusemcnl Enterprise



eilpp«r • Balitk Bqur* Qnr*» Imm, t^m*»m, IV. o.

Fd. 0, 1915.

"A BUSV DAT."Fev (allarefl bave fallen to the lot of R. C.

CartoD,' tint b« Becms to Aave a real one In

"A BuBT Day," which iras produced at the

Apolto Theatre on* Batutday; For a long

(Uoe It has been Mr. Carton's custom to

rite his plays around the personality ot

Ut wife, MIbs ComptoD. Ue has dune sonln, but Id this Instance he has bad to deal

ilro with Charles Uawtrey, and It may . bo

that the two conditions combined have provedloo mach for him, Hawtrey Qgurea as anBngllsh noblemen, whose monetary embar-nraments and flirtations have proved too

much for lila family. . So they shut him opIn a country cottage, with a kind of keeper,

and, to make quite eurr of him, kept nipi

without a penny piece, till he should agreeto marry a rich widow whom they had pro-Tided for him. 'My lord absolutely declinedla (all In love with this scheme. But onettj he fell in with a cbannlne woman, stole

u automobile and mischievously ran oil

with her. He stopped at a funny vlMagetore, kept t>y his old nurse, and stuck be-

klnd her counter till he had sold goodsenough to furnish him with money for bis

jsnnt.' Of course, you will have guessedthat the smart woman with wliom he so will-

ingly ran away was the very woman whomke was onwllllng to marrv at the Inspiration

•f bis friends. There Is a good deal oflumor in the Idea. But in the working outIt hecomes too preposterously farcical andfclls. It does not ofteb happen that thecritics, with good wlH toward an author somnaolmous, have been eo unanimous In scor-

ing a play as the case was In regard to "ABusy DBf' at the Apollo. But the dialoguek full of witty lines.

PAVILION TO BB BNLARGBD.At a recent meeting of the shareholders of

(he London Pavilion, the directors declaredlhat tbey found It hopoless to com-pete with•ther halls while their, seating coipaclty re-

Bslned so small. Tbey recommended antzpendlture of $1.00,000 on the enlargement


•f the ball, and members of the hoard per-

sonally nndertook to find cash. If the share-Mders were sympathetic. It was decided

"Am Tod a Mason" waa revived at ti>eComedy Theatre last night, with Marie lUlng-ton In her original part."Potash & riHLMUTriin" la now very near

Its three hundred and slxty-'flfth performanceat the Queen's Thealrc. r-

Wp abr advised of the early arrival hereot Itobert lluehcs' farce, "Kxcuse Me."

C. M. 3. mcLellan has connived at thenoturalltatlon of his son, so that the youthmay enlist In the British Army.

R. 0. Knowlis subsdtuted his lecture on Oblits(or tbit on luUi. at the rhllbansoalc Uill. ooMondsr. It ba« got line ncvs|>a{>er notice*.

A. SDH of moDe; collected to prorlde a memorialf«r aiinlej Iloajtbton. Is to !» daTOtcd to a•cbolanblp at bis old acbool, tbe MancbnierOramniar Scbool. Dut there Is abw to be amemorial tablet In the Maocbnter Free Library,vrUch Blibop Weldon will onTell.

Ix>ms MxTn, ot ^cse strlotM llloeM I tp-pTlaed yoD laiit week, died oo Hondar iilgbt.UicniTS at tbe I/inlon Bmpire went un tS.OOO

laat week, as a mull ot Orator Dottoml^'snlfbllj eiposltlon of tbe war.

BtBiBT. CoBTNiiDOK letlvo "Les Cont«*P'Boltmim" at tbe Stiafti'nbury lo nlcTit.

rsUDBNca I'mu. wbi> la the wifp of EdwrrilSllntrd, c,ulte our best "Impennnator" ot anl-mala since Laurl's death, has luancd ber bni-band'a bualntas, and, idnvinir the oat In the Aidnjcb pantomime. "Clndorella," baa run aroundamong tbe audience and collcctnl hoodrtds i'(

dollars for (he Belgian funds.Tass Is orianliInK a liiiire "entente enrdlale"

narformaiice at Ills .Majratr'a, for . tbe aucoor ofrrarch and Belgian performera thrown out of workby the war. .Many celebrities will asslat.A nmoiND (Interln) of Are per cent, bia

been i^clared to tbe Mou rbareboldera.Maxbis Oisiistsi», knoKD as Ilanr Jacobs,

nbo ran a number ot abowa ot tbe Tsat End, basa>kcd for bis bankrupto.v to be wiped out. In «0D-•'dtratlon of tbe pj/jient of bait his proiTeddrbta. bat tbe court not satlsOed with bisPfnrea. . and declined ihe application.Ohiu,is Wiloon died In Leeds, at the S|« of

elfhtr-fiTe. lie bad bMn In tbe bualnesa aa smsslclon, drew rlnsmiater and mannter serentryears. Kor thirty .veara he auDOced the LeedsUlppodroine.

J. H, Rtlct. tbe bnatand of Madeline T.acettaEjley, will be Inetalled JIaatcr of tbe Drury LaneLodie ot Free Masons on Tuesday of neit week.

B. 3, OcBLL, tbe old 'actor, so Ions ramlll^t

OoBfr to- Stay*' and "Ae Dn«*foas Aga." Es-mond will shortly (17 a new piece In I.i«Ddae.

IIOBOT IlKNiT nATin. tbe dramatlat. Is atwork In- a rarls bospiul.

Nnrs of Morsball P. Wlldet's death has beteTe<rlTr(l hen with much i««ret. He was wellllkr<l. Wilder always Ri'alkd a debt be owed -o

(be food (ellowablp ot cur Savage Clab, at atime wbcu be was ve.-y hard pressed,

UiB. laNonr U retoinlag to (be icfnlsr the-atre. At EbeOeld itex.t week, she wlU prodnce aplay founM by (b-j la(« Sidney Qrandy, on VI.n. Maiwell's novel. "Mrs, Thompeoa." It la aatory ot bualneu life.

Tiina was an Imaaeuse solleoc* la OoreDtOardta Theatre on Tneadar afternoon, when "TbeSchool for Scandal" was played hefore the kinsand qiieen by an "all star' c«at, for the benedtof the Actors' Beontolent Fund. Tree was SirPeter; Irene Tsnbrasta, and so on, diwn to aEtrvant. Sir Oeome Alexander.

OPT OF TOWN HEWSCleTcIaand, O.—Opera Hcose (A. 7. Ilard,

mgr.) "I'ouah and Verlmutter" Feb. 23-27.OoLONiiL (F. Day Oooiatock. mir.)—Quf Bates

I'ott, In "Omar, tbe Tentniaker," 2a-2T. TbeIireseotatlon ot "The Blue Jlird," last week, wasa decided aucceaa, and capacity bouses ruled.

Keith's Uirrunsutia (11. A. Daniels, ncr. )—Bill week ot 22: Lew . Dockatoder, Bosannj'aLunatic Bakers. RaTeaann's anljnals, llarlonMurray an l company, Itobliis, Bonis snd Fultcai,

Uram and KIcy, and tbe Cameron Slaters.Mn-Bui-OLITIN (Fred B. Johnaon, m«r,)—Tbo

liat week ot slock (IB-20) waa (o crowiled bouses.Opening of Tsuderllle 22, with R. B. Roberta, tbewell known Imprcaarlo. who baa resided for lbspast few jesra In Tarls, sa managing directorunder the new regime, will present laadoie Duncanoud Iter pupils, In songM and «lniic«s from "Ipbl-gesls," with a riieclal orcbentra of slily-llre

i/lece*. There -will -be four pei\foraiBncea only, tbehouse being dark Tburaday to Salurda^.

I'BOsrior (J. W. l.,yons, mgr.)—For week of23, lbs Smart Set Oo., In "Ills £x«e!lency, tbeiTcsldent," with Salem T. Whitney.CLBVBLtHD fll. D. ZIrher. nutr )—^Tbe FIol len

riBTers, In "What Ilspvened to Uarr" 22-27.MiLis (Cbos. Oatner, ni«T.)—<BII1 week ot 22:

"Tbe Auto BoniHts," Mcintosh and bis UoalcalMalda. Anderson and Oolnes, Viols Da Val, Qoldenand West, Ihe Polaln Bros., snd pictures.

PsisciLUk (If. K. 6eas, mgr.)—Dill week ot22: Guy Weadick and company. Brondoai and Ros-eell, aaslsle<t bj Soaanna Sle<lmaa and FiomceMerritt : Bolsnd Travers, n. V. Fltatessld, lllb-

liett and Uyers, and "nie Moalcal CrockeryShop-"OosDow 'SqOiBs (Harry Dutodier, mgr.)—flpllt

^ei>k TaodoTlUe. and pictures.Btib (Drew ft Oampbell, mgrs.)—Oollege Olrls

22-27.Rupiaa.—Tay Foster compsny 22-27.KHioKaasooKii, Stindabo snd Ddodsss, fea-

ture pictares.


Kurellk and company, Orapowln-Cbanre conipiny.1 oral's animala, Ilrrnt Unites, llrowD-FlctrherTrio, Kaillc ai.d Baiiisilen, Use I-;ioau>ir U.i'.l, miiI

DKftlon pIctiirvMt.

rANTAOH- iWm. II. Wrlsht, ni,<.".)—iUll 31-

C7: Harry 0 Irani ami cowpaiiy, Vl/laa M*nhallami company, llanilllnii nnd llnrnr^, llllltar.

Qulnn Bn>a. and Mar'on, llnrrr U,ivla aul rum-isny, and Keystone iiloiurcn.

CoLUUDiA (Cleorge W. Kltrh, mgr.> — Dilloni>nd King anil (heir flhii:er Ulria iirvacut "T^oCbampagne UlrIa" 21-27,BaoADWAT lOuy 0. Huiili, mgr.)—Split week

TAi'deTlllo aoil pho(0|ilMr>,

Fankun (Rex Mliliilcy, mgr.) — Kualuro dlotand oichnlra.

Oaela.nd, CAUCUi, naosNTn, i'ngi-.iiA. . .M.(n-

l,<.n it, Ubu, UAiarr a:iil IIilluan's, iiwiloa iilc-

lures ooly,

San Dleffo, Cal.—<1precklc« (Dodge k llay-vard. Rigrx. ) "Srreu Keys to Ilaldpsle" bail giiod

Hiilneta. and pleased Inuuenaelr, Feb. 12-14;"HTorjwviian" 34-27, Iluw StabI Msrch 8-10.Satot liicott A, I'almer,' nw.)—4*snlages'

TsudeTllIe. . IIIIl week of Feb. IB : Tbe MikadoTroujie, Wright stid l.ane. Danny Slumona, Tedand uno Brudley, and Julea Marceau and companr.

I'liHumas.—i«wle ft Wolfe's IMajcn, In mual-eal stMk.

OAiBrrx.—,Aa ettn big tilll week of IS Inclnded


Olive Lawrence and compsny. Darling Hlsters,

King and Johnson, Oljde lloltman. and the I>e

Bnls Troupe of Indian sliigen snd dsncera. Mao-ager .oalleln (foraetly claying acts ot (be LereyoOlce) Is tim- booking inclepeoilent.Oabiho.—-VandeTllle snd plclures.IsiB, DsoADWAT, SupSBRA (<lrsnt Under new

Bsaie), riouwiUK sod 1>I>AX1, feature Blms.

ProTldeoee. n. I,—Opera Iloosa (FelixWcnilclachsfer, mgr.) "The Tbird I'arly" Feb.22 27.

Knrit's ((^rles Lnrenberg, mgr.)—Dill 33-

37: Miller end Lrlee, I.;ncb and Zetler. ilio Vul-

unlrera, Mr. and Mra, Qeno tliigbra. Franklin sndUteen, Joseph I/O Flear. anil Ilolmca' ploiurr*.

C}0LON-iA[, (A. II. Hpink Jr„ mgr.)—Row MaryKing and Colonial Slock Oo. ptescat "Tbo UevpPurple" 22-27. ^

KHnBT iMarlln Timhej, mgr.)—Bill 3'J-21


Wilton HIslcrs. Frank dabby, "Detecllto Kwiie,"(Xot:ah iiiid Cut, and Ml. (inje Troupe. For 29 27;

Oatbtt (H. Ji. Johnaoii. mgr.)—Star and OarterSb»v. Willi Blllle mil, 21-27.Oaruauu (W, I*. Ujnie. n!gr.)--Dlll 21-27. 8»|.

Txater Sclister, Iiiihnff, Cniiii and Cnrrcne. I'lator

iind Mr)lllK>ii4, Alfteil llirgrn. Lucille and I.ucaa,

(k-norlcre Warner, nsnlatnl l>y Oharliitte Frances,and OrpliFiiin TrsTeliwuio.

Kui-HSas (Krnnk Ilnrria, mgr.)—iBIII 31-27:Majestic .Musical Four. Three IiniHirlal Knter-talnera, Rimo anil Wllllama, Ilnliirn and Ilernin,

ami (ho iihiiti<|ilsr. "Oillcer ililO."

IIiiT, I'auuir, OAUsnAi'iinNS, Amiamssba, Hip-l-imiinMB, Ki.iTS., SiinusiuN, Fbanki.iN,MoNHiiB, lA>riiaup and Kahnah. iiiiitlun plclurvs


flcnvcr. Col. — Oenbam fO. D. Woclward,mirr. ) "Salvatiiiii Nell" l-Vh. 21-27.KMrnKBR (l.swreuCQ Heiilua. mgr.)—Bill I0.'J2:

The .Melnulln Twlna, Arrlal I,a Vails, l>rln>yl»nanil Yale, Warner nnil Corhelt, Nip snd Tuck,"Tba IlflWiT lit Meluly," arid moTliig i<l:,iiri-ii

BsoARWAT (I'MN Mrljnuit, mgr.)— "llcbecca nt

fluonjImHik Farm" 21-37.OspilHuai iMsx Fsblah, mgr.)—Bill 32-27:

Alice r.loTd, I.IKlo Nap, Aran (}ofce<ly Foor, Jss,Thompson snd compsny, Bowllnl Urns,, Leo Zsr-It'll snd cnnpany, Brenuir snd Wbeeler. soilUrphpum Weekly.

TADiiR nsAKu (I'oler MiOiurt, mgr.)—William-son's Hubfnstlne picture* 21-37.

Colorado Iprlavs. Ool. — OnoA (F. I,Fiolnian, mgr.) ''tiniler (kver" idsreb H.

, llusNa' (J. T. Ilanklns, m|T,)—Tbe Tbrs* Ful-ler HIsters, aliiiera. were ll<a attraction 19, '

rsiNcsss sniT KuriBss, pictures only.

flpdar Rapids. la,—HaJeslle (Tie lingo,

uwr.) bill Feb. M-H: The Dekoe Troupe, Kellysnil Gslfln, Booth and Leunder. Oonlon snd KlB-

. Irr. Bsnkoir and Olrlle. and KIlBSbPth Otlo. Tor2b-a7 : Asbira Jsjis. Itaum sod Nelson, Rubls'snimsis, Ucumaa 'Trio, Froalnl, and Lee and (Isr-

Oeld.(isSBNB'H (W. H. OnllliT, mgr.)—"The Mia-

Iraillng I.iid7" Vvh. 23, Waller MIock Oo, 3«, "I'Tfo' itf Ilrar>." March 0.

llnrlinKton, la.—Oarrirk (Ike Uonrellls,mgr.) Ollvi'r Hlork closeal, IKl hero fnr MoBoe,III., Fell. 21 "WhoM) MlUe^MIIrl Are Youl" aa>21, vauik'Tlilp 20-21*. .




U'OKD-S BV CH.IS. llr'.'.^linOV SHE USED TO BE THE sn .iK. iiv Ha i-,ii( WAi.HKn

SLOWEST GIRL IN TOWNvm • ,vi(t ..ui>Ki:»i. .''•UK ..I HI. KHiK ,,^L(;ii-i'U'i' si,(iM cAi. iv voi ii Aci'

WILL VilN TILZER, Pres.,145 W. 45th St., N. Y. City


to form a committee to consider the matter.Alfred Butt was nominated a member.

ANOTHER MORALITY WAVE!.It seems wc are In for another morollty

trusBde, In respect of popular cntertaln-BCDte. A deputnilon ot the council tor thepromotion of public morality lately waited00 the London County Council to Invite litromarks on the general tendency of vaude-ville ijiows. The Council did not take muchstock In general tendencies, but said Itwould act pronuptly whenever It was apprisedef particular offenses. Always rememherlnathat tbe Council Is practically powerless ex-cept when applications are maae In Novem-ber for licensee, which It can give or with-hold. But It Is understood that the CouncilIs preparing to apply to Parliament forinucb more urastlc powers In ronnect to musichalls, no that. If Its senses be shocked or Itsdesires flouted. It can at once deaa with theellcuder vigorously.

TWENTY-PIVB YEARS A MANAGER.On Monday night Qcorgc Alexander com-

pleted twcnty-flvc years In Loudon mnnngc-fcnt. He Is specially proud of the fact tlinthe bis specialized In Kngllsh dramatlsLi,and, for Instance, erplollcd Tliicro, . Jones,fltephcn rbllllps, John Oliver Hobbs, An-thony Hope and Oscar Wilde, Ho produceda play by Henry James, too, whlcli caused ariot—"Guy Domvllle," It was called. It washissed, and Alcxanilcr foolishly fought wltlitbe dissentient audience. Ills admirers nrcfelling him now that he should revive tillsploy, the public having been educated up toa higher style of drama. I wouldn't risk thoexperiment If I were Alexander, I remem-ber "Guy Domvllle" pretty well! Whatseems to be forgotten about Alexander seemsto t)e that after ho bad made his first suc-cess, and a little failure, with "Dr. Bill," atthe Avenue, he was brought to tho verge ofruin by an absconding manager.

"WniMSicAL" Walker, the old time clown,has Just completed fifty years Id tlic busi-ness. He was only eight when he began.A UOLHUN "warning tins been Issued by tbo

authorities to ubow-folka not to Issnc Imita-tion currency notes for the purpose of ndvcr-tliomcnt. Of course, there wos so littlepaper currency before Iho war tbot thisSanger was loss acute.

Cdabijib Dovill. who has long writtenthe revues for the h^nnlre. Is like (11 performthat duty for tho Alhambrn uow, and thenext Bmplre revue mav bp written bv Uarr.vgrnttan, who did so 'well with "Odds ttndInds" for the Ambassadors.

IloDEBT ],unnAiNG, on' Ills wnv to Rio, sentword home, cheerily, that he Is getting bettervery day.TiiRBR Is a twcnty-flvc per cent, dlvldenA

(or the lucky Coliseum sliareholdcra.

tgnre In Ihe Strsnil, admitted to (he members 4tthe Urban Club at thdr recent dinner, that b«has iiass.^ elKbty lie Is now a mluw In thi>

Ohnrter lluiino, on lilslorlc foundation for potn-en of suoio dlatliictlon. Tbe llrhan Club h amonthly dlcrer club, uieetlng In Fleet Htreet.

Oebald ud SfAURiBB's rcvlvsl of "RiSe«" hasnow registered llfty iwrfomuuices at ^\^dbam'sTheatre.

F. It. DsNsoN's lecture, at the Oil PlaygoersClub, on Sunday, prored to be a recroltlog stunt.Ills text, "TbiDkt Why Think? Why Not I.lTel"was takim fron tbe drill sergeant ot tbe UnitedAr(s lUaen. 'who rorlled a clumry man of genln-i.

saying gentlemen were backward a( drill becauae(bey thoaght (00 long, (^enerleve \7ard, who pre-sided, cootessed tbac she In serency-elfht.Jaues ds Oonut, who bod a meteoric career

aa a theatrical iiiibllclty agent, tailed for I30.0O0.When tals publlcitr hiialnesa waned be traieledFfUrope bulling "old moAters" on commission. Butthe wsr ended hU career. Theie la nothing donewith him, yet.

Tnoas Is talk of a production at tbe Adelpbl,"

by Qeorge Edwnnli's, eiploltJog Joe Cojne.SouoriMBS smnrt journalism la not bat^y In

lis phrase. A ]'oui« fellow remarks tbst whenEllalinc Terrlea sang to tbe soldiers In the hos-

pital, "manj of the poor .fellows tried to soilsthrough their jinln."

UA.NNisTEa tlon-Aas Is shortly to replace "TheF,arl and the nirl" at tbe I-yrIc, with "Floro-ilora," Erie Greene In ber original part, as Ds-lores,

Brrn Tatb Is fenlnretl tbla week at fi» Lcm-

don I'alladluia, when James Tale's "Dick Wlt-tlngton" nontomlme hns dlsaiipeaml."Badt aIink," wliliM did not make mncb or an

linpreaskn when It wan priKlured at Ihe /Jrllt-rlon,

la to be revived at llie VniiileTllie In succeeslon

to "Our BojTA." Msx Dearly modp a lot of money-out of a French verjinn of Margaret ilayo's


II. B. I»»iMa will shortly resume conirol if

t;ic SiiToy to liiwlucc a play. calI'M ".Search-

light," by Ilornce Aniienley Vochell, Ihe iwvellal.

Last nights of "The I'aHlng Show" are an-

nounctsl at Uie rolaco Tbeotre. JSIale Jauls Is

due for rcbearuls of s iii-w rprue.

At TUB recent annual ineetlnc of tbe Vsrlety

Arllals' Federation. Ihe mcniliersiiip carJa werenumbered 3,£<M. Thirty ot tliun attended the

oieetlng. ,^ .

ON SATontiAt Isat all a^bemes of "eo-opera-

tlon" lviwe<'n nrllsta and iraiingirni, en.iuing to

tlie war. cunie lo' nn end, iccunllnc to Ihe reso-

lution of the I-'edcratlnn, Inil nothinc much bashMiliened yel. ....'Tvi Seen tub 'absh," .s lirlgbt rerue ( Ihe

Middlesex, nrnrex to be our old friend "MoroccoBound" liolleil down.

r. T. SSLniT announces his new sketeb, "TheMeanest Man on Hnrth," at the Oaford, aa "a'I'otash A I'erlmuttw' Ides." lie had bet(er drt«this, and run tlie show on Its tnerlla, or be will

get bad news from I.anrlllord snd Orosnltb.IlABBr Lavubb got to work sgain cm Mondsy,

s( tbe Pavilion, Ulsagow. _ .

ALFBsn I'AUMin la Jus( home from New Tnrk.

IIa.'«sr V. KsiioNu snd bis wife, Bvs Uoote,

have decided t« toks to Uw raad with "BUia

IHInneapolls, Minn.— Metmpolltsn OpnhIlou« (L. N. iicatl. mgr.) "Tbe llouso of Uoud-sge," In feature Qlni, vevk of Feb, 22,

IlAiNnu'iDOB I'LiTiiousn (A. n. Balnbrlilge Jr.,

cPKr. )—

'II10 IlubibrMco -IMaycrs and Int.reurofilcuc, In "Nohoily's Widow," week of 21.

ilnunBax (Cbas. A, .Stlchltir, mgr.)—Tbo^"TiEbt UuLdngtou Flsytra. lo "The Lire," weekof 21.

Onpnsvu (0, B. Itsynionil, n>gr.)—Bill weekof il Includes: Moiitgouirry and Moore. Crlnn-iis

Itojali, llarrlaon llrockti.iiis and compsny, JntinIJIgglns, FcTeit Oiluiilnl Belles, Ix-w IlawklnH,and Brown and Newman.UNigon (Jack Rlllott, ni,T.)—Week of 22: Carl

McDrlde and Karle. Co';ioaugh ami tlivlr lloiivy

Otrla. In "Frolics at the Bearboro:" Frey Twinsand Frey, Ray W. Dnow, Marie Ua.sseil and pic-


I.\Bio (Prosper Schwle, -mgr.)—Festurs Dimsof Onby Deslys, In "Her Trlnmiili," 22-24.Oatbtt (Wm. Koenig, mgr.)—The (llulie Trol-

(ers week of 21. The day .New Yurkcn weekof 28.Nbw PAiars (II. n. Billings, mgr.)— Bill

week of 22: King olid Uriiwn, IXi Mk-bln Briilh-era, Fred IMsano ami Klllle Illngliaui, Tiny Mayand feature pho(onlayi>.Nbw (Iband (Win, K'k'U, min'.)—Hill week ot

22: Rniest AIro Troiiiie, (^liom.' ami \j\ 1>iur.Ilnrry Kllawortb sod company. llouiH>y and Ibiw-nwii. pi,d Zudora.

.''IHANII. NUW OAUni--K, nniKNT, (I'orHTAL,Isis, I'aiNCBss, BUMUAL<j>v, plclurva only.

St. Loals. Mo. — Miiitiert (MelrllU- Plots,itgr.) I,oul« Maun,- In "Tae Pubblc,'' -wevk 0?Fell. it.

CLTSirio (Waller flnnfonl, mgr.)—John I>nrw,In "nonomsry," wock of 21, .

Amcbican (II. II. Wallace, mgr.)— Inhn Bunny,In "Ilnniiy In Funn/lan'l." wcrk of 21.PAnK.—"The (lltl In (he Train" wei-k of 21.HiirNAHnOAil. — "(let-IUcb-UuIck Valllnrford"

werk i>f 21.SiTANiiAun (L. Relcbenbaeh, mgr.)—The Tciniit-

ern wrek ol 21.lursaiAL.—Billy Watson's Dig flbow wcvk ot

21.(lATETr.—.Millie De t/m. witb Blchy Crnig

Co., week of 21.Udiwn John McOirnuck. tbe celvbilcd Irlab

tenor, will spfienr lierv .March 4.

Oassics. — WllllsmMD's sulmsrine expcilKlonJlcUires, wlilcli bare lieeii Hliown n( thU hwiitoor (he paB( few weeka. reoinlns lMili>nnlli'k

OnLnUDiA.—Bill 22-27 : .Mr. snd Mm. (^nrli-r

De Uaven, (Hilef Ciupnllcsn, Four Iloin.-in'ja, Sunrand Mack, Troralo, W. C. Flelda. Uldley andFleming, and John It. Oonlon nod cnmiiany. .

-IlirpooBoHB.—Dill 22-27: Ulion and Dls'inf

MelloT and De I'snla. Cliaa. I.(«>iiard 121>'t<.-lii'r,

Meholi nisters, Wanda, (wo (0 All.


Oaklniail. Call,—dfjnlonaucli (F, A. (Ii-las,

mgr.) "Dringl'ig Up Father" ilwo perforriinii'i'i)

Frh. 21. Henry Miller, In "Ua'ldj ]/>:\:t U'f*.''

* Vb' I^BBTT (11, W. lllsbou, mgr,) —IIIhIi Ill's

eteck CO., la "Tbe Shepherd of tbe nills," 22-2X.

QtruBuu (0«>, Ebcf, i^.)»OlU 21-27: W.

noysl Gsacolgnes, Tommy Vsn snd Wsrd flislers,

"Mysterious Mr. Rusacll," B. Kelly Forrest!, ao>l

Four AtuIIos.WssTuiNHTsa (Ueorgo Collier, mgr.)—HuoliI

Mslils 22-27.' .MoBNiii (Kildle Ilcnlcy, mgr. )—Temiilo Players,

'Kddle Healer, Hceulc Trio, aud pictures, weeKot fi,

B-jlLOOk's (Psrker Burke, mgr.)—Vsuilerlils

and pictures.Union (Cbsries Allim, mgr.)—Vsudevllls sod

pictures. ,Oasiko, DiJon, NioUL sod OAivrr, pictures


Aaigoa4n. Ga.—Grand (It. B. Tsnt, mgr,)—Olalre Whitney, who had a leoitlna part In lUs

tlclurs of "Tbe Walla ot Jerlelm,' ahuwh keieeb. IB, appcuivd Id (rrKO and dellvrred a lals

which waa wvll recelreJ. "The I'rliico of To-lilKbC 22, Margaret y\.iulln 2:1.

Biyou (Hparks A Kcbramecb, urr.) — Clark'sCnmpalgDcrs, oirerlo,r "The Hose f.lil." "Tho Jlsa-

cot"^nd "Oaaey's MIshr.iis," wer-) Ihe altmcllonSt Ibis houan week of 15, A llrat cisas (sMoidi^mpany (hst played (0 good liur.i'H'ili, The rail

Includitl: Billy Cnark, Ilalph Waliun, Jolin rnW-Irr, Ru(h I.a Moiit, Irma Dupont, and Uweoi^nrijue.

HjBANn iXtiarks A Acbramech DfTS,)—Olstk'sr^.unt and olliic featuri* pictures.MuujKSKA aud DnKAMiANU, ylclures Cnly.

Omasha, Neb.—(Brandela (Crawford, I'lll^ k7,<-hruiig, nigm.) "Under OovcT" Fob. 22-21, "I'ol-oFh and I'wIinuKer" 20-27.

Iliiru's (W. J, llurgcaa, mgr.)—Boyd Hiealre(((ock 0>., lu "Beveii Dnya," 21-27.

Palaoi,—Jly Msr<di 10, (his beautiful nnrhouse will bo Teady, snil under L. I'. BlanksumiiBgrinenl. . .

jHwsb, Ki,iTS, raiNoBss, Nbmo and (naoK,tiioTing iilclure',

Ben ifossBLMAH. an old ""fl'V'T™ '""fi,."!!In (hia eliy I», In (he InlercaU of 'The Wlnifl

ut WIseland" Co. >

ICeokok, la.—Orand ((Ttios. IT. Dodge, nigr )

'The Hp.illers" Feb, 33, l.iicnl (ali'ii( 2(1.

IIii'l'iiliBUMH (II. II, Friedman, ingr.l- Uiide^-

(he now tiisnsgimeiit (lie nsiruuvge of (bla idclutuluiniie his sleadlly Inrirawd.CuLOMiAL and VuUBuu, piclares.

MoAleater, Okla,—Buaby (A. Bert Kslei,ugr.) Al. (I. Field's Vllnstrels Usrcb 23.

Yalb-Majbstiu, Htas snd l.iusBTr, plclsrea.

Maui's Oi.ryi'iu Himws bad good bualueaa ac

llalleyrllle. Okls,, 813.,

Tub Ilualiy lias reduriHl sdmlsslon prlrra fniii

twenty mil len to tra aud flro e«cns. Paramountand Biieclsl featuru pictures oonllnno lo ilraiv

go<i"l bualni-aa.. ,.. _

llnr FsAXiXB, of tho "My Cinderella Girl" Co..

Is Tialting his home at Krrlia, snd ssys tbst IIhi

"Cluilen-lls" romuony, which rioaed at (Inlucy,

III., Feb, 14,. will ro-upeu In Chicago lu (be near


Ciarksdals, Miss.— UsJ(<slls (L. Ilsrper.

logr.) mutUtii plsturei and vsililevlll^ betwrt'n

(igulsr Iwoklngs, Nat 0, (I'mdwlll, In "Nrfe«Kay Die," drew (ho lifgest ri-i-vlpla Of tw sei.

Biiii, aiMl St sdTance<l iirlces, Feb. 10. HIsndIngri'i'm only cnntlnuca (or flril clsas atlraetless.

"The lied WliIow" followed 10.

"TWIM HUM" Will \» played for llio Hummer nt Han Frnnclgfo,' RVA MAK KItANClB bas rejiilncil tlii> "Kuveii Ki-yM (o llalrluutu" <ii§tllAKItV l>KJ,]f has replared Marl In llruwn with "llollii Itronilway."IVAN CAItYLf., Uin KngllHli cumnoaer, will nnnko Ills future home lu Now York mty.LAIlltl I)K FltnCK win open a Hiiiunier I'li-rriit s(mk.Till'; WliKe llalN Pre (o have a traveling w.-aiiiper, beginning In May.MAKOAItnr ItltOW.NIC muiirnH tlio loss i>t her tnotlier, who dliid at Nohsnt, Moms,, Keb. «.HTA.NIHLAUH SVA.NGK has lllcd suit against Fred C. WhHnoy for %2,',mT, on a promis-

sory noli'.

AHHI':.MIILY.MAN HULLIVAN has Intrnduciil n bill In tlio New York I.4!glslnturc wlilili

provlili-s fiir tho repeal of the Krawley Builiijt Luw' nnd tho obolltlou vt tbu Mtatu Hoiluit(.'umiiilHslon, It Ihn Instlgntlnn of tlin (Mvlc Ueform Lengile.

JAMKH r. MCWIH Is writing n iiiuhIi-iiI ror.iedy eiKllled "lie Neutral."'O.V 'PItlAL" Koi« on (bo nind at I'atcraon, Mnrnli 1. The cast Inoliidni : Ileulali

Walnni, Fliiri'neo ^lll«re, .May .McCnIie. .Mury Moiin-, (.'hnrles Darrnh, Ilnrry Cowley, W. II.

Clnrke, Clyde .No'rth, (Ii^irge K. Henry, Kcllx M<.-(.'liire, Jnin<.ni Ilussell, OlinrlCH GIMinrt.(.'ImrlcH Itlegiil, Hurry Vivnl, lionnld McClcud, V. H, Grant, (Jeorgo A, Cameron und HamueliJe Vcnu.T.

FOICrV FIVI-; of the KuesiH ut lliu Klks' Homo at Iludford (Mty 'attended (lie C.linrltyMlnxlrHn of '.Ik' Lyncuhurg l/i:lge of Ktk», Feb. 12. Clom Mageo was among tlinse doingsperlaldea,

HOMI'! one. wKb uo iirnrlli-al knowli-ilgo Of tiie stnge or of serial nets Id parllculnr. hasevolved .'III orilliiunre wiili-li Is iiiiiv lu-ndlng hefnre tlio Judiciary viimintltee of thu Clilcngol.'Ky Coiini'll, whii-li drmii ikIh tliiit net* be ploce/l under oil trapeze and ulbur aurial aeislhat niMica'' In (.'hli.-nKK tln'MlreH, It will nr'i()aMy bo klllcil,

Jll-^lt'r I.KVY Is liiiHy Hki'li-liliig im Hiinilnys In Ills HnmerHet opnrtment.WIM, MAItlO.V COOK A.NIi-AIIUlK MITOMKLL UMjK and other colored performers

gnvc n l.incd'n l>ny com-i.Tl nl Kills Ixlnnd, New York.DOLLY KICK, un actri'HH, 1h suing Dr, Itobert Ilartlett, of Rymcuse, N. Y„ fur |2,l)(H)

damsL'cs for slnii'ler.

Tlir; Vnuvncvtic Co. will build a aw tbcotro 00 Oroadway, New York, next door toChurcUlll'B,

6 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Febbtjabt 27

CONTmUED AintACnONS*AflTOR^eorie U. Cobin tnd WUUu» Oel-

Ucr, lo ^-Hcllo Untimaj," Dintb WMfe,DDLA8CO—VraocM 8Urr, lo "llul»0<Ut«7^

Orth week.OANDLEB—-Uo Trial," twentr-eUbth week.CUNTUllY—Havluwa and liallet, Aurtli (Dd

last week.COHDUY—"Tbc Wliltc Fcatber," tbird week.CAHINO— "Uiperleoce," cigbleeDtli week;

'aeventb at thli house.CORT—"Uoder Cover," tweDty-serenth week,OOIIAN— "It VajB to AdvertlM," Iwent/-

nrtb week.BUI>1IIU— Uthel Darrjmore, in "Tb«

Hhadow," flftb week.'Tlic Book of SoDga," tcotb



KOKTV-KUUiBm. STUKE/r—Bobt. U. Mod-tell. In repcrlolre', {ourth and laat

nvcek.KOUTY-IilOIITII STUEBT— "Tile Uw of

'thn Land," wltti Julia Uean, twenty-nrvood week.

ri;i/l'<(N—•"IHvlii llcdM," twouly-iilntli wook.HAIKTV—Until flmtterton. In '•Uuddy Long-

Li'ga." twciity-Kecoiiu /wcMfk.

UU>III::—MontEouiory and .Sluuv, In "Cliln-

<.'lilDj" ulnulrenth week.JIAIIUIS—Margurct lUlLgtou, In "TI14 Lie,"

ninth week.HUM-OUKOMi;— "Winter CIrcUH," Uftn week.ilUI^SO.N

UuurIbh Kalrhaiikg, lo "Tbo HbowHhon," ninth week.

ICMCKKUIiOCKICIt— Itlcbard Carle' andHarlR Colilll, In "Ninety In tboSliade," flftli week.

lilTTI/lC—"A fair of Bilk Stockings," Dlne-trenih week.,

LdUUItTV— OtiB Uklnnor, Id "Tbe SilentVoire," nintli week.

LYUIC—"The Only Olrl." KTeDlecotb week


fifteenth at tbis bouae.LVCEUH— Ulale Kerguiion, Id "Outcaat,"'

aevenleentb week.LONGACKK— "Inside tbe Uncs," second


elgbtcenth week,NEW AMWTBIIDAM—"Watch Your SItep,"

with .Mr. nnd Mrn. Vernon Caille andKraiik TInncv. twelfth week.

rilNCII AM) JUDY—"Tbo Clever Onai,"flfth week.

I'l/AYriOTIBB—"Hlnnero," eighth week.TAJIK—"I'olygnniy," thirteenth week ; Dtntb

at thiH liniiHe.

KKrUIU^tlC — John Ilarryinorc and JnncHrey. In "Kirk In," nineteenth week;flftrenth at (hia liuime.

ailUnEllT—"To-Nlghl'H Ibe Night," tenth•week.

TIIIIITY-Nivni HTItMIOT—Mnric Drossier,In' "A Mli-llp," iilnclcwilh week.

WINTKIl OAUDIjN — "Maid In America,"aeroud week.

WALIjACK'H—MUlnn JlrCnrtby tiiirt flrnn-

vllle Ilnrker, In "Androi:lcs .ind tboMnn" nnil "'Hie Mini Who Married aDumb Wife." fifth week.


RciHced Thnrmlnu criaing, Ffb. /«.

An usinnl, the KlvcrHlde 'riiontro wns imrhedto the 'd6ur!> by eight o'oliirk, on tbe above4ln<t<>, and lliu ijiitmim enjoyed the Mil thur-ouirlily.

Tliv MHlllnaroB, eight n^lniitos, In throe.The net (i|iens wl(1i a line <llw|>liiy of fliusclcii

nnd iiufluK. A oinn nml n womno furniKholjrlkt nnnutes of lnti-ri>Ktlng svuiinaBtlc work,'lliey have ecveral diniruU tricks, nnd bbvirworK IH vi-ry nven. Tbo act Is very good,'ill roe bowH.

•Thi- (ilrl of tile Odlden West." plrtare,took up an boiir anil a bulf, iinj ihomugblyluhiyeil.

Thomn.H and Rhnpirn, fifteen mlnntea inone, f.|ie('lal drop. Two <'u|iir'd Uiiyn. putover an eicellenl Hinging, iHlklng and dan-cing act. and were u Mg bit. Tli° act hatsomo funny mAlorlal, nnd It in delivered InA first class manunr. 'i^ie danvlng of the(wo toys Is very good. Tbe only popularsong sung wan "Ru(<is Johnson's KagtlDeUend," and It was very well received. Vourbows,Madden end Clogg, bcvcd minutes, ftjil

•toge. 'litis lA a very fouil bnllroDm dsnclncaot that <etu nwiiy from the Htoi'eoiypcildcnces. The girl Ih pretty, and the mng lanrat. They make 11 wry goud nppaarsBvotogether, and arc (traeefui to n lliie |iolnt.

Tlie team work Is i>xi-i<llcnt. They dancedthe monoplane waltz, hypnotic tango, andtbf 4>urk and wing trot. Kour bows.Harry Cutler, twenty in4Dutcii, lu one.

Cutler was a riot and stopped tbe show. U«Is one of the best singfug comedians lavaudeville. With a llttlu newer materialCutler HbouUI have no trouble on the tt\glime. His "(Thryniintliomnm" anng la a biglilt, and Is olie of the funniest clinraotcrKougs heard In n hini; time. He late'j ke;Kong should bo reiiiiived nnd another' lubulf-tuteil, Tbo Imitation of un Kngllshman uliig-liig AnuTlran ingtlnie has brt>n done to deatb.He Is very clever auil kniiWH the urt of put-ting over the evun. The riwt of hla msaerlnlIII (). K. lie rerolvrd hcvou bows and tworiiriires.

' "The I''Hninre Jfan," a I/irtiln vomiyiydrninn, as llkeil.

"i:veryil>o<Iy," twenty-two mlnulc.i, thrcoaccnes, special Kettlugs. A nilnlnturc "ex-l<rlenoe" Is "BviTrfiiiily." nnd Hlioiild provonil excellent heiidiliirr for the lumw Cir-cuit. It Ih admirably neled. nnd It la In-leriv-tlng tbrougliiiiil. Ilicre ar? twelvej eeiilp and three dUT^'rent irenea. The nn-dlmce s;'enic»I lo enlnj- ll very murh. nndIt was one of the lills of the hill, 'llie cbnr-octcrs reiirciented were: Hverybiidv, l.iirk,

Advico, ruture, Shirk, riHinure, Iliint«lj,' Work, flri^t mill simmiiiI fvloiid anil a tiewe-l>o,v. lOveryune In the ensi was oxrelleiit,and Uiero is iiriu'llrallv no fnult tn be fimudwith any of thiin. The niiiii who tilnviilKvcrvbooy Is n clevrr actnr. Blx curliitn ni'llH.

"Iinin nnd llu- Vlllhiii l-'ui'lory," u Kalenicciredy. wiisi very funny.

Uui<K>hnrdt ami White, IwrVvo nvlniite!i. inone. 'I'bo boy« ttN'iii i>ver tlio *niiic iis tlii-v

usually do. Tlu\v wi-rc ii big lilt. 'INie not(^GcniR to be liniirovhig \vit\i nge, iiiiil iiuwcan tie rlii<iscd iiiiimii; tilu' li'udorH nf two l>oypiano nnd .sinking leniiiN. 'I'lie^ Kjiiig "tilowesttilrl In Town " "llow Tliirc \Vi>:iiiin I'lin

4"ool;," "Whnt'Il You I>o, riio lU-lls." nmlfor iin eiiiun- U\r\- reiulercd "Miiriy Uio CIrl^un lovv'." A iriMiil vole,' nnd n tine i)bi"'>.-.Iiiger will, iiliie out of ti'n tliiu>.i, go over,.Tiid the lioys nri- Imlli vmul slii;;erM nnd (Incliliiiio pl'iycrs. 'l"W(i linwK iiiid nn euriiro.

' J/j/(td.

Kolth*H Ilronx—^Tlio stork coinimnT Is

nllijietliiK i'ri>wde»l luiuaes. Kor IbU \vi.vk,t'Tlie Voniplre."




Lee Lash Studios

308 to 316 East 48th Street



<'HAID IN AHERICL''winter Oardem (Winter Gardea Con*

(•or, D«n.)—Jfafaf In America, an enter-tMiameat In two acts and elerea sMneiProduced by the Winter Oarden Compaay onTbursdiy night, Feb. 18, wlt^ this cast:IUd« in Ajbvrlca Bong Writer.,Harrj CarrollKade In America CbonU Girl,

Uloerra ComdaleMade la America FrcDcb Actress,

Belle Aa)il70Ufldc la America Uan ttam Hwt,

John floarkaAnerican Made Coat Itoom Boy. . . Lew HrleaUndc Id Amortca Cabaret Uot«rtalDer..yv«tteIgnclz, a Walter, Made Jo Aoierlca,

Ban iditmiAn Aioerlcon Mode DLner 'Will SuutooFrcdtrlck, an Amerlcau Walter,

Jades ClMonuAnolher American Made Diner. . Harold IlnbeMade In America lingllsh I«rd...I<ert ClatkJohn Oray, a Jealous llnsbajid Uol l'"ordeAnna (iruy. Ills American AVlfe,

... Maud I^mbcrtCeorgo Ulval, her Former Lover,

Cbarlea J. UoisMade hi America Society Ladv,

llloBsoB SoeleyAaerlcoji Uade Comedian Marry Torhetllc, Uelitt c»f "Broadway Knitting Club,"

Nora RaysAmerican Ucde Vagabond Joe JackeoDUonidnca, an American Made Dancer,

Mile. Da^eGaby, Uado In America Yansd Dolly

Aai otbacs.

The DOW Winter QardoD attracUoOj. "ValdIn Aoipriea," Is more of an entertAlmoedtthan an eitravagauza, for Instead of stvertldozen sceoea, more or leas beautiful, and *goodly port of ,tbe evening devoted to ddn-cing, toero are many clever sfwcUUira,aokgs and comedy stunts. Of course, thereIs dsDrlng of every kiiid, Ineludlng tbe ballot.Tbe iccneiT la msgnlAceot, the one sfaowiugtbe setting at Alexandria, Egypt, la a raredellgbt lu lb« eye. Another set of ifcaltplendur U Ibc eloslag one, sbowlag UraclHUSurdena, with classic flgurea posed by aown shapely girls.

The flrw catberod for tbIs ehow are notonly beoutirui. but have YVbst Is best knownas "claiiH." Tbev arc all full of lite andwork oa tliougb tbey really enjoyed IL Theremust be over two hundred of tbcm, and allar,e uoted beauties.Hie lioiine progmm i.i surprisingly frank

about the allow. It unbluubiogly states tbofollowing :

" 'Maid In America,' a revuslraliiruluctlou lo two acts and eleven scenes.Bong cues and lyrics by Harold Atterldge.-All kinda of music rc-wrlttcu by BlguuudItumberg and Hurry Carroll. Coiitum>;3 de-Binned mill borrowed from everybody by Mcl-vlllo Dills."

There h really no plot, but a fnlnt biir-lesijuc of "The I'liautom Klral" runs tliroiigbthe uleeu, sud "The Hawk" a4B0 comts In(or ntmorouB treatment Tbero la also anamusing frene showing how a play Is pro-duced, rcuiliidlug ouc of "The Show .Shop."The back of n stage Is flccu, with Its stsgocrew, the. singe mamiger and tlie players,'ilie stage Is creeled ou the middle of theWUiter Uirdcii Kinge, and a drama Is artrdto u "stage audience" <faclng tbe rcgulni,*oudlrnee. it is, of course, a burlesque onuelodrams.A novelty that caught tbe large audience's

foncy wan a revolving spiral stalrcsse, fortyfeet hlgb, on which a bait bundrea girlswere riiQDlng.

Another scone that vna a genuine noveltyvos tlio one Bhowlng Times square, with itscrowds around the iSubway entrances andwollLiaf aluuc Lbnt long strUi of boards(built bv tbe Subway rootraetors for walkiug'While the otreeta were being repaired^,lioowa as tbe boardwalk.

The cosiuines are, as la always the caaa•t tbe Winter Qardcn, rich In color and won-derful In dtalfo (for wtalcb IfelTllle UlUs Isrcvponaltle). iMere man cannot describethem and do them justice. The costmucs arefor tbe greater part only for etuge luc, butnever has New York seen anything moraelaliurate In tbe way of stage olothes. TherauBlc, wblcli is borrowed from tlie popniarnnil grand opera tlelda, la unusually pleoabogtbls year.

Nora nnyrs, looking better than she hasin yrara, waa given an ovntton when sheoiade her llrst entrance, aiie waa lo goodoplrlla and ber songa were well dallvereX-Bhe baa one railed "WbUtla and I'U Coneto You" (by Blonche Merrill and Leo Bd-wardi), that bida fair to become oa popularUS "TIppcrary." Aaother aong that she"put over" was "Tbe Stolen Melody." Areal song hit, rendered in cbaraeCerlstlustyle b,v thla clever woman, was 'ITierc's aLittle IMt of l<>vervthliu; On Uroadwoy," Itwas. Iiowevcr, in the Kgyptlan scene, whereMb!9 liayes, ns Cleopatra, surprUed herfuudpst admirers, fur here nhc was o.illedupon to do legitimate acting, nnd MIsa Dsyes4>r«vcd that this brand of .,8liige xrork wnnoIho ivltbin hor grasp. Miss Hnyca' coftumcHWere Qll marvels of Ibe modiste's art. Herstirrers was eiivniuitle.

llnrry Carroll, the young and clever songwriter, lin.s mil iiiurh to ilii, but ninnngcd topleuiio with the scsnt mutcrlnl which washniided bliu by jils Ubrcttlat, Uaroid A(ter-idgo.

'Minerva Covordnle danced cleverly andsnug well Hi-venil sunKS, the best of .vhlchwas "lli'ie's n lliilc of Cotton for I'oii," In'whicb CDtton bale.i. each containing it girl,wore brviigbt on the stage.Maude Lnmbert, stntue.iqiic and clever, unJ

one of the real song lijts of the show, called"I'm Louklug lur iiunieonu's Heart." Hers IsA plensnnt voire (u listen to. In her songKhe Is aided li\ pretly glrlH wiilkliig up andduwo the (umous Winter (Jurdeu ruuwoy ondthe (hi::itre .ilslea. holding snmll elcotrioll).'lilK. luiikinu for snuiu innn to lore.

Hlossiiui Scelry (Mrs. Itiiki> Munpiurd) Isnlso cnn^iilouiiUH aiiinng the nuuiy prlnrlpnls.i<he Ih nlwiiyK on the go. She dnncivi andMngs UoltiT Ihnn ever. Hlie linn a great nuiu-her closing tlie llrst nrl. nml (the brought(luwn the liiiu^e Mltli her vigorous diuiciiig.

Tliat woiidrrruUv elivrr Joe JnckDon, oneof ilir fuiinlesl niiMi (-n the Kinge—a manvho iliHs not ili'pciKl rii llue.s to get lniigl;8,

for lie does not siiv.-.k n word—«'oii1rlhiitedhl.s funny blrycle :ut. iiiul be was a riot ofloiithlor. lie oi-rii|iles ilie stntv niono.

<'liiirlr.<i 'i. llosi fi-oied lii-iivVlv, ns he «l-wny.K (h)i'.i III iiii.v vole llinl he plnyn. lieni.nilr a dlKnUliil Miro Aniniiy, and h-> wnseiniRll.v rlrvi-r lu his iiiake iip ns Dulilrh-ttMn nnd l>iivhl Itdnsro. ludeiHl, bis Uc-ln*o iiiiikr-iip wns pi-rfoot.

Hello Ashlyn Is railed upon to Ao monvlilin;.s hi this show, nnd dues them all well.The lirsi thing she doiw, liowever, Is n hur-lomliie nil Mio noted l^'rciidi nrlresis, .\llle.(liilirlrlli- PorHHt, In '"I'lie Unwk." Not onlyIh MIks .\shlyii n clever ronieilleniie, hut sheproved tluit she rnn phiv an emoLlonnl role,

ilf-rt Chirk (furuierly Chirk and llaiuil-loii), n geiiiilnoly funny enniMllau, Is givenfow o|i|iortiinllli>H for fuu-nuiklng. Ills ouei-hniiiv riiiiies ns Cnesnr, and liu tttkea fulllultiinlngi' nf II.

Ilnrrv Fox nnd 'N'nnsel Dullv. favorites nt111!' Wliiior (l.ivileii. sroivd lienvlly Mr,K>i Is II rlever oinedlnii, and Miss Dollvii'.ikeii 111) In dnnrln; whM ihr hicks In .<dng-Ini:. Willi l.TO- Ilrlif (n hrutlier of KnuiivI rlre> riii' of Ilie dniirers we know,Ihiv :>.|i|ir:ircd ns Mr. niid .Mvs. Vernon f'nstleniKl' s, ui i il heiivlly. In iunke.u|> ihev riosrivrosi'irilil.'.! I ho orlirliinls. Hi lee Is 'a conic-

'1- wi ll ns :i diKiiOr.Hal I'onir .loorod ns nohir and slni:or. He

IKWi'ssi's a rloh ImiJtimu voice, nud It tnhs a

real antral treat 'to- hear hhn «ir« "It I*

All KoT You." He also Wnpcrsonatcd WilliamI'avcrsbam. In aMiurlesque on "Tbe Hoiwk,"nnd he made up^^st successfulljy ae thatactor. He also song a duft with Mmc. MAr-guerlta BerlEa, a irraod ofwra prlmn donna.A decided favorite wse 3411c Dscle, irbosc

clever hallti darning has often been praisedIn Tub Ci.ippbii. wltfa that famous Russiandancer, Tiicodorc Kosloff, she danced "TticBallet at <Mor and Uotion" bo the doUghtof the bare aodicnce, Aaslsting Dazle andtuMloR were I^ I'ernlkoft, Uabet Hill, DotUoselle, MarguerUo (>innen and Mabel Orcte,

YTctte, whose violin ptoiylng In vaudevillein well kU'Avn to patrons of that cntcrtaln-iseot, la also lo the nroduction, Slie scoreswith her mnidc. and aiao dancen cleverly. Thedancing Ut of the nlcht, however, was scoredby James Clemens (formerly of (Jlcniona andI'ean). lie fumirtied, at the very end of thenbow, an vaoeBtrtc ifox trot tbat le now thota'k of the town. It Is a wonderfully exc-cutod dance, and Mr. Clemons csn rest as-

sured that his act ii safe from oopylsts. Fewnun can dJnce hotter than be.

Sr.n Adoins, a new comer to the WinterOarden, mnde on excellent bnwesslon wMhIlls menods of fuo making. He sings tbe"Old Oaken Bucket" with a mudcal lau»htba^ If langb provoking. The rest nf thepeople concerned In the production did their

iForli well.

Tfio ctagtng of Vr. HutTman (who ap-oesred as a stage hand In tbe atage sreneiIf excttleat, and the mutlcal numbers arofall of OaHb. Ibey were staged by thatasaater of Ms art, ;aclc Mason. The pmnlnekalfc win, of roorae, tc usiid, bnt tbe show(or the moat part v a splendid aotertaln-tnent, Bamuel L. Jtehmid, |h« well knownfirst Slighter. Jibed It so wdl ths op><ningnight that he attended tbe re«oad perform-

JEFFERSON*An Interesting bIH drow well last wceb.iLa Vensre's Ulod«4s presented a series ot

marble pOiiCK, with a sbowy drop and twomarble columns. Vbey Include .pnc fully d»-

velopol wjuian and one young girl.

'Marie La Varrc, a bright and protty elrl,

.tracUvoly gowned, aaag "Ut Taago (Jftl."

Let Ue See," "Cotae Back tu uc" and "Itufe

aneo. KtUry.


WsllMk'a (Charles Bumb'am, mgr.)

A MUiummer Might'* Dream. Froduoed byOwvUle Barker. DeooraJtlons by NonnsnWllkloson. Bneolal mufilc and dances com-posed by Cecil Sbofp. Cast:ThefiCUB Eric BlindTMppolyta Mary Bartonl*^eu« Edgar KentIlrrmla tive. Lconanl'Boynel^.Honder AValter CrelgbtonHelena MMah KcCarthyDometrlu.s Ion MVictareaI'bilostralu WNgbt KramerOulnce .0. P. Hecglefcr.UK Qtoree CnrrBottom Elrnest Cossnrt'Klutc. .

.'. Oerald IlamcrRtnrvellnff Arnold LucyOheron Horace nrahamTltiiola I.qnbel Jeansruok Cootl OameroQA Fairy EkVward nobertsIVas'Blossom Audrey nidcewcllOobwob . Valerie Cosanrt>fodi lArbhur OppenhehnMu.stnrd-Seed Bentha KIrstoln

/Batore a special audience (•Rtnge Snrlctyuemliera), on Sunday nigbt, Kelt. 14, nnd onTuesday niglit, Feb. 1(1. when occurred thefirst performance for tbe public. GrsnvllloDarker presented his interesting but' curloiin£reduction of "A Midsummer Night'sTeam"—curious, because of Sir. Barker's

Dew method of producing filmkespeare Inregard to stage trcalrocnc nnd decoration.Nothing like It hofl over been seen In NewYork.' It inay In truth be called a pnit-laj)r<B8lonist's experiment with Shakespeare.Of eoorse, the text of the Bard Is notchanged. Wonderfnlly colored draperies,wUb shpple and onlone designs, compose tbestcoery. which, for toe greater part, is beau-tiful. Nothing qnltc so pretty as the forest•rene baa graced a New iTork stage In yearsIt was raggnted by baautlful green curtains,whlcb surrounded the mound where Tltanialeepa and makes love to Bottom. Hanginghlgp above them le a huge wreath of blueand purple flowers. "The scene Is really oneof rare beauty, and It was loudly applauded«o Tuesday nlkht.

Itieaeas' pafiice was an Imposing and aheavy set, rather Oriental In appearance,•nd it Is liere that Bottom and his playersgirt tbelr ploy, "Pyramus and TUibc." Asalready noted in 'the (TLirpiR'n review ofIfr.'Barker'a other prod'ictlon, "AndToclc<i andthe I.loa." there are no fottllghts, and thobozet oearctt the stage had been torn out,and the apron of tbe atqge extended outover tbo ordiestm pit. "ThcseuB nnd hisaucslB tiken become part of tho audience,for couches are placed'^on the apron on which(he AQicnlan women recline while the menatand around. As tho players appear on anelevated stage everyone and everything laIn full vl'w or the regular audience.' A eirtklog noveHy of the performance Isthe costuming of the talricq (with the excep-tion of Puck). Al arc In gold, costume*,fttcea, hair and hands.Puck la played by a man, Cecil Cameron,

cabbed in red with a shock of yellow hair,fic wus a merrv sprlfc, leaping and boundingevery mlmute that he was on the stage.

ICrneat Cosaart ^-na a capital Bottom. In-deed, wo cannot think of ony actor whocan pliiy the role better.

Llllali McCnrthy (Mrs. Barker) gave anoteworthy iporforninncc as Helena. Bhe Isa genulno artlat. llcrmla was- acted by EvaLeonard Boync, and she waa -excellent. Herw6rk In tho quarrel scene merited tbs ap-plause given it.

Horace Drahnm, ns Oborop, nnJ IsabelJenna, as Tltonla, eontrlliutcd excellent act-ing. Moat of the iioefry In the niny falls tothem, and they spoke their lines clearly.Kric Blind, na Theseus, nnd Mnv Barton, aslUpnolyta, gave good arcouuts of themsclvea.0. P. llegEic was amusing as ()ulncc. Theroles of tho Athenian lovers were handledb.v Wolter Crclghtun (ns Lysunder) and IonMnelnren (as Demetrius), but neither ofthem dlstlngnlahed thnmcelves. The work ofthe others did not cnll (or npeclal mention.

This prodiicllou of the "Dream," with Itsdecorations, its peculiar costumes and stagocirorts, should be seen by all, for It Is agcni'.luc novelty of the tlioutre. Kclcci/.

"THE DICKY BIRD/'"The Dicky Bird," by Harvey O'Olgglns

nnd Harriet Ford, authors of "Puiygauiv,"wns presented as a curtain raiser to thntdrama ot the Park Theatre on Kridny nfler-r.oou, Ki)l>. 11). The playlet pr«ve<l to be nvery nmubing aKnIr. having for Its tlieine thoHuppnvued husband. It will be used here-after ns n curtain rnlfcr lo "Polygamy."

Itlebnrd P. UoyAip, called "Dicky Bird" byhiB wife, who, d6inilte thnt endearlug term,is always "bossing hini, decides, after sco-Ing n performauep ot Ibscu's "A Doll'sUoiujc," 10 leave her. The wife divorces himand 110 'marries a (oud young girl, Whllolooking for an apartment they stumblo acrosstbe Hat of the flrst wlfp. Ilerc tbe dotingyoung wife learna nil of his past lite, andthe young wife decides to begin exactly thesame snrl of treatment as nractlceil by thefirst wife.Mary Shhw, one of the best of our act-

rosKos, plnyi<d the rolo of the llrst wife nudinndc 11 nu Intercslliig chHraeter. CliryslalHome, r.lwuyB ldentUled''nith drnnintle roles,did excellent comedy work ns tbe slllv Mrs.llowen, tbe Rccond. Htepheo Wright woswell rant db (he husband, aud Mnrlo Hudsonhnd the part ot n Qcnnatr nuld and plycdIt acceptohlr.

Jobnsona Harmony Band," In clever fashionCbss. A. Loder, tbo "well Irnovn comedian

Asd star of comedies .and farces, played aOerman souse, who gota Into the wrong housennd passes hlmsctf oH as the doctor, and hada nuuiber of funny sayings. His dunce Is afn>od bit, and the comedy points, in which bela well assisted by a woman and a man, arenicely brought out, and got laughs.The Venetian Trio of singers and tnstrii-

nentall^ls did well In Italian solos and trios,

llic tcuor Impersonated Caruso la "Pagllaccl". and wns encored for tbe singing. '^Bborusol Italy" olso went over Anc.

nice and France, a natly couple, came on>wlrh a bobsled and cracked Jokes and ex-changed brlgbt conversation. A conversa-tion song, for which they wrote characterson a "frosted" window pane, was novel.

The young lady also sang singly.Knx and Stewart, tbo well known bor-

Icsqucrs, bad an assortment ot bright Hay-ings ahuiit iMvorre lawyers and divorces, ondtliclr p.irodles concluded tbelr part ot theentertolnment.

I<uring Parquelte and Girls had a huv-lesqne tabloid, without a plot. The |rai}Inx

couple sang well "Garden of Lore" and"Night Time In Bursundy." The nuiii playedairtight end comedy coniblned, and had thosix glrlB singing a chorus earh of "She Bells>Sea Shells" In regular hurla*que fashion.Q'fae lending lady looked attractive and sangwell. Burlesque manngeri tab this eotfplelThe Duquesne Comedy Four had a dope

liaiso nnd a second tenor, who made up likeChaplin and acted like Dave Marliin withthe crushing of the hdt, the "suci<or'' biisl-

Aess and all. Good singing marked theirfthow, with "Linger Longer Lou" and "At tboBnll.'^

Unrguerlts and Hanley, tbe star acrobaticcouple, cloiicd the show, holding all to tbeflnlah of thtlr act in which Ml«a Margueriteacted the part of the iinderitandor far thohand balances in real manlike fashion. Forthe one handed tKilances she stood like arock ; also for the dllTercnt psrch acts Mr.Ilanle.v also did good tecih work In support-ing rlie rope on which the Indv hal.mcert anddid the lightning whirl for a flnlsb. A goodOct 1 ir(t,

DALPS im STREET.A bit of vaudeville, a bit of pictures and

A bit of drama has continued to draw them"In" here pretty regularly, with no opuo-sltlon up to this week, when ou MononyII. S, Mo<i3 opened the Kcgent, on the cornerof One Hundred and Sixteenth Street andSeventh Avenue. Dale's sbow drawlni;powers will now be testeil.

Tbe Hackott-Morgun company hns nlwayshad successfully plensout cDgngomenls at


Dnic's, and their present one appears to helike former stays. Their ofterlag for Fob.18-20 was "On tbo Farm," well presented tousual good results.

Vauacvllle had Inncss and Uynn runningway out llrst for npplauso honors and laughs,with "dapper" Clinrllc Inncss taking goodcare nt the sieging end of the turn and"dippy" Maude Ityun doing the "nut" stuffand exhibiting dressmaker'a wonders inchampionship form.

Vera Seblna, aaslaled by Mr. Bronner wcrosolid favorltce also. In a clever turn' thatfeatures Hies Sablna's clover dancing to anicety."A Tom of a Page" held the sketch po-

cttlou. It Is scinl-dramatle sketch withfour neopic, cast as a wild and rich youngbachelor, a faithful valet, a crook end agirl whom the crook Is robbing hotises forIn order to keep ber on llic "straight- andnarrow" thing, etc. The straight mon i bache-lor) sang "Over the Hills to Mary ' In thoearly part ot K nil. In a voice good enoughto warront his doing things "on Btlll anotherliage than this only fair sketch thnt has onegood (pldj situation, with himself held ntthe point of a- Ave shooter by tbe "roodeamarttan" bui-gter, but with a flnisU to It

%at?"'them" (wondering what iwaa

John F. Clark waa refreshment in follow-ing npot, with hid comic monologue nndniost ot his material was digested as tliougbIhey "got" It.

Btannan and Buckley, the black foce mu-sical comedians, wcro on No. 2. Tbelr patterneisis bolstering up-to-date bndly—but theDaleltc! laughed hard nt tbe old stuff—ondSl ^'}^ „'* ^ ™u»ic from brass helped a lot.The 'cello and piccolo doesn't hit like a. goodduet contblnatlon.


Kaiser's foxy fox terriers opened the showquietly, and the list of Dims wns well picked


IrvlDB Place (Rudolf Christians, mgr.)—Immcr tat druff ("Go to It. BojeT, amixture of comedy and musical comedy, byHermann Hal er and WUIl Wolf, with fflusic

,S ""its' presented at tbe IrvhigJ'lntc Theatre with the following cast: Pro-fessor Olleudorf, Ernst UoIzdooA

; Adetheld,

Illchard Feist; Kurt, ItD ISngol ; Marie Ollen:dorf, Hoinz' wife, Marcarete Christians;Andree Bavlgnoc. Hans Unterklrcher; Pen-zel l owldcl, hair dresser, ChrlsUan Kab;Monsieur Labourdette, Ernst Bobert; Uu-dabie Labourdettc, Asta Lange: Mister1 rown, Carl Doruberg

; Snblnc, French mold,l^nniy N cklass

; Moll. Cenzi Goetzer ; .MaxSchllcpbake, Janitor. Budl Italic

: Mliinaj hlay Ife. (.rete Meyer ; Braumuller student, ftausHnnscn

: iniemchen, reservist and cook, Helu-r cb Mnttbacs; Jenn, valet, I'inll GrcderThe phiv In Itself Is, be.voud a doubt theprize winner of the scnsoii, having monvpraiacwortiiy .points. Whllo being a warpiny, everything repulsive or sentimental baabeen avoided, nnd the result Is a play full oflaijsnitcr, cleverly worked out elUmtlona anda iarcc number of pleosing songs. Much totho success of the olferlag must be creditedto the gploudid ncllug. Furemnst In thisulrM'tlou Is I rl. Emmy Xlcklass. tho fomoasIlerlln miniature uoubrcttc, a now acn.ialn-tancc to New Yorkers. Tlio young indy, whoIs not even live feet high, has a knatk otbringing out the pulnltj ot r song that Iswonderful

: she is a splendid and graocfuldancer, nnd evcrytliing she does aud snys Iscute. She was the rcelplcot ot tin.- ovcr-whelmlug part ot uucndlag applause, heronly dlsoppolntlng feature being the factthat she refused to accede to any cucorcBA goodly share of tlie comedy success hi duoiTl. Meyer; who, as .the resolute and domi-neering Mrs, Schllopliako, presented us withanother proof ot her ability as a characterrnmedlennn. 8hc found a good pnrtanr inHorr Ilohc, wlio at the same time proved aclever comedian. Hcrr Felet looked well asleutenaut In one ot the now field uniforms,though be looked Fomcwhat too old for hlitf-"' In the llrst act Christian Hub waxsplendid In the part of tho suave .lenrt-breakei ot a barber, who (Inallv is dnilchtedwith his capture by the little French maid.•rl. Goetser delighted In the first act withher yoilllDg. KrI. Christians did weil asyoiing Mrs. Oilondorf. Tlie rest of thn casttook nood care of' the smaller parts en-trusted to them. Bcrollna.llDrtlR * Sennion'H (Louis llurllg,

rocr.l—f^ast week's business with tbo SocialMnlda came near a house record. For thisweek, Oamay (jerard'a FoKlc* of ttic Dav.

LOEWS SEVEITIH AVENUE.(Rmtewti eve»int Fet. t».)

^Leat beld no sway with tbe audience ofthe Haveotb Avenue Theatre, far by scveithirty tbe^ hoose was pack«) and pMrons'were standing In the rear of the thcat-oThe bill waa very good. As the special nimfeature. Mrs. Leello Carter. In "Dii Itnrn'"-WBs prescated, and Ibe picture was thornuthly enjoyed. The acts were run one after an-other Instead ot having pictures between onaccount ot the length ot the feature.

Freddy James, ten minutes. In one. FrcddvJames, who la billed tbe worst Juggler In tbeworld, has been reviewed when he was itthe American. He has some new lines aidsome nut stuff that Is very funny. He wason a little early, but nevertbelesa was a blcbit. Foor b(TWB,


Bulllvan, Keough and company, flftceDmln-ntes. In three. Interior. This political sketchis very well acted by two men and a womanIt tells the story of a woman's cleverncsM lii

blocking the pai<slng of an Important hlliThe story Is Interesting and It held the at-tention of the audience. Four curtain calls

1)111 Foster, twelve minutes. In one. .Vi topens with man singing. Mnslc goes wron-and .he llgbts with the drummer. Ou?word leads to another and tbo drummer goesupon tbe stage. He Is of the boob type amiIs a good comedian. They go through somegood talk. The Imitation of a chicken slni;-.fng "Michigan," was liked. For an. em orothey sang "Red, Bed Rose" and "Tlppera/y"at the same time, aud the counter carmonyfwaa^ pleasing. _Four_ bowe and an encore.

jnlh-Walsh, Lynch and company, twenty jnliQtcs, full stag^ special set. '^Hucklns Run,'probaUy one of the oldeat vaudeville sketobe

"rtsteace, has been resnrrected nnd 1.more being played. The sketch just

tie big small tlm« and Is a big bit. Theof the ploylet Is of ao old rnbe who is

In exlsteace, has been resnrrected nnd Isonce more being "


fits the I

Btory _ . _ , ,

robbing his ward ot her iaherltance, and ncity chap, who saves and marries her, tnd re-covers the stolen inheritance, Tbe acting Isvery good and the sketch more than madegood. Three bows.

Haydn, Burton and Haydn, twelve nln-ntos, In one. The act was reviewed by TiosCLin-BB when they, played the American.They wore undoubtedly the hit of the bill,

Uie clever basebaU talk going over like a'Hiiot. Tbe piano and accordion playing ntHaydn was liked. The singing and the nutBluff by Miss Burton was a hit. Pour bowsand an encore.Ray Thompson's horses, twelve minutes,

full stage, 'rberc ebould be a law passedthat all hor.qe acts shou)d have a guard railround their arena. One of the horses becameunruly and bached off to the footllghta andnearly caused a panic.. The only dnmngedoue wns the breaking ot about a dozen elec-

tric light bulbs. The horses are beautifuland, with the exception of the unruly one,ore well trained. Two men and two women,in a cavalier's costume, rode the animals.Iho latoBt dances Introduced by the horseswere good. Three curtain calls.

"Du Bnrr.v" took up an hour and fortyminutes ot tbe sbow. It was liked and theaudience sat very patiently through thewhole of it. Uyiti.

BONSTELLE STOCK CO.(Rtviewed matinee, Feb. to.)

West End.—It one could have bad (heatmosnhcre ot a Broadway bouse, he easily

could have Imagined be was sitting and look-

ing at a Broadway company acMng. TheBonstellc Stock Company Is one nt the bestever presented In New York City, and the

residents ot II:,rlem should support It. Tlie

West End is suitable -for stock companies,for It draws a neighborhood trade. Everymember ot the company Is excellent, and"Kitty Mn'^Kny" wns played for the week of

Feb. IR without a single hitch. ' Jessie Uou-Btelle remarked that toe reasoa her companyla so aiicceeoful is that she has no star In

her company, and every member Is willingto jump In and take any part, no matterhow small or large It Is,

The buBlnees ot tbe bonss has Inxprovedand the prospects are bright. The subscrip-tion list 1b now large and Is growing everyday. Miss Bonstelle does all tbe work ber-

self. Bhe selects the attractions, stages tbemand sees to all necessary detalia.

Miss Bonstelle plaved tbe role of Kitty

MacKay perfectly. Bnc waa entirely natiirnl,

and her personrlity charmed tbe audlciir'!.

Bhe took the h^avy dramati'.- moments andthe light comedy moments with equal ease,

and waa a hit thrjubgout,Corliss Giles, as the young lt<>iitmant of

tbe Cold Stream Guards, made a very line

appearance. He Is a very good actor, and-

handled his altaatlons bi a first c!o!is man-ner. He la a typical matinee idol type, andthere Is no doubt tbat be will become onewith the Ilarlcm patrons.

Kathleen Comegys^aa tbe chum of KItt.v,

was extremely cicveff She made q perfert

Mng, and her acotrb dialect sounued verynatural. Vhe- U a good looking girl, andmakes an excellent Ingenue, i

Uobert Adams portrayed the <4iaracter otan eld Scotchman, and was very enjoyable.He ls,ji clover character actor.Hugo Dlllmon made an excfllcot juvenile.

H» was liked very much. Mabel- Mortimerwas Indeed very cweet as the sister of LordIngelbnrt, Sh.i has a '^banning mauner, andshould become 'very popular. Joseph Law-rence niude a very fine heavy. He will be avery Inportaot msmbcr and a good deal is

exnpctcd from falni,

Lgia Stuart U a character woman of note,«ad gave a llsver perOarmancc. Her ScotchJlnlect was good. Llvla Nyo wns liked asthe gossip. Charles Kennedy made nsthe echemlng guardian' of Kitty, and playedhl8 rolo to pertei.'tlon. Busle Van Viwrwas good as tho daiigbtcr of the McNiibs.Uardla Itlckman was liked as the butler.

I'bo company deserves to become n (IxturcJo Harlem, as U la a credit to tlie rlly.


Colonial (Al. Darling, mgr.)—The bill

for Washington's Birthday week here Is

headlined by l<Vinny Ward and her cimipiiny,£resenting "A Table and Two Chairs." Will-im Uorrls and company Is presenting "Mrs.

Tcmnle'8 Telegram." (llolb will be rcvlewoilIn New Arts next week.) Frank Fognrly,"The Dublin Minstrel," Ls hero also, "cnn-

Tnlesclng from the festivities" over lilin In

Brooklyu lust week. Also: Bonnie Uinss(New Acts, next week), B, L. Goldberg, tin;

funniest cnrtoonlsti Lasky'a "Tbe licnulles,musical comedy ; tho Miasm Campbell ( NowActs, next Week). Burns and Lynn, the ToyoTroupe, and Ford and Ucwctt.

Proptor*ii One Hf^ndred and Twenly-flfth Street (Grant Lnffcrty, mgr.)—I'hebill llrst hnlf of the current week: "IheBachelor Girls," "Behind tho Fodtlleii";.All Rajah company. Stoddnrd and lIvnCB,

Scnmp and Scamp, Mlnola Hurst and Mhlcet.Marline and Valerlo. Ray Fern, Cordrn, ^el•il

Hall ond Jnlla Edwards. For 2B-2T ;Dnvo

Ross and companv. Walton and Ix>vern. LaSalle and Raymond, Morton and Hart, Jolly

Brothers, I.*o Beers, Grace Camp. Wli.soii

Rogers, Maderla and Chase, and Uoey auuMozart Girls.Praetor'* Twcntr-thiril Street (Wro.

A. Matthews, mgr.)—Bill Feb. 22-114: (Joldlo

Wnlince, "A -Tenement Flirtation." U?''"Trio, Itci'a marlonebtes, Frank MauBlleW,Dnvid Ross and company, Morton and Hb,V>and Blva Larson Troupe. For 2B-28 :


Edwards. Al. Rrnnamnn, Btoddard nnd Hyncs.'•The Bachelor Girls,'' Clara Hllg, GeorgeRnndnll and company, Mlnola llurat anaMidget, and Scamp and Scamp. , „ „,

Stnnilnrd (llijrrv L. Cort, mgr.)—SamBernard hns n week's engngemcnt here in

The neUo uf UomI Btred. Next Reck, 'TTbc

Story ot the Hoaary."


nnoi Parker, mgrrn)—At raw tomtre, on

K^i'iJ nlSirt. Feb. I'J, the WsBhlnKtun Square

I'Im^s pnicnted Ibo tollowlBg one act

Dlny " "LlccnseO," by Uaall r-awimco;

" r^reDlcQlU 8pw»liif/' by Edward Good-

J»n- "IilterlcrV^ t)jr Maarlce Mactorllnck,

a^i •'Another Intcrtor." The casU ^«re as

ini^t Rahsoim* •••**•••<•••••**•*•• •luB RaoIx

ItaMOioe. UCT mother....Josephine A. Mejor

•r<B»^*il<r o( ttm Bueome hoot, BtooUjn,

N y


i;n, Bnllbrwill* -PlomuM ttri«lit

Mr Br«llliew«lte. het faUer. . .Oeotro C. Somiies

r M'rrffp Ooxey. Karl BomeaATlnDMrfSt K«ll''' Boeder

TiiDe—Betwm to-4w und ta-monow.•iNTjuiioa."Id the Qudeo.

Thf Old Mao J^""tlg suiiiiaa Bonier

Mtrv Beatrice Sivclll

Ti» Father ......nemo Biifano

TlieiMotber. ..^ JoMphtne A. MeterThe Elder Daughter Edvflni Uehre

The Youucer DuuKhter Bdailoo DalUo"ANOntKII INTEniOB."

A Gcod Ansel In the Flesh Floyd Dell

A llud One Orlflln Bprry

Curlwii Dioxide .Vincent ClcalelU

Ilidrogen Bolphlde Romualdo IliitaDo

Jiutjrlc AciJ Arthnr UalnamoI'viJrochlorlc Acid Charles I'ratleloiie

Xl'n<e Jo«e|>h Puplno

A Cocktail Albert Ilonl

All Oyster Helen WcslleyTlirie Sauces.,

JonephlKe Ootscb, Loretta Macgalre, Jose-ptilue NlTessoD. ,

A Hot.. H. I. DayAO Irreilstllile Mqoenr PhUlp MoellerTine—UurlnK tfr. Smlth'a Dinner.Ifren^Inslile Mr. Smith.

The Dandboz Theatre 'wos re-opened onthe above date. The purpose of the Wash-IngtoD Square Playcra Is to present plays o(nrllstle merit, and tlielr flrat aeries of play-Jots nlilvh will be shown every h'rida; andSatiixdo; night for four weeks. Is a goodstart. The playa were all enthusiasticallyreceived and, altbongh the audience on tbcopening nlent uss comfirleed mostly offriends of the players. It is not onlllcely thatthe plays will pleaie-The flrat of the plays, "Licensed," -was a

social comedy. The fiaa<« of a youog womanhas died a half boor before thty were to bemarried but. as she la soon to become amother, tbe miDtster agrees to sign the eer>-

tifloato of marriage to save tbe family tromdiscrace.

^EJtigeiilctlly BpeakhiK" tells of a yoimg-woinan with advanced Ideas on marriage andeuxonlcs ( thanks to Shaw), vbo has selected

for a hasband a street ear eondnctor. .After

persuading her father end gaining his con-

cent to the marriage, she Is nither set hackby the refusal of the yoang mon, aa he Is

already married. She a disappointed at nothaving been anusual, but the condortor'sparting words give her nn Idea. The playlet

18 a very clever satire and tha performancetvas thoroughly enjoyable. Violence ISn rightgave a splendid -portrayal of the modemyotmg lady, y -



"Interior'' 3calt wtth the hesitancy on thepait of bearerd of news of a droivnlng tohnfiart tbe ocvs to tbe unsuspecting family.A room in a peaaint's cottage at night withtwo large leaded windows separating the Id-

erlor from tbe gixden, was a most cRcctlvaletting, Those 'wlUiln moved In pantomime,while In the dndc of the garden were thenews bearers. The play was altogether com-Diendetile.

"Another Interior" was an allcgoiy In pan-lomhno. Tb^ setting represented a humanct6ma«h. and the characters were the ga.itricJuices and the food devoured. Hunger pleas-i:re at hearing dhiner ordered, and hungerappeased were cleverly depleted. BmU,

*'THE TRAP."Booth Tbeatre (Wlnthrop Ames, mgr.)—The Truv, a four act melodrama 'written by

lUchard Harding Davie and Jules EckertGoodman, was presented at tbiii house I'VI.

day evening, Feb. 19 by Artbur Hammer-Bteln, with tbe following cast


Jane Carson Uartha Hedm^uWilliam Orabam David PowellHenry Canon ..Frederick BurtonUartin O^iUy MarsbnilliUtward Fallon Holbrook BUonMessenger Albert ' WolfeHelen Carson Qlalnc Hommersteloliutlcr George Uorlln^rUeorgo Anderson Itokert Wayne

TImt—^Tho Present.Floec—The Vukon and New York,

aVNOFBIS,Act I.—Tbe Yukon, Carson Shack In the

Vukon. An II.—Ono Year Later. Urabam'HApartment, New York City. Act III.—Same'>venlnc. Fallon's Uooin. Hotd Astor, New

' Vork City. Act IV.—SEinc as Act II. Al'"ew Diiys Later,

'il'lie Trap" Is a rather crudely constructc'ilmelodrama that tells a long driiwn out taleof IKc In Alaska and Now York City.The story is the familiar one of tnen'omon

wiju Is betrayed Into what she finds out toolate Is a mock marriage, and, becoming dc£-])erntR from the efforts of a scump. whoknows of her unfortunate offalr, to levyblnckmall on her, shoots her persecutor. UfCQUTbu, everything ends happily In the finalnet. The situation above mentioned W theh>»t of tbe play, nnd U well played byMnJtba Hcdman, Uolbrook BUnn anJ TullyMnrahoJI.The play has been well mounted and ox-

ncllontly cast, with one or two exceptions,nud It may appeal through the ccncrallyexcellent way It has been staged, ancl throughthe uniformly good ectlog of Holbrook Ulino,I'ullv .Marsball and Frederick Uurtuii.

Tlic piece was dramatized from a one actvaudeville sketch, entitled '^BlacknuU," 'whichwiia played successfully around the circuitlor several scnsons. Bit.

IlammerstciBS (Loney Haskell, mgr.)—'he holiday 'week's bill Is headlined t>y Ncsklt and Jack Clifford. 'J'iic hill alsoannounced: Tnjilor Sisters, (icorKC FelU andI-nrry Olrls, Lucy Gillette, liny Conlln, Davobchiiolitr and fyouliic Dlckluson, John B.Hj'mer and coropnuy. In ".Ilmtown Junc-tion;" Ribcrt liramctt Keane and MurielWindow, Harry rMnyo and Harry Tally, BlsloIlanncman, the ex])c<:t fancy diver and awijn-nipx, a»Rlslod br NcVlle Cremhall. (a!holutter III be reviewed In Now Acta noitWeek.)

l>i'octoi''s Flft:r-elvhth Street (JohnIiiick. mer,)—Bill Feb, 22-24: Lona Hocyl.Uara llilg. La Salle and Raymond, tbcf'/otch Players, AVhrd and Delmnr, "Don'tWalk hi Your Sleep," Uong Foug. and tbeKliisnerst For 25-^8: Ooltflc Wallace, "De-bliiil the Footlights," Zlnka rauno, JamcHIvi-iinedy nnd comnonv Chas. IJ. WnrU and'^'iiitimiy, Arthur IlueSton and company, Ok-Ivii-.Udu ond company, and Itlva LotsenI nnipe.lironx Opera Uooae (Itlchnrd Madden,

'•;-r.i—Itojo iJIclvllle. In Hit llnpMna, Is heroi"'S week. She opened big with the holldoy•niitlnt-G on llondav, and the sole for tbor^'ninfnaer bf the week Li reported excellentNfxr. -.vpck, "Seven leys to Daldpate." BvaI- ln, one of the most benuHnil and tal-"iieil of onr yonngcr actreescs. will have anluiimrtant role in this production.^Miirrny mil (Frod Waldmaaji, oer.)—

uo7rf Charmcra QAa week.

"JACK'S ROHAICE"Or»n«l Opera Hoase (RIckarJ Demey.

bus. mgr.)—i/ocfc'a KammiH. a play In fouracta, by Augustus Pltou ,Sr., produced In

^S^S^'^J^ Monday afternoon. Fob.

ttJt!*'•^Bustua I'llou Jr., Inc., with this

Jack. jPishc O'ltnraDoko of Ormonde James R. MillerSir ITiomas Connolly Don Merrlfli'ldEdniiind Farley Uanlel Lawler?.''n''r,McFnrIand j. f. Sullivan

""pb "nrtV,"-"- QtnXi McCoyMyles DowllDg ..Charles McHenryV™*'^'^ •• Morev Hanta'ennzit p. 5. BurkeLady Constance nutler. . .Kthel von WnldrmI>ady I'.llzaboth Connolly Kllznbeth P.'ilgeKatilfjfn Mulhill Marie QuinnMrs. IJtrldevt Miildoody I.on Hlpley^ri^Burte. Usle Dloodgood

8CBNK3.Act I.—ITiadrlff Mulhall's Home Act 11.

777 ""^.-P*'.?.™' , 0* Castletown Manor. Act"•'—The Shooting I^dge. Act IV.—A Koomm the Manor.Tbe ai'tlon of the ulay takes place at

Castletown, County Klldare. th>! scat of SirThomas Connolly. Period—1700.

Beclnnlng with n matinee on Washington'sBirthday, Fiske O'llara liugnn n fortnlpht'sengagement at this theatre (which has goneoailt t(i dramatic nnd muHlcnl attractionsafter a very short nnd disastrous season ofburWflqucK

Mr. O'llara Is "presented" by the Pltonmanagement, which for years has directedthe tours of Chiiuocey (llootl, nnd It Is theirIntention to mnke Mr. O'llorn a leading Irishactor and singer.

Ills play, ".Tack's llomnnce." offers nothingvery original In plot, hut It tolls nn IntprMt-Ing story. A lilgliwayinnn hns been robbingwayfarern. nnd Jack, who Is a stranger to'the ncighborhnnd. Is saspecte<l of being bhoculpilt. 11c, however, proves the secretaryto iSir Thonms Connolly to be the guilty ninii,and incldentnlly Jnclt turns out to be thelong lost brother of Sir Thomas..Mr. O'llara has three songs, the author-

ship of wblob Is credited on tbe progrnro tohim and I.tlnda nioodgond (who also acts asthe musical leader). The eopgs arc "The'Illgbwaymnn," "Colleen Mnchrec" and 'Touand I." They are all tuneful, especially thelase> mentioned one, and to hear Mr. O'llarasing It Is a real TQuslcal treat. He also ren-dered charmingly "Klllarney."Tbe compaivy' gathered to support Mr,

O'Hora Is an evpnTv balanced one. Uls lead-ing iwomnn Is Bthel von Waldron, who, asLady Constance Uutler, played with dignity,charm ami grace.The Soitclinynn of J. V. Salltvnn was ft

splendid ohatActcrlzatlon. It was one at thebest performances we have seen In years.Don iMerrlflcId made iSIr Thomas Connolly acommanding fleure. Martp Qnlnn made thobmsll role|or Knthlecn .Mtilhnll stand out con-fplcuooaly. (Miss) Lou Iltpley, asMrs, BridgetMnldoody, hag much to say. but says It well.Charles McHenry played tlie role of MylesDawUng with sincerity. 'Daniel I^twler wnsrather a wtak villain, to put Mio crise mildly.Tbe rest <eDt good aid to "Jack's Itomance."

'The prodactioa la a very <;ood one. especial-

ly 4iie shootllig box scene and tbc Interior ofthe manor.


Palace (Elmer F. Rogers, mgr.)—^Mme.Emma Calve, graud opera singer, was billed

to heed this week's program, but owing toUlnesA could not appear on Monday, andher place taken by Jose Collins. Otfaorsare: Edward Atwles, presenting "The Memo-ronclum Book" (New Act) ; the Fonr MarxBros, and company (New Act), Moy Irwin,Bert Fltzglbbon, the general o< tlie "NobodyHome" Arm^ ; George White and IsobellcJason, In songs and danocs ; Wc1jI> md Burns,the Itallaa slaslrig comedians ; Allcen Stanleyia songs, and "liie Act Beautiful." (NewActs -will appear In next week's Issue.)

BrondTvar?—thU houso re-oueued Fob.

20 under tbe nasagemcnt of the StanleyCompany. Paramount pictures will be shownexclusively under tlio new regime. A plc-

tnrlzatloD of Edgar Selwyn's play, "TheCountry Boy," was the first feature offering.

Thursday, ".Mistress Nell," Tslth Mary I'ick-

ford In the title role, nill become the fcatnre.01ympl(rj(Davc Eraus, mgr.)

CharmingWidoKt thiaVfCk.Keith's Alhambra (Bert \oung, mgr.)

—.This week's bill: Walter C. Kelly, Gracel;*elgh and Trio, Ilrnndon Hurst nnd om-pnnv, Marlon Llttlefleld nnd company, Mul-ler nnd Stanley, Eveleen Dunmore, the Fly-

ing Martins, and others.Keltli'a noynl (llrnnx) (C. C... Rgnn,

mgr.)—Bill tills week: Volpska Siirntt-nnd

company, Al. Herman, Noneltc. We.'iton andClaire, TntP's "Motoring," Uolihie (iordonp.

Four McNnllyfl, Mack and Orth, nnd GreatLcnn nnd company.Went Mild Tho stock compnnv Is at-

tracting bis liouses. For this week, "Fine


Fenthcr.V is the hill., „,

.MIniT's Bronx ( R. C. Minor, mgr.)—T/icOaictu Olrla this -woeh. UusIucsh Is llrst

brouklyn. X. Y.—Academy ( F. 0. Rdsnll,

mgr.) concerts, musli.-ul cnleruliinirata, lec-

tures, etc. Burton Holmes' travi'logaps every

Wednesday, Fruuk Spenlglit, in driimntlc

niphens recitals, every SntiMdny: h. M. New-man, travel talks, start March 3.

MosTAUK (Udward Trnll, mgr.) — "ThoMisleading I.ady" Feb. 2:' imd week.

IJiiOAnw.vY (Hovhert A.<ichi!r, mgr,)

"Seven Keys to Lnldpate" this week.Majestic (J. H. I'lerro, mgr.)—The San

Carlo Opera Co. this weelt. •

I)B KAiii fl. Flupgelmnn, mgr.)— "riic,

Ll'nc Domino" this wei-k.

Ghani) (WUUiini 'I'lermou, mgr.)=jThoGrand O II. Slock Co. pn-sent "So .MlrHlfor

Bo Much" tills week. "Tivday" next week.

Oaiett (Wm. Wonlfolk, mgr.) — TheTrans-AtlnntlrH this week. „ „ ^. ^

Stah (M. J. Joyce, mgr.)—Zal'nb's OwnShow this week. „ ., ,

EurinE (J. H. Curtln. mgr.)—nastingB

Show tills w'."!i;. _ „ .

Cabino (i;iiiis. Dnnlcis, mgr.)—Ben WelchShow this week. Bowery Burlcsquci^ next

^'oRPnBiiJt (Frnnk A. Glrnrd. mgr.)—Bill

iweek of 22 : Salon Singers. Keane and Win-dow, Lillian Shaw, Shermnn and Uttry, Wllla

If. Wakpfleld, CInndlus and Scarlet, Lucille

nnd Cockle, Marshall Montgomery, GardnerTrio, Fred ond Albert, Flo Invlu and com-

pany, and "Aorom of Light."BuBiiwiCK (Buioillct Illntt, mgr.)—Iim

week of 22: Arthur Prince, Holmes andBuchanan, Moran and Wiser. Coiii! Tack Sunnud company, Grace fji Hue, Dnnclng LaVors Johnny Ford, Four Antwerp Olrlfl,

Four Jonlcvs, nnd Stuart Barnes.I'aosPEcr (Win. Mnsiiiid. mcM—Bill week

of 22: Alton DInehnrt nnd company, Billy

MePermott, Rnng Itpvuc, Seven Bracks, Ityan

and, Allmnn ond Stone, and Juggling

Burkes. . „ ... ,

COESCBST (Edw. F. nellLv, rmrr.)—TheCrescent Stook Co. present "Whorp tho Trail

nivldes" tills "week. "Help Wanted' next

'^GoTDAM (Pauline Boj'le, mgr.) — 1*6Ootbaffl I'layers present "The Stranger this

EUKDT'S, ODEENPOINT. Fr.ATBl'aif, ^AR-WIITK. BnUBEBT, OLTMPIC, COLOMBIA,. COM-KDT, FOU.r, Finn Avr.Nt'E, JONTS, LIDEHTI,DiJou, HALSET, Bedfobo Qod Flxtom, vaude-vlllc nnd pictures.

ClVMBEnT.AND, Dl'PFIFLD. LltrTBM, 'MADUOM,0.troBt>, ItoiAL, ac'.'.oa plotnrea.

WEB aFX>BaiB WOOD wu presented withbandnome basket of Uonna Cmn the aBter* of

tbe Drltlsb Out. at Provldnoe.

Bie MONEY FOR YOUIn roMt-beel and oblokan adndwlolias

at Wain, eta Attraota th* bnngry In

bwuhes bj mauia of oar


Oct In atf the atert Tow oppot-

tanlty. It- travela with yon m bag-

Bend fbr oetpAosae and piloes.


6 ft. Hiih, s n. • In wido fl6 >ulllmn St. New York

BANNERS"uUALITr FIRST"—Not the Cbsapest hatthe best—with now Idcna. Qaslltt will bo

rcniemhefwl long after tho price Is (orgotun.

For fiU Side Sliows» Falrs» Carnivals^

Cifcoft and Store Fronts



FOU SCASUN lOlS.PTC|>rletort, llutlLerfonl Qreutcc Shows, lac. i

miuoicni, irv. J. •nil llirrr H. l>ol>ck; udttintniiusfer, J. O, Sliniiwa; treunrcr. J. C. Stmp-snni »l•c^<^ur^. Stella Sievln; lennal ((tot.

Ilirnr R. I'oUck; tpecttl i8>nt aiul ooiunt ma,M. D. Golilouin ud Jo* Uatihnsu; ymt *««ot,

Iknxr Hniuhln; no«ral iptctelcnilenl. Art.annliier. musical duecloi. U. lUnnslol^ train-

miHiiT, .mini Ilsrdlng; gu|ierlBl*o4tnt llghu.

WbXU» UuUn.The ibow apena April II, at PIttsbnrik Pa.The oOe* In lb* if^rmm Ball4to(, lIMstaifk,

grenlded 0T(r by B. R. PaUct, fanefBl silrnl.


busy for tb* oveohig. 01x nwks ot Ih* IMSm haw Ins raa««<, nd tt* S'*<l'>ii>*'7

*i»rk or (fCtlna tb* *b»w la*> Aip* t* yiftl

«ad«r wij. Ih* tatraotiUe- Una bu lmsi i tb*offlee and lb* Wlat«r qaaiten f» belir bMbusy. Work In Winter Quarters li well nratWI7, ud Alt GirdBtr, wllb tm t»ri»t-

•nu, are bolidlnr new wacsas aad freatt tar Ifei

TarlotM attractkini. All at* aaxJeas far lb*bine tHrds to ilng.

The Inipopt«l tnnd orran, wtlA teinarly wistke feature Ktth the Ihteb Hhowi, bM bata r»built, with bind work ind carrtDis tn rtd aial

B)ld. Tbe color acdcioe with the Bottu>'tortKowik irblch' Include* tb* wa^oi, iwlea frasU.

•ic., 1» Rd, whltt. yellow and gold. Tlili am*trtst la ea'irled tliroaiilioat tb* *atlra abow.

aisny vlaltors liaia L'<ivD ,ta Wli>t*r 'VUttMV.Ineliidlng Harry Copplni. ot tb* <%pplna Hhnwa:Joha IirmiDen, foroerl? wllb the RulhertariShows, thl> iieiMii irlib Ih* Ctonplng Slion*; /.A. Snjder. of tho Benic Brothrtt' Sbonra; "Dnk*"Ooldn, ol Londoo, and J*nnl* Allra,

Tbe feature iltTfctloa with tbe natbettordMows this waaoo will again be lb* "Ui B***Electric Fountain," under tti* p*r*osal Mpervlitaaof Oeorse Ln Itoa*, theNDT*Dtnr. Tbl* aamoMhattraction irlll be carried on two flat ear*, lb*rhow will be sdvertlMd » a CMtai* with i*malliuo* of [W'.lorlal pipar, which Includes ooa^Mrl*ot « one clicet, two »tf\t» of tbne ah«en, twostyle* ol ol(ht obteu, and a tlittea sheet.

Ted Mets will sialn he 'with as this seasoa witbbin '.en-ln-oiK shuw, while lb* nulodTome wtD Inunder th« dlT«eUoo>af Jar B. Swann. lb* Balealminollr, carrrlns twelve peopi*, will b* imdefth* pernooai •atwrrialoD of }l*nj OatcT. A coo*-

riete lint ot sltraelloiu and •bom with tbe Itutbtt-

rtrd Bbowi for the 1B13 soMon will be pobtlsb*!after Uarch 1.

MCY'S OLYMKC SHOWS.Macy'a OIrm|>t< Bbow* (cKirnolinl I •hewfd

to food buafneaa at Kreb*, Okla., Feb. IB-SO,find are ahowing ut Red Oah, Okla.. 22-27.Fmm <Unvo nki.'i.. n-eek of M.irab I, tha •hmnTflll i;o up llie KnnHnH City Aonthern IlilhraT,•hoirlutf at siereral larce mining towos lafoi*fiolnir North.The atalT anil roster of the ahowi le* J. A.

Miiey, mtnaRer: Frank Angel, antlatont inrr.i^r;Poc. Colllnii, 0eneral Hgcnt; diirloa Keooedj,jirmnoier; Mrs. Mlly Mncr, wrclnrj aoil treaa-

iiror; Vf, F. Fuhl, bandmaater; ITenry Wor;i«ck,( rifinn ; (Mrcm Kid. trnliinunler : Jo* White,•uiiorlntcndi'nt of lot; Macy'ii Coinenlana, fraiui-tni; Donnn Welihcr, U««rln;( DMiliom, inan«Kcni;Miicy'ii Viola, Cnrley I'ceo', innnajter; 3iacy'««i'Toi|.l!)one. Wlritey Bmwn. iimnoKvr: M^cy'a

,r.irrrnHcl. Henry .Mnr.shnl. mniinucr; Mnuile Mc-AIk'O, In cliurfcT <if linti'l en.'; Cniiirlv9> Ifnrh.iaxb,kiitfe nirli ; Annie Miller, hiviii-lu ;

Jiixcph I.aIt'im. wlieel ; W. Taylor, ten phm; JohnOli'iilk. fLnr.el (,'inie.

Mr. .Mi'cy einlwl Miot he IntomU'.l lo tnke •l^n or Iwflvo cur Hlinw fur qh .MIiiih'KoIr tie-

(iire Ihe arrM>ii clnieil. Mrn. Mncy will inanaKf'the plinim iliirlnK her hUHlmnd'H Hlay In lhi'>b<4-pltnl nt MrAlpftler, where lie will tw o.nHnedfur severni wc'lm cai ncroiiiit of liijurlii rerelveilIn n railroad accident at llnlleyTllle, OKt*., Vvb.13.

LIBERTY SHOWS.Openlnn vlll li. Hcmnton, Pa., April 24. it.

fi/iloiitoii.* contractlDi; sRcnl. hnq cloiofi quite a fevvn'kn. nnd iiniorM tliiiM trrlnhlenlnir nii •II alnnc111. Iln«. Ham la Miue dlploinul wbni It oooic^ topIcklnK tlie aiotB.

Some, chongra will be made around (he atioivllie coming aeoaon and lhns> more •un, two ll^t*tnd one lvX'C*r wlll b* odded to the trahi. IMl-Sloan hn. been re-eng^jiei to hindlr tbe tnin,

I,, (^pclee. Ilany Kllijnnv Billy Ktllry. Jo*Jnlinmn, Clyde \V. Oiihh, JInimIe Jooa* 0arT7RlgRle. 11. C. Bote and many otliem wtth ua toIho pnirt. irlll be with ua ariln thi. >«aMn. A.WIntrralpF-j wlll b« a naw conenilnnilro wltbia,and conm »cll rcoommendn).

Ilarr La rvU's Poaing Hbow will be on* ofthe legdlnir •llractlonii. Joe Pardello. with btaAthletic Show, and Howard Iloorer'f hl( KllWli(«l hnie htm algned for another setnn withtbe Liberty Show*.Sam Nagnta will bar* tbe OaTTr-aa'ali and an-

eral concefaluna. The La Delli have been ea-capd OS free •tiractlon. Mr. and Mr*. (Ho. T.Dnnnan nre atlll at Kowlerlos. Tei. OfCTff aayathe on'onn are looking tine and that Ibe•eaaon looks the same way.

TWO SHOWS HOW OMR.Tho Hamilton Urrat Baipire Hbova, vblcb bav«

Wintered In Ilamlltan. U., alnee cloning th* wa-aun at the Uutler fyonntr Fair, have eaaaall.dniMi with the Den II. Klelo Otratar Bkova, Mr.KIrhi aJuuinloK control and inaoas*metil of bothKiregatlon. The entii. etiolpuMnt will b*llinroughly gone over, cleaned up and lepklDttd.

tin. Jack IlamptoD la now ratartalalBg Mr.and V*. Klein, who cam* up from Vlorlds T»-eently, Ln Uamlltou.

TUB AUTO.POI.O SBABOIf,n. A. •IlaiiklnMD write*


"Onr leamn will oiwn at tlJ4 Ht. f/iola Onll-fHiim noiler tbe aoaplcea of lb* Rt. Loobi Onli-H-iim'BnlMlog Fund, tor a aerlM of elerni (aiM*.U'^lnnlnir April 4. At the uxelhw ot tb* •«<»-InrlPM of Niirlh Iowa Dbitrlct PMni, held laSlodon City. Fo'i. IT md IR, orltdnal aato »*lowas anccranfol Id loalng' sit contracts for fair*

Cor this a«as^."


*T PLRcnn suna.

Uaiacer Spark* hsa como'eied hli lloe-op for

the preaifit cenron, nn'l In bis opinion haa oil*

of the atmrgeat pmgrnms ever pre»3iffd miUerMa ra.inai5nLent. Hoi few chnniri havo been

mad* In the hoaaes, sod none at ail In the eii^u-

llv* department. The complete roater of tho pel-

tofmeiw aa-l bead* of diiiarlinenis rollown:

Eifeenllve siaH—Oharli'H Spurka. nianigi'r; Clirtoa Sfiarta. treasurer; 0. B. Fredericks. Iraal

adjDSter: fnetdicr SoHb, rin>M agent barb wnblb* stow: I,e*ier WabI, niiiHtor; John II. Apart*Jr., puichaaing sgeot; Mn. Oharh-* Sparks, hi

charge o* rrsrrred aeata; Jack Kbnilpii, hand-roaater; l/e«ter DartlHt, snperlnteniVmt ot n-stncd arst Mckefa: CSI>Tow*ra, aids xbow aiaii'

ager; T. W. 'BaUtaiger grurral agent ; ). 0.

TrMtr, cnilraetlng •gent; James Rfindolpb, am'aarr of cLv advaoe* em ITo. 1 : Wllllan Orlg^i,naasger.of car K« S; fan O. Dtret, tna agvetId adraMT.

•opnliileoJtnf*—Jaawa Jacobs, atork; Rbasiei7 Ja<«t(, oaslJtaBt; Oaoriw HtngietoD. cinfaa;D. J. Moore*; aaalataat; Arthur llopklna, aide

abow e^nra*; "Jsra" Koco, lights; Jne Kelly,pnp*; Prtfll Skinner, blarkamlth ; Charles ZIt-

uao, aaaianst ; Ibm Jan>bs, train ; BilwaidIllna<ir, erak bows*; "Reil" nller, maat«r OM'chriilc ; I«wls llee^l, elephaniH ; Frits IVtmner,aotanla; Albert iIeU«r, prlrreges; Mork iianforl,

•latoiit.Btc ibow ptrforracts: Bert blnyo, equMtrUa

dtrtcMr: tbe Orion ramlKr, th* Uiiico Trio, KkiiaBedlnl, Myrtle Hay*, the Hiding MaytKi, tbe Dart-

lelt*. the lIcLaUia, the Iteynarda. O'Neill andJauella, Touog nnd tlarah Trki, Capt; TIabor'a•Fols aid ae* Tioiu. Grant and MIcka, Hiiscis' twoherd* of perforulng eleph'tiits, Herr rrlla Brun-Ler's Ikait, Sparka' Inoiw of porfonnlng aUIIKinaand Uayo's soles and ponies, IncliidlDf tb* puayon tha rerolTing table.

Bide abow: Cal Towers, manager: J. R. 'Dartn,ajfi»lsnt ; J. S. Ilarlo and wife. Hay DIrIt ami wlf..-

Aln, MorrlsoD awl wife, Artbui' Wright nnd hiacoloted band and troubaitoara Ulil'« Jrhnaun andher den of KtttatB, tbe Aoga illiialon, ilaitaoi

^^Yra, funtalo ntt puncher; Zsdo, moglcUn andUlcatonlst, Tnel's London Punch and Judy, Maml*Oray ana Sndl* Tnmar, Oriental dvpattmaot;Oh**, rodk. Ubarlea PxMcott, and rnd Drown,ticket icIleT*.


CIRCUS GOSSIP.JsiDM A. lIuldooB, ot Gastport. Me., a w*ll-

. kDowu foniier circos man, I* mslilng good Id lb*usiltlclal gwue. and Is Muraaaatlai hla city thl*wuit«T In tb- MsiD* I^eslalstnrs. flo is alaojioil-master ot tha IIoos* of ltnirea*nlatlT«s. leanOA Jim, wbn a lad, ran away treat hi>m*, andlelnad th* Dsn BIm Bhow In Moiitrval, wb«<«DO did a aonc and dance lia tli(> concert. Hawas tor year* with the old Itoiviiaugh tibuw,• r,<l later iluubled with a partoer, the tssm b*-Ing hcoKii aa Morton aii<1 Mack. He was th*"bone" end witb lbs. IIai*rly Minstrela for clHhtaeaaona, and asm* plghtevn yeara agn fjult thorr.nd Slid loi'atetl In Kadport. wberv ta« manaie-dllie (li'crn llnniw nnd conlriill«l llii' b'lli'inll'iK

s>HI(iii of Diiit Heclimi, fjf Into y4'ni-« he lis*nurmiprnlly rcaiiliii'lf^l a mi^ving pli*!iire tlii^ifn*.

TnrMiRhoiit hla life lie liss been n colliTtiir of tlio-

aire aud cirrus bllla, nnd hns one nt the HiiMtIn the enunlry. Jim hi still In thi< hnnmi, nudis known aa a gnul fellnw by erirf aii<'iil that•lnip« li.ln Kastport nbend of iiuy cIrcuH ur 0|,<t«bmja4» allrnetlon.


(Jlun llii'.l, tliu rider, ivlll Iw wlib tliu Itolilii.

Siin HiKnr.

O, 11. rnNlrrlrks ItnH ilif prlTlli'i:<' rnr with Ih^i

fj.iirkpi .'^hi/w. Willi mil lei* iih immInIii'iI.

MIkr Liviiuli.. and Ir/liig T.iUle. Ihu uld ilini-rs

villi ibc big ;ih'>w band, ivlll luit \»- \tIiIi llie

K|>iirk^ H]ii\/ tliiH Rp.iwin.Itert ]llarkmf>re, trap driuuiiier, fnrinorlv wlih

llio apnrkii Hliow, la iociled at i;d;iMmtiin, Alls.,.<.'nn.

f,eo Ooiinnn, tnaa ciiivasuiaD, paMOl Ihrnudiflallahnry lr.Ht week. Ilo Ih aiilTiTliig tnim aIjaralyzed i:rni.

If/irry -Hall hns tho aide aliow nllh Ihe I'l'wb.

in:inn Hlioir Ibli m-jaoj. J. Dan Jolinkon lina'

Ki'ni np his cbickFii turn and will Iw limit wliU'.lie 9|Kirka Bbow this yvaaou with his pli-lurc uia-rlllne. f

Albert KeMiT will Ihoro n hig (Ik' Iuouk jiIiuwwith thp Hparba Hlimr, m\nyt n tup liiiTilii. . An.drraon Wloii, Cunoerly alilu sliov bu>B esnrsamnn,will Ink lifter it, sii'l sll iif Ilii- oninl'le Ui\i;Tiw Hparks Show will up«u at Usllsbary shnit

April 12.


Ilrnw.MpniNON, Ark.J. U. Raihman has Jnst returned from his visit

North, and tells ua of the royal troalmeiit re*relTMl by bim at th* palatial homo of Oolouel W.D. York, while at Anoka, Minn. Wiile Ihtrc, Mr,RMchman purchased serenl car loads al Hrat claaarlrtis anulpnent. and tbe some has arrired laHot Sprlays, and i* now Id tbo hands at th*uecbanics and psinlera.

It li eiiiecM thot Ihr circus sfnaon fur this eii-

tcrprla* wlll oven oa a pronilneiitly liu'aiiil ilinr-

ouglifare In tb* heart at tb* town, sonui time dur-for tbe latter part of March.

D, 0. Ilawn, ignieral agent, la Imay nrgsnlilngtbe ndvaucc tiircm, and tb* niialneaa of Mils d«'partnient is voll In hand, and the cors will proli-alily leare Ih* Winter qoartera ahont March B, iwr-liaiii aomer.

rr'd,!,. 0«y. an old tlms clown and well knownIn Ihe profrmloo. has slipinl with Ih* Ksrhmmfliiiws, ss bsu also JImmIe flreer. Drooks and mlI'oDler.

TUB eorreet dates of tbe WIseonain Hfnt* Talr.

at Madlwm, Wl>.. oia Brpt. l.^-i'I. Tbe Tri-

bute Far at Mespbla will he held Hept. 24-

Uct. S.

DAiiiEY piniiT noBR TO iiian rot-nr.Hie contest over IMo villi ot Mrs. Ilulb LouImh

T!aller, linuirbt Xir Iwr >lKl>rr, Mrs. Anns Inala'lla

Iliiicolnauii, wlll lie carrlH to thfl Coort of Ap.I^ala, It was aal<l at White' rtalna, Jn«.pli T.nnd Theodore MrC'id'Uin. bnther^ nt Sfrs.

Iiuliey, whii Inlwrlt Ihu bulk of tbe |r>.nno.iiiHi

minle.aflled notice ot iippeal to tho ApiiHIato 01-

Tiakjn, tr'im the ''eclmon of Jnstlcp ktoili, fit-

ting aside the terb't of a jury wblrli nalalnedtlie will.

WniTR /.NDKRHOV AMI WWI.TRIl POVT,A-liKI, foroerly rooneeted with th» fWe Ihos."

fbftw, will be w'>th Teias Dili's Wild West Hbowthis eoning seasnn. Wbltiv will Ih- at hU uld

alandby as eontrarilns agml. ami Walter, man-ager <f C*r I. While Id Vtn\ii\mtr. R. I.,- \%<we*k. Oladyi Aleisnder gs'e • big dlcnrr to

AndmoB and Porlaakl and their many rlrrmfriends wbo ouka Providence Ibeir Winter booe.






NumberNo Advance in Advertising Rates

No Increase in tlie Price Per Copy



March 27, 1915TEN J^ENTS

PRion roR pionmisKET

Bli*8Mx»< tlM91a«4Mx& • - - - - IftXWPmm •.->.-- 1S0.0OMTioM ...... 40.00


Vmr KMh. Slkal* Ooluma • > • UO\miAmm ..... l&OO100 UsM ...... t4.00(Uaur«OTP«c* .... A&SOUaiFbM ...... 90.4OWkoU Pas* • '- • - - WOM


THE NEW YORK CLIPPER47 W. S8th St., New York

Tb* Franll ((aeen Pnb. Co., l<iml(*d,Pabllsliars.


WBVTBBN BVBBAOB— Ashlamd Blosl^ - Okleago, III.

YERRONT CIRCUS LICERSLFrank 0. ITreacb writ**: "The emlosad editor-

ial from. Tht Virmmt Mvtnrc, will, I am i,:.K,

bu of InlercHt lo I'lri'iia niiinaurrs


" "lliai* Is a powlbllily liiai til* guuersi nsstnvIlly may aiako glad Hie lirart ot clilldbooii

Mine aeuslblo icilucllnn In llie llcoiiai fen rciiulmllieretotnr* by tbi> HInM trniii cllCMses. thv pri'sent

lu.r lioTlng usd Ihe tlTi'ct fer aniiie tlinv nt linrrliig

111. laisfr snd more mfrllurl/iua aliowa "loiii Ver-irent alii^ist wlioily. lit cuursu thfr (. miii'b

KMiwy ont of tlie Htate, but nuiiy iio>plu irlll

Kliilly pny ami cniiaidvr that lliey bare tlii'lr

iiciKv's wntth. This heliig Irur, why lungeriiroctlcaily bar ont this rlasa uf entertnlmilnitiil

nr. CVInyo's 'alldiiig scale' Mil niny scnuniillsh- (Ills puifioae. but If not. It hIm/iiIiI Ix> iiuiciiiU'd

Into siirb abafio tiiat tlMi Htdh- niii piiriui* u f:ilr

and reosunabiu jnllcy In Ibla iimtter.f LATKII I


""Tie nonie hill intnnliici'd by Dr. Mnyi. ntN'lr'hlli'ld iwlui'lng lli,> IIcciihIiik mica ' fm- cir

ciiH's niid placlni; tlii'iii im n sliding acnie. lu?-

ciiflliig to tlie sizo ot llic kIiow. pniini-il tliu lloii'.ii

Thirikiiy. Oooii luck l» It In the Hennle!'"1 have not seen ilii' Irxl <it tliu Idll, liiit It

can linriily full to liu an liiiprovi'iivnit im lh<i

piiKi'iii i-kiirij|tiint nm-roiu uf |1,(hmi."Il.'ii". uhn iirgH friends In llie Heiinto lo kI<"i

It run rill nniHlilfratlon. Vcrv inily .voiirii.

I'RA.MC U. Kkunoii, Ht, Jnliimliiiry, VI."

RINGLING TO BUILD THEATRE.A1. ninglhig will build n liamlsasi* tbeeire hi

Damhoo. Wla. C. W. and (lenrgu L. Itapii. ilii W.Waslilngtoii Htni't, Otilcnuo, wlll draw ifie plana.Wirrk mil iirglii nil the new Ihi'Strn early In Hi*prllig. r V.

MAYKII IIAN .Mayer wlll ariln nuMlah tbe prouranis

r»r thl. fiillowing allows fur ilie cmliig aoaaisi,

«li: llstnum A llalli'r, llingiliig llnis., Ilrueii-

lark-Wallace Itbows OumiIiIiikI. nnd Miller lima.A ArllngloD 101 Itaii'ili. Ilia reiiriimrtatirc* wlihtlimfl abows will Ijo ua tulluwa


Ilayman Mayer, 'vllh llis llnnniin k nslliTflhnrw. snilrltor In adroiico; Jnhii H. Usuglimsii.with RInglIng 11ns.' Hliuw, aoiliMtnr in advance


R. niarliliurn aaalals Mr. Daniiliinaii In M«urlngli<'ni adrerlhing In Oblcngo ; II. 0. A'lams, wlihFlacnititf-k'Wnllae'.. Hbnw, H'illr!inr In advance;a. (l',nilr<iii, with nil Ituncli Wll,l West, aoiU'lPir111 adTsocv.

NOTI'.R from llnrry f.nken'a WInler r'ariilTnl

and Trnlnnd Wild AiilinsI Hbow (lifrliiilnnl.—W*ara In our sfTeiith wwk, playing to tfonl Susim**,We are ttnlnrlng Mile. Rri'lyn. wnrbl's yooiigi'Manttiial trjlM-r wllb brr ivrforinlni lions, bear*,leopards, panthers and tiKers. Airiaiiiier Hea-hert ires^nts the Ha-iliiTt Mlsii-rn In enuestrlsDfeata; the Aerial K.iuhIs iluliig wondt-irul fi'sts''

•n Iheir dniilile trnpi're; Alliort I'owgII nnd oim.ruiny, in OlUIciilt tests nn the tight wire; I'm',nrrlliiv, wlih bis »la rHMiii-a, ten dozs and fivemonkeys, tealnrliig Kanaas, Ihe iwiiy with humanliislns; ihc Rsverna, In tho wonderful rontorUonart : (?a(italn Andy Pryer with his al( Iv-sm,Iratiirliig Hie ri,lb>r Klialliig liear; the I'irscoits,In the comedy revnlvliiK ladder net; Kdwanl .Mc-Inlire, tlie man with many bnmpi, and Cbarlr^Paalg snd liiri Kroiip ot chiwns,n. A IIA'KI, private secretary to Crawford

rrlrlianka' Tlieatro <>i.. In "Torrr llsute, fad.,whh'li laat mwt'a iKiiiglit the jiint'idllng Blorkof the riiigi'nlH.'i:k-WsI|jm Olrcns, will look afterthe Falrbankii inL-rostu with cirrus this sersnn.Al a imetlng nf Ihe stockiiuliieni st Indisn-a|/>lls, Inl., reeenlly, Mr. Osgg was eleeleil sre-rrtary-treaaurer of Ih* concern. He - wlll leaveTfrre Haute April I for WInler iiiiirli'M, nearCliirlnmlL, wheru the circus uiienii its aessooBlxiut April in.

TKMI'f.K AT TUB "IIIIVRiiward Tnnpli' will a^alii asaiiuiu full clinrge

or tbe tarn at thii New York llliipodroiae. ouii

It la aslif that a nKv ptodnetloD la alreadyplanned to follow Ihe cirrus. It 1* postlbie that

the contnnplateil production wlll not bo sorn. tor

a Kng tlma to c«nw.. > I

r.P.R DARTII la doing rery wall on lbs U. B. 0.tloie,





ALBEBT i. BOBIESoiToiui. 4110 Boimaii MiWiflo.


Biitrrtd JoM U, 1879, (t tha Poit Offle* at

Mcir York, N. T., weoDd «Iui mitlti. noMt|b« «tt of M»reh », ie7». -,

RATKS.AdTCftlMDeaU Mt with bordci, 10 ftt ct. eitit.

VBIOBIPTION.OM j«»r. to aaftDc*, $4 ; »\t bodIH. »2; thrj*

BIDIM iople* will be teat, poitptld. on ttwlpt ol ^.^j" bid f»nr w«k. rf Mtbfictorj wtonu,

Olw Irirlflnbic of tent, conpltd with the 'an-

ooannmont (hit BUI; Sundt; woold oittod hia

ntliti »«r*lc« tot two wcoki longer, la no*

>>ilcalat«I to put the Bioaxerlal nlnda In tb« DMtUnd of huimr, but deaplte tbia condltloo bual-

noaa at rlM downtcrwD bouaes conllnuM qalle ittla-

faclorr. Tho new offCflnga we*k of 22 ooaalat of

'T« o' J(y II«arl," •! tbe Adclpbl, and AnnMurdock, In "A Olrl of To-da/," at tbe Oarrlek.

Oabiiok (CliaB. O. WaoamaiCT, oict.)—-Ana

Mnrdock giTm ber flrat local Tlew, 22. of AGirl cf To-daj." faollne Frtdnick bad two ealli-

factorr w»eka In ••iDnocent," tod lug 20.

Ltaio (Lreaard Blumlwrg, Ofr.)—"DanclnfArauid" if«Ued a bllirloaa weleoai* laat w««k,

to caoadHT housea. Al. Jolao^waa almplr Irre-

aletlble. ami b« fot tbimd»ra of applana«. peahow la a corxraua ortfi and tbei» are no dull

isan«nta. Th« attood we«k tIarU 22. .

Adcli'III <Uonotd Dlgnlvrg, 2...I?tliart" hne tta lotal preaHero 22. "Thr Tblrd

' Oar Terma are Cask.

TBB OI.IPPBB U laiued t»ei/ WB0NB8D1I.

Tke Forma OioalDK Promptly onTocadar, at 10 A. M.

P. O. ord»r or r«ilil»r*d l«lt«. All .caab mcloaed

wllb letter at ciik of Moder.

Addrcaa All CommanleatloBB to


4T Weat 28tli itreet, Tforli.

Tel. 22T4-Madlaon.

Btpljlered CoHa iddreia, "AtriuoHti.

THE 'WE8TBJIN BUEEAUof Tni ClippBlock, Oblcago,tocttaponileDt.

OMAHA BBANCH.Dal* Jlnrholl, ninn«jcr| Rooma 3O0-31O

UcCaitac Dullillag, Omalia, Neb.

Til a CMrria ciN Bi obt.iihid wuoLaaiLa and

amiL, at our ajeiila. Uaw'i Hleanmlilp Atmej,

n (lre*n Hlre«t. CliarliiB 0.-0»a Itoid, Ifudoii.

W. (1. Kngluuil ; Oroiilaiiu'a iiowa depot. 87 A'Hiiie

de rtjpera I'atia, Kroiirc; Manila Hook and HIa

tiODtrr Co.. 128'BBColta. Uanlla, V. I.

A Ootcb, 121 Fltt Birret, Uj'cluc;,


(Ddljig 20. . «n.LiTTi,! Tii«iT«K (BeuUh B.

lock ai.pcoia In "Rich Man, Poor Man" 22 and

week. ••Tbe AdndraSle BaabTlU*" and '•The

rark Lady of tbe Eoonela" bad fair builoeaa laat

"'foanT (Nlion A Zlmmernua, mgra.)—"Fadaand Kancica" ccrtalnlr alruck tbe popular fancy

laat week, and tbo- crowiied bouses TOted It one

of the bent Tauderlllo shows of tb<i season. Tlio

Bliow cerlalclj showed a big told on lbs regular

Tiiurievlllc alo«i! when (he cait diaiilajed BooO'Neill, Uo Cnrllto, Uayinond and Civeilj, I'onl

l.!ortoii, and tllllor-nnd .Mack. There was slao

ITorolhy Jardon, Conror and Lemalre, Blella llo-

lian, nnil b h«it of other<, to with ancb a wealtn

I WE8TBJ|N BUHEAU _ Inalerlal Ho abow could icarcclT be atifibiuc Mnnj CotkiT" comSencei; ila fourih w;e'PCS Is located at Boom SOS. Aabland tut a huge Kucceas. The Mcond wtek begi'ia i-. toBToM (Wm. W .ii;ir.;—Sttenlh

no Wsnen A. Patrick, manager and linoAii (Nlion Ic Zlinnii'rnan, miira.)—llie urii-^.j >'n«n-Uar." I'aTlov.-a ajJ wmp

I. llrncx of "I'yitmrillon," with Mm. Patrick Oamp-y MnicU 1.

BDtim Tor wu ordered to rtpoft to tli« eoort

for Tk>iaUor tbe Cblld Labor law of Kentockjlaat week. . _ . -

Era OHiims and Wbeetet and roUa tw fea-

tmca It Uaxnolla Garden week ol 21,

"Hie Lenten season now beliif on, » drop In the

theatrical hosloess la aattnralb looked for, but

if It drops too muA there won't b* tnjr boalnesa

at all. Thtte are the ninal eaceptlona. Tber are

eoDlned, howerer, to tbe amoaeoent place* cbatg-

log a mach analler admlislon tee.-

UoLua (Oiarles J. Bleb, mp.)^aod« Adamssppeara here week at Feb. ^, In a double WUof^ajs, from the pen cf J. B. Battle, that were

aerer att*l In Boston bKore. Tl»er "e„.^,«Legend of Unora" and "The Ladles' Dhnke-

si>Mrs." also "Quslltr Street" Elsie Fergiisan,

<u "lie Oatcist,^' ia slated to follow Ulas Adama,

^ClHVuWl (WUhor^hnhert Co. iflfrs.)—Wasting-

tMi"a BIrthdar flnda Faollne Frederick at Ibla

hoase, hi (Jeorge Brosdhnrafs plsy, ••Innocent,

tiom tbe Boogsrlao. • - .

CoiT (John B. Oort, ai*r.)---«econd ««* «tbe faroe, "Nearly Married," lo which BIchard

***ffiOTO*?wn55'r-6hnbert Co..;illon.

Farerabiin, In "Tbe liawk,'" commences bis fonttb

and (Innl week 22, with i^nJatltj onabatri.

OuuiMUL (Charles t^rolimsn A Wm. Uar.-li,

nma.)—Not In many s^awna boa Boaton hail a

TSati Iboiooghly dcllghtfnl dniuatlc enWrtaln-

ment Uan I/eo Dlirlchati'in. In .'Otld Belnacoa

jitodoetlon of ••The d'bantom lllTol,' now In Its

third week, .

TaauoHT (Jno. B. Sthreffei, mgr.)— TieMiracle Man" begins lis tbi,-ii and tist w-ii* .i.

"Good Night, Nuiae,'^ la o.mln.' mit wee i.

Ya WiLBOB (W:il.ur TI.eai'c Co mgiB.)— A

Pair of Sixes" Is now lu ila ninth T«ek, an i tuv

till li lot yet In «l<ii». „ , ^. .

rLmouTU <Fred B. Wright, mgr.)— Too|a fourth week ZX

itntb and lu^t

nimpauy mi^i

N.Cordon8. W ,


In 'regard to tlie ortlclo In Tiir Curprq of

Ftb 0, •*!» KcolUiibta Doomed?" It BcemH to

us iliat foolllahta niv more than oTcr In npo for

tlHitrlcal |iro«lnclloni<, not only In theatres, hut

riso In linleU, liltb hcIiooIb and dulm. It Is P""-

Bll.lo that icrtalu ucmrH can be plnywl wittiout

fralMglila, but In iiiukI cawB. |iractlcally In all,

foolllibta ore ncccaaury. More care la taken to-

day lo Inelall the prowr fontlljrtita than c»cr

bclore. Three lo four eolora, while, reil, blue and

nmlH-r, are uwil nml llie electrical connections

arc made In wvciIoiih \>^lilch allowa the atoge 10

!«• kiiit III nonil iliirlineBx on one cMo. while on

the other full Unlit 1» kIiowd. A1« tbe plncliic

ait the lltlilK In fiiilllKlit" niuat lie correct lo

4irdpr to tlliiniliinle uol only tbe iwrforBiet's face,

but aino bla feet. ... ,

In hliU icbnola, a 8|>erl«l type la In demnnil.

Wo cnll U Iho rtUBiiiiearlng foollljUt. Tills

foblUcht allowK the uae of the entire ilnse for

<cturcs, etc., ami when a perfo.-mnnce la given

II' rety anuill portion lu tbe lloorlnit la rever8e<i.

Ttila haa a hiOKcd cover having on the rcternea

aid* the (colUcbt fastened lo It. Thla la a newiDTrntlon wbloU we have ie«'nlly patented.

Ynx duba, a portable footllKht la in ilemanil.

ThMie can l>e placed In iMlllon quickly, forIheatroa, footHchlH wllb alible ond doiiliie rowB<>r llRhtii are umiI, oIm> fooiHghta with alngic andikiirb)e mwa of liiveried llcbla.

Soinellniea, for want of apnee, fnotllglils are

p^atvil on rullH mirmunillng the orcliedlrii aurUiin In thi> l.ltllo Theatre, Neighborhood Ilall, etc.

•riirw itlfo eieellent reauita, ond take not mon:than four Inrhru In wldUi when placed In position.

Archllecta the country over, to day Rive moruof llielr time and attention to the layliiy oat ofroollighin, aH tlirr h>o the neeemlly or havlncIhp proper footllKiila (or prmluetloiia. Unlver«alincclrlc Iftago LlghllnK Co., Klieui. Dbos., I'roiia.

CHAMBERLAIN BROWN ROTES.Qeorio Ix> auero la idnylng In "Tlie Coiomu-

tcra," In tnovlriK picture.-*, for Qi'Orci* KIlIu..

Illtn lloiild Is tu be stnrrnl next •vtiMw In nnetv mtmical eonieiVv tlirit |o now Ib^Iiiic writtenfor her, .Mlaa (louM will ploy llie part of anAiuerleiit girl in I.oiii1ni ilurlni; the wnr tliura,

and Iho pleei< will enll for a liottio aeeiu'.

Arllne l-'rvderlcka 1h to be Oeurtre 1'. Miirpliy'B

partner In a vunilerllli' net.

Nanee O'Nell I.h tu Iv ilie atoeii star at I.vnn,licit week, and Kihvlii Anten, In '•Tiie YellowTicket." In iKioki'd tu follow her. Mr. Anionrlot-ea thin week . ni Oliirli-unti, and riorencoItied, tydncy Uuolh uiid llnrry Jllillard will be atI'lJi-Tty.

Mary drey nml "Tlie niid of Paradise" nre Inrilthhiirah Ihix wei'li.

Man?>t WtllloiiiH In le.nlfv "BtDerletpe," niulUnlpii MiTr>:nu haa U^Mi iiliieeil by CIinnilK'rlaliillntvn III the new Kiiictv plm*. IUh brotherwill reiilace hlai In "UiniiT Cover."

7av llaniett oiieiusl Iti Alleiilowu on Bnturday,to ruiHvlty honnv, in ' Tlii' Wvi Itose."


IllISlI TIIEATHR MOVEMENT.The movnnout to iiinuuoto nu Irlhh tbcntro

bell In tbe leading' role, coutlnoetl to ba a atrooK

<:rawliig card laal week. The tblrd and flnul

we4'k U'glna 22.

Wii..vur (W. D. Wencforth, msr.)—"The Trail

of llie l.onew/Mie I'iiio" a? and week. "Ifa A

\un% Way te Tlnicrnry'^ wna autllciently nielo-

diiiinatle to Interwt fulr Rlred bouaea lait week.

AtiKUiciK (Wm. W. .Miller, mgr.)—The stock

Pio<lu<Ta ••Marele I'eppcr" 22 and week. ••A

uol 'flitre Wob^' wnit ex^-cllently acted laat week,

to doe hooien. Ilerii.iril SicOftcn aod IWpa MayJockaou were fully ii|i to tbo rcqnlremenls .In Iho

leading rolp., „ . ^

MuriBi; (Wni. F. nife, mBr.)—Tbe new etoek

ftin|iuny. wiiich auiiplania burleaque at Ibis house,

nakca IIk Inw week of 22, with '•Alias JimmyVnleotlne" ai the openliis attraction.

II. I'". KEiTi-.'a III. T. Jordan, rajT.)—'Mrs.Leslie Curler and coniplny turolah the lilg fea-

ture week of Olhera nre: Wee Georglo Wood,Ulchel and Watson, Oliobc Jads, Ed. Morton,Lynns and Yoneo, llniell Cox, Moore and Youug,Cole Olid DenoPy. and moving picturea.

OnANn (l''red (1. Nlion-Mrdllnger. mgr.)—Weekcif Tt: Wiu. J. Dooley and company, MoMabon,Diamond' nnd Chnpiow, Walter Weenie, NorcroMend IloldHnortli, .Mnie. Hlalta and company, -Jen-

nliiiia and IVirmnn, and oovlne picturea.

flLOon (Kj^aie Perry, mgr.) — Week of 22:.Mediation und Cliapiielle, Morton and Payne,llemlo and llnrrlct Ileniiiel, May Melville. Oralit

and Willlama, Will Morris. Peace and Termlot, andLiovlnc pirlurea.

(.'BOSS Kai's (James J. fiprloffer. mgr.)—ForIlnriy Joimn, I-'ive Musical .McLarena,

Howard« and company, Brooklyn OomedyI'our. ••A Night in the Alpa.^' and tbe Three Mel-vln Jlroa. Vor 25-27 : J-Mght Ulualcal Co-l'^ls. '•In

Old New York," Mardnl and Fratilol, Henryrielelier, Itma and Ashlon, and Four VIctora.

Nixon (Freil'k Leopold, mur.)—Week of 2!:•'Kmni Omcr lalaod to the North Pole," WilsonFranklin and comniony, Callrrlnl Four, Kddy iind

Franc, Kl,'k and Fok'urly. ond moving pictures. (Wm. J. Villi, nilT.l—llowi-^s LoveMakers nre acbi.>duled for 2: and week. Tbollimi'ymnon 'Qlrle displaynl aplenty of talent, toOne houacn laat week. Phil Otfs antlca .pleasedgreatly. Alice Lssar did nlao very clever work

(lAtia'T (Wm. H. Clark, mgr.)—Tho FrenchM.w'+la 22-27. The Folli'd of I'leaaurv eum-,iunyfiirnlabed a lively afaov, to fine nnmbers, lastweek. . Jack McCalie and Sam I«wIb were live

wln-a In putting over the cemedy Mooa Ray-mond OLd Violet Illlaon also did work out of th<*


TnucADxno troW. Morrow, msr.) — The linyWlduna arc teoanta a2.27. Tbe (llrla from Joy-iniid ei.Joyed pro^iiTOua timea last week, FrankWskeAeliri famllliir cbaTacterltatlon vcored s hlgbit. Dolly Sweet, MalHle L'Katrange and ReneCVKifter were iil»o ptomlni'nt In tlie iiroiluctlon.

DuHoxT'a (Fravk Duniont, mgr.)—'•Tlie Snw-dukt Trnllera" wna a clever aklt l.isl wwk, dudfiiriilalied plenty of fun. Joe Golden, a cewromer. amml hig wMh bla One aliigloc voice,llennle Franklin and TVnI Kalmar had new offer-Ingn that tho audlviicea greatly llkeil,

C.iiKaTNUT HTnr.iTr Oi'bra lloiiaa, Colonii,,Ai.i.raiiBHY, ALiiAunat, Iluou, Oibard, PL«r.A,ViirrouiA, Staniry, Palaor, ItaoKHT, Fr.ANKiroiD,I.MiHHTr, Peoplk'b Kupama uu<l Obfiiedh givevuudevlllo end moving plctorea.

NOTES.1>K WoLv UIopTcn, In a repertoire of Gilbert

and .SiiiUviio ofieraB, bCRlna an extended aeasoa atthe kletmiiiilllnii Opera JIoum* on .March 8.

TiiK .XletTniiuliiaii Opera -Oo. alnga '•.MadaneGarni. deiie.^' nt the Metropolitan Opera Houae, 2.'l.

JiiHKr IIOKUA.VN will he the eololal with the.New York Synii>liony Orchestra, at tbe Academyuf .Mimte, U',.

DoiiHON MiTriiici.i, la a new comer with theLittle Tlie'itn- Stock Co.

9rrnn<«n, Pn —I.yceum (E. H. JCohbBtamm,mir. ) featiin' lUetnii'S week of Feb. 22.

I'oi.i (John JI. Doeklnp, mpr.)—Dill .32-27:nouilliil. llnrry Ilecesfurd and company, Dona-

<'oTnody, b.v beiiiuns O'Couucll, eDtltied "TheDoiiblo Courtfllilp."Jolm P. Cnmpbcll Is at the head of the

novcmcDt, nod -tvlth him 1b dHBoclatcd I'ndrale(?olinn. Mt, Onmpbell wrh cloaely aiwoclatcdwith tbo llttirary uud ortlatlc awakcnlnc InIreland, \riileh brnufrht Into toeing tbe Abbeyand Ulntcr Thpatren. From 1004 to 1013Mr. CatikDbcll. 'wns nrtlstlr director of tholUslct UtcraiT Theatre, llo has also pro-duced plays Id London, Manchester andother nrltlah cltlm, ami It waa he who put<iD the Irish Historic PaEcont horc two yearsn^n.

Tho theatre ipurposcs to work qIodr tho(unic lines na Us protolypus. It will enlistIts p!n>'cra rromi the Irliili of New York, andwill dopeud on them for Ita plnyB. Blmplolilaya •rcflectluR oBpccta of IrlRh and Irlsh-^merlcan life will be frlrcn at flrat In hallanbd theatrea, nnd subaequently It Is plnnncdto lcH!)c a ployhouBC where playe may be pre-BGDtoJ regularly

NR'nrR rnOM AUSTHALIA.Jobn W. llehaaaer wrilea na from Australia,

Jan. U.—-1 am now the eonduetor for the TlvpllFolltei, a mutiie hall revue. The Folllc*. •ingt^lby Jack llnakell, oi>ene<l Nov. 28. ami proved avroat big aureraa. llie TlvnII baa toTlve ahowa aweek. Just Uke In Ainerira, anil the whole at.ooaphrre about the place In pronounced American,leave that lo the rorerning dirrctor, Mr. Mcln-<oab. We have another four or Qve wveka be,-e.then go lo the Tlvoll, In .Melbourne, for twelveweeks. laalxdle D^Armoiid and her new partner,Xlont« Wolff, are a lilg hit. Jueii Cannot la prin-cipal comedian. The revue Inalu ninety nilnutea.There are Iwnty-four mualcal Itema. Alfreilocaae (nto tbe rev,iie a iref*li ajco and la acorlng ler-tldc. Got lot nf Chrlatmaa mall and boie*.One hnndred In tlie abode, inme CArfatmiii/"Broadway Jonea" (with l-'red Nlblo and Joae-tiblneOobanl la In tor a run. "Olrl In the Film"a hilt bit, will be replareil by "High Jluka" lathree weeks time. AilelphI panto, la doing nicely,lli'st wishes to Tun Di.p Rbi.uble.

STII,I. ^VITII "HKDRR COVER."J. Iy. Ittrfonl. who iin'l 4«vii inannxlng tho

"Under a>ver'^ Co. whil^l onjuvnl n lung run111 Ciiii-ntii. >>liieil till- Nvw Uncliind eoiiuiaiiv ofliinl iii:iv 111 lA.piiiMi'rI. Iml... I-Vl,. H. the rrtisoi-


'•"' " li'iiiK'' N'liii: Ihnt the i1|il,-ni;o cimiimnyWHS coiiiK |g the tVibl and .Mr. Iliiford pr>-rer»the Kn:<l.


22-2t ; Dalay Harcoui-t. Teildy and'eompaoy, Harryand I.lllle Oaks, (he Great Reno, Clark and Gloria,the Four Donnellya, Melon and Herbert, Mantillaand Lloyd, nnj Warren Trnvla. For 20-27, Olrlsfrom Joylnnil Rorleaquera. The opening of vaude-ville at thla houae last week was with greattiiec<is.

Stab (Harry W.' Storms, ngr.)—Tbo OhamplonUalileoa 32-27.nunu Vauua, Wondcib, Manha'ttan, Vir-

TpBiA, Ilipronioua, WoNOCBLAHn, Coubt RoCAaa,Pauce, Obtueum and DiinAUL.tND. pictures only.

RpadliiK, Po^Aeademy (Phil Uvr, mgr.)Thnraton,^^ magician, Feb. J2.24 ; •'Uncle Tteoi^eCabin" 28, Raymond Illtcheock, In "The BeautyShop," 20, mallnee and night.

nii-rooaoua (O. G. Kerney, mgr.)—Tandevllle.OBj'iiEUM (Neal Harper, mgij—The Orpbenm

riayera an aeen In tbe aerond musical comedy ofthe aeaaon 22-27. In 'The Three Twins." FrankWentsel, a local tenor. Is In the cborua for Ibisengagement

XOTES,Lawbbhci Bobtc, foroMvrly musical director «t

the l.alidman Musical (3ompaay, Is no longer con-Heated with tbeni In any capacity.An bxtba matinee was given Wssbhiglon'a

Olrlhdoy at Ibe Onibeum,

Altooim, Pn,—Mlailer (1, O. Mlabler. mgr.)The Nenl.vnTda oml Their llaby" Feb. 22."Damon and Pythlaa" (pirlureo) 33, tbe UIgblliillers IbuTleaque) Zti, ••Robin Hoed" S7.tlarKim (Arthur K. Dennsn. mgr.)—SlU ez-H : Itolfe'a ••I.oneaome LaaslM," Dave Raphael

and eouii'an.v, Jeonlnga and Kvers, and Uang andSnyder. For 2fi-27: Omar OiMTa company. Bondand Caason, Senator Francis Murptiy, and Peytonand Green,

I,anf*TlIIr, Kr<—Mneanler'a (John T, Ua-eauley, mgr.) the Stewart Dramatic Plavera maden lijg hit In their soiv aho.r. •'Her I,«rd andMnsler.^' Feb. IS. 10. Irvlii Cbbb entertained InIwluree and war plelurea 17, and John Drew np-praml In "lloaemery" 18 20.

KxiTii'a (J. L. Wee I. nigr.l^lll £2-27: Hy-ir.i.ek, Fred Soainaii. Aile1aldv> and Hughes. Initiotvdiliia. Itedfonl nnd .Wliiehesier, Bird Mlllmanand e<tmpany aial others.

tlAirrr ((V T. Taylor. n«r.)—Rugenle Dlalr,In "A Feel There Waa," weeic of 21.

Ki'rniNniiAU (Horace .MeCrocklln. mgr.)—City

M*niMc iL. Thiinuann, ni|:r.)--.MInuei|iollsSlim 111 iiy Orelieilra 2'J.

Voin.Tv. AiAMo, Manv A niiki!,.hin. MAJieMTio.Waini-t. Chyhiai,. Casinii. OaninrM.,Ilinviiuvuti lud Uliui'IC, foalmc picturte.

UObTON Opda Hotrsn (W. R MacdonaM,mgr.)—•The Merry Wives of Windsor," which

lias done by the Henry Jewett Players a abort

Cioo ago, and revived by them Isat week, proved

a big drawing card. Week 22, •'The Taming of

tlie Sbiew." , ...Oaktlb Souabb (John Crjig, mgr.)—"Common

Clay."' in Its seventh week, continues Its mar-veloos rtn at thla uptown houae, and Interest Is

Juat as great In It sa ever. -

.Waldbon'b Cabino (Olisrles II. Waldron, mgr.)—Charles Robinson and bis Carnation Beautle,:

last week. Dave Marlon's Dreamland Co. weekof 22, which will he seen for' the first time In

Dvston this MBSoc.Oaiett (George R. Batcheller, mgr.)—The Mil-

lion Dollar Dolls (his week. Pat White and the

Dig Jnbilee Cto. gave entire satisfaction lost week.

The Roseljiid Girla are next In order.

HnwABD (George B. Lolbrop Jr., mgr.)—Bec-

tor^s Olrls Durlesqners ond the followtug vaude-

ville acta: Four Lukens. Johnson and Wells, Rootand White, IluT - La Petri, Two Klinoras, sndl-ighlnlng Wesun. Mlner^s Americans week of

Uurch 1. .

Ohand OrtDA UoijBB (Ckorge E>-Lolbrop, mgr.)—Beauty, You:h snd Follv Co. last week. Wal-soo^s Orientals 22, Rector s Girls Oo. follow.


Kbitii'8 (Robert G. Larwn, mgr.)—Secondweek of Mme. Naalmova, In "War Brides." TbeRusalau acireas has never been more entbuslaallc-

oily received In Ibis city, even In ber Ibisen roles,

than as Joun In tbe little play. Suriomiding1,111 iDcludca: Tlie .Great Nat Nazarro Troupe,Henry Lewis, William Burr and Doiihne Hope,Pealaon and (}oldle. Jobn end Wlonle Hennlnga,Dill I'niltt, and Kello.

Loaw'B OBriiEuu (Victor J. Morrla, mgr.)

For 22-24; Kva I'ront, B, 'Kelly Forrest, FourMusical Avollos, KIrshlake's pigs, 'Uany Dannend Uoore (llrla, Jonea and Jobuaoo, and "Mya-terloos Mr. Ituaeell." For 2S-27 : Coogan and Oox,.Mae Weat, I.eonard nnd Lsnrle, and olhera.

LdKW'B ULODD (Frank Meagher, mgr.)—For22-24: Jeaiielte Olillda, Geortie and Lily Garden,Kitty Francia, Lang and CViulter. and otbera. ForSS-'27: "Duiectlve Keen,^' Billy Klnluld, theSullinlnea, and others.

LoBW'H St. Jaues (Morcna Loew management)—For 22-24: Deiro Gulaglier ami Carlln, MaeWeat, iMDurd and Laurie, and others. For 26-27


I'.va Prout, George and Lily Garden, Kitty Fran-cis, Jpne« and Johueoo, Fred St. Onge Tronpe,and otbera.

Dijoo (Hurry GufIIb. mgr.)—^Weuk of i2: Geo.L. Stone, tho Dig Thrt?, Edw, Nellls, Jefsle Mac-l.eQii, the G.vst Wood and company, Capt, U.Stanley I>ewls, VIeiet IMge, and Hlnatra.

Dowdoin BqUABt: (George K. Lotbrop, in)tr.)—Jobn Grieves' -Mualcal Comedy Co., Uontlo andParker. Tlernau and Barnea, I'hllllps and Clsrkand I'anlliie Saxon. The fenture reel Is EdaiuudUrMTc 111 "The .Mnater Mind.

OOHDON^a Oi.vHi'iA (J. v.. Oxnerford. mirr.)

Week of 22: Paul T^c Croix siid comi>niiy, Bestryand DIarett. Ix)ula> Gardner ond company, BlllleMorne, Fire Violin Iduulles, Richards and Mon-trose, and "Apple of Paris."

NOTES.Vaudeville and pictures : Park, National, Shaw-

mut, Gculib.v .Square, Deacon, Modern, OldSouth, Washington, Scenic Temple, litar, Unlnue,C-omlque, Wlptbrop.. Hall, Harvard, Gem, DaySquare, Somervllle, Ouiicreas Unll, Superb, Ni-agara, New Palace, South End, Jtack Day, Eagle,Itosbury. lluntiitgioii Aveuue, Puritan, Premier,Ideal, Oriental, Hamilton, Harvard, Dorchester,Franklin Park, sml others.Maubicb and Flobbncb Walton, famous draw-

ing room daucera, will give a epcelal matinee atibe Shawmut, 23.Tub latest nvwcomera to tlie Henry Jewett

Players, at the Boston 0|iera IIoiiro, arc UrbaMarshall, who laat appeared In "'riie Elder Son,lu New York, and I,eoiiard Wllley, who was seenhere last Deceiiiljer wllb Margaret Anglln, In•^Lndy Windermere's Fan."daOBon L, SuiTii, for moay years property man

' nt.- the Uoatun Theatre, dropiied dead from he.irtOlsesae, at his home In Sharon, 10. lie had al-

dramatic editordied In thla

years. On leavinglocal manager

of the B. F. Kellb Theatre, where be remainedfive years. Mr. Bryant always took a great Intereat In drama and literature. He had Inter-viewed Eagene Fields and F. Uarlon Orawfotd,end uuiny prominent men of letters. Sir HenryIrving was a personal friend. Many yoong actor*owe their start to bis efforts. He leaves a widow.KuiLUB PouNi, who has been attracting much

BlIeDllon this year by her hnperaonatloo of thetllle nle In '•Little Face," a contedy which hasOeen running at the Princess Theatre, Mew York,has SQCceeded Vliflnla Pearson as William Fsver-absn^a leading vromaa.MAVoa (Tdblbt Is convinced that show girls

should wear uiure clothing when they appear ne-fore Eoston tbeatregoera. In * confeiencc withrepresenutlvea of Boston' playboosea^ 17, theMayor recited Inaiancea called to hIa attentlmi ofHlinpely women leaving too little to the lniai;',i,H..

tlon. Aside from cxpreasing bla dlaappioval off'canly costomee, Ibe Msyor said that suaestlvedancea and •'aplcy" oonveraatlona abonld be tenwldown a bit. Tbe theatrical managers agreed to put.a damper oo all that savoreil of the rlaqnc. butthey atlpolsted, however, that the ofBclal banshould apply to all the playbooses. Tbe Mayorpgreed that no exception would be ai:owe<l. r.ouattnr what the nature of lbs playhouse or lisloeaj^n.

Mllford, Maaa.—Opera Hoaae (F. Tompkins,regr.) Lew OrCb's Oomedy Oo., neek of Fe*. 22,iiieeeotlng "Tbe Tsngo Te^" snd other comedies.The Oiiera House management la also giving fea-ture flinfi.

Uiuu—Feature film* and aongn.LiKB HoAa TuEATBB Is being renovated, and It

la said will run a dramatlo stock tmsfnaj nextBummer.WoooLANO Pabk, In West Uedway, Is also being

put In ahape.Lahb Niruoo irlU o^aln have Dan J. Bpragoe

as manager of tho Lake Theatre.Til EBB are rumen of a new .Sumner resort on

tbe lake at llopklaton, to be' managed by tbe•Boston A Worcester Electric Line.

Lovrell. Mnaa.— Rellh'a (RenJ. Pickett,mgr.) Mil for Feb. 22 and week: Bart UoBiah'sMetiopolllsn Minstrels, Flsber and Given, NanHslperln, Wemer-.\moro* Troupe, Lesry and Guu-dirsu, Oaas snd D'Alma. and Fred F.ldrldge.Mebk. eg. (Waller Woods, mitr.)—The sleek

company present "For Bonnie Annie Lanrle"22-27,ACAOEUT, COLONAL, JBWELL, Owl, ROTAI.,

voioNB, Wolf and ALiiAunuA, pleluree «i>Jy,

Inn, Mnaa, — Academy. "TheFell. 22. •'Dorothy Vernon uf

IlaiMon llnlf iieit week.1'i.ACA, LvBic ond I'ALACi, photoplays only.





Other Aots Have to Walt While Thla Song is Being EnooredBTery Una a Sonam. Fall of Joy andOlnger, FlpandPanoh




CATOHY, TUNEFUL, WHIBTLBABIiE, AFPEAUNOA BeautlAil Iiove Song Popular as a Waltz Number

Ca R. FOSTER COMPANY, Publishers846 so. BROADWAY,

P1<AZA BI08I0 CO., 10 W. BOth St.,



A tew good Dramatlo People In all lines. Two Rood feature vandevlUe acta and Upjlclaos for Orcbea-

tra Work. Good board, room, transportation and long season on the largeBl alia finest showboat


the river. Address B. EMERSON, Owner and Mgr., Point Pleasant, W. Va.

Wreck At Sea and Onr Merohant MarineTHHBB DISTINCT ILI^VST&ATED tiBCTCRES

With over «o richly colored slldcB. Entirely new. Never seen before. Given by the only man In it»

world who ever-iolled over tbe AUanUc alohe In a 40 foot sail boat. Booking wanted for route In Canada

ezdnslvely. -Oilwe, experienced Adranee Agent ivanted en atraigtat coinmlaalaabasta. ho BOlaiy or expenses paid. _ ^ „

Addreaa tbe Oaptalm, 304 Royce Awe., Toronto, Ont., Caa.

WANTED, to Snpport the Charming

JUVENILE LEADING MAN, YOUNG GEN. BUS. MANHnst he yoDDg and good looking, with wardrobo and street appearance. Also COHPETKOTDIRSCTOH. Salary mast be In reason. Company closing an eighty weeks' engagement at Wichita,

Kan. OPENING MARCH 1, IN THE JEFFEBSON THBATRE, the tlnest theatre In the Booth. One bBa week. Prepay wires. Regards to friends. OHET KEYE3, Mgr., JefferBon Thestro, Dallas, Tei.


AT.HAMBRA THEATRE, MARION, OHIO.< New House. Company mnst bo A No. 1 and able to pnt on Royalty Flays.

Addrew OUS SUN, Springfield, Qa

FOR SALEfU>oat«r Orohestra, Spider 'witli Hnman Head IlIaalol^VlTlaectlon Act ImproTed, Olant lioliater to TangaTTltb Dammy, Ka Klap Robber Neeka, Prop AnlinalK0 loot Qlanta and Clown.

Props of all Ainda made to order and mode rlsbt.

E. WALKER, 309 W. 39th St., New York oa t^iogt.


EzceUont waidroba and appearance. Pleasant engagement more important than salary.Addreaa P. Jl<. J., care Weir York Clipper.



DAINIY GlADIfS lONIROSE,Soabrette,Javenlle

and Ingenae IIIIIHN MONIROSE,Heavtea, Emotionali

and javenlles

KorthnmptonTtle Idea u-eeic nf

Uoth possess Ability, Ezporience and Ezqalslte IVardrube. Latest Farls Qowns: alsoBIR. ROBERT atlLLBM, Jnvenlles, Light Oomedy or Ocneral Dnslness, 'Violin and Slnglnf

BpecUlUes. Reliable Uanagers only add. LILLIAN MONTROSE, ISM 'Wabash Ave., Detroit, Mich,

VirroBia (Hn. Lillian M- Haathigb.^miragln|.^dlrectorr.—ThiB iKiveat Mitchell H.'^play licuie began Ita career 20, Bltaaled on the

tile of tbo iwpnUr oil'. TletorU, H Orant antWeel Ferry btreeta.Fbontiu (ChBB. L. Howe, m(r.)—Photoplay!,

to Vll returns.

Albany, N. IT.—Harmanni Bleeeker HaB(Bdward Si. Hart, mgr.) "Oood Night, Nnrae''

(drat appearance) Feb. 22-2t; "Ocmlng antOohig" fi-2T, Boyal UlUpnUana March 1-3, "TheUloe Bird" 4 6.Eupiu (Frank Abbott, msr.)—Boseland Olrla

2J.24, Carnation Beaollea 2J-27, Roaey Pose/Ulrla March 1-8, Million Dollar Delia 4-0.

PaocToa'a Qbakd (Jos. P. Coyne, D*r.)—Vaadevllle and jilctoiee. Bill for Feb. 22-24:

(irorge Ward, 'ThBteheT tad Dean, the Vander-koon, laabclle Fletcher and company. Brown an*McCormlck, De Tere and Leirls. Dell and F.vo.

and Lear and Fields. For 2S-2T: the Uanklna.r.lll Barloir, Camien'a Mlnatrela. Cora Wllniontand conpany. Two Rnbts, Isabella Oreenr, Ilala

and company, and Kelly and Fern.Pbociob's Lxland (Odt aravee.'gen, mtr.)—

Contlnnooa vaadevllle and picturea,MA7BSTI0 (F,mll -Delehea,' mgr.)—Vaudefllla


sdH. PAUicr, Wiim Wat, Stab. Pbootoh a

Amnb, FAiRruND, PiABi.. Pboplb^s and On-riizDM, movliij plctnres ocly.

Montreal, Can.—Hl» Majeaty'a (D. P. nill.

mgr.)—•Within the Uw" Feb. 22-2T. "The Unafrom Mexico" March 1-6. "Girlo" 81S.Pbincias (Ahbic Vrliht, mgr.)—The Princeaa

Musical Comedy Co., In "Fortr-lve Minnies front

Broadwar," 22-27.OarHCDU (George Drlacoll, mgr.)—Bill week

ot 22: Pekin Mjaterlei, Bcenes from Orand Opera,

Clnrk and Verdi, Father Olrla, Frank Terry.

Reglna Gonnelll and company, Robert de UoncTrio, and Oene Mailer Tronpe, ,

Oatbtt (Fred Crow, mgr.)—RoBty Poiey Olrls

Week ot 22, gappy Wldowa March 1-0.



Hoobeatcr, N. "Y.— Lyceum (U. B. Welf,o rr.) "The Vellow Ticket" Feb. 22-24. "TnoW» Bird" 2J-2T.TiHTLa.—Bin Z2-2T : Fannie Brice, Roomt and

Bent, Five Anupolls Boyi, Ball and weat, Bnin-ntlk) Elaten and litepbena. Mme. Doris's <k)gs,the Three Jabns, and Brooka and Bowen.liaan (J. 'Wall, mgr.)—Baker Theatre Stork

Oo., Ill "aranatark." 22-^7.1- AMILT (J. H. Fenneveaey, mgr.)—Bill 22-27


nrded^nd Hilton, Kelly and Catlln, Fred Wer-uer, Lncler and Rllaworlh, Alrcradoa goata, and"I'bc Hii<o of Panama,"Liow's (I. Kenn. mgr.)—Bill 22-27: Three

Alex, Wllklna and Wllklna, Murray Bennett, Oldl-'oldlar Fiddlers, and Frauklyn Atdell and cem-I'ony.

CoKiKTHiAM (jr. Olennen, mgr.)—Monte CarloGirls 22-27.

Kons.Tna Eucs held their annual frolic ot theLyeeoin

Tlieatre, 10, and tho affair iuruaas«l all prevlonacnee.

Till Foixns or 1020, at tbe Corinthian, weekending 20, was ably headed' by \t-\\ Ward.Arm an ateesoe ot ahoat a year tbe Auwl.can Harmony Four came hack to tlio VictoriaIT. apd imt over a good act. labtlelle, a violin-tat, was well received on the earoe bllL

"Stop Tbiit" proved a liiv vreen comedy,and drew vrell at the Recent 1.*, IT.Tna aeiecn version ot "Three Wecka" Is shows

at tho Winter Garden week of £2,

Buffalo, H. T.—aur (P. 0. Obmell, mgr.)"The Prince of Pllaen" (retnml Feb. 26-27. JoanRunny March 1-S, Ann Mnrdock ac«T«d big In •'AGirl of To^lay," laat weth.

« tu *TacK (Mesars. ShnlirTt, mera.) — "The Pnio

Illrd" Feb. 12-24. "The BIrU of Paroil-n''niek of March 1.Maibstio (J. I.angblln, mgr.) — "Old lion e-

atead" week of (>bi-a3.. / ''.Smart t!et" .March l-»:.•SiiKA'a (M. JMbea. mar.)—Dill week ot 22:

Kitty Gordon att'l comprnyi IlarrlMn Ilnntc, JiiekWIlMn and Knutlln Ratle, ,Middeii and Fits-Patrick. Irene «d Bobby Smith, Loretta Twlnaend Nellie Nichols.

ACAoauT (Jules Mlchaeln. mer.)—Bill wi-ek of22- "The Ultlbday I'arlv." Km Weatcott endeomrany, Don Carney, Cblek and Welch, an:l thoMiicettla.

(lAvrTT (J. M. War,1. niFr.1—Mberlv Delles,Tvlih .Matt i\enni-iv. we»k itf 'J'J.

I.tnir.—Tile -iiK.k couiiiaiiy. In "The Coulee-siun." xvck of 22.



("Bad Oniaa")


Did yoa tbe kind oif a proiwsltloii youwanted? _Well, wby not? Wbat kept you froni

nttlng It?•Uavk you got sometblng really new and

worth wilUe to offer this aeaaon?Ba Sims you pick out tbe rlgbt carnival

to go wltb.;

iKBtntiostn Sbowu>'M.—\>'bat bare youdecided to do?Two of tbe over twenty-car carnivals aro

now open.- Db si'BC and get started on tbe rlgbt foottbis season.On ready to answer Ibc call.

Ub beaox full and complete for tbe open-

^EXT season la bere. All hall to seasonlOlG.

M.\Y yours be a long and prosperous one.TOM w. Allen Biiowa will open In bhreve-

port. La., on Marcb 20, accoraing to Infurnia-tlon at hand,

' THE SmItU Greater Shows will opcntlnAagusta, fla., some time In March. This Is

tbelr regular annual custom. ,

The Sbeesley Greater Shows are going to'

lie one of the contcuders this season for big

time and honors. They are coming to theIroat rank i>oon. '

J. H. Thonbt.—llow are you? Why notsome news and the route of tbe SbeesleyGreater Shows? You are tbe general agent1. II., act accordingly.

S^Y, did you get some nerw music for thecarry-u(-all and other riding devices? Well,you Eboold pay some attention to this.WELCOUfj to the Sibley Superb Shows.

After these many years we have at lastlanded Walter K. Sibley as a carnival mag-nate. Watch him. He has eome great Ideasbe may now ezecote. Anyway, he is entitledto enter. ..

En.~K. Smith Is one of tbe rllent butmlgbty efficient ones.

E. W. WUAVBS.—DM you really retire?For bow long? When the bee stingy youonce you aenerally come back. Adolph See-oan, for instance.

w. B. jABTis, of the Jarvla-Seeman Shows.Is now out on a long tour in tbe Interest oflis organisation. He ia sure some classy(vneraf agent.

Ed. a. Btans, of tbe Ed. A. Bvans (.Greater

Shows, waa a visitor In Kansas City Tuesday,Feb. 16. He returned to his Winter .quar-ters at Independence, Kan.

1015 will go down In history m the year«( the big European wars and the war In thecarnival world.,.Will G. Jokes' Is now under the manage-

ment of Jule Selth Dcno. Will G. adoiltsIbis. Jufe Keith arrived In Kansas C4ty fromber home la MlnnoapoUe some weeks o^o.

A. B. Millbb.—'Will' you kindly let uaVnow' who your seneral agcat Is? Thanks.'The A. B. Miller CTreater Shews arc scbedurcdtn open on tbe streets of Moberly, Mo., somethne In .4.prll. 'niings around^-tbelr Winterquarters, there, ere very much alive at pres-ent.

Jbknie Kehob wlil probably have a sbowwith the T.A. A. E>rans Greater Shows.' Woalso learn that It is very probable that W. J.

Kc4ioe -^111 manage a show and bsndic thepress wltb the same carnival. It looks thatWOT now.Latbst 'Kansas Oty rumor Is that Harry

W. Wr^bt will be Identified with the canilvalthe.t HomcL' V. 'Jones will probably havefliaree of for 3. W.- BrimdRKc. Well, we Justwonder what Is what. Don't you? We should«ce soon.

"Hf, kUied her on tbe gane plank, oh, oh, .

kear tbe seagulls cry." Has hit the cnmlvslbtmch alt over tie country. It la a long wnyto that plocp In Ireland, but It Is not' so farto the (fcning. Is It?FnED W^nii, last season treasurer of tho

Vcm W. Allen Shows, is up and wnlklnc•round Kansas Cltv once more. He Is verynnch intproved. His many friends will bepilcased to learn this, we knorw.JnsT to give yoo some Idea of what a car-

nlyal centre Kansas rity Is, wo will ]u!;t

name • few of the real ones wlio werepoliced on the streets there last week : JamesPatterson, C W. Parker, Con T. Kennedy,

SPECIAL NOTICEHknagen of the following and otber State Fain wlU meet at tbe


at wbleb tine they pleased to meetany party or parties having good, clean feature attnctlonto offer Fairs. Something uew In attractions Is especially desired.

IOWA> STATE FAIB, Dea Moines. Ang. 95-8ept. 3WISOOWBin STATE FAIH. MadUon, Sept. 13-18niNNESOTA STATE FAIR, llamllne. Sept. 0-11IIBBRASKA_ STATE .'FAIR, Ji'n05»l'?i,9"EV_ q


HIsioVRl' iTA?rE"i^Am, Sedalla, Sept. US-dot. »^TRI.STATE FAIR, llemphia, Sept. 9(M>ot. »

Addrasa all Qo^^^nicattons' to the BeoretarieB of the above Falra.




30.000 Chain—50,000 Qrand 8tii>d»-60,000 Clrcui Stils oo.Hind lor RiiUi| PorywM' IJIlROKBI BBATIHO CX>IITItA.0TOR8


"IBga w. Id St. Tel., Main 861. ConneantTllle. Pa. ao» «. ttookwU St. Tel., West»M



WINTER (ICARTERSl LANCASTER, MO.^ 'WAlfT SHOWS of All Kinds. Trip to Mars, Musical Comedy, I'snoma Canal, Crazy Homo.PrIvUeBes of All Kinds for Salo. Wo play the real money territory, S'ebraska, tt'yoming sad Monuna.Jack Bhodes, pleaao write.


JARVIS-SEEMAirSHOWSMAIK OFflOE: Edward Hotel, Kansas City, Mo.

WU. U. JAIIVIS, aencrol AgonUWINTER quaHTEKS: Leavenworth, Kansas.

ADOLPII BEKUAN, Ocoetsl Manager.

mUSICIANS WANTEDWant UnalclaDB to completo twenty (20) picco band. Alto to Doiiiilp Violin. Want to hear from othersthat doable. Oood salary, good Ircnimeot onil good accoinmodailnns to good musicians.

Address JOHN U MAIION, llandmaslcr, 12M McOtc Elrcct, Kanats City, Mo.


TENTS TO lUOEi FLAGS AND ALL OAltVAb WORKBntt IBTtli Street. Under the Personal Snpervlsloit ofVAX KtiNKKLY

PLAYFer i.iuiT. wim FIFTEEN CAR CARNIVAL pi-ri-s B..t

Ton Pay IW.oo per week and uke all We fnmlsh transportation (rc»

Addresa B. O. BUAOKBCRR, BOS Aahland B1d|., Chlcage< 111.

W. J. Allmann. Wm. B. Jarrls; Adolph See.roan, Ifal-old Uushea, Walter P. Stanley. Ed.A. Evans, W. D. Miller, D. W. Den Nar, W.A. Spencer, Mrs. Wm. B. Jarvls. Mra. JameiIlottcrEon, Harry Brown, Itozell, M. V.Davis, Mrs. W. J. Allmann. F.' A. Oilman,Harry Oilman, Irving A.- Keiiipf, Fred A,Kcmpf, Mrs. I'red A. Kempf, B,-uce Kempf,Harry Glllam, Dtta l/oulse Blake Jo^n T.Bacboion, Lawrence (Moiey). Ilanley, J. U.Sullivan, Mrs. J. 'M. Sullivan, Mrs. J. H..lohnsou. Mm. D. J. Lund, J. II. Johnson,Chas. H. Johnson, Johndy Mabon, FrtnkMoTgan, Frank Wclde. Dave Stevens, GddloMoore, Rodnev N. Krall, Jameti Shlppi-yiMrs. James Sblppcy, Mrs. Morris Ilossmdn,.Mrs. Walter F. Stanley, Doc. II. NicColloiigh,Ben K. Meyers La Belle Uosa, L. R. Mere-dith, Mrs. L. R. Meredith, John Scott AndyCarson. Fred Poole, R. O. Kennedy, Earl D.Strout. Floyd V. Kennedy, John C. Aughe,Artlff Pralnerd, Ilird Bralnerd, Dad Bralnerd,A. U. Ksllclc. L'cida May Uochelle. R. C. Kl-ein. James Lake, Mrs. James r,ake, Jamo.tLaird, Jennie Ki-boe, Shorty Ilecd. OenigoTnnnsend. .Matt Thomas. Ifenry Sbcppard,Barnsy Beal, Thomas McLaughlin, L. (?.

Kelly, T. J. Cannon. Cbas. E. Meyer.» WillA. Dickey, Mules Kasper, Mrs. Ju'es KHsprr,Doc. Turner. Mrs. Doc. 'runicr. Joo N. CjIHb,.M;fl. Joe N. Callls, O. A. (Dolly) Lyons. Mrs,CT A. Lyons. Uomcr V. Jones, Will 0. Jones,-Mrs. Win 0. Jones. J. II. Usrvev 1\ M.Wnrrcn, Amttrobe Kennedy, Harry W.Wright. M. Crow, .Mrs. M. Crow. Percy Co'.irt.Mrs. I'ercv Court, C. N. Fairly, CbaiCBartbel. Iliny Dozzcll, II. H. Duncan, BuddBoyer, Ssnford N. Billings, Harry J. How-ard. George Psterson. Roy Potter, Hay Tren-holm, Pearl Trenbolm. Budd Turner, Ohas,R. Colby. Bertha Montgomery, Tom A. Allen,Captain Mundy, S. W. Itrundage, Bessie *Iar-bor, M. B. Wagner, Viola Warner, W. M.Moseley, Mrs. w. M. Moseley. Alice Melville,Homer Roberta, Purity Akin, Mri. W. A.Spencer,. W. Bennett Stevens. Fred Ward,Frank McLaughlin, Rufus ITuck, James H.riesaots, >Sam Myers, George Hogan, C.D. French, Mrs. C. D. French. laiy Outer,Clyde ^gers, Frank NIctdilson. Nona Sharp.THs dragon used br tbe Chinese In San

Francisco during their recent New 'Vear'scelebration. Is said to have cost-' $15,000 lamoney to constntct. How many cities cana carnival manager' get) that will give, upanything like - that amount for one p.iradefeature. Parades arc many times the thingand ehould be given In every town. 'NVbatcbu sa7Walteb K. Siblet writes from Now Tork,

teb. 10, In port: ".Vow for tbe explosion.I have at last..declded to be a carnival 'mag-nate.' Have purcbascd a half interest fnthe Vlctor-IIcnry Shows, that was - In theprocess of formation,' and have Incorporatedthe Slhlgy iSupcrb Snows under the laws ofthe Smte of New York, with the followingofficers: Victor D. Levitt, president; WalterK. Sibley, vice president and general mana-ger ; Morris Tailer, secretary, and UcnryMoyerboir, treasurer.

. "SinLRi's SuPEBu Snows Will absorb all ofthe stock of tho Vdotordlcnrv Shows, andthat show, for the present, will go out ofexistence. The show will be booked out of,the Levltt-Meyerbotf oOlcea, with Oeorge H,Hamilton as general agent, Sidney Wire aspress agent, threo promoters and a specialagent Mir. Levitt to give his personal nt-teniflon to tho general contracting. The Hbi>w^\-lll travel on Its own traJn of fifteen cars,or more, tbe major portion of the shows willbe' on wagons. Will have n cnfc car andsleepers. In fact the train will be thorouKliJyup-to-date and look tlit part of a real showtrain.

"Havd already plenty of time booked In thoBn,stern territory Including a number of oi l

home weeks nnd home promoted colebrntlons.Feel Ormly convinced that we will have areal good show, and look forward to a proflt-able season."Am qoi.n'o to make some changes In tho

water show, and for tho present will featureIt. At present have eight shows, and they'A'dll be nice and clean and satdBfactlon giving.Will carry a nice froc act, and, ot course, agood band."


(HDRoa'e Non.—TMf coImimi U for V*pet<lloa, Port, foU, Oornleol. OtroM, WildWut, Amutomtnt JN*r aad Bummtr Rnort Ooaossstonolre*.

Sand in year newt note* for petllcaifam lo «d<lor of "VAeal* and Rtngt," Niw TouCuntM, 47 1^. TtMiity-elpMA Btrt«t, Wsw rork.)

COlfCBSfllOIfAIREB ARB NOW UIQII CL.^I BUaiNBSS UEN AND VfOm^.CoKCESSiONAiHBS.—You mako It poaalble In many instances for the organlicd I'R.'olval

of to-day to live and borro Its being. Uany ot thm could not live ond prosper without tho


Are you Ug enouph to gratfi'thitt Cau you-foro9eo that In order to oontlnuo you wiiat

originate new Ideas, put forth good warea, deal fair vrtth the iKiWIc, cet close to your

public end buUd up your bualncas JUBT as any men-bant or abownun?Be honest wttli yourselves. Be honest wltb tho show or camlni you are wlUi. 1)3

honest with the public.

In the last few years you have established a field of labor for-icood proflt miles la ml-

vance of tho old time so-caUtd /'iWIcA men."

It is up to eadi ot you to moiutain tbe pteseikt etandarda end progicss wltlb Out tlmei.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%^^^^'^^^^^^^^It will soon be time to line up tor the

season. Some are at It already.WiLTCB Wiu,MiN AMD Win are on ao

auto tour through California. .

Sau ItaicH, of the Fair Ajsusement^Com-fiany, la a bustler When it comes to 'doingone distance thinking and future protpect-Ing. Must alve it to blm.

Brbsib IlAaBOB, who had several coocet-alona witli the Qreat Patterson Shows forthe past three aeasoni. will again be withthat carnival with a hoop-la.

LiAWBtNCa (MoxiB) Uanlct, J. U. Sultl-Tsn and Mrs. Sullivan aro operating a phot>gallery In Kansas City and doing very well,conslderlug general coodlOons, Tbey doconslderahle professional work. It Is ibeirIntention not to go on the road this Reason.

Did you get the exclusive you wanted 7

What do you Intend to do with ItTSau mbtbbs ia working in and out of

Chicago this Winter on several lines otmerchandise. He recently made a HU(.'i:.;Hsful

trip to Michigan points. Ho goes bni'li withthe Rutherford Greater Shows when tbe sea-Hon opens In Pittsburgh, Pa.

Pai;l E. I'BBLi. Is one of the claiisy fellowsthat gets out and Bcts wliat-he wants.

Louis Lsn (brotnor ot the late Henry I.,cc,

the actor) will be connected with tbe Al.Lotto concession's wlie'h tho season <ipuns.He Is making his home In Clilrngo, whore heIs In the fur buslncsH for tlio Winter.

Al. Latto'b many Irlends ure worriedatnnt bis general health.

"Fry a hamburger" ran now bo beard oomany Intg. They nro laklug moro pains infrying tbem now than they did In formeryears.

Madam Rrno Is now In Pnola, Kno., wber«she has been for many wevks resllug up fora long season that Is ahead of her. Shu willread tbe lines wltb ono of ^hc Westcru car-nlvnlo again the coming senson.

Daviu Latlin'okkkh, ns.HlHtPd by D. W.iWhItIo) Tate, nmiiRgc'd the coni'i'arilnos atthe bike rnco recently held In (Milcogo.

ViDi.A ^Vaonbk will linvo tlio i-idiislve

Ralmlatry with the I,ouIa J. Ilentb Sbows.he will open the aennun with tbi>m lu I'^st

Rt. Lou.s, III., -In April, when tliey Cadteu wns In Denver Bom'< tlmo

ago taking a rest, after a tour of tbe I'aclflcConst.Who have you got the exclusive doll wheal

with? Are you sure It Is an exclusive?Maubicb ItossuAN Is touring Florida at

prcacDt. He bas been there for sumu weeksrunning some keg stores. He made tlisTampa doings last week. It's salil.

Jakk Davis Is Wintering In I<aredo, Tel.He will, wltb H. B. Dnnvllfe, 'have "Days of'411" nt the Oeorge WsHblngton BlrtndajrCelebration In that city this week.

PAti, Hunter has some very nico storeawltb the Potter-Mansfleld Shows, now tour-ing Texas.

That's a nice new top you have. Juit tbekind you should have.

UuiiD Linn, send your addreHs to the West-ern Bureau of Tub Nkw 'Vodk Clippeb, BOBAshland Block, ChlcagcNill,RuDHN Obdbbbo Is a|UI a merchant In

Montgomery, Ala.Rat TnBNBOLM, the welrbnnwn among the

live ones, Is this winter Rxnloltlng a tabloidmusical comedy, known as l.eona Itemlngtonand her 'Cabaret Girls. A very recent andsuccessful engagement was played In- Omabs,Hay visited bis wife In Kansas City Inst week,where she is running n ronccsslnnalrcH' home.JonNNT BsHOND, It I« to vonr advantage

doubtless to communicate with .lules KnHner.Address blm csrn WoHlern Ihireaii of TioNrw Yobk CLiPPrii, QOS Ashland Block, Chi-cago, III.

A. GAiJTniEB. well and fovoralbly knvwnaoMng the knife rack Mnge, -was n i-lsltor

In Kiansris City durkic Oic niito irtiow. Hois now 'n IliC' KonemI morcluiudlse hUHlness:n >.<(alina, Kan., where he -has been Wlitterlng.You will find blm 'with tho .JarvlH-He<-manShows when the season nprns. .Mtss U.Stevens' Is sUll the treasurer of the Ooutblerbtores.

Ike (Tiump) FniRDSiAN Is smlil to linvooffered a Hubetsuitlnl rjiKh ili-ponlt tn n wellkn<rwn carnival mnimRiT bell board«ould positively b<; on afc lot when tiie sea-son opcn.9.

Kate Wabo Is stlTl in ICiin.Hnn City.Tub Fair Amiisemont <Vnin>nny of New

York will bavo the rEcluslvc'doll wheels wlliiIbc Allmann Bros. Hliows.Many cdco prominent conrntslonailres are

nyw carnival mnnaKors and iiwnnrs.CiiATia AND Ki.MKit Yklaihe Irave lioen nnd

are still openi4lng nn nimisoment iMrlnr InKannaH Cltv, for l1if» Winter. Tliey liift tJio

Milnsourl city TiiPsdA.v, Fob. n, to vl(i|t Ihc'.rluxnc and motlur. In Hpattle, Wn-sh. Theywill rcMirn Kast by the wny of Han Vnn-Cisco sliortly nft'T 'Ibo oiienlnc of the I'nn-ama-Pndflc nxposltkm. In Hint city. Tbdrtrip will ln«t tmu> four oifcflvi- weeks.PERcr Coi.'nr, of HiKit-Uii>-H|xft ifame, has

some rnal nomlty lu- -vi'lll Intmduci! on hisstore the rmntni; nntiion. Ife will spot-Uie-spot In anoQier plnn*. loo.

•CiiAS, K. JfKTr.MH wns n yrccomt businessvisitor In KannnR City. Wilh- there bo rlinedfontrnoli for ivrnf oonro-tlons with .Tnrvls-Hoeman Shows. Ili- n-tiirnwl to 4.'bIi?igo,

ivhi-re ho hivs a i>li'i-, vir/.y homi>.Tun Vrlairk lpo)^^ 'nmiiscincnt pnrliir In

KsTisns City. Is one uf the ncututt franuil up»t»re9 Id this country.

Char. I'.AnniKi.. kint scavm wllh It. fy.

rvirroll's KiKiwM, Is Wlutoring In KansaH (Ity.He looks forwanl to n gvnl seniton. II<> Is

I'f tho oplnlini tliat n-nl Hlorr^ ^^^U gi<t rmlii!Oni-y.

HAidiF.i. Cii.i'HKiN will lie one of tlio bigfellowo this sonHon. Wnnto .wnfrh Iilm.

Harrt (J. MeLLiii.r.i; has lots of "NewToy" callers at bis olDcc lo Cblcogo, Car-

nival managort are begianlog to notloo bisnew olTer.

A. Pbtcbson AND U. O. Smith.—Theymiss you at tbe La Grand Hotel, IfanaasCity. How are the aheots from lowsT

D. M. Atwood.—We bear you will b.ive

some' cnncrsglnna of tho bljrtaer order withthe A. B. Miller Shows, \vbat 'bout It 1

LoRi a portion of your anatomy If It will

save your life. But don't lose your liead la

an effort to save your lite. Get behind thatstore and stay there.

Ai.CKRT llBATii makes his Winter homo la

Racine, Wla We bear lie will have somoreal stores with the Oavia Aiausomeot Coni-

i«ny. Yoq .tell. He makes frequest trips to

Chicago.Jnii.<< C7~Auolia bas a oico Winter hone

In Kansas City. Ho goes to Pania, Kan.,

very often of late. 'Ho will have somo of thovery newest and best stores out wltb thatcarnival wben tho time comes. Ho maybave a Uiow, too. „

T. J. Cannon announres that tho GreatWestern Toy Compnuy will bocomo a reality

after aU.Ai.L the concessionaires rend Tiiu Nkw

VnuK Clippbb and patnmliQ its- advurtlaInKcolumns. Placo your orders now fu.' tli>i

Special Outdoor. Amusement .Numlter, to bii

It sued 'M'drch -"27. Many of the big out* nru

already In. Get with them.Mbh. Rohrman nnd the Itossman kids nro

a<t tbelr homo In Kansaa City, whllo father

la traveling through Florida.Mns. FuLfcE UERNAnui left Knnsn* City

some time ago for ber Boston home, stoppingon the way at St I/Oiils, Chicago and NowYork. Mrs. Ilcrnnrdl, it la Mnld. 'wlll have nnumber of stores with the A. II. Sillier S.iowa.

Who Ih your concession manager '(

Wm. Mai: Is miniiger of coiwiwlons wlt3i

the Itoberts United. Shows, now touring

GeorRln.H. r. (Candy) Weiht ano I/BW Wkimiino-

TON httVf ilUsolved ,]minnershll>, ncconlhiK I'O

Ibo former gcnlleinan.

M. B. I'liKHHKV. of tho I'nwi^ Mnis., Is

row verr bnny w4tll this comliHt ncnsoirs cm-trncts. of wJiJch ho lias many to look after.

It Is a i)0))iilnr gntno tliey liavi-.


<'All tb(inKi-Ive!« the "Ihunanltonu KIngH."No one sc.-nas to dispute thi-m, so gucKS It Is

all rlirht. Th*-/ hnripcned bo Ihi In Wunipc,

near Iterlln, wtii-n ihn war broke outH, II. DoiiBMiiH modestly proclolms hlmsplf

tho king of WfM>lnK sonio men. ' Wli«,t uoyou my, ninrlcM lllc.kell and oth<Ts7

Iziif Firehidbs, Ii* the boys heor from

'"s'oMBONH Ihis suggested Oiat tUIow ngbts

on Miilwi.vs be Introduced In puicii of con-

fetti baittles. I/Uoka good from boro. nit emout for two bits. Try It somo town, and let

OS kBOW how it goes.

Sbnd Tub Naw York Ci.irrisB your right

addrcn. Thanks. Wihcro will you bo wltu

your store i. . , > r>

I-'Bi.Eca Uebnabiii wants to knaw A. F.

O.s right mimo end nd/lress.«•'. I,. Mot.'LANAiiAN. ono of I'sul Htmter's

agnnts, miikcs bis Winter bonie in Ilallns,

'rex..Mrh. Caubib WAONRn Is known a,t all tho

|pa4llng Htato felrs and erhlUtlonH as Ibo.

popfiime lady. Do you know h(!r7 She nlway*locmtes In all tbo big exposition halls at carbspot,

AiiTltUli Fuw.BB.—iLot us hear from vou.

No coNCBNHiONH of sDy kilud weri> alloweaInsldo tlie Convention Hall, Kansna <.1ty,

during tho auto show.How do these sound for wheels? Bcbapps,

washboards and borso sho» soan, pitch forns.

buggy whips, plow and axo iHUidles? Womay expect just ns mOeh from somo of tJiriu

after vnist wns pulled In St. I-ouls last Fall.

Hot Pottem left Kansas City for (.liU'Sijo

last weok. Ilo rails himselt tbe "CoScyrlilnKIdli-t." ^Mautka Pottbr did not go to Han T>lei|'>.

Slie Hinyfd In Chicago.Walter Wii.luan is good on pillow top

wheel] us woll as phMo gallerlcH.

MiiN. Walter Stanlmy will manage thopliolo nottrard gallery with tho Con T. Kfn.Lcdy HlinWH tho comln.t Heason.

IIow about tbo percolators'? Will ther gothis Hi'nsim ? lliey wi'iit In some places lost

season, not In all./>f lliem.CiiABLiH I.iAiiUENCB-—Who oro you wllh

now?"8asii;bi, Gluskin."—^Tho all alono von'es-


Vioi.A Waonek left Kan>«as City last weekto vliiU her homo In Rnnsns.Am, tlio' manufacturing nnd opernling rnn-

ceHHlunalriis will lie roiiresTnleil In the ilpeclal

Outdoor- Amusement Number of Tlie NmwYoiiK Cmitkr, to bo Isiiiied on March '11.

.Mniiy novrltli'H will tw ofTiired in Us ndvcr-tlHlng columns I'lavo yon order now foreilrii copies and adverllslng. Play the ine'brttt het of tlio year. Ilemembor Tub Clip-I'EH iloi« not dlitnpi>olAt nt nny time.

'FiiAS'K Gauvkr uiuy wild eat a(aln thlicenoii.

J. II. MiM.H.—Are you still In Chicago?J. I). HWEKNBr AN'> h\.\.v.s. Who

wjTp lust Koniion wlMi llie r'lIflon-Kcllv

<<hows, kindly lot the writer know where youwill Ii^ikI at op.'-nln3.

(Icou'iH Harmon knows how In ninkeplenty of maruiiin out of concessions, Ilvwill n4Cnln go with the Con 'I'. KcriivdyNliows ns rlili'f of Mi^lI di'iHirtinmt.

lloii 'r,tTl,4>R Is on''' of tho coiiilns bis

lows In lb«T*gaine. Ho wns with tlie H. W.Ilnin'InKn Cnn;lval Is it scaiion. tml ho willlie (liiTir ax.iln tbiw season, with maoy ojoroun'l liner slorei,.

(?oNrrHHioNAiuKH. plesso. Dote. If yo<i

want to And a friend, itet or ovrliango anIdes, or do anything that will advance thoInteresta of- the r'nnresslunalre, you arc In-

Tlted to use this column—yours tnly andrtally for you, "Uosh Uarolt."John C, Auoiib claims to have dU-.-ortred

«,real novelty tor wheels. Wo do wonderwtial It Is, If It le a winnor you will bear•bout It. Lbvinb has at last landed amongIbc big ones. He deaerrce his success. Heshould find tbe J. George Lobs Showi a veryproftlabic place lo be tor season IDIB. ,

Will not live poodle dogs for wh>>,^s7Ain't It great? Same as gold lUih, only Iheygot four legs.

Wki. (Siiurtt) KuixNiiBtMRB, for manyyears In tho Kastcrn parks, is lo bullsa,Tex., where ho has been for some time' takinga conHncrclal course In local business collrgo.

He cipects to be among tho bustling pto-srsnunera at ibo Panama-I'aclllc KiposlMonsome time later in tbo aeaion. IJoys in

UoatOD,,you know tiborty.Carl and Mrs. Nblson, let us know what

you did after tbo Dig Four Amusement Com-paoT closed last Fall. Hear you bad wmsswell ccocesslons with thrJD.

O. J. BaowN Jumped from Burllniton, la.,

to CliUago. to Biiend the Winter. Ho will

b(i ono of Fclece Ilernardl's agents this sea-

aon with the World at Homo Carnival.

Hauuy IIowabi) is still In Kansas City,

Tim writer saw a new ball game at tho

Texas State Fair laat Fall, It was railed

tho 'Mlooftr (loofty Hens." The woodenbeni won lined up as like In a beu house,

aud oviry tlmo tho thr0'^ver knocked ono off

tbe rooat nc was given n hnril boiled pig.

Ii would go great with a good IIto coninllaa

behind tho store. Did you over hear of it

before? Where, now?'

ilKiiitUB Hiivmamoyia tlilnks notMog or

having a nfty foot JapnnvKO rolling *'all

Btoro. Ho 1;«<1 ono at tbo 'IV-ias H'oOton I'al-

iH-o last FlMl. Some of Ms ngents were Y,

Jaiiboo, M. Mntsuo nnd Kin IlMhiJakl,

<TiiB Japanese Mn and do frojno up someswell stores. You do .likewise.

lliLi.T llAHRRmiK, make 'MJtwaiikco a goodspot for tho Wlrter—sometimes.

Jack Csonin.—When are you going lo

start from (ihllllcotho, OhJo? *Mm? Tliat la

bis home town.Fblicb HRRNARni will mako Chlcairo his

home now, for aiwhlle.

('iiRTiH Ircijino.—Wo waDt to hear fromroil. YoH, too, Mrs. Ireland.

IlERT itdss lives dn HaM St. Ix>uls, III.

mmiB FiNB, irtM -waa asaodatod with the

Delmar Hardona, St. Uuls. last lenson Is

roportod to have tho boars end Caitdy wheel

v'^Si the C. A. Worthsm .Shows, tbIs season.

Why do so many auoresstuil ooncesslonalros

aspire to 4m show and carnival toansaers,

when all that they know about the laialness

Is from obaonratton? It Is not belter to bo aki-cresahil ooiKesrtona4ro than a failure as

a carnival manager? Vorr tow nmke goort.

Although 'nennlo Krauso illd, and (Hd great,

too. Well, lot's givo thorn all a cbanco If

they want ft. _II. 0. MFil.l,Yit.tB, ot tho Now Tot Man'i-

fnrtiiivlDg (>»., announces that tlhls Arm has

moved their factory frnrm West TwentleHiMtrn't, Niw York, to Newark, N. J.,-*herii It

In occupyliifi an entire liirikling of some nrty

thousand aipiaro feet of floor si>nce. "Tli.' of.

llrcH nro to remain at the old Kmv York ad-

(Iri-.n for tile itresmtt, nt li'n»t. Ho snjs tlm

rioilucts that nave made lUs flrm famous will

lio.kept up to n very lilgli.wandnrd, I" tart

It 'Is erpocted thSt the itomis turned out will

ii'.ark a pntT that will lie hard for others to

follow. ISmtlvely p.-rfeet rn^Iix*' '« <'> »

Kii-nt way 'thflr iiMdto. 'nii'jf will, we knirw,

have somo dlstln-Mlve noypiMi'S to offer

i:ir..imli the (lOvertlsIng wKmim vt Iwt NewYork Cmpi'M. nt a vft?y early ilnlo.

IltPOll J. NoRMli.ic (liii'H Mill hcdlute lo '.iv

that he Is tin" fastest i-nmly innher in nil

llm world. Ho can nnd iloen make goml

Honils, and ho sells It loo.

CiiAH. PuEHsnr.—Whit 'lo yon Intend lo

do I lie coming sea*Mi? Mow wns Florlilii

this Winter? Or were yon In Texas?H\Mi!Ei, Oi.liHKiN dill put over nn awful

lot of dulls at the Ar-Hiir Hfii last Fnll. nndS'lme cniiily. Ion. The esjidy wns s.i Kmicl

thnt a fellow tried nli-nl n lot "f It nbumwllh HOinii nllier vnhinlile (•ohri'silon itooiIm.

Chnrley l,nwri'tiri> wan tli.'re, no wns Hninniy

IliiriiH (of llio vniidevllle li'nin of lliiriin nndFullon.) Ilu sn-iiied lo enjny his wiek's Iny

off from thn Orpli-iiin (I'rciilt, denllnsr out

tho dolls for the Fiilr Ainiiiionii'nt Cimiiiviy.

'I'lic candy went woll theri'. "ni" pen-nl.nlor't

n>rt HO' good, but tbo dolls were a pertei t


RamMT IIiirnn may have sorae romesslmthis si-asvui wllh one of the roni iilg onw.

I.BT'H hear from Cliarlny Lawrrnei', IMvay^ndcrson, t'hss. M. -PrwHey, Frank Ofllo,

Mrs. I.aiira Harris (Iraee Walton, Itny Ilrui'o,

John Taylor and (.iirley King.At tub Texas Ht.itb Fa in some fellow

tried to put over somo of llist Hi-pli'mher

Mom rot, Hern Is whnt onn iMlInn pu|i<'r

said obout It and Ur. Asderson. tbo con-

cession manager ;" 'Ht<plember .Mora' lu a

plrture gallery may bo art; hut when slie Is

aom on the coat lapel ot a fnlr visitor alio

\i decidedly something else. At least Hint Is

Ihc dcelslim uf J. \V. Anderson, superln-loidiTt ot roncenslon I nt tho fair, wli.>

slopped the sale of siiggi-sllve iilctnr^ andrrluled hac bands. One ot the uiitlons bunhe figure of a woman and a innn. Printed

lilacards for 'plimlng on i-mt lapola, lmti<

and muffs weru nlnu banned."WliT does the law Imvn lo force Kom>< cnn-

ccislonalrcs to bo dooeiit? Ilu that fur yourown good.

LArn LnvnNB (n sclioiilninto one lime of0. A. Wortliam, tl Mttio lllnnt" of rnr-nlvaldnm) makm his lionnr In linllnH, Ti-i.,

where he expects to remain ri'gardliiw uf nil

Hie good offers ho golN to go on tint rond,Itn Is worth n lot nf money. Ilenl ii,oney.

Pacli year flmlH liiro at the 'I'exss Htniu Fairwith the exeliiHlvh liainliiirKor nini'i-Hxl ui.

111! NOT forget tho big number, our .Mnreli''.7. A dandy number for nil Wlio are In anywny IdentlflrA with the conreHslun hii^lni'H'i,

clllier as makers or dlslrHiutors.I.KANKiiH and lianger-onn do not coiini. Tlid

rings UMiHl go over the object comiili'li'iy.

Pai.miht.—Why not gel a Tcmiile of f'lilm-

Islry on a wogon? t^iiii you nee tlie Id'?ii7 It

rould bii 'made some hw,-1I store. Vou knoyIt. Ho It.

t;, I>; HKAni.B.—Who do you go with? Mow.Is Han Antonio this Winter for the Htoreii'r

IlKAnii In a cook tent: "Hit 'em down nnlwait On them." You linrn heard It. iim.


I'lves ns "the real ni/velty Iiousn of the I'li-

c'lnc Cnrnt." Tlielr hendriuartera arii In thoexposition town of Hnn Frnii. 'Hie cntnlnguoIssued by them cuntnliis iiinny novHtlrs uf

Interest and mho lo couceHiilonnlri'S, TheytvlMli lo aiiniiuiieii lliriiiiuh the ciiliiiiins of

'I'llH Nbw York Ci.irr>:ii Mint tlxiy linvo n bUsurprise In slorn for lliii hoys when they(OHIO to Hnn l''nin. I»ii1h First snys: "Htop,look Hiiil listen; ii» fooling." A. 11. Ilendhirlinn returned to 'FrlMci) from a reeimt busl-iii'Ns trio to I/OH Angeles, Han I>U'(;-> nudVenice, (.'al.

A. H, llRNiii.KU announces that they havolots of ofllcu rtmm nnd sKutluiKTy on hand,nt all times, for the lioys, at their uftico In

'l-'rlsijo, and that iniinngirrs oMi-iits siid con-( are always welcusm^ at tbe real

i.ovClty Iioiiso of the ItiAJIIe (.'oast. 'Wieyl-nvo a sort of nuinlier two Amen corner Intheir offlee, wboro the Toileting timiiorary('mst det'indcrs may \», found at most anvtlmo (ncMi'dinff to Uiwls Klrstl : OHcnr (!,

Niilili'. Os^TSr WalkiT, II. II. 'Himlam. O. A.liny, W; J. Mot7,ner, <v»l. W. I). Wostlnko,Sam ('. Ilallor, J. M. Ilatlin.uiiy, (Irorge I),

I'.ennett, G. A. r>>linn. H. W. f;ninplK.-ll. MnxFrench, A. V.. llniincher, WJnglo I<ee, .Marllnlloss, OeoPtto I<oiwery, Frniilt 1)artd andJohnny Helton.

Is TUB "l>ay« of 'W a »h(«w or conces-sion? .Answer, nil of you conccairlonalres.'Fblbcb ItRnNAUiii recently returned to

nitcago from a most sirccessfnl trip to Uior.?nn4llan Northnvest, In ttio lotcrest of his





OF REPERTOIREFourth 8uc«eB8fnl Beuon beadlDg Ckoada's LeadlDK Stock Cnmpsnj.

PBBnV'B PEBRLiBSS PLAVKRS, Uccond moiilh, Dcavcr Thculre, Toronto.^

Iii«ii7 conci'Ulon cntcrpnlsct. WbeD be ymeia Hti^at, Uaokatcbuirao, oa Jan. '26, It vaavtr7 pollitul} twciutiy-BJne dcRTCcfl bpUiw t«ro.

lie "wrltCii tbnt that place la a &ae town to

iiut a « on.

UoBiiR Taxirr, tbc former Bostern con-ccalonalrc and ecncntl (unusnnicot man, la

now -trcttaiircr of tiic Lcvttt'QIcycrlioS Bbowsaod Attractlonfi.

Bob Cook, you wrMc.Lloyd Niivada anu IIbinii Wolf, iroU

knowQ In Tviuh aa JiuBtllnK oonceoilonalroa,tried a raudnrlllc tour In TpxaH Hir\j In thoV/'Intcr. 'I'lii! cnmliiff HnaflMi n^ll flml thembusy at tbclr Cold stntidbja.

Job (Ulacktg) MiLi.nn tried Orcnt FViIIr,

Mont, for a wlilIc as n Winter rcaoit. Ilola iboroufflilT convinced that It lb n real re-

»orl for winter, all rlRht. Jlnple, JInele.little bcllA. Snuw balls innkc tho Winter,ni<)l, you know. It will boou be over, boya.

JAMRH T, IlAnOBUTY.—U<t Rome of Uio(tore kecpiru kuow wber<! you are.

Hamudi, (li.imKiM waa a apoclal cbnpcrnnfor D. J. O'lMcJi on :iIb recent vinit to NewYorl;, froni .bin bonic and placi- ot bualnem,Omnna. Ir roUik to aprUic a igrprlso!n tlio cnn<l,v wlirpl line, and •»<• know It. llt>

\VTlte.s IhnI lie- Im iiuI nmiin'ti'il In any wnyivltli tlic rair Aniiisi-iiipnt Compony, bovlngapvored IiIh ('(>iini<ctloii nt I he cIoro of thelant bURlnem yiMr. Wntch for Hnmiiet Qh'x-kin'g nnmiDuenieiit Hh>rlly In the ailTprt's-

Inc foliiranH of Thk New Vouk clii'veii.

for dispoiilnir of a w9iol.} lot of bears at (heOnirtro Btrei<t (.'arnlval. Id 'Krlaeo, last Fall.

What? 'Pwenty-scvcn ittosr? Tte carnlTalonly ran four days. Mow mi^ny did youreally put out via the wheel route?

Watch how 'Pni: Nrw TonK Ci.irrER han-.<II('B tbc'tvueosalonalres' ni-nu and advertls-

Onb of tbc funnleRt things In too world Is

• (bore vltfaout taj cnateoMira. Ain't it

<unny. To some It may 1>c. Yes. Not when It

'follorwa a bloomer.

Thy your aklll, Traotlcc nukes perfect.

You never lose. Don't overlook tic thrte-

6hcct smile.

Gosii Dahmit ia going to make anotiher

effort. Yon can lielp Alm,*Do you think youwill lUo lilH dof>c7 Jt« ebarlbaJOe. he anyemount bo aomethlng If i^ven a chance. Wedon't tblnl: ho, but (/"*(> narnit, ho luay, nt

that We will aco whait he does nert week.It may be better. When urititiv, addressUonh Oaniit, care N»;w Yobk CurrEn, 47T\'est Tweuty-olKlith Street, New York,

* »

ORB.\T CAST."TIio niup KRvrhnx*." nil onjrlinl tbr<«.sct foTCC,

liy Kmnk Hatch •ml llnlx-rt lloinans. Is In re-

lu'Crhol Igr Itlcharil ),.mjUrt. uniliT tbc ilnzp (II-

reel Ion of KVonk Ilalca. The compiny liicliiile:<:

VIrKlhIa I'enritoii. I."urrlc IleyiwIjH. Ululre Doyle,Unry l-'rrgiiion, nelle Tlimilore, W. J. Korsuiioii,

(ixntie IliiH'iiril. Wllllniii Ikv'il. Ilarucv Vinton,N<rnuju uud 'Wllllaui Lrglberlio^Ml.


Al Ilfeveii Show .'Irvln;,' Kuale. niffr ^—3tjr, at.

I'lul, Otleiy, Mllwaukrr, ilaivta l-U-.

APi<rlcan N'Sutlea (l-ou KiiSteln. niwr. )—Oalely,

hiuujs Clly, 'fi-'il, tiolely, UinaLn, .March 1-0.

Dehniun bUuw (Jai-k Singer, mdr.)— I'uloce, Bol-

llmoi\-. '22-27, Oalely, Wtsbliigton. March 1-0.-

Bon Tonii (Kmnk MeA)«T, mBT.)--l-:m|ilr«, bew-nrk. 22-27, flalely I'l'tnliui^h, Murch 1-0.

-BlfT Jubllei' {Mniirlc« Jii<»bs. mxT.)—Columhln,.

New York 2'2.27, Orpheiim, ratcrsou, Marchl-6.

Bai Welch'M Own Co. (Harry Shnplm, nwr.)

Ctdliio. Ilkln., 22-27, flurtlg tt Beamon'B, N.

Y., .Match l-U.

Beruly rnrndo IKH. Ecbaefer, mgr.)—.Itar &(JnrliT, CUIcr.go, 2:-27, Eoclewoo.l, Chlcnso,

Uorcb l-O,

Vovnry I)urle»<icer» (Dob Ooli»n. mgi.)—I.ny cB22.27, Ci.alno, Ukln., March 1-0.

Dllly Wntaun's Bit Show lUllly WalsoD, aij.-.l—

Imperial, Ht, Louis, 22-27, tialcty, Kansas Cil.T,

March 1-0.

Carnatlor CcanlleA '(Bam nolilaaon, nwr.)— Ilnrl-


frrd t Albany 22-27, Uroni, New York,Murch l-G.

Collepo Olrls (Max Rplcf'l. niRT.)—8tar, Cleve-land, 22-27, Olympic; ancluDitl, .March 1-C.

OrfamlaiMl nnrlewincni (Dob Trafers. mgr.)—CatlDo, BoatoD, 22-27, Cblmbla, New York,JUarcb 1-U.

Date Morion's Own (Jar (ItnAt, mgr.)—Empire,ToMo. 22-27, aneaco Iforch 1-0.

FolllcB of thv Day (Jack McNaraam. nwr.)

Ilurlla i BnmoD's, New York, 23-27, Casino,rUtaJflpbla, Uarcli l-B.

French Mnlels (IMck Zelal«r, mgr.)—Qalcty,Waablnctcn, 22-27.

OolOfii Ciooks (JaBwR 0. r«1lan. mar.)—Gaiety,MUwaulw«, 22-27, Oblcago March 1 11.

OalttT Olrls (Jacobs tt Jrmon, ngrs.)—Droni,New York, 22-27, lay off Alarch 1-0, Newark8-13.

OInier Olrla (R.. W. Oblpmsn, ini;r.)—Trenton3S.24. KniplR. Newark, Marcb 1-0.

airla of the Day White Way (Kraiik I.Mngaton,DfT,)—Timton 4-0,

Glob* lYottns (Waah Martin, mRT.)—Oalety,UlDneapollt, 22.27, Star, Bt. Paul. March |.0.

Gypsy Ma'cln (Wro. V. Jenalnga, mgr.)—Gaiety,IVxonto, '22-27. Onletj. Boffalo, .March 1-0.

Olrls at Ihe Moulin Roruae (Iliirtla tc Seamon,mjtrs.)—I.ay off 22.27, Bmplte, Hoboken, March1-0.

Okj Now Vorken (Jake Goldberg, mgr.)—Layoir 22 27, 'Mlnnea(K)llH March Ml.

OItIb froni Ilanpyland (Geo. H. Harris, mgr.)—Driagrrort 22-24,' BprlnttOelil 23-27, WejUnlD-ster, I'ruvldence, .March I.Q.

Happy Wl'Juwa (KenntMy A Herk, rogrs.)—Hyra-cose and IJtIca 22-27. Galely^MontTeal.-Msrch 10

ITonermoon Girls—Hiaivire, nobokea, 22-27, Em-pire, DklM.. March 1-n.

llniiMnga' Jil« Show (Ilnrry Usstlngs, mgr. >

Rmplre. Ilkln., 22-27, lay off 'Morch I-O, I'rarl-

clenec S-i:|.

I.IIXTly Gills (Alei. D. C<omiaD, mgr.)—Oalely,

Jllwllcf M:ikors (F. W. "Oebardy, mgr.)—Tnuple,

l%rl Wnyuc, Iml., 22-27, Ilnimarktt, Cdlcago,

M«l!r'oa'-le GlfU (T KuUlvaB. ratM-Crlii-

Till.... iio'"'"'"'

Or"n"uli*illllly Wal»ir.. mgr. > - Grjcd, Bostou,

22-27, .^lllncbesl«^. N. II., i.arch l--.--

rasslog ncview of i914 (Joe Uvltr, mgr.)—OaJlI-

lac, Detroit, 22-27.. ,

Bcplembcr Morulng Glories—Academy, Jeraey Oty,

i2-27, I'etlh Amboy, N. J„ March 1-J.

Tan«o (Mrls (Chas. K. Taylor, oigi.)—Bl-rlnstleld

22.24, Ilolyoke Mntcl. 1-U.

Tango Qoeena (B. E. Daly, msr.)—Oslely, Billl-

morc, 22 27, Phlla. March 1-0.

Tcmplcrs (Cos Kahn, mgr.)—Sandanl, St. Louis,

22-27. Oenlnry, Kansas City, March .1-0.

Taxi Olrls (Jack Levy, mgr.)—One lue'it atao'is

22-27, Oolely, Jioltlmore. (March 1-0.

Tran«-AtlanU<» (Otos. Donohue. mgr.)—Oalely,Bkln., 22-27, N<w Uaven iBrldseport StiKU 1-0.-

Uncle Sam'a Belles—Gaye'v. rhila., 22-27.

Killah's .Show (JoCin Bckhardt, BBI.)—3tor,

Bkln., 22.27, Trocadero, I'hlla., Mateb I-O.


Beaver Falls, ra.—iMonday.MoKeesport, Pa.—^Tuesdaj.

Greensburg, I'a.—Wednewlay.Mlshl«r, Attoona, Pa.—Thursday,firpiieum, York. Pa.—Friday.Academy. Deadlng, Pa.—ear^




FEATURES FOR THE BRONX.May 0'U«<hUo.wa» a apeeUl featare at Miner'.

Ib the Bionx,. loat wert. glvlos her eihlbliloM ,Jgiving Iran Ibc crldkon lalo « tank on ihc k-^...On Tbursday. she was booked to dive oil iik.

Of the Willis Avenue Bridge Into the llJrh-ia

Abd JJnaa, the vcr; well-known trlerd of lbs

burltaai'trs, 1a one ot the best booatera Tus Cut-rsB has. lie bat one always displayed Id bis

astrbllsbnxnt, 711 Seventh Avenue, and be Is

alwiiyt glad to show bl.f favorlto paper to b'.t

friends. Abe was an actor oneo—Just once—and

that wak only (or a night.

Daist Lb nor Is still rebarttlng. She W well

knora to burleaqoo performers, and manr will .bo

flad to hear that she la atlll hale and beany.Iliuav Itouiua, the hustling song b<«ater of

It«mlck'B, boasts that be hat a better acquaintancewith r<ople In the bnrleHi^ue broncb Iban almostauyUHly. IIitt)' Is'ono of the llvellett boys thnt

we know, aj»l he sure bos the f^L.-nce of gettingarcuud and eeelnj; people down pat, .>


Li Bi..kNC ANi. I,oauii>KSj tbe f'jrmer memliersof tlio Ginger Olrls 0>., are mot« thon mak-ing good Id va.Klevllle. T^er h.ive a stupendousdoDcTng spectacle, and they nnve not l»en laving

off a wees since Uiylr advent, The t(-am. a) I

have said l>e(ore In a review. Is one team that

the manogi'mcnt of thy Ptlace overloik^d. new--ever. It Is tKver too laic.

Don CiJkSK. witli the STptc-nber MorningGIorl<-s, has been au louucnse succe?ii during their

trill In the West. VrATBT 'rEiciiUAH fccIs verr sllctated that Tiia

Cr.iri'fio has not iiotlred her for a few weel::i.

Kiioui,'h to flay that viie Is well and hc;illhv andallll prettr. Miss (Mien also wish.** to be re-

Ulver.This wei'k Is saftragctte week, and in conliin/

tlon with the Gaiety Olrls, n number of iirciii'ii . ,1wonen's riciits advocates give Ave minute Kl)^^^^„~•l"he event has bwn i>nij)erly advertised by (;«,r»Miner, nad the yeflow ststaes are In evlik'nteiTOfwhm, this being the Oral occasion on iviiiph-111* Wumen's Saffrage party has taken adrnuioreof aoy burlesctoe bouse to propagate their raoit-n«nt,

ADE lUIRRS UBTS VICTORIA CAppThe cafe In the Hotel Victoria, the Ih.iiic ,i

many theatrical (oikj, was taken over, t'l-li ."o

by .\be .MIers, from tbe Utile jiloee nroumi ihecomer, where biirles<|uers were wont to cnoEte-t:ate Wli>ter end .Sunimpr, nnd bis prearnrf intlie new ani pleasant aunoucdUifn will ini'.miii.cdly draw Ills many patrons to his new placeThe New Victoria Cafe is nice and haiilv "umi

the new Abe's Kliouhl be a lively place fioin 'nmrun. Abe plans to have some feature iii-IhhKuch as "knackwural" parties, goulash fi-siiv iis'

iirogresslTe iwnnuckle contesK, niid cone t'la'Ks'The Vlclorla tcstuuront will be a (.onvcili-utselgbbor-

90L MYERS' STOCK.Sol Mvera haa comvleted arrangements, to pro-

<tnce burlCiiaoe stock tt Billy Watson's OriiheiimIhcativ, Palerson, N. J., starting about the uiIiIiPfof May. A large company of burlesque stars, anda chorus of twenty-four girls will complete ca^iwith an enilte new prodnetlon each week, l^ijsfaMk will Ixi ran on an elaborate tealc, same aswill be presented at the Colnmblts, New York and


Chicago. Mr. iMyers was lo pnt on stock at Mil-waukee, bat continues East with Watson's Uur-kaquera. «

OAY MEW YORICERS SCORE.Kansas Oitt, tin., Feb, 11.—Mollle Wlllltma,

?laying a apeclal eoatgonicnt with .tbe Qa; Neworkeis, atored big In collahoratlon with Ike Mur-

rlDMrr twisters and the "show" llaelf, Hpreltlmention le due Alma Fleming, the aoubrtlte. f<,r

ber ptppuy good work, and Jack Uanley for Ills


BlAKRER week at H. « 8.The Sa:lnl Mslds nut da a big return date at

Ilurtig & Seamop'a, New York, last week, to turn-away biuloets. (Veorge Stone was obligetl to makea speech iit nearly every performance. A bigbanner anuooncing tflie attraction was stretcbtdacross One Unndrcd and Twenty-flftb Street.

CLOSES ONE NIGHTBR.nUly WatMO cloced bis one night stand Minn-,

although buslnces was good, on account of Iinv'nr*

tno niaor otitp nights each week, lie finds

the locol in:iiis;ers on one are all iilnylinpictures, anil won't l>ook, conscquentiv the nil-roaillLK Is heavy—bcslilea Lent and 1mis..|oII.

Why worry?

WII.I. PIxAY. SUMMER STOCK,GeoiBC l»tone nnd Ella Plilnrd will piny the Co-

hunbii. Chicngt.. during the Summer munlba.Tiiey arc- great favorites bi tbe Windy Olty.

The All-America Hit galvix and vincent's The Song of Songs

Made in America



Made for America American Lyrics American Music

1431 B'way, New York



V (Cor. 40th Street) man ^om liome;....... &o ^ti a /an-Kat LaeJ Iwl^e dear oTd,...^. Dad,


IKILA IC. Taintlu U coiuliig out ng:tln this((Dsun with her own pillow iup wheel, uiul'probiil)ly mo or more coii.-cssliiiid. She prom-ises s^vell (muiivuiis. Klie 1i:is bvcu \vurl(liiRliHU>I>endMU tliites uud fairs for the pastfew HuUHonH, l.ut tills simi-'Wii she tblium BhnA>\\ \ry Hie uuniu with suutc uiiu of Uic bigenmlvnis.

l)o voii know wbat couccsslon "uuulngs"arc?

Si.iM Ai.iiirtdliT Ib HupiK.sea to still. b« InTeittB. Well, where Im lieV

' Kit. Ly.ncii, let US kudw lio\V (ho (uta onthe rnckii are.

KiiKii Fink, yon tell n» bow the twertvJiilnnio hotel Is. That iileo llltla rook tent.CovNT U. IlAi.DAHAiuH eau Still mako money

witli n hUih^Hiik gollery.MiNiH Wihnva.i,, bow Is the Wild West

Htore? lie hau n nieu poultry farm nriirOklubonia Clly, wo bear.

1, (ICNiii.isit) MioiiAii,, why are you n.silent? wniere will vuu «pol-lliu-spot wlieuthey arc all on the lot?

WiiKiiK Is tbe orlglinil /lira? Dcii llorn-

sleln, how uro yon? (IuIiih to have u pbotupiwleiinl Knllery wluni It tipens?

(?uNCKHiiii.NAiiiKs of I lie I'uiiily wheel va-riety,—Don't some (if the loenl candy innnu-faetiirerB buve good eniidy sonietliuesV Yes,lunybo, but they tun'l put It up like n uuinwild iiiiike.s a spi'cliilly nf the I'andjr Hint Is

neeileil und wuiilisl fur cundy wheids. Vounre rlgl.l. '.(!o iilii-ild.

I.lio l''un;iiMAN.— -lliiw do you like the placeyou me In ni.wV Ih'I hi Know.

b'liANK rnK>'Ai.ii:ii.—U-t UH hiHiw «!".«! tbenew hiAip-la IiuIh, lundo <iiil of alluniliiiiin.

Tlii> Itniiroveil kind, ^v uie:<ii. Chevalier Is

known to niiiiiy as the "slunk kliiK," n lllle

he Required some seusoiis ago when HieKriiuso Show plnyeil Key Wesl. l-'In.

I>, M. Atwo<h. knows all iiboiil rniin!iig aTtise or elilnn wheel. Y.'ii himw he ilnes

"(It.Hii Damn IT." lot us liear fmm nil ih'<

ennerHsb.n folks In the >;iiine. This Is l.i beyour eoliiiuii rTehislvelv,

/,. I). K.vMf writes iliat nil the boys on thePnellle CiMist, froui Viiiieouver to Uia Aii-

P'les, r\re doing Hie best ibey eun. IJnndfor Ihoia;y ani. KiMiv'.i.i, nru given vrodli

HART AND IIENTIIAM PENALIZBD.F. Albee, A. P. Kolth, Martin Deck and

J. J. Murdock,. silting as n court upon the caseof M, H. Benthnm nnd Max JTart, frr Ibeir recenteeeiiunler. liniHiwd u|ion each n One of IBOO, thori.>ii|HvtlYO amount to be api.lled to buy each cul-i rlt u life iiicmbershli. in the Actors' Fund.

'Hie eliecka were forwarded to Mr. Frobman,Tills nellou was l.koji In onior to warn tgainet4iiiy sliulliir eiinHuiiors.


cahiiso sails.Knrico Oarimo alli>ri fur .Moiiie Osrlo, on Feb.

20, utier an :ineolhiu leave taking from bla frieads.On tlie Kniiir HSmrnir snihil Sliiio. Punllno FirnebOlid K. M. I.f Prisipiiilo. who will engngc prllicl-pala for a nuvaiia npeni n^aion.

ATTRACTIONS AND CONCB8BIONS forllnnici'onilng, July 24 and Vi. Wrilo GEO, II.

acilMIUT, Secy, llomccoiiilng, Krwaskutn, Wis,


Attention Carnival Managers


Ia your ('ompany cqatpned Withuf I hosu n'ui'ld Faaaoaa


If so, you are rcrliiiintc. If not, get Into com munieniloii with me nt oneo, ns I buve several of thesebo-i of all colli imrvesters to place with rrilnbloI'oiiiiwules on favoralilo lemis.C. W. PAHKUU, L.««T»Bworth, Kan.

DUVAL PLAYERSA clever, youiia l,rndliig Mnn of good alr.e


Hond Hlr.e; a Heavy Man for (Ivncral, young, Bo<.rt alio and'»n»nce; also ivnidc In All l.Uies tor reriiiimoni Sloek. One bill weukl.v, A good Director for

Must luwo yuur Into |iliolos, prugramuiua and1largo mail preferred, slock e.\perlem-c

ptHl o.Tpcrlcuee; long euKiigeiiient. AddressKltNHST i,ATIM(iKi; Mgr. DUVAI. rUAYKnS, Duval Theatre, JackaonvUla, Ma,

^ WAIVTKD—BCKIVIC ARTISTTHE TED DALLEY STOCK CO.Playamallblta. if nipiircd. Twobllla aweek. Now In our acth week tn Muskegon. Vovorolose. Oladto hoar ftoiu good block people, TBU UALiUB V, Binprett TtaeBtre, Almkogoti, Mich.

Duffolo, 22-27, Syracuse tad Utlca March 1-6.

I,ove Makers (W. M. 1,c>^lle, mgr. )—Casino,Phila.. 22-27, Palace, Uallluian>,< Msrob 1-0,

Ulllon Dollar Dolls (Irn .Miller, ragr.)—(lalety,

Boston, 22-27, Uartford and .\lhany March 10,rruo Winners (A, Pearson, mgr. )—Olympic, Clu-

clnnatl, 22-27, Emiilre, Toledo, March 1-0.

Itoselaiitl (lirls (Walter Greaves, mgr. 1—bVlbanyand Ilarlfurd :S.C7, Oalsly, Boitoii. Marel. 1-U.

Rone Sydell's (Ilnrry Tbompaon, mgr.)—Qalely,Plttaburgli 22-27,Ktar, Cleveland, Marcb'1-0.

Uosey Potoy Olrls (P. 3, Clark, mgr.)—Qalrty.Montrrol. 22-27, AHuny ami Ilartfnrd March 1-0

Social MaMs (J. J. Llebemiaun, mgr.)—Wesluln-tter. Providence, 22-27. Boston ,Mnrcb 1-0.

Star & Garter (Frank Welsbeig, mgr.)—Unlety,Omnba, 22-27, lay off March 1-0, Minneapolis8-1.1.

Troeaderoe (Frank B. Pierce mgr.)—Colnntbls,CUIcngo. 22-27, Imperial, flt. Louis, March 1-0,

Winning Widows (I,oulS'()lllwrt, mgr.)—Gaiety,Detroit, 33-27, Galely, l-oronlo, March 1-U.

Wtlson SUIera' Co. (Max S|ileg»>l. mgr. 1—Kiigle-

moi, Chicago, :^.27, Gulely, Oetruit, March 1-0

CoIamliU Wheel—Adde<i...\nlo Olrla (Teddy Aimonils, mgr.)—Oalely, Clil-

cago, 22 S7. Olunjbin, Indlaiuipolls, Marili 1-U.

Pohrmlart—Kmpire, iliil;ok'>. 20.27.Uroadway Ulrls (Hob Oordon. mgr.)—Victoria,

Pltabiinjh, 22-27, PeDU Circuit Morch l.U.

Big Review (licury P. Dlxnu, mgr.)— (Toluiulila,

IndlniMip.dln, 22-27, Uuckliigliuui, Loulsvllif,

Mnrdi 1(1. x'^Ile:Hily, Yiiulh and Folly (I.oulsf Stark, ragr.l

Mnndiister, N. 11., 22-24, Worcester 23-27,

New York .Mareli l-,l.

nig Sensatliiii (.Mnrrls Wnlnslock. mgr.)—IIow-

anl, llosun. 22-2T, (Irniiil, llivstmi. .Mnreh 1-0.

City Si»rls (11. K. Putlon. in:;r. )—ll'ueklnghain.

l.<>ulsvllle, 22-27. Standard, Cliiclunatl, March 1-d

Cracker Jneks (Cliarles Kulke. mgr.)—Slnmloril.

Clnclnnnll. 22-27, Kiiipress, Ojlunibns, March 1-0

ChiTry IllMss<mi.s (Maurice Jacobs, mgr.)—Oeii-

lury, KniiMs Olty, 22-27, lay off March 1-d,

Cblragn K.|:i.

Clly IWlle^.—Illiighamtoii and Sclie.ieetady 22-21,

Oirinlhlan. nvi'bcHlrr. .March l.U.

Oinvmliig Willows— Olympic. New York, 22-27,

stnr, llrT«klyu, March 1-0.

Follli-s of IP'.'O OAtv Tallmt, mgr.)-Slur. To-

ronto. 22-27. Savuy, Hamilton, March 1-d.

Follies of 4'ieasurc (Rube Bernneln. mgr.)—Al-

Innllc Clly aud Tlxnluu 32-27, Gaiety, llruoklyu,

March 10.Fuy Feeler On. (Joe Otipenhelnier, mgr.)—Km-

pire. 0l"velaud, 22-ei7, Viclorla, PIttsbiinjb

Mar\-h 1-C.

nirls of tho Follies (H. M. Strouw. mgr.)-Ilny-ninrket, Clilrngu, 22-27, Standard, St. Louli.

March 10.Oay Wlikiwii (IxiuU J. Obenrorth. m<r.)—TtC'a-

ilcro. IMiilailelpblii. 22-27, Wllkes-Barre andBcrnntoD March 1-0.

Olrls from Joyland (Sim Wlllltnis, mgr )—Wllkea-llantt A Hcrautiui 22-27, lllugbaiutun & Schenec-tady March l-il.

()srd<n of (ilrl« llxuils Gcranl, mgr.)--Lay off 22-

27, Oalely, Cndeagu. March 1-H.

(lav Monilug Glories (Jack GPnes. mgr. 1—Savoy.Ilnmlltoii. 22-27, Ondlllse, T/Clivilt. March 1-fl.

Hello. Porls IWni.' lloe'ja.. mgr.)—Kii.preas. CoInmbiis. 22-27. Enndre. Cleveland. Mnrrh Ml.

High Life (llris (Frank antler, mgr.l— \"ew >Wvcii« Ilrlilg<-|orl 2227. Springflehl Marrb •!.«.

High Rollers— IV-aii Circuit 22-27, New YorkMarch 1 (i.

Heart (ti.inners (Dave (>ojdron, xaftA—MurreyHill. Nov York, 22.37, Academy, Jersey Clly,

. March 1-0,

memlicre'.l to all ber friends,llAunv Lano Is still going along Is the t-ime

old gait. That la Just 4be same as aaying that

he Is a riot lu every place he nlnys.Jack llunn .'a atlll at the Daupliino, New O.--

leans, lu stock. J.ick U one of ti.e funniestHebrew (onicdlaas In the buslnpvs. Il<^ Is play-ing stock aMho thriln). and Is a big success.

.Mabei, BiKini Joined the Cmcker Jack?) in I,onls-

ville. Ebo bta oIko been tigned for next tes»nwllh the Otyety Olrls.

Datb OoanoH's Olrls of tbe Oay Wlilfe Way watput oa the sliclf und tbe Bon Tons nro lakif!;(

their mute. Ilurllg & Seomoo .bad token overthe show before tlity cbw^eil. nie show ni.-iy goout ngain this Re.1^o^ with ft new cert. Mnit:toltiicke%vell, the prima douen. has left, ond Is tak-ing a rest. The new principals th,->t may takeIII" show out again are: (^uirle^ Wesson. OlHcOlden, Lynn Canter, Ben Small. GeorKO Illckmuiiuiiil Va\. j4>roiiie.

Vivian Di; l,oNa Joins (bo Oar Wiiloir!i.

.MiN.MU "Pi;d" llAnuiMON, the pnpulsr wn-bu t to, Is Te-engageii for next Beacon with the BmWelch. Show,

MOVE FOR OOODWIX.Tlie Folly Burlesnuera moved from the Aiull-

toriuBi, Hot Springs, Ark., Saturdoy Fi'b. 2ii.

when Nnt Goodwin occiiple«l tbe theatre.' Tlio

burlc«<iuer« weut to Little llock for the day. rc-

tumlns »Ionduy, 22, to tbe Auditorium,They will play etwagemrtils between tbe Kemp-

nod Tbenlre. lu LItUo' IbMk, and tbe Auilltoriuin,

n Hot Springs, tor eevd-nl weeks.

ODEON AGAIN SHUT.Afler n kliort nnd varied stock bnrle.iqiie cnreer

tlio Oileon Theatre In Newark. N. J., Is again


TIIK r>nrosel, Kelly i 'Wlillnin^ Sliow plnvsIhi- Galciv, I'lillaileliililn. tills week, iiniler tbetitle ot Iho Fn-ncli Models, "lliey will then pinyn week of one uIkIu h-tands nnd then go on theCeluiubia .Vilileil Wheel regularly, under tho lllleof Uncle Snm's Ilelles.

J^JVNET DUPRK and l^v own big .show played

to cood biulness In Sermlon, I'a.. week I''"','-

then n week of one i.lglits, opeiiln-," !n the lolly.

Detroit, Mleh., for three weeks with her owndiow. F.verythliig la going on nicely, ami doing

very well. Miss Dupro slates tiinl 'he Is iwt

4-iii(a?cd, sad doci aut ctiutoinplnle marrying ojiy-

one.TlIE Dean Brummell Trio, with the Colilm

Crook Oa, blgned up with Jocobs A Jermoii tor

1:4x1 oeswon. ^DIAMOND JAOK F11HI5S la the rannnger of

the Damsel, Kelly Sc Wllllnms Co.DOT LU ROY U now living lu Norfolk. \

altico lenvhi:; (lie Jmuiolto Dupreo Cn. In l-'lmlr.i.

CHABLKS BltAQO closc<l with tho love .Mak-

es ns oib'niice agent. .

HARRY K. IVIORTONOi Qas Far'a Oayety Olrla




Crawford's Comedians Cos.a I,eadliiR Men, 1 1,eadlnK Women, 2 Woman for Char, nnd Heavies, 2 Soubrcttcs who do Bpeclnlllei". 2Ulrectomwith Scripts, 2 Comedians wlih Spci'lalllcs, Muslclana Who Double or PIftj Hall, Actors WhoDaublonnnd, Slato yourluwcsl. This Is our I2th ncssun. rogltlvelv no boozers. KchcarBnls Blart.

April 12, 1»ie. Address CRAWFORD BROS,, Nevada, Mo.







Hit No. I


The Greatest Song ol Its kind ever written Some melody, -and iny|v What a (unny lync. Great Double or Single" .: ^ ^




The SDng you'll enjoy singing, ! Will hilg -ou>. of 10 In every audience.A real up-to-lhe-timps. song without wa-- trimminga:

, Now beingfeatured inv;Vaudcville by some of. the best. - Be one- of the first touse It. Great Double Version. '

• •> ,.

: ;





Just, what you've been looking foi. You know Llio kind ot song that

demands a);plause. We defy you to stnnd 5S.till when you hear i.ho

Melody ot Pu/e's Band. Soinc. Lyric. Crc.">t Double.

Hit No. 4Hero it is. The song you've been Irvmg to find We know liow

you have been saying: 1 wonder who will publish iL

' / Well, we ate- proud to say, we.


WERE A RED, RED ROSE"The moat talked of aorig on the. market. C me , up and hear it We're

'- sure you'll like it.: Great Double. And a real ','Somo of :

: ' These Days"- Melody. by the -lame writer. .-.



RATING.Oook Chopo* Co»tuiaeB Scenery00 100 ^ *****

Principals Numbers Oomedy100 lOO IttO

At Iho tWm*It. MoodkT. two capacity houMS

came to mo Pat White's niUWilli Its bit* and Bumhem. r»l blni«ni ukept to trelBlDB by «» wroillns and I")*'"/? ,"'""'»

19 elalcl for wltli lUllT Cotton, an a I •nwdtthMt, also alnga la tb» qosrtrtte. *ir.

Willie Is tunny as ever, and w«« succeBiful In

keeping Ibe laugfaa acDlns all the t'"*^,

Jns. Mclcemey. with hl» High pttched TOlce,

pltycd Uie Dutclinian Tory acceptably.

Tniig wu B Uieatrlcal nunaeer. Bert Jonea B

Wild Weateroer. ^ ^ . ,

Anna Qwnt, hanilrapjwd by a p^il tlwat.

did very well with her role, and Lanle.- Df Woir

>wos the niioal irlnecry aoubnrtte. ""'nlmllns

everal aood nnobn* and a anc dance for bor nit.

nta Vttlbtr. th» prim donna.telling aelecllona to offer, alw) her

an lodiian »on« and the soprano aolo. Dream-

inf." to flood anilause.The chcros: Tlierasi Arnold. Ida Sfelrose. .May

Lorraine. Madeline SallWan. OrlasI D'alr, Ra«

PiKllK, Edna Allen, Agnes Dnnlels, BUiel Kelly,

Ilaiel Mack, Gladys Qrcenlnf, Ada Lorraine,

Klo nnidley. Violet Lynctt. Anna SJalCT. MayWalton and Lon Pratt. Hi«y wero all thcro

vUh the looks ani oellon.l^e camedy hits Included tlio brraklng up or tne

Ice, by Mr. While: the wrntllnc boat, also the

boidn; bout, bT Mr. While: ''lUmemler tho

Hat," "ITireo TIrow TOrei," the ClwoBlnK a

Number, the {terrlne of the Soda, the Buylne ot

the Saloon and many otben.The Dumbers were all nicely put on, among

lliem: "Hose of My Heart," by Red Feather;••lie -Comes Up SmllUn;,'.' by .Mr. Motoernev;'iMIsslsalripl Darbccue." by Miss l>e Wolf;'•Everytody Rag With Me," by Miss Grant : "If»a I/ong Way to TlppemrT." by Mr. While, to

niiiny eneorea: "1/ It Wasn't for You," .a »oodduct Iwlween Ml«s Grant and .Mr. Pudlg; '•Win.ler ' Nisht," by Miss De Wolf: a number otcunrtetle aelccllons by I'udlg, Itoaco. MclniTnt-ronil Jones, with .Mr. Mclperiicy showing oir-»hls

Foprano; a f'.paolsh waliz, well done, by .U'li<!< DeWolf and -Mr. Jonee ; "Down Dy Uie SfBSldc."a showy balhlng i.umN-r. IM by Miss Grant


••tlBKinlu^," by .Miss De Wolf."You'ro Moro Thnii lUe World to lie," by

Ited KestbLT: "Ilufc Jolinson's Uumiony Hand."bv Miss Omni; lied Kentlior's qioclalty; "Olii-

eer," by Afiss De Wolf; "0)0 Coo." a comedyHI. with Ujc orchestra, by .Mr. White; "ThoIrlnh TaoKO," by .Miss Grant, and "Hack InDliielnid."The .\rt Views, br clijlit models wero wrll

coi]ie<llcd by Mr, While, who also helpcfl AnnaGrnnI, In "Pol's PI|>o Dream." ivllb a dance.

Tile KIto .Musical nyrons, brass aud slrlrgtausU'lons, offered line mu.«lc, opening with aaaxoihone tjulntet, ond plaflng clnsalc and |iops-lar iiiu.ilc. They were on late, but held them 10Uie llr.slb by Hie entire I'onipany.The mcdlry of national air?, belivecu the acts,

was well receive*'..

Jlo-. Wecdon Is the manager, MIIL

"MAIDS of' AMERICA."'nils la the title of the Max Anostronc com-

rany, fliliDg tlils week nt Daly's, .New York.The comiiony Jnrludeo: Merer Ilarrln. DowryCampb.Ml, Jiek Uarlln, Hank Simon, PUI Mad-lien, Gucfle White ond Helen Olnhw.The cUi.rus : Violet May Olron, Jcsale

Tjwn TIttklf Hinder, llelco Kosier. D>ra Ixunr,Jiannelte .ivciialrios, KUle Perry, Anna rjaOcId,nroi-e lyce. Alice Cunn.'iiffhoin Dorothy Krneriier,(.race .\ndrf\v8, I->4Diile ly-jwls. Dolly Morcaii,Mirle Donglas, Bohble noltmark, Jlnslc Cirtcr.

' Amerlraio" Is the feature dnneor, iiid fjlarellilnl, the bicycle girl, was announced ts afeature,

birlesoue'at thalllThe company which opennl Daly'a bnrlniqne

jeason sonie wveks ago, uodc dlieclkm ot HarryO. I.ew1j, opened the 'Hiilla. Bonery belowCanal Suref. Now York, Uouday. 32. JackM.llcr wvi engaged as .(mnedlan, but hod to <ll»-

""PlMlnt. owlnc to his -wife's lllowi. The "Katlraarrown" number, led by Irene Oalllnao, made aWk hit. .

'Tlie tronpc It >b]|la1 as the Jolly Olrla. tlaurrluuUns la musical director.

JACK FAUST HEAD.Ala. Jacnues Faust, knotVn as the "Sliver

King." died Kd). 22, m 0 r. u., at the Peo|ilc'aHospital. New York. He bad been sick elevenooy». ami enteral the tionnltal on Krt). 11, for anOi>erallo<i for appendlcllls. Sirs. Faust la witliUie Osy Widows.He will be biirlcil from Ilellly's. 104 Ekrl

Twiirib Street, Feb. 2ri, sud will be cmnalctl otI-rttt PmuI, l. I,

TIIR DreamlanOs, wlib Andy r..ewls and Verarieor^e, oonie to the Columbia, New York, npxtweek. ^

KDDIR PITZOKRAliD will ivronln with Ilurilg* bcamoQ neit aeason. to appear In a new show.Jack QuUm will aUn klddln« Kddle after Ihh sra-soo.

Krnu A.ND wnyroN Inre tbc Bcplembcralomlnir Gliiries Vcb. 2T.

RD. nfXJHlhS Joined the Tail Olris Ihla w»ek.nnHTlT LING, formerly In borleanne, who died

feh. 1. Is surrlTMl by bii wife, IfaiMlse. ana oftie Don Tons chorus (Iris.

Dave Marlon will cloee bis own company ot(be Star nnl Oarler, Chlcogo, JFarcU 0, ond thetvntc will be taken up by the Ilroailway Girls, otSt. Louis. .Mr. Marlon, It was reported, wouldloin the Dreamlanda, but It Is leaned on goodlutborlty, Ibat be will devote bis time to bisnew botel, at Tom's Hirer, . N. J., for the re-

mainder of the aeason and neit Summer.

UADDB DOIl.=!BT and MWIOA QATMONDhave Joined the Girls from Joyland.SAM COUNS will l'.i«il the Violet Msscotte

Steck, starltoff March 1, at Daly's. New York.PKlNCESS DOVBEn -.vlll be a fenlnre Willi the

new Girls of the Gay mille Way Co.EOLYOKB will le not of tho Oolumbia AJiIed

Wheel after neit week.KOnT WAYNB comus flol of (he Wheel aflei

tbis week.JOR K.MKBSON bas closed with Dcioly, Tontk

and Fully.DON'T FOno-BT the "FuBlIeera" ontlng «t

hnranonyl's Grove Jnne 27.SIM WHXIAMS has signed op Dolly Sweet and

llns'eM mil for neit aeason.MANNY CA.'JTANO, tbe charactrt coiMdlan

with the Tturo Queens, has left the show and willVlay Tauderllle for tbe remainder of tbe season.MAX PEIIHMAN, tbe Gennao comedian witb

tbe Gliiger Olrls, Ls more than maklmc good.JACK PKUllY will produce the Slock at Ibe

Arch, PhlUdclphlo. Tim Hcoley will open at tb«Arch. -.Marcli.l. as prtnclnal comedian,

OllAni.,KS(L. RonniKION is sendlns bis wife tonermuda forla vacation.niB French Models sre now on the Oilumbia

Ualii Olrcult, playlnir the Garctr. Washington. In<he place of the Girls of the Gay White Way.Tlie Hon Tons are le.snmlnc Iholr rsgalar rontoat Ihfl Umpire. Rewnrk,BAN WKIXSir Is l«okfd fur Rammersleln'f. U

New York, durlnc n lay off week.CHAALjrs llllAac goes abend of tbe Social

Mclda.JOIS nunTO.N has been reiilnced by Joo Duckley

with Iho Tiiil Girls.

TIIK Chnioplnii M.ililens are at the 8>jr, .Seran-tun. Pa., this week,

Br>AN0I[ ll.^lltu Is irllh the Seiitenihcr Murn-ln«r Glories.ZAI/LAH, Inst wce'c, ol the Miirriv lllll. illil

not indulifo lier.H'df to the limit. llfT jHTfonii*anco was tlioroiichly nrllstlc. The entire showbsH been greatly Improvi-d.GLADYS SKAItS Will liut nn Uic nuinlK>ni Ur

the Siinimer stwli nt tlie TrocailiT). I'lillnilel-

I'bia. for ItobiTt .MorrdwniB Grand Dporu Ilcn'O, Now York, cnilwl lis

three weeks of tiiirlfiii|iie <*x|H'rlinPiit on I-Vb.

20, after the Tauico Gins lioil |iln;cd to a light

Twek.TIIH ncnrt Cliarmers are nt llie Murray lllll

this week. Tho.r will bo reviewed and ralcd In

those columns noil week.IIAnr, I.i\.TO<;il win Iw a Jnrnhs ft JrrmOD

alar for another Monsm. Wnlch tire hallGEHUGH J'-ITOmvri' win U- ninnntor of Ihe

Girls ot tbe Ony White Way for the rest of theaeason.

Deaths.IN UKMORIAMCARL OnEilMDied Fell. 'Jl, 1014


JAon TArsT. Feb. 22.


lU-su .Manmnii, Feb. IS.

JosBi'ii llynNK, —


.^can'iii.NK Vai.oma, Jiin. 4.

UUHA Wahiiiii.'ii,s, I'rli. 3,



li, M. Gauui.sui, Feb. '0.

(Hie yogtf iT).


F.AJU.F. .M, GRAY In doing a handcuff set laUurylaod, and will shortly arrive In New York.

.Mil. AND MILS. W.M. Althlll.VS are vIslUog Ihelaller'H hUi'T, In VVaakccan, III., previous toailing to Ksiivis Olty- to oiicn an engauemeiit aboutMarch IS. 'I'licy are trying lo re|>leii<»li Iholr

-nanlrobe, nhlcli was (l«ilro|icil at llie Arailoiuyof Music fir.'. Ill Ohlcico, Feb. 11. Tbclr trmikswere sturol In Ibe buIMliii; a>IJolnliie Uie Academy,and ihi.-lr viinlrobe, ciiLlumlod ai |l,OOU, wan cum-p'elelT rulntil.

DIOK 6TIJAIIT writes from Ibo S<ialh 'bithe Is inrellDg wlib tho Iml of success llir'iub

tbe Soiillieni Stales irllb his pinner. Dill !.id-

wlg. They are Iwok'Nl as Lwlwlg ami Stuart, indaborllv will ir> on llie Sam Marwll IItw. Iliial.

orss tbroiKb UiLs sccllon Is cerlalnir on Ihe gain.

Till Old UKI.IAULB. do -we get It? Haven't niTss^'d

a copy for the last twelve yeirs. "Niiff »ed;"KlblFTr IWlllllGA'.l'H Hkelrb, "The Bed

Hale." Is reiiorl'sl t» |i.ive acumi tilg In (.•b!-

c.iro. 11 tolls Ilie rinrv ot a liuri:lir who la

tricked by a w-omnn iiiiii n^rrliiic a sentence for

(be kllMug of her liiieliond, wlilcb the womandid. He ri'lurns and hliuits Ihe woman.., BDITII TAMAFKItllo will prului.-e "A Ilreslh

ot Old Vlmlola" lu vauiU'vllte.

- I>IGK ni.AilK Is pullhiir ini "The Hoiieyin'Mtn

GIrla." tjibkildfl. and Is lunkeil by Nimnan Jft-

ferles. Ills oartner, Geo. Ocnrans, wUI Join bim In

the near fafnte.


On Wednesday evening, Feb. 17, the Ferry Play-ers, headrJ by Dan Malloy and Uasel Uvlnae,were accordnl a great honor seldom extanded li>

a traveling tlientrlcal company. TUs compaoy Is

i,ow In IIS second monlh at Ibe Beaver Thenlre,Toronto, Oan., aa -a permanent stock. On Uieevening meollooed tbey were grmtb beooted bytbe pivenc* ot a tboslre party coiulating at Oom-paay A, Tbltty.alxtta Iletlmeot, <knadlan Bipedl-I'onary FoTOi. i

Tbe march at tbe "Tommtee" ttoai (be barrackslo the theatre caused treat exettetBcnt on Ibeslrcvla. uiilll It waa learned when tbrj wereMund for. "rbe "aoliUer lioya" oecopled over baitof tbe lowor floor, atid to aaole sne of the noa-coma. la drarcc, ''bad (be time tt (heir blooaln'lives."Tbe play be1n« prmented, "Delln of the Post."

a story of military life, contained a (bene tbeTuDuId heartily appreciate, and tlicy were an to-tbuslaallc audience.

Little .Mlaa Ootlnae, who Is a great favreltowith the aotdler "laddleii," wns presented witha beautiful Uoral offering, a "gift from the bnoch"as Ihe big broad ahotildend trooper, wbo 1o-

alsted on presenting It pvtmally, aaU is,- binab-Ing liko a arfaool liOT, be handrd it over tbe f«ot-

lUhla. ' With a prettily pbTaaad little snmb,.Mloa Onrlnce thanked tbem, and bcr cloalnav,r>rii. "May Qud bloaa you, and tnio* you safelyhack horn?," brought a atoim of cheeis At lli«

clcso o( Ihe iivrfuinisnce tbe oRtteatra plareil

'TIpfHrary" for Ihv exit march anil to hearthose huskr.lun^ed "lerrlloriala" Join In (be cbomsliroiight lo mind Iho sad fact that they before verylona will be singing that same "Upperaty" In tbetrenehei of far away Hetfton.

Tlic Pony I'lnycn ore mMdnc with great nie-ce«< daring their tngSEement In the kretrDpettaof C.inado, and will ri-niiln here until tbe endof Ihe pn>BCDt (lirJitrlcal sraaon, closing onlyluig enough to pmpnte for tbeir fourth tou' oftho New Kngland Sunraicr parkn.

OTIS OLIVBR NOTRS..\ll lioiise rcs-rrds witc broken last w-is'k wlim

tlie tjllvt-r Drnma I'lsycm pt«pn1ed '•'llie I.nn-"at llin Kiniilrc TUeatTe. Rock Islnnd. III., wln-n-tills eoniimiiy Is injoylug a lou; iHTiiuuirnt s'lick


Mr. (Illirr c<in!oiiiiilnloil ojienlnf; a Riirlrg andSummer slock u-axun at tlio Obattertou Tlieaire,SprlnLllcld. III., on April Ti.

"Hhiii I'lili'f" provnl lo an exci'IU-nt ilrsw.

Ini; curd for Ilio Gllver Plavers *1 (be AuiirlcatTheatre, nnvi'riitorl. In.. Ins| wrck.

STOCK IR BROOK I.YIf."wiiEnx inn Tuaii, Diviiibi" la tJio bill at the

Oreecenl w?ck of Feb. S2.".So Mvcn run -Mo Miinn" Is tbe Oran<I Oixra

House offering l'*«li. 2.-27.,

"TiiK .STnANOun" la being pnmmUil, Frti. 22-27, at Iho (lolhom.

PrenCY IIA.SWKIJ. MOVEH.IVrcy Harwell and lier nplrmllil cnnniasr closed

at Ihe Creik'ent, In New llrlenns, l.n., Feb. 90,and h:ft that city fur Toronto, Oan. to flU an an-

Tim LF/WIS-Or.IVKR PLAYKIUS, mnr cohfon their eighth week at the Arndciny of Mnslc,IL-ileli-b, N. <}. naliig only rnynlty plnya. "TbeWolf." 'The .tqunw man" wiib "Mrs. Wlgg* ofIbo (TobbacD Patch" lu fnllow. Tills cimpayIs iin(l-'»r the nioiuigemciit of Jack I><nvlB.

RICHARD LLOYD bus algiMd wlUi C. VMOawner nijon Ptocic 0>.(MIARIjKK WIIaHON. of tbe On-snul Block,

r.rinklvn, bos. heea blgnal for five rears byChamberlain nmwE.

HF.UT WIIX»X Is aiipeorlng villi the WUs-worih Flayera, In "Fifty lllln fnmi Uosloa,"IIiIr week.W/iRKNOI? SIAI»N^^ AND CHAllLHH (lUMf

are Ibe Iraila wllh the Davis Players, at the NmrDnvls. PItlshnrrh.Tin; UNm:r> PT^ATnnS oiK.n«l n amok en-

gagement. Feb. II. nt the Family Tliealre, Mirloa,O.. pitying Iwo tills weekly. Tl>e cuinpany la-elodea: Tlinnas Jrarona, Ray Adnir, Robert B.Hall, Dert Cilderur. Will S. neeelii-r. Fylna Pown.Anna G. II<aa, Marie Loity. Mr. Ilcccbor Ismanager of ihe.cunipany.

t.nn ItRItOLL had a had fall on Ibe ita^e atRiiKllsh <>|iera lluuar, Iiidluiiaiiilla, Feb. 1.1, luit

ocntlnued working with (bo Follies, and la rapidlyrecovering."A RIIBV DAT" NOTKH.—Win O. Bomelt. of

Ollflun, N. J.. wTKm : "I mMlemland tba( II. li.

Fmiec Ititends to call hU now fares by. (he sl^ovetitle: also thnt II. O. Onrloii. of l/Hi'lon Kng,,iiriflliieisl on Jon. 2fl a fnrca uiHler that lllle. 1nave lus'n iiHing '\ RuKy Day' tor my farcecomedy tllle since lUOB. and aliatl oiollniH- lo doso. <hir nit season op<-ns enrly In .Ma.v. with.a Dew line of sisrlal jirliilliii; and sceis-rr. I

am sleallne iioUsly's ihui'dcrliij; Irmfiecllve ofbow the 'ither two aliowa make oet."

' J. JRR/»HK NDLA.V anDoimeca (ha( «a F<4i. !«he pnvlucnl a neiv play. "The Bamhlar fm'.nrinrr." an Irlkh drains. In foor acts, at tbeFamily Tlieatre. .Vslnnor Olty. Pa. Tbe pliydeals «rlih lionie rule ami tbe natkmsl volunteermovement l;i Ireland, and made a big hit. Hr.NoIhii plnfisl the lead, and wan suMiot^ed byEugene Miilvey, JfHeiiii Shiidieid. Pninck Nelsn,Francbi Knni, P. J. GIvliiln. Llewellyn (Irlinilis,

Georre ReaiTer. Mn. Thii*. I/dseaii, Anna Nolanami lintel Wllrliry.

lfKI.Bir WARK will return to Taadetllle la "ItDoMB't Uappeo."

OPT OF TOWN HEWSUecatar, III.— Kmpma (Itollo KtUarT.

mgr.) vauiliinilo and jili:iurc«, to gtnd bavtness.LaaT waaic Iwo'-V^iniier I>reaiiir L'lris were

featuKd In Cblcatn Itioatra. Maode Tlffnay, atXihe Oolonlal. and Dope Vernon, at tbe Palace.Manager Malhirr, of Ibo Kmpiesa Tbaalre betr.Is mailing lu effort to book botb fOr a#pcaraac!aIn Ilecoliir In thu noir fiihiri'.

PULUN'H Cuu.'cuii.Ns, wbo wcie playing 'TwoAmeclcsna Abrm.1," luuler the nuiiawvnrnl ofPnlUo A Olemons, eloxnl Fob. |:|, at Mluiiliiiton,111. ntry wlU ooen their tenting season In May,and will play weaHc alands In llllnnis, towns.OTTO WiCAva win leave beie to Jolo tke Hon

Bbow tbe lali<« pirt uf March.U O. Zelleno, «f KtUitrvlIle, la., was a rltltnt

at Dcvalar clDee of Tiis Cliitsr last week. .Mr.Zelleno la woU knuivn to Ibe clicu, canlvaland dnunallc prafivlonj.

RvsaiaTlIIe. Inil, — Wells' KMoa <€htt.Onutt, mgr.) '^Cbe Whip" Feb. 3ft-K7, '•lltgli

Jluka*^ Murrh 6.

Niw (.'OAND (Wo. UcQowan, mgr.)—Dill Fob.22-24: Four Holla Uroa., Oartia and llebonl,Saiah I'rilikT and company, Jones and Uylvea.ler, Riul Nana and II. Aleila. For lO-aR: OaI|.tornla Frank. Pla Ojieratlc Trio, Ghanncey Mon.rue and urmpauy, h^arl nod Bdwarda, and Curtisand llebaril,

OariiHUM anil Nomiaina (Oias. ftweetoo,Digr.)—Amateur vaodcville and motion pictures.

PuiNcast, Satux, CurrnaiuH, Hivmiisiub, Not-EV.Tr, COLUNUL, FSANItLIH. VlSUINU, OilLIIM-DiA. Foi/roN, Valaiia, Staihuw, Uovaani'S,Ai.KAiUBa. J>rrais,i.-<, Wooulawh, Walnut,rAviiiiTS, Oartlb Uai.l and Alamo, motion pic-tmes only,

Akron, O.—Oolualal (I>iula Wlae. mgr.) billfor 22-24 : Sylvia I>irul and her Plurnil, lUrryUolmao and eoioiMiny. llorie Vrmon,' ihe 'PlireeAlvnn'lli'S, .Ituyiiiiiliil nliil lleldiT, and tba WlllunTrio. For 23 2* : Ulniis aiul Hurt, Klal* Faye audiK/ys, Fmnk Kcriiuu and .cutiipmiy, unil .MaiWiuUmill (Ininily.

ilBAivn (Durt Ilowonl, mcr.)—"tviiui DreamtfJiiMie 'l"rup" 2:i.

Mumo Ham..—Pnjnma Girls S.'i IH.Wai.ihiiik, 1>iii:a.m i.ani>, OiiriiKiiAi. h;.Mi'iii'Jifl, Nl-

TIn.>[AI., l*I.A7A, I. UNA, ItANK, 'rnoU.SI-ON, I'AHTIMa,Wi.NTHii iiii'I Main, iii'ivlni; plciiiri->;.

'/aiH-avllle. O,- 'Si ImiIIt: (Arlbiir Mnn-ly.itiifr. I lllll WutHuii-KreiiKiT .S|(s-k Ot, W4'i'k utMnri'li 1.


<mriii:ui( (Harris Rros -.:rs. i—VniiMi-vllle

anil iiiiiiliiii pli!iiirisi. Kollli's .if 'I'm iliiy 2J.^Jt.

(Juiuiir's, Iiii'KiiiAt.. lln.iNh. Ilii'i'iiiiiioui: andAmi:iiii:an, pioINhi )ilrliiri':i only.

i''nll ltlv<T, XllNM Acjili'Miy II.. M. Ilona,

iii^r.l lllll l-'i'li. ::j'Ji: lliiirli J. l-liinii.'ii. s.<sliiii'il

l.y lllliln'lli Iviiiiiii'll iiiid t-oiiii,:iiiy ; .SfttvUi.vs' S<'l-

Ii'lU-, lloynl <*HHi>olt,'iii.>H, SllviT anil Hulllviili, MauMirtH, ond !ilL*liiri*s.

.SAVor (U. K. llciismi, incr.)—lllll •J2 2I:J( well's ni.iiilkllis. Ilii* King (Jiiiirli-lle, Kliii; andKlri^, KeniHily niiil' Krnnier, Hyiiiiiii AiIUt andciiliiiintiy, niul iilrliin.N.

Iiijou M*. K. Cii"!:, iiiur. )—tMiniihiy only 'Ji.

mnrkisl Uv fiiT<'W«'ll iH'rf'iriiiiini.-e of llio IIIJisi

Muck Ol., Ill "llroadwiiy .liirii-s.".

I.fitvreiire, .IIiihm.—<.''il'iiiliil (K.iliili Wnrd.mirr.) iii'iil.iii jiU'iun's l''o)i. IM! 41111I werk. •"I'liii

Mlrucle .Man" In bookisl fur (Mareli -1,

Opiiu Booaa (W. R. tlolUbuqr, mgr.)— lllll 23.34: llud Sii;der and cumjiaoy, th* Alexanders, (l<<o.

Murpby, and illam-he and Iloae. Knr 211.27 : Killlhllntloa an.t cumpasy, Whitney aud Dell, and AI.Johaacoi, and motion pictures.

Nioaat (John It. UliUnld, mat,)—lUUl 33-24:Kaldle Llndnoian. Illmm lluiiim It-r-r-r, l,yana andCullen, Firu WIIxiim. For 20-27: Ward llakvr,I'eliT (hurley and couipaiiy, Johnson and llucklry,I>e 1*04*0 l>|K-rA Cfnnpniiy, and plcturea.OnaMoriH.iTAN, HTAS. Vii'roaiA, .llaOAiiWAV mil

PuKHiu, inotlisi iiluturm uiily,

Atlaiitn, On.— Atlanta (Bomsr tirorge.logr.l ilaldwIn-Melvllle 0>., In "Uncle 'l\ini's

llahln," Fell. 22-27.Fuasnu <U. I,. Oankiaa, mirr.)—DIU 23-27:

Arnaiit Jlras., Aleiaiider and Hcolt, JosinibliHiHiiofer, Hkalcra llljourv, iVn-lll and lllllelle,

llenrleKa I)« .s<TrlH and OMupiny, aud ".Vt lbsWuudalile Inn."Mill (A. K-. J<mM, injtr.)—Musical cumolr

tilay* U> fair tnaslm-Ms.OoMrrA icini. <lsmiil>elt, mgr.)—Tabtouag and

(ilotares, 4o good buslueai.

Mianon, Oa.—Orand (D. G, l>hllllp(. mgr.)"Seven Kers (o. Oaldpat*'* Is Uxiknl for sn early(kile.

Palaui I J. D. UoHnn, mHr.l^lslllgaD nmlOmsbr, alngrra. Fcdi. 22<2T.PaiNCua (Angel HoleruiiukniH, mgr.) — Ueeas

Piws>.r, singer, 32-27,

IIo< Hnrinifs. Ark,—lAndllnrlum (Fralikilead, mgr.) Ullly OllffunI, lu "Ikdleve Us,'' Fob.211: .Maiidu riiwnll, loily vlulliilal, .Man-li N.i'aiNuaas (Doc. olnvuua, mar.)—Dig busloMa

luttai tor VdudvvlllF, here, lllll in-24 : Warner amiWhile, Will Osklaiul anil uuinpauy, I't-arl aud IrnisHans, and Capllul Oily Trio, For 20-27: AimTriu, Willie and King, Geo. I>iiiH-ral and eiHU-|iany, and Ix?* Moatfnnla iiikI ruiiiiaiiy,Obntial, Liniii and IlutAl., idclutes.

-fli. Jnarpli, niii.—r.yceum <n. ?;, PliMler.DikT.) "A I'lilr of .<<lii-a'' Fi.|,. Ul 2:!. ilinmtBllluilrpls (Ns-nll 2:1 Hono'v |ili.'hiri>s '.'^-.'7.

Majbhtio (FrisI (Juiiiian, iiigr. I—Vniiilevlllc ondplelurm.

(TaTSTAt, (Fred donninn, mgr.)—Vaudeville nni|tal'loiil niusUal eunn'ily,

iiBi-iiitiiii, liorAi., KMVitiuH mill rm.o.'viAi.,pli'luros aiHl singers.

4!harlealwn, M, —Ariiili-iny ('!lias. II. .Mil.thmra, nil|r. I ..Mnl-gnn-l All<:llli, III "l.liily Wlililr-Iliere'M Fun. " Fiili. V2,

Vktoiii.! (I'snllnK- ,\iii. lUi., hiurs.i- Mill 'J'.!-

31: Will II. Phlliirli-k, 'tlirn- .Mi-yiikos. IliiniionyI'liiir. IUtI M<'ll>iiiriM.. mill Ilnn-ili-vll Cnsi lllnliii.

I'or 2r>-'J7: Mark nml Wllllnilix, J«iiii Clmllon, Hnl-Ion, Mi'lnlyre nml Hnlloii, Klliils-rly iiiiil Mulir,mid 1,1-B AtfiiUHl,

I'niM'HHH, Majbstiii, r.rnto, IIno. Knito, Cioi-tMHT. Nkw Macik nmr liixim.ANii. i>lv;iiri-s.

M) v.*rnKvii,iin..Mnlnlyre iiiid Ili-nili wi-lti. 'i'lii', f:i.iri'i:n, ni<k-

liig tint we ili-iiy llio niiiior of ilielr o|(---i1ii:; millui P.inlnUiK. Ilnu-. 'Ilii-y nr.- r>iiil,-i| In "llioIlnlii 'rr<(-,'> iMid ili'lni; 11 "i-nrhlriu" lilltliii-s-.

i;na clay'iii.h and ni-iiiiiMiti' i,. hiufi-'inwen. iiinrrl<-l Feb. III. at llie I'lina GInli. t.lilruao.'

KU. ICF.I.'I'NMl. nn uUI tliiii- |H-rriirini'r, Is vi-rysirk, al Ihe biiiiH. uf hia wlfi-'a |mn-iilH. Oiiinlia,Noll.

MWIM llJ^-IfJIIF, l» lai tlui l'unlngi-> lliiw.

IIOYAI, CUTOBB AND TtmiV.l. OSTICItrtWM) wero iiiarrliil Krti. 15, In Bt Uiiils, Mn.(.'Altllll': AVUUY, tbe old liiiiu prrriirmi-r. In nick uiiil ili>»tlliilu iit.ri'.:l I'lirllli- Hlieet,

Drocklyii. N, Y.JdSMI'II IIYItNK. father of Die li.vriKi llros., dli-il nl Nurwlrji. (.'oim., ngi'il I'lglily-lliri-e.

IlI.ANt.'lllO VfMjHn roiiluici Vi'li-Hkii Hiiriitt nt tin- Uoynl, Now York, I Ills wi ek.

W AJ l'ICn llO«FA'UniMI SUM liiil'il 11 now (iM nlrii nl. Asbiiry I'lirli, N. .1.

.TAMI'M K. MACKK'tT icIU linvu si-vi-ral (ilnlxiratu iirridiK-tliiiiH. Mil ulllcin will bu Irii-iilrJ

at .Ki W. Hcvcnty-Orit Blreof, Ni-w York.FltA.'-iK ItKJ.CllI^t rcturiii'il trom r'.i'glaiiil !ost Mniidny.VA.M (;C>M>KIHII. of tbu I.ilHkv R-oturii Co., liiis n-turin-il rrum Culiroriilii. A. II. muHls

aod Waller .Monro alio came lincK.

TUB Comerty Club •will )(lvi> Its bnll ol TiTnu-o niirilcii. New Viirk, April 7. <Jiiii>

Baihrt Is In cbarvo of the commlltce.TlIK Aaisteri<nni Aiiiiii<clji<;nt Co., of N'nw York. linM Imi-ii liirnri'iiriili'il lo )iroitucn T&udo-

vllle acts. Prnnk Tlnm^ Is licovlly InU-reslcil. Hlilney llaiti-r is llii- ui'iiimil innnnucr.NOltUAK TUKVOK Ims niilaciii] Jlobi.-rt Kileju.n na IriidliiK iiinn -with "KliiiiiirH."

"IIR.V-IItin" Is anniiiiiici-il 10 clusi! for tlio Kenwiu wlien It llnlMlii-H lis run In itriHbin, 27,niTA nOUT/l). who IH to III: dliirrul la a uiUHUut cviiiudy, wlU bull for Jmudon ul tliv

close of licr vnnili'Vltlt.' tour.

"Tlin 'i'OWIillH," the luimn of Minnio CinmnliigH, OD Uucolo Avenue, UiDf; Ilrauch,

N. J., wna hiiriiiil Im-Ii, 'JO.

"(H4I) VIK.VNA," ut Alinnllo City, N. J., lina bc-cn ru-upcDCd for tin; Hi-nsiiu as tliu "(.'ate'

Hcoiix Arts." Iiy .MoKi nnd Ilniollton,flTKKPf.l^cnASI-; I'lWIt, Adnnllc rily, will otn ii MuriJi 27.

(vniH HKIN.M'yIl lina Rlitned with Charles rrobuun for in yean toomr. .

<;K(>l«tK I.A.MHKIcr, vniii1i!THIiM'iiini-ilhin. H'MS ri!fniivo<l to Itelli-viiu, lloHplfnI. Now Yon;,Feb. 21, trom tlie'butne of Ma aiiiter, 'ZW rit. Nli-lioln's Atoouc, HUffcrlDS fnita liaJluclniitlunH,

'I'llIC .New IHiipoilronie, YuuoKstuwn, <i., 0|ii.' Tl.


STATE AIiIj |ji(e proKrnmmnnoDil pli'il'm. which WlU POAITIVKLY boreliirnoiL Osnnr Umlimiaand ilottUUiont Clsxlun pleuno wriu:. C'nii us<).you. Addrcwi WM. II. I(A Y.MDNI), oirii of CLIPPKIl.


UHAVT HAN, plAy plnnn fnmtxvCOHKDUN,

SlttTKIl TKAM, fitronK hiii'i-IhIiIch for HoiiliroltO and JovcollO parts.

cInlllCH. LADY PIANIHT, wlili muulnnl miuclallj; violin, curnnt or oiher InHiram'ont,Wlib Btroajt specialties, for Tramp. Toll all. I«n(| cnKaKOuiont nil Hammar Mortliem Michigan. DoatmlHroprnsont or l.on7.e— i-lnsed on thn spot. I»woatBitiarT, Ii'h r.«nslii. photos rotumod.WALLAUK WIIMN, Hstagor, Wooiter, F«U '£1; Uaoal yujloo, Uaicb 1; Vrcatoo, 3; WoUlogloa,



MOTION PICTURE DEPARTMENTBABar vanoBt nvnon narvna editob;


flEOnOE II. THOMAS.OcoTg: U. Thomas hflabMo cooDootcd wilb

.the inovloft pirturc luduMry practlrallv hImi-o

Its liicoiitlon. Ilr Ib prcucnUy aiKaKC<l In unImportant capnclty with the Motion I'lrliirc

Patcats Co. Mr. Vhomcs was ret'ontly rlcrt-

ert prMldcnt of the Hrooklyn I/Odgc, No. 30,'Xlicatrlcal McfbiDlcal AHoclatlon.


rhIllllM Smallcy aod Ix)1b Wobor hnvn rn-llri'd frois Ihclr respective noMtlonn art lend-ing actor aad direi'tress or productlnnH fortlio -lloewiirlh Co. Their future plons liavorot iid-n announced.JOHN T. KBLLY WITH VITAaRAPII.

Jolin T. Kelly, for many seaaona a favor-Jlc witfli \V<ptr it Fields' Co., at the fammis]lltlo nlayhOLse ou Ilroadwny and IVenly-Jiliilh Hlreet. New York, Is ntrw ploying loni-lily roles for the VVtacMtih (?o.


The Picture Playhouse Kllm Co., Inc.,oprDcd this week an olllrc iu Ut. Louis, Mo.,nod for the preacat .Arthur A. IiC<\ tlio

(ravclliir ofllcc manager of the Picture I'lnv-Ijouae Kllm Co., Inc., la taklug charge of thetranch.Ue has mado aomc good bookings and the

conipaDy'8 Venture (llnia have liecn rocelvodby the )ii>oplc oif Bt. iMUin T/lth

'J\hla la Ihc clcventli new olhco Hint tlio

Picture Playlinuse rilm Co., Inc.. has oix-ni-d,ond all of them are reporting guiiil bnulncsa.

DisnLiNnn a moving pictuiiq' ce:ns*»u.

Lawrence T. Ilerllner, correspondent ofTiiR Nkw Vouk Ci.n'i'KR at Corry, Pn., baareceived his ccminlxHldii from thf ittnte ofI'onii^ylmiila aa 1n»:ii-clur for th>> StntoHoard of CeiiKorB. Ilia' dullev conalstK of vis-iting all tlicniic!) wlici'i pl('(nri'» urc H)iii\vn.

to see Uiat tliey Ikmit the slnnip of approvalof the State board, iind iiro otherwise propiT.KLBINE nr.'I'S' Al.l.-Ml'Ail CAST FOR

"'I'lIK rt>H.'H|iTKII,S.""Tlio ConmuiterH," llluil popular .Tnnies

rort)os cnnip<ly, now being lllnied by OeorcioKlelne. In his New York studio, will featurei\n all->tar cast. Tin' Jpnd of Hetty IlrlccliaB bccu pinred In the coropetcnt hnnda ofIr<iio Kenwlck. Ooorge I.*' (luerp will pliiTHariT llrlce, and nnoHier well known llroad-way Thmr>lnii,'-<1harle:f .IndeN, will handle thelolc of Innnltablc Sainniv. Ihin Movloa, whowon fame aa tip orlglniil Olllcer 0(11) both lathe stage play and tho Kleluo fllni" vcra'on,•will InteriiroE Mr. K'ulllston, while Dilli<"onnor will plav Fan ItoMlaton. hia wife.New York's avnilablp theatrical talent waacarefully convaaseil before the rolca werecaat. and cncli was aclected with an eyeBulely to his or her adaploblllty to the pert.TOM WALBH, OP 101 UISON. RF.COV-ICniNU FUaM DdllNS HBCRIVUl)WIIILB ItAKI.Va A PICTirRIi.Ttaomai Walsh, of the 101 lUson Company,

I« gradually Inaprovlni from the terribleburua he recolvca while preparing a cloudttect for the production of "Tho niood ofthe ChUdrtD." I4>at week Dr. IJoyd Mnse,«f UnlToreal City lioaplial. thought It woulJJ* neceaaary to graft akin to aavc Mr.Walab's life. Cleo Madison volunteered toItlvc alK iqunrc Inchi'-i of akin from berhculder. Th« cpcMtlon now will not b«neccEoary.FANNIB WAnn RNflAORn FOR LASKV

PRODIKrriONM.Jesae L. Lasky Feature Play Comnany an-

jiounccs tho engagement of Fannie ward, tholegitimate arllat, who, by the kind pcrmlsaloncf Mare Klnw, has entered Into a contractwhich entails ner making her acrcen debutId the Immediate future under Laaky man-afcncnt.

Mian Ward's moat recent appearance onthe stage was lo "Mndom Prealdent," Inwhich she played for aevernl weeks nt thetiarrlek Theatre.JACK DILLON JOINS CNIVICRSAL.J. Francis Dillon, known to Iho theatrical

world as Jack Dillon, haa joined the llr.l-

veraal West Coaat forcpa, and will hereafterbe *c«> In Ne.itor comedies. Mr. Dillon tvtisbom In New York City, twenly-alx years ago.He baa been on the aInKc for ten vears, plat-ing with Adelaide Kelin, Harry TIghc, andIn many well known stock comp.inlps. Of thowell known pro<luctlons In which Jack Dillonlias been fentnrbd are : "The nosnry," "ThelUght of Way." "Olllrer flilO" and "A Oon-llniMn of Fmnce." l*revli)ua lo his Joiningthe Universal Company Mr. Dillon acted o»director for Carlyle lllnckwell. He will botinder the direction of Al. Christie, and willplay juvcDile leads.


Undtr the iwiiie of the Metro riclurea< orjioratlon. a new phMurc concern, waaInunchnl Inst \vei>k when the dlre»-l«rfl lliiallvconcliiilr^l Jill prcllinliiiirli's and aelllcd uiioho delltille nu'llioil of prumliirc

•ihi. |<liiii of the M,'lr,. iirgnnlzntlon la Ihi-Jleinliintlii)! .>f iiiiiiiM(W;ir,v oxjuuise aci-onl-»ug til thi'lr uUvuiico amiouuccuiuitH, also

the dlatrlbutlon and dlssenilnatlim of theirproducing companies products with a mliri-num of energy, cost and time. Bereral weltknown exchange men are represented on theboard of diroctora, officers of which bavobeen chosen. RIebord A. Rowland, of Clarke& Itowland, Pittsburgh, heada .the board aspresident. George A. Orumb&cher, of Port-lend, Ore.. If vice president, and James B.Clarke, associate of Mr. Rowltmd, second vlcaprealdcct. Joseph Ro^le, of New York, hatbien elected trroaurc,-, and l«ls B. Mayer,of Doston, secretary. -

- Tlie releasing policy of Metro will he onepicture a week. These will be supplied Idpart by the companies allied with It, whilethe rcmolnlng, or op^n.iUtea, tIH be niledwith sUterlai seleotea froiii't±n open market."I DID.N'T ARRANGE, MY BOYS, TO BDA SOLDIUn," SAYS ARTHUR ASH-LIOY—TELLS TROOPS TO USB TUBIROWN JUnOl^BNT.Wlion it cornea to soldiering, Arthur Ash-

Je« of the Thanbouser-iMutual forces, Is"aomc" actor. .This was amply demonstratedot Fort Ucbuyler recently. Director CarrollFleml/ig was there with a Tbanhoiiaer com-pany, taking aomc piclurcs, and. Incidentally,Unking UBe of Uncle Hnm'a own Infantrymen.Seeing a chance- to get a good cloac-iip, bepersuaded the regular lleutennut to changaplacca with Ashley, wlm pinya the part ofan otncer In thla new Mutual release.

Ahead was a barbed wire fence, and thecoDipaiiy of which Ashley was In nominalcommand was making straight for tills ob-stacle. This didn't bother the trained sol-diera, but they didn't know thot their younglieutenant bad given way to a movie iictor.When the distance between the marchingcompany and tho wire fence wnB too umall topenult the citstomary "aqiiadH left," a griz-zled sergeant shouted some command Just asAshley yelled one, too.

Ashley's was: "Do what vou think' best.""Another thiug," said Arthur to DirectorI'lcmlDg after the oceno waa llnlshed. "youuiuBt remember I'ju a trouper, not a trooper I"


brother, Tx-opold In the production of thoI'litihe aerial, "The Exploits of Klalne," hasKome very Inlercaling things to sav ot (boaclcirtinc apparatus used In llie differentt'plsodi'a. Mr. Wharton, la the first place,ciuphaslzcs the fact that the various remark-nhle mechanlBms shown are not the productof the studio workshop, but the genuinearticle. In one Inatance, at leaat, the onlyone ever produced and tremendously costly.

'•For Instance," says '.Mr. Wharton, "Wearsnow using in the making of thi> eleventhciilfrocic nn apparatus called the "tclegra-phiiiif," which Is the only one ever made,and which represents the expenditure of mil-lions of dollars though the actual mechanlciilcost would not exceed two or three tlious-anU. 'I'ho large sum first mentioned has beenexpended la the oxpcrlmenta wJilch havobccu tuougbt to a successful conclusion lathe mncbluc which has been kindly loaned<ii u.s for a few dnyB by the,- manufacturers,a.rlelly this la what the apparatus will do.lull call up a man In Seattle on the "longdlatnncc" from New York. He Is awny, butyet you inny speak Into the 'phone what youWith 10 tell lUni, and on hia rctura, by plac-

ing the receiver to his car, he will get youroesaagc and in your own voice, too.

Again lo the tenth episode we us^ the"electric reauacitator," which recently, odton the Coast somewhere, was used for the

first time on a girl who had been pronounceddead by a nuinber of able Dhyslclans, andyet who was brought back to life a half hourlater by this remarkable device. This ma-chine, which la truly almost aopcmatural In

Its powers, was Invented by Dr. Leduc, ofthe Kante* E«ole de Medicine, lo France.The apparatus la so new and anch a rarity

that we found it very difficult to secure onefor oar picture,

Another' new and remarkable Invention,

wc have used is the "vocapbone," which?irojects the voice of the .user of it eo that

t may he beard a long dletance from the

receiver at the other end.No, we are not faking any scientlnc ap-

paratus in "The ISxplolts of Elaine." Wedon't have to. The inventors of these dif-

ferent remarkable machines voluntarily offer

OS the use of their devices, feeling that theuse of them In a motion Picture of the trc-

meodouB circulation of "Rialne" cannot help

but bring new and valuable publicity.


Edgar Lewla, who bos gone dorwn .to Au-gusta, Oai, for the purpose of staging "TheNow Governor" for the Koi Office Aibtractlons

Co., writos back a lotrter to New Yoit, In wlilch

he waxes eloquent over Augusta as a choicelocniltty In whlcli to maie movlrt; pictures.

"AM proportlos and Eccnery necessary in the

Broduotloa of a flim are at Augusta," says[ir. l/cwi-}; "if Wc need a mountain range It

Is only a few miles Weat of us ; if iwe desire

on ocean liner It Is a abort distance by rati,

and what Is more "to the point, If we areitaging a production wOiIdh reqoitea scenesfrom regions of two different cllmatoa, we dotot have to leave the env.lrons of Augusta,OB the magncdla. and palm grow wtthln easyworking distance of the pines. It Is rumxircdthat Mr. roi contemplatco the oonstruotionof a' largo producing plant down here, be-

cause of the nuLny nntural advantagea of thesection, ' I wilsh to add, as «n after tlioij^,ttujt this regloa la the way of bodily comfortIs an improvement -on Jersey Qdghni In Jan-uary."


.Tlmmy, to his intlmntos In the picture game,end who rejoices In the title of general facto-tum of the Latmmle Film lOxohange, ofMinneapolis, has devLnH] an excellent meth-od of keeping track of expenditures and re-

ceipts of mpvle houses. 'J4ic Dryaon systemunl(rnces a record and ledger method of acleverly routined dally report olieet that ef-

fectively accounts for every nickel going Inor out, The official tltln la the Theatre Rec-ord Ledger -System, and over Ave thousandpicture houses are t;ald to be using It suc-CKsfully at present.



which surrounded his doliut as a motion pic-ture «tar, Walter Miller, the popular little

Jockey, took unto himuelf a wife recently,and Is enjoying his honeymoon while the pic-ture in which he starred Is being preparedfor Ita initial presentation.

F>1dlo MIddlcton, who staged the LillianRuHsell feature, "Wildfire," for the WorlilFilm Corporation,' Is respnoslble for the Wal-ter Miller picture, which is lu lour reels, and



Lewia J. Selznick, Vice-President and General Manager,

announces a World Filna Corporation affiliation with the

Beginning with their production


A beautiful Btory artlstloally filmed under the direotlon of BtABT HUBEETPBOHMAIT, presenting three great stage stars of Broadway reputation:

MARY MILES MINTER, remembered in *The Littlest Rebel"

PERCY HELTON, now in *The Miracle Man'*

WILL ARCHIE, will be remembered because of his play-

ing in "WUdfire" with Lillian RusseU


and will be released March 1


F-IL.IVI CORPORATIONliEWIS J. BELZmCKk Vioe-Fresident and General Manager

130 "WEST 46th ST., WBW YORK. CfITT, N. Y.


win ho offered to State right buyers underthe title, "Wlonlng the JHiturity," by theWalter Miller Feature Film Company. Thestory Is founded upon the epo.:taciilar racewhich added so materially to the Uttlerider's fame, and is presented by a caat in-

cluding Georgia O'llamey, Charles Graham,Uenjamin 8. Kutler, Alfred Holllngswortb,end William Cavanaogb. The racing scenes

were made nt Saratoga and Sbeepsbead liay.

The wedding, whlcb stars Ur. MUler forlife as a married mat, was staged Just osquietly as the fiictuie, wltfli the Ug sceneplayed In the largo T'ecepUoai room oi theHotel Gotham.

ChiJre Lorwenatoln was the duirmlDg bride,

and a goodly number of motion picture celeb-

hrU'les among Hhe guests hclt>ed to remind thecroom that, although he wtu featured aaWalter WUHnm Miller on the wedding Invl-

tntloDa, plain Woltor AllUcr was good enoughfor his many friends of studio a£d taick.

'•Maett th« Extcttig CondHtoni Briik CoinpaiHIon Enforces Id the Moving Picture Field"



SAFETYAwarded 0-rand Prize, Second Inter-

national EzpoBition of Safety, held atGrand Centra,l Falaoe, New York City.

EFFICIENTEmbodies many vital improvements

and features that make it the highestattainment in motion picture machineand operation.

PERFECT PROJECTIONPower's Intermittent Movement

eliminates all flicker and assures defi-nition in the picture.

You owe it to yourself toown a copyof our latest Ulustrated Catalog "T,"telling the faots concerning PerfectSafety, Perfect Projection.




John A. Kent la the new Oreat Northernpublicity man. Mr. Kent has performedsimilar work for the General Film Co. andthe World. Film Corporation. <

DOrOLAS WRITES ANOTHER.Malcolm Douglas, business manager of the

New Amsterdam Theatre, Klaw ft BTlanger'sprincipal playhouse, has Just flnlshiid a sce-

nario called "The VUion of the Shepherd,"end it will shortly be released by the Sellg

Con>paoy, The figure of the Naaareoe will

b« Introduced.

BTr. Douglas has written many serious andhumorous plays and booke. One ot the fun-

niest books publlabed is bis "He Would lie

An Actor."

I'm Film Sales Corporation has been In-

corporated at Albany by D. Young Jr., T. IC.

Ehea and 0. R. Farrar, of 'Caat Orange, N. J.


For the first time in Ita eighty-nine yean'history. Slug Sln^r's i>opulatlon haa initreached the one thousand seyen hundredmark. In addition ito the ordinary prisoner*tliere are fifteen condemned men, whichbrioga the grand total up to one thousa ndsevea Jrundred and fifteen InmOitee.

Before carrying out his plans for drafts otconvlctB to Comstock an<l Auburn Prisons,Deputy Warden Charles Johnson accepted theoffer of Jockey Walter Miller to show SlugSing's ilargcst audience his four-reel motionpicture, "Winning the FuturWy," which re-

sulted in the iDJtIni showlDg of the ezcltiag

GrIdenUy the little rider's fame was wellknown to the large and entbufilastic gather-ing; ns hlfl every appearance oa the screenwas greeted by stormy a;pplauae, end when berode the great hornc, Cfolln, to a gloriousvictory In the second t>lg race ^own in thopicture, be was given a demonstration sec-

ond only to the one he received irtien bowon the celebrated race ait Saratoga.INDUSTRIAL SENDS CAMBRA HANSOUTH TO PII/H THE CUBS' PRAC-TICE OAMBS.The Industrial U. P. Co., of Chicago, has

sent a camera crew to Tampa, F\la., for thepurpo«ie of taking thetolBclal movlng plcturesof the big Oaaparilla.Vai'nlval, which Is oneof the annual State fceturea. This plotnrewlllbe made in two or three reels for specialSouthern circulation, and will first he shownat the Bonita Theatre, at Tampa.

After fbls work Is ftnlshed tbelr operatorwill stay at Tampa with' the Cuba duringthe time that the Chicago National LeagueBaseball Club are In training there, and lo

addition to securing weekly eubjeets, will

make up a two reel Mscball feature for gen-eral circulation.


EXCUANOB.The Hjtnr Film Corporation, of Atlanta,

Ga., Is maklns conatsnt forward stildos,and Is now. wibhoot doubt, one of the largestfilm eiohanges In the South. They havebeautiful offlces In the Forsyth Building,with t3ie only iprojectlon room South of thoUason and DIzon Une. Arthiir B, Hyouji.

Bresident, is hi chargj of the Bald erganlta-on work, and P. T. Bartwur, secretary and

troaaurer, has charge of the offices and all

routine work of the orgaiiltation. which em-I>i<'ys sevea road salesmen end a staff ofthirty in Its Atlanta ofllce.Ihc Hyber Film Corporation controls for

tho eight Southern fitatcs the entire out-put of several big film rel6aalnf companies,indudln/r the Alliance Frognm, Cosmos Kcs-ture Film Corporation, Kxcelslor FeatureFeature Ftlm Company^ Favorite PlayersCompsjiy, iMastcrpltce Film Conwiany, OsFilm Company. Ki C. Booking Company,Flamingo Film Comnany, Select PhotoplayProduclag Company, Ivnn Film Corporation,Somrycr Film Corporation United rflm Com-pany, the Oreat Nortbe'ro Film Company,the Kismet Film Corporation and has justcontracted for the Apex brand. In addltlouto the pcctures which they have In tbol.'

regular strvlce.The company operates several large the-

atres. Including the Grand Opem House.JnAtlnntn with n seating capacity of 2,00O.

Splendid re«iults ate being obtained, and cvcugreater expansion ) Is probable In the ncir'future. A brancjK otnco Is being opened In

New Orleans, whsrtfVr, Uymon "visited iostweek. ^ '







Divid Bolmts John Emenon%i;..)via Lorraine UullDgl4rrv George Le Ouerre<;?,ard Robert Cain

lSybllla Popo

AuDt Clem Maggie FWher.Qjarace" Fbtllp IlabnniiluiS • Tbomas McQratli

Mnrtln J. Flndlay'

"A Barlielor'8 Romance" Is notable for

somo excellent acOn«-and the clever mannerIn Tbicb the producer liae handled tbe all

too familiar atorT., ^. . . «

To <>e sare taere la the ciwtomflr; UnarbotoG<'aphr and 1^611 choaen locations, sup-

Llem^ted OT natural looking Interiors that

Dnvld FlanaganWalter Craven



Wllnkey Davis. .Bert atarfceyulrcctor. Mainlce Touraeur.

o.HSr* If..^ P'rtuw that h«B everything.Starting with a cftrklng story, Director Tourn-tur la tO 'bft ooDKratulaitcil In not overlookinga bet In the matter of atmosphcra and detail!


•presented In srlpplBtr fashion,with every^ evldctKe. that the director who'nsuollzed It kncrw exactly -wihat he was doingat all times. I'aul Anmatrong wrote the playor Jimmy valentine," whlob Traa an adapta-tion of onp of O. Ilcnrv's storlea.

^,2?^ netlpg, too. la of an excentlonoUy hlg'o

JJSS: 1';''*'^ Warwick plnyn J,e role of theaa/e*rcaklng chap with an air of repreaslonand a skill that betokens extensive dramaticexperience.

of anloat, from the ptnn« to tb« elephant.He hai hnnted and captured wild beasts InAfrica. Canada and Uouth America, andtnloys a bigh rating as a lecturer uponanimals and Ihelr houts.Two years ago, while directing a Motion

picture producUoo In Florida, Captain llnna-vita wa.s again attocked by Baltimore, theenme Hon that formerly tore his arm off.During the Oerce atniggle the Intrepid

«T the I -f -trainer, while prone

theground, dboule<l

to the panlc-strlckcn camera men to "kct-pturning." The Hon wan finally driven off,but not before It had badly Injured Uona-vitas other arm and torn hla body and legso severely that for many weeks doctorsdespaired of his llfo.

Wben he finally did recover h« organisedan animal show of hla own and toured thecountry, continuing to work the savage beasr,Baltimore, up to Inat November, when It wasaccidentally poisoned by disinfecting fluidwhich aptllcd from the roof of the cage, andwan Hckcd up by It from tbe fioor.

Captain Bonavlta Is as able, acttva andfearless to-day as he has ever bc«n. He

,.u.„»e—i--f . , ,- ti 1.1 1 I. ©'.realism pervades the entire pic- brought several beautiful Hons with himilementri ty natural lofl*^^

K'-u'^^i'^,'' ,?'"n""S l|i Hs fldollty to tho wben* he ??Jolnil the Rostock Arcn^are 'laually found In all Famous Players pro- llle it so excellently portra.vs. n order to Ine a threc-ycar-old son of naltlmore which

mo^e t'tlo'r'^lg'bt^lSvrbl.en '^UT'^'lll ill lV.5S7_?'J„r'-a .the"iJr?u'm°l?aS?? ^o'f X'^a^vTig h^nMcurcd for the second appearance on the

flniabcdCfCUl^- .-. — -


E(r(cn of that consclentloua andactor, Jobn Emerson.

Mr. Emerson makes the most of hla limited

ooportunlttes, however, and gives a perform-sncp at all times convincing and pleasing

to the artistic acnsttillltles.

One scene that possibly might provoke dls-

ciisiilon Is the ease In wnlch Sylvia breaksofT bor engagement with her swcutbeart.

rmli seem to take H as a remarkably simplenroniliire. and sever their relations In a{.rnillnrly cold-'blooded fashion. It seems

ecenes, these were taken nt Sing 8lng Prisonsfofy '9 'o'"" >n <i smootf

ondlntaresUug manner, and Is developed with

screentequlrcmcnta of the

^fTSfS "l^uS'YIf*' strikingly vivid sconesor the breath-holding sort. I'osnlbly the bestOt a number of well played situations Is thescene In which the child Is locked in thesafe, and the ex-convlet, torn by conflictingemotions rescues her through the means o?bis nimble lingers. A bird's-eye view of theinterior of the tank In the first reel Is aDinstcrplece of camera artistry and tOlclent

ih.ii the young man In question might have directing. Ilcllcvlng the dramatic tcnBlon'atnt least registered « ,',l<j|inK,,o'_r;^.S|;ft_,«t times, n pleasant bit of comedy by-ply Isthe loss of Buch a delightfully mctty girl

I/orralne Huling, who plays tlic part oft^vlvlu with dalntlucss and charm,'inaction In the first three reels Is largely

nKHJOtl for by the rapidity with which thingshii|>lK'U In the fourth and concluding reel,

KdllowlDg a melodramatic feature Into apicture theatre, "The Bachelor's Itomance"Khould prove entertaining and draw well,partly through the general excellence evl-

deiicnd In <the production of the film as auult, nnd partly through the name of JohnKnierson. net."rilB WARHBNS OF VIRGINIA" (FIVEIIKELS), JE9SB UiSKY FBATURBPLAY CO., PARAMOUNT PROGRAM—IIEVIBWBD AT TUB STRAND.

CAST.General Warren James NelUlArthur Warren P. E, Peters

Mrs. Werren Mabel Van BurcnAgatha Warren Blanche BweetNed llurton lUouse Peters(icnerol Grlflln <Dlck La Iteao

(ieneral Hording. Sydney Dcanojlloke Kaymood flatten

Znkc 111','BS-. , (Milton Brownnil! I'cuvey Dick La Strange1'iiin Ujibney Luclen LlttleOeld

Hull Wnrren Gerald WardHi'lly Warren Mildred Harristinpho Mrs. Lowla McCord

.Notwithstanding the enormous amount of

h\|)eri>olc spread through the columns of

llio numerous trade Journals by the mostriliclcnt and Industrious Lsaky publlcltv dc-

pnrtmcnt anent tbe debut of. Blanche SweetGs a Lttsky picture star, "The Warrens of

Virginia" Is not a master work of filming.

Kny It Is not even, a j/ood picture, expbna-'i<on of the why and wherefore which shall

lie (ortbroming directly.To begin wltb. the story a conventional

Inic of the Civil war, with Its namby-pambyNorlliem hero In love, with the goody-goodyKoiiibctn girl, and tbe attendant conflrct ofhive and duty lias been done to death In

innumernblo single reclers, commonly desig-

nated In the vernacular of the trade as"prngrnm stuff."

I'^l^therm;ore, the - Eal«m Co., to cite artHf-lile li^s'tance. ^s produced far betterliaiile scenes and Civil war stories that wereliiilnltcly sirpcrlcr os regards detail, iptc.iliiring the Psst three or. four years andniado little noise about Ic at that.liianche Swvvt'ii histrionic talents arc totally

Inadecjuatc to a proper portrayal of thelolo of Acatha Warren, Miss Sweet, imderOrlillths' master direction. In "Judith," waaa revelation, but a couiiparlson of the twopcrforrannces would be fatunuH, Inarmuch asthere Is so little to compare.. Miss Sweet,In addition to wearing a remarkably decol-lete dress In tha closing scenes (for a girlWilli lins never been kissed, and we are soInfnnned from a sub-title), has her lips ovcr-iiinde-up throughout. Her eyes, on the cou-iriiiy. were not properly lined. .

Ite.sldcs lacking the emotional qualitiesncri-ssary to a ccnvlncing conception of thoolinractcr of the Southern girl, MIbj Swd-tKccnied entirely lost In s.jmc of thp simplersituations. Tills fact, coupled with nliBurdIniises on the part of the (llrertor regardingili'l^l, Innds on air of unreality to the cn-tlri' performance, and stamps It as out andout "pliiy acting.''

In rela tion to the oboive mentioned lack of de-tail ovldencod throughout, the union soldiersiil'jH'nr In nice clean unltonms, with up-to-dato(1!>U model) hair cuts. Then acoin a hcnvyFllver dish Is sent to the Blacksmith's by thormanclally hard pressed Warren family, andtliat woTtliy iperson Is instructed t» melt tho«aine Into a silver bnlck.This he docs,, and lo and heboid the sliver

brick, which must weigh at least ten pounds,nieortUng to Its size, la handled by the mem-bers of thi> Warren hoijsebold as If It werenn empty cigar tax. The Southerners surelymust have had great strength In their arms,

Introduced by John Ilincs, who plays thepart of "Red Jocclyn" cxiictly as it sliouldbo played. This is never Irrelevant, nnd cnu-trasts neatly with the big moments thatInvariably follow.

Scenlcally, tin; Interior .si-ts are wonderful.Nothing 1a overlooked, nnd llicre Is no nklmp-Ing or faking, Tlio exterior locntiouH areatmospherically correct and all well pboto-grnpbed.

Kobcrt Warwick, as Jimmy Valcnilne,makes tho gentlemanly cvook who reformsand stays strnljilit,' n living, breathing pec-ccnnlity that stamps him as a Class A screenortist

Alec Francis, aa Billy Avery, one of thosedycd-ln-thtf-«ool crooks, who lins spent thobelter part of his lite behind bar.'). Is an-other actor who lends a touch of realism tohla characterization that Is startling. Evcrvlook and action betokcuA the criminal, Aiec'ijmake-up Is also a subject for high com-mendatlen.

Bert .Starkcy Juet does a small '*it," anddocs It In highly artistic fashion. Starkeyployfl tlie role of Bllnky Davis, n forger, andIn a convincing scene is shown in the act ofraising a check for the edification of somevisitors to the prison where he la an inmate.

This scene alone In a work of art, andBtnrkey cnn be credited with making thocharacter one of the dlstliictlvc features ofa picture containing an unusual assortmentof con^pctent acting,

Itobcrt Ciimmlngs, aa Davie, the detective,looked the ceatral oQlcc "bull" to the lifeand acted the chnracter to perfection. KuthShepley, as Rose Fay, had fewer oppor-tunities than the male members of the cast,but made •a. pretty and appealing sort ofheroine.

For a genuine feature screen entertalu-dicnt, the World Film Corporation has pro-duced a model In "AIIsa Jimmy Valentine"thot should establleb a standard for picturesof tills characicr. Ilex. .


C. It. Seelye director of sales of the Worldriim Corporation, left New York eoaie weeksago planned to be gone three weeks. Homade part of the tranecontinetai trip wlUitieneral .Manager Sclzuick, but decided to takemore time than orginaliy laid out, when b<3

realized wliat eshwltor.H were doing In thomotion picture flcM on tbe Pncllic Coast,lie found out that there woj much !o boleam-d from their operations, nnd instead'of three weeks, tho time allotted for bistot;r has lengthened out Into three months,

Mr. Scclyc has established salesmenechools In all branches of the World nim,and In tliein be Is oppiylni; tlie methods thattnadc 6UCCCBS for the sales org.'iuizatlons ofthe 11. II. Ingersoll & Uro., watches, andtbe South Bend wa|.?lic.!i.

From the Information received It Is ovl-

oent that Mr. Seelye has bccomo an entliuai-

oxt about the West. He is rohictunt ahoiil

leaving that fa^cinnting portion of the UnitedStales. During his absence his work Is

being looked after by his a.sslstnnt. I.eoa J.litimbcreer.


Feb. 20 all Wilmington, Dol., motion pic-

ture tl;catro8 .were formally notined byMayor IIarrl!ion W. nowcll that they ho'l

exactly four H-ecks In wliidi to make cbangcHordered by the building Inspector, or else

close their doors and keep them closed.


Tho Oregon State Legislature Is consider-

ing a prorposltlon to 'project Ucorge Klcine's

big Roman spectacle, "Julius Coisar," In thi;

council cbamocr next month. It is proposedto recure n lecturer who will talk on Itomnngovernment as pictured In the film,


<I1he World Oomody Stars announce thattheir first release will he Richard Carle, In

the Miark Hwtn rotnody, "The Dandng Beetle,"

on March S. This -will be Mr. Carle's Intro-

duction to the camera, and those who havefoMonrod his career in the realm of munical

comedy arc awaro tliat he is a fun maker of

the highest type. '

At -present be Is appearing aa a co-star

with Marin Cnhlll. in ".Ninety In the 8hod«","

t tho Knickerbocker Theatre, Now York Citv.

President Gleichman, of the World ComedyStars, has put his beat foot forward In select-

ing Mr. Carle as the first etnr to bo Been onhis schedule. _CAPT. DOJTAVITA JOINS HOR8LEY-FAMOUS ANIMAL TRAINEU TO DDBEEN IN MINA FILMSr"Cnptoln Jnc* Ilonavltn. for many yearn

one of the most celebrated lion tamers nndtrainers of wild (uilroaia In the world, his

been engaged Uy David Ilonley. and has al-

ready Joined tbe .Bostock Arena and Jungle,

at Los Angeles.. . ^ i .

Arrangements have alreody been completed

whrr<by Captoln llonavita will appear In

nnd assist in tho production of MinA films.

The nIeasCB of this now llcenaed brand

have heretofore be.;n confinci to one rfti

comedies, so tiiat the announcement that

Bonavlta would t>e associatetl wltb them has

fiven rise to much spcculntlon as to the

iirther policies of Iho manufacturer.Captain Bonavlta hta a world wide rcjiu-

tatJon. He wae for aeveral years the prin-

cipal feature of the Frank C. Bostock ex-

hlbltlonfl. and It was during this engagementthat he trained and worked a group of

twenty-ROven lions. Four jears ago, while

appearing with the Bottock Arent at tonnyIsland, New York, Capt. Bonavlta was at-

tacked by Balliraore, a tremendous lorest

bred lion, nnd In addition to being terribly

mangled lost Ills richt arm. Since tha:.

time he has conlinued to perform thi same

leo 11'i rtnring nets willi i.nly one nrm, an nccom-

^U-fitmR^^ daT^tnar 'VB^''

h^^^ pllshment vhkh Is reganle.) by ciperti'nrcd

fS5^' ' • Uuth Cl^y nnlmn' men everywhere mi slmpl/ marvelous.

It'-^l Jo?&i'.V.'. ; .yibn Illnei Bonavlta boa trained almost ivcry specie

i!-peclally the tadlea.House Peters, as the young Nortbem of-

ficer, manages to go ali 'through the.warwith a snick and span uniform ' that looksOK if it bad been proised for the occasion.In the last scene he appears In a very modem>:ngllsh cutaway, which Is suppond to repre-

^ nt the cIvUlan style in vogue during 1805..'>n old portrait, album at hand makes tbesuit appear ridiculous.

I>lrk Ui Reno, programmed as <9cn. QrllSn.appeared to have had 0>neral Grant In mindy lien he decldM on a facial make-up forlie part, . It's Qen, Grant all right, even

«> the historical cigar stock In the leftrorner of his mouth.

Iiotb House Peters and La Reno have ap-

'"t>u^ }° '>ett«r advantage.ine Confederate regiment was excellently

Bugfosttd, and a ellhouette effect of a sentrypacing up and down outside a latticed win-am- was a mark on the right sido of thoicdKcr for the producer.

llie shadowy horseman riding over a rldgo

V..^P olstance was decidedly reminiscent ofUbirla," with its camel caravan.Tlic story Is poorly visualized, abruptly

Oevnloped, and becomes tedious to a degreeoiler the third reel has been passed.

It would be interesting to note thi> wny inwhich "The Warrens of Virginia" Would bereceived by an audience without the wonder-• <il light effects' and musical accessories >f

too Strand. Tbe Strand orchcatra, by i:ie^'ay, outdid Itself, and throughout the pic-ture rendered highly appropriate Southernniolodics. Outside of the few little aboverecited details, "Tho Warrens of Virginia"Is Ibcre. Ilex.


CAST*•J'.ii^my Valentine Robert Warwick['".vlK Robert Cummlnps• ill Averv Alec B. Fmrn-ls

born in this country, has been christenedMlnA (Made in America). The nrqulHltionor Captain Bonavlta for MlnA Films Is re-garded as one of the most .promising of themany Important moves their manufaoturerhas made, and opens up rcmarkablo possi-bilities iu tlie way of animal flinvs.


Tliat th^! CrrilBtliiMutinil forces in I^os An-geles, arc lo he aupnented from now on <n'ith

ftellar recruits from the legitimate stnKc, bc-cam.o known last 'week, when It 'U'us an-nounced that Harry Woodruff, famous for hisappenrance In "nrown of Iln.rvnrd" and"\vlicn We Were .Twenty-one," shortly wouldbegin relirnrsing nt Uie Ilollwood kMuHos Ina four-rei-l feature 'iiroductlon destined forrelease iu the Mutusl progrnm.

Director D. W. Grinith intmds using thislinndsomc yonne actor in special featureplays only.


Mrs. Frjink Ilelfsnelder, manager of theOri>hi'irai ricturo'IIoiKK", Urimnn, ()., has beencIrvtiMl dcirgate to the Natiounl Convention.PIIILADELI'IIIA PICTURE HOUSES

CHANGE HANDS.Tlie ImncTlnl, a big motion picture bouse

on Siitictb Street, below Walnut, was con-veyed Inst week by the Active Ileal KstnteCo. 10 Mver Mnglll for a nominal considera-tion, subject to a $72,000 mortgage. Thetheatre occupied a lot 80 by 200 feet, andhas a l.noo- seating capacity.The photoplay-house at No, 2212 North

Front Street has been bought hy the St.<.'harleH Amusement Co. from Francis K.Ilennoesey, for a nominal consideration, aub-Ject to a }35,000 mortgage,"HEARTS IN EXILE" STAGED AT

SARANAC LAKE, N. Y.Jnmes Young la engaged in putting tbe

flnlsblng touches to tho photoplay celled"Hearts In Exile," In wlilch Clara KimballYoung will be seen, on the World Film Cor-poration schedule, April 5. The locale ofthe picture Is Russia, nnd the recent snow-fall made It easy to tnko a raajiirliv of thoscecDS in and near Fort Lee, but there arereony seenpH yet to bo toh-m. nn-1 on thataccount It has been arranged that the com-pany under Mr. Young's guidance, shall go toiicrfnac Lake, New lork, to g;t the winterscens that remain.

Spifclnl scenery nnd contumes have beensupplied fo." this production, and it is thelargest yet mado by Mr. Young for ClaraKimballYoung under tho World Film auspicen.It Is understood that many of the scenesthat have been takon at tho studio have tlic

tnng of the Russian atmosphere In them tobucb cn extent that the beholder will haiveno dIfflcuMy In tran.-tportlng blm-iilf uentailTlo the land of anowa and vodka,PICTURES THE BILL AT MAXINBELLIO'IT. PIIINCESS, BROADWAYAND LIDERTY THEATRES. N. Y."Th4; IMrth of a Nation." .D. W, Grimth'fl

Tisimllzatlon of llov. Thus. Dixon's novel,"The Clansman." opens at tho Liberty, Wed-liCHday, .March .1.

'I'ho Brcadwny Tlinatre, ot Broadway andForty-flrst Street, under tho direction of tho(.-tnnioy Company, re-opened iSaturdny night,Feb. 20, with an entire new polltiy, ombroclngthe I'nrajmoimt nlelurcs. The 0])enlng attruc-tiuu waa "'l-hc Country Hoy,"Tho last half of the week Mary I'Ickford

will be seen In '"Mistress Neil," a I'uinouaI'hiyers iproduction.

It seems that there was some sort of mlH-undcrslanding, which is said tu hnvo lieen

Miieedily and amicably settled, regurdlne tholeasing of the Broadway.The Famoul Players Film Co., which is to

c!itabllHh a Circuit of large picture Iuiuhcs

nil over the country, recently announced tliat

the Rruadway had been acquired by the WnvBrood Co., a corjSvration In whlch-Adolph/.iikor, the Famous Players execulife/Us thedominant foctor. Following on tlio heels ofthis announcement, the Paramount Co. Iiisue<l

a rlntemcut to the effect that thry lind

leaaed the house and would present tliolr fea-

tures tlinrein,

A representative of lie Famous PlayersFilm Co., thoroughly qualified lo Np^ak, In-

formed a CtirpcB roan that 1li.>re was ntfriction of any sort between tbe FamousPlayers Film Co. and the Paramount Co., andthat the announcement of tbi; Famous Play-ers acquisition of tlie Broadway had beenmade In perfect good faith, but It eeems atrlBe prematurely.

"The Eternal City," the Ftanio<is Playersbig feature, made In Rome by. Ilugb Fordend Edwin Porter will .bo installed In aNew York theatre of large rapaclly. Thename of this house will be disclosed tbortly.Tbe Barnes J!)xploratlon piotures opened

ot the Princess Ilonday afternoon, I'eo, 22.Tbe pietitreii, comprising alx reels, and en- .

titled '*rhrough Central' Afrlea." have al-

leady been Shown privately ty Mr. Itamrs,before several aelentlflc Boeletlca, and haveorouBcd great enthuaktam. They not onlydepict natural life and scenery In tblo darkcomer of the world, bat show many phasMof animal life, as well as depicting lutlvedances and costumes.

"Hypocrites," the sensational lUsworth[ileture. opens at tho Maxlne Elliott nextweek.SAM T. RYAN RECUPERATING AFTBR

8BVBRB ILLNBBB.Snm T. Ryan, .of the old vaudevlilo team

of Tom Lewis and Bam Ryan, who were fea-tured In several of George M. Cohan's earlierproductions. Is recoyerlog slowly fromsevere attack of pneutnonla. Mr, Ryan, whenattacked wltb the cold that, led to his Ill-

ness, was playing in tbe picture productionof "Wildfire," In the support of Lillian. Rus-sell. He hopes (0 shortly be back Id har-ness again, "comedylng" iM-rnre the camera.In which field he has made an excellent repu-tation, notably liltU tbe Patbe Co.

UNIVKRSAL CITV AGAIN FLOODED.According to our I/oa Angeles correspond-

rnt, Dnivoraa) City has been deluged again.The river whlrb flows thro'jgh the town Is

norw roaring over lt^< hanks and has carrletl

out the rustic hridge.1 along ;:s course. Fora block on ea<li sld'! of It riibblib floatingdown from the Ban Fernando Mountains Is

backed up against tho barbed wire fence*crossing fho city's outskirts, and every twoor thre hours a shack on the mountainside.Its foundatlona undermlneil br the floo'l.

(ollnpses and romeH tumbling down rtream.Extra forces of laborers have bc<n em-

ployed to repair Ihe damage doni duringthe i3ccnt ftonu liixt bave (wept Uie coun-

tryslde. Other workmtn are doing tlieir bi'stto rebuild tlic concele liridue lu-ur tlie en-trrnco to the rlly, cevoral Biian< f.f whichhave been carrliMl out by tho roaring lluudwhich sw.ept benentli it.


A petition in bankruptcy -was (lied Instwvi-k aKnloflt Atsco, Inc., of 218 W, I'Nirty-UTond .Str,-ct New York, nio At.>«-o concern•KHB mid to have been a Burt of dopnrtinentof Mm defunct AIco Fl\m (.tori'orntloii, cuidlunnufactiiriMl ' Curtnins and .moving pictureKcreeiun The petition was algnni bv tlU'secreditors: Ilnrry M. Spence, tlOO; Vniil J.Kainmcrcr Jr., $in2, and Ilose C. Kregnn,(20::. Liabilities ore figured a,t 121,000, withansels, approximating |n00.UNIQIE FiSAiTUHK FILM CO. ON TUB

ROCKS.Aiiolher feature Aim producing concern

fouud the going too swift last week, and in-viiiuntarllv gave up tho tough battle. ARetiliiin In bankruptcy, olgned by Thns.lernberg, creditor tor IS.ln ; Jennie Hlern-

bere, $2in, and Rose n. FUher, l.'ino, wuh

MOVINO PIO-TUllB HachlnesCunipioto fur Htan-dard HUo Klira,

IW.OO; Uiiving I'lo

tiiro Caniurn TrIpoiiH,. $11.(10; Htureoiitlciins ciiiiiplele,

uiiy stylo or light,

tl'i.un; Ciiluiuml.lRlit JCIH, I'i.SA;

Ae.oljrleiiii llHS Uen-onttiirs, I'JJO; Arn Lninp, H,Oii; Rliciii.talH. f^.W;Miivliig I'luturu Olijccilvcs, f2M>; llnvliig I'lcturel.<ins Jacket, fiM; Hlereii|itlcim I.viih, any fiiciia,MX).: Moving I'lcturo Uitcliiiin Keort Hiirockcta, Mc,L. IlKTZ, aw* B. M3d Mtroat. k. ¥. UUr.



A lilg rciiuotlon In Film, loo reels at l cant a foobaomo at la a realj bsvo Westaro and Indian Keels,BOO fleia of Song Slldsa, uk: to 11 a let;Power's No. A Ifaohiuo, |;e; also otiior ctieap Ua-ohinas: Model "H" Valdum Uuohlne, lao. I klsobar Film, Slides and Maohlnea, Ifaood.a.r. OALliOT. 10 Mlghtb Ave., If. Y.

It geiipiii> dule.

filed against the Ilninue Keature I'lliu Cn,,doing hiivbiess ut Hn West Korty-dtib Ktri-i-t,

New Yotk. Tlie asse.tH aru eald to bo (2,000,and the liabilities (,'i,')00.


on Ideas and suggestfnns as to where toIncato their studio, the Heaver Film Corpora-tinn niinoun:'c that they will build ut l>on-cnn •IllllH, flinten Island, New York City.Tills would ncem to be a wise decision as It

will bring the new studio to within an hourof Times Hiiuare.

Outside of tbe work usually done In IhoHliiillo, SInlen Island nbnunilH with IiIIIh,

valleys, roads, wonds, lakes, mountains, anilliitth wild and modiTn acpiicry, nil of whichwill nlTurd widn Kcope to the Tinidiicor. I'lnnsnro now beiug (ll«d with the uullding depart-ment, and around will be brnkeii nt on<f.

Itr (Inruon snya the studio wtll be com-pleleO' liy June 1.

Tlio Heaver Him Corporation will prnducosingle, double nnd triple re<:l fentiiroH, liiit

Just along what lines they will relen-ie lin

not as yet been decided upon, ns I1iv.v

considering several offers from Htatc rightliiijerS and others.WOULD PILH CORPOHATION CELR-BRATRg I" NEWSPAPER MEN ANDothErb ouenth OK nir; film con-OEHN OH TWO AUSPICIOUS OCCA-MONS.The World Film Corporation celebrated Its

Unit aunlvensary quite Utliugly Miimlay even-ing, Feb. in, by giving n beefsteak dinner to


Ihn concern's empiuyees and scrmo sixtygiii'Sts, including tlio trade paper digni-taries, daily newspaper reprcsentaliv/^a andseveral iiinlnsrles from llin theatrical and'(Vim flrmnDirnts. The affair was held at|[«itey's celebrated Nnw York restaurant,and wan notable for plenty of real food, lots

of the other stuff, muair, song, and the usualappropriate speeches indulged in on (tuch

occasions. - ^-

., Lewis J. Helznick, the World Film's gen-eral monuK<'r was, -of coprae, the giicsl ofh'lhor, nnd ivhen called upon. by toostmnsterA.' S. Kane, he-rcnponded With an cxreilfnlKv<}eeh. during the course of wtflch be touchedbu-aiircnt condltlonB In tho niovlo game.HIU. TO DE INTRODUCED IN PENN.LEfllBLATURB LOOKING TO RE-PEAL OP STATB CENSOR LAW.

' n«preseiktatlve HAIn. of Pittsburgh, Pa.,nt tbe behest of t/o local branch of the M.I>. H. L. of A., if HarrUburg, Pa., will In-.trqdoco.a bill In/ the legislature looklug tothe repeal of thcl present State censor law.

Peter iMagnrolls Ibe president of the1.1-nguo's irarrinbiirg Ineal, and Is the chiefKpoiuior of the bill. Ah if to offset the r^ppol ulll. Ixnils J. Ilrettlnger, of Phr.odcl-pbla, who was appointed chief picture cmsorfoi* Ih'j Slate under tlio present law, Intendslo huv a liill prmentcd Increasing ihe num-tirr.4 ot censors and otiienvlse broadening thoKcope Of the censor board.LEHTER POTTER RE-APPOINTBDPICTURE CENSOR KOR DETROIT,men.Lettter l'^rttcr lias been rc-agipolntcdplcturo

inw>T tor the city of Detroit, Ulch. Tlie oen-(.iirshlp restrlctionH, which were off alnc^..Ii:lr. honre liecn again put In force. Potterwill he anntstcd by a ipollce oflldil.

llox orricB attractions co. nowFOX PILH CORPORATIO.N.

The lipx Office AttractlonB Company, ratedIn till) tride as a "Wm. Kiox" oonrcm, haaIk <;n succi'<<.U<d by Ihe Fox Mhn Corporation,'llic Fox Txoipio claim tlie new name Is morerepresentative of the backers of the eonnpany,:ind liesldes easier to pronounce. Fox FilmCorporntli/n Is capitalized at (fiOO.OOO.


Al. LIchtman. of the speclnl featurn de-ijiirtjntMt of the World Kliin Corporation,.' dots not hear n name, It hns como lo b<leaves Ibis comlog 6atutday. A. H. Kan*^. fenowo as tbe "Krl/crioa OollillDg."

V - - " b'"" retires unthe Niiiiie


Arraiigeinehts liuvo bei-ii runeiudvd by la>aKeedirk lor an eileiided run of lliu MawsunAiitiirrtle Hnlinal pleluroH nt Weber's Tliea-Ire. im llroudwuy, New York City, biylnningMureii 1.

Willi Iho opening of this fninous Ihenire,another big llroudwuy pluylioiiHo will he add-ed to the list of liigh grailo llliu altructiuiiBon Ihe "(Irent Wliito wiy,"

'i'lie MuWHon nicturrs urn Miid to bo won-derfully (Iriiniallc and excnpl tonally eduiii-tloiial. 'i'liey were taken In the greiit un-known seventh continent Houiii of AuHlriillii,tlinl wnii siglited In iHMt, but waa not ex-plored unlll Hir HougliiH Miuwhoii, tlin e»-(IlHcoverer with Hhackliituii of tlio HiiuiliPole, nrrived tliero at tho hemt of his ownei|ieditl(in and niii.ppcd out IIki const iliiu inIDII-llili.


juni. uiui.K iTiiui ,iiii-n ii.t.T f»iii iv,--iii>: ,,„d. A 111 T 1 1 iUig liii til e hi't ivecii Wiilter E<lwnrdsnot M yet been decided ujion^ ns the;/ nro .\|,„|| „ |,„|„| of IniliniiH Jh u fcniluro of "Hnlun

.M<'Alll»ti'r B lileir," a strung Hlory of Westernlife, JiiHl cuimiileled nt the Inccvllii* HtudinHof the Now York Motiuti Picture Corporn.tii)ii.'I'lie 1)01 lln Is only Incldeiitiii tu a cleverlywritten and eimcled Htopy, nnd henco diM'i*

not CUM vert the production Into a bU>atl und(ti under nielodramn.8'1'KICN, PIIILADBLIMIIA RBPIIENEN.TATIVE Of KRITICIIION, I'ALKS ONaUAKEIl CITY CONDITIONS.A. U. Hteen, vlro fireMdeat and Rcnernl

nanoser of tho Krilerlon Film Company ufinilladelphia, hrceied Into .Vi<w York Instv/vek and let looso of a bit of his enthimlasmcn motion picture eoDditlons In Ililladclplilaand Ihe Hurruundlnir terrltorr.

"Phllodclpbia," said Mr. Hteen, "I believeis the greatest motion iilcture rlly In the(ountry. Perhao* I am a little bit biasedIn this atntemcnt, but it has been proved soto me, We have a cIssn of motion pirtureIbeatri) o«'nera that ore dlirrevt buyers. Tlieyarc real business men, pe'ipls who buv onmorit aud not on mere surface argumentsor condlllons, They are Inclined to treatIhn motion picture the same as they woulda bit of merchandise. It must contain theessential qiiBlUlea to make up a picture, notmere names, paper and titlfs. This Is siirtlys condition to make any man entliiialSMtir.You can exercise your tictier Judgment In'the purchasing of your wares, and not letynuntelf be Influenced by a foreign conditionthat really Mhoiild have nothing to do withthe business. To theoi the nrnlse of a fewdoes hot mean that a certain elasa of pio-tures ore appropriate. They seek tba satls-raetlon.of the majority. I believe tbnt everyone In tbe business Is prospering In and aboutI'bllnilelphla. I know that we arc makingkplendid headway, and are nonv openingbranch offlcrn m Illcfamond and Wllkea-Bnrre.Our Ilaltlmore oOco la already In full op«ra-tlon.

"The moat convinclog proof of why I shouldfeel so keenly elated over this territory Is

that we have succeeded In closing with someof the largest houses In the city. The TiogaTheatre, ^wbich eats ciglitteo hundred peo-ple, in my opinion Is a real achievement onour part. W« bavo them booked for Kri-lerlon nimi, and aecured this contract overail rompetltloo. Tbe Orpbeum, anotherHolendld theatre, which cost two hundredthousand Jollart, Is another example of theclass of theatres tbat are running Kriterlonvictures. In tbe short time that we havebeen operating our exchango we bavo closedwith seventy-four houses: this Is a splendidrecord, and onoliard to beat."The entire second floor of the building nt

iaOI> Vino Htrett has been Inken over by MrHteen for the handling of Ihe Krilerlon urr-vlc(. In view of the fact that the bulldlof






BANQUET.Th» Bccond meotlnit of tte Mnslc Tub-

llRliori and Music Dcalore' A"(K>olatlon wa.held TiiCHilny cvpnlng, Kob. 10, at the Bre»-

IlD Hotftl, New York.

HACRICE niCIIMOND RETURIfS.Aftor n two wcokH" irlp an far West as

Kansas City, tlaurlcc Itlchmond returnca

Batarday mornlDg, feeling an clilppcr as crer.

"Who'll Take Care of Uic Ilarciu VThen the

amun Ooea to War?" Is a great comedysoDg, contolDlnjr an Idea that la rigtat up to

the Talnute. It In aurc-flre, and an act ualngthis number la sure to go over for a big bit.

"I'm Thinking They're Making a Monkey of. , ,, „»„».ti™, nf hoUi fildcl Mo" Is a new comedo Irish song. It li theA «&odIv

''•I''^''»«"'f''"St.? thaWemberLjnost novel comedy Irlah HOng over written,fn atlci)dnii<:e, and «^ter tho^-wemoeM^jj^

^j^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^j^ ^^^^ ,^1^^

cofliicdy Aong la written along entirely oowlines. If tbero.ever wu n novelty aong,"Monkey" ta tli«t one. With the new ver-olon, "YOU Arc the Rose of My Heart" Is

Improved one liundrrd per cent. It Is- thepreltleKt liallad pobllRbca In yoars, and oughtto hi! !n tbo repertoire of all tlioM who alngthe better claaa of songs. "Cotton Hall" Is

o great opening or clo.slng song, full of life,

ginger and tabnaco. This would put any accCTcr. "From Sow On" lii a ncTv double BOneon the order of "You Made Me I>ovc You,"with a "Hilly" kick at the dnlsh of the(ftoruii. It la 'the most wonderful doublonumber ever wrltteD, also a groat singleHong. "For Every Smile You Game Me YouCnuicd a ThouBand Tears" In n worthy sue-ccRRor to "CuMie of An Acblng Heart," andJudging from the 'way it la going It will out-Bhlne tTie latter. "You Dldn^t Give It to Me"In n groat Rong by Jim Hurrl» and Chrln.

timlth, one of the best they buve overwritten.

„ of bolll

were In atlcndnuce, and aSUr tbo_

hud partaken of a regular cour«e dinner, ai

hour or so wor taken up reading the cow.

Htltullon and by-laws, ably gotten up by

Kdward B. Marks. After much dlBiusalon by

different membcri, they were flnully ado'ploa

uu read.

At the first mooting the following oDlcors

wiTf cleclnd: W. I.. Coggll, proHldont: TedHnvdor, vlic proHldent ; J. J. Roach, seere-

tarv ; J. OInMmalen, treasurer.

Julius Wllniiirk and George Fisher, Bd. B.

Murks and Mlt-Tiaol Keeno were elected ontho board of governors. E. T. Paul wasclioRon OR hlHtnrlan.

Tlie ol>Jo<'t of the aoclcly is to promotegoiirt followHhlp among rlic different puh-

IlKhrri of the jniiHic IndUHtry, and If thesame sjilrll l.s ehiiwn In I he future a» wnsIn evidence at thin mocllug, It is assuredof great HiirroHR. i

The next meeting has been callld for oaMay 18

"MY pntttTTY AMEnicAW nini." ANUANI;. WINNUIl KOll KOCH.

George J. Koch has ahnrwn koon disorotinn

In tlio HClcetlon of IiIh «tolt, iind 1b now roiip-

ini! (he well <Io.sorvod results from the con-

flcluntlouR work of every one connc<:tcd withIlls ofllrcR, and "My I'retty American tllrl


liBB certainly boon bumped over with a rush.

TlilB Kong Is n iiiilural hit for any act, andthis fart l» iiM-ogiir/.cd by Mm wise nnos, as

was ibiFwn last week when the number wasbeing featured, at nine rtlfforont tboatres In

Greater New York. Two weeks ago TitHOLirrER printeil tlie chorus on ita MelodyliSne page, and Georgo Korli states that this

1VBB equal to a hundred dollar nd. la any of

the other dramatic psipors. "The MinstrelsOn Parade" and "Sly Old - Moon Man" arealso inaklnft a great record for George J.

Kodb CcmpaDy, but "My I'retty AmericanOirl" U tbo big winner.

a. BLBWORTH WRYHEn IN MODILE.G. Rlsworth Woymer, demonstrator for

Buck & liowncy, of St. I»uls, Mo., bamclosed a three weokH' engagement at the S.III. Kress stores, Molikip, Ale., and was veryKUCccsRful. He Introduced a number of tbofirm's latefit songs, among tbejn being "It's

the Wrong, Wrong Way to Tickle JInry."

"The Ix)comotor Iloll," "Dreom I<ovo'b

Dream." lie has with him on his tour

through the South, his wifn and little sixteen

months' otQ daughter. The latter has al-

ready appeared before tbo footllghta and ia

quite a favoiltc.

TELL TAYLOR'S TELLINGS.Al. Carlton is a hit -with Toll Taylor's bal- ^ .

lad, "When the Mivp\c Leaves Were Falling." now hcadnuartere a

Smith and Hatch are a big bit with "You where Jack Scott Is

Till tho Judgment Day" ond "You've Got .to * " '

Slop It."

\jH Fleur SlRtors ore lining Tell Taylor'snew ndvelly nmiklior, "Vnu'ro tho flweotestlluneli iif Hwrt'tnena,' wirhi'hig auceesR.

I'M. Hughs. Willi Al. O. Field's Minstrels,wrltw thni "Where tho Mission IIpIIh Aroi'.blniliig" l.s the biillud hit he everused,


Tbv "Little aisnt" was a nelcoao vljltor at

Srica*? 1», BtUM U hU flrst stiwlag place oa

tilB »rrlf(il froBi Stn AMOnlo.His ilory la b««i told In Mr. Wortbsnj's eim

wofdi, u Wlowi ;

"Yon know, J'at tkit I made a atatemMit fb »

past WUil«, that I coatlderrt my ^show b*twatfii for cBn-nlliil iiur|)oii«. and that tli<te

minlti t» oa ptactloU ditreienc* brtwtei my ihotr

•nd the CM Mr. Allen i» ttking oat. Both wlU

be twcnty-ave-car orgtiilsatloiH, and I think tbtt

I «o asXtly aay that rb«e Hrcnty-iT» can will

ceLlclB DMKS latrliulc Tuloe la th* way ot iihoir

prcferty thin any oilitr orfaalsaton ot the uoia


"As Jolm Pollitt Rported, I am In a posltloa

to tike tho rtiad to^iUy If neccMary, »_filtU-

(o:iy bave oil my people vorknl tbis iiaat Winter

in tikn Antonio. Bvery detail at my vailcus' plana

has been cunaiBsmated to my «ntlr« nl lutictlon,

Dd I feel mm that I Lave the beit line of at-

tractions tnd the molt eliborttely cqolpprd ibowof 01/ caieer.

"At Aaa Antoolo I will Itave no len than nlnc-

lr«n tMkt Bid TlillQii derive* lo offer patrons

lrre6ixlSilve of any TlJinf derlcra that 1 may a<ld

tar Ihe big diitu, nnil Hooag these nineteen «t-

tniclkmt I think that I can safely sty that tbeie

are qulto a few novaltm.

"My hippodrome tIU te a (Mat prctentloos

• rrnlr; two arenas and one big ling. Jas. and llUl

Dyer will maooce It, and there wlU be Ave anlniai

two saniutlanal circus acts, clawas and all

fSiicrial to Tn-i Khw Tosk Omitkii.)' ClIKIAOO li *. l"-


The second annual mocUnc ot TJc Shoirnmi s

Launc of America -was held '.n Chicago, at tao

Onnd Piciac llotcl, Wednesday afternoon Faft.

IT. The following oieniben wcra present: Ed-

ward P. Nenmann Jr.. O. JI. Aximlrong. A. A.

rcwets, JohnA. Pollftt, <bn T.

n. Watten, Frank I. lAngbolham, H. M. Bhoob,

Warwo™ Patrick. M. S. Bodkin. Low Nl**!'.

A. HT Berkley, W. 6. VTIIUimie, laok B»acti,

Uarbett A. Kline. Kelloo DemanU, Alex. f.Jonjs,

W. J. awttney. Jaoies T. Olyde, Frank U Al-

bert. W. H. Rlc», liraok O. Oboper. James P.

Uwyer, B. a Talbott. Cokwel Ohailcs W. Pattar.

Mtke Zlaiey, Claries Aadce<«, A. Ii. Salvatl. A.

T. Wrigbt, Wsller dbanooo and John Miller.

The foUowlnc ofllctra were elected for the jcir

endlDf Wednesday, Feb. 10. 1910 : Ptealdept, John

B. Wamc ; Ant vloe president, Odd T. Kennedy


ciecond vice president, F,. O. TaUiott; ttlnl vice

trealdeot, Tom W. Allen; soeretary, Warten A.

Patrick; troaBurcr. Colonel Cliarlcs W. Patwr.I>>ard aoremorB: W. H. Bice, A. A. Poweia,

Lew Nlcholff Herbert A. KJIne. Edwart P. Neu-

mann Jr., «. S. Oodkln. Jamca T. Clyde, W. J.

Sweeney. Jamea P. Dwyer, J«iin tflUer and O. H.j^fQjBtrong.The second annual xoeetlng of ne Showman's

League ot America was one of the moit Interest-

ing as well aa the most Important, sessions Uuttbo Ix'aeue has held since Its Inceptlom. In Oilctgo,

at the BcratoRn Iloii-I, Feb. 10,1(>13. ThTOiuhthe courtcav of .Manager James T. Oljrde, the Qer-

man Itoom ctf the Otand PaclOc iBotel was placed

at the dlipmnl of the Leosue, and the OrandI'aclHc will fee the oinclal hevlquorters for the a.

L, A. until eiich a time as the oigaalxatloo shall

have permanent quarters of Its on*o.

CHARITY BOX FVSO.E,"irlM^^y'?leihfnlJ, %irch« ; C«e A thrn-it-^mix-xtant m^

lt"a:erfe^^"{;i'r'ori?Vaa'«.""' S-'/'iLTTL^T.^


'The Little Hou^e Upon the Hill"(BlIAPIHO-IiED.SSTRIN Co.)

*'WhcD You're a Long, Long Wayfrom IIome".(nBOAnwiT Muaic Co.)

"On the 6.16". . (J. II, Krmick & Co.)'There's R Spark of Love Still

lliirnlng" (Leo Fcist. Inc.)"Virginia Lee" (Job MonniB Co.)•I Didn't Italsc My noy to Re a

Soldier" (Lr.o I^eibt, Inc.)"Sweet Kentucky Ijidy"

(^I. WlTMAIK k BONB.)"Maybe a Day, Maybe a Ycar'!>

(Job. W. Stun & Co,)"When My Ship Comes In"

(HiBBT Voir TiLna.)"Chinatown, Mt (Chinatown"

(J. H. Rbuick a Co.)"I Hear You Calling, Tennessee"

(BUPIBB HuBic Co,)"When the Mission Dells Aro

Chiming" (Tei.i, Tatix)B Co.>"Can You I'ay for a Uroken Heart?"

(Cms, K. Habrih Co.)"You Aro the Rose of My Heart"

(MAPRICa RlCIIUONP Co.)"Face to Face with the Olrl of My

Urcama" (F. B. Uaviland Co.tThat Du-Dah Dey"

(P. A. Mills Co.)

'BRsle Fay will have another big teatnre, the

Concrwa of Fire Flffhters and Wild West com-bined. Reil Indians and'cowboys, Mexican dancersand a Moilc.m >)iu11 dght will he liKluded In the

tOk- the hcneUt ot ludlgent and De«dv bhowmcait'ho are not members of the Showmen's liCiRue

and the aiipolntment of an omeiacncy relief com-n.tlee to InTcstlTate oi>pllcatlons tor asdstanceccc'log nnler this head. This committee ap-

ilW .. .SSVi^ Ai^t by president Jehu B. Warren, conplatj of

Ru«geire nasdng 3Iadels wjll nmply the mO'

Andrew It. SfcrlluK'H liMillad, "Yoii|Tlll tijo

Judginout Ihiv," In being used with big sTVc-

ccsH 'by tho following nctR: Notb "' "

Claire, Ilrnurtywlne iVio, MelodyVirginia (Urls, Adelo Jamos 'iVl

TOE WBDD MUSIC CO,Tho W. J. Wobb Music Co.' has moved to

BOW hcadqiiarterB at 003 Walnut Street,whero Jack Scott Is now vorkinx as salestnnnagcr, after cnmpletlDg a trip through theMld(<lu West. Mr. Wobb hOR just retume4lto the onico, having been kept away for tendays by a sprained aukic.

AVITH job DALY.Will Coll Ins and Jack BLcClay have Just

roliirned after a HUcioiiHrul trip with theMiiosk Carnival Co., und Miey have featured

'.bo rnnd all of Daly 8 songs. "How

Nowllu and StFour, Three

t'lrglnla (Urls, Adelo Jamos Trio, lOva Mc-- iMnhon, Dllly Ilodmoud, Ilort aud Harriett


Jop Hollnndor sftVR the way the nets arecoming In for "Mission iloli«" there la uulh-iug to stop It from being a hit.


' Will nor.slter, "Tho Chlcngo PiibllBhor,"

hns n "bll" in tbo Bong, "I'm n Ixing Wayfrom 'IMpiieniry," nn.l U proving the grsht-

eat hoIUt for lilni hIiicc IiIh famous "ClrebsIM.v" rtoiip. He Is very much einted In thefne't Hint lie now Iiiih tbico of the highestpriced uclH In Rliow biiHlnoss fonturlug llio

Kiiuyr, niiinely : MoiilKoiuerv miiiI Moore, Kllzn-

iielh Mun:iv. und I'Ht Ilnonev nnd MnrlonIlciil. Ill <iiir iipliiloii, wllh tlireo hucIi acts

ii« tlime, we inn rciidllv understand why"I'm !i 1/11111; Wiiy from 'flppcrHi-y" In going"iivt" so I'Vg.

Al. Ahliolt, 'The Trlnce of .Song." snys bn- lieurs "llnii's are liiinl," but lie hasn't had

time tn iiiitln< II. Al. Is always working, iiiid

UKiiiillv linM more lequestR lor return dajirs

fn.iii ViiUM- iiiuiingers (liiin other nets liiivo

"lime." Keivp your rve on Al.—I hero will bnI ho UHiuil elioniM of "I told you so's" whenhe eoiui's lii iit the Miijetllc some day. "I'mn iMiig Way from Tlpi)i;niry"-ls bis "hit"song.Our Iden of "cla».s" is erprossed In the net

of Npwell and Most. They liiivc> more tlmntholr simre of "ginger" and "iieii," are gtiod

dnnoorB. and It's a "treat" to hear tbein sing"I'm n Long Wnv fr<mi Tllipernr.v." "Classvis the word, and It stloks out all over the act

THE SrOllY OF A "IHT."A real "bit" Is tlio dream of every writer,

eliigor and pulillRlier. Money Is srattorcdliroadcnst In frnnlle vIToriB to make one. Yetnow niid then ii genuine article sauntersInzlly iiUmg und simply "happens."

ilMid this: •'I'lu! iHipulnr Allianilini Trio landed In In-

OlnniipolDi n few dn.vs niio wlfli n carefully

NOlected rn'erlolic for tho wi>ek'B •un. OnMondny Mr. Slienvood. of tho above com-blniitUm, received a prufossloiiul copy aceom-pnated by u note In a womiin'H baudwrlllng,as foUow-s


IvnuNArota, Monday.DEAll MIRTHII RllKiiwuiui. 1 Inclosing a

Bad Biiiig Tue nnd my sister written, myfrend Mister Slilol .mill If you would use It

It would V a hit ni>iv If you will use It this

week me und niv Hlster wlILconie to the ehowaud hero you i\ng It I'ours & obllgo

Mi OsgoodHe glanced at tho mtiRlc, threw It Into ft

corner, plokwl It up again nnd lookctl It over.

Then ho eiillcd In Ills partners and theulooked It liver. Tlioy tried It out that uightand brought down tne liinise. They createdan uproar 'I'uesilay uli;lil. aud the luaiuiKer

put up a big Hlun In tlie theatre nutiouuelngthat the Albuuibni Trio would slug tbo songfor the enllto weok.

niilB song that crcatwl such o furore la

"Ilo KIssisI Her On the Uangpluuk as theShip Sunk," publlsluil by the MnKlnleyMusic Co., ChU-iigi>. l'"e\v songs of puiilcrntimofl bavo caused more etir In professionalcircles. All acts, big nud little, ore askingfor it. It promises to bo tbo song acusatlou•f tho year.

alcal aimely, which will Jjc of a norel description.

It will b« inanaged tu the Ilussoll Broa., Ihewc«ntlcmen are now fiDlahlnf a tour of one ot the

Vilg vnudevllle cticulla, but will to on band for

the openlnf."A Dew olnels shew, nndtf the title of 'M;a-

lerkHu Sho,' will tp suother new featnie. It will

run along the Uaea at an lllnsloa, proapted bynider IIacfanl'4 book ot that title, Billy Warreuwill be manager."My 'Neptune's Daoghter' water tfinw will be

another attracllen ot wMeh I am eauclallf proud.

The dlnirr<«arlD« ballet will be features ak)iig

w:th Liaian Ceelaj, as 'Nepttme's Daufbtei,'Uaner?r has sot yet been dediled imon.

«Baby atu, the AUIUloa DoUar IMl,' will betho presiding (enlua otor a ooncms of fat peo-

ple, «t» will live a Btidlmn perfonnanot deratedio wreatlhig, boilof, oycH^, eta. It will be'FaUaod'a Athletic Hhow,' a real gathsrlng ofall .the hearywel^t chaomloiis.

"A Heilcan drcuo will aorve to latrodac4 ashow that will be oonfloed to sa all Mexicanlimgram, In the way of acta of a acDsaUonal andartistic nature. U. W. Waahbnra villi be man-ager.

"I will have Jim Dyer's anlaiBl Innglcland asanothe.* sKraoUon, which will be sider bis per-

sonal dliectkn and inonageinent. It Is the bestpit tbonr ot Iti kind that I have aver aeen." I

Tt» "Little Qlant" took a bnathlog apell Justat this moawnt, and lie woe aiked about- bla

riding devices and conoesaloos."RUIng lieiloes," rematted tit, Worthna, "I

*m sot atuly throoch with mr abowa yet, listen


I have the Msgaet olicos aide sbow, oontalnlnrmore llvtas freaks than any atmllar attraction.

Noble Falrley has a top one hundred and Oftr feet

long, where, as features, we wUl have PrlnceoaOarlta, Prince Alagaiooma, WUlle Ptiplm, the

armleas wonder ;Jolly five, the fat woman ; Tls-

catoies,' the human Hah; Electra, who Is Imper-vlnin to nren the ahock o( the electric chair;lljibn Ilabd nnd a troupe of Elgyptlin Mcromonctrafrom Cairo, BeypL

"Ucoigo Farley wlU have his PhlUIplno miditets

wllh inc. and you know what sort ot an attrac-

tion lliat la. and Ctrl Ladare will manaae the

I'nnnma Oanal ahow, the latter tnlne all sowthroughout.

"Roger'a Trip to aiars wlU be another that wtll

add variety to my llne-np, under the managementof 'Deafy' Romrs, and I will have a crystal

Inngle, tor wialoh, aa yet, I have, no maaa«erplrknl out. , ...." 'The Days of '*9' iwllltw put oa in an olaho.

rnle eIvIo. nnd I am going to pat it noder DickCoUliiH" illrec'tlon, 1 hear be has been HTorly Nine-

•.hi;' round the country tor Bice and Belss, ao

ought 10 m*k« good,. .. ™ »

"Tlie Bi-imlrome will be managed by w. J,

Ctotuthlan. the Katacnjnronie- Oaatlc by Oco. Lucas,

Ocean Wave by JIminy Kiklght, Oarry-m-all byJ J. Ilimea PJl Ferris Wheel hv John Wortham,niiil that's AtMUt all," ranarkcd tbe "LIttI*

Glnnf."I have tMdlt two ntldltlonnl tableau wrgwia.

while on _ _ _ _

Easv It Is to nomoniher" nnd "Yotir Absence1b Ilruaking My llcurl" were two of tho big-gest ballads in tlic show, an4 the orchestrafeatured nil of Daly's InstruDiental numbers.

Honry I/OWlR, at' Keith's Itnyal last week,singing "William Toll." tfoa u riot with It,

ns usual, and wouldn't tako tblg numbor outof his net for anything.

George Daly, nt Uomnnln's Cafe, singingall of Daly's niiniberH. says Hint the new bal-lad, catltleil "Don't Tell tho Folks You Sa^wMe." is the biggest iMillntI he lias over used.

Crowley und .N'ewion, iiMliig I'oiirl White'sofllclal pong, entitled "They're All Gnin' Intothe Movlra." cbiliu that this number will bethe coming "niovlc song" of the season. It

lii tho biggest number In their net. _ _ .

Dnlv's song bits arc continually being- mnklni! elplit In all. these with my ojolmals and

lii.veil anil suiig n^-tlrt' Ratliskellor, Senlllc, clii hants. tliree.banils,. thlTty-t;TO horsee

P. Neun.nnn'jr, and M. 3. Doilkln. After Investl-

gslIOD by this committee, ndlet will be directly

extended by them In any amount up to tlOO, with-

out *eeoui8e to further authority. "Once a show-nuia, aln-bys a HhoiTuao" will be th^ motto of

the comn-Mttee, and It la hpllercd nnd ho|>ed that

its benellclal actlfltles will he such that hen-after DO worthy iierMu will be left In wanLJunes T. Clyde liiaplred tho movement, whichwill hove for Ita object the T«llef of all needytent show people, whethe' members of the Leagueor i,oL' It Is certain that an ambllkxi.-! and fcn-orous purpose such ss la oatlined above caanotfall to gnkkra the I«tigne Into sew life apdworthy acUvlty, to Ita owDv lasting good andKieater power and locreaaed^meinbershlp, . Mr.Clyde started the ehailtabl^pnpagatnU with adonation ot tSO, and ether (membrn prceeat anb-scribed llbetal sums. Aa thV ebarltr "Box" fondli entirely diatlnct from that ot the genenlEliowmen'a Leagne tuna. It was decided to per-mit those who doalre to donate to this fund, to

*tnd their lanlttancr* to the secretary of theLctgne,

BHOWBIKN'B LBAGDBI DAT.For the benefll ot Isdl^nt and needy memben

of The fibowmeD^ LcogiK of Amcrlce, It was de-cided 'to appoint 'Wedneaday, June Ifl, ISlfi, as"Showmen's Leagne of America Day," and onthat day every tent abow organlaatlOD will beanked to display baosers cepcclally printed forthe occnrlon. by the League, and devote a por-tion ct their teoelpta to the general relief

fund. All of the tent show loteieets representedat the meeting held In Olilcago, Feb. IT, pledgedthemaelTce to carry out this movement, tnd thesecretnry was dnstructcd lo solicit all orsnnlattlontto partlclpa;o In thla big benedt day. Such a ded-nlte- move to establish a permanent centre ofcharity cannot fall. If energetically pushed, and



It la the arowed determination of every moml,^.of the League to push It to the ntnost or tiJ;newer. _Tho Pcdctil War Tni, at it penahit to

shows, onma an tot ntendcd ditcoatlon. n[rroposed that Tho aiiowmen's Leagne of Arnerlriappoint a representative lo go to Waaiii™;ioii nC, and oonter with the Attorney Uencnl r'.r

mlloc. The matter was referred to a comminMccaslatla« << Can T. Kennedy, Cbalnnan: k cTalbott, Befbert A. Kline, J'ohn A. Polllit anri

Jotit D. Watrta. After aone deliberation Uiln mm.ffllttM repotted that It was deemed best for the'BdlvMoaf tent Hunt managers to haadla thb bat-ter themaelves.

The aeeoad annnal meeting ot the leivKuc waimne la the nalnre of a Jovo feast than it wni abututfsa sestloo, although bnalncaa ot (he most ini.

jxrtant natoni waa Iraotscted. As one pioou.unt member expreiseil If "Via meeting nartMthe birth ot i nktt I«gne." IlarlnK pan.!,through two yejra of conftructloo it was In a i*.sitkm to tako advantage ot mistakes It hid mi'lpand was now started nnt oo a futnte rich,promise at material devrlopown|f and tlie ahiMiyto cairr oat Us otlglntl alms of aervln'.; woriliyshowmia In distress, aud to bring its TneniUriinto a rinwr tfateraai and moro hirmonlous Id-


It would reqnlre columns ot space to compre-heoKlvely recoitl tho utlerancea of the OKiuliersprvsent nt tho mwtlns In Chicago, who eipri-isMthemaelves mo3t decidedly In favor of pu'.tln^

furttk every effort and lending thenselvrs to

evcr« n'erliiirlous jnovement towards the uphnllii.

Ing ind the lasting power of the SherlFuien'i

Lengn ot America.Tub Sbowmen'a Leagne Is bene to stay. Ita

oHken are representative men lo their IndlvMualapterea ct amusement eudcavor and will work Uconcerted harmony. The niemberehlp ot the LetKueIs bound to grow, and at the next refulsr iu,v|.

ing to b< held at the Urand Pacific Hotel, Oh!-

cap), Tucedoy, March 0, It Is safe to iirc^lct

that fully one bnodrcil uppllcatlons for meniWi.eblp will be passed nuon.

Upon tal:ltig the chair, as the new. prrsUlcnt,

John B. Werreo, In a Met address eivresse,l li|«

keen M>Preclatlon cC the high honor shorn him,

and pledged himself to exercise tho ulimost illll-

gcace In tbe carrying out at measures for the am-eral good ot the League. Probably no Individual

member ot Tbe Rhowmen's League of America Is

held In hicber esteem than Is President John K.

Wanen, who has, for a nnmber of years, ociupleil

a well deflocd position In the world of amuseoient

atfilra. Uodret and Traassnmlng to a fault, esci'

getlc, and always doing lust what he thhiks Is

right and Just, yoeng and ' optimistic, iiec»<(nl,

and a doer <t deed* redounding to his, credit, John

B. Warren has earned the respect and canAdenca

of hla contcms, aa well as of the rank sod tile

In the show business and In other walks of public

life. His elevation to the presidency, of wbtturcBbe* to be a virile organization ot tent show-

mea, la a Uttlng tribote to a life well apent, and

a craetoos acknowlednement ot his sterllm; .at-

tribntea. All ot the officers of the League are menof calibre and are well known to the pntesstoo

of entertainment, and the tent showmen at larM

are tn ha coogratalated upon the Lesgne'a selection

of the Inl'.rldealS' who are to obcrUih and guard

its inteietts during the ensolng year.

DUES NOW PAYADLB.It is not anrisj for the secrettry lo annminee

that the IfllB dues for the Hhowmen'a League, ot

America are now parable. Sr the convenience ot

the monbers until Jnly 1. Oontrlbutlona lo the

charily box 'ftind, for the relief of non-merahcn

In dittrcsi, will be cordlaUy received, anil as this

la a gei-erous ooTment, It Js sntlclpalcil

it «ilT bo well received and furthered hy many

cbarlLihly Inclined. ...„,.Appllctllo>ui fiT ro.'irthcrshlp In the ShimTim s

League of America nnd copies c< the constitution

and by-laws will be mailed upon application In

secretary.(Signed ) Wasskw A. Patbiok, eecretarr. .

'.,ppie-.-«.i sj^s^^f-r""




'Y.iur A^liscneo Is Ilroaking Mybeing the feu I lire bnllud bit of them

UII,ni!:ilT TALKSClloiit awrii Piihllcattona.)

Tvi.i; nbonl pulling n'snng to a Roverntest I Villi reineinlier ine telling you aboutII new snug, ivllli ii nielmly hy Anatol I<'rlcd-

bind, llie eompciser ot ".My lVr»lun Uobc"—you kuiiw the one I mean—yes—"My LlttloDroiini CIrl"—well. It's "nure"—no ninybe

".My Mttle Dream CIrl" Is ii hit Rong. Trleil It

out hist 'I'liiiisiliiy at ii song publishers' con-test, am", followeil tlftoen of our best—singingbiilhid hits galore—anil It scored so uuusunllylilg that the from the other bousesndinllted "It's u lilt." Write this title downIn your memo—"My Mttle Dream tllrl." .Tiu'k I'Mwnrds, «llie Meliuly I.auc kid,Just nhnt lie told mu iihout this sung.

"Wkki- no mouk my t.Anv" seome to bo"oue of llieso things"—gruwa—and kcops ongrowing. 'I'ho uiall ID Just chuckful ot rc-quivlH from tiomu Btaiidard viiudcvUlo acts,singers In stock, burlesi|ue performers andluovhig picluro pianists, aud from the moittremote cornera of this country.

DU) you boar "Uy Heck" an a song yet?Wi'll, every rube clutractcr singer In thocountry lina practically written In for tbUi

, Ming. It'si only n tiiiestlun, 1 guess, now of. a lew weeks before 11 ivlll bo as popular aan snug as It Is un Inatrunioutal dnuco num-ber. I thnnk S. It. iioury for lettlog me Inon tills sure-lire nieludy,

You certainly hnvo sot to Imnd it to Chris.Smith nnd Jim KurrLs—thoy'vegut the punch-iest kind of a novelty rae sonB In tbclr"I'lfty-Flfty" Bong. .Mr. Marks tolls mo It'saelllug. like wlldllre.

",.Mii.'>itA FiiiiM Nova Scotia" seems to hiiTOlllloti n long felt want Inoirenslvc lldbrcwcharneter songs are H» scarce ns hen's tooth.Aud, biwliles, Malvin Frunkllu wrote a ninl-vdy that Is itluiust too good for a comedyDiimlier.'Tub S.vme Oi.n Town" baa proved that

when tlic spotlight 'wasalareuted tbcy hadtills s-'ong In nilud. Ob, biiw tbe boys andgirls like lo cruon thin softly In tbe blindingglare of the enlelum! If you go tn dancesnt iill you must have beard that beautifulbigb elnB.s« waits hy the writer of "Just al.lttlo I.ove. n Little IvIhs." Tbe title ofthis goni Is "lleaullful "ll.vos," nud I. beingvery clever (luugbtor from the Balloryl,wniio n poem (inliid you, not Just words),but n pnem, tind It Is now claRHlfled as ablgb class Imllnd. nnd still retains the titleof "Ueautlful Kyes."

fare you next treefe.;


oiliVr i>nrn|ihenialln will make some showing 1

am lliliihlng. Chnrlle Jnmceon, the haod leailer,

will Imve twenly-Utu pliwjj,"i.Vr. W'orlhnm nniiouiiees "Ilccklcss HubboH"

OS leing enenged for a frw.' net. Itc will do his

fnininia or.e-iegKed illve. Others will be ndded.

The biislnnis staff will be: Oenornl awnt,!?lcvp A W'ootln asalHtnnt manniier. Noil Sloncli-

ten :pronioters, Harry Hofor. "Ploln" Dave Mor-

ris L. (1. Ueckwlth, treasurer; nnrney Ocrety,

II W,i Dempsc}-, train master, with ten osilst-; Clins. Klililcr. nsslntnnt trnln master andniislor ineclinnlc, with three nsilatants : (leorci)

PteulK'. Ill elniTire ot car 'epnlrs; Oeorgc Cnlahiu,

lot Kiiiwrliilenilent ; Smith Turner, general nil-

i-.'ur.eor. Dick Collins will be In charKC of Ids

I.iihllclty ilepaTlracnt ot the Oomblncd Wortham &Allen Inten-slB.

L. n. ncnilerfon w!il have the prlvllnge car

•with tho ontcnlaatlon ; L. M. Felter, tlic took

iri»t, mill Lenny WILioi» will be head porter, with

live uiiatttlrnts,

Aiinns' tbe iiroinln,'nt concessionaires who havealroaily slsnoO tniitracis ore: Ourth Irelunil,

with two brand new wavms and flve concesclons;

llio Fair .\niuscment Oompany, who have iho

doll wheel; Marie Ooglan, the knife ruck; Mr«.

Jameson, hoop-las; Mrs. Onlllns, four Imll Tlioll,

nnd "well, I'll L'lve you a list nert week," anld

,Mr. Worthnm."Theiie la not mnch toom to spare." said th»

"l/lltle Olant," "bnt It ta all there. You knowthat when I say twenty-live cara I mean camfull ot ahow proiwrty, which mine certainly are.

And what la muiv, tliey are all Worlhtan cars,

too; there will be no It B. equipment urcd.

I'm proiiil to 6oy I havo 'itouic th^w,' Pat. lint

wait unlll )on cec Tom Allen's line op. It will

.surprise you."And with tills closing remark, the "Ultio

Olant" breeseil oot of Tiia OLtPpim office, overto "Pnii-er's," nt Ihc Masonic TVniple, leering anatnioKiihore of huslniee activity liehind, and weest and wr.Ti<lereil how much ooo nun can aCAxa-pllsli, who knows how. '


VICTOR ircRUEm* lins sued Lotv Fields nnd Joe Welior for nn accnunting for allnrollts earned to dnto-b^tbo "OH Dutch" lllms, also for nn Injunction against further show-ing. Mr. Herbert composed the oiiuile fuaa^e former musloai comedy, which served us thesubject for tbe picture.



CORNET, B. & 0.Also CLARIUBT PLATKR. Host be realmualrluuH, for 11. und 0. and stage, to enlargenbuw for lenilng sraHoii. Write. Kupcnolra showlu opera houses unlll Aiirll 16, then oanvaa.

CUESTliR QENTKn, Ut. Catmel, HL

(Speolal wire to Thb Cliffbb, Feh. tt.)

All bouses {lacked to capacity, turningaway hundreds on Wasblngton's. Dlrtbday.Matinee at all theatres.

Hsjeatlo (.Lyman B. Olover, mgr.) —Carolina White, Chicago grand opera star,backed up by first claoa bill, pulled inunenaecrowd to Majestic. Rest of Mil includes


The Tvio Alfreds, bead to head muslclatis


Mary Dorr, character oomodlan ; Ann Taskerand company, In "Taming a Tartar;" LaPotlte Itcvuette, James DLaTnond .and SibylBrennan, in "Nifty Nonsense;" Charlie How-ard aud comitany, In "A Happy Combina-tion ;" Sljn Collins and Lcwla llart, the twooriginal strong men. Next week : HolenW'nre nnd company. Princess Itajob, Will-iams and Wolfus, Minnie Allen, Hen Deelcyand company. Grace Demar, I'lator andGln-icr, Four Romonos, the Goldsmldts.

I'nlQce Mualo Hall (Mort H. Sln;:er,

ingr.)—A well balanced bill, and "bU seatsBold" sign on d»r. Trcvltt's Military Ca-nines give comedy circus ; lamed. TurkishFlatilst ; Charles ii). Rvans, assisted by Helena •

'Irllllps, In "A Forgotten Couulilnatlon ;"

Ullzahotli Murray, Irk dialect songs andBtorles ; llosslo Clayton, second week at Pal-ace, in "The Dances of Yesterday, To-dayund To-morrow :" Jjimi-a 'JluUen nnd Al.inCoogun, lu "Odd Noiisonse ;" Inn Clnlro,

"The DoU Girl of Musical Comody ;" BryantChccrbert's "iM-urvelous Mn.nchurlans/' NextV'cck ; La Mllo, Lew Dockatader, UogannyTroupcy Harry Fern and company, Ilarrlotliurt, Caido and Noll, and IHtntzer Duo,Great Northern Ulppodrome (iF. C.

V.bert, mgr.)—Oaipaclty hooiae and good bllLVi-n iBonomor Arabs, Vcnotd Gould, In'"Bwolvc Mlnutos with tbe Stars;" Tortcr J.White nnd conumtiiy. In "Tbe Visitor ;" flreon,(McHcnry ond Dean, in mlT-tli and melody


Chas. UoGooda and compuny, n-mnasts, m"I'^in In a Bllllard Parlor ;" Daniels and Con-Tnd, instromentallsts ; Gordon .Brothers andkangaroo. Richard the Great, the man monli


Georgo ATmstrong. comodian ; Josdo Flynn'siM'lnstrol MnldB, Jonn Ge'.ncr and bis "TalkingViolin," McGulre and Johnson, dra^wlns roomcntortiiinors. HHibcrt and Ilose, «omcd;; thoTjC^olee Flacb iwlro artlsta.McVlokcr'a tJ. 0. Curcb, mgr.)—Strong

bill and packed house. Mro. I..oulso Jamosnnd company, Wfst and Van Stclcn, CottrcllPowell Tronpe, MUlcr nnd Cleveland, Rel-mont and Ilari, Ilarnold'a dogs, llarryThoinpeon, lUcrllD, the lYiltetWe "mcketor,Ma'reuerltc Farroll, illowiard and Sadler.

mȴLAWnmiVCia teAKAGXlIl WBD8.

N. Dcmaiia, ot tho Arm ot Torney ft Demarra,proprietors of the Nickel Theatre. Lawrence,Ifass., was anltcd In marlifo to Annie Omsors,of thst city, Fob, 8.



^Si'So-BeC'i'Talla. V..,i^.

"»"'«<•»'Blrtoi SI. Bt. Johnebjiry 24, SheArooke. Que.,

Osn. UoKO 1. White Elver JcU. Vt., i,

Moalpeller 3, llardwlck 4, BuiUngton 6, at.

JJotJJr^aSiy, Btock-Olcna Falls. N.-!r., M^ W (

llaUwln-MclilUe Stook-^Uants, O*., M-27.

Uoston Eng. Opera Oo.—i.V«»<olk, Vs., 27.

Dalley Stocl—Muskegon, Mich., Indof.

"Damaged Goods"—flrand lUplds, Mica.,

March 0. _ , ,

Fimts. TUB (FeHr Blel, mgr.)—Olevelond,22-2T, Now rblla. March l-O.

tVIdmao ft Chrletlo »tock--i;oto<laiii, N. ^"Uuswell, Fercy, Slock (Correction) — Townio.

Oon., Mup.'h 1, liidef. .

"HUh Jinks" lArlhur IIimuM'iateIn ms'-'";^

KSoshi" WIS., a», Ottawa, 111., 2^.

20, Bloomhigton 27, Kanknhw ^"i,, i""'!,aiiircli 1, .SprlnfDold 2, Jocksonvllle. "1™-; |

LcwiJ'Ollvcr Slock (Jack liOWla, mgr.)—lUltUfu,N. C. hidcf.

, ,.„rfnit"Lady Luxury" (Tho Shuberla, mgr.)—Norfoiit,

Mncy's ''olympl.T Shows (Camlvol) — Bed Oi^

Oklo., MCJ7, Howe Murcb 1-U. ,,,

"Mauqueruilerii. 'iae"-^as. A. Golvln a (A. n-

.UcAilnni, uw.'.)—Iteuovu, I'm., SInrch i-i.

"Oa the Frontier"—Tom Cai;oy'3 (iM- 0. LJU'J^''

dale, nii-r.)—Sibley, la., 24, Luko Pork -J,

Oibeydeu 2C. fiUfcrlor 27.,

"I'olaih ft I'erlmutter" (A. II. Woods, mgr.)—

-Syracuse N. Y.. Much 1-0.

Kohson, May—St. I'l-ul 28-.Mnreli 3.

Tcmiiest, llurle (John Oort, mgr.)—dcvelaml, o.,

March l-l*,. itaWatson Krtiiger Stock—Znnesvllle, 0., March l o-

"Wliafs Ooliig On?" (John Cort, mgr.)—UeiruH22-27, La Sulle, Olilcago, 28, Indof.

"Within tho I*w*' (Selwyu ft Oo., mgra.)-

Orlcana 21-a7.



PoanMOi, Ptanoo, Feb. 22.—Mmc. Sarah "c"bnrUl's right leg was amputated here lo ilaj, ai-

a hospital In the Rue d'Ares. this morning.

The condition of the actress, after the oi*™""?!

waa OS good as possible, her pulne was normol ana

ehe rested quietly. .

The operation was made necessary from«Y,i„„t

fectlon of the knee, resulting from an nccliWii

Bheaulfered. .March 12, 1013. at Los "!;''

when hor ontomoblle collided with a mo^'",";-Sho was t'jiown against tbe door ot tho loaiicau,

nnd her rlgut knee was badly Injured.

MOIININO PERFOnMANCn A SUCCRS^.Tho morning porformance (hoginnlng nt iii-J'''

on Washington's Blrthilny, ot "Eiwrlence. "the Oaalno, netted almost »aon. Ibepetlomuinfe, $1,800, anil tho ovenbig P*''"™,'"!;was »2,00O, not bad for tho day. And this i»

tho play that cvcryono iflvbied Comatoek » •'^"',

tho produrers, to pu t In the storage warehouse,j

JBA'N DOWDOANI, formerly Jean De Ll»e.^J"

been seriously III with a nervous attack, at ncr

mother's boae, lu llackensack, <N. J.

WAHTED-LOaHONFor Dramatic Tabloid Stodc

Kxccllent cost, lb) In dfly Plays. Quarontee orllrtt niimov iirDposllloD. '

Aildtcss UflH. DllAHA'nO TAP..Room ;!40, Kniokerbooker lUdg., Mew Ifork City.


11 Grown 8L, Worcester, lUss. TO., Cod&r IMS.

WALLIE BROOKSComedian and Producer


IM . . ,7 'n«r Binea, $9.76 per length; e Tier Binca, »7.B0 per icnglh; lo Tier Bioca, $io.oo nor ieDgtb. i'^^Round Btokea, banded, IB cents oaob; 'not Foiai, oil lonRths; used Clrona Tents. Price right Let meknow TOOTWMM. PEAIU. VAN, Nftrth'rtU*. W*

RRIIM-riNOManagen will si^ve montiv by BChdiDS tholr ordeta for all kinds of typo work lo ds. We tote » modfirt

plant, cqtUppod tor erorjlhlng from Urge elands to dodgota. Prompt sorvioe, _ _HPUUB aUUW PUIBT, BooBWlUe,



WHEN IT'S ALLA8 WE PREDICTED {-Sweeping the country as the greatest "Peace Song" of the year. You're losing time in not' putting It on

F. A» MILLS, N. E. Corner 48th St. and 7th Ave., NEW YORK

Harrison SistersDlracfcion M. Truffui-fe

(Pat Oaiiey AgeBoy)

Benella, Best Olit Ban|olst In the World

11CI1^T1i.TC*XT SAVA AudlencM apprrel.te » T»nin.y nrl,I H-f%ll\IM-Y OA SO akrirh or monulaaue. They don't hnow* I wrote U, bat (hey DO knnw It's amid.

soo V.ndOTUlltDH can lolisuntliiie thm Hi«uiueul. If jmii MAKH meGKT huiir, I'll make yonKBBP boa;. \^rtto or eaU ALI.BN dPENCBA TBMNB V, im Broadway, Maw York.


Clipper Post OHice.Id urder to STold aalatakes ami to

Ininre tUe prompt dcltverjr of thelettera •dTcrtlscd In thia Hit, ancuvelov* Rl«lulr BddccsMil oavat l>«

iiL-iit for each letter, aiitl a writtenorder tor the letter, alBaed with thefa. I naaia aad addrcaa and the lineof bnalBeaa follnwed Uy the aender,uoat alao be cneloaed.PIcnae mention the date <op nam-

berk of the ClilPPBIl In wbloh thelettera leat tor were advertlaed.


AHtboriw, I.lllT

Athlon. DculabAilUls«n, VeliBS

liuiillns. Brami.Hurns. OUrennrilelte, Emllj*IWrminii, Ethelllramjanle MarieHulncra. DaisyI;oni). Buimylinrney. Violet

llakor. Olve ^e;iiii|>l«ll, EdithCliniiillcr,

N«lll« B.

Oolion ilta. 'WmCarr, JewleUonina, Jesp.le

Chase, LaonOjicy Mrs.C.H.Ooucuey,

PaulineCui'hman, FloDrlaton, LeraUiuoehue,

Mm. J. W.DcTlne,

Un.Edir. J.

I)ockra.T BeatrlesIK-Imore, ClaraDcFollatt,

Dcsnuiid, ' DetleEarl;.

IdabcU HallFord, MarieFern, AlmaVorrcater, IlclcnFuller. IdaPosdeller Sadie

French, AdelaideFennel, rannleFearreall, ErnieFlebaclr VtaiKlsOra;. Olfro

Olldeo, EieaDorGrj, Sallleaollasber,

MartbaCold. BelleQtoccIId, IroieOlngllne,

^llubcthara7, ElaineUamlllon,

MajodcHart, MoeHall,Kathleen Violet

Hatrner, Ml«s T.laaacbMD BwallJarnelll, JeanneKemp, MarieKelly, Etillb T.r.,aVou, Ulllanl.clEh. GraceLvalne, DolleliOia;, UirleLewis, AllseMurphy, MarieMnoney. MayMaxwell,

Mrs. H.J.

Mrr^nnon, EraUIra, TrlncesaPalermo, UlllePhillips,


Mra. E. It.

RohiDsoo, Ptiylla

Dmscll, Until.

Raymonil Sintersnelmer, HelenRumloy,

Iliihy DoloresRusscl, .MarieRoalell:', MarieSnnnitera, AliceShare, B<«slcSoho, AUceir'chaefpr, JeoDloStorcna,

Anna MaeTiaTers, BelleTottcn, Alma MTwo TnmboysVan Etta I,oalBe

Valadarlea HelenTalnwie SUiereVaushan, AlleleVandetheydvn,

Ura.We«l. Joal*WMiater Hlaa le\vhlte. nortnce

McOnremlek, Flo \

Aiistib, EAwaidAtkloa. BIchaldAllen ft DaltoDAlbers, EroeatAnrtreyeS, W.Arcarrls. 0.Ilarlnnr BracitLBroad, BIILtBouldcn HowardBorke. .lobnBinder, Wm. S.Brodenr Ach. 8.

Burr, 0«(K B.Bynn & Bland)Bgoll, Frank F.Barrett, Pat &Belford. Q. W.Butterleld, '0.P,Brovn, KlikBrett, Wm. H.Dean &nr<mlltonEreekenrhlse, O,Crcnult, J, A.Brady, Gbas. B,Eamei.

BowardMcKBamea, Geo, B,Bams, Ohas.BroKcr, T. L.Brooks. 0. V.OrpeiTlIIe. J. ACulbane. WIU BClark, BarrrOlalrniont, D«BCrane. IlaRTConlln, T,Canler, AlfredObmeU, W. B.Clark. BillyCrumley It

Coauncey-Kelder 0».

Clayton. Fted B.Choso. HalCtarmody. JackCollier Btoa,Cntilklns J. T.Olemnnc, LouO)0|)er, MasO>o. RobertOiwliiB. C. E.Daly. DanDe Haren. ObaiDo T.ind. DanIVvlne, narryDutIs, nan;Dandy N'edDare. Frank B.Delemator, A. QDrNyoU, J. M.nuwllnj, HughDi« For, HarryDoiiKherty, DonErliart. Victorr.nierton Ed. U,Vlhlna. JockIvllott. MasFolr. BobFcii Dalton. H.Fisher, Perk. D.Flak. Cbaa. L.Karnell, O, Kn^Faqnay, Jack

Mason, Hazel.Mooie,

DorolbyN'eTllteMetzlAT, MaeMeant. LeoraBfay ft -JaneMaUoy, Miriam


Wftoiem Helen*Worlcy, Stella

Want. Ellrjibrtli

While, Kollo, Irene N.EcBto, Uyttl*

Fneman, J. R.Fisnklln. MortFtaneUlon U.A.Frnaer, Oeo.FWdman, HarryFranklin, H. B.Frletlell, FrankFronce^,

.Mr. ft Sirs.Foster, B.FOoalet RoirardFlake, MaalcolFriend, AdamGrandl, Bobt.Qleason, JohnGaTtleld. B. M.Golden, LenOlasEOw, Jaa"Georgia

Campers"Green, Jas. F.OrUBn. ArthurGoodwin, T. W,Howard, GeneHaradon, 0. F.HIekey, W. B.Herbert, TktorHarland, JamesRowland, 0. V.Hunter, Jaa,Uayea, Geo, V,Harvey. Ij.

Hancock, H. B.Holden, lUlpbHelm, EarlHanlaoD, Leo FHallet. W. a.Hlllard, RichHoftle, JohnHart, LeoIrain, Fttdlablkawa, I.

Injmlilaby, O,Joncn, IrvingJerome, Ed.JesBon ft JesonKralce, Wm.Keeley. ArthurKail, Geo. 0.Kaufman, I.

King, StanleyLynch, I.. W.,

EntcrprlsetLancaster. Ileibr,c Ror ft FinkLyle. Otcll W.Little HarryLorraine. L .0.

Laolnic. FrankLogrcnla Cbas.Lewie, ArtloLeffotgc, BarLlnney, Horacol

UeLcan, B. W,Milton TrioMeeker, MattMarena, OaMTMcDowell, Wm.McAnallan, JoeMartin. OarlMack, R. B.

Miller BertramMoncrlcf, UouelMeek, D BlockHorsball. Ed.aMack & BennettMarlln. Jas.MIUs. B. n..Mokelke, Edwrd.May, Cbas.Alagers, SamNorcnsi, DardOrrcn, JohnO'Connor, TimFelot, Fred A.Phlllliis, Cbas.Fntch, O, !>.

Parker, FledBoiling IbonderRegal, HeuTRex. E* _Boymond. W. BReed, Alf^Q.Rlnaldo. BraceRico. Henry J.Russell, Fred A.Roscoe. J. Albt.Romao, Prof.

Rochm, HeniTP.ennels, HarryFprlngfleld N BBlerlUif, W. W.Ptteeler, M. J.

{Stanley, MonarKmlth, OtioS!«gel. FredEouthard. J. Irr.

Stanley. NormanSutUciland. VictSparrow, RotatUSInipaon, F.iSmltli, RuawllScbop|)o Uovord"Senelde Bellii"

Stanley, MurrySlielton, Geo.Sertoli. JackSlnirleton, 0. E.Scully. Geo.Thomaa ft

NewmaaTlbbcts, W> B.TniDonr, Joksninman, EUdlaTemplclon. RoyTroudv, PercyI'nde Tbm'aLone, Jack _

Lang. Wm. Oabln"(M|r,)Miirrny. II. W. Vance Clay T.Usrtln, Frank Vow. O.Uattlce. WonlB. WIIUi, Wte.Mann, James Webrr, John T,Miller, Joe D. W<«co(t, BngcaaMnrlowo, J. F. Wnick, &ra O.

Morrill, Cbas. Walte. WarrenUcShane, Jack Williams, II<7'

McNaIr, Jaa. R. Wcatoa, E. L.Murray StockOo.



, Manager U M. Boaa annniii:cea tbat on MarceI. Ijovfi't Academy. Fall Biter. Maas., will beniailc "a picture (wnse excloslTely," with op-I'orinnlile* for road shows and ctrnrtb aad aoelalentertilnnienta.

Tlie TaoderUle banked at tbat playhouse willl>e shows at tbe BIJoa Thetilre. which la alsoiimler the maoagnnnt of Marcos Loow. TbtBlJon Stock Co. chwed Fob. 22.

THE FOGARTY SCAMPER,The Wlilto Rata hoooied Big Cblcf Frank Fo-

(any, oa Saturday night, 30, with a aeamper towind up bla annlversao' week, and a good crowdwas In attrndanco. The cntertsnnent was good;with Bob Dallay acting as announcer.

Iloch. SImona opened the hill, singing three oat«r Ihe Mit calalococ: Alf. Orut (Uttle Cbkr)told some stories, and then Introduced lltlla

Frenkle Grant, giving with hhn a fnll sidewalkcouvematlon act, which Frankle topped off nltha handspring ond a headsland, something that"daddy" couldn't do. Vlolln-iky gave hia cbu-aet«Tlstlc Tlolln solos. Including "ne DrunkenPk:Oler." Lucille »bowe<l olf her "OiekatoaOockey," who worked Our with talk song, wblslleaud ilonce, I'olly, imotbrr lilnl, was Hhy, andwouldn't do his song until Cbas. J. Ross, whofollowed, was making bin Utile s|it>ech. Mr.Boas spoke of recent twenty-boor rehenmal. andeirused himself by Introducing a "ncv-conicr."Arthur Prince, wbo had his dummy In ip>adEha|>c. and talking to tbe Big Chief hlmselt.

Albert Von Ulaer Hnng his latent "Don't TakoMy DaillDg Boy Away," In bU own alyle thtatciprtssed the Mnllnient In every word of Ihiataking nictber aooe.

Urace I.a Roe was enlhnalaallcnily grwie*). andher arttsllc rendition was thoruugbly appre-ciuteil. IKt snogs Includeil: "Dniirlnir the BluesAwoy." "The Sniulntlon of tlic Oo<l»," "The Lit-

tlie Ony Home In the West." Cbna. J. Ollkn.CEi-lsled ably at the piano. Qcorge llniRford suabla quartet. Including the wonderful bauo,obliged with "Over Ibe Hills to Marr Mine" and**Cblaaloivii." Capt. Hpauldlng chewed up moltenlead, hot rloclrlc light cerbons. and other lightluncD In hlH amisiliig and^.amaeliig Hi^ oot.

frank Kognrty coiicliiiled the entertainment witha few words of apnctittlon and thanha, and en-Cbuagorfut and ptvmlscs U> big uppluuse.A great many notably were present tbr tba

eecarlon.Danclug and cabaret w»ik tooDdcd out tbe night

«(. plcasoRi tmu< s»

COLDHBI.I OOHCBRT.OoDd bouses, both sbowa^ 21,

Walsh and Bootler do acnbatlc* la bote! totrlf

dir. Blcvator bor sptesds carpet,Johmon aiMl Wells, cdoRd couple. In full dreaa,

epened with MlaalulppI OibareL Miss WellaauK "What WUI Voo Do?' He. the old fash-loaed qusdrllle. Both dance to lively dnlab.Toa llutherford and company. In "The Hons*.

wtte'a Unl3i," Ibe Mr*, ton on strike and boa-band engaaes a "leab." Wife letama. Strikala off. All good.Eona Stevens, In while, with "Winter NI«hL"

i«t them at once. "BaMy Fliat" aerved berwell. "I Love You"—greats-made her c«me backtit "Why 'Voo't Tbey Play Wearhig of theei«n." .

Gliding O'Mcere. bigb atenplne waltsers, mnredabe«t gracrfnlly In the (potligbt, changing t» tbafbz trot, the gallop and conclndlng whirl. Sixbonv.Utk. Albright and Hack, three boys, with

vtlCN, iDCludUig the laughing Jewlaii cooedlan,Ther^a a Little Spark of Lore SUU Bnralog,""ntiiatown, My Obloatuwn," "At tbe WeddlnrJubilee," ''Bsc Plckei" and "Ihoa* Bells'^pissed."Buyer from Pltlshnrg" shnwa Ibe lidlea un-

derwear establishment sketch of Oreentnuni andOcldstean. "Widow" barer calls to order sopplleafiun>tha samples cx|iat>ed by the nwM, Fww-era and special discouut arc allowed. Dgt abe lamarried.

OIIBbrd and Borke, black faoa dandy sndakneh, Impenonated a waiter and a goest, order-ing diniser. "Take It Away" was a talk-songwlib effective, choros. The foot work tt theeoQtfdiBB nude a Ug hit.

One of the Teddy BrothCTa, aa a Babe, ap-peaie, excusing partnor. Another rabe Tolsnlteit.(or a comedy wreetllnc match, tsoatly aoobatka.

wn,T,iAiii Ri.MOTr srRn.. ''•I'llnm Flllnit hn!< l«T (rod by Mollle Mela-tyre for 18,866.62, for alleged breach of coouact


Urs. LesHe Carter made ber yaniloTUIebot week of Feb. 10, at liic Orpbeum, Brook-Ira, N. T., and bcr adroit narks anoCboPnotable recroit from t)m r&nks of tti» dta-matlc field.

For ber now venture ahe made A wtsooholco in the seloctbon of "Zaia," ber per-formaiKc In -wlilcfa, under tlie direction ofDoivid DelascD, over flftccn years a^, abimpodtier as one of America's Icedins acUetaa.

T[bo fourth act of "Xnea," adnstod for^audevlUe by iMrs. Carter, proved to be anexcellent offorine for tto two-a-da; boascff,

and ber reception amounted to an oratlOD,Ber portrayal of this cha rooter le too wellknown to require ezliaiustlvo rcrlow at (blatime. Tt la a cIobsIc. and In Vba playlet ebola not one wbit less ctfcctlvo than die wiB]n the full iplav. She hckl her audience attbo OrplJcxrm spvi] hound, ami Uicre Is llftlo

doubC iliitC tbe succc.<i!i sno achieved at thiu

bouse will be hor.H ov(»r tbe entire circuitHer sufiport, hondi-d hv tlint stcrllnc actor,

Hamilton llevnlle, n-ns cxoellcnt. Mr. Itevelle,

OS BemarJ Diifrenc : William Ijorcuz, an Cas-<aTt, and Miss Uoluro^Itcfauco, aa NotalUe,oil ootDg good worlt.^

NRW TIIRATREI BOOKS,"TBB TiluTDB or Tu-oAT." Br Illram Kelly

Moderwcll. New Twk. John Lano ODmpany,ll.DO.

"THa Kaw MoTauarr m rna Tnamif." BySheldon aieney. Nevr York. Ullchrll Keu-norl*7. $2.

"nm CiiANRiNii DiiAHA." Rv Archibald Mender-Hon. New York. lUnry Holt ft <».

"Bow TO Ban a Plat." By Rldiaril Barlon.

Now York. The Macnlllan Compuy, (.'.20.

OPENS OPPICB.UaDoy CohoD, formerly eooncctod with tho

Winter' Garden, has opened odlcca at Itoom402. Columbia Tbentro KuliainE, wbere howill onuiage acts. Cohca baa been oiiroad,

and hiK connections are of the very beatHe hns aeat soma of the blggeot foreign actato America, and there Is no dunot that bowill acqnlre a largo follawinf orer here.

«WAR nniDRS."Tin Ocntvrv OomiMUiy. In reanonaa to nuny

reqoeats fronj all pans of the Uolled States, baaDnbltabed In book form. lOmo.. seveaty-«ne pages,

'"War Brides." the sensational playlet In wbl<*Hroe. Alia Naslnmva Is- now npresrlng over tba

big vaoderllk- clrrnlts In Ihia coanlry.

The bonk la flnely nrlnleil and emtielllalied wllhttmr Uluslratloaa depleting vxaa ia the pUylaU

V. D. 0. CIRCtlT.Mareh t-O.

ATLAMT.V—FOHBVTIIW; Tbe liiBgdens — Bay-uDod ft UeiUcr-^UsTTir Oooser ft Oa—La-car ft Dole-^ermloe StMoa ft Oa.—t>ilninsaVoor.


Wltcble—Flying Martina—B, U GoWbcrg—Flanagan ft Edwuda — NagliMva—OobbloOordooe.-

BaOOKLTN. K T.— BUSIIWIOR : W.<ill0 f.Kelly—Evelyn Dunmore Lou ft Mollle Ilgot^

tng—Frcnklln ft areen—Salon SIngtra—Mew-hoir ft l^elps.

BBOOKLYN. N. Y.—I'BOBPFOT: Mack ft Onh—Afllion ft De. Long SIsterB—Nnblt ft Ollt-

foTd—.Musleal Hunters—Kajlroma — NoveltyOllntoiip— Ed. Morton — .Mark ft Vincent

Mambtll Monlgvuieo'—.Six Water Llllli-s.

OIBMINOIIAU AI4&.—OIUMIRl'M : Willie Wes-ton—JoMopblne Oonfee-^Iomer Llnd & Oo.—Okcbe Jape—DnneiHn l>oo—TIhm. Bonillx

Players—Era T^iylor ft 0».—Ualiy Helen.

nRIDGKPORT— I'Ol.l'S: Oorotctt ft King—10.

J. Moore. To Ull.

HALTIMailt^MAnYLANT) ; Wills i tliisson—Miller ft Lyle—Marx Rrof. A IV.-^nllnKanU ft Oo.^h'llo llnkei^Keaiii- ft WUidotT—<ju«enle Dunedl.i—Karl Jorn,

EUFPALO—STim'S: K<!ward!<' Son,r Bevw^Wtwion ft LoMi—Uoach ft McOirdy—Webbft Burns. To Ull.

BOSTON—KKIIVrS: Bmoka ft' Bowen—WllllaUrns.—KlHh^r ft .Irtvii—4lteinirt ft Donahue—Ilnxel Oox—"The Beautk:*." To All.

OmOINNATI—KEllTIl'.S : Albert Rouget ft Part-ner—HanlCBi Bros.—Nut Willn—Adelaide ft

Hnithes—'Bond ft Oasaan—Chick Sate—^Ulinaft Uert—J. O. Nugent ft Oo.

OIBVHT.AND—KFITH'S : Dunbar's Bell Rlngera—Will Rooera—Harry A Wokford—ObeilcrJohnstone ft Oo John F. Oouroy & Models.

O0LimBU(3—KEITB'.S : Hopo Vcmon^Woodmanft Uvbifsloo—<Fi«d Bonnan—Jaccb'a Dogs—aillnsft UarL

<nARLDSTON. S. O.—VIOTOIUA. First half:Marie Bllllo Ilort—Acme Poni^Uvera.Last halt: Bagongbl—Mania Van Betits

Frledlaod ft Olark. .^9

DBTHaiT— 'TOMPIiB; Resale Clayton A Oo.

Mnore A Yooag—Oanlor ft Lee—,Tandhio0 ft

Loale—I.y<as ft Yosco—Aogelo Araaato Trio—Oelea Trig—iBrucc- Dolfett ft OD,

BBIB—O0T/>NLAa,: Ball ft Weal—"On tba SchoolPtaygtooad"—ftfareon—4irown ft UoOonntak.

VOBT WAYNB—KRini'fl: flerm Renaa-Jaok-aoD ft May— Ouisenatory FWr— Ward ft

Oullen—Mna, Dacca ft Co.—Smith, Otok ft

Bnodea.OBAND RAPIDA—ORJ>roini: Bert Brnl—Mnl-

len ft Ooogan—Oylvla 1x70! ft Co. Ocra ft


BABTFOBO—FOU'S : Ulma ^^np*"" TaOli.

ilAaRIRBUnO—ORPIinUM: McOfahon ft Ohap-& Mottoo—Uairy ItereatOnl ft Ov.

fNDIANAFOUS—KRITH'fl: Omnolly ft Wen.pelle—cavana Uuo-^amea Tilo— Kvanurrtch-'WhIpple, Uustoa ft 0>.—Anthony ft

Msck—OoBtenn GMa—"Sodotr Bodi''—Havanan's Animals.

JAOK80m<ILr.BI—ORPBEUM: Atcoander ft Beott—Klmherly ft Moiir^^Meyakra Trio. To Ull.

LUUISVILLR—KX1TIIS : Ibe OsitUlUo*— Omv-boy Mln^r^—Ptnifai ft Paalo—KaiteanBraa—lillsis Fay ft Oo. To flIL

LONDON. CAN EEnTH'S: The OonslDoe. Toan,

HOOTBRAL, au<.—OBPHEOU: Oblp ft Vaible-Base ft mils— BoEile Uoyd— Tan ft

*ek—^Bulger Bios. To All.

H. T. airr-BAMMBDSTEIN'S: Jolta Onrtla—Grant ft Oiecnwood— Bnnnelle Sisters ft

nupbeiis—Ttlxk Frlgonia ft Co.—DIsoa Oilyrw—Ford ft Bewlft— Dolan ft Lcnharr

Mma. Walaka ft Os—Bellow.

M. T. Oirr—OOLOmAL ; dandlM ft flrarle^Robliia—Muller ft Stanley— Long Tack BamCo.—Buma ft Lynn—Uit. Letlle Ohrtn,

v. Y. OITT-ALBAMBBA : Marie Notdatrraa—Hot Levy—Moian ft Wiser—Oardlner 'nio—Hazy La Bocca—Joo ft Lew Coooer—UomefUUea ft a»,

>. T. OIIT—ROYAL: Billy MeDcrmott^RriD ftLee —Burr ft Uupc— "Aurora of Light"

Mile. Lodlle ft Cockle—Seven Bracks—Icndft Albert—John ft Mae Borko—QarOlncr Trio.

NORFOLK, VA.-<X>LONLai. Flnt half: W. N.Harvey ft Co.—In all. Last half: UUly Van—Wayward, Siaeronl- ft CO.—<Wm. I'lilUirIck

ft Co.

MEW HAVnN—POI.fS. Flnt half: Allen IMne.hart ft Okh-'Yokofaonia Japa. To llll. Larthalf: The le arobs—Itanu ft Acker. To Oil.

OniAAVA. CUM.—DOMIiNIOV: Bcftt. Do BentTrio—niork ft Vcnll—J'ekin -.Mysteries—Far-ber Ulris—Ueglna OuuuelU ft Co.

riTT3nURan—GRANV O. n.: ITrmack—Fritaft Lucy Brucb'-'Luiilla I'erea—FrancUi Nord-strom ft Co.—'itiTtrude Uollmann ft Oo,

rnOVIDICSCT>—KF-l-rn-S- Mmbie Una, ft BobbyJoint ft Wlunte lleunlngs— Three MareoclBros.—Uoudlul—Nan Ilnlficrtn—Jane Oonntri-ly ft Co.—Ouopcr ft Smith—4daWattera ft


ran.ADRI.I>niA—KEITH'S: Frank FV>garty—aiudo CllUngwaler ft Oo Schooler ft Mek-Initon—Bradley ft Norrla—Fanny Drlee—'SJ>loiilal Days"—Ofskley. Haiivi-y ft Dunlery—Joan Sawyer ft Oo.—Jlcsumonl ft Arnold.

BCCIII'Sn'nn—TEDIPLID: Paul Conchas ft Oo.—live Derrcns—IxHise ft .Sterling—Orvllle Bar-rold—.Mr. ft Mn. Jack Mdlrmvry—<)'l)rten,HjivcI ft Oo.—Oainerou ft O'Connor—Lady HcsMcl.

BICUUOND, VA LYniO. Flmt half: Billy Tan—Havward, Surrnnl ft Co.—Wm. Ilrtlbrlek ft

Oo. Last half: W. 8. JUntr k Oo,iYBAOUSR—ORAND: Tlgbe ft Rabette—Oath

Raye—Frank Markley—Marlon Murray ft Co.—Flying Ucorys—Arthur Pilnco.

aPDINnFIRI.D. HA8S.—IHTLI'B PALACE. PIratba'f: Ix.- Ointis—Boms ft Aefeer. To nil.

Litnt half: Allen Dtnebut ft Oob—TokobomaJapa.

SCBANTON—POLI'S: Bill - ft Uoode Rellw—Milton Pollock ft Oo.— Ibo VolonlHra—Uahd Fonda Tioupa Joastftlno Davis Oo.

0AVANN.\n, OA.—DUOU. Firrt bsif : naBDOB-hi—Mania Van Berwn Friedland ft aarLlast baU: Maria ft OlUy Bail imaa Foo^nuven.

T0BOl?n>. OAJf. — BBBA'S: Ndlla Rldiols-.Irene ft IMiby Smllb—Ifaddco ft ntapatTkk—Kitty Oordoa ft Oo.—Loietta Twlna—JackWilson ft Co.

TAMPA, FL4 —KRrm'B: Fred Kenaa—Ha-Olood ft 0arp-'2onda Tmvt.

TOl.KPO—KEITITRt Mhel flreen—"LoneinniaLasalea"—Davis Family—Darrrll ft 0>iiwny.

UNION HILL, N. J,—HUDSON: Thrre Kstanloa—Beeale Wynn — aiirilnn Kldrld ft Oo.—TheFleming*—Uuilk Saimden. To Oil,

WASniNOTON—KKI'nrS:' llnland ft Ibll»—BedfonI ft WliKhester^.yallhewa, Bhayoe ft

Oo,— "ICIopIng" — Oorradlnl'u Anlmtlt—Va-Irska Kuratt ft Oo.—Ueiirr Uwti—MabolBern.

VfUflNQTON—OAIUtlOK: OracaTwlna TafiU,


UnrcU 1-0.DtlUNflB AND MILKS 0IT7, UIOTI.-Spilt

week : Rt<iwirt ft Dokin—"Iletwrvu night andmae"—Handy Hhnw—Two to Bll.

BUTTDL MONT.—I'XMl>ItKS,S: D(rn ft Ilsiel Mana—oyiMT OmmletM—Owm VcOlvoney—Uock-well ft Waid—Elbel Whilcaldo ft Picks.

DBNVEn—F.MI'RP,SR: \jn Cnndot— Ward flls-

tuie Bl Olevo—Jnmia (Iraily ft Oi.—Samp-aco ft Douglos—Uulscll'a MInalrela.

KAN.SAS CITY. HO.—KMI'IWHH: Nip ft Tuck—llower of Melody—.prlnwIOM ft Ynliv—MelnotleTwlna—Aerial La Vnlla—Two to Oil.

IX>8 AiNGKLI9H. OA-L.—»M1'1U!HX : Roy . ft Arthur—Ogden QaanetK^—Smith ft Farmer-^. K.Eaunelt ft Co.—Clark ft Rose—Three Donals.

UININKAPOLia—nNIQIIK: Karl Dafnann Troupe—^Beth OhalUa—Macart ft Ilradfont—OlatvuceWUtar—Oeo; B. Beoo ft Oo.

OOimN, 1;.—onmrRnM : Parliw— Trvrono—Aodtow Mack—Uooge ft Klllott^IMl OoyTrio—Oaacb Blatna.

PORTLAND. ORE.—RMPlUWfl : Fn>vall—Oodat,dlorls ft Ls^ayette—Oisa. ft HaUlo DunUN~KiBle (lllljfH ft Co.—Beaslo La Count—Ued-dlngt>ffl ft Grant.

n. PAUL—E.UrRnfM: Ray Unow—"Baaey. qirls"—Maria Boasell-Frey Twlna«ft Fiey—One to OIL

aPOKATin. WAflB.-</)RW8: Blanche RIoaM^Drternt ft KInc—Oscar Loitalna—"When WaOiow Dp"—Madge MalUaad— VaudcvUla taMonkeyland.

SBiTnJ^. WAiin.—OIPBmiBi m. Zoallar Ma—Faye ft Mrniv-ORsaiv Ilifvll—Oiaa. Da-Isnil A On.—Olarine Vanoe—Ilennett 'Wstera.

ftN KRANOIROI), OAL—-HMPBRilH: David. Kaieltva—Usiticy * Pssan Ittiiiwiid *

Mann— "In the (Ih>y nf lh« Davni"—.Msyurl*\v i'hank—Reckless 'ttlo.

8ACIlA.MK.Nro, OAL. — KMPttBSS ; Juggling DeIJaIn—Stuart lllaek A 0>.—Crawford ft Uroil-

irtrk—"Ye Oldc Ttmr Unlkiween"—^Tom M»-

boony- l-)r|0tU ft LlllliuUsna.


BroB.—lliMmrt ft nollleloo—Joo Kelsey—I*-vkf^llrowu ft Jackmn

"Un* In a Saiil-


FT. I/)IIIH — IIIWOnnOMiB: iJndtT nroa —Roublii KIma—Deknoro A I/lght—fl. CMve ft

Co.—Olauile ft Marlon Oleveland—Bd. Fonl'a

Railew—On* to 111.

TAWOODVKR. OAN.—r/MCW'S : Oh«a. Ledfpr—Mario ft Treveiti^-Oook ft mevena—biea Bl-caolay ft OOc-^aniea J. Uortca—^laa Kal-


CUICAOO—MAJK'i'l'IU: Helen Ware ft Co.—J'rln-cviss Italah—Wllllains ft Woltut—Mluiile Allen—Ilou Deetey A Ou.—<1race Do Mar—Plntor& (llaMcr—Four lUinaaut—The Gaiidsnildts.

OniOAOO—l'AJ..VOIC: \A Mllo—I«>w IWkslidi-r—Ilogniiny Trtiuiie—Hurry Kern ft <>•.—^Har-

riet Hurt—Oar<k> ft Noll—I'antser Duo.

DBS MOINKiS—OOl'in'.I'M : lliiraley Tronp^—Mr.A Mrw. OwliKi Willie—Aim Allcll—(>rim ft

Ibiiilnll—Hal ft Ktuiiels—Merwilm—tlwie-

vlevi' Woriier ft Oo.

DKNVI-ai,— OIUMIKirM: Bell Family — Mr. ft

Mm JliMiiili- Hurry—Krtil V. l>..«er. A C.i.

OoBla 'lYiMii*—Wnlleiikielii ft I-'n-cbi-y—Ooiil-

woll A Wnlki-i^.Sultl Duo.

DUUITII— Oai"lll-:U.M: Jiihn ITIggliis—.Mninc ft

Iliui|.'«r—-KlvcH llurrlwiii—Subaatlau ft

Ik-nllry—II. Ilrockliank ft Oi>.

FAN.1AB CITY. MO.—OIII'IIKIIM : Billy B. Vanft Itouniimiit Slaiei-H—Dorothy Toyi'— l.a

Frnnre ft llniro—[lylvi'Hier SiliulTer—OrOTCTft ltlclianla..,-'I)alnty Kiigllah Trio.

LOS ANCWtLICH. CAL.—OIUMIIUIM : Mile. MajnnViidlo ft (>).—<;hlng l.liig Foo—.Mr. ft ^lrs.

Douglas rranf>—N<'i\'houae, any<ler A f".

SIIII OdlliiH—"Womiiii I'rupow)"—BlUivro ft

WIIIIhiuk—llavllnnd A 'riiomton.

LINOOI.N—'lIU'lll'.I.VM: Jas. "niuiniianii A f\i.—

\m Zanvll Trio—Avon Onraedy Four-.llrcn-ner ft Wheeler—Alice H.Inyil—I.ltUo Nap.

UrNKBAPOLI."!—Olhl' : Bowits, Walter* ft

Orooker—fleo. M. Iliwener—Clara Inge—I.nw-

reni-c ft Hurl Falls—"Tho llrldo Shigi"—Alan Brooks ft 0>.

UKMPIHS—OIU'lllOUM: Ilenrlotto De SrrrlM ft

Co.—Atini-. Aldrlcli—Swiw ft .Mick—Twviiin

Hiune ft Ilughca-Will Oakland ft Co.—FrankNcrtb ft Co.


Do Haven—Uiis>. Yorska-W. 0. Fields— BertFItaglliboii—UheerlMTl's Manchortanii — Hunt-hn ft Frands-^Oblef Canpollcan—Nalsou ft



0».—ChsB, AhesTU ft 00. — DolMy Marie

0aiuin<7 BlaUra— Cbaa. Kellogg—Uii/fy ft


OHAHA—OUI'inUIM : Damn) ftOrawford-Hnln-ette Oulntelle—KoH> ft Harland—Idoal—TwoCarcllous— Irnlinfr, Conn A Corvene.

0AELA3ID. CAX.—OlU'lOiUM : Edwin Btoveoii ft

Co.—Marie KllxglMnns—Alexander MrFayden—JIugti Herbert ft On.—"Tlia Wall aetwcen"—Knilii ft Knile—Itliolotto Bros.—IxvaraAnimal a.

POBTT.AND. ORE.—ORiPItBTiM ; Prelle'e Dogs—Klnipilnn ft Kbner— lilit City Pour—"Tbe Olfl

from Mllirnnkee"—I)«,il«7 ft Evelyn—How-ard ft McUaiii'—iWsIdenx-r. Young ft Jaoola.

8I01IX OITV—OltlMIRIM : Mason ft Keeler Co.—Lnrlllo A Lucax—.Mnx Laolie—llnnkolT ft

Olrite—Al. Ilaver ft Ulster—Nine White Uus-Siir^-iMfrrd Bergen.

SALT LAKE CITY—ORI'mWIM : MocBae ft (Jlegg

—Four DannUit—McKay ft Arllne—HebwaraDrm.—CliaH. F. Henun—Jack U. Gardjier Oo.

—Otoss ft Joseiibbio.

CAN FRANOI«00. OAT,. — ORI'IIKIIM : RayRamui'lii—I>iiighlln's Dngx— Vtlerln IhTgerx ft

Co.—Whiting ft Burl—diss. Wrt^-r- Iluaaerft Royle—Edge of ifao World-Ma Hello ft


SACRAMItNTrt. RmCKTON ft BAN JOflE. OAL.—Hl'LIT \VKKK: Hae PJeanor Ball—HordlkTrmiie—Clias. Ornt>ewln ft Oo.—OrslghtonUna. ft Belmont—lA)uls Londan—Mljarta.

ST. LOUia-OOLUMBIA : Jos. flanlley ft Oo.—Ann TaskcT ft On.-Klltabelh Murray ft Oo.—Ttotar OInudo A Co.- IiarDhnm ft Irwin—Tre-vltl'a Dogs—diss. Gnptwtn ft 0>.

flF.ATn.15. WASH.—oni'incUM: Umliertl—Dor-ddlu PriltiTHuii—dllanclie Ring ft flit.—llHrn-

ban ft Grabs—Moure ft JenklriH Tba Gould-Ings.

ST, PAUL—ORPIDKII.M : MnOnnnell ft HImiison—A Mimkt'y CIrcua—Ilrown ft iduebellr—I/afklls

CIIIT-Helm Muhnldi-r—l/pw Ilawkhvi—Jlep-lilns HIslcn—Four Anarnulbs.

WINNIPHO OA».—OIU'llKlIM : Kerrillo Family—tleven Colonial Bellea— Bculla ft Beam—'The fltren Beetle"—Llmi AbntotseU ft

Co.—Drown ft Nowmas—Gallon.

PARTAOBV oiRotrr.Mareh l-O.

(ULOABT, OAN.—PAHTAODS* IVlbt Fnniel-Me-Nots—Nat U'lniigxrll ft Oo^—Musical Five-


Ncal Abol—Tliriw Hholvoy Bns.—^Ullt Wooil.


Make Bolleve"—Duinn ft Lenharr—Toni

Kelly — llertni.lo Van Dyck ft llivi, — Bee-

nun ft Aiulenvii.

LOS ADOKLRS, CAf*—PANTAOBB' : VivianMarshall A Wnier Llllira— Gulnn Dios. \Marlon—llnmllloo ft UaruM—UllllAr—IMrtyOlrnrd ft Co

OAKLAND, CAL, — PANTA0B9* (Opena fliindJv

mat.): Ouriiell. forley ft Oo.—Joaofsaiii's(lllnm TPMUie—Thee.- (liiys—ICiposltkm Julil-

U>o Ftur—Bvsna ft Hlstcr.

I-OUTIjAND. <iRI-;. — PANTAOIM'i I/amW.Sleuiia (V>. — Kiiapii ft ONialla— Allen's

.Mlnnlri'lH-Icaiift aiieriipy-Ollmoro ft Raoiln-

oir—Citrr, 'riiuiiins 'lYki.

SAN KIlANfllflOO. OAT,.—TANTAORS' (Opensfliiiiilnr rnnt.): "Tho Wrung Bird"—"Jua-tlei> of llie I'csw"—Nmlna ft Ifrwooil

Argi>—Oumuiln & Svahuni.

ePOKANE. WASH—PANTA0R8' (Opeof Snmlaymat.): Hothurll Itimvne A Oo.—lUisa Mara-ton ft Oi. —Arrhir NIHiidHOil A Oo.—Jlnnnynteen—<lrueo l.uilell Oo.

eiOATILH. WASH.—PANTAOES'; Ronald 'itrad-

tiury ft <V>. — fnri Mil 'iilloinrti — llcntliiut.

I.<-wla Cu.— (iilr'Mit ft l>y>u—Benello .ft Sis-



Trinii^'—^Wrk'ht A I,an<>—'IVil ft lino llrnil-

Uqr—JiiIra Marcvou ft Co-— Kenny HlnunonH.

RAiyr IJIKB OITY, 1;.—I'ANTAdKB' (Oi>eii»

W«lni«lay) : Kleviia American Beaalli-<

O'Neal ft Walmfkr—Cora Hbnpsnn ft Co.-


Ki'iiil ft Bnllengvrl—llakw Tmupe.TA«>MA, WASH.— I'ANTAOKR': Flvo Nn»ae»-


Im (ta-iicr ft l"«.—.Marco Twlnr—Uownrd xUuM D—'rhrco .\aUleya,

VIOTORIA, O.S.V. — I'ANTAOIM't HaiTT H-Olvveland ft Cfl.—\Mr. ft Uia. Ilobyna-


PUtiv .« Ilnalyn—WrtjUit ft Davla—Wlll-luiiis Una.—Ncuiiii'e-Alkut Oo.

VANCOUVER. CAN.—I'ANTAIVJI' I "Iba Devil,the r>Tvaot ft the Man"—Rsnlvlol Dri«.—Oraat f,v«rer—Orefo ft Porker—Toaotnlan-Vandkimon Trouiio—Novelty Panolta.

WINNIIHO, CAN, — I'ANTAOra'; A. BurtWilier ft Co.—Kd. F. n<'ynard-SMolplyr<>ft llarly—Rose OardeiwDellon, Uiicena ft


OUTOFTOWrrHEWSPorllnnd, Or«. — diellcg (W. T. Paiigle,

mgr.) "Illgb Jinks" Kidi. afilT,OapiiauM (T. R. Oiinlon, logr.)—Bill bnlnnlng

<il : Ormaiy and Dayw, Hsoi pnd Kitty Morton,Maria \m and euinimuy, MelvUla and IlJgglus,Uiirtbdi and 0<>rvii.

RMi-iaia (H. W. I'lerong, our.)—Dill hcgln-iilns. 'a: Frank Hlafford and cogvaof, M'>rrlBand Allen, pbllllpl Four, HcYrodrs asd Ohappalle,Aodonmn anil Hurt, and Wolgta aad Qlrlla.

I'AMTaoia' (J. i. Jotuvin, nigrj—Bill >M||ln-

Blna aai Great OoldM TN/tgn, Derlle Fowler."Ttio War of T»ttga," Daalap and Vlfdes, amiGondm llnis.

Ilaaa IM Vt. Hea.itn, mgr.)—4ta atnak com-paiM, In ' Heerrt Service," ffl-aT.

PioFi.a'H, NaT:oNAL, l.raio, OoiiOMOra, HTAaand UajasTiu, la'tilun pictuiia.

ViLsnia liaoBM beaded tho Olptfsom bill lastWeek, and aa s^e li well known soclslty on thoOoa.^,' Ibe house was aold «at tot tho optnlngbbdit.

liar BAHuata, "tba Una sttaah of raadovllla,"and an Lonovary nmafaar of the Portland PmsOlub, sl'ared Ivadliig booon with Vakils Bar-«ie at tbo Or.ibuuni.

Grand Raplda, Mlah,—Powera' (Bsnr 0.Soonw-m ft U>., ingra.l Mvld Wartald Feb. 37.Cbauicoy Olcott MaicU I, Molotyra and Bvalh 4,"Btri" 8, «.

.MAJthTio (Orin Mlair, -~ ragr, )—Week of 21,"llrliivliig lip FnibiT. " ''Diiiiia'^ed Uouds" oiit."Ikiught and I'alil Fur" lo fullow.EHraasM (Daii'l MrTo.r. mgr.)—Bill .wi^-k of

12. Harry Frrii and cuuiuany, Ethol Uiwn. Mr.and Mr*. Jnmrs KfIhu. Frank Mullniin. Ni-l|imend NelMin, Uevca Uouias, and Huitb, Cook andlitsudun.

Osi-iiaiiw (Hsrvey Arllugtoo, mgr,)—Bill wevkof 'it: Cycling Ilruni'lles, Manilea Dowiwy andeonipany, Msiwell llolilro, Al. I,awr«ncv. Thn<<iLarcuiilnn*. Wm, UiKe/ and oomnany, Camdland Kalhrrinn McFarland, Kluu and Kliipy, DanUobey, ond Stork aod iJuvls,

Hay niy, Mich—WaHblogton (E. 0. Ileatty,mgr.) "Th') Prineo of l>llseu" Feb. 13. and JohnW. Vc«cra Minstrels H, both net wlUi fslP ie>tunia

IliioD (E. 0. Ileatty, mfr.)—JIUl 21-34: BruceRl<disnlami and ooopssy, Ike Six Royal lIUHsnrOlrbi, Oliarlts aod Aninita Tarpin, Kennedy, No-Imily and i'liitt, and iJie Six ntovens. Fm 211-27:"Dovll'R Ball,'' tbo FlTo Fmientaos, otben andtho llijnwini]*,

nnoTTii (W. T. FtTorlle, mgr. )—Vaudovlllo amipliiHinilays.

WKNiiKAir, MTia. AUDom, Fshilt, I'lrrrDiB-i.ANu, AvaNUB, llgoaowar, Piau, TaMi'Lu andCnuwN, movlof plciutae osly.

Norfolk, Va.—WelU' (flllo Wells, ragr.)Billy llurko Feb. 23. U, 'Tsily Liuury" 21,I'lBTOia* dab 2>, Boalon Rogllsb Opera 0>. 27CbMNiAL (R. 0, Kolght, mgr.)—The Ooloabil

Plsyem gi'Mot "ten of the Blorn Country"

Aoioinr' (Oito Welli, Bor.)—4pllt*m«fc vaodc-villa and nwllon pletom

HraAHD, AlinioaN, CBoaHiM, Akoapt, Won-rruLANu. OuLUMiiia, Fr/goaiio and KiiTf, mo-Uuu pictures.

New Orleana, La.—Tolsoe (T. 0. Catnn-bell iimr.) "Wltiila the Uw" Feb, 21-27, Nell0 Rrlen's MInalrela neat;

Oasoairr (T. O. Oampbcll. our.)—Persy Has-well aad per oonuisa/ cloaal t aoccessfnl scaennbfro ao. Tbo YIdilliill riayeia. In repurtolTe, b«-flo a week's run 21.Ojrniuu (Arthnr B. While, mgr.)—Dill vrcek

of 30: "The llrl llPsds," Theodore Dendix Play-ata. flian Htsnlrr Trio, Illnes ami Fox, fHisr-low, Mlltrr and Vincent, snd the Three lllondys.

DaupiiiNa ittm H«», mar. I—Big buslut^i wasreported -wtrk of H. when Tony Kennedy asd blanrrrr Inirtaaiint-rs nnwnted "Penalty lo Hl«Belilj" and •'Not Yet, But Hooa."

16 THE ISTEW YORK: OLIPPEH . Fbbbuaby 27



Monday, Feb. 22.Ciipaeltr boDMa at all theatrca gIvlDg

WafhlDgtno'i lllrtlidaj matlncei li tbc rule.SeToral gala crcDta are vcbedulcd (or tb«ereolng, lucludlDg the l(c«l Kellowa' ball atthe Hotel Hhermao.No Dovclttea will be aecD, eicopt at the

vauderllle tboatrca. "Sari," at the lllloola,will bid CblcBEO adieu ocit Sundajr evening.Jobn Urepr will bring '^Uoscmar;" to tblatheatre oo March 1.

On March 7 Marie Tempcat will act atthe Qarrlck Id Edgar Belwyo'a farce, "NearlyHarried." On tbe aamc da'te "Wbat'a OologOb?" a tDualcal comedy played by WalterLawrence, I'raDCCi Cameron, Knox Wllaoo,Hoy Atwell and Dorothy Webb, will be seenat thtf La Balle Opera IIouhc.

Mircb 8 brlnga C/rll Maude, an Dngllahoctor, who waa nlgbly favored In tbia coun-try last RFaaoD, in "urumpy," at Ibe DIack-atone. Otla lijIilDDer arrlrea on tbc aamoday with "The Bllcnt Voico" at the llllrioLa.

Ilarld Warflcid comca to the I'o^era Thea-tre, with "Tbe Auctioneer," for a two weeks'itny. brglnnllig March IR.

Mnrcb 21 Lew Klelda will reach tbc Oar-rirk with the farce, "'the IliKh Co»t of Lov-ing." Julia HauderHon, Donald Ilrlan andJoHcph Cawtliurn come to tbo Illinois with"The Olrl from TMab" on March 22.Mme. Marguerite and Kraok (till nrc tht

principal cnlcrtalnerB at tbc (Irecn Mill Qar-deua. At the lilaniarck Winter Uardeni*.tlic Moilroff Troupo of Iluanlan danccra will

make their flrat appearance In Chicago tbliweek.

"Uncle Bam at Work" Is tbe title of a mo-tion picture to be seen at tbc Auditorium."David llaruia." In motion pictures, la theattraction at Zlegfeld's. The Studcbakcr re-

tains tbk WllllamaoD Submarine piclurca.I>i SAt.t.K Ormii iIloiiHi: (Josoph llranuy,

mgr.)—"HolllDg HtoucB,' fourth'owEns" (illarry I'owcrs, mgr.)-— "Tho

Duinmy," nlgbth week.iLLtNuiH (A. ritou Jr„ Togr.)—''Sari," laBt

week.I'RINCB.SH (S. P. OcTBon, n>gT.)

—"OurChtldrca." MgbUi week.

• Gahricx (j. J. Oarrtty, mgr.)—"PaaalDgAbow," (cvrnth week.

(Jkiiiigb 'M. OniiA.N'H Grand OrsRA IIoi'HB

Harry Ridings, mgr.)—"On Trial," Dlnthreek:

<,'onT (II. .T. Ilerannnn, mgr.)—"The NowIIeni4ettd," ninth week.Olympic (fienrKe C. Warren, mgr.)—Ju-

llno ICUlDgo, In "The Crinoline Ulrl,'' secondweek.

HTiiDBiiiKGn (Louis J. Jones, mgr.)—Mo-tion pletiinH.

Iti.ACKHTONM ('Kilwln W*plcr, mgr.)—"Dl-|i!om<icy," third woe*.iMrEBUL (J. lUgrtai, mgr.)—Week 22,

"Bouglht and I'ald ror."


Herbert A, Rlloe la unlqao In tho amusement world, a distinctive feature of the c&mlvTl

field. A man irtio has, and la nuking a rcputaUon second to noiie among America's out-

door entertalninant ma«nttc«. A.Attlng subject for Indualoa In these columni, devoted to

piomlneirt pcnooalltlc* of tlic abvw business.

Kline Is a man of vide experlenco in carnival matters, and is kr.own from one end of

ths country to tbe other as a Icoding factor In providing QtUng attractions for big celebra-

tions. State fairs, and wents of magnitude. He. numbers among his friends the most in-

fluoitlaj, as well as tho beat known men In tbe promotion of big tindcntaklngs. lie Is a

(trogreialve as well as an aggressive sbowmnn, who understands exactly (what tbe puhUcwant, and the best way to supply that want

Poastsadog great executlvo ability and unceasing pcmev^rance, he Is n nan to be

reckoned with at every alago of the game. Failures do cot daunt him, but act only as onIncentive to future exertion. Like the Phoenix arising from Its aahei>, temporary reverses

only bring out bla after achievements more vividly, end Herbert A. KUno la a man whomit Is ImpooBVblo to keep down for any length of time. .

Kline has htard and fast rulea of his onu that he carries out to the letter, Ho believes

In tbe iMjttermcnt of the amusement business by obe ellqiir.atlon of all features that detract

from tho dignity of tbe sbow burincss. He la a reformer of the best type, practlalng whathe i>rcache8. No matter how profltablc a doubiful concession would prove (Inacndnlly to

tol» ahow, It will novcr be found tbcrc, such features being absoluficly tabooed with tim

Kline atlractlons.

It is this, bi addition to tbc happy faculty of keeping bis word and honestly advertising

wlbat he has to offer that causes such people as J. C. BImpson to remark that "Ii Is people

of tbe (allbre of Herbert A. Kline with whom I like to deal."

Mt. Kline Is thla year ^promoting something that la absolutely new in tbe way of anoutdoor feature. It Is a big congress of nations, under one mammoth top, In conjunction

vlth an elaborate tUppodrooo performance to be given twice or tbrico dally, tbc Idea I>elng

to condense the more popular features Into a smaller space, and In a way to dUcount the

effect of bad wea.1ber on tbc lot.

Mr. Kline has almost every foreign feature In the way of recognized amusement In h<9

sttmctlon, each operating la its separate enclosure, but all combining In ono grand ensembleIn tho big show. It Is safe to say that If Mr. Kline has satlalled hdmeolf Ctet It Is prac-

ticable, It will be a revelation In up-to-date sbowmanshlp.In condualon, Tiic Nkw Yobk CLiri-Ks extends to him Its heartiest good wishes for. his

prosperity, and ma; he mount to (be very zenith of tha {trofeasion ha to worthiij adorns.

%%%%%%%%%%%%Mc'V^lCKRB's (J. a. Dutch, mgr.)—^Week 22

Includes: Mrs. Louise James, Cottrell Powell1'rou]>i<, Ilaroold's dogs. Miller and Cleve-land, .Marguerite Parrell, Weat and Van Rlc-l(!n, .Merlin, Iloword and Hndler, Uelmont andllarl, and Harry Tbampion,Colonial (Norman Field, mgr.)—iWeek 22

Includou: "California," a fflunlcal comedywith twenty people ; Morijic Coffey, tbo Wll-

OB soma mloor details nro seltied, the prIiKlnalone being the cancellrtlon of a omtrsot thatcalls for Ms man's aerrlces In tbo Interoat of aLIff moTinff plctui^ or^nalzAtlon, 'xvhlo!i wlaht'S tosiMirt lilm to Kuro^^ ro a ]io»All>Ie Tic^ ofthe rival Oeets In acilon, lie will ouro aboutihf c.iil 'of A^irll, near I'lllnbureta. I'u., wbenevcrjr incb of apsco t>ii Ills floatlne cdftilral batKi'fi

will h! AIM vltb tLe most up-to-date atlractlonjsand concesslODa,


L.L.. m--


D ATTC (Blngle, iS.OO to flO.OO per WeeknAllIO lDoal>Ie,$e.(M> to •U.UO per Waek

Barmnd R«st»B»»Bt In Connection. MTTiTiWR it MOBBOW, Props.


ACooamoDATions at tub^


Jaokaon Blvd. and„ Clark 8t. CHICAGO, ILL.JABLEB T. CIiTDB, Mnnaigar

Oaa-feor Only 'to -feho B»S'fe

FAT CHA^r.T Dwioirr Pspplb epeat the last part of

last week at DIxoo, III., wliere one of bis snowsappeared on peromtag*. _ _ „ .,

^nin. RosiNSON. V<Mx Relet, B. F. Trerellck,

Oea notmlhal, Edward M»«b, Harry F. Boae

•Dd Other fair e«Ie»nicu were at Maaon oiiy,

la., last week for the mietlnf.Cora Bloodoood Oosson'b IwaTlomimusTa

will play Uie Oaletr, Sprlngflold, III., and tho

Olonlal. OhIcaRO, b<iforo opening on tbe Pantai,-es

Olrcult, at Minwapolls, Minn.J. C. MATTUBwa baa added extensive tMoklnns

ronntly. In aildltloo to Kansas Cltr, Mo. ;Kan-

sas City, Kan. ; JopMn, Uo., and Tcpeka, Kan.,

Ihe I'lnkelsteln A Itu'uln bouses at Miniieapoll:!

li'alace and New Ofami), the Prlncena at St.

Paul, and the Graoil. ot Puluth, turn frym the

A»«-clat'.on to Tantas-.-s March 1. These hooMS- liare been very nccfsjar.v In tnutlne acis op to

tbe Strand (Allanit hoiiw), at Winnipeg, andfor this reason their Iomo Is a seTere blow. Therapid grcwtb of ihc PantaROJ booklnm in ttie

.Mlildlc West Twenllj Is a chief topic of convar-

Ballon. an l J. 0. .Matthewa la reccltlng cciigralu-

latlona from many Houic«.*a.

A MKB-riNii wrm lieM at the Olil Prlendd" Club,Tiifwioy <'t laat week, at which plans were dls-

aitfcd for arrangine to look after needy actors

DR, MAX THOREK "WRITES."CuiCASO, Feb. 18, lOir-.

"Mi Daaa Ma. TATaioK.—dt alTords me trntnleasnre to concratoUle you opoa jour elect hnas secretary to tbe Pbowmen's Leaciie ot Atorr-

lea."From sU reporta I understand that It was a

glorknis meeting, la a barmonloua clm(nphni<.

wllti an electdoa of a repcearEtatlre body to betd

yoor Leagne."I olao vnderatand that the object of your

-rortby aasoclatloo will be to help Indlfent snav-

men who are In need. I therefore take tbU op-

inrtnnlty to offer my eerrlces free of rbirge lo

any peryon cooneetM with rour amoaeiuen: rn-

terprue, whose n>e«ns will not pennit blui or her

to have expert a,tteDtk>n.

"Wiabng you all kluds ot succeas, and Is hopesthat yoai desires will nuterlallte. I am, as ever,

most loyally yonia. Da. Max Thoisk."

HOSPITAL ROTES.WiiUAiC Mnaas, advsce aient, was toirt by

inauj ptystclana that he never woald be ahio to

Btund aa operation for chronic appondlcltia, wlihwhich he baa sulTeied for some tlnie, and that h«would die «n Ibe operating table. 5(r. Moverscanie to Oblcogo and placed himself In the liamls

ot Dr. Max Thorek. who operated upon hlin ivl'.ti

vei7 decided success ,ana Mr. Meyers exjiects


VIIiaiNIA LEESingles, Doublos, Trios, Quartettes and Tabloids. Don't overlook this GREAT NUMBER. . Orchestrations iri ail keye. Publiihe^ also

for Orchestra; Dapolng AOd Dumb Acta. Write, wire or call for VIRGINIA XEE. It's in: the air

OrOlB IKXORX^XS IKEUSXC 145 W. 45th ST., JfiiW YORK CITYMIKE L. MORRIS, Minigar PHILA.: 136 N. 9lh SI. BOSTON : 32 Boyiitart St. CHICACO : Crand Opefa Houae BIdg.

VicToaiA (HI. C. Drolaskl, mgr.)—Week 22,"Tlie lloiiud-Ih)."

NATKiNii. {J. P. llarrctt, mBr.l^Wcck 2:',

•'Bant". <;r(>wn (A. J. Kaufman, n«r.)—\Veek -22,"Tho I>urc."

Coi.HMiiiA (WlUlnju llocbe, . mgr. )—Week22, 'rrocaderns.MtJuaTic (I,yman It. fllover, mgr.)

Vi'cck22 Includea: ('arollna White, Toby Cluudeand company, Ilert KItEgllibon, Diamond andBrennan, Ann Tasker and rompauy, Culllneand Hart, Mary Dorr, llurobaTU and Irwin, '

and the Two Alfreds.TAiac* Mi'Hic IlAi.L (Mort II. Singer,

mgr.)—^Weck 22 Includes: Ina CInlro. Kllza-belli Murray, Uesalc Clayton and companyJiolds over for one more week : Charles K.lUvans and rnmpany, tho Mnrvelnus Man-rburlans, Mullen and Coogan, Isued anJTrevltt's military canines.

Qarat Moai-iiRRN-nirFODnouR (F. C. Dborta,mgr.)—Week 22 Includes: Portor J, Whltoand compaoy, Vcneta Gould, in "Twelve Min-utes wltli tlio Stars;" "Itlchard the Orent,"the 'man monk ; Joney Klynn nnd MlnstrolMisses, lleorgo ArmRlrouE. (Ireonr. Mcllenryand Dean, Jobn Gelcer, 'len Ilonnmnr Arnbn,Charles MoQood and rompnny, MtiOuIre andJohnson, Daniels and Coursd, and tho I,o


eon Hrothcrs/ Cameron, OevItt and company,Violet Neltz, Jack I'hipps and company.

Stah and UAHTsn (1 aiil Itobcrls, mgr.)

Week 22, the D'eautv I'aradc.llATMAnitrT (1. II. -llork, mgr.)—iWcck 22,

Olrls from tho Follies.Oatbtv (II. C, Scboonecker, mgr.)—Week-

22, Auto OlrLs.KHOLtwooi) (Eldw. Deatty, mgr.)—Week

22, Watson HIstera.





Western Ulllrei »nit OpneraHlOureiaa of Infbriuutlon


Seoretary'a OfHro



Bporvtary's Ofllro



Bnalneas (Mllre



W. H, nODKRRY IN CIIIOAGO.W. II. DiiilCre.T. IritHl adjuster auil manager cf

the prlTllcnea with the Yankee llobtnMn Show,was a weloome caller at Ibe ^reale^> Itureao ofTns CuiTta, la Ohlraim. Haiurday, 20. beingesllfd 10 this city from riion. 111., to confer wllli

rte<l Ituehaiian, proprietor, and George Me«han,feiirral agvul of Ibe VaDke* Rnblnaon oraanlsatlon.lurhanaD has amaased a corofurtable fortune In

the circus. Iiuslne«ii, and li leeoRnlaeil aa one o(tho moat asiulo purreyora of lented entertalan^entla thla couiilr)-.

WKSTCOTT JOrVS LRAQIIE.M. II. Wculeotl, proprietor nf Ihe Wetilcott

Sliewa. Is the newest ailhetent lo tbe Showmen'sl4>ai!iH< ot America, harliig enlernl his npplleatlonfor immbershlp following the annual nieetlug laC^lcsRo. ,

Ibp Wi<al<olt !lho\ra will most heartily partlcl-

Sale III "Showmen's Leagno of America Day."i,ne in, ti'T llin UmioQI of tmllvent anil needy

Hhnwmi'n. niul ihni hp liopoA that the moTOflientmay tin froucbt Willi ureal succcas.

m\H. roLMTT AnniVES.Mm. I*nllll(. wife of tho Aenhl aaalatnot man-

ri^>i- of the WttrtliNiu ft .\llea Show, arrlred laCliifniii, to remain with hex huahaod until '.ho

i>|:4i:ii,K <f Ihc Hliiiw. Mr. I'ollllt Is I'Urt altrad-luK In iho vnrlouj dvlalli la conjunctiou wllbA. .\. I'lMvers.

CON T. KBNKKDV VISITS.Onn T. KmiH'ily haa l"?rn In Cnilcaco. naklhir

llic trir lo ntteiul the Uhownim'a l/oague ofAniirl.-a nxvllni:. of wliUh he Is the Dr?t tlce-|-«^'(lenl. IvInK uimnlmniiair elected loit Wetlnes-dav fit Iho Orniid I'aolllc llolel.

Mr. Krr.i«<<l.v h.n Joliiwl lij .A. II. Dnrk-le.v. hh (aiiral ni,Tnt. nnd Inlh of these smile-men will Ii'»ti- for Kansas Oily aliorlly.

»lr. l\e:ineilT U vcr)- Jiilillpnl over pmappctaIlilK ro'iilnit nniMn. and eipreaaed hlutscif optl-nilallcall)- ur. Ihe fiiliire.

Come and So* Ua

nicK HACK riioM PiTTSnunoii.W. II. (Illll) lll.v. W, »l. P.. has lelurned

fnwi IMIlelHirKh, nlioiv he bis cumplett'tl nr-r.nwiiri,!.'* lo open rnieea -for the Hirer Ktpo-Blllon C\\ aliortl.T. nnd rmrts lhal eTerylhlnj lalin>sn-»ilii(t fawraM.r wlih hl« bl| acheme. lieenyn thit (he nvliilor ndinneo SKHit muTeeieotwill be an accompllahed fact, be believes, as soon

Ton W. ALLEN IN OniCAGO.Tom W. Allen arrlTed In Chicago to meet bla

partner C. A. Worthain. at the Morrison Hotel.Thoy ^vlll comnlete arranKements to put out theWorlhani k Allen Show, and he will probably beliere (or a<>reral daya./ Mr. Allen reporta thatttilsgs In Shrevc^rt ore proRreaalng rapidly, andthat he will be In a ima'tlon next week to givsbla llne-op ot attractions for the coming season,

' HARRY NOVES RETURNS.Another lenersl agent has retuiiied to Chicago

after an eitenalre Journoy through the connirron behalf ot the Patterson Shows. Mr. Noyes baasecured aereral good' eontracta tor bla organlta-tlon, and looks tor a big aeaaon tbis year, .

fiproloi lo Tub CLirrn.'

MUNUAT, Keb. 21.

WILLIAMS OOKS TO DENVER.I.on U. Williams, general agml of the Hugo

nrotbera' iVog and Pony 8Iiowh, left Cblcago for

DeoTer, 10, to-iiurcbaae adOeil iMiulpnicut froin thet^plla-Kloto-tfuftalo mil mininnient.

Aa via forwaated In the colnmni of Tns KbitYobs CLirria. Vic Hugo Is sparlnic no pains norei|)i'nee In rhaising up als aggregation now uiuler

(Troceaa of nnuilructlon at OeiInT IltpUla, la. Tbegeneral cDsenible will undoubtedly prove a rovela-


WORTHAM BVLOOIZES LBAOVE.The Brat qiieatlon Clarence A. Worttiara aaked

on his arrival In Chicago, T^nnday night, wasabont Ihc Showmen's Lesgae meeting. He I? avery luttreated party to Its alms, and will jointhe Diiny other sbo>ws In deTotliig a part n! blareceipts on the day appointed by the Le.igue tothe beaent of Its funda. He Is also Joining thoorganliatlon and lending his Influence to makingotber members for Amfrlca's greatest amusementorganlsitlon.

NAT AEISS DROPS IN.Genial Nat Itelaa, general agent for the Worth-

am A .Allen Show, dropped la for a few hnura,and reports closing twe or three likely apota forthe Interrsta he repteoenla. Nat has pat ia somerapid lire w«rk, as be was ooly away Ave daya.He will leave Immedlautely to close up olheroltles. loeldentslly he la another prominent show-man who a joining the League, and is ooo of Itsmost.enthualastlo tnoatsm.

HEINZ ENGAGES ROSE.Ed. Relni!, of tho llelna ft Deekmnn Showa. has

engaged I^eater Iltwe. late ot Tiib Nbw . YouitOLirrm (lilcngo atalT, as press a:;eiit for thec«nilng aeaaon,. at tho s-jgceetlon of Dk-k Cnlllni,of the Inlrrstato Prriia Service. .Mr. Ilose Is aeleier writer, who will iloubtlcus make his marklu carnival Journallani, and tho show lie repn'-senta will provide plenly of Intereailnv matterfor Ma exploitation. Ihlns has been here thispaat week, and left for I-^t St. Louis Saturdayuontlng.

MANN MAKING A HIT.Lvman 0. Mans, who la well-known as a tol«

ented lecturer on feature fllnu, la mnklug a dis-tinct hit at the Studelwkor Theatre here lecturingon Wlllamaon'a Subniarliire. He will be remoin-horeil as having aervrd tbe Dniitp's Inferno andIlaFenheck-Wallaco tllms In n .similar capacity.

.Mr. Mann maj ahorll.r take his "Around theWorld In Ninety Mliiules" travelogues on tholead In Ihe near future.

AL. LOTTO CONVALESCENT.Al. Lotto, the well known cuuiv.islonalre with

Tom W. Allen Shows, la about aualn. He hna jnst|>aa»ed through n serious opernllon. but has re-eorered nicplj. He will lp.iTe Chicago shorllr cnroute to .shrfTepnrl. to Jolu the show for the open-ing the cod ot April.

JOINS I.EAGl'E.Henry J. rollle. na.ioolale pruprlelor of 7x>ldman

h rulllo'a Orraier Shows, of d'llt9hiirgh.< I's.. wasIn t;iilrait.> laal wwk. durlni: The Slwvi-iimrsIrfntiH- of .\iiH'rlc.i nH-ptlUK. and luiniiillslelv fol-l.^wlug the r.iljiiiimuipnl Mr. IVllle IllrtI lils appli-cation for imnulieralilp, atnting that his partner,.Mr. ZIolinan would take ainillar action thla -weekand that th" ZleiUuan A Pollle .Shows would whcoiiIt np for "Showni'ii'a J,eni:iie of Ajnerlca Dav."Jane 10,


wbo ore said to ba quite numerooa. Tbo matterwas glren a suirt hy Tt>ro Murray, maniger otthp 'Thalia; 11. D. licfTman, manager of the Al-banbra, Uanlen and Liberty Theetree, and JohnT. Oonners, manager of the Calumet, In SoutltCUieago.

"La GaipeB" has become- a formidable. er.emyof Jasce, LliUck ft Schiiefer. Tivo weeks ago Itlaid low Norman field, manager of the ColonUI.A few daya later. Jack Dnreh, manager at Md:Vlcker's. anccuailMd. Last KHdar, Wlllam Boaen-blum, asslatant uianager of MeVlcker's, took tohis bed. To make It worse. Sam BInuaeher,BtaMs manager of MeVlcker's, hac begun to com-plain ot a headache. The result of this had beentliat Sam Levin, tbe general manager, is pottingIn eighteen hours a day, with the aasliitanoe ofJos Branaky, of the La Suite, and Ralph Ketter-ing, of the main office, mauuglng and stage man-aging.Ma. AND .Mas.

.Paan W. acDtarBB are apeadlng

their honeymoon la Uot Springs, Ark. Tliey willreturn to Chicago, March 1, making tbeir per-uianeiit resilience la the New Morrlaon Hotel.AuoLPu ZuKOB, pre^deot of the Famous Play-

era Compaoy, was In Chicago Saturday. Ue con-ferred with Aaron J. Jonca, at Jcoies, I/lnIck ftSchaefer, upon serenl new film propositions.

J. 0. Mirrntws, general bookUig manager forthe Panta«es Circuit, haa engaged Bodnoy Ilanoussnd Marie Nelaon, who -will preheat nalph Ketter-ing « cynical comedy, 'Xkmaelence." aoslsted byClayton Marleu, who haa been plaiybig WlllonLackaye'a role lo "Fhie Featbeta" for two seaaons.

A. ^TULi.EB, who left Chicago a year ago to•tart a clear store In Wlontpeg. Can., returnedlast week tor a vlalt. He Is doing Hue op there.Tn* American Florence Troupe ls:.playlng In

the Southwtst. ami appear at their home towntHIppodnnie, Kanaas City. MoJ next week.Patbioe .McQotibh Is tho new manager of tbe

Hll»tiodrome. Fairmont, W. Vs.. succeeding FredI'Ickett, who goes elsewhere on tlie Son Circuit.Mabtha ItuaartL anb Patbick (3ALnouN arc at

Ibe Linooln, CJlilcaio. the "last hnVf" of thla week.boa WaiNnaao Joined "Our Children."OOT VOYBB. late feature of "My Cinderella

Girl," a Boyle Woolfolk tabloid, la back In Chi-cago.Jack and Udddib Wuitb llnlah their North-

wratern tour for the Vf. V. M. A. at Aberdeen,B. Dak., next week, and return to Chicago.

Mabiob Sauels liaa put "Tbe Creole Band,"lately aeeo In OIklcngo houses, under contract, andwill take them FSaat shortly.

MoiiiiiiTU AND Snoozbr. who were on tho I,oewtime, are back In tbe Middle West after a very .

aucci«sful Wcatero triii.

DoNS-A Lxa Is playing her home town, Brook-ings. S. Dak.. Ibia week, wllh tho Deming Sto:kCVimpany, and lier elster gave a dance In herhonor WednesdaSkflgbt.

COL. COtoV'S niRTHDAY.On Friday. Fel). 20. Ooloiiel W^ F, Ooily, "Buf-

fiilo mil." will he slxtr-nlne .veara of nge, andor that evening a celebration. In honor of theevent In Ibe form of n Imnquet, will lip tenderedthe "Hcio Ilor^fmiin of the Wofld." bj cltli/>3sof Ce<ly. WyomliiE. at tbe Hotel Irma, In thatPlly. Numerous oul-ot-lowii frlenda nf ibe ColonelIn various pnrls of Ihc country have signifiedthflr InKollon of being present upon this festivecernalon. ,>

Colonel Cody Btlll retalna Uiat marked permn-aJlty and mllllary bearing whirh has made blma pc-niniMulIng ilgure In the pnlille pye am', nswill Ik- noted hy Hip following loiter, he la "oneof tbc kida that never die."

ni'FFAI.O niLL WRITES.'ToiiT. AVyoniln'.-. l-'-li. 1.1 Win.

".Mr rKAR Waudkn: Voii iieo I am Imck here. I\rn» In, IVnver ti uxiiilli. Now iiin linsv In oilmill minbig deals. Uoth look veiy encouinijln^.I nni one of Ihoso kids tirat never aays die.Just OS full of energy as ever. All vre have gottn do la to buck up, God bless tou. W, T.OODI." •

to leave tbe hospital wllbbi a week o- ten doje

after the ojteratfon.

nina Da Palmes, ot the (Aerrr Blooaom Co.,

who was operated upon hy Dr. Thorek cerCTol

days ago. Is* recovering wonderfully well, a:id

will leave the Institution In a ahort thne.KiB. Chab, KiNEuaaa Is another patlint of l)i'.

Thorek, who will leave the instltntlou, entirely

feiorered. Ip. a very few daj-s.Fbankib Sixpbil (Mrs. Blllott) Is conllmd to

the American Hospital, under the care of I>r.

Thorek. The doctor expects to have Mrs. Flliolt

well In a very few days.Ebtheb Lawson. of Ihe Berlew of 101.'. In-

jured her spine while working, and was under Ih4

care of Dr. Thoiek for n fow daya, and Ir nowable to lenime her work.

Ct-ABA Dbvinb. at the Gaycly, this wit,placed Iiereelf under the care of Dr. Ttiorek for

nervoas trouble. She Is continuing at work whileunder the doctor's treatment.LOTTIB KSAMKLTH (Urs. Arthnr Omss) and

Marie Gray; both of ttie Passing Show of 1014.DOW playing at the Oarrlck, are confined In ilmAmerican Hospital, occopylng Boom Twelvp.Both, girls underwent verT serloua aurglcal cpera-tlcne, which proved decidedly aiicceasful. nnd llio

(lector predicts a sjieedy recovery In a. ahort lime.Mtba Oatlob jKrrBBBON (Mrs. John CayloD,

of "Mrs. WIggs of the Cabbage Patch" fame,has ben operated npon st the American Hoi-filial, by Dr. "Thorek. Tbe doctor removeil aerge tmior, and Mr*. Cnylor la doing wonder-fully well. She eapccts to leave the inatltutlonIn a few days, oa tbe operstloa proved to be avery decided auceera.

_ OPEN NEW HOUSE.The F. ft n. Amusement Co. opened their sec-

out new house this season at Terre Haute, Iml.,

IS. The now Palace, at Bockford, will open 'i"-

Tho opening at Terre Haute waa more tbnii

gratifying. Governor Balston, of Indiana, waspreacnt, and made the opening address. Those l»

attendance Included the representative citlrens "f

Terre Haute ond the leading membera of Ihc

We«;em Vaudeville Managers' Association. JmmJ. Murdoch made a speclsl trip for the occasionfrom New York City. The Chicago conilnseiit.who chartered a speclsl car for the trip. Included


Marrus Uelman, Asher Levy, Joseph Finn. SamuelRabI Walter Batterlleld, Olande Ilnmphrleii. TomCarniody. Uenio -Moore, John J. O'Connor, Irvln


SImoo. Charles Allardt, Mr. and Mrs. James )>

BlcRowen, .Mr. and Mrs. Barry Splngold. Mr. amiMrs. Dave Beehler, snd Coner Holmes. A bun-

quet waa tendered the guests by the inanagi'mrni.

The Now Hippodrome la modern In every wo.v.

An excellent vaudeville bill. Including Ihe

KImlwa Japa, Qreen, McHenry and Dean. NinaMorrln and company, Sjiencer and .Wllllama. nndthe Diving Nympha, was given at the luitlal |>er-


NEW L. /k H. BUILDING.The new Lyon ft Ilealy Bnlldlng l.i to M

erected on tbo present site of the Wellhik'li>"

Ifniel. at Wahnsb Avenue and Jackson ItoulovsKl.

Tbc contmel has been awarded to Weill l>f»^-

Co. for a tTBO.OOO bnlldlng.Fifty years ago Lyon ft Heair opened a mii'lo

store on Washington Street, cpnoslte tho cymrt-Itouae. where the old (jbleago Opera House wnrsituated. The bnslness wss founded bv the laiu

P. J. Healv, and its msnogeripnt to-day la mthe handa of his sons and associates.

TO CLOSE MAHOH 0."Ilolling Stones," £<lgar Selwyn'a comeily of

tMilcsm lionrdlng-hooBe life, has evldenlly not

proved the Kuccess predicted for It. .Messrs. Jono".I.lnick ft Schaefer announce tbe closlng-of Hits

allow Ht the La Salle Opera House. Satunlsj;.March (».- No altractlon has been hooked to (ol-

Iiiw "Rolllni Stones," and It la aald that AaronJ. Jonee wlU Journey to .Vew York some time this

week In leiKO ot booklngB,

Febbuaby 27 THE NEW^YORK CLIPPER. 17



JOHN a.WILLSovR jjovnxa fatiik»,


mnio DeparUd from vm FaK 88,1913.



Ijomn b. wii-uiWbo died Feb* M, 1913.


naTiT Colenmn.iiBrrr CtelCTM". ^lown In thfl dreos world ts

Jdio-lJei poiiid., dl«d it the Wo.hWtonI.rlum IlwpltaX WanhUigtoD. D. C. Feb. 4. He

5" els" and etatnre ever «e«n In .dj of the .Ide.

j^.ii of the country. )Ie had bwn ippearlDg

slJwl'i'^^'" Waahlngton. it 400 Ninth Street.

Kfrtbwcsl iDd nrlor to his engagiment with tliat

« "ero 1^ U bien on eihlbltlon with drcua , do-

ibi«s Coleman was taken to the Asylum Uosnltal

Tburiljy mornlns. 4. Katty degeneratlOB of the

hnrt nos tbe cause of death. ^lie "u» 1 nnllTC.of abelbpuine Fall., llosj..

•kVn' tody was tbipped for burial. He vita

Si?rr c.l. Sir year. agS ho weighed 165. AtSat lime be "=» taken. with typhoid feTer. and

SiVr recovering from the dl(eni<> bla weight In-

c irsed lapldly. Prior, lo bla alckness he had

bKii eiiBOiiil for n number of years as a catlpon-

M <,n no Do,im OloDe. He wjb 0 feet 1 Inrh

till 80 Inches, or '7 feet 2 Inches around the

wflst; CO-lncU chesj. and 42 Inch** around the


Lonin Meyer.Lonlj Meyer, a well kcown tkeitrlcal maniger,-

d'cd Fol'.' 1, at Brigalon, Eng., of heart failure,

tieil foriy-ihree years.. u..

lj)uU .Meyer was lesaee and minjger of the

sirinU Thoatre London. He w« bom In Edghas-

ton on Oc:. 20,' 1870, and when a young pan gay;

-co B c<'ir«rclal career to beoome a black and

Vblie (irtnt. He contributed many homoroue

Orairlnis to magasUes and newspapers, and In

liiui becune art editor and Joint managing dl-

tecior of Lc-ndon Opinion.. .

lie ileibted bla life's work to art and the stage,

iiid J9 lessee and monager of the Strand pro-

dr.ceU many playa, one of the moat recent of the

«c«t«3 tlicre being "Mr. Wo." Among other

ilojs produced were "The Olad Eye," "Wheroibcro's a Will," "The flon and flelr," "TheChopetuo," "The Woman In the Cace" and "TheIlJirlcr."

Henry D. BelsenherB, well known u"DIsey" by many of the older pcofeulooals, and

cue of Uie best known musicians In America,

dM at bli home In lodlaDspolls, Inil., Feb. 8.

lie V.U lorn In Sachseabers; prlnctpallty of Wal;deck uerminy, March 4,' 1828, and was educated

In dial country In music. He came to the Unlte<l

Elai<'» In 1840 and worked for a gnnsmllh In

Ilarlford. Conn., for a tipiei In 1852 he becamoIbe leader of an orchestra for a dramatic com-ttnr iiliylog the New England States. In laiMk- returned to New York, where he remained until

18CC. wttb the eiceptlon of i short season In

italilmote. nSien be was prompter In a theatreThere Joseph Jefferwu was stage nunngcr. Hexas (llrtcior of the orchestra In the Old BoweryTlieuliv, Kcw lork. In 1S58. and leader . of

ttic orchestra Id the New Bowery TheiLreIn 1850. lu 18d3 he direct^ the oicbeetr*|]] the I'ark Theatre, SrooUyn. and In Wood'sTheatre, New York, In ' 18«e. The samerear he became stige 'nutnixer snd muslraldirector of Trimble's - Varieties, In St. Louis, Mo.It was wMle be was with tbe compnuy playingNew England tbst he met Anna .Hatb.iwsy, afavorite actress, ' snd afterwards leading lady attb? Ohl Dowery Ttavutre, whom be marrlnl. Loterbe went lo luilloltipolls OS orchestra leader torthe .Mctropolllou Tseatre, and afterwards to theKnclltli Opcrn House there, and remained imtllUr. KnclUh relinquished the msnogemnt of thatIheaii'-. Since that time Mr. Belsenherz bad de-Toieil his ilnic teaching band nod orchestra nu|iil<.

He orgaulicd. the llrst Unslcsl Protectlre SocietyIn Krtr York City, and was Its first president.He nlso organized and wa« elected president ofthe American Kederallon of Uvslclans. He wasa cliarier and l<(e member of ludlananolls Lodgeof Elks.

EUanbeth Relfr (Mrs. Henry 0. Belff), otthe Tnndevllle team o' Belff, Clayt6n and Bell,died rttontly at tbe IIoni«opa:tblc Hospital, Boch-esler, N°. Y., as the' tenult of Injuries receivedby f.nlllrii; througb on unprotected trap iloor In atheuirc at East Rochester, where she and her hu!-btnd and son were ilUlug an engagement. Mrs.Ilelit was iblrty-flve years of age. Ute leavcabe' ImsUsnd, Uenr; 0. Belli, and one son, Chsrlea


her iiaicnUs. Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Dodge, and twobiolhen filewart and Percy Dodge. ElliabelbLKUfc Rrlft vas a woman of charming persou'oilt.r, 1 kiTlng mother and dutiful wife. As avaud(vlllc ortlst she was among the foremost Inlitr Ihio. snd was known from Ooast to Cni,8^In tbe imleislOD. In Her niktlve city (Iloctaester)sbe linj a host of friends, all of whom weredccrly caddened to hear of her death, while thosemany friciida of tbe stage who admired her willjifo rhonrn her golni. Funeral se.'vlces' werebeld from her lato residence, 7S StUlson Street,Bpcbesler, Tuesday aflemooa, 0. There was aDii; gsiheriog of friends In attendance, and IheBttal tribute* were mony ini beautiful. TheIK'V. James 0. Oalrdner, of St. James ISplscnpnlChotcb, that city, oBclated. The bearers were:wotfx Oordon. Joseph Oilman, Oolo Oansrtnle,Ilnriy UcKlaalck, JamM Voi and WUUam Har-nncion.

j^""* Fnller Ploree. a former nlnstirl.


died tt Oitord, llass.. Feb. 0, aged sixty'seven yean. Be was torn In MlllhutT. Hal*.,tbe wc of George W. and Eunice D. Ful-ler Pierce, and when fourteen years ot age Joineds ninsticl ircqpe and became an expert withtbe bones." Be followed tbe show business a

.r"' *'>^h took a course at collese. Buttbe call of the footlights" was too strong, and

•k'r''"aed to the profession. He waa among

no nist to lutrodnce Dcvlog plrtoiea to the pub-"c- He married Nellie M. Kles. at Kllllngly,C^'nn., Nov, 11, 1872. Bhe died seventeen Tears

. i^Si' married Msnde B»-icllo Thomas, of Laeonla. N. H. Deceased was aneuiber of the Bldgeley Lodge, I. O. O. F., Woi-ceucT Deslde* his wife, be leaves a sister, Mrs.,^'. "' ,*l""Ife. of Oxford. Fnneral servicesjccunetl 3, from his late liom« la Oxford, con-

SS'''' O- O. F. Lodge, #nd borlsl wastnarte ai Danlelson, OonnEdward Reed, well-known In vaudeville dr-

ti«. ns owner of Reed's acroUtIc bull dogs, diedat Uk> Lake Shore Hospital. Chicago. 111., flun-

iiif.'«°- 31- Ul» death revived wide pnh-

uclly fioia dally papers, which maintained thatuip amst died under peculiar clrcumsuiicee.

ck ™ Tut OuppB reporter Interviewed the Lakesnore hospital authorities Toesdsy afternoon, Feb. was Informed that Mr, Beed died of natml

caohca. iio thirty-ave years of age, and Isaurvited by a widow and severs! children. Mis."c«l leife of the deceased, was In Boston when^er huiboad died. Sbe was Immediately notlfledand aiarted at once for Clilcago. On Friday night,^•a. 20, Ur. need complained of feeling very 111,

*'!» reowved from bla rooming house on J*nJl? '"^?«' «o Lake Shore UlspltsL Un.D "iP'l '^"fS» of funeral srrangementi'.

I, .""L''^'•'Se* sisgo caruenler at the Waab-"ri<« Theatre. Say Oliy, sifcb., died of tober-cukiMs Jan. 31. BSineral aervlces were attended

^ "r a large crowd of tripods Feb. 3..iiexondcr Frnnlc, farmerly msnager of

juiihun .«nuaro Qarden, snd of tbe Drishton'«i>;li ITolel. Brighton Bench. N. 1.. died Feb. 0,a. Mr.ntieello. N. Y., aged forty-nine years.r A. Dee Irene Dec. of the IIoko Syclell

. iMformi ns of the death of ber hnsl)an<l. John

I tx^- "''0 died In New lork City, df iincamoola,

_ • Lake aartn. •

• Tbe many fritoda ot Luke Qavlo. late cbmedlaaT-ltU Marshall's "Happy poga. In Dlilelend" COk,liave mourned bis desUr, which 'occurred Sunday,Jau. 31, leis, at Bayrex. Okla., while m rout*.The day prior to hH death be waa seemingly Incuxl health and spirits. Upon retiring lliat ulght10 bis berth, be made no conpluliit of feeing ill,

but the following day failed to make bis appea.--aocc with the jest «f Uie company, and uino asearch was found dead.

Lake Qsvin was loved by all connected with blacempany. He was born In Lancaster. 8. C, and tit

the age of four years showed a ulent f^r danclni;.Soring tbla peilod Leon W..Usri>hBll was playingflnvln^B home town with bis ploiit-'llon ibow, andwhilst making a ballyhoo, noticed Luke's dsa:logto the music of tbe band. After the show waaover Luko approached M>*. Marshall and told bimhe would like to travel with his show. To ap-pease bis aspirations he went to see Lake's iisr«ntsrnd gained tbvir consent to csrry bin wltn nim.At that time, piovlug himself a pbenoniensl chai-sctor, ' Mr. Marshall became deeply Interested luIlls future, put every known clfurt Into etteet tobring him to Uic front ss a comeJlau, Severalyears later, having grown to be qnllc a youngnsD, the msn wbo took tbe part of DInsb took111.' and Mr. Marshall gave young Qavln tbe chance,end never before nor since baa that characterleen more ably executed aa It bsa been by Lake.As years grew on Gavin came Into the public

eye prominently, and Just at the period wbereabe was coming Into the stronger limelight, bewas "cut down." He was loved ly all who Diethim. None feel his loss more Mr, and Mrs,Jlarshall. Tbey bad become so attached to himthat they loved him ss a son. Their puree slwnysstood open to blni, snd bla salary was always aemail Item as for as Mr. and Mrs. Marshall wereconcerned. He was at one time coosldced the .

cLsmplon bnck and wing dancer In ihe !tauth.Ills m^tto was: "Love your nelgblar as your-

self." Luke Uavin will live long in tbe m^uioryot sll wiio came In contact with hiai.

Hao, W- n. WoiVTB, wife of Uanager WollTr.of -Me rttsfoo liooking OBce, aud at ParagonPark, died Feb. 3, at ber home la Dnrcliester.Mass. Burial was made In Ihe family iilot atIrovldence. It. 1. Un. Wolffe was a sister ot thoThree Hartford Sisters.LtBor BsLUNo, sltter-la-law of D. Delling,

died at Karlabad, Oenaoy. Jan. 24.


Iloscoe R. Sallsbnrjr, one of the oldesttheatrical men In San Prandsco. Cal.. died athis home, TS8 Eighth Avenue, hW York OUy,Fell. 8, after a week's lilneea. Loivlng bis em-nlo'nient with on Inaurniico company In the enrly'SOa, Mr. Sallabury l«caiiii! head usher at tbeBaldwin Tbentt^, San Francisco, where be workedwith Davll Warfleld, then alco an.nsbcr. Laterbe W39 connected with the Orand Opera Honaeand BAsb Street, and the Cbntes, He wav headdoorman at Ibe Orpheuin since the opening ofthe New O'Karrell Street bouse, shortly afterthe fire uf IIKMI.' It la said that be was knownpersonally to more San Franclacana that any otherman In that city. Mr. Salisbury Is survived bya widow snd ino children. The latter nre Mrs.0. A. wllion and Leslie. W. Salisbury. Tbefuneral services were held 10, In Uonse HsilAudlborlu-o on Jones Street. loteriseut wssprivate.

F.Dille Cliarles Waldteofel, a r/ited

Flinch composer, lender of tbe orchestra at Oourtof Nupoleon III, snd planiit to the Emnress Bu-g<nle In 1803. died at bis home. 37 Bue St.

Geoiges, Paris, France, Feb. 16. aged seventy-eight yeara. He was born lu Straisburg, andlecfivcd bis mualcil training at Ibe Ports Oon-scrrnlcry nnOer Muruiouiel and Laurent. He or-

ganised the Oourt Doll* of Nsnoleon HI, and alsothe solreee at Oompelgno and Blarrils. He fonghtlE the FranccHPrusalua War In 1870. In 188),gave concerts of his workn In London, and In

'Ikrlln In 1889. Ula works, which Includedjwltss walties and iiiaionrkos, were popular all

over tno world at one lime,

S. Ed. Gerken, who for a number ot yearswos end man with Dan Hold, on tho Cobiirn'sIdlustrels, and wbo bad resided at Poblo Beach,Flo., a suburb ot Jockaonvllle, for a number of

yeara, being marshal of that town, was kllle-l la

an automobile accident there Jan. 2S. Mr. Oa-ken,' lu company with the marshal of Pablo, cor-

rlcd a negro to jail to St. Augustine In on auto-

mclille, and while returning to Pablo tb'> cir

turiied turtle, pinning Mr. Oerken tuidemealh,

dcoth resulting Immediately. He la (urvlied byD widow snd one son. The body was taken to'Wilmington, N. 0., tor burial.

Gns Kammerlee, one <t Boston's best

kuown 'alngers, for twenty-nine yeara a memberot Ibe Old Uomstead Quartette, died, Feb. 8. at

his home, 20 Asbmont Street, Dorchester. Mass.,

leaving a widow and three daughters. Be wasborn In Oermany, la 18-10, came to tbla coun-

try when a boy, and bis voice soon brougbt bbarecognition as a singer. In 1870 be became a mem-ber ot the Boston Ideal Opera Oompany, and re-

mained with that orgaolMtlan onUl 1882. whenbe Joined ttie BUou Opera Company. While with

tbe Old Homeatesd Quartette, ailing sn engage-

ment In New Orleans, be was stricken with ma-

Inrlsl fever. "Ous" Kamnierlee wss the last liv-

ing member ot the original quartette. He was a

nemhor of St. John's Lodge.

Harry Forrest, actor, died of tuberculosis

at tbe Flower MIsolon Iloapllal, Indianapolis,

Ind.; Feb. 1. aged thirty-nine years, and was

burled lu Mt Jackaon Cemetery, that city, 2.

Wen from Uie offlce uf Johnson i nssslor. under-

takers, and the scitou were the only partldtiants

In the Isit rites over the man who bnd pliy>«

prominent loles In "Qua VadlsV' "The Chrljtlan. •

'•Du Barry," "The Great Divide," and the lead

In "Secret Service." Mr. Forreat had slw ployM

In stock In Cincinnati, Mlnneai»ll» and New York

The remains were Interred by the Aclors' Fund of

''Ernest Dc Mnnck (CTioviiller Ernest DeMunck), n celebrated Belgian viollnwl Ist and

composer died In London, Eng.. roceiitly, aged

Bc-venty-llve years. Ho was nlno well-known in

this country, where he llve<l for sonic ilrae with

bis wife, Cnrlotta, a sister ot Adcllim Patll.

»ln-,o Do Munck was a talented vccnilst. ana

mnde concert tours In the United States with

lier husband. Mr. Do Munck beran his musical

cnioer when but eleven years o' age. and waa

tho friend of Wagner, l.lsit, Ealf, Solnt-Sners

and other famous muslclors.

Herbert W, Stewart, forty-seven years

old said to have been a Shakospeireoii actor

ami at one time In sunport. of the late nichord

Mansfield, woe found dead In bis- room at 1»Bowery, New York, ^Friday njornliw. Fe*^. 12.

Several letters were found on Ibe body, from bis

SS^lber, Trtio Uves at 23 De Leslie Street Toronto,

Con. The body was temporarily sent to tbe

""JE^O. Van ValkcnberK. a well-known whli-

key distiller of Hsgerstown. Md.. and the father of

u- Dixon Van Valkenberg. a theatrical manager and

icwspoper msn. died Feb. 13. DeeeoM,! was a

pcpuIaV ngure In newspaper and ^«>»'f

Wing clrc'ca In bis earlier days, and wss the son

of D. Van Volkenberg, ot Osneco, N. T., who

wos associated with John G. Boblnson before ths

*'"'pr^fl'"'9. nenrr Hadley, years

old. plan'at and church otganlat. and for twenty •

years tnipervlsor of mualc In the Somervllle, Ksva.,

KbIIc rfcbools, died Feb. 2. following on opera-

tion performed three week. Rfore. Ho ~nducle-l

the taLous peace Jnblleo In Boston, In 18 lO,

Ills widow snd two soni survive.

frof. JohB W. Bicherlr, a leader of

orcbeetras and bonds, died •o*?«^v/'hi. 'lifeFt Worth. Ttx. He Is survived by his wife,

Mri. J?«le ElSerly. Md tiro cblldrm. Margairt

nd ftlllton. He bad enoyed good health up to

within ten minutes of his oeaalse.

Alier tawton (Alger A. Werforth), of the

1,awt?n Sisters, died, "„'"^&'7„T'MS'°rD"ji5r.oSr?«}?

*«!5Jli,ri»nft.--. 'or thtee years

_.n.>»r for the "Nobody from Btortand" Co.,

SSTth "Loolalon. Loa"\nd 9I«;"0""4X't'

mpantes, was killed In an oatomobllc accident,

"o*.'ffe''FrV^'";4''l "?erV''a'fte*i'*2a her home la Freeport, L. I., Fel). 4, anei a

'"JSeoJSi I-. Smltl. (see Boston letter).

Wm.". Dryant (see Boston IclleO-

Mas. WsiT» who w» knonni to y*rf<^

?5e?:n'"trrborp«.^o'««sys' T'usj-eWoSry'er. 'S'.^

fn"Duc'b«s"o^. TV., and is. a niece ot .fathui

Howe the pioneer circus man.

A« rKBioNEO comraunlcallon reads: Waller

Bcott Q^lu mcSrns the loss of his beloved

ifolher, wbTdled of sjoplexy at ber home In

itnmlllon O., Feb. 2, sg«d ssventy-elght yesrs.

{ntSi^nt w« in Ote^uwood Cemetery, Ilsmll-

*'?}iii«HOE E. Tan., past exalted ruler of Plaln-

lUbl (" J ) I-odpTif Klka. died suddenly ot bis

hnli; There' F«b.*2, of heart failure. was

"if V'! ^r,'rrr°h«b.od of ne»le flocdon of U..

florfon Slalets, died Jod. 20, In Atlantic City,

V. 1,

Tlie first pinch of tbe seaielty of cluiy attrae-

tloiB will be felt the week of WoshlngtonS Blrth-doy, wbeu, for tbe first Ume In mldseasoD hlotorv,

coucellotlono left the Orond Opero lloufP wlib-cut a dramatic attraction, and for a "fill In" Eu-ropeaa war picture* were promised. It wss anlocldeut that caoaed do end ot comment. Fourshows dally ate promised daring this unexpectedbreak lu tbe Theaplan chain.aoiHD Orsiu UouBi (John H. Havlln, mgr.)—"War pictures," tbe lateat from Kurope't IKld

ot camaae, will be ofiefcd Feb. 21. FlorenceBeed and Edwin Arden wei« seen last week, lu

"nie Yellow Ticket," given with all/ilbb O'lu-

pletenes* of an A. II. Wooda productlotrT' OtisSkinaier ootnes 28. In "The Silent Voice."

Liaio (Oarl llube't Heuck, mgr.)—"To-day"lo oomlns ai. Last week, "A Pair ot Blx«a"fspeated Its Isughlug success of a few weeks aco.The cast was almost Identical with tbe earlierone, Marlon Ballou ouccecallng May Vokes In therole of Coddles. Tho Edwonl P<i)le force proveda good "repeater." "Tbe Thloga Thot Count"ocmes 28.

B. F. KErrn'B (John P. Royal, mgr.)—Ger-trude HoDman and company 21-27, In "The lion-nan Reiue." Others: Bert Lomont ond hla Cow-boy Minstrels, Whipple, Houston and company. In

"Spooks;" Edwia George, Cantor and Lee, and theHounding Pattersons. Jaunts snd Journeys Inpictures.WiLMDT BxaBET (George F. Flab, mgr.)

—"InOld Kentucky" come* 21 tor Its snnual visit.

Last week. "Within tbe Law." "The Cat andthe Fiddle" 26.

Losw'B EHrBsns (George. A. Boyver, mgr.)

Joe Fanton's A-tliletes will 'come 21. Others In-

clude: Stanton aud Stanton, Ihe droll Daffodils,

Grace I>e Wlutrca, and the Dancing Kennedys.Motion pictures.

OLiMPic (Charles L. Walters, mgr.)— ThePrize Winners are due 21. They follow DareMarlon's Uurlesnuers. The College Qlrls 28.

SriNoaao (Cborles U. Arnold, mgr.)—TheOocker Jacks ore due 21. Last week the FrenchFrolK|ues. T!i-? Dig Eeview 2H. -

CniiAK (Otto Eruat tfchmid, director).—TheGerman Stock Co. will present "IXr 'i'rom|>etor

von Saekkliigen" 28.IIiucK'H OrniA llooflS, SrnAND. FtHiLT and

Odfubuu prps(-nc motlou pictures. Lyceum andI'Mple's are dork. Robinson Opera House Is sowa dance hull.

TDsariA.N I'lcKcrs,

Foiii Gbat ard Ncllib Gsakam usde a greatbit with the Eaiiims nudlOLcva, In' an ecc?Jtnaccmedy skit, called "Tho Musical B«ll Iloy.".vUnaou T. Atlwarp wos niucu relieved when

0 Heccnd successive "op,;n weeit" st the Grandwas filled liy the capture bf O'is Rklnn^r.LiNTUf mid-day services are bilng held at tb»

Lyric.lliLiNB BuxaaiB and IIxlssb Kocn played the

two leading women's rotes lu the German BlockCo. 'a folk-play. "Am Tage des Gerlchts."

KiiiL L. DiicTZ arranged "The Bomanco of tbeFlowers," a pantomime, which the clilldren'a

classes of the Cincinnati School of Eipresslonoffered as s feature ot their Washington's Ulrtb-

day celebration.L'.Nom Joseph O'Meara, tbe Sardou comedy,

"A Scrap ot Paper," will be offered by advancedpupils of the College of Music at tbe Odeon, 20.

•Tub Faibt or th» FocwrAiN" wos given bytbe Juvenile Ployers' Club of Ihe Schuster School

at the LHtle Playhouse. Edyth Meyers wos Bo1-tep; Dorothy llohiiea. Little Boy Blue; Alice

PoMit, Dome Bustle; Masle Davis, Fllrte;

Oeorglsna Smith, Lllla; Anna RIppey, Prince

Clever, snd Alice Bryson, Fairy Dewdfop. Therewas a chorus of fifty children.

MAUoaiB FOPB, a Norwood girl, and pupil ot

Edwin W. Glover, is scoring successes os a singer.

She wss tbe soloist at the Orpheus Club concert,

•t the Business Men's Club,Job GAasoir, <€ the csst. Is a K. P., and he

was presented with a handsome floral piece.

IliLXN SiBBi, NxuoN wos tb* sololst at tbe

Music Hall popular ooncert ot tbe Cincinnati Sym-phony Orcheeira, 21. ^ „ „ .

Maoub rtACER U directing tbe Y, W. 0. A.

Choral Citsd. .

No SPiciAi. Washlngton'e Olrtbdoy oollne^ere plonned.

, . ^ ,

Sau Ouip and Mait Habblb were osslsted 111

their picture' book ploylet, "The Lond of Dyke*,

by John W. Dunne and Paul HcGall. Tbe de-

llneotoro of Dutch characters ate popular favor-

ites with Mis Keith constituency.'

IRVIN OouD drew two folr Music Holl auillenees

to heor bIm tell ot his wor experiences. He wasIntroduced by Simon Goodfrlend, one of ths old

guard, wbo Is Ms personsl representsUve, snd

oaniglng bis; tour. v - nA cooPLB of clever ocrobotlc girls, wbo call

themselves BIsck and 'n'blle, did a number of

aileaslng stbleilc stunls at Loew's Empress.

"Ddssbst" Is whot one critic colled the dolnty

act of La Mllo, Itie girl In marble, ot lj. F.

Keith's. She wos sided lo her act by Orulckahank.

0 lightning cartoonlat, who artistically filled In

the raomeuti "between pojea.", v

ON Mabdi Gbib nirbt Ilenselmsn Mssonle Club

virtuslly took over the Lyric for the biggest thes

tre parly of the year, to see "A Pair of Sixes.

A PAIS of "roughslers" wss the spt deflnltlon

given to Plplfai ond Ponlo. on Ihe Keith bill.

AONsa FiiLUABO. ot tbe Oardea Girls Company,

was called hon» from Ft. Wayne by tbe death ot

ber mother. Jlory Folllnrd. „ „ ,

Flo Tankm, of tho French Frollgues. Is a

statwKquc beau'y with a voice of exceptional

quality.. ,

WiLLiB OraoBS Is at home.CiiASLKT Dovim, wbo saog at Keith's, with bu

panrer, McOool, was given tbe title, "The Ostcb-Tn>- Csruro."


TiiB Msy Feetlval Choral Concert. In connec-

tion with the <ailldr?n'j (}borns, will be given

2C. Alfred llsrtxell will conduct tbe cbnru«. snd

Dr. Riuest Kuuwald Ibe Olnclnnatl Symphony

T^f«"8ono«iBB PuTiis gavo the three act fares

comedy, "Ellsa," at Ibe Scottish Rile Catholral.

IS a dramatic flnlih to Ihe Spring re-union of

tbe Rite. Boyd Agla directed tbe production, and

In the csst were Olga Belnitsthr, Gertrude Briee,

Poullne MocLeon, Faith Tracy, Albert Tbnmpson,

Itolph Adams, Leland UaMu.-pbr and Allen Bbel-


Locaosport, Ind.—Velsou (Edw. F. Gslll-

gan mgr.) "To-flsy" Feb. 22. Mclntyre andIlealh, In 'TTie Ham Tree," 23 ; Monte Carlo Olrta

lO. Dr. 0»», Arctic explorer, 28; Dolsay'a Won-der Pictures March 4. Loula Mann, Gut Bates

lest, "Forty-five Minnie* from Bnadway." *udDavid Warfield are early bookings.

CoMNiAL (UsrIow Byerly, mgr.) — Bill fsT

22-24 Bmlletts Bros, aud Moin, Ullnnre OorbIn,

ai-d Bnrnes and Rohlnson. For 2(i-27' WlillsBii

and Wa"es, asudla Tracey, Liltsel and J^wlle,on sU glrl bill. "Whole Lltth- Girl Ata »««?'»

Map;h 810, "Tbe Dream O il" IS IT.

taoADWAT (Mongus 4i Jeffries, ogrs.) — Billy

I>ryant Stock Oo., Indellnito, to blif builiies*.

Kew scenery has been added, and their bills are

biiLdsomely (taged and oostoiiied. For JI-KT. AYankee In Ireland."PAXAMOI'ST AMD AlJK PlClOtt* Onlf.

H»ns. ...Ten OoAHl', mollnn plctuve Ibeatrr, Is cl«ied

for two we<ks, owing to histalllng a new frout

and other liniirovements.

Taaloid sgaln proved very popular wben No-

buiy Home" practically turned 'em airsy st every

iierformsnce at the Colonial. 11-13.

Tub Italian Dramatic Co., In "Juan Jose,"

appeared at tbe Nelson, tn

A E. IBONB, of ;he Ooramonlty Film 'Xi., bsa

lolned Msjor Uoult here, and 'hey ore nrvparlng

a film blatory of tbe city, which will be lhown

at the Nelson. -

Te»re Haute, lad.—Oraiid (CJiob. Bmlih, "The Whip"' Feb. 22-24, "High Jink""

March 4. Dovll Warfleld 8. John Drew I I. 'J^^i'der

CW' 15. "The Little Gate" 10, Walker Wnl'*-

*' HippoDEOMB (Otto Meyer, mgr.)—Voudevllls

*"Niiw"couiNiAL (H. Leas, mgr.)—MnslesI e«n-

edy snd pictures, . ...iI.OIS (B. B. Bliecta, mgr.)—Stock company and

A»fKBicAH, ColnNUL, (^BSnENT, FOUNTAIN,GiiiDKN. Imp. Lvcrujs. Oapiiiuis, Ooa, ..I'aiN-

cass, Pauvb, ViMX, Popdi-ab, Dotal, Uatot,

won TOUR v».WUETItBR JOD ai« a Star of tbt ISBlUmatotage, • VaudoTllle Actor, ProducloR Uan-ager or Film Mf'r. These plays are the out-put ot the t>catbratii3lD down-to-dato lltctsij



WAMTBDPbotopUya and short ncUon. We aro R«ll«ra

ot Standard Llterstun). Both KIctlun andDramatic, Id USS form. Wo okrIsi iIio writerto mako hli work aalablo and sell It. Smallcharge for Ulonrr oislitjsaco. No chargefor oelllDg.

MoDUBcrlpti VDlrenal Soc. ot Wrllcra, Inc.MP FIFTH AVENUE, M. Y.



or anybody who knowshis present whereaboutsor past history* will writeto E. LE ROY PELLETIER,605 Fine Arts Bldg., De-troitg Itaich., he will hearsomething to his Interest,

and, perhaps, advantage.


Fill NliBtis CottliK Crois-FIn

(2 Mal»), liOi. ^Fin MliDtis Siipu Crots-FIre

(Nail iiiFiiiii), 500.^ ^Fin Vliotis BriKtt MoiolopilGhittir

(Mall) 500.


(Eld Mio ui litirlDcotor). 50o,vThis material comsa In naatlF tjrps*wrtttSB tawm, and Is not ibop-woraJank. Hsi bssii triad oat anil 1i«b anabsolvte kick la swary Una. Pricesqaotad OB akclaslws Baatarlnl. AatborofRairmoad and Bala's "Itoaksd Oat."

HARRY L. NEWTON.•I Ovaad Opaia Hoosa, Ohtca.:go.


nil etta Are., Bear 31st St.»»t West 4lld St., near Tlsnas Bq.

58 3d Awe., Bear lOtIa nuBend for Illustrated CalalogusO.UsU Orders Csrehillr PUled. > 9


MOUQUINiSetb An., bel 37tli aid 281b Sis* Niw.York



lUTI T I VACi; 8PAUU.LIIIO conBDV.WlLl. LCAwE (8 (;harni.'tcn<.) Terms to suit

Ulcliacl J. Hood, 2iQ0 W. Loblgh Avo., I'hila., I'a


Swan, TvrLrvB ronrrs, TuEtTOOiuu and VA'

Kiniss, pictoret only.

Indlaaapulls, Ind. — UurnI (J. U, Uarnes,

mgr.) De Wolf lIopMr Feb. 22-21.EKOuan's lAd, v, Ullirr, irgr.)—Lyman IT.

Uowe'a U. B. Navy of lUir, (piclurea) week uf 22.

Ltcbdk (Anderson A /lezkr. niirrs.)


Dlslr was aee.i In "A Fcul Tb/re lA'as" 1H.20.

KBTK's (Nvd K. Uaslliija, mgr. i—Dill 2x 27 :

Fxidle For and Heven I.iltle Foys, llic Csalllll mm,

IJonlon Dros, and oomi'iiny, UoMiid ond llAltSi

Florence Tempest ond ouraiiaoy, IMplfoi aud I'aulu,

and Koutmon Dros.Ltbio (Olsea A Borlon, mgrc.)—Vauderllle and

plelures.CoLDUBi (0. K. Ulaek, mg*.!—Devlcw ot

1»1S. 82-27.

Newark, R. J.—Nework (Geo. W. nobblas,mgr.) remains dark.

Suirenrt <I.<e Oltoleogul, mgr.)—"Tbe Story

of the Buaory" Feb, 22-27,PaoCToa'B (I., B. Oolding, mgr.)—An "eitra

bill 22-24 Includes: "Neptone's tiarden," lloey

Uoaact and Uerry Olrls, and Harry Uslle Uswo.OapncDK (M, H. Bchleslnger. mgr. )—The For*'

berg flayers, lo "Oeorge Waablniton Jr.." 22-27,

with a special chorus, "Uaggls I'epper" Usrcb1-0.Ilmn't EMPisB (Tom Miner, mgr.)— fieri

Bsker and the Don Ton Ulrls 22-27. Tbe OlngerQlrls neil week.


KnNCT's (John UeNtlly. mgr. )—Vsudevllleand pletoies. llesdllnera 2»-24 are "A Vllls:(e

Cabaiet" and Irene Vest and Uawallon Heitette,

Jcraer Cltr, H. J.—Malestio (Frank E.

Henderson, nwr.) "Beptember Mom" Feb. 22-27

lloward llall. In "Damaged floods," next week.AcADBMT (Caiy McAdow, mgr.)—Tbe Csbsret

Qlrls 22-27., «

OarHBOM (Leo M. Kanlor, mgr.)—Tbe Ortbenm «toc* Co., In "eeven Days, '^ 22-27.

Kbth's (Wm. B. Osryo, on-)—Vaodeillle

Hoboken, N. J.—Empire (Wm. F. Fits

gerald, mgr.) tbe floneyaMon Olrls Feb. 22-37.

Ohta from tiis Moulin Itonge ncit weeli.

Liiio (0. B. Biggs, Dgr.)—l«ew Taudevllle,

and pictures.

Peoria, III.—<Ma>Blie (Orphenm OompanyDgra.) Marie Dressier, In "Tlllle's raiictumi Ilo

monce" (ylctsres). Fed. 20-23iUowe's pielurvs

24-27Orphpum (Nsthoa A Oresnterg, tngr".)—mil

21-24: Kinoa C'arus aud Carl llandall, aud four

other acts _ ,^.„IIirrooBOUS (B, P. Chnrcblll. mgr. )—Living,

alone Stock Co., la "Arlaona." 22-27.

FoiRCBSS (Heaver Amuse. Co.. mgri. )—'Vsndevine snd piclDtes. /


, ., , ,FoLLT (Uarry Torbetvllle, mgr.)—Musical

stock company. _ „ ...ArOLbO, CoLUMDI*. (30«T, ClTBTAI.. Ds LUXS,

DDCiiasa, Kltsiuu, iSurarss, UAaosN. UuKniH,IwpraiAL. Liosarr, Ltceum, Falacb, BAMgAMOand .UTAa, pictures ooly.

its Bot oiassdlic oaa Itos lawUl b« ptUUisd. properly elaosUad la tbla i

at tbs tats of lltT for to* jtsf (SI ln«a). Atan at Tmm Htm lou Cuns will ts Mat fnaM sack odrattlisr whlla ths advai


0.jr^tntMm Htg. Q>., It Paitl It, pmtm


B. a BMVblTB Ob., fit ANb tL,

oonrBOTioiii.asekkaUa Bmo. * aeksHta, Ml •



B. B. Koyua * Ma, a« WUleiikbr M.Bmblya, M. X.

miBIOAt. •PBOIAL'nBB. _1. a DoogM. UOO B. Oaik flt., OhUM*, tB.

MDBIOAL OLABIBB.Att Biaadgi. lOlt Bapisr At*., BMkMd WOit

POPOOBir MAIfirFAOTVRBat. _asetbaUi Bno. * BeksUU, Ml io. PaofU


PRIIfTIRO or ALL KIND!. ^Plaast" naw Priat A Big. Boosa, Obatfeaa, <MbiOBNBRT AND BOBNIO PAIRTBRB.

0. L. tisrr iMBle Ot„ BoasrvlU* iUtka, B»toe, Haas,

Howard Tbllls, IMI Osatai BL. Wlwaatsa. WM.BOBNBRT FOR BIRB AND BALB.

AmrllB Oralo. 619 BprtafoOaidea BL, Phlla., Po.

TRB BINGINO AND BPBAKINO VOIOB.Tbeo. Van Ton, » W. iltb BL, K«w Tot^

Tsl.. Qtsslsy STOl.

THBATRIOAL QOODB.Boatsa BsgaUa Oa., 887 Wsab. St., Bostea, HMi

THBATRIOAL PROPBRTIBB.a Walker, 80» W. I8tb Bt. New York.


Bon Bohson, IBM AmstSTdam Avs., N, T. att.WIGB. DBARDB AND HVBTAOBBB.

Percy Bwing Bnpply Uoass, Decatur. lU.^

nVBio conPOBBO and arhanobdfor any Inairument or nnmMr ot InatrnmsDtg.SoDga, words and Uunio, Sketohei, eto. Bead iuniUllAB. L. LKWIB. 4» lllcbmond Ht., OlDolonatl


rnOKir. a Mnnthlr Uuldo lo Uoney-Uaklng. I'ellg

how 1100 gruwB to $2,000 - how lo got rich quickljr

aud hoDoaUj. II. I.. UAIlirKIl, Fob.,418-83 W. Jackson lllvd,, Chicago.

MAOlO, BPIHIT OABiNBT, III.AOK AIIT-Comrdy Magic, llandcoiT and )>cu|>o Acla lliilli,

Btagod and llehearHCd. Our bcIa alntjn mokegood, andourliiRtrucllnna will start you right. I'ar-

tlculan forBtamp. (IKO. A. HICK, Aiiliurn, N. Y

BONO WlllTBIta, Aiiintviini, I'm having mjBougii publlHhcd gratis. Nerd liiformatlonr Hliinip.

L. IIKIITUN WIM.HON',Hnn DIcgo.. Calif.

'Four Pages, EaohPage Bi12,for

$15.00Hade to order from your own copy Hnd ciila, urnur stock cuIn. Other |>r(i|iiirilonata prlci-a-

UDlon label on all prlnlliig. Hand for nrlco list.

Rout« book 100. Bailsfaction guarantood.



LETER HEADSOontraou, Ttokeu, BaTOlopto, Free Bamplea, ato.

BTAQB HONKY, IW. Boofot Uemld ()ota, BO.


Club Jugglers

Not over 0 fl. A In, In helohtMORRIS CRONIN. care Cltppor


Xfoncaora BaUdloB1476 BROADWAY, NKW YORK

Cfor. 4aA Steaat


NESQUEHONMfi BANDAt Unilclaiu. Fine llbtarr. Can lio HCcor«d for

ParkM, Canilvals, BIda shows, Ilulels or Convea.tlonllsllN. First clas* references. AddrcsMJOHN PEROEH, Lock Bog 016, Nnquehoning, Pa.

WANTEDQeneral Business HanHigh Cloaa NoveltT Actg for Dixie Theatre, Vlaml,

Kl». Work Id one. DODBOW A MOOltB, Managcm.

vmomBy Ibis pswsribi, BSMSO fere* of DSIafS yoieaaml «k«n,cRAis ssdltss Aia asd Madar.nicm the dagndsd, osM tb*

Ick and afllcud, siuia yoasasbliloa and oaJis nay luis III Will* («f

dMolptlts and lUoainttd llun*I sad hll nanlculAn FRBB, _ _

l««M B. aTBTTi. BU. 441 . /aabass.

AT LIBERTYOwing to closlOR of Van Ujke and Kuton Co.



OF A. V. OP U,

Plenty Bcrtpta and WardrolKj, AddrcMWlllT llirANBON, 704 Tyler Ht.,'ropeta, Kansaa.


OHBAP.Bond tc. Htamp (or NowPooket Trick and. Oatalog.

ii^OlO CO., BU. 1, 248 W. 8«th Bt., Maw York

18 THE NEW YORK OUEPPBR. Fbbbuabt 27




He Controls Booking of Many Theatres and Can Competently Uanage Any Act He Also Can Arrange Bookings in EtTGLAND for Recognized Acts.

Make a Memorandum of His Address, 402 COLUMBIA THEATRE BLDO., and His TELEPHONE, BRYANT 674

nnooKfl ci.osrs act.'Wiilllo llrookn c)o»>4 bla MItIb Mnkem girl net

Ip IlnmUlcii Cnn.. liiHt wn'lf, mhI Mr. Ilmilmwill TIT}' Mki'ly owpt all ufTor lu iir"i|iir.T-

<'iiiiicilliiii witli a musical or liiirlnqiu stuck mia-|i"iiy.

All inrMrlrra Icrt Iln.iilllnn wllb iho\T rnhrl"^In full, Kliil n llrki't to wlicrp iIk^ ilrnlrrtl in co.fill dj» Uarln. iirlniH iloiinp, rum*' t(i Now Yorb (o

lirr "Hull- liniiK' iiiairi llio lilU" In ili<< Itroiix.

.Iiilirin): llii|:lm «nil Ilirn IIIIIkti 2l<o hit totviinlH

NfW Y<tk, wblle Iliu ulrN iimlc Ira'-ka to ntliMlinm.' rlllM."All Rovr iMr niml Ihcr'il Join W.ilMr tt a

piliintp'H iioliro ir Iiv eror iiMdH thm :miln. It

WUH u ti'ur/ jiirlUif;.

* » »imLm TTAniR rcminiCH hor tiuilorllle togr at

iln' Majmlc. Clilrin,'", Mnrcli I.

UAIinCUIIIC DflllTE IICT -EVENS & SMITH»^^» The HaywardsI nVUkWIbbk llUwIb blVl special Scenerr* EBScta. riaylDg P. B. 0, Tlma Fm. vSinan. vniTE RA.T3. nootea go lid 40 wctt


Frank L. RootGOnBDIEB'-liPEC'IAL'riES


RlnRlr or lolnt. First rlU'W uumK or Rep, RrnpoD-HllilB UKm. oul*. AililrCRH FRANK 1.. RUllT,Hulte No. a. Oia IToMpoct Ave., UlevolHnrt. 0.

FOn 8ALK—Cat Orclicntn, (lliiot Lnlwlor toTiinRowUh Diiminy, Plit it-BiM:k on Omndmn, Ku-Kliix RulilicrNet^kn, (^imival IIl-mIh, lliuik> t liorse,I'ropAnimals sniiaUiitH for pAradCBluudulourtlor;aluoCIawn Prau. Nu cataloniicA.

B. WALKER, aOB W. IBtli St., New Tort.

'Km^l^V*__W>>cii no date lal^^V * *^«l'""iilvpn, tlic week otI'V'b. '22-Z7 la repreieuted.AWlpi. Riltrnril. k (In., t>ilocv, N. I. 0."Ad npi.nifiil," rnl:in>, N. V. 0.Ailirr ft Arlliii', Oilonml, Krle. Pi.Aili-lalilP Sc IliichPs. Knlttl't, LoillSTllk>.AilMlr. .iMiioltc-. Iloulevnnl. N. T. O., 26-17.At'niMt Kotidly, VIoiiirli. riinrlmoD, S. O., '.W-2T.Alii*Mrti, <^iMH., ti 0>.. Urplicum, •MfmphU.Ali'In. Yaiikr« RiiU', Cllj I'uliii^ MnH.. indet.A li<iiiiii.'c-r & Smtl, I'nrsyib. Allniitn, (i*.,

Alla>'ii. l.ailT. IVt«, OoUinlol. Krlr. I'a.AliJMl:il(T MiIh, Ki'IIIi'k, T<iIi^o U,AKknIs (2), Majuullc, CblCdgo.

MieHTY'vffctcaexcluiilvelj forvou, over f3,uiM.oo

Rould bo llie price ol Ibe maturliU cuuialued

MADISON'S BUDGET No. 15Uontonta IhcIikIu 12 grcut moDologues, 11

wroiiderrnl acut for two dibIch niid 7 acm formalunnd female, in latent ihu'ihIIcii.S tip-ton

inlDHtrel flmt-iuiiiM, a HlUu Hiillitlnff tHiiInlil

fame, liOHldes hiindrcilH nf orlKliinl ftiiRH,

Hhlcwalk bibi. etc. tIADI.sONt) IIUDUtT,No. K cneui ONK DOI.I.A II ikt cop;. Boi^kiMNiicH out of priat, oxuv|itNii. U; price, (1,or lliidRclH U uml n toRotbur. ti.W.

.lAMRH nADIflUN,«0a-.< TlilllD AV EN VB,NEW VOllK



Poataro BinulUR aod DanclDR SpoclRltlos. Joinon vrlro. HotoT liruadwaj, ll'way A fill BU, M. V.WANTEDGoodfloDeral Business WomanNot too old. Tlireo Nlalit lUip. and notarir BlockKollowlDg. Onu lino oilier K<>nd (1. U. Pouple. Uy-oiuinllotH, Bitvo jtour lliiio mid inliio. l.aUuiit, haveuiuglo Job (or you. Woman >tlre, uUiots wtliAi.

HKEN B. ROSS CriHEDY CO.H*l New York, 'Wlohlta. K>ii«n

At Liberty

EDWARD MOKELKEbliiintoton), lleAvU'^4. ak'" :i'^ llelpli't r> ri. 11 in,

wulKlitlOO pounds. SiKiiiii, I'li'iir viilce, itlHIIiy,

e.\|>orlcnuo, wiiiduiim. llviioiiolre, him k or mlupIccuMliow. llil.V .StillU llllllsu, Wiihuni. .M:i.ii.


TROIIIRONE OH BARITONEli. &, U, ur :SUi|ie. K.\|i(ii'luiioo iiud rcllalilc.

WILLIAM B. SMALLNiitlunal Hot 111, . fUlrnno, 111.

EXPERIENCED MEDICINE PEOPLE'ri>KtratiRltii!n Hhnw. StuUjiilliiulrkl.v. Huninalnrjiiiiillioiig Jolt fur liuutloni. (Ii'iiilviuiiuly Inililiii iil>

Mtiliitoly noicH-HHry.lilt. I'. 1> IIKKMAXN, Collliiimooil, Kovn Scolln.

Tent Tkalrc for It^ntI will Ivikii' I'li'Kiint torn iliriilro. MP.iilnirnno (lions-mill; liii; aium\ !ikM'Ui'i.v; Kvi i) Miiiitf 1 .MiiiiliMf orvill Tiiku I'aiiiiui' witli UrKiuilM'd .'^iwk i.'iiiuiMiuy

OPiuouuy. Aililnw 11. U. MtlNKLl.V,Heiioml Pdlrcry. Knrl Munli. ToJ.

WANTED QUICKrtr smnll town Rfp. smaU, Ri^od looklnn xvotnnOfur LuiiOu uild lugouues. AIm> u-ouiiiii fur Clla^luMuniiuid lloavlca tlobcr, tollablv Aireni. ouioiswrlta. BlUurIca intiMt IM) low, All |wrilculitt>i tirst

Icuvr. I'liotOH Hiid |ir<>Kmin!< ii'i iinu'il. Adiln'siJACK MmtltAV. KIlln Kloti. W. 1.

Waott*!!, Reportoiro PeopleIN ALL LIMES. RTAYK KVKKrTIIINl).JOIN ATONOIC ION CAUljOI.I., Humi ii j, W. Va .

AT i^inEiiTvluiiii vilhlliwcla.HS uiH'i'liillv u.tihtU'uco hi Musini! Viiiiirily, liniinit iiiiil rnliloiil!!. ANNKITKlUi.MrimKva, y.i n. staio si.. ciuiftRo, in,


FOR STOL'R, Kop. and Amaican,TaliloldH, MliiBlrvlMiuid ViiudeTUJeAula. HiHRin fur omtUogar.N. Y. FLAY UUKKAU A AUTUORSKX.. Tromont TlicKirt'. N. Y, city

WANTED ''I-HFOnMKR!* |<> rlnmiso ror aV "•"•'i t:ti.Mi;iiiASui|iiiiiin.\it».OlIlcdttoimiiHislildiiiorlglitiHiiiilo. .iliiiiiilolluriHniidllertt^li'voiii) wrllv. DAN l>rI,ANI),

.Sllvvr KliiKOoiiirdv Ik). Nnrllivlllf, N. Y.

CORNniST WANTED(JoudI*lay<>r,tiill,c(m<lHp|H<Hmiicc.riir iiniRlciiliit'L

IIO.MANY, a;i Tlilrd ai„ llrouklju, N.

ALOHA TWINS „A-;SIffii»BIn tbelr Wonderful Barefoot

llulA-Hula DancesFeatured WItli the Mlmslilef Makers'

CimKm'a Mlmtrelt, Ptootor's, Albaay, N. T.,2.V27.

Otmn. Oract, Troctor'a ISStti St., N. T. 0.,2!(-27.

Cinni>M & OadelOD, Prootor'g, Plikb>fl«l(l, N. J.,25-27.

Cnlu Una., Lcrw's, Nov Rocb«lle, N, Y., 3&-3T.CmliTFy Uroa.. Loeir'i, Neir Uocdiell*. K. Y., 2fi-17.CcMktU, .Mtdgo. Paitce, Plil'i.. 28-27.Oisi: & Altot, Kellli'ii. Ltmtt], Mm.Ctimr Troone, OrMley HQ., N. Y. a, SS-M:

SlmlMTt. nkln., 2S-27.Cb<^rt'8 Mioclivirliiis, Paltsr. OUoaff).CMck & Wrlcib. Aend ta;, Duffak).Cliii<e ft I.n Toor, nnnd, Mlnneapolla.Clurk & Turner, Itoac SydcU'a Ov., Isdtf.


Allm. MlniHc. Oniliriini, Olty, Ho.Alltiiiin A Siono, I'niApoct, Ukln.Ali'i I.ow'i, lloclifflirr, N. Y.Alvprnilo'a lioiilH, Kamllr. R«ch«stw, N. T,AIro Tru^w, Gnnd, Mlnscniiolla.Amiaiiolla n/ju (ro. n^iiifilr. r>ctrolt. .Anthony & Mnck, Krltli'a, Ft. \\r>yDe, IndLAotvTori) QlrlH (4). Ituabwlt^, Ukln.AD'ana Trviiic, rroctor's, .Ml. Venoi, N. T.,

26-27.AiMlcrHOfl i OolDoa, rrlKllli, CltTfland,"Arplc ot l*arlii," Ooidon'a 01rn)l>U. Boatoo..\rnitiit IirnH

, ron/tb, Atlanta, Qa.AMrll. I''r4iiklrn. i Ov., Lorw'a, RooliMtef, N. Y.ArmatroDC A Vord, Dlpp., IlallliDore.

"At the Vomlalilf Inn,'' Fonytb, Atlanta, Oa.Attrll. Ab*. Oriiliouni, St. Paul."Aimrn ot IJgut." Oivtoum, BtlD.Auntrullnii Woodcbnpivra.^ Keltb'a, Waibtngtoa."Auto UiiiMlll." MlU-a. CICTclanil.ArollnH .Mn^iloal (-1). YmtTj, l'roTld«nc«, M-tT.Oaroold'a Vofft, McVlcki-r'a. Oblcaio.



flaennnbl. I.yrlc. Dlrinlniiliant, Ala,llukrr. Itrlli', ((rniiil. I'MlMlmrTh.Pull & Wcau 'IVuiple, Itocliwler, H. Y.HukKt. MJ, & Co., Kcltli'a, Tolrdo, O,Pnll. I'>IK-><I, Kplib'H, WaaoliiirtiiD,

I'lin-rs & Cruwftifl, Uriiliruiik. Haiiaat Cl^, Mo.r>riii'a, Hluart. UiMbwIck, -Bkln."UiKlielor dlrls," ITortor'a izntb Rl., N. T. a,

•ri -H : Itocior'H 2 lil SI., N. V. C, 29-27.Iturlin t: lAvrri, l>Toctufa I'Jotb Bl,. N, Y. a,




noOKKIt NOLIU ON UlU TISIBfrowvr, WiilliT. Uoiili-v.inl. N. Y O., 2?-27.l'riii,il<Mi ,\ l(iisM>l, (Tlsrllln, c^irvi'lnml.Ili'ii^ll<-v >\ .MiiTilu, lll>iu. Iliiitl<> Oti'Ok. Sllrb.,20 27. .


IliMwii A ilKlilon, Krilh's. Ji-rwy City, 2B-27,Idirr .S; llniK'. Kollll'!.. 1kwt,ifi.

Iliiiiiliiiiii ,v IrwDi, .Miijisiio. Oflcflct^|iiiik«. JiiCKlInk", l'r>M|vrt, Ukln.lii.rkf llnirlii. l.ll«Tty. Ukln. 20-27.liiiilim, Al.. S Oki, I'liliuv. llnrlfotd, Onn., 80-2T.Iliirin ,1- byiiii. (\il(iiiliil, N. V. O.Ci.-Mil \- 1)0 Wnio. Drtvlim. (),, Imtel.(.iiiililwIM, riio. (\iloolal, N. v. 0.( Niiii'iMii liirN, Ki'liliV, OloTilajiil,«\'jilor 1.1V. Ki-llirsi Oliirliiiinll.<'<i>illll:iii.<. Till-. K.'llh'K.>w A nnila>. (\iloiilal, Nitrrolk, Va.. tS-ST.(.'.iricr. .Mr.<. I*>lli', ,V: (\,., Kvlib'a, Vhlla,Oliver!. Cnihi>rliu>, SImu'b. Toivnto, Oiq.C.irli-l'jiM 12). iin'hnnn, IX-a Molnct, la.t^lliMi, Dninniin. St. I'liol.

Oiinn.llrnM. (Vhimhia. Pt. Iioula.CnrllKlra, Tho, iMimw Park, Montreal, Oaa

Preaentlng ••BETWB.Ffl BATTLES"Special Scenerr* EBScta, Playing 0. B. 0, 'nme

Enl & U V\gae 3latm. Kmprt-n. Chleap>. 2S-27., Filly A Clara, Oalety, ChlcaipA Indef.

I<'\aiui. <niaa. B., « Oo.. Palace. OhlOiip,

I'unrll, Margaret, JlcVicker'a. (X>Ic«ko.^Tnrln' nirla, Ornir iin,, Montral, Oan.FnllB. Li,wi<pnee A Hurl, Orpkciim, DulDtb, Ulan.I'^nnton'B AlbMes, .KmproKt, Cincinnati.

Tirn, llarry, t do., Kflth's, Kt. Wayne, Iirt.

Frill k Barry Olrls, Vlclwla, N. Y. C.Fmi, n4iy, PrDCtor'a 12Ctb »t.. N. T. O.. 18-24.

FIfMa A Lewla, Oranl. ryracnn!. N. Y.r;iii:lbhiin, lJ«rt. Paliw. N. Y. O.Flelila, W. C, Coiumbla. Bt.!),

I'ltirrald, H. V., I'-iKCllla, aertland.ri^brr & Orcni. Keltb'a, l>»well. Uaaa.Flptcber, Cbaa. Fklcbcr. lllpp., SI. fyoali.

riiii.a||an & Kdncds, Albambro, N. Y. O.F:elcber, Isabelle, & Co., Prvctor'e, Troy, N, Y.,

£5-27-rielcber. Henry, Croas Kcya, PbUa., 20-27.


PnktT, ^VaId, NIckid, l.nwreocc, Muk.. 20-27.Ik'vi'riy & .Mackty, tIrllUu Olrriilt, Inilcr.

lleluiour & Hurl, 'MuVleki-r'.H. Chleit.'o.

Ik'rniw, Iti?. 'r«U|Jlif, Uvtrolt.EfTi'iyunl, llarry. & Co., I'oira, Scrantns, Pa.Bcoilli. Tlu'o., Playi-rs, Ori^ciiin, New Orloana;

LjrJc, UliTUlo^aiu, Mnrcb l-A.

VeDOlIn, IV." Ouloolal, N. Y. 0.

"Bebind tbo t'Ootllgbts." I'poctor'a 125lh St., N.v. 0., az-M ; Ptwjtrtr'a Il8li« W., N, \. C, 2a-27.

flrll & liva, l>roclOT'u, Scliviu>cLadT, N. Y., 23-27.hwn, Uo, Pruclvr'B lU-llii St.. N. Y. O.. 30-07.PawI. M*b«l, HrwMor'a. Jilt. Vmon, N. Y., 28.27."Ih^tnvcD Tralua." TUi Ato., N. Y. C, 22-24;

FulluD, llklu., 2fl.27.

D«ll A O.inn, noiilevanl, N. Y. a, 32-34; Sbo-liorl. 'Jlkhi., 2fl-2T.

Pclllnit Co., Uoiilrvnrd, N. I. O., 22-24; De-Imiccy SI., N, Y. C. 2!l-27.

BpssIc'b Ci)i-knlui)s, t>r|>bciiiii, IN. T. 0-, 2S-27.liiTMiinl, .\i,iiii. .\imTk-:iii, N. Y. 0., 22-2-1; Sba-

Ihti. Ilk'n., H.'i-iJT.

lloiimMI. .Miirro)-, l.ooiT'e. R'X'lipalcr, N. I.4l<>)li'eliilr<' llni:<., IIIimi.. nnliliiiorc.

11,'Mrv ^: lli'iM'll. Cirilmrn iilviii^ila. noaltn.iviir cn-j fi.iir. On'iii-iim. s<yiiiIp. Wasb. ; Of-

lilHMiiu, I'oiilmiil. ;)r,-.. .^Illrl•l| l-o.'ki-l WiiiMiii, Ki'UliV, I'lilla.

I'.ii: Tlircy, l;l>iii. lIixNirtn.

••Ii'rili.lnv I'nrlv. TlK"." Ac.iilpmr. Unffalo.'

llllly ll<iiiiir<.'r. r,>lnnlnl. iriwrhlll. Mns^i., 29-07.Mi.ihIts (H). Drplionin, N*'\v (IrlMlis.I'li'-n'S (-11. J'^iiiiiln*. lA'nih.n, l--ii?.. 2--M.irrh fl.

lliiwira. Wiili-.Tt ,\- t'r.HikiT, i)r|ilii-iiiii. Pih Molnca,In.: Oriilieuiii, Mliino:i|Htlls. M:ircb 1-0,

rivhi.n.v 'rn»u;H', K-Mtli's. Cllpvi.ljinl.

IVili.liil ,V Ilollx. Keilh'y. IlKllnuntxill).

INiKiirl A Nclnpn, l.iiiciin Si|.. N. Y. C, 2J-27.r,>tiilii & I'lirkor. Itiiwiiolii Sii.. 1l,i*i)nn.

Il.,in; ,v I'ji^j-oii. ()ri>Ii(n)in. .Mti^>nii, i'n., 21^,l\vii.Y Crim^ily l-Nii:r, Mllfs', llPtMll; CVilotilal.

Clilou).-", -MnrcU l-:i; Unlely, tiprluiraold, 4-0.

FRED & MINITA BRADFIrat Varnnt Wrek, Dlay 3rd, lOlB

Mgr. C'liin. A. I'rttlf.llQi. IMI. TlifHln- lllde.. N. Y. 0

CiX'Wi- Urutf., .Miitii^oiuiTy & Stune, N, Y" O.,Ii'.ilif.

Tiyrii. Nnuiupr & '\i, AinorlCQii. OMcacn, 211-27.

I'nu'kt) 171. I'm.^H'rt, llklu.

ItriK'i', liiifTt'tt .V ('.»., Til iiilntnn. Oltiiv.-n, Can.I'imks tt lliiwi'ii, Tciiipli-. ItuuheHtcr, N. Y.UrijicMo lIlrlD A .Sli'plieiiK. TiMupIc, llocbntCT,

N. Y.IlrWv. Kaiiiiy. TNMiipIo, llin'li<*tcr. N. Y.Iirm-h, 1>II« ,t l.m-y. KvlthN. •|\)l(>,lo. O,Pro,'kl>niik. Iliirrl.-^iui. .t: O'., Drphenni. MInnMpoItt,P'lxuvn .\ .Ni'wiuun, Oriilieiuii, MliiiicniHillH.

'•Mrlil.. .--'Iiiui. 11u'," Orplieuin. S(. I'nnl.llniwr _ ,\ .Mr<.Viniilrk, I'nxMm's. Trtty, N. Y..

Ilryi-iild (21, Orphonm, N, Y. O., 22-24 : Flitbnsb,Ukln., 23-27.

Uiiii'.v .K- Miiiiiwoy. Ilnulcvn^l, N. Y. 0.. 22 24


KliuU-rl. llklu., 23-27.

linKWNAN a FDliDBH. AuBtralla. Ipdeflnlte

Clark tc Owen. Balboa U«l(btB. Canal Zoae, Indtf.Cllixcn It Iteatrlce, Ureiiuaa & Fuller, AuatraJla,


CMIT. Laddlo, Orphcim, Bt. Paul; Orribeuni, Du-lulli, Maivb 1-0.

Cenland. Olatide A Uarlon, Emprtsa, KanaaaOlty, .Wo.

OIlTe. K. a. k Co.. Eopreas. Kanaaa Olty, Uo.Oladlna A Scarlet. OijibeuDi, llkln.Ciark A Vodi, Otpbeoan, Monlrtal, Oaa.Claliv, Ina, Palace, CblcaRo.tilayloa, BosbIc, & Co., MaKatIc, Mlhraokte.Clark A Qlorla. Pcoctor'a. Troy, N, Y., 2B-27."Cloak* A smta," LhiodB Bn.. R. T. a, 22-24


CtreWy 3q., N. Y. O., 38 27.Cotlou, Lotb. San Dlag>. Oaj., lnd«t.

WILL CONLEYThe Dlllr SaadaF of Vmadavlile

Pnlted Tlma Dlrectton JOB HABBISOolbum, Jennie. DUly "Swede" Ban A On., Inlef.Cuok A Botkert. Amerlcaa, Obleaco, 23-27.Oirrlll k ailletto, Koi^tb, Atlanu. Qa.Oi>vba7 Uloatwls. Kotlh'a, Onctsnttl.<V)nc1ias, Paul, Tpnple, Detroit.Onlllna. Lottie, Kelth'a, I.oulinUle.Connelll, neslba, ft 0>., Orpbeun, Mootreal, Out.Connolly A wenrlcb, Orand, nttaboigb.Cole k Denabj, Keltb'a, PbUa.€ni, lUael. Kelth-a. Pblla.Oolllna k Hurt, Majtetlc, OblcaEO.Ornlln, Ray. Itannnereteln'a, M. Y, 0.Colllna. Joao, falaee, N. Y. O.Ciiuriney .Slatera, Orpbenm. Memntila,Colonial Bellea. (7), Orpbcmik. MInoetnpUa.<;ianbe A Aldwell, Lincoln Sq., N. Y. 0.. 2M4.Cnonn ft Cm, Orpbcum, Boatoo, 21-27.CDDdon-DeYfmux Oo.. ICeltti'a, Wnablngton,Cn-Kda. ^Ipaleal (8). Oroaa Key*, Pblla,. »-27.Cronln. Morrlj. Palare. N. Y. C. Marcb 1-9.

Omr-y ft ilaynr, Orplienm, Portland, Of«. ; Or-phenm, Sac Franclaco, Marcb 1-0.

Croftman, Ilvnrlrtta ft On.. Orpheam, Skis.<;r<l|t A Wllllania. Ok>be. Pblla.Ouimlnnham ft Marlon, Wllaon. Ohleaco, 2S-2S.Cuuinln ft Brabam, Pautages'. Oakland, Oal,


Pantai5>a', I,«a AnielM March 1-8.

Oiiiu, tMlubetb, IIIpp., Baltimore,(hilly, Wm. a Man.-iiret, PoU'a, fleranlon. Pa.CiitUy. Pelar, A Co., Nickel, Lawrence, Haaf..



rirda. MaMIe, TYonpe. Poll'i, Scrantia, Fa.;Oarrlck, WllolisMi. Del., Marcb 1-6.

FoKOJty. Frant Oulmilal. N. Y. O.Focd'a Derlew, Bopieas, Kanaaa Olty, U»,


Foy. Bddle, A Family, Kelth'a, IndlanapotU,Ford, Johnny, Bubwick. Bkln.FoTfct, B, Kelly, Bmery, Provldtaice, 38-37,I'oiiteU ft Emmett, Pblla.


IX VAUDEVILLETrank'a, OtU/onla, Wild West, Orand. Kvana-

Tllle, Ind., as-27 ; Orpbeun). Cbamnaltn, IIL,

March 1-3 ; Uajeatlc, SprlngBeld, 4-6.Frol ft Albert, Orpbeom, Bkln.Frldkon^ky Tn>i:te, Kelth'a, O>lundioi, O.


IN VAUDEVILLEFranklin A Orces, R<^lb'8. Prorldeoce.Friganaa Triile,' Kelth'a. Wa^iblnsloo.FraiKia A JocM, Prjctor'a, Blliabelh. N, J.,

25-27.FmiKds, Kitty, ft Oo., -fit. Jamea, Boaton, CS-ar."From Obiey laland to Nortb Pole," Nbcon,

Pblla.FrankllD, ITUaoD A Co., Nlion. Pblla.Frey Twlna ft Fiey Uulgue, MlnneapoUt,Gardiner Trlo^ Oipbram, Bkln.Oandaeiunldta, Ite, I^yrlc, Blnnlngbani, Ala.Oa^lU^er ft Oarlls, Acidemy, Full BlTar, Uaaa.,

Oaby, Frtsk, Flttbuaa, Bkln., 28-27.Oanlen, Geo. A Ully. St. Jamca, Boston, 2S-27.Oardon, Ixnitae, ft 0>., Oordon'a Olyopla, Boaton.Qcoiic, Kdwln, KelUi'a. CInulnnall.Oere A Delaney, Keltb'a, FL Wayne, Ind.


D'Ainore ft Donflajia, Sbea'a, Toronto, Can.D'Arrllle. Jeaniivtte, 'lluirnlo, Inlof.

Darks llrca., John VoiiePa Mlnstrcla, 'Indtt,

Davli ft Merrill, AmerlcniL Oblcago, 28-27.Uarrell & Uuiiway, Keltb'a, Oolumbua, 0.Duties Fnmlly. ilmnd, Synciiw, N. Y."Hoy at ihc UlreuH, A," LWs, Woroenler, Maaa.Duvh. Ilelvn, LIuooln ,«<),, M. Y. O, 22.24; Or-

I'lii'um. N. Y. U.. 23-27.Di'.ily A: Kini'iuer, linllioa Helgbia, Canal Zone^

r.'ii::iiiia. 22-MurHi 5.

D<' (ini'i. I'raiik, llldiaTiiMn, Omotn), N. Y.,|)i'liiii.r<' St l.l>;lil. Kiir|tr,>(i:^, Kaukili City, Mo.I><> :ierrla, lleurlotlii, & Co., Funyth, Atlanta,

Gn.I>c Vny, Einnielt, Kelth'a, Ooliunhua, O.Lk- Moiit. lloLt., Oriih.'iinu .Munirenl, Con.lKt':i<y, lleii, Oi>., Onilii'iim, Diilutb, Minn.I>« Haven k Nice, Driilieuiii. Knii.'tari Olty, llo.

Ik- .Miir. Ornco. .Majeslie. Milwaukee.De II:iven, .Mr. .V .Mr». CurUT, CuliiTnbla. St.


De ViTi' & Ix!wb>, Proplor'a, Tioy, N. Y., 28-27.IV Wli: ,V; Slovvort. IVIaucey St., N. Y. a, 22-

34; Itikiu. llkln., 2S-2T.ri'iin'u, Uirn, I'haatoina, Bijou. Bkln,, 25-27.Dtti.arest, Onrl, Locw'a, Newark, N. J.. 29-27.DiiiivrTi*, Jebn, A Co., IIIpp., Baltloioie.

"IwlecllTo Ki-eno," ululie, llostun, 'M-27,Dc (.VifMlu, I'.'ilwnid, Orpkeuni, .Milwaukee,De AY hum, (rrucc,>a, OInclnuiri.De I'lice Uiiera Co., Mckel, Lawrence, Mtas,,

:3-27.I)<>rklii'H Aninata, Royal, N. Y. aDlion .« DlKoii, Hipp., St. Loula.IHiiehnrt, Allen, PTDSi)CCt, Bkln.Dliimonil A lln>nnan. .Majf«tlc, Oblca(l>.DliTK, Orniliviim, IhiAlou. 2,'>-27.

Duiley A: UuKiH, Donilhloo, Ottawa, OU. | Tomlelluullion, .Maroh 1-U.

D-irk.stnder, Ia'W, KeUh'a, Clereland.Diiria ft Uos), iVmple, RocbeMcr, N. Y.I'lirr, Mnrle, Ma><)ille Cblcasa;:i>i>u'l Wnlk b> Your Slevp." Pnclor'a CStb St.,

N. Y, c, 22 24; I'roctor'a, Plaludeld, .N. J.,2.1-27.

DvIl\v Slaters (.1), ,\inerlcan, N. Y. 0., 22-24;AcmkMuy, Fall Rleor, Mata., 29-37.

Doiinliue, Mnrle, Orplifum, N, I. O., 23-24: Na-lionil. N. Y. 0., .!i1-27.

Di|rsi-!i^& liunspll, iM^w'a, New Rochelle, N. Y.,

Don l>drm*y, Acoilenj, BulTalo.Dviiornn ft lee, t'oU'a, Scrantoa Pa.Ikailr}'. Wni. J., ft Oo,, Unnd, PbUa.Doiillu ,v MiillQlo, Allu-iiubni, N. Y. 0,Dinihv. Jiiv-iihliie, Forsytb. Atlanta, Qa.Dmilmr's Hell Itliieers. Kellira, Ft. Wayne, Ind,Duiirillu, gueeule, PuU'e, ticrnutai, Pa,LulTj' d l.<iroiiie, Orphoum. M«u|ibL<i.'I)iiuin,>n', Tvelivn, AlhainliM. N. Y. 0.lii||i_llle. Hri«st, I'rocloc'a, Scbeoectad.T, N. Y.,

DniJii ,V Ki.yinond. 71b Are.. N. Y. C, 23-24;Ux-Wa. N«'\Ti\Tk. N. J.. 26-27.

Du Vnl. Vloln. .Mlle». OlOfelntiil.Dii Knr ll,>ys (.1). lllJiHi. llaltio Creek. Hlift., 28.i27I'^isiiDni: ft MooTP. Ojlonlil, Norfolk, Va., 23-27,I'Miia. Itulh, llleau, N. Y., ludef. < - -i

Kilwnnls' Sidir lli'viie, l'nisiH>et, nkln.Eihv.inls. Iiilln. Proctor's •l2Sth St., N. Y. 6., 2S-

•J4: PriK-ior'a IM St.. N. Y. O.. 29-e7.Filworia llr<«., Oniheiini. N. Y. 0., 29-27.KilCT. VIole;. Itltoti. flontoii.KililT ft Friiic, Nlion. Pblla.Uiian. J.H' \|., ft 1>0KS, (llobe, Pawtucket, B. I.,March l-S.

i;illoi^^ ,\ Weat, Proctor'a, Schenectady, N, Y,,

KIMoli ft Mullen, Palace. Phllo..- 25.2T.riilrlilBiv KhiI. Kellh'a. I,nwT4l, Mttm.Kllsw.vrtb. llarry. ft <>>., Orand. .Mlnnrapolla.Fiiiuiy'iv Ki,Tl l',>ti». Nalliinal, M. I. O., n<S4.Ifrrol. Orn, Majeatle, Hllwank<«

The Original Loae Star MlnatrelD. B. 0. TIMS DlrectloD HABllY BAVgOlllettc. Lucy, Victoria, N. Y. 0.Glllen, Tom, Oiauil, S'ynieuae. N. Y."Oltl from Macy'B," Lincoln Pg., N. Y. 0„ 25-27.OlUla (3). Columbia, Iikl,i., 25-27,


CIlnHiro ft Castle, Alhnmhra, 'Phllo., 25-27.(illl«rt, VcstJ, Ilnst'Mi.

blbM>n, Jack & Jennie, Orpheiun, Milwaukee,niaas, Ilounle, Colonial. N. Y. O.(llaillaloTd, 'I'lie, Maryland. Daltlmore.Gli'Mloiior. .Moiiiln, ft O)., Dnlancey St., N. Y. 0..

:!2-21; Columbia, Ukln .. 23-27.



Oowoiw. lldbl.y. .So. (llli St., COlitmbua, 0.OoUlamltli ft PlimnI, ytijcatle, ouatou, Tvx, ; 2Ia-

jeatlc, San Autoiilo, .March 1-0.

OuUlherr. U. L., Oolonlal. 'N. Y. O,Goriloiie, Bobby, Iloral, N. Y. OG<i<lon, Kltly. ft Co'., Hhea'4, Buffalo.Ourdon, John R., ft Co., Columbia. St. LoidAOolille ft Wollaci-. Proctor'a 23d St., N, Y. 0..

22-24 : Proctor'a PHIh St . N. Y. 0., 28-27.Gordeni, Proctor'a IL'Stb St., N Y. 0., 22-24.Qolikn A W««t. Mllea. Olereland.Gniber A Kcw, lOmpresa, Des Molnea, la.; Orand

^>>llMtTlle. March 1-3; Pilnceiw, Ft. DodKe, 4-0Otven, Uibel, Oroheum, Orunil Itaplila, Mich,Qroter A nichnnia, Oriiheum, Dca Mulnes. la."Ur»en n<etie. The." (Jrphouni. Hlimi City, la.Gt'een, Isahrlle. Proctor'a, Albany. N. Y., 25-27.UroKvnan. Al.. Proelor'a 2.I1I St.. N. Y. C., 2IV-27.Gtcaora ft lamina, Loow'a, >feHnrk. N. J., 25-27.0>mvc4lc-LaTOndro ft Co., Paliiee, Pblla., 25.27.Gwjnn A Gosaett, Proctor'a, SchencclaUy, N. Y.,


Hart, Mario ft Ullly, Vlc:orla, amrlreton, 8, 0.,.Mircb 1-a; dlljou. Sarannah, Oa., 4 0.

ITnllen A Hunter, Wm. Penu. Pblla.liaynartl-Btaironl Co., Majestic, Little Rock, At*.llnv<<man'e Anlni.ila, Krllb'a, Olorelnni!.Haiilon Uro'. A Oo.j Kellh'a, Indlanapolla.


nniiiicnaau, Klale. Vlrlnrln, N. Y. C.HsniMMiy Ifuur. llljnu. .SiivniiiLih. Oa.. 25-27.Howiborne ft IntjIlH. Kellh'H. Toledo, 0.Ilarria ft Mnnlon, Keltli'a, Tok<<k>, O.Ilawklfui. Ia-vv. tlniliViiiu. MlniieaiH>ll<i.Hall. Vera, I'Toctor'n I23l)i St.. N. Y. a. 22-14.Ilntbawoy'a lK>ipi. Proctor'a. Troy, N. Y., 2G-27.llanlon ft ClUton. Auicrlcan. N. Y. C, 22-24;

IMJou, Bkln.. 2.1-21.

Ilarrey- t\> Vora Trio. OrwJcy SUj.. N.Y.C., 25-27.

A ROVEurv IN nrsioPm. addread, WRITE RAT3. nooted go lid 40 wctk

IlalUnta. Tue, 7tb Are., N. Y. 0., 25-27.Ilnydn, Barton ft Haydn, Flatbosb, Bkia, 28-17.Italperln, Nan, Keltb'a, I/owcll. Mass.IlanilOTa A Mllllsa, Orpbeun), Mnsphia, Tcnn.llarcourt, Dalay. Kelth'B, Jerecy City, 88-27.

Mae Holdenthe: blectrig spark

gilETY OlttLS CO.

Herman. r>e«r, 0. O. H., Clai4fabiirr, W. Va., 25-

27; Klklna, F.lkloe, Marcb 1-3; Audltorloa,Paikeiaburii, 4-8.

IlennlnRa. Jttia A Winnie, Keltb'a, 'Beaton.

Hearn A KIt, KelU]'8.' Clereland.Ilvrk>la, Lilian, Orand, Syracuae, N, Y.Ilcrnuu), Al., Hoyal, N. Y. O.Ileayl. Lona Proctor's 88tb St., N. Y. a, 22-24;

Proctor'a 125th St., N. Y. C, 28-27.Helm Ohlldren. Lincoln Sq., N. Y. 0., 22-04.

"Her Nams Waa Veimli,'' Aneflcan, N. Y, C,26-27.

Heiibert A Drnnla, Orpbcuoi, H. Y. O., 28-27.Illlllar, W. J., Pantagea', Oakland. OaL; Faa-

taiief', Loe Angeles. Marcb l-d.

lIlgRlna, Jobn, Oritbeu-n, MliiupipoUe.Illnes ft I'oi, Orpheuni, New Orleans.Hill, Muimy K., Orpbeun, Mll-waakee.Hlll'n Society Circus, Oipbeuo), Ullwaskee.lllbtiert A Myera. Prla;llla, CleTeland.Houston, Henry, Touring AuilnllB, IndtCHogan, Qua, EnJe Markii Co., Indat.Hcwaid A Sadler, UcVlcker'a, Cblcn«>,llolmea A Buchanan, Baabwiok, Bkln.HoOtauon. Qartrute, A Co., Keltli'a, Cincinnati,


IloH. At/., Kellb'a. FL Wayne, Ind.nupklaa SUtera, Oiotenia, Sloaz Olty, la.Uong Fong, Pnclac'a 58th St., N. t. a, 22-24;

l>n>:tor'B, Rllznbelh, N. J., 2S-37.Hoe;, bksart. A Glrla, Practct'a, ISSth St., N,

Y. 0., 25-27.noudlnl Poll'a, Scrantoa, Pa.Honey bee* (a), Keltb'a, Jecaey Qty, 28-27.'Bndaoo. Bert E., O. H., No, Fteedom, Wis,, 11-

Maich a.•



BufToiid A Lockbart Olrla, Princesa, NaibTllle,Tenn. ; Hnjeallc, Chattanooga, Marcb 1-6.

Hogtaea, Mr. A Mrs. Gene. Keith's, Prorldence.Uuntlng ft Francis, Orptaeum, Dulutb, Ulnn.Burst, Brandon. A Co., Albaobra, N. Y. O.Hunt. Mlnola, A Midget, Proctor'a 128th Bt, N.

Y. O., 22-24; Proctor'a 23d St.. N. Y. 0.. 29-27.Button, Edith, ft Oo., Orpheum, New Bedford.

Maaa., 26-27; Olympla. Uloucester. March 1-3.

Bueaton. ArUur, A Co., Proctor'a 88tb St., N. I.0.. 28-27.

Hunter. DarTlaon. Shea's. Baffilo.Untton, Edith, A Co., O. IL, Lawt«noe. Ums.,

25-27. '

li ifiD n wmmUNITED TiUB

DIreetloH - - - - PAT CASEYHyraack, Kelth'a, LonlaTllle.Ilymer, Jolin. A Oo., Victoria, N. Y. 0.Hylaivta ft Dale, Orpheum, Mllwankee.Meal. Orpheum, Sioux City, la.lUlK, Clara. Proctor'a 8Sth St, N. Y. 0., U-34;

I'roctor'a 33d St., N. Y. 0., 26-27.ImlioU, Conn A Ooteeno, Oipbenm, Dec lloinei,


Inge, Clara, Orpheum, SL Paol."In Old New York," Oroaakcya, Phlta., 3S-tl.Ir)vln, Flo, ft .Go., Orpheum, Bkln,Irwin, May. Palace, N. Y. C.lamed. Palace, Chicago.Itala A Co., Proctor'a, Albany, N. Y,, 25-27.Jumca. Mrs. I.ouls, ft Co., McVlcker'a, ChtcajaiJarn»v, OiH>lieum, New Orleaua,Jasper, Crtcley Sq.. N. Y. O., 25-27.Japanese Prince, lllpp., Baltimore.J.imca, Freddy Lyric, Ilolnken, N. J., 2B-27,Juiileys (4), Ilui.'bwlck. llklu.Jcltetson Jos., ft Co., Orpheus). Metnphls.Jenitln;r< ft Dormnj). i.rand, I'hiln.JliM, UIg, Kmpreos, ClilcnKO, 2.~>-27.

Johnslrns. .Miulcnl, l-l'nplrc, Lc«"ds, Euq. ; Pal-ace. Mnnchester, Miireb 1-0; ICniplrc, Preston,B-13; Kmiiire, Shellleld, 18-20: l->)iplce, New-liort. 22-27 ; Ar^j-le. nirkenliead, .20-April 3.

Jolina (3), Temple, Il0cbesl.f1-. N. Y.Jiilinstnn, Cliester, ft t)o., Omnd, Syracuae, N. Y.Jolly llroa., Proctor'a 125th St: N. Y. 0, 35-47.JorM ft Johii»n, St. James, Itostos, 25-27.Joliiisoi) ft Wells, Uow.-ird. Boston.Jolinooo ft Buckley, Nickel. Lawrence, Maai,.

!»'i7.Jnlinaon. Al., O. H., Lawrence, Mass,, 28-27.Knjly.'ima, Colonial, &tV!, Pu.Kalbleen, Columbia, llkln., 25-27.Keane ft Window, Victoria, N. Y. O.Kelno, .Mr. ft_MTS, Jas., Orpheum, Onnd Bapldi,

Mich.Rellont, Obos., Orpheam. Mempbla.Kervllle Fojally, Omheun, St. Paul.Kelly, Walter C, Alhojnbpa, N. Y. O.Kelly A Fern, l>roetor's, Albany, N. Y.. 28-27.Keimwly. Jumes, A Co., Proctor's C8U1 St, N, Y.

0., 25-27. -

Kenaa,- Obaa., National, K. Y. C, 25-27.


Kelly A Callln, Family, Rochester, N. Y.Keoncdys. Dancing, Kmpresa. Cincinnati.Kelllora, Lej, Colonial. llarerbUI. Maas., 26-27.Klmiierly ft Mobr, Victoria, Charleston, SjO., 25-27Kliiaiieis, Proctor's, CBlh St.. N. Y. 0., 23-24;

a'roctor'a. Mt Vcmon, 25-a7.Klnkald, Uilly, Delaiiccy St., N. Y, 0.. 22-24.Klralake'a I'iga, Academy, Fall nirer, Maaa,, 36-37hinkald, Billy, Olobe, llutoa, 23-27.Klmurau (21. Howard, Boston.KlrU A Koearty, Klxor. Pblla.Knib A norland, Orpbenn), Des Molnea, It.Kon>]D, Fred, Orpheum, Jackaourllle, Fla.Kn>raka Ilrgs., Orand, PittaburRb.Kratnor ft Morton, Shea'a, Toronto, Oan,Kremollna ft Darras. Orpheiun. i~>oax Olty, la.Kmiy Kills (0). Palace, Hdi-<f0Td, Ooan., 25-37,Lau'lry Bros., Empreiui, Kansas City, Mo.La Vara, DaiiclnE, llusbwlck, Bkln.I.n Ilue, Ordce, Bushwlck, Bkln.Laiar A Dale, Lyric, Ulnolnsham. Ala,LangdoDS, The. Lyric. Illruilugbam, Ala,La Mlhi, Keith's, Toledo, U.Laube, Max, Otpboum, Des Moines, la, . _La Salle A Bayinooil, Proctor'a 68lb 8t„ N. Y.

. 0., 22-24 : Proctor's 125tb St., N. Y, O.. 26-27.

Larscn, IU»a, Troupe. Proclat'a 23d St.. N. Y. O.,

22-24 ; Proctor's BBth .St.. N. Y. 0.. 20-37.Lnnrrnse. Dert. Hipp.. Fnlrinont, W. Vs.. Match

1-8: Dixie, DnloDtowD, Pa.. 4-0.La Palra, Proctor's, PlalnBelJ, N. J.. 2.'i-27.

La 'roll. Alfrrd, A Oo.. Orpheum, H. Y. C, 22 24 ;

Fullou, llkJn., 25-27.I,nyi«. ft Ihnjnniln. Greeley Sq., N. Y. C. 2''

L3\eitHi. Loew's, Toronto, Con.






BIO AMD UTIXX ACTS ORABBINO IT BKA.T THX BLOW ONZS TO ITlUgnUr Riot With mmS «Md TOX, at New Ovleaaa, on tli* Big Tim*

BOB HiIbKWOOI) SBd ALUABIBRA TRIO wlro from Indianapolis



^If^f^ 'J

HSIISL '^J'.iA." jy.H'5«Jfi?''™.S?'!!I.-*!'y.*^ WITH IT,BUT WIIKN YOU DON'T, THAT'S "COW'I


New York Ofllce, 80 Fifth Ave., McKINLEY MUSIC CO., E. CLINTON J(EITHLEY. Mgr. Pfof. Dept.. Grand Opera House BIdg., CHICAGO

PHILADELPHIAm New Jersey Central

EVERY HOUR ON THE HOURProm Liberty St., 7 A. M. to 10 P. U.

and at HIdntftit wKIi BI«ep«ra

10 IdllNVTiBS OF THS UOVJiProBt W. aSd St.


Contult P. W. HEROy, E. P. Aft.I4«0 BROADWAY. HBW YORK.

U Pearl. Boy, Howiirt, BOBton.r, oroli. I'«ul, * Oo., Oortloo's Olrnpla, IRntoI,

U Klenr. Joe. Kellh'e, ProTldence.

I«>iiard i. llutsell. JliiTliod. HaltlmoTC.

Ulfh, Crice. Trio, Alhrnmbre, N. Y. 0.

uar 4 t'leiil*. PToetor'e. Troy. W. Y„ M-27.

iMLLLCillLnlle, Blanche. Delanc«7 Bt.. N. Y. O., 22-24;

Orcfloy aq.. N. V. C, 2C-2T.^, „ „ ^ „,

LclElifon & Iloblnson, Orphciim, N: T. O., 22-21


Aniorlc«n. N. Y. 0., 20-27.

LcoDoril 4 Louie. Orpboum. Boston, 20-27.


712 OctaD VlOW Ave,, WgodLiveD. N. Y.

UwIb, Henry, Keltb'a, Doaton.LcwU. Ca-Jl. Slaulei H.. UIJou, Boston.

I*lliol & imrelte, Coloolal. boianaiwrt. IdiL, 20-27

tear} i Oamlrcau, Kclth'a. Lowell, Masi.



Union t L:l^vTeDCC, Temple, Detroit. ,

IJttlcOclil. Uarlou, k Co., AUmnbra, N. Y._g._IJnd, tlomiT & Oo.. Americaii. N. Y. C. 22-24;Orpbeum. N. Y. C. 26-27.

"Lore In a Sanitarium," Orjihfuni, Otmd, v.,

25-27.long Tark .Sim k 0>., Duahwtck, Bkln.Loretta Trim, Sbev'a, UulTnki.I.oliHe & EKrllDC, Temple, Detrclt.Urettan 13) MiKoIik Ha., N. Y. O., 22-24; Nf

IkMiil, N. Y. 0., 23-£7.Lncllle k Ooctle, Orpbtiun, IlklD.Lacier & EUniforlh FamllT, Rocbetter, N. x.Lyaet k Zeller, Koltb'a, Pcoilclince.I.jfflis k Yoaco, Kelta'a, Pblla.Lrdeli, Rorers & Lvilell, Hajtvtic, Milwaukee.UaoCumy. Jea. K7rle & Oo., Palace, Ft. Waioe,




UartdFn'& Tlttpatrlek, 8h»'a, DalTnlo.llarklej. Frank, Keltb'a, Oi>lu:i.tiii(i, 0.Mattbonra k Staoine Co., Keltb'a, Colunibaa, 0.Moyo & Tally, Victoria, N. Y. C.«l3ck 1 Wllllanis. Lrric, RlcbauDd, V^. 39-27.UHnn. Soni, t Co., Oroud, Syraci-M, N. Y.UaoI'Mrlane. Qc<i., Sbi^a'a. Toi^nto. Con.

' Mosvn k Kteler Oo., Oriibeiuc, Kansas City, Mo.Uorlc, I>alnty, Orubeum, Uemnbls.Mack & Orlb, Royal, N. Y. C.Jlarilii-i. riylng. Alhiiulin. N. Y. 0,Uanslkld, Frouk, Ptuctor'a 23d St.. W. I. O.,

MartlMA \alcrl». Pcootof'a ,lM;h St., N. T. 0.,2221.

/Mack i Matk, Proctor'e, Alhiiiy, W. Y., 25-27.MaaHM. Ibe. P.oclor'a, AHany. N. Y.. 26-27.

PROBUCSBVIOLET MASCOTTEDaly'a Theatre. 30tii U B'way, K. V.



^ ^ ^ $45.00iJouhje Trolley, Steel nounJ. Flbro Covered and

It In nVILT BY DALA Pew of Onr Oat-of.Town ARcnta •

ItACON & CO noston, Mims.

V ^' A^JBIO TRDNK CO. . . nartford. Conn,,1.'';',} '"'NK SHOI' Now llnvrn. Conu.

i'lm-'JEU »nf>Tni3Il3 Chlcaeo. III.

i n^J'i Bavannali, G«.

w"^ n^lIV'^'K CO. . . .Kjnana City. Mo.

V y -rT.'i '2 t'O ScrantoD. I'a.

; I.Indlonhpolls. In.l.

•J;• AN A HON Troy. .V Y

f'-^^^ TIHINK CO N3W Orleans. La."ry Mercontllo Co. .Memphis, Tenii.

WILLIAM BAL, Ino.14 W. dSth at^ . . Mew Yorfc

Uadlc.-a A Cbese, Proctot'a ISOUt St., N. Y 0..24-27.

Mailcnpa IT). AmerlMn, N. Y. 0 . 22-24.Malrcra C<,inli|tH9 17), Alliimbra. I'blla.. 20-27.UacLcon, Jtsalc, Bl]uu. Uoaioo..Mnrtlnl & Fnililiil, Croea Keys, Pblla,, 2r,-27.Uay, Tiny, Palace, Uliueapollf;.Uary Kllen (Kletihant), Ooloalal, IlaTcrli'll. Mae,Uack millarU, KelUi's, Jersey Olty. 20-27.Man Bfoe. <4|, I'alnre. N. Y. O.Martlcre, l/Bura, Family. Itocbeater, N. Y.Mayeoo A Koacb, rrascals, Uontresl, Can.UeDermott, Billy, Pr<U|iect, Bkln.UeOonBick ft Irfhig, Lyric, Illrnilngbain, Ala.McOlODd ii Carp. Orpbeum, Jackaonvllke, Pla.HcMahPD A Cbappelle, Ololn, Pblla.UcNallya (4), Boyal. N. Y. O.

Bempel, Beiale A Harriet. OInbe, Pblla.Rhiley & Kh'mluf, Oolunibln. 81. I«ulii.RIcbaida. ttrli., Deliincey Ht.. N. Y. C, 22-24.Blc« k UorpiD, Uiwuin Rii , N. Y. 0., £2-24


American. N. Y. C, 20-^7.BIct. Andy, Orpbeum. N. Y. 0.. 22-24; BI}ou,

Dkln., 28-27.Blchmls A MoDtroae, Oonloo'a CInDpIn, Il«»la:i.RIalla, .M<ne., k Oo.. Orand. Pblla.Robyju. Ml. k Mm. Wm., I'anlaum', VaocoDTer,

Cko, ; Paittar»V Victoria, Uatcb 1-4RaUoi. Kahb'a, CWreland.Hoyt. Rutt, Keilt'a, Cblumbui. 0.

May RoederTIlA IMToltfll^^G "THK^T." W>w Act ShorUy.AUO JML^Xl UllllB iioroeoa (71. K.ia,: r, -jv.,.. i»h

"NUTTY MoNVTTB"Cotnadj Acrobatic Cycllau. Ulrecllun Frank Dobm

UcUlllan, LIda, k Co., Oiceley 8<i., N. Y. C,22-24.

UcKlulty, Nell. LUeolo 8q., K. Y. O.. 2S-27.UcClure k Dolly. Flatbusb. Bkln., 20-27.UoMlDDB k DOD Cnrloa, Alhariikrii, I'blla., 20-27.Uclnloab k Uua. MalUa, Mllvii, Cleveland.HcHaboo, Dlnmoml k Cbaplow, Grand, Hhlla,UcBrlde A CaTsnaugb, Uoliiue, Mioacapulla.)lerlln. UcV.'cker's. ClilcaHu.Uellor A Do J'aula, Uln|>., .St. Louis.Uelflna (3), Lyric, Hlcbnion.l. Va., 20-27.Uerako SlaltTi. BlJou, aaTaniiuii. Ciu.. 25-27.UeUwutoe. Bert, Uljou. Safasuuli, Ua., 20-37.


MENNETTI & SIDELLIi'hoae LiiJicrooa Acruliata Hooked solid

Metropolitan Sllnstrels, Kelili's, Lowell, MlM..Melville.' May, Ulobc, Pbllu,Alillor A Vi-iceiLif, Orpliemii, Sew Orleans.Miller A Clevolnud, .McVlckcr'H, Oilcago. •

.Miller, Rttic. Cvlutilil, EtW, I'd.

.Mlllman, iPrd, Co., Keltb'a, LoulHvUle.Miller & Lyiea, Kellb'u, Providence.'.i\WB, llo'iicr. A Co., Iluileon. liiilou mil, N. J..Mischief UaLera (7). I'alacc. Pbllu.. 23<'27,

.Monti^oiiiery. .Marahnll. Orphcum, UkU).'Mur'au A WiM>r, llusbwlck, llkln.

Moore A Yovnc, Keltb'a. J'bllo.

Uortoo, Ivl.. Keltb'a. I'hila.

Mirorc A Mintfct, Orphcum, Des Moines, la.

Monkey Circus, (Jrpbeunj. I>e« Moliien, la.

Moiileomrrv Sf Mnorc. i>rpheum, Minneapolis,Morris, Wbi.. A Co., Colonial, N. Y. C.Morioa k lUH, Proctor's 23d'nt., N. Y. C. 22-24.

Morgan, llcitrlce, A Co., Proctor'a, Rllulielb, N.J., 2S-27.

Montrwe A Sordell, NatloaaU Y., O., 22-24


Fulion, llkln., 2fi-27.

Morrell, I''r!>:ik, Natlooal, N. Y. C, 22-24 ; Fultoo,

Sklo.. 33-27.dlorrU A llVa<iiey, 7tb Are.. N. Y. C 20-27.

Monaicb Oomeuy -Dour, Luew's, Neivark, N. J.,

30-27.Morton A Morris, Alhambra, Pblla., 20-27.

Morse, IUII7, Qordoa's Olyoaila, Boston.

Sloton A Payor. Globe. Pblla.

Uorrli. Will. Globe, I'blla.

Uurray, Uorkw, A Co., Keltb'a, Cflcreland.

Mullane, Prank, Orplieuni. (Triuid Baplda, MIcb.Murray, Mulon, A Co., Palace, Otalcaio;

JloMer k Stanley. Albainbra. N. Y. O.fllurpby A Foley, Natlonnl, N. Y. tt. 22-24; Or-

jilieuai N. Y. 0.. 20-27.

Kullor, a«De, Troupe. Orpbeum, ITonlreal, Can,"Musical Crockery Shop," I'rlscllla, Oletelond.

Murpby Sen. L'rancls, Orpbeum, Altoona, Pa.,

20-27. \ilyatlc Bird, Llncob Sq.. N. Y. C., 25-27.

"UyslCTlous Ux. Itusaell," • Emery, Provlneace,25-27.

Katlioora, Keth'a, Iloiiton.

Nazarro. Nnl. Troupe, Kellb's. Boelon.

NelMin A Neleon, Orpbeum, Orand Rapids. MIcb.htublt. Ere'yn. A Co.. Victoria, N. Y. O.

Keff, Jobn, Proctor'a, .Mt. Vernon. N, V,, 25-27.

Neivaboyn' Scslette, FUlbusb, Oklo., 20-27.

Nellie,- Ed,. Bijou. Boston.Nlcbnlt) Slmnn, H-lpp., Ht. Lonls.

KIclioIs, Nellie, SUea's. Uuflalo.

KIblo'e Birds, Proctor's, Plalnflrld, N. J.. 25-27.

Noble A BrivkH, Tourloe Australia. Indet.

No9»«9. Mualcal (C), I'antages', Victoria, Can.;PnntaRce'. Tacoom, V7ath,, March 1-0.

Korditrom, Frances, A Oo.. Kettb's, Toledo, 0.

Nonette. Royal. N. Y. 0.NoreroB. A Iloldswortb, Grand. Pblla.

Nodent, J. 0.. A Co.. Orand, I'lttsburgb.

O'Brien A Buckley, Nsttonal, N. Y. 0.. 22-24.

O'Olare, Wm.. A Olrls, Loew's, Newark, N. J.,

25-27Oddoae,' Greeley So., N. Y. O., 22-24 ; Delancey

St., N. Y. 0., 2S-27.

Okoibe Japs, Keltb'a, Pblla, „ .

Old Soldier Flddlcra (0), Loew'a. Rorbeatar,

N. Y.

Omar Opem Oo., Orpboum. Altoonn. Pn.. 25-27.

O'Nell HlHlora (S), Loew's, Toronto, Oao.

"On tlic RlTlera," Loew's. Toronto. CanOs-Ko-Mon A Co., Proctor's CSth St., S. Y. 0.,

26.27.Patemons RoundlnR, Kellb'u. Cincinnati.

Pantwr tino, .Vajeallc, Mllwoukoe.Podilcn. Snrnli. A Co.. IIIpp., Terre Ilautc. Ind.,

25-27 : Ritprees. St. Louis, March Qulncy,

III 4 0.

Ponra. Zlnkn. Proctor's OSIh St., N. Y. 0.. 25-27.

Psylon A Qrcen. Orphenm. Allcono. I»J.. 25-27.

Peklri .VyHirli-a. Drplieuin. Mnnircal. Oh".

I'«llitm Great. I'loclor'i. Plaliidclil. N. J.. 26-27.

I'rnrlson * Oolillc. Keltli'M llootun.

I'csre A Tirmlnl. OIoIm'. rlillu,

PhllllpB A Clark, fftowiloln i^.. noston.

Plplfai A Poulo, Krllli'-i. ItiilLinnimlls.

I'lxanA A llinKlinm. I'nluo-. MlniieniMjlN.

Pollock, Mlltoii, A Co,, 0r:iheuin,-Ilcrrl9bufg, Pa.


MILTON POLLOOK AND CO,In "Spcnhlng of Father," by QBO. ADB

Poliln Broi , MllcM, Clovclnnd.

Pi'irce, Aribur Uiibb%vk-k, llkln.

Prul;t, mil. Kcltiri". Ilwton.

I iout. Eva. Ht. Janici. Il-*li>ii. 2.'>-27.

"I>ioi)er Clrl, The." I.ll»'rl.v. llkln.. 2.'J 27.

Pnck Ilarrv A Bra. Orpheuin, Unrrlsburi;, Pa.

Qulrosi, Kellb's, WBSlilnglou.,

,. „ , „,Hanf, Claude. O. II., .New Brunswick. N. J., 20-

27: Oarrlck. Wilmington. Del., March l-O.

R«T, nillv lt.,.Sbelioy(:on. Wis. ; I'orloge, JIatcb 1-0.

Ilnif A liuilard, Sben's. Toronto. .Can.

Rojah. l'rlnc<-eB, Orpbeum. MInnejiMillJ.

Ilcndnll. Oeorre, A Oo.. Poll's. iyartf..rd. Conn.,

3n-27: Poll's. Worcester. Ma.a.. March 10.

BedCord A Wlncbester, Keith's. lAMlstllle.


Rooeos (7). Kaltli's. Ft. Wayne. lod.Iln<b4«lrr, Cl&lre, Dooiloloj, Ottawa, Can.IlooDey A Ecot. Tcotple. Uocbe*ler, N. V.llcgeia. Will, Keltb'9, Toledo, O.KoTCT, AJ. A Sister. Oipbeojn. Kamaa Oily Uo.Ilonaaoa 14), Columbia. St. I/Oids.lto». David. A Co., Proclnr'a 23d St.. N. Y. 0.,

22-24 ; Prociur'a 123lb St.. N. Y. C. 20-2T.Boten} Wilson, Proctor'a 12.Hb St., N. Y. C.,

25-27.Pose A Stvtrante, Proctor'a. PorlctKater, N. T.,

25-27.Ro.'.b Webb A Keraey, 7tb Are., N. Y. 0., 22-24 ;

Amerlcau. N. Y. C, 26-27.Rose tt Moon, BoulcvnTd. N. Y. C, 22-24; De-

lancey St.. N. Y. C. 25-'J7.Iloiiair A WattI, Delancey St., N. Y. O.. 20-27,"Boom Seren," Boulevinl. N. Y. O., 25-27.Rmal Oarco.vnes, KnH-ry, I'rorMcnce, 20-27.Utot A Willie, llOTv,inl, Bujinn"lloae of Panama. Tlie," ronilly. Rorliosto-, N.T.Roes A Aebtni, Otm^ Keys, PMfa., 25-27.Roimey A Bowman, Orand, Mlnnenpolh.Rubes (2), Proctor's. Albany, N. Y., 25-27.Itusaell, Marie, Unique, Minneapolis.


RYAN and LEE"It you Bee ug do It , It's oura"

Bjan A tlerney, Pruspect, Bkln.Saions, Muclcal (V), Central Sq., Lynn., Mass.;

OolurTtHa. Taunton. March 1-0.

6ilon SlmroTti. Orpheutu. -Bkln.Sawyer, Jo-iii. A Co.. Keith's. Waahlnglon.Santley. Jim.. A Co.. Majmtlc, Milwaukee.Beroy A Brenn gii.^ American, N. Y. C, 22-24;

mauuicje: SAJI1UIDL.S—IN—


Or««ley So., N. Y. 0., 25-27.Btion, Pauline. Bowdoln Sn-, Boston. .

6<enea from Grand Oi>era, Orpbeum, .Mootnal, Oaa.Hcbeoler A Dickinson. Victoria. M. Y. 0.Ssbolder. Helen, Orpbeum. Woux Oily, la.Sootcb Players, Proctor'a 68th St., N. V. O.. 22-24Stamp A Scamp, J'roctor'a 12atb St., N. Y. 0.,

a2-24; Proctor'a 2.Td St., N. Y. C, 30-27.


Scuich Playvrg, Proctor'a, Mt, Vernon, N.Y., 20-37Scotch La<la A Lasalea (11), BIJou, Battle Orcck,

Mich., 20-27,fiebastlan A £ei«tley. Orpheiun. St. Paul.Boaon, Ctias. F.. OiptieuiD. Sluu< City, la.

eratoo, BlUy, Fultoo, Bklu., 2527.


SHERMAN'"°HTTBYflhaw, Lillian. Orphcom. Dkln.Rbermsn A L'tlry, Orpheimi, Bkln,"Ships That I'aaa In tbe NIgbt," Albambra, N.

Y. 0.Bherman, Van ft Ilynan, Delaoccy St., N. Y, 0.,


UNITED TIMEBbrlnisr A Richards. Loew's. RochrBler. N. Y,RIniH, Rouble. Empress. Kanaaa City, Mo.surer A Duval. Proctor's, Kllaabetli, N. J., 34-37.einger'a Midgets. 7lb Ave., N. Y. 0.aiaatra, BIJou, Boston.Slato, Wm., Poll'i. Scranton, Pa.Skater's Bljouve, Forsytb, Atlanta, Qa.

Shrodo and Cbappelle"DURING ONE'S LIPB"


Hmllh. Irene A Bnliby. Shea's. Ilniroto.

Sndth. Cook A Brandon, Orpbeum, Ornnd Raplda,M Ich.

Smith, F.i\. A Jack. American. N. Y. C 22-2t


Lincoln S(|., N. Y. C, 20-37.

Snow.allay. IJultiuc, MInneopuIlM. >.

B'Minan. Fred, Keltb'a. Ixiulavllle.

"Society Buds," Grand. Pltt.liiirgh.

Kullmlues. Ololie, Boston. 2r,.-.t7.

South Americana (4), Palace, Hartford, Ooon.,2r, 27.

Kplncttc Quintette. <miheiun. Knnrll^4 CIt.r, .\Io.

Niwoiier. F.dna Mar, Newlnrrgb, N. Y.. 22-27.

btanlry, Mae, Patricia, Vuiirotiver, l^an.. Iii'lef.

Stu-rrett. Uowatd S. Jr., lilegfeld KuIIU-h oC 11)14,


Blonlej. Htsn. Trk>, Orpbeum. New OriMUis.^lone A Iluiilini, On>beum. HI. Paul.Slodord A TlyncH, I'ruclor's rjjlh St.. N. Y. 0.,




22-24; rroctet'a. Zia St., N. Y. Q.. 20-27.

FlewiiTl Uale. Proctor's, Pt/rtcliraior, .N.V., 20-27.

Ht. Jaiuea, Wm. II.. A Oo. Aiovrlrau. N. Y. a,23-34; Httobert, Bkla.. 20-27.

StrauM. Jsrk. Orcelrr H., N. Y. C. 22-24: Ot-lumbla, Bkln., 30-27.

81. Oniie, Fnd, Troupe, St. Jamec, Boatoo. K-tfl,S>icne. Oeone L., Bljon, II<mloii.

Blanlxn A Manton. nmiresa, Olneinnatl.

SlaiJty, Allceo, Palace, H. Y. a

"Bedheaits. Tba," Orpbeum. New Orleans. •

IKi'i Mnrlonel'tet. Proctor's 21d St.. N. T. O.,

22-24 : I'rKlor's. Scbeneotady, 25-27.

Hollo. Kellh'a. Bnslon. „ . _ „ -B«le<l A union, Karally. Rocbeatcr, N. Y.

BiTtigton. Uaynw, A Haska. BIJ«a. B«tUa Owek.

UlCh., 29-27.

SnttoD, Nelntyre and SnttonTHE PUMPKIN QIBL


Euratt. Valeska, A On., Onrti. N. J. 0.Sulllvso-Keodi A Co., Allisobra, Pbll*., 2S-27.HiKilka A Girls. i'ala«e. liarttofd, Ouia,, 2&3T.evrctsall, Americaii, Cblc3f».


flwoT A Idack, Oolunibla. SI. t/>i\\t. .

Hylvlo, Grauil, Ilainlllon, O., 23-27.

Tanguay, Kva., Maryland,' Baltimore,Tale A Tate, Royal, M. Y. C.Taaker, Aon, Mah-sUc, Ctalcago.IVUsu Bros., Delancey St.. .N. Y. 0.. 20-37.Taylor Sisters, lUniniemlrlu's, N. Y. C."Taken Dv Surprise." Natlonnl. .N. Y. 0.. 3fl'2T.

Tempest. Florence, A Co., Kellb's. Indianapolis.Terry, Frank, Orph4'iHU, Mmureal, Can."Tenement Kllrlatlon, A," Pruclor's 2;id St., N,

Y. C, 22-24.TJiom|,min,. IlBrr.v, .WcVlcker'". piilcago.

'Tliurntoo, Jaiucs, Uudson, Uuloh Hill, M. J.


Tbalclier A Dean, I'roclwr's, Mt. Vernon. N. T.,20-27.

Tlniberg, llefinnn. OiliMilnl. F.rle, Pa.Tip. Bob, A Co., Iloiilevnrd, uN. Y. 0.. 20-2T.Tlernan A llarnes, llnwdoln Si|., Boston.

Toyo TroniM,. Oilunliil. N.. V. i'.

Tuiiey A N<,rmuii, IIikI.iuii. Uiiluu lllll, N. 1.

Toye, Dorolliy, <li|Hieum, Slou« Olty, U,T'irnnilocs (4 1, I'rm-ior's, Klliabclb, .N. J.. 20-27.

Trevllt's Dogs. I'.lm-e. Chlc.igo.

TrsTllla Hr>«<., ((ciili.ML-n. Diilulh, MIrn.Truviiij. <;,ihiiul,ls, St. l.<>iiN

Trncvy, Cliunllii, <'o|r,nl,il, I.<v<iiii?,|iort, Iml.. 20-27.

Triivcm. llnlunil, I'rNclllB. Clevclnlnl.

Treat's Si-.ilrt. Ciduiilnl. Ilitv<'rhlll. Msjm.. '.'.", '.'7.

Uaber Trio, Pioi-tnr'n 'J.ld St., N. Y. i;., 2'J-2I.

Viin. Illllv, (Iri'lH'urii. Allcntimii. I'm.. J.'i 27


l.yrlc. lllrhuu>ml, Vs.. Mnrch l-J; (>,Kiiilal.

.\.irfi>lk. I 11.

Villi lliTti-ii. .Vhirllii. l.yrlc. 1llriiiliii,'liii:<i. ,Vlil. SclKiii'k. r',ii,inlil. KtU: I'n.

\'uiiilliitirT A l.wiU', Sht-i'i*, ToriHiti,, t*-ii.

Vnnls. (Mill- A JiiiiN. Msji-stli', MIliviiiiW.Vance, (iliiiljK, I''M. Tniy. N. Y. 25-27.Van A W(ir«l Olrl». Knwry, rriiTl-lenpi-, 20-27.

Vernon, Lvrlc, ltl,*liiiifiiitl. Vn.. '^Tt-*2!J.

Violin Ili'iinlli-4 l.'ii. (lonliiu'H (llyini,r!i. Uoaton.Vliia'M Moilch. KinpreriH. rhlciiicn, 25 27.VIncettlr. The. Armlomv. IliifTulo.

Vlclorn (4), Cms. Keys, I'hlla., 25-37.Vein Cello. Ainerlraii. Clilrnk'o, 25-27.Vnii A Dell, Diiinlnlnii. (Itlnwn. Cnn.Volunteers, Hie. Keith's, Providence.


FEATURINQ ADELAIDB M. RKLLWard, klarty. Girls from Ilanpylniid Co., Inilef.

Ward. Fannie. Colonial. N. Y. U.Wanda, IIIpp.. St. Txiuls.

WakrOeld. Wllla Holt. Onihoiim, Bkln.Warm, Dob, Colonial, Norfolk. Va., 28-27.


TouniNO onruBUM circuit.

Ward, Will, A Girls, Oolonlnl. Norfolk, Vs., 20 37.

Wnrd A Uelmar, Proctor's OHib St., .N. Y. 0.,

22-24.Ward, GeorKC, I'roclnr's. Troy. N. Y., 2II-27.


Woteh tlicm Tlify Jo It

Ward, nhsn. II., & Co., Pructor's COth St., N. Y.C. 25-27.

Wormi A I'runc-lw. Delnnn-y St.. N. Y. (\, 22 21,Wnl.Hh. Lynch A <>>.. Blluu. llkln., 2r,-27.

"Way Out." Nnll.mal, N. Y. I!.. 25-27.

Warren A FVancIa, Boulevard, N. Y. O.. 20-27.


WEBER & ELLIOTT?Wells, illlly A Nellie. Iliigli'a Comi'illnnH, liidrf,

West A Vuu Slclen, McVlcb'-r'a, Cblcugu,Wslcb, Joe, Umpress, Chicago.Weiitiiii A Vtiuiik', lloulevnrd, N. Y. C, 22-24;

IIIJiiii, Itklii., 25-27.Weston A ClaIrs, Royal. N. T. 0.

West. Mae. Orpliuiiin, llmiiin. 20-27.

Wcstcott. Ktu, h Co., Acu'lcmy, BulTnlo.

Fypnlwt Cyolfl Act In VaudevUlB

Wenier. Freil. Fniiilly, Il»clie«lvr, N. Y'.

West, Uarrlauo. Trio, Poll's. Scranton, Pa.Wi-ailirk, Guy, A Co.. Prlscllla, Clevelaiid.Wemcr-Aniflroa Troui>o, Keltb'a, Lowell, Mass.Wreins. Wnlter, Grand, Pblla.Weston A Leon, Palace, Hartford, Conn., 20-27.Webb A llBmi. Palacs, W, Y. a


SUMHBR MORN IN f^HWTHAL I'ARKWhipple. Iluslon, A Co., Kellb's. Cincinnati.

Wblte A Jason. Palace. N. Y. ().

Whllmy A lli'll. <>. II.. I.iiwrfiiiv, Masi., 'J5 27.W'llMiii, Jnrk, A l>i., Htieu'h, llilfTllln.

Willi- llruK., Orplii'uui. lliirtlsbiirg. I'n. .

Wllllavu) A lli'ld, Orjihenin. Jscksiiiivllle, Flit.

Wills, Nur, (Irnnd, I'lltsbiirgh.

Willie, .Mr, A Mrs. Gordon. Oiiibeuin, Kanaaa Oily.

Mu.Wllllouia A Woltuw. Majmtlc. Mllwaukco,


Kisri'ii ft oitriii':uM tlmik

WIImiii. LliiiH. ,V Aili'Inlilc. I'r-irtiir's, Hcbeiiivl.-uly,

N. v., •J3-27.

Wllnmiil, O.rn, A (X, I'r.iclur'H. Alliniiy, N. Y.,2l,-27.

Wiiii'lifBliT, I'M., Pruvlor'a. 4'urlcbester. N. Y-,

25 27


Wllmii A Wllnnti, N'nllonnl, N. Y. O.. 22 24; 7tli

S. Y. ('.. 1:5 'JT.

Wli,<i li .V l i»iri'. .\iii, rt.'iili. N. V. O.. 25 27.Wlliirif,! \ Miirllli, l-'lllhili, llkhl.. 20-27.

Wllki'iis ,V Wllken., Iah'W'h, It-ii'lii-HliT. N. Y.WillliiiiM A WqIcs, C,>l<,iil.l. I.,,|jiiit!4|>url, IimI.,

20 27.Wilbur. & Jordnii. IllHui, Ilnttio Crirk,

wobiiipoRD's animalsIN VAUDEVILI.I':

WM. S. IIB.NXHHSY— rim llooUmnker

Wk.iI. Ollle. Olyiliplc. lllllTilln.

IVoiM^K, .Ifihiilili', l-:jipri'HH, Clili-nifn, 'JO-27.

WiiinI, Wii- ilenrgle, Kellli'K. 4'lills.

Wd.iliiinii A Livingston. Ki'Hli'r, Tulnbi, II.

WnriiiHi.i'rK AliliiiiilH, Heliiliivy SI., N. Y, C, 23-

J4; AmirlCBU, S. Y 0-.

VihhU k Wi««ls Wn, Ki'l Ill's. Wnsliliigtim.

Wiililiiiiiii \ Abrshsma, Aiiierlniii, N.,Y, C, 33-01.

Wtiiii, Hei'sle, Lyric, lllrliiiKiiid. Vn.. 3n-37.

YvHijiv. Ikiulevnnl, N. Y. O., 22-24; Aiuorlcan.N. Y. 0., 20-27.

Z<nds TniUH». Oriibeiliii. Jiicksiiiivllls, Fla.

THEATRES andOPERA HOUSESW« laaait UTaftlaanata Ib ttla jialna at a

.apaolal laU af Il.TI Hi agata Uaa tot » awtka(»t IB tliaaa). TkU wlU anabialaesl laann iwt« hMp Ikair kouca ptomlnsotly aDd eoattauaiybtten as maaagsfs of MBpaataa., Dulsf tka

Uiaa tka ad. la vaaslai wa will sod aaA alvat-

tlaat • «opi af Tuu OLom (taa.

BERLIN, PA., OPERA HOUSE. R«als600. l.iirHU HURU. Now iiinnttK'iiiisnl liy an old

triinpur, (luAd, Cicitn HbowH wuoled. Am ttlllllaKid

Willi noarbj good sbow towns, AddresH ll»X 4..

ODD FELLOWS' THEATRE, BackclaHarbor, N. Y. Newly furnished, new Hronory. stiiKt

34116 opanlng. Oood, clean shows. G. II. IU'i>il,M|{r.



PLAYS Hliort Ciut KketflNHALICE IIOWLAHO.Uua 1170, OniVAOV.

Musi do SnccIaltleH or Hketcliei. I'ri'for inuii to double cDriii't. Also Hln||ls Juvsnlla orOeaaral Baalaiasa Man, 10 doable curnst or other basid instrameal.


For W. I. SWAIN SHOWSHslieirsals ca.led BWAIN DUILDINtJ, NEW ORLEANS, LA., HoildBir Narcll 1st.

TliiiHO liuldliig L'oiilriicln nckniiwlriljc;. In cmhii of dlsHiipoliitmeiit,llnnds and OrchentniH wcvk later.

UunlolanB otid otiiura write. W. I. SWAIN HIlOW CO., Inr.,Swain Bonding, Nrw Orleans, La.




AT LIBBRTVt om Aooonnt ol Oo. Olosliie:


Aoythlnn cast for.

BolRtit,»ft.BXIn.; woIkDI, 140 lbs.; ago.'2H.

Isvarftoccd. BolUblo, Htock or nraj;^<;iuHH Jicfi,


llslKbl, Oft. 2ln.; wolKht, 113 Ilia.; a|ie.2:i.

Quirk Higdy, iind Kond WHidr'ilio. ('an loin on wire.



Thoie with SpccUliloH tircfiTrciI- Mnut tio a number one. Mnko salary Invr. All Hiimiocr work to

pcotile wLo appreciate Koud treatiiient. ..... «^ JPAUL HlLLiS, 334 Rsoter St., Soaboro, Phlladslphia, Pa.


i W11E. F. ALBEE, Gendral Manager

For Booking Address: S. K. HODGDON,Palaoe Theatre Building, New York Olty

UABTDr BECK, General Manager

For Booking Address: FBANK VINCENT,Palaoe Theatre Building, New York City

PARI80N BOOKINO ASENGY no numsiiErWont to hoar Arom all aota, large or Bmall. Write, wire or phone

W. H. WOLFFE, Manager

William O'ClareAND UIB

Dlraetloa r&AIIK DOHB

aiw*J« wwrktiigi


J. EmmettAssisted by HELDRED EMMETT

AddMM 8ST WMt «etli St. N.T.

Headlining on the Loew Circuit








J. A. F-RKNCM Proson^s



WM. K. SAXTON & CO.In "Cloaks and Suits'' ArcbS^oiby

Now pUying Loew and Foi Orcoits Through IRVING COOPER





An act or NoTvilv, Ornco and BvnaalioB. Ja*t a llttio illSerent.H(>pro(entnilvo, B. A. UVBRB, Slrand Theatre BIdg., New York.


DUDLEY_pOUCLAS"Love in a Sanitarium"


JOITN COnra new muslfal prortiu-lloii, "mmCa Onlns On?" hns hnJ Us flrst act entirelyrc-wrltten bj WilllHiii Jpronir, iinil fruiii lliilTnli), whoro It oiii<ne<l «ii Mondnv olght, thpro-wrlttcn ly Wllllnm Jprwiiif, iiiul from lUilTrili) Ihe ri-jxirt amipa that thp rtiow pleasedImncnNrly. It Is poH.ilhlo tlint Ni>\v York will ii«l sop K until neil Bonson, as Mr. CortIs of the opiDlan tliat New York City Is at prcaeut auplf iiruvldod wlIU luuiiU'tl shun's,

Tsa BlmdiofM, WiTO'i Iniing plctore pUjr-tiOBc hu bera leiMd >>/ E. n, HoIkt, ot B«ii>-toa, for alz montlii, nllli a mnal ptirllrgt,

taking effect Mirdi I, from th« prewnt minigi'r,W, D, DoDndlbiler. Mr, llalHT alio oontrolatilt QiNea t1i«>trt« Id ralloa, HoDiton and Oat->»|0D.Dot Jordan, dmnumr vllb BroirD'a Orclratn,

at the Ctarratal ' Tbeiire. Waco, li back oa tbe]oh after a few dayi' eirkneoa.A TOTAL exbanstloD of tbe current itnie of Tkt

All atom Uofaxlnc, In Waco, Is ezplaloed l>j

BonMone tellloK on Barrr OoDnvrs, of tb« BeaieUiint/ flajter*, beln« a . regular aure enouiili

anltior. Jlarr; never aalil a nord, bat gome local

Iliwkstaaw dIscoTercd It, and Darr/ can do Iod.'.t

corape recojpltloo aa a bndillDg noviaiitThat tbe. Sella-Plolo-Bafralo Bill aggr.<KatloD

are Roing after a Dumber ot.Teiaa towoa rarlr latbf gamo la proved hj thi; appearance of William.a. UaUea, contracting agent, «bo waa In WtcolaitSreek and signed contracts for the' appearanceot tbe big twenlj-dre cent sbow tbere on Marcb 31.

Uepobts from Dallas, wbere Manager and Uralltrrlsoo, of big tent abow fame, aar tbat tblnnare pn)greaBlng nicclj for tbe opening of tbatattraction, wblcb Is dgured on earlr In Marcb.Tbe entire companr, irllb but fevr etceptlona,nhlcb has been tolielber from aeren to tbrea

yean, bare all mn re-engaged, anil tbe naoalHarrleon standard ot eicellence will be maln-taloed. Mr. Harrison has ntlllzed bis apare Umctbe past Winter bj writing four new plars.TiiK One Spring weatber ot tbe past montb has

evldentlr done mucb to cauae tbe spirit ot unreitamong Ibe vartoua tent sttraettona WIntertnjhere. Tber are all getting read/ for tbe comingB<asoD now,Tb* Bentfrow Stock Oo., which has been In

Block Id Texas Oltj, are nuking preparatlona for

their road tour.W. T. Listu, ot !be Cbaae-Llater Theatre Co.,

Is eipected In Cl<>han, Tn., where bis ontl' Is

Klored, ni>it week, to betiD actlre work for tho

mis season of tbat aterllnf attractloD.

"Hake" CaABiLL, for tereral aeasoaa with tbeChase-Llater Oo.. aa toba player, will resert the

theatrical game for a fling at profe>lonal boll.

LnTlng algned aa pitcher with the Bnrllngtoa team,o( Ibe Iowa I«sinii, Ibc comlcg season. .

Manaobb J. A. WiTHEie, of tbe Slajesllc, Waco.Tex., haa been fortunate In secoring the AdelaMaIrving Oo., for permanent stock In ,bla tluatTe,

teplaclDg tbe Besae Dalntr riaycris. which attrac-

tion la low located at tbe Ooiy Theatre In Waco.Tbe Irving Co. opened tbeir eogagonvnt Feb. 1,

In Paul ArmatroDg'a "Heir to the Iloorah," to

Tery aatlsfactory baabieaa. Btib class etock pro-'

duclloos win be tbe policy of this hooae, withchange ot bill twice a week. "Out ot tbe 7oU"waa tbe bill for Feb. i-a. followed by "Osll of

the Wooda" and "Little Alabama" for week ofFeb. 8. Tbe perauinel of tbe playera: r,ynan^Tblte, director and leads; Adelaide Irving, lead"Idc lr(y: any L. IViacb, Kcneral tmslneas; Ilaeel

Carlton, heavies; nugb Damett, javenllea; ElotaSItier, Ingenoes, eoubrettc ; Lole Bridge, charsc-ten ; V. A. Varney. cbaracters and general bast-nn.a; Al. DiMge comedlsn ; Jack Oonsolly, cha^-artrrs, and R. X. Rose, heavies. Hngh Barrettla Ibe company manager, and Mailba WItheradlr<cta tbe (Ive-plcre orchestra.

Till OoiT TiiiATaE, Waco. Tel., formerly avaudeville and pletoce bouse, has been entirelyrnnodeled, and now <a the home of the BesseDainty Oonpany, wWA attraction opened thereFeb. 1, after closing tholr flfteentb week In IbeMnjeetlc Theatre, Waco. Tbe house la nmler tbamanagement of August Oettls, an old trouper,and W. I/, Terry, Waco's pioneer pletnre houseman. Tbe policy of tbe n-'w house will be bljrti

claaa stock pmiluctlona with chang-; of bill twicea week. ' The Frlnce Chap" was the oponlnsWll. followed by a new veralon of "CInilerolla.''For we*k of Feb. 8, "The Pariah I'ripst" anil

"Sweet Cloror" are in readiness. Tbe openliiit

perrurmcnce was greeted by a capacity house, aimeach iierformer was erected by a bant of an-riBDSc at their appearance, thua attesting to theirpopnlarllr tvlih Wacoltes. Miss Dainty, as thethrre Glauillns, In 'The Prince Chap," had aneicollcnl chance to show her versatlllly, to whichshe did full prdlt, and each member of the castacquKled Ibemselves nobly. Tho personnel of-Ibe c<lm|iany Is: Lawrence Arneman, Ira B. Karl,Ilnrry 11. Castle, Joseph Kesrsley, Nat Itorns,Alfred Kllllan, Obai. Nevltt, Russ Holllster,Harry Connors, Anna Wall Prances .Schafer, ZuluScott, Georgia Titus and Besse Dainty. I-iEarl, director and maosger; Alfred Kllllan. atagsmanager, and Joscfib Kcarsley, scenic artltt. Ri-


ccnilve atalf for tbe Cosy -Theatre: Auenst Ilettls,

treasurer: W. L. Terry, secretary and manager;Mra. W. L. . Terry. puLlirber of pragram ; RlaiiilK

Doyle, carpenter ; J. F. UoNlab. properties, andW. P. Orant, leader ot tbe seven piece CosyOrchestra.HnNnr Dot EiTANn was onable to appear nt


the mpllnce -porformance In Waco, at the Amll-torliim, Feb. 3, on account ot Illness, bat did blan.onologue at tho night performance to the hugo .

(lellcbt of Ills many<Waco friends, who had henrdbe" Whs not able to work, (^npero's Band com-pletely (and happily) tied np all triSc on Aus-tbi SInet at tho noon concert, scoring a tre-n^enitoua bit with tbe "Memphis DIues," etill abin Texsa favorite.Tirs SuzAK OAnTRR Tab. Mnslcat Comedr

erened an liideflnlte engagement at the ObrystnlTbenire, Waco, week of Feb. 1, with chanie ofbill twice a week.

B. FoBiar TATr.OH has closed his slock com-pany In Twin Falls. Ida,, and now has ont a 0D4-sldhter In ILst territory.


OKoaoB Uarkins, who Is going to lake ont lbsB|>ectaci-lar girl show, "Prlneess Helene," an-nounces that Oarl Nortbhart will be In charge otthe canvas. Billy Ocnltcr will be press rppre-ernlatlve; Davo Little. , treasurer ; "Whiley" K<'-warda. bead talker, irblle Ibe entire prodacllonwill be onder. the menngeroest ot nerklne.Annoinoembnt whs made last week tbat afier

March 1, tbe local T. M. A. Olnb will move tonew qu.<rtera, localc4 at 333 Penn .\venne. wbrrtthey will have more oom. to welcome their manyfriends. The local club la In a Ibrlvbig condi-tion, and tbe boys are a congenial lot.

W. J. EcCLBaoir, leader ot tbe Academr or-ct>t«tra, haa written a new and very pieity march,v-Mcb Is particularly dedicated to lbs patrons ottho Acailemy.Daist Vn VxBNB, with Jack ReM Sbow, haa been

canOncd to hor nx>m tbe past two weeks, with asevere attack ot hiQan-mstory rhoumnllam, but lagrt-dually Improvug, and cxi>ecla to be ready forwork In anolbcr week.W, U. ALL9H, of the Academy forces, spent

aeyeral days in Now York Olty last week, on Im- /portant business.Tub many friends of "Bob" O'Oonnor will no

<Ioubt sjrrapslhlso wllli this popuplar yonng t?I.low la the death of hia brother, Itom which oc-curred iliirlns Inat week. Bob Is connected withtho Qrestvr IIIpjKXirome- forces.

* «

"KOnODY IIOMC" DOING WCM.Hie lioyle Woolfolk l.illold. "Nobody Uome,"

by Richard Oirrol and Iioyle Woolfjlk, featurlniIlarry T. Shannon, played to capacity houws al

the Oolonlal Theatre, !n Locanaport, Ind.. Feb.11-13. several perforuan.-es Being added to cartfor tbe crowils.

This company oprnisl In Oarl, Ind„ nhont allweeks ago, ami have lieu playing to eTceptlonalbaalnets since that tinie. A car load .of sctuerrIs carried, 'nie dlalo-.-iie Is anappy and. muchctnedy la In evidence, irhlle tirelve nnalcsl num-bers- are offrmi, and nil elaborately ccatame<l.

Shanunn and Karl have a apeclilty that haibeen winning big aiipUiQ'e for Mr. Shannon, andMlea Tallnian'a song, "It You'll dbow a Lllllt

Love fur .Me," Is a bla hit. An eccentric dance,by Florence Relchanlt, la also being veil' re-


The slalt: Felix 0. nice, manager and musicaldlmtor; Ed. Tall.-nan, ttage carpeuter; \Vm.S^umm, master of pn-pertlee. 'rhe compiTiy:•Harry T. Shannon. Pat Bttretl. Jaeauelyn Tall-nan. Rol-ert I'Urle. .Mabel Walier, Ed. Tnllman,01)10 Hanson, Hilly !<chunu«. Nora Lavellr,Jennettu E*rle, I,nlu Walter. VlUa VlJettc. Florroce Itelrbanlt and Irene Itelohanlt.


at. 8. BENTHAM


C-E-C-l-L LAssisted by CLEO MAYFIELD


EnnoB Thb Nbw York OLinrEn: Would yoni:ke a little American 'lope on Die AuslraKaaslloatlon from their American representatlvo?

It 00. here goes:All acts that have been booked to ulay Anitra-

Iloii time, contrary to reports, bare been goingthrough to Afrlct, as heretofore. There la areport out that tbe African booses were closed.

Ailvire* received from Ur. Mclntosb by hi* NevYork offices, states tbat thia la a mistaken Im-pnti-lon, and tbat every act has been plsylng theALslrallsn time, as heretofore.

It la also, worth aentlorlng that the Mcintoshtear In .iutrolla Is about tbe only large tbeatrl-.

cal concern that did not cot aalarlts due to war-time -""<'"'-"« They are carrying cnt all tbecontrecta la .Uw. -letter,' and are paying each nndevery artist XnU-eclBir aa per cSntraet -price.

The only efuct that tbe war comlltlons haibad on tho AoatraUan .tine -Is that It Is Impos-aiUo to play alien act*—tbat hi, , acts that havepcrformtrs tbat are natlrea ot any -conntry withwhom England la at war. It la an unfortnnntething, bat nevertbeleaa, at tbe preaent time, there,are a great many German acrobata and gjmsaaiswho were nnfartunate enough to Or In Austrnllawhen the war was declared. Tbey ore unable ">leare the country, and have been receiving all

tbe assistance possible from tbe Mcintosh Interest.Odiva's sesis opened at Uelbonrne nomt tlmo

ago. Oapt, Adama, manager ot the act, was re*-fused ssilDg by the American Steimohlp' LlDe,owing to Ibe Immense amount of deck apace re-quired for his animals. Adsms, by ,;lever nianlpn-latlon eccceeded In arranging with a uiercliantvessel leaving Vsnconver, B. C for the trans-portation ot himself, Odiva and the aeals. Al-tbongb the vessel was flying the EiiKllsb 'flag,they reached their desUaallon In safety, and Mr.Molatosh "writes tbey opened and ate a tremen-dous bit. '

' Lours Onerlte Is another American who wentover with flying colors.

Wright /nd Delrlch c(iene<l at tho TItoU The-atre, and went over ve.-ir nlwly.The Leacb-Wallln Trio also scemcil to pleasa

Australian audiences.Reorgc Hall, the vrell known mcnnloglst, sac.

ceiled In having bla engogement extendel fromtwenty to forty wceka after his third iwrtormince.

.Tock Hiskell, the AmerlcsD producer, has' soe-cessrullr staged the numbers In the musical re-'vloiv. "September Mom," which Is at presentrunning ot the TlvoU, Sydaey. lesbclle D'Arainiid-niiil Monty Wolf ore nlaylng the lends. - .MissD'.\rinond bos created a favorable Imiirosslon.and I bey say la dne to stay In AiHtrnlla nt leastn couple of years. Monty Wolf also bit tbeSouth Sea Islanders very hnrd.

Olher American performers and acta that aretlohiK «ell on the big time Mclnlosh Circuit an-


Davenport's Models, Fields ond Ooco,- ChesterK ngaton and Alfredo, tho American VagaboudViollnlat, -

, '-"J*.""untry Is awaiting the appearance ot las.

J, Corbett, who aaliB, Sononio, Feb. 10. and opens'

early In March. Jim bos been billeil like a cl>--COS. and much Is eipccte<l of him from a draw-


I»lnt of view. This Is his flrst sppearaucc Inthat country. .

Hualness In Australia haa . been exceptlonailygood, nutwltbstsiidlog the fact tbat there hasbten nolle a number ot yoong men ilr.itteil fromthere, and tbat. they have >ad two of Ibe holteat -

•re'l" that they have encountered In vears.Ibe Ktw York ofllce la nt present boohing nulte

a few Bisrs. and have about clo.wd with Nolla'

Webb, who will sail the drat part of April. Thisla Miss Webb's secpnd tour ot Auslralls. Tlin -

Jaai time Bhe wns there abe was engaged for -

twelve weeks and etayed eighty:Ciiiiis 0. Brown, New York neprcwntatlre, -

« I »


Over 8,000 enjoyed the annual ball of thoepr.DgflcId, Mass., r^dge of Elks, st the Audi-toriutn, Feb. 11, when a number ot pmmlnentmembers ot tbe moving plctore companies weretba guests ot the lodge. Those In attendancewere: Margnerlte Snow, Florence La Badle, Jus.Wnre, of the Thnnhnuser 0>. ; Mr, nnd Mrs,H'??"*-*??'**""; T'"'*' """1 Bamuel Spedon,of the TItagraph Co.: Miriam NcBbItt and MsreMcDermolt, of the Edisou Co.; King Ilssgott. of«i« Imp 04. alao E. A. Kaufman, of The Motion^'"I"^.,^'"''- """l liVllllnm V. Hart, of the (5 en-oral Film Oo. Mary Fuller accented the Inrlta-tloc, but at the last moment /ound It Imnos-Bible to get away.Upon tbe arrival of the compony at Spring-

flelrt tttj were escorted to the Hotel Kimball,Where, after a short test and dinner, were drivento tho mayor's office In the Mnnlclpsl Building,where for an boor tbey held a recepHon. Thehonor of leading the grand marcb with the MayorStacy, fell to Marguerite Snow.


At 1.30 A. M., after the dancing was over,some forly two gnthored nt the Hotel Klrabnll,

r^^'i! "^S?"!)'".""',"'."^' ».'!'•'*' tendered theBueeto, wblcb lasted untU ueorly the rising ofthe sun.


YonNOSTOWN, O., Feb. 22, was premiere nicLtot the opening of tbe Youogstown Hlppoilroine,ou Federal SrreeL This building la known si theMcGlroy Block. Leased, with ground, hy theMiles Theatre OoDtpany last Snmraer, early, it

Las been In tbe hands o^ contrsctors, artists anddecorators ever since.

Tbe block extends back from West FedersIStreet, oorerlng tbe entire block to Oommercs.Street. It Is said tbe owners have a nlneiy-nlns}ear lease on tbe property, at $2S.O0O the year,


In Um arcade which they hare coostructeil aniwenty-one stores- Tbe expense of abaidng godOrllng over the block amounts to $500,000.The arcade Is .a work, of marble and cement

art. That It alone will be a popular mart of tradeIs alm^t assured. Tbe ticket office Is locatedtwo-thirds of tbe block toward -Commerce SirMi.The Blppodrooe seata two thousand. Includingbalcony. The stage Is rery large. This Is enHrtlstic trlumpb Id gold, Ivory and greeo. ot tbefretwork pattern. T>>» 'proscenium extends over-head back to tbe commencement ot the balcony'.

It gives a superb effect under llgbla. These latter

are dieplayed lavishly. Beginning In the arcade,

tbe whole Interior—as well aa exterior—Is re-

splendent In electric devices that throw out dlf-

tulgence ot great light.

..Patterning after New Torka nippodrome, front

orrbestra chairs to Rer 'oelrony rests, the doorsare all ot conereto and ateeU Two large bo^es oocither aldo ot the stage are dressed hrllllnntly In

the house coh>rs, and sbonld prove alluring (ofamily paitlee.A veiTet Tilour curtain, draped at clbcr side,

take* tbe place of a drop. The orchestra pit la

sunk below tho top ot the stage, will bav^ sevenplayers. Tbey are supplemented by an Immcnsapipe organ. There- are fourteen dresdini; rnoin.>,

nupplled with running water and bath attachment.There,' as well as lbs Intecor ot the bl'<podroniaproi>er, are fitted wlt|i hose and sotety anpl!anre!i.

A specially ccnatrncted room In the rear Is called"Ibe anioMl room."The "marquee," or canopy, extending over Iho

walk Id front, la thirty feet wide, runnin; to IhoCDTb. Qutelde, Id front, Is an electric clgn, 100feet In lenglh, .towerng upward, with a hucewood arid ateel elephant at tbe top. From Ihn

t-.unk of this pachydcrui ehlncs oat a stream ofp^ectrc lli;ht. 2,300 electric larapj are n.<«d, wiih800 electrical connecllons.

Fred A. Leo Is the "Grand Vlrler" of tho .Mllfs

Theatrical Oompany, with- especial powcr.s lo

iivei^tee the Hippodrome, here. - He Is a vn-y capi-lile gentleman and artist In business. Uls moltoIs .the ssmie as Al, Q, Field's, "Watch YourselfCo By."Joba R. Elliott Is boose and nippodrome man-

a«cr—another ' happy Bad- by the company. Mr.Elliott came op ftorn, the .rank) of bookseller

song books, too.' He acted w1|b credit In vaude-TlUe for a abort period, and of late years lios

gained .valoable experience. He was boose mtna-ger ot the Park, here, for Nixon. Cohan 4^ Harris.He was-alao manager of the Orand,- of the' At-lantic Olrcolt, and later inanaged hla own reper-

toire coinpanr at the Park. ' During Sumnler otlOlfl' Mr' Elliott directed alTalrs at Mors Park.William 'Slmon9,.;ot the' Grand Theatre, will

lave chiirge of tbe stsge.'

Admission charges are 10 cents, 20 cenln acdSO cents. It Is a good bet that the enlerprlwwill be-- one of the biggest theatrical-theatre buc-ceajpB of the season, anywhere. Tbe opening wjhprupltlouB and exceeded exiwctntlons In ->atTon-i;a

anil encouragement. ^



MARCO LIKES IT.Jnmcs Wnrco writes from Seattle, Wash. - "Iam on my lifib week on Panlngcs time. Naturally

1 rollce Improvements, having nioycd all theolher circuits tor so many years, Pantages bIdmII'flee uiiitters and makes things nsrcesblc from theBtart by dolnif all be promises. In my Ave week*1 bove not met with one piTformer who oblecisto ony condlllon ot his contract. Have mnilo Itnijr l.usliiess to Ond out If there was anythingoMillpnnlile. When the performer oi«-n8 at Wln-nl|p»'K It Is n cinch be haa fourteen very pleasantwicW rngogeninils. nnd I have never beotd ofn Jiin^bliil t-gule unce nn act oin-iis on the timeWe nre playing two (2) of our niovlug pictureDims nheoil of us, which Is helpful cs an od

•Pli In Cruadn wns very good. Not as bod assome reports we benril bi-forc going there. Herel"! 'f ' '"i?.'.';,"''

'<»''•' "'«' " w«» on formerTie! »-bl«. Win end our lour at Salt Like. In

as Pni.tages', 'Well,' 1 dou't seo wbcro any actorLos any kick coming."

IT'S "DISCOVERY MOHT,"^ r;<cry Monday nljhl nt the Orpheus, tl.iklanj,Cal., Is now called "Dlncovery Night," vrhnn


'° P"*™"^ '1 nddlllon to tte


The rr-i'prt cinH-:* frstni Milwaukee that a newPalace Iljiiiodmnie will be erecleil ot Ornnd Ave-nue ami Sixth Street, by a corporation Incladlnf>l. MpTi-rleld, Martin Keck, Mrs. Kohl and llcr-

oan Fchr, and It will be booted by the U. B. 0.rrice BBd QvMlltr Always «ke BuB*


Snfiw. sloppy weatber, rain and mud have char-

eUTlred the weather conditions since our Inva-

Nlor. of Ibe Eset.a yet tbe business beeps up lo

and beyond tbe expectatons, Trenton, Allenlown,Readlag, -Harrlsburg, Wllkea-Barre, ,Scriiilnn,

rctigbkeepale, Newhurjh t-ud Albany were record-

brei.kera tor tbe Oldest, Biggest ond Best. FrnrkDumont Earl Bnrgess, Carroll Johnson, IIIII

Gwor, Julius Wltmark, Jay Wltjnark, Dr. Tlecknnd tho felheir, uolher and alstets of DennyO'Mel, and many olbers bare been cueais of

late. Al, O. Field lias bien In the big city agreater part ot lbs tl:ne ilnce tbe ebow cania

East, and great prepnrnilana aro under way for

the coming season.Mike Kelly, the one-time champion leaper ot

the world, was the honored gnest of Mr. Field


at Blnghamlon, N. Y. The old-time clrcua lt'"l

was a friend of Mr. Field when the latter "'.ti

cntraing the world ot sbowdom, and bo nevertercels those with wbom be was ossocloteil In

those CLTly Atjv. Mr. Kelly Is hale nnd strongphysically and mentally, but a failure of his oK-hlglit the mony years iinst has greatly reduced himIn lbs world'a goods. But be Is tbe same jn-

t'ent, iion-complalnInK man that bo was wlii':>

preaperlty was his lot.

The sews Is tbat iiftor the ending of nnr

Eastern tour, Feb. 22, at DtIca, N. Y.. ih''"-'

are crvtral long leapa ehead of ua. We oi,\y

lilt the high places—Cleveland, Toledo and li'-

dionapells unlll wo ore lu the West, ami runurhas It that wo Invade Texas once more, nnd it

Is rot denied that Onllfornia may bo reni-hrl

In our headlong Western flight. All are ou I'n'

(;ul vivo, Old route cnida are being desln))'iil

nnd two weeks ahead Is as far as the roiifp riii

lie obtained. Heretofore you could, by the nskliii:,

cet tho route for three months. .

Jack nichards, who has been In tbe hnnd^i nf

a specialist for tbe past three weeks, uimIitciIi'-

nn operrtlon for throat trouble. Joined tbi- cn-nnny at Alh.tny. Elmer Pmlwlacber Is In lUo

licspltal wlih pneiimouin, and tbat more of ilv

big con-pany nrc not (lo\vn nnd out Is uut 'ko

wenllier conditions fault, Deenlto condllhns,this Is snld to bo tlie most nroatable Easlcni tuiir

this company ever cnjoyeil.

DARRr GRAY IN MICillOAN.Dnrry Gray left Philadelphia, Fob. HI. fT

Lansing. Mich., where hla near rclatlvi-s rpsl-;-.

and to bo with his llttlo nephew. Joseph Mailili ',

lo whom he Is very nini-li attached, lleroro li'" -

Ing Pbllodclphin bis niaiiv friends there cave li'i:i

a roilslng seod-orr. Tbe Aeiors' Progrevilve"(Clotlon. ot which lie !a vice-president, pul--.--

Inliicd him royally at a testimonial srsmiier. «»

the night ot Feb. M, and a party ot bis frlen N,

from the Ltihln Studio gave a theotrr \iarty.

Veb. IB. In his honor. He will likely rclurn tu

muiodelpbla next Fall,




TOD^S TIPS1. , I'll AND UOOLBY are making big striacs

KiwnrdB bccomlnit one of the best plnno

song turns In vaudeville.

I i \\iC WHITMAN, ever known ns llic"

iirlKlnnl "Dancing Violinist," had n.

srrlbo of The Brio Herald Hplll semeilillit Bluff recently In : "If some of

iho players could nave played tliq vio-

lin iind some of the dancers; who havi!

appeared at the Colonial, coulJ havelliinced as well ns Frank Wliltman. 'the

(iMncIng viollnluf docs both, vaudcvllh

would be Imracnnclv more entertaining."

(And rrnnk dorft hall from Uric,


.\l I'A JOHNSON was nt Troclor's Klfti

Avenue last half of lost week, doing the

l>le feralnlac part with I'Xlwards' "KidKiibarct." Not only that, hut she scored

Ihc 'prettlesit kind of bits with thiit

<.\vcct soprano voice In a couple of num-iiors, besides being the same kinduv suc-

cess In "looks." This same girllo Is

helng sought after hy Andronn Iilppcl

fiir a lead In a feature picture he Is to


rr.l.NRY nUTMODOK AND .TIOANNK VICK-nillNO are In town, but linve "TheKitted Calf" packed away In wool for

llie present—scoring at the MeKlnleySnunrc with their other clever rum I

sketch, "Our Boy Jlra." last half of, Inst

week. Pllney » on .nlways aef;;);al)ly

c nf cPtailnlng lilt In Ihc "hirk" role.

Willie Jeanne Is his nb'e .supnort .ilwdyi.

I>e.<!ldes being one of the smlllcst, plump-pst "Ingenues."

JACK TAYIXJR, a monologlst, -with IdlllnKns ' frem Columbia I University," warroi)lnccd on th-; bill nftii- (he Mondayinnllnec last wepk at the Albambrn byIrv. NewholT mid Doile I'lielps, whomJJnnnger Hcrt Yoi:ng flc-urod "more edii-

entcd" and lleenaed, eti;.

Ml!. AND JtnS. FRED THOJL\.'? appear Inlinve a now throe-act In ''Mr. Slppy'<jNightmare," by Harry A. Usher, thntwill make thoir former "The Dog "I'lilef"

skcifh, look like an Eleventh .Avenuemongrel, nose Milllnney, of Joe Woods'pilatlal ofnccs. did n coitplc a liniid-

Kprlngs after seeing It. ro It niii<.t hothere all ways. (Tliere's "hvin bods" InII for one way), and the third pnrt In(lie en5;t Is that of a rrenelimnn. beingvery well cared for by one Arthur 'Jmnf.formerly of the Dslier Trio, who"dc.ubled" with Fivd In that slece oftyphoid out In liny Shore a few monlhshack.

ret MRS. WIIITK'S" Is getting fiulle


"YOU ARE THE ROSE OF MY HEART." /The Most Talked of Ballad In the Country.


Auk Al. Jol.on. A*k Dornaril Uranvllle, wlib are .Inglnfi thi. T«>rrHlr lilt

'''^fn^.^C?'"- MAURICE RICHMOND MUSIC CO., Inc., 145 W. 45tli St. NewM





« r


00iiopulnr with "acts" recommending lio'nrd-

Ing places. Mrs. White Is one of fhr-.^e

lialf-ag'<l. dear, whole-.souled ol^:id"3who ;.- .kfl upon her flock of stage folkas "lio" own."

WILl, LAMP (Lamb's Manikins), tlio' notone of the latter, and bis pretty, setnl-llnxen 'haired fnur-foot-flve wife, h.ave ariglit to yearn for that cute "Utile lioris-;

upon the hill" In Red irnuse. N. Y., when"just looking" In New York. Somehouse, some manikins, some T.ambi.Niif


I'AI.'MNR SAION Ic dropping out some ofher rural "Sis P,erklns" ''bit" from hernet, and working more of a fltralglit fine-Ing single—tut we'd hate to see "Sis"tut much, for "Polly" Is pretty nearalone In the 'tfrom the farm" single.

"TUB GIRLS FnOM NOWHRnn," i girlnot, came "on" nt the MoKlnley Srjiiare,up At Roston Itiiad and One Hundredand -Slxty-nlntli Street, last Thnrjdny

then went "off," ond no one kneiv where.

OUT OF Town HEWSAltleboro, Mnxii.—Hales. bllK Feb. 22-2.'i:

'Knlibltt" Maninvlllo nnd Pnr.nnolint I'lctiires.'njiiilollo Gnry's Laly Crcliesirn 2'J-2S. I-Vnlu cniiiui ntno.

CoMLviniA.—mil 23-24: Hbv-e Amlorson Slu'ersThree Jicks, Illjoii Comeiljt Trio, tl'.e Tlir«> Wnl-nys 011(1 .Miitujii flioM.

I'AiiK.—I'Ictures anil .Mrs. Chnrlej, Ilnctelt, Inr* ni;».

Coi.iiHiiiA.—On Siiitilay, 21, lln lilll Inclmled


"IJoii Coinedy Trio, Wnlley Trio, •nirce Aiulcrson•^HiTf. IClKn Ix;\vlH, iiiMl Olrns.


tiib recent chjrity ei)nc"rl»-helil Siiiulnvsnt (ho Bales nnd I'urli, llie, Hmus of •Sl.'SI nii !

fS.. «-cro renlltcd..At TiiD Oohiinblii. 21, .m exei-llnil |Toi;i-ain

"ns iHit on and a fourleen-plece union orvliesira,"" 'T illrccllon of Frank Foster nn.l IMdIe Alex-UKler vobintcerca Ihoir Ferilcea. 'Hie Ciliinili':irc((.iiily liiawumteil tljc ihrw a Hwk eli.niKo.

" ,i,'e»nit Booil luiKlness In iK-liiir ilniw.

u,>,r'"nl"°oi-*". fonner props wllli Sp.irks


' ''''' """'"'i'^^ "'e

1 ''I'll"'^^'Stl" OunriR. a l>nv. Ims koiiO

. r!i ' l?''n'?""' 'o "> W 'ho sinse of llic (il.lKiiony Ihenlre.

...VV^*^"''"' 1""""*.—Academy ( K. A. Cn.lilv,

^i,,,'^,)!'?^^'™'- "2. (he Arn,|..|iiy I'liuerH

T Wl bin llie l.niv." with Roy C.nlori nn.l1 ••Tnico Shirley n, th^ hniUnx tkUv.

('-IS. A. .Siiyw, iiii:i-.)—mil 22

r,. r.i•

''V?' '''":ln. Mnry riMoji nnil

iIm":Kol"'>r3. aii.l Dllly ilonnecr and com


^S'"""- 'rKMri.ii, .Majbstio iind MVK.n^liirc phoioplnja.

Iii-"1,V,.V\"«^"«'- —Oliver (S. W. I'kker-'cnnin pleliiren Fell. 18-22. "!'ol-


I-''""!;"" ,(0. J. Allanlt, iiisr.')—Illll 22-21:

iw n.!""^'''i"n^lO- ond Hmvley, Hay |.'|„r.

I uv Nl"" -"""I' niKl cotii-

'i r.?,^„'^7,''"'•''" 23-7: .I.^ronic

1, ? ' comiinny. I->ir Riitios,

';r. "rJ i

'^'"To"'. m:rr.)-"-rhe Conier... .^.">.- I'y the r.orr.ilno Miii.icnl Coniwiy Co.,

known IS UlrerTlcw Park, 'lociloil nrnr the BelleIsle l.rhl;;,'.

While Dolrolt baa had n great ntimUT of the.

ntres. It bus t)con lacking In AtniiHoinrnt rc^orla.

atul the mancvmeiit of the ninv enleri^rlw coiitem.

phites cItIii^ to the city one of tlif Hn.^t nndniwt complete and up-to-ilale nmiivmeiit parksIn thia eouiilrr. The fact that llie Knat ;|i|>roa'-h

of ihlH r.irli la ihrce roiirlhs of a riille nearer to

the <*l(y lloll lh:in any other rrcro.illon gronnilIn the city, ami that o creot wharf la to lie c<>n.

Rtniotoil .It wlilcb IVIrvllora may lainl at thepark, haa ilrawii a(t<*ntlon to the i*nterpi*l<ie.

Ou-lnff to Ma location. Wolft'a Park will lie a

(Uslhiellie nilverllalni: feature of the city m ne-cniiiu of tli» large iiumt>er of lionia trnvollnv npami (town the rlter to and (rom UufTnlo, ami sriidl river report.*.

Among the feature* of the pnrk will lie a liir?e

anil eomninllMis dance hall, one of Ihe Irrgi.-!!'

r^dler coflfller? In the u-i>rhl. nn atidllorlnni of».'pent alie wher* ref rrftlimeii la will be B"rvi';l, nroller Hkatlnx rink, m.try ?i-roiiml. Innlln-,' nllev^,flyliit; machine), anil lU (xiiicvMsldiia timt arenecessary lo form an anmiei.iont'eii:erpTlsc of tlie

klml. Mr. Wntlf iwya that nothing will lio left

loekins lo giTe Detroit a niMt Intereallm: rennrt.and a re*jrt that will be irvdit.ible In every wayto the elly.

24:. . "AM.iry

n. A, IIA^KI^so.^',

A Live, Hustling Amcrlcnii Showman with aNovelty.

"I/Itc every day fo that yon oan took cyeryman In Ihe eye and cor.aclcntloujiy tell hint i:int

.villi h:i;c the greatest rllractlon In tU' world."When you can do that and feel It you can ap-

preciate tbi.> callbto and metal of the nan tbnl

I'Ut "Aulo-rolo" OD tje 'sliow map, and taaa madeI', the maai talked of feature for out of door a>-

Iractlons, cr Indoor for that m.itler, since DlavoloeIrclrlDeJ the world wllh the loop-tlic-loop.

Ralph A. llanlslnso:! la the man thot aat oneliny III September of 1012, and wntefaed an ei-lilbltlon of the game. It t<ok him only n fewii:iiiutca to grasp Its pooalbllltles, aiiJ then to

make a eontroct for Iti maaacemcnt and control.

\ few towns In tlio Mliklle West were used forl-reak-ln exklbltlois, and then Madison SnuareHarden, New- York, th? goal of every real wiow-lean's ambition, vas the scene of an elahleendays' engagemeret. nnd succeas wai assiiml.Rvery Now York ilnlly paper, the hnnlesl In Iheworld to ecknawle<U;e that anylblog good enneome out of the West, vied with each olher In

coining etpteaslona which would convey the ai-tual

(hrlll.s the writers felt to tbe readers."Too Fiiat for llie Movlea." 'The Tlffanr nt

nigli 0I.1SR Allracllo:ia." "Fifty Mlnuli>!i Fllrllag

Willi Death." "A Dellghlfn! Mixture of Shinny.Aviniloii nnd Suicide." "All a riaycri Needs Is

nil Kiilire Absence of Nerves. Clear Oonaelencemill nn Insitranec Policy." TbCse are a few ofIhe headlines and expreulons the Mnvs New YorkMTltern- colRCil and sliowercil over the pages of

I heir pajicra.

In 1013 Mr. Ilanklnson organized a company In

Cleveland .lo -firomote nulo-polo, nnd opencil at

lAina Pack, In that city, oi<. Aug 13, to overIweniy lh6iisniid people; on Sept. 22. of that year,

ho purchnsed the InlereaU of the other ownersnnl later organltcd and Ineorporateil Ihe "Hnnhlii-Kin's Original Auto-Polo Company." which hasmiplled for, and nmler dale of Feb. 2. of thIa

.vonr, ncelred a bai>lc, iirliKlpol and niecbaslcalde."lgn patent.

As an attracllon for fnlrs anio-polo came Into

ll!> own during the seaoon of IftU'r^wo teams,the World's Champions mid Kngllnli Chamiiloni.eonipt'lcd for honors diirin:; eight monlhs, and !t

Is evllmali'd' that over oiio million imple rawlliero teams In action. While many of these wervIn attendance at the big Minnesotn and IowaSlato fairs, a number of smaller fnlrs renllied

the drnwin,: powers of aulo polo, nnd umnI It ns

the foundation of their hilling ami tlie big head-liner; In every Inelnnco the judgment of the mnnn-rern was Jurllfled, cud many times the nttemlineev'ns double the populnlloii of the lowim In whichthe eihlblMoD was Riven.

Ilnnkliison's OilRlnal Anto-I'olo Co. nialnlaliis

;:cneral olllcn at iConsas City, .Mo., and De Soto,

I.'nn., where Ihey have n training camp. It la

r.eeetbory lo keep polo ployers In reserve at all

times na the hazard of Ihe eport some'.nien makeIt oldlgnlory to ahlp on nn enllrc new corns of

ridi r«.

Fturlfen slylea of lllbogrnpheil wall work Is

used hi lulvorllslng, and the ciilf and priwa ciini-

iH'iila the eompuiiy la able to iirovlile committeesInsure the best .and most dlvcMllled puMlellyiiiiiterlnl.

mar.)—VniiilevllleJ-oLONiAr, (P. J. ciirr^l,"I reieres

••-J''mi''i1i'""'•I'-keHii;:. iict.)—Ill-ih

Piiliir.-s. niiiior the dIr.Tili.n of t!(or;e II.

iT <:?,f J'™;''""! '^I'l-'i'dld .-iviwils.' •"'•R. |ilc;ures c.iiiy.

••'My''n*r?^*A' •'"•,-rC-'>'»'">ln (Scherer k' ;'^''Miie" l.>b."^';27 " ' "

.lfil!vl'° w"' ^'i^"".' vaudeville iinil niKliires.

"ifi-s o-nij."^"""''•"«' Slid I'AIACK,

UniToniuM (Z. wslni^ln. nijr.)—Holler skat-

• "^?i!'on^!;',''p- '^'"f I"

L^'- ^: '''"Will I'Iny

•i'.v hoii»,i'^'«^"''' 10. lo ca-

• ^'Kr '^«*rl'"'''TitHiTHU has Inalallisl a JI.Bnn

big iioS^S!.""

:'''"roa?l7bo'w**'''"'^'l"'°'' (^V. M. rilnlon.

'.riJi""' ^'"ra. WioWAM ami Gaictv, pic-


P^miil,?;'''"."'"' "10 "Calilrln" plchires al

'^l, tiyJ'Z fT'i.''«f' "howing lo capacity

V ii. o.\>h''i''jW'cbi" piclurca, playeil

i iiEATB,;-A,, business, locally. Is very dull.

I r'-'-lVil'V'.o.*!!.'"-— 0™'"' (W. B. /one>",

''ireln 27 ^<*>. 2.1, Nell O'Brleii j

versa" iin.l Ei.its, plchires.•

'ie?r"n"''?*vr'''—''">«f"'i< 0. II. r.tniiiey


'run wi>i,FF.nK'raori'AMI)!*l-:.Ml!;.NT <!0.

Incorporation for »250,O0n of the WolffDctroltAinitseiiient Company Is In l<> aecnred nt n very

early dalo by .Maurice M. Wolff nnd his sssoclaleH,

nnd .ictlve work will be slnrteil mi the niniiw-

iKCiit park which Is lo Ijc constnietwl nt Westr,Tnni\ noiilovacd, the river front, 't'wenty foiirlh

Street and the Union Terminal Railroad trick.

Arrongevnenls for Iho concefslona sre Iwliic

made, nnd a recent nnnoiincfmcnt of tl.e plans of

Ihe cimiiMiny has bnraght In many apnIIcalloMs

lor early iillenllon. The amusement park, whichIs to be a fealuro of Detroit life, will be oneof the most beaiillfidly loeitnl enterprises In

this connir/, and wilt Include all of the leidlnit

features of arauaetiKnt parka found thrmighontAmerica. Eicrythin* will be np-lodole In everyparticular. One of th* sreal features will 1/e Ih-t

Inndaciplug elTccU which are now being arrangedby Wllllnm Dlllcer. the lamlncape archllert.

The alTiIrs o* tbe new corporation are lo benjntrolle<l by a hoard of dlreclom eleclcil by Iho

,ronimon atoekliolders. Maurl'K .M. Wnlft the mov-hut factor In the new organlrnllon. hjs had eon-

Klilerable <xpcrl«ice Iti amusement enterprises,

nnd wos formerly proprietor of WoKT's Park, now

W. V. M. A. CATAI.OtlUIO.The fair ileparimeiit of the Wmiern Vniulovllle

.^(niiaKers' Af«oelatlun has l<Miie<l Its eatiiliviie f"rI'.'lfi. and It reflects crollt on Ihe A">s<ielull"ii. on.^lort Sliig.T. lis ciMieral mniiauiT; Ivlwnnl MarHli.iiiniincer of the fair det^rimiiil. ninl the iirlnlcr.'ihe foroworil calls .itleniliat to the eserlleiil <i|i.

I<irliiiilly Ihe As.soclnl1oii hns in secure li-aillni:

iiltrocllniia. ami emphafllzes ilii' fnrr that everv-lliliii; In llrs! class hmiwi Is avnllnlil<<.

The success of Ihe W. V. ,M. A. fair deinrlmentIII Ihe past Is referred to. and a -ilIll lnMlerKiTvlee Is assureil for the fntnrc. Thr rljiliii Is

iiinile thnt rot one illsnntl.illnl clli'iii !iii-i lavnheard of In the elKlit years the fair ilppi;-iiiieiil

has liecn eslnhllshe<I. Ilesiionsllile .i','<>!it.< menrknnwleilRed lo mean iniicli In fair work, ami ilu-

W. V. M. A. clalma to have biicIi. ns well nii tohove lilKh riloniling with Clileai;o luniks, which. i>f

cniirse, show folkn know to Ic true.Two pages are given to a lengthy iIoK.'.-lpMon

iif the Palace Music Hall and Mnji-stle Tliea'ri'ii.

In Clilcapo. which are opernleil In conjuiii:*.lon

with the W. V. M. A.

llie ae:s featurevi In Ihe IDI.'S' rnlalngiie are:Six Royal llusaar Olrls. Itolln. Murray ninl Wnnl.Bryant Cheebort's Marveloua Manehiirlaiis. Fii'is-

nor. nownril and Oampliell. .Tamca B. flanly. IIo|.

Innd and IWiekrlll, Delcrs ProilH'rw. NelsmrH coin-

«ir dogs. Stndlimi Trio. Itlnek ami Wi'te, l)lvi»r

and Barolar. F:i(rlit Soim of the Desert. KnwknslniiTroujie. De Velde and Zebln. Ilanvnril SIsterH. Wll-?rin and Srhnelder, Capt. IleiiTleseii. l''ly!ng

l-'ishera. Three Amers. Five Ciilinns. the Steiilinnns.

Aerial Zernhlos. Klinl-Wa Japs. Kent's Honis, Al-l«>r(. Atlns Trio. Eil. II. Ilnlcblnson, Oreiiolre andKlinlnn, Knrl Kriieger. Zeno. Jorilnn nnil Zonn,Slownrt nii-l Mercer. Ti>rlle. Ktliel Vnne. Alexander.-iiicl flrlff. .Mr. and Mrs. Sliliannn. "Frank Rentel'aIlerliert A. Kline Shown, Ihe .Teiiiiels. Tliree Tyrt'iics, and Honlon Rros. ami Itangaron.

EXPOSITION NOTF.S.S'AN Diiuio, Cnl.— Piialneiifi la picking up womli.r-

fi.;iy nnd the In/lux of Kn«tprn vNllf.r* hns l^-tun.

T he fJhliM'KC New Team' felchrnllon was celi'ln-aleil

niN the Isthmus, nnd the giant driienn limiulitdown from I>os Aiige1e>4 for,tIio occasion. Tliegrismda were filled with pleasure sri ki rn, and nil

the enncesslons were ninnbiR excepting the deepM*-i illvers. which la olospil jierinanently.

firoee Darllnc. Ihe Sellg-lfenrst "MovIp nirl."ni riveil on the Orfat Vfirtltrrn from New York, fo

pose In It aeries of Rx|v>Kli;on plel'ir,»s. Isit owingt** the rain did rot sx^^iire wlinl 'i-as. «lealre<l.

Sill' mliirns after the Snii Frniielsco oiienlii;. amiwill put 111 some tlino at the Pn'm-na-Oallforiilarrpii.. where sln» will b« Vrraiikeil" niiilil theiH'niilifiil hiirroniidliigs fif Hiillion ?*i*.rk


TIIR MinOBT VIM.ARr:.By orranconicnt w-llo Rlchnril I'llrol. the Ijina

Park Amusement Co.. of flonev Inland. .S. Y..

will put on n .Midget Vtllace th'* comlii? srnifii.

Tl-ey have .ilrendy'ol to biilld, and II Is nii-

i.noiine«l lhat It will \y* owe r.f the fluent eon-Vflsslons In the pnrk. I'he village will lir oroiviliil

\nl1i all kinds of nililirctn sorie of w-lilch will lio

"pei-lally ImportM tnmi I'iiiT>fie. 'Ilioy wPIhave n midget clren.i. .and n real mldgft tim'chnll. The very natui*> of the enn-rlnlnmenl willmake It especially allnollve to ladlei and rhll.


PARK FOIl AUIinilA.Arllrles of In-?orpor-itInu wen- fllwl i»n l-Vh. Itl.

Ill tJencvs. 111., authorizing the HylvniiiNdl .\iiiii«e.

n-.ciil r/nnpanv to roiidiir* nn niiiiiseiu^iii pnrk mithe l-'lnnd of Aurora. III. Tim cajillal •lopk nfIho eomitany was placisl nt |iU).Onn. Thirotalk of the companr e:<l,i>dlshlng a similar ainn-enK'iif reiort near Rlgln, III.. If Ihe pr<Nient v<-ii.

. lure proves niicces'rfiil.

TIIIC Fa'r AniiLSi'inent To,, after several iiioiitlis

lit exiierlinenllng. are now roady to. plnrc mi iherinrket nn iinhreakshle' liinovnlloii doll. 'J'lils dollIs made exi'liislvely by I hem.

AH!': OOlinN. iK.tter kiiow-n In Ihe fair andcarnival world ns "Cnilicy." will lie marrh^l. Pi-Ii.

C7. lo .Mlniili.' Afcrepviii. nt the homo of ilio lirhle'H

lo ls» narent-i. 147;i Fnllmi Ave.. Dnnir. New York.IIUMITR KRASEY. foniiorlv |iro.1mlne eome-

ilinn at the Ifnrt Tlienln-, Toleiln. n., Is nowdtreeting r.iid manoglii'.; the ntnge with Iho Clait.1

Rteil Atlrikellnns.

KIMD WOIIDH niOM IlICTOV.Prof, Itlclon writes: ".Sfi you are going to Issue

niiothrr spi-elal Oiililoor .\inii<HTMeiit Niiiiitirr. II

will lie we'conieil by the eiilire iiiiiii'>i*ineiit profin.Rioii. And you ore not going to InpicnHe tl-c

ropv price . fhio page, by liKolf. Is worth a dliiii'.

nnd the whole eopv Is worth iiKiro than the ;ir:pp

of a year's aiiloerlplkin. Hut Titn Di.n RrLfAni.*i;evpr did l^llcve 'n rolihlng any Tiio ndver-llier fl'll lie one) will Is-neflt by this Ids num.Ij-r. I've ndverllspd In all Ihe iio-.'alled H'onlrl-pbI weeklies, nnd And Hint one small nd. hi anviHsiie of Tun Cr.irprn will bring more answers thann Inrge one In eneli nf tin; other pnpi-rs.

"I have icciired iny 101.1 war tsT llpensp ItP'ltit me ciily a tenner, and I woiil I ndvlsp nil

nidlelno Khowmrn to g»i thelra hrfcre .Tiiiip I.

fur In h? without It after that tlnip ir^nni* pIIHitn Mg Hue or Imprlsoiinieiit. Itiyiiri'itng my tdghliow would any that to dato I navp lusiki^l t'le

Mnrieln'ii I/ealers. aerial womlpra. nml Prof, l/i

f'lii.ov trnii|ie of cleverly trained dogs. My tent-biL' fpns'^i Ofipns April 21. at fTronksville. O. andwill make week stands In all live towns.**

AM. KINDS OF MIDGIvTUi Ladles Hiul tieiitledi'cn. MIdgi-t Perforiiieni. alsn Midgets wlili Hiiinll llnrsi-H,

Circus. Acts. Kliv Kngagetiient rnninieoclng Ht I.uiih rark. Coiiev iHlniid, N. V.. from lUv iinlll Hepteinlier, IVb'>. State In flmt leller ynnr lowest HalHry. sl'/.<>. age, mid all iMrileiilarH. If iioiullile sendpliidos. Address IIKIIKHK1.VY MAVKll, 2H K. '^Isl .Htieul, New Vnrk.

HDD IHOTDDniH W. 4aBd St. Kfat, 9.II.

HEn AHSlBnUlin llaU. wed. and SaL, 2.11.


Preienta a syncopated Uuilcal Show

WATCH YOUR STEPHuBlo and lyrics lif Irving Horlln. Rook lir Harryp. Hmlth. With Wr. A Mra. Vernon Oaatle.

Bioadway A 4Tth 8LKVB. 2i-U.7»-tl-tl.MDally l!ata.«»-M.TI.SQD.Oono'KLKA 8.11





MoDtKomery & Moore

ITHEA., 4atb St., R. of BWkfUlreoUon of JOHN OORT.Rvei.i Mats. Weil, k

Bat., 116. Wed. Hau 100. to 11.10.

8RLWYN k CO. pt«ient

CORT1 melodrama of love, mystery and ibrllli.


I VAEIIIi B^'i Brendwnv.LlUEUI Ktiw.1 llata. Than. k Sal, 3.11

Uharloa Frolimao, Rlaw k ErlanRor preaent

ELSIE FERGUSONm a Play la Four AcM by Hubert lleor; UstIm

"OUTCAST."Mlh St.i W. or Urnadway. Rve«.,8.16. MHtlneoB, Wed. and Hat., a.l>.

8£LWVN CO. Preaont

THE SHOW SHOPlly James Korbea, Anthor of "The Chorus l.ady"

With DOUGLAS FAIRfiAMSCUIIAN it lIAHniB H'way Hiiil 4lllh Ht.

Kvcs. at H.lli. MttlH.

Tues. A Hal. alCUIIAN A HAKRIB Treaent

"HELLO BROADWAY"with Now York's Favorite ComediansGEU. H. UOIIAN, WH. UULLIKH.

B'WAY i 4»a ST. RTE8. 8.11.

HAT. WEU. A SAT., 3.11.

Popalar Wed. Hat. Wo. to $I.HOOHAN k II/t1IHI8 PHKHKNT



TIIBATRB, We«t43d St. n«MBrosdwar. Tel. BiyaotaiM.

Rvea. e.3Q. Ibta. Wed. k Bat a.».


CINDLEKNew York's Newest Playhonse, Cohan k Harrlapreient (by smngement wltb Arthnr Uopklni) it

new plai by a new yonni American antbor

*<ON TIUAL''By B. L. RelunalelD. Beata I weeka lo advanoe.

4eih 8L nr. B'wiy

KfenlnRs at l.'iO.

Uatlnoes Wednoadaiand Saturday



W. 43d 81. Evenings 8.11:

Uatlnees Wednesday aniiBalurday at 3.16.



J08BPIIINB VICTOU nnil other*.



Ki*^ 1. 4l% XKTl Hals. Wert. A Hal., 3.16.

A. II. WUbUM I'rcsoiita an AniprlcatiPlay In 6 Acta.

THE SONG OF SONBSlly KDWAItl) HIIKIJIO.N'. Ilaacil on Ihe novel byIIKKUANN HUDKIIUANN, wllh an All Star Cast.

HAEEIS TIIKATHK. W. 4'id HP.Kvonlngn at U.K.

Mala. Wed. hiiiI Hat., 3.16.



HTIt A HT 1 B'wny it 4fth~Br.O 1.UA. in MW Noon to ll.BO p. m.



OTIIKIl BUPKItlOR i'ltyrOUK ATTRACTIONSHlranil Concort Orcbcalra and Holulsla.Sexl Weok-WAM,ACK KDIiINdKK In




This W«ek, DIM JtiUILBB.

nn*T ikAf*t\ Wcat44thSL l(Bla.,Thuni. ASat.X'JO,DATIU RRLAHCO Prcaenis



VMirVBUUnrVBU X'way a MHi .si. KveH. H.IA.

llllllRnilD«lllRl)IV Mala. Wuit. A Hal. 'J.Ifi.

DANIKI. V. AllTIIIMl preHeiila

Marie CAHILL. Richard CARLEIn tbo NewUiihIckI Conicilyly '90 tW„ SHADE"

Nr\l Altnirtliin.

Klaw A KilMii|fi-i'» -FAIIS AND KANflKS.'

nAllTTV D'wny * 40 St. Kvch. s.l.'i.

\Mt%XCAk S MiilM. Will. .lHat.,3.lll.



JIMDffltUI U'way A 40th St. FiTea. a.16.MW** Mata., Wed. and Hat. iil '



lly Darin Nli'i iidciiil A MIchiii'l Miirluii

Hill Ave., 4:ii|.44lli HtH. DullyMntliinrx at 3. J/iU. In f I.

Kvi'lllllUH Hi H. 'J.'il'. til ll.riii.


WINTER QARDEN iihroi;^^^'Btos. aia. Haia. Taea..Thun. nnd Hal.,xoo.

Tliir New \V|iii(>r liiinli'ii ri'iiiliicilnii

MAID IN AMERICAWi l li A lillKA T t'



TIIKATHK, 44th Ht.,woBlof B'way.riiiino. S430 liryaiit. Kves. a.ll.MatliievM Wild. A Hiil., ^.Iti.

All-Htar CiilMjmiiy lilrucl friiui lliu OalotyTheatre, Lunilnn. HMAIITKHT HllOW IN TOWN.


42d St. W. uf U'way. Phuna 6gi8 Bryant.Kves. H.te. UalM. Wud. k Bat. Xll.

JOB WKUBU'BMusical Comedy Production

THE ONLY GIRLJLA!kW ft* THKATHK, West of B'way^*Vin Oln Phono, 7Wi llrynnu

Kves. 8.00. MatliiooH Wed. A Hat., -i.uu.


______J. ''"»««nt tilrl

TIIKATHK, 44lh Ht.', wT of B'way.I'hoiio^.oiao llryanl. Kves., 8.46.

aUneus Woiluosilny A Hat., !l.30


All Heals at All I'urfor'nmneaa fi.w.

nOtVl Tliea., nr. Il'way. I'liiiMu 4I.'t llryHiilOOlU SJK. KvcH. S.ID). UntM. Woil. A Hat. -i.-Mi.


DRESSLERin tliv latest iHiiRh vohlclo << A MIV lYD"

<if horcarcur «• IIIIA-Ur

A CfMfl U'way Aliutli HI. riiiiiin.'Vi4il(lrccliiyVAOinU KvcH. H.»). Mala. Wed. A Hnl., 'A'J).


EXPERIENCEpnUrnV '),l';iiHiiir H'mty. ' I'hmm

LUIHtUl ::.i"' ".'»""! .'•'K"-i?';i''' MaiM.iTiirnilayH ,<i .Sat., 'l.Mi.


HURRAY HILL THEATREbailnftoB Ava. and «)ld it., a. V.

This week, TllK IIKAIIT I liAlLtiiCU '

I'AUr, AIIMSTKONO, Ihu lihiyHrlKli t, niiiHt ili'fi'nd llin Miilt fur it l'_>,iiiiii hroii-.-hl liy

MrH. Mii/.le V,. tluut, wUlotv of llm Inln Kirk Iji Hliclli.', iiiidi r ii 1*1111111,' of Uio .Viii'i'lhiieiJlvlslnii of tliu Buprrinc Court, rciidiTi d Kcb. 111.

Tlll'i biirl(.'Hi|Uii of "Tl.'c Hiin'^ of Hoiiuh," wblirli hiM bii'ii Inl rodin'i'il liilii "Ili)lli> lirmid-wuy." Iu provlnu one of the hi;; IiIih of tin: sliow.

TIIM l.ambs <.'lii!i will soon bi'iilii llii' 'rcMI'iii >it nn iiddllhiii to Iik iin-iii-iM bnllilln^t.

'Ihu nililllliiii -will iMi'iipy Mil! slli'x. I.'ij'," III Ihe Harris

wblidi In 12B and laO West Korlyfinirlli Htivil.nnd 1.14.

U. \f. ANSON Is now l)lnylii« the roll, of HIr llnlii rl Slialir In ' •rin.

•'J'ljpalrf. .New York (.'It v.

"A MOUKIIN UVK, H uiiikIiiiI iilnv, iniiy im ri.vlvnl l,y Hurry A«klii, .lidiii l.'iiii iiiid

.Wllllnm MorrlK,'I'lll'. inniinl rnlerlnlnini'nt ami bnll Ihe 'rhi>n'. il< iil I'mti-rl Ivc I'lihiii .Vn. 1 will lake

dure nt llin New AniHterdniii (lull nn Hiiiiinlny iil),dit, Miirrh i:i.

IHiV/KI/f/, KIJItT r l/A.MAI.HO.V. vnllrllurK i.f l.<iii<li<ii. Kin,'., inilirv ns Hiiil tin- ri'|i<irl

|.uhllH>iei| in a I.oiii|nn iin|ii>r llinl lli'h w I'linrlin U iibti'il <' iiinrry .Ii h,. .Imi'iiIkhii U mil Iriii'.

AIIMCK I'Ar.tnOK A.N'I) I'KY'l'O.'i' liOKIHf.V. nf WniibliiMl lii. Ii. <'.. mid .1. I'-riiiik Dull,

'if WlliiJnKloii, Del., re<'i'lvi-rH fur I'ne .\rllii'tliiii lliilil di.. of WiihIiIiikIhii. Illi'd IioihIh (if

xiti.Olki lii^rorii I'biin'idliir I'lirllM. In WIIimDikIiiii,, I'°i'li, III. 'I'lir iiliilnilir. !hi< .liiiiii W.I iHiiii'v I'll.. Iff .\iiw Vork. wrre iiIhh ii.<<|Ulred lo ifU'i; ImmhI In Ilin hiiiii of tMlill fur lobU.

".VIXr/l.y IN TIIIO KliADK" rIoscH Mari'h <l ;it Ihe Kiil.'ketlioiki-r, .New Vurk. •

'i'llI'MlnwHon pictures will. re-open Woher's, Nlw Vork, MarcJi I.



Sureeon-in-Chlef American Hospital; Consulting SuigeonCook County Hospital; Consulting Surgeon Jhendan ParkHospital, Chicago; Burgeon White Rats and Actors Fund,etc., etc. 1

ThM« artlclai are written •sclnilTsIy for th*NKW YOHK CLIPPEH. <(aestlon« pertmining tolieaKh, dUsaie, hjrglenv, aflf-preiervatlon, pre-voatlon ofdlieaiea and matter* ofgeneral intereitto health will be answered in tbU colamn. AIX.OUEB8 ALL INQUIRIES TO DR. MAX THOREK,AMBaiCAR HOSPITAL. CHICAUO. ILLS. Wherepare will not permltor tbeiabject ! not aaltablefor an open answer, letter* will be *ent to theapplicant pereonallx. Or. Tborek •hoald not beexpected to diagnoae or preicrlbe In the*e colamn*tor indlvidaal diaeaae*.

DIET AND TRAVEL.Man7 persons are compollcil to trarel for

biialDcus rc&Bons and arc 0DI7 too often ex-pmcd to tlic Inolcmenrlca of an Improperfllolnry, vhlch frcqucntlr Icoda to a train ofrtcraDRed functlonn of ttie stomach and tbetDtfRtlnen. To live propcrlv while en lourIb An art. Crtppind stomacnii, incapacitatedIwwela, wrockctl nervoiifl 8>Btams and other(liaordom to 'whlcli hiimna flesh la heir areoften dlroctly traccniilc to Improper diet Intmrcllng people—and' thoao mho of necosaltyare "on the go."

You win And people who wblD their dla-

eaaed bodici Into activity—artldolal, to b«Biire—4>y the use of coffee and almdlar atlmu-lanti, In order to keep pace with a bodythat La thtfateolng to "throw up the apoDge."While travMIng tou are frequently confront-ed itlth the choice of eatlDg '^what you getor go hnogry." Whichever you chooee, you'llget rho worat of the bargain.

I'coplo wiho travel should under no con-ditions permit their stomaolis to become over-loaded. Ttio lack of cxcrclBo while «n route<loc>i not permit proper nRsLmllallon nf food-atiilTs. DL' a roAUlt of which the cmunclorlesof the body bccoino rln^rged, as It were, andntoninch dlsturbniiccii of all aorta and blllous-

nejD noon follow

One of the mfl!:t iH'icnt enemies of travel-

InK mankind Ilie 'hlnnd-up lunch counter"of the Anierli-nn rnllway slntlnn. The pabu-lum you And there conplata of such unalgcs-lllili' stufTn TH dciiKliniitn—often much aKcd

riiCM, ham and Blmllnr thlnxn. Their hurriedciicatlon, day after day, will enon tell ; thentomach will rrhol. It won't stand for suchnhUBo—It rontUiueO—and It will "strike."And bofore loii; yon nrc enlisted an a quall-

lled cnnilldnto for "dyBpcpaladom." l''orlii-

r.nlclv. for those who can afford It. the mod-orn (Ilnlnu rnr R.V8lem Is rapidly replacingthose "fltomacli destroyers."

iKor n rnllway Joumoy fresh frulbs. crack-em, lircnd, soft (lollcii OKKf, cold moata andsimilar nrllcloa of <Ilet will be found to com-

prise the most digestible articles. Travelerswho bave wandered far front the Und offood ithey arc accustomed to, do well by carry-ing one of the many ooaccntrated food pre-paratlona on (he merket Tbe addition ofhot water converts cubes (oto wholesomebullion. UaHed milk, condensed coffee, choco-late, etc., came Into tbe same class. In se-lecting canned foods, extreme caution In ne-cessary lest tainted foodstuffs be purchasedto >the detriment of the user.

rcrsons who arc subject to dyspepfllashould abstajn from articles ot diet that haveA tendency to provoke an acute attack of Ir-

rttatlon of tbe stomach (gastritis). If suchnttaokn are repeated, ohronle dyspopala anda train of other disorders will soon follow.

I<?Rst eating 4s one of the stwmlnable habitsof modern snclotiy. The overburdening of thestomach, with the labors of the teeth, salivaryCinnds and muscles of mastlontlon havcf to do.often Invites, and la the sole cauae of, gas-tric derangements.

When traveling in warm climates one muyuse olive odl on potatoes. It Is far betterlluin rnn<:ld bittter onlv too often dlspennedto nn cnsy purchaser, who, for want of choice,™i«t of necessity bo "easy."When diarrhoea troubles the traveler he

must aii<.'crtaln the cause, If possible, andpromptly eliminate It LImo water andlomnu Juice often help to check the catarrhalcondltlon.s of the bowels. Avoid all rnwfood ntuffs, OS well as food that has b«pnImperfectly cooked. Sausagce, ham and rawmeats carry with them danger of parasitic'Infection. They are dangerous fooda.With performers diet la one of the moHt

linnort<int consldoratlona. "One-nlght-stand-ciV BufTer ninsl. You may have the pro-rnrbl:tt "Iron olomaoh" and may bo abfe tooat "nnlls," but there la no way In gettingaround It, (ha promliieuout caUng of ttuffn,Iht tctecUon of which U not up to uou, ithound to invltt n teriea of gattrio dii-turbanoet. It will "get" you sooner or later.

(To bt oontlnued.)


MRH. I'. 0. h., CIIICAOO, WHITES:Deah Docro«: I am a performer, forty

Jrcan of age. I liave novcr suffered fromlendaches until recently. It Is remarkablethat as soon aa I pick up a book or a pancrIn read for a while my bend begins to acne.After I desist the aclio disappears shortly.

I am otherwise perft^tly well and attend (0

niy work as usual. Would you please advisemo through Tub Ci.irPRR?

niOl'LY.Your headnrhes arc undoubtedly due to

oye-straln. When n person roaches th<) ngoof forty the eyes are, n« a rule, not oa strongOR In younger Individuals. You hnvo snmorcfrnctlvo error, no doubt. I would ndvlseyon to consult an cyo apcclnllst, who will

refraet (examine) your eyes and correct anyexisting (^rs of refraction. •




DHAn DocTon : In niv work on the slagoI find Ihnt pcoplu almliarly pugiigcd oftencut their hands when tlipre lit nn time tn

pay much attention to the Injury. Wo wouldappreciate It very much If you would tell us,

through Tub CtirrRn. what you considerhost to put on hnmedlnlely after the cut.

Wo wore usInR peroxide In our theatre. Doyou think It Is all right?


IVrorldo Is oil rlRht for the i)urix)iie. ButIn my opinion tho npjillcatlon of tincture of

IntUne to the wound in brat. Of ooursc, per-. nxlde doi\3 not sinnrt, while the nppllratlonnt tinctiiro nf lodliio la aninowhnt nulnful.Ifowever, It Is bout to Buffer a lltrtic piiln

nnd piny safe. Imino<llately after the appll-

cnllon of the Iodine or poronldo the Injuredpnrt shniilil be bindngcd.

<;|IIIAIIII,1TV OK oi.'niiii'j'EiiinoAiyrii coLmi.v,

NHW YORK, Wlll'lUOS:DK.^tt DocTOU : I have heard thnt tulicr-

iiilosls Is ciinilile. Is timt the truth? If It

IB cur.alilo, how ciiu popple gi'l o'lonp midlive Willi heaM consumptive lunga? It all

niiprnrs strauKC to nie nnd a Utile enllchtuii-

nient on the subjoot will he njiproclntcd.

IIIM'IA'.TulieicnloMU of the Iiiiich, w-lipn taken In

the early (-iJiKe, Is curtiUlr. ' no doubtalnut tliiit. Ile.'iled luiiK tlssiio Ib n» Innocu-ous when cured 11.1 niiy oUior tl.islic In the\tiMXy. If It liiix ItB InfevMonmcss It Is

Imt^nloss. .\ lltllo uiioolote I recently found111 lils>i>liinotl't uuiy be rcfnilod theru* <i(ii'«iici,'(

j oiir nucvv :

L^ii lrl.-«liiii,ni vUllcd ;i liilicrculo.'dM exhibit,wheiv liii'.^s In Ik>I1i luvilMiy nnd rtUiMncilrpndlllfni.s weVo illspliiycd iire.ierviHl In plnssJnrs. .\rti'r oiirefiilly sliidylnc ono iiiiirked

"ciire<l lulirrflulusls" he luilicil lo Uie pliysl-

I'lnn niul snUl


"Siiy. IVc, If y«>u ciu'^'d ilii> pntlent huwceiild*ioii bnve IiIh Uuu;i In ji linlllo?"

Iliwevcc. tlicro 11 iv l;ln>n.<iiiiils of peoplelIcliiK. .Tiid iiiiiklni: ii-iefiil nii-inlvm (»f society,

who hnve I'Ci-ii »iilTvi-lni; fcoin tulnMOulosIa of

the luiiKs ami ni'c m»\v iiliflilntcly piircd.

CANCIOn »K TIIK 0. K. 11., OMAHA, NlMl.. WUIT1«: "

DRAn rioCTOii : Mt fiither (a retiredshowman) bpgnii lo sunor from nonio rcrthlcomplaint soma inoiithB oko. I hnve takenhim lo a rectal niieelnllst, who tolil me thatdad has a beglnnlni; cuiicer of the rectum,anit^-ho would do nnthlnit for hini but sendhliu to n hospllnl at once. My old ninn gotfrightened and ooiisiiltrd .nn mlvertlsliu fel-

low, who inndc 11 coiilraci with fnllier toeuro liliu for finn. nnd ileiunnded lliat |1U0of the amount he paid nt once, nnd the bsl-nnce In n mniilli. ICnilicr wniils lo do thnt,but I urpeil liliii to wait uiiill I hear fromyou, 1 win liike vmir ndvlcc iiiid In- lliaiik-

.<pL flip wnnc. „. . .

iiioilv;.,^;,\h\ not fii^il aroiiiiil 'Villi mlvcrtlslnV

miiick.x. 'till" fi'llKiv wniils ynur money andiloe.s not clvc n wluu)|i for thi- welfare ofyiiiir father. If you will rmd thnt contrnct

-carefully yon wlil have no IrouWe In learning

that it ii not on the iquare. No consclea-lloui physician enters Into contracts, espe-cially when such serious question Is Involvedas cancer. It Is absurd. Besides, with realphysicians Uic money consideration Is usuallysecondary, the primary abject being to min-ister and help the aufferer. Do not wastevaluable time. Oo right back to tbe Orst

.,--phyBl|Clan and let him ndvJse you further.

UnOMIDR-ERUPTION.Mit. t. n. w., cniCAoo, writds :

DnAu Doctor: I was told that bromidesare good for ncrvouanesi. I purchased somennd am tnking of the ayraip of bromides, fourtciLspoonsful a day. 1 onvo continued thisnow for at>out seven weeks. For the past

^ 1 A-n weeks my face ahows large blotches nndpimplr.q, nnil I am getting worried. Willyou let mc know what you think lathe matter with imy face? Do you think themedicine I am taking may (susc tho trouble?


You are suffering from bromldc-cruptlon.Discontinue the bromides and your face will<i(ar iin. .Sclf-mcdlcatlon Is dangcroua. Doi.ot meddle with your health.



IJUniKS:Dkau Ddctor : Is there any difference

III smnklag cigarettes or cigars? Which doyou advise?

UHPI<y.One Is ns bad as the other.



Dkaii DOLTon : I am suffering fromperlotlle attacks of trouble with my stomach,which doL'tors arc telling mc Is nervous In-digestion. 1 nm a performer and would liketo ask you, through The Clutku, the fol-lowinc; questions: I'an my trouble bo cured?What iiiUBl I 'do for It? I am worried aboutIt and would appreciate n reply.

llUPIiY,Nervom Indigestion U a very unplonsaut

condition. It Is ourable. You say you areworried. That Is one of the very potent causchfor .voiir ludli;estlon. Any expenditure ofnerve force—and there Is no greater "iierve-foroe leak ' than from worry—will cnuse nndIM>rpcliiate nervous IniUgesthm. The fune-tlitia of the stomaoli greatly depend on theiier\-ou!i vysliun, nnd any Injury bo It, fromwhatever eiuise, will leave Its effects. Cutcut worrylns! Do not overload your stomach,lint only when you lire hungry and avoidexee.ises In diet. Increase j'xjur bodily rcslst-iiii(x> by proper exercise. Sec to It that yourtowels net regularly, nnd do not convertyour stomach Into a driii; store by proralscu-oiis over iiii-dlCHtlon.

nrzziN<i IN niio i>v\iis.MRS: I-. li„ .rACKSON. MIOII.. WKITllS


Iii:.Mi DocTon: Vor the iHist two yoorsiiimI u half I have been greatly troubled withnoises In tho CJirs—luinclpaDy the left ThereIh a hissing, running senmllon that Is attiiiicM 00 Intense that It sonnetlmes drives meiienrly cm/y. I have trk-d almost evcrytMngmy frlendi would ri-conmiend, but oin gotdngworse Instead of better. Ocv-astonally theiiolsi's would illsappenr for n weol; or two,r.uu.vhe n imniih, niid I am In hopes they nregone for mxxl, when suddenly here thev arentahi. 1 ilon't know what to do, nni nnitiirnlnir to you, to tilen.7e advise mc through'liiK I'l.iiM'EU what Is best for mc.

RiarLY. '

Noises In the ears nro due to n varlctv ofcauses. Wax In the 0.1 r mny cause It. Dis-eases of Inllammntnry nature cxtendlni; fromthe nose and throat may bo rcsponalblc forthem. Dl.<:eaaes of the middle oar nnd svs-terontic derangements nil play a mlb In ItsInlllnllon nnd pcrpctnntlon. Friends' ndvlcemny he nil right, hut your friends guess, andyou cannot affonl Kuraseii. Seo at once nnear Bpeelnllst. The average doctor who In In>:eiieial )iracllce has nn spoclnl tralnlnir. asa rule. In lliese CH.^eB. You must consult aninn who hna made a study of diseases ofthe ear and sperlalltea In that particular

branch After be hai cxaxnlned joa anddltsnoaed the cas« he wlU five 70a properadvice what to do^

Hn. B. B. T.. Statik Iai.iMo; Mb. T. B.

C, Washikotoh; H18B C. L. 0., Chicago;M18B O. 0. HcQ., PHiLAOBLpniA : Your let-

ter* have been anawered by mall.


Ho. 8.Uorptiy'* Oomedltna No. 8 played Monroe, >*.,

week of Feb. I, to good boalsm.Al. {>cl)tffer, prominently ctnaecled with •ev-

en] tabloid* and nuHlail (lock, and now mtn-(ter of tk* Sngar Theatre, 1* deetrrloa of highcommendation. Mr. Bchaffer It esdetvorlog to

*«enra tbe beet attricllon*, and make* a trooper

qolt* at booe. Ha la endeaTorloi to aeeure aretom date, with ooe of Bert Uofvllle'a attrac-

tlena. The namerooi letter* wbleb were re-

ceived throsgb tbe ad. in New Yobk OLn-m arekeepbif Bert Uelvllle'a atalT eieeedlngly buy.

TIis trat attractlona open to three weeks. Thewblte top of Melville'* No. 1 will loom op hi tbeair In three weeks,MurpbT's COniedlaos No. 8, playlog Bbreve-

rort, Li.. *re meeting with great *D«e«a, andt'lie raemliers of company ate meeting with manyfriendi.Happy Jack VInBon and De Annond Slaten are

shining lo'lghtly. The new trio* and namhera pntoa by De .\mou'l. Prlmrow and De Armond anKolng big.

KMle Moore has adile<l two new lecnilta to his

eoneert boDil of Murpby't No. 3. Rddlo will herefull charge of the band nnd orchestra fur ansonof 1015. I guess cM Eddfe will btick nn forever.

.Tulla N'lcoloy, while on her way to join one n(

tlie ifurphy'B Comedians companies, paid theccnipany a vlelt at Shreveport, I.a. Iler frleuili

iviTo certainly pleasantly tarpiwd when they sawbcr and the pride of tbe famllT..Mimaier Pete Swan, of No. 2 .WTllle'i Come-

illons, hfard from almost pveiy one from whom hevan wishing to bear, and all through the uJ.

la N'tw York Ourpis.

AWS O'OAY LBAVCB CO.Aan O'Day Mt tbe Andltorln Btock 0>., in

Konui Olty, Uo., Feb. 18, after a dlsicrennntT.-lth the management She wa» caat to plw ™lonnne tn 'Vary Jane'a Pa" for week of 21,

and itfoaed It aaylng tliat It waa not bccambig

be« ptofeesltoal atandlng and abUty, bat the man-ageooit loaUted thai stie play It, and this lei

to bet leavhir the comfenr.;

Sttotday attetnooo, 13, UU* O'Oar demandedtwo week*' aalarj before going 00 In. "TheWomoD," la which alls bad been playlnc all weak.

Anin tbe manafnoent woald 001 Usteo, and uerefiMd to go on. There was n> oae else to play

the part, and Mcta UlUer, manager of the c;im-

rany, was compellO'l to go on at tba very last

minute and read from nunoacrlpt. An *nnoance-

ment was mads >uit before eortala tliat thta

would be lone and It any desired they eoold baretlieir oKBey beck by colllog at the box offlce.

Kot one left the ilidtre. and Mia* Miller wasgiveu sn ovation for ber conran,

Mlas O'Doy baa plnced ber dalma lo the band*of the Acton' Bqally Aisoclatlon to Inn out the

dIOmlty. She will remain In Kanaia C!tj ontll

March 1, when sbe wlU go to Oallfomla (or a

three montba' rest, >fter which *be will le-

euler vaadevlUa on tbe Omhenm time,

DRADY'S PliAYERS.The Playhouae Playett, appearinc at Wllllim

A. Brady'* ' Playbonae, Wllmlnfton, Del., are in

their Mth toeceesfol week. A neat crlamph wasscored wIBi "Alias Jimmy ValeotlDe," Feb. 16-

ao. 1*8 ca-it Included: WllUam InreraoU, Id tbe

title role; Edna Hlbbatd. Sydney Mac^. Frank promoter of William A. Brady'a Playhbuae.Jones, FVtward Henry, Foneat Ztmmer, Richard I. Wilmington, Del., laat week, when he bronght

Acute ArticularRheumatism

The ezaot eaase of rheomausm is unknown, thongb It Is generally believed t'

bedae toan excess ofuric acid In tbeblni„iIt may be also said with equal truth that nrsmedy has been found which is a speci: -

In all oases. In fact the literature of rliei-


matism shows that there are but few drt',\wblob have not been given a trial. In tl

banda of one observer we And tbata certn-drug has been used witb the utmost snti<(action; others havefound the same rcmi >i


to be a great disappointment. All piiy.claoB however agree that every methoci .

treatment Is aided by the administration . >

some remedy to relieve the pain and cjui,


the nervous system and Dr. W. S. Schuli/expresses the opinion of thousands ol prn.-titloners wuen he says that Antl-Kanm .

Tablets should be given preference over .1 :

other remedies (or tbe relief of the pain ;

all forms ol rheumatism. Those tablrti >-


be purchased In any quantity. Thev 1,. .

also unsurpassed In headaches, neuralKi. ^and nil pain. Ask for A-K Tnblora

GOOD PUBLICITY STUNT.Stanley Haahton scored atrongly as a publlci'

Prott, Warren aionaell. Jean Adair, TIra Rial.

I'homas PJraijry, Jerry Snillvan, Jean. Newton andCarnllne Hill.

Warren Munaell la acting a* stage director In a

.jpablr manner, and Un. Munaell (Jean Newton)has wiJn a host of (riendk by ber. derer acting.

SARAH aiD<IE:Y CO. NOTES.The Sarah aibney 0>. I* now In Its tenth week

at Samla, Can., pla.Tln.( . to capacity bn*l-

neaa, and adding another oily to It* (teord. Thiscompany baa Ncn In Ontario (or the past fonr}fare, whig ihe only permanent itoek eompanythat ha* ancceiafully plnyed this territory. Head-ed by Mlas Gibney ord a caat nf exeoiitlonal

abllltV, thla conpany has eataoMshed a repata-tlon ior It*e1t that few companies ponsess.Manager Waller Wllnon deaervea niurh cri'dlt for

Ihe manner In which he has pltitcl thla companythroogh the present war conditions In Canada,and Is jostly troiid of the resnlts. He has iv-

celved several cffera (or the company, liiit atprooent outlook will rtmaln In Samla nntU thellnlth ot tbe season.


LOUISE DROWN CO. NOTKS.Thla company, under the managi-ment of Edward

Doyle, Is oae o( the companies really meeilntwith snccesK In spite o( (he deiiiessed conditionsnhlch exist this aeaaon. Miss Piown broke h'tr

Itat aeasor.'s record, which was (np receipts forMain Street Theatre. Freehold. N. J., and thefollowing week nt Itahway, N. J., met with auebui'U>nal aD(«v<a that Manager Ulller Initnediatelybatted the company far n return engagement with-in two weeks, at Walilen. N. Y. The followingr»ek a (pleiidht week wai enjoyed, and tbe nextveek hack to Pahway, they repeated their anc-CC98 o( the previous en:;aReaient. Mr, r>o.vle baaa splendid cast In support o( Miss Brown, andher pliyH are all new, most of them have neverheen seen In reperlolre, which allows Mr. Doyl*lo truthfully advertloo that "You always aceLolIic In them drst."

capable 1

has wiJn _ _ , - _ .„„,Aa the Playhonse la osnally tilled by a load uorally decorated car.

Krodiictlcn each Monday, Manager LonI* Allemaa - •

aa lieen piloting the company to Dover, Del.,

for that day each WMk. and flnd* It an excellenthliotr town.

CRANK-SIIIRLEY CO. SCORE.The Ornne-Shlrley Stock Co. Is In lis second

wtek at Hnnd's Opera Uuuse, Troy N. Y., play-

ing lo copsclty buBlnesa. Many of tha latest

Kruadway relenaea will lie presented dnrlng theenraeement. which la Inilellnlle.

Tlie leading; lady, Blanche Shirley, Is a primefavrrlte In Troy, havlux fllled a twenty-twoweeks' slock engagement there a few years agowith (be RIehmond CVimpauy, playing opposite Carl^nihony.The TCBter Is: Blanche Shirley, Emily Lascelles,

Wliiona BrI.lgea. James Oane. Aubrey Noyes,'Hsydfu SKveown, Eleanor Parker and George[iiiBlenn P\Rja are staged nnder tbe direction o(Aubrey Noyes.

VAIVDYKR A EATON CO. NOTES.The Vnn Dyke & Rilon Oo. (re pdaylng their

twenty-ntih saccessful week at Joplln, Mo., andmove to at. Joseph, (or their second Smnmer, fortwenty weeks, atarting May 1.

The caat remains the asme for several yeaniHut: Hdor L. Darrell, Orrin T. Burke, WlllardI''o«ter, \Vhlt Brandon, Ceo. R<Ailns<n, LarryO'Onnnr, I/>rena Tolson, Mary Rnos, Ilelen Oi-land. LotUe Temple.The company ba* been onder tbe saoe manage-

ment tor Ihe past twenty-one yean, by Fred andCurt Mack. „

..Jimlngton, .

annnal anto!notille obow to a halt In order ii<.

Edna Hlbhard might purchase a Chandler tour

car.The halt was made necessary while a hall. -

of flash llglits made photographic records of

leading lady oeeted at the stearlag wheel of

irally decorated car.

The following day Mlas Hlbhard was thrvnli :"-!

with arreit for attempting to drive wlthon:


.lEWBLL-KXSIiLEY IN MOBILE.Tlie Jewell-Kelley Stock Oo. will open nt n."

r.yrle Theatre, Mobile, Ala., March 1. (or s'l

indednlte engagement. The company baa l«vn

In rehearsal there for the past two weeks.

SHBRBIAN 00. PLAYING SPLIT.Until firrlher noHce tbe Sherman Stock r-i.

freed eookpaoy) will appear at Jollet. III.. M'>n-

rtay, TnesdsT and Wednesday righl.i: Klein

Thnraday. Frldor and Satarday nli;hla, an'l

Hammond, Ind., Snndsy nights.-

THE DON9TBIXB jTDCIv.The Jeeslo Bonelello Stock '*>.. at the W<-<'

End, New Y(rk, Includes: Mlai' Scnstclle. forii'H

Giles. Ilngh DIelman, Dohert Adams. Btani^rWood. Hnidln Itlckmsn, Aubrey' Beatile. MhIm-i

Mortimer, Kathleen (Tomegya, and Sne Tan Dusi r.

D. F. DODOB. Stephen Btalnach and »v. p.

Cpalle will open their stock eommny nt Vcw 11.,.

chflle, N. Y,, March 1, with "B'/nght and l':il.l

For "

DIJOU flTOOK NOTES.—We are In our cichth

week In Norlh Oamllna. to Rcord-hrenklni: ha^l-

iiess. Fonr house records since Jan. 1 lan't i>n>l.

We made them as follows; Athens Tlieatre. .N'"-"-

lieni, N, 0., Jan. 1 ; Academy o( Mnslc, \vilmlti_'-

(nil, N. C, Jan. 4: Academy of Mnslc. D«rlniii,

N 0.. Jan. 23, and Princess Theatre, Ro. Ttoaton.

\B., Feb. 5. We are featuring the BIJoa Ou:ir-

tette. ond It la some nu|rtette. "The rosier i f

(he company remains the same, and every mt.

eecma contented. Tlie ghost and Tub CLn-i-Ea (ro

THE GRANU STOCK.At tho Qraiid Opera Honae, Brooklyn, "So Much

for So Miich" Is played for the flrst time In

rMck by the Orand Opern Ilonse Players, another , . .

evidence c( the high standard to which the .Grind "«?.'!!™ *"'!_'^»-, ^, , ,v u . „i-rera House Las brought stock theatres. Mary ,

?*« I-OEB Is In his fli-tleth weol: at ih.;

Ilcll, tho Qrnnd Opera Ilonso star, spiiear* a* I'r.neess, Salt Lako Oltr, U., nrwlnclnc mnslonl

.Mary Brennan, tbe Secretary; .Voel Travcra as eemedy tabs with a company offonrte* people,

the newspaper man, ber flance, an especially IhielnMa remains good. He eipects to mrnala

strong part. Ten good acts arc arranged for Sun- H'tre for some time. On Sept. 1 he will etn'ncllien

day's entjrtalnmcnt. Feacnte dlma are an added the jhow to twenty people, and open lo one o^


CHANGES IN COOK PLAYERS.Mr. and Mrs. .llliort llowson, who bad Iwe-i

flaying (h<> leada with Ihe OodK Stock Players,at Jacqi'OB' Theatre, In Waterbury, Q>nn., sincethat ccnipany oi>eiied there, closed their eo^ge-nu-nt Feb. 20.

Frsnk Wilcox, formerly of the Poll Player^,of that city, and later with the Poll Oonipanyof Springfield, Maaa., has sncceeded Mr. Howson.

Flort-nco Johns, a dainty singing comedienne, her Drat appe-irnnce with (his euinpony.\Iondoy. 22.John MrClosky. ftriiierly of the orlgiiol cast ii(

"Alms. Where Do Yon Mvo?" was repeclallv(ipageil (o play UU oriplnnl port In the Cookcuai|iniiy In that piece for tbe week of 23.

AT PROVIDENCE.Ik-rthi Oreli:bton. Dertoii Churchill, Lyuna Ovor-

niaii and Syduty Shield* have been oujuifoj (oTthe Albce Stock at Kelth'i. Providence, R. I.

DRYANT COMPANY DOING UIG.Tbe Billy Bryant Stock Co. is In Its Bfth week

at the Broadway Theatre, L<«an>port. ind., an I

la exoerlenclng cxeeptlonal good baclius*. Itwaa (unnd netvsssty to clrise down at the loxonice a few times week o( Feb. IS.The company has won a warm |ilace with tbe

patrons o( the hoeae, and have been the questsat many social events,"A Yankee Ui Ireland" la thvhr offerbg week

o( Feb. 22.

THE STOCK 9ITDATION.The announcement printed recently by Singer ft

Jordan, that Obban A Harris and Obarica nob-man. In order to give stock company managersa living chance, had reduced the royalty ontheir play* to |inO per week, on contract* made(or Ihc next all or eight weeka, has canaed much(arorable commeat on the part of managers andstcck actcra.They feel greatly enoonraged by this oppor-

tunity to present some of the mctt recent aiB-ciFses on a reasonable royalty bnslneas.

Till! Keyes Sisters Stock Oo.. Cbet Keyes,ninnaiR-r, will open at the Jefferson Thr-a'.ri!, D,<l-

lut, 'i'ex., on .March 1.

CUS SUN will put a stock ocmpany In the New.Mbarabra Theatre, Marlon, 0., May 1.

the hirgest honses In the cane city.

THE LEWIS STOOlC CO. closed s two we.>k<'

eiiBsgen-.ent at the Drenmlond Theatre. Moli'.lc.

Aln.. Feb. IS, and Is n^organlslni; for the Hprhi:nnd Summer season. Tbe company'r; a

band and orchestra.

OUT OF TOWN NEWSKanans City.' Ho.—Shnhert (K^rl Sleir-

ard. mgr.)—Zlegfeld'e Follies Feb. 21 tnd week.

"I'otnsh end Perlniutter" 28 and week.AnnrrouiDH (Meta Miller, mgr.)—"Forly-nve

Minutes from Broadway" 21 and week.(IBINO (A. Judab, mgr.)—"Shepherd of the

Hills" 21-27.Obphbuu (Martin TxlimM. mgr.) — Dill fir

week of 21 : >lr. nnd Mrs, (Hdon Wlldo.' Minnie

Allen. Spluetto Oalntette... Mtnaven nnd Nlw.A! Rover and Slater. namjiil)nid Oawford. nnrMoeon and Eeeler 0>uipsn.v.

RHPaBBii iOr. Jaoiibs. mgr.)—Bill Hreek of rJ:

Ihe Landry Bron., Rouble Sims. (Delinore and

Mliht. TXT Ford'a Itenie, Claade ^"find .Marlon

Cleveland, and pictures. -

ITippocBfUB (Fran!c CofBnberrv. mgr.)-—Thn^shows dally of vaudevllc and pictures.

Olobb |W. D.- Nowhirk, mgr.)—Split week,

raiidevllle and pictures, three shoirs dallv.

Civurr (Mott. Smith, mgr.)—American ncnn-

tlea 21-27. Billy WatKm's Big Show 28 ami

week.Cbnthmv (Thoa, L. Tsatte. mgr.)—CHierry

liloasomn 21-27. Tlie Tempters 23 and week.WiLt.ra Woon (Jos. Ollday, ragr.l—Fealu'c

plriuree, rine orj^ii and symphony xir).ho<t<'a.

ItoviL i.F. L. Ncwiuan, mgr.)—Feature plc-

(uies.Tiia modern dancing specialties by CJerlnnle

Woods. nfi.|sle<l by Uovetle Tiiey, were well re-

ceived. Julia Rubia and Mra. Dennl, In their

aliiHing of "NToBt ICvorvone I Knew Loves Vou."ivire very pleaalng. "ilie dancing numhers wore-

nia'er the direction of Mnrle Kelly, n papll of

Gertrude Wogner a.iunic.

XOTKS,Ws Aiis all prone ?o look upon amateur "le-

nlrlcals with a tolerant smile nnd then sar Mni»e eojoy them beciuse our friends arc Ih't-

esle<l. AP o(-thl» la oulte natural, hat l:i Hi •

partlcidar spot, tlie- Ka-Cy Mnalcal and Dn(n:iM-Cliib have a dlstln;t following, and their Riuiiiil

productions are looked (orward lo wllb a cr'ni

ilenl o( Interest, nnd are always keenir «

Unable lo secure one at the local nlnvhuK--.thla yeor they were compelled to use the .\rMr:i;

Plirlne Temple, InadeqiKte (or ranslcal pm-hi-tinns. and soaio a( the effectiveness of 'ii.>

Tircmffro yC "IVttlcoot I.ane." ihe latest "t.ii !"

In Kansas City" musical comeily, w.ib Iheve'-'-

left. Tlic piece was well worth seelni. h'"e\er. nnd Ihc Twnple was dllcd to capaelivevenings, 15, 10. Tlie book and lyrics nr< I"

Mrs. Luci'm Dennl, nnl Lueleii Dennl vmI'.- ' •"

inuMlc. The choruses nnd cnaeinhles were of 1

very higi OKler, an.l while all o( the nieiiilh-'

of Ihe company are local people, Mr«. I'- ' !


fo c.ire(ally trained M-em the.v iin-< ' >

Ihrnesta th; various nnnbers 111 a mnnin'rwoiill do much credit lo profe!"slona|a. I'j' '

tlie best the Deiuls hare over done.Itiitli Watson, with' her customary charm ''<

rrace. ami her splendid voice, sang "Saf- .f

Flrvt," end was (orceil to respond to (oar 1

enrea. nnd "What Is f/>ve Without a Qnarrcl


anns liy Voatn Pearaon. Rnlh Watson. OerlM--'Weoila. Kalhrjn Baker. Harry Terte. Mil:-;I-VId, Om. Ooldmia, La Verne Walkliia « •

nro. Ciilp. llierally "stopped the ahow," >

ihey res|icni1cd to numerous encores.

Ilnrtrorrt. Conn.—(Parsons' (H. 0. Parv -.

i"Kr.1 .".Mr Sclentldc Baby," a new farce, F '

20. 27: "Mllestonea" Match t, Frank Craven. :

Too Many CVwks," 5. 6.

„„^ . , , ,

COOK, Pou's 'iJame8''Thitcher,- mtr.)—'For weekWho Is pictured above, H one of Ihc well known men lu theatrlcol and music nubllshlni^

Feb. 22. Poll Players. In . "Alias Jimmy Vol

circles. He hna been on the flrlng line for several of the bcit kSU popu"^^^ "St- KImo'' next.llsherB and Is now In charm of the professional buslncsa of M. Wltiik 4 *onB In «-n?chcapacity he has acted for tho past three ycara.

a .oub, lo men„ ,,"0 Is at present citlvcly engaged In popularizing "In tbe Garden of the Qnda" (>n».rnall'B great bnllsd, w;Ith a wonJcrfjl poem by J. Kcirn BrTnnan [^'^weet KeS^Sv l ldC '•

by Jc.-ome andjllrsch:"Auiitic Skinner's Cfilcken Dinner." by iorae. Fields 2S'ca?rolland another long by Morse and KlcldB, entitled "Doodle bodfe Dec,'' which Is S>Im^^^

vcrj'^^mnrlasu/over 'them!'"° ""i' '» iSJulaXi'n'nd Is



St. Elmo'' next.Pai.ACB (Wm. D. Ascough, mgr.)—nill 22--


r.nrelM and Antoinette, R. J. Moore, MIdsley '

Fhlon. Florrle Mlllersblp, Stuart and Donnl,

'and Frederick Anlath and company. For 25 --

Kear South Americans. Al. Burton and compn^Weston and Leon, Nine hrasy Kids, *nd I-iim

and (llrls.

llAnTronn (n. H. Jennings, mgr.)—Taurte*

anil pictures.. Stbano. .Majxstio and PaiMoasfl, feature :

teres only.

'.Daveniiurt. la.—Darlla (F. B. I'oweIN

niKr.) "for 0' My Heart" Fob. 21, "Mrs. « -

of the Cabbage Patch" 27. „Aii,umbh (J.. Harry Blanchanl, mgr.)— >••"

ville. Two shows dally, three on Saturdays '

Sundays,^, , „

AussicAH.—Amerlcno Stock (Jorapany .dlii

here H IS.


TMLOBiVo. f Spectnt

mmME12.00Wfltf JOT

TiiNTrunk is fftinoiii for lu convenience,

ii^iml lillth flWDdsrd TAYLOR construe-

linii The TAYLOR TBDNKS are a tnio

i xniniileof the "SurvWil of the Klltesu"

"EstabUsnM nvcr CO i/pnra.


ITE UST-PmiHIlTIC M iSIMLRootei Hnat n«>ch Tbi. Office Not Later Than Satorday.

(Cbai. FroUman. mgr.)—Ilollla,

Oo.—Willick's. Ntw ilork,

ProhmaD, mgr.)—Kn-



Won't Vou Come Hack To This Ola Town OnceMore,

onira Dream,llitj Took Away Your Father But They Can't

WAic Vou.Tiic Coon lUKTlme.lircam On, I'oor Wanderer.I'ln Neutral.

/\ I'oor Little Orphan Boy.ImrllnK, Remember The worUs I Say.Tiic Aeroplane Twirl,

itin h'nnclsco^wn.Thiit Karaed Rag Time Band.Ill Lovers' Lane.When I've a You Never llad a Girl,

llnsc, Vou WefeAll The World To Me..Mi'C'i tie Tonight In Loveland.My old New Kngland Homo Upon The Coast.Mniljer Is Walilnc For You Dear liny.

You Are the Ideal of Hy Dreams.Meet Tie In the Harden of Itoses.

(.'ouic to Dear Old San Francisco..iiiHtone Little Faded I^etlcr.

Vdu Were the Only nirlle.

Iik'al or a Girl I I/)ve.

NATIONAL MANySCRIPT SALES CO.Ilrondwey and 40th SU New York

Push-Bulton Control

Has two foPR-nnl, n nciitrnl andtwo rcvonic .speeds. Miiinicto cm-iHXlial in lly wheel. Silencer on cx-li.'iiist. Dual ieniliou if desired.

|W:iicr-li(tlit penr housing. Donlile fKpnmcMltank. ItoinforfC'HIirackot. Non-klnklnft wntor tiilM,. Bend fnr catalog, i

^ftalao Imilil fnarino mntora from2 to 3J II. r. Uuialli oa lOQiiest. /Tin Cam* Ptrfacllsn Meter Oe.,

lUtCaUla^^ Utlr.ILHunt " -



Write tor Catalog "0." J. C. DKAGANTlieiiKiin Uldg., 4'^00 Havenc'ffood Ave., Chicago, III. I

Adanu, MaudeBoa ton, 22-27.

Barker's, QranTllle,lnd«r.

BariTcnore, Etbel (Otias.plw. New York, Indef.

ii*' 24"'r*.-<S?"- y."^^*"' mgr-j-Jloaauke.

lotle. N. 0.. Utrcta 1, Oolumblt, 8. O., a,Oiirlntpn 8, Stvannah, Oa., 4, Aiuuila ftafaoon 0.

Bennett. Richard—Cort, Boatoo, Indef.


"•J^''„^- (berthick & Dalj, iii«ts.)—Urid-2«, Olean. N. Y.. 20. uVmell zTst.

Oatharloea, Ont., Can., March 1, Hamilton 2,„ London .•», Berlin 4. Uarrle S, audburr 0.Bird ct ParadlBe, The" (OIlTer Uoroaco, nwr.)

,.^^£!."'"*''' 0""- 22-27, Buffalo March l-O.

^sSo 22^27'"' * ^''"«"'' »«"•)—B«ton.

"Brlnglni Up Father." No. 1 (Cbaa. Yale, mar.)—Grand Baplda, iflch., 21-27, Detroit 211-Uarch 0.

"BrlnglDs Up Father." No. 2 (Chas. Foreman.pgr.)—-Sacrameoto, Oal., 24, Oblco. Ore., in.


^^wJford 20, Eugene 27. Partland 28-.March U.BrlDglng Un Fatter," JJo. 3 (Archie Mackentle,mgr-)—Uelawate, 0- 24. Van Wert 28. St.Marya 26, Plana 27, Ft. Wayne, Ind.. 28, Hunt-ington, O., March 1, Dedance 3, Fremont 3.EJyrla 4, Ashlaod 6. Canton 0.

"Bought and Paid For"—Imperial, Oblcago, 22-27"Blue Bird. The"—dloffalo 22-24, Rochesler S.-i-

27, Albany March 4-0.Ohatlerton, Rnth—<3alet7. New York. Indrf.C'ahlll. Mane A Richard Oarle (Daniel V. Arthur,mgr.)-Knickerbocker, Now York, 22-Morrb 11.

Oolombla Mna. Oom. O}.—Ottawa, Can., Indef.(Jtmpbell, Mr». Patrick—Oroad, rhlla., 22-27.Cllllonl, Blllr S.—Ft. Smith, Ark.. 24, Llltio

Bock 25, Ilot Springs 20, Jonesboro 27, Oalrg,111., 28.

'Clever Onrt"—Punch 4 Judy. New York, Indef."Ctat and the Fiddle, "fhe"—Walnut, Glnclniiatl,March 1-0.

"Coming M'l Going"—Albany 25-27."Calling of Dan Matthews. I'be" (Gaaklll tt .Mnc-

yitty. inci8.)^Deadwood. S. Dak.. 24. I*ad2S, 'Bellefonrcbe 26, Rapid CMty 27.

'XIall of tbv> Cumberlaads, The" (Gaaklll St Mac-Vltty, m«TS.)—Oalena, 111., 24. Savannah 25,Maquoketa, la., 20, Anamoaa 27.

Dressier, Marie (The Sbuberts, mars.)—Thirty-ninth Street, New York, Indef.

DiCTT, John (Ohas. Frohman, ngr.)—SI. Louis2C-27, Illinois. Ohlcago, March I'e.

Dillon A King Mus. Cora. Co.—Oakland, C«l., ui-ilof.

'i>anclng Annnd'Fhlla.. Indef.

'Dummy, The"—Poivers', OIilcaitM Indef.'Dataaged Goods"—Jersey Oitv, N. J.. March ; C.

Eltlnge. Julian—Olympic, Qileago, 22-27."Bnwrlence" (Wm. tlllott. mi-r.)—Caalno. Non-York, Indef

'Everywoman'' (Ilenry W. S.iv.ige. mjr.)-SsnDlcso. Cal. 24-27.

Ferftuson. Elsie (Ohas. Frohm.?n, mir.)—Lrcenm.^cw York, Indef.

Favcrsham, Wm. (I.efliiard L. Gallagher, mcr.)Majeellc, Beoton, i'2-2;.

Forbra-IloberiMn (Porcj Burton, mcr.)—Wlnnl-res. Can., 22-Mi<rc.i C.

'Follies of 1014" (F. ZIrgfeld, mgr.)—Kansris0;ty 21-27.

'Fnds and Fancies" (Klnw i Erlangor, mm.)—Forrest, I'Ulla., 22-L'7.

'Fool There Was. A"—I/iulnvllle 21-27.Glllette-Bates-Ooro Co. (Chas. tYobuan, mgr.)

Illackstone. Ohlcago. 22i.March 0.Gilbert & Sullivan i>pera Oo.—Indlanopolls 22-24."Good Night, Nurse"—Albauj, N. Y.. 22-21,Tremont. Boston March 1-0

'Girl of B,igie Ranch" rCco. Attebery. mRr.)-•Oooilland. Kan.. 24. Morland 27, Hill CityMarch 1, PlalnvUle .1. Naloma 4.

'Girl and the Tramp," Eastern (Ojera A Ben-nett, mjra.)—dienilerson. N. O., 28, RoanokeRiplds .Mi roh 1, Mitlelon 3, Wairenlon 6.


"Girl and ttWNTramp," Western—Fred Byers'(Fred Flood,

' mgr.) — Pamwan, It., 25-24.Beaver J5-27. MInenivllle March 1-.!, .Mllford 4-1)

'Hitchcock, Raymond—^\7llmlnglon, Del., S3-27."Hello, Broadway" (Cohan A Harris, mgn.)

Astor, New York. Indef.'IHgh Owt of Iiovlng" (I/ew Fields)—Academy,Baltimore. 22-27.High JlnkV (Arthur nammerslein, mgr.)—Terre H:mte, Ind.. .March 4.

Uouw of Bondage Tlic" (Rowland A Cllironl.mgrs.) — Natloaal, Ohlcago. '.'2-27, Imperial.(^Icago, Itfarcb 1-n.

Illlngton. Margaret (.Selwyii A Co., mgis.)—rinr-ris Now York, Irdef.

It Pays to Advertise" (Cohan A Harrlr,—Cohan's. New York, Indef.Inside the Lines" (J. Fred Zlnunermjn Jr. ,V

Wm. Harris Jr., mgfa.)—I.<7ngacre New Yo.-k,Indef.

Innocent'' 'A. II. Wooils, nur.)—Shubert, Bos-ton, Indcf.

In Old K<ntucl:y"—Walnut. Cincinnati, 22-27.It's a Lone Way lo Tlpperar.v"—flui llill'a

(John F. Sulllnn, mgr.)—Ollonlal, Bnltlmore,i!2-27. Pittsburgh March I-O.It's a Long Way lo Tlpperary"—Cluj nr.l'a(Chas. Southwell, mgr.)—Ixindon, On., 24, St.Maiys 25, Hamilton 20, 27, Toronto Mardb 1-0.


(The Sbnlierls, mgrs.)- -f.yric.



-^'S'^s 25, Ilamllt>n 20, 27, ToRmto Mardb 1

In LOIOr 3lin IItellemiann. Annette-r-Ford's, Baltimore, 2*2-27.

Ill WUIUI "MUI"Kick In" (A. H. Woods, mir.)—Bepnhllc. N

GuaranteedHenonodom Datt Book

Boofctlt Art of "HiMngUp"


M'ir''"i?°n."."'" «movc<I from skin leaving no

I ur," iiiJir^.'^.',*"'I"*"'"? to remove largo piece

K, rVJ,f1^1";"°"' postpaid for $1.00 In 0. 8. A,

Vv "w P2,»J?F "'">J''<;''lng, IOC. exira.J> PhOkn if, M. D., Oermatoloi



COSTUMES,And Millinery

ITENro'omS^ ^•'"'Y orNAVTSDlTB,!

N^.ttiTl'i'': OoTeminent AdcUoilIsnnSt^t' >° that line, I «an|

ISSSn'J^ ^i*^ 0' ^no •""I- Send foricatalogue. B. a ABRAHAMS A COMPANY, fWt Market at.. PmiadalPlilB. P»J

Four Dramatic Tents,


: Flipper '^I^.iS'4^

WAancD roR

'^St^iajER JTOCK GO.

Jiffi^MCAL. WIGSU^'^S^.UMMr flair Ooada^ U. Mai.11^IC.SMA'»llak»


York. Indef.Le Boy, Talma, Po«'n (Flnsh Bros.. mgr».i—

I/>plavllle i2-?.i. Coliiiuhus, O., 25-28, Tolc'oMarch 1-4, Indtaniiiioli4 .1-8.

Life" (Wm. A. Brady, mi:r.)~Manhattan 0. II


New York, li:def.

Law of the Land" — rorty-elghlb Street. NewYork, Indef.Lilac Qomluo, The" iDlppel Orern Coii'.iwCo., Digrs.)—Dc Kalh, Bkln., 23-27.l.lon Hi)d the Mouw" ilteo. H. Bubb, mgr.) —Buflaloi Kan., 24, Mndlson 25. SeTerr 2>i.

Eureka 27.Lore, The"—Crown, Chicago, 22-27.

Montgomery it Srono Cl.iia. DUllnKbam. mfr )—Globe. New Yi>ik. Imle,'.

Mfdem Drama I'Lijer.-— 'l"oy, Iknt,'>n, Indef.ilclntyre A Heath- Ft. Wevne. Ind.. 24. Wiba'h

23. Goshen 20. Elkhart 27, So. Bond 28.&:nnn, Loals—SI. Ixiiili 21-27.Miller, Ilenry—Oaklinil, Cal.. 22-27.Mantcll, Bobert—Forly-foiirlli Street, New York.-

22-27.Melville, Rose—Bronx 0. H.. New York, 22-27.Murdock, Ann (Obos. Frohman, mgr.)—Qarrlck,

Phlla., 22-27.Maid In America" (The Shulieria m!(n.)—Wlo-ter Ganlen, New, York, linlef.

'Miracle Man. The" (Cohan & Harris, mgn.)—Tremont. Boston. 22-27.

'Untt and Jell In Mexico" (Joe Petlengell. mgr.)—I'ltlsburgb 21-27, Baltimore March 10.Mntt and Jeff," No. 2 Co. (0. H. Wllllamvmgr.)—Onlgary, Can., 22-24. Edmonton 25-27,Saakatoon tfarch 1-8, Reglna 4-0.

'Mntt and Jeff," No. 8 Oo. (GrllT Wllllom^ mgr.f—Yanktown. 8. Dak., 24. Madison 20. I'ljie-

stooe, Minn., 20, Brookings, S. Dak... 27.Hnron March 1. Waterlown 2, Ahenlrfli t,

Ortonvllle 4. Wahpeton 0, Fergus Falls. Minn., li.

"Mntt and Jeff." No. 4 Co. (Harry Hill, mgr.)—Butler, Pa., 24,' RItlanIng 2B, Paniiutawney 20.

Beyooldavllle 27, Rldgeway March 1. Johnsoii-

bnrg 3, Do Bol* 3. OlearOeld 4, Hontadale li,

Lewtalon 0.

'Mntt and Jeff," Special Oo. (Walter Tum.T,mgr.)—Orlando, Fla.. 'ii. Lakeland 25. Tamjin20, St. Petenburg 27, Ocalo March 1, I'ulalkn

2. miahassee 3, Hsrlenna 4, Pentarola 5,

Blloxl, Hiss., 6.

Mlseonrl Olrl, The" (Merle II. Norton, tap.)—Wasbta, fa.. 24, Uorllle 23, Plenon 20. Klnjs-

ley 27, Oalva Uar.-h 1. Schaller 2, Ida Grore~ Anboro 4, Lanesboto D Lyilon 0.

' "og Lady, rbe"—Montank Bkln.. 22-27.

las of the Cabbage Paioh"—Davpniwri,la^; 27.

TMy BclentlBc Daby"-nnrt/oril, Oonn., 30. 27.

Mlleatooea"—Sartfopl, Oonn,. )Iarcb 4

New Henrietta, The"—Oort. Chicago. IniVf.

O'Htra, FUkt^rand O. II.. .New York, :Z-

Marck 0,

'On Trial" (Cohan A Harris, mgn.)—Cand'tr,

New York luM.'On Trlsl" (Oohan A Ilirrla, aigrs.)—Oobao's.Ctileafo, Indef.

only Olrl, The" (Joe Weber, mgr.)—Lyric, NrwToik. InM.

*Onr Ohlldfen"—Prloteaa, (Xileico, tn<M'Old HODceleail. 'nie"'^niralo M-2T.Ole, the Bwcde Detective"—^avbtm A UeCHnre't(Al. Brckertet, mgr.)—White, 8. Dak., M,

Uklon 23, Brace 20 Oasllewood 27. GardtvCity March 1, DoUud 3, lleman 3.

Post. Ouy Bale*—OolonlaL Oleveland. 112-27.I'lvlowa A Oo.—Omtnry, New York, 22-27, BoJ-

ton. Beaton, March 1-0.• Tolygamy" (Modern Play Co., mgrs.)-Park.New York, Indef.

' I'alr of SUk Stockhicr, A" (WJitbtop Amesn-gr.)-Little, New Y.ul.-. Inilef.

' Phantan Rival, Tlio" David Br'arco, msr.)—Oolcnial, Boston, In lei*.

"PLlr of Slics, A" (II. II. Kroace. 'mgr.)-Wl<-'tnr, Boston, Indrt.

"Pair of Sixes, A" .'II. II. FraB«>. mgr.)—Oe-luAco, Washington, 'Ji:

"I'nir of Slice, Kasli-rn ill. H. Frniee. n<r>—Portsmouth. N. IL, 24, Dover 25, Por:laii-l..Me,, 20, 27.

• I'olr of Slies, A," Weiiern III. II. Frsioe, -ngr.)—I't. Worl^ Tel., ^4, DiiIIjh 25. M, Waoo lif..San Antonio 2S-Marcli I

• l ulr of Sixes, A," Ci'i,lru'l (II. H. Frasec. nar. >

.<;allna, Kan , 24, Wichita 25, indepeodouiv ^0,I'sraopB 27, Tulaa, Oklu., 2.S.

'i'ego' My Heart" (Flwence Martin) (Oliver .MoI,

TOSCO, mgr.)—Adelplil. I'blln.. liulet.•Peg 0' My Heart" (I'l^y O'Nell) (Oliver M?rosco, mgr.)—I/os Angeles 21-a7.ivg o' .Mj Heart" (Uoruthy- .Mscknye) (OllrerMorosco, mgr.)—Bloonilcgtoii, Ind.. 24, FrauktlnxS, Oalumbua 20, Shelbrvllle 21.

"Peg o' ily Heart" (Doris Moore) (Oliver (1.M0-rosco, ^gr.)—Newton, In, 24, Perry 20, Ft.Uodite 20, Mason City 27.

"Peg 0' .My Heart" (Marlon Denller) (Oliver >Io-rpsco. mgr.)—Franklin. Tex., 24. Meila iUJ.Oorslcan i 20 league 27.

"Peg 0' My Heart" (Rcj Marlln) (Oliver .\lo-roaco. mgr.)—'Msttoon. III., 24. Pans 23, Tdy-lorvllle 20. Lincoln 27.

rolasb A PerlmutUr" (A. II. Woods, mgr.)—O. H.. Cleveland, 22 27, Kaunas City. .Mo.. aS-March 0,

• l-oush A Perlmntter" (A. II. Woods, mgr.)—Omaha. Neb., 20-27.

"I'rojllgal Son, The" (Oscar Graham, mgr.)—SanSaba. Te< , 24. Oolillhwalle 25, llalleuger 20.WInlcra 2i, Colomdo March I, Big Hprlngh 'J,

hweet Water 3, Hamlin 4, Roian 6, 0.'rlnce of Plleen" (l'«ey J. Kelly, mgr.)—lluf-falo. N. Y.. 23-27.

"Printer of Udell's, Thot" (Gasklll A .MaeVllty.

!i','"'ir^''*"""' Kan.. 21, Osceola 23, DavfdOily 20, Alblo-i 27.

1914"—Oarrlck. Chlcgao. Imlcf.Ph hnderer. The"—Utile, i^ilcago, Indef.

..5Cji"'f.„^,*»""— 8alle. Chicago, Indef.

"i'l'*..-.'.'"' nigr.l^-anrel,-Mlw 24. Meridian 23. Mobile. Ala., 20, Pensa-M,' V' Qulner March 1, Talahassee 2, Galncd-

vllle 8 Oca a 4. St. Petersburv 8. Tampa 0.Itound-Up, The"—Victoria. Chkiigo, 22-S7.

Stiirr, Francee (David Ik'laaco. mgr.)—neln.ico,^ew York, indef,

Sk'nuer Otis (Chos. Frohman, mgr.)—Liberty.«.I?T."J^'";^-."'2''

"""'I' (Cincinnati. March 1-il.Si Iiderson-Ilrlan-Ciwlhorn (>i. fClias. Fruhraan,nigr.)—J^atlonal, Waahliijlcu. 22-27. Aca.l-.Miy.Baltimore. March l-n.

San Oarlo Opera Oo.—Majestic. Bkln.. 22 27.Spconer, Cecil—^Toronto. Can., 22-27.

^7ah. Afu'rciTTF'''*'""' " "'

^"ew YUTiw!"'- "• "«' '-^""'i^'

New Victoria HotelIN NEW YORK


146 to 166 West 47tll Stroet

"Vka Vary BaMt •t Maw Vark"


Bwary Uut—m CaHwaalaaca

B«>«pa»B PlMi BmalMlTaly

BATBSiBgla r*aBi, kat aad eold wMar liiBgla raoBt, prlTBta batk $1.1(9 aMdapIta, parlar, bedtaaaa Mdbatk tAudapalta, parloi* • kadroomi aad katk tS aad apVint OlaaaMHalag darTlca at Raaaoaabla Prioaa0. A. HOLUIfdiWOBTH, Naw York Oltj

CUNTER HOTEL, S.. tatoiilo. T««.

CBOPBAk. AtaolDtalj flnpnwf. Wa want thow paople, U tiie lauon we adTsnija in Tha Ollppar


Medicine Showmen, Agents,Palmists and Hustlers

\t)V ARK LOHlNIi HOMK NICK KAHY UllSKV l( you full to work iinr High llniili'

KI.Kt.TKU; UKl.'l'H, Al'l'LIANt^KS iinil IIODY IIAITKItlK.'^ on tin- Hide or 111 yoiii'

ollli'i'. Also a nice side Hue for pcrronnrrH iiiakliig oim to hI\ ihiv niiunU. .'<ihi iii

l.uui per rout, prollt. Send 1,'x;. fur Siktiiple Melt iiiul l.i'i lurc on Kln irlclt.r. Crinet price IIhI ini Iho liesi Hue nut.

TUB BLKl'TllIC APPLIANCE C(». (Inc. IM1I). Dm llnf(l»ii, Knnaaa

YOUR MONEY BACK IK YUl) AUK NOT PL.ICAHKO___ _ _ WITH TIIKHK H-MlN, ACTSFor Wbllu or lllHi-kfucu Team, Hutch Team, SlHlcr Teiini, t'onii-dlHii iinil Hiuiliri'lii', lllurkfiiri- unilHniibrcltc.HtralKhi iiii.orr,) ami Tntnipniid .Hiralghl and llidiriiw. AIho KI(IIIT-MINI:TK: .M(iN(i1.iiii1'K.s

for Rnlie, lllal'krnl'l^ Trniii|i, Irish. Hilly Kid, llehrew ami (Mil Mulit. tOc. eacli or uiij four (or |l.r,ii.

Other material. CataluRiieHaiiilcndurHeiiioiilHFItKE. MAIIY K. P.TIIAYKIl, 'illHi llniiiil St., I'riiv., It. 1.

Brady, mgr.) -d'layboiuie,



"Slnners" (Wm. A.New York. Indef.

"iLow Shop. 'Hie" ( A Oo.,son. New York. Indcf.

il'SH'^-^''- Savage, mgr.)—Illinois.

_cago, 22-27, So. Bend, Ind., March 4

„'„t''T Rosarv"—Newark, N. J., 22-27.Shephenl of the Hills" (Oaaklll & MacVltty,!V'7"-,'r'^f Va.. 24. Bliiefleld 25.I'ulnskI, Va., 20, WyHievllIe 27.

•.<^hephenl of the Hills" Uasklll A MaeVllly,ITo'^w 'T'^i"'" <"•>"' *'<»•' 21-27. St. Joaeph28-SlQrcii 3.

"Seven Iloiim In New York" (0. E. Wee, mgr.)—Oranfiebiirg, 3, C, 24, Aogiiala, On.. 23, Ilarn-well. S. C. 20. lllurAeld. W. Va., 27.

-Seven K.'.™ to Baldpate" (Qihan A Ilorrls,mi,Ta.)—llroadway. Bkln.. 22-27.

"Sunny South" (J. C. Rockwell, mgr. )—Lalngs-hiirg Mich.. 24. Ovil 23. St. Johns 20. Fowler27, rortland March 2. Grand I,clgc 3, LnkeOdessa I, .Mason B. Fowlrrvllle 0.September Morn," Circuit Oo. (Rowland A Clif-ford, mgrs.)—Jersey Clt.T 32-27, ElluliethMarch ). Hackensnck 2, I'alerson 3. AtlanticCity 4-0.

Hanover, Pa., 2t. Slilpiieiivt-urjc 20, Chaiulicrs-

hurg 27.

Wnrfleld, David—iMIIaauler '.:2.24, So. Ilciid.

Iiid., 20, (irand Knpldi, Midi., .7.

WIUoii, Al. II.—Ilarrlibiirg. Pii , 27.

Wiilden, Dann—.Mliionk, III.. 21, Argeulii 2.',,

Ktrkwood 20. Muryarllle. la., 27, (Initloii

March 1, Mellonillle 2. Pni-lllc Jet. 3, Wnl.'t

4, Elliott n. Lewis d.

'Watch Your Mep" (Oiu-i. PlllhuiliiMn, lufr.)—New Arasterduni Neiv York, Indef.

"While Feather, Tlie" (Wm. A. Iticily, nigr )-.-

Comedy, Ni<iv Yurk, In k-t.'

"Wllhin Hie Ijiw" (rfelivjii & Co., iii.vs. )— -.Mein-

lihla, Teon.l Mnjrlt i-, 7.

"Whip, 'llio"—'ferrc Il.iule, Ind., 22 24, Hvniis-vllle 23-27.

••Vi'llow Ticket. The"—lt.)clifrler, N Y., 22-21

STOCK AND MUSICAL COMBOIiDB.Permanent and Traveling,

Arademy Players—^Academy. Haverhill, Maiis.

American Siock—(American. Phlla..\cademy Players—iNortliamptoii, >lai*s., liidef,

Xrvliie Player*—Johnstown, I'a., Indef.

.^<llllr. John Jr., A Co.—.HIeubenvllle, U.. Indef.

.\iidllorluni Stock—'Andltorluni. Kaiiaaa Oily. Mn.AMi-n, llllly, Mus. Osn. Oo.—Iludami. N.Y., 2'.' 27.Allen Stock (Jack Allen, mgr.)—Wlnuna, illiiii ,

22-27.Ilwhaiik Stock—^Burbank, Los Angeles.Ilryaut. Billy, Slock—d.oganii|iorl. liid., Indef.llljuu Stock—'UIJou. Kail Itlver. .Masii. ^

-,Vr^7iii, l!ii|,,


Slock—dlemldjl, Mliin.,;idiiilrf.

Playen— Oniiicll JllulTs, la., Iii-


liigroiu, iiigrH.

l!«-aton, Murgot,Itcrrotv-Ilownnl


Bishop PliiytTS—OaklantI, Cal.,

H.vern. Freil. Stock (Ilyers AI'aducah. Ky., Imler.

Ilaker .HIvck—Baker. Porllaml: Ore.Uruwn, I«ulse, Stock (KilwanI Doyle, mgr. )---.Sii.

Manchester, (Xiiin., 22-27, Westerly, H. I..

March 1-U.Broadiray ^tock—Jlrosdwoy, Denver.Ilelnhrld;:o Players—illaliilirliliie, MlniiesinlLs.llnyd ninck—lloyil, Omslio, Neli.

lil/iiu Stock 10. Freil Damn, mgr.)—Jlowliem, N.U., 22-27. Iturky Mount .March 10.


A long that will iccompilih iiipri (or PERPETUAL PEACE than all tha

mllllonalri'i mlllloni. Sing II to your chll(lr«n--l«aeh tham lo ting It

to thair children, and than we'll have peace forever more


The most talked of. moat lanuMonal, moat aung aong aver publlihed

In history- -Extract from NEW YORK EVENINO lOURNltL

"Septeuber Mom." Central Oo. (Ilowland A Ollf-. ford, mgrs.)—Maxla, 'I'ex.. 24, Waco 25, Ft.

Worth 2U, 27, Temule March 1, Taylor 2, Auslln3, San .Antonio 4-0.

"Seplemlier Mom," Eastern Oo. (Rowland A Clif-ford, mg.-s.)—0>ldwater, Mich., 24, l-;UiliBrt,

liid., 25, Kalamatoo, Mich., 20, Denton Ilarlnr27, Belott. WIS., March 3, Rockford. III.. 4,Jonesvlll-?. Wla., 3, I/O Cronx 0.

"SeplemlKT Mom," Ooaat Co. (Rowland A Clif-

ford, mgn.)—^Nevada Oily. Oal., 24, VirginiaCity 23, Iteno, Nev., 20, WInoeroucca 27,' Ogdeii,

U., 28, Ix)gan March 1, Drlgbam 2, Park Clly3, Evanston 4, Rock Springs 0, Rawlins U.

Thurston. Howard (Jack Jones: mgr.)—Iteailln^.

Pa., 22-24, Trenton, N. J„ 23-27, Ilar.-I iliiirg.

Pa., March 1-8, AllentOHO 4-0.

rrentlnl, llmma—Forty-fourth Street, New York,Morch I, Indef.

"To-night's the Night" (The flhulierls, mgia.)—flhuhert. New York, Indef.

"Twin Beds" (Solwyn k Oi., mgrs.)—Fulton,New York, Indef.

"Twin Beds" (Helwyn & Co., mgrs.)—.Sprliig-fleld, Msss., 22-24.

"Trap, The" (Arthur Ilammersleln, mgr.)—Boolb,New York, Inilef,

"To Dsy" (Edmund Breose) (llnrry Von Tllse-,

mgr.)—Lyric, Cincinnati. -21-27.

"To-Day" (Arthur Bryon) (Harry Von Tll«>r,

mgr. I—Fresno, Cal., 24. Modesls 23. Mnrys-vllle 20, Sacramento 27, Or.klnnd March VU.

"To-Day." 0». O (Harry Von Tllser, mgr.)

Mmiete, Ind., 24. Anderson 23. Richmond 20.

Dayton, 0., 27, Il.inillton 28. .Sprln«fleld March1, riqna 2, Zanesvllle 3, ManiO'M 4. Murlun3. Flnllay 0.

"To-OtT." Oo. D (Harry Von Tllser, mgr.)—Orlando, Fla., 24, '>csla 25, Sarannah, Ua.. Jil.

Charleston, S. 0., 21. Darllngtun March I- Flor-

ence 2, Bnmter 3, Ooluinlda 1, Oraogebu-g 9.

Aumsita, Ga., 0.

"Third Party. The"—Provldenre 2J.27."Things That (Jjunt, The" - - l.yrlc, OlncliirsH,March 1-0.

'Too Many Oioks." Oonal Co. (Wm. A: P. adv.

n«r.)—Walla Willi. Waili.. 24, Lewtston 23,Spokane 20. 27. Wallace, IdrlM. .March I, MIs-Konta, Moat.. 2, Helena 3, Great Foils 4, Ana-conda 0,'

"Too Many Cooks" (Wm. A; Brady, mgr.)—Ply-nionlh, Boston. 22-27, Ilarlford, Onn., Mai<';i

3. 0.

(Selwyn AvO>., mgrs.)—Oort, .Vi-w

llarrelt Players (J. R. Barrett, mgr.)—Purts-looutb, ((., Iiiilof.

Uonstelle. Jessie, Slock—West Kiul, New York,Indef.

Ilaker Tli<nlre Slock—lUichesler, N. V. liidof.

Oralg Stock—<:aslle Sijuare, IIimIoii, Inilef.

(.Iiealcr Wallace Playent-^shlaliula, O., Indef.

Cresceul S'.oi'k—Crewent, Bkln.Colonial Players—Ookinhil, Norfolk, Va.(;uok, Chas.. Stork-Walerbury, Ooiiu.. Indef.C'tiuke I'layTTS—-Nasiaii. llaliama Islands, liiili-f.

Orane-.Slilrly Htnck—'frny, N. Y.. Imlef.-(joloiital Ht<Kk—kHI. Catharines. Can., Indef.

Colonial Stock—I'rovldeiice, Indef.

CI»ino«c, Arlhnr J., ,siuck—Mluiix Falls. S. Dak.,12-27.

rienliam Stock—Dt-nliivn. Denver.Doty A SWht^a Cooiedlans (B. H. Daly, mgr.)—

Brownadule, ' Minn., 22-24, RushfuTil 25-27.(Isleavlltc, Wis., March 1-0.

Empire Stock—Auguala, Me.. Imlcf.Kfnpreas Siuek—Empress, Tacmno, Wash,Knterprlae Stwk (Norman llllyard. mgr.)—',1il-

CBgs. |ndef.pire Phils.

(F^r|. FAwntili, mgr.)—Empire Slock—Enjpire,l':ilwanli-Wllson Stock

Butter. Ind., 2S«7.Pnraberg Players—Newark. N. J.. liMlef.

roily Mas. Stock (Harry TiilK-rvllle Jr., mgr.)—Folly, Peoria, III.

Fox. Boyle K., Foji. Players—iffg Springs, Tex.,22-27. Mldbind Morcli 10.

Gotham Players—(k>thnm, Bkln.nibney, Snrsh-. Ou.—Hamla. <y<il.. Cm., Indef,

nilC(iriin House Htock—Orsiid, Bkln.

SV^I., Ill"Under Cover"York, Indef.

"i;ndcr (Jovcr"N<b., 22-24.

"Uncle Tom'sRiding. Pa. .

\x/Tt March 1. Elmira, N.


rnbln" (Wm.23. Ilarrlsbiirg 20.


klbhle, mgr.)—27. WIIHsms-

Y., 2, BlDghantooL*3, 4, Norwich 3, Home 0.

L'ode Tom's C*mn" (0. B, UarmoaDt, mgr.)

OpenI!ol£en I'layers—Oleveland. Indef,

llsyward, Grace, Stock—Wlllard. Oilrouo. Iiidi-f.

Ilarsell. Perrr, Stock—New Orleana, Indef.• Owi. On.—F.alhervllle. la.. Indcf.

IIr)de Drama Playo.'a (Phit H. Ilevilr, mgr.)

Rllhart. Ind., Indi-f.

Ilunllngton PUyen—St. Paul. Indrf.Jewett, Henry, Players—O. II., Boalon. Iiid<<.

Jewell-Kelly Stock—tloblle, Ala., March I, liulif.

Keith Players—Keith's, Toledo, (1.

Keltb Slock— Keith's, Port land. Sle.Kcyes Sister* Stock—WIdills. Ksn,, Indef.Keith Players—Bronx. New York. Indef.

l.ofan Pgnsra Stock—Oblcsgo, ln,M.MItle Stock—LIUI*. I'hil*.

U-mlne tins.. Oma. Oo.—80. Bend, Ind., Indef.

lAiergsn, I<r*ter, PUytes '

Lynn. Ifsaa., Indrf.

Mvli.^ODe Stock—I'eoria, HI., Indif.Lyon Player*—l^on, Mass., Indef.Lawrsner Del. 0. Slock—Montreal, On., Indef.Lyccom Stock—New .Britain, Conn.. Indef.Lyric Stock—Lyric, Buffalo.I.ew1a A WoM'a Phyera—fltn Dlefo. Oal., Indef.!/• Rey Stock (H. La Roy, mgr.)—Tlppcesnue

OII7, O.. 32-27.Mack's Assatlata Player*—Moaeaseb, Pa.,Uerk. Rq. Player*—Uerk. Ik).. Uwtb. Mi


.Viitlonnh Slock (F. II Ouie, mgr. 1-'J2-27, Royal Ornler Mnrcti I II.

llnihenin Players—Orphrnm, Rending(iMver Drama I'lnyers ((Uls Olhi-r, uigr. )— Dnrin

port, la., Ihdef.Oliver Stock—Hock Island^ III.. Imlef.Oliver Stock—.Mflllne. 111., Indef.Oridieian Slock—Oniheiiin. Jowy Olty.Ortli, Ixnv. Cum. Oi.—.Mlifont, .Mass.. 2'.' 2?.I ilngle. IWIi, Stock— lliili-e, lilnliii, ui.kf.I'idl Pln)en>— I'oll'a, WnshlMirtoii,I'oll Players—Andliiirliiin, llnllhiiure Indef.loll Players—Now Haven. Oiiin.. Indef.I'oll l'lay'rrs-->Vrniiloii. I'n.. Imlef.Poll Players—Worcester, .Mnss.. Indef.I'lill PInyeni— llnrlfiinl,. Oiiin., Inilef.I rlneens Stock—Prliici*-!. Ilea Moliies. InI'lirk Oiiern Oo,—Slininiiilonli, At. l.ouls' Inh-fI'lnyers Oo.—park. Ml. Nmh. lu.ief.I nylon, Ounie. Hiiick—Syriii-iiw N. V..'fI'erry's Peerless I'lnj i ra- 'roioiiii,, CJnii . hnlef.I rici! a Popular Players (Jeliii li. Price, iiixr.i--

faraloga M|,gs., N. V.. tmii-f. „I'lrylieuse I'lo.iern— Wllnilinri/iii Iii-i.. imlefI'lilnre I'lnyers (Kreil lk<i,iidoli gr.l — (jinrks

iMirg, W. Vd Indef.rrliinns .Mus. Cim, O). -, (ran.. Indef.Iliiilftwwa SicH-k (J. N. Itiiilfroiv, iiiKr.)— I'ev.n

(•lly, 'I'l'x., imii-r.

Miula'rt Slock— Sliuliert. .Mllw.nikee.(;liermnn Slu-k th.—IK< K illi. III., IndefVnlherlanil Sloek—llniienek. Win,. 2','.2( Weynu-woga 23-27 KreiiKiiil .Mnrch I D.ile 411.

.•^i heiiley Players—Helieiiley, l'll|.,iiiiriili

.Siiirlalr, I,nurii, Slm-k (dni Ki'iiiMe niKr,)— Iwl-laiill, .Mich., 2'J-'J7, Iti Milliii' ,\l:ireli 1 11

."^herninn Stock-Kluln, 111.. 2.V27, ll.iiiiidilnd.Ind.. 2g, Jollet. Ill ,Mnreli |.:i.

'Hii.iniKin-WoiHlH (>> - -Wiill!,nlil. MiiHH,, liiiiif.Iriiiisilale Ilr.iB.' .Hioi-k--Hirc Clly. In.. ',! t. r.i-koOlty IB. IiiM-kwell 211, Fi«iilii •J7, .>iirr iiii.uiMnrch JefferMn 2, Hue Olty .'I, l.nku Ulty I,Rockwell B Foniln «. 1 •

Vnii Dyko A l;uiui, Oo. (F, Mnck. mgr.)-Jonlln,Alo., Indef

Wnahlnglon Slick- Delroll, liuk-f.Worth, Joseiihliie, I'lnyeri (thirdnn ' Hnnill

mgr.)—Duliuiine, In.. Inilef. {WrlghtllunllnglDii I'l.iyem— .>LhTiTen|nlls 1(2-2;.Wiiiiiln, Kalhlien, Hlo.-k (Wnlifr SunfonI, nigr.l—

Kllialielh, N. O., Imlcf,(

Wiirrliiglou-'Slrck— Warrlngl(V. nilcngn.ioung-Xilanw Mork—St. Juliii; 'kin., Indef.


OOMPANlUn IN TAIII.OII) PLAYS,Aliiieilorj .MiM. Com. Oi.—(Inrdiier Mi'., 2'J.2/

*'''vV""lndrt'I'''*^' ''"""'"''' '"«f-)--I>irrA

Idnvll'iig, Flnley A Ilnrke Oo.— Fall Itlver. Msii.,22-27, Mllford M.iri-h I II.

I'.mplre JIim. Onn. Oi.—.Mllliu. Vn., 22-27Fay, Anna I'.va, <.b.- l.ewl»tiiii. .Me. 22-27.Iliininn's llevlew— I'lirllnnil, Me, 22-27. .Ni-whiiry-

|ort, .MnM., M.-ifHi ni. I

lllluli >ilii»il Mlii.H'rid dill." ,c. K. Hlnu'lel'iii.mgr.)— I'liiHliiiridi 'S^ Ml, .\,-w (;„,i|,, ar, -JT.

I.'eniwilreil llrnrv." Wfslini (.Vi. (Ilnltim Powell.nair.

) liidi |M ii.le:ie,'. .Minn., 21, Wuverly 2.">.

.lewiiii 2(1. Waterloo 27.I^oii A La I:*liM<.(V). — Norivlrli, Conn. 2:-2l,

To|i»lngloil 23-27..«•-«-,

'''Jo'o!,"' J""': .-'"'ytli' OlrN^orrliiKlon. C'inn.,22-24, Norivlch 2(!-27, Pruvhleiire, ft. 1., Msrc:i

""Tf,'^' ';!!"""? ''""'"'!. mgr.)—Olt«w.i.J" K V i-^-

"•"flinliiglori i|.2f, (lalinlRirgAiareh 1-3.

Tlinif.ns Mus. Com. Oi.—llrinrklon Mnsa.. 22-S7.,

•'<«v,doln Hii.. Iinsliin, March 1-0.

.","'..'''"' .^''"*'"'fno'"'- -^'s's., 22-27, Port-loiKl, Me., Alardi 1».

"'S!!?!Y""'"'—"iirlligton, la.,

•,. r-i. w, "l.'VHTlilCLS.

Ilovcn. Mich,, 21, lleiiioii lIiiilKir ar- Iiiiwn-tflae ZO.

Coliiim's. J. A.—M.irnivivllle, Hn., 21, flrimn 2.1.fjorrolllon '2(1. M-lnrlimn 'J7, (Isilsden, Atn„March. I I jlln.leg i 2, AimUioii :i. It.nm., Ua.. I.CarUrsrllle 3 Alliens fl.

I-.vniiB'. 0.-0. (I)nnlel Wiin, mgr. )—,I'lL

•i^'/,'^'!'."'"' *'"•' Augusta 211, 27,Atken, A. (,., .Mnrili 1. (Iroiigelnirg 2, Floreiiei)

„,•'•„*'»"":' *• Oditnilda 5. (Siarlotte, k, 0., 0.

v..."'« V '*'nfnd. inrr.)— I'ennVan, N. v.. 24, Coming '23, (Iroenvllle, Pa„ 20,Akri.ii, ((.. 27. Marlon March I, Lima 2, ilun-

II* .1'',"'•'. '...Coiiuersvlllp 4. Inillaiiainlla 3, 0.

Iliinllni,l|a,', (J .jv. y,-.*t. inrfr.)-lIomer. la..24. Olblnland 2,3, IlleiiTllte 20. Nslelilloehf>i

SI" Alexander .March I. 2, llunklo 8, 4,vonlce 3, 0.

""Ur"*"',?*'.'. ""'f'l 'ngr.)-PensocoM,

I'llM "7 *'"''"'' *''' 20, Meridian,

IMi-linnl' ft Prlsilp's (Holland A Fllklns. mgrs.)—Ilrl'Ih5lII'27 "' "" '"' 2"'

HANlis ANn (mClir.RI'UAH.(.Iiandlcr, Ni Hie II., & llorinony Maids (Ohas, W.

<kH'li, iiijir.)—IliMti>ii. .Mass.. IriW.rrnke's Il.iiiil—Wonderland Fluotlng Theatre, In-


rrow'a Ilaml— F,llaSlia-Oo.. Indef.iirl. Ilaivl—Ixigan, W. Va., Indef.

MIHC'KI.I.AN'UOUH.Ilrngg A Brngg Hliow ((leo. M. Ilrngg. mgr.)—

Aniprlor. Can., 24, Ileii/row 23. I'ciiUiroke 20.Ilnirkvlllo 27.

Ilrciiiie Picture Shows—New Olty. H.Y. (Fridays)Indef.

Iliinny. John—«t. 7,onls 21-27. Buffolo March 1-3.(."'ok, D.-.—I/>gansporl. Ind., 21

"lI?'*' J!''™?.'! y,' I'lelures—Indianapolis 21-27,Oolnnihla, WaShlng'on 22-27.

"Hypocrites" (plcturml-^'rlncess. New York, In-def.

Ka llell-KrllcUteld Vande. Htiow (J, S. Krllch-fleld, mgr.)—nalnesvlllo. Oa.. 22-27.

I.nesy, Tlios. Klmore—.Maiidi Chunk, Pa., 24,Oooperahnrg 23. Morganneld. Ky., March I,Stnrgis 2, (forydon 8. I'rovlilwce 4.

I.nkeo's, Hsrry, Bhow—Oil Olty, Pa., 2m,Raymond. Great (Manrlca F. Rsynond, Bir.)—

Boenos Aire*. Arfentlna, 22-27.Illelon Dhow—Olerelnnd, Indef.Krnlth, Mva(erlon*-^rooten, Minn., 24, 28,

I,owry 20. Ilcirman 27.

''^'^K"'!,'' "•• Plottirts. nesrlwre. III,,

33-U. Le* Uarcb 1-0, Big Rock 4-0,Winter Olrcn*—Hipp., New York, faidrt.


MoHiiarrow.Ni-^'l's, Car





















219 West 46th St., New YorkCHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO^


$37.50 5 yvnr )(<> ' "nlofi

Tlio ncwoal •n<I brat mrriiiif|iiiii<int forrarryliiK rlnlhlng (>iiil>iHllr<l In IliUtrunk. Bvvry ritiufort ut iho lioiiiorlHlit Willi yuii In lUv llotvl or Tlivatrv.


Oir ON THEVAUOCVIkLIOfi I toll 7fu howl FaMlnallitf protesslon tor

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I methods. ThIrtT jcars' experience *a< manager and performer. Illu.tratcd

book "All About Vaudavllla'*wnt rm^li^ailarlo Ln I><>lle, Hta. oi, Jnck.on. HItk.


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Hwanl li <

" 1 Hkol )'•rbUe.^U '

.1» iBllirai , l.iU '

Vnlli Oil. 41 ll«?i.|Trr t7.IS, Clci. Ir rirli.Arrf« lliivpiuitiriil Aurluio llnrttiiia Hliiillalril

mill tIrt.-iDir.l lit 47\l Uric I'llli* »ll»Ii*aill|i feint

Wii'llll i-rrtiiprillft rtlnlofiir. luallril 'J5 mil.Kb. I Olid ;il) mill VVrtI i<l llir Allialtil(ipl l(lt*r

Fnincia niinncrn»nn, >0I llronilwiiy. N»w York

Fine Magical Catalogue

ILLUSIONS. THICKS, BtftUranil Bjpd of Oentan.fDlljilluatrattd. DOOK cAta.I.oauK, 2(ic., rree by mail,t'atalone of Tarlor Trickitree. MARTINKA » CO.,Ntfra., 41)8 BUth Atb, N. T.

IllDDian HHlr.lrla'h CoinTdhtn, Jow,.I)iiich-

' 2""!' '.^-^ ••<» »!•«;.ttoobrot e, H.OO, |I.M;<.l}ogro. il^o., Wo.

|1.(U. Ant catalog. Kllppert, Mfg. M OoopirSq.Xv^




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JEWELRY I • • CtUlogai No.


Oaialogueaand 8amn)ei upon requeit. Whenasking for Oitljalogui, please mention wtiatgoods ar« wanted.


SIEGMAN %, WEILB. W. Cor. 2TtIi Bt tnl Uadlsbn At«. .

'rneTnsatncal Sappiy Rmponam

Tk* Ballota.

Cotton TIghtfl, verr goodquHlUy, n pr., Vto.; womtcdTIglita, medium velRhl, apr, fi; Wonted Tights,heavy weight, a pr., $3.76;illlk rialtod TlRliie, (Im-ported), a pr.. t2.IK); Heavy IDpercent, .silk TlghiA InWhite,Mcah, rink and Red only,reduced from $8 pr. to t«;Pure Silk TIghta ^n oreamwhite only, reduced fromm.M a pair to t*. Shirte tomateh, tame price aatlgbta

Ordin Filled PromptlyClipper CBtaloK Free


wy-m W. UadUoD street


CIBGUS & JUGGLINGApparatuB, Itullliig (llabea, CIuIm, Uatous, (luna,Wire Walkers' Apuamliia and Noveltlee. staniDtor oatalog. KIW. VAN WYUK. Ulnclnuatl. 0.

NfcW 212 PA8E ILLUST. MA6IC MTMntalnlnf cats of Leadins CouliironLw 124 p;|« book C»t»l!riOa NcnJD. UIBOY. 108 Codrt Bt. Boeton. 1

ni 11A I^ATALOQ Of Professional andIII II VV ADi>l«iir riaTB, Sketchea, Uono-1 I H I ! >os*.UInitrelJokea,RoclUuona

PICK * FlTZOKRALD.aOAnn 8L, Aow York.







Plain Kid, - $3.60

Pittnt Ltilhir, $4.60

All Colon, - $5.00

itm Beat, will netHp-

STAGE U8TiB Ozfoida SUppeci

and Bboea.

end fOF OatalOKBent C. O. D. IfJI.OOjmt Dair laadraaeed.

PINB MAPLB DAMOINtfllATfl, Bad* tOorder at BOcta. per aqiiaia foot.IMEEUY BROSTZe W. HadUoB street

Upp. Haymarket Theatre OBIOAOO

Earo $35 to $500 Weeklr. Study

^TARF DANCINGOmUC SINGINGVaLdeTllle Acta, Sketdiai. Diaaa,Mnalcal Comedy and New Nov-cltlca In Btaga Dancea. Write forllloetrated booklet boir 8.000 ato-deott auoceeded. BUInre Impoe-Bible.

Alvlene Theatre School of ActingBTth nt. «t B'war.

Bntr. 224 W. STth Bt, M. T.

I. MILIER, 1 554 Broadway, Vith'^'sta^BBOB-7 ChelMB




0 f Theatrtca

Boota andShoes.


Olog, Ballet

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Shoes. KeptIn atcck, all


TIOUTS AND aeiBTf at 9rmwjdeeorlptloB, Paddlas, Frev,nake and Hoaker ita,Biaatle sod Olotk Sappertcia,Qrinnaatie Pvmpa and Oaltan,BpaBBica and DalllOB FrlBse*fiend (or cttalogne aad aaasla oftlBbta-^BHB.

JOHN SPICERea wooDBiw BixTif, w.x.



SPECIAL AND EXCLUSIVEAll kIndH niid alylce for A'aiiilevlllc

Burlesque, CalmrclH and Clubs.

BtK Time Acts to Orderstump fur circular, terms, etc.

Bobt. H. Br<nnin,1433 B'w«y, N.Y.

MUSIC ABBANOBDPlAlfO, onoHaBTBA. Melodlea wiUtanto aoDf Boeoia. W. H. NBLBON. AlterThwtro Blda.. IMl Broadww. N. T.

THE OAKSAOuletand lloms-like SanItarlnm for Treatment of AllMedical and Surgical Cases.

Only graduate nuisea employed. Addreaa R. K.LBS, U. U., oxford, Ind, '

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To dallreF the Beat Theatrtcsl Oooda, Coatnmes, Tights, Trimmings, ete.

Oar lately rerlaed oatalogne sent fk-ee to any addreaa.



Largest stook in tbe ooantry for Amatear »nd Bchool Plays.

PEIIVEBIES For All Theatrical Merchaiilise



OOSTUIVIK \^/ORICSPhone Oentrsl ezta. 141 No. Searboro Bt, OHIOASO, U, S. A

H. TARR665 8th Ave.

Near 42nd StPHONE, 7084 DltYANT


Theatrical Photogracher1 00 8 X I O, 8 1 2.60 (OrlglnaK)

100 8xlO, $8.00 (Reproducllcns)

100 6 X 7p 84.00 (Reproductions)


CENTRAL TRUNKS2«lli.^l0 ; 251B.. $11 : 82111.. |12 : BMn^ $18; «01n.. $1«.B0. Caretia Tranka, 24il8il8, IB.iJBUI Trudu, 80i28xli. Indde. $18.B0. Utho. Tnuiks, 42Mx2S)isl2, Inside, 814.00. Shipped

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Anj Foreign NaUo;

Small or too DUncu^.

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Scanned from the microfilm collection of

Q. David Bowers

Scanning sponsored by Q. David Bowers and

Kathiyn Fuller-Seeley

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