Download - Mega Pack 2 (unit 4-5) -



Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

1) When you are in a public place, you should

- - - - - - - - - - - - - your mobile phone.

A) keep in touch B) broken

C) switch off D) sophisticated

2) Ali: Hello! This is Bob. May I talk to Mr. Locke?

Burak: Hold on, please. I will - - - - - - - - - - to him.

A) get you through B) available

C) back you up D) out of order

3) Mary: Hello. Mary speaking

Sally: Hello, Mary. This is Sally.

Mary: Hi, Sally. - - - - - - - - - - -

Sally: I am doing well, thanks.

A) I think you’ve got the wrong number.

B) What’s up?

C) Who is calling?

D) I’ll get you through her.

4) Rose: Hello. It is Rose. Can I talk to Suzy?

Mum: Hello, Rose. - - - - - - - - - - Can I take a message?

Rose: No thanks. I will call back later.

A) Tell her that Rose called, please.

B) What’s wrong with her?

C) Fine thanks, and you?

D) I am sorry but she is out.

5) Most teenagers prefer cell phones to - - - - - - with

each other.

A) dial a number B) pick up the phone

C) take note D) keep in touch

6) Robb: Could I speak to Mustafa?

Bruce: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Robb: Oh, sorry. Goodbye.

A) Sorry, she is not available now.

B) Just put the card in the slot and dial the number.

C) I think you’ve got the wrong number.

D) Hold on, please. I’ll get him.

7) People don’t forget - - - - - - - - - - - - .

A) their purse B) their keys

C) their phones D) their relatives and friends

8) Which one is false?

A) Mobile phones use two frequencies.

B) Some base stations have a certain area.

C) When your mobile is off, it doesn’t communicate to

a base station.

D) People sometimes forget their things.

9) It refers - - - - - - - - - - - - - (line 11)

A) mobile phone B) base station

C) network D) frequency

10) Which one is true?

A) A controller transmits only calls not messages.

B) There are a few base stations in big cities.

C) Mobile phones uses one frequency.

D) Mobile phones uses radio waves.

11) Why the mobile phone is like a radio?

Because; - - - - - - - - .

A) it uses radio waves, too B) it uses a channel

C) it transmits calls D) it is a part of life

Soruları dikkatlice okuyup efendi gibi cevaplar veriniz.

7,8,9,10 ve 11. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız

Mega Pack 2 (unit 4-5)

Using a mobile phone is the most popular way

among people to keep in touch with their relatives

and friends. People sometimes forget their keys or

purses but they never forget their phones. It is really

a big part of our lives. Do you know how a mobile

phone network works? Simply, it is like a radio

because it uses radio waves to communicate. On the

radio frequency, there is only a channel. However the

mobile phone uses two frequencies. One for is

talking and the other one is for listening. When your

mobile is on, it communicates to a base station.

There are a lot of base stations in big cities. All base

stations have a certain area and all calls and

messages in that area go to the base station. Finally,

a controller transmits these calls and messages.


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

Lucy Hi friends I am organizing a fancy dress

party at my place 2nite. It starts @ 8 p.m.

Write me ASAP, pls. Thx.

Frank Hi Lucy. It’d be gr8 but I am going to go out

of city 2nite. Have fun! Cu!

Chris Thx 4 invitation Lucy. You know I love

parties. I’ll be at your place. I call a DJ and

we ll have gr8 fun. LOL! B4N

Tom XLNT! I ‘ll be there. I ‘ll wear my Spider

Man outfit.

Melinda Thx for invitation. I am afraid I can’t join to

the party. I broke my leg yesterday and I

am at the hospital now. Have great fun! CU

12) Which one is false? A) Lucy is organising a party. B) The occasion is a costume party. C) Melinda isn’t going to attend to the party. D) Frank accepts the invitation. 13) Why does Melinda refuse the invitation ?

A) Because she is going to break her leg.

B) Because she doesn’t like parties.

C) Because she will be out of city then.

D) Because she has broken her leg.

14) - - - - - - - - - - - is responsible for the music.

A) Frank B) Chris

C) Tom D) Melinda

15) Verilen cümlelerle anlamlı bir sıralama

yapıldığında aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğrudur?

(I) Hello. Could I ask who's calling?

(II) Hang on a minute, please. I'll get her.

(III) Could I speak to Ms. Alba, please?

(IV) Oh, sorry. It's Kate Wilson.



16) Verilen cümlelerle anlamlı bir sıralama

yapıldığında aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğrudur?

(I) At 2 pm. Can I take a message?

(II) May I speak to Miss Benson, please?

(III) No, thanks. I can ring back later.

(IV) I'm afraid she is out of the office.

(V) Do you know what time she will be back?



17) Verilen cümlelerle anlamlı bir sıralama

yapıldığında aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğrudur?

(I) Okay. I'll tell him.

(II) Yes, please. Could you tell him to contact me on my

mobile phone?

(III) He 's not available at the moment. Do you want to

leave a message?

(IV) David speaking? Is John in?



18) Ann: Hello, Ann speaking.

Mary: Hi! This is Mary calling. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ann: Hold on a minute. I'll just get her.

A) Could you give me your name and number, please?

B) Could you ask her to call me?

C) Is your sister in?

D) Just one moment, please.

19) Operator: XOS Company. How can I help you?

Customer: Hello, can you put me through to the

manager, please?

Operator: I'm sorry. He’s not available. - - - - - - - - - - .

Customer: This is Sam Peterson.

A) Hold on a minute

B) I think you dialed the wrong number.

C) Could I ask who's calling?

D) Do you know Sam?

20) Su: Can you show me how to use the pay phone?

Linda: Sure, but this phone is - - - - - of order.

A) on B) in C) out D) put

12,13 ve 14. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

Hi Leo,

I'm writing to say I can't come to your birthday party on

Sunday. My mum is in hospital. She is going to have an

operation on Friday. So, I am going to stay with her at the

hospital. I will keep in touch with you next week.

Bye for now. Molly

Hi Molly,

I am so sorry about your mother. I hope everything goes

well and she feels better soon. Do you need help? I am

really concerned. Get back to me soon; you can call or

send a message. Take care of your mum and yourself.

Lots of love. Leo

Answering Machine – Message 1

Roberta, this is Carla. Do you have any plans for the

weekend? We’re having a barbecue at my house. It’s at 3

pm. Call back if you can join us. I’m waiting for your

telephone. Bye.

Answering Machine – Message 2

Hi Carla. It’s Roberta. I phoned you on your mobile, but you

didn’t pick up. Anyway, I’m sorry to tell that I can’t make

it to your barbecue organisation. I have to meet my

grandparents at the train station then. Maybe another

time. Goodbye.

21) Aşağıdaki sözcük ve cümlelerin doğru şekilde

eşleştirildiği seçenek hangisidir?

A) 1-a / 2-b / 3-c / 4-e / 5-d

B) 1-e / 2-d / 3-a / 4-c / 5-b

C) 1-c / 2-a / 3-b / 4-d / 5-e

D) 1-c / 2-b / 3-e / 4-d / 5-a

22) Which one is false?

A) Molly is going to have an operation.

B) Molly will not contact Leo until next week.

C) Leo writes a reply message to Molly as he is worried

D) Leo wants to get in touch with Molly soon.

23) Molly text message to Leo - - - - - - - - - -

A) to say she is going to stay with her mother.

B) to say her mother is at hospital.

C) to say she can’t come to the birthday party.

D) to say nothing.

24) Verilen cümlelerle anlamlı bir sıralama yapıldığında aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğrudur? (I) Sorry, Robert, but I have some work to do. Maybe another time? (II) Hello, this is Robert. How are you, Henry? (III) Not bad. Listen, we’re organizing a chess tournament this afternoon. Would you like to join? (IV) Hello. Henry speaking. May I talk to Robert? A) II-I-IV-III B) IV-II-III-I C) I-II-III-IV D) III-I-IV-II

25) Carla - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .

A) called her friend back later

B) can’t join the barbecue party

C) didn’t answer Roberta’s phone

D) has another plan for the weekend

26) Roberta - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .

A) is organising a barbecue party at her house

B) has to be at the train station at the weekend

C) telephones Carla to invite her for an organisation

D) persuades Carla to have the barbecue another time

27) Aylin: Hello. Could I speak to Name?

Büşra: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Aylin: Oh, sorry. It’s Aylin. A friend from school.

A) Can you ask who is calling?

B) Is your name is Name?

C) May I ask who’s calling?

D) Do you know Name?

22 ve 23. soruları aşağıdaki parçalara göre cevaplayınız

25 ve 26. soruları aşağıdaki parçalara göre cevaplayınız

1) greeting 2) inviting 3) dialling

4) expressing seymphaty 5) expressing concern

a) Let's push the buttons. 3-0-0-7-5-8-6

b) What is the matter with you?

c) I hope things get better soon.

d) Do you fancy joining us?

e) Hi! Jane! What's up?


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

My name is Renetta and I’m 50 years old. What I think

about teenagers today is that they are lucky with the

new technology possibilities. Technology changes very

fast and they can get a lot of use of it. It’s also very

cheap and fast. They send messages, write e-mails or

make phone calls easily. In the past, when I was very

young, there weren’t any mobile phones. We had only

telephones at home. There wasn’t a telephone in every

house. We usually wrote letters to each other or sent

postcards to our friends or relatives on special days. It

was great fun for us. But now, all teenagers have a

mobile phone in their bag. They can keep in touch with

everybody whenever they want. They just need to dial a

phone number. That’s all. Sometimes I see teenagers

shouting on their mobiles when I’m on a bus. It is not

nice and I don’t think it’s very respectful. What’s more,

you can hear everything they say. In fact, it’s not very

good for them, too; because it may be a special


28) Which one is false?

A) It is disturbing for Renetta when teenagers speak

loudly on the phone on buses.

B) Teenagers can communicate with each other easily


C) It is not very expensive to use technology.

D) It was very enjoyable for Renetta to exchange

e-mails with her friends.

29) Renetta - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .

A) thinks that teenagers were lucky when she was


B) says that she writes letters or sent postcards to her

friends or relatives

C) thinks that shouting on mobiles when you are on

the bus is rude

D) is younger than teenagers

30) Which one is true?

A) all teenagers have a bag in their mobile phone

B) To be respectful is important for Renetta.

C) Renetta doesn’t like teenagers.

D) Renetta feels lucky that she can hear others’

special conversations.

31) A: Hi, Matt. How are you? Are you doing

anything tonight? Shall we watch a movie together?

B: Hello, Tony. I don’t feel well. I need to rest. I’m so


A: Oh! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. Perhaps next time. I

hope you feel better soon.

A) He is not available at the moment.

B) Never mind.

C) I’ll put him through.

D) I’ll get her.

32) Secretary: Hello, it’s Mandy here from White

Office. How can I help you?

Mr Peterson: Good morning, Mandy. May I talk to Mr


Secretary: Good morning, Mr Peterson. Hang on a

minute, please. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A) May I ask who’s calling?

B) I’ll put him through.

C) He is engaged now.

D) I’ll talk to you soon.

33) A: Hello. This is Tom Davidson. Could I talk to the

manager of the company, please?

B: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I’m sorry. Can I take

your message?

A: No, thank you. I’ll try again later.

A) What’s wrong with you? B) What’s up?

C) He is busy now. D) He is available.

34) There are usually hundreds of - - - - - - - -

stations in cities all over the world.

A) base B) cable modem

C) wireless D) frequency

35) Teresa: Hello! This is Teresa. May I speak to Mrs.

Georgia , please?

Secretary: OK! I will connect you.

Who wants to speak to Mrs. Georgia?

A) You B) Secretary

C) Teresa D) Mrs. Georgia

28,29 ve 30. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

36) Dilara: Hello. Can I speak to Gizem?

Özlem: She’s at home but she isn’t available now.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?

Dilara: This is her classmate, Dilara

A) Who’s calling

B) Would you like to leave a message

C) I’ll make sure she gets your message

D) Who is Gizem

37) A: Hello M Secondary School, how can I help you?

B: Hello. Could I speak to Hüsnü Tepe please?

A: I’m sorry he is not available at the moment.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

B: Ohh, No. I will call back later.

A) I’m very happy to hear that.

B) Would you like to leave a message?

C) He is my father and this is his school.

D) I’ll put you through him.

38) ) Verilen cümlelerle anlamlı bir sıralama

yapıldığında aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğrudur?

( I ) Hello, this is Sam. Is Tina there?

( II ) Could I speak to Tina Please?

( III ) Oh! I’m sorry about it.

( IV ) Hello, I can’t hear you. Could you repeat please?

( V ) I think you have the wrong number.

( VI ) Never mind.



39) Serpil: How many hours do you spend online?

Azad: What do you mean?

Serpil: I mean, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Azad: No, I don’t. Just half an hour a day.

A) how do you connect to the Internet?

B) are you always online?

C) are most of your friends “Internet friends”?

D) do you spend much time online?

40) Görseli ifade eden kavram hangisidir?

A) confirm B) web browser

C) search engine D) attachment

Dear Abdullah,

I’m Brian from Massachusetts, the U.S. I’d like to write

about my Internet habits 2day. I always want to be

online. I use the Net about eight hours a day. I feel g8

when I’m online but when I’m offline I feel nervous. I

have accounts on most of the social networking sites

such as Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Foursquare etc.In

fact, it’s very hard to follow all of these accounts at the

same time. However, I keep on using them everyday. I

have online friends but I never meet them face2face. I

always write polite comments. I have issues with my

lessons and friends because of my Internet habit.

Anyway, I’m looking forward to your reply. Cu soon.

Can you plz give me an advice?

Best wishes,


41) What is the letter about?

A) A day in Massachusetts, the U.S.

B) Brian’s issues with his lessons and friends.

C) Social networking sites like Instagram, Twitter etc.

D) Brian’s Internet habits.

42) How long does Heatcliff stay online?

A) 2day B) gr8

C) 8 hours D) face2face

43) What’s his problem?

A) He is an internet addict B) He is an internet habit

C) Internet connection D) Internet safety

44) How does Brian feel when he can’t connect to

the Net?

A) nervous B) great

C) polite D) hard

45) Them refers - - - - - - - - - - - - - (line 9)

A) online friends B) accounts

C) polite comments D) lesson and friends

46) Them refers - - - - - - - - - - - - - (line 10)

A) online friends B) accounts

C) polite comments D) lesson and friends

41-46 arasındaki soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

There are lots of ways of communication. For example

you can speak face to face, use technological devices or

simply follow the media. Most of the teenagers are keen

on using social media nowadays. There are advantages

and disadvantages of it.

You can find any information you search by

search engines. You can watch any videos by clicking

on Youtube channels. Also, you can keep in touch with

your friends through the websites such as Facebook,

Instagram etc. However, there are bad sides of using the

Net for communication. Firstly, you need to decide which

information is real and which one is not. Secondly, you

need to be careful about your personal information. To

do this, you must use strong passwords. To keep your

P.C secure, you must use an anti-virus program. Finally,

do not meet online friends face2face in the real life.

When you obey the rules, using the Net is a good

thing. But please be careful about Internet addiction!

47) Which way of communication is popular among

teens recently?

A) face to face B) use technological devices

C) social media D) follow the media

48) How can you find information on the Net?

A) by search engines B) by watching videos

C) by clicking on Youtube D).by Facebook

49) Which one is false?

A) Social media has advantages and disadvantages.

B) The social media is only way of communication.

C) Meeting online friends is dangerous for you.

D) All of the information is not real.

50) Which Internet site/s let you communicate with


A) Youtube B) Anti-virus program

C) Bad sites D) Facebook

51) What must you do to avoid viruses from your P.C?

A) You must be careful about your personal information.

B) You must use strong passwords.

C) You mustn’t meet online friends.

D) You must use an anti-virus program.

52) A:Hi, This is Peter. Is your brother in?

B: - - - - - - - - - - - I’ll get him

A) May I ask who ‘s calling? B) He isn’t available

C) Hang on a moment please D) What is it about?

53) A: How do you keep in touch with your friends?

B:I usually send text messages. I also - - - - - - - - - - .

A) don’t like writing a letter

B) like talking face to face with them

C) never keep in touch with my friends

D) leave a voicemail to my father

54) A: Could you tell Amy to contact with me?

B: Okay, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A: This is her friend, Margarite.

A) What is it about?

B) May I ask who’s calling?

C) Could you hold a moment please?

D) Would you like to leave a message?

55) Verilen cümlelerle anlamlı bir sıralama

yapıldığında aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğrudur?

(I) I’m afraid. He’s not available at the moment. He has

gone out. Would you like to leave a message?

(II) Okay. I’ll tell him.

(III) Yes, please. Could you tell him to contact with Mr.

Bright? It’s about the school project.

(IV) Hello. Is Steve there?



56) A: I think people mostly prefer face to face


B: - - - - - - - - - - - -. Communication with new

technology is more popular.

A) That’s true B) I agree with you C) You are wrong D) I think that’s true 57) Fadime prefers - - - - - - - - - because she can share

her photos with her fashion clothes on the internet.

A) making a phone call B) sending a fax

C) using social networks D) writing a letter

47-51 arasındaki soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

Hi, Sam. This is Ahmet. Thanks for your invitation. I’m

really sorry, but I can’t come to your party on

Wednesday. I’m going to study for the test. It’s on

Thursday, and it’s very important. Talk to you soon.

Take care.

Hello, Sam. This is Mahmut. Thanks for inviting me to

your party. I’m going to work late. I’m going to be there

at 6. I hope that’s OK. Do you need anything? I can

bring some drinks. Call me at my mobile. Bye.

Hello, Sam. This is Enes. Thanks for the invitation. I’d

love to come, but I’m going to visit my grandparents

with my parents on Wednesday. It’s my grandmother’s

eightieth birthday. Sorry. Talk to you soon.

Hello, Sam. This is Rıza. Thanks for the invitation.

I’d love to come. See you on Wednesday at five in the

afternoon. Take care. Bye.

58) Hüseyin: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?

Hasan: I usually make a phone call.

A) How do you cook food?

B) How often do you keep in touch with your friends?

C) How do you keep in touch with your friends?

D) When do you send text messages to your friends?

Make a phone


Speak face to


Use social networks

Ali ✓ X ✓

Ayşe ✓ ✓ X

Mehmet ✓ X X

59) Tabloya göre aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğrudur? A) Ali and Mehmet don’t like making phone call.

B) Ayşe prefers speaking face-to-face to social networks.

C) Ayşe and Ali use social networks a lot.

D) Mehmet usually speaks face to face.

60) All of them - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . A) don’t like making phone call.

B) prefer calling their friends.

C) speak face to face.

D) use social networks.

61) Verilen cümlelerle anlamlı bir sıralama

yapıldığında aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğrudur?

(I) Could I ask who’s calling?

(II) Can you hold on a moment, please?

(III) Hello, Miyase speaking.

(IV) Hello, can I speak to Hülya, please?

(V) Hatice, her cousin



62) Sally went to a/an - - - - - - - - - - - - store to buy a

new mobile phone.

A) clothes B) accessory

C) technology D) music

63) Who can come to Sam’s party? A) Enes and Ahmet B) Mahmut and Rıza

C) Mahmut and Enes D) Rıza and Ahmet

64) Enes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . A) can’t come to the party because she is going to visit

her parents.

B) is going to attend Sam’s party.

C) is going to join her grandfather’s birthday.

D) has another plan on Wednesday.

65) Ayşe: Could I speak to Aslı, please?

Mother: I’m sorry, she is not available at the moment.

- - - - - - -?

Ayşe: Could you ask her to call me, please?

A) Would you like to come to my party?

B) Would you like to leave a message?

C) Could I ask who’s calling?

D) Could I take your name and number, please?

59 ve 60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız

63 ve 64. soruları aşağıdaki parçalara göre cevaplayınız


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

The Internet is everything for me. I usually play online

games, look for information and sometimes download

movies. I know it is a bad habit but I spend at least 6

hours a day. (TOM)

I use the Internet to keep in touch with my friends. I

chat online and share my selfies on the social

networking sites. Also, I prefer shopping online

because it is cheaper than the malls. (JANE)

I am a web site designer so the Internet is a part of my

life. Thanks to it, I can work at home. I usually

exchange emails and send attachments to the people

on a daily basis. (MARRY)

66) Which of the following is false about Tom?

A) He never plays online games.

B) He sometimes downloads video files.

C) He loves the Internet.

D) He usually searches for information.

67) Why does Jane prefer shopping online? Because

she - - - - - - - - - - - - - .

A) uses the Internet to communicate with her friends

B) shares her photos

C) likes going to shopping malls and stores

D) thinks that the prices are low on the Net

68) Which of the following is true about Mary?

A) She works in an office near her house.

B) She uses the Internet just for fun.

C) She knows how to design web pages.

D) She doesn’t have an e-mail account.

69) Görseli en iyi ifade eden seçenek hangisidir?

A) Voice message

B) Message note

C) Live chat

D) Phone call

70) If you have an internet connection, you can - - - - games, videos and music songs to your computer. A) delete B) download C) avoid D) translate

71) Tim: Do you use any social networking sites?

Ann: Of course. I use Facebook.

Tim : - - - - ?

Ann: Mostly photos.

A) How many internet connected devices are there

B) How do you usually access it

C) What do you usually share with your friends there

D) How often do you use it

72) Ayla: My son is addicted to the Internet and he

never does his homework. What can I do?

Ece : - - - - - - - - - - . They will surely help you.

A) I think he needs a new computer

B) You can take him to a technology store

C) He should spend more time on the internet

D) You should talk to his teachers and get help

73) Tim: Hi Dan, I need your help. I can’t connect to the

Internet for an hour.

Dan: - - - - ?

Tim: Ok. That’s it. Thanks a lot. Dan : Never mind.

A) Are you always online

B) How do you connect to the Internet

C) Can you reset your modem and try again

D) Do you have a wireless modem or cable modem

74) I usually - - - - because I prefer hearing the voice

of my friends to texting them.

A) make phone calls B) write letters

C) exchange emails D) send fax

75) Selim: Hi Merve. Selim speaking. - - - -?

Merve: Hang on a minute. I’ll get her. Selim: Thank you.

A) Is Ayşegül in

B) Can I take you number

C) Would you like to leave a message

D) May I ask who is calling

76) I can’t access my email account because I don’t

remember my username and - - - - - - - - - - .

A) comment B) attachment

C) password D) cable modem

66,67 ve 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçalara göre cevaplayınız


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

77) Rob: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?

Matt: Three or four times a week.

Rob: What do you usually do online?

Matt: I usually make online conversations and practice

my English.

A) What do you do after school

B) How often do you use the Internet

C) Do you have a computer

D) Were you online last night

78) If you are looking for information on the Internet,

you can use a - - - - - - - - - - .

A) cable modem B) search engine

C) hard disk D) scanner

79) Soru işareti olan yere hangi ifade gelmelidir?

A) Social Networking Sites B) The Internet Safety Tips

C) Ways of Communication D) Surfing the Net

80) It is a video device which allows you to make live

chats with your friends and relatives.

Bilgisi verilen bilgisayar parçası hangisidir?

A) keyboard B) webcam

C) computer tower D) printer

81) Metinde hangi sorunun cevabı yoktur?

A) Who uses the Internet most in your family?

B) How many hours a day does he use the Internet?

C) What does he usually do online?

D) What is his email address?

82) Caner: - - - - - - - - - - - - ?

Yusuf: I usually send messages or I speak face-to-face.

A) How do you usually keep in touch with your friends

B) How many friends do you have in social networks

C) Do you like using facebook

D) Do you have any plans for tonight

83) Deniz: Can I speak to Aylin, please? Merve: - - - - - - - - - - - Deniz: Deniz AKIN. Merve: Ok. I am putting you through now. A) She isn’t available right now.

B) Can you hold on a moment, please?

C) May I ask who’s calling, please?

D) She has gone out.

84) Texting is the most popular way of

communication because - - - - .

A) teenagers don't know how to write messages

B) it has many negative effects

C) young people prefer face-to-face communication

D) it is cheap, fast and fun

85) Ata: Can I speak to Mr. Andy please? Ece: - - - - - - - - - . Would you like to leave a message? Ata: No, that's OK. I'll call back later. A) I’ll get him on the phone B) I'm sorry but he's in a meeting now C) Hold on a minute, please D) One moment, please

86) Dina: Do you use abbreviations?

Kate: Of course. For example, I usually write "LOL" at

the end of the messages.

Dina: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?

Kate: Lots of love.

A) What does it mean B) How do you write

C) Do you like texting D) Who is calling

87) Ali: Could you ask Cem to call me at home, please?

Özgür: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ali: Ask Cem to call me at home, please.

A) Can you please repeat that? B) Who’s calling?

C) One moment, please. D) I’ll call back later.

Don’t share your password with anyone.

Use the safe sites.

Don’t use rude language online.

Tell your parents if you feel uncomfortable.


My brother uses the Internet most in our family. He

uses about 3 or 4 hours a day. He usually plays

online games and watches movies. He also keeps

in touch with his classmates and send emails.


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

88) She is communicating with - - - - - - - - - - .

A) handwriting

B) sign language

C) phone call

D) webcam

89) Soru işareti olan yere hangi ifade gelmelidir?

A) New Technology B) Ways of Communication

C) Science Projects D) Daily Routines

90) Metnin anlam akışını bozan cümle hangisidir?


91) Özgür: Hello. Is Ece there?

Emine: I’m afraid. He’s not available at the moment.

Would you like to leave a message?

Özgür: Yes, please. - - - - - - - - ? It’s about the Erasmus


A) Could I ask who’s calling?

B) Could you please repeat that?

C) Could you ask her to call me?

D) Could I take your name and number, please?

92) Bekir: Hi, Murat. This is Bekir. Is Eyüp in?

Murat: Hang on a minute. - - - - - - - - - - - - .

A) He has gone out. B) I’ll get him.

C) Murat speaking. D) Who’s calling?

Hi, Eric

Jeff and I are going to go to communication technology

exhibition in the science museum on Saturday. You

know we are working on a science project about

communication technology at school and this exhibition

is very important for me. I know you are also interested

in technology. Would you like to come with us? My

father is going to drive us there. Let me know if you can

make it. We are going to leave home at 2 p.m.

I hope you can come with us. Take care,


93) - - - - - - is the sender and - - - - - - is the receiver.

A) Jeff / Eric B) Robert / Jeff

C) Eric / Robert D) Robert / Eric

94) The invitation is about - - - - .

A) the communication technology exhibition

B) a school project

C) the driving course

D) the school exhibition

95) Metne göre yanlış olan seçeneği işaretleyiniz.

A) Eric’s father is going to drive them there.

B) Robert is interested in technology.

C) The exhibition is in the science museum.

D) Robert invites Eric to the exhibition.

96) A: - - - - - - - - - - ?

B: For making new friends and doing homework.

A) How do you use the internet?

B) How many hours a day do you use the internet?

C) Do you use the internet?

D) What is the best thing about the internet?

97) 4- You can not access the internet - - - - - - there isn’t connection sign on the screen. A) but B) and C) so D) because 98) A: What do you think about my new photos?

B: - - - - - - - - - - -

A: Why don’t you express your opinion?

A) Great B) Never mind

C) No comment D) Not bad

93,94 ve 95. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız

Making a phone call

Using social networks

Speaking face-to-face

Texting a message


(I) People first used text messages in 1999.

(II) They called the se rvice SMS (Short Message


(III) It soon became popular because text

messages are cheap, fast and fun.

(IV) However, young people know that texting has

some negative effects on their language.


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

99) How can I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - for Facebook?

A) upload B) search engine

C) register D) attachment

100) I use - - - - - - - - - to connect to the internet.

A) Wireless modem

B) Telephone line

C) Cable modem

D) Tablet

101) A: The internet is everywhere now.

B: - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?

A: You can access the internet at home, at

shopping malls, even at cafes on the street.

A) Is there connection now? B) How are things?

C) Can you check it? D) What do you mean?

102) A: Can I use your PC for sending e-mail? B: - - - - - - - - - . It is offline. A) Of course B) Yes, please C) Unfortunately D) Sure 103) A: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ? B: What do you mean? A: I mean, are you connected to the internet all the time? A) How do you connect to the internet? B) Do you have mobile device? C) How often do you check your e-mail? D) Are you always online?

104) My brother is an internet - - - - - - - - - -. He is

almost always on the net during the day.

A) addict B) processor

C) search D) identify

105) A: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?

B: Sure here you are.

A) Who uses the internet most in the class?

B) Is the internet your only hobby?

C) What are the messages about?

D) Could I use your tablet ?

106) A: Which device can’t you connect to the


B: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?

A) Headphone B) Laptop

C) Smartphone D) Tablet

107) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - can’t be a part of the computer. A) Monitor B) Keyboard

C) Habit D) Printer

108) A: Can you give me your tablet?

B: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . I need it.

A) I’m sorry but I can’t B) Sure why not?

C) Sounds great D) Yes, I can

109) Nobody can log in to my facebook account

because I have a long - - - - - - - - - - - - - .

A) password B) memory

C) download D) software


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

Mert usually uses the internet for doing shopping.

He rarely uses his desktop PC to connect to the

internet because he has a smartphone connected

to the internet. His elder brother uses the internet

most in his family; however his sister seldom

uses the internet. They use wireless modem so they

can access the internet everywhere in their house.

110) Parçaya göre doğru seçeneği işaretleyiniz.

A) His sister is an internet addict.

B) Mert always accesses the internet through his PC.

C) His elder brother never uses the internet.

D) His sister rarely uses the internet.

111) Hangi sorunun cevabı parçada yoktur?

A) What does Mert generally do on the Net?

B) How often does his sister use the internet?

C) How does the internet affect them?

D) How do they connect to the internet?

112) Jack has some bad habits. He never - - - - - - - . A) does his homework on time

B) shares his password

C) spends too much time on the net

D) gives his personal information to others

113) A: How many text messages do you send daily? B: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A) Hardly ever. B) Always.

C) Over twenty. D) Nearly everyday.

114) John likes playing football with his friends

after school - - - - - he prefers staying at home today

- - - - - - he has an exam tomorrow - - - - - he is

studying for it now.

A) because / so / however B) so / but / because

C) but / because / and D) but / however / so

115) I usually - - - - - - - - - - - - my friends. Hangisi yukarıdaki cümleyi tamamlamak için uygun olmaz? A) text B) scan C) send e-mails to D) talk to

Dan: Is your PC online or offline?

Bob: What do you mean?

Dan: I mean, is there a connection sing on the screen?

Bob: No, there isn’t.

Dan: So, check the connection cable first.

Bob: Do you mean the cable between the modem and

the computer?

Dan: Yes, the connection cable between the modem

and the computer.

116) According to the dialogue, which one is true?

A) Dan didn’t clarify(explain) what he said.

B) Bob asked for a clarification(explanation).

C) There is cable between the laptop and the tablet.

D) Bob has a problem with the screen.

117) Bob has - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .

A) a wireless modem

B) an online device

C) a problem with the internet connection

D) a connection sign on the screen

118) What is the problem about?

A) internet connection

B) screen

C) connection cable

D) modem

119) A: I want to keep in touch with my old friends from


B: You can do it.

A: Really? Tell me, how can I do it?

B: There is an internet service called facebook. You

must - - - - - for an account first.

A) Log off B) Sign up

C) Sign out D) Disconnect 120) A: Why didn’t you reply to my e-mails? B: I'm sorry, I couldn’t. Because - - - - - - - - - - - . A) I was available

B) there was a problem with my internet connection

C) the web browser was very fast

D) you should be careful about the modem

110 ve 111. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız

116,117 ve 118. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

121) I must download several programs. - - - - there

is not enough space on my PC - - - - - I must delete

some of the files to get some space for those


A) because / but B) but / because

C) however / so D) so / but

122) A: My brother is online all the time. He spends most

of his time on the net chatting with friends, playing online

games and things like that. I don’t think this is normal.

B: So, do you think he is - - - - - - - - - - - -?

A) an internet technician B) connected to the net

C) an internet addict D) an online device

123) A: - - - - - - - - - - - - -?

B: Several times a week.

A) How many messages do you send a day? B) How often do you go online? C) How many e-mails do you send weekly? D) When do you use the internet? 124) A: You look worried. What’s the matter?

B: I couldn’t go to the bank and pay my bills. This is the

last day.

A: Don’t worry. You can still do it.

B: How can I do it? It’s five o’clock and banks are closed.

A: You can - - - - - - - - - - - to your bank account and

pay them online.

B: Unfortunately, I don’t have an online bank account.

A) log in B) paid the bills C) sign out D) check

125) A: Do you go online everyday?

B: - - - - - -. I need to check my e-mails everyday

because of my job.

A) Not at all C) Yes, I do

B) No, I don’t D) No, I am not

126) A: What are you doing? B: I visited Topkapı Palace and took great pictures last weekend. Now, I am - - - - - them onto my facebook page. A) uploading B) downloading C) deleting D) donfirming

127) A: I have many things to tell you about our holiday.

Why don’t we chat on the net this evening?

B: - - - - - - - - - - . I must help my mom for cooking

because we are going to have some guests for dinner.

A: No matter. We can do it later.

A) Yeah, that sounds fun B) Sure

C) I am sorry but I can’t D) I’ll go online then

128) A: We need to do search for some information on

the internet to finish this project. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -?

B: What about tomorrow

A: OK, tomorrow is OK for me, too.

A) What do you think about the project

B) Did you finish the project

C) What will you do tomorrow

D) When will you be available

129) A: I shared some photos and videos on facebook

but you didn’t like them or write any comments.

B: I didn’t see them because I couldn’t log on my

facebook account.

A: Why not?

B: Because - - - - - - - - - - -.

A) I had a lot of free time

B) I forgot my password

C) I didn’t like them

D) I spent two hours on the net

130) A: What is your e-mail address, John?

B: It is [email protected]

A: I see that - - - - - - - - - - - .

B: Yes, I designed it myself.

A) you have your own website

B) you don’t like going online

C) you check your e-mails

D) you are good at exchanging e-mails

131) A: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?

B: He reads the news and checks the sports scores. He

sometimes gets information about the weather

conditions, too.

A) Does your brother have a device connected to the Net

B) How do you learn about the weather

C) How does your mother log on this website

D) What does your father do on the internet


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

132) Mark: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?

Denis: With my desktop PC because I use a cable


A) Who uses the Internet most in your family

B) How do you access to the Internet at home

C) What do you usually do online

D) What’s best thing about the Internet

133) Fred: Using technology may seem exciting to many

people but not to me because - - - - - - - - - - - - - .

A) text messaging is the best choice for me

B) I have a smartphone and have many accounts on

social media

C) I would rather have face to face interactions

D) I usually send e-mails to my friends

134) One of your friends is very ill and he couldn’t

come to the school today. Leave him a voicemail

and express your concern and sympathy;

A) Hi, this is Ken. I heard you are going to visit Taj

Mahal. Could you please upload some photos? Enjoy it!

B) Hi, this is Ken. We are going out with Jack tonight. If

you can come, text me please. Bye!

C) Hi, this is Ken. I hope you feel better soon. If you

need something call me at my mobile. See you soon!

D) Hi, this is Ken. I need your help because I have some

problems with my connection. Call me when you are not

busy. Bye!

135) Verilen cümlelerle anlamlı bir sıralama

yapıldığında aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğrudur?

(I) Can I ask who is calling?

(II) Hello, May I talk to Mr. Humphrey?

(III) I am Tim Burton, his friend from university.

(IV) Hold on please, I’ll put you through him.



136) In Saudi Arabia, people write with Arabian - - - -.

A) secret code B) alphabet

C) postcard D) e-mail

137) Metnin anlam akışını bozan cümle hangisidir?


138) Tabloya göre doğru seçeneği işaretleyiniz.

Merve likes - - - - - - - - but Musa doesn’t like - - - - - - .

A) Use social network / Online shopping

B) Use social network / Search on the internet

C) Search on the internet / Play online games

D) Online shopping / Search on the internet

139) There are two - - - - - - - - in this e-mail. They are

both documents.

A) sites B) browsers

C) attachments D) comments

140) Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are social

networking - - - - - - - - - - - .

A) sites B) browsers

C) attachments D) comments

141) Angel: Hello, Angel is speaking. May I speak

to Mrs. Stone?

Harry: Sorry but - - - - - - - - - - -.

Angel: OK,Thank you. I’ll call back later.

A) He is busy now B) She is not available.

C) She is here now. D) She is available






(I) The Internet safety is very important for Internet


(II) They should never agree to meet an online

friend because online friends aren’t real friends.

(III) Children should tell their parents if they see

bad behavior.

(IV)) Please restart your modem if your PC is



Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

142) Boşlukları uygun şekilde doldurunuz.

A) password / username / e-mail

B) name / username / e-mail

C) e-mail / username / password

D) account / name / username

143) Verilen cümlelerle anlamlı bir sıralama

yapıldığında aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğrudur?

A) 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 8 - 2 - 4 - 6

B) 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 1

C) 5 - 2 - 6 - 4 - 3 - 8 - 7 - 1

D) 2 - 1 - 4 - 7 - 3 - 6 - 8 - 5

144) Kaya: What do you think about spending too

much time on the internet?

Olcay: - - - - - - - - it is an - - - - - - - - -. Because many

teenagers always prefers social networking sites.

A) I can / fantastic B) I think / addiction

C) I promise / terrific D) I hope / terrible

145) To state that something is true is - - - - - - - - - .

A) account B) register

C) web browser D) confirm

146) Internet services you use by entering a

username and password is - - - - - - - - - - - .

A) account B) register

C) web browser D) confirm

147) A computer program to read information on

the internet is - - - - - - - - - - - - - .

A) account B) register

C) web browser D) confirm

148) To write your personal information into a

website is - - - - -.

A) account B) register

C) web browser D) confirm

149) Billy: Who uses the internet most in your family?

Ken: Of course my brother. - - - - .

A) he is an internet addict

B) he never uses the internet

C) he watches the news on TV

D) he hates the new technology

150) Teens often use some- - - - - - - - - like B4N,

BBL,CUL8R in texting messages.

A) abbreviations B) letters

C) sign language D) notes

151) Sam: Hi, this is Sam.Is Derek there?

Amy: - - - - - - - - -. I’ll get her.

A) She isn’t available B) Hang on a minute

C) She has gone out D) She is busy now

152) Selin: Hello, this is Selin. May I talk to Mr. Clark?

Secretary: I’m sorry he has gone out - - - - - - - - ?

James: No, thanks. I will call him at his mobile.

A) May I ask who is calling

B) Can you repeat that please

C) Would you like to leave a message please

D) Is Clark there

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - :[email protected]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - :candysarah

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - :sarah12345

(1) OK. Bye.

(2) Hello. Is Aydanur there?

(3) Okay. I’ll tell her. May I ask who is calling?

(4) Yes, please. Could you ask her to contact with Ekrem

please? It’s about the school project.

(5) Hello.

(6) I’m afraid, she is not available at the moment.

She is out. Would you like to leave a message?

(7) OK.

(8) This is her friend, Dilara.


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

153) Blair: - - - - - - - - - - - ?

Amy: I usually check mail mails and search for


A) How do you access Internet

B) How do you use the Internet

C) Do you have an e-mail address

D) How often do you use Internet

154) Harry: - - - - - - - - - -?

Jack: I usually send text messages and use social


A) How do you usually keep in touch with your friends

B) What are you doing tomorrow

C) How often do you use face to face communication

D) Why do teenagers love texting messages

155) Gary: There isn’t a connection sign on the screen.

Brad: What do you mean?

Gray: - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A) My PC is online.

B) My smartphone has an internet connection.

C) The laptop is offline.

D) You can use the Internet now.

156) Aşağıdaki liste aşağıdakilerin hangisiyle tamamlanamaz?

A) Never share your personal information on the net.

B) Don’t forget to log off if you don’t use your own PC.

C) Online friends are your real friends.

D) Never meet online friends

157) Billy: - - - - - - - - - -?

Ken: Approximately 200.

A) How often do you use the Internet

B) How much time do you spend on the Internet

C) How many text messages do you send a week

D) How do you use the Internet

158) Which one of the followings is false?

A) Kevin makes new friends on the Net.

B) Rose uses a wireless modem.

C) Broke does online shopping on the Net.

D) Kate is an internet addict.

159) Who uses the Internet only at school?

A) Kate B) Broke C) Rose D) Kevin

160) ‘’My grandfather usually writes letters to his friends.”

ifadesini en iyi anlatan görsel aşağıdakilerden


A) B) C) D)

158 ve 159. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız


I use internet for doing homework and

making research on ICT classes. I don’t

have any devices connected to the Internet

at home.


I use internet for making live chats and meet new friends. I also practice English. I access internet from my tablet at home. I spend an hour a day on the Net.


I use internet for online shopping and

paying my bills. I am working so I don’t

have enough time. I access internet from

my PC in the office.


I spend hours on internet. I play online

games, watch funny videos ,share photos

on social network sites and listen to music.

I access internet on my laptop, my

smartphone and my tablet.

SAFE INTERNET RULES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

161) Metnin anlam akışını bozan cümle hangisidir?


162) Bing is my favorite - - - - . I can find information


A) search engine B) system unit

C) password D) scanner

163) I can access the Internet from my - - - - .

A) smartphone B) tablet PC

C) laptop PC D) my desktop PC

164) ”My mum often leaves me a message note

before going to work.”

ifadesini en iyi anlatan görsel aşağıdakilerden


A) B) C) D)

165) Rose: Hello, Rose speaking. Is Mary in?

Mum: Hi, Rose. She is sleeping. - - - -

A) Hang on a minute. B) Don’t hang up, please

C) I will get her. D) Call back later, please

166) Which one is false?

A) Asia has the most Facebook users.

B) Nearly one hundred million people use Facebook in


C) Users in America are less than users in Europe.

D) More than one million people use Facebook in


167) What’s the total number of Facebook users in

the world?

A) 3,945 billion B) 3,875 billion

C) 4,445 billion D) 4.250 billion

168) Do you have an Instagram - - - - - - - - ? A) web browser

B) attachment

C) account

D) search engine

169) Görseli en iyi ifade eden seçeneği işaretleyiniz. A) Headphones B) Mouse

C) Keyboard D) USB flash disk

170) Pam: - - - - - - - - - ?

Steve: I usually talk on landline and leave


A) Are you always online

B) How do you keep in touch with your friends

C) Do you use abbreviations in text messaging

D) Who is calling

166 ve 167. soruları aşağıdaki tabloya göre cevaplayınız

(I) Internet is a great place to get information,

make new friends or keep in touch with friends but

it has some negavite effects on teens.

(II) They spend hours on the Net and they become

internet addicts.

(III) Nearly 200 billion text messages are sent a

day in the world.

(IV)) They aren’t good at face to face interaction

and they have problems with their teachers and







2 billion

650 million

1,2 billion

95 million


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

From: Pink ([email protected])

To: Hazel ([email protected])

Subject: Technology fair


How is it going? I hope all is well. There is a

technology fair in the exhibition hall on Sunday and I

know you are interested in new technology. I am

planning to drive there. If you can come, I will come

and pick you up. Write to me soon!

Take care

171) The receiver is - - - -. A) Pink B) Technology fair

C) Hazel D) Exhibition hall

172) Which one is true? A) There is a technology exhibition on Saturday.

B) Hazel isn’t interested in technology.

C) Hazel accepts the invitation.

D) Pink is going to drive there.

173) George: - - - - - - - - - - - ?

Brad: I usually do homework and practice Spanish.

A) Who uses the Internet most in your family

B) What do you usually do online

C) How do you access the Internet

D) Are you an Internet addict

174) It is a/an - - - - - - - - - - . A) system unit B) cable modem

C) keyboard D) printer

175) Aşağıdaki eşleştirmelerden hangisi yanlıştır?

A) asap = as soon as possible B) l8r = later

C) 2moro = tomorrow D) xlnt = excited

176) If you spend too much time on the internet

you can be an Internet - - - - - - - - - .

A) addict B) confirm C) browser D) delete

177) Which one of the followings is false? A) Mary invites her friends to her birthday party. B) Rose leaves a voicemail for Mary. C) Blair sends a text message to Mary. D) Kate refuses the invitation. 178) Who sends an e-mail to Mary? A) Mary B) Rose C) Blair D) Kate 179) I am an internet addict. - - - - - - - - - - - .

A) I spend most of my time on the Net

B) I hardly ever use the Internet

C) I prefer texting messages to surfing the Net

D) I know how to upload a video

180) Ali: How much time do you spend on the Net a day?

Yağız: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .

A) Nearly twenty-five B) Only half an hour

C) I guess, my sister D) Three times a month


Dear Friends, I am turning 16 on Monday. I am giving a big party at my place on Sunday. It starts at 5 p.m. There will be a big cake and lots of foods and drinks. I hope you can come. Take care, Mary


Hello, Mary. This is Rose. I would love to come but I am going to be out of city. Call me at my mobile!


Hey, Mary. I love parties. I will be with you. B4N. LOL , Bye!


Dear Mary I got your e-mail.Thanks for the invitation. I will be there at 6 p.m. I hope it won’t be a problem.Do you need any help, reply this e-mail. Best wishes Kate

171 ve 172. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre


177 ve 178. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre



Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

181) I have a PC, but I usually - - - - - - - - the Internet

from my tablet.

A) upload B) disconnect C) access D) online

182) Emre: Hello, Emre speaking. Could I speak to Ali?

Alperen: Sorry! I have difficulfty in hearing you. - - - - -?

A) Who wants to speak with him

B) Can you hold on a moment, please

C) Could you ask him to call me

D) Can you repeat that please

183) Anıl: Hello! - - - - - - - - - -?

İsmail: Sorry but he is not available at the moment. Can

you call him later?

A) Could you ask him to call me

B) Could I speak to Ozan, please

C) Can you repeat it again, please

D) Can you hear me well

184) Diyaloğa hangi seçenek cevap olamaz?

Yılmaz: Why do you use the Internet?

Mert: - - - - - - - - - - - - - .

A) I use the Internet to pay the bills

B) I use the Internet to buy tickets

C) I use the Internet to drink tea with my friends

D) I use the Internet to play online games

185) Furkan: - - - - - - - - - - - - -?

Sevgi: I read the news online.

A) What do you do when you are on the Net

B) When do you usually surf on the Net

C) How often do you search the Net

D) Who do you play games on the Net with

186) ‘’not connected to the Internet’’

İfadenin karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) to publish B) offline

C) online D) a chat room

187) What is the antonym of “very old”?

A) society B) young C) ancient D) new

188) Which one is false?

A) Jeremy prefers reading books in his house in the


B) Using the Internet for fun is great for Jeremy.

C) He uses the Net at school but he doesn’t at home.

D) Looking for information on the Net isn’t fun for him.

189) Jeremy - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .

A) is fifteen years old and live in New York

B) thinks that reading books is really boring

C) doesn’t like searching for information on the Net

D) sometimes uses the Net at home.

190) Dan: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?

Matt: From my smartphone. I can take it everywhere.

A) Do you usually check your mails?

B) How do you access the internet?

C) How often do you use the internet?

D) Are you an internet addict?

191) Which one is true?

A) You must give out personal information.

B) You mustn’t visit safe websites.

C) You must be careful with the person who you talk to.

D) You must open strange mails 192) I think I am an Internet - - - - - - - - -. I spend ten hours on the net in a day. A) user B) habit C) addict D) virus

188 ve 189. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre


I’m Jeremy. I’m fifteen years old and live in New

Jersey. We have got computers at school. We

also use the Internet. There are some brilliant

programs for drawing and designing but I don’t

like games and chat rooms. So I don’t use the

Internet for fun. I hate looking for information on

the Net. It is really boring, and not as quick and

easy as reading books. We also don’t have the

Internet access at our house. So, I read books in

the evenings.


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

People first used Whatsapp in 2009. It became

popular because it was cheap, fun and fast. If

you are online, you can send messages to your

friends in your phone list. In 2015, 650 million

people use Whatsapp. It is very popular

because you can send messages, videos and

photos. You can have groups with your friends

and speak together in these groups. According

to teenagers, Whatsapp is funny and fast. They

don’t pay for sending messages, so they prefer

Whatsapp to SMS.

193) You use the - - - - - - - - - - to type. A) printer B) scanner C) speaker D) keyboard

194) Tom: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?

Müge: When your mobile phone is on, the phone

communicates to a base station. A special base station

controller transmits the call.

A) How often do you use a mobile phone

B) How many mobile phone users are there in the world

C) How much is a mobile phone

D) How does a mobile phone network work

195) David: Can you put me through to Mr.Maddison?

Secretary: Hold on, please. Oh, sorry. Her line is

- - - - - - - -. Would you like to leave a message?

David: No, thanks.

A) engaged B) available

C) connecting D) calling

196) Anderson: Listen ! I have one more question.

Kate: No,I don’t want to listen to you!

Anderson: - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kate: OK. I am listening.Tell!

A) Call me later. B) Please, don’t hang up!

C) I will leave a voicemail. D) Thanks for calling.

197) A: What do you like doing online most?

B: - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A) I use it for only two hours.

B) I don’t like disturbing other people.

C) Internet is important in our lives.

D) I like designing my own website

198) A - - - - - - - - - lets you see what you’re doing

A) Speaker B) Printer C) Scanner D) Monitor

199) You will need a - - - - - - - - - - to click on icons

when you use a computer.

A) scanner B) mouse C) keyboard D) speaker

200) When did people first use Whatsapp?

A) in 2015 B) in 2018

C) in 2009 D) in 2001

201) What do teenagers think about Whatsapp?

A) It is boring and unusual.

B) It is cheap and fast.

C) It is not cheap and they don’t prefer.

D) They don’t prefer Whatsapp to send messages.

202) In Whatsapp, you cannot send - - - - - - - - - - .

A) messages B) videos

C) faxes D) photos

203) ‘’software for finding web pages with the information

you want ’’

İfadenin karşılığı aşağıdakilerden hangisidir?

A) available

B) put thrıugh

C) search engine

D) disguise

200,201ve 202. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre



Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

204 ve 205. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre


Do you have difficulty in finding information on the

Internet? Many people say “yes” because the

Internet is a huge place. However, if you want to

know how to search on the Net, it is really easy.

First, you need to choose the right search engine.

When you find it, type whatever you want to

search and press the “Enter” key. You can also

use more specific or related keywords or phrases

to describe your topic. When you see the results,

you should check the list and try to find

information. If you can’t find it, you can choose a

different search engine and repeat the steps. You

can also use more or less words to search.

209 ve 210. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre


The internet is everywhere. At homes, offices,

cafes even parks. It is very popular among

teenagers. They think it is very funny and exciting.

They play online games, make live chats. Some

teenagers spend too much time on the internet.

They are internet addicts. Parents and teachers

are worried about them. Because they use the

internet for hours and they don’t have any face to

face interactions. They have problems with their

parents and teachers or friends. Parents and

addicts can get help from counsellors at school.

204) Which one is false?

A) Finding information on the Internet is not easy for a lot

of people.

B) It is important to choose the correct search engine.

C) You should press Enter key before typing whatever

you want.

D) If you can’t find, you cansearch information on

another search engine.

205) ‘’ it ‘’ refers to - - - - - - - - - . (line 6)

A) right search engine B) finding information

C) whatever you want D) Enter key

206) If you use a/an - - - - , you can access the Net

from your laptop,tablet or smartphone at home.

A) cable modem B) wireless modem

C) webpage D) hardware

207) Cem: Hi,this is Cem. Is Kaan there?

Burak: Hi, Cem. - - - -. I will get him.

A) He is busy now B) He is not available now

C) I am sorry D) Hold on a minute

208) Canan: What do you usually do on Facebook?

Berk: I - - - - - - - my photos and keep in touch with my


A) connect B) practice C) take D) upload

209) What is the text about?

A)Teachers and Parents B) Communication Types

C) Internet Addicts D) Internet Safety

210) Which of the followings is true?

A) Parents are internet addicts

B) Addicts aren’t sociable and outgoing

C) Addicts never use the internet

D) Parents have problems with teachers

211) Verilen cümlelerle anlamlı bir sıralama

yapıldığında aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğrudur?

(I) Hang on a minute, I will get him.

(II) Hello, Murat speaking.

(III) Hi, Murat.How are things?

(IV) Fine. Is Jane there?



212) Secretary: Hello, you have reached Mr. Black’s

office. How can I help you?

James: Hello, May I talk to Mr. Black, please?

Secretary: - - - - - - - - ?

James: James Burton. I am his cousin.

A) Can I take your number?

B) Could you call back later?

C) Could I ask who is calling?

D) Would you like to leave a message?


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

213) Who can be the Internet addict? A) Sally and Pam B) Jack and Sue C) Sally and Jack D) Sue and Pam 214) Who likes face to face communication? A) Pam B) Jack C) Sally D) Sue

215) Amy: Hello, this is Amy. Could I talk to officer?

Assistant: I am sorry. He has gone out.

Amy: Could you ask him to call me back?

Assistant: Of course.- - - - ?

Amy: Amy Hoffman. 0554879569

A) Can I take your name and number

B) Would you like to leave a message

C) Could you hold on a moment, please

D) Can you call back later?

216) Henry: My PC is offline.

Sam: What do you mean?

Henry: I mean, - - - -.

A) It has a connection sign on screen

B) It doesn’t have any connection

C) I use a wireless modem

D) It doesn’t have speakers

217) Albert: How do you keep in touch with your


Juan: I usually send text messages.

Albert: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Juan: It is fast and fun. It is also very cheap.

A) Why do you like it?

B) How often do you send text messages?

C) What do you need to do it?

D) What are you going to do?

218) Jenny: Do you have an internet connection at


Ray: Yes, I do but I don’t spend much time online.

Jenny: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ray: Once or twice a week.

A) When do you usually go online?

B) How many online friends do you have?

C) How often do you go online?

D) What do you usually do on the net?

219) James : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.

Harry: I guess, it is Australia. There are only 30 million

Internet users there.

A) How many people use the net in the world?

B) Why do Australian people hate using the net?

C) What is the total number of Internet users in Australia?

D) Which country has the least Internet users?

220) Ayşe: What do you usually do online?

Burak: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .

A) I often use the Internet after school

B) My sister makes new friends on the Internet

C) I spend a few hours on the Internet

D) I search for information and send emails

221) Ekin: - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?

Derya: I use my mobile phone and tablet to connect to

the Internet.

A) What are your favourite devices?

B) How do you access the Internet?

C) What do you do on the Internet?

D) How do you use the Internet?


I hate using technological devices. I never

use the internet


I usually access internet from my laptop. I

like it very much because it is very fun. I

spend too much time on the internet.


I rarely use the internet. I check my mails

and do homework.


I am crazy about internet. I use it ten hours

a day. I have different social network

213 ve 214. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre



Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

222) I use my mobile phone and social networking

sites to - - - - - - - - - - - - - - with my friends and


A) call B) keep in touch

C) get on well D) phone

223) I like - - - - - - - - - - - - - - messages. Because it is

the cheapest, fastest and best way of communication.

A) transmitting B) speaking

C) texting D) receiving

224) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - is a special antenna on top of

a building or a tower.

A) Base station B) Radio wave

C) Sophisticated D) Network

225) If you talk on the phone loudly in a public place,

this may - - - - - - - - - - - - - - the people around you.

So, be careful.

A) help B) give

C) disturb D) make happy

226) Google, Yandex, Bing and Yahoo are some

kinds of - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. They are some of the

softwares for finding webpages with the information

you want.

A) hardware B) search engine

C) computer part D) internet browser

227) I use the Internet, especially, for - - - - - - - - - - - .

Because I don’t like going to the banks for doing


A) surfing the net B) chatting

C) having conversation D) paying the bills

228) If you want to type something on a computer,

you need a - - - - - - - - - - - - - .

A) speaker B) printer

C) keyboard D) scanner

229) Sometimes something goes wrong on your

computer and it - - - - - - - - - - - - - - So, you have to

start it up again.

A) turns down B) prints

C) scans D) slows down

230) If a person spends too much time on the net

and can’t live without Internet, he or she becomes

an Internet - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.

A) lover B) addict

C) hacker D) software

231) Eşleştirmelerden hangisi yanlıştır?

( I ) Call ring

( II ) Sophisticated high technology

( III ) Hold on hang on

( IV ) Put through engaged


232) Jasmin: Oliver, I need to buy a desktop pc. Can

you help me? You are good at using computer.

Oliver: Of course. But I think the best one is laptop. You

can also use your tablet when you want to take it


Yukarıdaki konuşmada aşağıdaki görsellerden hangisinden bahsedilmemiştir? A) C)

B) D)

233) Isabel: What do you usually do on the Net ?

Paul: I usually - - - - - - - - -, so YouTube is my

favourite website .

A) play online games B) do homework

C) watch videos and movies D) do shopping


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

234) Ali: What do you usually do online?

Elif: I usually - - - - - - - - -.

Hangi seçenek boşluğa gelemez?

A) buy tickets B) print my documents

C) pay the bills D) play online games

235) My sister keeps in touch with her friends

through - - - - - - - - - - - .

A) a telephone line

B) social networking sites

C) text messages

D) sending emails

236) (I) There are many ways of communication. Tex

ting is one of them. (II) Especially, teenagers always

prefer sending messages. (III) They often make calls.

(IV) It is very popular among them because it is cheap

and fast.

Yukarıda numaralandırılmış cümlelerden hangisi

parçanın anlam akışını bozmaktadır?


237) Which abbreviation matching is false?

A) HAND = Have a nice weekend

B) PPL = People

C) 2nite = Tonight

D) IDK = I don't know

238) I have a problem with the - - - - - . I can't click on

icons easily.

A) keyboard B) modem C) webcam D) mouse

239) Kyle: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?

Michael: I use the Internet to search for information,

keep in touch with my friends, watch movies and videos

and do shopping.

A) What is the disadvantage of Internet

B) Why do you use the Internet

C) What is a base station

D) How does Internet become popular

240) A) Who is calling please

B) May I speak to Mr. Bale

C) How are things

D) May I speak to Mrs. Diana

241) A) She is here at the moment

B) She isn’t available now

C) She isn’t engaged now

D) She isn’t busy right now

242) A) Could I take your name and number please?

B) Talk to you soon.

C) Can you repeat it please?

D) I can’t hear you well. It’s a bad line.

243) I tried to call you again and again last night,

but you didn't - - - - - - - - . Where were you?

A) hold on B) hang up C) depend on D) pick up

244) I need a - - - - - - - - - - - - - to connect the

Internet. Do you know the password of the cafe?

A) web browser B) webcam

C) wireless modem D) monitor

245) You have to create a facebook - - - - - - - - to

comment on your friends' photos .

A) attachment B) printer

C) computer tower D) account

246) You have to go - - - - - - - - - to keep in touch with

your friends ' on the Net .

A) offline B) addict

C) online D) scan

240,241 ve 242. sorularda konuşmadaki

boşluklara uygun gelen ifadeleri işaretleyiniz.

A: Hello, Silva speaking. How can I help you?

B: Hello, (23) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?

A: I’m sorry, (24) - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Would you like

to leave a message?

B: Yes, please could you ask her to call me back?

A: (25) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

B: This is Copperfield. My number is 532-26-00.


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

247) A: How do you usually access the Internet ?

B: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .

A) to search for information B) my brother

C) more than 3 hours D) twice a week

248) Mike: I can’t connect the internet. Sth is wrong.

David : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mike: I mean, I can’t send you the file. No internet


Mike: I see.

A) What does it mean?

B) What is your e-mail address?

C) How often do you go online?

D) What do you mean?

249) Which one isn’t a way of communication?

A) using social networks. B) making a phone call

C) leaving a message note D) doing shopping

250) - - - - - - - always go online.They spend a lot of

time on the Net.

A) Internet addicts B) Wireless modem

C) Cable modem D) Connection signs

251) Cem: Can I talk to Jane, please?

Jim: Sorry, she is out. Why don't you - - - - - in an hour?

A) take to B) call back C) send D) leave

252) Tom: Do you know how to - - - - - - - the new smart

phones? I am not good with them.

Can: Sure. It's really easy.

A) use B) check C) ring D) cover

253) Sending a written message by means of a

cellular phone means " - - - - - - - - ."

A) holding on B) hanging up

C) dialing D) texting

254) It's not - - - - - to shout into your mobile in

public places.

A) news B) respectful C) rude D) promise

255) Anne: Which - - - - - - should I dial for the police?

Cenk: It's 155 in Turkey.

A) station B) number C) country D) thought

256) Betty: Sorry, he is out. May I take a message?

Linda: Can you please - - - - - - - him that Linda called?

A) know B) show C) grow D) tell

257) Cathy: May I - - - - - - - - to Mr Uğur, please?

Janny: Can you hold on a moment, please. Let me try to

connect you.

A) borrow B) buy C) text D) speak

258) Sam: How does a mobile phone - - - - - - - - work?

Aliye: It uses radio waves to communicate.

A) user B) frequency C) network D) chance

259) If you need to use your mobile in a public place,

- - - - - that you don't disturb the people around you.

A) put them through B) express

C) make a promise D) make sure

260) Betty: What should I do now?

Kevin: Now, put the card into the - - - - - - - and dial the

number. That's it!

A) slot B) anger C) button D) broken

261) Hi, this is Jason Pratt. Could you - - - - - - -me

- - - - - the manager? I need to make so complaints.

A) ring - back B) put - through

C) call - back D) take – out

262) Mert: Can I leave a message, please?

Rosy: Yes, - - - - - - - - - - - -.


A) afraid B) later C) certainly D) speaking

263) While making a phone call in public, please be

respectful to other people and do not - - - - - - them.

A) be B) call C) upset D) take


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

264) Andy: The phone is ringing. Can you - - - - - - - it

- - - - - - - - ? I can't reach it.

Linda: Sure. Hello, this is Linda.

A) hang - up B) talk - to C) turn - into D) pick - up

265) If you are - - - - - - on the phone, it means that

you are holding on the phone.

A) telling B) waiting C) talking D) changing

266) People - - - - - - - - - with other people in many

different ways, such as talking and writing or

sending messages or by means of other

technological devices.

A) limit B) express C) contact D) introduce

267) Mr. Jason is not available - - - - - - - - - . Do you

want to leave a message?

A) loudly B) around C) at the moment D) lost

268) Cathy: I think my mobile phone is broken. Can I

- - - - - - - - - - yours to call my mom?

Sonny: Sure. Here it is.

A) borrow B) lend C) transmit D) send

269) Please, make sure you have the right number

before - - - - - - - - - - .

A) spending B) dialing C) serving D) taking

270) When you hide or cover something, so people

can’t see it, you - - - - - - - - it.

A) disguise B) send C) use D) see

271) If something is broken, for example a

telephone, it usually means it is - - - - - - - -.

A) the later one

B) express

C) out of order

D) transmit

272) Son: Mom, my brother doesn't want to come to the

match. Can you help me - - - - - - - - him, please?

Mom: Certainly. Let's go talk to him together.

A) manage B) leave C) persuade D) receive

273) Parents should - - - - - - - - the mobile phone

etiquette to their children before buying mobile


A) faint B) explain C) react D) prepare

274) You need to push this - - - - - - - - to dial the

number you want.

A) button B) hand C) truth D) joke

275) Kevin: Can you - - - - - - - - me your tablet?

Emma: It's in the room. Just take it.

A) take B) borrow C) lend D) see

276) Kevin: How many - - - - - can your teacher speak?

Alex: He can speak two. German and English.

A) sign B) messages C) languages D) calls

277) Cinemas, theatres or buses are - - - - - - - -, so,

while talking on the phone in these places, you

shouldn't disturb other people.

A) printing presses B) public places

C) societies D) mobile Networks

278) Tina: Hello, This is Tina. Is Tim there?

Sally: I'm not sure but let me - - - - - - -. Sorry, he isn't in.

A) spend B) cover C) check D) cause

279) Sam: Can I talk to Mr Drummer, please?

Amy: He is in a - - - - -. Do you want to leave a message?

A) station B) present C) notice D) meeting

280) Pushing the buttons on a telephone to make a

phone call means "- - - - - - - - ."

A) picking B) adding C) dialing D) washing


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

281) Jane: Why are you speaking so - - - - - - - -? I can

hear you well.

Julia: But I can't hear you well. I think my phone is


A) lovely B) especially C) chance D) loudly

282) Cathy: Your mobile phone is ringing. Are you going

to - - - - - - - - it?

Scot: Sorry, I'm busy washing the car. Can you?

A) know B) answer C) give D) try

283) If you don’t - - - - - - - - your thoughts and

feelings properly, you can feel anger and then get


A) wait B) express C) lend D) try

284) Parents are - - - - - - - - about the negative

effects of using too much mobile phones on


A) interested B) crazy C) worried D) terrific

285) A - - - - - - - - - - is a computer hardware and it

helps your computer to connect to the Net.

A) modem B) monitor

C) mouse D) microphone

286) A - - - - - - - - - is a type of website that helps us

find information on the Net.

A) live chat B) web browser

C) search engine D) mobile device

287) Paul: - - - - - - - - - - ?

Steven: I usually read newspaper or magazines. I

sometimes communicate with friends, too.

A) How often are you online

B) What do you usually do online

C) How often do you play online games

D) What’s the best thing about the Internet

288) Rosa: Hello, Rosa speaking.

Kate: Hello, this is Kate. Can I speak to Jill, please?

Rosa: Hello, Kate. I’m afraid, she is not in at the

moment. She will be at home in the afternoon.

Kate: - - - - . Have a nice day.

Rosa: Thanks. Bye.

A) I will get her B) It is a bad line

C) She has gone out D) I’ll call back later

289) Secretary: Hello, Mrs. Peterson’s office.

Matt: Hello, could I speak to her, please?

Secretary: - - - - , please?

Matt: It’s Matt Brown, her friend.

A) May I ask who is calling

B) Could you repeat that

C) Can you hold on a moment

D) Would you like to leave a message

290) Carol: - - - - - - - - - - - -?

Kaan: Almost everyday. Because I often use my mobile

phone to keep in touch with friends.

A) What is your favourite social network

B) Do you often watch movies at home

C) How often do you send text messages

D) Do you prefer sending emails to text messages

291) Paul: Hello, Paul speaking.

Sharon: Hi, Paul. This is Sharon. Can I talk to Betty?

Paul: - - - - - - - - - - - -. I’ll get her.

Sharon: Thanks, Paul.

A) She isn’t available now.

B) Don’t hang up the phone.

C) Could you please repeat that?

D) Can I take your name and number?

292) Your landline phone is ringing. You answered it.

Someone wants to talk to your father but he’s not at

home. What do you say?

A) I have another call coming through. I have to hang up

the phone.

B) Thanks, could you tell him to call Sam when he gets in?

C) I’m sorry he’s not here now. Can you call again later?

D) Hang on a minute, please. I’ll get my father.


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

293) Verilen cümlelerle anlamlı bir sıralama

yapıldığında aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğrudur?

(I) Could I ask who’s calling?

(II) Hello, Peter, is Mark there?

(III) I’m sorry, this is his friend William.

(IV) Hello, Peter speaking.

(V) I’m sorry William, but he is not at home now.



294) Secretary: Hello, Mrs. Jones speaking.

Judy: Hello, could I speak to Mr. Taylor, please?

Secretary: - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Judy: Judy Roberts.

Secretary: OK, Mrs Roberts, could you hold on, please?

A) I’ll call back later. B) One moment, please. C) Could I ask who is calling? D) Could you please repeat that?

295) A: How do you usually connect to the net?

B: - - - - - - - - - - - - -.

A) I am an internet addict

B) My mom uses the internet most

C) I access the internet through my tablet

D) I ofen use the net for social Networks

296) - - - - - - - can save your computer from


A) modem B) anti virus

C) smartphone D) printer

297) You can talk to other people online in that place.

A) a chat room B) service provider

C) publish D) search engine

298) Steve: Hello, this is Steve. May I talk to Mr. Clark?

Secretary: I’m sorry he is out. - - - - ?

James: No, thanks. I will call him later.

A) Have you got a phone card B) Who is calling

C) May I take your message D) Is Clark there

299) Verilen cümlelerle anlamlı bir sıralama

yapıldığında aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğrudur?

(I) Receptionist: Just one moment, please. … I’m sorry.

He isn’t in his office.

(II) Receptionist: Good morning, Miller Company.

(III) Receptionist: Yes. Who’s calling, please?

(IV) Sarah: It’s Sarah Green.

(V) Sarah: Oh, OK. I can ring back later.

(VI) Sarah: Hello. Could I speak to Mark Miller, please?



300) Aşağıda verilenler hangi seçenekte doğru


A) 1-c, 2-d, 3-b, 4-a B) 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-c

C) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c, 4-d D) 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a

301) Aşağıdaki cümleleri anlamlı bir diyalog olacak şekilde sıralanışı hangi seçenekte verilmiştir? (I) Sure! Are you online or offline?

(II) That’s it. Thanks for your help buddy.

(III) I have a problem with my internet connection. Can

you help me, please?

(IV) I’m online but I can’t access the web page.

(V) Then, reset your modem and try again later.



302) Burak:- - - - - - - - - - ?

Ali: Approximately, 40 million.

A) How many text messages do you send a day?

B) How many hours do you spend on the internet?

C) How many Facebook users are there in Turkey?

D) How many students are there in your class?

1) Could I speak…

2) I’m sorry, he is not…

3) I can’t hear…

4) Would you like…

a) you very well.

b) to Mary, please?

c) to leave a message?

d) available now.


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

Teenagers are fond of using the Internet

nowadays.Most of them spend a lot of time on

the Net.They usually use it to search for

information for their school works.They make live

chats with their friends, exchange e-mails ,send

insant messages on What's app instead of

meeting at the cafe.Also ,they usually chat online

on chat rooms with foreign people.Too much

usage of the Internet causes some

problems.They can be unsocial people.They

have problems about face to face interaction

.They have some health problems such as

backache ,obesity etc.So,parents and teachers

should warn them about the usage of the Internet


People communicate in many different ways.

Letters, text messages, phone calls, fax, e-mail

are examples of communication ways. These

days, another way is getting very popular; social

network. Especially teenagers use social network

to keep in touch. In Turkey 65% of teenagers use

social network. Because the price of internet is

cheap. But parents and teachers are worried

about this because they think that students

spend a lot of time on social network like

facebook, twitter, instagram,etc. So they don’t

have any time to study.

303) What is the advantange of the Internet ?

A) Teens can have a backache.

B) Teens can reach lots of information about school


C) Teens can put on weight

D) Teens can be unsocial

304) What is the disadvantange of the Internet ?

A) It causes health problems

B) Teens can search for information

C) Teens can keep in touch with their friends

D) Teens can do school project on the Net

305) Which one is TRUE?

A) There is no bad sides of the Internet

B) Teens are good at face to face communication

C) Teens prefer going online to hanging out with their


D) Teens never chat online with foreign people

306) Which one is true?

A) Teenagers aren’t interested in using Internet

B) They use the net for different purposes

C) They are good at face to face communication

D) They prefer meeting their friends at the cafe

307) Teenagers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .

A) usually chat in their rooms with foreign people.

B) rarely use it to search for information.

C) meet at the cafe instead of sending instant messages

on What's app.

D) have some problems because of the internet.

308) Social network is getting popular in Turkey

because the internet is - - - - - - - - - - - -

A) fun B) cheap C) fast D) cool

309) Who uses the social network most?

A) Parents B) Old people

C) Teachers D) Young people

310) Parents are worried about the social network

because - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A) The social network isn’t good for teenagers’ school life.

B) The social network is good for their health.

C) They think that they should use letters to communicate.

D) They think that teenagers should use mobile phones.

311) I am always online so I like - - - - -

A) writing a letter

B) leaving a message note

C) using social networks

D) sending a fax

303 ve 307. arasındaki soruları aşağıdaki

parçaya göre cevaplayınız

308,309 ve 310. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre



Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

312) Which is the correct phone number for 0556 170

33 01?

A) oh-double five-six, one-seven-oh, double three, oh-


B) oh-double five-six, one hundred seventy, thirty three,


C) oh-double five-six, one-seven, double three, one.

D) oh-five hundred fifty six, one hundred seventy, thirty


313) I don’t enjoy technology, so I - - - - face-to-face .

A) send B) write C) speak D) make

314) Verilen telefon görüşmesinde anlamlı bir

sıralama yapıldığında aşağıdakilerden hangisi


A) 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 8 - 2 - 4 - 6 - 9 - 10

B) 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 1 - 10 - 9

C) 7 - 1 - 5 - 9 - 4 - 8 - 2 - 10 - 3 - 6

D) 2 - 1 - 4 - 7 - 3 - 6 - 8 - 5 - 10 - 9

315) Let’s meet today. I need to speak - - - - - - with

you. I have to tell something to you.

A) available B) keep in touch

C) call D) face to face

316) The mobile phone uses two - - - - - - - ; one for

listening and one for talking.

A) radio waves B) frequencies

C) sophisticated D) call

317) A mobile phone uses - - - - - - - to communicate.

A) radio waves B) frequencies

C) sophisticated D) call

318) A mobile phone is a - - - - - - - - - radio.

A) radio waves B) frequencies

C) sophisticated D) call

319) Aşağıdaki cümleleri anlamlı bir diyalog olacak şekilde sıralanışı hangi seçenekte verilmiştir? (I) Really? Could you send them to me?

(II) Could you find any information on the Net about the

conquest of Istanbul?

(III) Sure. I’ll attach them to the mail.

(IV) Yes, I found some photos and maps.



320) Aşağıdaki liste seçeneklerden hangisiyle


A) face to face interaction B) do shopping

C) search for information D) make live chat

321) I can’t go online - - - - - - - - my internet

connection isn’t working.

A) but B) because

C) or D) and

(1) Aslı: Can you please tell her that Aslı called?

(2) Aslı: Hello.

(3) Aslı: Is Ayşe there, please?

(4) Aslı: Thank you. Have a nice day.

(5) Aslı: This is Aslı, a friend of Ayşe.

(6) Selen: Sure. I will tell her that you called.

Ayşe will call you back.

(7) Selen: Hello.

(8) Selen: You are welcome. Goodbye.

(9) Selen: Who is calling?

(10) Selen: I am not sure. Hold on, I will check.

(one minute later).I am afraid, she is not here now.

Do you want to leave a message?

Things to do on the internet

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

322) Metnin anlam akışını bozan cümle hangisidir?


323) Robert: Hello, Robert speaking.

Sue: Hi, Robert, it’s me Sue. Do you have any plans for


Robert: Sorry, Sue. I’m at the office now. Can we talk

after work?

Sue: OK, no problem. - - - - .

A) Thanks for calling

B) One moment, please

C) I will call you back later again

D) I’m not available at the moment

324) Alex: - - - - - - - - - - -

Mark: Twice a day.

A) How do you go to school?

B) What time do you go to bed?

C) How often do you surf the Net?

D) What do you do after you get up?

325) Verilen cümlelerle anlamlı bir sıralama

yapıldığında aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğrudur?

(I) My number is 212 15 15

(II) Miss Miller. I am sorry but he is not available now.

(III) Would you like to leave a message?

(IV) Hang on a minute. I will connect you to him.

(V) OK, could I take your number?

(VI) Yes, please. Could you tell him to call me later?

(VII) Hello, my name is Diana Miller. Can I speak to Mr






326) A: I go online everyday.

B: Really? - - - - - - - - - - - -

A: I keep in touch with my friends, share my photos

on facebook and play online games.

A) How do you usually connect to the internet?

B) What do you usually do on the internet?

C) What kind of mail account do you use?

D) Which search engine do you use?

327) Mary: Hello, Mary speaking.

Helen: Hi Mary, This is Helen. Is your mother in?

Mary: - - - - - - - - - - - please. I’ll get her.

A) Hang up B) See you later

C) Pardon? D) Hold on

From: Karen

To: James

Subject: Chess tournament


Jeff and I are going to go to the chess tournament this

Saturday. You know I am fond of board games and

you are also like them. Martin is going to drive us

there. Would you like to join us? Let me know If you

can come. I hope you can make it.

Take care.

328) - - - - - - - - is the reciever of the mail.

A) James B) Karen C) Jeff D) Martin

329) The mail is about - - - - - - - - - - - -.

A) board games B) driving to tournament

C) hobbies D) the chess tournament

330) A: How often do you play online games?

A) Nearly ten B) from my computer

C) 3 hours D) four times a week

331) Farklı olan seçeneği işaretleyiniz.

A) speaker B) sign language

C) mouse D) headphones

(I) An SMS or short message service is a type of

communication used in mobile phones.

(II) They are usually called “text messages”.

(III) With SMS, someone can send a text message

to another person

(IV) People communicate in many different ways.

328 ve 329. soruları aşağıdaki elektronik postaya

göre cevaplayınız


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

332) A: What does “upload” mean?

B: It means - - - - - - - - - - - - - .

A) copy sth. to your computer B) log in your account

C) copy sth. to the internet D) personal information

333) Giving personal information to online friends

can be - - - - - - - -, because they are actually - - - - - - .

A) cheap / adults B) rude / teenagers

C) dangerous / strangers D) wrong / friends

334) Ahsen: Hi,This is Ahsen. Is Selma in?

Selma’s mother: Sorry, - - - - - - Would you like to

leave a message?

Ahsen: No, I’ll call back later.

Yukarıdaki boşluğa aşağıdakilerden hangisi


A) She’s gone out.

B) She’s not available at the moment.

C) She’s busy now.

D) She’s watching a movie at the moment.

335) Murat: I feel lonely! So, I want to have internet

friends. How can I do that?

Ahmet: First,you should open a(an) - - - - - - - - - to find

friends on net.

Murat: I don’t understand. What do you mean?

Ahmet: I mean,you should create a user’s name

and password to register social network sites, ok?

Murat: I got it! Thank you.

A) account B) attachment

C) search Engine D) internet connection

336) Teacher: - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ali: To communicate with friends.

A) How often do you use the internet?

B) How do you download music files?

C) Why do you use the internet?

D) What do you do to upload an image?

337) Aşağıdaki eşleştirmelerden hangisi yanlıştır?

A) CUL8R See you later B) LOL Lots of love

C) BBL Be back later D) 2NITE two nights

338) Mehmet: - - - - - - - - - - - - -?

Selda : Two hours a day.

A) Do you like chatting online?

B) How long do you spend on the internet?

C) What does www mean?

D) How many email addresses have you got?

339) Terry: I have a problem with the internet.

Joe: What’s the problem?

Terry: - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A) Internet connection is fast here.

B) I can’t connect to the internet.

C) My laptop is very expensive.

D) I play my favourite online games.

340) I don’t like technological devices and I prefer

- - - - - - - - - - - - - communication with my friends.

A) face-to-face B) sending e-mail

C) mobile phone D) social network

341) Clara : - - - - - - - - - - - - -?

David:Hımm, approximately five hundred.

Clara : Are you serious? Do you really spend so much

time on your mobile phone?

A) How many books do you read in a month

B) How many students are there in your school

C) How many text messages do you usually send a day

D) How many friends do you have in your school band

342) I always use - - - - - - to take some notes at


A) line B) book

C) memo D) register

343) Teacher: - - - - - - - - - - ?

Mert: Of course Me! I surf on net for nine hours a day.

A) Do you play online games?

B) Who sends email in your family?

C) Who in your family spends the most time on the


D) How many Internet connected devices are there at

your home?


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

344) Daniel: Hello! This is Daniel.

Telephone Operator: Hi! How could I help you, sir?

Daniel: My mobile phone is out of order. Could I contact

with the technician?

Telephone Operator: - - - - - - - - - He’s gone out for

another customer’s problem.

Daniel: Ok then, I’ll call back maybe later.

A) Sorry, he’s not available at the moment.

B) I am sorry, he is not here.

C) One moment, please. I’ll put you through.

D) Could you ask him to call me?

345) Reporter: Hi! Messi! Shall I ask you some

questions for our show?

Messi: Sure! Why not!

Reporter: Thanks - - - - - - - -?

Messi: Approximately 2 hours I guess.

Reporter: - - - - - - - -?

Messi: Not at all! I prefer speak face-to-face

Reporter: - - - - - - - -?

Messi: I’m keen on on watching a movie and relaxing for

a few hours.

Sorular sorulduğunda hangisi dışarıda kalır?

A) How many hours do you surf the Net?

B) Who uses Whats App in your team?

C) What do you usually do after the matches?

D) Do you enjoy sending e-mail?

346) Alex: Hi! John. What’s the matter?

John: I have an important task for school and I’m trying

to enter the site but it says “the

website is temporarily out of service”

Alex: I got it! I’ll come over and check then.

John: Thank you buddy!

John has a problem with - - - - - - - - - - .

A) internet connection B) website

C) the software D) processor

347) If you want to get more free space in your hard

disk drive, you can - - - - - some unnecessary files.

A) download B) browser

C) search engine D) delete

348) Sevilay: Hi! This is Sevilay speaking!

Esin: Hello, May I speak to Meltem, please?

Sevilay: Could I ask who’s calling?

Esin: Pardon?

Sevilay: - - - - - - - - -

Esin: This is Esin, her best friend.

A) Could I take your name and number, please?

B) Can you hold on a moment, please?

C) Could you please repeat that?

D) Who is calling, please?

349) Aşağıdaki diyaloğa uygun seçenek hangisi


Son: Daddy! May I ask you a question about


Dad: Sure! What is it?

Son: How do you prefer keeping in touch?

Dad: That’s very simple! I’m an old man, so I prefer

using traditional ways of communication.

A) Face-to-face B) Text message

C) Use social network D) leave a voicemail

350) Simon: Yesterday, I tried to register an online

game website, but, I couldn’t. Why do you think so?

Albert: I guess, you didn’t confirm your age.

Simon: Confirm? What does it mean?

Albert: - - - - - - - - - - - -

A) Internet services you use by entering a username

and password.

B) to state that something is true.

C) sth that you say or write to express your opinion.

D) a computer program to read information on the Net.

351) Mustafa: What can we do on internet? Raşit: We can - - - - - - - - on the internet. Boşluğa uygun olmayan seçeneği işaretleyiniz. A) do shopping B) make live chats C) listen to music D) feed the dog 352) My friend spends five or six hours a day on the internet. He is a real internet - - - - - - - -. A) add B) addiction C) addict D) admiration


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

353) There is aproblem im my - - - - - - -, so I can’t connect to the Internet. Life is very boring for me. A) printer B) modem C) keybord D) headphones 354) Nazlı: - - - - - - - do you check your emails? Ramazan: Several times a day. A) How often B) What kind C) How many D) What time 355) It is portable so we can carry it easily. We use it to store our data or files. What is it? A) flash disk B) mouse C) headphone D) webcam 356) Tarkan: How often do you - - - - - - music or movie? Sezen: I never copy music or movie into my computer. A) register B) download C) confirm D) upload 357) My father accesses to the Internet and buys the thing he needs online. Altı çizili ifadeyi hangi seçenek karşılar? A) download a movies B) practing English C) doing online shopping D) playing online games 358) Erdem: - - - - - - - - - - - - ? Aysel: Never. I prefer face-to-face interaction. A) When do you go out with your friends B) What are its technical specifications C) What kind of films do you watch D) How often do you chat online 359) Öğretmen: - - - - - - - - - - - - ? Eleman-1: I play online games. Eleman-2: I send text messages and listen music Eleman-3: I search for information for my mother. Yukarıdaki konuşmada öğretmen ne sormuştur? A) How many hours a day do you use the Net B) Who spends much time on the Net. C) What do you usually do on the Internet D) How often do you do homework on the Net

360) If you send a e-mail, you are a - - - - - - - . A) caller B) receiver C) listener D) sender 361) Adil: Can I speak to Alperen? Raşit: - - - - - - - - - Adil: Adil Akbaş Raşit: Ok. I’m putting you through now. A) Could I ask who’s calling, please? B) Can you hold on a moment, please? C) He is not available right now. D) He does not want to you now, wait a moment 362) Sungur: This is Sungur calling. Could I speak to Süleyman? Bilal: - - - - - - - a minute. I’ll get him. A) Could you repeat please B) Hang on C) May I know D) I’m afraid 363) Candy: Hello, Candy is speaking.

Aslı: Hi Candy, it is Aslı, I want to speak with Brain.

Candy: I am afraid he left the office an hour ago. - - - -

Aslı: Could you tell him to contact me. He has my phone


A) You are his close friend, aren’t you?

B) Would you like to leave a message?

C) Would you like to come?

D) You disturb me now. I am busy.

364) Birol: - - - - ?

John: I do it everyday because of my job.

A) Do you have a tablet

B) Did you go over your project

C) How often do you check your emails

D) How did you learn to use computers that fast

365) Jack: Hello, is Harris in at the moment? I have to

speak to him urgently.

Mrs. Ferris: I recognize you, Jack. I’m sorry, he is

- - - - - - - - . He’s taking a shower right now.

Jack: OK, Ma’am. Could you ask him to call me back

soon, please?

Mrs. Ferris: Sure.

A) not avaliable B) waiting for you

C) in his room D) calling you back


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

Hello, I’m Mark. I’m 14 years old and I like

surfing on the net a lot. I have a PC but I only

use it for playing online games. While chatting

with my friends on the net or using social

networks, I prefer using my tablet because it is

easy to carry it everywhere and it is faster.

I guess, I’m an internet addict because I am

online at least 4 or 5 hours a day. I know it is

harmful to use the internet a lot but I can not

stop myself. What should I do?


366) Yukarıdaki parçada hangi sorunun cevabı yoktur?

A) Who uses the internet most in Mark’s family?

B) What does Mark do on the internet?

C) How many hours a day does Mark use the internet?

D) Why does he use his tablet?

367) Aşagıdakilerden hangisi Mark’a verilebilecek

bir tavsiyedir?

A) He should play online games on his tablet.

B) He should be online at least 2 or 3 hours a day.

C) He should go to the school counselling service.

D) It would be better if he throws his PC from the window.

368) Parçaya göre aşağıdakilerden hangisi yanlıştır?

A) Mark is addicted to the internet.

B) Mark isn’t aware of the harms of using the net a lot.

C) Mark is asking for some advice.

D) Mark likes chatting with his friends. PPPP

369) A: There is a sign on the bus. What does it mean?

B: It means that - - - - - - - - - - .

A) you can freely travel

B) you can use the internet with a little cash.

C) everything is free on the bus.

D) there is a free internet connection available.

370) A:Do you know what does - - - - - - - - mean?

B: It means to send a file from your computer with your


A) comment B) download

C) connect D) attachment

371) Konuşma tamamlandığında hangisi açıkta kalır?

A: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

B:I usually chat with my friends and play games.

A: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

B:I use the internet only at weekends.

A: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

B:I access the internet from my tablet.

A) How many internet connected devices do you have?

B) How often do you use the internet?

C) What do you do when you are online?

D) How do you access the internet?

372) A:Could you give me advice about internet safety? B:Sure! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A) You should share your password only with your parents.

B) You don’t need to have a password.

C) You can share everything on your account.

D) You shouldn’t tell your parents about bad behaviors

373) We need a - - - - - - - - to see our friends while

chatting online.

A) software B) webcam C) web browser D) speaker

374) A: Hello! Mr. Smith speaking.

B: Hello! Can I speak to Alice, please?

A: - - - - - - - - -

B: Can I speak to Alice, please?

A) I’m afraid I can’t. B) Don’t you repeat, please.

C) Pardon? D) May I ask who is calling?

375) Tom: What is your favourite - - - - - - - - - - - ?

Robert: I prefer google, because I can - - - - - - easily.

Tom: Good choice.

A) web browser / access

B) search engine / find for information

C) printer / print

D) website / delete

376) I can do online shopping?

Altı çizili sözcük yerine hangisi kullanılabilir?

A) on the Net B) by sending e-mails

C) talking on landline D) thanks to texting

366,367 ve 368. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre



Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

377) Linda: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?

Kevin: No, I don’t. I prefer making a phone call or

sending a text message.

A) Do you usually send e-mails to your friends

B) What do you do in the evenings

C) Do you have a mobile phone

D) Would you like to buy a smart phone

378) Today, - - - - - - - is less popular.

A) sending text messages

B) talking face-to-face

C) using Whatsapp

D) talking on landlines

379) Maria: How do you usually keep in touch with your


Sonia: - - - - - - - - - - -

A) I’ll tell him to contact with you.

B) I usually do my homework

C) I do the laundry at weekends.

D) I send text messages or talk face-to-face.

380) Be careful with what you share on the Internet

because - - - - - - - - .

A) anything you post can stay online forever

B) you can make online friends and share photos

C) good friends keep each other’s secrets

D) there is a real person on the other side

381) Terry: Is your desktop PC online or offline?

Frank: What do you mean?

Terry: I mean, - - - - - - - - ?

A) do you check your email a lot

B) is there a connection sign on the screen

C) do you spend much time online

D) do you have a tablet or mobile phone

382) A/an - - - - - - - - - is a computer file that you

send together with an email message.

A) search engine B) account

C) web browser D) attachment

383) Nick: Could you tell Bill to call Mr. Brown? It’s

really important.

Kate: OK! I’ll tell him - - - - - - - - -

Nick: This is his friend Nick.

A) May I ask who is calling?

B) Can you hold on a moment?

C) Could you please repeat that?

D) Would you like to leave a message?

384) Bob has a problem with the - - - - - - - . There is

no sound.

A) computer tower B) speakers

C) web browser D) keyboard

385) Ece doesn’t like technology or social

networking sites to keep in touch with her friends.

So, she prefers - - - - - - - - -.

A) texting a message B) leaving a voicemail

C) making a phone call D) speaking face to face

386) Aşağıdaki cümleleri anlamlı bir diyalog olacak şekilde sıralanışı hangi seçenekte verilmiştir? (I) Well. I have a problem. Can you help?

(II) Great, thanks Bob.

(III) Sure. What is the problem about?

(IV) How is it going, Dan?

(V) It is about the Internet connection.



387) Sam: Hello, Sam speaking. Bill: Hello, could I speak to Mrs. Sanders, please? Sam: I’m sorry, she is not available now. - - - - - - - - - Bill: Please ask her to call me. A) Would you like to leave a message? B) Could I ask who’s calling? C) Can you hold on a moment, please? D) Could I take your name?

388) You can access the Internet from - - - - - - - - - - ,

but you can't take them everywhere.

A) smart phones B) desktop PCs

C) tablets D) laptops


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

Hello, I'm Sally. I think I'm not an Internet addict

because I use the Net a few times a week. I usually

use the internet for checking emails. I don’t play

online games and never make live chats.

Hi, I'm Tom. I use the Internet most in my family. I use

about 6 or 7 hours every day. I usually keep in touch

with friends through the Net and play online games. I

also watch movies, make live chats and make friends

on the Internet.

Hello, My name is Maria. I'm a website designer. I

have several websites. I access the Internet from my

tablet, smartphone and desktop PC. I use the Internet

both at home and office.

389) Sally - - - - - - - - -

A) is an Internet addict B) is always online

C) checks emails on the Net D) plays online games

390) Tom - - - - - - - - -

A) rarely uses the Net

B) uses the Internet once a week

C) is an Internet addict

D) accesses the Net only from his smartphone

391) Maria - - - - - - - - -

A) doesn’t use the Internet at home

B) has three devices connected to the Internet

C) accesses the Internet from her laptop

D) has a Facebook account

392) Aşağıdaki cümleleri anlamlı bir diyalog olacak şekilde sıralanışı hangi seçenekte verilmiştir? (I) Hello, could I speak to Mrs. Brown, please?

(II) Could you ask her to call me, please. My number is

345 67 89.

(III) I’m sorry. She has gone out. Would you like to leave

a message?

(IV) Hello, Matt speaking.



393) Who is most probably an Internet addict?




a week



Often Every


Kate ✔

Eric ✔

John ✔

Mary ✔

A) Kate B) Eric C) John D) Mary

394) Ali: What does “B4N” mean in text language?

Necmi: - - - - - - - - - - -

A) It’s a combination of numbers and words.

B) It is not an abbreviations in texting.

C) It is used to say “bye for now” to someone.

D) It means “have a nice day”.

395) Tom: I have homework about the history of

Internet. I don’t know how to do.

Kate: - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tom: That’s a good idea. Thanks.

A) What about making a software?

B) Why don’t you use a search engine?

C) Let’s design a website about dishes.

D) I have a problem with my browser.

396) Adam: - - - - - - - - - ?

Carol: I guess, my dad. He’s a website designer.

A) What is the best thing about the internet

B) Do you access the Internet from your PC

C) Who uses the Internet most in your family

D) What do you usually do on the Net

397) Matt: - - - - - - - - - - -

John: I usually keep in touch with my friends.

A) Do you have a website?

B) How do you usually access the Internet?

C) Who uses the Internet most in your family?

D) What do you usually do on the Internet?

389,390 ve 391. soruları aşağıdaki parçalara göre



Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

Using sophisticated technology is very popular among

teenagers. They use their mobile phones to keep in

touch with their friends but they can sometimes make

people upset. They usually make calls and send or take

messages in public places like library or cinema. If you

are sure that your conversation is not disturbing other

people around you, you can go on. If you are not,

switch off your mobile immediately! Everyone should

be respectful to the others in public places.

398) Aşağıdaki görseli anlatan ifade hangisidir?

A) He accesses to the Internet from his laptop.

B) He has a problem with the Internet.

C) The problem is about the search engine.

D) He has a good Internet connection.

399) John usually prefers text messages because he

thinks they are - - - - - - - - - - .

A) boring B) challenging

C) ridiculous D) cheap

400) Sandy: Ted has gone out and he isn’t available at

the moment. I have to go out now, too. When he comes

home, he usually looks for me. What can I do to inform


Dora: You can - - - - - - - - - - - on a piece of paper.

A) make a phone call B) text a message

C) speak face to face D) leave a message note

401) Ediz: I must create an account on this website.

Peter: You will register then.

Ediz: What do you mean?

Peter: I mean, you will - - - - - - - - - -

A) copy it into your computer’s memory from the Net

B) send it together with an email message

C) put on your personal information into that website

D) disconnect your computer from this website

402) Melinda: Hello, Karen. - - - - - - - - - ?

Karen: I’m doing well, thanks. And you?

Melinda: Great.

A) What about you B) What’s up

C) Is your brother there D) Why do you ask

403) Which one is false?

A) You should be respectful to others in public places

B) Mobile phones are high technology machines

C) You need to switch off your mobile phone in public

places if you disturb other people .

D) Teenagers use cellular phones to communicate with

only their families

404) Altı çizili kelimenin yerine aşağıdakilerden

hangisi getirilebilir(yakın anlam)?

A) none of them B) all of them

C) one of them D) any of them

405) The new social network is a - - - - - - - - - - now.

Everybody is talking about it.

A) hot topic B) best way

C) base station D) answering machine

406) Richard: May I speak to Ann, please?

Julie: Sorry, she is out at the moment

Richard: Well, - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Julie: In about an hour, I think.

A) Could you give me your address

B) Do you know what time she’ll be back

C) Can you say that Richard phoned

D) Do you want to leave a message

407) Steve: Hello, this is Steve. May I talk to Mr. Clark?

Secretary: I’m sorry he is out. - - - - ?

James: No, thanks. I will call him later.

A) Have you got a phone card B) Who is calling

C) May I take your message D) Is Clark there


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

next match. You say:

A) I’m happy to hear that.

B) It’s really nice to know that.

C) That would be a big chance.

D) I’m sorry to hear that.

409) Aşağıdaki cümleleri anlamlı bir diyalog olacak şekilde sıralanışı hangi seçenekte verilmiştir? (I) I am not sure. Hold on. I’ll check. Rose! Rose! She isn’t here.

(II) Please tell her Bob called.

(III) Hi, Bob speaking. Is Rose there?

(IV) Sure. Goodbye!



410) Secretary: Brown Company. May I help you?

Michael: Yes, - - - - ?

Secretary: Let me try to connect you. Hold on.

Michael: Thanks.

A) Could you put me through to Mr. Jackson?

B) Can I take a message

C) Can you say that again

D) May I help you

411) When you are in a public place, you should

- - - - - - - - - -.

A) shout into your mobile phone

B) disturb other people

C) be rude

D) limit the number of your phone rings

412) Harry: Could I speak to Stacy?

Robb: - - - - .

Harry: Oh, sorry. Goodbye!

A) Hold on a minute, please

B) I’ll put you through him

C) I think you’ve got the wrong number

D) Let me connect you to him

Bruce: I usually text a message them.

A) How do you keep in touch with your father

B) How often do you talk to your parents

C) Why do you text a message

D) How do you get in touch with your parents

414) What makes human communication special?

A) Humans can dance. B) Humans can make sounds

C) Humans can sing. D) Humans have language.

415) You know your buddy has some issues but you

don’t know the details. You say to her:

A) What’s the matter with you?

B) I hope you feel better soon.

C) Tell me more about it.

D) I’m worried about you.

416) A friend of yours couldn’t pass his English exam. You call him and try to make him happy:

A) congratulations! B) You can do it next time

C) I will miss you. D) Good news

417) - - - - - - - - - - is a company that gives you an Internet connection.

A) a service provider B) web browser

C) computer tower D) a chat room

418) Don’t forget to - - - - - - - if you don’t use your

personal computer.

A) keep in touch B) password

C) get in touch D) log out

419) This phone is out of order. I think it is - - - - - - - .

A) online B) offline C) switch off D) broken

420) You can get help if you don’t remember your

- - - - - - - - - - .

A) get you through B) password

C) get in touch D) log out

You are a player in school’s basketball team. 408)

Your friend has a bad injury and he can’t play in the ?-----------Jude: 413)


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

There are many ways of communication.

Texting is one of them. Especially, teenagers

always prefer sending messages. It is very

popular among them because it is cheaper and

faster than others. According to the research,

girls send more messages than boys. They

think sending message is enjoyable. Teenagers

send e-mails, too but only 5 % of them use e-

mails to keep in touch with their friends. Most of

them think it is boring so they prefer making

calls or texting instead of e-mails.


421) Why do girls send more messages than boys ?

A) Because it is cheap and fast

B) Because it is boring

C) Because it is fun

D) Because they prefer sending e –mails

422) Which one is TRUE ?

A) Boys like sending e-mails

B) Sending a message is a way of communication

C) Sending e-mail is enjoyable

D) Teenagers hates texting messages

423) Boys - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .

A) send less messages than girls

B) send more messages than girls

C) prefer sending e mail to making calls

D) prefer face to face communication

424) Which one is more popular ?

A) making calls B) sending e-mail

C) meeting face to face D) newspaper

425) Instagram is a/an - - - - - - - social media network

all around the world. It is really popular among


A) switch off B) available

C) sophisticated D) engaged

426) Aşağıdakilerden hangisi bu başlığa uymaz?

A) Tell me more about this.

B) Would you like to join us?

C) Let’s go out and drink something.

D) Why don’t you try a search engine?

427) Aşağıdakilerden hangisi bu başlığa uymaz?

A) I’m thinking of you.

B) What’s the wrong with you?

C) What is the matter with you?

D) Let me try this.

428) Aşağıdakilerden hangisi bu başlığa uymaz?

A) I hope you ‘ll feel better soon.

B) How is it going?

C) I hope things will get better soon.

D) I am sorry to hear that.

429) A: Can you show me how to use a payphone?

B: - - - - - - - - - - - .

A) I can access from my smart phone.

B) Cool! I ‘ll be there.

C) Just put the card in the slot and dial the number.

D) I am sorry but he is out.

421,422,423 ve 424. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya

göre cevaplayınız Making an invitation

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Expressing concern

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Expressing sympathy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

What is a virus?

A virus is a program. It enters your computer and

stops it. A virus can destroy all your computer

programs and it can delete your information.

Sometimes you can even get strange messages,

and then you know something is wrong.

So, what can you do? When you are ill, you

have to see a doctor. When your computer gets

a virus, it needs an anti-virus program. You can

buy one as a CD-ROM, but you don’t have to. If

you like, you can download one for free from

websites, and you can surf the net safely. But if

you want to protect your computer from viruses,

you have to update your anti-virus program

often. New viruses appear all the time.


430) In order not to lose your programs or

documents, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.

A) you can surf the net safely

B) you have to buy an anti-virus program or download it

C) you can protect your computer from viruses

D) you can can delete your information

431) If you have an anti-virus program, you - - - - - - -.

A) you can’t surf the net safely

B) you have to buy an anti-virus program or download it

C) you can protect your computer from viruses

D) you can can delete your information

432) How can you get an anti-virus program?

A) First, you have to see a doctor

B) New viruses appear all the time.

C) You can protect your computer from viruses

D) You can buy or download it.

433) Why do you have to update your anti-virus?

A) Because we are hungry people.

B) Because new viruses appear all the time.

C) Because doctors can be sick, too

D) Because viruses can protect your computer.

434) What can a virus do?

A) It is harmless for your computer.

B) It can protect your computer.

C) It can be dangerous for your computer.

D) It appears all the time.

435) What is a virus?

A) It is title of this paragraph. B) It is a part of our life.

C) It is the closest friend of me. D) It is a program.

436) Which question doesn't have an answer in this


A) How does a virus enter your computer?

B) What can a virus do?

C) Can a virus delete information?

D) What is a virus?

437) Are you going to surf on the Net tonight?

A) Yes, I am. B) No, I don’t.

C) From my tablet. D) Maybe later.

438) Murat: - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?

Sedef: I usually share my photos, and send e-mails.

A) How do you access the internet?

B) What do you usually do online?

C) How many hours a day do you use the internet?

D) How often do you check your mails?

439) A: - - - - - - - - - - -

B: Nearly 50. I like exchanging messages with my buddies.

A) How many text messages do you send a day?

B) How often do you send text messages?

C) Do you usually text messages?

D) Who do you leave a message note for?

440) I usually send text messages - - - - - - with my classmates. I think it’s the easiest way. A) to become popular B) to make a phonecall. C) to hang on D) to contact 441) What does it mean in English?

A) klavye B) printer

C) speakers D) keyboard

430 ve 436. arasındaki soruları aşağıdaki

parçaya göre cevaplayınız


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

Messi: Ronaldo, can you help me? I need your


Ronaldo: Why, what happened?

Messi: You are good at using the computer. I

am trying to connect to the internet on my

desktop PC for an hour, but I can’t.

Ronaldo: Is your PC online or offline?

Messi: What do you mean?

Ronaldo: I mean is there a connection sign on

the screen?

Messi: No, there isn’t.

Ronaldo: OK. Do you use a cable modem or

wireless one?

Messi: It is a cable modem.

Ronaldo: Now, open a website to check the

internet connection.

Messi: OK, but there is a problem again.

Ronaldo: Hmm, the problem is not about the

connection. It can be about software. Wait

please… OK, Messi. The problem is about

modem settings, we should reset it.

442) Which one is true?

A) Messi has a computer with a computer tower.

B) Messi is good at using the computer.

C) Messi has a problem related to connection cable.

D) Messi solved Ronaldo’s problem.

443) At the end of the passage, who must say

‘’thanks’’ ?

A) Messi B) Both of them

C) Ronaldo D) None of them

444) If Messi started trying to connect to the internet

at 9 a.m, what time is it now?

A) about 8 a.m. B) about 8 p.m.

C) about 10 a.m. D) about 10 p.m.

445) It refers to - - - - - - - - - - - - (line 19)

A) modem settings B) modem

C) problem D) connection

446) Lisa: I can’t make a call with my mobile phone.

David: Really? - - - - - - - - - - - - ?

Lisa: I have no idea about it.

A) Who is the receiver

B) Why do you send a fax

C) When are you going to do it

D) What’s wrong with it

447) Zara: - - - - - - - - - - - - ?

Niva: My sister. She is a student and she does her projects.

A) How do you use the Internet

B) Who uses the internet most in your family

C) What do you usually do online

D) How many hours a day do they use the Internet

448) The subject of the mail is - - - - - - - - - - .

A) illness B) Arthur

C) Lale D) [email protected]

449) Which one is false according to the title

‘’ Expressing Concern and Sympathy’’ ?

A) What's the matter with you?

B) What about having a barbeque?

C) I am worried about you

D) I hope things get better soon.

450) Which one is false according to the title

‘’Making an excuse’’

A) I have a problem with the Internet.

B) I have got a lot of homework.

C) I have an exam tomorrow. I must study.

D) I’m sorry, but I can’t.

442,443,444 ve 445. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya

göre cevaplayınız

Hi, Lale!

I’m worried about you because you haven’t come to

school for two days. What’s the matter with you?

I’ll call you later.


Hi, Lale!

I’m worried about you because you haven’t come to school for two

days. What’s the matter with you? I’ll call you later.



Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

A: Hello?

B: Hello, is Tina there?

A: I’m not sure. - - - - - - - - on, I’ll check. Tina! Tina!

No, she’s not here. Do you want to leave a- - - - - -?

B: Well, it’s strange. I rang her earlier on her mobile,

and she just hung up.

I tried again, but she didn’t - - - - - - - up. She’s not

usually rude like that.

A: I think she said something about taking her

mobile back to the shop.

B: Oh, maybe it’s broken

A: Yeah. Why don’t you call back in an hour or text

her later?

B: OK, thanks.

A mobile phone is actually a sophisticated radio.

It uses radio waves to communicate, like a

walkie-talkie. Only one person can talk with a

walkie-talkie because it uses one channel and

one frequency. The mobile phone uses two

frequencies, one for talking and one for listening,

and two people can talk at the same time.

451) Which of the following is not suitable for the

blanks above?

A) pick B) hold C) try D) message

452) What can ‘’person A’’ say at the end of the


A) Not at all B) Maybe later

C) You’re welcome D) Thanks a lot

453) What can be Tina’s problem?

A) Her phone is out of order.

B) She forgot her phone at the shop.

C) She is not rude.

D) She has broken her phone at the shop.

454) Which one is false?

A) You need a speaker to hear sound from your computer

B) You need a keyboard to click on the icons

C) You need a modem to connect to the internet

D) You need a monitor to see what you are doing on the


455) Will you answer the phone?

Altı çizili kelime yerine kullanılabilecek kelime hangisidir?

A) Dial B) Call C) Pick up D) Hang up

456) Look at the photos. What can we say about a

mobile phone network?

A) Telephone companies never disguise their base


B) Mobile phone network uses radio waves to


C) Only one person can talk with a mobile phone.

D) Tower isn't important in mobile phone network.

457) A mobile phone is like a walkie talkie because

- - - - - - - - - -

A) it has two frequencies.

B) two people can talk at the same time.

C) it uses radio waves to communicate.

D) there is only one channel in it.

458) Which one is false?

A) A cellular phone is a high technology radio.

B) A mobile phone usually uses two frequencies but

sometimes can use only one.

C) A walkie-talkie doesn’t use two frequencies.

D) A walkie-talkie uses a channel so only one person

can talk with it.

451,452ve 453. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre



457 ve 458. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre



Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

Secretary: Ginger Company. May I help you?

Mr Flower: Hello! This is Hans Flower. Could

you put me through to Mr Smith, please?

Secretary: Let me try to connect you. Hold

on, I'm sorry.He is not here now. May I take a


Mr Flower: Can you please tell him that Hans


Secretary: Of course, sir. Goodbye

David: Hello, David speaking.

Cem: Hi, David. This is Cem.

David: Ooh! Hi, Cem. What’s up?

Cem: I’m doing well, thanks. Do you have any

plans this Sunday evening?

David: No, I don’t. Why are you asking?

Cem: Well, I’m organising a volleyball tournament

on Sunday afternoon. Fancy joining us?

David: That would be great! So, what time are

you going to go?

Cem: We are going to go to Golden Beach at 5 in

the afternoon.

David: Can you repeat the name, please?

Cem: Golden Beach.

David: OK, see you on Sunday then.

Cem: See you.

459) Which one is false according to the


A) Mr Flower leaves a message for Mr Smith

B) Secretary puts Mr Flower through Mr Smith

C) Mr Flower wants to talk to Mr Smith

D) Mr Smith isn't at the company

460) What is Mr Flower's message?

A) This is Hans Flower.

B) Could you put me through to Mr Smith?

C) Can you please tell him that Hans called?

D) Of course, sir.

461) A: How often do you use the Net?

B: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .

A) once upon a time B) two days ago

C) once a week D) two days later

462) Aşağıdaki gibi konuşan birisi için hangisi


(I) I don't like using internet much.

(II) I don’t have internet connection at home.

(III) I rarely check my e-mails and news on my father's

smart phone.

(IV) I think internet is waste of time.

A) He is an internet addict.

B) He is fond of using internet.

C) He spends a lot of time on the internet.

D) He hardly ever uses internet.


463) Which sentence shows that David doesn't

understand Cem?

A) Why are you asking?

B) What time are you going to go?

C) What's up?

D) Can you repeat the name, please?

464) Which sentence shows Cem's invitation?

A) I'm doing well thanks

B) See you

C) Fancy joining us?

D) We are going to go to Golden Beach at 5 in the


465) Aşağıdaki boşluğa hangi ifade gelebilir?

A: Do you know any internet addict?

B: Yes, I guess. My sister is an internet addict.

A: Why do you think she is?

B: - - - - - - - - - - - - -.

A) She sometimes reads news on the internet.

B) She rarely checks her e-mails.

C) She is always using her smart phone.

D) She doesn't write back to whatsapp messages.

459 ve 60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre


463 ve 464. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre



Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

I think the Internet is important in our lives. I use

the Internet for all kinds of things; homework,

projects, chats, emailing people, playing games,

everything. We have got one computer at home,

and everyone in my family uses it. But I have got

a smart phone and I can use the Internet. So, I

always have the Internet. I don’t read books a lot

because you can learn so much more on the Net.

However, my mum doesn’t want me to use the

Internet a lot.

My grandparents have got a computer and they

use it every day. They start up their computer in the

morning and connects to the Internet. They say it’s

better than walking to the library because they are

old. They - - - - - - - all sorts of things for free, and

then print them out in full colour.

Family Contract for Online Safety

1- I’ll give out personal information (address,

telephone number, or the name and location of

my school) without my parents’ permission.

2- I’ll tell my parents if I find disturbing

information or messages.

3- I’ll see someone I meet online.

4- I’ll upload my photo without asking my parents.

5- I’ll decide my online dates and times with my


6- I’ll ask my parents before downloading or

installing software.

7- I’ll be a good online person and won’t hurt

other people.

8- I’ll shop online without asking my parents.

466) Read the passage. Why isn't Jenny

a bookworm?

A) She thinks the Net is more useful to learn new things.

B) Everyone in her family uses the Internet

C) Her mum doesn't want her to use the Internet a lot

D) The Net is less entertaining than reading books

467) Which one is false?

A) Jenny can learn what she wants on the Net.

B) She uses both computer and smart phone for


C) She has a large family.

D) She has the internet all the time.

468) Boşluğa uygun düşen ifade hangisidir?

A) start up B) log on C) download D) upload

469) Bill's grandparents don't - - - - - - - - - - -.

A) log on to the internet everyday.

B) prefer walking to the library

C) use the printer

D) have a computer

470) Yukarıdaki maddelerden hangileri başığa pek

uygun düşmez?

A) 2-4-6-7 B) 2-5-6-7 C) 1-2-4-7 D) 1-3-4-8

471) According to the chart hich one is true?

A) We mustn’t tell our parents If we find disturbing


B) We can decide our online dates and times without

asking our parents.

C) We mustn’t hurt other people on the Net.

D) After downloading or installing software, we can ask

our parents.

472) Diyalog tamamlandığında hangi soru açıkta kalır?

A: - - - - - - - - - - - - ?

B: I usually use the Internet for finding information.

A: - - - - - - - - - - - - ?

B: I use the internet only one hour a day.

A: - - - - - - - - - - - - ?

B: I access the internet from my PC.

A) Do you have a tablet?

B) How ofen do you use the internet?

C) Why do you use the Internet?

D) How do you access the internet?

466 ve 467. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre


468 ve 469. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre


470 ve 471. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre



Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

A Social Networking Site and Me, David

1st April: I think I am a social networking site

addict. I log on to it every day to chat to my friends-

real friends, and loads of online friends. I

sometimes have several conversations going on at

the same time. I upload photos and update my

profile all the time. But recently, I’ve started to feel

worried if I am offline for more than a few hours.

Last weekend, I forgot to meet a real friend

because I was online. I thought I had a problem.

So, I’ve decided to give it up for a while.

15th April: It was really hard. My friends wanted to

learn the reason for it. The first few evenings, I

always wondered my online friends: “What are they

chatting about?” I even called a friend to learn. But

three days later, it wasn’t so bad. I actually

concentrated on my homework better and I

watched my favourite TV programmes. I spoke to

my friends at school. At the end of the first week, I

reactivated my account. I think social networking

sites are fun, and they’re useful for posting

messages to friends. But I don’t think I’ll spend so

much time on the social networking sites in the


473) Why did he decide to give up using social

networking sites?

A) Because they are fun

B) He thinks they are good for posting messages

C) He always wondered his online friends

D) He thought there was something wrong with his life.

474) He reactivated his account on - - - - - - - - -.

A) 1st April B) 22nd April

C) 15th April D) 18th April

475) What did David do when he wonder his online


A) He called a friend of him.

B) He reactivated his account again.

C) He concentrated on his homework.

D) watched his favourite TV programmes.

476) Verilen telefon görüşmesinde anlamlı bir sıralama yapıldığında aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğrudur?

A) 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 8 - 2 - 4 - 6

B) 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 3 - 5 - 7 - 1

C) 7 - 2 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 6 - 8 - 1

D) 2 - 1 - 4 - 7 - 3 - 6 - 8 - 5

477) My sister is a real internet addict. He - - - - - - -.

A) checks her e-mails once a month

B) always uses it to follow the latest fashion

C) hardly ever has free time or internet

D) has no internet connection d vices

478) Aşağıdakilerden hangisi bu başlığa uymaz?

A) Never agree to meet an online friend in person.

B) Tell your parents if you see bad online behaviors.

C) Think carefully before posting pictues and videos.

D) Tell your internet friends everything about yourself.

479) Can I use your cell phone? I have to - - - - - - - -

a phone call.

A) leave B) send

C) use D) make

473,474 ve 475. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre


(1) Yes, please. Could you ask him to call me as

soon as possible.

(2) Could I ask who’s calling?

(3) Yes, of course.

(4) Could you hold on a moment please?

(5) Edgar Hamilton speaking.

(6) Sorry, Mr. Adams is in a meeting. Would you

like to leave a message?

(7) Of course Mr. Hamilton. I’ll give him your


(8) Hello. Can I speak to John Adams please?

For Internet Safety

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU


Today many people are addicted to their smart

phones, especially teenagers. Many people use

their smart phone for other activities than making

phone calls. They can use social networks like

Twitter, Facebook and Instagram when they are

not in front of their computer. They also listen to

music, watch videos, and send text messages

and emails when they use their smart phones.

And that is not all! Smart phones have games you

can play, many apps you can use in your daily life

and also a camera you can use to take pictures

everywhere you go. That is why smart phones are

a very important part of our lives and we cannot live

without them. What about you? How long can you

survive without your smart phone?


I access the internet at home. I use the internet to keep

in touch with my friends.


Internet means searching for information, doing

homework and practising English for me. I can’t use it

for spending my time.


I use the internet most in my family. I use about 2 or 3

hours a day. I usually read newspapers or magazines.


I use the internet to play online games. I spend a lot of

time on the Net and I argue with my parents because

of my internet habit.

480) Altı çizili kelime yerine hangisi gelebilir?

A) Because B) And C) But D) So

481) Which one is true?

A) Teenagers are rarely addicted to their smart phones.

B) You can only use Facebook if you have a phone.

C) People don’t use their smart phones to make calls.

D) Playing games on your phone is possible.

482) A: Do you know the internet safety rules?

B: No, I don't. What must I do?

A: First, - - - - - - - - - -. They can use your identity and it

an be dangerous.

A) don't access the internet from your laptop.

B) don't meet your online friends.

C) don't share your password with strangers.

D) don't use the internet only at school.

483) A: - - - - - - - - - - - - -?

B: Generally at the weekends.

A) How long do you use the net

B) When do you usually use the net

C) Where do you connect the net

D) Do you download any videos from the net

484) Who has problem with his family because of the

internet ?

A) Arat B) Ali C) Elif D) Ikra

485) Which one is true?

A) Ali is an internet addict

B) Ikra uses internet for doing homework

C) Arat has internet connection at home

D) Elif never uses internet

486) Internet is the most important thing for me and I

can not live without the internet. I have three devices to

connect to the Internet. My PC, my tablet and my laptop

but I access the internet from my tablet.

Yukarıdaki ifadelerde hangisinden bahsedilmemiştir?

A) B)

C) D)

480 ve 481. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre


484 ve 485. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre



Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

Rose: Hello, Rose speaking.

Mary: Hello, Rose, This is Mary. How are you


Rose: I have a problem with my internet

connection and I need your help.

Mary: Firstly, how do you connect to the


Rose: What do you mean?

Mary: I mean do you use a cable modem or

wireless one?

Rose: Well, I use a wireless modem.

Mary: Is there a connection sign on your


Rose: No, there isn’t.

Mary: Please check the connection cable


Rose: Do you mean the cable between

modem and telephone line?

Mary: Yes, it is.

Rose: I checked it but it doesn’t work.

Mary: Well, reset your wireless modem


Rose: What do you mean?

Mary: Turn off your modem, wait for a second

and turn it on again.

Rose: That’s OK. The connection sign is here

now. Thank you so much.

Mary: You are welcome. See you!

Rose: Bye!

487) Which one is true?

A) Mary wants Rose to reset desktop PC.

B) At the end, Rose has an internet connection on her

desktop PC.

C) They are talking on the phone .

D) Mary asks for help from Rose about her internet


488) Which one is false?

A) The problem is about internet connection.

B) Rose uses a wireless modem.

C) Rose switches off her modem.

D) Rose checks the cable between modem and desktop


489) According to the chart, which of the following

is wrong?

A) Zeynep prefers making live chat to doing

online shopping

B) Zehra prefers doing online shopping to playing

online games

C) Seyra prefers doing online shopping to playing

online games

D) Zehra prefers making live chat to playing online


490) According to the chart, who prefers doing

online shopping?

A) Zehra and Seyra B) Zehra and Zeynep

C) Zeynep and Seyra D) All of them

491) Seyra thinks that - - - - - - - - - is more

enjoyable than - - - - - - - - .

A) making live chat / doing online shopping

B) playing online games / doing online shopping

C) doing online shopping / playing online games

D) making live chat / playing online games

492) A: What does “account” mean?

B: It means - - - - - - - - - - - - -.

A) something that you say or write to express your opinion

B) a computer program to find information on

the internet

C) a computer file that you send together with an

e-mail message

D) Internet services you use by entering a

username and password

493) The internet can have negative - - - - - - -.

A) find B) effects C) comment D) upload

487 ve 488. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre


Make live chat

Do online shopping

Play online games









489,490 ve 491. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre



Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

494) Dağınık verilen cümleleri doğru sıraya koyunuz.

I. I have a PC and I generally use it.

II. Can you send e-mail from your smartphone?

III. What do you use for sending e-mails?

IV. No, never. I need a big screen to write an e-mail.


495) Teacher: While chatting online, you should be careful.

Student: Why do you say so, teacher?

Teacher: Online chatting may be dangerous because

- - - - - - - - - - - -.

A) you can do online shopping

B) you spend most of your time on the Net

C) online friends are not real friends

D) you should use the Net less

496) A: Do you meet your online friends?

B: No.My parents tell me it is - - - - - - - - -.

A) safe B) funny C) dangerous D) boring

497) Be careful with the - - - - - - - because the

internet is sometimes dangerous.

A) internet safety B) wireless

C) mobile device D) attachment

498) A: Is your father in?

B: Sorry, he has gone out.

A: OK. - - - - - - - - -

A) I will get him. B) I will call back later.

C) Why didn’t you go? D) Hang on a minute.

499) I can access internet with a/an - - - - - - - - -.

A) attachment B) e-mail

C) laptop D) account

500) A:Could I speak to Laura please?

B: - - - - - - - - - - -. I will get him.

A) Sorry, I can’t.

B) Hold on a moment, please.

C) I will call back later.

D) Leave a message.




















ayrıca yazılı sorularından faydalandıklarım;
























Sorular derlemedir Mehmet MUTLU

1 C 51 D 101 D 151 B 201 B 251 B 301 C 351 D 401 C 451 C

2 A 52 C 102 C 152 C 202 C 252 A 302 C 352 C 402 B 452 C

3 B 53 B 103 D 153 B 203 C 253 D 303 B 353 B 403 C 453 A

4 D 54 B 104 A 154 A 204 C 254 B 304 A 354 A 404 B 454 B

5 D 55 B 105 D 155 C 205 A 255 B 305 C 355 A 405 A 455 C

6 C 56 C 106 A 156 C 206 B 256 D 306 B 356 B 406 B 456 B

7 C 57 C 107 C 157 C 207 D 257 D 307 D 357 C 407 C 457 C

8 B 58 C 108 A 158 A 208 D 258 C 308 B 358 D 408 D 458 B

9 A 59 B 109 A 159 D 209 C 259 D 309 D 359 C 409 A 459 B

10 D 60 B 110 D 160 A 210 B 260 A 310 A 360 D 410 A 460 C

11 A 61 C 111 C 161 C 211 D 261 B 311 C 361 A 411 D 461 C

12 D 62 C 112 A 162 A 212 C 262 C 312 A 362 B 412 C 462 D

13 D 63 B 113 C 163 C 213 D 263 C 313 C 363 B 413 D 463 D

14 B 64 D 114 C 164 D 214 C 264 D 314 C 364 C 414 D 464 C

15 B 65 B 115 B 165 D 215 A 265 B 315 D 365 A 415 C 465 C

16 C 66 A 116 B 166 C 216 B 266 C 316 B 366 A 416 B 466 A

17 A 67 D 117 C 167 A 217 A 267 C 317 A 367 C 417 A 467 C

18 C 68 C 118 A 168 C 218 C 268 A 318 C 368 B 418 D 468 C

19 C 69 B 119 B 169 A 219 D 269 B 319 C 369 D 419 D 469 B

20 C 70 B 120 B 170 B 220 D 270 A 320 A 370 D 420 B 470 D

21 B 71 C 121 C 171 C 221 B 271 C 321 B 371 A 421 C 471 C

22 A 72 D 122 C 172 D 222 B 272 C 322 D 372 A 422 B 472 A

23 C 73 C 123 B 173 B 223 C 273 B 323 C 373 B 423 A 473 D

24 B 74 A 124 D 174 D 224 A 274 A 324 C 374 C 424 A 474 B

25 C 75 A 125 C 175 D 225 C 275 C 325 C 375 B 425 C 475 A

26 B 76 C 126 A 176 A 226 B 276 C 326 B 376 A 426 A 476 C

27 C 77 B 127 C 177 D 227 B 277 B 327 D 377 A 427 D 477 B

28 D 78 B 128 D 178 D 228 C 278 C 328 A 378 D 428 B 478 D

29 C 79 B 129 B 179 A 229 D 279 D 329 D 379 D 429 C 479 D

30 B 80 B 130 A 180 B 230 B 280 C 330 D 380 A 430 B 480 D

31 B 81 D 131 D 181 C 231 D 281 D 331 B 381 B 431 C 481 D

32 B 82 A 132 B 182 D 232 A 282 B 332 C 382 D 432 D 482 C

33 C 83 C 133 C 183 B 233 C 283 B 333 C 383 A 433 B 483 B

34 A 84 D 134 C 184 C 234 B 284 C 334 D 384 B 434 C 484 D

35 C 85 B 135 D 185 A 235 B 285 A 335 A 385 D 435 D 485 C

36 A 86 A 136 B 186 B 236 C 286 C 336 C 386 C 436 A 486 A

37 B 87 A 137 D 187 D 237 A 287 B 337 D 387 A 437 A 487 C

38 A 88 B 138 D 188 B 238 D 288 D 338 B 388 B 438 B 488 D

39 D 89 B 139 C 189 C 239 B 289 A 339 B 389 C 439 A 489 D

40 B 90 D 140 A 190 B 240 D 290 C 340 A 390 C 440 D 490 A

41 D 91 C 141 B 191 C 241 B 291 B 341 C 391 B 441 D 491 C

42 C 92 B 142 C 192 C 242 A 292 C 342 C 392 C 442 A 492 D

43 A 93 D 143 C 193 D 243 D 293 C 343 C 393 B 443 A 493 B

44 A 94 A 144 B 194 D 244 C 294 C 344 B 394 C 444 C 494 A

45 B 95 A 145 A 195 A 245 D 295 C 345 B 395 B 445 C 495 C

46 A 96 A 146 A 196 B 246 C 296 B 346 A 396 C 446 D 496 C

47 C 97 D 147 C 197 D 247 A 297 A 347 D 397 D 447 B 497 A

48 A 98 C 148 B 198 D 248 D 298 C 348 D 398 B 448 C 498 B

49 B 99 C 149 A 199 B 249 D 299 B 349 A 399 D 449 B 499 C

50 D 100 A 150 A 200 C 250 A 300 B 350 B 400 D 450 A 500 B