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" Kf? ^-y"" ■

J J e t u a r k } J e t i ) 0 .

n u m b e r 1 , 3 4 6 . N E W A R K , N . J . , T H U R S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 1 2 , 1 8 8 8 . 1 * R 1 C E T W O C E N T S .

TEE SWEARING TRAIN, ha™ ^ coNORsaa ^ irs t E d i t i o n .S O U T H JE S S E Y M E N rA S S E N Q E R S .

H n W h a W . n M .« |n ,a U M 4 M d O U i.r . W lH W .M r i » w d W ith ti l* L H ^ -

IbU i . C o n ik lM M T h * Km « z D c to fk ttM l a

e o M la lto U M S m a m M mtUlM TOM , J m , 1 9 . - T h » “ o w i l l

In iD which Wft lh» n lu ion m m P«KH M nlfUt, fc r lb . «™»It** l» * •*“ fh « lM ..t« ln e CO the i ,« th Jcn e j .iwl. It w a' e w w ^ lj vUli «J1«IT .tBtwmeii th .B 0 » h . , iM d dWikCi a m tlM BDili. t 'h l .f u n n n t them WM th a t pfliHw of lUipRtciitloua Toe.ll.ta. the laaa Tidrril UoMe. of IHMii Counlr. The DOrthani cuum , dele«atlii>ucama h n ae hi high , t n . hnitb J e n e r wai mad emaieh whan | f—«. and Uodaen captared two-thleili of all of the otioae In th a Hooaa, hut when th e , hear 1 the Uat of om n iltlfM toad ih a j Trent aw a, eweailiid eternal ren ce an n edalnat the data of B m . Konh fe iaef M Raiul, did feC p n U , iM l,eTefTthlncT r(iT th havlnf tn th a w a j of rhalriiiaiAhJia, ^ B aez eeFund the cream of theaa In the Hooea the prineipal o o aa lneee are iba J ndletair. the ecnuBtttaee ou Honteliial ('tzporzlhmz. Ilailroade and (hnala, U o tp m Ikioa, KctMoci of the Lawa and Bauh. aizl In- vumuoo.

Vklim Mr. H ill r e t i f ^ flpn the ip^ekeribly M iuait he tunied t i l of h u ttteotlon Id lem r- I n f f D ^ pliww oaiheee oemmItteM Ibr hM BepubUotn eolletciM*. Mr, IVck nettled no help. II* WM il^ e to teke etn i of blmeelf. Hr lUnl of n u m iremeoilous klcklnf to d th n e ti Mr. Hill m en tfod lo get pr*ltr neerly eferf* ihiwf he w tnled Bar (be other t m x B teuben 111* ovnM tn lliiftlQ th e Houjm w m leeur* the Bwoidat he tetlnnl fruoA lb* epetkenhlp oon* le*L

r m jcDBiAkT aiAitMAMturr.The rhelnntBehtp of (he J u d ld t i r Oownlt*

le t n tk f* hlin the namlnel leeder of the iluuee- AU of the lm|)Otl*iu uxetlon hUl*. taee'mrei sflkettm the tHHMlltutloa end the o iK i^ fo totbe J q i l l c i ^ (^oBUolttee. The pvU ien thunder lioJu ere nxdDuihctured there, end Mr. Hill wlU b4T« e food muijr of them to delknd th li wlnier. He is elio no the rceasdltoe m Miiitle «ad ika Joint Oommlttee oo b u m I41jrar7> Mr‘. L o ^ lue- tm M to ftoM af on the ComstlUee on Muntcl- p il Oorpurethw. A* h* I t the o o lf ^ & n z member of tbut bodr>hl* paMduo taereepoo* idble one. AU of the taUU vbkib (b t Ok»a<m Counoil of Hewerk vU l preecnt will here to fo through hi* hmid*, end «■ the chelnneQ the othur m em beit u « not perticulerlr *Uroag meu, he wilt doubt le a b* eMe to kill e n r uwMuru he m*y take * dlsUk* to If he be *o in- rllned. AU of the blUi eA cttng the Ac^tieduet Board will prubetljr he eunKwered to thM G(jinm1Ue*.^r. IjOiierlAelioontbeiiiiltiparUDt CoBiuUUer on Weyi and M«am, and he le at the bead of the Uoum portloa of the Joint (tan m iiu e on Sohtlfn ' Home.

HI. rn c x 'i cua ia iuM inp .The CommlUee on < 'orporaUuo* of which Mr.

reck iB chairman la the third In Importance In theH ouN . I t UeepeclatlT important tk ii year In r itw the a n ^ p a tM Bight on the water qtieeilon, Cur all of the bUh r r l^ n g to tha t m atter wtU pcobably go to IL Mr. Peek ii aLn 4>p the Joint CommiUM ou Lnnatlo Asylumi.

Mr. (11111(16 M on tmljr one conuninee, but tha t 1b the Corsmltlee on Railroads and (Canals. He had a hard fight to get thete Cor the average Soath Jeraerm en would rather be a member of th a t eommltte* than to be apeaker. Meeanras, w hich If passed, would afibet uUUoni of dol I a n worth of la i l r o ^ aad tonal pn^terty ad T e n e lj or toyoratoty are referred to H, and lU m e ahenneed iU frbackboae itop reaerre their totegrlty.

H r. Mariatt got the chMrmanihip of the CommUtee on Banks and Insurance whleb traomel* a geo* deal of UuHnem quietly. H e ll ah o o o tberocum tltec on Labor and Indtmriea, which wtU not amount to touch th k year, and th e Joint Committee on l^m ed BUM. Mr. Hiker, being a lawyer, wee 4>laoed ou the Com- Bdtiae UQ BevMkia of the Laws, where b* will Imve lots of wortc and can seeun little glory. The cnnm lttce sees tha t bDli a n properly

WU* la lr# d « o * d by d eroey B a p ra e e a la M ree rt*el>* CMWeelUeoe*to th* B m i lto M * a

WAHniifOTOJf, Jn n . l2 .--rten a to T M r- pherwo premnled In the Benate petitions of rttU naaof the rtiel, Keeand. Third. Ktwmh and ttith tn sexC M uoty ) DMrtcto praying Rwthe t^ M g i of a bftlfer Um pcohibitloo of the man- j lU te tu rean d sa ieo fto t^ ira lln g Uqiiitn In the ; pM tttotoft^him hiia Heakm lntnM lnoedablll [ iw the relief of Betm. NIcboVi A fVi, which was reA-rred to the ttoam iUre ou finance. Seuatjr Btodgett Introdiuwd a blU gnm lng a penslun \ Peter Jeraea,> New Jerwy Tetaran. and wK < mlttwl papen In supfVMt of th« measure alar Mcl*henou's UJl Aar tb* rell*f <kf Army and Navy purebaaers id* Horernmant lamls In tkiulh ('■roUrw. aikl of rwah purchasefi uf (toverti. meni h4e In the ahandnoed city of Port Roy ml. (M 9L U ekua IslaiMt, Is n<»w befiMe th r Henete, and a eoQclutom In (tally f xpertol

In th e H o n a t ('ongTewiiian Buchanan Intnv duoefi the fidtowlog naasurs, which was ra- Mtred to tha tvommlttee ou Ripeudituras in the Itorartm ent of Jiw dce:

WHimr-jus Tb« approeria'lnu for eairytiig on the i ' n l ^ States n)UjrU to lbo(U M ri«(ifN ew Jm e y I* i t the end of six inonthiofUie emrrunt year eoUrely exhausted; tht>rvff«o

JbssIredI, i l ia i the BeparUaent of JuMlot be, and hereby I* required to npoct tonhwUh to this House the reason ftv luca exhauitioa, eud


r u t e e a |* a«*eaten* W o n d e rfu l H icape KToaa D ea th In a C oaeh W hich Me-

c o » e e D o tochad f t o m th e T ra in , T akes F ire a n d F a lU I M F ee t.

th r date* and asaounis of the paymenw ftom and whether nr not sabl

_ _ * WTJfwHyon sakl cm:rl* h r the whole o r lh e cu rm n tj^a r

. lap- rcsarrylng

said aimroprtalkiii, i proprbtttou was lofltotaot h r ;

Mr. Buchanan abu Introduced a bill ixm- fi rrlng Jurtsdlctton upon the ('ourt of (.'lalias to loTasdgato prlvato and domertte claims aud de- mattdi oUier tlian war cUlioa agalnit the TiilirdBU tea This measure, If peeed, will re lk f* (he Claltus tVanmlllec uf (he lluueactf the thcwiaml* of privet* rU lm i nf every clam end descrtiitton which era tntrodnrod a t eat'b ■endoB of ( 'o u g m a Orer 2, oun theaa claims have already twau rehrred to the commlttM itoee the boUday reoem. and probably XO or M will baaddod to that number on the nex t bill day

8e « u w Rloitfett oellrd on President Cleve­land yesterilay aAeruooii Just aAer leaving the Seiude ctiamtier, and the two JeneydMU dU- cusaud m atteii and tblngs for at least half an hour. It if autbortU dv^y stated In thM ooo- nectino that the Heuatoc did nut touch upim the lublect of (lovermnent podtlcaw during the entire Interview. HU friends say he has no axe of tha t sort to grlnA

It WM announced in the Renata la te yesSer- day tilem oon that the Dominattou of Ji^bn P. Kelly to ba Postmaster of Jersey (Tty, k « l been onnllraied al Turaday'i Ix e a u tln ssaigem.

Amour iBe Jeneymeti who witnessed' Isgiila- tlve prooeedlngi at the o^iltol the Raws eorru- sfjobihmt in d e e d : J. M. I'arpenter, of New Brunswick ;J . LorfUanl ami wUb, of Jersey Q ty , and Rmll Hertmaan, of Casadea.

Onogreewnan Pbclpe has been assigned to tw o tiftbe most Important eatycatnmUtees of tha Uouae Committee on Forelfn Aflaim. day, to omnpaoy with the other m em ben of tha t body, he will call upon Heoretary of State Bayard, and hoU an tofurmal cmifcronrw oou- ceniing the ex iitln i relations, etc., of the I'n lted Stales with foreign noweit.

Oongnamnan McAdoo will be allowed a elerk to h li oomraittee (ou the mlUUa) at 11,900 per annum. As yet be has not eelectad the pro­spective >pQin i e e . ___________


00 Ttaia '

j g - «u tvaaen- pprtam .iJoam lttM oo luM E -'^^ au S o ld ie fi’

d r a f n and iha l laws ere Uke tbese already an th RlkgrM alw ou th ^ Joint

, ureFs Aqatonti. Mr. MCdowai'' I h c OomiSMaa bK Khgroiwd J * gui

bdwy i a n o T JBactiauam sdtho .

Bmna.Mr. McDcimil la on the tail and of tha tieok-

MltSee eu HaTklpn of (ha Laws and (he Oom- mlttae on Bducation. Mr. SchtuMs Is only a t th e tall end of tha Joint btoklng Knod C ^ - lutttea.

flPUTOB VAXnyi OOMKlTrSM.In the Senate Mr. Martin's dbUUles were

ic c o g to M by l*vWideDt Laige. Be was placed a t the bead of the Committee on MuaMpal Corporailoiu, the second to Importaooe to the Senate, and toefti^ in liiyM rtsiU M lbram ain- ber from a large city. I t Is onV oooe to a score of y esn that a fleiuttar sarring b it first year ii go highly honond. Mr. Martfo wtU be eUe to exerdse much influence In filvor of or in o i ^ ■itlon ^ the bills introduced by the OommoD Council of Newark. He Is ako on the Joint Committee* on Sinking Fund and tha Deaf and Dumb .Asylum.

HnkM loanctbJQg aoiUeordtoary h^tpen this w inter the Legiaiature will be able to adjourn in tan weeks. That it Is an liilaMiloaa body It proved by its roeord ibr the first week. I t is ■eldmn tha t the com^gitleea are announced on the w eekoforgaulm ttonor tha t toe members stay later than Tuaaday night. Tbe most im* poitant of the joint meetings Is out of thw way, and w ith a husUar Hke Dtoktown in the As­sembly chair there Is nothing to prevent an early a d jo u n u n e n t .____


A S ta te A esaela ttou F an w ed -C u U fo r a H ea ttu g to E lae l Ofleeiw.

Bpedal to the Rvisino Niws.^ABHiNOTON, J au. 13. - A f t e r m any

vexatious d rU ya to* tong talked of New Jersey Democratic State Aaoclaltoo has at last been organised. John Ttugaii. (^i^Kmden, Is tem por ary chairm an; John Aihhnnrt, of Jersey Oti^, WiDporarysecroiaiy, ta d Ckptoin Diaks (brother ofOcDHal Drake, of Bimbeih), chairman of toe coramHlceou patiuaiiept urganliattoU.

(.'troulan have bean Issued cauing tke next m eetta t tor tbe akoUnu of permanaiit oBoeti on Tuesday evening next at the hall of the Vlsgtais and HaryUnd Demociatic Assocta- ttons, on Eleventh street. There w e n twenty Jersey ofidaJs at the ArU meeUng. On Toaa- day it is expected th a t the membership wUl be lucroased to fifty. Tbe Dmaociatic Senaloce and reptesenlatlvks ftom New Janey have pnmilaed to be preeeni, also Asslitant V. S. Attorney-aea- etiJUoofaian, of Sussex; Chief BomuB, o f toe Bevenue Marine, and ex-Msyor of SUaebetb; John O’Nellt, of Hoboken, CUsf 0. A Bngraver; ( lile f DlcUuBon, of the re d e m p t^ . dlristou. Treasury Deparimont, and utbon. eieodV h<b Win permanently to cg ta^ h eab O T e ball|^ w % e v isitingJeaeiineu K ^FUw ayi find an

ofCoudiM oo u f O rau laa tio a e o f K algH UL u b o r T h ro u g h th e S ta te ,

T e k n t o n , J m l 13.— T h e n n a a id re ­pent of tbe Labm Bureau, which li to bo aut^ m ttted to too Legislature shortly, contains an interesting ch a p (« on tbe subject chgan ls^ labo r. The writer la y i : '‘ A tow yean since Ihere was Uttle of what Is called organlaed tabor In Now Jersey. E v e n tn d a t untods flourtihed to b u t aU m lted extent. But tbe increased im- portaooe which the Amartoao labor moveoieat has asuimart baa also been felt hero. D ar­ing ISSf ib is was especially noUceabk), and nuuiy local assemblies of tbe Knights of Libor aMociatlon started up everywhere, dtnee then tbe Interest h u oouaideraUy slackened, but hss by no B u z u dlod out. The Kntghlz of Iztbor ere not n •tron,! n m n s ilu llf z i th e , were a thort tim e efo, but atUl make • ee rf Dili ihotting. There m ie in azlftence during the je e r 3l£ loezl zawmbtlee, m u i a otal tnem- b e n h lr of Bomewhet orer U .0H).

The to-ezUed tndee unlone, moat of which nnbrznchee n f nztloozl or InterontloiiU u » - clztIaH , numhered 1A1, with z mem benhlp of o re r lT,(m. T b li mzkee z total of tN tabor EWganlzatlona, w ith • m eaben lilp o f n ez rlj 40,000. About one-hzlf belong lo Bnex, Uud- •oo, Fzaiale and Union ConnUee. nftjr-Iwo per cent, of th e n oigznlzed worknuni, Enlghti of lA bor and trzdee nolontalz am A mnlczo bom. 'nUa proporUon rarlee In dUferent peril of the State, boliig blg^Oert In South Jeneir and loiraal In W az t Jountp.

o m t N V F F O B LOST.

T w o S o b o o o e n T iM uah l lo Iw W to ek o d W ith T h o lr C m a .

G l o u c is t s b , Mom . , J a n , 12.—T h e achooner WUliem P aaoH , which a i le d Ibr tha O em iet Banka HoremlMr B , w ith tw e ln bhd , and the lehooDer f a t s 0 . Smith, which lalled Borem ber 14, w ith a maw of tm lr a , b a n boon glTon up fcr loet. I t li th a i ih t tha t I b t j w art w rtekad In the htaTjr galea th a t fW M the Banka a m onth t o . Tha Fanooa m i owiwd h , W IU lam P ataoM andhO niandm a ioeiired A w K S plh-Itm 8kailli WM Inawad . t oVbacrairtofUi«raaMdi'w<**MlbUoihi ; -‘ O h a ^ S ta iT , laofc, O t o i o ^ B a l a m X h n r , I t Uortep, How-tonid lM id) .F n a a l i O'Brien, K an to to d lan d , Jaeob. MIBir, N ora t a M a : C, F. Omaihldtj

. O h ^ B f t n a a a , WllUihe B a h ^ ^ ^ lM BoUio-

Tsyftl ( A rehls HcAulry and Hugh flentt, Ctoe B reton ; Newtoa Meigs, Dnusd K en an ; Baida- m in Baneon, Benjunto WUson, Jewesto Bowers, H airy Young, Nova SooUa, and Benjamin Ben- denoD, Norway.

Many of (he men had tomiUsa, and five Vrklowi and n lnete«i children a n le f t

JB ttryM y ftaOt Iks JM tts" ato.; me

A m n aa n ie iii Notoa*“ D o ro th y ,” th e ooiiilc op era Id w h ich

li l l la n Russell appear* as the star. Is drawlug blgitt M iner's Theatre. lIJa a very pleasant production.

Next week WHUmh J. 8eanloa,-tho popnUr Irish eosoedJjui, will appear (n two new plays

Miner's.^ a o o tf iG n z k d Opera House rings wLthlaugh- m n i^ b U y over the funny situstlona In ''Man^- icllfc*' I t is Qoe o f tbe hits of tbe seasoa

Kextviipek Peter Baker, a dialect comedian danoes well, win b* to e 's ta r a t

" w o e very i$airer work la. . . _ . — jH Waldmana's this wcek.-pM ylUrig b i d i i i ^ tto fieo astio u l sMoeto

Na n KKANi'it^v), JaD . 1 3 .* -T b e I jO« A ugrlrorxprN i train on tbe SuuUwrn reclfic met wKb a toerful eerldcnl near (hllvuta Tues­day night. The lest car of the train, an e t^ grant car, bnAn one of Its wheels and was (Vs- Uui>«4foimtoe train and w ent roHlngdoYin ■n rmbanbmenl fifty <w sixty fee t ‘The oar (otA file and w u maoh reduced to ashes. Tha train bad lam* iwu m lhe befiwo ihKA-andilcni WSJ dtacoYvrvd. Tha biooittotif* and Ooarhes Immediately went to toe aovne. itoreral eml- graulB were picked up erriously lnjure<t. Among (be pauwngvi* who arrived la the oUy I7 the Houthem hwlfic yesterday was Mr Mlu- tic, wbuwaa first to discover toe ecriileni no tbe Teharhipi grade ruenJay rventng. In iptaking of ibv tnattcr hKlay h r said :

k PjiMkX<iKS> STuar.' ' 1 hail Jurt o*^aped with ray llto from an ar-

f Ulent 00 the ganla Fr tuari, and w aao n th e alert foe any fresh dbhuaer. I was half asltv^) In the scroud ear near the cud of toe train, when irudilenty the bellrope snapped and hit me In the toce. 1 jum ped to tbe door in the Fear rome dlstanoc. I eaw a red light,mueb Ilk* a slgiiBl, and I knew that the enugiant tieepinc car was detached from the train. We had jtist swung around the curve. 1 sU rted to the bead of the iralfi to give warning. Meottn* a brake- marl In the next car 1 askixl him If he know the lari w was drU ebed. and Udd him bow tlie bcUrope hit me In tha Arne. Tbe dlecnvery caused lotna excitem ent, as It was thought tbe wild car a ould exmw nuh lng down the track s fk r the train, and, dashing Into It caiue s wreck, but the txalnmen amrurod us tbe brake- man on the toom car would set tbe brakos aud grt the coach ux>der routroL

TRs cA i on n i e ." I tw as iw w ab o u t 10 o 'clock,and we were

thice mllnTfrowi the place where the break oo currod. The train was stopped 'a t a amall sia- tlrm, and, and, aa the nooductor and engineer w m afraid tbe oar was sttU uuder Uttle head­way, 4t was drifided to take toe euflDe end go back. Berbre**we reached th r oar we law a bright fiame. The care was on Arv. (m tbe track soBke distance fhim the burning wreck stood tbe bmkeman signalling u t With a lan­tern. At that point the em bankm ent was about iWCrcL high, and when tbe r v broke Inoee It reeled over th ia There were fifteen pesaenten lo the tnarb, but so far as could be learru*d all eioaped with (heir Urea, th c n i^ several were seriously Injtjfed.

m e o n wgo w x a i n u ra iD ." George Harris, the bfakeman, was InlurM

Intcnmliy. The c^ o red man and hla wKh and three children were Ui tbe coach whe'u U

m i n tE M D O M M A D S USE O F.

B ow Aw S soaped Cawvict P o se s a s a M aa AImhiI Tow n.

K a k h a s Ci t y , J a s . 13.— L a a t T lin ra- d a , Dlfbt H iiTf Halt, io i cf aprom lM ot pbral* d a u of St. foatpk, Ho., «1k> hadbecaH utouM d tu 1 life t« m In th« N tln a k a PenltantlUY &r k tlU ngam an on hla tnoch, eiciped Bam Uu prlaoa and all liioe nf him «a> loM. Y n t« d a r It WM learoad that ho oamo itraight to th li o ltr and Fiidag and Sahudag mado hlnuoU cooigite- noua R« v ia d n a n d in the height of itgU, hadlzige itm u of monejr and made no ellbR to ctneeal hlmeelf.

He pi l l le a ronng gentleman o f meaoa ftom B aton, Tlilted Judge Wortheo, went on 'Change and took llgen In w heat and pork, failed on Sheriff UggsOe and aud he would poailblf have oouilon In oali on him again, Uvod at one of the beat botola hero and acted In DthcarwainiHinTthlnghul an eioatied conrlel. sa tu id a r eTeZlng he leffehli hotel and dUap- pcand . iM teetlTa a n now looking Ihr him.

V raU C K m > A TK A IN .

T c r r ib l . A eeldew t to a R e tro th a d C ouple TFhUa O u t D rie lag .

OBBXNSBtJEa, P a ., J u L 12 .—AaPrank HuUIn, of ML Fleaeaht, and Him Bertha Zilmlwr, of Util place, were dilTliig le n a i the Southwell PentuflTanlA BiHroad, neat Young- wood, gnrterdaj, the h n in r wia itn aA hg an ez p m a train. M ulllnirM fennd hnek (rfthe tra in with b li head ntion the Hack, in n leokon and blood f oiring from all p iita of Uz bodj. H ln Zahnlner w h frlghllhUT laoerated, her ear tom olfzod her face icarcelr noogn la ib la Both a n unmnaolona, and tbe imyilclaiia N fd t la Inpondble for the joung la d , to re eo n r, tbough Mr. MnlUn mag. a

The Binner li the daoghtor of a w eallbj. lo a b e r de ilero ftfa l, place. H tr brother Prank le now a itodenl In the dental department of the UnlTcnltr of P enujlT anla. U r. H uU n la a ion of W. B. UnlUn, a large coke opentcr, of Ml. FlcaHnL I h e Toong people were en­gaged to b o r n u i t o A ^ ____________

H K F K l i . F K O H H U W A flO N .

A F a rm e r Idea I it |u r* d In n B o n d H a n j H o a re , a n d la H earlg F n n « n .

Bpedal DUpilch In the Niwe,Oa u d r h , J a o . 12.—(liA rtes AndenKitk,

tiring at the Uaaon jhim, Are mllae from Had- dondeld, fell Irani a toad of wood In a loneljr roadaeTem l mllei nmn hla home pHterdag nom lO f about 10 o'clook. The loaded wagon p a m d OTir hie bodp and ln)nred him ao hadip th a t ho could not m ore ftntii hfe poMtton.

H eendeaporedto datre hla i—m home bp ahontlng at the hcaieit Ut hopM that Ifao a r r tn l o f th e team m u ld taeUa a Marah l i t him,hot In thia he felled, and be lap until lata Intbe afternoon In the -— ------- ‘ *anbeequenllp found i______laaitIcaU p 111 th lim ocnli^ ,

--------- 1 Imielp load, w hire he inwp _ ( )^ iU iu p tf ra ie i i tn death. Ha

H o W aa D M o nnhw d to D to.Ca m d b h , J * d . 12.—E d w u d H m h j , •

well known oalenr, a t m Walnat atraet, cu t hla throat w ith a ta io r laat night, i n e r ^ the windpipe. Ha died Ihta moralng. l la a e p w m detaoed bp afeimid la the act of cuMng hta throat, and on hla mond-aeodoavorlng to paw- pent him IToiii ualiig tho m art a tarrlble atrngglo enaoed, I n t MiMep m anated to d n w tho iiao t neroM hfe throglhofeiabeooiufdbaaTerpowond. ;B iiiliM ay lrn b l« m i RipiiOMd to h m ua- le ttla d h iitiiilnd,

A F ro lg fe t n i i l a d a m p t th o .’Fraafe,P o u o H K K in ix , Ja ti^ 12,— T e n o a n o f

aA W fh ttra liw o in throiws from -the traok of IhoHndaon U p e i ieatl, 'aoulh o f lUiliiolHct,' lU am om big bp the bnaking o faaa k la . All th a m o riitn g tn lia going aatlli aral aDOthan delaUiod, th e traok bMng badip obatnntad. It U u poe lod tha t tho road will bo elo ir bp noon.

D r . H eO o ih '^ ■aoooaior .P k ih c e t o m , J a n , l i . - A l t b o o i A i t

• • “ I!)pt*dthat tome defeillo aotloo would ^ tak m 'H tp o a Ct. MoOooh’a rooignillan of Ibo o * ta of pmzldoat -of FrlneoiooOolhigoat themcotlng of IhenauB ltloo peotonUp It la n lJ ib lp z^ tb M a o U ila c w M io o a m p U ih e d . Anotbormeeting win ha haU b tfe n k iw .

B R I E F S B Y W I R E .

A section o f Um U n k m is t n m n b e n o f Farllanrent will oppoM th a appointmani of a Hintaler of Agrioullum bp Loid gaUtbnip.

T b e bodice o f tb w te e n w o m en h a r e boon dug oat o f the n o w noar n am e, Auatrla. H eap a n atlll mUaliig, and It la aoppiiied thep a te .burled boneath tha b o w .

I t n m a .l^w «(«auaer C ttp AT Bee- Mu, which WM detaload In the N enep 1^ the feg. liM reached Queeudpwn, w hen M e wOI be delgpcdgnbl Umlgbt (o repair biar onakplB, which beoama heatod whUa Ike eoMel wMhO'

’ic il U ifMid ih'9P CfeawdL'

of to* ihouVlet blade and his wife was cut abdut to* head mid breast. Just how to* acci­dent oocum d none contd stale. The front iruek of Uie ecaeh was M l on th* tiack, on* wbaal was bnAen, and tb* opinion among too tTidnaaon WM iha l oo rounding (be co n e the broken wheel q>lk*d the trock ami tho car tUted oompletely ove^. Those who ha<l the ride down tho hill a a td th a t thaooachturo*d over as many as four tlm«s. U i forther flight waa stofpad by u fone* a t toe fimt of the *m- bankmenL Th* car buraaa up and to* pa to n l*i> were takaw along on tb* euclue vkI tbalr w(Ainda ware attetidod to by thro* phystcUos, who happened (O beon Ui* train.'*

WEDDED IN THE QDA tE B GITT.M n rtia fa o f M iss A u a 1m B v erty to R*v<

f . h a a d o ra BeisdrEHlLADELPBIAe J aD. 13.— I t WM dlf^

ficult to 1*1 near BL M ark's Churoh abont 7 o’clock UM evening, m great w«a tb* blockad* of csiriagas and such (he crowd assembled outride. Witblo Frory aaat was 0A*v*r** and (be alslst were foU, (bough special e u d i were required to gain admlsrion. The bride of the evening was Mire Anna Loubc Kverly, daugh­ter of Adsm Everly, wboae Vr3s aoqualntanoe and {x^ularity reiroUad In a great mid brlUlsat gathering, wbitth Incloded several hundred of the mcri prominent people In toaelty . Tb* clcfgjman she m airied. Rev. John fiaoden Baed, rector of the T rin ity Protestant Bplaoopal Chnreh, Newark, N. J ,, is intallectual and mlBr IrieriH looking, and (bey m ade a strlnklng ccsipla at toe altar, h a In hla dark, iong frock coat, buttoned high to the neckp-and to* tn bridal white, a long satin train , real iUace ovasdreai and corsage and m ore while hi^ ja her vail and hand.

AU the brideaaaidi also wore white lOaca, the bride’s fikvorite flower. They wars Miss Id ilh Baines, of New Y o rk ; H iss Mary Brooks, ofNew York, and Miss Lena Dawson and Miss Rebecca ficott, of Philadelphia. Miss Mary Ereriy, toe bride's sister, was m aid of honor. They were all In w hite, The nahari were Harry Mortimer Petm i, o f Nawark, N. J.; How­ard CoakUng, o i New Y ork ; WUliam W. Fltler, Bdwsrd MUre and David HUne, of Philadel­phia ; Floyd A Patterson, of New York, and CharlesGnimmoo, of Newark.

Tbe oeremony was perfbvmad by Rev. Dean Engene A. Hoffman, of New York, assisted by Rev. Dr. Nlcbolaon and Rev. Henry Morion Reed. Tbe wedding was a very beautiftil one, aud tho greater portion of Lb* middle aisle was filled with people in evening d re s .

After the ceremony a reception was given at tho teridence of the bride 's parents, IfiH Do Laooey place._____________________

TO B o u n c e S E W E L L 'S A PP O IN T E E S .


ofA nw al o t a W a ll- lu ia w a B ea k laa lB ric k Ckwreha

TS'llliara I to w e il IfeyiM. a w nll-koow n iwLlent nf Brl.'li ('buflib, s b e ra ha oeeutUa au I'k-aint huuH ■! II F toM 'di MnaL n a a m it« l at hla hiZK l o t nigtit b j BaM eU n INiIMaU MeNiughkiu uh I Bbrtl.lan, of B f* Yozk, on a bench zraftanl lamHl b f HeeurdM aM jIb. Tbe em luuU agalnot him are B la a Broz. A < k..ofa)llaU G a lAiw, aud KMlir A r n r - <3 13 tfanlen laiM. M r l-zyne |e a » a » k e f of the Jcae lr , Ann of Payne, n ock A Up^ of ID Btnul v iy , which h l M la the l a ^ pan of Ian month It ii rhoiged iba l a few day ibatev tho falluie, knowing tb* oondlllaa ofhla Mnu and ha.lttg no Intention . f paytng fee lham, h.' gni IRAi w.wth . f f ro a IM ra Bna. A to ., and 4<fe v o n k rm a K tllar A F ny , npimu h it Iz known In Ibetiw de111 ■amewniluuisaW

The Ualiimirethf Mr. Payne’s f ir* a r t Hio.- n e , and iIihv th i A llure both Payne and m 'f'k had been vrrv s(wrf« aj<Mtt 177 Bnadw ay. As Kxiu M toe Allure was annuHinred the fihartlf (fxik powossWei of tb* premtsss la the laterwli of ihe (Tmlltofi, and l>epuiy Hheitff lAvary w*4 i>ut In rhanr(^‘- The flnu h ^ oMalnad larg* In- r o tm of dlamlnKli on roeiiioiydnm , and it was e ip e iin t that tha jewels would be Ibuml in ihessJtM, Wliefi the salss wars spsnad byto>' U-]iuty Kbsriff00 December t l , if tg n M hmito found no dlainusNls tot rv.

The firm had coofrwi'"! JUilfTnent Id ill hvor of relaltrni ami IHedds, and As- slgi)** Hmlih ihrHight th a t the areris wi>uld rre ils t about Ito.iHio. which might h* Incesaw! by IlSyttri pioda to U- returned to toeni uii tucnuNSiulura. What Ix-raait! of all tb s (Hhor gixNlj, priuclpally dlamunds. ih> ossi knew.

After the failure attachonentt were served on tbs aariguM by oreditor*, who dncWwd that tb* pfeflMeoeai ware rraudnl*nt. Finally (h* Sheriff advsnlM l the sals of tb* aflSria to takf plEN *■ Saturday Ust. and thq foletPHMn ou tha t day w ai packed with barW ln hutitaM. Just aa tb* tale was abexu u> begla two wntn of repJcvlu were pervod by ih(» Ouraaer tm th* Kherlff. One was In favor of U- H ubr’s fiotw tTM and another In fovor uf MuMrik A Hberrlllfurlfill. Re«kte i UIh. Juilg* D'tgfl* NadgranU-ilan InjuDcUun reatraliiliig tbs firm fTOm reiMlT- tng the proesudi uf too sale. 1h* hqjuucti'iu waa granted on sppUcatloo of (be lUln ils Watch nomrany, LaouarO MsfchttkA Mgmiiml Harle and several (Sh*r credltoni.* flo the ssic wastndsflnhaly ptatpoDSd. *

^ — ‘• c a ly lw e a t y - a s T e a g r ^ ^ 'UnI ba* a wlfb and two oMtdreai- Theyhave been Uving In fine style. Mewaaoom- priled to flay In prUon all l ^ night. 'TOHg(^^ mJdnlgbl h li noifaer and U s brolk*r esHed at llesdquaitere aiid was granted th Intorrlcrr a lto him. _________

AdWTrorgour** Wunla” m t s^eom tpkft.


B l 'B ir .I ) I 'N ltK B TONS d V BOCK.

T e rrib le A oeldcn t to » W o r k g a u W hile tl lU n g a n Uuwsed KhiriL

M oB lilifrow B , J a n . I 'J .— N gm s waa n.- celfod hero yulurday of U u aooMantal Omih of William Joh u o n , at Ilacklahfgimy Minos

........ ........... ................ ............... .. ......... siiout twu mile* from Chesittr, Mmris Oouoly.rollsd over, the husband ■ktm.iniTtj ^ fF so tu ^ '* Johnson end two other men were engaged In

fllHng ID UDUspd shaft by uiulermlhlng an Im Dense pile of itxk that was hei^HSd abova Tliey had blasted away toe roppueiing w k and toe rocks w*r* foning Into tb* shall, vRkan Johnson carelessly walked overtb* topof tb^ ptla, which gave way under his feet, drawing him down and burying Mm about sixty fbet under tom nf rock,’and probably under water. I t Is doobiful Ifh li body can be recovered In less than a week. The two men who were a t work with klm had a balr-brw ito escape. They wtire drawn do* a by the avalariGhu uf rock, but !■ ftdng down- oaught bold o fa piece of tim ber a id w sro m - cnied.

Johnson w u twenty-eight y e s itn f age and leaves a widow and five small chiMfwo, ih* old­est imly seven jrean of age. IMey are la very dcatltut* rlrcumalauqes. He was toe soo of an old and experienced miner who liaari the alck- name o f " D evil" Johnson, from h | | daring and recklemnesi In the mines. The etdar Johns jn Is well known throughout the m iUng region, where be h u opened a n u n ib u of to* mines now in operation. _____________


A D elsgatloB foona b o a th J e r s e y K ndea-Torlog to B em o v e th e Mena

^w cial to the ffvxKiiio Hkwia W a b u ik o t o n , J a n . 12 .—T h«re is

another flouih Jen ay detegatlon here. Oomprie- Ehg eight etalirart Democrata fiora tha t aoctloD. headed hy Deputy United ita tea Maizhal John NcOonalck and ch a rle t J, W ekh, o f Uantdeti, and OTiry man of them M armed w ith a th irp •ealping knife and an eQually ibarp toma­hawk, There Jeraeym ea w ant oAclal realpi, and It la Du that puipoie tha t they a n ou the

‘WMeath.Alter a diligent Inreatlgatlon the K iw i oor-

trepoDdeat learned the in jec t of the ir vlalt to WarhlngtoB. They eam e b e n to demand the dU tnlm l Bom tbe public rerrlM of tho numer- ouanlaliipd ippolutoea of ex-Benator BewelL

"Bo fer," i ^ d one of the South Jencymen, "w e haye only been able to h a re one of Bewell'a men bounced. There am Mill to our knowledge itz ly odd o th e n who are itlll feed­ing lit the puUio citb. We want' there men re- mored. They are parllrein of the raokoet kind, ao d iu te rT le n tto o lio rb lg boM Sewell i otheiwlre they would neyer h a re boen appolDt- ed. Why neatly all o f the moat Important Ifedetal oO oa In the loutbeni part o f New Jetrey a n ■till fllled by Bewell'a benahmeiL II oertalnly la a m yale^ how tbeae men a n retaioed. There la a acrew loore aomewhere. and we are gntng to locate It if poealhle. The Preetdeutlal eleoUoo la approaching, and It wtU n e n r do fer tho Admlnlatratlon to footer that brood of Tlpen In tbe im tb end of a doubtful State."

The delegation la bu lling around u mad m a pack of boneta, and they deo lan tb i t beibn they leare Wiahington the Demoontlo npre- aeotatlTH Ikon the S tate and iheAdmlnlatra- UoB will ba fully lequaln ted w ith iheexIidiM aPataof tS U ia_________________

Ownapany F-a B a e e p tio n .I t e e o f t lw m o a t eq Jo y n U e leoep tio tu

. e re r glren a t the Atwury wee g lren laat eren- Ingby Company F, F In t BagtmeuL About iOO cwuplea participated In the grand march. The baU w M iM lefeU ydeoanM , and Ihe caaluaaei of Ihe M fea were kery h in d ao ae . It ifee not until tfikte hour th a t th e m erry party broke op. Tim e o M ltte g i Wire ag ftU ow i; f ia q r tnana- m , o SpuwfeS r < Bh>iiggMH:_giilatawfe Sad.

II' * i m f f f m W m M C , A. Gatchldi, ftlTalgC.Ji^ —IJeulenanl _______

W v M n f A 'M i M B |g g W i g ( r t r h M W. Bopklna, a a M p j n r e S H K W ^ Abar, F k ln te B. rejM rtnh jp o m o a te e ,*rap taln 0 . C. X l r d ^ d n a l r u n ; Shc|i(ani f . J, Virtue, C. A IHcklnaoD, O o p o n l William A Hogle, DeWitC Pazton.

T rw eble Ser B e th o f T h em .S erg ean t NoU a n d O fficer. H u rk e *b

4:10 (Yclock teat e ren lng aneated Timothy Dwyer, of Orange, and M n. Laura Idlman, of Isa Om m etoe itreet, fer dlaordetly conduct, at the boo n 3U M arket etreel, k e ^ by a Hra Bammll. From DwyaYaacoounl h ep y e M ia . Pitman t t and abe look tU Atnu him. A row waa tbe reaull and both p ir t lre w en looked u p T hla morning Juatloe Kodrigo aentenood them both to thirty daya o r th e paym ent o f a 100 Sue. tVwyer paid bbtOD, and M n. P ih a io embarked fer the thirty daya. ___________ _

A V e rd M f a r th o Iw re a to r , l l i a J t u T in th e cage o f t t u i m e V ir-

noehe iM dmt Jnlhm A Meagett, an aetloo to reeow i myalty fer totUe-abnm en alleged to bgrh b e n Inranfad by Ihe pM U lir, and miBu- bctu ied and asgg by th e lefeodani, thla afree- n ^ j v r i M » Veedlet o f A l l . a fer V lriuehe.'

JlogMi Vk H M hiH f gB w Pp lafa l ware a t 44 teM H -hah tw -m nalae tka4e p(teeaalC .'H M - d 4 ^ * C a 'a a A m a O 4 lnm .--A df.

A n A igliie-'hoiaae fa FTamoa a t LoweU, Muelx P riw itg e DoM »

, I F jIIAa J u t . 1 2 . - ^ o I fe iefour - riurr brick bouse* wet* (otsllr destiDred t f f lira 'th is mfonlng. Tbe bundtii|g '« e re bwD«t \ f f i b e ,0 T s'lDl oc­cupied by to* Tire Depertmeut find by (loin- psulet C sod H, of tbe SlgtR Reglmem. In toe butldlng w ere 9>,0N raundi of cartridges, which k i^ t up a oonsfost finllsdeG suMl seveml k e p o f gunpowder which exploded w lto tu cb /b ro ess lD b eb ea rd sU g v e rtb ec ttr .

H ie fire alarm te legnpb n stem-i„ _i _cionno

O bjrc lliq i |« III* m u* M«1 A dverU sleg of C w rtala C igars.

T w elve o r f ta l ig t io Q t w ore reprownttMl *t to* Tredra AmcDblj u e rU d f isal n l|iu Mex J. Dutiir proaidml. A iw liK ion pnArounf MsJbs* (b* prupoeed redtwtkKi uf wikfM h j toe

H sbulertureiv AevirietoMi ofN sw Ynrk Did raiuog nn toe imbllr to purnhaae rigeti with liltirt lnhii|a wes psiffiwl. tk*l«wate (trhnnll <rij*ri*d (Atbe sduibwlfm of Ablrrman Tbrofaid • i a dflvget* when lh« credentiaU of th* Muskal VahNi »>4UUnln« h li name ««*•- r*v«*'>^*d. Mr. HeUiwU has-*! hl> <il «w*tl<nM im toi* ground Ihal Mr. Tbiobald was a puliliulan. lohii J. O'ikinnar did not thluk tha t ohl«<*Uoti shiiultl be Dsale bw aure t man held au offliv. th * credeiuiaki were relkrred beck (» the union.

Thi‘|i‘k«ptl.>!i Dfuftlreni resuttod «■ 6»llnw«IlitaM of Trusliw*. DeligalM WerDSF. Fluid

and Bauer: reciwdiuic M reia rp . Ftank lioerr; financial lAlward F o lm a t; treaiurer,T- K. IV srre, kcrg ren ia tanas, DelegiUe'to 4Hii;.-«|iitmttii| eerrw ar;. Delegati- D lsck; UMnttiltttw i»n ReaolutlonA Ikelagalw D’Btii-n. U-iiMtr, llariHM, Fkxid, fluyder; rroIrnU sli, Deuer. Mchitell, Kegle,>'loul, Clark i IVlmiiig. lidtuar. ttk-hrir, lioetoher; Ftnaace, llmjtHv. Hauer, u 'llrten ; A rbltm lon, (luiKr, < Jsrk. Floud Sa htiHI. Feafre ; Law, WeMla, Dls4-k. Dsiier. tirvrama-tlun, Hchirell, Haiwr SM«1 Klujd; lii-rDHii PubUsblAg Cutupauf, Miiiell, Outer aud Damroagfa.

]i*)f’N*UiO'(v>an(« aauUwltu know w hf the L>iiuMf</advrrtl'faHl |Mo«1s made h j scab ishi^. The niaiii*r wan refrrrwl to the Rxcnitlve Com Dluee. D*l*j»P- Kalmar. Werner and Lewis w erespp iln tudaro ro raluw to vtsU toe papers adveiithinff a riser uf obDoxItnM make aud to requtat Dll’ puhilfeli*rs not to lusert tho edver- ilM'iufiit. It waa dw'idei) tha t nkeoUtigv slisll U' held hervafter every Wednesday iKilegats Kgiirr, uf til* llrrwi-r«, save a IlH Iw lu)<^4dUil fur wdlhif Mtlwaukua bocr. A ■tmu ww ralred teHwuw Ihdegale fichMil toreatctivd t« rcjifirt (he i»roc«riIngi (rf tHxvPii- Ovi arwwUm far a (Jennsii paper. A drieirate said that IftM s wei\> iIoiil' Ihe suecmbly wuuM k)M»w how tn deal with Hr. Bclmrll. An txecu- 11 re srwilon was then taken

l»K .\TH n x T H E i m i a .

An E ast O nsug* 1*ullcpm aa K lllm l by alaorom uttve,

O fllrcr JftnicK W . » ld .v , on* o f thp wwvt rifirieni nem btfti m ttr* Rail Orank* (luLlcefistw, was InsUnlly killed by an euglnn 00 the Otangu brat^Ji, of ihe Yiwk mid (JtvcnwiiuA Ijto* ttallMiwl, while o(i duty* a t ff o'clurk yesterday aft^rnuon. He was walk­ing westward oo the mllroad track, M se * n Midland avenne arid Nudh f'ark itnwt, with hla for cap over his esuw and his bm<1 taut down, Ui esra^is as nnieh asiMaiiDiU' a keen cutting wind ihiU was blowing from th* unrth- w(wt, straight down the trai'k. lie dl-l iv>t iin« tlceaw lld o a t engine tost wa»(»jmiiig down toe track (uwanl him, allbough be was f.idiig It. Tbe eogtn* was miming tender firH uu Its way to Wooddde JuiKilon.

liiccngtucc-r r>o(l(^ ih* offirer on th* trark, tu t supr>n**d (hat be was aware of to* a]>- proach of the engltss dnI meant to gi^ utT th* biM'k befiwe it reached him. When the Inoo- OMHlve gnt wlihlii leai than luu fori uf K>My, and be did not ralre his hrml, (be engineer blew gsharp blaxt of the whlstlo and n>v*rtod toeengiue. l:kidy heard tbe whittle, looked up wllh a bewllderril air and stt*mpiad to Jump ftoni the tra«'k. He slipped, however, and tbe next tnstaot he was strunk by the len­der, knockiri tluwji with the lower part of bli body BcruM Lhi' rail, and fhgbtfoUy msnglctl, death bring iiwlanlancrms. !{U logs and (h* lower |« r t of Ills Uidy were L(»Tlbly miitUaUri toe npiwr portl(jn, with the ezeopUon of a cut on Uw- thee, being nnhijurod.

Tb* body of toe unfhriunate luaa was taken lo Freem an't Morgue a( Brick iliu rcb . Oounty rhynk'laii Hewlrit w i^ notified and granted a burial permit. Officer Eddy w u SBipolnied on toe Easi Orange fufi-e ihorily after It w u organ- Ixi'd In lAiH, end had U.*«d faJtoftil and effl'fient In toe dlacbarge of hU duty. lie w u about fifty years <dd and was tnarriod, boi h a l no ohUdrro. The railroad (xxnpa&y has been blamed for toe accident, becsHise, 1l is clalmwl, tha t bad tlm cnglue been running tho pro(>er way, Inriead of tendeTA.11rst the olBoer would have beoD knocked to one side aud off the track.


T H E r* M . Ca Aa M EETINH .

rendered uwleas, and every lightId tbe city waa egtlogMriMd. The electric light station w u In o lo ii proximity to th* fire and toe w lru wore deE nyed. The tfulldingi were valued at 9H,(I03l T he onlformii of the militia, together w ith the ir arms, were destroyed. The roof of an adjotkUig boUdlng w u broken is by to e lUHng w aU isf the brick buildings, and the buHdlag, with its oontents, w ill be a toiel lOB. It wai occupied by graio and hay dealers. It Is thought tha t 176,000 WtU oovar toe total k e a H ie brick buildings were aot Itwored. All tbe fire apparatus was saved, but toe flre- meii lost nearly all their penonal effbots.

B loom field a n d H oatflla lv .WilUAto 6 , P ie n o n P o s t D ra m and

Fife ('orpshai elected (be fbHowlag ofitoers for tbe y e a r ; Major, Frederick J, U aU ; lergean!, Joseph Bchaup: life miOor, Robert ; sec- re ta^ , William R. Kaab j Inmurex, LouU fichaup.

The (songregation of Chrlri Epladopal Charcli, Bloomfield, wUl bold a loeUble at the leddencv of F. Tg Csnp, on Liberty street,

Tbe funeral of toe la te A. W, Jaeolus, of O d a r OroTB, who died on Sunday foom IqJurics received while trying to stop bU niDaway team, took place yesterday aftunoon front hM irio resldenoe, tbe services being ixmdiieted by Aev. Dr. Berry. National Lodge, 102 L 0 . 0. F., of caldweU, of which toe daceased w u a nem ber and offloer, attended In a body. Charles Jacobs, who bad charge of to* (eaza which caused the death of Mr. Jacobs, u j i tha t the hUchlng-strap w u placed o re r a toe icy coating of which penniitod i t ye slip, ttiui glvliig the team Its Uberty,

Joseph B. Benwlek, of Montclair, h u bron elected regent of too Uoid^lalr Coiuioll, Royal Arrantun, In place of J<dia A. HUlsg, iMgDed.

The Bloomfield Council, Order A aericau Firenian, held Its annual BjmeUog'lkri^gilMfiriv, Tbe by-lawt w en amended b y ^ t t l a g ofTtoe admission foe of II . Tberepcwtorilwseoretary w u read, showing too roll o f mem benhlp to be 136. an Increase of nearly fifty sinfie (he last an ­nual meeting. Dtteeas fiw toe ye(tf m r e tlseted u foUowa { Frerideut, J. Uowaid ;vice-president, Theodore CedOHis { treasurer, Heorge M. W ood; secretary. Max K eoU er; tru s tru ibr one year, William UoA m bd and William Kawaon; two yean, Victor C orns and Howatd B. D av li; t h r u yeanu Charles A. B rady; sergeant-abarnM, Jobn T. OfUfito; oom- mlttee on membenhlp, Viotoc Obrtax,Foster and T hom u Rawson, J r

Montclair H(ne Coixqpany, No. 1, held its ng- tUar meeting lad n ^ t and decided to f i r e a ball next month. *

Mlsi Bradford, slater o f the Rev. Jl 1L Brad­ford, of the CongregatloDal Chnneli, Montclair, will dcHvcr a series of lectqraa upco i ^ y tbe CbiMTOgatlonal Chapel, begtonlng toroor-iqw evening- The subject to-morrow night willbe Climpsce of N ortbem Italy."

tU n rw yrarhrtw liigfoelaaw orgatM .,mrxmdpogt,

C la rk B e lto f Bwdoty m e ^ r t i aA t th e fo u rth a n n a a l m e e tto g o f tb e

relief society of the Clark n u M d Company m ih No. 2, of Kearny, toe following report w u r r a d : Rcbelp%a-C*so oh hand la a a a r r L lilGff, fffil.Vfii troth reoelre^ i IL656jfo; Intereat.

total reedpty, R L9».H M rieorieBeue-iMh prid oat In 1687. 661.61; balaooe in

iry January 1 .18M, H n .4 6 ; total, sodety rellered llo m em ben and stuM aed deaths. The f o D ^ a g ofoOMv were riecied

t f • » ¥ * for the eu rrn it y e u ; Alexander Mo- prerident; Louis L. Ilohn , tioa-jyuU ent;

William Amos, secretary; Davtd B. Myen. treasurer; dlrectore, J . Quinn, B. Mitchell, B. E Grady, WlUlam Haliiwel), O. A fo ^ h t and P. J. Hughes; auditoCB, WDUam Davoy and James Dufiky.

Iq ja ra d b y a th u u n p s ^ .Y esterday a fte rn o o n a« O . W . TTche-

Dor and Mr, Bartlett, fiofaer o f W. W. Bartlett, were driving through Cbcbey’s Laiss, their boree bolted and upeet the buggy. Hr. T1ch*nor's dam agu were oOoAaed to severe Nwkiea on toe flice and head. Mr. Bartlett susU taed an in- ory to h li eptne.______ _

Taw D ays fo r B e g g l j ^D av id W U U am a u d H a i t y Woodg,

oolttfed, forty and tblrty-nlne yean (fid, a oook and laborer, were am sted by GapMla Daly, of ttre Third Freobori, yenterday, \JuitkMi Kodrigototem oralnggat*

Bepwvta Md...JllrBffi<»raE le c ta d fo r tb e Y ear.

. T h e an u tu d m c e tiu i(o f th e Y oungChriaitlan Associatlop wsa held len alghUo tbs" AssociatioQ Parlors, I ^ i f i* n t B. S. Batgent in to* chair. The In istre 'i report showed grasi reoeiptf for the year to tou am ount uf 115,446.67. Of to ll amount thereU s balxnoe of IP7.4A In bank. In tbe r*t>ort (he ts w u re r makes note of (h r Ikct the l both Im l^ n g s are free from debt and are lay ing sh they gu. An eloctfou fcJlowcd I* which B. B. Baiyent, W. 8. Harts- b ( ^ , Jey 8. lYret, H. H. MUier, Btophen H. Plum and George f . Mlltor were elected as I>ire('U)]ii for (he next three yeais.

The following are the clialrmen a»lw cre- tariei of Ihe various rominltteca appointed : Reception, A. A. Btnith, secretary; utocr, LouU Peal, rhatrm an ; library, Gemge H. Mil­ler, cbslrm an; evangclUtlr, F. B. Hoaglaud, cb tlrtn an ; vlsltatiou of tbe sick, £. E. Morris, cha lnuau ; lyceuio, I. B. KUbum, aecreianr|; on bowling alley, W'. W. RrUcoe, cbairnian ; DQcmberRhlp, J. II. WlUtama, secretary; devo­tional, W. t , Taylor, chairm an; Vocal Culture Boclcty, F. N. Johnson, secretary; tralulng class, George F. rolUna, secretary.

Gymnuluro Instructor, Profosf[« Kiolth,msde a lengthy report, slating tlmt during tbe siuu- mcr the tx^yi of the B. B. Club won eighteen gsmes out ^ a possible twenty-two, artd that the tug-iif war team pulled Mven tlmei and <mly lost (Rice.

Amocfiatlon lecTOtary, H, C. Willoughby, de- IlvfTtHl his report.

Mr. Coxieni stated that (h* membership w u increasing rapidly aaid tha t new buildlugii or st lesit larger mu» were In urdcr. BesolulkuiR (»f thanks were leiidered io Ihe Ladles' Auxiliary snd to Trcsjmrcr James B. HJgble.

fez b«*»ln*. •op b im d ara

W iM h to * I t o a naa Oiej till Ih aa tfay .to dax. AiMfeaB.Wateii aucii aa R. Hai M O B n a d itn ^ ia lL Tboa bara-I Wa1<Iiam aart B f U VafeHM l i m si* It tm afhlo n r fo |fiiie .-4dT 4

■ cq d

:M with an A O k ,

Ho ward, that

rvy I Uiae-

A b o n t th e O ran g es ,T h e m o n th ly rocepUoD o f th e Y oung

Men's < tiristtan AsaM'lgtton of Orange was held In Ihe a»oclatiuii hall last night with a large attemlancc. Tbe programme cuoristefi of pUuiu solos by Wllllsiu K. Bassford, solus, ducts and 4|uartctres by Hrt. Frederic Mason, aopranu;Misi liouise Rundell, (Contralto; l ^ l l p U,Ward, tenor, and G. H. fllinoaiis, ham ; lod recitations by J. Frank Kjikht.

The monthly meeting of the Omtemporary Club, of Orangv, was held a t the residem'e of D.A. Hcald, Llewellyn I’ark, lari night. Van PJiMi a cultured (Jhinamad, who married an American woman, read an latererilni; paper o r Chioree w om en.'

The Orange F in Department waa calle<l out fi:9D o’clock this mombig by an alarm from box 16, and found a slight chtmuey fire In the bouse of John Keating, on Bouth street. The damagu was trifling.

The SMxmd of the lectures by John U 8tod- d tfd , a t Orange Music Hall last night, was st- triided by a large audience. The n ib jc^tif the lecture was ” Julius (krear.*'

The officers recently elected by Garfield Loidge, No. 2775, Knights of Honor, of Orsng*, were Inslalk'd laat nlgbt by IMsUiri iX'puty I.N. Dodd. ofMonU-lalr

The anniversary reception of tlio Young Men’s Catholic LUerary Union, of Orange, was held liut night In its building on WlUte rireel, with a largo aUendauce. of m em ben and invltol guests.

Tho third of Ihe coneortuby Theodore Thomu and orchodra will be hold lu Miulo Hall,Onuorr, to-oiaht. Vfetor llerbeit, TlolODoelUit, will he theiOloUI. ____________

Iw d az liia l la z t lh ifa D ira e to n .A t tb e a a n o a l elec tion o f tb e N ew ark

ludiutrial In titu le , held reetcnla j, the fellow- Init director! were olscled: (Jeofge A. Halaef, TbcmaeB. Peddle, Jatnea M. Durand, Wllllzin tjlioion, Ntehohu J. DCfeomt, Jeaeph J.Meeker, KII H. Iteynoidr, OonFO Feteiz, Renrj J Votca, COiarlet H. Lockwood, Jahn D. Soril- •on, lamea W. (w a r , A lhait M. Mollmok,ChailM K. Yoiini!, ^(ktqfor, Stephen J. .............................. “Samuel C. IloweH, ______ __ —i — - j . —A. KIplojr, Moanward Balhoeh, J r„ tb u i tb ST tfenBffe liittea lO n)* W.MUIerand E. C. E ar- tlfefafefelMlWf ^ i f rS S i i K i s f e charter, very valuable, broad In Its pro- vbltxu, embracing educational raattera as ap­plied to mailRfsctureii and the arts. Its exhi­bition of Indurirloi w«ro highly beneficial to Newark, and many d«s(r^ to b are k revived

N ew ark B ird s W ia m Main*B ird s fWm th is d t y an il B rooklyn

met In a pH acn w Ihe rlT«r early yeAlenUr mornlna and hattled tor a etake of OOO and u much m in e , u their p an tau u cared to Iwl.H e main cooiWed of nine bottlea, of which Are fell to Ihe lilt of the Newark men, tojeth'ir wllh the pile that gww to the wlunen. The A rtI m e an cireed ine ir close and ezeltino one, wllh the belling b itik and et e ren Agluw.

NfiUe B so h liig C om pany IM re c to r . .T h e S ta te f la n k in g O oifipany hw lay

elected Ihe feUowIng d lree ton : Julluj Oeith, filWafdOoellcr. i “ fl“ *>'apff'. F. H. Sloger, 0.KruoRt, A. p. condit. C. FWgMBpan, C. M in- raaeher, Edward Behlclthai»i, J . M. Menti, FO, H»y. J™*< Mejrer," lttW l..feM et, lohn Blurtn aiid Charles A. lAihmo

Memonde a n d fehar tonffl a ^m a, a t V, tlhiidegen A <fe.%4H B o m

Hoaw o f Uw I ’M p le Wkw ProoUew Die M u w .-IH B V rm l Mclbwde by W h ich

Mwgwj Iz M adw -.The Jargow IwW hich Ih e .Wcicwew” Is 1l«G«rthe.l,

N i w Y o u it, J an . I I . - T h * aprew l of theI'h ilstlan 8clanoeereae tty son* ufrim MrilerbfSberi raUlng ih*m«*lv*i by veriHu iienuTk -Faltb lT<ial*ni,l'brlrila>iH. U>(miu,(b>Vs Ikorisiie. Mliel t,\ir*n. off’, -has at lest bfMHmt* soa-niow lb Ih b nvIgblmrhiMiil tha t mir ('Aitmly Hrdl*«l Doriety has taken up toe matter eml U tKiw ^«('t«ring a twrilkm to thi> iMKUlature Mk IngtliaiafRiwtUhUietkfi pUysii'iaits a(ul lawyers U- Hitpuintud ki rtmsiiler tb* edvIstollUy uf (M ing a law iiritoibiUug U»* iMMtpit fhua pre* ikiiig iiNfeliriire and emlajurerlng th* l iT n e f lltiHtreiil (jv weak mlndfil punsKui Ijk * all vihiv rraci R It has *otn* u |iro this city with a nish, atui Is te lki'd aUojI everywhere ju d as i1h' Nalvatton Army eras* ilwlndlei away.

uXlGllf o r THX “ rilTH.'*Mrwt {i<4ip)e SIT' rwUy well aware of tbo

orltiti ikf lb* inrewm mind healing, faith lH'>al- luu Iwltofh. In IridY Mn. Mary Haluir Glover Kkld), uf Ikatoii, pulilbbud her first ^ o ip b M s Sr to th* i}<R'trliM>, wbU'U she named " (’hrisUau Hrh m-n'." lu her U*t kiM>«n book upim tb* Ru|ij4Kt, ‘ M'kuHw and lleelih, wllh a K^y to th* (VrljitureR,'' UfR Ktldy says (bet sIrhiI th* year tMij, when her hoallh was (Ullnn rapidly, »bf etu|iliiyfRl "adUliiEUlriuvl mesmerki, F. IV vjiiimby.areuriblc, eldkTlygvutlrtuao.wItoRnin* advanced vl*wi alMiut heutlug Tbitre wur* 111) mataphyilval fo'sIfTS Uwtt. The st'iun<'« of mental huallng had not Iht'n Inn lUiTAivfTwl " (Mirilu r Mra. Kdtly or Mr. Quluiby la to b* rnnilU'd with (h* «li«-nv*ry uftlirlRtianM'U-iMM has rinre Iwen m alter for bt'olrd dlsruLiwIon. PlRfskliig of her r irak , Mrs K*lfijr modratly ub- iiTVWi "Homesilly publlcatlouR, wbt»w- only n«T*c( nr Hll*n( pikiulsare IjcmiwM wltomit rm lU rp<Kn ‘tN'leoiv end Healfh.' wmiM ori th* world right nn mriaiihyiiral haallng. lU* chli* dreii dnin in ilngap ltnoaiid iirrirndlagpi leach musk* or n i l iHs* Mosart."

TUB XIM'LT o r HVniTAThni.J.orareriiMt to iMr aooLtunJ, Gbrkrtlan-sdi'nce

damned oo Mrs. Eddy al the «Ad nf throo y*aiw tneilUatton lleresssyRWvre firri rlri'ii, laird among her student*, and she dltf ” ^ " fin ro puhlkh eih-tmlveiy miUl l*7n. |i i la/fi Mn>. Kdily urganlavd (he ('hrlirllan Ktimce Aa- Mx-lallon, aud three year* later a mind heal­ing church, to th* iwitorat* of wbirii »hr ar- ri'ptrtl a o a l l ; ah* aleourgauljuda college, hav­ing Itr bcSKlquarton In Iksiton, where anyuiii' can Irarn to bo a rhristlan arUuiURl by attend- Itiga siTleioflw etve U*riurM aiul paying

irore all ariuunU that have appeareNt from time to Km* In Ih* new«pai«rs, It iHH'imihai Mrs. Eddy's «o1l*to has Ixwti an extremely pnifitahU' sflk^, forni a finuictal |>nint of vl^w. and this has driibUeaa ktd alratal all th r gra>1u- airs of live Kldy rh rtrilsn HfkiciK* tnBtliut*M> gn and ik> Ukewtsr ; that Is to m V, they have lacked M., mrauing i'hririleii Hci|*ntlst, to ihrlr nanirR, and have opi'ned InriltukM In dlf- foretil tow ns aial flomU'il th r malis wllh ritvu- lam (iffi^rihg (*uu(pl*li' Initiation Into th* mys­teries Ilf rb rls tleu «cieiM?e fiw a oertolu sum uf nMMiry down.

NABINU PR^mTEOKKIJi.Home of three ivdU'got eharg*, accnnllngki

their own rards in tbo tUlTrrent rnagarides aral p((bllnatkRDS of rh rliiU n srlenUst and foUh healing ortrans, OS llttl* as tuU for too rn tire r^aifR*, and offer to throw In a cwtlfteato en­titling (he graduate to prarilce. From the rapidity with whU'h the butincss of turning out thrlriiaD scientists Is growing, tou iiwrket will •fsai baoTifiBkHsked, aud peritapR toe tlgurus given by sotme of cur lemllng ('brlsUan *61*11- tlrii M to the ndatlve num li^ of men and wo­men who cmhrwoe Ihe new faith are itguLfl cant. Out of every twenty (Converts nlw teon arc women and on* li a tnan ; but of thiwe wh(» orgauUe Institutes aiwl take iu toe Ukuiiey, mure than three-tiuartm arc men.

rnquestlonably, there Is mii*h In the notion that the mind dore affbet (he body. Wo have end Ires liurtanoM o f the rirange results of broad y411s, etr. Dr. Tuke, lu his "Inltiwnoe nf tbe Mind oil tb* Bndy.^ ssys. (ba* notolng is more rortaiu than (bat a large number of ponioM have bei.*u ttealed of all aianncr of dlaqises by bruad-ftUli. ■^t^lvew'^flirtbvor pertiaiiall would ■ br nearer th* mark to say nlnetoon-twondetbs o f to e rio rlo io fc u ro sjif tbo rvUgloua class ayw- tmdrerbtedly- JprratHls, exaggenttlou*, foh” isriro u f inemofy or of repbrtlng.

rxHin JH pcHiir.Rut there Is a certain pereeiilage of euros

whlub oan b* safely atlribuied simply to the tulnd fo r te ; probably the mlud bad a ‘(rea l d ia l to do w ith original disease, and therefor* was potent lo doing away with It. Forlnstanos, a woman w hoiinaglnei to a tih e has a cancer lu id e of her, when to m Is no raneer, could be tK'rfecUy cured wh*n pereuaded that tx» cancer existed, Will power M a trcineDdoiui force of which all Tfiiyriciaiis are perfortly oognlsant, and touch uf the lUcceM of (wrtaln piiysidaiui k due lo tbclr (XJnlrol ur lUCrLws In awakening will power in tbe paUeut. Witouut the alight- *•( qiieitluQi, from to ll modicum of b u lb h u grown tbe m otintaluufftaud wiih which tho ootnmuDlty Is now flonfWmted.

Starting out with toe truth that mind h u a rertain lrifiueac« over tbo tssly, the l Is to say, that we ran arounplisb hy will power lu n e U iingithatw e cannot acconipUsh without It, the most edvanct’d and Ibnaric of tbej* people will tell you tha t a broken log can be cared by pny eran d nothing else; that cancer ylekts to to e m lis l; tha t polron IshannlcM in (h* stom­ach of an edvanced Christian scientist; th a t oil (llRoases and llU of toe body are Inaagluaty things; and tha t when we suffer, It U a monUl and not a physical matter, and must bo cunyl hy mctiiai muaiis.

A hXumoni rt)i'ifp*Tlon.Under this cxlrennlinary hiMlgi- poflg*, the

( hririlan M^entists place a rellglnuii fouDdatUm, iiittk lngou ltbat It Is tiul toe willoftkM l tost any of Uis creatures should becutne Imperfoct or should eutfer. In their own ianguagt', they n y tha t man bbularcfiecKou of the IHviue be­ing, and, to m fo re , perfect: to stupoct dlsoav* 111 any one is h> torow doubt uptm the goodness of God.

AU of Mm. Eddy's argnmenle with bar ps- dllcnts are directed h> this und. For Inrianoe. rito M y i; '* Argue there Is uo diseaso. it It but to* evldpuce aod ntfioct of the lenRue you hare to deMroy, not a reality. Hay to tlie }>atlent mentally, you aro not slek, and huM yuur gruund with - too (iJclll of a lawyer, Avoid talking dlseaw to the olek ; make no imneccjwary iuipilries relative to thefr sym plum i; never give' tocm names for their djecMCs.

^ MXTKOln o r PSOrXDL'RR.H Ih f raso to be treatod Is ixnisumptloD, be­

gin your slg^iiiicnt hy takiiig up tou levUng rii(»wiug that It li n<jt lnli*rU*d; (bat iri-

flammatlon, tuberrlre, bwuiorThfig* and deoum- jsMltlon arc but thoughts, butl(}b, m eutal eunr- g1(W before morfat n itn ^ . not the ttnmortel mind, liiiw:;* they arv uut the truth df loau. aigl should Ij* treated a* tj,rror—put out of thn mind, and they will disappear from the body. DireaRe can ncUber be tresttHt nor healcvl mots- phyBUally ff (irugs or uxWnial aiipllcations ate employed, and iwtUIonUig a porRonal Ood to do your wiwk or onahlliig you to do It h tkA nnda- physica, wherein trulh works snd you uivter- riaiid Ihe Divine prtnclplo of ynurdemonstra- tloT). f elird to the b*d of death, w hat remedy have we In tb* metier when all remedies have falU'dT Mind most l« our only resort a t last. There I* no d ea th : all la xolnd. There la no m atte r; ' he Is not dead, Init sloepelb.' ’*

iTiui toe ('brtriian sdentoiU eliminate the ideaofdepeiHlIng upim or appealing toaper- Mnai God, while profeRsing deep rellgl(jas fonU lug and harping the necessity ofxecognU- liig the "ut:ieDett” of God and man. flrane of our New York ecfcnllris have gone further than this, and dfclare toa t there Is no ifieclal need of religion at a il tn toe matter, and merelya strong belief h i Um oarealliy uf dlaewe. Our fklto healers go to the other extreitie, and profais to get.* great deal out of prayer. The trptoel follh liMleQt oarry around a Bible with them, « id liafce a groat use of prayers uf ell kinds,

l i ■ooBie o rH « a u to « ."W York to-day there are between fefiou i, n>on ami women, acllvety en*

.fex to rting money firom weak-minded # h u ero led to believe (het there m*y

..^^ethlTig In this U M t crowj. We have no lets than seven InriltuUw from which a elasi U turned out once a month. Bums of tluw* giwl- uates pracKc* medlcHne or healing, whileothem go to other towns, aud establish an Jririltuto of Ihelr own, fttidiiig tha t more proflUble than the ordinary practice of Ihe prnftwslon' Ho far, not one New York phyilrian uf repute, nototw man of education, lu the liberal sense of the word, wrt or»c writer, not on* cli'rgyman of position, has given rouutenance to auy form of the craWr The GbrisKan ncUmtlsts are ail balf-cdueatod |V‘r«otJS, unpleaMni to deal wltb, but freqoe&Uy jibrewd, cunning and plauslble-tbe very men who would be w'lected u At for fraud. J t Is Ihia claw of fwople who were tbe rnesmerUti, the clairvoyant* of (wenty years ago ; to-dsy there Is (hts llnutuiv of cant added to toe old humbug.

As an Instanre, let roc quote this cxp lm stlon of w h it frith healing Is, which 1 wrote dowiv w o ^ for word, a* It camo from one of the lead* o n ln thtrlnnTfTPcnt: " 1^1 to healing b tha t branch df IJhrirtlan M cnoe Which plaoes the uctaphyM sal In liUtaporitom wH^ the matorial ■sd by deflpcUiig the Divio* wUlibtpugh hi tight s .^ vIritC dWBVCWnnn ^

w* Miffkr ftiSB Inward imln, lb* rssiai ( t y m k foHh aud iHuflhdettt help fluiB abuve." It took n » half an hour to find oul bow Uttl* tbta fltfwiula m eant Any on* who triad to get *x- (alanattoni of lUo. flads that the * i |4 inoilotti need expleluisig, and soon. Tb* rigmaruiebas Do rnwnlng, and has bul one purpiM, to Im- prr<« thr Igiam ot and g l(« a pretext for c h a ^(ng moTiC).

iMNeria* WBU, sviwoamokNVvfrtlirIrm, friHu mrofoU stoUsSloa it seseu

today (hat Nvw Yurkass are spriuiltgr ana* iluUBanda<.»rdolluii every week in tbe support of liiipoMen who not only live upon ArmiaL but « x |M « v -m liM tv ^ l (wratmi (u (taiifers Oom which kb* law iiUfhi luproii’Ct (hvtu. V«ry n>- fT'iaiy. a>uu' i,ifuur ttrws|W|v«rs have been glv Inc plrturosorih* dith'n rK Ibito healing 1cm(•(uUeiMl I'hririioJt irtrUUSi bonew thol flouririi III re, (h* rosuU beluii highly utiseliifwaory lu (b i‘ pni{tilrttjniof siu'liw taUlshm uuU Thiwv wa>i found tolfej sRiwiiifSinifeolraboul svaryuut^ of (hr htoure. oihI IflhsdorSiredii no4sm i\t>l iu M'.pjHug Ihf thing, ih* piJiiw u r u k a a baud in Uf Ihe filKh bealt're, a otri*ln Hitiisiei adu tlly in supp<trtiuf %4 burrb whirli i«ru|44« th* iMiihluig p«u up for Dr. Jlipwurto oiauu yean sg4i. eud uR^uptod riuev'then by Dr NVuuian. GeiicraU^raiU had a |R 'u (her* Hctural tluoUaunii persouR meetin this (alH-merl* every wt-*k, arcl Himtaum'R tiiuin4 M u a fowler is iatlmaUd tn pay him

a )<wr. Tin* Muoil Iry aru trying w h i d l s t i ' G S i X e e t v ’k iwsw'S butUiol w«' h iar nf Kime fare In whlrh <U aib u^vumhl as tbi' apiHin itt nwull Improts'r trruUutiiit nr iiu tre a m u m s ia i t ,a t tlw bauds uf rh iistlan H'lvUtJ^tn.

mvo SAHUB rXlATHBKT.Oti* rurluus pluur 4if to* erase to th a t » n r i of

ttwMi tH'iaple pntfoai lo Iw at>le lo cure disessitat a 4|tRiane* fruw (he ^irileuk and wltluAtt even having t-Kxn the patlrnl There is one womsn {‘hiisGau sricnlist who makes enough isnnsy In keep up s hande>m* eriebllshsionl u(ioa too ^(^e phf h'twlrss Aw toil lung-dlotanno (iwal ini'tit; ■rtwvsi uf pouplc ahii iKitleveln (b* hum- Utg lAit caunot gt'i their ri«k frieiels to agroe wlihihetii, pay th li woman money for treating th rlrrirk . hhs gave me ihlv Llhistralhm; "A iM-fo'ver tihii hail reed my pamphkKs came tn Ui4. Im I wis'k eiul Utbl mo (hot her bnA htr was slrk n fs frver but wuuM nut hellove m n iris (Ion scli-ni i . and artually refilled to be Mketi tu e i brlstlaiisckui'ehome. lie saM th a t l’hrls- Gsu »H»!U(‘* whs a humbug. 1 sgras'l to give him a tn*alm4'Ut night simI trutming, althcsigh ho was lu a huRptUl where 1 could n4»tvlrii

liii'vor il^ WDI

raiil be musi, b^ giA wrUvliAvns tw rtiisiwiH.

’«R*rr S frs*# ra l wnwien Iti Nmoklyn whose incihod Is Ut rit In fncii uf the lU k tieiwm eild tell him 4g imr lliot the ilbwase Is eu rw l, uue of thcin, It is said, *idi*ys an ItuNitne of tlO.'0i a yi«r. This Is < brlktian w’ienct* bronghl duwii to Its Hr>( pfini'lplia, fou thu vsst bents ifiiier- (tally rrasy pensnis always lu he met with In this city, the peuple who flmnerty cfi>«rdnl ih* svlrllualist fMmws, (foi long-hairod men and the .«bori Italrcd w(«iu*u who hire to bear Nt- piilet'ii play "Tli* Kwoet By and Hy" utian acmnibii) under Ih* |i4(.r1or table, tbry waul •nnx'ihliw wIMi mure n fe tinge of the sjdriUiiU urlhcraulidre liK bjnalionU t. UN g*tt1iM(U( be a very malUT, end toe i»>mlug slTort tustcin it by IcgtslaUou will b r wat(4)<Hl with grvalinkrud. 1‘. G. H .,Ja .

bim.aiuJ 1 foMliu vorKK-u him. TherowiH vroa i 1nriva4l4ifx4A1lito 'wDrw»,V(he.]tok|l|i'doctors

T ilR i ik h k k w ( IIA K ITY B.4LL.

w as Very

_ human wcakncai, bringing out into U v loo fiaq* bidden t h r o w material-

' tofo d«B«rtiao» and. finding m entafrea tto ronrt


T h* rU r l ie D e d d * T h a i ih a e * W h # W ewl O u t A re No Lew aet I* tho

Cootpony** R m p lay w N o A etU o by T ro o tu w r W llllan t CUch«

T h « tweotY<o1ght B ri) h iu l 143 g i r k rmpbtyfd lu (la rk 's Thread Wuris, In Keamy, who striH'k 4>n Tu«otky morulng, are panao- neutly out of eianbijmwnl tiMtor. The Ofdsr portwl up la the rimpa nulifyirei thooi tha t IMT must Im at ibelr p la n s ibis s»uroli« at T JI o cfock or they w m id be (w U e ro d m barlSK left (fa* etupUiy ul toe ooeipany, wsa i l s t ^ a v ^ td . Ailsm H. UmmI, tbeiupertotottdesB of tho K w u y mills, lakl s t noun (iHtlay that ihiua of to r bends bod ndumeil tu wurk.

"lh«-i'4aupeny,"he*ait], "Im i on! cbaw *4 its eiil((Kl*. aiHl wiU nut. II will teg roesfio fii iu ib<> iMjsliitsi It i iu token. We ~iTw1iTT ilm iibvstriktinare no hMiger owuwutod with thi* fi’.rtnry ”

'• VI\\\ any o rilw u h* taksn back f '“ 1 fkinctkiyiw.*' reidtod Mr drool.


"Y iiuw lll ha il-P i a«k fiupertnliiideai WU- llsni ( lark aNmi lUor," was toe euswte.

tMIMoiu (lark , Ihv Im su rern f tbeemwpaayt retimutl hum* from a yachting trip yeiicnlay, lAil h r wrni to New York sarly tots a o m U ^ Y(u>(i-rday oflertHNsi a m uB ilctn o i Uw iirlksa* ( eiliu u|R»u miiirrlnien4l*iit William (3ark oisfi prrsi iiu (11(1 him the following p riltloo :Mr. Willhm ffiir* Grocnfi .*«'»i*#TuV(»» c»ir.

Dia * His ~W r, (b* umb-nuguiNl, Uw ens- iduyre In iK orlark Unwed (^msyony, wooM humbly joGiloii ami klmily ask yuu to m sedy itMl vum rt 4tur iTtoviDcre. ss follows;

lUii - Ws wiHild ask for toe reniovalof Mr. IrtuUirf Weieiriey ftmn th* piaUlun tie now iHdih Ih tor detortments in wnk'h

VreUnotoy be r* .

w , toe un h* N (w was loo

fel* Mr. Pplto, who waa

A llr itU en i R*c*pt(on ih a l I jk rg rly A tte n d ed .

G lecm lng w h ite arm s jroering th ro n g h (he r4iufln4‘H of lull* endlace. the sheen nf silks end lerius, and the dull riebneas of velvet, m«iiMn(vi with (h* |tlUcr 4if g*ms, fi)rmi‘d a b*aut1fl]l kaleldancoplc picture at the Hebrew charily Iwil, in tbs Araiicmy o t Mnatc. lari night- The^oenflhe llfbrow sleiM O tiaN ew - ark was present tn toe extcnt<il between TuO and (M), making the bell cme of the must nicceoiftil e re r held in the city. A pruAuilon of bunting huPf iu fract'ftd folds ftom the centre of the cflHng. and wsi draped to to* iidos. tu Iruat of th* KUire. ftutdawuied In gas jets, wai the wigd “ I haidiy."

The niauagvtofDt of Ihe ball waa tu toe hands nf the following couimiliues Flour maneg(‘r, l#o Jnratar/Hkl; flnnr (Vunmlt- tee, D. T. Kliik*, Hnl Meydr, (1iaTl4]a l!oh*n, II. Blelchrnd*. M. Etsenberg, A. H*llcr, A. II. Meyer, Nei Mpriein, Mooh Joseph, tffder Kossy/ N at FIslMisr, Xadi: Ito jQ W M V thf Hefaswr, C. K. Hteru, Philadelphia, Alje Han- norli, E Hcbwartt, L Hewd, Mtaes Weleiinau,jju il lJ||(fcivion, 1,coinmlUc*, J. nlahl, chairm an; Isaac Lohmsn, Jt^lre iMrUiiuaii, |,«ssr l>*hinar), E. D. Newman, B e n ^ H traue .lL ito lx iw r.L 'b* '^ filmui^Lfa ! Ftngfr, FbtHp ixnry, H. bcrrla, A rn o Heyor, l,ouli nau l, le o Nusbaum, Joohua W ell; oom- rolHce of arroDgemcnls, D. Htraus, chairman ; U, Krmpe, Hsmuel Krnetlch. Klchard Bocn- siciu, M. Htdin, WllUam Kau, CharUwH. Davis, PamuclJocobeon,David H yer,dam uel Walter, Bnlcmou Oury, B. Htera, Bud. Levy, A. Hau»er, J. dunaiooD.

Tbe prooldent nf toe snctely, Mnam Ktrmuai, end hlH wife led ihe grand liutrch. Thu gii*Rls Inrluded rcpreiteiilatlTce nf nearly all the well- known Hebrew fiualUes (rf Newiik, with lutny ftiiui other cities. ____________

]>eath o f Mrs* Y atm on.M ary t \ , w ife o f C. H. YHtmaH^ S uper-

lulcndcnl of the ChUdren's Aid Hucriety and the Newrisiy'S Home, nn Msrket sireot. dl*4l Iasi nighb fihe was toe 4)angbtcr of Judge William Hunt, of FmHlum, Pussex (kHiuty, aud was born JamuuT 3fi, ISM. Gn January 2-\ 1617, she Itccame the wlfo Mr. Yalinan, auil iweiily-two yearn ago eame to Newark, aftur- wanl eiamecling huraelf with (bo Gentrat Pros- byterian (luirch, of which sh* was a inpubcr at the tim eof her death. Rbe w asan actlvo worktsr iu ihe eaure of temperance u id was (Mie uf tliu foimdere of the W4>maii’i Christian Tmn- pcraiice I'ldonand (be Ons|j*l Temporanoo Aa suclatlun. fill yean ago ih(j was suUtxl with poralyHlt from which she (lied last evening, having been confined (o toe house since chriRtmaa Day. Mrs. Yabman was the mother of fix children, three ufwhum Mrs. HuMe Ed­wards, John L. Yatiuan and Rev. v.. 11. Yatmiin riinrlve her, Iho laltor at present being engaged In Kvsngc^1* t out West. The funeral wilt protjably lak« placo on Rimday next.

dcrflvrwd, were neplurMl, nv*ilii arint. and relnsle iiijjwrliilPiitK'iit fiir several yc

fnoG^We «4iul4i also BU fiw the rednstalfo nit 111 4tf James X. Ixnigloss and John II. HpUr larK' to ih d r ftmiMW pisUkms uvci tii, u y l we •r* PHiUib-d ihosegeiilluaeD haye always assdl to ftr f>«it *n4l*avnri to promate use welpueoia'I int4-revi 4d your onoipany. They h#re afaudotti their l-*rt (« eucuursn us, your employes, to do lbs same, which our pest senires will c*rtainlyxbdwaadpror«1f)ireperly iurssUga> led,

Tht** -We have n a - ^ . . j i e t s kretont the rotnpanjr 4St oresiant ur <iur wocm ur coinH or the hours ws wivk fiaMy. It b odJr saalnst Herbert W oimslcy towanl vsh your ere- ptoyra.

ifoiiitig, 4toar Mr, you wilt give ynor attrettoy . and Immediate action tn The prumlssa asre grsnl isir request wllh th* |««at delay, we re­main (your tote treployssj, vary rere«o(ftillr ymirp.

E basmv, January 11.Mr. (I irk h x ik tb e peillbm and prnmirel tw

five It due foueld*ratluMGA WEimau Of thb imiiBiM.

TIiIr mnrtilug the slrikcrs ■asemhled In (he hsU et (he cimmf of llarrtsun avenue and Kiam y strtw tiand b«M a secret meelltig. They T*matui-<t lu the room with ('looed dnure for a a fonir. When they (*ame out they said tfabStUMr bed ogrred to stand Arm. Frnni lndlv1dui*l sirlki n II wosluerued that those who had qu it W4uk wore eacouroged by an assuranos from (be spirihcrs of the Mile Knd ITiciwd W(Wk% who b*kl a tneellng tss4 nigbl and decided toot ih('y Mould ixoiribnto weukly toward support Ing toe strikers. The latter ware sU4i aomirctl by reprgirnlaGves of (he ot>*ral]T** of sotae othhr laige fottories In (h li cUy that they would iTinilsh f tn a lij^ aM.It was tlM d(N*lde4l tost lu treato^uiuii'kaa'faV cmn^iaiiy (hu cuipluyes shuuld Ignore Overseer Womsley end present thetr grlaviivres to W. Campbell n a rk or Tnoaurer Wllllasi d o rk i t Ihe Newark factory. A ournmlttoe wt* a|>- pointed to com* ocrire the iiv*r this afteruooa (« (hi* main offlr*. Al 1 u'cluck nsllh*r W. ( ‘emplicll Clark or* iib i'rof (he William Glorks were I t to* Newark foctoty, and uono of there bed been i hero tcMlay,

Roliert ( lark, who repmontod the suprela- tcndcut, said that no fuinralttee had call(»d yet and (het there was no change tn tb* attitude a t Ih* ronpaby.

" Will any uf the atrlkeiq ba taken back T‘" 1 (ki not know whetl>er any of them Intend

tocetim b'' Mr. Clark rcphetl. " I h e oompany niay niipioytbein if (B ^ aptfT fof (rofTper- hajis, but 1 rwnrtot rey positively. Ttvsaurar Wlgieitt 'Clark weiri to New Y'Ork'lUa»*»•>*« * t iv .” •• : V

"W hen will he rc iu m f'"I-deno lhnow ,"A t Ih* m nt in K «m T*TCH tW ni h w t td ’

along «s tnuKrtbly as usual this momlng, ex- cvpl In to* (wdldg-rooni. where most nf tire niu-blUf«were Idle. Ooeationally girts would call at th* 4ifilfie and apply tor work, but ao new band* were engaged. Many of the strlfo ctrn, iNAh men and women, were *t (he llttl**'Cte&KtpolUan" Hulei, where they baveeslafo UolLcd toelr besdquarteni.

(x)XPuiHfH(i oNj.y o r wai.vrlbv.Nut one of ihem mako any oomplalui* about

any uf th* ila rk i. The truosurer, lupuriate&d- *nt ao4i W. Campbell Clark, they say are kind and c<roj4dcraie empfoyen. Hut they complalA 4if the company fijr retalninff Walm*'Iry. They all tell alxHit the same story, that he Is dutulueering and evidently does not undersland that In (hla country ordinary workingmen and W4imeii ore nut riaves. They isy tha t hu W4iuid not let the girls talk to etch other or look 4jut uf a wlmbiw, end Ihal he made, on severs! uccailonj, rumsrka (u (ho effect that they wore loo u k e drossui fur working gtrls. __________

E seap ad Convict S m ith Pl«*4ls OuJIty*In the Q u a rte r Keaiiioiia C ou rt th ia

morning Henry Umlto, who recapnd from the I'cnUfUtlary al tbe time thai three noiiYicia bniku fhim ihe guard, when Thotnas Wallace was elKd and kllli^l some tlruii a^n. pleaded guilty to/uurcbaTvesofbrcaklng and unlenng and also to ewaplng. lie was remabd(»d. Th* Auburn (N. V.) 8lalc Prison deteoUvu ippUed a couple tk weeks ogu fur the custmly of Hmltb. lfo> tsUcr Ix-litg a antod there to survu an unex- pired (erm. T ^ Newark authorillui rufuiod to hand him over, and be wlU bo iri4Kl Uuru.

M em orial H o sp ita l R eportaA tth e u iin u a l m rotiiiR o f tb o Oranx<

Memurio] UueplUl the following officers were cluck'd ; J’rceldunt. Mrs. WlllUin F fenuti; rli’u- pnviklffit, Hr*. (liarUa A. dtvriiug; secretory, Mitt Marla £, WHJioiufli Irvosurar, Mn. J. M. C. M4irruw ; aail«t«ut ireosurer, U f« Aiuy lAiWrle. Thf eruunti report of the secretory was piUM'Ulei], glvlug a d*LaUu4] annodiitof the Work uf ib4 guvcriion and thu vorluua coniiii1i> lees durlug tbo liORl ytror. There were S.'ld pa- (foil* uu(h-r tn'Stmuul during th( y4i*r, an Iri- croaM of fifty-eight over thu prevbjus ycor. Mure than Judf of (bu (uuoi were on charity. The repirt referred to gratofol terioH to John Burke's inunlfiiout gift of of whli?bllA^Aols to bu (UM*I to txilid a large mldlClou to the huMpilsI. Thu Advlwpvy Itoanl reporUnt tlioi (hu cndowkuem .fUud of tbe iiuUtullon ainoimts tJr>,Olfi.iiir, wRI<'h la (NV**t(Mj lu iMiiidt uiid mortguges bearing luUsnwt *1 ftiiiu live to Acvi'U per coo l. i« r annum-

IT«th*l r r e s b y te r ta u C h u reh Ofifleers,Tlio annitn l pariah m e e tin g o f th e

Bethel J’rcebytorian rhurch, Fast Orange, won held In thu church lost night. Trustees W4aru cUTled 0* follows: For three yean , George Kulcher, W. Irveu Rov4)ral; for two yoam, (lia rle i Whitlock, Thomas Walkfor; for one year. William H. Van Nire, Stephen llerdtuan. Tlie folluwlQg were also cleoted : Klders, W, 1. Soverel, A. B. Hplnnlng; deac4>n, James Uil- miHjr; Hundsy-schuul superlnleudenl, William 8. M ills; asRislent luporiutotident. W. L Hut- or*l; secretsry snd Irearorcr, lliTbcrt F. Sov- eiel; Uhrorlafka, George Albey, R. A. Rublnsou. Tbe iHiililJng fund cominUtee re{M>rtod that It had on hand lo cosh l2,0U.ft4, aud pledges amounting to 11,628.70, making a total 4>f i3,6Wi.M. ___________ .

OraDfw M akes W a r od Yrmpsp**T h e Twaal u iim ber o f tram p* in an d

about Uraiige has led Um Orange poUoe to* da- termJDatloc to get rid of soro* o f them if poail- bl«. yeshrtiay florreaflt (Jonroy an tr te d Jsmos Welsh, K e n n A O'BileD and igreei M<OTtsey, tore* votorads, and 5 “ * ! ^It wav lusperted tlial they Were re* iflret Who ■ bsd denmnded monef St WlUlBre ( i W alsvFi hmiBOOU lllghlaml a rea u as lre wlghfo fealtwe,- and wben the servant girl was brought to (he pcdlce station, sbn Irlentlfted them a i the men. They were each sent to Jail for three months.

A t O ver A w ard s.T h e case o f A aron M. O uRdtt again iit

tbe Towtwhlpuf East Orange, came up before Judge lo^puc (bis oftoruuon. It Isau appeal from (be award mado to plaintiff for a piece of land taken in tbe opening r>f Bumott otroet to Central avenue. TTse towiahip committee Isat year awarded a curtain amount toOundll, wbu aven that the sum was bulow what (be roel eitatc wax realty worth.

N ew ark H w H eal A *ooelatlo« O M aers.T he N ew ark M edical A reocia tion hold

It* aunuai meeting *t 8. and J. Davis's r e ^ U ' rant Isst evenhig. There were prew nt about tweniy-Bveof(beactivemembert, Theoincers elected ft>r Uw ensuing year were; Pfwldenl, Dr. K. 1. Burra** i vl«i.|in»lrtent. W. B. O. Manwoud; secretary and Irssaurer, Dr. o. was- sCnJetie*. , *

lU **(»ChclItfe4U '!y i« ln L « ^ "tz onlte tbe bail, and S« ahead »{ oil thO r t e t - * d f , .......................... - '

U noo ln 's Nubii1tut« D ead.ThfVLR. N- J . , eliin. 12.—.Tt>hn H.

HlApUa died of heart dlsuane In (hit place tail evening. During ibe war, when a reglmunt of volunU-vni WOK bring rsbod In tho DUtrict of

l*n-sl(t*nt Llnroiucxjirettod ndi'xlni lo place asulirilttJte In Its ranks, ami cummU- Riuiuria Mood to find him ODC. Htapire, who wa» tlie ton of a clurgyinan, wax seketod aud l»fiugtitto (hu I'reridenl. Mr. Uncobi, after i-xiinilulng bbu, expreiw l himselfitall<iil*il,ajid j.crlccteil the arraiig*ujeni5 by which Utaplu* entortU the nwimvui re fall tubstUule.

W reldad a t O lea RJtIge,W illinm H , Van ( im r t, o f the Arm o f

Munn A Grange, and MG* I.tixle, daughter (^J4ibn IMaighurty, were linorriud Lori night at th* bride's pareiitt, r*sldc'n(iu ou Unirolustrrotf G kn RPIge. by the Kcv. Huury W. UaUanUne, uf the Finit FrcabytorUa'Ghurcb, Bloomfield.' Tlie bandsuniu residence was gayly 4jecora(e4 with plants ami form, while tn * ro»ni adjolo- ibg thu (larlori was a table btadixl down wUh ctatly proMjiibi, aoumg them a Ueod fur a buuie frt>m the bride's fgUier.^___________

A Knir* an d m l^aper u t T obaroa .Y eeti'n lny M vcnil ynnnfl (wloreJ m en

were Iji a ehoeehop Hill .treel, Or»ij*e, kept by Itaniliiliih DevautI, alw oilored, end B<)t Into a Hiime. nne iif tbem, named Yrauk lltH , hDGte1ieila|.z|peroftnla™ frim William Wll- mm and Hzrtiil to rnn, WlUon iileked up z .ho* knife uud made a luuko zt iizU. Thz knife r trw k Hall In Ihe calf uf h i. leffznd InOleted zji ujly wouihI. Nu oofliplzintfl were made.

Money' BobioHbed for noapifat* .T he etocllio lilere o f tire L iste r A *ri-

njlturzU-hemital Work., yeetOPdzT zflemoob fkcled the rbllowlrj* dliectoni; F/lwIn Llater, w. H. tizrko, J. Kehoo, F. H Martin. William felbjF. Offlcrn were eleotrd ai follow.: Kd- wlii Llrtor, irfezldeiil; William M. Clarke, rioe* prezldenm Etlwonl Ijam-zaier, looretzrj. An unptoufUli<Hiur moo woe mail* Hit dlMrlbulion lo tbo felluwtilK hi*|illalz i Bt. Mlohoet'., tlOO

DzidOlW., tlOO; (iemian UozpUnl, 1)00,


M onsignor Donne bus iw e lrcc l Irom 1’. I'zlluillue A Bom KOO for 81. Mlohoel'. Iluepl- tal.

T h e I 'h ie n iz B uililing an il Lunn Amo- I'lulliin yeetcnlnr elw to l John {'npponmltb pneldcnl; LcoiiollIBhaffi-r, Tlco-prezlilent; 0,

IJi'inaii, iHiTetary, and A. J. ilehrer, *>«•• urer.

T li« Hoard o f D irw tom o f th e O r -maiilaSiheulirtdBUid rezolved Izzt'nKhl to re- eelre Hie Thlnl BatUllon into Ibo oreonUaum, w hkh 1. now eomiMoeil of Ba emopooleA w ltb a meinhciiMp of 180.

A t tho ball o f th e W om an’* ( l i rU tw n TemKioiire Hnhm laid night WltUam Soulor wab Ihe raelpleul of nercrzl preeeni, Inctaitlnff a mild-headed cane from Iho reformed men. The women of Ibe union proiUled a One cull*- Uon.

E . 0 . I/oonard, o f 80 C tin to a altM l^ w n lhatN . H. Det ker, who w ii arteded or. Monday tor takln* order, for eolorta* phokto ’ ■ iraph . under cireunmlanere which o n M ^ Delcodw C o m .* !* zuMelonA ■ In kU - eniplOT. and.Oial lMpholo»t*Jdil« W«k Olfe; ,

M t o r w l U h e t i t * . .

I'‘.I ill'.11 11.4. ‘i‘ firil

e v e n i n g N E ^ S . T B O B a P A T , g A N P A E Y 4 2 . J 8 8 8 .

i f t t a n l § m

u r . U O t P T tU N M V a ,

r s J f S k i l l s s s M ,« l *H BBO *0 S T S e tT ,

, ., . tfW M fe . n . Aq<fc»n wni<ilw»w<tg1

,fH llM r«d by n n i* » i i» w v (to . »«d Or»n£«, E»it Nfw»fk, in<i in th* t iw n D< W ontcltir,

m M * in EtM i GwitMy.M *ii ev* *- T « v .

• r A lly e«n ii t p«*U f» 'BiM ta eop t«. two e«nU.

If f * . D fiio fff^ by

^ • r t In HtW tiV. ton c •«» i woolt Onbnnry id .trtiotn ionti-on third and

(fMOh D dpo . ton eontt • o****-~ 101 r^ o for th* (» « oocoihI

itn d fo r ootwod poodtoni.•m ««U MiKlor hoodo ot W w ttd .

T» k.*t. For lo l« , Ihoroow l. oto-. o "*« M t -word ; M orritfo H otkot, « j c t i.:

r Hobeoo. without in titition, i$ cU .,t ijliW h hw iulion, JO cu . ^ h w g o o i__ j In yoorly idrortiiom onli to boMod* on ^tuidoy muit bo hondod in on FM oy (fWmoon.

OAO N ai. N. J . bdfflliom H , Lofton ind Horrloci k Atlon,

r » h b tb«M wko lodulio io Ib o * . Tbad ^ ••rrw ooM M * M Hso M llO U bO *-•rc i(o tT •hottkl b* eonlOnod, tod o ei**o iiodyo ItboO noitltoU M o*d th« oaood

■to tlm ote w ill M l t* dknoTer tb* •BO b j which Fndm l u thorU y roald

b« *Col> oaoorUd «o u lU n *r ia U ro *l fo llry . I t i i booh to U lk of eontrocU •, ■0 e a o tn ri e u b* Wodlof oolo ii tbo coo- UNOto* yortio i oH I* *0Ol0iJ*M HOUtoM *•4 **< on«i,’' w bctb« la y o H l at adf- w w a tid ^ aaot olXoto ooy hoogolo. th * OwtUd apotn roo 4* wUM at V a h 10* on- oLbtr bon aontiirr t l ii*i.'»ta>y-

H W 8 O f I0 U O N 8 .

T b la lo ln p y a r . B it tbot In a * rooonw Why oreoM -h*iU tkH *ih««U M » took be- ta n tb«y la p .

Tw a Mrgni PrUam m T a ll Haw Sab art UmoIIIm Wu Hardorod.

I t WH known i l l o rtr Long Broach loot B%ot toot two at tiu fcaapo l win .......Ill Ih r nm llloo tS '|iiK ( hart Cuoroowl m l Ihe vw>|i>< m wIM w lili an |*ti!vrr IhOMiBOi id ' Hlark I'l-lc" Ifi'n lliii- wbn It 10 rtoW OuvwB e y w |e head s TeidOw AOMe, npele.» (tata.

ThM m eM iaaddia'dtiM Criao and* t.y Mm DtoOw Annl* atgni l in , ih* w «rw . wbo h«> botn known u H n . IXuik, ninl by mut.C-nl Xdwird I'nttcr, ber lo iu no iu l

VMrffilWy atheiwoiin Hi oAi'Int cHliUpyH 0*(III (n r iii.r o itlu( nil * bint IkijH <■•BWol>l• lin y OI..1. T -T iiifit tkh m il.-boa ISAWT to Hr* BOtoani, u id fti. liunk. mliOMi U tnoh- U u ilrtu n

Fk cA tn n b li l i brewing lo r th* To ry noTawaM ot. 1 out of Ckaflor Ib h c m o - t l* a ha* btok*a *a t fw •sM lw dow d » litB d liC B fH k u bun lU rtod la WotcOi hot th * O oTU BBiat OOUlt OM Ih * OOM lu tU o ia o lth rro tth M i *o B B l*i*i,tho t U

p ity , wndoT th* Ogirdoo Itg b lath n

■ ginlt.f lo t ii g ir*n and *d««rtiM in*nU for tho

N ^ S foem od by * Ith ii of Ih * »bo»* a g in u . Alto ord*rt for cirri« r d *liv *7

B LO O M FIC LO iN J.C .-C o o |M r.ig in l for td riititing -O rdott'for (•rrio r d a lirti)' nay bo lif t

• iw a c o r'a and Veogfit Scot. N iw t-iU nd i.

TH U BSD A T. JA N B A tr I t , im .


M W f"OTNta

■ e a jw A T m iiiT B n .ri« . k W liw H i« lh *U *d o ftb *liU irb U I " t i

y lM o t* a tsd lo u ty ,’’ h 4 af eo iru I* th* m tm krn at M klng ■ g rtb o a tb in ia r- p liA * >iw*t«r Btow irt b u biod whb i I t t to proTUt for tb* foondtag of a ca- • H a l BW tranlty h r tba a iu a tla o a f t«M b*at, who at* to btT* trarylh lng but atothw fa n k tH d . (tu T m i t»ndlU«a that thyy pladg* ibanaaltat la ta*ok la * tao

la In la n d . 7h« o p aalB t*! P a rlta a sa t It faan ly lOar waaka dlataat It b tn a , bat th i ad n lB M tttira hia alnady aaough oa H* h ao d iia ad an yaU an p tb la ltlo U Cnah oiattdTa wwaaarM waald b etiM i thoftara* o f oppaafrJm. Tba twa atw aartoM ala b a T tlh a ttp .H to f belag p u l* of a m b - eartad plaa ta pat Lord Mnlbbery “ la h e l*." T a t tba Lo ad n Ktmfaird callt oa tba PramWr U adopt a a ian M UHaadiag to a*. A t th li paptr b aippoted ta ba tba goTcrawim t « * !" tba nota ondartt* Tortaa arc, ao lan lly , dbauMed. It b UapoutWa to rowpnbtnd tba d*ap* lu h w rw which ta m ito hotbo tlCTlbata n flb e p rta ta l *d ailn liitiitlim , W btt tba o itM M w ill ba It b impaatlUa ta pndM .

“ nad lay, lb* Cindnn K le b ir," hat ttabbad bb to* tg ala it tb« Bawall ttappbig

U IjI b Har. T iim i- if rtlc gtrn yon watch riiacT iM k*M ill,an d id l aouiit I tu !V hrn he twirt U la ymi-

Alt«r rtadlnt the miti- .He vriiH U)H u tw u nriiim iiin -1 tnW m t mail* tin i* tnifiwHon:

a ll atuat your atotUnt a *«t<li. V « kaow Pallle HW yrei .leal a wtlcb, andI, ana uiwn nxir OnrUUvaBUHtiiDaM lyaBUalaa watehllke ano n . If y i.i ntkaiiwbdgti tba m ill, ft* if yyu kanw you rhila a wttclt and AM niAkill hna, tbe truth will rn l It away, ruu knu* I'tH U na k the aM auin wbb a M tk and uU.I

and aw IkM ha rud, and yon know bay<H _ tna ft* aan fyl*w .aw ay, limday bt war Uka a m ay uaa a llaakad ynu pad too kaow MiiT

day b««.Aa Moa u tha nam ur HarMd nf lb» H lM n i

MtH by the iwa pHnineia ba barHad hi llw roan w bir* lha aafiiH aat wau>H«l. aad ta biH , tbRCUb 1 luatk* af tba tWlM. aba HidHat lai Naw Ttar'a e » FMtH MAad old lob- rn UaadlUia id bU waicb, bat dal aWotbar wteebam klB. "On hinday altaraonn PtU rain, fa in cm lla lilia c h i baal Hr. IbunlUaa with a tear botllis bat im no aaiiiwy tm a hlaa. Ila u k rd 1U' tn f iv i btni lauiKy to tbaiba rnuld an away. I nild, PH*, yoa oao't gat • way ftrm unudir ‘ He aald, ' I n ia blip la hiaib I'aabR'aUwrr, o rlnan iallaA M caay I bile,' anal than ba want away, and Ih a l'ilh a Inal I «w of Idm."

Tbrtomunr w ffll to I'Utar’i oell laat ntght. The prtwwwr brfan nytag and aald ba wouki UkrtorlcutaH mind.

hgal aulbdatlblIn Uutr UptalH ia » B W *ea waaa amwwappUcatUw anttt lawmwunui tatagbiU and to all coaiiUlaa.wbrra law perrallad. Hr. tlladalooc bad j*ny*rat«d Hut th* IkManra- U .H wuDtd aremitally ftre Ilam* Bula to lya- laad. Hwlr debace of iha natea balag le ft 1*1 ilm llladaloiilaiia nnatder tba ip in lnr *e I'i.H inlioi, nmny •rw b iB i had *M k i.a ty forty arti pMaonal cntoMwattou Ur y*a- •erra tbe fnantry aealard UWaMoaebai Waia* waatba yrtaiipfe uaikmal ttalon laaraiin- cetely baM. tbe reViO lib were Miiataaud that Irvlaad wnuld anueer da M *r lannaa tbomntbly cmablWaled artth O rtu B rtiaK and paanfolly wad pmapertadf tiH t ubAh riw aaaa lA itilaow * uid Uh a«aMU*a>pM- In ilb a .a n a mpact in fca law aadwiJapMT aaaalUhrtty. VacHIaiWi bod b in lh a M tit rriaa* of Ittiiland a p latl Irrtaad. H<* Maaan aaau emld ba of tay *TaH,BabmHaMwad Ib u H eudd totara raaoluuly.

BafcrrtnttolAe M r Wada ■ i f tat, b» da- rlarad htmialt a ftaa liadaa laUI oa pataalpl#, hat latd Uwn wan aiany lAtaai aiH IBu tn IhadaralayHam *11104 were *o«Mwy tafke* trad*.

in cowelwItM b* ratamadlta Iba tibdaom*- ll*a . aad lyip iaM to t aalaad ta walnraln ib* Uiittm. ila wm eoriTlaaid that ttanaa wha thwiabC lhal the pelt itB iia l a lidtliai wouki Ufaet unlonlawi bad uttarly mlanad LhaUMl- torawaf Ih* lagthb dnaoenry.

lord halHbary't ip«»«b w aadtttrm i latba nmiowkdahW H H iw iid byam axdtaMaar alw ataAUiM i— Mwiy tbn— nib wartwa- aM ataaba iihnliw w a Ibay woWad ft* the aypiiraaer of Lard daUiba^ and t r b t b u a , abia ilad tb* Unloabt H*d*n aad

T R Il t n i j y o r HONOR.

T O T S 0 ? V i s n e s k it io n s .Tb*

MM MM.ttgg> dWMFN r m .

rb * Mkiwtnti cqofMdon wai w rW u ^ therlrrk , which th* prbonrt algnrd. Htankild K1' ward FcMw brinf aworn tccardtaif to bw latih a* ftniowt.

im Iwerinhar H, IM7, at ahoot *00 e'cloak In the aaenlng, 1 wM In the b<wM of Hn. Artnl* t dp’dan. raounciali bunwn u Inrak, whan T llib HBllta aalM bh to tba ftontrlMrand

T h ta aoMM ateag BapnaanlallT* rbedam,' o f T *aa«*ee , who waaia aa Baaeadnim to

thA KbeSU elloe uaauw orlai OoBgrua to ' gnHb^^*tflBD,t00 lab idbrrlbBtedto puh-

• a fdM ob lA tba iaa«tal d iatu ol tho IM tad , pra rat* * i tba badh •fililM ra cy.

l« p n i«a U ltT a B U il, of Mew Y o rk , b u a , project, la h ileL It b that tbera

: hejag dUMWOrOM anlaal n trp liu tb*■aataliky abatl a«tMy tb* rr** ld **Lwh* M l a tu * (d m ttiam n ta to be pub* Ibfcadfbr th irty dayi, aalliag fa ta iA M p tH M *li b * kaada * f a tharaolu to b* tptclAad. WUhht Ida dayi from the dot* a f lb * *dvtitb iBg period, u id blda in t obe apeaad bjt tb* Beentary of tb* Traa*- a ty aad O aaptrollar ef tb* Com ney and T n a ia n r at th* DalUd Btalaa. aad awatda ahaltba aaad* ta UbN who hm oO krtd

ieweat rate. Ho fa r, lo good. Bab tbaia l^ p ro rtio that tba FreaUaat at tb* th illcd State* ilu ll hair* lb * right l• Ia ) t e l• ll propoaib. Th* aehanedma •o b .k iak pfoailHag ftam any paint of *l*w , laeap l that of the adTerlblagM CdtBBI.

A * hatanatlag Sgbl laalde a oorpentton b iboBt to eeoa id la Boetoa w han tb* praaMmt aad gaaertl maiiaaar o f tb* B 'la l Bad Street Bailw ty OmipaBy bar* Joined iM ti OB tb* (uetUeii * i to wbloh l i * hoM.*’ Tbb eorpuaUai la *l M dfeH ^ r | tcg aln^ ^ the * lt**t ptMeagar Ua«a la Beatoa. likfefe that Ume * alag l* f*ro •anted paaaeagen tia u Orora H a ll to B ia k s r H ill, ay efu vrra* far I f * aaabt, bwt |B ll* n eaa lly lb * g taan l aaaaiM T, H r. B ld haid j, ipUt tba font* aad abargad two b *« i far the d b tu ie . la napaom to iwBeDHraaret M r. W hHoty, p raM eal *S lb * lO H ip uy, proBtaed that tbe aid latae * * tW b» ru tarad, bat U tbb Iba g tiM n l. M aaagtr w ill not tM taL T h a i* an* a b rk f arar of worda and now lh a Board of Dtrrotoa* w ill kara to deedda who b to •tap down aad ouL I t Mema to ba a qnea- Uoa e f "on* man poww ” any way, that oagbt not la hart a rla a , Sabmlmtaa of tbe n u lU r la th* dtrechua *t Srat wonld h a f* MT*d tronhie.

told matlHi* waaadntnkanmaaaBth* Woopi intmittU're and Haa blm .liUag u'

Itlo o b a If bayated and tb n ahalla n ig h t b« at • d b u aat I* ttala Irngtalatara,

A ir r w W A TTB r i'K K . " » Prealdtot Baaaatt'a apaaeh at tba Bonird

ofTtadadm aat laat night, tn tba aaadn, and a m dthable detiTmcaoet'lk r m fu li . a fth a a p lrlto f antarprlM and it ehlaad S a rw M w n ^ ttk ^ M ^ o f^ t llm ta

M il)m wai iM tacewiUpn made by be fa a & u n thali k « > t* .^ t be par-

m ib ad i* pu* nnchtllenged. tb * ooca- aloH tn * too Inpoatatt to permit ImpollUc prapm iHbM tO fabydetaab. M r.Baan It priyptud that tbe city g rtn l * prlrate csvp tn y lh a right to lando the o ily aad •ta I ib e highway! h r the pwipwa of aipplytag ]IDT* w abr at th* bomei of paeb d tl**B* aaniay b* ariUlog to pay for it . 1 lU i b th* Idoa that Mayor Mayo** •ppMtd la bb miu ig t a*d whieh Chrfe etaor Q icea taro daya ago waraod lb * p e *^ •galaaL Indetd, it b tba ra iy prtpoaitloa that tta Lt^alaM re w ill be la k id to AeCtit, it any ilnula conunoalty noitb * f tbe B itlta a aball *eeb te lu re fa fa ttb ly eonaMend.

The ohjrctioni to tbe protwaltioii to fut- alifa oM aaaniltM with water SUerod Ibroogb tb* pocketa of prlnteapeenblota, •re a* lo g ia l that It b aitonlah lag t« find men, aot intwcatiid, adrocallng eonlaweta « r that cbaractar. Any prodact ofthe labor, a k lll, or leleaa* of man, ao- carding to conceived notloni. It properly la tbe market for apecuIatlTO Kaln. But tba bountica of Provldeuee; the g lfu of Q«d to man, that mao n a y nut pcilab, do not acme under thla giaaplag eatagury. A ir, light, aan> ablac and water are Natnre'a heachctlone to tbe creaturea of tbe a ir, tbe earth, and tbe wateia andtr the earth) wlUiout any oaa at tbeia tlamenb tha oraalura nude In Ibe image of God would die. B y Inattaot, by reatou, by logic, it it tbe right o f the 1It 1o| to have water at pure aa nature d lalU ait, u plentiful at poulble aud *• cheap ** eundltloni w ill permlL A epccu- b tlvc price la not the eheapal at which tbb cauntlal can be bad. Betide the water bclorga to^the people; ou olalni which tpecubilun may advance can effect that right.

!a a Mexican pcnilon amendment b ill recently inlrodoeed, ther* waa a tpeelal proriao IbM tba a*a ahaold not, under any di«wm«Unee*, be eenatrued to allow of tb* gnnUng of * peatiun t* " J* ff D avlA* T h * Am* that b bH ig mad* * r* r tbb p*or rJd »tA eW*w would h« amuitag w *r« It not IrntatLag. The aaatheu* * f tb* Stu­art* la BrltU b Conatllutlnnal praeaodtngt waa hardly a c irtan ila u c* to .tb * fear w hich teem* to be •ntnrtalM d l*at thla “ BUB without a aountry” aboald alfp la ab an cb B tre ."If Chb K rT « f thing M n- U aac, atme fkaatie w ill b« pr*p**iag as

'aM M OiM at; H tba Oaiitcttiitbui tu- ctfeel Ibatao pem n of lha name o f O tvb ab tll fve r bold oflea oLorii^ ^ j r u t , * i ik i i f t *a y benadt w batner rn m t ie Ootefom enl o f the ITniMd State*. Th * ‘‘ (Ifaoat ef the Lott Canto” can’ t b a rn anybody tbetadaya^

I wantout---- ---------tump and lined him op and waltad aluoi H ill, atrert wltk b in aa Ikr at the trick of Ibe New Jvriry Hnothem KaUread Ifeabonk han-1* • Htaaic. H*w**draak HatbiBbad mt Pir uning him (ml of Me lain.Thaa 1 b a Um tad w*iA In the bneu. Mn. Dunk ttkrd mi oho b* a t*. 1 IciM herb* van an oW whlw man w IM ji whlw bian]. wbeaeuMM I did am know._____ nw. gbeaaya:''Thai

obi aH aJU am to ; HOI «U a Sat ftidIu3d bur*1 iSa not want (a do U S b a u n

“ Than nutliliv: go un and get U.’ Tl m 1 veat uut ta the euriier of Mtlb nr**! mdioad Uack, arid RamlUea wmaUIIu d (he •tandlii

Iw dkaAblBLtw lbokbeldofhlm *el

kuuw wtuthm hf kuiw IrabU dhim e 11 v n t im t on dnwn e VMiwi gei^ to lb* dan IM ae r a t la tba I

udlnglh*re. TbHtwMahona lUlcoa niliui*** tder T tw 1 Itok held of him a* If I wai ' l l took Me ala. XikW t_____________m ar a*t, at______me railroad tnck at If

Iba daaee at BowloCa.boon and c*lM Hr*. Dim kandtaUkarthulapM IL ah *H ld .'■ le t me aat IU‘‘ 1 rbixetd U to bar. ih * mlkt, ~lll>la 11." I U4d her) didn't kuuw Khan to old* IL Webuth liukud amuDd tbe boat lu w i. on lha grnnnd lliiir . n n illy I tty i, " I w ill bide It uq ibe lop ef the doer." Iittdaoand II rcmilnKt Ihme nnllt Muaday (ntatag. Htv Dunk taw m eUdelt.AAerrubMagUamlllaaea Mew Vaar'trW el threw the cart of tbe broken otaein atlaobed to tbe watch luaiiwbem behind Haa Duuk'a home. On Honday aScroDon abiul I oct <f deck, I tuck tbe watch Aooi oti top ef the dotfM glhldltOrtT tbejobl la Hie. In ak 't chart and told her of It. 1 havaifl aaentl HncrPeter UowllDg came Id a Him Iinok i bourn lirlKM n I I am Ik oVkick on that Patunlaf night n . didn’t mem w be drank. Ha w u(d . and U i Meaa aad Uoiiteit ih n e hla ankm weia wet tad naddy,Dnak and tu* ipto lb* Aunt -------------g nm ailluo ihetibeilu ilfw o had anything to

In Arbtekkt'e bank book lemltea, C . 0 . 11, now lU ad t foi cold oaib hag.

Own of tho Jarort ta th* “ Bom ” P la tt cate at Albany b a rem ukable ipectmea, W ben unaio ed ta to bb quaUAaaUont b* elated that be knew who U Oawemof e f tbe State, but could not remember b li name ; be knew tbe nanto of th* P ru id o at of the Halted Btetea aa w ell aa be knew hia own, but eouldnot locall It a t tha mmneaL He citiined te bave lived In Albany tblrty.aeT*o year* tad bettaved he waa fd iiy-B vt ytatt a f age, titongh he admitted bavtng arrived in thla cotm tiy la ISdS, at wblcb Umt he waa tweaty.oue year* old, lie tltlad that h* conid iom I a little , but eeald not w ilte . la a p ite o ftb e eflbita of Mr. P la tl’a couuael Judgo Maybam rafUaed to e ic a i* thta uaiqna ipeelmen of a Juror, I t h not tnrprlalag that tome enriena verdleta are obtained whan aach timber entora into tho make up of a Ju ry box. _____________

(julUag on 'g n « u '..................................urtiik.Mn Denk mid, "Ym , 1 bar* a boHl* of w hbbey tn mv trunk." and he drank a gbmfUl andaaM, " t h«n bttt (M man H uilltoo." Hr*. Dunk mid, " lio * do yoamiwnbeal 111011" .............................................1 fiK

T ta iH il* M u l In B t. Pant In VpdmM a W oHaa’i Nam*.

A S t. Pau l paper yeatenlay pobliahnl IhaCuUowIng aocuntof a iliw l UtHami Lap lain Plarreaiid lean M. B lla ire, c ftL Paal:

" Oaa alfbt ItM aerk, uaar FUrt IhulUiig, two pmmlnrul numben uf l eiwb meiaty, aat Utd a UtU* luiplramntarm ngardbig tba tia- 8ltk«a of ih ilr pwipb. Tbe ptrOm an vary . pnimlMiit In tba lily , and an auanpt bm bt*o Badt III bulb tb* nwitor. A* uiual Men la a Weman In the erne. A party uf young Ftctiah blatda warn driaklng at a hvuclu imeat whmi tha llama of the y»on| lady w u maattoaod during an aiiloiated dliniBfeo on mrlal tvtn ti, lb * bold! a blgb plaot uf tnip«el tad taltma aiauug bar antualntincm and her rharantor la btriiroaeliabla. A yiaing yranchd'aiiBdlan n> lar fuiyiA blnuMf m to apaak dhrmpeclAilly of her, alto tor hia palm ba w u robokad by ao aa- u r ia lftt lb* Ibatlr* baud. Tb* lattor,are- tent an iral toon Fnuioa, and wbo bu auvad with huonr ual gallantry in tbe umy of that WHintry. airwk the young I'uudlao, and Iba lim it w u a cbtllengu to laiiRal eombat

"thatolt and eoM aUKnrlm ware tuggwtad. bth th* bat K . " : M Hi hmdhL m>d lb* frniltineB would nta have It that w *j. Tb* m udakiBe *miU rnttla.M * p taviiwa, and MaiwmticoiifmtBlydatolMa w u tmamdUto- |y (hiidod IIPOB. h tcisd i w«« Muma tram aiaonf lb* UtUe gnnp of Pkinubmmi, tb* mN vtam ofaFirnwh rttydetan.ef m. ttoni. w*rt •FCBNd. e tn ia ia i wm« oantd, mid agon th* dnaUila tad Ih tlj griand* wm* bethg bnrrltdly acmvtyrd toward fuat gntlUng.

" Bvccylhtag wm am ag iil witluDIAim or **• aUtmeiU. A lame ipel w u leltcttd m Me taM ue,|ga<iiid,tadtlHdD*Uahiln*l aottM lnpaw partaglhr lb* fray. Tbty tame tewttlitomid S it MUWiUM aUtH Imhad In ih* amunHiAa.'A tow ttcoadi of u c tllo f guaatowerh, and btiod ■porlad Aon the riglit u u iff ilu army uAan

' ~ ' 8U1I to* *nghi BB mid_____ of htotanulloam m .

B it woundoaiPHtopanied him tb* man. and mthlhgoB bit javtim eT h* dron btatm id mamal iBtiim tnto Me led ^ af tba Imiar, wbotollMeadlngletlMtionito Tk lt aee waa th* Inal «M, and tbemrvlamnr tba phyitolia wei* called Into rw inltblai. Thaagh ■•vm*, the wound of th* yoang fanadlaa waa not toad, m ulhtwt* Iminidlttoly renmvod to hia hami, Obtre he H ftconrtng. Thme But* warn gtnn to a rapeattr by lb* ueend uf oat of th* diialltU."

H aatyi,"Ib«ealiiggedrili»iKM d. I bit b ln tbrat Uaiea with a Uer liotUi. That a a ll ha i*l<l. m then went ant-~ttaat waa >uat ^to«i inirinlfht—tint alter bring uot alnot hfteeu nr Iwetity lalaoloi be came liack and^ata; Intb* klmbaa tb* balauiit of tb* algbt. When Dowling unde bit .tatanuat abnuttb* In d lu hegwr*Htl ltoBMare w *r*ln otbetparla nr Me Iwuaerwililunuaii, William LWuh, TlUle

rither one wm a ihnrt, yellow toliow wbote naaM I den'l know, I make MH etatoment a*m yW ii (fdttBfff.™ m id ir*.' r b r n * '■fthrtiOl W. B * 0 W 1 r ,J^ .j;j^ * - ^Uabav I'utowt,

A H O M ITKII W natL OVN.The Imrgeal Oa* B v*r Mad* Baoo***-

fu lly duo* a l PHtohurg,H w fpM* gnn being nude fcr

t^ormkaent ipietinU b f tlie PMrimrfdiMl- Odoipeny, «M M * rmfeeptey. Tbe

cm4 wm e sunt sw w uhil o»», Bupeiin tttidw i Uii»woittk i i ranfideat of tbe •btiUy ef tbe iren te n«et i|M nqolred U iti whm cookpkAed. Never beibn In tike hijitoryoiBieeeebriteel besegHTi toendeelaf eoTihbif Uke the iMfoSttidH of tbe ouo eeM reUerter. Mnce the eirftrdint iif the oostMotUcteutamn Uieeratpur hei been (w g iiw llii npesteiM e eivtiteeii ftvpenktorrte tblireef. Ttk9 eoeaplMe tnoM etood od ite end iit k pit dug fertile fnrpoer, its lop iM nf ebout elx fret ftbore ibe ground. A plelfi.«marebdoUen feet jiqbveivubulU one level wttbthe top of tbe udld. AiTufidtng e ibort kdder(oO»#'pktf»rm Mr. Ujdnewtetb «xplelfw»A to the navel odieen tbe T^vpwetloni elreeilf made. About nixtf

FK B D r flO .TKo I ’owen Jkgre* to Aeb tJi* PrtaM l»

Benign T iu mT i l t BetU n cm tM poitdrT it to t h r 7a>0-

dua TVmre u y i the SVnri'Ti hate afreed to lummon IMnee Ferdinand, tbiuufb Turkey to realiin the fUdfartan tbrotM.

MvaiM^nn amaxmee that ail In tbe ItoMtan Armpofrnllab Mintetlonbare he«nnntBed; that numeroua Aneuiaa fbail Hea itiUlhMl In FMolla hare been ordered to lia rc Ibecranirr fbrtbwtth,nudtb«t ilje lltuilma (iovenitaefit haa puifliaFU: liurge ttiK*tg of I^ D ft In. tba Immnrthtjb rlcfttttjr of tbe OiAiiitf.

uitnr rvceini rk^wuiuuB uihi a miTCfted. Brvere^uadan1 A tm tcU lCttw nto ll* for alee a rabetnou

Bulgaria have been aneWed. cimctii hare been bribing amtTm to itlae

A latter ftoa Peath wbkh b u )a il bten pub- Uahtdiay* Mat In vlaw oftb* tarealuov*- buoaol BamlAa Mega, aotwIMatonaiiig Hue ida’a peanful amumiMm. M* uHnaA aanttow an Ibe ef Atodtla H nectmary.

B n ta l Tiw *aai*al of a ChAd. Ca k u h lv , Plug JaB i IS .^ M in iite Fn d -

erldu w iibald foroourt U^day fur aboaisg bar twO'yaA <dd eoiL Tbe cbtld'eam m abrokHi by a blow. Upon n recent ooeMtoii be vaa Iwked Ifi a room fox three dayi without ftod or water. Yeetarday aorntogtiievomainaOtppeiS him and plnnited him Into a tub of ioe water and then rUbbM him wtUi a itiif-U iiifoa bnwh untUtberkiu waa flayed from biabudy. Xbu uLlld w ill dfo ftntn tbe treatment

S T A 'C IS t l l F T l i t t iS .

workiQcn wcn« engaged In the vaHoua opera- Uona nmnwtod with tbe caMtng.

Ateomhlyman Ocble name w ith pne " b,”

haa to ipeU h it

T 'TA n MAY UK A IIM IT T K I).I t may be admitted lh a l George Tlckaor

C a fti* it a well-poatod mau on moat tnb- Je cti, bat it dou act follow thatevory- thlng which he evolvei from h it own In­n e r coaiciooeoeu 1* ilm tvlng of iiapUoit CSnSdeWce. H it lito tl deliverance, on tho Mormon quatUou, per medium of the Bocheatar, N , Y ,, I'tuaa ami AietHit/r, Motld acem to Indkau that.

Aa 1* well know n, th e ta lo to H o rn » n a o f t b C T e r r l t o ^ o f U tah are m ak in g a big atmggle to ge t th e ir " patch ’’ odm lttad aa a S ta le . T hey h iv e farm nlated a C ontli- In lta n , one o f th e eondllloni proceden l to •Bcb admiaeiau, and In tlia aald doco iueo t h av e em bodied c e rttlo aeeming c o u tr ic t cond itioab w ith th e exlrting State* o f th e B cpublic, T h e m ain ptirpoae o f th e •laleneutacontAlned in tb e p n b llih c d In- le rk iew w ith U r, C nrtli would teem la ba a n fu ta tie * , In advauce, of charge* th a t U tah , w hen adm itted to SUtehood, w ould i t | n l th e ptovjaion* prohib iting p o ly I» W -

There I* a Piotich proverb to the effect th a t" he who defeudi himaulf Iwfute ho la aecnicd, becomee h li own eccuiot," and It ■eema to be applicable la Ih licu e , Daipito the elaborate phrawolggy of the numeroni ■rttclc* ot the adopted Uanililation, 11 1* impoiaihlc to Sad that a elngle provlilOQ in regard to the power to amend it blad­ing ondcr a fa ir cunetmetion of the Goo- m in ticn of tbe United Slatea, Congresa may proacrlbe condition* under whieh a T c riito ry may come lute the Uulou a* a Stale; bat, having gnuted Statehood, the Federal power L u beeu eihauited.

T h a t the re are occult influences a t w ork w h k b a re n o t co n n n a u t w ith tb e th e o ry

. ef. boncat inlim tioua ou th e p a r t o f th e U ta h people, m ay he inferred from tb e

J . i u t th a t la th e l u l aeaalan of C o n g reu • t U ll expU ritly prohibiting polygam y a n y - ) w h e re In the U uitod State* w ai, In acm e

m yxterioB i m anner, ihofllod o u t o f aigh t. > 'r W hile U tah 1* a T errito ry th e law , th e

aa a n ie n aCnae tu 4 the ina liuc t o f decency I'd tohetent In U nited S tito i G overnm enta l , ta ad ltio sa can p reven t p lora l m arriage* o r

Tbe geberal exclamation In regard to the la te it phaae of the WDaou acaodtl In Patla , w ill be I " I t it magnidcant—but it it not law ,” la panphru* a f Ibe Freneh GennwI’i oosiinent oa the Balaklavw charge of Ibe Six Huudted. Juat aa a ll P ari* Wat wailiag with bated braatli for the a rre it o l H , Q rovy't icapegraoe ton- In -ltw , tbe olHci*l ate fell on the n«ok ot M. Vlgntao, the Judge d’laatm etloa, who bad been pen liten lly premlng the cue. He i* retired in diigrtre from h it potUdon .and relegated to com pantlve obam rlty fo r carrying ont, perhapi to exoem, tboae peculiar methcdi which obtain in FreniM jad icto l pioceedingi. Anyw ay, M . Wilaon ta lafe aud P'reaeh ju itice haa once more been aactlflced ou the altar of aipediency. W hat effect tb li w ill have on tbe pnbUo temalna to be seen.

Tho molten liun w u hcDUght beoi the hi ml ftirnao* mid poured Into the great enuveiier In the oentre of the worki. Slatwn ttosoand Are hundred pound* of laclled Irou wme peuted tnto It. TO* Is the Isigorl weight thst has ever faeen pul In ■ ho neul-cmting com|«ny‘* eonTertor. Tbe enotmuatcntlne a-u than ttarted tod began to drive air thnm^ the eonvertorwIM tonful forrr. When theatr wuihreed Into the inm- vtcta Mo ftauM* leaped from IB iwHiUi In a ■olid coluinn and tooomptnylng MB eolumn w u a sfaowH of spatki hmstlng tonh which fell on evwy ride Uke a lain of man.

The eotiveitoi wtaloh at first tioito In a half nprtiht |«tllt>n wm (Oowly rlghtod and the hug* uaipH of flame leapml luto the spsokias dicuM of Uie overbanglnf ioeeeoeek. Th* Miiulng heguiat'rf^o'eloek and eootlnued luitllacgl, whan they agitated the ohM . Al 1:3b Mry bCKBU 11001110* Into tha moldi, and at 9:37 It w u ell over. Tb* work tor which It had Uktn tanullw of pmlBraitona and tipontlTr expeilaiania wot In two minutes Anlab^, and to lha nitlatoetlea of Mr. lUhuwocM,

Tbegun H ill rtn itln ln Me mold nnlll It bu coolad, which w ill he proLahly a w tek At soon u It can he amiMled aftec It It taken Dorn the mold Ibe IxHliig w ill begin. The gtm when completeit w ill b* Are and a half tons; iia tutel length l«g.ninehei t the YCtoctiy of the pltfleeUle k,0to toe* peracoonA, and theiwceeure In ohamlieT nfleen to». The gnat ImporlaBM of Ml* eapetltoent 1* demonafttoil by the flut Mat a gun of Ib lt ktnd eta he mad* tor ahum SA.AO while e btiUi qp gun of Me **010 cite

A menling of the memben of the Bnr- Uoiton Ueauly Bar wu hoM yeiterday In hone* Of Me memory iff fudge Parhei,

T lie rc 1* a child at Poeenhaya nttract- iDgconaldenbleattention. ItHhultwoiuciitha old and hu tong, black Hlky baD.

W ork baa hoen commeoped by tbe Denniylvaul* Railroad Cumpany on Ibe new Iron bridge hi be erected over IHaek’a U tek, Bocdenhiwn.

The Beard of Health of O id rn l Pamnei- have AntMden the rhUdm to attend either the l*iUlcertheAnndiy*ehiiol*on aooeant of tbe leulet tover cpMendc.

There is daDger o f.a coal fam ine in Iltdduulhild. The leading m ail coal Arm can only deliver hut half II* nrdcia, and hu beun idiUged to eacliaie It* b ln to praveal th* poopl* flom tteallag ooal.

The rolling m ill and n a il werkn of the AUxtord Iron femtxuiy, nt Oxford, have Mut down and hundreds of handi are thrown uut of employment. Tharornaewaud m lnelttn sdU rnimlng. The ondook for the ipeedy resonqt-

n a y th la c i a f Beth C'Wllleed aad NtTtga C h lld rn Daaaitba*.

fm a Mr WwUngtoa a iu M o to ilita je lly a leeklag Mtow to h i*

way u E tia K rlag l* hlmaalf. A Ilu l* Ifed f* d f h lu Hatoda la a laae a l lha Nw- Uaaal M nicora. He la rtpretcutod u bav- l* f a great Ikolle w ith a Httia Japaaeae yaaBtotoar whoto ha M ttgriag la a bag. llo to l la th* Japtaaa* K ria Kriag 1*. He 1*

M ftf tha dritlaa that Ig u i* la the pie- tueaqae Japaaaa* fo lk lore. He la a pre- Sigtoe* fcveiUe w ith Ih* ehlldraii.lew haa) habriB ia gifle and to lti piaaaaal atari**, and for wbaat be perftirma a ll n u iner ef trtrk r, bHag « n r ready h r a fre llc. H * ladaaertbed a a id ra w lla i, yawnlag, abate kaghbeatd, tha god of eeaUataaeaL U t la a ago**, ateni Sg en . tad Uk* anr tw a faai S t. M ick, k it

■.......a rwj ltd tore and a mtoid Httlthdly,th a lih akv i whenbelautbs, Ilk* a bowlmO

o fje llr.H i* ntooeat la very aatnly aad h* it

•eppeaad te k* poor, to repraaawt aaBtoato to*M 1b p e T n iy . U t It Igurad aaaa*- litoa* aa rtdlag • baM a, a* ha ba* notviadaar 10 draw bit sJaigb Uka E rla E rla g le . Som ctliBab* la ittn curylng a tack, faa tad toap, «r tUUng • • aaaek af baup. il* It rap ru tnlad at ether tiBN*, aa la lh a aartbm war* hntge at the NaUeaal Mateam. a* lombllug a child ahoBlln a lack. H * all* dawB aneog tb* ebUdran tod b u th* trtadaal ktod ef ra iit it w ith tb*m aad play* the lu t* am aaiagprinka, a graat, iaaaceiit, Aaa- lavlng , Itu g lln g , happy, geed fer-nolblng.

" la Japan," remarktd tba lag* elhnyle- gM who, w ith the repottar, paid U t roapacta to thq Jo lly lU ll* Japaiau gad, “ tb *ch tid reo to la , Thaceaatry la du- rribad, you knew, at the p ittd lta of ehll- dr«B. ’Their bappineat H the drat coa- Hdaiatlon. At th* pky, wbin lb* oartola h llto tbey ewaroi a* the elag* tad taka ynH iaSo* of rverythlag. Oh, yaa, Itoay a rt apallfd in a certala way, but they are tooal teapeclfel to their parceta, Chtidnn are regarded there a* blcaaloga,

’’ Tey iT Vm , a ll natlonf baa* Ib sir toya. l l t iy have Ibair daUitad ktpt and g a a a io f a ll kiada. T k * little Jtpaaeae bar* ballledoie tad abottl*eeeh, the CMnet* boy* fly tbelr klUA tb* Ko iaani bare tbelr ilfd ing kim or Jum piig Jtah. Evaty where in tb* w *rld, amoag Mkiliaed f**p l* or Hvagat, you w ill tad toya tot Ibw eH M m .” ,

Tbe profeaior itopped beftire a eatm ied w ith U ltle Indian eatdlea mad* of baat tttlpa a f wood and tbangi, u playlhltg* to ilB d Iaaae ltb aSen Ihw w L W lthib*M trad la i and little doll* dieaaed Bp In betd- ^ bnckakln, duiky llUJe maiden* w ill alt tad play u happily 1* gay Ultia m iau In WiablngtoD, w ith their flaiea-haired and alegiatly-caalnmed wag della. One elab- etato Navafo cradle la tvlianed wilfa nuny tinam en * f baekikln and ernamenUd w ith tittle allver dlaca like bnttoaa Th * dolb. In ae trly every e*M, rtp reen l net dbIHIrto, but grown people, aad are dittoed, ee l at papee***, Imt a i adutta. Tb * Enal tad H eki della repreeent della tbat Sgert In the aavage mythelogy. Tb* to yi of aavage ebUdraa, like tkaee that lU tb* tay eiw i* * f Watbingtoa, reptat in ■ttototare tb* article* uaed In the real, ean e tt, aerlent employmenta of tbelr •IdaiF, rum inative bows and arrow i, beat*) axat, honiaa a n taahtoatd fe * aaM aw w it af tii* lad itB child.

The Eaqnlm aai boya ban IIH I* aledget •ad go eat on aledglag partle*. One pnt- ting a couple of stick* over hia bead rnaa ■beat playing tbat b* la a wahraa and tk* other boyi, w ith tbelr alcdgta, go eat te heat him . lu the N aileu il K**eum fa a UtH* kayak, or Bequlraang boat, raada by aome Ihthei for h ti tittle ion. I t laabout two feet long, tad baa a lltU t man, dreaied ia-ieadakia hood aad coat, aitling in lb * coD ln with a paddle In hia baad. Attached to the figure are itrh ii* . Po ll one _ o f |be strliiga aod the JDUte m an'w oYki h li pm tlfl w lib ngniar rao- Uoa I H it aaotber, aad ho atop* paddHag im d l^ aTeTf.U Ta l ' Bb hlkd' llfe H tld r D T

ad If loohiag out tor a ie t l. A no lhti F w jiJria u x toy lia ia r to f Jato-In-tbwbirx.- I t to a fox ak ia tbat can be flattened down and tben made tespriog up into Ulbllke pioportiena by meana of whslehonaaprlag* In iide. A ngn itb top oied by leen* Peek'* bad boyamaog Ibeltoqn iin iixaadbroafht to the N tltoaal Maaeom hy a member of the Point Barrew expedition la a whalebone bean abooter. I t to fuhioned with a ainall depreuian atone end, ]ji *hloh the rogue puts a pebble. Then he pulla the whale- bona back and let* 11 fly . When he bile anyone, 10 nya the learned prefbnor, he tbm ita h it lumd with tbe bMu abooter, tnto bto pocket and Idokaiaaomo other direction ta uaeoacetnedly u thongh be nerer heard of tauh * Ih ln g u a b«ta ■hooter, tn one end e f tbe whalebone the boy had cirved a tow of Utile teeth, w ith which he alio did mhchlef. When aome yonng Esquimaux buck put on hia new deer akin coat and atrntted aiwnl the yoengater eery lik e ly gave him a little d^ ta tbe back w ith tbe whalebone, giving a tw ill to tha bone, ao that it would pull ool a tub of bale aud apoU tbe tmoolb lurtoe* of the ccat.

An odd-loektng toy tfom among tho Northweat Indiana la a reproaeatatlon of a huge clam abeli rc ry ak llfa lly carved. In ­aid* la tbe clam, made e f bock- akto, and having a ftedtr that w ill spring out anddenly when the the ll is opened. The iptlng Inxid* the feeder 1* a piece of bent whalebone. Th la feeder, or the end of It , to covered With a red powder. Th* boy goee about w ith hi* cl*m shell, and when anyone *1- pruae* cu rio iity to see wbat la iaalde he opana it , and tha feeder, springing ont,

Th* atany Thloge VFWeh tha THaoghlM IJire Had D *m .

rtosn llw tlikagoTrlbunt.lirta r got late eanvutoti«a with ta aid

rata wh* w u ilu ia g ia fteat of a livery btvn ia Lead villa , Co l., who laeldaBtolly Btoattoaad that h* w u hern la H luoari ■wd bad Mnd a ll Ma U«t ta Ik * f artitotaia or extreme Wceteiw Statea.

" A h, U<m I iip p iw yoa radAtk* t * il pony tip iO H that w eal thiodlh te the ro u t T ’’ B ria r tuggeatod, m ildly but eoa- Sdeadly.

" K a , I nevrr ted* tbe pony ttp raai at ■II,” he replltd .

“ D M a'tl Then yeu’r* tk * mriglnai diacovtrer of geld la Colitonila I ”

" No, yea’n mlatakeB ag tle ," r*tarn*d the eld m tB, u d iy .

"1 a a f " told Svtor, now tboronghly batoaiahtd. " B at e( a*an* yea gnldei tha Ank Ualow PaatAa aarveyon f ”

” N o a a d th* old nua ilgbed. "N o, 1 didn't do tbat, neitber.”

■ W dl.lhatiM M tor,” aaU B riar, atiU mere la rp rlatd . ” Perhapa yon aren’t th* prlgtoal o w u r of the land w b*n U taetr BOW a to a d ir

" Na-MA w arn *Ww*d H ."" f lu b rtv , a*w , weren't y*a ehtof of

ir n la tor th* noveram ent for flftoea ycaixT"

" C , DO, a *—no, bootoL I » • « ' w u .” "N ew , b* earelkl—to ll th* tro th—

weren't yeo ptoyhag cards w ith Wild il il l wbea b* w u ahot i t ItoedwaodT”

"N o I I jCI up, plaae*—I w au ’l in aay ■rtheae pleeea u*r d ida't de aaa* of tb tn things, an’ I c ia prove It ; buLlbeo, young oi*B, I don’t mind to lllu ' you tbat I did gntdeBilfbam Yeoagonh l* And trip to Balt LakA ■■’ I w u a ll tbvoeih th* Kan- ■■•.Kawlmaky freablA an’ Anally put It down, mada th* A nt Had In Nevada, k u a t Buffalo B ill bow te lead a g a i, dreve th i A nt Blaok HUto tiu sa ia eaaeb, in ’ t iu the only w aa tbat **■ • throwgb th*Castor manaere aUv*, after laytn’ on the batUeffeld woanded for forty-eight boar*, lu rra iad cd by tbe groou an' Ibtiaka of the dead au' dyln' I Tkat’f a y ReBDl, yoeag to ller, an’ 1 got the papas* tor e t’ry ward of It I”

On Jamuorr It. W*. Mary A. P..

D EA TH S .M aBKKT-OaJsaaary ll.U M s tats rsffdreps.

■ JaflawT ii, B m in irffo orfW lM U n lin . frM M vf tlh* <!•"<vese4 art rfmeLToUx Invttti It kUtwd ttat flit M riM itm itta iftk M K m # Mth I, ■ I t I'.M , jMlMtrr O. UM TIM ^bl tiMCttktiwT itf U t Ucl/ fttpvklirt-

HitmT.- »BM bttrtf i|ia iy * r&J ib t ikinUy I fr«n hm: - mrmtatm t

sU tri S a Wendiol lie Si5I& •»* reapKtfullr lot Ilid I* Mtead Me N w a l nam bee pawaBC

IEtir««P«icluvijM a tlT lI. UMMtUt nMMMb. P t ltttv f Mti f c if i l tfttw flMttw jItrt » !*» *•

tvto ilt, tn VW trr iMUMTUt *t M* O f .. Itib t i'uih§4nL f w e w i U U« O w U ry WIbt Uolf W lUTtl. U ijy fu v


I jlmaga

T ltt C lrtd u ttt 4a»w tio ll it a f t i l to th# R ttr lA f of Bobitti

rtn » th« f%k»fO TrtbUli*."Ja e k ,” told a man M .a » '''w tc '

ia eullag* at wboae h **** h ew u " waan'l your oMnsaaiwaBeat aratton oa thesBlflert o f’ D ifa tty r ”

" W ell,y-a-A I beltov* It w u ■opaethteg ■kd th at."

"D id n 't part ef it m aao antb iag Ilk* fh ia : * I t u « tos I* is * that tb td ifaU sd man h u a great o d m tig e over bis tollair- BCD in many ways, that dignity to aoma- thlng te be greatly deaired, aad that it would be well for yon and for me to caltl- vate u much d ignity e f beteiag aod de- poetmeat »■ a ll oAouieoa « peasible F ”

” Y ca l i wouldn’t eurprlw n » if 1 w n t* aoaiething to that effect.”

"W e ll, efeetUM yon haven't forgotten Iu t evening when you got down on all- IbutA bad tha baby aooaBt yenr b u k aod then w eal gaUoping rosud tb* edge of tk* parlor, km ekfaif *v *r ehaiitaad loW oga d u iL w hile the baby nwod aatring bock and forth la your mouth and honnded yea ovei tbe head w ith a dm iuttek and you t iM to w hiany like n bats* at ovory Jump. How do yoa roaoneile tbew th lag iJ*

” I don't letenelle them at a ll,” replied the e lb rr w ith a cllghcly dqlectod a ir : " I sim ply submit th* fic t that the baby need^ cxcrcto* and would have yelled bloody murder if I badat gallopad him .’’

H O T lC K .-A d v *rtS **u *M 'm td u "i^ haada at "H tlp W aatod." "Hsepley WMWt Waatod’" " F a t B*aA” "iM AaaW

•a d ,” " fa * Sato," »* ■■■rdlag ." «■ r» r- a * * * !," * • * ., a r* pabMiHad iM O n* daal a ward Aeaawah tosaattiiB

uuUr sr* latHad le MUwl k*r Ouisnl r aunW ' reWdawea. S T T lt MeMaale i P rttw a tl FT irTatecM aa st VMr-

A B B ig n T . IK T K I.I.IIIU IT VODHd HtN A m bayw tttafoH ku wt3 g iM * ru ^ (Bti I? pMKiuis wua parviMB. mhTI. P. a o n fa m v I t gacaiBuawiitoudsilws m ■ecuwl iu-a irT T J Vd h I r iu .D .

rT T B 1 * w a NTTD - a tiooD m m n iK iiIt have rilrrssiM la * a in a i MPRIHd AVk. saa r m i, WAWTTD-A- (lOOD frCHifAN m m . q a tor aiesral heneewoea 111 a i AsasrWa "Ir ttoedwaiM. ItiqBlreM BBUAbHT. fanlt.IdtsH TRT C rT T S * WABTHD

AT ■ vrru IS f nri.w .

I K i'L B a u iT a rv a n r .

the . kaJtaiaatator iT i l- autod M* luBUs

a ja a a v rll.ito a rta «;ito-s,Had It iisirs. fjrW M diandrriaatCtI aoiTwaiLtssiten lodfs. Ho. Bt,.......i » » . S t w r . a d E ^(to , f ^ r , J a a w T iT it I f.

■Tir ANTEl>-BISlJg - k i p — * , DUM MMtKHiFrt,.

IntVnM iltIV sw sW .-«*J*Ba*rT II.H *iTP .,,.w lfo el D,D. Vsewss. ta Usr sSxtr M trdlesr. naerelser. vices u M aiiarj at Ito R. M.. Bssa UeaSml taaa-

mr*l fel fol* a*. IM M tfkil M 1IM l* lBieriM W tBlfM r»d*»t<iveewr.lla Kab ft, m o4 HWiok •ibfl fatt Kum tarM , iird 10 jrMrts S f ilth s HtlatlTMMMl M m oof k««j»raPv |r t rMpactfbllj iBV ic fr«» W* ttaidtwr ' arpn, KtrvlMockt'P. U .. If» Fk Pt*srt ('«Bvtcr7 «rt)i4 llo lj

(ktoasiiiuva -On JMOfcrr u, fUMdtolT.. m of l*Biirtefe R. aod itF* late Miff/ Aal»>u ria anfl fHaiMta or itaa fiMUy oyo mfOrte folly lavnart HttiM Uia foMcml from lUtniM aica.of utolMfcaT, Ma MiiiMaa iMvM, at • E^T’*tk_iiw uu*iM b ik a iL . 'St

AUKMt’Y.MOD ia rft__________ |kA MT H t> - FIVM MVMDBKlToTRiA vvarr 4»9t ft m ltiw ifliiH i - m^Ua efeambamaMa. waltarti ParttaalaMot tTlMiD

au> ba aa^fll*^ u iM

llOCKlkTY wnrk. im all flxU b fa il nattunaJtiteaTaud ftmaaiabt M F i enfatab balb. fmwpk wMiiac

W AMTXfi-YOtlMG WDMAlf TO WAFIl Mtbva tn a mtBAtfiaDL ow 'Mtbvatn a mtaAttaiiL om tkiat an*ttwUHs dayab»aafc Ap“ ifaarkatalwd. --------- KMtAMinait,MaiuMlar warh, L-SJ*

MESICAN BMe. SO d ar M- Girls . baoaawfwk|tria,eoiBp«MD»wiair«aa,atr. Ap»lr«taaeaJM

.1 w_ nrTICEBH AMO JiEMRMm OM Waafoailob ldp4«a Ma. M, KrfT p, a.rar^ttkaaladUfiuMitat Caaila Hail. fT* RraaJ airtal, to— ilijflprtoon, Janaar/ l l at 1 o*ekM.'K, to ' nl Rretiwr WUcot, Ama bU

W AMTKI) A OMAMAM g ir l K»H GRIT- m1 IwHttfVflri In a amnll Am ariM fooia« ^ Idar iftoriMioR, kltanA lAa toat-ral '

m l iwHiafVflri n^raforancan raquML Apaij Ma* U CVJTTAtfM HTea ll.........kto raatdffMMv m Mltaebar MiaeCbratoTUadtoatkcul. MrordarorG. i .aw rom , r , r ,A .K lR P I, K .a fR . aadEepratom.____ I'ft

W AMrRI>--AIf ■XPMMlKMflCDia4y waaM toaratavt lanaM atofF; aka

DaaUi Olitlma I'a id im M avM ii T *-4 « f Wf MatoopotiiM U fa la a . Cm.

Mrna. ArPLfarrtok Tliht.M YIRh at..... au MM 01*Ua J . llaM tuaa.I^ vlU a..... .... .» *01AUMiiat lYUrsonrFulkrum at.. ...........10 MODH*1mat«ttor, oo niRan ava..... J i ■ 00... Al n m

MGRE-waaiMi m a rataai amneema*ilUrharaoi OOlWET 1‘Y y E M T S a TLnOB A iro m S IC rR Jf^ LD

lU b ^ .. «H W fcY i1TY . Uh

w AMTVDe'IM A PMIVATR A liifktai a* TiuHuvauvre > w a si*i>uh «itbn nMoraTte lAvanda av«.

UttiU/, a tk l lor tarkaraJ kooaewwk : ai ---- •- - aw i wsubing; tbod wjttm. *rj^7WiBiwaalvfn------ ll» fvA LLa M L . BA«NEri\kki|i«.Cor. B r^ no d Market Sireato.

M uU tttm U m fm *

YETO M All WITHOUT HOME W ll*L FIMM TT |oodDoa,w'(h wafaiHbiaoQtb,toapiiMin b o u m rk ; tlMai fomlV- M IH POVRTH

t 'lH AE. Wa COHPTONg^ a a i L ^ . . ^ z . r.GklWI beaaa Is Mewsfk.

TM aral«i)arfM arawt}| foafantMal Mtolaw* •at raita. Oalla vUI raaaira arampi am itfos at AiL ubM Iba daf apA a l|b t W te lslin to liave ii '1iDa«m,aM wtti warm

WAM-ntP^A MAM ID T A E E C* barhsa abi dasenaral work, liH. RLtJMM. m sFa.> Mawja n i " '

re lb fb S r M bO TSlBoW EIg fi^ TT^laM hl I bvH ambatiDlsg prooahh at f ir iiB i abtaato laauF iH n tw ft*

TelMbooa<4ca M ain , 'nmilanrr (ffIfawWo. HL•* w o o iM u rr,

UMDERTAIMILOBra nafl raefowsec: M bfiOAD 9 T B V R . Mait floor botow Svaalnf M wa t/Um, sa taiica Dsjr aiM MIgbL

1 J BAJM W O EESR- VOUMO MAM. tn A P Y JYbabUt. wiibaa MtuAtfoo aa fcrMwan or laka aontraci wflrfc: eiik mi e own tonli, AflflrM B x rE m iiN a D 7 io x ie J itw a a S 7 inTXrAM T13>>am ;ATI05 b t a m a c iu n TV liiainriafaT; am flo i ........

HfiM iAlaiaTsttfphoiw r

. ----- . —, Maam flUInc ; alaaflyaofl «A ar: nlbrabra from Mat plnoa Adflmarp.,,*— — —•yBok V.MaarnoflIea.

S d « l K H tH tE .W ANTHD-BY A YOtTMa MAN. A rW I- iton aa oodiMe kuui la s rMnina Mareb ------ 1 rtJE R , Boa MTHkwa o B o a !^ MAdd real C

TM BIlUAC BTREMT.Capllsl MBAOOOt C^isKw TarptMALHm ] Eatate Hale and KxchAnfla.^ - rnOwimmi.


] Eatate Hale a ta^M ottie 1 iMoraUklPdi

WAN TBD -EY A OIBJL floffnarhl faooi ifia ssMafl. m AOAlr A OIBJL A irT U A T W TO

1'rnaMoraUklPdaaatealtoA aad admlnMiarail THOMAA T . EIM M EY, PmMant Hon. TH K IM n B MUlrV0M,0MWMlv AHTUUK R. DXMMAM, »a«r«tarr. H A lABY Ha BAUKETT, TraMOAotr,

V' ^t'aO QBBMAM W ITH GOOD U rE R - X race wbo iDfla/nundi boakkaapiiii nod ■roceiT bsliBeia la daMrmofcAtaSttlBf aWtaa-■roceiT bsliBeia la dwdmMofcAtaSttlBf a ____ttoQ_ar m em r alerk ar Iwafekaapar. AdHraae .lO W n e sE t ^


want nifla af CUAoa nvioan, flDi

rOtMO MAM BTTL'BMB W UHnM IttTA- it a v la wUUsc to do anjnbtnf. AfliraME tT C S k B . Bax li, Evstosg liamL »

lEined OB ICimkWBy Csra.D e n v e r , Ja n . 12.—W hile moving a

tntn load Df ore ftaiB Ihe Mnrr Mnrphrtntne, tiefer B t Brao, yflitaidAE, ttie air btiitea fMM and tba aof ilia aod asn ran dowalbe nuKOi- tnln mlUk R l^ tfu l velocitriD(fltIwtoiirnflirst>

le i- M / f lS a v e o u a M fon rrent on w«M iMe fimrwdt itraal b/ M taai flaap m maubmif aUa of Third araaaa jV Ittf toutbwaiit aoTBax of tiandda aUaat asdW o JS iiV to p re v .d PrtwartyjoT Inreitmeaite Inahoatortoporikiaar chaM ward, baviM n frootocaonUna prudolaaiii tiraala af tU foeu Alto a Ana bouto with t l rooxu, all Improva-

• h f a * i i» .•a' ee.eWwSA»i-S* ff>.i>a<j».AviSAi

A BAAGAlM -BtTCHXR BHOP MOB EA r.E^ d o to f m |«Hl cwb batoiwie: totu( M Mid tola wtok gs yoonat^t two bttMnim it AfldPito a a hea.BAhGAIN, JtoiH,Mawaa Tk

Fo r b a lS ’ a c a b lo a d o e v b b t v im bV ' "

and BaitaWr aac Dapoip m

Kitod, Wlfora Ah.w-” upiuax toBsffI aua. sidef xra|raltba imclu iBMAnUj kiUlDf O ^lsatr (Meoorii>4 XlmBWW.Jii:haJcT.________

naaosra. BiaoisBald, Btar W «ia BlooDii ldnvapuaaiid to—.- _•Trh 1 ^ on Nhrtb Aendera/ nod Willow airaalB,'T u 'iK i^ v . wfU ha Mifl laaalbnii aetoalTBiaa* and on «Mr tertoaofJivniaBt, with low rata of ■iPlarflM ddMttrtnflflBlldtfln. * ^

tMUimraadleialy en^^^ T B jp a D i^ ^ ^

. Mlcf)lRM bora ii, foirt nrHirail, nm aif \____arn tao pair of Tarv flaa yosM suUaai stoD natch tasica aod drltcra. Thar wfll be a ^ rary obaap tomaka roein for vMhwe abtpmooi oo .raodarylE L . JlA U B l^ rao raf Hay lEorkat, Banner avA MbXPOB EA1.B OnEAF^POMYvT YBAlUIOIaDs t toUbdr asfh

J L l4 J S $ i E O J O & E 9 . 1gWBBAta&

Faraicc’ i wiAfr— t db be Best- «di" Tm bm—"W ith piM iim , Ym rnaxt door BOtibbor't d<v bon Juat mwatladata**

R m itlf—“ I TOppOBe, w ith yoat Utjfo faintlya Cbriatnuui coit you a food round aumf' llrovD— Ym ; roy wifa sod sU tha Llubi com gdte xM aomothL^.’*

Father flftfie F u r Ouo— We doflenp here nt 10 o'elixX.'* Hraaf-handad Bano— M 'nm ’t |ood idM. It kMpa followi mu wbu don’t boow flcahfh to flat inelda earilar ”

H d rew I u n afraid it id not for me ibnt}TMCoaa hen ■04^Aa),Uit fornymoEMy.*’ Ardent Wdoefr<-'‘Yad are cruel to toy to. Haw

1 K«t y ^ aun«r wlibotU geuinc jrou r ** W illie , who was £sd by the nT«na P* *

*'Wb«tlan rnTdnf' yoa khonrg Bodyou d» edttofa n u t Why d ravn la s bird jQnntrow/' "Th itilttnaittauK b«Teb«eo dad." "M 'byr' " I bennl bdm My yeatofdsy that be bed baan aattofl oraw ortt Moca tbe 'lectfon, nod be wm liek of H.*'

“ I f you f»w tbe wifm riflin g j< m tniMin,' iaidtbainA|(tMnto, to whom n cttl" un bad eemplaboied of being nbbod, *'why didn’t vQo grapple with hhar' "W ftl, ymi toc, Yonr llosof. Mdd the e itisn , “ I wm nfiBld of wnking up my wlfo. an' iba'fl tbe darndcat coward flhoul buigUffi yon am mo.**

BA ur-Tw o ^ fjO k odw b mob ia l b . J HKitfra a tM o.V«H A^ BT.. MawawE* 1IMOLOTO DU CUntao nTirvM Eidffw wondavesuai P^ uw avenae atidJellflri'avanaa.AlaoIi ouK and all Improveniwhi. H i Hollaas itraeu

-rto n SALE- £ naUahaaff A w n r GOOD PUHO TOR w B A M K a r. mCTO CK AMD FTXTURKB OF OBOCBRY-.......................

TO UBT.»wUl ha aalfl dMap. Otbar bsMniM tba (maaa of laUiiigs Addrana i f , Box 4 , Maara at* Aaa. Hg

m t BXCTOA BTRBVr, thraaatory bHek dwefUna *rooma,alilnDpraiTan)eBta. PoMMatoci Janoary lat.TO LKT.

> Y 0 , Ba RUMTOM, Rtoli r itoBnkar

I CEMTUK eniBW T. Ssatory and beweeut hrfrk dwelUnr. newly halU,nll laodvD lvtpfOT»' le u tt. PasiwalDtt Jaaiary m,ImlMtoa card eaU on


Eoradmli j : WABDBMTmg ---------- n^wwfk.| » BBOaD BT... iaWALLBT.,M. Y,

-pO R «A liK»HAT SHOP.

Hi IdOtn, Locatafl aaar SprlacAeld ataanA FIUCX KBA

Toribcr parttohlaia,AABOB P. OOBMTa

Ttt Baoafl Wraat.

WBOMBBDAT, lAM UARY U, U S P* It.* OB tha jMemliia,

No. Ml B A U IE7 flTRVBT. • to Qipaa an BMatoi

Howbflfl MMl Ito u B t Can B«Mt*A BTEATIaY-FUBM lU l^ BOOUl OAM B E iV h a a ie d su iffH A llin f aT.e0or.OMmr

iw .M i no wiatabU lot MxU Terina mada known day of Aato.Tor permltoaod iiartledlaetfkpply to

T ?'Jr i1? IUBNIHRED OR PARTLY TURM1BURD rooma for boeaebewliii»er wEheet eoard atNEW S T .. tSiU IB iSa svsnliig.__________H

0 .1 . HUNTON.m Bned atS t t s ln e M W o ttC d * .


' for Ikahl hoaackaapL^ M TA IR tlT ., tor. of nlberry.l^UTiS-SJBALSKTM QABlf E X ofillkindaolaaaadanflam im w i prloealow. fia PLAB

covara tb e eyci and fnoa o f tba cttrioEa an a w ith th e r id powder. Then bbo b W a ere f

Iton of w^Ala not rneudragtug, i belLi

th e n iiirliievoas d a m fealua to U iib e b li A p i triea hia game aotnewbara alae.

A gf&onil bffieiubly o f deigyiDiBiL, rep- raKnling all ProleUaot oilsiiona in. Meiioo wlU take place In the City of UeKlODon Jana- a ry tl.i

A G eim ui pflfltDTg R ot. 0 . A* Scbobel, cf ftOMvillc, MtolL, JU tolkiUlng eoalrlbuUana of cautoeUedpeatageataupa to be Boldforlba beodU uf foreign ulaidoiia.

Aa onD‘ if lca li o f th e H e b n w C h ria tian woib, floannaanead la th e Uty o f Kaw Y«rb In l ^ f i v e yeaea ago, there a n ddw nine young .epBrerted Jewa atudylng for lb* u i n l i ^ lb

F ” £ r ™ ’ ~^“ * ’ 5 ? * 0 *D « H Y k r.T jC rU B R T O I.ET ATW LITTIffETOM AVB. lll^ fraa tfo W ftQ A D W T ._____________MlX ABOKROOllsrURM lBAED . J jg r fe r tightitoUMka^ing. S I BD H U T - iiD a E T fr.i Ilk

LToM nALtaevsBROAD AMD BKIDOB . ipata>i to let for ebnreb la iri, aocU-ia eto; iTm» »afob reesa on MmcKI fleor. JceBt very

roEUMa and pwtchaataf wtiA Uvariad d rtrm , iiafea of hire exoe^liulT boOarau. I r r ^ penotoa] and aulek. TtHilHase IT I iir

BOOUE to IaBT^TOR BO BIM M PUR' «Mca at «U Broad m, to RSBnVWqeuUUQB«ry,eK Bkoafl a t ,_____________ 9UpTio BRBTKvsurja.EtiAjrnAV fu r m iu im d X fron *(a>9i gMttwMD,

I t ia buieved tiw to n attempt w u re- rtn lly made to damtl a Iraln oq Uid WamJafiay road near Hrideirton. A man waUtlng akiajr the track rapurbKi to StailoB AgMit AtbMwofi thatba fl-umiaaTaial Um |ila«ad ctotowlM oq tbi‘ track and Awtoued icgother.

The p u m ta a f Katie K e lly , who chin-

W O M E N O F T H E W O JftL D .

deattnety sUtMed Jehti Qgfterwn tbe aoti of the ttlRbiit

I coat at leart I_________________________ Hy IhlA plan akunof 12A|otif, which now would ttMt aW il |3h.i,< UOO, CBS be utode for l:XI0,O00.


K prohibition doea mit prohibit In Kau- au it w ill not ho baoauM flYutoDa o f tlM Uw BTO too iijh tly dealt w ith. A t W lch lu , John BowIm , CQQVtotfld of illeg ally fleUtpg beer, baa bcaii MDtencfd to ■ovonUan yeani' ItnpTtoottment. Surely thla extraor­d inary aenteBceeoBdlcta w ith Artkdb 6 of Aniendnieata to the CoflftUetioa, which forbid* tbe InQlctloB of cruel End no* ueual puDiflbmeDU.'*

Tbe Kew York Hernfi purport! to htTe uncArUiYd tbe foci tbat the fln t BoOdfAg

KkilroRd atrfko took place fifty yeara igo when it i preaMent, H r, Uoncur* Bobln- ■on, being nfased ao advauM o f nlflryg that it j to $B,OOQ inatoad of ve n t on strike Bfcalut te^elCcUoUi and u tho fctockbalden would not jiaM r he atayad ont. Ito l that wH bafora arbttratUm wa« popular.

H r. George C'.Qorhain told an Keening Telfgran lutorylewer tbat “ tbe Kepubli- caoa febohld nouiaate ao«o maa that Aoe- cao Conk Hug rould lupport. * Then why not i oBkHng him M lff Roacoe aiwaya inpportod him uawBYeilngly. ConkUng’a “ i-Qrl * would faeceme aa inapiTing u illo in e ’a *' pinole.'’

I t ia intimated that there ia a scheme afloat to admit Dakota and U U ib uaM rb of p o litin i aat off. Tbla kind of iog^rolliag ia played out. Molhiiig eoald ju a lify the admluioo of C lah at pm oat, w hile i l rea lly leazDS a i i f only bllod partiaanship could object to DakoU'a admlaaioa to Statebood.

A larm F a ll O rar the 1Uv»gea o f tBe IMa- eaae lu Bub Frunctaco*

The amallpox hoapit«dat Rnn Enuieto- co ll DOW eitn^ad with patienta. aod iba af!- dcnle M booocHiit abirmlug. From Mx to a doaen fawa are rapoited dally, end It ia bo- liavad that tba cMMa tha i'bloaao uraconoaHied (hOB the aatboritica. lAat araning the JnM uiya *.

'Pbe haatth ofAra doea not OTea m Ul I o'clock In tlko mnmlBg, and when euiaeara' wh ported befora tbat llmu tlien la no one to at* tondtothem. A man eaUefl a i lha (.Ity FriMU ih li luorafog KUllartof wllb tha dtoeeae, end ho waiaentiuatentontheplaxu. Tha attondunt, whoikvnppoaed tobooDdntyrWaa not then», undMtbogeto* wore lockerl the raflhror waa conpeUed to walk ap and down ibo todo* wWUt In the eulfl fToMy ak, whieh Is ahDtot rertelii death. At that Musa a larga aumtMwufpeopla were oe tbelr wwy to w(irk and th^ piamd the mao on tha sidewalk, not knowing uf Ua aflHkaian* A abort time aflarwiud vrunl wm raoelveil a i Uto edd City Hull that uuoihpr iqud w ho waa dcUHowi from tbe dlsoase was lying eukad in a ka on tbe cor­ner of ilraiuMS) and Luib straalu. nis)iodywMi COtoplOtoly corertd with pustolai, aod bis L’tothlng was lying abtmi slaty foct away from blm In tha auBd. An clfort w m laada to ooui" municute wUh ihe health ofitoer by tofopbocie. A mciauge was sunt buck from the puUoa su- (ton Ibui nona of tba heulih ofikiuls would ba (here .for au K<mr. In tba meanUiva tho man remained to the tol, as toera wm iw ona io take chaise of him-*'

Tho oplduQiJo ahows no sixus of abatomant, though Uic health ufUuoes eiprees oonfolexiQe in ihvultimatoauoeuiaor the meamrea lAkcn to stomp out the disease. The (dtnens are aiuuwd to tba Ktavily of tbeidtumiuii.'aud flfkau wslk- lie vaoetoatora employed by the city are ka |! caiiltoually busy. Three of toeso pb>alclans are ataUoned at lh« Ueallb Office, ten aru located In fllflcrGBt districts of Ibe city, aud ivo make hoiutc-to houw vlaltA

iailll< Btln Itoekiel Pattmbn, have tafUsed to reca lY e^ ftrl and iha Is stlil at Pattenon's bouse, al Mew Hrunswlrk, 111 In InmI, oti acrmint of ih t iqjtdiet khe reoeived In Jumpbig from tho window, whenditoor arad to a room idone with berhufba&d.

M ra. Jane A . VanCIoi mother oi Rev. Faul YanClttf, putor of the Wayne Btreot H«- fomad Church, of JetaiyGUy, and a trustee of liu lfe ls Coliega, celebratt>d Uie elghty-eeviraUi anaiveiiary of her birth at her bume ita Mew Urunawlck, yestorday. Her sun Paoi, who waa slzty-aJgbl years c!d <m> the same day.

U iw Anna D ickijuon has go Ihr .galhtid b i:i hcaltLasto make il pnsaible foe her (6 start fur Fiui Ida, wharo she w ill m od the Wtotor.

lliiM AV^lkinann. of Jgoadon, is a cac- reiafrinaiularJ4>a garddicir. Bhe pnapaiea plMM fiN' tho Uylng out of TtHYMtlon and play KTOumIs fur too Public (jarOens Assocfaiioti, which arc mnrfa Adnntrcd for Ihclr heaalf aa fccoomy, and herself eupcilntendi the manual labgc.

I aiu Ish M. Alcott m y i; " It U wiae tot w(kmeri who have made a place for themsalrea to Utcraliffu ami Journalljun to cultlvato not

C flrtiB iJ Q ibbont b u nutde flirangg^ monts wtth the fU v. E . V , Lebrotoh, of FhlU” driphU, for the inetmctloD tbe Catholio deaf mntM of Baltimote. FatherLebreton wEU rlait Bahlznore ftY that purpose once a month.

Tbe B erlin Misaian en­joyed a prosperous growth to isse. It mrw In­cludes, In six syuoda, foc^'Seren itattona. with l!.W baptlwl coQTfliti, J*' tatam 7,1D& an Witsmunieanta, and childnn to tbescbnHi. The free oflhriugB amounted tolO,<W!'

j M s i & a f E 3 r « i ^ n ! J r ‘ftoBB Iw ry Btreei Depet AOdtesa D,.HHSH.T ruffM tBBKD n iO BT

__,jlS ih tt%«

r r o l r t - a M iem iT ruH RiBaKD fr o n t1 room, suitable for lUMW two gntlMnen: bm dlbaih. BosalJenratoraomy*ApHylllBROAD Wv.oppeatnM .^»K>M BAi. m

p V U a U I A M REBJTr,


mnk and lUrkflM trena 0 0 7 TT»W O RTil, “ ‘ aEm tTM Broad a <X>B. BROAD BT. AMD CBRTAaL AYR*


marime and, iBcludtog what went for boatex* iamrbv

A ll the fmprorsfl justbods ol Crowntof ’tbath

peoaiafa aohebl foes, eto., KMMM9:In Miawer to the query ** fanfl the Pope

always beeulufoUnficT” ihe GtoMfoftawddrd

LlCi*—TWq^ fl« roetba forj BMD piwterred. aro m iR O flllO AMD BIN- Oea gtnn tir onnpeteiitopenlan.

sare: "Yes. Tb* Ovareb olwaya has keUeved tkia the 'Pope,' not a* a pitrale IMIvtAual,


duly thi’lr JutcHoctital facnlUai, but pnctloal buifomaa a^

lecawat, as were aU her cbfldruu, tbrue duos aud' ■ ' • udvmtwo daugbteTs and other reladvea.

rim flatiai slaM adHrrrMtug witoaSla, Arue Aoj (he torpcif ccrmiMfoa hi JWww*,

P E lt S O N A L S .

Fran k Herd Mga Bltloai'a M aitd* Nfll- JOB h ill) affbin fflt President U t revenge. Frank k « it l the axe fall in '8d and Ihinhs the revenge ntU k ill B laine.

ULAlNiTONIANA HO O TED ,SaUsbnry AddrasM i F ive Thoosaud at

lArcrpool Lirm w—Cikeroloa ftnlogtoed*Lonl Naiiabury went to L lm p o o l yefl-

lerday. In the course of a speceh ilelltetvd tbrit! he said tost tJic Gtatlstonians relied upoti the fonvKitfoh that Hvland waa imKovunuible, and had directed their policy toward scouring

Mhe-iMfllmrat ef that htMwinaltiMi.Mr, Gludstone had aaU Umi uaw cHtnea hod

bcflo added to (be itatut«"book, Tbe higbeat

A dtuirai thoughyears old, la lUU hale Ukd hearty, H« Id very jifoud o( his muscle.

Mra. Itontol Mauningi With hbr siflp- daiigbttii; Mary, w ill stay to Mew York'until May. wto then go awa>' nuitl the automoi.

The wHb of I^mridfint OattwkiflM iidito 1« very domesttr. Her gnudraotbes was an lYigltah: lady namsil Wblto who m airM #11* lAipont

Of^rabyhiMAfflKntnoffil that he win not bcat^ ld A te 'ftY tt^electlon M rrovtmnr of Illinois. Tbure an plenty of oiben, bowever, who are ready to flaeriOoe thcmaelvet, ^

Ura* M aria DarUm w ill nob v^ te any new bocAs except fox plutfure. Her claira to Mexican property worth foi,aJ(i,i}UD has juat bceu decided in her favor after et^ucen ytursof hard fightinx.

Mttdatoe Cbrbttiuc NilM6n wrote to a friend to Philadelphia to a letter encloflog Xm u cards, that she bad quito recttV'ered htf health and was leading aebarming "Darby and Jvan' lifu with her hushandg Cbunt Miranda.

The nuke of NcwoMtle’a proposal to pri’sent a cross uf guhl lUid initts to thu altar of> Ht. i'lu l’s lathcdral has aroused a atona of

among the clergy of the KugUah lYotestaot Church The Duke la an advancedKitoallfia

LitiwalNo, and to uiklcrciarwl the ialTvorihttlrcrafl. The ignoronoe and help- l«Mtnrfw of vofncti wrltori ii anaalng. The Itratos that can rarn money can unflentaod how to take care of U, by a proper knowledge of contiwiis, copyrights, and diitlN of author and pnhliidior."

Rev. EHm F ry , o f Maideu Rook ia tabtog tbu throl^ cal ooune at the Ususatt nbllcal luMfUitc, Kvauslon, Dl. gbe shown great oourage and pemerveranoe: and her car(iL‘r,gf she liroa wUi makae ike way into the pulpit eH!»lcr for every woman who foUowi her. Tn tbelr hoKwr let It be lald that i j l the profownn and almost a ll tbe studenta hare given her a warn weK'omr, Rev. Dr, Rldge wpiTr rm ldcn i of the M k of•ftfoipwaalvc views coueerging wonuti'a w tik,

U it teactdliig offtoUOy reapeeUng matten cf fUtb aad mormbi, Mthe aupremartilble brad uf tkeChuitb and vicar of Christ npem earth, Is abdhBsakWirsbraUSnfoTttb^, and has always been ao betteved by tho Chnreh."

** llto fo ct,'' ohaorvea the rAsforf Prm~ bVforiwa, " that on BO greatly to the min­ority in BO many churebra, and to the (ihurch as a body, to hning rtlariuaad, and chiefly with the puTpoMoffluatog the reason. TfatobdlA- cplt, peihapa ItBpdwilble. Tbe more cmMlonal lUsiwaUhiiM of wbnwn to urged m b psobsMe ex- plsnatfon, and tho fact Ih^ as a rule, they are not ao Tmtcb tempted w men toaaeciw or skopUral Hfo. The tweachen, alsn, are all«( to be reipoTAibte - ’ • -

rrO TsRT-rA C XauSMWeriMb lf lT H .IlN :j. _ _ _ _ _-rgC TO JlYtO ITW lTH OBW ITS- lrer,roeniata7U H si|A* of aLBB ItT )a N .j.J L B .m aeo

Ea t b n t d - d i u k b * o o , enHeloin ol Awiem n and I ,s In natent cnuiea belbn



iA B D rV R E he brat-J Ihe L-_-'.WmiatBelk^ EB T LEH R N -T EHOVLD SR PUU8BD VEto have you tiBil and n i wbat X caafleftR you intbe way otcnslom-iaada aalta, oTwooata <ff troQim. 1 goarmiUe wenra low pitras and elegantita. GEO, r BUUTa I^ !B aoxat. flra

. . m tYDElLBO AHDIM a AlTD la lV ERT •Mablea^irto kl A tfautteatW HnaMome

^ O TIC K -TO TUB FUBUD.Oureflke and aflflrsM ta

No. VIS BROAD B TBR irr, NMWAIIK, N. J« We are in the BeM teiatov Anetkm bM laM r

(Moca Bpsfuaae.Ba B vw m m * 00.,

Bfo TH BroadBtreat

„_ t’ys In patent cauiairafore Nocnaaical Matin'I cal r —’----- -- ‘Rnmaeera and BxI f rts, CaasaliaHon Iraai TITawd m B l----------(Ueaih Building). Take SleTator.

T O LR T-A HMALL BBW K BM FOBY IN OliverBL. Apply toK TiTBO N PRW ,----- - — - a I I I IM I. siniii ■ .a, M..*!-, %(p>aja - <aacvtaatlabod > 0^ * iperieopa.yesttWfi!

* j^ K A D Y TO DTMt

___________________In ttw BtatiL TwotiT'IVfl Qerman apokoBa

Hannaat BitoMa, V ltot Yffiawfted*

• tmtaeheri, a for it to eome easaa. for t

‘n rA N T S I^ ro ft WOOD WOREfNQ wWM. p . r , ■

We Arete itre .o tlie n lln batbi Ah , Yh* men we dl* tb* becuv Mvi, TbelanietweUTeibebeHerw*ucaoea. uens ttniw l look «|BAl to new forHAe at 7 » » l........

l•hatM rweflm at

D M « S i5 i .H 4 ^ S r S S t e 5 ^ .a h irraaonthM they preadh In Kgushliig anrt aeri. t^ u la l A way |itoh|h m , ladtoaUka totho men grow tlrod of it. touch iTrafeflKttononthe

, .in - e

It foU totfllm .ei)s that it casDoi BOARDTNO-TW) wRUhf^.itiSiiiabM erATLAN TIC 8T.

V a d K S fH a .

The Sea lU RMk.Afor Uh' mountains rise,

Axkd tho broad estuary wideiu out, Alls® ‘snnkh jno; whecltog ivund and ronnd ahgul

tHoawanl a white bird Alos.A bird ? May, litiros It rather la tberaeyM

A spirit, o'er KlcTuity'Hdim lua, calUr>Ki "Como thou where all «c glad raula


S ia d t m m e n .

J OBBTHB. W liXTtfa.BAtoOlKa A CA D nlTi «1 BROAD NTItBlTa

m ra it leasoM fllveo, Alio Private .(Ii« }nstn)«t«d when deafred. TFnt Im ibn Infon -.laroroall at r 'JOBRPU

OARDING-OHol) BO^nn a jt l) FI.EtaS-

■I'jk.tBH BXFBM 8.To avoid pobHe UKMBvenlene* 'ana datav la

tnn ilt,Ibe utaMASnies Express ':p<TS«n at niaiMs’waw* tkere 1 BXVHtataiann tbi'u iiA *ina,'« liffm orbua. .b s t s m u ls e b b y at .

tb* kanB t'E t|*e*i| taadlFiHU riv*ta*'Uieln *■*»■*m aittr ftwni'lba a*nina Bifsnaandm vekatcss Hi tU* ninai auitBiV,

B 0A JW >-TI-K A H A N T WABK FH cnra loom, mot board, a« d bo a d ot. f"

Oou pMaae send 10c drester or eall t----- 'H k WHtTN. U ^ B b llll At,

tor^tbg .(O'ifoh ^ibtoadteraeu ciMUgaa ju !' .(to g M. ORONBYe Viee' PHtofokht.


p life, 0 dlcTit shore. Whcie wi' ffit paliunl; 0 groat ira beyond,Tb which V e turn wtth aotemn hope and fond,

But wuTowRil uo morr;A little while, and titen we. loo, shall aoi

Uka whik^-wltoied sea blrdi Into tha infinite deep,

TUt then Thou, Falbor, w ill our spb to keep I —DtonA Mm/oc! Groika

C. K IETR It^ MtJElC ftCflOOL, No. 7» COLDMEIA fiT.

'’ rroTO altihlnn; hi good '’—Tto; U tw v fi Save tha s " charltalde 1l_. tn.ooQ wm iu>

hold fort to that which ta

carb infUluthm'i shsra dopeodtUg ort rtte ifoBi ............................................nUar of wrappon U hrada. A(lv.matfs^niM-tiraM ttaghah-gwrt andilien*^ motto remedy. Oval box, M ; round, M p |^ A laUdniffllatt. "•

One FactTfl worth ft column of rhLiotio, said au Ameri- Ciin Ktatt-iiiiftn. l l Is a fact, ctraUtobod t ’im tom y of thourantto of paiipln that ^irlUa drws cure scromta, rah; riioum. anddlrarara or aObedona aiMug from bxpura

uf ibeUuod. It alsofctata or low eondUlon (vTrnKimos that Uxad focling, craatos appetite and iTranrength to every part

A Hidden lig h t.!Thc t^ripturarara: "DoTiothldayouf light

vinderabtiahel.*' IfthatUghtis ibe fluttoiittg wm-0"thc*WRp Of Bt>pTtou.h1ngliinnity you can bMt hide It undar a witM of 000^1 Oats, whieh. tn «m «nti*led form, bi found’ln wwffyb«nto ortkntch Oats Hnence, and whidi cums “ ■ uidMflrvedfcMflse.flTtry foera of Brala had 1

Ftlvale Insponn alvm . ro r terms apply be> tween I and 7 F. and ihmdaia ttom f to AaM.


rb f.l

W d S t ln g * .v r r u t a n d o a H » iT <!bu-awiy, No. W w -id strn trUKIalTT

Nntlcc ts hereby givait of (baacnaal maatlnf fstoekboldan aM clecUon of foirtoen rU) dP iKiort, to tfvva tor o ^ j r a a r from the date ofreeiorSv tUeti elcci ifr ■unw M sahall beeboMa, ftbd Deposit Comumy,' 1 the Lhlra (M > Monday n iiuary InsL... vdoa£p. jt*to bo held t _______ . __ . ___to wit, January jotb. u n , at two (S) o’e

Cckmiwitiw office..tC0IO|M..-a,______rolltopoB from So'cIocY P.V .tnt^elockP.11,rated R m rk , N. i . , Jairaary • j iu .ath Ae iLDBMMAa.Heeratogy. .Hecrotory.

rt^Ji]\ b »

iB l m itD A L B EN EFIT LIP R IN E , CXXanneal eJaertde for DWMwi aT thin Dana^ lOBoi 0? t'Muy srill ba held a t tba otlloa of lh« oarapaey,

TO f e ^ a t r e r a . Newark, on 1 M ONb/V, JANVABY li, U R

FoUa wUI11 open as U A. H. and elooe at 1 F. M. JWWABD L. D0B8INB, Baarainrya


G S ? t f ,S i‘ e£ i!'e {?‘* .iS § a e is ^ E “ §? .‘ % '^ OOD bo an d jan d p l e a s a n t bo o n s .Ip r tab SDBANKRP.



A T W ILU AH 'H CD SUY d OO-ik UO Kalbm p Hasel. *0.01* Bamnwn.

(VOOD BOABD AT 171 SD H Klp .ST., NE^B J 5 C .S S a ^ W S m ^ " 4 S !S S iJ 3 ^ . ■■ ^ T o y * worUmagoft8^yetrr


aC lt a t n s a f tan tta .

A H T M O L O a T-D W nW Y BEVBALKO from b tnh ta flafllb Ytj tbe elnbiis and toan.

tece.' Leave year Vefliwe at "OABY A It VH plcmre itoraAM Broad atrraA

l E y t < itt6 y grawfotaX OHT-ON MONDAY.! AND ARY IE J_iRDxllth Heller pup, wub b ltca right black ^ t In mlodle of hack. Aiiawci nam a*T^** A reward will bo by tog la QBO, Ha EM a l l y , II» ittharw ra

W HJTR ear andwer to tha ._ by reiar»' arawia m

to Sooth Orania No cards or Moa


J IN N IB DBOnTIIB, TBB TRDB -■ ^ ■i»j sr.ta iig lta re i*ilAATBOtpalW -.-eitN -NUnarv. eSBAiim kenrilta B taV iioa.,n«Sitavla>

wOET--RRYB TEBBIER, /A N . II, N A V S “ Ittfowd, iDunlre«M PLANRflTe


e t u daia A tta la '

•. lo ._ _ dilCe.r » s s 'r '^ '^


I J n !■. USE •* j l a i . H W u i I J t a r M a r * . U l U a M u k M » f MOW*

^ : - n , M * w l M B U h . B M D t w a r o n « -|l Y-. Iff^ ■ ttP th . , t * f S r tf -

2! k | » D i « a w ho wruW O M « W ) r U « l 2 1 ' „ d . M l i t M t h f p o h t t * k n * w , « M rS « » y l k l a i ‘ I " **■ i» « » tk » W ,.S d w t h bH U O t > U r » c l « l M mMch do* 2 l i t h , p t« « »• w ould t b » t of t focood* Hm n r i t IT iiMW KilWM. N d M d , lb*M * * * * * " i * B * * *■ *I ^ M p r r , b u t I # t b * N o w Y a d t t V i N O i » Z L i j J o u i o a l , w h i c h c o p lo i OD u t k l * o n ^ ■ b j e d f r o m t b o l o ( « I I M h p o p o t . T b o M W U j B d R o O . I I . U c U u l o r , o o d b i o ^ p o c m . d u u b t l M * f b n i l l o r l o n u p n n d - J l , , f t h e I w l i o e l , t lB O O I t l i l o e l o d o d I n

o f I b e c u t r e n k e o l l e r t i o i i l a t b 0 f o i i o w t :

I IUHUI •LUJ.IIIt'l 0.In th rtr ranted rntuoenialj Meun tb f I'id < »ntlDeiit*)*,

Y lekIln»«AWhile the ftonodtera arete l ^ n t .And U i*baU W l l h o p h i B g i u *

w hen (ho d k i ( tr ih o Ula^

M U (be imtAT u lih l aanmiapnieiU. boro tbohuiner of the nuniWDl

Uoleem:ib j erumtiier. grummer, grummet, toUetl the

niU ufthodnim m et,Through the mrim I

Thro with eyto to the Ihmt, all,And with r t u i boclauiilal,

INiiutl lu r o lto i;While tbo holla arhluli*d deadly,Aud In rtreamr flaihliig redly

}tlazr4 the flma;Ai Llia toar Uii tbeaborc

tho Hmng hatllft-broakeTC o'er thcgi\'«n podded t e n .

Of the plai i:And kaaler. bioiler, loudar, cauWad Oho Waak

guojuwet,( ‘racking aioatn I

Han Uke in i tb t a t Iheir tirgea Worked the red St. George'.

Cantum een;And lha r Walnutti aaUfxiar Kango te ice i dbeoidaiu meter

Rauhd oureara 1 Ai the iw in Htijna dJin,

ggli VK neeefilos ongor, came the hntae guarda etaneor ,

On our flanki.(hm higher, higher, h^h e r, b u n c i Ihe ohl-

gnUiiaed ftreThraugh th e n n k il

Then the bare hr aila<l Colonel Gallo|iHl lliTOugh tha whim lurumal

• Powder-cloud; ^And hU broad ateold * « aadogtlgr,Ami hie bnuen Ihmni wan ringing T

T tin ipH kaid ;Then the blue Rulleti Be*,

Agj the tm operiaekata rtddau at Uia luueh of the leaden

Kldo b reath ;A ^ rounder, rounder, luuuder, roared the. Iron

di-puuader,Hurling death.

Of Ibie poem E dm ond C lo n n e e Sted* ■an w rote I n tb e f M u g J T o p t M fa e , m m r y ta ra ig o : * 'T h e re in n e th tn g like It in ear language | 'lU tb e r la g lag chuw eter- H leu tU rcuce ol o a grtglngl m gc. T b i » k a perfect bleDolng o f ges tc t« gonad gad t l both to tb o apf f i t o f th e tbenH . T o I I - dnde a p ic tu re o ften n i lu i a eo n g ; b«( beie we b a r e th e k n o t o f potrlota eln rter- •d opon a b a ttle b llls tde, tb e pow der wgeblag aga in , tb e old-fcafainiiod O ilonet p lloplng w ith d raw n aword, and la launder, roonder, ruuuder rogred the iRm alx*

pounder,O udlng d e a lb ;

it aeemi i h ea v ie r pieeo o f ordnance, and ehtrged w ith t i e ig b i i ‘t I ta u ea th a n a wbole | i i k o f arlU lery in a mtxleiB o n i t i a e i i t . n U e o n g w ill Iw t w ith th e m em ory o f itvolD tlunary d a y a ’' I t w u w rh te a when the an tb o r waa b u t tw en ty y b tr t old, and b a t a p p a tied in th e X a k k a b a c k t t M ipe- jbu fo r E eh m ary , lSd9, u n d e r th e aigDi- tire, '‘Jo h n H cO roin." U eU a ite r h e e tiie I law yer, w ad a t ona tim e m a Ooungy Jadge o f Btnben C non ty . I t ia it ra n g e tkat a m an w ho. a t tw en ty , wae aopoblo a t ■rUing b po tto no o r ig in tl an d iM k in g that i t w t i a t once reco g b la r i a t a maeler* piece thonhl h ave h rv e r - m ade a . fa rrh e r ^ l ^ e in li te ra tu re . ,

A A P A N ialt M A G lC A t HnUtOIbW.

SIMM A bentt a p a ru .— J ^ B L. H ollivan receatly prw t«l

tX ta a jn l ih tb a td tta ro f the ,n « f* m w a a a lif fcU tu btad a maiab *Ub Jem mntlb t e a a y am nonl of muitey appoiatlag yudeiday alter* um w at J Ii'rlei k ee a tb a e u f m m U agtedga a r tlc k t eml iviwluite a lt p « Ibulnary ananm c B-enlp. Ixaig brftiri' die a(>|ii>iBled Umo dulll- 1 ah rt*a* lird the .ipoiteaiaa uflire. A t tn eliwk Ihe lU ii t waa dea re ll parked *Hb i»u|*lA ABer welBiig (M rly e» bmirlalllytni appeend at tbe Wltnhtw hi grariiy the tbMog la the ptm l hfnlng tin fhaiite iif Umltb puiUiig In aa ai.pcaniiii c be took hi* daiAriutt t a Pad- iHuglon NtaMou, w here‘he l.wutWd the train * a Wladaor, Pravtaua la leartug baUlvaii. InipeakUg of dm llb 'i IbUuri to arrange a mateb.paid “ I cam# hew lo rtb a iiiawm ptnptna uf IlghllH Jem Bmltb and hare t o dea ln to be W la r iB B i errand. HylkSgu will raaiaia at Ib r .y a rfwaia uOea at leiat two weeka t o ^ r ,

■1**1 yirm lJif eaa bare on encoae mr mU - i - g to tiaaa.’* M ltv a a It bi euwllmii

b n lib . t a d b a t ndiaoed b ii wetgbt iwuUy b u r

^ y r w n k WlHlow. of BaeUai. U cuceiag to Hew Yolk to bring thnut a ouallttm of the Meiiupolltan IYjIu Leagiw and tbe New Eug land taogua.

“ per POley. o f Newark avenue, Jerwv taiy, hi backing Mliy Edwanla, of Cblutgo, tga li at Jack llupptr. Tbe battle wtU be de- pKted w tibta tweiaT-tbnr bonn.

-A n tattrrwale rliiiBlebaanl match Irtw w u New Turk mid New Ja ti ty baa b e n a m n g e d . Jam et PonaaHy, William UalrlB, I Mortia and William Nunley wilt teprateU New Jereey. A. MeAIpine wee M IdiM preiiMad by M A. i'tlney w ith the bandeoue bmlge woa by him la the te n lit tnum aiaenl,

-B . W. Jtme>u% ufM nutolalr.rmtwday alter noon killed twenty Bre q a tto w i with ooo ataiil.

|,r lp * io w ad Ita C h arm i.Cor. of Troy Time,.

L e ip idr— o r m t l M r w h i t w * i b W o f i t durltw an early nwralng d riia ihnmgh eewie of llapilnolpalaveBuaw*'la aa iHiacUTe elty i t la roomy; muvk of Ita awtUiaebira la Impoaing; lla wkle atreeta pemeot a cheerful ippotrwooe; tU h o U lea u l idiope hear aw ell ke rt appear­ance ; tbare It altogether lu timeahlB pnwen- ta tiu i b m , with avtdra im of thrlB and peo- gnM wlUtal In thia Sunona ulA publUhiM town, lamoua. too. (nr Ha atUionlB of muatc and Hi uni- verplly. Thai It la a deelrable plane of realdenueH a p p u ta t fVm tbe laci r...............can and Eng Hah people erl---------iwlpplc tor tempocary and jimlonged anhaim -

le Qumhen whn cotoo here not Bw miwlcml ewnterary Inltruciram malaly, tmt Aifkmt ami fanlib arid to e h a n ln the rMoad

V /hli <I4D^ l{ H £ u rttn 3 M ^ |ijE u itA U o p ( l n v t o u e | j B w e i i i Ie t u i _

.A T I I - l i H m o e .


f O l i i A N K I A L N T A T E I E N T

M e fc h a n ts ' In su ran celOllMrti

M l f la i UMb M lv

C O M P A N Y .

For tbo Te a t ■adlag Dewoaabwr 31, I I

C A S H A S S E T S .

( m B a r r l i t m g . w a n -ito o a |h 'm lf to r iii i;a rK l* to ! 'T S to iS ? ? w 3 ir^ a a d B V U u ia . 7 J IP If Wmeara a t —Awl; for Uarttaburj. FIIMnirg ao f tbaw i t h twumaa iw A c w c a n f u

im r b . ranne . I p m . telly . wUb ru llm aaj a | | i ^ « t b r i i w t h w u b o t e o a a a a a w rU M O a e g

T t ^ iw « j2■ M parlor t e n a ^ F teaay trw ib Salirtedfin ite l y , le S V m.j; lA i i t e . i i te ,* d dm P,

im woito.y Tier, tiiT iiiii ^P-tJ. Enr iM ilm an ta ty r t 'r i ‘k u . . i r i e h J a , a a n r a m r o - ' l

• M r l l t ' m S m l o * .u n i H i r r ' N o a i . k . i »<h k i t M i N ' T Y ’niUrwlLlioopl. - t a l l r H. rullee TW jaoiea Tb .a»in> IT to , Of.

•y l i n e , e l iho t t e r . mate* writ . f Beet teaae, M B.illrecM d, I teall .tia iaa tor tela by uubUo tpikIvp 1.1 trp <iuurt lu jkswisrK,TMMfty, tM IM«k duf t4 JlamMtj M il. M isso o'doeli f . M . All Um m (now erlaml UkdptwuhM, dtuAW* lyltw w4ti| \m

A w ack, m a i (tem jr* N n rJrrw jr. y i r a t i n t l IWiInning In tfep nMMrly tlu* tti

|««nh urstpl At a a^lnl IWrpfn 4HWM hmr kMsifpfl aM IfUp l*f( aa rlM rlr from ikr aaffh-

IlM of KixtL avAauf.n l / tin* of K)xtL av»auf . Ihtbew MwUtflf ^akal aHI) MvU» a v tM w s a h nairtil M .

Kdwrra h t fiatMoiNHw .................R iM rtr fM vasK Uid hamm aad

1 e o l a t i ^ ^ ^ t t t l l i r *

SAll V . MteiTorIC

Netmkff ^OBJIt Pt FUfylw. ... KflpaM r i

m , m n

H , m m

I'epMal Htock, paid up la e a te ...................... eoo.ooiM

Puiplui le to PaHey-boUeK . -

Aggivgate Ab m a ............. ........ tl.aU.UU U

.T .;f a n i _ _t f 2 l^■■•Ilrmo^a f i S r a a i t U d i> . H 1 2 9 . ) ^ !;«{ k J i tc a a M

K U t k i i m t a e a u w i ^ r u a e l a a w u t i w - l y a J o e a tlw Na# al tba aama f n j frrt ia tba plar* of bu •IbaHiw. tM of b M a a a a loiiN«a.i*M buM »ai aad flif^ ooaAisd »aa huadm l aad tfty tao va a

I ar FMfl of ttsa p rw atiT of tba aaM /abtai wda by Van b n r M * YiMMg,MHrta

yg | P. IL ituBdaya.

SToii.'y’l '& V



f t e h ( W N t a l . . . *UahniiAa........Net aurplBa....*




•nm ciirrr to fnupIn flva B ln a lc i Umi aiMil- tafp HfucttUI pain of 100 b u m or K aldi. It t«lll tUM tb a pbia m louti m

ABUMDANCE TO CURE t ■eora of and tiic

tiuti oftoQ laadtUm way Id t'oniuinT^Ion. Yr i n u . M an’iv a i r m«m a (plough In 15 mtiuUM,

UOAR THAN ENOUUH to » ilnavn children Chublnf IthCHOur. Od« mbiute after Uw tin t d im the hanlo it attack of Croup w in ba FaUartO.

N a t G a la , 1U 7..

Dm . 51, '5T. i t n o w 00 iltJR l M 4 5 7 ,5 5

livJbMOl H 91,325,511 U

............. M ^ p tlE M

Dec. n . m bd& ow uo m m m


%Dd j*m wlU bring «p i t tha oiMa «f


(H .............M** iir, MU. «b», 7JM MSO MS r. M. WHWrFm auwmIc (Tiy, L a r . M. •telty. taoept a*.

nFiif t i M l i e i , I I « A. M. week teyu U fa r tey.ewi>, im v .M ..F o r Ung Hrwnch, Biwtoa. Ootew Urwn, Bprlwf 1 ^ . . hm uifl. WitePuwaa, M i> t f te »

OBiniBa.y.)„ W H » * W ¥ O K K ,. }*v'‘' ‘ e '" « " 'to u » a , k ia t* ir, am ,* ib

i**- ’■**• w » ,» »a am. • * , Im ,S i 1» . m t a . t t o l i i . l UH f t" t» .* to l,tA r .A « ,lu O . Ail AW,«m ■■■ !l*ll OW' t» t, llAi, tA lg A L m it .! i ! i t i J ? "oedey tt.lmi, u T i S fK * . .

m®. >»•. iteeA.m^; iA oeii«aa,ua teo ,

M. Wiek da}t.I ^ v a (3H«iDut a if tr t Ittaftom i n , iM . ita ,

k » .i« T .iis .i4 L i4 r t firV*4r\eip t ia.N. .Huimay, i A u i i i w .

Tianarwed Vrart-W ettnnlnf m tba saMarly UMafatAibaTsaM} (baaee raantaa wvrtbacljr sfaaitlba iiae or N(vnh atxth w ns^w m iy-ftr# fhM. Ibeera aaiMrly paralM wlib mtUs a n a a a M« aaadtfd fm ; ibeaor«MU)tPlj uaralMwUb N e r a H itb s tm t tanstiy flv rftM ; aadtbaara l«aaiac wcetefly aaralM w ithuixtb ati*aa*<ia# b u d r A frai to of aealaatug. IM wkaaw aaM g a d iiw sd M lol aM ib e raee haa d iM aM (U tf :4 w a a a a a M a « l a a n o ftb a a ia - pviiiaT thf aaMjainsalb. ■aibtaw, made by vaa

a TautM. Mreeyora.Isle Hherin.

•I'liw W l ew. AHimMyu NiM

a i t i n S a w t U M N a i i t * .

. . -*— y— — — —wm« m wag Bag wMn t ^ JubawM « i m ui IiM w alu tba MVh bdtftUA «f 4* koFoiHN rea ra , aau ita i an ‘ Mlaaimr tocosw lrM ^^a

M M . a e t < « a l i iuM af tb« fiAjr A laaonr to pmii>f mm um

-*A A- . 0* *i - -i. utodall riaas a*aMtoI h s J r f i r m - N M r r a i , T r a t b W a M 4i U b .M a l H«> WiKirtPraimf asaeni ai»p»Tfd Ouiutiur 7. UUI.baa Waa prepaiM »y \ k f undM irifd iViatatU- m m n , aMMaiaa by laa U rrob ( .wri or ib* C M u t y u f B i M « g lu t u a b a m U

_________ _____ ______ n f t i r i Tk w a r t- i r ia 9wrdaa. w to m m fcr (b* baM it

jj ji^ a J ia y a r . T i^hgtaariM Cirraltoat MatohHt., MMlrw I

la n e num brn who c o v ll tr t i r r litotrunroi

lare t a y l lt -

the coat of reipectalile AUl»totanca in New York.

_______ ___________ ...____fOlapmenia•fTerH). Ona Biajr lire half-fiKii)itihiy a t half

WlMii UtMik u m lU v a I n f te aa th e W aablirgM CiMr.

A trw iw ra iH v AtlTociibr gornR b o n e vttfa a Kentuckian fyama icctufc on *'Nuih " w ifdaplorlng thaw m knetfofIbatgruatM T l* g t t ^ .

” 1 dch^i ace." ha iakl, "how a m an4b whnm the Lord bad hM>n ao iiwk'lAiJ could, aa MMif) aa ibe OimmI hail suhnidad. go (dland ceiae yfotody IniotlcaMsl." . . „

'•W ell," related the Kentuckian, fidrttedlr, *'l d im 't k»i*w alxMt ihai. Tbere'i miehty few ni«D fiiUiHl here who wout<b»'t have ikHie Ibe aatoia thing if they bad to tire on water a loogaa Nttoh aiu."

S n e e z i n g C a t a r r h ,The dlAtrcHiliig sowto, v a taa , meaM. lha

■ e ^ . watary dlaebaniiDa ftotn die eyaa and Dosai tba IfiQ /bl irflamnwtttoi eiteoiUng to IbM hnjat, ib e iwellbig Of tbe mocoito Hulngt caiwiM M d l V atoaMltatt, e«Mgh. r t n g t n g Doleaa In tb e head and t|iUUlng heasUchea" bow fatnUlar tbeae lymptoma are to thouaaada wbaabfF^rperlodlmUr from bead ooUa orln- luakittgaiid w h d lire in i g e w c e of tbe &sct 9M t bkloflea|f»ilrationN»f 9AM9t»Bi/a R adical ( ^ a s roto t'A T inv i will hflM n t(^ .

But ibU treatm ent tn caaea of Rimpie Oatarrh give* but a Eilht Idea of what tbUremody will do In the ehronie fomto, wbera the hantoth tug to obamictM by obokJtig.jaitrtd mneeiw irn m u - utloitft tb e nearing aflwaed, Bnelt aiul u*to gone, throat ulcerated aud Uacklitf < gradually faatening itaalf upon ibe daoUll.. . Skalem. T^en It i i (ha l the M re le u a nggattf*

Kiber of gA^Pokh'l Kauliiai. Ci’M BialLiAe!i elriD luRtantaacna and gtateful ibuef. to re

berinn fri m tbe AM appllcatloa. It to rapid, raolcalg pennauent, eeuuocntcai, aafr.

Pajiyoib'HJhLMrAttTvataoDiutaDroun bet* tie of tbe BAmcAirtTaiy one box of Catarruai. 8otVEKT, atiil-an lumovED l.yitAUtft, prii« R . P o m n D a » i A Vh a a i c a i O m , B o a r o N .

T i n i r P T T W f l P IJO T Y TO RKUEVS - W n l l i l n t f j i r i u U u a p p fe a a ^ and w heel­

ing or the nutoC a a tm MM of m h t m The M- reci ourea of Aathma by Ihto madtclue to pniuf tha t Dt. Tbosnaa'i Rclcotrio Oil haa BO equal aa an Atohma eura.

In the abort eNW» Pb. TnOHAiPft BCLBC* TRIG OIL can be relied upon. I t b u given relief to ibotiaaildf. Keep H in r<air houaa There to A t^ ly a week o i ihfl year It wUj no4 by OMftil

F o r O l d a n d Y o u n g

■ ru tt't L I n r P i n * a « t w* fclaOly lb * rh llB , Uk» Bwltonte fm oalw , o r l u l l r u a id wgw>w* UFoo U>* v t f o n u rw aa,

T M I I i• H e to n e la lh a w ank a to n m eh i tooweU, b ldneya an d b la d d e r . T o th ea a o i« a a a tb a la eareagthato lM goaU IlM a ro w owdor-ralyeanaU ig tbaaa to porCoraa ttoo ir fBacw Ilo n a ga la jo n th .

S o l d E l r w F T i v i i m r e .O R Ica, 4 4 M w r g , S t r t a l , a 3 P f Y o rit.


t o e M H e M ,C O R . B R O A D A M E C H A N I C S T S .


wh«i« y«o c in got your Hto Inaoiwd In tb*B » T And t1lKAPSS<T AHHOtTATION In UK * « 1 J *t one half ihu n n a l n tte .

AHmlwIrai Pry *0*1 Annual D tn i:« ro t*> ,m .................... M S ,

For Itt.ufu........... ..... ..... - r — _ >> -rura),iioo................ ............ i «

ll.tW .nn iwkl to b rncnclarln lu IWT,

tk.Ofi.inil «*«d m cm tisn by roduetka la rig)*.

viHiiaaftba'wliiteaaiiiad wrttafi----------- -vcfideevattbel'Mirlday. lha iktotyfbwt 4ay o f io n o a rr a e ik a iw toe'^M k l*. ■ . all Ibat tr a d erparcel of laud and

OM iMTiff tnlbalOMniitoM toaeaw,of gaat lwaooa. kSsMi Ctoao^T ffaw JaraayloB tagettb t Moth earner or toad. J W h J o f i i a r o r t o o d o n J a i n w a

_____ ma».a*4 In Iim a l lawil wow ar ihntowfrItoBtol toaMwto'a, aad ruaM hf i h m m a loai (b« IlM tW roofanrik lr & Makt tiigreN three Gntn- uiM waM a tiig e a e toei and eaveasy-ewa bum drteibeuf ■ ftKit lo the Ilua f>f Hulbcrr/MraM; Ibeara aloag Mfea llae o f eakl Rrsal aen h tone- Mvea dfarase au4 atoa a in a i# «aM torea hua- dred aed AAy on* leal arwl irvpniy-eif bua- d m u ia a la niM i Uwat'a BnaUi (h lH yaii natiisa

Or aavao miiautse awto Ut m bundrad a ^ fofiy ret aad ninrty an buodrMlUw of a moA to

i l 44.M .U t o .91.93. to If , IIM A. U I t to. 1 MLlto, tais U i .• M T.iilT Sl aia 98B, tia , to« . a a i kU7 O .

leaTO KuiiiiMt hlr^pt ttUllun. I H tOL gM, a^T.#,7^4T M i. m I laM a ^ itJ4

HMiig (h*__ia i i vTUhaiu (brrgUaa;e W jPrw inan atwl .wi» by

n un te r, lui. AU.ASiv m il, II. u a . k .i ilAloaonj^ Y * < j U i . i A t , A t i . g H t . i A . u a a l a o u , a w l F t U l l I M A R K K r a T I U M T a T A T I O N .

. Z " J B * h " * y , n t t n t e h L al e - ’. - S ' *""• ' W t l « A ^ . ; tr«.i , a , L i > . a u « . > i 7, n i , i j a , t . t i , i . i - - - - - - - - - - -am , a a r.i 17, A t t , a . u . a t a , ‘i a « p . I t , and HIT nigia m , I M . l o u . K A i . i i A i A n . ; m -

fket aad ninrty an buiM tbeaaUM and place al baeUiniai laaaa eoovryed to lha ial)l Wi awl o tb w , hy Oeorge W. Vracin . desddtototo (Neaber w. lan, lud raoncdail la tba

risatx i'auBti Ufitowr'a uttca. in Lk»oa h 14 M wedi.yaaaabhMc.Mswart. M. J.V Usi'cmjMrt? m«.

hD H lN W. ItlNK.Hhartff, M row H ig W sao. AMoetreyN, iV «

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C H g U C k U YHciwam VraaleHt-b U

4JO, U t.M 4.


’T o r hew Hruriiirirk. i t *7 tHabt, tfJ . TOO, 1M,.......... M.j | » , 1*3, gtr, (.91. Uf,

»AiaAj I9.4IP, lif, Muiatoy,' » .» A. If.; Ikto, l A

_. _ .a M a iH i ksa p. it.. AmiMiy

o I lR R lF k '^ RALR ^ h a w Jtraey-H ciwa t-nrAbMoU..r»ittalaiMiat|. and Albert EMwrg t l al; H ^ d crv n d au U . H fto. lar aato ul mori-

Ilf the ahuta stalwtl wiil.Df dart toewN, to me tftraincd, I ahatl expnae 5>r aala by ^ubU^YMduarOt ih t OMii | I duw^ 1h Newark, ana i ^ r ^ ‘t o u i

t e S t V u T ' w ■ M t S i 15

I IsaalliriUlnna.TOO. 1t4BJI r ^ y d a l b .•aeafkt’tonilar.[ jfaf b.lugaB>n JtU]

k ^ H^Utnn^ThO. I t i e l . It.; MTazid k it

Jtm , T*» A. V. and ‘n ^ n ^ l l . t o A r . V . '

f II, t nM i u X f f f T f f ' l d i Illy. exeeM Huaidiby.«TA. ki., iMM l*t«m .4 lvW cn***rtw r« lii«yalB f todM | gBggjjj-. ^ .,d»U y..a»p tauD .lar. pcrrlitetit m e m b e ra d v e yean 'itaad lng . | ^rttiintton^YJeaiid^il.U A!n.,arKll(l F,

W FOLLOW THE CROWD and get furtherinf(friDa(km.

\ J u____ WU^ sadr c ....................... . . .aaaaabDr.fbaai(lifsaiafniaitaat tjpir1»si)i tasarsraaaa aiMsw kair MBfwasBjavaapa mm, Aftsebatog n iksa a( M M y,hiHa la- - --sifi|a ls»

M . Bia»p, _____• s a s k a i e i k l

I f te dally, aiofin boadar.For l%acatan. 7.00. MT. 1L« A. M.; UB, ML

LM. LI2and 7.M r II., dally, ciecpt HiiniUr*" -------('aaxlcn.TiOt

1 k tl aad I*. IIAll,

For Fm boid. Farailngtlale, IfaaaairaaD aud b aaa in ,v ia Uonmaatb ianrele*. 1M aad iiAl aTm .. and 4Jor* H. weekeU/a. ru r0 M blrtw id IxrleraiHMile prints, I J t P. M.

Far Bocdaatowi]. UurHagiua and ('aaidcn,“ * ................ k*l aa*

On mritday,• Maud H.4IA. IIB r . W i b " p * T

I baallb I f ( iM S d ^aatltae I ____ _


H O T B U C K W H E A T C A K E S .

T i w u a a D S a o f H o t B o t Y w I w a t C a k o a a r t e v e r y a o m i D g a a t a a a t t b o b r e o k h a t r n g o L M o u d r e d a o f p o o n d a o f B u t t e r , * a m a n y g o l l o n a o f M o l o a a o o , o r M o i i l e B y r u p , « o t h e r B v e e t e n l o g , a r e a t t h e i n m e t i t D e t a k e n i o t a l b * i l o a i a c k . A d d l a t h i a l o n g

I K ;

TThy O bJecta A n l l a l e a t a d <aa th * Bwalt o f tk e Mwaa-

T b e a a t a - e a l l a B m a T l a t l t a t n a r i b o t a k i y e a n b a f i u d t h a d i K o v e r y o f t b e e a a * *

I ( l l b e l r r e U m A l n g e b j e n t a t h a t n r * o n t h e I t i c k l i d o o f t h e m l n u r . T h e y o r e t h i n C n t a l h a n d m i r r o n w i t h r a i l e d d g a r e o n [ I k e b a c k o l t t i g m , e n d o n e e n t * f a n a l l o y [ A i h a a t d i d i t y f o t c a c o p l u i r a n d t w a n t r [ U i , a i k b i a v a k a r t y e t u l u i t i o m e t a l .

V t e d I t e a , o f B b i l a d o i t i i i i a , h t k g i v o n I k e a m t t e r m o e b * b o u | h t , m o d b y w f b v

; e x p c i l m r o t * h t a e a t a b l i a b r t q u l ' o c o n - d t e i v d y t h e e a o v o o f t h e " n g f i e : ’ ’ l a p l t i d i u g th a m i r r o r U r e y a r e p r o a o D i a b l y h i d o n a f l a t p l a t e a n d t k e ( t i n d i n g

[ p i e H u r e a p p l i e d f r o m t h e t o p .T h e t b l a p a k t a ^ o l ' t b o p i o t o q r t i f a w a y

' B fO M th e g T M i o g p r e u n r e a n d ( k o t h i c k f l i i U ( o p p o a i l e I h o l a i a e d f l g n r e i ) a r e [ p e o h d m o r e n p i d l y , T b e p r o M o r e r e - - n o v e d , t h e p l a t e t p r i o g e I m c k a n d t h e [ ■ I m r i i c o n c a v e o n t b e f a c e w b e r a t b o

I g n r c i a r e .T h e l i g h t r e f l e e t e d f t t n n t h i s m i r r o r w i l l

d e w t h e f l g o r e t w h i c h a r e o n t h o b a c k , ■ el b n n i a n y m a g i c a l p o w e r , b u t b e c a n u d U e e o n c e v a i u r f a e e p r o d e e g d w t o r t h e

I l | t w t a I t w i g i b e n t h e r e g o H o f l o e i d e a t I i d k t r t b i n d c a ^ , a n d j g p a M i a d r i l l I k i l l b a c k a n o t h e r n o t c h .

I T S T O P S T H E P A I N .' AeUm; M meltt, Sack, lUpa am! , M dc, Kidney and tiu r in e Palo.*,

■ml all I’ain, IndanuiatlnD, lu .l .W aakuew ra l ia v e d h i a n e m u - ' a t e h y tb * t a t l e n r a A n tl-P a in

F l te to r . The S nI nod only paln-mbdniligii l i t i a r . K c w . o r i g i lm l , I m t u h i o d i j u . , n e v e r ■ JH u r . V m t i y l u p e r l u r t o a l l u t h c T p U i t e n a o d ■ e a w . I l t a t o r t h e l U l l e f d p o ia : -^AT t o d i n g g i a t . . n r e n t i ; B v * f e t t l .O O ; o r , p o a ta g e ftw , n( P o w ta tmoo Alta OutmeaL (» ., Boa- , t o n . M a w . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

L f O i m S O N E W E E Kc l e a r s OGT

Rats, Hies,. W A T E R B U Q S,

I R o a c h e st l all

e r n d n .1 Plrlhcl E « o e ‘

r HUAL[<g. D r f t g g t t t a p t S O a

T h a t e iiT auiA tnig pain w illeeaee «o th e ap* p lioa tiou o f D b . W i s u ’b K c h e iiv to pwinrni C om a a n d Bnoiona, w h ile th e C n te ia qn ick an d effert- n o l. B a n l Com a, H olt C om a, B ankm a, W arto . B ew are o f dheop la i tu * tio n a sa id to be oe K ood; o r | i u t lik e S u . W i k o ’h. !

o f Ib e aoccn len t b o t g r e « y J e ra e y Sanaege, and w h a t ia Ih e r e a n l l? y o n ; Pim {dee o n th a b e e , e iv ip liaaa o f th e ak in , aorea on th e Iipa , and a H n m a l d ia o td r M cond ition o f th e B lood . A i tb e w a rm S p rin g w e a th e r aj'p roacliea tho d ia lo rb ed eonditfon o f t b e B lood becomCe ag g rav a ted . W h y s o t e le p a i l th ia t ro u b le a t o n re ? K eep y o m b lood p u re by uaing C M EiSCIitiT 8 A i t i A l ’A U IU ..A .

B ead Ih ig T c e t im o o ia l :

O aaain ,v la Hoamaatl

For i«(«Mo.'*lilwit o h a a n am P. Ml. dally. For Hrooklyn, n . Y. - All torougb (ralnscwa-

m M at (Ity wieti t>oaiR M ^ ArooklynAaMS.” affiardlai41racl uwnafir lo a»<t fro a FvUdiDitrMt, avordlniouabia f^rrlafe and Jour- bay aertwa ifa* ettr.

MOW YORK T^7 NKWAItK.Far tftw w k. LfCL liql U L 5,«.iJLT.ia.%4n,

LIO, lJ9gt.tO, LA 1^0, totoTlLlO A. If.J lllQ a ^ Itio a o o n ; j.uu, l .to .tA Ito , *.«9, UO. 4.90.410, U 4 ito , U9g Lii>. UDTLk k«k LU. Lilt. LkO) • « , L ia,7J3t7.9Q ,aiL«ID .m U .l« aii^ 11.46 f*. M., aaa 11.16 mlanighi. Hunftky tralrMLLt*. 4 0u, B.oi, L tt, 10.W.lau, 11.00 Aw If.: ll«u noon; l.oo. XOO. LW,4.«i, 4 3a,Lf»,L*UtLto. TUO.JJO, T.4L I.1JL UO, i m • 90, fO.OO. f 1.90 r . 11, aod li i« mMrikhb,

fb r ftinihar bHorsMtian ww Ura«-tablBM. to ba badatllitltoknuD losc 'nokKsforaHpulaU

rlvanw H ailrautatid ronoerdoa

ruy u (______ __________A ftaalfialMfO" Matpriy sMs of If a ib n rr 9tr#M fw talf flva to»t and tmlactooi from (bsaoolhHr- I)' corner of HulOviTy aod iiardif>n sUwCa; anU tron Iks DCS roaolsu aloaA Uwltowry t ifut t SMsih iwcotjr a tvaf dogVMa aao ibiri* nUaaua wMt Inrty Mf ht WH; IOMC* N>nUi i|ity-4in9d[iitfi«<NiandUiiriyailaMtni aaat Afly aiM>nwiakMti " BuiiKwalloi tb«ko«M latoor U obanitaw (bP9K» ffWlb illyM Tan dfcraas aa^t (b|Mr l(^tisiacJacbtai» a Malra\ Umww iMriaOriny* llirar degrrra raM mrty ItorM (M Itoir Inolm Ui 9 sfaka.' |li#rH<« aortb flfty a ^ « n dpgTHw w«M an* buoAfSd Ash sla LDrbM to ihaplaov oTbvwti^Rln*. RnDc iLip latiia pranilaMconvtjrpiJ hi ^<1

tbaraa A.iWtoTWtjy AuaMM BncrmaDandwilk 9y datdoftvri) data witk iald awrlM9*>

N »«irk, N. J.« lisrymbar It. 1«9.F .nw iN W. HINt.AkHrifr.

lll’ILD k Lt'w. B o t'^ _ ILlit

HH E R i r r i bAidm.--iN C N A N r u r o r ^9w Jeftry Beiwsoii Uforg* II. Laculiari.

•dioInVMrmtor. toe, cowsaiafnank,aad wiTham A. ItoHfn, aad aite dtotoiants. n . Hl. 5)r aalw of auirifmafd pmnlara.

By vittucMUiaaboipaBUtoatowmoflhrl toPi9dirc<-w<l,lsAall aapcMW Ibr aato ton pohUtIM idup,aiihatlm ii Flrmaa in Ndtrrark.uniSia*-

■r. Ib« lharlsMitk dsy of Fabruary naxt. M t 'Cl9Ck P. 11.. all Uukl tiBci or ltanN<l ol

vrnirrnUi day of' January rmru .. . ..a ll that tract or parm^inl

milaea sHwato, ly la i < uf Nawark, Nawa (kHinty.Now Jaiwy

,tb s I- j ' d o c l i and r aad bMaa tn (Iw

t . X . d___and prcmianssi9uni«. ly lo t and bn n t la til*tuwmlilp of JMtotUIa. Jbhbl OMair. Nawj p f w y

B ranB lw In (h# wNttorly n»9 of wtanhwiaPrret a i I9a satoc la laid down oa am a9 lallUad,

lao oTvilia LuU. Hctlavillf, Now jcrapy, a4 a polfH1k(» 1a AMMl A»ar Unnarad I9M Mufbirfy

HAy thai a rro o fi b> arartifl«atp m w S tiS T iS li *e- ‘Torawiylit* mail and tchadato, diowiM tl» etel aw ram aata agalnto dsa s»stvaloJ»srt

MMlllarti 9*B»fliHatidtoh« boto AtoilMaltv* M ^ k a i v * n dc|)uMl:caf u t k a t ^ N of ih f CUi (Iw kafU toffly of Newark. 1& piaMitfiatlm) ky Hto t ^ « s hMHhUsd (hrrsia.

Jh3d aaapmmaal oum aiiM all toto. WMSa a«»l rw ^a fla iM aad fsA rM to led lrfcU y W aoitol w efarraaln, ly lag as krtkB itoM Hmskia lU w t fraaa Jakew e * m « tosiw4ii4 WtoH eurth efih* m ^ l y l t a a ^ M M i aateU i Mdraafhauik 9(ran frnitt Hamuw toraat to a ooukt ifVfwty IvatoM saM efilw «asicrl> ilM orriaw M U M ; aabathtodsaofTktomM M rast $hmllsM M M M io H c w Ja rsa y HaUrau

A lM tk^«lto*tu || dsncilbadhMMMV wAh-A h la k t MaatoM by Om» PoatororflM M latoral or rp aM T M 9M an I) ttoron brail Bldaa of J a M m M M to b u Uramuw m m la Haw Ja m y Kau- rood aTvavo

■ .t* > h e th w B * ? fi'R iw artea m Waiw asuiwt•te l M te U o * ^

O ekaiA to^ofThnsH W B iM iTMia yram 9B M of (tot M r a ly Ua* 01 (inhto m m i bh a

^ ^ n f ra (B a « o r ib s fa s ir a ly lu to v ( MulkarryCHl tojito totoaa af Nn»U MrsM. Bran If Mibnrrr

•trsH to a |wdnt to ft yi fast olUrf'tiardMjrvmi.Ha bo4B todva to (lirauiul lirrai, bPiwran Mitl

tomjj^MfOft BM a pMot wfcvtfli '

nty-dva iMftoa

M tuiO-

» r Ml « 11 [itoFanDiylvanwHallrraulaod mn n e w ill ttoU UrttoLM oilona,andkaaaraahM ka atttoaaora-

naay'ioflSc#, No. 7W Bruskd ilreei. or a t UckM- M M a i MarkH Mrc«C totattoo

K x w a a K . Vai .U t f U t W I . rr« r« iU Dniy (> , Newark, N, J .—I wlah to

m w E i l m e t o t i7 C r o a r a n t h a l i l U D M l H o o d 's H a n a p a r i l U«4(MparfflL bot BN IirilU aiHl olht

g^JQfTHAL HAELKOAD OFNHWJHMBEY. V ..rv rry Rtatloni m Nrw Y' ork, tobt of fJborty s t w i . A m e g a m e n i e o r t r a l l i s o o m e a e t l n s I * - cewber I. im .H N W i f t K A N D R I . T r A B F T i r I R A m ’ I L“ ■ ■ i i » - - - - - - -

Fr r e ta iil a o o r V I p o ln t l k w rf i U D i b a x c u i U M r l l l l n a ^ o f K e r r y i s r m n b s a c w a n K p r I y a fo n a lo t a u i n b e r n l u r . b IfN 'k n t im lH ir t k r f r , o n s a id S H a p . o m h n n d r a d a n d i w a a t y ~ f p r i i a l o t a a n j b r r t w u to a a h l b l« io k ; l a D i o t h e r l r i l o r ^ a a id l e t M d t t i e r i w n o m 5 re d t o n h i to t i t a m b e r a e r a m lw u M W a o h t tb o a c e n u t r r l y a lo n a M id l a | B u n i b e f a a v a n o n e h u n ­d r e d a n d T w e n t y f t r e r a w t o a a ld h t o p b o m - i t r iw t ; a n d i to s o o f p o r t h e r t y a to iN r a a ld H f ^ c i s a i r a a t o n p k u D d r t d f m to i h e p t o r e o f b r a lo a ln a . He i n s l o f n u i D b r r p l ( b l l n b l o t k n u m b e r t h r o e o n • a id to a p .

Itawaik, M. J„ Jannary *. ItaaRD W m W. aiW E, ah rric

HtiWABU W. llAV to, SolUnor.

\ Wlar VI UK Avmea m-— . . . •* .odd toy letdlmnolal to tba otoBy y«Q Nm 'c a l -1 'e ln aaw itb iio to b ta lu ^ a iiT raltof ftWL libvitL 1 ii'ftdy pubUebod for the womlefftil oureo a r-j w w kdb to begin laking (V eoc^t Horrarorilla,( ^ iD p U s h e d4U f e m p lo y a I t c a r a . O e e m iu r a w ^ a te tv of PhtoBl a«ia I

(teacent Sareai>af1lta. I am In L YlAlioy to Bctofi.

le r m e<U -. .. : ia h h o t ig b I k n e w u f a u u m b t o i l h B e t m n . i w h o

I t o d i i B Q d U w R b f f r M U p i p A I l a s t 1. . . iB t t o i r a k N l L M t h - l r w a s p e n i u a r M t o t r y f l K i e e i r S S a p A r l l U i i i i f ler, Rprlitefleid aveime, c i t y , and I t Is m jr d u t y ‘j b o fo ra 1 h a d n a o d b ^ f 0 h o t u e J b a x u o to

L l a o d e i u f t o t h e f t f O lA W l u x l e n I n i b e c a g t n e - i b e W e f . T h e r e t w u l I n « U f t m r h o t t l e L M yT w m ^ t tk u g b t i f ie a ^ c o ld t ir a fw in le ? H o r ^ - “ ....................—a e o n a f t e r w a a a t t a c k e d w i t h r h e u J D a t l s n i . I f y : t u n i e f l , I a le e p w e l l

T l^ i* toava Bmad Htracl iMattoo i l L 7.99, LHILII KUtahetbport only.^LU, LU6, LH. laiiQk ILV, n.sp, 11.30 A. M.. TOLl.M. 900. LU. Ltt. L09 4.9V

T M t 9. H , H U P . M i a t o r I C t t a a b e i b a n d H a i i ^ e , For I'uUpaeJd-L^tAfvLto.aBL luiL i t j a A.

n in )iJ3 frmp k « hm f o r BomefTlIle-7.(|L 7JL LU, IM*.Jl 00A* »L,

d a lly .. 1 am back at my Loa. AMP. N.

le y tlie tlun logatapaln t an

' . ....

n s < > 9

aitod eoold DOtirtaln on wy

c i i ^ me Df « y nlrknrra, .. . me to rotuni to my work

<upon which my living depended. AU of the iM TiM ii i n IRe of theftlcta 10 ray rade (tod CTOaCent ftafL^rULa la being naed thronghonc the fketory im i; callcut remvUa* J hear nothingla being naed thronKhonc the fketorF m u i ol-— - ........“ilng but

here. I lib ODuOAt ftnetrlT whan I n

k lervM my Itfo. lIt my ■ .

woodeHm a caiv C revent ftoraaiiarillA hat

fot h anywhere. I am ODuOdent tha t I put It too f tne trly whan Inav t M

ni)a lervM my Itfo. ifolfovinfr thlL duly to let the public know ho

PNdo BOft


Afopy — ----------------- -my w v k . Finally my oaae became ao had {and m edidue did hO fdbd) 9hal1 went to *tbe n t y ffoaplt&l tor treat- m est. n t e pbrnM ni there nreacffliBil for me, but I gZtw wEirae. Tluto t went to 9L J ilc b a d 'r llD|Mtai add w u krbated Ibr toy WBi- plAli:dl^9wd|ribabe^R2]yklclw G atp5bo boa* pftal. Fiw a icw <nya Y bbtalnad anftie m ie f and attatofited to n bark to m y work, but found I was In ran b le of doing my work. This w u a great mlafottuna to nu;. u my dally Incad wasdepcmdam Hpcto my Uber, By Ik u tim e my fufTrilng w u Indeed |prvat. 1 TOUid itot Klecp nighty and 1 Ibaud tnsU. 1 bad Usd tw enty 'ihrre pounds In M i In a short time. 1 hod noap iiellltaadf atomarh. to come k>1 could gel DO rest, aud lossed uueaaUy epor my bed. I loncad for the day again. A l . tim lh e r t wan In a mUcrable p l i g h t , l i o n oo your port, acd I wa* afraid 1 would never haj| RespeelfliHT YEwit,well agUii. A follow workman in the foetory Dakiel ilAYSs. 16 Mercer SL

TM A. M. far Utou Liee N. J it, viw. Ailriitown. Haueft Chunk, ate. for Main L4ni>, N J.IMMv.. Rtob‘ ..................... i-rauton. Wmia -

Hunltury.atc.. .r.JaC . IMV , Allan-

town, MaiKh Chuuk, etc.t m P. M. Main IJm N. J. G,


Brldgft Rrancb. AW«au>« n. rk-rauton, WUIlaiBW porirTamsaua, Mahoney (ity . Hunltury,

iM V. ML for Main U nsN . J.C . uiV. f r l ¥ „ K T a a c h

bDiik, l^ATitoo, Khsraokirv. rao. iU V. U.Way for Mtou Una N. J. V. Mv., HUb

Bvidgr braacb. Iwskr irormtcoof, Me.LH P. M., for M^O U u t N. 7. C. toT*, AiMo-

•r ly d lm d n n Ifl a IId s m t ^ M with I'lKetoat ■I reel UiUty loH, ami lbsnc(\ urathsriy la ir tr ne t iDoreot lera U) (he p larr of bj^nefnii, arta l aiM M toniaaly haow'n aud eMlfna*fd as No. l7('be«(nBl atrra^t. and Pflu* ibe same nrrunlws d«wist«l ie pan Fot* a &(ahsr and her waters iiyKtUakMta iMfMwan, 9y twv Jam, will andtoNte-

irdcd III ‘N ew artn r .i; ; 'D a r e m b e r to, UMT.

mrnt rveurdef o e n t y . IW R * T i L L bMk N 1 wills far Rates

worked upon aae. lu jusUoo lo you and for the laftnaatkm of alhara who nay . perhaps 2>e suf-* I l U a

towD.Naiicb Chitok.Mftdayi.LID A. M. Way for AoinervHle ; tLBI

for Looflllea; 1.46 P. M, way (or Horn


I oucc did, 1 oQhr ir< eiM sfoara with (^earwit

hope tha t it

___ ____ --- - ________istcryofinra with (^eorwii HanafiarUla and

may he th e meoiuiof iDrluctug

toMitUAii; L39 P. M. fi>r Main iju r . Allrntown, l^ u c b C'hunli. at«.: 9,t3 P. M .aay for Homar-

oiMto to fiv e CkOMont 89i90f«rl1la4tilAl. You; have my m il pcrmlodum, to MihUsh or print this testhnoulAl as m ay aenn Iwst toyoiL 1 alao

' wirb to say ibAt ihU toiAliauQUI hse been of- { fom! by me volutitaiily wttbobt any solldta-

A lltralD isfopat Frrry itfoet and Elfoabeck* port and uC r.aei Ferry Nlrm on sISDai.

NTCWAKK.ANII IfKW TOHK.From Bmad sod Ferry HUara Htaueds At

4 to L2SjVaO 710, 7 M. 7A5, LU, Lto »,no,tel. «,uu a *u, f on, /mw, o.i 'i, o.w, Fi'V,0II, ITOL ll.ff M, i ILM, t o 4; a i . 4A I A j i a T L A I V L t o L ^ l i t o 1ft. S.W, w » . 11 to p. M.: i t t o l i S

A. M.g UAO

1, 1 , p i i i i i - 1 M soc.HOKEY RBKUNDED IF T B E flAftSATA-1


;be tOtan t t n tU a t Ym nin■ fa n anything be lU n t t ta n t U i t Yo« ran' ™ ,*. OK fw . no ri*k in putdtailjyi a bottle luiBer tlila guar-

U nigg ia ta , p n ea 25 C la. u te * . u an em b er ' tha t w* a n S atall Drug-fcniat. Htanevfate' tha t wa a n ftatail Driiif' \\

Onhoent TiaJsiipsinfta will cure Blond rKatw-___^ , lltouhew. Dyspepalo, JUteuiora

them, and all other tmubles axwog from andprs, IHwjtlaaathan, and all impure condiUoii <it the blood.

T he Society I « d y ‘a H aM ol.I hclilnglDa Lettei to UwUimon American.

lAn ini'idwnt w e ll w o rth th o * f [M M aiw leToce(w i*dair*ehalueeatoneaf the I OWnelreeeptlaaa. A nxmgthe aa llenw nathe

m or a ^jcominent Juriat, who thia week Iwtro- ; ■ «* bee granddaughler to loolety. Aoeotn-

by the flabutanta Ihe dam eaallrt nutlta- Iktlly Into the room and up to tho hoateai, who »li nirrounded by liet own UtUe oourt. After naUng Itac Inirofluaitoa the atecped a UUIo to

In order tha t he r ehuge ahoold have Aj^Bdl benefit of any attention ftom tbe hoctem. I wbb t gtadouB air the Becretaiy'i wlfb ti trn r t I tatbe debutante, malrijig aomo polite la jn iry I whether or not ahe ftiuDd It pleaaaot mah-

M a f im a l eBtry ttito n d a ty . ‘•O h,yea; t l .uaU lm nm M hr, Yon know g n U m a t ^ I ha everywhere w ith her. She cklla me her l ! " ? * '" ' 'T e e t" tn a r U i ig refteotlon ftom |■•llel(eeA uob. Hie egOi n u ao; hecanae ahe 1 *1* whenever I go out w ith hei m t never findl^ w b e a tln a n e . Do you Ajuiw we have made U>*efeaUa, and thia U th a vaty lin t plaga we “*ne had to go In todaF i" .

W T E S M A R T O H l t t P I M B y .

I NoHy— « J a r t th in k , I ju ry , m y o o n t I IS JP ’I Mee h a ir mid lUae t e ^ . ” Luoy— r«2**'" “ >tbln*. I heard my pa a a y tl ia tn y

who Uvea In Honatoo, had a fhite

ChiiUe— “ P ^ w h a t v a b w y on ■ B io m a d r F a p a -u ih e im lm aa u n a ie a ld - J ^ Jou becanae you were bad." ‘•gappoaai

i 2 U ? mad every tim e I h ea rt |■M togyou,»hT"

P ^ P _ “ M y d e a r litU e c h 0 1 ,1 m tw i ™ ‘h ed to a n w h lie I woa maaohlaglaa^Bna.

w en In ehuroh with your » * ." I W e t i d , d - “ Va*, Hr, I 'WM aloetT, and I niDnia pinched oih *o h u d ."

o r t l i t , w h o ig o tn o i i g iv en to p a in t* l l w * * , * “ ^ * “ ** h la U ltie a o iij "fleo, i > ^ y , l have got another plotara," "Tee, I l l i c i t woBid take y e t ta c ih d d a td to a tu ir | m t fig tetehad ehilhee on thaw .’*

l l t t i e MoBiie; w bona p e n a t i t t h t e t r , • aiUui d lunarw ltb loin* rich relattvaa'anaaf

I ^ B i t e l g : " I f tU , liaiB)a,hOTdD you Ithe ^ dinner, fartter than a t hom at" "itdoatT he much b e tte tt b u t I don’t g e t tln e e ih ao - m l do a t home."_______

SpelliMHind.|b ) i l waa i t w ritten in thoae old, old pagHf ~^>hat waa I reading In the twUlght dhaT

w h ^ aa the aehoea out of dliuint agoa,, Jw eetea thcn in ilco favaperhyB m f l ‘ l|etc heard np long tbe nlghtlngalw were

; , »liiglng;M ^ c r marked bow aoon Ibe aw eetitan fe lt; ^ • t w the leave*, aud f u my Ih o u ^ taw ete■ mJ?*”**"*'

ibnd, and rap t aa In wipBI.aa I w .i,e.) fo, H m e glad nveallng,

1 m e w l i n g of iho words might bo,■ ^ M vtniQgo joy wlUiln my cjfoJ wMo

waalUif,l i J * y o u coming through the mlirt to me,■ touched Uw cvxHiUgbt

T k i r i ^ *ISitJb.**' your loving heart bcalfiwt,

■ ™ *ove reyealed t« p u g t laat - ■ - . - e M r i ifogattar.

o S S J S V ? ? ? ■

DRUNKENNESSO r t h r t d i i n a r naW C, P oaltiva ly O m M

b j A c M lB lita r ta c D r. H a lm * C M d r a ••B eliB *

Itco ab a tiv w iiraa tfsp o f coOtoor t«A wltbMt tbaknow ledteof itia poraott taklut Ui is atiao- lulfly baimJasa, aod will alfodt a p^rmanaat b(mS ■pectfy care* wbethrar to* paiiia t Is a modwrata drlnkar of ao aJeoholio w r ^ , Tbouaaafs o( Orunkarda hav« braa Buuta Sempvraiamaa wba bavawsk^OoJdastipaosfic to tbelr ooffoawl' oul tkMr Iso w Itteg aB d l» « y belLsmtJMT <r arto^B g their own frM wUl. fT NHVL., FAiLA Tba sratemopec Impregaatod wlib tba Spedflo. itbeoom n an ntier imprastbillty for tba

g d l B ro a d S traea , K ew ork , M. S ,

“ rCUREFITS!^ W b a n lfa y oenX dbfaB tnM aam ersiy to itof ftcffi for • time b&d QMi hay* (faem ratorn a ^ n *

K K r 3« ? r B % . S f l B Sa lllh lMaggaqtty. l warrant nry remedy to our# theworaleiaee. B eeanaeoftm ibanau led la no reaeon Ibr net bow recelvliii a cora hmtd at e a p a m ra tn a ll ia a o d a Fra* Bottle ol myinfid* tb le ta n i iy . Oivt Knraaw PurtoiSoa i t

siktL and that our rcpuUiUoo and our ontlrc re­tail buslueM arc at slake if Craacant Sarsaparilla , w OlDO Cdojostw hatwedahn for l i U to In- | huraaparilto

100 l>OHE8 00 CENTS.Why payll.oG, N reren 75c., (hr other mokea

FcdleDtaarc plainly printed qb w e r r battle entsp ahoL for all to read, to tba i YOU KNOW jUhT [i fuaira

WHAT YOU ARRTAKZNU No MCZ«cyy«l is Mfled ihecacew lthotherB itiaiM rillaA « “ evert

of IbuiMiiarlUa (tbe ingTOlienUi of which you .lia know Dewing) when you can purchaseCrauent

wrilto fiir Mo. per b a tik llwtLhtkiaiiigNdl- bottls «nts plainly prin ted unhaUlolatiol),a(kd have a

laraiitoc of money refunded If you are dksauw with the medtoloe for any reason what*

ta In Newark. It con only beC'AUtlON.*-<frese«&t BamparUla Is not for sole to oUict Dmggbi obiained from our storey No. (Ml BROAB BTRJEKT.

The pubUe k notified tha t we sail everythlDf uiually kept In a drug store a i nducod prioea. i*rwipriptiniMi oompciq&M from tho Dost aniga b m chemlcala M per cent, lower than at other drag tiCMSv Y w fL u aav e io o aey by parchariiigyourdrugKy uto., o tthopbarroacyof

The Crescent Drug Company, 631 BROAD STREET,

O N E O O O k A B O T B MKW m O C B T d N tR F A e n r, N. 4 .

Lifakto i m 101tOLSaMJiLlLULl7,SA T-to. L!8, 9 1ft, itF Yv, II tel r . 4 iB l^ t. hfin^)-f-.«j9n, Mb, laOB, IIM A-

luo,, 4 toy 1 00, TJio,, Lto, u .toLm v « New Vnrk Iram tubi ot I.lbraty sfobBt—

ArLto, S.46. Ll&y Lto 7 l». 7 lu, Lto, t.ib, Lfo. I,to, LU yLtolftfL iett. n 16 A.M . tLtoM.;ll4AKl9,Lto. a to 4 to .u a a to A « ,L x » .iu ,L to iL n a toLU M9.TJI),7to,k.l&. LM.e.U, ILID, ILIS, lAQO F,M. Bnndars-Lto. Lto, lo to. tu n jl u ., n oo w., 1 to. 900. 9.U0, 1.00, Luo, L«, Lin, 9toy llUlOi, UA*J,S & T ifA U B U V w LONG BKANOH, OC'KAN

OllOVK. FTC.FarTVnDfovandCnrterH - L», IfJftA. M.;ito,

LllLBilP. M. HUDdajiR L60A.M.IfyT Kswarran-AlS -ri. Il fo A.M.;,lto,£JB.

U 9 P , M. Iwndsys-LHA.U Fox Perth A m boy-m , A. M.J LOS, iOQ,

4.M, Lsn. t » IM f. ftondays- ltlft A. K Bas FraeboM -La. u.a» a . m .; ins. u n , lm ,

Jrong BraftCh. Ocraiti* AaMUl iJOwSJO.AV.LlS, F.M. hundaya (except ta Ocean Orove) - (m Q a . M.

F ar Lakewood, Tarait Hirer and BarD9iat-Ln AgM.; LULtSfiP. K.

pVr Atlantic City, Vineland, Bridgrton-UK$£W AilK,TUFNTON AifoFUlLLlUSi.FHtA.

T JC L to ll A.M.; l.BB 9 » . 4 00, SJB.T.Ma tl.U P. M. B w xkya-L M A .M .U tF .M .

7AL L a i . W„7.» K M., lor hJunbury, Lewto* b a r i and WiUlaiTispCTL................_ ___..'iniainspcn.

M W ing rooai Oars on all day iralos MsdHlaep- Lew Cars on Dkhl trains belwuen New York and PW ideIpbla


________ntFD CrvX b <!Wh 1 „ . „IPTOM B navaoT L T a i a n a i v a n n u a * — I p a r to n tha w ort of Dm l a ja n l dram ,

lo, eomfiirtetde and alwaya in poattloo.

T h e M u t u a l B e n e f i t.L IK E JN S W tA N C E C M P A f lY ,

S W A E K .N ,/ . iA H Z ID O D D , - PMaldOBt. >

AAmtafUark*I.VtiiKfidaa. 1, ’ID.)«ge9,9M UIJAblUOM (< per cant, n ae tto )......87,974,fW I tSnrplua......... ........... ......................... Mf l t ^ u a USfww Y orhSM adaal).....^ AAtI,U« a

n t i a u t A M o J ^ d ^ ^ a n • F o v n U ah la

in caae of lajiaa the FoUoy ia oobUmied In f a r t u T a h g tu Ua value will pay ftn I t ; or, If

flOl value &

iS o r^ y e a i , poHOe* a n Inoonteiti- h ii , w teeM .oa jffiiga'loM M IM iai traOd r aaM’ M llo u a a i l f i i a v ^ rt*h»ai»aMavel, eroetni*■ fo ih J ieg ta iLte u n tie tw th a eh tm l ofiUl^Mri

w lw u vaUdwtrii ' r th a F o g h M am be made ee oiUaU:

PoU im m rttatcly npog <M«pleU« irraai of pMofr.''

J A M E S A . C O E & C O .

I r o n , S t e e l , Z i n c , H e a v y H a r d w a r e , e t c .

I06U ID8IMULSERRY STREET.I p e d i l g i a l t t t t s , S b W M a n d S t o w O l B A B 8 r a d S B H U n a ,

S i t a e fm till! jfo s . 3 . M ayo.

CO HN EB o r

( M i G H A N l G a n d H U L B E H R T H T 3H u a f t H I u i e r t m e B t o f

SILVERWAREin llah le fot Ooliday and Wedding Iteau ih .

We n i l Done but onr own make, w hith la vm ran ied u n e t ir fl>n daw .

The Very U iw tti Ptioe, trill prevail.SfMMial aateDUoii u v e a to Bapalrlng and

lep IttlB g .H. B .-U pen until fi o'cliKk liU after Chilatmaa

A 'h« o w n c r i f t f iarJy banvihi^.

P M H O S I O R G A N S t I T A H 0 3 !

S. D. IMITER CO.T E L E P H O N E N o . 70 « .

€ 5 7 < a i d e t o B B O A B

t h n B ^ w « ■ « O j « M W nva-

F J l t Y S B R O .

. r a f l n i i o s T R a T .

I M i i s i i i i i l i i K

O l l O I O B S H B R n A B D O A B O m ,

ICE CREAM.i l lF I tv e i t . f ie lln t* a i d B eM eo a DaKvuefl’

lo Oadar.

L U N C H E S S E K V E i D h A t a V ;

s o n R i i t D m £ E a i @ i k1 l a l w t F O i l M i ’ e i t d I g B t I M b p l a y , O o t t

i f f c o c U a n t ^ a ^ p a t a per t s i i ^ d ^ , d tllv^

^rlB tn fiarFaO 'Uf’ HM elly. O tdan by poHll

e n d d liac tc t ta fifi n e a t i m h w IH teqelv*

f T P B f y t

-yoaaia l a ib n h a *

tT gntW B Y , .GAblflfB. ' « 4 -all r t a a .P l ih o r .a r t D f a n F a y H a l U w rttl paid.

P l A K O f l A I R ) O H O A f l O i ’W OE tam iue the celebrded Kri te t Odb'gr A Beo.'ii

FH ebt lle ia l i e l l a i I tia d e U |it l |h t Ftaaet The Mat XIHght Ftano mamrihdtllridd.

ether F ln t- r Q uh

M goosttily

I B T .

u n w r i M P H o v H H r e r r w t H a

E H )ig O f f id i l D oom naiite , L f i t te n tn i l B uaiaeae P a p t r e .

Thia FO t l i p tm onnecd by all who tatve oaed H toO e taeO ret ■yi'em ft>f wroMTvlng pepen la ftflft «bflT«D lent form In ex lawnoa.

C i^ ib d BM tti or for efreiilfr,

iSASItlSON & HOAG,A o i s m t ,

I W a 1 7 9 H a l s e y 8 t , N e w a r k , W J .


onB^nraiL a r, ■.

f i V n a D E B S * H I B H W I B H .«

K A 0 H 1N I 8 T H ’ a a d

C A E P E N T E R S ’ T O O L S .

S N O W S H O T E L S .

W E A T H E R S T R I P S .

C G T L E R Y . S K A T E S .

F R M i E L l I L A

a o c o a H O K T o O , T . M A L U ) T T ,

43 MtRXET ST3En,m u d o v n a o i w a .

HRl GBllHERT BUTTES2 5 c . p o r l b .

18 OHB OB ( A A i r a O lA i iT U B ,

T E A S .B patlti seieettno* •* Xww Crop, »»e. per pooad

I X I F F E B S .B e a t t n i b a H i r k e t , a a d P n e e t y e a l* o w a a t ,

A a r o n P . W a r d ,

9 a I I C E N T R A l i A T E .K t U l i o a d B f r M L NEWARK. V. I

COLEMAN4 Q L L I 0 I . W w w o r a e . f t . J .

8 £ S s i » s ® g i ^ & , S

MUSHMEIfTa FOR BJCN1TTT8.-K0TICE Is bervby R ivfttlhaian aaew sum t upont b a o w M r s Q f a l l i a i i d s a n d r a u l e a t a to y a e u l la x Ijr

■ fflted tothat<>itt*rb«UnqoilDe— M l O A U J i X H M V T ,

urtbaflafgaorfm alL _____ ___a l l D o r iD a s lo te r e a t e d I p s o l a a a s i iM m e r it m a y M b r a x ? b e fo r e s a id

JAMIOH BycUANAN. ROHTTUTi. BAl.nw iN , U I L N A l V H . D y i l l ! l .O o a in U M lo a e r a .

o T d f o i m t o . a p d t b e i a m e a r e b f ^ y r e i w a t w Land ikia oraloaiica shall loka eflacl lumHIl*• ' I ' i i g t W l I l e t e m ^ , ; ^ t i . - D o n n ,F f t a l ^ t o f ( .V im m a l t k M n e l l ,

lib M arat.

A O lU K IU ir , . IA H « 18 QM0WH,t b i l l , r R e w r v f d N o w la , X e e n ta .

W eek CaaeaMWOlBt ttO riO A Y , FA!*. • , Ua1hir.w T l i r a d t r , Wnlneafigy. K rtlay


K i i M l l i s i e a l U j C o i p t

MAM’SELLCI^ a g tr a o p a a fe rU K mk- of n te rim l mam

M O d i 'Afrtoab A. M. la LU IV MVhlK kUMNM to

aiMl ‘ 4M


I p o lo t W f o v t f l a i t • r i i t fU M ir t iO b O u l l i M d a a a r t ^ M p a t r a a t . r i a r a a g i d a l l t o f r a i a r a t a f M u l b e r r y s m e t t o a po lR rt le a t r a i » a o i ^ U r e i r a r a O L fta * .O p u M l a x m o a M r f O L b s t v o r a i r io u U ia l f f o t a n d T h n a r a s i t r r e tO a b o t h S id r a o f i f o b ie s i r ^ , f r o a T h o m L n s l iw e d to a p o tn t M tmt s v u U ) o r F a r k h u r « t M r s n .O w a o t a s lO s a « l l ia w w h a s t r p e l . N r t w r a a P v i i p i i i f t o a « t r m a n d t t o u ib a t r a v Lo a th e r a a t o r l y H n e o f M e w J m v I U I l r t » d a w B u * , b t t w r a a J u tu M c w s t r a o l a o d • n e H a a o rM L lW t.l» u U u » e a a l v r l y b o « o f a i u l k e r r y a M L f r m p f to Q ik s i r r a H to a p o in t n f o f t s o u th w t h t s o u t h e d l y i l a « o f M ao a M t a u s r s f r a s i .

I N t r t T H C A T U f .M o f ^ t M o g w a o r R r a a g . M . C . M i n o r . . lU o p r t - t .w a w t N a n u n r( V j l H . M . k l i . a v i m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H n id < ' [ j t K w i t e e r

W o o h C w B u o a o t e w M o l f l t A T , J A M . p .O iw r n M o U iK W W a (u r .t a y a t - P M

Tbe J. C, Doff Conio Opera Coopanyo l *K viu*T T r c o p a j i , ,■

“ DOROTHY!”W l t l i l b « l U V m l o i t R i u i i e r a t A r t t a t a : M to il i l l i i d i R u e e m ll, W l » A g n e s M u u c . M b s M a r l a i i g T T o a .M i i a K r a t ' U l g h U i f i . U r R u g m i ' U u Z B M r J t i l i n lU a U K i, U r , W l l l l . m U a u i i l u m , M r J o h n M a a h . M r F m a k f t n u e l l ia i t . M r . kurw I ^ B h o a . a n t i B W f w r i t i ' * i r f n n r i t t i i i i 4i v « .

J a n I B -W J . S g - A A ia M 'l l ■ * M l i a « a . « * - I a w a " a n d ' * T t w J r h b M l r a t i r l *A L t l M A N N ^ N E W A R K O P e W n ^ W

r H F M W

i m i h a w t o d a r l y U o a a f M a lb e r r y s t i a s a . f r o m N e w J l ^ r a y H a l l r o a a a v s i m a to a j M i u i * le r a s i i u i h e l t h « s o u i h e r i y U r n o f R a s i K i n n ^ l A r r a i

f M W A U k N A N M . * . M a n i r a e r .d 'e iR w r a w O lB g k l O W I S A T e J A W o f .Matlints Tnealst. rh*ir-«tay.

A T H i m b N A f t T k w vC h e f h f r r d L U 'e ( ' i i F u b l n a l l o i i 1lYi-M iitlMglhr (tnftuUrYiviiig Aoirrtimit AioJkir

iJ I5 'r .'‘KK ATKINS in hU on-todtamWrr »nt-

C H E C K E R E D L I F E .Alan Iht (niM wun-lfTfrii OiwUiyNharralMierers, I'hBxnnirmrKh'Rhidsofth^ wurtil.

A urorai NfsHali y rill hcfnra (he dmma.

u a tw th a ld r a o f i h a a l l « y V r t w r a a M u Ih r a T y s iN N rt a o d o r r h a r d s t r r a t , f r o m a p m a t f o t t p e i t o a t h e f t ' h m p a t r v a t l o ih # r e a r U o a w l u M l r u a A I n t o n I t o ib lO K to D W r m .A * * U r * r a p r r a s a l i a n 9a U r i pfo< O f l a n d , w b M h a f l o u r a o r s r a a t l .A h p r r a o a s iM e r r a ie d l a a a M a a B W o ra e n t o u r t o h r a r d b e t o i s im i i l ( * o m m 1s s t o o s r s o n T a e s i l a r , l h a I T U d a y o f J a a a e u T . I f l L a i I u ' f l v k . a i t h e ( a ^ m i S P k w t o s ' r o o u i , M o . 1 iM C O O il i a t w i . C i l j rI f a i a d J o a a o r y L M M .j k H R M T A i t i F H n y n i r T . ,

WILLIAM KTAIN«HV, ft.TlU^UALW lLUUJf,I T r ( S i t t a u ls a k i t i a r L

LI 6R A R V H A L L .

a l l i l i r l o e d i s o d r e a l e v u t e j w - N ta d t o tb e w o s i r o c t k i q o f a „

A MhXirailKMT FUH BRNKFim IT im rM A V Is h s r a n y t l * e a . i h s t s s a s s r a s m e a t n p u a a uU i i o w n e r s t i l a l l i l i f l o e d i • — • - -r a H a r i ; t o w r a i .HOUTil OUANriR Ay MNUMv

Irani R raw sUs h to Hui 'iiuainf or tlieo r d l a s A c f i l u prt>-_ _ _ _ _ a e e w e r In Ooelk

i3 r u | i avenwa. frara Mrpoe strrat so Hoetu idgmn stree t/' appruved J oIt Ui, ISM, has bran prapgfi d to lAe upderefonsd Oom mleslnners. ap- M b t o d t o t b e i i r a u t k M in o f t t o iV u i o t p o r F M m a k i sata asi----------

I R A V R I *_ . e i b k i l l S o r t n a g t o t b a ^ o v t o lo i i a o f a n o r a i ally or M ewart, aaiislid '' A a« Tide Ira Uia ftoustnciloa af a

O o d W d a h C a s a m a i K i a f M O M D A T i A a a a wa ry Id .

UalliwM Tuddday, Ttntfwito and '^•inwlayM2rXI.

r u i i r m o H h u i u u m

E q n la e u d G a id n e P i n d o x ,g o M i 'O d r r f t i l a d u c o io d U u g a u d f o w l t e . W t

Illy a i b l U t k m o f t b o k U a l I n all th o w o r t r i : n o n - I , i v i n o d , t i w t r a e r i v o a n d w o n U n g .

A d m l H l o o , t g , g g n o d M o u t a . H n u v n l M ' w ( > n u w i « . a k a l C t w u t e i H o la -

I n a a t ' a , r o m n « — -p M w t e M e W M y .

( f c j j w i l :

U ll U F T t i N ( N . J ) R A f T K«BJaih.>tk aX W»e.U«.vat. g OF

fetol*a ra e e s i

•ieraaruFBl, a a d lh a ia re-

/MONDAY, Wlt^^N^^nlAY « i4 n i ip A Y . .cob nxBauBKd at I o'okMik. Hnw mI (n . _ 9 iliainhrrs s t . New York, liJW A. M -..

M , 12 to and 1 F M. iUrectftd th tn o a n o a n e .I r a v e l l i a i n h r n i t r e i m

rt bjr a ewrtIdeate Id writing, wUli an ai’i'nui* eyltif Slap aud srtodule.sbowiiiK lh« several

fiW>. II. KV<iKMAN, .JAMKi MnJoWAN. Hrcj^afy.

TAKE she narlMw lutarwed tbraI. ...

Paida>ee<euuentraupnaeaiiil tots. trsMs aod •arreM of land and real iotate liable Id to no-

Brw ROSEVILLE PARK.1 Kish tn inform the puMlfl that I have to-aewl

Ihe wnl-kn

Mreet le M etb l ^ i b atreeu OB both eUlM orPBinnouni avemi* fro« fotglh

O raageaveaeatea point 4w itet north of theboth Bides df taiuleion aretma from Tblr*

toedUi artR neto S'<ein«eiUh avtaae.Op both sMea et touSh Math siraH dfoin Hwaiih

OraMeaToiia* to TblriaejiUi aveiuie.Uu to th aMni of ftuuth HeTt>nlb atreel from

Sooth OraiHie avetme tn Tlilnramb avenue.Ub bolb aidsa of Itoalb Blghlh street from

ftuuUi OtaDfeaveuoe toa polutllfe iWt DDrsb lU the tame.

Ob iNRh tidra of Morris aTonue, from Nouili Oroote aYaaM iu a polat Ml fret eeuib pi this same.

On both Wdef of H utilardan street, from hoMh Qvdbte ivenBf to Tnnrteeiitl) aveuuL

^ L |^ t a rsprsewits an totlra plot ef laitd, whaiher ta r t e a r mualL

A U pfrwma lulerMlsd In iau)

The Park wlU Ik* tmpfOToit Ibr thd fa _ f a o t U t l m i n f M r t o t l r a , u s h i M d t d . , a i i d fo r M o ^ «Ji«, KutirUlumoutii, utr.

Dates now uprn for the sosmti of iBdfa AiliM«iil^ h QVn R tH W g U N W i l M a i s i A t ,

heard btHbre said ITwnmiaBlanefa on 4^u^ - tb« it th day of Jatwarv, u......................... . - . -.^op.

Uie Lommleitoners' roomt« y

^ n p . i u v r f t SALE.-1CM<RX <vnfMt>N n y ie a f Court, w arren J f .l 'n isd fii vt. Kate A. Naber. K'l. Ka., etc.

By virtoe of the oboTe Mated irrit of Nerl (anas,to me direoled. t Iball axpoee Ibr a ^ by pabik teddue at the f ^ i r t House In Newark, on Tuee-dart the taenly 'tourlli day of January a e s L a tt e'cliM'k I*. M.y Ihe right, title aad Intacasl of the defrbdant oi. In and to a ll that u a n or parcel ef lao iaud BCPinkie sltnoae, lytna and being pi the dty of Newark, Jhtoei Couaiy, New Jar-

lo SDUlherly sMs nfs E r i e t , a N d r U h f ^ ^ i h e i ^

atoM CheMDub ikreei ihlrt.v f m i ibennt In a •iiuttorty dLncIton Ihlriy frat; (beneu In a wphU

KliWJN W. HINB, HbanW. Mi'TtXTKa, WlLUAKstiit A Mi.^'abtbb, av>


C i t s A f t v i » n i » W T n « T t l « t eA KPKWMFNT >X>H H EN K fllH -!1f>TlrK

J ^ l a hereby giyrn that an aaseesmeot upon sJl ihe owners of ail the lands and tval ceiate imt.nh Urly beneflted by toe cnotUructfon of toe sewer in

r i! lM ‘ HTKKVTANnimANillSHTltfcLT, from (terenth a v e n n to fifth Mreet»aorardlng to lbs proTtotona of ap ordluance of to* il ly of Newark, cntllJed an urdliioure to pravide fur tUH foaacroctkm of a new er in fira t ntreet and Or** Bigs aueat, irom hevanUi aveou* to PlfUi Hrest, approved July 11. IBM. has Ikku prepured by Uiu iiM anttbed uospmifstoaraav a p ^ B te d hy the llfoutl i'ourt of the rouDly or lfoees,to iuBke said araeMmenL and that a report by a ftertfUrate in writing. wIiU an ocoompanying map aito wheduleoiwwltig llif raverul N^asiuenieaMlnst tbenereral ownerapftctflierl* tonefitod anamre* iatd. hMbeendeposlied In the offloepr Ib ed iy Clerk pfihM Ity efN ew ark, for erainlmillouby the parues Intoreetea therein.

told aMreamsnbroinjwiovs all lotL tractfl and parcels of land ahd real estate Uahte to hnaa sflMtd aa aAireaald, lytng on bnth stdra ef flret auset, Irom Heventli avafiue U> a fKxnl 191 fret iinrtb of Hiiwwi arenuf,

i .a t t P. H.. at . liseuuud Aoorh

Tty Hall.IktHl January T, IBM


Mh rommlsalonsTs.X JO T H ’E IK IlRBRUy 1HVKN THAT TUB Iw underalgned. on behalt of tos Mayor oml CoiBBinD Ctmnrlt of Ihe olti' of Newark, erUL on ■alurday.tof ftoirteenfh uf January, tilgh*fren buiiarenami nihly-HanUat ten oVjiH'lti (|i« forasMUi). a t Ibe iXHirt Uooae In «ba aold d to. Biake appllratlon to to t lln-ult (kjurt nf euBBiyarVwwx ft>rto*apjiointrm>ni ul ('rmirnhe

BiBBtSatO WltlThe paving of Maacon slrrat fr«u Hurlngllekl

atwnae M Pouth Orange avtaue«The Mb Ida of RawarkM rrat from HaiJtgUneAu

to Cii’iitraJ aveiiu*.Tbe paving of Hrnod street and AellrVIlIr ave-

Sua/rom liorriaand Basax Jlalttoad to Jttoiua- fid Bvanue.Tbf fohatntofiea ol a lawer in Msaea street

frem Jam w ureeb to i hraof a abreauThe ronemH^un nl a sewvr in Nurtli Hixth

sirert freni HuiBiait between Orange stre«>iaa4 dUJSHix avenue aad Ftiih aveniia

1 be CDTisirucUon of a sawe i* lu Palrmnuiil atn> tua (rmn Hoiiik Oraage avsnite to IAammli,1n Ihlrtsfnlbi avenue.

The ronslrurthtn of a awwer in Jacob blrcet hoiiah Seventh aireet to Hixtmnlli aveeusf grading, riirlilni and Nagglmi of Wash




10 dollars, i sT

O E mm,S«t of Teeth,


frOB) hoiiah Seventh aireet to Hixtmnlli aveeusth e grading, rurhlni and Nagglmi of Wash

InglOD avrnua from Arlington avenue tu the ( l u r ll f ie *Noitra Is also given ihai an application will he

Biodata the l'oo rl a l th* same tloi* and plai>3 fur toe appointment of a Aiomiulatl'iin'r to dll me vacancy faused by the rMlmstlonnfTIuMnM J . Uray froBi tli* foa* mbaiot) btreiofore a >]iolcK- iht ly fb* Court to noaka an etll mate am) oeseae- aiejit of the benefits Cftnfrrred by (he lultowtng hnurovemeiita, vtoi

TiieroDRinictlutiuf IhaUill Jlroukaewer frum |i fah street to loasalc er.

Tho ooriairucilon <if a sewer luraogta Math ave­nue, Third street and Kevonib avenue, fruoi North Tliirieenth atraet tu hraficb Rntok.

The eunsbrurtliin uf a brick semer lu forra Uia «x(enj1oji c>f IhcHtfiTh avftm*, 'J'nird Nirrat and K^rtulh avenua sower from Its prasHiib larinhms sa ito fllie MorrU Cknal to raniioct wMi toa Brauch llrouk Be«er.

JUMBFII (XJULT.I^yCouMel.DalMl Newark, N. J-, January 4,1»vf i6r

E X t f t A C T m O tToath tx tn o 'r t l for IN noiHb. (lo t odaiRfon

MiM forVCbQ'L Tbfth cMaoaMl far'foM afa.Ie o lta B U a 4 v r t t h A m i l i a i a v 'Jh a O B t s . 1'o ts ta

H a d w i t h B l l v a r , 71 o a n u . f n e l A ftU «4 w i t h G o ld , f I a n d u p .A m o f T e n b , w a r r a Q ' c d f i v e y e a n , M , 0( ) , T h e r t a r o DO b g t i a r m a d e , o o m o l u g ta n w n u e b yoB par*

Boston Dental Association,M B M A H K B r 8THSBT*

fonneriy Dr, Odfos i office

T T I E H E t S T ;fS M s s la to o b r a t p a p o r .

Do bolb ibdaa oJ DraugB etraat. from first aUaet to • point 90 fleet weat ur First stroot-

fln both oidaa of TMrd ftrrat, from frrattfo street lo Huoiex avvuua.

Alto the following deacrll>*4 proiarty which Is to be heneHtfdhy tba ooBatrucflon ot uhtbI or roanccUDgMiWMSi:

On bolh sMm of orange sirac t from a point 9 feet westot Fifth street lo apDUrtXtrbnuaAl Of Blalb street.

On both iridM of second straet. from Orange streeiboa point UBfretDonh •fO asaiiavnnaa.

Ou both aldra ot Fuarlh street, fruia Orausa s tm i lo a point lUft fret north of Kimtex aventi*.

Ob boUi Mdoa ol Fifth Btoaot, from Oraaftatrael lo a point 1(U Jeet north of ftuHsei avenue.

A *'1*01" reprewDta aa m tlre pled of laod, whether larg* b* smalL

Ail persons Interested tn aald asaraaiueiit luav bonsard before said rooimlMtaiiars on FrMar. (be 90Ui (Lay af Jam iorr. ISB8. at 91*. M , at thtt (ktniniMlonera' room, Nb. 2 fapixitid floor}, ( l i j

An nfttHNANCE TO FBOV1D8 FOR TUB rviiavrjif ofn U A N O K i t T R K K r g

from HrOad Mteetto Hl«h*itr*«^w Ueltordalued by bh* CDiuiuimt\M)nrtl of Uia

ally of Newark. a t follows: hiM-tton 1. Tliat()rana>*Mtr*i‘l,fromHmi»dstrrat

lo lligb strati b* repavod whb •rUloiiH groalte falo^s. on iwtli ildra of the horse ear tracks, with tbaeineptlDBftfanafooiIi) width oa each aids of aald Iracks.

BecUon t Tb# City (hmnwt la hvral»T dlrerted

ell an n au> the (h m ii Ooart af lha county al hehall ofthe Mayor aud CommaalX^UQ* Mid efty a f Newark, for theappolnia

tfAHrwrt ni'v ri n n A tn,lUJHhUT J.HAI,|>WiN. HBNJtV a HUNN.

?gh itotnmksloeefs.w b w S l b n t F o il b b w k f it ^ n o t jo t Is hBAhy given that an aasaMniAiit upon oil

of all the lands and reaUwtota penjlh ..wJ by iW conrtfucitoft ofthetowcf In m i V f n HIXTJI Kl'KKKT.

from fomlh UrBiigs avenue loTblrtornth avonua, aranrdlBg to lha pravloloris of an ordtnanca of tba city of Newark, entfUed *'An ordinance to provida for the conatruclJon of a sewer In ifouiM Mzlh street, hv**^*BoKoatb Orange svemio and TbklceBib avenue,'' approved January a, hu7, ha* bees prepared by the an d a n ^ w i ( iin< mlnlmiara, appotetod vr lha ftrcu lt ioMirt of she county of E w i . l o maati aald ■ iirm su L and itoita report hyaccrttficato m wrlilng, with so aaconapaiiyfrlg map aod lehedala. showing tha •everaiararasmenlaaga'pai H}e several owners peoulioTlrbenrOtedoa aforesaid, liae beendepniF fted 10 the ofoce ftf tba City (I r rk uf Mieolty oi Newark, for eianilnatlon by the partlfs lxit4)r-

ialfl sisqntmfwt cojupflara all lou, UactaaDd pBKels ol Und and real w tatollabinto beaHUMiad aaaforeaaldJftM on bath sMm of Hom(h wtitft stiraL (rum fcoutii Oraofoavebua to TklrMwoUi

rep rean ti »a antlre pIM of tasd. w M her large ar SD all.

All pprtow intorewtrd th iaid ugaewmient may bahtsird befora oaid rooiiDlsnlotMS'aoiiTosBdajr, th rlT ib d a y o rJan a a ry JM L a tl o’clock, a t Uu* raaomlBitoaeiw' roam. No. I (AeraSd floor), City

ftated Jabtuury a, I8M.JR IlK M U n frnOUHKB,WJLMAM HTAJNwnYjft. THOM Aft WILLDOX.

ril ■! lOV titew dajr •• *w*Wter». iwr arao ni|V)wnawmejAof f ’ommusnooers, and the wtoi Canuma- Itooers whtD appointed, snail asorra lli« ooelH,H en aod aipananluLvirrad Insald Improva*

whcB toe oauw shall have baen duly ascer- and dfOarad by the t^jmmnn ivwnHI)

vpaA sU ik* owBare of lortos mfJ r««l mtste In aald city, pwullarly iHUietltwl thereby, in prapdr- llim a aW rIy as aiay he Ut the a^tnicitaEe each shall oe dvemad to ai^uire i and In cane UM mM rotls, daniages and espenoes shall eftcotrt the amunnt of saidboneflla.such cmU hAbII Man- •fwwd upon and ladd by the city ut NawHrk.

ftccUsn >. Kaldlinprovcmenl slisll be ruodeaiid enmpletiad anger tkeSAtinrvIsInnaiJddfreciloA of 111* u ty fturveyor aud HtraHl.kiniB)liMio&er,a4v rardlDRtolhepruvlitoUioI tosLlty Charter and Drdlaancei.

Pioaed fraceiDherM. IMl.PfJfiHSpN u, JKJOl),

rrraiiitiRt of tuitinuu rutiMidL ft. ir. W(,MaBBTl)N,

toty Clerk.ADprovrtJanuary JOAEi'JX R. ftA^ NRft,■b Mayor,

An ORJilNANCNTQ PKDVIDK Frjh TUB gnigliig and o tirb l^ paitaor • JtKKDKwN MJ ltEtn*,

between Hev««*e#Btfa avenue and rUntonaragiM; - }le It ordained, by tb«(k>miuon Oaunctl of lha -■

rtiyo /N ew ark .aafo tluas: ^ ^ hiJWlino 1. ftwrireti rtreet shall he grodM and ^

curbed, from Hevenleentti avenue lo a uolut alHMl 109 feet u(Trtb of WiYerir plara v OAd froa itosa sireet to a pctol about w (m south of Avoi

r e c o v e r in g Ih d ■

avenue.Kectton L TheOtty (.todBoalli berahy diroeted

Uaiiply lo Uis nrouU (Juurt of thnoouuiy uf n»ex , In brtialf of the Mayor and Oommon ( o H ^ ta i th e aald d to of NawarUtfu the ap* rioinUneDiof CoDiiHlastonerLaDd the aald Dorn* bbiiioikera w k ^ appointed, ■kallosaaiisihfl'e

certalned and Arclarad by ihalKiinTnoBCQuisnil,Upon all the owoi-rs of lands and real estota toMid r t^ r pwoHarly heurfUM Ihrrahy In pro- portion M ( la a tly .a a n y be to to» frivaatogaeach shall be decnied to acriulra; and 1 ii on Bold foala, Aair ------ —— i—n -

I cmaa theAamaaee and expenOM snail eiceeci

tha auaoyfitftf mm bsatilu,sutiUcriAtAah«li be

from Murray streat to Km meti s^reaL aocordUig lo tofl proviMoba o f an ortWrasooe of tBe elly or -Nawgr> radiiiad‘‘jAja erdlDawnd to pvovUa for tbe ooMlrQCilon of a sewer m Brosui street from EfBmeUstrratlf M ar^ F slrwsi.** appraved No* vsitthar99,llsL m b e a h p r e p a ^ 4^ Mis unte* alsAMCnmiritssfoneraappofAiod by lha t'IrcuU t'gurtofihaoaeniyoriiiHnaaSoiDaitosaid an oa- lueiiL ana that a report by a eertifUwto In writ* In g .^ tb an aecoifpiniyfng map add scheduto, bhetrlM Ibe aeverali BsaeoBraenta agBtoat th# arr- eral owners peculiarly bciH(U*daaBforca^d,has been depoartrala the offloaor tha (hty Cfrrk uf tti« pity ef Newark, for exomlnsHua ny tbe par­lies iuCeruated Iherelo.

Paid eesesewtobtooiBpebee all letLtraets end Mroatotif land and real efoate liable n siM as Bforraaid, lying on tnHh eWea of Broad alrert f ro s Kmmett ssreei to M arrar e v ^

A "fo t" repreeenu on eniire plat " bctker larg* or gmalL All psgrtiftk IntereaM in m*

N beard before said c.unwol**I^M». S'U lay, UtoWth day uf Januarr. laW-w * ^ ^b e l’emmiaMeu*ra'rooiu, No. 9,Taecund fl<K»r), Ity Mall. __Dated JaBBBlT 7i MIL

aasraeed uwin atid paid by the oily uf Newark. Hetifon L Kaid hdipraTemMit ahall he mudeand

comuJetod utufrr toe suuervMuu and direialoD of the city Horvpyor and ftifset iJomrolsslonef, ac- cuM og w th a p r o ^ o o a o filie tlly t'haiita* wM

‘''r iS S S il lU r tw in . «, imjdu .Preeiueoi uf (Vimaion r/uunclU

(Hty (Xetk.fippravrt IM T I.W ,^ ' Mayor,


_A of the t1iy t ’uunael of the clly of Newark, Bbltordawod byM)* (kmimon Ortincll of the

city ol Newark aafoltowai>'cction I. That the annual salary of theOlty

L^neel shall4>c toe aao:v of six thouaaifo doHan. (ha same to be paM manlbly and to date froiq UieBistdav ol januLryv aigbieen hundred and eiihty*titbt, ' '

K ecifo^ That all ordinances or p ^ l i <tnt vrflh tbw provVSmis ol tbM

V iV rfO fllB NftftBfrY OITKN THAT TlfHN m iS l^B erahera to fo reappefo tod by toe{ V c u u T ^ t ol til* county of Kraer, to make an sMMwareAl of betieilis npun all tb* owneva o( Luid and real raiaie to the city ul Newark.tecullarly iH'iicJUled hy tbe follueliig linpruve* bcBBS ID aaid oft)% * ...

i n .Irom Dh*iU»uiatr*rtwK»mUjPtre«.Have ftl^d Uielr report of oasoasnieiit tor bChoAM iD lhccfr^o itb eo fo rk of said cunrt and Itukt lha Jad te ofaaW court hoe d ied M ^rilay , Mia foorteemh day of Janusry.elshhicohurhlri'daud eliMy>rtgh(aat ten o^rtock in the fi»r*nf>on, toihelliTCuTt ikrart room ai (he DourLhouae. In the rity of Newark, SR Ihe (Ime and pio'H'ol h<‘arLiig any oM d^oM tha t may ho mode to the Mild

• • S K S jw te J T », m7At d ig Ooueiselt

N o n r t t TH nK ltltnV rtlVESTTIAT TTnt 1 emmlaRtoners kerctul'ira apputotnd by (he

ClnMlt Ceurl of Ul* u l j ^ ^ . ta ™»l‘" *|ta»iiBwniral»frtaHw^ l i l J S Lers of land and real estate lu the by (be ftilJowtog laiprovemcuis lo swd rtty," lJ j 'V id « .lo . of Morro. a r t

£ ?v r(iir t“ t i s

iudptaoeo/baartBB w ohfootiona t h a i i w fad msde ra (he aald w m eagBw.

” • S iW S S T S tS E S

• ’f f i c o i a r attratite h a tU r t iotfi* foH«*l"«

I.V»UaMih dsyofKep»•ft'1*'^ an* ncrrantaWtll

o a . . O p t r a * . I

-W:- ■«

t - m r *■■-

iN)R ftBAITRB or Advarilatr, (he

C t g « l V l a t t c * * *

1.1HTATB OF Jl'lSKftlMiJNIN.lJE'X^&AH&D.'jl'ureaant tn (he urdcr oi Joseph I.. BCnnn,

H urresasa uf the OouAiy of fh te k. this duy mode on |Avapp)|<?sL]unot in* iinderilgnMl, •xemitrtx or Mid de<-e«Wiil, Audee is butehy glvan lo (he omlitfirt of Mid dereoaerj toeshRiU to the aub- sertfaer, uoderoath uraftlrnuiUnn (hetr Haims arddroisAdsM atostlhc Msorenf said rtnoaaaed « llbiu nine monliis fruui ttita date, ur they will ic forever barrcti frdin prosecuting or recover* hig the HOm* agalrutt tbe subaertber.

i ’AULINK U. ftlMONIN. NotemiierL IMT. eip

XTDTH’B O P ATTACIIMKNT. N tm C R i « J V ht-reliy given tha la wril ftfaKnchmculaitbeiiilt uf J hwim P.Mhaw|sr and i taorge vr, Nbawgav axBlnRl I Ur rights and crt dlta, uioueys and *F> fri ts, g(M>d« and HiattuLs, l-ind« and UiaeiaeutR ofksh to raj, kCf k. a nrm rcMdtvit dHht4rr for thu SUM of 11,000. sued out of tbe Fooex U rniK lkturt, . Nuvsutner 3a,lhnT. ratuniatiLe aad riHucned IMo Qourl duly executed bytheHbsrilT uf (bvAUaty of fCMtev In iheHtatcurNeu Jetsey. uB the Dlatli day of llHcrmbrr, A. IJ IMT.

CoImI December •(, ISV7*HaM rKL A .nuTTli.C lerk.

Nv.wvinnr. fljtiiaiH, Attorney. H41 TTe

T/BTATK o f IfKRHNHT K W2LDR DB* J Vfas<^1< Pursuant to tho urdar of Joseph L. Huuu, hurrogaienflheCoftix.T uf Bsaev. tt^cloyBiSde.onlhe shfdtrabnn of IbeorNfrrrtgrsedci- et-utrlx ofR altl^eeaBiid ootioa Is hereby sivwn m thecrvdliurri>rMid ileceassd to rshtAUioihe tuGw'rU>er under oatb ur afonnailsa Uielr daiiuv and rteniN Ads ogsirHinhc estate ot aatdderMiMad a lUilii Dine muutbv from (his date, or they wMl be forever barred froui uniwcuUiigox reuovertng

. .m . a t e i o a i 1*. W H.DK. JanusryLlM A

2.^fTATB f)F FHANfKS I*. VAN IIW TB N . ^iltreascd-I’ursuaut lu the urder ui Joseph L. sail, Hurrngaie of tha i-uiinty of FMCx, iftb day

Bjode. on (be spplloatia.i of (k* uodenagned « * miiilsiralur of aald decnaMd. notice Is hereby

I o( said decoaMMl to exhibitEiven to tbe rrcfiltors MfaHNubscrltier under oath or afflrtuNtlon their slslAii and demands ag*ln«(lha rataiaofiaMt dt-

«f-ased wiHiUi.^tot mouiUv from tlda date, or thcT will oe.rav.^barrm f^from proaerutlDK o*

‘‘ ‘ -,maagaiiHi(ikeiiunMrKMfr.OlAJLUfrl F. HVKNttIJN.

.a. frg. Jinnaxy t, ;LVHTATB OV AAIU»N (*. MHAn, UB- fjeeawd. im rraaaitlolhe ordSf of JoaepbL.

_ut)n.HurroaaLeof the ouiuily of flosex. (bisdny mad*, on the appllcBtlOTi of Ibe (inderslgood «xrruirtx ofiaM deocaaed, nMio* Is hereby iriwn to tbe credllDfs of aald decaaaod to azblblt So the aiilrficribrr under omib or amriuaifon tbelr clolmn snddrtnaDdaigaltut Ui« estate orsalddranaojrt wiilun tiln* monibi from this date, or they will be forever hamvl from pranccutlng or reoover-fag Ifaaaome sgolDot Ike HUtwerlbcr.

■ DAlTlAHlNiC K. MEAD.__________________ dftf

C t t M 9k O a « r T i » « m * i i t « *AN 0111)1 NANl’K BN-

lltkd. ’Alt ufdlnahce contprlvlng Ibe ordl- naAiw of Lite tvty of *Nvwaf k." appruvwl January^ite^ It oTtlaliieg hy the I'ommon omncOof ahartlyorNoiarkaelblfow Bi' ^

K*-nlf)ii 1. Thatswifoo avahu n d rw lan d t^ ty - oneuf (lie ordinance to wMca this to h rappl^ Birift ha oifd tbe some la hereby oiaeaded to rebd‘ " pirt!»*W* Tik«rpersonebaanaeinSh»H*yal Newark, to waMb'da-or measpniM as a f i ^ gaM. any wctgliL mmiiurc, orarslHiam,aaflrici*. meeiraril or other fnetriimeM whioh stifell nH he cofifnrmahle lo aut;b RlAtt^rd, or Shall tun- to welghtof as alerreaafo Bay haunt haJanre, sw Sjard or other Whff h shall M oul ofordnr jhalt nw balance, be. the of they sha 11 forlaltwnd ^ twenty-ilvedollarN mr every such eftbate,

il any such welgbL nieaBure, soafobewm, ualeM hafauce. eioHyard or otber Instrument, shall b« found In the p a ra g o n of any dsafor or vender, such poasCMlon Hball he deamad and lulmi as DrtiiiaCBolaevldem'eof (bouse ^e rep f t f lb* iH-rson or perauM to whoa* poSaasalon lha lame le found." —tiHctlDBl All ordinaneux or parts otOrtStMaoBa bM owsItianl harewith are hereby andllilN ordinance ahall take effoct InuuedilatHy.

PasBcd to^tnbcrlO . 1N17.inEBM>N <1. DODD.

Ih^mldAnt of Oommou OuancoL H. I l FTlMDiCK'niN.^

O ty Clerk.ip p ,o v K lJ« n « jy s ,^ * a jc. h a v n u s ,« h __________


J iT E W A B K E V E N I N G N F r S . i S U B j o i S rABY 12, 188a


rarftat n il '** Witrmrt «M itihTiii 1 wiuw hr • mT*** CwT*-

n M M Ih* M M l a g a f a M ar- k a t - r M f l a W h a W a ta T h a n .

A AAD ' « u i n r n u M i iE i t .


T h m a n f t m r a r I h t ( i m t Ind n a triM a f ih aM t, *h lah w a n a e t rapnaaolad M Iba aosaal haaiaaM or Ih t hoairi a fT w Ia Ital a lfh i a t •aatahahaa'A a a haaaA a iaat. I W a war* a to a t W ■ a a ta n and tnaMa praaaai. aadal- aH M aratr f l ta a al tha aartaa a f uM at w ta a ta a ^ M a a ilr h iih a a r a a la t R rh aa lh t l a a f a t i t h t laa a r wailiia cam aontaa ol iha a M a n a t lh a hoard a a ia haM at (ha w n IIMaMiT P. T O u lu « U ad the n a a tta t to aadardM itlr aAar b u'ekich. A lottar Ataa Q a ia ia a U tata atallac that ha would ha 'aaahlo to attaad on a m o u n t u t lllaait w a in a d . h ad d a n i ha a m than drllTorad k h laminl addiaw. Ha Mid that AA, aaw MtMhaM had hran tlaotad duAna tha yaar tud aathrrad hr tha hn d a a a im naartad a t Iha ■HAdhlr aaa tM ia la laharliiA la tha watar aafoO ha adrltad tha t tha Ujaaauat Couuati g ilM Iha li fh t M a la tra l t aatTtaalhai to hrlaf watar ( m Iha wairrdiart cd Kurtbam Maw MMiT and la , Hiwi h i all tba ■raalB id tha nil, ao M at thaaa d taM t« haitat watar aMjr ra- cM ah.

•‘Tha t aaaaat n n i l r hw dra aad aMmnlhfr h tr ta f ptuimaa." Hr. MaiBall laid. “ h ahuo- daalanllrathdholary. bad latU iiaglhareotpira- t i a i Ih n lih Iha tu p k l , tw d r ln U a i aad ruU< aatT iMBHMa. Mach a eotfarattaa woald gn diiahl, Mr elA frelertiim , adopt tho aaitiw pihie^ik, Maaaartnd tho duaiaUtjr of watar naad b r aa rb ooonaM r, aa h naaiJ la M iCr •ihar ahdaa T hh wauld taairtal Ha «ta aa iM T ba tha t waadad dw d ita k ti« and Iha (aapataMoa a t ftaiht, and would aol a t a a . Dim tm e b upon tba pn ip tr o h of tha pcaaaal aopplr. Thua uo d aa ta r naad baap- iwahiiiilid that Iha pr aiaot [M w U ll ia td I a aad WBoaad. In f a l i la t ihla aappl, thaaa Mould ha but ana roodltloa, aueh p a r t , a t wUt ha(a( la tha baal watar and aall U to auoh elll- MBH M CfaMW to LfetfOdnOV K llllD tbclf llOSWIa B a te roM rMwhhloaa a i tba H aror a id Aldar- B ta n , d lnel, •bould b t fiaan tba c h a n ^ t illh l. n i l oaa ba daaa wUboul addlof a dul- la t to aa t oarpanta dahh"

r o t A n w itA a an .Tha PnM daat OMka d iba naada of a auluUa

i i a r t r whara all d w l iaa)r ha idoound, and audicaladtlia llflbapraaaat Ownimwi ('nunoll 0^ aa t napiiia with tba i n l t e l , o m wbirb •a a ld H m h l b t r ir ru d . HaMraw* wai alao ■ td a to tba d ia laa tt tP a poftko of Iba Nawark ■ B M O w aataiiatta tof Tltal liapartaiiaa to tha haalth cf tba a tlf, HRirtaBbauld alaobam adt be pnrtaol (ha r a w r a l e f tb a f te u a t-b o B it t e a Ib t Ohf. It hHe to prait tbaP ra ia , In a lo ta l 'ia a d t e praottoal r a ^ iiioa- H lhalwttB Maw Turk and Hawark. Hr. laa- '

I o f w t o t a u m m. ___ t a k t a t t e t rtiM w a d h f ^

h aU o R H o B d tT itC b a liu id of TVadoanoMi,w bta iba BMllM would ba dlieniiod.'liiw a to r, P. T. tto laa i ta d tba d n au U t ta-

poit. Tw aot, |« d n a* ., ha laid, Itw board oatad t h a n had lo d a , It had a balanot of W U k a t e aU databa bad b a ts paid.

sVM ii AT TWa aaaoi'dT.Per Iwa hoim iart a l ^ l thuro who wart

pru i t a t tba habduat dom tad ihclr allaiitlaa In d lin a ila i rarlaiit d alleac itto f Iha table. Thera w art p n it t i l Ouitlaadt Parktr, RnMia WtaOD, Howard Hrdharnr, Noah BnnikA Hairor B a n * . loM phCuult, A. J. R ria r, prod- dealoftbaT raadoa Moard of T iada; Oaai«l T. AhHa, prartdiar of tha Idlaabalh Board of T i t ia t Oetural Joatph Jtrkaoa , J. F iaak Port, OaeiHaA. B aba,, L. I , Ih ll lilr , Hupli PaalUi, t . T. loboaoB, <1. T. Moon, H a m K laot,, D. a W lftitnoa. w nilam r . P tm a r . Edward ■chlckliaaa, Patrick Brtllp, U afb loilUi, B tn t , C a ^ B. O. M om cn, Wilbur A. HoM, A. fo d n u Clark. Dr. In ti M ndbttd,1. ■. Ttllaatliia, R. B. BalUn laa, WUP hUB a P PM Iar. Oaoria W. Wladamaapar, PMor Utuck, Moctiaa c. H aior, t ta a r r H. lu » - ana . WUUaalCttiT. Ouloiiel WDIItM B.DauiU. too, Looh Lalonf, 1- Jooob HockaiHoo, M. K. W hito, Lloo L. Baload, fam ot a Sapocat,

■ '^inhuB H. BaniB itr- tl ia r la t B. t e l ^ a A. wukiaaoo. T. P. L t a m r » , T .B .P td d ia ,l. ■. ■atpaaot. Oolanol U a n a d 1 . Jut, O ednt B. Bwala, Itiaea W. HlUtr. Obkaid Itia ta E. f l ih i in t . Otoraa B. Jaakla- t e JaaMl A. Ooo, Joha b Clark, Or. B. U. IVlMiior, a W ama Parktr, WltUam Tltua, B. la th e r Jar, Dr. C. B. Mookhn, Bdw tid 0 . OaUlar, ^ C. H aher, Bdwatd 1. FhllUpt, WUlitM B. K h k U w a id K m ou tt. R. P. Coa. loo, C. T. wnUataocn, f . P. ftproo, Jultuo 8 l t i 4 Oootia W. WUUana, J. V. D o l te thaler, i . V tir tB V tn d am ar, B W. Huppet and ^ W . B c o d .

A t e “ etflha ntdr ^ bad b a n Hppad b«ai adMaMM nun , a ^ w ^ w r a ^ of m o lu B«m ik a d itn id te a w te iS lI f iM m a th , pHah* daol B im it, who praildad a t tba head laUa, wllb Hapar Hapnaa a t hlr M l aad Braiciii WiMao oo iili i%ht. aroia add CiUad tha tM o r a U i f t 't a t te U m prwrhioa lo aaaouaoUH tbaaitakaia . t e n t a i r thdiin raad a aainbtr of hunom ia M ia n a fraw n t la tit bp thaaa o o iU e lo h ep n ttiiL PiaaldenI OaTalaiid wta aop n ad h iaaerld trln t pa teo tioa " a W l ^ lb . Qulan addad a t e a pauai, would b aka ih tp iaoaarreapata (Xhat la lH n which o aa ird oooddaralilr lau th ta t arara nad ,

u T o a B dw nr'a u tm a .A laliar t e d Abrata B. Bawitt waa than

m d . He raid, a a to a t otbor iM a p ; •' 1 appiu- d a ta tha n h ia of Newark ar a Ibeder bo New fo rk . J in A that poo aboapprodate the ralae of Haw Vock to Nearark. T bara tia iB u tua lda- paodoaea batwaao Ib t two which la ptoducUaa oolp of beoeAl to both, l a Mot U weald act ■uprlae la t If la analbaf oan tu irtba population of the wait d u ra of tba Hudaoo BlatT tbould aicead that Ibea n rtdoa l upon tha bland of New York. Thia, boweaar, caa oolp o c a t a U n tb p p ro a td ao o a Ib i p a r te f tb a New Jd - lep Butdclpainiai of (ood water and proper d taJa ite , wUM wlU ho noem aip h r th bealibaad onnd irto f t o I t i |e ainpulaUon.”

lA tina of le p a t t e a Heoaloti HoPbenon, Biodfou and Utwiap, O m p n o ia a lehllaKb and oUien were alio road, Tha loaat of '• The Piaddant uf the Catted Stataa “ war dnmk MAiidlnaandlaallaooe. U enaia lJnapb Jack, eon waa tbe drat apeaker, and n id led to the tcaat "Tile Border Male—Bordarind on New Jrnep,*' in the abeentTfuf Chaiinoaj H. Dtpew. Coitlandl Faikei M lowad and replied to the tcarl “ Newark a t Bean w ith e th e r S p tt Than Oun.”

“ Ntw York," laid Hr. V Inaa, la raipondln( Iq tba total •• A CouUnentAl C oaunem ,'M in d f a tfatnal Haw Jenap. Whan I otme l« Hi . P tike r with KOO in u p pocket la a ra- taloer Ma, ba laid ba wanted to look a t tka n a n wbo had tbe temarltp to take the BItlan b land protect In band. The ooia, meroi of the I'o ltM S la iti and tha Hupnme Oomt of tha Collad Mater had d lA saot rlawa t e n n p Mend COrtlaiidt Parker."

Hr, W lsan then ipok t at leofth of rem orlui the harrier to Oonawree betweeo the United Blater and Canada.

Howard IfcdhertT made tha hnuotona rpateb cf tbe apeniiif, aad kept thoae praaeni In a con, ilnoui roar of tauphter. He replied lo the toarl

PruIncliiDal Hen and Their Belatlaoi to Com- nerce .”

}■ Frank Fort neat rpoke on " Plnanefal In- M iullona"

Noah Brooke np lied to tha toait "T ha la d laa" Mipor Uapnea replied lo the total •'Tho ITtp of Newark." He referred to the water lupplp, which b t Uioufhl waa guod ooui- ptrod wUh other clUeA

UAToa BAYiin aWD Bh. WIHAM."BUden IrM td," aald (he Hapor, "can neref

be a lanslual point. B rarpIblngeenlnilnN eir T a k . B lfbU hnugh Newark It the pathwap of tbe trea t HOuth. Thia la N atura'i pathwap

•' Naluie.” laid Hr. w lntan, " makea Newark a pathwap. But the Batterp via Malen Irlaod la ar uear Philadelphia ar Newark h."

Ceneral Jackaon apoM acain and compared

A evu ie tti— u b a t aoald iw id flm nd Parp.

A u o a ti t b t OBOta to b r l iT ra t ip a lc I bp ■hr (ifand Jurp a l tia pnana i a-atoai la one in vuIvtiiB ruair.ue uf a *a,1 rTtuic Tin' partte* . eoaearwad lira In HIKami Pnom iliw Kreu baa Ma Mailer la rharg* Ttab aanmlm. In aiirwer lo UMaliuna. ba aald " 1 rw e lra l a W t e tmaa a pmfliinm i liU iea <4 HilleirB wbirb wd Haiti that l lu r r t> ivmon to helletr that a iWTolUnf ertne baa hean nm oillU il la IballnwB. The w r t e a i t rarwn H a te a lb u b te it l tp la p n n a l la Ihe laaner. ami ad<ti tha t tba Intarwata of the eoMMUUltp demand Ibat inch a bantam udkoce rhuuld Mart wllh p rm p t puahhuent.

'• A f il l a«ed hnfteeu prAn li laM to hate livaa U rtb lo a child. It h ftirllMr rum ira I that Iba B ihar of (ha child M aaa a f (hr Mother'r Iwu bw lhan. T hr p,m ni meti't ag-a ara nIaelaaB aad MTaaleea, and It b (aid that lhap aia aqtMlIp gidltp. In m p a t pariaaei aa proMMUnr 1 h a r t aaver b e ta eailad opoB to In n i l l f a ta aorb a m m , and I bopa ftw tba gen aiBl good tha t tb t Men a n oot aa rrpart»l Citaaatn thta dm a b rlaawd or a high « l i l » ■taaiwr, tha aiaalmaM peoallp of which It %i- ta ra paan ImpiiaaoMeol and a Hat uf n .« (i.

a'I ropbtd la Mp HUbam eorraapondmit," nmlBBad Hr. Kara, " Munablng hlM la maka tdaMKl charga to tbe liaand Jurp, H bn’l uprm ir p that be iboald be tollBed wHb a ItUl k n n w la ^ of ib(ta in Iba eaat to Make thb cbaifa. If BO ehaiga ba hitbeaMlng la a t e aitolwtUaaa that tba w tte of tboM tarb arm Mr and tbal whatorar IndwmaUcn bt Map poMm b fttaa to tba Urand 1 urp Tbipbpil, clan who acdod la Ibb eaoa will propa aa Im - pnrtant wbMM and ba will he apt to rat ual tha lidl jactleulata UtbaM will ba eailad openabo."

Manp lieopie Id Hllhiim a rt tgllaled naar iha t e tM (if the adklr. and m m to think that w t i h l a g tbould ha dona, to Ibat tba iru i condHIoai Map ba kioiwn.

T b t B oM rtnnalciIrlbtuppaaadinbtdaddaat gtoMaUp, and li uA (trlklaglp bambuBie. la the evcBlof A M Ioia to tacn ri tba daelrad in- duMaikia ItaH'Ugh wltflemee, l•luaeeeUlr Keen Mpi tha t he will adiipl cAhar naa n t lu uativel tba thrrad of Ibemaliar.

M aeoale IJM la a u ra a e e lld le a r i,T h a E m e i C oao tv M oannlc M utual

UM Inanranra Oompaiipbeld Ht anouAl leael- liif la Haanale T m p li, IHaaga, hut alglit, and eleeudoM eartaa fcllow i. Prndd ia t. Iliailaa B l>odd,ef Cuntoo Nol I I I vhaeprabdaat, La- a n t e W illiam , ofCortuUilan No kT; MOrutarp juid treawin a , llofaet Maiaiin, of IlminthJan No k l ; dlraetora, Ueory WaMwoiHl.uf kt. fobn 'i No. 1: Prank Joaea of Ntwark No. T: Joaapb U. Iiodd, uf I'likiii Nn. I I : John P. Mmar, ct DIoBraaa Ho. H i J a a m U Jubnaua, of Kcatham No. M i Kobart B Borrb, of BWaafleld No. W ; f^ C. .liaUun, of Oitantal Not M ; luUue Van Wa*antn. of Kana No. U ; W. B Vaadathonf. of Claldwall No W; David ikm ga, aflV iriathbn No. *11 AufiM ui W. Urtf kng. of M. Albaiu N o .« i dainutl M. Wair, of Hadbcn Nn Ik ; J. II. Bopd, of Oanturp Hoi INi H. H. U moa a f C am o i Mo. tdki John B flachtlabao, of TrthiMlaar Bu. i l k ; Wllihun 14 WtBhbM.«f M ealMKo. t a iT m te t o k H.Yfal- a w n , of Hope Ito. IH i J. J. Paakar, of Biaa- vlUa N b 1Mi C. B H lU lgu, of Huolclatr No. IM id ltae tun al larkt, w m iaM U rtao, Uaorgt Herdlager and A. T. ilrlm tad, of (Virintblao No. IB; Kdwlti W. Illoa and tlnlierl Hedowao, of CnlOB Mo. II. and W. IL llandanoo. af PraakUa No. W. T baoaiapup now bM a Mem- h irih lp of EH.____________________

HafOra Ib e K aalaa M oard.( ja p te in tM jr , o f th e T h ird INtUce P re ­

cinct, appealed h tk in tba K icba Board leal night a ^ aeked tha t tha Uoanaanf NlchnlaeJ. P lugeiald. Mloon-kaeptr a l 111 Bouth m eet, ba ravokad, aa be Mid th a t Fttagerald kapt a db- rtpulalile plaoa. OSoer William HoNlooll n b - etanllalad tha chargee of lhaCaplaIn and added that Pltmefald bad didlad hUn- On aintton of CntnmbaInHr Jeiiklnaofi Iha Clark war In- •tiuctad to nulUT Pltagarald to appaar bahire tha board at Ha neat maetliig Tha ea rn uf

I juaepta Rlcbardi,afM k Harkal atraet, aad W,I B. Ilapaa, of U Baavar atraat, ware than taken

up. ‘n a C h la to fP u llo t ila ttd Ibat both ptacea bad batn rildad aad (bat It had baen Mund that pool Hlllng waa puM ltlad In both. Hr. Rlrliardi eaM ha bad not known tha t unlawllil boabwH waa tranaaclad at h b bonat, a m u a of which ba t u l t d out. Aa u o a aa ba tound out what w u dcM th a n ba mhl tha t ha pul a itop to It. Ht. H apefiaaplaiiatluD waa aboul tha

. Du mAkB of U om abaiom r Janhlneua tba HUM ware d iem bred.


Bow Tbap Am Treated la Anaatea—Kai Faattlea In tha Honaahatd,

Prom narpeP i Baiar.What it la ba Uit fblara af tba ■artfa-

aoi la AtotrlcaT Rbt will naTtr, at la Batlaad, balogg to a pamaaaail ohiaa, ba- qtoia. than art go jw » a n to l claa^ la

tried bp ttik Eat'lM itgBd*' ard! that it, pannioeaM of aoclal poaltlMi IB alhiillp U bere.^ ogoaptlao^UiaTt Hit rale. Itoraurv, (h i graiiJr provk- lanoa of dtp tnd towa lift la wall-lo-do claaaa oad tho groator popuUrltp of icbooli ka oompaicd with hoBM tn lila |, gna an eaoriaoaa oaUat Mr thoaa of oar ponng pcopio who wlah to taach, ao that adneated gitlt ara o ot obliged, la la Eng­land, la look to tba poalthw of govarnm ki Ibair mala naanroa.

The viit laeraaia la Ibt nunbar of poongwoinaa auploped at clorki,book, keapata, tppawrilen, etc., deplatot atUI fbiihrr the inaka of ippUoanU. And pat, deiplte tbla, tba lorraata of onabara tnd wealth laLradiieat moia and mote gov- anetiet into ibniliai, Sometlmaa ihep ara aapeoltilp ooidad through lllneaa of Iha paiat, WMOtlmto haetnro of aonolrp lUb, ooBotlmea bp rattOB of aoao peed- Horllp la Ibo papll, and ofton aa a men Mt of aoeiki ambllian. Onr more dcnociaDc wap of Urlag makoi their poalUon In aoiae wapa more ifieatbla hare than aittwhete, but alio Id tome wgpi harder; If thep are Im ibarplp dtrcrimlniled from tba famllp, tbap are alao Itai dlacrimlnatod ftom tho hoaiobold aerTaDta, and, on tha whole, thalr lUtui li at praaent rather aaotnaloai and llIultBaed.

{knew of agoTeraaai )a a Ntw York Ikmilp who Ilv^ abaolutetp aloaa in bar roomt, ogoapt for Iha looMp of tho chil­dren. Ska bad all her mailt lent lo her and niver eBtarad tba drawing-room un- Ifik called for. On tha other haad, aho waa no more allowod to go bolow b«i pool- tlon than to atap abava it, and her am- plopar onca rtproved her qnita aavanlp lor putting on a chUd'a ovatihooa, taping that thia waa Iha nurta'l bnitaaH and the ahoiild htta bean aammeoad to do It.

There b tometbiag almoat iahuman In ila outlron eliqueUa, hot It mart be re­

membered that ft bee iti uaaa Ilka all rigid cuitom. If it reprateta tba Ticllm it ileo defendt her aod eavea bar from that Joalooip on tba pul of cookiand ehim- benoaidt which li tba worat annopanoa of tho American nvernaM at tba prateol •taga of Ibo iMlliulioa.

It ii a corioua iket that Inataad of rlilng ftaadlip, Ilka tbe wagea of the kltobeu, tbe compenHiloii of tho A'nerlean mverocoa hea proboblp been redaced with­in U» Uit twentp or tblrlp peon.


I.DNIKIN faf^KNF.VIte.T h e iicue* l( u f kcv tca"—T h e ir H igh

npirtb eu-l Appearmee." ‘Arrp,’’ (aji (be •a (Jaicrf*. la a

triuil agaiuu tba gnudiog aHootanp oad almaat mlillarp di clpllat of Modcra it- daitilal life axaloit Ka taHaeam add ItBicncei. Ilia aldur baa baaa bfinad bp Iba aoclal coadllluM of Iba prmal dtp. Hiitp paan ago ba had at tiltlenea, aad bit fcatorea ara aol ta ba fiiaad ta aap af tba old aarluUarao and e«- taoaa. la llmat wbew boaiaaM eta au- ried on upoa a aaalt aeala, wbaa abopman Beta (kw tad tbair dathn mart malll- farimia, wbaa tba tbopktaper waa tba fricad aad aampaalaa aa well ei tba am- plopar af hia tbopaua, wbaa both Uvad ander tba aama roof aaid tbatad-ibe aame labia, ibcB a ’Arrp Maald hafo baaa aa inacbrentiaa. The palaot of tba Itedoa ibopberpar and tba loMlp badcaoM af tba ihaptokA ora tba aacnl of 'Arrp'aax- Utaaea.

Tbla riplaiatloa af Iba gbaeala of 'Arrp h proved to aaarlalo aklaal bp the fut that bo it al wap a a Loadooar. What tba riocodlla la t* tba Kilo 'Arrp ia to tba Tkamia. Eata bla balldapa ara apaat bp itibookiar ktllameotb. It aa faralgn fuaa u atadaTilla li ba lotradacad upon tba aiage. Tbia Ippa af cbaractar la on- kaaaa aaaa la aacb largt tewoa oa Bir- ailogbam aad Maachaatar.

Bit, It map bt raid, If it it tba maaalaap Dfaipaeiallard hajlQaaicaraai that laraa oar ibopmoB lata '-i|p|44 wbp ta it tbal artlraaa do not banomo 'Arriatl Thalr worblag llrro ara aCEa more aailbra, aad pal a bewa-Bdt warklafBMB la tight kaota, talklag ilaag, waarlag a "bat- tonkola," aad dliplaplag tba athar aataard apMptimii af Iba Arrp, la aihaaid af. To tbla okiaellaa two ouwara map ba giara, Worklogmaa mairp aulp, aod muiiaga ia an aoDdota to 'ArrpUm; Biomvir, Ibap boloag to » ImiaMaa raitr, with powottai bercdllarp tndltleaa, ralid bp alroag pobUe opfnhn bnaod largalp bp tbo mlaggap—a eoBaarTatlvt bodp Ibat iooki aakaan at aoeitl prataa- tlon, 'Arip, an Ihk othar haad, li oa tha froatlu of fkabioa, baa BUBiaroai builaaaa polola of oontaat with tba will to-do elaaaea, aad abaorba bla atvlliga- tioa from aboTO. la a word, '• raapoetabU- Itp" ti tba gall of Iba worklogmaa, "go" with 'Arrp. Tba hero ol meln.draaaa, wha paaaai tbringb lift wUb a deep ehaat-vaiaa tod high morrl iirlaalpita, attriaU Ibt one i Iba light and al rp a oaU uf tba muila ball—all Jawtirp and muailMha—aUrncta tba atbar,

'Arrp la rkthrr ooa aopect of a claw tbao a rite of ilarlf. "Nama omallxia boric 'Arrp eat," During working hoara ba Li iBvUlbla; not t in e a of him it apponot In itiacla or ahopo. It la tbla doabla l i b of 'Arrp that makea him lotmaat- lag. Tharo M aomalhlag alaaoat touch- lag la tbe contemplation of tho ^ag- gb that ka moat daiJp tadoro to koop la cheek lhaot high iplrita which bottled np for too boare, gveh brtb with aoeh in- pieuant ImpaCuoallp at anon aa ht baa llgbtlp atepp^ aver tha ibuttor of hb pibon and b la tha atraat. Tor tha aaaeaea of 'Arrp b high apirlta. It b tba ebaiirtarbtlc that dbUDgabbat him from otbert of bb loelol otoaa—tba pmiog man who goat la Eaatar Uall ar tha laMltola, If ht ba of a nligloua or litanrp tara, ud tho old joong man with raatp block coal, a wife tod quiet laatea.

HIgk apirllc, Ikag, m tka main alamanl ofA m pikadtoM iaiatkapdaf hadb- oppcari. Bo It b w H rm a o t with one oa the abtdp aldo of thirtp, A bald or^ ip - headtd 'Arrp baa navtc baaa atoo. Uarrtaga, Uko ago, (t fatal to him, Wbat help water aad priatar'a Ink are to tbo wltah, aad ooak-aiowlng is ibt ordlaarp doneatic gboat, thM b tha light of a waddlng-rlng lo ’Arrp. Olvan poaUi, baabalorboed, and high tplrili, Ihr- thar limited bp oarrow matoi and a pro- peorltp lo Imitate the ela« atwrablm, and wo bira dlagnoaad him. It nttit foither btramembered tbat'Arrpbu la aonload lo tho male tax. " 'Arrlet'' la bardip bla Mtaala ^natam rt. Htr cop anig- gla beard in BieSap of' or i tiw Hargtta atida, boati tome tatom.

NEHEWT in L l, lE H B T .

Ib,i<ie af (be Imcma PaaMaa la tmAlaa’Htla

Pr m Ibe PbliaAi i|Jita Hcuvil Aweag tka veep pnltlaal aad lowed

CtaclMaro Bct.aai'i m tiedith Heba bin- aria, with cloth airtnpa and a knot of Eag- lt<k rirpali fbaatof a pabr ihadt, kar- woaltiag wllk tba clatk. It mad ho a diftcallfbcetbawdo aat ault ; tba oalp fear b Ibat. baiog aa nrp botadai aad aatp lo iMilate, tkep map grow eomMon aooa.

Tor ladieo wheat B'atnrea iro boat ta- baaced bp a largor aattiag a rovlnl b br mluxc of tbo oaol acattla, ar poke, af ear graadmotbera. Made la aefl dlk bairar; bait! peaMBt Ibep ara aa aaaiBal at la ba oalp oultabb far carriage wear. A vatp odd but fticlnatlDg boaaot b oallod L'Em- pire, and tadeed might wtll hari baoe wora bp Faaline Uargbeta or JalatU Rcrimitr. II would ool lalt anpoio bait tail, prdtp wuanaB arltk a iltadar Igtra aad wcH-polird bewd, bat ta laah a araaraa b iNald ba ilngnlirlj altricUre, moda la rM tataftaphu. I^IoawvalTotenwB

la a high aarraw puff “ pako" titee Iha Ibirbcad, wbirb nr<-<b ta bare

.the baitarr»Mid la rather a thtak oarlad frlag*, tad Ikt folda arc ctagbt eloatip ta- gatbar btbind wUk a brga Mark moira baw, wbcwea tian Iha drloga af tba mm* rlblno. Black Telvcl It prrkipa the Mvor- Ita malafial thb witter for buuaeta, and then arc aoaia prrttp eapoUa made thare- of, ttlbfad bp gold aotre bowa and atrloff.

Tba nrp ptwaf of aa artlal b oCtaa tba being ebla la racoucUe appaiaatlp oalaga- abtie elamnti; and a aottbla aiampla af llib b aArdrd la OMMa aparlallp lavalp booneb la Vint, wbartla advnnlaga li bbcEuftba preaeat ragt brAirlooom- blaa K with Haeblla bm, abb tippet aad aiuTia Match. Tha griet lad aaalBaM and eemfbrt of Ikcoo llltio boDactc, and tbair laadrracaa of eolor, tha loft loaat of grip at brown fbr Mlogliag with tha ciaam tiata and dalbnla taxtura of Iba lace, moat ba aaaa to bo taallp rightip valuad.

Tbo hago hit htb, olbctlvo and ple- taiaaqao oi maap af them art, ore ahbllp worn bp Amorlaaai and foitlgnara; but a pretlp woman wbo Ilkai to took m thougb aba ware "aitlloi for bar pariralt" map hal Ibat connmmatlaB beat ittalaad bp doBoIng the largo felt hat af tha Baat- briodl order, with Ucbrlin tarood ap oa ana itde, lit auddlag aatricb plomai and brga bowa of wide moln rlbboa. Tha Boahogrr boa dbag. . an wai (a- evlbbla; br" x grwaa^ md hmioiaa emeodaM Taraloa Ihortof ii tha eld boat f h a p r , » u .u . . genatijaa af mildaM wbo feraroa Ibapni- rnt, and which abtuld again beooma a hvotHe. A prettp caampb of tbb faiUoa b of tad felt trimmed wl(b wblb ribbon, aad 1 moderate-alacd drooping coekada of wbllo eorki’ faathen. Bright u thb b, II b fBiloratlp " a ladp’a bat,” and aa an tha •earlat fetb trimmed with while doth ploktd t l the adgoc.

Clam felt bob of the Loob XT aad Di- netoira pariodi ara adoraad almplp with bowa of ribbon and aa arrow-tipped qaill featbar or jdgeon'a ninga. Bomatimaa roaaurt of plroa Talrat ora thalr oolp oraamraL




" H A S T E M A K E S W A S T E .

" What 11! Have you finished your washing 7 I had much lets than )ou, and you are through first. • What soap do you uie 7"

" I t isn't the soap. Use washing powder sod you will get through in half tbe time ; It does the arork for you."

" I know it will, but the clothes won’t Lwt half so long; we’ve tried it. We use Ivory Soip altogether; it deans more ea-sily and quickly than any other kind, and I find the clothes last as long again. My folks won’t lei me use wa.ihing jiowder."

“ Of course they won’t, neither will mine, but I use it anyhow, I don't care to save their clothes at the exjiense of my time and back."

IteBder* w h ic h d o pou WBlae m o st, pour iHundresB’a t im e and h a ck i o r yo u r c lo th e s ? I f th e tom iePf th en le t h e r u se WBAhtiig p o w d er.

M p s s r s . P R O C T K R f t ( lA M H l .K ,

flNUNNATl, OHIO.Dear Sirs: The sample of Ivory Soap received from yfu is an

'pmcfivin'^.aundry SbAp, of grrih'punty and rimre thstetfrCEBy*' ' sing poatr.


H ow B B o r

P A B R K ft.

Very respectfully }ours,Thr John <\ Gr^rti :k*bfioJ of Hf le iw ,

l-rljuvtao, N. J.. I th EAh, U».Ha II. CORNVVAU.p

Vuorrmon o r ( 'n e n m i r .

A WORD OF WaXRNING*T h e re v r* m in y w h ite lo a p e , e e e h r tp r e e e n te d to bo **Juet e« g o o d n tH e

I v o r y ' ; " th e y ARE N O T | b e t lih eo N c o u n te r fe i te p le e k tb « p e o i i l i a r a A d f in i i r f c - ab le q u e l lt la i o f th e g e n u in e . A»k f o r “ Iv o ry " S o ip and I n i l i t upofl g e t t in g I t

r«4iyri^ht iw t. by Fforter O Ouebte.

Ihe frowUi of tb li oltr lo ihe t omiDnMnoUi.'Tri.ieabciuiiBe.** he Mid, " h e re been built

here dorinc tbe piut yew. UlDiketpolli faulU 4,602 In the M ve pertoa. WbenyoulAlkoflbe irniwth of the potmUUoo Id 18fH, look et IlkD-seeinll*, which Id IBM had 100,000, eztdto-rUebt bw 106,000. iM m upon ynur lociU poiiiluti end eviJl yotinelf of the In te ieute lew.'*

Mayor ileyM t le p lM to the epeeker, end ef-- terwerd <1ty Couniel C«uU apoke on "The Kewerfc thiera oTTrede." He raede en excel* kbtDddrvM. Other epeekem were then celled vpQO, end et e lele hour Ihe leet l i n k e r c lg id

X ev. OtMdey W h ite iJMUUeda T h e Rev. B to o ley W h ite w ee form elly

tuU U cd «6 pwfav o f tbe UllM de Frecbftorten iT tnnli at O ie i ^ Valley laM n t |h t Tha Praia bytery c f Morris aod O iu g e mbi In the afteR im n la Weitoott't fy irne rtu tn lo which the ftw tjregntai Ii now b tid lM K trleei. The Beva fir. m ckek acted M tn ^ te to r . Tbe Rar, Mt, W hEopgaaolad h b laKar ftom tba Pimbp- terp cgjlow Tack, b wtalob ba « m o UacnUala,

- u t e t e M |a H i | | | b p tbo. f t t e y tc ip of H unb ana Oraoge. He w u (ban examliwd anil pre- p an d for Iha oMlnalion. Tba InWaUaUan Hr, rioafln Iba avanlng were largal; altandnl. Tba Ecv. nr. iliekok preaMad. The Hrinun w u praachad b j (ha Bav. In. JamaaU. ISjdluw, o f tbe Nunn Avenue Prabytartan (Saueeb, Ean Orange ; the aba ite to tba peopla by tlia Bav, Dr. H. M, Mona, of tbe KIrst PiuabyU'rlaa Churcb, Onnga, and the ctaarav to the pulur tqr tb a lta r . Dr. E nkineN . while, oTNuw York, father of the pastor. Articles of tncorpumllon or tba HUblde Fraebylarlan Cbureh, E o e i and Highland avanuaa, ware dlod and recorded In tba Couiily Clerk's oBoe IhU morning. Tbo Beard of Tnialoet ta oompoaed o l Jiisapb J, H anb, Tboodora T. Wood, Clarence D. Newull, WilUain W. Beaba, BItaba K. Allen, Ambnw M. HaUbowt and Edward Corning.

ABaaA o f JUl N ow nrk Prim tora,Tba Snn of William A. Baker A Oo., prlntaia.

MO Market atraat, ta better known amonc bad- — a man of tbla etty than any olbar priolcn.And why 1 BacauM they ara abreast with tbathBM) have"'------- ' '■ ■rtb»: layu .......rewsll of their w erkw m k

ive the mootaiodcnandbcftaqnlL.uo claim to originality, but tat Ibe

______ elr w erkw xak te lta a tr . (let tbairgiriOaoB your prinriM: sea tbair electric mutor, JIM tadt MWIMI Baa. TWopbaoe

A* Few Naggaatloiu From Farts About Fopnlar WlaUr Btylos.

FmmGallaiuuil'i Maiianiar.Dnam for dlonaraaioatffloat Innrlibly

ihort. Tbay at* either high at tha throat or cot open In V-abapo. Fean da aoia aathi, velvat and bioeadaa In tho rioh, odd patlerni whiob hovo oavar baaa abandonad by Fsrtalana, are loan In tbooa dreaara. Mahogany velvat and shrimp velvat, taro metallic tlnta of grsy and brown tod white are aoma of tba combloathnu for dinner draat. A love­ly dinner dreH for s yonag lady waa of embroidered meelie, rands np India pink tstin and eambluad irlth a soft amab sUk itrlpad In Indian coiota. A drea orpale blee atriilenna waa oarabinad with a •atin Is tbo aama lint uf blua, brocaded wilh tiny detaohod Agtyea In crimson velvat. Tbla dreaa wia embnUA- artd Id Hoorlab oqlom on Iha tqaara aollor collar, which edged tha nock of tha bodloe cnlont Ip V-ah^, and on other parU of the cortuma.

Tha collflira for foil dinner draat Is ar­ranged high on tha bead,qnHo far forward and qnite wide. Tha front hair may ba dresacd In a alight bang or with email curls on either sida tornieg from tba caul re, with a aingle trau between drawn liack to form a alight roll, 'rtiare U no striking change In tba manner of diamlng the bur thia eaaion. Young ladlaa loma- tlmci adopt the amall coll of braids naad lait season lu evaolng dreit.

Olovaa may ba In mousquetaire or batton atyle. Soede gloves are tbe flrat choice In tan, silver colon, lavender, pale gray and olbar tiota.

Black hosiery ta tha rule, aad tha lUfi^r matehaa tbe alocking,

Sratiaa eolnnd alipperi are wort with btonte aUk stockings. Then are Rntde Ian alipperi and atoeklnga of ibt goma color lenlch are worn with llgbl oos-tiMaca.

blinea to the 'Airy larf; and of n.glhtt Ifiho It dA llsaod suo -vggH In public ta akin to hta londnaei. Bat in her wlldeat momenta aha nov« drenmt that abe will ba taken for a lady; wblla 'Arry always has a conadonanaH that he may be anppoaed ta ba a teal geetlaman. Tbe neireat appreacb to blm, II Paack correetly raleoled the time, ta tbs aervtnl' gallem irf twenty yean ago.

npiAHITK MAIUtltS’ HllFrKatNOS.T b a Agony of Girls Ejaployod In a Fae-

lory for Kipteivva,lodtanapolta Hpacial to M. Louis Post-DUpalrb.

A reporter taking Inneb bore to-day In wbat tab Basra as tba Tempvnuioa Lsnch Boomt, waa alartlsd by groana pnoeadieg fkom tbt ladW waiHti|-room, toeompa- nledby an rxclamatlon, "lam potaoned I 1 am dying I”

" What ta tbe matter I Hew did It hap­pen t" cried some one.

“Dynamite.”The eiowd foil back ia dtamiy, while a

terrible palaaeae spread over the flue of the victim, and aba sank back apparently dead. Three or four other girle were all- ting on chain. One by one they com- pitined of falDtneH, then nanees tnd ahoctlng paint in tha head.

"My (led, they will all die right herot’’ exclaimed en attendant.

The eioitoment wu to great for a time that nothing oonld bo learned of how it had all happeoad nntU ana of tba glrta, who wu not 10 terribly alhcled la the othaii, triad to tell tha atory. She was ofoen interrapled by aptams of deathly tlckneaB, bnt went on i " The other dej^a man came in here aaylng he wanted girls lo work on dynamite. Six of tu went to hta bouie. There were olbar glrta at work when we got there who tald it waa Atay. Yon Jmt taka nitro-glycarloe and aonietblng else and work It up Into a pasta with tbe Sngert Into pellals. Tan pounds of tbaae pellata are pat Into a shall and tetled op- All 1 bad to do waa to mlk tba posf*' After a while t notioed theglil behind me growing pale, she began to real on bar chair and looked foint and disc y. Presently the turned to me ted laid: ‘ 1guess I'n sick,’ sbd Ihra tbefolBled. I felt a little queer myielf after we got her out, but kept on. Pretty aaon aomethlng aecnird to atab me in both lomploa aad tun tike sticski of llghlaiog above my eara and meet at the back of my head, when k ihirp, splitting sensation sras foil.I didn’t remember anything more for s while, bnt when I came to, tbe other glrta were around me and we got out daoia and walked ba^k to tho Innchroom. We thoeght we were over It and oonld wait on tbo tahlsB without aaylng anything about It. 1 b^tn work there, and while carrying a tray that terrible pein struck me again. I set tbe trey down end foil to the door. Tbe other girls are all sick, too." She fell btok on the bed. "Oh, let me go homo to die," abe eried,

Tbe glrta were Ml cared for u well as (wislble snd got oF ta their homeaas toon IS It wia safe to reuova them.

Tho work ta being carried on by a atn In Indltnapolta on a Ooverament con­tract. An experiraenl Is to be tried at one of the military ctalioni next week,>nd an nnnsnally large order bad come in that muat be Ailed Immediately. Tbia com­pelled blm to gat hands wbo were new to tbe wotk and knew nothing about the ra- lulta. Tba girli were bravo and atnek to tbair businesi until they faiuted at their pcita. One girl deacrlbes bar feeling ■ iitlle dUforently foam the others: " There ia a terrible sinklDg feeling, tbenaprlck- ing sensation in the dngcra that creeps np the arms- 1 thought my hands ware going to sleep. Hy eye* burned; ell at once that stab came in tha haad. 1 icrmed to sink out of space, and my hurt itopped with a jump; only tiod will know how terribly I suAbrod. I wish they could gat that atuA waahod ulf ray Angera. Itcrccpa up, up; can’t you see Itt I hays Villons. I cau sea that awfni uaste.crawl- Ing”

The poison lurks in tba blood for a longer or shorter period, aoeordiag to tba eonstltntlona of tbe viclimx Home of lhato glrta mkf ba alak for waoki, and tbe danger ta not by any meaiu past yet for any of thni.

D o sv rta r W aa Aavvd IVou fMna IHioi,

Pnim Ibo Trenton Fjnporium.W, l« t t Soyder, of Now Brnnswiek,

wai familiar with iha lata ox-Oovoroor Parker and lolatai many Interaating remi- ntaoeacet of tha days he weelba celebeeied " War Oovaraor ” of the Btala. l it to- letca with eonildeTebte detail, a rtmtrfc- able story of how the OoTernor need tbe life of Biebatd Adams. Tbo story has never bson folly relstod before, aad ta perhaps tbo best that is toM about the ei- Ooveraor.

During tho Bobollton, Ootonel Oor- nellni Adams, of tho littlnumlet of Tur­key, In Monmouth County, enlisted with hta Uiree aont, Coretllii^ Jr., Willlaa and Blehard. Tha ilrOed served with dta- tioctfon lb kexhta win All fans «■ IMcd In iba^lfteenth New Jersay Begl- earat. Blehard wia the youngest -Alherfo boy. % beeamo -^JtaailA xb •ae bar aad while tar winter quartets he dceerted aad came boms. Ua srta cob- sequently tireated u d sentesieed te ha ibot. lira nwtber did all she could lo have the boy spared to her old ago., Sha carried long petitions foom oDeatateedeb- rity lo ucthcr aod vainly hoped that the terrible sentence would not bo oarriod out. The lime wai drawing neat whoa ha m i to be rtddled. Oo tbo Tneoday proeodlng the htal Tbnnday, eba sooght the plain, true tod patrietlc Goveraot Parker, In tba eiecnlive chamber at Trenton, Be was al tbo time buy, bat not loo busy to hear the prayer of a eorTow-elrickaB mother. Bbe wu idmltted. aioklng heavily in the chair aside of tbe Oovernoc’s desk, eha said I “ Joel,” <aha had known blm when he wna n boy,) " my poor boy Diek ta In the Dry Toitugaa, u d naloM yoo ean^ra him ho wlU dia tho day after to-ewrrow, at II o'clock.”

Tbo Oovarnor'i ayea Ailed with teatt tnd she aonKanad, "Dlok ma a good boy and I am lo blunt. I wrote to blm and made him toneeomeand bcmeelek. I mnted to tee blm ao mech.” Ooveinor Puker told her that he waa powerlas te act. Tha woman would not take oo for ta anawar and renewed htr appeoL Tbe Qoverncr thought for a few aaconda Aan eroia and •aid, "Mtt. Adame, tbaie Is bnt one thing to be-dona; I must tea tha Prealdent tud make your appeal lo him, I do not prom- lie that I will be eneocasni], hnl I will try. Yon can only welt and hopa u d pray.”

nse Oovernor wont to Washin^n. He stood in Ilea from II A. M. until A P, M. Thau tho word camo that "The Fietldent was tired tad would too ao more people that diy,” .o" Take this In, quick 1” said tbe Qovern- or, thrusting bis card in tha nihet'a hand, •ddlng Ib the tame breath, ” it 1s a matter ef life and death.” Boon the volet of the Fmideat wu beard, " Why, Goveraor, bow ere you P’ The itary m s quietly told, " Hr. Pieaideal,'' said ho," there ta a boy from my county at the Dry Toilngu who, no lees yon reprieve hlib; will beeliot to-morrow for desertion.” lie con Id say DD more.

’’ Thai’s all right, Oovernor; I'll 1st up on the boy,”

Tbe Oovernor sriped tho pareplrstlan fioa hu brow.

"Sit down, Parker, I went to tell yon a llltio story.”

The Oovernor set down, but lomedUte- ly irooe tndjaid, "Attend lo tbit boy's cate before yon tell it.”

The telegram ma aant tnd a reply etnie tbit Dkk Adams was repriavsd. Hra. Adima received the good newt bright and early tho next raaralng. Tboro ore two of the Adams boys atill living and they to- v e r e t h r uamo and blest the.memory of Joel Pirhet. It vrai this tbal made Presi­dent Lincoln nnd Uovornor Parker such flat f i le n d a ______________ ’

A n Agg ra v a t in g l a te m ip t lo a .Prom tbe (htaago Nvwm

" W e g re a t ly dialifce to find fonU w ith any of the custams of our beaulUUl Ilitla ally," e a ^ a D ik o u adltCv, “ but wa mutt, nevartba- lest, luslit tba l people kvap Ibelr awlaaoul Him uniter (be cflla! of this papar. While engaged at our dcak wriilug our leader tai 'T ba Itta- Mhty of Our TcrrlloHal'InaUluHutas' for our Taper Ibis week, opeofBenalotH cllrlde'itaior- barktd hogs liumped up lie apluv end began scntcblag Ila back on ,tbe baaou under Ihe A(inr, Jarring the whole building and making It 'aeceraary for us to stop our work on tbe edi­torial, cnw l under ouroAlce, and well tbe ctli- tcr along tbe side with a column rnle. This in­terrupted our train of Duumbt, and Ibe editorial Is UM whal we could wtab."

A N e w B r o o m !Nothing so useful, and therefore so necessary, as a broom- And yet we give to every customer who buys a pound of Tea or Baking Powder an Excellent Broom— without checks — in our Special Present Department.

W e are still beating all the other dealers in the quality and price of butter, at 25c and 30c. per lb,, for which many are getting 35c. to 45c.

H a ^ you tried our 8 o’clock Breakfast Coffee yet. If not, why not ? You will be greatly pleased with it.

Every housekeeper should make it a point to visit our Special Present Department.



That we are still TeeelTing large con<lgiiiiieiitBof FINE BUTTES, and that onr prices are, as nsiial, Very Low.Our ftoek of Finest Orooeries has been replenish after an tumsnally heavy holiday bnslnees, and we Inrtte those who appredate Fine Goods at Bottom Priees to call and examine.

A . a r o n " W a r d & S o n ,B R O A I7 A N D C O U R T ST R E E T S.

AXR o tlc tt* ./■ A,<vy .-.wxiFSA.- V . j'j'-u'.FW*" ' |V»

h£V EN <7> CKVTK l&ACKa

Goods o nd llo o se h e ld V oralshe InKt C oattag F ro m 10 to 75 (o rO n lf 7 C «nU E a ch , fo r Oll6 Wo6k*Wo b&ve boeti poklnx Into Cfoos sitii Bb«lTM

iriiig theI

croM^ed o o to f ltu n j^ t, rinding oat why they

Aiid dfttwen duiitig the tew fUys lu our....... ‘ trt kn flmilnc tbe

,'brlitiDU te^frel bettmiual hiotk-Uklng, end we ere flntlli ibitg* which tbe gre« ....... *

biive teeu put on I My Rtteet tn d w ill be rotd k\ 1

per oent.

ere illl) ours, not you rs; OntUuf twit hl»w to ineke them youn, nnl uuis.

Hundreds of tbe trtic let ib<Mild h«Te gnoe with tbe holidey (hronx, end l»u at o then wookl niHheJiulM ecorpteblo gifts for e blrthdey. Theoe, with i n Immeiue q u u t t t r of ftuicr

eountor In Hef-, ....................... .. iven Cent* Beeh

fur this wt!ek only. Tbe moM exlmonUoAry btjgiJiui ere oflbivd nt this prioe. te rlheertf* cles la Unware eloiie hnve Mvenoed folly 2^

>Ve u o tolling yoti e u b wrek of the tha t lAu^ be fewer, end yuu will And

thliBeTt'nCeutHAlcoQ«f»ftht most profluhle n|iiiortunltlu*aribe ypur h) secure genuine bor- gains—iHit you m un coiiie early. You tnust nut be diaapiMdulcd If yon find many of ihe tinit thlagR adverllied eaeh day gone wlthlii suhour or Ihe ojwiilnff, for there laa throng ofiaKer buyen itM y lo cany the chglcoi away*

DuUdde of the TiluH offeriTd at th lf rldlea- toua price, you will gain by nulelly poking aiiout the big slAwe, for there fwil a depaninenl but has mtwi' or Iom speulal bargains lh a t you uughi lo have, and wntch have been marbed down a quarter, half, threc^uartert. You may nol see them mentioned in Ibe papers, but they will he found aooewbetu a l i ^ t the big ■tore.

We ploae at 4 o' cIocIl Raturdari excepted, , I'lephone 7 « wlU be pp>m|>U]r

Hahne Seven Cant fts'a. Broad,awl nnlon by UdejniliNl. Hahne .................UalBey, New atid WeM Park Bta.

A m erican Life inaunuireO om panyeB ftM ul a a d C o d ar B troala, N ow ark .

To JaiueaS. Murphy, b q . , Aaslftaat Baperlit' teiMleul ‘Hear S lr^ I hereby return you thanka for thr

pnoupt and u»expe<aetl M yment of olalins UfKA ibc death of my chlla. who had been but ta o wii'ka im ured with your ntoapany. i thiuik your agent, Mr. JT. h . W ebh, for hU C(7urt(v<y aud attenUoo. Your company Is a troefticiHl to tbe w ttk ln f people of Newark. ItcapcctfoUy yiMua,

CATHICltnrX OiDTHli 6fi Camden itieev Newark.

Homo GreiMk ItargnlB a a t H a lu ie 'a Sb GloTeaa 1fnal«ry« T a b le U n « a ii Tow ala. HC dowD Aneet real Kid flluviL embrolidered

barks aiu) colocvd bands, for W oentri a pair. Have been rwluced from

lOi dnaen ladlea* due AU-woc^ C a th a a n Uhivea, fancy embroidered, regular 49c. gooda, ■i the rtdkouKMis ptloe of 1& ceDw per pair.

^^kuncoftbeae are ailghtly damaged, but we have not the time to sun them, lO oflat the lot at a uniform pfioe. la r ty bayai* will vaeate the cbolc^

Kqitally great bargidm tn Turkish and lin e n Towels, T A le U nen i and Roilary, which the fconondral shookl aoi nverlook. Hahne A Ca'i JIaaar. _________

Oaad P tevaafo fo •wg*Bee Hive^-Boyt' Short fU rti fop.Bee Hlve-Boyif Btdta, U a ty lro -H a .Bee U lV B -'lk^ O m o ati-M .6 6 .Bm Boyi* B m r j Jetaer 8aka-4L4& Bee BlTe-Smoldiw Ja e k e p H ^ n .B«c l H r e - g q U ^ i | ^ g |^ H ^ a g ^Bee Htve--SUkBee lllTe->OeQl____n»"Tl7-719 Broad acneiBee lllT e-O en |]rtna i‘a B U pM A, --------- - iTTFlantdlCos

Wnudarfkl-Tbe handroine^j^j^ Viieai Pttc^

' H.'lUtiS^ai a Mvkai

fltovep Urwtkefm PrialapatClaim some mputathm for originality, good work and low prtoea • iH their oompeUlort and esktomers coneide uwL Olre tnam a trial' order whan you want nay prlaMhg dana. 1 (Asdarstierts Tnkp£antwh.*x”Adf,

ers, Derorated Insbea, Tropo^ and Baikeki which are giveu with one pound of Tea or Baking i^w dai at W. " flreet.

P I r ta ra a , Pletwrae*lioUday rreaeuta In great vartety at Cary A

Kenny's, Hroad Mieet, Picture Fram«e at the snorteat notice. Art matertala Cary A Kenny's 622 Broad itree t

Beym onr T h a lo h e r , M, Da, o f l la rm o n i N. seys Wiaiar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry n m a a (tmgh fay loosenlag and cleansing the liuigv and allarlim InfUtton, th in removing the caurc birtead w drying up the oou |^ and lear” Ing the cause behind.

M j pkyslolaJi anid 1 oonld n o t Uva, m yU vefoatof order, frequently votalted ffoim ka uucotw, akin yellow, imaU dry humors o« Ikoe, WomachLkKfTMuucotw, akin yellow,Womgeh wolw not ntatn food. Burdock BforaHttertouredma. Mri.AdelaldeO'Brieiiq Stn kxchange sUeetq Boflhfo. N. V.

fo r tkMS c u re o f H b^MoU•tUnw ao good f t . .... turn M the Impanred Blarttc Tram___ _don tdAi Of day. Attendant Sir larlles. Send ftireUcQ]an< Imprwrtd Basttc Tram Otk, KK Broadway, N. Ya *

STOCK TAKING.C a r p e t s a n d F u r n i t u r e

BARGAINS! BARGAINS!llttvlDR Jiikt cQ iupIrtcd UikiH x a cM u n t o f f to e k , I Had u vera i

ItiiM o t MootlD tbtat 1 d o n o t in te u d to k o e p , o ii^ wUt •o il tat Eoj' p r ice to d o t e th e m o u t.

C A U y K T H .so piatv* of Tupmlir t'erp'*. rdoovd per yxrtl rruqe 75e, lo 60c. to plM« of Hod.v Urusaala, rtdiired par jerd fren $I IIS to Oor.T.l pinr. of All Wwil Ingrain, rrdno^ from 7.10. per ;Drd te Slic. ilS iiiicee of J-l’lj , miocfsl prr jxrd ken It .20 lo BOc.

l^ A ltT .O U H IJ IT K .SS Parlor Holla ia Pluab, redmvd Irom I7S.00 lo ll-l 00.

I'm lor HuiU in DnicateUe, irfuler prtoe IIOO.UU, rednoad to |73 Of.

B K T ^ n O O ^ t H U r T H .2Ti Wnlnut lirdioeai Hnlte, mMUe top, 7 pieces, regulAr price fSO.OO, tednmf

lo MO.OO.35 Welnnt Hvdronm Hnita, rrfniar priee flOO.OO, radmsed lo fTS.Of.

Uood Axh or Cbtnj Uedroom Holt onlp 130.00.

K O T ^ n iisr a b k d b .13 Dlflricot Ptjlra el lose Prim.InaDnealD pnet verieljr. (lood Bed IxmDRe At |4-7S.Dralui, BookrtM Bed ftanvlArisa in frcAl VArietp, end At redneed prices, FrAltiFre, MAtlnaM*, ComlbrUdilaD nod Bed HpriDfi Al peAUj redDced pficM. lAife tiork of PArlor Btovci Aod KAiigM At wfolasAle pnm .


Good>|DellT(rH FREE OF CHARGE to u f pxrt of the 8tote.

AMOS H. VAN HORN,13 m B K E T S T., >E>H P U f E ST., IIEIIItRK. I . i

4 N e w Y e a r S c h e m e .d:'.■ , -

A lt« r th e F ir t t o f JanuA rx th e r e If a ltra y f s v r e « t e r j e m o n x m o ft d e a le r t t o th e e ttec t th a t p r lce f b a T o h ee u ntfnoutljr r e d u c ed . M uch o t th if i f niere-H hfni. O ur p r lce f d u r lD f th e w h o le f e u o n w e r e a s lo w m h o n es t b u s ia e s f w ou ld p e r iu it , a n d th e x f r e th e M m e n o w .C om e a n d se e u s w h en you w a n t F u r n itu r e o f anp r e lia b le k in d , an d w e ca n p lea se j o u .


F u r n i t u r e a n d C a r p e t s .Bedroom Suits from 120.00 upward.Parlor Suits from 130.00 to 1250.00.Tapestry Carpet, per yard, from 50c. to ILOO. Ingrain Carpet, per yard, from 25c. to 75c. Lounges from 13,99 to 150,00.

S T011£ from $ 5.00 to $ 50.00.’ O S irS E & L T P A T ItS lfT B . ■;XV..lAHSillF«f!tt,*’


thm ulrewlfttfon of lk« Krtwiuf R«wi to giwAttr ikftn tk« m m - Maud •aittMi ol nil tko Kogltok dirtly pftpoTf priAtod IB HwvuTke

T ho F o llow ing to m C om yleto L to t o f O a r H tork o f F ltu h ftooqaes, J » « k « t i tuid W ra p t , n il o f W kloh * ro M o rk o d hpec to l Prlcoo.

Fi.WB BACQUIM.82-lnch • One t t MO \ reduced from 150.

One at 925; reduced rnim fM. 84'lnch-ODe at I to ; reduced from |W .

One al I S ; reduced from |S5.36-lnch—One at MO; reduced fSrom ffO.3Mncb—One at KBl; rodacod from IVk ^ One at M O reduced from ISO.«>-i[Kb—One at 138; redneed from fB&.

Three al i n ; reduced from K&. i2-loch—T w o attU ; r ^ u c ^ f r ^ |M .

Two at 121 redneed from 92B.One al W ; reduced from B l.

44-iDCb—One at tiD ; redtioed fTOun lAQ.One at t K ; r e d a c t ftein IBl.

r t r iB jA («gik92 lncb-”Two at fto i reduced from9t4.r4.86 Inch—Three at 111; reduced from lid.

One at 116; reduced fTOcn 120. ‘One al US; reduced from llO .sa

38 inch—Two at M l; reduced from Ml.(h»e al f14, roduced from f18.One at 116; reduced from IfiO.One at ilA ; reduced from i l l ,

40 inqh-” > f ie a t t l l ; ndneed from MA.ODealMO; reduced from 114.10.One at 114; redaced from ItA One at ; reduced fo»m $A.

42 ineb-'One at 111: reduced from 111. miNi wiuJOs

M-inch’-Tw o al ISO; reduced from fkV 06-lach—Two at ^ ; red u c^ from ^

One at I I I ; redsoed from 132. O n a a tW i redDeddfrGiB|n.

8B‘lnch-’Oqe at fZI; redneed from I2A.One al ; redueod frnm |40.

4C4nch—One at M6; redneed team tn.(foe at 111: nduood from la i.

42'lnch-”ODe at 190: redueed fromDm at M7; leduood from u One at n«; reduced frm tn.Om a l l u t reduoid fro n Ml*

44sincb’’s>Two at M l: redurod from t i l , W. V. Hny<toFfrOo.,'»5,72T.7»Broadilroel.


J A M f l E I L E ’S

THE BESTWashing Compound

iVIR INVKNTED,B ab W a« IhteA nA l ftavte.

G r e a t R e d u c t i o n s—or—





I. N. D O TY & CO.l&9andl611iRKET8T.

i n M IN .W ALTH il



BAKOADn Of n w w L sr

T H B liA B G B S Z

F a n o 7 G o o d s H o u s en r T H B B T A T B .


S i E D E P M E I T I*

Always Fnl! of i


[ W T 'R A E a C O ’Tin m oA D ST.,

O e n e r O a te r f t n e t ,Nxwixx, N.

W e h a v e th e la r v e s t l in e o f th e E lg in N a tio iw l W atch Go.*s a n d W a lth a m W a tc h e s ta b e ia u n d in E e w a r k ; a lso , b e s t g ra d es o t th e Swla»> O a r e x . tenslT e tr a d e in A m ertean W atch es e n a b le s n s to k eep iD lly a b rea st o f th e tln ies , sa tb a t w h a tev er i s n e w a n d d e - slrsible w e isre a b le a t timiM to snpp lx n p o n th a m o st ia v o r- a h le term s.


H o n u ted tn th e la te s t a n d m M t desirab le s ty le s , w U l oom pare lavcrab ly w ith an y t o b e toun d tn N ew Y o rk C ity , W H ha v e also a g r e a t v a r ie ty o f U N ­M OUNTED ST O N E S, w h ich w e can m o u n t In a n y form or sty le tb a t m ay b e req u ired A T SH O RT N O T IC E . D e s ig n s and D ra w in g s ta r n ish e d . A O E N - E R A L A N D O O H P U B T B STO PK O F F I N B J B W B U B Y .

IW T -R A E & C O -' 'W TM SoaDse,

ttenew 'OeSAv S t ^ ' XlVABK. a . j


UdJm* Yrencb Kid XfoDdog Boou. mkde of (If flneto wid K>frMl zutertoL flexible mdtoa 6b mofl M light In weight a t k illNwr, M •4 .9 1 1 worth 16401

Lkcliee' KkDgmroQ tem Freoch Kid foxld to ltheiH Bodto und-w eltie meddnikfCNm UM. tow beeli. g t M c M t worth

Lfldlce’ Concoe Btxftlght Omt WelUng for rtreet weer, bmry aolm, oommon hM beeli, bat not clumiy, el SteU I worti

Ladlef* Bronw Kid Opera 81i| heels, bendmede, e ~

p*ra fflippen. FraB^

ai-noi wurih aiou.IcitleFptalnFrrafhK ldO trem H llpiieis.

ma<fe, high w low taeelt, At O I.** I »«•“ tl.9«.

U dlea ' Concoe KM fq re n Bllppare. F " ”!? keela, a l» low baeli, hAiufeawaa, ue- lined, t l SSe. | w o r th |l .» .

fient'i dm Tieneb Ctlfflcln 6k<wi, bu4tob lo d e tm tiin , hstid*s4w#d. Louddkwi U p^klK ptoiDv brosd toeiq t o « 4 .n i 4

OcdYs fliMrt FVeneh CkMPBlwtLMthW I W l torn or cctigixM, Upped '; WndtowmfordWKliiftktTM.Iil warlk: •6.00. ■

Gent’s flue Fretieh Wmlklnhknd wells, button, Isce sod oongf' snd imnow toss, tlptwd and pU1h,bi worth HkOO.

Gent'i F iien l Lrather Pump*, siso OxfotA bsnd-miMto, to tllelfr t wurth I

Men'i Rub1«r Boots.........Boyi'i Rubber BootSto..»...Youths' RuY^rBoeto...... .I jd ie i’ Rubber Boom. ....... ri*Mtitob' Rubber BooM...................... . .....»(••• bUCUld’i Rubber fiooto......................... .......


- l l. i’ll

L S .P L A U T & C O .W , 117 719 BBDiil M I

NEWABX, N. I, SarXaisreaiPeelu(aehaUT«iedPi«S'

tMLMPMOMM T4S. 1[; ■ ■ ■ - ■ -........ •■il' . u-. C leaM tM i.,S ilttrtA )aeia«fteA t

■' ' ; - }

n u m b e r 1,34G. N E W A R K , N . J „ T H U R S D A Y , . J A N U A R Y 1 2 , 1 8 8 8 . TRICE TWO CENTS.



N . a W h a W .r* IM uppalBUd u 4 Othar* , W h s W ar* r i a w d W ith lh a L afU -

U U .a C a iH u ltta a A M W tatnaata .Tka t a i a i U aU cattaa la U tah.

Hrartal h> tha tr iw ia a KawaT u N T U h , J a o , IS-—T h e CM iin

liam « h k b ton tha CUnloa M nat D aM n W liita a W a tH K lM lli a laod a u n y yaanhad lt> ei«laa on lha In ith Janay ■'at- >< eiDVdail with an*ry ■«•*«•■»» >•» •»»f-•M l dhtricto awl tha laiuta. rU e r aatoac tbam «M that p r im of onpwWollooe rooallM.. tha hw -nrieail (loble. of Ocean County. Tha nnrttirm em aly datoftUota e a rn m u m ib high (lea. Mailh Jenay w « n a il anauxfa whan B a r i and llu d a n eapinnd l«iH hli4a of all of the lAeaa In tha H<naa.l«l whan they hear-) tha IM of oumtalUM raart ihay want away awaariny eternal rrnyrancr agmlnat tha Mata of Bawi. Nutth J m a y eartalnly did (e t pcWty BMwIr aaarylhlni worth haeliig la tha way of ehairmaiMhhw and Hwax laeund tha e n u a of thear In Cruf%iaia lha prtuatpal oonnU laai a n Uia JuiUcUry. ih r lom nlttaaa on Kunielpal n in o n t lu n i. Rallniail. and (hnato, Oorpara- IHna, Herhlnn of lha Lawx. ami Banka and In- aomner.

whan Mr. mil ratlrad from tha ipaakenhlp eonhwl ha turned all of h u atiantloo to Mcnr- lig (ood plaeaa on tbMa oom nltteai h li Irpublloan ooHaaimea. tor. PK k neadad no halp ila w u able to take eara of btmadf. By dint of aoina tnm rnduu i kleklm and ih n a ti Itr. Uhl DMnatrd to y rt pM ly naarly en ry - th ln in ir w uitad Ihr the oihrr Kiaai mamban n i l o w n ita u d ln tln lh e ilouK w u H cn n the miaoent h r retliad Ihtm the epeakanhlp een- Ual.

Twa n iw cuxY r H i i u i i n n r .The rhaim an ih tp of tha Jndiclary Oommit-

lea makiw him tha nunilnal leader of tha llouaa. All of the Impnilani la iatkm Mila, n a a w u afllAliw U » oomtUnlion and tha eouria r> to tha J n d tr lw CooaoHtaa. The p a n i c - ' ‘*™«lar- tnlU a n a a a n e — «d tlton , andMr. Hill wlU b'ara a good nuny o f thra i to dafend ihia wintar. Ha la a ln on tha Oeoimlltw « MUItta and tha Jotnt Cunmluae oa Btato LItanry. Hr. Loaler ane- eeedrd In (eltliw on the Uxnmlitea on Munlol-

CnrpnrnUnaa. Aa ha la tho only ICm u member of that holy, h h p o d th n la a raipiin- albto one. AH of tha UUi w hkh tha U m n o o Cuunril of Newark will pnaent will ha ra to fo thniuyfa bia handa, and u tha chairman and the other tuamben a n not parilculaHy itrong men, he will duuM Ieu ho able to UU any Ineaaurc ha may take a dbllke to If ba ho eo In- rlln-d. All of tha billi allhctiny tha Aqueduet Jaeud will pn>lxd>ly be iHinridcnd In thlJ oom iulttre.^r. Luziar lia lK on the iinlmpuriaut Cow.mlltae i n Wayi and M nui, and be to at the head of the Houie portion of Che fuliit CoumilUe on Soldlun' Horae.

■a. raca 'g o H a ia a iM iir.The Couinlttea on rorpom tloni of which Mr.

reek to chalrotaa to the third In irapoitaooa In the Hotao. It l i eapeclally important th li y o u In view of the an tle ip a t^ f l ^ t on the water qneatlon, for all of the bllto rrlaUnii to tha t matter wtU probably go to It. Nr. Peek to alw uu the Joint Committee on Lonatie Aaylniea.

H r.C hrtitle toon only o m oaoiatliiee, but tha t i i the Oummittee on RaUmadi and Canali. Be hail a hard dghl to get there Ibr the avenge Btxilh Jeiaeyweu would rather be a membar of th a t rommltlee than to ba ipeaker. Matauraa, which 11 pajaad, would aJhicri miUlona of dot- Ian worth of tillm ad and oanal pcopany ad- Tenelyor laruraM yaie refeiredto It, and tu memhera need atlir backbonu to pnaerva their Integrity.

Hr. Harlatl got the cbalrmandilp of the Committee on Hanks and Inniranne whloh tranaacla a good deal of bustneai quietly. He la tlao on tha Commlitea on Labor and Induatrtea, which will not amoaol to ranch thto yawr, and the Joint I'ommlttee on Faraed Bills Hr. lUker, being a luwytr, w u plaoed co Uu Com- mltlao on Kevlilon of tha ia w a w han ba will bare loti of wockaud caneeoire little glory. The oommlttee. leea that Mill a n properly, drawn and lliat law i aye iw t p a a ^ whloh are like tboac already oa the aoifttto hoeki. 'H r.'' B lkerlaalauoatho Joint Cammlltaa on Tnat- uier's Aouwito. Ur. McGowan la tlm ply « tho Commlitea on EngroMed BUto. Mr. Duaan- berry to on ' the uulm poitanl Cmnmltlaa on

llifi Jylnl CUDIIlllltM OO .flfiirl^w'Uaow.

Mr, MeRctmit Is oo tbe td l cod of the Com' iBlUee cu Rerisloa of the L^wi Kod the Goal' mtRee on EdncAituti. Mr. Bchmeli is otilf *1 the tall eDd of ibe Joint B laklaf Fuad Cozkk mlUee.

SINSTDI k&miN'icDifjnTrssi.% i the Senate Mr, U artln 'i abUittei were

TCeuclaijed by President Larfe. He was placed a t the heed of the Conuolttee on M uokipal Corporatlotki, the second In Unpoftauee la the Senate, and the fln t la Importanoe for • mem­ber from a UrfQ dtjr. It b m il; once lo a score of yean that a Rcnatoc iBrrl&t hU Ant year Is ■i h l|h ly honored. Mr. Martin will ba abla to cs tfcka much Influonce Id Mrorctf or In oppo­sition to the falUi latroduced by the Conunon CoQJieU of Newarkv He Is ^bo on the Jo in t Coaunfttees on Staking Fund and the Deaf and Dumb Asylum.

Uolesn ■omoiblof vxtmonUniry happen tills winter the LcgUUture wtB be able to adjourn in ten weeka 'Hiat U b im industrious body to proved fay Its record for the fln t week. It li seldom that tbe committees are aimounced on the week (^o rfan im tira or tha t the m em ben stay later than Tuesday ntghtr The moat Im- poilant of the joint moctliifa Is out of the way, and with a bustler like Dtoklnson In the As­sembly chair there to nothlnc to prevent an early adjournment. ____________

teods Ms *'MkU J M s ’* ada; macrandpopBa

STATE MATTIBS IN CONORESaHUS latrM w eed by JerM y M epnaM ta-

Utm—rtoaipa M ComoUtteea, npardal to Ua I m i iw hiWL

WANHnitmmg Jan . l ‘A —Sanntor M«> pbemm psaaiatad ta the Meimta psiit4>wis ef rltlaetwof the Flnt. Aamnd. Third, roorth ami t t i tb (fhma('wnly) Utotricta, jwtyiaf Av Um pM afeofaU niorthaprohlN tioo ef the man- olbctare and sate of iotoileatinf lliiuon In the IHsirlct of UolanUa. Ha atoe IntmtlatMsd a bill fer lha relief of Petti, NtohotoAiio., which wm refrmdlotiW('«iDndUeeoannant>». Ktn. faw mod*ett Intftiduoad a Mil iriatlnc a peiMloa to Frtar Jamsa, a New Jenay vMsrau, ami sub- mlUed papers In support of the meaniN. Beu- alur MePhersoa's UU far lha relief t»f Army and Navy purebaaeis nf fJovemiaenl laadi In Aouth tWrdlna, and of purchasem of Uorerw- mani kiis In the ahawhisied ^iiy ef INjrt Royal, na ift. Urlraia iMad, U now bafare tha St'aato, •1x1 a fooelustoQ h dal) y ripaitad.

In ih tliooaa ibfucressman Bm^haoan latrcx duc«d tha fnliowlDf saeasurr, whloh wasre^ farred to tha IVwvmlttaa on KipanRtana In the I^i«rttDonl of Jurtiee:

WHRMtiA Tim afiprurpriaiUMi fl« oaitylna on Uia VnltadRtaleaumrts In the klutiiet uf New Jeisay la at the eiwl of sis mmiths *if tha cunrut year cntiAdy ashausied; ihaferore

liriiitAl. Th^ibalKipartiMutof JusUc^ be, and herrhy la required to rspwt fanhwlih to this IJ41USV the reaaon far suea sxhauitk^, and the dates and ankounU of tb** paymants frixn laid aMwuprlatifN], and whether or not said vp- pruprCiulou wastuflkdftilflir nnipfrly cairytng uD aald eourU flw tha wbola of tha eurrentyear.

Mr. Buchanan also Iniroduoad a WU eiHX fattinfjurladirtkKi upoD thet'ourtef GLalmsto

,liiv«aticaU private amt AmiiMtic datnu and de- (mauds other than war elalna, afiin it the United mates. This meamrs, if peamd, wUl rslta rt the riaimi tfammlttee of tha llooaaof tbethouRauds of private clalma of srsry deal aaddoacrlieton wbh'hars Iniroduoad at each •aathmof ('ouyrvm. over 2,000 of these cUlma have alieady been ri-frrrcd tu the committee slnee the holiday recess, and prubably tOO or

will be added to that number on ibe next bin day.

B e u i^ BlodffeU oalisd on Fresldeat (Tate- land ybstonlay afrerooon Just altar taavirut tha Hwnatt! chamber, and the two Jeaeymsn dto- earned mattari aud IblUfS fur at least half an hour. Htoauihurliativeiy staladJA Utia ooo- tM wiWi that tisc'^tenaur 4kl» ^ the iutdect of Oovemsaant p^Uons durlag the •Dtira Interview. lUi fHends say ha has no ixsofthatsorttoyrind.

It was announced la the Senan late yeMeV' day aflemuoo that the nmainatton of John F. Kelly to be Foatmaster of Jersey (Ity, bed been rouffatned at Tuesday's executive soaitoDe

Aot^if the JemeymenwbowltneiMd Isflsta- tive prcceedlnfs attbenpito l the Niwe oorr^ spondenl ttoticed i 3. M. Carpenter, of New BrunawtokiJ. Iiorltlaid and wUb, ufJeisey n iy , and Emu Hanmann. of Caoideit.

CocstTeenoan Phelps has been aatipied to two of the moat Impurtanl sub-oamauttees of tbe Hoqm Committee on Poreton Aflkirs. To­day, in iximimny with the other members of that body, he will cal! iqNiu Boeretary of Htale Hayard, ainl bold an lafannal confereoea c uk- cenitnir the exlsUnff nUtioos, etc., of the I'Dlted btates with farulfn powers.

(Vjngiwsman McAdoo will be allowed a clerk to his coioniittw (00 (he militia) at U,4Xi per annum. As yet be has mA tclected tho pro­spective appuintee.


Second Edition,OVER AN M B A N iS e NT"

A M ate A ssorta tlon F onned»C a11 fu r a HeetlEiy to Klaet CHBeera*

Bpeelal to the K m iao Niwa,WABHiNuTOHf Jo n . 12. * A fter toMijr

vexatloaadelayn, the long talked of New Jersey Democratic State Amoclatlon has a t last beea oriaiklsed. John Hogan, Camden, to lempcss ary ch a in n an ; John Ashhuiit, of Jenay City, tetnpb**>T •ecretary, and O^Aaln Dimke(brolher of QeneiaJ Drake, of EUaabeth), chairman o t the oommlttee on permanent orfmilsatioo.

drewlars have bcea lamed ealUof the next meeting far the eleetkn of permaneat oflloin Ob Tuesday evenliic next at tbe hall of the Virginia and Maryliitd Demoevatie Asaoda- tlooa, 00 EHevesth strert. There were twenty Jereey officials a t the And meeting. On Tuae- day lllsexpeo ted tiia tihe iiiesibeiahip will be increased to ftfly. Tbe Demoeratte flenatova and Av^fhaentativee from Keif Jbh ly thvFplom toed' to be present, eiso AsMtiant AttonwyOea-essltioobfatLotS*'"’ o C ^ eRevenoe Nariae,'and dS-lCtyOr c s ^ lE ia K S ; JohnO N elll, ofllobokea, Chief n . 8. b g r a v e r ; ()Uaf DicklDaoD, of tbe redampUoD dlvtolob Treaeury Department, and etbets. Tba aasDCla- tkiD wUI penoaneDtly locate la the above hall, wbmn visiting Jemeyntan wUl always find an

houee/*_______ ______ _



CoB dltlon o f O rw aiaatlana o i KwIg^Sa wf L a b o r T h ro u g h th e M ate . *

T r e n t o n J a m I S .^ T h e a n a iin l iw* porto f the Labor Bureau^ which la to be sub­mitted to the Legtolalure shortly, crnttaloi an intcrmtlDg chapter on the subt|ect of <«ffanijed labor. T hew rttersays: "A few years tliie.3 there wsa lltilo of what to (»Ued organUed tabor inH ew Jm sey. Evan trades uoloni flourished to bat a limited extent. But tbe lucrsaaed Im- portanoe which tbe American tabor movement has assumed has also been Jblt here. Dur­ing UW this was etpsolally noticeable, and many local amambUes of the Knights of^Labor RMedatlon started up everywhere, ttwee then ine tftertost has ounsklertdily alMkenedi but has by no m aaiu died out. Tbe K n lg ^ of lab o r ace not so strong numerioally aa they Were a short time ago, but still make a very fhlr showing. There were In etlftenoe daring tha year 346 local amemblles, with a total mem- bexiblp of somewhat over 4^000,

The suhmI M trades unions, most of which are branobes of national or tDlenkatloQal mmO' datkm s, numbered 161, with a m em benhip of over 17,00(1. This makes a total o f 8N labor organtoatiooSg with a membenhip of nearly 80,000. Aboat one-half belong to b i e r , Had- son, Paasalo and Union Counties. FtAy-two par oenU of tboM urgantaed workmen, Knights Labor and trades uidunliti are Amertean born. This proportion varies la dUfarrnt parts theState, b ^ o f highest la South Jersey and lowest In Eme» County.__________________


Two Seboo&ars Ttooaght to he W roekad W ith T h e ir Oiwwf.

Gl o d c is t r i, Mm ., J m l 13.^ T b o•chooner WUttam Paisom, wbkih mHad fcf tha Cktogee Banka Novtember 33, with twelve man, and tbe achooner Peter D. BmUh, which aaUad Hovambar 14 with a vew of twalva, have been given up ilor kwL It utbonght that they w «a wyeokad In the heavy ^ties that twepi B au taaam tth ago. The PasoM wm owned h f WUilamPanosie3adA€b.,iBdwaB Inmred ftwIMOh. th e fastth waa tmurad far 12,600. Tka ofewa of the vaasb ware'ea fallows;

Cfaarlat Story, eoakg-akMteaatav ;Pat«r White,Mtaow Blver, N. i.; Mkhael Hurley, New- flniBdtand: Franoto XFJMmt, KeWfcQ&dlmsd: Jacob mUar, Kora Seotta C. P.. cnsifaldt, ChaHas Swinsoo, Wllhaa wiUtaa-dar. John Uopkliia, 8u o ; John Ittid, ahifle, Nova Beotia; William Barr, mas ter i Daniel Moray, cook. Cape Btetoa. Mnjrdiek HcNrt), Uargarae; John Goiter, Fayal; Archie McAulay and Huid> Scott, Gape Breton; ^ewtoo Meigs, Grand Menan; Benja­min Hansem, Benjamin WUsdlirrtweph Bowers, Hairy Young, Nova Scotia, and Benjamin HaW' dencm, Norway.

Maoy of tile men had Camlilea, and Bve widows and niaaleea cbfldien are lefL

H ow A n K aeaped C envlet F e te s aa a M an A bon t Tow n.

K a n s a s C it y , J a n . 12.— L e a l H m ra - day night ICmry lua of a promlimxU phyM- d a n of Bt. Joseph, Mo., who bad been sontenoed to a Ufa term In the Nebraska Penitentiary far klUing a man on b li mneb, escaped from tbe prison and aU trace of him was b rt. Yestavday it was learned that became straight to thiscUy and Friday vaA Batuntay made himself oonspto- uons. Ha was dressed In the height of style, bad large fum i of money and made no effart to conceal himself.

He peased aa a young gentleman of meaoa freen Bestoa, visited Judge Wotthen, went on ’Change and took flyers in wheat and pork, ca llfd on SbejrlflT Uggette and said Iw would poealbly have ocomIob to call on him again, lived at one of tbe best hotels hare and acted In other ways aa anything but u i esoi^Md eonvlct Saturday evenli^ be left hto hotel and disap­peared. Detectives are oow looking for him.


T arrlb la Aecidant to a BatrotheA C o ^ tia W klla O nt Drtvlag.

G r u x s b v b g , P a , J a n . 1 2 .^ A a Frank Malllii, o fM t Ptemant, and Mtoi Bertha ‘fshnlesr. of this ptaoe, were driving aaroas (he Bottthweat Penoiylraiila Railroad, near Young- wood, yeelerday, tbe buggy waa stnick by an sxpraiis train. Mutiinwaa i«m d back of (be train with his bead upon tbe track, arm broken and blood flowing f r ^ all parto of bis body. Mtoi Zahalecr was frightfully taoerated, her ear tom off and her face scarcely recognisable. Both are imoonscious, and tbe physicians lay It to imposMblft for the young tady to noorer, though Mr. HttlUn may.

Tbe farmer la tha daughter of a wealthy lum ber dealer of this [tace. Her brother F e u k Is now a atudeal in the dental department of tbe Iln lveia i^ of Penoqrlvania. Mr. UuUio to a a o n o fw , D. MulUn, alarge ookaopemler,

M t F leam ot The young people wetor eA gaged to be married,



P U Ieea P aaeeagarF W o n d e rfu l E eeape F rv to D aa th ta a CesMik W h ich Be-

eon tee iM a e b a d F ro m th e T ra la , T a k M F ire and F a lU Ig g F eeL

P a n FRAN(imv), J a n . I t — T h e J /r t A ngrlearxpfN i Warn ort the Houihern Paclfl't m et wiih a faarfal aeeid«-nt near (toltanie Tues­day n igh t The lest r v of tbe tm in, an eraf- graiit car, broks ems of hs wheels and waa de­tached from the train and went mIHagduwn an rmbatikm rnl Ally or sixty faet. The car took lira and was soon reducnl to sabea The tralu had gone two mlias befare tho accident wnsdlsruvnrad. Tbe Innaiballve aitd euaches Jmnx'iliataiy went to tka aoene. itoTeialeml- gtaiiU were picked up arrluuaty iidured. AmiHog the pSMeitsrn who arrived In the city by the Koulheni Pai'iflc yeelerday was Mr. Mln- Ue, who waa Arst todtoeuvur the aeelilent tm tbe Tvhacbl}ti Rreds Fumday evening. Id spceklitf uf the maUi r today be isdd :

a VASiRNuaR'a VTuaV.” 1 bad Just eecaped with my Ufa from an ac-

<kWnt on the Banta road, a ^ was cm ibe alert for any fresh dluaier. I w S half asleep In the serond ear near the m d uf (he train , when suddenly the bellrope snapped and hit me In the faee. 1 jumped to tbe door In the rear tume dlstanoe. I saw a red UghLmuch like a signal, and T knew tiist the n iugm nt sleeplnc oar was detached frnm tbe trala. We had Just swung around the c u m . I started to ths of tbe train to give warning. Meetiag a brake- man In llte next car I asked him if he knew the last car was detached, and tnU blm hiiW tito Wllrope b it me ta tiM Ihee. Tha discovery caused soma sxrilciasnV as it was thought the w lk lear would ouene nwblng down tbe track after the train, and, dashing Into it cause a wrack, but tbe traiaiasn assug^ us the brake-

*--«*'w.e'(iuidae( th e brakes aud gel ih« floatk under rontroL

T U Gsa riir n i t . '" It was now about 10 o'ckw k.arid we wera

th ise miles from ibo place w berl the break (to curred. Tbe train was itopisrd at a nnaU sta- tiuti, and. and, as tbe conductor and engtaoer w e » afraid ibe car w u still under Uttle head­way, it w u dedded to take tbe engine and go back. Defara we ruacbed the o u we saw a bsigbt flame. The care was on (Ira. On the track saoto distaace from the burning wreck stood ibe brakeman ilgnalllng ua w ttha lao - tcm . At that point tbe em bankment w w about UOfatt high, and when the oar broke loose U rolled over this. 'There wern fifteen paseonmn In tbe coach, but eo far es ronld be loArTHd all eecaprtl with their U>'ea, though u v era l wore M itoiuly tajured.

rtttaoea wso w m ninrain.George Harris, tbe brakeman, w u Ifdured

loUnmlly. The colored man u u l hU wtfa and three children were In tbe coach when It rolled over, tbe husband sustaltilng a fTaotofe of tbe shoulder blade and bis wife ww cut about tbe head ami b n a a t Just bow the aed- dent occurred uone could stato. I l r t ftooi truck of tbe coach w u left on the track, mie wheel w u broken, and tbe opinion among the trainmen wav (hat on rom»dlng the curve the bfnkou wheel q>1krd the truck and tbe car tilled cosnpltitely over. Ih o je who had the toito down the bill s lid that the ooacb tam ed over u many as four times. Its further flight WM Stopped by a fanoe a t the foot of the am* baukmeut. The car burned up and th s pjesen gers were taken along 00 tbe engtae and thetr wounds were attetnled to by three phystclio t, wta) happened to be on tbe tra in ,'’

BEV. I . BANDERS REED WEDDEDT h e C ereB w ay W Itaeaaad h y M u iy P r o a *

la e n t Feogle»P h il a d e l p h ia , J a n . 12.— I t w aa d if-

flcuU. to gel near Bt. Markls (Thurch. abou t 7 o’clock tail evening, so was the tdoqkade o f oatriaget and lucb llto crowd aieembled Obtilde. Wtthln s re ry iea t w u ooct^iedaad the alslea were fall, though special cards were required to gain adatisaton, Tbe bride of the evening w u MUs Anua Louiee Bverly, daugh­ter of Adam Fverly, wboet wide acqualotanoe and popularity resulied ta a great and brllUaat gathering, which tadoded sevenJ hundred of tbe most promtaent people ta th e eity. Tbe Aergyman sbe married, Rev. John Bandan Reed, rector of tbe Trtalty Proteatant Eptooopal C liu r^ , Newark, N, J., to bitoUectual and min- totertal looking, and they made a itrlklng ooDple a t the altar, be ta bia d v k , long (tuck coat, buttoned b l ^ to tiw neek. and she ta bridal white, a long satin train, real Ulam overdress and oocaage and more white Uiaoa ta her vril and hand.

All the Iwldeamalda also wore white Utaos, tbe bride'i favorite flower. They were Hiss JBdith Uataee, of New York; Hiss Mary Brooks, of New York, and-Mtos Lena Dawson and Mtoi Rebecca Soott, of Fblladelphja. Mim Mary Rverly, the Iwide's (deter, w u maid of honor. They wM^^^all ta white, The uhers wen Harry Mortimer Peters, of Newark, N. How­ard Conkllng. Of New York; WUUam W. FlUer, Sdwaid Milu and David HUm . of Philadel­phia; Floyd B. PaUereon, of New York, and diaries Gnunmon. of Newark.

Tbe ceremony w u performed by Rev, Dean R)gene A. Hoffman, of New York, amlaied by Rev. Dr. NlOholioQ mid Bev. Henry M «ton Heed. I b e wedding w u a very beautiful one, aiidUw greeter portion of tbe middle aisle w u filled wtth people ta eventag d rea .

After tbe oeranumy a raoeption w u given a t the resideoce of ttie bride’s parenu, lffi.4 De lAOoey place.


A F a r t t iw l i a a lo jo re d In n B ond M anx H o n rs, an d ta M enrtx F ro san ,

Speoial Dispatch to the Naws.Ca k d c n , J a n . 12.—C harlea A ndetoon ,

living a t the Masoq farm, five mltaf from Bad- doalleld, fall from a load of wood ta a hmely roadsevetal miles from his bone yesterday tn d n ita t about 10 o'cloek. Tbe loaded wagon p isiad over hto body and lalored h im ‘'•0 b a ^ tha t h e could not move from hto petition,

f ie endeavond to drive bis team home Iqr tiiou ttaf at tbe bonea, ta hopw that the a s tv a l o l the team woold ta d ta a search fat h lu t b n l ta this he failed, and he lay natil la te ta the afternoon In the looslr mad, wbsta he waa Bubaeqaently ftrnnd almoti fruseii to deallL l ie to erltxally ill tbJs nornliMr-

QWmttoriM eiatof (Mrarating sakmMi.A'rtsr Am tile forpsti rireuteftoa 4a ffiwer*.



FarUi Trem ora F e lt a t Charieeton*Chablbhton , & C., J k i . 12. —There

an earthquake shock at Sommervllla at Hotbbmomtag. Tbit disturbance w u also ^^tieed by some peraons bora, though It w u to ^ b t u not to be fait by the majority of peo- tfa- 71tonwBsnodainagoaTwlDoalAri&.

AAserttarpour^ totwta”

* Vuwa T h n O M M l W ith D n tra i t t la i i .Oo*MA, WU,, J to . 12.—A Are broke

y .* * U M thb MOKittM which th n tU n i to rW fbew ho levU U t* . A ll A, | t , th . JU ^ w U ro y c d w ren l bnOdlop eod wm lUU

_ ^ * * * * A M , nyiJcttlm U ter.

B ehw A edh i the C an .P atkbsov , J u . 19~ E n ^ e e r P iiiie ,

ef tbeM etn ttk lM o , wm decepltueri U the weit end oF the ttuuwl tU . motnlDf wUle looklBf ant oF hie cthh;, hi. b a d eea lac In eonUei with • d |u i l foU whloh bed hw a moved merer tbe treek. S nfljim Fetne, who w u muried. reaided Ip Rolbarfctd, end w u OM of the oldeot entbieen on tbe ned . The trein w u beekid to J e n ir Clt;r i f the finaten, wtth the deed hodj oF Palm in the ceh. Thli

killed n r a u aemeaSeOitd biM on'

H e W m D e te m lH d to W e.Cahdcm , Jen . 19. - E d w a n l H aM er, •

wen known caterer, et W) Welnut ttnekeuthle th tm t wtth * m n r leet nliht, reveriw th* wtndpl,». Be died thli mornlnt. M eaej w u <tat*ctcd by a friend ta tho act of cutting h it thnekendonhliM m nTiendaevodnf to pre­vent b ln lycm m ini the neor e tenlM sitnunle enmed, bat M u u r ra iiu ,ed to drew the re n t e e n u hh IhreethelbrebeeaiildbeoTsipowend. Biwlnu. tionUre i n auppoud to have nn- Mtlled Us mind.

A Freigh t T taln Jmmp* Iho TvnetaP o io h k e c p s ik , Jen . 12.—Ten o n o f

e m ight train wen threwn /torn the track ol Ihe liudeon Klvcr ned, nnUi of Rhlnebuk, thh Btocnlng b , Ihe hneU nf oFeneils, AU the uorelnc M u gohrg north and aoudi at* detained, Uio Irack being bMliJ otelnicted. I t Mcxpeciinl that the iw d will be c in r b r iKun.

Dr. HrCosh'i SoceeHor.P « l N t * i o i t J a n . 11. —A ltba ttjth H

w u eipacM t u t toine dedntta aettm Weild be teknrnpwi Dr. MeU«h'ared(w(hm of tha oOm of pnetdeat of Priocetoo Oottefc a t the nwellbdaftlieoobiniltteejfoitenjajltle reiiably wMidvietDOthlWwuaocoapUihed. AnoUter tnoetlngwlll he haW haUv leaf,

niAMONiM w r r u u v T iMaNKT.

A rrr t i of W «ll*kM w a WssH w w B rtah Chorofa.

W illian i H ow ell Paj-he, a w e ll-kaow n laradeBi cf Brtck rhureh. w hen he oecnpiu anelranol h o u u a t II 1‘iwaeel ran.*, w u a n u ladM hh hotM tu t nicht h . DvtMttve e i ig u e l . Hc!i*u(bliia t » l nb-riilen. of New York, eo e tench w utiD t trened b r R eceder Hiajtta. Th. c e o iM n u u u a tn r t hlai ere H em Brea hOo.,of 30 Hetden lene , and Krtlar A n w , ef «3 Maiden IhM . H r t-a rn e laan iem h ern flb . iew eltj a™ of Pajrae. H » h * tJo, of tH B red- wig, which I i lM lo tbe le lH t pert of laB ■ninth. It h rh e r |.d ih u a Itm . le f t h e lm Uh iUlure. koowtuf the eaedltton at hh d m u d taertng no tnlentton of paving h e tlwni. ha act HOO worth of Fhioi deem Mne. A <>>., end Mae worth Cnm Keller * Prev, agon wbM h known In the made u a nu-niareaduiB

3m.T hsltaliillilran ru r. Psyns's firm srv 1140,-

DOO, stui Pint’s (be failure btSli Psyuv snd Msok bsd bran vsrv irsm ) sbou( 177 Uruidwsy' As so u n u th sfa llu fs w u suntmiMWt tb s tUMrtf wnh ptumslim i4 iHs preiuUss ta tb s Ittiiratis of Ibe rratllttin, sud Dv|m(y Ahsriff L sv« r| w u l<ul ta ehsnrs. Ths firm obtalired lu g s la* Tukvi of ^sm otsls oft msmuratMlnm, nisd it w u rxpsrtfd (bsi (be jeua-lR wuuki be IlMind tn (hr alM , Wh«n ihe ssfaa wVre opsnsd by ths iwputylibsiifTcN] IwrrTnbsrSt, Asrignss flmitb • fautMl nn (lIsmtMids there

Ths Ann h id cuufssRsiil jmlgnKmt In fU nM in favor of rsUUves snd friRunW, muA km- tifu ra fanlth Hytughl tb i t lb s ssw ti would rs iliss abniu fS0,<W, wblvb might bo Inereu td by llOaiRifl in rvRto to bo ratiuiisd to th u s on memarsiMluja. Whsl fasnuns i l l tb to tb o r goods, p r ln d i^ ly dUunMVto, no uns know.

Aftsr ths frtihirs s tlie b a su ls w srs u rvsd tbssMlgnos by eradJtora, who doeUred Ui*t ths prsfanness wers friiiditlMii. Plaslly ths Sheriff sdvsrttofri ths mOs of (hs u s r ts to u k o pises no Hicufdsy Un, sod th s sslssronm on th i i dsy w u psdtod w ith birgsln bunisn . Jurt u tbs Mis w V ibiml to bugln ritiB w nts of reidsvtu wsrs lerTSfl by tho Corghor on (be sheriff. Oar w u ta favor of H. M uhpi Bans far •7M i n i snotbsr In favor of Hinuock A HhsrriU fargsil. botids this, Judge Dugrob«dgrsntod sn ItiluncUun rratralnli^ ths firm from rsu lv - tag tiw proossda of th s sils . Ths injonstion w u greuisd on ippUeiUlon of tiw lUluols T\teh'4uh. y, I w s r d UsrchfiMl. B gnuad PiTls snd sersml mher credHoni Bo ths Mis w u IndsAnHclf pitiputied.

P sy n ttoon ly tw en tr-uv tinye in of sgsstod b u s w l f a sud two liSiuUfal chiidrso. Tbsy h a w brtD Hvftig In fliM stylo. H s w u s o u - pcUed to stay ta prtoun sU Ust night. Towsnl miitalgbt hto rntwhir sad bis brother esUed tA Hswdqaincn suU w u greitisd su taterrtaw with blm. _________

j< h sm w y esr’*frnfiu.'* m tm m d p o tm

A D o lsg stto n from Bioitth Jsrsw y Endow -s o i t a f to Bsmovw tk o H on .

Bpscisl to tits STrauro News.W a sh ingto n , J an . 12.—There is

another South Jsrtey delegation here, eompris- tag sight stalwart Dsmocrati from th a t section, beaded by Deputy United Hatos U anhal John McGonalck aod Cbartos J. Welsh, of Camdsu, and every man of them is armed with a sharp icwipliig knlfa and an squwKy sharp toma­hawk. Hies6 Jsreeymen want official scalps, and it Is far tlud purpose (bat they are on tbe warpath.

After a diligent tavsetigatioo tb s N tw s oor- tMpOOdent learned tbe object o t th s lr to W i^tag ton . They cams here to detflkttfftbe dtomtoial from tbs public service of tire nuouv- oasratalnsd appolDtsoiofsx-SoitatiiwBowslL

"Bo flu," Mid one of ths South Jeneynuo , " ws have only been able to have one of BswoH'i msn bounoed. There are still to our know lsdgoslxtr odd others who are lUU fasd- Ing In the publlo erib. Ws s ru u these m en » - moved. They ara pvtiaans of th s rankest ktadfsuvdsubserrisnt tools o f big boss BsweU; otherwise they would never have been appoint­ed,Why nearly all ftftbe most Importaiit rsdsnkt dfloee ta tbe loqtbeni port of Now Jsssey a n •UU filled by Sewell^s bsnebmen. t t eertalnly la a m y iteb bow thsee men are retained. T h e n to s smew loose aomswbste, and we are fu tag to loMta H If powtible. The PrsifalenUal tieotion Is approacblng. and It w ill newer do floe Ihs AdBLbUstratlon to ftosCsv tha t bfood of v ip m ta ths south and o fadoab tfril Btata."

Ths dsisgatfan to M uting around m mad u a pack of honsta, and tbsy declare tha t before they Isavs Waihiogloo th e Pamooiwtie rqure- BeutativufrO Bths Biata and UwAdmlntotra- tionw m bsfaU yaeqostatod w ith tiM ttlsU ng ■ tateofsftkifs,


IftaiiX Tesaols Cta Ashore wad T rab u Ba- h tad Bchndwlo TiBOa

IdtHDOffif fag ooatinaMextremely dsBM and ibom no t iM of lifting, ftatitoadsd vsocelsare to-bound In the Mer­sey, Amoiu thorn is tha white BtultaasleaM' ar Celtic, which w u to bava left far New York yesterday. Berytae on various packet linos b uMen fUEpeoded.

Bersral vesN


vBSiBli heve g en t etiiots on aeooooto lth a fbg-

Tbe fog h u demoraUssd tha railway servloe and makes It impoitible to run trains on sdiednle time- Kumenmi ftitaUttoa have oe- onrred. _____________

Tfaa S trik e aU aw iioa.R x a d in g , P fa, J m i . A ll q a ie t

along the line /' This Is tru ly tbe sitnatioa aioag t ^ Reading Railroad today.

T h a E lae triea l Cnwitnlssiow A pproved .U s j o r H fijiu ti baa app ro v ed (h e reao-

iBtSoQ passed last Friday night by the CoMimm Oocmdl fbr the appointment o f a ooDimtosloQ oonstoting of the Mayor, Piesldeot HIU, three mambore of Council and two etttsens to Inquire Into tbe queiUon of tba faaribni^ of puttiitg (be electric light, tstephosie and le to fw h wlrae under ground. Mr. A iu wtU now have ir i^ s w d f ir th a nsotaktou Weetoet the Aldefr m sii ewd tbe two oiSlBoaa.


O blrrU af to th* Hals aw l A dvsrtietag ofC srto la Clgwra.

Twelve orgnn taaliona were rep m aa iad St Ibr Timdas Awemhiy lart WightMax J. (hicsr piusidMi. A restiutUm pnMraUwg •Minrt ths pn^Htud reduetioa of wagee by tbs ( Ig ir toaniilet-mfY-fi AiaM.'latWin ofNew York Md ralUtiK un (hs puMk to purchase slgwrew tthLIur labpUvM pMS-1 IWlcgnto Hrhnsll

aulutoittm krf Ald*‘raia« Tbsohsld u a dstogatr wheo (bv« k:r:'drtuiato of tho Mttricai I'alob omiialidni bia nam- wsra

Mr Ik'hiMdl b sa tl hto otosetions ua tiw grnEind Ihm Mr. TheutaM w u a polttiotati M u iJ G 'rain .rf tllilupt thluk that uigsriioa tinailJ In m«ft«' I«a-«W s iiuui. hstd mi OttliW.The rrtMiritUaU m tfv refanwd bst'k to theun»<-i'.

TiirirW tton of ititaen rsm ltsd m IdUowi ;IHwnl of TniaWf-, Dvliwatas Worosr, FPaiii

and ItaiH't. m'unliiix >.'• rsiaiy. Frank Dusrr; fliMpi-lat urretary. hlwaid rtilm u ; trewsurrr, T. K lia iv r rgraiitst-anni, Uelsgats Hkwmt’kr; cii.m«|>iAiltag Mwvelary, Dslsgals Hia 'k ; n 01)111 III... on KraoluUoua, iw to g ^ O'lirirh, iMfiiW. llayDss, PVud, Snyder; t'mIk-.uiaK KaiHT.liebnsU, Ssgto.ffksri. <7ark; l*riutinf. gnimar. W vhrh*, fairtebsr; Fliiancw, Usym^ Bauer, (rurh ii; Aridlratlati. Gutsr, ( la ri , Ktoiwl, Hohn«U. iWarra. Iww, Wsbris, Hlei'k, ItaiH-r, nigsatoatUHi, HcbnvU, Baunr atwl Khexl i^orman PuNUhing I'ompany, Hrhm-U. UuU'rsiHl Itammagh.

|wl«>gatsG'(VmiM>r w aaisdto know why ths t'RHmtWadvsntoislgiioilsmaas by jcabltiMW. Tbv u ia ttcrw urrfu rnw lto lbo ExscuUvs i\Hn- miura. Ikrlfgalee i'uiroar. Wsmor amt Lewis wttsappi1nn>d acoramkuee to v ltiltb sp sp srs ad \f[tU iu | a t'tasr uf olmuxinue outkeand to reqtreec ths iMibltohsrs not to Insert the stiver- tlM'n:cnt, It w u deckled that msstiiqp Shall l« hfM Ucroafler rvory Wotnraday. DslegUs Kgnor. nf ibv Hrewtoe. gave a HM o( (wfwnu to Iv leky«<oUod fur wlllug HIlwaokM bssr. A kuerri wae nUsMl ^lerauee JH>lsgato Hchntll tLri-»b-i»sil tu rriMkrl (he prucsedlup of sio n i- Uvsevm-iiiii for a tivnuan A lieMgatasaid tha t ff thto were duns ths sM ta h lr would I : tiw how p>dca1 wdh Hr. BrhnclJ. An exscu tlYC nreeluii wm Ihrii takru.



i s n a lo r r h a n d ls r W an ta u Laveetigw- tlo n In to M lu ls iip p I FoUMeSa

WAfiHiNoToNj Jan . 12-—In ,tbe 8on- ate to-day, tbs nwotatimi oflbred by Mr. Chan­dler <m January 10, instnietlni (be O m m ittes on the Judiciary to inquire into tbs suppnssfau of tho votes of ths colored ctlirsn i of Jack- son. Hies., a t the rcoenl muulripal else- tloo in that city, aud into the alleged partidpw- Uon In lurh 'lupproailoQ |by the Vulted Ntatoi idsirirt Attnniey, a Deputy rnllscior oJ Intor- iial ksTcuuc and a Depuly rn lted Mates Mar- sbaJ, w u taken up ; and Mr. Chandler ad- dnwscd tbe Senate in szptauatloa and M |k port of it.

Ue said he had coamunicatlons from Jsok- sor, u k ta g fbr such • • Invest(gatk», and as- sortingtbat lbs facustated m iM be proved by tbe tetilmony of ths bestm en of botfa'pollttaal parties. Its had not. In tbs reso lu tl^ , pro- vk k d ftw power to asDid for pereom and papers because he apprebeoded tha t Um facts would bseU found on file ta tb s DqMLrtmeut of Jus­tice. If (hat, however, should not prove to be ■0, he would dftire to have power given to make a oomplsts Invenigaticiii. Hs sent to ths CVik's dwk, and had read u v s n l letters and tslegmms recelvMi by him, also a manlfario which fln t oonveyod to Ibe colored people of Jackson the Infarsu- tioff that they wouM ooT hi sttow edtovnic.' T l ^ maoifaflo, hs add,, dlqiiayed ■ (.ifaheid . an sngreTiug of a couiile of pistoto, * ^shotgtUN. and a powder f l a ^ - ^men of Jack^oD'' aimounood th e tf* u it lm - atum.’ ________ ■


Terrible Accident to a W orkm an WhUs rtUIng an Vm&asd ithafL

MoBKiSTOWNf J(ux TA—N ew n w as ra- celved here yesterday of the acddeufal death ofWflltam jobtuon, at Haeklebamey Mines, about two miles frtRB (liettrtr, Hm iIs Oounty, Johneoo end two other men were engaged ta fllUuf as unueed shaft by u n d em tatag an tm- mcDM pile of rock tha t w u hoaped above. They had taastsd away tbe supporting rook and ths rocks were falling Into the shaft, when JcAnmaa carslasly walkedoverthe topof the ^ i s . which gave way under h li feet, drawing him down and burying him about sixty faet under tons of rock,'and probably under water. It to doobtltol IfU sbody can be recoverad ta lem than eweelL Tbs (wo men who were at work with him had a balfrbreadib samps. They ware draw n down by tbe avalanche of roek, but ta going down- caught bold of a piece of Umber and w en ree- cued.

Jttanson w u twenty-eight yean ago and •Isavss a widow and five imall chlldrsii, ta s old­est ouly seven year j of age. They are ta very dsetinite circumstances. He w u th e son of an old and sxpsricifDed miner who bean the nlok* name of “ Devi) Johceon, from his daring and recklsmnsm ta ths minm. TTie elder Jobnaon to well known thiougbout th s mining vegfan, where he tkas opened a ntunber of ^ m lM now In operation,

ieffin th4 astf ptar Sy tk» Is. s UNWti Stik., secomipag*.


An fitasi O ran g e ltoll<wiaaa K illed by a Loeoiiftitlvip.

J a n it* W. Kdtly, one o f tb e meat effletant uu'tuben o( Ihe Kati Otangs (Mihra forro, was liwtanlly kllliNl by all englns on Ibp orangv braneb uf the New York ami lirtcDW4a>l Imkti K*llrua<li wbils on duty, at A oVbick yesisntay aftrmuou. Hs wa« walk tag wesla-anl on Um niiintad iraek, ImHwcm'U Midland avenue and N<H1b Park iir<*ei, with bto rui oap over bJv care aiwl hto liea<l bsm down, to rarapf' w much up<iaitblv a ki^u (juttliig wind that w u blowing from the larth- wfrt,B(nilgbl down the track- He dtd not no­tice a wild cat ertgius that wav oi>mlng d<>wn tiw track b^wani hint, allhough lie w u facing It. Ths eiMiiiK* w u nitmiug tender ilrrt on its way to Wuudhklu Junction.

Thesnglnscrnotk 'odtiisoffirarontlie track, tu t supposed (bat hs w u aware of the ap ]»TQat‘Ji nf the oqgl tie arid W'^aut hi |>'t off l ^ track befliHV it rsat hed biiu. When the li>m- motive got within to* tiian ino f(.*ct of Kddy, and ho did tioi ralvs bto head, tbe eugtaver blew ash arp bliW of ih i whtotis and rvvsrMd tberng tas. K/ldy hrant lbs wbUllf, looksd up with ■ bewildered air and auem|»tt«l to Jump from the track, Hs sllppod, however, and the next Instant Its w u slrurk by tlft ten ­der, knocksil down with (Its Lowur of bto Ixtiyaerain th s rail, and /rightfully manglsd, death being instaiitaucoui. Uls legs arid the lower |w rt of hto botly were horribly mutllateil tbe U f ^ r portlou, with the exoepllun of a cut on the fai^, being uninjured.

Ths body of tbs unfortunate man w u taken to F rsem an 'i Morgue al Brick Churcta. County Pbyvtctan Hewlett w u bntiflud and graatod a burial pe rm it Officer F.<lrty w u appotatod on the East Oraitgo fores sbortiy after It w u urgan- isod in MtM, and had been faithful aud effirient in th s dtocharge of bis duly. Its w u about fifty ys s f i old and w u married, but had no chlidrii]i. Tbe railmad company h u bsou Named fiw th s aocidsnt, bsoauss, ft is clalmsd, ttm t had Hra snginw hrair n rau ln f tbS pfUpwr wmXe.lntiQad of tandet. first tits officer would tffive been krmkod^ 4q_ji^^tide and off tbs

T . M, C. A, H K K TlN ti.


WataA Stoa B w sas t b ^ flit ftem day lo day. Dp It wrllh anAmerlcaa Walch •MBwmd street, Waltham Y ^ lt ptofc.-jWL

B day lo da, _ _ . ______imomk M C. ITirtitafan *€ta, MQ. Thryhavt the Hot .............. ffiss ml ^ d u

Q de'lpfttiry a tlm e

T lirss Has« Mardwra the RoauU e f * K sntusky Foud.

CAirtriM BUBO, K y., Jen . 13.—T Vwarof sxismilnation coniinuss belwsea tbs McCoys, of Pfks County, Ky., andthsHaUlsldi, of Logan County, W. Va. As locm u the last sad rites of tbe tote butchery were over, ths McCoys ocganlsed a poore azri visltsd ths Hat- ftaldi irillcmsnl fn. West Virginia thspu^ pose of annlhUaltag ths gang. Tbs posse vtoltsd ths Ualfleid bouts, and fladlngftoeiis at borne, they repaired lo the woods to mtfi* tato a flsw momentt. Tbelrsscresy w uofshon duration, far tbe Hatfield gang was soon npou them, and a regular battle ensued. After ths smoke h u cleared away ft w u fbund timt the Hatfield party were bedty wMVted and three of (heir number wsrs klUsd, while none of ths McCoy poBM were hurt lliose known to be killed wers Johnson Hatfield, Thomu Chnm- beti and Jam u Vanw.

Vanes w u shot seven itmst. Balkflsd with tbeirday’s work, tha McCoy poses retuinsd fa tb e lrw ^m en l to await developments. Vanes h u killed leTsrel men ta tbs MoCoy nsl^hcm hood, aud had to leave ta coasesttsaos. He bad been a bold, daring, dsspents falisiv. The autberiUes are powsilsH and tae w u wtU doubtleu be w ag^ until one lids or tbs olhflr Is oomplstsly sirerminatsd, as noons In sntbor- Hy resms to caw. ________

ladnstria l tnetltvits Dtr seSste .A t'tbe annual electlott o f Uw N evruk

Induitriiil Instiiuta, held yesterday, the floBow- tag dlrectosi wers sisetad: Osergs A llsiw j, Tbmsu B. FSddta, Jsomb H. Dunnil. WtlUsu lahnsoQ, Nlcbolat J. Demciret, iarntfA J. Meeker, £11 U.Esymldi.ascrgel*etaM^ fismy J. Yatas, Charies N. I^kwood* Jtdui D. f lu i l ' Mm, Jsmci W. Cony, Albert U. Holfareok, Charire B. Young, Cyius Currtar, Wsftsf K. Oongw, flupbsu J. Meeker, Bdward IWiiyu, flaniuel C. Howell, Bamusl B. BargeaM, W lU te A , Ripley, Hosta Btrauu, Hareus L. Ward, IH- wudBalbach, Jr., Ueaegs fi. PblUtas, James W. Miller and E. Ci Bay. This tastttats flu- •smei a sbartet, very valuable, broad la Us pre. vtokau, emtirsdiig ednoational arntten u s | k plied to maaufactorere and ths arts. Its mtbl' bWoQ of tadbrirtei wen h l ^ y hanwftrts^ Iq Newark, and many dstira ta have ft revlTed.

Dragged hwiB a Onsv^«Taken A tm a grave in tbe F a lnam in t

Cunstsry, Cuper Voeicker i r u btrongbl befare JuitioeOtto this morning, charged with wlfa desertfan. Be to a grave digger ta the eems* tery and lives St 5A7 Bank tiresL He plredel guUty lodorerifng bto wlfa this movnlugand WM ordered ta pey II a wsek far her support. Hs five bonds to do sft

Iitinrsd by a E m aw ay ,Yeatorday afternoon as 0 . W . Tiehe-

0(W and Mr. Bartlett, flsllier of W. W. Bsrtfatt, Writ driving tluoughCurbey's Leas, theft borre bolted and upset tae buggy- Mr. TIebsaoNa daroagre were confined ta revere bruties on thg flme n d bead. Hr. Bartlrtt tustatasd an ta- ury to hto spins.

A L eather F lru to Aaelfaresnt*The leather firm of Kit<7 fa U siddn o f

lUchmoud strert, msds an astigamsift ta Klhu 5. Ward yeetoiday> The -fim rmre^i nf P. T. lUlsy and (fasstaafl. Hsskla. The Uablllttes a n fitflufafl sad the SMto W W t

B sp o rU Bsoelved and DIraetora KlooteU for the Tear.

T be atmtuU m eeting of the Young M en's dirtottan Asreeiatlon was bsld last night In the Artodatlou Parlon, President B. fl. Reignui In the cheir. The tnatos'i report showed gnisi reoelpto for ths year to the amoutil ofV15,44S.fl7, OftkfaaiBciuqt there Is i btluMS of tar.48 In btnk. In tbs report tbs treasurer makss note of ths fact that both buildtnga sre fres from di'iA and arc paying as tbsy go- An eieetton fnllowsd In which 8. & Bargsnt, W. B. Uarto- boro. Jay B. Treet, U. H. Miller, Stephen H. num and (ieorge C. Miller wen elected u rlrectoci far the next three year*,

The following ere the chalrtnen and seere- Uriee of the various commJttoss appointed ; Reception. A A. Pmlth. eecretary; uUier. Luuto Fsal. cbalrman ; library, Quorgu IL MU* ler, dMtirtDSji; evangeltotic, F. U. lloagtand, chaJnren: virilatiun of the sick, S. £ . Morris, chaicBtan ; lyceuzn, L B. KLlburu, tacrrtarif; on bowling alky, W, W, Briscoe, chairman; metnbeahip, J. H. WtUlanu, werotary; dero- ttoiiilfW.E. Taylor, : Vocal ftaUureBodely, F. N. Jotuuotnbcretary; training dare, Cfaorgs F. CoUlni, Mcretary.

Oytanulum Instructor, Prufesior Smith, made • lengthy report, statitig that during (be rum­mer the boys of the fi. £, Club won eighteen lainse out ^ a porelblo twenty-two, and that tbe tng-uf-war foam pulled seven times and (^iy faet once.

Areoctatlun secrotaiy, U. C. Willoughby, de- Uvsred htsre]iort.

Mr. Cousns stated that tbe membotshlp w u Increastaf rapidly and that new buildings or at lu s t larger ones were Id order. Hseolutionsor thanks were tendered to tbs Ladles' AuxllUry and to Treasurer James B. HlgUe.


T he Begtiw lng of the fissslon of Their NUte Organimation,

Bhortly a fter 2 o’clock th is afternoon the lin t convention of tbe Retail Merehants of New Jeney w u called ta order by Bseretary P. L. Bryce in tbe art gallery at Library lUtl. Tbe meeting w u delayed lomswbat by ths lata arrival of ibe delega^ fiayonus. AltOL getbsr there were thirty delepMss preseol, tbfss frqkn Skipb of (be faUowluf places: Asbury FSrk, Paterson, Ellisbeth, Dayoone, Gloucsstar Lily, Jerrey (1ty,,lIiibokeQ, Orange, Newark and BUsaljetbport.

Spread on the table to the centra of a pile of g iuury litreature were copies of a bill to pre- \en t the adulteration of food and drugs. At the head, ta large blue letters, the document reads; "A n actiHiree (kiogrera that every dealer ta and msaafacturer of food pruducU sbcuild ie.vl w ithou t. Brief sxtracu from the bill rewl; "Bhortdaretallsrsanbrfor a dUbomst nian- afasunrT * ' "BiWL there be no further rs- lesMfltfar better or cheaper arilclesT" "Bhall we 4MVt a Csor of Food Products, whoss favun m i ^ b e bought?"ntnrfaaw reft, of Newark, WMelsctad temporary ebatowreu. and J. C, tieodris, of raierson, lempqrary secretary.

A isreiulttoreoti rulfi ww farmed, conslst- Ingef JsmraR. BIswart, of Orange, Mr. Huif •on, of Paisnon, and W. Wi I<>arklnt, of (tiou- casrev. Tbe oomiulUee on credSifttals w u made u p t f flylvestar Vantilssen, of Paterson, Mr. Cox, of Newark, and C. W. Rlemann, of Jerwy City, ^

T M F raek o ld an i s Sasstan.T he Bortrd of Obcfleo Preaholders ta

in scistan at the Oouttbouss thto after­noon. The time fiw caillog Ihe amemblaga to mdsT w u d e frtw until o'ulock, fi^fgaaiit-at-Arma of the Rouse, John Brundags, w u pnasBt and traitod hto fristifa to elgara. Tbe engrareed tratlmontali. ta book form, to Sheriff Hlne, w u submlltad lo (ba membsti of the board Ibr ilgireturea. Tbe jolnl committas an tbe pre­pared frae faektas aorou tim Fasulo Elver will mert at ibe bridge office, at % ofikock, ta‘mor- fow aArtnoon. ^

R teaped Convict Hnllh PInads the Q uarter fksaioiig Ooort this

momlJB Henry Smith, who escaped from the PenfttntUry at the time that three eonvtots broke ffao Ibe Kumd. when Thomu Wallace w u shot and kUlsil sums ttraa aga, pbwlcdguilty to four ebargra of braikftif and ontanTigtndalaoloewtopiDg. H ew u nmafidad. Tha Aubwn (N. T.) Btate Prison drteotiya swliad a couple of wreksreo ffir the custody of flmiUt, the tatter balret wanted there ta serve an anex- plred tann. Tho Newark authorlltos refured to band him over, and he will be tried here.

A Forwetaiura Cum DlsaatasM.On motion of the oonnael far th a

irtaintiff in Ibe iorecLoeura oare of Tunto>n i^ in r t Wearer, which rama up ta-rlay bfflm ViriMfaanoellor Van FleaL tbe oau w u

The oare lavclvad aome Asbury Park piiupaity against which Itaeia w u a mort-fa fs far 91.000, Fidcb

flwNaa mt tba Pwcpla Wbe Fvwetiaa tb*HluUW--1HflfaraMt Mslhwdis ky WHIak

kittway Is lflad««-Ths Jarr»a la Wbtrb tba 'rtclMEes** Is tle*artbs4.

K iw VivMX, Jan . I I . —The apiwa<l of Uw rbristtoJi hr-lenre erase by soum antin-tt of sfarvndHcbeisarseamagtiMiarelTraby vsri.n.insin ra-F afib llsa tan ,t1>rtottaA k-itmurei, iloifi lAictcwB, Mindt'urait, etc. h u rt last brKs,>n- vx 'nuua in Ihto nrtghl^lv^''i thsi inir I’tiumy Mr^Ucat Buctoty h u taken up tba raatlar ami to now preiwriiig a petliioti to (bn Uwktosori- u k ing that • msumlusa of ^yalctoiw and lawyers ba appiJiiiud U> oiSirtttor ihs wlrtoabllUy (kiL- iiif a taw prohlleUbg lbs t iMpls fh»m prac- tk-lng mfHlUdns and eiidangsrlnf tbe lives «f Igiioniijl or weak mpukri psreivw. Uko all Mil h rrasM h hai coin^ iifun thto rtly with a rush, and to Ulks*! sIhiuI sverywhvrB |uW u lbs Kalratkiii Army crass dwliidisi away,

oaimg ur thi " rAtru."MxMt pcO|>ls are prvUy well aware of tbi-

origin uf (ta p ru ru t lutad tawUiw fallbheal- Itig U lkfa. In Mm Mary Bakor tiluin^r Kttoy.oflliwnm. laiUUbcdher flna pantphlrt* as (tithe dM'trlm-, wbb'h shr oneind “ ('hrtoltan Science" In her toat kiM»an limiik upon tile

' Hrlsnra and Health, with a Key to (lie h('r1ptun<e;' Mm Kihly rays that ahiHil the year when her hmlih waafrtlllns ra|4>ily, she vnqdt>yc«l " a iltotlugutoh«Nl miwmertol, E P Qulhiby, areiirtble, eldlorl y geiulrman, with soitte advatred views al>nut healing. T V w were no mrta|ihyslral hralcri then. The wtonee of mental bv^lng had luA tlien hewn dtoonvvn^l ‘ W hither Mn. Lldy or Mr. (jupaby Is pi he eivdited with the dlw^wery ofehrisUan Ims sines lioen matter flw heated illscuMlnti. H|,wakliig of her rivals, Hn. Rddy muilsMlyoh- ^rvea ; " rtmw silly puMii’stiim*, wtawa only oM Ti^tiw ultani putntsare buriuwiid without omIU friS ii' Hclenee and llailth,* would ret tbs world right on metaphysical bsalliw;. like ehlt- diwn drum m itg a piauu and pretaodiiag to teach uuskr or crIKdss Hoaait.''

Tiia awrLTvfr ximvatkiv.A ('Cording lo her aeoounl, J'brtotlan irtonM

dawned oo Mrs. Friily al lbs sral of th r u fears'^meditatlim. Uer mmys were Itrat nlnni- tatrdi among bsr itudvuis, and she did ii>A Im- gin to publish eEtcntivelf until IKTO. lu IsTfl Mra. Fxidy organlesd lbs I'hriMUtt ih’lf lies As- snriailtHi. and three yean Witar ■ mind brel tag ehun^h, ta the pM on ts of which she iw* r«‘pted a c a l l ; she also (Vganlseil a ootlage, hav­ing its hewdquarten in Boston, where anyous ran learn tolw allirM ton srienttot hy aUeiHl- ing a b 'riss of twelve lectures and paring fltoiu

F hsua il anvutiiis that bavett>|i«ared frntiQ time ta Utur lu the newNpapers, It ssein«lhat Mrs. IVJdy's mdlese has beoii an astreenely pnif table affair, from a flnaiieial pntnt of vh*w. aud thto h u douMltre twl almost all th s grailu- ales of (be Kridy tlirtotisn Science Instiiuta Pi guand ito likewise ; Ui*l tout sav, th«y have (arkEtl r . H., moaning <!hrtotlsu AcleulUL, to (brtr names, aud have opi-ned institutes lu dlf- forsn.towua atHi (hsHtat (he mails with ctrcii- lan offering couipleto luUiatiou into the mys- terkw of rtirtsUan sch'ncc for a rerialii sum of muticy duw n.

tfaaiuo rnsmTioMgss.RomeoTlbeK! cnlltwi'i charge, acrordlngta

their own rartto tn tho lUffi'rrut magulniH ainl imbllcatlufw of ('brtolian srlcnltot and faith healing organs, u IltUc u tb ) for (be entire course, ukI offor to throw bi a rsrtIHcjita en­titling the graduate to practice. From the rapfiUty with which tbs taulnrasoftiirulngcut ('brirttan ictaiitirt* is growing, t&c markel wilt •000 be overstocked, and perhaps ths flgnroa given by some of gur leading (JhrisUaa setoD- ttots M to ths relatlvs mualMi' of men and wo­men wbo embrace tlte now fitith are signti cant, tn it of every twenty converts nloutssn are women and nne to ■ man ; bu( of tbore who t>rganlre Institutes and take In the uuuey, more than three-quarlers aru men.

Unquestionably, ibere li much in tbe notion tha t lbs mind does afiket the body. Ws hare

>fimeM mii(aftMii>nhTKnQif9 'fariim ffrfrNSHr* piUs, rtc. Dr. Tuke, Luhls " Influence of tbe Mljtd oo Uw I^xly'/' reys, that uotbliig to'ihore oertatn than that a Jiurgs n to n te tn t pemonfl. have been healed ufall manner of dlmasw by bread pitU. Thtsc fourths, or perhape It wnntd b« nearer the mark to say nlusiecn-twsntleths of tbe stories of curia of tae rsHgfouicUis are uudouIAodly mytits, frauds, cxnggeiatltmi, fal­lacies uf memory or of rein vtlng.

CA1II8 IN rolMT.Rut (here Is a esriaio psrrentagc of etire«

whJeh can be safely altrtbittod simply ta tba lolnd frwoe; proheblf the tnliul had a great deal to do with orlgtiml diisiss. and thsrefors was potent In didng away with |(. For lusUiicc, a wmnan who ioiaginss that she has a cancer IneJdo of bsr, when there Is no cancer, oouli bo perfrKlly c u i ^ when persuaded that do cancer existed. Will power ii a iremerKious force of which all pliyriciani are jisrfocUy cognisant, and much of ths BUODom uf curtain physicians Is due (0 theft control or luoccis in awakening w illpower in ths patient. Without ihs illght- cst gussttan, from this paodicunt of truth h u grown ths mountalu of fraud with which ths community Is uow confrrmtad.

Starting out with tho truth that mind hw a certain lixflussec over the body, (bat Is ta say, (bat we can accomplfth hy will power some things tha t ws cannot accumpUsb without (t, tb s moat advanesd and fknatlc of thcjs people will tall you that a broken Isg can bo cured by prayer and nothing e fts ; tha t esneer yields to the m ind ; that poison Is harmloss In ths stom­ach of an advanced Christian K loiitiit; ths t all disMSus and tils of ihe body are imaginary th ings; and that when we suffer, it ft a msntal and not a pbyalnal matter, and must be cured by mcntfll means.

A RKUOIOt'B ronfOiTIOW.Under extraordinary hodgs-podirc, tha

Cbrisilau u ientists place a reliKtous foundation, making out tb i t it Is not the wlUofOotUhal any r t lif t crusturcs sbouM become Imperfoct or should suffer, tn tbclr own language, Ihoy lay that man ft but a reflection oftbo Diviim bi^ Ing, and, thvrefurs, p o r fo c t to suspset dlreasn In any one ft to throw duubt upon the goodtuw of tied.

All of Mrs. Bddy'i arguments with her pa- ticQii are directed lo this oml. For liMaiios, she rays; '* Argue there ft no dlMasc. It ft but the cvtdsuce and obji<t ofthu sensoa you have to dretroy, not a reality. Bay to the pattaut mentally, you sre not sifk, and hold your ground wilh (he skill of a lawyer. Avoid talking dlKoam to Ihe s ick ; mako

,.n» utniucmmry -tiKtuftlre relative to Mvdf< never give tfaeto (utmua far jfeilr

i1 in ta inMxnioiM o r raocKDvxK.

II (he case to be treated ft eotisuiuption, be­gin yimr argurocnl by iuking up (hs Irading points, showing that It U not Inhcrlta l; that ta ­

ws suAkr fhm Inwsnl pain, Um isMilt nf wrAk faUb atKl (nwiffirfanl help frurti abuvs " It took me half an hour fa find out bow Utils this fiirmiils uh’o n t Any ons wbn trlsd fa gig axpUiHilhtrauf thto. fltuL that tb s etplanalitMu arrdssptrtiiLng. and woiL Ths rigsusitto has ■u sisuitiig, and h u hut ana purpum. P» Im twi-n«Uii. lv't...>rantandglT!^apre(«ttfarcliarf ing buiu'y

iHT^wTvt.4 wxt.L f r s v o a m .Kfvini.. b«> friiih mrofal riatlatirs U SSMU

iivdsy tlMt N'fw Yiukvn are tprtMllug Ksau tii.><ssnfft <if I fpiy week lu Uw •upfuirtmf lm|h»ti’rs wfo» iu>t wily Uvs upon frsuil. but c i|-» . sr-rat I'n-rw-i j to deagiwi fromahii h ilM leu lAijrhi to i*r«>tart(hsBL Vsry fs n n tif . *.Ti f jjf.Hjirtwatpapst* t-ir« bean giv Ing p i c i u i d U f c r e n l fltitii healing hu*- plials and (lirfttian n'touuil hufoss (hat fiou^ tab hare, thu ruMidl brii^ highly unul^ifat hwy to (hi: pruprl. i. ,tj, ni niclj luuitllkhirivUl* There* was gH.n.1 }<■ I - aauapiciaua alrabiNtievsi|oM ofths btitttM, and ifthudnctorido not imv--wl in rtnfplnc (he ihira. ths pnllse may taka a hsTHl In (H* tha fklih h ^a rs , a mrtalA

sctttally In au|t(Hirllnf achUh h which i)cvii|4ss lbs luitldmg put up flw Iff (li-pwutth m mv years ago, ami iMK>upieil sltu> (hen by Iw. Ncwduui. (torw rultiranihal a iww (Itrif. Mpvaral ifaHwaml pareohs mtwtin Ihft talMWTiacta every wetk. aiM '^Inpaon’s l4Uln«««u a healer ft mUuiatad to pay blm Lv/«s( a year. The small fry are trying to lioiiiilr NiW tw eak paaee but thatwc hear of ri^foe rsee In which duath *> mirred as tbe s i i t r e n t rveult of Impfiiper tTMtiucnt nn ireuinieul at all, a t Uw hamla of ('hrlsUas -4 ientb-ta

insifi nsmix ra iA tv iirr.One rtirloi ni pham nf ths craaa ft that most of

tinwe |H. .|)le pmfam ta he able to cu rt dftsam at adUtaiKM from Uu ^wUnni. and wtthmit even havlug -4 en tlis pauont. There ft nua woman i'h rtrilan s rlrn iftt wbo makes siMHigh mafuy Ui kiwp up a haiuUmni' ustalilfthiuant upon (ba f'-Hia the rrceivi-* flw this Imum Ustaure treat­ment ; K‘tsiM of people who lieUa>sla lha hum­bug but cantuA get UiWr risk frii’*U(la to tgrua with (bem. pay this «««itan mnney far treating their sick. Hhe gave me this lUiiitralfon "A betieiarw hu hail read my pamphlets oaraa ta R,e last week ami told mo ih rt her bnShat was slck i>fifavtrhuiist> ulJ uut believa in(1iriay-i lien M ti itar, afNl actually refase<I to be taksn ta a l bristiau scieure home. He rakl tha t Chris­tian Mienne w u a buintat;,. 1 Sgraad to give him a (raw(inci)t ftighl and montiiig, alihuuflw b e w u ill a bcepttal where t amtid b r t \ l r t i him. ai>d 1 had usvar saen him. Tire reedt w u Ipetaad uTgoiting worea, u the hiA] ital doctors said'he must, be gtd well."

raAUw IK m x ■wnr.There are several wnoien lu HnwAlyn w bou

nietlHsl ft to alt ta frrmi of Ihcslek perwm and tali him Of her tha t tbs dfttaw h rujvit - one of Ihrm, it ft u ld , eii>iys an lucoma of flO. Jfti a yiar. Thft U rh rlsllaa science i«nHight down (o (Is fliel ]>rir>H|4ee, but tbe vau hawU uf par- tiaily emsy iwrsims always to ba met with ta this rUy. Ihe |w«t(i1s w bo fiirmerty rri»wd«d lbs spirltiiaUst Hcant'os, the lotig-halred men aud (be ahoH-halred wiimen who love toheaiN sr poiujti play "Thu Hwert Ky aud Hy" uu an

under the parlor table, they warn smuclhliig wlib moreofa tinge tbe q»Iritiialur the catil of rrUgfon about it. It ft getllog b> be a Very sertoiis matti'r, and lha ocimtaf uffi»rt tustaoilthy lefftlalltHi will be watubitd wUli (fTvai lulvrert_______ i'. 0 . il., Ja.



A B v g n la i’ rn d lU A n E * t l F i I f HnnA-l« a C arlrtttfH —OM M ia InJnrad I f

H |in c liaU*ta-.Tttr*« K aU Ilat laA ▼ahwttlt l^ n iiw v iiU tNatrafatt.

WM Tnrr

« I-FfiflcnJv raid (Him invMrav —rt . peranaotatC. Uarids^BAOn.XfiffiMreidsL'-Ad. "

Wftfp " * Nrrthsnf Bttvie-ffalad-wgie a t 40 l^knv regular Irada g r in s a ia Iftrt--

rcgEn A CXx'Si *43*read ilregl.-Aav.

A llr tlllan t Receptiisn tha t Ijsrgely AttoiidocL

Oleemliig w hite nims peering throngh (he cufiflnee of tulle and laot. tbe theen of sllki aud satins, aud the dull rkhnoas of velvet, cisnl'lmri with tbe ilUter of gpras, formeil a iHWutifal kaietdoscople plrliirs at tbe Hebrew charily hall, In tba Academy ofa Music, law ulght. The (on uf lha Ital^raw alement in New v k WM preaenl Iq tbe exient ci4 bet week 70U and BOO, making the ball one of the most uccassfol ever held In tbe city. A profusion of banting hung In gtarcfal folds frum tha centra of lha cdling, aud ww draped to the tkles. In fmut of tbe stage, emblaioaad la g u Jets, wts (be wunl “ diarity."

Tbe mauAgs'ntant of Ihs ball was lo (be hands of (he following commUtaes :Floor nusnager, JiSn Jaralsefskl; floor cnnimlt- tee, IK T Kttae, HdI Hfycr, (.liaries <^ohao, M.

’Watabfude, M. Iflsenberg, AnHelWf -A. -Br Meyer, Not lipeleln, Miisos Jiooph, Molnr Konry, Not Fletahflr» Noah f»e Jraige, Hetlg Bvhauar, U. K- Htera, FbUaiUdpUa, Aba- Ham nocb, E. Ftcbwartx, L Ilotxl. Miara Weiemian, Paul liindcmann, L. HchlaMtigeT * reoeption coDiniittee. 3. Hiahl, chairman; Isaac Lehman^ Jules Hartlmmn, Lreer Lehman, K 11, Newman, Bernard Htrauss, H. Ilolmer, I'hariu Blman, L. FlDger, Philip Inwy, K. BerU, Aaron Mayer, Uula Flaut, liw Nusbaum, Joshua Wall; oun- nilitre uf arrangemeuta, D. Btraiis, chalnnaii; 0 . Kerepe, Bamuel FrneUch, Richard Hunu aUiLUi M. Htaln. WlUiau Kata, Orarlre H. Davit, Bamuel Jacoiwuu, David Myer, Hfttauel Walter, BoloAou Oury, B. Bteru. Bud. Levy, A. Hauser, J. rinnamufi.

Tbe preoldent of tbe ttoclaiy, Moses fUrauoi, and bft wife led tbe grand lAarctu Ills guests locludeil TupreMniatlveB erf nearly all tbe well- known Helirewfatallies of Newark, with luny frixu other d tlca_______________

D eath of U n . Yatmoiiv M ary C-i wife of C. B. Vatmon, Bopor-

Intandeni of tba GhOdren'i Aid Soelrty sad the Nowi^boris Ilutue, on Market street, died lu t nlghL She was the daughter uf Judge Wtiiiam Hunt, of Freedom. Bussax Gouuty. and w u bom January KQS. On Jamiuy ‘3!i, h t7, sbe Itecame tho wlfa of Mr. Yatrean, snr] twenty-two yuan ago oano to Newark. aThu- ward oounectlng hunelf wtlb theCeatral Prus- bytariau iliurgb.of which she. w u a member at Ihe tlmeof her death. Bbe w uan acUro worker ta the cause of toinpcranca and w u nue of the fiHmdera of tha Womau'i Christian Tem­perance tinlon and the Ouspal Temparaikoe As- •oclatioo. Bix yean ago she w u lelsad with paralysis from which she died last eveiitai, having been cofiflned ta tho htnoM i Ituh? rhrifltmuDsy. Mrs. Ystman w uthe aiothcr of six fliildrcn, thro© of whom Mrs. fluslo IM- wacdi, John L. Ystman and Rev. C. U. Yatman survive her, the lalter at prewnt being eiigagiKi In Evangelistic work out Wert. The funeral will probably take place un Huuday next.

Hfcmortal fluspltal Report,A t the annual meeting of tho OrAiijip?

Metjiorial tDw|iJtal the following otllccri were cleettNl; PrahlJont, Hra William lleram ; vicu- pn-eldeiit, Mni. (liarUw A. Ktorilrig: Hoorctary, MIsa Maria E. Wllllanii; treasurer, Mrs, J. M. r . Morrow ; sasbilant treasurer, Miss Amy C. laiwria. Tlie aniual r«i«ri of the jwcrrtary w u (wvaeutod, giving a datalled account of tho work of the govurnora and the various conunit- tao« during the p u t year. There were pa- tWntsuuder treatment during the year, an Uk- 1'R‘asu of fifty-eight over tho previous ye4K More than haif the csms were on charity Tho report rufetred In gmtafol terms to .tohn Itorka's inuiiiricant gilt nf ta.U'Ni. of wUich I 12.0W ft to be UKsl to build a largH a^idltifln to

liaiiunaUun, tubfirrlos hemorrhage <w>d dooom-j h«pttal. Tbt A dvft^ Hoard raiHirtadpoalUon are but ttamghft, bellefr, mental ener­gies before mortal nilnds, not (he Immoital mind, lltn ce they ars ikH the truth of man, and should he treated as error—put out of the mind, and they will disappear from (ha body. Dftesuw can neither be treated nor healed meU- phyrically if drugs or external ajipllcations are esiployfMl. and petitioning a pcrwMiai tiod ta do your work or enabling you to do it ft not rneta- pbysira, wherein truth works and you nndor- sUnd tbe Divine principle of your demonstra­tion. (ftlled to the bed of death, what remedy bava we in tbe matter when all remedies have failed t Mind mart be our only reeort a t last, Tbara ft no death ; all ft mind. There ft no m aile r; ' he is not dead, but slaepcth.'"

Thus tb s (..'hrfttiaii scleutisli fUmlDato the Idea of depending upon or appealing to a p e ^ lonal (Jod, while prrtesslng doepraligloua Awl* tu f aud barping uptsi the necoaslty of recognIS' ltig(he'*ciieD M t''of Ood and man. fajme of our New York sdentlsts have gone farthor than this, and declare that there ft (O) need of religion a t aJI In the matter, and merely a strong twUbf in the unreality of disease. Our faith b ralrta go to the other extreme, orel prnfeu to get a great deal out U prayer. The typical faith hcalon carry around a Diblo with them, and make a great use of prayer* of all kiudi.

srioaxs Of " n x a i . i u ' 'In New York to-day there are between WI

and 400 persons, mon and womea. actively en­gaged In sxtartlng money frian wesk-miuded Iwo[de who are led ta believe that iburv may fas nm uthing in this latest orass. We have no tare Ihafi seven institutes from which a ciasi ft turned put once a owJijih. Rome of tiiaoe grad- iretre precllco medicine or healing, while otimni g o to ^ e r to w f ii^ andeotafalftban Institute of iheft own, findlog that more pmlUable than the ordinary practice ofthu profession. Ro flw, not one New York physician of reputa, notone mau of adticmUon, ta the liberal sense of (be word, Skotone writer, not oDO clorgyman of position, h u CDOutanance to any farm uf the orass. The (farlsUan scleniftts are all half-educated perwms, unpleasant ta deal with, fait friMjuoQtif sfarowd, cunning and plausible—tbe very men wbo would be svtacted u lltTbr fraud. It Is ih li (’lass of people wbo were the inesmerlsls, the claiTVoyants of twenty yean a g o ; to-day th e n ft tb ii tincture cant added to the old iiutabug.

As «B iiwlanee, 1st me (luoto this svplaiiaUoB of what faith healiog ft, which 1 wrote down, woid for word, u tt came from one of the lead* enIntlM m ovem ent; ” Faith healing ft that brsM-h o f Ofarirtlan srlesoe which plaou the metaahystaal in juxtiposUton with tha raaiartal and reflects by defioct1i« the Divine will (htougb human w aaknw , bringing out IntoI M t I « H o e f in w . M ^ U u ^ mitaHnj.

U iw iu . , Mi n i , Jwn. r i . —Two l u f i knr ■ *< 7 M r! bniMi n m loUUr dreuwyail by fire this renratng. Tbit fautldlogs were ownwl by the f.ty and oe- ruplad by the Fire iN-parua^u real fay tire*- twutae C aud U, of the Huih HeghasaL la tb# fartildtng were 'Jo,(Mfl nundi ftf eartridrw, which kst<t up a ewniaot tafllsde, and K-Tsral krgi of gwapowder whloh exytadofl wiifa such Ibree u b> ba bevd ail ever ths city.

The Him alarm ie|ffra|ih syrtere w u raralrred usetare, ami every rlerirft llgM tu ibH cHr w u cxUufufthwl. Tfaft elsrtilc tight itatiiMi w u In rl<«i pcuxLnltf ta tba i n andtha •Ireswsssdreuoysd TW faididltip wsravalwd aiflrt.Dui. Thsuatforare

militia, bigvtber wUh tfaaU anu . weea dc»tni)sd. The roof nf aa adMuirei fauildl^ w.ti>l»nAi’a tn by the failing wall* of the brick bulMints, and th t butidlng, with IBs eoub-tita. wMI be a tuirt lure. It w u Ofrtipletl hy grain and hay duUrw It ft (bought thai DV-iQ will niver Ibo total k«s. The brick buUdlnga wen not lUttrnd*All Ibe Are apparatiw w u saved, but tha fira- men tart twrely all thetr pvnuual efifauta

xK ASaoET on n t aOn: rastu , 0 ., Jau. U--Tbs F<ame«D(h tag}*

iMut ArwiLiTT, a frams atru-tura on flpring street, burned al I o'efawk this saorelug. Fire reugbt frtrei a dafaeilve flue and smmi enveldped tbe fauJldftig. The drapery aud everffreea wssil lika a fluh and fait lo (fat Boor, trerything going up Uks as aAphwUre. 1%e flwM of lasft sUajI Ibe Amtwy NMtaavored lo gel raluabiM and ItiealoekOat, but wree iiMbCe todosav* thing of creissqnsstas. ThebulMIngwuiolaCv rn\ sloprd in less than tan reluutas.

Three were 1.000 rounds of aaBtounlttou la th* butidtng. The oanrtdgw Riploitad, tha buIteSa f l y ^ i g ^ jlirarttaret reaklnv It daofreuv flv san to w n ^ , FrtfaMn,i»Dred,WUrttueklft iftO ffilFL: Xl'ak t fart aerlwK.

Ubiras hunilr«il itadiWpf rifles Msd uniformo of ail lha IHU of tba rsglmaatdealioyfadi u wafi McquIpmt'Dt atidpirapherualia, txoapi lanta.TliC ufllcvn k rt much of tfaoir guisla.' Adjutont- gvnetal Axltiic retimatas the lure to uie fliata j b fl.1,000. CHbvr local crgaiiLiallnna and d r^ m r|e bwl tbelr unllbrms lu ths buildlug and k rt the rtBM9.

ruftTET Aiip Pool <x>asi Kin.The tibto I'ouUry, Ftgi'utit KsiumI and Pet

Ainck AMuriatlou opcDctl their reouid anniirt fXhlNtion al the Armewy Tuesday, There were dft|da)i from nearly evsry faala easl of tiw Mlhrtjrtiqu. Tbe value of lbs exhibit ft ea* llmatcd at over All Ihe poultryand piTTcip stock and nearly all the dog ware Dofoumed. Tbe famous Uordon settar. Royal l>uk«, owimd by Waltar Uiuaerett, of llilUdcltibla, valued at klO.OOfl, broke hft chain ami yi4 badly shigfd. The only othar do*i saved ware (he ehumpion KngUan aeltsr Paul (iladNUuic, IMiUiburg, valua 110,000, and (wo Irish aellaTi and a polutor belonging to real- dents of (Vdomlms, which bad bean lakaa houe lart nlgh(. Amotig tbs dogs buiMd were tVittl M., prise pointer bitch, of titaveland, which has taken prises at all the kennel sbowi and valLwd lU In all, over RH direidnr"" di9Sn;nt breeds were tort, oompofAng tb e ^ e a i dftplAy ever mads La Ohio. BlrChartofl( «aldto fas the finest sperimra of tha Bt. Lemard in America, owned fay H. L. Uoodtnan.(hk valued at tkdOO. and (he whole of tha Alta Kenntd, Tidwto, Ohio, compgasd of flt llcrnarift, wen all bunted. Tlisro were between flOO aiMl MX) entriri I n poultry, carrier plfeons, etc., from many Hirtea, all burned.

Tbccatalofureani rsnird of prise wltinsri wen- Inimcd, which nukkes detailed infornia- tliatdlffioulttohecure. TheowDarsof nanyuf tbe drga are not here, and those to charge ar* greatly erei fused over thslr lore and can give ua Dtformallon abuat InsurancH.

A uriTuii U U lu an n .nillA PtU ’UtA, Jan. l l^ T b a entonslra

'"dbfTbtl"’ llflil of Ituinpr BfolEera, *ak TTair 'cuckaod UuuUngdtm strartk was aorepigtgiy -.ilertroyed by fire abuu« T o'atock this morning. She lure on nontaais, macbthcVT *oA (he bnOd*Ing will reach | 7&,QU0, which ft almost entirely envered by Insurance, Over luo bands m thrown out of ompluyuent.

Fire this muruiug In lbs piano warsroorea of Henry F. MUtor'i flcckA, on the flat floor of (be Young Men's rhrfaUan Assoclalton Itatl, Flftovntb and ('hsstout ilrseU, saured a lore ow tUakurtimatodatKWb; fully covered by in* •oraiioe, llie bulidlng wm not damagud.

Tronble Ibr Both of Tliain.BrrKnuit Noll and OlHoer B arks a t

fl:lU o'clock Urt evening amrted TUaothy Dwyer, of Orugu, and Mrs. laura Pitman, of iM Commerce street, for dlunlarly eouduct, at the house 301 Market street, kept hy a Mra Hammll. From Dwyer's aoeount be gave Mre. Iltman II and she took flo from bins. A row was the rceult and both partiot worti iewked upi Tbftniurnlng Justice IMrigo lenlenoed them both to thirty days or tbe payioent of a Its; Hue. Dwyor paid bis in , and Mrs. Pltmau emberkml for the (tuny days. ______ _

Uaeoln*! Nabstlinte Dead,Dovkk, N. j ., Jfin. lil.—Julm H.

fluiplM died of boutt dliuase ta thb plaoe lart evening. Duriitg (he war, when a roglraant of Toliinlocri WSJ being rafted In tbe Dftiriot of Columbia, lYciddeut linuolUbipreeBed uduslra lo place a lubetltule In Us ranks, and eummU sloutd a friend to find him one. Htaples, who w u the K»i nf a clergyman, wre sdoctad and brought to the Prasident. Mr. Llaoolii, after eiaiuinlng him, expreare*! himself satisfied,and perlected the arrangenicms by which tttaplaa entered ibc ivffinif nt as hft snlrtltute.

that (be vndnwmuiit fond of the liiitUutlun omiHUits (o BU OES.tlt, which is Invested in iMtHft and mortgagoA fttariiig iniarqit at from five lu MJTi-u per c*-d(. auuuin.

ftathel Presbytertaii Church om eeri.I 1iu annual parieb mitotiug o f the

Bethel iTesbyterUn (%nrch. Fast Orango, was held In tho cUurnb lart night. Trusteea wore ole<-te<l as follows; Fur throe years, (Joorge Kuteber, W. Irven Bovcrol; for two years. (Tkarica Whitlock, Ttkomai Walker: fov one year, William M. Van Ness, Stephen Herdtuan. The fgllowUig were also elected: Hders, W. I, Soverel, A. B. SpLuulag i deacon, James titi- mour; buitday school supGrlutendeut, WlUiam B. ktUft; assistant supcrliitendimt. W. I. Suv- orol; secretary ami trwwurer, Herbert F. Sot* eicl: ilbrarUns. George Alhey, L A. RoWusoa. Tbe buildiJif fond oomioUtoe rsported that U bad on hand ta carii ffi.OW.M, and plcdgiu azDOuuUng to tl,5a».7fl, nraking a total of**,aw.b4.

Orange ffahes W ar on T ran p i.The iMoal nambt^r uf tramps in

about Orange has tod the Orango pollcotoa de- tenntaatloD to got rkl of Home of thorn If powl- ble. Ycrterday Sergeant (fonruy arrestod James Welsh. Kennedy O'Brien “and James Vorrftey, ibroc votcraru. and locked them up. It was siMT>ecti<(l that they were the men who bad demandixl money at WUUam K. Waton's bouseon Highland avenue (he night before, and when the servant girl was brought to (ho ^^Ucc riaUon. she Identified them as the men. They were each sunt to Jull for throe months.

A t Law Ovar Awards-Thecaae o f Aaron M. Condit againat

tba Townshlpof EaatOrenp, camoup i«fore JiiiTgn Ik'pue thU aftonwoti. It ban appeal f r ^ the award made to plaintiff for a plooe of land taken In the opening Burnett rtreot lo Central aveftue. Tbe townihipoominUtoe last year awanM a certain amount lotiondit, who averatliAt t^ m im w u below what the real estate was rfilty woeth.^

N ew ark Medical Assoolatioa Offieere-Tho N ewark Medtoal Aaeootation held

its annual meeting at S. sod J. DavU'x rant iMt evening- There were present abont twcntyflveoftofl«**«*^«“ >»'*' elected for the ensuing year were; pr. IL L Bunage; r i c ^ ^ d e n k Dr. a a Btanvroodjfaecialaryand treawrer, Dr. ■- WM* sort Jones,


W m ldcd a t ti ta n Ultlge.W illttun H. Van Onurt, of tin- firm o f

Miuu) A ('-n,. Orange, and Hire Lisils, dAtutbter of Jtihn JkKighoiiy, were married la itn lg h ta l (be bride's parents, resIdeuL'e cm Uncolnstreeti (lien Itidgr, by the Uev. Henry W. ItaUantioa, of tbo F ln t PresbyUiilan tiliurch, lllmfuificld. The handsurae rasi^Dce was gayty deofwated u llh plants and furiu, while ,lii a njom adjoin­ing (hu (larluni w u a table hNwIod di^wu with <'0Ntly prwmnts, atnung them a deed fur a bouse from (Jje hrlda’a faihcr._ ______

A K nife an d a I 'a p e r o f Tobaeno.Ycfatorday aeveral young «»torrel raon

were In s shoeshop on illii street, Urange. kept by luinduljih Itovan)], also oulorud, and grA into a sriilYla. One of thorn, nanied Frank LJalL inaU-hmi a paper of tobacco frum William WU- NJii aixi started to run. WLIhou pldkod up a ihoa Imifo and made a lunge al Hall. The kuLfo struck Hall In tbu calf hft leg and taflletfad an ugly wound. No complaints wore mode.

M oney H ubaerlbeil fo r H osp itals.T h e e tn ck h o ld rn i n f the L ia te r A g ri '

cultural Cbtimlcal Worker yirteiday afternoon etacicd tbefallowli»g (JiTMiors: Llwta bister, W. M. n a rk e , J. Kohoe, K H. Manta, wiUlam Fclby. tiffircri were ducted as foUuws: Dt- wln lister, ivushtaut: William H. ('larke, rifle* priwhlcnt: KdwanJ laiwarter, secretary. Am • pprupriatton of 1800 was made lift (llstrtbutUiM lo tbe ftdtowlne hrwpilsts. Bt. Michael's, IIW ; S t Barnabas's. nOQ; itormau Uuipital, tlOO,

Newairk B irds W in a M ain,fiin to from th is c ity and Brooklyn

met fn a pit across Ibu river early yeiteotoy BMirnlng and battled tor a stake of ffiOO and as much oumey as their iwrtftant oared to w . The main consistod of nine brtUes. of whlek five fell to the lot of the Newark njan. t o g e t ^ with Ibe ^ to that giws ta the winners. ™ ftrhi was an cxceodlngly ch*e and exolting o V wllfl betting l^ ik and at oven flgurea,

C I T Y N E W S N O T E S t

T h e (Ju ild o f S t. B am ab s i haH r i f t e d MOO fur Ht. Bamabis's Hospital.

Monfaignor Doane \oM rocelved from P, PallsiitlneditocHflfiOfor Bt. Michael's Hospi­tal,

T he P h ffn ix B u ild ing And I /ra n Amw- I'latloD yestetday elected John Coppersniilfa president; I,eopohlBbaflfar, vifle-pwalilent; ti, (MJi-man, secretary, aud A. J. (Jeiger, tresfl* tirer.

A n itiiano nwm nam ed fltagor, w ho «i* raped from ihe Tounty Lunatic day, ft still at large. *"<1 authorities of ^ irisUtutiou have not o ^ i » d euy clue ef bfa whercttlcuis. ___

T h e Boftrd o f Diroctuiii o f tbo mania Scheulsenbund resolved Iretlnlght t o ^ „1TC lha ThiM Ih l l l .U p n jn to th o ra « « lr i^ wlilah li non tumpmad of i l l ownpMttn. a marabenlilp of IW.

A t th e h i l l o f tho W om nn 'i C h rlsU in Toaperanoe Pnloli tail nl*ht William Smitra wai Ka taciplant of lew ral prraonl. loclwiln* a e«lil lnw l«l **•* “ ?'*•Th* women o f th e union p ro r tto l» lino «o»»-

E . O. Iiooium l, o f 90 CTintna « t y *.r a r t ih i iN .H . D « h « ,

cxaxfai nndsr elreufaiiiaiirea wEWft E ftW *n a u o t tn O i«nT *‘a ^ “ .S m lay , ind lha* lH J*otoi»o»“ 0 w o rt ON, in tftid Ihew iU lit Ooo^

N U W A lU r F T E N IN G N l lW i . t W B S D A T , JA N IT A B T 12, 1880.

ms| | [ l i p » l tfvnting §1■ M L Y , U O E P T • U N D A Y t ,

w ilfS KILlSEfRIi COIPIIT,At M . >44 BROAD S T R I tT ,

H t w a r i i , > •al Uu n t t - Q f a m i t m i < ii« m titir j

r« a i> k i I « k « iB lB lc t ia

O ili .* ra d by c u r i« r t )n any p a r t e ( (ba c l & ar>4 O r a i n , E aa t Na«Mfb, and in (ha aa w n i a f B a i ^ l a , M onU lair,B loam fic l4aarf a | M R t t in C o i«Y - ’ 4 W i i M t ^ f > b a M , fiva d aH an a y a ir , a . fifty c a n t t a iiMatA, p o i t t g t f>aa. i t a g t i cofliaa, tw a can ta . O a lita rad by ca rrW n in N aw ark, ta n c a n ti a w aak.

O td ta a iy a d ta r ti ia m a n tt on ibird and " p a ( a a , ta n c a n t i a lina ag a la .

la la a f a t th a t i n t and ta c o n df M n an d f a t ta c u ra d p a a ito n t .

A d aa rtiia a ian ti u n d a t h a a d t a1 W an tad , T a L a t. F a t ta la , P ataanal, a t t . . a n a c a n t a a a r d , M atriaga N o tk a i , i j eta.; B aa tb K attcaa , vn thoul Invitaben, ■} c t i . , a n d ad th Itn ita tlan , j o c t i.

C b a n ia a in yaatly a d ta r ti ia n ia n tt la b a a w d a a n S aturday m uat b a j ia n d a d in a a F n d t r a b a tn a a n .

ORAMCE, H. J .W illiam H. Larton and H a tr ita a > Allan,

a f a n t t .R a ta l ( i n n and a d ta r t i ia m a n ti for th a

N EW S ra c a i ta d by ab h a r a i th a tb a v a a a a n h . A lta o rdara fa r c a rria t d a l t ta ty w w n .

BLOOM FIELD, R. J.C . C o o p ar, ag a n l fa r ad v a itiiin f .O fd a r i fo r carriar d a lita iy may b a la ft

a l D ancar'a and V aught B rai ■ N aw M tan d a

T H U B B R A Y , JA M O A B y I t , IWW.


O B JL M A T n u M ra u 'u m .J b U a i t t s f t b a land a f tha B W r Mil “ to

le a w e la a M a d la u fy ," and a f c a a n a la tb a M n a ita a a f m a k ia i a m l x m tha “ r a r - i AiiA '' Banalaa K lan a it h a n hand nritb a M il la p rav id a I t r tb a foaB dlaf a f a na -

BBltFanity ( i t th a adacatto* a f * h a 'a m «a b a ta a ra ty th ia s t a t

M atkM d a ra b h a d O aa on ao iitH laa t b a tk a y p la d fa tbaB aalTM tn taaab iisr (aa j a a n a B i r p u B a a tla a .

T b e a e w a a a l e e i BapaaMAteUTe P bahw , a t T k aM aiaa , w ba w u t a an a a m d a w o i ta Lba O aaaU ta tlon a m p a n a r la f Coafiraai la

StIMieiLWO In ka d b lrtb a ta d (a pub- Ua ad m o ti In tk a la te ra l Slataa ol th a D a la a , p ra n t a a a I b a b a d te f l l l l l a r a c j .

B e p ra c D ta tl r e B lU t, a f ! f e a Y ork, b a t a p n |a a A l a brief, l( la ( b a (k a ta

tUkOSIMMO aalual la rp ln i (ba ih a ll aotlQr (ha r ra r id a n t,

« k « aha ll canaa a d ta r ila e a ta a ti (a ba |n ik- Ik h a d fa a tW rip dapA aalH iif b r a a a M la a p n a l l Ib r b m d i o f a e b ira e la r (a ba ip t iU a d . W U bla ta n d a y t tra m (ba a lo ia a f (h a a i t« r i iB 8 E p t ir io d ,a a ld b id a a ra ta k a a p a a td by lba S a c re tu y o f tk a T taaa- a ry t a d C aa ip lro ilar a f tk a U o n ta c y and T r m m m a f t b a U n i l td S la ta a ,n d a t ta rd a aha ll ba m adn to t h a n w ba b a t t o ffen d h a s d l a t tb a la w e a ra ta , l o fa t , aa pood. M t b a i B l a a p i e T k u t b a tb a P ra aldw it a P tb a D altad S ta t n aball k a ta th a r i ( k t M la ja c t a il propoaali. T b a u k a a ia du a l a a look p rom lalB i friim a t y pohik ^uf tfa w , exeap t t b a o f tb a adTartlriB> ■ ad lttw a ,_______________________

A HAW W ATKH CCUC. m * P r a U a a t B a m a tf i ipeaah a t th a Board

a f T ra d a d iB P tr laM n t ib t , la th a m aio , w aa a c rad llaU a d e llv ritiM a ; i t « a i fu ll o f lb a ip i r i t o f e a te rp r iia and I t rb lm ad

pow rr w eald ( i d t a eaaa u P lato Sowtr t l (B ty ibewld be a a a b r r a d , a n d a riOH i ta d y a f ik a O aaalila liaB and tk « a a ia d - m a a ti Lhartto w ill h l l t a d ta a o m th a ■ i a a a by w hich P a d a n l a a tlw rily tao ld be a c a la u a e rte d a a m e t Left o f in w n a l paltcy . I t la b a lk to ta lk o f r a a l r a c U ; a a eaa to a a aaa be k ta d ta f aa lam tk a eaa- t a n r i a i partlM a n la c i i a l n U a t poaiUoai j an d “ d a ra a i,’' w ketkar lap o aad t r n lf - a a n a a to d , a e a a t i t la to any b trc a ia . Tk* liaH M n t o a e i a a d a w iib a a t U tob Art aa- o th e r b a lfc e a to ry I f a n naary .

T k b l a l n p y a r . B a t t o a U a a r a a a ia w hy w aald-ka rir lb a ra ahaald a a teak be-h t a they l a p .

F tf§ h tre ab le k h ra w L a f Ibr th a T ory U o t a n a n L A a r t o f O roftor la a a tn e Idea hM k aa k w a a t In S i i Ha d aa d a l a a d Ireagae h a ib e e a f la r lad la WalcA h a t th e ( l a t a n B a a c a a a a aaa th a m m a toOAto ia a l tb e i a f t k o a a in n lr i ia , t k a It n a a a p to y , a a d ea th e O aarriaa lac tila tk ra ta I r t l a a d , T h a a p a a la i a t F arilam an t ii b ara ly la a r w aaka d la to a t II la Uwa b a t th a a te to lO n U a B b a a lraad y a a e « |h a a Ha baada, a a d any a tU m p t to lolU ate frw k eaarO ao w a a o e w oald b a t (bad tb a Hama a f ippaitM aa, T b a tw a aew ■ o n m e n ta b a t a t b a a rp r e to f balng parla o f a eaa- ea itod p la a U p o t la rd H a lb fa a ry “ lu a b a te ." Y a tb a L oadao Mawlarri a l l i aa tb a Y raaW t ta adopt a aiora ea am aa d iay ta aa . A s tk l i papar M N ppa |ed to to tba t o t m a r a a t or pan Ike aiora o n d e r i la T o t lea a n , aa ta ra lly , d k q u ia .d . I t la la tpaiilhU lo c o a p r .b o a d the daaptiUa la a a r a a w hich n t a a to to ( to a ltrlbo to o f lb a p rra c B t a d n ln ia ln lio a . W h it th a oalooaia w ill ha It la lap aa a iU a to p ra d iw .

That NEWS Of THE lORNINO. a l a o t im n to i

If P H I p a n too waleb about a to ra a» l

T — H a ^ T r W a . i a TWH H a ir B a b aH M amHto a W a a M a rd a lv d ,

I t w ip kaaW B a l l a r r r l d B | R raa rh k n alpM tha t two of Utc )a1ai)aTwlffl imm in tba HaaOtflU la ,o fa t b a n contoMd and the paopt. are vtkd wUh anpai o n lba mrapr i t "U ach FM a" IvwUap, a b o tt la now knowa a i a o a lo b a a a a T i i l A « A M a a , t o a a (T th ilc

The too m t o O i o . of the criiaa a n t nada by H it. V r a u i A natf M aaaua , i ll a ip'iaat a t o to t ta a a b a o a a a t Mar, b aah , ta il b , itan to il M a a rd PUIct. bar p a r a s w . l

V a to O w e d e e n f l an otoetol OBpUpat to i to t atimm, ird a ii c« a M at from, OnwHihIr I U t WufrT, mciuad tbia bote ftraa Puucr Ui Hn. r . la n tn . m Mn. Dunk, a ritto a Is Im a b U n ia M a n : ^

M ail H a t Dt . a - i r 1‘cW - f t . Lul . laka talHt. and tell a h e a to n n It W yau.

Abac laadlBi tb« a a a a to w n to Ibla aaawar: P T io roaa- l loldigid a ia d t alrnceunliiB lai:

all abnto yaae aam lB t a aa tak . Yaa In u a hallla u ia yoa H « a a aa iah , aad ip a a r '« r hrart Uka a u a and MO rnaalala ■ a tU h like a man. If r tu acknaaladaa Ito (nilh. Pa If pjo mow you Mult a waiota aad did »>t kill ktia, I to Iralh alU ru t H aw w . yna kaoa. I t ia Mrork the ntd aw ii w ith a bolUa and luld ,■ « ta d aia tha t to d ta , and yno know to tO n lr ia ia B d m t Ac a tnaar to pa awaf. and (a u k a o w H o a d a y to a n tl l to a o rM ir maa all riar loat-

Li n ou • • tba Cofooet laaraad of tha a tto lra i jaut by the ta o prlamara ha h u r r ia to tba n o n a b a rr ibe MptaM a d aeap ln i, aad 10 ht> . Ih m ifb a fiM ha a f Ito Peaea, O ta M ih ilra iA a n Tm i ' i o n PoHar robb toaM tab - I I t llamlUoa af b it a a iah , b ia did a a o H w a t o h tm h i i a . "D o itoadar aftanHOB Itoa caiH to IM t u t toM m a ha toM Ur. H aniltoa »Uh a L ur uaila , but put no moaay freaa biM. ilF u k i il UK lu ri*a b ln aaoiiay ao tha t t o r-.Tld fo away. I m id,

f f t a t o r a

r datotoa of ( to a

iiw toaltosId all (lladHowa UtMWitodnod . .m . i g itoS ladalnak io i aonMda t t t o w n ti uf Ito rO M lto , many o f w tom b to aooh emry party and paw ona eoaM deratoa l e pro- w ruuitoam aatry aaatoM StoASoaatoa, H a wa w Ibi irinclpla of nuHnwal nakm a w a Ma- h W y helA The I'alY ihto Won aaaVllbad that lir la a d anuJd aa taar or H M to a iM t i l , ip lily aaaH ktow d wHH to a to t o t o to aad paaeafttUj au ) pcaapentaly axial aadar tb e n a to LapM atiaa aad t t o atow Iswi, pay- In p ib tH M w p a n to to# law a a d a M p to f equal Itbart. V arnuriaa bard baaw i h d l ^ r ftino of rwp land g a b a Iwdawd M oOaaan- m ats eauM ba a f n y a iw i i ,a to n t ta b a * a d ibaili ruuld g a i n raa iii lily

Ri'hrnop lu tba Iblr trada m a rO an L ba dto riarad blaraali a fraa Iradar to ll oa prindp ta. Pot a id Itora were marry t h l i g axtHbipiB i t o to M a ju m i wbMb w a n t i wMary to itoa ira to

la ra u a to d la t to n to n a rd E a I to lO A

TOTS or TiJEions nation& m i m m ro M xt w n n r r r v m .

IrU wm OOP

' D adloy, Ibo C aaidoa K icker,'’ haa itubh fd h ll loo lA a la il tbo Bowall atopplap

A o ta lo n a U a p Bpbt laoido a e o rp o ra io i Ik aboDt to ao B t off 1a B N tan w h a n tb a p rao ld w t aad i t a e r a l a u a a p e r of tb o W a a l k a H U o a Ballwaiy t ju m p u y b a n J o la td la n e on tb o quesU op a i to w h k b la "bat* .'’ T h tao o rp A a lio n W n a tra O to r a c q a ln d a ll tb a i t n a pa w to i a t l l u a la B aitoa . u iM b n th a t l l n i a i l i i l a I h n ca if la d p e * e n |e » flo a t OroTa H all Id B a a k a r H ill, o r rO t rarao far ty a aaata, b u t q a i t t reeaatty tk a panaral m aaapar, M r. lU chard i, ipU l tb a n a t a and e h t r |a d tw a d ire i fc i th e dU taaee. l a raap a o ta io n to e a r in iM to M r. W klM ity, p raridan i a f th a eoBipaoy, preialaeil th a t th a o ld ralaa a to i ld to ta M o n d . b a t to th t i tk o p a u e n l m saapar tr ill a a asM ai. T h a n waa a b rie f w a r o f w o rd i and bow th a Board of Ib ic c to ia w in h a r t to daoido w ba la to i ta p dow n aad owt. I t n a m a t a ba a q a a - Hen o f “ one m an p o w u " a n y w a y , t h a ough t n o t ta h a r t a rieaa . SukaaliBioB a f t t o a ia lU r to tb a d ln a to n a t A n t 'w ou ld haT t aared tronbla,

I t la o V i aa If bayaaad aad clam th c lli m igh t ba a t a d iacoant tn Ibla iM Eltialurc.

aalrre. Ha waa oonTtaaad tha t i to a t w to Uruutol l b a t to Deri upaat iiiilrwitoa to d nttoriy aa ttf i nf the COfiMi dnatiria ry .

l a a M M m ry 'i w aaeh waa daH w ud Hi t to l i m a w btrH w a. arawd id b y a a andtauaaaf abnul r>aM peiaoM. Many a b ie la g a a a M h n i t e t T to y w a to d t o tha appaannaa of Lord laUabury aad trtoHe n u f t . ebaaring t t o iratoaM laad m to d boelint lba U ltA a g '

OH T B x r n c u i o r r u h o r .

L your r . i ) fr<n u un la r.' lie la ld , ' I can a i p tu Plain. r* c Im n Ibare, or I e a a g r i tn Afrimer (btW,' and I h n to w ant away, aad tb r i 'i Ito tad I a iw g h lu i . ' '

Tbe I 'uiuaar want to F tilier'i aril leal nlpfal. Ttaaprinanr baow rry tn f aa d la id ha would like la cHar kH mlwl.

Tba Atbrwtnp rrmfeodna WH wrHtan by tha rterk, uhleb Ihepeirnner Hgtierl ataaPud BT- w.rri Hrttat balrw •w o n aeeotding lo law latib •ipa inw a:

On Dantmbar H . IWT, a aboat a a t/elork In Ihn a.aoliig, I w a. la t t o houaa r>f Her. Annie Pdiwuici, n a a iaaa lr known « Dunk, wliaa Tlllla ttoUhTaUarl mo lu lba Im e ldeo rtod lolrl n a th r ra waa a d r o u k n a a a tu t t o Moor 1 went Dili tbere aarl lecn kUa ilD Ini ua lba MoKp aotl lifted b la i up and w rikM abiag HItlaatnt'l with him at IhrM tba ttark of tha Kew Jan ty HootliemlUllnaid. He ibonk head, w ilt me. lltw M rlrw nk. Ha Ihaakad M Ibr UAIng b in oui M the ca n .

Then I laB him aad w n u tla I to houw. Mn. Dwnk aetod am *h<l to .w fA I (Md W b . ww ad t o WBric a wkita b a rd .wbcaanaaM 1 dul noi kanw. la old a a a M aialhaa. w itd i. (In aad aat It.'‘

I Utld bar I lOd a a w ant Is do H I to B ya " T h tl 'i Dotblag; p> UB aad g a A " 'T lun I wem out to t t o oqmar of Mllli K not and lba raiRrad taaO, and H nalllnn war allU Maodtai ib w , T h a w a a l a a t fUlaan lalnO w aS ae l

t o 1 took bald nf h lH M If I WM

B 'l |

11 dUl nol xanw. R ie tu n . "Tnat M iialhaa. Ba'a i B a Aaa |*<4

bedlaAkUa, tu tca le Uadw acn. ta t know whalBer

him aw V i and tben 1 tonktlio . doing ao In to h a ttw abaia. I d tn 'l i b r t o k n w I mlAad him or noi, a l

I laltroad track aa IfM rigbi cm down lae a f a u g tuba w u fothg Is tba ilaoaa a Bmlaa'a.

I l h t a waM ta lba boaaa a a t aa tod H a . D u a a n d t to ih a r l b a t I t o tS . P to i ra t i

l a a U e x lta a p u i i o a am aadm anl bill recan tly iD lrodacad, t h e n waa aapaela l p to r ifo t h a tb a aM ihaB ld a a t , n ad e r an y o ircu tH iltneat, ba oam ltw od to allow o f tb a g ra a tla g o f a p aa tlo a lo “ Ja ff R ariA " T h a faaa t b a la b a i ip m ads oyer th l i p a t r o ld >eaie e te w w ould ba a a u e ln g war* it n o t im ta t lo g . T b a a n a h c r a a a ( tb a B ta < ■rta i s B t U a O oaallD U onal p tnoaodlagt WM h a rd ly a e I rc B B ta u ta to th e fear w h irh la e a a to ba an ta rla laed laat th la “ m an w ith o u t a co u n try " abaa td ailp la to rn w h e r r . I f tb la aort o f th in g co a - tio n e , koua fanatic w l l^ ba propoaiap a a

karm o n lo tliiy w ith tb a pettlUi a r w f tk ia asrcad iaaa l* (0 ib a ' fkM Mljttiilto ' to " tb a■H ttir'PA l • • ' e f t e t th a t BO p u rw a a f t t o B iina o f R arH

B to tk a ia w u p m la t ie a l ia a n a d a by lb a g a a l l u n th a t ib a i ld n o t t o p o t- B rilted ta p a n n ae b A tlrn |aL T bo ocoa- t l M WM la a l iB p a m n t to perm it in p u llt la propoaitloBa lo go by dafaw it. Mr. BxaaaH paapoacd th a t lb a c ity g ran t a p r le a ta caaapaay tb o r ig h t la I n y ^ a tb a c ity aad a a tb a h ifk w ay a for tb a parrpoaa o f aapp ly lng p o r t w a te r a tba bom aa of n o b d tlan aa aa m ay ba w illing to pay for IL T hla ia th a Idoa (b U U ayae M .y n ta ayp oi a i ia bia aw aatga aad wlrteh ( lo t - c ro w O rc ta (w a daya ago w a n e d tb a p ta p la a g a ts it . Indeed , I t la th e r a ry paapaalU on th a t th e L aglatatara w ilt to a t o ld to dafea t, if a a y liap la com m aalty BOitb o f tb a B u l ta n ih a ll teak to b a ro IhTarably eo a iid a iad .

T bo B b } rc liau ta tb a propoaHlsB lo fur- n k b coaim aB ltlca w ith w ater A ltered Ib ra a g b tb a p a to a ta o f p r in ta .p o c i ila to n , a r t ao logical t b a t t l i arioB lablag lo find BCB, n o t l a lo ta la d , ad .o ea tin p c o n tracb a f th a t cbaractcr. A ny p roduct oflb a labor, kklll, o r iclouao o f m ao, ac- eaedlop to eonoelvad noU ani, l i peeparly la t t o m a i k a for epacnlaltee Rain. B at th e botiiiUea o f ProrUIaiKie; th a gift# of ( la d to m an, th U m a a m ay n o t pertab , d a n a o o n a undor th la g taap lng ca tegory . A ir, IlghL aun-a b la e an d w ata i a ra K atura’a b o nafartlan t t a tb a crea ta raa of th e U r, tba aa rtb , and tb o w ate ra under th a a r l b ; w h b o a t an y o n e o f tbeaa eiem m ita tbo c i u tu r a m ade la I k e im ege o f God w ould die. By lu i t ln c t, by rcaaon, by Jegio, i t la I t o r ig h t o f tba 11t Ib | to baye w ate r u pure u n a tu re d la ti la il , a p len tifu l a i 'powlble an d aa elMap aa candiliuiB w ill porinIL A tpacu- l a l a o palae la n o t tb a eb a ap ea a w hich tl iia ciaen tlal cari ba had. liaalde th e w a te r Iw lo rp lo lba people; no claim w h k b fp e e u la to n may a d ra sca can cAUctt b a rli^ t . ___________

D TA II MAV IIB -A R M T ITeO .I t m ay to adm itted th a t George T ioknor

R urlla la a well-poited man on moat eub- JaO a, b u t It d o a n o t follow Uiat every - tb lo g w hich b e ceoleea from bia ow n In- o a r GODialMuneH la d au rv lu g of im pHctt coaA dencc. U ltla lu tdeU ecia iiC D , on th e M brm eo qoeHioD, par tnadlotn o f tb a S eeb ea te r, N . Y., ('niow aad d d re rlila r , w ould t e e n to io d lc a e tbaL

Aa ia w ell koe wn, tba a t tu la H o rraeo i o f th e T e rr i to ry o f U ieh are m ak ing a W* a ttag g le to get th e ir " patch ” adm itted u a B taU . T hey b a re form ulated a Uooatl- t a t ia u , one o f th e cond itlon i preceden t to a a ch adm ln ton , nod In the arid docum ent b a r e em bodied certain icem tng eonCrrct re n d iiio n i w ith th e e iU tin g SU tea o f the Bepoblio . T h e main purpoae o f Che a ie tem en ta cco ta lned in th e pobllriied io- te rr le w w ith M r. Curtia w ould i e e « t ] be a refo la lion , in ad rance , o f chargoa th a t U lab , w hen adm itted to SUtchond, would repeal th e proriaioaa p rub ib illag p o ly gam y.

T h e n ia a F rench proverb lo th e effect t h a t " ha who dofenda b im K lf before ho is aceoaed, becomeo bis own accotor," an d it a re m a tu be applicablii to ih lsc iw . Reaplte tb o elaborate p bcw o logy o n u o num oran i aitlcloB of th e adtipkd CanstlutUoii, It ia Im pM nble to And th a t a rieg le provW on in T eca rd to th e pow er to am end u b in d ­in g u n d e r a fair constrn ttian o f tb a Cdd- f ti to U o n o f tb c U nited Statea. C vogreit m ay p reec rlto condlliona onder w hich a T k r i i lo ry m .y cnm eliitn tb a ifn ion aa a fUate; bnL hav ing g ran ted S tO ohood, th e F edera l pow er h u been eabauated,^ 'T b a t th e re are oocuit iDnnonoea a t work w bkd) a re n a eonaonant w ith th e theo ry o f boneat in tvntlona on th e p a r t o f th e I f I n i people, m ay be in fe rred from th e I a a th a t in th a laat tcBiuii of Cnngreai a U U ex p llr itly prob lb itlag potygam y aiiy- W hcie ia tb s U nited S ta ta i was, in acme asystcrions m anner, ahofflad o o t o f ilghL W hile U tah i i ' a Tvreitory th e law , th e oaBmaan aeoae and tbe ina tiuot ofdeoaaoy lu b e re n t in U nited Htntos O ovem m ental tta d ll lu o a caa p re v e n t p torn l aw ilA gea or

ahall aver bbld bIBoe s f profit or tn i r i , o r clarire a n y baaaAt w b a ta ra i Aram t t o U uaanim eB i o f th e U a lted Statea. T ha ' 'G h m t o f tb e L ost Cauae" c in ’t h u m anybody tbeaa days. ___________

In A tb u aU e 'i b auk book la tia an , C. C, n . now i ta n d t for cold c u b bug.

O aa of th a j a t o n in th e " B on ” P la t t raae a t A lbany la a rem arkab le tpecim eo, W ben exam ined aa lo b is quallA aU oni ba stated th a t t o knew who ia Q o reru o r a fth e S tate , b u t rnu id n o t i r n e m to r h ll aam a ; ba knew tb a naiaa u f (ha P ra id a u l u f tb a U nited S tatea la w ell a b e know b ! i ow n, b n t could n o t recall It a t tb a m am enL U a c la la c d to b a re lived in A lbany tb i i ty -H re n yaa ta aad balierad ba waa forty-A ra y e a n o f ag t, tbongb be adm itted h a n a g a r r t r s d in th h coun try ia ISID, a t w hich tim e h e w u tw anty-O M y e a n old. H e i t a t a th a t ba coald r e a l a little , b u t conld n o t w rltb . I d cpite of ib e tS o tla o f M r, I ’la tt 'a caqpiel Judge H aybam lefUiad to exenso Ibla u n ique apecinen of a Ju ro r. I t t i n o t anrprlsing th a t lom e cn rlou t verdiota ara obtained w hen ta o h llm to t e a t e n In to the tanka u p o f l J n r j box,

ita a i i ." l a b n w a t i t u to n d to B lA " H rie . . . ' llo U bar I d idn 't know wham to b ld a It. WaLcAb lurAad around the front rwxa, on tba Vtnnnd Aeor. rtna lly I Hva, " I will hidr It on (to tap of t t o door." I d tu ao amt It m arinad Ibaia nntll Hoaday tn n la g . H ll. Dunk Bw M b M a lL

AOat m titdof lixjnlliaa oa New Vaar'a ara I threw the part of Ito b fo k u e to lu i tu a h w lp i (bo natch laM nanton betitod K n. DnnVe hfflwe. On M mday aA em otn ahout a otP tCrlork, lu .A I h e walcSi frota on toprif tba iluur and h id It Of ar tba Jotat la H ii. Ibmk'a I'loiet and told her of it. I kavaa'I lOM lt vinca.

Itrirr Ikiwllof caina lo t» M ia Diiak't huiisa Iciwecn 11 mid l i o’cluck oa t h a toluiday nialti. Ha <U<lnT sacm to to drank. Ifa w u wet, and Ida tboaa and tm ia e n above Ids ankiaa were v n t and muddy. UslUttg H n. Dunk and aw In ts the front toon ua t ie nm iud Ibtor he aikad ua i f we had auytblaa to diiulL

Mn. Rank m M. "V m . I have a boltla of whHkt) la n f Iruak,” and be drank ap lu iftil •nd iaM , " t w v i l e a old m u H u au n n ." Uia. Dnitk aalA " Uow d a run tacaa b tu b b a r Ua B f i , ‘ I to r e tUigiied him eoud. I hll k in tk n a Umna wilk a b n r buula. T lut'a all ba •aid. I I . then want o u W h a t w u Jinl balhn nddn lih i—but after l•riIl• ont alnut Aftean a t twenty tnBnUs t o e t n a back and Hayed In t t o kiteton tke bOnnM of tka ntphL Wbm IWirUat made bis a taciB aal ahool tha bauintc t o gavi H aalboo th a n ware f a olbaf pan . of tha bu o u W rldarmuL William (Xuk, TUUa Pintth u id twn antorad men m m Macedonia. R ie la i f n l of the two w u namod Ilolnua; tto tChar one was a Miori, yvltow Allow whoae iB H a l dnii'tknow. IsiA ke th ii Kahnnaai a my own miiiaat. S raneoaa A P orriA

(lauaax W ..d la c a m ,l , , i ,_ _ _ lU aa iC u o rx A " ‘™**** "


T errlM a Dw al la W . r a a l t o VpfcsM a W o m a a 'a H o m e.

A Hu P a u l pn ,w r ja n to n U y pubUnhad U n U k ra to i aeaeun iaf a dual b o w n u O ig la u M a m a a d jB M lIL K l i a r t ,g « L P a a :

" ( la s m a t t o t week. BMe Puti toalH twu p n n ln c M meMbaM a f Plwncb nO aty , n t- iM a l lM a u n rie a a a a a e a n g u d ln g t to Ha. dlilocu at their paaOe. The p n i t o a n n t y pnatliMBi la the atty. and aa aO iM pt t o i ksan laada to budi t t o niaHw. Al s k h I Itora M a traaian 1a tha caw. A parly of yonng P m o k Uaoils waca drinking a a fkvarto n rae t wl lba nuM i t t to young tady waa n w i t f dartag aa an lan lad iMnmiHan an w d a e re M a u to to td in btgb piaca of re d a c t and « n aiaaag her aeuniIntaaaM and h e rab a n aU rM litRM M haUa. A yoang Prm tM H uadto i t o t o p a b l — If M te ip aak dtoaspaetW Iy af b a . e a d r o r b l a p i lM to w a in lu to d k y a n a a •oriala a I to IkaUva toaid. T to laH a, a t e a arrtvri ib a a Tm aci, and w to haa a r e a wlUi bogie and • a t a a i y la t t o army of t h a HABtry, H rato Ito y n a g fbnadU A and Ito can ll WM a ebaUeaga to B H ta eoabuL

" raan l. b . . : . .A to a a ta n to w en H i p a bat t to hoi btord waa a IB baSgbL earl I to gtnUciDeB would not to y a It t b a way. T to tweed akeia could aatOa t t o giitTaaea. and t b a WMpon a f a i a l y d a t a in WM InaeiidIBi

I ly Ila tded iipnt. WaeiBili w an rboBO So b among tba U u la fto ap of TieficbBaD, tba n r- I riC B ida TtanchpbyHclan, of ( tt Paul, w an

' Beared, n eriagw w en ealiad, a to n a e t to d i i lto i iBd thetr frianda waea briag hiviledly M vayad taw ied Ptori SMtHiy.

•' B royshing waa a v e nged wittwot ftaa or ax. ctletMaA A lo ae ap a waa a a lia s a a a th a to t . U eym aid , aad lba d ielM a IcH ua l in e In pee- peetag ftw tbe to y . T toy aaiee togattar and tlie iU unIhg tia tH B iahed tD ibe iM eiiU iM . A to r Koond* a f axaltlng geaM w o a , aad btnod qroilid I to n tba rlgM a n a of the army a O e a Jeri below tha elbow. Blin ha Amgbt aa aad dtoagatded ( to eou iiaaor h it aaeaad to om n . HH wuuad only ax a ip a iaM h to t to Beta, aad raihlB gaa htf advanary b a dnrre M aaeord irvcril IncbB la ta tb e M l aide (if tba la tto , w hoM lh ieed tng lo ltog in im A THH act w u tha f lu l >int. and tba n rv lm a a f tba nhyriclia w anraU ad lalo reqeleltton. Tboogh la v n e the wound of lba young Caaarllea wan uM fatal, andha iraa InuaedlilaY roBoved to h li home, w hoa ha ia lenivrrtiig. ThOB fhaB ware ftveu le a r rp o tta by the n o u ad of one of tbe d w to B ” _ _ _ _ _

n a t o t N A H t i MUST t i o .

A iaembiym an Goble n a a n w ith one “ b ,”

h u to apall b li

T h e g e a tia l a x o la m a lo i in r a g u d to tb a la test p b a n o f th a Wilsoo acandal in Ib itli, w ill b a : " I t ia m ig a if lc a n t—1>nt It ta n o t law ," In parapb iaae o f tb e F rench G enera l'! com m ent on tb e BaM U aya rb a rg a a f tb e S ix H u n d red . J o a t u all I 'a r i i WM walUiig wHta bated breath for tb e a rre s t ol kf. G rey y ’i sexpegtaoe aoo- In-law , Ib e oAleial a m fell oa Iho ueefc of U . V lgaeau, tbe Ju d g e d ’lu itra c tlo n , w ho had been p c n i ita n tly preariog tb a c u e . H e ja re tired lo dlagrace from bia poritloa lU d relegated to c o m p a n tlv e obacnrlty fo r ca rry ing on t, perhaps to exoeai, tbo ie pccalla r m clbuda w hich ob ta la ia F rauch J ed I d i l p rocfod tag i. A nyw ay, U . Wilaou U U fa BDil F rench J o itic e h u once m ore bean fterlliocd on tb e a l ta i o f expodlaaey. W b a edbet ih l l w ill h ave on tb e public Tf noalnt to be H en,

l i prohlbliloB docs n o t prohib it lu K an- eaa i t w ill n o t be becauM evMtona of th e law a te too ligh tly d ea lt w ith. A t TTichIU, Jo h n Bowlca, cau ric led of illegrily aelling beer, bha been Mutenoed to K ventaen ycara 'Im p rito n m eat, Surely th i i ex trao r­d in a ry H atence coudIcU w ith A rticle A of AmendmeBta to tb e O aoiU tutiou, w hich forbids th a inAiction o f '' cruel and n a - u s u il p u n lth m en la”____

T b a New Y ork i f a a ld purporta to baye n n n r th c d tb e fact th a t th e A n t Beading Ita ilrosd i l r ik e took place S (ty y r a r t ago w hen 111 preeldcnt, M r. H oucure Uobio sou, lie lngrcruaed a n advance o f ealary, th a t is, to fill,000 instead of I t , 000, w ent on Blrlko aga inst la^ lec tio D , and as tbo stoikholdcTS would n o t y ield , he slays* ont. B u t t f a t WU before a rb itra tion w u popular.

H r. G torge G> G orham to l4 "a n Nremiip 3'rirjrrot. in terv iew er th a t " tbe Itepubll- eans ihon id num inate some men th a t llos- coc ro n k lln g rould support.” rUon why n o t t'o u k llu g bioriKlfr Hosmo always lu p p o n rd bint nnw averioaly , (kink ling 's " c o r t ' ' would bccomo s i insplriog m B la ine 's " pluiuo.”

I t is in tlm aied th a t t h e n la a a c b e a » oAoat to adm it D akota and U tali u a sort of political set off. T h is k ind of log-rolling is pisyed out. N otliing coold ju i tify the edm lition o f U til i a t p rcso it, w hile It rea lly seema aa if on ly bllod p ittisaosh lp could object tu R nkote 's ailmisslon to Htatebood^__________________

F r a i k l l u id says Ulaloo'a frlenOe w ill ru n him agslo ib r P residon t for revenge. F ra n k heard I h e a i e fall la ’04 an d th in k s th e n y c B g q w ill kdll llluinA

T k a L a rg a a Oh I C w MaAa toacasa*I a lly € a a M P ltU b w g .

T b e g rea t i t e e l g u n b e in g m ade Air tlm crainent approyil by Ibe Pmsbatyftteei- Caatlni Oimpany, WM eaat yestaiday. Tbo cast w u a m o i t sueeciaA)l on ., and dupartn- (SBileiii Ilalnewonn la oonAdunt of tha abUlty of t to gnu lo raiM lba raqtilnd (aala whan eoBpiati'd. N ava bifora In the h u ie ry o fllia a m e ra le a lto a a g n n beanesaiof inyriilna Uka the tnaiBHada of t to one oast y u u ig ay . HlBoatha awaidhsg of Ika eoutnet iMt mtuBiB t to enapany hav been engaged Ib crpertm otit. and taaSi preparatory to Itdacast. Tile cm p la te uudd iMnd on Ma aad In a pit dog for Die pflrpmr. Us top rising ahout H i feet aboea tha gnmod. A pU tA M Botabanttanfeel squan waa bulH CO a level w itb u ia top of tto luold. Atoeortlgt a short ladder to dta pkthinn Ur. Haliwwuetb extdatnad to tba naval odlaan the p trparaioca already Blade. Abcsit sixty wurkmen were engaged In tbavariiais open- 1 lorn nnnnectod with theensUng. The mutten Ironvrn brongbl thom (he hlaetfuniace and poured Into tbe gnvit oanvarter in Uieoootroof tbe wotks. lUxtHn tbonsan) lire bnndred iOimds of Dinted Iran w en poured Into I t This ■ the laigcst watght l b a has evrr been put in

Ibe siacluwxitng company s convertor. The enormous ancina w a than «tartad and lagan to tlrlrv all throngb the coDvertar with tharfol force. When the a ir waaftiroed Into the eon- verter Die ftunaa leaped from l a tiuiutli In a solid rolinnn and BCeampaiiylilg this oolnmn WM a shower uf s ta rk i bursting fbrth wblrii fell on every altla (ika a rain of stars.

The ro n v e ita which a fliat stood Is • half iiprigbl poalHan w b slowly Dgbtad and the hugs tODinia ot Baiae loa|siid Into (ka Bpacknti mouth o f (lie o rarhan ting gooatnack. The Mowing befiMi a J;it4 o’cloek and coa thm ^ until SO , wbao thay agitatad lba maial. At

1 they begao louring Into ike Ooliki, and a nUT it waa all ovar. The work for which It htd taken months of prepamUons and expcntlve ripa rtm an l. « a In two mUuHaa fltilaliad, aod to the satlribctloii of Hr. Ualnawocih.

Tka gun wlU ro n a i i in tha mold until it hM cooled, which vrIH to p n to h ly a waclu As •oak is licaabha im ealtn l aJIartt I s ia rn f ra o i th s mold the hating will bagfn. Tka gnn when o«o|datod w l» ba Ore and a half tonv; its looil length 1N.U tnebra t the velocity ofth* |iSq|ac(lla g,iaid feet pee Hcond. and the ptcBure IffdtoM ier uneenM B . The g te u laporianoe of this experiment tx dcmounralocl by tha iket that a giui eg thla kind eaa be made for abmit *1.300, w hile a built op gun of Uit aiuue ills w i ^ celt U IcMt l ^ u n . Uy tbla pi of 130 tout, wbich now woubl coat ab 000, can ba made for 1300,000.

T to I 'uv rars A geaa ta A ab Ilia Y rla H I ta i tg t i -T l ia M S H ttm .

T h e B erlin omTtBpondeBt to th e I jOU- doa T ia 'i B y . the PowBa have agnad to ranmion Prince r r n l l n u d . thnw gb Tuikay, to rcalfn the Bulgulao Utiniie.

PoUiib twwRapcia annouuce tb r i a il oflldan lir tha Roiriau Army of F oU a extractloo have been dtamlsaad i t h a uum m ius Amtrlao tonP lit* nsidliig Id Fodolta have hveo urdow l to laave Ibe Country forth witb.and t k a tba Aualan Uovenunenl kit purcliaitd largv Haota of groond l a the Imicadlala vIotBUy of tha frtBllar.

— Tto raptabi ^ a pqrtioa of tba en w o f thg , steamor wlltch conveyed tba Mao- MDegtln ralden in ibalr n aa n t aipadlllon into ButgailsjBTa bean im w iadi,-" v « lH u B la q adlreni fcv a barn 'Ernsted 'in 'Bnimvlla Alt briUng natiV B turalB arabatUcsx

A le ttH ik o aP aa tb w h ta h u jn a t to tn pub­lished a y t that tn vlaw of tka n een t taora- n a a of B totlan troopa, iiutarilhstaaiHia HsB lie's peaceftt] B snrinM .. tbe BtmtM cautloa du the part of Austria la mcesaary,

B m s ta T re a tm e n t a f a Child . Cam.iw.1, pft., Jmi. 13s—lU&tikFred-

erkk i w w iwk! tor w w n UHtey tar b trtw o'jM roW im . Tlrt c h t ld 'ia m wwlMOk** Ur » Uowe t pQQ A fpotti# oewridw ww io6k$d in A room for I h m dwy* w ldiost ta a i a t WAter. YMttnlAr a o t a l s f ih* w w m itfIppAd him aq4 plQDfcid him low a lab of 1m wwtwr AOd Umo mbbAd him wMb a Mtf-briitled broAb imt^I the akin wm flArttf rtow h ii body. Tbt child in n i l c from the trw tiiM it

riYiiiAw4w m U w c ftb M e

STATB BlPTUrOS.A m re t in f o f Use m e m b e n o f th e B nr-

llmiion Ooimiy liar wM bald yaitaiday to benor of the moiDut7 of Ju d |o

T h e re is a ch ild a t P o ttenhajm a t ln ic t- Ing ntnildcrabla attention. I ta b u ttw o B u n tb s old Aiid h u long, ikliiOk ti lk j bwlr.

W b rk h i i bMA e w r o e n e td b y tb el'«nniylTAnU KAllroed OnApiny cm Um oew Irw bHdge W bA tre fled o rer BiAOk'i CfWk, Kurdiniwwik.

T h e B o n d o f H e a l th o f O x ib rd F n ra o c e hiYC ioiUddoD U>e children to Attend ilth c t the imHle or the A utdiy eeheoti oa aoouuqi of the KCATlet f^yer iplddolCh

T h ere dani^er o f a coal iiiia iae in llAMoAiek!. Tke M t o f woel Arm t t t obly Oellr«rbiit Imlf ite ordem, wad h u been chilled tc eadoM Ht U u to p rA w t tka peopto frotn MfAiiiif ccaL.

T h e rolUnp; n ilU a n d naO w d r in o f th e Oifbrd Iron At OEftol, hAre abutitown and bu& dredicr liAndiArAtkYwienoutof inip1o)iiiCBL The fc t t iu w And miiiae t n MIU rnnnliif. The o ti tic * tbr tiie ipeedy KEtifflp- tlon of work U net ewwpTAffcif.

I t la b e lieved tbaA nn k tte td p t w*n re- rently mAAa to d«nd1 a KaIa on ibe Waal Jeney read MAr A coaii wAlkti« Alooftlm tiAck raporiad to SlAttCB A ienl Atklwon tbad b« f n e d wYafAl Uee plaeed erw w lae on tk f iTAck Aod te a to ed tofvtkefi

H ie parenka o f K a tie KeTIy, w ho clan deitkirly married John PAUenobi tiw eon of (be ndlllCDiibt! K n k k l PAUenoQ, h a n rsAjaed to reed ta th e gM and th e U MtlU a t PiUtemoa'A houw, At New UniDAwkk, lU in bed, an aooduiUof the iQhirf es the reotdTod In luxnpini teom the

»w, when dlioovwed in a rvutn uooe} with


A la n n F e l t O v e r th e HATAfM of th a DIa<s MU* In Baa Fraacdeooa

T b e niiA lliiox boapiital n t S m F^nnela^ to li now crowded with patleu ta w d the qd* d m ic h beeoadnt alaiKnltiR. Prom tfx to a dceen CAM are reported dally, and It l i be- hered tha t the (mga Amunn the Chlaew am CKfWVAUid horn the BUlboritka, Late vren h ii t h e i ^ u y A t

«*Th^heAUh e ttee doet noi o fos until 9 o'clock In th e morning, and when eeaw AM porUd betere that tim e there li no one to At* u m ltc th em . A m an called a t the O ty Frkoa th li motidflf mlterlDf w ith the dlMAM. and ^ w u aciii (OA tont on the phut- H ie attenduit, witotetqppoeed tobe<Midqty, ww not there, and u iho gatee were lo * e d the mUterer w u txtnpelled to walk up aivd down the nMew wilk in the <n>\d tewly air, which 1r ulm M rortaln dealhv At tha t tltae a large Quwther of penpLa were on their way to ui>rk end they pawed ihc m aa ontheiidewAlli, jioe knowing of hie aflHMtnn. A ehort time A8onvan1 word w u rcoelviKl at tbe old Uty tralU hutanoU M rtnan whowwdellrEoui fron tbc dloeejie w u lying naked In a lot on the eor- Dcr of Hmnnon AOd Lath e tfw a. life body wm rmnpieUiy enveted with puitnlce, and h li clothing ww lying about eixiyteei away ih m lihb la tb* u n d . An eSOrt ww made to com* tiiuulcate with the lioelth idDcer by teJephooo. A meeeAge wa< eeut bock fMmtbepolioefta- (km lhaitione of (be health oflldAli would be there for aa hour. In the uH'aiUime the men rim ained In the lot, aa there ww ou one to take chergo of h im /'

Tiw vpUlemlc ehowe no ilgoe of abatement, Oiongh ih f hvallh oiliceiA expreeacuulhirunelu(henlLiiBAte M iecm of (1» inwAinp taken to etempont iho dlwafic. T heciiuen t are AMawd lo the gravity.of (lie vltuaEioii, luid gftoeu pah*< He vaoclnMore employed by the city are kept rmiiiiJiiaUy buiy. Tlirue of tbCAc phyetotanii are naUoDod at the Health Ottoe, tn i am locihrl in dlderctit dUtricUi of tbe city, aud two .luako biHUtt'lu Tiouao Ttitu,


KaU«bory AdilreeM^o FIto Thonnand a t liv e rp o w l tirew eM ilw rek m U nlnglsed,Tsord HhlHibtiTy w e n t to L irerpool yw -

terday- in the conrac of a ipocoh dolWorad ihrn* ho Raid tha t the UlioMotiUne relied uixm the rnovictlmi tha t Ireland w u tingowniahifi, and had dtrcctcd (heir policy iowieM reedHog ihe fhldlmctit of tha t Imjigtnatlan.

Ur. GlMlteimr had raid tha t neif h a l teModi M the The higheit

n a y th f a c * W•ATAg* d i t e

T im m w*ittJ«kei mm.Ilekal Ii u } e f l r k la a k ia g fAllote t i h it

WAJ u K ite UrlA gU h la u a lf . A UUl* Im if* a l b l u AUad* fa a eaw a t lb a Kerr Uenal Mueewm. H e i i rep taaaaU d w hay* lag a g reat frolle w ith a H U It Japeaeee

v h w i h a f t tM f f a f U a iM f - B e te i te th e J ap e ieae E r t t K-rtegUa H a l t

• f ih * deiUeA U ral tg a v i th * pw> U rcH ioeyapaneM folk kora. H e f« a pre* difW M fkvM fte w ith i h t ch iM raflatow hoai h a h ria te g ilU A M itd l i p l—en tetariw itA ad te r whom ha pealbraM a ll euMiaar o f UfckJg M a g tv e t reaA r for a froUcv Ila i i deeafbed u a diateU hfg yM nlgg* ohAW TAfAhaad, Iho g o d o f o ia lo a k u o a l . U a ie aa |o a t« eh H i( Igfiva. M»d Uko oetr w m good Mr N k h . h u

-M-— A roaiMl teOA Ahd A raaod m ua heUy,T hu ^A kea whM he Uh# a btHHtea

U )rhy-l l ia ra to M B if t v a ry aaa* 4 r aa d h a te

iagf«ead ta ha paarg la teipreaaae eoalaate w ool ia pewaaty. H a la Agwiwd r m m tlB U aa rfd tag a baflU a , a« ha h w na re fw d m to d r tw h l i ilcdgb Uka K tia Kriogftv H eoM tlauA ha U mwa ra iry la g a eaeb, fan aad la iap , a r aU teag a* a n a h a f h a u te H a U fap raa aa lad a t o iker tlaica, u In tk a w rtfaen w ara Itaaga a i ih i N itfo n il IfoAvnra, a t la m b lln g a child ab o u tin a u c k . IX etiU daw o aaeoag (ha chUdrea t a d haa (h a lU iM U al k fad of n n p a w ith t b a u a a d play* U u a u e l MAuaiag ptaakAg a g raak la a e rv u t, tea* tovlag, IkDgbiiig. h ip p y , good fof-noihlng.

** lb Jep aa ,” re o ia rk rd I be eage e k h a y l^ |IU whv, a i th ILa repos ta r. p a r i his (csparts to tb a J e l l j lltU a J a g a asM go*, " t i c ch ild ren rn le . T h a coobIs t la daa- rrlbc*, you k a o » , a th a lo ra d lsa of efail- d rrn . T bc lr h ap p Icc B l i lb a f in t oon- s ric rrilo a . A t th e R la r, w lraa t t o ca ita ln frill, t b r j swarm ob th a slaga an * taka peatttslon of c v a r f lh la g . Gh, ja a , thg^ ara tpollr* In a ce rta in w a j, b u t t h a j a n i » a l rcapecirnt to th e ir p a ia i t a . C bU itna arc ragardtd tbcfo la blaaringm

“ l'u7f l Y m , a il a a l lo H hava (hair to jx T hav have th e ir A ollaaa* lo|pa aad g a n e a a r all k inds. T b a ItU ls JagaaeM have b s i t l fd o n an d afanttlaeeck, tba C b ln rst b u f i fig tb c lr U tsa , tb s K area to h a v a U c Ir r i ld lD f k i a o r Jum ping is s k . K vaiT ahere in th a a v iM . a B an g clvUliad pesp lanr Mvagoa, gon w ill f l a d t« r s f » r t k . i ' ------

Tha prtifcsBor stopped before a t o o fitlad w ith lUtIa In d ia n erad lM m ads o f bant il t ip a u f good aad thanu fo aa id ip lb ln g i h s lc d i a n io l tb a f ls a lh w a M . W ith (beta c iad lsaaod UtUa dalla d re tH d up In bead­ed buck ik lo , dnakp IIUIc la a ld tn s w ill alt and p l i j M h s p p ll j M s a r li ttle biIsm i In WMhInglon, w ith tb c lr f ia ie a bn irsd and c lcpctlp -coatom cd w ax dolls. O a s alah- o ritc N a ra lo c r id ia la trim m ed w ith m anp i l r t s m e n o f boeksk in a n d e n u m e n ls d w ith Ik tle s ilver d iscs l ik s b o tto m . T ba dolls, in n e a r lf svU T case, rep rasso t n o t cklldran, b a g raw n p M pla, a a d ts a draaMd, o a t aa paponaM, b a t as adolts. T bs Zonl s n d H o k l do lla r s f r e s s a l d a llt t b a figars in tb s M V ats M p ito lu g r . T to tops s ra a v a fs chU drso, l i k s tb sae ( h a ftD t t o l«T ik sg s o f W a sU o tta n , r a p a a in m ia ia ta rs th a scUolM oaad la lb a real, itro a sL w rio as s a p lo r m a n l t o f th e ir e ldarr. R iM inu tiva tow a and arrows, hoatJ, t i e r , hoD iw a re fU b ianad far.tba am aaem ent o f tb a In d ia n cnitd .

T ha B sq a lm aa i bogs b a v a l i l t la aladfta and ga o a t on s M g i ^ partias. One pot- tlag a cunpla o f tt ic k a o ver b is h s td rans aboot playing th a t b e Iq a w t l m , and tha o ther bays, w ith tb s iT altdgM , g a o u t to b o a t him . In lb a N a i a s a H naenB is a little knyak , or & qn(inaB x b o a , m ade by aaata Ik ihsr (or h la l i t t le eon. I t is about two f re t long, an d b a t a li ttle man, dresaad in aealakin hood a n d coat, sitD ag la th s ec n lia w ith a padd ts in b ia h n iL A ttached to tb s d g n n a n itrlnga . P a ll oa# s f tb a ihrlnga and tb s little m an w orks bis padd le w ith regu lar mo- UoD; p n ll s n o lh tr , a n d b a stops paddling snd r a v e t y tv ra s b is bead f l ^ t i d s to lU s , a ^ f l o s k i n t o n t fo r a s s a L A nctbar E t q i l a a u toy I s a s o r ts f ja c k - in - tb o -b o x . n M a fox sk in th a t can be fia ttened dosrn and tb e o m ade to sp rin g u p in to Ufollha p io p o T lia u by m saaa s f w b a lsbo to a p r ln p insids. A rogolab top to e d by tosM Pack's bad boy am ong tb e B sq n im iax snd bronght to th a N s tlo n s tl ln ie Q m by sm em b o ro f tha P oin t B arrow exped ition is n whalebone bean ihoo tar. I t Is Aufalooed w ith a small depvssticsi a t one en d , in w hich tb s to g o t pn ts t pebble. T h e n b e po lls th e w bile- bone back and le ts I t fly . W hen h e hlta anyone, so says th a lea tnod pro feiio r, be th rn ita bia hand w ltb tb a bean ih o M r , Into b it pocket ao d looks' in to m s o th sr dirartloB t t nnconcctaed ly a t tbovgh he never heard o f tn c h a th in g a t a be in shooter. In one end o f tb s w halebone tbe boy bad carved a low o f l i t t lo tsatfa, w ith which ba a lio d id m isebiaf. W to o toew young F rq o im a a i buck p to on b is u w doer skin coal and r tn i t t s d a b o n t tb e youngster very likely gave h im a l i t t le d ig in tb e back w ith th e w halebone, g iv ing a tw ist to the boas, to th a t i t w ould pull o n t a (a ft of ha ll and spoil tk e am oetk aorfsco of tb s coaL

A n odd-Iooklng to y from am ong tbo Northw est Ind ians is a re p rs tso ta lio n o f a huge d am shell very tk i lfo lly oaTTsd. la - sida is tb s clam , m ade a f baak- tk in , and b t r i n g a feeder th a t w ill spring o n t an dden ly w hen tb a shell is opened. T h e tp i in g inside the feeder Is a piece o f b e n t whalebone. This fte iis t, o r t h s s n d o f i t , la covered w ith a red pow der. T b e boy gOM abont wltb bis clam sbsU, a n d w b sn a n y one ax- prrasaa cariaaity to as* w k a t i t l a t id t he opens it, and tb a fesdsr, apringlng ont, covers tba eyes and fooo o f tb a su rioaa one w ith the trd pow der. T h en tb s ow ner of (he mlsrbldvona clam ta k es to h ll heals and tries lilt game aom ew bete idle.

window, her biwhand.

M m , J a n e A . V anC ln f, m o th er of Rev, Faal VaBCanL poiSor of the Wayne Btrasl M - ftxmad (T n n b , of Jeiicy (Tty, and a Iniatae of B u lf tn Collage, cakbrated the elghtyaeseBth stmtTaraary of her birth a her heme Iff New P nniaw lft, ymSeiday. lia r awi I’suL WkS w a slily w lfb t years old on tb t asaaa day, imM O, M ware a lt h e r cbllrtren, tluaa Sana u id two lU ugblen and other ndalivsa.

ONTUMIan w toia odherMltsf MWoSW, IWeA'rwv har the iargrt eOxvktiim ta fSmrW.

FEB80KALS.A d iiu m I "P orter, U n O j^ aeventy-A ve

y ra fi old, la still bale and basrty. B eta very proud ot hla ouK le.

M in, R nn ie l M an n in g , w ith h e r step - dsughicr, Mary, 'win stay In M nr Toik unlll N ty. n to will than go away nntU tha auBunn.

T h e w ith o f i*nvdden t O nrnot ia anid to be very dnmralie. Her amndmothsT waa an Engilsb lady named w liw , wbo mairtad a H. Dupont,

" t i n r l c R I c k ’' O gloaby hnaannonnco il tliH hcw U ) not beacandb la ts for iwoiaailon u Governor of lltlnota. There siiv plenty of mheti, however, who are rasily- to aaciidoa tbemaelvea.

H r t . H o rin B artim w ill n o t w rite any new U nk i except foi pleasure, liar elrim to Mexican property worth P,liao,nil) has Just been decided tn her favor after eigliteeti y v v w a hard llpbtliqr.

M adiuneC briirtine N ilsson w ro te t o n frtend In I ’niW lalpliin In a- letter oncloilqg X m u cards, that aba hadqn lle rcaoTSradtier health and w m leading a chtrailng " IMrby and Joan " lUk with her buM sod, ( h n a Miranda,

T h e R o k e o f N o w m a ile 's propoanl (n pnveui a em rtoffpild and gems Ui the altar of Kt, I'au l'f ( 'u lholtal has aroused a storm of comment among tbe clergy o f the IbigUsb I>«ilea1«nt Church, The Puke la an tdvancad Rllurilll.

l t lB (i « x H k * !

J H a r c r i lafl* e g o v n a H ta i i r i tk a a a U man w bo w aa a fu ia g tn l l r ia t o f a llv a iy barn la L ta d v ll l^ O al., w h s io s U s a tr i ly msBlloBad th a t h a w m b o rn In MlMaori a s* ha* liv to a lt hM l i l k l a t t o f a r r i ls r iM or ( i t r s B S W s t l s n Btolss.

" A k , tk s a 1 aappoM yen rods tb s flito pony exprsM t k a w s a l th ro n g b to t b t cesMT'* B ria r u g g s O e d , M ild ly b u t o m - d d ts ilg .

" N o, I o tv s t lo d t t h s pooj* o a p fH i Mall,” t o n p U ed .

" DMa*! r T b c a y o a 'r e tb a o O g ia tl litoow tan t o f foM In CbU forntaT "

" No, yoo’ro m la lo b sa n g u n ,” r a o r o o d tb o a U snan, sadly.

“ I SB 1 ” said B r b r , now th o ra n g b ly as toa lsb sd . " B a t a f co n rH yoa guided I b s t r a U ntoa P o e l i o ia r v s y o ia t”

" N o { 's o d tb s a y Btaa r i f t o d . "M o, 1 a id s '! do U ia , BoUkor.”

' '-W s IM k it bcqts MS.” a rid B riar, Mill m ors tu rp riacd . " P erh ap s y o a a ra n 't tb s original ow ner o f th s brad w b s r t R onvsr oew lU w dal*

'■ Ns-o-o, novar sw o s d ii .”"ilsn bate , now , w s r tn 'l you etalsf o f

OMBU fa r tb s U u v s rs B c n t lo t ftA ssn y ca iaP '

" G, n s , no—OS, b s a o s t, I no rsT w as." "N ow . to cnrwfBl—ta ll I t o t r o th —

w rte n 't y en p lny lag ca rd s ir i tli W ild BUI when t o v r a s s b a a U a a d w o td l ''

" N s l L e t np , ptsnao—I w o H 't In l a y a f (bow pM tas nor dM n’l do m m o f tfasm tb lng i, a n ' 1 can prove i t ; b a t, th e n , yonug m M , I d o n ’t m ind te l l jn 'y o u t h a 1 did guida B iig b a is Y oung on h la flrel t r ip to Halt L okr, a n ' I WM a ll th ro u g h th e K an- sat-N tw iivoak y tra a b ls , a n ' • n t i l y p a t It daw n, m ade tb e f ln t find in Navndn, I ra rn t Dnflklo Bill how to load n gun , dtova th e first B lack U llU t t a a a u n coach, t k ' WM th a ua ly tnan t k a oomo Ik ro ag klba CnalST BM M cra a live , a f te r la y in ’ on t t o h a t la to M w n aodsd fa r fn r ty - a g h i h o a n , a B ire a a d rd by th s g ro a o i an* s k r iO rso f tb a d c a d a o 'd y i n ' l T k a ' i m y M tord, yo u ag fa lter, a n ' I g a t tb s papers fo rsv ’ry w o r d o f i t l ”

l o m N u l i r a d i h n i t t .

W O M E N O F T H E , W O B I i D .

Miss A nna R ie k itn in t boa t o llir re- trineil her lieoUh as to m a te It potaM s for bar lu tian fit Ptotlda, whese sb s w in spoad ttowinter.

M l» W ilk inson, o f TxmdtV, Js a sne- renfol Inmlscape ganlcncr. Hhe pfaparas plant for ilia laying uut of rucrcatlon and play grounds fur the Public Gardens ASKXialloa, which arc much tilu lrod for tbclr beauty an ccoiutay, and herself eupaiiotsndx the manual lri«r.

lj)n i* a M, A loo tt a»ys; '* I t ia w ise for women u hu have n ude a plaoa for thSBasIvea In lltcraluru and Journalism to cBltivaa n a uul) their Iniaileciital fueulUet, but praodcri unar uleo, sjid to uuderataud the biisiiBB af- la to nil heir craft. The ig w n n a a an* help- l<v«i<'w of women w rlM a N amaring. I t o

" Provo all Dili good " —VhE.'. Illg

Have iiie wrwc

, I bold fast to t h a which ta .jiu's German laundry Soap.

- vrwpiHw and send to yuar iavorlta rharltahlc. InamuBon, aa a disirUaiDao oft'Ahcu will he made among Lbeta Hoveiaber 1, 1 Wl, mu'h tnitltiiUun's share dspcw llof oo lbs numhur of wrapiw v it holds.—Adv-

P ltlPa Plllv-OrcAt Knglbh gout and itioO- ua tlc remedy, Ovkl box, PI; round, 14 pills >A( alt dragglalt, ^

T to f ira O u a ts ( in v s m TBooglia ta Uw R s a r lo g a t R alilsa .

P w an ito chtcoio Trtbonc." J a c k ," M id a m an to a n 'M c laa so a ts

In d o llc n a whcoo boOM b i w m vlaiUag, " w w n 't y s n r eoeiiD SBom aea orM ion on t t o so ldM l o f 'D i g n i ty F ”

" W oU .yw o, I beUeva l | waa so a M h io g Uka l b a . ”

" D id n 't po rt o f i t r a n a o a aak in g Uka th i i : ‘ I t teeras to m a t k a Iko ligB iA ad D ia bM a g r a a ad ro a tn iie over his fallow- man in nm ay w ays, l b a d ig n ity i t soma- tblBg (a bo g reo lly d a i n d , nnd ( b a i t wobM bo wnll fo r yon an d for mo lo cn lll- v ite aa m uch d ig n ity o f boaring ao d do- porim en t on a l l o cu a io M u poaaiUa ri ’’

" Vaa, i t w ooldn’l la rp r is e la s i f 1 i m t a WBOtbiog to ( k a afhes."

"W e ll, o fc o u rio yon b av o rr t fo rgo ttsn last a ie n in g w hen yoo g o t dow n on all- fonrt, had ^ baby m in in l y o n r hack and then w en t gallop ing ro u n d Ih o odgo o f (bo porlor, k n ock ing ov er cbnlra and tn ising a d a it, w b iia tk a baby saw ed a M ring back and fM th in y e a r atoM b nnd boo idod yo« over (b o b e td w ith n d n u n s tie k a a d ynn tried to w h in n y l i k e n b o r a a every jum p . H ow do you nuoncU o tU n g if”

” I don ’t R cooe lle (bom a alL” r o p lM Ib o o tb a x v riih a a tlg b lly dejactod a i r ; " 1 lim p ly aab m il tb o f k a t h a tb s baby nesdad e i c r e d ta s n i wonM have yelled bloody m u rd e r if 1 h a d n 't gallopod him.'~

K illed a n B a iu w n y C o n .D k n v k b , J a n . PA— W h iis m ov ing a

tralB fold of o n ftom ( t o Mary Murphy mlna, near HL Ehnn, yvaterday, Die air b n k o t fillsd and lba englue aud ca n ran down tbs moun. (rin with l^ h t f o l velocity into the town of Bt- Klmo, where (ha engine and four can Jumped ibe liaek , inaran tly hUUag Baginaar Gmuioii ta d Ftiom aa W b a lsy .____

aA O d ld B U K O J O K E S .

th t t FAU MUD tn o w f OAD liDdAMtondki<m Id) (Ako I'Ai* of It, b]r * proper k n o v te i^ ofFonlr«(i0, (jupyrte^to, aiuI datteA o t aoUktAnd I'ubUhhFf."

Kev. VM m P ry , o f M alfiR i H oek, W to., Ib iAMng th(' (h c o W e tl ootirM a( Ute Q vtM i liibUoAl luRiliuW, Bruwtawa UL Bte* hM ihuw nfrrat couiAfc sn d p im n w D e e i And hercAToer, I f ib v U v * wUliOAtaAtite lob* U )opulpUeHklerfor*vetTtran*a who IbUoin her. To ih^tr honor let i lb * aaM tfa*t «U th* profiYirpn Atwl Atmuei aH * 0 etudente hmVo jrivfQ her a waoa weloMae. K«v. Dr. fddffrv VAy, presldfut *»f the IiHiitmc!. Ia a dwb of in tn a d v a vtewi cotMenitog woAAtei'A wmk.

T h e M E bb,AfHT (h» iDOinilAitt rtoew

Anti (he broad e« (w y -wMeiiA ont,All ntnfbloe: whoeltRg round Aad ronnd About

S e iv a rt A while H rd flm .AW rdi aVny, reemAltmtb^rltttbeieeyQA

A o'<TKi^rtilt>-’^dtTAi!e»,C'Eninr. 'T o m e (bou w h e n aH wa gted tools

u-r*0 Uff, IJ *'Iient ulic-Te,

VI hero wi> alt r»iU*n(; O in t* i ma bAyondy To ^lilcb WG turn w ith aolvnuk iiop* And tood,

Ite( Htrrowful no w o re ;A litilu white, And then we. Mo, ihAll 1

IJko VfblUhwliiffed te* hlnls loto ti lt iofloKA 0f«p,

TU11 hen Thoa, FAthor, w1U our keep I ________ -^lyriAA JfMtoC* (Vaiks

O m F du tworib A (YilEinm f^ rUi-lAiiet RAhl bjj Aaorl-

EV.u •luU'nuHii). U is A tecta retAbliabod iwi U«tlm«)uv ofthmiAaodi of people, that noodli l^aTrtjmiiUA (low edrv wronite, «ut rtimm, awl other (1b4‘Aite« iw aAbeikHW artaljif from impure state rvr low condltUm of tbe wmrl. It MmowEvumcA ihAi tired ftmUniE, createA a goodapi riUfy and jfrlvea irtrength to every |iart of ibe ryNli'tti. Try it.

tb& purpoM of tlL__cult, pertkApA iwiNmii

rkQiitlcAi Ute. to be

D E A T m .

II. IjAiAAI. Vlte Af eed f r C T o f tOA de.

kAMfOdtiwteA ■ n iM flireet,[Vm r JAi

U n t erf ef (beHoty Ba a iv -^Ia jABAArr tl

BL Md M fb u re r Wlih a i* l 1 TfAf AAi tuf iM teiMtif Af

WliHM In ig i a i ____are lAYlwd l e i

Mr jBAmil M rr t ia y A tlteM .

_ HAv Itt i_ l A M f e t M 1‘UATw'

...... thtetty ytto e u s o n . T h itlfd im -

T to B u n eontlaiBl

Tbii pretifocn, also, ate a l le g ^ mpniKlble for It In lome cases, for the

r j T S a U iiBlilila'J* ly h la s . is a iiioB ia illy laviHS la Hand Ika h iea ia lftaB klelM i raatSaaor, Ns. II MaaMfv at., aa Pr iSsy, IsBoary va. s i i ft.

H. IMarsMM la Oilsiasakl Oi s iiliry .VaTWsB.-tM Jsa sa v y iH S a ry ft. w ig B O.

B, V atB U , la Bar a t w iklid la s t , m o a n l rat- v ir« < ,B U B d a r ia tT 3 r!H .,V a a C a ilM Praa- BrlarlsB Chaiuk. W aamigga BSaasTtoBUraa and ftWaSa are laanM (a wia is T Balat laB willPia«ailaiafa .lSB B a HnM m arVala(iaaS,ai 1

M. laratm aM alFaliBiM aaG M Bacy. B rBaa.-U a Jaaaaay IL Baton, aaa of PaartM

t e l tba i a u g l i n Baraa. saaS l i n w i , I B ontra a a iS a y a . HsSasIvaaaaSnHMMar iBa h n lly are ranwciiulif bivliaS le aisaad tto foaaaat fruB t u retUaaaa of h i. tMkaa.Hfc aU Batiao araa i, lltrrtaD a.aa y r r i i r , JeauarT IX. at IM p, M , t# HL PMfo r ta re k . lassnaam la (Ba GaeMHay o fiba Itolr MastiliXir a

s r r Gsainira. S uM f are ra

be Aiaaaml rVao

iv«i,HiiviL On Janaary H( OeaeSlet X. m a t tIWirlck ft airi iha tarn H arr ----------- "MvM atid ftiaada ut tka a ~ folly lavtiad lo aiiMS ika R ildaara ,e rkha ikaa . R & no iuaa Braai. a l l A. H , rilday. Jaaaaay IX m hl H laassre I’kurck, wBata a Hlgk HaB M KireiDM alll U oOkrM for B a fvpaaa of las aasi laiaasaras I a Ika (kiiKlaty ol Hi. Holy Nsyaiakra.

T i i x o m c o n i AND WHtitnxiDu Lodsa

HCHBKiUIk :* -

. . O f______________be. B. It. of Are rv-

uoeeied W St t'AWIt HaJII.TTI Broad e t iv * on rrlAAy AftriWAMI. iAAAAVr te At 1 O flOCk, tA MiriKitbr NitwPAl Ol BrotbAT WUeos, Aw b Ale lAte rw tef fipes M BleAcber terttew iteiMr IoAaw ArelAvU^WAUend. ^

Aa KIBPB, K.Of te AAdteprH— a tte

aI n k O T U i k a r a .

ri AF / rig g AHAB. W , COMrrOte^


nwmwWA At ttlAlAW’FBorsAl ebAfgts we wUI nwrAwMiilretM . CaIIi will rerWve srAAipt

_J] boureol iJM dAjr ABdnIgnLWe elelwi to beve tbe beet ewbAlmlog proofee

kAowAfAoi wtUwtrrAU perteel mado* Iaawt

*^^FAb06A otee* Vo. i&.hrekMMwe offire Ife, in ,


rB n jn rr jy iE B a M I^P. . BROAD BTREET.

r i t dAOr below teYdidec I reriODAl AlteoAaace lAy AAi tTe Irubone ^o OL

A o « i K a t a t o .

IftK lJT T TITLH i * D D « « ( r iT « i m BHOAfi HTBSHT.

CepHMltto.0* (tesrler PerpetAAlv


RrM XrtfitA Belt And RtCbAnv*.IteiAs t'Uiected. tertuntedoArAaMed.TVbMi Af All U aA* MlicUed a edelnteWAdB

TDOVAB T. SlRN EY . PtmUm A H M .TH ]enr<m E nvjrYOif.oonM ei. ARTHUR Ms D B iniA iri HieretArr. UAIBKY U. BAARRIT, TreAOtecer.

W w HaIAp AROAIKB card KO U iaTA Elv

BTwa LaM aa w nI aM* Af CWbe* atabdc, M

(eet portb of FlfUt AYraue.H teM m w tea wvtetdeOAreiie street by t t l

( m deep o» Motherly side of m r d eveAiM (beLof sriMbwAM oon>er of OAfehie streAl mmA Third etm oA )

A VelAAWe laieroved f i ouertjf lertHTMtaeat. (■ e beeleeM yorteeA of tiw m Werd, biMrUM • frtfpMtAAA ibree Aremtoeflt eireete of AU fieiaAlso A fine hniiee with 11 rooBM, All li

__^ _____ _____ __j«Aln( LAYeDoWv BloomSeld. mat WAtrasAf Depot, oaitirnle. Lot 4txlffL cvsirelli r l ^ .

Rfvfci Lots oorner W efa^ii snd BerfcMerBtOODDfictd AVenUA.Atkl

Ten r-oiAini R trtii Aoedemy And WlUow ■ttMM, FAAtOrenAA.

All (hr seove will be ioU leie IbAA ACttMl vMoa,___ - __________TvOifltlo irm t <m merMAire I ^ oilAodojieAAy iernuoriMmuent, wltb low rete i

F n rn ic r’s w ife— “ W iU yon b o aoot- a d f T ra m p -" With iviaaaufc, ma’am. Voor n u t d o « nslgbkor's dog baa Jnsi iinBatartDC.”

H » lth — “ I sniipoM , w ith y o n r la rgo fanny, (Tiilmiuis e c a yon a good raand sum 1” iiniwn—" Tea; my wffo ta d aU lba little ooat gave ma tonaUiiBg.’'

FntlicT o f th e F a ir O ne— " W e d o s s u p ham a 10 o’clock.'' Bnsa-haodad Basis—" n u t 's a goed Idas. It kaepi fgllowt out wbo doa't knew oonigb to gat Inside corUan"

U elreas— “ I <ua oA u id i t in n o t fo r m s Uucyan c o o s b a n e s ftwmym eosy.” Ardent Wooer—'* You a n cruel to a y so. How cH Ig e ty c u rm o im y vrHIxmtfettliigTOOf’

“ WDUe, w ho w u fed b y th e la y e o s ? ” " W b a la x r a v e n r " Don' know, aod yen an ad ito r't ion I Wby a raven la a Uid Ilka a eiow,’’ "T hao 1 gnsB it muat have beau dad." "W hy!" " 1 beard him aay yaa ta id ^ tb i t ha had been caiing crow aver sUiae I to 'lectlua, a s d ha waa lick o f It.”

“ I f y oo Btw tb e m a n rtflirig y o o r tiDoaeis," arid tb o u ig M T a a , to whom a d ll- ran bad complainad of boing robhad, "w by didn't yoML gaappla with h lm r’ "WalL you sea, Your liouar,'' la id tha ettisan, " I w u a tirid uf w aking up my wife, aa ' a lw i tba darndast coward about n iig la n you ever sao."

T H E R B L i q i O U e W O B E D .

A gckieiBl M Sdinbly o f clergym en , rep - naenUng all Pnaeatant mlwumi in llaxtcc wlU t a e place in (he City of Mexico on Jana­ary n . ‘

A (iennO B poetM , R ev. G, A . R c to M , of KceevIUa, Ulota., i t soUcdlng conitikutiona of nnrcD cd postaga atampa to ha sold fo r tto hCHilt of foKigu mlBtoni.

An one rennU o f th e H eJirow C brix tiau w ort, commanced In the city of New Yosk In im , live years ago, (faen a n now nhas young converted Jaws studying for Ika Btlnistry in yarloua aem lnu in .

OordiiMd G ib b o n s h a s Bind* a im a g e - maola with tbe Rev. IL V. Lakreton, o r PUIs- id a ^ l s , tor t t o lusw ielloa o f t t o Oatlwllc deaf m ulB of BaUiuMxa.' Father Lebreton will iriHt Ita lthnon forD wt pnrpoas « e s 0 Biontb.

B(rath A frican H tosion eA-^ jerred A praipArom gro^vth in 1 ^ . l i now la< clndAs, Id fIx irnod l. fiffty-wvea BtAtteDA, with

bApUipa coRTAttA, of whem 7,706 Are p u l &.&i06 cbtldtoo la the

sebooto. The free oA rtn ^ i kmounUd (o IB CW .mirka, And, Includlaf w b it went for home ax* peofeAl, AChiooi teM, oie.y 10S,000 lOArki.

I a ABirw^ to th e qcA v ; “ haa (h e Pope* AlwtpAiMeo iB flM M or' ta * CMOAUeteoiKtird' Mpii*«YcA. T b*C lP iic li-A iw ^bA ibA U m d ihAt the 'Popte* Qo( A* A petTote loRtyidaAi, tort IaACIiIih Offic^AUj TAApAAttllE lAAltAn Of f^ lb Aod morAlii M ib* A«v*AiaAvitehi« b# i4 (hACteveb and vifAt of Chitel uportAOith, to sod hAA nlwA^rt bsen IntelUbto, aod b w aIwati bAtli to bcUevAd by Um ChrtretaL’

•*T !be tec t,” o b o ^ rre e tb e iVf»* (yfetfoR, tb i t men are Ad ^rcotiyin thAaUa* orl(y In comAny cb u rc ti* atmI 1q the CharoliA« A bWy, te b«ij

(All ICDZBAdteMlr OA^ J O H R a . TMWDELL.

41j MA RroAd OUoeL, JVtw*rte N. J.^ O R S A L E .

BUILDIirO IfOTB on Ctlitica syodw, Rldga- wofNlavectao, PsAbLne atcoh aiM JoUlTAYonua.

» aaA I * All laproTriiMirtAi Iff teuft aUa«v s u i ,

TOLRC.tek RECTOR «TRBET, Cbm Kory ^riok

dweMlnV tfOOHMiAUfaDfreVABSAlA, P00MH(0D Janoary IsC


B fF.HTBB bTREHTa bstory tad iMtaeraant brlrfc dwelling, newte balit,Al1 modem tmproTA- m tn t^ I*o«MMbMi JimAAry l i t

For AdmlaMoB card ta li od ___J. W ARr»M llTH,

M BHOa DET.. M m ilc . i»WACIsW..W. T.


SiA lAtes Locatei Boar aprinifrAld avooiiA.PRICE IMOa


__________n t fteoAd AWfoC

flowsMOBA P aawa fo r BabL» ROOK t CAM BE BTfo cor. p ag rtM .*

URIOaUED OR PARTLY fT n u iiaaB O ^ ro o m ter booackropiAts o r vRbooi toMwA aB1 7 » E w BT, CaU Ib tS i WAAte» m

FCTRETABKO ROOMB - RBABOWABLR. 1 ter iltb t bAUi<kasMB» « PAIR BT., cor. of

KoUwry. Ml





f ABOE HOOUvVURRlBIlRD A H p UBAT* itgbt hooMkespinf. iS B a iP U E ^ s i

,EATOK 11AL1/-B11UAD AND RRIDQE MresTAto let ter etrarch tetri, ioolata oto.;

~1ub rAom oa eoeoad Roar, KaaB varyr \R A 'V r« relUW.-n o o K B TO L E n '- to R B uonvEH i itm * i \ t ) M W M aBnadM . lnqBii«lnESNKY*E Opafc<UoA>r^^iU^aaJ at, Mlr p O RERT-AN RIAMANTLY PtnU IM illE t) 1 |roD( room, auitiU atertw o wttiaoaaA, oaa

mTouls from MsrhM IHrftt Dej from Ferry Btreet Itepol.NaapA Alloa.____________

Tn L E T -A RTCEL'b FtiRNTEHED FIUINT lAOttv aoiiAbte ter ona AT |wo tendainei): uis olAAtb. fiauUJ |«yAl»aiiBllT. A a ^ B U BROAD

jy.,wM oM taN .A R .Y .daj a t , g lA L MlDREMKAKEatSv ETG. TWO

X rooma In Cbester How, naiaay itfiMn, hetwsan Bank AodKArfcOlMraetA’ a O, TTPaWORTUa TTABroMtewti / PTt

i i * i » m M i o a .Vririri toS 1* ,1 «ivii riwiMi MfoaiM4Wi*lririV ri ririririri<.c.«

WOTICIL—d «v iiO lsssaM IS o o d t r U a h an d s a f x H a lp W a aS ad .” " to a p la y u a a l W a o S sd " " f f o r M sU .” ' L s u aaS F sm ad,” ** F a s to la i” " ■ e e s d ia g ." <i P ar- M a a ,* ols.« a r s p a hSl i h o d M O n# C ast a w eed ta r nosh la M rl la a ,

iirasL aaa,

■DTXS-Oa Jamas saS Jo a n v m a a s f 'hsTtoS ta a.-----------reriCcaca. I ll AIOkS iIS, a t IF . If. JssiaaaHH la am , iim i i i j . • — ' n « ^ itireithra.

B xax fo i.-ria j a t n t m i , (htbartaa huB ao.B skillv* BBS frirafo e r t to foaaiaaS e re lOMiat.

avM as. an Plata i , Jaaa iry ik u US A. H.. la Ika uaihU raL la w m a a l la tka n ew wary ofIka a n i l UMilehra.

W itm x ,—im Jsaasry ll.uaevfa

N rIi

D o * tk C la im * F aJ4 ni Nowwirb f a - d a y Bp H « t» p a lH * a UIA liA*. O#o

Prom. Am>,FWrteh TteAAM n i th M... ........... . M AMAMteUx J. HoBmiinos.UoaYUte ........ .W MO*A niust IVUroDf), Fullerton ■(.... ..10 MMAdam IM motetier. M CIlflOA ATO.....M ■ «Joho ComroYOk Isakamda avo —-—re. jM t l ALlAM L. BAAHRTT.napi

Cor Bi^ abA HATKot B tm te.

p O R O C m NfCTELY R lT U A tmX art improaomeAM, t t n w rwoonAhU. tel iTAHniHuTOBBTra BAAr»|wnity Mb

r p O LET-TW O c6MWaOTjp ltt~ A R B ^iw *L ate roOBW lor U|M hoAMki l e a i r W A R p HT.


r i i o l e t ^ f a c h o b y LOIIT w it k o r w i t h - I tmt power, room a m ii tia lr i of a LBBBT

bK IT l^lK .J.R aR sA V A Mb

r p O IJBT--A RMAUp BZUeE PAOTOBY IN X ^ ly < T s i A p R iy ^ O .B O N P d O O . m


of womoD WA probtUA ex 'plAJiKLoO, AQil Uiu tect tbAt, u A iuIa tboy woDot IO snich (trtnpcod w men to A ie c m ^ o r W

HoiiAMg BoaosA ■(**» W aaU d*ANTRD-FOA WOOD W QUEINa BUBI- neon, a te rp i jmyind ASSLAStlKSWl Mery

wlUi power, j j r x » c»

rriuoDtbAl.tlmeolAi A way tbm, tiMHWb (be Isdlcft like U, (h tncA H A W tliedoflts But tfabf InrolTw mmuch of A reflcotliHi om tbo todiM time it oanpoL to IUBtott<1 od.'* _

th ^ jr te A e b ta AtiaorMnaAisd mb'

J > * i lb ^ r t f t ir a N lw lg ra a fo n il r i» il . v a u l tATlkANTICBT.

S i s s t r u c t t M * *T>OAHfrTKfr-nOOD b o a r d AND VfaBAS- J jrntit Mbotes Pitb aw of bAtb.

UhTprtJRFfi B. W HlTWa


P flti to IfMiank flvea. Atoo PrlTAte CIah iDstracled when dmired. For ftfrttiAV lDnwmA> tk a ptaAM mad tbe ctraalur ormrii » i rrete isca. _______JOHEPH B. W H IT E 14 FranblloHAT T IO U R AND PIANO TAUQItT AT


PtIvAte IwsHonn AlYMi. For teriMt apply bA< twMBdABtfTP. K.I aud fhuuhiyi Irotn If lo U A. V.

H CARL R lB rE R e VIolhllK,

BB '

KSilDLBSRBV HT,O A R U L |»lr a HANT w a r m PRONT room, wttliisBArdy OU b r o a d hT,OABD^

4U a»H BOHTcm HP,

Bo a r d -I'Q R o Ju n u L K E K a t te roL-UKBIA HP, 14k

F IPKLTTT *L.................... .PMoy, No. 7Ai BroAd

Votloa if l)o rehy^venar thBAAnaAl maeUae cfM ockboidM Aoa election nf ibirtacn (U)dl* redors, to l e r r t Ipr od^ year from the date of

A HLdilen U ght*Tlie PrHpmrp fAT"; " Do tu>t bWo vmiT Ughl

iiB^er aliiwhol.*' u tha t llf^ l i« thu ftuUennfr WtR'O'tbe-VVlep of apwoArMiuc (oMUXlty youoau belt hide tl under a boK id of S o a t* oirts, abich, Incooecntnited tern ),to teund in evurybottle of fkY)tdiOAi«EM|nc«,AQ4 which cuttn 0VCIT Iona of B n in and K orirvedU eti^

kuooaiaori shall ho_______ ____________ —.1 yeshHirekeikHS. or aatii ibelr

........ lUyTlUi10...................... ..10afUottilHii...___ _

t'olui Men troAi I o 'e to * P. 4 o^olock P.H. I'^LH N r---------- --- ----- - —

X i'X c ftisyeF T B O ann w i t u u o m e qom -J i tertA tru s iR y o M HT,________ 9*

Go o d b o a r d w it h D m R A B r.E R o o i^ .bath. AW. beat, etc. iMUOKMMlirEST. 7I1


T a r u e p i .k a b a b t f r o n t r o o k t u l i^two (renitem^n. ft]*) rfoale roams: table

^ reen tA keU a 4» kU L nE R fty . noarirAAl;^lln It. ^

• l « ( F H a « a t i i a .rikrriririM»ririucore.>,,.,,»o»M*,awvWi, s,a . yi > „H

A rtT R O L O tiY -liE S T IN Y 7L.wa.Mn frem btrita u»death by the p tu w s aait m '1 be QAiy trof way to terstair to caaUnf s

boroKope. PROF. O. H A T F iE I^ AeUolc

lewarb, V . J*. January fi. IW As R. DENMAN.HeHecretATf.

U E MUTUAL R RN K riT U F E 10H, c a eaniiaAl eiw iknitef DtrenUnAf this Oma-

y p i jThi............. ................... ........................................

1 loy wUl be bfld a ttb e aQIm Of (be e*mflaar, 7(3 BrMd street; Newark, on

MONDa V. JANUARY K. IW .' PoUa willopeo ai It A. M. aad e te w a ll P. EL (M sa>WAJtD La D ovNM W aW mmmrt

t ■'


rejiUnf yourii4HWPS.Ynrv<. fgauw. 4.. g«A g rt-SiMria AStCOlOaSr.teAouthOriBfAAveM NewAife. iDwnlfaiinn H. NoracdiorBozuwinte. itb

r laPRTEl !«BI11CRBR,TR \NOE M U lU U a" aallaffalrs « RteTAt la

R iT 'J^caubtocoB W ltedoii^___... __ _Janiea M , from A to A LadkA, MatfeBLa, II. WatUfActtftn oyAraateeAv i\k

DEMURE. TUB TRUE - -dergOpAatetaoaall mat*

Fre,M aaaHe«»U, M

r t f l l K E WANTED"Y irT T f lK A CKTODMUTrqRB I to sS aafo iaW ifo ^

f . Kt. « j ^ n o « u t 4 3 t a i iu1 1 t o taasaal iw aasBU k fo aa OaHrVna la wJy. U u to ax i ra. liiqa«re»M B H t)A qH ~ , j^ , ^ B T i ^ i r r g * W 4 i f r * u

4 T a r rY n K N o o ,a ,

m iM r u n c a n r m a w r . a,\ i r A im Bt-BO U K . ______ _TT wlMmea.arBAar ciorhe-oeACte

men. dHvers. jaatenrev wwiriraimi,b<rt< bert, aim lo r i ter all bloda Ar'pmtelona HaefiipteyeTcall ■! the^ « J r« a to 4 llS S M-n <iri(llA N a MKRIOa H JH iP tD T M M ^ AUANI'^MJCWdarH.

almmbaraMSto w atora, r a tU f o ta m a sT m S

fU sd A ite u R u a i « r . ~

WAbWT>“ r il ir» ^ . OMNEIlAf. H t i m .voefc, noall id e k W a ii aaOaaaiUi&um

Frti(reiai)( halp. ealmad (kelp, paruei wltiiiito

Kl iJl5VirgJTT/w.?SE‘I-“iSI*" ’;ANTED -VD U im WOMAN Tfr W lM f

TV d teb re iia rtoaw A B A ew lbaiaedeeiiaedi 4 Mi 4a m a weak. Ay

dtebe* IA a reetawaxA Cto. f MikUte. ooe LhAt Crtawark Mi « bplY i f M«NF.NKTi TUnaormnt, iT r iu t r . fi«rk«latM<L No OMday w«rb, m

AKKUIUAN EM. . . m i y K K N t A H E N u Y .a o r ta rs i iiirii

- ia araaM o ^ H y. S ootoa. emwraJ bMmwnrlt |lrla> ramn wm waMrma, e ta A ^ T a ia a f a .m

Wfnfaay ]

WA N T tn enaheoi

‘W B O . ALLfflt, kflTBOCOGlhT. VAN BB J J ln n n l i a iu iD ia n ta i r i ta k n sry . t i B A R f ST. la d la a H a S A .fa ^ i la fo . m

n iR L ro R:n -A n * H H A N n i8 L t d r n riv . . . .joasw atk la a raiall ABArfoui hiu

Uvi n fonasaa nsalreS . A |tov W Wtt. I f KITTAUII »T.

-ixrA N TK G AN B X PgniK N cr.iPV nR K ^ TV t a x w aaM la a c o n s t manalkalarv - m «

■111.hereuncvnMtwaauS, A |> ,lja lo M M V (U iO tirt WORnii HI F c u k lln St,; S . t r

WA R T K lt-IR A I ’HIVATN AMRRIOah Umllx, A gtcl for 4anarri hauaawork: aa

S n S I l a ™ •a r i i la g ; feed wagM. A ^iy

WOMa R W m iO U T HOHB W tLI, FINR •oM ana. a >ib wagai (1 a month, la amds tn

B ^ wark; amatl amU j . CWTaa IH n n i n r i l

H. f l l . ^ * , IH ng r t a g a r s M i k w a '— -T n p -A irn t l-A MAR"TO DBIVR VAffliT*' TT w aian ; e i ^ e n c e d nwh p n ^ r te d ; brlru

IM bP lU M iiriE U ) AVM I t l l

J h n t t l M f i tN M n l H iM T i t t f t .

1 >WHB W ORKJUk^Vovmi M ^ ^J yhAbUA, wlibM Mtvadoa m finMMA ar laka g>A4f«?.,^r*t ta e enw* own toote Addram EXPEBJEECBD, B«xM,N«wio«teA. IM

N TED-aiTTATIUN BY A KACUI?- I eAalfWcr; oaa 4a MeAm ifuiiif ; Maadr

rateMiwe from lam pteM. A4drem J.P ., Box V, Wawiollcik Mb

WA N T iP -E Y A YOVNn MAM. A POHL i t e n w owMia m an Id a r lt ib ln i More, Addrem rHlBK, Box 11, Newa r ^ - —

ato aab


WANTED-BT A OLRL. A EITIT doteuAral boow work; tem lsh If required. l » ACADEMY ET



Y OUKO GERMAN WITH GOOD BETEE* rue* wbo u to o r tu to i bookkeoplac ahd AToecry tsiMasm k doal powAf obtalnlm a Miba-

1 tjVOllRO MAM B U T rn E tl W lftH gR U l'tfA ,


9 o t a < M to

A BAItOAIM-HTTCHES BH OPK IBSA IM 4 X 4MUJ; a Koto oaata baaliMai: mote ba sote ihJawwkoi)aoooAAtoltwotoiMawnA Atorro* HAFOAIK, Kox » , Wowa oMaq,__________n

Foot NALE-A CAE LDADOP VERY r n f EJHtehtoaa boiaio. Rmt arrlvad, ------ g loom

are two pair of very flao yoaiur m akSj aka mateb laams and d rlvera They wni b« varycheap to make reOte ter anoCber ahtamooi ad J wuAry Vk Ifo HAURER. rear of Hay Markec thimmrraiA. me




F f t ^ u1r e A f » r ^ ^lOR EALE-A VERY dOCD PlA lfO FOR MklAebMp. tel BANE ET. M3

STOCK AND F T i i r m n o r rmecMRY-•tore wilt ba acM ctoap. O O to karim a. tka

ca«H of aalilai. Addt arn M, Box 4 . Mswa al- *ea, to

a u c t i o a

15T Oa Ba RUlTTOir,EtoEfAkK




OB the preen lam,

N a w b a t e e y b t b e x t .

Ta OlOA* AO EelAtAkB yorderofthe ExecQtor, I ihAl) asH At publk

aocikw. fo tbe hlebeat bidder. tb« 'twAdtory FrahiA Hoiiee. wlifi tw* story Briok Htabta oa rear, a t No te l llAlaAy eino t. Lot «4xUf, aad stable lot texSL

T « m i made kttowp day o f saie.For p e m lti aad pArticalAn apply (o

ra____ O. E. RUNYON, wo Broad st.

W i k « t i » M W a n e * * .rii >k ,yVSriw>,s riri.riri Jtfatfi,

__________OARKENTE AND p u n a_ of aU kiAdti cteaned and rtpalred la Che bsM mAnoeripricM low. M IFls*I^OAr.W tlllA[ii.Ik

r^B B T L E H E N -1 BHOUXaD BE FLEaBED (.Yto navsyuu call aod eee w hai I oaa do ter yoQ In tha w ar oi euxtomrinadf AottA overcoavs or trousers. I guAraaiee vare low prloea aod elegaatAla o A P iOUTAfeA BAhlM. tea

J A.bNYDRE,ROAHDlNO AKDTslTERT «MAblcAN(o 4t AUaotte iCTAAt. llAAdiome codpet Ana portelMtoAre wlih ilnw lto drlrere.

Ratee of lilre sxmediAfly wodiratA Enrvioo qirtok. TsiipteoAA iIAponcUmi Ato q

C rirfi^T O TH E F V B L I ^Oed^oOAA u id AddroM 1*

No. m BROAD STREET, BEW ARE, N. J, W earefn (BA Real Esurte, AuoKoa a to lO av

anoe BneiiaflAs.K BUEOBBE ± GO.,

Ity __________ m Broad stroKs'rpU LLIN * MEBAITT4



Alt (he ImproTto methAdA ot C row hlif Tetete

Oas ctTCb by compstAol o p m fo it.

TELEPHONE Nd. M .'pA T E N T B -B B A E B M CO»X (foUduniotAiiisneAnAbdfiArKcbl AtCyi in paisirt eaiuws befbre th«

- - - * .................. ..... •lAnkcal and Kieotrieolp e ^ C?unMhAUoa ife t; m and

Take EIsvaIEhIdaesfA Ab< hdm B JW A EivAlor. TTw (

... m tn ia , B. O M m

and EX- lAE HTta

^ _____________ _Jie oM wrsteslkbAd beat* lo th e (HaSA Twtnty tTA yeara*AxperieAoe. O e rm e i ie p a l^J^ E A D T T D D T B I

Ws dye to live, others lire hot (odiii Tbe more we die tbe better we Hya

tbe lonvefw elfY sth tbeT tA rw edj^ IsdlN.UaiMe and CblMretFe (Baiklii^Dyed or Cleaned, iirots' tell lu ilc laaiito Ato p r e M w louk equal to new

CylDf rwA a«AAlAi EMMiteapeAt D ysH ouieAnd MaIo offloe, U i Motbeery i t MiI J N m D BTATSE EXPBBaA

To AToU pobnc IneoQvebteilOA a to delay In trebett,tbe voUrd Staiee Exprew otTii ootice lo pereAns a l ptaree wtaer* (here u NO OTBERK XFRteiaihah a e Adams Nxprem, thaH t tollreectye ihelr eapriM m atte r frena tb* AEasm Rxprria a to w ohaixae ia tba amiaI maiwesi ftotwKbatatoiAttheAdAEU Exjpraii xAteESsWrrcMve from tha UaitAd Mtatw Bxprsw to y itoA* ter koibo: to nicb polatAenleWAil chariN arep r e p a id ,

M ________ g H. OROWBV. VkiA FNM dtot _'y^ARELTNE,


VARNIBHER, JE ig AT W ILUAM MURRAY A OO.M Ite IM herry wreet, eomeT H u aU w a___

T r e n PIAM06 IVHEDa RBPAtBED.I OV^»»fr0w.ponaLto;oritofiAl teaefbaioreai

rjAjby A w w htoui ofLflAwe yoM oH uei •

N Yl^ pintore Hroad e

J K s ^ t e t t A P N w y l U ____ ■

I OST-nN WONDAY. JANUARY ML W HUR vEiHiuehH#ik¥i^, witbbLeto ear ato black MK>t 111 mifidle uf hMika Awwer re

nemt'AMt." Arewhrd win be paid by retorn* lc« (A QECk Ha MUALLY, W to b atotoC,

T R T 'lT T K R B tE H rJA N . NAM*vZtp; rewAid oEered. ImatTA _

to ^ «M PLANE NT,

I Q«T-LOCKKT A N D C N A tN O N W ED N ;^^day, JeiiutuY t l ; stiitablA rew irditod b y ^

tu ra tnvU to teg lX T H AVE K

W A N T E D - w ' T i l B S T ^ ^TT a DrmciAn d m storAa qua -rtoti

prr m tt. Intaren. Addrtos M O B l^ w fc ^ . RKewioSleei . ' BM

N E W A R K E V E N I N G N E W S * T H U R S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 12, 1888.« r o n * r o i

L m teI U tM M tara .

A ►.•P

l b , tH tw iy k w (%■«•■*« o f * •« ■ »; •■ Tber* d ird » t B tth ,9 » « li« « C w a -

M. V., l»»t P o n th , >l tfc , VB l » « l p wT*t« « M a l a b n la d


IM P . w d . U U r u tl<« »aliU rkuM T, H T « t I ia l u j t i i l i f * !» l i u t WM rtm irk A b l.,)|U d r t t b k u » « l .U rM U d u s u c h lU f l» tb * b fP * •* » « • “ th ru » l « w ooad- « ) p | T S tU i, »b*w uU M A rpdM d, tb c

w e b « ,« M M « r H U w e tU * M W tiPlPr'. k n t la Ibe New Y ork (Vi>io,a U U iu T JwBiael, w b k b eeplaa a<» a rtle Je e n bb , H il^ecl from tUc local Bath paper. T b e B U w ta J a d n <1. I t ' M cH tite r , a a d bU •p e peeai, deaM Icat U p tH a r te ■ a a rn a d l - era e ( th e .‘-ra li.N , llaoa i t la laeludad la b a d j e f th e f« i re n t M lleoUeae e f ae re ip n fo llo w .;

I t a a i e u u a u ia ia .In Ibclr n a a a l (aaMamlaU mono the old ( 'ontlncnlaK

YteUtnaaot.White the eiaiiadleia ware lunetnp ABd Ubi- hail IWUh* pliioata,

<anw «iibot:WMn tto niM o r th r la ta a

P M B th an n o k r n l |h i aaM M puatit. bow the bBO HrortlRnatBUH

Itn lo m :A n d fru u n e r , punm iir, p iu o u c r . rollaiUbe

ruUuribi.'dmiaaa*r,Thnuch the io;tm !

Then with rrra U >be (loot, all,And wiUi fUiM Imriamlal,

Stood u u rilia i:WhII. the halla whWiMi dradlp,And In P reane tH tilim iwdljr

Hiawd tlia A n*:Ai Um i b i i On tha .bora

Ihrtpl the «n>fit b a l i lc -b « ih * n o'er th ap n en aoddrd aeraa

o u t ! , plain:And loader, hx-der, loader, e ackiat Ihe Mack

ptnpoartr,(.Yaoklaa analB 1

Kow Ilka ^»tlh« at their An,ea Worked Ih t ted M .rh 'arta 'a

Cumoeoei*;And the tfUainniu iaU |«ler BAapa f.aroe, dlaconlint loatot

Rinnd Ai tfao Fwtn SUiCBl dtllt,

Wltb bnt tw oefiac tn a tr , caino the bane poieda oiaitfur

Ob oor tank*.■men bt*ber. bhtber, hiflier, lwmi«t the oW-

b a iU B a d lRn rm iib tb o ra iik B t

A e a ib f bal<^hlA]p4 Ocdonal

• row fcK aaa.-,And b h hioad la w d ww ftrl'W n , .A ut hla braaen thnau waa rlnflna

Truaipcl lo u d ;Then the blue UaUPallo*,

ABd the tRnd>er Jackeu raiklan i t tbe lonch ot Ibe iBBdaB

Rifle breath;And nundar, raaadt it im id a r, maiad the In a

lU-pouudci,H nrtlnt death.

O f th t i paOB B d o n td C la n a a t 8kid<n a n w ro ta tn tb e O o ta r, Jfapeaiae, m anp pciT i a |0 : " T he re 1i n o th in g Ilka i t in o n r UDRDign; ’tbi the r in g in g eb ir te te r* letla u t t e n n e e ol an o rig inal m an. T h e ta la a perfea t blending o f aenre to aotiDd and o f ba th tn tb a aplrll of the tbem e. Tn II - c lude a p lc ta ro often n i n e a a o n g ; b a t b a te w e h a re tu b k s a l o f paferinbl clnatar- ed npon a b w ie h ilW de, t b e p e ttdb r c rack in g agalo, th n old-liithiDned tiotnnel gallop ing w ith draw n iw ord , and a t Bounder, laonder, tgiindar roared tha In n d x .

Hhfihtgdaatb ii t le n n a a beaTleT piece o f o rd n tn ee , and e b a ig td w ith welxkii>r ip n e a th a i ia w hola PBA o f ae tU trig In a inadem an tan O D t, T l tb e o B g w ill I ie t w ltb Uw m m a tr f o t taT o In tionarp P a ra " i t waa w rlitaB wban tb a a a tb o r w ia b u t I t r e o lr peara o ld, and l i f t appeared In tb a JraiebarWadber i f a p a . l ia e for F ab raarp , IttUI, u n d er tb a i lg tu - tn re , “ Jo h n liedlOiu.** UsMaatot; k « H M a law per, and a t oob ti ia a m a O ouotp J n d g a e t B tn b a i O ran tp . I t ia i t r u g a t b i t 1 m an who, a t tw en tp , waa capable o f w r itin g a poem an a r ig ill .i andeU lltlB g th a t It waa a t once recognlied aa a n u t h r . piece ib o n U h i r e newar m id a n A m b e rT c s ln r e ln Iftc ra tn re .

**'------------— -AATANKSE M.IKIHIAx . bd fcB O K fl.

W lip O hleeta A re B ed a c ted o a Jb a B ook o f th e Ulaeai

T beee eo-catlad m agical m l m r t h a re ta r p ca ta baffled tbB dltooeerpoC tlM aaw ae e f Ib e ir ro lIw U iif o tiee te t b i t ace en th e back aide o f tb e lofcrar. T h ep a n th in m e ta l h a n d m irro r i w ith ra iled A gnie on Ib e back o l them , and one eaet o f a p allop o f ab o u t e igb tp parta copper an d tw en tp Un, n u k in g a hard pet elaatic m etal.

FYcd I re a , o f P hiladelphia, b a t given tb a m a tte r m iu b though t, an d bp a few ex p e ilm on ie baa eitidiliiihed q u b e eon- e h a l te lp th e e tn te o f th a “ tniwic." l a g r ik d b i i tb o ra ir to r I b t f t r e preenm ablp M aw a p la ie an d tb e g rin d in g prcaanre applied ftotn th e top.

T b e th in p a rti o f th e p la te e jir lsg aw np from th e g th td ln g p n m n ra ulid th e th ic k p a r t i (oppod te tb a la ieed Bguiea) a re g tonnd m a le rapidip, T b e pteeanre ib - ■Bovad, th e p la te aprhfflt back an d t i e m l m r t a concave on tb e face w here th e Ig n re a are.

T b e lig h t refleotad fiom tb ia m irro r w ill ib o w tb e Agiirei w hich a re on th e back , n o t ftom a n p m agical pow er, b a t becatue o f tb e coDCBve antface produced over tb e f ig u re s I t waa tM n th e r e m it o f aocldant tn tb r r th a n dealgn, and J ip a n e ie akUl fklla back an o th er notch ,

*nke B K datlrX adp 'i K aaOnlt WeaUngtcD Letter to BalUiBae American.

A n in c id e n t w ell w o rth th o pen o f Du liiHirler oecuned a woek duoe at one of the Cabinet reCcpUiHu, Among the calleit w u the wUb of eprom iaonl ju tin , who title week Intpo- duoea her granddaouhtcr te Bodetn Aaenne p a idedbp tha debutante the dame H iledm ^e l- tleallp Into the mpm and up to tbe holleaa who

' waa MUTounded bp her own little cooit. After making the introducilon rhe Hepped a Uulo to ana aide, In order tha t bar eha^B etaoiild have the full benefit of anp attention ftom the bmeaa. With a gracknu air the fiocretarp A wife tam ed to IhedahBtouli, mabliig'm iBe ptdlta liqu iiy ea to wbetbee 01 not the round k uMamni m ak­ing a formal entiT into eodetp. "O b, pa t; I like It UnmemKlp. Von know grandma taken me everpwbeta with heci She calla me her moacol." "YeaT" In a riling roAeotlon Itom thwhaaiawi.' "O h .abeM U iaaaw baoanw abo H p aw b tnaveitgaau t'w kbhaeH W iwver And inpw m attK BK . Do p m know w« have made Iota ofcalU, and ih l i l i tbe rerp drat place wa have hwB m ge in tix u r / '

n w S M A f T F C B l U U t B i r .

I fo U y — “ J m rt th io ik , I»ncy, iwy iw ii t baa got lUaa bait and Ulic teeth." L w p - "Tbat*! nothing, 1 heard m ppu aagU iatm p iturt. w ho Uvat in Honalon, bad a Ulaa tongoa.”

C lm rile— "P u p B . w jia t tobkifl y o a look iom adr* P ap a~ "Ih ea rd mammaloold- iBg poo becatue poo wore had," "Suppaeol w ti to get mad. everp U m t 1 beard mamma aeOHtngptm, d i r '

F aatB H ~ “ ) t y d e a r l i t t l e d d t l , I naw T O O ihed teanw h lle lw aa pteacbiltg law. Sun- dap when pou were in ebutch w ith pooc m a." U ltia C > U d-‘‘V a , ale, I waa Meapp, andiMiiiwkM ptBCbcd tD4 ID hftrd."

A s w tia t , w ho fg rao eb to pain t*In g Um a u k u m U U> h h rU tU aaon t "See, ToiBmp, 1 have get aaoUicr ptettnw." "Y ai. pa, but It would take p o a a n o d daallongerU poor dgnea bad doU ua en w m ."« U t t l n U M a ln , w hann p m n t i a re p e o r , la eating dmnevwlth m a n rich n la ttva t, ewa of w k a S H g a : "W all, Hiunta. hawdw p w U to pw aadtmiBr.batua tha s a t k a m a r " H d o a ’t w aw m o ab b au a rt b u t I dawft BatllUBtwb ao aocn ta I do at home."

gpaUk iiwwd.W hat wan i t written In tbeae oM, old pageef

W hat w w I reading in the twilight dim rStrange ae the ecboe. out of dkflaot BgcB,

Sweet aBthe mnsle of ave tper llp ira I I have beard no mng tb* nlghUngalci w ere

ringing rI never marked bow Boon the aweetauea frdl I

(m flew the icavea, and lar my tbougbu weae w l n ^

PHant I Hood, and mpt a . in a apell.Then w I wnitod for aomeglnd icveaUng,

W hat all the meaning of the word. migM be, T e a n o f atmnge jop within ray eput wem

dealing,laaw poueom tn lth im ndilheihh it'w m c,

Tbfn—a . you touched ni0“ ln tho mootillgbt

T h e n rJ i heard yotn krvlni heart beat Ihat, Clcnr In my soul ihono out tha t royado dory,

Jer, life and loyo revealed tonie at lad .. . Q M i n

“ If homor, wit, and hooeatjr, could bom thctHafliahTjtbolrM , w lW a good

...................... Well tw ent. -Ivatlon UU,

Wwtm Ahwwa B p an a .- J o h l i L . IM H w m i M a flly poa

R a w w *k iB i e iB w 0# the rqwNiBw a i a toe toll W m t a a u M l w ith Jew Bmdh toe an ram oant of awmep, a|>|.AaUng peiAwdap aAct- aaen M 1 ofcloi k m a Unit of Bwetini k> dgn arttrlM and n.iu luito all prvUuiiiiarr atTnagr menu. I < ng U tore ih,> •pu ilok 'il Him dfflU Tim waehed iBe %iiw a . <mleu A f 2 o 'clatk lUa M tret waa diiiw tp pwrki'd wIBi |w o ^After watUua in . r l ) au hourSulllvaa app«»re“ al (h r wliHlow to en tlfy ihe tbnm g ia tb« lU tH . Krclng no chalice of llBilUi p iu lo g ln IB n iw anaw e h a Mah bdilaim rtuni tor Pwl illnuum budha, w b m b a baarilad t ^ um n f r B Indmr. Prevlomi to taavtng fkilUTan, In lu .U iw af ."mSb'i toUara lo arrange a nuteh . la id ; " I c a M hate t a tba e ip n a i purpum of ■ tk ttagPfm M t h and b a re wo d a d ra to b a BUBd la aw K p B U tc wiU NBialn atIba .1—fan— ufflea al laad two week, kngcr.•a tha t nam ing can have no a a m t a ant HBilna lu UiH. ” Sullivan la In aioellant keaUh. and Iwa raducad h i. weight iwoolpAiur

undCi- f tn a k Wlnalaw, of n>m»a. ia K n la g to

gaw Y a k ta ia lag a U u t a auwUdoa uf tlie HeUegoUtaa Fuk> Inagua and tbe New kng

-H anw p I'niep. uf Newark am naa, J m r y n ty , W h ark lu i Wll> H w anla , e f n ileag a iga lra t la rk Hopper The battle will be de- ck ln t within Iwemtp fimr hoiua.

-An Inlmalaae .^R U h o aid maieb batwwan New Vtek and Haw Jrtw if hot b tm a n u g e d .Jim oi DtonaUr, Wimam lialvlii, E. H iarU and WUliam HrnilR will irpnw eni Naw lanep.A. licAlpliic ww laM Bight ptw anted bp If. A. lUaey with lha haadwitnii baiig t won bp b iu O W i D t r l k j f l la tb e iw n lto u fa a a o a o l | a id g lA h A A A iV .

- R W, Jnm1»ii, of Nonti lair, yentrnlap a l i a aoBB U lh d Iw m tp g v f apanowmwUh a m dud.

\ / h l I ^ c u r t d f o f y b t f f

A T I H l H W t O g .

9 m A N N l 'A L S T A T B I K N T

Mefcbis' Insurance

■ e f l f e s s s »

EW HW TIiVi tirfAt Trufek Mk 0m m 4 I

m A II.IIO A D , mi3 r » ‘ “ ■

^ a ^ N K t o S r M i i ^ a i C

I c A W O R DffcW b id lu

T V E S E r O I f J

C O f l t P A N Y .

• V M H B A M , M. J , .

F a r th a T tu r M l a g » a n a im bav H i I N


R w etva ta RetowanM a................ N S . I t l SiRmrrv* for I'aaau M Lomm ami _ _ _

aiher rialam........ ......................... lA N •»N d Su ip liu i.B M SIt'M ta l dock, paia up

lacB b ...................- Z m m m

S ta p H ia lo m lV s b u h le n .. . ...... .. N A I * *

Aiwvgaia Amata...................... n , i n . t « l l*

.Va n iarn a k U aa aad I'alHU a m ia 1

, , a a l aM.r N avaw aa m W h i r -----nu< IWTI darkm M rm MiaUaa, Ifrwwk, m tollaas:

t m a . I I fU M t)M i« |a y ia rn a rrM a if .th ta ' l>ut| and Ik. W ni. wbk Pvlloaa patoct m n U u ^ h k, (V r,d a .a . f t Il i a, m ia M UUMla aau .aaai.L M ia. I S P . iT w a a M fi um am , a.u> tor llarriahana, S ttlM w i aaa lha w o a wiih pnlfmaa palara c a n i lh ia i t f e wRheuI OianM ioPniaaa.g.(iM a«a^uW aasa,C toidm aau.liMliatUaahaRi. ImnW.

i c r U. i'aitflc t iu r w . daUr, with Fulloam rnboeam Uum wkw ftiuuitoaaim a ta m w k u ii

*•:> parlar can and raBaapIvaiua Ballraaa i»Mrar.MmiA.M.K IM 1A< * « . awl Ida P. ■ iuihiuitoip u.ei. M a a d tm iA. M

tou P ^ Far Baltunora a a lr . f a l r . H. dadp.. ly rn i lM d n h d ,a iw a u c n d r . t:ff, rJa, tod,am.wia iw a W tia d M araaa b an o a h :-------

rM iia lvaam WiHwiq aU iai

I 'dA dtw n^y u a HklAin ep*w ii t ie ;4e<hedlMrtB.

B M t i H * * H u t u *'iM

J f f s r - p i w II Si WhI amt W. Uah, w .____

1. ik., Km m W ol n o n f m n I sT w ara . l 9 ih i i tlfc a M .

Ar«r(H, I MMiti ttffiM Ibr ^ h k evrjidu*, III (h* (kpiiri | | i * ^ Ia R*w4rk.MiT^MafUjr, IM i«cat) foitrtk ml Jam m ir M iw« •'£!(<€& Jt. H.. all lia l tn e s at Mfctli at l^ iii s a i pfnnulM sUaiM Irtn f mmI M ag Inf i l / tif Jt#«r«lK.

iit|iw > iai m stm T sifk”; i l l

liI i a j mII lia l .. AM ir t ^

ktasiUNtagr.Now JofWv: lb#oo r^srlr si*!# ut l i i« (a u l fM M i *i«v«a \metm n m m l j

I r tn t MMlriV s

’ Mi**^'”fri'Oi nat aiwj l^ riia rg stMais;

• t t g 9 k S « g r n a g M t « n .

S iiJl* .* !?* '» *»ata d f o t and H m aaa otam. t t* * ' J i r ' l ! 9 ^ < ' i au oaiM aw aT u i. w ir Sla irgtaancTia orarldB itviM

or r m tak fiou MHWe*Mtr«fibMi *

whorMf Mr*U* Newark AM>lkM

M u m m a o n , i9 m m 4 m M m .

W M h IID IID A T, JA N .KalitH\a

tbfIHg MAk in od lliri3U

ran aMl famimV

,^ 'r a j^ U .« A .g ,a a ia a d V f l i P .M -gua tW arot' itcnuia. iwT, aw.f.aa, fjo . ad ,M » ,am

Stiaia tJn iiM tl ip ro i t , ii.W aM ti • a . i n t x a km a o t ,^ U l .a j a r a ta a 4 a a r M. gu^ .1X4) aw. abi u d d a A. M . |U i . t d , a A

-----„ if lJ MlnmaaMMt and lliri3Ui)i t b rcaua tu ta* pajuUi« wall brt***a l b i»o bo*M Noa Km/taaaiaai! ililfv a 4 b*lui»l Mr*tl loH aniubrr«> aloalT-Nt T M**« tarftt*; t b i w aorth Atfia«M fM tw ta e b a . lb«w* aM ttlirMlIf r t f b 4agrM* KU m m IimIM «MI «lg*ir Ml N#t w e a la e b e te s a M ilrw ti lb w e e a i ie r l i alobf aa ti a im t u*«aii MgM fWi a m ip*k •* iM b f ia a in f . b ta g i b Mtt&taws bow i ^owb M awEbOe* iwwisy w e ib ig e u i Mm n a g r w ib i mmrarat ta l b n_______ ...t.wk b Jb m * m. n W tf . bv 4 a b dabd|HM(iit,li«7|,«)igrfcunl«Kln t b B *aa l P w w eA aB tw le N ab X, N a f Dwta.

O ^v tr A ItowBi u b o d ta r%

W l Z

4 j i . r j». ---------- m n h ,*J1 aad 1 A H,

fH AllBUtti lltjr, I J l P. H. 4*01r. 8 b


tbai I revert h j a mtlttAit* la « rtUag. wit^ aa ■ffw a aiiy liif map artiMvk*, M brtng i b bavaral mmmmaam ■abIm i l b ewaartp m lW I / tMo*At*d B b la b baa»bl*4 a* abK* sakd. baaW w daj^<:*i 1i ta* uAWm uf th* Oity f’VHl afuwMCb td Ntwartr.lbf wiaeiiaatln# b ib M f t tw le iM ia d tb fo ta .

HM w am eian t oaiurbMb kaM. M ata o b MuTBYta nf taad *1)4 nwT WUM a r r rU / boafltm b atorwMTlyknf aa batb iiA**<i# I fm a w am*< m ia Jakaauaatm tM apdtaiN aiaM taaib a f t b •au tb rly IIm a t Houtb w«M ; am OMb A ba mt Nwtb Mr**t fhMn llfroMHi aCr*ai b» a aouii m *ftty i r a ^ w a a t t f i b t lw e f lAw

' Mb oMia af Tbwawor strMt mun


OOM TAHATIVE T A S L C .waah daya aaliu.

H k a M . Ornaa nrava.


VatpaU a o d MB CIliUwia.Cor. afT iagTlm aa.

Leipoic— or m th e r w h a t w e a u w o l ' i t d u tli« aa aarly muming driva through acme of 11. prtnaipal aveauea-1 . an aiuwctlve city. U la roomy; m urk of lla ari'hltat'tuR la ImiHidiig;III wida drvaW iw oant a rheerfUl appairanoc ;H ahotrlaand d i ^ b o a a waU bape appear . n t * ; Ib n a la allugrlbai aa agrreanla pmaen- i r i y r rv ip T XT f l tattoo bare, wUb evldmicaa or thrift and pm. I I , f1 t J Ik 1 11 u gm aw H hallti thin tkatam old poldM ilng hiwu,Tanuui, luo, t a Ua aabrndi of m tida a iu lll i mil veollp. That ft la a dealrahle plaoacif iwUonre to apparent fTom tba to rt Uwl m, nuuip Amerl- can a id EiialUb premia edahliah the ir b u tn a a l letpcic fcr lim prea it and nroUatgol anjouro- Wak* luupbcn who (vou^ b r a notKwniiiAkw M UteimiT lliitraetfijo mainly lull h r mU and bea llbaadU xhgrB ln Iba rtflaad aedapmaato olTrnd. <Me map live hm nim fralaM y a t half tiecodofrapaetah le«u li* lalenec ln New York,

K iy v rn iN w t o wtob la tom o lnM aa Hm amart*

d a p tha pain ta MOa mapplied.

a b d n d a n c b t o o r a ea H a rt of oold. and tha nnighlng tha t often louto tha way 10 Ci It W1I.I. maiTivai.v alknigb in l i

(dbWal d a ta .

n a c .( l , 'M . UDOMIM 41&,atSX2 f A M flt

ti.da.nM Id

D ta .M ,‘STM toM acc

an ,:® * .lifl s


gl.J12,<dl Ifl

. g l S . l N M

^ w ( y . l f a r . n « A. U.d i i f only. I.wp. a .

ta r 1 « | llcaarn,toprina lAbr, M a UU1,__________aw. ^ ladnu on Uw H.w YwL . .t^ i i r h H illm d a d A. X and IXM.a i b l 'I f dally, . im p t BaadiaT h and AM I'. H. Tllanai c& a*ag*jr.}

a ^ TORE.tamaa If»rbK huyci fU ilM . bM, Uv. t t t ,

u u n i r r * b a l k d m k tiA ctM T ETi'oarl Ario farJ*f, a b *u«» to* i b bwhoAl

*a (M b rk N tWrokioM, «ial* r ^ . , ftf^, ^ irlr* tamm.

^ ______ tbobev* lOtied wrUofAwt I_____to 8b* glr*c4b. I o b ll f b oak b? pabAwYttHku*, B itb tV u f t Huuic.tB N w rara.aa Tam*- d u . i b ibkrtrAnit ik j *f JaAuBrriAaKtuMtBo Vilock oU lb * ifooi nr jwra*A of bud and

•jipiSA’ s s s r w . *lA»Bkl MaMwlB'A B b nwalog Ibw r* akcif mb IIm lb*m>i ocrib iM-atiW- im fk * ihrrvaitii* tttt* m m oU iroM I0*< o b **if»at7 ima

I, M B |n M >i s r i i f t a

Film THE M Dand yon will bring up a t tb a oSma of

T . W I L L I A M S ,

- -------------------- i . t « ,a a i , u i a « M d aaa'* t. » ra .u a ii)A i,M jeaad

’•"ndny Uwlaa, XU, iS ? •M.IAk f tp - . llto a . U .; u aa aoua, MD, i l51 la. t.t»j il«,xni, IM, J .m j » . J.u, I jx ' am. a « ,


■M au***: M bolbIImshm io K*« JarMg nmtiwU btmaimi.

Amo tb* mibmliii 4e*m6*d wtmefV wtik^b UA b b in i i tiAby T b fnb»ta« » i> f/lM *m l mr

rt>BBN-URg M vtni IfliMM boib AAMar J*hiMiNi Ironk IlicttMa atr«H l» N*« laamf KbU-

tamt bVbv* VJbotb A4m *<baatmfc>a*lMH.frrHa b ogintlU frH M S UawmB Mf«M k fl polat iMMliM k*i Mot o/ hewwB Mt«*t lo * poki H hMB oak a t IlaiHAiio iim Aa ml b u ih air**!, irom a p o m l ltr*t wfoi ol H *nM aitr**t to apiiiiiitsiaigoiAst oriArcbBfgMl***.

On b ib Cb*4 * u i o .. g k n tM fb t

, ^ ---------«l U. i t HE-M u tla i^ C b ^ A (Jttl'i giaBtat UM edr ■tirnoi,

M A M ’ S E L L E I. ^ . ‘f ^ ' T ^ ^ t h a i a l i or maarvad mmto ftaM t A. U. to W y. U. Tdapkemeo^filto

^ a t W a k - u n . kiCTk b a b b b ta - a m t and Lrna."

TNCB'I T H U T R LN A rk a tb a .,w a w * a w a « .

O .M Iaar no |u M eaaad Wtoi^m.I tu . W. M. U u n n i ..............baddaM w iiw ga;i r a a b Oamamanaiag MOIfUAV, SAW, p ,

Dprra Halturv Mluiday a l l F. ¥ .T h e Ja C. D o ff O o m ii O p e n O m p u j

• r MCVKMTV r H o r u t . i«

“ D O R O T H Y I ”Wllk t t e IbllualDt R stnant ArtM i: U l i k a K t ^ il, lifaa Ajcoai Won*, Hbg


W b a i Noato M aat lU v a Muflbred.F in n Ibe WaahhigkOB Orftlr.

A tem p em n ee w lvoca le g n ia g hom e wltb a Kimtucklaa B oo a k-einrr on " Soah” w aadap la lig tb a W M kaaaog th a t ftaa tnay l- gltCT,

■V Adw't ivB. Bgidp *'pmm b in«ii to j m 'rc ll^ l on«M,

d |t icn i ■■ t*f« 4ANi\ Nm _„..*ytfO o # i« A te - m a g -m a i l j lnl(tilci4bA

" W e l l / ' t l k XentiuklAO. tp lrlkd lr,1 di>n't ktKiw about th tt, I'Aere'i m tgbt/

few lu tn rmukI here who wouMn't ha re uono th* PBiue th ljif if they Ik d to Uvu on water w k M M W o g h o ti/ ' I

S n e e z i n g C a t a r r h .The d W im lng aneeat, in m c , a n e w , the

acrid, watary tflarhimua tovtu the eyaa and noie, tha palnAil tnllamniallon a itend lng to Ib a tb R A k lb aav tlU a t of tba moroiu lining, eauiing rhoklug lenH tiaia , ooigh. ringing Bulceafn tbe haad and epUtUnfl hoadaChan- bow tomUlar Umaa aymptonu am to ibniitanda wbo raltor periodically from head colda orin- ftUriTii. aad who Uva In ImMwanae of the toct tha t a Hngle appileatloo of Sjuim ati’r R io tfiL (T ax rox U T jiaiH wUl a a m l (nUaWaneoiir rtHrf.

Cut Ihla ticndarn t In tm m o l etrople (totarrh g lv a but a toiwt Idea of w hat IhU remedy will do In tha rh ionie hwmi, wbaH the bcMlhlng ii oltrinirted bp choking, jm trid mucoua accumu- lalloiif, the bearing wftKitnh oucll and tAda none.

HOBR THAN ENOUilH In laye a doatn chlldnm Choking with r a w r . One mlnuhi after tho flrdiloM the head Id allark of croup will M nUtVdd,

pr.IfiT Y TO RW-IKVB the miiireaalon and wheoa* Ing of Uh an a l arvaet caie uf Aitbtiut. Tbe di- n a t eiiraa of Adhroa bp th ti medicine la proof tha t Dr, Tbamaa'a toelaetrla O il,baa no aqual aa aa AatbrnACnaa

In Ihe above eaaea Da. T no ilA S 'S BTLItr- TRIC OIL ran be relied upon. I t bar given relief to Ihom anda Kern i t In pour houae. There Ii bardlp a week Of the imtfUl.

l u a A o u u r n a

uaw .ib . w iia 4 i4 n .t... i-TL* “ irrM K tail<»;,!aaa*.u,ad,iA a y r rd ,T J a a < i . X4i iw , nuS tT xku iJii a . iT: ixuk liN . I n , XII. x d , x d .ae t.x m .k a t. aaa» A a ta a 4 a t ]A T w .x u ;iia HAl aad H A irM .w rekJaja

I c T . (hrMnul atrtre SiatloA, Xlt, aUL IH t 3a ,tia r .ix i,« ,T .m .aB .x -j a g .a u , a n a a a Eri. m d iiaa, a . u . l x a , l k t a l j A a t o . XM iM H X9. i i;. a i»,« i r a m l rfTV.trVw, a ia ta , i4.«.and i l l ! n. u . H andu, am, a 3 ,a w .

d n W b ia f a lH tta lk a Haa a f Mulbatep awaa*; Ifiaaia atong tba Itaa af ■aUi airaM nartb Xiny- m a a Mgraag and oa* mloiiia mat tliro* tui». grM afid ttnj-1 d rfg tlw ^B mot g fk **vvn HlMii f m Bbf] alotgr _ .* Poiw *M plBrOTrfbeglnMi^ IIkDffi *M T^*g k tb* «»M Wtlll

Him* MM and «ts bunI tb*wr« aaaUk t U r t ^ t ik **M*MO w**i tbr«fbaii8r«4 bb4 k n jr

Bbf] aT gtgriii itutwirejLbi o( b feoi k )kMgln»iUf. Befnf Ukiam *

4*1 iW takan r i» w. r r r f ia B b« I wtib by

*wg d*l«M uMBtar Ii. l*ri, rte ijiiM J a ^ i^

B fMT U will not bg

For Old and TouugTw tt’f U v a r P llla n e t a a k la iU p am tb a chilli, Ib a d a l la a la fa n ia la , o r l a D m o ld aga . aa a p o a tb a eigoroB a m in i,

TutfsPillsel t a la a a t a th a w aak ic a ro a a h , baw ala .

Iduapa a a d b la d d tv . T o iboaa o rg a n a m abrairw P gthaalB g qnaU U aa n r a w am dar. ru l,aaualaB ibana la p a r lo T u i t h t i r fu a o - u a a a aa la pawito.

S o l d E v e r y w h e r * .O B h * . 4 4 M m T iy S t r o a t , W— Y o rk .

M t T T t J A L

m h i 1 A s s K i

o m . BROAO A M E C N A N t* S T S .


• h m you can pot your 11* iaaurod la tho liB-T ami nlKAI'K.HT ASSOCIATION In the agrM i t um-bBlf IbtiMwiiH


4 1*.titA lute, tiM B. U i t O .b ■“

Luii* Fjuiuvu Hir**t

l s * x t VMkorb. y,?«t«vap* g W kiii, AtkmetOi

ity H*gttt*r'i ortttfl*. la hook W kIN«*a«gx*tr.

* '* j:, tMoemher fT.tMr.b i> \ t y w. lUN r.Hbeitff,

11IL1N.T a , i tt, aia. U i, ta k , and ............. T* F^iiivu Hir**t MUlkB, iU , itlL «.K

iM T.#,7.4T.A.«,Aii*.i,iA».ia,ij4. lull. bm3 n i l

ladBy. gm. iM k tk ,M »f.ALUi.iiiaiiig {^y*w J*n»y* yYert*rtrb T>. ai«»nWN>>

% BjidU N P^IL Ikurih ri ^ l^ -n m ^ ifu ia l^ AHwH XikMrt

; I l l i liiU IM . 9M, iLV4bLglT,Rig;,|.|i. 16.14, bi»4 » ,* > “

Admtmlnn Tre and Annual DUda:Frrif'.niii).........................^ ..........

..'hr W,«M....... ................. ..P it aym o .................a, , . i "

II ,dlO,Ol)0 paid to Imiettrlailaa la U V .

18,00(1,000 laved mrmbem bp icdnellnn In ra taa

* St par eenl. d lrldcn l derlared payabla lo tbc penhlenl mcmlaie of flye yean ' itauding.

bg-FOLLOW T H I CROWD and get lUrtbcTInlonuatkiu. ____

A 14.a u ,* m ,ija ,j„ ix Koxxia, laXa and il .d I nuiidav, IB, «.« X5C, l O i n m a , M,; lUaamm;|^x f4 jU atM ,x4 i,aA 4 ,V .u , xAi. f k a t o . an f

_ F H u k MAHlUtTBTHKFTirTATHIN.For Kliulielh and Rahway, IX4T nliU . x n

T i a .w m x o t . a * , xaa. lu U ii.4» a / i i .; iia , Ija, xra, lAX 1 » . Asi, xm. xm, t.ix x ix i .o . aaxX M .x iT .a 0 4,tai, x4UxC aa4.a*t, IU4S P. M . and HIT nlahk anoday, U4T, a 4), aM ,tH . Ivlt. WAI, II.CI A II.I 11 «l, l .d ,a d . UH,

filri i - V '* ' iXMJeAt.F a .vrw Rnintwick, n «T night. Aft, 100, ».», A. A.: iW, 1X1. XW 4 * . ADI. XtL Xd. x a , a i t T.m. x t l and IX« P. M. aumtoy, ixri nl|bLj,4e. I J t, and IXtl A. Hu IXJH, UU, xia i . d iQe. T.Ti x ii, 0 Oft aim am r . m .

For Wnofibrkiff* anil ^ r t l i Atnhny, 4U, i.iP< Bag.ll.4l A. uai,A g |, 4J». U t, U t anJ LSI

___ _____ - _____ _ rw flE IM *»kuf xafkfL•uphl yraiokn*

By virtue »f tb* aliov* ntateil writ of Kerl (bt-k*,tou>« dlrerfetl.l RlbBlI rb|mM> Kmt io k by {Hitfllr T*ndQ*,at lb4>(viuii Uuaai* In ?<pwark.aB TwMtey. lb* *mTOt<'*m>i 4i*y o f JatiiTary nrj i t two 1*. N .*11 tiMM tr*fH 0* MMWktland and |ir*ml*r* riliiak, ly Inf iumI Minf la ibw city of r«*w*rii, k-Mns tVum.v, Ww* J r a w - a liUaiiiBlna on *a*t*rly sM* of UallMiry «uw**{wtal} nv* t*n Irw boR ftoni ili* MMUbar*ly*t>rii*r*f Mulbvrry bad ik fik it Mr*M*;aa<1trMn lbMi^rttimfim aku f Mullierrjrskrcat tfnitb twntty MVYTi difrwei biiii Iblrt* nilnat^It**fnrtvMiibt ffwti tb*DC* mutb Btiiy-oft* iRfrueiauatbUtT mlaut** *bm Any *4a«M*laia«i| tb* iHirtb Will ol I b* lious* kl* uf Hubert t Yair1brdIbear* loiilb Kl|y**TMi lH te la*tnobM to B s r(br**d*ir«*«*aB( fhvty-a stabs.IbBrnw north flnyB*T*a defrwsa . . . . Dfl* baiMrei fb*t i t t ItwbN m th* plar* oftyfyln*

“ vJ'ixp^ia."'*!;*' « .« A. K-. I K « /« M '.’n V ; ; , 7 , ' r , , 'A i ^ ^'% fl,o .,7 .e i.lin a A W.; X V andU t

rm <ktr«b* «aM tbutywiz ■M b*:W ant a**ih iblrtjr' ty tor** lb*l fear InolMalo* h fifty •*▼*« defrwsa wait

. itwbNio thpplar* orbryln* oiiif. Hhob^Oi*Miu*pr*nlB*^ouav*yH uj n s

p. M., tkily. *ir*M*luiMkr.For Kliiinimatid Hnckj Htll, TeV A. U, and

*.*7 F. M .,^Uy,M r*pt Auadlar.For Fhimpiiburi and n*krM»r*, TJH. » M A. kf.

and iN V . H ■. dslly. *ic*pt g*nday.For U ju ^ rtv in * . fib . 11.4* A.. M.. aod 1 Up All

ANI*l«d#r PrtfftM

^ ■n M j ' ? j rf!i

t S u ^ 7 ! 3 t u r o ^ k H A ^ ra t^ -u re m aa rm axbe* *• ****1 k 111*, * » , p*ns**Mll£w

p, buu iKdUdkIft «aiVV,lXV|. mtXXY ta athroat ulcerated and hacking cough

gnilually M a a ln g ItaaU upaa tba daMlltatail ■yatem. T h a t it la th a t tbe nartidoBireuiariro poxer orsiR FO xb'i Kxwcxi. t t i t x mxnlfWtt ItoeinB InttanUiwonii and gmteftil relief. Cure be^nnirom tbe fltel applfratlou. It b regbd, n^lcaL pennauent, acoDootcaL oalix _

HA!4Tii*l>'aRAt*iMTaictou,lltol)f oimkIM-I k of tba HAiuCAaCtibK, otoe box a f GxtAUUiW- SoivrsT, and an la re o v in I s n i i . i a , p r ire fl .

p u m a Dai-u A CH iiiirxi. (Xi., Boarus.

IT S T O P S T « P A IN ,Aching Miuclei, Back, llipa and Hldta, Kidney and tlteiiiie Itolox end all I'aJii, la ltuaiuxtlon. and WeakTHw* x«llbw«d Iw on* m tn- a l« klM AoUfPwfn

PIwU ff* TM flint b«4 < nlf pidTH*abdiiJi« H itter. Kew, orlglivil, itistBntBD*ou% nerer niuins. Y iftly *un*rlar H» o il oiber pU slen And KTMflliA im the relieT * f {mJd. At iJl d7U fgw «.tf ctQiM -, IIT6 for fl.on: or, pevuge fcM, d t 1V)TTU DJKQ ARXk CSJUflCilt Oo.p BOi< toatj Weii.


R a t s , Hies,, W A T E R B U Q S ,

I z f o A c l i e t iand bUV e r m t n .

A Perlect Exter-taJikBUjr.


HOT BUCKWHEAT CAKES.1110111X1)411 o f H o t B u ck w h ea t C akea a r* ave iT moitiiDK e a te n a t th e b reak flm t metoL H uh d red a o f p e tinda o f B u tle r , aa m b n y gaH ons o f M alaiaea, o r H a p la S y ru p , og o th e r aw eetenitiB , a re n t th e eunio U m o ta k e n in to th e .a to m ac li . A rid to th ia to M of Ihe in c fu le n l h o t g reaay Je raev S an aag e , an d w h a t i t th e iw u H F W e w i l l te l l poa ; r i m p i a ob tb e fkee, e iu p tio n a a f tb e a k ia , sarea m tb c Upn, a n d a g e w ia l diiNiidcred cond itio n o f tb c IlU ofl. A i t h a w a rm S p rin g w ea th a r apprWMhrm th e d ix tu rbed co u d itio n o f t h e Blood hecoraefl agg rav a ted . W h y n o t ntop a l l th ia tro u b le a t once T K eep y o u r b lood p u re b y naiu g U llE S C E N T S A K S A B A lilL liA ,

H ead tb ia T e a tix u rw ia l;

K xw kta, N. J., Map Mi IflT. 'I urged me to t t r r r e u e c n l f i^ p a r i ih i , but a i ' l n ee c rn l Dreg Co,, Newark, N. J . - I wtoh to , unwi Uood i B x ^ x t iU a oihec mdU-

•dd my lettlnioolal to the m»ny you have al- c ln « wlUwut obtaining any roUeflTOio tbera, I really i«bli.hed fcr Ibo wonderftil cure* bc- w w lo th lo begin U klng ('rereent fiarea|»rlllA, forapllibed bP Crevoanl BBiuparilla. I mn i n : tdibw gh 1 knew of a number of pw toni wh.j Ibe emtfep oif Mronx Oeoega A U alery A Son*. 1; had need It a llb greed (U»id in them. A t last I M *uulxitiiren of Fafciit Bwl Enameled Leath- ■ wm penuoded tu try ftrec i'n t N a w ^ r i l la and er, Springaeid iveiuia. oiip, and ll I* tny du ty ! betofe I had umd ha lf a InJOB 1 b m to t e l to attend to the Are* and hoilen In tbe engine* I: bettor- I have tmed In all tour botUer, Mp BWJB. 1 caogbt a heavy cold Ihli w inter, xirf ; riieuinatUm hat lono, my avpetilo h a i ro-

ilm o it eTery frihfr diy, bs 1 miffwM njoh ' iW ^ I ib M wAonly ciim l rneof m j RlckuB*^ tfony In Use boiler-room tha t I could not do ■ but It hat en ib ltd me to return to my work

ma, but

snd KO V. ]f .,diaiy, szcMtHuntUy.Ftir Flt-mJr»fM>n.7.ABB5* r* '■ ‘

Al„ PzoMit Bueg*y.Kur tViMWlpe.T.OD. U7. 11.44 A, V .| 1J1. U I.

1L44A. If ,Bn4MI P.

LV7.6JC iOd 7.JI P. M.4 dslly .rio rp t HamU v.F*r Ri>rdPWlowa, Rurllniiton 0*tii>1«‘u,T.m,

tAiftitdii.NA. u .t i-a y U l.r ‘ ■“ • - - -ILILAAI *Ob IduadB;

Bud Te« 1‘.

For Frrehoifl, PinnlBfdBt*, lian**oa>n and P*B ylifc vUi llmimoaKb JaiHTUotti T.IO and II.*) A. IfrTtiiliaD l>. U.wik*lr4jM'«. rorttMUixtBod iTitmckiliBTp iM'tQla, LO P. h .

IVwlon, wlthiMil cbBwM, US P, M. dally* ForBnwkly*, N. V.->AlT u rooeb Ir^Menn*

Ufrt i l J*r«^ CUy wUh t>o*tii o f B r ^ ly u Annnc," affdrdln* dllr*rt wanRfkr to ttuT rmm FalMti iBr**l, ivoMHni double fbnlBc* BDd )onru" ' “ T S '^ V - 'l W TO NEWARK.

F*r Ifcwork^ABO, AOQ. t » , fl,«. 7.00, T.m. M0,AJ*.l.}O,lfl),lMO,l6 4aklL»A. M.; 110 owl U » aODB 2 I J l . 1.4& u i UlL u L UUk MO. AN. 4A. 4 4U. UO, AN. Oo. u o . MA tJ i . u<0, U A I » . MO,,1.IA, 410. «.<n, M.1I and 11.49 P. M., tnJllUDiBiiM W . HuMlBv iiwtiii,AU.«M,Ai»K9,40,10.00,>.Ti.>») A. u .\ U.0 Mwa: lm , XAJ, 4.W, 4 » . 3A6.AI0, A90, T 00, 7 JA 7.43, AOA IblA 9ju,f 10,1000,11 oor. &f.sod liio midniftiL

For rorihvr inlornsBuoii UosMbUm , to b* bsd ol 111* llckrtiifni**. TliHi*4*f(>rBUuutnbiCMt 1h* Fenniylvoitui KBUrawdoBd oobb««c1uiis, anil bPttht, smi1(irr,* ikI bMfBf* ebccks *lUb*ix>m> Finy'Boflic*, N*k 7W BrnM *

by d*«d uf«**wd*M wltlkSBld Bi«Ttg*c*k H«Ns*fk, N . J., iSNYuiii^ l i W . -

KTiWiN w. iK ifE ^ h i^ f r . ( i r i in A Li'w, tkri'*,

HXHrVPS PAtxIL m Jfm*y* firtw* ibirBiM.Jc,* ecMu.. .. J l. ibd ir., defi *

M oH m *d yipwlii*.

}4taufTbuuia*sir«sA IrtHM* tnliMViif lb»»B»SHly llu* 04 4»ub4« Mrtri i* a M*Mturtk«r«»iavly hn««l MitUMirry

0 « balk iM*« ml mmom tbrsaL fpfMi ItalWBrry Mlt*t lft«pM*lHftYiSMt*l<Wch*kYlfflWi>*l.

i n hfttli i Imt*l H nr*i sost ai < Wch*k-d oWsYt.

--------------M ot I'bPvUiul vlrtYt, bsiwvYW Uul-b»rpy siMvt ong a p*Ml «N M «M lof tHTlMsH

OBbolbsUMBf t*BDipstr**l*frMU BpiilBt tdl fN t w fila r Mulbvrry sirpst w a peUt ksf) f**l fM tafOrabBrd MrofV

Ob M k *M*a at >lHvn«i u m t b*4w**M *l*V*t Bod TbOBkM BIX**A

Ob both old** ot oobi* strfwt. tVum TUf>ni%s MroM 4* B p*i«i4 N #NI KMkh of khurst m p**L

Ufi wmb slfl** «l noifs** Mr**** b«tw*M Panivtaty RsUrikAd

■iroat BBd TtrbOfBknttuB strv«l *«dl baaU) MmA

ni) Ibr V**|#tly tin* of Nrw aa*MM, b*lw**B yaniMRHi lirw

Utt tb* fM ivIy Ub* *r IfHibffrjt *ir**A ftrtini RcHitbirtrpkle* iNtlnilMbft i i w u i ^ w 1y tin* of >AM % iflofy snwH

<nnMw****rl.T Mini of M ulU rry« i«*a fh m Ntw 4pfB*7 HBlIroM or —y* tn a pnim B t#H •OULhOf Lb*«Mlb*«I.T tlBOOf Km i KlnwRV at^wA

0« both sid4M of lha i ik y b*lw**n M*tb*rry iU*4Pl and Orrhard str*«t, frixn a ptHiillOlnvl •THTb nfi Bmp S tm t io (Im r«Bx Ua* of lot* JruBA Ib* on pftin1(ifioip*iro*v

A " 1^1 ” r#pr**»nt* aa *nUr* plol of laod,* h»th«r k«v» Mr anflUl.....- -Alllifranii9iati>rMifdluMkd . btbfBTd biiot* Bsla(wMB]|UNlitiwn on Tuasday, tb* 171b day nf Jinoary. IN*, s i S oVInrk, Bt in*C'T iiibiiM lmifri'rM*. 1 (■acum) Hour Hall

M t d JbUBiry A NiAikHKUTAH U'HOVRKK W IIJ.IAU KTAINsnV B.'l nOMA’l W! -------


tfifiX, I'lHBBllMdlbaBrB


,re bff*by >kal on mowmimdI apon all owBfn itroU tb* land* si»4 rani «atat*fw

cuUarij^ iK'^noflud hr tb* oobiUiasikliwR or a

“Siiathm, KlM Rfws tiflffhWRi, Mr. t ^ r a m v Mr Joim Hiimd. U r UlllUm l l ia O MM ib I ....................................... - ^l%b}toa.i4*l I

Jin. IA - W, J. NabbIi b hn ‘'NbAm^na-lAWB'*and ■*Th IrUh lllrolrr].’

J ir I'mak IbmiUnnL Hr. fUyry I BSUpHfbf^WptOfBUlihBriaA


.t( l> W A l.i» iX \N , . . W aiiacaF,W eeh «'aw iw m r4«g HKNWAV, J A N . ^

UethieMi tUeafUi. -niHriAi.y temwlar.A T H U T O N A A T K im '

n i K - k r r f f l L l f s L 'u m b l t t B U o n liTte. iilliig tl<c MiinUrTuung AmeWum Auxher.

tiKORnF y. a tK IS ', Ib hli Bielo

C H E C K E R E D L I F E .b im |'ntof*mhg{ Oh- Indy wcirolrfftd rxi*lpiy Kharpbnarrr*.^i rtfinshuBieYf the w»ui<f.

A i irand hfmrialty Vlll tdfftwr ih* draiwi


Omm V r«akC ointiia tiriti(M a?tD 4T x J b m - a ry Id.

U ittiiM i TU«Ad«y, ThurwUy oud '‘ttlu -ity ilS:M.

r i t o n o M o i i H A i u u v f

E q o iiiB u i d O to ln e P i n d o z .AO wuTTdtrfUl nluoiU'd ItnfiBWd Bubw . M )

ib r only X thibitkHi of Lb* klisl la all Um Noihti mural, iHiToLraflMd. lnjgnir(irt>m]id aaiiHliit.

Afltniaaimm, t i g i i b b4 iO «bnI«. IU4rn(*d wahl tuiw im so k -il (liariM tlulB4

C H X Fn s o w•dadiiii

Jfm*y* firtworn •uA w ieinilw . Ac., eon p la laa^How*n. Mild iL, d*f||»daBk^ F l

m rlngad wm Bkn*.By vlrtueoftbiBbeoiilBBed w n to f HwUbMBiA

to«iidlr«(4ffld, l*h*U «ipQ** L>r lalo by pubhd

tAk*ii iA N i'B iiF o r

It. iMMlMrA sad wm iaai A* to.* N* note Ml

lYDftua.Bl ib* ( ^ r t llCHUiam Nvwork.oa lliiw d*y. lb* nwrterwtb ta r »t PHsniary aritt. a t t o‘(gork r . U., Ml lM» tnuB or parnM of

irterwth_____ _ M., Ml t i - - ..............-tssd sad pramisM wmMa. |ylmtai>dbvlnBiH iunnshlp of UetisTltl*, Rmmi COUQiy, > J*TMT-


MiMt M iheMJU* t* laid down ua« mapviitiilad, pish of Villa l(Uti, liaUavlU*, B*w j*rs*T, at a

IM 1b*rHh dB uat fror Uundrpd frrt tmiW rrly

a aiin a xncixw-, xi vi vow ew* ■:a awoffice i t blarkft H tm i tMMloti

*i*«et, tm ol Uck*t"

( iX B IK bL KAIUWIAD OPtrEi:WJP:KMIEY.. te rry MaUoM m l4ew York, lout of l i ^ r ly

Rlrtab ArrBBfMBeBts of tiMhiconiBMBldad DbiberAJW, ' ___AWalUt A :ft>ELlFA BPrm imATCOlL

_ _ iBBltTM!

C ^ % ? > r i e £ 5 ^ 7 ^ S . f T a i t £ r 5 « ,me, but 1 grew worw. Then f went to 81. |i cellcnt tesjUle. I hear nothing b-Jt p « l

for H anywhere. 1 am confriaiit th a t I «a i t l t o wHf® 1

BariMpirini mtcu my may flilTv IrS lot th« v — .ww

ito iH yiiiii^ k wto you auri tor too

le a p I -- ---------ip trillt eaToU my life. BuLlevlng tbia, 1

t e l n my duty to le t Ihe publu) know htnr w K terto l a ouro CWacoiit ItoOBj - wBtwBil upo t me. tn juiillot to y o i ,

T h a t e t e m e ia U a g pfrio w iS itoMWoa A e f r i t ap - p h to t fa n a f U b . W e k s^b B k h b d y to p fd n ftilC a fM a n d B n n io n a , w h ile th e C n tu in qulcik a n d efTect- u a l . H a rd G am a, Soft O om s, B un iona , 'W arta. B ew are o f ch eap im ita - t io tu flaid to be an good o r j u s t l i k a D B . W l \a 'R .

' D iuEEh ta , p r ic e J i O i .

1 grew woiw. Then I went to « . i: ceiioni resrou.. ; m w llichxcl-t tf a r t ta l and waa treated for mp w m - , fer ft anywhere. 1 am conftlM l th a t I d o m it plaint b v ro o S tlro b tep liy llig an tto X h fc hiia- 1.p a t It fop HMnigp w te n 1 tap .that CresMut pfiaf. For a few da pi I obtained irnne rcHef in d a tta n p u d to go back to mp w ort, birt touod 1 waa Incegatloef dadug aay work. Thij waa a greiH. D ihteiiBia to ma, aa mv toaaa n a (tonendentugoa mv tohor. w Ifito time roy luflbring waa indued great. I could not Mleep iifghu. and I tound tliat I had loto Iwcnly-three pounda In fleah In a abort time. 1 bad no appedro todrcould niAretain toed on t walomach. Ia A# to o n iig v I latBgi-rt t e n W - - --------------- ^ - | -to come ao tha t 1 mlghtateciv and a t n teb t when I: tW lntonlal bb map aeon b a a lopiiu. 1 a l » I could get no real, an d ' liaiB* H n ^ l p bipIhi '' wtoh to aay that' th h teOfanoulsl haa been of-

iamb4T Au a, Wtofl |F^ W is l*Mf * Hr<is4 W ra e t l^ io n Ti'Ms' Ml,

ii.oa u.aQ A. u .. liB, l«L im . p i , im , 4uo m l 60|,U6.&M, IsiL r.H>, 7 j i A n ViH, 11.1* P. M. b iw doyatib, tio> A.M.. libik t.4L t*V4 lA llL 7,10,1^, 1Q.U P. M..1UT Kltiab*UiWMlIla*p11e.

For rlibinH d-«.»,T.U A,«jLto( im a iu w a *V., I A 1A 2 A 1 0 4 00, 4.A AOi AN, AH MB, ma. Tii, t o , LM, il.U P. M.

F o rB o tn r rv IH t- to to A IS . lU I, X A k fO . t o A Q igto AH. A3Di7a]ky7.ti,to t o i T u p .M

rorFlomliictdii-T.«.7,Hg t o A* If.* t o t o AH § N F M , *YOkahiVn A, II. fat HMn fia* BL / U Olv.e

B*tb1fh»ru. Allentown. Maocti CYioofc.atc.' t i l A. Ve Am- K ih i USBTlf la I t Om.TRtrfa Bruit* Bratirh, AUnmow ik. HcnuiloB, WlUiiHU**I ' A r s r . T r ’ftJS T 'jUmii. Hioeb ( 'blink. »lfl.

a h 1’. H. lIMn Ulna N. Ur.* MatsohI’huni. Hersnton. Hhiinfikin. ffr.

............ " ’ IMi____________ HtF. M,

JM T lt._» ik. H cr„.......................Yoy d ty . Bunbuiy. ate

Wn# N. J. V. Wt., Allen.

UaflnilB* In (h* irabtrly tin* o i *4i«hbi. . . . . . . -------- o----- -|« i»ioa*u1n. _ b of Villa 1,4110, BeUavlUe. B« r t i„ ....... .................................... .. .. . ..............Itom (kaiMutifrLy Mm of Ferry n rra t ; ttuMea westerly sloo* loi nambor nlna. Mock maikRr ibre*. **iH luoii. ufsa bundreU and lw*niy-diM IVrt lo 1d4 imm1>rT two lu •■kl block ; tneoc* sotrtbariv rIohit mbmI kH miBiber two on* him- d n i IfM lak»tnuinb«r'ievab1n*aMklf>ok: iheop* eaiti-rly Mon* Mid M nuiabar savon on* bun> Hrrd ibd twenty Hv* fw tn saH) BU'pbenAsirrat', sod fhene* uovftim-ly Rloa< Mid kt*Mie«s Nir«*t huDdrtd f*HlA llie pkoo* of bawlnalm. Bo* in* lot tiumbwrr1$ktla U«>ck iwuubrr Utra* vQ sold msp

Ntwoch, It, I., Jonnary A IML_ BBWiff W, IClXBi ftbartff.

fliiWAkb W. llAVbo, HoUciora

CH H H iFY R KAtaK.-JSHhKX IXJSWON n p ie o av o u ft, W om ii ff,TriMd«ll *a Hn** A. Haber. Ft. Ki^ein.

By \ irtu* fiftlie Bbov* irtAtud writ M flort lo^nBi, to Bic directed, ] tbMIejpo** tor m I* by pnuilc veadua ol tn* OoBTl lloM* In Newark, on Tu«»- dBy. Ibe iwonlf•‘fgarlh d u ot Janisary b u t . a t t o'clock P. H f tb« rlj|bt.l|U*andinler*bt of itaa defpTidarlot, in ana lo il l that triCi iM* porv*! of load and jirwtbttM alMiaie, lyttof arsd botfif IB Lbfctty olb'owank, HMeiCoosly, Htw lor*

point un th* lonilierly tide of Chr«UMU>tr<rt,(iD*him<lr«l r**t if i laches eoat ol Mulberry street, and rttOBln* tbtttc* MOHkfily Moni (lim tiiul stroM thirty ^*4; UMchn In a suiiiEcrlydlnrtkrn Dilriy feel; them?* In a west" erly dlrtciHirt IB a Hit* pBrnllri wlih I'bnsuiul r i r t f l thirty lo*t, oi»d Uwmi* n*nber)v iM rlr ikirl more m Irao lu l h* piBC* of bejfln ning, and

__ ______ P. V.Way for 14 Mn Lin* N, J . r , Dit„

Rrldfl* Branch. L.«lt* llotmiouu*, air.k u > . X. for Main IAm M, J . Li. Idr.f A1Im <

town, MiucbCbubk.Runnyi. u e A. M. Way for Hemervtile: I t o

F. M. f» y tor I>bnaHen ; i,4b H. M. way ftj# r ~ CIO “ “ -----' - ------------------ - ”

r ir t f l thirty l**t, oi»dfoiri m orknrlM ibJih* , , _bcMncttfimMonPy kiMiwtt ami i|f*lftiMr**d M J*<>, lT4*bMlT)at*tr*rCaud being tb* aara* rrmikie* d*\ laid (o raid Ho** A Msbrr and baa ndara by Kllsabtlb IsaHWAF, by hor toat will oBdbMtow niciH ,»*w»nle<r In bppk H <rf wlUi for C o i^^ , iB t e t l i- l^ em bM IftyiJM. -.—

g t iw m W. lONB. Bhertff.

^tam te s t* •tp*«t ro bnOir k u m i ura*^ oeforordlM to IkApravtHlirNierBMoreiitaBc* nt %km cUy itrH cw ari. emltlvd“ Anordlnainwlo pnr- vide Ivr lb* cutMTinHlIbb of a s*«er tn Hbnitfa OfiBi* BVtano, ln>nii Krao* atiwH tn ikHiib Alkbih Rtrrel/' ofipruveil JMy U, WM, hM biwfi prapared by Ihr underdiMd Oouimlssfonart, on-Klntrd by Ibe (Ireull Onurt uf tlie I'linniy uf

■**.•*Mob* laM MstosMem. an d ihala re* port by ararUflraie In wrUin*, wUb an •e<'>pBiv

rMsyinf mapand «rl^ni*.iiMwloa tb* seraral Oi*f«Baems Ofmlrut llie srvrrM owiH>rs pncnillMt- lyheniedledM Mfoeveetd k*s been drntfHH In d e offlt* of Lb0 ikiy Clerk of Uv«rlly e7M*w*Hr, for riatnlnallifO by th* f*rtlMi1nl#r«tt*U ibtrMb.

k*m MMfMtBenlPpmpMiiaall knti. irmctA oretp*rcri«M Land ooi rral toiai* 1LM* la b* a*- retard oa atorsaaM, lylof on -

Bolb sSdr«orHoutliliranf«tvtune freoa lri»ua Itte rl tn bomb l^ li lh atraet.

Ort bolb ildMAn''airaw)«niav*nv*fhKB Hrmth OranfaiTMH* toB pMal UI taat nortii of iba MBie.Dn DOtti aldeaof I.lltletcm avanu* from Th|r> ta*oUs avonoe (u Fuuneentb BVfikHk, _

Unbuth Sidra (MkoucbHiith strati Sot* fowUi Oranteavanualo llilrtsmUiavankM.

On hnih M as nf Itoulh Hevsnlh slrael from BoeUl Oranf* avenue Ui TYilrteevrlh avenne.

IH» both ild*a at Ooaib HtRhih tireel ffowi Houlb OrartceaTauw* lo i polni fkai north ol ibeatin*.

On bnth *»<#« of bforrl* nvenire. fonm Wooth OrnnpanTtnu* Id a pidni M fora aouthM lb* M pe.

Onboth«kl*aof1tunterc|iHi straK.ftromfluuUii O n n ta nrawoe to Ft»urlf»nth nvenn*.

A "A oi" reforamta an tsUr* pint of land. wi)*t her larfe or mijmII,

All iterantw hitefeitadln told aRamwant may he beard bafor* said (vMnoikialoncrB om Thura day, tMlVth day of Jatioar/. lH n,nll F M.. a t Ibe ('oinni)Ma*n«n' room boa tiaacoud iuuf)« Ciiy lUlL

IhslcdalBikuary TpIkH. _jAMim urenANATF. wmFaHTai. iiM Lnwjn, JlltUKY tC DCffit,


undrrilaiied. on btboil of tU* Mayor and Ponixnon rpund i «f lb* city of Newark, wUl, on. . - t . w of Jannort,

Ian uVn

H.TTTliN (N. J,» K A im................ wfJ i.............|i!IHM»AT«TKinupKV.

M 1 o'dlorb. Kpraw tfi lm .. Now York. 11 » A. V., I I

MONHAY, WrJ>lf»«IW H am cv4Mosoc«M

leave I'hainben *t.. New York. » A. V., I Ibl., 13JU nud 1 1*. M. direA for ibe ntea ism im .

C ,m K. KNUlUiAN, lY to to A J A IIff McUOWAN K antian . Tib

TAKE NOTICE.[ wbh to itirocin the raililff Lbit 1 hiVe foofid

‘ tV Jtbe w u

R O S E V I L L E P A R K .The Pork will be buMveU forth* bratMaMH*

foi*)aitoufbiiH*lii«, bimI f o r n ^nUk, Knlertoiiimv!)!*. Me, m

IbUmtKm oianforQuiKwaim oftol, a UUmmi ISb o n t BO »L AS W m iBiA <41,

rb>rk m d dljr, ’ the

Mt-TABTIIII, WlLl.UUMiir lorrieji

A NoCAFTXb, At*- _________ ^ 1

"■ e. I F Y Q U W A O Ti i u New* Waut Ooln&ma

ay foiL

Itfotbittlan o fg lk m w b o Bmp P f l ia H be .44;) did, lo n e r you tbw nlslc«yof

perfen(% with Creiacent HanimiArlllB ntid hope tha t It xbay be tbc m eoiwof IndieyloK

forlnj i.H I iwoe my ez]

o tien to s l^ 'w itG a m il NBraapBfHiB g trinL You r for nbtfft ‘ bBv^ my n il jp a n o M b o to yW ajh or p iia t this

uidgi n y bid, tQ ^ h c r ftbd 1 V well i |i lD

1 to g c il for 00 dA F ^ ifitov AL I w«b III *r miwTflbte pHghr, »«*■ oftbid 1 wNMiid umi'* bw)

A f o t t o wurtawm tn tbe foefory

forad by u d vohatBitty wUbeut any aoUciCa- lion ofi yemr part;

Bto o o tftaih Yoora. DAPrst UaTK<, '7* Mercer a tn M soc.


T I ^ l

DIMKENNESSh* tiltBBV H a b it , P sbI i IvbIt O l t r t i


TTIE fl^S A P A -

laT ' cr t__ _______

BadlbW ourraiHilBitoBtM l our

L’rihFA t'-

iTf kojtblng be fblrar than tbia T Yoti m n no risk Id tiurcbMlDK a bottle uuder th k abtee. Hemcmber tb i t wf am Natfall w ni*

p r tb w

,^ 1 bb fln m are M Rake irOeKwnttiAnflNrtlla ^ l lD o t d o p H tw to wecW cn for I t The U\ LredknfoBre plainly oplabel, for *11 W>re*fl,»tb«* YOU KNOW J lf lT WHAT YOU AKK TAKIMO. No aeereey> oa la I be eata with utber BatiKHriliaa.

(Teaoent Sarsapanlla will cure Blood Di0O^ dcTftp pimples, Hlotchea, l)yiipM«Ug Rhfteiei- tbun, Bud all nthsr trtmbtdn oHoMi# fodnt aaImputg condition o h h e W «n1.

100 HOKES AO CENTS.Why pay fliW, o revea TOc., for o ther nuOces

of KoniBpaiilla ttlto lugredfoatn of w b k b ywt know Dothinei when you con purehaneCrotcent iktViBpBrtllB forfiUr, per tjo tlk fw U btbe InFradl* enti plainly printed on butllo label)« and A ffuaranke ormoney reftindcrl If y to gro dwraat- iifOcd with the mcdlcdnc for acif rcBioa w!u(> e w T

enjb B O il e i o*flk*M ten wdthont_____ „)*ytb***raM i w w % 111 la Bbno-iBtrly bBrmiNe, and will affoet b permanent god ' speady cor*, wbetbar lb* pBUent La b modaraw ^_a_x.._ ^ i ^ b B l k w rw k.i Tkeueowdsee

..............moQiidenBpdrifit I z i^ k ir ooVMwtttvout tbelr kPOwledrCi and to-doF believe tb w auU drinking of tbeir own fo*a will. IT NEVER

CAUTION.—C rw rn t Barvaparnia t i not for Mile by ?!3obtotoed freecn our utore. No. dSl BROAD

in N ew ark U o*n only bo

The public ia notlfliid lha* rec aril evarvthlng uautUy kept ta a .tore a t rrinccd prloaxItrecitp tiate oompooDilwl (TOui tho beat anmg apd chemleala SO per en ta Io w « tlian a t

, At the pfaonaMF of

1 he ayateni once ImprcimBted with ibe I,rtbecotneaan nuer Impoeilbillty fo r ' ' iptutHa to t k l k Fbf anle by O B fli . B . B N ir a g D r ^ i t o a Btsawd f l f l r t o MwwwHl. » .

I CURE FITS!W h n l a a / cere Id o mkiimbd merely k a k v

tbem for a ume ood th a t k ty e tbewj ritjweLBaMna

__ in if* and chemlcnU &0 « r iriber diug itoroa 'You caa aavc uurnep bp p n iS atlng yourdroga, e tc .,)

The Crescent Drug Company,031 B R O A D S T R E E T ,

o n k n o o B a b o t b x b v l in iB ic T .

ravill* : CIO F. M. wuy for ItoiiMrwiUt end Ftoni- rolDptoii: l,$i F, M, for MMo Uiie, Alleutpwrv, Maitcb (.wuulr. etc.: LU F. M. way for Huftin*

A liin lb ie lopB t F c n r Kr*#4 bmI EHaobelh* port and ac Foitl r t r r y afrwt on nuiM.

WKWAItK Affl) NEW YOIIK.From RrMHl aud F *rrr Mrent Hilalt*a*-reAl

4 « > x to k ^ to r -k o ru k Til, t o t o t o t o lo!o&. lOK,II.OA. A .M .iJ to to ,L A

1 CO, t o Aik. ku . i.9 . l l i . Att, «.66, am. AM 7 20,7JO, faU. eiU .toLO AtkU.kPrH .: I to , LZ.9I nleU KuiHayh^Oa, kuu, W30, I t o A. M , lAk H.'i LAO. 1«0. too, 4,00, i flO, 1.0D, 74)0,100, B.0U. bkOO, LI.U0F K.

Leave New Y'ork tram Loot ot Uberty street - A(iOQpA'*-^n>to 7,117«), luo. I l l t.U,V.% in .ll 1 0 1 1 LA A. M , 1100 M.;l2iVLl.^ lu i S-fo. aoo. iio.40o.4.:h).a.uu.iiMSu.ievfo!n.- l l Z . t o t o . t o a U , U « . l 4 1 I t o ILU, UJk F. X. KiicKi«>«-H.(fl,o.w, 1000,i t o A. M-.iieokc.. ] on. 1 0 , t o 4.(0, S.U0, t o , t o , t o i t o I t of S it u *’a m b d y . i />n o TIKANCH, o c r a n

(ilUA’E, RTO.For Tremley and rartaret-U A , 1 t o A. H ; t o

to & H P .M . K audsys-toA . M.For Hr warren- - At IM, A.M.i IDS, t o , 111,

t o F . M. HuDdsyt-lkOA. U.F orP trth AmWyHL2A, I t o A. M.; t o t o

t o IM t o F. V. H iindayn-lU A. H For Frafbrdd - t o Il.U A, M.; t o t o , t o

t o I*. M.^For laon* Branch. Ooeatt <lrovr, etc.- IJB. IIJD

A. if.: I k . 4Jn, 4..t[l, IV , F. Jf. hundaya ivzcept to a r o v e j - to A. M.

For lakenobd. Torus KIveraDd BaroegU-121 A.M.; I.UA.4% f . M.

Fhf Atlantic illy , BrldgetOB-d.0»N ^ A J IK TRKNTDN anoRlIILA D Iil.FlIlA .

TJI.IQA.DA M.; I .tf.£» . tOU. t o T B . iUAF. If. PHilayii-AM A. M .IH F .M

t o a . » A.>i..7.ia F. Mag tor Hunbttry, L ew kburg o»M^iUiazuS(ytrL

lirawliia room Car* on bB day trBiuandMleep- 1iii4*r*<4niikmtrMn« boiwera New York b:m1 PbllodrlpblB

K E R A B E g IT. j ;

. .. » umeandtbewbnvwlbewirHnaiBdMa1 mMn a radlcBl cor* tbBfW aanflb Ike dlasMsi O fF lT k K F IL S raT or f a I m n u SICKNBHB ix ii^vTOa mtmAw J woifranl iDT retttedv to cor'D s e w w ^ f lM i M B i C v y y i i S B e d i nn u o n for - - -04>ceforaIfble


Vawtton (b k iraptf,

The Mutual Benefit I ,U F E m W R A N O E C O M P A N Y , | r l B J N v O 1

Iron, Steel, ffino, Heavy Hardware, etc. IQ61& I08IIIIULBERRY STREET.

^ l i p e d d O M U t l e s . S h i p w n * B i a s c l M A B 8

NIWARK, K, I . ^a b z i i m i d i i , - U- tWTER CO.

ifaU elaa A U u a lite lp W w - FovtalireW *

OMAHSI PIAH0S!T B I i E P B O R B M o , T O O . *

C U B a f t i f l g p n f t » i m « » t * .|S »VVS'W'.PW.»VW".. ,0v>

A HHFHHMINT KOR BRN EFltR HOTU'E 4 \ t a i.eivby given lliMitb Banvwmrut upon ail liir OBwer* of ML lha loitda and r*«L ratal* pacal* lorly benetUed by ibHo<iBWructU»e*f tboaewnr ta

FlKHThTHkiKTANUtmANOKHTREKl’. Av>m Pevenlb awenn* te Fifth aireec, amvrdLng to the provlMifiiiM f>r an ordlnancn of tbc City of Nenurkt auUlled on artlltwiK'C le praekk* fur tb* rt ttMUDCllKTi of a aewer in b'tral strrat and Or* aage pliwt't. from Heeentb avenop to Fl/tn streH, approsedainiy la. (M l bsi barn prepared by th* uaderaMMd ConmlNtootra, MioliMail hy tka t:ircull T’oeri of the t'eunty or JiMez, to mak* bOld sOMMitoPht. and that a report by a rsrtlfLoaL* In writinga wUh an Mworaponylag map and acheitnteahfiwtngthei*Tnrelaa*eaHnseiil«a4ain*l tbe arverM owners peruliarh benefllAl ofiafora^ said, has been dtpomod In 1Ih> oflleenf tlHH3ly (.*|erk of lb* CUy 4f Nowarlr, for*z4ara1natlonhy the purtiee In1errar«wl iluTcIn.

Falil HWMwai»*ti(tvim|irlaea all Iota, tran* and ra rce lio f land and real is k to llghie to boa* aeraed ae aforesaid, lying OQ both eultw of FTriit street, trtria Hercnlhavratio t« a point IB fool> uonb of huiaex aT*nui‘« *.

On both Kldra ot Orani^ street, fyom PtratUroet toa potniM foetwastorFIratstreet

On both ttd«* of 1'hlnt stroat, footn Qraa«« street to Nufsex avenu*.

A1iiotb«m]lowtoc(1eBrrtbed proporty which la tobel»eneAt«dhy tbe oonatniclton ol uiCral or COflnecMDB sowers i

On both stdm of Orabon itraat. ftom apoibi H feeiweatot Fifth Mtrm to apotn lB fbotna Sixth atreH.

- W ,

i 1 pUL--. _____haWTbfty. the ftniHernih teen bubdred aiid eiiihty-*l|bi. st tUia fortDoetu M the Cwiri llooss l b -----------make ap^luatiun to the (.1r«*ait OUiin of coMoly or wiWrz fortlieeppnhtirmi'fit oJ tkbiimie •tonernlaniak* on ^atiiual* Obd MMssiwent of lb* beitedtM eobforrad by the followThf Impfova* MObbatowtlt . oik-tea-te-g

Th« PBving of JvtocuftfimUkomdtiriJMrdtU.. aVetiu* toMnatb Cfaugc avrnnn.

Tbe I’svfag of Newark tfretn ftom Uank otratc • to IvauM avenue.

Ib e itBvlBg of brood stnwioxMl UaUevLikBiW' nne from Morria and Easez liollruad to Bloom- ftHdotarioe.

Tho ooaairacann ot I aawer in Kaaez atrrat fioia f aniM slccet to Orange wroei.

Th« coiiMtructlOP ol a *i<w*r In Norlb Hlxth ctreet NomniLt between oraogs strtfulaiiA HiMMwz avowne ood initb arasine.

T»*onnstnMirtkaof»aaw*rLii FairuoobtavwI* lYoin iWulb Orauf* avcnua to HiuiLmll.La hirteenih avviitie.

eonotruTaion of a aawer m Jseob street fooip boulb Haveatfa atcaai to HUVioiUJi avcaat.

'Ibo fxadmgi, rurhina and kogtlna uf Wwih- Infinn avenao ftom ArllbfUb avenue lo ih«IH& lltiOx

N(MLo*ia»l*ngLrMithBtan applkwUon wtllb# mad* to tbe Iburt a t the *atn« tlm* aad plaoa for lira appnlRlment o f t OireinlBvIrrner to llil tb* viNMMn-y muaed by the rwdanaeloTt nf‘nmnuN' j . Ursy from tbe comioMtoti heretobu'e appoint' cdbyfb*(X iiirttotnakoan rallmatc andaMaraa. ment or the benoflts conferred by lha loltowing ti^rovenicfiti, vis.:

Trie coostrtiellon of Ibo MUL Brook aowet foora ILjab Binret to Fa.iralr river.

The ronitradlohoraaower tbrouihnixUiaw*- nue, Tblril l i r m oud HOviwUi Mvambs. Irnm North TiurtoemniProei to Kranrh nmttk.

Tho ronotnicttou of a brLtk rawer to foro) the estentiouullheHizIliBveiJuA, '.Tbird streot aivl Heveiitb iveriue sewer from It* pre«ont terminus eas4orlba MrarM Caiiat to rnonoiU wlxb Ibe linioMi llsook Ro*rr, _

j(M ia’iJ CuyC^msM.Hated Newark. N. J.. Jaimory T«r

s n i s n iSet of Teeth,

10 dollars, t sT4 8 B A N K S T .

‘E X T R A C T I S r O .

Tfdita «itno<*d focU bfk li. Oaa idBlBlM ler«d for V Ctrl'1 1 cwih oiaimeis fur >• cew4a» T«eU mWd wtlh Auwlgam, A omto. Twili> lined with Bltver, 7t CMia. T«*th Bilafl w lik GoM .I U tmIQ K . .A re t of Teeth, w arrth 'rd ffvo yean . |R .n . Ther* are nobeUw mkd*, m mottor tanw mtieh yn*P*T»

B o s t o n D e n t a l A s s o c i a t i o n , .ggg H A lU C a l STRBW r.

FUranri]! Dr, Orini’t nliro__________________

T H E liE S T :Kaws la ihoboal iMpor.

FOR HSAOmi a t Adv*rtloar. tha

io f

Silmait to llie EsUilay!. Jos. R. Mayo.

c o i u n s k o r . ^

H E C H A N IC a n d M U L B E R R Y S T SItM a toU U te a g e a t of

B o ji ,» la fS ‘ n<^Wtp aud W.KM10I Pieaeola w a tall noufl but onr m ru makg, w wcu la

warroulofl n '* r tlr f l^ r ia r e .TM V*ipLow »ttPifoM 4ilU prevail.gpotial aueniwai f iv a a w ftip a in u f ™

unlll 0 J clocl; m l tfl«rCl»l4tutii.

On b o ^ aidM of raoond atroM. from Orang* atraet to a prilot KU feet north of liuasei avoan*.

On both sides ot Foortb straat, frutu Orang* street to a imlntlW fret »oNhofHtwsei aTonuo.

On both vde* ol Fifth strMt, OfomOratmaairasi lo a point LCD loot north uf Huuivk avonuo,

A laoi" reprraonla on enUr* plot of lojut, wbaiber lary* or Mtnall.

a U pemoiis lalarrafod lit said asacaiiBMBt m*v b* heard before sold CowiaUatooers oo Friday.the aoth day of Januor,^4iiikB, at 2 P. i t , a t is* (inininlBilonura' room, No. 2 isoomd door),City JJall.

Til a t e s t h u p i w t b h s t s t w i

in oaro of l a m the Pollov ia innrinired In three n lo n g a t ita value will pay t e I t ; or. }f nreloiM d.aFaldrUjirtollejr t e ha full-vahre la

‘ ' ? I ^ ; £ S a ' j t e r , p r i l o l 4 . a » l ^ t e r i . S ,’S a Item tlonal 1 I■“ — 7*1, OTOC

6 5 7 u 4 6 & f r H O A D B T .

i h . i ta ig te * " • « "VS"M4«Ba IW an* S lw * .W t i« -

a lA e M ^ lim S l o lealdeaun, tn v i » t l ! f h i S .5 ? S S t r i t a i o t o o x t t e w is o i teO w ntofthem erroY ohU !,maert* of IhhfoU claa cun bw m*fl« M hoHtk*f«

“ IS S S - paid im, aad apprtreal o f pi

dU toly npoo <)4iaupl*h*

W. F. DAY & BRO.8S9B R U D S T S E E T .

an! IM ta

BTElKWaiV, OJOSJUt, t» d all o tb «Claai F l a o aod r ia ta r Oifaa*, t e Ce-h o to n ir i is a a il i oC *M » » monthly s s tu paid:

r u s o s J M f t T O ***••

Ej M alnt tha tila fflh le i » r * * 'SalifM * B te f .n u to t V M l A t t o TniDC D t« l* t PlteB. Tha h tN Opiitgh* t t o o — ilS o t to O -

O B O i o r i l u u r v O A M B m .

t e f 'd h t i i i h i tho ca t* wUl burw «be|fl • ecrtoln euv*x

I C B C R E A M p

lU F Iav o tt. DaUrata » d Deuntaia. DaUvtaaa |Ao OrdFT. '

L P y C H B S S B R W i P o a v L T . LSCMENEKCWEfOilSIlUro t aria h j cmavDi’ OroUgni O rinpaar.

of aic<lkqX4luami * ♦ * T a r - t h a U to r daftre

e tad l* m paftd f ' iW W * ' TW ^Stal'

t e d dlrteled, l» * *IU taotWE

ItDDp) aW EUtfc ^



frank L ELUS. JB.. Si H IO M O B T O

D . T . M A L I a B T T f

43 S tB X E T S T R E E T .M KUfl f lO B S f r a w * -

Fllliao OM oial D ow iiM itta , U H * r t M d B utlftM * P h R d f*

T h la lt la la pran.iuiat*d h r all *1»» t a U IM b » l art' *•BAit ionTOblwit fonw lo fk lawAOka

OfcliWbd HO Ut or for ctrcolw.


177 A 1 7 9 H a l f l e y H t . N e w i r l i . y J .

Jontwryl BUrJIANAN,



, A la hereby Riven ibst an aowwainant upon aJI \ha vwitor* ufolt tb* laodi nimI real WMUe |wnsB' *rry bgueflu fl ^ ibe ronutrurijon of tU* aewer in

ftOUTlI H XTH HTllEK’f, from SoniJi oranga avnnto to TWriranth avanaa, aooordiiift 10 lb* pruvtsliim of on iirdiaano* of

S S U fl'lW .'S S 'ro

utrwi, from HoutSorangaavamre m T hlften lli*” " ■ ^ 1 " rapreanBla tn fnUre plot of land.

In reSdaAro*ro,b.fu« roiu r io ia te .^ ^ ^

" w ia d o-BOrtiKie,

An o r ih n a n c r t o f r o v ib k poh t u krepaving of

OBJlNUH ftTUKBr. from Hrood Nlreetto LliRhJitTeei.

i te tt ordained by ihn Vommon Chontil of th* elty of Newark.OMfollowM:

Hectiob}. TluttOrangeatrrahfrombrQadMreet to ll itb street bo cepaviHl a ltb unlarut grauU* blocks.on both side* uf IbehurracBriracks.wUli tb* ntOenUtu of ous foot In w IdOi cm oscli Md* of futd trsicxa.

BoctlonX Th* City Oonpaal la liarsby directedto Bpply to ih* I'ircait Court of the coiitiiy olKraen. In beliailoftbe Mayra and (kHiiuion'Cnari' clJofiDO bsM city of Newark, for tb*appotntw nientof ('onimliMooeri, and the rnliJ ('oianiiO'' itotiari when appolotM, shall Mtras the coats. dnmait*saiid •xpMwralocnrrad 1niialdlmprov»o m eat (wM^n tb* sonm Ohatl bav* been duty Moer* U tP ^ and declared by to* comiiuna l^xmcll,) upon all Ui« owneni or lands and real earale to raid ctiy. pactJllorly benefltod Iberahr, In pmphr- tlon ■■ nearly *■ may la thoadvsabtoaBaebShalt Of decBjedU) artful/* land ia cast* (he *Md cwifs. damagra and piprnww shall excrad Dhr amount »at4beri«flia, Mcb coete shall b* oa- srased npon and p*ld by th*Niy ol Nawarkj

^^ctian I. haldliupruvoatcnt muill he ruadaiuM mpleiM under rbesupervlsfon and direction of

the n ty burwyor end nirrei C^mmlafloner, ae>

t,vfrrA rN r)FJtfLNftKlAi(INlN,i)£l'KAbR£ jT i l ’urauani lo tba *rder itl JOrapb L. MboD, biin*fBleof tbalkniDtynf fimei. thUilay mwd*, ou lit* appllrslion ol Ine utiderMgn*^. exwinliisp uj Wild demiM'd, jioUi> Is hraehy given to tbg rrertitofs of raid deceased lo r t l iN f to tb* aab- ■ciiber. uadvrualh or affiraiBlkOi thnlr olBijWi< arjd tSeuH Dds otalMt the m ate of aalil dfewaaed' aithlnnliie monibs rromibtsdaie. nr Utsy wHJ be hirevra barred fruTn prniimjllrig nr rvaovir" (eg tha uizw- ogalnM the aobamber.

* FAVLINK U. HIMONIN.November 9 ,1IW7. Up

N f /n c K OP A1TACIIMKNT.- NOnCK IN hi reby glvan ttoil a writ of ouarhinenlasUM

lull Ilf Jiuura J>. Hhawgar oihI uoorge W. Hbawg** asatoal ihe riibla and cridlii, money* and tf- fpr4», KOOd* sbd ehaileji. l«nd« ami lemrmtnOi of Hanford J. I'rak, a non.reaidMit dMitnr for tbe auTDoril.000.stM*doul nf thu Kisei (KroulilViwrt, NuvviurH<r2M,]SH7.rciurniible aod raluritedlato cm rl Jiilyesewiled by iheMtierllt of Ihruoatity Af JCsnei In ibp Hint* of New Jeiray, on ihe iHotb day of lAecetnber, A. T) lfo7.

faied I^ecrniber tl. liM.HAMURt. A.KMlTIT.ClWk.

JkLwrMiDC, IliBni*, Attorney. |441 7frr

J.'KI'AIK OF HKUhKKT L. WlL.Bf': 'jreaae<L rurauaiit to ibt order of Jossph 1.. unn, iHnrrog»i*ofibe(V)untyc»rapapr. '■ ”M tmn, HO r mgai* of l be (Viurity uf this day

2 5 c . p e r l b . ^


T i t A a .g p ta lti s a la t l ta " C ro».» P « P " * *

C O F F B E B .j e l l in the Markat, aad Pr4(!aa tha LowWL

Aaron P. Ward,e a i l C E N I B A L A Y E .

u ,irB ioa4 l6 ttaaL ___ ^



a a » . N o w a r l c , IT . J - V u ire iux i. tewooi. -om w A rm

» M o a v ia » a * l> lf» J n S r fB<™ tJai.» Boar-

• “^ .J^S aS F T ii^w o lto re tala. Baholafrpaifca

" ^ ^ 3 S w " 4 h i ^ *

toy I

ritlB H IIB N T liF O B B K B *nT «.7N 0T l0B

i o ^ ^ ^ ^ l T i i r a T a S . r S M i r f y '

te rn N an ay aifw t 10 fCmmet.4n thji TWtivlidons ul fro ordlnanc* nf the city or w a iS r? fflStled “ An wdlnonce to ihVSnaLrucaon of a *ew*f lb H im i

iS a r t of lha aooniyri M m .io m a ir tM m tiix aiul itiM a raporl ay a wrtiftroia

Wltb Oil occumttanjibK niap a™ acnew i^SSwIng tooduveral amoranienla ag*igM.tb* a ^

U reeilyV tew arh.loraxaaiU uiltoo h r l i» par'W'SSMiisi'w.rS

ram^linlriltng lo toepeortrionvol ib* City l ^ r t o r andj Si3T6cmber»). IWY.

F1ERSON (). W PD , J^reotdeniof (‘ommon<'ounclL

E. if. FMtBKRTnN,lily d o rk .

r N ' r u n M - i i W I ^ v i D f t w n T i t s

tuaLweei) Meventeento *viiTme aod t.TIntnn avennft ^M U tMUutnmob CkHmd] or tn*

^ geod-'d w d

i , « « % i r . o . iflo" ai«al w f u . t t e u . .4 x .™

n a ^ . ~En hffliioir of tb* Mayof EunA Ooramon

iijirauvemeiit alialt b4* rnartoat^ ntenteMffld undi'T toesuporvlslonandilleecilon^ O T v h ^ » ¥ 5 ^ ^ and K reet (V,rBm!pitoner.«v

^^S aS teM U ih iir * . tfl*’

made, Em Ihe siifjLirahon of theuifHleraiffnMeia ecutrU of said avpi'oiied. notice I* hereby glvoa tolbe ctedltotsiifsaid decraoed In exhtoUrvilte fubrarlbee Trader oath oralhrmattim their claim* and demands *galtiit tha ratal* ol ookl deeMMd' altJiiu ulae iiiombs fruiu tbia dato.orllioy will bC iur*t er barred from uroseciiUnguc raoivartiv

• nberrlbpr.1 he Mine afatnsl the sn'FUa NORH H. WJLUlIx

41*January B. imA

hTATN OF FTIANriOff L VAN IfOtTTRN, (kteweefl-^lbininimt to Ihe order of Jrweph lx

MuaSp ttorrogat* of Ui« eotiaty of tbW jtoyuiidv. on tlip npplli’glWJkllf ilFLnTrfnatom’tbrar bilf^W dU um andi oitabistUi* ratal* rtfundfl*-

i, withirt nine mentbi from th1« tlaie, or roruverffli** foravtr Usrrefl from proseeuitog or

^'beiADi* auLiut Ihe suntorihsrr.January t. wm, * HVF>NHON.^

Ut M1A.D, I>» .orl*£^ of iuoapb L.

A “ lo t" represent*

city Hall. ^ifatriU aaoarx U 'J 'J 'A S J j t i ,

IIOIIKIIT J. t e l 'n '* " " 'W K rtH Y M a'N N ,n h • omuaoiastonef*.

A ol la t o ty couiiMi of lap^cUy

“ V ta T a o r e ,^ p r0' *roa», taw (LSi

Totaa*” *fltto reiil.ap .5" o n i j ^ n w taniler oath o f 'O™™ •• h o r ^ i3vao

RT>dflcmv»Aaa*alriii4 lb* ^^^N tah lbU tu thew ^ in Jibia innmha fr®>“ claimsI t forM n (wrert iroco pr«>™taoiloa " P ' “ ‘ ' " V M K J T b If. m ead^

JapaatT 4. wW.

That all oHilnaacM or w i " oforoao.“ m inron.)"*"! «'"> “*ofdtoBiree he. and toHfxl iblH ardtmiDC*• & p r e d * « r io w r » i J W ^ DOim,

A p p rav riW a ao t^ J^ jt^ E. H A Y N » Uh

"O T iU ioN n, n o n n ,

B. HAYNW.Mb __ _________

sraesam en i^ ^ ^ Fsewarz.S S l i 'r t a iS l f l u r o W a o ioilo*i"! ""p r..v*s-ssraarfew,

1*11 o'diu-ll lu Ihu fiireunou, I"(W rt room al Ih ' 4'ouriaoiw', lu too

^ 7 ,'o r K l w T . « X t t e a a i i . l pfewot ii« rtu |jT iJ efJrelS a. taat iaa» h« niwls to ta«irttMiiniPiiIx

l) ,M Ja iiu arp » ,lM . ™ « | . „ ,y„!i-T. j j j Uly OuUIWUl.

A JU llC o u r to f ta * '*

u A 0««B * m tnJ ottlre of ‘' ' ' ‘• 'tea oJ■..tim.ol fcr u r t 'o r j i* j-u , . ~ of aalA rourt luW raw coort.aufl ia*‘ Jtauu rr.a i t d a a i B r t t a V i * a " „ . vi och f lg h l r e o J m f l r t f l ^ uJnlTl fouilrooio “1 re Ih . u IB' llare

iV ri.te U u u . taa. » . f a .

jO B Ip n ^ O h T ; , , ,

o%fc* ir "f »«»““■‘ 'ii’iuorilu lnn l a j ta» l■oramona)uocUof taos S M is s s“'.'Sl-'iam Wl. ] ttuvp f»un .lia ll

..III. any "S'S*',, “S“ SbHr I m S u m ^, sleeivara or /umOara, offthatlont ll*i£3Si*s.:s;sS

'Aright, measure. *c»U.4i«aEn*. “' ‘f I teJuTiS "leNivard or oilier Ina irnm *^ r ? 5 - L ' t ' - T T i ' . ^ . i o « - o u o f

tuB* tbereof|>j IB' p 'f » n or pf r»n« In whoW poMHeiop in .

“ S r . r e J ’r A i l otalnaifc" o t !« » • »< " 'S

P t« « i w)Di>, ,

" d ty Clerk.*w ro v « f Jaouarjyi,4te ^ h a YNW.

44B -------------- .^ K S T ;-

'V '^ lc u i . r rilrntlOB h r o l t e re ta .fc U o - lte

l-.droiu-l«l. » * « O ' w i l l IM ilr ta ^

«!■ f .".:ru" o X t e - fw, " i lS T iS T T l■ chant* of ori>ecetobar.ilr


m0 t u Ik* tn e la f

I *U]^, M I


n s ■ OARD OF TflADC lA N Q U E T .

mtmtM vttvM* ih* * * n t r •rilfeb w Watt* hr • r i l m u o » n

SM M am* Uw Wnll«li t at a Nh ~ kat r u p li Wha Wara T k *n .

T V s i n few i f I V K i s l IndaaM*. • f f e i fe i lv h M W in Bol n f n s M *t ik*

t of Ik* MM) oT tni* s u i l t k lr*, s l i s i s m . Th*n Win

l i tat k o f libln

lac H Sm A tat Ik*

■ ir* i knid wwi Inid at ite m w . r t. T. ( * s « 1M Ik* am kic !•

aiWf I Wskict A Wnr ftun a«rn Mtlac Ikai ki wawli a aSod s aiBWaial at lllMn PmMaM l i s M tkw •trllmwl

few n s n l wUian. Ua S d tfaai lA , ww ■ ekkna k c '- V s i ln W * ■ * IV y w and ifew n i to Iba b w i l s ti*iHa<tnl at Ik* B S H r a s k a p . la M iirtac a» tk* walar

adilawl tkat Ikt* Oatmaa IViaBcll ■ ns V iriih tiia filT a lc w w altn a W bflai Wilit V n tki waiaflkad at Hiclkan Haw Jamr S d lay | i | s la all i V .Iraili at tki diy aa fen Ikan dSrtiw tutlar waiai nay •*

**n* tanaat lupply fcr i n and aiaanfan- tartki fofpoaaa," llr. h n n l i*M, "kakuO'

j . kal MIkknUnroociun' dy to iilBklac and s lt- I a M nam ds would no

■ dgpl Ik* BHtn taanilai IV auaallty of walar

is a ts a r , aa !• Baual la auoy Tkli w sM m liM to tot

tkat niidid to drtakis s d t o s of tod, s d would Bol s i t k u i s i k t vnifor na of Ik*

Tkli* oo daofH and k* «p- t IV lai w a ylaU will Ui Idl*

I* iittlac tUi niwly Hun S s l d ki kot S i nodltluu, lUek yarty aa wlU lirluf s t V kail walar isd nil It to tuck ftit- oasaa okooa* to tatndun H lakt Ikafr huotat, s d a r Hick ri|uloUas a* Ika Miyur aod AMif. maa aiay dtnci, SoaM ha f in a tkt akartar rtikL n k « s ka dnar wnitwt addlnc a dol­lar I* d s oatyasM datt."

r s a *«w tukxn.T V rifeU st lyoka oftlM Hwk of a n tiibk

to rk n « V n 111 tod M y ka ym in d , aad■ entadlkatlflkipteaeol Oonunoo cvaiinll touit Ml tn sd a wUh Ik* n ltak, am whiok •ouM SsId M ikilid . Batoam wa* ako ■ tii W IV dniMia i f a yo ills of tV Nawark ■ sfe^ n ii to t ir a f r U a l latporUsi to tin

to y s n s S a " lan^ B a t t v l V lalk k3 ^ ■ Wkfeialty' It w n Uni akO W yn n lka M H U ln to Rallnad far yrMHail Inin S V s c s k a w YaS * S Niwark. Hr. km- k S a k o iM V o flV nad oT s n Panatos M t o p d s k i Ikal u « t n to iltn f would hi k a k t s H n V y i . tki Board of TndaHoas, w k s I V MMar would kt dkcoand.

feaukiy T T. tyalu rnd lb* iooneW tw y ^ WwnUy ym * lio. ki nld, Uw^oird ■ M IL iM . u d tMliy It b H lik d o m o f S U t S o r a U ditto bod baeo paid.

o n t o at n i laiiqmT.Fkr two koun laal olckt Uton wko won

y n sM at Iba ksoual darolad UMdr alknllun to f e s s M rarloui dattnolnaf IV tabk. Than w m y n s o l Uanludl Ikikor, EnMoa

UowBw) HS h atry, Nnoh Braoki,

V m n R H « W ll.l . CIIWTI9IT.

Mur* TU toSM y In lb* Ikr I Ickl fur Half • W m .

1 1w Idi S|i1il orrr t V will I V IrirB llk s i Urynard tiibbato. if Mvlkw. alu iu d n J n a a k V t at Wimuo*ii:. karln* an raw* aukM at KWAOn, mowM today Intbi Ckort ofctoacrry botoadaom W Jmr Um H mnn il U n to in Ibtonry. II ■ ' lltocy, 01 MaarkHcwn. aodiiinfi* H-f’ . Millif. at (tww V «t, aycsjad to Ih* Mo tlHSBr, of Mow York, Ito flamton, wkBi •af.'haonllor ■ toys oad Bdward I.r*n. of HorfMawn, ayysn d to tba amatan. FJhS kti* baao u d . n S k w la tbow tkat Hr. biUnoa wt< M tlaa sm frtii iiiVnu of kit nauialyn- r n a tlk it ito e f kk dmb.

Two S ta n of Mr. illbkou art ant im af~ o s k t v witew of rrwMk L lAikny To kar haoDy lha bulk of Ik. Iwaiinn ynyany w n k a Th* olbw k Hia Waid HcAllUto. * lk of IV Will-kaBWo V w Yorkar. TV--------- wkirk Ik* yroyeriy waiMttolh*brlia wa* by «o ataaui talk l l idiiry lo Lban a»l Mn. H V U ls t klod a aanul.UTbrs l y wteowattmluad tkb rVJhnaolK'laii.^of Unto wkon m ju lb h as Urad. wklla i yaeulto W inn, which nslM d I* y w ily S Ur, (tony, w V w n rtlM by tV earaakw, lar Iliad that V bad atlaodad IV taatato wbto t V k ito w n at Urnl Bairlafts la t V tun ■ wrof IWL

U aoawir lo Ur. rttnay, Dr. ibny aald that tV inMor w n troaktrd wHh a ftlnan of t v bnlo tbW oMkctad hla tyaaS- Ua would day la lV n ld ila a r * w ii* iin and would ban- abk lo yraiiwrd. Ua Wat alai Uoublad with Barron yroaiiailaa. aatl al iV c h s of klallk hadrautuViM. TV w luun lyoka of blurb Mtoa, latrk aa a n owd by rklldrao, whieb wantacoDcbt la lo Ih rSk noifa raum at U u to IV yuryua at kriyiat hlai to ll iV wiwda Tbay. hoUFTtr, aouM oM ha uiwl. TV IcSUor bad dUHnilty at titan la nytdyla* worta Hi had a yaralytic tuaV la April IML UoilBilba tmoiaaTaf I S ha wn wall anoU|h to V n a frw IHanda al dbutar. Ua ratafully nbnnrod hk nwa Skitaaa Ua tiua- aanadaaniofbkoWB buaUisat Ibi U n tV IrR On tl Bartlianon, lu brytaialar, I S . Mr. ulUwa* DOOM JudS of atooh w s w ilooa la Ikpwaibrr tV Vraaawl had latlaiustary jiaiily. T V wUiiM waa orow* ran load by a i f banrrilor fuinyoti, and Ihoft Iba caaa wa* adjotirood unill iwit Tuatday m ufslaialtV fViawlliit't ehaaibara


a w M s s , wiuk................. lUilak

Hayor Hayaai, daaa|di Ooult, A. 1. Kydar, yavd* in d n IV TniH s Board of Trad*: tkofal T A nn, yn S to il of IV BU*b*th Bund of Tnd*; (toWBl Joioyh Jackaai, f , Prank P S O*oan A. HaVy, L. U (krlklr, Huyu Anilb, V.T. Jobtoou, U. T. Hnm, HonaUany, 0.

WiUka r. Tamm, toward VlUy, U k r t BialUi,

Hs i t CSkk, B. 0. Hakinn, nllboi A. I f S A Judos Ckuk, Dr. Ink flootbaid,I. B. I'aUauUiw. R. H. BaUanlv, WIU- fen U . t . Pkdkr, Otorn W. Wledoniaay«r, B U S Bank, ttupst.'. UUkr, Uaary U. Dorw n s WUVai Mby, Cblosl WUIIam IL Hatall- to). I v k Ukaic, J. Jaoob HockntKa, M. a Vbyta. L a s U B Sad. Jaion M. iqrauur, m U k n K. Banlein. i V i l n & knltb, a A Wllkbwn, T. T. V an n iia , T. a Ffddla, A I. to ia s t , Oukawl Unond A. Joy, 0«HI* a twain, Jana* W. HUkr„ fk is a l J a i s a Ftanli«. 0*«|* a JaalAt n o, Jann A. Cot, John B Clark, Qr. a . H. TloVnor, a Waya* Furk*r, WlukaB T I S a Utkor Joy, Dr. C. a feaeMoo, towaid 0. OoOln, Hka C. Haksy, Uwaid U nillUyt. W t O s a . KlrA Bdward Baam s. a P. Oon-

C. T. WUlUinMi, J. P. J«ytao, JuUua

Araruaatloota to V roMddarti flruBd fury,

AmoOR t v rsa a to V lorstlaated by IV Urand Jury al It* ynwtil nulaa la s * lo Tolrhif nuann of a S «ri*u. T V yaftka ruow tsd l ln In Ullburn. Piwarnaw B o s b n t V natlar in I'liafii' lountlni. In •■ m* lo ^ u n tlu s V f d k ’ "1 w S rw t a

nhkb Ml tm k UuU 7ftrulUof* c f lw hM bMfl eocuBlIMt la

(hallowft. Tbi wrttT w prinil tnr»tM>w iMHittf 10 ffwmA In thM nMiibM tb* laUrvaU of ibt eovnunllj dtBaiid ibol luch • bnnkw* oOboot ibguld wmi wflb prampl pttnUuaraL

A |1j1 offd fcurtow pe*n U mid to bovo fiTOO Unh to 0 eblld. It it KirUior nunorod tbot Iho flUfaor of tb« «hl]d li om of ibo ■ olhH i (wo U olhm TW yonaa lotn i an Biiwlfoo and n yoolom. ood It It iaid tbit tlnr an oquallr valHjr. In n f otporltmw m pvMorntar I bavo n«vor b*«n called upon to In v«i(lfa(« moll a oan, and 1 hope lot tho ion •rat |M)d that the h d t an mA m n p o ^ l 4'rliM la Nila Aim U cImwiI at a hlfb nlador veaiMW, tho toaiUDun pnuUtx of whleh U f f' (•on hoprlwuirarnt atkd a In* of 91 ,mo.

I*] rtpllod lo Hflburn oraToi|Kiudi*iiC mntUuiHl Ur. Kota, ** roqtMtlni kUn to laako aflnmal nitorps to the Omnd Jurjr. It feui'i Mcaotarr that Jw? RbiKibl bo Jbrtllkcd vllh a full knowWdiD of fitoti In (bo owato makethli obaria. It no oharge fai IbrthocnnJnf In a daf or to 1 wtU an that tho wrltor of the letter la ae&t Ibr and that wbatiTor Inlbmatioo he na^ pototai la ilvon to Iho Urand Jtirf Thaphyil i*kt) who aciad In (bit oatt will im a an Ira* portoatwlttutoand ha wlU baapttorotoaltb* ftiU paxttoulara Oihan will ba called upoo

Many p n yk lo Ullbon an •yliattd orat tV of tba aikiT, utd wna to tblnk that

Ol;T OF EMPLOYMENT. old boldto sTAEvaiaTHE 0 . No T* m u GIRLS' IT fllK E .

The Mmrka IMfMe That Theta W ntI Uat Are Ne Inenfor la

Cowipwjr^a tCM pier-K* AoUe Troatorer tolUlaoi Clarb.


The twratj-ailf(ht mm and I4J ftr li eei|itofad In tiarb'i Huead Wurki, lu keanr, wbucinhh 4JO Tuetrttf monUna, an perma

.If oat of rmploTBwnt IihUj TUo ordar to np la Um thupa noillYlitf them ihai Uiar

intat be at M r plonaa thlt aunitoa to Waterh orlbfT would ba nniwMttail at bavli^ laA tba atopkir of tba oamfaoir. wai dhsifard- wl. AdaJn H. ibapipninteadesA of the Kearof nllla, taM to bdod lo-<la| ttiat bom of the bai«df had itm iuil to wtwh.

* Thiogoip«u|,‘'heiaH, "bat aol ebaaforl Ua toUMe. and wtQ not. It will aol raoada ftaa tho pitothfn It bat uhm Wa ooMl>1«r Ihaltheotrtban an ao ktoftr n awiMiij with

tortovy."WlU i&r of Ihein ht Ub»n I do aoibiMHT." nptkfl Hr (irual. wm Mupartntondaat WaUuilrr ba re*

talM drYoa will bare to a^ HupaHritoBilaat WU

Itaa riarb toaMiihat, ’ o w iM ao m r m i aaruiYa* rirrmrn.

WUhaa f1ark. the xntmmat tbeaoeipaflr, roliimd hntot fhat a jraeMIng trip ftotorday. iMit ba went to New T4>rb aarlrthta B0>mUw- Yeatrnlar aAomwa a note tall too of the itrtkftra railed upm itoportrHaOfVnt WllhaiB (Hark and prwtiid 4 to him Um fU Ujwlnf paUtbto;Mr. HWnmb (liirO rintml itfmmtudmtU

IWAB MIR.—We. the aiidloMfnwd, lata oai>tUipoa Id the < lark Thread wmdd

umhijr paiKkto awl kltwllr atk n n to l and eomri iau frioTaDnafe. at fti(U»wa:

jmmI w * ' ‘(to»~Wt win^ aak ftirtha maoralof Mr Hertirri W'altUBlef Crua the iwalUno ha now holdi In lha da;«nnwf)ti lu wfalrb wo, lha tia doifij . . . .u»«i

miptorad, aa h« It o( wa« bio and nirwtato Mr. Polio, who wm

fteaeveml yaart.would alan oNk kw the tolniuta-

ipcnntorMknt Two— Wo we

toenturjaiuto A Itonclatt and fobn H. Kpfl lam lo tbair binaar pntlUaoa orai u , at wa acwaatWloiltb4maai)tMii«AhafeaiiraTi uwd (batr boat andtavn to ;oonata iMt w aw a and Iniatfol of yi«f ounpany. They hart aJoDdem their Iwol to annwafi w, your aiaptoyat, to iU* tho Htoa, wbim oar paetn n im will rwrtaUtly «how and prora If pruporty InfeaUfa' bed.

Itino-W e haft iw frleranrea agaiait theCA aeniunl erf our wMea or on ae<

euuntof lha Iienui we wakdtou'- II 1« only oamlaet Uerbert Walnttlay toward laa, your wa- plovra.

Hopliit, dnr Hr. and irauHditoa e<’ . fruit our ptiHRl with tooto O M Itoo

ationUon and

.‘.S S .-7 . AAar ** eoflbi w it ** bad baaii HKWd hen

nHriatun mpt. and while wreathi of imofca '< i m tn tn a i etfin wen tlllnf the air, Tnah

dmi Bantot, who pnabliil to Um head itoiloy with Mayor Haynaa at hit baft and Brattm Whaaa on hit r fal, araea and eaUad lha aa- wnblaca'i attaotloa pnrtoua to aanounelBf thi^pMhan. Boontaiy Quinn read a punbar • f huBoiww lattan efrtfi«t aen Iheaa waUitobapnaMil. Tnitdent

tnooMlderLr. Oolnn addad alWr a

deralaod waaaaftfed tn ooMideriag patoolaw **eradka,' vbkdi Mr. Ooton addad afttr a pauaa, weald take bha jdaee of napan. Othar leQen whieb n aabn J aontodenMa laafhtn wan nad.

. lUTon hbwitTi u r m .A lottar fton Abrui i . Kewlbt waa than

nad. He nld, unooc oibar thinip: ** t appew' elato iha value cf Kewark ai a Ibadn to New Tort. 1 Irutl tkat you ahoappraotate the raluo

Now Yorit to Newark. TlmMamutaaldo- pendoneebetwem the two whleh bi pndactiTt oaly of beDodt to both. In IbM it would not ■ tirwtn me If In another eentury lha c f ibaweOtahonef ^ Hudaon lUrar Htould m eaod that then mldaiu upon the laland of Mow York. ’nUii, howerar, can only ooine •hentl^pcoTliiaiioa thapartofthe New Jet' aay nonlclpallttoi of pood water and proper dndnafOy whJeh will ha oooaeia^ to tha htalthuid eohilbrtofeo Urge a population.”

lottew of rcfiat ttom Heuton MePbenon, Bhidtatt isd Hawlay, OMiiireatnian Lahlbaoh and othan wen alto read. The toaet ” The PnaldeDt of the United Slatot" wmi drunk Mandlnf and In itlonce. itonanl Juaeph Jack* ton waa the Ant apaaker, and npUed to the toaol *7ha Border fttata Bordertoj tm Naw ■ kney/'lnthethaeDoeofl'hauiieey H. Oepew. Cortlandt Farkar followed and replied lo the tcaat ” Newark, aa Seen with Othar Kyat Than Oun.”

” New YoA ” told Mr. Wlnan, In reapondlnf to (he loaat" A Cuntlncnitl Commerce," ” owaa BO fradfe ifal&it New Jeiaajr. When 1 oamo te Mr. Parker with 9000 in my poeket aa a rt' litorr foe, he aald ba wanted lo look at the man who had the temerity to take tbehttoan laland prefect In band. The eom- tocm of the CnlM Staiat and the Huprsme OeuTt cf the United Htatet had dlllbreut flawi ftuan my fttend rortlandl Parker.”

Mr. Wlmau then apoke at lenfth of TemorlDf kbebarriar to ooBuaeroe between the United fitabee azut Canada.

Howard MuBberry made Ike humoroua apeeeh c f the aveolotr and kept thote pretenl la a oon- Unotiaroarof laufhtu. lie replied to the boatl

J. Prank PdiV next Julatiooa to Oon- atilutkew.’'

WAYOl DXTRto AMD HR. WIKAM.Noah Brw^ replied to the

Ledlaa.” Mayor llaynei nipll«lj*^••■ me city of Newark.” Ue water au^y, which he lht«$ht W«e fouu pand with other eitiea •i*vss«v«v

“ HUM IHuA" sW t v y r A n t t a l ^ w V « tennijul yotoU ■ U>* y u b s yYork. I t l i k > . t b - l i y t h i r * , . ”ofiVjH* uJi .ff'rV®*®’ W f k « U M y. V I t v BitUry rl* UIiUb Iiliiul

fP<*' »i*fn »Dd Mmyuvl

Bto ihmKO. Helae npon your local eodtion ^ • S I y o ^ l f <rftvTnt;™ uiS^7?"‘ ‘®

“ " • “if™*; Otherlyukom wei* tbonmllodupon, s d it * liie hour tholiit lyuker ckied.

■ •T, BUaley m i t e IiutaUed,111* E*y. B tu le y WLite ira* fornuUj

inV U edu isto ro f tV IlllWde PnubrtotliiD JturHi il Oruuo V*U*y UH niyhi. The yrui-

ofUoiTUwMl Orihfo met In th* »R*r- » » ^ B W S o « t'i (ymtuiHum In wkkh tV

VWin* K rT lts The 257^.'.*****“ **•*'“ **•«»*“ ■. The Her.

*"« O™ the Pttiby. J." •’® * " • )io*nVto,

«f •fi'Tl*

fV Tint Preebykriio w w A Oringo, *nd thechMYe In the ennr

Her. Dr. EnklvN. WWto, of Sew Yur^ ‘" ' “nKmUon

of I V UllliMe PmgbylerliD <.:hureh, Kuo, ,nd ^hl»nd»Teniiee. were Hied u d recorded lu ™ tkeinly tTlerkk oilee ibi* mimilng. The Do*rd of Tnvltw It arajmeod of Jareyb J m M , Tbeodote F. Wood, (.'kreiice D. Sewell, W l ^ w. BeeV, KlUh. M. Alien, Ambiure M. liaUhewt and Edward Ooralnf.

A. Tari^ci tor the InvAntor. ' ^ j n i y in tlw c s e a t M vLm eV ir.

Mertoti, u utioD to » s m r o ^ y V holtl»*(oyy*n alleied lo

fetiured ^ by Ow defhndmt, Uit] *fter- H M mdered * Tcrdletof Bw.<» fur Vlmoohe, T V I W . w V llT«d In New York wheo th.« V » r t w s is d e with Hiiiol, Bowreddeyo

totoetfalng ■ houhl,ha'dCKWrto Utot lha true ecDdltlofW nny tN known.

ItouHilRftuMtoclrlltropcKWedtobe dMHent ^BmtaUy, and m not vary aHtwUrela appeio

anew. In the arasl of imijratoteciiratbediBHjwl Itifumatien thAWf h wltnetoan, Proeeoetor Keen layt that he will adopt ntber maani to uameel Ihattoeadofttowaitiw;.


A WwHH W lw CnaltoT'TM Mtr Km- ptoyaH Boat ^ Mleked Mar.

E* M. hf cXtornlti on behalf of l i t t le B tk m jttli rVllfiPth RTVoufo hfcnfht tail to the ifoeoiKl UlKrti’t (hwl boilay againM Jeeapn and Jaoob Ftaeb, hat maoiifoetaran, earner of MorrH and Rprtngdeld araniMi, to raoorar MOO danitoee * * Maatilt and battery. Mr. MeDertolt Maya ibat hk eUenWwho la twenty-

yaara of a§e, waa dbUgad to « m bar own llrlng on aoeount of her hoaband'i bartoi left bar. Nh« toOurad amptoyaent to flahh Bnithan ertahhahnirTil Om of Um trlmiHta teat a poekat-bnok oo Friday, and ai It waa taken for crantad that tocna of (he flria bad atokn It, each waa ■ earched. Tha pocket- bwh waa noa found, hnwarer, and Mia. Baker look the liberty of laylnt that iha didn't ba- Uera tho girl nad boat It. The young women haa aoma werda and Mn. Bakar laft the ahop. On Monday abe iwtumed for «n annn and waa told that Um dUmt girl h^ apotan depreoat- lagl|| of bar. A wiangto followed and Mn. Bf^ar alkfaa that the P M hniheitihraw her out (if tba room and kicked and choked her until aha waa badly brukad.

M aaaale U fo lu n r a n e a O Aoera.The Ftony Oonnty Muonie Mutual

Lilk Inaomnra (kunpany held Ua annual meet- 1m to Hawmlo Temple, Orangai lait night, iind rlaeiedoffloenaa AiUowa r Frealdeat, d ia r la tE Dodd, of Cunlon No. 11; rloe-praaldefll. Le­a n ^ WlllUna, cdl'orinthlan No 67; lacrelary and treaw rar, Horace Wekoa, of Corinthian No. dtrecton, Henry Woatwood, otSL Jului'i No. 1 : Prank Jonaa, of Newark No. T ; Joanpb M. Dodd, of UntoD No. 11; John F. Bgner, ol DIogciMa No. 22} Jamaa L. Johiww, of Northern No. 26: lUAwrt B. Uarria. of Bloomfield N a t o : r.. C. Gallup, of Oriental No. 61; luliua Van Wagenen, of Kane No. U i W. R. VaDdrrhoof, of IMldwell Na 60; P arld (teocia, of Corinthian Nu. 67; Auguiuii W. (Irtf* flug, of Bt. A lbani No. t o ; Samuel M. Wulr, of Madiaon N a K ; J. H. Boyd, of<hmury N6.100; M. M. Uinea, of Ooeuioa Na lOB; John R. flaehtleben, of Trtliiiutoar Na 112; William H. w m u o a , of WlenUi No. 123; Pradertok U. Wat- mgre, of Hope No. IM ; J. J. Packer, of Roae- Ylile N a 14S; ti. R. Mllllgaa, of UonU'lair No, 19(;dU acton at large, WUlkm tirean, itoorge MtndJpgei and A. T. OrinittMi. of CortoUilau N ad7 ; KdwinW. Iltoe and Robert MoGowan. of Uulou N a n , and W. K. Handerwm, FrankUn No. 10. nioocmipaay now hai a mem baiahlpqfHM.

B a t o n th e Kxclee J ioard« ' ' O apU tp D uly , o f th e T h ird Police P » -

o ind , appeared bafora the Bxclae Boaitl laal rvputable place. Officer WUliam HcNleull •tanUated Um cbaigm of toe Captain and addad that /■lUgerald had deded him, (>n muiLuti of LYMninleeimier Jemfcinauo the cleA wa* to- uniclod u> nuilfy ntcgemld to appear before the board at It* next oMeUog. ThacaM tof r«wn»h R tc h a id i.^ a to Market etreet. and W. E. iCaye*, of l 9ri**Tor itraM. ware ihen taken up. TW i.iuerofl'a llaeitated that both plitoea S r . *nd tbAl It h V t « u fboiol

la both. Mr.W .11M V mid V had not knowo tV t uiVwftll

*> hU huui*. * tw m of w ^ b V w t« d S t . * , igot, u ka igund out 2 ,*if "iT. «“ t he put * «op

•**Pt*vtlon WU *1uiU tha unm.Wlon of t'uotmlMlonor JankloMu

s w an Aimiread

I m u WlU ilva y fw atlanl idOiu In t v p n m i s . i ■ llh IV kwat drliy, wa auyhiya), vary miwciRiUy

ERARirT. Jaiioary 11.Mr. n a rk took the pHliion arx) proaakatl to

g tra il due eoiMlderaikHt ^A a im w a or m m u iR ia

T bk momtog tha etrlken amnmhlerl la the hall a t Ihe oomar of Uarrieitn arenue and K ram y ■tnwte aad held a aacrei meeting. They remained In Ibf mom wUb rlueed Anon for an buwr. When they oame out th ry laid th a t they had agreed to Hand hnn. From Individual • in k H t It wa* IrariMd thai thaw who had ({uU work w m anoaarigfd by an aamraoDe ftom tha Rplnoafi of Ui* Mila ICnd Thread Wnrkn, wbo a meellng la»t night and dadded that they Would rtmiriliuie weekly towaiil iappiri- Ihg the etrttere. The latter were alao aatured by repreerulailvae of , th e marattva* of *01110 othar Urge focinrlca in In k d ly tha t th ty woaM fomlah Aaancial aid, It wa* aka dtrlded that In Umlligi with the cunpany the iimpluyce ibould Ignora O rerteer Walmale? and proaent their griaTanea* lo W. fhB pbel] H ark or Traaaurer William Clark at Itta Newark Ihrtory. A ornnmlltea wa* ap^ pfdntad to oama aemm the river th k aftamnoo to tba main 4ittca. At 1 o'clock neither W. CaiDplwH narkorH tlM rof ihe WlUlam Clark* were at the Niwark footory, and nutie of ibem had bean th m to-day.

RcfocrtClto'k, wbo rrprevented the luperin- iei>dfiii, aald that no oomml(tei bid eaUed yet and that thetv wai no ohaitge to the aUUwW of tha oompany.

” Will any of Ihr igrikaia be taken back” I do not know w tu th rr any of lham Intend

in retonf," Mr. Clarfwtpllod. ” The company may employ them If t b ^ apply for work per- bapa hot 1 cannot lay podMvaly. TraMorar William d a rk want to Now York UUamon- tog.''

” When will ha m tnm t”” I do not know.”

ooKnAiRinn oflt o r WAUtethT.At tba mill In Kearny erery tlilo f nurved

toonga* i9B43o(b]r a* ueoal thH mdralag, ax ' ■ e ^ to tha eardLtif'KnB)i w b m moet of tba nuphliw i were idle. (kiiH nrulty ‘gttrMWpgld

*aaU at the ofliloe and apply for|r4irk. but no new hand* were eugagea. Many of the Mrtk- •n , both tnen and W4imeii, were a t the little ” OaotopulUan” Hotel, where they haraaitilF- Uabed tbair headquarieiw M i

Mot one of Uiea make any complaint* about any g flbe (lark i. The treaeurer, iuperiotond •n l aad W. (hinpheU Clark, they lay are kind and cmuMk'rate ompkqrarv. Rut they 4MiTiq)lain of the ipcimpany for retaining W alot- ley. They all toll about the eame tUwy, iba t he ta doculneeriaf and avldniily doei m A undentood Ibai in thl* eounlry ordinary workingmen and woumq t n not iiavea They eay that be would not let the girle talk to each uUmt or look out of a window, and that h t mada, 00 eeveralooeaiioftt, remark* to the ellhct that they won too nleedreaM i for worktog girl*.

Two gtri* M d a reporter that they were thraatoned w ith dUebarge beoauee they ale anptoe during worklnc hmua. and another aaki itiat Walmeley eentalbreinantoberw lth ordera

•bawl, wbich ibe wort woiited near a win

Tvrribl# iJt-fetMw.laai a f traa who herved lh*t rfBawtoy W ell.

Katinp a ■ Hiiol W ind a eoDRurfim fn a the irfu*# of ilagfowr htWMB, MUiiaelGafa wMiMiHd by a eipirter tgthe Nrwf at aoja to-4«y to hli maagriruoa ti. tUi rear uf C7 Aaadmny iteaeL Vllh aptf ■ wHhid liy ci*;tlanad wtegitg, hla wlfo tal op- lo k r. wvirhlng the aaternam with which (•aniwallowed thiiutuaTory mem. tianH ef Kfuptan and Hungarian deaestt. Ha raota be- hire Jiatire Rodrigo tbI* »oratoB.aiklng what Ik eouU dotu|FtKim4<lblngtotal Ihr Ua to- raoc wlfo, bH ri.Ba(HapMf c «0h aad hlmaair

Tran e(rea»4jd down tUi iwTawl ehaahi aad wormed ilMlr way thnmgh hligfay heard ai bt mid; ” Gur mot I* daa to-afghi aad H 1 dniJ'tgvttberraqulrtRl wawUl be tumid oMlulit tbr iln-it.''

” (to to Ibr Overtfwr 6f the Fucr*'' eald Ihe lot- Uce.

<’ Tvr rinly earned 91.60 Aiwtng the laet three wn k*,” »il]y latrl the nM man a* ^dtoap- {WEJV41 ih door. Making hh wtf to Ike uOfw 4d the (hiifaaer of Ibi Feor, h« r> piebiid bi - 4w . He wae tol4, •* he *a|t, that they (Hwki<li>iiu(h'ng for him theta, and bairrrxsid by buiairr lie pamnlcTut, toarlaga half ilciai'a lUwk, W4 II Aid, oorntfortobly dad regalac eutonmer*, wlu> knew matt ^mat (he red U|w aial nechantem of the oAs* Ihaa the foar tloBiprian.

Htaled by the tal'k. the eM man, for be h ilxiyweT4n year* i;f aga. t»M the l■ pule r kb aory. Ue to thl* euuniry to INH. He bad been a iw-ti.twr of M<MRiih'« itudi' guard. He had men eerviiw agilflet the Turba and had fought iirf Ihtt gai) agaiiHit AuArla. Alihe treaklug 4ha tif lU Cl> il War ha eullatoil In the OU In4k|<ru0eid CoBCiiirnul (iuanl* -of New York, luDdcr rnlunr'l JMiae i^rry. foiaq a(lB ward ba wa* ptoted In the wteat *errto*, and *errad the enuntry well bi thb capaelly. K* wie.iMAaigliMd to any pitVeator ngtoteni hut raoelveil bltordan toum Weahiitgtno. Bev- eraltiM he wateaplurudhytbaitoiAderaMa rp««i on* ooeatem be wa* Mneek to ibe head hy a ptore of *hell, oaptured and cooAned la run PtilmklpUa.

Inhlacap^'y a* a ipy In tha *paetol teorel irrrka* h* wurkad hla way all tbrui^ tba KMth to Ttaaa. timiogb tba llnai of the (Unlhdvmta foid e. At Tdrtooe Umee he we* nearly «hut by the Fwlcret tnx>ps ai e de- aertor.

” Jn 1M4.'' he aald, ” 1 waa to Waihlnfloa niflhtlng ilM wi*uud In my boad, tad Falber Abraham aald to me, 'Oarr, I'llgetyou apeulnuofttUamuolb. Hi tea that you're all right, and douH yuu leave Waahin.tioQ nniA you gat U.’ 1 put It Into the hande of Mr. Fra- Unihuyim, end he rehl be w<«uM aUri4 m It.”

itore, bowerre, nrfwt r«wlved rach a pen- ihm. TrHilay, alihooiri* be M tlwroogbly toea- yadUted, be draw* e penatoa of only M every ihraeraonlh*. In hla puaremVui are docttmeat* ttom Fewkm Agaot B ^ k and otber prmaJuenI 4jglrlala, ell ofwbom Vdalt hi* claim* to be )ufel. (ieueral John A. l/igaii, over hi* nlgu- tun, makee (hi* oummaiu on lha back of one documiiit:

” Reqwcifully tcfcm»l 10 (he CammMon of PrnaloDA. Thl* ctolm haa been raoMvlqg •peejal oonfeldomrioii and raenikA and there apfpean to be nothing fonher required. 1 will thank you to have it pareed to ffoard of Flaal Itevtow. JoHR A. LOOAM.”

TbU wa* a4ldta4M»tl to ( ODenti Block, and lb* appUeaUui) wa* m*rke4l, “ Special, No. 191,914'*

Inot year Gaie went to Hungaryto bant for hlarvlaiton*. In Vienna be wa* aireetad a* a ■ PT and for mrrral other Ortllkna oBbiwea Ue drifu-d to (YredanUno|>le and thtre me; Ihinaet A (3)x. whoadvktod him toeocM back to thl* euustry, and *ald that be (Oox> would Mt lhal IbecddaokUefrecedved Juatloa* Thl* wu toil April, and (iara returnod. In Octobar ba re- ee'ved a letter livn R & Con, regrettligUiatht could do nothing petaonally, bnl mylng he wtiukl vole for him wben the bUl eame ap. Uare he* a tome eoUection of documanU tnta (kingicmiJian fahibw;h and oiheta, pramlalitg to *ee bln rtgoied, but mcanwhUa (tw old livterviug.

day. " r igh t”

(tod b g o o ^ Ibough.” raid hla paor>r|fo to- 11 gn»e cveryihlfijiSwUi eumo out all

St" H A S T E M A K E S W A S T E .

H a v e YOU fin u h n l your w u h in g ? I had m uch le » than" W hat 111 H a v e «you, tn d you are th rou gh fln t. W hat lo a p d o you use ?'*

" I t isn 't the soap. U se washing pow der and you wilt g et through in half the tim e ; i t does the work for y o u ."

" I know it w ill, but the clothes w o n 't last h a lf so lo n g ; w e’ ve tried it. W e use I v o r y S o a p a lto g eth er; it cleans m ore easily and q u ick ly than any other k in d , a n d 1 find the clothes l u t as lo n g again . M y folks w on't let me use w w h in g p o w d e r."

“ O f course u le y w on ’ t, neither w ill m in e, but I use it anyhow , f don't care to w e th eir clothes at Ihe eap en ic o f m y tim e and b a c k ."

l le B d e r , w b i c h d o y o n v a ln e m o s t , y o n r Ife u D d re a i'B t im e a n d b a c k , o r y o u r c lo t b e B 'f I f t h e t o r m e r , t h e n l e t h e r u s e w a a b l i i f p o w d e r .

M es.sks P R O C T E R & G A M B L E ,


Dear S irs: T h e sample o * v p r y ^ a p received from you Is an

exrrlleni I jiu n d ry Soap, o f great purity and m ore than average cleansing

power.Very rtspectfully yours,

TIm John C. Grecc Behool of Hctoaoc, Priuoeton, N. J ., Dec. U lh, 1M3.

H. B. CORNWALL,FioremoB ov CRRMcrraT.

A W O R D O F W A R N IN G .

Thera tre many whits se ip i, tsoh rspresented to bs " Just m good i s the Ivory’ ; " they ARE NOT, buf like ill cosn ltrfhlt* ,leokth * p M u lliran d rsm trk .

ib l* qualities o f the genuine. Ask for " Ifo ry " Soap and Inelet upon getting It,

(Vipyrl^hl UM, by Frnctor A Gambto.


tort.*am<the I

A Long Walt for light.Residents of TIsIm j end Cedar and

W »lnul^ Oreh^ rtieec* t n « |w rienc lii(IV dels, nltU,* to Uw •imUuh of t l^ Uk 11*01*. In IV Tlcln ,t,oftW id snd W*|.

t v Vutetaoldcn tn nut utUnf toVTim iu- UniUtAm T V r «n« nt IV white plw pul*on th* ootner snd wMi ihsi the brilliant in trk wonid rum* t* dV lp*te tho d*rkn**i. hut It d c tiiH . T V jn l* b u bean then dnoa l>*c«in.berlO, but Doulotac, nought bocoine. U eV rtndC odar itrsel* U n b iu lnu i nelghhurbund Tbe stonkoepen w»nt a light, but do not h - • e t i , knuw u im i whom to phtc* tta* i.i .m . ft,, Its DOii-extotenrv.

Rarrloon ami Knaray,T lie f irs t rcv n lv n iw tin g of K earny

He* Oontpu, No. J WlU 1» held tble *,o o lv 111 Um Towobhip Hall. ^

A h urtk togcbku toO fon t^ rtrw ia tJo 'P lo ftkitet evnaiif wa* th* cauat> of tQ alarm that called um ih« Fire Dopaiiim'Qt

J V n Hud b u been oppolnted wtter purreTm of k,«n., Townblpto nil t v Tusuie^undV Ibo dtnih of Thunn, Kenlun.

Peddle MenorUI cbnroh PUo», Aridiiteda who lutond V coniMl* for

the rlene Ibr IV Peddle HetnurUd Church mart nolliy Mom. He^ut. Plum end m b the iximmlttco. on or befbre January afl end nivtdeUTwr their drewingi on orhefun'peb-ni*rysa The pvltlon of en.blluct ig ih, w„rkwill DC awirdrel the succomfiil 4Mapi>tlior and . ^ I ^ u c i or BUO wUl V glren Ibt the wiuoud utet plaxL

J o h n Nw1stoB||«Hoa*lr lUeThe (vniditioii of John SwIdIoq, who

is UI with eryMpelaa, wa* not ao Ikvorable tbh Wtorolnf M toet uighu The CfUpUoa ooveia (he greette part of hij foes, »<] f«Rr» an cater- talaed that tha larvnx aad bronchial Udm mav becuoie afliNiod* '

____Wl .to make over her

almalev eemalbro)le her uit aihto a nl i r ih o u l^ ^

dow, and laJd that the kept the ganoeat oa beoabae It wai 4Xkld, hut the ovuiwor declared that no girt oouM work bandied up like that

Ahaut the OrMfoa*The toodUiIj reception of the Yoong

Hea'i (Tutotian AieoetotkNi of Onuuge wm held In the aatotiatiua h*U tort tUght with a large attendAnoo. The prograsuMooutotod of piano •uloi fay William X. Jjanafitfd, tokia, dueU and quartottn fay Hi*. Faerie Maaon, lopvano; MMs Loulee Ruudell, oontralto; Philip IL Ward, teiiof, and 0. H. fHmooda, bam; and redtation* by J. Frank Xdoit.

The tnonlbly tneetltig of the rontempe^ary Club, of Orange, wm boM at Uio reiidonee of D. A. Ilcald, Ltowellyn Park, lart night. Yan Fhofi Ijto, a eultoiMl Chlnamau, who mairleil an AmoricaR woimui, read ati liitere*tlnt paper un (hUteic.woiDen.

T%e Orange Fti* Department was f^alletl out 9:9Q'0’clook ihU muTtilng fay an alarm fh>m h o t 16, and Jbuod a iHjEht chimney Are In the hou*e of John Keatingf ou South street. Tbodmuago WM tildlng. »

Ttm Moood a t Uie leeturea by J4ihn L. Stod­dard, at Orange Mutio tort night, wa* at- ten<M by a toige audience. Theeufajectof the lecture WM "Jnlluf Cwaar.”

The olAoeni rwwuUy elected by Uarfleld leOdgr, No. 277^ Knight* of HopfA. Orange, were Inrtalkd tort night by D M ol Deputy 1, N, Uidd, of Mootclalr.

Tho miulTeimry rewpUoi] of the Yonng Hen'*~ J. . . . ----- mmM.htAdguerti. The th ^ of tb« onacerl* by Theodore ThoniM

a ^ orebertre will bo hold la Miuk* Mallm ifK ’ i v ' i S i l k ' ’' ^ s vow*ubit;

A n a H u e n t Mote*." r>omthy,” tbe minlo opera ta which

U llu i HuiHtl eppeui u the tier. I* drew log log el Miner* Thvetre, 11 b • reiYpleiient prudurtion.

Nestt week WllUem J. Ncpnlcn, tbe popular Itbb ooniedlen. will appeer la two new ptere •t Mlmri.

J*cob'i Utind Open Houv ring, with leiwb. ter nlghtl, oret the funn, ■ Uuatbni In “Mun'- vile." IlboBeofibeblbonhetcvon.

Ncit wwk P«ur Vker, * dieleci cumedlgn w V Mag. end deune well, will V tho « ir *t tVunnd.

T V oowbnyi do *Rnr rory oleTer work InITivkond Llfe 'gt WUdmvn. thb w vk

T V pVr V rlr brleUe, with wiMetlotud teene*. _in* lYuViot Morrl,w!U ertthll hb Kaulae end rv in e l‘«»doi.

IS "'*delighting the tudlenoce

Cnnpang f a HeoepUsn,One of the noet rqjojable reoeption*

ererglYni etUie Armor, ww giirn hut erea- IVbjOompeujF, Flni Buglmrnl. About UIM ^ p ) w pertlclpettal In tV gnnd memh. TV

*“d tho coelumM of IV Vlkewero Tot, beniVme H w u aol WUI • leie hour tV t IV men, put, broke up. Tbe oummlUeM wen, am Aillowi: Finn laena. *er. Ceipoml B. P, Johiuun; unliitanu,SMiit H. W. IjumiUire,, PrlreUs C. 8, (I«lf hluA lYlvale t . Jackoun; foiuinlttee ofaTTangt»mcnia u ™ ttn * n l Wllllem V.n no,kfrk, chelrmiui; Beigeem K. J. Uerker, Imwurer: Prlriue iv llujikln*. w crttM ,! rorpur.l 11. t:. AVr, lYlvatt* R, 0. Sa'ordi; rreeptloa wnimlttep, f 'a i^ iu 0. (J. AtnfiJ64!,chjdnaAU : StTgcaul T. j 'Y Irtut, f!. B. DJrkliiRoo, (X»ri>orat William K lloglv, DcWltl FaXon.

Tv Celebrate Colambna^a Lanrilag,llm H(»rd ofHupervlnors of BU’huinnd

fV n l,. N. V.. prop<« to celchretu the (hurih centoni,^ of IV dUwrerj, of Amerlee) b, m ^ ip h fr OiliimbUB, ut KmU.n I»UV, with *nlnl«railoi»le*hiMUonlnl8KI. Atemeut. I n ^ theVud • ibw V ,i ugo rumlutloai wo« lieved eiklnglbemuBlelpeleod Siu« gutem- Kent. In IV vWnllr. «n«grt tho ^

to “ e V theekhihlllun * Mmeeei.

T en I t * , , furI>*Tid Wlllifttns uid Harty Wood*,

eolo^, Ibrt, end lblrl,-ufn* ,e*a oM, t ooSk eiKl l ^ e r , wen errevd b, nepnilti IW , of Ibt. Third PieelDct, jw te t i , , v begrtm JuWoe Bodrlgothle morulDg gere neb ten d>,e

A T r ia l IV * A n u a d th * Ceuri OSlMie amd ctmtera.

"M ^ o r" WiUiwB H. Hailtb, colored, WH plwW on trW lo I V QuarM Sewtoni Cnuit thli Boriilnf, ebotged wtib MwilUDt Farkar Jan*i,*In>o'ra«d, Inlioloberlott. TVputl** ■ n raridanti of Augnaio ibaeL

“II* >*miiHd n * three llntaatn Uie *,A brited n l B Ui* atoaueb. jroaVd ■ » bank of IV **r u d add ba d autke ai* go VIbN U» Umnd Jury with boUi e ,n abut, and lo he did. Judge, ID V did. u a vlMudm,BioCVr-ln-l*wiried U atop bUa, bat U war vu**,b*j**t a ^ l V awgwd," aald Jove. . .

"A regular droi|^ nmoiked Judge Klrk- patrlcl, eoto lafer. “

JotM aliD fwot* that b* didn't know why the delbndani alruck him. Tlien V letter itatled Ml to do hit own CTree eiaiatnlng end weated In know wbetVr JnneilMdii't laaulted bla w V atri wbetbet V gada't aaked him bw b UMV- tloo.

“ No I d ldu 'itep liei Jonaa. "Von eoaia on andl'UglTayouaUlVvMhctlon youwaal."

“Keep aulet, Joaea; keep quiet,” laid V Judge. .

Tbe eroiM USVVrt.“Wn, d V t V C ou rt ofiliMiar* V t people

wbo went to leugfa go onl wnd do It ta the lobb,f remerked Jirige Klrkputrlek. IVre were aereiel culured women wUaaiiei wttb nnuuiUe, dinw-norel eouadtnj .umet, celled, OH orwVra tecUfled In efibel tVtAaUbeaeaud to be Irring to run "IV atnal,'' and took June* h, lb* tbioU and laid hi*bead tgilnft tV walL There wea otber tetUniou, to chow that tV light amounted lo but Ter, Itttte.

" Don't ,uu know Ihi, maniiBt a bluk e,e 1“ eiked AWitant Proueoulor (Vne of « e WiP neat

“ He'i alwan sot • blaok ara," repllsd Ibe erttneee. " Ue'i black all onoi"

" Vouwedo'lbaao ptytlealae u d funn,,' etld Mr. tven*.

" fioket" Dunlog, Who waa one* ebol b, OBccr Webber, tV taller paying tbe penett, tbareuf b, being coneleted nod fined ftw lb* offence, wae called i t a witnaa, but did not ap- peu. The dcibndut. wVn placed od Uw iiud, iwnre that be made » attempl to knock Joneidown. "It'taU nonaenie about buglnf bln up that way,” V aald, “ 1 twvei hnwhed him. ur elie be couldn’t V n |0M to work neat d t ,"

" UbV', I hare baan nqaealed lo aak you where rai bur, you! deedt" e*ld Hr. Crane. ” Do you bare a prtrate eewatetyr

'■ No,llr; dim'tbur,ibeea,"replied tV at- enwd, “ I’ll tell , v lb* tnib. Wt were all drunk, tbe wumen end ell. Hid oU 1 did waa to •hake my Bit In JonH'a Itat, pul It nudet hit note."

T V ]nry w » out aboot Mteen mlaaiei and returned with a verdtet ofgUUt, ot amauU.

------------- e IIClark Bailer Baelety Bapofte.

At the fenttb tumnal m vtin g of the Rllef eoelety of ibe Clark Hiiead Oompaa, Qlll No. a, of Kaany, Ibe fitllowing rejort WM nad: itecalpla'CaahanVBdJanuar, 1, 1SS7. n rsw t aHb leeaiwed. ai.t5S.H; lalercal, IMI.4D I total reeelpl*, tBaaiS. nabariemtala W b jis lii.p iit IlltfSli #>,MS.S1: balance la ftHUdeatV TVIuU owl^^M M ipi^^ilM I to terre V tV currem yetr: Alaatnder He- Otbe, preitd ^ jlou u I, Hobo, rl».n«di«,t; W l_ . - . ^ ^ e e c r ^ i V rtd ff. Hrera. Irctaurer; dlrerton, J. ttulun, E, MVbeli, a B Uredr. WlUVo Halllwtil. 0. Albright and jimHDuSw*' “ *'"**"’ “ *«y «w*

A N e w B r o o m !N otliing so useful, and therefore so necessary, as a broom And yet we give to every customer who buys a pound of Tea or Baking Powder an Excellent Broom— without checks — in our Special Present Department.

W e are still beating all the other dealers in the quality and price of butter, at 35c, and 30c. per lb., for which many are getting 35c. to 45c.

Have you tried our 8 o’clock Breakfast Coffee yet. If not, why not ? You will be greatly pleased with it.

•Every housekeepfer should make it a pofflt to visit our Specia? Present Department.


A Tramp Wbo T w V lUuoe Pie.Christian. Blond, . awraut in tbe am­

pin, or a Mn. Meeker, V Big bland erenue Dlaotnfiekl, we* buMly V gm H In Ironing Cloiv* yetteeday efterimai, when the beenl anne one knock at the boak fioor, a v opened the door, and to bet aurpiMa fbuud IV rleltor to be a tramp. Belbre i V V d Un» to •*, a word m duet V door, V man pueM V rie me ride end deliberetalr walked Into the nouee. Pering two fteeb mine* pdH on Uutable, V took oiH and defwriefi Into tbe woodi u w by. She cHled tor hHp, and V cow b- nan ciint too late to cuteh t V Intruder. II k VllDted by eum* Ibat t V kUow V eou. puumu, end era Uvlng In a cave loiiMwlMte la the wDoda

Wale ItnnklWK Campaay IHreelare.The Htatc Banking Ooufguiy knia/

elected the ftiUuwIng dlreetm: Julloi Oerth, Krtwaid tloeUer, Jullue toapff, F. H. Sieger, 0. Kmcger, A. p, Condit, C. Fetpanapen, C. 9chn- niacber, kdwant Schlektauu, J. M. Menlt, A C. Hey, Japiee Meyer. Mariln Iieler. John Sturm * V CharV A Uhimna.

Aheid of All Meerark Prlataea,*£"' ®rwiuiim A. Baker A Oo.. printeie,

klU Merkel rireei, la brtlet knoiero among bHl- I™ teen tble city than any other printoB. And why t Ib^uee they are abeearl with Ihe *‘JB‘*'* ’ *'•*' RM)*ttoodam*ndbfrtegulpwrtoflire; lav ito rlaliii to «rri|riR*U(y, but tot (he rekulltiftbelr wofkRpe^ foriteeir. 0«t (hrtr 1‘riccon jriJtir irtlaUref: see thato electric motor, 41? Ink Rlottere frte, Thtophotw

DO NOT LOSE SIGHT OF THE FACTThat WB tn still reerlriiig lArge contlgnmeatsof FINS BUTTER, and tbat oar prioea an, as tunal, Very Low,Oar stock of Finest Groceries haa been replenlalud efter an onoanally heavy holiday bnalneBS, ud we Invite those who appreciate Fine Goods at Bottom Prioee to call ud examine.

A a r o n 'W a r d & S o n ,B R O A D A N D C O U R T S T R E E T S .

* | i a c ) « l S t a t i c * * ,AT NKVKN (7) CENTS EACU*

Fanff OtHXi* and HouMhwld Foniltha ln|re Co*tii*x From 10 to 76 Ceate for i>nlj 7 Cento Baob* for One Week*Wcbtve been poklnf into cMet *nd shelve*

■ R4l 4lrewen duntif the put fiw d*n in oor ftuuu*i rtock-toklux, xiad we *n aaolai the tbiiifiii whiuh tho srau (ThrirtmiuilhrtlTA faM CR)W4lKl out uf ihouMbL FlmliDR out why tbuy *re still uure, not I'oure; Itudlof out bow lo m*k« there your*, not emit.

Hundreds of the ortlctos rtioald b«ve xooe with the bol|(1*]i ihninKy and LoU of oUreri iroulil nuke uit m eiroeptoUe glR* for i blrtiiitojr. Three, 'With *n IranreuM qirentity of Ikncr foodi, tuTe been nut on i lo/re OMDier In ll*f- rey street *tid will be rnld M Bern Oenti Eiob for this week only. The mart eztreontiiireT lu ^ n s *re olTered «t tbi* priM, for Ihe *m- ct4W in tinwere •toite have *4lv*nced fiilhr 86 per reuL *ns lolling you each week (wthe

(tutimirt be tower, v A yea 'wIlhllMl ihlM Itottn Cent ^euRtft>f Ibe mod pn»dt*biu oppHtmiltlei (^tho ypor t4> secure genuine bM' gikin*—iMil ymt inusi come eMly. Y4Mi mart grtiVsjt'of Ihe oynmingr for otlTiWf ofreger buyer* ready to c « ry the cbototel ■ w*y.

iHilriite of t v raluee oOerod at ihle rtdlcn-

(town a qua^r. half, ibRC.qnarton. Ypu I” V papera, bat

lh>2 win be found acenew Vre abubnu bfe

'frloctV lu:•ud wdeBhy tetenV™ fw wl JlW, lltho* A CV'* Haaen u ,IltUey, hew and W V Park W*.

V lu n la n excaptod, twwill I

a Cent 8**4,

A inerlena Life iM uriteictof^m iM w y.llniiw l end C ed a r tttree t* . N ew »rk.

TDjstnre E, Murphy, Kbq., Artdrtent fiuncrifotoiMtoui: \ ^ •Jie*r Hlr—I hereby retuiti you Ihenki for the

pnreipt snd uiu*i|ioc(eci peynenk o t c ir ttit urnai tbe dortb of my chnd, w hohndbreti Irei (wo weeks innired wifh y<w eonapeity, I IfafeDk your Agont, Hr. J, il . Welsh, rre h li fWjrtwy end aKehttire. Your numpsnv !■ * iruetoli'iii) to the wortting petfitoofNewerL HrepecUUHy yotui,

^ , Cathirdib OAums,* en CuMten rtreetp Newsrt

d r o r e r B re there^ PHuter**

conwrie iJwprav wheo yrei w u l U f wrfotiM dolte. 1iV dam ueet ^ Ic p h u n c fiSt.—Adr.

a™** O reV Uugwlim V Haba*'* V tiknee, Hotirry, Teble Uaan A TewuU.

ri t i^urta prfca. Kart, buyen will eaniie lieCuOll Qrt, ^

Vuelly naM V iO itB a ta TorUeh and Unen ^ C le , 'TiW L a v a u d Hoilery, whieb the w«wmlral dwold nol oreilaok. HaV* *' Ca I Beasr.

0 *o4 Frreiieerto to Brey,

gee UjTo-Boyi' O ea teo a ta -lk ta

n5 i U a lb S il at tkafi.S?'OJr*—c.enllaiaen'i gUppan-fil.Pl ’W-7U.71* Bn»d tonal tT K Plant A On.

W obdorA i],1%* tondsome M Jr a t V ue*, I f ^ l e * Pttoh-

taw. Itot'orsted U*hM, Teeptd* sivl B«9k«« whtoh ere wl *- . - -Beklig IVwaerMW, rtreei.

The F oIIpwIbe too Conpleto Ltot a f Otur Mosk o f Flush BetoqueSg JMkete ond Wewpe. till of WUoh are Morkod ot %»r«tol Prieos.

ru 4w tACQcm32-Inch -One st 940; NdDted from 900.

oiMsttUO: reduced from lift. ei-inch-One *1940; reduced tonoi lAQ,*■ Ode St tZR; reduced Stojuj^ 16-Inch—One st MO; Teduied foouM. k'-Lnrh—One st 109; reduced toom ^ p : . One St 940; reduced frare no. 40-incb—One st |29; reduc^ from 936.

Three at V n: rednoed (tom 93fl. (Ur-hwh^Two s t 921; pidurjedfruiu 9H6.

Two st m ; reduced /tom tSB,One *( fan; reduced from ML

44-tD4ah—One st ; redueed (tom 960.Om st 1361 redueed horn 991,

PU4H jAOtjresR2 liich—Two st 910; rediHsed froDlU.».86 Inch—t h r e e s t A l ; re d u te d fro m 9 la ^ ''

One st 116: redueed frutn UD, One st Il9 ; I ‘; reduced toom 919.60.

reducM f^mflO* reduced ftom ns.

tteffnduce.1 from 130. gt; rwiiwed mrni ffiS. StO; redored (hwn 91460. •* * redueed fotwn Ms.

n loch—Two st 111 (m esifli

• owe Bfe ■40 inch—One St

Ones!Dim st 914.

A.V fi V •• i * i redu^ foiia42 Inch—One st i l l ; reduced from 915,

O m s H w bito.34-toch-Two st I2D; reduced from I86-lnch—Two s t

One s t One s t

89'fach—One s4 One s i

40-Inch-O ne s t One s (

4f‘iii9h—One s t Otto s t

stOne s t

44-ttic)>—T w osi Snyder A COL

) M *40 ;rstlH ;

. reduMIbma la; lediiml Cnm ") reduced Dam

; redtwad fbum ; rednoedftam

a ; redwwl iboBi IX; lednced Ibum P; reduced fboin I : reduced ftuoi • ; reducedfhmi„..

reduced ftom tl5. t^ c e d from •1.1. w. V,

TM Broad etrM.

arc g t,un w ith one'DOund of Tee V S c ra tW . a M n £ r il 'a W Market

PMwiw*. Plctaret.^ liuljiltr preeenta In great Tgrietyat Cary A kciiuy |!j3 Hniad e l i ^ Piotuie Fnmee at Uie rii<«nl notice. Art meteriala. Otry*Kcuny i 822 Blued atrwt

Vj-nume Tkatehee, M. nf Benaan, B. k., eayt WWar>a Beliwtn of wild yfterry ™re a rwgb by Icoeenlng and claanelng IV lunge and aUayiv MtethHi, tb u feiuorrlng the faute In.tead of drying up Uia coufli nndloeT- Ingtltecauaabcbiod.,, **J ph y a lc laa t a ld I m M a a t Ilea, s yl i r a out uj Older, fieqocdtly vomited gieenlib Duccua iklu reU*w. "aaU ^ huuote oa Dm. ripmacb wceild not retain fbofl. Burdock l« iV Bitten cured tae. M n. AdalaldeO’BVn,

B ic h a i^ etreet, Bnfiblo. N, V.

N ctklaw aw gawd fee the c a re o f Bun- luwhH t v lu p e e re d ItliHIn T nw . gwA, w nidiiteh lof day. A ltendaul fur ledlea. geud ft» cb « aara Improved RkaUe Do,, M

J A H K j n . F .4

Fiu r l m ETHE BEST

Washing CompoundB V K R I N V E N T K D ,

H aa W a g D V e weetol Wmaw.

■liriofMlora iLGn.Watt I WALTeu




STOCK TAKING.C a r p e t s a n d F u r n i t u r e

BARGAINS! BARGAINS!I I m vId ; J u b4 n m i| i lc | p d t a k lu fc i c c o i i i t t o f f t o c k , I f in d M vdpg]

I b iM o f g o o d a t l i a t I d o n u t I n t e n d to k e e p , a n d w it i • e l l a t a n y p r ic e to c lo a e t h e m o u t .

C A U P K T H .

60 plrcta of TaixaiiT Oarprt, rrdDml per yard rrvB TSe. to OOe. rO pirrta of Kmly UruHcl*. rtdum l per yard Dom |I.S 6 to Mr.78 pirtf* of All tVool iBftrain. nuiuod from 7V , prr yard to 9Uc.26 p itm of 3 - r i j , niloiud [ler jo id I'luro I I .2U lo IIOc.

1 * A 1 1 T . ( ) K H I T I T K .

Iff Perlor Nullt In mlaord from | 75.00 to | i 5 00,l*srtof Hulls io Breoskltog rryn lv flOO.OO, mdoosd to |T5 01.

B K D T l O f m H U I T 8 .

2Ti Wainul Bodiwim Haiti, niaible top, 7 pteoca, ragnlar p r iv 140.00, reduced toStO.OO.

36 W^nnt Hrdrmm Huita, regular price 1100.00, raducad lM tV5.0O.(lood Aah or Cherry Bedroom Huit v i j 026.00,

K O l u D T X G H E D B .13 Irtffrrrnt Si j ie i at Law IVirra.lamngea lo great variety. Good Bed laiongo at 04-76.Ikraka, Bookivea and Becreiarira in great varioty, M d at tudooad ngioai. Fratlwn, Mattreaaea, CorufortaUaa and Bed Hpringt at nroatly tadiioed prioaa. I jo g r alDi-k of I'arlor Btovaa v d Rangta at vrboleiale p r i « .


OoodtlDctivcrfd FBEK OP CHARGE to in j part of the BtiU.

AMOS H. VAN HORN,r a j M R T j T j o y u K y i j j ^

A N e w Y e a r • S c h e m e .•

A l t e r t h e F l r a t o t J a n u a r y t h e r e ta a lw a y a m

g r e a t c r y a m o n g m o s t d e a l e r ! t o t h e e f f e c t

t b a t i t r ic e a h a v e b e e n m l n o u t l y r e d u c e d . H u e l i

o l t b ia la m e r e a h a m . O u r p r lc e a d a r i n g t h e

w h o le a c a a o n v r e r e a a l o w a a h o n e a t b u a ln e a a

w o u ld p e r m i t , a n d t h e y a r e t h e a a m e n o w .

C o m e a n d a e e u a w h e n y o u w a n t F u r n i t u r e o f

a n y r e l i a b l e k i n d , a n d w e c a n p le a a e y o u .


F u r n i t u r e a n d C a r p e t s .Bedroom Suits from 120.00 npward.Parlor Snits from $30.00 to 1250.00.Tapestry Carpet, per yard, from 50c. to 1100. Ingrain Carpet, per yard, from 25c. to 75c. Lounges from $3,99 to $50.00.

STOVES from $5.00 to $50.00.CAIH OB W EEKLY FAYIIKNTI.


Yhs cifwalftUoa o f (h* E v en la f

Howe to ^ s t o 7 ihsB tho oom> blwotl odIttoM ol sU th oE ofltoh

d o ll/ p iiF on p ria tod to Momsrttr


Great BieduotionsDRY GOODS,

CARPETS, c u r t a in s ,

and CLOAKSt>


T H B U U t G B S T

Fancy Goods Housen r T H B S T A T B .

--------- ■— ,



|W T 'R A Ea C0\\ w n B oA D av., I\ OanMT e * d w aWMt, I' « v * w . * . J, d

'••*»»* Mae o f th e X ^ ln N a tio n a l W atch Oo.’a

W atch ca to b e te iin d In N e w a r k ; alao. beat p n d e a o l tb e Swlgg. O ur e x - ^ a l v e tra d e In A m erican W atch ea en a b lea ua to k eep

o f U ie Um ea, t o *••»* 14 n e w a n d d<^n r a b le w e a r e a b le a t a lt tlm ea to n ip p iy u p o n th e m oat larorw a b le term a.


*“ *’ *® ****** " O d « o a t c o m p a r e

In N ew Y o rk C ity . W B ha v e alao a g r e a t va r ie ty o f U N ­M O U N T E D 8 T O N % , w h ich

? ® “ “ * *“ *® "« Of■ t}ie tnKt iDBT bffi FMnirrtd a t

8 B O B T N O T f 0 B . W S a 1 ;d

B R A L a n d i t O H P L B l T I B S T O C K O F F O r iB

iw -i

Always Fall of



■ 'JM*Qrt4a1

Viitei' Kanguoo t v rnrach Kid fined Waa- SU ’t STi?"?*’ haud-welta, laadltun maid toea. low haele, at aa.W i worth RW,

®<*Wrt Ofiat Walking Bmte. u FeOf, heavy euV ooeumoa euueaVeB, but not claaity, at a a .U i worth

LadW Bmnw km open Stlppen, Freneh il“ |“ ade, a vary piriSy Uippar for

----------- otVf eecaaioa, atWla^partlM « «,y •l.jlB ; woi^ feOO,

U dlori p l i l n ^ u c h Kid O pen SUppaB, b tad - m i v , hbfii or low beele, a t worth91.oO.

Frenak kU-

ladlaf emocto km Open SUppen, F 1‘S , *“* Ve^handtaawed, lilted, at M e. I worth iLauT^

Oent’ajiDeFieiK'faCalIkktDBboea, butloa, laee •M eongira hwd-eewed, landoa l»e and ll|ri^*leop1*lB,iteotdloei,*ta*.»T( wortfe

ttent'i fineet Knncb OalftMtent Leather BVee, tace or iwinrae, tipped and ptaln, I V oalr a ™ to wear fur dancing, at Sd.M t worth 10.09.

(ienre Sue French fgUhkin Walking Shoe,, Vnd well*, button, lace wd eongnaLbro^

tipped udplaln,atas.B?lwQrtl] 96.00,

feather m opi. alw Oilbeda, hand made, at a i , . * , worfli W.60.

Men'e Rnbbet Root,........ .... : n iaBoyrii Rut)ber Itonte. . . . . ' ” ' ' 1 eg

Rubber Boole............".".'IZ.!.” !™ l.«btdtei Rubber Roou......... ..... ..... ........i.n

fhlld'e HiibbcvBorta. . . . . . . . . . . ...... ,W, III 719 BU STBIBT

NEWARK, N. AM r Bapfito FbeVgae DaUvend fW*.

n e v iM o M w itB . r

Owed » T. ll.i^BMwda„ exo apA