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Wellington Colliery Co.



W. hire » flr.t~.lM. B*-«—«st. Fumltar. snd Plsno Movie» PADDED VAN. Pbon.

Burt’s Wood YardHum MS. 11 PANDORA ATS.

VOL 47. t- VICTORIA, B. 0, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1909. NO. 93,

==F ==


$10,000,000 TO BE SPENT ON G. T.

Riddles Sails of Seattle Fishing Schooner Whose Captain Refused to fleave-to When Ordered

— —Found in Canadian Waters.

w - (Time* Leased Wire.) ...Vaocogvsr, B, C., Aitetl 8L*~l^oi‘ tiw

flr*t time Bine* thf .Canadian fij$Miry cruiser service has attempted to Inter- ffiry”with ^mwicairimllhui prtacKIfi#’

* In northern British VoTumbla water*, the Dominion government cruiser Kes­trel last Sunday afternoon - got Into a leal action with her big Nordenfeldt machine gun. Four rounds were fired at the Seattle haiibut fishing steamer Charles Lovt Woodbury. Five bulk*1!» through thv atmosphere In the W-

r.i tion of the Woodbury. each tlrtfehs the venae! headed at full speed frort\ the west coast of Vancouver Island, and pointed out toward the middle of

—Site. PaeWe com*. - ------------------------- ' 'Three of the round* were merely d'-

rected to call attention to the Command . to Heave--to

Whkh had beeh Issued from the Kes­trel to the American schoonet. But the

* last aeries of shots npeant business The gun wâs pointed at the fish bout whlcV war then at a distance of only a coupie

» of hundred yards, And still’making for 4 the open sea as rapidly a* wind and

her gasoline engines would take.her.The bullets, aimed high, ripped, the

pi a In nail of the schooner anV one or two knocked spUrtter off the main

X*p went the hands of Capt. Sinclair, for he feared tltat he would be sunk right there if he did not stop. At the vume tlitie the second gun of the Kes­trel was swung across her deck to

Get Into the Range of the fishing boat, framed lately the engines of the Woodbury were stopped and her sails, gafthed py bullets, were hauled down.

But even "then the American captain would not willingly surrender. He de­clined to tie a hawser aboard his ves­sel. but a few minutes later an officer and three mep from the Kestrel board­ed him and took charge. A.together It

was the most exciting event In the;

Capt. New*»mh. Of the Kestrel, de- vtàh’s that If he ever had a clear case against an American vessel this Is the

When Capt. Nepcomb got .abreast of the American h«* opened communica­tion through >u speaking trumpet. Iff the polite language of the educated navy he toldthc»ch<>oner to beave-to or be sunk or words to that effect. The effect was a laugh from the few of the Americans-, who-were on deck- for the î^rnen who composed the fish ing crew had mostly been

v Kept X’arefully Below during all the excitemenfTmd gun fir­ing. ^

'Stop, or I will put a hole thfotiSfh you," called Newcomb.JXilaiLL tlUnk juxZ. saLL MInti lui»

reply that came plainly over the rag*» Ing water.

Then the big gun went off a>td a little section of the Woodbury's sail Va* In shred* and the hand* of her captain were raised a* if he was being held Up and was afraid of getting another shot through Hoc‘vital*.

Tiie Woodbury we* . aught fishing lad ween east AUid w*‘*t Haycock Isl­ands, 10 miles from Tape Scott, clearly within the three-mile llmlti a* the channel I* not five miles wide. She want brought.into Vancouver this morning:

Making Investigation.Seattle. Wash., April 21.—At thv of-

thc Standard Fish Copipany, which concern owns and operates the schooner Char Tee tâvl ^Wobdbury, re- l Kir ted seised by the Dominion cruiser Kestrel for alleged poa' hlng In British Columbia halibut water*, It was stated to-day that a representative of the company.Is now at Vancouver making a thorough investigation of tbe selaare of the vessel Won the nscrint by him of all Information hearing on the taw. the owners of the Woodbury will make such représentât à me to the state department at Washington a»-the-facts


(Special \o the Times.)Winnipeg. April; 21.—E. J‘.

Chamberlain ha* arrived here nnjjJ will make this city his headquarters after May 15th f.or the balance of the year. Ten

inTmrm dotiara will-be spent on . ..nstruvtlpn this year.



Considerable Part of Land Will Not Be Ready for Ten


(Special to (he ’fîmes.) Winnipeg. April 21. — Farmers

throughout the Canadian west arc b«- i)Hi^>Ta"fiie'ï'tT1ïïç TônïïnüëTWtt

weather. It Is seriously interfering with the commencing of wheat seeding which Is undenlkbly late. A consider­able part of the land will not be ready for the seeders for ten days at least. That brings it into May.

W hile optmlstlc oki-ttrrters state the best crops ever reaped went In late à great majority of thd* fanners and

rgrain men have sufficient experience to -convince them that If the bulk of wheat Is. not seeded by May let In Manitoba and May 7th in Haekatche- wan the crop has gone In late.



The W'mNlbug.: I* a powef m b-Miner and left this iiort M'lfhr'tSr-t cruise a week ago. She was purchased In San Francisco two years ago and equi|V"t for halibut fishing. The veasel Is 100 tori* net. R0 feet In length and was built on the Atlantic coast.

(Time* leaied Wire.)San F ran clg^o, Cal., April ÎI-—>rmy

i and navv officers "are Joining the clt/ {officials her* Jn the* preparation* to- : day for the reception of the Japanese

M.( D*. **

ftear-Admtrar ilwlnbuAe. command- ’ ing the Pacific squadron, Is taking an

active part, and said to-day that hf It w_ere In his power the Japan#* should

; he treated a* well here as they treated the American saWor* of the Atlantic— ” - V—



Massacre (if Christians by Fanatical Mohammed­ans Is Spreading—Entire Villages Have Been

Destroyed—Women and Children Tortured i

(By Bysantlus Mosvhpoulous. staff correspondent of the United Frees.) Constantinople, April n.-r-The mas-

sacra of the Christiana ky the fanatical Mohammedan hordes was renewed with rcdgubled fury In a large pert of

Asia Minor to-day. according to dis­

patches received here. Detail* of the butchery are meagre,

Antioch and Bursdjik. In the prov­ince of Aleppo and Damascus^ln Syrlà, are the cent dès* of the new outrages.

The few troop* stationed in Aleppo are powerless to protect the Christians from the fanatics who are conducting a reign of terror more horrible than any Inaugurated recently.

Entire villages have been destroyed, Christian homes burned and women and children mercilessly tortured to death.

The foreign population Is Beefing to

the consulates foj* protection. .The British cruiser Diana has land­

ed a strong force at Atflteandretta and the arrival of Admiral Howe, com­mander of the fleet en route to the

scene from Malta. Is momentarily ex-

peetd. __

Admiral Howe will probably dis­patch a force of marines Inland to pro­tect European reMdents of the villages there. „

Dispatches received here this even­ing say the loss of life In the mas­sacres In the VU*yet of Aleppo Is even greater than that at’ Adana, where more than 5.000 ..person* wereSlain.

Tlie population of Aleppo 1s more than 1.000,000, and the meagre reports eay that thousands of persons were killed therë within the past twenty- four hours:









(Special to the Times.) Winnipeg, April 21.—James Bussa, a

Rugby player, who was struck on the head by a football, is dead from his in-



"* (Special to the Times.)London,,-April 21-—Don Manuel FeJ-

lez has been appointed Mexican consul at Vancouver.


(Special t» the Times.)London. April 31.—A Sham

fight at Aldershot wherein 17.- 000 troops Will be engaged .!• fixed for June 11th for the Journalists who will attend tlfe Imperial press conference here.



Hob. F. J. Felton It Is Alleged Acted Improperly In Transferring Mortgage Held by Prov­

incial Government for Years./



Ten Million Dollars May Be Spent on Extensions in


San Francisco, Cal., April 31.'—Preel- / dent K- F- Hlpley. of thç^.Santa Fe

*y*tem, accompanied by President A. H. Play non. of the Northwestern Pa­cific railroad, left Tlburon this morn-

f, ^ing in Ripley * private car tdf~WilMs?. Lai. According to Ripley, the trip Is made to look over the ground for the proposed extenniort of the Northwest­ern to Eureka. Ripley announced that he would visit San Frnncl*co up-

his -return Thursday evening.The Santa Fe prwrid#it gave ae bis

opinion that the railroad outlook at present Is very bright. When asked

P for<the cause of the improved con- dlton*. he said:

“f"*® <fh*re h* *turner administration at Washington

Regarding the proposed extension In ; Humboldt countv. he said: \

•’Our object now is, tq rsccrtaIn the cost of the Improvement*, i uridirr- htand that-they will cost iti the nrlgh- horh.MXl.of $10.000.000 That I* a IsTge sum t<K*eV>end in view .of the recent attacks- upon railroad*, and ! am not tn a to make an authoritative

^ Ktatemet^t regarding our plan* until l return."“Tt 1* tjndsrstond that the plan* undef

connlderatlon provide (or an extension of the Northwestern Pacific from WII- Mt* to Eureka and probably the i.on- *tru« tlon pf a line to Join the lumber town of Albion with the i^ialri _ltne at Cloverdalc _afrr HcFIdaburg.


(Speclnbfto .he Time*.)Nice, April' 21.—Huntly Walker, an

Englishman, broke "the Bank of Monte Varlo last night, tylnning £02,000 In two hour*.


Expose of Circulation Methods Drives One Man­ager to the Tall Timber and the

Other to Jail.

The true Inwardness -gff the mortgage of $3.500. The plain-extra y otrs and of the injustice these ^ff* ore not eatl*fled with the account-


* (ffpecial to the Tlmes.r J \Winnipeg. April 21.—Rev. Dr. Bryce

apïlr ÏXr. Tl^rt, MarlTloba college profes-»ors. are-rettlrng from thv staff.

Work xm tlie honest contestant are ex­plained In artlole 6 of the Times series. The dramatic finale to the fight with "Muley" Brighton Is also related.


(Article No. 6.)The gullablllty of human nature Is

rU)e sto« k-ln-trade of the grafter, one Is expected to know his special business and it Ik his superior knowledge of the extremes to wbk h the Impulse of ac­quisition will lead unsophisticated minds that enable tltfr confidence man In all branches of the profession to op- hrate...^,

I was in the grafting business for many year», during which time I m^t a Rood many '‘easy marks." Rut 1 hâve never been able to understand the restricted sphere of mental activity which failed to comprehend the signif­icance of the '*D9Uble Vote offers'1 which are one of the mainstays of the "contest*’ game.

Whcp the* Avant est" I* well under way, after? the "contestants-" have taken the bait of a "Apodal V'ote Of­fer," the still- greater Inducement of double votes l* put out for them.

It Pays'to Lie Rack.This simply means that; where one

vote was given eartWr in the contest, two votes are now offered., A one year's subscription to the newspaper brings Jtiet twice ns many votes as it did In the beginning and those who hnvtr worked and turned in their money early In the game have Just one-half the number of vote* for their effort that those who hâvë waited for "double votes" recélvc. 'y

Double Votes Mean Nothing.Of course Jq, the final analyste

"double votes’' mean nothing because the number -of votes for each dollar the "eontea.tant" brings In Is increased from tftno to time. tratH, frequently, at the




of May—Cash Trans- ——action.

(Special to^the Tlmfa) Winnipeg,.-The Saskatc he­

wan government last night concluded the purchase of the Bell telephone sys­tem in that province, long distance lines, local exchanges and equipment, and will take pn**e**<m on May 1st. The government ha* already an exten­sive system.„under construc tion. The transaction wag cash.

not satisfied with the account ing a' curding to their claim. Far mere stone. It Is alleged, has been furnished from the quarry than would meet the mortgage. But apart from that the action of Hon; F. J. Fulton seems ofrin to very grave criticism. In spite at the fact that he wa» waked by Mr. Huson repeatedly not to assign the mortgage, but to continue the arrange­ment which It must be admitted was exceedingly_ favorable to the govern­ment, and affected a large saving in public works,. Mr. • Fulton assigned the mortgage to the Haddington Island Quarry Company. Ltd. By doing so the1 opportunity to get stone at five cents a ruble foot for public works passed and with a large contract like that of the Vancouver court house un­der way this meant a great deal to the province.

In the Incorporation of the Hadding­ton* Island Quarry Company the names which appear are employed In the law offices of Ebert* * la y lor and Barnard A Robertson. They are H. D. Twlgg. H. c. Keefer rims Banfleld end of the content five times as many votes arc g|ven for a dollar as were given in the beginning. Thi* Is to In­duce pemons, who have ntoney. to put up large amounts gl the close of the contest In the hop* of securing the prise without effort, which they would easily do If the contest were "on the aquae” at mi.

It l* customary to wait-a week or so between each “Extra" vote offer. Dur­ing the time the contestants are assur­ed that positively no more unusual In­ducement* will be made and they are allowed to relax arid rest up for thenext week

But we did not know' what our enemies on the Blade might "«prlng'' upon u* at any- moment, so I deter­mined to follow the special vote halt with a straight double vote offer the succeeding week and announcement* to that effect were made In the Munday afternoon edit lop of the Bee.

1 ^Concluded on page It.)

his no lines In Manitoba, Saskatche­wan or Alberta provinces.



(Special to the Time* )Brandon, Man.. April 21.—Manitoba's

attorney-general has abandoned th-3 case, against Ingrain, returning re reiving officer In the last Dominion r lection who was arrested for entering a polling booth and slightly altering the list, Ingram was prepared to pro<e It was outrageous prostitution of pow­ers of IHe crown for political purposes.




An-eetlon of a most interesting char­acter Is now before the courts. It Is the case of A. W. Huson et a! vs. Had­dington -Island Quarry Company, Ltd. For some time It has been before the courts and new a move is made by the solicitor for the plaintiffs, Frank Higgins, to add as defendants

Will Take Possession on First L,der, the contracting firm for the new court house in Vancouver. The suit hr# to do with the possession of the celebrated Haddington Island Quar­ries, from which the stone for the ^Par­liament buildings, the Empress hotel and the Bank*of Montreal in Victoria was takgn. The new court house at Vancouver, under construction. Is also being built from this stone. The plain­tiffs include A. W. Huson, one of the original owners of the stone quarry; and the heirs of the other original own­er*. Under stress of circumstances the original owners of the quarry placed a mortgage on the property in 1304. The mortgage passed into the hands of the

which at 5 cents a foot would come to$2,100

The statement of claim of the plain tiffs sels forth an interesting history of the quarry and the .transactions connected w ith the case.

Alden W. Huson. in company with Henry Rudge and Samuel Gray, were the original owners of the land where­on the Haddington Island quarry is situated. In 1900 Henry Rudge died in Victoria. He left no will, but his heirs arc H. A. Rudge, W. P. Rudge. H. Rudge. Fred. Rudge. Nellie Barlow and Jengie Htannard. all children. Samuel Gray is also dead, dying in Oakland. ÇaL, 1895, ahd his wife died In ISOS, leaving two children, Samuel Gray and Elisabeth Wright. These heirs of the two former partners, with Mr. Huson. are now parties to the

In 1893 the three original owners of the quarry gave a mortgage on the property for $3,500 to W. J. -Macaulay, of Victoria, the mortgage bearing in­terest at 12 per cent. The records show that .In 1894 the mortgage wa*

Members of Chamber Commerce Are Consid­

ering Proposal.


(Times Leased Wire.)Spokane, Wash., April 21.—Spokane

will compete with eastern mills In the manulaciure of paper if plans under consideration here by the Chamber of Commerce material Ixe.

The movement tyas started by W. H. Goodenough, a prominent pu|*-r manu­facturer end capitalist of Appleton, Win. In addressing the members of the Chamber of (Commerce, he asked for their co-operation, stating that this is an Ideal spot for a mill. He mentioned the fart that the eastern mills ship thousands of carloads of paper to the coast' annually, and he could see no reason Why auch a project would qot be a great success. Cotton wood, which 1* plentiful in this vicinity, make# ex­cellent he "*ld-

been furnished to the government at the low figure of five cents a cubic foot, the proceeds to be devoted,to wiping Daniel. Harold B. Kdbertaon and Claude L Harrison. This company, according to the statement in the -)as#v attempted to convey the Had- (j.ngjon island to R. Taylor \Walker, of Vancouver. The registrar-gmyrar ot tltlr*, however, refused to regrsteri thé title of Mr. Walker to the iiUsnd ou the ground. 4t Is net forth, that Hon. Mr. Fulton had no authority to assign the mortgage to the company con­cerned.

Mr. Huson. according to his state­ment. vaa never asked to pay the principal or interest on the mortgage nor was any notice given*-by Mr. Ful­ton that he Intended to assign the mortgage The , receiver, James For- mgn. Who. had been appointed to ad­minister the affairs of the quarry some years before under order of the courts, received no notice previous to the transaction. Mr: Huson on the con­trary offered to redeem the mortgage but said he received no replies from the government.

The Arm of McDonald. Wilson A Snider, contractors for th* Vancouver court house, are now, U Is said, work­ing the qharry. The plaintiff seeks an Injuneton to Restrain this firm from working the quarry op the ground that they are oarelesaly dumping stone so as to prevent vessels landing near the works.

The action of Hon. Mr Fulton is called In question, and In connection with the suit it will have to. be de-

tded whether he had any rigtit to

province certainly ha* gained nothing within a fe* days, by It. as the stone-waa being obtained under the old rule af a ridiculously low figure. 6 tent» la cubic foot. The plain tiff* claim that the Indebtedness to the government has thatthe mortgage has, been discharged and that they are entitled to posseaston of the quarry In the court house building at Vancouver about 42.900 cubic feet have beeen used already



Abdul Hamid Reported to Have Reached Agreement With

Young Turks.

—~1—(Times Leased Wire,) 4^

London, April 21.—Confidential In­formation from war office sources to­day eay that the Sultan of Turkey has reached an agreement with the young Turks whereby he Is to be allowed to retain hie throne, but will be shorn of every vestige of power.

According to the terms of the agree-, ment, a committee of Young Turk* wtl! be the real rulers of Turkey In the future. They will be so completely In control that a reactionary movement like the present will be Impossible hereafter.■ Protecting Foreign Resident». ^

. <—Berlin. April 21.—The Young Turks' advance agatn*t Constantinople wa* resumed to-day. Advice*., received here say the lnx-ader« were plainly visible from the outskirts of the capi­tol. They are expected to enter the city within a feW hours .

Guard* have been landed at Con­stantinople from foreign ships In the harbor, and every preparation fa be­ing made to protect the foreign popu­lation.

The leaders of the Young Turks hav»^ sen( word that this "precaution Is un­necessary. as they will see that no harm befalls the foreigners.

It !» expected that martial law will be .proclaimed at Constantinople this afternoon after a meeting of thc cabi­net is held.

Cabinet to Resign.London. April 31.—The Sultan of

then Chief Commissioner of Lands and Work*, the government of the day paying the principal and Interest duet The object of the government In secur­ing this mortgage appears to have been to ensure a sunply of stone for the parliament buildings then proposed to be built. The government was toFork the quarries paying 5 cents a cubic foot for all "the stone taken out. applying the same to live reduction of

(Concluded on page t.)

TW "HhTn (T TT” -MiroirTTœW WWTëliiinÉtii'Wn>nê.~biirTiHcabinet Is. to resign Immediately, un­der an agreement he has signed with the leader* of the Young Turk*; ac­cording to dispatches received here to­day.

The correspondent of the Exchange Telegraph is authority for this state- ment, which he declare^ la authentic. _



Asked to Give Address at Opening of the Expo­

sition. V L -

(Times Leased Wire.)Seattle Wash., April Îl.-Joslac Col­

lins. chairman of the committee of credentials and special events, has re­ceived a telegram from British Am­bassador James Bryce, acknowledging the invitation to give an address at the opening of the Alaska-Yukon-Paclfic exposition, and saying that a definite answer would be sent later. Ambas­sador Bryce has Just returned to Wash­ington from a visit to California.

British subjects In Seattle and denis of Victoria and Vancouver will

_____ ,________ Join in the invitation1, to t^e Englishassign the- mortgage as he did The diplomat, ahd It will be forwarded



Associated Press Limits the Hours Within Which They

May Publish.

j (Times I .eased Wire.)New York. April 21.—Afternoon p*p»r

publisher* made an unsuccessful attempt, at the annual "meeting of the Aseqdated Press to-day. to amend the by-law* of*the association so as to permit them to pub­lish tlielr paper* as early a* » a. m. amt a* late as. < p. m. They were defeated hjr the morning paper publishers, who suc­ceeded In having the proposed amendment» laid upon the table.

As a result of the failure t<> pass the amendment the old by-laws stand. iM afternoon paper* will Hot be allowed to publish before. 11 a. m. or after 4 p. m. any Associated Preae new* of that day.

The Toledo News-Bee. a member of th'" Associated Press from the beginning, has

from the **poclation. In with- drawing. H. N.Jftlckey, representing the Newe-Bee^jaald: ‘ •

"The present policy of the director* of tin- Associated Pleas wciyld remets from the publisher* of Associated Press paper* the management and control of their own properties, putting it Into the hand* ct a small clique of AseoctatedTFrm dh-e*'- tor*.'' * '

He declared Jhat he would not submit to au£h censorship, .and said that th«i United Prtea Association’» service wa*

The programme for fh$ opening of the Exposition has beeh outlined . by Chairman Collins, save for one nr twâ Important events, tlntll it is definitely known that Ambassador Bryce will gc cept the invitation to deliver an ad­dress. the selection of speaker* for the ,WW1W *________________ _ ___opening day will-not be decided. James j mom valuable than the Associated^resa J. Hill has accepted an Invitation tq 1 to the News-Bee or any other aftcrnoo| be present. | paper " -


OFFICIALS bODGE > HARRIMAN MUSTAdmirers çfYou have an 01<1 Sponge you

want to clean, and don't know bow. *,,

Yon have Tlalr Brushes that ought to be cleaned once a month


Rare Old ViolinsIn All Parta of Oak Will Lose Rights in Central OrRailway Men Not Anxious to Appear in the Merger

hlvuiik'st at least. egon if Work is De:CAN SEE AND TRY BOMB SPLENDID SPECIMENS AT


VEEDEEÏ /1l ’ Cleansing Powder

IN l'ACKAGBS, 35; Cents.That doee the trick in fine style.

; >* Try a box.Ladies, don’t throw away that OLD STRAW HAT that you

had last year. It was so comfortable and you liked the shape. Why not <

Get a Bottle of Straw Hat VarnishFrom us and make it as good as new. All colors

(Time* Leased. Wire.)Washington, D. C,, April 21.—E. H.

Har4iman may build hie proposed rail­road through the pen <’hut'<fo

Hunnuel (Date,1706^. 1 Sehastan Bots. 1 Furbt'f/London) These instruments arc from the well known collection

< (Times Leaned Wire.)Portland, Ore., April 21.—Oregon rail­

road men are to-day playing a hUJer und-aeek game with jiubpoena servers who are trying to locale them in in­sure their presence as witnesses in the forthcoming, hearing brought by the govern men V to dissolve the merger of the Southern Pacific and Union Pacific railroads. Proceedings will begin hero May 3rd.

Although the servers wer* successful in several Instances yesterday, there were many railroad officials who dodg- * d them. F;N. Kollocli, district freight and passenger agotit of the P^nnsyN

« vaafa lines, Bas one of them. When | an officer, with summons, called fU his j-office, he learned that Kolloek had I suddenly left for San Francisco. A. C. i-Ü^eldon, general agent for the Burling­ton road, is also being sought. W. C. McBride, general agent for the Rio Grande; H. M. Adams, general freight and passenger agent for the Spokane. Portland and Seattle road, and F. M. Warren, of the Warren Packing Com­pany. have Veen summoned.

It has been announced that the gov-


6On Foul Bay road. of WILLIAMS or TORON foràiîd will ,be on exhitti- / lion for a few da^s. *

canyonand Centrai Oregon, but, no time must be ln»t in launching the project.

This is the substance of a" ruling Just made by Sep|»iary-nf the interior Bal­linger. He say* that permission to build- the roa,d Is given under the.strict ua*- derntandlng that work must begin Im­mediately. He Intimated that railroad rights arc not to be acquired as they have been in the past to be heM .In­definitely, under a “dog in the manger” policy, merely to prevent other com­panies from using the right of way.

N •: only will he grant a right of way H.h l iman

Come and ate. uaBefore this Is all gone.Undoubtedly one bt the e Choicest parts about Victoria. Alt particulars at

M. W. WAITT & CO.11KRUERT KENT, Mgr.Quality Music House.

PembertonAND SON

034 FORT STREETCampbell’s Prescription StoreWe are Prompt. We are Careful. We use the Best. Honest Price*. to the railroad, but the

Oregon Trunk line as well, and pari of tho distance through the can y bn both roads will be obliged to use the same track. This arrangement has been agreed to by representatives of both roads. Oregon1 people who are now bare seem convinced that the prospect Is ex­cellent for the construction of the road In the near future.


40#—PHONES—€11When you have NOTES, PACKAGE!


Tonics ernment attorneys Hill use In the pres­ent earn* the tarns tsrtics thatTHE Bid BRACER, WILSON'S INVALID PORT.

per bottle ................. ■ $1.00ROYAL CROWN PORT WINE. imt bottle $1.00 NIAGARA PORT WINE, :55c, or three for $1.00 SPLITS UÜINESS STOUT, per dozen ...... $1.50

Windsor Grocery Company,OPPOSITE P0ST0FFldB> GOV’T STREET.

RAIDS BY LADYSMITH POLICE.employed in the dissolution proceed­ings brought against the Northern Pa­cifie securities suit, which feeulted In m victory for the government.

PHONE US. Proprietor* of Gambling Houses Sen­tenced —Boxing Con test.

THE OLD RELIABLEEstablished For « Tutfk (Special Correspondence.)

Ladysmith. April It.-rAt midnight Monday the gambling houses of-J^-H. Smith and J. -Kien were raided by the police and- thirty men t’akcfi In charge. The proprietors, Smith and Klein, were sentenced to si* months' hard labor without the option of a fine. Tlie re­mainder were fined $25 wlthoüt cdsts.

hotelmen .were suidirmnod

HOODLUMS ATTACKPTtHE bright wom»n of the period i« both » reader and »

writer. Not neceatariiy a writer of books, but of cour», a writer of letter!. The Combination Peek and Bookcase hatbeen heartily welcomed, not only as- a ttylith ornament, butalso as an exceedingly useful piece of furniture for the modernhome. Its glass doors well protect handsomely hound or t»Luable books from their great enemy, dust ; its good mirTor well


BLOCKING CIVIC WORKRowdies Hurl Rocks Through

Windows of Church Dur­ing Ceremony. v

Capitalists Alleged to Have Los Angeles at Their

Mercy. a -for selling llqpor ofi S.unday^and fined

reflects its manifold purposes. Upon it may be placed bric-a-" J H Smith and Paketti Vwr fined 125 <»t three months for selling liquor without a llvcnse.; In a twenty-round boxing contest between MeNamee and Mdsaacs. the latter got the decision early in iht sixth round. The honors were fairly even up to the third round, after Which Me Isaac showed the better form, having MeNamee down taking the count up to seven twice durhig one round. Early in thw sixth routuT Mc-

( Times ! /eased Wire. )u\. r, W i h . April 21.—AfterWedding

Presentsbrae and other charming things that tend to form a real “dulce-domum." while its drawer and cupboard beneath well fulfiltheir useful mission. The Combination Desk and Bookcase hastherefore come to say and is rightly considered one of the mostdesirable things one can purchase. Now about our splendid

- nimi- UuM'd Wire.)Los AngeU-ss, (’3 . April 21. —charges

that K. H. Hafrlman. 11. K. Hunting- t«»n. t is ti. rwl Mart « dis. pub­lisher of lb*, Tlmvk: E. Lari, -jmb- lisher af the Express, and other local capitalist* are member- of a syndleflfo* which has purchased land * that"’ wilt prevent 'the completion of the $2G.0($».- 000 Owen* river aqueduct project, pro being investigated tn-i1.i^h> the city attorney. The charge» « Hade tn The* city council by the Democratic

Are murh more appreciable If they are xiseful as well as orna­mental. Why not give

A GAS RANGE ? valuescm to-day spending theL honeymoon in pence and quiet, trying to forget the art* of the rowdies. -V

The tabernacle Was crowded with t • , and Evanééuet shannon, who(•Ifivluted abxlhw wedding, ivad Just said the words that made the couple man and wife when a shower of brlck*,- stones amTchunk* of grook came crash­ing, through the windows. pM of the. rocks struck A. J Tbmpîéton. ir mtisl-

| < tan, on jhe la nd, «lightly injuring, him.

We have some very handsomeRanges in stock. A good Gasrpoking apparatus would be Just the pgrmsnent. fm gift the average April' bride would like to possess.

COMBINATION CABINET BOOKCASE AND SEC­RETARY — Solid quarter ï, cut oak. beautifully shaped itwFfc with glas*. 4 adjust* able •shelves, British bevel glass in hack, with drawer and eupboardLbeneath. lTn- rivalled value at ... $30


COMBINATION SECRE­TARY AND BOOKCASE, quarter-cut oak. with ele-

X gently shaped glass door, adjustable shelves in hflt>k> case, fall leaf secretary with 3 drawers, 2 shaped British bevel mirrors Jn back: Would make a fine addition to any home. ‘Brand value jit $27.50

LADIES’ WRITING DESK, quarter eut oak. with fall leaf and one drawer wjth brass knob pulls, lock and key ; two atylea. each, fine value'at #14 and ....$12

SERFAGE OAK BOOKCASE with. 3 tihvjve* and brass curtain rod in front, a good, strong, substantially made bookcase, well worth

VICTORIA GAS COMPANY, LTDCorner Fort and Langley Street!


Anti-Combine GroceryDelivery Time Table

handsome golden finish, fall-leaf drawer and nnderhoard : a pretty desk that women would like to pos­sess. A big bargain at ...................... . ... $7.50

BOOKCASES IN FIR, with double glass doors, adjust­able shelves, etc., properly priced. Other ideas in this

Million Duller» Worth of Hoods Token Into; New York Every Year.' YOUNG BRIDE ENDS


Commits Suicide When Denied Parting Kiss by


--We would kindly call tb* âtteiitîdll bfour customers and the public to the time our Delivery Wagons leave the store for their several districts.

Please let us ha^e your orders as early as possible, as we wish to give satisfaction to all.

•3 THÊ?1

line that will plcgse you.Hammond. Inc!.. April :. 21 -*Because $6.50iU pricedenied a paring kiss whenROUTEROUTE ROUTEROUTE *b«T was

her husband left for hts office In the morning, Lena Adels|K».rger, who had been married scarcely a month, shot and knit -I hatself V :th her husband * revolver and to-day the disconsolate husband is accompanying his wife's l»ody bdrk to tha^homv of her giri- hcxHl Ht.Lrtidtn«ton. Mich. A note the girl ]#Jfe left reads: >

•'TeirmpmTnn gotul-bye. ami IT I ever did ranf thing to hurt or worry her I ask her forgiveness, for t.|rW y hard to do right, but VTtnowTI was a failure. Tom, I won’t ask you to kiaa me again' when you don'L#want to.

“Goodrbye, your tired firl., '‘LENA.’*

would like to be burled In l.udington."

No. 3 No. 4No. 2No. 1DISCOUNT FOR CASH

8:30 A. M.of Un-

den Ave, from Queen's A VO. to Dallas lid.

8:30 A. M.8 A. M.East of’ Lin­den Ave.. Fair- field ltd.. Foul Bar. <>ak Ray,


10:30 A. M.East of Lin­den avenue t» Junction and Spring Ridge.

8 A. M.,Re k B ;i yWork Estate and Glover-


The federal grand Jury in iifvéstigat- ing the case ami it is Intimated that the identity of the smuggler* will be revealed. . J

The Capital Furniture Co., LtdJAMES BA Y

, CORNER FORT AND DOUGLAS STS.Balmoral Block Victoria, B. C. v Telephone 633DRUIDE TO STRIKE.10 :30 A. M.10 :30. A. M.

West of. Lki- den Ave. and C h a i 'from Hum­boldt t-> Hill­


10:30 A.M.Ri>ek Bay apJ Victoria... XVéjL _ Barracks and Gorge Road.

Pittsburg Railway Employees DemandMor* Wages.

JSHTCS HAT.Pittsburg. Pn . April 21.—Motormrn And

conductors of the oireet railways In this city to-day votéflTT?) strike. This after- noon the oifior* of the Carmen’s Union

I vonferred with th< officials of the railway 1 c ompany and,demanded ettliar the agree- j menl t»^ company to a new wage } scwlc.frpr th*-- settlement of their differ- Marine Engines That2 I . M.2 P. M.

Hock Bay Work Estât»1 and Clover-

2:30 P, MHast of Lin­den avenue to


Junction, Queen”» Ave. admits hé is BIuamihtby arbitration.-to—toil tar.4:30 P. M.4:30 P. M. 4:30 P. M.4:30 P. M Man Long Sought For la Located in

Sacramento.—11mm- you Mci-uretl your berth and

ticket for the excuralon to Queen <’liarlolU‘ I-lundi and Prliuv Huji rt via tin* palatial ktp$nHT PrliKrw< Char-

Elast of West ofilen Avê.. Oak Bay & Spring


Rock Bay and Victoria West

■(den. Ave. and M «> * x from I) a-LI a * t, o Queen’s Ave.

SarrametflB? Oal.. April SI.—After a search over several states for Theodoro^ Shaded TnVehCor auddTrëcfôf of fne "Lighting, Valve A Dredge

JAMES MAT.*; lotie, leaking.Vi* t«»rla Al \%* Hih, AT # I A. M. ‘ if not. lio jrn al «mif. we

! in.......I hold IxavrillllMMi intu lU loiigt rj for an><ute. < Mlier* want lu take ><n*r i place, ami if you are not going wo must know on or-before the 22nd In order to a.•( ommodaic the numerous appii* a-

1 tiwiN now lielng nuMle. Hound trip, j 230.00. lin I oiling meals and berth, as iMhertlsrd. Traeksell, Amlerson A Co., 121«> Broad wt.

..■ _..the efforts of his alleged wive* td-day art- crowned with su« ee»s: Shade, who 1* said to have left a trail of wives from the Atlantic ocean to the Pacific seaboard, has been located In this city by the police ■ detectives.

Two of the claimants to the title of Mrs. Shade are Californians. One wm formerly Miss Lillian Monroe, of San Rafael, while the second wa*Henry Warfield, 'whom Shade Is aK leged to have married In Stockton. It was through the determined efforts of Ho- latter that shade W|k finally dis­covered.

Shade has admitted that life is a bigamist. He defends his action upon the ground that his îormVr ^flveft lia va been satisfied by * oa*h wttlemenL which he claim* to have made with them. He stated that he has. applied In rttoekon for a dlvofit from Mrs. War- fU id and that he holds a pdpet- signed by htr, by which atre agreed to Uye «part from him. '' -

8 :30 A. M.From Lampion street to Esqui­


2:30 P, MFrom Lampson street to F>qul


Tuesday and Friday morning there will be no uloverdaleDellMrry

Our prices are the lowest that good groceries can be stild at.Wood I Coal!

PHONE 806Cor your next Fuel Order


SERVICE in hacks, buggies and express work.


island Transfer Co,Phoxe 606. ' 741 FORT ST,

We Also Build Launches to Order


Raymond & Sons113 PANDORA BT.COPAS & YOUNG Phone 272

ANTI-COMBINE OBOOBBSCorner Fort and Broad StreetsPhones 94 and 133


911 Government Street, Victoria, B. 0.

ifoplrlgfited).FAY W11AT IK IT?

fiundra it ffe< World’s grêatottt -hrtttiAchr irinrdy. Uurt* t ulafrh xnd hay fevrr. Thf leading drug utomr Will supply you with a bottle for 55 «ynts. Zuinlr* haa cm» right in tho front rank of proprietary medicines,. Stronglv recommended by all wno have tried If. The sale Is hv.’re**ént |ur hua and bo wide, .if you have anv (timeulty In obtaining **J!undra'’ aeud tto. to the proprietofik , *

i,fo-nlght the James Bay Meth«»dti«t

Sunday school holds an jmpo-tant rheeting i n the league room ;i i 8 p m for the election of officers for the com­ing year Ihd to receive report* from- the yarlung department* regarding the

-wi*xpk (>n Sunday next the anniver­sary of the"ktmday school will be held. The church will be devorated for the .(evasion and special muslv will be rcuffcrtHi morning. , afternoon and efeen^g.. Rev. (’. Burrett rdll preach

Rpv. fî. R, R. Kinney, B A^, in the evening. The Humdaÿ schàiH %t the. afternoon w-fll be conducted as an open

With Speglgl nriigrnmm. erclse and music. N. Hhakiolpeare. and W. A. OieftHim will speak during the afterruawi. .A large attendance Is looked for at alt thé services.

—A lecture will he given ftati even* ing In th'^ school room , of the St. Barnabas church by Rev. 8. O, Miller, Illustrated with lantern 'slides. All • lilkJrcn are InvRed to^attend. a,** the

;A1*.( A. arc anxbjiis U7 Intercut the luldrcn in this work

AN INVITATIONW» hrreby «tend » cordial Invitation

to all to rlalt our now ilora. w, have Ju«l .rrcrlvcd a complete tine of Pongee Mika. Canton Linen, and Embroideries that «Mil p trees y eu.

9VQNO MAN PUNS * CO..Ills Government it

for The Times—The local bank clearing* fqr the we»>k ending yesterday - amounted to $t *62,302 ' . •<* ■.............y • . - '

Te4^A15JL4 fidg . Bcattlsfive hundred thousand gallons Of Wl

key were destroyed by fh*e In a bom waVshAiMss is Belfast on TUbsdgV.

Offices. 213-14 Marlon Bldg . sêâtÏÏeVittorio.



.\JUionU11c/V q q E u m »rJ r A V ^ TV r?MT S DiS>r „, ,








Angus Campbell & Co.Ladles'

1 ............... —Y*>

fis mi fit» Mr~ Grtifgr.and sell your customers

Voonia 1They always “come i


after having used it once

Sauces and RelishesLKA & PKRRIX 'S SA VCRHOLBROOK’S SA VCR ............ ...KBLLOR’S SAUCE ....GASTON» II P. XsAlCK ...... ’.I

HANKY SAI ( E .. ................?......... .Sl TTOX’S DINXKR RELIiÿl^ . ....

qrORKSUIRE RELISH __________G, & II. MUSHROOM CATSUP,^.,. , MANGO CHUTNEY ... , I. ..... .




ATHLETIC AND OTHER GAMES. ^CUPS—hi Silver, Silver Plate, Copper and pewter, range in

prier from tp ...................... .... $3.00MEDALS—In Gold. Silver and Bronze.

I At all priera. -—— ;We nmkc spécial < jaim tad Badges to order at short poticf.

REDFERN <6 SONS,Jewellers and Goldsmiths


London & Lancashire Guarantee and Accident Company

; WRITESAccidei-I aitd Sickness Insurance, Employers’ Liability, Guar­

antee Bonds, Elevator Insurance, Teams Liability, etc.FOR RATES APPLY TO

Robert Ward & Co.. Ltd.VICTORIA General Agents for B. C. VANCOUVER





Bucking and FallingWe are making low prices that

will pay you to call

E. B. Marvin & Co.’1206 WHARF ST.

________ Victoria, B. G.


Beelers tat Lumber. Seen. Deere ead ell kinds et Bending Materiel.Mill, orties and Tarda North Gsvernment Street. Viator la, B. O.

P. 0. Box 628. Telephone 66*.

Victoria’s (development Body

i Has Got Down to | ,i Business. ,,

The Victoria branch of theVancou- uliver island Development League le

• ilow thoroughly organized. At a meet* uig held yesterday afternoon in the l>oard of trade room» the election of ofllvera undçr the article* of Incor­poration was carried out. There was a good attendance, E. MtGaffey, the new secretary and publicity agent, taking hi* place. Simon Iriser, the chairman of tlie board of trade, presided at the «♦penfng until the permanent officer» were selected. The officer» for the year were elected aa folliwrjr^

President —H. G. Wilton.First vice-president—J. , J. Shallcross.Second vice-president — A. W. .Jtf«j*.

Curdy. *Treasurer—J. Ktngham.Board of management-Mayor Hall.

Simon Leiser, George Cv Id well, Herbert Kent. C: H -LugrTh. J. Nelson, W. J Sutton. W. T. Williams, George Mit- thell. R W. Perry, A. Gonrmsvn and Ja< Thomson.

The right to add to this committee I* given the executive under the. articles of Incorporation t

The selection of Mr. Wllsen a* presi­dent wh* a unanimous one. The mover.J J. Shalivres*, in proposing hfs name, wa* greeted with applause. Both Mr, Shallcrora and J, Nelson made refer*

,fnive to the good «ervlee that Mr. Wil­son had given the Tourist Associai on. «Although Mr Wilson objected to a#'-

| repting the position the rrtes oL**Ni>. Nô" from those present precluded his barking out ef-sreeptIng.

H. G. Wilson, on taking the chair, said: “The first meeting I ever pre­sided over was last night : to be elected again to-day Is coming It a Utile strong." It was up tojthe subscribers, he said, to put their shoulders to the wheel and see that the work was done assisting the officers. There were many in the city who had not yet subscribed to_ the fund of the league The first work of thé executive would be to make a thorough canvass.

On The point of à board of manage­ment J. J. 8hallcross pointed out that It was well to decide what representa­tion the city council should have on * the board. He suggested that the |

.mayor should be mad*»-H*»n. President I and a member of-the executive, {

A discussion followed as to what j should be done-and how far the articles of constitution would allow them to go

Mr. ShaHeroes suggested tiré* the may«»r should be a member of the ex­ecutive comm lit tee and that two other members of the city council should he selected on the executive when that body was organised.

This was acted upon and his worship made Hon. President and a member of the" executive. r,

Herbert Kent thought that the ser­vices <1f the hoard of trade In connec­tion with the organisation of the league should be recognised by mg king the president a member of the executive

This suggestion was acted upon and Mr. Lelser accordingly accepted theposition.

E. McOaffey. the pew secretary, spoke briefly. He said that already four days had been put in on the work. There was a lot-of unfinished business from the Tourist Association. All this Had been brought up to date. Every inquiry had bean answered. He tHd not believe In having unfinished business from day to day. Kverÿ, auxiliary league had been asked to send In ma­terial for the new book which the pro­vincial government proposed to print free of cost.d^The league's stationery was being got

ready and by the next day the various' leagues would receive a supply.

Mr. McOaffey said that he iwtencjçÿ -at ^ncf*-t*» v^>|t every auxilary Forty pounds of literature had been sent at the request of the <?. P. R to Detroit. S.*me of the merchants in Victoria had applied for cards to be used by them ns they sent out letters. These" cards were being prepared and they would he furnished to business house#. The question of articles for magazine* would be taken up at-once also. Those- interested jilt the Industries of the Isl­and, including quarries, whaling, tim­ber. agriculture, mining, etc., were all being asked to furnish

|Whlch could he put in shape to be sent r.-it He «'-•It It an honor to be . all. <1 from the United States to Canada to assist In this work. At the A.-Y.-P fair It would not be possible to have any function* tn the Canadian build-


STRONGBy Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound

Do redale. Sa*.—"I was a sufferer from female weakness — monthly

periods irregular and painful and a bad discharge, backache and wretched head­ache, and bad felt weak erer since the birth of my twins, j I tried doctors but got no relief. I be­gan to take Lydia E. Pinkham’stVeg- etable Compound, •nd^ after three

much better, and now lam well*a«rtn!^ —Mrs. Basell Bily, Duredale, Seek., Canada.

Another Woman Cured.Christiana, Tenu.—“I suffered from

the worst form of female trouble to that at times 1 thought I could not lire, and my nerres were In a dreadful condition, Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege­table Compound cured me and made me feel like a different woman. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound is worth Its weight‘in gold to suffering women.’’—Mrs. MV_hy Wood, R.F.D8.

If yoli belong to that countless army of women who suffer from some form of female Ills, don’t hesitate to trv l.ydla E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound, made from hoots and herbs.

Par thirty years this famous reme.i has been the standard for all forms ■ female Ills, and hasrnreid thousands-' women who hire been troubled wit:, such ailments as displacements, fjbroM tumors, utce ration. Irregularities, backache, and uerroee prostration.

Ing, He had made arrangements for a Vancouver Island day in addition to : the other days set aside for the cities on Vancouver Island. He expected ! -ileo to co-operate with the exhibition management in the city In the advertls- \ tng of Victoria. The Island w,as to he kept to the front as a place first for 1 the investor, seebnd for the settler and j third for the tourist. This, would be the object he would ever keep l.-forr him.



^Chicago Professor Gives His Opinion Regarding Panama


You Are Invited To Oup

Exposition of “Chic” Costumes


To The Lady Who Desires to be Well Dressed at

Little Cost

Campbell ValuesEffect a •

Very Large Saving In the Cost of Dressing


Chicago. April *>-Ridiculing th* government for "pretending to Believe that the P&narna canal could be a com­mercial dticveas." Prof. Frederick Starr, of the Unlvêmfty of Chicago; ha» cre­ated a sen nation here to-day.

"The canal wTO mqre than we now renlhse," declared the professor "The government will find that It 653 n«n re. kon» | with its. ho*t n« it

"They cannot expect that the canal will be a commercial wueceaa. The ri-* va I route*», undoubtedlyjfcUL retain the supremacy,------ „ % \------------

"In my opinion trie rwlfama ihanai I* being built a* a military neceeaRy. The government I» kmd In it# protend at Ion* of peace toward all nations, but It al­ways ahsure» Itself plenty of military prol* ti"M "



fhtn Francisco. Cal.. Apr! 51.—When asked regarding the current report that he,would be a candidate for mayor of San Franclwcn in the primaries thla aprlng, Francis J. Hcney s^ld:

A1 cannot consider It for a moment I cannot allow my name to be used for any office whatever."

•Aa the local political pot ha* begun

prosecution after thP expiration of the terma of the present city and county officia In la being made an Issue. thla

Information j statement by Hepey Is considered Im­portant by thoae who are prominent In the local situation


,. to be fowl bar*.



And other varieties



Bannerman & HornePhone 487 636 JOHNSON STREÈT

MAPLEINEA flavoring used the same as lemon or vaailku By diewrlvin* granulated sugar ia water and adding Mapteiae, a deheioui syrup ia made a»4» a »ymp better Ihaa maple. Maplcineis sold hy psnn. If not tend SOr for 2 ee. bottle aafl recipe book. Creaceet Mfg. Co.. Seattle, W».

'Powerful Blood Purifier

Take this splendid remedy now Tn 16e Spring-time and you'll keep well all through the year. HAM S < (iMCotM) I.XTRACT


. Compos. d of Sarsaparilla. Tel­le»»’ Dock. Stllllngla. Prickly Ash, Iodides Potaaslunv. and other equally valuable remedies. ^Per bottle conialnlng too fall

HALL & CO.,Central Dr^ StoreN. E. Oof. Yst* and Doua lag I

TsL snt. . r'


Jack London 1» represented in the May Ittaue of the Smart Set by, “Aloha Oe," a tale of Hawaii, full of romance and -pezltime of thiU sun - bailed Jftlsnd. empire.

“Hla (Ttlld'e Godmother," the com- pleTe'novel, la from the pen of Frances pusey Gooch John Kendrick Bangs’ satire on literary stragglers. "First Aid to the Llteray," Is one of the cleverest pieces of work Mr. Bangs has done in retient year»-. ;——>, .number ot ^hor< storiesIn this Issue deserving of notice ' fhY their unusual strength and charm. In­cluding "Place aux Damea" by Vivian Lee; "Ja< kson s Wife." by Victor Rous­seau; “An Unbidden Tenant" by Min­nie Barbour Adams; “Count von EltWT3- —xEerrosone quickens fold's Waterloo'’ hv Mary Lu. kc Ch*I- * *lis, and a story of Oriental mysticism,“llfie Hundred and Fifth Dream,’’ by H. -de Vere ^tackpoole.

“The Hons of Salome." by Edna S.Valentine. “The Duffer." by Constance Morris. “A Hong of Lost u^lft#." hy Theodosia Garrison, and "The Wisdom of Haroun the Just." by Herman Da Costa, will pleas#» lovers of verse. Oth­er features by Harold Musraan. Elsa Brisker. Reginald Wright Kauffman,Lucia Chamberlain and others add to the make-up of an exceedingly well- balanced number of this always clever magasins. z

Babylon'» primitive Inhabitant» • libraries seventeen centuries B. C.




Efforts to Secure Release Man Who Killed Officer

in San Francisco.


Han Francisco. April 26.—Daughters j of the Confederacy are working to-day In an effort to secure the' pardon .of . Alexander B. Garnett, a veteran of th** Southern army in the elvlf war, who le serving IS year» for the killing oT Major JfcCIung In the apartments <»f Mrs. Lillie Hitchcock Colt in the Palace hotel eight years ago.

The Judge and some of the JunTTf*be­fore whom Garnett was tried have signed a petitlofi-wskIng for hie pardon. Garnett wan confined In the county Jail at the time of the earthquake, and Are three year» ago. When the prls- onerk were b<*lng taken fn>m the Jail, he noticed hi» committment in the warden's desk and took It out with him. It was the only document saved from tbe flrç. •


Tiredness and Weakness Overcome.

A JQTOUf i.KTi Lit:

"I admit bactHWB, I n«*glected early 11 catm. itt I am .-nilrely to blum.- f..r the condition of we&kne.sM that for nearly two yearn made my life a real misery," writes Mrs. Huzen, of Beutt- IKirt. "At first J felt sort, of flat In the morning’ and couhl do no more than pick at my breakfast. Later I remem- bar in y sleep wag dlpUtrbsd, dreamy, restlcs# sleep, froth which you' finally awukeji, feeling as If you could never get up; Then l Ixxame thin, lost my color, got ner\«U» and fearful about nothing, and kept1 thinking about myself all the time, and was irritable, cross and earlly made cry. What would have become of_me If 4 had not taken Ferroeonr I i can’t Imagine. Ferroeone put new life into me fronCm. start. It strengthened my;1 nerve» and brought back myt color, and In ar little while, less thaii three month*,, no healthier and brighter woman eduld be found anywhere. 1 highly pralne Ferrozone and advise sick |snple to take ad van», tag# of U» health-conferring proper.*

the powers of britti body and mind, pimply because It *orms lots of blood thaf* full of Ilf** and vitality. Fcrrbzone creates appe­tite, gives strength,, vim and endurance,* IVsgssxl f«r old people, good for ever> - body that need*, hdfter health Thou- ■eisge nfim»n WuHlca and .’hllijraf» *»p^ _ Ferroxone ever>' day and all say It’s the best nourishing, strengthening tonic made; try Ferrozon» yourself, Mk per box or six boxes Tor $2.SO. Hold by all dealers.


Smith's Falls. Ont., April tt—C. B. F|Ost, vice-president of the Frost A Wood Gd„ dleil suddenly yesterday,•fed M.

■ ‘ ^ ■**......

1 .V


» 1 - -


In the Victoria Theatre,

Wednesday Evening, April 21At 8 o’clock

('FIA1RMAX— His Worship the Mayor.Sl’EAKKKS — (.'live Uhillippa- Wollcy President N*vy

League). Ilia Honor .Itulge Laippman. William Hlakemore.Hon. Richard McBride (Premier of British: Columbia) has

promised to attend and take part in the meeting..It having been found impossible 4o reserve seats without

causing dissatisfaction to the public, no seals excepting 'in the boxes will he reserved. Come early. - >

The Following Musical ProgrammeWILL BE RENDERED

Song-w“8ons of the Sea... .Mr. J. O. Brown Song—“The Laud of Hope and Glory”..Mrs. Melville Carry

■■4 Song—“Rule Britannia"............................... Mr. (Norge i’hillipsAeeorapanied by ('apt. Crawford, R. N., and a chorus of

Bluejackets. *Song-^11 There’s a King in the Land To-day’!;Mr. Harry DavisHutjg—“Brothers of Jack Tar”.............Mrs. Duncan CampbellSong—“Red. White and BlUhV...................Mr. Herbert Kent

Accompanist—Mrs. Hermann Robertaon.




(BVRROWES- rot’R** or rruDY)---------

Intenselr' Isterestte». Nons (Mtainnrts of solltSTtr prSctioe. ums fri>m « to I pupils Special nrrsnsemsots (or cluses in outlyfcie citr points.

MY private classes In violin end piano ,111 continue as usual. At home daily between la and l ___

MRS. e. a. roqg.* MKNXIE8 ST., VICTORIA, B. C.

DISSOI-ITION OFPARTXERHlUr.This Is to certlty that the oo-pannn-

shlp hSTStoforo calstln* betwesn the firm known as Usher A John, doing business as general grocers at the corner of Yates and Vancouver streets, has this dav been dlaaolvwi Mr. David Baker having taken over the business, who will b* re­sponsible for all acoouttts due by ta« above f.riw-»while doing business, and to wham all outstanding account* due 0r accruing duethe firm Will hav» to be


Victoria, B. C., Marsh 3th. IMS.



"Bring ll to p«Me’’-—it 1» neither an jphsurtï ii^1 ai»' *vv iHi|M>s-iblo thing—tty the help of a want ad.

How much—to what pro­portion*—yonr «tort* «liall grow this year I* a quotlun vhlefly. reweniially neetàstoà.”


The Daily Times

will naturaliy follow for àgttcultur- Iste to take up land. Markets for farm produce Will be created, and the sym­metrical progress iof Ahe country muM naturally follow. * We have the ^nest climate in tiie world here. We heve also splendid openings for Investment And resources beyond compare. Thera is little doubt that capital and witters and every other desirable feature of life"would take advantage of these^ things In coursh of time. But If we

t o • acc le rate development and business we must make our advantages, known, because In these days of tre­mendous activity we are compelled to face -strong competition, California and Oregon and Washington, and our own Northwest to a certain limited extent, are all against us. They are all adver­tising the attractions of their several states 'and provinces. For that reason all.citizens of VUtoria should welcome the advent of the League and do all In thèir power to hold up Its hands In thv work It has set out to «To.

Published dally (excepting Sunday) by THE TIMES PRINTING * PUBLISH­


^........ Managing Director. .Mum ............................. U24 Broad StreetBuelnees Office ......................... Phone 10*Editorial Offloe .................. Phone «

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The DAILY TIMES Is on sale at the fol­lowing places In Victoria:

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....ykp Victoria branch of the Vancou-1ytr Island Development League was

formally and hopefully launched yes­terday under its owp., officers. It Is now fully equipped, housed and ready for business. In Its elective officers it is represented by many of the most energetic, most enterpritdng, most op* tlmistic and farthest-seeing of the business men and cltlsens Bf Victoria^ Its secretary is a young man of great ability who has had a great deal of ex perience in the kind of work the League has set out to do. At the meeting yes­terday a programme was " outlined which promises substantial results: The intention is to reverse the old order as pursued by the iate-Totirlst Associa' tlon, which did good work along cer­tain limited lines. The new association will have for its prime object adver­tising the resource» of Vancouver Isl­and; but In pursuance of its pro­gramme the finit consideration will be to attract the attention-pÇ investors. Bottlers will be the negt to itvéive at­tention, doubtless because they permanent sources of wealth. Tourists will come last, being "birds of pass­age," and therefore contributing In a minor degree to the gene'Ati eommer- <laT" well-being. _ This seems to be a‘n eminently sensible classification bt the element* the League hopes to reach. The rich resources of this Island can only be developed by the Investment of capital. After capital has bt*en secured and the works of development are under fray, a demand for the products of set- filers Will arise and strong inducement*

The event of the political and the business yerfr in Canada was celebrat­ed at Ottawa yesterday. Hon. W. F. Fielding delivered his thirteenth budget' speech, making a record, as*the sporting editor would say, for Canada, If in­deed it is not' a world’s record, for length of service In the position of Financé Minister.

The annual financial statement was short, concise and businesslike, fea­tures to which Canadians have now become accijFtopied under Mr. Field­ing s administration of the finances. There was nothing of a, particularly startling character to,announce in the statement delivered yesterday. The changes In the tariff are of a > minor character, and will have no effect upon the general trend of business. The country has been prosperous under the existing tariff, therefore it Is the part of sound economic wlsdorh to let It bo. Under it sufficient revenue is raised annually to more than meet current ex­penditures and to provide 0f«>r th prosecution of the great public work* which have been a consistent feature of the Laurier regime. The exposition of the Finance Minister revealed little that was not anticipated.

Over the expenditures upon consoll- .1 ..i . ui r« nt AOOMttt a substantialsutplus was shown. The outlay upon capltfal account was heavy, and muât continue to be heavy, until the work of constructing the National.Tranwon- Ilnenta! Railway la completed. The Critic» of thé government will natural­ly make the çtuel they cub out of this heavy capital- expenditure; but there is umple reason to believ* that the fu­ture wiH Justify the A«"ti<di of Abu gov­ernment In uhdvriakThg, 'tïi conjunc­tion with the Grand Trunk Pacific Hallway Company, tv provide for the development^* such » tremendous ex­it nt <>f the national <lrrlt,<.ry* as the new line will open up for settlement Even people of ffieble faith ,e*nn«t but admit that the nxperleme of the past has shown that the inevitable addition to the revenu»**, consequent upon in­crease of population and business, of the Domlinon will more than pay the Interest upon the liabilities* Incurred In ■fhe work. The people of the court do not now. and never did, object to heavy outlays upon enterprises holding out abundant promise- of equivalent re­turns to the treasury. Ms. Fielding an­ticipates that the business depression of the past couple of years is nearing

end and that we can confidently look forward tg a return, in |increasing measure, of the prosperous conditions, of a couple of years fif o.

One gratifying feature .of the budgit speech, from the point of view of the taxpayer, is that all suggestions of In- reaslog «lutlçs for the benefit of "in

faut Industries’’ have been resisted with errniiiation. The, present tariff,

which has given substantial relief to consumers in lowered duties, will be maintained, with the tendency in-the direction of stilt’•'further reductions. That 1# what the country looks for­ward to wIth Imreaslng Interest, as we firmly believe. A trade arrangement has been marie with France whlvji is expected to fit once increase the vol­ume of foreign business and to give re­lief to "importers and the public gener­ally along certain well defined lines. If treaties can be arranged with other countries looking to a similar result, .the country prill hardly ■find^fauli.

Canada never -entered uponF ” a new financial year In better business heart.

siieakable outrages are being coffigriK*ted upon the persons of "unbelievers’1 resident wtih*n the Asiatic domthtol of the Sublime1 Porté,,- That sort of thing will not be -.tolerated for,: »•*!*{* considerable length of time by Euro­pean Powers, w e tnay ’ be sure. There will Ik- inter ft rettce, And It «W • 1 not bé ar air kfiïprlslng 1f permanent occu­pation of the territory by. Authorities capable’ of maintaining' order ^should

Vofipw.. The situation throughout the whole Ottom'àn Empire Is therefore critical, not only for the representatives M iHlarri. for there an- eh m.-uts, of danger in it to the peace of th/ world. Europe, Is gyntrally In an unce rtain temper, and no one knows ‘what might follow as a consequence of Internation­al jealousy. , *-

The xobjecy of the Young Turks. t*e direct enure of thi* crisis In Turkish affairs, were’ In the first Instance then establishment of the principle 6t reli­gious freedom and ràc-Ial equality With­in the Sultan's turbulent empire. Oita wrltiT says they planned a state sys­tem of education >or Turks. Greeks, Bulgars, Svrvhm/. AlbanlAns. anil tÿ other tribes within their tioWl». They undertook to develop Turkey's slch re- sounces; .to apply the standardà of honesj^ and frugal piety that charac­terize t,he private life of her people to the corrupt administration of her pub­lic revenues: to pay a yallgny army, and to recruit It from all raves and ('reeds.

«Bbt.” tTifiT attfWSrity says, "public morals ore still bad In Turkey, races and creeds are5 not so easily reconcil­able. While the flqltan made gift* to the successors of Vlaier Klamll Pash^t studied their vlpes. and made use bt their weaknesses, the annual deficit* amounting to *500.000.000. was not r<r* duced. Tht‘ wtMUts lacked their sti­pends. They loathed the thought of alien Qlfitx'rs and comrades of alien re-i llgton.1

"Sixty thousand Young Turks, exiled urvb r thv Sultan's system of espionage and v.fuvated abroad, had toid the Ot­toman soldiers of the Frenvh Révolu-j tlon; of the transformation of Japan, and that nation’s successful stand against Russia; of-tW 20,000.000 Rus­sian Moslems who had"a voice In thg first Duma’r tif the unrest in-Ripla, the constitutional movement liuTh-rila. the awakening of Asia. WUh the plea of reform they wne, the Turkish Army over to Liberalism? But HON again.!» beard VKe c ry of ~M ohamm ed h n ism ven- turles old: ‘NMiere the sword Is. there I» our faith.' "

Sir. Andrew Fraser, speaking before the Canadhiti Ulub of Tort*la on the loyalty, of India, which he said was unquestionable, matte - .thé following referenve»; "Ofte mistake in part of


To the Editor: AH honor to Coun­cillors Scott and Sewell for taking up tiy itosltion., as reported- Iqsyour issip* of this evening, at the last meeting South Suanlcli council, that a» Ou- elec-" torala ïiadT voted the adoption of the pound by-law it way,.the prieur duty at Ui. 4 oühcH tu enforce *

The ratepayers ojf South Saanich a*a- bChldd, Messrs. Scott an<| Sewell lii thi». anti tfie eonstituenis of Councillor Jones, w 111 rvinumlau-,wItvu élection .tin)** again round, his practical ad­vocacy of an attitude of defiance to the mandate of the doctors.



To Ihe Editor: A petition was 'pre- sented to the "city eounc’lj last night to raise the prfi’e of the vegetables so nc< cssary to us, as If the present con­dition of the working class at present Is not strenuous enough. What with exhorbliap,'. roijt. dear provisions and Hour going kkywartl. we shall. If tke city solon* »o decide, have to fttce eg- pensive vegetable*. About thirteen years ago i remember a nimllur cry wus raised, tjutt the Chinese wcré not usj£g proper manure for raising vege­tables. They produced finer cabbages than some white men could, and the agitator» W'CTe sure thei$ti must be komrthlng Wrong, and an- c'xhorbitant license on the Chlnafnen the only cure, so that thy white men could raise wital they pleased and sell at their own prices. But that died a milurEO' ttoath. Now the cry In the veg« tabb^r a«e not fresh that are i»eddled. Nobtxjy le ( im­pelled to purchase stale or dried up vegetables, and I think the general public oan be trusted t«\ buy in the best market. If the license fees afe raised who wilt sXiffer? Not the Chinese, but the consumer, as all price» would be raised, and as [or white men supplying vegetables, that, has l>een tried by dozens and all have failed to give satis­faction and had -to give It up What ■ wanted just now is a good live man at the, city hsll to see that «the licenses

ollevied from p«»(ldlvrM, not only ofYcgclahtea. but a*#-from ihose who by advertisement Ih the j>a(>ers,«-are doing

good business fn ladles' apparel, f tc . ho do not F By*»», to the detri­

ment of those In stores Who do.* VICTORIAN.


Paralysis of the official arm of Turn­key has been immediately succeeded by the "awak.’nlng of Asia" in a sertse that has carried consternation to the entire civilized worltj. Whatever the Shortcomings of the rule of Abdtfi Hamid, fittingly dubbed by Punch "Ab* dul the Damned," tiiat administration had at least the morgl effect of keeft* ing the Mohammedan hordes of Asia Minor within bounds. iV restrained

are f Uiem rrnfiï glVtng reign to what appear to be the natural passions 'of a fanati­cal religion and turbulent temperament. Not# the Sultan is helpless, and his devout Asiatic subjects arc taking the fullest advantage of the situation. It would peHftapf - not be putting thp case too strongly to hay that hell has broken bound» along the coasts Of the Red flea and thq regions round about and ex­tending lift o the Interior Of flyfId. M Ing xjue allowance fori the tendency to -exaggeration of the press correspond- cut*. Se. Tact still remain*, that on-

india was. that thu uBhersity was at ;ateutta. a eW« it Wfig .i!ways a mistake, to have a unlveralty In such places. The government was m»w howeve*. establishing colleges In the agricultural districts. He told of how delighted the people of Bengal were to trie him -and to talk to him aa their Governor, and hi* reception in. that province shoA-ed the* hollowness of the cry about it being disloyal. He «bowed that the. introduction of railway», tele graph» and machinery . ka<l somewhat upset ol<L economic condition* 4n I ft dla, Uu*vthe»ti would right themselves ifteFa time. .The demand for a larger share in the government of the coun­try was gradually being granted to the natives _wlth good results, but th-y must remember that gréât eare'ln the», promotions were necessary, and lie was ttt this, matter reminded Qf'the passage In Leviticus which said. 'Thou shall not plough with an ox and ap usa to-

if-getW/ ’

The great cities on the Atlantic Coast of this continent are discovering the urgent necessity of play ground», and associations of leading citizens are being formed to preach the gospel of Ôpen breathing «paces. Montreal haa Just erganlzed. with Kir Alexander La coate a* president and Sir George Drumrhond ' as vice-president. The question naturally arises, what are the new cities of .the West, which, are to- day laying Hy^founditions for a great future, doing? So far as ono can this question, win - h t >ic. is cap eIdei*d~-so vitally Important to tire health of the people in the older com- munities, -je too much overlooked In new but z rapidly growing webtern c|,tleat __.T .. . -- ' - -•

Three terri bleb low» have fallen upon the musical world. Paderewski Is afflicted with muscular rheumatism in fils working parts, the arms; Caruso is suffering from an affliction of tho throat, and his, musical Organs are therefore out of1 tune; Tetramzfnl has grip fie, and her Whtilel>hy*l66l orggn ism is oilt of harmony. The great ar tlstic trio have gone to Europe for treatment. It may be that America will hear' some of them nevermore. iNew York la said to be in mourning, refus­ing to be com forte# even lÿV the thought of the opening of the baseball iff i

Austria, backed by Germany, has How a colorable excuse for Interfering In the Internal affairs of Turkey. What a nut for European diplomats to crack,

The Canadian, affjftfiae.r k>ilfcf haw Rapture at the mouth of cannon an American fishing boat. But the action Will hardly constitute a casus belli.

... ,-^-iru.----------OITILISH. :

(Chicago News.)By the thne à glyl gèta old enough

to believe that men don't mean tha Dive things they say. she Is so old th«F don't say them "atiy more. . »

OBJECTIONABLE POST CARDS.•V ‘v . " ~To thçtiEdÉBîriî-Some time agq I c«l)ed

aiunu*»» tuT*** way In whtrh the Im­moral and ^t.xveBj* f»>»t cards and other pùbhvatlons lire oHng circulated in Kng- liah and the ilimtlaontal cities, and up to a few, month* ago there had he on «career ly any pr«»t»'*1 brought to i*eur against them. Tlu> circulation of the numerous varieties of tirine lnd«*c«*nt cards has t>e-

mc Suv- of Ipe greatest demoralising fentnres nf thi« prew^nt-rtityr Neone rmtMscarcely b»llc\»* mat srurh ;tn amount of ol.H ■( l iTy voul.i hr reached through such

fs6i HU. se->•count #4 -I he‘liberty

New Arrivals in the House Fur­nishing Department


in the lar^csf anct ihoet varivtl assirrtm««i,t ■ of qwaKtiw and dfsfgWl, j*p have •-v,-r -lywjl. Ranging in prices fn-mtfta fa *lf# per pair down to, per pair «pl.wV

Curtain Muslins•Njar WHITES VI RTAIN Ml SLINiÇ, in,

' a ( rv large -assort im-nt of Hguretf and "ore <pot .h-siens.,. These are most exceptional at."l»5r Varil.'-W. OAp■V.'iV and ...................ÙVh

■ ■ 'i------------------------------------

\ New Floor Coverings xIn addition to our large stoek '< • < r s«ytar--s. we have jtisl openetl| upa large shipmeul of :o w Oil.' I.< -Til< and 1-IXlt].h 168, . ; 1 " '.INLAID LINOLÉt’MS, at, p-r s.ptar>' v-aisl ..... ...... . , . .....


FLOOR OILCLOTH; at. per aqua ré yard. /.... . 25<*

FLOOR OU.CLOTII, at. per square yard ........... . 35C

PRINTED UNOLEt MS at.per ui#»- ran! :. SOc

PRINTED Ll.XUUgVMiv at, per sqnari yar.1 ... 65c

. ............. ,..........................91.25

INLAID U-XOLEKMS, at, per square yard .. . 85C

INLAID LINOLEVMS, at, per squaV'' yard . 81.10

New Madras MuslinsWe have just received « large shipment of

Madras Muslins, in an exeeptiotmlly ge*«l range of eolorings and designs, at, per. yard, $1,25, $! .00, J5e, O A—50e, 35e and .. ;....... ________

Window BlindsXXV aiv making, a üpeëlslty of tliv Window

" Itnxinvss. XVe carry nothing hut thematerial, fall up- 'plmnc 1685, ami

wr will -ai'iitl a nmn to iR*;aKiire your win- <tc»w and tvB you what you/ blinds will



We have just placed in stock a, big contigiuneat of new Silk Underskirts in all the best and most worn, shades and colorings. These skirts are all new cuts especially designed to wear with Princess and Empire costume» and gowns. They have that neat fit about the hips that is necessary for wearing with these garments Included in the assortment are some shirts es­pecially designed for wearing with the sheath gowns Tfegse skirts are all made of extra good quality taffeta silk.WOMEN’S SILK I NDRRSKIRTS. soi

1 il mifevt ry new* in the sheath ‘‘ffeet. Mad- of very tin<* quality id’ taff-ia, with a tack-. ed flounce 2d itlehea deep. Colon, hi it-

. grey. red. W > ;k brown. Prie, .. ,v

WOMEN'S BLACK SILK I XDK1ÎSKHÏTS in extra ghiai-quality of taffeta. Made with a double flounce 12 inches • ^


deep. Price

•WOMEN’S SILK CNDERSKIR^S. in heavy quality of taffeta. Made with an accor­déon pleated flounce 20 inches deep. Col­ors. bine. red. grey, green tf> 4 A H r aiid brown. Price ........ »P 1 »*. • U

WOMEN’S SILK 1 'XDERSK1 RTS. in good quality taffeta. Made with 14 inch flounce, shirred and tucked. Blaek onty. Pireb ..... ... $9.50


»«ma for this XMMtqt'w itiui h i* b*»-a taflowed In jjgelf circula­tion. Rince the jjost card craze, the* pub Ushers have vetred tni thing», - — therr- IS a class'bf P<'«ipJe who have areklax cardi^ on threw llnfs opunqgenw'nt glvrn the pubWlhere way has bren th* Inwntive to th-l lng so far Into vulga^v. * Thertl thlna- llcat in doing ho n.u--h ha way of «i»tiraving the mind* of t$tr p«-ople than the < Irculatlon of this kind of im­moral IH tides tiie oth--r bedinftucncos. they have a great tendency to inspire immorality. The suggretlys and milder form AT there N ard* can even be found displayed in window* of email *ho$w in all citlrs. and, in fad, even' In norm- of the best ones. II Is a well known fact that in many of these shop* card* can be purchased privât» ly on the mpre spicy and vulgar lines. «It has become a uetom fSf men to carry their pocket*

ftill of there cards, which They display as being something a musing, showing only too plainly that» the age we ItVe in i» becoming one of depraVed Derrs. It might be a surprise to some, ptmpjë to know to what an extent this caM business Is car­ried on in Canada. There artTWr Wgliy' who would believe that tl\ere Is a 'trust formed for tim purpose^ Of kcepthg the price up. Cards that age only worth a few cent* bring prices from Sc. to 75c.

We note of late there have be.en many arrests made li> the United States and Canada of people who, have been en­gaged in the manufacture of There cards." but still the unanllty that is h«-fng made on \!s>» *I<V- Of the water is but small In comparison with what la bgin^- imported from Pari» by people who are regularly eng»«*id In the business, and It Is "" 'Hon as to how they are got thitfugh tl ( uitoms. 't Wag YUrprlied WW/lh Mont real to see how easily thestiri^rds’ could he obtained In the sntall r/'ia In almost any part of the city. Ypu Will sc« card* of a sfilcy and suggestive nature dlsplay- M Tn wdrrdow s, whlcti rorgs in p* "ka ges ■ ■with the least vulgar one to the front, with a sign stating that -the balance of this package can be purchased Inside, and where you cannot only purchase the re­mainder of the packAr, but by gaining the confidence of the shopkeeper you can secure "almost any class of disgusting cards. It Ik well krwwn that' there are. law* existing tn Canada, to prohibit people fiom displaying dr selling such cards or Immoral literature of any sort, tt T* very apparent by.go much of tills Htcrti- tun- being in circulation that ths law Is not enforced. It Is not only the people who are engaged In selling th> very ob­scene class of canls (hat should be dealt with, but also those selling these -sugges­tive cards that can be found displayed upenly in shop windows, which should bs, confiscated. These are doing more harm titan the others, owing- to their being at fhe disposai àt y dung girls and boys.

CANADIAN,Halifax;! N. 8„ fprll 12th, IfTO.

O'NGER beer



Mine eyes have looked upon the.rea The sound thereof has filled mine ears.

My heart has known Its mystery.Its triumphs, terrors, hopes and fears.

Of all that 1 havy e^rn and heard-------- jTo tell the tale!again ! crave.

Yet cannot breathe the living word.Or voice the wonder of the wave.

O toppling terrors, drownlug deeps— Eternal peace, eternal strife.

Stllf, husficd and secret. In me sleeps The inevitable worels of life!

—Pall Mall Gazette.•- ,. __ ^ • ■- :•




Call in and let me show them to you

v. R. COLUSTERS-oceeswr to John Barnsley A Co. "'

GUNSMITH. ETC. Phone 633 1321 GOVT. ST.


A Philadelphie woman, whore given name l* Mary, as is also the name of hef daughter, had recently engaged * domestic when, to her embarrassment, she discovered that the seryant's name was, Mary.

Whereupon there ensued a struggle to Induce the applicant to relinquish her ld»a

tian name. For some time shs w*a rigid­ly um bmpromislng.

"Under the. circumstances," said tjie .lady of the house, "there is nothing to 4<M»ut to follow the English custom and call you bv your last name. By the way,}» what Is It?"

"Well, mum." answered the girl, dubi­ously. "It’s I/arling."—Harper's Weekly


(Detroit News.)Teaching the ehiMrim to watch things

grow, each day uiTfoldlng new beautjes, Is to enlarge the lilid's vapaclty for enjoying nature's method*, am! to un­derstand how nature adapt* Itself to Its environments, making the best of everything, This Is why every family Nli--uld have a garden patch. If jft contains only a few xquuje yards Of arrl. The sTiSpTeit Itowef Contains the* secret of the why and 4hc wherefore of thé universe.


Ottaw^ Citizen.) „ +Hy^ro-electrlc Fower will be one of

the greatest sources of national wealth' In the futqre, and at a conservative estimate Canada has 3fr.000.000 horse- pewsr. Wp.uviutr witii u|id«.

Pearl—And he stole ■ kies?Ruby (poutiag)-He did. and I shall

never forgive him.Pearl—D» yjpu really feel so bad hjtjoot

it ns all-that?Ruby—I should say so. He said It was

petty lurreny. while any other young man would have said it was grand.


"Women must consider if a dreadful fate to be *n old maid," mused Mr. Chug-

-They do, Joeiah," said Mrs. Chug- water? "Ixiok wliat terrible noodles they sometimes mariV to escape It."

And Joslah rubbed his chin and said no


w. S. FRASER & CO.



Lawn Mowers‘‘Empress Garden Hosê

Sprinklers and SprayersWHARF STREET


=F---------------- ---

Magistrate—You are c harged with loll ing. Have you anything to .s.ty In your own trihalf?

Prisoner—I am a poet, ypur honor, and

Magistrate (interrupting)-Oh. well. I wo iet add anything t<> your sent en. c on that ilccmint. Belqg a poet Is not a crime, and I’m "willing to xlve you time viMMigl) to enable you to live down th* misfortune.

Sister Maud-Why in the world leave the price tag on that bracelet you sent Klhol?

Brother Tom—I Wished to save hdr a trip downtown.—Boston Twmrerlpt.

DON’T MAKE A MOVE>lng that building or. Improving until

Toward frolng that building t*< modeling - or. UnprovUig until you have seen eur lumber and mill work of every description. Wheth­er >our plans are for home, store or office yotTwill find our lumber and mill work so . moderately

rived that you cun plan much handsomely than you In-

—Klsgant stook of- mantels, ■ grates and tiles kept constantly.

JAMES LEIGH * SONSMttis, Office and Yard.

Foot of Turner St.. Rovk Bay City Office, ffif,Broughton SL



.. ^ ' t. • , ' '■ ' -_____ ■



, ;,4~In the spring Ume, and a» Il circulâtes thfough the body'spread* mischief every­where. As a blood purifier and spring took


As a remedy Is rxavtly what Is needed. It clears the skin -and tOM» *t!ti the ner­vous system. II per bottle at this store.

cybusTbowesChemist Tele. 423 and 150.

___ 3322^00 VKRXMKNT ST.


Near n thousand homes , when we can offer this great “Snap”


Sise 50x148. on high, dry ground;., exceptionally well - situated. Price, for quick sals-




Phone itit.


lu tlic lust ten year» luu wadeTHE LARGEST INCREASE IN

BUSINESSOf all Canadian ( 'urn panics, while

- is has theLOWEST EXPENSE RATEOf all Canadian Companies. Don't fail to ask for our rates

before insuring elsewhere^ .____R. L. DRURY, Manager.



Harris^ Smith"" Carry the very best

and meet

Up-to-Date Wheelsin Britiih Columbia

Both in English, Canadian and American makes. including the uentuar, Rameyde, Blue Flyer, Iver Johnson, World and Cornell.

We handle a full àhd complete assortment of the latest and beat


L'honc A183 1220 BROAD ST.

A Noil-Alcoholic “Bracer'Cantivll aud Cochrane’s Ginger, Ale refreshes and stimulates, but does not intoxicate. If you are temperate, a loenl <>p- tionist or a prohibition­ist vmt will find in “< '. &

linger Ale a strictly uon-alcoholie ‘1 bercer.’'’ It is an invigorating "drink ami has been high­ly recommended1 as a help to in valids. It is not only invigorating and highly refreshing, but it is above all things eharaetevized by abso­lute purity. If your dealer does not handle Cantrell and Cochrane’s Ginger Ales, the Aro­matic and the . Dry Im­perial, kindly Ask him to procure either front

. Dither A Leiscr, corner Fort and Wharf streets, Victoria;

Local News—Umbrella.« and paraüôhr covered.—

Sign of I fie Dig Key, 641 Port street. •

—Cyphers' Incubators and Brood ere. Watson * McGregor, #47 Johnson.

—Rave money and get your millin­ery at the Elite. 1316.Douglas 6L *

— Dr. W. F. Fraser will be pleased to see all fit* old friends and acquain­tances at hi* dental parlors, 733 Tates street, Telephone 261. Formerly occu­pied by Dr. Oareechw '•

—Complete of#re outfitters, filing cab­inet-, Remington typewriters, blank books etc. The Standard Stationery Co.. 1,220 Government street. e

—Do not forget Dun you eta get an express or truck at a*y hour you may wish. Always keep your checks until you have seen us, as ww *iiil save you the 10c. on each trunk you have to pay t£baggage agents on trains and boats.,

gWc will check your baggage from your ^hotel or residence, also store it. See us before you make your arrangements. We guarantee to satisfy everyone on price and the, way we handle your goods. We consider It a favor If you will report any overcharges or Incivil­ity on part of our help.

Pacific Transfer Company, •Phone *49. 50 Fort St

-«To-day Delicious Butter Squares: at the Central Bakery. R. Morrison * Co. e

—For up-to-date millinery at lowest prices, go to the Elite, 1316 .Douglas St. e

— Mill WfSbd, stove lengths *3 per double loaaSv *2.50 per cord uncut. Prompt delivery./Cameron Lumber Co. jPhont} 910. “ x •

-*Phone 29 For Franklin six cylinder seven passenger autorhobtle. Finest, and easiest riding car for rent. R. Giigln. e

>oçUfniWednesday hall.

April 21st, A. O. Ü. W.



Exclusive and artistic designs, as dainty as the occasion demands.

W{ supply-wedding suppers, etc., complete In everyjdetall,,

Shipping orders to outside points' a specialty.

CLAY’SPhone 101 618 FORT ST.

t it

House» BuiltON THE


D. H. Bale^Contractor & Builder


. Phone 1140.


Compounded by Experienced Physl- clans, Conforms to Pure Food and Drugs' iAwr Wins Friends Where Used. Ask Druggists for Murine Eye Remedy. Try Murine In your Eyes. You Will Like Murine. Try it In Baby’s Eyes. It Soothes. 4-

—Gibbons* toothache gum acts as a temporary filling and stops toothache Instantly. Sold at druggists. Price 10c. e

. —The second monthly meeting of. the

.Friend» of Israel union will be held, #t the Y. M. C. A/ this evening at ff

w,. DENTISTRYDr. F. e. Moody la pteuml to

rounce to hla Wanda and patients that he has quite recovered front hi# recant Illness and la now firing hla dental practice hla peraonai attention. (Mice, Moody BMxk, Corner Yates

aud Broad Streets.


Motor BicycleWe have In stock at the present time a motor bicycle that Is only slightly soiled, which we will nell at n great bargain. We guarantee that this machine Is in perfect order, and as good as If never used.

Our bicycle repair department (s In full awing. We can banish your wheelln^roubles.


UiO GOVERNMENT ST.Opposite Spencers. ’

It you get It at Pllmley*#, |f, right.

1 AT LONG RANGEYou caw see the ad*nntage# of buying jrottr groceries at my store. lV, Is a haven of delight 4»r buy /r* who wlsfi BEST VALUE for their-1 money. Here are some specials for quality-loving people;

JAUon-S SELECTED, per pk» ........................... ...... 1JACOB** GINGER WAFERS, per pkg................................ . 16vJACOB’S CREAM FINGERS, per lb........... .................................30<JACOB'S VIENNA RUSK, per !b ........;.....................;..................46cJACOB’S CINDER ALLA, per lb..,. .......................................... „.40c

Carne s Up-to-date GroceryCor. Fort and Oort Stg. Phone 688. Next to 0. F. X Office.


Your Enthusiasm Will Equal OursWhen you see the new ship- menti we are now displaying


Men’s Suits, Men’s Shirts, Men’s Hats,

Men’s GlovesTry one of our suits, and yon will find they are not common looking at all. They’re dia- iiiiguishi'd—a man dressed in

% one looks different, looks dressy, stylish, without being j extreme in dress. The fine tailoring does it. We are ex­clusive agent» for the cëla- I •brated“HOUSE OF IIABBERLTN !

Clothes,” $40 to. .$20OTHER RELIABLE MAKES,

up from .......... f 12.50


Our Name Behind Our Clothing In an Important Asset. If. Your Protection.

Our Name Behind Our Furnishing# Is Worth a Good Deal to You.


—A Good Riddle —Riddle is another pa me for a heavy sifter. Handy for s|ftln#~ grain or for garden use. Good strong riddle*. 17 Inches In diameter, «. « and 6 me»b*M «.» im-h Rrtfe $1. it

L Br°Wn * Ç°' *’

- The death occurred early this morning of James Grey# the Infant am of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Kht< 2003 Cameron streeet. the funeral will take place to-morrow morning at 11 o'clock from the above residence.

—The funeral of Amy, the eighteen - months'-old daughter of Chief Cooper, of the Konghees tribe, took place, this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family residence on the reserve and (at 2.30 iÙÜoek from the Roman Catluklc ca­thedral.»

English“Heart of OakFashlonlt In tableware may change, but the popularity of English Oak and Silverware never sèrrifs to vary, due doubt­less to its great duntblllty ard decorative effectiveness. This ware Is very appropriate for an Inexpensive


I have a large, new stock of those excellent goods, ranging In price from lies up.------

. Butter Dlslire. Marmalade Jars, Crarkrr Jars, Naiad Bowls, Sardine Dlalim, Liquor Sets, Cracked Ice Dalle, etc., eic,_ '


The largest ever made Is now on exhibit In my window, the most beautiful lamp ever seen In Vic­toria.


- The funeral of the late Charles Le Voce, who was drowned while canoe­ing on the Jordan river, took place thU afternoon at 2 30 o'clock from the H. C. JFunerai Furnishing Company’s parlors, where the Rev E. G. Miller conducted the service. He also olllcl- 4ted at the graveside.

—Great preparations are being made for the five-mile members’ race In con­nection with the Esquimau Athletic Association, which will take place at the Çanteeen grounds, Esquimau, on Saturday next. The contektntU* will start promptly at S p.m. Entries for tills event should be sent to the secre­tary of the club, D. Bailey, at Thoburn poetofllce. *

general hotqJLu tit Van*

uouver of Mra^JClara Loulac Dodd, the beloved wife of William Dodd, for twenty years government agent at Yale, B.C. Deceased was 64 years of ago and leaves two sons and one daughter to mourn her toes The funeral took place from St, Mary’s cLurch,... Sappertnn.-------

There arç eight numbers la the Pantages programme this week, mak­ing a long show, and In each of the nets there is something entertaining. The list Includes The Masathon Four, a quartette of pleasing singers; Hoyt and Marion In a. bunch-.of nonsènae; Austin and Sweeet as bell boy and sou. btette: Chester James, violinist, the regular house altvaytlon#, which

—The weekly session of the Men's Own 8oclai Club was held last even­ing In the dub room In the Flip! Con­gregational church. An enjoyable time was spent and a series of readings from standard English and A&ercan authors were given.

—The new storage battery which has been In operation since Thursday last In connection with the B. C. Electric Railway I* giving excellent service. The cemetery line will be extended to Foul Bay road within thé next few days and seven new car» are due to arrive here from Vancouver early next month for service In this city.

—H. kersten. a Jockey employed at the Willows track by R. Martin, was knocked down in the city last night by a pausing automobile and sus­tained a. fractured leg. He was rushed to the St. Joseph's hospital, where the leg was set by Dr. F. Hall. The accident will probably prevent Kersten riding at the June meeet.

pictures as ordfna

—Have yon secured your berth and ticket for the excursion to <Jween Charlotte Islands and Prime Rupert v la the partial steamer nrlm-ess Char­lotte. leaving Victoria H.W fith. AT 9 A. M.? If not. do so at once, for we cannot hold reservations much longer for anyone. Others want to take your place, and If you are not going we must know on or before the 22nd In order to accommodate the numerous applica­tion* now being made. Hound trip. $30.00. Including meals and forth, as ■advertised. TrackscU. Anderson A Co„ 4210 Broad st.

Victoria West Sopply StoresOor. OaUier.

groceries, Hardware.DAIRY PRODUCE "


CITY LIVERYBoard and Sale Stable

1415 DOUGLAS ST.Single, Team, Saddle and

Boarding Horses.Phone 1825




Who ?Why Old


After you have heard him at the Grand thea­tre, you will be pleased to know that you can ren*M Jhfo acquaintance indefinitely by means of the excellent /




Ten-inch Double Dises .a...«,.... «.85^

Indestructible Cylinders, »...40*

Fletcher Bros." 1231 GOVT. ST.


Resolution Passed Regarding Beacon Hdl Bowling ... - Green.

Breach of trust Is charged against the city by the Pioneers' Association. The alleged breach consisted in the granting of permission for the ereetlon of a dub house and the use of a corner of Beacon Hill park by a boiyllng club.' The matter came up at the annual

meeting of the association last night, when a resolution was adopted, ap­proving of the efforts being made by Hon. J.’H: Helmcken to prevent what he considers a violation of the deed of gift under which the property was presented ta the city In perpetuity for park purposes, and expressing the. opinion that in granting permission vp the Prlarle Club to construct a bôw:- ln-green the council was not acting in the best Interests of the public.

A copy of the resolution will be for­warded to the council.

The. annual report* showed the or­ganisation to be In a flourishing con­dition. In the course of the discussion on these, the suggestion was thrown out that the Pioneers' Association and the Native Sons should amalgamate. This developed some deeded views one way and the other, but - on- the whoie there was no great opposition to the Idea, and it will be laid before the Na* tlve Sons for their consideration.

The following officers wire , elected : President, Joseph Sommers; vtoe-presi­dent, W. Chambers; secretary, ' tt, Dallas Helmcken, K. Ç.; treasurer, E. Pierson; physician. Hon. J. 8. Hel­mcken; auditor, Richard Hall; direc­tors, Noah Shakespeare, C. E. Red- jem. W, O. Carter, James Mulrhead, E( J. Wall. Wm. Harrison. John Rob­ertson, CharîW 'May ward and Harry Ross.

A vote of thanks was tendered to the retiring %ecrejjiry. Alan 8. Graham, for the valuable services he has rendered the association during the many years he has been Identified with It. 8ymps- thy was expressed with him In hla'111* n^ss and hope for a speedy- recovery.

George Jay. police magistrate, and George Dutnall were elected memberj.

It was deettied-tn bold meetings every second Wednesday. At the noxt meet­ing, after business has been disposed of, there will be a social evening.


Programme of Speech and Song—Canada and the

Imperial Navy.

In the Victoria theatre to-night there will be a patriotic rally under the auspices of the local branch of the Navy League. At this meetnlg a resolution will be submitted In Mvor of a direct contribution by Canada to the Imperial navy. Among the speak­ers will be Captain Clive Phllllpps- Wolley, Judge Lamp man and Premier McBride.

A splendid programme .of British songs has been arranged, and the vo­calists will Include Mrs. Melville Parry, Mrs. Dunran Campbell. J. G. Brown. George Billing, Harry Davla and Her­bert Kent. Mr Billing will sing “Rule Britannia.” and will be assisted by Captain Crawford. R.N.. and, a chorus of bluejackets. Mrs. Hermann Rob­ertson will be accompanist.

The theatre, has been fittingly deco­rated. There Is certain to be a large attendance, and all the boxes have been taken, one by the committee of the ladles of the Alexandra club, who will attend In a body. Ladles are given a siywtal Invitation. The chair will be taken by Mayor Hall.

The complete programme, as pre­pared, Is as follows:Song .............. Sons of the Sea

J. Q. Brown.Address .............. ......... ...................

His Worship the Mayor.Song...........The Land of Hope and Glory

Robin Hood Flour, Canada’s ■ Newest Greatest Flour, Contin­ues to Grow in the User’s Favor

“ROBIN HOOD FLOUE” xtarM out well. ° It made an immediate impression, by ita ‘‘good­ness,” by the amount of bread it makes in eom- pariaon with other floors, and by the sweet, mealy flavor of the loaves made from it.

When you are using add more water than with the flours you formerly bought. Tfien note the result. You get more bread, of mon' nutritious quality.

We arc sending our staff of “Robin Hood” girls to every home in Victoria to let you know something about this wonderful, satisfying flour, to tell you why it has been so sensationally suecesafnl, and to get your order for a trial bag. Be sure and give them an order. It will prove its value. And Robin Hood Flour is Sold under a pos­itive guarantee. Your money back if not satis­fied after two fair trials.

Every woman in Victoria ought to be using ROBIN HOOD FLOUR now. If you haven’t tried it start now. Order a bag the next time you buy flour. You will certainly be delighted with it. And remember that “this DIFFERENT flour” is always guaranteed.

Made of Saskatchewan’s Best Wheat “Robin Hood Flour” is in Every Way a Superior Flour

Saskatchewan Flour Mills Co., LimitedMOOSE JAW, BASK .



Wiring, Electrical Fixtures,BTC., ETC.



—A debate has been arranged be­tween the members of the local Ÿ.M.C A. mock parllamSht and the Seattle Y M.C.A. to be held In the association room*. Broad streeet. on Saturday evening. May 1st. The subject for the debate la to be Woman Suffrage. It will be defended by the Seattle mem­ber#, while Victoria's representatives will do their best to break down their arguments. The team which will rep­resent Victoria la comprised of J. Vlearlhue, premier of the mock par­liament; R. Van Munster, who was also at one time premier of the mock parliament, and E. Sears, who is sec­retary of the Law Students' Society.


MENT WALK?Frost gone, garden and lawh about to be fixed. This is the time to dp It. We have satisfied numerous custom­ers with our work. Our price Is rea­sonable and work guaranteed.

Phone us or send a card.


Phone 1641. Gladstone Ave.

Capt. Clive Phllllppe-Wolley.Song ...................................... Rule Britannia |Oeorgc Billing (Accompanied by CapL

Crawford, R.N., and a Chorus of — Bluejackets.)

Address ........................................................William Blakemore. •

Song--There's * Ktng In The Land To-Day Harry Davis.

Address ...... ................. .V.u...«.hJudge Lampmsn.

Song ........... Brothers of Jack TarMre. Duncan Campbell.

Address ..........................................Hon. Richard McBride.

Song .......... ............. Red. White and BlueHerbert Kent.

Nearly 600 applications for patents are made every week at the patent office.



Ready-to-Wear Linenr _



$20.00 Per SuitThese suits are made of the finest Indigo Dye and abso­lutely guaranteed. Call e irty and get one.

Peden’sTailoring Parlors

~ til POET ST.

Luck In


One thing, it’s a longer game. Don’t misplay your han'd h.v forgetting that your wife expects to retain the lover in the husband, and therefore naturally, appreci­ates your bringing home a box of

H .& A. Chocolates

The quintessence of quality FOUND BOX 60c

14. Empress — Confectionery Co.

Bole Manufacturers 1326 GOV’T. STREET.





City Messenger ServicePHONE SIS.

OFFICE #6S VIEW STREET.We give prompt service and deliver a letter or package any place In city

I limits for 10c.DonT forget the next time you need

a messenger to call phone S16.




TH0NE 97won YOU*

Wood and CoalR. DAVERNE *





Financier Outlines Course He Would Pursue in Giving

Metal Standing.

Moreton Frewen, of Ixindon. » direct­or of the G. T. P. who is now in Canada again is expected shortly to visit t!ie lP«at. Mr. Frewen is recognised as one of the beat informed financier* on the

- subject of bimettaliam. When he vis­ited Victoria some months<• ago Mr gjiwro afldreteM th* Canadian Club ua that subvert: "He recently address­'d the Canadian Club In Ottawa on the question. . <.- •

Th«»t the low value of «liver was sponsible for tho stimulus of Asiatic industries and the consequent «ft* pres -

. sion of British, Canadian and other Western Industries was tluTstatement made by Mr Frewefi, la his address. Mr. Frewbn took as hi* topic the silver question In Jit# rein Con to European and American commerce with the Far ICast. and he dealt with the matter In a practical and forceful tnanner. There was » good attendance of“ members

the address was mùch appreciat­ed. Mr. Frewen expressed tSe hope that the Canadian minlsTer of finance: would co-operate with the financiers of Great Britain and the Vnited states in the adoption of sortir rrtteme which would advance the price of silver, and Immediately stimulate and foster in-

^dufliries here. His suggestion was the acceptance of a policy enunciated in 1891 by Lord Goat-hen, that is. that a number of itmnll notes guaranteed by silver, good as legal tender fqr only twenty whitings in .Great Britain or ten dollars in Canada or the United States, be issued. !

The question pf silver exchange, he said, was little undersU%od For thirty years he^had studied the matter, and

_had come to th# conclusion that in fh«* present silver exchange there was a desperate ami deep-seated disease which was a menace to western tdVtll- xation. He pointed out how the low silver échange affected the indueteie* here and the effects of the great tall In sliver in the last eighteen month’s. Eighteen midiths ago the business man In the Orient who wished to buy here paid five and a half silver taels for a 8<H4 pound To-day he hsia Jo pay eight silver taels for the tome gold value The result Is that exports to the East are suspended.

stead Of twenty-five, with the Conse­quence that Bombay industries are stimulated at the expense of British. American and European industries.

__ Mr. Frewen expressed__thfi-Jttpjniottthat In the next twenty-five years gold would rise so rapidly that wages

wand the cost uX- commodities w>uM he <l'*uhl,- It jo, no m.iimi.i, nircr \m-uM he safe. If there was ho correspond­ent rise in stiver wages in China the cotton and" other industries would ho turned over to the 'Asiatic. Of what use would It be to keep out Asiatics from our borders If we admit th« If products 1».mused and stimulated by every fall in stiver?^ *

The tioschen Plan. **Lord Hose hen's proposal in 1891 was

that the govememht should make a demand, payable over eight or ten year*, for one thousand million ounce*

r, -and thereby bring silver sharply to five, «htiling*, an ounce In conversation with the United Stales secretary of the treasury, the secretary had asked w-hy Canada should not co­operate add make a market for Go halt silver Lord Goachen had esti- | mate<l that the ptilnt of saturation was

A shilling* pi>ta. Lf instead of the silver there were ««sued notes guaranteed by stiver he thought this would Be Increased twenty shilling* per capita.

Mr. Frewen thought Canada should co-operate with Great Britain ami the United States In the Issue a/T-tbeee «mall notes. Some say that after twenty years the price of silver WObtA ►fail again. To this Mr. Frewen re plied that If the tragic lessons of twenty year* were lost, if the enor­mous object lesson showing the faster- Irig effect on Asiatic industries of cheap silver, did not bring about ft generation better than their fathers, fhe experiment wa* wot worth while He. however.. wa* confident that If once silver got back to its own rating, if the exchange with Hongkong acid China1 were restored ft would appear criminal for- -modern statecraft to nk low silver to fall back to where It now Is. X,.

Lg closing. Mr. Frewen quoted the words of Prof. Francis A. Walker In London, who said he recognised In the* silver question a problem far more important than any problem of finance, a problem Involving the progress of civilization of the Western nations.- J. S. Ewart. K. C.. ashed what effe< t the silver notes Would have on the present gold note* Mr. Frewen did not consider that there would be any ef­fect as gold secured notes In affecting the level of the money market. At­tracted by the slightest highe.r level, imports come into Canada and exports are curtailed. With the result that the balance Is against Canada. The United States manufacturers demand this dif­ference in gold. Mr. Frewen said he would tike to see the silver notes tak#- the place oT the unsecured treasury note* Great Britain Just1 now was In

VTCTOBIA DAILY TIMM, WEDNESDAY, APEIL 21.~ r—_ul _.ii I'mw.i. i „ —VJgp1 *1, x-- .rrr>~75±

Sweetens the StesadiAd* * jm

youiwlf feel «weet.


MU ininmw.


> -,W' i



Daring Bands Infest Ranching Districts Along the

Border. .._,.•

Horse thieves are .igâm active In the w°od Mountain aud Kim tipchii* district of Aopthérn Saskatchewan, »ind across the border in tin* United filet»*. Bscent- ly » bunch of twenty three h*a4 were seise.! at Medicine Hat by .he police on the charge that they were stolen from a party In Monism*. The hwto who offered tho horses for sale held a bill of sale, and the matter will therefore go to the courts. Three weeks ago W. II. Ogle, a w»y known rancher of the Wood , Mountain district, missed a bench of thirty-two head under elr. umstaneee whl-$h led to the conclusion that they were stolen. The matter was reported to tg» pehce and Inspecter Richards at on*1# wen* I» nork. nnd. with the cerOpecadon tfl the Uni’ed fitatea Sheriff», located the -Lorj-e at An- broee. N. D., some dlktancs west of ptr- tsl. «Mr. Ogle and the In«pe«bor went to

. Amtutpae, and news was r»e*!v** later that Mr. Ogle wa* returning with Uis ftorses. but that the horse thief had not yet been secured. The bra ad-a com­bination of th* figure* 1 5-had keen changed to a combinanoa of W. À ja». Thompson, who was in M«>o*ee Jew re- csntly, reported M-, . ontlnuei presence of horse rustlers in '• fi---e border rsnolring districts.

This wa* by gre*t odds the greatest : â position to take advantage oç the question of the century and the long- | small silver notes because so many rr it* settlement was delayed, the i old age pension* of five shillings agreater would be the difficulty and I week were being paid. _______ _ ____suffering The same fall In silver-re- • in reply to Angus Fpuier, K„ C.. who suits in the mills at Manchester, say. j asked what Wag the cause- of, the reduc- Hosing, and mills at Bombay springing tlon in the price of silver, Mr Frewen up. to supply China. A stimulus is J said that two years ago India had good afforded Oriental industries at the ex- ! harvests and bought eighty millionI tense of Western Industries. Thai ounce* of silver for coin. i.«*t year shemanufacturer In Canton sell* in Call-” had bad harvests «i)d bought none, fornla and receive* five golden dollar*. : D Arcy Scott asked what awsufftnew s*»me years ago these five, golden do)-[there would be "that the silver -notes lars would have been equal to three ! would be taken readily If they Wefe hot tiver taels^jtfv, Canton. To-day they are f"le«mi tender for any amount. Mr.

could seegin reason why, they., would not be. The United States sil­ver certificat^* - were not legal tender, but thejçe was no difficulty In having them accepted In buying and selling.

f.qual. to eight. JChe Wages in tk* Or -lent have not Increased with the re­sult that far the five golden dollars realized in California the Canton man­ufacturer ran pay sixty tgbeysra in*



Shipments Slightly Below Av­erage-Prospecting Sea­

son Unusually Late.

Afcrtl Il.-P.nai„« ,h. op#n.U“ M^tnn WITtrh

will b. unu.u.11, tot. tl,|, ,wr has been Little to report to mining t it <l.« during Th, or.output h-r 11^ ,u uigMIv toHow th. generni grmgt _ Th. f-.l|..w,n* *re th. d.uiia of shipment» »ed ,it,r Wwelpt»: -

Or* Hhlpmont*.Boundnry- Wwg Tenr

u?.k r ........................ I« «*I IM.MIMutJwr Unto ........................ *.» ItUW

h”*' ................... tW U.WOther mines e

••••rk. 28.313 Ui.m,


By judicious investment in Real Estate is one of the most satisfactory and safest methods of securing a competence. ^

Jost now a splendid opportunity is offered tbe people of this city to make money quickly and easily by investing thSr spare cash to the EMPRESS SUBDIVISION. This we commenced advertising last Wednesday—lots selling at $400, $460, $500 and $560, one-quarter cash, balance in 6, 12, 18 attd 24 months. All tho».* Usted at $400 and $450 have since been sold.' We still have some excellent locations at $600 and $560 anda splendid corner lot at $700.

Already we are reselling these at prices $100 in advance of last week’s figures


SeUnIre slrlpei bom the heir Use to •tripes oh Inch vto, lolU heehgrounde ere

W. ___them Is many *r.. In pure stuck worsted end tteonels.


THE SPRING OF ALL COMFORT.Xhc Spring of mU comfort a the season with a new

•tat that fits and pleases every way.A *ttt that hangs wdl and stays m shape, not only

becomee the wearer, but gives that contentment of mfnd that is a continual feast.

Thsre is stsch à différasses between a .suit that is just right and one that is war right.

Fatrft ia a garment annoys almost as much as a cinder in the eye.

— Yots are always eoostfoiss of ft, and feci swe thatothers must notice it.

For Spring clothe, that will give you grace of form and comfort of mind, try Fashion-Craft -

r. A. 00WAN, amalgamated with T. M. OuUbert son * 0<x, Victoria, E 0.



ToUl e>,Rossis u (I—

CsntTp. STar ........-m. 2 47ila Hoi No. 2 .7-. *§|I> Bol No. 2 (muled) ,.!v Ml e,4W Other mines ................................ ^

Total .Klovsn-Kwitertay—

Queen (mllleil) ..........................^Griiftlte Pooramn (milled) XO White* s^ps^Wp fmilled) 700Sphontl "Rt lkf (milled)........ ngNugget (milled) .... J.,... ne Bluebell (milled) moSilver King .............. igofit .Eugene ........... n;Bluebell .................................. jyKootenayx^elle (milled) .. ;flWhitewater Deep ............. *4Rambler Cariboo ................. g|Wellington ,,, ggOther mines ........................

Tôtai ......... 9.790 52.784




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PA P A \«1.« ••*


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Grand total ......... 7. 35,1*8 541.109.Smaller Jtecelpt*.

^ ^ Week. Year.Grat)d Forks ” r.p*—244 piGreenwood .... . ............ 9.12Ù 124J1II™?' ......... :.............................. I01.S5INorthport (Le Rot) ...... ..... i2.7«l

Toti>l ...........................M.S-7 S23.202


Slnlwd the Mltor. tt srtti be remem­ber#,! while pursuing nne of hie event- tul voyage., met with ehlpwrfc*. owing to th. rlrrumetnnre that hie vee- »V| approat hwl too near to a certain mountain of ladeetone. much dreaded by marinera, which, exerting an Irre- «brtlhl. magnetic power, pullc.l every nail anil bolt «ut rit the »hlp, rauelng h.r to fall to pieces.

Against the poealbiuty of a mhsad- venture of thi« kind, while Riser the «cas. OUC totales»! ah Ip, at all evonte. may be aaiU te be adequately inaoretl. Hhe bae been built, and le now bring outlined In Brooklyn by the Carnegie' Inatltutlon—a hrlgatitlne-rlggetl yacht, mse-urlng 1» feet. * Inch#. In length over all, with a beam of S3 feet, and a m an draft of 12 feet, "7 Inchee. With all her -lore:, and equipment on board • hr Will have a dl#placement of 668

The <*arnegle ns • hr hne lorn named l> a heautltui little veeecl and IS pro­vided wlth-evnry luxury that can or- dinarlh' ho f.Hinid on a millionaire's rwcht. Hti/hh- really rrmarknhlc point about tier I. that «he has been , on- •trurted In all her pan- almost «na­ntit the use of iron «r eteel, even her plankg and hteme are held together with wooden treenails and boita and •pike, of copper and hronse. Ilirr en- gtne and other machinery are of hronse and brass and- the very propeller Ig .of menganeae hronse,- From “Ship Stade Without fron” In Technical World Magasine for May.

Velvet l« n fabric of silk with a thick Pile formed by weaving In additional warn thread, which are pagartl over wlrt* ard afterward» cut. True velvet la all «Ilk, hut cotton-backet) velvet te -much made Velveteen la an all-cellon fabric.

This Empress Subdivision is a splendid buy. The $1,500 building restriction which we have placed on it will help materially in inducing prospective builders to erect here a superior class of house. The whole subdivision is in the direct path of Victoria’s natural northern expansion. It is already touched by new build­ings. It is in a particularly healthy section of the city and sheltered as few parts are from the strong winds off the Straits.


There Are Still Several Lots

Left at$500 and $550



Key of Subdivision. L

One-Quarter Cash Balance in

6, 12, 18 and 24 Months

^ Then, too, the terms are so easy. Supposing you buy a $500 lot. A quarter down makes the first payment $126. You require no more money until 6 months from now. By that time, unless you desire to build on it yourself, we in all -w*bability, have resold for you at a handsome profit.

It is our intention to work hand in hand with our clients, to make money for them andl to have them stay vNtii us and benefit by whatever we may have to offer them in the future. We haze our reputation to make and retain.

ISLAND INVESTMENT CO.. LTD.D. 0. REID. President and Manager.

Phone 1494 Bank of Montreal Chambers



Eleven Will Cto Out of business aa Result of Election at fit. John.

nuinimTTnnnmmimiimtTTm'J'~ ----- -—'Ll. I llWii.l".'|ff«llfl • "L -» 'P CLOSE. « <!. hut th# Intllratlnns nolnl ill «* enm. ^ ^ ------------ -^r-


St. John, N, B., Aorii It—fit John voted on "the question of the saloons, in tour city wàrd* yesterday- In thtocf Wftrds the vote went Sfglnst the sa- ldohs. ahd H fetal* liquor dealers will .have to go out of business -a year heme as » insult bf tile Vrtte. ih the fourth ward in which the question was balloted on the saloon* won by a narrow margin. The net result will he to reduce the saloons In the city in about 18.

This waa election day for aldermen. Mayor Bullock was returned unoppos­

ed, but the Indications point/do a num­ber Of Changée In the l>,»u@é of aider-men.


Mexico City, April H. — A severe eruption of the Colima volcano, follow­ed by an earthquake shock, has spread terror and confusion among Inhabit­ant* In nearby towns and . village*. Numbers deserted their homes and fled to points outside the affected sone. The quake was first felt at 8.40 In the evening, and lasted eij*ht seconds. The oscillation movement was from east to west, accompanied by loud subter­ranean rumblings and detonations. No ides of .life has beén reported. ” >


Having secured a stock of Sashea Boor*. Art Qlaee, Mautele, Builders' Hapdware, Etc., I am prepared to givk close estimates.

Beet material and workmanship used, and satisfaction guaranteed. If you are going to build, call and talk It over. • '■ -...... '





PUBLICJÏËETINGNdtk'e 1* hereby given that a .tpeet- Iiik- >*i the ratepayers w ill be held'ln the Council (Chamber, Oak Bay avenue,

at 8 p.m.On Mondsy, 26th April, 1809.When the proposed scheme for-

Distribution of WaterIn tke. Munlclpellix will b. told before

them by th# Council.; J. 8. FLOUD^

C. M. O


Will Tone Up Your Stomach and Cure All Indigestion


TO SPEND $15,000

AT WILLOWS TRACK Meet Me at the New Men9s Wear Store!The question as to, how Jon* you are

goto g to continue aeuflerer from Indl-Country Club Officials Decidegestion and Stomach trouble 1* merely a how soon you b*gfh takingDiape

If your Stomach is lacking in diges­tive power, why not help the stomach to do Its wofk.' not with drastic drugs, but a re-enforcement of digestive vigpnts, 8Uihy«* are naturally at wrok- ln the stomach.

People with weak Rtomax'.hs should eat Dlapepaln after meals, and there wlipcbc* no more Indigestion, no feeling like a lump of lend In the. stomach, no heartburn. Sour risings. (las' on Stom­ach or Belching of undigested food, Headaches, Dlsslnes* or Vomitting, and besides what you eat will not fer­ment and poison your breath with nauseous odors. All these . symptom4 resulting from a sour stomach and dys­pepsia are generally relieved five min­utes after eating one Triangula of Dla- pepsin. - 'V.

do to yo îr druggist and get a 50-rent case of Pape’s DlapepsJn now, and you will always go to the table with a

irtx appetite aidl n hat you .-nt willtaste good, because jour stomach ami Intestines will be clean and frysh. and ><>U will know therefore hot go*mf'tu>e any more bad nights and /miserable days for. you. They frcshei^ you and make you feel like life Is w

on Many Necessary Im IS THE REMARK YOU OFTEN HEAR from the youngmen who have made this store their headquarters forprovenants. '

igs, Hats and Clothes

The Victors^ Coubtry Club yesterday afternoon arrived ^stlmate of the expenditure considered necessary J<mve to bring the Wil­lows rae? jtrack accommodation uv to the standard required for the summer races. After a trip out to the **<râcK and an Inspectiorf^it was décidé that HXOOO will have to V» spent right away to yov.lglp accofn mod a t ion for the horse* tjtat are expected to arrive shortly. There- ate now about sixty horses on the truck and application was received-^yesterday from Jacob Krputwi, "I XV'til I .Valla, for reserva­tions for horse flesh. He notified the secretary that he had shipped Water Trust, Pet. David Uolund. Golden ulne. Hopesome and Jessip Burn. This stable in expected to reach her# to­wards the end of the week.

Men will be put to work at, once., to get the new accommodation In order. There ...will also be another entrance gate established, owing IftjLhe new loop line laid by the B C. Electric Com­pany. The line will drop passengers at the gate Instead of necessitating the usual walk through the duet. The convenience will be appreciated by the thousands that will travel out there In Dm -umfer.

Additional g rand-stand accommoda­tion Is to be provided and rest rooms for ladies will be Installed beneath the stand. The additional stand space will measure $5 by. 160 feet. Portion of it will be turned into a members’


WHY? BECAUSE OUR ENTIRE STOCK IS NEW. and they are assured of getting correct styles at prices that cannotIm- cqualTod elsewhere,

While you are considering the spring suit proposition, come in and let us show von our

'fTwo-Pieced Suits from $12 to $20,

ThreerPieced Suits from $15 to $<

' * “IT WILL PAY YOU.”*th living, j



To be well-dressed is to topic nice ; to be less well-dressed is to look stunning and up-to-date ; to be over-dressed is to look unbecoming.

The Semi-readÿ idea is to. select fabrics and to formulate designs which will be both becoming and attractive to men of good taste in dress. Because they are cheaper than a gentleman has been accustomed to paying is proof only of modem methods-ruLsystem, organization and wholesale dealing between the mills and the customer.

(Timex Leased Wire.)Tacoma, Wash., April 21-Entries

for the- Tacoma dog show closed last night with a great rush, and there are now nearly 500 star canines, on the book* for Inspection when the Judges tackle their work at tha armory next THE NEW MEN’S WEAR STORERESULTS OF GAMES


week. Nearly evyry city In the north; west will be represented.

813 Government Street Opp. Post OfficeSAM LANGFORD TO

MEET TOM HAGUE(Times Leased Wire.)Northwest.

Tacoma. April 20.—Scores were as fol­low:

n. >i. e.Tacoma ........ . ....... ........... L2 *Vancouver ................ ...................... 7 7 > . 0

Batteries—Samuels and Kcltackey ;Hickey and Stanley.

Spokane, April 3u.— Scores were as fol­low:

/w V— R. HL E.Spokane ......... ...w....... 4 t 1Aberdeen . , ,u.« . v........ »............ . # 7 3

Batteries-Holm and Ostdtek ; Slaver and

Seattle, April 2» —Scores were as follow:r. h e.

Seattle ........... 1 4. APortland ........... $ S 2

Batteries—Anderson. Seaton and For­tier ; Guy ft and Sheehan.

Protbrod. April 3».—Scores were as fol­low;

R H R.Portland ................... t 5,0

Angeles ........ *....'........... ». 1>....♦ . *Bn tertre—Carson and Armbroster;

Koestner itnd Orendorff.Los Angeles. April 20 —Scores were as

.A. H. K.

San Francisco....................................« A ]

fStitti-mthg tailoringB WILLIAMS A CO., 68-70 Yates Street.

SEEKING INFORMATION. It was originally Issued on* the as- | sumption that Mr.-x Kerker had left ; Germany in order to evade military i duty, but he was able to prove that : he went to AmeriVa when he was lft> years old. whereupon he was Informed I that he might return here:

London, April 21.- Sam l-angford, the colored American fighter, has Signe) articles for a fight before the national sporting dub on Derby day with Ian Hague, who Monday night wrested the championship of England from Gun­ner Molr. Hague knocked Molr- out -la the first round. The national sporting • iub has offered a purse <>f |2,OOP for the Langford-Hague tight.

Director General of Toklo Exposition Will Pay Visit to Seattle. PORTLAND



. IWhulOM*IcuSîK’Vyi—

Reattte, Wl«h . April 20 -Hlkojlfo Wada, director general of the/ Interna­tional expdsiton to be held at Toklo In Ml. and Tokutaro SakaL, personal rep­resentative of the Japanese prime min­ister. are on their way to Beattie and w ill arrive here within a few day* for the purpose of studying the Industrial and economic conditions and to make « careful investigation of all that Is new and suggestive in the way of ex­position methods Preparations are be­ing made to entertain them by the of-. •Ada Is of *(he A la ska -Yu kon - Pacific ex­position and dtlsena of Seattle. The Japanese envoys are now In New York dty.


We have the best line of NEW BICYCLES in the eitv. Give us a rail and look at our Bicycles before you buy ; then you will be satisfied.

PRICES FROM $40 TO $80Don't forget the 15 per cent, discount on fishing tackle

DFniTlXI DDfiO 930 GOVERNMENT STREET r JC.DIL1N DflUO. Opposite Reiter Bros.

Everett. Wash ./April 2ft.—Locomo- t live No. 1. a dHmnuth> wood burner ’ with ah enoetfiou* belMnouthed siqoke- ; Htack. whlci^haulcd the first train over j what Is now known as* the Hill rail­way system, has been brought to the shops here for an overhauling prepara­tory to being taken to the Ataska- Yukon-Paclflo exiMMrttlon as a part of the’ railroad exhibit The engine looks

Mike a mere toy beside No. 190S. the ponderous mogul and the electric loco­motive which will also form part of the exhibits.


Remarkable Case of Cure After Specialists Failed. EEJ—IEEI

pyoiBiWinnipeg, Man—A . prominent resi­dent of this dty, who for personal ouv­rons does not wish his name mentioned pnbBcty, hut Who permits us t his letter to Interested Inquirers, writes to say that he was suddenly taken with excruciating pain* In the back and wide, which were pronounced by his physicians, as rheumatism. Hot applf- rattons were at once resorted to, the usyal medicines administered, supple­mented by electrical treatment, but all to no purpose In hie desperation he tupk Gin Pills on his own account, and in à few hours after taking the first Pills the pain*, commenced to subside. He continued taking them apt) In 4# hours he had not an ache or a pain left

Gin Pilla are sold at 50c. a box--# for #2.50. Hynd to us If your dealer does not handle them. Dfpt V. T. National Drug A Gfretnlcal Co., Limit­ed. Toron Id , » 11#



Institution, and for that reason he withdrew from the m. .-ting Mt XVe-u minster last Saturday. The club will hold the hrst week-night practice to­night at the Royal park. « .

There will probably be a Junior league established in Victoria this year to consist of teams from Victoria North. West. Central and South Park with an age lirait of eighteen years,'

Berlin. April 2#.—The order Issued^ -recently by the federal authorities ex­pel.Ing. Gustave Kerker,.the New York theatrical manager, lias been revoked.

is the name given to two'• «1 wards' WH oavelrv règlements whloh form part of lb- MouSFhrtld ir.»ot*. and Which are engaged

the. sovereign.Bnitories—Browning and Berry; Hens­

ling and Hogan.American.

Detroit. April" 2».—genre* wer egg fol­low: •

» - R. H. EDetroit ........................ ..................... 2 3 «Cleveland*........... ........ . .............12 17 2

Batteries-Lafitte and Schmidt; Young and Easterly.

Northwestern League ScheduleMONTEITH IS >

SELECTED FOR POST Mirtth Cup Players. .It waa, announced in Vancouver

yesterday that no player* figuring Ip the Regina team in the forthcoming match with Westminster win be al­lowed to play on any other team chal­lenging for the cup- this season.

* Local League is Likely to Be - Formed in Vic- - .


FOR SCHOOL SPORTSsad fsvsrisk. Give kirn•aa'a Powder sad ke willk« all rigkl.

TH1 ltl\<.RAld T9y polJve.

New York. April ^(>.—The police to­night raided the Longavre Athletic dub durlqg the progress of boxing bouts between local fighters and mad-' dhalf a dozen arrests. There were 1.2t*0 'men In the arena, and a panic of fear seized many of them when the police appeared. There was a general rush for the windows and a number of per­rons—were injured ■ while- endeavoring

St «dam's Seotïlm PowdersMeeting Will Be Held on Fri

day Afternoon of Associa­tion to Lay Plans.

The resignation of Foster MavOurn from the presidency of the Victoria lacrosse.Club r.ecfessftaTed an election last ntght-'a.t the meeting of the chib, when Alexander Monteith, well known in the sport circle* heye. as president of the Victoria .West Athletic Club, was elected unanimously to fill the

The new president has always stood foe f city lacrosse league tn place of/ Hie old Victoria (Tub being- ronm-*-ted

, with the* asso^datlon in which the re-| ent split has occurred and fr»»r^

•which Victoria has withdrawn. * Last year Mr. Monteith" was very, decided n his opinion with rupoot t" x i‘ torla

joining the mainland league* and m<w -«hat Just what he anticipated has < urred there Is probably some founda­tion in the statement that Victoria will hitve à city lacrosse league J\oa tl^e same lines as the Victoria ’ sort èr bague fhls year, Instead of Jumping in with weak second-rate malnlanp teams into a new association. That IsYhe way the wind is blowing afiy- how, altheuflh as Monteith was only appointed last night It Is too early for definite arrangements to have been fixe<L ^ „

At last^ night’s meeting Leo Sweeney reported that the B.C.A.L.Jt. has Joined the C.A.F., which I* a professional

ïïi::e: fîîlTrevunts wreck.

Great Northern Track Repairer Sus- tans Injuries Which May

Prove Fatal.

Bellingham, Wash . April 20.—To. savethe southbound Seattle ........ mrïnj.iatwmtrain of the.GregUNorthern from de-

A big programme of school -sports Is contemplated for the Victoria Day cele­brations. aet aside Is Satur­day 22nd and the snoKa will be c»n. ducted fn the morning.

For the pur|KnU of arranging the many, necessary details of the long list, of school children’s events, the .com­mittee of the public school sports as­sociation will hold a meeting Friday afternoon, at foi(r o’clock.

[ r,. i.| Of.. ! r. *»■• If ri. * * «ffii .thiurschools wlTl attend and The plans of eàdh school will be heard. From thé whole suggestions the best plans and the roost comprehensive programme will be outlined. The sports will prob­ably be held at Oak Bay Park.

The, events will Include all the usual distance flat racjw. hurdles, obstacles

Corporation of the 4 Oak Bay.railtpent and a h»d wrè< k John <’bns-

tlanson, k track repairer, this morning j mm!» a iloHnenito endeavor In Jt T

to escape.The raid iM_Jfi_Iine-wUb-the rrcenttjr ~

adopted pvilcv of the police, brought alxiut bÿ thX protests, of Governor f Hughes and oUiers against a rvsump- tion of ihe fighting game In New York ", to prevent lyoxing bouts In other than 1 ^ genuine athletic clubs. I

POUNDNotice i* hereby glvyb that i have- lm- ounded one Jersey cbw. dun color, and fiat same will Is- Wtt by Ihjblic Auetton t the. Municipal !’<*'ind. Hampshire road. t - P"?-. Monday.gHbAraiJ, ISO# if of ctainted, and charges paid, before that line.

It. B. BTKBLE, j ■ Poundkeeper.

made g desperate endeavor to orag ï 1 frightened team of-liorses attached to a scraper from the track.

The team was killed by th* locomo­tive and Christ iahson suffered injuries which will result In his death He prevented th* engine from striking the

- • itTiptr; ;lr«wMTirrwmY wtved rhe irsnr from derailment on a rocky einhaitk- ment.

Christianson Is now lying at 8t JoL. seph’s hospital. consHoqs txut unxbb to speak because of his terrible Injures There Is little chence of file survtvng.

•Sunday ball Is prohibited in Vancouver, eo games are scheduled there Mondays

BOWLING.(Tlmr* Leased Wire.)

INTEIM’LXY .a IKTSST. ’ TAcoma. Wash., Aprljl 21,—Tacoma

bowlers, under the name of Lewkt Bro­thers. will takc,Mpart In a great tele­graphic bowllpg «u-v.t on May 5th. Three games will be rdtied by each

• VVKUH'Oak Bay. B. <f . April lWh. IMS.

Shawnigan Districtfeatures. There willand many ndvejteam and total pins will «

Balt Lajce. flqti Francisco. Spokane. Ta-" <orna, Seattle Foetiantl and Vanâou- xer, it.*<*., win l*e represented In the meet. Each team will have its home alleys and some good,scores are looked1 for. .

also he a progi imme for girls. Woman Implicated in Kidnapping At - — legrd to Have Stolen JeweMr " '

FOR SALE111 AURE.S-WATERTen shillings was the highest bid offer-

<d at an mu. tion for MW < <-ti«*es at Pakefleld. near Lowestoft. They are situ­ated near the cliff, which is being eaten away by the sea.

_ J——— I'MHHI FPL -^.gRTYeni, CwtUgttBKjtfW. JL tw/ned oth-• r A-rooms, ham and othfr outbuilding». 5 -aSres. clearecg 15 alushed, 3 streams 1

V'ahfed at ##.000

Sharon. Pa.. April 20 - Mrs. James H Boyle, Under arrest ac. used of pHcîlÿ In the kuitiRPping of \WfyiJ Whit la. was practically identified tr> day by H : l >v r. an attorney of St Louis, and hla wife, as their former housemaid. Clara Stratton, who disap peered simultaneously with Jewels val­ued at #«.000. _

It Is - report*d .that the description of Clara Stratton given to the polite over the téléphoné et the tlm* of her disappearance by Mrs Dyer, talilr'- with that of the prisoner ________

jiartly fenced;balance ,

spring. Allat < per cent.ST .001)

SOME 20-ACRE BUkOKai-First-oIas*Troll land. I mile tn R. R. station, post otfixe. store. *tc. good roads; juice #35 to 850- per acre.

Ik) ACRES—Alt fenced. 20 acres cleared. 30 -lashed ihd partly cleared. 10 roomed house, large barn and other putbulld ings. 400 fruit ttwee, 1 acre strawberries, other small fruit*, first-class fruit land; price $7,000.



Unless you’ve smoked a Prince Rupert Cigar, you have yet to know what a delightful smoke means. Thêre is no­thing like it for an after-dinner cigar.Prince Rupert Cigars are made in 80 shapes and sizes, and sold by all dealers at 10c to $1.00 each.


AT THE GROCERS EDMONTON HOAD, between Femwood Road and Richmond Road, is closed to vehicular traffic

By order,0. H. TOPP,

City Engineer.


San TrWiiçIsco, April 2ft.—An unusual thirst respited to-dny In the death nt Patrick Murphy, s sa lor, 26 years old

Murphy arose this morning feeling vary “dry." He sought in vain for some Hqiior which would alleviate the g#in of a parched throat Wh;4. helped some but <ttd not "touch th«- spot." Beer conaidered s *‘Dute1i •nan’s" beverage. Finally he hit ttpoe a scheme and repairing to a nearby restaurant he ordered a bottle o' Worcestershire sauce. r_—

j^fter drinking thg. !a*t drop of the («mdlmtnt, Murpby staggered backh|«- loiiyifigg whara b* Cell dead in HPhafiwa»

THE. NEW WAYThe Grocer—Will you. want any flour today, ma­

dam ? 'The Housewife-Yea and be sure you send Purity.

THE OLD WAYThe Grocer •Will you waht any flour today mm-

The Heueewife—Tee, you better send a bag over.UCINAi* Trans» hr.

Notice Is hereby given mat I Intend io

mises situated h* corner of Yetee «ndEEr» iss&ssS

L . OEOKOE H BRrirr,

WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MILLS CO.The day of chance orders hat gone by. KNOW WHAT YOU GET FOR

TOUR FLOUR-MONEY.ManitobaWinnipeg

Daily Capacity IS.000 Up


Date.At *

Portland.At At


/ancouveiAt - At

April 17-M........April M-May 2 Mdy

r ecemëAberdeen





May 17-3#..........Seattle

Vancouver SpokaneVancouver

Ms y 24-31........June 1#...........

Spokane Aberdeen Tacoma■tpokane Seattle Portland

June ft-13.... :!.. June 16-3#........June 22-17____June 2D-July 6!




Seattle PortlandAberdeen



July 4-11........July 11-18........July 20-26........July 2T-Aug. 1.




TacomaPortland Beattie


Aug.Aug. M-1S....

Vancouver PortlandSpokane Abetdeen Portland

Aug. 17-22......Aug. M-2»........Aug. tt-Sept. * Sept 7-12.........


SpokaneVancouvei Tacoma




BeattU • -----Aept. I*-».',...SepL 21-31........Sept 2S-Oet. 2


‘PortlandAberdeen Spokane

AberdeenPort If nd




Ocean and Coastwise Shipping*Movements of Local Vesaela-^TMUK Expansion In EC. Watwa-

t Oleanlpgs of Interest From the Seven Seas.j



Sakkarah Bringing European Freight Which Came Over

\ - Tehauntepec Railway.




The Kosnfroa liner Sakkarah, which 1» due here bp Thursday night or F*ri-. • lay ri-.-rnhiK xv ith nltzv f*om South America, I» also bringing a consign tnent of European cargo which arrived via the Tehuantepec railway. This is the first time a vessel of the Koemos llné has carried any of that cargo, but It Is understood that in future they In­

due Funnel Hour Oanfa is at the euttr dock to-day loading freight for the Orient and Liverpool. She |s

v taking 900 barrels of whale oil shipped " toy the Pacific Whaling Company, the

first of this,year's product; 36.000 feet of lumber—from, the Cameron Lumber Company, and nearly 1.000 vases of salmon, a, small remnant left from last vbar.

a--. , , , .. . ■ ■ _ „ „ . » The. Oanfa will get away to-night ortend to. feature that part of the busl- -to-morrow morning She is not carry-

Tbe"Sakkarah will go Into drydock here when she arrives, the_Shearwater, which at present occupies the dock, moving'out. probably at the end of the week. 1 ;•

There lg a good deal of demand for the drydock here Just now. The Green­wich, which arrived this afternoon, 1*111 dock after she has discharged, prob­ably going in on Monday next, aw} the Imlravt-lli is duv lie re on the 28th for her annual clean up. The work on al] the vessel* Is being done by the B. <\ Mariné Railway Co.



Receipts to Be Given to Excur­sionists for Price of the

,-Tiip. _____ii

Now that the excursion to the Queen Charlotte Islands and Prince Rupert via the palatial steamer Princess Char­lotte which leaves Victoria .at 2 am. May 8th, is an assured success, the managtftiçm of the Queen Charlotte Townsite Company announces that every purchaser of a ticket for this exturson will receive a receipt for $30 Which may be applied toWard the first payment on any unsold lot In the town- site of Queen Charlotte or additions to same at the original prices already ad­vertised. This receipt win be good un­til June 1st on presentation to any au­thorised agent of the Tdwnslte Com­pany. These receipts are not transfer­able. The purchase of real estate at Queen Charlotte, however, will be en­tirely optional, and no one will be an­noyed by being canvassed. The object of the excursion is to show the custom­ers and friends of the Townsite Com­pany the goods and to show everyone what they are buying, and that the sellers hive resources to make Queen Charlotte a city ip thf near future, Everyone will Join In appreciation of the methods ofradv-ytising and the fact that these same receipts are extended to the officers and crew, from the cap­tain down, of the Princess Charlotte apd the Princess Beatrice. It is also further officially announced that aJl lots In the townsite and additions will .be advanced hot less than 2b per cent, and up to 50 per cent, on and after June the 1st. ,

A Urge number of men are leaving on trie 22nd with stumping machines and the entire equipment for cleartiig and grading the streets. At least whe mile of sidewalk will be laid during thfe coming summer and at least 10 per cent of the entire proceeds from sales wit!;’ be Spent in improving the towni■mi*’


Indraveill, of Alley Line. Paying-tilt Visit to These Waters.

When the steamer Indraveill leaves Victoria on her voyage to New Zealand it will probably be the last voyage from this port. for her contract with the New Zealand government expires on this trip. The Indra veil i and Den of Ruthven are operated by the Alley line under a subsidy, and this voyage of toe IndraVFÎTÎ 1* The last under the con- tract, while the Den of Ruthven has one moxe to make As far as Map- gowan A Co . her agents in Vancou­ver. know', the Indraveill will pass out of the service and the Union Steamship Company may place vessels on the run, for the subsidy will not be renewed ex­cept to vessels - of a higher - rate of- speed, with accommodation for 70 pas­sengers and capacity for cold storage freight.

Steamer Vadso, of the BoscowItz Steamship Company, has arrived at Vancouver and wiU be here to-night or to-morrow morning. The steamer will leave again to-morrow night and will call at Kttimaat on thé way north.

Lumber and Whale Oil Going to United Kingdom and

Fish to Orient.



tnir*’ a very heavy cargo from the otherTSorts tn this neighborhood.



Rough Trip Nortb ' Fr'ôm San Francisco—Few Passen­

gers From California.

Steamer Erna arrived this morning from Corlnto and way ports, brlnglhg eight passenger* from San Francisco, two of whom left the steamer here. These were John H. Worthington, whose brother lives in Victoria and wha is here on a visit, and- thé ' other William Wilson, is going <»n to Seattle. The other passengers have gone on to Vancouver on the steamer.

The Erna brought 14 passengers to San Francisco from Mexico and Cen­tral America, ak well as a quantity of fruit. For Vancouver the vessel has 250 tons of general freight. Including soma plaster and asphalt from 8an Pedro and San Francisco.

From San Francisco north the vessel had rough weather, head winds mak­ing the trjp a rather slow one.

On her next southbound trip the Erna 1» going on to Panama, where she wtii take a big consignment of lumber, in­cluding a number of big toothpicks, 60



Mauretania Sets New Record on Run of Two Hundred


Camosun Will Not Visit This Port 'Until New Vessel

Arrives.-------------- - ■ "V- ■ '

The locaP office of the Union Steamship Company has been riot tried that the Steamer Camosun will not run to this port this year, but that by. another season the company wlH have another steamer, when Victoria will be Included in 'the route,

Some time ago the Union Uumpuny made an effort to Secure, suitable wharf­age at the inner hafbor, but' none could be obtained. Dockage at the Outer wharf is not considered satisfactory for boats of the class of the Camosun. as It Is too. far away from the centre of the city. This fact and the large amount of business ex Peeled this year In connection with the building up of Prince Rupert, as well as the small number of steamers the . com­pany has to operate, makes It difficult for them to run to Victoria' this year. Connections Will be made with the ferry steamers to Vancouver and,through- rates given from this port, and the company ex­pect to do eon side cable business with Vic­toria Indirectly.

A new steamer will be secured before «notiu*reason, one that will be equal to or better^than the Camosun. It Is not known definitely whether this craft will be built especially for the work or pur­chased.

The Union Steamship Company further announce that they will have direct con­nection with Stewart City and other points on Portland Canal. The Camosun will arrive nt Prince 'Rupert on Sundays and wU* meet one of thé smaller steamers owned by the company, which will sail direct for the new mining region.

The Camosun. which has been overhaul­ing at the Machinery Depot's Ways, will leavo this afternoon for Vancouver.





„ OCEAN STEAMSHIPSFrom the Orient. v

Vessel. -*Due.Shinano Marti April 80Empress of Japan ............................. May 1

From Australia.Manama ............................ May 6------------------ From Mexico. to-'.-•Iionsdale ......... April 22Ella ................................. May 18

From Liverpool.Mng Chow ........... May 16

TO HAIL.For the Orient.

Empress of Indlk ........... ......... April 21 April 27

April 23AorangiFor Australia.

For Mexico.

Lonsdale ..For IJvcrpool.

April 31

April 21

Prospects Better for Coming Season oh Account of Te­

hauntepec Railway.

Liverpool, April 20.—The Mauretania, which left for New "York this morning, concluded the first portion of her trip, from Queenstown to the Skerries Isl­ands. about 200 milqft, in six hours and ten minutes. This works out to the very high speed of 29 knots an lutur, a feat fty-r before ttecomplisbed by an ocean liner.

tide Table.

Victoria. B. C, April. 1909. ta ITimcHtiThneHtiTImeHlfTitneHt

|h.m. ft.|h. n>rft.|h. m. ft h. m. ft.


3 £0 8 .13 14 7.9 9 -T6 « 6 12 .IH 6 <2 5*7* 9 06 6 0 13 38 6.82 46 7.8 9 10 6.8 H 33 6.92* 71 921 18 15 21 6,81 (tt 7 9 9 Ut 4 3 18 14 683 20 7.9 10 26 8.7 17 09 6.K8 36 8 » 11 08 8 3 18 83 6. R3 44 H I 1156 183 46 8.3 12 46 2.53 55 8 5 13 2.24 17 H « 14 36 2.0r. no *.<$ 15 31 2.0

16 36 2.1153 i.« 6 24 6 8 to « 731 10 7.6 7 04 6.7 12 14 7.11 23 7.8 7 4J 4 6 13 34 7 !1 46 8 29 8.4 14 53 7 22 14 is 9 18 2 6 16 to 7.22 40 8.6 10 L7 17 81 7.13:06 8.6 10 53 1.2 19 22 7.23 28 8 6 U41 M3 42 8.51 4* K2mu130 8.21 24 8 1

iiüii1 20 7.9 9ÔÔ 6.7

18 41U19 20 15 » W IISfi821 ** M22 04 59 22 80 «.<

T7 19 tt 1* « *6 1* 561.1 »42 18 F 27 4.5 « D. m 21 82 68 22 82 7.0

14.19 I S 15 14 24 18 97 3 0 18 57 11 17 45 A4

The time used is Pacific Standard, for the 130th Meridian west. It is counted from 0 to 24 hnurs; from midnight to midnight. The figures for height serve to dULmgtusih--h:«Ji xv a.Lui from iow -w**-vr.

The height is -In feet and tenzhs of a foot, abovt the average level of the low­est low water In each month of the year. This level la half a foot loWFf than the datum to which the soundings on the Admiralty chart of Victoria harbor, eye

Steamer City of Puebla passed out this morning bound for San Francisco, taking a few passengers from this port.


The Stomach is Sick The Liver Sluggish The Bowels Clogged The Blood Impure The Skin Sallow

Then—Time to Take '

That grand, old, time-tested remedy—


The report of the Kosmn* line for the year 1908 states that the traffic with the West Coast of America Wa.* excep­tionally unprofitable, more especially as regards Chile, where commercial af­fairs were In an extremely depressed condition. The falling off was so great* indeed, that whereas in former years outside steamers had to be chartered to cope with the cargoes offering, last year several of the company's own boats had to be laid up fbr month* ut a stretch, and even at the present time the fleet is not in full employment Not only in the case of (’hn^ trfftrTpT^ i^ that of all the other countries on the West Coast, there was a seriouw set­back. and the same may be said with regard to the coastal traffic from Cali­fornia to Central and South" America During the last few weeks of the year, however, a slight Improvement was manifest in all West Coast business.

Tbe company took a share last year In the transport of cpffee from Central America, both by way of Magellan^ Strait# and via the- Panama railway, but the shortness of the harvest ren­dered that business unsatisfactory. This year's coffee harvest l* more abundant, and as the company has made arrangement* with the Tehuan­tepec National Railway Company, whereby an extraordinary short con* neetion with'Europe is afforded across the Isthmus nf Tehuantepec, a better result from the con veyance of coffee cargoes may be confidently expected In the current year

The profit and loss account for three years shows dividends of 14 per cent, in 1906: 9 per cent. In 19Q7; and 3 per cent In 1908.

SHIPPING REPORTXBy Dominion Wireless. ) —

Cape Lazo, April" 21, 8 a. fll.—('leaf; wind S: W.; bar.. 30.21; temp.. 47; sea smooth; 8 p. m. spoke ftjipert City near Chatham U-nnt. north bound.

Point <irfy, April 21. 8 a. m —Fair, wind 8. E.; thick seaward; bar. 30.24; temp. 49.

Tatoosh, April 21.. 8 a. m.-^-Cloudy; Wind tvw, m mile*; btuv 30,32:45; sea smooth, passed in schoom-r J. H. Lunsman at 5.05 a. m; steamer Erna at 5.10 a. m. ; U. fl.--67- Heather at 7 a. m. ; steamer Greenwich at 7.10 a. m.; passed out v steam schooner J. Mnrs- hofer at 7.50; steam schooner Tlviyrton passed in during night.

Pachena, April 21. S a. m.—Part cloudy; calm; bar. 30.25; temp, 51; sea smooth.

Este van, A prit 21, * a. m.—Dull: calm; bar. 30.32; temp. 46; sea smooth; tt^o two-mksted schooner five miels bound northward. J .

Cape Laxo, April 21, nooh^-Clear; wind 8. E.; bat. .10.18; temp. 54: sea smooth; at 10.80 steamer Cowlchan passed south; at 11.45 American cruis­er passed north.

Point Qfcy. April 21, noon-r-Clear;. wind north; bar. 30.14; temp. 51>; pass­ed in small steamer, grey funnel, works and hull and flying blue ensign at 8.40.

Tatoosh, April il. noon—Clear; wind ti. W. 20 miles; bar. 30.29; temp. 47; passed out, barque G. C. Goss. 1L65; inside, bound out. City of Puebla.

Pachena, April 21. boon—I*art cloudy; light 8. E. wind; bar. 80.25; temp. 52} sea. smooth. .

Este van, April 21, rtpon—Part cloudy; light 8. E. wind; bar. 30.33; temp. 52; sea smooth.

Steamer -Queen Is fiue hère to-mor­row night with a small cargo and pas­sengers from San Francis, o.

Queen "

April 86

April 28

April 27


From San Francisco.Vessel. Due.

Queen .............................................L. April aFrom Hkagwey.

Princess May ..............T.,i............... April 26I’rorn Northern B. C. Ports.

Vadso ................. ................ . April 2iQueen City ........ ...... ........................\t-m ^Amur Aprilfrincess Beatrice May l

From West Coast.Tees ..........rt...v.l............

TO SMI. br Han Friuieiseo.

- -For Hkagway.Prhic-s» May ...........................

For NortherD .il. C. Ports.Princess Beatrice ................. April 27Queen pity ......... April 278U llettla ........ ............................... J, April »Amur ................. ............. ................. May 1

For West Coast.Tees May l

FERRY SERVICE »Health* gnd Vam'ouver. -

Princess Charlotte leave* here at 2 p m dally, except Monday; arrives at Vancou­ver at i p m. dally, except Monday leave!- Vahcouver at 11 p. m. dally, except Monday; arrives at Seattle at 1 a. m • leaves- Seattle at 9 a. m. dàlly, excep* Tuesday: arrives, hère at 1.80 p._ m

ITtncesa Royal leaves here at 4 n m daily, except Tuesday. arrive* at Seat­tle at 9 p. m daily, except TueMay; leave* HewVtle tH 11.86 p. tit.- daHy. except .Tues­day; arrives at Vancouver at 8.30 a. m dally, except Wednesday; leaves Vancou­ver 10 a. m. daily, except Wedneaday ar­rives at Victoria at %-p. m. dally excem Wednesday. [

Charmer leaves here at 12.80 a. m. dally arrives at Vancouvw at 7.80 a. m.; leaves Vancouver at 1 p. m. dally; arrives here at 7 p. ra.

S. R. Chippewa sails daily except Thurs­day for Heat He at 4 » p. m., arriving at Seattle at 9,30; returning, leave* Seattle at 9.30 k. m , arriving here at 1.30,

APRIL 21, 1909.


Tôwn visited by recentTHEATRE DISASTER ONCE


From the Mexican Herald.

During the middle ages, the trade Toute tr<m the far east, from the In­dies i ,d China reached Europe through; the gre^t commercial repub­lic of Venice. After the occupation by the Spaniards of what we "know now as Mexico, a great deaf of this traffic, especially the Vhlneee. portion of It, took a new road to Eurqpe. The Spanish government established a line of armed ships • nmraanded by king'* officers and heavily armed, that made the Journey at stated intervals, 'be­tween Acapulco and the Philippines <md vice versa. These véwela. were termed galleons or treasure ships. In the eastern island, dependencies of Spain,vthe treasures of the east wefe collected, ithc silks, spices and the thousand gnd one treasures, that were Kuch rarietle* in Europe and *o»com­mon In Asia. These came to the great pnrt of Acaptiicb and then over, the old cobble-stoned "camlno real** from there to the City of Mexico, fhence, via I^alapa to VeraVnu. Counties# treasures passed over this oMf trail, merchandise coming and a steady flow of the 'precious metals going eastward, and in those day* the city of Acapulco was the most Important port upon all the broad Pacific and through her, throbbed the" great commercial pulse, that then bound the east to 4ha west;

The great galleons brought untold treasures. Their coining and their go­ing was ah event that interested three

—--------------------------------- 1----------r^=rrwlçh. by Queen Elisabeth, who know­ing a good man when she saw one. bor- fowled a sword and bade her captain. I that prince of buccanfeertb kneel and rise, Sir Francis Drake.

The war of the Independence ruined Ackpuictk Th^. patriots on..shore un­dergone a change for the better °n account of sanitary Improvements and the cutting of a canyon through the rocks whleh admits the sea breeze freely.

The governor of the stale, Sr. Lie. Damian Florès, looks upon the port of Acapulso as .the coming port. We And Iturplde fobbing the **cohdu<,‘t«r?- en route to Acapulco and bound to Manila of 8625,000. Since those days tliife» flnanilally have bvén bad ami from being the proudest port on the Pacific, shé hàs bëcômë a town with a fair trade Und a great harbor.

But Acapulco, one of the finest har- b4»r* in the world may again -attain the supremacy which she lost.

The harbor has been for many years and is at present landlocked,

Acapulco is ohly about 230 mile* southwest of the City of Mexico and with the increased transportation fa­cilities whit h---have been provided by the present administration, the pro- due's of the state of Guerrero when it 4* developed wUl find an open dooj* In Afapwloo to all Miitxlde Ihu lflc prULtt,

Governor Flores Is - enthusiastic over hi* plan# to make Acapulco lYb* most lmj)ortsnt port In Mexico.' A !«rge percentage of thus products of the -soil bf Guerrero have to be kept at home .for lack of transportation facilities, and ik# vast timber lands have scarce been found much less

[touched, -v-’fhe cattle and lumber Industries, to

*»ay nothing of agricultural and mineral products, are those upon which the eye* of trade, are resting.

Ih spite of the fact that tn * other *-ta tea cattle are raised On a large scale, as In the stato of Chihuahua and Veracrus, appai^-ntly better pas­turage flic Ids are to be found in Guerrero.' The cattle Industry is oq** which will become at no distant date• ru- of the most important factor* in itsdevelopment, for Quedrero rattle nro far superior itoth ' In size and cj-u^iity to cattle raised in any of the otW states In Mexico. .✓

Governor Flore* unhesitatingly as- ^r*rted - tm# on fils yfait to Mexico.Jew- days ago, an<tr i>ol*"t« <1 out that only lack of transportation faclllilee prevents cattlemen from Guerrero from seeking other markets to develop the cattle industry to the extent It i* cap­able of being developed. —;

For the lumberman, op; rtunities abound and no better market could b«- had for flyer re ro pine, map!.- ..«k and fine wood* than th* Pacific poAs,

The mineral wealth of Guerrero makes It lmi^ratlve for the govern­ment to grant- aoimwlimi t«» MR4 state lines running to and from the mining regions and this will be don», according, .to-the policy of com mere lb 1 and industrial expansion which Gov­ernor Flores is about to inaugurate.

He purpose* to open new avenues for Zrafflc and ha* not confined his ef­fort* to the building of railways but has Improved the country roads and• onstructed new one*. The road from Jguahi 4h*ch will be i$s kilo­meters In length is almost completed eighty kilometers having been opened for traffic under most favorable <on

■^Hie roads now being repaired and those to be opened in the near future will tend to relieve the congestion of traffic caused by the absence of rall-

The cliputte of that/ 'region, par­ticularly near the southermôst part of the state. Is peculiarly adapted to agricultural enterprises, and plans are now under consideration for planting large tracts of banana» and orangés tor export trade. —'

WlH be hence such^ fc bon cent ration financial import, fkan those high P^ope^l, absurdly rlgiged and tow'ertng sHlp*. thin, frequented the magnificent

danfi-loi ked Ai apulco.Thé of'-c^lfroads, the explol-

•tiLthm df'mJtlek. HpObi^nering of prec- lougWood# will never restore tq Aca-

—-Submarine fog signale can be heard as far as fifteen miles

pulcos, That what j»he one# owned and has i*»st forever. Indeed those were the days Of. her splendor, the king's Idghway ffoih héf to the capital of New Vi tin looked like « great crawl­ing snake. P,, black it wns with ih.- pack mules and the shouts o* the **as- Tlero»' was continuous from the JPa-

- Me i i Ihe .a HMkk Then were the times of Acapulco,

crowded with muleteer* and animals, with Soldiers and sailors, her -streets, thick with merchknts and with those Vho ‘went down into the sea in ships." Millions were at stake on the coming galleon and would she escape the Eng­lish? . Those fierce sea-dogs, from Eliz­abeth's time until the eighteenth cen­turies plundered' them without mercy. How they did It. no man knows. For weeks hidden In thé- dank sea-fog the small ship waited and then the great un wieldly ghlleon staggered Ujto sight and a few hours settled it, for as the old song goes the English were "hoarse with anger and drunk with fight" and they never ceased to ask If the enemy had "struck." which they always did, for who could fight these “Lutheran dogs" who lived upon ocean foam and drank the blood of sea-gulls. The last capture was when A niton on the Centurion in 1743 captured the out­going Acapulco gallflotv bound for the Philippines, off tyie Cape of the Holy Ghost nmd took out of her more than two millions In Ingots and coined dob tara. . The first probably was that one taken by the Royal Hind, whi^'h sailed e*i the Thajhts and was met at Green-


Elect rte Bath That Nearly Emperor of Abyssinia.


The medical officer of the British le­gation. who has Just reached England from Addis Abeba. said. In an inter­view with Reuter’s Agency, that he ha.d been In Abyssinia for eleven y *r* and had latterly been In medlcaf at­tendance upon the Khiperpr. ‘ Mcne- llk’s health?' he said, "is very fair in­deed. hut owing to the fact that ha Ibtmn# upon laolhg «21 State business himself, despite the existence of so- called ministers, his brain has be­come overworked, and his lowers of concedtratlon are certainly much be- iow par..

"If everything goes on |»eacefu!ly as at present, he should Hve for snoifl'i rr nevi-r WiLM. beffisp or . - — *1"—JH—rXen years, buf if quacks play with, hhtce such a .concentration of heaith or hé receives any strong men tal or physical shock, his life Is liable

be . ut abort Mcnciik lg organical­ly sound, and, notwithstanding reports to the «Contrary, does not suffer1 from any internal complaint.

Last July he had a very slight stroke of paralysis, whichleg and arm. From this lie rapidly re covered, and no trace of the trouble remains. Soon- after this, however, as a result of the intrigues of a high of- fit:la I. an outside doctor, wan clandes­tinely admitted to the Palace at night. The Emperor was w’rongly treated with electricity, and was given a highly- charged electric bath, from which he was removed, .ftjmpat at the point of death. The State physician* ami my­self were then called in. and after great carw and caution he was gradual­ly pulled round.” ~


la Found Flrelcss an<L Foodies# Amid Plenty.

At a recent meeting of Bristol. Eng.. Guardian», there was reported a case in Which a rellevetng officer Was call­ed to see a woman ill and without food or fire. In removing her in a cah. he noticed that her pocketsenmed pec uliar, and found It contain­ed £7 in gold. On- searching thé house he found a j>o*t-office, saving* bank book for^^ Î23CC unrrtn; rTYttfivate for' £2«io (>msolidnted Stock. There was also valuable jewellery.- The clerk of the board sild the wo­man had been a miser for many years. Thotigh -she had an Income site begged all round, and when she obt meney hoarded TY away, instead of attending it on herself. The full cost of maintenance would 'be charged to her. She Is about M years of age. - \


THROUGH TRAIN FROM PACIFIC TO ATLANTIC '< arrying Standard and 3-nuriat Sleepers, and runnevting at Winnipeg with Winnipeg-Torento Express. Tourist cars Vancouver to St. Paul.


.Kmjirr*» „l Initia ...April a Kmprijsa of Japan....May 12 Bmproai bf China....June 1 Muntengie .'.June 13

To Honolulu and Australia

Ai rangl ...ApL 23 Xlurumu ..May 21 MukUrn ..June 18 Aoranffl ..July 16

B. 0. COAST SERVICE To Canneries and Logging Camps

Queyn City.. ..April 27 Quito City ... May 4 (Kvery Tllf.etUy, S p.m.)


Princes* Charlotte. Down Pally ex. Monday; 2.00 p.m. Lv.-Daily ex. Monday, ^ 7.00 p.m.■Dally; ex, Monday, 11.00 p.m.Dalty ex. Tueeitnyr 8:00 a.tri.

.Doily ex. Tuesday 9.00 Am.Dally ex. Tuesday, 1.30 p.m.


ivinroas Beatrice.... April 23PrlnvWM May -I. April t$-8.H. Amur..:.............May 1Princess Beatrice.;. ..May V

To Skagway and Ketchikan

Prince,e May.....April 27Prlnceaa May...... May JPrinces, May.......May 17



ToQueen Charlotte

Princess Beatrice.Aprtj 22 Princess Beatrice..May 2 Princess Beatrice.May 22

UVER-SEATTLERea'dUp. Princes* RoyaL3.00 p.m. daily except Wed.

10.00 a.m. daily except Wed. 8.80 a m. dally except Wed.

11.30 p.m, dally except Tuee. 9.00 p.m. daily except Tuea. 4.1)0 p.m. daily except Tues.

Victoria Ar. PHncouvee Lv. Vancouver Ar

Seattle Lv. Seattle Ar. Victoria Lv.

Charwr.12.30 a.m.7.30 a.m.


Charlotte. f ' vd’ly 2.00 p.m. dly^Lv. -Vietorte Ar. d ’-xjX.OO p.m. d lyi Ar. Vancouver Lv.

(ex. Mon.) |

Royal3.00 p.m. d’ly

10.uo p.m. d'tyjl_J)S (ex. WwL)

Charmer. 6.30 p.m^ d’ly

p.m. d*ly

For Ill formation or Rates fall ami .SeeL. D. CHÉTHAM, City Pass. Agent, 1002 Government St.


SALT SPRING ISLANDSDirect service tp the Islands STIV

DON leaves OAK 1>A^ every Tuesday, rn Is | find Bin lay zrl a. m.

Returning, leaves Mayne Hjand Mon­days, Wednesdays and Saturdays at

Light Freight carried to all

SEATTLE" ROUTE8.S. Chippewa leave* W^harf Street

Dock, behind Postoffice, daily, exceptThursday, at 4.30 p. m., cal lin» at PortTownsend.

Returning leaves Seattle at 8 SO a. m daily, except Thursday, arriving Vic­toria at 1.30 p. m.

25c EA0H way25g

Solid wide VwUhule Trains of CoachesSLEEpTnQ CMS



see is* rruw—M Hs»s* ossen meOntario, Quebec and the

Marltlvre Piovlnoee.

CEO. W. VAWfc » sm i riMipr ui bee «pa,

How to AvoidSea Sickness

lake Huilât « tx>x of Mulht-nsili a 8«u and Train Hick Remedy. It ban recently

thoroughly tested on English and Irish Channels and found absolutely reli­able. Recommended f ditorlally by such papvrs as<lon Daily Express, New York H« raid. Montrt-t.1 Hem hi. xnrl rtr»f Press gfW’rittiy lW-Griart Britain. Wrf+v* for l-toklet. and pr.-ss utiHvfs. For y,i|- at all first-rtass druggistii. - Guaranteed perfectly harmless to the most delicate.

MOTHKH81LL REMEDY UO..' 227 Uleland Bldg.. Detroit. Michigan. F.»r sale and rs -mmt nded in Victoria

by: O. If Bo we*1 A Co. l>. K Campbell. John Cochrane. Dean A Hiscocke. FaW- evtt A Co., litill A• Co., Geo. Norris <* C** . Tho#f. Sli ttbolt. W« 8 Terry. J. L. tv flu i < ; A Frits**'r, W Jackson <E Co.;

R ; . . B. c.Drug--Store, Ltd. \




Northern B-C. PortsON

THURSDAY. APRIL 22Calling at Kitamaat.

John BarnsleyAREN'T 534 YATES STREET

Sure Pure



Steamers from Puget Sound and British' Columbia ports connect at Skagway with the daily trains of tbq WHITE F A 88 « YUKON ROUTE for white Horse and Intermediate, points.

The Winter service has now been estab­lished and passenger and freight atage« making tri-weekly trips between White norso and Dawson connect With the daily trains at White Horse.

For further particulars apply to .TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT.

VaneouVer. B. C.

Canadian Pacific Atlantic Steamships




T «ag than fntir Java si flftt MvW til tut tout unj s ate w"o


From Montreal Fromand Quebec'

MAYPOLE SOAPDyes Perfectly

Cotton, wool, silk or mixtures can all bt quickly and easily dyed

to just the right shade with

Mayole Soap. 1 No streaks.Even, lustrous - colors that won’t wash out or fade. Colors 10c. Black 15c, at ail dealers, or postpaid' with

free Booklet * How to Dye * from F. L BENEDICT ft CS„77A MsstreaL

May May 15 May 11

June ^4

June 38■to»

- j Liverpool. Empress of Ireland-.. April 23 . Lake Champlain .... April 28 Empn-se of Britain .. May ? .. i.ake Manitoba .....Empress of Ireland .. May zi

..;...... Like Eru .......w. May ,-ii,.. Empress of Brluito .. June 4 ........... Like Erie ........... June 9

Empross oft Britein .. July SJuly WFirst Cabin. and. up.^-Second Cabin,

84S.7I» And up.-,One <’lasg Cabin, 842.5SThe popular "Lake • steamers carry ONE

CLAHHOF CABIN t»a»aen*eni only at * second cabin râtea

1 M,1192 Government St. City Passenger Agt.




MAZATLAN. ACARUÉ-co. sauna Cruz, uuaxmas xother Mexican purer as inducement ott9rw Also taking vargptpn through Bills or

1 Lading ta United Kingdom ports and the i Continent via the Tehuantepec NaUonai Railway.

Sailing from \ lctorla. B. C., the ^ast dnyw>f egch month.

For freight or passagé apply to the offleed of the company, ** Qranvirtesir. t, Vancouver, or. cars of RhalV-ros*.'mv .v '■<» , r. 1> >n *trv.-t. Victoria.'

aaaaaHSiStandard remedi f»r Sleet, f {READ TIMES


- ■=p





Gratifying State of the Can­vass for the New


The Interest in the Y.M-C.A. building fund i ainpatgn ia steadily inoreastn#;. \(>no young man. a cafpèntifr, la so unxlouH to be on hand to make the re­port tor his team at the noon hour that h© rides in three miles from the country where 'he la at prènept work­ing to give his report. x

A feature of to-day's report was the. subscriptions turned in by Lee Mong Kow"and Wong Wa. The former not only subscribed one «-hundred dollars himself but gave smaller amounts f«>r

^nemtiers of his family, tfcaklng a total of 1145. x_

ft Another gratifying feature to the workers la the fact that many people are showing their faith In "the move­ment by corylng In with cash subscrip­tion totalling several hundred dollars.

The young men themselves are doing splemttdirork in the campaign, the t<*al of their subscriptions secured by them amounting to I4.778.7S. When It J» remembered that the young men are not canvassing the business men of the community, but simply their own asen- panlons, thia total is a magnificent one.

The Intermediates who made a start yesterday continue to show food form, and there Is a friendly rivalry among the teams as Xf> which shall secured the largest amounts.

In the totals for to-day which fol^ low the names of the leaders of the young men’s teams are put Instead of the fancy titles which they have called

There was great cheering to-day when It was announced that the $50,- 000 xnark had been passed. Secretary Wilcox shouting “Run out and chgngc the clock someone," amid much laugh­ter and renewed cheers.

The result of the canvi showing the following:Citizen’s committee ...........

. Young men .......................... .4 Intermediates ................. .

Ladles' auxiliary .................

Harry Hemming Offers a Sug­gestion With Respect to

Luncheohs. f




(Continued from page 1.)

lira hiiilfhnL* Which thé T.M.c. A. hope# ty erect In thia city, Harry Hemming of the Drturd hotel sees the only solution iKy which hasalways existed In connection with the luncheon* of the Canadian Club.

"Ho long as my hotel l* full of guests l cannot adequutefy handle these lun­cheon*," 'finttf he. "«-oming as they do just at the hour whm :my regular guests req .ire aftcntlon. What Is truq of the Drturd applies as well to every other hotel in town."* V, -

"If the Y.M.C.A. erect a building' of the proportions Which they plan." he added, "the whdle trouble can be cured. The luncheon* can be held hi the spa­cious auditorium, and the association or the ladles’ auxiliary of it can pro­vide a1 luncheon at lif Ml make■i g... i profit Then will bi ...........b£uslog, nu interference with the régula A guests, and It will be an altogether ad­mirable arrangement throughout.

“I feel the club might weirsu^iicirTlwe to such a movement which will gjve th.em the very arrangement they re­quire. Personally, 1 hope this Y.M.C.A. make go,"

$39.343 50 . 4.778 75. 680 50. 3.000 00

Total ................. *...................$50.325 20The following are the contributions

In detail:Cltlxena* Committee.

D. TL Ker.....................A. Lee .......

To-day. Total.$ *.6W 06

4.906 on 3.700 09 6.37* 00 1.086 00 1.24$ W

830 O0 1138 45

«fi»' C. A. Fields............ .

A. B. McNeill ............, W.’A. Gleason ...........

E. W. Whittington ..IX McIntosh ...............Oeo. darter ................

.... 50 00

.... 4ÔO 00

.... 346 00

.... 455 00

.... 70 00 .... 313*

R. R. McMIcklng .... ..... im on 1.377 50R. C. Horn .................. .... 70 00 9.807 00

Totals ................ . ..‘..$2.562 46 $41,895 15Young Men.

To-day iotal.’=■- ,H. Rhandley ............. . No report $ 25 00

B. Vale ........ . ... ....$ !!* 00 1.136 50W. J. Shortt .......y.. 10 00 227 4M)W Sweeney............. . 660 300 -OC. H Mason ............... to 00 33.', 00F. McGregor ............-. 392 25E. Campbell ............. 255 00J. Clearlhue ............. .... V)W 8S#5 00J. Issler ....................’. .... 'J57 00 <Vi3 00W. Long........ ..... .... 127 50 1.206 60

the mortgage held against the owners:In this connection Mr. Huson con­

tends that he has not been fairly dealt With. He takes exception to the ac­counting of the governgrfent In the matter. The; owners are credited ac­cording to the statement furnished by the department of finance wUb $5.000 for 100.1)00 cubic 'feet of ptone. The

,>»lakntlft has taken advice and he- .Hevc that the buildings contain 131.444 cubic feet.

Before the government took over the quarry under the mortgage Arrange- inent the owner* had been furnishing Frv.l Adams, the contractor, with

»tom f'»r Uie: btilldings at M cents per < abi. foot delivered' in Victoria Two loads were delivered according to the account* of the government befùre the quarry was taken over, totalling 3.623 cubic feet BuCevèn with that and the 199,000 feet with which Che plaintiffs aiy credited there remain 27.821

whi, h Is v laimed—taxe not „ ... i-ad for. which at the cOBtnut price of

• nnikex li sum <if $1.391.o:, which'b itil*,»n . ..rif ml* wa.- <luc and never (•old.

But In addition to this stone used In Xkt parliament building*, the claim I* set ,.ut that Itr wn* stone from the mine that was used for the erection Of the Hank of Montreal, ami that about , 509 < ublr feet xvere used In-that

FOR THF PATHFnRAI ] hulHln« which shouUl .-have >leldgd run I Jit LAIJItUHAL ,,, th< owner* and Of Which m.--- account ai'qs-ars in the statement fit'

the government.Coming down To the year 1905 a re-

xuuxt-r wa* apt rioted by order of Judgr Harrison to administer the affair* of the Haddington Island stone quarry, belonging-to the plaintiffs James For-

-*mn of this < Ity was aptsilnted re­viver. and Intbhi# bands was com-

® - | mitted the carrying on of all businessThr Wry meeting of < hrbt Church In'1«W »hA Mr. Hu.nn believed he

Cathedral w*s held last evening. There | h«d an opportunity to redeem In com- was a 'good attendance and great in- ! l,,ll,y with the heirs-.if h|* old partners terest wa* shown In the reports pré- ,,n*' va,u*hierf quarry hev wrote to Hon. e<rnted for the year ' K J *‘u,M’n Chief Commissioner of

1 Lands and Work», several letters mak- The officers elected tor th< ye*r were 1 : , tt ^ hK wWl , , m.

as follows: hold possession of ih* «m.irrvRector’»feWarde.n—J. Hollyct. [and \%inwoff the mortgage. On Janu- Pvople # ^Warden—K. H. Hl#< ocks. j *ry 24th. 1909, Mr Huson wrote that he Church committee—A. W. Crease. H. ! had arranged term» with Mr itatten-

O. Litchfield. A. J. Dallam, Sydney bury tnjl I1:, contractors for the court Child, Herbert K*Wl. 11. A. ilkwep in \".in. , iv. nr tn take- stone forMuir. U. E. Green. C. Holmes. A. E. ! the bttljdlng at 5 cents a ruble foot Allen. i just aw had been done for the pàrlta-

üidesmen—H. Kent. Geo. Harvey. Jf. men^ building* and the gppWM D. Virtue. 8. tSvildrC. Holme», - have the proceed* applied



Vestry Meeting Held Last Evening Was Well Attended

by Members.<

court house, as defendants. He readthe affidavits In .the case, setting 'ItfinK the story told above, and In the course^ of this read the further statement that the building to be erected by Hon. F L. Carter-Cotton in Vancouver Is to be of stone from the quarry In quaa? Mbh, Mr. Hig-gln* also asked Içffve tbr make the agit not oûli Qfkf for rédeinp- tlon fcst for thé receAsioii of the coV- mut

H. D. Twlgg. of Eberts À ’Taylor, appeared for the Haddington island Quarry Co., and objected to the ad- ditlçp of, Mr. Walker as a defendant on the grhmfd.that a bona fide pur­chaser fbr value, as he stated Mi-. Walker to be. could not be joined In a redemption suit.

It appeared, however, that Mr. Tw igg was'not acting for Mr. Walker, and had no affidavit» to offer at this stage, so his lordship granted the mo­tion, remarking that it would be to Mr. Walker's interest to be joined In the case.

—The Chinese lottery cases which, came up In the police court this morn­ing were remanded until Friday next.



—The post office department is eall- fftk~for f^irs, to be In Ottawa by

in,. tt,.-, . , v. notm on May 21st, for the transfer of^ ^ , fWiEln *7,811 'V^-aarimrtlr-bitWMn the POM nm, .. End

week exeh way, for four years from July 1st next. "V .

—John Arb^thnot. and party have returned froopthe north, where they Visited tlx* mine* at South Wellington and also at the Suquash river. JtMy Itport that the showing* at the fetter place irre v^ry .good and that develop­ment work is being pushed abend. Th> party returned on Mr. Arbuthnot’s pri­vate teunch Loretta.

—The training classes for the as- ,sault-tit-arms werV-^utimenred at the drill hall yesterdajr evening and were well attended. Considerable prepara­tory work was got through The physical drill squad, under Gunner Aide, and the bayonet exercises, under Gunner Stuckey. The gyrpnurtic train­ing will be conducted on Friday even­ings and Tuesday àfld Thursday even­ing# xx ill l>c taken up w ith instruction in ’ physical drill with arms and heyonef All members taking part are requested to be on hand af b 15 sharp Thursday evening There will he committee meeting also on Thursday at 7:45 p.triT 'i

Commission to NumSef,About

Thirty Will Be Ap­pointed.

(Special to the Tlmle^Ottawa, April 8L—Hon, 8. Fisher has

given notice of a bill for th<- appoint­ment of a commission on the conw rvii- tlon of mUui*ttl re.Hources in a< - urdan- e with the1 tTviimniehdatlvn of the Arlington ''conference.- The commis­sion will consist of twenty-five to , thirty men chosen without regard‘to’; their political view*. j


TailorCor. Broad and Trounce Ave.

—The . members of L'Alljanee Krnr- 1 vnise «‘III meet to-night at the Hal-1moral h"t. | t# h- .n a || !,n.- og t’iFrench Aiademjf Madame, Kerpe»-^ '"-on. The, meeting Will niaiii at half-^ ias< eight. An Interesting '"lecture 1st expected un the" famous body which ha* numbered- among it* member* so many ef x^rqneefe ilterhry .celebrities, and upprecik^Um* of some of Ùioee who have been honored by L'Acad«*mU'. The committee ig, érranglnif. for an­other evening neMweek. when „ IM hoped to preseîTt an enjoyable pro­gram me^o^jthv^^^




WANTED—A strong lafflMed t» H *»k- ' smith shop- Apply PagfOc Wago i

Works. Government street.

FOIt MALE—(London made) banjo,* equal to new. or wUaW v>i hauge tor good

- • - ' Box 67V

FOR SALE--Bargains, lot; Hilda'street, near Linden avenue, only term*;lot.Oscar street, near Linden, high fend, best lot on the street, only Itna, terin-i. E. C. ti. Bugs ha we. tilJ Fort «treéi.

LAWS’ MOWERS sharpened.-and. adjust­’d. new parts fur all size* Nf mowers. Hlgn of the B^g Key. 641 Fort street.

FOR 8ALE—Large Victoria carriage, curry Hx.'IKIf. Apply to *"Ttnÿ -trr^-i.

FUR RENT OR 8ALE--Uirge * roomed house. Urge basement furnished or un­furnished. modern conveniences, acre of X»)uml. with fruit trees and born. Ap­ply Store» next railway crossing. Lamp-

' •

. -, ... - . j . , • ........ »....... Sjur, jowepn narmw. smm rairey,, O. E. A. S. Allen. Mger to paying o« ih,- mortgage held by <he (i„rUpn, Mr. bo»**, s,,mu,i>WI>. D. Kent, E. H. King. ». Bag- government un<«w. aa.lgnment j(rom n„,„r ,nfl Mrlvor. MontetWe.* . . ‘ __ _ _ ' r Mecaufey. ... . for the dative* was supplied bv Miss

Rurl-dcanal Confèrent—H. O. Litch­field. H. Kviit. H. | Grotty.

Synod R«-pce*enUy;lve»—H/ G. Litch­field. K. B. Parke. A. J. Dnllnln. Mr. BMaftoa, h. s. frottv, i;. n. ms. cocks. T. R. Smith.



(Special to the Tlmes.9 London. April 21—VUy and Surbur:

ban handicap—L White Ragj«. (10 to 1); 2. Dean Swift (100 to 15). 3; Lafay­ette (100 to 8).

........................I 537 50 $ 4.778 75Intermediates^ .*.• .*

To-day. Total......... • 1 21 09 $ 97 50

pp..y 9no 71 sè5 00 29 00

Winners II. ... Ka-Challs ..... Qet Tberes .... Going SomesShirks.............Hustlers ......Trafalgar» Never Stops . Night Hawks-, Terribles ........

Total ........................... $ 243 00 I 656 50Some of the Individual contributions

for to-day wer^:Baker Shoe Col, Ltd........................... $ 20Chas. Kent ...L...................... ..... 50The Stançland Co., Ltd,.................. looRev. W. Leslie Clay........;................... 50Robinson, F. P........................................ 10Arthur A. Beere .............. 10P. R. Scurrach ....................................... #H. C. Marsh ..................... 5Job. F. Fletcher .................................. SoO. A. D. FUtton ................. ............... 20A. J. Howard Potta ............... MJas. L. Armson ........... ............... .. 50Itedfern & Sons ............Geo. W. Dean .................... 100Geo. Pettlson .i.................. B0J. P. Elford 250J. C. Newbury ...................... .Gonna son .................................. .Matthew, S. E................................ .......Parfltt. Bros.H. C. Qunaoti ............................ .H. Harkness ..........E. H. Neelartds ..................................... joD. S. Tail ;..V............................... ...Hugh Macdonald »...............................8. Verge ...............................................Lucy Davey, W, Bradshaw ..................1L McKinney ........................................C, W. Rhodes ....... .................. 50Tinker A Co. ............... .......................... 50C. Wenger ..,.v...... ......................... 20P. Margison ................. ......... ................ 30W. O. Carter ............... ................... 25W. Atkins ................. ........... ............. |5Joseph Heaney ........... ...................... . 25Abraham E. Smith .. .......................... 60J. C. Darling ............... .......................... 25T. N. HllMli, ....«/m ........................ 20Geo. Powell A Sons .......................... 50fieo. W. Andrew .... ............... 1........ 10J R. Saunders ......... .. ......................... IdHilton Keith ...................... 58t. Andrew’s cNGrcti Youfig Peo-

pie's Society ....> .......................... 25P. A. Bablngton ........ .....................Tv. 5dLee Mong Kow ..........................100Mrs. Seto Mong Kow ......... ;............ ioLed Took Chong, Mong Kow’s Hon 5Lee Took Tong, Mong Kow’p Son... !l



Captain Declares He Was Out-1 side the Three Mile


Vancouver. April 2f--Iii a statement mi* nwrntog the « the ffitir-Ing schooner Woodbury declared Hf was quite four and,, a half mile# taora shore when captured by . the Kestrel. He denies that any shot fired by the cruiser hit ^rhln vessel, and declares a(i hlv dories were in at the time. Thé Kestre; summoned him to surrender

Captain Newcomb, of the — <rglwr. the captain of the Wood bury «hd United state! «’•.risul West are h"1-l­ing a meeting on the Kesjrei this afternoon. \ . . N “

(See efeo Page Qpe.)'r

February £nd. TNW, Mr. "Huson "'® wroU to h , y M Fulton Baying

that he was lnf«»rmed that some shark# were forming a scheme to g*t tHMieessten of r Haddington Island by laying off part of ' the outstanding t laim* <>r the old company for a paltry «urn of--about $3.000 and thus get pos- keeeioo ,»f a property worth at least This letter go,»# «)n : "We do not xx ant to well the property for a cent less, as the stone taken for the

• •un %naf[.,in Vantsouveé will most ta 4k m>

When my son* and the sons of Rudge and Gray hope to resume pos*e**lon of the quarry and work it for their "IK# account l Jruüt thé government .Will, not pert xxkm" the mortgage to any one without mv cohsenC or permit a clique of shark* to take advantage of our poverty and distress "

A few days later, Februnry <thk.190*. W"G Dickinson of this city wrote w •Mr Fulton stnttn* that he had beeo' w|,ol in(brmed by Mr. Huson that the gov-

| eminent as mortgagee* In powNw*b»n of the quarry wss hegoliatlng with H<»me people for the “sale -of the prop­erty' hi « ridiculously low figure and that Mr liuson hnd asked him to pro­test Hgalnst any sale or disposition of the proverty. as they had *ale* of *toné“'Tnoùsh In sight to repay to the government any claim that they might dhaiEfr against the proper -

—The 8t. Andrew's Society coi^Çf-rr and dance last evening In the À.O.U.W. hall waa enjoyable, aa It always 1*. (‘resident P. J. Riddell wa# in the xfhalr during the cOBWft, wljleh was contributed to by Mrs. Crawford. Miss -Murray. W. P, McDonald. William Fra- s<er, Joseph Barlow^ Ernest Falrey,

MISS BEL1»EAI\ dressmaker, of Cook, has moved to M6l JOhneon street.

W ANTED—Office girl, must bt* quick and accurate at flgur* s.. Appl.x personally, Standard Steam lAundry. 9 v

FOR SALK—5 roomed house, pantry and bathroom. Apply 121 Kingston stroet.

FOR SALE—A«i iicres, Shawnlgan district. Apply B<>x 60. Time# Office.


DA VelS. Ax


A record net equalled by any other Scotch Whiaky on the market.

Hudson’s Bay Co.SOLE AGENTS FOR B. a

fur-the datives was supplied by Miss Thaln's orchestra. Tlie society. In co-<iiteration with the Piper** band, is ar­ranging for the appearance here, at •in early-date, of Lena, Dut hie, said to be one of the rreatsut exponent* of Scottish folk-lore und/Wbtlonal songs, tfhe will give an evening Scottish and Irish song* and national sketches.

'* —At the regular meeting of the aux­iliary of |J|e antl-Tuberrulosle Society, held In the parlor of the Balmoral this forenoon, the of the meet­ing was take» up with a dlscusson re- gtirdlng some Import nut amendments which the society are considering the iCdvlsablHy. of making In the constitu­tion. It wa* finally .decided, to hold the matter over until.; the ' annual meeting, which will be held on the 2nd of .May. ' The executive will meet promptly at 2 o’clock, and the meet­ing. will be open to fhe public at 1. then

in be addressed, by some one of hum notice will be given later. There

were priment. Mrs- Fagan, president; Miss Mitra, secretary; Miss Fltx-Glb- l>on. Mrs Love, Mrs. Cross.' Mrs. (tenge. Mm. Lampman and the Misses Page.

WE _W!LL COLLECT —and deliver you,- Tawn mower Ph»*ne 171*. H. M, Wilson, •614 vorroorant street.’


Turkish Government Provides Quarters for Army of

----------Young Turks.

Berlin, April 2L—Private messages confirm the correspondents' dispatches, which say that following the signing oj^ the agreement between the RUT!an and the Young Turks, the goverhment sent provisions to the army outside the city. The army was scantily pro­visioned and ne$i(féd Stores.badly.

It tit also reportetd that the barrgcks are being prepared^ for the Invaders’ occupancy whepVthey march into the city.

(See also Page l.)

—In anticipation of a big tourist trade this year Steve White has added still another to his line of tally-hos. His new vehicle arrived to-day and will be on the road tn a short time. It will seat twenty-eight people and will be a distinct adjjjttafi to Victoria’s famous tally-ho lines. ___


ST. JOHN'S CHURCH[According V> the records, in spite of

[the requests from Mr Huson. Hon".F. J Fulton on March 11th. 190*. for the sum of $1.150 *7 then held to he still • lue the mortgage given by Mrlîùsoh and his partners several year* lief ore to Mr, Mmautoy and" naafened m turn to O. ft. Martin, then Chief Cemmfeeloner of Lsmde and.«. assigned the morlgatre to the Hadding­ton Inland Quarry Company. Ltd. On March 12th Hhert# A Taylor, acting as solk>jtot^ ,;Cor Gt«- Hh<1 dmgtdh1 Kriartd

'{tyûarry « unipany. made the payment of the* simi du«\

James Forman, the receiver for the Haddington qu«rn. wrote the govern­ment on x May 11th* 190*. stating that lie had been Informed that stone was being taken out for the court house dt- Vancouver, and that If such was the case no contract had been entered Into with him as- receiver permitting of the quarrying being done.

On May 18th Mr. Forman wa# In­formed by lidier from the department that the assignment, by |he govern­ment to the Huddinalmi^PHandi^Ouarrv

LtdNot until February. 1W». according

to Mr. Huson’s statement, was he nradg gware of the sitùaton with re- speet to his property. Bellevng that hi* obligation with the government hud been met he waited upon the deputy commlsstoner’of land* and works with the objet t of paying off the said mortgage. He w'as then Informed that the government claimed an Interest In the mortgage, it hgvlftg been assigned by Hon Mr. Fulton.

Action was then begun by the Issuing of a writ of summon# and the regis­tering of a lis pendens. - —$rhe matter came before Mr. Jpstli e.

Martin In chamber# this mornng, when Frank Higgins, for the plainttff. moved, to add F. Taylor Walker. Van- <H*>uver;~»«d McDonald, Wtieon A Sni­der, contractors, for the Vancouver

Mr. Archer and Miss Rolfe Were Married To-day at


D". <• iDOBSON, Tearher of Violin anil Mandolin, 70S Fort street.

FOR 8ALB—Two well situated lots, close to t entrai F‘ark and car line; gfice $475 each; easy terms. Appb' Bot ^ Tiroes

W ANTKtr—For rash, small M or house und lot. in city, close-In. Address Box 672. Times Office

TO LET-Furnished Park street.

WANTED*-A general servant for family I - of. three. Apply- Mrs. Wilkereon, mu

Harrison atreet.

To RENT 5 room furnished cottage, close tcr-car and city, electric light, hot and cold-water. Apply 1121 FUguard St.

LOST Ittwrk hand hug, on Johnson or Cbok strerta. Wednesday morning.

• Finder please return to 1110 Johnson street Hid get reward.

TO RENT—8- roomed house, near City .Hall, suitable for letting rooms. Apply ! 717 Cormbmht street. - \ \

FOR SALE RutiyTRTitUtge, nearly new.- cheap. 684 Dkllasiroad.

FIRST OF TilE ..«tLkSGXr.-JS’gxsh, oola- chans, at" WrlglesWorth’s. 575 Johnson

FOR SALE—Cheap, two kits, comer# of Pentnitn. Charles and Albert streets," 4

- minutes from Fort street car.. Apply —Tims» offré*, ^ ^ -----

d^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO •The Memory of Quality Linger»When-Prices -Are Forgotten."

A very pretty wedding was solemnised In lia) ,|1 noon St SI. John's church y^lwi Mr. Irving Archer and Misa Clara Beatrice Rolfe were united In marriage- The ceremony wa* performed by Rov. A J „ Stanley Ard. while Jesse Longfleld presided at the organ Many friends of. the young onupfe utended at the rhttrHt- to wit newt the eerMwroy, The bride, who hr tile daughter of T, N. RolfO. o< Fuit street, whs attired In White silk f nd wore a veil, she was attended by her sister. Mfes Lillie K

The groom* who for a long tltne has beer. Ip the employ of the Melrose Com­pany. was supported hy Mr. Victor Rolfe.

A very*pretty feature .of the wedding war the attendance of the scholars of a he brWle'e Sunday school class, who ecatWed flowers in th«* aisle as stie passed along and held a floral arch for her to pass under. The little girls who thus took part Were Violet and Haxel Cdle, Mary Ntllaon. Euratta Gillen, May_ J»urdy, Agnes McManqr and Geor^nsu-Mèosanue. Another little Sunday school pupil, Elfie McManus."-'presented the bride with a t.ou.iuct II# nil-- —>9994 her carriage, *

After u wedding breakfast at the home of the bride's father, the happy coupla l^ft at four o’clock for the Sound, where the

lie* Took Quan, Mong Kow’s Ron.. Lee Ynok Lum, Mong Kow’s Ron.. Miss Lee Quan See. Mong Kow’s

Daughter • .........................................Mrs. Lbe Quan Kxr. Mong Kow’ë

MotherWong Wa .......................1



LUBY’SOn top of your head will soon be covered with thick, healthy hair. If you use Luby's Parisian Half Renewer. You will be glad you tried it when you see how quickly and thickly It makes the hair grow. At ail druggists. 60 cents a bottle.

R. J. DEVINS, Limited. Agents, Montreal."......... ' 11

honeymoon will be spent.


Mr. Justice Martin wa* able to come down from ' Cowlcfian to-day and held chambers hs soon as he got In. He Is still suffering some pain, but the only sign of his mishap that he shoxvs .is that he ha# to carry hie left arm close to hie side on account of the broken rib. ' ' i- .

letters of administration In cases, of the late Mrs. Margaret J Smith and th<v4ate James Lindsay, and probate was granted of the wills of the fete Captain William Moore and the late Airs. Hu»an Bill*ton.

Judge Forln was eppolnted arbitra­tor. under the Workmen's Compensa

•tion Acj, between Nicola Re^pcelll and the VlMr Eagle Mining Co.

Perfection Blend Tea50 Cents Per Pound.



25 YEARS' SUCCESStub Great English mexedv,


*o Bought or Manufactured Testimonials.



■ Poisoned Hand. Abscess. Tumour. Piles; Oise- dular Swelling, Htiema. Blocked end fnflamtd Veini.Synovhus. Bunion*. Ringworm.or Diseased Bone. I can cure you 1 do mit **y perhaps. b;it I will. Because others have failed it is no reaeon 1 should. YoumivhaveaitmndtdHospitals and been advised tn submit to amputation, hut do not for 1 can cure you. (tend at once to the Drug Store» for a Boa of Grasshopper Ointment ànd Pills wliich are a certain cure for Hud Legs,' etc See the Trade Mark of a ’ Grasshopper’* on i'green label - Prepared by ALHKKT A CO,

" ................. — i Albert House. 71. FarHngdoo Street. London,T. Elford, of Btsdaconn avenue, Begiand iReglatered copyright.)

A Great Deal of the Building Growth of the City Will be at the North End



Desirable Building Sites





Reservoir Hill

g will rece*v* on the last Thursday of thielC. H. Bowes, Druggist, Agent /Victoria» "month. B. C.

AT ANY PRICE ^Therefore, people with a little money to invest should not fail

to buy two or three of these lots at from

$375 to $000 Eaefer-^Ax ONE-QUARTER CASH

Sale Opens at 9 A. M. Tomorrow, Thursday


Herbert Cuthbért & Co.General Agents *

616 Fort Streêt=™


New story and half housr, just finished.6 rooms, bull, pantry, bathroom, closets, hbt and dÿïrt water. ele</trjç light, etc..; buill oe eeecrste.-fowwMhin, now «tableand hon hous»*: an .well finished: *tim<1tng on 2 cornet lut»; fûtl Mscd. bt-xto) each. Must be Sold. TO do tills price bgo been, reduced to fS.Mfc tbi# flrstT Apply OWNER, W4 BURNSIDE ROAp.

Ulhen buying your Piano insist on having an

OTTO 11 I GEL"Piano Action


Stylesai)d Are guests at the

Fop SpringTHIS is one. Fit-Reform has created a

dozen others. Each one true to good taste. And each garment true to the high

standard of Fit-Reform tailoritig.

This 3-button single-breasted Sack Suit will probably be^he style leader this spring.

We present it most attractively in elegant Worsteds in the handsomest new shades of Olives and Grays.

Some as low as $18.

Others up to $28.

Mr*. Townsend. of

FLUMBINO & HEATINGMail Orders Receive Prompt Attention



E. G. Prior & Co., Ltd. LtyCorner Government and Johnson Streets Victoria—Ootnr tn for a Hoe* ΗLet ue show

you our assortment ot rubber hotte at 55. $5.56, $5.71, $6.36 and $8, done up In50 ftrlength*, complété with coupling*. Natale* 60c, sprinklers 30o.—R. A. Brown & Co., 1302 Dougla* street. •

A Laplander will olten skate 150,miles In a day. V" ,




Room» #1.50 per day end upward,suaoPV*

llell*yj- i T-r.fll 11% "NlX"


l|lT•>>'N'-1 iir


institute Hall, Monday & Tuesday, April 19-20T$w* Knight

DramaticT(f <STffifmncc til? presentation by their ( lull of THAT EVER PLEASING COMEDY

“A MODERN ANANIAS”With a well-known cast and special gecnerv - *

PRICES, 50c, AND RESERVED SEATS 75oSeats on sale at M. W. Wait! & Co.’s.



Matinee Saturday Afternoon.

The Great. .ApImp ContestA N1>


SEASON.______ _FIr*t Prise. Diamond Ring.

Competition for audience, prise of $10. Admission e* usual. 10 cents.

Saturday Matinee, children 6 cents Doors open 3 o'clock, performin'-» 2.30.

Evening Admission 10c

EMPRESS THEATREOomer Government end Johnson St.


m NEW GRANDWeek 19th April

THE MONETA FIVEIn Their Latest Lytic Luxury

"An Evening at Horn,.- 'CAL STEWART

The Original Vncle Josh "The. Grocery store story T-ii.. •<—

LA MABELSerpentin, Dtmrea and TliiTlc Pose,

FRANbES STOLLAmerlca’l, Favorite r'omedlenne and

* ___ .N Çoeter Singer.e. nbr Abigail

FOX AND DURKINComedy" ' SKeich,...

“The Female Detective,".THOS. J. PRICE

80X0 ILLUSTRATOR.“I'd LIW to Have a Sweetheart Just


"Forced to Play Cop.""Dr. Wright's Invention."





Encouraging Reports at Vestry Meeting—Officers of the

I Parish.

Twenty-six members of the congrega- 1lo» assembled In the echooI-Coom of

Bcrimhas parish on .Monday .even­ing for.,the annyat « meeting of tlw» wvstry. The repttir. Rev. E. G. MHPer, occupied UK chair, the vestry ch?rk elected being D. B. MaoLârén.

In hi» annual,r< port the lector men- j tlouvd the Importance of thisv meeting j inasmuch a* they were to consider ; and-take-action on the report-of a spe­cial commit tee. appointed In November

i last i> garding the new church. -^8(a- tistlvs were presented which showed l«f, church families 500 Individual*. 2Ô0 ommunidenta^ 130 Sunday school

scholars, average congregation in ■{ morning 100, average evening I6T. Men- ‘ ,|<>n iw“a/a^o of the envelope | .-ubeerIpion amounting to $1,041.$5 and j the apparent necessity <,f appointing I an^anvetope committee ho assist, the In­coming officer*. „The election of officers resulted as folIdW*^L__

Vestry clerk, D. B. MacLarenf rec­tor * warden, pot yet appointed; peo- plb^ Warden. T. E. Mills; church com­mittee, xT. W. Palmer, G. W. Knc», R Brown, A. Mr- Hirfncaniin, A.-Jabbott.' A V ETmhlrst. Jan. T Dickson. T. E. Palmer, J. Rideout, D B MacLarerv; I sidesmen. M^aerw." Mill*. W I* I Benvan. A. J. Abbott. C. Ilarupton. Geo. Dickson W. G, Arrowsmith; dek -| gates to rurl-deanal-vonference. Messrs" A. Loagfleld, A. M. Bannerman, K; Brown.

The report of the Sunday school showed total receipts amounting to $123.15. expem-es $110.35. balance on «Hand, $1.2 *0. The report was adopted

The rv|**rt of the worl 'rig societies f-hoAcd receipt* amount'** tn $2*ü 70 With thesH funds they had paid rent of rectory, inclining water; made a dona­tion ot' flft to piano fund, provided 11 cassock* and SjeUrpllce* for phoir. and a* auxiliary^to minion* had expended $21.55. The report was adopted

A most thorough and interesting re-» port was presented bv A LongSeM, chairman of the new church committee It showed total promise* amounting to $4.139.21. This repdtt was received.'the committee thanked anil asked to remain in .-m< #. >nntnroing nyrr wsrir of *#>.

-ting aubperiptioh*. and to report l me#

Knives^ Forks and Spoons

W-- supply the finest plated Tlat ware un the market.

Guaranteed to have more silver than any other make, finished by hand burnishing.

E<|nal in appearance to Sterling Silver. i, '

These goods are made ex­pressly for ns and cannot be

Ti»d elsi where.Afternoon tes», per doz $2.70 Large Teas, per d..z $3.15 Deseert Spoons, per doz $4.95 Table Spoons, per doz $6.86

Compare these prices with others.

WE SUPPLY1847 Rogers

-ANDWallace Plate ^

At the same" prices as our special plate.



What the woman who has visited the Christie Factory says to her friends—

I NEVER realized all that the 'Christie* brand on biscuits meant until I

went through the big factory in Toronto.

"The cleanliness of the whole place amazed me. I don’t mean that it is dean as judged S'factory standards, but clean according to any standard.

"We women control the purse­strings .wbcftjt comes to buy­ing biseuits.-ond itVnb won der Christie, Brown & Co. are glad to have us inspect their factory. To my mind it is tÿe

strongest advertise­ment theycould have."You’d be surprised to see the staff that is

kept busy, davifl and day out all the year round—-cleaning, deaning, deaning."The windows, floors, walls, ceilings, machinery, etc.—all speak volumes for the sanitary conditions under which Chris­tie’s Biscuits are made.“It’s a picture to see the 'Christie Girls'—over three hundred of them—in spotlesswhite. Each girl is supplied with two complete uniforms a week from the firm’s pri­vate laundry.“At every turn I found fresh *

evidence of tKe Unusual rare which is taken to preserve absolute cleanliness.- _ "’Tt.was explained to me how every ounce of raw material is tested, and how, at each step throughout the process of mixing, baking and picking, the Christie quality is jeal­ously guarded."I am convinced that if every woman in Canada could visit the Christie factory as I did, they would not think of us­ing anv but Christie’s Biscuits in future.’’.The best Grocers everywhere in Canada have Christie’s Bis­cuits. Sold in bulk, by the pound, or in moisture and

-dust-proof packages. —

Christie, Brown & Co., Limited

again to a special faeettng .of the vea try on Monday. July 19th.

The commit! <*iel*|s of A.Longfleld (chairman). A. M Rannnr- man. W. F Be*van. A. V. KJmhlrst. ,11 K. Miles and Mr* T. Watson, Mrs A. M Bannerman. Miss A Bailey, Mr*. 4. Dauphin.. The following Is a complete list of subscriptions: *A\; M. Bannerman ................ ....$ 500 00J. Dalby ami family ............. . 500 00A. V. Ulmhirst t:.. 250.00H. Moss ‘rr:................... ............... 200 00W. lk|Van.. 160 00A K A hhett ...................................; #| HU

» .... is#ROV. H. H. Miles (£25) ...... 120 00la-n -MaiV ,. ;... r .1^........... 100 00x Long# Id ................ ................. 100 00il E Mile* .............................. :... 100 on.Richard Hall :............................... 10000J. KIngham .........................................100 00Bishop «if Columbia .................... 100 00Thou, 8. Mills ........................;........ 100 00

M. ifcnnerman-.................. 75 dOMrs. 8 Bo Hey ............................;. 60 00Rev. E. O. Miller ............................ 50 00

r¥x*KrjJDJW: :tr111 - Plgott Frank K. Palmer .....Albert Jones ..........Mrs. Ashdown Green . Mrs. J A Mackenzie Jabex H. King ...........

-5060 Ô050 00

r 50 00 60 00 50 00 60 00


SOCIAL AND PERSONAL^Mise Davey l* visiting, In Vancouver:

W. H. Tackett, of Duncans, is in.

• e #Mr; and Mrs. Lamb, of Somenos, art*

In town.

F Faulkner of India. Is here on 1 short yislt.r see

C. O. Tr»*ter,_Alberril, Is among our local visitors.

Mrs. Alex- Hendry Is visiting friends In Vancouver.

Mrs. Willis, wife of the assistant gen- erfil manager of the C. P. R. hotel ser­vice, a r r i veil in to wn yesterday from Winnipeg.

Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Me Mann, who are touring the haeifle .Const, have their home In the old Acadian village of- Grand Pro. • • 4

Mrs. B. F. Shepherd, of Victoria. Is visiting Mrs. Palmer, Melville street. Vancouver.

Mr. and Mr*. A. lng In Seattle.

M. Jone# are visit

Mrs. Robert Gibson is one of to-day's bridge hostesses. ‘

Mrs. Glover, from the city of Boston, 1s sight-seeing here.

Hon. R. o. Tnttnw was a passenger last night for Vancouver.

Miss Jenny M. Kennedy, of Winni­peg. is visiting friends here.

J. Muir, Galloway, Is a tourist here from |he land of the heather.

1 * •Among the latest praicie arrivals is

A. A. McFetcher. of Calgary.

Mrs. Worsnop and Mrs. Mr Leap are ••Hong our Vancouver visitors.

TSwrfRend.Mrs. H. Brouillet, of Port are holidaying here.

Oswald Barton ...................... . '56 66!i Rutland ......... ............................. ##Miss A. Halley .................... . 60 00Mis», Nr- Sinclair .......................... .. 60 06Idse Denny ................ .................... ##VV Henthvrbell ............................. 60 66Mr*. Arrowsmith ........................ 50 60

_$>. B. Jones 30 06Henry Turner .................... ...y-.... 25 00R. Harve^' Lfoyd .......................... 25 06"W H Adam* ................... 26 06Mrs. Thou. Shaw ...............*........... 25 66H P Wlnsby. Jr............Charles Hayward ...........John Creed ...................... ..D. -fl. Mowat ......................Rev. W. P.augh-Allen .1 Miss F._ Renouf Miss C. Renouf ., v - q Ar hdea« on Scrlven ........

("’apt New < omb ...........................Thoe. W Palmer ............................Mrs. Heath .....................................H. Nugent Short .............Chas. Hampton ri '~........ . .7..,>-Mrs. C. Phipps ...................Stuart Johnson. Eng.; (£2 2s.).. Vrn Arch dnaenn Pentreath .. Mra W. H, Adams


Complete change ef programme every Monday, Wednesday and

ÿ - Friday.

ADMISSION, TEN CENTS., ™ Children at Matinee, 6c.

SHOWCASESWe manufacture up-to-date showcases )

hank and ttore. hotel end office flxturee.’ wall eases, counters, shelving, mantles, desks, art grills eng mirrors.THE WOODWORKERS, Ltd.

ill JOHNSON ST. PHON» u«5-to DIboh â Ho wee.

28 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 25 00

25 06 25 00 25 00

, 25 0025 00 2Ç 0026 00 26 00 10 25 TO 06-io fin

Rev. J. Grundy ............................. 10 ooMr nnd Mrs G T. Co*............... 16 60Hura Burnett ................................. 10 00P. T Morry ............. ....................... 10 noW. W. Gardiner ........... .................. 10 00Mrs. L. A. Sharpe ........................ 6 00Rev. H. F. Pender. Eng. (SI)... 4 M

5 10Rev. M. J, Slmmonds (£1 la)^

$4.130 n

r; ad thb times I



HOYT AND MARIO* ’ïtiTe Dvrni toreador."




Mrs. DZ,R. Wilson of Vancouver, cairfe ever from the-mainland yesterday.

ttugh Rtwch left last .night via the C. P. R. en route for the Old Country.

Mth. Hinnham Edward street will not receive again until further notL.L

Mrs. II. O'Leary is < ntcrta|njng- hpr sister. Miss Kate Conlln of Vancouver.

W. A. am} R. H. Purdy and M. O. Rice, of Bear River. N. S., are holiday­ing here.

Miss Lang of Golden. Is ttie guest of friends here, with headquarter* at the Empress.

e e •John A. Blair and *nios. Hamilton,

of I^adysmith, are listed among our local visitors.

Mrs. Denham Is among the Victor­ians who Is attending the horse show in Vancouver.

Mr. ahd Mrs. Ed. Keating of Lo* An- gele*. are among our latest visitor*

tHe~Mrath. -------------- t—

’6 Among our ftngttsh vlstor* are MTss Alice-M. Musson, K Musson and Wm. Musson. of Leicester.

Is. echtor of the Nanaimo In t#y4n last evening, and

Dr. Reynolds.Herald, was returned on this morning's train.

lng an extended stay "ffi' Vancouver, where she is the guest of her^tughter. Mrs. Young,

Mr. and' Mrs. F. <*ren. of Nelson

guest of her^tu

Ir. M. Black Sd . B. C. arT

id chil- llsted

among (he visitor* from |he interior of the province.

Hotel Del MonteThe Paradise of the Pacific Near Old Monterey

125 miles southerly iiuu*. San Francisco


THE finest winter resort in the world. Superb climate, matchless scenery of mountain,and sea, permits

^outdoor sports all winter, golf,tennis, horse-back riding, motoring, motor boating, surf tank bathing. World famous scenic Seventeen Mile Drive thru primevgl pine forest. 126 acres intensely cultivated park. Accommo­dation, 1,000 guests. Excellent cuisine, perfect service.^ For rites, reservations aad Illustrated literature, address

S. a Warner. H.n.jer Hotel Del MorttC CAL

2- "-F < hirke and E. D. Saunders are - two viaitor* from Ireland who have re- i cently come to spy out the beauties ofVcmouwr lisni. •’ j

Mrs. R. P. But<-hart. who Is occupy- | in* Mra. Robin Dunsmulr'e house. Es- 1 quimalt mad. ha* Issued Invitations fori an at home on Friday evening.

. * * *Among thewe who for different rea- !

sons are not re reiving to-day are: Mrs. , W. -F Chambers, *09 Skinner street; 1 Mr*, fi. W. Hardy. 706 Esquimau road; ! Mr* Gladstone, and Mrs. Bingham. 'Edward street.

• • »______ fAmong those who left to-day en I

rout.- for Europe were a party ihriud-l ing David Spencer, sr.. Christopher^ Spencer and Mrs. D-eana Spencer. They will travel by the North Coast Limited and sail from New Yorti by the Cun- ard line. , NX

Mr. H. Bfethour, of Sidney, leaves tflMffiorrow by the tdcamer from Settle for Alaska.


G. M. Brown. Salt Spring Island, an/I H. G. Marvin. North Saanich, are among the local vleltors.

The engagement Miss Gertrude McFari to Mr. Kaye of Vancouver.

hft announced of rrane, James Bay.

Mr. J. K. Painter, accompanied by hi* aon Frank Victor Painter,- left to-day for a. four months' visit t-» England. They go by Xvay of Loe Angela*. Chi­cago and New York. HI* business will be attended to In hi* absence by J. K. Painter,. Jr. -,

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hilton, who were married In Vancouver last. Thurs­day. are spending their honeymoon here. Mr. Clifford wa* formerly an offi­cer of the Lftrma V'alley Light Horse. Car hi, India, and was married In the uniform of his regiment.

Miss Miller, who I* making her home for the present with her sister, Mr*. Harry Currie, Government street, ha* recently returned from a pleasant fort night's stay In Seattle, where she was th<j guest of her brother, who accom panled her back to Victoria, and I* making a short stay here at the home Ol hts *f*W, Mra Cucrle.

Enjoying ,Good Health

When having yvur plumbing repaired eee that you get value for money expended.

Cheap work le often expensive work In the end.




GoodInformationWe l a>o on hand the largest stock of plumbing good* In the city to «elect from \

Can we have you a» a cue-



T10 FORT 8T.

Tho*. R. .Wright -of Detroit, was among the American arrivai* yester­day. He Is ak the Emptess. -*■-

Mr. and Mra^L. V. Nile* of Boston. Who are touring the Pacific coast, are sightseeing here at present.

• • • YMise May Neal left last night ,for j

Vancouver. *n route for Toronto, where -' she will make an extended stay, '

• • 4' _Mrs. LaWford Richardson, who has :

lifen visiting friend* Itéré, left yester- j day for her home In New Westminster. !

• • * ♦Capt. H, H McDonald and‘ Mr*/M< - |

Donald <ff Seattle,N are the guest * of Mr*. Charlotte McDonald, VUtoria West. • -

• • • 'v '■ i.Dr- C. P. Banning and Mrs. Bai>-

uing, of Winnipeg, arrived In toffn yes-



Rubber and Cotton Belt grades of Garden Hose

'I ' : _ '

Sprinklers ™1LoL, Garden Tools

Broadway,! ! and 27th St.. NEW YORK.

Stenk Hold of tlv World Overlooks San Frantisto Bay and City

Five Minuta Ride from Ferrla600 rooms. Every room kin hath

Ra tea-si nek» pwm end bath-1 $3.00.ii,A0. 51.00, fLVl.r.uu. 17.06. $10.00.

Suitw—flO.u1, $10.00» taux) and a*.Management

Palace Hotel Company


Canada Western Chartered Corporation, Ltd.








Dealers Are Lookingther.Increases Before




CORRESPONDENTS: /New York Stock Exct^ng*,LOGAN A BRYAN S MEMBER8 I Bo.ton Stock Kzdhxi,*..R R- CHAPIN A r.n or I Chlc,*° Bolrd °* Tra4*-B. O. vruirtft ® VO. In.-v York Cotton Eichal)|r«.c

PORTLAND CANAL MINING CO., LTD.This company's property is situated »t tii» head of PorÿnTtl Canal. C.,

within 44 miles easy1 awt-ss from t ht» head of the. Inlet. Thv mint’ is of high

trade ore in gold and ellwr, also lead. and ihu development now done shows a irge lohnage of highly profitable ore available for shipping, described in a re­cent report bÿ Mç W. J. Kltnendorf. the well known mining engineer of Spo­

kane, “as an _tntefprls«' of Immediate ^profit and great' future possibilities. The merits of tRs nitne'-haye enabl-.-j the company to Interest local capital in underwriting th«* treasury stock. thus enabling them to proceed actively with the work of further dt\ eiopittg and fully equipping Lhe inimi »o a» to put It on an early shipping basis.

Independently we have satisfied ourselves aw to the fnerlts and management of the property, and have ho hesltaUoi in recommending the shares as a first-- class mining investment. Acting tor the underwriters wo offer a limited.num­ber of fully paid non assessable treasury shares of the par value of 25 cent» for sale at 10 cents per share. No shares will be put for less and that only for a limited time. The »t k is listed.In both Vancouver and Spokaneexchanges. Particulars re the companx will >»■ amillyfttinn——----------MlTCHfcXL MARTIN & CO.. Financial Agent*, tf* Fort Si.. Victoria.


a» »iee too1.2M» L75

12» “



IFrampton Mahoh Buildwo GovebimintSt.Victoria

Vanconver Stock Exchange(By Courtesy F. W Stevenson * Co.)

iïWïvAprîT 2TT~Listed Stacks.

; Albert* Coal A Coke ......| Burton Saw Works ...........

Internatioiuil Xhtul A- Coke Portland <\xnal M V'ti. .i

.Western Oil. Con. ............... I’nHated ; 'tocl

I A mvrh .tn-CunadiawOll, ...'

B <\ Trust I'orp...............* • 'an. Con. S. # H -.........

Cariboo Camp McKinney Diamond, Vale <\ A I

j Dominion Trust Co............I G rent West Permanent ...

j Nicola Valley c. & v. ..j "laglhrm Rank ..............

■| U">al Collieries l 'MrsaK'O’V'—- !•••• * * " K — j South African Scrip

Haïe».â Nicola Coal.............

Rid. Asked.... I



Any person wtio is tl^e sole bead of a family, or any male over U years ‘Old. may homestead a quarter section u<# acres, more or less;'of available' Dominion land In Manitoba. Saskatchewan or Al­berta. tias applicant mttst appear In per­son at toe Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the district. Entry"*by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain ondilions, by fatner, mother, son. daughter, brother or sister of Intending homesteader-.

DUTIES —Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of


Three-years. A homesteader, may in ■ —“—i of hts homestead

Mvewithin-nine mll<farm of at least SO acres solely owned and ocuoled by him or by hi» fathei*. mother.•on daughter, brothe# W sister.

In certain districts *a hymesteader In sood Standing may t>re « mpT-*—quart-r section alongside hie aoffftpte'ad. Pfice^

festoi shrmonths In each of sis years from date of homestead entry (Including the time re­ft til rH to earn homestead patent) and cultivate.fifty acres extra. , . Wl

A homesteader who has exhausted his bomestead right and cannot obtain a pre- m-... emotion may take a purchased homestead In certain districts. Price 13.08-per. acre, j Pufbbased homesteads m*y- be acquired on any available lands on ei-ther odd* or even numbered Sections southyjf- Town­ship 45 -ast of .the Calgary wTF^Kdmon- ton Railway and the west line of Range I H and west ofthe third Meridian and the ■Suit Railway Une. Duties. -Must reside Mx months In each of three years,'cultl- j. vats fifty acres and erect a house worth

ttiy-iZuutieay- ,F,. W

Alameda ...........Copper Kingtier tie ............. .Humming Bird i. ,i Lx (laluifM t Missoula ’<’tipper . Monitor ........ ...... •

Kendtrll .. 0 Q. K_ Consolidât^!

RtovrnBOTl <• C’Gd Spokane. April 21.""'

Bbl A>k.--l----- ----- li' "V

. ...... . 21 n

The advapctnSiSffche price of wheat I» now, being felt in Victoria dn Increased prices asked for flour. Yesterday a de­cided advance of about 20 cents /a sot \ Dealers a?c, not imllned to think

I that the limit has yet beeh reached I but anticipate even fuptkwr Increases.

The retail are fts follows:

; Oils—H- id s Coal Oil .......... i

I 4-Hama (B, C.l^ per lb........ .Bacon (B. C.Lperdbi—.......Hams (American^ per lb. .k.Bacon (America»),* p*r to. .. #•Bacon- trolled), per lb. ..........Shoulders, per lb...................Bacon (long clear), per lb. ».Beef, per lb..^............... .Pork, pernio. ..............Mutton, per It. .......................Lamb, hindquarter ............. .Iamb, forequarter .................Veal, per lb.................................Suet.. p*-r lb. •....*•#•

Farm Produce-Fresh Island Kgga ...................Best Dairy Butter ..................Butter (Crekmery) .................. «Lard, per lb. »........................

Western Canada Flour Mill»—Purity, per sack .....................Purity, per bb‘, ....................Thru» Htar PatauL per sack..Three Star Patent, p»f bbl. ..

Hungarian Flour—Chivies Royal Household,

per sack ............ i ............OgHvte r Royal Household,

I Woods r* ' - " ^ • •Lake of Wood».'per bbl. ....( ikansgan,' per git!* ••■•••• •• UMàlUig^n. P<‘r bbl.Celgary Hungarian, per sack.Falgary Hungartan. per bb*...Sfoose Jaw. per sack ..... ...M.>yse JAW. per bbl. ,............Kxcelslor, per sack ................Excelsior, per bbl^ ...................Oak- Iack»*. per, smdfr . • • -...... •Oak latke. p«f M»U................Hudson’s Bây. P*t sack ItodSOQ.’* Bay. I*er M*1.............K ;d- rbj. pe* l • • ■

—-Bnderby. per bbl........... ............Pastry Flour»—

Snowflake .|>«r sack .......y now flake, per bbl. ...............O. K. Beet Pastry, per sack ..O. K #**■* Pastry, per bbl. ..*>. K. Four Stay, per sack ...O K. Four-Star, per bW.........Drifted Snow,,per sack ..........Drifts» Snow, per fcbl...............

Orslp— •Wheat, per ton ;........ ...............Wheat per *.b. ......................... .Oats, par ton ............................Barley ....................................Whole Com .......................... .

■ Cracked Corn .Rolled Oats tB. A K ). T-lb. sk Rolled Oats (B. A K >. 2^1b.

Rolled Oats (B. A K ). 45-lb. sk.Rolled Oats (B. A K >. to-lb. sk.Oatmeal. 10-lb. sack ................Oatmeat 60-lb. sack ..................Rolled Wheat. 10 lbs..................

/wtr racked Wheat. 10 I be.............«Wheat Flake*, per packet ...

ole Wheat Floue.4a-4be.1 Oraham Flour. 10 Iba. ...........

Craham Flout. 60 Iba.

-il i - , i>cr ton ....' Straw, per bale ........... ........ .

Middllnga. per ton ..................Bran, per ton .......................Ground Feed, per to»Shorts ............... »...

Poultry—Dresse».Fowl, per lb. ...........Ducks, per lb.Geese (Ielandi. per Turkey, per lb. .

Garden Produce—Ç' r ; ■

(By Cvurtcey N. U. MayamRh A Co.) (Private Exchange.)

Bid. Asked..13

, M; ; - 7.2a

A tnerle»n«Gfwm4HU> - Oil ..... «-••• U. C, Amalganmtvd Coal .. .Vv.It' C, Copper.......... ....... yB. C. Permanent Loan .......106.*oB. C. Pulp A Paper Baker!ee. limited


Trading Dull in Moritmg, But Rally Marks CtesNNÔ

T Hotfr.

Cariboo Camp McKinney ...Canadian Northwest Oil ...»Diamond CoalDiamond Vale C, A I.......... -Great West Permanent...... »Granby :... ...........International Coal X Ct>K«‘• ■Nicola Valley Coal * Colt...N'iotka garble QuarrlM ....Northern Bank .....................Pacific WhalingPacific Whaling, pref............Portland Canal- Mining Pacific Coast Fire ...Pacific Tin. M. A 8. Co.Royal Collieries...... . .............. #•••.Silica Brick ....................... •United Wireless (unstamped) WVictoria Transfer Co. ..........*EWV'ancotnrer Briquette Coal .. ....Western Oil .............................. USD

Note—Pacific Coast Fire I» offer*» at the above quotation subject to a o»ll b^ the company of $24 per share.

. Ltd., 80.00

rr*Sib Francisco Markets

(Tillies Leased Wire.)New York. April 21.—Outside qf Reading

and a few other securities, the market for the greater portion of to-day’s session was weak and heavy. During the morn­ing the bulls- made no effort, t*hey allowed the market to taktTcare of Itself, And this gave the bears h < hunrf (hey did not j m'gleet to a-’icpl. Um|W nIDAC ]pressure prices roàdily yleld*d.tand by the | mfd«duy hour the leading securities show­ed losses ranging from about a fraction to t a large fraction over a point. The. mar- I ket then Uctamn-Tpngpar a lively dull, j prîtes hanging around the Jpw-ipnlnte ] Short covering, during the late afternoon ! i a used a rally that «-arrled prices In sonic Ihstanciui »>ack to yesterday’s clos­ing figure*. Viilon Pacino dosed 1W*. Southern Pacific. 1198’. No'r^beill Pacific.- 144). Reading, )40i. St. Paul. 1491. gU-H, forumen, 62; Copper, 72|.


at. each ................... ...............................NEW BlfNOAI»W'^rnl latVA lot oh Amphloi) street

very easy term» oan be arranged, only ..............LO'fH In Fairfletg Sub-dlvislun from w,.—

between Richardson and Fairfield»i

with njl convtjnlence

.ST* ROOMED ÏÎOVSE Vancouver street. aTl c,ifÇenlenccs ..................... $19 00I» X........ -.*.,**........H2.W

TO RENTHPm pwrsr ittotL'M

JR RUOMEt>HOL’8B, off Oak Bay avenue .If,........

BRUM AMERICAN TRIS1 CO., Idanil View Streets, Vlotori». B. 0.Got.




(Time» leswd Wire.)Hnn Franclst'o. Cal., April 51.-Wheat

No. 1. California tTlul). *-***-^California white milling.Northern blue stem. 12.17)41 |2.Ki off grad< swheat; ll.TceSl.iû: red#^|2^$gJ».

1 la r ley—Fvedlng. $1 rdw4b6îl: common to fair. $1.40fm 4.".; brewing At San Fran­cisco. nominal at J1 571<i$1 W. Chevalier, $J.ô5«$ according to quality.

Eggs-Par dos'-n. California fresh. ln- rliHii»» < aiK»*. « xtraa. finLlks 224c.;(second». U5c. ; thirds. 21c.

Butter—Per pound, California fre^h. ex­tras. ?|c. ’ fir«ts. 23c. 1 seconds. 22Jbi-

New Cheese—Per pound, c'sllfornla flats, fancy. 16k ; Brets. 16*“.: seconds. LV CoJIfm-nla Young America, fancy. l«c ! first* I*)'.; Oregon flats, fancy. 15c ; d<> Young America, fancy. 16|‘ : storage,

ngon fists. 161c ; do . Young America.

(By Courtesy F. W. Rteveneon A Co.)Chicago. April 21.

open. High. Low. Close. Wheat- ^r-

May ........ 11wrrrTJubYH---.' ......

711 r

1XJ lilt 1»114* UJ| 11311UH 1041 1*3

, 104* l 1031 403*

rj TU 711m >2 6>l

•it •3Wi MS

M* 55$ Kl4k. til 4»7to* 4 là 42i

■ ? 42git iis 18 (fl -is.»IS U.72 18.12 18. U16 U.72 18.00 18.10

Potato*' a— Pc r rental. River Whites, fancy tl.SMffl.G: Salinas Burbanks. $-1)- S2.KL do . Oreg».h, $1 WXUT: new potatoes, per pound. 2c *f 3e.r *weet potatoes, per crate. $l.fiMf$2

Onion—Per cental. Oregon. $2Art; Aus­tralian brown. $4; Texas Bermudas, per crate. SSKTJl.TS; new green, per box. Ee.

Orange*^-Per box. Cl VC;, sixes W ta 12fi. .E-SOtHSl rises 150 t«_.:16. «2*1 C W.

COPPER MARKET j---------- --- ----------- --------


Iniernn)4<imil f oal Rambler Cariboo v.



COAL.—Coal mining rights may be leas­ed for twenty-one years at an annuxl rental of $1.06 an acre. Not more th»» 3 500 acres can be leased lu one applicant.

(Times Law'd ,Wlre.)Chi- ago, April 21.—Hogs, receipts. 20.000;

cattle. sheep, 16,0*1. Hogs op<-nedstring Jy»fi uv*t yesterday. 6.200. Re- djpt* year ago. 26.000 M11 eH. 3T> ;heavy. $7 16-îif: H-; rough $4.9"»$7.10; light*.

$7.#». Cattle and she* p steady.

18.00(h 29.0076



d) ^V-Lpotala*es «ToinTT 77............. .... 1.7!yl/lFf IkiUtoes (Ashcroft) .................

VmlnsU (Cal ), per lb. 7r...„.. Carrots, per lb............................


Kansas <*it:10,000; cattle*

April 21.—Hogs, receipts. ;,090; sheep 6.000,

Hogs, receipts. tl.<W:


" f linoha, April .*!Roy aTt'ywe canper ton. i i atth^#"--, siu -p

QUARTZ. -A person eighteen years of age a-nd over h-rving made, a dfscovereymay locate a claim 1-.6») feet by 1.600 feet. H______ ______Fee $6.00. At U^ttst $100 must be extM<led uon the claim r ack year, or paid to the ( rjliu * Lpsmm iI \6 Irej#»—^ »Uln 06 has been MA!TTvhe«it

e expended *r paid and other requirement! ........, v,f compile* with the claim may be purchas- 10',J ’ 1 ’

ea at $1.00 an.acre. W™fstwAGBR MIN] NO CLAIMS generally.

100 feet MOare. l^ntry fee. $5.00.DREDGING —Two leases of five miles

•ach of éi river may be Issued tp one ap- «Ilcanl for a term of 20 yc>rs. Rental, Kg a mile per annum. Royalty. 2$ per 35nt. after the output exceeds $10.000.™ W W CORY. !

•eputy'of the-l|tlni8ter of the interior,

(.if the paint • » bWllt r« jyetb-g W:ri^flrtiwhu Istered. and from which! the Turkish gov­ernment came to be call'd ”Tly Hubllitxe Port»-.’’

teïïïwteCSsttK^,h" i University School==rr— ------=----------- ■; FOR BOYS


per box ......Lemdhs ......... •••••••Walnuts *Cah) .................... .Walnuts (Eastern)Apple*, per

.6‘inaappl»». per do*........Vocoanuts. eachHam ••♦••••••B^-con =•••Carrots, per lb. vu'........... . .Banatuis. per lb.Potatoes (local); per ton ...7, Petatoc* (Ashcroft), per Jon . Butter (Creamery), per lb. .. Butter (Dairy) ...x...™.. .... Eggs (ranch), per do*Hay, per.ton .........................Corn, per ton ............................Granges (navel) .......... .......

■ •••:••Onions .............. . ••••Onions (Australian) .........Dates, per pkg.................. ........Date»,, bulk .........Àrrr—Oats. P°r ton .-x.---.i- Touiatoe» (CaH, per crate ..Celery ........ ........... ........Parsn'ps ......................... .Figs (Smyrna) ....... .............. .Asparagus. .............................. .Rhubarb (Cal.) ........................ .Rhubarb (tocgl)Ra«ilshee. per doa.Lettuce, per crate

(By Courtesy F. W. Stev< nson A C«>.^ Boston. April 21.

Bid. AsktitlAdventure .......... ...Allow1* ............ . , .....Arcadian........Atlantic x*»*s..«_...ltdsvVn <'on*................Hutte Coalition .......Calumet A ..................Copper Range ........Daly-West ................Davls-Da$y'..................East -Butte . ......Granby <’.opper tilobr- Cf*s.Greene Cattknea ......

,-Hancock ...............Helvetia" . . ....Isle Royal.* ......Keweenaw ............ ..Lake .... ....................La Halle .....................Mass .............................Michigan ....»..............Mohawk ................ . ...Nevada-TRai» ... «.r—Nlplsslng .. .. ..........Nevada Cone. . .......Ntyth Butte ...... ,Osi^hqIs Copper .........Old Dominion ...........Parrot Minime ..........

Shannon Copper

10.40 10.40 10.«^^3710.50 10.52 ÏÔ.60 irtTse10.62 10.66 10.02 1U.62



Paid Up Capital . ...... $2,200,000

With a western head office, western dinw'fikate.west- em capital, branches at" all western points of im- jMirtanee, this,bai* fr identified with western inter­ests more- fully than any other l>uTrk4»4:unada.



.... —JS i...... .7* 72. ,

♦a fvfU. i

m .1'".C4 24 ! :

;....100$ 101*xi ; !

...... 77| 7N• ■ Va 1" j

H «V.......1**4 I5U

...Va 4 ♦r

....... 10 '«ii.......10 , KH..... 2>- n..... 23»...... 3|.. .. 20» *'!

14 1*1>1

—ov 12 12»•... «0$ tl

....... 8| f J -ii"4. t'-i

...... «H "■j

...... 12* no,-ax^MI fa

Superintendent Palby Request* City Council to Increase the Stalls.

Farmers are being turned away dally from the vtty market fqr lack of stable room. There is a range *.f twenty stalls along the east side of the market squarson Flsguanl street, the demand- iilHin which Is wry benv\ With tfcfe development of fruit-growing tlterr Is an Increasing numlxr of farmers, * ora- j Ing into the city and desiring V<\ leave | their teams In the stalls provided by the rity **n thy market su^dare.

The recommendation ha* been made to the council by the nrark**t *u^erln- On,lent, wmum n»w>y. mat tw.nty

.more stalls be bullv running ahmg In rear of ?the Cormorant street building*.



The IMP Soot Destroyer I* »patent chemical composition. When It 1» placed unopened on a bright hot fire It give» off hot chemical fumes. These fume* st- tev k the pool 111 the chimney and disintegrate and disperse It, and extinguish It it oa fire. *No oMuAtf »P Afterward*. No dirt. >o Dust. No SntcU. No nrrw-. XotNmrlnglp Kumlturr.">LÏnufactored by Gourmet A Co..-

London, England.Bold by Grocers and Hardware

W. T. ANDREWS,Bole Agent for Canada. »-----

Tel. 1211. VICTORIA. B. C.

results whh hout side. The have followed



; JohnMestonCarriage Maker,

Blacksmith^ Etc.

BtOAO St., B^twefn Pa hoc»* Amo Johnson.


Rev. W. W. Bolton. M.A., Cambridge University.Principal*

R. ▼. Harvey. E»q.7 M.A., Cambridge University.

J. C. Barnacle. Esq.. London Untv. Assisted by a staff of Ufifyerelty mon. The school Is now established In its

extensive hew PRICK BUILDING

HltuatPd inIS ACRES or. PLAYING FIELDS At Mount Tolmle, 1H miles from

* Victoria. 77-Cadet Corps. 1 Manual Training.

Gymnasium.Recent successes at McGill and King­

ston.For Prospectus apply t*


Aim ll$i

Superior Copper .-A... Tamarack ....., t-...

Vlçtàrl* .............. .4-'{>)l<4-flABM-fr------ --

•*!t . s sm,n. ,i K«,r.Do,, pref. ...................

_L"iah Consolidated i t.ih CopperWinona ...... .......Wolverine ................. .

the nature -t* a wise Investment. The rec*irafmendation was made some time ago. but nothing ha* been done In re­gard to It yet, although the stalls rhoukl be tip and ready tor use before the fruit season is on.

The ground in front of the prçeent stalls has "been ftllet) Iff with gravel and Is now high and dry. Mr. Palby proposes that the fl<x»r of any pew j^alls ertvied «h°uld he concreted, as Seing

i more sanitary.Last year tho market rents and fees 1

brought In $1,440.39. as rompared with $976.i>5 In 1807. The market tFin grow- i Ing favor with farmers, too funder the present regime. "

' . Tin: CAtSPAW.

LOj^il. Comedy Company Will Not B*’ Able to Play ot Duncans.

DO YOU OWN YOUR HOME?If You Intend to Paper and^Decorate That Home of Yours This Spring

GET MY PRICESTBitJ- arc the lowest, lletrt of material» only used. Workman-

guai'anteed.$ Stock must be cleared out as I have to move


643 Fort Street Victoria B C




(By Courtesy F.

«fiell Tëléphoh*X’. P. It.;T>etroiL,JLTnlted Ry. Dom. Coal Do., prrf. .......Dom. Irnn A S.Do., pref.-t,'

mv i GiuyVlntoupf arrived Gnlon y.-Hterds vy/mbrning from PortLI mon, *)»sta Rida, and sailed in the af* twrhbon. tot Franc;1 via Venesueta. Among lift pi(F**'ng«>rii fs Heisora Taatro, wife Of the former président of Vrnesuela. who

y I* r< turning to Europe to Jbin her hu*- hanjl,. She could have landed "here or Ih (\iFtu Rl« v, but decided to return to France. -----—*— ----------- : ’

A wummer trip to Europe for a stay of indefinite length has been derided upon by E. II Harrlman Mr. Harrlman s visit, abroad will be his first since he was oper­ated upon, for appendicitis, several years >- ago. nhd will give -him opportunity for a R«T:‘l rest, which It Is believed will be bene- Unlon fil ial. Hence the decision ypon .the Euro- S^ontreal pe;m trib H« will probably sail about the middle of JyfSe.-

The German South American Cable C» has begun the laying of a cable between Ermlen and Teneriffe. In the Canary Isl­and». The line continued later to Brasil, and will hi* the first direct cable between Germany and South America.

Laki of Wood» ............LaoreerfTttr Pit per ...........

Montreal Lt. A P. .......Montreal Ht. Ry................Montreal Telegraph ......Nova Scotia Steel ...........Do», pri'f. .........r.è .....Ogilvie Mlg. Co..................Do... pref- ........... ............-R. A <k ««vlgittlog Co.

-Ban Paulo Trnm .rr.-rr^.Toronto Ry. Co." ............Twin City RapuTrans. .. Penmans .......... . ........ <

B. C. Pa< krra "A" v..ju Do. pret.TlY' ..i..—

- Rank*. Rank Of R N. "A. V.',T*«*■Merchanta ............... ........Molsons ...... . ....... ••Nova Beotia . .r.v..--------


W. Stevenson * Cd.l 1 Montreal. April 20.

Btd. Alltel/:.imi i4$i ‘

r 17SI!

M?. x—ton

. 911-


•........ 203*2*3*


\c\ R. r-B. C. Elec

Grand Trunk, ord. Do., 1st pref.Do.. 2nd pref. .... Hou 3rd pref.

__ London.


Complaints That Transportation Acuities are Not Provided

* ... by Ri» Government.

Complaints are frequently heard *8 to the condition, of the trail* on some part* of Vancouver Island. A corres­pondent. writing -from Han Juan eon- owilll lb» drowning ,..f Gbgtlsg U, Voce there n few «ln>s agi*, sayg:

• It. might, be mentioned that If the kepi in any kin.i .-f rej

*T’>aw Juan, the eetilecg would make | use of them Instead of a dangerous .rlyef Jammed with log* Nothing of unv"1tiNaiHnt having -been done to ra move the Ykiteja ttmBer aeroaa th* roads, for *om«>"-tL(ne past the art- tier* have had to mi*kw..u.*e of the wdter to get round the district tolUWd of the roa<lf7—«This case of drowning wouitf~"never have o^OUTed had It been possible to hav,. walked up tin- river bunk pu any kind of a • troll Neglect of the ruade by the govern- i ment official* Is the great draw back j to die place.’ _.7^_ 1

Have You Figured Out the Weight of the Large Cake of WHITE SWAN SOAP ?

A Coupon of either White Swan Soap or White Swan Washing Powder is the necessary qualification

It is with Thucjh regret ThaTi owing to unavoidable circumstance*, the "Cat*paw” company have to carted their engagement to play at Duncan* on Monday, April 2tth. - „-i—

This original comedy-drama, which received; such an enthusiastic reception on February 32nd and 23rd la*t,xwlH be reproduced at-.St. John’s hall for one night only, on Tuesday next. April 27th. with certain alterations to the third art, which the author. Mr, Noel Robinson, of this city, thought neces­sary. • %J With the popular price* of admission

crowded house la expected, and th*.management have arranged that, seats may be reserved Felix McManus’Jewellery store. whilT ft P.lan ojLt|l5.. hall may b«* Keen.

Musical selections will' he given dur­ing the evening by W. G. Plowrlghl’- mandolin ami guitar orchestra, and th* awarded 8 Watrfiflll 40-pievc (’hillA T«A-âwms% *

fif'Ww fntxrtidfiinwt «or':V —r v, ........ V:.v «. 4.devoted to the St John’? hall building fund. Doors open at 7.30. Thet-onceH is to commence ni $ o’clock. —“

In order to rater into this grea(m»thematii,al problem and win a prize, just figure the weight of. m large eake of WBIT*SWAM SOAP WHICH IS ON VIEW AT 1104 GOVERNMENT STREET.

An ordinary liar of WHITE SWAN' SOAP weighs eight- ouuenst The large eake is 1 ft. 1‘in. x 8 ft. 1 in. x 4 ft. 6 in. What is its weight! *.. ...»

To the ffrst eorreej or neareet erfrreet answ r xve will give a handsome Ladies' Gold Watch, valued a),$2ii.00.

To the aecoud eorreet <>r nVarest eori/T, answer will be

Tb thé third, a lovely Manicure Set. valued at »%00.To the next live a genuine 14-Karat Gold Fountain Pen, val-

ued al J3-®................., , _______ J - ■ —,REMEMBER, these prizes .will be paid out a# soon as possible

after the soap is weighed, whieh wtfl he Saturday, the -4th in at. ’fhe weight as tiljowu by the scales being eonaidered ascorrect. Should there tie nmre than ...... eorreet answer or anumber of eorreet answers.' the ones that are jmrrect will he put into a box and draxvn for.

REMEMBER, *JnC aWfision «if the makers of WHITE SWAN SOAP » Me final and binding and contestants en­tering this eontrxbdo so on this under*tatuling.

White Swan Soap* and White Swan Washing Powder

ALL GOOD GROCERS SELL THESE.Buy a Package To-djty and Enter Into This Interesting Contest

> X

Subscribe for The Times -HI

W. C. Bond ggs#;it ~

PrtOKE 1092 R. W. Clark‘<r

CEDAR COTTAGE PARK,-> This is a sketch of Cedar Cottage Park, one of the best subdivisions ever offered

in Vancouver, and it is presented to you, reader, as a shrewd investor, by

614 Trounce Ave. BOIld & CldPk 614 Trounce Ave.


262.5 ,t*2322

\20Jh 19

1817 -

' 16....-- 15 *

Z4 N

1 26

2. 253 1+ * : : i\ \4- Z3 2\5 2-2- «3 ]6 T

c21«V 47 T 7zo

58 iL 19 69 18 • 710 17 kl ~8 *

: . Si. IS 9

ll 154. mW 10

13 14 II

26 25 21

It U P* /5 I*, I7 18 I9 20

J 0 H >y 5 VENUE*9

I >

32 3l 30 23 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 Zi 5o 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 4l 40 33 38 37 36 35 33 32

I0 12. .13 <4 15 16 17 13 20

Ô L A / /?>

8 10 11 (3 14 16 17 16 19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 262.7 J




32 Ji 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 S6 55 51 5J 51 5/ 50 4J 48 47 48 45 44 43 42

Z0 #2 13 Z4 75 /6 Z7 79 20 70 n 13

47 4» 39 38 37 36 34 33 32 3fr““Tr*'\ hi'>t?j29

74 75 76 17 78 /j7 2d 2/ 22 23 26 27 28

>4/? TV 77 L $ K / V É TV U



32 3i, 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 ZI

c =E a- .

10 n 72 73

<056 *5 51 53, 52 5/ 15o 4V 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 47 fo «33 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 30 29

74 75 76 77 /$ 79 8 70 // 72 /3 74 75 Af 77 /8 /9 Z6 2/ 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Bodwe ll, R 0 A 0=2=

CEDAR COTTAGE PARK is the triangular piece surrounded by Westminster Road, -Victoria Road and Bod well Road,' in District Lot jj41.

Cedar Cottage Park is just soutlrof Cedar Cottage* and Epwofth Car Stations.Every lot in (he sub-division is easy of access and can he cleared for a trifling cost.There is a proposed ear.line right along the west side of the property on Victoria Road.The municipality of South Vancouver have cleared a way preparatory to building sidewalks mrtbe (itreet and

the sidewalks will goon be laid. r.../. ' ' •From Cedar Cottage Park you have a commanding and excellent view of the cities of Vancouver and North Van-

couver, Burrard fnlet-and the mountains. It is really one of the most desirable suburban sites of Vancouver. The prices of lots in Cedar Cottage Park are lower than anything else offered in the neighborhood, while the site is as good as the best and very few are equal to it. “ T .

We believe that an mvcatmenTtn Cedar Cottage Park lots will net you a nice profit in a short time and jvc think that you will agree with us as soon as'yon have seen the property. ' — - ■—

You only need to see Cedar Cottage Park to know what we say about'it isttrue. Si une ofthe purchasers of lots in this desirable sub-division have made statements even more favorable to it than anÿTfiftTg we have said, which fact should have much weight with you. j —’—.'.... 7 . „

You will find it to your advantage to see Cedar Cottage Park, then secure your lots there-—one at least. It is bet­ter than keeping your money in the bank, because it is just as safe and will yield much greater returns. Safety and good profits are what you want, isn’t.itf \

Victoria's leading fTflzens are investing ip these lots. A gentleman of 2f>,yeggs' resilience in tins city, and occupy­ing one of the leading positions here, has just returned from Vancouver, and having bought six of these lots in this sub­division. says the property is an excellent investment.

Over 40 lots sold in two days. cTo any.purchasers who are dubious as to this investment, the owners have instructed us to gnnrantee that money

will hemfundéd if purchasers are not satisfied with their purchase after seing the property, and will do so any time within three months ftom date. .

Range from $375 to $450V With only One-Fifth Cash, Balance in~6, 12, 18, 24 and 30 Months ; in other words, you have Two and a Half Years to pay for these lots

™ --------- ’ ................... . —— T-rOUR OFFICE WILL BE OPEN THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING FROM 7:30 TO 9. BE SURE AND SEE US EARLY ~ •AmmimSmm \ /

~ X':


FIREThe oldest Insurance Office In the world ■'

, rOCNOBO A.D. 1710 BI-CMIEHABÏ iVIO" Home Office , London. England ?

CtuélH Branch, Saa Belldleg. Toreate. H. M. Blackburn. Ilaaa|ir.




Preparation* Being Made to Operate the Lucky Jim on

Large Scale.

Kaülo, April 20—flâna are being per­fected to operate the Lucky Jim on a large scale. O. W. Viper, of The firm of Hemenway & Loper, who have ac­quired a lean# on Tlïf property, is here arranging to aUrt ^Mjgpeejllly as possibly It In îVropo)#‘Œ to about210 tona'a day. if the K. A 8; equipment <ftVi handle that,’ with the other mine tonnage, ahd make quick transfer here to-Tive Mile Poiiit. , - » V

The tramway at the miné wan dam­aged some the past winter, and men are now up theh» .putting It In shape to biting down the ore.

Owing to the* illness of its owner, Geo. W. Hughes, the Lucky Jim has been


atLabor Saving Devices Plants of B. C. Copper


The mine» And smelters of the^ Boun­dary district have reached a stage /of efficiency which is almost without/ a parallel, says the Greenwood Tlnws. Members ef the Canadian Mining In­stitute and tlietr guests from various parts of the world who recently inspect­ed the B. C.'Copper Company*<Green­wood properties were astounded npt only at the magnitude of .the operations but also at the sn\atl number of men required to do the work ; and a glance at the annual report of this company will convince anyone that a truly re­markable state of affairs \ has been brought about.

The small number of men employed

of the extraction of the valuable met*) from their ores.

It would seem that the B. CV Copper Company has well-nigh1 reached,perfec­tion In the mining and smelting of each ton al ore for 12.63, which includes all larges frotn the solid ore In thé mine

to the finished product. Under present conditions H Is prob^yjfc4mpoeslble to treat this ore for any less than it is being treated fo-day, but we believe that the day is not far away when the extensive .,roal area, but seven miles from, GrNUprôod» will be opened up. and the, smelters own and operate their own <»oal mines in the Boundary. V

When one considers that 76 per cent, of the smelting charges goes for coke alone, and that It costs $2.25 a ton freight to bring it here frotn the. Crow’s Nest Pass, wê can then see that by the

i smelters owning their oWn coal mines and mkkinr their own coke right in the district, that 12 copper-bearing ore will vet he treated nt a profit In the Boujn dary country.





Has Purchased About Six Thousand Acres in This


Phoenix, April JO.-* A. Kinney, tV. H. Gage and H. B. Landers’ have sold to thr Doakhnbor society a tract of two thousand acres of land located In -Pass valley, which Ilea about four miles

Four Large Brick Business ' Blocks Are Now Under


Grand Forks. April 20.—Th* building boom can now be eald ‘-to have been fairly Inaugurated In this city. The work of replacing the building» ^de­stroyed, by the disastrous fire last Slim­mer with more imposing and substan­tial structures has been started In earnest, and when the blocks now In course of construction, together with those contemplated, are completed. Grand Forks will have the appearance of solidty and permanency. The frame buildings destroyed by the fire are be­ing replaced by two and thrfee story blocks, constructed of brick, stone and cement.

Work has been commenced on the foundations of Wm. Bonthron’a $10.000 business block, on the corner of Win tilpeg avenue and First street; or Bower and Prlbilaky'a double-store building on First street, and on the B.

Telephone Company's building. Bridge s treat. Active preparations have also been begun for the erection of new Davis brick block.

The remains of Mrs. Osborne. *HYe of a laborer of Eye, Eng., had to be lowered Into the grave by means of a tripod and pulleys. SJie weighed thirty atone.



The Girl with the Basket DiscoveredCondensed Clams

“Winter Harbor Brand”-WINS THE PRIZE

The most tasty and dainty sandwich, the finest broth and quickest cocktail, always reafly in the house.

"Empty a tin- into a glass jar L -4nil îf keeps fine. Ypu 'will

never lie without this again'ftS long as you live. " ' x

Canned at north end of the island, whpre sewerage is un­known. Purity unquestioped.

Two sizes of tins and 26 fine receipts, k*-

If your grocer has hot this in stock see' that he gets it af once fromTRADE MARK. .r>





I’j ■ \ a




HOW NEW PEMBERTON BLOCK WILL LOOKThe new Pemberton block at the.fwhivh v>a* t r,mm#*ii( e<l yesterday. Borne

çôrner of Fort and Broad street# wUl! Idea of thé Work already done may t*1 be a credit tp Victoria. WUH Abe great- gathered from the fa>t that over two cat energy the firm of Pemberton A timusAn.l yards of rubbish -have been Son has taken In hand the construction i hauled away since the fire, of a block to take the place of that i The block will be six stories high, destroyed by fire a few weeks ago. j will cover an area of 16.500 feet and

The site of the new block le n#>w al - | will be fireproof, being constructed* ofmost cleared, the last wajl having been thrown down this morning. The earn­ers, Messrs: Pemberton & Son, have decided to put a basement under the whole building, the excavation for

reinforced concrete and steel through­out. No wood will be used except for doors and windows and & few of the floors. Pressed brick will be used for the fronts, carried on granite columns.

It will consist of 11 stores / on the ground floor with cellars under. The Fort and Broad streets ei tier will or occupied by Messrs. Pemberton & Son. The second, third, fourth and fifth flodrS will contain some 180 large offices, averaging 18x24 and 26 burglar proof vaults.

There will be two entrance* with staircases and electric elevators, which will give easy communication t4>.„nny tart of the building. The main en­trance on Port 'Street will be It feet wide. The arrangement of the top story

V m

: From "the »wry > -


/of^20^CENTURY;j Wall demano and awuciate r


NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Tenders for Station Building, Section

and Tool Houses, Between Lake Superior Junction and Winnipeg.

Sealed tetMlera addressed t'o the under- signed, marked on the envelope "Tender ■tor Stations, etc.,” Win be received M Use office of the C« of the Trans­continental Railway at Ottawa, until 12 o'clock noon of ihv 27th day of April, I8to, for the construction and erection com- piste. In accAniance with the plans and specifications of the Commissioners, ot station buildings, section and tool houses, etc., as follows, via:Section Ne. I—1’rom l.ake Superior Junc­

tion to Mlle 1&5* tnear - WaWgoon Kivef.)

" 4 No. L Station Buildings.2 No. a

. " 6 Section Houses.Section Xo.^r-^ riAU* Mile 162» to Mile 17»

' , (N. E- of Rennie.)1 No. 1 Station Building.2 No, i2 No.*3 “ "

. 6 Section Houses.SecUofi Ro, J-Froui Mile 1?» to 6L Bonl-

2 No. 1 Station Buildings.2 No. 2 “ V

------—4 No. 3 ” '*3 Section Houses...

Toot'‘bouses will be requlre^.^ct all sec­tion houses, and at such other points aa may be designated by Hie Engineer.

Each tender muette for all the build­ings on any one. section, and separate ten­ders must bo tnade for each section.

The work on each section must be com- pleteXm or before Otitirber 1st, 1MB.

4*1 an a and specifications may be seen, ''''and full information obtained, at the of­

fice of Mi. Hugh D. Lumsden, Chief En-

flncer, Ottawa. Unt,. and Mr. 8. R. District Engineer. Winnipeg. Man.

Person «tendering are notified that ten­ders will not be considered unless made on the printed forms supplied by the Commissioners, which may be had on ap­plication to the Chief Engineer at Otta­wa. or' the District Engineer %t Winnipeg, i

r-v h tondvi must be signed and sealed all the parties to the tender, and wit­nessed, and be accompanied" by an ac­

cepted cheque on a chartered Bank of the n,.min|on of Ç'f.qpdn pavat>te to. the or­der of the CommissToners-of the Trans- eonftfteiual Railway, for a sum equal to ipfl per cent. CM p. ys.} of the amount of tile tender. — {

The cheque deposited by the party whose tender Is accepted will be deposited to the credit of the Receiver General of Canada, as security for the due and faithful performance of the contract ac­cording to Its terms.

Cheques deposited by parties whose ten­ders are rejected will be returned within ten days after the signing of the contract.

The right is reserved to tejeot any or all tenders.

P. B. RYAN.Secretary.

The Commissioners of theTranscontinental Railway.

Dated at Ottawa, 2nd April, HOB. Newspapers Inserting this advertisement

without authority from the Commission­ers, will not be paid for It

Is as yet undecided.In talking over with the architect the

quantities of materials required! in the construction, he gave the Information that the estimates are not completed, btit there will be about 6 or 10 carloads of steel, 6 or 7 thousand barrels of cement. 6 thousand yard» graveland 1,000,06th bricks required In the building.

The only contracts that ere let up to the present are to Colbert Sk Son for the heating and -plumbing, and to W. HkHIlnge for the excaVatlngp.

partially dosed down for some months past; tTut prior to that a systematic plan, of development was. being carried on, under the supervision of A. J. Becker, with gratifying results. This property was one of the lafgest sHve^- lead shippers in the boom days of the Silvery Slocar^Su^ later developed l»to

* a» closed down tpr of xlnc beng of ho

a aine mine, years on ace

Recent ev< changes „ place h&ftbe Jim ao^fi The rftih ïüi

>•*#-*ve changed this, and to have also taken i. flf ore at the Lucky ,eot. work, proœedad.

....__ ______JBk is stated, Aax hewnworked through janbtan extensive body of '‘silver-lead ore ^ut iiUo. This is of such a nature Hi exteht that llttle_dlf- *cuTT>' wiir be had Ih shipping 200 tons dally from the mine for an Indefinite period, without taking the xlnc ore at all. but It la sine that is to go out for the next few months, and l*t will go out lively too If transportation arrange-

p ments can be efficiently managed. The lease of the present holders may de­velop Into something more important If present expectations come up to antici­pation. c-


Pool Rdoms of Butte Attempt to Tele­graph Beta Outside of State.

Butte. AJrtL JWlf- «X*est* back of the attempts to evade tl provisons of the-antl-pdol room laws by subterfuge' continue In their endeavor and are upheld by the courts on a technicality, the Businessmens’ Ai elation of Butte will not only petition the governor to call an extra session of the legislature to enact tlw NeaLimk.pool room-and-^aclfHMrtltrlnit will give sijch a movement their earnest sup­port» Tho onaetment of such a law would not wily deal à death blow t« pool rooms, but would affect racing as well. Such was the sentiment at Mon day nfghtis meeting of the Business

A-mtathm, when » re,elution ''*rJ «''W" condemning the efTort, of the pool room of big bodle, of liWJlfHUf, Interests to evade the law by subter­fuge was passed unanimously,. __- The pool rooni* are attemptlhg to op­

erate by telegraphing betp outside*ef the state over n wire especially Incor­porated by ittie telegraph company.

illustra tee the saying that “necessity Is the mother of invention,“ for the big low grade deposits of ore in the Boun-

have been the cause of the devis­ing of special methods for mining and treating It he same.

The plants of the B, C. Copper Com­pany. both at their mines and at Green­wood smelter are demonstrations of what can be done when necessity Is the driving force. In the early days of this company timbering and shovelling were necessary, as that was £he practice In vogue In almost an mines, as It is to- dajrtn the large majority. The cost of both oY these factors, which tn a mine of this class would make all profits dis­appear, has been eliminated from the B; C. Copper Company's mines—no tim­ber or shovelling being Aone.____

The system In the big Boundary cop­per mjnes4a ,to make an gjwning In the side or the levels, wh’lch, aH the cham­ber is excavated,. Is converted Into a gate—known to miners "as a -chute. After this chute has bpen built with Its gate easily opened and closed, tht- ore in the chamber Is broken by means of drilling and blasting and falls Into the chute, from which It ia_removed by simply opening the gate and allowing It to run into cars. The* opening as It is driven widens out In fan shape and oh a gradual incline so that af! ore runs down to tfte chute wherever' broken., The sfgipltcity of this modern methoA

of' rhirfln* is almost glaring, but never­theless It is the result of long study, practical knowledge and a continual struggle for the perfecting of details. It Is at once simple, inexpensive and safe; and taken In conjunction with the system of power drilling, jand the ex­perienced judgment of the stout-heart­ed minerjwho britnks' the ground, the splentlid Tecord is made of 1,600 ton# of ore sent down darfly to the smelter with’ an average force of 230 men, Including miners, dUfface men—In ' gt word, all hands. ,

To the mining engineers of the Boun­dary district, specialist# Hi the mining ■■^■■■■BUBÉkore. who evolved these modern methods of min ing, great credit is dpe for this phe

Tlç-re are fifteen tons of silver In circu­lation far each ton of gold;

north of *f*seHHNr The consideration Is $20.000. It Is the Attention of the so­ciety to clear and Improve this land and use Jt as a pastuie for stock. The Doukhobor society, some time since,, purchased 3.000 acres in the neighbor­hood of Brilliant, which will be devoted principally id fruit and vegetable fals­ing. Already .they have about 300 acres cleared and avfe row setting eut fruit trees. Beside# this they purchased a 1,000-acre farm near Gra^nd Forks, which -Will be devoted principally <o fruit ralsng. A large number are com­ing, in addition to those already there.


Conference In New Torla Postponed ...— Until April 27th.

New York, April 21.—The meeting of the anthracite seal operator» which was to have been in this city on Thurs­day of this week, has hern postponed till Tuesday, April 27th. It was expect­ed that the report of a special com­mittee to foflnutata a policy of dealing with the miners to be followed by the operators would be made this morn­ing, ~ .

Nervous, Diseased MenDUS. K. * K. ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS


FREE. .Question Blink

for Home

Treatment sent


Fees for


We flairantes te Care all Curable Cam ef Stricture, Varicocele, linreus Debility, Bleed Maws, Vital Weakaesscs,

Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases, and all Diseases Peculiar te lea and Semen.

hoot wist, ronr thn. ud movrj on <-hr«|>. <Une*rov.. .sperlmro'trrmtmret. Don't Inonmm al »ur own cost your wltering. by bwng e*l»rtaM«lnl m rwmwiUw which they chum fS hn.o just rtMcotweA ' BUI come to m in» W. wtU «iwn»

•you «mcmnUouidy, hoomtly nod mlliddly, and restore you to heelth inlUn ehorteet pon- eihl. time with the lea* medicine, dtienmfort an.1 esponso pmçtlcnhtc Bnch con. In tmntod w tho lymptom. lndlcnlo. Our l»w SHtU.S I»oritUmfnnd hm wood tto test tm twenty ymts. ' v

Drs.KENNEDY& KENNEDYCor. Michigan Aw., and Griswold St, Detroit. Midy


San Francisco, CaJ.. April 20—Ah vive*received to-day state that Ambassador Jusssfand will probably arrive here on $l*y 28th to present to the city a goldmedal prepared by the French govern- visouL

kient as a token of apprectatlon of the spirit shown by the people In rebuild­ing San Francisco £fter the disaster of three years ago. A; committer of citi­zens to welcome thé ambassador has been appointed by the board of super-

CIVIC NOTICEThe Municipal Council of the Corpora,

ttpn of the City of Victoria baring deter- tnVard that it 1» desirable to execute the following work of local improvement on the streets mentioned hereunder, namely:

•To pave Government street between Humboldt street and Belleville street with

oodea blocks, or vitrified brick, placed a concrete foundation, and to con­

struct permanent sidewalks on both sides of said street; and

To pave Humboldt street betweenoOov- •rnment street and Douglas street with wooden blocks, or vitrified brick, placed on a concret*- foundation, and to con- ■truet a permanent sidewalk on the south side of aSld street with curb; and

To nave Belleville street between Gov­ernment street and Douglas street with eS blocks, or vitrified brick placgd on S concrete foundation, and to con­struct permanent sidewalks on both sides S said street with curb; and

To construct plank sidewalks on both ■ides of 1 Hjuglas street between Hum- fJSSt street and Bejlevllle street, and to Trade and macadamise the roadway, ind that all of said work shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions ofBgrs ",r.Ko visions of Section f of the said By-

iw upon said work of local Improve­ment. giving statements showing the

amounts estimated jo he chargeable tn •ich case against the various portions ef real property to, be Jt^nefitedby the said work and the report of the City Engineer and City Assessor aforesaid having been adopted by thé Council ;

NOTTOE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the said report Is open for Inspection at the^ Sice of the City Assessor. City HaUT Douglas street, and that unless a pefi. tion against said proposed work of focal improvement signed by a majority of the owners of the land or real property to be aJLeesed for such Improvement, and re- t,resenting at least one-half of fhe value of the said land or real property. Is pre- «ented to the Council within fifteen days fTtHR the date of the first publication of thir notice, the Council will proceed with the proposed Improvement under such terms and conditions aa to the paynjent of the costs of such Improvement as the Council may by by-law. In that behalf.regulate and determine. , i__


City Clerk’s Office,Ylfitoria, B. C., March 80th. 1KB.


Are you dizxy?Does your head swim?Doe* everythtng turn dark when you

rlke after stooping?Are you constantly suffering from

headaches?Are you short of breath after going

upstairs?Is your tongue$fnated and furred? _ 4-These symptoms give warning that

your system needs a thorough cleans­ing—all .poisons must be flushed out. The remedy Is Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. Marked benefit Immediately follows their use.

These famous pills loosen the bowels and stop constipation ; they act on the liver and kidneys, make- them strong and vigorous.

This ensures health and purity for the blood and consequently the whole system benefits.

No other medicine tones and braces like Df-. Hamilton’s Pills; they *t once cure biliousness, headache, dizziness, poor color, routed tongue and all dis­eases arising through fault of the -stomach, kidneys or liver; try them.

Results prove the merits of Dr. Ham­ilton's Pill*, 25c. per box or five boxes for $1.00. at all dealers In medtetne;

four Hundred idle.

nomenal success in the art ofjudentlfl'- Canonabyrg, Pa., April 21.—The Can*v mining. To the smeltèrmeh specialists onsburg Iron ft Steel Company -closed In the art the ecbno«ri«a| treatment >t its plant to-day, throwing 400 men out huge quantities of material, «lay In arid i of work. *Tho company has offered to day out, forcifilr-tk»' big furnace» V> | start the plant up again if the men the limit of their capacity i* due thu.j B UI accept a reduction of ten per cent, success of the second stage of the-art j In wages, -,

Titles Indefeasible Issued Direct from the Mexican GovernmentCHOICEST IRRIGABLE AND FRUIT LANDS ON THE ENTIRE PACIFIC COAST.


Be.Beady PACIFIC SLOPES Better Than Gold


Purchasers are sure to make as high à* ten times the coat of the Tlfnifc *—

Inside of one year private lands, adjoin­ing ones but further from market, Increased and sold at more than three times the price we are asking for ours, and Ip now held at $80.00 to $200.00 per acra '..ÿ-*-

WE GUARANTEE our 110.06 per acre land equally as good and with better transpor­tation.

WE GUARANTEE that our settlers can land their effect» a ad ship their products with exemption from duty.

WE GUARANTEE exemption from Fed­eral Government Taxes for. 10 year*

We will sell you a 62% OR ■ 126 ACRp FARM AT $10.00 PER ACRÉ, and give you the right to

__Ray fur it in five annual instal­ment!, first payment being twenty-

five per cent, on application.WE GUARANTEE any of the* farm»

properly cropped wll; produce at least $50.00 gold, -per acre per annum.

WIÇ GUARANTEE titles direct from the government.

We wiU sell you a 62U, OR 126 ACRE FARM AT $6 PER ACRE, which will produce the finest or­

anges possible.v ■—-3^ . ; ■ i: - .

WE GUARANTEE that the climate la de­lightful and healthy for those who go to our lands to; live.

<• <1

BOND & CLARK, 614 Trounce Ave., Victoria, B. C.Agente the Pacific Government Lands and Concession Corpora-

< tion, Limited. — ' —Sole Agents for the Mexican Government Wild Lands in the

i - State of Guerrero, Mexico.

mni...... i ■' ............ '■ =


Your Ad should find an eager buyer for those Lots of yours-it’s the seasonPROFESSIONAL CAROS.

ADVERTISEMENTS under tùta bead le. cent per word per Insertion; -1 Un**, fl per montât; extra Hue», * ceiws per line per month, -

Architects.H. J. ROUS raiAJ.N. ArehM«rt. 11

Premli Building. Me* Oowmmenl St . Victoria.

a: B. ORIFFITH, H Promt» Bloc*.Oovemment street. Phone J4”

Bookkeeping.VICTORIA St’HOOt OF INQi 132* Douglas Street. Put11» I*®*’*.,

ed or VUUl.,1 day «rattention td case* of neglected educ t|on. Old or young e*n attend. Strictly private. O. Renz. lr. principal

Dentists.DR LEWIS HALL. P entai Sur**”"-

Jewell Block, cor Tele» and Dmglaa Streets. Victoria. B.Ç. Telephone- Offlce. 657; Residence. 13.

Land Surveyor*.


cent per word per insertion; 3 fine*, f» P«r <n>mth; extra Unes. cents per UnA,

_ Per month. V

Agents“.‘^"WA.NTEP-In every locality in

Oaggda to advertise our good*. ,ac* “5 •howcarda In all conaplcu..», dlalrlbute small adverttollïg malter. Commission or salary «• P" .and eapenar, «« per day. Strady wora Ihe year rmmd. entirely new »!•». eaçerlence required. Write tor l,art'c“

„ Royal IV mod y Co.. London, -Qui.. r.n,i. , .


FOR CHOICE FA MI la Y BREAD. Uakes. Confectlonorj^'iu- . try t>. W ll*nbl'r’r^ 2 ^ert St., or ring up Fhpne ^««Ln- your order will receive - prompt alien

. ■ Blasting RockWell*’cellars, foundations, eto. N» plae.

too> dlfflcdlt. Rock for sala. Termsreaàonabis. J. R William*. «* Mlcb! gan. street. Phone A1343.

OEO A. SMITH. G.E.# B. Ç.. J<wi4 Sur­veyor. Albeml. B C. Mining claim», timber limite and *Ub-d1 visions.

T. 8. OORE and J. M MeORPOOR. Brit­ish Columbia Land Surveyor* Chan- eery Chamber*. 52 Langley St.. F. O. Box 152. Phone ASOt/'

EDWARD S. WILKINSON Brit»»* Col­umbia' Land Surveyor. 1304 Government Street. P. O Pox 90 Phone 614

Boat Building

Legal.ALEXIS MAllT'lH'f and

Solicitor Money1 to loan. 1096 Govern­ment street.

GIVE y OUR ORDER to McKismB*. boat- bunaer. plain end fancy n**«er.■83t) Fort Street. ______ . ,

VICTORIA BOAT A- ENatlfB COM-PANY, LTDi. boa* and launch builders Bdat building (Material for nmafsurs.

• repairs, engine* Installed. •**. I5*t*'mates and desisfl'#’ t urnlahed. w- L,‘ Buck, mgr . 424 David tit, rnon* X*

. Boot and Shoe Repairing

C. W. BRADSHAW. Barrister _etc Taw Chambers. Bastion et root Victoria

MURPHY * FISHER, Barrister*. 8*tors. etc.. Supreme and K-trhequer Court Agents, practice In Pa t ént"<QMïï before Railway Cnmmt-aion ”•**'" Charles Morphv M P -Harold Fisher,

Mechanical Engineer.

NO MATTER Where you bought frour shoes, bring them here to be repaired

i IliMiv 3 Oriental Ave.. opposite PanI “ 1 ’ ‘ '_________

: Builders & General Contfactoi's

BUSINESS DIRECTORYLDVKRTI8KM ÉXT8 under tel» heed 1 voit per wohl per Insertion; 2 lines.'fl i\r month; extra l lose, 26 cent* per line pe\ month.

(lployment AgenciesTHE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY.

-----* . MRS. P K. TURNER-608 (542 Fort St. Hours. 10 to 6. " Phone 1553.THE RELIABLE LABOR AND

PLOY MENT AGENCIES. 650 Johnson street. Victoria. B. C, arid $K Water street. Vancouver. B. C. supply labor and help of all description# on short notice- free of charge, to employers. Phone 163. 'Write or wire your, orders. 1> \ Watson, manager. Wanted, ladies and men canvassers, big percentage. Register book kept for help seeking em- i • nent.

Japanese; hindu and ChineseEMPLOY MENT ,OFFICE—All kinds of labdF Supplied at short notice, general contractor. MW Government St. Tel. 16».

WING ON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY- Wood. Coal and Charcoal for sale, also sea veitging. 17<8 Govsrnment ■ street.

' Phone 23ALL KINDS of Chinese labor supplied.

Yin Thom, Jt»0 Guvefbroeot street.Phone A1749.

Fishing TackleIF TOO WANT THfc LATKST IB fl.bln*

lap.kliu go to H«rrl« A Smith. Their •took 1* all new including files, apofma. east a, hooka, line», reel», rod», and any­thing you need In IM» Una ...............

FurrierFtlKD. FOSTBR, Taxldermlgl and Fur- 'rier. 42* Johnson street.


W O WINtArFURN M I. N A . Uon-suiting Mechanical Engineer and Sur­vey or. Estimates for all kinds of nn- chlnerv; gasoline engines rv specialty. Pfinne 1531 1*37 Oak Bay avenue. Mr-Ptione 1531 1*37 Oak Baytorla. B. C.

Medical Massage.,m BERGSTROM BTORNFELT. Swe­

dish Masseur Turkish bath. 821 Fort street. Victoria. B C. Phone 1*56

MRS EARSMAN. electric light bathe;medical massage 1008 Fort St. Phone


Mining Engineerj Ly PARKER. Mining Engineer anil

Surveyor. 11 MacGregor Block. Victoria. B C. Mine examinations ami reftOrts Superintendence of mining work or ̂ con­tracts taken. Seven years preparatory Sorter Haven years actual experience ns colliery ma ager. ten years manager of- lead and silver, gold and copper mine*, p. O. Box 434. Business telephone. AIT* . r«-*d r ■ te]»ph>.ne. 191?

Music.Ai.F WHITE Teacher Of Piano Organ

and Theory! ptudlo, HW Pembroke St Pbone 1899

BANJO. MANDOÎJN AND Gl IT All taught by W G Plosjrr?ght. Conductor of the Alexandra and GuitarClub, late profes*o$ -»f banjo, mand i

‘ and guitar a| Alberta College, Edm-m ton. etc. Phon« AJD*5 Hitidlo. 1116 Yates

NursingMRP WALKER (C. M B . Eng > at­

tends psttenls or receives them Into her nursing home Maternity, medical «-r surgical. 1017 Burdette avenue Ph^m*A1400

Mias K H J ON i IP

Opticianeyes KITT ED roRHF.UTLY or your

<money back; cost# only | usual p»1ce i-jPhone B1971. or eall on M< lotyre,

/optician. 61'« lomvdln. day or evening.

ShorthandSHORT HAND SCHOOL. 1M Broad 8f.

Shorthand, typewriting. bookke#*pti,g. telegraphy thon*u4hly taught. |L A MacmlPkn, yr1nclpa|1 -, —.

Stenographers and Typists.■ TYPEWRITING done from M 8.. on rea-

* «enable terme. Apply Box 2?L TimesO m re ______

ADVERTISEMENTS under this Iwad I cent per word B$x.i.W‘",rt,0bi 3 Insertions,

'“""y-ee^is per Word; 4 cent* per word per week. So cents per line peB month ^lo advertisement for lesut than" 10 centa

ERNEST . KA WI.INOS,I CarpeiYut and Builder»

Prompt Attention to Alterations. Job­bing Work » lid Repairs.

Est 1ma fee Given. Prices Reasonable. 907 Richmond Ave , Victoria. B. C.

ALTON A BROWN, carpenter» and build­ers Estimates given oh all kinds of carpenter work. * we specialise In con­servatories and green bounce. Prompt attention. First-dam work and moder­ate price». Phone BUR Residence, M4 Bay street. Victoria. "

J. AVERT, manufacturer of standard high grade concrete J>uildlng block* Artistic work in concrete executed to

, ordef. Contracts taken for entire buildings, foundations and fences. Fine concret#- work our specialty. 1009 Doug­las street Phorv- A MM3

WILLIAM F. l’RYSDALK. Contractor and Builder All work promptly and esttsfniSortly executed. Jobbing neatly done. Telephone A1392 103 N Park St.Vict.-ria, R C '

ALFRED JONES. Carpenter and Jotn.*r Jobbing work promptly attended to '"'tr. Itian-hard and Fort f»ts Phone B73*

" LINSUALF. * M X Ia-OLM.Builders and Contrsetor». J


(«’ -I.TD ofh e 2i. : Five "gf*.Iff»' Bl‘»ck. Estimates furbished


Brass Castings -

B C. BAND S GRAVEL CO- f«»t John­son street. Tel US Producers of washed and graded Band and gravel, beet for concrete work of all kinds, de­livered by team in the city, or on scows at pit on Royal Bay.

Hacks.HACKS ' RUONK ITS. Victoria Hack

Stand, cor. Y*t** *nd Government Bta

Hardy PlantsGET OUR LISTS-Three of them. Bulbe.

Hoses and Hardy Plante We handle only varieties suitable for this climate, ana our lisle" tell you what you want to know. Flawin'» Gardens. Ml Heywoed avenue.

JlinkW ANT ElY—Scrap brass, copner. alnc,

lead, cast I rim, sacks, and afl kinds of bottles and rubber; highest caso prices paid. Victoria Junk Agency. 1®S Store street. Phone 1331 v - —

Landscape GardenerE. J. LAINO. Landscape and Jobbing

Gardener Tree pruning and spraying a specially. Residence. 1645 Mesrs Street. Phone A1213.. Offlce. Wilkerson * Brown'» Greenhouse, corner Cook and Fort struts.

MachinistsL. HAFER. General Machinist, No. 150

Government street. Tel. 930..

Merchant Tailors

IlftAH. ( * A STI Nt HI nf alt descriptions for inarhtr.Pt• and Istmrh builders. - E.

WING FOOK YUEN. 21 or 127 Cormorant street Clothes cleaned, pressed and

Chimney Sweeping Metal Polish

LI.mYI» A c/» a. ticwj chimney sweep- h” oîît houFC-c|e«n^. 716 Psndorn

flue# altered.v -rant. h« i»t« :«nsH. ready for uc> UDiti-rr- Phone 1577 1 up”

GlaOBE METAL POLISH cleans «liver, copper and brass For ssle by ^hs Shore Hardware Co.4

..H'MMIÏ» • «M'D IW,,!,, f|u.. !Wm *’"■ ,j V-O" ««ft j

Moving Picture Machines

Chinese Goods and Labor

MOTION PICtURRS—A new supply of ftfst-daee "P»theMjfttlh and projecting lantern» for sale. At Maynard's Photo H(ock Mouse. 71$ Pandora street;

PORUEIJUN, brass ware. eUfc» amcuriov rxfehslve assortment Alt kind. nt Chinese labor »upplie<L Tim Km*

Painter and Decorator

Cleaning and Tailoring WorksOENT8' UI.OTflKfl ri.KANim. r.p,lrM

dyed and pressed, umbr. llav *nfj p*rn. ►ols mpde. repair, d and recover.-1 Guv XV Walker. To* Johnson S, jL, east Of Douglaw Phone AINT.

LodgesCOLUMBIA L/OIV1K. No a. I o. o. r LF1 i n i' VO, R COLI,er~TINO-ei>*.

^«-CmV»« »*»ry W,.h,.„toy>ve„|n< at « '«Hint»» lor K.UIII* roniilt». f„."■clock In Odl f ellow»' Hall. l...u»lj formation turntahmt on ,ni.|lc«,|„„.

It W Fawc.lL Hoc. Hoc..*" Mer. anlll.-, rmtcctlve A».ocl.i|on, M,;ns llrcct • >


Î-OURT CARIBOO. N» ÏS 1. O. fon w-rond a* feurlh Manila y Of

each month in K. of I . rlajl, corner Pandora h«'d. Doqgm* etjcj ls V,siting Foresters weleamed Fin Secy . Fj . U L t B blte, «*1 Br night n s>r< et; J. -W. îi Kin* H- tie . 1361 Pand..r* str-et.

UOMPANICïN COI HT KA IFXVEHT. |. o.r N,> 27». meet* first and third Môn gays rarh month In K. of 1» Hallcorner Douglas ««td Pbf4or:t *treeu. 1m»,belle Moore. Financial SecreUry. 641

/g nr r v * 1 Far We*t Lodg-^, Friday;

'-- Il J*----- K otn. A 8. Box 541

XvÇ^ûTTîTvN'* i- K ■ r P » meets at

Maw^t. K nt n v »! Box %

iit 7..»|{Tiu;hv light,•a']»1 K "f 1* Has 2nd uiid iy*. U F Fullerkuh, à cf.

»KKN Wlh)DMKN OF AMERICAet Afvvery UrsT »6d thlnt Tuesday of h month at Sir William Wallace Hall »rtd «teret. G. L. Blssell. cJerk, 1314 •i*l.« i st reel,



The Court of Revision will sit- In the Courell Chamber Oak Bay avenue, on Saturday, 15th May. 1309. at Lp tn . for the purpose of hearlnf complaint*, against fhe Assessment* as made by the AatMuixor and for revising and correcting the Aa-. sessment Roll.

Notice of any complaint, iitatlhg the ground of complaint, must 64 given In writing to lip* Assessor at least ten days Wforv the date of th<- annual sitting grf tbs Court.

J.^S, FLOYD.C. M. Ca


eye views, and »t! clasps of engrav'nL. for newspaper or catalogue work .T- ’ , 'gravin* c<> - ^7

DressmakingtllSS 6ÂLI.TïiTa m. DrcMtnakei

Quadra atret. _ V

My» Wl l.Sl IN nr/wkmaker, baa remov. a tier w rkroomt from ih- Promt» Block to hcr b—m- on Oak Hay avenue . Iiousi- nut Foul Bay road Phone B1M

(HITLER * IMPKX Rainier, and (leneral riecnralora- Room» papered or painted on ibeahorte.1 nolle. Write or tall », n.ivr. W Taira atreet; or Impey. mo

^Rgrltrb^roaiL .

PawnshopMONEY laOANED on diamonds. jewsiT

|ery and personal effects. A A. Aaron w>n ^ >r. Johnson and Bro*d. Aartft>-

Photographs, Maps, Etc.itKAL ESTwTE AGENTS AND OTHFl/tt*o insure quick sale» of propertl«

get them pbf'tognphed by ** FLEMING BROS

Maps and plans copied or blue printed Enlargements from fllmsjjr pGnt» to *ny ,IK Flnlahln* and aupplleè (or .male". Kodak* tor Ml* nr hire. « «|'H(,N- ~ • ■■ -XT IIVMekt m*


Soil4'UII HALE-Manure find black aoii.

Vari a Wood Yard. Tldepbun» Ifla.


•11 kinds bought and sold.. N. R- Fox- gord. Iti07 poogU* tit. Rhone A1463.

Stump PullerSTUMP PULLEiWMedtr in 3 sixes, for

aale or for hire; contracta taken._Due rest, 4t>6 Burnside road. Victoria. Phone A1.M. ;



For Sale—Acreage«AL. - 2è actes. Gardon Head,

cheap for quick sale, eaiy ter**. Ap­ply Box 61». 'limes utiles.

FARM SNAP 10. acres' and shackl fiveniile* from Post umoe. Strawberry Vale 4totrUii. *Muu. MaJ smith * uo.. Mahon BWg., Uoverjrtncnt street.


For Sale—Houses

FuR f iJALE W acres, 'Shawnigan Lake diatrflt. Apply Box AV>. Time* Office.

TIMBER-Beforu buying or bvIUhiTtimber in B. L. call and see my list, comprising more than lut) of the best properties aggregating « total cut of twenty-five btllion <25.utiO,ouo.UtJU) feet. A. T. Framp- ton, Mahon Bldg., Victoria. Phone its*.

FOR ttakE Well built cottage, on- lot 62X120, b rooms, all cbnvrniéhce*. nice lawn and garden, wlih fruit tree* and small fruit, tertne. «ÛU0 djuwn, tmialn arranged. Apply 1*21 PemUfokc'lTt rV*t

bNAl*—Tennyuon . roud, ncur -^>ougl.«s atreet car, «even roomed house, well Situated, on lot 42 H. -x 2Û0 ft., *a4d.-n under cultivation and nl.inlc l in fru r for quick Bal.«-iU(*., Lee & Frm*r

. Troupe* Av».fcx


Help Wanted—Male[ BO ts WANT ET»—At the llritleh -Amerij* j- Falat t ompiny. laurel point]

u A N 1 i:*'- * >’’■ »x.rVsi.n plumber e•sl,o|». Appix tiT3 jonuMJn M r^vt. city.

SMART BOY WANTED* Apply "Mrs! «'lay. 619 Fort street. PP *

I a £yÈ~La«gâ'' hew house,


TRIMBLE * SON. general teaming, ploughing and eXCavatlug. 17 Putman ■treat. Phone A1439.


—Trucking and e/prva»:ng Y ate* St. Stand, above BruiiiL -Order* left Actons, telephoiiegML Real*Michigan street

• 1 REI’AUED to locate choice Gvv- I! ernment land* near ttie Grand Trunk I I*kcfflv cxilruaui; also 1 twve choice f i\ farming land tor »«le, small or large ; \lrScta C. v. Harvey, real estate agent | Jj^axelton, U. C.FOl\ SALE—Eighteen acres good -fruit

Jknd. eight iniles from Victoria; all kind» buggiea, wagon* and carts, horses •'«‘Vhxnieaa, also yoke young oxen; well brykem arid twpnty-five young pigx L ^ J Haher. Carclagn Shop. Discovery

TRUCKING—Quick service, reasonable charge^ |- Walsh A Sons, Bakers Feed Store. 640 Yates street.

VICTORIA TRUCK AND DRAY CG.--iBT«d»£h<mel3^*iable22‘2iÜ—]2i—------

Turkish Baths.til FORT ST.. Phone 165* WIU be open

from lo a. m to H p- m ; Saturdays fid ji ► m. Ladles days wrw: J?from id a m. to 6 p m.. and krlday» 10 a. m. to l p. m. fiwedlah maaauge.

Typewriter Repa rstYK HAVE EXPERT WORKMEN and

, every facility for repairing all typewriters, cawh register» x-ldmg ma­chine», etc. Baxter * Johnson. Phone

« m ■—

®n ACRES—4 mile* frpiii city', CordovaMay road. 10 acres cultivated. 60 fruit ire* *, 4 room cottage». *11 necessary buildings, all new, 16.200. Mayamlih èt

. Mahon Bldg.

SA LE—i Ou-Me re farm on Gallano island. 2f iniles from new government

. wharf, 7$ ■ acre* of good land. It) to 16 eyacre* cleared, 25 acres slashed. 2 roomed

«nack. plenty of good spring water, a tew fruit trees, a portion of land fenced, a good road to property. $70o has been laid out fc»Jr former owner In clearing and fencing, coal right goes with the land, two companies own coal rights In th* Vicinity, plenty of good timber; $2.2uo ba*h. 32.6ÔU. I1.6ÜU down, balança to ar- rangw. Apply» 33 Broughton direet.

BLANCHARD STREET -3 room collage- , all eonvenientx-H. largy.lot: nfett lutie

home, BiÜflBi"May»mith .Sc ■

A 8NAPr-Goo<i Income property, * room house, bath, pantry, eft* trie light, gas hot and rwld water, 1 CityHall. |2,7Si> cash. May*mith &Mahrili Whig

ELFORb STREET—> room strictly mod­ern bungalow, large lot. an excellent buy at $7,7.>i, UUhO cash. Jdaysmith <v Co.. Mahon Bldg

C1IEAE- FOR QUICK 8ALE-4 room* U house and 4 lot* 60 ft.\ x 123 ft., 5 rttin-

j "'ANTjKD At the Royal Dairy, a <Tr1v«r

! W aN JtED—JapHileae Servant, must bea

| vx ANT El.» - F'hf l-CU** .^arp* nters. D~R i B-»11 ■ Fo^ street, sbove Cook street. i WANTED^» men, with families, for

ctrunru and grading wtrfleta at m«e#ii \ , ‘ harlotto. Apply TrackwetLA Anderson

* ° * cot - Broad and Trounce avenue.WANTED--Cotnpetdm riian to take chargo

; of-country n« wspuper. must- have b**t of .reference#. liberal salary to th* rjxut mhii. A|>prfc.Teo**a«;n A Andersen Co cor—ftroid and Trounce avenge.

1 "'A-'»'1 *-i> -Good mair for general r*ru-n- thjf. mldting and ploughing, wages >4

! G«,od w’emitn for general help in farm. »- >use work, cooking, and four chitdr«x Appo Shaw, Solith Suit tipruig island

Personallauuac n.ava a »u ll. * It., O min- * w* 1utee from car. all modern convenlen ■*•*, " ■ ................ . t--------------- -large outbuilding*, chicken house*, fruit UNITED WIRKLESfi 8IIARKH0I.DFRS tree*, etc., half <-a*h; -would sell lotx4—wULjaa^vUc aiUuablc and imporlant in­tree*. etc., half rash; -would *el| mti ■epnrate. Apply 2641 Ljuayira street, City

-otiiiiimtt anu itformation by . mldreaeUig J. f. Barklêÿ

Her Hide.. Chicago, 111— ------ :-------- -—--------------- ■ --------------j'ti r> 10c 1 1 nay.. 1 mvago. III.FOR SALE—6 rooinji-d houge, pantry and^ — »—------- ■ ■ ■ - ■ ■ ------- ———

bath. Apply El Kingston street. f'MJHrirNG RELvVTIVfcS—Should this meet--------------------- —----------- Hb eye of Mr William Hehyrar Farmer.

rOR SALE -Seven roomed house, all" H«ldre*» giv«-n about :*) year* ago, E^qui- modem convenMnr*#;-‘TWffnp" foundation. 1 niait. Vancouver Island, will In-^coni-near Central school, at end of Johnson .......... —*" “ --------"street, will * sell for $4,300; tsotr ca*a. , . ... ...........—,------ -— ,terms for balance; or will exchange for X --------- ----------------- ----------------------- *v-.unimproved property. Apply Owner, F. .................................. 6O. Box K9ft

For Sale—Articles

NICE COTTAGE—2 bedroom», large liv-U*g room. Mntry, kitchen, etc., chicken bouses, full slxed lot $1,700.Co., Fort street.

Watch RepairingA. RETV H. W Douglas sUeet. Ü*ÔM»jy

of English watch repairing. All kind* of clocks and watches repaired1^

Y. W.C. A.FOR THE BENEFIT of young women in

or out of employment. Room* and board. A home from home, dora avenue.

942 Pan-

FOR SALE-Bum one horse wagon, with box and brake. Apply K. Motliv-s. kfuaiir.i street. Maywood F. O.

WE HAVE JUHT RECEIVED a cgrload of Cii^Stnut ca'noea ajid shad be glad to allow them to you. 'Tlte Motor canoe cannot be beaten fut finish, price or «peed. Howell A Setfe. U14 Wharf St. Phone 17W. Zz ;

I FOR SALE—7 roomed housp. contaluingconservatory, bath, large reception h«tu, pane* arid beamed ceilings, tinieu walla, convenient to car Call after v

I 1227 Pandora avenue._________

FOR SALE—Child's bicycle. Mears


GROCERY STORE—A good, growing Uusim-M*. in g*)od l<x;atlun, lot' and buildings. Apply Hour.* ». 575 Yates.

Business Chancesj STRAWBERRY PLANTS Magoans and I tiiiarpless. :*> cents per 100. cabbage, I spr.-uls and caullflow r. 50 cents pef 10U.

H. R, Maywood P. O.ROOMING BUHINE8iljrOR SALE. Ad­

dress Times Box 667.FOR SALE -Dry good* and genii’ fur- f

malting* business. In Okanagan Valley, stock between five and six thousand; ( will require two thousand d^Uara down. . For particulars apply to Box 632, Time* , Ol^e.

SHARES FOR SALK-To does an estât*, four hundred snares Heiga Gold and t'a.pfwr .Mining Vo., of Wushinglonv one hundred shares Pacific Coal and Oil Company, of Washington; make uh offer. W. M. Ritchie, executor, P. O. Box Si.

ADVERTISER seetfrng location for geri eral store business on Vancouver Island, Sreferably wnere as yet unrepresented, will award fife dollars to anyone sup­plying such information as Wifi lead to party being suited. Mult be tn section of country adapted to fruit growing, and Where land efflad be obtained at reason­able Ylgure. Would a ls<* entertain pur­chase of business already established In good locality. Write full particulars Address Box 513. Times.

WtlO WHY. WHEN, WHERE to msknErofltable mining investments, by Ihi its Cecil Rhodes. Most Interesting report free. Engineer, ÎU6 Ouray. Wash­

ington. D. C.FOR SALE—Kitchen and counter scales,

gas ranges. refrtr?rat>r, carpenter tools, watches from $1 up. 22 cal rifles. 16-shot, $5;" 6-shot pump gun. $10, spirit compass, $12.69. bachelor buttons, t'pk* Be. AtJC I. Second-Hand Store, opp Pantage». Johnson street. ..

Exchange ,WANTED—Te exchange, shares In Great

West Permanent Loan for shares in 8>iioa Brick or Bakeries. .Ltd. M H. N.

For Rent—Houses *ADVF.RTieeMEMTS unfl.r thl. htad 1

cent per word per Insertion; 3 insertions. I cents per word; 4 cents per word per week; 6<> cents per line per month. No Advertisement for less ihSn Itt cents.

TO RENT—Nice 3 rnomod house, on Nm Park street, ' k$75 Yat*»

FOR SALE—Twy-Chatham brooders. 8. E. Wingate. 201 Cedar Hill road.

FuR SALE—New null, »x*. fantail stern launch, xtrongly built, suitable for low­ing. treighlmg or fishing. cheap for quick Mb-. Apply 2644 tguadra street. Victoria.

FOR SALE-All kinds or greenhouse and bedding plants; also hanging baskets filled, at Mount Tolmte Nursery. O. A.r.Khlght. 7

SAFE, cash register, second-hand, cheap. Box 664. Times Office.

FOR «-ALE—All kinds greenhouse and beddfttg plants, at ML Toi mis Nursery. G. A. Knight. x

BR YVLEd and everything for them, catalogue free. Bicycle Munsbn. To*

CHOICE FIR D.X)R8, sasQ. mouldings, etc., at lowest prices. Motor# A Whit­tington. Yates street. 1

FOR SALE—Spring wagon and buggy top. McGregor's Blacksmith Shop. Johnson

FOR SALE -Bv s«u. dressers and stands, kitchen a lid extension tables, chem chairs, cook stover brass ket­tles, etc., st the Old Curiosity Shop, Fred. Jeeves, prop., oor. Fort sod R|: nchard streets.

FOR SALE-^teamer trunk, $3.50; tent, $3.50; WaltifaiTD’waich, 2o-year case, $jlj- counter scales. $6; heavy English boots'.

. tl. shell bracelets. 60c., key ring and chain, 16c. Jacob Aaronson's new and

lice 8 room.*l house on NorphaJ* second-hand store. 672 Johnson street,"* , with stove. Apply Hotfrie*^ |*^loor» below Government. Phone 1747.

TO LET - Partly furnished cottage, fly# rooms. $1*. ■ Apply 643 Johnson street.

FOR RENT-^Ntrv cottage, on Stanley avenu»- In splendid condition; posses­sion May 1st. Helsterman. Forman *Co. > f ^ » ~

TO LET—New flVe roomed coHage. new­ly fumtahed. with every convenience^ good liKAtlon. Box 633, Times.

Plumbing and HeatingHOT » «TUB HKATrafW.. H. War^

A Co.. Umlted. til Fl «guard at , «bov»' • - '

Pottery Ware, Etc.BFWKIt Pirn, rttw T1l«. Ground Hr*

ITay. nowar Pol». .Ir-, B. rCo:, Lid eornrr Br ead and Pandoraalrorla. Vlrlorl i. B. C, * «ooora

Dyeing and Cleaningp O. RTEAM DYE WQRK8-Th# largest

dyeing and cleaning w<>rk* jn the rir.,. vine»*. Country ri'ra**rr; solicited V., 2». J. V. Renfrew, proprietor. . V

VICTORIA «TEAM 1IY E WORKg-IU Yalra- atroot. Tel. T17. All dccrlp- tiona of ladiA and gentlemen’s gar­ni snt»~cri«ned or dyed and pressed equal tO nCW.

PAUL'S DYBINO AND CLEANINGWORKS, 120 Fort at recti Tel. -624.

Electric SignsTHE f.ATEHT she»rt rrtetal electric sl^hf"

J MnrksL-maker. Victoria. B. C. '*


GENERAL ENGRAVER, stencil Cutter and Seal Engraver. Geo. Cnmthsr. 616 Wharf a;reel, behind Post Office.

Electro PlatingFl CHON A LENFESTY, 567 Johnson 8t.

Gold, silver and nickel plating, oxidising, I" 'bufltrr end lacuuerlne.

RestaurantsUNDER NEW MANAGEMENT-Toronm Restaurant. 1412 Store , street. nDl?

Queen’s Hotel.- Be*t 13c. meal in City Open day. *nd night. Try us nna we will give >.»u satlsfection. Twenty, onn mewl tickets fur <3. y

S. P. C.» p. i- A.-Atl Man o(J»u»hy to ^ -

ported to Mr. Thoa. W. I*,«Imer Ifnn

ScavengingWING ON. 171» Government Street.VICTORIA «CAYMIOIllfd Co"_om77

71» Tat., .lro.1. Phono to. j».irb:i»- r^inov.d *nfl

Second-hand GoodsWANTED Old1 coat* and. vests, pants

boots and shoeft trunks, valise», *ho*- gmis. revolve h», overcoats, etc. Highest cash prices paid. Will call at any ad­dress. Jacob, Aoronson’s new and sec­ond-hand store, 572 Johnson afreet, four doors below Government SL Phone 1747.

FOR RENT-Eight roomed new bunga­low. furnished, fronting Beacon Hill park, furnace and laundjry !n basement egulppcd w4th all modem Improveinenis. rent $K> per month. Apply F. O. Box |e! city. . A

SPRING REPAIRS—Now Is the time to see about spring repairs, fences, gates ■i>4v,general repair* around the house. Bee Bolden. Carpenter, 790 Yates street. Telephone BI82S.

FOR SALE—A few new buggies, t-test ■tyli. second-hand buggies, wagon* and carts, two good fresh ealvod cows: also all kinds of horses. Apply at L J. J. Fisher*» Carriage Shop. Discovery


For Sale—Dogs

TO LET-MvU-rn 5‘roam cottage Capt.Gidte;y. *0 hfary.

TO LET—Seven roriïned hous^. No: M6Yales street. $30 per. month, including Water Apply B. C. Land & Investment

-------—— ------------ • FfX.-TO LET <Piod,- rirod.rn >qulpp,d 7 ro,,™

h„u>„ rloir I.) K*™l, chiirch», and car S3. p*r month. AddreM-JC^O. Box ayy '

TO RENT OR TOR SALE -NIc, n»"w housii on Dominion road. 1 minute from Gorge car, 7 rooms, bath, pantry, goo,. b**ement. Apply therg,

For Rent—Landfob RENT- Fyuil and chicken ranch

close tn. good house, barn, cnicken run*' llox m. Times

For Rent—StorePART OK STOKE TO RBNT-Crnlral

locatlMl Apply B H Tlmra Ofllc. —1*0 L*Trl»W» »««*. to Waddln|n7n

Allay- Applt Id*» IHonchard.

For Rent—StableTO LET—«labia; alao bulldln* 15x(sr

carpanlar Vwp "r aforaxr. crnirally VL eated. Partlcùlara UU Oovemment HiBoom A

For Sale—AcreageSNXP^-d acre». Strawberry Vale, 4 miles

from City Hall, easily cleared, J acre rwk, balance gpod land, I6ÿ*i cash Ti p.

X McConhell. cor. Government and Foil \jjtrcets. upetaira.ADVERTISEMENTS under this headr

cent per word per tnsertign; 3 Insertion», 2 cents per word; 4 cents per word per xyeek, 60 cents per line per month. No aSvertlsement for less titan 19 cents.

FOR SALE—Fox bounds, beagle hounds end all other breeds of sporting and pet dogs, fancy pigeons, ferrets, rabbits, guinea ptg* cattle, sheep and swtne; 6<Lpage catalogue. 10c. Mount Penn Kennels, Reading. Penna^. U. 8. A.

For Sale—HorsesSALE—Splendid driver,

,.gv -,ind harm**. Apply 350 «j. Janus atreet, or Tel. B1MI2.

rtlR^BLLlT.IJy:., nladard br.-Hcarriage stall ton TTcHéraî wTlko*, foaled June. I9U0, at Blenheim, Ont., one of best- carriage horse* In Victoria. Apply u T. Buuldlng. 1701 Rlehnmnd Avet

For Sale—HousesADVERTISEMENTS under this head I

9 cent per word per Insertion; 3 Insertions 8 cents per word. 4 cents per word per

"WHS*: 60 cent» per line per month. No advertisement for less than 10 cento.

FARM HOME FUR SALE—Nearly" 7 acres, all under culiiy,v on^ l^nlla-frorti car lift", high and dry situktiori,. good view, contain* house, large barn poyl- jtry and greenhouses, city water laid on,, tu.»n\ fruit trees. 5,960 stra«rberrlesk valuable and improving property. Brix

,6;B. Time* Office:

BACK TO the LAND-Owner of> room- «-■* houw-. hall toll, from vil y l|,y. ,, -tfrwl of flly L!f. liTnvk of land near Vlttmia: In i>xohaniii- »l|l m»kv him happy Talk to NnMhwe.t K.late 7IA Talas. - ’

|2.ton WILL In.iu.c I Art!*: a «.von roomrd hn»«» en TonnyHorn mail wall ahualvd and near the car; house 1* well arrang­ed. iot. >2 ft x JUft ft.. Is laid out in or­chard; thl* price la only open for a few

-day* Lee * Fraser. Trounce Ave.FOR SALE— House, outbuildings, fruit

trços. plenty of water. Mr*. Morley. nvav. Ihimphig Station.

SUPERIOR 8T.-6 room cottage, $1,760; $V4 cash, balance $20 per month. May- smith * Co.. Mahon Bldg. -----

For Sale—LivestockTOR SALE—4 good milch cows. Apply

John Patterson.'John1» Grossing. V. ft 1. Railway.

For Sale—Lots$ GOOD LOTS FOR $li* in Albeml; own-

er Is obliged to sell; adjoining lots sold for «Tie each; these are a snap. Apply Box 963. Times.

A BARGAIN—Lot on that fine residential portion of Blanchard avenue between Bay street and Queen"* avenue, $S*V) cash. Apply owner. 91* IfHUide avenue.

mum. at. with W B. rry. 140 Drummond street, Montreal, Canada?

THE COMPANIONS OF THE FOREST w*lll hold their Primrose dance in A. X). U. W. Hall. Wednesday, Afdil 21st, l»»!

NOTICE—All account* agalnet Sam Sing should be sent forthwith to P. Q.' Sox

HENRI E. HOWES, Psychic Medium < «meuhxtl.m* daljy Seances Monday» and Fridays S p. rn. King Edward An­nex, Room ll.

HENRY £ HOWES having returned loVictoria will be pleased to meet old*and new friends at King Edward Annex, Room U.

Rooms and BoardADVERTISEMENTS undge--this head I

cent per word per Insertion; 3 insertions- 2 cents per word; 4 cents per word per week. 50 cento per line per. month. No advertisement fur less than 19 cents.

TO LET—Large front room, witn evera"onvenlence. Apply Sits Johnson.

HARD LP—Owner needs cash .more than he needs these ? high, dry lots, free from rock, on Prior street, we-li within "the i mile radius; $2.790. half cash, will •handle. Speoulators. get in on- this. aNonhwest Re$l Estate. 706 Yates street.

$50 DOWN AND $10 PER MONTH buys a lot with an unexcelled view from oak Bay to Esquimau. May smith & Go., Mahon Bldg

MAYSMITH & CO.. Mahon Bldg., know how to sell property. List yours with

TO LET—.-Very large,”common._.»• »* •furnished b. droom. ground floor, suit­able for light housekeeping; \lto two smaller bedrooms. 1104. Y ate» street.

To RENT—Furnished bedroom, with or without board, about seven mmutto* walk from Grand Theatre, pleasant t situated. 2412 Rock Bay Ave.

BOARDERS WANTED-Furmshed roci a with board, $5.6u per week. 1010 rate*.

TO Î.LT—Suite of 2 or $ eunry roon c.board optional. 461 Quebec street, this j house from Government Buildings.

FOR BAll^: - Lot 56x149, on Gladstone ave­nue. near Belmont, fine location, for quick sale $600. lot. 60x150. on King s road, near car line, terms to shit, prie-- M**- Apply R. L. Drury or Ered. M McGregor. 918 Government street.

For Sale—MachineryFOR SALE—One second-hand Houston

tenoner. one Smith mortieer, one shaper, one ten-inch «ticker, one email dynamo. Apply Taylor Mill Co.. Ltd Lty.. 2U9 Ouvernmeut St., or P.U. Bvx

COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOh—Every convenience, quiet, pleasar house, five minutes from Post Office 1*117 Burdette avenue.

HOLLIES, 756 Courtney street (late Raet Large room vacant. als«. table boarders wanted jterms on application to Miss

- -Hell Te! A1616. 1

W ANTED—Six roomers and boarders,first-class accommodation; terms, $24 per month. Apply Mrs. Taylor, ll* Caledonia. '

TO RENT1—Nicely furnished roomsFort styeet. Phone Bl24l

For Sale—Poultry and EggsEGGS FOR SETTING—Partridge Wyan­

dotte», thoroughbred stock, brown eggs, good layers. 13 for IL Gall or address

.961 Johnson street.BLACK MINORCA and Barred Rock

egg». $1 for Utilteen. 1712- Denman JSL. near Jubilee Hospital.

For Sale—WoodHEADY TO l)VKN-C!ean mil! wood,

urge and small, to suit. Phone liali. 1124.

NOTICE—For the next six week» L <ue under «tgned will sell cord wood In fo :r-foct lengths and take fairing machine to set It In yards, alleyways and vacant

. lots. In lots of « cords arri upwards Try the old way and see what you ar«-g*t ting. J. K. Grice, 2022 Douglas sirs*.. Victoria. B. C. Phone 14S

Helg Wanted—FemaleWANTED-Young lady to assist with '"’book*. Reply in own hand-writing,

stating wages expected, to Box 100. Times Office. , v --»-----

WANT E D-1 rif media tely. good. strong girl, for general ho«i*e work. App.y Mrs. Lamb, 115 Ladysmith street.

WANTED—I^tdy help or g**nerul. no washing, light work, small family. Am­ply Mr* le Maistre. 802 Cook street 1

WANTED—A lady ns companion at night* for a young girl. Apply Box 649.thl* office. ■ ■■ — _ _'---- r- . t

FURNtitlKD ROOMS from K a mono,rooms and boa rd. $6 a week. 731 Fla* guard street, city. *. - .----- —

TO LET—2 nn furnished rooms 427 Gov-ernment street.

Rooms lor HousekeepingTO LET—Two nice sunny housekeeping

rooms*, partly furnished, and use of bath, $7 per month. Apply, before 8 or 'Hier t$, 2632 Blanchard Ave. *

1;*^T—Rooms for light housekeeping. 46 South Turner street.

TO-LET—Furnished housekeeping rooms941 View 8l.‘

Situations Wanted—FemaleWANTED—Situation as house maid or

waitress In good hotel. Address Miss A. Wheeler, Mayweed I*. Q.

Situations Wanted—MaleYOUNG MAN seeks position as book-

, keeper, eight 'years' . Axperlem e ■ and duuble_entry: flrst-^T^rrefefêsMS» Apply It. ir~C.. Tillies 0(ÇçAr

WAXTEli—t'lcrical work of ‘any kindeither at -home or In offic* hgur* duritig t he day. by competent iclerk? with good handwriting and general .business-«hr-' cation. Address ‘T. 130," care of Tllhcs Office. ' a


W*ANTEI> - Young lady to work In a Jewelry store. Apply personally at Empire Jewelry Co.. 543 Johnson.

WANTED—To purchase, lot, or cottageand tot. IqJÉDod Toea I ! t y ; lowest n**! for spot cash. C. T. B., Times.

WANTED-:Girl fof light hpuse work. Apply 54^ Johnsonj.

WANTED.—Middle-aged woman to do light house work. Apply 1632-Chambers


son street/ Photu- 1916. Business sîrl i- Lv iwiflifi-rillat tt you have any thing to

•^sbll phone u* and we will call. f

WANTED—A waitress. Apply Dominion* Hotel.

BLACKSMITH BUSINESS WANTED in Victoria nr good town on Island; give all particulars and lowest price. Box 648 Times Office.

MACHINE, OPERATORS—Shirt and over­all factory. TurncrdBeeton Co.. Bastion Square. Union wages: 8-hour dsy; ex-

' 1 ds pr*-1 erred.WANTED—Two ward maids.

Matrbn, Jubilee Hospital.Apply

f?El^s^1vtieral il rvan#. For par- Aar* apply W2 Johnson street.

WANTED—Vp-to-dntc 'milliner for sture ar Cumberlnnd. ■ Apply Simon Leiser ft Cm» Ltd.. Y a tea street

lost and Found.LOST-At Gorge park April 18th. .,ne

gold-moutited side hair rrtmb. Ib-w.ird for" rettifn tn‘Timer Offlc--.

1/>HT--Three blue checkered hom *r< two ne»* and one male. bird. Renard L,Ostler. 1042 Yates.

SPECTACLES LOST- lieuse return 1232 Government street

LOSTLOl* M .inlay nt VadboroBay. gold watch with brooch. InRUUeU

, M B C. Return td f'uey Cbftier Tea - Boom. *t" . ___ _

WANTEf>—To buy1 a small cash register ^Apply 511 Yutcs street.

Wanted—Board and RoomsW A NT BD- Roa rd* and room. In private ' family. Oatr ltey near beach, tor, lady

and small boy. Apply Bôx 62N. Times.

Wanted—PoultryWANTED-A few young thicken* or pul­

lets. must be cheap (common kind only j, lowest price. Box 56f. Time».

_Wanted—Scrip. Stock; Etc.Agree ME NTS. OF SALES Purchased

Tor ash. on Victoria realty. Duck ft Johnston. 625 J ilinaon street.

WANTE[>—South African •eript. We will pay $480 cash. Communicate with us. Owrri Agency Corporation, l td. 244 GzSnville street. Van couver. B <’



The Cure for the “Home-Owning” Fever Is-A HomeDAY & BOGGS

Hetwbllehetl M$fcCD FORT STREET.



> Price $125 Per Acre.“ TO RENT.

GORDON HEAD FRUIT LAND.In 4 and 5-A ere Block*.

At $300 Per Acre.DM DWELLING.

«-Belcher Avenue.WiliLeaee ter 4 Year

At $26 Per. Month.DWELLING.

423 Young Street. James Bay.7 Rooms. Large Lot.

---- Req$e$»-J^r||gfbuth.1 STORY nxA0F.LlNG.

7 Rooms.102$ North Park Street.

Rent $30 Per Month.■» ROOM DWELLING. "WOONSON."

On 2 Acres Land.On Esquimau Road,Rent $30 Per Month.

6 ROOM COTTAGE.On Eaqufmalt Water Front,

About. 1 Acre*.Rent $20.


Containing All the Beet Farms on > an- couver Island, Will B. Printed In a





NOTHING FANCY ABOUT TH 13-Just A good, substantial, everyday worklng-

>. men's home, on Graham street. This cottage has fit e rooms. It Is strictly rtH>«lem: $r»ni> cash handles it, balance of

$1.06* to milt.


Phone 14M





$4,400—9 ROOMED DWELLING and « lota on a corner, cloee to car line. Tbla la a very cheap property, d

T50 FOR 2 LOTS, near Wa Jubilee hoe- pltal, all fenced, fruit trees, gte.; terme to suit purchaser.

*•*»»-« ROOMED MODERN COTTAGE, verr centrally looted, with I lot»:' term*

R.SS9-5 ROOMED COTTAOE, In the north end, elmeet new. with eellar, nice lawn, fruit tree,, ate.; this la cheap.

e.Mh-PRETTŸ LITTLE » ROOMED COTTAOE and Marge lota, frontage on

* two good .treats, lu»t a etep from two car lines; 1-3 cash. *


j Lots—Of targe else, in the Fairfield Estate, beat _of eotl. entirely free from

j rook, prie» MOO each: term*. I» cash, balance monthly."

ST. CHARLES STREET-3 acres on a corner, all cleared and étoltlvated. price $4.300; on terms.

NEARLY 3 ACRES—Water frontage, on Victoria Arm. above the Gorge, nicely treed, and extending from water to pub­lic road, only $700 per acre; terme If

.desired. ’ i

GORGE ROAD SUB-DIVISION—We have still for sale In this sub division lot* at from $190 per lot up. on term* to suit purchaser. This property Is nicely «Ru­sted. free from rock, and mostly under cultivation. ^Special reduction made to those buying S or more Tots; 6 per cent, oft for cash in all eases.



Above Northern Bank. Tel



D. C. REID. It-ehtent and M.nhge Phono ml


SOUTHGATE STREET—Two fine lot* for $750 each; terms, 1-3 cash and bal­ance easy term*.

LINDEN AVENVB-Comer lot for STM.

COOK STREET—Facing Pat*; fine big lot for S&on, on corner ; term* of $50 cash and $30 monthly.

CHAPMAN STRBBT-Let «2x136. a real snap tor $fiô<>; $60 cash and $15 monthly.

OXFORD STREET—Splendid home site, just off the car line. $600; terms, $60 cash and $10 monthly.










C. Bond. R. W. Clark.

- BOND & CLARKTelephone 1082.







AGKNxa._________$12 YATES STREET.







FRICK $3.500.

MED AN A STREET-NEW « ROOM Hl'NQALOW. bathroom, toilet, sewer rrtrmi*evb>n, etertrle eight, lot 60x96. base­ment, etc., price $3.60»*; $500 cash, bal­ance in 1, 2 and 1 years.

Stephens island-*» acres, front­ing nty deep water, good land, good timber, only IJ0 pgr here.

8IMCOE ' STREET-4 ROOM COTTA<5R and a quarter of an acre of land, fruit trees, chicken houses, etc.; price $1,6*0;

F. L. NEALE. I635 FORT PHONE 1*88.

LINDEN ’AVENUE—Choice building lot. 60x120. sewer and cement sidewalk* along street, price tl.flOU.

St.TOK AND OSC'AR -Sum* fine building lots. 60x157 feet, good buys at $600 each.

LINDEN AVE. AND CHAPMAN 8T- Nlce cornet lot. close to rmt car line,price $60h

SOUTHGATE STRF.ET-Fmir lots. 60x0 each, «amer and\ cement sidewalks along

p! ' • *'<•


1214 DOUGLAS LT. V PHONE 3466.

H.660-W111 buy 2 fine residential Bti on. Fort street and l on Bank street, with cement sidewalks, sewer, etc., and of car line. This la the beet buy in the city, and will /be hold oh vyy easyterms , yl -----

A RNAP-1Î mom modern n«<w hÿuap on 2 full sise lots. Belcher avenu», price 96,600; $1.6*1 cash, balance,,.-easy terms at 6 per cént.

TO RENT-We hava_a few S and 6 roomheueestoreut.


ÈPEGtAtr-tLtrFtMAX HT-, near Linden,I nffe-Proepcrr Voad, Fort street. $300.| LOT—Crnjgflow«.r road, opposite Duns-

mulr *. $40#. - /xI LARGE LOTS—Foul Bay road, for $900.

. L» iTS—QB Mny street <IV sCHOICE BUILDING LOTS-Di*covery

street, close in. $»*»CHOICE BUILDING LOTS-Rattery St.;


VA LE-A nk-«- 5-mile drive. * acres Un­der ruitlvatton. V* young trees. 5 roomed house, can hav.- additional 4 rooms up-

— stairs, conservatory, splendid situation, facing two roads and near Victoria Arm. good soil, good road, La big bar­gain for I7.00U; easy terms.

/ .

-, LEEMING BROTHERS, LTD.P O. Box «1. E4 FORT ST. Telephone 748

J f ALBERNI..3,. 74 ACRES.

.V-ijhb......... .All , Excellent ' Land

’t Wlthfc a Fe* Tarda of tinr Proposed '^feW Railway.

Three Sfftc» Front f*>wn.Near Beaver Creek Road,

For Quirk M#«. ^ own-» Will Take$36 Per Acre.

• 1-S Cash. Hi* Land, <'on«IUerably Further Out

■'$ Use Been and Is SelDiig .it More Money.....TIHÉLLJ A SNAP

And Wfl! Bn Offered for a Few Days Only* , XT THM FIGURE.


; IN ALBERNIfc. Owner Want* Money.



ESTATE, 3 large lots on Fairfield road. 4 lots adjoining on Oitvir street. In 1 block, for $5.250.

CEDAR HILL ROAD- inside city limits. 13 BEAUTIFUL LOTS for S3.0W, or would sell separately.

PORT ANGELES—flUdsc your opportun­ity «nd. buy while the prices are low. We hate the best selection Ot- PORT ANGELES LOT8 in the city.



PEMBROKE STREE^-4 roomed modern t«MW. on food corner, close to car line. neW school practlcajfy going up across the street; Includes small cottage at the back, should bring In between $26 to $M monthly.

------- - $2.866.

HILLSIDE AVE -6 roomed, new. little cottAg**. occuplee a full sited lot. has everything a new coHage should have, being completed;7ie easily worth $2.7Mt

$2.886.XORTH PARK STREET-4 roomed mod­

ern cottage. 5 minutes from the City Hall, full Sized lot. large bam at rear Terms will be just as you want them.


—-------Æ -r---------------------------------FOR SALE.

Fl’l.i. SISBD LOT.'





« Sooke District. Just InsideSopke Harbor. X

FINE FEA FRONTluE-At Eeoulmalt.about tlvr^n acrew^cheftp:

TWO IJGTS-Oll Vbtorta harbor^ with large whâTT and shod* and 3 largo wary, houses. In good condition, on easy term*,

THREE I.OT^ On Vote* street, with 16stores, bringing in good rentals.


LOT 60x136—Corner of Cook and Hilda■treete .......... *WE

LQT 67x136—Chester street" ................ $**» jT 60x126—Cook street end Oscar street

LOT 60*136-Cook street .....................$LM6LOT 66xl$0—Oscar street ..................... M»2 LOTS. fiOxlio—Oscar and Chester

ttreetto. each ................... •**2 Lp¥s. 66*11»-Cheeter street each.. |K0LOT 60x166—Linden avenue ................$1.106LOT «xN6-Linden avenue and Hilda

street ......... W.1002 I/OT8—116 ft. frontage on Fairfield road ' by 89 ft. on Linden avenue, width at

rear 130 feet ................................. M*

The above lots are close to the new Cook street tram line.Cement Walks.*

Terms, 1-1 cash, balance 1 and 1 year*, at T per cent

---------- —-VJJ ■ ------------ —VIEW STREET.

LOT 60*130Near Corner of Dfrugtae street.


, CORNER LOT,- B«W Ml*Al R usine». Site. ~*

PRICK, m.sw.


M Feet on Whirl, Choice Rualnen. Site, or Oood for

Apartment Hou»e, Club or Hotel. This Property Now Brins* In Good

Rental.PRICE 130,000.




Corner of Chestnut .venue,PRICE 1676. ........

FT. ANDREW’S STREET.Clone to Bhecon Hill Park.


QUEEN'S AVENUE,Close to Blanchard street,

6-ROOMED NEW BUNGALOW. Finely -Flnuhed. Lam Rooms, and Enamel" Bath and Room, Lanr»: Con­cret. Foundation, Fen rad. Beautiful Orate, and Mantel. In Drawing Room,

Full Basement, Lot 60x120.For Quick Bale.PRICE «1.400.

«600 Cash. Balance Per Month.PRINCESS- STREET. Adjoining City Park.

NEW 114-STORY 7:ROOMJCD HOUSE. Nearly Completed, situated on High Lot 00.120; Full Basement, Modern In Every Respect. New Street Being Grad­ed and Boulevarded, Concrete Walks.

me-PRICE «0,200. ..........

«500 Cash, Balance Per Month.DAVIE STREET,

/- _ -----UTT 00X120. kHigh and Dry. Free of Rock,

Very Cheap...' p^feBMak



CALL.We Are Always Glad te Show Tpu Over Our Properties. Whether You Buy

or Not.


Facing l own Rlthet Streett1 IS, 700.


Lot n««

__. BJ’RNSIDK ROAD. ''* Cloee to Car.

nvk-ROQM HÔUSF. (NFV )Full Rise Lot. . ,

$2.660.? a.

GORGE ROAD. ": Cjfrntr.



"1466, -1456. $566, $6*0.


THREE LOTS.. $2.260.

CONSTANCE COV^,Opposite Bullen'a.

J TWO LOTS. «0x126 EACH.Deep Water.

A Snap at $1.666.


Beautifully Wooded.•466 an Atre.


ONE LOT,- Very .Choice Location.

^ ^ $1066.


All Modern «‘Improvement*.( Built Last Yekr.




PETER’S (English) PORTUND CEMENTFull weight Full strength

Pennsylvania Blacksmith GoalBOSTOCK & CO., Limited

622 FORT STREET v-wew*




Government Aid to Vessels Manned by Citizens of



Made In On. Piece' ~ TIMBER MAPS

EleetPie Bine Print ft lip CoUll LANGLEY ST, VICTORIA.


government STREET.

QUADRA STREET-A NIUE LOT. near new- City Park, high and dry. price $»o, term*, $50 i aàh. balance $12.50 per month.

A URGE M<>DERN HOUSE very ni * ly locatfMl. it snap at $6.060; tfrrme to stilt.

3»-ACRES. SAANICH ARM. at $20 per acre. _

FOR RENT.From th<- 1*1 M.. I ! HNlrillKD HOUSE,

close In. per month. $3k ..ÿ"

, A. W. BRIDGMAdf™


DVHED1N mterr-4 mari dwellingwith .table and outbuilding., ell In gnoj order with 2 low. prie. «4.2M; with 1 lot «6.300; e»oy terme

CORMORANT STREET—Between Doug. Iu and large dwelling with lot «ixl». pries 66.Ua

CORNER KINGSTON AND MENZIEB- Clarge 6 dwelling, with baL ment, and .11 modern convenience

goo.trutch homestead—camoo tut.

with fronted, cw Rlch»rdKm .tree, Undeo avenue. Fairfield road and Trutch street, price. 11,100 upwsrde

BEACON HILL PARK-71 feet by Uo Wet. with double frontage on Haywood even» and Vancouver etrute prtu KO»; terme


$500 CASH will make you the owner of a COSY LITTLE BUNGALOW on a nice street. The lot 1* easily «forth $1,506 the house coat $2.200 to build. Our price i* $3.100; tialkn&â’ on easy term*. A*k for particulars. ~~~

$400 CASH will buy a GOOD TWO STirRY HOUSE. With three lot*, close (o 'car; the balance of purchase money *>n “very cany term*. Price $1,600. This It aoap.


L. EATON & CO. ..-f$tt* rtrfVERNMKNT ST.. H1BRBN BLW.

TO wharf, at foot ofY alee strectr «mM-4120 i»er month

8i A<"RKS-On UoinuUe rlrrr. Victoria District, cheap

For further particulars apply to abov>>








TOU EATON .ft CO.. •



SURANCE AGENT, me DovdLAi street.

•1 sna-Wtll purchue a new FIVE ROOM­ED COTTAGE. With » lot 51x162; easy

It TW-riVE ROOMED COTTAOE, mTO- ern convenience». Superior strut

«6 66.—Buys an EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE with nearly an acre of land, forty-five fruit true, besides a variety of email fruit; barn and outbuilding».

R .«- FIVE ROOMED DWELLINO, lot 10. ft. X 166 ft., with number ot good fruit tree»; terme can be arranged.

ee.3go—gEVEN/ridtOOMED BUNGALOW. GovernmetEi street. James Bay. stone foundation, furnace, and other modern

ivenldncee. full lot.

Money to Loin at Current Relu. Eire Insurance Written In Independent

Companies. ’____ _


$1.366—2 LARGE IaOTS. beautiful situa­tion, Bank etrtwt: terms. $768 cash, bal­ance on mortgage.

$$W EACH—3 LOTS, OLIVE STREET. FAIRFIELD ESTATE, flpe view of the j«ea; terms can be arranged.

$1.100—BEAUTIFUL LOT ON HILDA STREET, faring south; easy terms.

$886—FINE LOT ON OSCAR STREET, facing south, cloee to Linden av«mue. terms. $360 cash, balance te be arranged.


all cleared and cultivated, fcmali shack (newtrterm*. $•» cash, balance ITS every *i months. Interest 6 per cent. This Is a bargain.




CHEAP t.«T liOT ON BLACKWOOD ST. did e|te, no rack; «*6, Wry e.ey

1 ACRE—ftpl-ndld Mil. CLOVKRDAljB AVENUE, a conter. I minute, from,ç»r, hjm.

BARGAIN LOT ON PROSPECT ROAD- Wttlowa ear, must be sold, 6600. M

« ROOM COTTAOE—Cleee_ln. cement sidewalk and bdulevard, 61.6».

CHOICE CORNER—I»xl2«. rutdenllel district, a bargain. 61.1» '

6l ACRE» AND SMALL HOUSE. STRAWBERRY VALE—Cultlveted. ne choice fruit true, 16.760


m ACRES. 7 MILES FROM VICTORIA -Good water, gracing ground, 1.0» cords





Suppose you had bought a lot in any one of a dosen cities within s radius of 1« miles from Victoria, when the Townsite

was first put on the market.





OF THE NORTilWBéT,FROM $160 TO $360.



Pretty little bungalow, modern Hi every respect, with entra largo rooms, $2,W*> on practically your own terme.

Another. -Mw,.tiy larger, for $2.684. both within a stone’s throw of the perk.

Ne.# T roomed house, owner leering the city unexpected!*. Will'sell> at leas than cost, on very easy term*.

Cerner lot. facing Cook. Woo. |T$ cash balance at $2* per mouth.

Two adjoining tot* at $750 each.Lot on Chapman street. 00x135. $625; M

cash, balance $10 per month.



619 TROUNCE AVE.Telephone «m.


Rooms, all conveniences, Ideal loca­tion. Eaetf term» ............................63,750

PANDORA HILL—NEW HOUSE, g rooms, large atUc, conaereatory, ban; parlor and dining room, beamed, fully modern, view unexcelled. For quick■ale ......... ......... ............................... ..

SPLENDID CORNER., suitable lor boarding nr rooming house-. MEN Zina STREET. Very cheap.....«A«M

" ACKIAQE -FIVE ACRBS-About 8 miles from

city. »n.ll house, stable, chicken bout». 7« fruit bearing tree», 46 young holly trees. 60» young apple trees fur grafting: wire on the ground for fencing; the beet of land. Cash, one- thlrd .................................................... 66,500

FOR SALEFurefcsHr of rsnA on the beet

of the lilmad* among the group has to sell. Cheap for cash, or terms. Apply >. 0. Box 706, Vic­toria, or telephone 474.

All Japanese liner* will profit to tho ^ hvmlrpds of tftoU—nd| «*l 0Oh

lar* anfiuaïiy Uyvirtue of the new Jup- snew shipping tuibsidy and will be able,It la *t»ted. to go After buxine*» at points which are ix»w 1m|Ki*»ible_yf C$11 owing to Hght offering*, but where an enormoH*. trade cun be dev Hoped In time. So libera*- it> the act In its pro­vision* Hint shipping men claim It will practically enable Japan to dominate the <ommerctal freight, traffic of ihe entire Pacific.

In return for Its aid the government will require the transportation of mail* fre«i of charge and conformance to cer­tain rule* which. H I* « lalmed, art lib­eral almost beyond belief.

The new Ja|>ane*p act i* 4aid to be the first cqmprohenehrrr-subP'.dy grunt­ed by any nation except Fnmctv De- signe 1 to enc««urag<‘ the construction of last Hteamcr* In Japan, the act la lib­eral enough t<« allow the sub*kitsing of foreign built hut Japanese owned ves­sel* under certain limitation*. The act ahF> prolvde* for the free training of

™3Üpene*e youth* -to navigation and traffic, grading *uch requirement*, to steamer gros* tonnage.

Th* navigation encouragement act of : 1894. which accompllnhed much for Japanese *hlvi»tng ha* bc*>n retw*led, 1 although its provision* and bounties wilt coettntic In fi>rc«* to c4«Ver *tat»J contingencies until September 30. 1914. !

The new act comes- Into effect Feb­ruary let, 1410.

The minister of communication I* au­thorised to contract, subject to the ap­proval of the lmeprtal diet find cover­ing a period not exceeding five year*, with any Japanese subject or subjects or any corporation or corporation*, whose member* or shareholder*ex­clusively composed of Japanese ^sub­ject*. lielng engaged In the buslngp* <*f transportation^ for the mnlntenanew r.f the following regular lines of the steamship, namely

I Eur4»i*ean link.-2®*—a_L-^ 3 _2. North American line.3. South American line.4. Australian lineSteamer* to be used in the. subsidised

service shall be of steel, of imperial register, of an age mu older than 15 years, of gro*s bmnage of 8.404 ton* or upw ard Y of a speed of not 1er* than 12 knot* an hour, and of comdruetton con­forming to the rule* and regulations f#>r ship building, a* determl^d by the mlnbter of communication.

Ships built In foreign oiuntrte* arc hot allowed to6 be u*e«t in th*; *ub*idlzcd

rvtfa. Foreign-built shlj)-» not older than five yeaf* at the.time ot entry Into thy imperial register ere exempted from t^o abnxc restriction, provided the approval of the miniater of vom- municatlon la obtained.

The subsidy shall be granted accord­ing to the c<>ndltt«>n of the trade at- a rat* not exceeding 25 cent* per ton gross of the vessel -wilh *ne«‘d- of 12 knot* |»er hour for teach nauticalmiles sailed, and an nildlttonal subsidy not excelling 16 per cent, of the jtboVe raie for each additional speeji over 12.

For ve.*«'l* of five years or older. ^ per cent, of the above subsidy shall be deducted from each and every one year or fraction above five For fbrrign- built ship*, one-half the g^yo sub­sidy shall be granted.

The ttyight and passenger tariffs of the subaldlxed service shall be subject to the approvhl of the mlni*v r of . -m- mu hicat ion.

Ships in the subakllaed s. rvk'e shall carry mall and mail matter free ’ of charge and install on board the sub­sidised vessel wireless telegraph ap­paratus and accommodate mall* officer* or qther 4ifflclal«« detalleit by the min­ister of communication for the lnspec- tltrn of the subsidised service.

The contractor of the subsidized ser­vi^ shall receive bn board at his ex­pense students of navigation wtthin the limits mv pi* - the minister ofcommunication; 3.000 tons gros*. c\4; 5.000 to 8.060 tons gross. 6; over 8.000 tons gross, 6,

The -contractor of the subsidised ser­vice «hall not employ any foreigner in bfs head office or branch office or a* an officer of the subsidised steamer. Unless the approval of such employ­ment be first obtained from the min-; l*t«*r of communication.

The minister of ■ ommunlcatkm may eapropribb* "r lr!hv ,"t the public ser­vice ships engaged In the subsldlted service at reasonable compensation.

Ships used In the subsidized service shad not. during the pt-rlod under sub­sidy and for4 further period ot flye years after the cbmpletrdh of ffnt»V voy­age contracted for. be tran*ferr«'d. lent orfhortgageil to foreigners, unless the whole amount of subsidy granted to the fhlp be refunded to the state or such ship be vondeftinrd unseaworthy through art of God <»r an ^irresistible forde, or the approval of Jhe minister of communltutlon be obtained.

Smokers’ RequisitesBEST LINE IN THE CITY






T^e Municipal Council of the Corpora- ilon of the District of Nbrth Saanich, sit­ting a* a Court of Revision, will meçt at the? Court House. Sidney. B. C., on Satur­day. the-8th day of May; 1*0. at the hour of Î p m.. ft»r the purpose Of hearing complaint* against the A*s«-e*ment as mad* l>y the A«tseeeore and for revising and correcting the As»cpemejii«JIol!.

Noti. c. of any ctomplalnt must: b* given I ft writing to th« Aageefors. stating the ground ot cnmptxlnf at le^et ten days previous to the sitting of^*3*n Uourt.

R. B. BIffcTHOUR.a M. c.

A Capital Proposition

$100,000.00 IN 14 DAYS


Capital of British Columbia

• i


Hamilton. Chit., April^ll.—The license commlfurioners at their annual meet Ing-40-day redutvd the numlter of hotellicense* ffotn 48 to, 48, and the number of shop licenses from 17 |g-15. A


8ULT8 FOB YOUB LABOR This can only be done by using the

best of Seed* and Flint*We arc headt|nartcrs for the best


JAY G CO.Nurserymen and Seedsmen BROAD ST., NEAR FORT.

Seeds of All SortsOf Best Quality and lowest Prices at


ANT STREET, VICTORIA.Also Ornamental Trees and Shrubs.

Cakbage Plants. Bedding Plants, etc. Send for Cata.oeoe.

F. T. JOHNSTON, Proprietor.Post Office Box 46.

NOTICETenders will he received at the office ef

th« Agency of The- Marine and Fisheries !>♦*payment. Victoria, B. (’., up to noon of the 30th April. 190$. for the construction ot eight <th Steel conical bnoyg f,»r the Fraser Itlver. Including dWrrry-pn the wharf of the Public Works Department at New Westminster. B. C.

Plan* and *p« ciüçtt*iu«e ffihy he seen at the office* of the Agency of Marine and Fisheries, VtcV>rl#. B C. ; the Public Works Department. N«*w Westminster. B C.. and the office of the Harbor Master, Vancouver. II. <*.. where fcffrqs of tender msy also be obtained.

The Department does Rot bind Itself to accept the lowest 6r any tender. Envel­opes containing tender* to be marked -Tender for Fptaer River Buoya.*’

\ J DALLAÎN. •Acting Agent Marine and Fisheries, Vic­

toria. B. C. yt

Take notice that we. the undersigned, intend to apply te the Board of Utct-naiim Commission* ra. for Ule City of Vtetorta at the next sitting thereof for à transfer, of the liquor license nuw held by us at gnd in respect of the "Auto** (formerly the Avenue Retreat) Saloon corntr of Doug­ina aîreeir and Burnside road, Victoria. B. C.. to Jame* McCloskey and Joseph MeCloskey.

Dgted^t VictorlA. B. C.. this 22nd day of February. 1906. __».

YM. J. E. ciODE.Per L; -G- Clpde. Attorney-In-Fact for

Said W." J. F < lode.JAMES McCloskey. Applicant.

-Read the “Times”..........................................


Eating* and Drinking Is a Large Subject

olives should eb'baten dailyBut our Wg stock of gootl things to cat and drink may hol$vyou.

KING OLIVES. per bottle .........*......wsv;<I.W and Î.V.QUEEN OLIVES. por bottle -v*-o*-*................ «*•., «Oc.. ûtk:.OLIVR9 STUFFED WITH t’KLKRY. p. r*twtUs ................................. Tte'Sâc.OLTVIK8 HTT* FFF^T*%V IT.H PEPPERS. per bolt la * ** and».OLIVES STUFFED WITH ALMONDS. per bottle.............. ..................... t**\OLIVES STITFKD 'WITH A.WHuV.lKS, per bdttlc .................... ........ Hr.RIPE OLIVES, per tar .............................................. . J.".......................................Mo.RIPE OLIVES, per tin ......................... .......................V. .....................75c. atul Sc.RIPE OLIVES, por gallon ........................................... ............... .........................12.00BULK OLIVES, per pint ................ ....................... ................ ...../...................3Bc.

BOCK BEER TIME NOWlVr Bottle 13c. Per Dosen Pints .... 90c. guar’s .................... $1 75SPECIAL TODAY-SUGAR CORN. 3 tins ..................................................... 2\.


Tels. M. 1012 and 15*0 f •




“Walkover” ShoesThey're comfortable when new and stylish

when old»*5.00, *5.50. *6.00, *7.00.

Jus. H. ' " to.Successors to Ideal Shoe Store GOVT. ST., OFF. SPENCER'S

SUGAR! SUGAR!Ju^t-received, carloed of best white granulated sugar, which we

offer at \ ,$Per 100 pounds........... .*5.50' 20-pound sacks..............*1.1«FSYLVESTER FEED CO. Tel. «13 7Q8 YATES ST.


PETER McQUADE & SON, ' Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ...






oThlef Forced, to Flee After Securing i«8 From Safe.

Seattl*-. Wash.r Abril 21.-~Tii%proprietor of the Alaska Commercial tyjtc.LLs con-. « Mit uIh ting V himself to-day becau«e the thief who privd open_ a locked drawer 1» tlu» hotel safe ,faut—evening and secured IT** ratton* because of the unexpected rjtiSurn of the '.clerk, thereby fulling tv Lt-k^. several hundred dollars which were ,l|F-8rftother compart­ment. arid whjfh he could easily have secured liAd he'been given a moment’d more time. -

Earl Norman, son of the proprietor of the hotel, who was _on ' duty, had been summoned from the office tor a few mln- nuies, vand during hla absence someone with a screw driver pried the lock front the box containing the, money, the doors of the safe having faoên left unlocked.

tContihued from page 1.)

‘Tfee Exchange’718 FORT ST. Phone 1737.


Maynard & SonAUCT*. JNEK1U

Having hauled from fwth»* rfead to Sales­room. 1314 Beoad stn^et. for convenience

Of sale, we will sell


Constant change of titles.

JOHN DEA VILLE. Prop.Stewart Williams. n. B HariwWB

BOOKS Well Kept and DesirableWe will exchange any book for 10c j FftmitllPP & FffPftÇ whether purchased here or not. I UU11IUI v HLlIvvlJ,

Including: one' Organ. 11Carved Walnut Mid* board. Very Fin-- Walnut Parlor F'lte, I'phobtfieil In Velour. * Place*; Mahogany Parlor Suite «•f 3 Piece»,'1 Upholstered 'In Silk. Walnut Sideboard. I Library Table. » Extension Ti.hle, Dining Chairs. 2 Rot’krrs. Uphol­stered Chairs. Couches. ,B«*d Lounge, 2 Child’s Rockers. 2 High Chairs. Folding Ci air*. China.ware. Crockery, Ornamentm. . Hedroom Suites. Very Fine Walnut’ ]'•< droom.. Suite, Iron with

Bureau and Washêtanil. Dress- Stands. Toilet Ware. Very Finn

-p MattrwMf, a Very Good Singing Canary (German- Roller), Morris Chair, ft« x ma phone stiff Ten Records, Car­pets. Lst'Of Vsrjû Good Linoleum. Kitchen Tables and Citaira^ lot of Cooking Uten­sil*. Tube. Meat Safe. * LTtvn Mower*. Gent’s Bicycle. Garden Tool*. Met of Plat­form tb ales. 2 Very .Good Cook Mtovcs, Enamel Bath complete.

Stewart Williams & Co.AUCTIONEERS



Duly Instructed by Mrs. E. A- James, will xeell by

PUBLIC AUCTIONAt her residence, 1004 Pemberton road, on

Tuesday and Wednesday* April 27th and 28thCommencing Each* Day at 2 o’Clock.

The Whole of Her Handsome and Nearly

Household Furniture and Effects

Comprising: Brass and Iron Bedsteads, Oeti naooff . Mai: restright Grand Flap».fay Morris. Pianola and Records, Mahogany Furniture. Mission Oak Dining Room Furniture, Bird’s-Eye Maple Bedroom Furniture, etc.

I.* irvom.. J—MTror th 1 T. t . and St | Top Mattr

The Auctioneer, Stewart Williams


Instructed, we will sell without re-

— 582 HILLSIDE AVE.Cor. Rock Buy- Ave., Rock Bay,


FRIDAY, 23rdI I*, rit All the


furnitures Effectscontained -in this two-story brick

huuae. Full particulars later.

MAYNARD & SON, Auctioneers

Mowing Machine Two Dozen Black Minorca Hens

‘ On view WfdnéMuy afternoon?-' •*■”—

MAYNARD & SON, Auctioneers


Salesrooms ... 1219 Douglas St. Warehouse .... (..742 Port St.


Auction SaleOF

Household FurnitureAND OTHER GOODS,


Friday. 2 P. M.\ Comptlalng: _

Bureau"; WSrinrir'’ '*. ■»Bei)*, BpTtr * a • fT;H.l. <. Dir « « M ».HtOVfS, ( r« k*a,. , .It.

on View Thursday After no

The Kuciuy in PursuitThe folk!wing morning the Blade car­

ried a '^fretorr" head clear aero** the front page, vompowU 0f the two

"Stung Again,’•In "box car" type. Rule* below this line led to the la*t column, where a thxie Uiuk jgg riuniil4à£üd led tlywn to n.xtWy'Tn which the ibconalsteiicle* o»f the double vote offer were pointed out In laborious detail.

Concluding, the article, which 1 could plainly see was from "Muley" Bright­on's own pen, referred to the fact that the Blade's “contrat" would close at the end of the week then opening, ahd virtuously proclaimed that In rirdéf that all "contestants" n)ight have an eqtial chance during the last week no spécial votes would be given.

You see hi* •Vont*pt**_Wff*~^wbroke'’ anyhow, for he unttefstood that We had Ho capable fixer as Worthlhgly.- and we had f^iken all hi* producing candidates early In the game, since that time.' hweever; we had done nothing ..îtujHg* türb "Muley's" "tmward course.

Ait « «ranimas Calm."eeotgpt ‘ had still several weeks

to run alter"his closing date, and we had beggn to hope thaï he might somehow exemplify the temperament which long ago had given him the fa­miliar title of "Muley." The week slid

; >■> .I Mince the thirteen-Inch shot In the ( form of the “Stud*" story the Blade

had not disturbed our contest and the \ i. offer had brought g-ssl

| result* from many of our contèntant^.The Chinese impulathm had rallied

; round our oriental candidate with such i effect that we were enriched from that I sagree alone by nearly two hundred j dollars; the negyoes considered them- | selves very much In the rare, and the | alley keeper being wise "to the ways of graft, had attempted to open negotia­tion* for a "sure thing" deal which should result In the automobile being awarded to his wife.

The rival contest closed on Saturday night, preceded by a simple, almost apologetl.< announcement in the gatur- ■Th> morning paper esplnlnng that the result would l>e announced on the fol­lowing Monday. So quietly was fl>e conclusion effected that "Mufaiy'w" cojn« test might be *ntd to have expired.

In my disjunctive imagination | com­pared the pregnant stillness of that Saturday night to the awful calm .which smother» down over a field oc­cupied by two ho* I He armies bivouack­ed be fui

Musing thus. I puffed my long IHark Havana- cigar and looking lastly through the smoke, as 1 sat. reclining In a « «irofortable t ushfoned chalr In the hotel office, i planned to apply to our ' contest" some new "klnks"j which of­fered them selves as suggestions out of my ab*tra< text mln«t.

Worth In* I y and the "JHoe Eye" Wov- I ed past m«*. arm In arih^and I fell to

imagnltt* what I should do when I qUlt the contest graft.

The Crash,Monday ihe crash egme!The Blade thft morning dev.oted Its

front iwge In shout equal parts to the puhlicutlon of the names of the "win­ners" in its “contest" and a atory en- trneir‘•VICTIMS CONDEMN

CROOKED CONTEST ’ •Prominent* of BlankvjUe,

Whnt> Qmh Mow Worttej graft Game on the Bee Hay They Were Swindled—A*Nure«l of FrUt__Rrixc; Receives Xothnfr \ -

Then followed copie* of letters which the Blade had received from some of our "contestants" In a former "con- lf»t" which we had conducted id :HUnkv4ti«'. The mune* of the writers were given and our "contestant*" were urged to write them personally for con­firmation of their expressed views of our methods.

To the Tall Timber.I glanced at the arraignment while

waiting;, for my grape-fruit at the breakfast table. 1 did not wait to read th<* detailed story, but, folding the ixiper, arose from my challr, when

-the, waitress arrived with the i. e- :«>v- cr^d plata of fruit. I was getting into my overcoat and making for the door. Without any well-formed Idea of where I was going. I hastened to the railway station and boarded the two-car “local" at the moment pulljng out upon its all day trip, forty mlleit inland.

Fourteen mile* out. I alighted at a little threy-Htbre "town.'" telephoned the Ml office and asketl fur Wort hi ugly.

Like a vole* out of eternity -“Hallo, this Is Mr. Worthlngly," came to me

j over the wire.In the Cells.

I *T know I’m a coward, old man." I ; began, "but when f saw thow- head­

lines I gpl cold fèet and I'fn talking to i you from fourteen miles out in the ' country. I'm going to get someone to j drive me to the nearest overland rail road station, If J can- find,;* horse and

* wagon In the neighborhood, and board ; the first train that paK*e* for Chicago.

Whvn—r get there""Come out Çt£ it—hold on-back up."

(-C put in M fore I tiad finUilv -l “Gel . ba--k here Just a* quickly as you can "Muley" Britton has been arrested

i and fs now occupying a modem, *an! tary, uncushivoed -cell In the little Jail under the city hall." ,


I .air- -Ltiw.*— Rrason - WJien ' mmfaanidn Throw* I>ead Snake A murid

HI* Neck.

Tacoma, Wash.. April 21.—Raving In his hildish treble, hysterical beyond all ef­

forts to quiet hint, the 7-ycar-oldrson of I>. Seeley, living at Merritt’s ranch,

«round whose neck, iii a spirit of fun, a ompanion‘of the child a w«*sk ago wound

a dead snake, may never recover his rea­son. The i iiiidren were playing near the Seeley home when one of them fquijd a dead snake. Picking it up without being

'Observed he approached the Seeley child from behind and suddeidy wrapped it around hla neck, shouting' as he did *<» that a snake had luniind upon him. Tlui sight of the reptile 'Ijwlimb" excited-cry of the practical Joker dvtn%ned the llttlo fellow's reason.




The Auction Experts

V MARINE ENGINESJi you are in the market for 6 Marine Engine, buy a FAIR­

BANKS MORSEWhim you buy this you have an engine* which ia nlanufae-

hirt-d in Canada and gnarant-'cd by a most rc-sponsrhlr tn-m. C'onaider what this may be worth to you. Wo can give you bottor valuo~for your money than you «gn got in any other cngimX Call and se<*‘ us or write for catalogue,

B. C. HARDWARE CO;. LTD.Warehouse ‘Phone 1«1L COR, YATES AND BROAD. ’Phone 82


Season of SunshineSeason of “Bock”

Bock Beer time Is here again and the West End is the place to procure it\ Why not "phone 0k for a dozen to be delivered at your residence-to-day Î • ,

BRICK l'ER DOZEN QUARTS,................*1.75PER QUART BOTTLE.......... *...................... 15< '

We carry à full line of all the beet Beers and Stout

The W est End Grocery Co. Ltdtees GOVERNMENT ST.

■*"TELS, es eed lTtl



It is prepared from pure, and active medicines, by a thor­oughly qualified dispenser, in the must scientific man­ner, and it is all that your physician desires it to be.


N W. Cor. Yates and Douglas Streets

The Mighty Power of Mi-o-na.

Ml-o-na, that extraordinary and per- fp< t «tfaiaoll tonic. Will M-lit \ v -dyppep-si« In twenty-four hfturs.

M w ;i! .ure and is guarani» r-i i»y D E. Campbell to the reader* <»f Ikp Time* lo uim Urn mw-t pitiful case* of dyspepsia, If taken according to direc-

Mi-o-na tablets not only cure dyspep­sia. but all stomach disturbance»*, such as vomiting of pregnancy, m*a or car sfvkness and the stomach ekkness aft«t excessive* indulgence.

Mt-o-na cure» by strengthening and invigorating the flabby stomach wall and after a rburse of Ml-o-na treat­ment. constipation, if there is any. will entirely disappear; *

Mrs. 8. Kea*t. of Clarksburg. Ont., say*. * A bad stomach trouble that had bothered me for years, baffled and puxzied skilled physician*, wa* nicely relieved by my using Ml-o-na. My trouble "was on account of food not digesting bqt fermenting in my stom­ach, forming a ga* that gave me un­told suffering and pain and also made m eweak, nervous, irritable and unable to rest. Since using Ml-o-na I can go to tied at night and sleep and wake up in tin m«»rning refreshed- l cannot speak too highly of^Bl-o-na,"’

Mi- - im "l* a most economical treat­ment. a large box of tablet* only costs 50 vents at D. E. Campbell, arid the dyspeptic, nervous or otherwise. Who does not give them a trial t* losing an. opportunity to regain health.')——X.


Would-Be M urdervr Found Dead WithThreat Gut.

Made Strong and Steady by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills.

When your nerves are. out of order your whole health I* on the" verge, of a break-down. Sudden sounds startle you; your muscles twitch and your hand* ttriable : your self-control Is shattered; your ' will - power gone Your head aches; your feet g re often cold and your face flushed. - Yhur heart Jumps and thumiis at the least excite ment; you are restless at night and tired when you xvalse. Your temper I* Irritable and >’du feel utterly down hearted. And the whole trouble Is be­cause your Mood is too thin a lit! watery to keep the nerves stforiir. There is only one way tij» have strong, healthy nerves—feed them with the .Wh. red blood that only Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills can make—and do make. - Mr. Fred Forth. 17 Sullivan street. Toronto, **>•*: "1 wa* .» complete .wreck with nervous prostration, but Dr. William.*’ Pink Pills have made a new man of me. I had been nervous for years; the least noise would startle me. and tW least exertion tgould leave me utterly prostrated. I lost In weght. apd physi­cally I was almost a wreck hj*d not taken the pills Ion* when I fourfa they were helping me; my appetite/improv­ed. my nerve* began to grow steady, and day by day I gained until I was again a well mat My weight Increas­ed twenty-five pounds whije .J was using the pills. To any who suffer a*I did I can say that if Dr. Wirtiams’ Pink Pills are given a fair trial, « cure will be sure to follow^

Dr. Williams’ Pink pilla testored Mr Forth, simply because they made flW ri. h. pure blood whV h ptap*rt| nourtshes the nerves, and keeps them strong! They will cure all the dis­eases due to bad blood alèd shattered nerve*, such as anaemia. Indigestion» headaches and backaches, rheumatism, lumbago, St. Vitus dance, panglysls, genera! weakness and the secret ail­ments of growing girls and women. But you must Always. Insist on gettng the -genuine pills wdth the -full name Dr. Williams’ Find Pills for Pale People on the xvrapper around each box. Sold by medicine dealers or sent direct by mall at M r ent* a box. or six boxe» fqr $2 50 by writing The Dr Williams^ Medicine Co., Brock ville. Ont.

New York. April 21.—After stabbing his wife and slxtcen-year-old «laugh ter. neither of Whom Is expected by the doctors to recover, "Peter Hahn killed hitnarlf by cutting hi* thmat yester day. His bodyUvas found In the kitchen of his home, a butcher knife hy hi* side, and in an adjoining room his wife lay unconscious with several km wounds in the head, face and body. In another bedr«»om ' their daughter. So­phia. was found with similar wounds and also unconseloujs. No cause for th- tragedy Is known, l *



Troy. N. T., April 21. — Cornelius Ka Vann ugh, aged 24. of Albany, was electrocuted by live wires While eh- gnged In painting the power house of the Hudson River Electric at tVatefc- vllle yesterday. Tq^ mtivlng the iraf- Pdding along the walflie came in con­tact with a wire. He fell Into nr net­work of wire, and the body was badly burned. Twelve thousand volts shot through his frame.


Dally Report Furnished by the Victoria Meteorological Department

—The- bnekwitrd -spring few h»4 » somewhat dispiriting efferl upon fish­ermen. Old Cownchan seems to be the only stream to furnish fairly eattsfac- tory results this far. B. 'J. Perry got a fairly good basket there &%Uie begin­ning of tjie week He fished print Ipally In the tidal water* at the mouth of the river, four of his ratch pNing particu­larly large fish. i :C è

" . ----- o-h- : ——T W. Patulln IHf yesterday for

Prince Runert faWltg with him a new automhbll which will he the first vehicle of that description to reach Prince Rupert. Mr. Patullo states that In ten year** time " the population of that city wifi t**ch 50,000. and he is

. .therefore very grithuslastc over the ^future of tha townsite

*.î a. m.—High pres­sure continue* over the Pacific slope and low a read In Nevada and Artsona; light to heavy frost* occurred last night at numerous points In fthc Pacific states; showers fell at Portia ml. snow at IDenver and1 heavy rain at Omaha and Chicago. In the prairie provinces the. weather re­malfis fair and cold. A,

Forecast*.For X hour* ending 5 p. m. Thursday.Victoria and vicinity -Light »r moderate

wind*, fair, and not much change In tem­perature.

luower Mainland—Light or moderate wind*, fair, with stationary or higher temperatures.

Heports.Victoria—Bammeter. *1.27. temperature,

36; minimum. ». wind. 4 miles N. W.; weather, «leur.

New Westminster—Rarnm«ter, .m.2S; temp«»rature, 3*: minimum. 31. wind. 4 miles Es; weather, clear.

Kamloops—Barometer. 3n.20; icmp<ra- ture. 2d; minimum. 34; wind. 4 mile* 8.Wr far eat her, clear,

Barkervllie—-Barometer. *>. 10; tempera turc. 22: minimum. 22; wind. 4 mil»** S.W. weather, fair.

San - Francisco— Barometer. *vrj; tem rurattirr. 4*; minimum. 48; wlpd^ 4 mile* -ffruWVHTnFf. "eTênr;

Edmonton—Barometer. trmpern-ture, 22; minimum, 32; wind. 6 mile* N.; weather, cleat*_____________ -_____ .■__ ____

BEDDING'And Beds—Finest Values


T T IS worth knowing where you can get the best beds and bedding, where the best lines are offered, where

the best values are given. We can sfiaw jron ideas in these lines which will make your bedrooms pictures of repose. There is nothing which will make tCoedroom attractive or a bed cosy and comfortable that we cannot show you.

We stock every bedding need—sheets,XBhkets, com­forters, bedspreads, pillows, etc. In beds and mattresses we have by far the most extensive showing in the west. Pleased to have you investigate.We have a fine range of Iron and Brass mounted Iron

Beds, from .... ........ !.... . . *4.00IN BRASS HKDS we show a handsome line starting at.

----e*«h....... ............ ......................................... ....,*35

Ostermoor Mattress, $15•

Don’t think that Ostermoor Mattrossos are solely fhr the wealthy. It is tnnythat thonsantls of our wealthiest (’a* nadians ami scores of our best hotels and steamships will have nothing else, because they are the most luxurious antt the most sanitary mattress made at any price.

But they are also the cheapest, because they are an netnnl ’investment. w<tii as a wag«‘-eani«T. as they last a ’ime and never, exist a cent for making over. A $15 Ostermoor Mattress at one cent per day would mean less than three years’ service, but the Ostermoor Mattress is good for fifty years of solid comfort and cleanliness.4 feet f> inches wide, 45 pounds.................................$15

. 4 feet 0 inches wide. 40 pounds................................$14.‘4 feet t> inches wide. 35 pounds........................... $12.50

feet 0 inches w ide, 30 pountis.. %.. .*!....................$11feet G invite* wide. 25 pounds.... s„ ;..................$9.50

> * All 6 feet 3 inches longIn two partit utii; extra—Special sizes at special prices


—Hate yon srvurrd your herili and ticket for the excursion to Quern Vlunrlnttr Mend* and Prinrv Ruiwrt via tin* palatial «drainer Prince*.* <’har­lot tv. leaving Vh torla MAY 8th, AT 8 A. M.? If not. do *o, at otire, for we camnd hold re*rrvatlon* much kmger for anytme. OtJicr* want to lake JMNMP place, and if yob are not going we inn*t know on or Mow the 22nd In order to ac'-oinmodatc the numerous applica­tions now Mug made. Round trip.

- htcludln* meal* and berth, as MhoelM- Traeksoll. Andrr*on * <-o^ 1310 Broad si-

No Sour StomachThe Bra ckman-Ker Milling Co., Ltd. : -

Dear Sire—After using VavorhiH’s Barley Flakes regularly for eight months 1 can say they are very pleasant fo the taste am) no distress de­velops in the stomach after eating them. For many years I have suffered greatly from indiges­tion, also from a chronie-alate. tjf constipation. I

Lhare spent many ilollars seeking relief,Jnit failed 1 ito secure it until I Is'gan using these flakes. 1

am now entirely relieved of the troubles men­tioned. my strength lias returned and if is now a pleasure to attend to the work of i.ny home This change in condition I attribute solely to ho­use of VgverhfR’s Barley Flakes. Yours truly.

1 MRS. .1. LOUKS. Tilsonbjirg. Ont.

Aik your grocer for pkge—15c

The Brackman-Ker Milling Co.Limited.


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vlv: .w vvuuiut | «min *•« i tin t**'1 living. » committed suicide.