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A THESIS Presented as partial requirements at State Islamic University of Mataram for

the attainment of the Sarjana Degree in English Education Department













“Never give up, fix mistakes, and keep stepping”

“Forget the failures, but always remember a lesson from every failure you got.”

“Never lose hope, because it is the key to achieve all your dreams”

(B.J. Habibie)



“This thesis is dedicated to my beloved

mother Rabi’ah, father Muhsan, grandfather

Salim, sisters, Ahyana, brother Fathurobbi,

all of my friends B class and my almamater:

State Islamic University of Mataram.




Alhamdulillah, all price to be Allah SWT for blessing, opportunity, health, and merciful. Because of Him, the researcher could finish this project as one of the requirement for the Bachelor Degree of Educational Studies (S.Pd) at English Education Department of University for Islamic Religion (UIN) Mataram in 2020.

Blessing and salutation be given to Prophet Muhammad SAW, (peace be upon him) and His family.

In this opportunity I would like to express my special gratitude and appreciation to some people who contributed their ideas to complete this final project. Thus, the writer would like to say thank to: 1. Mr. Dr. Muhammad, M. Pd, M.S as the first advisor and Mr. Afif Ikhwanul

Muslimin, M.Pd. as the second advisor who already guided and advised

patiently during the arrangement of this final assignment.

2. The head of English Education Department, Dr. Syarifudin, M.Pd and vice

head of English Education Department, Murzal, M.Ag, who always guided me

to write this thesis with right book guidance.

3. The dean of Education and Teacher Training Faculty, Dr. Hj Lubna, M.Pd.

4. Mr. Prof Dr. H. Mutawali, M.Ag, the Rector of State Islamic University of

Mataram for giving permission and approving to carry out this thesis of


5. All lecturers in English Education Department of Education and Teacher

Training Faculty for valuable knowledge, and advice during the years of my


6. Mr. Didik Firmansyah Yamin as headmaster of SMP IT Al-Kamal NW who

has given permission of doing the research.

7. Mrs. Dini Kartika S.Pd. as English teacher of SMP IT Al-Kamal NW and all

teachers who have given permission and support to the researcher for doing

this research.


8. All my friends in English Department (TBI B 2016) and El-Farroq. Thank you

very much for your support and motivation.

May goodness deeds of various parties get a double reward from Allah

Almighty and hopefully this scientific work will give benefit to the universe.


Mataram, 29 juli 2020


(Sofyan Hidayat)





APPROVAL .............................................................................................. i

ADVISORS’ OFFICIAL NOTE ................................................................. ii

STATEMENT OF AUTHENTICITY ......................................................... iii

RATIFICATION ........................................................................................ iv

MOTTO ..................................................................................................... v

DEDICATION ........................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT........................................................................... vii

TABLE OF CONTENT .............................................................................. ix

LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................... xi

LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF APPENDIXES ............................................................................. xiv

ABSTRACT (INDONESIAN) .................................................................... xv

ABSTRACT (INGGRIS) ............................................................................ xvi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 1

A. Background of Research ................................................................. 1 B. Subject of Action ............................................................................ 5 C. The Statement of Problem .............................................................. 5 D. Objective of Research ..................................................................... 5 E. Significance of Research ................................................................ 5



HYPOTHESIS ........................................................................................ 7

A. Review of Previous Research ......................................................... 7 B. Theoretical Bases ........................................................................... 11

1. Definition of Vocabulary ......................................................... 11 2. Kinds of Vocabulary ............................................................... 3. What Need to be Taught ........................................................... 4. Technique in Teaching Vocabulary .......................................... 5. Content in Teaching Vocabulary .............................................. 6. Problems in Teaching Vocabulary ............................................ 7. The Importance of Vocabulary ................................................. 8. The Principle of Teaching and Learning Vocabulary ................ 9. YouTube ..................................................................................

C. Research Hypothesis ...................................................................... 25 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ....................................................... 26

A. Setting of Research ......................................................................... 26 B. Object of Research ......................................................................... 26 C. Design of Research ............................................................... 26 D. Planning ......................................................................................... 27 E. Taking Action ................................................................................ 27 F. Observing ....................................................................................... 30 G. Reflecting ....................................................................................... 31 H. Instrument of Research ................................................................... 32 I. Indicator of Success ........................................................................ 33


A. Research Findings .......................................................................... 34 B. Discussion ...................................................................................... 56

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS ................................ 61

A. Conclusion ..................................................................................... 61 B. Suggestions .................................................................................... 62

REFERENCE ............................................................................................. 63

APPENDIXES ............................................................................................ 66




Table 3.1 Indicator Scoring of Vocabulary

Table 4.1 Students’ Pronunciation Percentage (House) in pre-test

Table 4.2 Students’ Pronunciation Percentage (School) in pre-test

Table 4.3 Students’ Pronunciation Percentage (Environment) in pre-test

Table 4.4 Students’ Spelling Percentage (House) in pre-test

Table 4.5 Students’ Spelling Percentage (School) in pre-test

Table 4.6 Students’ Spelling Percentage (Environment) in pre-test

Table 4.7 Students’ Using the Word Percentage (House) in pre-test

Table 4.8 Students’ Using the Word Percentage (School) in pre-test

Table 4.9 Students’ Using the Word Percentage (Environment) in pre-test

Table 4.10 Students’ Activities in Cycle I

Table 4.11 Teacher’s Activities in Cycle I

Table 4.12 Students’ Pronunciation Percentage (House) in Cycle I

Table 4.13 Students’ Pronunciation Percentage (School) in Cycle I

Table 4.14 Students’ Pronunciation Percentage (Environment) in Cycle I

Table 4.15 Students’ Spelling Percentage (House) in Cycle I

Table 4.16 Students’ Spelling Percentage (School) in Cycle I

Table 4.17 Students’ Spelling Percentage (Environment) in Cycle I

Table 4.18 Students’ Using the Word Percentage (House) in Cycle I

Table 4.19 Students’ Using the Word Percentage (School) in Cycle I


Table 4.20 Students’ Using the Word Percentage (Environment) in Cycle I

Table 4.21 Students’ Activities in Cycle II

Table 4.22 Teacher’s Activities in Cycle II

Table 4.23 Students’ Pronunciation Percentage (House) in Cycle II

Table 4.24 Students’ Pronunciation Percentage (School) in Cycle II

Table 4.25 Students’ Pronunciation Percentage (Environment) in Cycle II

Table 4.26 Students’ Spelling Percentage (House) in Cycle II

Table 4.27 Students’ Spelling Percentage (School) in Cycle II

Table 4.28 Students’ Spelling Percentage (Environment) in Cycle II

Table 4.29 Students’ Using the Word Percentage (House) in Cycle II

Table 4.30 Students’ Using the Word Percentage (School) in Cycle II

Table 4.31 Students’ Using the Word Percentage (Environment) in Cycle II

Table 4.31 The Raising of Students’ Score in ability test (Pre-test), Cycle I & II



Figure 1.1 Research Design of Mc Taggart Model

Figure 4.2 Graphs Mean Score of students’ Vocabulary



Appendix 1 Pictures I Vocabulary Instruction Activities In Cycle I

Appendix 2 Lesson Plan (RPP)

Appendix 3 Data of Pronunciation in Pre-Test

Appendix 4 Pronunciation Score in Pre-Test

Appendix 5 Spelling Score in Pre-Test

Appendix 6 The Use of Words Score in Pre-Test

Appendix 7 Data of Pronunciation in Cycle I

Appendix 8 Pronunciation Score in Cycle I

Appendix 9 Spelling Score in cycle I

Appendix 10 The Use of Words Score in cycle I

Appendix 11 Observations Sheet in Cycle I

Appendix 12 Examination in Cycle I (Post-Test)

Appendix 13 Picture 2 Vocabulary Instruction Activities In Cycle II

Appendix 14 Lesson Plan (RPP) in cycle II

Appendix 15 Data of Pronunciation in cycle II

Appendix 16 Pronunciation Score in cycle II

Appendix 17 Spelling Score in cycle II

Appendix 18: The Use of Words Score in cycle II

Appendix 19: Observations Sheet in Cycle II

Appendix 20: Examination in Cycle II (Post-Test)





NIM 160107053


Berdasarkan latar belakang penelitian, peneliti mendapati bahwa sisw/i SMP IT Al – Kamal NW Tibupiling mempunyai kekurangan dalam penguasaan kosakata. Siswa/i SMP IT Al – Kamal NW memiliki kemampuan yang rendah pada penguasaan kosakata. Siswa/i tidak bisa mengucapkan kata dengan tepat, tidak bisa menulis ejaan kata dengan benar ketika mereka menulis kalimat, dan tidak mengerti bagaimana penggunaan kata. Hasil belajar mereka juga menunjukkan bahwa mereka mendapat nilai yang rendah pada pembelajaran kosakata. Oleh karena itu, peneliti mengambil studi ini yang berjudul “Penerapan Youtube dalam Meningkatkan Penguasaan Kosakata di Kelas Sembilan SMP IT Al-Kamal NW di Tahun Akademik 2019/2020.”

Studi ini menggunakan metode PTK (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas). Tahap dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 2 siklus yang dimana pada setiap siklus mencangkup 4 langkah diantaranya adalah merencanakan (Plan), tindakan (Action), observasi (Observation), dan refleksi (Reflection). Obyek yang diteliti berjumlah 15 siswi yang diambil di kelas 9 SMP IT Al-Kamal NW. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan instrument berupa tes dan observasi. Data yang dikumpulkan merupakan hasil dari lembar kegiatan guru dan kegiatan siswa untuk menilai proses pembelajaran kosakata dan lembar tes untuk mengetahui hasil temuan.

Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penerapan YouTube dalam meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata di kelas sembilan SMP IT Al-Kamal NW. Data yang terkumpul mendemonstrasikan bahwa hasil belajar siswa memperoleh nilai rata-rata siswa di pengucapan (pronunciation) 6.15 (Siklus I) menjadi 8.47 (Siklus II), nilai rata-rata siswa di ejaan (spelling) 6.43 (Siklus I) menjadi 8.63 (Siklus II), dan nilai rata-rata siswa di penggunaan kata (using the word) 6.252 (Siklus I) menjadi 8.61 (Siklus II). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan yang signifikan yang terjadi pada penguasaan kosakata dari siklus I hingga siklus II. Dengan kata lain, siswa telah mampu meningkatkan kemampuan penguasaaan kosakata mengunakan YouTube. Sedangkan partisipasi siswa untuk proses pembelajaran kosakata melalui penerapan YouTube cukup membawa peningkatan yang baik yaitu kegiatan siswa 60,7% dan kegiatan guru 60,7% (Siklus I ). Selain itu, kegiatan siswa 89,2% dan kegiatan guru 96,4% (Siklus II).

Kata Kunci: PTK, Penguasaan Kosakata,YouTube.






Based on the preliminary study, the researcher found that students at SMP IT Al – Kamal NW Tibupiling were poor at vocabulary mastery. The students at SMP IT Al – Kamal NW had low capability on vocabulary mastery. The students could not pronounce the words properly, could not spell the word when they write a sentence, and could not understand how to use the word. The outcome indicated that they had low score on the vocabulary mastery. Therefore, the researcher took this study entitled “The Implementation of Youtube Videos in Promoting Vocabulary Mastery in the Ninth Grade Students of SMP IT Al – Kamal NW in Academic in Year 2019/2020.”

This study adopted the Action Research method. The phase of the research contained of two cycles in which every cycle consisted of 4 steps in terms of planning, acting, observing/monitoring, and reflecting. The participants were taken by 15 students of 9th grade at SMP IT Al – Kamal NW. The data were collected using a test and observation. The data collection used data instruments such as the teacher’s and students’ activities for vocabulary mastery and a paper test to know research findings/students’ outcomes.

The research finding indicated that the implementation of YouTube could promote students’ vocabulary. The data collected indicate that students’ learning outcome achieved the mean score of students in pronunciation 6.15 (Cycle I) became 8.47 (Cycle II), the mean score of students in spelling 6.43 (Cycle I) became 8.63 (Cycle II), and the mean score of students in the use of words 6.252 (Cycle I) became 8.61 (Cycle II). It means that there were significant improvements which students achieved on the vocabulary mastery by implementing YouTube from cycle I to cycle II. In other words, students were successful to promote their vocabulary mastery using YouTube. While the students’ learning participation also showed a great improvement for vocabulary instruction, including students’ activities 60,7% and teacher’s activities 60,7% (Cycle I ). In addition, students’ activities were 89,2% and teacher’s activities were 96,4% (Cycle II).

Keywords: Action Research, Vocabulary Mastery, YouTube.




A. Background of Research

Teaching English as a Foreign Language had been carried out at all

levels of education in Indonesia. According to Bethany Fleck English

language consists of four language skills that students have to master such

as listening, speaking, reading, and writing.1 In addition, when teachers

teach the four skills, they should refer to the basic aspect of the English

language and the mastery in the strategy of teaching to get the purpose of

successful teaching particularly when it is supported by the appropriate

media. Furthermore, they need to vary instructional media for teaching

English that can help students to enhance language skills, especially the

fundamental aspect of teaching language known as vocabulary.

Jack Richards and Willy Renandya stated Vocabulary is a list of

words that speakers of language used to communicate. Therefore, having a

lot of words in a foreign language is very important.2 The objective of

learning English as communication can be achieved if the students know a

substantial number of English words. Unfortunately, the researcher see

that students find it difficult in English learning especially understanding

1Bethany Fleck, Lisa Beckmana, Jillian Sternsa, and Heather Hussey, “YouTube in the Classroom: Helpful Tips and Student Perceptions”, The Journal of Effective Teaching, Vol. 14, No.3, 2014, p. 21.

2Lystiana Nurhayat Hakim, “The Implementation of YouTube in Teaching Vocabulary for Young Learners”, Journal of Advanced English Studies, Vol. 2, No.1, February 2019, p. 13.


the meaning of certain vocabulary. Harmer stated that the teachers should

see technology as a media to help them in any techniques and approaches

they had chosen to use.3

Based on the problems interview and observation, the researcher

finds that Al-Kamal NW in Narmada is one of the institutions facing the

problem in terms of vocabulary despite their adequate facilities at the

school including technology. In addition, learning vocabulary in SMP IT

Al–Kamal NW is still monotonous because English teachers especially in

teaching vocabulary only teach the students manually like memorizing and

writing the words. Unfortunately, the teachers still have no idea to use

certain media in supporting the learning process. Therefore, the researcher

presents to create a rich learning environment by implementing YouTube

as a media of teaching to promote vocabulary mastery especially in the

second-semester students of the ninth grade students. This class was

divided into two classes such as I-A boys and I-B girls. The researcher

chose I-B as the subject of research because the students of this class had

lack vocabulary especially in nouns.

According to observation in the ninth grade students, the researcher

found out the students’ weakness of nouns related to house, school, and

environment. Furthermore, Based on K-13 curriculum focusing on

3Jack Richards and Willy Renandya in Hammer, Methodology in Language Teaching: An

of Current Practice, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), p. 255.


promoting pronunciation, spelling, and using the word, this research will

conduct to observe how the students are engaged during the

implementation of YouTube in teaching vocabulary. There are some of

problems find by the researcher in vocabulary learning at the ninth grade

students such as the students cannot pronounce the words properly, cannot

spell the word when they wrire a sentence, and cannot understand how to

use the word.

There is one way to make teaching vocabulary mastery interesting

and can enhance their vocabulary that is by using a media which provides

audiovisual media or videos.4 Therefore, the researcher considers

YouTube as an interesting website that can be used to promote the

students’ vocabulary mastery and interest in English learning. YouTube

can present a new climate to enhance students’ interest in learning


There are several studies dealing with the use of video in teaching

vocabulary mastery. The first study was conducted by Nurkodri.6 He

investigated how video can improve vocabulary achievement of first-grade

students of junior high school in SMPN 6 Bandar Lampung. He used slide

4Lystiana Nurhayat Hakim., Ibid., p.13. 5Raniah Kabooha and Tariq Elyas, “The Effects of YouTube in Multimedia Instruction

for Vocabulary Learning: Perceptions of EFL Students and Teachers”, The Journal of Effective Teaching, Vol. 11, No.2, 2018, p. 26.

6Nurkodri, “The Use Of Slide Video In Increasing Students’ vocabulary Achievement At Grade VII of SMPN 6 Bandar Lampung”, (Thesis, Lampung University, Lampung, 2010), p.1.


video to teach about job vocabulary for his students. Based on the research

findings, teaching English through video improved the students’

vocabulary achievement.

The second study was conducted by Widiastuti. She conducted

classroom action research and observed how the implementation of the

video in teaching vocabulary for the fifth grade students of SD Negeri I

Baturetno.7 She taught the vocabulary about clothes in three meetings to

the students by showing YouTube videos for many times. She found that

using video in teaching vocabulary was effective to enrich students’

vocabulary and also made the classroom situation more conducive as most

of the students followed the class activities very well.

The previous research findings, it can be implied that teaching

vocabulary through video can improve students’ vocabulary mastery and

promotes an effective teaching-learning process. These studies gave input

for this research that YouTube can improve students’ vocabulary mastery

which can be proved in this research. Based on the results of previous

researches and problems at school, the researcher took the title "The

Implementation of YouTube in Promoting Vocabulary Mastery in the

Ninth Grade Students of SMP IT Al–Kamal NW Academic Year 2019/


7Woro Widiastuti, “Enriching Students’ Vocabulary Using Theme Based YouTube

Video”, (Thesis, Fulfillment of the Requirements for Achieving, Surakarta, 2011), p.1.


B. Subject of Action

The subject of the research took at the second semester of the ninth

grade students in I-B grade. This study involved the English teacher and

the students to collaborate.

C. The Statement of Problem

Based on the research background above, the researcher formulated

the statements of the problem: How can the YouTube videos promote the

students’ vocabulary mastery at the ninth grade students of SMP IT Al–

Kamal NW?

D. Objective of Research

Based on the statement of problem above, this research tries to

answer a problem: To know the use of YouTube videos in promoting the

students’ vocabulary mastery at the ninth grade students of SMP IT Al–

Kamal NW.

E. Significance of Research

This research is expected to provide some contributions theoretical

and practical:

1. Theoretical

a. As a reference for teachers in teaching vocabulary.


b. As a reference for researchers to study how the implementation of

YouTube as a media for vocabulary mastery.

c. As a reference to other researchers who conduct similar research.

d. As a expriance for the researcher in this study in teaching using

YouTube videos.

2. Practical

a. To promote student's interest in learning vocabulary mastery.

b. To contribute knowledge for English teachers about the

implementation of YouTube toward students’ vocabulary.




A. Review of Previous Research

The researcher realized that this is not the first study as there have

been many other previous studies. Those preceding findings, the

researcher will use as references to support this research to get more valid

and reliable data. The followings are five different previous studies taken

by the researcher as supplementary information for this research.

1. A study conducted by Dahlia Manurung entitled “The Implementation

of Video in Teaching Vocabulary at the Second Grade of Elementary

School”.8 This research was conducted at SD Immanuel Bandar

Lampung with II-A class. Furthermore, objective of this research to

describe how the student engagement during the implementation of

video in teaching vocabulary for second grade students of elementary

school. This research use a classroom action research. The instruments

of research using tests, observation sheet. According to the findings of

the research, it was concluded that the majority of students are engaged

positively in all factors of student development when being taught by

using videos. The teacher used the video in teaching vocabulary and it

8Dahlia Manurung, “The Implementation of Video in Teaching Vocabulary at the Second

Grade Of Elementary School”, (Thesis, Language and Arts Education Department, University of Lampung, 2016), p. 1-5.


attracts the students’ affection to be engaged as most of the students are

enthusiastically did the activities instructed by the teacher. The video

that was showed by the teacher also stimulate the students’ cognitive

development as most of the students’ easily understand the meaning,

pronunciation, and use of the words. Most of them are also engaged in

behavioral engagement when the teacher taught them the vocabulary

from videos as they participate in all of the activities instructed by the

teacher for answering questions, watching video, doing stand up

activity, finishing the worksheet. This indicates that the use of video in

teaching vocabulary was regarded as being effective to encourage

students to be involved in the teaching learning process.

2. A study conducted by Woro Widiastuti entitled “Enriching Students’

Vocabulary using Theme Based YouTube Video”. She conducted a

classroom action research and observed how the implementations of

video in teaching vocabulary for fifth grade of elementary school

students.9 The subject of the study was the fifth grade students of SD

Negeri I Baturetno. Furthermore, objective of this research: (1) to

identify whether or not and to what extent the implementation of

YouTube video can enrich the students’ vocabulary (2) To describe the

situation when YouTube video is applied during the teaching-learning

9Woro Widiastuti, “Enriching Students’ Vocabulary Using Theme Based YouTube

Video, (Thesis, Fulfillment of the Requirements for Achieving, Surakarta, 2011), p. 1-6.


process at the fifth grade of SD Negeri I Baturetno, Wonogiri. This

research use a classroom action research. The instruments of research

using tests, interview and observation. The results of teaching

vocabulary using video was effective to promote students’ vocabulary

and also made the classroom situation become more conducive as most

of students followed the class activities very well. From the previous

research findings it can be implied that teaching vocabulary through

video can increase students’ vocabulary mastery and promote an

effective teaching learning process in the classroom.

3. A study conducted by Dwi Astuti Handayani, Ummi Rasyidah, and Evi

Kasyulita entitled “Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery through

Cartoon Movie at the Grade Fifth Students of SDN 16 Rambah

Samo”.10 They conducted a classroom action research. The objective of

this research to improving students’ vocabulary mastery through

cartoon movie at the grade fifth students. This research use a classroom

action research. The instruments of this research using test, observation,

field note and interview. According to the result of this action research,

the researcher gained the data from The researcher made conclusions in

teaching vocabulary. The cartoon movie was better to improve students’

10Dwi Astuti Handayani, Ummi Rasyidah, and Evi Kasyulita, “Improving Students’

Vocabulary Mastery Through Cartoon Movie at the Grade Fifth Students of SDN 16 Rambah Samo.”, The Journal of Technology, Vol. 10, No.3, 2011, p. 1-4.


vocabulary mastery at the SDN 16 Rambah Samo, academic year

2014/2015. These are effectiveness of this media because the cartoon

movies are helpful in teaching and learning process and made the

students actively involved in improving students’ vocabulary mastery.

The cartoon movie helped the students to promote vocabulary and made

the students has high motivation in practicing the spelling and

pronunciation. In addition, cartoon movie also can minimize the

students’ passiveness in the process of teaching and learning English


4. A study conducted by Septiana Nur entitled “Optimizing the use of

YouTube Video to Improve Students’ Competence in Writing

Procedure Text”.11 The researcher presents the result of her classroom

action research. The subject of this research as the tenth grade students

of SMA Kebakkramat in the academic year 2010/2011. The objectives

of the research are: (1) to identify whether or not and to what extent

YouTube videos can improve the students’ skill in writing the texts; and

(2) to describe happens with the situation when YouTube videos are

used in the writing class. This research use a classroom action research.

The instruments of this research using test, observation and field note.

11Septiana Nur, “Optimizing the Use of YouTube Video to Improve Students’

Competence in Writing Procedure Text”, (Thesis, English Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Surakarta, 2012), p. 1-5.


According to the results, there was positive improvements in the

students’ writing skill and class situation. The result of the research

showed that the use of YouTube video was able to improve the

students’ writing skill that covers writing to explore students’ ideas, to

organize students’ ideas, to use the proper word in writing, to write

paragraph by using the correct grammar, and to use mechanics in

writing sentences.

5. A study conducted by Apriliya Intan Pratiwi entitled “Optimizing the

use of YouTube Videos to Improve Students’ Writing Skill”.12 Through

applying YouTube videos, the writing skill of the second grade students

of SMPN 1 Juwiring. The objectives of the research are: (1) to know the

use of YouTube Videos to Improve Students’ Writing Skill. This

research use a classroom action research. The instruments of this

research using test, observation and field note. The results show that the

students are able to explore the main idea correctly. They can write

more than 5 to 7 sentences of each paragraph. To apply grammar rules

correctly; they can put the subject and verb appropriately. They also can

finish their story better from the beginning, middle, and ending. To

sentence into paragraph orderly and arrange the words into sentences.

12Apriliya Intan Pratiwi, “Optimizing the Use of YouTube Videos to Improve Students’

Writing Skill”, (Thesis, English Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Surakarta, 2011), p. 1.


The students are more careful and aware in constructing past sentences.

To use transition signals between one paragraph to others. The students’

writing was readable and understandable. In short, the students can

achieve writing elements including the mastery of promoting and

organizing structure ideas in writing form, selecting appropriate words,

expressions, using grammatical sentences, obeying conventions of

spelling, punctuation, and mechanics through the practice of writing

especially using YouTube videos. In iddition, the students can write a

narrative text well.

These five previous studies above give many benefits for the

researcher related to this research. Forthermore, these studies give input

for this research that YouTube can improve students’ vocabulary

mastery which can be prove by the researcher to the samples of this

research. In addition, the researcher focus in observing how the

implementation of youtube in promoting vocabulary mastery.

B. Theoretical Bases

1. Definition of Vocabulary

The vocabulary has many definitions which can be find by the

researcher from some experts, but the researcher only choose several of

them which are important to be discussed.


Vocabulary is one of the language factors that is supposed to

learning a language. Being considered as the main focus of learning of

foreign language, there is a belief that learning a foreign language is

similar to learn its vocabulary. Vocabulary is also very important in

English learning and teaching. Ghazal stated that words are perceived as

the building blocks upon knowledge of the second language which can be

built.13 It means that if the learners did not know the meaning of words,

they will have difficulty in understanding what they saw, read, and

learned. They cannot practice the language if they are lack of vocabulary

especially in English subject curriculum in Indonesia can also be seen as a

reaction to the development of the language at the international level.14 It

means the students in Indonesia should master the English language and

understand the fundamental aspect in English language.

Hatch and Brown said, “Vocabulary refers to a list or set of words

for a particular language or a list or a set of words that individual speakers

of a language might use”.15 Richard and Renandya, they asserted that

vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provides

much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read and write

13Lotfi Ghazal, “Learning Vocabulary in EFL Context through Vocabulary Learning Strategies”, Journal of Advanced English Studies, Vol. 1, No. 2. 2007, p. 8.

14 Muhammad , Hasbullah , Syarifudin and Andi Anto Patak, “Implementation of English subject curriculum in Islamic secondary schools in Indonesia using Delphi method”, X Linguae European Scientific Language Journal, Vol. 12, No. 4. October 2019, p. 143.

15Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown, Vocabulary, Semantics, and Language Education, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998), p.5.


without an extensive vocabulary and strategies for acquiring new

vocabulary, learners often achieved less than their potential.16 Penny Ur

also asserted that vocabulary can be defined, roughly, as the word we

teach in a foreign language.17

2. Kinds of Vocabulary

There are several kinds of vocabulary based on some experts.

Firstly, the characteristic of the words, vocabulary is divided into two

kinds, they are:18

a. Active vocabulary: it refers to language items which the learners can

use appropriately in writing and speaking. In general, active

vocabulary also called productive vocabulary.

b. Passive vocabulary: it refers to language items that can be understood

and recognized in the content of listening and reading.

Secondly, dealing with frequency and range vocabulary often

occurred in the foreign language, it can be divided into four levels:19

a. High-frequency words: the word families which are used in spoken

and written, for example, the, as, and, that, etc.

16Jack Richards and Willy Renandya, Methodology in Language Teaching of Current

Practice, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), p. 255. 17Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching, (USA: Cambridge University Press, 1996),

p. 60. 18Jo Ann Aebersold and Mary Lee, From Reader to Reading Teacher, (New York:

Cambridge University Press, 1997), p. 139. 19Paul Nation, Teaching Vocabulary: Strategies and Techniques, (Boston: Heinle and

Heinle Publishers, 2008), p. 7-11.


b. Low-frequency words: all the rest of the word families in personal

interest, educational background or current studies, area of

employment, society, cultural environment, and so on.

c. Academic words: the vocabulary in academic texts (textbook,

lectures, handouts, journal article, reference manual, seminar

presentation) than in non-academic usage, across different disciplines.

d. Technical words: the word families which are used in particular

discipline, profession, sport, culture, or another special field.

In addition, Jo Ann Aebersold and Mary also identified the

categories of knowledge about vocabulary:20

a. Form: readers recognize the word in printing media and distinguish its

several grammatical forms (adverb, adjective, verb, and noun).

b. Position: readers know the grammar patterns and structures in the

words that frequently appear before or after it, the collocations in

which a word can occur.

c. Function: readers know how general or rare the word is and what

types of situations are.

d. Meaning: readers know the nuances of a word as well as its synonyms

and various meanings.

According to the references above, the researcher can know the

20Jo Ann Aebersold and Mary Lee., Ibid., p. 139-140.


classification of vocabulary that had its own utility when it was used. In

addition, words are the tools to communicate in a language which were

used by a person to show and tell their opinions and ideas based on their

need. In other words, the richness of a person’s vocabulary is popularly

thought to be a reflection of all level education.

3. What Need to be Taught

In vocabulary acquisition, there must be the important aspects to

be taught at the basic level by understanding a word such as the form and

meaning as follows:

a. Formation of a word is how the words constructed. vocabulary item,

whether one-word or multi-word, can often be changed into some

component. In addition, vocabulary items are built by combining two

words (a gerund or two nouns, a noun, and a verb) to make the items

such as book store, swimming pool, etc.

b. An aspect of meaning is one of the items related to the meaning of

others that can also be useful in teaching language.

There are various relationships with the meaning such as:21

a. Synonyms: the items nearly the same or that the meaning of words are

the same; for example, smart and clever.

b. Antonyms: meaning is opposite; for example poor and rich.

21Scoot Thornburry, How to Teach Vocabulary, (Edinburgh: Pearson Educated Limited,

2002), p. 15.


c. Hyponyms: the items that serve specific examples of general concept;

mouse, cat, are hyponyms of animal.

d. Super-ordinates: the general concepts that cover specific items;

animal is the super-ordinate of cat, chiken and elephant.

e. Translations: the expressions in the learners’ mother tongue those are

equivalent in meaning to the item being taught.

4. Technique in Teaching Vocabulary

In the technique of teaching vocabulary, the teachers should have

to some techniques in order that students are familiar with the vocabulary.

The technique functions did not only make the students grasp the meaning

of the words quite easily, but they can also avoid boredom on the part of

learners. Referring to Allen, there are some techniques of teaching


a. Alphabetical of order is even for a list of new words in the textbook.

In addition, alphabetizing is appropriate in helping learners to find a

new word.

b. Showing the meaning of the words through pictures, elaborating the

definition in a simple way.

c. Paying attention to the meaning before drilling the words.

22Virginia Freanch Allen, Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary, (Oxford: Oxford

University Press, 1983), p. 10-13.


In teaching a word, the teacher teaches some things as follows:23

a. Teaching the form of words.

b. Teaching the meaning of the word.

c. Teaching both the form and the meaning of the words together.

There are some ways of a new word can be presented to students,

as follow:24

a. Ideas for presenting specific items of the word : choosing an item

from vocabulary taught in English language textbook. Thinking about

how the meaning of the item will be best presented to the students has

a class for the first time and writing down some ideas in the book.

b. Studying further techniques : put your practical ideas aside for the

moment, study a list of different techniques of presenting the meaning

of a new word.

c. Application and comparison : identify in which one or more of the

strategy will be used in your own idea to be presented.

According to theory above, the teacher can apply some ways to

teach the students in the classroom and the students are taught to use the

words properly in full sentences.

There are several references for teachers in teaching vocabulary as


23Ibid.,p. 25-43 24Penny Ur, Ibid.,p. 63-64.


a. The vocabulary items should be centered on one topic.

b. Whenever a word is met in a new situation or context, it should be

taught simply.

c. Vocabulary items are taught in the same way. The teacher gives the

students an understanding of the meaning in many ways.

d. The practice vocabulary as practice structure in the text in the form of

transformation drills, questions, etc.

e. Reintroduce the same vocabulary items with all the structures in all

the situations in which they can logically be used.

According to the theory above, vocabulary teaching is how the

teachers taught a list of words with their meanings especially in a book for

learning a foreign language to the learners. Vocabulary teaching included

some of the most complex problems in the field of teaching language.

Generally, It is influenced by ideas on the nature of language by the

particular language being taught, and by ideas on how the language


5. Content in Teaching Vocabulary

25Ruth Gairns and Stuart Redman, Working with Word, a Guide to Teaching and Learning

Vocabulary, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998), p. 17-18.


The teacher should know how the vocabulary can be understood

by the students. In other words, the teacher should prepare the content of

the vocabulary. Gairns and Redman identify four main sources:26

a. The coursebook is written and spoken texts, activities for grammatical

structures, presentation, and testing exercises.

b. Supplementary materials are provided by the educational institution

or selected by the teacher. This may include role-plays, exercises,

texts, etc.

c. The students’ wide range of unanticipated and unpredictable items

will inevitably surface from learners’ enquiries, and queries.

d. Specific vocabulary is designed by the teacher for his particular group

of learners.

After understanding what the content in teaching vocabulary, the

teacher should also know the criteria for selection because the items of

content should be useful. Gairns and Redman explained some criteria for

selecting the content based on various things below:27

a. Frequency: the contents of frequency should not be accepted used

dogmatically to dictate or uncritically.

b. Cultural: according to the utterances of native speakers the learners

will obviously reflect the cultural interest of speakers.

26Ibid., p. 54.

27Ibid., p. 57-61.


c. Level: the learners who are required to read strategy reports in

English in their native country will have different lexical needs to

those learners.

d. Expediency: the classroom will often dictate the need for some


6. Problems in Teaching Vocabulary

Discussing the context of teaching English in Indonesia where

English is known as foreign language or English foreign language and

also there is still some traditional convention in developing tradition

inside teaching and learning.28 In addition, related to our culture and its

rules, English as a foreign language have many differences. In addition,

English as one of the subjects in our school that have many problems

either in the learning or teaching process, that the reason the teacher

should learn deeply and properly the foreign language.

In teaching vocabulary, there are some problems the teacher can

find several kinds of factors. It can be related to the words or usually

called intra-lexical factors or they can involve how well the learners of the

first language match the foreign language or it was called cross-

28Muhammad,“ Promoting Students’ Autonomy through Online Learning Media in EFL

Class”, International Journal of Higher Education, Vol. 9, No. 4. 2020, p. 320.


linguistic.29 In addition, when students attempted to translate a passage

by looking up too many words, the learners met a word that they did not

know its meaning. Therefore, they take the dictionary and look up the

meaning. The problem appeared when the learners chose the right words

to know the meaning of the sentence, but they used the improper words


The problems in teaching vocabulary also related to the students

and teacher. Coady and Huckin considered various typical meta-cognitive

attitudes that both students and teachers can hold toward learning and

teaching of vocabulary in a foreign language as follows:30

a. Vocabulary is typically neglected in second language instruction.

b. In general, the students feel eagerly to learn a very important word.

c. In contrast, teachers tend to feel that the words are easy while the the

grammer is to be learnt.

d. Many students and teachers feel that teaching vocabulary is a low

level intellectual activity unworthy of students’ full attention.

e. Consequently, many teachers conclude that vocabulary is going to be

learned naturally from reading and does not need to be taught.

7. The Importance of Vocabulary

29Nobert Schmitt, Vocabulary and Language Teaching, (New York: Cambridge

University Press, 2000), p. 146-147. 30James Coady and Thomas Huckin, Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition, (New

York: Cambrigde University Press, 1997), p. 74.


The vocabulary is the most fundamental factors of learning for

students in learning the language. In the process, learning vocabulary

created the ideas in the form of easy sentences to be understood. The

vocabulary is separated from another skill such as reading, writing,

listening, and speaking. The ability of someone's language skill gives a

benefit through his/her vocabulary.31

8. The Principle of Teaching and Learning Vocabulary

Vocabulary is central to foreign language teaching because

students cannot express their own ide without sufficient vocabulary. The

principles of teaching and learning vocabulary presented as follows:32

a. Aim: in teaching vocabulary, the aim should be clear, it should be

easily understood by the target learners.

b. Quantity: it is important for the teacher to determine the number of

new words that students can be learned.

c. Need: most of the cases, when the teacher in selecting vocabulary for

the students usually depended on the coursebook. In selecting the

vocabulary items, the teacher should also consider the object of

individual lessons.

31Mofareh Alqahtani,“The Importance of Vocabulary in Language Learning and How to

be Taught”, International Journal of Teaching and Education. Vol. III, No.3, 2015, p. 21-34. 32Ibid., p. 22.


d. Frequent expose sure and repetition: in teaching and learning

vocabulary, there must be several amounts of repetition until the

evidence that the students have learned the target words.

e. Meaningful presentation: in presenting the vocabulary lesson,

students should have a clear and specific understanding of the word

is. Its presenting should be perfect meaningful and obvious.

f. Context and situation: it is important for the students’ to know the

context of the words that occur from the very beginning. The word

should appear in the natural environment as it is normally among the


g. Guessing: when the learners study vocabulary, it leads the students to

think about the meaning of the new words through hearing them in

certain situations.

9. YouTube

a. Definition of YouTube

Youtube is one of the mostly consisted of short videos.33 It

provided a venue to share videos among friends and family as well as to

show a case for new and experienced videographers.

Referring to Alhamami Munassir, YouTube is creating new

demands on learning English.34 There are several kinds of videos

33Munassir Alhamami, “Observation of YouTube Language Learning Videos”, Teaching

English with Technology, Vol. 13, No.3, January 2013, p. 3-17.


including the advertisement, education, and entertainment. It is a very

attractive social media that have a combination of global education in this

era.35 In addition, animation in video have diffirence style in teaching

language such as moving text and pictures or merely exciting transitions

between visual which can be a useful attention grabber, which lays the

necessary foundation for learning procces.36

b. Using YouTube Videos in Language Learning and Teaching

Munassir stated there are some basic procedures in teaching using

YouTube before do the action as follows:

a. Selecting the topic to make the specific the materials base on the


b. Showing the videos agree with the levels of students.

c. Objective the learning base on curriculum in the school.

YouTube is an effective media to teach English and expose

students to a variety of English learning. It can be considered as a

valuable learning media. In teaching English, it played an important role

to make the learners understand their English lessons. It can improve the

performance of students and upgrade their levels in English learning and

34Munassir Alhamami., Ibid., p. 10. 35Ibid., p. 6. 36Syarifudin and Muhammad, “Improving Vocabulary Achievement of Young Learners

Using Animated Video”, International Journal on Advanced Science, Education, and Religion, Vol. 1, No. 1. March 2018, p. 38.


the great values of video and its combination of images, sounds, and text,

together with the socio-cultural information habits and traditions.37

The knowledge of research has shown significant findings in

encouraging the integration of YouTube videos in language learning. The

popularity of the YouTube videos, as well as the availability and easiness

teachers, had started using the website to teach different languages though

uploading several attractive videos. 38

Teaching English using video will give a fun atmosphere to the

students. They can learn unconsciously while they are watching a video

and they enjoyed their language learning. One of the aims of teaching

English to promte their idea that language learning is a fun experience in

classroom. The video created an attractive enjoyable learning

environment. It is important to make children feel comfortable and happy

in order to make language learning run effectively. Basically, there are

several main uses of videos that had been distinguished like instructional

video and authentic video materials, such as films, TV series,

commercials, etc.39 Authentic videos for students will often contain a lot of

repetitions. This is a good lesson for lower-level students because they can

37Putri Oktaviani, “The Implementation of Barney Video to Teach Vocabularies at TK B

Pejajaran Surabaya”, Introduction to Research in Education, Vol. 1, No.1, 2002, p. 3. 38Wael Abdulrahman Almurashi, “The Effective Use of YouTube Videos for Teaching

English Language in Classrooms as Supplementary Material at Taibah University in Alula”, International Journal of English Language and Linguistics Research, Vol. 4, No.3, April 2016, p. 39.

39Ibid., p. 8.


focus on a minimum of spoken dialogue. The students watched a scene

from a video that have lots of things they can see and wrote in their

vocabulary books.40

The use of video in language teaching and learning is highly

known for its ability to provide the authentic language learning

environment and authentic video have an obvious the advantage over

conventional audiotapes and the visual dimension that make them easier to

understand through gestures and context.41 In addition, teaching English

by using YouTube videos will be appropriate for students since it provided

an entertainment to the students. Therefore, it does not only lead the

students’ language but it can be enjoyable.

C. Research Hypothesis

1. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

The implementation of YouTube videos can promote students’

vocabulary mastery at the second semester of the ninth grade students

of SMP IT Al–Kamal NW.

2. Null Hypothesis (Ho)

40Bethany Fleck, Lisa Beckmana, Jillian Sternsa, and Heather Hussey, “YouTube within

ESL Classroom: Exploring an Instructor’s and her Learners’ Experiences Concerning the Authenticity of Language and Technology Use”, Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction, Vol. 1, No.1, January 2017, p. 160.

41 Ibid., p. 176.


The implementation of YouTube videos can not promote students’

vocabulary mastery at the second semester of the ninth grade students

of SMP IT Al–Kamal NW.




A. Setting of Research

This classroom action research took place at SMP IT Al–Kamal

NW boarding school at the second semester of the ninth grade students in

the academic year 2019/ 2020. There were 33 students in the class which

consisted of 18 boys and 15 girls. The class was divided into two classes

they were I-A for boys and I-B for girls. The researcher took the second

semester of the ninth grade students in I-B girls. According to the lack of

nouns related to school, house, and environment. The appropriate class

was I-B girls. The reason why the researcher did not choose the sixth and

the eighth grade students was because YouTube had been applied in the

learning process. Therefore, the researcher took I-B girls to get more valid


B. Object of Research

The object of this research was to promote students’ vocabulary

mastery by implementing YouTube in the ninth grade students of SMP IT

Al – Kamal NW academic year 2019/2020.

C. Design of Research

There were some models showing an action research design such

as MC Kernans, Jhon Ellit, Hopkins, Kurt Lewin, Kemmis - Mc Taggart,


and Dave Ebbut Model. In this study, the researcher adopted Kemmis and

Mc Taggart Model as it was more flexible and more creative to use by the

teachers in teaching strategy. Classroom action research is an action

research applied by teachers in the classroom. Classroom action research

was a research purposed to increase the grade of learning practice that

focused on the process of teaching and learning in the class.42 In addition,

classroom action research was one of the strategies for solving the

problems that used real action and developed abilities to know the

vocabulary problems especially the implementation of YouTube in

promoting vocabulary mastery in the ninth grade students of Al-Kamal

NW. In this case, the researcher applied a short movie video on YouTube

to increase students’ vocabulary mastery.

D. Planning

The researcher collaborated with a collaborator, an English teacher

to arrange the action as follows:

1. Preparing Lesson plan for teaching students in classroom.

2. Preparing YouTube videos materials in teaching vocabulary related to

the weakness of students in vocabulary.

3. Preparing tools such as LCD and Laptop.

4. Preparing the tests to check ability the students.

42Muhammad Djuanaidi Ghory, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (Malang: UIN Malang

press, 2008), p. 8.


5. Preparing observation sheet such as students’ and teacher activities to

know the condition in classroom.

6. Preparing documentation such as pictures, results of test and viseo


E. Taking Action

Kemmis and Mc Taggart stated that action researches had four

fundamental steps in a spiraling process presented as follows:43

a. Planning

The researcher and collaborator made some planning based on the

finding of the preliminary study. The following activities in this action

planning were:

1) Preparing Lesson plan for teaching the students in classroom.

2) Preparing YouTube videos materials in teaching vocabulary related

to the weakness of students in vocabulary mastery.

3) Preparing the tools such as LCD and Laptop.

4) Preparing the tests to check ability the students.

5) Preparing observation sheet such as students’ and teacher activities

to know the condition in classroom.

43Mina Saghaieh Bolghari and Arezoo Hajimaghsoodi, “Action Research as a Bottom up

Approach to Foster Teacher Involvement in Language Curriculum Change”, Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 8, No.2, March 2017, p. 363.


6) Preparing documentation such as pictures, results of test and video


b. Action

The researcher and teacher collaborated to carry out the plan of

action. In implementing the action, the researcher acted as the English

teacher, meanwhile the collaborator was the observer who observed class

conditions. Adopted from Woro Widiastuti there are procedures in

teaching using videos as follows:44

1) Introduction

a) The teacher explained the activities by giving apperception and

motivation to students in learning materials.

2) Main Activity

a) Students learned from YouTube videos.

b) Students wrote the nouns that they found in the video related to

school, home, and the environment.

c) The teacher taught the students to pronounce the nouns that had

been written correctly.

d) Students applied the nouns which had been written (spelling,

pronounce and how to use word).

3) Closing

44Woro Widiastuti,. Ibid., p. 55


a) The teacher gave the instructions to the students to memorize the


c. Observation

In this activity, the researcher observed the teaching-learning

process by monitoring the students’ activity and attention during the

action. Observing focus in teaching vocabulary mastery, the researcher

also observed the student's attention, activities in asking questions,

answering questions, and enthusiasm in doing the test and noticed all the

activities related to the learning process using an observation sheet such as

students’ and teacher activities.

d. Reflection

Reflecting is the feedback process from the activity that is been

doing. In this case, the researcher took feedback from the teaching-

learning process from the result of the observation sheet and students'

tests. The researcher also analyzed everything occurred in the teaching-

learning process based on the observation sheets. The weaknesses and the

strength in cycle 1 discussed by the researcher and the teacher. It purposes

to determine what to do in the next cycle and to determine whether or the

result of the cycle is satisfied or not.


Those four steps were form one cycle. This model in the diagram


Figure 1.1 Classroom Action Research (Adopted : Research Design of Mc

Taggart Model)

F. Observing

In this activity, the researcher observed the teaching-learning

process by monitoring the students’ activity and attention during the

action. Observing focus on students vocabulary mastery, the researcher

also observed the student's attention in doing the test and noticed all the

activities related to the learning process using observation sheet such as

students’ and teacher activities.46

45Ibid., p. 368. 46Arikunto., Ibid., p. 34.


G. Reflecting

The researcher collected the result of tests, observation and

documentation. After that, the researcher analyzed the students’ average

score of pre-test and post-test based on criteria of success 70 (KKM) to

know the students’ improvement. Besides, in the reflection step, the

researcher evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of the

implementation as consideration for the next cycle.

To know the students’ achievement in each cycle, the researcher

used data analysis and statistic. The steps as follows:

Table 3.1 Indicator Scoring of Vocabulary

Classification Criteria Correct Anwers

Excellent Students’ pronunciation score 9-10 Students’ spelling score 9-10 Students’ score using the word 9-10


Students’ pronunciation score 7-8 Students’ spelling score 7-8 Students’ score using the word 7-8


Students’ pronunciation score 5-6 Students’ spelling score 5-6 Students’ score using the word 5-6


Students’ pronunciation score 3-4 Students’ spelling score 3-4 Students’ score using the word 3-4

Very poor

Students’ pronunciation score 0-2 Students’ spelling score 0-2 Students’ score using the word 0-2


1. According to Arikunto scoring the students’ answers to test by using

this formula:47

Score ∶ student′correct answertotal number of item X

2. According to Arikunto calculating the percentage of the students’

scores as follow:48

% = fN X %

Notation: %: Percentage F: Frequency N: The Total Number of Students

3. According to Arikunto the mean score of the students’ achievements as


X̅ = ∑xN

Notation: X ̅̅ ̅̅ : Mean Score ∑x: The Sum of All Score N : The Number of Students

H. Instrument of Research

47Ibid., p. 25. 48Ibid., p. 29. 49Ibid., p. 30.


The instruments of research used in this study were tests to check

ability the students, observation sheet such as students’/teacher’s activities

and documentation (picture/videos). The tests consisted of three

components with 90 questions related to check spell (30), pronounce (30),

and how to use the word (30). There were two tests used in this research

namely pre-test conducted before implementing classroom action research

and post-test conducted after implementing classroom action research. In

addition, the researcher conducted an observation sheet and

documentation to complete and supported the quantitative and qualitative


I. Indicator of Success

Indicators of success in this study are elaborated as follows:

1. The improvement will be successed if the students’ mean score get 70

in pronunciation, spelling and using the word in vocabulary mastery.

2. Students’ and teacher’s learning activities will be achived in 70% at

the minimum in teaching-learning process by using YouTube videos.




This chapter presents the result of the classroom action research. It

describes some research findings and discussion about the implementation of

YouTube in promoting students vocabulary. In the discussion section, the

researcher analyzes and discusses all the data in the finding section. The

researcher compares the data collection during two different cycles.

A. Research Findings

This section was divided into two parts, the first and second cycles as


1. The Cycle I

This cycle was conducted for four meetings. The first was a competence

test (pre-test) the second and the third meeting are used to teach the material and

the fourth meeting was a competence test (post-test). It was conducted on

February, 25th, 28th and March 3th , 6th 2020. The explanation was given below:

a. Plan

To conduct this research, all required materials were prepared first such as

prepared lesson plans; YouTube videos, instrument checking the nouns (test) and

observation sheet. Before giving ability test, the researcher had given a little

explanation about vocabulary and showed some samples. The researcher observed

students’ vocabulary through giving the ability test in 55 minutes of the tests


include 1) pronunciation test in 20 minutes, in this test, the researcher examined

the students one by one and recorded the result using phone, 2) spelling test in 15

minutes and examined by written test, and 3) using the word test in 20 minutes in

form of multiple choices. During the ability test, most of the students asked many

questions about the meaning of vocabulary. After checking the result of the

students’ ability test, the researcher concluded that the students’ vocabulary in

nouns was low ability. The result of ability test (pre-test) showed as follows:

1. Pronunciation

a) Students’ Pronunciation Percentage (House)

Table 4.1

No Classification Score Frequencies Percentage (%)

1 Excellent 9-10

2 Good 7-8

3 Average 5-6 4 26,7% 4 Poor 3-4 9 60% 5 Very Poor 0-2 2 13,3%


15 100%

The table above showed that the score of the students’ pronunciation of

nouns related to house. There were 4 (26,7%) students obtained average, 9 (60%)

students obtained poor and 2 (13,3%) students obtained very poor.

b) Students’ Pronunciation Percentage (School)

Table 4.2

No Classification Score Frequencies Percentage (%) 1 Excellent 9-10


2 Good 7-8 1 6,7% 3 Average 5-6 8 53,3% 4 Poor 3-4 6 40% 5 Very poor 0-2


15 100%

The table above showed that the score of the students’ pronunciation of

nouns related to school. There were 1 (6,7%) students obtained good, 8 (53,3%)

students obtained average and 6 (40%) students obtained poor.

c) Students’ Pronunciation Percentage (Environment)

Table 4.3

No Classification Score Frequencies Percentage (%) 1 Excellent 9-10

2 Good 7-8 3 Average 5-6 2 13,3%

4 Poor 3-4 11 73,3% 5 Very poor 0-2 2 13,3%


15 100%

The table above showed that the score of the students’ pronunciation of

nouns related to environment. There were 2 (13,3%) students obtained average, 11

(73,3%) students obtained poor and 2 (73,3%) students obtained very poor.

The mean score of the ability test was 4.07. It meant that the students’

ability in vocabulary was low ability (see appendix 3). Therefore, the researcher


tried to apply YouTube videos in teaching vocabulary as a strategy to improve the

students’ vocabulary.

2. Spelling

a) Students’ Spelling Percentage (House)

Table 4.4

No Classification Score Frequencies Percentage (%) 1 Excellent 9-10

2 Good 7-8 3 Average 5-6 8 53,3%

4 Poor 3-4 7 46,7% 5 Very Poor 0-2


15 100%

The table above showed that the score of the students’ spelling of nouns

related to house. There were 8 (53,3%) students obtained average and 7 (46,7%)

students obtained poor.

b) Students’ Spelling Percentage (School)

Table 4.5

No Classification Score Frequencies Percentage (%) 1 Excellent 9-10

2 Good 7-8 3 Average 5-6 11 73,3%

4 Poor 3-4 3 20% 5 Very Poor 0-2 1 6,7%


15 100%


The table above showed that the score of the students’ spelling of nouns

related to school. There were 11 (73,3%) students obtained average, 3 (20%)

students obtained poor and 1 (6,7%) students obtained very poor.

c) Students’ Spelling Percentage (Environment)

Table 4.6

No Classification Score Frequencies Percentage (%) 1 Excellent 9-10

2 Good 7-8 1 6,7% 3 Average 5-6 7 46,6% 4 Poor 3-4 4 26,7% 5 Very Poor 0-2 3 20%


15 100%

The table above showed that the score of the students’ spelling of nouns

related to environment. There were 1 (6,7%) students obtained good, 7 (46,6%)

students obtained average, 4 (26,7%) students obtained poor and 3 (20%) students

obtained very poor.

The mean score of the ability test was 4.62. It meant that the students’

ability in vocabulary was low ability (see appendix 4). Therefore, the researcher

tried to apply YouTube videos in teaching vocabulary as a strategy to improve the

students’ vocabulary.


3. The Use of Words

a) Students’ the Use of Words Percentage (House)

Table 4.7

No Classification Score Frequencies Percentage (%) 1 Excellent 9-10

2 Good 7-8 1 6,7% 3 Average 5-6 12 80% 4 Poor 3-4 2 13,3% 5 Very Poor 0-2


15 100%

The table above showed that the score of the students’ using the word of

nouns related to house. There were 1 (6,7%) students obtained good, 12 (80%)

students obtained average and 2 (13,3%) students obtained poor.

b) Students’ the Use of Words Percentage (School)

Table 4.8

No Classification Score Frequencies Percentage (%) 1 Excellent 9-10

2 Good 7-8 3 Average 5-6 13 86,7%

4 Poor 3-4 2 13,3% 5 Very Poor 0-2


15 100%

The table above showed that the score of the students’ using the word of

nouns related to school. There were 13 (86,7%) students obtained average and 2

(13,3%) students obtained poor.


c) Students’ the Use of Words Percentage (Environment)

Table 4.9

No Classification Score Frequencies Percentage (%) 1 Excellent 9-10

2 Good 7-8 3 Average 5-6 7 46,7%

4 Poor 3-4 8 53.3% 5 Very Poor 0-2


15 100%

The table above showed that the score of the students’ using the word of

nouns related to environment. There were 7 (46,7%) students obtained average

and 8 (53,3%) students obtained poor.

The mean score of the ability test was 5.01. It means that the students’

ability in vocabulary was the low ability (see appendix 5). Therefore, the

researcher tried to apply YouTube videos in teaching vocabulary as a strategy to

improve the students’ vocabulary.

b. Action

After obtaining the score of students' vocabulary ability in the pre-test, the

researcher continued to the next step. In this action, the researcher divided in two

meetings as follows:

1) The First Meeting

The first meeting of the first cycle was conducted on February 25th, 2020

starting from 07.30 until 08.30 in the morning. In this meeting, the researcher as


an English teacher taught of the class. The researcher taught the vocabulary by

watching YouTube videos in the short movie especially “conversations” in the

school and house to promote student vocabulary. The steps applied in this learning

process cover: First, the researcher greeted and built students’ spirit to make their

confidence, and then the researcher checked students' attendance. Second, the

researcher began the lesson by asking the students’ knowledge of nouns and gave

the definition. Third, the researcher gave a few minutes to explain the role and

purpose in the teaching and learning process. Fourth, the researcher showed

YouTube videos. Fifth, the researcher asked the students to identify the nouns

from YouTube videos and wrote the nouns in their book. Sixth, the researcher

invited a student to pronounce the nouns after watching YouTube videos.

Furthermore, the researcher repeated to show the vocabulary of nouns until three

times from YouTube.

2) The Second Meeting

The second meeting of the first cycle was conducted on February 28th,

2020 starting from 07.30 until 08.30 in the morning. This meeting was similar to

the previous meeting, but the meeting focused in learning the nouns related to the

environment. Therefore, the researcher discussed the nouns in the short movie of

“describing place” from YouTube videos to promote students' vocabulary. The

steps applied in this learning process cover: First, the researcher greeted and built

students’ spirit to make their confidence, and then the researcher checked students'


attendance. Second, the researcher began the lesson by asking the students’

vocabulary in the previous meeting. Third, the researcher gave a few minutes to

explain the role and purpose of the teaching and learning process. Fourth, the

researcher showed YouTube videos. The fifth, the researcher asked students to

identify the nouns from YouTube videos and wrote the nouns in their book. Sixth,

the researcher invited a student to pronounce the nouns after watching YouTube

videos. The researcher repeated to show vocabulary from YouTube videos until

three times.

c. Observation

In the first and second meetings, the researcher observed the teaching and

learning process. The Students observed how they worked individually or together

to understand the materials. How were the condition and situation in the class by

applying of YouTube videos and to know the improvement of the students’

achievement and to see whether YouTube videos might improve the students’

vocabulary. The researcher used observation sheet such as student’ and teacher’

activities as follows:50

50Woro Widiastuti,. Ibid., p. 65


1) The result of observation toward students’ activities

Table 4.10 No Students’ Activities Score

1 Using YouTube videos short movie, students are able to answer the question during learning process.


2 Using YouTube videos short movie, students are able to understand the meaning of vocabulary like, sentence, word, etc.


3 Using YouTube videos short movie, students are able to spell the word (wrote a word, they find in the videos).


4 Using YouTube videos short movie, (repeat a word from YouTube videos) students are able to pronounce the word.


5 Using YouTube videos short movie, students are able to use the word correctly (from the text/sentences in YouTube videos).


6 Using YouTube videos short movie, students are able to promote vocabulary of nouns.


7 Using YouTube videos short movie, students can memorize the vocabulary.


Total 17

Percentage (%) 60,7%

2) The result of observation toward teacher’s activities

Table 4.11

No Teacher’ Activities Score

1 Starting lesson by showing YouTube videos to students in teaching vocabulary.


2 Explaining YouTube videos or vocabulary materials that will be taught to students in teaching vocabulary.


3 Giving questions or quizes (spelling, pronunciation and using the word) related to nouns (school, house and environment) in learning process by using YouTube videos.


4 Evaluating in learning process of vocabulary mastery by implementing YouTube videos.



5 Giving reward for individual/group in learning process to interest students’ attention.


6 Concluding lesson of vocabulary. 2

7 Closing the lesson. 2

Total 17

Percentage (%) 60,7% (Woro Widiastuti : 2011)

Based on the table above, the teaching and learning process was not

maximal. There were still some activities which must be improved. In addition,

there were also some activities that did not well and needed to be improved in the

next cycle. The researcher concluded that there are some activities that did not

perform well in learning activities. Moreover, the activities unachievable of

criteria the success ( > 70%).

The researcher gave the students a competence test to know the students’

achievements of the material during the teaching and learning process. Therefore,

in the first cycle, the researcher provided the information of the result in the

competence test such as the following:

4. Pronunciation in Cycle I

a) Students’ Pronunciation Percentage (House)

Table 4.12

No Classification Score Frequencies Percentage (%)

1 Excellent 9-10

2 Good 7-8 5 33,3% 3 Average 5-6 10 66,7% 4 Poor 3-4

5 Very Poor 0-2



15 100%

The table above showed that the score of the students increased in

pronunciation of nouns related to house. There were 5 (33,3%) students obtained

good and 10 (66,7%) students obtained average.

b) Students’ Pronunciation Percentage (School)

Table 4.13

No Classification Score Frequencies Percentage (%) 1 Excellent 9-10

2 Good 7-8 5 33,3% 3 Average 5-6 10 66,7% 4 Poor 3-4

5 Very poor 0-2 Total

15 100%

The table above showed that the score of the students increased in

pronunciation of nouns related to school. There were 5 (33,3%) students obtained

good and 10 (66,7%) students obtained average.

c) Students’ Pronunciation Percentage (Environment)

Table 4.14

No Classification Score Frequencies Percentage (%) 1 Excellent 9-10

2 Good 7-8 4 26,7% 3 Average 5-6 11 73,3% 4 Poor 3-4

5 Very poor 0-2 Total

15 100%


The table above showed that the score of the students increased in

pronunciation of nouns related to environment. There were 4 (26,7%) students

obtained good and 11 (73,3%) students obtained average.

The mean score of the ability test (pre-test) was 4.2 and in the first cycle it

increased to 6.15. This was considered as a average improvement of the students’

vocabulary (see appendix 6). However, the mean score was not successful until

the mean score of students reach 7 of 10.

5. Spelling in Cycle I

a) Students’ Spelling Percentage (House)

Table 4.15

No Classification Score Frequencies Percentage (%) 1 Excellent 9-10 3 20% 2 Good 7-8 7 46,6% 3 Average 5-6 4 26,7% 4 Poor 3-4 1 6,7% 5 Very Poor 0-2


15 100%

The table above showed that the score of the students increased in spelling

of nouns related to house. There were 3 (20%) students obtained excellent, 7

(46,6%) students obtained good, 4 (26,7%) students obtained average and 1

(6,7%) students obtained poor.


b) Students’ Spelling Percentage (School)

Table 4.16

No Classification Score Frequencies Percentage (%) 1 Excellent 9-10 2 13,3% 2 Good 7-8 5 33,3% 3 Average 5-6 4 26,7% 4 Poor 3-4 4 26,7% 5 Very Poor 0-2


15 100%

The table above showed that the score of the students increased in spelling

of nouns related to school. There were 2 (13,3%) students obtained excellent, 5

(33,3%) students obtained good, 4 (26,7%) students obtained average and 4

(26,7%) students obtained poor.

c) Students’ Spelling Percentage (Environment)

Table 4.17

No Classification Score Frequencies Percentage (%) 1 Excellent 9-10 1 6,7% 2 Good 7-8 4 26,7% 3 Average 5-6 6 40% 4 Poor 3-4 4 26,6% 5 Very Poor 0-2


15 100%

The table above showed that the score of the students increased in spelling

of nouns related to environment. There were 1 (6,7%) students obtained excellent,


4 (26,7%) students obtained good, 6 (40%) students obtained average and 4

(26,6%) students obtained poor.

The mean score of the ability test was 4.3 and in the first cycle it increased

to 6.33. This was considered as a average improvement of the students’

vocabulary (see appendix 7). However, the mean score was not successful until

the mean score of students reach 7 of 10.

6. The Use of Words in Cycle I

a) Students’ the Use of Words Percentage (House)

Table 4.18

No Classification Score Frequencies Percentage (%) 1 Excellent 9-10

2 Good 7-8 5 33,3% 3 Average 5-6 9 60% 4 Poor 3-4 1 6,7% 5 Very Poor 0-2


15 100%

The table above showed that the score of the students increased in using

the word of nouns related to house. There were 5 (33,3%) students obtained good,

9 (60%) students obtained average and 1 (6,7%) students obtained poor.

b) Students’ the Use of Words Percentage (School)

Table 4.19

No Classification Score Frequencies Percentage (%) 1 Excellent 9-10

2 Good 7-8 9 60% 3 Average 5-6 6 40%


4 Poor 3-4 5 Very Poor 0-2 Total

15 100%

The table above showed that the score of the students increased in using

the word of nouns related to school. There were 9 (60%) students obtained good

and 6 (40%) students obtained average.

c) Students’ the Use of Words Percentage (Environment)

Table 4.20

No Classification Score Frequencies Percentage (%) 1 Excellent 9-10

2 Good 7-8 10 66.7% 3 Average 5-6 5 33,3% 4 Poor 3-4

5 Very Poor 0-2 Total

15 100%

The table above showed that the score of the students increased in using the

word of nouns related to environment. There were 10 (66,7%) students obtained

good and 5 (33,3%) students obtained average.

The mean score of the ability test was 4.5 and in the first cycle it increased to

6.252. This was considered as an average improvement of the students’

vocabulary (see appendix 8). However, the mean score was not successful until

the mean score of students reached 7 of 10.


d. Reflection

Process and the result of a study in first cycle generally were analyzed,

reflected/evaluated, and stated that in one meeting teacher’ activities, students’

activities, and students’ scoring in vocabulary mastery did not completely run as

the lesson planning. As a result, the students’ outcome did not indicate a great

score as stated in research targets. Thus, based on the reflection, the researcher

changed kinds of YouTube videos for the next cycle. In the first cycle, starting

from the first meeting, the researcher applied conversation videos derived from

YouTube in teaching students' vocabulary. In the second meeting, the researcher

implemented "describing place" YouTube videos in teaching students' vocabulary.

Based on the comparison of both first and second meetings, it was found that

students preferred of “describing place” YouTube videos than “conversation”

YouTube videos. It indicated that the students were active as they comprehend the

video and interpret the point directly.

2. The Cycle II

This cycle contains three meetings. The first and the second the meeting

was used to teach the material and the third meeting was a competence test (post-

test). It was conducted on March, 10th, 13th, and 17th 2020. The explanation was

given below:


a. Plan

There are some general plans conducted by the teacher and the researcher

such as revising the material from “conversation” YouTube videos change with

"describing place" YouTube videos in teaching students' vocabulary, prepare tests,

design lesson plans, and providing an observation sheet.

b. Action

1) The First Meeting

The first meeting of the first cycle conducted on March 10th, 2020 started

from 07.30 until 08.30 in the morning. In this meeting, the researcher taught the

vocabulary by watching YouTube videos in short movie of “describing place” to

promote student vocabulary related to the environment of nouns. Therefore, these

videos similar like the video in the first cycle at the second meeting. The steps

applied in this learning process cover: First, the researcher greeted and built

students’ spirit to make their confidence, and then the researcher checked students'

attendance. Second, the researcher began the lesson by asking the students’

vocabulary and reminded the vocabulary in the first cycle. Third, the researcher

gave a few minutes to explain the role and purpose of the teaching and learning

process. Fourth, the researcher showed YouTube videos. Fifth, the researcher

asked the students to identify the nouns from YouTube videos and wrote the

nouns in their book. Sixth, the researcher invited the student to pronounce the


noun after watching YouTube videos. The researcher repeated to show the

vocabulary of nouns until three times.

2) The Second Meeting

The second meeting in the second cycle was conducted on March 13th, 2020

started from 07.30 until 08.30 in the morning. This meeting was similar to the

previous meeting, but the meeting focused in learning the nouns relate to the

house by watching the YouTube videos in the short movie “describing place”. The

steps applied in this learning process cover: First, the researcher greeted and built

students’ spirit to make their confidence, and then the researcher checked students'

attendance. Second, the researcher began the lesson by asking the students’

vocabulary in the previous meeting. Third, the researcher gave a few minutes to

explain the role and purpose of the teaching and learning process. Fourth, the

researcher showed YouTube videos. Fifth, the researcher asked students to

identify the nouns from YouTube videos and wrote the nouns in their book. Sixth,

the researcher invited the student to pronounce the noun after watching YouTube

videos. The last, the researcher repeated to show the nouns until three times from

YouTube videos.

c. Observation

In the first and second meetings, the researcher observed the teaching and

learning process. The Students observed how they worked individually or together

to understand the materials. How were the condition and situation in the class by


applying of YouTube videos and to know the improvement of the students’

achievement and to see whether YouTube videos might improve the students’

vocabulary. The researcher used observation sheet such as student’ and teacher’

activities as follows:51

1) The result of observation toward students’ activities Table 4.21

No Students’ Activities Score

1 Using YouTube videos short movie, students are able to answer the question during learning process.


2 Using YouTube videos short movie, students are able to understand the meaning of vocabulary like, sentence, word, etc.


3 Using YouTube videos short movie, students are able to spell the word (wrote a word, they find in the videos).


4 Using YouTube videos short movie, (repeat a word from YouTube videos) students are able to pronounce the word.


5 Using YouTube videos short movie, students are able to use the word correctly (from the text/sentences in YouTube videos).


6 Using YouTube videos short movie, students are able to promote vocabulary of nouns.


7 Using YouTube videos short movie, students can memorize the vocabulary.


Total 25 Percentage (%) 89,2%

2) The result of observation toward teacher’s activities

Table 4.22 No Teacher’ Activities Score

1 Starting lesson by showing YouTube videos to students in teaching vocabulary.


51Ibid., p. 65.


2 Explaining YouTube videos or vocabulary materials that will be taught to students in teaching vocabulary.


3 Giving questions or quizes (spelling, pronunciation and using the word) related to nouns (school, house and environment) in learning process by using YouTube videos.


4 Evaluating in learning process of vocabulary mastery by implementing YouTube videos.


5 Giving reward for individual/group in learning process to interest students’ attention.


6 Concluding lesson of vocabulary. 4

7 Closing the lesson. 4 Total 27

Percentage (%) 96,4% (Woro Widiastuti : 2011)

Based on the table of observation above, the table showed that there were

significant increasing at students’ behavior in the class especially in the aspects of

learning activities and interaction in learning process to measure the students’

vocabulary. The researcher gave the students a competence test to know the

students’ achievements of the material during teaching and learning process.

Therefore, in the second cycle, the researcher provided the information of the

result in the competence test; it can be seen as follows:

1. Pronunciation in Cycle II

a) Students’ Pronunciation Percentage (House)

Table 4.23

No Classification Score Frequencies Percentage (%)

1 Excellent 9-10 4 26,7%

2 Good 7-8 11 73,3% 3 Average 5-6


4 Poor 3-4

5 Very Poor 0-2


15 100%

The table above showed that the score of the students increased

pronunciation of nouns related to house. There were 4 (26,7%) students obtained

excellent and 11 (73,3%) students obtained good.

b) Students’ Pronunciation Percentage (School)

Table 4.24

No Classification Score Frequencies Percentage (%) 1 Excellent 9-10 8 53,3% 2 Good 7-8 7 46,7% 3 Average 5-6

4 Poor 3-4 5 Very poor 0-2 Total

15 100%

The table above showed that the score of the students increased

pronunciation of nouns related to school. There were 8 (53,3%) students obtained

excellent and 7 (46,7%) students obtained good.

c) Students’ Pronunciation Percentage (Environment)

Table 4.25

No Classification Score Frequencies Percentage (%) 1 Excellent 9-10 10 66,7% 2 Good 7-8 5 33,3% 3 Average 5-6

4 Poor 3-4 5 Very poor 0-2



15 100%

The table above showed that the score of the students increased

pronunciation of nouns related to environment. There were 10 (66,7%) students

obtained excellent and 5 (33,3%) students obtained good.

The mean score of the ability test in the first cycle was 6.16 and in the

second cycle it increased to 8.47 (see appendix 13). This was considered as a good

improvement of the students’ vocabulary. As the result, the mean score was


2. Spelling in Cycle II

a) Students’ Spelling Percentage (House)

Table 4.26

No Classification Score Frequencies Percentage (%) 1 Excellent 9-10 10 66,7% 2 Good 7-8 5 33,3% 3 Average 5-6

4 Poor 3-4 5 Very Poor 0-2 Total

15 100%

The table above showed that the score of the students increased spelling of

nouns related to house. There were 10 (66,7%) students obtained excellent and 5

(33,3%) students obtained good.


b) Students’ Spelling Percentage (School)

Table 4.27

No Classification Score Frequencies Percentage (%) 1 Excellent 9-10 7 46,7% 2 Good 7-8 8 53,3% 3 Average 5-6

4 Poor 3-4 5 Very Poor 0-2 Total

15 100%

The table above showed that the score of the students increased spelling of

nouns related to school. There were 7 (46,7%) students obtained excellent and 8

(53,3%) students obtained good.

c) Students’ Spelling Percentage (Environment)

Table 4.28

No Classification Score Frequencies Percentage (%) 1 Excellent 9-10 12 80% 2 Good 7-8 3 20% 3 Average 5-6

4 Poor 3-4 5 Very Poor 0-2 Total

15 100%

The table above showed that the score of the students increased spelling of

nouns related to environment. There were 12 (80%) students obtained excellent

and 3 (20%) students obtained good.


The mean score of the ability test in the first cycle was 6.43 and in the

second cycle it increased to 8.63 (see appendix 14). This was considered as a good

improvement of the students’ vocabulary. As the result, the mean score was


3. The Use of Words in Cycle II

a) Students’ the Use of Words Percentage (House)

Table 4.29

No Classification Score Frequencies Percentage (%) 1 Excellent 9-10 7 46,7% 2 Good 7-8 8 53,3% 3 Average 5-6

4 Poor 3-4 5 Very Poor 0-2 Total

15 100%

The table above showed that the score of the students increased using the

word of nouns related to house. There were 7 (46,7%) students obtained excellent

and 8 (53,3%) students obtained good.

b) Students’ the Use of Words Percentage (School)

Table 4.30

No Classification Score Frequencies Percentage (%) 1 Excellent 9-10 7 46,7% 2 Good 7-8 8 53,3% 3 Average 5-6

4 Poor 3-4 5 Very Poor 0-2 Total

15 100%


The table above showed that the score of the students increased using the

word of nouns related to school. There were 7 (46,7%) students obtained excellent

and 8 (53,3%) students obtained good.

c) Students’ Using the Word Percentage (Environment)

Table 4.31

No Classification Score Frequencies Percentage (%) 1 Excellent 9-10 12 80% 2 Good 7-8 3 20% 3 Average 5-6

4 Poor 3-4 5 Very Poor 0-2 Total

15 100%

The table above showed that the score of the students increased using the

word of nouns related to environment. There were 12 (80%) students obtained

excellent and 3 (20%) students obtained good.

The mean score of the ability test in the first cycle was 6.5 and in the

second cycle it increased to 8.61 (see appendix 15). This was considered as a good

improvement of the students’ vocabulary. As the result, the mean score was


d. Reflection

In this stage, the result of this study was analyzed and reflected/evaluated

to achieve research findings. Based on the reflection, it indicated that students'


outcomes performed a great score as stated in the indicator of research success. It

meant that students were successful in enhancing their vocabulary mastery

through YouTube videos. As stated in the research criteria, students achieved a

mean score of over 7.0 points. Therefore, the researcher assumed to stop the

action because the research was well conducted.

B. Discussion

The researcher explained the implementation of YouTube videos to

promote students’ vocabulary mastery.

Munassir Alhamami stipulated that language teachers used different media

that increased students’ interaction in the classroom such as videos.52 In addition,

the implementation of YouTube videos in vocabulary learning provided many

benefits for students’ especially learning vocabulary. Furthermore, the vocabulary

was a fundamental aspect of English learning. The implementation of YouTube

videos in learning and teaching vocabulary facilitated the delivery of messages

from the vocabulary and easy to understand by students. Supported by Bethany

who used YouTube, it was a proven to be effective way to convey information to


YouTube videos were the effective media in teaching vocabulary mastery;

this was supported by Wael Abdulrahman. He said the learning of foreign words

with YouTube videos made it be easier and memorable especially teaching the

52Munassir Alhamami.,ibid.,p.22. 53 Bethany., ibid., p. 29.


English language. In addition, YouTube videos were more effective in increasing

students’ knowledge in vocabulary mastery. It proved by the result of every test

that has done by students. The conclusion of the ability test in each cycle as


Table 4.32 The Raising of Students’ Score in ability test (Pre-test), Cycle I & II

Classification Indicator Mean Score

Ability test (pre-test)

Mean score students’ pronunciation 4.07 Mean score students’spelling 4.62 Mean score students’ the use of words 5.01

Cycle I (post-test)

Mean score students’ pronunciation 6.15

Mean score students’spelling 6.33 Mean score students’ the use of words 6.252

Cycle II (post-test)

Mean score students’ pronunciation 8.47 Mean score students’spelling 8.63 Mean score students’ the use of words 8.61

Figure 4.2 Graphs Mean Score of students’ Vocabulary

Based on the Figure 4.2 the students’ outcome in two cycles indicated that

the implementation of YouTube to promote students’ vocabulary in two cycles















Ability test (pre-test) Cycle I (post-test) Cycle II (post-test)

Pronunciation Score Spelling Score The Use of Words


show that there was a significant result obtained in mean score of students’

vocabulary mastery. This result proved that applying YouTube videos were

appropriately able to promote students’ vocabulary mastery.

Consequently, the teaching and learning process in this study was able to

promote the students’ vocabulary by implementing YouTube videos in short

movie especially students’ ploblems of nouns releated to house, school and

environment in the ninth grade student of Al-Kamal NW. These findings were

supported by the research result stated in pre-test and post-test that there was the

improvement of students’ scores that higher than the passing grade, 70.

In the findings of this research showed that the students recognized the

words given easily since they learned by using YouTube videos because it does

not only showed the words but also represented its pictures, sound, etc. It was

supported by the article entitled “Learning Vocabulary through Authentic Video

and Subtitles” 54 that the YouTube videos in this study are the combination of

sounds, images, and text (in the form of subtitles). Subtitles were used together

with authentic video to improve the recognition of the words and vocabulary

mastery in English learning.

54Noa Talavan, “Learning Vocabulary through Authentic Video and Subtitles”, Journal of

Newsletter, Vol. 5, No. 8. 2007, p. 31


By watching a video several times, the students were able to learn by

imitation the words.55 This statement supports the research finding that students

were able to mention words given before easily because they have memorized

them in their minds. Moreover, the students watched vocabulary shown on the

videos; it was easier for them to memorize it.

In this study, the findings also showed that the students were able to

understand the meaning of words easily. Wade stated in Dahlia Manurung that

visual image of video helped to convey meaning.56 Similarly, Wilson suggested

that images contextualized in video helped to reinforce language learning

provided the students immediate the meaning in terms of vocabulary


By applying YouTube videos in the teaching-learning process, the students

were able to learn by practicing the exercise was given. Supported by Dahlia

Manurung from videos the students were able to improve their pronunciation by

listening to the language of native speakers and imitating the word.58 While in

spelling and using the word, the findings showed that the students were able to

practice writing directly as guided by YouTube videos. First, the teacher asked

students to write the word they already heard and checked together by watching

55Julita, “Improving Students’ Vocabulary Through Clustering Technique at the Third

Year of SMPN 1 Ladong”, (Thesis, The Degree of Master English Language Teaching, Makassar, 2011), p. 85.

56Dahlia Manurung.,ibid.,p.45 57Bethany., ibid.,p.13 58Dahlia Manurung.,ibid.,p.45


its spelling shown on a video. In addition, by implementing YouTube videos as

media in teaching vocabulary mastery it could encourage a better understanding

and acquisition of new vocabulary.

Supported by Wiman and Mierhenry in Munassir Alhamami stated that

people would generally remember: 10% of what they read; 20% of what they

heared; 30% of what they saw; and 50% of what they heard and saw. Based on

the theory, it demonstrated that applying YouTube videos good progress in

teaching and learning the vocabulary mastery. In addition, this research was

declared successfully to achieve the indicator of research success and considered

producing a good improvement in students' outcomes.




A. Conclusion

Based on the findings and discussion, the implementation of YouTube

videos in promoting vocabulary at the ninth grade student of SMP IT Al–Kamal

NW have positive results on students’ vocabulary especially hypothesis in this

research proved the implemention of YouTube videos in teaching and learning

process can promote students’ vocabulary mastery such as the students can

improve their pronunciation by listening to the language of native speakers and

imitating the word. In the spelling and using the word, the students can practice

writing directly as guided by YouTube videos. The progress can include: 1)

students can spell the word correctly, 2) students are able to pronounce the word

correctly, 3) students can use the words correctly, and 4) students can memorize

the word.

The result of in the first cycle and the second cycle were:

1. The mean scores of students in pronunciation pre-test was 4.07 points which

increased to 6.15 in cycle I and 8.47 in cycle II.

2. The mean scores of students in spelling pre-test was 4.62 points which

increased to 6.33 in the cycle I and 8.63 in cycle II.


3. The mean scores of students in the use of words pre-test was 5.01 points which

increased to 6.252 in cycle I and 8.61 in cycle II. Those results categorized as a

positive contribution towards students’ vocabulary mastery.

B. Suggestion

Based on the research findings, the researcher offers some suggestions such as the


1. Teachers

The researcher suggests to English teachers should be able to choose

appropriate media for teaching vocabulary to overcome the problems in the

classroom such as using YouTube. Furthermore, this media make the students

focuses and interest in the classroom. In addition, the researcher hopes this

research can be a reference in the teaching and learning process to promote

students' vocabulary.

2. Readers

The researcher hopes this thesis can be useful not only for the English

teachers and the other researcher but also to the reader of this thesis to increase the

knowledge. In addition, the researcher reminds the readers about the importance

of English especially in teaching vocabulary by using YouTube.

3. Other Researchers

In this research, there are many aspects that have not been covered in this

research that is why the researcher hopes the other researcher discusses the media


by using other reliable or different subjects and can be a reference for other

researchers to study how the implementation of YouTube videos as a media for

vocabulary mastery.



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Appendix 1: Pictures I


A. Vocabulary Instruction in Cycle I

Teaching using YouTube videos Activities in classroom

B. Vocabulary Examination in Cycle I

Proununciation examination spelling examination

Using the word examination

Appendix 2: Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)


Education Unit : SMP (Junior High School)

Topic : Conversation/Monolog materi tentang kosakata kata benda

berkaitan tentang rumah, sekolah dan lingkungan (short


Class / Semester : IX- I B ( 2)

Skill : Vocabulary nouns

Time Allocation : 2 x 45 Minutes

A. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

KI-3 : Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif pada tingkat teknis dan spesifik sederhana berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, dan kenegaraan terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

KI -4 : Menunjukkan keterampilan menalar, mengolah, dan menyaji secara kreatif, produktif, kritis, mandiri, kolaboratif, dan komunikatif, dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

3.1. Menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan unsur ke bahasaan dari YouTube video terkait aktivitas di sekolah, rumah dan lingkungan.

3.1.1. Mengidentifikasi benda melalui YouTube video yang di berikan guru.

3.1.2. Menentukan jenis benda yang ada di sekolah, rumah dan lingkungan melalui Youtube video.

3.1.3. Menuliskan kosakata benda yang ada di sekolah, rumah dan

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi benda melalui YouTube video yang di berikan

guru. 2. Siswa dapat menentukan jenis benda yang ada di sekolah, rumah dan

lingkungan luar sekolah melalui Youtube video. 3. Siswa dapat menuliskan kosakata benda yang ada di sekolah, rumah dan

lingkungan luar sekolah di buku. 4. Siswa dapat mempraktikan kosakata kata benda ( ejaan, pengucapkan dan

penggunaan kata) yang sudah di tulis di buku. 5. Siswa dapat menghafal kosakata yang di tulis.

D. Materi Pembelajaran

1. First Meeting My Home

A : Hi guys! Welcome to my home, I’m so happy you’re here.

B : Hi kate, this neighboorhood so quiet and peaceful, I love it.

lingkungan luar sekolah di buku.

4.1. Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait dengan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan dari video YouTube terkait aktivitas di sekolah, rumah dan lingkungan.

4.1.1. Mempraktikan kosakata( ejaan, pengucapkan dan penggunaan kata) yang sudah di tulis di buku.

4.1.2.Menghafal kosakata yang di di tulis dan mempraktikanya di luar kelas melalui tugas luar kelas.

A : Yeah I so happy to live here. Please come in,! can’t wait to show my new house.

The hallway is really bright and spacious! I like it very much. Lets me show you

the downstairs room. Please follow me. This is the living room with the TV and

speakers, a coffee table in the middle, the sofa, and two armchairs.

B :Wow ! I love the color. It looks gorgeous.! I can see you have nice family photos


A :Yes, that right. Let's move to the next room. This is the dining room. We use it

mostly to special occasions. We usually the eat kitchen.

B :The table is really large and chairs so elegant. I see there the tablecloth on the

table. Are you expecting guests tonight?

A :That right my grandfather are coming tonight. So we are gonna have dinner

tonight. So come on lets me show you the kitchen now. So, this my beautiful

kitchen. My favorite mom’s area of the house.

B :Wow, I think it’s lovely.

A :It not too big, but we have everything we need, a sink, a stove, a dishwasher, a

microwave, and a fridge. We also have many cupboard and drawer, Let's go to

the nest room, study room. This is the study room, I come here, when I want read

the book.

B :There are so many interesting books. In the bookcase.

A :I can land you book if you like, jimmy.

B :Do you usually do homework here?

A :No, I always do homework in my bedroom, if my father work he come here and

open the laptop. This is a downstars bathroom.

B :I look very nice. I can see only a washer here, there is no bathtub. The bathtubs

are in the upstairs bathroom. Let see another room: my basement. This is my

special room in rec room. Have seat , please.

A :What is rec room.

B :It means recreation room we used to free time. My father always play billiard

with his friends here. And we also watch TV and play another game here.

A :It’s is laundry room. It pretty small. Here we keep washing machine. The laundry

basket, ironing board and iron. The cleaning tools and the boiler. And here is

garage. We also keep our bike and some other stuff, besides the car. Upstairs we

have three bedrooms with their own bathroom. lets me show you my bedroom.

B :Wow , this is the badroom is attic. It so fantastic.

A :Yes this the under the roof. So the ceiling so very near the wall and hight the


B :You have many great posters in the wall. Whos this is the guitar,? Can I paly

some songs?

A :Its mine you may ,sure. This is my bathroom, this is my bathtub.

B :It so cool you have bathroom inside your bedroom. I love this view from

balcony. And the flowers are beautiful .

A :This is backyard we have a small vegetable garden here. I love eating fresh

vegetables from my garden.

B :What a cute shed you have here! What you keep inside?

A :We keep garden tools here and the lawnmower. Swing, barbeque, gazebo, and


B :Wow you hause so coolly. I like your house.

My school day

Students :The bell is ringing, class is about to start. We should go inside.

Teacher :Good morning everyone.

Students :Good morning teacher.

Teacher :How are you today.

Students :We are fine. Thanks.

Teacher :I so happy to hear that.

Students :Teacher, may I open the window?

Teacher :Certainly, it's very hot in the classroom today.

Teacher :Please open your book! And write down in your book the


Students :Excuse me, teacher, can I borrow the pencil in my classmates?

Teacher :Yes, you may.

Teacher :Kate, please come to the whiteboard.

Students :I’m so sorry teacher, I dropped my pencil case.

Teacher :It’s ok. Please, pick it up.

Teacher :Who want to clean the whiteboard with this eraser.

Students :Bell is ringing for taking a rest. This is my locker where I keep my

backpack and all my stuff.

Teacher :Wait Clara. Your paper ball belongs to you. Please pick it up and

throw in a trash can.

Students :This is my classroom and my classmates. The teacher is coming.

Teacher :Let's start with absent. Kate, I glad you’re back to school. You are

absent for three days. What happened?

Students :I was pretty sick. But I'm OK, now.

Teacher :I’m glad to hear that. Do you have a doctor’s note?

Students :Yes, teacher.

Teacher :Ok class. You are supposed to do some book reports for today. I

want to collect them now.

Students :Yes teacher.

Teacher :Ok now class. take out your book and turn to page 35.

Students :Our second class is science. My favorite subject.

Teacher :Ok student see the globe and plot is made of ice and rock.

Students :Now time to recces and lunchtime. We have lunch at the school

cafeteria at 12:15.

Students :Ok students, the last subject now is Math.

Teacher :Thanks for today, students. See you.

2. Second Meeting


Field, you can see sheep in the field, Sky, the sky is clear,

Sun, the sun is shining brigtly,

Moon and starts, they come out at night,

Cloud, therea re cloud in the sky,

Grass, the sheep in the field are eating the grees

Three, leaves, there are leaves in the three

Mountaints, you can see a range of mountains in the distance.

Rain,rainbow, river, rocks, flowers, the field is full of wild flowers.

Bridge, the man is crossing the bridge,

Street, he is walking down the street

Lake, a man fishing in the lake,

Plants, there are many plants around the lake,

Hill.....,pond, ....lily pad....,

water lily, mushrooms, some people like gathering wild mushrooms.

Forest, many plants and animals in the forest, stream....,etc.

E. Metode Pembelajaran Metode Pembelajaran : discussion F. Media Pembelajaran Media:

YouTube Videos G. Alat dan Bahan : LCD, Laptop dan Speaker. H. Sumber Belajar ( school ) ( house ) ( environment )

I. Kegiatan Pembelajaran a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan (5 menit) Peserta didik dan guru saling memberikan salam.

Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik. Peserta didik diberikan apersepsi dengan mengaitkan materi yang akan

dipelajari. Peserta didik diberikan penjelasan terkait tujuan pembelajaran menggunakan

YouTube video Guru mempersiapkan laptop, LCD dan YouTube video. b. Kegiatan Inti (45 menit)

Dengan bantuan dari YouTube video yang diberikan guru, peserta didik diberikan penjelasan terkait kosakata yang akan di tulis, difahami makna nya, ejaanya, pengucapan dan pengunaan kata tsb.

35 Menit

Peserta didik di arahkan bertanya tentang penjelasan yang belum di fahami.

Peserta didik di arahkan menonton YouTube video tentang film pendek yang disediakan oleh guru dan mencari kata benda yang berkaitan dengan rumah, sekolah dan lingkungan.

Peserta didik di arahkan untuk menulis kosakata kata benda (nouns) yang di temukan di YouTube video berkaitan dengan rumah, sekolah dan lingkungan.

Setelah menonton YouTube video Peserta didik mempersentasikan (spelling, prounounce and how to use) kosakata yang mereka dapatkan dari YouTube video.

Guru mengajarkan cara pengucapan , ejaan, dan penggunaan kata yang benar dengan memutar video ulang. Guru mengarahkan siswa untuk menghafal kosakata yang di dapatkan dari YouTube video dan akan di cek oleh guru.

10 Menit

c. Kegiatan Penutup (10 menit) Peserta didik diberikan feedback terkait materi yang dipelajari.

Peserta didik dengan bimbingan guru menyimpulkan materi yang sudah dipelajari terkait dengan kosakata yang sudah di dapatkan dari YouTube video

Refleksi dilakukan guru dengan menayakan peserta didik apakah ada hal baru yang mereka pelajari dari pembelajaran saat ini.

Peserta didik dan guru berdoa bersama-sama.

Peserta didik dan guru menutup pertemuan saat ini dengan saling memberi salam.

J. Pedoman Penilainan : 1. Rumus individu Score ∶ student′correct answertotal number of item X

2. Rumus persentasi dan frekuensi % = fN X %

Notation: %: Percentage F: Frequency N: The Total Number of Students

3. Rumus nilai rata-rata X̅ = ∑xN

Notation: X ̅̅ ̅̅ : Mean Score ∑x: The Sum of All Score N : The Number of Students

Jum’at, 28 Februari 2020


Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris Peneliti,

(Dini Kartika, S.Pd) ( Sofyan Hidayat )


Appendix 3: Data of prounounciation in pre-test

Indicator of materials in pronunciation test (Pre-Test) House School Environment

1. Pillow 1. Blackboard 1. Tree 2. Table 2. Globe 2. Sun 3. Plate 3. Calk 3. Flowers 4. Glass 4. Eraser 4. Sun 5. Photos 5. Chairs 5. Sand 6. Blanket 6. Marker 6. Stone 7. Sandals 7. Locker 7. Ground 8. Cupboard 8. Pen 8. Lake 9. Bathroom 9. Pencil Case 9. River 10. Radio 10. Broom 10. Grass

A. Check Ability (Pre-Test) Appendix 4: Pronunciation Score

Score of Pre-Test

No Name of Students Students’ pronunciation score

School House Environment Sum Percentage

1 Amaliya Irmayani 4 4 4 12 / 3 4

2 Asma Harira Salsabila 4 3 3 10 / 3 3.3

3 Bq. Putry Chandra Musticka 3 5 4 12 / 3 4

4 Diana Lestari 7 5 5 17 / 3 5.67

5 Erna Widia 5 4 4 13 / 3 4.3

6 Hesti Widiya Ningsih 3 2 1 6 / 3 2

7 Isri Tira Damayanti 4 4 2 10 / 3 3.3

8 Melza Febrliana 5 5 4 14 / 3 4.67

9 Muffidatul Hikmah 6 4 3 13 / 3 4.3

10 Nezhira Amalia 6 4 4 14 / 3 4.67

11 Nispi Mardiah 5 4 4 13 / 3 4.3

12 Nisrin Aprilia 6 6 5 17 / 3 5.67

13 Selpiana 4 2 3 9 / 3 3

14 Suci Dasniyani 5 4 4 13 / 3 4.3

15 Winda Amelia Putri Lestari 5 3 3 11 / 3 3.67

Sum (%) 61.15 / 15 Mean score 4.07

1. Deciding Mean Score by formula as follows:

X̅ = ∑xN

Notation: X ̅̅ ̅̅ : Mean Score ∑x: The Sum of All Score N : The Number of Students

X̅ = .15 = 4.07

Mean score: 4.07

(Arikunto, 1997)

Appendix 5: Spelling Score

Score of Pre-Test

No Name of Students Students’ Spelling score

School House Environment Sum Percentage

1 Amaliya Irmayani 5 6 6 17 / 3 5.67

2 Asma Harira Salsabila 2 3 5 10 / 3 3.3

3 Bq. Putry Chandra Musticka 6 6 7 19 / 3 6.3

4 Diana Lestari 5 5 6 16 / 3 5.3

5 Erna Widia 4 6 5 15 / 3 5

6 Hesti Widiya Ningsih 5 3 2 10 / 3 3.3

7 Isri Tira Damayanti 4 4 5 13 / 3 4.3

8 Melza Febrliana 6 5 6 17 / 3 5.67

9 Muffidatul Hikmah 6 5 4 15 / 3 5

10 Nezhira Amalia 6 6 6 18 / 3 6

11 Nispi Mardiah 5 3 2 10 / 3 3.3

12 Nisrin Aprilia 6 5 4 15 / 3 5

13 Selpiana 4 4 4 12 / 3 4

14 Suci Dasniyani 5 4 3 12 / 3 4

15 Winda Amelia Putri Lestari 5 3 2 10 / 3 3.3

Sum (%) 69.44 / 15 Mean score 4.62

2. Deciding Mean Score by formula as follows:

X̅ = ∑xN

Notation: X ̅̅ ̅̅ : Mean Score ∑x: The Sum of All Score N : The Number of Students

X̅ = .15 = 4.62

Mean score: 4.62

(Arikunto, 1997

Appendix 6: The use of words score Score of Pre-Test

No Name of Students Students’ score the use of words

School House Environment Sum Percentage

1 Amaliya Irmayani 6 5 5 16 / 3 5.3

2 Asma Harira Salsabila 5 4 5 14 / 3 4.67

3 Bq. Putry Chandra Musticka 6 6 4 16 / 3 5.3

4 Diana Lestari 5 4 4 13 / 3 4.3

5 Erna Widia 6 5 6 17 / 3 5.67

6 Hesti Widiya Ningsih 5 5 5 15 / 3 5

7 Isri Tira Damayanti 4 5 3 12 / 3 4

8 Melza Febrliana 6 7 4 17 / 3 5.67

9 Muffidatul Hikmah 6 6 5 17 / 3 5.67

10 Nezhira Amalia 5 5 4 14 / 3 4.67

11 Nispi Mardiah 5 6 6 17 / 3 5.67

12 Nisrin Aprilia 6 6 5 17 / 3 5.67

13 Selpiana 4 6 3 13 / 3 4.3

14 Suci Dasniyani 5 6 3 14 / 3 4.67

15 Winda Amelia Putri Lestari 5 5 4 14 / 3 4.67

Sum (%) 75.23 / 15 Mean score 5.01

3. Deciding Mean Score by formula as follows:

X̅ = ∑xN

Notation: X ̅̅ ̅̅ : Mean Score ∑x: The Sum of All Score N : The Number of Students

X̅ = .15 = 5.01

Mean score: 5.01

(Arikunto, 1997)

Appendix 7: Data pronunciation in cycle I

Indicator of materials in pronunciation test (Cycle I)

House School Environment 1. Dining Room 1. Trash can 1. Sea 2. Bathroom 2. Window 2. Grass 3. Clock 3. Exercise 3. Tree 4. Photos 4. Cafetaria 4. Sun 5. Stove 5. Book 5. Mountains 6. Fridge 6. Bell 6. Mushrooms 7. Table 7. Locker 7. Flowers 8. Kitchen 8. Paper 8. Rainbow 9. Bedroom 9. Pencil case 9. Bridge 10. Bikes 10. Classroom 10. Field


Appendix 8: Pronunciation Score

Score of Cycle I

No Name of Students Students’ pronunciation score

School House Environment Sum Percentage

1 Amaliya Irmayani 7 7 7 21 / 3 7

2 Asma Harira Salsabila 7 7 6 20 / 3 6.67

3 Bq. Putry Chandra Musticka 7 6 6 19 / 3 6.3

4 Diana Lestari 6 5 6 17 / 3 5.67

5 Erna Widia 6 7 6 19 / 3 6.3

6 Hesti Widiya Ningsih 6 6 6 18 / 3 6

7 Isri Tira Damayanti 6 8 7 21 / 3 7

8 Melza Febrliana 6 6 5 17 / 3 5.67

9 Muffidatul Hikmah 5 6 7 18 / 3 6

10 Nezhira Amalia 5 5 8 18 / 3 6

11 Nispi Mardiah 7 7 6 20 / 3 6.7

12 Nisrin Aprilia 7 6 6 19 / 3 6.3

13 Selpiana 6 5 6 17 / 3 5.67

14 Suci Dasniyani 6 5 6 17 / 3 5.67

15 Winda Amelia Putri Lestari 6 5 5 16 / 3 5.3

Sum (%) 92.25 / 15 Mean score 6.15

1. Deciding Mean Score by formula as follows:

X̅ = ∑xN

Notation: X ̅̅ ̅̅ : Mean Score ∑x: The Sum of All Score N : The Number of Students

X̅ = .15 = 6.15

Mean score: 6.15

(Arikunto, 1997)

Appendix 9: Spelling Score

Score of Cycle I

No Name of Students Students’ spelling score

School House Environment Sum Percentage

1 Amaliya Irmayani 8 8 8 24 / 3 8

2 Asma Harira Salsabila 4 6 4 14 / 3 4.67

3 Bq. Putry Chandra Musticka 6 7 5 18 / 3 6

4 Diana Lestari 4 3 4 11 / 3 3.67

5 Erna Widia 7 7 6 20 / 3 6.67

6 Hesti Widiya Ningsih 8 9 6 23 / 3 7.67

7 Isri Tira Damayanti 8 8 8 24 / 3 8

8 Melza Febrliana 4 6 5 15 / 3 5

9 Muffidatul Hikmah 4 6 4 14 / 3 4.67

10 Nezhira Amalia 7 8 6 21 / 3 7

11 Nispi Mardiah 9 9 8 26 / 3 8.67

12 Nisrin Aprilia 6 7 5 18 / 3 6

13 Selpiana 9 9 8 26 / 3 8.67

14 Suci Dasniyani 5 5 3 13 / 3 4.3

15 Winda Amelia Putri Lestari 6 7 5 18 / 3 6

Sum (%) 94.99 / 15 Mean score 6.33

2. Deciding Mean Score by formula as follows:

X̅ = ∑xN

Notation: X ̅̅ ̅̅ : Mean Score ∑x: The Sum of All Score

N : The Number of Students

X̅ = .15 = 6.33

Mean score: 6.33

(Arikunto, 1997)

Appendix 10: The use of words score Score of Cycle I

No Name of Students Students’ score the use of words

School House Environment Sum Percentage

1 Amaliya Irmayani 8 7 8 23 / 3 7.67

2 Asma Harira Salsabila 7 6 5 18 / 3 6

3 Bq. Putry Chandra Musticka 7 5 5 17 / 3 5.67

4 Diana Lestari 5 5 6 16 / 3 5.3

5 Erna Widia 7 7 7 21 / 3 7

6 Hesti Widiya Ningsih 7 5 7 19 / 3 6.3

7 Isri Tira Damayanti 7 8 7 22 / 3 7.3

8 Melza Febrliana 6 4 7 17 / 3 5.67

9 Muffidatul Hikmah 5 5 5 15 / 3 5

10 Nezhira Amalia 5 7 7 19 / 3 6.3

11 Nispi Mardiah 7 7 7 21 / 3 7

12 Nisrin Aprilia 5 5 7 17 / 3 5.67

13 Selpiana 7 6 7 20 / 3 6.6

14 Suci Dasniyani 7 5 6 18 / 3 6

15 Winda Amelia Putri Lestari 6 6 7 19 / 3 6.3

Sum (%) 93.78 / 15 Mean score 6.252

3. Deciding Mean Score by formula as follows:

X̅ = ∑xN

Notation: X ̅̅ ̅̅ : Mean Score ∑x: The Sum of All Score N : The Number of Students

X̅ = .15 = 6.252

Mean score: 6.252

(Arikunto, 1997)

Appendix 11: Observations Sheet in Cycle I

A. First Meeting in Cycle I

a) Deciding students and teacher activities percentage by

formula as follows:

1) First Meeting in Cycle I (Students activities)

Percentage of Activities: Total Score x 100% Score max

%: 16 x 100% 28

Students activities = 57,1%

2) First Meeting in Cycle I (Teacher activities)

Percentage of Activities: Total Score x 100% Score max

%: 16 x 100% 28

Teacher activities = 57,1%

(Julita, 2011)

B. Second Meeting in Cycle I

a) Deciding students and teacher activities percentage by

formula as follows:

1) Second Meeting in Cycle I (Students activities)

Percentage of Activities: Total Score x 100% Score max

%: 17 x 100% 28

Students activities = 60.7%

2) Second Meeting in Cycle I (Teacher activities)

Percentage of Activities: Total Score x 100% Score max

%: 17 x 100% 28

Teacher activities = 60,7%

(Julita, 2011)

Appendix 12: Examination in Cycle I (Post-Test)

A. Spelling and Pronunciation Tests 1) Pronunciation test.

House School Environment 1. Dining Room 1. Trash can 1. Sea 2. Bathroom 2. Window 2. Grass 3. Clock 3. Exercise 3. Tree 4. Photos 4. Cafetaria 4. Sun 5. Stove 5. Book 5. Mountains 6. Fridge 6. Bell 6. Mushrooms 7. Table 7. Locker 7. Flowers 8. Kitchen 8. Paper 8. Rainbow 9. Bedroom 9. Pencil case 9. Bridge 10. Bikes 10. Classroom 10. Field

2) Spelling test.

House School Environment 1. Bikes 1. Paper 1. Grees 2. Bathroom 2. Window 2. Field 3. Bedroom 3. Classroom 3. Flowers 4. Stove 4. Cafetaria 4. Sun 5. Clock 5. Bell 5. Bridge 6. Table 6. Trash can 6. Mushrooms 7. Fridge 7. Locker 7. Sea 8. Kitchen 8. Exercise 8. Rainbow 9. Photos 9. Pencil case 9. Tree 10. Dining Room 10. Book 10. Mountains

Nama :

Kelas :

No. Absen :

B. Using the words (school)

1. Student A: Will you go with me to the _____ to lunch? Student B: Of course.

a. Stadium b. Cafetaria c. Classroom d. Theater

2. We need _____ for bring our school books. a. Uniform b. Backpack c. Pencil case d. Wallet

3. Something that you can find in your classroom is a ______ a. Stove b. Sink c. Spoon d. Blackboard

4. I need a ___ to write in the book. a. Chair b. Stove c. Pencil d. Eraser

5. Something that you can find in your library is a____ a. Spoon b. Wahing machine c. Book d. plate

6. The students put the backpack in the______ a. Locker b. Toilet c. Pencil case d. Trash can

7. Teacher: please, take the _______ to clean the white board! a. Chair b. Eraser c. Table d. Bag

8. Something that you can find in your music room is a_______ a. Piano b. Bike c. Car d. Bathub

9. _____ is the place for students to study. a. Parking lot b. Classroom c. Teacher’s office d. School canteen

10. Something that you can find in your school bag is a____ a. Microwave b. Pencil c. Television d. Bathub

C. Using the word (house)

1. I wash my plate in the_______ a. Bedroom b. Living room c. Kitchen d. Basement

2. This is the living room. Here, I always watch ______especially my cartoon favorite Dora.

a. Television b. Radio c. Photos d. Picture

3. In the kitchen, there is a ________ to wash my hand a. Dipper b. Cup c. Sink d. Plate

4. Something that you can find in your bedroom is a ______ a. Bed b. Blackboard c. Sink d. Stove

5. Something that you can find in your dining room is a ______ a. Spoon b. Sofa c. Sink d. Stove

6. My mother usually slice some meat with a____ a. Stick b. Spoon c. Plate d. Knife

7. Something that you can find in your bathroom is a ____ a. Soap b. Stove c. Sofa d. Knife

8. Something that you can find in your garage is a ______ a. Bed b. Spoon c. Car d. stove

9. When I want to study, I go to________. a. Dining room b. Bathroom c. Study room d. Kitchen

10. In the kitchen, there are a sink, a ______, a dishwasher, and a microwave.

a. Stove b. Bathtub c. Washing machine d. Bookcase

D. Using the word (environment)

1. I see lot of flowers in the________ a. Ashore b. Beach c. Coast d. Park

2. I see a lot of animals in the______ a. Forest b. House c. Beach

d. Garden 3. When I want go fishing. I go to _____

a. Zoo b. River c. Street d. Market

4. Something that you can find in the river is ______ a. Stone b. Spoon c. Stove d. Table

5. Something that you can find in the park is ______ a. Gress b. White board c. Washing machine d. Bathub

6. Something that you can find in the tree is ______ a. Leaves b. Gress c. Stone d. Roof

7. Something that you can find in the garden is ______ a. Plants b. Guitar c. Poster d. Bathub

8. Something that you can find in the forest is ______ a. Tree b. Bed c. Guitar d. Television

9. I am fishing in the __________. a. Garden b. Zoo c. Lake d. Rice field

10. A place for car or motorcycle passing is called_____ a. Street b. Bridge c. Map d. StationAppendix 13: Picture 2


A. Vocabulary Instruction in Cycle II

Teaching using YouTube videos activities in classroom

B. Vocabulary Exam in Cycle II

Prounounciation examination spelling examination

Using the word examination

Appendix 14: Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP)

(LESSON PLAN) Education Unit : SMP (Junior High School)

Topic :Monolog materi tentang kosakata (kata benda) berkaitan

tentang rumah, sekolah dan lingkungan (short movie).

Class / Semester : IX- I B (2)

Skill : Vocabulary nouns

Time Allocation : 2 x 45 Minutes

A. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

KI-3 : Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif pada tingkat teknis dan spesifik sederhana berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, dan kenegaraan terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.

KI -4 : Menunjukkan keterampilan menalar, mengolah, dan menyaji secara kreatif, produktif, kritis, mandiri, kolaboratif, dan komunikatif, dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

3.1. Menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan unsur ke bahasaan dari YouTube video terkait aktivitas di sekolah, rumah dan lingkungan.

3.1.1. Mengidentifikasi benda melalui YouTube video yang di berikan guru.

3.1.2. Menentukan jenis benda yang ada di sekolah, rumah dan lingkungan melalui Youtube video.

3.1.3. Menuliskan kosakata benda yang ada di sekolah, rumah dan lingkungan luar sekolah di buku.

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi kata benda melalui YouTube video yang di

berikan guru. 2. Siswa dapat menentukan jenis benda yang ada di sekolah, rumah dan

lingkungan luar sekolah melalui Youtube video. 3. Siswa dapat menuliskan kosakata benda yang ada di sekolah, rumah dan

lingkungan luar sekolah di buku. 4. Siswa dapat mempraktikan kosakata kata benda ( ejaan, pengucapkan dan

penggunaan kata) yang sudah di tulis di buku. 5. Siswa dapat menghafal kosakata yang di tulis.

D. Materi Pembelajaran

1. First Meeting


Field, you can see sheep in the field, Sky, the sky is clear,

Sun, the sun is shining brigtly,

Moon and starts, they come out at night,

Cloud, therea re cloud in the sky,

4.1. Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait dengan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan dari video YouTube terkait aktivitas di sekolah, rumah dan lingkungan.

4.1.1. Mempraktikan kosakata( ejaan, pengucapkan dan penggunaan kata) yang sudah di tulis di buku.

4.1.2.Menghafal kosakata yang di di tulis dan mempraktikanya di luar kelas melalui tugas luar kelas.

Grass, the sheep in the field are eating the grees

Three, leaves, there are leaves in the three

Mountaints,you can see a range of mountains in the distance.

Rain,rainbow, river, rocks, flowers, the field is full of wild flowers.

Bridge, the man is crossing the bridge,

Street, he is walking down the street

Lake, a man fishing in the lake,

Plants, there are many plants around the lake,

Hill.....,pond, ....lily pad....,

water lily, mushrooms, some people like gathering wild mushrooms.

Forest, many plants and animals in the forest, stream....,etc.


School bus, this is my school, there are,gym, art room, music room, science room, nurse’s office, cafetaria, classroom, there are chair, calk, blackboard, desk and bulletin board. And we have a teacher and we are good students etc….

2. Second Meeting


Fance, walls, basement, roof,chimeney, attic, windows,shutters,door,porch, stairs,balcony,lights,path, garage, driveway, mailbox, garden, swimming pool.

Room in the house

Attic, bedroom,laundry room, bathroom, study room, living room, hallway, dining room, kitchen,

Livng room,

Wall, floor, curtains window, sofa, table, carpet, television, speaker, etc.


Bed, pillows, blanket, lamp,wardrobe, alarm clock, poster etc.


Shower, sink, soap, mirror, towel, toilet, bathub, bath mat, toothbrush, comb, sponge, etc.

Laundry room,

Washing machine, ironing board, mop, broom, boiler, etc.

Study room

Chair dest lamp, laptop,calender, books, file racks, folder etc.


Sink, stove, oven, dishwasher, microwave, pans, refrigerator,dishes, knife, plate, spoon, table, fork, glass, etc.

E. Metode Pembelajaran Metode Pembelajaran : discussion

F. Media Pembelajaran Media:

YouTube Videos G. Alat dan Bahan : LCD, Laptop dan Speaker. H. Sumber Belajar ( school ) ( house ) (environment)

I. Kegiatan Pembelajaran a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan (5 menit)

Peserta didik dan guru saling memberikan salam. Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik. Peserta didik diberikan apersepsi dengan mengaitkan materi yang akan

dipelajari. Peserta didik diberikan penjelasan terkait tujuan pembelajaran menggunakan

YouTube video Guru mempersiapkan laptop, LCD dan YouTube video. b. Kegiatan Inti (45 menit)

Dengan bantuan dari YouTube video yang diberikan guru, peserta didik diberikan penjelasan terkait kosakata yang akan di tulis, difahami makna nya, ejaanya, pengucapan dan pengunaan kata tsb.

35 Menit

Peserta didik di arahkan bertanya tentang penjelasan yang belum di fahami.

Peserta didik di arahkan menonton YouTube video tentang film pendek yang disediakan oleh guru dan mencari kata benda yang berkaitan dengan rumah, sekolah dan lingkungan.

Peserta didik di arahkan untuk menulis kosakata kata benda (nouns) yang di temukan di YouTube video berkaitan dengan rumah, sekolah dan lingkungan.

Setelah menonton YouTube video Peserta didik mempersentasikan (spelling, prounounce and how to use) kosakata yang mereka dapatkan dari YouTube video.

Guru mengajarkan cara pengucapan, ejaan, dan penggunaan kata yang benar dengan memutar video ulang. Guru mengarahkan siswa untuk menghafal kosakata yang di dapatkan dari YouTube video dan akan di cek oleh guru.

10 menit

c. Kegiatan Penutup (10 menit) Peserta didik diberikan feedback terkait materi yang dipelajari.

Peserta didik dengan bimbingan guru menyimpulkan materi yang sudah dipelajari terkait dengan kosakata yang sudah di dapatkan dari YouTube video

Refleksi dilakukan guru dengan menayakan peserta didik apakah ada hal baru yang mereka pelajari dari pembelajaran saat ini.

Peserta didik dan guru berdoa bersama-sama.

Peserta didik dan guru menutup pertemuan saat ini dengan saling memberi salam.

J. Pedoman Penilainan : 1. Rumus individu Score ∶ student′correct answertotal number of item X

2. Rumus persentasi dan frekuensi % = fN X %

Notation: %: Percentage F: Frequency N: The Total Number of Students

3. Rumus nilai rata-rata X̅ = ∑xN

Notation: X ̅̅ ̅̅ : Mean Score ∑x: The Sum of All Score N : The Number of Students

Jumat, 6 Maret 2020

Mengetahui, Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris Peneliti, ( Dini Kartika, S.Pd ) ( Sofyan Hidayat )

Appendix 15: Data of prounounciation in cycle II

Indicator of materials in pronunciation test (Cycle II)

House School Environment 1. Roof 1. Calk 1. Leaves 2. Blanket 2. Desk 2. Sun 3. Comb 3. Blackboard 3. Tree 4. Mirror 4. Cafeteria 4. Lake 5. Pillow 5. Bulletin Board 5. Forest 6. Plate 6. Chair 6. Grass 7. Towel 7. School Bus 7. Hill 8. Knife 8. Music Room 8. Plants 9. Spoon 9. Art Room 9. Rocks 10. Soap 10. Science Room 10. River


Appendix 16: Pronunciation Score

Score of Cycle II

No Name of Students Students’ pronunciation score

School House Environment Sum Percentage

1 Amaliya Irmayani 9 8 9 26 / 3 8.67

2 Asma Harira Salsabila 8 8 7 23 / 3 7.67

3 Bq. Putry Chandra Musticka 8 8 7 23 / 3 7.67

4 Diana Lestari 7 8 9 24 / 3 8

5 Erna Widia 9 9 9 27 / 3 9

6 Hesti Widiya Ningsih 9 9 9 27 / 3 9

7 Isri Tira Damayanti 10 8 9 27 / 3 9

8 Melza Febrliana 10 8 10 28 / 3 9.3

9 Muffidatul Hikmah 8 8 7 23 / 3 7.67

10 Nezhira Amalia 8 9 8 25 / 3 8.3

11 Nispi Mardiah 10 8 10 28 / 3 9.3

12 Nisrin Aprilia 8 7 10 25 / 3 8.3

13 Selpiana 9 9 8 26 / 3 8.67

14 Suci Dasniyani 9 8 8 25 / 3 8.3

15 Winda Amelia Putri Lestari 7 8 10 25 / 3 8.3

Sum (%) 127.15 / 15 Mean score 8.47

1. Deciding Mean Score by formula as follows:

X̅ = ∑xN

Notation: X ̅̅ ̅̅ : Mean Score ∑x: The Sum of All Score

N : The Number of Students

X̅ = .15 = 8.47

Mean score: 8.47

(Arikunto, 1997)

Appendix 17: Spelling Score

Score of Cycle II

No Name of Students Students’ spelling score

School House Environment Sum Percentage

1 Amaliya Irmayani 9 10 9 28 / 3 9.3

2 Asma Harira Salsabila 9 10 9 28 / 3 9.3

3 Bq. Putry Chandra Musticka 7 8 9 24 / 3 8

4 Diana Lestari 7 8 7 22 / 3 7.3

5 Erna Widia 8 9 9 26 / 3 8.67

6 Hesti Widiya Ningsih 10 9 10 29 / 3 9.67

7 Isri Tira Damayanti 8 9 9 26 / 3 8.67

8 Melza Febrliana 9 9 9 27 / 3 9

9 Muffidatul Hikmah 7 8 7 22 / 3 7.3

10 Nezhira Amalia 10 9 9 28 / 3 9.3

11 Nispi Mardiah 9 10 9 28 / 3 9.3

12 Nisrin Aprilia 7 9 10 26 / 3 8.67

13 Selpiana 9 10 10 29 / 3 9.67

14 Suci Dasniyani 7 7 9 23 / 3 7.67

15 Winda Amelia Putri Lestari 7 9 7 23 / 3 7.67

Sum (%) 129.49 / 15 Mean score 8.63

2. Deciding Mean Score by formula as follows:

X̅ = ∑xN

Notation: X ̅̅ ̅̅ : Mean Score ∑x: The Sum of All Score N : The Number of Students

X̅ = .15 = 8.63

Mean score: 8.63

(Arikunto, 1997)

Appendix 18: The use of words

Score of Cycle II

No Name of Students Students’ score the use of words

School House Environment Sum Percentage

1 Amaliya Irmayani 10 9 10 29 / 3 9.67

2 Asma Harira Salsabila 8 9 8 25 / 3 8.3

3 Bq. Putry Chandra Musticka 9 7 10 26 / 3 8.67

4 Diana Lestari 7 7 9 23 / 3 7.67

5 Erna Widia 8 9 10 27 / 3 9

6 Hesti Widiya Ningsih 9 10 10 29 / 3 9.67

7 Isri Tira Damayanti 10 9 10 29 / 3 9.67

8 Melza Febrliana 7 7 10 24 / 3 8

9 Muffidatul Hikmah 7 8 8 23 / 3 7.67

10 Nezhira Amalia 9 7 10 26 / 3 8.67

11 Nispi Mardiah 10 9 10 29 / 3 9.67

12 Nisrin Aprilia 8 7 7 22 / 3 7.3

13 Selpiana 9 9 10 28 / 3 9.3

14 Suci Dasniyani 8 7 10 25 / 3 8.3

15 Winda Amelia Putri Lestari 7 7 9 23 / 3 7.67

Sum (%) 129.23 / 15 Mean score 8.61

3. Deciding Mean Score by formula as follows:

X̅ = ∑xN

Notation: X ̅̅ ̅̅ : Mean Score ∑x: The Sum of All Score N : The Number of Students

X̅ = .15 = 8.61

Mean score: 8.61

(Arikunto, 1997)

Appendix 19: Observations Sheet in Cycle II

A. First Meeting in Cycle II

a) Deciding students and teacher activities percentage by

formula as follows:

1) First Meeting in Cycle II (Students activities)

Percentage of Activities: Total Score x 100% Score max

%: 24 x 100% 28

Students activities = 85,7%

2) First Meeting in Cycle II (Teacher activities)

Percentage of Activities: Total Score x 100% Score max

%: 26 x 100% 28

Teacher activities = 92,8%

(Julita, 2011)

B. Second Meeting in Cycle II

a) Deciding students and teacher activities percentage by

formula as follows:

1) Second Meeting in Cycle II (Students activities)

Percentage of Activities: Total Score x 100% Score max

%: 25 x 100% 28

Students activities = 89,2%

2) Second Meeting in Cycle II (Teacher activities)

Percentage of Activities: Total Score x 100% Score max

%: 27 x 100% 28

Teacher activities = 96,4%

(Julita, 2011)

Appendix 20: Examination in Cycle II (Post-Test)

A. Spelling and Pronunciation Test 1) Pronunciation test.

House School Environment 1. Roof 1. Calk 1. Leaves 2. Blanket 2. Desk 2. Sun 3. Comb 3. Blackboard 3. Tree 4. Mirror 4. Cafeteria 4. Lake 5. Pillow 5. Bulletin Board 5. Forest 6. Plate 6. Chair 6. Grass 7. Towel 7. School Bus 7. Hill 8. Knife 8. Music Room 8. Plants 9. Spoon 9. Art Room 9. Rocks 10. Soap 10. Science Room 10. River

2) Spelling test.

House School Environment 1. Knife 1. Art Room 1. Plants 2. Blanket 2. Science Room 2. Lake 3. Soap 3. Blackboard 3. Sun 4. Mirror 4. Music Room 4. Tree 5. Plate 5. Bulletin Board 5. Forest 6. Pillow 6. Chair 6. Gress 7. Towel 7. School Bus 7. Hill 8. Roof 8. Cafeteria 8. Leaves 9. Spoon 9. Desk 9. River 10. Comb 10. Calk 10. Rocks

Nama :

Kelas :

No. Absen :

B. Using the words (school)

1. Something that you can find in your classroom is a ______ a. Stove

b. Sink c. Spoon d. Blackboard

2. Something that you can find in your music room is a____ a. Spoon b. Wahing machine c. Piano d. Plate

3. Something that you can find in your art room is a____ a. Microwave b. Pencil c. Washing machine d. Bathub

4. Something that you can find in your pencil case is a_______ a. Pen b. Spoon c. Plate d. Soap

5. My teacher is reading a ______ in front of the office now. a. Book b. Television c. Speaker d. Radio

6. Teacher: please, take the _______ to clean the white board! a. Chair b. Eraser c. Table d. Bag

7. Student A: Will you go with me to the _____ to launch? Student B: Of course.

a. Stadium b. Cafetaria c. Art room d. Classroom

8. Students need _____ for bring our school books. a. Uniform b. Backpack c. Pencil case d. Wallet

9. _____ is the place for students to study. a. Parking lot b. Classroom

c. Bathroom d. Cafeteria

10. I need a ___ to write in the book. a. Chair b. Stove c. Pen d. Eraser

E. Using the words (house)

1. Something that you can find in your dining room is a ______ a. Bell b. Sofa c. Sink d. Stove

2. Something that you can find in your bedroom is a ____ a. Pillow b. Stove c. Washing machine d. Sink

3. Something that you can find in your garage is a ______ a. Bed b. Spoon c. Car d. Stove

4. Something that you can find in your bathroom is a ______ a. Shower b. Blackboard c. Boiler d. Stove

5. When I want to study, I go to________. a. Dining room b. Bathroom c. Study room d. Kitchen

6. In the kitchen, there are a sink, a Stove, a_______, and a microwave.

a. Dishwasher b. Bathtub c. Washing machine d. Bookcase

7. I wash my plate in the_______ a. Bedroom

b. Living room c. Kitchen d. Basement

8.This is the living room. Here, I always watch ______especially my cartoon favorite Sponsboob.

a. Television b. Radio c. Photos d. Picture

9. In the kitchen, there is a ________ to wash my hand a. Dipper b. Cup c. Sink d. Plate

10. My mother usually slice some meat with a____ a. stick b. spoon c. plate d. Knife

F. Using the word (environment)

1. Something that you can find in the forest is ______ a. Tree b. Bed c. Guitar d. Television

2. Something that you can find in the garden is ______ a. Plants b. Guitar c. Poster d. Bathub

3. Something that you can find in the river is ______ a. Stone b. Bulletin board c. Stove d. Table

4. Something that you can find in the field is ______ a. Gress b. Knife c. Cup d. Bathub

5. Something that you can find in the park is ______

a. Flowers b. Bathub c. Bed d. Television

6. I see lot of flowers in the________ a. Ashore b. Beach c. Coast d. Park

7. I see a lot of animals in the______ a. Forest b. Bed room c. Music room d. Nurse’s office

8. I am fishing in the __________. a. Garden b. Zoo c. River d. Rice field

9. A place for car or motorcycle passing is called_____ a. Street b. Field c. Lake d. Station

10. When I want go fishing. I go to _____ a. Zoo b. Lake c. Street d. Market

BIOGRAPHY A. Self-identity

Name : Sofyan Hidayat Date of Birth : Tanak Beak Barat, September 16, 1996 Address : Tanak Beak Barat, Narmada, West Lombok

Father’s Name : Muhsan

Mother’s Name : Rabi’ah

Wife’s Name : - B. Educational Background

1. Formal Education a. Kindergarten : - b. Elementary School: SDN 1 Tanak Beak Narmada, 2006. c. Junior High School: Mts. Darul Hikmah NW Tanak Beak,

Narmada, LOBAR, 2012. d. Senior High School: SMA IT Al-Kamal NW Tibupiling,

Narmada, LOBAR, 2015. 2. Informal Education

a. BLK (Balai Latihan Kerja) “Training of Home Electric” Tibupiling, Narmada, 2016.

b. KMD (Kursus Mahir Dasar) “Training Scout Fun” Mataram, 2015.

C. Employment History 1. Teaching English at SMP/SMA IT Al-Kamal NW Tibupiling, West

Lombok, 2015. 2. Teaching English at Al-Kamal NW Course, Tibupiling, West

Lombok, 2017. D. Achievement/Appreciation

1. Best Group of Training Scout Fun (KMD) at Mataram, 2015. 2. Best Member of Organization at Islamic Boarding School Al-Kamal

NW, Tibupiling Narmada, 2014. E. Organizational Experience

1. Leader of Organization at Mts. Darul Hikmah NW Narmada, 2013 - 2014.

2. Scurity Department of OSAKA (Organisasi Al-Kamal NW) at Ponpes IT Al-Kamal NW Tibupiling, 2014.

F. Scientific Work -