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Jurors 'Hear 'Testimony In Jail Inmate's Death

NIIH! WDmr!n n nrl fi mnn arc pntlcntly llslnnlnu In tesllmrmy eonc:ernlng 1111! rlenlh of Martin Hrnllh, ,lnr!kson, Without sc:rmun· lng hr.nrlllncs unci l'IHllo and 'l'V piny, I ho 11 ,luron; urn trying to untangle lesllmony eomlng from hnlf n hundred wllncsses, Lr!slcr Sc:nll, •lfi, Lnnslni(, Is ehnrgerl with murcl!'!rlng Smith,

Till! I rial was .~lnrlml 'l'ucsrlny nnd prolwhiy will continue 1 hrnugh mosl of ru:xl wceic 'fflE!I'C! Will h1• Jlll I'Ollrl. HPSS(on l"rlrlny,

llccnuHr: of I he lr!ngl h of I he lrlal nml llw possihillly lhnl one or two Jurors may full sld>, 11 wen! dHISI!Il to I war I he tcstl­mrmy. Ill! fore I he jury tnlws 11m case for rlcr·islon llw number will he Rllmmed down In 12 by lot If sir'lmcss rlnesn'l shrink II In 12 before llu•n.

,Jurlgr. Louis K Cnash Is on the lwrwh. l'msl'<'ulor Chnrlcs E. Chnrnhr!rl<iln anrl an asslslant, Pr!lr!t' ,T. 'l'rclr:aven, nrc rcpre· sr•nlinr~ IIH! [H:opie. Sttlarl ,J. Dunnlnr:s, .Jr., Lansing, h; de· lending Sr:r111.

Cou.nty Adopts Ordinance for House Trailers

On llw n:~('()mmcmlallon of the c•ounly health committee, super· visors Tuesday ariopl cd an ot•­rllnance I'Cf.:Uiallng house trailers being uecuph•rl oulsiric of licensed parl<s.

llnrler lhe orrllnanr:c whieh he· enmes cffcr:live .June 1, visltnr permits for parking house trail­ers ean he user! for nnly 21 days anrl exlcnried pcr·mits for not longer than a year. Farmers arc exempt if they usc trailers for their own rlwcllings or for ten­ants worlting the farm. Persons using trailers while following fairs anri c:amivals nrc also ex­empt.

J,;very mvnrr of a hnuse trailer, except 1 r;1 nsil'n Is, being used must register it with city or township dct·J(, paying a fcc of $2.

On lite Jury are Mllrh·r!d M11y anrl Bessie Ahbott, Williamston; Bert IIolley and Ilr.rherl. Bailey, Vevny; Mnl'ie M1wDn,nnlcl, Bertha Larsen nnd Patrlnl< Cosgrove, L n n s I n g ;' Shermnn Hurtmnn, Sloellill'lrlge; Margaret Clari1, AureliU8i Claru F'. Mason, Merld· lan; Belle Baxtcl', Delhi; Ilcrn!t· clnll Hnsldll, Leroy; Virtu Bal· clnr!f, Bunlmr Hill; and Perllc Bench, Loel<c.

Unlllw lhc t!'inls of Dr. Ken· nelh Small at Allegan and Dr. Sum Shellpard 11l Cleveland, the Mason murder trial is drawing Jess than n dozen speclntoi'S. Wit· nesses arc excluded from the room. There would he more than fiO of 1 hem If they all showed up. !~very Inmate of the cage In whlcit Smith was Injured was snhpncned for I he lrlftl. Snme can not he locatccl, Others arc still In .11111 or serving prison terms. Few nf llwlr versions of what went on In the bullpen the morning of September 12 agree. Some said they heard nnlhlng. Ot.hers said they l<ncw of no hlows being strucl<.

'J'he most positive witness, anrl as rJramallc In the trial as he was at tho coroner's inquest which blamed Scott for Inflicting lhe fatal Injuries, Is Lee Grant Washington. He lived on the AI· ton Jewett farm, 3 miles soutlt of Mason, until he went to jail last fall. He told the jury he saw Scott brutally beat Smith, lmoclt· lng the Jacl1son man against the bars and to the floor.

Dr. George R. Clinton of Ma· son testified Wednesday. Dr. Robert Stowe of Lansing wa8 on the stand Thursday. Other doc· tors have been subpocncd to tcs· tlfy Monday. Among them will he Dr. CharieR Blacl<, Lansing pathologist.

Smith, a rcllrcd Michigan Cen· lral railroad man and owner of a roofing business, attended an Eilts clambai<c ncar Jacl<son the afternoon and early evening of September 11.. Shortly before midnight he was picl<ed up in Leslie as a dru nil and was tal<cn

See lUUimlm, l'age 2

Milk Producers May Hear Mor~ Of Romeo Mov·e

Agitation at Romeo against George Irvine, administrator of

Ninety·Sixtlt Year, No. 6

State Suggests Another Story At' County Jail

It Ingham county carrlns out rccnmmcnrlatlons of tile slate jail Inspector a fourth Hlorv will he ndrled to the jail. The basement would also h!! cxlcnrlr>tl lo, llw , north to malw room fn1· prisoner ,, tanl<s for transferring anrl pro· I cc:;sing of prlsoncrR.

W. H. Nestle, stat!! jail lnspec· , lnr, told Ingham supervisors lh•~ Ifill Is ovcrcrnwrlerl and needs rc· modeling and arlriilions to Pl'llV!dc bcller segreg1ttlon of prisoners.

Al first the supervisors merely ordered Nestle's report placed on tllc. Later in the day supervisors gave the maltm· furl her· attention. They orrlcrcri it referred to lhe county huilcllng-s commlltce.

Supervisor· S. A. Bement, Ma· son Burton .Johnson, Whcatflclcl, and' Horace Bradshaw, Lansing, are on the c•nmmlllcc. Chairman Bement of the committee said the architect's plans for lhc jail will be studied to learn If Nestle's suggestions arc feasible ami what the proposal would cost. The com· mlttce also Intends to check the facilities, said Bement, to sec If additions are necessary.

The jail now has facilities fot' 118 men, 30 In .cacl; cage on lhe first floor, 48 In the 2 cages on the second floor, 4 each In hos· pita! and trusty quarters and 2 In isolation. On the third floor arc quarters for 20 women.

Average jail loads run betwcr::JJ 80 and 90 men, although for ;:r while Iasl summer the numbel' climbed to 125. There arc usually not more than 7 or 8 women con· fined.

Nestle? recommended that the fourth floor be built for maximum security prisoners. He also sug· gcsted that the basement he en­larged and tanks installed so all prisoners could be loaded and un· loaded inside, Into "tanl<s." Trans· fers and new prisoners for proces· sing would be l1ept in the tanl>s.

Party Chooses Delegates To Make Nominations for State Election in April

Sparked by an nddt•ess of Congressman Alvin M. Bentley of Owosso, Ingham Republicans selected delegates Monday night for the state convention in Dell'DiL The county con­vention was held in the Mason school aucli1ol'ium.

Bentley told the delegates that Republicans must put up a yeai'-lll'OUild fight if they ·--r-:::--: .c70":""'"'=~ ru·e going to win elections.

"We ean't eampalgn a few wcr!l\s before elections nnrl r.xpel!l to haV!~ better results lhnn the politlcnl action commltlco of 1 he C. I. 0. ar.d the A. D. A. of I he Democratic pnrly," lhc cnn~ress­mnn declared.

Bentley urgerl the Ingham dele· gatlon to tal<e the Republican story to nil of the people. It is better to collect a dollar from 100 people than It Is to gel $100 from one rich man, the congress· man said.

"People vote with their money,'.' the congrcssrnrm from the eighth district stated. "Get their financial support and you'll have their bal· lot support."

An csllmalcd 500 Republicans crowder! the auditorium, balcony and halls to carry out the bLtsl· ness of the convention.

V. A. Trlquct, chairman of the county committee, was elected chairman of the Ingham dele· gates wlllch will be In Detroit for the state convention Saturday.

C. Ross Hilliard of Mason, Mrs. Cornelia Broadbent of Lansing and Kit Clardy of East Lansing were elected as delegates at large to the state convcn,tion. Willard Bowerman, Miss Gertrude Lud· wlclc and Donald Tee!, all of Lan· sing, were elected as alternates.

Delegate from Alaicrlon and Vevay townships will be Mrs. Albert Humphrey. John Angell was elected alternate. Thco Dana was elected as delegate from

!lie Democra­tic convention in Mason 'rhur8· day night will be James N. Hare, secretary of slate. Hare is 4~. a graduate of Detroit Northwest· ern, Wayne University and Uni· vcrsily of Miclilgan. He was gem, cral m01nagcr of lile slate fair and an instructor at Wayne lm· fore running for office last year.

Democrats Come To ·Court House Thursday Night

Aurelius and Onondaga townships Democrat;; will convene in the with Leo Woods as alternate. court house al 8 o'clock 'l'hurs·

Nestle's recommendations were contained In his periodic report on the condition of the Ingham jail. He reporter] the condition as good.

FROM 1\.RAUT l'O CAVIAR could be the title of a story about the conversion of the John J. Richards ami James Vo- day nigi1t lo name 31 delegates empty H. W. Madison Co. sauerkraut factory into a handsome suile rif offices and a Sfl.o:'lC· truba were elected as delegates to the slate convention.

Holders of temporary permits must make arrangements with a home owner· for sanitary and cnol;ing facilities, visitors' permits being valirl only fnr sleeping In trailers, No extended permits will he gmntcd unless sewage facll· il ics arc provided. Surroundings must at all limes be lH!pt clean, according to the ,ordinance.

the federal mlllt marketing order,

1 1 and against some of the policies ,(ounci De ays of the Michigan Mlllt Producers .

ious warehouse. , J. A. Dart Co. bought the abandoned plant last summer. The firm has from Delhi with Cassius Shaft The state convention is sched· converted the west area into offices and a dmfting room. The main building has been made and Edgar Church as allemates. uled for Grand Rapids February

Representing Ingham, Wheat· 25 and 26. At lhe state convcn-, into a warehouse and Jabr!cating plant. , , field and White Oait townships tion nominees will he picked ior

In the top picture~'James A\~'Dart (right) is shown at his desk consultiLJg with. Paul ,at the state ·conwmtlon will be regents of the university, mem· P. Chrm, office riuinag~r and 'chief 'accountAnt. The picture below shows a section of the John E. Osborne of Stoclcbriclgc .. bcrs of slate board of agrlcul­\varehouse where, stores of plumbing, heating' and ventilating fixtures are kept and where Alternate Is Mrs. John Osborne. ture, superintendent of public some installations are. fabricated. (Ingham County News Photos.) Representing Lansing township instruction, member of state ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~as dclega~swillbeRa~noncl ~~a~ of ed~atlon and justl~s

For an extended permit, occu­pants of the trailer must secure the permission of all owners or occupants of property within 200 feel.

~~~~~~~~on, Is heading toward Filling Ticket At the annual meeting of the

Stocltbrldge lc>'ill at Dansville For Cl.ty Posts Wcdnc~day night there was con· siderable r<!spnnsl:! when a sug­gestion was made that a meeting be held to hear about the Romeo

House trailers can not be legally pal'ltcd within the right of way of a public roar!, street or alley.

F'orms fnr issuing permits and llpplicalions for them will be supplied lo dty, village and township clerks by the Lanslng­Ingham county health depart­ment.

The ordinance, said Chairman George R. Sidwell of the health r:ommillcr., l1as heen approved by assessing officers and by school supet•lnlcndcnts. Besides Supcr­vism· Sidwell of Lansing, the hcallh eommillec Includes Harold Plel;.:, EaRl Lansing; John B. Fay, Delhi; Rnhcrt S, Bmoics, Lansing; nnrl Austin Cavanaugh, Bunlcer Hill.

-February D·raft Takes Only 14

Only 14 Ingham young men halve been summoned for army Induction Tuesday, February 15. 'fhey arc to report al 7 Tuesday morning at Veterans hall, 2U South Capitol, Lansing, where they will hnard a chartered bus fm· the induction center at Fort Wayne in Detroit.

On I he lis I are Brt'1ce W. Pic!<· ering, Wallace E. Kengcr·, Gordon N. Johnson, Robert V. Wigle, Donald C. Gauss, Curley Lane, Wayne? Robertson, Jr., Earl W. Adams, James F. Weller, Robert Mcelcs, Thomas E. Klewlcl<i, Kir­by J. Roll, Bobby G. Pruitt and Arnnld E. Cooper.

demands. Nelson Whipple and Tom

Coopc1· of Mason attended the Romeo meeting Tuesday night. Both are members of the Mason local. Whipple sells to Kegle dairy In Lansing, Cooper to Twin Pines. Cooper said the producers at Romeo arc not out to damage the MMPA but only insist that control of the organization be In the hands of producers. He said that Irvine, regarded as a referee between producers and processors In Detroit, receives his pay from processors.

"Some action must be talten," said Cooper, "to assure the pro· ducer of his cost of production. Delegates from locals should be pledged to revamp the state set· up."

Annual meeting of the Mason local will be Tuesday, February 22, at Leslie Grange hall,

About 175 attended the meeting of the Stocltbrldge local, at the Dansville school W e d n e s d a y night. Producers chose Ted Fay for president and first delegate, Maurice Felton for vlce·presldent, Fran!< Trapp for secretary-treas· urcr; and Don Sommers, Lyle Glenn, Lester Barth and Wynn Boyce for delegates.

Ted Larson of Marlette repre· scnted the state organization. He discussed mal'lcetlng conditions in Detroit.

Dr. Conrad Posz of Michigan State college gave a talk. Kenneth Brown, assistant county agent, was toastmaster. Dansville Boos· ter club served the dinner.

Dansville PTA Sponsors Drive for Fire 'Victims

Relief for the I-iarold' Platt Money, small household art!· family which lost most of Its cles and clothing for the Platts goods by fire last Friday is on may be taken to the Dansville the way. The Dansville P. T. A. is schopl. Persons having heavy sponsoring a drive for clothing pieces of furniture or household and furniture, and money, for equipment they want to contrlb· those who want to help ln that 'ute are asked to notify Mrs.

M;yrna Campbell, at the Dansville school. Arrangements will be made ,to pick up ment ·and big pieces of ·~···--~·­or they can be taken to the home.

The Platt fnmlly is now resld· lng with the Francis Platts at

Mason councilmen tooit no ac· tion Monday night on choosing nominees for city office. They agreed to meet in an informal session Friday night to consider nominations and to discuss, a proposed subdivision ordinance. The meeting will be in the coun· ell chambers.

The city charter has an un­usual provision. If the number of candidates filing nominating pe­titions docs not equal or exceed twice the number of council seats to be filled. the council shall itself make nominations of additional cl tizcns.

For the 3, council seats' at the April election only Councilman Alfred Forche, Howard W. Rob­erts and Clifford W. Walcott filed: Three more nominations must be made by the council. Councilmen indicated Monday night that several volunteers for tho draft have appeared. Council­men must also choose one m· more candidates for associate justice of the peace. -

The charter gives councilmen up until 12 days before the April election to name candidates.

Mayor ,Clairmont Everitt and Councilman Alt'on. J. Stroud are retiring from the council. Both said the pressure of other duties· decided them against continuing their service to the city. Both men expressed their appreciation of the cooperation given by col· leagues and cl ty employees.

Four Suffer Hurt In Holt Accident

Injuries sent 4 to hospitals fol· lowing an au tomohllc crash In Holt Thursday noon. Most ser· iously Injured was Robin Jean Clark, 6 months old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark. She was thrown from the car driven by her mother. Both Mrs. Clarlt and the baby are In St. Lawrence hospital, Lansing. ,

In another car, Diann Lott, 4%, and David Lott, 2, children of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lott, suffereLI: Injuries, They were tai<en to the Mason General hospital and re·

Contracting Firm Plans Open House On Saturday afternoon from 2

to 4 the J. A. Dart Co. will have open house at its new offices on S. M. A. street, north of Wyeth Laboratories Incorporated.

The big building Is the former H. W. Madison Co. sauerkraut paciling plant, which stood vir­tually empty ever since the diet­ing blight struck the l<raut in· dustry. The H. W. Madison com· pany sold Its packing equipment and used the big, building only for ,storage and for temporary housing of migrant famllles.

The big 'structure has been given a complete trai1sformation. Across the west end are well ap· pointed offices. To the right of the information dcslc, at which Mrs. Dorothy Hamlin presides, In the entrance corridor is the accounting office, managed by Paul P. Chen of East Lansing .. ,

To the left of the entrance is the office of James A. Dart, head of the company which bears his name. Beyond that Is the draft· ing room where blueprints are checked, plans are worlced out and estimates are prepared. Ross Belyea and Robert Taylor handle that end of the business.

company also has its own trac· tors and trucits for transporting materials from the Mason henri­quarters to jobs. Dart pilots his own plane to lceep' in tol.\t;h with his far-flung business. Donald Higbie of Mason is construction superintendent for the firm.

James Dart and Don Cady bought the Mason Plumbing ami Heating Co. and hardware from

Architect · Draws Library Plans

Harold A. Childs, East Lansing architect, has nearly completed plans and specifications for an addHion to Hall Memorial library at Mason. They wilt be ready for the March 7 meeting of the boa rei of supervisors, said Supervisor' S. A. Bement, Mason, chairman of the county buildings commit· tee.

Dependents Alter Draft of Farmers

In reclassification of farmers subject to mllltary service, some young farmers are being placed In 3·A, said Joy 0. Davis, a mem­ber of the board. Young farmers without military service ·are be­ing tnl,en out of 2·C. Those ~vith· out dependents and soml! of them with dependents are being placed In l·A, subject to Induction, Davis stated.

Men in 2·A, deferred for es· sentlal Industrial production, are also being shifted to 1-A, accord· lng to Davis.

Under new l"egulatlons, Davis explained, only men on whom the health and· welfare of the nation depend can be classified in 2-C. With current farm surpluses, farmers are not covered by that classllieatlon, according· to selcc· tlve service, 'Interpretation of regulations. Dependency and In· dlvldual hardship <are regarded

William F. Dart in 1945, and operated as Dart & Cady. In 1952 Cady sold out to his partner. The firm name of Dart & Cady con· limwci in usc until a few weei(S ago when it was changed lo J. A. Dart Co.

H. W. Madison Co. operates ils piciding plant in other buildings nor I h of the big building sold In J. A. Dart Co.

iVews Index Want ads, Pages 6, 7 and

8, Part 1. Legal nol,ices·, Page 8, Part

1; Page 7, Part 2; Pages 5 and !i, r;>art 4.

Social news, Pages 4 and 5, Pari 1; Page 4, Pari. 2.

Sport:;, Page 6, Pm·t 2. Church news, Page 5, Part

2. Eclilorials, Page 2, Part 3.

' Farm news, Pages 1, 2, 3 and 4, Part 1.

Detroit Golf Pro Buys Mason Course

Wilcox, Franlclln Gregg, Jr., Viola of the supreme court. Montgomery and C. Bart Tenny. Secretary of State James M. Thomas King, Sam Street Hare is, booked for the lccynotl:! Hughes, James Hovey and Walter speech at the Ingham convention. Seward were chosen alternates. Raymond H. Rapaport, chair·

Mrs. Dorothy Head was elected man of the county Democratic as a delegate from Leroy and committee, is not expected to at· Locke townships. Clayton Porter tend the convention. He was only was elected alternate. Elwin Jew- recently released from a Lansing ctt is the delegate from Leslie hospital following a serious sick· with Walter Hoenig as alternate. ness. Delegates from Meridian town· Mrs. Esther Waite of East ship are John H. I<ohs, Jr., Lansing is vice-chairman. She Barney Ward and Mrs. June has gone ahead with convention Storm. Alternates will be Paul armngcmeni'S and will preside Lucl,, Edith Roberts and A. J, over the proceedings Thursday Tobin. night.

Representing W iII i am slown tow11$hlp and city of Williamston as delegate will be Tom Casteel with Mrs. Celestia Hunt as alter· nate. Willard P. Barnes of Mason was elected as delegate from Ma· son. Mrs. Herman Walt Is alter­nate.

Delegates from East Lansing arc Francis Pletz, Senator Harry F. Hittle, Richard Phllleo, V. A. Trlquet and Rep. John J. McCune. Alternates from East Lansing are Paul Bagwell, Fred Marin, Henry Renlger, Lee Worthington and Jordan Jenldns.

Lansing delegates and alter­nates are:

First ward, Mrs. Edward Schllenz, Mrs. Robert Miller, delegates; David Lord, Edward Schleif!Z, alternates.

See DELEGATES, t>ugc 2


Davis May Have _ Relief on Fair

Joy 0. Davis may get his ex­pressed' wish of rel!ef as fair · manager. Last fall he asked that someone else be made manager. A commi I teo of the fair board has bee1i lool<ing arouncl and has finally tendered the job to Har­ry Spenny of Mason. The board and Spenny are expected to reach an agreement at a meet· ing scheduled early next month, Davis said.

Davis said he has agreed to work with Spcnny or any other manager on handllng the, 1!155 fair.

Voters Will Decide on Special Fire District

Because the Ingham town board and the Dansville board can't agree on fire protection costs, township voters will decide the Issue. At the April 4 election they

Total of $37,000,000 Required Ttwsrlny, February 22, ]i', ·c.

20M Year Highway Plan Is Projected I

Weather Report Snow nnrl some r•nln Jell In Ing·

hnm county this wcolc pr·ovirling nn OJlJlOI'I unity J'rll' slrrlrllng nnd mnllin[l' Hnnwmen. Sunny Aide~ nnrl a •lfl rlrgrer! temperature Wmlnr.srlny mnrle the one·rlny vn· en I ion fm· sr.lwol drilrlr·en lrlmr: for• outrloor• piny.

6 Sales Listed for Saturclay

Au(tions Keep on Coming

milo llOll!h to RoDEillflll lrl!l'ltWfl,Y then west 1!. mile,

Sa lllrdny, li'elwunry 12, WI! llnrn Dennl~, d milns IVI!sl of Willlnms· 1011 In Mnrlrllnlr l'lllrrl, south 1/i 111 tin.

Anrll!t'HPil & Sona, tiJ·st: fnrm enHi· nf Dnnsvllln em M·30,

Wnrlrit•srlny, l•'nlwunt')' 23, Wll· li111n 'l'nmllnsrrn, ll mllnH Hnuth nl' Wtlllnmtilnn on WllllnmHionroad. , Tf thn tn)lwrl·of hllllon8 In Hlnte

(rnrl ferlernl hlghwny fund,; nm provider!, Tnghtnn r~trn rtsr; $37,· qoo,oon on pr.·lmar.v nnrl secnntlnt·,v ronclfJ In tlw nP.XI :m ymrr:;, '!'he estimate on Tnghnm'H require· mentA hns IJP.P.Il Hent to lhP Auto· motiV!~ Snfely Founrlallnn, hlrr.rl 1o undertnlw 11 study frw n sllllo Jeglslntlvr C'flmrnlt teP.

Ovor· n 20·Y£!ar perlnrl, County Hlghwn,v T•'rnnk K. l~vnrm lnhl Ingham s11pervlsm·s 'l'ursrlny, :jil7,fl1!l,OOO would go for ttm eounty's primnr)' system ancl $Hl,OOO,OOO Jot• lwlll'l'llWnt on 7fl2 miles of lor~nl ronrts nnrt pint· ll'rt streets.

$1~,Inn,nnn, lLvans HIIHl, 'l'ltnt esll· mntn r•nvet•s hlnl'!;t np nt· !Jet tcr fnr nil ~fi:J mllr.H, l~vtms stalr!rl, with r•ct•tnln roar!:; httllt wltlm· anrl lwavict• fnr• lrwrr!:rHPd ll'ilffk Jonrls.

Bullr.Jtng oj' trl lwlrtgus nnrl gmrle sepur,tllnm; nn llw prhnat·y systmn wrntlcl r'Oinu to $1 ,!, l';vuns ~nlrt. 't'r.n r·;t!Jrnad c~rnssing gul~·s :llld llrdtts would rr.qulm ~~tna,nnn, and ·1s tnr~rilrnacl hrlrtr:r•s

Avemrw lrmpernt m·o for the 2•1 rlngrr.os coresponrlerl exactly wltl the tempemt ure n year ago. 'rhct'l wm·r! .lii lrwhos of preclplt u I ion.

i\ucllnn snles nrr. sllll piling- up an m·en mwtlrrnem·s.

Six onlns nre ltslerl for Snitll'· lny In 'thr! lngtwm County News, Snle~ ure boolwrl nil through the wac!<. Ice)ll'ltnt•y pmml~os In !Jc --------~---·----~-·-------~--

ono of lile hlggcst: nuetlon snle mon lhs over· reeorrlcrl.

Suturrlny, l"olH·uur·y 12, Her·· mun 0, 1111 K Hnznl street, Lnnslng-,

SntLtrdny, l"ehrunry 12, Wnl· vurine Holstein Snlr., 2 1.~ milcH wesl nf Wllllumston on US·Hi.

Snllll'rllly, l•'aiH'unry 1~!. LPnn Slrnons, I \u miles wnsl of DnHH· ville~ on M·:l!i.

'l'uosrlny' l•'ehi'JIIII'Y I !l, nr.rl Scl,crtzlng, .1'/" mtlns cusl of l"itehliurg to Pnrmnn rnnd, north on Prmnnn ~ mllr!s,

Rat ltl'duy, l•'r'ill'lllli'Y 20, Lyln illilfl•y, !.!',~ llilfes IV!1HI of I.PHttr• on Ur!)lr.vur• l'nnrl.

Farm Bureau J>:ust. AhaiPrlon 't'C11l fllmllles or the gust Alnle·

cion Jcurm l.lrrt·r•uu f.l'I'Oll[1 wem rep· rr~sentert at tlw Chnrles Evr!mlt hotnr! 't'IIPsrlay r•vr~nlnr:. Following llrn dlcusslon lrrple, RIHH)n Kelly slrrrwPcl .'illrles nnrt gnvr• a lnll< on hl'l' lr•lp to nrer•er..

'l'o hrlng up trl stnnrlarcl :Jn:J mllr•s nf ('(]llnty prlmnry rontl would require lilr. r.xpr.nrllturr. ot'

'l'empcmturrs ns remrrlerl nl I he Mnson Hnwnr~r rlispostrl plant wem:

Chandler Wants Council to Buy A Speedier Car

Snlllt'rlny, Fehnmry 12, Wrl>· hervllle Community i\uctlnn, \VP.hbcr·vllle Community linll.

'J'Ir ursduy, l'eln·unry 17, M r•s, Htt'l.£!1 Bullr11' & Sons, 2 miles srHII tr of Mtrsnn on US·l27 lti Hnlfc ro11rl, nasi on Hotfr. r•narl :l rnllr1s.

lnyhom County News February 10, 1955 Page 2

Ingham County News Volume 96, No.6


JoJntorod nn 11r:1:nud f'iltnH nudt1:r rd. JU•Idull'lt•t!, Malinu, Mir.hf~rtlll, uud~>1' Ad uf Murch a, 11:17\1


1111 ll11dmm IIJld llitqllny udVt!l'lildn~ rut.rK on llll·

ndjolnlu1~ tilltlrJth·.'i ................ $':!.li0 pllt:ullun. UullhWH/1 lcwuiH HIHI l'f•Jul· (IJuyuhlu In At.lvrtllce) lmr unl.iN•H nn J!I'Hl nnd lut~ul IIIIKJ!H,

Ono YfHit' tliiiKid., lrlf(hnm rn1d :lilt~ a lin•·· Nc• rt•11dln.r ot• 11\tHI/wtiH ucJjoln!ng t:utudlt•!i ........ ,... ttdVI!I'II!iiiH~ '''!lH thuu r.u,~. Annnuru•r•·

Six TJHIIIlllll In lt~Hhlllll n111l /lli!IIIH of t:llte•J•tnlumt•tlltt wJII'n' ad· ncJJulrJlllv, I'IIUIII.fl•:t ........ "' ),r,(l lllltHiillll iH J•hunn·d ur u( lillY 1111111

.li'oua· month:• ............................ l,IHI fo rllll'll' fund!t llllh\1. hn JHIIII 111. l'i•,:u· i ~fnghtH l'Ulli••:l ... .................. .0/i IlL I' rult·H,


Coffee Prices Reduced 10c Lb

Eight 0' clock 1 lb Bag 79c 3 lb Bag Reduced 30c $2.31

Reduced 12c Lb

·Red Circle lib Bag .83c Reduced 12c Lb

Bokar 1 lb Bag 85c 3 lb Bag Reduced 36c $2.49

Reduced 10c Lb

A&.P Vacuum lib Bag 89c No Finer Can Coffee

wnulrt mtrl $0:ifl,OOO, F;vnns lntrl Hltfli'I'Visors. mill's nf lrwul mads trnrl str·r.r!IH was not sprC'Itkally r.·ntnlngul'rl, the r·ounty Plli(liwcr Hltrtrd.

No slniP lt'LIIlJ<IInr• llllJll'OVP· tnrnlfl Ill' mnlnlr•n:rnr•f' pt•ojr!r!ts wrr·r lnl'imlrrl In tlw ovPt'till rsll· llllliP of ~::J7,1J(J(),0flll.

l11'nl<rn lntn 11 pr.rlorls of fi·s r•H!'Ir, tlrl' $17,!1l~.nno for· prlm:u·y rnariH would Ill' ulloeall'd

Min. Feht'tlnty :1 ...... 2 F'Plll'ltnry 4 .......... Ill fccht'Ufll'Y 5 .... ...... . .. ifl l"eht·unry fi ... , .... 7 F'chr·uary 7 ...... , .... .,., .... ·12 F'f!lit'llllry R.. . ....... ,:!11 l"ehrunr·y fJ ..................... 2R l''C!Ill'lllll'Y Hl ....... , ........... ,:!•1

'Mnx 2( :It :lf :17 ~0 :tr •lA

this way: First 5 yrat·s, $7,83!!,. (Contlmwd t't·om Png-11 t) 000; HC'I'OIHI !i, $'J,]•Ifl,tl00;

~Delegates third !i years, $··J;IJO,Ofl0; nnd Sreond warrl, Mrs. W. B. Tho· ruurtlr !i ,\'ears, $1,HI7,000. 1111111, Geoq::e Shlwell, Otto E.

gcl<r.rl, delegates; Gemlrl Hough· Brolwn rlnwn into fi-yr>nr· per· luling, Paul c. Ynungr•r·, .Tm;eph

lnds nnd r·ompurc•rl with prPsc•nl Pinnell, altemnlr!s. rxpendltur·rs, the 21l·.vrar progr·am 'l'hlnl ward, Gus '1'. Hm·tmnn, rilti!R not asstrmr! sur:lt astt·nnoml· Mrs, Lr.r. Dramis, Max Muntng. <'al pr·npor·tlnns, suhl l•:vnn~. fng· han, dclegntcs; .Tulia Gny!ot•d, hum witt spend r·lnsr! In n million 1 p G R !lnllnrs of Its own on lhr 1!!55 Mn,;. Muhe otter, .enr~=:e nss,

I 1 nlternntr.s. l'onstruetion pmgr·um, H! stnlm · rourlh wnrrl, Rolanr.l f•'. Uhearl,

CUJ'I't!llt, I'I'UI{I'IIIll OutliurHI LeVC't'elt Munson, Leo F<1J'hat, Ingham's l D!iri mad progrnm delegates; Gameth Pierce, Chnrles

irwlltdcs 4<1.2 mllr.s or new r•on· l•'enllwt·, Henry !~Ink, nltcrnfltes, stnwllnn and rer·onstnrcllnn on Fifth warrl, .Tuanltn MeMartln, IJiael<lnp, explnlnerl tlw r·ounty Marie Haget·, rtelegntes; Mnrlon Pnglnrer. Thnt itrm tal<es in l.!l Bayles, Mnrgnret Fisher·, alter· mill's nf l1itumtnnus L'DIH'I'etc Oil nafcs. Aurelius t'ourl just south of MI. Sixth warrl, l"l'llllk W. Perrin, !Jnpr•, nnrl ,() llf 11 mile of hilumi· .Tolm ,). Rose, Mrs. Clwrles A. nnus r:nnr•r·ele Oil Clippct'l street, Fox, Francis J. Wery, rlelegntes; hr•twern Mif'!Jigall avc!nur. and Hedwig Bond, H.ohert Kine!<, Mrs. Gr·:uHI River roarl in Lnllsing Gmeme Black, Chflt'les McLean, township. Also projer•tr•rl for lhis alternates. . 1'1!111', s:lirl E:vnns, are 4.4 miles oJ' Scve.ntll wnrri, Zigmunrl Kowal· surface lreatmr!nt: of lllar:l<loJl, sl<l, Robert Bogart, Edward Hub· 12.'1 miles of grarie unrt gravel Jor· hard, delegates; R. B. Engle, Jack IOWilship roads and tire t·epiacc· Warrr>n, Anton Krnpek, alter· ment of :J hrlrlges anrt n big eul· nates. Vl'rl. Eighth ward, Eugene Houck,

The I'Siima lert eosl nf the Hl5!i Mrs. Ward Daggell, Claud Erick· mnslnrction progr•am is $7<13,000. son, delegates; Pnul Kenney,

Bridges selrerlLriPd for· 1 his year Thomas Sinas, Mrs. .James Me· HI'C nn Wrhbervilte mnrl spanning Lain, nlter·nales. Herl Cedar, Herrington marl span Members of lhl' ererlentials 11Ver· Wolf err.c•l< in Loei(e, and a committee selected Monday night lfarper road bridge over a dmin were Robert Dral<e, Dr. Charles a mile east nl' Ol<emos road in Binet<, Charles MacLean, Lnu· Alairdon. The culvert is on Burk· rene£! Parl<cr, .Tohn Kobs, Jr., IL'y road in Wheatflr.tct. Donalcl Cralws, Mrs. Cornelia

Mnsrm'H pollrC! rlcpnrtmiJnt. will soon hnve n nrw pntrol em·, a fns I r1· em·.

At the c•mtncil rner.tlng Munrlny night npprnvnl wu~ gr•nntcd for tho nsklng of bids on fl nr!W pnllcr• enr. Aemt·rllng to Chi~f HmTy Chumtler, a fnslet· CU!' Js nc£'ded. He cnn't eutch ull the speeclm·s with the present onr!, he r:lnlms. Tlw prr•sent r•ur· wns bought .IunP l:i.

Speciflr.ntlons for the em· will lw dmwn up hy the pollee com· mit lee and Chandler. Bids will hi!

ucc£!ptc!l by the r:ounell nl Jlw JceJJruary 21 meat In g. .

Pollee Chief Chnndler rlirln'l rio too had wll h 1 he old car in llw month of :January, nceordlng to hh, report to 1 he council Monday night. Mason policemen hnncled out :15 speeding tlciU'Is, ll llcl<els for excesslv£! speer! nnrt 2 for

Snturrlny, Febntnry 12, Mny· ford Hnuselwlrlr!l', :J miles eL!sl nf Poltervilte on VcJ•rnnntvii!P highway to Gttnnell mud, onl'

Men Escape Injury In Demolished Truck

Teddy Bani, Ul, nnrl Holier! Ahbotl of Ononrl:rgn h11rl Lurly Lrrd< riding with lhrm WPrilll'S· cl:ry afiPl'llOOil.

B:ml was rlrlvlng 11 livrF;tor·k truck lwlonglng In Hoy Drmnlrt on College road whr.n lw toHI POll·

lrol, sinmmed lnlo a lrl'r1 nnrl sma:-;h£!d into a r·enwnt nhutment near t hr. Linn ronrl lnt l't'BPr•llrlll.

Nell hrr I he rlrivc!r' nrw tlw pnRsenget• I'CI'elvr•rl nny in,iut·IPs. Bot II were I hmwn llirough I hr wlnrlsltlt:!lrl.

'!'he tr·ucl\ was mmplt>trly rlr· moiiHherL Barel was on his IVU,I' to pick up 11 load of llvrstrwl< In Ink£! In mnrlwt.

rr.C!l<less driving. M A 0 G ft 84 The d£!pnrtrnenl also ticlccterl 2 rs. nna e ro I i

rtrivcrs for ranure to yield, 4 for· o1·es at Nursing Home not hnving operator's licenses, one for driving on revol<ed Ji. Mrs. Anna Mary DcGmft, H•t, eense, 3 for making- U-tums and of 1418 West DnnHville r·oarl, rtir.rl :l!i for failing lo obey stop signs. Sunday aftqrnoon al the Hr.t'l'·

All told, the rlepartmr>nl handed guth, nur·slng home wtu•re slw out 92 ticl1els and issued lG9 twcl h~Pn sinr·C> Or~tnher. For 2 wamlng fot· traffic violations, the yent·s shr. hnrl hr.Pn in JlfiiJI' mporl showed. heat I h .

In other council action Mnyor M1·s. DeGt·ofl waH horn Septc>m· Clairmont Everitt appointed City her 19, 1870, to John and Eva I 'l'reasuret• Doris Austin as hurlg· 1\ohler· in Cincinnati, Ohio. Slw et director. Accor•ding to the city married Forest DeGroft in !\lay, charier all city administrative of. 1!102, at Gihsonherg, Ohio. Tlwy t!cers must submit their budget moved to Mason in l!lOfi. Mr·. DP· requirements to budget offi· GmH died in 1940. r:cr· by March 31. Surviving Mrs, DrGroft ar'P 2

The council also agreed to loo;< sons, Delbert and Lnwt·Pnrr, nf into the purchaHe of the .2·way Mason. radio system now used hy Ken Funeral sm·viees wrrr. ltelrl Merindorf in his taxi business-. Wednesday at 2 p. m. at lllr Ball· Mnyor Everitt pointed out I he ad· Dunn funeral home. Rev. Wallr•r· vantages and saving of having Koepplin of the Bethlch£!m Lulh· the city lruel<s equipped with m· eran dJur·eh, Lansing, officiated. dios. Merinrlorf haH offered the Pallbearers wcrr. L. B. BatT, system to the city for $800. E:rncry Bart•, L, C. Otis, Maurice

Sttl urrlny, Jcr•hrunry HI, Goor·gc~ Helbig 1111d Lnwrrmr'f' Lnnr, first fnrm l'llst nt' M11snn on Cnlumlrlu

AI tlw f'iosr nf till' meeting thr. IJOSIC!SS HflrVC1rJ I'C!freslirnrntH nf' 'lllrrlwlf'iws, r~atw, jrlln tlllll l'offrr. mnr!. '

Bendix Dryers

Hil Nf'\1' Low l'l'ir•r·



Norge Electric Dryer


MASON Home Appliance

Phone 2-5!Hl

Seven townships have signer! Broadbent and V. E. Bird. agr·'enls with lhc board of Ser·ving on the committee on ro:rd ~ommissioners for $100,DOO permanent organization and orrler· nf local betterments anrlthc total of business were Lee Dramis, may rcarh $11!0,000 when all town Francis Wery, Jack W. Warren, hoardH are hrnt·ci from, sairl Rose Dnncer, Hubert Bullen and Evans. Mrs. June Storm.

Sixty per cent of Ingham high. Resolutions committee mem·

'l'h£! council also approved the Lyon, John Royston ancl Eugene remodeling of the city clerk's of· Royston. Burial was at Maple/ flee. The counters will he moved

;;r:ov;e~ce:m~et:e~ry~· ............ ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ out to enlarge the front office so the city treasurer can move Iter rlesl< out of the council eharnbers. A door will he cut from the coun· cii' room into ·I he hack hall for u fire exit. P.X. Sale way revenues are devoted to C'Oil· hers were Barne~ Wnrcl, Mrs.

sl rrrcl ion, Evans told Rupet•visors. Homce Correll, Verna Hedeen, ·--·-·-----·· Russell Phillips, George Sidwell,

Archeology Group To Meet Sunday

Members of the Central Michl· gan r:haptet· of the Michignn Archeology society have arranged a meeting in Lansing Sunday artr.rnoon. Tire rnccling will be at tl1r. conference mom of the Stat£! .Tournai builrling, beginning :rl ;{ n'dock.

Edmond Gibson, president of tllr! state, ami 2 members of tile Grand Rapids society will show films oJ' recent Indian mounrl excavations.

'l'lw meeting Sunday is open lo the publie, to :tny nne interested

Viola Montgomery, Thomas Sinas and Paul Younger.

-Murder (Continued I'I'Om J>n~e 1)

lo the jnll at Mason. Between 12:45 and 4:30 he was injured by somebody's blows or by a fall. He did not regain consciousness, rlying 48 hours later.

There was argument over the degree of the alleged crime prior to choosing the jury. Scott is charged with murder in the flrsf·

Justice of the Peace Roy Adams appeared before. the coun· r:il to offer them the us·e of a room for justice court at his home on the corner of Ash ami Lansing streets. Court is held in his office over Shimmin's drug store at the present. All it would cost the city to move the court woulrl be the salary of a part· time court clerk ami the cost of n justice court phone, according to the judge.

The matter carne up when it was suggested hy Counellman Fot·che tltnt the council cham· bers could he made over for H justice court room.

degree. Dunnings moved that the when he first snw Smith Sunday charge be reduced In mnn· evening following the trmihle al slaughter. Judge Coash drnied the jail the man was in a coma. the motion. Smith then had injuries nbout his


---------------------------------------------------Ciga rets Carlon $1.8 9

Plus Tax

ALL CAPS 1/3 Off Boy's · Men's

White Handkerchiefs 12 for 99c

Cannon Sheets 81x99 $1.79 Ea.

Cannon Pillow Cases 42x36 79c Pr.

Men's Briefs and Athletic Shirts

2 for 89c in Tnclian lore. In their opening sfatcments face, a fractured nose and a cui

both the prosecutor anrl Dun· lip, Dr. Stowe said. He told of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iningsallurled tonf~i thatSmllli treahnent ~ven to· reclu~ had at the clambake .. According Smith's blood pressure. He found to Dunnlngs, Smith could have no evidence of a skull fmcture received his fatal injuries In the until the autopsy, Dr. Siowe 1es·


Men's Work Socks $1.99

6/$1.00 Foam Rubber 79c lb

· If you like quick -but legal! -getaways, you'll go for OK Used Cars. They deliver top perform­ance because they're thoroughly inspected and scientifically reconditioned. And that recorJdi­tioning covers performance, appearance, safety ·and values! Best of all, the OK Tag. means. W!IC­ranted in 'wtiiing at no extra ~ost.. '; .

. . . .-. ·. ·" ..

....... ... ·. ·-~~~~<:·~-~~-> \·.·

.ISolcl-only'Autliorlzed 'Chevrolet Dealer ··.~·. - ' . ' . ' ·-

for the red()/( Tag!

~~ 1!!!2.-~

Jail. Chamberlain insisted that titled. Smith was unhurt in the clam• Russell Kisor of Mason testi· bal1e mishap and so far prosecu· .llecl that he was at the Elll .. s uf-~ lion witnesses have testified ·that fair near Jackson. He saicl Smith Srnith was apparently uninjured fell off a chair with a thud t11at whim he entered jail. wns audible. Smith was unable to

The jury with judge, lawyers get up alone, !(fsor declarecl. The ancl other court officials· visited Mason man said Smith appeared lhe bullpen at the jail Tuesday to hl~ drunk at: the pat·ty. afternoon to see the setting of the alleged murdet·. · l<'Jrsl to testify was AI Marsh,

owner of a Leslie restaurant. He said Smith appeared to be druni< when he was in the Marsh restau· rant. Deputy Don Haynes of Les· lie told of mal1ing the arrest of Smith and taking the man to jail. Deputy Wilbur Keyes told about booi<ing Smith and about visiting the bullpen Inter when Smith was reported to be s'icl<.

Woodworth Newman and Nor· bert Cavanaugh of Jacl<son said they were at the clarnbal<e. Both testified that Smith fell from a chnir but did not suffer injury.

Clayton Salyers, Frank Burns, Warren Gt·oves nnd Willie Letts were among· the witnesses who said they did see or didn't see Scott attack Smith in the bullpen.

Dunnlngs gt•JIIed Washington and other former jail inmates about their .own records. The de­fense lawyer inquired about a stabbing charge once lodged against Washington in Balli· more. It wasn't true, Washing· ton replied, but he did admit to a cutting charge In self defense in Virginia. He admitted scores of arrests for dt•unl<etmess .

When Privacy Is Desired

'l'lfERE Jll'e mnny who prefer 1111d llPJil'C{!Iate pt·lvncy in everything connecteal with a sm•vlce · tot• a member of the tumlly. To meet this desire "'e have provided cvet·y fnclllt.y. Our· cousulhmt l'OOJlL'I ure set nslde from. ,Ute rest or our es· -tahllshment; u pt•fvute family room Is provided fm• Ute ehnp· cl Slll'Vh!e,

. In. his· testimony Dr. Clinton said when he exnmlned Smith at the jail the forenoon of Septem· br>r 12 he found tlu~ man un· JEWETT,

Funeral Home · · ' conscious with blood pressure

AI I • c:h· . . ·~ t . .. . registering more thnn :300, .·The Home of·FrJendJ,. Service ·


Jl~e • . evl"!o e ,Smith's reflexes appeared to :b~ · l'hono MOion 2·0151 ,


Men's Flannel Shirts

Was $2.98

Boy's Flannel Shirts





'5 Buckle Arctics $4.9 S WAS $6.29


4 Buckle Arctics $3.9 S WAS $5.49

Women's Stadium Boots


Nylon Hose


51 Gauge 3 Pr; $1.49 Shirts $1.29

WAS 9!Jc

Work Gloves 1J4 Off

All Luggage V3 Off

Dress Jackets 113 Off·

,Men and. Uoy's

Men's Coveralls Size 34 to 50

Reg. $4.95 NOW,$3.75

Men's Matched Work Suits PANTS $2.99 SHIRTS $1.99.

Colors ~ Blue, Sun 'l'ru1, Grey ami Green


Bath Towels 3(99c

Wash Cloths 12/89c

Men's and Boys' Work and .Dress Sho·es Over $10- $3 Off Over $3- $1 Off Over· $5- $2 Off . Under $3- 75c Off

, )'' : ~ , . . ; I 1

. · • , ,llOJ:mnl, however, the. ·Mas!ln doc··· 'Ambulonco ·Service, doy and ''lllhl.: ' '


' ' • , , tor Stated, . · · . . . ' f ·'Am~UIARCO"'Oq~lp)lld :With: OlrJID •

Phone Moson 2-8061 Dr. Stowe told the jury tlra~ , ___ •..,n-dE_m..,er_•_•n-re~•u_•_•,_t• .. '•.;.•·~·--1]111 lll••••• .. ••••lliil .... •lll•lli .. ••• .. •••••••••••llil••l .. , ' $7.50 - $2.·50 ·OH ' ' •. I•" , - ,. .'. 0 -, I • ' ' ' ,'" '' ~ ·' < '' , •• ' I '

. '/'

i Olcemos Church Maps Campaign Ftn $80,000

Ingham County News . ~-.:--··-· -iiiiiiifiG±Z-· WMM't t tttrdiiMAIIdt(.VY 5!1W.,..'IMI1,..;4W4n•~~~~-W · fiiMWr:t~••w"'"U•,.,.,.........M'IMII!IfiJ'RRMtt:ellitlll._. M a A"'MI--YC'''PFMMW~li~flllllll£atllll'l--l!llll!ll--llll'l!l!--------lltlii!OUO februnry 10, 1955 Page 3

( )J\I'IllCIS e :ollllllllllify C'illll'f'li lens 111'•(1111 il~ nrt(anlzatlon for n l.ccllrling f1111rl t'illnpnlgn '" r•c·c•r·J II 111'\V f'lllll'f'il IHiilrJIIlj~. 'I'JJI• illliirl· j

lng f11111l goal lws iJPr'll :;PI ily I ill'· dlllrr•li mhiiH:I ;II i1 ITiilllllllllll r1f $HO,e11111. Plnn:; rtnrl :;lwtcl;r:s liavo 111'1'11 ril'll\\'1'1 liy Milllslln /IIHI C'lll'· vPr ll'liir'lc gil'l' 11 ll'illnliVI' irlt•n of wli;1t tlrr• flf'll' l'illll'f'li wllllllol; liiH' 'l'llf'sl' 11\'f' Slliljl'l'l to 11111'1' r:lcangt: or III1Hlil'l1'11llon, l'illll'f'il 1d'rldnls :;1rlrl. lnform11lil'l' dlnm•rs fo1· !Ill' l'r:llgrr•gnlioll iiiiVII iiPPII plannl'ril :•11 Ileal nil 11111.\' ilr: tlilll'llllgllly ill· l'oi'IIH'rl 11s 111 lll'l'ris nnrl pl;cns for II Ill'\\' f'illll'l'il illlilriilll(,

.Vic·. ltlll;lllli M. '1'1'111'1'1' of l\1•!· 1'1111111, I Ill'., I'll lsillll'gli, 1'11. will gl\'1' Jli'IJJ'I'SIIilllllll rlli'l'l'lill/1 lo !Ill' fllllri·l'lrising Jli'IIJ(I'Illll fill' ill<' lll'XI ti \\'I'Pi\s. 111'\'. J)nvirl :-:1111ril',l' I

1•:\'IIIIS, .fr. ntilliSII'r r1f till' dllll't'il said: "My Jll'll.VPr :11111 l'llllfirlc•nl 1 il11pP Is IIHil IIIII' 111'\1' dnll'di! iJII iJriifiJ~ IIIII.\' iii'I'IIITH' II J'C•;cJily, '/'Ills I~""' of :c rniccirncm1 of ::;so,. 111111 will i•rill~ vll'\11ry i11 :;i,~lit." 'I'IH• dllil'~ of ill'lll'c: Slllil'ililllf will ''" fl·orn Mar1'!1 s tln·our~h Mnrt'11 ~~.

Units Get Money From Motor Taxes

Fr11111 fourtll quac'IPI' C'nllc•<'l ions td' iti11CIIHol>ilP \VPiglil illHI giiSCl· Iiiii' IIIXt'S, lilgiHIIll Will i~l'l :J;2:!7,­S07.J!i for its I'Oiflll)' lliglm·11y I-',\'Sil'l11.

L:1n~inr.; will gC't $1•10,.111'i$;1, Otlir!l' rnr:l1nm dtles 11nd villa!~rs will n•r•eivl' liii'SI' sum.~: l':11st L1111· sing, !)\:.!0,7!1S.Hfl; :VIIISII/1, $:i,:!·I2.H'i; Willi:unslnn, $~.720.·1S; LPslie, $2,· :!'i•l.71i; Slnel<hrirl~r}, $1,.124.21; WPIJIH'I'I'illl', $fl·l:l..J:t; 1111rl Dans· villi', $H2!i..Jfl.

IJndPr pres1•nl rlislrihution, tlw still(\ ~els -'1·1'.1 ~ ('Olllllic~s, :17'lf, :cnd <'itil's and iiH'OI'JlOI'al<:rl vii· )ilgt's, J!l'.~ of' llighway l'PVl~llllCS,:

legion Post Stops life Memberships

LifC' nwmilrc·s of nrownc·Cav· <'rlll<'r pos1 of the J\nwc·ican Lr· ginn arP rww ,just like 1 lte rest of I he hoy:-;, At a mrr•ling last Thurs· clay niJ.:Itl memiH'I's votr:rl to dis· eontinue life memhc:rships. At llw .Janu:ll'l' fi ml'etin~ a motion was marie,·;, rlisr•ontinue tile plan. A<'erll'tling lo ily·lmvs all mcrniJer~ lwd to he notified 20 dnys prior to a volt'. The\' we.t·c: notified ancl at lasl 'I'IHII';ilay';; rncetinf; dis·l mnt inuanee was deddcd upon.

\v'lw11 1 he post wa~ flush with funds in lfl40 lifr mcmhen~hip:~ were set up for all members of 5 yf'ars standing or on pnymcnl of $10. 8vcn before the fire which rlc•stroyrrl tile Legion building ;J

Yl'llr ago, till' pn:-;t. was in ll'ouhle ovrr liff' rnemhersl1ip:>. Each mPmilCI' is !axed $:1 a yenr hy tile stair rleparlrncnt. so lifr memher­~<hips were resulting in annual Jo;;sPs. ThP lire mndc: coni inuance of life nwmherships imtlCis~ihlc, saicl Fran!' Schmidt. post c:nm· 111nnrle1', 111HI many lil'e members \'olunt;crily changed their statu.~.

Lawyer Tells of Lin colt~ Wilber M. SL'i•lyc•, Lansing at·

loc·ncy and an allllwrily on 1hc life of Abrahnm LinerJln, spoke hefnr[• .the TvJa:-;on I<ilwnis club Tur:~diiy nigl1 I. He cli:-;eussed 11w puhlir· career of Lincoln, declar­Ing 111111 the 11111 1'1 yred preside11 1 c·onsitlered llimseH 11 Jailme hut th11t h'i: is recognized as 11 hero lo IIH• 1low11troclrlrn lhl'oughnul the r:ivilized world. Lincoln's humility r:ndeared him to millions, Srely1• rlrf'lnrecl.

Husband Serves Term William DuBruine of BattlL•

Creel; is serving 80 clays in the lngham ,jail nn non·support l'hargc:;; .• Judge Earl l\1cDonalll nf Lansing municipal court also nl'· riPrPrl DeBruine lo pay $20 costs anrl $100 toward suppOI'I o[ his Wifr. ancl famil\•. Mrs. DeBruinc was charged wlth child abandon· ment when sl1e lr:ft her ehilrlrcn with a >~Isler on Holfc l'oacl to go In Br~ I lie Creel; to plcnci l)'ilh her husband Ior funds. Thr chilrlrr.n were made ll'mpnrary warrls of thc em1rt, and lr~let· rc:leascd to Mrs. DeBrulne's mnllwr. Charges ar~r~insl Mrs. Dr.Bruinc: wc:rl.' rlroppecl.

Prices Good Thansdcay~ Friday &. Saturday 'iff~


Much~Mo~e Canned Goods Sale

Cans ,for

V\fhoh~ Kerr~11e~ Corn Cream-Style Corn Pou·k 51 lrneC!lns Red Kidney Beans

Cut ~~~ur D~ans Cut Green Beans n~·wsh ~!:iie~~t~:wr.oe!ll Sauerl<r·aut

Va ltu·

303 Sto!aeware Mixing Bowl Sets

t\11 'I I'M

99c Wif.h :It·



FRESH PRODUCE AlWAYS \\'1''1'1' SUIT~' 1\'1\ f'UIJ 1111(. Ill'

llu•st• 'w!s lu.o,t. Wt'l!ll. \Vp, hu\'4' ~:r'<'III'PII mtothPJ' shlpnwnt su h1• sue·•· ami 1{4'1. yonl's,


California Pasca~ Ce~ery ly. Bunch 19c Cleo1nser 49c

DelMonte G~·,eenback Sale Ut•li\lonlt• 12-m;. Can lli•ll\lnntt~ No. 3fl3 Cau

Whole l(ernel Corn 3 Cans 47 ( Grapefruit Sections 2 Cans 39c Gano~-n

NO. I CI~LLO Pi\CI{ llPII\Jnntt~ 'Hi-m~. Can

Orange Juice Hdl\lonte~ N n. 2 Can

Sliced Pineapple 30c 33c II I fl I

Dt•l!Uonl:e 1 4-oz. FANCY

Pepper Squash lib 2sc: Waxed Paper·

De•ll\rontt\ Sliet•ll o1· Whole~- :w:1 Can

Peaches Tom a to Catsup 2 for 35c

2 l'c Dl'll\loniP 30a Can- CJ'I':tm-St.yiP

Corn 3 for 47 c LAHGE -- FlmSH I HU-H. I: oil Ue~ll\lonte: No. an:~ Cau

ll1>IM ontr :~~!:{ Can Sugar Peas 2 Cans 43c Crushed Pineapple Coconuts Ead1 19c 2 Cans 45c

" He•ll\lonto lfi-uz. J>Jq~.

Seedless Raisins 1)1'11\lnntll ~0:{ C:LII NO. I l\HCHIGAN 19c

Potatoes 15-lb Peck 49c Tide Giant Size

Regular - 69c 2for57c

Fruit Cocktail lkiMonto 46-oz. De•l!\lonte •Ui·oz. Can

Tomato Juice

lo~PJest .. Meat Prices

eef sts lb

, WRESH S~DE PORK Slict~d -lh 4Ue

Gl'ound Smol;t-d

111 To.wrt .J

All Choice Chuck Cuts

Small ant! L1~an

lb l9c l~nd and l'il•e,•s

4 lb 98~ gy the~ Pil•r.e•

~b l9t

HAM LOAF MIX __________ :. _______ 2 lb 98c

CENTER-SLICED HAM ______________ lb 89c

CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS _________ )b 59c

BOSTON BUTT ROASTS ____________ lb 39c LEAN PORK STEAK ________________ lb 4·9c

FRESH PORK LIVER __ .:. _____________ lb 21c

SPARE RIBS- Lean and Meaty _______ lb 49c FRESH NECK BONES __________ ~ ___ 2 lb 29c RIB BOILING BEEF _________________ lb 19c

VEAL CHOPS- Choice Shoulder Cuts __ lb s·9c TENDER CUBE STEAKS. _____________ lb 79c


S\VISS STEAK ____ :. _________________ I~ 49c

STEWING CHICKENS- Pan Ready __ 35c SIRLOIN STEAK _________ "' ~ _____ "' __ lb 49c

ROUND OR T-BONE STEAK _________ lb 59c RIB STEAKS _______________________ lb 39c

BABY BEEF LIVER - Very Tender ____ lb 35c

Club Franlcs

31 c Pineapple Juice

Special Sales Va~ue Yotm~ -:- Tendl'l' - Wl'll 'l'•·imnwd

Birdseye Frozen P~es Chicken Beef ·rurl<ey



15c Pt~nn 'l'er;t ri-Grain


1 GA Delicious


·1<i ()'J,.

2 100 for

Aspirin T<:~b·lets lJc

Fresh Standard

Oysters 83c Pint·

Jumbo Shrimp lb 79c

5 lb Box $145

Fresh Se.a Foods White Fish- Pike


lb89c Hea.t and Eat


Smelt ·lb.57c

• • ' 0 26c.

. . . . 29c


10 Lh

99c Aunt Cl:u·a.


2 Lh

49c ,IGA Ptll'e

Elbow Macaroni

'I Ut







Grahams 2 U1 Plq~;.



Shortening·. 3 U1


3 lb Ground Bee·f


Social ~vents anJ Persona~ Matinee Musicale Pfans Benefit Bridge Event's 'l'o help mise funds In cqulp 1 Dart and Mrs. !toy Christensen.

und fum ish u music hullcllng nt Ot IH•r· hnwhcons uri! sclwdulecl the Veterans hospital In Battle> fnr later In tlw sensnn. Creel< Mason memhm·s of Mntlrwc! Mc!mhers of MatlrH'I! Mtts!c!ll!e

mulw r·cgulnr visit~ to the Velet·· Musleale In Lnnslng are plan· uns hospltul to lwlp lllt!nlally nlng IL scrl!!ll of hr·ldgc-huwlwons. dlsturhed patic!nls thr·ou!(il mu·

Mrs. A. V. Smith will he lum· sku! tlwmpy. tess at I lw first hr·idgc!·lundwon ThosrJ wlw ;mve worlwd with next. Monrlny afternoon at J:J:i. the pallt!nls 111 IJntt!P. Crcel1 have Assisting as t'o·hostess will be rr.pnrterl almost mlrneulous lm· Mrs. R, G. llensnn, Mrs . .fumr>s provcnwnts In snnw lnstrtnc!es.


ollm 1\c!lly ent.crtulnr.rl 12 rmuples nt. ltl~ home fnllowlng the ,J.Ilop nt Mlehlgnn St11tc cnllr.gc Satunluy night. lnelucled among the gtwsts were Miss Carol Gnu· lr.t, who hns ,lust hccn clr.etccl Miss Big Ten from the University of Mlnnesotn, and her escort ,Jon Slwphurcl.

• • •

Ceremony Unites Oklahoma Couple

• • •

Calorie Counters Choose Officers

Pounrls·Awny club members elected Marian Glllett: chairman of the orgnnlzallon nnd Glennis· Laxton, secretary and treasurer, nt. the eluh's second meeting 'J'ucsday morning.

'l'hc club was orR,anizcrl to help whittle awny the pounds on women In the Mason arcn. At the llrst meeting 3,04llb of mcm· hers shower! up, Al the second meeting Tuesday 3,442 lb-17 women-put in an appearance.

'l'he idea of I he club is to usc the group npproaeil to the over· weight problem.

Lansing Jeweler Gives Talk for Club Members

Cnrl Cnol< of Morgan'H jewelry storo,, spolcc~ to rnemhoJ'B of tlw Mason Woman's dull 'l'Hes­dny nftc!J'JH>on nt their nweting In tho Hall Memorial llhnu·,v.

Mr. Cnnl! spnlw on the rnmnnee of sllvm·. fie tolrl somr. nf its his· tory anrl strcssod tlw fllr!t thnt. many nf tho olrlr.r· patterns in sllvm· arc! :;till pop11!ar. Ht! used some pieces or sliver in a display,

Mrs. W. E. Claret wa~ pmgram ehnlnnan nnrl lmrocltteerl Nnncy Smith, who entcrtnlrwd wlih n llute solo. A l]ltartc•t fmm the sc:hnol g-ave a selcd Inn, twcnrn· pan!P.d hy Mrs. lltrsscll MeiJrlrle at thr. piann.

Orla Shealhelms Observe 25th Wedding Anniversary

Miss Alync Morgan of Okmul· r~ee, Ol<lahnrnn, hecnmc the brlrlc of Almon D. Bcnver of Bmlwn Arrow, Ol<lnhnmn, Saturday ovc· nlng at the Housel Unlterl Breth· ron pltr:;onnr;e. Hev. Vm·nnn H. Denr·dslr.y performed the slnglr.· l'lnr: ceremony,

The hrlclc Is the daughter- of Mr·. ami Mrs, Er-nest Moi'gan of Ol<mulgcc, Ol1ialwmn, anrl thc br-ldegr·oorn's parents arc Mr. ami Mrs. Amos H. Denver of Broken Arrow, Ol<lahoma.

The group meets each Tuesday JUASON'S BASI{Jo;'l'HALI, QlJimN and Gail :mccceds .Janet: Fiecllct•, the 1954 forenoon at the Hall Memorial her court did quite a job inS[liring• the team. 1 1 1 11 llhmr·y at 10 o'clocit. At the · Jas H't Ja queen. .Janet's college chores at:

lfnstosscs, Mrs. Floyd 'l'nylnr, Mr:;, A. B. Ball, Mrs. Roy Mumau and Mrs. Iloward Smith, ser•ved dnlnty rofrp:;hmcnts. Dccnrntlons were In iweplng with the Vnlen· tine theme. Mr·. und Mrs. Orla Sheatlwlm

observed their sliver· wedding an· nlvcrsr1ry at an open house! Sun·

" clay afternoon nnd evening at Uwlr home.

111 sci'Ving were Mrs. Asn Pt•oc· tor, Miss Ar•Joa Proctor, Mrs. ,Tames Moran, M1·s. Joe Bullen, Mrs. Hamid Paul, Mrs. Arlo War· fir!, Mrs. Delmar Carr, Mrs. Glen Wallwr, Mrs. Ronald Stover, Mrs. Holwrt A, 'l'hnrnpsnn, Miss Su· zannc Thompson, Miss Sully 'l'lwmpscm, Miss Rosemary Star· l<ey, Mfs;; Sally Nelson, Mrs. Dan Starkcv, Miss Carol Graf, Miss Marlerir. Wnrfle and Mrs. Carl Nelson.

After Gail Hom was ct·owned 1Dfl5 queen 0 · 1 · 11' · 1 mcelfnrr membe1·s step up on the hvei co lege Jn I mots wpt her away fmm • b before ,the start of the varsity ·game Mason

scales and have their weights rc• Fl'iday night's feslivitic:-;. Thr. next mcNin~.;, Tuesday, l~clll'lrnry 22, will lw guest day. Vcl'flon .r. Bmwn h11s been se· lccted as Rjll'aiwr. His topic will be "Long, Long Ago," Mr. and Mrs. Sheathclm were

: :: married In Millville on February H, 1 !!30. Slnr:e llwn 1 hey have

For her wcclrllng, the bride wore a ballcl'ina-length gown of red moire sill<, fashioned with n scoop nccl<llne and fitted bod lee.

corded. '!'hose who show a gain went out and upset Everett.

arc fined. Those who lose arc Lined up in the I'Dyal picture are .Tanet The Mason student body nornlnales the complimented and those who re· Bullen, Lois Hall, Queen Gail, .Janice Me- queen candidates and picks the queen by main the same as the previous Michael ancl Janet Cornwell. popular vote. wecl< get the opportunity to taiw ---------------------------------------­

· Jived in White Oak township. ; ·-~· Refreshments of Ice r:ream, ' · r:alw ami pu rwh were served I o ' " the 200 guests present fi'Om Lan·

'.'; sing-, Chelsea, Leslie, Williamston ' ···ami Potterville. Assisting their

'_: daughter, Mrs. Hoher·t 'I'Iwmpson, ···---

Clubs Have Meet At Kipp School

Members of the Musnn No. 1 extension group, Klpp School Mothers eluh and Pin!< Sch1ml Mothers elub mql ~I ,the, Klpp school Tuesday evening.

A .• r. DeHose and !om Elsesser of Lansing showed pic,turr.s and tali<cd to the women on the ef· feels of muscular dystrophy. Through the showing of pictures I he men arc trying to raisP. funds to help combat the rlisease,

Mr. nnd Mrs. Sheathclrn re· e!!lverl many nice glfls.

The couple was attended by Mrs. Benrdslcy anrl Tony Vncei<,

Mrs. Beaver is .a r:raduate of the Twin I·Illls high school, 01<· mulgec, Ol1lahoma, clnss of 19~2. Mr. Beaver grarluaterl from Chi· locco Indian school, Chl!occo,

MHS CONF' I''N'I'EHTAINS Ol<laho~a, In 1953. He !~ ~m· · · - - - ' , played rn the commercial prmtmg

Mrs. Hohr.r·t Crml! entertained department at the Ingham Coun· 7 women at a gathering Monday ty News. The newlyweds reside evening at her home. Following in Lnnsing. an evening of visiting the host· css served refreshments. Those present were Mrs. Ted Bauer and Mrs. Harold Gallw of Holt, Mrs. Donald Green o[ Lansing and Mrs. William A. Dart, Mrs. Joe Dean, Mrs. James Brown and Mrs. Dm·wln Barr.

Mr;;, Allen Ridwrrls and Mrs. E:dna Rcynolcls of Lansing called on their aunt, Mrs. Maud Rich· arcls, TtJcsday.

• • •

Initiation Held for Three Candidates

Mason chapter No. 150, Order of Eastern Star held ln!Uution ceremonies Monday evening at the Masonic: temple. Candidates receiving degrees were Mrs. Clarence Adlof, Mrs. Wilbert Cummings and Mrs. Richard Haight.

home a plastcr of Paris pig to give them an Incentive during the wee!<.

In the l!rsl week of operation the original 14 members melted off 55 lb.

Discussions on proper diet, cat·

Club Members Learn of Ideas 1n Child Education

ing hnblts and ideal weights arc . Wllllam Woods, gl'ilduate st ll· part of the program at each dent In radio ami television, of meeting. Membership openings Michigan State college, spoke to nrc stiH availnblc, according to the 'Mason Child Slttcly Cluh No. club officials. 1 Wednesday cvcnln!J on eclucal·

• • • ing a child. The club met. at the

Teachers Learn About Methods

home of Mrs. Lawrence Barton. In his talk, Mr. Wood stated

that In educating n ehlld the par· ents must develop pl1ysical r·c. qulreinents to a point wlwrc II is possible for a child to lll<Jstcr

More than 550 teachers at· taslcs. The second point he tended the county Institute at stressed was in creating a !IPsire Mason Wednesday to Jearn about for compleling and ma;:trrin;.; methods and theories. There were these .tasl<s, whieh ·is 11 rr.sponsi· also meetings for school bus bJIIty of the teachers. Mr. Woods drivers and for hot lunch man· gave examples o [ progressive agcrs and cool<s. education and how it worked to

Institute meetings were at the create interest in doing a job Mason school and in the base· wi!ll. ·

lr.a from a table rcntcr·ed with va!entlncJ decorations.

There were 19 mcm her·s pres· cnt at the nwcting. Mr·s. Norman Bu nlu•r at t enrlerl as a guest.

'l'he I<ipp School Mot hers cluh served refreshments of· dwrrv tarts, mints, nuts and coffee. ·

ljl * * Mr. and Mrs. John Pot tcr· caller!

on Mr. and Mrs. Jay Coll'ey Sun­day.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nis· wongcr, Alice, .Jimmy, Pearl and Betty, Mrs. Anna Vi cary and Mrs. Helen Mulldns called on Mr. and Mrs. Seth Cai'l~on Sunday,

Following \he ceremony the committee served refreshments of cake, fancy cool<ies, spice(! tea and crackers from a Jace-coverecl table. A. cel)lcrpicce of pink car· nations and stock formed th':! background for the heart-shaped decorated cnl<e, flanked by lighted

ment of the Baptist church. ·Fallowing the tallc by Mr.1 Sixty-five teachers attended the Woods, Mrs. Donald Edgington,

noon luncheon In the Presby· .ciub president, announced the lcrian church. appointment of Mrs, Howard

Ingham County News February 10, 1955 Page 4

Herbert. Harrison of New Yorlc Schlichter as program chairman made the principal address, His for the coming year. The group topic was "Education-Bulwarlc also participated in a baked of Demuerncy." Frederick Ben· goods auction conducted by Mrs.

Mynette Dresses

Sizes 12 1,~ to 2'1':, Spring Shec!J's, Prints

$8.95 Up

Betty Barclay Dresses Siws 7 to J:i

Pongee Prints, Cot Ions

$8.95 Up

Forever Young Dresses

Sizes 10 lo 20 Sheers, Prints

$8.95 Up .. Nylon Crinoline Petticoats



Movie and Slide

SCREENS Reg. $29.95

Now $16.95 Save $13 Save $13


TRI-X Film

120 • 620 ~ 135

;iO" X 50"

New 1\odalc l~ast 135

C·olor. Film 20 Exp. $.l85



candelabra. · Mrs. George Green, Mrs. Stan·

ley Holmes, Mrs. Hollis Bartlett, Mrs. Harold Darrow and Mrs. E. 0. Pauley served on the re· frcshment committee.

nets, Mrs. Doris I<ohlligian, Dr. Philip Shirley. Clyde Campbell and Guy Hill of Mrs. Barton, assisted hy co· Michigan State college, W. W. hostesses, Mrs. Philip Sirrine ami Wattenberg of Wayne University, Mrs. ·Karen Field, server! rc· Robert Martin and George Scutt freshments of dessert, eoffce and of the state department .of P4blic Instruction, and Wallace Watt :of the Michigan department of men, tal health were among those who participated in or led dis·


A miscellaneous shower hon· ored Mrs. Harold McMichael Thursday evening 11t the home of Beverly Fislt. Sandra Slee and Sharon Warner served as eo·host· csses. The evening was spent playing games appropriate to the occasion with prizes going to the guest of honor. Mrs. ·McMichael then opened her gifts which had been placed under a green and white umbrella. The hostesses served refreshments of punch, Ice cream, cup cai<cs and mints to the 22 guests present.

cuss ions. • • •

JOLLY 12 CLUB MEETS Mrs. David Stone entertained

. New Arrivals Mr.-"and Mrs. Milton Berger)ll

of Arin Arbor are I he parent~ of a· sari, Michael Donald, horn Feb· ritary 3 at University hospital. Mrs. Bergeon is the former Mar· glc LaFleur oi Hoche~tcr, New York

10 members of the Jolly 12 group at her home Tuesday. Mrs. Rob· ert I< err won the white elephant Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bennet l and first prize with low prize go· are the parents of a daughter ing to Mrs·, Helen DeBie of Lan· born Wec!ncsc!ay, February n, at shig. FollowJng an evening of the Mason General hospital. Mr·s. visiting and playing pedro the Bennett is the former Patrieitt hostess served refreshments to """'"''""n, daugltter of 1\Ir. ami the 10 members and 2 guests, Mrs .. C. A. Middleton. • • •

Mr. and ·Mt·s .. Richard Stewart of Lansing were week end guests of Mr·. and Mrs. Jay Spr•ague. Mr. and Mrs. Sprague entertained Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Donald.Wilcox and children, Nancy, Bobby and Rex, and Mrs. Jc Sprague at a ftsh fry Sunday. Miss Helen Wilcox and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wilcox, David anrl Janice called on Mr. and Mrs. Sprague Wednesday.

Mrs. David Stone and Mrs, Iva Peterson. The next meeting will be held Tuesday, February 15, at the Mrs. James Hulett home.

Mr. and Mrs. Austin Cavan- 1

augh oJ Leslie nrc the p~rcnts of a ,son,. Kevin· Michael, horn Ft·i· day, Fc;bruary 4, at Mnson Gen· eral· hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Roy and Darrell visited Margaret Roy, at University hospital, Ann Arbor, A.son, Michael Hugh, was horn sunday. Monday, February 7, to Mr. nnd

Mrs. Clare Raymond called on Mrs. Richard·I<inney of Dansville her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam at Mason General hospital. Klmmcrer Friday. Born to Mr. and Mr~. Alhrr·t J

Mr. and Mrs. Gus J(ean were Cole of Mason n son, Dnniel week end guests of Mr. and Roy, Tuesday, February 8, at Mrs. Joe McDannel of Toledo, Mason General hospital. Mrs. Floyd Mitchell and Mrs.

Rosa Washburn took Miss Con· nle Washburn to Kalamazoo col· lege Sunday,

Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bur· of Dansville arc the parents of'

gess, Larry, Shirley, Keith and a daughter, Linda Louise, born Gene spent the weclt end at Laite Wednesday, February 8, nl Ma·


Polaroid. FILM

$1.29 $1.~5 EveJlbody's Playing it

George. son General hospital. Miss Ruth Fillingham of Lnn· A daughter was born to Mr.

sing called on Mr. and Mrs. C. A. and Mrs. Donald Ruby Tuesday Mosher and Donald Knight Tues. evening, February 1, at Sparmw day evening. Mrs. Mosher served hospitnl, Lansing. The Hubys refres·hments of straw berry have another daughter, Rene~, 22j· shortcake and tea. months. ·

Mr. and Mrs. Holden Stiles left A son, Michael Klauber, weigh· Wednesday for Blissfield to spend ing 9 ib, was born to Dr·. and Mrs. 10 days with Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Schwabland's children while the Murray Klauher of Buffalo, N. Y., Schwablands are in Washington, Saturday, Februar'Y 5. It is their D. c. . first child. Mrs. Klauber is the

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hazelton former Joanna Brown of. Mason, attended the funeral services· for daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mrs. Jennie Harp In Eaton Rap· M. Brown. ids Wednesday afternoon. · · * * *

Mr. and Mrs·. J. Wilson Davis PART;i .FETES NEW ARRIVAL plan to leave Friday for Florida Friday evening 12 guests where they will spend several gathered at the home of Mrs. weelcs. Frederick 0. Brown will Lucille Wilcox to welcome the carry Mr. Davis' mall on Route 3. arrival of Donna Mne Horstman,

Mrs. Frank Hays and son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Ronnie, of Phillips road returned Ho·rstman, born January 8. The home Sunday from Francesville, guests designed Mother Goose I IndIan a, · where they went pictures for Donna's scrapbook Wednesday because of th~· tleath by tearing pictures of famous of an uncle. nursery characters oul Of con·

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brown of structlon paper. Predictions of Lansing called. on Mrs. Burt Donna Mae's life from one month G1·een Wednesday·afternoon. to 18 years were added to the . The family of Mrs. David Ben· scrapbook·, Before the hostess I nett surprised her with a birth· served refreshments Mrs, Horst· day party at her home Tuesday man opened her many gifts to

Guests were Mr. and Mrs. the tunc of "The Naughty Lady 'Bennett and family . of of Shady Lane."

Holt, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ben· . . · • • • nett and family and Mr. and Mrs. CLUB MEETS ·A1' BREAKFAST

Rich and family. Mrs. Abc Cohn entertained Mrs.·· Bessie Lewis spent members ·Of the Methodist Mis· \AI ' D Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. slonary. Study <;lub at brealtfast

. I .

:·,,\,,·.'····'· •. ·::9 .... ''~~a .. '. r. ,e. s .. : . ru'g' s.·t~· re.. ~~~~~ ~C:Xf!~~~:~o~~~~~ids. i ~~~ri~~~: ~~·ni:;;~~l1:~~ ~~:: .. David Gary; called on Mrs. ·.Arthur Zicltgraf presented

r::oltl · ' · · · W D 11 t·Po~ttl~r's gr:amlpareJ.lts, Mr. anct the lesson ·from the study booh:. :a · · .. , · :•. · · · ·' · · ,. .. , ·. 0 e ~er ,· ·of Remus TW_elllY·one attended the 'meet·

· '·' l_n~{


Solid Cologne $1.75


Nail Kits $4.35

Act 4 Soap


Fresh Gilbert Chocolates

Heart Box.

65c Up



4' ., ~~

Mrs. II. ,). Kal"ll Is sick at her GIIlL SCOUTS MI~E'I' honw this wee!< with tlw flu.

Girl Scout tmop No. met Mr. and Mr·s. Glen Cnon werc Tuesday aflr!rnnnn with their guests of their· son·ilr·law ancl leaders, Mrs. H. 1•'. Sc!IJer·t nnrl daughter·, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford MJ';;, Olis Clipper·. After· till' l'!!gU· Slh!P, mrd dattghter·, Yvonne of lnr meeting, Mrs. Stcwnrt Miller Htthhnrrlston, Sunday. The oc. gave a Iaiii on lww In haven good I rnsion honored Yvonne's hlrlh· enmplexlon, when and how to day anniversm·y. \\'ear· lipstld\ and care of eye-J Mr. unci Mrs. KenoctiJ Bibbins· bm~vs acC'O;·~iing to the shape nfl enlertalncd Mr·. and Mrs. Kenneth· thell' face, I ill:' gtrls ~u·c worl\lng Myers and Mrs. Angle Myers o( for· I heir r!nnd groorr11ng hadgc, \VIIIiHmston Tuesday. I




Jewelry l.ILrg·o Assortment

Jlmwnlc 'IAWimm

Flash Kit $13 .. 65


Snorkel Pen


Ohl S11ico

After-Shave Lotion




fconomist Offers Consumer Advice

City dwellers nnw lrnve n mfll'­ltetlng expert. t n !wop I hnm In· {ormecl on httys In slni'es, From fcderni and stale oxtenslon

Annette Sr.hae!fer,. hpme dem~l}~ stmtlon leader, hnd 1,070 women enrolll"!d; and Gerald Vll11 Slnacl had 1,40G boyll 11nrl gh·Ja enr(l)lcd In· 4·H worlt, Avery told nt the assistance given hy Kenneth Drown who rer.ently joined the stnff ns asslstnnt county agent.

• • •

. ' . . .

9t'lfllni,rutio"s i Mntlori Cl\thnllc Women's club

Will meet nt St. Jllmes ch11rch 'l'ucsctay, Fehnmi'Y 1fi, at R p, m. Thos'C nttendlng nrc to talte their own tahlo service,

4-11Club8 Stoclthrldge IIIIPP.V Ilustlcts

So.wlng Oluh.

Youth Group· Has Luncheon for 55

funds Miss Mnrln Ji'errce has 1 been assigned the taslt or eriu· Extension Cubs

l\1cmhcrs of the Mason Wom· en's Golf nssoclatlon wlll meet Thursday, February 17, 11t R p, m. nt the Vevay town hall. MrR, Franlt K, Evans will net aH chair·

The Happy Httsllers Sewing clull met w!th their lCEider Jan· unry 22, The p!'ealdent, Patrlela Sel!l'el, gave the duties of offJ, ccrs and members, and how to conduct a hualness meeting. Mrs. Marlnn Bucltley, lmuiei',. gave 11 report on county lenders meet· lngs. 'l'he first year members ~lip-stitched on practice cloth un· de1· the supervision of Mrs, .Jean Marshall and Mrs. Ted Ben­champ. The second, third and fourth year members worl<ect on lhelt· garments with Mrs, Buclt· Icy helping. Margnret Ann Feld· pnusch and Joyce and Mary Hlic served refreshments· nssistcd hy

A Mason MethocllHt youth group entertnincrl fifi HI a rlesseri luncheon nt 1:30 Wcrlncsdny afl· ernoon nt the ohurch, The serving tnhiea we1·e nn·angecl in the form of a e1·o~s fcmturing n lighted glohe at the crnss section.

(!ntlng elty iwusnwivr•s. It's fllll'l ,, ot a consumer r.rllwntlnn pmgram

'l'own and Cmmtry • man. Mrs, llobert. Inghram, ,Ji•., ~n· There will be u Valentine box

Following the lmwhcnn, I he youth ushered the \Vomen Into the chapr!l. Bai·bnJ'a ,Jowot t, pres!· dent, preslrlerl ancl gnvc the inlro· ductory SJllleC!IJ 11nr! a summni'Y of work done hy the youth 'this year .• Joan Hnll, in a reel Indian snrl, lntrorlucerl the participants and Jli' tho missionary wori1 In Inrlin.

to match tho extension movo· ment nmnng farm women, CX· plnlnerl County Agent M. fi. Avery to the hnnrrl of supm-vlsnrs 'l'uesduy,

Miss· l~cn·r>e ts llw I'XIr•nslon worlter assigned to lwlp the hmmewives In tlwir huylnr:. SIH! J•eported that lhl' Lansing wnm· £'11 with wl111m sill! Is worl1ing are enthusiast lr· ovr.I' I iw edtll!ll· tiona! prugmm. Sill' ta1Ight home economics In Iillnoi~ and worlwd for chnin stores In North Dniwt.a before coming to Mie!Jigan Stule to do graduate work.

Avery gave 11 IH'iei report of Ingham's buh'icsl. yl':tl' In cxten· :;ion wot•!t. Ilc rcpnrtcci that. Mrs.

Ingham County News rv 10, 1955 Page 5

Bargains in Books

Shelv!!s arc pndwcl wi Ill boolts, tlction of all ki nels. None over 50c~. mnny nt less than that.

Oh, I almost forgot In men· lion that the sceond printing of Peg Lf'g is nearing ex· haustion. If you want one, you'd better buy now.

Roy W. Adams Above· Shimmin Urn~;· Sture


lcrtnined the mombers of the social at the Plnit school Friday, Town nnrl Country extension February 11, at 7:30 p, m. 'fhe gruup Monday, Following the supper committee will furnish business meet.lng the group dis· coftee, cream and sug11r, Each cussed having othel' leaders teach womun is to tulw a lunch ftnd past proJects. Mrs. Inghram nnrl coffee cups for herself and one Mrs. Clarence Frye gnvc the les· man. Each person ntlcmling Js· son nn the rights and wrongs of to tnlw a Valentine. lwusehoid accessories by demon· stratlng some of them. The host· ess served refreshments 'of calte, coffee and tea.

The next meeting will he held Monday, March 7, with Mrs. Lc· Hoy Lee. ·

• • • Ten from Mason Gain Honor Rating

Harold ,Jacobson of the Lansing Connie Soller. board of education will speak to the Mason P. T, A. Monday, Fell· '!'he clothing II, UI nne! IV ruary 11, at 8 p. m. In the high members met January 20 nt the sc .. Jol auditorium. He will spcalt Patricia Seigel home. Eleven on the school and child welfare. Were present to watch demon· Lamcnce Pnrlwt• Is chairman !or ~!rations on attractive costume the evening. George Murthum colors and color combinations by will furnish the mush:. 'l'h!! third Kaywin Novotny; placltets with grade room parents nrc In charge underlup, Connie Sober; mnldng of refreshm!!nts. Mrs. Howard a thread shank, Patricia Seigel; Siebert heads the Girl Scout maldng flat·fcil seams, Irene baby sitting plan. Seigel; and how to stay stitch

Ten graduates from Mason by Margaret Ann Feldpausch. high school am among Michigan The Mothers club of the How· Patricia and Irene Seigel served S 11 d I lett school Is planning n hox rcfres·hrnents.

tate co egc stu ents w wse social for Saturciny, February 12, names nppeur on the honors list at 8 p, m. at the school. This af· Clothing I mcmber·s met Sat· fm· fall term, 1954. They are Wll· fair Is open to the community. urday with their leaders Mrs. 11 I S C tl Ml·s. Gail TIJorht•rn will bn Marian Buckley and Mrs. Jean am C. Bart cy, Alan . ur s, • ~ M 1 11 M T ct F

hostess to Uw Phillips school ars Ill · rs. c 'ay was a Zoln Bashford Dart, Ralph W. t E 11 rrirl macle a cl1art ex Mothers club Monday, February gues .. • nc " • · Fui·tncy, Janet. M. Fredcrlclt, plalning the steps In making a

11, at 8 p. m. '1'1

.Jim Treianrl, Normnn AusJin, P'Jir.mnn, Dnr·hnr·n Nor· ton, T.lnrharn .Jew!!tl, ,Joan Hall, Pat Rynn .• Tnnr.t Rnllr'll anrl Boh Burr.ei'H gliVc lwir.f tnli>s nn the work nf the Methnrlist Ynutl1 Fund In countries of the world. Lee Perkins, Christian fr.llnwshlp; Bar·tmm Stroud, Cllrlstlan wit· ness; Ervin Owen, Christ ian faith; and Lois H11ll; Chrl~tlan clllzenshlp; explained the pro­gram nrc•as nf tile Methodist Youth Fellowship.

Musical entertainment ennslstcrl of a plano soln hy N11ncy Bmy and a Rclel'llnn hy a I]Uintet com­posed of Nnnc:y Bray, R.uth .Juri· son, Joann Mutehler, Charlene Clipper and Barbara Norton .. Judy Leonard served as accompanist.

Mrs. Harry had charge of ail arrangements for the after· Marie A. Lyons, Dean Orr, Don· There wlil be a bal<ed goods peasant apron. 1c apron com·

:llci A. 11cdman and Ralph A. Reel· sale Saturday, February 12, at pictcd wlil be given to some or· noon. man. 10 a. m. at Perldns hardware gnnizatlon for a needy person.

These students hnve main· sponsored by the Country Cous- Demonstrations given were on H 't I tainec! a a.5o or higher acndemic ins extension club. cloth and straighten material by OSpl a S average for the term. CB·plus or The American Legion Auxiliary Linda and Shirley· Schreer; how l)ntter·). to marlt a.pron skirt in sections, Margaret 11oy entered Univer· ~ of ·the Buck Reasoner post No. It 1 It 1 t A A 1 r 1 t 'I I · d I h Doroti1y ·Marshall·, makinrr v,,. s Y 10sp a n · nn r Jo as 'Jclr names arc paste , n t e 238 of Holt will hold ils monthly ., •r 1 f bs t ·

II U I b 1111 · t r !nell hems, ·Joyce and Ma. ry Hlle·, uesc ay or o .crva Ion. co cgc n on u c ng as par o social mcelln" at the home of Mi 1 1 D B 1 f ti D t I I b · " ma·t'in" gathers, 'Joyce Hardt·, ss nc a u o s o 1e ar a cl sp ay nrranged Y Mortar Mrs. Cornelia Vandet-veer and ' " N ti 1 b 1 t ff t 1

I h f how to. haste apron bands, Bar· a ona an' s a was a ten Boarc, campus onorary or llCn·. Mrs. Rachel O'Connor Tuesday, 1 1 · · •r 1 Sl I barn ·Lyl'e', how to "CW apron scr ous I' sJctt ucsc ay. 1e was OI' women. February 15. ' ~ 1 1 t M G 1 1 1 1

ties. Betty Beachamp ·, attaching a >en o ason cncra 1osp ta . · 'Members of the West Alaledon II l"ti t 1 aproll ·skirt and tics ·to waist· · cr com I on w11s rcpor er as Mrs. Olive Brown attended the Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. 1 d Tl c1 1 batid, Janet Hardt and ·Hetty mprove .1urs ay morn ng. meeting of the Blue Star Mothers Clarence Sheathelm, Phillips p

1 1- h

1 b Beachamp·, compjetc apr,on band at ents c 1sc argcc from the Past Presidents club Thursday in. road, Thursday, Fe ruary 17. 1 1 1 1 1 1 to apron skirt, Joyce Hardt and Mason General 10sp Ia t 1is wee'

Norih Aurelius· Rnymrmd E, lfolnm~

T))e mid·weelt prr~yer SCI'Vlce of Uw North Aurelius church wns holrl Wednesday evening ut tho home of Mr. nnri Mrs. WEll!!!!' Gnnnwny.

Mr. nnri Mrs. Kennet!J J·~ifert nnd family ontertulncri nt n young pco)Jies. pn!'IY nt. tlrnlr home F'rlciay r•venlng of In~! woelt. The gnHI[l was frnrn tiw Soeoncl Jo'ree Mcthorllst. eill.lrr:h In Lansing. During the evening the Eiferts showed nlirie piclums on missions.

Sunday afternoon nnrl cvcnln~ Mr. nnri Mrs. Arden !shell nnci Mary .Toe o( Lansing nnri M1·s. Dnmthy l•'errls nnci d!ilrlrr:n nf Mason enilerl at the home of Mr. nnrl Mrs. llniph l"urtncv, Sr.

MI'. nnri Mrs .• Julian Lyon nne! tamily visltml nt the home of his gmndparcnts, Mr. anrl Mrs. George Wheelf'r, of Saranac Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Collins llunllng· ton left. Friday for n 2-weelts va· en lion in 'l'ampa, Flnrlrin.

Mr. and M1·s. 11ohcrl Lf'c! and family vlsllf'cl at. the homes of Mr. anri Mr~. Cnrmnn Lee anrl Mr. and Mrs. Orman Lee and family In Lansing Sunrlay.

Mr. and Mrs. Eimer Lee of Lnn:;lng and Mr.~. Frands .J. Lt•c~ vlsltcd relatives In Jackson Mon· day.

M1·. and Mrs. ,Joi111 V. Pruden of Lluming were dinner· gur!sls Sunday at lhe home of Mr. and Mrs. John E:. Pruden ancl family. 'l'ilf'y celebrnted the hlrthriay an· nlvcrsary of Mrs. John V. Pru· den.

Callers Sunclay afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Webb were Mr. anrl Mrs. AIIJI!rl I Cole and riaughlcr and Mr. anri Mrs. Kenneth Pfiester or Wil· Iiams ton.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eifert and family visiter! at the hnmc of her sister, Mrs Eva Lells, of Bannister Sunday.

L<msing. Dinner will be scrvec · at 12:30 M 1

d Dorothy Marshall; how to hem are rs. Gregory Mart nez an j--------------------------·.1 p. T~~ Mason Odd Fellows lnitla· apron, Joyce arid Mary Hllc; and Fred Graves of Leslie, Elizabeth

Weclncsclay evening Mr. anrl Mrs. Julian Lyon and son caller! at thr. home of M1·. 111111 Mrs. Richard Lyon and daughters at Mason. Tire Julian Lynns wen~ dinner guests of Richard Lyons during I he evening. On Tlrursrlay evening 11ev. nne! Mr~ . .John r;;. Pntdcn and family r:alied on the Julian Lyons.

Don't Take

Chances with those new


J,,!f; us giVtl them the finest c11re

)lOSS( bic,



tory degree wlil be held Monday, how to. put pocket on by Janet Howery, Clare Lott, E. D. Frank· I·'ardt and Barbam Lyltc. lin, William Eldred and Mrs. February 14, at the I. 0. 0. F. .,

hall at 8 p. m. i;tcfrcshments wlll The regular. meeting for all Harry Newman. be served. members wlll be February 12 !lt Patients in the Mason General

Mrs. E;rt her Ilolmes a !HI !lay· 'l'he Missionary Study club of 2 o'cloclt. Special worlt meetings hospital this weelt are Miss Mar·

the Mason Methodist church will of clothing II, February 19 ali garet Means and LaVern .Jacl<· be held February lG at 9:15 a. m. day; and clothing I, March 5 at son of Dansville, Arthur Frost of Mrs. Nathan s. Davis :-;qfff'r"Pri at the home of Mrs. Ray J(napp. one o'cloclt. These meetings will Williamston, Mrs. Velma Altvater a deep gash In her sc·nlp 'l'uesda,v Mrs. Russell Robbins will pre· be at Mrs. Buckley's. Special of Stocltbridg?, Miss Ida DuB~is, night when she strnig-htcncrl up sent the lesson from the study work meeting clothing II, III and M. L. Barnhill, Mrs·. I~ntherme after cleaning a floor. Her head booit. IV, March 12 at one o'clock at Garlow, Steven Gouldmg· and struck a projection. Several

0. E. S. county night will be Patricia Seigel's home, Regular Mrs. James Glotta. stitches were necessary to close at Holt Tuesday, February 15. meeting, March 19, at 2 o'clocl< Lois Whiting, 5-year-old claugh· the wound. There will be a box social and with a program for mothers. ter of· Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Larry Scvr.nsid square dance. Place of meeting will be an· Whiting, entered St. Lawrence and Lawrence spent the week end · 'l'he Nichols School Community nounced later. hospital Thursday evening and in Gaylord and Elmira. club will be hosts to the Curtice ~ "' • underwent a tonsillectomy Fri· Mr. rrnrl Mrs. Robert 13irl\ctt, School Community club Tuesday SerV. z•ce· '!lien day morning. She returned home susan, Jeanne, and .John of Lan· evening, February 15, at 8 p. m. Saturday. sing, spent Saturday with Mr. A !lim on soils and fertilizers · l•· .II.· · ·• • • and Mrs .. Russell Birkett. The will be shown. Wayne G. Palmer, son of'Mrs. BIRTI-IDAY':IS OBSERVED Russell Birltetts vlsiled the Rob·

monrl and !lev. TIIrAm Petbril Mr. and Mra. Howard Helml>er. l'mm Winntci)ll, Wnaljilti.ilon, Surulny nfterncron Mr, nrul Mt'fi. were Monday evcniJlg en lei·ll at Robert Lee nnd fnmlly of gnat: tho i1ome of Mr. and Mrs. How· Lnnslng cnlled at the Hcllnl\CI' ore! Helmlwra In Lansing, Itev, residence, PctOI's Ia the former pastor of 1---------~----1 llw l~h·st Brethren church in Lansing.

Mr. and Mr~. Leo Irish of Lnn· sing nnrl M1·. nnrl Mr~. Willlam Ki!ohn of Eaton Haplds spent Sunriny uftornoon ancl evening at t ilc home nf Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Kinyon ami furnlly,

Sunr!ny dinner· gUeJ>ts at. fhll home of Mr. and Mrs, HerlJer·t. Hnrt.lg nnrl fnmlly were M1·. and M1·.~. Clyde Hill of Mason.

!VIn;, f•'I'IIIWis Lee cniled on itr:v. <Hill Mrs. Elbert Marsh in Lansing Mnnclay afternoon.

Saturrlay CVI!nlng ficv, and Mr:; .. John E. Pruden attended the (;irlenn county hani]Uct held al tlu~ Stocltbridgc Method Is I. ciJurdl. Gideon Sunday wns ob· ~c·rverl at the North Aurelius ei111rdt last Sundny. They had a Gideon rcpresentnllvc !rom Lan· sing as lilll guest speaker.

Mr. and Mrs·. Lee Webb and Jamily Hnci Mrs. Shirley Holmes .~pent Monday in Detroit.

Mrs. Mavis 'l'unningsiey of lioll eaiicd at the 11obert Ler~ hrmw last 'l'ucsciny. Rnndy Lee o[ Lansing H(1Cnt several days wit11 his gmndparonts, Mr. and Mrs. llnhert. Lee, last wcelt.

Mr. and Mrs. 11obcrt Pentoncy of L<lllsing were dinner guests Saturday evening a~ the home of


CUT at

Densmore's IGA

Food liner

SUNNY MORN lb. 79c

IGA DELUXE 2-lb Tin- $1.97 1-lb Tin - 99c

WALNUT COURT MASON 'l'his llt'\1' I Vz·story home hll.~ ,just been Clllll[llelell within a hhu:l1s of the new Geda.1• Strct~t !iehool,

Note These Fine Features All wnodwork f'111l1hed tlilhltttl

Vc1·y lnn:ru hltc:hcn with many cupboard .!I

Allachcd garage

~ Slldlnu doo1·1S on bedroom clnact11

Aluminum aldin~: that climlnnte!l painting troublca.

"' full bclttCrnenl with pt~lnted w•lla

-t- Llarge 13x21-ft. living room

• DerlutJlul oalc Ooor·s

• Colnr~d bathroom f1xturu with hullt-.ln vnnlty

-~< Nice lot with U'CCK

See or Call

LAWRENCE SIMPSON (i27 Hall Bol!levaml l\liiNOll

Call 4~81 lllll!IOJl llfter 6 l'. l\1. • * 0

Irene Palmer, has been pro· . Dr. and Mrs. George Clinton crt Birltctts Monday.

~~~~~K~~~~~~~~~~~m~~~a~~rnlnj~;::~==~~=~~~;~;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ of Toulon, Illinois, who have hP.en tioned In Honolulu. He has been Sanders of Dearborn, Mr. and visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. with the marines for 16 years. Mrs. Frank K. Evans,. Mr. and Norman Wever, of Oltemos, for A/1c and Mrs. Lawrence Howe Mrs. Raymond McLean and Mr. the past 3 weeks, returned home and son, Dennis, returned this and Mrs. Gilson Pearsall at Ar· Tuesday. They plan to move to weelt from Lockbourne air .force chle Tarpoff's· in Lansing Satur­Detroit where Mr. Beale will be base, Columbus, Ohio. Sgt. Howe day. The occasion honored Mrs. employed by the Michigan Millt received basic training at Samp· Evans' birthday anniversary.

Phone 2-1511

Modern Producers assoclatlon. son air force base, New Yorlt, " " • Mrs. Lotta Howard of .Jacltson and then was assigned to gun Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Norton

and Mrs. C. H. Camp visited Mr. laying system mechanic school' attended .a training conference James House of Grandj at Lowry Field, Denver, Colo· for summer camp leaders at Ionia

~ ..... ,.,"'··fi•·•·;w,_;;;,;.,_f~ltl~1rlfltl~t-·~i.;;.Jf•~·~·~·~~~srl:u~n~d~a~y~. ;..E~·liti'td•·vaml,er; :rado. After completing school Tuesday and Wednesday; Rev. I · ·there in electronics he was. as· Norton is to he clean of the senior

Veen, Sr., plan to leave Saturday signed to Rapid· City alr force high camp of the Albion-Lansing

~========================~=fu=r~H:o:ll:y:w:o:o:~~F:~:r:ld:a:·--~~~~~~D~~~~~t~ctatLa~~~~~R~ I' turned to Lowry field for further mer.

Heart-Box Candy Lavish boxes trimmed with satin and rlbbori bows and filled with the finest candy available.

P . d f "H II nee or er 65cto $6

Valentines- Greeting Cards You can say "l Love You" perfectly with our large card selection. Priced right for personal giving. · ·

Mend Those Broken Hearts >~> Fine Cosmetics , ~· Brush and Comb Sets ~ Toilet Soaps · ~ Bath Sets . . • Compacts- Waliets

SHIMMIN DRUG · · · · ~enable;,~.iptloris <' ' ;, · .· ·. · ·

'. ' I, - •'" ' '." .•

training .and ..then assigned to!.-------------. Lockbourne base, . where he was

stationed for 2 years. He RCA-v.·ctor some temporary duty during time in Ahiska and Florida. Aft· er serving 4 years, he received his discharge on February 1. Howe is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Howe and Mrs. Howe ls the former Bonnie Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jones·.

Pvt. Robert Fish of Ft. Leon· ard Wood, Missouri, Is spending a 13-day furlough with hls par· ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fish. Following his leave Pvt. Fish will report to Ft. Bliss, El Paso, Texas.

LIONS PLAN CAMPAIGN Lions club members held a

business meeting Tuesday eve. ning at the Odd Fellow hall. They discussed fund·rnising plans and decided on a house·to-house light bulb campaign which will be con· dueled In the near future. Presl· dent Harold Hell presided at the meeting.

• * * · Sharon Whlllrig, daughter ~1

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Whiling, spent tlie latter part of last week with her . grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Cbirence Slierwood·.:Mr. and Mrs. James Bryson. ariil family of Grand Ledge visited the Whit, lngs Saturday evening.

Mrs. Robert Betcher ,ami daughter, Gloria, and Jeanne Swltzenberg left · for · Wilkes· Barre, Pennsylvania, Wednes· day.

· Mrs •. Richard Jewett arid .he.r mother, Mrs. Agnes Thurlby, left by plnne. last Thursday to visit Mrs. Jewett's son·ln·law and daughter, -Mr .. and Mrs. Richard Spcnny,, at Sacramento, . Calit· ornla. After · spending 4 · weeks there, ·they will· return by plane. · Mrs. Orle Brndman of · Lan•

sing, Mrs; I:Iazel Carrigan, Skip• Laura.and Dennie of DeWitt,

1 ~'::~ ~ .. ·~ Snyder :and Mrs, Helm~ and .Michnel called on

. Cliua. J; ,Whip pi~ Sunday • . Jennie · .Kennedy, . spent

lla!it''\\•eek with Mr. and Mrs .. RUB• , 1111d: tlimllf of l,.nnfling; ... ' .· .,. ' . ' ..

TV •

Moclel 21-S-516


other 1\loclclls

As Low As


MASON Home ·Appliance

. · . Phone .Mason 2~501!-- . I , ; Glenn Jaeobs.



4 Large Ca~s 4 9 C

Heatherwood 1/2 Gal. 37 c

MILK ·Qt. 19c

-t:: = 0 .... 5 Large 303-Size 5&. W Cans

"' ·-Q

>­-·--t:: tD = 0

Cream-Style Corn Whole Kernel Corn· Pork &. Beans Sliced Beets Red Kidney Beans

95c For 5 Cansl

S&. W COFFEE lb$1.09 GROUND BEEF 3·1b $1.00 CHUCK ROAST lb 39c ROUND STEAK, lb 59c Jello Tapioca




3 ·Pkgs. 17~

- 6 1h~:oz. Can 2.7c~ .. ,

TEMPLE bRANGES - - - ·Doz. 39( CELERY· HE·ARTS Pkg. ·19(;.

' ' \' ,· t, .. '•' ! ' I


Phone 9011 for Ads that Sell (or Buy) J ~ Wt•clrwsclny ni'II'J'rwon llc•acllinn 1111 clnssllit~tl~ e Olnssifit•tl iliSJllny ntis tHe Jlllr inch

• ·W wm·tls fm· rinl\ - Acltlilinnal wnrtls lc mwh e Onrl ol' 1\fhlhigan's lnrgPst rural want atl Rcctlonll

Livestock I IIW11 DlSI'ImSI\L --· Yorl<shlre

smvs ;uul gills ln·rd for· l'l'h· l'liiii'Y anrl 1\lnr<"h. Also exr·r>Jlrmt hoar 111111 young stndc !Uf'irarrl llal<r>r·, :1 mill's sntllli on Wll· llarnsron ronrl. !iw2p

STIENJ!OilST mill< coole1', G-crrn, slcl!! rJpenlng, rwur·ly new. 1~. E.

Fn[,(IP & Son, !i miiPs north of Mason un Oi<Pmns }'()Old, phone Lansing I~D-7-717!i. •fwf(


lTAY-Gonrl qunllty ulfalfn lrny, I CIIEVROLET-1051 4-rlonr sedan, .ler·r·y .Jorgensen, WehiJervlllr, power·gllrle, original finish,

llrnttro 2, phone Bell Onl< 7J?fi, . hentPr', low mllenge. Lll<e nnw In· -------·~--------

PIGS--•12 li·WPC!I<·nltl pigs, llmnp 'ani[ Yrll'l< r•r•.,ss. Hlt-lun·d I lcln?.,

1088 DcxtPr' Trail, D<tnsvlllr!.

1wtf 8ldc rtml out. Will II'Udc: und II-~ - ·. ---------------- nnnce, Feighner Salcs, 207 Pill'~<

Hi\ Y--Str·lng-lype Imler!, flr•si slreet, plwne Mason 27n:ll. Gwl I

Plronc Dansville! 2X02. tiw2p I'Jns Srrw arul :'l pirp;, !i wur•l<s olrl, llarnpshl1·r•, Ynt'l< r·r·oss.

r flll'l'.l' Di•pP\\', plirliH' \Vrohhror·villl' ·llifo'2. ;)w2

CI·IATN SAWS-!f'flan anrl Home· lite! Salros anrl SNVit•e. NPW,

LISC'rl and I'C!IIIais. Bnr IIIHI chain scrvlc•p for all rnalws. On Alr·porl road. 1~:. milt's IIOI'Ih nf liS·W. Lansing plirllll' •1-!i:II:J. ·Jwl f

cutting hay. Also lmlecl str·nw -----------·----- --------­for· salr!. Ludell Chcney, 427 Hl;)f CUSTOM 8 I'OHD Jcorrlol', Soull1 C'nllcgro I'Oarl, 2 milrs we.~t r·m)lo, henler, rur·nlng Jlghls, 2 l!OLS'I'I•~IN BULJ,S, II mnnlhs

''old. 'I'IH'SC' itre I'XI'C'jlliollalfy J'OOCI lilllls. fJ .. 1. Snllli'I'VIIIP, IO:ill

nnd ont• mile south of MaHon. $!i!lfi. Cull 2-:i~:JI nftr.r· 4:30p.m. ____ ----~~ liwlp

C~nllt•gp rnarl, plllllll' !IInson ~H:J:II, IHJLL HPgisiPI'I'd yroarlln~ SP.F:D OATS- rruve large qunn· . Hw2 llllll of S('I'VfroPahlt• agP. Oul oil StJecial on lily of A.lax serrl oats, onr.

___ __ .. _ . 1 gnnrl_ dam anrl r•;t!Tirs ti c•mssPs Y~'lll' Jmm r·pr•lffi~d. These 1 \VJ ·rnnsln Arlmll"ll Bur·f((l J ·rd (JIIVPI' Supf'l'itll' ylrlded 70 iluslwiH lo- I he acre. Im l Y spn11Prl r•rrmirw 2-yPar·s-1 °· ' ·' ' · ' "' ' i•'Jo:HTI LIZI~R 'oir~ C;;IJ Mas:rn ~!-7-1!11', sianfpyiCall Dr, (;p~JI·ge Cllntnn, :!·IHII, Will SPII rlln•etly Olll of hln. Call

Swnn, liwl Mns~n·_!·~en~ng~, ____ ·~vii_ l:lti\I~:J.flllLL ;?~;m9;~~~r. Cllntnn, 2·1811 M~~~r'} ;, coW.s-=:;~~-Iolst·;·ins, rrtw .IPrsP~~. I ('A LVI~S ·- r r~:~·;~orr;s •. :m~. It~ ''~~~ O~f:i~J:~p:i ---·--·- -----·------- ----

·one Gur.mscy, :l '" ;; yr.nrs, all, . P':'.ll,rrl~, _ir;\\.t~s .~<~lr. :'IP.tly s :100 BALES ni<-e dover hay, ·100 milking nnd bungs tested. Roy Sloe!,~ nrrls .tt Mmslrnll .m.d Oil- Ji,J•ancis ,Platt hales of wheat straw. Bert Btll'l(irrgham, 7 rniiPs wr~st of Ma· vet. .. -- . - .~w20p Oliver and Whillnlter. Phone Leslie .:J5~~~tf son on Columllia to <:nlc road, SWINE- 2 1 fnmpshlre sows dttr' Minnrnpolis-Molirw -----------------;p;. mllr~s soul h 011 t:;tlr• mot d. In Mnrch, weigh 27!1 lh each, Phrllll' Mason 2-!i~71 • CORN-!iOO hushPls of corn.

(iwt prl('e $1ill p;)('h; :l lfamp sows riur _________________ 6w1 1 Also haled clover hay nnd ~-lfOJ--S~;.,,,,N IW.IIWJ~ r·nlv.r•s .,,in.Apt•il and Ma,v, weigh ISO lh, CHAIN SAWS-With a llig cut--~Mhaip,d sl2r~8~~-6D. F. l!:r·vin, P(i!JOn1e

• "', ' • ' ' 0 • ,_'. fll'll'l' $.JO Plll'h. Gnocl JJamp hoar·, nson ·.J ., w p .rnrl .h mor.llhs old. l ,tul C.tll, $•Ill; !lamp llnnr·, Wl'igh 2!iO Ill, One 'l'ilan GO, $27~ In $1fl!i; one __ ....:_ ________ ~ _· ______ _

1070 S;l MPI,'IIimn l'flilli, Mn~o11. $·l!i; anrl :; 1fiO-Ih Hamp slwats, Tit;tn •15A rlPmonslrator, $:l3-l In MTXI~D HAY-fiOc per bale. One Phnne_::7_~~~<tsoll. 1•wl $25 and $30 par·h. Roy D. Donald, $2:i0; one Spor·tsman new, $27fl to I mile east of Haslett. Phone Lan·

ser·ond farm muth of Allr<'lius $215. r~nsy terms. Sec llw new sing- FE·!l8844. fiw2 ll~t· l'r·ovPd f)ait·y lltllls ('Pnlrr, pllotll' :J203 Aurelius. T-:10 Titan i>rfnrc you huy. Also ----------------

Artil'it-lnll,l' from 5w2 rental.-;. Titnn Salrfi & ServirP, I STRAW -- Large hales, Chester

Mithio·an :::0

A l'tificial Bl'eeclel's lnglrnm-Mason Lrrt•af !'ttl irt t•;tlls ily rHHIJI

( :ha1·les Bl'own lnsr>minator

J'iiOIIP 1\lotsrrn ~H!J7(i

Feecle1· Cattle

_____ .. _ 1 y, miles north nf US-Hi on Air· Fullz, !i miles south and on<' llE!FER--.Jcrsey heifer, 2 years port roml. Phone Lnnsing 110313. mile east of Williamston, 900

old. Registered. Will frcsl1en 4wlf Meech mnrl. 5w2p soon. l3rerl to Angus bull. Hal ph MILKING_M_A c H 1 N E _::-L;;~ ---

Jr·furl:mn, l~asl of Ilagador·n nn model Chore Boy with 2 single HAY-Alfalfa hrome, 180 lmles.

I south siriP of MI. Hope J'Oilfl. units. Will sacr•ifiee. Also .lames· Straw, 200 hales. John Schnu1··

I P~1one !~~lnsin~_f!:D·7·73!i5. fiwl way lmtlery brooder·, fiOO·chick busch, 2!l!i5 Ol,emos road, RoLIIe si~e. Phonr> 7G·.l-ll Wcbhcrville. •1, Mason. 5w2

I lTOLSTf~IN COW - 4-yenrs-olrl, fiw2

I c·iloir·e of 2, one fresh and one _________________ _

spr·ingPI'. Wal'fl Vir:nry, Jr· .. 118-10 INTERNATIONAL BN tractor

I MPI'irlian rmul. plmne Leslie .3!138. and ('1111 iva tor•, completely over·

BALED CLOVEH. and mixed hay, $17 u lon .. Joi111 At•end, second

house west nf College road on 13arne~ roncl, phonc Aurelius 703,

6w1 liw2 hmriPrl last spring; OlivPr 2-scc-

1 ·-------- ·-- --------------· lion high r:lrm·;mce trar.:tor· rlrag; , 5 CO\VS, $7:ill lm· all or will sep· Dunham cullipaclwr; single hot·

.'ir.c our sf'IPdion 11f ·Jill) lo liOO i :n·atc, :J Holstein~. fresh 10 to tom Intemntiowll plow nnd HAY-:i Ions of mixed hay, $15 lh good qU:1Iit.y WPsil'l'll t'r>rotlt•r 'll2 Wl'eks, open; one large Hoi- horse-drawn corn planter. Rich· per ton. Phone Lansing FE· l'aivrs. 'IPin rlur April :i; nne Cur.rnsc.v 1 a!'(! Baiwr, 3 miles south on Wil· 98872. Gw1

We !'an fill your crrriPI' scron if tltrr April 1~. Am srlling due In lliumslon road. ~w2p ---------filii' sr.Jer·t irm r11r lr;tnd rillt'SJI'I t'il ill lwalllr. f{ny Girll'f'J', 2 miles I - - --,--------- AJAX SEED OATS, one year in ynur prngrnm. past of Dansville 1111 M·3fi, piHllll' BROODER I-lOUSE, qu_onsct type, J'mm certified. These yielded 85

Bim Franklin 3fi0 chick size. Archie Mitchell, 1145 Dietz road. Phone Wehber-Dansville :J6·11. tiwl I 12 x 12. Also electriC' bmncler·, bLtshl'ls per acre. Frank Oesterle,

5837 W. Columbia, Ma~on, phone ville 'lG-F-12. 6w4p_ One mile west of Mason Phone Ma:;;on 2-8941 Farm Tools I Ma~lln 2-fi86G. 5w2

Jf no unswrr· phone 2·7!101 8wtf

________ '- ----:Fa·~;~~-------

------------ -- Check These Bar.{rains BOARS anrl bre(i gilts. '!'hr. ment .. J Equipment

HAY - Quantity of baled June c:lover ilay. John Rollinson, sec­

onrl house on Kelly road off Dexter Trail, phone Mason 2·6281.

6\Vlf type r£>gislcred Dunw hom·s Manure Spreaders und brerl gills. Clarencfl Blnssey, John DPer~ IT 'l'riH'Ior, _over· Used Chain Snw 1 HAY-About 1,800 bales of first· 3813 Buri<IP\' ronrl, Williamston. ilaule',1 Wll~l s_tnr·tcr: anrl !tghts, I Ford Tractor


• cutting alfalfa hay. Also oat ------------- __ ~~Swlf I plow am! eulltvnror.' Oliver 70 :rrn('lor


. and wileat straw, Lawrence . , . , . . Used 1 ~~·ton truck wrlh rack M·M Baler . . Simpson, phone 4281 Mason after 2 I-I?LSTtlN COWS, rlu' soon, h 1 International Freld Cultivator G

mrles west of Mason rrtJ Cnlum- Farmall M Trnctor·, ovr.rllauled, Scverai Used Plows I p. m. Gw1 hia Road nnd 2 rniiPs lo 1070 1'\. $1,09S. Hubber-tired Disc Harrows 1200- BALES of second cutting nl· Ononclagn rna d. fiw1 P Tractor Spreader falia and brorne, 300 bales 'of

DUMP 'I'R!JCI\, 1!J•I8 Dodge, $200 full price. Frml t·oupe, rehulll

motor·, $75. Front emf loader on erawlcr·s, like ·new. Pl10ne Holt 1-?(in I. (j~~ I

J!Jclfl CHI~VROLE'l', r•atlln, healer, new tires, lwrly In excellcnl con·

rill ion, motor excellent condlllon, clean throughout, $425. l~Joyd R. Bell, Sr., 1901 Adelpha, Holt. Phone Holt 4·!i511. 6wl p.

1 !J4(i DODGE, In good c•orHiition., Phone Mason 2-61fll. liw2

FORD Rnr;;;· Wugo~~ 1952, -f~J: I sale. Has all acce~sories. 105:1

engine. Supreme llibeless whilr wall tires. Good condition. Cnllj Mason 2·8911 or· evenings calli GH0-4-1891. fiwl

--~---~ ----

Fits Any Pocketbook 'l'hem's a savin~s lll'n~r·:un to fit tlwr·y (lOillwthooil ... I'VI'I',I' lnui11;Pt. ... tlvm·y family's financial goal. The "fit" is lleri'Nit, lwmwsc• you st•t ~·ouJ· own 11;0al, and gcaJ• your Sll\'ln~s sclwdulc• to ytliiJ' own ineonw. nut that's only thtl lw11;inning! !\lain thing is to hold stc•mll'ast tll'youJ• ehaJ'tt•d course until it talws you whcii'CI yon want to gilt. 'J'Iwn ~'Oil can J'c•ad tlJC• most'yin~ "sucec•ss stoJ·~·" in 11w worl!l , .. in the Jlll~rs ol' ym11· savings hanlduwld

THE FARMERS BANK Ft•deJ•al RPSPJ'Vt' !'!yslrm Used Auto Parts j

All ma!ces of cm·s to choose from Ohl1•st nnnl> in Ingham County Member F. n. I. 0.

See Us and Save '·--------------:--------------------------~ We need more old, burned or I

wreelwd ears 1 Plclt·UP Service ! Ingham County News February 10, 1955 Page 6

Keith Auto Parts

Open evenings 6 to 9; All day Saturday

@ 1 IIOUSJ~ Tlti\JLER !or sale, 19•17 1 Shull~. 2!l fret, good conditinn,

F'llONT ROW SPECIALS lrPndy to live in, [orccd oil hcal, GOOD VALUE USE:D cAm; t•[p(•irk refrigeraiOI', hollled gas

RI!:I•'IUGERA'I'OH -- fl c'tl. fl. glls Sur-vel. Good c•orHiit ion. MiiYJI·

;crrf Dit>l~. !i2R 1•:. Ash. Plronp ~(.,.

4623 E!Uott Road Phone Mason 2-7G91

A-1 U:sed Ca1·s

Big Savings

2-!i:l!J:J. :lwl t' PRICED TO SELL_ jr.tnge,_ clcctry·. hral<_es, tnnclem,

. ! axle•, l>x50xl!ixfl ply trres. Ren.~Oll· Hl50 ~ODGE:, Cor·orwl ·1-dnor • ., _·In ill.\' prieecl. Can he seen anytime./

, raciJO anrl henler · · $.).l.r R. \V. Lovcjoy, [;:325 N. Lovejoy: 1!l49 DODGE, 2·cloor, new I' marl, Prrry. ow:l' Df'iliX(' S!lC'f'rl Qur•cn 11'0111'1'

paint joh . . ..... ' ...... s:J:iO - I W:ls $17!J.!l~ 1!149 CHEVROLET, -1-clrrnr, : NO\V $177.:30


new paint .Job . . ... .. .... $30) J Ml.scellaneous IBf'ilfli.x SPmi-Allllllllillil' \Vasltl'r . 1049 CHEVROLET, 2-door, 1 1 Was $11i!J.fJ5

F'ORD-1953 Custom 8-cylrndr:!r radio and IJeaiPr . .. .. $39:1


. NOW $11•1.50 club coupe. Alpine blue wllh. 1948 OLDS 4-clnor -- -----------------. M sand while top. Fordomalie, I hydramatic .. ..' .................. $2!1.1 I~OLDING. BABY CAH.f!-IAGE IS ason radio, heater and turn signals. 1946 CHEVROLET, ·1-rlorrr, wanted rn ~nnrl condlllon unci I' Home AIJ]Jliance Extra nice. Only lG,OOO miles. I clean ... . ...... ..... . . . $1!1~ r~ean. Mr~, I• r~~t Bullen, phone ?

1 FORD-1952 Convertible, 8-cylin- HJ48 PONTIAC, 2-door, 1 I,ntun Haprcls 3h c8 or Wl'lte Ro.ulc LO \\. Maple Phone 2-591 I

de~. Forclomatic. Raven hla~l<l hyclramatic ... . ..... . ... $1!li Jl, Ma~o~1. __ --------~~I riwt finrsh with Iliaci< top. Raclro, Several fine OK fait! mntiPis rrn .

1 , , • •• , l .

heater, turn signals and white 1 our lots ''N,CYCLOII•,DIAs, set ot .301 Sto1·e-W1de Sale wall tires Extra nice 1· unk Wagnalls·, nearly new.


. FORD Hl~1 "c t ··s , I' t u 1 rr } 'l - $'if). II. W. Camphrll phnne Holt J<elvrnnlor DnuiJIP-Oven Aulnmn·

T 1-: ''k ~~~ ~ 111 I '.fY 1 ~jer ,, SeC l'UC ( \ a lUeS 'l-1!i:ili. ' 3w3p lie: l!:ir'clrir- f{;tngt'. Wns $11!JD.n~

fi ulc ol I. R !~au h u c m < ,, ~ ue . . - - ---- ----------, NOW $:J:Jfl.li5 ·rnJ .s 1. 111 ac

10• ealer, o,ver· ... nv,e. 19:i2 CHEVROLET, '2-rnn witil LTVP. BAIT_ Carly Hardware Philerr DPiuxe Refrigerator, R2

us <e new car 1as on.y · ·• . r · 1 1 I' . 1 29 000 II 16' horly, '2·~pecd i!Xlt', Mason. Phone 212•11. :J\\'1 [: r 11. t .. Will lllge rer.zer C Wsl FORD 11~49e~: J' 1 1 1 8:25:.:20 10-ply tires ........ $l,lflS -- ------------- -·' ;:nrl rlonr· storage, w:rs $27fl.D:i

,--:- ' )·Y lnc~er c ll 1 cou~P.. Ulfi2 CHEVROLI~T. 1 ~-tun, TYPEWRITEH. RIDI30NS for I NOW $190.7~ Dar .. green. Run~ good, A bar· · · <oc•o- 1 f 1 II 1 t d 'I Crosley UJJriollf l~rce·.nr "•10-lh gain • •1-spcecl transmrsswn ..... ·~·'· ·' sn e, or porn 1 e anr san arc - • . . h • '·" , .,

Th ' I f W I 1951 CIIEVROLET, wilh com· typewrite"; G'ic apiece Ingham cnp:lcll\', was $4G!I.fl:i esc are on Y a e,w. e lave hlnntinn slm•i< nl1fl grnin County N~\~s •. Mason. . 7wtf . NOW S2D~l.!l!i

--- - ------ --------- Used '!:!·ton pickup 20-ft. Elevator 'r first cutting, 200 bales of straw a! HEREI~Oito BlJLLS-!i polled, 9 months old. Purf'lrrr.d hut not New anrl usPrl m;murP spreaders Slall{ Chopper for rent 35c per bale, will deliver·. Glenn

registerer!. Pl'icrrl reasonalrle. SI'lsby I 111)] eJn e t Co Heat I-Iousers Ior mosl trnctors I Oesterle, :J miles south of Mason Call at IIIP r:1rm,·one mile west , I n · • I Ezee Flnw Spreader on Eden road. Phone Mason of WciliJervillc on LIS-Hi. 1. c. 21tt W. Stale Phone fi141 i Francis Platt 2·6812. 5w2p

, Ci-ill. r. 'J "w1 . I .m•~p ,J I Finest in Farm Machinery COMPLETE LINE OF Kaseci and •. ~...------- -- · .. -- --- Minn~;~ll.;.Mr;ii;;~-ZAUJ8s2 ___

1, • M·.M ancl Oliver· Rowe;1a fee~ls, hay, straw and

Mir-ltigan Duror: Brer'rlPrs willl hydraulic: nnd live! power '" mrif' nor til of Maso'Jn"o~ US·127,sult lor water soflen.ers. Also Show and Sale 19~,, Super c lnlermrtlonal with Pilnnr. Mason --.J!lr1 'Phi!lips 66 gas and mi. Tomlin·

cultivator 6wll sons Feed Store, Holt, phone Bred Sows

'Or A 'II I • 1 I r.tlt'· . Holt 4-2881. 40wtf • < very WI I Jl ow ,JI 1 ·I I BUILDINGS - Donne-clesrgnecl -----~ -~al~r ~che~p) . . . pole frame farm buildings work BALED MIXED HAY, $22.50 per

FRIDAY, PI!:BHUAHY 18 1!b! Fmd With step-up trnnsmts· for you. We offer a complete ton. Also baled straw, $1fi per·

F:rll 13om~ nnd l•':r!l Gills

Sl ( ll S I 1 Cl81

?n, f 3 1919 v, • 1 1 • 1 . building and planning service. ton. Will dcliver. Rov D. Donalrl, . 11w a.m. --. 11 e p. rn. 101ce o .. me 1ac ms J

N i-r 11 1 1 ~0 1 1 1 'P'I'O. ,Check our low prices. Tri-County second [m·m 3outh of Aurelius 'J'cam •1-H nnd 1•'. 1~. A. ·" .lurlging Contest nl lOa. 111.

ew 0

nne · ·HIS w F'ar·m Service Co., 4G20 N. East Center, phone 3203 Aurelius. spreader· Calrlwell stalk r·uttrr, will wori< street, WS-27 l Dept. B, Lansing. 1wtf To BP Ifeld AI Phone Lansing 96788. Gwtf

on any lrartnr·. ________ _____ BALED HAY AND STRAW-By

bale or lon, can deliver. How­ard R. Smilh, Woodlawn Farm, 5276 W. Columbia, phone Mason 2-5873. 47wtf

ooi\HC:IIlGAN STATE COLLI!:G8 .fUDGING PAVILION Lansing rr,·actm· and Hay-Grain-Feed East Lansing, Mil:higan

'l'ropily nnrl otlwr· pri~es will lw given winning teams


Equipment Company 28;l8 gast. Grant! River Phone Lansing 2-217fi

5w1 -------------

I I~RESH HOLSTEIN HEIFER, Ill' :" tificially ln·erl. Roy Moot·e, 2717 ,Lulw Lansing road, phmw Lan­sing 5-84G4. Gwl

::ITLOS -- CIII'Ved stave macillnc·J made will.1 the super glaze

ti'Owel coat, eonstrueled for· cxtm BULL - 7-mont h-old Angus bull, years of service. Before you pay

,',,',.,excellent type. Son of Haona n t morP, write for Iii E'rat ure anri M. S. C. and purebred grade An· special winter prices to !he Vesia-


., g1,1s. cow. I have tim; cow fnr your burg Silo Com puny, Vestaburg, Inspection. Bnll pricerl by weight, Michigan. 52w8p reasonable. William Leonard, ---:------2580 Eifert mad, Lansing. Aboul CHICK BROODER, 200-size, 1% mlles norlh or Holl, 1 mile chen]>; Mill,ie electric cream west of Cedar. red house. No Sun- separator In .. good condition; day calls please. Gw1 p milk' palls; large mill( strainer;

glass churn with crank; glass BULL-Grade Holstein bull about electric churn; one one-gallon

", '" 14 months old. He is well· sausage bucl1et; one l'raut cut· .. murl<ed, gentlc and ready for ter; 12·gallon cream can; 2 4-gal­

servlce. George Helbig, first farm Jon cream cans; 2 wire egg bas­east of Mason on Columbia roue!. l<ets; 75 or 100 feet of cable rope;

· 6w1 wooclcn butter howl and molds;

--- ·---------FaJ:m Bm·eau

Fe1tilizer All analyses available Early delivery discount

Howard R. Smith Woncllawn Farms

Phone Mason 2-5873

HAY-First and second culling of alfalfa. Will sell by bale or

ton. Harold Neal, !i64 S. Jacl<son road, Mason or phone Mason 5701. 2wl f

STRAW - 700 bales good clean str\IW, Quantity of good clover

hay. See Owen Bachman, 3167 E. Columbia road or phone Lan· sing !i-7441. 2w2ptf

fmany more modes to choose 1 1 :~~81 ____ _ _______ 'Kelvinator Automatic Def:·ost rom Joey ... ......... ,. FORD~1951 '~·! · 1 R 1 I SAFES - All maKes, types and Hefrigerator, !l'e ('l\. 1'1. LnrgP

deluxe cab, ~~~r~ns1~1~;1~:·Ru~~ AI Rl'ce C'heVJ'Olet sizes. Bought, sold, opened and Freezer r·Jwsl, ~va~ $2!lfl.fl:J t d reJmired Vault doors money . NOW $228.88 ex ra goo . · ·' PI ·1 , A . s· "'I 1

INTERNATIONAL-1950 %-I on I cllr.sts, steel desks, filing cabinets 11 .co pa,rt~len! · ~ze '' er•ll' r· p cwp. nr< ue. urn s1g· . . NOW $!28 I I D I bl 1' . · Open Friday Nights! 1 and Just-rile ehairs and stools., R,1nge, \\as $1f>fl.!l.J nals and fresh air heater Phone 2-30!i1 Tear gas rns1alled and combma- . . · • Runs extra good. · Mason Ilion service. Murphy Safe Co.,, l<~::'~·~pt~~il~pr~~:,'~l $!~~;~~~~~·. ~20·

------ -- - 2622 Cedar rand, Lansing, Mich- 1 ' ' J • • s · · · .. ·' Roy Christensen 1933 CHEVROLET, 2-cioor, 210 igan. Locatcd v. mile south of . NOW :$.1!l~J_.45

Deluxe, 10,9:50 miles, spnllt~ss, i Pennsylvania interseclion on US· Phrlr:rJ -:ulnmatrc ·!O·l.nch ~VC!Il Your Friendly Ford -Dealer 210 State Street, Mason

Phone Mason 9611 Evenings· .Tlll 9 · Sat .. Till 6

--......,..-.,..--..,..---- ---


Special This Week

1950' PLYMOUTH Suburban -$495.00.

1952 DODGE Panel - $595.00. 1954 DODGE Royal V-8 4·door se·

dan. Radio, heater, 2-tone paint, Powerftlght, white walls and tinted glass. Our usual 90·dny written guarantee .

1953 PLYMOUTH Suburban. One· owner car loaded with extras

pel'fect en n d i 1 ion, pl'i\'alely 127 nr 1 mile north r>f Holt. Ele~trrc Range, lnnll-rn grulcll!'~ owned. Also a chair and otloman Phone Holt •13241. 23wtf hi'OJI unr!er· glass, was $309.!l.r and imperial end table, A-1 eomli- -------------------: NOW $2!18.88 . . tion. Pl1one Lansing ~l-SOGD. Ciwl BOOKS-Usecl booRs hought and: Serve! Refnge!·ator wrlh rer-

Good Will Used Ca1·s

Stop and Save at

Howard Pontiac

-------------- ------------ solei. Roy Adams, over Shim· ~ak;-r .chest, lO •,~ cu. fl., "50 I!J min Drug Store Mason 19wtf l rcezcr Chest, was $3!l!l.9.) __________ ' _ _' __ · ___ NOW $297.50

Crosley ShelvilCJnr Automatic Dr.-ltlO SAP BUCKETS. Phone Aure- fmst Refrigerator, 70-lb frrez-

lius H3:~ after· G p. m. Carl Scutt. 5w 2 er chest, :J roll-nul shelves,

, was $49!HJ;)

I, cEDAR~~os~~ ---- ----;--} NOW :sm.r.r;;

1!152 PONTIAC super riPiuxe ' . ' 011 your l'liC( Revco Chill Chest Fr·ce?.er·, 15 f'll. Catalina. I-Iyclr·amatic, heater Ol' delrvered. Jess J:I. Under-, ft., was $<tG!l.flS and racllo. wnorl, Lake, Houle! 1, Mrchlg~n. · NOW $369_fl

5 1952 PONTIAC deluxe sl'clnn, 4- ,)\V8P Revco Chill Ciresi F'r·eezPr, 22.2

doot·. Hydramatic, hratcr :rtl<l I-TOSE --130 -;-~,-~-,--. ---., ctt. ft .. was $1i19.95 radio. Low mi~eage. -, " --:- er; ug 1 ptessur e NOW $•1!l'J n;-

" .. · . . , llo~c 111 one pwce. Best offer - . , , ·' " J .. 1950 For:D luclm sed,Jn He.Jtcr, talw~ it. William Fillwock, Jr., No~ge Aulorn.lllc Delr_ost He·

good tn·es. phone Mrrson 22970 "lw'J 1 frlgerntor, 11 r·u. 1 L, 80-!h 19•18 PONTIAC 2-cloor sedan. '· · · · ' - 1 fr•eezer chest separate fmm n•·

Hydramatic, heatPr- $195. SCOOTER _ Cushman Eagle fngcrnlor, was $<12fJ.!l!i 1946 CHEVROLET scdan, 2· seooler for sale, fnlr condition N DNOI W $329w·95

1 ,1,

. l T_·r I J' $l9- I · :;;-~ Ali T • e · PI M orge e ll X e I' nger- YPP c oor. rc eater am !'ill 10 -- :>, 01 •• r.J. an ,11111 1 ' lone • a- Washer wit11 pump and timer·, 1947 PLY,MOUTH 1}-door·. Trans· son n2!l1 or· 391:J. 6w1 wns $169.9!i

portation special - $50.00. PROFESS-IONAL Spanish guitar NOW $12!1.95 1947 PONTIAC sedan ·l·cloor·. with guide bool<, excellent con- Norge Upright J?r·eezer·, 480-lh

Heater and raclio - $7fi. clition. Price for nil, $30. Phone capacity, was $•!29.05

How~rd Pontiac Mason Phone 2·1801


Mason 21064. 6w3 NOW $289.fl!i Norgc Deluxe Chest Freezer,

15.3 cu. fl., was $46fl.!lfi SJGS i~OR SALE - Wood with NOW $.349.95

HEGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULL -Descendant of Pabst Buri<e

'"Pluto, dam producer! 405 poLinds , "actual fut at 2 years. Richard

one large sausage grinder; one 2-wheel trailer with extra wheel; man's shoes, nearly new, 11-D; $5; man's 11-D bedroom slippers, $2. Mrs. A. B. Violett, phone Wcbberville 67·F·32.

HAY-Baled second cutting hay. Kcnneth Kurtz, 4320 Cavanaugh

road, Lansing, llrst place west of ~>JIIege roac\ on Cavanaugh, Lan· sing phone ED-77803. 6wl

Including smooth HY-Drlve P L Y M 0 U T H -- 1948 business transmission. Priced to sell. coupe, Jess 1 han 100 miles on

FORD - 1949, 2·door custom 8, 1953 DODGE Coronet V·S sedan. completely rebuilt engine, $185 radio and heater, cheap. Phone Metallic blue finish. One-owner Will tal1e something I can use aP

'harnesses. Good condition. Also have girl's sltl boots, about size 7%, and poles, $10. Mrs. Lillian Stevenson. Call 9111 days, Call 2·1063 after. 5. 6w1

Hoovet• Sweepers, 1!154 models, upright and tani< type

20'/r. OFF Duo-Therm Oil Space Heater·,

53,000 B. T. U., gleaming ma· hogany finish, was $8•1.!15

NOW $69.95 RCA·Viclor 3-speed recol'd play·

er an.d album, both valued nl $69.90. Both for only

· ··••Powers, 1,.!, mile west and % mile ' south of Leslie, or call Leslie -·-2006, any dny except Saturday.

· 6w3

·.:.'7 HOLSTEIN yearling heifers for . ~ ... · sule. Howard Gauss, 3% miles ,, .. north of Stocl,bridge on Brogan ,:.road. · Ow1p


Lansing 95389. 6w1 with 16,000 actual miles. Our part payment. Also 1!140 Oldsmo DODGE PICI<UP truck, one ton, . written guuruntee for same blle, 6·cylincler serlnn, good motor

vet·y good condition. John w. length of time as new car. and body, clean inside, needs " CLOVER HAY and second cut- Ridgley, phone Mason 3975, I{elly 1955 License plates. with each paint job, Will trade for· anything

tlng alfalfa. Wire tied bales. roa-' Route 3 Leslie 6 tf used car sold during Fehruary. you have, or sell for .$75. Private CASE BALER-Hand· tie. Good u, • W Norman Wever, 1 mile south of Ph l M S l ownet'. Phone Mason 2-1731 and

condition. Also 40 tons 'of in· Olmmos school. Phone Lansing PONTIAC SIX - 1950 4·door se- i p OtOl' a eS asl< for Joel, 4wtf silage and 300 wire-tied bales of ED.-17:}83. 6w2ptf clan, Original blue. finish. Hus 227 N c d s -------------------· good clover-hay. Dan Gtlchrist, % radio, heatet• and hydramatlc. . e ar treet ' . mile east of Eden, phone 277~4, STRAW - 500 large bales o! This week's special at only $495. Muson, Michlgun J "I ' Mason. ' !iw1p clean, sweet straw. 720 Phillips Will trade and _give terms. -Feigh· 1937 CHEVROLET coupe In very· ral ers '"ATERER 85 11 roud, phone Mason 27173. 6wtf ner Sales, 207 Parlt street, ,phone good condition. Phone 3784 Ma· ·v ' ' - ·ga on automa· 27031 Mason. 6wl son. · 6w1 ----·==:---'-----.;.....-

.' tic Pux hog waterer with heat· COHN - Large quantity of top lfiAQ TRAILER, onfl-whr.el, ,iust lng elements. New -lust -summer.' quullty ear corn.· W. E. Dent, 1947 BUICK, Roadmaster, 4-door 1950 STUDEBAI<:ER for sale, $200 like new. Ivan Swift, phone Luwrence Simpson, ph(lne. Ma- 3797 W. Pryor ronct, Mason. sedan, good conditlon,·$375. Leo or $100 und tuke In a 46 or 47 Aurelius 421, 5081i Bamas road, son 4281 afl~r 6 11. m. Owl • . . 6wtf L. Carter, phone Holt 4·3961. Gwl car. Pho~~ Mason 28371. 5wtf, Mason. 6w2p

GAS CONVERSION· burner and li!ower, $35. Also thermostat

and motor if you are interested. Don Horstman, 310 E. South street, Mason, phone 2·6011.


Household Goods $29.!15

Time limited on above ltemR TERMS AVAILABLE


Home Appliance NORGE WASHER, wringer type. Phone Mason 2-5911

Also nn adjustuble dress form, wine cot ton jersey covered, sizes :::E::-:W:::I=N-=-a=-~M-=-A-C-::-f::-:I=:IN:-=E:-, -~-(-en-m'·-o-re, i ~ ~ A 32-40 bust, 25-32 waist, nearly round bobbin, baek and forwnr·rl new. 222 E." Oalt street, Muson, stiC!h, $59.50 .. Call Mason 2·1461. phone Mason 2·7051: . !iwlp · ': Owl

• l

lnaham Countv News TN DANSVTLLF.-10toom IJoJtae ITOME-13rlrlc mnrlet n homr., 2 Pl1 otogmphs February 10, 1955 Pilgc 7

J\l/C' J'JON al ,1081 Inion HnplriH I onrl, L.JilHfll!(, llC'l OSH ft om Mn

plr. r.mvc• sr hoof ~,nftll d.ty .Tnn 11111 y 22, 11nd r V<'t y Rnltn rlny nl 7 p m 'I hrtc will hr• louis, appll nnl'l'H, rom fm It• I H, rllslws, lnmJlH usrrl llllllillll P nnrl rnnny ullwr JIPITIH Inn IIIIJTll'l 01\H lo tlll'llllnn Crumlgnmr.nls olCfC'JliCrl 1111 fll11'

Jl rn rlny or sulr. Come Iolii llw fun Nnl 1 r HflnnslhiP fot rr c I rll'nl s Lansing J•'1 nnnmv 1~111 nl linn liw1

with Well lnsulntr.JI, mnrlf't'n with gcwrl wr.ll nnrl hoi nnrl C'Olrl wrriPt', 2rru gnrngc Lm gr• In I J 'ric" IP JHnnnblc :'llc•lln DIHIPJ', piHJilP D msvillr. 22tll 2w7p

Jwrhnnnl'r, gnJngr>, lniH nl clns f!JH, II VPIY UIIJ,JPIIVI' llllln£• Oil II

nlrr• lol 'l'lw IH•o~llng hills "'" ~lllflll, so Is IJJP rlnwn JHIYIIWIII s~n Ch1111t s lol1nsnn or 1 nil J\Jn

('Jito~l vo11 will Ill"•)

Wl•lllliNr,s l'olln<~l o1 onndlrl r lirlllll llonH Slwllo

I~LIX'I'I11C HANGIO:, •I hlltllf'IS ,JIHI ovc•n, 111 goocl r nnrllllnn

1'11111 Curl, 1070 S Ml'trrllrn 1 nHI Muson Phone Mnsnn 2 71!111

IWD-l8rnc h toll aw.Jy hcrl \\tilt mnrr~p11ng tn.ltlress $21), Coto

n.trln trftlgl'l 1ln1 lrl<c ne11 GPn 1'1 ,rJ I<: ire 1111 HI' tlr.rl Utili 1\1 n more orl ldll):(l' whtle en.trnl.'l r.•hlr lop, Jnlrllng wt, wc~slung m.r1 June rnrl honk c,t~e Cm I Nel SOil tJ mrles f',tHI o[ D,JJlSVIIfe 011 M 3G flllone Dnns\ tllr lfJ lh


Real Estate ---------- ----

LOTS-6x10 rod building Jots, 1 blodt from US 127. Roy W

Allnms, phone 5661 or :3561 Ma· son. 12)Ntf

COLLEGE POINTE SUB -Of fers complete plat rrslnctlon~

for ~our protection. Classed "A" residential Lots 146x240 and 125x240 Located on College road nem· Harper Terms offered Owner E E Wentland, 3580 Hur· pet road, phone 2 8334 Mason.


JF IT'S REAL ESTATE, either buymg ot selling, let me do

your shoppmg fot vou HeJC me a few places fot• sale. In Mason, one of the nicer, larger, old homes, downtown, $15,000 Do you want to buy or sell any land contracts? Dansville, 5·r o om house, garage, good well, $3,000; Mason, nearly new bungalow, $10,000; Muson, 120 acres, $22,500; 120 acres, house, barn, $12,000, In Mason, 11 acres, good 6·room modern house with fire placC' bath, $15,000 In Mason, 4 rental units bringing In $125 per month, all for $8,500 with $3,500 down and $50 per month payments Do you want tp sell your property? I need some more listings A 0 Greenough, Broker, 1346 Mason street fM·36l, Dansville ot• phone Dansville 2291. Gw1p

Abel Real Estate

WE WILL SELL, It ade or con stdet buyrng ymu cqutly See

Charles .Johnson ot· call Mason 2 3781 ot 21201 C Jewell


NEARLY NEW Stoom lwmo fot sale ot llnrle ') bedrooms oalt

/loois full basement, gas heat,

HOI] 2.l7HJ 01 2 1201 ( ]PWI ll ngcmr y IJW I

outs1cle enltancc to upsluns I BAKE SALE- 'I here Will lie 1 rooms 406 Lensea stteet, Wtl b.1ked goods s.tiP .11 P1 lions hamston phone 95·J Wtlltamston HaHlwmc Satutclny, Fr.lnuo~ry 12,

5w:~ at 10 a m, sponsm eel by the ----------.,----· Country Cous1ns extension duh TRADE-Eqlllty Ill new 31Jed Gwl

room rnnch lype home With one act e lor olclm type house 111 good coml1l1nn, f1ce ami cleat Write Box 92 Ingham Counly News 5wtf

3·BEDROOM ranch type home, 56 feet overall, garage, gus

heat, full basement. If it's a mce

---------DO YOU LIKE homrmncle rolls>

Let me bake them for ) ou Store them t n yom It er.zet Parkc1 House, clover-lc~f ot imols-50c pet IMhcrs rlozen Val Clte Br·own phone M~son 2 6'J81


new home you w:mt thts IS one Busl·ness Servl·ces you must see See Charles John son or call Muson 2 3781 01 2·1201 C Jewett agency Gwl

HUNTING LAND, lots With 01 without cabins, on nice lnlte

good terms Jess H Undet wood Lalte, Route 1, Michigan 5w8p

EATON RAPIDS, 3 bedroom house, 60 foot corner lot. 1

WAHFLE l'AILORING SIIOP Men's and Women'• Custom 1\1 ult•

Clothes Allet allons l~LZIN A NORRIS

330% S. Jefferson Phone 2 ~031 Over Shimmin Drug Store


blod' to 12 grade school. Pt·ice FURNITURE R E P A I R S $8,000 OwneJ•, 311 Bt ond St , ldnds, nll wm I< gu,u·mllced Call Eaton Rnplds, Mich. Phone 43021 16HO 43901 11fle1 '3 p m

5w2p 45503 days.

Ill\ ll \' 1\ N () YCllf II J 1-\por In I liiJ•h '•JI<'rd r IIIO<'I•IH wlllt I Jig It prod IWIIIH foJIICIIVI' rhrldilll

Old phil Ill) I ipho 1 IIJifl of 1111<1 Je loll(( COI!l\1)11111\f 11111 jliiHH

AIIHrrll'• sl~fi'H dlllf 'IZI'H

l'nlrll'l H

Babs' PhoLos H II :-:null I ll.rtllPH 1\[,JHilll


Wal<.:•1· W 1 ·11 D 1·i 11 in t1

All :-:m s

II ~I 1 I Nr IN I I 111111 I i\1 1\ lJ 'i



Bert's GarRge 11qmnrng

anrl 21 l1n11r Wll.'tltPr SPr vlre

l'l111nr •I 12GI Ill 2!172 Jlolt

1-39wtf --------

CUS I OM SA \VTNG Also slab wood for s,liP Franl< Wmd,

lrtsl J,um soulltnfll.lrpeJ sehool on US127 .ll Buller's Hestauranl Phone Lnnsmg <I 9291 42wtf

lNCOME 'I'AX ASS!S'l'ANCF.­r,HI Dunsmote 3042 West Co

lurnhm 1 lllllll~ Mnson 2 324 L 50wtf

-- ----------WAN'I ED- rumlttue tepalung,

nlso cnbmets made to order Ttm s Cnhmel Shop Phone Mason '3201 6w2 -- -----·------

Mrf'hig.Jn Cllmnte Condltlonecl

Bottled Gas Inslnllntlon conve1 slon und np phnnccA County wide delivery.

Don Hill ~13'i Olwmos 10nd, Olcemos

l'how• Lansing ED 7·7819 19wtt I

Dogs and Pets ·---


BUTCTTERTNG of nil J,lnrls, pot I>, 'l'IIOHcl.lY 11nrl Wrrlm srluy, hecf,

Tl1111 ~rlnv: (IIIII III ;• lillY dny WP plclc ttp •IIIII rlollvr 1 I I'Hiln l'nod LCJIIWIH ]liHiiiiJ [.1'~110 C,I(Jl Ol Mnson rill! 20\tlf

Livt~stock to hnhr sit nTillll\fJ\(11~ SALI!J SnJIIIdny, Jtllln H II Ill In •fJI 111 n rlliYH ,Ji f•'ohtii<IIY 1~ II( l'111111f'IJ IIHIJTIB,

wrorolc nnrl weolc r•r11l r.vonlngs Jlj TlnrgulnH gnlllll' flwl llPPdr d PhilliP Mnson 2 'iOH I hr. I' filii' 12 noon hiV I

Wi\N'IJ"n -~··xpPtii'T\11'~ girl 1o T!'llx Notl·ces l /Jill frJJ I liilrill'll 1\l)rl do lJOIIS!' LJj

\VIII II I .1v1• In Phorw Mnson 'ifi!ll bwl

OnP. nnrl nil l'ome vlsll mr• fi'ehtlllll y Is mnilng lime 1\rng nf Sl.unPsP r niH Sltnwsr> 1<11 IPns frll' snle HeJ,tlsler l'rl Clip 111111 llrls ncl Wrlle owrH 1 Mt s ,J Chnpmun, 'J 1'10 fi Dixit' llivhw,,y, Gr nnrl Blnnc. Mlr IJignn I T1uclww an<l Huytng WAN II D WorJ,Jng f,n m mn11

oi!JI'I lm IIIII lllP. hrrf I illlr 1111111 1\!usl liP good wrni,J•t nnrl UhiP to !l'l'rl olllrf fiJ I li(Jp i\lsn lljl<'lflll' 111\rl lllllllllllill Jnll[fl'lll lllllrilllllll' Gonrl lm.JIIon lrr [(,Is IPII DIIPIIliiS 1111'11 mwiPtll housP ~r11or! sr llonls Will pry lop II' Jgls SJ,J!r• f'XJH'lfl'l\ll' Jllrf gf\f' I I (I I Pnr r sIn fir sl IPIII'I \Villi' hill, 7,7

'JIIXI'S Will lW Jll\'11111' rl 1111' hrllllf' PVC•ty (J\V2p I IInw your 'llrH It II 1\lltl•d tn lhc

------- -- _ marl1r•t llwt mnl~r•s tt11• rnlllf(['l l'tldrv lllrlll l\1r11ch I l'hurlr.•r WlriiP Onlc

!ilwlll PlJPI'J!~S- p 01 1 13nllll'lilrw Col ! by cxpr>rl1•mcd trurl!r•rs ltr• $C, r .trh OwP.n 1 Rmli 11 All Ammals tnsw Pd

JH!l~ TTr11 Jll'l rnnrl, Mnson

COLLIE'.;, llltrr teglsletrrl, H.thll' .tnd whllr, renrly In po 1111!1

priced I o go, 10: lllclcs, piHHll' L.Jnslng E:D77!11il C,w.l

I'ORME:R Motlhf,lS' Upliolslt'l v Rhop .11 If' tr ol M.1snn Shol.'

Stme IS fm ll'th Bett Wlilllrkrr phone Leslre 3'143 r.w1

FOR RF.NT-Wullpaper s.eamer and !loor snnrler. lnqulte at

Shafer Decot nU11g Supply, 4!?1) S Jf'fferson Phone 2M61. 45wll

APARTMENT fen tent, unlu1 IIJsherl Nntlheasl <~pnttment

m r1 Sc lunull s clep.111 men I slfll I' ltontrng on Jelfe1son .rvl'nur ('.ill Mrs L B MCi\ilhtll {271 M.1son

Shetland pony st ucl good slack

I wl l

Call Mason 2-8790

Livestock Tl'ucking Detroil - Monday aml •ruesday Churlotte - Monday Afternoon

Buttle Creelc -Wednesday Also general local It ucl~lng

Charles Cooley Phone Holt 48349 or 4 1371


LIVESTOCK TRUCKING-Chat lotte, Monday; Jackson,

Wednesduy; St Johns, Fiiclny Also local and long distance hauling everyday, 25c per hun dred weight Roy D Donald, 2nd farm south of Aurelius Center, phone 3203 Aurellus. lwtf

Glenn Casey Auctioneer

Willlnmston, Michigan Phone Colle~t 227·W

Semi rtuclt Servkr• nnw Avn11.1hl1 C.'ull IAH on fillY ltlnrl of IIVC'Hlocl you wish to sell nt hume Sec us for ) Olll 11 glsll'll'rl !T,Jillfl shire hrcPtllnr, stoclc 'l'lr1 h.•st ir men t type hor•A

Him F1 an1din PIIHI d 11rnlr r H Mfl' 1111

I 'lrolll' :! H'J II M.JSIHI 12wll

LcstC'I' l_; . • Johnson I'IIIH I' loM/1 11'11 01 ~J i80

Livestoek rl rucldng-J, C'luulollr on Mond,Jy~

'lo lld!SIHI JJ\1 IV< 11111 ,rf,l:l H ltl'll'HIIJllliP tlnll•s

I,I>J> l"iflll111'l'IS-'I he ('Pnlr 1l Mit hlg.1n Po11i11y

Prmlurrt s Co opP.r,JtlvC! 11<~5 n Lrtrrk p1llcrng 1111 r J>gs oncr. u wer.i< Jf yo11 n1e lnii'IIHIPcl In u ilrller rn ltf,pt fot PJ•gs r 1ll m sr>c thr lilldwr T, 11\111111.1 Jto!JLnsnn pi HI Ill' Lt•l;lll.' .t.%7. 'iII\ If

Liv(•stoek 'l'1·ucking DPit<nl Monrlny ~ncl 'IIJr•srlnv IJJitlf• C'rr•pj, \VItlrtrsrl.ll'

l til IIIJIIII II rl I \l'llfiiJ~ Ill lfl\lill\1' SrllJJd,ll Ill Sill\rJ,Jy


VP,VAY 'I AXI'AYI'HS - 'l'nxeR lVIII !11 r 111lr rlr•rl 1'111 h Snllll~fl~'

lnlllllillg slllillllg !1Ptl'll1hl'l 11 lillollgll 1\1 111h I .tl thr l'rllmm11 Jlrnl1 1\Jrs l'rPrl l~oV1 ttr•, ltl',\s'·

WAN l'l'D t ·II fll'lll< 1 .11rrl 1 PJI rlr 111 PI, V1 I.JI' lmvnshlp l'lwl2 Willi( I fPJJII I riPs St· 1 \2 It 11 '' •

111'1 ollf'f'l MIIH0\1 or piJCHlf' 2ll'il i\111~1 1 flfS I'AXI'i\\'1~11S -- T II\\ I I 11 Ill he 11 till' I' 111111 1 H Bllll]t

Wanted Hl.rrlhW S,rllilllil DPil'llliH•t II ollllf C VI I I S JlllllfiiY IIIli !I Mnr r lr I I 11 Ill 1 1h1 111 111xe~· Ul IllY ill Jill'' \1'1 1 l'1ld ll Dor1 l~dt hill i\JttlliiiS lo\\llsllip IIPUH• •IIIII 1\1'1\ Sillllril\ C'X[(•Jil f)() II 1111111 ci lllof /.Jilllll\ I lll)flf Ill PI 49\VlJ

I i\XI'AYI'HR T will hn .11 lilt I II I II ill to I oltl'l I I 11\f'H

, , I<JI 1111 'rl ol IYJ.twn Mnnri.J.Y. IJGJlF.~1 Jll1res pnlrl fnr poul'IIIIIIIIIJ'Ii lirii,JI !rom HIll I 11) g try I lclt llfl nnyllmC!. Custom nt rtid 1111 s rlllllll\ lrnnr f! lo 12

wrlll< Is speclul W. II. J\ppleton,,Mrs nor! Arlslln , rt;. IJ1',1su1r.t rhonC! _ 5380 M~son. _ _ :lw!! 1 ~nw 1 o LIVf'R f'OCJ: \VAN lTD Alii

lonrl• rl 111 limPs M.Jrlwl IVIII'i\ I I'll I f) 10\I'NRIJIP l'PX prlrl' Jlllll rl llfll11l' Ito\ D ()011 I Jll\1 JS 11111 Jill 111111 I txt's Ill llrl st 1 orHI 1.11 m sou til ol i\1111'· l'r•opll's Sl1ll' llrn!, \Villi trnslon

l111s ('l'llltr pl1onr 1201 AIIJPir 11 s r.n11rrr\ li lt•lnrlll\ l'l.rndl'c•h 1\11 f 111111\ 21, \Vtll Iolli t I .11 I1011HI' Ill

\V AN'I T'D All ltr111l~ of JUIII. .tlllrunohill s ,Jiso old [,\Jill m.J

121Ho ~11111111 1 1 r1 HI lur srl1ys .till I :-:.riJJidl\• l'iiii'JII 1111 .11111\f' rl1l1•s 1,1'11\h( \'Jiillillllll\ III1SIIIf'l

2wl r r'fl()J]'' M,•tc,••()j] '? ,')),•)J~~,'J rhriiPIY I 11111 hlll 11 1111 ltu<111' '-' ,-, - ~ 01 plr k llfl II \0111 pi llP I illl)

l7wlf h\ sr lie wright r.mli'~ \VIlJtl,, I.e 1, D rlcm sit Pel D tllsllli" plwnr D.tnsvJIIP 210 I •ISwtl

S1ate ]l'alrn 111:-HII :tneeiWANl'FD-Morc-ih~l~"~ IJC',ny ( 'o, fr vms .tiHI oprlnr,rts \Vtll p1rlt

A I Jrfl() IIJI W X SIP.JrJ\11111 l'oullt \ I .11111 G20 S l'r],',n ro,Hl phmw '!Rill M \SOil I ~WI f

Business Opportunities

8f'J nnrrl E Wtlson Wi J;Jsl Ash Slirrl M.r son Mlr h lv lfl

Phone M usnn 2 81 '12

Expettem Prl 111111 vV C Gunn, lh11

Gunn toad Holt, phone Tiolt


mel and

wer.k encls hv 17 yr.m old l11gh liw1p

WANTED-Krtchen lwlp wrmtcd Apply rn pc1 son tl finley's Log

cnbrn 6wl

WAN I'ED-Wom.m m gul, pt ef et nbly n 111111 gnl for house

wo1lc nnrl c.u e of c hrlllt en Must be dependable and hlw children homo wtlh us ot go home weel< ends Phone Lansmg ED 26142 6w2

WANTED - Mallled mnn to wot It on farm, by the month

p.·efe1·rably under 40 ye.1rs of age Must have experience m handling of all lJvestocl<, also In I he use of modern fm m ma chtnel y Modern house futnlsherl ,md annual paid vacation Must Cm nlsh 1 efercnces Opening Match 1 Leo Chicle, 1075 Noble roar!, Wllllnmston Route 1, 2 miles west and 2 tnlles sout11 of Williamston Phone Williamston 612 FCi 6wlp

\VAN l'P.[) - C rc 1m, l.'ggs .md po111lr y Sr r• Lr11 ICIH e II\ c~ll

lil'! S M.un sltrcl P, lion Hdpnls phmw J:dton Htprrls '11C,21 2:-lwtf

ilfOII',AN DS 11l W<ollll'll ,u e ,JCid IIW I \lll\1 h Is $ill ,t \\'1'1'1\ In

1111' 1111111\ Jllllillll' IH i\\o\1 ll'pt•e. SIIJI lll\lS \VI' 1111\l \011 WiliJ sound 1' lor films lo slril r n1 nlng­.rl 0111 I' 11111 fll o\~ • 111 exc luslve

, JPtllllll\ 1re 11 1o11t lwnw Wttle Wi\N rfo,f) - C OfliC'S nf I he Scp J\\llll Drslt 111 m.llliJ'CI, 'iOl N

ll'mbrt 30, Oc tnhPt 14, Or Jnhl't \V.tlnut SIJI'C 1 1. rnsrng 01 phone 28 mrl DccC'mhC'I 10 Jngh.rm [L.rnsrng 21.:-l'l l•r llllttvrew Cmrnl} Ne11s Wrll pI) IOc l'ddl .Jw•l lngh.rm Count\ Nrws Mnson •

12wtf WANTED- Clr>nn cotton t.Jg'S

\Vtll pa;, l]c 1 lb Jng-hnm Counl} Nrws, Mason Jl\VI f

Lost and Found --------

DOGS-Rr.por r own 01 str av dogs In <I IY ITulcll, r ounly dog IV II'·

rlrn, M<tson phone 2 'i8~fl. or lo shcn/f olfrcr. %GI 31wtr

NO I'ICJ: All sir oil' rings plelted llfl by liH• In,;-11 •m Counly Hu

rnnne So(Jcly or hy CI,Jylon IIU· r.wlp felt, county rlog w.uden, nte held

1 a full 7 d J) s rl I he Anlmdl She!

1 tor helotc betng ollc1erl for sale. change 11rles wtlh someonr• Tl1rs gtves nwnr>t s ,1 chance to

/tom Dansv1l1r to Olds Jet pl.rnl locnte them Wrth owned dogs, Llllsmg h lO to 3 fl m liarly wP rio c~s lhP owrw1 wquesls, if Alrll.'n lltsnel Box II D 1nsvllle posstille \VP rln not sctze dogs on

hw1 p the I11glm .ry Arumnl Sheller, • , phone 2h21 S L tnsmg, open 9 to 5

W ~N1 E:D -L,Jte model 1 otc! ill wccl< rld\ s '! In 12 Saturrl.ty. Clwvrolcl_ \\ill pn;, r rsh ~hnrw Closed S 11111rt 11 o~flr>rnoon and

M.1son 2118J Co~ll be111cen '.mrllsuml.ry 3wlf G 30 p m bwl _ _ ___ _

- - - - --w i\NTED-Oirl po .tcarrls, hllnks

corns jewelry guns flit llllllte Caucus Not.lces rlrshP.s p•c I lll c fr .uncs Inrlra 11 r eiJCS rlolls 11011 In) s J,ewsenl' llln[IS, Cit Wttlc P 0 Box 141, Lnnsrng ot phone Lansmg 41 (,0(, REPUBLICANS will

GIV'Ip tni'PI 111 l.rU<us S.rlutday aft· l>lu1 r h 12 al 1 30 rn Com II til, Wcllllet vrlle 5wtfp


wntl<nble gt ound fm o.tls f<llll .111cl beans l~tlll puiirul,u s 111 1 oply I~ Totler I loll Mrr


WANTED-Antique hanrl pn111ted cluna, eul glass .uul small

precr.s of futmlme Wttle full df' J,uls to PO Box 471, Lnnsmg


llUMMAGE SAIX-Ciolhrng Jot nil ngcs All Lypes used futnl

ttll e and household o1ppltanccs Open Monday evenmgs unlrl !1 Week dnys 9 to 5 30 p. m Two locatrnns· 327 Rrvet• stJeel anrl 12•16 futner slteet, Lnnstng 6w1

HUMMAGE SALE- Salmclny, Februmy 12, .rt Council rooms

Bargains galme Gwl

2 WOMAN'S SUITS fot sale, 1 Iliaci{ and red checit and 1 na VI

and white checlc, size 16 anrl 18 P J Some1 ville, 1050 Collegf' road phone Mason 28331 6w2

MAN'S PLAID MACKINAW -New, size ;12 Taylor Tot st 1 ol

let• Phone Holt 48661 Gwl

\VIfTTI~ OAf\ RepLihltcans Will lwlrJ IIWII l olliC11S Ill the (OWn

hall S,JiuHiny afletnnon, Febru at y 12, a 1 2 o c lnclc 5w1,fp

- -- --·-----WITT 1'1: OAI\ Dernortats will

tn< PI rn <.tw us ut I he town ha.ll on Monrltv dfleJ noon, l'ebt uary 11 .tl 2 u lind, ljwtfr)

0 N 0 N D A Gf\ HE:PUBLICANS "''" me£'1 m caucus Satur~uy

afte1nn•m Jllnrc h 12, nt 2 00 o 1 lock 111 the Onond.1ga tdwn h.tll 6wtfp

Personals NO l'ICE:-I wrll nor he respollSI·

hie for "n;, ell' his olhot thlm the nnPs I conttacl myself Clat• ence Coli ey 6\\12

IN MEMORIAM-In memory· of Lnuronce Glumm February 13,

19~3 The hves of clean and noble men me but an msprratlon (Inc! challenge fol us to follow reall7.· ing always that such lives live while here m c not lived In valrl but answer· lo the lugh calling of Jesus Chrtst, our Lord Met•le Glumm 6w1p

RUMMAGE SALE - Saturday, -February 12, at Council 1 ooms

Bargains galore 6wl

DRES'3 - Blncl• taffeta, size 34, short sleeves, V·neek Phone

Mason 2 7221 toad, Mason

Want Ads Cards of Thanks PARMAN-I WIHh to extend my

hcarlf(J1 lhalli!H rlllli npprccia tlon !01 I lw many acts nf ldnrl ness messages of sympnlhy, and beautiful flm nl offctlngs received ltom out l1ind tclntlves fllcnrls and nclghhm s rlutinf.( my recent bcrr.nvmnen\ In 1\w loss of my lw!ovcrl huHhnnrl I especially thank Tl.r.v Hohcrt ritlffln f01 lhc r.omfot ling H£1 mnn M1 H Lucille }{noll nnrl Mrs Nell\1' Tullio frn tho m uslr I he I 0 0 F Unadll In lodge No ~0 fot I he gtavesldr. sc1 vices llw p 1IIhearr>rs nnrl flowers M1 1nrl M1 s II ugh Mil ncr anrl I he staff of lhe Milner fun01nl home for I heh kindness the Fltchhurg W S C S and the Mel ry G11 llm111rl duh for the lovely llr tal offctlnr:s M1s Bet t Parman 6wl

Don drl Lehm 1n fnrmctly Mason h 1s putr h 1scd m mtercst In the C & II bn 1 her shop He wiil begin his rhttleH Monday wtth Harold Weldon lllrl Ch ulcs John son Lchm 1n h 1s been barbermg In DeWitt

Joyce Wilson Wms Award

Off1cer D1scusses Army Food Capt Rex C Stllblcy of Mason

discussed army food problems Monday n1gl!t ,11 a meeting of the 5003rrl Reseal ch and Development Army umt and the N;wal Re search !lcse1 ve company In Lan sing A btocl!cmlsl 1t Wyeth Labmatm 1cs Incm porn ted Cap tam Stltb\ey told of hts research and study at Fitzsimmons Gen eral hospital 11 Denver


Mason Markets

EVERE'l 'I Wllll'S llOWELL Evcret t took its spite out on

Howell Tuesday night for the loss to Mason The Vllcings won 90 52 with the starters seeing ac tion in only half the game Jerry House a 1 eset ve, hit the high figure of 39 points

lnohcun County News febrmuv 10, 1955 Page 8

Legal Notices


Again tim ways 11111\ mr nns committee of the hom rl of Hllpor visors 1 urne1! rluwn 1 he request of the hcallh commlllec for ml

I he ways and me1nH 1om mil tee ~tood pal Tue~dny on lis nc tlon tulwn In Janumy in tcfusing to hire ,, sanitary em inccr at ~5 200 p1 r year J he commlltcc also tnhlcd n roque st for n coun ty nurHc '•fl(HOVr" howcvcr, was the hiring of Dr Cinrcncc W Kewltch ns public he 1ith den list at 1 snl1ry of $7 200 lie filled a vacancy

'Ihr! board went along with t11c recommendations of I h1• w 1ys ami means committee I hcte w lS

no debate on 1 he issue rucsdny At the JnlllllllY session ways nnd means committee mcmhc1 s snld the J !l5'i hudget d ld not )Jrovlclc fo1 the sanllmy cnginect .111d ex tr ,1 nurse

The sal1rle 1 commlliPe offered a resolution pi ovlrllng that de p 1rtment he 1ds must secure per mission ftom the s 1!1rles cnm mlttee bcfm e lmlng p.u t time

Gwa help

Stockbridge News Mrs. Helen Beeman

Home Culture Club Has Regular Meet

The Home Culture club held Its February meeting Friday with Mrs Helen Beeman, assisted by Mrs Helen Malcho

President Alma McCloud con dueled the business meeting, the tcadlng of the collect and a pray er Heport was given on the coun ly meeting of the club fcde1ntlon at L,mslng last weeic Mrs Llllie Coole leader presented Ophlia Culver whose paper was a "Tribute to Washington • and Maybell Howlett whose paper was a 'Tt ibute to Lincoln"

Roil cail was .111 intercstmg fact about a president Fifteen members responded

Jelly was turned in for the home and refreshments served by the hostesses

The Marcil meeting wtll be mens night wllh a ham dinner and program al rurneys restau rant March 4

Mr .mr! Mrs Caspet Glenn arc In Flotlda

Cnpltnl Ctly c.tmp held n Gideon hanquet at the Methmllsl church last Snturrl 1y evcmng The Band Boosters club served dinner to 79 people

llobet t Pruddon spent the week end nt Granville Ohio with his Wife md f.tmliy

Mr and Mrs Hay L,wcy of Gregory spent with Mr and Mrs Walter Bnrbout The occasion honored Mrs Barbour s birthday anmversary

Mr and Mrs Glen entertamcci Mt and ford Sharp and Mr and Mrs Norman Sharp and daughter at a fish dinner Sunday evening

Honor Students Are Announced

Many Stocl!brldgc pupils are listed on honor rolls for semester and period achwvement

On the semester roll these students

Senlms Rial Ashmore Grace Bailey Jean Barber, Dennis Col ller, John Collins David Coole James Craft John Drew Pat Ellnskl Bob Esch, Glenda Hardt Martha Howard Dtan Hurdel brink Bol> Hutson Martlyn I<lst ler Linda Lantis Roy Proctor Bob Rlchatdson James Howland Dick Schaible Barbara Shew Beverly Stanfield Terry Ward Beverly Wild and Dorothy Young

Jumors Manlyn Sharon Bat th Edsel Catpentcr Clmlcc Cook David Conlt Joyce Edinger Dons Katz, Carolyn 1tobeson, Tom Robeson Mary Lou Roepcke Doris Smith and Beverly Stevens

Sophomore Doug Barton W1i lie Branham Mary Lou S,tlym Gary Smith Jerry Smith and David Wyclwff

Freshmen Frances Becl<wtth Jean Burgess Lee Clarlc Carol Hannewald Vanella Harr Dean Hoard Richard J arrc II Freel Mills Benny Pena Dot othy Rick, Patty Schultz Barbara Scott, Patty rrapp and Bill Withrow

Eighth grade. Bobby Collins I{atherlne Ct aft Phyllis Dysert Delores Hardt Ann Howlett, Martin Johnson Smah Llmmg, Pat Long John Mason Lotralne Mills Toni Mills Kaywln Novot ny, Dorothy Risner, Mary Ryba and Connie Sober

Seventh grade Sally Ortha Anderson Donnie Arnett Dana Burnham Ruth Ann Brae samle Willie Camburn, Dan Cat ley Sharon Collins, Rhoda Die terle, Carol Dllwn, Billy Esch Erlt<a Gallnaitls Sharon Hansen Ronald Hoffman Madeline Hud ldns, Dorothy Hutchinson, Janet Kltley, Mary Ellen Knott, Larry Lehman Millard Prater, Dick Ramsdell Linda Schreer, Nor man spencer, Edith Spooner Janet Stanfield and Mary Ward

There were some who made the period honor roll but not the semester and some who made the semester roll and not the other Among the seniors Teuy Ward gained the semester hon01 but didn't on the period mark, and Caroline Johnson was on the period roll but not the semester

Juniors on the period but not the semester honor roll are Irene Beckwith, Darlene Dixon Margaret Dixon Doris Katz Anna Schultz and Judy Willmore

On the sophomore list Betty Oakley made the period but not the semester list and Mary Lou Salyer the semester but not the period list

In the freshman class Vonetta Carr was on the semester but not the period list, and Donna Bauer· and Fted Mills made the period but not the semester list

Phyllis Dysert, Delores Hardt Lorraine Mills and Connie Sober gained the eighth grade se mester roll but not the period roll, and "Bill Barber, Betty Bor­ing, Merna Cassidy and Pat Long

Bowling l\Insou Rem enUon Len guo Team slnn1ll11gs chnnge1l after

'rl1111 srlny nighiH howllnf( Wol vmlne Englnemlng look

Jluslnessmen's League Falstaff scored the most pins

In a game ami for series last weelc wtth 845 and 2409 Aurelius ami Mason Elevator also bowled high games and series with 838 2101 and 820 227!l

I llgh bowlers for the were Bud Swinehart

Mr and Mrs Austin Nicitli\S entertained her brother and fam lly from Williamston Monday mgh t

Mrs Pauline Oesterle attended a committee meetmg at the home of Mr and Mrs C E Manmng Jn Dansvllie Monday night

The Vantown W S C S wtll hold tts Febru11ry business meet Ing and third study, Under Thtce Flags,' Wednesday, Fell rumy 16 at 1 30 with Mrs Vela Williams as hostess

Mr and Mrs Lawtencc Cran dull of Webberville and Mr and Mrs Hugh Oesterle were Sattll day mght dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Merton Rice

Mrs Ivan Monroe of Webber vtllc and Mrs Merton Rice called on Mrs Merna Monroe and ch1l dren Thursday afternoon

The V mtown and Dansville W S C S will observe th~ World Day of Prayer at the Dansvllic Methodtst church Frl day, February 25 at 8 p m

Mr and Mts Merton RICe spent Wednesday afternoon With thetr son in law and daughter Mr and Mrs Edgar Marshall and family at Gregory

Several men turned out for the woodcutting bee held for the Van town W S C S hall Thursday

Miss Pntrlcla Monroe was a guest on the 4 H hour at W JIM In Lansing Saturday She was elected dairy queen of Ingham county Tuesday at the dairy ban quet at Leslie

made the period but not the semester roll

Seventh graders who made the semester but not the period roll arc Sally Abbott, Ruth Ann Broesamle, Willie Camburn Madeline Hudkins and Larry Leh man Seventh graders on the period but not the semester roll are Janet Hardt, Doug Jackson Kenneth Lyke Ethel Plaunt and Marilyn Potter

!\lis 1\J, V UUJil I

Nl'v 1 Btttlr r w 1s n week r nrl guest of M1 1nrl M1 s It rl Bullr 1

and Mrs Nev 1 But ic1 1111 r guests .tt .1 hillhrlay rllnner hnn orlng Mrs N Butler 1t the Smith home Sunrla~ evening M1 and M1 s John McConnell lllri sons nf East Lansmg were guests 11 lite Smtth home


Ott hnt1lslrln

Used TV All Reconditioned

17 -Inch Motorola

$10 Down 12 Months to Pay

We Have 2 Table Models and One Console

Priced Cheap


:: ' ! .. l

-- Cettern ·lo Eifliol' . . .

,. Vanishing Cream Line Hurts Marketing of Dairy Products

fcbru11ry 10, 1955 The lnQham Coti:rity- NeWs Part 2

IH there any concction between thi1t very little crcrtm on th~ top of a bottle. of mil it unci the lunners' vanishing dairy profits'! Just how much butterfat hus there Jogall~ got to he In n bottle of millt 7

'!'he consume!' hus n right to 'icnow but the !miller doesn't have to' put the butter!ut content on the· bottle cup.

I nslced Bill Rice of Valley ' Side Dairy, a hotllcr In Clinton

county, and after some urging he said the law only requires 3'/r,. I .thought it more but our county agent, Roscoe Smltil, thought It

· was ·3.5'/r.. I nsl<cd the cow and she said she was willing to give from 3.5% to 5'/n more, The overly ·plump womun thought there should be none. But at 3'/r, th~re Is Jess than an ounce In a wlui)e quart of millt.

anrl s'Jpport to c:ommunlsts when It Is consiriererl a vlrt uc fm· t hosn in high office to rio so? 'I' his arl· minlstrntlon nnrl the 'l'r·uman nrl· ministration have aided the com· munl:il cnuse far bnyond the Imagination of stenogruplwrs nnrl clerics hnnrling out billions of the people's money to give aiel nnri comfort to Tlto nnri to finance the I French debacle In Inrlo·Chinn.

What Is the rllffel'lmec between u Russian communist anrl a Po· lish, Yugo·S I a vI a n, G c r m a n, French or some other l'lnri of communist?

Tho crime of niding r:ommu· nlsts seems to be only when the aid Is small. When II Is hlg, the act wins applause. It hegins In look as though we nrc not really against eommunlsm, but only against Russia.

Intel'llntionnilsts gained control o( the Democratic party and nnw they have trapper! Eisenhower

The dairyman wlll have to sell more mille or go brolce. The customer will buy _more and is wiJilng to pay for extra quallly, b4t he. can rend and mille should eaJTy spet:lflcn tlons the same ns other food products. You wouldn't

and most of the Republlenns. We FIUST IN l\IIC11IGAN to be conceived through frozen sold out in Korea and are now waiting for the auspicious mo· semen m·tificial!y inseminated is this Holstein heifer calf ment to seat Red Chinn in the u. bom in Ingham county SatUt·day. The calf and cow are N, owned by Charles Davis or Onondaga. The test-tube calf is • serve yotir baby with non·fat dry

mille; You ·want ·him ·to ·be healthy.

What nrc the standards for ice cream? Ice cream mix must con· tain 12% of butterfat. But n gnl· lim of Icc cream must weigh only 4'1.: lbs. The rest is air. Why not sell It by the pound? But why wouldn't It be a good thing to require- printed Information on weight and Ingredients for lee cream the same as for other plicitnged food? The buyer wants to lmow. Published stnndards create buyer confidence and in· creased sales. There ought to be a lnw.

Why does Prcsirlent Elsen· being shown this week during Farmers' Week at Michigan hower oppose the Drlckcr Amend· State college. mont? Secret minutes of Worlll Federalists wouirl probably reveal Chal'!es Brown, inseminatot· for· the Ingham-Mason unit why. o[ the Michigan At'tificial Bt·eeders association, is shown

William E. Jenner of Indiana with the call'. He is credited with servicing the first cow in realizes the danger~ confronting Michigan with the ft•ozen product.

the United StateH. In a recent The calf is sit·ed by Keendale Lochinvar whose daughters meeting of the Sons of the Amcr· h 11 b · 1 500 Jb 1 b tt f t 1 Th If · lean Revolution at Cincinnati, ave a een 111 t 1e . • pus u cr a- c ass. e ca · lS Senator Jenner spoke out against out of Maplecrest Betty Design who as a 2-year-old gave present governmental trenrls. In clown with 529 lb of fat in a 305-day test. a message which may go down Ft•ozen semen makes it possible for farme1·s to breed In history alongside those of their cows with special bulls and follow a selective breed Washington, Jefferson and Lin· line. (Ingham County News photo). coin, Senator Jenner declared it ___ ....::.;__ ___ __.:_ ______________ _

ROBERT D. WARD, St. Johns, Michigan

Genera~ Should Be RIIC3Jled

is not the card-carrying Commu· nlst we must fear, but the dupes who wlll seii us out for a federal job or to gain a polltical oiTicc.

Jenner Is the man for president.

Albion Man Dies In Leslie Crash

en and were cut about their faces.

If President Eisenhower is serious about winning In Formosa he ·should recall the 5 generals who could have won In Korea had th(w not been hamstrung by Washington.

FROST UPDIKE, Stockbridge


Lansing Supervisors Change Waiter Hauser and Mrs. Chris·

Iiane Poxson of Lansing became regular members of the board of supervisors Tuesday, succeeding Mllo Ward and R. F. Wall whose tenns as Lansing airiel"men ex· plred, Hauser, l1owever, was not present Tuesday. Max E. Mum· lnghnn, Lansing alderman, was Supervisor Hauser's substitute.

The accident happened about a quarter of a mile :;outh of the in· tcrsection of US-127 with Olds road. Northwood was headed

One man met: death and an· north, Hinshaw south. Officers other man and 2 boys were in· said Northwood was driving on jured in a head-on collision ncar

1 the wrong side of the road.

Leslie at ll o'clock Saturday The 2 boys hnd 'attended the

'fhe Eisenhower administration Is exhibiting pride In the claim that several hundred have been dropped from the public payroll because they gave aid and support

night. Leslie movie and were on their

to the communist cause. . Why Is It a ~rime for stenog;

raphcrs and clerl;s to give. aid

Killed almost instantly was Fred W. Northwood, 47, Albion. Taicen to Foote hospital were Donald L. Hinshaw, 26, .Tacltson, and Ronald Jacobs, 15, Hives·. and Harvey Taylor, Jr., Pleasant lalw. Hinshaw suffered head in· juries. Both boys ,had legs hi'Di<·

way home, a mile out of town, when they were given a lift by Hinshaw.

Leslie T runkline Will Be Surfaced

THE DUTY OF TRUTH The right to buy newspaper space and say what you please

in a political ad is a precious right.

But it carries with it a corresponding duty


_ · -. The ad published .by the Ingham County Republican . Com· · m1Uee recently about the governor's recommendations for high­er salaries for state officials did NOT tell_the 'truth.

_ _· Gover~or Williams has NOT recommended any salary m­crease for h1mself, nor for any other state official.


·(This . is a fundamental Constitutional principlf! ·ta:ugllt to every civics student in High School. Was the

· l~gham County Republican Committ~e really ignoran.l '. of tl1is principle ..... or was it just t1ying to fool

the people· again?)


: ; Governor Williams recommended no pay raise for himself or Any of'the other officials elected in November ..

.• ·'· l

; . _ He recohtmended that the legislatur~ take steps to increase the- aalarie• of THE NEXT GO VERNOR, and the state offi­cials who will be elected in Nov.ember, 1956-whoever they are, and whatever party they represent. ·

. : _ The Ingham .Coun~y R~publican Committee has every right to. Qppoae. that auggeabon 1f they think it's wrong.


. _ -·.· Trutliknowa no politics. ·It belongs to Republicans as well -.a Democrats. Thoae who violate it do no service to their own ca·uae.

lilgham County Democratic Committee Ray·Rapaport ·Esther Waite John Priggo.orls ' Ad~iu.r~ J1Lffe

,'- · ,;,~h~~ _.:· · ,;\"lce·Ohurman · · __ ~reils'!lrc.r · · _. Secretary . ...

1 Resurfacing with bituminous

concrete is scheduler! for US·12i; . 'fhrou'gh: Leslie··· in-·a Iettlrig com·

ing up Wednesday, February i6,' at Lansing.

, In the same letting is surfac· ing on M·9,9 at Eaton Rapids and a stretch on M-50 in Jackson county.

Completion date .for the pro} ect which covers all 3 jobs is July 31.

Baii-Qunn Starts 24th Year in Order

Ball·Dttnn funeral home has· just started its 24th year as a member of the Order of the Golden Rule.

Well over a quarter or a cen· tury ago a small group of fu·

: neral directors banded together In their mutual desire to make It easy for anyone, anywhere, to select a dcpendahle, ethical and moderately priced funeral ell· rector in time of need.

These funeral directors called their organization The Order of the Golden Rule. Other funeral directors all over the world be· carrie interested In the Order, and it became necessary to create a sort of screening operation which would make sure that new mem· hers had the same high Ideals that activated the original mem­bers.

A set of rigid q ualiflcatlons were set up, dealing with the ethics, the equipment, the pro· fessional training and the. ex· perlence of each applicant-but it was felt that something more was required.

Accordingly, it was required that the applicant must be ap­proved by the people In the best possible position to 'Know 111m: famllles served, clergymen, phy­s·icians, lawyers and other bus!· ness and professional men in his own community.

Funeral directors who are_ af· filiated with the· Order of the Golden Rule make their Identity known by their use of the sym, bol of the Order:· a !might In full armor, supporting a shield upon which ls emblazoned the motto of the Order: "Service Measured Not by Gold, but by the Golden Rule." '

·This symbol will be very fam· lllar to the people of Mason, for it lias been. used by Ball·Dunn, the local member of the Order, for 23 consecutive ' years. It Is interesting to note that, at this time, the Ball-Dunn firm starts Its 24th year as the Mason mem· ber of the Order. · · ' · -· ::·.-

Skating· Suffers Ruin .. ~


Flames Destroy Platt Farm Home On Hanna Road

' ..• -l ~. (" ly·:, .: i

U v~ 'Ytul ·MtJIP " .l.4 . t , ,·, ,1

• • I • ~ •

He Knows How Milk Prices Got That Wav . l

Mr, nnu . : M'fli, . Rlbhllrd L, i Nlcolen and . tlielr 2 . children, Lynne.Mnrhi anq Ii.Jc)tiiY?Th~ . Nlco)lins. ffi9vcd tp lrJns_oll D~· . cemher 26 {rom fnw Paw and are reshjlng nt '416·:W,· Collllll:

Dale· Butz Plans !"lames . destroyed (he' farm bin. Marie .Is 7 ycllrB old and

horne of Mr." nnrl Mrs. Hnrpld ariends ··.:tl}e. Qcdl)f; ,Street Pia lt a nrl t lwir 6 sons Friday !!elir;ml; Rl~llO:( .will_ BO\)Il ce)c· mornln~. Ail that remains of the . llrate .hi~ t!ilrd ,ll.lrt.h4ilr a~nl· 2-stoi'Y fmrne home on Hnnnrl ·. venmry, · · ". '

1 • • : • , .

ronrl nrc the 4 wail~. ' Mr •. Ni,coh:n. has . be~n em;

. Pule Butz of Michigan State college ngr]cultuml economics de· partment will be nt thu court house In Mason Wednesday, ·l"ch· i·unry 16 to.discuss rl!llry mnrlmt· lng. The tallts begin at 1 :30.

Bljtz, extension spcclnlist In ng­rioultul'nl economics, .lolneri the stall' of MSC in 1950. Dnma~e to the builrllng w11s ploycd by the Ml9li)gon S\Otf!

cstlmntPri nt $:5,000, The Platts pollee for the past -~a yllnrs. hnd $3,000 insur·nnce with Furm· : He Is :d :sergcf\rit 'nt the Enst er·s Mutual on the building and · Lansing branch. D~rln~ World $1,500 on the contents with Jewett . War II, Mr .. ~lcpi!Jn ~ervod 3

lie's n graduate of Purriue Unl· • ·

Insurunce Agency. years with the "~~_st II!J~rd. - While at P.nw -Paw,. ·Mr.

MrH. Platt was home with Don, · · Nlccileri became· a Mason ·urid 3, and Douglas, 1, when ll neigh· . Mrs. Nlcoicii li!''n -member' of bor, Vnnce Mead, noticed tlnmes · Order o! Eastern Star:·:·_ eating mvny on the roof at the ·-·--··;,.;_.-::.,..-base of the chimney. Mend, drlv· ·: .. : · : .' · · .. lng past the Piatt home on his F• · L · · · · ··1 · : · way to Dansville, stopped lind lfe ; osses· :: OW

1 :·

shouted to Mrs. Platt. She turned , ' · ··· · · ·

versity, Cornell Unlver·slty anrl the ·University of Minnesota. But7.

a native of Albion, Indiana. .He Is n member of the Ame1'i·

can Farm Economics nssoc!nllon ·and hns ·authored a number of bulletins nnd articles in the mille Industry.

Butz will discuss the outiool' for dairy products nml what some o~ l)tc farmers can do ahout the rn·lce received for mill,, llai11 Uub:

~~~!~~:~~~~~·~ to the Dansville nre Chief: Points·.-, Ouf . ci~~~~r ti~~i~l~~~f~ur!r~;~~d so~~ In A:nn'ual. R.p~orl.

He wlll discuss how prices arc price and tile cosr of production det~l'l)llncd, what factors affect and prlc:e relationship.

clothing from the first floor. All other belongings went up In Mason Ore lo2~cs tor; 19S•Lw~rc smoke. heid to 11 minimum ,ac~ordin'g to

Dansville firemen attacltcd the Leland' Alis'th~ in: hls ··ahniinl re· blaze and put In a call to the port tG the_' cltVcouncfl·Moridny Mason department for assistance. ·· · . . · .. - . · The !lames had gained too much night. Los~!!is· fo(.tl~~).e~r·.,w?rc headway, though, and consumed held to $2.3~ IM:f t~oii~And,dollars ail but the shell. of valuation In the city' of :Mason.

one trailer lire anrt •I other mls· cellaneous runs were marie.

In 195<1 the report show~ that Alaiedon had 8-llrcs, Aurelius rc· poJ·tcd 7, and 6 runs were made to Vevay, A total of $030 In fire· fighting fees was collected fmm the 3 townships.

According to Dnnsvllle fire Fire ci>st' cne11· ~fsort'lri. the' city chief Bob Price, the fire was $1 ~89 , tlle.iire :ch.Jc!, ~Jnted·out~ · probably caused by spar·ics on the ••u County tnsurance Extended wood shingle roof. A. toia' cit $Ji,OO() lrl ·. . Held up since last month,

The tire chief also reported is· suing 50 burning permits and making 30 smolte investigations during the pust yem·.

The other Platt boys \vere In losses wns sutrercd·tnslde of county officers and in· school at Dansville at the time of limits. I..Qss· of .c.ol)~cri*s sura·nce on county buildings were the tire. Gary Is In the seventh to $~,250, · A!l$~lri's .. , ordered extended by supervisors grade, Gale Is in the fourth, Rob· .forth. · . · ·. · · . Tuesday. Supervisor c. o. WI I· ct-t is enrolled In the second atid In the-3 surrounqlng·townshlps Meridian, explained that his Jon is in the tlfth grade. sel'Ved by thc-.Mns·on·'dep.attment, and contracts committee

Friday night the Platts moved losses r:j.n. hlglicr; 'i!u1Jdlnti'.los5es has 'not had time to come up with in with his brother and sister·ln· In :Aurclll!s;;_v'cvay·· al)li:'Ahiledqn permanent bonding and insur· law, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Platt amounted to $16,~'and·:Joss to ance recommendations. The·com· of Mason. They will soon move contents:blt'$4;575,.·-for•a total of mlttee intends to continue its into a house a short distance $21,675i ac¢brdliig, to·: the Masqn s~udy, reported Wilitlns, and will from the burned out structure. fire ·chief.·····.'-:-~-'':·'::.. ··: · · · submit a program at a future The Platts intend to rebulld just : In a breakdOwn·. of file :23 ·fire meeting. He expressed appreci!t· as soon as weather permits.. runs lil the'~qlty;;/grass :fires led tilin of th'e cooperation offerer!

Platt is employed by Fiedler with a.'tottiFot-8;- ;'fl'quse: .runs the committee by insurance Food Locl,ers in Holt. amounted'· to-:IT.'Three;auto:.ftres, agents.

• '•I' ',,''' ... ••:•,. ' .

-· ,.' .. ' .'.".

.. ' . •.• .i' '. ,····:


.' ·.· . ~ .... .. , .. •,

'~· .. ' . ' ' ' .... · ...

,··.·. •'- ~.- • • • '"'; • ,. 'I .• .... ~ •. .. ......

Clardy Gets Bid To Chicago Event

Kit Clal'dy, former sixth dis· t rlct mngres~man, ·will share the spotlight with right-wing Rcpuh· llcans in Chicago Saturday, The Ingham rna n wlll be on the speaking platform at a gathering of the Amcrlca11 National Lincoln clubs· Lincoln Day seminar at the Morrison hotel. He is booked for a speech on "Amcr·le.a's Twin Trojan Horses," The ADA and the Committee fo1· Constitution· ai Congress are the twin Tro.lan horses.

Senator George Malone of Ne­vada, Senator Everett McKinley Dlrl<scn of Iilinois, Senatot• Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin and Governo1· J. Braclcen Lee of Utah will also speak.

The Utah governor is scheduled to discuss the United Nations organiza I inn and Its conflicts with the United Stales constitution.

t;leads or Tails? I .. • .... . ."...., ..

' '~ ,'

' •. ~me ·\hings are alw~ys a~ cicl~- bY,' -' · . ·C:ha~c~~ .. t~e to;s of the coin at the beginning of a

··'fS~t~~~~ .gdme.'is a classic example. Other choices, . I __ ,.,. .• -.. ,'.". . .. .

. '

·. m<!re: iif1portant, should be made not by: chancel bt:ikb:~ -the eKercise of logic. . .. . . . -

·. ~.

. .. . When selecting a fune~ol cflrect~r, for exornple; we·_ think' thcit"'a ~er'Y"fmporta~'t" . is bel~g rhode, and the final decision should be bos~d u~on a complete knowledge of what local fu~~ral directors hove to offer in the way of facili-

--~ties, 'qu.ipment and experience.

Even. if you do not have an opportunity to c:orid~~t ~ complete investigation, and learn all the

·_fad~, ycHj,con br.~ guided by the approval of the Order of the Golden Rule, an international affilia· tion :df ·funeral directors · whose members are

:. -· . · :. -~iedg~d-to render service which is truly "Measured ·n~f~G{GOLD,-but by the GOLDEN RULE." We · ¥~,.v.ry,~ro.11.~pf the fact that we hove agt;Jin been · dpP.~iMed as: the local member of the _Order.

'· '' < .. ,- · .. ·

: ·-··. ... ''

': '. :·.:·; . ···~

BALL-DUNN Funeral Home

-621 South JeUerso~t· 'MasoD; HlchiPu

. ·B~INDD FOR THE 24m YEAR •. i

. ' ' ' .

. . ' ' ~ ' .

Last. Saturctay's snow· and ft·e~ quent thaws since ·have· spoiled 'slmtlng on county park ponds nnd on\ the SycamoJ:e .. Thaws:, have also ruined coasting:· There .has not been enough snow this winter

~k~~~~~0·~·-(~~~;- .·. -~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


lnollllln County News FeLrunry 10, 1955 Page 2 Albion Man Killed, 2 · Boys Injured

wscs 8111;1.v 01 '()\11, nrcelt~ · I Bowling Teams Attend Churcll Ol'llr!<!ra Inslnllc11 Mr, anrl Mrs, .Tnmes n, Bngger­ly of Clnrlwton wnre Sunrlny clfn· net• guests of Mr•, Ba[(get•Jy's pnr· ents, MJ•, nnrl Mrs. .r. Hussell llnggerly.

Religion In Tndlrt was the su h·

Leslie Items. In Auto Accident

.Jed brought lllll In the wscs Banquet at Jackson ;;tudy group of Lim Melhorllst chun•h mr.ctlng In the chtlrch 'l'IHIJ'Srlay nfl!!rnnon, '!'hey con· ;;fden!d especinlly the Roman Cntlwllc, Mur 'l'homn unl! P1·otc~· tnnt mlsslnnnry gmups. The Mnr 'l'IJOmn group trnce their history hnek to Sl. •rJwmnH nnd hnvc heen there since the fouJ·th ccn· llii'Y· Rev. ,Tolm W. 13JJ!Iodt WIIH

'J'lw I'(Iptalil~ nnd H)lOilliOI'H rep· rcsenllng lfw l!!llmH from the Dowi·Inn rect'ellllon In Lcolle wcrn pmLiel of t helt· ropmsenta· lion nl the Jnciumn hnnqltet Sui.· lJrdny night. Vh•g!nill 13rnnnltoW· sld wns runJWNJp for queen,

Rev, Arthut• DeGl'llnf, MSSA vlce·pr·eslrlent or Detmlt, ln~tnllerl offlcm~s nf the Flower Memorlnl Splrltunll~t chut•ch Sunday eve· nlng, The JWW oftlcera nre: Pres!· dent, Rev, Ethel McLain; vice· president, Ertnn Flower; llccrr.· tory, Irene Smith; t1•easm·er, l~vn Nelson; ll'llstees, Irene 13nldwln, Clnrn MnRters nnrl Phone Parlter,

'f'lw Patient or tho Metlwrllst r!llllrch met nl' the home of Mrs. L. C. l{rnfl TIHII'H· rlny nftel'!loon. MrH. Lucy Olsen· rotiJ led tlw I!Pvutlons. MI'H, \VII· llnm Scirl!l'l Is tlw lmllh!J'.

Clara C. Strange

Plans Complete for Defense Exercises

Complete plans for the civil de­fense Jwme proteetlon exercises were mncle hy the members of tlw American Legion Auxiliary at I heir 'l'hurselay evening ml!Ct· lng following a eommlllee meet· lng nn this suh.J!!cl hr!ld lhe night Jwl'nrc.

Mrs. Don Ct·uiles from 1 he Auxlllury, Mrs. Elolse I<nnnawln Ior the P. '1'. A. nnd Hulph Strope ntt·enrlor.J 1 he m!!ellng. 'l'he tJ les· snns were reviewed and 11 tell!· phone enmpalgn planned to fn· mlllnrlze pr.opln with the scope of the course nnrl the dates on whleh It will be given, nnmely Mm·ch 10, 1 G, 2,1 nml 31.

Poppies for this year'H sniJ.> were ordci·cd und plnns· mnde fo'' n popy poster contest. Mrs. Wu,·d Vlenry, .rr·., 1:uve n comprehen· Hive rrvlew of nil bills lleforc mngres~ 11 ffpr~ll ng vcternns. She also gnvr. u report on the· sixth

·, illstrlet meeting rcrcmtly' !wid In · nnvlson. · H.r.servat ioJl rm· a I..e&lie repr~· sr.ntutive to girls stale wns modi,'. T•m'tutive plans wet·e made to lwlrl the Legion birthday party on Mureh 15. It ww; also voted to l"llltlnue to buy mlllt f01· 2 l<ln· rll'rgar·ten C'hllrlrcn.

Mrs. Mark Amhs nnd Mrs. Don Morgan wrre appolnlerl us a commit IPe in l'harge of enter· 111fnment for· the pic social to he held Saturday, Februory 12, at 8::{0 in Jhe Legion hnll.

EOTC Club Stages Dinner and Skit

'l'lw fcdeJ·ated EOTC dub's an· nual meeting wns held at the GAR hall Tuesrlay for dinner and a plnylct, "Have You Had Yout· Operation'!" The clinner commit· tee was hy Neva Vlcnry lllld iJwluclecl I1·ma Blgg, Doris

, Hnzel Mitchell, Pauline Wullar!c illlll Myrtle Dyrum. Dora· Illy Waller harl dwrgr. of rlccora· lions.

'l'l1e members of the east, dl­l'ectcd by the leader, Pauline Hohlnsnn, wPrc: Leading lady, Eleanor Copper·; supporting cast, Dorothy Clothier, Marian Fogg, Donnn Coppens, Lorraine Luecht, Christie W~dke1· nnd Beverly Pix·

Gh'l Rconlli ltleet at GAR Hall 'J'he Gil' I Sr.ou ls met last 'l'LWS·

dny In the GAR hnll, Mrs. D. D. Henderson's group plnnned a piny based on their own tlrumullzntlon of a story, to 11c given nt the next troop meeting, Mrs. Merton Bnlrl· win's group sewed us part of 11

second class badge requirement. Mrs. Joe Cort's group cllrl finger pointing us pnrt of lhr.h· clrnwlng nnrl palnllng barlge,

William Ruthig, 81, Dies at His Home

William Henry Ruthlg, 81, of 503 East Wnnevllle road, Leslie township died suddenly Wr.rlnes· day nftlirnoon nl. his home.

Fred W. Northwood, Alhlon, driving fl enJ' lwlonglng In Maude Nor I ilwoorl of .Tncl<son, wus In· slllntly l<lllccl nn U!i-127 nonr Olrls mad Sat urrluy rtl :11 p. m. when h!H 1'111' IIJlJHII'I!Illly sldrh]Pr] cllrcc·l· ly Into tlw path nl' the southbound I'll!' rlrlvon hy Donald L. 1-Tinshnw of .Tad<son. 'l'wn Leslie! high school boys, Honnlt> .Tal'ohs nnrl Harvey Taylor were riding wllh lllnshuw. ·

ITinshaw sustnlnerl head In· Jur·lcs and was tnlwn In Woote lin~pilnl by the Luedrt nmhulanre sP.I'Vlee ns was n.unnle .Tncohs, Hi. !Te sufferer! a .frul!lure of tlw left leg hc!t\veen thr. l1lp anrl knee, und fudul hlr'CI~ntlons ahove lire eyP, Hnrvey Tu~•lnr, ,fJ•., Hl, was lalwn to the same hospital hy llw Jupp ambulance scrv!Pe nntl sufferccl nlmosl irlcnlfcal ln,lul'!es cxeepl fnr· nwre serious eut s a hoVI! I hr. rye.

Tlw following Lesllr! Dowi·Inn

thr• trrlf'hel'. sponsor-captnln comblnnllons nt· 'rhl'11n Ar4l RnJll'lmLIIldPd tended the lmnquot: Bernard Pollee officer. Don Hnynes Ionic Brnnalwwsltl unci Paul Smllh, Frer.lcrlm Chupn oncl Millon G.

School, Board Has 'J'enry 'l'rnnaslk nncl A linn Rhines; Hocltholcl lo the Mnson jull Mr. nnrl Mrs. Ralpl1 , Spence, chnrgerl with driVIng under the

Specl'al Meetl'ng Cllcryl. Ji'Jelds nncl Vh·glmu Bmnu- Influence or liquor Monday, El· kowsl<J; Clnrenc•e Whlttalter and wood Quinn, n village reslrtent,

Riehm:d Schmit, president of .foe Kolonlch; Milici' J!!Welcr and was plcl<ecl up In Jucl<son Sunday the Leslie sehool IJom·d, callccl n Mrs . .l~loyd Lantz; and Dr·ewry's by Officer Hny11es because of special meeting recently for the tenm nnd Mue Foote. ll'llll'lc vlolnllona, After a henrln[( put·pose of presenting lo the The representative of Bruns- before Judge Roy Adams, he was architect, Earl G. Myers, the lind· wl<kBallm-CallendPr slnlcd !hut hound over to clreult eolll'l l'nr lngH of Dr. Don Leu, on the [ll'es· this banquet: was the llrst In the February ll. ent nnrl future needs of Leslie United States In honor the spon· publle sc:hools housing. sm· as well as the cuptaln and

I hat II would IJe the pattern for• D1·. Leu Is the building consul· lull bowling bunqtwis to follow,

tan! from MSC. His I'Ccommenda· , • ~ lions were summarized In 15 l'here were, 3.>,000 votes east !OJ' needs, the first 5 of whleh he queen. Only .>,000 were expected. con;;lclered should be canlecl out lmmedln tely nnd I he remnlnlng

Don nnd Ron Jacobs, twin brothers and freshmen at Leslie high school, were parllelpanls in the Golden Gloves tournament held nt the National Guard Arm· ory In Jucltson last Thursday.

Mr. and Ml'A, Harold Hamlllon

llohhy Cluh IH••••Is 'l'he Leslie! Tlohhy duh mPI

Wllh Mrs. Clai'Cnl'e l3yr!rly nl Ollf'

o'clock 'rhlll'sday. 'I'Ju! Jesson HUh· J!'CI 1\'llS 1111 lle'CI!SHIJI'tl'S fot• the homP. taught hy Mt·s. HnrTlRnn Carter !11111 Mm. Byi!J'iy. The hw;t­r!Ss sr!rVf'd refreshmr•nts nfleJ' tlw mer!llng. Mrs. Kmmel h Austin Is the Phalrmnn for·10~ri.

Mlso;lonur·y Is Grll'st. l-llll'!lltlir Rev. Hobert II. Blnsrlrlll, 11 Melh·

nrllst missionary few 3~ ,YNtrs, wus speaker at the Methodist dtuJ·t·h Sunday at tiJC P.Vf'illng scr·vlet!. Hev. Blnslil!ll and Ills wife worlwd nmong I he! Moslmn population of 1\lnlnyn foJ' 20 VPill'H, A I'Pprnsr.nlaiJVP nl' the Glclcon Sndety cotHiucJ·el] tlw morning servlee. M1·. Rutlllg wns born .Jtme ~.

1873, In CanDda. A t·cJIJ•cri farmer, he had i)ecn a resident of the LcH· He communJiy for 25 years. Mrs. Hulhlg dlcrl In 1!145.

Girl Scouts Give Party To. Eam ·Merit Badges

Surviving are a son, F'rctl HLrlh· Eight hoy:; nml girls, 3 ami 'l !g. of Leslie; 2 daughters, Mro. ynun; ol!l, were feted Tue:;rlay Howland Smllh of Leslie und Mrs. afternoon nt tlw home of M1·s. Rnlph Smllh of Bailie Creel<; 2 ,Toseph Knlnnleh. The occasion sisters, Mrs. Helen Hepplet· of was 1 he cnnfrll'lnlty of Mrs. Canada and Mrs. John·Hcppler o( Geo1·ge Wood's Girl Scout group Detmll; ll gJ'UnlkhlldJ'en, J2 to one of their IW[IIil'Pmcnts fnr gt•eal·granclchlldren nnd sevcr11J, gnining 1 Jwlr dllill ~lll'l! badge.

I 0 to he accomplished from cur· rent opernllng funds during the years nhend.

'!'he first 5 needs l1e suggested r1re 2,400 square l'eet of new ln· rlusl.ria! arls fncillties, 1,500 squure feet of new music faelll· lies, 2,000 square feel of cafe· tcrln, sltldy hall nnd ldlcheJt, lO,OQO square feet for 8 addltlor)lll c:lementary classmoms as nn ad· dillon to ·the new elementary sdtool, 4,000 square feel of ele· mentary sdwol mulllple-purposc, and a moder·n healing plnnl. It was decided that some of the last 10 points whic·h had to do with

Mr. and Mr~. Merton Buldwln attended the city o( Jucltson ree. reatlon program square dancing cluss nt. thr. Bennr!ll school Mon· day.

Douglus Wood·, 7, l1ns reel measles. Pcll'll has llu. They are ehlld1·en of Mrs. Geo1'g1! Wood.

and family were guests of Mrs. Tire PnJ·isl1 dub of St. Cornelius Hamlllon's pm·ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. nnd St. Cyprlun Cutl1ollc !'lnn·eh John Cahll, lu~t·Sul]dny. The oe· will mePI :II K p. m. Wt'dnesday, caslon was ~r.-Cahlll's 79th hlt·th· l•'chrLmry Hi, at the home of M'1·. day nnnlvers~ry. There were 19 and M1·s. Hay Morg<ln of Sioek· guests II] l~lwnd!lnce, . bridge. unrl neplu~ws. fo'ollowlng 11 ~uclwr hunl, llw Funer·al services were held Snl· ynun~sters pll1yerl gumPs, aJte:·

urday at 2 p, m. at 1hr. Lueeht whiC!I1 till' lwstessr!s servPd pop· funeral horne with Hev. .Jolm corn ami r'tlp!·alws clel~rJratccl wllh Bulloclt olflciallng. Burial wm: ut hraJ·t~ and c·upilis, wiill'i1 they Woodlnwn cemetery, Leslie. mndr.

Clark· Pierce Injured When Car Overturns

Clark Pierce of Jerome was tnl<cn Ia Foole hospital with head Injuries, by the Luecht ambulance se1·vice from a Leslie physlelan's office w herr. he hnd bcPn talwn afl~r the car In whleh he was riding, sl<lclcled and overtumerl on the .Rives-Eaton roar! south o[ Le,~lln Salurrlny afternoon.

The c-ar was being rlrlvPn by Pierce's daughter, Jonn. She lost control of I he car on an ii!Y curve and II skidded into the dilf!i1, hit Hevcral small trees and ovm·· turned. Her hmlhPT' was uiHo In the rat·.

VIJ•ginlOI Buck mnrll' l1er flr:;t trip uway from !10mr! since hr· ing stricken with polio Sl•vernl monlhs ago to all•!nd till' party. She e.,eort eel ll!!J' you ngr!r llrnl h· m·, ,Josepl1. M J's, D. D. Hendel'· son, a Girl Sc:out leader, dJ'ove them to lfw Kolonieh home.

Janet Mitchell WIIS the guest of Shnron Ingalls, Virginia Winl<· ir'J' o I' Clmrcl ia Sml I II, Pn I sy Lo· sey of .fluly Parsons, Richard "Dicl<ie" Clwmberlaln of his nlder sister, Dolrm.•s, SuH!P. .Milch· ell or .loom Knlonieh, Peggy Clwmllrrlnin or P:~t O'Duwd ami Nunl'J:I Mltr.Jwll n1· · hrr· sistPr, .lo:m.

Business Class Views. local Banking System

IIH' additions to lhr! high school hullrling would hnve to be con· sidcrecl in II1C immel!lnte bond Issue.

E\•eryone was in accord will! the suggested ciwngcs in the c•h'· menlary school. The nddlllon In the high school presented a sllghlly different picture. The Jaw allows bonding up to 10>'/c of val· uution. The bonding atlol'llcys suggest 1 07r ns ideal; 12'/r· as the top figure within safety. The bonding nltorney suggested 1111:' Leslie schools be bonded for $200,-000. Mt·. Myers said 250,000 would llr~ naeded.

M1·. Myers wanted to submit skelehes but SupeJ•Jntcndent Van· derlindcn ·suggested he should wall until the bonding attorney would give an opinion as to how high lhf! bonding could go safely.

School hoard president, Rlchlll'd Schmit; secretary, Clyde Allen; treasurer, Ruth Brown; dir·ector, Ji'rank Fogg; and Ray Fosler were present.

What a Honey f ! ~ . . What a Price

Westinghouse Dryer

Regularly $199.9 5

Special· Price


'rho fir~.): Leslie high seh~ol hnncl nnrl mnrlrlgnl group, undct• llHl dlrectJnn of Wllllnm Weiss! pt·esentcrl n progrnnt nl the linn· riettn township ~chon] nl Lnytnn Curnct•s 'l'hur~fol!y nftnrnnon.

'!'he olghth grann sclr!JICC! elass vlslle!l Jhe ,Tndtson r!ly wnter­worlts plan! Just ThiiJ'sdny nftm·· noon. Wnllu1•c! SPJ'VPI', l'ighth g J' ad e Ill n I! h n r, urornmpunled tlwm.

Childs District lHI'H, I,f!OIU~ ,JnhnHinu

'I'll~! 11 c·~ ml~~lnnary group mel. 111 llw homf! of Dnrls f-!Pn· dnrshnt. 'l'hur·stlay. Tlw 7 mr!m· ht>rs prr>,t>lll flnlslwil ~ome sr!W· lng fnr a mnvulrsrmll honw In 4 E:alnn Hnplds.

Mr. unrl Mrs. C:rmld Md\Psspy .':pr!nl tlw \\'Pr!lc end with llwli· parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Er'nl'sl l'tk Kessey. 'l'lwy nil went In Garth Mr·Kr!sseys Sumlny for tllmw1·.

Hex A!Jimll nntl Jlo!Jr.r·l Com· stock ure statlmll'rl ut Ft. Lenu· :ml Wnorl, Missouri.

Mrs. Lilla Kyser· and son, Charles, and his frlt!nrl wer·e Jn Battle Creel< Sunday to s1!e llw J{yser hoy." anr! tlwlr fnmllles.

Mr. and Mr~. Wllllum Com· stod< and son, Dannl!!, uml M1·. :mel Mrs. Paul Pil'ffeJ' of .Jaci<snJI spent Suncluy: with Mrs. Ralpl1 Drumm nnd family of Lansing.



I .... -... .,: .. :.w Icy. .

Emma .J ohnslon had charge o{ IJlLJsic and presented Bob Stuart, who sang 2 numbers.

· J nan accompanied her fa 1 her 1 o the hospital while he1· brother went to the garage with the wreclter. Repairs wer!' made lhal enabled him to drive hac:lt to their home. Mr. Pierce ·underwent minor surgery on l1is facial wounds anrl was releaser! fr'om !·he J.wspilal Sunday ·afternoon. ·

The ~ltJdents of the Leslie high sc·hool illisiness training class, aPeompanied by I heir instt·uctor, Harold Teaclwu I, mmlf' an nb· servatinn tour- nf·. the Peoples Auxiliary Inltiuh!:~ 2 13nnk· of Li!~Jic Thtirsday, as a The American Legion Auxiliary sequel to thr.iJ·unil study of hank· iniliutecl 2 candidates at the home ing. .' ·, · · . of Mrs. Donald Cral<es Thursdiw.

·~ H.e~dquarters for Westinghouse Home Sweet Homema,king Spe~ia~ls ~ . Reports on the County Federa·

tlon held January 2G In Lan~!,ng, tine business and election of 1'ro11Jl Jlns 24 New B1·ownies

. cornpletr.d the evening's Mrs. G. H. Brigham ns leadel' rnm. f.lnrl Mrs. R. W. Shipman af 1!0·

leader welcomed 24 Brownies and Mrs. Donald G.· Randolph 'as a ne.w. B1·.ownie leatlet· ·Ill the rcgu· Jar meeting Thursrlny afternoon

lei'S Have l'otluck Jn the GAR hall. The girls mut!f'

Haml~ liamiltnn~, ·president. of The pie social is Saturday, I•'eiJ. Ill!! bunl~ .. ~nrl Rldwt;cl ~Tiner, tel· ruary ·12, in the American Legion let·, rxplarnr.d tile· l'lHIIments of meeting rooms. the daily Qpernlfon of tlw b::tiJ.k, and tiHi miwhines used in cheek· Mrs. William Seifert spent a ing each OjlC!l'lllion. The rniero· few clays last week with her sis· filming,.of ~i;llf'cks and Mhcr bani< tez·; Mrs. William Glover, in To· doeumr.nts Jor accuracy of reeonl ledo. PERKINS HARDWARE

360 S. Jefferson Ingham county district Scout· valentines and played n game in f'rs ~viii meet In Leslie Tuesday addillon to thel1· opening and evemng for a potluck supper at closing ceremonies. Sharon F'ox rhe ~· A. R. hall. The, h~ls! ·and' Deni~>e · Miller visited 11nd meetrng following the ~upper IS were given parent mnsent slips

the purpose of rnaltLn~ PlilnS to lalte hpme to· be signed .. the forthcoming year. · _· __

ancl economy of space in storage, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill of the dl'ive-in window ·r·outinc as it ·.Jackson were dinner guests of Iouks fmm I he employee's side Mr. and Mrs. Kennel h A. Austin

~n& thr. control of the so~ty d0 ~lt:l~:t~S:t:ln:d:a:y~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JlO~il lli1xes in tile new vJult, were· among thr routines whicil interesl<'rr t11e cluss.

Phone 4311

arc ~dull frjcn?$: .Q.f. pj.1_.\ 'B()y~ r1an 'Trli1 s who nsstst In carrymg pn . . . .

their ar:tivllies. ScoulmaBII?r EaJ'I ,R,I,I_s~ejl .. f\;llller, . agrwnlture Miller, ti'Oop advancement leatler, 1encher ftl Le~lle high St!hool, folarrison Cartet•; actlvlt.les' man plans to talte GJ) FF.A boys to at.· :rncl commiltee clmlrmari Leon· ~end the Pebrunry 10 session of

Rouse; camping a~tivltles Farmers' Week at Michi~an SH~Ie outdool' man, Russcli'WI.I.I'd, coljege f01· a~ observ:at1.on ll'lp.

corresponding secretary, Th~y will ·VIsit the agncultural IG'cm•'P"C! Luecht · and J:oJjJ:i Me· englneerlng bpll,dlng and observe

are .~~me of .the. LP,.~Iie ·irrlgatlon:and soli conserva tlon ters planning to nttend. pr,~c(i_ces, and see new models of

tractors .anp other farm equip· ment. Mr. and Mrs. Sewell Russell

Mr. and Mrs. Ei.\1'1 Russi;"Jl Battle Creek, couslris of 'J: 8~1ety'!Ueets 11t Pm·1·y Uome

sscll Baggerly, were Slmduy ']'he Scvemn: . Day A!ivenlist callers nt the Bnggei·Jy home. , Dorcas Society· met at the home

Rev, John W. Bulloclt, · hls of Mrs. Floyd Perry on Nlms road daughter, Jamie, and son, Fred~ 'l'uesday afternoon. M;rs. Et.hel

Mary Jane MOill'(Je und Beaple· :1s leader .of the Society. Cochrane attendci;l tl~c Mr~. J~nn.l~·Slefl'en was in ohnrge

Wesley fll m being shown by of' the cancer dressing project he Albion Methodist chu,f~h'. ,rr)· whll,')l )hey start~d nt this mel!t·

clay. This picture was pt:oduce!J lng. · · by the radio and film commission

The trour enrle11 in the direetor's J'oom where il wns explained that lhP ilntml of directors was electPd hy tlw sloekholrleJ·s. 'rhr. honrcl elnrts the: lwnk niTit'ers. ' .

Tnsuranc~e is the nrxt business unit tn be sturliNI by tlw class. Lennard House ol' Leslie and Kenneth McKenzie, a teaeliel' who also sells insuranee, will give·cs with question unci answer periorls following.

Scouts Plnu l'ruu~nlm SUJIJlf'l' Everyone over 85 may ullenrl

the Exploret· Scouts pnncaf{e sup· per In !hr. G. A. R. hall Jrom 5:30 Lo 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, Fehru· my J G, free of charge. Adults less I han 85 yPars of age will pay $1 and children under 12, 50r. .. The proceeds· from the pancake sup· per· will go towarrl purchasing l!(tllipment needed hy the• Explor· cr Scout: troop No. 69 and .for I !lei r summer activities.

or the Methodist ehureh wJth _the 'l'l)e condlll.on of Mrs. Decatur asslstnnce of the J. Arthur Ranck N. Lacy, Jr., at ·Foote hospital is Couple Hns Anniversat•y Co. of England. . dellr!rlbel;l' as ~1ood by ho~pltal at· Mr. nnd Mt·s. Alvie D; Vermil· . 'J'he senim· Methodist Youth t~ndants. Mrs·. Lacy fell from 1he lion celebrated their 5<1th wedding Fellowship held a slmtuig 'pahy third. step of a ladder In her anniversary ut an open house Monday at Pleasant lni<e. . . Jdtchen 2 w.eeks ago. Sunday aflernoon and evening.

r1---------··.;...--.;...--.;...-----------, 'l'hey were married in Defiance, Ohio, February 7, 1901. · 'fhey

Public Hearing Ingham Town Hall.

i ' ·: Dansville, Michit~~ · l ' : ' ''; ,' 1 , •, :I

Frlllil~, February 18, 1935, commencing mt· '7 P. nr. uml · continuing to at lellSt 9 P. J;t . . . . .

All qualified electors of Ingltam Township . Qro ·' notlfl~lr' I that the Town Boant will hold a p11bllc ltellrlng at tile Town Hall In Ditusvllle. QO Frlda.y; Fel),ruary 18, 1BiiG, starting at 7 P. 1\1., to1• t.lte. p~~ of·· he~flng publlc sentiment on the questions: · · ·

. (1) Sl~ Wbllli ';fQwnshlp be designated liS a spe. clal IIINI~t d,llltrlct for ·. Towi:Millp fire . pro· : · ·fiMUon P!'l')IOIJ88'l ' .

(2) Shall .... lliualllll levy of not to exceect 2 V: mills . .be 11811tl8aea- In tliie -"Ill dlsliict 'sc» creaWtl for .. · .U!e· ptjrpO.e ·of ··•.·~tAIInln~r·'· ·IIRd operating 11

. , .·:i'ownahlp nre. cJeparlirientt · _ . · . · · . • . · Theile SPecial· q'uettlonil wUI be subriiltted for approval of

.. . · :;, :, ~be qiaiaiUied eleetol'li' at tbe .Pnng election, ·April 4, 191ili. • ' .. ,, I' · •. ', .. ' . . ·,: c •. • . . GEOBGE,VOGT,·rJR.

· .•.. ,.,: !l'c#v~~p.(J~e~ ·~·:. .. . . . .. \ ' .

came I o Micl1 !gun in 19N and since that time have lived in Jng· ham County. Tiley hove 6 chi!· dren, Mrs. !~Iorence !libby, Mrs. Alma. Mason and Leslie Vermil· lion of Mnson, Mrs. Grui:le Bal<er of Hartford, Donnie! Vermillion.'of Lansing and .Jay Vermillion· of Pari< l:il<e.

Here's a Sweetheart of a Deal!

OTOR S·AL.E Put one of Bud's

T roubfe .. Free Motors

your car and

watch your sweetheart purr·- watch her

eat up .the highway

with thousands of

. ·,.Trouble-Free, lovable

and eni.oyable miles.

Many·of Bud's Motors Have Only ' .

a Few Hundred· Miles on Them .... I



Here's Some

Sample Prices 1950 Chev. 1950 Ford 1950 Buick 1951 Pont. 195l Plym.

Just $50 Just $50 Just $75 Just $75 Just $75

Many Other Motor Models to· Choose. from


lnoluun County News Fcbrunry 10, 1955 Justice of Peace Has Busy Month, Report Indicates

Tir.nlrls, nnd rll'IVel' Sllns DaMott, ovn1•inlld, $IOO,:l0.

fcrerl CiuiHllan Tlud<, .Jr., Chn1· Ioiii', rer·l;loHs rlriving, :l rln,v~ In

Cinrtn J(nslm•, Lfl11SIJ1g, 1'1111·1 s T n 0 nlng ll'ri llgllt, $1.il0, .. couts cme ver

Lr.sJip L. Smillr, Dhnonrliilr>,

A reprosl•nlnllvr• nf tho Olrlr.on nrgnnlzntlnn will ha (l'trest Hpenll· PI' 111 tlw 111rll'nlng HCI'VIcr> Sundu~· II( 11111 I!oll Clnrrl'it of lltP Nil~· lll'PJlP

lhm·, ,John llulrlol'ff, to n iln'.l"'· I In Lonclon, Onlnllo, 1.1',1 I rrd.r1

jnil plus $2fl no. driving ~:1 In •l:i zone, $fl.:!o. HU'i'II~'O, ,,1!. QfOC~(~!:I!S .JrssrJ 1~. Wnod, Lan•,lng, clrlv· U'tf 'U'R Ui II.PU h uu

ing lifi In •11l wnu, $II.HO

!VIr~. Luc•y C1rr1w spr•rrl r\l111rol • nllm noon will! l\11'> f\/r 111, 1\1 CrCPI'I',

Mn. Alton l<inrJCy Norman Mlnlnn, AlpPnn, own·

1'1', nnrl l•'mnl; N. Lnl"<~V!', rh lvnr, llllcl< nvcr·lonrl, $124,,11)

Sl. L(JltJs l~relghl Lltws ,rnd · rlrlver WlliLnn MriiH, nverlnnriPrl

l1rl,\' S11111h ol IJoop Nn. •10, 1111rl1 I' llu• h'dlll'l"•lilp Ill Alln•ti SiiUIHI••r:;, lllo(, Ill PI rliiiiP•, ril' Ill' I· lrl lownslrlp 1111!1 (,II,; Monday 111

Mr. nnri Mrs Slr!plwn Dnnnr.ll, new nwrrrllCJ'H of I he Jlehei<nlt nnrl Odd l•'PIIow lodges \VC'I'P. lnllluiPrl In a r•r!l f'lllnny hy till' Hehcimhs of Ill!' Gmnd Lee!ue lnrlge nl llw hull In Grund LrJrlge ln~l Wf'dncs riny nigh!.

'J'ItP. ll1'111l1'1111 1!11\' .'-1111111' '"' •, pnrl In 1111' l'lllll'l'h ·,i'r'l'l<l, ·>II rlny, itnv. Tlr I h•nr ,1' .Lro .. 1,, ' 1

Jftp IPIIlfll'l'flnl'l' lollnd.illllll d llverl'cl llw Hl'llllnn.

ltuC'I<, $:JO.:JO.

\\'rmwn'n Hul'll'ly I' inns M1•1'l '•11 ,JJ'I' ~hoWl' I' Cll\'l'n '1'111' WolllPII'ii S1wiPij 111 lhf' Mrs. rtngrr ,!nhrmnn wus hon·

.John .J, flif'irnrds, Deihl ju:;llr'o St. Lnuls F'r·pfghl Lines, Sl. of llw JlCHe•cJ, lwei unnllwr· ln1sy Louis, nnrl ell IYCJI' Mrmme Mnc· mnnlh, his .Jnntlill'Y ll'pnrl In 1111' Donnie!, owr·iondCJrl ll'tH'i<, $72.:Jfl.

MIIH!I' Wnllnn BPnn Cu., Chur· loiiP, nmi cirrVI'I' Donuid Gl'flhotlll, fl\'r>rlollcJPd II lid<, $1'1 ;]() llilSL'II'alll'l' II( ''I IIIII<. ~:IIVI'llllllr>nl

rl•l\'. I!oll MPIIHlclisl l'illlll'il will i(()Jr!H oll'rl 111 11 slorlt shnwer nl IJC!I' gPnPr'nl rnec ling 'i'ur•srlrrv, I'Pin·u lwnw lo~sl 'l'uPscinv evening given o~ry i:i, .rl IIJP rhunh '1'111' .full.r hy !VII'. Rnhr.rl Tel'l'lllll and o~nrl Llillnn 1 lrC'(cn, will SI'I'VI' o1 e)j.,rJn Wilgill fo'nlll'I~Pn g11eHIH hniwmlan 111111 i11•orr 111 l~::lrl and nllr.ndr.ri lilP galherlnf.:. 'l'iH• hosl· 1111' l·~va, ltiilll anrl N1•vo~ 1 ll'l'iPs l'sscs sPJ'vr•cl lr·P r'J'I'Hlll r·enlcrl'ri ntul WPslt•y SPI'VIt·P (irrlld will wlllr :r hllll' hnnlle, c·alw, llflfli'OPJ'i• mPel oil 7::'11l for rfr•sSL'II dllll llllol· oill'l,\' ciPI'OI'alerf, and ('(Jffpp afler ness mec•llng. llPIIy t:llmciJP nnri 1111' g:rml's, Rrmn Snnfnrrl alP 11ialim.rn .1111! fll ogr·an1 dmli•mnn lrll' IHJIIi nlPrl lnr;s. The mrs~lono~n• Jll'llj;l.rm Is cnliiiCJrl "NI'W Vr•nlur e•s on Old llmHis."

Program Is Given At l<iwanis Meet

counly dl'l'it nnd I'Dllnly II'I'HS· Sl. Louis F'rclghl Lines, Sl. lll'e•r· lnrllcniPrl. Lnuis, and rirlvr.r· Ecl~-:ur l~rm·

Non I ruffle cnses sell I I'd In· nigh I, over inmlerl true!\, $24.30 eluded liw binding over of ,John Mlllr.r 'l'rnnspor·lulinn Co., Ko· Lewis Dorl:;nn of Lansing on lmmo, !nrllnnn. dllrl rll'iveJr Ollwr· ft>lonlnrrs eli rvlng l'i1.H'gl' NoVPm· Colburn, owr·lonrlcJd I rue!\, $14.30, hPJ' 27; binding ovr•r· of Glendon Cinri('() E. Spo~yci, Lnnsln!l, Scoll of Liillfillg on drat ge of 1 unning slop Hlgn, $•1.30. larer•ny fr•om rlweiilng, Dc•cPm Gall I~!Pnr·h, Dimondale!, drlv·

Barnett-Marshall Wedd~ng Vows Are Solemnized

her 1; binding ovPr of Calvin lng ~il 111 :!il zorw, $1•1.:10. ,fumes Sw,ryllle, Mason, cl!ill'gPd .James W. Norlon, Lansing-, Ml~;s ChatlrnP ntrlh Marslwll wlll1 nrr.nldllg nnrl l'lllerlng, D<'· l'llllning iilop sign, $•1 .10. of Boil hr•ro~mro I he hl'lciP of c•eml11'r 20; rrcr•r.ptlng plea of lluhr•rl Lr.e l~ICJWI'I'S, J~nlon CiHH'lPs L. 11,11'111'11 of Lnnsllli-: 111 gl!llly n! Gil'n Driggs, Mrtson, n[ no~pido, rir·Jvrng 55 in 35 zntw, a eanrilr•llghl r Cl'f'lllony insl Snt· rnnldng, wrillng .uHI rllsltllnrllng $11.80; fnllurCJ ICJ nppoar· unriPJ' til'llay rvPnlng al lhe lloll PH•sl!y lewd and lasC'Ivlnus nole:;, .rani! Sllmrnons, $•1.:10 ll'l'lall 1 bur ell. llc>v. Vernon 'I' my 1:1. Brlf.:f.:S was orriPJ'I'rl lo DCJI!f.:i:ls F' Wltllla.<Pr, Iloll, Smith, paslnr of lite elttii'Ch JIPI'· fillY flill' dllll CIISI:; of $'3•1 !JO, I'Uillllng f<'rl llghl, $·i.:lfr. former! I liP drlllhil' l'lllf.: e•erenllilt\

Crieli!S ol llu• \VonrPn's Sol'!elyl 'J'Iw I loll 1\lw.urls dub mel In pio~e·c>rl nn proiHtllon frn· lJ monlhs, Clme 0. Clll'flPIIII'I', Lnnslng, hl'fore an allnr cfpc·orall'd with o! I liP I loft !'1 Psh,YII'IIdll ~'~ 1111 'r·h /"II' I'I'Psh;liPr!an gym 'i'ul'sday senlenced 10 ,(nil for ,l days and rirlvlng 50 In :J'j znnl', $11.80. hasi<els of glndloll, ~;napril'<l~ons will nu•r'i fill' clr•ssurt lllndrrolls PVI'nlng for· o1 111Usir•,rf progrnm. ordered 10 SLiilll1il 10 nwriJro:d Tony Pmcenll, Lan.~lng, no anrl plnl< nnrl wh!IP c·ar·nalions. Wr.rirH•sria.~. i•'Phi'IIIII'V Jt, al 12::lll 1Puplili nl liu· rnudr• rieparlmPnl lrealmenl. mrrri flaps 1111 lrul'i;, $1:10 '~'""'litlnnnl wc•ririln).! musil' was 'J'IH' .luli.r Splnl< l'nl'lr> llril IIH'PIIol ihr> !loll '"'""'Is fJII'sPnlr>d a Ar·lhLII' BLI111;111nn, La llsi n[!,' El'iL· A Wlr•lnnri, Lansing, fall· played lly Mrs .• Jncl< Thompson 111 thl' honw ol Sarah HuiiPI v.uiPrl insllli111P!lloil fll'og~am. ~ 1 1 11 1 1 1 ffi

!Jlenri"d gLriJiv ,!,Jnu:u·" fi lo o1 1.1rl!. 11 .~I' 1 11 oneomng rn c, 1 Ill' inrrir• is 1111' nallgllll!l ol Sophlil RIC'r. Is l'll·lwslr•~;:, I'll!•, I A IJJ.ISS ('/ISP!111JIP 11'0111 lhe ~ J ·' $1 I ,~ r M I dllrnl; and drsor·rJeriy d1o~rg<' II" · "· .. , , ,•. , . , Mr. and Mrs l~arl arsha In: !•'Iorenc•[• .follnsorr will hr> hosll'liH sc•nrnr hr~-:h plnyPri and n r'Dl'!tel was sr•nlerwerl 10 sPrVP;; riays in ConsoiHldlrd fJclghl Lilli'S nnd Holl anri Mr. l3oi!'IH'Ii's fl.JI'L•nh

In I hr. ,[o~;ppflii!C f(rr•H• <'il'l'il• anrl 1(11/ll'IPI I rom IIH• junior hlgiJ I IV 111 tr I' IT I VI M • 1

Jail uml po~y tinr• urrri cosls, r 1 PI' er rn ~. Ill [(l', 0 '!' •ll'l' r. anri Mrs. Gl'olgP Sau s 1d Nuoml NJrohois will liP l'o hnsiPs•,, 111111< p.rr·l A r lnrlnr•l CJLIIIl'ICI $1,1 ~O Jo,1rfprl It lid<, $1•1.311 Sp! ingr!Piri, !lilnols Tiw l~mma llid<PII l'n'dr• wrll 11<1111 sr•nlor high .111rl llw flflh ' · · Wlllram R G:mincr, G1nnrl Grwn In marTinge lly lwr J.r llll'el al !liP (HJITII' ol Moil\' lliXIIII g1o1de II'LIII!(JI'I CJUII!Iet ploiyed 'l'Jnlflc vlolallon lid<PIS II' Rapids, CXC!!sSlVI! SJWeri for I'Oil· lher, IJH! hririr. C'IHISI' d slw.IIIJ Wllh FIIJI'OIH'I' f~!'II(HIIll .rs <II lllllllhels .Jonn Chii(li11Hn olllrl fJIJ!'IL'd seiiiC'ri in Jurigr• ltil'iwrri>.' rlr'lr' ~o·ro

on~;, .,.,,. . ch·ess or helge nnrl brown wlrh " hoslr.~s. Tiwmc• rd 1111• llH'f'llllgs (,I'IIOII' PoiiPJ pla,verl 11 l'fill'iiiPI COlli I rlur·lnf.: llw llllrlllh wc•r·e· GPolf,"' G. 'l'fr 11111 ., 1 ~;, ,)J'., J.,'rn· ~ - hmwn hal. IJer slwe:-; and hug will he "'f'hP Ci11111l1 .urrl l•:1·n o~nd flulc• duel :wc•omfroinlecl ll\' S.rm W. SICIIPII, Lnnsir11~. no l'lllg, no llrlvr.r'• lir•on~P In rns· avol'adn grer.n Gi'PC'n

111 nomic• Life" llihie slllil) lVIII lw .Judy .Toni's .rl 11Je nl,uw. Naru•,v ,''•'lfni,Y slnfl, "'I ,'JO "I'''IIJI1

"'>OfJ . ,, ,.~ '' ,, ·'·' • •r•-· rlurls flef'i<eri wrlh brown nwrlr• up 110111 llro lhitd and fourth l'ilolfl· TP.icltnul plnyed a piano solo and DaniPI WaiiPr Bur•til'll, Lan· .John Wri)IP McNish, Albion, no hPr corsage.

lrr·s of pr·esr.n11•c! o1 dmwe numhcr·. Sr•l· sing, passing em yr•ilmv llnr., opPmlnr's license•, $10 :JO; driving Aiyr!! M:nslmll, srsler· of lilt> 1lnn Nelson played " pi.•lm :-;oln $10:10. SO 111 :l.'i znne, Sl J HO. bride, srrvcc! as hmlesmnirl

111 " I''I'A Will lllll'l' Sfl1'1llrl•r·

'l'ltl' Sym1111111' l' T A will fliP· SPill 11 fllllnriPI'H rl:1,1 pr ogr:o111 al llrr• llli'Ciing In 1111' sdi!Hll lllrlllrlay r•venlng, Felllillil'l' 11 .rl ~ o'1 !111 i; Mrs. Margnr·el fdP, prr ... iriPnl "' 1111' !ng1J:1m arr..t L'rHIJH'II fJ '!' i\. will hr. lhr gUPsl spPai\PI'. Oppor lllnil~ will lw glvPn 1111 lliosr•'nl lo .1sk nn:, quPstions 1111'1' lllii,Y IJaV(' oihoul 1111' frllH'II<li1S illlrf IH'nPiils of tlw P.uenl TP.II'iiPI'' i\iiSOC'Ialion. P.!i'P.nls 111:1\ IIIVilr• guosls In lhr• mer>ling ilefrp,,IJ. 111en1s lVIII he iil'l'l'i'rl h1• lire llllld grad() mom mollie! s, Mrs Alex .lnrir.t· Wagoner·. M1 s. I'1.1 nJ, Loinclers and Mrs Ardilr• Lc'IVrs.

The Elliot r. T. A. Will S(llllll'fll' 11 e:nri paity to be llr>iri Thursrlo~1. !•'I'll! li,IJ y 11l al ill!' town IJ.di, .11 K p m. Eoil'h wom:m (II cscnl 11'111 IJP pt•esenlerl ll'ilh .1 rose DPSSI'I'I .uHf 1 nlfPe will he sr•rvecl

.rnri .r snwplwne solo was glvc•n Expr·ess\l'nys, Inc· Angnld, In· Comn•l .JosPpl! !\or.hier, Lan· rmnerss slyiP c!t'Pss 01

hladl 111111 by Don Jludson. d1ann, unrl chiVPI D<'los P:rr's(•fl, :-;ing, rliiVIII;' Sll 111 :Ji znrw, $1180 whill' wllh hJ,IC'I\

1111.r>ssnrll's Shr>

Clilllnn llal'i< SPI'Vrrl "' pro· lrul'k overload, $·1•1311. Mmthd .JrffPts, L1ns1ng, no wore 11

(fll'sngc or pink r:nnn· gram l'iulll'rnan Ilaslings Trui!PI' Snles, Uattlr• DflC'Ialor's Iic·cnsC', $Hi30. lmns.

A Kl'y l'iuh Is IIPing ot·ganlzed creel\, nnrl rlrrvPr Pnul T. llusl· .Juanil:l M.ry Thnmns, !!oil, John llir·rlwPII ol SprlngliPid, d!Hi till'! I' 11111 Ill' .111 PiPc lion of rng:-;, overload, $2·130. rlt'IVI!lf.: (i5 111 ·1~ wnc, $1•130. filinors, best

1111111 Uslwr:.

llfiH•1•rs 111 llw mer.ling 'l'hll!srlu} ll.ll F. !!nndns, Pen IInne!, run Geralrl D Phillips, Lansinl.(, were Mii<P Mnrshali, hmllwr ul rnghl al thf' hrgh sl'lwol al 7::l0 nlng slor1 srgn, $•l.:JO drivrng (j() in •Jr, zone, $11.80. ). Ci II 'I II lhr. hr icll', anrl Eoy Bal'lll'll br·olh· , 1111 . Pver wr Jl!Pslr e nl . I" William J. St>n~; 1 ug, !loyal Onk, Hoger· L. l3aicy, Lansing, ric· er oJ llw brrrlegrnlrm

rm•c1111g Boys from I he nm11.1 <'XL'Piisrvr. li[ll'Cd, $10 30. Jpc•lrvr• brakes, $4.:30. I II I II 1211 I For her· rl.urghlet's werlrlrn,: g1o1r I' rrrHig 1 II' I me e lf.:l I Barbara Lou llager·mun, Lan· C'lay B. MC"LI'oll, Sprrngpotl, Mr·s. M.u·simll l'ilosr•

11 111,111


IJIC' tn ill' memhrrs sing, running slop sign, $•1 30. cr•ler1i1~.~~1.g$ 1o,1n•''(cl.xpfl•prf opero~lrJl''s li· faii!P rll'l'ss with bidl'f, :II'I'I'S!'oi'IPs l'.iul Bagwell, iwnrl D~ lhe cfp. L,11vrrnce E. Wnori, Eulon Rap· ·"' >

Jloiiir~wnl rrl ('01111111111 lealrvc silllis rris, no muffler·, $fi.:JO; LniuJe In Dono~lrl H!Pe McMillan, Lan· She wore a cnr·snge oJ I'Prl l'll'P al Mrdug.rn Slale college wril he appear unrl!!r summons, con· sing, !Uillllng slop sign, $4.30. huds. A reccplion was held 111 IIH· I hr. ~UI'S~ ,sfll'dkcl al li.w Ki~vnnrs lcmpl, :!i4.:Jo. Fuml<iin K. llorsl, Lansing, church parlms [o!lowing I he c·crc ml'rlrng lursday evenmg, l•Piru- lliJ'am lltrsscll Wo11rf:ml, Ver running slop sign, $1.30. m?ny. . m·y

15 l~rl Clewl'\villlw progJ·am monlville, nrnning slop srgn, Till'orlrrre Fmman, Lansmg, al· The new Mr'. BiiriJr.!lts 11 gl':lrl· d!illt'man. $4.30. lowing an unlwt>nscrl person 10 tta!e of P!mc;elon .hrgh school,

01·:~ l'ians llu:.: Sul'i11! Thr lngh.un Cnunly assne·rnllon

nf lhr. Orde1 of Easll't'll Slar wrll hold .r lwx and squnr·r. d:uwr., 'l', FeiH'li.Jry 15, al tile !loll Masonrc lemple nl H p m. TI11• I foil chnpler· will he lwsl rss \Villi I he Onondaga anci Amll)i dwplet s as r·o·hnstcsses.

Tlw Prlmut·y departmenl of lhP llnll Pre:,bytenan Church held a len lor· mothers and lathers Sun­clay afternoon. The children pre­sr;nlccl a' pro~-:ram for the parents. '!he begrnners department will lHlld n Tea for fllll enls Sunday, F'r.l!ruary lhc 13, from 3-5 p. m.

Tile Music Boosters will havr.

Franl< 1!. Benham, llomer, no chwr 1',11', mul farlute to appearj Prrnce!on, lnrhnna Slw mn.vr•rl In srtfr.ty slop, S'l.'JO lcDnlempll, $12.30 Hnll wrlh lhe f;rmr~y lmm Sprrng·

Jlclen ConwrsP, Lll\l'l'll no Br·~sie Forman, L.msing, oper· field, llirnnls, Ill Seplemhr.'· Mr· so~fPiy ~lop, $4.30 o111ng Gil' wilhotrl lrcense and fall· l~arnr.l! gmduaterl fl~tn, Sp1111g

JamPs Will lams, Lansrng, run· ure lo o~ppP<Il' ( ron1e111p1 l, $12.30 field .hrg!J sehnol In Sprrngfr1•icJ ning slop sign Sl 30 E. MeGee, Lansing, Illu.wrs. rhe eoupie .1re mni<rn:;

Florian W. 13<111WI, Ir1111H, run· lllnning stop Slf.:ll, SJ 30 then home Ill Lans111g, ning 'oiop sign, $•l.:JO. Alvm r l3rauclo, Ealon Haprds,

GIP<~son & Co. 'l'r·o~vPrse Cily, clrrvrng ''" rn 35 wne, $9.:Jo. .11111 dr·rver· Slua11 R Loo1111s, 7.Pitha F. Cooley, L.rnSJng, I'Un· overloaded 11 Lid\, S24 30 IIIII£: slop Sif.:ll, $ I.:JO

Gntlh [{ Shull, Ci.u·e, rJver llussPll Swinford, Lansing, fail· 1\'i(llfl 11uc1<, $1,130. ure tn f,lop Wilhin aSSLII'Ccl cie,,r

Jess R. Woolen, Cadlil:IC', fnil· clislanre, $8.30 liJ('_ IO have ear unrlrr contr:oJ, Ep)\riam Par·l;cr, Jr .• Lnnsirt!(, S14.30. 'I'LIIlnlng .~lnp sign, $t:l0.

Edwa:·rl Duc!,ell, Lansing, Leo H F'urney, Holt, failurr? to pm I<Lng nn highway, $4.30. have 1•ar UIHiet conlrol, $8 .30.

Gleason & Co, Traverqe Crly, Morgan Dt·ivewny, Inc., and

Carl Robinson Dies

A~,a~j~ol~~::. ~~:~~ nl his I !tome, 5253 McCue road, Mond.rv ' III' had been a resident o[ Lai1· sing and Holt for 17 years 111~ lnrmer llCllll() was in BncldP\'

Surviving arc a son, Alvrs H.

"I don't 1111•1• if' l'tlt·s. n1·iiJ~· did ~ rlnntr. Satturlay, February 19, Ill 1'1'1'1 gonrl ht•r•uus1• ('uusin's l~a· ill!' hrgh SL'hooi gym.

and Sltmrl Lonm 1s, driver·. over· cit iver Edgo1r Rosenberger, b,V· werght, $·14 30. passing scai!!S and hav1ng over­

Hobin son of flo II; a dau'!hlel Mrs Hos[) Brcrshbach of Lnnsrn~-:, ~ hJ'OIIwrs, Allren Rohin,on ol Deltoilmul Oir. Swanson ol Enlot' HapHis; a sister, Mrs. Llllr:r Davrs ol Lansing; <llld :~ g1.1 nrl chiirircn.

Lliu & '1'\' ri\:Prl lit•r· 'I'V , 1•1 , , • Mr ami Mts !loy Holliday and you nhonlrln't lml'l' r·r•l1•ns1•!l sons JninC'rl a group or frrencis ""'' ll'illinnt 111~. o. K!" Suncl,ly on a fox hunt :11 Wri· ------------1 I lioilll'iolll


Paul .1 .Tone~. Lansing, drivm,<:: 11-1LIIh lo.Jcl $2•130 on revoi<Pd licenst>, 3 cl,1ys 111 11111 Wallet W. Ellrs, Ealon HapJcls, pius $29.30 Jme <~nd cosls, eon l'X['essive speed nml failure lo lempl of courl, $•1 30. slop will11n assured clear rlis·

Asso1 llrlrd 'I'IUI'i< Lines, Gro~nrl l<~llCI' .llll'!ld, $R :10.

How man.lJ "horses" would you like ?

180 H.P. Created for dt·ivers who demand blazing nccelcrnlion, the "Super Turbo·Fire VB"* omrs com­manding plus-pcrform:mce.

162 H.P. A silk-lined cyclone of power, the "Turbo~ Fire VB" boasts the shortest stroke and highest com· pression in its field.

136 H.P. With Powcrglide*, the "Blue-Flame 136'• gives the case of automatic shifting at lowest price, wilh 6-cylinder economy.

123 H.P. Lowest in initial cost, ultra-thrifty, the "Blue· Flame 123" 6 is the world's yardstick for value and

durnbility, •Optloua/ at extra cosr,

l•'un~mi SCII•ices wet!' iwld Tilllrsri.ty nflel'!1oon .11 lilt' Btll'k ll'y Melhnrlisl l'imrl'i1 !Jllll.!l Wds In C'rn nell r·crneiPry

1'. '1'. A. Sr•hPdtrlr•s SfJI'lllrPt' Tlw Midway P 'I' A. Will nwPI

Monday, l~ehnrary 1·1, .rl S p 111

l11 lile :-:ixlh grncle IIHllll 1d ill" sci1oul. Mis'' ll!arion l'e,u·snn ol Lnnsmg, formPr lenl'trPr 111 llrt', lloit s1'1101 Is, 11'111 l.r 1l\ on I liP yr•;n slw spenl 1~rrr•h111g 111 .l.lfl11JI Sli<' 11'111 ,iJso shnw pii'IUI'I's ol .r.1p:n1 Jlf'fl I'SiJ!IH'Ill~ \1 ill liP SL'rl'!'rl ill' liH' f1ur:·111 ['l'oirll' IIHllll molill'ls

W1·1 Sr·unls 111111' i'ul'l,v Thr. Girl S1 nuls lwrl :1 Valt'lllirw

pc~I·Iy 'l'hurscia}' allernonn a1 llu• illllllP ol lhP assislnnl Sl'u111 lco~rl 1'1, Mrs. W.illr.r Balzei· Th1• grrl·. rlicl srprare rlan('Jng .mrl lmllr·c"1111 darwing il'l I hey ate ll'rrrl<rng '"'' lhei1 d lfll'l' IJ.ulges and wrll II' ceive them 'l'ilursclay.

Fir·e llPp:u·tm:,at 1\laln·s ltun Tiw Holl fire deparlmenl mndf'

a run Tucsdny cvenmg 1 o IIIP Ruhcn Smith 1 r.s1rience, 557:1 Ill•. Cue mad whrrc :r l'iol iws di'YPI' hml cnughl on f11·r. due• lo 1H'I'IIIllll lalion or 11111 111 lhe mal'lunr. 'i'irt' fire c•auscc! lrcai'.Y rlnmagrs llr 1111 dryer,

\Voorltll'(l Sflr'tii'S Pll\1•

'!'Ia• Pusl Nohlc Gruncl duh mPt hilS!' t'ui111111111H, ()llio. !low!' 1 \VPrlrwsrlny fur a tmllur ll rllnne1 lntlll'l', .lolnr I· .rv, ;,, . a, '•IIIH'I vi 1111 lire lwmr• of MrH. Byron Wig· Sill' 1rf tiro• 1111\'li'>liip; '-li!'Vl'll 1111 lll•ln,

Lloyd GPC', wlur I•, 1 flillll·rrl rr llniV!'I~ily hn,pltal t\JIIl 1\rlo•r Is lmpmvlng.

Mrs. I!Plr>n .llllllfl I•; • i" 11lrro HCV!'I'Ill rlnys lith 11 ''''" 11 rllr 111 r 1\!.rggle l'itl'!11illl.

IH•rl, 1 r•ploil'l'd 1\li", l•.rlrllr Ad• 111'1\, Mrs .fohn Rtlpperl nf Pol r.v IO\\'II~Iilp ((I rl •• Jtodnr•y 1\oillllill vl:.lled Tuesduy Ill 1111' homp or rPpl.r•1•rl Jl:rrr1 t'ii.Lfllll.ill .r~ lrr•a•, her· 'Oit·ln·lnw nnri riuugllll'r·, Mr. lll't•r, a11ol 111• It S\\ il<:r'J' n•pl.H'I'ri .r11ri lllrH. CnMs Shafl, iiiHI ln111II,Y ,fohn ~1rilllsil'l' rs illlilding Ill· of llolt

'1'111' IJislrir•l Sti(H'I'ilill IIIII Ill liw Ann Arllor driililll \'JII gUPSI S(JI'IIIIC'I .il Ill•· I II> lilo' l'lnrt Ph Sunrln1

Sjli'I'IOI' ,11'11'.' IJpl(j((p II'Jlf:ll'i•(j

1111• riny Jll•ll•·~·nlrn An<lrPII' rrar- fl'tchburg lou llnri .T1111 \\'oori I'I'Jli:rr•eri Ill<' 1111(111 pol II l'lll.rn, \V,mJ ('nrry.

Mr· .• rnrl l\lr~; L\il' c;'"l' ,. I iVIIIriOll openl Stlllll.r\ I \1'1"" wilh Mrs l!oy \\':rr111 1 rrrd nnrl Mrs. Floyd Snrrlli 101 I' I SOli.

,J;rnll's f'lllfo(JL'il of II nil J ;~ plot r•r fill', I !J, Jll WooS Jdl <'II I lit• oal II nl ollil'l' .r•, 111 nor:rl'\' d!'Jllll) shPIIII Ill pl.!< I' of ;;IH'Iili' \Villnrd I' illlllll", 11 IH•n ( illl't (l(wrnos llltllll'il Jloy S<'lllll~ I lllllily f:111'1'111ll11'1ll rid\',



'rlw W. s. c. S. will Jnf'PI Frl· da1•, Fr.hltlill',Y IH, nl 2 [I Ill, nl 1111• lwroP nf Mr.~ llur.:it li1L1!!'· ilnrr,l'. 1•;\l•rynue 1<, usl:c•ri lo IUJ(I' o1 Vrrlrntliw. Pulludt ll'ftPslt· 1111'111 S WJIJ hP SI'I'VPf!,

AJlnl IIH• 111'\1'1'1 11 tl,. II• Iii 1 nrc simrlnr lo 11vloo 111 rlr11 11 'll'l' ~di'OIIg anrJ IHJI l' '-.11• \.tlll1

ruhhlng, .rn• w,11nr \<'1 11 ·rrl IHHI·llhsurhPIII, Ill'• d (IIIIo t•, In~-: dlld 111'1' 11111111 ,111<1 lllilo

lrvilr,; ll ildorfr Ionic his fn· t P~lslanl.

February 1 0;00 A. 1\1.

nul' fn UH· lwaHh of my wif1' WI' have d1•cid1•d t~1 sell 0\11' JH'J'sonal pt'UJII'l'l,\ :1•·d lllll\'!' smrfh. So we• will se•it to tite hi~lll'st hidde•r, loc:atr•d 4 mih•s Wl'sl ul 'Willi:lm•, tun fo 1Ue•rirlian J'Oall tht•u south ~"! mil<•, the· following df•scrilll'd Jll'IIJII't'l,r: l1

[ l I, I I

II Jl Dairy Cattle 32

Holslr•in, ;, .~ r•m·•, uld, due AJll'il !l, l!l!l!i fleJ!<,fr·in, ;; ~·l'al s old, dtll' l\lar!•lr 2H IInlsle·iu, :i ~Pal'.'· old, due• Apt•il llolsir•i!l, ~ .1 e•at·s old, dw• ,July Holst1•in, I ,l'<'ars oltl, IIIII' illareh H llulsl1•in, ·I ,\'l':tl's old, dnl' ,Jui,Y 22 Hohtl'in, 7 ye•:u·s old, dt!l' ,July li! Holsir·in, ·i :, e•ar··, old, du1• ,fmtt• ~ :1 Bn•d 2· ,\ t•ar-nltl Holstl'in lle•ifl'rs,

lln·cl iu Odoh1•r :J If,'ill't' Calw<,, GJ•adP I:l·g~sll'l't•<l filo!slrin, X ~·t·nr·s old, due

August !I


J !l:i;) Ford 'l'r:li'LOI', liOn IHHU's :~ f·i-in. Dr•at·imm PlrnYH, H~arde•x Foi'd :~ ron CuH ivatoJ' I!JJ:1 itlotll'l fi() ,John Dl•r•t'l' 1't·actor with

Lilli' .Powe•r and Po\\ r'l' 'l'rol :{ 1·1-in .• !nh,J !Jr•Prr• Plow, f{aydt•x Uottoms 2-ww ,Join! Dr·I'I'e• (!uie•l( 'l'n<'h Culth•ator l.i Hoiro ,fr:fm lkc•J'P Gmin Drill, 2 ye•aJ·s old .1 oh n HI':' 1'1' '!' ral'! o1· SJirt•niii'J' '7-H .• Uohu•r•t·c• 'a'meloJ· ftfowl'l' Mallill'l' LoadPt' lnl' Ft)('() 'l'r:u·tor LJozn Blade• ami Bu;,z Big l'ol' Foi'(J

'l'l'!!d !JI'

Oli\1'1' 1'0 'l'l·ador llll ruhhr•J', 1WOII ('(H!r litiun

!'l!a·,·,r·:, -~5:m·:•, (i-1 L Comhinr•, 1~. 'I', 0. 1\:b·,.; ',1 -H,•n:'. (:orn Platlfi'J', t•quiJIJu·rl

\l'ith :~ llliilrl lril<·h C~n.u~·Ht~· 1'}!ajH ~a\V, uu~· 1nan ilim!1•l Ctj 1\/t'\\ liulhual Ball•t·, lilct• llt•w i!l i r' :~~ -iol! Burl.~~· l'l<'ltll]l :~il-l L l<;h :d rll' with M olor ~Piillh!it•l nl,o,r• Uult innrlrhr•r· H-!L :>lin:!,lc• Cu!tipai'I(I'J' !tllh!Jr•t·-Hr·t·rl \Va~·tm, H..:l•l mel<, ~t·aiu

•;i(lc>S Hllllll<'l'-l il·l'd W:rgcm, 7x I •J rael\ f;itlr· lklh <'l'\ nal<~· Ga~ 'l'nulc~ :t-whPl'l 81ol'l• 'l'raiie•r· IH Uu. {1'('(•11 Cat·t Ml'fal Cm·u C!·rll, nr•arl;<r' 111'1\' 2 :l-:·welion SJH'ingionth Um).!;s 2·st•:·l1on Spilil•t uoi h Umg 'I'WIHli:l'<'il'd iH:If'hilll'l'Y 'i'l'llill'l' "A" 'i') [H' !Xo:~ llmJSI' S!1WI' 'l'nnl< Mu,·ahle• l'otllt t·y Houst> l{r;h!JI'l'-1 irc•d Whr•t>lhn i·row quanWj nl Puull l'J l~quipnu•ul

IIOGS 12 But·ot· Gilts, l'l':uly to hr·1•r•d 2·1 i"Pe•dr• r l'igs, Um·uf~

12 Go:al i~m·:, Oxt'urd !tam


l~OilL'l'Hl' JiO NPw Uamoshir·p £{1•ds ·W Whitt! nod;s

llAY & GIMIN 1,:.WO Baslwis ol Col'JJ 350 Uu. of O:tts

nt•gistr•J·e·d llolstl'in, R ye·at·s olrl, rl11r• !\lay 8

l~l·giste•J'r•tl llolstl'in, 4 Jl':ti'S old, Fr·r·~lr

Hcgiste•rt•d llolstt>in, (i ~·e•:u'.~ old, Ji'J'I'~.h

:l Ret.~ish•rt>d Holste•in lll'ifl·r~, lm•rl iu Octo hi' I'

Hegisl1•re•d llolstl'ill Uttll, I~~ yr•:tt·s olrl

1-yt'IU'·llld Uull, <•figiblt> to l'l'j!;iSfl't'

Yeal'ling llt•il'l'r, Pligiblc• to r1•gist" r·

·l Grade YearlinK Holstein H••ile•rs 2 Yrmrling Ste!•J's

DAIRY EQllll~l\JEN'3'

1 I :I '. ,, :I I I

I l I

(i·can Z1•ro Si!le Door Cooh•1· Double St•t ol Wush 'l'anlis Bm\'1'11 Au toumtic W nil' I' llr•a f I' r· Nt•a•·ly Nt•w Hinman ComJll'r•ssot·, 2 Stainless Ste•1•l ChoJ•e Bo.r llnils


ll I II. 1 '.

1\lillc Cans Pails :., f n1 i 111 • t


f{ilf'h!•u !Uasti'J' Chr·omr• Bt·e·ahl'asl ~~r·l Plastic lJpholstm·pd Chait· Single• fled ~111d .lUaltl'l'ss l>ouiJIB Hetl and i\latiJ•e•ss Bining l~oom Suit!•, (j Clmh·s anti Hul!1 I Flu t•ence f~lectl·ic Range• J\lisel'll:uwous Stands a•HI Laurps Piano UPnch l\fisce•lhmi'IJIIS Hi· il,", 81•t 1\lh·t·omutie• Coollin~ Dis!tr•s l~let·t•·i!• MotOJ' i:rwl, .. ~ Ut'PSse•t'fi WI'Siin~J;how;c• i{PII'il!l'l'.d n· Oarl:md nas Hang1• Folld IH > •' · CJ•t•nm Pail I'J'e•slll l't·e•flsui I' < 'wd., , w I'Siiugh 0 use• fi:J(•(•t rir• n liaS It' l' (JtiJjJy 'J'athlt• H£li'!Wil t 1) :r;•' Sif'!•l W~ll'fh•obc• Caohind !: ,,p,,

1'1 I

'I ·I I' I I

2 J)•· a S~nnd LaiH~ '• \\ 2 P1tirs Dmpt•s Sidr• l~o::. d Lawn Chnil· Clotlws llam:11 ,. Woothm Reuch Autiqllt' Cmrn!t:•r:' Plll·tnble Elt•ctl'ic Sewing iHaeltilll' ltoll-a-war Ht•tl Anfil)llr' ( 'lltiii!Hti!l· 1

NI'W Mt•tal ll·oning Boat·!l Wood1•n Brmtl,fast St•t, 'l Chail·s llJlltolstercd Modnru l~ot•li!'l' 21-inch l\luutz 'IHcvision ~ Antiqut• LamJIS lfi'>:M,em ·~ aM• Whirlpool, W••ingl'l' Washl'l', :~ 'f'rr!J•, J.Uov1w on Castm·~ ~Jh:r i. Stell J,adder L:~wu 1\l~t., •.. 1 -(i II. P. 1\fotor H Pltnt•ls of Curtains Hx12 Rug, good PtU'ch Glillt•J· r.ttwn ~lower

Cubinet Philco Radio Em'elm Vacuum Siugt•r Sewing Machine

!lxll ~ Lhwl(·~·m ' POJ'I'h ~.;·,vin:·.

Oarcl1•n 'd'l':li·l~ ..

Pnswurizer, S:tfegu:trr1, 2-1-\·nllon sb.l' G. E, Wushing JUuchlnc

1\fcdicinc Cabinet 12x 15 1\luh:m l; r: H!'

Double Bedstead

No matter which engine you choose, you get Chev· rolct's sparkling new body design. You get a velvety ride you never expected in a low-priced car, the easy flmdng of Glide-Ride front suspension, the effortless· ness of ball-race steerins. You get your pick of three moi:le1 n drives, a rull range of power assists •••• But, clr ive a Chevrolet and learn the whole bis story I

motoramic CHEVROUET.

William Woodard speared :r Great NO!Ihem pii<e we1ghing I!J pounds in tile Grand river· ncnr lhe Waverly road hndge Suml.1~· nflet'noon. It was 39 mdws long. M1·. Woodard spenrerl the !Ish fl om hrs shanty and called hh brother·, Clifford, of L<~nslng, spearing in the nexl shanly lo pul ilnother shafl In the prkc h~· lore they couici haul Jl nut Mr. Woodard said that llus was thr. hlggesl pike he has seen in 10 winters of spe:n lng on the Grand river. He used a H·inch live min· now for bait.

Almnt 400 J~ales of Second Cutting Ahout. 400 Bah•s or First Cutting A bout. <1 Uom·s of Ensilagt•

Ucgulation Size Poolette 'l'ahln Cm1111. Simmons Hide-a-Bed .

Stealing the Thunder from the Hlgh-Prlced Cars!

--..... , .... --····--............................ -·-·-····-·-····-······· .. ---···········---··········-· .. ·-·-·-··--------·--··--····----

AI Rice Chevrolet:

The Holt hoard of ()ducation will meet Wednesday, FeiJJuar;~• 16, al the high school. Educators from the Universily of Ryui~YLts In Oldnawa J>lan to vrsit lhis meeting.

Holt Rams will piny Mason in a home game Friday nlghl in I he high school gym. February 18 they will play Everelt at Ever· ett. .

The Holt extension club hns changed Its meeting date from February 15 to Tuesday night, February 22, and wlll meet at lhe home of Ml's, Corn Wlgman, East

'l'his is a gootllinP of t'nt•m CIJUitnnent, and IU1 excetJtionally good herd of' cnws. is :t larp,P sale, so must start on time. J .. unch serve1l on the grounds. Not re'SJHlli~:IJJ,. 1'01' nccidcnls day of salt~. •.rm·ms of sale arc CASH, unless arrangenwnls ur(' llliHk with Slate naulc of Perry. '

GLENN CASEY, Auctioneer Williamston •. '

Holt road. IJ~tllllilllil••lll•lllllliillll~~~-.~ .. -·••ilillii•••••lll••••-.m!!l!l•iflXI):.i1

-; I s ' I octal 6vents anJ Personalj Presbyterian Church Cirdes

Schedule February Meetings • • • lj: * * * "' Ill ' ' ' tl ill '

:·~·Mutz-Loudenslag·er VouJs Jlre .Sole1nnized ' '

SUNDAY, FimHllAHY 18- 8 P. l\f. Murl Grmuuls ol' lluttfp Ct'l't'li will show l'nltll' mm'il' tJit'lut•r•s ot' 11 ft•iJl he• tonli tn l'nrto J!ieo, llaitl and ,J lllllllic-11.

Ilea•· his I'Xfl!'t'iPnt·r•,, with ,·oocloos, crpc•n mariiPts and ~lurdi Gras 1'1'111\'cls

Vevay Tow1u HaU ,fcJfPI'~uu at 1\lpp Mu~un


S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-S The most. satisfying clcvclopmcnt in hosiery history

Gl!'t1 Raven's rcach·rigllt rs .1 flallcring lributt! to <l

Wflman's lwauly ... It lakPs tiH• guesswotk lllll oC givmg ... Tile rPacil·rigl11 sloC'king g·i·v·e·s to fit many size~ <tnd shapes ol women's l~gs.

* • •


Ji'nrm Bunmu women and uny· one lnterc~tecl mny go on a con· rluetcrl toUI' of tiHJ Lunsln(( Dnlry Cn. Tttesclay, FehJ'U(try 15, The group will meet at the Farm Bureau offices on North Cedo; street In Lansing nt !l:45 n. m. nnd start the lour ul 10 o'clock. Reser. vutlons for lliiH'heon nt u nearhy restuumnt are made. Those \vishlnf.( lll at tcnrl may cull their women's Pommlttce chairman.

• • •

Extension Clubs

Preshytorlun ehtirPh dmiP~ have sch()(luled tlwh• Fchruui'.Y meetings, Clrele Nos. I nnrl 2 will meet for· desser·t ltllll'hcoJJS at I :1:1 Tuesrluy, fi'chrttru·y lfi. Mrm1hcrs ot clrele Nos. :J anrl •I will me1!l the same clay nl B p. m.

Mrs. BCJ'tiHt Barr will lw host· ess to drcle No, 1 with Mrs. C. Harolrl Knwlstrup, Mrs. C. N, Smith nnd Mr.~. Nora VnnNormnn us eo·hostesses. Mrs. Myrn Clw· ney will J'.(lve tlw dr.votlons, n study of the hook of IIPhi'PWS, nnd rhe program, "A Lool1 at Ilindu· Ism," will he in <'ililrgc of Mrs. A. Lee Sanborn.

Members of l'irl'iP No, 2 will 11cet wllh Mt·s. nnss '!'horluu·n.

Whllll Ouk " "::o·hostesscs will iw Mrs. Vanc•r> Ml's, Anna Kachmlrchlil enter· MelntyrP and M1·s. n. G. !lonson.

tninerJ 8 members of the While Dr.volinns will he glwn hy Mrs. Oal{ extension cluh last Wcdnes Harold Bnrnhlll. '!'he JH'Clt:ram rlny evenlnf.(. 'l'he vlc:c·chnlrman, .viii eonsisl of a dciJalr• on religion Mrs·, l<'!•ledn Bowen, led thr. In schools by hhih sl'hool pupils lmslncss meetin~::. One visitor at· with Rnherl Carroll ns nwd<•r· tended. '!lor·,

Mrs. fi'lnrcrwe Can·ret· will opPn her home In women of drl'IP No. l at 8 o'clock In the evening. As· ~!sling her will he Mrs. Rena Harlmess, Mrs. William Coui'IJ

rmrl Mrs. Minnie Thorhtll'n, Mrs. fi'mrl BU!Tollglr:; will giVI! llw de· >'ollon~. Mrs. Alnn Gilpin will fll'l!· Sf'lll llw fll'ngmm entillnrl "Holl· glon In Art."

Mrs. Moriln C:rc<'n will r•ntr.r· lain c:lrrlc No. •l1tl Ill!! srum: limo. 1\Trs. f'itnnley Cot·nwcil, Mrs. Har· 1',\' lfaillmhcdl anrl Mrs. VIctor J(JIIie Will SCrVI! iiH f'O·ilCJS(('SSf'S. Mr·s. Anna Wilson l111s c·hargP nf riPvollnns ancl for· tho progr ;1m, Mrs. Ric-hard Mills will give a hook review.

Tlw Young Women's (;nilcl will ITIPPI Monday, l·'<•hrlliii'Y 28, al 7 ll. m. at llw dnu·c•h for 11 pollrwl< suppr!r. lnHII'itcl of a prllt~r·nnr tliei'C! will he a worl< pPI'illll ntHI ITH'mhi'I'S ill'!' to tal<!! nt•t•cii!'h <IIIII whito lhreml. Miss .loan Mennf'ir anrl Miss Sally Story will sPrvt• as hostc:sses.

JlPv. GPorge Kchm will he g!IP!;I spcat{CJ' al lhf' lll!'ClJng of 1111' rr·cshYIC!t'lnn Wonwn's i\ssodn· lion 'flntrsrlay, J~ehruary 2·1, at 8 p. m. Mrs. IIm·hPI'l floW!' will l(ivc thf' clevotlnns. "Our Missilln on the Cnmpus" Is tlw Jll'ligl'llll1 lopie with Mrs. ,). E. llini<IP ;rs fli'Of.(I'Hm dwirmnn.

s1m.rnmr~ PAnTY c:rvr:N · J•'iVl' friPIHih nl ~In;, ,lll>ii'Jlh

l•'nnliillH ~lii'Jll'lot•tl lwr· wllh a en)m CIJIC( l!o\\'!'r:; ii<IIIOI'lrlg il!/1' birl ilclay urllli\'t' r "• t!·y !•'rldll.Y. Gtwsls WPI't• ~II'· ,J<Il' l'l:lt•rs, Mrs. Wllllunr ll,Jilh, IY!r s .. laulf•s r.Jrilnn, Mrs. 1-:d ~l• lilltiald lliHI ~Jn,, llru· old t>ilillll.

llllt'J'IIIM\' r~; tJII:iJO:JiVI•:I> linrllll<' w.•:ll,\, .,,,1 "' ~.Jr. iltl•l

Mrs. !va11 \V••Ilt,\', <t•l••ltr.tli•d lu:, l!.lth llil'llrday attlli\'l'l:,;rr\· 'I'll<'>·· day r'VL'IIIrq:· 1\'ilil 11 lillll.l!'l' .111d tiwntn• p.1rty. t;,,,.,,;,, "'''II' Jlillr LIIWS, ( 'n1lq• !)I!!II'IZI'I' I ~tJilllH' :·kilt IIIli dlid Iiiii IIlii''.• •l'•l<•r, :ill<' I· hit 1\d\', JtoJIIliP 11'\1'1\l'd lllllllY nit•p ~tifl~. ·

~II', 111111 ~It: •. J.'r t•d J.'rllitli:liirlll anrl r 'nrl 1 'rill\' r,rd 1 r:.rl 1•d ~lr. itllrl ~!1s. J:,lll'tl !.art'''' 111' Adri;tn lll'<:r I i11' 1\'1'1' I. • •rut.

1\lt, illld ~II·· 1\'illi.illl ll. !I•·~ I I' I' illld f:r lllii \' d I,, I•Jl''l\11111;; llt:•, 11'1'<'1( l'>'al i'l!~ tl•l:tlill'· i11 lndr•· fll'llril'll!'i', ~!1:;,,(1111'1.

:vir. ililll ~Irs .. 111 .t•pli r,.,lllitll.l 1\'l'll' t!lll'sh al diiiiH'I' Sitllrlil\' 111 !\It', 111111 ~11 : •. All111 rl i'llll'l'iSilll 11l J•:ril'll 111111'1' i!lif•:;l;, 11'<'11' Mr. iliHI Mrs .. l•t~''ldr l·'"ill<tll/1, .lr, '""' famil•1 nl 1':1''' I :alillillll'•', ~Jr. 1111d Mrs. 'f{i•· d '!'111'. "'''• nl, J\1Jss J\lkt• I .ri>'ill 1> I IIIII I fill'. ill I• I Mr,:. !1:111 c:ildtti·:l ol t:dl'll Till' llf'I':Jsillll w:1~: ill •Ill :c'n':l!\1'1' ol llH' Ill rlllrl:<.l , llllril 1'1'' .. 1111"• "I ~lr::. Jcllill:illll, :It ... 111ri ~~ i·::; I; ill'ill'iSI.


Shower Honors January Bride

~11·:;, \Viii Hlalwh.trd nf ,Wil· li.tlllhlllll Hlid ~Irs. ltllssl'!J f•:lmrly Ill JJoll l'lltl'i'I;Jint•d il( II llliHI'C(• J;uwou:~ :,JioWfll' :-lallll day PVPnlng­llrlllflt'illJ~ i\ll'~1. I ;Prn•gp I•,I')'C!, ,Jt'., 11! !lnllsviiiP. !•'iii.V·folll' guests t~<tlli<•r<•d l11 ll11• h;r:;lrnPIII of IIH! ll•dl fl;rpti:.l dllll<'il !or 1111' PV!'Il(,

TlJP lln!df's\il'!i, il:i.'il."'ill1d hy Nnrn ll!.trHitatd 111111 illlh''l'l nnd N:1nr·y' t·:lwrl,l', '"'llt•d n•lu•slmwnts nf i•·•i f'l'<'illll, •·.th••, Jllllll'il :rnd c•nl'fcc:, · ilill'l' wllidi lltr• In ill!' oJH'Ill'rl lwr Ill/Ill)' r"ift•;, I

1;11<"•1•; ;rllr•IJdl'rJ fl'lllllflilllSV(ilP, !'1'1'1',\', l.iili'lll~!. ll11ll, \Villlnms· ,,,II, \\'ynnd,ill', I :r<'g,ry, Slfll•l<· ' inllit!l', ( lil'll'il :nul ~fiiSOII.

~Jr ... l•'t,\'<' h. llrr• lt>l'lllr'l' Dnnna .il',lll lll.illillill'rl, diilll:hll'l' or Mr. ,•rrd :111 · •. I :11,1' J;l.lill'hoil'rl of Ma· •,nil.

r:tr:J. 1'1"\Y.; XI' ltt·:('t'J'AL ,l1•:t11 ,\1111 ,\J,oiirrllt•, rliiiiJ~hiPI' of

~11 . .t11d ~lr:;, i:n··.'ll'ii 1\!t'lltlrll', paiiii'IJidll•d 111 ,1 r<'l'ilal at lilt! l'1•opi<·s •·lir11 <'it, l•:asl Lansing, '!'iil''ll.t,l' 1'\'l'llitr:;. Sl11• plii)'rHI fill' iltr• llltlsl<' lt':ll'ht•r·:: ~:trlld of Lan· Sllli! /IIIII r·:.r:.l J.anslng. Miss· Me:· l:t·td•· I'' slrtdyilli! wilh Miss l.nursr• !•'tl',l hn f••l' 1>f J•:asl Lan­: .. ing.


0 Dry clothes in any weather

Q Save lifting hcc1vy cloth~s

e Save lugging clothes bmkets

e Cut ironing tim~ in half

o Eliminate Sprinkling drudgery


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! •.,

· What the Churches Ai·e DOing~ WllllnmaiM St. J{nUwl'lnrl's

Ji:piBI:opnl, Norman Kinzie, vlrnr, services nnd churr.h nehool, 11:00 ll. rn.; tll't;l anrl fifth Sunrlnys, lourth Sunclny~. Holt Eucharist. Thlnl Sunclny, morning prayer nnd litany,

Uolt IIIIJIIIHI; Chnrdl, Jlov, C. .Jrunes Pasmu, rmslor. Sunrlny morning worship, JO 11. m.; Sun­dny school, 11 n. m.; Young People's Chrlsllan Fellowship, 6:15 p. m,; Sunrluy rvcnlnl{ serv­Ice 7:30 p. m. Wcdnesrlny Bible lllLHiy anrl prayer mecllng, 7:30 p.m.

Wllllnmsl~m Cm1lm· llldhndlsl., IInracc .James, pastor. Worship ~er·vlce, fl::ltlu. m.; ehm·ch school, 10:30 n. m.

Wlllltunslnn Wesle,Yttll lllt:lhod· 1st, UJ•II:ll, Hev, Delos 'fanner, paslOJ', Worship services, 10:00 n. m. and 7:30 p. m.; ehureh sehoul, 11:00 a. m.; pmyer service Wcdnesduy, 8:00 p, m.

Wllllumston St.. 1\IJu•y'll Cttlh· olit:, llcv. Fr. F-rands Marlin, pus· tor. Confessions nnrl devol Ions Saturday 7:.10 p. m. Sunday masses at 7:30 anrl 10:30 a. m. Jlowle•·vllltl: Cnnfcsslnns and de· vollons on l"rlrlay 7:00 p. m. Sun­tli!y mass al !l:OO a. m .


er meeting Wednesday evening Christ. Jcsm; will he a topic dealt at 7:30. wllh ;It Christian S<•lenec serv­

Ices Sunday, February 13, In the Holt l're~hylcrltm, ncv. Vernon lesson-sel'liton cnt lt.lerl "Soul."

Wlllhunslun l\lenun·lnl J .ulllm·­nn, 1022 West Grand Hlvcr, Rev. Kurt l(neplln, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m.; illhle elnsf>, 10 n. m.; dlvir.c servic-e, I I a. m. Nursery rlep:u·tmcnt in basement dut•ing t'egular divine service hour from 1 1 a. m. tlltder compe­tent supetvislon.

'!'. Smith, minister. Church serv- _ .. _______ .

cuunou TArnGS TO Am nc~hinlng llt lO :so

1ru1 .Sll•irlnY

mC>rning the Chnpl!l ·JoUI', n ra· rllo program hrondenst over W Jfl. wlll feature n progr11m about Chrlsllnn Science, The progrnm Is clirocterl to those Christlnn Sdcntlsta conflncrl to Hwir homes nnd those not members of the Cht·istlnn Science church, ------------------ -----nlng service, Prayer meeting Wcrlnesdny evening, 7::JO nt the church.

1\ln~on 1\lethmllsl;, J-tflymonrl L. Norton, Minister. Sundny wor­ship, 10 a. m., sermon, "Gorl Ts leather nf All Races;" Sunday school, 11:15 a. m., a school of reiiA"Ion for nil IIA"es; Youth Fcl­lnwshlp, r. p. m.; Breakfast sl urly qroup, Werlncsrlay at !l:l5 a. m.; The movie, "Angel In Ebony," Wednesday al .ll p, m.; choir rehearsals, Thursday, .Jun­Iors nt 6:45 p. m., adults al8 p.m.

Nnrlh Am·ollu~ Communll.y, Rev .. John E. Pruclon. pnstn1·; Sunday school, 10:15 a. m.; mo1·nlng worship, 11:15 a. m.; young peoples sct·vice, '7 p. m.; evenlnr: sm·vlce, 8 p. m.; Wednes­day evening mlrl-weelt prayer meeting, 8 p, m,; young peoples choir practice, 7 p. m.

N ort.hwt~~t Stot!l<brhhro lUelh· odild., l"rnnil B. Cowick, pastor·. Morning worship, !J a, m., sub,lect, "Blessed Arc The Peacemakers;" ehurch scl1ool, 10 a. m., Howanl Townsenrl In charge.

llllllvllle JUothodlst, Fran!< B.

Inasmuch ll'l yt~ have done It unto onn ol' the lml!d. of these my brHthJ•tm, yo hn.vo done It unto lllfl, ( 1\lttU.Iww 25:•10.) Ullad 1\fnttlww 25:114-40.

An old legend relates that once on n cold, sto1·my night Mm'f.ha was busy in her home preparing for the expected Christ. In the midst of her preparations, she heard a !mock on the door. Opening it, Mm·thn saw a mggecl beggat• stand­ing them in the cold ruin. Immediately she said, "I am ex­pecting Jesus, the great prophet of Galilee, tonight.. I have no time fm· beggars." Abt'Uptly, she shut the door.

Soon she henl'cl anol:het• !mock on t.he dool'. When Mnr­tha opened it again, she saw a frail, ill child there. To this child Martha said, "I am expecting Jesus tonight. I have no time to give to you." But before she could close the door, suddenly ,Jesus, in all His majesty, stood before her! M<utha had been too busy l.o I'Ccognize her Lol'fl.

Are we so busy doing some work we think entirely worthy that WP. blind ourselves to see othct·, perhaps greal.ct·, work needful to be done? Are we, like Martha, too busy to recognize out· Lord?

I'HAl'Im lllll11 us,. 0 C.: uti, to I'Ccugnizc ' In the tnNI<s aht•atl ot' u:;,

Guide US fi'UIIl tlw COIIfUNinn ILIIII JWtf.ltwss of hlSS ltllJIOrlnnt. things Umt Wll muy, wllh un t:yt\ 11lnglc to Thy gioi'Y nntl hnnn•· nntl fur othm·s' good, devote ourselves to wm·J, for 'J'Iwe. ln ,Jmms' nnnw. Amen.

THOUGHT FOR THEDA Y To help others is to help God. --Bessie S<tunrlcrs Spcn­

cet• ( Colol'lldo)

Mason Chur(hes Will Sponsor Movie on African Missionary "Angel In !Ghony," n new mlH· tnhJ, Sammy cscnpcrl Into the

:ilniHII',Y film l'elcased by •rnylor .illngle, where hr wns mlrnculous­llnlvcrslly, Uplanrl, Indiana, will Iy aonvcrterl. He l<!anwcl llll he IJo prn~cntnrl at the Mnson Mcth· could about Christianity from a nriiHI dllll'f'h on Wmlnr.~rlny, Ji'eh- missionary, nnrl then hllehed n ruary I fl. flehorlulerl Io1· 8;00 J1. m. ririe 11cross the ocean to the tllC! mnvic Is being sponsored hy, United Stales on a ll'llmp stCIII'!l· lhc Motlwdlst. nncl Presbylcrlun er. clturchcs, A Chrlstlun mun In New Yin•lt

'!'he full eolo1·, Hound fllm, Is sent him lo Tnyln1· Unlvm·stty, thr. story of n ymtng Afrlcun then locuterl In Port Wnyne, In· prlnc<>, Summy Mnl'l'ls, who nl- diana, where he enrolled without tc>nrlr!rl 'l'aylo1· University In 1802. previous formnl schooling, His .Jun!-ill' ser.nns aet ually tnlwn In simple hut cn•·ncst fnllh ullercrl Afrlm and nuthr.ntle pcJ•iorl cos- the course of the Unlverslly, nnrl tumnH hlgltlight the •15-mlnule has lnlluenr:cd many lives tor dmmatlr: pmscntnllon, Producer! Chrlstlnn servlec. by 1\llsslons Vlswillwtl, Inc. of Everyone Is invited tr1 sec this Callfnrnln, llw 1Jleltll't! Is nun- Inspiring story In Its first show. promo! Inn a!. In go In Mnson. No admission wlll

Tnrlurrrl b~· H rlvnllrlbal Chief·. he chnrgerl.

Enrnule lwmr I hey called on Mr. nnrl Mrs .. John Seolt In Jackson.

Mr. iiiHI 1\lrs. Dr!ll Wolf spent S1111rlny f'VI'ning- with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Balli' ami family.

Mrs. Asa Greenman nnrl M1·s. Br!rlon .Johnson visllctl Mrs. Ralph :3inc:lalr and ehlldren, Ann :nHI Hny, al tlw hnmr. of Mt•, and Mr:-:. Hny Noble In Williamston Wednesday afternoon.

Mrs. Dell Wolf and Mrs. Clyde Curlls nllended lcnrlerH ·meeting in Williamston lnsl Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. l~lnyrl Backus en­terlnlncrl 'J'hursclny nt Commun­ity Aid. 'l'hoy served rllnner at

Millville School News Shdh Orude

'!'here was no school Weclncs­clay beciiURe of the county teach­ers lnstltulc n t Mason.

.Yiembers of the Millville ex­tension cluh will meet Wednc~­doy, Febn111ry Hi, with Helr.n Curtis.

Our Vatenllne Day pm'ly will be held Monday aftcrncmn.

Cr1rl Onlliey was n guest of Colin Curtis Saturday night.

The Dutch dinner was held Tuesday al the Millville hall.

noon. Dc!vollnnals were in ch;irge 'Tite mtt"l' ell · 1 11 f M" 11· ·t·i . R 11 • 11 . ,,c me ng was 1cr

o Is. .II ~ 101 n. 0 . ca was Tuesday· afternoon at Lo •ke Cen·

illl~wPrr•d hy a fnvol'lte : Kong. ter ' c evenlnl{, F'elmwry I H, in IIH• Sun- Mr.,, I•: I hcl Pnt riC'k ~howed a rlls-1 · • . , . day school rooms nl church wil h piny of earrls nnd stationery_ Mr. •llld Mr~. Il. r. Lytle ·ami

Wheatfield Center 1\lrs. B1·mn ,Johnson

supper at 7:·ao p. m. Mr~. Luke which the aid will be selling at family and Mr. and Mr~·. C. D •. Wllllttmslon WtlNitwnn .IUethod­

lflt, Rnwll:y, Rev. Carl Coffey, pastor. Church sehool, 10:00 a. m.; worship service, 11.:30 a. m.; young people's meeting, 7:30 p. m.

Wllllttmston IlttJIUst., Harolrl lteesc, pastor. Churdt sehnol, 10 n. m. Worship service, 11 a. m. nnd 7:30 p. m. Junior and seniot· groups 6::JO p. m. Thursday. Teachers lesson study followed by prayer service at 8 p. m. Ladles Baptist Union third Wednesday, 2 p. m. In homes.

Ices at 10 a. m. and 11:30 a. m.


. · !•:dl'll tJnltt~d lll'lllhr·""; Herbert Sunday school Irir nursery Cherry, pnstnr. Sunday school, 10 through senior high at 10 a. m .. ; a.m.; mo~ning worship, 11 n. m.; Sunday school for nursery choir practke, Tues_dny!. 8 p. _m. through intermedlat·e classes nnrl There will he no Sunday evemng one adult class at 11:30; no .Jun- service or prayer mceting.a,t the lor or senior classes nrc held at church this week in cooperation this time because the youl!t choir with 111£' revival meetlnA"s at the sings at the church services. Housel United Brethren church.

Cowlelt, pastor. Morning worship, 10:15 a. m., sermon, "Blessed f,,·e The Peacemakers;" church school, 11:15 a. m., Fred Graf In charge. Mlllvllle W. S. C. S. will present Its annual men's fellowship hnn­quet to be held at the church hall on Tuesday, February 15, at 7:30 p. m. Howard. Townsend will he toastmaster and the program will feature group singing with special music provided by Dale and Duane Walker. The chaplain from Southern Michigan State Prison will present a talk on hls acl.ivilles.

. Kelly of Okemos, who will! hf'r each mecling. The women pllllr Paul visiter! Mr. and Mrs. J. L. W. S. C. S. will meet Thurs- husband and daughter, Rhoda, to mcPI Tuesday and mal{e pads Graf and family Sunday.

day, February 17, with Mrs. Dell spent 14 months in India under for the mncer center. Mr. Hnrl; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd . Curtis Wolf at 10:30 a. m. Reports are the Point-Four program, will he slwrn showed colored slides of were Sunday guests of Mr. nnd due. Worship Hcrvlce will be In a special g-uest. She will show flowers in Alabama and of his Mrs. Howard Oaitley. charge of Levah Bowne and pro- slides and lecture as well as dis· flower gar<.lr.ns 011 Me•·ldinn road. ·--------------tgeream1 .. " ILJYycllYI_alaEt:llefcGrtl,·ecggo•.ltltCI~mWmolltf· play souvcnlers pertaining to AI the close of the meeting each VnnDemarlt. Roll~ and potatoes St. ,Jillllt\'1 Cttlhollc Ch.urch, Rt.l llunlw•· IIIII Stl\'ent.h IJny Ad·

Rev. Msgr. Charles Keating, pas· 1 venllsL Sahbalh school, 10 a. m.; tor. Mass will be said at 8:30 worship scrvi~e. 11 a. m.

" c their experiences in India. Those 1 1 fl I · f tl I Ill b f I I 1 '1'1 tt d and Inez Weaver. Those attend· nwm Jcr wen sung or w I' w e um s tee. 1osc a en •

Sunday moming. Grade school catechism Saturday at 1:30 p. m. at the church.

L<lslle Congrel-[!ltlonal, Samuel B. Wenger, minisler, church school, !l:45 a. m.; morning wor­ship, 11 a. m.; dtnir rehearsal, Wednesday, 1l a. m.; Hohhy and Youth cluh, 7 p. m. Sunday is the sixth in lhf! nrc-lenten victorious living scl'ies. Celebrating Boy Scout Sunday Scouts of troop No. 69, assisted by Scoutmaster Earl Miller, will have a part. Ser· mon suh,iect, "God Can Be Seen." Parish-wide roast beef dinner and F'ellowship Thursday evening, Februar-y 24.

altendiltl{ arc Ia take own lahlc whlll! eleph;ml, which created lnv. are to take own table service. ing arc to tnlte own table service, service, sandwiclw~ and a rlisn m11 ny laui-ihs. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bacltus sF.nrlwlches and a dish to pass. t pass

· Stm:l<brldge llnptlst, James E. 0 •• • CDmmunily Farm Bureau will and family were Sunday dinner

Lombard, pastor. 10:30, morning . Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Wlnncgar Miss Barbara Cook of L.tnsing I m<'PI l•'1·i~lay evening at 7:.30 for guests of Mr .. and Mrs. Casper worship service; 11:30, Sunday VIS!led Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Don· was a weei< end guest of Mr. anrl supper w1th Mr. and Mrs. George

1 JJ!etz and family.

Housel United Ilretlll'lm, Haw­Icy road at Vaughn, Vernon H. Bearrlsley, minister. Evangelistic services each evening (except Sat­urday) at 8. These meetings nrc for every one as a community service. Theme of the weel<, "I Want to Be Ready, Don't You'!" Early closing is planned so that chllcll•en may, attend. Sunday, 10 a. m. to 11 a. m., a unifled service. The minister ~Ill speak to the children and youth. 7 p, m .. Chris·

slhool, Mrs. Irene Cobb, superln- al Sunday evening. Mrs. Dt?ll Wolf.

tcndent; 2:30, Krummrey Farm Family night sponsored by the I Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wolf sprmt j Wlllhmtslnn Gospel Ilttll, 4021

Burldey road. Brcal<ing of Bread, 10 a. 'm.; Sunday school and Bible class, 11 :30; Gospel and ministry Sunday 8:00 p. m.; min· lstry Frida~, 8 p. m.

Service; 7:15, .Junior and senior w. s. c. s. will be held Friday last Friday in Archibold, Ohio. Ingham County News February 10, 1955 Page 5 BYF,adtdtunlon, MrL Ora Craig, 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ leader, subject for discussion: II

Jlolt NIIZIHCIIC, Hcv. William Kelley, pastor. Sunday school ,10 a.m.; morning worship, 1l a.m.; N. Y. P. S., 6:45 p. m.; evening evangelistic service at 7:30.

·Prayer meeting each Wednesday at the church at 7:30 p. m.

tlan Endeavor .hour.: .. 8 p. m., . !\lawn Fh·st IIUJIIi.~f, Clarence evangelistic service. Rodd, pastor. The worship serv-

Ice begins with the prelude nt

"God's Word In Our Language;" 8 p. m., evening service; Thurs­day, 2 o'clock, the Woman's mis­sionary will meet at the home of Phyllis Anderson. The prog1·am is In charge of Evelyn Titus. Those attending are to take a love gift offering and the clothing !or Mather school. 7 p. m., orches-. tra practice with Mr. Nye In parsonage; 7:30 p, m., mid-week service; 8:30p.m., choir practice: 9:15 p. m.. quartette practic!!; Monday, February 14, 7 p. m., slmting party at Chelsea. The Baptist Youth Fellowship has been invited. Wednesday, Febru­ary 16, 7:30 p. m., girl's guild will

l\luson Chu•·ch of tlw Nttzttrene, Roy Mumau, palitor. Sunday school, 10 o'cloci{; preaching serv­ice, 11 o'clock; N. Y. P. S. serv· ice, 6:45 o'clocl1, song and praise. Evangelistic message, 7:.30. Pray-

llluson PrcsbYtcrh~n. Rev. Paul 9:50 a. m. Message by Rev. L. Arnold, minister. Sunday, 10 Charles Biastock, special music ·a: m., wor$hip_ hour. Sermon, by the senior choir; 11:15 a. m., :'The .Sanctity of Your. Calling." Sunday school, under the supe•·· Installation and ordination serv- lntendent, Paul Hichards; 6:30 p. Ice. 11:15 a. m., church school; m., Baptist Youth Fellowilhip, 6 p. m., We.stmjnster ·Fellowship Geraldine Harris, leader; 7:30 p. for junior and. senior · high m., evt?ning service. Hevlval serv­youths. Tuesday, l :15 p. m., ices will be held every night be­circles 1 and 2; 7:30 p. ·m. circles ginning at 7:30 p. m. with Hev. 3 and 4. Wednesday, 8 p, m.,youth Charles Bias lock as evangel!~!.

lntt~r-City RiiJie Church :!1127 E. i\llchigan, Lansing

ScJ'\•Ices at 11. a. m. and 7:ao AU, \VIILCOMI~

ltoy l'ttLtcJ'son, Pttstor


"The Way to Normal Vision"

Station CI\LW

I!Utllw on YOIII' diul

}i'ebruary 13, 1955

!1:45 tt. m.


program at Methodist. church, film, . "Angel in Ebony:" Thurs­day, 6:30 p. m., junior choir; 7:30 p, m., senior choir. Wednesday, February 23, 6:30 p. m., annual father and son banquet.

l~lrst Church of Clu·lst, Scien­tist, Mason, holds services· at the church, corner of Oal> and Barnes streets, every Sunday al 11 a. m. Sunday school Is held ·during the services for pupils up to the age of 20. Wednesday eve­ning meeting at. 8 o'clock In­cludes testimonies of Christian Science hcnllng. A public read· lng roo·m Is open at the church every Wednesday and Saturday from 2 to 4. Healing through ;;plritual means as prneticed by


• Torturecfb'Ya rival tribal

• Wandering through the

• Hitching a ride acrou the ocean

• Enrolling In a unlvtralty with ne .. --- ~ -- - -·- --.. .. ,. , .... -.

-----··-·-·-·--·--. THE. TRUE LIFE STORY of SaiilinYMOrris;Cin African prince, whose mi~aculoua conversion 1

in the jungles of Africa began ci series of events that were to alter the course of an American university a11d transfprm the lives of those he met,


!l.'o Be Shown at 1

. Mason Methodist Church

Wednesday . Februarv.16· .. 8:80 p,·M.

. '

' j

meet at the parsonage.

Community iUclllodlst ch.urches of Dtmsvlllc IUld Vuntown, Rev. Charles H. Gross·, pastor. 10 a. m .. church school, Dansville, G. E. Manning, superintendent; 11:15 a. m., worship service, Dansville, Brotherhood Sunday, theme, "Brotherhood, Our Un­finished Business;" 10 a. m., wor­ship service at Vantown, same as at Dansville; 11 a. m., church school, Mrs. Carroll Glynn, su­perinlendt?nt; 8 p. m., M. Y. F.

Okemos HttJitist, John Booko, Pastor. Sunday services 10 a. m. nnd 7:30 p. m. The Ol<emos Bap­tist church Is celebrating· sweet­Hearts Sunday 'at 7:30·p. m. There Will be souvenir gifts to the COli· pte most recently married, to the couple most recently engaged, to the 2 oldest sweethearts, counting combined ages, and also to the man and woman who attends with the most sweethearts-relatives and friends. Special music will be provided by Mr. and Mrs. Dale Mlhlfeld, Nancy Voss, Foote and Marlon and Jerry shnll. Pastor Booko wlll be speal{· lng on "What Kind of a Lover Are You?" The annual father and son banquet will be held at the church Tuesday night nt 6:30. There will be a special speal<er and music. Marion Marshall is In charge of arrangements for the banquet. There. Is .no charge for the tickets but a free-will offering

Dunsvlllc Free 1\le.thndlst, Rev. H. E. Moore, pa~tor. 10 a. m., Sunday school, Genevieve Freer, superintendent; 11 a. m., preach­ing service; 6:45 n. m., young peoples service; 7:30_ p. m., eve-

.... ' ....

will be taken.

Stoekbrhll{c 1\tcthmllst. Worship service 10:30 a.m.; church school, 11:40 a. m.; Youth Fellowship, 6:45 p. m. Youth Fellowship will attend a roller sltntlng party at the Chelsea rlnl( Monday, Febru­ary 14, 7 p. m. Mrs. Norn !{istler will be hostess to the W. S. C. S. Wednesday,. February 16, 7:30 p. m. Assisting her wlll be Nellie Armstrong, Bessie Reynolds and Eileen Meyers. 1'he program lead­er Is Mrs. Edgar Sweet.

Stookbrldge Presbyterian, Dr. F. G. Behner will use as his ser­mon theme Sunday, "Search the Scriptures."

Vantown Mrs. L. P. WIIIIBms

Mr. and Mrs; Robert Titus and family of Alpena and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schwnnltz and family' of Marine City spent. the. week end with their parents, Mr. and· Mrs·. Ernest Titus. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ezra Wllco~ and Mr. and Mrs. Jeral McCabe and family were Sunday guests at the Titus home. .

Mrs. VIrginia Nemer and Mrs. Maxine Williams spent Friday In Detroit. They nlso called on Mrs. Jqe Thompson nt Ferndahi. .

Several !rom Vantowil nt· tended the 25th· ' wedding · nnnl· ~ersnry .of Mr. and Mrs .. Orin Sheathelm Sunday, · . . . .

-Miss Patricia Monroe. of the • 'club· · .the

'rnnt••!l.1" .

First Baptist Church Mason

Frida.y through· Sunday February 11-20

Nightly at 7:30 P. M .. Rev. ~larence Rodd, Pastor

E v

p A

A N s G T E 0 L R I

s T

Hear Rev. Charles Biastock ' Sturgis, Michigan··

Pastor -- Evangel_ist I. I. ' ·.

W··.·.l· ........ '.· .. · \ . . . · .. · . . . ecome ' ' ' '" "'.1 .~ ,' ,' • ,, . ,• . . , ,o •• I

. '.' . ·'. :· : ~

Stolz Bags 37 Points This Time

Mason Upsets Dope with 70-69 Win Over Vikings ,, Any hnpr>s I•:I'PI'PII ilnd or OVI'J'• I HI'OJ'ing 1111lanm the Hams lmve

1nklng Troll In llw !'ilpllnl C'lr<'uil C1PrliW' Allwrt anrl Gnry llnrlrwJ;. c•ngc! l'ltcl' WPnl n111 I liP WIIHIIIW Ol', 2 n/' llmlwsl hal'l<llnriJ'(fiJlPn In J•lrlrlny nlgl11. MnHilll Jill I 1111' rliiiD· llw Pil'l'llil. Otll In fronl JlP.x MPI'· rmr· on llw Vlldng IHIJIPS lly rloll a1111 ,JJrn •rullln giVCJ !loll n ·~qur.c!zlng n111 11 711 IHI win lll'f111'P llgilt dPfi!Jisr• and H('()J'lng pnw<•r.

Coming· Games OAPITAJ, OIUCUI'l'

Fridny'~ Gnllltlti ' Mnson nt Holl, Howell nt Charlotte,

Comets Rebound To Take Charlotte.

qitif'Jr HIJ11IH (II illiJ lf11:d rrllllltJe, gaton llnptrls Jllayerl M<wnn on

r.vr.n IPI'IllH In I ill! lnsl hnlf. Mnmm pir'ill'rl Ufl 11 ullr'·Jinilll rnnrgln In tJw nrst IJLIIrrlf'l' and nrldf'fi o11r• :lllll'f' point In till' Hfll'f'd In I liP lif'l'iH1fi jmrlml. Both lr>ams fli'OI'Pd 12 polnls In llw third IJIIIII'IPJ' arHI IH pnlnl:-; In lhn last IH•rlnd.

Freshmen Cagers Win 2 More Games

u pndwd·ln·IIH• l'illl••r:-; nwh i11 All Is not 11s riarl; as II HlllllHis 11[c Mnsnn gym, /'or• Mnsnn, lilouglr. Tlw Bulldogs

'l'l1r~ Bulldog~; \\'rill 1 liP ganw l1avc> lmprovc•rl sllll'l' I hill firs I w,(th thr. filnl',\' silflllling nf Sian gilllll' With _IIIli!. .Jnllll llnwlell Stolz unrl with lois of srTnp hy IIIHI Al'l Weirauch IHIVP llPPn.gc!l· liu! res! of lhl' IPlllll, Slol1. 1-:nnr• ling Jnlll'l' lhan lilCII' sharP nl llw within orJP polnl of Pqllaling lib ri'IHlllluls <nHI ffOJ'I'Y lln,llr>nhr!dl rCh!l'cf prrfol'lllillli'l' 01)' lnsl 1•'1'1· hils dPVL•iopcrJ illlfl 0110 nt tho ell'· rlr'ty, This tim•! IH• r'<llllf' IIJI wllh r·ult's lop tlt'fPnslvc playeJ•s,

i;lngs hnrl liwlr lr!llrl r!UI In ·Hl-:lR In l)rf' IIJ·sl 11.11f Sinlz sr•nrPri 22

polnls. Lool1 hnd l'0111Jlller) n ree· orr I of 1 fl points.

M11.~1111 fl)lP.Ill'rf lill! I illrrl lfllfll'ler wll h a n1sil. Tile 13ullrlngs evened tlw r·nunl on a slrol hy llowlolt nnrl lllrlVf'ri alrP:HI r111 n. Wrlmueh lip-ln. Stnl7. !hen lool1 over. ITe ran ll1r• sr·n1•e to ~0·•10 In lllP nexl 2 mlnules.

Lrlilll, llw VJI;Jng nfl·slnlo foolhall plHyor·, rc>afly was lmocklng them down In liw ln!;l half, Mason losl Chur·k Mr~rlnrlor•f nn fouls. He lmrrlly hurl n elmncr. In warm up, Tit~ plf'lwrl up 4 foUls in the first qunrler·, snl nul !he semnrl nnrl ll!fl onr·ly In lire third. Dlcl1 Whec>Jm· rllrl nn r.xr•elfenl rr.plnce­nwnt job.

Eaton Ruplds nt Grnnd Ledge. 1'nt!Kday's flumm>

Lnimvlew nt Chnrlotle. Leslie n1 Enton Rapids,

Frld1~y's HtiHHIIs Mason, 70; Everett, 69, Grand Lr.rige, 73; Cilnrlottr., :Jfl. Holt, 62; Wllllnmstnn, a7. J~nton Rapids, 68; Howell, li4,

Trwstlay's Htlsulls Mason, 63; Eutnn Rapids, lil. Holt, 67; ·Cfmrlotle, 42. Everett, flO; How ell, !i2,

CIJ'IIIHI LPrlge PIHI1•1! lis :J-ganw loRing RlrPnJ; l•'rlrlny nir:ill with n S\VI!CI 7:1·rlfl win OV£'1' Clilll')ollr~,

The victory r.nnhll'rl llw Comr•t:; 13111 DPnn loppPrilirP GrPylmunrJ In hung on In Hl'l'onrl plrH'P In I ill! .~r·nt·Jng alltH•k wllh 1!1 poinls. Capllul Clrl'ull. 'I'!Jp ConWIH nrr•, MaHon now lm:-; 11 l'l'r'IIJ'rl of :1 U poor SIH'OlHI Wflh 11 l'l'I'OI'ri of (j' V)f'lnJ•Jt•s nnrJ <[ !fiSSPH lo l'llrl'V wins nnrl a loSSI'S w!JIIP I loll lt•nrls 111'('1' to If nil l~rlrlnv nit:: hi. 'l'h·,, llw Jlltl'i< with !l sll'llit~lil wins. GrPvhotiiHL' IHIVI' 1\•nn !.? wlillf'

l•'rlrilly nir;rrl tru• ( 'onwts will r!t·o~iJPilt!( H so fur liris 'f'IISIJII. entr~t·tnln f~aton ltnpirls. 'l'hP Grr•y· hounrJ:-; should r·oJI over nnrl play rlenrl IHII wilf'll tllr'sl' :! l•:nton cnunly IPams lllf'f'l :Jnylhln~r cnn hnppen.

MIIHOJJ's l'llrf·lrr11 l'l'f!H)lllWil hilS·

ilr>lllilll lf·rrm pii'IH•rl lip lllJOiilf'l' )111)1' of V)f'lfll'iPH,

l~rlrilly lli!:lll l'fllll'h I"d l\1•llf''H ITPIV lwal lonl11 on lhr> hlg Innln l'lllll'l ~li-11. I 1 ll'ns n slow-moving J::llnH• wi 1 h I hf' rJ i ffnrrrw1• in r•cnn·1 HiZI' a fal'lrll' In 1111' Jow·sl'ru·Jng

:n points 011 1:! tlr•lr/ t•nnL' 11111! 1:1 illnsrm :-Hurls ~~~~rl.v

Ji'or lilf• rr>sl of llrr• prr·lnrl the IPillllli tmrlerl hasl1cls. The [(IIIII'· IPJ' Pnrlrrl willr Mason hnlrllng on· In a r'rlmfnrlnhle !i8-!i0 !earl.

'l'lw lasl quariPJ' WJIS one for tire hook~. lfouse, Lonl1 anrl Hoger Quinn lrmil lul·ns hilling lhe hnnp. In I hr. mt•:ulllmP Gerry HlrlPr and Lonlc rlouhle·tPamerl

Stolz' ,17 pnlnls wns high for• Mason. !Tnwlr>ll anrl Weirauch ~ilared llw runnC!Nip spol wlllt 13 pninls Pach. ITHIIenheeJ; haggr!d 5 nnrl \VIwelm· added 2. INflUAl\1 COUN'rY U~AOUI~

Greyhounds Win Out In Basement Battle

I r•onlf'sl.

MorHIIIy night Muson pin,YPd over r11 L11nslnr; fll'sUJTI'l'linn. This llnw l\1as•u1 l'illlll' r11r1 on top RII·.J7. ,

fi·he thmws. AI tile Hlfll'l of F'rlday's Pn· · r·ounler wlll1 I~Vet'r>ll II loolwd as

Lonk \V[IS high fnr Everett with :H pnlnl~. !Tott~c hit for· H, Rlrler Plll down 12 nnrl Wilson arlrlrrl11, Quinn sr·ot'erl 8 In J'Ollnrl out lhe

Tn winning I liP 1:anw ~lils11n If till! Jlullrlogs WPrr! going to now has n sroas11n ,.,.,,(JJ'd of H 1\'IJU, hr1vr• 11n r>asy linw. Stolz, llmvletl

unrl •I lossrs. 1•'"111' or 1'1"'•" vir·· 1111r1 \VPir·nudt r'rlnnPr·IPd In move• tliJ'irs IHII'P hf'f'll lii'PI ('; ('ir·· Mason out in front 10·2 In llw

'l'uJI fnf'H wililf' ill! ·I 11f II II' 111,,1 Ps J I · , 'I 1 tlr·st ·I mirntiPs r1f pliiy, The VI· IIIVI! ll'ell Ill 1'111'111 )1 ii,Y

kirrt:> r·ilmf! to llff', lilnugh, IIIHI wllh .Tr•rry ITrHISP rlnlng rnosl of lin• smrlng, I ill' ViJ(fngs marrngPrl lo liP up lhe game nl 18-IS ily I he

I~J'iriay nigl1t ~lnsJIII l1n:: 11 dill£> wllh lhe llolt /!11rns 111'1'1 al I loll. ifJP Ram~ lwvP 11o1 lfl~! :1 g-nmP 1hL~ yrar. lrr an ••rfl'iiPI' f'llf olrlliPI' lV!Jisnn fPII ap.Jrl 111 tlu• 1111111 1111n· UII'R nrHI !JoJI nlrl\'l'd OUI l11 II lop· shied !ill-fin win. In ·'Pil•• of 1111• l'llrTi'll( Sll'illg rd 1\I:ISIIIl \'lf'loi')P:-; over Clrrrrlotlf', l•:vf'J'f'll 1111d l;ranrl Lr>rlge, Ma~o11 will 111• :1 dr>flnllr• 11/Hir.rrlog nvt>l' al 111111.

'rhP HiiiJls IJm·r· if II; I! a ll<'f'ri !Pam that Is lr:ll'fl 111 slop '1'11<•1'1' ltr'P llfl Jnrllvidll,lf "''lll'lnr: sta 1'>:, All tile HHrns t;l);p llu•ir llll'lls in lr.nrllng llu• allrll'k t\lflilf: willi

Pllri of till' qunrler. 10:1'1'1'1'11 malnl:llnr.rl its momen·

lurn al IIIP stm·t of IIJC Sf'r'nrHI pPriod. DPan Loo)(, 8Vl.'l'!!ll llnsli, slnriPd lo lilt. Within 2 rnirlliiPs hf' l111rl •·ornpllrrJ ·I liPid gonls and ~ Jn•e throws to movp the Vil<ings nut in Iron! a0-2fi. It Jnol;r.d lilw t'lll'lnlns fnr !\Jason. The sr.ennrl pori ion 'of lllf' fJr•rlnrl was 11 differ· ••nl story, Stolz slartr•d lo swish IIH· sh"ls in fmrn n111 on I he flom·. \Vhrn I lir> prl'iod c•rHIPrl I hr Vi·

Stockbridge Removes Okemos As County league Title Threat

Slnl'idn·irigf' )1111 IIIII' '""' in tlrP Jngham l'onnl)" l••r,~:llf' 1111'11111' room l•'rifiay t~i;:l11 lr.l' llf·.JIIIW Okemos li!J-:i!l.

~ir'f'(Jl'l' pia,\',

Stolz 111 Jwc•p hlrn from gelling 11Wa,l' any shots, 'l'lw Vlllill!IS nriiTflWPrl lhe margin wllh tlrlR ~;i!'IIIPg,\' until only rlnr pnlnl ~l'fHII'aled tile l••arns.

With :J•& mltlutrs rPmalnlng Ma~nn lwlrl nn lo 11 li:!·fil lend. Il;lfiPnhr•l'il and Stolz l'omhlnecl In p111 Mamn 0111 in front fi(j.fiJ with 2 mlnttlcs icfl. 'l'lwn Frcnehy Wll· snn mnw lhmugh with 2 fnul silols In ••lnsr• till' gnp otwr. aguln. Masnn nf'vr>r pill down nnol her flt>lrl gnnl IIIII I he Bulldogs madP L'VPJ'Y l'ottl slrol munt In !wid orrin lhP slcnrlrr nwq;-in.

Evf'rr~ll lost the services of Lnnl1 anrl Quinn irr the last :1 min· ul rs nr tlw game, Both WCJrr. fon•Prl to !Pavr via the fnul route>.

l~vr.rctt SI'OI'ing. ~Tnsnn FG 1•"1' I'Ji' TP

ffnwlell, f 5 Mr.rlnrlorf, r .. , , 0 Wr.iraudJ, c ......... li Stolz, g ............... 12 Hallf'nllf'ck, g ...... 2

Su h.~ I I lui luus

:1 2 1.3 0 5 0 1 3 13

r:; a 37 1 ~~ 5

WIH•clr.r, f ..... " I 0 , I 2

26 18 17 70 Bvr•r·,.ll, FO Ji''f J>Ji' ''I'P

Lnol;, f ............ , 10 4 5 2<1 lfnuse, r " ' "" .... !i 4 4 14 Wilson, e ... .......... :1 5 4 11 Quinn, g .... , .......... 1 0 5 8 Landis, g .... " ......... 0 0 () 0

Suhslllntinns: llirlr.r, g , ,, ... . ... •I 4 2 12

2ll 17 20 r.!J

Gal'fiH'I' lnllowpd him with 11 lal· I Gl d' t L "''S. a ta ors ose

II IIH• slorrn warnings r·nming fllll nl !\Jason 111'1~ Cfli'I'P.I'I lirP rtams will hal'!' a rllffpr·enl snr·t ol 11 r•ontesl fo1· 1 he Tloll filns Friday night. ~·1nsnn is f'flming into 1owi1 under r1 full hl'<Hl or steam afiPr ilnor·ldn~: otT Griinrl Ledge :11111 F:verctl.

Cage Game No. 12 Leslie look its turn al belting

I he l•'nwiPJ ville Glndialors around l"rirlay nigh!. The 131acllhawlls r·nme nul on top 7G-54. The Joss is

WI II 1 1 · 1\' !he No. 12 for the season for the 'J'IJC PaniiJr•rs )1111 :! gr1r1lt's IJr. I\Vf'('IJ llif'lllSC'(\'i": illld lill' S['f'flllfl pllll'l' Chtf'f,, wilfr Ill'' vi<·lory. 1\ll the Panthers IJrl\r• llr'III'J'f'n lh<'lll Ulld :~ JlC'I'fPt·l Sl'il!"lJtl :tl'l' ~~:ltll(1:-i WIIJr LPsli1•, [•'ow[r•J l"illr• :Jill I IJilliS· ville. 'f'IIPI'P isn't :1 011 • 111 lliPsP

'II'HillS I(J;rl ligiiJr•,.; l~o ;:ii'P Sl111'i1·

JPII H' rams mP 111 .ason Gl 1.

1 a mnn111 il!-:fl Mason folrJerl in tlw '11 111 OJ'S. last quarler· anrl allowed lhP I TIH! ~lmlint_nrs ha~e 4 more 1 Hnms to win going nway. Siner charwe~ rn WhiCh to p1clt up t.heir

,1.he then the Bullrings hr1ve grown ll!sl Win nf. lhr ~eason. Friday

lllllt lflllson if•ri ihr Punth1•rs in sr'fll'ing ll'itlr 17 rwinls, '1'1'1'1',\' \Van! coller·ted IIi rrnrl Det1n1· ( 'lliilrl' rrnrl Fi'l'rienl>rrg e11l'11 l1lt for Ill.

hl'[rJge any IJ'IIIIIlil'.

Harold Herlrnnn lopped sr·orpr·s in till' lnrlian •·amp I :l poi nls, l\rlh sonw fnngs, Stan Stolz hns her.n nlgill Dansville Will malic n try

s•·nr·ing from 2fi to :JR pninls. Be- ut srllin_g down l~owl~rville, The sirlr·s IJ!ii pfforls Arl Weirauch game Will hr. plnyerl 111 lhe new r111rl .Jol1n llnwlr•ll l~:tve r·onw Dansville gym.

Friday'H G11mr!H Haslett at Wllllnmsl nn. Fowlerville at Dansville. St ocltbrldge a I Lr.slle.

'l'twsdny'H Gnmr•s Fowlerville nt Wllllnmslon. Leslie at Eaton Rapids.

l~l'ld11y'H nesuiCs Haslett, 51; Dansville, 37. ·' Stocllbrlclge, 69; Oltemos, 59. Leslie, 76; Fowletvllle, 0<1.

CilllrlniiP will lak1• on lillll'r!ll l~rlrlay night, 'I'IH! lllghlanrll'l's lll'f' iflfl)()llfi for llrf'll' Sl'l'lltHI Will of the :;c•ason. Cltntwr.s of tlndlnf{ It oV!'I' nt Cltnrlnllf' ill'f! sllrn.

In 11 liallle In krop olll of 1111' Capital l'in·ult hasr>rnPnl 1-:alon flapicis tripprrl llrrwPtl liR-Ii-1 Fri· rlay nlglll Tlw Gt·r•yilfiUIHis hlll'f' ;1 rPI'fll'rf rrf :! win" and H lossf's. llowr•ll hrlngs np IIH• l'l'lll' wlllr

Gull SIJOCillllill'r lllld lllll llrllf.JI\s 0111 , win HJHI H Joss1•s.

finally 'rr.gaiiiP~I I11Pir.' sf'fll'llH( l~nlon f!apirls lwrl In •·nnw frrun Pyr.s l~l'iday ruglrl. Shllf'tlllllH•t' IIJI'Iunrl in lfl'riPJ' rn dlmh p11s1 I ill'

I was g~ro.d .~ol.' ~2 (lfllnls dJH! ffiglllilnril'l's, i\1 llw half flllll'<'ll Brooks rollrllr rl 21. l••rl :1•1.:12. In tiH• lhirrl ppr·Jori t!H•

Grand Lrrlgr. topru•ri till' Orloh•s lflt~hlllnr!Prs lrH'I'Pas!•rl liloir lrllll' In ever·y peJ'iorl, 'f'llf' ltrst C(lliii'IPI' gin to !j:J .. HJ 11111 tlll•n till'\' fnlriPrl. enrlerl with Grand LPrigP out in In 1111' flnnl Jll'l'iod F:nton H:lp· frnnl 10·14. Wlu•n lhr• IJrlff C!lHierl ids r•ame lilrnugh with a Jfl-polrll the !earl ilarl jumped lo :J!l-2fl. rilfly whill' holrlln~· liowpfl 1o !l

In the• lhinl qtlar·tpr IIH! Con~l'ls points. hil for 17 pnlnts whiJP I ill' OrioiPs C'Jaurlf' llrinin,,lol loppl'd 1 ill' plcl;erl up Hi 1111llrs, Tilr• Grand l·:atnn l!apirls Sl'!ll'<'rs wilil 2S Lerlge boys uut·dislancrrl 1111' points. ViJ'gll C:lllell liil :!1 points Oriolr.s 17·1·1 in the last pPrind lo to par·1• till' ffiglllanrlr•r altar-1\.

l\lnsnn's llf>XI f.illlllf' will liP pluy~>rl 1\l"nl!uy nl1:ilt over r;l I .111 ngsiJLII'f.i,

l11 lfll' llllliil gilllll' C'IHIPII Hog· /:11\V [IOIIJ'<'fi in !I poiJIIH for Sf'Ol'· lng illlliJJI's. Pilrl Sllllll' WIIS lll!Xt ll'itlr ,), II >>.Is n <lllf'·sldPd 1:011·

ll•st. At till• half f1lnson Wlls nul i 11 lro 111 I:!·:!.

I ll'liiJis Wilippll> IIIII! 11 good nigl11 in Ill•• Hesurt'Pr'tion r•nn· l1•st. I IP IIi I for 17 pulnls with 7 llr•Jrl go11ls and :1 frr•r> lilr·nws. Dart Slor11• arhlr•rl 1·1 points In lilP ;\<Jnson f'IILISl',

Mamn illlllllSI lrlf'\1' 1111• gllnH' wltll a j)lfol' lliirli lJIIIII'If'r, Going IIIIo llH' )lf'l'iod if'fHiillg .~:J-2·1 lhf> l3ullrlogs <'111111' rJlll 1111• ollrPI' l'l!d with 11 :17-:iti l••arl. win going nwny.

1 John Borgma11 loppPrl tile Orl· ---------------------------

ole sc:orers with 18 points. Ingham County News February 10, 1955 Page 6 Mason Squeezes by

Free throw ~gures don't really E~~~~ s~~~!~l\)~:.1~~~ Rnp· i tell the story in. the Dansville· ids i'lii!Siill)" lllgnl. I he loliii!IOW; Haslett 'game: .Ele~en or those had n tough lime ilolrling ol'f llil' Haslelt free throws came In the ~ .•. ,,,~,..,,,. in 1)1n final minlllr>s, last quarler when the Aggles Mason finally ended up on liw, were maldng .their slrelch clrive. long encl of a 6::!·61 Rcore. · i

DansvJlle led 13·10 at lhe end n""' II \\'if,· ,'JJilll :-.lolz wiln of the first quarter hut dropped carried tile s•·m·ing loarl. Tili·: behind 28·22 at the end of lhe lime he pilcrl up :Jil points lln II half. In the· thi'rd period I he Ag· flelcl gnals anti H free til rows. gles plcl~ed. up 3 points and con· Chue)( Mr.rinrlorr ll((rJPd 9 points linued to gain in the- fourth per· to the Mason total. loci until 1h'e· free throws the Mason was never rnon• than :J Lakers, put down lhrnttled I he points nul in fl'Ont up until I he! rally.-;--. ·· · ·1 micldle of lhe last quarle>r wlwn I

Suml:ty is !he golden c·lasp llrnl binds lo­

gelll!•t' lirL• volume of 1111• ll'l'l:k.

· · I .utJgfl!llrrw •' •

McCowan & McCowan t\utluu'iz<•tl AgPIII 1'111' i\trlu 011'111'1'': IIISIII'IIIII'I! Cn,

Fill!<: - I .I t\111 Ll'l'Y - WI!\' IIS'I'Oitl\1 - ACCIJII·~N'1' ll :l E. Oul; Bolt Demolishes liri'IJIIgll 11'1111 rrPerief[ baskets. Till' ollwr· trams wniling in line

Frldny flu• l'rflllil•'l"'• lf'llsl 1111 In lllf! previous nweting Ro- for Fowlet·ville are Williamston llrf' Blild\lrall'ks 11\'1'1' Ill l.r>slif' II Wt'lll'amston 62~3 7 rloclwr's reiJiJUilrlirrg act unlll· anrl Stnr•ilhrirlge. wrntlrl lilkr• :1rr llfiSr'i 111' rna,1111 sprllPrl tirr• rJiiTPrenr•P, lrr tlw iaHI Lr~slie rlmws the Friday US·

Bill. Stelnb!lcft topped 1 he Has· Stolz pul clown a llold goal anrl 3 felt Scorers WfJ.h 21- pofn(S, Junior foul ShlJIS ill rapid SlJCf!C'Ssion. 1 Kit-by was top'man for the Aggies The Greyhounds wnuldn'l give up, I wllh 16'points. though, anrl houndr.•rl hal'l< with 2 ·----·----------------------

l'flllllf' l\{ltSOII !i2UJ

fli'OJlfll'tinns for Lr>slil' to lil'ill IIH• few gnmr.s bac•J,borml wor·i< has signmcnt of slopping Sloclthrirlge. ll11ll arlrlerl illHtlllr.J· vir·lim to llr'"l ~l:1son's slrnng weapnrr. Thr• Blaeklwwl<s will ilnve the ud·

OJ(f'mos dffr•sJJ'I "'r• ,'II\' ln"hlllll il:-; fasl-gmwirrg lis! l•'ririay night. Nnlhirrg would suil Masonmor't' vnnlage of tlw horne floor hul County lf>HJ.:III' rro·liJJII. 1111~·~~ ;1 'l'lli:. limr• till' Hams brat Wil· lilflll 111 l<nrH'[I 11ft' 1111' higb·llyin~-: thai is all. Tile rest nf llw odds

. wr•Pk frorn l•'rid.r.•:. 011 [•'f'lrl'flill',\ j Harnslon u~-:17 in a llrtll·effniPr CIH'I' IUrms, r•vPn lilnugh a r·esl wilir the Panlhers. IH lhr> f'llif'l"s 11ill lr,ffglf' with lilt. would not illll'l lhe Rams in their

· !Tnslrll wilh :rls" ra11 IIIJllffJ's tlw 'I'IH• f!nrns ililrl little trnlthle f'11.1mpirmship hirl too rnUC'Ii. slflkr.s. rindi11g 1 he l'illlgP, 1 n llir~ first , · -- ·-·---·-

In l~rlrlny n~r,ln'~, r•rr<'fltlnlrJ qunrter finll tonk nvel' an IR-I:l C:Lpitnl Cinmil. SlnruliiiJ:'S . Stod\hl'iflgp fll'll\'l•rl 111 frill'<' loo JrnrJ :lllrl al IIJc• half wa~; safpJy W

mud1 irr llu• lil'sl q11:1JIP1. TIH· o111 in tronl :ili·lfl. By 11w enrl r;rl Holt ..... ·· ... · · .... · .... n 11anl~lf:l's lllm''''.' 11111 ''' 11 :.!ll:i the third qu; 11·trr IIIP Hams llnrl Evr!rctt ................. , .. : .. 7

:·lr.arlrn !lint IJl'l"lllli. Cll;"m"s mnwli1w1·rasl'd lhe nwrgin tn :)G-25. ··p,rJ Lrrlge ...... ·· · r, W<Js sr>C'OJHI in 'lrrll'l\ 111 llu• Sf'J'JJnd IJIIIIJ'It•:· to · MnRon •· ..... , , .. . . . ~ sr·nr·ing mlumn

)lnrr• orw pninl ulf Ill" ll'lld TIJr> I In 1111 ri"fflrl In llf•ld rim·m I hr. ('harloiiP .. 'I i11df OIHII'rl witl 1 ~'"' !..inJd:••· , 111 sr·IJJ'e IIJf' l~urm; f'icar·ed llJC llrrwh, r;111011 l!apirls 2 !loger Dyr!, onr of the league's In fmnl :l:l-2.>. ·· 'f'hnttgil 1nr: pii<'P •r'oweri clown Howf'll .... ,, 1 lop sr!OI'f'l'S even !hough his team

'f'IH• PriiiiiH•rs 1,1,.k,•d llfl 10 'slill Ill~· Tln~:nPis muir! pare. only _ ··-·- ______ has JW\'~r tasll'rl victory, came rnor·r. points in 1111 , IIJII"II fll'l'illd llllf' pmnt oil the 1Iol1 rnargm, lruNwn 'I'FAJ\Is 1 OSF lhmugh with an:Jiher slnllnr per-, 1 01 1 · 11 1 C'"J', R 1 ·I· · .. II l'l't' ' ' ' ' ' ' form:uwe. Tltls lime> he pul down o~nr wrnos .-: "' 1 ,., 111 II. Jn IIH• "'.-' ,or m ,er W.Js. 1e r 1. Pr· Mason's junio1· high teams ·~1 · 1 la~t qunrlr>r r•;~<·l• IPirnJ llil l11r 20 ~·.nr·e rn tlw 2 teams l"rrclny nrghl. rho Jfll'ri 2 g'arnes

10 Eaton Ra ·I' .!10111 s .. , ..

pornls. lire Rum h;wkboalfl exper·1 lipped . 1 11, . 1. . 1 'rl . Ph I he Glarhatms lost the game in, "I · · 10 r· 1 1 1 - 11 s uesr .ty lllg ll. le seven! Ill" flr·~t IJ"If Le ·)J"n lerl 17 7 1 I Ill Cllrf'ls t'illl lllll'ilrulf' lill'ir rn w r goa s ,'llHI arlrlcd ,J Jtee grarlt• lost •HHO in spite of .Terry ' , · .u • ~ ," • • ' a

i)rrent In il sillll[l\' lii'SI·fli'I'IJ,ri l)r. lhi'OIVS for 25 JlOIIliS and llie !lam 'V'IJ', 'l'l . I, W'IJ'· I 7

the eml ol lhe qu,nler .md 35·19 f . . I . I • v r IS , - potn s. I ts muc e . I II ( I f II r I . If Tl e GJ d cnse ll'liwh allllll'f'ri t\r 1 f•'n•rlp 11 .


sr·m·Jng. wr;ors: hen BlalrJl'l\ was filii of ~ tr,ul shots, 'l'lle Prgnlll ~~ ~.· P!" o, .1., ,l,'t. ·, . 1 a · l~crg 111 lranr.: ••Ill 1nHI!•r Ill<' lli'XI 11'1111 R prnnls. grar;,•r·s rlrnppr•ri llll'il' game :lfi· Jdlllls did lire s~1,1_1e nf lhe Stn(·khr·~rfgl' llils!il·l ;fll_ ''.1' lnrn· fo't~r tlrr. JTnrnets Dnn vVir·J;hnm

1 'Jii with f"lrttt'l' llorton hilling ft~r •rt·nJ•ing 111 the l<~sl h,df hul lhe

spff. ffl' colif'l'lr•rl 11111111111s "II IIH·,, was high with 1:! points. \Vii liP 14 points, mnrgin \Viis IC.O gr'f':tl In

650 S. Meridian Road Masoil

Phone Mason 2-40 3 3

Holstein Herd

14 Cows 4 Heifers 1 Bull 3 Calves

No Sunday Sales

Farm 1110-aca·l\ fam1 wiUr IIHitlrt·u H-1·oom

lwust•. StPam lwat. tfllx!Jrl h:u·u, Gr·:ult•

A mill1 hotlst,, I llx411 et'IIH'III. silo, 4Rx(i;~

I oul slu•tf .. t~OJ'll I' l'i h Nil II hi ual iuu.

Farm Equipment T. D. 6 Hulldo:w•· 1'. <JO Crnwllll' H1·caldn~ J>Jow lnl.t!l'llational II 'l'l·aetm· . W. C. Allis-Chalmm·s 'f•·acto•· Intm·national l\I 'l'racl.n1' 3-14 lntm·national t•row with Oliww

RAX Hol.tom 2-14 Allis-Chalmers Plow Monroe T•·ailm·, 7xl•l, all-stetll hNl with

dual wheels Oli\'CI' 2-row Col'll Picke1• International ·2-row Mountt~tl Piclwr Int.m·•mtional 'fmcto1· Mowtw

Nnw Idea 4-ha•· Ualw lntlmmt.iona I Com hine, fi-l't. cut tn4R Dodge 'lll'lu·l' wil h Hi-fl .. Racl< O•·ugc ))isc ·Wa:.:on · Col'll Binder Silo l~ilh~•· FeNl Gt•inder Mill• Coolt~•· Wash i'nnlcs Milldng l\fachine Uaclcs Cnns Elt!ctrit~ Waf•~•·· Munum I ... oader Caso Tractor Spre:ultw 500-gallon Gas 'l'anl• llydraulic Gl'avel Box 2<1-l't. F1·cezer, OIUl yen•· old


Schoolboy (agers !Will Have Tourney I Mason's grade school cagers wnunf) up their last Salurday of r·r1;-11lar lengue play. In lhe flfl!1 f(l'nrlr! sect inn the 13arlger~ hPnl IIH• Btl cicr,I'C!.~ t(.:{ In co Ill pi Je . ~ rrr·o:·tf of 7 wins :uul nne defeal. 'l'lw re('(rnl is goor! enough for the c·hampionslri11. The Spar·lans lnppf'd rile Wilrlenls 18-4 in lhe nl her r•nnle>sl. ·

1 n 1 he six I h gr'JHir. section the BoileJ'Illil kers n nrl 1 he Gophe1·s enr!Pll up le>ague piny wilh lclenli· cal records or li wins and 2 losses. Salurrlay thr> l'rrpperJ I he Hoosiers 32-4 and the l3oilermnkct•s l1ent the Wolve•·· ines 12·7.

The 2 leagues will conclucl n 2-nighl tournament Tue~cluy and WednC!sclay slarting at !i:30, The Badgers will meet lhe Wildr.nls and lhe Spnrtnns will come up ag11inst 1 he BLtr::wyes In I he fiflh grarJe hraeflet.

In lhc sixlh grade s·eclion the 13oilcrmnlwrs will meel 1 he Hoosiers ami the Gophet•s will l11ke on the Wolver·ines.

Winners will rneel for cham· pionships Wednesday nigh!.

High SaiLtrclay were Dan Demlnw and Tom Coss of I he Spartans with !i points each, Kim St ricilland ancl Doug Moll· sen with 2 each for I he Wildcats, Charles Schartzer with 4 points· for I he Badgers , and Bob Peele wil h 2 Buckeye points·.

In the sixth grade Bill Bray seorecl 9 poinls for the Boller· mnkers, Gar·y Sit'l'ine tallied 3 for the Wolverines, Pete Robinson piled up 16 for the Gophers and Gale Lamphere scored 4 for the Hoosiers,

'<lt;en the bu~nps are sn~oothe,. 1 ~~~;m-.~~/cP'-«l::Mif,r>~~

_Jn the '55 Buick ride

rltt't-h ..... ~., not just our say-so. New owners ' beauties keep telling us that.

:you may wonder-how come? What's di f. fererit about the Buick ride tlmt makes it such a marvel? The answer is-plenty; Most cars have coil springs on front wheels ollly. Buick has them all around- and this year they're newly calibrated for even deeper smothering of jounce and jar. So here your ride is balanced, buoyant, level, serenely smooth.

Mos~ cars drive through the rear springs. Buick d1;ives through a tot·que·fttbe thnt takes up all driving thrust, wipes out rear-wheel wiggle and wag, steadies your going to a sure and solid track.

. '

And no other car in all America has these great coinfort extras plus the backbone of n massive X·braced frame plus both direct and lever•type shock absorbers to snub after·

HOTTEST BUICK IN HISTORY No wonder you '•ee so many 1955 Buicks on .­highways- they're rolling up bigger sales than over in his lory- topping tho popularity that hos already mode Buick one of the ''Big Threc.H

Local Delivered Price ol the 1955 Buic!f SPECIA.L

:Z·Door, 6 .. Pa!!songcr Sedan, · Modal 46 FlluslraledJ

1 $2222;88 Optional DQU1Pmc111, acccs~crlo,, !lolo and local lowos, If any, oddirianal. Pllccs may 'fary sliohrlv in odioinina commuflilll)s. Evt:n th!J lor:tory.lmtollod oxlros Yov mov wont oru harnoins, such a~ Htlol~>r /!. Dr.ofrosrer-$61.70; l(adif'l 1:'. Anrr.nno- $92.50.

bounce plus a special front-end geometqr to stabilize ucomering" plus tubeless tires on extra-wide rims for softer,'steadier riding,

Surely, you owe it to yourself to try this grent Iluick travel, just to judge thiugs for yourself.

Ycm'll find it the nearest thing to velvet on wheels-and made even more so by the silki· ness of recm·d·high V8 powe•· and the ubso­lute smoothnessofV.·ll'iahle Pitch Dynntlow. * Come visit us this week-for sure. •Dyrraf/ou• Drit•c is s/rmrlart!. 011 Roadmnslor, opliorral ill o.\"lm rott Oil other Setics, ·


fngl1arn County News February 10, 19 55

Legal Notices

Sc,umg 1s not usu" 11> ret om mended for btollmg mc~ls, snv M S C !oocl specmlisls It 1 e quhes vcty cateiuJ w.llclung nncl even then fat Is mow hkel> to spatter nnd smoke nn1l m~lw the brolllng pnn nnll romp 111nwn1 hnrde1· to clean

(«'Juncil ~~oceedings

Genr1 !11 Motors 50,000,000th c11 w.1s cqUJpped with n Delco s1gnal seelting racllo-approxl· m.1iely 11w l4,000,000lh automo· bllr• 111 Jlo mnnufnctm eil by Del· co H.tHJJO Division o£ Ge!lCral Mo· tors

Court Actions

nf lhe Hlnlt Nenl Ord11

nf th Slut~ of Mit hlr·CII Crmuldlut Sc nlt OrrltJI uf

Chanccrr MlliW D U1mlm Vtl Willnm Doytl

Ur 1f01m tlc)lellllilnt'H net. JoHc) h C Ponton YK Hugh P AuHLan

r n I Ruby M AuHtln Ulll for foacciOHUrr. nuymoncl JC MeLt un attorney

P~<J!le or Lhl.! Stute o[ Mlcblgnn on tlnl•on uf ( 1 r drl E Eddy dll ccto1 of

tluJIItrlmt nt. oJ cOIIKtl vnt on vH Clly of ~l Chi. II ~hot• H n munlciJ•ul \!orvoa ullon lhll fu1 1 uJrnt 11111~ InJunction lhumnK M I\. lVIII a~h Jtllouwy gt n~r I Nl huhltt V OIIH ltS!UHtunt

I eOJIIl! ( r the Stulr. of Mu hiJ(Iln on ll'llLIOO of Gcaultl e 1 lly dareclot or dj Jilllm' rat of conlitH vuliou, VH bltllc1 B ltl nnd Motot :Sa!..lcH, lnc n. Mlch trun cu1 J otntlon, t t. nl Ulll for 114 1 muuenl IIIJUI cL1nn 1 homr 11 M hnVliiiH{h nttcu n~y ~-:cnru d Ntrholuu V. Oldli tUittiMLnlll

Pt!o))l~ nr the Slntc of Mte!hlgt n (II

1 ehnfou of r,er nld E J~tl l.v 1lh t!cloa of t1eJH tmeut of , unsca vnllon VK lnn OIHon Bdl f<H pm mnnent 111Junctlon I horn U\ M KnvnnnKh nLtnan1 y J'"t fl!.! nl Nh holnK V OhiH IUIHistunL

Peoplu u( till SLalu nf Mtcfu~nn on rt:!lnLton of (,t.nttld 1~ Edtly dlrllcLOI of duJIH Lment uf cunKCI vutlon vH Con Htu.ntl 10 N SnltH Hill fo1 1• 1 mt nt.!nl In JUIIctlon, J homnH M Kll\ nnnKh ntLcuney ~'t lltl ll Nwl ol1!S V OhlH, nKHIHlnnt

N 1ncy N l'd•lmnn vs Wnlt 1 A I do I man Unll01 m dt JUildnnt. M 1u t

Low Myalo J Sweet v:-~ JnmcK E. Vluhnl,JH

J llH4flliHH on tho cnK• While liHI New hiatt II tlOllh YM

Myllc J sw~et KUntdllln of thl"l l!Kfl Lt uf Hn11 y L SWt.!et ntlnor VI'! Jmnc!'l 1i! Vlnhukht und M chhwn Surety Comt•mn IL M chlstun co1 JJorutlon, rrcnJmRtt on t.htl cnKe Whlt4 und Newblntt ntlorneyK fot 1 lluttllf, Jenmngtl ltnKot, PniHonH nnd lJchllcoc!c utlorn~y:s loa dcfctHinnt

Myrlc J SY.eet JlUUullnn of the oRtntc or 14conurd T SWt!et Jr rnmor VH JnmeK E Vlnlwldll l'rcRPUHU on the CIIHO Whfte nnd Ncwhlntt, nttoJneytt

Mytlc J Sweet gumdlnn or the CHl11L1! or Rtchntd J Sweet mlnOJ VH JnmOii B VluhnldH 'liliKJHlKH on thl! cntle Whlto nnd NtJwblntt,. ntto1 n~ytl

In IC Petition or llobelt L Pcncoclf mcntnlly lncornaJctcnt. Probnte court ntl• 11cnl John ·w Dh d llttorncy

Helen Mo01o " Hu.ry J Smith ct nl ltmi!JUKH on the cuKe S111nH, D1nmiH nnd fi1 nkt! ntto1 neyn

Mlld1cd Price •• Perl')' Oonvcue nnd Nehi ltt!VCIUI{llli, Inc 'ltcHtmnn on the cnHo John L Lellfhtnrt llttorney

AHrmclutcs Loun Compnny vs Vean Scott nnd G~tuldlno Scott Juatlcc- r.omt O.llllt!lll Jortcnh P l.,lynn

Jmnu~t }[ Cox nnd lrunu u.nco Molvln Mlllor bllo rn .. uanco

Mlllor. Juatlco

IU1 H. llnw•utl Nm lh

M1 unci M1 s Clayton Swlfl nf Hustings spPnl the wcclc end wll h his pm cnls

Mrs Dan lluggm nllcndcd a Jmcn showm 'f'Lwsduy evening of last weclc In Lnn~lng In honor of Miss G1 ucc W1lght, David Hug gel \ ni.llwee

M1 .mel M1 s Hugh Angell, M1 unrl Ml s M.l!'YIIl flosldns, Llnrlu


nnrl Till wcno ontm·lnlncd !or din ner at the homo of M1•, nnd M1s, Hnlph Hml, cclebrutlng MnriJyn Hill t's fourth hh thrlny nnnlver snry

M1 111111 M1s A L 'foo1mr cnlled Jnsl weelc on Mr. nnd M1s, 0 .1 Cobm n, MI. und M1 s Cluules Cooley, Mt s, Gcorgl! Pulnlm In 01(emos nosJJIInl unci M1s Lllllun Wemple of Holt, Mr and Mrs Toe Hnt•t spl!nl Sunrlny ufl e1noon wll h I he ronlwrs,

Challlls F'lllnlclln nml M1s Leon Nmlh hrtvr. heen sfclc with 1111 the pasl wee!(,

M1· ,1nd M1~ Byron Coy of Perry were dinner guests Mon clny of M1 IIIUI MIH Hugh An gell

M1H Mlldwd Nrnlh nnd Lizzle Moon wme guests of Mr nncl MIR Arvlde Nmlh nL a !Ish sup )Jel In M.mon l'rlclny evening of l1sl wee!(

'I he lnlermcdlnlc !'enlm class of Gwvenburg Sundny school mel at the home of M1, and M1 s Lewis Wilson, 2317 Jiurpm loud, Snlmduy r•venlng for nn· znllon mcclmg nnd party '!he business meeting followed a full evening of fun Offlcen elected wm e: Pwsldent, Dlclc Rierl, vice p1esldenl, Joyce Wilson, secre lary, Helen Sldnner; nnd 11cns 111 e1 Susun Wilson

M1 nncl M1 s CJ,u Pnre Lr.on

Dart Schoof Rh:lh fh·1uln Uoys

Mr~ No1n Grlswnlrl nnrl Mrs .Tnnel B1lgg~ wm e en1Je1 a of Mt·, nnrl Ml s. Alge1 f:lowPn on Sun dny,

A numlm1 of rhllrh on nnrl 1he tenclwr nltenclerl lhe Dltlch rlln 1wr nl Mlllvlllr. l'uesdny 'l'he hwchm went In the muslr mcPI lug In lho nflm noon

fhosr• who IC•ccfv()(J A In Hpell lng J,tsl week Wl!Je Cml Onlcley Loulsl! Bnltet, Illllcn l'nhnchld

urcl and Tonn, Mnry nnrl M1 ~ Ann., LrsPney vl,llerl M1 and 1\11 s ile11 BPrg of Mllu n Sunrlny

M1 s Cl111 eucc Lconm d pfnns lo leuvc 'l'lnu sduy for l~lorlcln She Will acCCIITIIl•lny MIH Ew11a JohnHoll, M1 unci M1 s Donltlrl Burnes nml son who 111e Mrs Johnson's son In lnw nml 1lmgh lm· rhey pltn In 1 nil nn M1 .tllll Mrs .lnmt ~ !Tnrl In Bwolcsvlllo during Uwh 11lp

M1 s Dnl\vln Do en will gn lo Lansing lo !Je n comp.mlon of her aunt, M1 s Rose Cole•, while hc1 daughter, Mrs .Johnson, Is Ill Flmlda

M1 nnrl M1 s Cun enr.e Leomu rl cnllr.d on Ml ollHI MIS r.tah Rlnlclf' Monrlny

Hnllllrl Kemlcn·, Dmhal'll PllllfJ· mm e, Carolyn Wru fir., Dennlfl Wnrtle, Donnn •rubnchld, Cnrol Wnll, .Jnncl Slll'lptCI IIr•lcm Kem· 11'1 Mnrle Wm fie, Jl.ulh ;Iln rl1lelma, Kny Bowc•n, .Julia '•I•n huchl{l1 lluu lei Kemlel und Mill'! lllo Wull

Cn10l and Mn11lm.! Wall hnvo moved In Mnson

Cluwncr. I\cmlm nnd family wmc Sunday dlnne1 gur.sta of Mr nnd Mill Millon IlueiAoh 1

Cru I Shophcll nne! fumlly wow Sunduy cnllms nl 1111' Hown11l Onlclr.y home

.James Sctlplm 111111 lnmliy Wf'rc Sunrlny guests of M1· lllul M1 s, Cllffm rl Page

MI. unci M1 s l{enneth Willi man and fnmlly vlsilcd Sundny nl the home of his molhe•t•,

Gwnt Dunsmme nnd lamlly Wl'l e Sunday gtteHIH of 1\h llllll Mts. Dick DunsmniP

Scve1 nl fllends guiiHH ect"'U"f lhe home or MI. and MtR Rat• Colin!' Sltluulny CY(•nlng 'l'lwy

111 esl'nlecl M1 unci M1 s Coli at· wll h a nice gift

'J he Dl'lw Appliance Division llf Genmnl Molots lllovldes 1lw motoring puhllc with many lu bor Having devices 'lodny'H uttto mobile run e a11 y us many us lil

II f DPII'o's P)('CIIll' moiOl H

llaving·decided to rtuit farming I will st•ll at public nll(•tion at tht• laJ'III 5 milc•s south of Williamston on tlw Williamston •·oad.

n A.M. Wednesday, February 23 11 A.M.

Stockbridge Phone 17-F-111

Price Brothers Mason

Phone 2-8761


Maurice & Bob

60 Head Holstein Cows and Heifers

Holstein Cow, 4 yt•ars old, bred November W Holstein Con, 3 ~ ea•·s old, bred Novembe•· 2U llolstem Cow, 5 years ohi, due .!\larch 5 llolsh•in Cow, 5 ~ears old, bred November 111 Holstein Cow, 4 ~eat'S old, fresh and open Holstein Cq_w, 5 years old, due Ft•bruaJ'Y 20 Jlolstein Cow, 3 years old, bred Se}ltember 2R Holstein Cow, (i years old, bred January 25 Jlolstc•in Cow, 4 ~ ea1·s old, fresh and 011en llolstt•in Con, (i yt•ars old, bred December 12 Holstein Cow, 4 years old, brecl November 27 llolstt•in Cow, 2 years old, bred November 27 llolstt>in Cow, 3 yea1·s old, bred Nowmber 211 Holstein Cow, 3 years old, bt•ed Octobt•r 22 Uolstdn Cow, 3 years old, due ~laJ•eh ~2 llolstt•in Cow, 5 'years old, fresh and 011en Ilolstl'in Cow, (j years old, fresh and O[len Holstein Cow, 4 yt•ars old, bred St•11temher 24 Holstein Cow, 4 yeat•s old, bred August 11 Holstein Cow, (i yeat•s old, fresh and O[len Holstein Cow, 7 years old, bred February 2 Holstein Cow, 5 years old, bred October 7 llolstt•in Cow, 6 years olcl, fresh and open llolstL•in Cow, 5 year·s old, bred Ja1mary 25 Holstein Cow, 2 years old, bred January 25 Jlolstein Cow, 2 yt•ars old, bred October 24 Holstein Cow, 4 years old, bred December 28 Holstein Cow, 2 years old, bred February 4 Holstein Cow, 2 years old, fresh and open 11 Holstein Heifers, 18 to 24 months old, all due

to freshen starting in August 4 Holstein lleifers, 12 t~ 14 months old, OJWII () Jlolstt•in Heifers, 4 to () months old :~ Jlulstem lleifns, 3 months old ~ llolstt•in lleifet· Calves


Dairy Equipment Surge Milldng Machine with 3 single units, llllntJ•

and motor 22 Milk Cans Stewart-Wal'ller Cli11pers Dairy Scales Stt•wart-Warnet· Elt•ctric Calf De-llonwr 2 .1\lillt Carts Silage Carl Grain Cart Electric Fry Spn.yer Pails Sl rainers

lerms: Cash

Farm Machinery ,Jolm Dc•ere 2-bottom, 14-hwh Pio" on •·uhher wllh

new Haydex Bottom JUnsst•y-llarris 6-ft. PTO Combine Woods Bros. Single Uow Corn Ptclw1 ,John Deert• Side UaJu• ,John Deert• No. 5, 7-ft. Powc••· 1\luwt•i ,John Deet•e 30-tooth Hnt•row 3-st•chon Harrow maclcha\\lt Corn Plantt•r Co-011 7-ft. Double Dtse Nt•w Jdea No. 12 11r1Ultor lUanuJ't' Spreatlt•r lntPJ'national Hi-hot• Grain Ut•ill wiLh lt>rtili1.i'J'

attachment Jntt•t·national lleavy-Duty Jla) Loatlc•J on Jubht•t David-Bradley 92-ft. Grain and Hn~ J~lt•vnlrll ,John Dt•eJ't' 4-row Corn Plan«·•· Fl"l•guson Corn Planter, lilw nt•w Fc•rguson Side Delivery Halw, lilw llf'W Ft•rguson 4·1'0\\ Weeder Ft•t·guson 7-ft. 1\lowt•r li't•1•guson Manure Stlrt•:ule•· on l'llhhf-1• ,John Dt•ere 8-ft. Disc Ji'•••·guson Rear End Scoo11 Ft•J·guson lUannre Loadc•r Dunham Culti(lncller J>:Lpt•c Silo Ftller ltubher-tued Wagon and Flat Uaelc ;;o.Jt. Drive Belt 2-whr.el utility TJ•atler McCullough 24-inch Chain Saw, nmu·ly nt•w 220-gnllon Ovcrlw:ul (Ins 1'nnlc Wheelbarrow 2 I.og ChahL'! ,fohn Deere Whct•l Wei~hls ,John Det•rc 'fire PumJI I~OJ'I's (~uaulity of Small Artielr:o~ L fifiO d(i 8-tlly Tu•t•s, III'W

Corn Sheller ao Grain nags

c •• ·c·as, ((uns

Hay-Corn l,!iOO Ralf•s Alfalfa-Drome Hay liOU llmilll'ls of Corn

3 Tractors l 94!) John Deere Motlel A Tractor with Rollo-Matlc

Front End and Power Lift and Quick-I,ift Cultivator

1950 Ferguson T0·20 Traetol' in good condition Oliwr (jfl 'l'ractor ancl Power Lift Cultivator

Not Responsible for Accidents

Lunch Stand on Grounds



lnulinm County News February 10, 1955 · f>aoc 8 'Obituary· . David . ·Bnuer . Monday . AfteJ• sehoriJ, '111on Down, •and ·siste1·, Erma 1 ------------"'1"'----....... ---------

Down. .

·onondaga News Mrs. Burton Baldwin

Rlvcrsldt! pupils hurl 11 hollduy on WcrlneHrlii,Y HO t ltr! tcuehC!'H C!OlJld attenrl the inslllutr! in Mn· ~on.

Children of HIVPrsldn will lwvc their Valcnllne pat·t.ies in their lndivldunl rnomH on Ji'rirluy,

Geot·gc Braumonl anrl ,Jimmy J(eesler of Onnnlla~ta !loy Sr:out ll'Oop No. Iii wr•rc seler!lt:rl tn pm·· tlclpatc in tlw Boy Seoul day In Mason.

Mrs. Drm llarr Is still 11 patient at Grate lrospital In Detroit where slw will mmaln Jor treat· ment:s fnllnwlng llw removal of 11 brnln tumor :1 weP.Its ago, ' Mrs. Pat Cottrell visited friends In Grnnd llnpirls Sunday.

Mr. nnri l\1n;, Heulwn Crites, Jr., and snr1, Barry, 1111d Mrs. Myrtle Ilunl of ,Jacl\sort were callers of Mrs. Mm! Spl'inl,l and Nell Mondny nlr;hl..

A pie srwinl anrl r:arrl party will llc helrl al t hr> Mnsonlc lull I on Snt.tmlay evr•nlng, Febr·unry 12. One pic per· coupln will lw the admission 111111 frlPrl calws and coffee will lie furnished.

Mr. and Mr!-1. llUI'Ion llalrlwln and Butch vlsltPri Mt·. anrl Mrs. nohert. l'alrnr.r illlll family nf Tuttle marl Weclnrsday nlgl!t.

Sunday eallr•rs of Mr. anrl Mrs. Si<cet. Welle!!' were Mr. anrl Mrs. Vern Palmerton iiiHI l\:lar,lnric Lindsay nf llnwell, Mr. ami Mrs. Lyman Vauglm ii!HI family of Charlotte anti Mr. 1111d Mrs. Ed· ward 1-Ienrlr.rsnn 1111r! ~on of Holt and on 'I'Ltesrlay, M1·s. Delos Cn· ton of Chariot tc w;rs a visitor ill the Weller horne.

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Doyle and family spent lilc W£!Cil end fish· lng at I-loughlon Lalw.

nay DeCamp ur Aurelltts, Mr. nnd Mrs, Hoil£!rt ,Jcnltlns flnrl chll· dmn of Lansing nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. AI Phelps nnd fumlly of Leslie called on Mrs, Mac Spring nnd grandson, Neil Dnrr, Sunduy.

The Onondaga branch library is open to the puhlle on Tues· day and l~rldny afl1!1'110ons from 3 to 5.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Puffenber·· ger of Eaton nnplrls were Sun· day dinner guesls of Mr. and Mrs. TiohCI'I Bush und daughters.

Mt·. unrl Mrs. Mrlllt'icc Glover and fnmlly of Clarke Julm called on Mr. and Mrs. Richard .Jarvis and family unci Mrs. Edna Glover Sunday.

Mt•, and Mrs . .Tohn Gray ami family culled on Mrs. Ovlc Freeze of Parma Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. nay Hawltlns ilnd son nf Lansing visited Mr. and Mrs .• Jack Wright and family Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Gnle McMichael and family, Mr. and Mrs. Al Thayer· and son, Druce, of Lan· sing and Mt·. and Mrs. Asa Moore were Sunrlny evening guests of Mrs. Polly Cook. The occasion was In honor of Druce Thayer's birthday anniversary.

Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Ewers of Jacl<snn were Sunday evening visitnrs of Mr. and Mrs. Franlt Mohr and family. Three of the Mohr children arc sicit with llw flu.

Mrs. Kalic Schult~ served ns township chairman for the March of Dimes, not Mrs. Burton Bald· win, as listed in lust wcclc's lng· ham County News.

Mr. anrl Mrs. Hobert McManus I H 1 of Aubum Heights, Mr. and Mrs. OUSe

llllrs. 1\ennclh Ilulwr

(L1111t Wcelt's limns) Mrs. Zoic Bowser of Homer

spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Gale Pierce.

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Green and family of Monroe were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gallaway Sat urdny and Sunday.

Miss Roberta Causic received 11 $25 savings hond from the Won· der Bailers for a question that was used over a CBS radio pro· gram.

ld~~> l'uhrum Mrs, 1dn Putman pussed away

February 1 nt 10:30 p, m. nt tho Mason General hospital, Her life mission horc on ont·th I~ cndcrl, We trust that. tho influence 'she left bchlnrl her will live nnd hlos· som In the heart~> of those who loved hot· so rlcnrly 1111r.l so well,

Ida M. Putman was horn De· c!cmhnr [1, 1871, In Detroit, the clnttghtcr of. ,Tosophlno and Wll· llam Large. She came to the Wll· llamston vicinity when she wn~ 7 years old .11nrl grarl·uated from the Dennis sehool. She wns a tcadJct· In Ingham county rural schools for several ycnrs. On Mnreh 26, 1890, nt the age of 18, she was united In mnrrlngc to Grant Putman, 1.1 neighbor boy of Let•oy township. To thlfl union were born 11 daughter, Frnnees, and a son, Gllhcrt. The death of her darling dnughter, Frances, at the ngc of 1<1 wus the only mar in their happy life together until the death of Grnnt in 1921. She gave devoted cum to Grunt's mother, Helen Culver, until her passing. Ida Putman weathered these heartbrcalts with resigned sweet· ness and faith.

:Mr, nnrl Mrs, Howard Town· send spent Sunday nfternoon with Mr, nnd Mrs, Erwin Dnrth and son,

Mr. anrl Mrs, Bill Cnse of Jacltson cnllcrl on Mt•, rwri Mrs, Guerdon Usher li'rJdny evening.

Mr. unrl Mrs. I-Iru·olrl Lnnlis and family cntr.rtnlncd ClarcJH'r. Rnll· erts nnd r:tmlly Sunrluy nvr.nlllf{·

Ed 13rle;;man and family of Detroit, Mt·. and Mrs. Vernon Proctor and Mrs, Sarah Proctor were Sunrlny dinner guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Lonl 'l'ownsenrl. The occasion honored Mt·s. Pl'nr!· tor'H hirthrlny annlvcrsRry.

Mr. and Mt·s·. Lon! Townsend und children anrl Mr. and Mrs. Dicit Langham and son enllcd on Mt·. nnd Mrs. Erwin Barth nnd son Monday evening.

Mr. nne! Mrs. Frr.rl Briggs, Mrs. Lyrlla Cribley and .Tnan nnd Gerald nnd Mr. nnd Mrs, Lester Barth and children hnd a sur· prise party for Mrs. Erwin Bat'th Friday night in llonot• of her blrthdny anniversary.

Northwest Leslie nrrs. Ile.tty Ilovlle lllld

Illarbnr·a 1\yl'ltlt'

Doris Huffine cntct·talncrl t Jle 1.H SeWing clith at her horne Saturday afternoon,

Mr. nnrl Mrs. Frmt LoVcttr., Elaine flllrl .Trnn were Thut·Hr!ny (lVcnlng rlinner guests of Mr, nnrl Mrs, 1-Iurnlrl Huffine, Doris nnd .Tohn In honor of the hlrt hrlny nnnlvcrsarics of DoriH 1-Iufflne nnd ,Tean LoVettr.

'flw HdlOnl dJilrlre!ll wn:1 t to Mason Hlirling unci slwtlng . Frl· day ll!tCJ'IlOOn.

Olds Road Ill rs. J•;Iumt• OU.~

Mr. anrl Mrs. ChnriPH Howr~ vlsitr.ri Mr. 11nrl Mrs. Spencer Gallaway Suwiny.

Arthur· Mf!i•'nrren and Diane of Ol1emos sp!!nt Sunday at tl1e K C. Otis home.

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Otis at· lencicd the euehrc party at the home of Mr. anrl Mrs. Robert Ray Saturday evening.

Mr~<. Roy Lant~ wns at Unlvcr· sily hospital, Ann Arbot•, 'rues· clay fnr a dwcic·up.

The pttplls anrl t.eachcr·, Mrs. C. R. Rice, m·c planning a Val· cnt.Jne party nt the school.

Ida Mac Putman was one of that class of women whose home was the sphere in which shP. There was no scilool Wednes·

day us the teacher at tended the teachers annual county institute held nl Mason.

sought to expend her greatest of· Friday night:, February 11, the fort. No clay was too long nor North Leslle Mothers club will taslt too grant for her to· under· give a program nt: the school tnltc, and each of the members house. Alfred Wardowski plans of her family have received rich· to show pictures of their trip to When you cook eggs, M. S. C. Jy from her unstinted labor. Florida and pictures lal<cn of the home economists suggest using

She made her home on the !am· children at school. low heat. to insure the best !lavor lly homestead with her son, Gil· Mrs. Harold Huffine spent and texture. Fast coolting tends bert, anrl his wife, Carlottn, until Sunday wllh her father, Cham· I to malcc eggs tougll anrlleathcry. lwr death. This homestead was 11 ~--------------------------, land gmnl from the federal gov· cmmenl. to her husband's grand· father, Richard Putman, In 1837. Governor Sigler presented her with a centennial farm ccrtlfl: calc for having i{cpt the farm in the family for over 100 years. Her grandson, Grant, of the fifth generation, now resides. upon·and operates the farm, a fact which was of great consolation to her.

While Mrs. Putman was un· tiring in her efforts In the scrv· icc of her family, she also ex· pcndccl a vast amount of energy to her community. She· was a member of the Williamston Meth· odlst church, the Williamston Woman's club, the Michigan His· tori cal society and the Lee and Meech Aid Society.

Sister Ida was a life member of Williamston chapter No. 29, Or· dcr of the. Eastern Star, holding many offices in lhat order. She and her husband served the

Dick Jewett's


Allied Florist In the

Mrs. Flora Green of LaSalle spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Wood.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ocs· lerle and Paul and Mr. and Mt·s. Warren Gallaway and Kay were at Houghton Lal\c fishing on Fri· clay .of last weclt.

chapter for 5 years 11s worthy matron and worthy patron. She was secretary for 4 years. She was 11 past-president of the lng· ham County Association, Order

Mason Area . Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Balwr

and Jean and Enos· Carl were Sunday clln:-~er guests of Mr. and Mrs. Phil I-Iayhoe.

of Eastern Star, and also was president of the Past·Presidents club- o'f that. organization. At the lime of her death, she was. hls· torian of her own chapter. Mrs.

Say It with Flowers! I

It Means More



• Roses • Orchids • Tulips

• Hyacinths and Many More to

Choose from

FLOWERS Always Speak the Word of Love


What 'Better Way to Say

"I Love You" than Your

Allied Florist's Flowers

Allied Florists Friday evening, February 11,

there will be singers from Lan· sing at the Housel United Breth· rcn church. Revival services will continue for another week.

Putman furnished a room in memory of her dat,tgh ter, Fran·

ces, at the Eastern Star villa at ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ll;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~;;;;;;;:;~~~;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;.l Adrian. The chapter will greatly I miss her loyal and devoted serv· Ice. Last October she received the high honor of being granted a life membership in the Grand

of the Capital Area

Mrs. Austin Todd and Charles were supper guests of Mrs. Sarah l'osu at Eaton Rapids :rhursdily. ; . · Mr .. ) and; \ Mrs. Gale Pierce

.; " . mov~t) MrsJPicrces' mother Mrs.

$499 95 '" Zot!!" Bowse'r, from Hom'er to

Chapterof Michigan for 3Byears of, conscculivc . 'attepduncc' .Sile was at~o ii'inembet1 of' the While Shrine. or·Jerusalem No. 11. · ··

She was: a ldnd and loving wife,. a most devoted mo lher and grandmother and a generous neighbor. lela Putman leaves to mourn their loss,. a sister, Mrs. Chester Arthur of Northville; a son, Gilbert, and wife, Carlotta; 3 grandchildren, Mrs. Jayne Har· ris. of Eaton Rapids, Mrs. Joyce Cornell of Williamston and Grant Putman of Williamston; and 5 great-grandchildren, who were all her pride and .Joy, Rlclt, Jalayne and Denise Cornell, Deb· ra Jayne Harris and Grantle Put· man.

Now Only • Nashville Tuesday.

lprlco and forms)

SO MANY FEATURES I • All-aluminum food compartment • "No .. Swoat" oxtorior cablnal • Na condonsor to cloan o Ex!ra•thlck Polar Wrap Insulation o Holds up Ia 120 pounds! o 5·yoar rofrlgorallon sys• 1om wananly o 2·yoar food pratt<• lion warranty

See Revco Today!

MASON Home Appliance

l'lwne 1\lnson 2·ii!lll

Mrs. Todd entertained 20 guests at a stork shower .for Mrs. Leon Smith of Lansing ancl Onondaga,

Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at Dansville for Louise Barlter, brother of Mrs·. Paul McCreery.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bai<er attended the funeral of William Rut hlg on Saturday at Luecht funeral home, Leslie. Mr. Ruthlg made his home-with his son and rlaughter·Jn.Jaw, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rut11ig, of the Scoville dis· trict, ,

The Housel W. M .• A. will meet with Mrs. Claude Howe for an afternoon session on Thursday of this week.

Services were heir! Friday at 2:00 p. m. from Gorsline Broth· ers funeral home. Rev .. Louis 0. Ellinger of the Methodist church officiated with special 0. E. S. hurial honors. Burial was In Sum· mit cemetery in the family plot. Pnllb~arers were Grant Putman, Jack Harris, Robert Cornell, David Beatty, Wayne Beatty and Merritt Mcalter.

Most Afflictions

lela Mac Putman; handmaid of the Lord, was always ready to lend a helping hand to those In need and to contribute to the re· lief of the poor. She sought a!· ways to show her faith by her worlts and many heavy hearts have been made lighter and loads. lifted· through her kindly assis· tance. We, who were prlvlledged to know her, will always· cherish her memory. Are But Temporary ....

Even troubles that are considered chronic may be arrested if treated in time. Just about every lmown disease and physical dis· tress can be in some way relieved. ·

Pharmacy, medicine and your doctor's serv· ices are wonderful advantages of out· modern age. Use them! Consult your doctor promptly, when there is sicluiess, injury or whenevet· his services are required. . .

Northwest Stockbridge Jl~·s. Guerdon Usher

The monthly· meeting of W. S. C. S. will be held at the church hall Thursday. The south com· mlttec will serve the dinner,

Youth Fellowship will be held at the church Sunday night at 8 p. m. Rev, Frtmk Cowick wlll be the leader. ,

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Campbell, Mr .. and· Mrs. Guerdon Usher, Blll Fouty, Barbara Lantis, Ethel Plnunt. aud. Mrs. Dale Swltzen· berg and children had dinner. Sunday In· Jackson with MrS'. Fern Fouty 'In honor o.f. Mrs. Campbell's birthday· anniversary,

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Campbell .~ere Wednesday evening dinner guests ·.Of Mr.· and ~rs. ;Owen l{enricll of Holt. The occasion honored Mr. . Kemtell's birthday.


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147-.W. Maple l'lto~ro :1\lnson 2·8011 •!

A• l<>w no,$' weukly_-: Gen'erouo Trado-lri. Allowance .... ·

... ·.

.~ . ' . ' ~ ~~. . '


Boy Scout Week, F~b, 6 to 12, ing n!Jd the rich heritage it has marldng the 45th anmversary of in tbJS country. the Boy Scoutn of America, will Boy ~cout Weel< mnrlts the be observed throughout the nn- compl~t1on of the National Can-tlon by more than 3,66.0,000 boys ~~~f~~1 ~1~~G~~dle~~~;~nt~1 ~~~a~~: nnd ndult leaders. Smce 1010, quest of President Eisenhower.

, more than 22,750,000 boys and Units which have qualified will ·men have been members. receive National Conservation I "Building for a Better Tomar- Good Turn Certificates of Merit

~ row" is the birthclny theme. awnrderl jointly by the Seerc­Mcmbers of lJ5,000 Units, throur,h tnl'ies of .Ar:ricul!urc and tho In· dcmonstrntions nnd exhibits, will tcrior, Et.ra 'l'nft Benson and

, dramatize the purpose of Scout- Douglns McKay, respectively.

Ingham Scouts Mark Birthday , With other. L3oy Smuts llu:ou~-:11· i Top oiTkPs went In David 1\elley,

out the nat1nn, Inr.:l1am Sr·nuts Leslie, county elerk; Dale Ken· and Scouters this WPPI<. hnvc been ncrly, Mason.' register o[ deeds; observing the 'lfilil annrversary of · the estahllshment of the organ- Gerry ,chappell, Holt, prosecutor; ization In the United States, Don<, Mc;idiun, treasurer;

· Cllilrlcs Ket!'lck, Grovcnburg, On Smulay Mason, lrnops anrl sheriff; William Camrhcll, Mnson,

pacl<s attcnrlcrl scrv1ces nt the judge of probate; Ted Thompson, Bapllst ehurch. Monrlny the Williamston, circuit judge; Darrel Scouts tonk over county nnd state Dafoe, Haslett, d~ain commls· government. sioncr; Richarri Coon, Haslett,


eounty agricultural agent; Carny Carter, cou roacl-·com··

Sundny ahow:~ continuous rrom 3 r. M. Friday .. Saturdny 2 ehowe from 6:30 P. M.

Mnn. Tuc. Wed. Thur. 2 ahow& from 7 P. M.

Man 3'0IIr lmttle stations! . Thi,J navy is hacl• ft•om the P!Wific and ready Jm· action on the beiwhes.· · ·

,Jan Sterling - N1wille Brand

Return from the Sea Sunday· and Monday, February 13-14

·lt. Screams with. ?/owl


Flaming 1mssions and violence in lusty, lawless Uonlll. ~-G·lU's ,llramatic mostcr(tiece of William. Shakes(ieare's

I 't

February 10;· 1955

missioner; nnri David Mayville, 'J · 1• ( I F t d F: · T' h·. · ~:·~~~~~i~.county sup'orlntenrlcnt . U IUS aesar . ea ·ure at, OX . eatre

Other Scouts ware nss!gnerl as · · ' · '

plrcs, Dofom this can happen, Brand's destroyer returns ln rluty In the Fur Enst. 'rhe story llllllrls to lin exciting climax from that point.·

11'1111 nf Cltollr&r l'orlrayod

Onn of the most talked about and cngcr·Iy-uwaltcd motion pic· turos of the yilnr comes t() tho F'ox Theatre 1'ucBday, Wedncsdi&Y nnd 'l'hursrlny with the showing of ",T111lus Cucaar," M·Q·M'Ii nlm· lzatlon of Wlillum Shullcs[lClare'IS

office asslstnnts anrl aides, On F'ox movie follownrs will have 'J'uesrlny some Ingham Scouts a dlverslned progrum this weel;, were asslgncrl to stute offices, It will Include everything from

Wcrlncsclny night Mason Scouts, Slwl;!!spenrc's Immortal "Julius Explorers ancl Cubs will join Jn n ·caesar" to the Bowery Boys bat· court ·of honor, sl\111 demonstrn- tUng a monster, lion and Investiture scrvle!! In the ' 'rh!! Bowery Boys start tlw Hclmoi gymnnslum. wccl1 olf ns th!! first half of n

Scouts have nrranA"erl 11 rlemon· double bilL Appearing on the stJ'IItlon of sl;flls, r~xplorers will snme p11ogmm will be "Retum clrmionstratc safety and Cubs will from the Sea." par'llclpate. Advnncement awnnls Hollywood's prop mulwt·s nnrl will be mnde for all ~groups, nncl special cffeats men had to extend new members In each gr·oup will themselves to new lmng-lnatlve

. be 11rcscryled In Investiture r!crc- heights when the Hcript told them .. , whnt they hnd lo provide for "The

'thursday evening Explorcr·s Bowery Boys Meet the Monsters." will serve· a pancalw supper In Stars Leo Gorccy and Huntz ·the Prcshytcrlnn churdr dining Hall, partners In many screen l'nom. Proceeds will he used lo mis·nrlvcnturcs, find themselves help pay expenses for· a camping In an unusual amount of tt·ouble trip to Beaver Island next sum- in this new feature. They arc vll'­mcr. ' ' tually prisoners In a decaying

Boy Scouts arc also mailing house, inhabited by as weird a ·plans for rt camping trip some· .family of humans ns was ever where In northern Michigan. They assembled: 2 mad professors, n have not yet piell!!d their spot. spinster In Jove with her grisly

Book Talk JlourR O{lf!O tn tnc IHibJIC nl henri ..

111111rturH hrnnch, InRfwm County library. Monduy Lhromch Snturduy 2-5:00; '11UCfl· rlfly nnrl 'l'hurtuluy. 7·9 p. m.: Snturdny I 0·12: •rue•di•Y and l•'rlduy II ;00·12 :30 (during •chnnl yonrl.

cannibal plant, anrl 11 sllnl1y young siren with her mind on murder·, with Hull her preferred victim.

The boys land in trouble when they seclt out the owners of a vacant Bowery lot to get permis­sion to use It as a nclghbot•hood ball field. This brings them to the mansion of monsters 'in a remote country district, where a violent

Anne Francis, garage ownet· in an isolated desert· town, tums a deaf ear to Spence!' Tracy's request for aid ln trac){ing down a brutal 111urder in "Bad Day at Black Roci{," a spine­tingling thrill-drama filmed by M-G-M .· in CinemaSc~pe. Others in an all-star. cast are Robert Ry!ln, pean -'Jagger, Walter Brennan, John Ericson, Ernest Borgnine, Lee Marvin and Russell Collins. It will play at the .. Fox Sunday. and Monday. · ' · .... · ·~.:

, Tnwy Tr1100!l JUihll' "Bnd Day at Blncl1 Roell," nn

M·G·M picture In ClnemnScope and color·, pJnys Sunday and Man· day nt thQ · F'ox 'l'heutrc, with nn outstanding cast headed by Spcn· ccr Tracy and Robert Ryan and eo-stnrl'lng Ann Frnncls, Denn .Tnggcr,. Walter Brennan, ,John Et·lcson, Ernest Borgnlnc, Lee Marvin nnrl Russell Collins. Of these stnt·s, threc-Trncy, Jngger ;md Brennan - nrc Academy A~nrd winners .

Grlpplhg rlmma of 11 commu· nlty · gl'Dwn deendcnt t hi'Ollgh guilty fenr, the story tells whnt happens when CL mnn arrives un· announced In n desolate desert town anrl finds himself thrust Into n ·suspenseful and murderous crisis not of his own mnldng. How he turns to meet It ~qunrely mal<es for one of the yenr's most unusual and most exciting motion pietut·es, one completely ali the beaten track and wielding an un­forgettable dramatic puneh,

The picture was filmed almost entirely out of doors against some of the most colorful buck· grounds of the. West ncar Mt. Whitney and desolate Death Val­Icy, ·with Its location sequences requiring the building of lln en· tire tpwn In the de!!ert.

famous piny, ·

'l'o hrlng thlB power•ful drama of the stl'lrggle ugalnst tyranny nnrl the downfall of a dictator In the Rome of o:lo:l B. C. to the screen, M·G·M brought together an Impressive RI'OUJ> of stars to heart a cust of 50 spealdnr. roles nnrl hunrlrcds · of supporting [!layers .

Marion Bl'fln!ii> essays his llrst Shnl<espenrenn · chnrnctcrlzntlon In lhc rnh~ of Murk Antony, y.rho nvengcs the rlc£tlh nf .Julius. Clll.l· snr. .Tames Mnsrin is seen ns Br·uttiH, "nohlcilt !loman' of them all." John Glr!lgucl,' one of tho stage's outslnnrllng Shnltespcur• en n actors, plays Cnssi us, leader of the consplt·ators. Louis Calhern Is Julius Caesar. Edmond O'Brien enacts Casca, another o! the plut· ters against Caesar'. The picture's 2 feminine starring roles . nre played hy Greer Garson, as Cac. sat·'s wife, Calpurnla, nnd ·Deb· omh Kerr, ns Portia, the wltc of Brutus. .

A hrlef summary:or the plot or "Jul111s Caesar"· Is'• ns· follows: Alaslm has. b"een discovered 3

times and this Is a good time of yenr tn discover It again. That Is, If you want to !mow whnt Alaska Is really like. Ernest Gruenlng, governor of Alasl;a for, 11 years,

storm l1ecps them overnight; a Their rescue· eventually is cf· night no one could ever forget, fcctcd by Louie nf the swectshop

and the 2 other members of the Bowery !)and, helped by the clec· tronic· . man who blindly obeys orders· given him via a portable microphone.

Spencer Tracy plays mc'CCii'triii figure ··or the man who comes to Blaclt Rocit and becomes the vic­tim of a, web ·Of murderous In· trlguc, lt Is his ·first appearance since his recent hit In "Brol<en Lance,'!.·

Plotting to · ltssusslnatc. Julius Caesar, who has cstabllslied hlm­sc!C as virtual dictator of .l:tomc, Cassl us and Casca win the hqnor• able Brutus over to their· side. Caesal' is stabbed to·death ·by'thc plotters, whereupon his dCV:Cit,ed. friend, Mark -Antony, routies the populace of Rome with ·an .. lm· ra~sioncd f4ner()l oration and tjte consplratol'~ arc forced to flee, A battle between 2 {lrlnll!s·., tn~ place at Phlllppl, one headed by Brutus and Cassius; thc'other,by Mark Antony and Octavlus.·When the tide turns. against them,. Cas. slus orders 11113. slave .. to .. kAil •him and Brutus throws himself upon his sword.- · · ... · :· < .. :,~:

has written 'THE STATE OF want her boy to leave home to ALASKA to p'rescnt Its history play baseball, a scout for the and what Alaslm has to offer as New Yorlt· Yankees found out. In a state In the union. Beslrli:!s IJs spite of his mother 'J'ed managed relatively undeveloped natural to ,get to the big leagues ami resources, Alaska bt;~came of stra· hstabllsh ·his record of being the tcgic ·Importance· during World only· haiter to lilt· over .400 In Wnr II. It has been, and will. re· modern· times. Gene Schoor re· main, Important as a factor In latcs this ·story of another self· any cold war, If only as a site. made man In THE TED WIL·

Perhaps . a hydrogen .bom\1 LIAMS STORY could thaw out Alaslm for a few . Rugged and ragged were the minutes. The possibility Isn't Bent b~oth<ws; men, :W.ho founded considered by Jamcs,Shcpley and the jumping off place for the far Clay Bl,air, Jr., authors of THE west known· as. Bent's Fort .In HYDROGEN BOMB:. The Men, Colorado. Written by a native of the Mechanism. Both newsmen, Colorado, D-n vI d Lavender, the authors attempt to. show what BENT'S FORT is a boolt peopled really happened. to lnfluen!.-e de· ,with great names of the west. Kit clslons made by the atomic ener· Carson, Blackfoot Smith, Kearny, · gy commission, the national se· and Fremont are a few, Some of curlty council, and.· the White the Indian fighters were not great House. ·Polley .differences In. this because they fought the Indians country allowed Russin· to de· and defeated them;- but won more velop the. first ,hydrogen ·bomb; lasting fame as being able to they claim. avoid fights. An adobe fortress

Think what a hydrogen bomb built .by William Bent, the fort could ·de( to your car. Are you was, a focal point· of expansion, coverea? :Cf'lnd ''OUt wh!it :·can be exploration and .diplomacy. for 3 done about lt In YOU·AND YOUR natiqns, .. CAR.·INSURA:NCE> .by · George · The· Fourth Michigan ·.was Coughiln· and·. Joseph Schneider. there, as was the Sixteenth Mlch­With.Yqln:s .Q~ •. cxperlepce ln·,thnt lgan, Zlba B; Graham, an .otficer field,. the. authors eluclda,te on in the ·Sixteenth Michigan, gives. what to,-do· at the scene of an an account of. his regiment . at accident, how much to pay for Gettysburg. in, a·. book edited by Insurance,· the rule of ·thumb for E;arl s,. Mlerl3 f\nd R. A. Brown. clctcrminlng 'value ·of P.!Jysicalln· GE'ITYSBURG ls.the story of the ju'ry claims, etc. . · , Invasion. and battle as told

Perhaps you can't afford to buy through. diaries, Je,tters, reports, nil the lnsurimce you would lllte and. recoFcctions .. of people who to. have .. •Edwin· S. Newman and were there, Included. are accounts Leo Margolin may. havE\ the . ,an' of a council: of war held In a farm swer to· your problem in · their house; a boy on a fence .rail boolt FUND· RAISING·. MADE watching· the battle and men EASY. As you readJfyou wfll ·faintlng·'fls they climbed Little lind that the . bqolt Is not , con· Ro).lncl Top~ , . · .. cerned with personal funchalslng, .:·· ... ·-----and. ,th~f it ~~·:more. .. . .. ..,. ~ •' .

-~~~:~~~u~~~ -~~ !JI·oney.' · · P,ythi~I1S .·.Ask .. f;or · a barometer ~i:gbway.·_:Cour,tesv.

•'· '• J, r •• ~ ., • ~·~····~·· , •••• '. • ·'" . :. ·Ncxt';weelt .wJII. ·;be· highway

thrift ' criurte'sy' .. week;'· 'sponsored .by !(lrl;, In .A PROGRAM FOR CON· Knights of Pythlas. The 3 000 SERV ATIVES, outlines :a _plan of lodges are cooperating In 'the \lCtlon for American conserva· project which will be· climaxed tlves, under-mining the concept by a• national broadcast from that to b~ conservative Is to be New Yorlt Sunday, Fcbl'uary 20. backward. The author was born The week will also celebrate In Plymouth, Michigan, was . a 9lst anniversary of the founding' student of MSC and is best kn~wn the order. . . as the author of the CONSERV'A· Governors of each state and TIVE MIND. Premiers. of each province will

Not always conservative, but be asked to Issue a proclamation definitely hard. headed, was THE designating Highway Courtesy SELF·MADE M.AN IN AMERI· Week and· urging every person to CA. Irving .G. Wyllie's book, sub: develop courteous driving habits titled THE MYTH OF· RAGS TO because "a courteous driver is a RICHES, offers a critical analysis safe driver." of our cherished Ideas about the ' Safety experts have said that winning of fame and fortune. approximately three-fourths Of

As a self·made man proud of all traffic "accidents could be his handiwork, Hugh. Roy ·cullen avoided If every driver and has a chance. to survey himself every pedestrian were to observe In· a book wrltteri by Ed 1\llman common courtesy at all times. ani! The9n Wright. Approprllitely · entitled HUGH ROY CULLEN; A STORY OF AMERICAN OPPOR· TUNITY, uie book tells how Cui· len. got his money from Texas oil and how he has given some of it. baclt to Texas. Geologists said therc· oil there, but Hugh Roy new better and kept rin until he found it. ·How many thousand& of others ·have drilled where there was no;oll? Anyone.can do that. Hugh Roy found It where it wasn't, and believes that "Oily to b!ld arid .oily .. to rise; makes man wealthy.".


Children's ·_Special!


4 Permanent Proofs , · . · In a LOvely Baby·Book

. ,' $3 , <lomplete ' . : . , :·.I. ··:

. Candid Wedd.ings .

~!~i~]S·~P. -N:o ~.~. ~te··

· Jan· Sterling and Neville Brand, who reached stardom by his per· formancc in "Riot In Cell Blocl1 11," head the east of "Return from the Sen," a Scott R. Dunlap production for Allied ·Arllsts.

The picture, a rapidly paced 'ro­mantic drama, pays tribute to the

t I: .. ·-

Robert Rynn contrasts his sym­pathetic c h n r a c t e r I z a tlon In "About Mrs. Leslie" with the role of the tyrant who runs an entire town single-handed. Anne Fran· cis, who recently scored with Robert Taylor In "Rogue Cop," plays another intensely dramnllc role as the picture's sole feminine lead.

~ f •• ( , ••• l: J''

' ' . : ' . . ; .. " . ... Met~~Q:p~·htan mtype ·· ,S.i


..- •.


• 'l ~ ' • ' •' ; : •


.' 1 ~ , • ,• j ·~ t t :, ' I

.. c·:o,nie·t:./to. ··Ma·so n j.

~~~~~ary 27

·in phone numbers

... ·.;· :."';: . ·, · .... ·. ' .. ,

I .

M etropolit~ n- type tele imm bers-co~sistlng or' it, ,central. office nt:~ma and an -associated numeral, followed by four other numerals-come

·to. Mason; Dansville and Holt and the remaini'ng Lansing telephones ·with olcl-style numbers on Sunday, Febt·u~ry 27 .. · ·

The new-type numbers: will beri·eflt you in tw~ ways •. ·First,, it won't be nece~sary to use the special "codes" you !)ave been using to make call~ ,to Dansville, Holt 'or Lansing telephones (6LA for Lansing, 6HO for Holt, etc.).

·Beginning February 27, you ·n~ed ·just dlal'th~­. new-type number and yciur. calf. will go 'right thmugh. ·. '

.' The. new numbers will · be~~fit ·you· in a~othe~. way', They ·fit into a ·nationwide· pattein ot tete~ .

'phone numbers which will make it possibie-:-in the . . years ahead-for you to dial hiore ·and more: 'of . '.Y.our out·Of•t!>wn,·caJls direct •. T~iti: ~~)ierl~J.p~t7· tern also will m~ke it possible .for. 'inore pec;ple, to. dial·~· tel~phone -from 1 ·ma~y: plac~s sta~*i.n~

· February 27; · ' · · · · ·

All of Mason's new-type numbers will with ORCHARD (i or ORCHARD 7. .[tour

. numcrais complete tlie number.

bcsin other ,

ORcHARD 6-1299 is an exampie;

To dial the new numbers, just dial the first- two 'ietters · of th~· name and the associated numenil, . then the four remaining numerals.

Dansville's.' new

'MAbtsoN. 3; Holt's OXFORD!).· . '

numbers will begin. witll with either OXFORD 4 or

/ .

· A~tout 39,000 telep~ones In Lansing, whicl~ still· h~ve old-style numbers, will· have new numbers .

· begihrling with' either IVANHOE 2, I'VAN~OE, 4;. •\• .- I• '• •

. '·IVANHqE s; IV~N.HOE 7, or IVANHOE 9.

·voti;ii' get yo~r new metropolitan-type nu.mber . ' . ' ' . soot~. ·,~a~ch for it. · . .

c" ; • ' ' ' ,;. I' :•,

· "Yoll'll .ahio: get. new directories with an ·of tit~ ; :~tow. numbers~ in.· rdason,, .Dansville, Holt a~d. . t.aiising several ·d8y8 ·.ileiore they. go .intii-:effect.

I o • ' ' '•. ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' •

Eilitorial Page ' '


----..-.---·Down by the

SYCAMORE Ingham's Part in Centennial



10 Y m~rs Ago-1 0·15 Jurlge .John Simpson sentenred

FJoyc.l l~ltzslmmons to n :J. to •1-yenr tet•m nt· .Tnql\son prison, following lhe Beulon !Inrbm• light promotet•'s convlr!llon nt Mnson on n brlhot'Y C!lmrgfl, Hop. Gull Han ely lestllled I hat Ji'ilzslmmonJi Celr!hrn11on of Michigan Stale college's centennial iR n

R1afe-wirlr! nnd I11Liionul nfl'nh', even lnlet'llatlonal because ffiC'n nml WOmen [1'0111 fhe college! have CUI'I'fecl thr.IJ• Jem•ning . to evet·y place on the! glol>r..

offered hi~ $fi01l If he woulll l<ecp J(ry Is nn llll(lOI'Innt wm·d, Ahrnhnm Lhwnln IH tiw ihl~rl In commfllee a hill whkh l'HIHr.d

· 1 most: wrltlen·ahoul man In his· the ~tntc'H shnrc of I he talw

Ingham r.n11nly, !hough, ha::; mm·e than Rtafe and nn· tionnl l'll'irle in I he college bt!CflliSe the college occupies :1 llig m·ea or fngham and lwr.nuse Ingham county has furmshed

JTnvr. ym1 r.vr!l' Toolwrl ll(l I hr. tot·y. No, I. Is ,Jesus Clu·i~l, the from hrn·se racing, Ilanrly tosllflo!l word key In 11n tlnnhrldgPrl rile· second Is with Lin· thnl he refused the hrlhe. llnnary'! Dn !I and you'll I](' Hlll'· cnln third Washington In fourth 'l'hr• slnle tax r-ommlsslon Is prhJerlnl II'H many rlll'fercmt ml'fl~l· place umt' Napoleon rlflh. Slnr·e urging supervisors to boost Jng· lngs. Ills death 90 your;; ago more limn hum vnluntlons ily $30,000,noo.

-'' f 1 j 11 1\ !(('y I~ nn I~;Jnnrl ot• J'r•r.f, nn mot·e Michigan Stnle stmlents on n PI'Opo~~:tona e ws s ll\11 lnstt·unwnt usl'd 10

!OI'k nnll un· any ollwt• counl.y. lod1 rtooJ'H, 1\ l<ey 11: something

. Wltil1~ many sli.tnrnls have harllo come fmm Ul'Olllld the rL•llc>ll up•rn to sol'll! n l'illdle or wot·ld In uUend Mlchignn Stah~, .ng J[tm s uc.en s 1 ~1 ' • • -

10 11 linP of cl!'l'ensr, JlJ'ollnhly r•1•cn J I 1 1 t I ve com Interpret a c01ll~. 'l'lwrc• is u lwy

muted IJm:k anrl rot· lit each clay. Because ot t hut: luel., It ts a !ley to u.s. fon•ign prot ley. H<!re po.Yslblc! llwl. many or us hayc; taken Mlehi.~an St nt e, ~ 0.0 at tlw lnghnm cunnly NPws wB much for gt·anh!fl. We have lmled to J'ccogmze that Mtciu- use a l<ry 011 1

v;,nt nds-Gw2 gan StutP Js one or the J'm·emost and one or the I.J_cst 1\nown mennfnr, that tlw ad Is IIJ·st. In· educntionul illsli1.Ltlions in all the wot·Id. It was lounderl ns sertPrl in No. n tslxth W<!l'l< of llw lite first agl'icullllt'HI college in the United Stat,t'S. yent·J and Is to run the: nc>xl wee!{,

' I r I too, anrl Wlil'll fl Jl li(lJll'lll'~. Gw2p, At Mir:higan Sinh• was born n new phtlosop lY o er tlCU· It nwanH that llw nrl, glory h<', IH t.lon. Until IYiichi~IUl Sln.le wns founded, colleges reserveg paid In IIC!vanr·r>. t ht!il' classes !'ot• cloet m·s, lawyers and teachers. In lS!'b a. college, I his Michigan Slate of ours, was dedicated lo set·ve A lwy 1~ n ~n1111l tnJH!l'l'll ph•r•e ali the pPople on 1 he lheot·y that. kn?wledge m_ean~ p1:ogress, ol' nwtul u1· wund, rH' lt. I~ sr•lll. and pl'Ogt·ess was meant I'm· all. Unlllthen no mstll.l!llon h~ct. IIIH• a. <·oU"'' lwy, In lwld snm<• been establisher! to men how io do 1110l'C With then llllt'l. nl' 11 null'hhw m· d<'\'i<'<' In llan(l'" nne! \Yt'l.ll '11" ,aot'l. To teach farmet·s and ot:het·s who pl:u•r•. A lwy hi llw lust. hnul·rl lnlrl

" ' " ~ In IL flum·, it. iH llw t•lasl<•<·lng Jtad hithel'l.o been denied educational opportunities wa~ 11 r01

•1,4,11 lwhv1~~n llH· !nth to hold

re·volutiomtt'Y irlcm. It. wns nn iden thnt WOI'I<ed nnd which llll' I'P~t. In phll'l', 11. ls till\ hollow quickly spreitd. tn Uw IIIP Ill' hlndr In holrlmm·tm·

Michigan Slate college pioneet·ed in educntion, in ex- m· r·r•nwnt. t eilsion and in agricullural t·esent·ch. M~st of !.he 1\ry.s oprra tc• the li tile Pnms have applied 1 he it• knowledge and t.raming I!J ~hen· o~vn wlllf'il malw mal rlr-rs r·omr tum!JI· slal'e. Many have gone to other states and lll J~creas!ng lng down to assemble into a line numbers they have been called upon to serve their nnt1on nf typr• lllw tlli.~. Tlwrr are Iwys and.athe1' nalions and peoples throughout the wol'!d. on tr.legrnpily in~lrurnc•niH and

,• • · .• , lypr•wriiPI'S, Oil fl!Hnos aiiCJ OJ'· Great. good has come from ext_cns1~n acltvttles, ~nd I~- g:Jns. 1\ 1\cy Is tlw towPst note-search has done much to convet•t Jarmmg to the sc1e~ce 11 t!Je I:Pynote nr tl!r. seale, rrom has· now become. New seeds, new methods, new machmery .wJH'IH'P <·onws lhr• phrnse "lwy­hnve been developed at Michigan State. Contribu~ion or IIOIP spral\Pr" al il pnlllif':JI rnn· Michigan State scientist's made. possible food productiOn he· vPnl inn. yond the imagination of the foundet·s, almost beyonn our lt'Pw 11.01.rls

111 the~ Englls!J Inn·

own imagination today. gnn.!:·r· <·nr·r·y moJ·•~ rlilJ'<•r·pnJ. mPun· Michigan State college has neveJ• quit pioneering. I!J iu~-:·s, :uul o1w of. the' mnsl ausJII·

addil.ion to agriculture, other schools were added. Mecha111- duns llll'luJim•,s Is that. whir·h cal civil and chemical engineers have left Michigan State to mal'l!s niason's III'W 1\<•y l'luh. 'tal~e imporl ant places in inclusl.ry- to build bddges, to de- lle.v in that !'wllsr~ 1111'Hns !Pad inA·, '''t'g'n inrlustl'iul machines, to build t'a. ilroans a_nd hig_ hways t. playin.!.;· lmpiil'laut ml••s, 1«'Y 111 " 1 ~ ,, -youn .. · mt•n with purpns<•, II span the globe. The college has pwnee_red ll1 pollee aclmmts- 111;.y r·o~ttinue 10 holrlllJ umt hi!;'h 1.1'!ltion and hotel management, in tnUSIC and 111 many othe1· 11111 :111 ," 1 ~ lhr·y'll

111·c·om111ish mtll'h

lit1es unconnected with agriculture. iu'this <·nmmunity.

Ingham county people have rubbed elbows with students With the s:Jie of I he Mnsnn golf and faculty !'or 100 years. We ought. to take cvet·y opport:un- mu1·sc•, Mason will Josr. one of its ily in I his' cenlcnnial year to ieurn of Michigim State's past I>Pst f'nol<s-Mrs. Gi•r>J'ge Fielrl. In accomplishments. We ought to bend eve1·y eJTm'l to make it p~sl sLJmmers slw I'C>d 1\lnson I<i· 1'c~ady Cot· its ncxl. hundred years. wnninns nnrl Lions reg-ularly :1nd

Speed Litnits Mal<e Sense Stale Police Commissioner Joseph Childs is asKmg the

legislature to impose speed limi!·s on highways, 65 miles pe1· llmu· day! imes anrl 55 at. night. ·

, snmpluously.

G,OOO haoles unci pamphlets have Mason coni rlr! arC! doling beE!n wt·itten uhout the- Civil Wn1· nut rucln ton at ll tim<• untl.llhe rii·P.sfrlrml of lhe Unitecl Sln!Ps, shorlage Is I'CIIPVP.CI.

Mnson clothiers havr. rrw r•JJs· fUghl·<~f·wuy for cxtenrllng toml!t'S who WC'ar huts IJ!gg<•r Pmmsylvnnlll awnue soul h Io than 7~~. Chuf'l< SwaJ·tnul sup· .loin US-127 Is heinr, securer!. plies his fallwJ'·In·law Cll'n DLJnn, 1\-Tlf'hignn Communieallon~ mm· Sr., with 7% slw nncl l'!!<'oll!•eiPrl pany hns aslwrl permission to that Lynn Iln;vnr.s WPars I hal HiZ(!, douhl<! .ll'li•pllonP mlrs ut nuns· .ruek Duvls said he solei a 7% hal ville>. to u Stoel<hrlclge fnrme1· nnd b 20 '\'<'Ill'S Ago-l!l!li'i Irylng In mal<e n sule Ill Holler I Only 'l!i rura 1 tnnehct·s, :1 sl'IJonl L. Drake, probate> rr>glster. Win· dln!<'loJ'H Hnll 2 newspnp<•r I'P· ston Duncer of the DnllC'Pl' Co. porlt>t's HhnwPd lip l'oJ' ll1r• puhllr• has a 7% In slc)('k unrl Is lnoldng pt•otcst meeting at liJe r:ourl rm· u buyc>J'. TIJP most popular house. ThP mePIIng was r·:llled In size Is 71;1. with 7 1wxt. Mnsl prniPsl tnw wag<•s l'oJ' teaehci'H. ·stm·es C'lllT;Y ns smnll ali ti% · 'l'lw l'ily <·ounl'il has petitioned

H you . want to huy a man a tllf! slate l1ighway depm·tmcnl haL ami clnn'l wunt to as!{ him the and public• utilitil'S comml~slon size, plp~e a tap!' nwasut·r m·ouJHl fm· installation of siv,nal flashers his head, covering tlw. bulges. ut the Ash siJ'I'PI erosslng of lh~ I Divide w_hnt you gel In lnehr.s h.Y Michigan Cenlrul. , pi-3.1<l]li...:..and . you'.ll havr.".lhe Herschel .Jewl'll of the !\can right she. ·If the elreLim rcrr.nC'l' sl ore staff has been appointee). . Is 22 Inches, he'll wear size 7. 13lg· lrwul agent frll' Wnlvel'lne Tnsur· domed meil lllw Dunn the Plcli~t· 11111:r• Co . plans In r:oillil1ife · and Bah Dmke will measure just his work at the slorr!. a hair shm·t of 2!i inclws. Laura 1\innison lws bern na111C!d

valedietoria n 1'01' I h"' Ma.~on lh'nlns show not. nnly In lhr• graduating class nf ln35. Estr.'lla

IH'IId ·hUt in Uw l'<•rll. llnnt'Pd unl· Bell and Mary .Inn!' Burton tiPcl mals lll'll HmarleJ' I han !IIlii It ry for sa Ill ta 1 rwi;tn honor~. but not. us smurt. us l'Uif! unrl clnJ:'S Al'lhtll' Zir:I<~J'Uf anrl L. B. Bat'!' mul other lllllmals wllh JliUicll•cl liave openl'il a mnrl dPposil on l'ect .. giiiJIIoyei'S Ill'" nn llw luoJ[· l!Je Thomas Barr farm. 'l.'lle ·men 11111. fm• pr~Otlhl who .mulm· are selling the 1mrl In farmet·s. l'eet: go l'usl. wlwthm· tlw~ ,1u:e · The PJ·csiclcJ!I's Birl hclay Ball hnnl'~·d, (nlmw!J 01' l~ll<hli•rl: (,nrt, IN lll'tiCcl $92. A dwr~l\ for $28 was a lll'lllle r~OJL'il~h·l·ntwn. II ynn I'P ~Pnl In lhP tHllinnal commi1tee. loo"lng fm· u . .11~1! or llll u<IVII<U'l'· The IJalancf' lw.~ J)ecn set nslrlr nwnt., IJIIII .. ~~~~~~~~- ' for tre:llmenl of some' lof'al vie·

The Good,.

Old Days lim.

!lfl \'!'Ill'S Agn-l!l25 Dl'an & .r:wnhs has secured

Essenhe1·g's Melnrly Dnnee or· eilesiJ'a In play, Ht tile Jormal opening of 1 heir new F'ord Sales nncl Service building Fehi·u·arS• One YeuJ• Ag·o 1!{. A full line of Ford anrl Lin· Vlt·gin· limber is being cut on l'oln l'ars will he on display;

20 aeres of the Luella Grinnell Many nffieials fmm Jcm·rl MoiCJJ' farm in .Aurelius. .

P . 1 ·1 E' 1 \ ~r J'gnecl Cn. arc! exper:tecl. , .· re~Jc en · · •Jsen 10 v>' s K. A. Zimmerman has installed tlw !Jill providi!)g for the holding n ,!7,000-egg ine11bator · in ··his of federal coLII'l ·at· Mason. . .

Al Dm1sville·· Monday voters Michigan Poullt·y Parm hatrhery approve(! the issuance of $80,000 on North Rngem street. in bonds to llnance the building Bell & Kelly nf Mason has of 5 new elementary rooms ami ncquirr>rl the Markey Monument clouhling of space in the gym. Co. of Lansing, whir·h will hr OJ!· nnsium. ·Tiw vole .was 2~7 to H9. Hal eel as" hmnch.

... • · 1 Wilson Paeking Co. has . an·· By a yoic'.of.lOil In 14• Has ell nounccrl an increase In prices fot• voters· atilhorlzecl issuance or

lngf1am County News Februarv 10, 1955 _ _;_ __________________ _ (AJ:.rahan• ··Lincoln

~ .. . 1009:1665

I ,. ( ----. - .• ''\

~~~.Ai Lwould noL ' ' ·{; •. ba ll slave, so

~ would not be· ~ .{ master. That expresses my/;}

I ' I

d f , .. I ' j ea o · · ' ··

'd~moer·.:H:.y ,·" ~ y


'l!AI~co;hl's ·· ~~h·l:lu~_~y; ··1 · · -.......g~llltUAHY,;)2th;, .·. · .... ~~ ~-

Ojlefl Friday Nights· Utllil 5:30 ·----------------------~·----------·

Dart National Bank lime Certificates Interest Paid Each 6 Months, If Desired

Interest from Date of Deposit Spch a speed limit is reasonable and had it be~n in ex­istcnce many Michigan people would probably be allve today in::;tcad or going lo tlteiJ· deaths behind and under wheels or <~firS.

Two newly-mmTiei] men Ul'P illt;ll in their praiseH nf eulinm:y sldlls ciemonslratcrl hy tiJPir lil'icics. They nre .f;wk Davis and Bill Thnrhui·n . .far:k is so proud h<' llarl !tis lll'ide r•ar'l'y a lemon pie rig-ht clown Jc•fferson. r saw· IIH· pic with its lmnptinf'. meringue anrl il lonl<erl .almost ns prc1t.y nR lilr girl r·arTying it.

1 lmv~ nP\'PI' P\'1'11 SC{'ll any ot' 1\h·s. 'l'hoJ'hlll'n's •·nnl;iltg· uurl h11 I'< • ouly llu• wrml ot' IIi II to A'll 011. Ill' cli•Phu·<·rl hPJ' mothm· tn hr. 0111~ ut' Uu~ hrsl, l'!WI<s ah0\'1' I he Stmits. In nuy lislluJ.:' ol'• top 10 !\luson 4·rwl;s llill's mollll'l' would lit• list/ill.

$HiO,OOO: in bonds 10 finance con- '192~ pickle contracts. The new slruction of 8 elementary rooms scale rnnges from $3.50 fot· lop nnd increasing the mpacity nf grade clown ln $1.00 for ·large

cukes, nulls and crooks. , locl<et· rooms. Mnry Pic·kforrl in "Rosita" IHL~

All tleposlts lnsnl'etl up to $1 O,OIIO.illl by FeilHral De1•osit ·JiJsuraJico Corpc•mtlon

Local l'Oads m·e not englneercd fOI' high speeds. County and township roads were built for top speeds or 35 to 45, ll'unl<lines ror GO. Cars are now being built l'o1· 75 ancl SO and on up to J 00 but. pedestrians and passenge1·s m·e not built I' or I hose speeds, nor are I he roads.

: Occasions m·e scarce anywhere, any time in Michigan, that :1 dl'iver ean safely put his car up beyond 65 miles pet• hotll'. Yet. tllet·e m·e men and women and boys and gil'ls who endangct· I hemselves and others by driving al 75 ami on up, ancl1tnder c·ondltion~ which invite disaste1·.

111. !i5 miles pet• hout· at night few Cal'S can be braked ton hall within tlw rlislance their ear Jight·s show ahead.

Thct·e a1·e people who say t.hat because of its automobile inciusu·y, Michigan should not. reslt•ict speeds. Pm·haps rot· 1 hat very l'c•a:;on, Mif!higan should restrict speeds. PeoJ?Ie may lle n lol mot·e r.once!'l1ccl ove1· safety t h:m automolulc mamtrncll.ll'el'S nnw believe.

: lVfosL ot hct· stales have speed lirnils ancl !.hey m·e gen­el'ally observed. It is noL necessary lo beef up police depat•i.­menls to war on specders. Stiff fines to violators usually con­vince speeders that the Jaws are meant for them.

Speed limits fo1· Michigan highways make sense. The legisln t tn·e should seriously considm· enacting a lmv establish· ing mnximttm speed limits.

A Key Club for Key Young Men

Two 1 liings c·ul clown a I tend· mwl' al. lhf' Mnt'Pil of Dimes ball in Ma~on. Some folks, reported Nels F'('l'l'ihy, don't like what bub­hies (J'nm lhP fonnlain 011tsirlr lhr Sl'ilool gym. Tl10 athOl' llting is I!JP m:•llr•l' or allirr. for women. A tnt nf rnr.n, and I 'm•lnl', rlon'l ~er llw prt·r•enlu~r in illi,Ying lilf'iJ' wivr.-;" $:ln.on r,nwn In aiiPJHI a $25fl dnnr(• wJ,rn IIJal's the only fornwl pa1·ty sr-IJPrlulrd fill' Mason lhr wliolr \'CHI'. NP!s sa'ys many m~J·r tidwis wnulcl I1P. sold If wa.~ informal, I'V;'n l'i1RIHil.

Ttl I'll off ynm· 'T'V RPI nrxt TUC'R· day, Wrdnesr.lay ot· TIHII'Rday night and Sf'c nnP nf Hollywood's best-.Julius Caesar, written hy grniJts ·nn;;poiled hy Hollvwoncl. Will Shnkespo.1J'e rlidn'l know onyliling a!Jout willr screens bui he knew lit'r. :md how to pnrlt•ay rhaJ·artet•s so Iiley have lived fnr rPnlurirs and ral1 he rerognlzrd nnd undrrslooil in just alwttl r.very languag-e .. luliJJs Caesnr i::

Mason, mot·e specifically Mason high school, has some- coming- I o llw I~ ox at Mason those thing new. It is a Key club fot· t~ey young men. 3 nights along wit 11 Brutus.

1 d' Wliil<' wr. W<li'C~ nu Urn lw.v line Key clubs nre organized to serve school stuc ent bo tes as ot' t.hou~IJI. 1 shonlll lmw mrJI· service clubs serve communities. ' l.ionrll II uti. on nnw llfJJ.'wl'it"J'

' 'fhet•e has been a tendency in late years to emphasize lll'd J.innt.nlli lwyhnm·ds m.:dumn· only three phases of school activities- athletics, music and tiou t•niut!-0 will h11 nholi,;he<l. I'Pn· ·da.nces. .'l'he main purpose of education and school training pi" aJ•t•n'l. slu'Jll'isJ•d 111. anyt.lling -the development of. responsibility and leadership in boys an~·mm·e. and girls- has too often been overlooked ot• at least: under- .Tun Dart, thr ymmget·, has 2 emphasized. · ro-Pcl g-t·arHimot her:-: hot h enrolled

A.tlllett'cs ar·e "1'ne 1·111.11n1"1' place bttt that )Jlace should not at Miclligan Slate. They nl·e Mrs: · • " Zoln Bashforcl Dart anrl Mrs. stifle other and more important affairs. Music is a fine ac- Peggy Bollock. Gmnilma Zola i~

tivity and one that should be encouraged, yet musical training a senior comJllrting sturlles of is not of supreme importance. School dances play an im- philosophy, psychology, anthro­portant part in the lives of many youngsters, but dancing sel· pology and sociology. Grandma dom proves to be the most worthwhile activity for either Peggy Is · laking a refresher boy or gid. · eaurse to qualify lwt· to resume

Members of this new Key club at Mason may be leaders teaching. in athletics, music and ballroom dancing but that's not going In l1er study or :mthropology to be enough if they adopt the ob]'ectives of their organiza- Grandma Zola decided to check

her own descent. She and her tion. They will have the responsibility of improving their parents had always celebrated school and community .. They will have the duty of develop- October 22 ns her hirtliday arm I· ing .·self-control and the ability to lead and control others for versnry. WiJCn she went to get a the general good of their school and community. They will birth certi!lcnte the records inrli· have the responsibility of \lsing initiative, enthusiasm and catecl she wasn't 'born until Octo·

. organization to make their school and community better. her 26. She then. checked Met hoc!· . · . In o'ne'•,eel~ or .o .. ne moilth, .. not even in one year, should ist church baptismal records only

" ' to flncl the clay and month wer~ we. ex))ect all.members of the n~w club to ·develop into Sir right hut the' ycm· was wrong. Galahads; ·. And not all knights of the Round Table attained Methodists hncl her clown a year .th'e:Galal1ad standard. Yet. we can expect improvement in too young. Then she .. 11aught. aiel man'riers, in considera:tion·given Other students and teachers, of the Ingham· CoL\nty News. in a' general uplifting oO;chool. spirit and a recognition 'that Alas, the. Inglinm County News,. there are many. more ·'important things . than. sports .. and had her bom . October 21. The

· '· · ·· : i'. · ·.. newspa.per,·also. has ·the files of · the. ·Ingham .. ··· County Democrat. ·.

he. Demacmt listed the birth as QctiJbeJ:: .22, ,liM' ·111~: ·~.ffldnvlt: ·tp tluit etrec't ts.belng;·'u'seclto·estnb· ps!• the correct date, '• .

Supervisors elected Warrl Vic· · . . .. •1 been hool<rrl f()J· I he Pastime Sun- 1neni P.res"nted by, George Shafer, ary of Bunl<et· Hill lo fJ I a va- "

I I I f I clay teacher at'·Aurelills Cenler, F'ri· cuney on t 1e Joan o I'Oa( com- ~~i l' .. \ . l'l(lll . · missioners. The Bunker Hill lawn '' PillS 1 AD- ·. ) clay night. . bo;;.d chose Austin Cavanaugh In' .Turlge II~•wanl Wwst will again Walter Carven ha~ been otrcrcrl

ter were painfully burned last meeting of the American Society Wcr!ncsday nigltl at their .home of Equity. Q. E. Sanders Is presl· southwest of Dansville when n dent and Manley Van Aulu:•r is gasolinP lamp cxplodecl. secr:i!tary .of the socicly. succeed'Vicary as.supervisor. h;. a. eandJCifiiP for llw InF,ham a .. chance lo play baseball with

Unrlersheriff Jack Voss died "n·c•uJt bench. PetoRlcey this coming season. I ~ h· ar' 5 'or a.heart atlack. A par:llerl house' grrctecl 1 ~1 "'1 Mi·s. WlrtDakin ancl her claugiJ.

!!on. Patrick Hankenl of JacJ(;· M. C. Robinson's Percheron son county will crime to Mason ·sui.!lion, I<:oma, .dierl of apoplexy F'eht't1a1·y 15 to arlclress a cpunt·y, ,l\:fo!)clay, . e Ill Y · · , old·fashwned school en terlam· · · · ·

· .. .... ·· . . ~- .. ~'"~ .... ~..;....:,~~~~--:--~:--~---... · . : .

Only. Car at its Pricet. .• ··.·.

... So Smart! Sa, Big! So PaWe:rfull ' . .

Whatever you want most in a car­beauty; size or performance-you get it in ·extra measm·e in a Pontiac. In fact, when you choose Pontiac the decision comes very easily-because Pontiac alone, at its price, gives you everything! · · For example, take Pontiac's distinctive smartness. Certainly there is no question '• on this point. Pontiac is the one car that. stands apart from all the others. ·

'·-· If it's size and big-car sure-footednesa you want-Pontiac's. your car! Pontiac's ., long wheelbase-124 inches in the Star


Chief, shovrn here, and 122 inches in the 860 and 870 se1· the plus wheelbase that provides the roominess, the comfOt't, the satisfying road-hugging security that onlY. a big car can supply. ·

As for performance-once you get be­hind the wheel you have all the proof you rieoo that Pontiac is way ahead in tills deplirtmen~, too. Pontiac's spectacular JX!rl'<irmance starts with the most modern· ·

··engine of all-the powerful uew Strata-. Streak V~8-specifically designed for Pon­·~iac'8 all-new ch8B8is to give you balanced

' , : .·.

* Yor• ca11 buy a big, powerful Pontiac for less • til all mally model• of tloe lowcsl·pricer/ carar

·performance. That means smooth, 'eager getaway in traffic; power to spare' on the open road; and even more of Pontiac's traditional economy, dependability and long life. ·

All tltis adds up to a wonderful car and -with Pontiac's: remarkably low . price tng-a very wonderfull;luy. Come in soon and talk dollars and cen'ts; If you're in the market for any new car, you'll dis­cover you can easily afford ·all.the pride and pleasure of .n big, powerful, luxm·y • loaded Pontiac .


. BTII~TO .... TII.AK y •• ·'

· ... .. ~·. '• '

• •

Canmm School SllVCIIlh a mdu

Mr. nncl Mr~>. J::rlwnrd c '11rr 111111 fnmll;f ~pen I I hC> weelc 1!1111 ill lllf' horne of Mr. illlli Mrs. illllliilcl Ho)l Ill llw flr>,VIII' Mlllllllillll ~:1>1 dub mecl.

Lyle ::lr:hneeherger nnrl chi!·· clren, Lol11, Hon11lo nnd Donnie, :iJH'III. Hundny In DcWllt wllh Mr, illl<l Mrs. r::url Kelly.

Mr. nncl Mt'H, llarr,Y Vi111K111'1'11 IIIJ[) fnmlly wonl lc•1: iilcnling ill Lnlw Lansing SiiiHiny 11 fl••rnonll.

Hay, Chnrlle IIJHI Holll~ Will H[wnl Saiurday wllh Huymonrl nnrl Arlin Camilli of Lnnslng. lla~·JniiJHI unci Arlll' Caurllll spent Salunlay uighl wllh lhc Will IHl,VS.

Two womc•n fm111 1111' slul<' 11-hrm·y vlsllorl Fdwol and 11'1'1 11

new ~uppi,Y of h11ol\s Mnnrlny. 'fhr. LnWJ'enr·r: Blll'gl'ss fnrnlly

s· Sunriii.Y In Farwell. ,

M1·. 111111 Mrs. D11VI! ilhfnlll!l' of Lnnhlng sjH'nl Sunday I'VI!Illng wllh lhnJ,· pnrPnls, Mr. anr! Mr~. L,yle Sl'ii!Jr.l'ilcrger.

Hwmn CasJH'J' npenl Snlurdny wllh MIIJ'Il,Y nulh oC LanHing.

,J, II. ,Jc~ni<s, MI'S, Miii'IIHI f\'1<:· J(nnzio ;nlrl son, Lylt>, visilr•d lrlr.nrls In WII,\'IH! c·nunly S11111lny.

llumlrl illlli Marvin l'IIIV!'I' vi.~­llc!rl Mr. nnrl ~·Jn;, nwlghl llc•lm:; In Tc!ctlfTHiPh ovc~r llw \VI•P!\ <•nd.

Mr. nnrl Mrs, Lyle Sehne!!IJCr· gf'l' Mrs, Clay Miller Frl· day nlghl.

Mr. a11rl Mrs. llic•lc .ra('l\lllilll nnd fnmlly HJH•nl ll1c· Wf'c•l< r•r11l In Dr!IJ'OII. Willi llwlr Jlllnmls, Mr. nnd Mrs. ltny Miller.

llamlrl rulveJ' IIJHI Kahy Scy· flll'l h ccl1:hriiiPd' IIIPII' lOIIi hlrlh· day nlltllivcri'IIJ'If'~ Siinila.v.

A daugiJI!•r wns horn In Mr. and Mrs. Gemlrl PulveJ' Mrrndny, .llllliiiiry :11. '

Ingham County News February 10, 1955 Page 3 CAN'T DO A THINC WITH IT-Thclmu Chaney Is llOing to hnvl! trouble with her hairdo Just ns long as she hus her hand on this Van de Graf cleclrostntlc generator, at thn. University of Washington, In Seattle. Static electricity with which she'~ ~n~rscd



cii'ulns Into atmosphere throuAh hct· hnlr.

Hoytville lli'UI'A'III i\, l'lll'l'l!fl

guests at lhc Emory Lehman home.

11 • Ill! Mrs. Paul \Vay and ehllrtn'll

vlsllerl IIH! hnmr. of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charier, Panlcra of C:rttnrl Ledge

The Walm·lon l•'nrrn Bureau will meet nl lhc home of Mr. 111111 Mrs. Charlr.s Snlly 011 Tucs· rlny <'Venlng, F!!lll'llftry 1:1.



.IDAIRE Refrigerators

True, we l1e1vo only ci litriited number of these wonderful 1954 FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS in stock - BUT if you hurry you will have a good selection to choose' from.

i''i i,(((J~ree if', .. S cc 7~ /ledQ#t4(«. Vcf&o4tiH9 : CYC!l.A .. r~AT§C FR I Gl DAIRIF

cind the many other wonderful m·odels! . ' NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET THE BEST IN



DON'T WAIT/ There are only a limited number o{these 1954 modils :.'

I . ' ' ' ' ,·

· and· they're moving qut fast. } c' '


Sunday. Mrs. ll'll Slnnlwlrt and Mrs.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Mr.nrl and Mary Ellen spenl Sunday eve· nlng in ronia wilh Mrs. Mead's

Olen Mnycr spcnl 2 days ut Grunt and Grand nuplds lust wr.el<.

falher and sisler·. · Mr~. Jolm Pur·cell a111l children

called on Mr·. nnrl Mrs. Forest Lewis and ehildrcn uf Charlotte

Felt Plains !\Irs. Rtllph 1\eesl<•r

. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cavender, Sunrlay. 'I , Jr., and fnm1 y nnd Mr. nnrl Mrs. Harold PuJ'Cl'il visited Satur· HohcrL Cavender anrl fnmily hnd

rlay nigh! al lllf! horne of his Sunrlay dinner wilh their par· hrolhr.r·ln·law anrl slsler, Mr. ami enls. The occasion honored lhc Mrs. Jcoresl Lewis, imd children. birthday anniversary of Mrs.

Leslcr Enne~s and Georgia Philip Cavender, Sr. Purecll tallcrl on Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hines, Sr., Newlon Parson of Gl'and Ledge and .Janel nnrl Mr. and Mrs. Ron· Sunday afll!moon. They visited aid Hulbert and son. of Milford Mr. and Mrs. IO:zra Parson and were Sunday guests of lhe Wll· sons of Portland Friday evening. llam Hur·forrls.

German School ~l!llllnl l'uplls

Mr. nnrl Mrs. Floyd Rice at· tended lhr. Housel Christian En·

· dcavor 751h anniversary at lhc Vevay town hall Thursday eve· ning. ·

Mrs. Hoberl IUggs <~nd Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wain·. Don Frye visited sehool this right and family of Easl Lansing weel\, were Sunday guests of their par·

Russell Peasley has lhe ents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wain· mumps. wrlghl.

Those wil It perf eel spelling Mr. a nil Mt·s. Floyd Ricr: !:ailed reeorrts for I he past 7 weeks wr!rr. on-Fred Milchcll, Frnncr.s- Snyder lrrna JcrJI'ee, Jane Allen, Kitren and Ada Ridley of Leslie Sunday. Hicks nnrl Peter Lumiansl\i, Mrs. Margaret Peel\ visllcd her

Valentine's Day will he parents grandmother, Mrs. Ida May, Sun­day at lhe school. Parcnls are In- day. vilr.rl al onr. o'dock in the a(ler- Mrs. Mary Reed and Harold noon or] l~nbnwr~· H. Plnns me spent Friday evening at the Lr.s­bclng m11de lo go thmugh a day ter Perrinr. home nt 11 birthday of school very hriefly and then party fot• Mrs. Ree1l. . distribute llw Valentines, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rice at·

Absent bemuse of sidmess te~cled a birthday party· for Wl!re Howanl a11rl Lattrce Slraub, Mtl\e Mooney at the home of his · Buddy Garries and Diane Frye. parents, Mr. anrl M1·s. Dan

Jan!! Allen fell from lhc porch !"looney, Saturday evening-. Vis-on Ji'ridny anrl brol<e her ann. 1tors at the Floyd Rice home

Room helpers are Karl Sparl<s, Sunday were Mr. anrl Mrs. James Sandra McKimmey and Colvin Stricker and sons ol Jackson. Rose. There will be R Valentine pnrty

at the church Saturday, Febru· ary 12, from 2 to 4 o'clock. Each chile! attending Is· to take a Val· en tine.

Munith !\Irs. Fm·d llllllet' . Mrs. Lois Dlal<ely, Liia Hull, Theron I·Ti!tT teacher in the Lmda. Randolph, Mary In and

Wilbur Wri~ht' sclwol in De· Francts Cavender,_ Waynr. ami 1 . ·1 · • Leo Rice, Carol Gardner, ,Jimmy 101. was lllVO~Ved Ill illl automo- Lumbert Pally R, d L I·I ·· •.

bile accident Jllsl west of Ann ' · 1111 • ynn Ul A b . · . . ford, Roger Garcl11et· and the

r OJ as · he was driVIng to Wood family have all heen slc)f Munith. to spend the week r.nd. with the flu this w 1 · • He recerved cuts and bruises and · ee t. his. car Wali completely · demo I· lshecl. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harr visited him at SI..Joseph hospital in .Ann Arbo1· Sunday. He was released ·from· lhe hospital Sun· day nftert\oon, · ·

Mrs. ·Eldon Kn1r., Dot·ls, Dean and Marilyn Lytle attended:, the -aulomobile show in Detroit Slin· clay afternoon.

Mr. nnrl Mrs. Vm·non Praetor and daughter visited his slslet·, Mrs. Loal Townsend, and family of Northwest Stoc,~brirlge Sun­day.

W. R. Mayer spent Sunday and Monr!Ry visiting Mr. and Mrs. ·Charles McDaniels in Chelsea.

Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harr vlsllcd Lloyd Gee who hns been 'In lhe University hospital at Ann Arbor for 2 weel\s, •

The Mothers Mareh of Dimes amounled to nearly $115 col· lected in the village.' ·

Mr. and Mrs. ·Russell Miller and daughters of Leslie were Sunday guests at the Ford Mille!' · home. .

Sgt. Lawrence Briggs, a


"Easiest .money we· ever saved I" ·

mer employee at Harrlands,- was a Monday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harr. ·He •. \vas recently i·cturned from Germnny . "And nil our room11 ha'• where he has been stationed for thnt fre11b, new look~,. the past 2 years.

Mr. ami Mrs. Arthur Gibbs anrl children of Ypsilanti were Sun· day guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ford.

The annual spring festival. and penny supper sponsored by the ¥unlth All-Around HI club will be held at the American Legion hall Instead of the Munith church, as at first t•epot·ted,· on Wednesday, February 16. Serving' will start at 5:30 and continue until all are served. Donations wlll be· accepted for the "Coun: tr,v Store" ' which· will iriclude aprons, fancy work, candy, baked goo.ds and anytlllng which can be sold. · · ·

Mr. and.Mrs .. Lloyd Hnrr were ·Sunday. evening· callers· at Hnrr: ,lands. 1 . . · · . · · Mrs': Ethely11 Shisler received

. word ot the birth ofn son to her " dn~ghter, .}'cnlile, who. Is living in . : Illinois:'. · · · · · · · : · · ·

·• 'Mr: ~·~c:i~l~~~~ •:i&alia' ''·· •'\. ·•

You, too, caqsnve, if you 11111 Lucky Star Wallpaper, .

· Over 1090 .patto1111 and . atyles. · ; . · . · ·

Lucky Star Sanif~t Wall- ·. -paper is wasl)able-soil and . 11t~in resistant -colorfixt. · · ~illed from sturdy etock, It ' fiVes oxtrn durability, .'· · Tho u~tiinnte in' fine, tra· '

ditional papers or amart' . modern modes. '

. For better value, iook For .. ; the Dl,lme Lucky Star on every

' rol~. Co_me in and~ . ,. · ... UIIOOD. · ''. · ' ,I , ,• '. . . ,

• o I I 'o • • ' ' •, ''

. -~1'~ • . ' .

·:' ..

..• ,.,,y~year --,.-,.,.· tr~•t• to·· our· founder·· and tltaitl:t'lt tltt&Mtrs ••

CELEBRATE FOUND mx every day, to corry out our founder's

policy, 'we help more people


Pork :·Loin LB. '27 . c I


Frankfurters -~-1~ LB. 39c Pork Chops 59c Ground Beef SUPER RIGHT, NONE FINER

· Sliced .Bacon ALL sooD, NONe FINE~ Ln. 39c Boiling. ~eel ~r.·~TI LB. 47c Beef L1ver 1 rouNs sTEEit

u. 29o Ll. 35o u. 49o! u. 33o

·~ LB. 39c Spare Ribs \ \ sMALL. LEAt-~ . Pork Loin Roast Chop· Suey Meat ) vEAL AND PoRK


LB. 59c Pork Sausage 1 ARMou~t·s 1\oLt:

69c LB. Leg 0' Lamb ~ FULLY TRIMMED j I~ SEAFOOD J' FRESH, CLEANED, , ... ..~ ~

Smelt LB. 29c Whitefish Lake Perch· Fish Sticks Oyster Stew





10-0Z. PKG.


49c 39c 39c 27c




J 500 Prices Reduced Since Jan. 1st

R.S.P. PIE A&P """"'- -~

·cherries T~~~K 2 ~~~~- 39c Tomato Juice 2~·A~~·39c RED RING MEAT VARIETIES

Apple Sauce 16.oz.10c Campbell Soups 2~o~~N~z·31c Kleenex OFPKG. 19c Freestone Peaches THANK you


Ajax· Cleanser 4 b~~~· 45c Waxed Paper cuT RITE ~ '~o7L 25c A&P Corn w~~i!JEsWti t:>R 4 ~6A~~· 45c Sunshine Hydrox Oo~kies l 1'2;~~ 39c· lona Peas EARLY JUNE 4 h6A~~· 45c Oreo Creme Oookies Nee PKG. 39c Candy Bars 3H~~s~~~e~~~~c ~~~s o~~~ 89c F ab Detergent ~~~~ 30c GltK~ 72c MORTON OR 5WAN50N, CHICKEN, BEEF, _TURKEY FLORIDA GOLD, CONCENTRATED, FRESH FROZEN

Meat Pies rRR.:::N 4 :K~i. 89c Orange Juic~ •r?:·10c ~--------------~--~~----~~----~----------~ Northern Tissue : 3 ROLLs 25c iiL""" a•••· cHOICE FRu•2· 29 Sweetheart Soap c~il'7,, 3 c~~s 26c SIZ~l~,~~~t.ICIOUI . L: c

MINUTE MAID, 2 6·0Z. 37c Tempi«( Oranges DOZ. 29c .. Orange . Juice Ivory So'ap


23 L~~;,E2~c · 4 ~~~~· 23c Cashew Nuts· 1~:::·3$~

M -~ 0"1 FOR COOKING azo a 1 _. oR sALADs "I'

Duz .........


"All~ Detergent'



·24-0Z. PKG.




Potatoes MICHIGAN. u.s. No. w . • 15 BAL~-· 49o 50-LB. 8AG $1.J9 .

Grapefruit FLORIDA, SEEDLESS. '!' . a B~G •• Oranges FLORIDA, ExcSLLE~T :~~- ~u;ce 8 e~s 49c 0 t I·LB. 100 arr0 S CALIFORNIA CELLO .

Blanched Peanuts REGALe, sALTED ~1~ 39c Onl'ons 3 BLABG. 191 YELLOW, MICHIGAN, U. S. NO. f

·~ .oww..,.


·~~;, 19c ~~=~=r Niagara Cold Starch. Karo Syrup --;:.; 24.0Z.


. Chopped Beef J2.0Z . ARMOUR'S TIN





Silverbrook · BuHer Cheddar Cheese· Mild Colby Cheese


\ 551 , ~AMMOTH .; t LB. I <~•-- 49c


Corned . Beef Hash ARMOUR's 16-0Z. CAN

Sll.'ced Cheese MEL·O-IIT, PRocessEo I·OZ. 290 PKG. 31 · AMERICAtol _OR PIMENTO

. C·~------------------~ A-rmour's Potted Meat Treet ARMouR.·s LuNcHeoN MEAT

-Vienna· Sausage,_ · ;,RMouR·s ' '

· Ivory . Snow.· ,J LA~:J. lc

3 3v,..oz. ·25c .TINS

·12.oz .. 43c ·TIN

-t.oz. 19c TIN . .

GIANT .72C .. · PK~";.·

10c . . ·, , , . : I ,

Cranbeft,Y ··Sauce -·. ~~:~~-' 6v~~~ . . . , ' . ·'

All priO.a In thla ad effective through Saturday,· February., IZth

I . I,· . . . . . '. '

uuia•·•· rtu•o•t

Jane Parker A~ricot Pie lttula.ty ..,, ~·39'

Other Jane Parker Pies UOUlAlLY THIS WEEK ON\ Y .

••• ~ •••• 49c •••• 43c • •• 49c •••• ··.43c:

Apple Cherry •• Pineapple· ·• Blueberry •

• • • • .-- •••.• 49c :.43c· . . . . ' .

•• · • • •• 59c •••• 49c ALL fillS l-INCH SI~E -----·


Valentine Ca~• · · tWO GOlDEN -5·-.., , 6l1·1N. LAYEIS . ~~~



1,Y!, ••

\1 ...

Fcbnizuy fil. 1955 Page 4 -------------------------------~-~~--~•=>···=--~----

Open House h ~leld · For Orla Sheathelms

Dansville· Mrs. Helen Young - Phone 3931

Former Resident Fatally Stricken

MI'H. Mutrrl .1. Dl'llllis dlr!rl Sun· day nilflll 111 lilt> !~lund View IIU!'.~Ing liome in I~;Jtnn Hapids.

Mrs. l.lonniH WIIS horn Mnreh 2!i, Hl7:1, 111 llnilntld In .John nncl Muq~nrPI SIPVI'IIS. On Novl'mbel' 2!i, IXO:J, ~lu• Wiln lltlill'd In mar· l'illlfl' In II:JI'Vf'Y Dl!llllin·, who r,ilr;d In 1!1·17.

For lll:lll,l' years Mr. and Mt'M· Dr>nnls iiVr!cl i11 11nri !Will' Dnrm· vli!J>. 'l'ht•y 1noVf'd In Pottr.rvillo ~if'VPJ'HJ ,\/C'iJI':-; ngo.

.'iurvlvir11~ :~rr• •a soJt, Lt>o, of 1 loll: :! gJ'Ilndehildi'f'll and <I grf'al·gJ·anrir•hildrJ'JJ.

F'lllll'l'iil SI'I'.ViC'f'S WCI'!' ltclrl Wr>dtwsday nflt'l'lloon al. 2 o'cloclt al' IIH• Vogl fuJII'J'Ili hom£' with HI!V, If. r•;, Monm offlciallng. Burin! w:1s in l•'nlrview ecmeter~. PnlliJPan•rs wen• Hnlph Wullwr, Slim Willinms, Clmt·ics Wooris, Paris Will, IIPI'I l~lforcl nnd AI'· lhur Dowling.

J•'tunlly NIA'III. IH Ri!lwrlul!lll · Wnilnesd~t'• Fchl•unry 23, thu

Womnn's SrH~Iciy or Chri~tlnn Set•vice 1dnng with ilw Do1·cns drcle nml the Vunlown Wqmun's Snr:lety will holrl a fnmlly night. Mrs. Walter· J~nlwr, rllstrlct pt·esi· rtonl of I hn Al.hlon·Lans'ln~ dis· tric.:l W. S. C. S., will presenl "11nurls," a PI'Ogl'llm of the Holy Land, inclurllng coiorml sllrlos lniwn on hnt· recent: viHit: of lhe Holy Laud. A potluclt rlinnnJ' will he ~r.rvcrl nl the town lmll. Both congr·egullons uml members of 1 he community 1\re lnvlterl.lo a(· tonrl this hr.glnninr: of Lrnt oh· SI'I'Vflner.,

Plans Are Complete For Open Gymboree

Pla'ns nrc completed for the gymhorco whieh will be nn event of Saturdny night, February 10. All alumni of the school are be· ing contacled .nnrl everyone in tlie community mny altend.

This gymhuree Is being ·spon­sored by .the P. T. A. and· II; for I he ·purpose of l'aising money for

Mr. anrl Mrs. A. 0, 'Greenough i1ew singe· curtnfns. . . l'niPJ'IIIinerl Mr. JJilri Mrs. W111'1'en Besides dancing there wlll he.a Mrwllcr 'unri Sfl!J ·nl rlintwt··'l'hurl!· ·Q'Ill)lC room, nn npron booth and dny PV!•ning. . a candy booth. Hot dogs and· eo£.

Mt•. nnrl Mrs. Lloyd Cavanaugh fee will he server! hy the Future of' E:nsl Lansing W!'l'f' Sunrlny din· Homemalwrs, 111!1' guPsls of Mr. iliHI Mrs. Vern Dancing will her:in at !T p. m.

'fwo hunrlrllrl r·clnll\lr.s, ncllih· I tor~ ;111d1 ft•lenclH 11 t t en!lllrl open ltousr. Sunrluy uflel'tlnnn nnrl evr.· ning nl the homo nC Mr. rmrl Mr~. Orlu Shenlhalm,. '!'he occnslon wus In horior or t lwh· sliver· wurl· ding nnnlversnr.v. Guests wet·e pre~unt fmm T.,rJnl:ling, C"helaetl, Leslie, WliihlmQton unci Pollet·· ville.

Mr·, unci .Mr~. :Sitenthelm wom tnarrled In Mfllvllle on· FehriUlrY 8, 1[).10, unci have always lived In White Onlt. tnwnshlp.

During the npcn house ·refresh· mel)ls of lee crenm, cal1e unci punch were served to the gucs·Js.

Assisting theh· clitUghlr.r, Mrs. Roher!. Tilom~tson, In serving were Mrs. Asa Proctor, Miss AI'· Ina Prnct'o1·,' Mr:;. ,Jum!lS Mornn, Mrs. Joe Bulle11, Mrs. Horold Pntll; Mrs. Arlo Warfle, Mrs. Del· mnr· Cat')', Mrs. Glen Wullter, Mrs. ROJ1ald Stover, Mrs. Hoh'ert A. Thompson, Miss Suzunne Thompson, Miss Sally Thomp· son, Miss Rosemnry Stnrlwy, Miss Sally Nelson, Mrs. Dan Stat·iwy, ·Miss Carol Graf, Miss Marlene Wnt•fie nnrl Mrs. Cm·i Nelson.

Mr .. and ·Mrs .. Shrllf.IWim re· l'elved· many nice gifts.

,\r: s.·: c. s. Ptiuls. nreet: · Wednesdity, F11bruary lG, will

be . the regular meeting 6r the Vnntown Womun:s , Spci~ty of Chris! ian Set'vlce. 'l'his wli1 he an ·:,ttei'I)OOII meeting at ,the· hpme of MrS'. L. P. Williams beglmllng nt. 1 :30. '!'he.' business. meeting will be fnllowed by the misslori· ary ·sturly, ."Under Three Flags."

1 RICO ED FOR WI NT E R­''Tony Fronltei'O chips icr: from \''igglng of the fishing trawl<'<' , T911y M91tos os ,she nrrlves nt •l'l~w Yorl1 City's Fulton [•'ish Mnrlwt, fresil·frozcn frnm a ·trip of'! Gloucester, Mass., dur­·lng the winter's worst east r•nn••

'!O]d WIII'C.

Se~~ioi' Play Ldst ~·l•s Been Chosen

'l'l1n <!iJ."! fo1· llw sr•nilll' piny, "i-tJ!dil!'lllil'rl Hoy;Jily fl'<Jill Arlwn· !:HI."i 1

11 IHIH hf!Pil ~Wit!i'll 1 d. 'J'!lO.ifl

who will h:JI'I! 11 pari in 1111' piny

I'J'i!H'" Mil'iiiJPis, !.'111'1 ('aVI'II· dl'i'; nail' Nt!lli:., Cl:ll k J"iJPips: ,lilll Dtln<JV:Jil, flnil' Lltilllg'!'J'i f.'llJ'ri,\'1'1'. l;rr'!'ll, f1rrJ, \Vhii:Jiwr; Jl;tiJ~ )•'ilzir•J', Jlir:iHIJ'd ,')ll'USi<l';

W•lliiilll 9Hffm·•• Tn.lm·y MisH .Trnnlro Mc•nns wns tnlwn

to tlw Mn~nn Onnoral hospltnl l•'J•idny. Miss Mt'JJilH fall 'l'hmmtny JJighl lllld (J'/ll'tlll'f'Ci )ll!l' hip. SliP will ho n:1 .veal! s 111' 11gc Ji''lllll'Y tfi. MIH;; Mr>nns ilns hoen nt Run· ;;pf llnvr•n nlmrml fi YPIIrR.

Mt·. anri M1·s. F', 1~. Gahle nnd llamlll. Uahlf' of Ypsllunt I were rlin11r.r• filil'sfs Saturday of Mr. 1111rl Mi'H. G. fo:. Manning IIJHI Mr:;, M. Jv:d1 Mlllllllllf(.

Mr. anrl Mrs. Osenr Holclnn of lloWPII Ollli!rlnliwd Mr. anrl MrH. Lawton G1111ss at rllnner'l'hut•sday l 1Vl'llillg.

Mrs. Lawton Gauss nl till' ftiiWI':JI servif'es ·fnJ' Mt·s. Icln

Funeral Services HeM For Llewellyn Bar~er

l;'uneruJ SOI'V]I'!!H WP.I'Il )Wlci 'I'IteRclny nl'tornoon 111 2 o't•lrwll nl the Vogl fullCI'Ill homo for Llr.weliyn Burltm· who cllr.rl 111 Ills hnme Clll'IY Sntunlny morning. Mr•, Bnrlwr hntl hr.rm In ]mnr hr.nlth for several months.

lln wns horn In Ingham munty on Sf!IJternhm· '1, J887. Ills pm·· ents. wore Wllllnm nml lrlu Bill'· iwr.

On ,fnnuur·y 25, I!JHJ, lw WIIH unflerl In mmTinge to nut 11 Dnvis, 'I'n this union were horn 2 ehildren, .John Hobert and Tdu Mne, holh of whom sur·vive .• John lll'es 11enr Wellhcrvlllr nnrl Ida

Mnr I~ lvi'I'R. Knlpa oJ' t.rm~ln!t; AIHn HUI'VIvlllli nt·n 11w willow, HL!I h; :1 hmllwrs, CoJ'rlle nml Wll)'llf' of MIIHO)l, llllrl Wlll or DIIIIHVIih•; lllld II Hi~ll!l', 'Mrs, Pnui Mr•l'l'l!I'I'Y 111' l.rll)lu; 11111i 21 gi'IIIHidlllclrPit. '

llr!V. I•'J'Illll< C11Wil.'l\ nf thP.?I'lili· villi! l'itiJrdJ oflklntrrl at · Hll! Hl?rVil'l'H Willi hurinl In FairviC'W .. t'r'nwlror)'. Pnlllwal'!!l'S wm·e. Lee lleiHn, 'll:m-y Dnr.shm·g, Bert: . ConJfurd, Hidlllrd lvlerinc)ot•f, Orin SIH'Illiwlm 1111!1 Guy Ro)llnH,

Mr·. llluf J\lrs. William Siml'lutlil nnd fn111ily of Slod<l;rhlgP w1•rl• : Sunrlny dlnnor glltlHis of Mr. um:· J'vlrs. 11-IPivln ll11 II ign,

I ,t'l.J.:ll .loillllilrr!H', 1':111'11 II ills; .lat·qul'liJu• Wnllis, ){u!IJ i\1111 An· :ll•rsctn; Doris \VIIIohy, Sllirlt•y C'IHJrr•li; 1\Jrlll'l! \\'lwlt•n, J.lplly !.Jill lli:;C'h; I·:IIH•i Wilillt•n, ll11· IH•J'Iil 1\]JJ!iills; HJJJi Yl'ollllll! 1-'<'1'· J'i:.:, Vl'J';J t'iJJrlph<•il, Pltlman of' Wllllamslon Ft·idny 1-------------:::-----.:...--·--------------

a fl l'I'IHllln. lli (CnnfllllH'tl 011 1'ug·1~ II)

Tlu· play will. hJ! Jli'I'SJ!liii'Ji TIJLII'Hiay :JJHI l•'rirlay r'·v,;JJ!ng:;, l•'l'ill'li:JI',\' :!:! :JIId :!1, 111 IIH• 11!'\V

Sunday dllliWI' gucsts at the FARM AUCTION Hw;r:IJC J\rnnirl home itwlurled Mr. and Mrs. Tori F'ay of Strwlthrlrlg(>,

. ',

')nm;Pt llttVI'Il Mr. :tllll iVJrs. \\'illlanJ llayJws

rrl' IVilli':Jmsl"il 1\'r•n• S:JILJJ'rl:t\' l'hiltlrn 11f ~II'S. J•;,;I)H>I' i\l'l'l'l'. ~li;;;; I·:Jsir• C'rrhh 11!' Wllli:JJIJS!o;n '.\'11.'-' II Thur·srltty vi:..;ilor ur IIPJ'

'ilinl. Mrs. Avr•rv. llo•rhPI'l Nctrris or l'olll'l'l'ilil'

a111i J\11·. nnd fvlrs. l.o11 HalhhuroJ 11!' i\url'iiw: 1\'l'l'f' SJJJJJI:JI' visitors of Mrs. Ll'IW Norris. ·

lvlt·. anrl Mrs. Ray Hartshorn :JIIr•mh•JI the Community Aid' at tile l1orne of Mr. flnrl Mrs. r:'loyrl ll:Jf'i\lls 'l'illii'Hriay. Mt·. Hnrlshorn slides of tho ll!!lllngPnlil (:nrr!Pns rwar· 1\loblln, Alnhnma.

/\It·. and Mrs. P.arl Klnneman 1\'l!rr• Sunday visit om of Mr. nnrl 1\'lt•s. William Klnncmrm of Hot'lii'.~ICI'.

Mr. :111d Mrs. Hobert Bush and Mr. :JJHI 1\lrs. Hay HarlsllOI'Il at· tc•rHied tlw funeral services for· tile son fit' Mr. and Mrs. Charles

1\'IPI'IC! Otis of Lanstn~ . spPnl Bright of .Jnd;son Tucsday ilftcJ'· TiiJJJ'."fay wilil his lll<Jiilf'r, Mrs. norm. Mi1J<J Oil~. !vlrs. Clnn 1\fmond or l{rrllnnrl Wcsl and Ch:u·les Wost . 'vi:Jmn l1as IH'l'll sJu•nrling liw of llnll wr.1·r Saturrla,Y visilnrs of jl:tsl \','('('"with Mrs. Olis. lilf'il' ilroliWI', noy WI!HI.

Mt·. ;tJHI J\lrs. Ll'o C:lyiJII rrf Hnrold Wing sprnl the lat/er Witli:JnJSIIln ll'l'l'<' .'iLJII(i:Jy >:LJI'Sic p:1rl nf litP weel1 ice fishing at of' Mr. anrl J'vlrs. 1l1Jb l'rir•t•. I fougillrJII Lal\e. David Woods,

l.!wut~d II milt's r•us(. fit' l'ull!'l'l'lllt• ou \'o'l'lllllllfvlllr• hlfl'h· wny lo Gtullttlli mud, !lilt' mlln south tu J(nssmnn hlg-hwn~· lhi•n IVIlHt ~ mill'. · '

Saturday, February 12 I 1'. J\1. Shnrp

Ill HJo;All OJ>' IIOLS'I'Jo:JN llt\Jit\' CA'l"I'J,Jo; 'I'll IIIII) ll1111~·s 'l't•slt•d

COIIl)lltJttl II. II. I. i\, Ht'l'Ol'lls

tJ Cows, ull freHh ot· tint! soon :1 ll<Mer·s, 2 yenrN old, till!'

-~ lntllJ'Hatilllllll llt•uvy·llnt~· \V'· ,. :

soon 3 Yl'.iar•lln!:' Ueifei'H, O)lllll

II lJ!M!!I'S, :!'to 7 mcmths nhl l'nl'ehi•ml Holslc>ln llull, 2

·Yt!III'H old, l'uh.~l. Ol'mshy hl'!'tlcllng, t~IIA'ihl•! to l'lllf)s It' I'

Surge: Mlllwl' with !! units I 2 l\llll1 Cnns

l;'llll 111111 ltul'!t .rnhn llt•t•n• :l·hru· Sill" ltttlte lla vis·llrrullt•y N ll. 71i ;l'ru!•lm

Slli'HIIlh•t· . Hili:! Cus" HI. Hmihh! nJsc•

with :!fl·inl'IJ J)lsJ•s l!lli:l Casr• ~luunt;•rl 7·1'1,


. j,,

flr:ry. Music will be fuvnished by Mrs. Morl£•y Godil'y or Farmington Ethel Nichols of Mason· and her

l'illi(>ci on his f'aliH'r, Seott Godley, orl'hesll'a, ·

Boys Assume Duties Of County· Officer

Mr. ahd: Mrs. Wilson Craft of David. Diehl and David Ma.1·· BLtnlwr· Hill were Sunday visitors ville, Scouts of troop No. /II, pal'· of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey .Craft ..

J\lrs. \\'illlur .1\oons of 1'<'1'1'\' .!earl Mr:C:ilJe and Erncsl Guile >~/H'IIt Sarunl:ty wit/1 111•r p:JI'l'lli::, SJH'JJI the wock cncl with Mt•. i\IJ'. n11d J\lrs. IO:dg:JJ' ,..;,.,·iplt•r. ~lr. \\'ing.

71l0 · llnles Alfall'u IItty ltiO Uitlr.s Cl11ver· .IItty 200 lluslmt s of Co I'll 200 Uushel:. of Out:. 200 llnles of Stmw fl·ft. Cultiptu•IH•J• 2·1·ff'. Gulloway (;min

J•;ltwal r II' Ill I ill! lilllllC II r Mrs. Be mice Wlu•l'lur Sarurda\'. Mr·. Gorlleyl Mr. and Mrs. Robert· Smith en· l'l?llll'lll'd '" l•'nrming-lrHJ will! his tertnlned Ca)vin Risnet• nf Stoek·

Mr; an·d Mrs .. Clare Leaverell, tlcipated. in "Scouts 111 Glll'l':'JJ· ;tJHI Mrs. Fm11k .'il'l'i)JICJ' and f:Jlll· Mrs. William Musolf!' allenderl ily 111' L:Jing-siHJI'J'. wen• SJJillla,l' :1 pl:mning C'ornmillee for lhP f'Ut'sls of llil'ir p:ll'!'llls. Dislri<·t Woman's Sudety. of 2ii New llrllnJIShiJ't• H••tl l'nl·

l£·ts Sllll !'or a visi 1. bridge Werlnesdny. ·

Is Safely


? N'n, hllt yom· fl. II:JIH'ial ~r.rmily

r·:tn )JI' pt·otPr:lr•d.: .. , Accidents can be· disastrous enough, even without' serious dam­age to your bank account. Acle-· quate accident insurance protects

·you from loss .• , • eliminates ·that "double risk." . ,, A'

Stay on the SAFE ·side .

H. Chappell Agency·· .4347 w. Delhi ·

Phone Holt 4-2141

of Lansing spent Friday evening with ·Mr. and Mrs. Emest Steller. Mr. nnrl Mrs:· Stetlei· were Sun· day guests of· Mr. and Mrs. Ezm Wilcox of Vantown.

Sunday dinner guests of ·Mrs. Bessie Tul'f16ull and Mrs. Sarah Clements Included Mrs. Jaclt Wade o! Lansing and Mrs. Ida Turnbull of Mason.

Mrs. Goldie War·d and· grancl· daughte~·s, Diane f!nd· Patty, spent Saturday night .and Sunday with Mt·. and Mrs. Carl While.

Mr. anrf Mrs .. Archie Lumbert and family of Holt, Mrs. Besslr. Morrison of • Manton and Mrs. Carl Royer:of Mason cal)ed on Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Moore Sun· rlay.

M1·s. 'Ro:i West spenl Monday wilh Mr. and Mrs. Ge!'ahl Wallersdorf of Leslie.

Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Wemplr and family of Laingslmrg werr Sunday dinner guests of the fn1·· mer's parenls, Mr. aml Mrs. J\J'· thur Wemple. · : .

Mrs. Emei·y Freer· spent Mon· day with her parents, Mr. ~nrl Mrs. Franels'';Jesse, of Northwe~l Stocltbripge.

Mr. and Mrs. George Vogl, Sr., were Wednesday dinner guests or the. latter's .sister,. Mrs. Anna Bell, of Fowlerville.

Mr. and ·Mrs. Charles Wood~ were Monday evening dinner guest's. of Mr·. ·ami Mrs .. Franil Woods of East Lansipg. Franlt

-----------------:---------. leaves ,Tuesday for Camp Kilmer;

Advertisement for .Bids

Mason Public Schools

New Jersey, and expects to leave soon . for Europe. · · · •

Mrs. !"loyd Bac)nts of Wil· liamslon. enll!!d o·n. her parents, , Mr. nncl Mrs. David·Balter, Salur·· day. · ·

MI'S, Philip. Scripli!t', Mr:-; .. Ear·! Showers ·and: Mrs·. ,Jedson Felton

. at ICllclecl: th() Wlietit.fleld · Gom· munity A!d, .. Thursd(ly at .thr home. of·. Mr,·. and .. Mrs,' Floyd Bndtus of .\Villiarqs(qn ..

ment Day" at MasoJtl MoJJri:J,I', Both .IJoys luol' over lilt' jn/1 of the COllllty ~lljll'rintcndPnl of 'schools, Alton J. Sl rra11:.

1\Jr. and i\lts. Lyll' llayilllr' 11!' C:lll'islian Service al Ann Arilor ,\l:tit•rlroJI r·a/lr•rl llll Mr. :111rl ~In:. Mllllday. :inm \Vi/liams·SJJJHI:t~· <'Vrmill~. ~Irs. MIJLI!I M:m1uanll of Hoil

\V!',,,,,!Js lluinll'l :!IIPJHI<'rl :1 anrl \Veils Clii'J.:ner of Lansint.: Nationnl S!'oul WI'Pk hl'!(llll '(l'IJU)l c·ommill>'" nw:•lin~: of' 1111• \1'1'1'1' Sunrlay guests of Mr. and

Monday HJHI will r'<IJJiiJHJI' Michir:anl'rlur·:Jtion assrll'i:Jii<on in Mrs. Wesley Slwpbcil. through this week. :iuml:1y JIH· L:tn!:ing 'i."cclm•sdn~' t•vc~ninr:. Lester Anderson of Willow Hun Scouts and liwil• Seourmnsl<'r will L:JII'Ion J l<•rlgii'Jl rrf Mason w:ts anrl Mrs. Rosa Anderson were attend worship ;·er\·i:•t•s :11 lih' :1 Sunday rtinnr•r i'llesl nt Ill<' Sunday rlinnr'l' guests of Mr. nnrl Dansville Free J\lethorlisl l'iHJrr•IJ. htlllll' of hi:; ilrollwr, P:llri JIPrlg· Mrs. 1•;. C. Anderson, Sr.

Open house will ilf• I1Piri :11 liH' lr•rJ. Sunda1· afler·noon Pn1tl Mr. :1nrl Mrs. David Diehl nnrl town hall 'l'ul'sdny 1'\'<'ning, l•'l'h· llr•rlglrn :Jrlli sons, Did• and llud, ri:JJif~lilers weel< end guests ruary 22, Willi lhP l'Uil Sr•ouls I'!J/)Pd on Mr. :tnd ~Irs. Al'llitlr of' Mr. and !\·Irs . .James Hacl<ell of

llll'i2 Cuse SC '1'1111'1111' with Cultlvutoi·

.rnhn nmim 2·hottnm, 14·i!IC'h I' low

Cllstl II llY llal!~l' .rnhn Um?l'll Col'n l'lunlet• Allls-Ciullnw.r·s 1"1'0 Comhirll'

wllh fi·fl. "ut., hln und 11il'l1· 1111 utludmwnt.

GE l:ltl·lllll)l AI'(' WPidt•t· Oil Caslt!J's

:JO 1t1 J x ·inl'11 Wt•ffi'illl:' Hull:. 1\1\V W·i!H'h llummet· 1\lill Owrhr••ul (;us SI!IJ'u~·e 'J'unlc fiO·ft. Eudlt•ss lll'lt. Hug· 'l'mu~·IJs Lng Clmln~

Mayford Householder, Owner ,Jor! lllly, Aul'llout•!'l' i'tllll ,frll'lhlll & H. ,J. IIIII, Clt•rk~ also cooperating. ll<•dgl<•n of' l'll•:Js:ttJI i;Ji<l'. 'l'odl'dll, Ohio. --------·-------·--·---..... ______ ., _____________ , ____ _:===========-=======

IT'S /


lligham Cmmty Mason,. ~lichigan

Mrs. 'Don :Leonard ·r;etumed to hr.i·· home .Tuesday from St. Lnw· renee hospiial, Lansing. . I.

Mrs. Fio'yd .Mitchell and' Mrs. ... Rosa 'Washburn: ·accompanied Miss Conn!P. Washburn to 1\ala·


TO ·TAKE .A ~RIVE 1 Seal!•rl ~I'O!IOS:lls for' ilie COIISfi-lictiOJt of liD elentenl:liJ'Y

s:·lmal r·onslsting of 10 t'lnssrooms, office nrul toilet facilities, lloilt•t· J·wtm, and lms!!ment, locktw 111111 shower· l'nclliUes, will be t't•.:·:•i\•J•d h~· tit:! Uou I'll of' l~dtH·nt ion, IUnson J>nhlh! Schools, !Jt:~·h::m County, niu:;on, 1\llchlgnn, on )\llu•cJt. 2, 1955, not. lul~w !linn 7:0:) 1'. ill., K S. '1'. lll.ds will he J:eeeived Ill· tlwh· offices iu th" prl'sent; sehool hulldlng-' In 1\hasrm whel'e they will he up1•n:•d and puhlidy reruJ ·111oud ut. the lime above mentlnn4'd.

·""IIIIJ'atn hlds will he Iuken on tlw t'ollowlng h·udt•s: · .. I. <l£•twt•al Constl•uclion ·

!!. l'lumhing, llcrdlng· nnd \ 1mtHiaHug a. meett·iclll ·

Pt•oposul foi·ms, lll'ILWings 111111 s'peclil!111f.lonli mny .be oh· tuilu!d fr·om S'I'APJm'l'·I'RA1'1'-BUL'J'IfUIS & i'!l'ltAU, INC., AIWIJJ'I'EC'l'S, .t'74 A1•rulemy :'i;t:rer.l', 1\uhllllllzno, 1\lldtll:'llll,

. No clupnsit will ht! 1'1\!Jilil't•d, hnWIWill', tlrumnwnls sllllll he r·e· IHI'Iled 1'11 g'lllll) l'fliUIJtlon, '

lit·:~winA's und SJII!dl'kuUon!>l Ill'!~ 1111 filt~ 111 flu! follmvln~:· lll:tJ't•s:

I. 'l'ht~ Offlt!I'S ol' llttl Sllillll'htft'mlilnl of Schools, iilrt~on, 1\t.lchlgnii.

~!. !lull del'S and 'l'rtadm'S J~xdmngtl 11!: D111 roll:, Gt'llnd RatJids nut! Lnnslng. ·

:l. F. \V,. Dodg·e Cot'JlOI'allon nt:' lle.t.rolt rutd Fort. Wnync, lndlann.

A e~Jrll fltld ch.edt or· 11 blcldet''s bmul payable to Lyle Thm·bm•n, Sccl·etar·y, lloiu,i or' Etliteat.lon, 1\lason Public Schno!s,. Jnnsrm,. Mlchlgnp, fo~ 1111 l.'~!Jil.nt. equal to Fl~e Per·. cent. Ui%) of the !1ld will be t•equl·red tvltlt each proposal to s,~:·um t.hc Owner from loss or dnmagc by t'CIIson of the wlt.hclt•atwal of the -bitt OJ' the fnihtm of the bhlder to enter Into 1.1 t'OIIII':WI: of'JJe't•formlitic'e II' the' bid 11'1 accepted by the Otvlltlr.

No bids may be wlt.Julrumr for at le~st SO ·days. 'fhtl Bo.rmt nf l~ducat.lon l,'eserves the.l'lghl: to accept or re­

;illnt 111\y or· atll ttroposnls, anti lo accept those. protJOsals that, lri'-'lhtl .lmlginent of Ute Doaril, ilerve the best lnrereNts of' the st~hool dlst.t•lct., · · ·

·. Successful bltldcrs will be recJIII~. to f11rnlsh saUslnctO~ · l'ct•ft)J'RUiltce, IAIHJt' and 1\laterlal ·Bonds In lull am01mt 'of tt16 cmrir•nl't;· 1•ost of 'wltlch ,shall lie.blel!idlltlln Ute proposals,· · ·

mlJZOo S~mdity 'following a wcelt's vacation. ·

·Mr. and Mt·s. Jess St::rats and SOI,1 of JacltSOI]· spent Sunday wllh the latter's parents, Mr. nnrl Mrs. Arlhm· Brooks... .

Mt·.' and Mrs. Robert ·Baldwin of East Lansing were Sunday clln· ncr guests of 11-Ir. and Mrs. c . .A. Diehl.

IYir. and Mrs. Rohert Felton and family of Webberville, Mrs. Jed· ~;on Felton and Ilo Steadman called on Mr. and Mrs. · David Balter Sunday. ·

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Freer anrl family \vere. Sunday guests or ·Mr. and Mrs. Merle Fr·eer anrl Mr. and Mrs.· Francis Jesse nf Northwest Stocltbrldge.

Pvt. Walter Jones of Ft. Leon· ard Wood, · Missourj, called on Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Moor·e Slin· clay. , ' .

Mr. and Mrs·. Rodney Benjamin of Kalamazoo were week encl guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Anderson.· Marie Benjamin re· tul'lled home \vlth them atler be· ing with the. Ai'ldersons for·· 10 days.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boughner and· family of Lansing were Sun· day dinner· guests of the latter's parents,L Mr. and Mr~. Ira Bailey.

Mrs. William Mitchell of· Lalte Odessa spent several dny's- last. week with ·her parents, .Mr .. anrl Mts. A. C. Dowling. .. ,

Mrs. Glen Fox called on her sis· ter, Mrs. Bernlee Knapp, · and family of Bennington Sunday. .

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green·. ough and family of Lansing and Mr. and Mrs. !l .. 0. Greenouglt spent Sunday·wlth ·Mr. and Mrs.

, Robert Greenough of Chelsea. . :Bo!inl ·of Etlucattoia, . . Mrs. CharJes, Piper and. daugJt •

. ' . . . .

. i. :Mason Public Sch.ooi111 ters of Okemos1and Mr11. Rlchar!l · . 1\fason; Michigan. · · Dockett and .daughter/called on ·Lyle Thorbt~m, Seeretary_ Mr.· ilnd' Mrs .. La'Yrenee ~11rt1s

.~;;,o,.~~~~~ ...... '""':"" ..... ~~..o.;.~~--.--~.:..t_' SI.IMilY· .. : ,:' .. I·.'·. ;-" _.·' ' .. ·· ..


~II NeVJ~ All ·tt"'»e \/\lay ·through.

po\Aiered 1by ·"Rocket:"· 202!


If you've driven a "Rocket" Engine Oldsmobile before -or tulked with nn Oldsmobile owner-yo;• hnvc u hint of whnt's waiting for you in the Supm· "88" for '55, )Jut only a hint. Bccntlsc this year's "Uockct"-the exciting new "Rocket" 202-tops even the fumous "11-ockets" of the pa~t. We could tell you how it melts away the miles and flattens the hills. Instead, we'll let the "Rocket." do the talking. So come in soon. This "88" for '55 is even livelier thttn it is lovely , , , a~~ that's really something!



'it •,

lngl1am County News February 10, 1955 Page 5 ,__ ______________ ,. ... ___ _ Dansville

(ConUnur•d i'r·om I'IIA"«! ·ll

Plans Are Underway for PTA Family Night·

'l'hursrlay evening, fo'ehrum·y 17, will he IIJC l"!!gulnr meeling of llw P. '1'. A. 'l'hls will he 11 fnmlly nigh! nnr! n hohemlnn slyle din· IWI' will he :;ervcr! nt 7 n'r:lof!l<.

'f'ho.~c who atl«mrtum reqtJeslr.rl to I nke n hoi dish to pnss, own snmlwlf'iws nnrl lahiP sr.rvlt•e. Cof· fl•f' will he fumished.

'J'he diniWI' Will he s<!rVed hy Ml'H, Lr•wls F1·ce1', Mrs. Philip i-lm·iplr>l' and Mrs. Earl Showers. Mrs •• John Rlrlg!ey Is progrnm r·hnlrmnn ar1rl the teachers of tlw Sf'hool n1·e prr.pa1•lng the pr·ogr·am.

Miss Connie WashiHJI'n 11nr! Hnilro1·t .ll'Wel.l atlender! the Mieh· igan Siale r·ollegr! .J-Hop Satlll"!lay !!Vf'nlng at I he Mid1lgan Stale Pol· lrgr! audilorlum.

Ml', nnrl Mrs. Mymn Kirby mllr.rl on Mr. and Mrs .• John Cart· nf Lansing Sunrluy.

fll'llllfl 1'11111!> Cluh Sevarnl friends nf Mr. anrl Mrs.

flay Hartshnm met at II!Pir lwme lnHI Werlnesrlny !!VI'nlng In dis· euss forming 11 eluh fm· men and women lnten•sted In sludylng ynrrl nnrl garden (li'Ojl'cts. An or· ganizat!onnl meeting will he held 'f'l111rsdny r!venlng, FPiu·unry 17, at 7::JO nl the home of Mr. anrl M1·s. garl Klnnrmon who livl' on the P.lmer· Bravemle1· fnnn on M· :m. Anyonr! lntel'r>siPd In llliH pm,ler·l mny attend ll1is nwr•tlng.

M1·s. .fr.rlson !•'Pilon wns n Wedtl!!Hday dlntWI' guPst of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Phillips of' Lan· sing. Mr. and Mrs. l~r•lton enl£!1'· lalnr.rl Mr. and Mrs. Fn•r! Sienrl· man nnd familY of Wehllervlll£> at r!lnnPI' Salnn!ay. Mr. nnr! Mrs. Hobert l•'ellon nnr! fnmily of WPil· hervii!P W£!1'!! Sunday rlillllPI" gl\estH of the ,Jerlson f•'!dlons.

Lloyd Niswonger n llf'IHkrl 11 hlrthrlay party for Billlr> Chene,\' a! .the latter's home in M11son Silt· u·rrlttY rifternoon. ·

Fox TheCJtre Tue., Wed., Thur., Feb. 15-16 .. 17

!U·G-1\I's nislinguisht~tl PJ•orluetiou 111"

William ShalccspMII't•'s

Julius Caesar Slar•·iug 1\l:u·lon Brando- ,J:unc•s 1\lason . Louis Callwl'll

I~dmond O'R•·it•n • G1·r~m· Garson




Aggies TIJrow Scare Into Haslett Lakers

f~nl' :1 qunrlerH lnsl 1~1·iclny nigh! tho Armies plnyerl nhoul rvr.n wll h llw visit lng Hnsietl IHIH)Ir>llmll 1er11n h111 the llnnl qunriPI' wns all Hnslcll, '!'he hnys fmm Lalw Lnnslng rnsherl In on 11 nnl of 12 free ti1rows during I he finn! pnrinrl I o outseore Dnns· ville t1·1i nnd lake lhr. gnmr• hy n final score of 51·37.

Farmer Ped<' s Wife

'1 1!11! l'«•c•IIH lllflllr't'lll'l.«' til£'11• IH•!lr'IUIIII.

'I'IH'I"n'H n flli\C'f! f'UI' f!WI'Y· t.h!ng.

l'r>h! 11!111' lulmuls tu Hfnr·l. !Ill llifdu•n, '!'he Joss of Don Mr!Cahe anrl

his rehnunrllng in the last peJ•iorl I!.;;-;;;;:-;:;;-;:;;-;:;;-,.;;-;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;:.==================== 1111 fouls W!!alwnerl tho Aggles .January meant a mnnll1 nf snw·jlast time she was ahle In go. liPPI"l!P)ahry.. The sharp shonling lng, Jwmnwrlng anrl Sammy hrrv· Sammy had been tlnusttally noisy Sl£!lnhaeh of Haslett. eollected 21 lng tlw tlnw nf his life! Ilow thnl thnt Sunrlay nnrl I spol<r. lo lwr points for the vlsllors while .Tun· litlle fellnw IHls enjoyed helping aflenvnrd ahout It, hoping he did lor 1\h•hy was high fOJ.-Ihe Aggles wllh nul' bedroom <'iosrl! nol hnllwr them. She said, "It wllh IIi. Every winter for the last •I sounded C'Uj!'. Lillie nnr.:;, am so

Otlwt· hoyt; who 'plnyorl woro wlnlm's I thoJJgilt we would gel nice! al that age anrl It's f11n tr1 Bill Bmvender, Don D1·own, Larry ut. I hat dose!!. And eaC'h spring listen to them, l-Ie wasn't noisy, It Souir', Did< Brooks, Dleler Lu· would fln

1d it nol dmw yel.,, per· bollwrs the parents morP tlurn It

lww~l<l, Kaye anrl l<eilh Douglas. hnps rwxl winter. "Next winler" does anyone else." 'f'lw lillie Agglr.s lnsl 52·20. arrived fnl' us with the ai"I"IV<ll Well. Summy sutoly gets his

'J'hi.'i FJ•ftiny Dansville r.nler· of the first worl<rlay In .Janua1'y, money's wo1·th out nf a elnirdl ta!ns l~owlrrv!lil' nl honw. It hns tn!H•n the cnlirc month llw seJ•vil'e. He says "Amen" with thro

!'a)!(, nfnll'flllS 1\lt•rd. The Past Mat1·ons dLih lir.ld Its

t'r•gJdar mc>ellng at the home of lv!J·s. 11oylyn Miller Thursday eve­ning. A poiiLICI< rUnner was server! al n:30 with 10 members present. After this business meet· fng was twirl. Cootie games ami vlsiling were the cllvcrslons o[ tlw rvenlng. Oui of town guests \\'Pre M1·s. Onn Almonrl of Mason

I and Mrs. flerlwrl Norris of Pol· IPrvlllr.

way Fnrmer Peel< worl<s, not as minister :uul lweps It up for an a fLiiJ.Iimr handyman but ~pllccrl Interval. He sings bnth with llw In wlih attending a sale, c!Hu·es, eongregntlon and dJoil• i1Ut li's buzzing wood, sawing log;; 2 only I he last won! of c>ad1 line rn· clays t for lhP C'llLllc and flow· b£•· Plsr "Jingle Bells." Sometlmr.s Ill! !ween I he double cornerlhsl going ldd<s !1ls slwes In lhc ~eat anrl lw to mill for hogs, cowc: HIHI chil'!l· lllces lo eall out the nanws of r:£!1"· ens ami there were 2 funeJ•ais. tnln peo[lle u~ Iiley Pnme in; Flub·

'They were dem· friends of ours, by, llw minister's hahy; Tom, Agnes Moore nnrl Anna Gnmluml, .Jimmy, .Jeffrey, Gene, Ruby, Baby holh members of our Sunshine anr! so on. This past Sunday f cluh and greatly missed. Anna felt he bad progJ'esscd some nntl had not hl'cn well for seve1•al was lots hetler. Wlwn lw wa.~ years hul AgnPs wns nnt sid< smaiiPI" he was very good. He's lrmg anrl it IV:JR a shoe·!<. They good now ... Just full of life!.

anrl clt:~n anrl llnnrly llns glvon I 11tnrtor1 1to lr. all nrorl tip. no.lcoops nw n nnw lr•nsn on lifo, Wo llarl 11 nsldng, ''Whnn dn yon 11'11111 to :JtJ.Inclt wlrlo A·fool lnng r'lmwt ~(ill'l 1111 llw ldidll!ll'i" lJ WllH wilkh wns l!iii!!I'P.ri hy a door fi'Oill hurd gelling 111111 nt II llPr•nuHn Ito th«! fmnt. WP lool< oiT all tho llirln'l Jillnt; ill' f'fllllrl do It W£'11 [li,ll~ll!l' llllrl lilt> door, lllld Hilli'JI!d 1!1101\i:il (O .~1\JI 111<! OJ' hirnsc•if. nul all ovrw. On lilt! nnrf IH!Ill'PSI tho nnw 111111 lin IIIHIWH lw Pan t fur hall !~ n llnmt dos1•1 for all tile> IH! !Ins dotw a good .iol1, with Snm· ileclrf!ng. , . wurHit>rflll nrhllt!nu. my's IH•Ipl !Jr! Is l'PII!Iy In Hlill"l Thnre Hl'n sllrl!ng HIH!IVPH tllfll llu• l<itdwn r•uph11111'ds. And hmv !'ome out with tho gmnlr!st Df l'vn ht>£~11 snvlng lrlm1s for llwm. PllHP so llwre Is 11n rr!<whlng hnl'ic l!:al'il rtny lw nsl<s mn If I'm As l-iumr! nf 1111' silelvf's lll'P :;lucl· I"PIHI\' to stn1·t till' ldtr-twn fnr Ill' low thnl would be almost lmpoH·I llas 'ro slarl nnrl g1•t dD\1£' hnforr> slhlr! linle:n; ill!!Y rlitl sl!dP. I sll!'l· :;prlng IVDrk hegins. nul l'l•1! gnl lt>f'!Pd tht!S<' slwlws and tiii!.Y lo llt> rlnllf> In Ill!! ll<'rfl"flrlrn first. t•nmc 0111 lil<e greased lig!Jiniug, I'd he 111\P 1111 il£'r'<Jrdinn with lloth I T'Vt! Hillf"C Fixed ail til£• illll"l'rl\1 f'llris of I hr. ilfll\SP lol'll IIJl. lliHIIHlff£'1 dra\VPI'S tlw Slllllf' Wll.\'. So lorlny I put up til<• r·urlains ... sil!'llar· on the l'unwuy. Hr•nl :Iilii wnx til£• llorll". I've paintm! sl!ek. l r IH• <"Pilill!i \vllitP anrt t lw wnl!s

A 1 Ill!! hot I om Is a plneP. for t lw mnvl£! pmjcr·loJ·, splicr:J· nnrl dlrer•lor's filr'. II iHlS hc•t>n purlwrl UIHIPl' lhe l1aily hc•rl l'rll' l:wk of sp:1er.. The lnttor- was 11 lu•a•.•y mr.tnl ho~ nutfll tlwl Hlll'PI\' rnndr> easy a£•r•r>.<;;; dlffir'ull !rwntr1i Will'l"<' it wa:;. Nnw wlll1 it 111 IIH• fl'iilll .. It's fill£'.

f"imrlri!IIS£!, :lc•o:lls. I've n•nnis!H•rl illr• llal'<iii'IHII! li1101', tlll'nPrl il11•

mnltmsH nnd :J«'l'lihlwri nn;lwmwcl, 'l'olllfll'l'uW iH n· new rlny, A nnw lcltf'iwn wilt unfolrl In J?«!hl'IHll'~' nnd I muy rile 1'1'0111 ltnp[JI· ll!!S~. Oh, I fnrgnt to tP.II you thnt. ul'lor nhnnst 1·1 y!!ars of hnvlng nl\1" ilt!tii"Onln ill!! Hlllllll \VH.V tl]lll ilw h£>rl nnw sits In n dlfl'emnl position, SeP~ns, Inn, tlmt my nights of grl t lng up tr1 tetHI H111 ell!ldi'Pn lll'f! diminishing HO Pctr. now .s!PP.JI!{ on tho fl'ontsll\c, . , Jll"oimhly tlw only thing lhnf snv~rl this npumllun from an eal'iy rh!ilill. l•'rll' Ill{[! most hiiRilllllriH Ill! rfnc•sn'l lllw furnillll"f! f'hnngerl. , , £!Sj1r!elnlly her!H.

I lllw t lw Ill' IV l~inset sn woll llwl I IIIH• lu walwn 11 llltlr! C!arly Just to ill! nhle to llr! facing tiHit way unrl smllr> nnd smile unci smllr>. Wl1111 a good way In hegln n rlny!



Mrs. L. D. Swain nf Lnnslng 1"/JIIror! on her gi'Ullflpal·enls, Mr.

'anrl Mrs. Hnilert Smith, F'rlrlny.

sa( In front of ItS at church thr. Hnving our bedroom so new

llf'lllh 'l'ulu•s lvnn nu!pin Reeves Distrid

The midrllr S<'£'1 ion is for doJiws spac'£!. Dn11hle doni'S tiJIPII out. Pr>te's I i1•s ill"l' nn his ricH II" nlong with n rniiTnJ· with ~small shnllow slwlvrs. On mv drHll" Is n mil'l'or ancl :J trilys. Ah;lVO is n hat shelf :111d u plu£•e, nt las I, tn pul Snmmy's shors so he m n't gcol them. Below Is a rh·awPI" emnlng o11t only twtr of lhe ll11nr spa!'l' for· unrlcrthlngs nnd socl<s. On t.op flf" ll1is nm! Is for sltn£>s. WI' enn dress rompletr>ly from tills dosPt rf1arly for going out Pxc·r·pl IIIII" outside !'OEIIS.

'J'lrt• lwtr-way Cil"ftWI'\' :11 lhP I hoi tom of the r·losc!t is sn wr> r·:111 step in~lcle and rlrPss :1s ou1· sirlr>· wall1 anr! rj1·iveway are nLJtsidt•

TI-lE SPRING? Mr. and Mrs . .Jnnws Norlon and f<~mlly nf Lansing anrl Mr. nml M1·s. Dr111nld Siles and family of f'rorry s[Jent Sunflny with their pnrr•nts, Mt•. :IIHI Mrs. nohcl"l Smilh.

Snndny dinner gursls of 1 he r:,.y [ lolw rls ineludrrl Ml·, Hnd Mr~. SlnniPy Voss and l':rlwitl of Mason.

Mr. n11rl Mrs. Mike 1\rrril anrl f:~mily nf \Ve!Jiwrville, Mr. anrl N!1·s. LeP I !ainrle! and family and Mrs. Lylr• Campllcll anrl l'hilrh·cn or M11sm1 spr•nt Sunday wilh llwir parcnls, Mr. and Mrs. A. c. 8CI'g('l". _

IO:nr-1 Oshornc anlvcd l10me Fri· rlny from foote hospilnl where he bnLI been fr11; ohscrvatini1 anrl I ment. His condition is im· pmving.

Mr. anrl Mrs. Robert Anrlerson Wl'l'«' Sunday visitors of the lat· IPI''s mother, Mrs. Chesler Ben· Jamln, In Sparrow hosrJital, Lan·

lvnn Galpin, !12, of Ann Arbor died Sllrlrlenly lasl vVNhWsrlily night of a lirar·t allad<. Mr. Gal· pin was the IIIJshand nf Gladys Pal rid<, a fnnnr.r _ rr•sirlrnt of Dansvillr.

Miss M:n·vn 13ig<'low ol' Wll· linmslnn spt•nt t llP Wl'l'lt 1'1111 wll 11 Miss .l£•an 8r:tl111111.

Aurelius Center. O[tlll K St•tldmni«•r

The Aurelius Farmcrelles, Julie Davis, Ma1·ilvn Do!!Jre, Shir· Icy RoiJerts, Rcgfna Roberts HIHI Marie Bmwn, appeared on the :rv 1-I-I club show at tile co!k•gt.> Thursday, F'ehruary 10, nver sla· lion WKAR chnnnel !iO.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grinnell anrl Mr. nn£1 Mrs. Cl:lLirl Parish have rei urncd ilome Jrom 11 v:JcaJion in Floricln.

Mr. anti Mrs. George Easson 'ing. eallerl on Alva Howe anrl Mrs.

M1•. Hllrl Mrs. Be1·t l<ent and Alja Smith fo'ritlny evening. family of Ha:s!Pt t called on Mr·. :r111l Mrs. Myron Corwin Sunday

EciJIIL fll'«'l"

Mrs. Florence Dullnn was 'I rtLII' bedroom windows. . . and rlinnn1· guest dn Sunday or M1·. it's nigh onto impnssihl£! tn pull nnd Mrs. Wnyne GrPrr anrl ram'· sil:~cles every time fo1· one wiJulm\' ily. Mrs. Dullon her i.~ full of plant shelves.

70th hirthr!ay anniversary. On tlw otilr•r enrl is mv sPwinr~ Mrs. Genrgc Kirklnnd anrlj cornpnrtmcnl. Three l1ig, d\"11\I'PI's

llutil anrl Betlwf were Sunrlny, hr.!ow for maleri:il anrl patl£•rns «·:lilm·s of Mr. and Mrs. Wny1w' and I can Pvcn put my rug 1 :1111

Gr!r.t" und family. \l'ot•l;ing o11 in there. Ahove> this Pioneer Sunrluy school ciaHs is a rlnor wilid1 is a ll'C':ISlll'l'. In·

mel Saturday evening with Mr. side on ils :JGx22 inch Slll"f111"t' ami Mrs. JLine Taylor. Revealing h:111g pegs for all my l'oifll'rrl or the scrorrl hrnll]['rs and si.'i· tilrrnd, n pincusllion, slwars, tapr· tel"s was the fll'ograrn fc;r IIH• measure, lilimille ('1£". fJelow sils evening. the sewing madlim! ... so l1nnrly

------------· ... so drcarny. Plaer a clear glass over your Pete admits thai all lhe idcns

open r·ool<hook; tllis. will l;eep 1 have eolleeterl have pair! off. .. your· place <lllcl prolect tllC hool\, thai it pays to read anr! lnol< ton. around. In fael, now that IH''s



Phnnt• l.ansiul!," 2-117:1

Saturday, February 19 .9 P.M. to I A.M.


Mr. anrl Mrs. 0. A. Buni\Pr and Cnrol ami M. J;:. Brininstool nt· tcnclerl the wr>ddlng or Miss· Con· nie Cady and Dan Corbin at l~a­ton Rapids Friday evening. .THIS NEW DODGE! New Dansville.:_Gym

Game Room Refreslm1ents

S1>onsoretl by· P. T. A.

Adults $1.25 Students 25c


1\11'. and Mr~. Wacle Scudder or Saline, Mrs. Ona Almond of Mn· son, Mrs. Mina Olis and Ralph Walker were Sunday dinner guests or Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dal· ton in honoJ' of the birthday an· 11 iversaries of Mrs. Scudder and Mrs. Dalton. Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Greenough called on tile Daltons Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. George O'Dell. of Holt, Mr. and M1·s. James Wright ·and family of Lansing, Mr. and •Mrs. Oscar 1-Iolden of Howell and Mr. nncl Mrs,. Eugene G·auss and son were Sunday clinnet· guests of Mr. anrf·Mrs. Lawton Gaus.~.

·The IDggest' ·thing in your ~ar's life is the Service it gets!

~---- .. ·- ..

hYour car's life may be long or short- PERMAJ.UDE, the gns·savmg All·Weath­appy or unhnppy-"and the service it ~ er Motor Oil · •

gets is what makes the difference. -" Your car 'needs good lubr'c t' : Yoll need good. gasoline, the right Thousands of Standard Oil deal~r~ h~:; .

gaso n!l for your car-your locality, been trained to give your cur ex ert §our chmnte a~d ~eWason. You get-it at lubrication service •• They Jmow e:ery

·r.ANDARD-Wlt lilT~ CROWN or . check point on your car. . •· · ; · )Rrm C! 11t the lughe~t oct nne ' 4nd, overall-you get the friendly evels m our btstory. "· •· t t d · f · ·' · Yo d to .1 h , · . , m ercs e acrvtce o a. rcsponBtblo bus1 •.

, u ne~ mo r 01 t at· glv~s ~our ·neBS man~n good neighbor who'is in~ . car B cngme c.omplete pr,!)tectton · on . , tercstcd in you and your.cnr. See him to·, • ~n_r~ o~ C_?~d-'!_ays. Y~u ge~1t with Supe~dny-and drive awny-with confldence., ·

~ . . . --·-······"-- .

' . . . . ), . : .

. You.uust more.~from:(SJjlNDJilRii

Mr. ancl Mrs. Dan Bunl<er and Jo Ellen of Williamston nncl Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Darnell and children of Howell spenl Sumlay with the o·. A. Bunker family.

Mr. and Mrs. Neal Dolhee of Dimondale and Claude Parish were callers of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bateman Sunrlay. Mr. nnd Mrs. Leroy Scutt and Billie Gaye were Sunday cUnner guests at. his parenl 's, Mr. nne! Mrs. Guy Bate· man.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jecks visited lll!r sister, Mac Rimer, ar the Si Impson hQspita!, Eaton Rapirls, Sunday. Miss Risner was ·hill'! in an aulomobile m:ciriPnt 1:'1.~1 Salurr!ny evening.

The Au1·elius Cenler ext9nsion RI'Ollfl will sponsor a roller sllal· lng flUI"IY at .ti!C' Pnlomnr rinl< 'l'hursday night, fcebrunry :17. '!'hose intcrested•may gN liclwts fmm Mt·s. Marcus Hannah.

The Aurelius Cent·cr sclwol ivlll have· a Valcnlinr. .party at the school Monrlay, February H. in the aflcrnnon. Thcrr will lle n program. Parents are welconw.

M1·. ancl Mrs. John Erlgar ancl Mt··. nnd·Mrs. Clw1·1es Davis hnvr. l'elul'llerl home frnm thcil' Vllt'H· lion in thr. ·south.

'l'wenty·5ix men n llc~nderl t lw l~uciH'e cluil tust Wednesday night. Bob 8cldwrl won lone· hand prize, .Louis Smith, high score and Wayne Feighner J'P· celved I he low score prize. __ :...__

• I

Custom Royal Lancer V-8 in dromalic new three-lone exterior slyling.

50 Brand New Dodge Custom Royal Lancers Given Away. in uGe.t The Thrill" Contest!

I• • •·• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I I I I I I I I I I .I


.I I I

I drove o Dodge I I took tommand I I really "got the thrill" flrsl hand I If's everything a 'ur should be!


Drive the New Dodge and Finish This ·Jingle!

Head for your Dodge dealer. Get an enlry blank. · Drive the new Dodge-"Take Command , , . Get the Thrill first Hand I" Then fill in the lost line. New con lest each cloy I

'f - • We'll double your money if you buy a new Dodge during the contest period-and winl You get back every penny you poid-doub/oiYou have a new. Dodge, You have your money ·back. And Dodge matchos I hal amounl as a bonus.

Come in TODAY I/

I 1\ I I I. I I•···················


Dodge haR never done anything like this before! But then -them has never been n c:ar like this before!

We want 9verybody-yes, everybodu-to get the thrill of driving thil; great new Hair-fashioned Dodge! ·

We want you to {Jet the tit rill ol' commanding a cat• so long and low and _clashing. Get the thrill of dt•iving with fLlll·time Power·' Steering. Get the thrill of a "New Out· look" on the world through the sweep-rLronnd windshield. There's a new contest every day-a dashing Ctistom Royal Lancer to be given away! It's fun!· It's easy! It's going on now!


DODGE lake Command ... Get the Thrill First H~nd 1


Wil·liamston Newlyweds Are on Mexico . City Trip . Grace SmitH

Lizzie May Hale Fatally Injured ~t Intersection :: Lizzie May !Iale, 76, W!IR fnlnlly InJured at 7::10 p. m. las! Monrla.v when she wa.~ :;trud< by a low truclt while nttcmptln~ to •·t·oss l]:nst Grand lllwr avPnllf'.

.'According Jo invt•stigaling ol'li· cers, Mrs. llnlr! started to cross the street nnri rilrln't see the trucl< driven by Itaymond .Tabs, 3'1, of 156 Eusl Granrl River, apprnadr· lng fmm lwt· right. Ol'fiecr·s said Mrs. Hale slarlr.rl to run on across lhe strr.!'t to nvoid lllf' VehJ(!)c nnd WiJrll ,Jails SWeJ"VPcl his trucl< to miss hrt', shr. was strucl1 hy tlw ldl I'PIII' wtwc I. Thr: truck then Jumped lite l'Lirh anrl struck 11 tree rlamnging the right front fenriPI" of I he truck. The truck driver was not held rc· sponslblc.

Mrs. Hale was tnlwn to J·:rlwunl W. Sp1trrow hosplt:il wlwrr. shf' \Vas pronnurtt·f'rl r!Pad upon Ill'·

rival. Coroner Dor·win f foffmeyet·, who perfor'mPrl an autopsy the following Tlll'sria~·. stnteri death was caused b,Y siHJC:il, and a rup· turcd nnrta. Mrs. Tlalc's death mnrlwd I he nrst traffiC' fatnlily In Ingham county litis year· anrl the

Auction Saturday, l•'cbruary 12, at

1:30 p.m., incatcri 111 1 i 11 Ens! HazEll street, Lansing, Michl· gan ..

Motorola l7-inch cnnsole 'I'V, 7 cu. ft. Kelvinalnr rcfrigcm· tor, West ingltousc electric range, riilwt le set and '' chairs, 2-pie!'e living mom suite, 2 plnst ie upholstered platform roci<ers, Grunow cab·

, lnet radio, !lx!O living room ·rug and pad, 3·pierc walnut ·veneer bedroom suite, chest of drawers anri mirror, necasion·

'al chair, numerous throw

fir.~! fntnllly hr Wllllumslon in fi ycnr·~.

Mrs, Ilnlc wns rt Jlfc·long I"Ofil· rlrml of Wllllnmslon where she Wflli hom J~clwuury 21, IH7H, tho rlnughter of .John unrl Christina Pfeifle. She wns married In June, liJOO, to Erlwnrd Hale who cited In ,June of 1!127. For many ycnr·s he opel'll)cd u lnllnrlng- i)usincss In Williamstnn, lwvlrrg Hllcc:ct~rled his fatlwr·, PhllllJI Hale, In this business.

After l he rka lIt nf Ill' I' huslmnrl Mr·s. Hale was for mrtny years employed hy King's Cash stnr·c operatcrJ lly llw !ale Anna P. King. She was a rn.:mber of Myr. lie Rehclmh lodge No. 72 and a few years ago was given the rlceoralion of chivalry hy her lodge for nut~tanrllng services.

Slw Is sru·vlverl by 2 nr!phcws, Br.rt and Nf'rl .T. Pfr~lflf'; nnrl !:! nieces, Mrs. Jlazr•l l!m~arllr nnrl Mrs. Mallie Oal~s; ali of Wll· Jinmston.

l~uncml scrvlecs wr•re held from Gm·stinc Bmthers funeral home Thursday afternoon nt 2 n'clod< with Rev. Jlamlrl T. Reese of the 13aptlst churr.h offlc:iating. Burial was made in I he family inl In Srunll}il r•r:melP.ry. Pnll· hearers were Donalrl ltnrl Robert Oal<s and Honnic anrl Gcralrl Pfeifle.

Two Chosen at MSC For Senior Honors

Lmt Ellen Mlller of Williams· ion, rlau~htct• of Mr. unrl Mrs. Lee R. Millet•, anrl lloget· Wali<Pr of Kalamazoo were eho:;cn last week for senior of the weelt hon· ors at Michigan State cnllcgc.

It has been a Jtolie,Y rm· some years lo sclcel. n man and worn· an senior eadt weel< to honor in I his way. Pictures of I he sill· dents ehoscn arc posted in the Union building, along with a story telling of their scholastic and cxlnt·curricular activities as well as I hell· plans fot· positions or continuing education aLter gradual ion.

LoLl Ellen Jws IJP.en active in many sl urlcnl government pro} eels. ami is a member of Mortar Board. Mortar Board members are to lw the l10nor guard to cs· corl the visiting stale officials, college presidents and faculty from other colleges. as well as celebrities, which include Ernest

Mr, unrl Mr~. Philip L, lluldlno nrn honoymnonlng In Mexico City following their mnrl'lflf~C In St. Mnry c!ullrcrll'lll In Lnnslng, ·:ran· ua ry 2!1. 'l'lwlr pluns aiRo lndwle a few clay~ In Acnpuleo,

nev, I•'uther John Steffey offici· uteri nl the ceremony uniting Jo.

~ nnne Spngnuolo, rlnughter of Mr. and Mrs. Georg~ Srmgnuolo of Lansing, unci Philip L. 13nlrllno, son of Mr. unci Mrs. Jo~cph Bnl· dlno of Wllllnmston.

'f'lw bride's' gown, u billow o! mlsly nylnn lillie! enhanced by lmporlccl hnnrl·cllppcd chantilly !nee, glistened with sequins. Dell· cute sequin embroidered lace rna· tlfs grac•erl lhc front and bacl1, and the full train was lined wltll sntln. She earrlerl an all-whit~ houquel of gnr·dcnlns. Her pearls were bor·r·owcrl fl'Om the bride· groom's mntlrr[.

Miss Barbara Baldino, sister of the hrlriPgrnom, wus maid of honor, nnrl the bridesmaids were Miss ,Janet Spagnuolo, Miss Vir· ginia Vclcm, Miss Saruh Spagnu· olo, Miss nose 13onoflgllo, Ml,ss Phyllis Montella, Miss nosallc Cosearelll and Miss Est her Bono· fig-lin. The flowcrglrl was Marie LouisP. Spagnuolo and the ring b~arPr was Roger .Joseph Spag· nunlo, llrothcr of the bride, who c<uTic£1 a pillow user! In the hridc's mother's wedding 20 years ago. I ,

All·wlrilc nylon tulle gowns fashioned with hustle bncl<s were wom by her· attendants. The bo· tlir'es sparltlcrl with lrridcscent sequins, heads, and pearl leaf em· hroiclery, and their stoles were of matching tUiiC!. Their headpieces were crowns of nylon tulle with rhinestones sprinl<led on the tiers. Thny C'll!Ticd Amcrlc<in .Beauty reel ros!!S.

The bridegroom's uncle, Pete Fortino, was best man. Ushers were Art Spagnuolo, brother -of the bride; Dicltlc Falsetta, Marl> Spagnuolo, Franlt Caruso, Mlltc l311ldlno, Jerry Jo"ortlno an.d Marjo Dionise.

A reception followed at the F. A. armory In the evening.

SWISS C 0 T T 0 N - Hllh• • luster ~polished Swl811 cotton ' print tdi' 8}lringtlmo has IIUcd bodice; deep, open neck, lt'B aet.

off b7 n Belf collar and a bow· tied 11atln belt ..

Holt Is Victorious On Williamston Floor

Holt. high school, lending the Capltnl circuit with an 8·0 record, stepped Into the Ingham County league last night and heat Wll· llamston 62·37. · ·

WJlllamston gave .the nains an argume~\t for the first quarter, staying 5 points behind, 18·13, ,but Holt steppe~ out to make It 36· l!l at the ,half.· unci 'won···golng

Study-·ciJJ~·:~:~~~:·:·. ··:.>,\: : Bohemia·rl'· Dinner . _· ,

•, , ••.- 'I , ',r I• I

:The ·wt\lll\m~toh'':cJmd' ·stu(iy C!Ub met'~~~·'th~·.)linme;,of· *~· Josephine' Schoff: Tue~day.: eve· nlng. for Its ,annt,,lal. bt':thqi'nlan illn· ner. ' . :" ... :~:~ ..... ":: .... ·· T . ': I

'·Dinner ·was seiwed',b\t' can(Ue. light-. ill· fr.o~t; o!?·tit~.:.flre,vlace. The :tables· were:: clecQ1'ated .,with minlat'~r~.::)pgst: .. lil\t\!~~rs.,,: iuid cjtet~J.~fi .~ .. ~nt:J:Yl).lg, J!~ ~· .• ,tJl~.,,F~ b· ruar~·.n~e.I)1~.L . :,:: ;·' .. :'., ~ : J:! ..

rttgs, Speer! (~uccn washer, 3 pair draperies, mirror 30x40, 2 occasirmai tables, pictures, electric healer, :l table lamps,

'floor lamp, card 1nblc, new Sunbeam Mixmastcr, canister set, large quantity of dishes, Home nntlquc dishes, 2 wash -tubs, 2 tnbies, trnsh burner, hassocl1, magazine raci<, wheel barrow, shovel, rai(CS, car jacl•, mail box, lawn sprin;<Jer, other miscellaneous artidcs. ·

I Hemingway, al the Founder's Day progt•am.

When the newlyweds · return from their honeymoon, they. will reside in Chicago where the bride· groom will conllnue his education at Loyola Univers'ity dental school. He is a member of.~ct'ta Sigma Delta fraternity, and Is af· filiated with the Juniot• American Dental association. He wlll re· ceivc his D. D. S. In June; '1956.

.lrepC...o!)stcrlc .. I)J).d. ··Albertine M~nroe ''l~d ,:s~.~rge, .o~ ~th'li.':!lr~· gt•am· and,: tlic . .- group.,'· played games w.lth ··:prizes·. ftir:; Ute': ;,yl~· n~rs.-· '.-~.-· · , ! :f;:: .. ~~·-~;-;~.

Terms: Cash. Nol responsi· ble !or accidents day of sale.

Herman 0. Pentecost, ·Proprietor

Lloyd J. Eaton. Auctioneer Mllford Mason ami Clnylon

Werbelow OJJens Office Election o~. officers .took: place -- at th:e'ni.eeting'.:T~~ resi,llts'wei'e:

.Justice Jaffe Issues Fine Preilltlcht, Marguerite· Uoil)f.-·Vlce-Justlcc Adrian Jaffe·lmposed ·a· Pt:esidef!t,. Marian Logelj ··~~~rd:

line of $15 plus costs df $18.80 In~ secretary,,.lda :~mochowskl, against Andrew J. McCabe of Wll· cor_r~sP.o~dlng,, ,Evelyn lif.lmstnn township Tuesday: ¥c· I(enncdy • · and-. trcasprc~, :.~~ttlc Cabc was arrested January 12'by 13utt. _. ,. · . . : · . ··

Wilson, Clcrl>s •· · · Phone Lansing 9·<1179 ot· .I ' !3·2853

Judson Wcrbclow announces the opening o! his law offices In the Hotel building at 107 N. Put· man street. His residence is in Lansing. Mr. Wf'rbclow is n grad· uatc of the University of Michl· gan law school. He has been as· soclnted us Jaw clerl> for Chief Justice Leland W. Carr in the SU· prcmc court. His business will in· elude general law pmclicc and in·

deputy sheriff .Ted Dorriell, for The .. next meeting ,will ·be .the driving at excessive speeds 'for annual· birthday b~,Inquet· F!!bru·

· · . · ·1 at·y , 15 ·at · the : Masonic temple, cond!lrons, while driving o,n .. c'las· wltl tli ··j 'nl r:· 1 b ·.. . . .. lett road between Oltemos and 1 e · u 0 . e u ' · ,. 1 come lax assistance. Park Jalw roads. ·

HOLSTEIN SALE ... . . ' . .


In the Wol\'erinc Purebred Li\'tlstoclr Sales J?avilion on US-16, ·2Y:: · miles west of Williamston, 1\lichigan.

Saturday, February 11 11 A. l\1.

100 Head Outstandi~g Cows, Heifers and Bulls From George Bailey- a daughter of P~bst Signal from a dam w'ltlt

hvice over 800 Ib fat and her daughter by Milsons Bess Ormsby. .

From Dudley Gmyson - a sou of Arhcth Jlielwry Creel' Admiral from a dam with 770 lb f11t, 20,783 lb mill\ on 2x, ~tlso four other tOJl J'CCOl'dS,

Ronald Neurman sends a Carnation bred bull from a .Mont dam.

}?rom Ohio- Stutzman & Son send a daughter of Smith lltLVCil l~itg Apple So\'ereign from a grand chamtJion show llam with tO(l records- due just after the sttlc to ReGrand; fi'Omlloward J. Luxan, a daughter of.Hol· wyn Elite- just fresh. ·

Featuring the entire herd of Dr. George Seib of Edwardsville, lllinoisl induding n very scnsatioual son of Montvie Uag Aptlle Chief from an "Ex~' daughter of Governor of Carnation with 1,085.1 lb fnt, 27,478 lb mm,: tf.i· get.hcr with i1.2 daughters - what tytle and udders. Some brecdet• should buy tbis,grou}l and have a great foundation.

FrQm ,Ontario- a great lot' of fresh ruad springing yowtg ·cows ruad heifers. There will be cows milking up to 80 lb per day.· More of the be~ tcr dairymen In this and adjoining states buy their dairy. cows through ; these sales ,than ruay other tJlooe. , , . · · · ·

I' ' , ,. ,

. No other sale offers you so muclt f.or so littl~. Uemember, only good cows are tJrofitablc on today's market -now Is the time to cull out the· low prod~cers and r~t,l&.ce with cows that ~e proflt~ble und~r any 'coitdltlon. :

T. B. and Bangs Tested. Milking cows Mnstltis Tested. · ; ~

' :•' "Bank·Terms:-,See Floyd Kehrl; Perutiman Bnuiclt, N~tlonBI Dank of •' Detroit, PJymoutb, Mlchlglin. . . · ·

F. company In Lansing, heads

the ·new ·proc~sslng company. The plant. production cycle,. n

mechanical contlnuous line opera· tlon, requires just one·half !lour from removing the frozen slabs used for the stlel>s from the hold· ing room, unt'n the finlshecl.pack· · ages of stlclts arc again ready·for the freezer. It utilizes equipJ;llent designed and built specifically fot: the Brown company's use. It In· eludes 3 qua.llty contl'ol stations. Inspectors eheclt. the ·sticks as they come from the bredder. after fryli1g and as they pass from. the cooling tunnel.

The processing ls carried on In a new plant, n 'one·story structure wlth 6,000 square feet of floo'r space. It ·has :a production ell· paclty•of 12,()00 pounds per 8:hour, shift. The plant hal:\. 21 ~mployees.

The Friendly lllhlc eiiiHH will not ennvcnc tl1is month hccnll.~c of lilclmcss of mnny of the mcm· berM.

There will he a cnrd shower· (or Anna Bumptt~, whose hlrlh· dny annlverHary Is February 11. llcr address Is G~egory, lloute 1.

Mr. unci Mrs. Wayne Geer en· tcrtnlncd Mrs. FlomncE! Dutlon nt dlnnE!r Sunday honot·lng her birthday unnlvcrsury. · Mr. unci Mrs. P11ul Roherls nnrl Linda of Ann Arbor nnd Homer Wasson of Fowlerville culled on Florence Dutton Sunday. Phoebe ~tcphens of Chelsea s·pent the week end ut her home,

Mrs. Truln Jaci1son of Webber· ylllc and Mrs. Phyllis Osborne of Williamsville called on their mother, Mrs. fiaym•mrl Slt!phcns, Sunday afternoon. . Mrs. Phyllis Coaltlc;r returned lo her home in Lnnsing Monday after spending some time wllh her parents, Mr. nnrl Mrs. Emcr· son l{lnsey, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hlrlus Alles nnd Mr. and Mt·s. fiobert Alles and son of Wllll£tmston were Sunday callers at lhc Emcr· son Kinsey home. · .

Mr. and Mrs. Rolwrl Gladstone entertalne·d at dinner Sunday. Guests were Mrs. Gladstone's

Mr. ancl Mrs. Ronald nnd her brolhct··ln·law and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Jcn·

Jdns ·of Chelsea, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Roberts and family and Mr.· and Mrs. Roy Gladstone und Roger. '

Roy ·Palmer of Springport called on his niecE!, Mrs. Marion Gladstone, and family Thursday aftern.ll·or1~·· , ·. · :" ~

•1" ! \

webberville· blrthilny- annlver'$a)'lee ot n. :r, Moeckel ~nd Mrs. C, A, 'IClddor, who cclchmtcrl her UOih. ilh•L)Jrlay annivemut·y.

Mrs. Myrl Graham .- Phone 66·f·2 G. I r. Clnrl>slnn of tlro Cltlrits· Jon lnsulntlng Co, nf !•'lint wns trueHt ~prnlwt• In the Methodist l~p)tH:opul church Sunrlny, He spolw nhout thr. work of the Glrlcnns.

PNG Club Serves Bohemian Dinner

'l'IH' Pnst Nohlo Gl'flnrl club WIIH hosl.css 'to the· Pnst Nohle Grund nssoclntlon Frldny l"i n hnhcmlan dinner served ut 12:30. l~lfty WC!'{! In altendnnce,

Election of officers folilJWerl a short business meeting. Mrs. nolnnd Grnhnm was officer In churgc and Mrs. Gladys .Jnson ncted as mnrshal, Mrs. Clam Has· kill, Mrs. Nettle Monroe, MrH. Gertrude 'showerman and Mrs. Arline Matthleson sm·ved as cs· corl.s.

0Jillll llollllll IK I'IIIIIIU'Ii Open hnuHc will Jw hclrl at litn

Wobh•wvlllo Cnmmunlly hrtll Sunclny, Folll'uary 20, frnrn 2 to fi p. m, In honor of tlw 51lth wed· ding unnlvcrsnry of Mr. anrl Mrs. l~mr.r·sun Pnrlwr. r~rirmris· anrl relatives ru·c Invited In uttenrl.

Mr·s. Edna Grlawolri of Fowler· ville IH stnylng wllh Mr~;·, Tnm Newton while Mr. Newton Is In the north fishing.

Derby Neighborhood 1\h•H, G. w. SJII'ingnmn

'!'he Stndthrld!rc Oriel Folfnw anrl Rciwknh lorl!r!!S will serve u l Ul'iley HUpper· for the Lions dub nt t Ito I. 0. 0, F. hull I~cbruary 15.

Mr. anri Mrs. Don Seefeldt unci sons were dinner guests nf Mr, unrl Mrs. Bill !Iauxhursl and Donna Sunday,

Er·ntc Frlnltlc has been slclt at ·his home.

Mr. n111l Mrs. D. B. Smith are S(Jerrdlng some lime ut Lnlw Worth, Flor·ldn.

John Brower W!IS guest of itrlll· or Sunday at the home of his son· Chlllcri rn!t·igPI'ulor eooldo In-law und duughlcr, Mr. unci riough mny be cut more cnslly Mrs. Gemld nunclmnn, nnri ~;,ms. wllh n wire cheese cutlet• rather The occasion wns his hlrthrlay than a lorifp, sny Michigan Slate annlvcrsm·y r111rl also marl1cci llw 1 f•nllege horne t!connmlsts.

Ingham County News February 10, 1955

OHiccrs cleelcd were: Pres!· dent, Allee Catlin; vlce·prcsldcnt, Mary Bidwell; secretary, Nora Fisher; treasurer, Margaret Cheney; marshal, Edna Burnett; chaplain, Lottie I~ishcr; musl· clan, Isuhcll Tredway; and door· lwcpcr, Emily Monroe. .------------------------,

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Waiver· WEBBEUVIU.E UONS CJLlJn

Page 6

ton entertained Mr. and Mrs. flo· land Graham, Mr. and Mrs. flon· alrt Parlwr, Mr. and Mrs. David Llllywhile, Mrs,' Emma Bedford, Mr. unci Mrs. William Whlttaitcr and Mr. anrl Mrs. I·Im·old Van Orden Sa turdny evening. 'fhc hosts served supper after which the group played cards.

Tom Newton and Don Mnrtln arc fishing at Jewell· lnltc.

The Bible study class met at the home of MrS'. Nellie Bielz last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Ethel Grant and Mrs. Nora Me· Comb were leaders.

Mrs. Gladys Jason and Mrs. Myrl Graham were ln Williams· ton to receive the lesson on ac· cessorlcs in the home last Thurs· day.

Community Auction lleltl nt Wcblwrvllhl Uommunlty Jlull

Saturday, February 12 1 1'. !II.

A nmorm•s PAitAms•~ Cllothlng - Jllshcs - Furniture - 1\ltUlhincry

Tools - Antiques - Grain - Poultry ' llundrl'ds of Items

Clare Baker, Auctioneer Anyone wishing- to donnie arU!·It•s lcnvt~ them at the town hull or llllll Wchhtli'Vlllc Opcrutor.

• • ; t',

I •I'" ' llaving bought· a smaller fltrm we will sell at public ltuct.ion at l.ho · ttlace first farm enst of ·Mason on Colrunbh\ toad.

• ~~' •< \I''


. "

. . ' . . ' ' '

Saturday, february 19 Stockbridge

Phone. Price· Brothers

·. ' Auctioneers

-•Farm ~achinery ::·-:::.::·· ~o.5~·:c6.~op E~~ .~#w~r. ,ts~i~ch. t;r~s ·6~ ~~ai, ~Ii~e·l 4-secUon Trootor .Harro'v

11 A. M.

Mason Phone 2-8761

';>: ;:~ • . ,-weights,,lrye.power : . :':·· · .. · .. ·.. ·s-SectionTrootor·ilarrow ,.,. . ; ;JJnl~ersatManure.Loader to fit:tl'II.Cfur . ·'·' · · '·. · Brillion 10-ft. Cultlpa.cker, nearly new · · ·. :1.!t5l, .John Deere. 50-ft. Hay and ·Gram . Elevator; .. · Mlnneapolis-Motinti .tO-ft. Disc

·<·:.: ':Motor;·n:rn.g.,·irrit;per:: · ·. · .;--·. ·.-:.: -. ·· · Ne.w.Idea 7-ft. M~wcr on rubber ' ·Johil·D'eere Model·A Tractor and Cultivator New Idea 4-Bar Side Ralw

1954 Allis-Chalmers noto· Baler New Ilolland· Bale Loader on rubber New Ideu. 2-row Corn Picker, ·in good condition John Deere Tractor 1\lanm•e Spreader 1954 John Deere 13-holc Grain Drill on Rubber, 2 Rubber-Tired Wagons with chopper boxes and

· has drilled 30 acres false end gates Co·Op 3-bottorri, Plow on rubber Aero-Vent Wagon Unloader Fertilizer Spreader ·on rubber, new · Papec 10-inch Hammer 1\llll lnternatio.nal 2-bottom, 14-inch Plow on rubber · Qtiantity of good small articles

Lunch Stand on Grounds

,·16 Head· of Cattle 16 11 Heru.l of Holstein Heifers, due to fresht\n in

, Set•tember' · · . . · Holstcm: H;eifer, 2 years old, due day of sale ~7 Holstein Steers, 18 months old 3 llolstein Steers, .14 to 16 months old


··:·· .. 260 :Hogs 160.: .. ·· · · ~~ Head of Jl~tmlure Gilt..'l, due to farrow in May ' 60 Ueru.l of Hampshire Sll~ats, weigh 154)-lb · ~7 Hampshire 'GUts, due to farrow lost of February .. · aml. Marcil • ' i50 Head of llampshlre Feeder Pigs -~: l[arnpshird Boars, 9 months old . , . . · ·\ .,.

.Terms: Cash· · : .. · .. ' ....

'• I

. '"·.

. ' \. .J ..... .. . ' ' ' ~



~ay-Straw:Silage 1,000 Bales AlfaJfa-Bromc Hay 700 Bales Second (Jutting Alfalfa·Ciover llay 100 Bales Second Cutting .t\lfa.lfa Quantity of CllollllCd Hay and Straw

60 Tons of Grass Silage

. 30 Tons of Com Silage

500 BaJes of Straw

Truck 1948 (Jhe\Tolet 2-ton ,.True~, 2~speed. axle, Q~opper

. box, bydraullc laoist,, . ' · .

·Not Responsible for ~ccidents ·

I \

lawrence lane •• ~. 1 • ;


I F~bruary 10, 1955


Ingham County News lr •·r

Part 4 · PfJrm ·sectioll

Ingham Elevators Have to Drv It

High-Moisture Corn Is Too Common lly l\1:-U. A VIm\'

Colliii,V A~1·u:nllmnl A~l'ill. In my l'fllllllilngs· ;rr·ounrl llw

county iust wc,eil I slnppPci In al the Producers l!;lr.vajor In Wll· liamston where scvrmrl lwrrls of corn were llnccl up lo he un· londcd. Duvc, rnan;rgPr of 1 · the elcvntur, mentiont!rl lhaf most corn'ser:ms lo 11e running high In molstu1·e this year compared In the previous ye111'. He mentioned also that "Miehlgan :mo" st!r!mecl to be In the rir·iest mnrlilion of the corn corning ln. I find that in checldng with other elevators that the same Is true in regurrl to high-moisture corn.

Dave mentioned I hul nne of the commercial drying eonccm:;- had told him they had dried !)00,000 bushels of corn this past fall nl n cost to the farmer of over $250,. boo. Multiply this numbm· of bushels hy I he amnunt of eom that Is being dried In other Hourccs nrounrl the Hlalc and in Ingham county. II Is easy to sr•c: that this corn·rlrylng program is an expensive one to all farmr.r·s.

'fhere are scveml met hods of getting around. this drying pro· position-one of them would he to select medium to e11rly rnn· turing hybrids to plant in this nren-partlcularly on fHrms that the farmers cannot get on to early.

Each year E. C. Rossman, col· lege fnrm crops rC!scarchcr, com· pares hybrids of rn11ny of the commercial cornp;miC'i t hmugh· out this area and compiles I he results of these te:;ts in Exten· slon Folder F-67-Corn Hybrids Compared. The new folder for 1955 results has just come off the press and Is nvHilahlc at the ex· tension nffice in Mason.

According to the amount nf moisture In the corn it would lnol> as though too many farmers arc ·buying seed corn that is too late In maturity for their part!· cular farm; that they m·c getting It In too late or not giving ll enough fertilizer to hurry it

along In gr!l m;r(ll!'r!d on lime In llw fall. .

1:;. c. no~sman i'l'Jlnrts 111111 yields r·nn he I)(JoHI<!cl ~ 11i In 2il'/t hy growing high ylelrllng l1y· ilrlrls. However, al tlw r:osl of drying r·om so 111111 it will lwep sHiisf;wlorlly, Ill' mrn lilnl Is In llc• stored or· solrl lrrr· commcrdnl purpcr:;l's, II may he lrnporlanl. In snr:rlflcc! 11 lew hushels of ylelrl fo1· corn 1 hat will rlry sallsf;H!· lorlly fell' selling wlllmul having to lalte a cut for high molstmc contcnl.

Many nf our fnrmPrs am us· lng corn lor siial-'(e and Dr. C. F. llun·m;rn of I he dairy dr!partmcnt or Michigan Stale mliege men· Uoned al tile dairy lmnquel last weclc thai silage wilil grain In It Is extremely lmprll'tlrnl fo1· get· ling good results from com sll· age with dairy mws. II might he wi~r: to choose 2 or a hyhrlds whleh differ slightly In maturity to allow for time of planting and soil conclltlom; on your parti· culnr farm.

Ft!l'lilizr! 'l'hnl. Col'll Corn growci'S can get $3.00 for

every dollnr· they lnvesl In fcrll· lizer on corn up' lo 300 lh per aerc. This was shown in il study revealed during l~ar·mer~' Week at Michigan Stale eollcgc. 'soil Scientist Lynn Robertson and a farm economist, Leonard Kyle, snid a farmer can expect these Increases in yield if he uses rccommenrlerl soil mnnagemcnL For the first 100 lh of high analysis fertilizer the corn yield will irwrcn~c about 8 bushels per ;rem. The farmer will get another 8 bushels for tile next 100 lb and for the third 100 lb he would get ahout 6 bushels.

The researchers also indicate I hat nitrogen siclc·dre.• · ings on the corn arc profitabl" where corn follows corn or a small grain crop. Side-dressing will re· turn about $1.50 for every $1.00 Invested, hut It returns as· high as $19.00 fo1· each $1.00 Invested in planting lime.

NEED A WELL?? I .Can Drill.

3 and 4 inch wells for farm and homn 6, 8 and 10 inch wells for air-conditioning

Commercial and lrrJgatlon

lngluun (JowH Win Jlrmor At the Monrlny evening meet·

ing of lhe nll·hrcr.ris bnnquct at Miehlgnn Stale college during J~;mncn;' Weclc the names of the ;,oo cluh of Michigan dairy farm· r:rs whose herds have nvcragcd :100 lb of hutterfat or more for tho past :1 year·s wcm announced. Of lhe :Jo farmers in the state llslerl in the 51JO club, 4 carne from Ingham eounly. They were .J. H. Chiunhcrlnln of Leslie 539.5 lb of fat, 14,207 Jh of mille with 15,0.1 cows; Hugh Oesterle & Son, W cbhcrvllle, 531.0 lb fat, 13,858 lb milk wllh 2li.2 ctrws·; I-I. A. Miller & Son, Williamston, 512.3 lh rut, 13,223 lh milk und 23.5 cnws; and Coe I~. Emen~, Mason, 505.4 111 fat, 13,500 lb milk with 2•Ll7 cows.

In addition lo the 4 men in the 500 cluh, Ingham county had 38 farmers who qualified for· the 400 Jh club among n list of about 300. Those qualifying were Lewis Wll· son, Mason, 480.6 lb fat; Gould & J<alc"lynslcl, Williamston, 473.9 lb fat; Kenneth Kurtz & Sophie, Lansing, 468.9 lb fat; W. C. Wright, Williamston, 462.8 lb fat; C. W. Dansby, Williamston, 461.1 lb fat; Chflrlcs Davis, Onondaga, <159.1 lb fat; Fred Angell & Son, Lansing, 458.5 lb fat; Ray Lott & Son, Mason, 458.4 lb fat;

Don Williams, Mason, .458.4 lb fat; Richard Smith, Leslie, 456.5 lb Iat; C. A. Diehl & Sons, Dans· ville, 450.6 lb fat; Maurice Oes· tcrlc, Webberville, 442.6 lb fat; Robert Rhines, Onondaga, 442.0 lb fat; Hugh Ellsworth and Bruce Decg, Holt, •141.0 lb fat; Warren Childs, Dimondale, 440.9 lb fat; Donal Parl1s, Williamston, 439.7 lb fat; Denzil Hill, WI!· llarnston, 438.4 lb fat; .J. H. & Dennis Underwood, Leslie, 438.3 lb fat; Clyde Snow, Jr., & Son, Mason, 437.9 lb fat; Harry Covert & Son, Leslie, 437.2 lb fat; Chellis P. Hall, Mason, 436.9 lb fat;

Kenneth Bibbins, Mason, 434.5 lb fat; Ralston & Pfiester, Wll· liamston, 434.4 lb fat; Russell Stover, Williamston, 432.4 lb fat; Harold Powell, Williamston, 432.0 lb fat; Elwynn Collar, Leslie, 430.8 lb fat; Ray Powell, Wll· I !amston, 430.0 lb fat;. Gottfried Graf "& Son, Stoclcbrldge, 426.1-!b fat; AndTew Klelver, Williams· ton, 422.1 lb fat; Lawrence Foster, Williamston, 419.5 lb fat; L. B. Harris & E. W. Litchfield,

:... ··.· ·.:·:: ...

TilE MIRACLE of American agriculture stl'ilws home in the film "Freedom for El'ic," on of several to be shown on John D~cre Day. A. A. Howlett & Co. will st:uge the special day Tuesday, February 22. ·

Business· and Education Attract More Students

Today only 8'/o of the new col· century. In 1900 only one out of lege graduates have prepared for 60 pcrsons had graduated from cai·ecrs in Jaw, medicine or den· college; Imlay one out of every 8 tlstry, the most popular fields 50 has earned his bachelor of arts "years ago, according to studies degrec or Its equivalent. Two· recently completed by the com· thirds of I he graduates were men mission on human resources and In 1900, but today's ratio Is 6 advanced training, of whlch 2 men to 4 women, according to the University of Michigan deans study. were members. Because the population Is la1··

:Dean Charles E. Odegaard of gcr and because a higher fraction the literary college and Dean of this population attends college, Ralph A. Sawyer of the Raci(ham the actual number of degrees In school of graduate studies served all fields Is greater than It was 50

I h 1 years ago, but "In relation to on the commission wh c was sc: other fields in which they can up. in 1949, under a grant from the ·Rockefeller Foundation, to major, a much smaller proportion maile a broad study of the pres· of college studehts concentrate In ent and potential supply of .high· I he natural sciences or the hu·

manitlcs now that in 1900," says ly·tralned personnel. the report. The need for such a study was For example, at the beginning

demonstrated by the shortage, of the century one graduate In 8 discovered during World War II, specialized In a forei~n language; of highly-specialized workers In now only one In 80 has majored all fields. in a foreign lanv,auge.

Fifty .Years ago professional Education and eornmcrce have schools for business and educa· had the' biggest boom, with the tlon were practically . unknown, social sciences and psychology but now more graduates have close behind. Undergraduate de· specialized In these fields than in grees in cngin-~ering, too, have any others,· the commission re· increased grencly. ports: Although there has been this

The part of the study dealing vast change in the type. of bache· with college graduation trends lor's degrees, adv;mced degrees in lntllcates that sweeping changes the different fi2lrJ~ have had a haye· .talmn place In American stable distribution throughout the higher eduea.tlon during the last- years, this phru;e of the study

concfudes .. · · · .

Old Issues. and New Problems Give · Legislature Slow Start

Jly l~lmer \Vhlto lllli!hlglm l'J-cl!s Assodl~llrm Michigan's 1955 legislature Is

getting off to one of· the rough· est stnrts in years, beset by the ghosts of old Issues and the birth of new problems.

Taxpayers nnd the cost of gov· cr·nmcnt combine the Ingredients ol the biggest issue: Money.

• • •

a 65-mile an hour daytime limit and 55 nt night.

Childs cites survey~ slwwing that motorists cnnnot Htop In the distance covered hy their henri· ilghts at night If they arc travel· ing over 55.

"The lncrenscs in the number of accidents In whleh drivers lose coni rol of thch· ca1·s Is I ill·

other indication thnt speed lcllls The state ended the fiscal year· unri thnt fl limit Is ncce8snry If It

with a $3,000,000 surplus In the cnnnot he sclf·lmposcrl." treasury, not counting the ricfl· ciencics of overspent public agencies. The rand nhcnrl will he rocky. ·

• • • Prosperity continues In Mlch·

lgan, Banking Commlssloncl' Maur·

Icc C. Eveland said that !he l!l511 total resources of stnle hnnl1s

unemplnynwnl eurnpnns1illon t.o 52 wcelts, IL hmncl hint nt tho gunrantcml nnntllll wngc,

"That nne will IICVCI' even get out of commit lee," snld one Re· publiean member of tho seriate health and welfiU'e com·mlttec.

• • • Other. hiUs enll for unlimited

IJeneflls fen· r!iHablerl workers, nrerlkai cnre as lrmg ns necessary beyond I he Jli'P.Hcnt ceiling of lB. months, and lifetime assiHtanco · if Jwrmnnenlly clisnbled.

'!'he C!C) Is after further IIbera· lizalions of I he unemployment anti wnrlmwn's emnpensntlon· laws and llepullllcans lndlcat~: they may go along-hut not all the way .

The slow, lnr·tunus tmec of the: first fl'W weelcs of the wason, the lssli<'S already musing contro·: ve1·sy nnrl other straws In the winds point to a windup In June ---and maybe ialer~ ·

Govcmor Wllllnms ehcciccd in wilh a budget which forecasts a $46,000,000 deficit· next year un· Jess another source of revenue cun be tapped.

reached $3,757,000,000 during the -;:::::::::::::::::::::;­first pencetlme boom, a gnln of $137,000,000. • • •

'!'hen comes the rest of his pro· gram, a multl·mlllion dolla1· bit .for education on all levels, a high· way bond Issue to cost Initially $500,QOO,OOO; expansions of serv: ices elsewhere.

"The big problem, which no· body has discussed yet, Is where to get the money for these things," said Senator Crelgi1ton R. Coleman fR·Battle Creelc).

• • • Tax plans .are popping up In

every corner ·of the legislature. Some legislators favor a new

batch of "nuisance taxes," on mo· tels, hotel rooms, soft drlnl>s and other goods". imd services. .WII· Iiams wouid illw to havl! his cor: poration profits tax. · ·

' • • *

Nearly half the dcp[)sits In slate bnnl1s arc in time nnd sav­Ings accounts witlUhc thrift I ness o( .. Mh!hlgnn's citizens being chnrnctcrlzed by an lncr·case [Jf nearly $86,000,000 In saving ric· posits. . "Th~ records· should he gmli·

fylng to every citizen, show! ng a healthy economic situation high· lighted by a substantial gain in savings deposits," ·Eveland said.

~ . . Social legislation will get a big

piny In the 1955 season. Democrats have recruited Re·

publican co-sponsors for the olt· tried and oft·dcfeatcd fair em· p!oyment practices .commission bill and the usual "IIbcrallzatlons In worl>men's bcnef)ts· have been proposed. ..

Nobody "doubts that the con: * + • troversial business activities tax The FEPC blll sets up rnachin· will be extended beyond Its ery barring employers from fir· March. 15: expiration date. Both ing or· refusing to hire a worket· Democrats and Republicans ·want on the basis of rnee,- creed, color to avoid another dlrf)ct assault on or national origin. consumers. Senator Harry. F. Hittle (R.

Senator Carlton H. Morris fR. Lansing) and Rep. Louis J. Kalamazoo), new tax committee Cramton CR·Lapeer) urc on 2 chairman in the ·senate, said: of thl! bills, neither of which con· "Whatever ldnd of tax Is enacted, taln the "right to worl'" clause we all !mow that In soml! way pushed as a counter·proposal last the consumer Is going to have to year; pay it. It'!l a question whether The "right to work" cia usc we can afford these expansions would enable a man to work in a at this time." factory whether or not hi! joined

Highway speed limits wlll be a unlori-a facet of discrimina· an Issue again, with State Pollee tlon RepublicanS" feel is as im· Commissioner ,Toseph A .. Childs· portnnt as FEPC. for the first time In support of Senator .Philip Rahoi ID-Iron a ceiling. .. · Mountain) Introduced a bill to

The bills came·po~rlng :ln for extc"nd·. the 26·weeit.· coverage of


ON AUTO INSURANCE? Read thll .5-page adYerlise• mont on State fc~rm.Mulual. -famous ·"caroful driver in· surance" ci:lmpany-in the January 31· inuct

To flnd oul II you con quullfy, call your Siolo Fur"l owoniJ



Bernard E. Wilson :!Iii ·1~: Ash

Phtum l\lu;,on 2·8162


Phone lll11son 5181 •· IU11son, Rou~ 1, Box 8D Soutlt of lUason on US·127A 11t City Limits

415.9 .. fat; ·

& Son, 413.5 lb fat; Harold Glynn, Ma· liOn, 412.3 lb fat; Howard Coy, Mason, 407.0 Jb . fat; Lynn

lb fat'; and Paul & Rowe, Mason, 400.0 Jb' fat.

Rencwrs Get Trmttment The executive committee of the

Livestoclt Marl>eting association of Michigan met recently to de· velop a practical . method of handling Bangs reactors at auc· tlons and assuring owners indem· nities on such cattle.

Sfl~h~~ a y '".~·~~ ff# : -.JOHN •

I PICKUP Modob. Popular Now ONE HUN. DRED wllh 6\f.r·ft. all·stool body or R-110 Sorios. 4\f.r or S·foot boditJ. Floor ribbed for lncraasod ,rigidity. Tlght.fastonlng tallsato.

Top l.i9d-D.drf "&If ;-fOR ROCK·BOTTOM COSTS~ I

If your work calls for a %-ton pickup, panel or stake truck, we've got the right truck

PANILS, R·IIO Stritl, 115·1nch wheelbase. Loadspaco dimonsiansr Length 90 lnch11, width 40. lnch11, hol;ht 54 i~ch11, Roar doo11 open .to 90 or 180 dogroo posltlan.

to keep your costs 'way down! -~ , From any angle, INTERNATIONAL is your

best tr~ck buy. The new economy Silver Dia~ mond engine is built to keep_ operating and..,

. IIAKIS, R·IIO Sorlts. Heavy 'l1·1nch oak floor. . tldt and tnd rcickl %·ln. klln-drlod hardwood, ltunl)' •tetl et~ktl oaJII)' rtmovablt for fiaf! ·

... ICI operation, ·

miUntenance costs at a minimum. . 'Thke Comfort. The Comfo-Vision cab has,

plenty of head, leg and shoulder room, cush• io'ned comfort for the biggest drivers, \

'Thke Performance, When you drive it yoll'U · ' know what %-ton truck performance should,,

· really be like I All models have tubeless tires standard, with power steering, automatio tranSmission, or overdrive at e~:tra cost.m•· • J1D eye-openi.og drive. todal~

~ ' . . . ··•'t'IJ·)~. .

·.'r.ou!f!ad•·in maycov11 the down pay"'enr. Aak ahout ourconvenlinlferm~~

SILSBY IMPLEMENT CO .. ·. j ... 4 •• • • i •• , , I . ' , .

.. 214 State Street 1 ' • Mason. . . . '~

The government has increased the appropriation for Bangs test· lng. Michigan will receive $475,· 000.00 to be used before June 30, 1955. This will be used for test· lng In new. counties and re-test· lng feMtal Indemnities for grade and .. creglstered cattle. ·The lndem· · nity for grades is $25.00per head and··.·' for registered animals $50.00.: .·. ' . :. .. . . .

Bangs · .. reactors , are . ·to be brnnCled: These. branded. animals must .be .. sold ::for <.slaughter through · miu1tdpal!Y. liispedeci slaughter· houses. Reactors going lntra·state mus~ go to federal in· spected slaughter houses. This will allow many rriore buyers·. Watch for approved list of buy· er:s and general announcement In

1 this respect. The state law says that sale

must be direct to slaughterer. Your auction may be the selling agency between the farmer and slaughterer. Your auction will as· sume this responsibility. Things which must be done as· animals come into the sale by the parties running the auction are .to pro· vide separate pens for Bangs re· actors, sell to approved slaughter· er only, sell reactors after all other cattle are sold and clean and dlsslnfect pens before any other cattle are put Into these same pens. .

Exclumge Phms Mce.tlug . Glen Webster, president of the

local livestock. exchange group, reports that the 1955 livestock ex·. change meeting will. be held at the Dansville town hall Tuesday, February 15. The meeting will start at 10 with a lunch nt noon

· followed by a spealdng program and entertainment. On the pro· gram w111 be Don· Star)c of Mlch· lgan State college with "Live· stocl( Trends," and ·Dr. Charles J. Hubbard of Mason speaking on veterinary practices,

Ellsworth Cow Hits 57B;<~~ . Romany Woods Flossie Lou,· rt registerea Guernsey, owned by Hugh Ellsworth of ~Holt, pro·

.·11,133 'ib. of ,.milk and 578 fat. This' ·production repre· npproxlm~teJy· 5,349·quarts

hlgh;quallty milk •. Lou w~s· an ll·yenr·old ·nn(j. waS' milked 2 tlm(ls dally for 305 days.. . .

H o II y w o o d F a .v o r i t e s_ •· • • :

HEAR a Parad.e of _ _ _ : ___ DEERE Y.o u .r ... E.a. v_o r It e.<,l;.lkn e ... t .. ;~~-~ .. ,:,.j~ .. :~~··~ ._,."; ' ,.".1 •. • . . ,;c.Y:

1"Nittlliiii'7.: .. · -:··--olr- ~-A F u II. c 0 I 0 r I F u II. L' it g I h r;


Yn'll ujey .. .,,. llllftrit• ,, . thlo hrl­;uh .. P"l'•lll-1• nttriiiRial ..... li•. ftrmtllw• preerali· .. at will · ,.tlttkt yit~l Iii,. tl,. allkt


A Hew Gordon FamiiJ Hit I Also, "What'~ --~EW lor ,1955~' ·. \''Oddities in 'Farming" · , '·; i"Power Steering. T~kes Over,"~ an.d ~d~ed ~~ort S~b!eqtp

The "Day of the Year" for the ··Man of the Soil"' ... and H" Entire Family

JOHN DEERE DAY Tuesday __ ··· '':

FebrUaty 22: , : • ' I . , ' ~,, , ' r '. ·' • , ,' ·, ~ • • .•. , . •

."""; :·.· Mason.:.;: .. ·r;..: .'11 A.·· ·:·· .···!: :. ' :. · .. · .. ·:<:<·~~-.. ~,- .. !:-:-.-....... ~·::·~· .. ..:. _;~·:· ,.

.·· ...

: Is Comingl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I

. 'I I


The new J'ohn Deere "45" Combine, shown here, is among the many new machines John Deere Day guests will see in the film, "What's New for 1955."

· Prickly pear farming in San Diego Is one of the unusual far!lllng practices shown ln 'Pddltles In Farming," which w111 be shown to John Deere Day

. audlimces. ·•,

: A. A~; Howle,l., & . (o; ·•l,.·,

I ..

... , .. t .. .:

'.:·: Hog Prices Are Lowest Since 1952 Blower System Cuts Feed Work .,, ..

fly ('111'1 Cllllllt Hog prl•·r•s !11 f:llit'Hgo 11Vf'l'o1fi('f)

$Hl.~fi rlurlng ,lzJ/illai',Y· 'l'luii'H till'

·rrcwn's 11 wny to snvn moRt of yotn• lnhnl' In llvestnl'lr fPorllng.

··II loWf!SI Hlnc" April, Jnii~. nnd ll1f' ]O\Vf!HI' Jn!' ,l/illllill',\' Hllll'l!. fn50, ling sluughll!l' lli!dt•J• !Prlf'l'lll In· '"

moving li1 lnlcrstate r.ommcrec H(lpcur.-; to ho ~uh.lecl to con· rlcnnnHt Inn, 'I' hut. would mr.un quite a Hlzuhlu umnunr of wheat, l•'igllrlng tho wheu!. crop at iil'fHIIlll 11 IJII!Jon ln1s·hels, some :tll,OOO,IJOil I t1 40,000,0110 . hushels would h1• llllfll t'r;ll' humnn u~e.

rnny tn hnel<ym·d voge· lnhle untl flower gt·nweJ·s, llf':tl· Ing nnd vcmlllntlng I:' would ndll qnlte n ill! lo the r•osl, howr.vcJ',

,ftoiJP.J'I W. ,J\IcliH, a Unive!•s!ty of IJilnolH nngl1wm·, 1 nlrl u J~urm· ers' Hllrllenm lllnt ll's Pl'llC· llcm I to blow gruln nnd gJ'Ifl/lHI feed fiO to 300 f~>el lhrongl1 Hhec•l steret pipe. 'l'llP plpr., lw ~ulrl, C'llll

he~. ;, m· fi lndH~H in rllnnwter, r.­' ' ,.


specl!on for lht• mr.nlll IH rsll· mnted nl fl/iflfl/11111 iwnrl. '!'wn yenrs ngo wl11•n IIH· .lct/llllll'Y 1<111 WflS uhol/1 :j:ti,:lOii,IJfl(} iH'IIII, ll11• uvernge prlr'l' ww; $1H.i;J, Cnilla llutclwrlng In .J:tniiiii'Y wa~ up eonsldernhly II'OIIl a ,VI'ar agr1.

• 1 t:

·USDA now Inn(.;;; t'or gmwrnlly Siendy f'l!idct•IJ :111!1 l'g{:( )IJ'icCS' llJJI'illg lit(• l'fllllillg /llOillilS. l~gg produrllon !11 11!1' m·.~l lt!ll' months will lu• IP'<'IIII'l' thnn fl

yem• ago, fly f\lnrdl '"' April ll~e nutpul will llf' dn~•· to Just yenrs

Good donn fnrm slrm1gc will pny orr. 1~1·om nnw on wheat lllllt's not. l'lenn will he dis· counlcd heavily, And If It's prclly lmd II mny not he uccept· ablr.• lo Jocul PIPvalors.

Tlw nntionnl ncrenge ullotment fnJ' ll!c I fl5fi r•or11 crop has been ;;cl n 1 dosl' lo 50,000,000 ucreH-­up nmuJ1d 8';~ from lust yem'. Thai's tlw nllotm~nl fm· the com· merclnl ~ot·n oren of 805 coL/niles In 21 stall's. Here 111 Michigan 20 cotllllirs nrc lndudcd in the eom· rnerrlal corn nren. And the HWifi allotnwnl t'or these t•ounlles· Is l;J7fi,Oilll acres-up around 12% ft·on1 11 vent· ngo, Frll'lnrrs who hnvP :illotments for llwlt· fnl'lns lwvo to comply wllh those llllol· monls to be eligible for prier HliJl· pori on lheh· J!)fifi corn,

USDA sclcnlisl.y lwve jus! cnm11lr;lt!d n prellrnlnur.v c•xpl!J'I· mrml. pJ•ovlng lhnl vllumln B·l2 fr.rl to laying hl'Jl:l In mlions m· given !1y lnJcwtlon is c•urJ·I••d lnill ll1e{. 'J'Iw umount of Ll·l!l In lito .egg C!llll hP ermlmllrrl 111'1!· l'!sely hy t11e mnnnnl In,ler,ter! Ill' plner.d in tliP fPed. 'J'Itls eoulcl Ill' n signiflcanl dlseovPI',Y; B-1~ Is !mown to sllmulntr; f1l'owth in children.

SpC>Eii<ing at the MiPhigun Stnte college meeting, 1\lels told !hr. fr1rmers I hal the, powet· neerll'd ean lw figured lllw this:

On!' horHl•powrH' fot· enC'11 1110 fPet nC J!lp!! piLl:> onf!·lhlnl horse· powe1· J'm• eueh I ,000 J1rll11His nf grain movetl jl£!1' hOlll',

'!'he Illinois cmglm•m· pointed 0111 !IIIli I he system Is simple and the weather-proof pipe! r11n he suspended In the nh·. He sulrl !he hlowel' system is not us P.f'J'Ielent as the medlllnil'ul conveyor, how· I:'VeJ•,

· ·lrvels. Bmll1•r pmdur·lion hHH ul· ready rlmppPtl I•PitiJIII a ,Vf'rtl' ago, Pl'lrPH IHII'P dlmlu•rl ill lT!ct>nl wl:'eks,

Purdue sclenli~ts sluclyitJg car· eas·ses of cnlllc fl'cl rations con· talnlng hormones found no evl· drne" or re~ldunl i1ormunes in the mea I. 'l'hls was lnte WIJclhot" I he feeding of hormone~ wns sloppt>d the day prlot· lo slmtghtcr ot· 7 days before slnughtol'. One nf the horrnonr.R fed In, mil if' wns stilbestrol.

Lnylng llor'i<s IJ:ll'<' ill'f'll f'IIJlerl hnr!J l"f'C'Cnli,\'. 1•'1'1\'l'l' l'CJIIIICC·

· ments lll'f' hPing nddPrt, iil'c:onllng to USDA sttrvlo.;>~;. I•'Pril'l':il poul· trynwn sn.l' il lnok~ llkr egg prices will ~lay sl<'ady tlltlll Hprlng, wiH•n llit'Y will stm·J IIJ!· wafd hf'I'UIISP of Jil'lldllclion c·ul· hnolts.

111 lfc If! MISCELLANY .•. Commerclnl hmiii:'J' Ollillllt In Jil lwy st.ales

lllei! gTowcJ'S uppmvcd mnrltet· last. year climbed 12'/n over 1fl53. ing qunlas on theh· 19fi!'i.crop hy Gt'OSH'. income fl•om sulcs lagged a !l lo 1 ma1·gln. In the ·refeJ•cn· li'fr, •• , GovP.rnmenl seienlisls

='· ·! cltun they voted .1o cqL hark rice hnvP. dJ.scnvercd a new In!icr.ticlrlc 1\oml nnd rlr11g admlnlstrnllnn ar:rl'agp 2ri'.L In J'P.iurn they will called DDVP whieh they elalm Is

apP,III'Pnliy i,, gol111: tu damp prollllbly get 00% supports for more hut. leHs toxic liwn rlown- nnrl hurd -oil shipmrmls lhPIJ' crop, This would be nboul DD'I' tn humans anrl rrt'rm ani· or rorlenH·oillaminalr•rl ancl In·' $·Ul0 cwt. This Is the first time mals. Il can be us~d on crops he· .4r.ct·infr.slcd wlu•:11 moving in In· llw rlr·e m·op hns been under the cause II' does not remain effr•clive let'slate C'llrlllllf'l'l'<'. 1-:nforecnu•nl quoin plan; haelt in 1~2fl, quotas over n long period of tinw lilre of I he gruin snnit a lion progrum IVPJ'r• rr.jPr'INI by rice growers. DQT, II has pmven very l'ff,~c· will he l'f'SIInwd il'flnH•diaiJ•ly, " ·~ '1 livl:' in killing flies whidl have

CnJ•!oarls uf wlw:tl moving in A gt'rP.nhottsc ft•amed wllh liulll up a rr.slstnncc to DDT , . , Interstate <'UilHllf'/'1'" will he ~ub· wonrl :nul cov<!J'ecl hy 2 layer;; of The Netherlands· and Denmark jl'ct lo sf'izlll'i' nnd r·nqdr>miWIIt~~ I plaslie film llas been OJlC'raterl h:1vr charger) I!Jr. U. S. wiiiJ I'C· for salr only "·' ft'l'fl Whf'iil Jl, >lLII'r'r.ssfltl!y hy rescarchet·s. al sorling tn a clumping policy in upon smnplinv. lly F'DA inspJ•r·l· lhr. Unlvr.rsily or Kcntucl<y. The Its efforts to dispose of 111,000,000 ors, stwh wlu:nt is found _In c·nn·J rnlll'f! slrurlurc 1.8x84 feel was lb of surplus butte/' on liw worlrl taln ri.<l mdr•nt pPill'l:l Ol' mo1·e' c·unslructc!l lll a cost o[ $250. mal'lwl ... Every dozen eggs n JWl' lhnU.'ioilH! v.ramn anll/m· 2<,;, Materials for a slanclard green· hr.n produces malws her WO!'III nr mol'l! lnsr!cl·rlll!ll:l.f(C'rl grain, housP of the same slzf' would cost 25 cents more, say University of

FDA offid:ils r•,:limatl' thai he· '!i•J,(!OO. Engineers· figure this Ideal Illluois pcnillrvnH'n.

·~;;;"I MSC res: Sells Milk - . •

Mt'i!'l.'t= Askmg Is Part of Selhng . Hatcllhli' All Suwm11r ·

Wrlta, l'taoo, Drlv~ '" or FJ,. Ia Here'::: nnoiiH'J' possible way to I "This system nC choice offors IJP!p wipe nul the milk .~urplus. good posslliilities for hoosling LOWDEN fARMS A Miehig:111 Stnte college gmrJ. milk consumpllon in restaurnnls ualp slwlenl suJ·vey shows I hal -11 could. even be usl:'d al I he HATCHERY I m:,ny people will rlrinl< milk in· family table," said Dale Butz, M.

l'hon• Jnckaon 24809 :;lead n[ cllt'fee-if they're given a S. C. ug economist in cl1argc of •~20 E. !larry Rd. ot Hanri•H• ehoiee J.o1· their rcstaumnl meal. the survey.

R. 1. Rlvo• Jm·ctlon 'l'lw :;tudents look lhciJ' survey For another part oi the survl!y,


4o/o Land Bank


Dt llw cni!Pgr•'s Kellogg Center· milk was placP.d nt f~VCI'Y plate-­whir·!! seJ·ves luncl1es (tlld dinners free. Eighty.folll' per crnl nf lhc In lluncll't•tls nf groups holding guests dmnk il. nwrl ings. Waltmsses madf' sut·e !•'arm gmups .rh·ank mnrr. milk I lie> ~-:uesls were given :t l'lwicf' nf I han city folks---9.3% compared

1 rnilk Ill' ml'l'er. wl!h. 75~\·. Men drunk mnrr> milk I f•'m• 11 ll]ectlH, aoo out Cl[ 1,777 than women-22',/,; eomparerlwilil prr.ple_o.J·1 •;:·-chose mille In n 7'/-. f,~Jarge uumber of men cli·~nk survey, only <1% dmnk holh niilk and col'fce. mill' when IJJ('y had to ask fo1· 11 ..

BrJ'orc 1 he survey, l\c>llogg Cen· 11:'1', like many other establish· ments, Hei'VN) mffee, and the gurst receivC'd milk only If Jw asl>f'ct for II. Now, KC guest!i arc

Cheney Holstein Improves Line

Through a comparison of nt'fl· dal production recrll'Cls between cluughters nnd dams, Bancroft AC Renown Chief Wayne, a regis· tereil Holslein hull owned hy F. G. Cheney of Williamston, has berm proven favorably' on n pro· r.Juctlon basis. Figures indieal!.' that this bull raised the produc­tion of his daughters ovrr ilwl of tlwiJ' dams hy fi4 lb of ilutlm•fnl ·~ and 1,:1,16 JIJ of mill<.

Siatistlcs urc availahlc nn ·t·l, pairs of dnughters and dams whlc·h show that the daughters of this hull nvcrngcll <lfl3 lb of hut· terfat and 14,000 lh of milk, us against ,12~ lh nf httlll'rfal lind 12,(ifi•l lb nf milk fot· the- clam~. ScveniCi'/1 tested daughters of this hull. inclurllng the 14 men· lionccl ahnve, :.tvemgccl 4~2 Ill of bullrrfat anrl l•l,O:iO lh of milk.

All records usee! in malting lhesc rompnriHons are arljusJerl to a mature, twice-rlally milking, .105-clny basis.

Sire of the hull wn~ Cut'llss Candy Henown Chief, nml his clam was .Tanr Wnyne Dutch Mas· II'!'.

Expert Tells How To Increase Oats

Lllrc to boost youJ' Jah01· income on an oat crop by)jil.SO pe1· holll''? How about increasing you1· whl:'at yielrl.hy ·1·1·hushcls per af'J'e'!

It r'an he done if you use the rigiJt amounl of fe1·lliizcr· anct Col· low· i)raclkcs. thnt have~ br.en •:ecommendecl lly the Michigan Agl'icultural Experiment Station.

'!'hat was the gist of a talk by C. R: !Rayl Hoglund hefn1·e a I•'at·mers' Wee!' auctienee at Mlch· igan Slate college Wednesday, February ~.

National farm loan Association

slill asked lo make their eholce,

Hatching Weekly All Wiltter

Plastic. Liner Helps Boost Apple Storage

Hoglund, a U. S. clepnrtmcnl nf agriculture researcher at M.S. C., f•ontended that the average fnrm·

, c1· will have to double the nmounl .!;. new plastic craie liner now or fertil!zet• he uses at planting

415 S. CoehJ•nn Phone ISSO Chan·lotte

Flehl Offico 13!1 W. A~:!:

Phone 2·6091

Pnllorum·glean Chlelr11

Gulliver's Hatchery l\Iason

Phone 113!11 . Eaton Uaplds Vz mile south on 1\1·119

Wayne G. Feighner Auctioneer

Ronle 1, ltrnson .

Ctlll l'IJnRon 2·11883 o1• l 1:nlon

~· Farm nnd lfouseholll Sales * Rnplds 31!76 - Colll)ct


Posrs· {


(Also wire-fe'!cers) 'J'reatetl Poles - U-16-18-22-25 Ft.

lrenc(l - Barbed Wire - Lawn Fence Gates --12-14-16 Ft.

Marnrnotla Clove•• J)[edlum Clover Llldlno Clover

SEEDS Cnnnillan Grlnun Alfalfa Certlfletl Ranger Alfalfa .

' .. . Timothy - Bromo

Fcw-tUize•• Ortlors Taken'



Hog Feeders -·.wadcrors .; . ."Troughs:..;..; Stock i'~ .. : ' .. ,

under test may help put crisp I imc to mul'c ·oats a paying crop, Michigan apples on the store shelf Ancl I he Iarm•:r would hnvc In past late winleJ'. make Increased use or improved

The liners aJ'f! similm· to lhe varieties, hettet• tillage nnd wecod transparent plastic hags you see contrnl practices and he woulrl on fruits and ·vegetables. have to tile poorly drained field::,

Donald H. Dewey ancl Walter I he farm economist insisted. '.rhe Ballinger, Michigan Slate college average farmer now, he said, only horiiculturist·s, have the bags un· malces 20 cents pe1· hQlll' for labor der- test in southeast Mi<!higan as ineome on oats. Ht~ suggrsl'erl I he well us on the campus. The re· figure can be $2. seat·che!·s believe 1 he bags may "Althou~J~ farmers nrc .doing 11

keep t.he apples in good, crisp , more eJTtcJen t ,lob proclneing condition past March 1. I ;,vheat lhan oats,"· Hog.lund no_!crl,

They. say growers, wholesalers recommended practices cnulrl and retailers are well pleased rlmthlc the net returns per a~rc." with the new plastic linet·s, par· I Thes;. f?cts are important, I~Iog. tlcularly for storing the Golden lund tryststecl, especi?IIY st~c·p Delicious apple .. They want to be productton costs contmue htgh

1 sure, however, that the hag helps· and _PJ'Ices for fnrm proclue.ts n_rc l'eep other varieties from wilting get tmg lo:ver. His figures lot• Ill·

:ind sliriveling, 1oo. CI'P.aRecl .Ywlrls wer~ hase~l on l'C· f•'or the besl resulls, lhc scien· search 111 c~operntJ~n \~Jtb Dr,

lists say, the bags should not be Hay Coole ot I he sot! scJenPr• de· sen led, merely folded.. ' p;n·t men I.

Milk-Feed Ratio Helps Cut Costs.

Watch the mlllc·feed price ratio -it· will help cut costs. That's what dairyme-n attending Farm· e1·s' Week at Michigan Stnte col· lege were advised.

The prlce.feecl ratio is the numbeJ· of pounds of iecrl that n polll1c1 of milk will buy.

Whei1 the ratio is high, M. S. C. Fai~m Economist Dnle Butz pointed out, feed Is cheap relative to milk. And it wol'lts vice vet·sa.

That. means, salcl But?:, that individual cows should be Jed on the basis of production.

Many good ciairymen, he !nell· cated, are .feeding ubout n pound of gi•nin- for every 5 or' 6 lb of mlllt .. · , . ·. .. The milk~ feed price ratio now, according 'to Biltz, would Indicate that moi·c,'feed than· that would be unnecessary. unless the da!rymml has especially good cows.

But he pointed out, if milk prices lnet•ease relative to rced1 H may pay to feed slightly heavier. And If feed prices move up, .It roay pay to stretch the feed a bit -depending on·· the 'quality of roughage, the ' economist' lndl· cated: . ·. . . ' . . . '

----l<'icld crops arc in dangcl' nf

nttaelt by disease causing mi· embcs from the time they art> planlcrl until after harvest, poinl nut M. S. C. scientists.

Start-me RIG:HT


A "High Energy" formula with 3-Nitro and Vitamin I( that · llarl~ chick~ lasr.· S~und, .early _growth is ·tho

·first step in building strong, early:maturing birds, Available with medication at preventive levels for Coccidiosis control ·and In

.·. mo,h or Krum form,.

FJ~ANRUN I·~NOR<mN, J'amiliat· Lo many ns one of Hollywood's best comedians, plays u. pi'Ominen.t. mle in 1 h~ .John Det't'e Day J'eatut·e, ''Miss Ha1tte." H wtll be prl!'l ol t11e attmr.tion nt l.he A. A. Howlett oren how;e 'TliPHclny, Febt'ltai'Y 22.

Here's the ·Way I OJ' r•ioVC!; OJ' nny o[ IIH! spit'{! your family lllws. But mix II IVPII wltli r 0 Make Sausage il!r•· 11~/.H'·Inl'll !'l)hf's of pori< 11'1111· ming .•.

Know lllf' liPs!' way In mal\/• 'l'hc•n you'r<' rr;udy In lHII llif' yOU!' 0\VIl fllll'k Hlll/Hilgr>'! SC':LSil/11'1( nli'lll il!l'OllgiJ illf'

Lyman. Br:tlZit!r, a Michigan grinder. Slate eollege men!~ SjJL•eialisl, of· Don't !will llw sausngr. OI'Cl' •I fm•s this uclvlcc: lo li weei<s In lhr. frozen fonrl

Usc threrdourths IPII/1 mcm/ In lod<l'l', Bmlzlcr :tclvlsrs. Thr suit one-fourt·h fa!. Ctil IIH• trimmings makes snusagr mneid- ufler lhnt Into ohe·lnr!J rubt>s, tlwn weigh long. the resuh. F'nt· eaell 25 fHHI!lcls nrlrl lhesf!' lnp-r·erlients: Sugar IJCels i!n iii'Hl when ~crd

Nine lnlllt~spnnns of salt, .J' .Is plnntcrl In lorw.e ·soli nnrl lllf'!l lnhlr~pnons of Ilia<'!< pt!flfWJ', ~ pressed llrmly into llw soil by tablespoons of ground sage and WPightcrl pacl,rJ' wiH•rls, M. S. C. 1 lilhlr<pnon of grmmd llltlml'g, l'l:'scnrr-hcrs ~ny, •

Survey Shows Cost of Silo In Michigan

How mur!h rlnrm 11 silo c•osl'/ Karl 'I', WrlgiJI, 11 Mif'!Jignn

Slnie fnrm f!C'onomlst, told 11 l~lll'llll'J's' Wcnlt a uriJPJWr 'l'ucHrln v !hal II I'OS( Slii'Vf'Y Hitrl\\'f!d I!JJs:'

An llnllnerl li'<'Jif'h silo with 11

150·1011 r•npnclly Wn11!d f'OSI llillll/( ~70 .

A hunlll'l' HliO of IIIP sanw 1':1·

Jllldly Wllllld I'IIH/ llhiHII ~iHOO.

lngl1am County News

An nprlght C011Cl'PIP. r.!nve Hiln, nenrly $1,111!0,

Estlmulrs nl' Inial r•ost fnr .~In/'· uge, spnllngo iiiHI f[•nrllng of grus·> Hillll{ll wns liw lnwnst for lh1• hlllliWI' slln- $1 .fl:ln Inn. 'l'lw lig lll'C! Willi $2.2:i [Ill' I I!P lllll'lgill silo unrl fnl' lite unllnr.od lre1wlt silo whm1 illl' Rllngr• wns fPtl In llllnl(s .. or $2.7[) II' frd In the h:t/'11,

Hill \VI'lghl nh;n poinll'rl Dill IIJ!s: fr ,\'Ol/ 1/'1! HhDI'I of illlllll',\' Ulltf have~ lim prnpt•J' Hill•, ynu t'llll' have; sntlsl'ill'lnry slnJ'IIIW will! lllf' unll11nd li'Ciild! silo. Whlll! 11

lilllllll'J' slln r·nsls mnn•, ,\'llll r•n11 sl'lf·fPrrl llvr~slrii'J;,

Anrl litH IIPI'Ig-111 silo, whlll' I'I!S/IIIg Hill! 111111'1', I(CI/~H 1'111 Hillli(· 1/fic• lnssl•s; IIH• fc>Pdlng is rlr11tr• lnsldt• and I hi• Hilo ll<lds In lhP np~ jH!III':tlll'f! of lite> t'nnnslenrl. ~

fcbruilry 10. 1955 Page 2 -~ ----


~ WIUTI Oil liD

Abel Real Estate Agency Phone 3161· Mason



As my son is leaving l'o1• Uu• HeJ'Vice we will sc'll uf. puhli(! uudiou al f hf' li t•sl l'u 1'111 t~usf: of Hnnsvillf' on IU-H(l.

11:3o A.M. Tuesday, February 22 tl:3o A. M.

Stockbridge Price Brothers Mason Phone Auctioneers Phoue ,• - . I

17 -F-111 Maurice &. Bob 2-8761

10 Head Dairy Cows and ·Heifers 70 1\'lay- Holstein Cow, 2 years old, l'I"I~Sh and open flui•PY- Holstein Cow, 2 ~·P:u·s old, lu·Nl

,Janu:u'Y 28 . ,Junr,- Holstt~iu Cow, 4 ycaJ•s old, dtw ,July 2R Pug- Holstein Cow, 4 ~''~lll's old, ba·ed llt!cemhcl' I 2 Wendy- Holstt~in Cow, 4 ycaJ•s old, h1·cd ·

UHcemhtH' H Ann- Holstein Cow, B ye:u·s old, IH'Ptl Octohe1· 22 Sw•- RegistPI'Nl Holstein Cow, 5 year:-; old,

ht·c~d Novemhrw 17 Spot- Holstein Cow, tl. yrru·.,;; uld, f•·esh nnd OJ)en ,Joan- flolslil:in Cow, (i .rem·s old, due July 2fi Ii'tH'n- Rrowu Swiss Cow,. n yt•urs old, ft·esh and · O~ll .

l\targe- Cow, 5 yr.a1·s {)Ill, due Febmury 2G Pat.:.._ Holsft•iu Cow, i) ~'t:ars old, dne !Ua.y 14 1

UP.Itlll- Uolstein Cow, fi yea1-s old, fr(~h and open ,Joy- Holstein Cow, 3 ~'Citrs old, bred November 18 Oiugm· ,- llolshliu Cow, 2 yeaJ'S old, due !\larch 14 .Jm111y -llolstein Cow, 4 ~·ti:il's old, brett· ·· · · ·· ·· ·

December H I .. inda..:... Uolstein Cow, 4 year~; old, cine li'ebl'llliJ'Y l 0 ,Joyce-:- Jlolstt,in Cow, :i ,rcaJ'I': olrl, bred

N o"emheJ· 23 Edna- B1·own Swiss Cow, () ycm·s oltl, due 1\la.y li Oerl;- llolstein Cow; 8 ye:ll's old, brNI Octo be~· 21

D~iry Equipment Sm·gP. lUilldng Machine wif.h 2 sing-le unit.~. ucm·ly

new Perfection Single Unit 2 l•'arm 1\Iasttw Single Lrnit.s Dtwi-1\ool 4-cau Sidr. Door 1\lillc Coolm· 5-mm M.ilk Coolr.r 15-gallon Watt\1· lleatN· 2'7 1\lillc Cans 2 nonble Wash 'J'anlcs ' SHt of Sunbc·am Cow Clippea·s ,Janwsway Feecl Cart ou U.nbbea·. ;rnnwswa.y Ot·ain T1·uclr on "ubbet•, lJew J){tiry SciLies · · 2 l~ltlctrie Fly StJrayea·s ~H.l'liine•· ami Pa.Uo.;

Horse S(wtted Qnarte•· llorsc, 1\faJ•e, .8 yen•·s Qld 2 Saddles mul Rt•idles

Terms: Cash '

Dottie- Guemsr.y Cow, (i ym11"s old, dur 1\J:u·c~h Ill ,Jane- Holstein Cow, 5 years old, l't·rsh aml OJH'Il

Hosir. -llolstein Cow, .4 year:-; old, fl'l'sh and OJII'Il Sally Cow, (i yea1·s old, dur IH:m~h 1,1 ,Jf~ll.n- Bt·own Swis.~ Cow, fi ~·~~nrs old, I'I'Psh :uul

open Alice- Uolstoin Cow, fi years old, hl't~d Oetnbt~l· 2(i 1\laudr. -Holstein Cow, 3 yt~ars old, h•·•~d ,Janua.•·y H ll1~t.ty- Guernsny Cow, HI years old, l'rc·sh and OJlC'll

Spt•elc - llolstein Cow, (i yr.a1·s old, l't·c•sh and HJH'n

Luci'Y -llolstt~in Cow, 4 ye:u·s old, fa•t•sh and npt•u Nig -llol.~tein Cow, 6 yea1·s old, due IUay (i 'flny-lfolstllin Cow, fi yeat•s old, due day ol' salt~ l.ady- Uegistm· lloiNiein Cow, 5 yt•:t.J'S old, thw

1\lit.l'(lh 28 Queen- Jfolstein Cow, tJ yra1'S olll, l'l•t•sh with

calf by side 9 llolstt:in lfeU'ers, dun in lUay anti ,JHiw lJ HoMeiu Heifer.'!, l2 to 17 mouUt,>; old, OJli'H <l Holstein Heifers; ·7 to 9 months old 5 lloJsteln lfeifeJ'fl, 3 to 4 months (Jid 5 Uolsteiu Heifers, 2 to ;{ months old Registei'ellllolsteiu Bull, :~2 months nlrl,_ ;i. t'rnl r;notl


llftllgs Tesl.f•d .:.._ flO· day te!il. :Witlln.hlr m1 tills li<· l'd

120 'Hogs H llead of Chrstcr White and Ur.~·kshil·•' nilfs dnr lo

farrow in l\larch !) Btlrlishirt Gilts, dtm to fm·•·ow in 1\l:m:h '' l~cglstcred llrunpshh·•~ Gilts, tlttt~ to fn.t'l'fl\1' iu

MaJ•eh . !lO Uead Chester White and Uerk~hi1·c~ fPt~l'll•·~· Shonl~ 'RegistcJ'ed Berlcshit•e Bou.1·, 10 · mnuf.h.~ oltl lll.lmpshh·e noar, U monl.hs olil

.li .U9g Jl'ee~lel'lj . · Quantity ol' flo~ 'l't·oughs

CorniiiiOats--Straw fl,O.OO Bushels of Ear Corn oOO Bales .of Wheat StJ·aw 800 Bushels of Oat~ ~00 .Balles of Alfaltn-Clovel" Jlay fiO T.o~'> CIO\'er-Aifo.lfn. Chopped flay .L20 To.ns Silage

Not Responsible for Accidents ' 4

•, t ·, t.


Please Be on, Time - Hogs· Will a, Sold First

' . .

F.·C. A."~rspJJ. a~IJd Sons, Pro,.· .... Joy ;Pavis ~ ·cashie(. · · · · '"': .~. · · · · ·\OP.os.,.,or~ ~ ·(i~k




.. ·, .

Jersey Cattle Helped America Be Developed

Country & Town

_ .. ,,...," Shc~p Shca•·ing , Goes to School·

Jersevmcm fllan Meetiua · ' ThB Ingham county· ,Jeraey

Cnttlc chth will hold It's nnnunl meetin~ on Mnt·ch 5, nt the homo of Ml', nnd Mrs. Konnoth Blbhlna of Every ronrl. A polludt rllnncr will he served nl noon. Nevels PenrBon will show :;llrln:; on his tJ•ip to ·Brllaln, Continental Eu· mpo nnrllhc Chnnnel I:;Janc!s with the Nnllonnl HI judging tcum.

Ever slnee tlw rlii,\'H or IIH' an·'------------------:-::-----:~=-=---· dent mariner many a Hiilllnr.r fl ll 'r:hlp r·uptnln Hr!!Pr·t~d n rn!Hh Wllll:unston 1'oll1s will haven tou~h tim11 Ill np;

By Jim Brown

.Jeroey ns his Hhlp'H l'nw, hr!r·nrrsc: 1u1 1111111tl rnJiln.cmmmt for I ... A. Chmllly, ttp;l'imJitum tlwir· mlllt was Hrt rlr:h nnrl tlw tmwhm·. After s11rvinp; Wlllhtm~tnn i'ihUm l!HH,, he nnlmniH Wt!re HO J'llgf.(ed nnd r•ffl· htL'i ILIJ;I'BI~d to Will']{ foi' ~he Mlclup;~ll Farn~ n~JrUUJ: dent. lhn·inp; his stay in Willuunston, Jus :;tu!knts "~1avc

The .Jerm!.Y !111H Jll'llVPri hror VI!!'· lllli'IWd 27 J•'!U'IIWI' dllgr!les! •1 AnHH'lr;ltll muny times. Wlwn ,Jr•r· r•.J' dHgrel~s, lLlld 2 gold awards ,Ill the HC!Ys rcar·lwd t hr• rww ll'lll'lrl tiH'.I' ellll.[lti~I' contest of the Fnlm·n I• :LI'IIleJ'S of Am1.r1ca. w~re sour.rht hy IIH• t'iil'l.l' Hl'ltlr•rH.

The .IPI'HPY r·"w lil'lpPd i\ml'l'ir·:~ The Williamston FFA chapter _is one of. th.e fin~st in the ,;mw lly nourlsllinr.r :~nrl maintain· eounl.t'Y and Cheney has had a maJot• par~ m 1t thtoug,h en~ inf.[ !he hi!illlli or I ill' Jl[ll/11!1'1'~ liS l.httsinsm, high Chat'HC{et•, k!lOWJedge Of Wh<ll. he taUght. Lind a they erune rrnm 1111' Appnlnd11flll~ )(llllCk of !mowing how to teach it. to r•arv1• a gn~al ngrlr~llllural 1!111·

pin! rmm tlw wllr!PriwHH. This Few m1m in the tenchin~ hushwss lmvn toudwd rugr,:ed lire wns n r.rrrmt C'lwngP. the !warts !Uid minds of so many yonn~ nwn ns l.uu~ from hPJ' r·omrortnllle Chamwi Chmwy. JUnny of his gmduntes m·n uh·eady y~ovlll~· IslnnrJ liome wlwn~ slw had Iivt•rl l.lwmsl•h·r~s 011 farms in Ingham county. J[r, can bt, !or centuries. 1

In 17:1•1 the .Trrsr!y was tlw first JII'OIIII of his I'I!COI'I •

1!ahy hrl'ed rc•cognlzerl. Till! flrHt Zero (that's the best name I can ihit~l< of u~til Ch.ucl~ 1lairy eow n•glsll'l'l'ri in i\merir:n Davis gives het• the right name) made htstot·y lor her,selt was'" .Tc•J'sc!y, II"'' nanw was ·Lily and Ing.ham county when. she w<~s bo:·n ,Iast Saturday. .rh. e No. I. Tlw . yPar W<Js tH~I. 'l'lw L-Iol."l"i.l1 heifer was the ftrst calf m M. tchtgan to be con~mved flr·sl U. s. rlalry C'iillle Hl10w was ,, ~ t d Oth rs wtll be a showing o( .TI'rHI',I'H In lfl:i(i, '1'111' by frozen semen arlificially insemlll!l e ' e ·, r ,Jersry iH sill I I'ec<~r.rnlzerl aH the bm·n in the future; but Zero was the f1r~t ?ne. ~he s on

1 ~ !s­

ldenl nf dairy conrormat ion. play this week at Farmers' Week at Mtclugan State ~ol cge. A~ .leJ'SPY~ I Hive clominalcd tile Chuck was in Florida when the calf was. bom. L.ewts Bu~­

rlalry sr·erH• for (•rmturlr•s their bee, a main cog on the Davis farm, asststed durmg Zeros

MR. AND MRS. KENDALL WHEELER live on the myslet·y farm pictured in last wcel< 1s Ingham County News. The 40-acre farm is located just west of Hull road on Kin­neville road west of Leslie.

, The mystery farm was correctly iden­tified by Doris Hendershot of Leslie. She llll'ncd the right answer in Fr·iday, A 'mys­tet•y pictm·e appem·s each week in the Ing­ham County News. The first one to em·t·c~t­ly identify a picture receives 4 free l.heah·e tickets. The family on identified farm re­ceives a free enlargement of the fm·m. The l.ickets arid enlargements are available at Lhe Ne1vs office.

popularity eontlnuPH. TI1Pir mill1 at•rival. helper! maintain tile lwaltl! or our · 1 f nnecstors hy produr:lng millt with Get set for l\lichigun dairy food, feshva 1!11·

Most of the Wheeler farm is rented out on shares. . Wheeler· is an official of the American Federation of Labor operating out· of Ann Arbor. ·

880 energy units JlPI' qw1rt enm· It he~o:ins this wcel1, Grocery stom~ Will put S}IIICJal /pared to fif!;) uniiH fllr tlw avcragP J'II'iees and S(lccial emphasis on d,an·y tn·~duc~s.

The Wheelers are members of the Bunker Hill Catholic church.

of 3.5'/t mille Their milk hiiH Dairy farmers shou!(! be ~he fi_rst ones m .Ime t? ~et more non·fnt solids than the av. back onto butter milk and cream dJets. In a stmulm pro-erage mille n~otion in Madis~n, Wisconsin, last year, an extra 3,000,000

.lust as .lerHeyH were "Hhip's 1'· of dairy products were sold and consumed. We can do as rows," "butter cows" :~nd "family u cows" In the nation's inraney they well in Ingham county.

have hccomc cqualt'y famous as • "The Uumcn Story," a color moyie talwn with·

Know Your Chee~es-· And When to Use Thenz

pcrnture until the Interior Is al­most. fluid.\

Clu~esn·IIILvm'cti SJu·r•ariH, ~11own In jars, arc a boon to :-mnrlwiel1 malters and snnclt lovers.

Amcrit:a's "creamline r·ows·~ rnr in IL !lOW's stomach, dJ•cw a Jot of mtert1st !Lt tlw To gain n good reputation In modern, eommrrdal clair~· opera· hwham dair" baiHJUHt la..'it 'l'nt.~sday. It was shown the cooking line these days, a 1lons. The ,Jersey hi'eer!cr~ recng· 1"1 " l\1' I St t 11 ge 1 homemalwr finds it important to nizcd early the nccrl for· produe· hy Dr. Carl Iluff,!nan of 1~ ligan , a ·e c~ (~. ' !mow cheeses and how to usc lion Jesting. Sinf'e 1S7fl .TerHeyH understand the !Jim is avatlablc lor other giOups them. have been l!olrling Hli·brcml world who want to get the real low-down on hm~ cow~ can Cheese Is available in oo many records, wlwn in that year "8uro· mix hay, gmin and water and come U[l With 111111'· varieties that there's one for 1os" producer! 778 lh of fat. In every taste. With it vcrsalillty--l!J5~ n JerHey fmm Oregon, Opal where she occupier! the for samlwichc~, as an appetlle Crystal La.!IY. Is the only f)(J\V in Queen's 'l'hmne for l 0 days last I ng ham -West teaser, a nourishing main dish, a the world that h'ls•produccrl over October Commanders Pretty Sue dinner finale, and a between-meal 1,000 lh M but terfnt In each of 5 . Dccc~bcr completed a record snack-cheese continues to In· consecutive In elations. • .1 ~· ' 1 000 Jh of butterfat. ·SUe H d A e crease In popularity.

Down through the years .Ter· ~o.; ;~~~ 1 fir.~t cow of any breed to er S verag A bJ·Icf review of the most se~s have proved to .. have lh? produce 1,000 lh of butterfat dur- · popular cheese as pictured here llhillty to ovcrcm~e ~~r~.' .. ll~~r~!i lng her first 2 mlll\ing years with 3 0 l,b of Fat will help Identify them. caps. Last yraJ·. ' cur

1 us ·~S a maximum of 3·times·a·day milk· Cheddar, is. by far the one that Mary, after havrng an opcrnt1on . ,.

for harclwai'C producer! over l,ODO Ill,.;. . • is most consumed in this coun· lb of butterfat ln12 months, Mary Pretty Sue has bee~ exhibited There were 25 herds in the try. . Is also a consislent ~how winner. at the Texas state. ~a.rr and the Ingham·West Dairy Herd Im· Ranging, as it does, from mild

In New Jersey, Arlvanr:cr Marlu I Eastern States Exhl~lllon. I.n 1953 provement association which to sharp flavor, cheddar is ready Zinnia finished.hcr 1,000 lb reeorrl1 she was sold at publlf auctwn. averaged over 30 lb of butterfat to go through. the' day from In the mntcrnily barn aw~iting I These arc but a few of the Jcr· for the month. Herds and owners breakfast to miilnight snack. It

I I I t Pietccl arc: Davis & Ellsworth, 22 regis· 1·s " favor·I'tn to serve wilh crack· the arrival of a little Zinnia. Z tl· sey cows t Jal. as year com . tered Holsteins, 46.6 lb fat, 1,228 ~ ·· ~ nla's granddaughter Marlu Mi- 1,000-lb butterfat records. Jerseys lb mlllt; Charles Davis, 33 regis· cr~s. fruit or pic, In dishes· from I lady's Fashion Is an Exeellcnt! arc known as great producers. tcred Holsteins, 45.2 lb fnt, 1,198 appetizer dips to souiilcH, ami as t~c, Gold Medal national mill1 Ami down throug~ the years, they lb mill<; Joe Martin, 17 registered nibbles any time, for any age. champion. ·have earned the IItle. Holsteins, 45.1 lb fat, 1.,162 lb l'I'Occsscd ln·icl•, pressed in rcc-

Fashion actually produced her il"c tangular shape, is creamy white weight In fat and 21 times her S . Cl b M I m 1

' • • • d In color, with small eyes char-weight in mill; during the firs! 12 erVJCe U eets Warren Childs,. 28 rle2gtlsbtc~et acteristic of ils.tcxturc. Its flavor

I I 'II . l'f SJ 1\ b f I I I and grade Holstems, 4'. a ' f 'ld t Ltncecl mont 1s of 1er m1 1111g 1 c .. 1e fern crs o I 1C! ng 1am coun· 0 ., lb .11 . Cl Jlis Hall 35 ranges rom m1 o prono · frcslwnccl again 2G rlnyH aftcr

1ty service club will hold their 1 ·~0~ H 1~I.<, 4;~ lb fat i 106 · Goud1L is al<in to Edam except

completing ilrl' lactation. 1

next meeting Saturday, February f~a~~JI\;0 ~~~~~n & Haselby; 17 Ior size. Both are recognized by The rugged l'iimatc of New 12, at the home of Art Webster. grade Holsteins, 42.4 lb fat, 1,112 their red coat, spherical shape,

These ·sprcanH, with Ho[l creamy in .enlrn·. It~ flavor is he· H P r.c a r.lJ11 g ~onsiHterli',Y, mrne tween Limburoer and Cllcrlrlar, packaged In foil, boxes, gliiHH!'.'>' which makes lt mighty good cat·' and croc!<s. The;y lnl'iude 11!1 man­ing In sandwiches and an Ideal ner of Interesting navors, sueh partner on the cold meat platter as pineapple, plmcnlo, b;~con, and on the cheese tray; relish, Sw1ss, BILl? and Am~m·:~n.

, · Crenm cheese Is m:~de from a Cnmmnhm·l. has many frien~~ mixture of mill< and cream. With

especially among m~~· Oft of Its. mili< and delicate ,llavm· and ~ou!ulin foil-wrapped tu,~nglcs smooth, creamy texture, it J;; mchvldual serving s!zc, II. has n good with craclters and as a fill· good·to·eat thin whiiish crus.t and lng for fruit and nut hrcariH. a soft, creamy, yellow intcnor. Whipped up with a hit of

Camembert. is best server! as cream or milit, cream chP.c:;e or. after dessert, with craelwr·s malws a wonderful lopping fo:· OJ' spread on thin apple Dr pear I fruit saladH, pumpkin· and apple slices. It is most flavorful when pies, glnget· bread und fruit. cob­allowed to stand. at.. room tcm· biers.

Wnnl: lri. Jr.nm how to shcnr shnt!J1 'I

;\ spodnl sd10ol 111. Mlehlgnn Htnln r:nllcgn, l•'eht'IIIII'Y 21·2'1, will glvn ynu n r:hnncc-nvcn If you're n lwglnnel',

Gmydnn Blnnl;, OXIIlnSIOil i!hCep specialbl, Hnirltlw first 2 rlnys nrc for• hcr.rlnners. Lilli the lnHI 2 Will f.[iVn CXjliJJ'JC!Ili!CrJ HhCiil'CI'S 11

chnrwe to dwl'lt the fliH!l' points nf I he buH!nPHs nnd lo tnlk over cnJ'e of equipment.

Spoclnllsts will .he on hnnd for the lnslrttr<llon. Mom lhnn 400 H!WCI1 from I hro college Ooeit 111111 11ear·hy fnrms will he used In the I trnlnlng,

Dr.C.J. Hubbard VE'l'lmiN AltiAN

111!1 S. ,Jcfrm·.~nn 1\lnson I' hone l\IIll'ion 2·820 1


B BETTER "'" F"'EO I • -... ,.,_ "' IN G-.

e •• lay sooner on Master Mix THI YIRY IIAY wa•r chl5h arrive, foeti tap , •• ,,

atarter and keop feeding It far •t iltllat 111 woekll When y11 uu our starting mash, you get oll the benefth of famoua Moder Mix Chick Concentrate , , , Methlo·Yito, Antibiotic feed Supple• mont, plus every other nutrle1l 11e•ded for fad, lfeady, low•celt galna. Call ua,

m ~.

( a~t!l W. Columbia


England is no bnrriPT' to the Jl'J'- He lives the first place east of lb milk; Plait & Wilcox, 30 regis- and flattened ends. scy. Lex Dcbomh recently mm· f Snedecker on Frost road on the f 1181 Their mild, nut-Jilw, 'slightly I ~ I · 1 OOD II r10I'Il1 slci~. Item." of busi'11css in- lered Holsteins, 41.1 Jb at, '

1 II plctcd 1cr ,,,., eonseeuiJvc , · 1 - ~ ,, lb milk; Harry Covert & Son, 30 salty flavor mai<es. them cc ·

record. · c:Judc 111c armngerncnts of the registered Holsteins, 40.9 Ill fat, clous for appetizers, wllh 'Salads

Having sold Ill~' l'ai'Ill, I will sl'll at 1inhlic auction at the farm 1~ miles west of Dansvillll on'M-3{; or umiiPs east of lU:v;on onl\l-36.

In spite of being nn rlisph1y he· 1955 tnlcnt show and snow camp 1,061 lb mlllt; Carlyle Waltz; 29 and desserts. To serve, cut. orr fore thousands of people at the report. Refreshments will be grade Holsteins, 40.5 lb fat, 1,131 ·the top so each ,person can scoop International Dairy l~xhihltinn in· served. lib millt; out his own, or hollow out. the

Kenneth Bibbins, ~2 registered center, dice a1id refill. The cubes· Ingham County News February 10, 1955 Page 3



OLIVER SUPER 55! Mo1·e working speeds ..• More pulling power/

Outclasses all tractors of its type! You get five working speeds and one road speed-six in ali-in this'brand-miw Oliver Super 55. .

Included is the .~upcr/ow you've always wunted-,-only l);f ·miles per.hour at full engine speed; Cut ba.blc the throttle and you· can slow down to %: m.p.h. fot those creeping crawl jobs. Best of all, this 8Uper low is matched to the recommended PTO speed of 545 r.p.m. Now you can handle tough PTO operations with less difficulty, less crop .loss. ,

I..ow, compact and 'heavy, this 2-3 plow Super 55 also oittimlls all tractor.s in its class. Powered with a modern, thrifty, high-compression gasoline engine or full diesel. Pick the one that saves you the most."

Sec the new,· versatile Super 55 with its built-in hy­draulic system and 3-point hitch linkage, double-disc brakes, independently controlled PTO and ball-type unit 1 •

that maltcs steering twice as:easy. Get the Super 55 story before you buy!

Jerseys, 40.2 lb fat, 802 Jb mill<; may be speared )Vitil toothpicks. Lloyd Wheeler, 27 registered and l'hwnJlplc · cheese, recognized grade Jerseys, 38.6 lh fat, 741 Jb by its pihcapplC<Iilw shape, is

I mill<; Paul & Russell Rowe, 31 used much the sari1e as Edam registered and grnde Holsteins, arid Gouda. It has a flavol· similar 38.4 lb fat, l,Olfi Jb millt; Butler & to mild cheddar and Is somewhat Wilson, 15 registered Jerseys, hard. For the cheese trny, it is 38.1 lb fat, 741 lb mill<; Clyde most decorative. Snow & Son, 20 registered Jer· Swiss cheese, pale yellow in seys, 38.0 lb fat, 703 lb m!lk; C. color and lacy with holes·, you'll A. Diehl & Sons, 43 registered remember because of Its unusual Holsteins, 37.7 lb fat, 1,012 lb texture and its. mild but disllnc· mill<; tive Jla vor.

Coc Emens, 26 registered Hoi· Slice it ever so thin, and al· steins, 36.!J lb Iat, 990 lb mill<: ways Include it on a colrl meat Warren Byrum & Son, 44 grade platter, appetizci' or snacl< tray. Holsteins, 36.4 lb fat, 999 lb nillk; Swiss is especially good with rye Fay & Smith, 17 grade Hol'stclns·, qr pumpernlcklc bread.· 36.2 lb fat, 834 lb milk; Stimson l'rocesse!l brick, in a large rcc· & Mulder, 36 registered Hoi- tangular shape, rests against the steins, 34.7 lb Iat, 846 lb millt; Swiss·. Ludell Cheney & Son, 35 grade Edam Is similar to Gaud<,~ as Holsteins, 34.2 lb fat, 965 lb mill<; described above, Ralph Darling & Son, 44 regis· Blue cheese, whitish In color, tercd Holsteins, 32.8 lb fflt,, 862 with blue'green veins running Jb milk; Howard Coy, 12 regis-· throughout, has .a sharp, salty tercd Holsteins, 32.7 lb fat, 826 flavor. It Is dellclohs In salads, Ih milk; Dr. George Clinton, 47 salad· dressings, for appetizers

·registered Hol~telns, 31.4 lb fat, and snacl<s, and to finish off a 803 Jb milk; Wayne Gallaway, 14 meal. · mixed breeds, 30.5 lb fat, 754 lb Dl'iclt cheese Is semi-hard and milk; and Bartlg & Van Riper, 21 grade Holsteins, 30.1 lb fat, 8P7 lb milk.

High cows and their ·owners were: ·

Mature class-Cariylc Waltz, grade Holstein, !J1.3 lb fat, 2,470

State Furnishes Planting Stock··

lb mille; and Harry Covert & Son, About 15,500,000 young 'trees registered Holstein, 88.6 lb fat, nrc available for spring planting 1,970. lb mlll1. from the conservation depart·

Under 5 years-Carlyle Waltz, mcnt's 3 northern nurseries,. · grad,e Holsteins, 76.6 lb fat, 1;870 Jack pine seedlings,' red and lb mllk; and Charles Davis, regis· white pine seedlings and trans· tcred Holsteins, 71.0 lb fat, ·1,870 plants and white sp1·uce seedlings lb milk. . · and transplants are-avall'nble. The

Under 4 years-C. A. Diehl & stoel\ will be ready for shipment Sons, registered Holstein, 87.8 lb In lRte April ·and May. fat, 1,830· lb mill<: and Charles ·Generally each year,· nul'scry Davis, registered Holstein, 74.3. supplies of some species are ex·

. lb fat, 1;770 lb mlllt, ' , · Iuiusted jong before tile sll!pplngJ · Under 3 years-Davis & Ells· dates' arrive and foresters urge worth, registered Holstein, 66.4 haste In ordering. Price lists and

0. · lb fat, 1,660 lb milk; and Joe Mar· order blanks may, be obtained ' · • • ' : tin, registered Holstein,· 57.6 lb from the forestry division, depart·

• • • • •


•.• • 1

• 1 1

• 1·'';-

1·' •···· • •·• •·• • • ,., •·•·•·• ''!""" • • • • fat, 1,440 lb milk. mi:mt of conservation, Lansing ..

Franci•S .Platt' ·, .. oat ylelds·ln Michigan wer~ hi·. ·.The Ternst~dt Division of Gen· · · ' . creased from 24 to 70 bushels per era! Motors .reproduces 3,2,00,000

i:OO P.M. Saturday, februarY·· Stockbridge

Phone 17-F-ln

.Pri.ce Brothers Mason Phone 2-8761


Maurice & Bob

Cattle Ilolstein nnd Guernsey Heifer, 20, monU1s ole I, bJ'I'II

Decem bcJ• 2fi · .Gum·nsey lleifer, 20 months old,' otwn Holstein llcifm·, 17 months old; Olltlb ·2 Uolstcin Heifers, H months old \

. Household Goo,ds 2-Picce Living Room Suite Small Drop-I .. mtf Table1·

3-Piece, ·Bildt•oom Sui to Chest of Dra,wers Child's Desk · Rocl>ing Chair

_..Baby Bed . Table and Lamp 1\itehen Table and Chairs 2 !)xl2 Rugs. Duncan Phyfc 'l'llble Combination Radio and Phonogt'Rl)h

·G. E. Electric Stove' Quantity of Toys · 1

·universal Bottled Gas Stove ; .. · .Quantity . of Di~hc~

Terms: Cash



Farm Machinery 1 !H6 Ca .. <ie S. C. Tractor and Cultivator Allis-Chalmers No. 40 Combine ,John Deere Side Rake

· lutm•Juttional 2-Bottom, 14-ineh Plow .John Deere 6-ft. Mower 3-Section narrow Dnm·ing 6-ft. Mower fi-l't. Double Disc lutcl'national Manure S11reader on Ru\bber ll'on-Wheelml Wagon and Flat Rack· Fol'd Trucl> Chnssis with dual wheels Stoel< Tanl> 2-Wheeled 'l'railer Power Lawn Mower

Universal Milldng Machine with single unit and pipe· line . ·

Quantity of Small Jland. Tools

Geese 17 Iicad Chickens

·- Poultry (j Gueso ·,

. .NofResponsibl.e for 'Accidenis

LEON 'SIMONS· . · . . · : acre In ·. 1954 by · using ample copies of• typewritten e11glnecring . '"J( · · , ·. · · 1\linneapolls-Moliite - Oliver · phosphorus and ·potash fertilizer Information per, year. This· 1~ . •. J: •.. _Just a .mile north of Mruim!_.on US·l~~ . •• . .. at dressing equivalent 'to· 1,537 . copies per

. ~,_ ~ 1/, .'. -'-· ::: .. _:.·;: . ~<.: .PI.~onc. ~-5971 . ·-·- ... ,' , c:- · :: ::;,-l ;· ·. , t~tb,ni~~og~~::~ .: .,: ":· :,'·.', ,< ~~ur, ~er ~o~, per wor~lrig.,yeai-: J.-~~~~~~~~~~!IIII~ ... ~~~~~IIi~~~~~~~ ... --~ .. -~ .. ~~~JIIII!IIJII!IIiliia.a.~~~~~ ... ~~~~~~~II!JI~~.~· Dunsmore · ~ Clerk.

~ . : ' ' . .

. . I. J '


Hayworth . Speeds His First Bill Through Congress

lly liON HAVWOU.'I'II IHmnlwa· of Cnll!fi'~'H~

'l'he nr·sl hill, Ol'lglnnt lng In my niTiee nncl pnssr:!rl h.Y I he hou~c ol' represent n lives, Jms n 1'111 )lm· stmnge slor·y.

PIN-UPS FOR DAIRYMEN-Poll~ters would probubly llud. thnt l•urvuceou~ cnlendnr cutlc~ run: ll poor second Uws<: t.Jays as pin-up favorites in tlw eyes or dniryrnen. Much more seductive curves nrl' thosl· cuvlsioncd bY mill1 producers on futUI'I! snlcs.chnrt~ us world poflticnl figures lend their tnccs tr> mlllt·consumpllon progrnms. At left, Pr·emler Pierre M1mdes-Frnnce registers enJoyment of mil It, during him enmpalgn to increase its consumptiou nud decrcuse the'lntnltc of ulcoholic bcv­crnges in l!'l'OilCC. West Gennuny's chancellor, Konru:l Adcriuucr, center, hoists II gift curtlin ot mlll1, IJnl• of rnnny fmm ull du!rying 6ections of We;,t Gcr.m>rny. And Agr!culturo Secrl!tnry Ezrn Tull Benson, right, downs 3 tolter1 toost to the more thun 2,500,000 . pints. ~f mlllt consumed in

Chicago, Ill., undea· I he government's school milk program

One rlny last week nt noon I gol. an nh·mnll, ~peclnl rjellvcr·y lettel' from the rllrcciot· of lllf' centennial nl Michlgnn Slntn eol· lege asking me to push thr'ntlgll the eongress a resolution cxlencl· lng the gi'C!nllngs unci fellcltnllons of lhe nntlonnl government to ihr. cnllegc on the celcbl'll lion of II s centcnnln!. The suggesilon waH. made lhalthls would be cspr.c!ally helpful if II came In lime for n large affair to be held on t.he campus Fchrunry 12 when nola· hies ji'Om all over the cotlntry will he there to ·launch a ycm·· long program or conventions, ennferences, n ncl · ot hm· spccla I events. Ingham Leads the List

·:.·:.·.centennial Citations Will Go to 27 II. probably was not rqallzecl, that the legislative pJ•ocess Is ex· tremely complicated, and that normally this would take nl least Ihgham county leads the l10nors

·'· .. · 'llsi. u,t Mlr.hlgnn State college for· .. ·· cenlcnnlul IIWIII'cls. Till' awards

foi· ·contrlhulion~ to· state and ·•· ·· ... nntloh will I'w presented at cere­........ monies Snl!rnlay, Ingham county ... · " ls the home of S of IIH• nunihr.r.

Llstbd ;\iphabet ica!ly, t lwse Ill'''

the Ingham men whn will rreeivf' the mvnrc!s:

Tatherl Ahrams, prcsidcnl of

Ahram~ Instrument corJlOI'at!on contr!hulions to the welfare ancl a month or 6 weelts-even at hcst. and Almuns Acl'iill Survey r•m·po- . dcvcloJ1mcnt of the state. But while the bill wns bi:!lng nlllon .. Lansing, a pioneer in i1ls Paul A. Marlin, editor and puh- drawn up hy the legislative coun· flelcl. llsher, Lnnslng, for· devotion to sel, I got. In touch with. the ap·

Eugene Alicman, retii·cd sccr·c. r:cneralwelfarc, understanding of proprlale committee chairman tm·y·manager of Micl)igan Pr·ess human pmhlems ancl civic spirit. and house leaders, both Hepuh-·r•·coocl·atlon J~·a<·t· Lar1"'1g 1· llcan and Derriocratlc, a1id got , .,~ . , • ~· ~. ,;u . , oa· ,John M. Mayrwrcl, rcllrcd husl· agreement to allow II to be· in; scn•lce to Michigan newHpnpea·s ness executive, Lansing, for deep nml Mlehlgan State eollcge. interest in prognrm for Michigan lroduced on the lloor without go·

Vrrnon .J, ·Brnwn, rr•t ired ctli· ing through committee. State college and \Vclfnrc of stu· lor and pulll!c ol'fidal, Mason, for rlcnts. ' The printed resolution was put

------------------------- Vern V: Moulton, president in my hands on the· tlooJ' while

February 10: 1955 Atlto·Owner!i Insurance Co., Lnn· the house was tn session the sing, Io1· outstanding community' next· day.· I got to my feel scr·vlcc. when the gentleman on the floor

Ingham County News

h'• a Ofit man laW that

IISlJy dott lhe work ~ 11 rwo man taw,

Page 4

27 Pounds ••• 4 Horsepower·

More Power Per Pound Than Any Other Saw '

See it i!J action. Let us give you a free demonstration. This new saw ... built and backed by Homelite, manufacturers of mort rhan 300,000 ga.~oline engine driven uniu,,, is 1tu: best char you can buy.


Alhcrt J. Phillips, executive sec· had llnishe~ spea!cing and. asl<ed rctary of Michigan Education as· for· lmmet~rate conslderataon of snciation, Lansing, foJ• constant the resolutaon. Speaker Sam Ray· nttention to interests of schools burn lmew, of course, what was and acl1ievements in opening heing <lone, ami the a·esolulion

I doors of opportunity to youth, · went through without opposition. John l"redcricl' Wolfram, vice· This was about 25. hours after

president General Motors and the request fro~ Michigan St~tc general'manager Oldsmobile dlvi- coll~ge hnd arraved at my offiCe. sion, Lansing, for inspiration and MaJority Leader John McCor· assislanec to young engineers. mack and several other memb~rs

Others on the Jist to receive the came over 10 shalte hands Wllh eentcnnial awards at Saturday's me on what seems . to be con· ceremonies are Chosho Goyo, siclered a ldnd of reco~d for speed. president of the University of the - I Ryuky11s, Okinawa: Arthur An· stamp which honors Michigan drcws, president of Gmnd Rapids Stale and Pennsylvania .State ,Junior college; George E. Bishop, university in their centennials. It sr.eretary·manngcr of Upper Pen· is scheduled for 10:30 a. m. in the

. in~uln Development Bureau, Mar· Brody hall )ounge. quette; Carl E<lward Busk!rlt, AI 7 p. m., in Brody hall, 27 Paw Paw farr;aer nnrl former Centennial awards will be prc­presrrlenl of Mrchrgan Far·m Bur- senled at an award's hanquet. e:~u: Wal.ker Le.c Cisler, president This program will conclude the

I ol Dctroat Ethson _Co.; Bruce Founder's Day events. F'loycl Clothier, North Branch., ·. _____ ._ dairy farmer ami Iemler in dairy • ' cooperative (~ather of Dr. c. M. John Deere Day Is Commq I Clothier, I:esileJ. . Lyle Howlett, Mason John

Dairy Cattle Dispersal As my son is )!;ning inlo Uw SI'I'Vil·•~. we~ will Sl'll uf, puhli•: IIIH'.Iiuu at

tli~ farm loeut.••d 2 mil••s snu01 ol' Musuu ou IIS-1:~7 lu Holf•· •·outl, t:ast 1111 Uolfl• rnud a milt'S.

1:00 P. M. Thursday,. February 17 1:00 P. M.i: . ·,

·-----------~- ...

Phone M~s~n


Price Brothers Phone Stockb1·idge



Maurice & Bob , ..

17 Reg{stered and Grade Holsteins 27<: Holstein Cow, 5 years bid, bt;ed Decemhm· 17 Holstein Uow, 5 years old, due ,July 18 . llolstein Uow, 4 years ol1l, fresh and qpt:n llolstein Cow, 3 years old, l'resh and opm1 l(olstein Cow, 4 years :old, fresh and op1m Registered llolstein Cd\v, .R ·years old, due April 21 Uegistered llolstein Cow, .. 7 years old, due Apt·il IS Reglstemd llolstein Cow,· 7 years old, dtw ,July 27 Registered llolsteiit Co\v, 9 years old, dUll ;July I !I Registered llolshiin Cow, (j yt:ai'S ohl, due July 2H Uegistere1l llolstein Cow,. (i years old, due AIJJ'il 2!1 Reglsterell Holstein Co~v, 6 years old, due Apr·il 2!1 Uegistered Holstein Cow,. 5 yeai'S old, lm!d ,Jann:t 1',\' 4 llolstein Cow, 2 years~!ll~ •. bred Novmnlwr 20 Uolstein ()ow, 6 years .:old,: fresh and OJllm llolsteiu Uow, 5 years~_'ohl, bred Novmnhl'l' I H Uolstoin Cow, 2 years .. oil~, fresh and OIIPn

Dairy Equipment International :1\iillting 1\ with 2 singll· 1iuits Intentatioual 4-cnn JUill'.· Cooler, nenl'iy 1u~w lnteruat.ional 4•can 1\Jill' ·Cooll'l·, 11 yt•m·s llltl 20 1\'lillc Uans · · Double Wnslt Tanlc :1 O·gallon \Vater llf'll·l{~i· ·

Terms: Cash 'J .•

Jlolstdn Cow, 2 ycmrs old, (:all' by sid•• llolsfdn Cow, 2 years old, fr·esh and UJII'II Jlolsll'in Cow, 2 3'1':trs Hid, due August :{II Holstdn Cow, 2 yP:u·.~ old, chw August :n llulstdn Cow, 4 years old, fresh a1id 01'1'11 Holst.•in Uow, 5 yt~:u-s old, fi'Psh and OJit'n Holst1~iu Cow, fi real'S old, lu·nd ,January I Holst.••in Cow, 2 years old, due 1\l:ud1 I Hnl.~t.Piu Cuw, 4 yt~at•s old, J'J'I'Sh and op••u Jl<~lsft•in Cnw, '~ yPars old, fJ·.-sh and Olll'n

BANGS 'l'ES'rlm

.. ,

NO'I'E-'J'his is out• of iht~ lu:st. lw1·ds uf dairy eaHit~ ':, 111 lu· ofl't~J'I~II at auction in this ~~nunty in. somi~··' · tinll'. If any .clai•·y l'at'IIWI' want's JII'IHhwt.ituk·· ·: Jilris 'tuality, Ill' s,u1·•· autliH• al this sale. , ·:,

Straw Oats GUll Ball'.'i Rlra w


Not Responsible for Accidents .

Mrs. Hazel Butler & Sons, Prop. Earl Dunsinore

SILSBY Implement Co.

Jnhn Shrelds Coleman, p~es1- Deere dealer, is planning big dent ~,f Bun:oughs Co1·porat10~, things for the annual John Deere Detrort; Earl Henry Cress, prest· day scheduled for Tuesday, Feb· dent of Ann Arbor Trust Co., An~ ruary 22. Open to all farmers, Arbot'i Joseph M. Dodge, Detroat most of the events will be held in lr.nnnercr; P,eter ~<luard Gel<lhof, the Fox theatre beginning at 11 ''.tce-pa:esrdent Wharlpool ~orpora· a.m. Highlight of the film presen· lion, St. Joseph; Mary R1tt~nger tation will be "Miss Hattie." The Keel~r .. Grand Rnp!ds, president full color film will be shown with of Machagan Congress of Parents other farm pictures. Refresh· and Teachers: Charles Stewart ments will be served in ihe A. A.

Molt, !?resident of the Molt ri~I~o":·~le~t:t ~&~C=o~. ~s~h:o\~v~ro:o~m~.~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Foundation, Flint; Stephen S. Nisbet, Fremont,

business man and friend of M!ch­iRan youth; George A. Osbo.rn, editor of The Evening News, Sault Sic. Marie; Fredericlt A. Simonsen, president of .Greenfield Mills Restaurant Co., Detroit; Sidney Henry S!xma, executive secretary Michigan School Board

Joy Davis Cashier.: , '·


• . Free Wtilg IMPLEMENTS

NOW .•

ONE master hitchpolntl , I At·ound thnt key idea, Allis-Chalmers has de· •

velopecl n new principle of tractot· farming. It's the Allis-Chalmers FREE~SWING system.

of hitching implements. . · · l~REE-SWING does five important things: ·' \1. Makes hitching minute-~uick._ ,2. Allows implements to go where led, 3. Helps steering. Single master hitchpoinl

is ahead of rear axle. 4. Parmits shorter 1urns on contours,

· s; Lets plciw. d~dge obstr~i:tlans. Test Allis-Chalmers FREE-SWI-NG implements

• ·ail· yo(li' fnrn'i. See tis for a deinonstrntlon of plow, disc harrow, subsoile1·, or. drill planter.

association, Holland; Charles H. Sligh, Jr., president

of Sligh Furniture Co., Grand Rapids, (father of Richard Sligh of Mason .schooi Iacully); Ruth Thompson, Musltegon, memher of congrC!ss; and Wutson H. Vander· ploeg, president W: 1<. Kellogg Co., Battle Creelt.

lUnny Guest-s Invited There will be many invited

guests at l"ouncler's. Day cere· monies marlting the opening day of the college's centennial year· observance.

Michigan State has invited rep· rcsentalives of colleges and uni· versltics, learned and professional societies,,. alumni nnrl business from afl over the natLon to help start the celebration of its 100th

The first person to identify this farm I . , . . .

correctly will receive 4 FREE THEA-TER TICKETS. ....

+ + +

The family who lives on the identified farm will receive a free Sx7 mounted

. • I

enlargement of the farm.

+ + + •


These 4 'Ingham county fani1 .merchants llave ar· ranged for tile publication or 52 "Mystery" pictures. It's tllelr tribute to a No. 1 industry in Ingham coun· ty. If yoi1 lilte U1e .'arm JJilitureil tell tbm so. ·

. Watch for Y 6'ut .. Farm A new 11Mystery" picture ·will appear' each week. Yours may. be next •.. No one knows· whose fanns ~!'ve been ~hotographed-no't ·even' .tile pli~tog~ rapllers-lt s 9P to you ·to .come . tllroi1gh · wit~ , tile answers! . . . · . · · .· · .

. ' ' ,, ' .·



We Give Golll Stamps

Phone Leslie 2~54 - M11son 1!689

·Mason Elevator

The ·Ingham County News Complele News Coverage

of Rural ingham County

Producers Co-op . Elevator Co~•·

Ingham County News Fchruarv 10, 1955 Pngc 5 J.F.OAJ, NOTICF.~

Legal Notices


of Probnte



MANER-Fcbrunry 25, 1955 !:-Hnl~ nC Mlcht~un I ho Pro! to C 01

fn1 th County of lnglu m At n HOHtdon or HIUd Court held nt 1he>

P1 oh tlo Olf co m tlH City of Mntw 1 I dd County on the .!n I 1h y of f'cbaJuu y

A ll 1%6 1'1 cscnt HON

Tu lge of Jl obr te In the MnliUI of the Estntc or MArt

ClARE'!' ELLEN MANER ul•o lmown '" N I I l,E IV MANER Doocnsod

Wnltct P Mnnor hnvln~r Olctl In snld l OUI t hiH JH~dtlon pr lYing thut C(!Jlltill lnHtl nmentH m Willln~t IHHIJOt tlng to lie lhc hlHl will nnd loHtnmont nnd codicil thctelo of Hnld dcceMed now an fllc II ~ufd court bo ndmlttcd to zuobutr nnd thnt tho ndmlniHtiUtlOU or Hllld OBlnte bo 1-nnntcd to Wnltet P Mnnct Jr, or to ~ome otl ct tmltnblc penon

It lo Otdcrcd 'fhut tho 26th d11y of rcbtURIY A D 1966 nt tun o'cloolc In Lhc fotenoon nt tho J11DbJ\to offlco ut 206 IV Sngltmw Stroot Lnnolng Michl· IC 111 be nnd Is hereby nppolntod for hen ring Bnll potl-'on,

It Is Fm thot Onlurod Thut public no• Uco thercol be given by publication of n copy ot thift oulot for thrco tiUCCCBtilvo we~!CI\ previous lo lttlhl dn:v or hearing In the lnglmm County NewM n neWftPRP(lr nrlntod nnd circulated In snld county, unci thnt •nld notltloncr Klvo known lntcrc•tc•l pnrtle• nddltlonal notice "" ronulted by lnw


OllDI':It FOil l'Uilt..ICAliON I' IN At. ACCOUN I

~I'EN< EII-Mnrch 3 llllili Alul• 111 Ml hhw11 II I

fnr tl fl r ry uf fludum " I I I

Orr. M. J. Green \I II IUN ,\JUi\N

1\lll~Ofl 11791

Ha''lllg deculP!I to quit thP d.lll ~ husuu ss, I n1ll sdl al llllhlic· .mdwn .tt th1• farm Ill. nult•s 1 .tst ol Fitch­bm·g to Pat man 1 oad, nor I h on l' r o.rd 2 nuh•s, or ,j ~ milts not 1 lnwst of Stoc I.IJJul~'i· on Catholic Churc•h road to J>,llman Joall, south ont lllilt, stcmJd south ')I C.tlholu Church 1o,ul on

1:00 P. M. Tuesday, february 15 1:00 P. M . •

Phone Price Brothers Phone Stockbridge Audeoneers Mason

17~F-111 Maurice & Bob t9LS-l

ll Head Ho~stein Cows and Heifers

Jfolstt'in Col\, 5 ~ ('lll s old, 1h11 M.t} '~'i lfolstem Col\, 2 Y' :us old, dill' 1\l.tH h I I Ilolsh•m Crm, 2 ye.11s ohl, IHI'd Dt c•t mhc 1 l llolstem Col\, 7 .)'l'.u s old, hll d 1.11111 11 \ ~~~ Jlolslt•in Col\, fi ,\ t :us old, IH I'd Oc tn!H 1 i It Uolstl'in Co \I, :l ~ 1'111 s old hit cl D1• c•m ht 1 ll Uolstmn Cow, 2 \l'llls old, IHPII Ut tt mhPI 1 llolstt•m Co\\' a } (,us old, Ill I !I ,J.l!lll I q j I Cow, 5 yr·:u s old, l!1'sh .uui op1 n llolslt'in Cow, a } l':trs ohl, lll•c• Attlll II Uolslt•m Con, 4 yc•a 1 s old, l!l'slt .and OJ II' II

Ilolfltem Cow, 2 yc•,us old, ht ,l\} SJIIlllgc·• Holstein Con, 2 ~ t'al s old, t 11•sh .uul op1 11 Holstein Col\, 3 ~Pms ohl, lnt•tl Oc loht 1 2i Ilolstr.m Cow, 2 yt• us c.hl, ha·c•d "• Jlll·lllhi•J ~~ Jlolstem UeHe1·, 2 ~ l'lll s ole!, thu• ,fl 111 t·: Ilolstt•m llt•ift•J•, 13 months oltl llolstem Ile1l e1, 12 mcml hs old Ilolstein lled('J, II months ohl llolstem llt•lll'l', 12 mouths old lfolslein lleilt•J, II months old


N01'F...--!lO·dtL~ tt•st on lh1s IH ul. 'l'lm; lu•ul ol­lle nve1 ugt•tl 4lH lh 111 )) II I A in I 1)!i I. HPI'­m•tls u"ailnhl1• 1l.ay ol s.tlc• (ems ht ttl lo A Jl A hulls

Terms: Cash


farm Machine•·y lntl'tll.ltJOn.ll Sult• l!.tlrc· Ill t t'l n.t Pnl.t to H1~~~ 1

lohu Ut'l'l r 7 II Wwdilll\c l~o ul Gt:ull'i I 11 ~1111 1•,.11 I h 1\lo H 1

Dairy Equipment ·~ S111 gc 1\lllluug 1\ 111111 s 11 Ii II JIUillJI, lllcllOI :11111

Jllpl'lilll• Sc It ull ~ (, < .tn MIll, ( uolt 1

IIi Mill< C m, X·( an Unelc I 1 ,J,unt S\\::t\ Stall( hious, lit ll1l1 ru 11

H Jluclsnn Sl.HH hions H 1'ulluh•x ih mloug ( 1111s H I tlutlc 11 H1mluug ( IIJis '-•I 1 tllll'l alii I [',uls

Hay - Silage hOO 111111'" Fi1sl Cut1111g All,tllu (~uiiililV ol Allall,a Gt,lss S1l.l).\l'

Miscellaneous ~110-Ciucl\ 81:1.1' Ilt nodt•r (~u.UJI 1ty ol ll:u bed \Vii c• I~lc•eh IC Jcpncc• Coni JOllt•r Ill nome Autom.tlu Ch1l'lc W.alelt'l

Not Responsible for Accidents