


(A Research with English Language Teaching Department Students

at Walisongo State Islamic University Semarang in The Academic

Year 2014/ 2015)





In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

Final Examination

Subjects: Academical Writing







TITLE…………………………………………………………………………………. i

TABLE OF CONTENT……………………………………………………………...... ii

ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………………… iii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………. 1


CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD……………………………………………….. 19






In English world, there are four skills which must be mastered by the Englishlearners because those are the basic things in learning English language. Thepurpose of this research is to find out the involvement of ELT Department studens inWalisongo English Club. The involvement of ELT Department students in WalisongoEnglish Club become of the discussion in this research. Hereby, the researcher findsout the relationships between Walisongo English Club and ELT Department students.The design of this research is Qualitative research which uses the descriptionimplementation in analyzing the data. The techniques used in this research areinterviewing and documentation. Those are for collecting the data. For analyzing,the researcher took some important statement from some respondents thenanalyzes and describes it using the description/ explanation. While, this researchalso uses the documentation in collecting the data. The researcher looked for thedocument or sources which are related to the observation. At the end of thisresearch, the researcher found that Walisongo English Club has important role inimproving the ELT Department students related to their subjects based on Englishfour skills.

Keywords: ELT Department students, Walisongo English Club,English four skills.




1.1 Background of The Study

Language is always developing year a year especially

English as a global language in the world. The existence

of English in academic level such university makes high

students must be able in mastering English. The

competition in international level forces them to reach

the best education through English. Nevertheless, the

researcher makes this paper to find out how high the

eagerness of the ELT (English Language Teaching)

Department students in mastering English. In this case,

the researcher focuses on the relationship between

Walisongo English Club –the students’ organization in

Walisongo Islamic University- which has focus on English

language development students.

The researcher tries to find out the importance of

Walisongo English Club in their studies. Beside it, the

relationship between the activity of Walisongo English

Club and TOEFL test. In this research, the researcher

only focuses on the existence of students’ organization

(Walisongo English Club) in their studies.

1.2 Research Problems

1.2.1 What is Walisongo English Club in Walisongo

Islamic University?


1.2.2 What are English Language Teaching Department


1.2.3 How is the relationship between Walisongo

English Club and English Language Teaching

Department students?

1.3 Objectives of The Study

1.3.1 To describe the definition of Walisongo English

Club in Walisongo Islamic University.

1.3.2 To determine the definition of English Language

Teaching students.

1.3.3 To describe the relationship between Walisongo

English Club and students’ studies include the

abilities in English.

1.4 Significance of The Study

1.4.1 For The Researcher

In this research, the researcher takes much

significance either the English using in academic

level or the existence of English in students’

ability development.

1.4.2 For The Next Researchers

In this research, the research can be used as

reference and can be used as reading for the next


1.5 Scope of The Study


The researcher focuses on the subject of Walisongo

English Club. That is the students in ELT department

students. Moreover, the researcher only takes the

explanation in relationship, either positive or negative

effect of Walisongo English Club in students’ studies.



2.1 Previous Study


The first study was a research report by Muttaqin

(2008) in thesis entitled Teaching Conversation Gambits to

Enhance Students’ Communicative Competence in English Debate (An Action

Research with Walisongo English Club of IAIN Walisongo Semarang Year


This previous study has research object that

Walisongo English Club can improve English Department

Students’ skill. This research found that students of WEC

got a good level to the five components of students’

communicative competence in English Debate such as the

ability in using gambits, vocabularies, grammatical

structure, fluency and speech contest. In the last

result, students got average score 8.0 that mean the

students have a good level in English debate after being

taught the gambits.

The second study was a research report by Hasanah

(2012) in thesis entitled The Implementation of Debate Technique

to Improve Students’ Speaking Skill (Classroom Action Research of The Second

Year of MTs MA Miftahul Huda Pabelan Semarang Regency 2011/2012).

This previous study has research object. Debate

technique can improve students’ speaking skill. Through

this technique, students can apply it in their studies.

Either English Language Teaching Department’s student or

not. Debate technique in speaking class is aimed to

improve students’ critical thinking and students’

communication skill. By performing debate technique,

students have a lot of opportunities in practicing

speaking. This research was done in MTs MA Miftahul Huda.


In the last result, the students look so enthusiasm with

the lesson about implementation of Debate Technique. The

calculation of test in the last cycle is 8.79 score by

the level of significance of 5%. So there is improvement

of speaking competence in pronunciation vocabulary and


From these previous studies, there are similarities

with my research. Those are the implementation of

Walisongo English Club in English Language Teaching

student in speaking class as a communicative competence

skill. Beside it, there is also the difference with my

research. The researcher focuses on the relationship

between Walisongo English Club and English Language

Teaching Department student in improving four English

skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing).

2.2 Literature Review

2.2.1Concept of English Skill Definition of English Skill

English skill is the skill which is in

English language used as parameters in learning

English language. The students have to pass

those four skills to improve their English

skill, because those are the basic parts of


According to Eli Hinkel in Integrating the Four

Skills, the contemporary world of second and

foreign language teaching, most professionals

largely take it for granted that language


instruction is naturally divided into discrete

skill sets. Based on workshop about four skills

of language, in traditional teaching the

emphasis tends to be on the students doing

reading and writing, probably because it seems

to keep them quiet and it is easier to

organize. Similarly most teachers probably do

most of the talking. While the students do most

of the listening, with a questionable amount of


In real life, it is not so easy to

separate these four skills, as most language

skills are preceded or followed by a different

skill. This integration is constant and

confusing for language learners to understand

and practice themselves. The Components of English Skill

According to “seminar on English”, the four

skills of language are Listening, Speaking,

Reading and Writing. According to harmer (2009)

productive skills (writing- speaking) and

receptive skills (reading-listening) are two

sides of a coin that cannot be split

because one skill can reinforce another in a

number of ways. Each of English skills

influences each other. So, it cannot be divided

or separated. In ELT Department students’


learning, it must be aware that the English

learning must include the four English skills

to balance among the skills.

As well as, harmer (2009) says on Seminar

English 2010 that students can learn to speak

and write by what they hear and see.  It means

that when students are exposed to the language

they have the needs to apply most of the skills

at the same time. Students must be able to

apply the English skill at the same time. They

also must be able to compare among the skills.

It becomes parameter in learning English.

Students can speak and write; those two skills

are productive skills, so they have to enter

the materials that they want to speak and

write. They must know about the material which

they want to produce in their speaking and

writing. So, in this case, students use the two

others skill. Those are reading and listening;

which are the receptive skills. After they read

and listen, they can get the materials. Then

they can show it in speaking and writing.

Each skill is sub-divided into several sub-

skill activity, listening, speaking, reading or

writing is emphasized.

a. Listening Skill


This skill encourages the students to

be able to listen and understand well what

the native speaker said. The students also

can response to the questions or statement

from native speaker. There are many sub-

skills in this skill which become the

learning method. It includes, discriminating

similar sounds -to practice accurate listening and

understanding-, dictation -to encourage detailed

listening, understanding and interpretation to the written

word-, listening to the main idea (s) -to

encourage listening to important ideas, whilst ignoring

unimportant details-, task listening (listen then

do something) -to teach learners to listen for specific

information and apply it immediately-, listening for

detail -teaching learners to listen carefully for specific

points only-.

b. Speaking Skill

Speaking is one of language skill which

is very important to be mastered by students

in order to be a good communicator. Speaking

is the verbal use of language to communicate

with others (Glenn Fulcher, 2003:23). Speech


is about making choices. Students must choose

how to interact in expressing themselves and

forming social relationship through speech.

In short, speaking can be as the way to

carry out feeling through words, even

conversation with other. It means that human

uses words and phrases in interactive process

of constructing meaning of speaking. Jeremy

Harmer (2003:269) states that the ability to

speak English. presupposes the elements

necessary for spoken production as follows:

Language features; The elements necessary for

spoken production, are the following:

1) Connected speech: in connected speech sounds

are modified (assimilation), omitted

(elision), added (linking r), or weakened

(through contractions and stress

patterning). It is for this reason that we

should involve students in activities

designed specifically to improve their

connected speech

2) Expressive devices: native speakers of

English change the pitch and stress of

particular parts of utterances, vary volume

and speed, and show by other physical and

non-verbal (paralinguistic) means how they

are feeling (especially in face to face

interaction). The use of these devices


contributes to the ability to convey


3) Lexis and grammar: teachers should therefore

supply a variety of phrases for different

functions such as agreeing or disagreeing,

expressing surprise, shock, or approval.

4) Negotiation language: effective speaking

benefits from the negotiators language we

use to seek clarification and show the

structure of what we are saying. We often

need to ask for clarification when we are

listening to someone else talks and it is

very crucial for students.

There are many sub-skills in speaking skill,

those are: Responding to visual clues (pictures

and words) -to make students aware of connections between

visual and oral representations of language-, roleplay -to

encourage students to use language they know-,

conversation -to practice conversation skills and

techniques-, word-games -to encourage students to use the

language they know spontaneously in new situations -,

story building -to practice using sequencing words e.g.

the, next, afterwards….-, problem solving -to practice

language of dis/agreement (i don’t agree /disagree with you

because……-, asking for and giving information -to

give students practice in giving requested information.


c. Reading Skill

Reading skill is a receptive skill because

it is included input process. The things

which are can be read such as article, book,

newspaper, journal, etc. There are many sub

skills that can be used in reading. Those are

predicting -Encouraging students to predict or guess the

content of the text from its title or its illustrations or to

anticipate the end of a sentence, or story, using language

they already know-, skimming -going through the text

very quickly, to get the general idea-, scanning -trying to

locate specific information- questioning -to test

children’s comprehension of text-, modelling -an attempt

to get at the understanding of a text by re-structuring and re-

presenting it- blank filling -to train the students to

construct missing words by teaching them to read around

(before and after) the gap-, sequencing -this activity

involves words sentences, paragraph or a story being cut into

sections and scrambled-, reading aloud -to practice

good pronunciation (of single words and group of words) and

intonation the way the voice moves up and down (for

understanding and expression)-, sensitizing -to train

students to infer the meaning of unfamiliar words or term-,

matching -to help students understand main information

of text through identification of the corresponding pictures, or

words-, summarizing -to train children to sum up, as


short as possible, a text with all the important information

and / or ideas-, dictionary skills -to encourage

students to make good use of dictionary and to be less

dependent on the teacher for explanations-, silent

reading -to give students the chance to read at their own


d. Writing Skill

Writing skill is a productive skill

because it is included the activity to

produce the words or sentence or even

paragraph in and information, to recall

experiences, to entertain, and to explore

feelings. While, the things which are can be

written such as essays, reports, notes,

poems, letters (business & personal),

diaries, instructions, etc. there are many

sub skills in writing skill, those are:

copying - to give student model examples to promote

success rather than failure-, filling in the blanks -

to encourage limited creativity on a correct base-,

describing a picture or series of pictures -to

further encourage creative/guided writing, but with a given

situation/stories line to keep words flowing-,

sentence/paragraph completion - giving guided

practice in writing from given clues-, reacting to a

situation - to encourage written responses to everyday

situations. 12

2.2.2The Concept of Walisongo English Club The Definition of Walisongo English Club

Walisongo English Club is one of student

organization which is owned by Walisongo State

Islamic University. It is built by some

lecturers and students in Walisongo State

Islamic University to make an English

community in 1984 and it is legitimated in

1988. It is located at 3rd campus of Walisongo

State Islamic University (2nd floor of student

centre). At that time, the logo of Walisongo

English Club is legitimated. The logo consists

of world globe which means opening the world

window. Also, there are five brackets in the

centre of globe which mean the five pillars of

Islam. Those are the confessions, pray, zakat,

fasting, and pilgrimage. The purpose of this

student organization is to enhance and to

master the English through the four skills;

those are Speaking, Listening, Reading, and

Writing. It has focus on English language

only. The Officers and The Members of Walisongo

English Club


The officers of Walisongo English Club

2014 are in the following:


Walisongo English Club 2014

Student Executive Council IAIN Walisongo Semarang

Chairman : Ifadatil Ma’adah (113411020)

Vice Chairman I : M. Saiful Mujab


Vice Chairman II : Mohammad Nasiri


Secretary I : M. Faqih Irsyad


Secretary II : Rosita Nailil Farikh


Treasurer I : Lailatul Akhadiyah


Treasurer II : Arisatul Muwafiqoh



A. Teaching and Curriculum


1. Muhimmatul Aliyah. Coord.


2. Hanik Nur F. ViceCoord.

B. English Mover Department

1. Nuruddin. Coord.


2. Yuda Mamduh Vice Coord.




3. Lathifatun Na’mah


4. Ria Resti Ridhawati


5. Ida Nur hidayah


6. Lulu’atul Musyafa’ah


7. Agus Alwi Eko A.


3. Manarul Lubab


4. Neli sama kamalia


5. Laila Akbar


6. Arief Wibowo


7. Laila Fathiyyah


C. Cadres Department

1. M. Fadhlullah. Coord.


2. Fitri Meiyenni. Vice Coord.


3. Moh. Danir Rahman


4. Ahmad Husen


5. Muhammad Aseffudin


6. Tomy Widiyanto


7. Mella Prasetya W


D. Journalistics Department

1. Ikfi Mawarida A.H. Coord.


2. Emala S. Vice Coord.


3. Helmi Abdul Latif


4. Sofia Sekar A.


5. M. Shobaruddin


6. Fatimatuz Zahrotun Nisa’


7. Emi Nur Afifah

(114111015)E. Public Relation

1. Ibnu Himawan. Coord.

F. Home Affair Department

1. Cholviana E. K. Coord.



2. Rizal Phallevi. Vice Coord.


3. Mustafidah


4. Elya Eka S


5. Jannatun Na’imah


6. Maulana Ali Hakim


7. Alfan Khoirul H.



2. Imada M. Vice Coord.


3. Lailatul Chusnah


4. Edmi Istifaryadi


5. Isa Aulia Rahman


6. Ulin Ni’mah


7. Niswaturrahmah

(123411083)Faculty Coordinator

Chief : Siti Fatimah S. (133411010)

Dakwah Faculty : Miss Hasanah S. (131311072) Syari’ah

Faculty : Yusfi Ali S. (132411202)

Ushuluddin Faculty : M. Alfianto (134211009) Tarbiyah

Faculty: M. Fadhilah A.(133511104)


The members of Walisongo English Club 2014 are in

the following:


PJ: Nasiri (089687863118), Risa, Rosita, Azizah

(085740598753), Fadil, Eko

1. Muhammad Syafiuddin 0856456352182. Siti Rismakhu

Afliya3. Ainul Bahar Hilmi 0856593903914. Lailul Mubarok 0857751330055. Luciana Dwi A 0857414369216. Muhammad Lulu'ul


7. Atika Pristyani Berliantin


8. Nur Halimah 0878338639359. Ahmad Fadlan

Choirul Anam085642590207

10. Farah dihsi Nanda


11. Imro'atuz zahro


12. Kartika Ayu Septianingrum


13. Cut Rahma Rizki


14. Imam Baehaqi 08571833364315. Dadang


16. Zulfikar B. 08213399883117. Nur Wahidah 08786699651918. Nadea Latifa19. Nailil Muna


20. Abdul Latif 08572695259921. Narmiasih22. Ummi


Mukhoyyaroh23. Zulfa Farida 08771713351824. Nur Zaidah 08774786449325. Ahsin Mahbubi 08560008900126. Bintang

Shofiarizqi27. Fitri Kamelia 28. Hasan Basri29. Wulan Suci

Febrina Zein085356471295

30. A. Khoirul Ma'arij


31. Khoirina Rahmawati


32. Zuraida Himmatul Ulya

33. Siti Khoirul Mi'rojul Ulya

34. Ahmad Mutohar 08574863756635. Apriyanto 085643015082


PJ: Hanik (085641600343), Lia, Fatimah (08561662429), Yusfi,Qanita

1. Nia Chusnafariha2. Nurul Khasanah 0823395681693. Niswatul Ummah4. Chilman Syarif 0896692622925. Umi Khulsum Masruro 0857414613966. M. Marwan F. R7. Sintiani 0877303591038. Ficky Prasetyo9. Heni Wahyuni 08564276819610. Ani Fitriyah 0898708549811. Suci Nur

Mubarokah12. Awaliya



13. Maufurotun Nuha 08573323679214. Linatus


15. Muhammad Yakub16. Farah Irsalina 08783131185017. Munafiah 08771726541718. M. Tauhid R 08190779241319. Atikah

Fitriyati20. Anggita


21. Maziyatul Aqliyah


22. Mutia Azizah 08773010562623. Qomar Abdur R 08573148921824. Siti Maimunah 08579951413725. Ita Amaliatul

Fajriah26. Mohammad Nurul27. Hilma Nuriya 08572782718228. Nur Qomariyah 08587037807929. Duwi Ayu Arimbi 08783681296130. M. Rizal


31. Pangesti Yofitasari

32. Laila Hikmah 08773182292833. Nur Roisatun 34. Zusan Anggraeni35. Dwi


36. Siti Macmudah 085643460945



PJ: Bowo (085742176356), Yuda, Nay (085715349051) , Husni,Kiki

1. Sarah Nur Alda 0856418908592. Alfa Hasanah 0819113459573. Fina Fitriani 0815481107764. Danang Abdul


5. Umi Kholisatun 0857401530846. Hana Nabila 0857121686457. Selamet Riyadi 0896577893038. Muh Badruzzaman 0857862427679. Umi Fauziah10. M. Taufiq

Hidayat11. Ulfa Rizky

Hidayat12. Irfan Jamalul

lail13. Marina

Mulkiya S087747935306

14. Faiqatul Muna15. Dianni


16. Ida Nur Staningsih


17. Izza Layyina 08577220064018. Mutmainnah19. Hana Qonita20. Kiki Nurul


21. Ainiyatus Sholihah

22. Nanang Mulik23. Fitri

Rahmawati24. Fazri Sidiq 08772904152825. M Fauzan Budi


26. M. Yasin 08776427980927. Nida 082244947581


Kholidiyah28. Maulana Handy 08574161647529. Ahmad Rouf


30. Qoimatuz Zulfa


31. Lulu'atul Hasanah

32. Khoirunnisa 08565556443133. Wiwit Minatul


34. Amirul Hamzah 08578200031635. Nor Rofi'36. Bambang


37. Beta Ervina38. Centania


39. Anita Ni’matus Sholihah



PJ : Mey (085786643774), Rizky (085779119179), Reza, Lely

1. Zahriatus Shifa Ulya2. Lissiafik Khoirul

Wafa3. A. Nurul Fawa'ih

Nailul A.089610242439

4. Nur Kholidah 0857866788515. Asih Dwi Safitri6. Khafidzoh Nurul 0857471796537. Anis Muawanah 0856018521558. Ika Putriana hari


9. Nadiya Fitriyani 08969046193910. Titis Nur Laeli 08776480192911. Avy Andria

Kusuma Dewi085786063908


12. Nur Hidayatur Rohmah

13. Mukhlisatun Nadiyah

14. Nur Khayyu Latifah


15. Simpatik Nudia Paradisa


16. Fanni Agustina H


17. Auzini Sukron 08579993483318. Kartina Karunia

Karim19. Ririn Nurattul


20. Anto Hidayatuloh

21. Lisa Dzawil Hasanah

22. Leni Lutfiyati 08961451146223. Yulia Mudmair 0899556886224. Irfa Nur


25. Fitria Nuraini 08579954420726. Alifta Qirotul


27. Monica Anjung Candra Dewi

28. M. Shofiyudin Ash Shobi


29. Mohammad Al Ikhsan

30. Moh Samsul Firdaus


31. Abu Bakar 08560018776832. Ulwiyatul


33. Sovwatun Nisa34. Yuanisa Kusuma


35. Ulil Albab 085868434952


36. Adinda Fitra 08771844159437. Ahmad Kalam 08222026758338. Achmad Rifa’is 08571342282539. Pujiwati 08578674981840. Farah Irsalina 087831311850


PJ : Helmi (085726391808), Sany, Anisa (089660207709),Syamsudin, Ida

1. Umi Habibah 0819143024162. Endang Trihapsari3. Anita H.L 0823230265454. Ilma Amalina5. A. Faiz Ashidiqy6. Nofran Hermuzi 081172211967. Lani Astuti 0857406939488. Yuniar Samsiani 0857996453169. M. Ali Nur Khasan 0898095210510. Ramdhan


11. Fatimatul Mualifah


12. Evi Vania Zuraida


13. Ida Saryanti 08572845817714. Arum


15. Aisatul Maghfiroh


16. Siti Nurun Nadhifah


17. Haris18. Fahma Aulia


19. Lailin Najihah


20. Afifudin 08564768847221. Lilik

Oktavia A.F085731027636


22. Arum ShafiraK


23. Nur Inayah 08233704907924. Rukyah

Khanamunisa25. Zumrotyl


26. Dimas Pandu27. Faiz Fella

sufah28. Evi Nur


29. Fitri Rahmadani


30. Zahrotun Niswah


31. Istichanah 08587039122332. Ali Khabib 08966843081733. Ela Purwanti 08564288879634. Ahmad Arif35. Faiz Iqbal

Andika36. Nur Rohmah 08235197583337. Kirana D.K 08193195553138. Hesti


39. Durotun Nasihah



PJ : Isa (085640240188), Palepi (085741910801), Muttaqin,Nahla, Vika, Lia

1. Nur'aini Mu'allifatul Qolbi


2. Fajar Baharudin A 0858781779993. M. Fatahuddin H.4. Bambang Riyanto 085641301879


5. Fitri Yuliati 6. Iffah Rosyidah7. Lisa Lusiana

Karunia Sari085751728836

8. Ahmad Kamal 0822202675839. Muh Rizal A.D.S 08968355991710. Mahfudz


11. Rifka HayatulAisiyah


12. Ahmad Yazid 08571270167913. Sri Wijayanti14. Khanif Munif 0893120621815. Nailatul

Faizah16. Hidayatul


17. Ahmad Faqih 08960503988318. Intan Inaini 08573129205319. Nida Aulia 08774650863920. Khirul Anwar 08969407349521. M Ulil Absor 08572842994222. Sumiati 08574242076323. Roif Hasan


24. Cahayani 08962636922725. Rashif


26. Dwi Setyo H 08966097198527. Muhimmatul


28. Nur Chasanatul F


29. Syarifudin Fahmi


30. Faridlotul M 08233002872831. Fatkhurrohman 08560033120032. Lila Nur


33. Lina Milatus s



34. M. Jamaludin K


35. Maufurotun Nuha


36. Rini Widyastuti


37. Tias Sandra Dita


38. Maulida Fatchia


39. Naya Ruasno 08572654142640. Julina



PJ : Imada (085742791291), Zulfa (089666087220), Arina, Andi,Etik

1. Siti Hadiyati Wulansari


2. Afrohah Ira Ariyanti3. Yesi Pravita Ningrum4. Puji Purwaningsih5. Moh Syaikhul Umam6. Sofy Aini Khikmatin7. Rahma Tia S. 089955744108. Nurul Imanawati9. Khusnul Khotimah10. Siti Zumrotul

Khasanah11. Maulana Galih 08965419105412. Arini Rusyda


13. Mohammad Rezz Tri Ardiansy

14. Jaedin 08190201006715. Sigit Aulia


16. Bayu Aunir Rohman



17. Siti Novia A.S 08773180480318. Rahma Komala


19. Fatkhurrohman 08560033120020. Melinda D. R 08773657873821. Putri Sujayanti 08571379889322. Rifa’i Ady W 08571999205023. Habib Adnan24. Intan Inaini 08573129205325. Kristi Linda P 08572788531926. Rizki Harmiyanti27. Sumiyati 08574242076328. Syamsudin Nur

Majid29. Ully Rachmawati


30. Via Paninting 08574106226631. Shofiyyah 08573111490932. Wahyu Susilowati 08574611433733. Siti Novia A.S 08773180480334. Siti Nur


35. Yunika Indah W 08770073577736. M. Halim Al-


37. Mubarokatus S. 08571334899338. Puji Mahdia


39. Riska Masula40. Arifiana

Desiyanti085 701 215 935

27 The Activities of Walisongo English Club

There are some activities which are

conducted every week. It is called weekly

meeting. Every weekly, the officers or the

tutors give some English materials based on

the topic to the new members. Every meeting is

different material. It consists of Speaking

skill, Grammar skill, Critical skill, even

TOEFL, etc. The classes are differentiated

based on their English skill. The materials

are based on the English four skills. The

followings are the schedule of weekly in

Walisongo English Club:


.Date Time Subject Class Place

1 SaturdaysAt 8.30

amSpeaking A - C

In front of

Library InstituteD - G American Corner


sAt 1 pm Discussion A - C American Corner

3 Thursday At 1 pmSpeaking

CourseD - G American Corner

4 Mondays At 4 pm GrammarAll


In front of

Library Institute




3.1 Research Design

The design of research which is used by the

researcher in this study is Qualitative research.

Qualitative research is research using methods such as

participant observation or case studies which result in

a narrative, descriptive account of a setting practice.

Sociologists using these methods typically reject

positivism and adopt a form of interpretive sociology

(Parkinson & Drislane, 2011). In other definition,

Qualitative research is a situated activity that

locates the observer in the world. It consists of a set

of interpretive, material practices that makes the29

world visible. These practices transform the world.

They turn the world into a series of representations

including the field notes, interviews, conversations,

photographs, recordings, and memos to the self. At this

level, Qualitative research involves an interpretative,

naturalistic approach to the world. This means that

Qualitative researchers study things in their natural

settings, attempting to make sense of, or to interpret,

phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them

(Denzin & Lincoln, 2005, p. 3).

From the definition above, the researcher conclude

that the involvement of ELT Department students in an

English language organization in their subject has many

relationships. It relates from their major and also

their English skill development through the four

English skills.

3.2 Research Setting and Time

The researcher conducted the observation in

Walisongo English Club of Walisongo State Islamic

University. It is located at Street Prof. Dr. Hamka

Ngaliyan Semarang, Central Java. The location of this

campus is strategic enough. The research conducted from

24th of October to 31st of December 2014. The interview

is done in 24th of October 2014 at 9.06 p.m. at Ma’had

al-Jami’ah Walisongo with one of ELT Department student

1st semester. Then, it was continued in 6th of November


2014 at 11.54 a.m. to 12.30 a.m. at Tarbiyah Park with

some officers of Walisongo English Club.

3.3 Research Focus

The researcher focuses on the relationship between

ELT Department students and Walisongo English Club.

3.4 Research Object

The research object of this research is Walisongo

English Club which is one of student organization in

Walisongo State Islamic University.

3.5 Research Subject

The subjects of the study are the students of ELT

Department in Walisongo State Islamic University in

different semester/ grade.

3.6 Data Collection Technique

The techniques which are used to collect the data

by the researcher are Qualitative data. The researcher

describes the involvement of ELT Department students

in Walisongo English Club through the four English

skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing).

3.6.1 Interviewing

Interviewing has role to identify the

respondents about their involvement in Walisongo


English Club. In this research, the respondents

are the ELT Department students and the officers

of Walisongo English Club. The researcher tries to

identify the improving of four English skills in

involving Walisongo English Club.

3.6.2 Documentation

Hopkins (1993: 140) states that document

surrounding curriculum or other educational

concern can illuminate rationale and purpose in

interesting ways. The researcher completes the

research by using the documents which explain

about Walisongo English Club and the data and the

website of it. This technique is used to know the

condition of the officers, the members, and the

activities of Walisongo English Club.

3.7 Data Analysis Technique

Data analysis technique comes from the

interpretation of the data collection in analyzing the

data. The researcher gets the data from interviewing

and documentation. In processing the data, the

researcher uses descriptive analysis. It explains the

condition in raising improvement of four English


The data from observation are group based on

English skills. It includes the involvement of ELT

Department students in Walisongo English Club for


Listening skill, Speaking skill, Reading skill, and

Writing skill. Which one from those skills which are

influenced enough by Walisongo English Club.




4.1 The Implementation of Interviewing

The interviewing is one of data techniques which are

used by the researcher to collect the data. The activities

of interviewing were preparing the list of questions, the

list of the respondents’ name, and recording tools. The

researcher interviewed some respondents, especially the

ELT Departmet students in different semester/ grade in

Education and Teaching Training Faculty. The interviewing

was conducted from 24th of October 2014 to 6th of November

2014. The interviewing was conducted well and the

researcher asked to them some questions related to

Walisongo English Club.

The researcher asked some questions about their

opinions about the definition of Walisongo English Club,

the purposes of it, the importance of it, the members of

it, the advantages of joining it, and the relationships

between Walisongo English Club and ELT Department in

English four skills.

4.1.1 The Definition, The Purpose, and The Importance of

Walisongo English Club

According to Saiful Mujab, the writer of

Walisongo English Club’s history, wrote in WEC

Bulletin 1st edition in 2104 that Walisongo English

Club or commonly called WEC is an intra organization


in Walisongo State Islamic University and it is

located in 2nd floor of Student Centre in 3rd campus of

Walisongo State Islamic University. He added that

Walisongo English Club is a community to develop

English skill. This development consists of two sides.

Those are English active skill and English passive

skill. The active skill includes Speaking skill which

is the productive skill. It means that the students

produce the language by speaking. Because the basic

purpose of a language is communication. Ruswan, the

first leader of Walisongo English Club in 1984, said

that speaking is the most important skill than the

other skills. So he noticed to press more in speaking

without being grammar-minded. He also noticed that

Walisongo English Club not only gives the brain

nutrition (English knowledge) but also gives the

training how to live in an organization. By joining

Walisongo English Club, we can learn Englih skill,

develop the English, and even develop the soft skill

in organization management also the way to respect

with others. While, the passive skill includes

Reading, Writing, and Listening skill.

4.1.2 The Members of Walisongo English Club

There are two classifications of student

organization is Walisongo State Islamic University

before becoming University. Those are the institute


student organization and faculty student organization.

The institute student organization has members from

all of the faculties. Its members are from Education

and Teacher Training Faculty, Ushuluddin Faculty,

Syari’ah and Law Faculty, Dakwah and Communication

Faculty, and Economy and Islamic Business Faculty. The

faculty student organization has members only from its

faculty because each of faculties has their own

student organization. So we can compare between two of

the student organization classifications that the

institute student organization is bigger than the

faculty student organization seen from the amount of

members, the economic side, the links, and etcetera.

Walisongo English Club is a unit student

organization in institute level, so all of the

students in different faculty can be member in

Walisongo English Club. According to interview with

Hanik Nurul Faizah, the student of ELT Department

student of Walisongo State Islamic University in 5th

semester and one of the officer of Walisongo English

Club in Teaching and Curriculum Department, the

members of Walisongo are from all of the faculties

with different majors which has focus on the new

students (1st semester), but she added that Walisongo

English Club also open the recruitment for the 3rd

semester and maximum 5th semester students who want to

learn English language.


There are differences between the numbers of

member from each faculty. Based on the member data

from Walisongo English Club that the researcher got,

the dominant members are from Education and Teaching

Training Faculty, especially from ELT Department. It

will be explain in the next part of this research.

4.1.3 The Advantages of Walisongo English Club

Walisongo English Club has focus on English

language only. As we know before that English is one

of the international language and about 53 countries

use English in daily meeting business. While in

academic level such in Walisongo State Islamic

University, commonly English is learned to master

TOEFL (The Test of English as A Foreign Language) and

IELTS (International English Language Testing System)

which are the requirements to continue the study in

overseas. Almost the students of Walisongo State

Islamic University have eagerness –although not all-

to continue their studies in overseas. As a rule,

TOEFL becomes one of requirement of graduation which

must be required by all of the students. It is decided

by The Centre for Language Development of Walisongo

State Islamic University. The minimum score of TOEFL

is 400 for non-ELT Department and 450 for ELT

Department. At least, this requirement pushes them to

learn English for TOEFL although they do not want to

continue their studies in overseas.


In TOEFL and IELTS context, Walisongo English

Club has important roles as the place for them to

learn English. From the weekly schedules, Walisongo

English Club gives the TOEFL training to the members

by conduciving the professional tutors. According to

interview activity with Fitri Meiyenny, the student of

ELT Department of Walisongo State Islamic University

in 5th semester and one of the officers Walisongo

English Club in Cadres Department, the obligatory

requirement that must be required is TOEFL test.

Automatically, Walisongo English Club provides the

TOEFL training and it helps the students to learn

TOEFL easily.

4.1.4 The Relationships between Walisongo English Club and

ELT Department Students in English Four Skills

As in the previous part, it explained that the

dominant members who join in Walisongo English Club

are from ELT Department students. Walisongo English

Club has many relationships to ELT Department

students. According to Ilma Amalina, the student of

ELT Department of Walisongo State Islamic University

in 1st semester and one of the new members of Walisongo

English Club, Walisongo English Club is very

important, because she thought that the ELT students

only get 30% from their lecturers who deliver the

materials. While 70%, the students get from out of


class such as study group and even Walisongo English

Club. She added that the reason why she joined

Walisongo English Club because she wants to improve

the English skill, especially grammar skill and

writing skill. Because according to her, grammar and

writing are more difficult than the other skills. But

she also wants to improve the other skills such as

reading, listening, and speaking skill by joining

Walisongo English Club. In addition, she joined

Walisongo English Club because she wants to improve

the soft skill and organization management. From this

interview activity, Walisongo English Club has

important role in improving ELT Department students’

skill, especially four English skills. In fact,

although they can get the English materials from their

lecturers every day, it cannot be avoided that they

only get the small portion of it because they only get

the theory not the practice. While the biggest portion

they get from out of class that the practice always in


According to interview activity with Fitry

Meiyenny, ELT Department has Speaking subject that

pushes the students to speak. In Walisongo English

Club also has the speaking training for the members.

Here, Walisongo English Club has a role to train the

ELT Department students in speaking skill such as

through debate training and discussion in some

weeklies which discusses the update event. In


addition, Walisongo English Club also builds the

students’ confidence and makes the students to be

brave to speak. This is one of reasons why the ELT

Department students are dominant in Walisongo English

Club than the other major.

The subjects of ELT Department must be mastered

by all of the students. So in mastering the subjects,

the students try to find the ways to add their

understanding. The subjects include Reading

Comprehension, Writing Comprehension, English Grammar,

Listening Comprehension, English Speaking, and

Linguistic (Phonology, Morphology, & Syntax). In fact,

Walisongo English Club becomes one of the places for

their learning. By joining this student organization,

hopefully they can improve their English four skills.

4.2 The Implementation of Documentation

Documentation is one of data techniques which are

used by the researcher to collect the data. By using this

technique, the researcher tries to look for any data

(documentation) that has related to the observation. The

activities of documentation were preparing the Notebook/

Laptop/ PC, internet connection, and website of Walisongo

English Club. The researcher tries to look for the data

including the list of Walisongo English Club’s officers

in 2014, the list of members in 2014, the history and the

definition of Walisongo English Club, and the activities

of Walisongo English Club. The documentation was


conducted from 12th of December 2014 to 27th of December


In 12th of December 2014 at 8.50, the researcher

downloaded some information related to Walisongo English

Club. It included the history and the definition of it

and the activities of it, as the researcher has included

in Chapter II-Review of Related Literatures.



5.1 Conclusion


Based on the review of related literatures and data

analysis, the researcher draws the conclusion as follows:

5.1.1 In English world, there are four skills which must

be mastered by the students who want to learn English

because those are the basic skill of learning

English. The four skills include Speaking, Listening,

Reading, and Writing.

5.1.2 Walisongo English Club has important roles in

improving ELT Department students’ skill. As we know

that they only get 30% from their lecturers, while

70%, most of it, they get from out of class. Hereby,

they try to look for some ways to add their knowledge

and add their understanding about English language

related to their subjects.

5.1.3 In helping ELT Department students, Walisongo

English Club provides some training related to their

subjects from its weekly activities. Such as TOEFL

and IELTS training (Listening, Structure/ Grammar,

Writing skill, Reading skill, and Speaking skill),

Grammar lesson, and Speaking Course and discussion

(Speaking skill).

5.2 Suggestion

5.2.1 For the ELT Department students


The involvement of ELT Department students in

Walisongo English Club has big influence to their

subjects. Hereby, it is very suggested to the ELT

Department students to join Walisongo English Club and

being part of it.

5.2.2 For the Officers of Walisongo English Club

The researcher suggests to the officers of

Walisongo English Club to always improve their ability

in delivering the materials because they become the

‘second’ lecturer after in class. In other statement,

they become the mediator in delivering the English


5.2.3 For Other Researchers

It has been known that the involvement of ELT

Department students in Walisongo English Club has many

relationships in their subjects and it helps them to

improve their abilities. Based on the explanation, the

researcher would like to suggest the other researcher;

the result of the study can be used as additional

references to further research with different sample

and occasion.



Eli Hinkel, 2007, Integrating the Four Skills: Current and HistoricalPerspectives.

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Muttaqin, Zaenal, 2008, Teaching Conversation Gambits to EnhanceStudents’ Communicative Competence in English Debate (An ActionResearch with Walisongo English Club of IAIN Walisongo Semarang Year2008/2009). u r skills of f language.pdf. Accessed on November 25th, 2014 at 12.13p.m. Accessed on November 25th,2014 at 12.14 p.m.