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Chariho School Committee In-Person and Virtual Meeting Executive Session Minutes - June 22, 2021

Approval of Executive Session Minutes - Minutes not sealed.

Committee Members Virtual Attendance: Chair Linda Lyall, Vice Chair Catherine Giusti, Ryan Callahan, Donna Chambers, William Day, Gary Liguori, Craig Louzon, Lisa Macaruso (virtual), Linda McAllister (virtual) and David Stall.

Administrators and Others Attendance: Superintendent Gina Picard, Assistant Superintendent Jane Daly, Director of Administration and Finance Ned Draper, Attorney for the School Committee Jon Anderson (virtual) and School Committee Clerk Donna Sieczkiewicz.

11-4. Approval of Executive Session Minutes of May 25, 2021 1 Pending Litigation (Town of Barrington et al. v. State of RI et al.) - Superintendent Picard recommended approval of the executive session minutes of May 25, 2021 - Pending Litigation (Civil Action File Number PC-2019-10870 - Town of Barrington et al. v. State of Rhode Island et al.).

Craig Lauzon made a motion, seconded by Ryan Callahan and ii was VOTED: To approve the executive session minutes of May 25, 2021 - Pending Litigation (Civil Action File Number PC-2019-10870-Town of Barrington et al. v. State of Rhode Island et al.). In favor: Callahan, Chambers, Day, Lyall, Liguori, Lauzon, Macaruso and McAllister. Abstained (due to absence): Giusti and Stall. The motion carried by a vote of 8 in favor with 2 abstentions.

11-5. Approval of Executive Session Minutes of May 25, 2021 Potential Litigation Superintendent Picard recommended approval of the executive session minutes of May 25, 2021 - Potential Litigation.

Craig Lauzon made a motion, seconded by Ryan Callahan and ii was VOTED: To approve the executive session minutes of May 25, 2021 - Potential Litigation. In favor: Callahan, Chambers, Day, Lyall, Liguori, Lauzon, Macaruso and McAllister. Abstained (due to absence): Giusti and Stall. The motion carried by a vote of 8 in favor with 2 abstentions.

11-6. Approval of Executive Session Minutes of May 25, 2021 - Discussion of Superintendent's Contract - Chair Lyall recommended approval of the executive session minutes of May 25, 2021 - Discussion of Superintendent's Contract.

Craig Lauzon made a motion, seconded by Ryan Callahan and Gary Liguori and ii was VOTED: To approve the executive session minutes of May 25, 2021 - Discussion of Superintendent's Contract. In favor: Callahan, Chambers, Day, Lyall, Liguori, Lauzon, Macaruso and McAllister. Abstained (due to absence): Giusti and Stall. The motion carried by a vote of 8 in favor with 2 abstentions.

11-7. Approval of Executive Session Minutes of May 25, 2021 - Approval of Home Instruction Requests - Superintendent Picard recommended approval of the executive session minutes of May 25, 2021 -Approval of Home Instruction Requests.

Gary Liguori made a motion, seconded by Ryan Callahan and Craig Lauzon and ii was VOTED: To approve the executive session minutes of May 25, 2021 - Approval of Home Instruction Requests. In favor: Callahan, Chambers, Day, Lyall, Liguori, Lauzon, Macaruso and McAllister. Abstained ( due to absence): Giusti and Stall. The motion carried by a vote of 8 in favor with 2 abstentions.

The Committee moved to Potential Litigation Update.

Donna J. Sieczkiewicz, Clerk

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Chariho School Committee In-Person and Virtual Meeting Regular Session Minutes

June 22, 2021

Committee Members Virtual Attendance: Chair Linda Lyall, Vice Chair Catherine Giusti, Ryan Callahan, Donna Chambers, William Day, Gary Liguori, Craig Louzon, Lisa Macaruso (virtual), Linda McAllister (virtual) and David Stall (arrived at 6:15 PM).

Administrators and Others Attendance: Superintendent Gina Picard, Assistant Superintendent Jane Daly, Director of Administration and Finance Ned Draper, Technology Director Shawn Cole, Systems Administrator Eric O'Brien, Development Officer Katie Kirakosian (virtual), STEM Specialist Susie Scanapieco, Anti-Racism Task Force Members (virtual), Attorney for the School Committee Jon Anderson (virtual) and School Committee Clerk Donna Sieczkiewicz.

I. Meeting Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Silent Meditation Chair Linda Lyall called the in-person and virtual meeting of the Chariho School Committee to order at 6:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was followed by a moment of silent meditation.

II. Motion/Vole to go into Executive Session Craig Louzon made a motion, seconded by Ryan Callahan and ii was VOTED: That the School Committee go into executive session and close the meeting to the public under the authority of RI. General Laws Section 42-46-5(a)(1) for the purpose of discussion and/or action pertaining to the job performance, character, or physical or mental health of a person or persons (Approval of Executive Session Minutes of May 25, 2021 - Discussion of Superintendent's Contract); under the authority of R. I. General Laws Section 42-46-5(a)(2) for the purpose of discussion and/or action pertaining to collective bargaining (1. Administrative Assistants' Contract Changes, 2. NEA Chariho Certified Staff Contract Negotiations); pending litigation (1. Chariho Regional School District v State of RI through Rhode Island Department of Education, Rhode Island Department of Administration, Rhode Island Council on Elementary and Secondary Education, Commissioner of Education Kenneth Wagner, Narragansett School Committee, South Kingstown School Committee and Westerly School Committee and 2. Approval of Executive Session Minutes of May 25, 2021 - Civil Action File Number PC-2019-10870 - Town of Barrington et al, v. State of Rhode Island et al.) and potential litigation (1. Approval of Executive Session Minutes of May 25, 2021 and 2. Potential Litigation Update); and under the authority of R.I. General Laws Section 42-46-5(a)(8) for the purpose of reviewing and/or approving matters which relate to the privacy of students and their records (1. Approval of Executive Session Minutes of May 25, 2021 - Approval of Home Instruction Requests and 2) Approval of Home Instruction Request(s)); any persons to be discussed have been so notified. In favor: Unanimous (Stall was not in attendance for the vote).

The Committee returned to open session at 7:03 PM at which lime Chair Lyall reconvened the meeting. She welcomed all and thanked them for their patience. This is the first time in person in a long lime with some people virtual as well. She hopes the technology will continue to work.

Ill. Closing/Sealing of Executive Session Minutes 1. Superintendent Picard recommended that minutes pertaining to collective bargaining (Administrative Assistants' Contract Changes) remain sealed.

Craig Louzon made a motion, seconded by Ryan Callahan and ii was VOTED: That minutes pertaining to collective bargaining (Administrative Assistants' Contract Changes) remain sealed. In favor: Unanimous.

2. Superintendent Picard recommended that minutes pertaining to collective bargaining (NEA Chariho Certified Staff Contract Negotiations) remain sealed until such lime as an agreement has been reached.


Ryan Callahan made a motion, seconded by Catherine Giusti and ii was VOTED: That minutes pertaining to collective bargaining (NEA Chariho Certified Staff Contract Negotiations) remain sealed until such lime as an agreement has been reached. In favor: Callahan, Chambers, Giusti, Liguori, Lyall, Macaruso, McAllister and Stall. Recused: Day and Lauzon. The motion carried by a vote of 8 in favor with 2 recusals.

3. Superintendent Picard recommended that minutes pertaining to pending litigation (Chariho Regional School District v State of RI through Rhode Island Department of Education, Rhode Island Department of Administration, Rhode Island Council on Elementary and Secondary Education, Commissioner of Education Kenneth Wagner, Narragansett School Committee, South Kingstown School Committee and Westerly School Committee) remain sealed.

Craig Lauzon made a motion, seconded by Ryan Callahan and it was VOTED: That minutes pertaining to pending litigation (Chariho Regional School District v State of RI through Rhode Island Department of Education, Rhode Island Department of Administration, Rhode Island Council on Elementary and Secondary Education, Commissioner of Education Kenneth Wagner, Narragansett School Committee, South Kingstown School Committee and Westerly School Committee) remain sealed. In favor: Unanimous.

4. Superintendent Picard recommended that minutes pertaining to potential litigation remain sealed.

Craig Lauzon made a motion, seconded by Catherine Giusti and it was VOTED: That minutes pertaining to potential litigation remain sealed. In favor: Unanimous.

5. Chair Lyall recommended that minutes pertaining to the job performance, character, or physical or mental health of a person (Discussion of Superintendent's Contract) remain sealed.

Craig Lauzon made a motion, seconded by Ryan Callahan and it was VOTED: That minutes pertaining to the job performance, character, or physical or mental health of a person (Discussion of Superintendent's Contract) remain sealed. In favor: Unanimous.

6. Superintendent Picard recommended that minutes which relate to the privacy of students and their records (Approval of Home Instruction Request(s)) remain sealed.

Craig Lauzon made a motion, seconded by Ryan Callahan and it was VOTED: That minutes which relate to the privacy of students and their records (Approval of Home Instruction Request(s)) remain sealed. In favor: Unanimous.

IV. Disclosure of Executive Session Votes Vice Chair Giusti reported there were 7 votes taken in executive session. The first vote, related to union negotiations update, passed unanimously with Callahan, Chambers, Day, Giusti, Liguori, Lauzon, Lyall, Macaruso (virtually), McAllister (virtually) and Stall voting in favor.

The second vote, approval of executive session minutes of May 25, 2021 - Pending Litigation -passed with Callahan, Chambers, Day, Liguori, Lauzon, Lyall, Macaruso (virtually) and McAllister (virtually) voting in favor and Stall and Giusti abstaining.

The third vote, approval of executive session minutes of May 25, 2021 - Potential Litigation -passed with Callahan, Chambers, Day, Liguori, Lauzon, Lyall, Macaruso (virtually) and McAllister (virtually) voting in favor and Stall and Giusti abstaining.


The fourth vote, approval of executive session minutes of May 25, 2021 - Discussion of Superintendent's Contract - passed with Callahan, Chambers, Day, Liguori, Lauzon, Lyall, Macaruso (virtually) and McAllister (virtually) voting in favor and Stall and Giusti abstaining.

The fifth vote, approval of executive session minutes of May 25, 2021 - Approval of Home Instruction Requests - passed with Callahan, Chambers, Day, Liguori, Lauzon, Lyall, Macaruso (virtually) and McAllister (virtually) voting in favor and Stall and Giusti abstaining.

The sixth vote, pertaining to home instruction requests, passed unanimously with Callahan, Chambers, Day, Giusti, Liguori, Lauzon, Lyall, Macaruso (virtually), McAllister (virtually) and Stall voting in favor.

The seventh vote, to close executive session and return to open session, passed unanimously with Callahan, Chambers, Day, Giusti, Liguori, Lauzon, Lyall, Macaruso (virtually), McAllister (virtually) and Stall voting in favor.

A request was made to the Chair by Member Chambers that all in attendance please put their masks on and wear them properly. Chair Lyall shared the request and explained that we are mandated to have them on to which the Superintendent added that this is an executive order by the Governor's Office. Two Police Officers on duty asked one gentleman to please put his mask on to which he refused as he felt his constitutional rights were being violated. When asked to please leave the meeting, he refused and asked the Police Officer if he didn't leave and didn't put his mask on, would he be arrested to which the officer replied that if he refused to do one or the other, he would be. The gentleman then told the officer to arrest him. He was handcuffed and led out of the meeting. Several people in attendance began swearing and screaming and refused to adhere to the point of order called by the Chair.

Ryan Callahan made a motion, seconded by Catherine Giusti and it was VOTED: To take a five minute recess. In favor: Unanimous.

Chair Lyall called the meeting back to order at 7:20 PM

V. Recognition - The following were congratulated: 1. Post-Season Awards: High School Girls' Track - Margaret Weeden (All-Division 1st Team High Jump, All-Class 3rd Team High Jump), Erin von Housen (All-Class 2nd Team 3000m, All Class 2nd Team 4x800 Relay, Freshman State Champion 3000m), Brooke Kanaczet (All­Class 2nd Team 4x800 Relay), Grace Gillett (All-Class 2nd Team 4x800 Relay), Anna Lacroix (All-Class 2nd Team 4x800 Relay), Abby Cole (All-Class 3rd Team 3000m, Academic All-State), Paige Grissom (Academic All-State), Weeko Thompson (Freshman State Champion Shot Put, Freshman State Champion Discus). High School Gymnastics - Paige Swenson (Heisman Scholarship) High School Ice Hockey - Caden Wilson 2. Senior Awards Ceremony: Senior Sportsmanship Award - Paige Grissom and Christian Fortune. Senior Athlete of the Year-Abby Cole, Spencer Shiels, James Dougherty, Sullivan Cummins. Senior Scholar Athlete of the Year - Spencer Shiels, Nathan Berry 3. Chariho Class of 2021 along with Valedictorian Paige Grissom and Salutatorian Faith Ells. 4. 2020-2021 Retirees: Catherine Peters (29 years), Jeffrey Domingoes (31 years), Maria Cook (29 years), Sally Ann Andreozzi (24 years), Thomas Brusseau (20 years). 5. Assistant Superintendent Jane Daly - Superintendent Picard thanked her for the 7 years of

. service to the Chariho District. She has been an amazing partner and she was wished all the best in her new position. Donna Chambers read a statement acknowledging all that Jane accomplished in her time at Chariho and she was thanked by all Committee members. 6. Welcome to Jean Bradanini - Chariho High School Assistant Principal. 7. Scott Merritt for his 30 years of coaching. Best wishes on his retirement from Chariho!


VI. Public Forum Chair Lyall notified all that she will be limiting comments to two minutes so that all who want to speak will have the opportunity to do so. Chad Algier, a parent of two children, stated that racism is wrong and Critical Race Theory (CRT) is wrong. There should be equal opportunity for all children and he hopes that Chariho does not provide an opportunity for discussion or any documentation on this as he feels there is no room for it in our schools. That would be teaching kids to look at color and not character. He also does not feel that sexuality should be taught and should not be part of the curriculum; he wants to get back to core basics. He questioned this and wanted a response to which Ryan explained that the School Committee, during Public Forum, listens to comments or concerns; they do not engage in public debate. This would have to come under Business. Fred Morris from Richmond agreed with Chad. Kids come here to learn Math, Science, English. He will do whatever ii takes to not allow Critical Race Theory. He knows the environment; stop bringing it up to which Bill and Catherine called for a point of order. Catherine explained that some of the comments made relate to anti-racism which is on the Agenda. If you want to speak about something that is not on the agenda, this would be the time to do it. If it is on the agenda, you have to wait until we get to that item to speak on it. Polly Hopkins from Hopkinton started a Facebook page when she saw what was going down a long time ago. Ms. Picard has received 19 APRAs from her. CRT is already in our schools and is being practiced by teachers. It is in our reading materials. Read the Political Activities Policy. The District is violating two policies according to her. She doesn't see Mr. Anderson here and she would like to know how he feels about civil rights lawsuits. The District needs to stay away from this as it will only bring problems. You can object to anything in the Chariho curriculum; these books are on the summer reading list. It is the same as we see in Providence. We know what we are talking about. Cassie Algier has two children and she strongly disagrees with CRT; they should teach that everyone is equal. A parent should decide when to teach their child about sexuality and gender identity. A school should not ask a child what their gender is. Religion should be left out (yoga). Political policies are being pushed and the summer reading list is pushing this. She is most concerned with books about trauma/suicide. Some children do not have supports at home to help them deal with these issues. Sam Alba from Richmond thanked all for being there. He is an airline pilot and his world is the US. He sees all these subjects throughout the country and we don't want it here. We don't need a distance learning policy for masks any longer. These are not necessary. Children need to be back to normal. Please take his point to heart. Kedrick Swain from Ashaway has two children in the District and questioned if he could ask about the Task Force or only about any proposed changes to curriculum. He feels the District has the best interest of students at heart but students should not be demanded to identify. There are documented instances of students of racial issues. Come September these masks have to go. He understands now you are under government regulation. Kevin Travers, a Chariho graduate, has a daughter in High School and commented on the publicly shared videos, definitions and terminology which is highly offensive. He feels the Chariho Youth Task Force is in direct affiliation to a current Chariho administrator and there is literature that is available to minors. This is careless and dangerous to students. It is racist, biased, discriminatory, and unethical and in light of this, he questions the motives of all on the Anti-Racist Task Force. Chariho is better than this. Cassius Spears has a long history in Chariho and agrees that indoctrinating our students is not something we want to do. He has four children and he does not understand the fear of race. Currently the education in school is of a single race theory. This is a diverse conversation. He commends the Anti-Racism Task Force for looking at this in an unbiased way; with a different lens and views. He wants to keep Chariho beautiful. Every day, as a person of color, he experiences racism. Lauren Cacciola from Richmond did an editorial on CRT. She is a behavioral technician and worked in an inner city school. Everyone here is here for the kids. Look at what we are teaching the kids. Erin Liese from Richmond requested that School Committee members please state their name prior to speaking as those who are virtual do not always know who is talking. Caleb Grant apologized for not being in person. He lives in Hope Valley and has three children. He appreciates the perspective of people speaking out but disagrees with some of the comments. He supports the Anti-Racism Task Force and their work towards curriculum. It is


important to talk about our nation's history. He works with Chief Johnson and the Slate Police and they talk about bias with discussion on both sides. Jessica Purcell from Richmond noted that it has been a long year and she appreciates everyone involved in the schools for helping our students. She is more concerned with the anti-Critical Race Theory movement than CRT. Adults can understand ii. Robert Henninger commented that CRT does not belong in schools. Kids are being used as political pawns. Parents have a responsibility to teach their kids and any teacher who teaches this should be terminated. He received a book list from his daughter and was appalled at the books on the list. II is his job to teach his daughter; keep ii out of the school district. Trinity Parmalee has three children and stated she experienced a lot of stuff. The best thing to teach kids is empathy, not sympathy. She is appalled by what is happening in this school system. Even if they are in the top ten, she would never pick this school system.

VII. Policy A. Bus Behavior Code (Revision) - Superintendent Picard recommended tabling this policy for a later meeting.

Ryan Callahan made a motion, seconded by Catherine Giusti and it was VOTED: To table this policy for a later meeting. In favor: Unanimous.

B. Responsible Use of Technology Policy (Revision) - Gina Picard recommended approval of the revisions to this policy which was reviewed by legal counsel. Catherine Giusti noted a concern during final exams regarding mies and that a teacher could turn one on for monitoring to which Shawn Cole replied that teachers cannot turn a mic on or off. Catherine thanked Shawn for the clarification.

Craig Lauzon made a motion, seconded by Ryan Callahan and ii was VOTED: To approve the revisions to the Responsible Use of Technology Policy. In favor: Unanimous.

VIII. Business A. School Lunch Program Contract- Chartwells - Superintendent Picard recommended approval of the School Lunch Program Contract with Chartwells per the attached memos from Ned Draper and Chartwells District Manager Barbara Cohen contingent upon approval by RIDE and legal counsel. She added that she concurred with Ned that Chartwells staff have done an outstanding job. Ned noted that RIDE has approved the contract; he received a letter a day or two ago.

Craig Lauzon made a motion, seconded by Ryan Callahan and it was VOTED: To approve the School Lunch Program Contract with Chartwells contingent upon approval by legal counsel. In favor: Unanimous.

B. Grant Update - Superintendent Picard recommended approval to submit the following grant requests. Kalie Kirakosian will speak on each of these. Ryan made a motion to submit all three which was seconded by Catherine. David requested that they be acted on separately as he has a different vote. Ryan withdrew his motion and Catherine withdrew her second.

1. Champlin Foundation - Catherine made a motion, which was seconded by Ryan, to submit the Champlin Foundation Grant Proposal. Katie staled that she was pleased to share the proposal which connects to Vision 2023 and XQ. She reviewed the proposal and the budget which totals $88,190.34. The renovations to this room will accommodate an audience of up to 100 people. Bill questioned if the room is the existing Band room to which Katie acknowledged that it is. Bill asked if this had been run by the fire department because he has an issue with 100 people in that room. Katie noted that she has been in discussions with others and will conform to any expectations related to the fire marshal. She will remove chairs if necessary. Bill commented that they plan to buy tables and chairs for a banquet; how often will we have a banquet? This is not realistic and he did not feel ii was well thought out. He thinks ii is a money grab. David


echoed Bill's sentiments. He wants to see these thought out more thoroughly. Kedrick Swain asked if there would be a band or chorus this year. Superintendent Picard responded that we have a chorus but no band teacher. Donna asked if Katie was planning to get furniture so this space can be used for other purposes. She likes the flexibility. Katie replied that they have done mark-ups. It can still be used for band or community luncheons. It can be used for SkillsUSA or after-school rehearsals; things like Poetry Out-Loud; similar to Gamm Theatre. It is a blank canvas that can accommodate a few scenarios. The room is underutilized. There are recording areas with nice acoustics. She is hoping for more exposure; more student use. Donna commented that she assumes that Katie will check with the fire marshal and will be in compliance with fire regulations. Linda McAllister agreed with Donna; diversity of this space. We will never allow for more people to be in there. This opens it up for more uses. Bill commented that half the room is being used for storage so how are we improving it? He again reiterated that he did not think it was well thought out and this should be tabled until they can come back with legitimate thoughts. David stated that finding ways to make space more versatile is good but Bill has made good points. This is the second Champlin Foundation Grant request and he voted against the one for the mindfulness center. If you submit multiple bad requests, they stop looking at them. He asked if they have all the ducks in a row. Gina replied that Katie did receive feedback from the Champlin Foundation to which Katie added that we were one of the more successful districts with Champlin. We received kudos for that. They suggested we consider how this connects with general ed population and this supports the need. She made several connections to how this will impact all students whereas the band room supports only a few. We can make this a very vibrant space and connect it to the curriculum. Amanda Blau from Hopkinton had the same question for all three grants - is there initial outlay of cash from the District or future costs? What are the deadlines to which Chair Lyall replied the first one is July 1, 2021. Amanda commented that tabling this is probably not an option. Katie responded that there are no matching costs to the District and she does not see any ongoing costs for any other than maybe minor things like replacement of window shades if one should break.

Catherine Giusti made a motion, seconded by Ryan Callahan and it was VOTED: To approve submission of the Champlin Foundation Grant Proposal. In favor: Callahan, Chambers, Giusti, Liguori, Louzon, Lyall, Macaruso and McAllister. Opposed: Day and Stall. The motion passed with 8 in favor and 2 opposed.

2. American Honda Foundation - Ryan made a motion, seconded by Catherine and David, to approve submission of the American Honda Foundation Grant Proposal. Gina noted that this Grant is due August 1st to which Ned added that the equipment is at the end of its useful life. Ongoing costs will be replacement down the road. Katie noted that she prepared the materials with the Middle School staff and is requesting $73,604.94 for room renovation and equipment. This will strengthen the pipeline for STEM students. It will be entirely new with the exception of storage areas. The Grant request includes STEM-focused equipment. Bill questioned the fume hood; is the existing system vented to the outside to which Katie replied it was but it needs to be replaced.

Ryan Callahan made a motion, seconded by Catherine Giusti and David Stall and it was VOTED: To approve submission of the American Honda Foundation Grant Proposal. In favor: Unanimous.

3. School Based Mental Health Services Grant Program - Superintendent Picard stated that they are currently working on this with the proposal due July 9th (which is before the next School Committee Meeting). It is up to $2551</year over the 5 years of the contract, for the rural school that is selected. If selected, we would work collaboratively with two RI urban school districts. There is no matching costs and only one of five or six rural districts will be able to apply. This would help accelerate our Response to Intervention which is a work in progress. Catherine made a motion, which was seconded by Craig, to approve submission of the School Based Mental Health


Services Grant Program Proposal. Gina noted that Katie worked closely with a number of people including Jenn Durkin. We just received this last week and it is a quick turnaround. Catherine questioned if there will be sweeping curriculum changes or will it support those in place to which Gina replied that we need to do a better job with implementation; building capacity of all administrators so we can keep students in classrooms instead of sending them out. Catherine noted that she totally supports this grant as she feels the District needs more mental health support. Donna agreed with Catherine. Craig questioned if the three school districts would be splitting this money to which Gina replied, "No, if we are selected, we get the $255,000." David stated that he was opposed to this for many reasons. He understands the need but this should not be done in schools; ii should be done outside. He does not want to work with RIDE (school mental health assessment piece). He is not sure what they are asking. We will be significantly increasing mental health support over five years and we will have to continue this. He absolutely disagrees with this. Ryan asked about ongoing costs after five years (initial set-up). Can we make a decision at that lime to support this on our own? Gina explained that the purpose of the Grant is to build capacity of the adults. Donna staled that she is absolutely in favor of this. She has spoken to several elementary principals and their biggest challenge is mental health disruptions. This disrupts other children's capacity to learn. II is a critical issue for our administrators and she is in total support. Bill commented that Dr. Harrington presented a program and only 22 faculty responded. He agrees it is a big issue in the community and the country. He asked for Gina's thoughts to which Gina responded that there are lots of competing interests. Teachers are being pulled in multiple directions. Dr. Harrington has allowed continued support and she thinks they want the opportunities. Lisa commented that the first thing she thought of was Mr. Day's work with safety and his request for consultation with Dr. Erardi, Superintendent of Newtown, CT. Dr. Erardi's training transformed her perspective on the importance of safety and the need for schools to identify students who are disengaging. She is clearly in favor of this and thanked Mr. Day for requesting this training. Students will be returning from distance learning; some isolated for a whole year. There is no way our students didn't absorb some of the fears. We want them back in school and we need the support for them. Our District is a shining district. We should consider Dr. Erardi's presentation and the return of our students. Jon commented that the District is the recipient of funds for students under the disabilities act (emotional disturbance). We have a responsibility to educate them. It is an issue of parity. We have to be very careful when the School Committee considers this and be respectful of children with disabilities. David felt Jon made a good point. It is his legal opinion. You should feel compelled to approve it if it was a reading grant with RIDE. He would oppose it. There are a lot of interventions in place in the Middle School. He does not think that all these things work for the school. You say there are no additional costs but if we want to continue this, ii will be take a quarter of a million dollars to sustain it. Jessica Swain from Ashaway agrees mental health is important in schools but she has to side with Mr. Anderson. There will be a conflict of interest if you duplicate services. If you add more to a teacher's caseload, you have to make sure they are seeing what they think they are seeing. This needs to be looked at further. Take the proper avenue to make that happen.

Catherine Giusti made a motion, seconded by Craig Louzon and ii was VOTED: To approve submission of the School Based Mental Health Services Grant Program Proposal. In favor: Callahan, Chambers, Day, Giusti, Liguori, Louzon, Lyall, Macaruso and McAllister. Opposed: Stall. The motion carried by a vole of 9 in favor with 1 opposed.

C. Grades K-12 Science Curriculum Update - Superintendent Picard recommended approval of the revised K-12 Science Curriculum. Susie Scanapieco, STEM Specialist, will highlight the main points. Craig made a motion, which was seconded by Ryan, to approve the revised Grades K-12 Science Curriculum. Susie thanked Jane for her guidance and the team members who worked together on this. Chariho has been doing science well for a long time; ii is really important to note that we hold kids to high expectations along with a robust system of support. We have added Scope and Sequence pages. They triple-checked the entire curriculum to make sure every


standard was met. In June 2025, RI legislation will be put in place - we will have to have high­quality curriculum materials. Catherine stated that this was great; very comprehensive. She loves the many electives and feels the team did an excellent job as usual. One community member felt they did a fantastic job and just wanted to compliment them. Jane thanked Susie for overseeing all the curriculum along with Dana Hall who oversees Humanities. We already have a head start on next year's work. Gina noted that we have added community members to the team which adds another lens. She thanked all who were involved. David commented that Susie always does a great job and he gave accolades to Kate Ficarra as well. He asked Susie to go back to the slide on TEK {Traditional Economical Knowledge). He wondered why this was being included as he thought they were taking a departure from a native, indigenous perspective. Susie explained that a community member came to the District over selection and evolution and she engaged in a two-hour discussion with this person. Things need to be taught so they are clear in science. We are inquiry based at Chariho and students are led to think more critically about the world around them. She consulted with Silvermoon Mars and Katie Kirakosian on TEK and it was felt that there was no need to put this in. She included information on a book she read but this is not intended to be taught in the district. There will never be a required lesson on this; it is optional reading for students. David questioned if this was in the curriculum before to which Susie replied that it is not in either one. David asked if they were adding this now. Susie responded that they are not adding it at all. David stated that when we recommend these resources, we are providing educational materials not in our curriculum. He feels we should not recommend these resources. He has an issue with this whole TEK. Susie again reiterated that these resources were used to decide NOT to put this in our curriculum so she feels they are in agreement on this. Catherine disagreed with David. It someone questioned what is TEK, a teacher could say here is a resource but she does not feel they are leading a child. Susie added that they are working to make sure that what they put forth to our students is appropriate. Our curriculum is finished but the process is not. We will be selecting a new curriculum as a RIDE requirement. Cassius Spears noted that he is a USDA employee with a Bachelor in Science. TEK is incorporated in scientific studies. This is not a new concept. TEK is science, not only to indigenous people but people who have a long history in one place. II is incorporated in the academic journal. Susie added that she did not want anyone to think she was avoiding this discussion. She skipped over this slide because of the interest of time. She did not feel there was a need at this time to discuss it as it did not change the curriculum. Lisa complimented Susie for having these conversations. She will support this. We want to look at curriculum through the lens of diversity. We need to look at curriculum through other lenses. Polly Hopkins keeps hearing about the wonderful structure here at Chariho but we can't cram everything in. She would encourage teachers to do field trips to historical societies. Give kids a really good foundation but there are some things that are not appropriate for young children. Susie noted that she observes teachers in grades 5-12. We are inquiry based; we do experiments with an emphasis on how science works. We investigate concerns community members bring forth and she will be the first to say something if we are not meeting the standards. Susie was thanked.

Craig Lauzon made a motion, seconded by Ryan Callahan and it was VOTED: To approve the revised Grades K-12 Science Curriculum. In favor: Callahan, Chambers, Giusti, Liguori, Lauzon, Lyall, Macaruso and McAllister. Abstained: Day and Stall. The motion carried by a vote of 8 in favor with 2 abstentions.

D. Anti-Racism Task Force Curriculum Update - Gina stated that members of the Anti-Racism Task Force Curriculum Subcommittee will provide an update. endawnis Spears stated that she is being joined by Joe Lopes. Unfortunately, Heidi Fee was on but was unable to get back in because of tech issues. The other member, Jessica, moved mid-year to another state. She noted that she was honored to be here and began with a quote. She stated that she hopes to embody some of this and reinforced the core elements of their charge. There were a few things they were able to do immediately like changing the name from Anti-Racist to Anti-Racism Task Force. All their meetings are public and she encouraged all to view them. This is the last of the three


subcommittees to present. What is being presented is a rough draft; not a final recommendation. She began by reviewing the first two tiers. They support the implementation of RID E's high quality curriculum for ELA and Math and would recommend support for the inclusion of Black, Indigenous and others. Joe Lopes, before speaking on Tier 3, thanked the three ladies he worked with. They poured their heart and souls into this. They would like to consider implementation of a physical space at the High School. He stressed to the Committee that these recommendations represent the easy work; the arduous work is next. The Subcommittee will provide progress reports and all subcommittees will look for feedback from the School Committee. He ended the presentation with a quote. Ryan thanked them for the interim process and noted that as he understands it, the Anti-Racism Task Force will provide formal recommendations and another subcommittee will be created. Catherine clarified that no recommendations will be made this evening to which Gina replied that they are just looking for feedback. David stated that there is an obvious opinion; a viewpoint that has been shared tonight. Critical Race Theory brought into curriculum. Most of these things fall into that category. He is opposed to CRT used in the schools and does not want it used in our schools. You are asking for feedback. This is his feedback and that from the community that we want you to hear. RIDE and Leap standards are not good. Donna stated that she appreciates feedback but what they heard tonight was an outburst - more than feedback. CRT is much more complicated than what the Anti-Racism Task Force is proposing. The outburst was on CRT; she does not want people to confuse the two - Critical Race Theory with Anti­Racism Task Force. Kevin Travers had one comment. The outburst was from a couple people; most have been courteous and respectful to which Donna thanked him for the comment. Bill stated, with all due respect, that what Donna said had nothing to do with feedback; it was criticism of what occurred. He, too, has concerns like David Stall about CRT. Kedrick Swain stated that he feels he speaks for the majority who showed up tonight to oppose CRT. He does not oppose the initiative to expand thinking and diversity but the Anti-Racism Task Force used sources that support CRT. CRT is a method, based on unproven, often debunked ascertains, that we are inherently racist. We oppose how you want to teach our children. We have seen intimidating tactics used in other school districts to silence those who don't support this. The definitions they used are supported by CRT. Craig made note of the time.

Craig Louzon made a motion, seconded by Catherine Giusti and it was VOTED: To waive the policy and extend the meeting past 10:00 PM. In favor: Chambers, Day, Giusti, Liguori, Louzon, Lyall, Macaruso, McAllister and Stall. Opposed: Callahan. The motion carried by a vote of 9 in favor with 1 opposed.

Lisa pivoted towards feedback. She felt they should consider exploring the dedicated resource space noted. We should tell them to keep going with Tier 2; Tier 1 they need to continue to flesh out. We need to work trying to recruit more diverse staff. Scott Bill Hirst, Republican Party Chair, commented on the Resolution that was adopted by this party regarding the teaching of Critical Race Theory. Chair Lyall informed Mr. Hirst that he was off topic. Mr. Hirst continued to which Jon Anderson stated this is not on the agenda; it is an OMA violation. Polly Hopkins noted that she wanted to talk about curriculum. Gina stated that the District has until 2025 to implement a high quality curriculum. Our DCPC team will meet and will have to select a curriculum listed on the RIDE site EdReport. Polly commented that they have looked at the curriculum as parents and they have CRT embedded. She would like the District to get a waiver to get away from this. Catherine had one recommendation regarding space. She would like to see a resource space dedicated to this. She likes that line of thinking. She questioned the statement on the website; is that from the other subcommittee or from this one - who decides the subcommittee. Is the Anti­Racism Task Force interested in crafting proposed language for that for the School Committee based off conversation tonight; one statement from all three groups. David commented on those who are cutting people off mid topic. Let them finish their sentence (i.e. Mr. Hirst being off topic). See what they have to say. The Tier 2 recommendation was to choose RIDE's curriculum and adopt it. What they were trying to say was having a subcommittee chosen by race, gender, etc. is not what they want. He wants to know - are we legally obligated to choose RIDE's curriculum


or are there waivers. We don't agree with adopting any one of RIDE's options. Laura Chapman, who has a daughter in the Middle School, provided feedback on Tier 3 - the recommendation using racial equity decision-making tool - conflicts with how ii will affect the curriculum. Maybe more research is needed into this tool. Jon, in response to the question about a waiver, if it is a RIDE requirement, you can request a waiver. If ii is General Assembly law, you cannot request a waiver and on the second comment - OMA does not turn on intent whether or not you com ply. As your attorney, ii is his recommendation that you comply. David asked if Jon could provide what they can ask for waivers and what they can't. Lauren Cacciola appreciated the Anti-Racism Task Force encompassing all students. Other districts are already doing this. Everyone has done an amazing job tonight. Jessica Swain, in reference to the Tier 3 recommendation for a resource center, agreed it should be virtual at first but if we don't have room at the schools, how will we make space. Will this require a paid position to make sure recommendations are being followed? endawnis Spears thanked all for the feedback. They will take this into consideration. It is good to hear from members of the public to discuss specifics from RIDE to make our curriculum stronger and better for all students. They also have concerns about curriculum and have had conversation with the DCPC and RIDE. It is important to learn about the landscape. Amanda Blau noted that you jumped from identifying a problem to getting a solution. She would appreciate the data - what is in the middle? She feels there is a step missing. Her feedback on the Tier 2 process integrated into the curriculum committee; recommendations have always come to the School Committee. She does not feel the Anti-Racism Task Force should have a subsection of the new committee. Do not pick from the current Task Force and supplement. Donna stated that she saw a good example tonight when Susie Scanapieco took feedback from a community member and then she made the decisions.

E. ESSER II Funding and Next Steps - Ned Draper provided an update. He noted there are three buckets for funding: 1) $180K for curriculum materials and learning loss programming; 2) $581 K for technology-related items, primarily 1 :1 assigned computer equipment for students; and 3) $411 K for facilities upgrades for HVAC and COVID mitigation items for a total of $1,172,674. Superintendent Picard recommended submission of the ESSER II Funds application in the amount of $1,172,674.

Craig Louzon made a motion, seconded by Ryan Callahan and it was VOTED: To submit the ESSER II Funds application in the amount of $1,172,674. In favor: Unanimous.

F. National Grid Energy Savings Program - Lighting Project - Superintendent Picard recommended approval, per the memo from Ned Draper, of the transfer of $31,690 from the Administration Building, Richmond, CTC, Middle School and High School line listed on the FY21 Transfer Sheet to the Equipment Building/Grounds Hope Valley line item so that we may pay the project installation bill in full and retain electricity bill savings immediately and thereafter.

Craig Louzon made a motion, seconded by Ryan Callahan and it was VOTED: To approve, per the memo from Ned Draper, of the transfer of $31,690 from the Administration Building, Richmond, CTC, Middle School and High School line listed on the FY21 Transfer Sheet to the Equipment Building/Grounds Hope Valley line item so that we may pay the project installation bill in full and retain electricity bill savings immediately and thereafter. In favor: Unanimous.

G. National Grid Energy Savings Program - Common Energy Community Solar Program -Superintendent Picard recommended approval, per the memo from Ned Draper, for the District to participate in the Common Energy Community Solar Program which could result in additional energy savings of up to 10%. Chair Lyall stated that we just join it and become part of a community of savers for up to 10% to which Ned explained that it is similar to the Kearsarge Program but this is a more global offering.


Craig Lauzon made a motion, seconded by Ryan Callahan and it was VOTED: To approve, per the memo from Ned Draper, for the District to participate in the Common Energy Community Solar Program which could result in additional energy savings of up to 10%. In favor: Unanimous.

H. Approval of Administrative Assistant Contract Template - Superintendent Picard recommended approval of the Administrative Assistant Contract Template which will replace their Letters of Agreement.

Craig Lauzon made a motion, seconded by Gary Liguori and it was VOTED: To approve the Administrative Assistant Contract Template which will replace their Letters of Agreement. In favor: Unanimous.

IX. Consent Agenda Items Chair Lyall requested any items to be pulled. Craig pulled A-1, A-2, A-3; Ryan pulled F and Bill pulled K-2.

Craig Lauzon made a motion, seconded by Catherine Giusti and it was VOTED: To move the remainder of the Consent Agenda Items. In favor: Unanimous.

B. Transfers - Approved. C. Bill Review - Accepted D. Budget Summary - As per enclosed. E. Balance Sheet -As per enclosed. G. Permission to Issue Bids/Request Quotes - None at this time. H. Permission to Award Contracts -Approved the following: 1. Custodial Supplies Bid to the lowest responsive bidder of acceptable products, by company (as noted on the memo from Ned Draper dated June 16, 2021). 2. HVAC MERV 13 and Related Filters Purchase - Authorize the work to commence so the HVAC equipment can be properly serviced for September school opening. Review of pricing of the highest cost/highest quality items indicates that prices are at/below pricing available at Home Depot and Amazon supply sites, both of which are Rhode Island Master Price Agreement {RI MPA) approved vendors. I. Home Instruction - Action taken in executive session. J. Grants - None at this time. K. Donations - Accepted the following: 1. Donation from Riverhead Building Supply, Wyoming, RI of lumber, valued at $944.06, for the Richmond School Garden.

A-1. Craig Lauzon made a motion, seconded by Gary Liguori and it was VOTED: To approve the Executive Session Minutes of May 25, 2021 - Approval of Executive Session Minutes of May 11, 2021 (minutes not sealed). In favor: Callahan, Chambers, Day, Liguori, Lauzon, Lyall, Macaruso and McAllister. Abstained: Giusti and Stall. The motion carried by a vote of 8 in favor with 2 abstentions.

A-2. Craig Lauzon made a motion, seconded by Ryan Callahan and it was VOTED: To approve the Regular Session Minutes of May 25, 2021. In favor: Callahan, Chambers, Day, Giusti, Liguori, Lauzon, Lyall, Macaruso and McAllister. Abstained: Stall. The motion carried by a vote of 9 in favor with 1 abstention.

A-3. Craig Lauzon made a motion, seconded by Ryan Callahan and it was VOTED: To approve the Regular Session Minutes of June 1, 2021. In favor: Unanimous.

F. Personnel Actions (Staff Updates included in FYI) - Ryan pulled this so he could publicly acknowledge Jane's resignation, with deepest regret.


K-2. Craig made a motion, seconded by Ryan to accept the donation from Lee Wyman, Right Coast Landscape & Tree, Richmond, RI of $1800 work of labor (and equipment) removing dead trees by the Richmond School Greenhouse. Bill pulled this as he had a question regarding the status of repairs to the greenhouse. Gina responded that they are moving. The Clerk noted a point of order as this item is about a donation so discussion on greenhouse repairs is not relative to this.

Craig Lauzon made a motion, seconded by Ryan Callahan and it was VOTED: To accept the donation from Lee Wyman, Right Coast Landscape & Tree, Richmond, RI of $1800 work of labor (and equipment) removing dead trees by the Richmond School Greenhouse.

X. Reports A. Subcommittee Reports 1. Anti-Racism Task Force met on June 2, 2021. A draft copy of the minutes of this meeting

were included in the packet. B. Superintendent's Report 1. Kindergarten Enrollment Update - The Superintendent provided updated numbers. 2. End-of-Year Updates - Superintendent Picard recognized all staff and administrators as we were one, if not the only one, of all RI districts that was open full-time, 5 days a week, since September. She commented on the High School graduation and thanked everyone for the effort that was put in to make this happen. She appreciates all the help. 3. District Yard Sale will be held on June 28, 2021. A list of all surplus items is available by contacting the Office of the Director of Administration or on line. C. Coming Events - Last Day of School - June 23, 2021.

XI. School Committee Requests for Future Agenda Items or Legal Opinions David requested, in reference to the statement from a Town Council Representative against Critical Race Theory, that the Resolution he has plus the one from the RI Coalition for Israel be put on a future agenda. Mr. Stall was asked to please forward RI Coalition for Israel Resolution to the Superintendent as other members have not seen it.

Bill suggested that Attorney Anderson prepare a short paragraph explaining to the public what the Committee can and can't do in regards to adhering to the Open Meetings Act. The Chair clarified - something like a quick OMA guide. Bill then requested a discussion in regards to the lengthy GZA Report that was in FYI. We have always had GZA representatives here to provide an update. He feels it would behoove other School Committee members to know what the cost has amounted to.

David requested a future agenda item on the Chariho Youth Task Force and the community tab on the Chariho website.

XII. Adjournment Craig Lauzon made a motion, seconded by Ryan Callahan and it was VOTED: To adjourn at 10:44 PM. In favor: Unanimous.

Donna J. Sieczkiewicz, Clerk


Transfer of Funds FY22 - School Committee Meeting Date 7/13/21 From To

I I 0000000-00000-321-l 0-2500-55206-0000-00 Property/Liability Insurance Vehicle Dist $3,066.00 10000000-0110 l-531-10-2500-55207-0000-00 Property/Liability Insurance E&O Dist $3,066.00

$3,066.00 $3,066.00 Transfer funds to cover increase in charge for School Board Insurance Coverage for FY22 policy.

Vendor# Vendor Name

09478 Alaina's Ale House

Alaina's Ale House Total

46560 Amerieas

Amerigas Total

01314 Apple Inc.

Apple Inc. Total

04021 Bayada Home Healt h Care

Bayada Home Health Care Total

24160 Blick Art M aterials

Blick Art Materials Total

05887 Brennan, Recu{:)ero, Cascione, Scuneio & Mcallister, Lip

Brennan, Recupero, Cascione, Scungio & Mcallister, Lip Total

08692 BSN Sports LLC

BSN Sports LLC Total

12000 Burmax

Burmax Total

14719 Carolina Biological Supply Co

Carolina Biological Supply Co Total

03988 Carro ll D. Irwin

Carroll D. Irwin Total

01428 (engage Learn ing

01428 Cengage Learning

Cengage Learning Total

10108 Colliers Project Leaders USA NE LLC

Colliers Project Leaders USA NE LLC Total

08065 Community And School Sui;iport Services,_ Inc

08065 Commun it ',' And School Supi;iort Services, Inc

Community And School Suooort Services, Inc Total

20890 Coventry Public Schools

Coventrv Public Schools Total

01027 Division Of Taxation

Division Of Taxation Total

06655 Fire Svstems, Inc.

06655 Fire Systems, Inc.

06655 Fire Systems, Inc.

Fire Syste ms, Inc. Total

08424 Fixed Rite Repair

Ju ne 17, 2021

Payment Review Report

Account Desc

Catering/Refresh ments HS

Pro {:)ane M S

M aint/Repairs Technology 1 :1

Purchased Serv Nurse Sp Ed Ric

Sui:i_p lies Art HS

Legal Services Legal Program Dist

Su{:)i;> lies/Awards Ath letics HS

Su p(:) lies Cosmetoloev CTC

Supplies Gr 7 M S

Uniforms Bide/Grou nds Ric

Textbooks Criminal Justice CTC

Textbooks Criminal Just ice CTC

Prof Services

Purchased Serv Psych Eval

Purchased Serv Ps','ch Eval

Tuition Coventry

Other Dues & Fees District

Alarm/Fire Safety Repairs HS

Alarm/Fi re Safety Repairs CTC

Alarm/Fire Safety Serv Agr MS

Maint/Repairs Vehicles Dist

Page 1 of 10

-;::~i--•! ;r>-•"'"\ -mu:c - ' \l \...; I l.J:~,! 1:;, r. - ._.....,_n: .. :

Spent Pay Date Check#

$ 1,000.00 6/17/2021 01*587351

$ 1,000.00

$ 310.84 6/ 17/2021 01 *587352

$ 310.84

$ 395 .12 6/17/2021 01*587353

$ 395.12

$ 693.25 6/17/2021 01*587356

$ 693.25

_j 84.40 6/17/2021 01 *587357

$ 84.40

$ 5,637.50 6/17/2021 01 *587358

$ 5 ,637.50

_$ 25.00 . 6/ 17/2021 01*587354

$ 25.00

$ 61.02 6/17/2021 01*587360

$ 61.02

$ 77.90 6/17/2021 01 *587361

$ 77.90

$ 35.0 1 6/17/2021 01 *587379

$ 35.01

$ 4,312.50 6/17/2021 01*587362

$ 431.25 6/17/2021 01*587362

$ 4,743 .75

$ 2,020.00 6/17/2021 01*587363

$ 2 ,020 .00

$ 2,824.00 _ 6/17/2021 01 *587364

$ 435.00 6/17/2021 01*587364

$ 3,259 .00

$ 8,163.50 6/17/2021 01 *587365

$ 8,163.50

$ 25.00 6/17/2021 01 *587366

$ 25.00

$ 942.70 _ 6/17/2021 01 *587369

$ 622.60 6/17/2021 01 *587369

$ 350.60 6/17/2021 01*587369

$ 1,915.90

$ 1,123.50 6/17/2021 01 *587370

Vendor# Vendor Name

Fixed Rite Repair Total

08332 Gary Bloom Sales Inc

Gary Bloom Sales Inc Total

33700 Ginger's Service Station, Inc.

33700 Ginger's Service Station, Inc.

33700 Ginger's Service Station, Inc.

33700 Ginger's Service Station, Inc.

33700 Ginger's Service Station, Inc.

33700 Ginger's Service Station, Inc.

33700 Ginger's Service Station, Inc.

33700 Ginger's Service Stat ion, Inc.

33700 Ginger's Service Station, Inc.

33700 Ginger's Service Station, Inc.

33700 Ginger's Service Station, Inc.

33700 Ginger's Service Station, Inc.

Ginger's Service Statio n, Inc. Total

50040 Grogan-Marciano Sporting Goods 50040 Grogan-Marciano Sporting Goods

Grogan-Marciano Sporting Goods Total

07941 H ea Ith Equity /Wageworks

HealthEquity/Wagew orks Total -

39318 Home Depot Credit Services

39318 Home Depot Credit Services

39318 Home Depot Credit Services

39318 Home Depot Credit Services.

39318 Home Depot Credit Services

39318 Home Depot Credit Services

39318 Home Depot Credit Services

39318 Home Depot Credit Services

39318 Home Depot Credit Services

39318 Home Depot Cred it Services

Home De pot Credit Services Total

39318 Home Depot Pro

39318 Home Depot Pro

Home Depot Pro Total

39760 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Pub lishing Co

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Co Total

June l 7,2021

Payment Review Report

Account Desc

M aint/Repairs Automotive

Fuel Oil Ric

Fuel Oil Admin

Fuel Oil CTC

Fuel Oil HS

Fuel Oil HV

Fuel Oil MS

Fuel Oil Ric

Fuel Oil HV

Fuel Oil Ad min

Fuel Oil CTC

Fuel Oil HS

Fuel Oil M S

Supplies/Awards Athletics M S

Supplies/Awards Athletics M S

Cafeteria Plan Fees

Suppl ies Maintenance District

Suppl ies Maintenance District

Supplies Ma_intenance District

_Supplies Maintenance District

Sup plies Maintenance District

Supplies Maintenance District

Supl)lies Maintenance District

Supplies Maintenance District

Supplies M aintenance District

Supplies M aintenance Dist rict

Supi;,lies Custod ial A~h

Suppl ies Custod ial Ash

Suppl ies Chariho

Page 2 of 10

Spent Pay Date Check#

$ 1,123.50

$ 2,738.80 6/17/20 21 01 *587371

$ 2,738.80

$ 874.22 6/17/2021 0 1*587373

$ 157.l~ . . 6/17/2021 01 *587373

$ 2,366.23 6/17/2021 01 *587373

$ 5,010.94 6/17/2021 01 *587373

$ 1,262.91 6/17/2021 0 1 *587373

$ 5,753.60 6/17/2021 01 *587373

$ 2,251 .93 6/17/2021 01*587373

$ 626.06 6/17/2021 01*587373

$ 74.53 6/17/2021 01 *587373

$ 1,026.72 6/1 7/ 2021 01*587373

$ 1,793.72 6/17/2021 01 *587373

$ 2,545.89 6/17/2021 01*587373

$ 23,743.94

$ 436 .25 6/17/2021 01 *587374

$ 18.80 6/17/2021 01 *587374

$ 4 55 .05

$ 100.00 6/17/2021 01 *587375

$ 100.00

$ 107 .00 6/17/2021 01 *587376

$ 64.98 6/17/2021 01*587376

$ 41.98 _ 6/17/2021 01 *587376 _

$ 47.94 6/17/2021 01*587376

$ 49.98 6/17/2021 01 *587376

$ 44.98 6/17/2021 01*587376

$ 19.96 6/17/2021 01*587376

$ 7.96 6/17/2021 01 *587376

$ 7.7 5 6/17/202 1 01*587376

$ (55.85 ) 6/17/2021 01*587376

$ 336.68

$ 339.84 6/17/2021 01 *587377

$ 518.00 6/17/20 21 01 *587377

$ 857.84

$ 401.31 6/17/2021 01*587378

$ 401.31

Vendor# Vendor Name

08562 J&M Plumbing LLC

08562 J&M Plumbing LLC

J&M Plumbing LLC Total

42880 Jamestown Distributors

42880 Jamestown Distributo rs

42880 Jamestown Distributo rs

42880 Jamestown Distributors

42880 Jamestown Distributors

42880 Jamestown Distributors

42880 Jamestown Distributors

Jamestown Distributors Total

07517 Jason Sullivan

_07517 Jason Sullivan

Jason Sullivan Total

09918 Joseph V Erardi, Jr

Joseph V Erardi, Jr Total

453 70 Lakeshore Learning Mat erials

45370 Lakes ho re Learning Materials

453 70 Lakes ho re Learn ing M aterials

45370 Lakeshore Learning Materials

45370 Lakeshore Learning Materials

45370 Lakeshore Learn ing Materials

45370 Lakeshore Learning Materials

45370 Lakesho re Learn ing Materials

45370 Lakes ho re Learning Materials

45370 Lakes ho re Learn ing Materials

45370 Lakes ho re Learning Materials

45370 Lakes ho re Learning Materials

45370 Lakeshore Learning Materials

45370 Lakes hore Learn ing M aterials

Lakeshore Learning Materials Total

08340 Lifespan School So lut ions

08340 Lifespan School Solutions

Lifespan School Solutions Total

06702 Lori Lambert

Lori Lambert Total

09362 McKesson Medical-Surgical

June 17, 2021

Payment Review Report

Account Desc

Capital Bldg lmRrovements Char

CaQital Bide Improvements Char

Supplies Marine

Supplies Marine

Su pplies M arine

Supplies M arine

Supplies Marine

Supplies Marine

Supplies Marine

Supplies M aintenance District

SUQQlies M aintenance Dist rict

Conferences/Workshops School Committee

Su pplies

Suppl ies



Suppl ies






Suoolies K Ric

Supplies K Ric

Supplies K Ric

Supplies K Ric

Tuit ion Non-Pub Bradley

Tuition No n-Pub Bradley

Travel Chi ld Outreach Dist

SuQ.plies Medical Stud Health Serv MS

Page 3 of 10

Spent Pay Date Check#

$ 2,185 .00 6/17/2021 0 1*587380

$ 2,367.60 6/17/2021 01*587380

$ 4,552.60

$ 129.00 6/17/2021 01 *587381

$ 125.00 6/17/2021 01 *587381

$ 191.04 6/17/2021 0 1 *587381

$ 44.10 6/17/2021 0 1 *587381

$ 299.68 6/17/2021 0 1 *587381

$ 4.99 6/17/2021 0 1 *587381

$ 16.78 6/17/2021 0 1 *587381

$ 810.59

$ 5 1.66 6/ 17/2021 0 1 *587407

$ 47 .76 6/17/2021 01*587407

$ 99.42

$ 500.00 6/17/2021 01 *587368

$ 500.00

$ 32.28 6/17/2021 01 *587382

$ 14.24 6/17/2021 01 *587382

$ 33.24 6/17/2021 01 *587382

$ 47.49 6/17/2021 01*587382

$ 56 .98 6/17/2021 01*587382

$ 14.24 6/17/2021 01*587382

$ 66.48 6/17/2021 01*587382

$ 28.48 6/17/2021 01*587382

$ 28.49 6/17/2021 01*587382

$ 23.74 6/17/2021 01*587382

$ 69 .99 6/17/2021 01*587382

$ 19.99 6/17/2021 01*587382

$ 19.99 6/17/2021 01*587382

$ 16.50 6/17/20 21 01 *587382

$ 472.13

$ 6,160.00 6/17/20 21 01*587384

$ 5,236.00 6/17/2021 01 *587384

$ 11,396.00

$ 19.60 6/17/2021 01 *587383

$ 19.60

$ 31.38 6/17/2021 01 *587387

Vendor# Vendor Name

McKesson Medical-Surgical Total

10087 M enard CPR Training

10087 Menard CPR Training

10087 Menard CPR Training

Menard CPR Training Total

06475 M ichele Gauthier

Michele Gauthie r Total

08331 Moran Pest Co ntrol

08331 Moran Pest Cont rol

M oran Pest Control Total

56130 Narragansett School System

56130 Narragansett School System

56130 Narragansett School Sys tem

56130 Narragansett School System

56130 Narragansett School System

56130 Narragansett School System

56130 Narragansett School System

Narragansett School System Total

10002 Natalie Baggesen

Natalie Baggesen Total

56160 National Grid

56160 National Grid

78730 National Grid

78730 National Grid

National Grid Total

07486 NCS Pearson Inc.

07486 NCS Pearson Inc.

07486 NCS Pearson Inc.

07486 NCS Pearson Inc.

07486 NCS Pearson Inc.

07486 NCS Pearson Inc.

07486 NCS Pearson Inc.

07486 NCS Pearson Inc.

NCS Pearson Inc. Total

08440 Northeast Water Solutions Inc

08440 Northeast Water Solutions Inc

08440 Northeast Water Solutions Inc

June 17, 2021

Payment Review Report

Account Desc

Supplies Health Careers

Supplies Health Careers

Supplies Health Careers

Uniforms Bldg/Grounds Ash

Rodent/Pest Cont rol Serv HS

Rodent/Pest Cont rol Serv MS

Dues/Fees At hletics HS

Dues/Fees At hletics HS

Officials/Referees Athletics HS

Other Services

Other Services

Officials/Referees Athletics HS

Tu ition Narragansett

Travel Teacher Resource

- - -Electricity Ad min

Elect ricity Rich

Natural Gas Ash

Natural Gas Ash

Supplies Speech Therapist HV

Supplies Speech Therapist Char

Supplies Speech Therapist Char

Supplies Speech Therap ist Ash

Supplies Speech Therapist Ash

Supplies Speech Therapist M S

Supplies Speech Therapist M S

Supplies Speech Therapist MS

Other _P urch Proi:iert',' Serv HS

Other Purch Proi:iertyServ MS

Other Purch Property Serv Char

Page 4 of 10

Spent Pay Date Check#

$ 31.38

$ 150 .00 6/17/2021 01 *587389

$ 50 .00 6/17/2021 01 *587389

$ 99.40 6/17/2021 01 *587389

$ 299.40

$ 80.00 6/17/2021 01 *587372

$ 80.00

$ 185.00 6/1 7/ 2021 01 *587390

$ 185.00 6/17/2021 01 *587390

$ 370.00

$ 50.00 6/17/2021 01 *587391

$ 25.50 6/17/2021 01 *587391

$ 396.00 6/17/2021 01 *587391

$ 2,987.62 6/17/2021 01 *587391

$ 1,212.68 6/17/2021 01 *587391

$ 726.00 6/17/2021 01*587391

$ 21,387.50 6/17/2021 01 *587392

$ 26,785.30

$ 85 .12 6/17/2021 01*587355

$ 85.12

$ 27.29 6/17/2021 01*587393

$ 59.71 6/17/2021 01*587393

$ 441.19 6/17/2021 01 *587394

$ 58.53 6/17/2021 01*587394

$ 58 6.72

$ 344.17 6/17/2021 01 *587398

$ 14.83 6/17/2021 01 *587398

$ 75.00 6/17/2021 01 *587398

$ 225.00 6/17/2021 01*587398

$ 49.00 6/17/2021 01*587398

$ 225.00 6/17/2021 01*587398

$ 49.00 6/17/2021 01*587398

$ 31.15 6/17/2021 01 *587398

$ 1,013.15

$ 431.16 6/17/2021 01*587395

$ 431 .15 6/17/2021 01*587395

$ 431.16 6/17/2021 01 *587395

Vend or# Vendor Name

08440 Northeast Water Solutions Inc

08440 Northeas t Water Solut ions Inc

08440 Northeas t Water Solut ions Inc

08440 Northeast Water Solut ions Inc

08440 Northeast Water So lut ions Inc

Northeast Water Solutions Inc Total

10136 Ocean State Rentals

10136 Ocean State Rentals

10136 Ocean State Rentals

10136 Ocean State Rentals 10136 Ocean State Rentals

10136 Ocean State Rentals

10136 Ocean State Rentals

10136 Ocean State Rentals

Ocean State Rentals Total

06839 Pat ricia M einhold

Patricia Me inhold Total

01674 Perspectives Corporation

Perspectives Corporation Total

02946 Ryan J. Bridgham

Ryan J. Bridgham Total

08997 Sara Reillv

08997 Sara Reilly

08997 Sara Reilly

08997 Sara Reilly

08997 Sara Reilly

Sara ReillvTotal

_73530 Sargent Rehabi litat ion Center

Sar11:ent Rehabilitation Center Total

74730 School Health Corporation

74730 School Health Corporat ion

School Health Corporation Total

54280 School Specialty LLC

54280 Schoo l Specialt y LLC

School Specialty LLC Total

07405 Ski lls USA Inc.

07405 Ski lls USA Inc.


Jun e 17, 2021

Payment Review Report

Account Desc

Other Purch Property Serv Ash

Other Purch Property S_erv HS

Other Purch Property Serv MS

Other Purch Property Serv Char

Other Pu rch Property Serv Ash

Rental Grad uation HS

Rental Grad uation HS

Rental Graduation HS

Rental Graduat ion HS

Rental Graduation HS

Rental Graduation HS_

Ren_tal G_raduation HS

Rental Graduation HS

Pu rchased Serv Autism

Tuition Non-Pub Perspectives

Rental Graduation HS

Supplies Culinary Arts CTC

Supplies Culinary Arts CTC

Supplies Culinary Arts CTC

Supplies Culinary Arts CTC

Supolies Culinary Arts CTC

Tuition Non-Pub Sargent Rehab Center

_sui:rnlies Medical Stud Health Serv HS

Supplies Medical Stud Health Serv HS



Books/Supplies Gr. 2&3 Summer Read ing

Books/Supplies Gr. 2&3 Summer Read ing

Skills USA National Conference Regist ration

Ski lls USA National Conference Regist ration

Page 5 of 10

Spent Pay Date Check#

$ 431.18 6/17/2021 01*587395

$ 227.38 6/17/2021 01 *587395

$ 227.38 6/ 17/ 202 1 01 *587395

$ 227.37 6/17/2021 01 *587395

$ 227.37 6/ 17/2021 01 *587395

$ 2,634.15

$ 500.00 6/17/2021 01 *587396

$ 393.75 6/17/202 1 01 *587396

$ 187.50 6/17/2021 01*587396

$ 115.00 6/17/ 2021 01 *587396

$ 500.00 6/17/2021 01 *587396

$ 393 .75 6/ 17/2021 0 1 *587396

s 187.50 6/17/2021 01*587396

. $ 115.00 6/17/2021 01*587396

$ 2,392.50

$ 482 .00 6/17/2021 01 *587388

$ 482.00

$ 7,175.00 6/17/2021 01*587399

$ 7 ,175.00

$ 250.00 6/ 17/20 21 0 1 *587359

$ 250.00

$ 38.66 6/ 17/2021 0 1 *587400

$ 32.30 6/17/2021 01 *587400

$ 14.70 6/17/2021 0 1*587400

$ 10.00 6/17/2021 01*587400

$ 17.32 6/17/2021 0 1*587400

$ 112.98

$ 12,633.33 6/17/2021 0 1*587402

$ 12,633.33

$ 38 1.46 6/17/2021 0 1 *587403

$ 26.70 6/17/2021 01*587403

$ 408.16

$ 63.30 6/17/2021 0 1 *587367

$ 7.60 6/17/2021 0 1 *587367

$ 70.90

$ 160.00 6/17/2021 01 *587404

$ 40.00 6/17/2021 01 *587404

Vendor# Vendor Name

07405 Skills USA Inc.

07405 Skills USA Inc.

07405 Skil ls USA Inc.

07405 Skills USA Inc.

07405 Skills USA Inc.

07405 Skills USA Inc.

07405 Skills USA Inc.

Skills USA Inc. Total

07423 STA-Ocean State Trans it

07423 STA-Ocean St ate Trans it

STA-Ocean State Transit Total

80260 Stai:1les

Staples Total

09991 Strategic Psychological Services

09991 Strategic Psychological Services

Strategic Psychological Services Total

02362 Suzanne D. W inchell

02362 Suzanne D. Winchell

02362 Suzanne D. W inchell

Suzanne D. Winchell Total


















- · - - - . -

June 17, 2021

Payment Review Report

Account Desc

Skills USA National Conference Registration

Skills USA National Conference Registration

Skills USA National Conference Registration

Skills USA National Conference Registration

Skills USA National Conference Registration

Skills USA National Conference Registration

Skills USA National Conference Registration

Transportation Athletics HS _

Transportation Athletics MS

Supplies K Cha

Purchased Serv Psychologist CALA

Purchased Serv Psychologist CALA

Travel Non Teacher OT/PT/Therapists Ric

Travel Non Teacher OT/PT/Therapists HV

Travel Non Teacher OT/PT/Therai:1ists HS

Sui:1i:1lies Welding

Supplies Welding

Supplies Welding

Suppl ies Welding

Supplies Welding

Su_1:i_i:1l ies Welding

Suppl ies Welding

Supplies Welding

_Suppl ies W_eldjng

Supplies Welding

Supplies Welding

Supplies Welding

_Books/Sui:1plies Gr. 2&3 Summer Reading

Books/Suppl ies Gr. 2&3 Summer Reading

Books/SuJ>p_lies Gr. 2&3 Summer Rea9ing

Supplies Electrical & Renew Energy

SupQlies Electrical & Renew Energy

Page 6 of 10

Spent Pay Date Check#

$ 120.00 6/17/2021 01*587404

$ 60.00 6/17/2021 01*587404

$ 120.00 6/17/2021 01 *587404

$ 60.00 6/17/2021 01*587404

$ 40.00 6/17/2021 01*587404

$ 160.00 6/17/2021 01*587404

$ 80.00 6/17/2021 01 *587404

$ 840.00

$ 1,822.64 6/17/2021 0 1*587397

$ 927.25 6L17L2021 01 *587397

$ 2,749.89

$ 89.88 _ 6/17/2021 01 *587405

$ 89.88

$ 901.47 6/17/2021 01 *587406

$ 448.53 6/17/2021 0 1 *587406

$ l,3S0.00

$ 17 .36 6/17/2021 01*587417

$ 17.36 6/17/2021 01*587417

$ 17 .36 6/17/2021 01*5874 17

$ 52.08

$ 78.90 6/17/2021 01 *587401

$ 16.96 . 6/17/2021 01 *587401

$ 199.08 6/1 7/2021 01 *587401

$ 30 .66 6/17/2021 0 1 *587401

$ 116.70 6/17/ 2021 01 *587401

$ 29.36 6/17/202 1 01 *587401

$ 53.98 . 6/17/2021 01 *587401

$ 25 .00 6/17/2021 01 *587401

$ 14.99 6/17/2021 01 *587401

$ 127.96 6/17/ 2021 _01 *587401

$ 79 .00 6/17/2021 01*587401

$ 244 .00 6/17/2021 01 *587401

$ 119 .85 6/17/2021 01 *587401

$ 104.85 6 /17/2021 01 *587401

$ 134.85 6/17/2021 01*587401

$ 9.99 6/17/2021 0 1 *587401

$ 13.99 6/17/2021 01 *587401

Vendor# Vendor Name





























SYN CB/ AMAZON Total 10117 Tara McAloon

Tara McAloon Total 08598 Tasca Automotive G roui:i

08598 Tasca Automotive Group

08598 Tasca Automotive Group

08598 Tasca Automotive Group

08598 Tasca Automotive Group

08598 Tasca Automotive Group


Payment Review Report

Account Desc

Sui:ii:ilies Elect_rical & Renew Energy

Su pplies Sur.1t/Asst Sui:it

Books/Supplies Gr. 2&3 Summer Reading

_Sui:iplies Welding

Supplies Technology Dist

Supplies Electrical & Renew Energy

Supplies Electrical & Renew Energy

Main_t/Repairs Construction Tech CTC

Supplies CHAR

SUJ;JPl ies CALA School Improve

Suppl ies CALA School Improve

Suoi:il ies Welding

Suppl ies Welding

Supplies Weld ing

General Supplies MS Title I

Supplies Weld ing

Supplies Weld ing

Technology Hardware Dist

General Supplies MS Title I

Supplies Weld ing

Supi:il ies Welding

Supplies Weld ing

Supr.1lie? Welding -Books/SuJJ_pl ies Gr. 2&3 Summer Reading

_Supplies Weld ing

General Supplies MS Title I

General Supplies MS Title I

SUJ:JJ:J lies Welding

Travel Stud Health Serv HV

Vehicles· Van CALA

Vehicles - Van CALA

Vehicles - Van CALA

Vehicles· Van CALA

Veh ides - Van CALA

Veh icles· Van CALA

Page 7 of 10

Spent Pay Date Check#

$ 10.99 6/17/2021 01 *587401

$ 35.16 6/17/2021 01 *587401

$ 13.68 6/1 7/2021 01 *587401

$ 43 .94 6/17/2021 01 *587401

$ 340.80 6/17/2021 01 *587401

$ 39.43 6/17/2021 01 *587401

$ 12.51 6/17/2021 01 *587401

$ 336.38 6/17/2021 01*587401

$ 484.95 6/17/2021 01*587401

$ 60.08 6/17/2021 01*587401

$ 76.57 6/17/2021 01*587401

$ 23.99 6/17/202 1 01*587401

$ 348 .70 6/17/2021 01*587401

$ 82 .88 6/17/2021 01*587401

$ 255.84 6/17/2021 01 *587401

$ 115.40 6/17/2021 01 *587401

$ 15.65 6/17/2021 01 *58740 1

$ 366.60 6/17/2021 01 *587401

$ 87.00 6/17/2021 01 *587401

$ 31.88 6/17/2021 01*587401

$ 73.15 6/17/2021 01 *587401

$ 142.60 6/17/2021 01*587401

$ 12.60 6/17/2021 01 *587401

$ 136.80 6/17/2021 01 *587401

$ 56.25 6/17/2021 01 *587401

$ 55 .93 6/17/2021 01 *58 7401

$ 13.49 6/17/2021 01*587401

$ 22.29 6/17/2021 01 *587401

$ 4,695.66

$ 14.75 6/17/2021 01*587386

$ 14.75

$ 33,000.00 6/17/2021 01 *587408

$ 55.00 6/17/2021 01 *587408

$ 399 .00 6/17/2021 01*587408

$ 20.00 6/17/2021 01 *587408

$ . 6/17/2021 01 *587408

$ 250 .00 6/17/2021 01 *587408

Vendor# Vendor Name

08598 Tasca Automotive Group

08 598 Tasca Automot ive Group

Tasca Automotive Group Total

5 1623 The Lock Shop Inc.

5 1623 The Lock Shop Inc. . -

The Lock Shop Inc. Total

0 96 19 Therapy Travelers LLC

09619 Therapy Travelers LLC

09619 Therapy Travelers LLC

09619 Therapy Travelers LLC

Therapy Travelers LLC Total

08686 Total Welding Supply

08686 Total Welding Supply

Total Welding Supply Total

8 1530 Tpc Associates

Tpc Associates Total

09774 Un iversity Ort hoped ics, Inc

09774 University Orthoped ics, Inc

University Orthopedics, Inc Total

86280 URE Outfitters

86280 URE Outfitt ers

URE Outfitters Total

03067 Verizon Wireless

Verizon Wireless Total

0387 3 W.B. M ason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

0387 3 W.B. M ason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. M ason Co., In c.

03873 W.B. M ason Co., In c.

03873 W.B. Mason Co ., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. M ason Co., Inc.

03873 W .B. M ason Co., Inc.

03873 W .B. Mason Co., Inc.

- .

June 17, 2021

Payment Review Report

Account Desc

Vehicles - Van CALA

Vehicles - Van CALA

Other Bldg/Grounds Supplies MS

Other Bldg/Grounds Sur:ir:ilies HS

Purchased Service Social Workers

Purchased Serv Sch HealthJ\/lS

Purchased Serv Sch Health MS

Purchased Service Social Workers

Maint/Repairs Welding CTC

Maint/Repairs We lding CTC

Tuition Non-Pub Res idential Tavares Ped Ct r.

--Pu rchased Serv Athletic Trainer M S

Purchased Serv Athletic Trainer HS

Su pplies Agriculture Pat hways CTC

Sup plies Agricult ure Pathways CTC

Telephone Main/Serv Agr Dist

Supplies Hono rs/Awards MS

_Sur:ipl ies K Ric . -

Supplies K Ric

Sur:ir:i lie_s K Ric - ..

Supr:i lies K Ric

Supplies K Ric

Supplies K Ric

Supplies K Ric

Supplies K Ric

Supplies Ric

Supplies Custodial Ash

Suppl ies K Ric

Suppl ies K Ric

Page 8 of 10

Spent Pay Date Check#

$ 140 .00 6/1 7/20 21 01 *587408

$ 249.50 6/1 7/20 21 01 *587408

$ 34,113.50

$ 63.54 6/17/20 21 01*587385 . -

$ 63.54 6/1 7/20 21 0 1 *587385

$ 127.08

$ 1,824.50 6/1 7/20 21 01*587409

$ 456 .00 6/17/202 1 01 *587409

$ 608 .00 6/17/20 21 01 *587409

$ 2,143.12 6/1 7/ 2021 01 *587409

$ 5,031.62

$ 990.00 6/17/2021 01 *587410

$ 12.50 6/17/2021 01 *587410

$ 1,002.50

$ 4,377.98 6/1 7/2021 01 *5874 11

$ 4,377.98

$ 2,000.00 6/17/ 202 1 01 *587413

$ 8,000 .00 6/1 7/2021 01 *587413

$ 10,000.00

$ 300.00 6/17/2021 01 *587412

$ 300 .00 6/17/2021 01 *587412

$ 600.00

$ 200 .24 6/17/2021 01*5874 14

$ 200.24

$ 36.99 6/1 7/ 20 21 0 1 *58 7415

$ 34,2_7 6/p/2021 01_*587415

$ 14.95 6/17/20 21 01 *58 74 15

$ - f9 .32 6/ 17/2021 01 *587415

$ 205 .21 6/17/2021 0 1 *58 7415

$ 0 .70 6/17/2021 01*587415

$ 26.83 6/17/2021 01 *587415

$ 1.40 6/17/2021 0 1*587415

$ 4 9.61 6/17/2021 01*587415

$ 272.50 6/1 7/2021 0 1 *587415

$ 67.14 6/17/202 1 0 1 *587415

$ 159.80 6/17/2021 01*5874 1 5

$ 24 .98 6/17/202 1 01 *58741 5

Vendor# Vendor Name

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. M ason Co ., Inc.

03873 W.B. M ason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W .B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W .B. M ason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. M ason Co., Inc. - --03873 W.B. Mason Co ., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. M ason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. M ason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. M ason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. M ason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. M ason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

June 17, 2021

Payment Review Report

Account Desc

Supplies Custodial Ash

5uppjies Ric

Supplies Ric

Sup_plies Technology Art HS

Supplies Technology Art HS

Supplies Technology Art HS

Supplies Technology Art HS

Supplies Custodial HS

Supplies K Ric

Supplies HV

_ Sy_pplies Custodial HS

Sur,ip lies K Ric

Supplies Ric

Supplies Ric

Supr,i lies HV .

Supplies K Ric

Supplies K Ric

Supplies HV

Supplies Custod ial Ash

Supplies K Ric

Supplies K Ric

Suppl ies Custodial MS

_Sur,ipl ies Custod ial MS

Supi:il ies HV

Suppl ies Ric

Suppl ies MS

Supplies_ Gr 7 MS

Supplies HS

Supplies Sch Office M~

Supplies K Ric

Supplies Custodial MS

Suppl ies K Ric

Supplies K Ric

Supplies K Ric

Supplies K Ric

Supplies K Ric

Su~i;, lies Ric;

Page 9 of 10

Spent Pay Date Check#

$ 456.00 6/17/2021 01 *587415

$ 4_51.93 6/17/2021 01 *587415

$ 379.00 . 6/17/2021 01 *587415

$ 107.22 6/17/2021 01 *587415

$ 107 .22 6/17/2021 01 *587415

$ 13.88 6/17/2021 01 *587415

$ 20.08 6/17/2021 01 *587415

$ 1,117.64 6/ 17/2021 01 *587415

$ 1.40 6/17/20 21 01 *587415

$ 776.22 6/17/2021 01 *587415

$ 2,394.10 6/17/202 1 01 *587415

$ 23.88 6/17/2021 01*587415

$ 286.96 6/ 17/2021 01 *587415

$ 120.00 6/17/2021 01*587415

$ 6.32 6/17/2021 01 *587415

$ 5.62 . 6/ 17/2021 01 *587415

- $ 4.22 6/ 17/2021 01 *587415

$ 10.55 6/ 17/2021 01*587415

$ 131.60 6/17/2021 01*587415

$ 1.28 6/17/2021 01*587415

$ 21.30 6/17/2021 01 *58_7415

s 837.50 6/17/2021 01 *587415

$ 1,131.27 6/17/2021 01 *587415

$ 7.90 6/17/2021 01 *587415

$ 111.20 . 6/17/2021 01 *587415

$ 242 .00 6/17/2021 01 *587415

$ 35.18 6/17/2021 01 *58741 5

s 155 .11 6/17/2021 01*587415

s 281.80 6/17/2021 01*58741 5

s 4 .26 6/17/2021 01 *587415

$ 77 .18 6/17/2021 01 *587415

s 5.63 6/17/2021 01 *587415

$ 5.63 6/17/2021 01 *587415

$ 2 .86 6/17/2021 01 *587415

$ 3.00 6/17/2021 01 *58741 5

$ 16.36 6/17/2021 01 *587415

$ 22 .99 6/17/2021 01 *587415










Vendor Name

W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

W.B. Mason Co., Inc. Total

Wilson Language Training Corp.

Wilson Language Training Corp.

Wilson Language Training Corp. Total Total

Grand Total

Yellow = Per bid, quote, contract, IEP, 504

Green = Emergenc;;

June 17, 2021

Payment Review Report

Account Desc

SuJJ,p lies Honors/Awarc:J.s MS

SuQQlies Custodial MS

Books/Supplies Gr. 2&3 Summer Reading

Books/Supplies Gr. 2&3 Summer Reading

Supplies/Awards Ath letics HS

Supplies/Awards Ath letics HS

Supplies/Awards Athletics HS

Supp lies/Awards Athletics HS

Page 10 of 10

Spent Pay Date Check#

$ (22.11} 6/17/2021 01*587415

$ (40.28) 6/17/2021 01*587415

$ 10,237.60

$ 118.90 6/17/2021 01 *587416

$ 9.51 6/17/2021 01*587416

$ 128.41

$ 29.99 6/17/2021 01*587418

$ 88.00 6/17/2021 01 *587418

$ 197.96 6/17/2021 01 *587418

$ 37.58 6/17/2021 01 *587418

$ 353.53 $ 207,4 29.46

Vendor# Vendor Name

07370 Academic Advantage

07370 Academic Advantage

07370 Academic Advantage

07370 Academic Advantage

07370 Academic Advantage

Academic Advantage Total

01217 Ahold Financial Services

01217 Ahold Financial Services

Ahold Financial Services Total

10094 Amanda Judge

Amanda Judge Total

03050 American Culinary Federation Education

American Culinary Federation Education Total

01314 Apple Inc.

Apple Inc. Total

03805 Atlantic Trophy

03805 Atlantic Trophy

03805 Atlantic Trophy

03805 Atlantic Trophy

03805 Atlantic Trophy

03805 Atlantic Trophy

03805 Atlantic Trophy

Atlantic Trophy Total

04021 Bayada Home Health Care

Bayada Home Health Care Total

08239 Burns PowerTools

08239 Burns PowerTools

Burns Power Tools Total

09664 CardmemberService

09664 Cardmember Service

Cardmember Service Total

15950 Chariho F. F .A.

June 24, 2021

Payment Review Report

Account Desc

Prof Education Services Tutors HS

Prof Education Services Tutors MS

Prof Education Services Tutors HS

Prof Education Services Tutors HS

Prof Education Services Tutors HS

Supplies Self Cont HS

Supplies Self Cont HS


Assessments Culinary

Maint/Repairs Technology 1:1

Supplies/ Awards Athletics HS

Supplies/ Awards Athletics HS

Athletic Supplies

Athletic Supplies

Athletic Supplies

Supplies/Awards Athletics HS

Athletic Supplies

Purchased Serv Nurse SpEd Ric

Supplies Marine

Supplies Marine

Conferences/Workshops Financia I

Technical Serv Business

Supplies Graduation

Page 1 of 8

Spent Pay Date Check#

$ 54.00 6/24/2021 01*587482

$ 81.00 6/24/2021 01*587482

$ 216.00 6/24/2021 01*587482

$ 81.00 6/24/2021 01*587482

$ 54.00 6/24/2021 01*587482

$ 486.00

$ 70.07 6/24/2021 01*587537

$ 179.24 6/24/2021 01*587537

$ 249.31

$ 649.15 6/24/2021 01*587507

$ 649.15

$ 105.00 6/24/2021 01*587483

$ 105.00

$ 58.09 6/24/2021 01*587484

$ 58.09

$ 29.00 6/24/2021 01*587486

$ 150.00 6/24/2021 01*587486

$ 60.00 6/24/2021 01*587486

$ 17.50 6/24/2021 01*587486

$ 114.00 6/24/2021 01*587486

$ 150.00 6/24/2021 01*587486

$ 120.00 6/24/2021 01*587486

$ 640.50

$ 1,548.75 6/ 24/2021 01*587487

$ 1,548.75

$ 739.00 6/24/2021 01*587488

$ 390.00 6/24/2021 01*587488

$ 1,129.00

$ 395.00 6/24/2021 01*587489

$ 101.62 6/24/2021 01 *587489

$ 496.62

$ 85.00 6/24/2021 01*587490

Vendor# Vendor Name

Chariho F.F.A. Total

81590 Chariho Task Force

81590 Chariho Task Force

Chariho Task Force Total

09250 Chartwells Food Service

09250 Chartwells Food Service

09250 Chartwells Food Service

Chartwells Food Service Total

10119 Clean Aire Technology Inc

10119 Clean A ire Technology Inc

10119 Clean Aire Technology Inc

10119 Clean Aire Technology Inc

10119 Clean Aire Technology Inc

10119 Clean Aire Technology Inc

Clean Aire Technology Inc Total

07691 College Board

College Board Total

18660 Communication Systems, Inc.

18660 Communication Systems, Inc.

Communication Systems, Inc. Total

03506 David M. Kennedy

David M . Kennedy Total

05072 Devereaux Electric, Inc.

05072 Devereaux Electric, Inc.

Devereaux Electric, Inc. Total

06493 Donald R Rekowski

06493 Donald R Rekowski

06493 Donald R Rekowski

Donald R RekowskiTotal

10128 Elizabeth LaCroix

Elizabeth Lacroix Total

29700 Fa lvey Linen Supply, Inc.

June 24, 2021

Payment Review Report

Account Desc

Student Assistance Couns HS

Student Assistance Couns HS

Catering/Refreshments Supt / Asst Supt

Catering/Refreshments Supt/ Asst Supt

Catering/Refreshments Supt/ Asst Supt

Supplies Automotive

Supplies Automotive

Supplies Automotive

Supplies Automotive

Supplies Automotive

Supplies Automotive

Other Purch Educ Serv HS

Ma int/Repairs Bldg/Grounds HS

Other Bldg/Grounds Supplies HS

Officia ls/Referees Athletics MS

Maint/Repa irs Electrical Ric

Maint/Repairs Electrica l Ric

Travel Computer Tech Ash

Travel Computer Tech Char

Travel Computer Tech Rich

Prof Development workshop

Purchased Serv Culinary CTC

Page 2 of 8

Spent Pay Date Check#

$ 85.00

$ 400.00 6/24/2021 01*587491

$ 40.00 6/24/2021 01*587491

$ 440.00

$ 420.00 6/24/2021 01*587492

$ 100.00 6/24/2021 01*587492

$ 80.10 6/24/2021 01*587492

$ 600.10

$ 1,611.10 6/24/2021 01*587493

$ 479.00 6/24/2021 01*587493

$ 1,145.00 6/24/2021 01*587493

$ 596.00 6/24/2021 01*587493

$ 65.00 6/24/2021 01*587493

$ 550.00 6/24/2021 01*587493

$ 4,446.10

$ 24,868.00 6/24/2021 01*587494

$ 24,868.00

$ 360.00 6/ 24/2021 01* 587495

$ 21.76 6/24/2021 01*587495

$ 381.76

$ 55.00 6/24/2021 01* 587508

$ 55.00

$ 121.35 6/24/2021 01*587496

$ 750.75 6/24/2021 01* 587496

$ 872.10

$ 27.44 6/24/2021 01*587525

$ 13.44 6/24/2021 01*587525

$ 45.92 6/24/2021 01*587525

$ 86.80

$ 2,000.00 6/24/2021 01 *587510

$ 2,000.00

$ 81.25 6/24/2021 01*587498

Vendor# Vendor Name

29700 Fa lvey Linen Supply, Inc.

29700 Falvey Linen Supply, Inc.

29700 Falvey Linen Supply, Inc.

29700 Falvey Linen Supply, Inc.

Falvey Linen Supply, Inc. Total .

06655 Fire Systems, Inc.

06655 Fire Systems, Inc.

Fire Systems, Inc. Total

30662 F laghouse, Inc.

30662 Flag house, Inc.

Flaghouse, Inc. Total

33700 Ginger's Service Station, Inc.

33700 Ginger's Service Station, Inc.

Ginger's Service Station, Inc. Total

50040 Grogan-Marciano Sporting Goods

Grogan-Marciano Sporting Goods Total

03524 Guaranteed Rooter Service

Guaranteed Rooter Service Total

01109 High Noon Books

01109 High Noon Books

01109 High Noon Books

01109 High Noon Books

01109 High Noon Books

01109 High Noon Books

01109 High Noon Books

01109 High Noon Books

01109 High Noon Books

01109 High Noon Books

01109 High Noon Books

01109 High Noon Books

01109 High Noon Books

01109 High Noon Books

Account Desc

June 24, 2021

Payment Review Report

Purchased Serv Culinary CTC

Catering/Refreshments HS

Catering/Refreshments HS

Catering/Refreshments HS

Alarm/Fire Safety Serv Agr HS

Alarm/Fire Safety Serv Agr HS

Supplies PE/Health MS

Supplies PE/Health MS

Fuel Oil Cha

Fuel Oi l Cha

Supplies/Awards Athletics HS

Maint/Repairs Plumbing MS

Books/Supplies Gr. 2&3 Summer Reading

Books/Supplies Gr. 2&3 Summer Reading

Books/Supplies Gr. 2&3 Summer Reading

Books/Supplies Gr. 2&3 Summer Reading

Books/Supplies Gr. 2&3 Summer Reading

Books/Supplies Gr. 2&3 Summer Reading

Books/Supplies Gr. 2&3 Summer Reading

Books/Supplies Gr. 2&3 Summer Reading

Books/Supplies Gr. 2&3 Summer Reading

Books/Supplies Gr. 2&3 Summer Reading

Books/Supplies Gr. 2&3 Summer Reading

Books/Supplies Gr. 2&3 Summer Reading

Books/Supplies Gr. 2&3 Summer Reading

Books/Supplies Gr. 2&3 Summer Reading

Page 3 of 8

Spent Pay Date Check#

$ 81.25 6/24/2021 01*587498

$ 45.00 6/24/2021 01*587498

$ 45.00 6/24/2021 01*587498

$ 9.90 6/24/2021 01*587498

$ 262.40

$ 10.50 6/24/2021 01*587499

$ 2,060.50 6/24/2021 01*587499

$ 2,071.00

$ 15.30 6/24/2021 01*587500

$ 54.40 6/24/2021 01*587500

$ 69.70

$ 1,690.76 6/24/2021 01*587501

$ 3,256.71 6/24/2021 01 *587501

$ 4,947.47

$ 25.50 6/24/2021 01*587502

$ 25.50

$ 350.00 6/24/2021 01*587503

$ 350.00

$ 15.90 6/24/2021 01*587504

$ 15.90 6/24/2021 01*587504

$ 28.00 6/24/2021 01*587504

$ 40.00 6/24/2021 01*587504

$ 28.00 6/24/2021 01*587504

$ 40.00 6/24/2021 01*587504

$ 28.00 6/24/2021 01*587504

$ 40.00 6/24/2021 01*587504

$ 28.00 6/24/2021 01*587504

$ 40.00 6/24/2021 01*587504

$ 35.98 6/24/2021 01*587504

$ 56.00 6/24/2021 01*587504

$ 56.00 6/24/2021 01*587504

$ 56.00 6/24/2021 01*587504

Vendor# Vendor Name

01109 High Noon Books

01109 High Noon Books

01109 High Noon Books

01109 High Noon Books

High Noon Books Total

07605 Hussey Seating Company

07605 Hussey Seating Company

07605 Hussey Seating Company

Hussey Seating Company Total

10166 John Pellegrino

John Pellegrino Total

01082 Joseph A. Lopes

01082 Joseph A. Lopes

01082 Joseph A. Lopes

01082 Joseph A. Lopes

01082 Joseph A. Lopes

01082 Joseph A. Lopes

01082 Joseph A. Lopes

01082 Joseph A. Lopes

01082 Joseph A. Lopes

01082 Joseph A. Lopes

Joseph A. Lopes Total

44105 Jostens

Jostens Total

44525 Keystone Information Systems

Keystone Information Systems Total

09651 Kimberly Ann Stack

Kimberly Ann Stack Total

45370 Lakeshore Learning Materials

Lakeshore Learning Materials Total

09362 McKesson Medical-Surgical

McKesson Medical-Surgical Total

June 24, 2021

Payment Review Report

Account Desc

Books/Supplies Gr. 2&3 Summer Reading

Books/Supplies Gr. 2&3 Summer Reading

Books/Supplies Gr. 2&3 Summer Reading

Books/Supplies Gr. 2&3 Summer Reading

Maint/Repairs Bldg/Grounds HS

Maint/Repairs Bldg/Grounds HS

Maint/Reoairs Bldg/Grounds MS

Athletic Supplies

Travel Teacher ESL Char

Travel Teacher ESL Ric

Travel Teacher ESL Ash

Travel Teacher ESL HV

Travel Teacher ESL MS

Travel Teacher ESL Char

Travel Teacher ESL Ric

Travel Teacher ESL Ash

Travel Teacher ESL HV

Travel Teacher ESL MS

Supplies Graduation

Technical Serv Agr Financial

Prof Development workshop

Furniture/Fixtures Ash

Supplies Medical Stud Health Serv M S

Page 4 of 8

Spent Pay Date Check#

$ 7.95 6/24/2021 01* 587504

$ 7.95 6/24/2021 01*587504

$ 7.95 6/24/2021 01*587504

$ 37.18 6/24/2021 01* 587504

$ 568.81

$ 350.00 6/24/2021 01*587505

$ 350.00 6/24/2021 01*587505

$ 350.00 6/24/2021 01*587505

$ 1,050 .00

$ 50.00 6/24/2021_ 01* 587521

$ 50.00

$ 16.35 6/24/2021 01 *587513

$ 16.35 6/24/2021 01 *587513

$ 16.35 6/24/2021 01 *587513

$ 16.35 6/24/2021 01 *587513

$ 16.36 6/24/2021 01 *587513

$ 21.39 6/24/2021 01 *587513

$ 21.39 6/24/2021 01 *587513

$ 21.39 6/24/2021 01 *587513

$ 21.39 6/24/2021 01 *587513

$ 21.40 6/24/2021 01*587513

$ 188.72

$ 987.36 6/24/2021 01*587506

$ 987.36

$ 800.00 6/24/2021 01*587509

$ 800.00

$ 2,000.00 6/24/2021 01*587535

$ 2,000.00

$ 645.92 6/24/2021 01*587511

$ 645 .92

$ 12.76 6/24/2021 01*587514

$ 12.76

Vendor# Vendor Name

56240 Nasco

56240 Nasco

56240 Nasco

56240 Nasco -56240 Nasco

56240 Nasco

56240 Nasco


56160 Nationa I Grid

56160 Nationa I Grid

56160 Nation a I Grid

Nat ional Grid Total

06839 Patricia Meinhold

06839 Patricia Meinhold

Patricia M einhold Total

10168 Repa irQ

Repair Q Total

02034 RI Department Of Education -

02034 RI Department Of Education

02034 RI Department Of Educat ion

02034 RI Department Of Education

02034 RI Department Of Education

02034 RI Department Of Education

RI Department Of Education Total

24800 RI OMV - RIMS

24800 RI DMV - RIMS


04573 RIC

04573 RIC

04573 RIC

04573 RIC

04573 RIC

June 24, 2021

Payment Review Report

Account Desc

Supplies Art MS

Supplies Art MS

Supplies Art MS

Supplies Art MS

Supplies Art MS

Supplies Art MS

Supplies Art MS

Electricity Char

Elect ricity Char

Electricity HV

Purchased Serv Autism

Purchased Serv Autism

Technology Software Dist

Tra nsportation

Tra nsportation


Tra nsportation


Tra ns port a t ion

License & Permit Fees

License & Permit Fees

Student/Staff 504 Aecom

Purchased Serv Vision HS

Purchased Serv Vision HS

Purchased Serv Vision HV

Purchased Serv Vision HS

Page 5 of 8

Spent Pay Date Check#

$ 86.00 6/24/2021 01*587517

$ 105.60 6/24/2021 01*587517

$ 352.56 6/24/2021 01*587517

$ 92.00 6/24/2021 01*587517

$ 197.76 6/24/2021 01*587517

$ 66.48 6/24/2021 01*587517

$ 627.68 6/24/2021 01*587517

$ 1,528.08

$ 250.44 6/24/2021 01* 587518

$ 487.00 6/24/2021 01*587518

$ 85.58 6/24/2021 01*587518

$ 823.02

$ 2,734.00 6/24/2021 01*587515

$ 3,484.00 6/24/2021 01* 587515

$ 6,218.00

$ 1,200.00 6/24/2021 01*587526

$ 1,200.00

$ 6,952 .34 6/24/2021 01*587522

$ 47,454.88 6/24/2021 01*587522

$ 2,355.53 6/24/2021 01*587522

$ 9,081.04 6/24/2021 01*587522

$ 68,634.96 6/24/2021 01*587522

$ 2,561.07 6/24/2021 01*587522


$ 280.50 6/24/2021 01*587497

$ 172.50 ~/24/2021 01*587497

$ 453.00

$ 850.00 6/24/2021 01*587533

$ 425.00 6/24/2021 01*587533

$ 85.00 6/24/2021 01*587533

$ 170.00 6/24/2021 01*587533

$ 56.78 6/24/2021 01*587533

Vendor# Vendor Name

04573 RI C

04573 RIC

RIC Total

71730 Richmond Police Department

71730 Richmond Police Department

Richmond Police Department Total

71950 Rifton Equipment

Rifton Equipment Total

70405 RPE Septic Service Inc.

RPE Septic Service Inc. Total

03137 S & S Landscaping, Inc.

03137 S & S Landscaping, Inc.

S & S Landscaping, Inc. Total

74450 Scholastic Inc

74450 Scholastic Inc

74450 Scholastic Inc

74450 Scholastic Inc

Scholastic Inc Total

74730 School Health Corporation

School Health Corporation Total

79210 South Kingstown School Dept.

South Kingstown School Dept. Total

07423 STA-Ocean State Transit

07423 STA-Ocean State Transit

07423 STA-Ocean State Tra nsit

07423 STA-Ocean State Transit

07423 STA-Ocean State Transit

STA-Ocean State Transit Total

80260 Staples

80260 Staples

Staples Total

08748 Steven Racquer

June 24, 2021

Payment Review Report

Account Desc

Purchased Serv Vision HS

Student/Staff 504 Aecom

Police/Fire Athletics HS

Police/Fire Athletics HS

Supplies Self Cont HS

Rental of Equip/Vehicles Athletics HS

Grounds Services HS

Grounds Services MS

Books/Supplies Gr. 2&3 Summer Reading

Books/Supplies Gr. 2&3 Summer Reading

Books/Supplies Gr. 2&3 Summer Reading

Books/Supplies Gr. 2&3 Summer Reading

Supplies Medical Stud Health Serv Ash

Tuition South Kingstown

Transportation Athletics HS

Tra nsportation Athletics HS

Transportat ion Athletics MS

Transportation Field Trip Self Cont HS

Transportation Athletics HS

Supplies Custodial MS

Supplies Custodial MS

Officials/Referees Athletics MS

Page 6 of 8

Spent Pay Date Check#

$ (85.00) 6/24/2021 01*587533

$ (1,105.00) 6/24/2021 01*587533

$ 396.78

$ 1,000.00 6/24/2021 01*587527

$ 1,200.00 6/24/2021 01*587527

$ 2,200.00

$ 213. 75 6/24/2021 01*587529

$ 213.75

$ 285.00 6/24/2021 01*587523

$ 285.00

$ 2,200.00 6/24/2021 01*587530

$ 2,200.00 6/24/2021 01*587530

$ 4,400.00

$ 197.50 6/24/2021 01*587531

$ 17.77 6/24/2021 01*587531

$ 151.50 6/24/2021 01*587531

$ 13.63 6/24/2021 01*587531

$ 380.40

$ 144.44 6/24/2021 01*587532

$ 144.44

$ 13,503.00 6/24/2021 01* 587534

$ 13,503.00

$ 260.00 6/24/2021 01*587519

$ 3,915.75 6/24/2021 01*587519

$ 257.50 6/24/2021 01*587519

$ 272.30 6/24/2021 01* 587519

$ 71.04 6/24/2021 01*587519

$ 4,776.59

$ 112.60 6/24/2021 01 *587536

$ 37.33 6/24/ 2021 01 *587536

$ 149.93

$ 55.00 6/ 24/2021 01* 587524

Vendor# Vendor Name

Steven Racquer Total

02399 Susan M. Palmer

Susan M. Palmer Total

03983 The Met

The Met Total

09619 Therapy Travelers LLC

09619 Therapy Travelers LLC

Therapy Travelers LLC Total

10005 Thomas Arbige

10005 Thomas Arbige

:!.0005 Thomas Arbige

Thomas Arbige Total

10125 Tina Wi lding

Tina Wilding Total

06324 Toppa's Food Service & Paper Supply

Toppa's Food Service & Paper Supply Total

08686 Total Welding Supply

Total Welding Supply Total

83283 Town Of Richmond

83283 Town Of Richmond

Town Of Richmond Total

02621 Vincent P. Levcowich

02621 Vincent P. Levcowich

Vincent P. Levcowich Total

06005 Washington County Auto Center

06005 Washington County Auto Center

Washington County Auto Center Total

08202 Whalley Computer Associates

08202 Whalley Computer Associates

08202 Whalley Computer Associates

Whalley Computer Associates Total

Grand Total

Account Desc

June 24, 2021

Payment Review Report

Uniforms Bldg/Grounds HS

Tuition Met School

Purchased Service Socia l Workers

Purchased Serv Sch Health MS

Travel Computer Tech Ash

Travel Computer Tech HV

Travel Computer Tech Rich


Supplies Culinary Arts CTC

Maint/Repairs Welding CTC

Police/Fire Safety SRO MS

Police/Fire Safety SRO HS

Officia ls/Referees Athletics MS

Officials/Referees Athletics MS

Maint/Repairs Vehicles Dist

Ma int/Repairs Vehicles Dist

Technology Hardware Dist

Technology Hardware Dist

Technology Hardware Dist

Page 7 of 8

Spent Pay Date Check#

$ 55.00

$ 59.99 6/24/2021 01*587520

$ 59.99

$ 17,805.00 6/24/2021 01*587516

$ 17,805.00

$ 2,225.00 6/24/2021 01*587538

$ 1,026.00 6/24/2021 01*587538

$ 3,251.00

$ 2.80 6/24/2021 01*587485

$ 29.68 6/24/2021 01*587485

$ 5.60 6/24/2021 01*587485

$ 38.08

$ 303.07 6/24/2021 01*587543

$ 303.07

$ 324.50 6/24/2021 01*587539

$ 324.50

$ 517.42 6/24/2021 01*587540

$ 517.42

$ 17,491.91 6/24/2021 01*587528

$ 49,520.18 6/24/2021 01*587528

$ 67,012.09

$ 55.00 6/24/2021 01*587512

$ 55.00 6/24/2021 01*587512

$ 110.00

$ 60.00 6/24/2021 01*587541

$ 274.38 6/24/2021 01*587541

$ 334.38

$ 2,155.08 6/24/2021 01*587542

$ 898.55 6/24/2021 01*587542

$ 583 . 75 6/24/2021 01*587542

$ 3,637.38


Vendor# lvendorName

Yellow= Per bid, quot e, contract, I EP, 504

Green= Emergen~y

Account Desc

June 24, 2021

Payment Review Report

Page 8 of 8

Spent Pay Date I Check#

Vendor# Vendor Name

07370 Academic Advantage

07370 Academic Advantage

07370 Academic Advantage

Academic Advantage Total

09026 Aflac-12 month

09026 Aflac-12 month

09026 Aflac-12 month

09026 Aflac-12 month

Aflac-12 month Total

01217 Ahold Financia l Services

Ahold Financial Services Total

46560 Amerigas

46560 Amerigas

Amerigas Total

01314 Apple Inc.

01314 Apple Inc.

01314 Apple Inc.

01314 Apple Inc.

01314 Apple Inc.

Apple Inc. Total

04021 Bayada Home Health Care

Bayada Home Health Care Total

08924 Benjamin Mainelli

08924 Benjamin Mainelli

Benjamin Mainelli Total

04799 Bio Waste

04799 Bio Waste

Bio Waste Total

08692 BSN Sports LLC

08692 BSN Sports LLC

08692 BS N Sports LLC

BSN Sports LLCTotal

June 30, 2021

Payment Review Report

Account Desc

Prof Education Services Tutors HS

Prof Education Services Tutors HS

Prof Education Services Tutors HS

Cafeteria Life 12 Month

Cafeteria S/T Disability

Cafeteria Personal Accident

Cafeteria Cancer

Supplies Self Cont HS

Propane HV

Propane MS

Ma int/Repairs Technology 1:1

Ma int/Repa irs Technology 1:1

Maint/Repairs Technology 1:1

Ma int/Repa irs Technology 1:1

Maint/Repairs Technology 1:1

Purchased Serv Nurse SpEd Ric

Officia ls/Referees Athletics MS

Officia ls/Referees Athletics MS

M edical Waste Disposa l HS

Medical Waste Disposa l Cha

Supplies/ Awards Athletics HS

Supplies/Awards Athletics HS

Supplies/ Awards Athletics HS

Page 1 of9

Spent Pay Date Check#

$ 216.00 6/30/2021 01*587573

$ 135.00 6/30/2021 01*587573

$ 54.00 6/30/2021 01*587573

$ 405.00

$ 9.72 6/30/2021 01*587574

$ 122.30 6/30/2021 01*587574

$ 95.73 6/30/2021 01*587574

$ 46.20 6/30/2021 01*587574

$ 273.95

$ 200.00 6/30/2021 01*587608

$ 200.00

$ 313.03 6/30/2021 01*587575

$ 124.86 6/30/2021 01*587575

$ 437.89

$ 175.12 6/30/2021 01*587576

$ (20.00) 6/30/2021 01*587576

$ (20.00) 6/30/2021 01*587576

$ (20.00) 6/30/2021 01*587576

$ (20.00) 6/30/2021 01*587576

$ 95.12

$ 1,990.50 6/30/2021 01*587579

$ 1,990.50

$ 55.00 6/30/2021 01*587598

$ 55.00 6/30/ 2021 01*587598

$ 110.00

$ 85.00 6/30/2021 01*587580

$ 85.00 6/30/2021 01*587580

$ 170.00

$ 1,400.00 6/30/2021 01*587578

$ 1,400.00 6/30/2021 01*587578

$ 600.00 6/30/2021 01*587578

$ 3,400.00

Vendor# Vendor Name

14880 Casey EMI

14880 Casey EM I

Casey EMI Total

14901 CCRI

14901 CCRI

14901 CCRI

14901 CCRI

14901 CCRI

14901 CCRI

14901 CCRI

14901 CCRI

14901 CCRI

14901 CCRI

14901 CCRI

14901 CCRI

14901 CCRI

14901 CCRI

14901 CCRI

14901 CCRI

CCRI Total

08262 Coldmasters

08262 Coldmasters

08262 Coldmasters

08262 Coldmasters

08262 Coldmasters

08262 Coldmasters

08262 Coldmasters

Coldmasters Total

09726 Daniel Dickerman

09726 Daniel Dickerman

Daniel Dickerman Total

09285 David Hayes

June 30, 2021

Payment Review Report

Account Desc

Supplies Custodial Cha

Supplies Custodial Cha

Textbooks Non Pub Dual Enrollment ELA CCRI

Textbooks Non Pub Dual Enrollment ELA CCRI

Textbooks Non Pub Dual Enrollment ELA CCRI

Textbooks Non Pub Dual EnrollmentCCRI Math

Textbooks Non Pub Dual EnrollmentCCRI Math

Textbooks Non Pub Dual EnrollmentCCRI Math

Textbooks Non Pub Dual Enrollment Social Studies

Textbooks Non Pub Dual Enrollment Social Studies

Textbooks Non Pub Dual Enrollment Natural Sciences

Textbooks Non Pub Dual Enrollment Natural Sciences

Textbooks Non Pub Dual Enrollment ELA CCRI

Textbooks Non Pub Dual Enrollment ELA CCRI

Textbooks Non Pub Dual Enrollment Social Studies

Textbooks Non Pub Dual Enrollment Social Studies

Textbooks Non Pub Dual Enrollment Social Studies

Textbooks Non Pub Dual Enrollment Natural Sciences

Capital Bldg Improvements CTC

Capital Bldg Improvements CTC

Capital Bldg Improvements CTC

Capital Bldg Improvements CTC

Capital Bldg Improvements CTC

Capital Bldg Improvements CTC

Capital Bldg Improvements CTC

Textbooks URI dual enrollment Math

Textbooks URI dual enrollment Social Studies

Purchased Serv Drama HS

Page 2 of9

Spent Pay Date Check#

$ 200.95 6/30/2021 01*587583

$ 260.00 6/30/2021 01*587583

$ 460.95

$ 61.50 6/30/2021 01*587582

$ 73.50 6/30/2021 01* 587582

$ 86.75 6/30/2021 01* 587582

$ 140.00 6/30/2021 01*587582

$ 145.50 6/30/2021 01*587582

$ 147.00 6/30/2021 01*587582

$ 152. 75 6/30/2021 01*587582

$ 120.00 6/30/2021 01*587582

$ 100.00 6/30/2021 01*587582

$ 25.00 6/30/2021 01*587582

$ 92.00 6/30/2021 01*587582

$ 92.00 6/30/2021 01*587582

$ 16.00 6/30/2021 01*587582

$ 16.00 6/30/2021 01*587582

$ 16.00 6/30/2021 01*587582

$ 63.56 6/30/2021 01*587582

$ 1,347.56

$ 60.00 6/30/2021 01*587584

$ 15.00 6/30/2021 01*587584

$ 15.00 6/30/2021 01*587584

$ 259.00 6/30/2021 01*587584

$ 845.00 6/30/2021 01*587584

$ 24.70 6/30/2021 01*587584

$ 455.00 6/30/2021 01*587584

$ 1,673.70

$ 36.00 6/30/2021 01*587586

$ 78.10 6/30/2021 01*587586

$ 114.10

$ 120.00 6/30/2021 01*587591




















56160 -56160

Vendor Name

David Hayes Total

Energy Solut ions

Energy Solutions Total

Fire Systems, Inc.

Fire Systems, Inc. Total

Follett School Solutions Inc

Follett School Solutions Inc Total

Hopkinton Police Dept.

Hopkinton Police Dept.

Hopkinton Police Dept. Total

I nterboro Packaging Corp

I nterboro Packaging Corp

lnterboro Packaging Corp Total

John Folloni

John FolloniTotal

Joseph A. Lopes

Joseph A. Lopes

Joseph A. Lopes

Joseph A. Lopes

Joseph A. Lopes

Joseph A. Lopes Total

Keystone Information Systems

Account Desc

Equip Bldg/Grounds HV

June 30, 2021

Payment Rev iew Report

Alarm/Fire Safety Repairs HS

eTextbooks Library HS

Police/ Fire Honors/ Awards HS

Police/Fire Honors/ Awards HS

Supplies Custodial Ric

Supplies Custodial Cha

Officials/Referees Athletics MS

Travel Teacher ESL Char

Travel Teacher ESL Ric

Travel Teacher ESL Ash

Travel Teacher ESL HV

Travel Teacher ESL MS

Technical Serv Agr Financial

Keystone Information Systems Total

M atthew A. Bishop Travel Teacher Resource

Matthew A. Bishop Total

M axim Healthcare Services, Inc Purchased Serv Nurse SpEd M S

Maxim Healthcare Services, Inc Total

M ichael Kirby Landscaping Grounds Services HS

Michael Kirby Landscaping Grounds Services HS

M ichael Kirby Landscaping Total

National Grid Electricity Char

National Grid Electricity Rich

Page 3 of 9

Spent Pay Date Check#

$ 120 .00

$ 31,690.00 6/30/2021 01* 587587

$ 31,690.00

$ 1,888.00 6/30/2021 01*587588

$ 1,888.00

$ 1, 291.94 6/30/2021 01*587589

$ 1,291.94

$ 180.00 6/ 30/2021 01*587592

$ 180.00 6/30/2021 01*587592

$ 360.00

$ 692 .00 6/30/2021 01*587594

$ 346.00 6/30/2021 01*587594

$ 1,038.00

$ 55.00 6/30/2021 01*587590

$ 55.00

$ 21.62 6/30/2021 01*587597

$ 21.62 6/30/2021 01*587597

$ 21.62 6/30/2021 01*587597

$ 21.61 6/30/2021 01*587597

$ 21.61 6/30/2021 01*587597

$ 108.08

$ 12,864.00 6/30/2021 01*587595

$ 12,864.00

$ 80.08 6/30/2021 01*587581

$ 80.08

$ 1,011.44 6/30/2021 01*587599

$ 1,011.44

$ 3,480.00 6/30/2021 01*587596

$ 1,260.00 6/30/2021 01*587596

$ 4,740.00

$ 16.23 6/30/2021 01*587600

$ 15.17 6/30/2021 01*587600






























Vendor Name

National Grid

National Grid

National Grid

National Grid Total

Northeast Water Solut ions Inc

Northeast Water Solutions Inc

Northeast Water Solutions Inc

Northeast Water Solut ions Inc

Northeast Water Solutions Inc

Northeast Water Solutions Inc

Northeast Water Solutions Inc

Northeast Water Solutions Inc

Account Desc

Electricity HV

Electricity Ash

Electricity HS

June 30, 2021

Payment Review Report

Other Purch Property Serv Ash

Other Purch Property Serv MS

Other Purch Property Serv Char

Other Purch Property Serv Ash

Other Purch Property Serv Ash

Other Purch Property Serv MS

Other Purch Property Serv Char

Other Purch Property Serv Ash

Northeast Water Solutions Inc Total

Pat's Power Equipment Maint/Repairs Vehicles Dist

Pat's Power Equipment Maint/Repairs Vehicles Dist

Pat's Power Equipment Ma int/Repairs Vehicles Dist

Pat's Power Equipment Ma int/Repa irs Vehicles Dist

Pat's Power Equipment Total

Precille V. Augeri Travel Non Teacher OT/PT/Therapists Ric

Precille V. Augeri Travel Non Teacher OT / PT /Therapists HS

Precille V. Augeri Travel Non Teacher OT / PT / Therapists Ric

Precille V. Augeri Travel Non Teacher OT /PT / Therapists HS

Precille V. Augeri Travel Non Teacher OT /PT /Therapists Ric

Precille V. Augeri Travel Non Teacher OT /PT /Therapists HS

Precille V. Augeri Travel NonTeacherOT/PT/Therapists Ric

Precille V. Augeri Travel Non Teacher OT /PT / Therapists HS

Precille V. Augeri Travel Non Teacher OT /PT /Therapists Ric

Precille V. Augeri Travel Non Teacher OT /PT /Therapists HS

Precille V. Augeri Travel Non Teacher OT /PT / Therapists Ric

Precille V. Augeri Travel Non Teacher OT /PT / Therapists HS

Precille V. Augeri Total

Richmond Police Department Police/Fire Honors/ Awards HS

Page 4 of9

Spent Pay Date Check#

$ 58.80 6/30/2021 01*587600

$ 38.24 6/30/2021 01*587600

$ 82.79 6/30/2021 01*587600

$ 211.23

$ 574.53 6/30/2021 01*587601

$ 574.54 6/30/2021 01*587601

$ 574.54 6/30/2021 01*587601

$ 574.54 6/30/2021 01*587601

$ 573.28 6/30/2021 01*587601

$ 573.29 6/30/2021 01*587601

$ 573.29 6/30/2021 01*587601

$ 573.29 6/30/2021 01*587601

$ 4,591.30

$ 194.95 6/30/2021 01*587603

$ 28.58 6/30/2021 01*587603

$ 1.29 6/30/2021 01*587603

$ 3.78 6/30/2021 01*587603

$ 228.60

$ 5.88 6/30/2021 01*587577

$ 5.88 6/30/2021 01*587577

$ 3.92 6/30/2021 01*587577

$ 3.92 6/30/2021 01*587577

$ 9.80 6/30/2021 01*587577

$ 9.80 6/30/2021 01*587577

$ 9.80 6/30/2021 01*587577

$ 9.80 6/30/2021 01 *587577

$ 9.80 6/30/2021 01 *587577

$ 9.80 6/30/2021 01*587577

$ 14.18 6/30/2021 01*587577

$ 14.18 6/30/2021 01*587577

$ 106.76

$ 600.00 6/30/2021 01* 587605

Vendor# Vendor Name

71730 Richmond Police Department

Richmond Police Department Total

70405 RPE Sept ic Service Inc.

70405 RPE Septic Service Inc.

70405 RPE Septic Service Inc.

70405 RPE Septic Service Inc.

70405 RPE Septic Service Inc.

RPE Septic Serv ice Inc. Total

06813 School Specialty LLC

School Specialty LLCTotal

10159 Sean Howe

Sean Howe Total

07423 STA-Ocean State Transit

07423 STA-Ocean State Transit

07423 STA-Ocean State Transit

07423 STA-Ocean State Transit

07423 STA-Ocean State Transit

07423 STA-Ocean State Transit

07423 STA-Ocean State Transit

07423 STA-Ocean State Transit

07423 STA-Ocean State Transit

07423 STA-Ocean State Transit

07423 STA-Ocean State Transit

07423 STA-Ocean State Tra nsit

07423 STA-Ocean State Tra nsit

07423 STA-Ocean State Transit

07423 STA-Ocean State Transit

07423 STA-Ocean State Tra nsit

07423 STA-Ocean State Transit

STA-Ocean State Transit Total

80260 Staples

80260 Staples

June 30, 2021

Payment Review Report

Account Desc

Police/Fire Athletics HS

Rental Graduation HS

Renta l Graduation HS

Renta l Graduation HS

Rental Graduation HS

Renta l Graduation HS

Supplies Gr 6 M S

Officials/Referees Athletics M S

Transportation Priva te School


Transportation M onitors



Transportation M onitors

Transportation SpEd In Dist



Transportation Non-Pub SpEd


Transportation Fuel

Transportation SpEd In Dist

Transportation Field Trip ALP CALA

Transportation Private School

Transportat ion SpEd In Dist


Supplies Custodial MS

Supplies Custodial MS

Page 5 of9

Spent Pay Date Check#

$ 250.00 6/30/2021 01*587605

$ 850.00

$ 110.00 6/30/2021 01*587604

$ 110.00 6/30/2021 01*587604

$ 330.00 6/30/2021 01*587604

$ 320.00 6/30/2021 01*587604

$ 330.00 6/30/2021 01*587604

$ 1, 200.00

$ 24. 06 6/30/2021 01*587585

$ 24 .06

$ 55.00 6/30/2021 01*587593

$ 55.00

$ 21,100.76 6/30/2021 01*587602

$ 1,683.00 6/30/2021 01*587602

$ 1,696.20 6/30/2021 01*587602

$208,125 .20 6/30/2021 01*587602

$ 16,677.00 6/30/2021 01*587602

$ 40,411.97 6/30/2021 01*587602

$ 70,432.20 6/30/2021 01*587602

$ 4,329.90 6/30/2021 01*587602

$ 22,356.57 6/30/2021 01*587602

$ 33,599.04 6/30/2021 01*587602

$ 6,935.08 6/30/2021 01*587602

$ 12,261.75 6/30/2021 01*587602

$ 5,027.62 6/30/2021 01*587602

$ 149.49 6/30/2021 01*587602

$ (71.53) 6/30/2021 01*587602

$ (527.11) 6/30/2021 01*587602

$ (1,874.48) 6/30/2021 01*587602

$ 442,312.66

$ 36.20 6/30/2021 01*587607

$ 185.97 6/30/2021 01*587607

Vendor# Vendor Name

80260 Staples

80260 Staples

Staples Total

04555 Summit Heating

Summit Heating Total




























June 30, 2021

Payment Review Report

Account Desc

Supplies Custodial MS

Supplies Custodial MS

Maint/Repairs Bldg/Grounds HS

Genera l Supplies MS Title I

Supplies CDP CALA

Supplies Welding

Supplies Gr 5 MS

Supplies Gr 5 MS

Supplies Automotive

Supplies Welding

Supplies CDP CALA

Supplies CDP CALA

Supplies Marine

Supplies Marine

Supplies Marine

Supplies Automotive

Supplies CDP CALA

Supplies Welding

Supplies CALA Mentor Grant

Supplies CALA Mentor Grant

Supplies CALA Mentor Grant

Supplies CALA Mentor Grant

Supplies CALA Mentor Grant

Supplies CALA Mentor Grant

Technology Hardware Cha

Supplies Marine

Supplies JEDI

Supplies JEDI Principals

Supplies Supt/ Asst Supt

Supplies Gr 5 MS

Page 6 of9

Spent Pay Date Check#

$ 102.45 6/30/2021 01*587607

$ 272.97 6/30/2021 01*587607

$ 597.59

$ 383.85 6/30/2021 01*587609

$ 383.85

$ 107.94 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 17.94 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ (14.63) 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 124.72 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 81.05 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 68.39 6/30/2021 01*587606 - .

$ (14.63) 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 18.97 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 5.99 6/30/2021 01*587606 - .

$ 9.70 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 49.90 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 131.02 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 255.71 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 18.92 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ (14.63) 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 6.88 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 7.52 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 9.99 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 14.99 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 10.99 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 22.99 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 393.00 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 28.29 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 49.38 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 679.00 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 0.56 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 48.63 6/30/2021 01*587606

Vendor# Vendor Name















09619 Therapy Travelers LLC

09619 Therapy Travelers LLC

Therapy Travelers LLC Total

09816 T-Mobile

T-Mobile Total

10141 Tractor Supply Co

Tractor Supply Co Total

02822 Viking Supply Company

02822 Viking Supply Company

02822 Viking Supply Company

Viking Supply Company Total

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

03873 W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

June 30, 2021

Payment Review Report

Account Desc

Supplies CALA Mentor Grant

Supplies Automotive

Supplies Automotive

Supplies Automotive

Supplies CHAR

Supplies Automotive

Supplies Electrical & Renew Energy

Supplies W elding

Ma int/Repairs Equip Bldg/Grounds Ric

Ma int/Repairs Equip Bldg/Grounds Ric

Supplies Supt/ Asst Supt

Supplies Supt/ Asst Supt

Supplies Supt/ Asst Supt

Purchased Service Social Workers

Purchased Serv Sch Health MS

Telephone Main/Serv Agr Dist


Supplies Maintenance District

Supplies Maintenance District

Supplies Maintenance District

Supplies Custodial HV

Supplies K Ric

Supplies HV

Supplies Ric

Supplies HS

Supplies Custodial HV

Supplies K Ric

Page 7 of9

Spent Pay Date Check#

$ 231.54 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 30.13 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 132.51 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 154.00 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ (484.95) 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 231.99 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 12.49 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ (14.63) 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 22.86 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 5.99 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 23.28 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 24.97 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 5.99 6/30/2021 01*587606

$ 2,494.75

$ 3,115.00 6/30/2021 01 *587611

$ 456.00 6/30/2021 01*587611

$ 3,571.00

$ 58.66 6/30/2021 01*587610

$ 58.66

$ 39.00 6/30/2021 01*587612

$ 39.00

$ 48.94 6/30/2021 01*587613

$ 57.60 6/30/2021 01 *587613

$ 27.19 6/30/2021 01 *587613

$ 133.73

$ 470.09 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 24.52 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 9.28 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 45.98 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 2.56 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 54.14 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 6.19 6/30/2021 01*587614



























Vendor Name

W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

W.B. M ason Co., Inc.

W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

W .B. M ason Co., Inc.

W.B. Mason Co., Inc.

W.B. Mason Co., Inc. Total

Wyoming Auto Parts

Wyoming Auto Parts Total

Wyoming Hardgoods

Wyoming Hardgoods Total

Grand Total

Account Desc

Supplies HV

Supplies K Ric

Supplies HV

Supplies K Ric

Supplies Adm in SpEd

Supplies Adm in SpEd

Supplies Adm in SpEd

Supplies Adm in SpEd

Supplies Adm in SpEd

Supplies Adm in SpEd

Supplies Adm in SpEd

Supplies Adm in SpEd

Supplies Custodial Ash

Supplies Custodial HS

Supplies Custodial Cha

Supplies K Ric

Supplies HV

Supplies K Ric

Supplies HV

Supplies K Ric

Supplies K Ric

Supplies Ric

Supplies Custodial Cha

June 30, 2021

Payment Review Report

Supplies Maintenance District

Supplies Ma intenance District

Yel low= Per bid, quote, contract, I EP, 504

Page 8 of9

Spent Pay Date Check#

$ 9.48 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 2.79 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 21.23 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 43.33 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 51.76 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 23.08 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 8.32 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 12.37 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 46.39 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 22.03 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 2.00 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 15.44 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 94.00 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 752.00 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 16.75 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 17.98 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 37.48 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 2.74 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 6.30 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 6.28 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 2.36 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 11.80 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 150.75 6/30/2021 01*587614

$ 1,969.42

$ 1.49 6/30/2021 01*587615

$ 1.49

$ 10.79 6/30/2021 01*587616

$ 10.79


Vendor# I Vendor Name Account Desc

Green= Emergency

June 30, 2021

Payment Review Report

Page 9 of 9

Spent Pay Date I Check#

Vendor# Vendor Name Account Desc Spent Pay Date Check# 37000 Alarm New England LLC Alarm/Fire Safety Serv Agr Ad min $ 184.92 7/1/2021 01*587617 37000 Alarm New England LLC Alarm/Fire Safety Serv Agr Char $ 31.85 7/1/2021 01*587617 37000 Alarm New England LLC Alarm/Fire Safety Serv Agr Char $ 199.92 7/1/2021 01*587617 37000 Alarm New England LLC Alarm/Fire Safety Serv Agr Char $ 65.55 7/1/2021 01*587617

Alarm New England LLC Total $ 482.24 05589 Beacon Mutual Insurance Co. Workers' Compensation $153,245.00 7/1/2021 01*587619

Beacon Mutual Insurance Co. Total $153,245.00 05017 Dude Solutions, Inc Technical Serv Business $ 3,606.05 7/1/2021 01*587632 05017 Dude Solutions, Inc Technical Serv Business $ 3,495.01 7/1/2021 01*587632 05017 Dude Solutions, Inc Technical Serv Business $ 1,395.89 7/1/2021 01*587632

Dude Solutions, Inc Total $ 8,496.95 28250 Electronic Alarms Alarm/Fire Safety Serv Agr Rich $ 192.63 7/1/2021 01*587620

Electronic Alarms Total $ 192.63 05376 Frontline Technologies Group LLC Technical Serv Business $ 11,793.61 7/1/2021 01*587621

Frontline Technologies Group LLC Total $ 11,793.61 39670 Harmony Hill School, Inc. Tu ition Non-Pub Harmony Hill $ 4,125.00 7/1/2021 01*587622

Harmony Hill School, Inc. Total $ 4,125.00 44525 Keystone Information Systems Technical Serv Agr Financial $ 1,294.00 7/1/2021 01*587623

44525 Keystone Information Systems Technical Serv Agr Financial $ 8,050.00 7/1/2021 01*587623

44525 Keystone Information Systems Technical Serv Agr Financial $ 6,789.00 7/1/2021 01*587623

44525 Keystone Information Systems Technical Serv Agr Financial $ 2,826.00 7/1/2021 01*587623

44525 Keystone Information Systems Technical Serv Agr Financial $ 5,820.00 7/1/2021 01*587623

44525 Keystone Information Systems Technica l Serv Agr Financial $ 1,940.00 7/1/2021 01*587623

44525 Keystone Information Systems Technica l Serv Agr Financial $ 2,500.00 7/1/2021 01*587623

44525 Keystone Information Systems Technica l Serv Agr Financial $ 3,242.00 7/1/2021 01*587623

44525 Keystone Information Systems Technica l Serv Agr Financial $ 1,210.00 7/1/2021 01*587623

44525 Keystone Information Systems Technical Serv Agr Financial $ 1,080.00 7/1/2021 01*587623

44525 Keystone Information Systems Technical Serv Agr Financial $ 1,037.00 7/1/2021 01*587623

44525 Keystone Information Systems Technical Serv Agr Financial $ 3,677.00 7/1/2021 01*587623

44525 Keystone Information Systems Technical Serv Agr Financial $ 1,267.00 7/1/2021 01*587623

44525 Keystone Information Systems Technical Serv Agr Financia l $ 2,472.00 7/1/2021 01*587623

Keystone Information Systems Total $ 43,204.00




















LiveSchool Other Techn ical Services RTI CDP CALA

LiveSchool Other Techn ica l Services RTI ALP CALA

LiveSchool Total

Plan Administration, Ltd Group Term Life-Imputed FICA

Plan Administration, Ltd Group Term Life-Imputed FICA

Plan Administration, Ltd Total

Pow erschool Group LLC Technical Serv Business

Powerschool Group LLC Total

Ralco Electric Maint/Repairs Electrical HS

Ralco Electric Maint/Repairs Electrical Maint Bldg

Ralco Electric Maint/Repairs Electrical Tech Bldg

Ralco Electric Maint/Repairs Electrical CTC

Ralco Electric Maint/Repairs Electrical MS

Ralco Electric Ma int/Repairs Electrical Ash

Ralco Electric Maint/Repairs Electrical Ash

Ralco Elect ric Maint/Repairs Electrical Ric

Ralco Electric Total

RIASC Prof Organization Fees Sch Cmt


RISSA Prof Organization Fees Supt/ Asst Supt

RISSA Prof Organization Fees Supt/Asst Supt


Savvas Learning Company LLC eTextbooks Social Studies HS

Savvas Learning Company LLC eTextbooks Social Studies HS

Savvas Learning Company LLC Total

Wells Fargo Vendor Financial Services, LLC Rental ofTechnology Hardware 1:1 HS

Wells Fargo Vendor Financial Services, LLC Tot: I

Grand Total

Yellow = Per bid, quote, contract, IEP, 504

Green = Emergency

$ 1,089.00 7/1/2021 01*587624

$ 1,089.00 7/1/2021 01*587624

$ 2,178.00

$ 848.24 7/1/2021 01*587626

$ 2,945 .60 7/1/2021 01*587627

$ 3,793.84

$ 6,710.64 7/1/2021 01*587628

$ 6,710.64

$ 575.00 7/1/2021 01*587631

$ 287.50 7/1/2021 01*587631

$ 287.50 7/1/2021 01*587631

$ 925.00 7/1/2021 01*587631

$ 750.00 7/1/2021 01*587631

$ 400.00 7/1/2021 01*587631

$ 400.00 7/1/2021 01*587631

$ 575.00 7/1/2021 01*587631

$ 4,200.00

$ 7,426.00 7/1/2021 01*587629

$ 7,426.00

$ 1,550.00 7/1/2021 01*587630

$ 470.00 7/1/2021 01*587630

$ 2,020.00

$ 20,468.00 7/1/2021 01*587625

$ 8,767.00 7/1/2021 01*587625

$ 29,235.00

$ 59,380.07 7/1/2021 01*587618

$ 59,380.07


LINDA D. LYALL School Committee Chairperson

Chariho Regional School District Office of the Director of Administration & Finance

455A Switch Road Wood River Junction, Rhode Island 02894

All Kids. All of the Time. x 1 \-\E SUpl:.

0 ,9/,,Jt o«-- ~

$ 't 0 {fl

EDWARD DRAPER Director of Administration & Finance

GAIL E. WILCOX GINA M. PICARD Superintendent of Schools JUL 08 2021 ~ Asst. Director of Administration & Finance




Gina Picard

Ned Draper

July 7, 202 1

Subject: Domestic Hot Water (DHW) tank replacement at Chariho High School (CHS)

The CHS DHW tank has reached the end of useful life. A review of the equipment conditions was conducted with the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) emergency housing aid request process this spring. The Richmond Building Inspector noted this equipment in our authority having jurisdiction (AHJ) repo1t to RIDE. Subsequent to the inspection Colliers was consulted to review bid packages, discuss equipment and specification options and assist with pre-bid info1mation. The bidding of project 22-01 was conducted through the BidNet service and 9 vendors have downloaded the bid package, 2 vendors have bid, and the recommended award is to Summit Heating Service Inc. for a not to exceed p1ice of $72,500.

I propose funding the Upgrade Domestic Hot Water System now with funds presently assigned ( acct# 31020000-05 l O l-422- l 0-2500-57202-0000-00) so that work can be done this summer.

I am requesting your pe1mission to hire Summit Heating vendor for a not to exceed p1ice of $72,500. Funding is within the cun-ent budget amount of $ 105,000.

Thank you.

The Chaiiho Regional School Dist1ict does not disc1iminate on the basis of age, sex, ma1ital status, race, religion, genetic infonnation, national 01igin, color, political affi liation, veteran starus, sexual 01ientation, gender identity or expression, or disabi lity in accordance with applicable law.

Telephone: (401) 364-3260 Fax: (401) 415-6076 Voice/TDD: (401) 364-1171

IE/f l su'1~1, ~ Smith. tnnavatlon hos n name.

Power Flame Burners

Fac-to,y AuthorlHd Oealor



A.O. Smith Water Heaters


P.O. BOX 588, COVENTRY, RI 02816 TEL. # (401) 392-0421 • (401) 245-7001 • FAX # (401) 397-6090


Proposal submitted to: Chariho School Department Date: 7 /8/21

Street: 455A Switch Road Attention: " Sully"

Telephone: 401-364-1152 Email: [email protected]. us

Oty, State, Zip Code: Wood River Junction, RI 02894 RE: High School Storage tank Estimate for Proposed Specifications listed below:

Proposal is based upon normal working hours Monday through Friday 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM.

1) * After Removal of tank is completed, Summit shall: . 2) Supply and install four new Lochinvar AWN285 water heaters. 3) Supply and install four new Lochinvar RJA200 storage tanks. 4) Supply and install all necessary piping induding approximately 200' to LP tank. S) Supply and install new mixing valve (;) Supply and install necessary venting for new boiler 7) Connect all wiring and controls to new boilers. 8) Notify customer of any hidden defects 9) Summit Heating to engage both State and local permit

All Materials and Labor to be furnished complete as stated above for the ESTIMATED sum of $72,500.00

Terms: Net 10.

Our work is guaranteed. Our workmen are fully bonded and insured including Workers Compensation. Any alterations or deviations from above estimate involving added cost will become an extra charge in addition to this estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond or control. Equipment remains the property of Summit Heating Serv· e, Inc. until payment is received in full. Any overdue amounts will accrue interest at the rate of 18% APR. Customer agrees to pay for all cos.ts · d expenses inclu ng anom y fees incurred in the collection of any amounts due under this contract.

.,_,_,,,_."'-"', .... ............ ...... .... ... Subject to withdrawal if not accepted within ..•• ~ ... days

i Halpin II - President

We accept the above estimate and authorize you to proceed with the work as specified

Date .................................................................... ................ .

Signature ........................... , ........................................................ . , ...... .

Signature ............................................................................................ .

Please Sign and Return one Copy - Keep a Copy for Your Records.


VI. Bid and Contract Form:

Chariho High School

Removal and Replacement of Hot Water Tank and Distribution System


Whereas, the CHARIHO Regional School District has duly asked for bids for the supply of goods and/or services in accordance with the aforementioned specifications;

The person or entity below does irrevocably offer to perform the services and/or furnish the goods in accordance with the specifications which are hereby incorporated by reference hi exchange for the bid price below;

The offer shall remain open and irrevocable until the CHARIHO REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT shall transform the bid into a contract.

A fixed not to exceed price of: $_'1_· ~£-=-_5_· ~C()-=-•-0_0 __________ is hereby submitted.

Company Name &mm,~ \\-e.tfum ~\\u \RC.. Company Street Address ~.D. Tux_ 5~.ib City C..D\\a~ State, Zip \2.. \ CY2%:'llt

Bidder's Signature .l l4 Printed Name 5>A'N\eb ¼A\~\~ n: Title ~(e,s\cten.::1t

Date '7 · '7 ·'2 \ Phone Number ~D\· 2::9\'1·0LV2.. I

Fax Number L\D\-~f),~C Email s.u.rn 1n i.\:.\r\.wili nG @

'1 eY\ t-Dn . \"'\bt

, '.(.1.,)i' l . -ml-I·~ Chariho Regional School District

Office of the Director of Administration & Finance

LINDA D. LYALL School Committee Chairperson

GINA M. PICARD Superintendent of Schools

To: Gina Picard

From: Ned Draper

Date: July 7, 2021

455A Switch Road Wood River Junction, Rhode Island 02894

All Kids. All of the Time. x ir\E SUp/2

v«; O '9~ EDWARD DRAPER ,F" ~ Director of Administration & Finance a {;

JLJi fl"\ GAILE. WILCOX l. 0 8 ZOZ1 ~sst. Director of Administration & Finance

Subject: Ashaway Elementary School lag boiler replacement

The lag boiler at the Ashaway Elementa1y school has reached the end of useful life. A review of the equipment conditions was conducted with the district boiler maintenance vendor, Summit Heating this winter and again this spring as part of the Rhode Island Depa11ment of Education (RIDE) emergency housing aid request process. The Richmond Building Inspector noted this equipment in our authority havingju1isdiction (AHJ) repo1i to RIDE. Subsequent to the inspection Colliers was consulted to review bid packages, discuss equipment and specification options and assist with pre-bid inf01mation. The bidding of project 22-02 was conducted through the BidNet service and 11 vendors have downloaded the bid package, 1 vendor has bid, and the recommended award is to Summit Heating Inc. for a not to exceed price of $62,596.

I propose funding the Ashaway lag boiler replacement now with funds presently assigned to Ashaway Allocation for Newer and Fewer Design (acct# 31030000-03105-422-I0-2500-57202-0000-00) so that work can be done this summer with the understanding that we will submit other work in the distiict to be covered by ESSER II funds. Once the ESSER II funds are approved and available we will move the expense to ESSER funding and restore the funds to the 01iginal account(s).

I am requesting your permission to hire Summit Heating vendor for a not to exceed price of $62,596 and fund this work as noted above.

Thank you.

The Chariho Regional School Dist1ict does not disc1iminate on the basis ofage, sex, marital status, race, religion, genetic infonnation, national 01igin, color, political affiliation, veteran status, sexual 01ientation, gender identity or expression, or disability in accordance with applicable law.

Telephone: (401) 364-3260 Fax: (401) 415-6076 VoicerTDD: (401) 364-1 171

a;r Power Flame

Burners F~ofory AulloQrtM~ tluat<>r


"' IIDHHr comuanv




~Smith. lnnovutlon hns a 110100,

A,o, Smith Wat~r lleaters


P.O. BOX 588, COVENTRY, RI 028'16 TEL. 11 (401) 392•0421 ° (401) 245-700_1 _~ FA)(# (401)'397-6090

:Tanuary 18, 2021 To: Amy Heywood-Balicki

Chal'iho Regional Schools 455A Switch Road Wood River Junction, RI 02894 RE: Ashaway Elementary School

Dear Amy,

In looking through our maintenance records for Ashaway Elementary School we have found the following information: Boiler #1 Smith 28A 9-section steam boiler, this boiler is at the end of its life cycle. Most cast iron boilers are good for approximately 20 - 30 years. This boiler was manufactured in 1992; this information can be found in the serial number#: 089259251, the second two numbers of the serial number are the year that the unit was manufactured, this boiler and bw-ner combination was installed at the same time. Boiler #2 Smith 28A 9-section steam boiler was replaced in 2011; this unit is in good condition. Both Power Flame C2-G-20 burners are 29 years old but they are in good condition.


VI. Bid and Contract Form:

Ashaway Elementary School

Boiler Replacement


Whereas, the CHARIHO Regional School District has duly asked for bids for the supply of goods and/or services in accordance with the aforementioned specifications;

The person or entity below does irrevocably offer to perform the services and/or furnish the goods in accordance with the specifications which are hereby incorporated by reference in exchange for the bid price below;

The offer shall remain open and irrevocable until the CHAR!HO REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT shall transform the bid into a contract.

A fixed not to exceed price of: $ _ _,l..,Q..,_,,2.~,-=Q,,,,,,,,,'--'_,,_l ._o.,_· _,_. _

0_0 _______ ~ is hereby submitted.

Company Name s umm,t. \\e.0\\;0~ ~\QE \~c_. Company Street Address "Y. D .-rt:1::,y.._ 5"m City ~~~-en\rur State, Zip \2_,\,02~\Lo

Bidder's Signature u V

~~~ Printed Name ~~es \\~\Q1f'I TI Title

Date ~-'7-'L \ Phone Number ~\ <'.~~::\12 • 042 I Fax Number \\.D\ -~'1- lLf5:\D Email 5.>.f\\'\'(\\~. ffi (2

·,__\ E','( \ l.,C)r\ . '{\ e__,,

, ·EJM·3 Chariho Regional School District

Office of the Director of Administration & Finance

LINDA D. LYALL School Committee Chairperson

GINA M. PICARD Superintendent of Schools

To: Gina Picard

From: Ned Draper

Date: July 7, 2021

455A Switch Road Wood River Junction, Rhode Island 02894

All Kids. All of the Tigµr. THE su~<!. ~~ :,si~ ~ :,,.

0 ~ EDWARD DRAPER JU[ o Director of Administration & Finance

O {J 101/ ~ GAILE. WILCOX Asst. Director of Administration & Finance

Subject: CTC Marine Building HV AC system

There is heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HY AC) system work that needs to be done on the Marine Building to meet updated ventilation requirements due to Covid response conditions. Estimate from December attached, a revised estimate is anticipated within the next two weeks. As has been the case for many orders Covid supply chain impact may affect final cost. The plan for this work is to hire RI MP A (MP A# 136) vendor Automatic Temperature Controls in lieu of bidding the project.

I propose funding the Ma1ine Building HY AC system now with funds presently assigned to Upgrade Culinaiy Kitchen and CTE Program Support ( acct# 31020000-05107-422-30-2500-57202-0000-00) so that work can be done this summer with the understanding that we will submit the work to be covered by ESSER II funds. Once the ESSER II funds are approved and available we will move the expense to ESSER funding and restore the account fully.

I am requesting your permission to hire the MPA vendor ATC for an estimated price of $49,750 and begin the work that needs to done to the HV AC System in the Marine Building and fund this work as noted above.

Thank you.

The Chaiiho Regional School District does not discriminate on the basis o f age, sex, maiital status, race, religion, genetic infonnation, national 01igin, color, political affiliation, veteran status, sexual 01ientation, gender identity or expression, or disability in accordance with applicable law.

Telephone: (401) 364-3260 Fax: (401) 415-6076 Voice/TDD: (401) 364-1171

December 9, 2020

Mr. Jason Sullivan ®TOMATIC Director of Buildings and Grounds Chariho School District TEMPERATURE CONTROLS INC. 455D Switch Road Wood River Junction RI 02894

Subject: Proposal, Rev. 00 IAQ Bi-Polar Ionization Et Ductwork Installation Marine Technology Building

Dear Jason:

This proposal is for the fabrication and installation of soundproofed ductwork on each existing Mediator Air Cleaner and installation of a Bi-Polar Ionization Generator into the Supply Air ductwork for each of Mediator Air Cleaners.

Price The proposed project's turn-key installation price is ...

Scope of Work 1. Permits

Forty-Nine Thousand, Seven Hundred, Fifty Dollars and No Cents $49,750.00.

a. ATC will apply for and secure the necessary local jurisdiction's permits allowing the Work to commence. All local permits will be posted on-site for the duration of the installation work.

b. ATC will coordinate and attend local jurisdiction's inspector's Final Inspection and acquire Final Inspection Approval permit/sign-off, where required by inspector.

2. Demolition Et Relocation a. Disconnect and make-safe/LOTO the 2 x existing Mediator Air Cleaners power supplies. b. Unfasten existing hangers, threaded rods, etc. and re-locate so as both Mediators are

in the center of the room and in parallel with each other. c. Supply and install the necessary Explosion Proof EMT, fittings, etc. to the 2 x Mediators

in their new location. 3. Fabricate, Supply Et Install

a. Supply and fabricate the following 24 Gauge, galvanized, sheetmetal ductwork for the 2 x existing Mediator Air Cleaners.

i. Supply Air Main Trunk with 2 x Branches and 2 x Supply Diffusers. ii. Supply Air ductwork fitted with soundproofing material to reduce vibration and

fan noises. iii. The necessary Supply Air ductwork vibration isolation hangers, fittings,

connectors, mastic sealer, etc. for a complete ductwork system. iv. Return Air Main Trunk with 3 x Branches and 3 x Supply Diffusers. v. Return Air ductwork fitted with soundproofing material to reduce vibration and

fan noises. vi. The necessary Return Air ductwork vibration isolation hangers, fittings,

connectors, mastic sealer, etc. for a complete ductwork system. b. Supply and install soundproofing material on exterior of both Mediator Air Cleaners. c. Supply and install 2 x Air Pre-Filters (MERV·B) and 2 x Bag Air Filters (MERV-14).

Automatic Temperature Controls, Inc. Page 1 of 3

CSD - Marine Technology Building Bi-Polar Ionization Generator B: Ductwork Project

4. Supply ft Install a. Supply and install 2 x Bi-Polar Ionization Generators ...

i. OEM: iWave/Nu-Calgon; ii. MIN: iWave-C;

iii. Generation: -11.3 Trillion Ions/Cubic Foot-Ion Generator; iv. Application: Ductwork; and v. Power: 24VAC and/or 110-240VAC/1PH/60Hz/12VA.

b. Supply and install the necessary EMT, hangers, fittings, conductors, On/Off switches, etc. for a complete installation.

c. Supply and install 2 x On/Off Service Switches. d. Use On-Board, Automatic Cleaning Cycle Control with User selectable Time Between

Cleaning Cycle Durations of 1,5, 10 or 20 Days. 5. Check-Out ft Start-Up Services

a. Check-Out services will be performed by an ATC Service Technician. i. Check-Out services consist of an ATC Service Technician working to ensure all

individual devices are correctly located, installed, wired and tested prior to Start-Up.

b. Start-Up services will be performed by an ATC Service Technician. i. Start-Up services consist of an ATC Service Technician working to ensure the

HVAC Equipment is properly started-up and correctly operating. Schedule The preliminary schedule for the abovementioned project is presented as a "best efforts" estimate below. The below schedules include start-to-finish durations and only roughly consider tasks performed in parallel.

• Permits • HVAC Equipment Order ft Delivery • Installation, Check-Out ft Start-Up • Project Manual. Punchlist ft Close-Out • Project's Estimated Duration

1 x Week 2 x Weeks 2 x Weeks 1 x Day 5 x Weeks

After learning about the HVAC Equipment order and receiving a definitive delivery date, ATC's Project Manager will meet on-site to discuss, coordinate and select a formal installation date and review the Work's chronology.

Warranty This project's warranty is as follows ...

• ATC Parts ft Labor: • OEM Parts ft Labor:


Limited 1-Year from date of First Commercial Benefit. Limited 3-Year from date of First Commercial Benefit.

One (1) invoice will be submitted upon completion of the Work. Invoice payments are due 30 calendar days after submittal. Late payments will be assessed a 1.5% fee per month, equal to an annual percentage of 18.0%.

Project Specific Items 1. We anticipate there is adequate power supply and available, constant power electric circuit

within 20 Feet of the Ion Generators.

Automatic Temperature Controls, Inc. Page 2 of 3

CSD • Marine Technology Building Bi-Polar Ionization Generator It Ductwork Project

2. We anticipate the systems ATC's Work covers and/or interfaces with are free of any and all code, safety and/or health violations. If ATC's installers or technicians identify one or more violations, we will report to Customer within a day for Customer to correct. ATC reserves the right to submit for reasonable costs impacting this proposal's Scope of Work, Schedule and/or Price.

3. We do not anticipate repairing poorly operating, inoperable and/or failed control devices, major equipment and/ or other system components.

4. We anticipate all Work will be performed during normal working days and hours (i.e., Monday­Friday, 6:00 AM-5:00 PM, excluding Holidays). ATC reserves the right to revise this proposal's Scope of Work, Schedule and/or Price if Customer's days and hours differ.

5. We anticipate the affected HVAC equipment and/or systems will be shut-down during normal working hours. Shut-downs will be only for the time needed by ATC's installers and technicians to complete their tasks.

6. All on-site Work will be performed by properly licensed electricians, pipe-fitters, plumbers, refrigeration, controls, service, etc. installers and technicians.

7. Local jurisdiction and site/building specific permits such as, but not limited to Hot Work permits and/or the associated Police/Fire Watch Details are not included in this proposal.

8. We anticipate any and all State and Federal project related permits and associated requirements will be waived.

9. We anticipate any and all local, State and Federal permit fees will be waived. 10. We anticipate any and all bid, payment and performance, etc. bond requirements and costs

will be waived. 11. We anticipate any and alt incremental insurance costs requirements beyond ATC's standard

policies will require a revised proposal reflecting those increased costs. 12. We anticipate the Work site will be non-union. 13. We anticipate all on-site Work will be at the appropriate Prevailing Wages as of this proposal's

date. 14. We anticipate this project will be exempt from Rhode Island's Sales 8: Use Tax. 15. Alt on-site Work requires continuous, free-and-clear access (by Customer) to the work areas

for the full duration of the Work. 16. We anticipate Customer will perform all necessary tasks related to hazardous materials visual

identification, testing, abatement services and all the related costs prior to ATC's installers and technicians commencing the on-site Work. In the event hazardous materials are suspected/identified after on-site Work commences and/or the Work ceases due to hazardous materials being present in the Work areas, ATC reserves the right to submit for reasonable costs impacting this proposal's Scope of Work, Schedule and/or Price.

17. We adhere to ATC's safety and general work policies and procedures. If Customer has specific and/or mandatory safety or general work training prior to starting on-site work, we reserve the right to revise our proposal, if it significantly impacts the proposed project's labor needs, duration or schedule.

18. Proposal only covers abovementioned items and not absentee items. 19. Proposal valid for 15 Days from above-shown date.


Fred McKiernan Project Manager

cc: 5. Lussier (ATC), S. Mazzie (ATC), K. Barry (ATC), J. Churas (ATC)

Automatic Temperature Controls, Inc. Page 3 of 3

From: Jennifer Lyrin <[email protected]>

Date: Saturday, June 26, 2021 at 12:41 PM

To: Gina Picard <[email protected]>

Subject: July Update

Good Afternoon Mrs. Picard,

I hope you're enjoying the weekend and not actually reading this email until Monday morning! I'm communicating with you because I'm hoping there's still room in the July Update for a "Thank you to Julia Beasley for donating table centerpieces for the Senior Prom",