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Submitted as partial fulfillment of the requirement to obtain strata one degree English

Education Degree in English Language Education

by :

Rabiyatul Hadawiyah

Reg. No: 2313152






Bacalah dengan menyebut nama Tuhanmu

Dia telah menciptakan manusia dari segumpal darah Bacalah, dan Tuhanmulah yang maha


Yang mengajar manusia dengan pena,

Dia mengajarkan manusia apa yang tidak diketahuinya (QS: Al-’Alaq 1-5)

Maka nikmat Tuhanmu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan ? (QS: Ar-Rahman 13)

Niscaya Allah akan mengangkat (derajat) orang-orang yang beriman diantaramu dan orang-

orang yang diberi ilmu beberapa derajat

(QS : Al-Mujadilah 11)

Ya Allah, Waktu yang sudah kujalani dengan jalan hidup yang sudah menjadi

takdirku, sedih, bahagia, dan bertemu orang-orang yang memberiku sejuta pengalaman bagiku, yang telah memberi warna-

warni kehidupanku. Kubersujud dihadapan Mu, Engaku berikan aku kesempatan untuk bisa sampai

Di penghujung awal perjuanganku Segala Puji bagi Mu ya Allah,


Sujud syukurku kusembahkan kepadamu Tuhan yang Maha

Agung nan Maha Tinggi nan Maha Adil nan Maha

Penyayang, atas takdirmu telah kau jadikan aku manusia yang

senantiasa berpikir, berilmu, beriman dan bersabar dalam menjalani

kehidupan ini. Semoga keberhasilan ini menjadi satu langkah awal

bagiku untuk meraih cita-cita besarku.

Lantunan Al-fatihah beriring Shalawat dalam silahku

merintih, menadahkan doa dalam syukur yang tiada

terkira, terima kasihku untukmu. Kupersembahkan sebuah

karya kecil ini untuk Ayahanda dan Ibundaku tercinta, yang

tiada pernah hentinya selama ini memberiku semangat, doa,

dorongan, nasehat dan kasih sayang serta pengorbanan yang

tak tergantikan hingga aku selalu kuat menjalani setiap

rintangan yang ada didepanku.,, Ayah,.. Ibu...terimalah bukti

kecil ini sebagai kado keseriusanku untuk membalas semua

pengorbananmu.. Dalam hidupmu demi hidupku kalian ikhlas

mengorbankan segala perasaan tanpa kenal lelah, dalam

lapar berjuang separuh nyawa hingga segalanya.. Maafkan

anakmu Ayah,,, Ibu,, masih saja ananda menyusahkanmu..

Dalam silah di lima waktu mulai fajar terbit hingga

terbenam.. seraya tangaku menadah”.. ya Allah ya Rahman ya

Rahim... Terimakasih telah kau tempatkan aku diantara kedua

malaikatmu yang setiap waktu ikhlas

menjagaku,, mendidikku,,membimbingku dengan baik,, ya

Allah berikanlah balasan setimpal syurga firdaus untuk

mereka dan jauhkanlah mereka nanti dari panasnya sengat

hawa api nerakamu.. Untukmu Ayah (Syahril Syamsuddin),,,Ibu (Wisda)...Terimakasih....

we always loving you... ( ttd.Anakmu)

Dalam setiap langkahku aku berusaha mewujudkan harapan-

harapan yang kalian impikan didiriku, meski belum semua itu kuraih’ insyallah atas dukungan doa dan restu semua mimpi itu kan terjawab di masa penuh kehangatan nanti. Untuk itu kupersembahkan ungkapan terimakasihku kepada:

Kepada kedua Abangku (Nailul Fauzi dan Khasiful Asrar) yang

senantiasa mengantar jemputku dalam setiap perkuliahan walau

terkadang harus cekcok dulu sebelum mengantar ku, ingin ku

sampaikan ”Bro, Adekmu yang paling cerewet ini bisa wisuda juga

kan..[(^,^)> Makasih yaa buat segala dukungan doa dan khususnya makasih

buat keluarga yang sangat aku cintai, tante ku yang sering gantiin aku kerja (

Tante Fatimah ), seluruh keluarga tempat aku bekerja (Permata Bunda), berkat

jasa semuanya aku bisa bekerja sambil kuliah dengan izin yang tiada henti dari

Kepala Sekolah ( Bapak Denni Syaf Amal ) serta guru terutama ( Kak Detria

Olgarani, Murjiatul afiat,) rekan kerja yang selalu memotivasi, dan juga Patner

kerja sekaligus ayah kedua bagiku yang setiap hari bersamaku berkeliling

dengan bus sekolah ( Opunk )

... i love you all” :* ...

"Hidupku terlalu berat untuk mengandalkan diri sendiri tanpa melibatkan bantuan Tuhan dan orang lain.

"Tak ada tempat terbaik untuk berkeluh kesah selain bersama sahabat-sahabat terbaik”..

Terimakasih kuucapkan Kepada Sahabat Eksekutif Class PBI NR,

meski kita hanya 7 orang, kita adalah yang terbaik. Jangan lupa (

Kenangan Sindra yang berkali kali kita menangkan , yang tak akan

pernah terlupakan) saat Elvi jadi cinderella ( Why you pick my shoe -

__-), Adri jadi Pelayan ( Insert to gooogglleee ), saat aziz jadi

Pangeran ( sory aziz, by lupo scene aziz apo, hahahah ), saat fadil

jadi ayah pangeran ( Scene saat bg fadiil sama pupu,,rose) dan pupu

saat jadi Rose ( Jackkkkkkk), liska saat jadi moderator ( ngotot jadi

moderator lucu padahal garing,,hahaha peace ka) , dan saat saya

sendiri menjadi bawang merah, hei friend jangan lupakan wajah

cingik saya ya,,hehehehe

“Tanpamu teman aku tak pernah berarti,,tanpamu

teman aku bukan siapa-siapa yang takkan jadi apa-

apa”, buat saudara sekaligus sahabatku juga dari KKG

(sd), The Hawaiy ( SMP) , AIVABICIKATATE ( SMK)

dan Friends Eksekutif class, hei kawan kini giliran kita

untuk terbang tinggi mengejar apa yang kalian dan aku

impikan dan yang pernah kita rangkai.

Buat teman yang lainnya tetap semangat sobat,, aku

yakin dan sangat yakin kalian semua bissa !! jangan

cepat menyerah apapun yang terjadi, tetap melangkah

meski itu sulit’. Letakkan bayangan toga didepan alis

mata, target 5cm itu pasti kalian raih !!,

Kalian semua bukan hanya menjadi teman dan adik yang baik,

kalian adalah saudara bagiku!!

Untuk ribuan tujuan yang harus dicapai, untuk jutaan impian yang akan

dikejar, untuk sebuah pengharapan, agar hidup jauh lebih bermakna,

hidup tanpa mimpi ibarat arus sungai. Mengalir tanpa tujuan. Teruslah

belajar, berusaha, dan berdoa untuk menggapainya.

Jatuh berdiri lagi. Kalah mencoba lagi. Gagal Bangkit lagi.

Never give up! Sampai Allah SWT berkata “waktunya pulang”

Hanya sebuah karya kecil dan untaian kata-kata ini yang dapat

kupersembahkan kepada kalian semua,, Terimakasih beribu

terimakasih kuucapkan..

Atas segala kekhilafan salah dan kekuranganku,

kurendahkan hati serta diri menjabat tangan meminta beribu-ribu kata

maaf tercurah.

Skripsi ini kupersembahkan. -by” RABIYATUL HADAWIYAH (Atun) .


Alhamduillah, in the name of Allah SWT, the most Gracious and the most

Merciful, who always gives healt and all of things to the writer in accomplishing

this thesis. Shalawat and salam to the most horable prophet Muhammad as

messenger and his followers who has opened our mind to study until now.

The researcher would like to express the deepest gratitude to the people

who give their contribution and helps to the researcher in conducting this thesis:

1. Dr. Ridha Ahida, M.hum as the resctor of IAIN Bukittinggi and also her

first, second and third assistant

2. Dr. H. Nunu Burhanuddin, Lc, M.Ag as the dean of Tarbiyah Faculty

IAIN Bukittinggi

3. Dr. Veni Roza, S,S, M.Pd as the head of English Education Department

who has registrated my thesis tittle and to finish my thesis

4. Dr. Melyann Melani , M.Pd as the first advisors for their care, time,

attention, guidance, valuable advices, suggestion crities and patience in

accomplishing this thesis, their suggestions ad contributions are highly


5. Dr. Genta Sakti, M.A as the second advisor who already guided and

adviced patiency during the process of arrangement this thesis as good as

possible. So did who always receive me, understood me in any situation

and always give me the chances when I lost my hope in thesis

6. Veni Roza, SS, M.Pd and Febri Sri Artika, SS,M.pd as contributors in

thesis for their guidance and valuable suggestion

7. The Libarariants of IAIN Bukittinggi who hace sincerely helped and

allowed the writer in collecting the references

8. All of lecturers in English Department of Education and Teacher Training

Faculty for valuable knowledge, and guidance during the years of my


9. Denny Syaf Ammal, MA as the Headmaster of SLB Autisma Permata

Bukittinggi and the teachers, especially Ms. Detria Olgarani S.Pd, Mrs.

Murjiatul Afiat, S.Pd, and Ms Fatimah, S.Pd for all the time, the

information about the teaching learning process of English

10. All of my family members who always give to me their love, prayer,

support, and contribution. So, I could finish conducting this thesis.

11. All of my best friend called Executive Class who always to be my spirit.

Finally, the writer hopes this thesis can give some values to the students of

English Department and English teacher and the reader. The writer admits that

this thesis is not perfect, so that the writer will accept suggestions from the readers

in order to make it better

Bukittinggi, September 2017


Rabiyatul Hadawiyah


ABSTRACT ............................................................................................... i

LIST OF CONTENTS ................................................................................ ii

LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................. iii

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .............................................................. 1

A. Backround of the problem......................................................... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ..................................................... 6

C. Limitation of the problem ......................................................... 7

D. Formulation of the problem ...................................................... 8

E. Purpose of the research ............................................................. 8

F. Signifance of the research ......................................................... 8

G. Definition of the key terms ....................................................... 9

CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ....................... 10

A. Review of RelatedTheories ...................................................... 10

1. Vocabulary ........................................................................... 10

2. Hearing Impairment .............................................................. 20

3. Media in Classroom Learning Process .................................. 25

B. Review of Related Studies ........................................................ 34

C. Conceptual Framework ............................................................. 36

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHOD .................................................. 37

A. Design Of The Research ........................................................... 37

B. Research Setting and Participant ............................................... 42

C. Research Procedure................................................................... 43

D. Technique of data collection ..................................................... 45

E. Instrumentation ......................................................................... 46

F. Technique of Data Analysis ....................................................... 46

G. Indicator of Achievement ......................................................... 48

H. Collaborator.............................................................................. 49

I. Research Procedure .................................................................... 47

CHAPTER IV: FINDING AND DISCUSSION......................................... 51

A. Finding ..................................................................................... 51

1. The analysis of Pre cycle ...................................................... 51

2. The implementation of power point media ............................ 53

3. Cycle 1 ................................................................................. 53

4. Cycle 2 ................................................................................. 60

B. Discussion ................................................................................ 65

CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION ................................................................. 69

A. Conclusion ............................................................................... 69

B. Suggestion ................................................................................ 70

REFERENCES ........................................................................................... iv

APPENDICES ............................................................................................. v


List of Appendices

1. Students’ name list

2. Observation checklist

3. Lesson plan cycle 1

4. Lesson plan cycle 2

5. Students score in cycle 1test

6. Students score in cycle 2 test

7. Observation checklist cycle 1

8. Observation checklist cycle 2

9. Test instrument cycle 1

10. Test instrument cycle 2

11. Documentation



A Backround of The Problem

In this modern era, English is very important in almost every aspect

of human’s life. Using English can help people to interact, converse, to

other people because English is an international language. Frath says

“English has become the international language of science and technology,

commerce and diplomacy, tourism and travel and English is now the first

source for information in most languages.”1 It is possible to everyone to

communicate with other people around the world if someone has an ability

to use English .

Since English has important role as global communication and the

transfer of science and technology, Indonesian government has included

English in the education curriculum at every level of education. English

should be learned by all students, not only by normal students, but also by

students with special needs. It is based on UUD 1945 pasal 12: Tiap-tiap

warga negara berhak mendapatkan pengajaran (Every citizen has the same

right to have education). That statement indicates that every citizen

including students with special need has the same right in receiving


1 Pieree Frath. Should the world rely on English as a lingua franca? (France: Universite de

Reims Champagne-Srdenne,2010).p.3

According to Wah, six types of disabilities of the students with

Special Education Needs, they are students with: visual impairment, hearing

impairment, intellectual disability (significant limitations in cognitive

function), cerebral palsy (disorders of movement and posture), attention

deficit hyperactivity disorder (less ability to control themselves in the

society), and multiple disabilities (have two or more impairments).2

From all of disabilities mentioned by Wah, the researcher took

interest to the students with hearing impairment. According to Hallahan and

Kauffan in Marlina , hearing impairment is a generic term indicating a

hearing disability which may range in severity from mild to profound, it

includes the subsets of deaf and hard of hearing3. So, the hearing

impairment is a disability category which is same with the category of

deafness but this is not same. The deafness have a hearing loss above 90db

and the hearing impairment have a hearing loss below 90db.

Hearing impairment sometime uses sign language and written notes

to communicate. Sign language started from finger spelling then word by

word. It is difficult to be understood by common people but easier to

understand by only the community itself or the person who teach them. For

written notes, not only hearing community can understand but also the

common people easier to understad what they talking about. It means

2Sum C Wah, “ Psycho Educational assessment & placement of student of students with

special education needs”,(Singapore: Ministry of Education, 2011) p.24 3 Marlina, “ Asesmen Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Pendekatan

Psikoedukasional”,(Padang:UNPPress, 2015), p. 13

hearing impairment will use sign language for their community and written

notes for the others.

Hearing impairment will be understand what the people said when

they pay attention the movement lips of the speaker or commonly known as

lipreading. With lipreading, a hearing impairment can interpret about half of

what is said and enough to guess most of the content.

Learning English is one of the challenge for the students with

special education need especially hearing impairment student. Because they

have a limited sound and language, they only have two skills in English;

reading and writing. To master read and write, they must have some

vocabulary before. Vocabulary is one of crucial aspects to support those

skills. As stated by Richards and Renandya vocabulary is a core component

of language proficiency and provides much of the basis of how well learners

speak, listen, and write.4 The vocabulary mastery will affect someone’s

ability in using the language either in spoken or written form

Based on the preobservation that the researcher did at seventh grade

of SLB Autisma Permata Bunda, the students still learned the basic of

English. It means, learning English more focuses to vocabulary. So many

vocabulary that has been learned by the students for example name of the

days, name of the month, part of body,etc.

4 Jack C Richard, Willy, “Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current

Practice”, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002), p. 255

In this case, the reseacher found that the students were still difficult

to master English . The problem can be proved through their English score

in under below:

Students’ English Examination for Student with hearing impairment

at seventh grade of SLB Autisma Permata Bunda Bukittinggi

No Student Name English Score Comment

1 Dina Syafitra 60

2 Dini Syafitri 60

3 Fallen Ramadhan 55

4 Rasyid 50

5 Riri Dwi Margareta P 50

6 Salsabila Nanda P 70

7 Syifa Maharani 65

Total Score 410

Average 58,6

Based on the table, the researcher can describe the result of English

examination in class VII HI, the highest score is 70, the lowest score is 50

and total average of students score is 58,6. On the other hand, the limitation

of English mark is 65 while total average of students mark is 58,6. It means,

most of students have not enough on the limitation of English mark


The problems caused many factors. Once, there were still a lot of

words that the students do not know the meaning . They asked a lot of

words’ meaning during the teaching learning process. One of the problems

was that they were having difficulties in understanding the instructions they

found in the text book or tasks they were doing .

Another problem also found during the activities in classes. They

were not enthusiastic while doing task in the teaching learning process

because they have difficulties in understanding what they read . Then, most

students also did wrong interpretation of meaning of words in the sentences.

They rarely realized that meaning changes based on context surrounding it.

They also frequently miss-spell words when they were writing.

Next problem is indicated have low motivation to learn English.

During the learning process, teacher only uses textbook then write on the

whiteboard. Then the students are requested to take note of each vocabulary

into their notes. So learning tend to be passive and monotonous. This cause

the students uninterested in learning English and make their achievement

fall below the standard

Based on the problem above, the researcher tried to use media that

can provide the motivating and the opportunity for students in learning

english vocabulary . There are many interesting media that can be used in

teaching vocabulary include pictures, cards, slide or power point. In this

research, the researcher more interested to use power point in teaching

vocabulary for hearing impairment.

Power point is a presentation software program that is part of the

Microsoft Office package. Radanov states in Cecilia Gracia that PowerPoint

is fun to watch and fun to make. This software program allows users to

manipulate images, texts, color, sound and video. Besides, teachers can

create their own presentations and use them again and again, and they are

very useful in large classrooms. Therefore, as teachers become more

familiar with PowerPoint more advantages can be found, especially to teach


According with the explanation above, the researcher intends to

conduct a classroom action research entitled: "Improving Vocabulary

Mastery by Using Power Point for Hearing impairment Student Class

VII at SLB Autisma Permata Bunda Bukittinggi".

B Identification of the Problem

Based on backround of the problem above, the researcher can be

identified some problems:

5As quoted in Cecila Gracia, “the effectiveness of using power point for teaching

vocabulary to increase the vocabulary knowledge for the reading skill among the student of the intermediate intensive English I of semester II, 2011 at the foreign language Department in the University of El Salvador”.(University of El Salvador School of Art and Sciences Foreign Language Department: Published Thesis, 2011). P. 4

1. The students’ ability in acquiring meaning of words is considered low. The

students’ knowledge about words is limited to knowing their forms and


2. In the teaching and learning process the teacher rarely uses media or

interesting activities. She also tends to depend on the textbook provided

from the school. Interesting learning activities like games also rarely

implemented. Those situations contribute to the students’ attitude toward

the lesson

3. The teaching and learning is teacher-centered and monotonous. This

situation is reflected in the activities which mostly are dominated by

teacher’s explanation. Moreover, the activities are dominated by

answering questions from the teacher or doing assignment from the text

book and LKS.

C Limitation of the problem

To make this research more focus, the researcher limits this research

in media of teaching vocabulary that can be used in the classroom. In this

case, the reseacher focuses on the improving vocabulary mastery for hearing

impairment student by using power point at seventh grade of SLB Autisma

Permata Bunda Bukittinggi at 2016/2017 academic year. The sums of the

students are 7 and the material is limited to Public places.

D Formulation of the problem

Based on the limitation of the problem above, the researcher

formulates the problem as following: What extent does power point improve

students vocabulary mastery for hearing impairment students of the seventh

grade at SLB Autisma Permata Bunda Bukittinggi?

E Purpose of the research

Related to the problem above, the objective of this research

identifying to what extent does power point improve students vocabulary

mastery for hearing impairment student of the seventh grade at SLB

Autisma Permata Bunda Bukittinggi.

F Signifance of the research

In this research, there were two kinds of significance. There were

theoretically and practically significance. The first is theoretical

significance is for the next researcher and the second for the teacher.

1. For next reseacher

This research result can be references for the next researcher in the

future and this research can be expaded by conducting other researchers

on other variables.

2. For the Teacher

The researcher expects that the result of this research can give

contribution for the teachers in developing and revising their technique

in teaching vocabulary in special educational needs. The teacher can

use power point in teaching vocabulary for hearing impairment. So the

teacher can manage clasroom activities effectively.

G Definition of the key terms

There are some key terms of this study, as follows:

1. Vocabulary Mastery

Vocabulary mastery is the students ability to understand the meaning of

words by using the context and to use effectively words to express their

ideas in communication

2. Hearing Impairment

A hearing disability which may range in severity from mild to profound

;it includes the subsets of deaf and hard of hearing

3. PowerPoint

Powerpoint is a powerful presentation software developed by Microsoft

which allows the user to create slides with recordings, narrations,

transitions and other features in order to present information.



A Review of Related Theories

1. Vocabulary

a. Definition of Vocabulary

In the past, vocabulary teaching and learning were often

given little priority in second language programs, but recently

there has been a renewed interest in the nature of vocabulary and

its role in learning and teaching. 6 There are many definition of

vocabulary proposed by some expert. It is very important for one

to know what vocabulary is before discussing vocabulary


Vocabulary is one of the language subs kills. Words are

sign or symbol for ideas. The more words are learn, the more

ideas he or she should have so that she or he can communicate the

ideas effectively.7

While, according to Hatch and Brown the term vocabulary

refers to a list or set of words for particular language or a list of

6 Richards and Renandya,” Methodology in Language Teaching”,(Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 2002), p. 255 7 Napa, PA, “Vocabulary Development Skills”, (Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 1991), p.6

words that individual speakers of language use.8 The choice in

vocabulary selection and methods used in teaching vocabulary are

important factors. It needs the process of learning in context to get

the meaning of words as stated by Allen French. 9

Vocabulary also expressess what people are going to say,

starting with simple definition according to Linse “she says that,

vocabulary is the collection words that an individual knows”. 10

From the definition above, it can be concluded that

vocabulary is the total numbers of words, a list or set of words in

a particular language that a person knows or uses. All of the

statement about vocabulary is important in learning English.

b. Kinds of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is a large basic component of language.

Learning classification of English means that we learn the part of

speech in the first step of grammar study. By learning the part of

speech, we understand of the function of the word, and know how

to use the word into sentences for making a good and meaningful

communication. The fact is most of students are not able to

communicate grammatically correct because they don’t use and

8 Hatch, Evelyn and Cherly Brown, “Vocabulary, Semantics and Language Education”,

(New York:Cambridge University Press,1992), p.1 9 Allen F, Virginia,” Technique in Teaching Vocabulary”, (Oxford: Oxford University Press,

1983), p. 4 10 Linse, T. Caroline & David Nunan, “Practical English Language Teaching Young

Learners”,(New York: McGraw Hill, 2006),p.121

function of each part of speech. Therefore, the first important step

is we have learned part of speech if we want to communicate


According to Harmer, when considering sentence structure

the teacher needs to know the various things one of them is part

of speech.11

1) Noun

Noun is defined as a group of words that is the names

of person, place, thing, activity or quality or idea. Noun can

be used as a subject or object of a verb. These examples of

nouns: (Ricardo, office, shoes, etc). There are types of noun:

a) Countable Noun

Countable Noun can usually be made plural by the

addition of-s. For example: door, chairs

b) Uncountable Noun

Uncountable Noun is a noun which does not have a plural

form and this refers to something that could not count

c) Proper Noun

11 Jeremy Harmer, “How to teach English”,(Addison Wesley Longman Limited,2001), p.


Proper noun is a noun that wrote with capital letter, since

the noun represents the personal name, names of

geographical units such as countries, cities, rivers, etc. the

name of nationalities and religions, names of holydays,

names of time units and words use for personification

d) Common Noun

Common noun is a noun referring to a person, place of

thing in general sense: usually we should write it with

capital letter when it begins a sentence.

e) Concrete Noun

Concrete noun refers to objects and substances, including

people and animals, physical items that we can perceive

through our senses, that means concrete nouns can be

touched, felt, held, something visible, smelt, taste, or be


f) Abstrac Noun

Abstract noun is a noun which names anything which

can’t perceive through physical sense

g) Collective Noun

Collective noun is noun which describes groups,

organizations, animals or person.

h) Noun Plural

Most of nouns change their form to indicate number by

adding –sl –es

2) Verb

It is defined as a group of word which is used to three

kind of verb, they are auxiliary verb (shall, be, etc), main

verb is the verb that carries the meaning (sit, arrive, eat, etc),

and phrasal verb is the verb that is formed by adding adverb

or preposition to a verb to create a new meaning (traffic light,

sit down, go on, etc).

3) Adjective

It is defined as a word which describes or gives more

information about noun or pronoun. Adjective describe nouns

in term of such qualities and size, color, number and kind.

The adjective is commonly used in the first time. These

examples of adjective: (good, young, sad, happy, etc)

4) Pronoun

It is defined as a group of word that is used in place of

a noun or noun phrase. We use pronoun very often, so that

we don’t have keep on presenting it. The examples of

pronoun: (they, her, him, it, etc)

5) Adverb

It is usually defined as a word that gives more

explanation about verbs, an adjectives, and adverbs in the

term of such qualities as time, frequency and manner. These

examples of adverb: (slowly, quickly, hardly, etc)

6) Conjunction

It is defined as a word that connects words, phases,

clauses or sentences. The examples: (moreover, therefore,

but, so, etc).

7) Preposition

It is often defined as a word that shows the way in

which other words are connected. The relationship includes

direction, place, time, manner and amount. For examples: (in,

at, on, etc.) in the class, on the floor, at school

8) Determiner

It is the word such as, a, an, the. An article word is

usually used before noun or noun phrase

Beside that, Dole classifies vocabulary into three major

categories; first, definitional which student learns a phrase or

synonym that defnes a word. Second, contextual which student

reads one or more sentence provided by the teacher that

specifically illustrate the meaning of a word. The last is

conceptual which students learn how the meaning of the word fits

with related words or concepts.12

Then, Nation in Mehring classifies vocabulary into high

frequency and low frequency words. High frequency words occur

so regularly in daily conversation that if students understand these

words, they are able to write and speak in comprhensible English.

Low frequency words are words that deal more with academic

studies, words that appear throughout all academic texts and

courses, but not very often in day speech, such as formulate,

index and modify.13

From the explanation above, the researcher got

understanding that every expert in every books is different in

12 Janice Dole, “Theory and Practice in Vocabulary Learning and Instruction”,( Honolulu:

Hawai University of Utah, 1988),p.5 13 JeffG Mehring, “Developing Vocabulary in Second Language Acquasition”, (from

theories to the Clasroom, 2005),p. 2

classifying the kind of vocabulary, because every person has

different prepective in showing and telling their opion and ideas.

Some of them who emphasize vocabulary to the items which the

learner can use appropriately in speaking or writing and to the

language items that can be recognized and understood in the

context of reading and listening and some of them classify

vocabulary that they have made are different, but the point is the

same, because their classfication are based on the different side

and aspects.

In this research, the researcher used the kind of vocabulary

based on Harmer , That is about noun especially proper noun


c. The importance of Vocabulary Mastery

As an English teacher, we believe that in learning English

as a second language the learners should mastery the base

component of English such as sound system, the basic structural

pattern and a limited number of vocabulary items. Mastery

vocabulary is must be in our life both in interacting and learning.

Without vocabulary we cannot express our idea, it is a tool in our

mind to think and solve the problem. More words you have in

your mind give you more ways to think and solve the problem.

We realized that vocabulary is the most importance think in our

life for communication.

Pikulski and Templetion states that one reason teachers are

concerned about teaching vocabulary is to facilitate the

comprehension of a test which students will be assigned to read14


If students do not know the meaning of many of the words which

they wtill encounter in a text, their comprehension of that

selection is likely to be compromised. When the purpose of the

vocabulary instruction is to facilitate the comprehension of the

selection, it is obvious that this instruction must take place as an

introduction before the reading of the selection.

Vocabulary is not a developmental skill or one that can ever

be seen as fully mastered. The expansion and elaboration of

vocabularies is something that extends across a lifetime .15


of teaching program has a major aims as a process for helping the

students to gain more vocabulary of useful word. As a teacher, we

have to introduce the new words or vocabulary and the students

need to do some practice by relating a word to another words or

making in a sentence. Vocabulary is exactly important in

mastering English, because many vocabularies which are

14 Pilkulski and Templetion, “Teaching and Developing Vocabulary”, Key to long- term

Reading success, (Hougton Milfian Company: USA, 2004),p. 5 15 Hibert et.all,” Teaching and Learning Vocabulary:Bringing Research to Practice”,(

Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publisher: London, 2005),p. 2

mastered, it means more ideas they can express or many ideas of

people. So the students will realize that a word can show many

meanings and many words have one meaning. If students has

know about that, they will try to make a sentence in other form

and try to look for a new word which the meaning almost same or


From those statements above, we know as clear that

vocabulary is really needed especially for student in learning a

foreign language because it helps them to know how to express

and understand others idea as well. Students with poor mastery of

vocabulary cannot communicate in target language well;

consequently they will not be able to infer any ideas transmitted

to them. In learning English vocabulary as one of the aspects of

foreign language component is deemed to the big problem. If

learners have sufficient stock of vocabulary, they will not be able

to graphs any expression to them.

2. Hearing Impairment

a. Defination of hearing impairment

Wah states “Hearing impairment is defined as a

diminished ability to detect, recognize, discriminate, perceive,

and/or comprehend auditory information.”16

According Halahan and Kauffman in Marlina, hearing

impairment is a genericc term indicating a hearing disability which

may range in severity from mild to profound; it includes the

subsets of deaf and hard of hearing.17

From the definition above, it can be concluded that hearing

impairment is a disability category is similar to the category of

deafness but it is not the same. A hearing loss above 90 decibels is

generally considered deafness, which means that a hearing loss

below 90 decibels is classified as a hearing impairment.

b. Type of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss may be classified into three categories as

conductive hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss, and mixed

hearing loss. Conductive hearing loss may result from some cases

in the outer ear to the middle ear. Seinsorineural hearing loss, arises

in the inner ear and the beyond. Mixed hearing loss arises through

16Sum C Wah. Psycho Educational assessment & placement of student of students with

special education needs..................p. 24 17 Marlina, “ Asesmen Anak Berkebutuhan.............................................................., p. 13

some abnormalities affecting both the conductive and sensorineural


Level of hearing loss are commonly referred to as mild,

moderate, severe or profound, depending on how intense a sound

has to be before one can hear it. According Edja Sadjaah in Marlina

, Hearing loss by range of sounds one can hear is defined as:

1) Mild hearing loss (20-30 db)

People who suffer from mild hearing loss have some

difficulties keeping up with conversations, especially in noisy


2) Moderate hearing loss (30-40 db)

People who suffer from moderate hearing loss have difficulity

keeping up with conversation when not using a hearing aid

3) Moderately severe hearing loss ( 40-60 db )

People who suffer from moderately severy hearing loss have

difficulity keeping up with conversation when not using a

hearing aid and they can learn conversation through oral


1) Severe hearing loss (60-70 db)

People who suffer from severe hearing loss will benefit form

powerful hearing aids, but often they rely heavily on lip

reading even when they are using hearing aids. Some also use

sign language.

2) Profound hearing loss (deaf)

On average, the most quite sounds heard by people with their

better ear are firn 90 db or more. People who suffer from

profound hearing loss are vey hard of hearing and rely mostly

on lip readng and sign language.

In this research, the researcher found that the students still

difficult to hear even though they are using hearing aids. And they

prefer use lipreading or sign language when they are talking. Based

on the characteristics above, this students included to severe

hearing loss.

c. Teaching approaches for hearing impairment

Three teaching approaches for students with hearing

impairment which as follows:

1) Oral-aural approach.

It is an approach which uses speech, remaining hearing

ability, lip-reading, and groping for a spontaneous conversation or an

education system where teaching and learning activities are

conducted by using spoken and written language. The approach

discourages gesture and sign language and stresses instead in the use

of any residual hearing the individual may have, supplemented by lip

reading and speech training.

2) Sign language

Sign language can be defined as a language by using hands,

face expressions and arms as the means of communication with

hearing impaired children. Because the children with hearing

impairment are not possible or have difficulty to acquire the

language by using sense of hearing, so the visuals symbols are

needed. There are different forms of sign language, for example:

british sign language and American Sign Language.

3) Total Communicative Approach

Total communication approach combines signing and

gestures with oral methods to help students with hearing

impairment comprehend and express ideas and also opinions to

others. A combination of oral and manual training at an early age

appears to develop optimum communicative ability.

In this school, the teacher used Total Communicative

approach. But for some reason, the teacher did not determine

what approach was used to hearing impairment . The teacher only

use the approach that suitable with needs of the students.

d. Education for Students with Hearing Impairment

In Indonesia, education for deaf children begins in 1930 at

London, which is an educational institution for children with

hearing impairment, founded by Miss. Roelfsma Wesselink, an

ENT (THT) doctor's wife. Then in 1938, a school for deaf children

is also established at Wonoso by the Charity brocdor which

cooperate with the school for deaf children in the Netherlands.

1) Special Education in Segregation Form

Educational system in segregation form is educational system

which is separated from educational system of ordinary students. It

is organized in special way and parted with ordinary educational

system. For example: students with hearing impairment gain

education service in special education department such as at SLB


2) Special Education in Integration Form

Integration system is an education system that gives

chance for students with hearing education to have education

along with normal students in the same school and in the same


The number of the students with Special Education Needs

in one class is no more than 10% and there is only one type of

disability in one class. It is with reason to keep the burden of the

teacher, and to make the teacher more concentrate with one

disability in one class (not so many different disabilities in one

class). To help the students with hearing impairment, there are

special guidance teachers (Guru Pembimbing Khusus/GPK)

which act as consultant for the teachers and the students.

e. The Aim of Education for Students with Special Needs

The aims of education for students with special educational

needs are set out by the National Council for Curriculum and

Assessment in the overview to the NCCA (Draft) Guidelines for

Teachers of Students with General Learning Disabilities, which

states that the broad aims of education for students with special

educational needs reflect those that are relevant to all students and


a) Enabling the student to live a full life and to realise his or her full

potential as a unique individual through access to an appropriate

broad and balanced curriculum

b) Enabling the student to function as independently as possible in

society through the provision of such educational supports as are

necessary to realise that potential

c) Enabling the student to continue learning in adult life. (National

Council for Curriculum and Assessment, 2002, p. 2).18

3. Media in Classroom Learning Process

a. Defination of Media

Media are needed to reach the objectives of the teaching-

learning process. In the teaching-learning process, media play has

an important role. Harmer states that as a language teacher, the

teacher should use a variety of teaching aids to explain language

meaning and construction and engage students in a topic or as the

18 Eamon Stack, Inclusion of Students With Special Education Needs Post-Primary

Guidelines.(Dublin: The Stationery Office, Dublin. 2007). P.17

basis of a whole activity. 19

It means that teachers should use

various media or teaching aids in giving the material to the


On the other hand, Lever-Duffy and McDonald state that

media are technologies that are used to facilitate the teachers.20

From the definitions above, it can be concluded that media

are tools, materials, or events that establish conditions used by a

teacher to facilitate the instruction, acquire knowledge, skill and

attitudes, and engage the learners in a topic or as the basis of a

whole activity.

b. Advantages of Media in the Teaching-Learning Process

Sudjana and Rivai mention the rationales of the use of media

in teaching-learning process as follows:21

1) The teaching-learning process will be more interesting so

that it can improve the students’ motivation.

2) The materials will be understood easily by the students, since

the media will enable them to master the teaching objectives


3) The teaching methods will be various so the students will not

get bored during teaching-learning processes

19 Jeremy Harmer, “The Practice of English Language Teaching..........................p. 134 20 Lever Duffy.dkk,” Teaching and Learning with Technology. (Third Edition).”( New York:

Pearson Education Inc. 2009)p. 61 21 Nan And Ahmad Rifa’i, “ Media Pengajaran”.( Bandung: Sinar Baru Algesindo. 2009)p.2

According to Brinton, media helps teachers to motivate

students by bringing a slice of real life into the classroom and by

presenting language in its more communicative context. 22


addition, she summarizes the rationales for using media in the

language classroom as follows:

1) Media can be an important motivator for students in the

language teachinglearning process.

2) By using audiovisual media the students can create a

contextualized situation within which language items are

presented and practiced. It is because the audiovisual media

provides the students with content, meaning, and guidance.

3) Media can provide some authentic materials so students can

relate directly between the language classroom and outside


In conclusion, the use of media in the teaching-learning

process is useful for both of the teachers and the students. For the

teachers, they can avoid monotonous teaching-learning process

because they have variation in teaching. So, the teaching-learning

process will be more interesting. Meanwhile for the students,

media can stimulate the students’ motivation and interest.

22 Donna M Brinton.” The use of Media in Language Teaching in Marianne Celce-Murcia

(Eds). Teaching English as a Second or Foreign language (Third Ed)”.( Boston, MA.: Heinle&Heinle.2001)p. 461

Therefore, they will be more active in the classroom. Moreover,

the students can understand the materials easily.

c. Kind of Media in Teaching and Learning Process

The students will be more active because they do not only

listen to the teacher’s explanation but they also do other activities,

such as observation, demonstration, etc. Using media in the

classroom is very important because teachers can improve the

quality of teaching-learning process. Moreover, the students can

comprehend the lesson easily.

There are three types of media that can be used in the

teaching-learning process. They are:

(1) audio (tape, radio, compact disc, etc)

(2) visual (pictures, poster OHP, etc)

(3) audio visual (television, video, VCD, computer, etc).

Teachers may use one of them for an activity, or they may

use more than one media for an activity. For example, to teach the

listening, the teacher may use tape or radio, to teach vocabulary,

the teacher may use picture or a computer. Thus, in this case the

teacher use a computer with power point program to teach

vocabulary for hearing impairment students.

d. The use of Microsoft Power Point in teaching and learning


One of the example media is a computer. Computer have

many program which is one of them are Microsoft Office. It is

consist of Microsoft word, excel, power point, etc

Microsoft PowerPoint is a computer program produced by

Microsoft Office used to make the public become interested in the

presentation. The user of Microsoft PowerPoint can create a

presentation with beautiful design to attract the public attention

because Microsoft PowerPoint has many funny applications like

clip art, animation and sound that can attract public attention.

Microsoft PowerPoint is used to create or design a

presentation to the public interest. Teacher can use Microsoft

PowerPoint as a teaching media to attract students’ attention to the

learning process. If the students are interested to the lesson, the

teaching learning process will be successful. The students will be

very enthusiastic to learn and then the students’ competence in

mastering English vocabulary is improved through the use of

Microsoft PowerPoint as a teaching media.

For most of EFL (ESL) students, the traditional way to

learn vocabulary is by memorizing words through the use of

different classroom techniques from different sources. However,

using multimedia tools can help students improve the results of

word memorizing. As expressed by Nouri & Shahid in Cecillia

Books “PowerPoint presentations arouse student’s imagery system,

which become more activated when information is presented.”

23This could contribute to comprehension and improve short and

long-term memory. Also Pack in Cecilia concluded that “ when the

mixture of pictures and text are presented together, the information

retention is improved”. As mentioned earlier, the amout of

vocabulary has an important effect on language students not only

to read consistently but alos to communicate.

In this context, PowerPoint presentations in teaching

vocabulary supply other tools such as video, picture and sound, and

it can be used for both visual and auditory channels. Also

researchers have found that this kind of tools “creates more

favorable conditions and facilitates the vocabulary learning” as

explained by Assadi & Mozafari in Cecillia Book.24

So, Powerpoint presentations provide a great benefit by

giving them the opportunity to recall or memorize vocabulary



As quoted in Cecila Gracia, “the effectiveness of using power point for teaching vocabulary to increase the vocabulary knowledge for the reading skill among the student of the intermediate intensive English I of semester II, 2011 at the foreign language Department in the University of El Salvador”.(University of El Salvador School of Art and Sciences Foreign Language Department: Published Thesis, 2011). P. 22

24 As quoted in Cecila Gracia, “the effectiveness of using power point for teaching vocabulary to increase the vocabulary knowledge for the reading skill among the student of the intermediate intensive English I of semester II, 2011 at the foreign language Department in the University of El Salvador”..................................................,p.22

1) The Advantages of Using Microsoft PowerPoint

PowerPoint presentations provide advantages for

teachers. This software allows users to create from basic slide

shows to complex presentations. In fact, PowerPoint

presentations will transform a routine lesson into a lively, even

memorable session.

Besides, the presentations are comprised of slides, which

may contain animated text, pictures or images, sound effects

and animated transitions which add extra appeal to the

presentation. This multimedia tool is being used by English

language educators for initial teaching, for reviews, to

summarize topics, and for games. Moreover, the presentations

can be used for practice and drillings.

PowerPoint is also fun to watch and fun to make. It has a

spelling-check function, something that the white or black

boards do not have. Additionally, most of PowerPoint

presentations can be created from a template. A template

includes a background color or image, a standard font (possible

to change) and a choice of several slide layouts.

PowerPoint presentation tools plus the creativity of

language teachers can provide important advantages in order to

teach vocabulary and improve the reading skill of the students

Added to the advantages mentioned above, there are

other important advantages related to PowerPoint

presentations. Schcolmik and Kol indicated in Cecillia Book

that “PowerPoint gives opportunities to teachers and learners

experience a world of real language.”25

So, the use of

PowerPoint in classroom creates a different atmosphere

d. How to use Microsoft Office PowerPoint

The invention of powerpoint by Gaskins has saved

presenters hours of painstakingly handcrafting dispalys, and

created a professional and easy way to relay information. The

following are steps on how to create a basic powerpoint

presentation as followes:26

1) Launch the powerpoint program.

2) Choosing a design.

3) Create title page.

4) Add more slides.

5) Add charts, pictures, graphs, etc

6) Add trantsition

7) Changing the order

8) Play the presentation

25, “How to create a powerpoint presentation”en-us. 5

september 2017. 26Tim EMS, “ Tip dan trik animasi power point”, (Jakarta: Kompas Gramedia, 2012), p. 5

According to Triwahyuni and Khadir, Here are the steps of

usage in presenting the prepared material in teaching vocabulary:


1) First click start, select all programs and then click power point


2) Once the power point application is open, then select the file

and type the name of the material file that has been created.

3) The material file is already open, then click on the slide show


4) Materials can be displayed, to run the slide individually

according to the material to be aired.

5) Press the down arrow or right arrow key to go to the next slide.

6) Press the up arrow button or to go to the previous slide.

Based on Triwahyuni and Khadi states above, the

researcher use of power point media in the mastery of English

vocabulary that researchers modify for the hearing impairment

student needs:

1) Before using a power point application the first thing is to

provide a laptop, or a computer

27 Triwahyuningish&Khadir, “Mahir membuat bahan presentasi dengan power point

2010”,(Yogyakarta: CV Andi Offset, 2011), p. 21

2) Then open the power point application by choosing the

prepared file with vocabulary material (nouns) in English for

20 words.

3) Show the power point design that has been prepared, then

display it to the students.

4) The students asked to pay attention to the power point

containing the noun.

5) The researcher explains one at a noun in a single slide

containing a noun consisting of Indonesian language

drawings and English writing, the slide move on each noun

pressing the right-sided arrow key. Or downwards the slides

will move

B Review of Related Studies

In this research, the researcher describes some previous researches

which are relevant to this research. The same idea of using powerpoint as a

media to solve the problem in teaching vocabulary.

1. A thesis by Wika Dwika Putri 1204538 Program special need

education of state university of Padang the title is “ Peningkatan

penguasaan kosakata bahasa Inggris melalui media powerpoint

untuk anak hambatan pendengaran kelas VII SLBYPAC Sumatera

Barat”. The result of this study , it can be concluded that Microsoft

PowerPoint as a teaching media significantly improves the

students’ competence in mastering English vocabulary.

2. A thesis by Aulia Rahman Program special need education of State

University of Padang the title is “Efektif media power point dalam

meningkatakan kosakata Bahasa Inggris bagi siswa tuna rungu

kelas VII di SLB kota Payakumbuh”. The result of this study , it

can be concluded that the use of PowerPoint presentations to teach

vocabulary has helped students of hearing impairment to improve

their vocabulary English.

3. A thesis by Mariatul program special need education of State

University of Padang the title is “ Meningkatkan pengenalan

konsonan bilabial melalui media power point pada kata benda

bahasa inggris bagi anak tuna rungu di SLB Bhayangkari”. The

result of this study , it can be concluded that the use of PowerPoint

media can improve the introduction of bilabial consonants for

hearing impairment student.

C Conceptual Framework

The framework in the classroom action research can be described

as follows:

Preliminary Study

Observing the class

Analysis and Findings

- Analyzing : Analyzing the result of observation

- Finding : The teacher only use textbook then write on the whiteboard

- Causes : - The learning tend to be passive and monotonous

- The students achievement still low


Implementing the plan Observing

Observing Teaching and Learning



1. Analyzing the collecting data

2. Determining criteria of success

Revision of the first



(all of the students got score

high limitation of standar 65)


( all of the students got score

below 65)

Continue to the

next cycle


1. Making lesson plan with the


2. Preparing power point using

different variety

3. Preparing materials and

students worksheet

4. Preparing instrument

5. Setting criteria of success

Procedure of using power point

1. Click star, select all programs and then click power point application

2. After power point application opened,

select file and type the file name of the

material or picture then click slide show

4. We can also use costum animation for

presentation become more interesting

5. Press esc to end the presentation



A Design Of The Research

This research of improving vocabulary mastery of the students of

SMPLB Autisma Permata Bunda Bukittinggi through the use of power

point is an action research. Since it is typically collaborative action

research, the researcher worked together with collaborator that is the

English teacher of students of grade VII . The research members worked

together during the time in conducting the implementation of strategy and

data collection.

The researcher used the form of action research, as stated by

Wallace that is a kind of research which is done systematically in

collecting the data on the lesson an analyzing it in order to come to some

decisions about what the future lesson should be.28

Sukamto said that action research is aimed to improve or increase

the practice learning simultaneously, which is basically looking at the run

of the mission of profession in education done by teachers. Action

research is one of the strategies in improving the service in education that

28 Wallace, Michael J.,” Action Research for Language teacher”,(New York: Cambridge

University Press, 1998),p.8

has to be held in context also in improving the quality of school, program

as a whole in a moveable society. 29

From the definitions above the researcher conclude that action

research is the systematic study of efforts to overcome education problems

for betterment done by the teacher or in collaboration of teachers and


Therefore, the researcher used an action research as an effort to

develop English teaching learning process and to solve the problem faced

by students, especially in learning vocabulary. This study focused on

increasing the Hearing Impairment students vocabulary mastery by using

power point. The result would be taken from measure of students

achievement in vocabulary mastery

There are some characteristics, aims and model of classroom action

research, they are:

1. Characteristics of a classroom action research

Kemmis and Mc. Taggort in Nunans book argue that there are

three defining characteristic of action research30

, they are:

a. It is carried out by practitioners (for our purposes, classroom teachers)

rather than outside researchers.

29 Sukamto, “Metode Peneitian”,(Jakarta:Rineka Cipta,2002),p. 60 30 David, Nunan. “Research Method in Language Learning”, (USA:Cambridge University

Press,1992), p.17

b. It is collaborative, and

c. It is aimed at changing things

2. The aim of action research

There are many possible reasons for conducting a classroom action

research as follow: The teacher wants to know more about his students and

the difficulties in learning process. Teacher wants to learn more about him

as teachers how effective teacher is, how teacher looks to the students,

how teacher looks at himself as if observing her own teaching. Teacher

wants to gauge the interest generated by certain topics, or judge the

effectiveness of certain activities types.31

In other words, it can be said that by doing an action research,

teachers develop their skills in giving the material to the students. They

have challenge to solve the problem that have found in the class. They

have inner motivation to do this research because they aware of their

advantages, their class situation need a spiral treatments and a direct

action. Therefore, this situation creates a good environment among

teachers to do the best thing for the students. With this research, the

teacher will know his or her weakness in teaching their students. They will

know the effective methods in teaching students.

31 Jeremi Harmer, “The Practice of English Language Teaching.....................,p. 345


3. Model of Classroom Action Research

There are four components in one cycle for doing classroom action

research. It consists of planning (identify the problems), acting (collect the

data), observing (analyze and interpret data), and the last is reflecting

(develop an action). The four phases of the classroom action cycle were

conducted integrated like spiral. Each phase was concluded based on the

previous one and the next. It means that the activities in the classroom

action research were based on planning, action, and observation, then, the

researcher could make a reflection to determine the next cycle. In this

study, the researcher using power point to increase the hearing impairment

students especially in vocabulary mastery.

All these aspects are made a cycle, as stated by Kemmis and Mc

Taggart in Arikuntos book:32

Figure 3.1 Action Research Cycle

32 Arikunto, Suharsimi,, “Penelitian Tindakan Kelas,”(Jakarta: PT.Bumi Aksara,



Planning Observing


In this research, the researcher planned to conduct two cycles of

classroom action research. There are four steps process in each cycle for

doing classroom action research. All those steps can be explained as


1. Planning

In this step, planning is an action by focusing on who, what, when,

where, and how the action would be done.

2. Acting

In this step, the teaching method would be applied in teaching

learning process.

3. Observing

In this phase, the researcher observed and took notes during

teaching learning process

4. Reflecting

Reflecting means to analyze the result based on the data that have

been collected to determine the next action in the next cycle. In this

phase, the researcher could observe whether the acting activity had

resulted any progress, what progress happened, and also about the

positives and negatives. Result from observation then being reflected

together by teacher and researcher, this includes analysis and

evaluation toward observation result

33 Arikunto, Suharsimi,, “Penelitian Tindakan Kelas,”..................................p. 75-80

A cyclical process involving stages of action research is followed by

action. It can be illustrated below:34


Cycle I

Cycle II


Figure 3.2 Cyclical Process of Action Research

B Research Setting and Participant

This research conducted at SLB Autisma Permata Bunda

Bukittinggi. It is located at Jln.H Burhan Birugo ABTB Bukittinggi . The

34 Arikunto, Suharsimi,, “Penelitian Tindakan Kelas,”..................................p.74

set of the


New problem

from reflection


If the problem

yet finished

Planning I

Reflection I

Planning II

Reflection II

Action I


Data Collection


Action II


Data Collection


participants of this research was the students of seven grade of SLB

(Hearing Impairment student) in academic year 2016/2017, which was

focused on vocabulary mastery

C Research Procedure

This research consist of three steps; that was pre cycle, first cycle,

second cycle, enough or next cycle. The researcher collaborated with the

English teacher who was teaching in seven class. In this research the

teacher as a researcher and the researcher as a observer. The activities that

will be done in each cycle as follow:

1. Pre-Cycle

The researcher prepared schedule of research before doing in

action. And the schedule adjusted with english subject schedule that

has exsvisted. The researcher can change the plans when it is

necessary. Therefore, in this research, the researcher conducted basic

cycle and then if the target has been not achieved, the researcher

conducted the second cycle after revise the planed (amended plan).

2. Cycle I

Researcher prepared the research instrument such as lesson

plan, prepare the media powe point, observation checklist, material.

As acting, the researcher opened the teaching and learning

process by greeting, asked students condition and checked the

attedance. Here, the researcher gave ten vocabularies about public

places name use power point. The students asked to remember ten

vocabularies.. The researcher asked the students to complete the

sentence and do the task.

In this cycle, the researcher also did the observation of

learning process by using phone. After having the first treatment, the

researcher took an assessment. The assessment was conducted to

measure the increase of students vocabulary mastery after the first

treatment. In the last step, researcher analyzed and evaluated the

actions that have been done in the cycle. Researcher and teacher

analyzed and discussed the result of the observation. It was continue

then to make reflection which one was should be maintained and

which one was should be repaired in the next cycle.

3. Cycle II

The second cycle was done based on the result of reflection

from the first cycle. If the result from observation is still low, so it is

needed another action in order the next cycle makes some

improvement of the quality. In preparation stage, researcher prepared

for the research instrument such as lesson plan, present list, some

materials, teaching aid, observation checklist, and evaluation test. In

acting, the researcher did the appropriate treatment to solve the

problem that was faced by the students in the previous test


D Technique of data collection

Data was the most important sources for the researcher to solve the

mastery of a problem. There are many methods of obtaining data such as:

test, observation, and documentation. To obtain data from study field, the

researcher collect the data by explained the method as follow :

1. Test

Test is an instrument or procedure designed to elicit perfomance

from learners with the purpose of measuring their attainment of

specified criteria.

The researcher used an achievement test to measure the student’s

progress in vocabulary. The formed of tests was match, rrange

word.and draw. The researcher gave 10 qustions than the students

match and arrange become an English vocabulary.

2. Observation

Observation used to monitor the teacher and students activities

during the teaching learning process. The Researcher observed the

situation in class during lesson, response and attitude of students when

they give explanation, doing task, and to know their difficulties. To be

more objective, the researcher asked the collaborator to help researcher

in this research.

E Instrumentation

Reseach instrument is a device used by reseacher while collecting

data so make her work becomes easier and to get better result, complete

and systematic in order to make the data easy to be processed.

An intrument could be in form of questionare, observation list, test,

etc. In this study, the researcher will use observation cheklist,

documentation and test.

1. Observation Check List

In arranging check list observation, the research list some teacher’

activities in teaching vocabulary by using power point and the

response during teaching learning process.

2. Test

In this research, the researcher used an achievement test to measure

the student’s vocabulary mastery. The reseacher used match and

arrange of word by using picture in power point to assess student’s

vocabulary mastery.

F Technique of Data Analysis

The aim of this study was to find out whether power point increase

the hearing impairment students vocabulary mastery or not. The tests in

every cycle will be analyze with anylzing observation checklistThe steps

of data analysis were:

1. Analyzing Observation Checklist

Researcher used observation checklist during the teaching and

learning process in preliminary research, cycle I, and cycle II. Then

the result of observation checklist will be analyzed by yes no question.

2. Method of Analyzing Test

a. Measuring the students individual ability

In every cycle, after giving a treatment the researcher gave

task to students. The score of the correct answer is 1 and 0 to each

wrong answer. The result of the test will be analyzed by using

percentage scoring as following formula:

Score = Ʃrigh answer X 100%


b. Measuring The Mean

After calculated the percentage of students score, the

researcher calculated the mean to measure the improvement of

students score in every cycle. The mean is the arithmetical average

which is obtained by adding the sum offset score and dividing the

number of the students.

The following formula is:

x = Ʃf x 100%


x = the mean

f = the sum offset score

n = the number of students

From the result of those formula the researcher analyze the

score of task and the result from observation checklist to find out

the increase of hearing impairment students vocabulary mastery by

using power point.

G Indicator of Achievement

Indicator of achievement is a formula that would be used as a

reference in determining the success or effectiveness of the study. The

following table indicator achievement in an effort to improve the

vocabulary of children hearing impairment:

Table : Indicator of achievement class action research

The result achieved

Rated Aspect Target Information

Teacher activities The teacher apply the

planning of action

reseach in teaching and

learning process taken

place using the

observation sheet

There are 15 aspects

observed from pre until

post teaching.

Mastery of learning


The students master of


Based on the completness

of learning english

vocabulary by power

point with a minimum

score of 65

H Collaborator

The collaborator in this classroom action research is a person who

help the researcher to collected the data. The collaborator in this research

was Mrs. Detria Olgarani as an English teacher who was teaching in SLB

Autisma Permata Bunda Bukittinggi

I Research Schedule

Task Description March June









Doing observation by

observing the teaching

and learning process from

the teacher in the class

Get the documentation (

last score in English test)

Doing first cycle and

giving the test

Doing second cycle and

giving the test

Analyzing the data and

writing the report



A Finding

This chapter describes of several activities develoed as part of

implementation the powerpoint media in improveing vocabulary mastery

for hearing impairment student in the classroom action research. The

objective is to present the research finding which provide evidence

answering problem statement in chapter one. The description of finding

based on the observation checklist and written test.

The researcher presents the result of research and the analysis of

the data collected which are conducted through pre-cycle, cycle one and

cycle two. The result descriptions of all cycles are as follows:

1. The Analysis of Pre-Cycle

The pre-cycle was conducted at the beginning of the

research. The purpose of this meeting was to find out the student’s

problems in English. In this activity, the researcher observed the

situation of the classroom before conducting the study. The finding in

the observation that the hearing impairment students learn the basic of

English. It means they only study focuses in vocabulary. The

Researcher got of English score students with hearing impairment in

the first semester in under below:

Table 1

Students’ English Examination for Student with hearing impairment

at seven grade of SLB Autisma Permata Bunda Bukittinggi

No Student Name English



1 Dina Syafitra 60 Tidak tuntas

2 Dini Syafitri 60 Tidak tuntas

3 Fallen Ramadhan 55 Tidak tuntas

4 Rasyid 50 Tidak tuntas

5 Riri Dwi Margareta P 50 Tidak tuntas

6 Salsabila Nanda P 70 Tuntas

7 Syifa Maharani 65 Tuntas

Total Score 410

Average 58, 6

Based on the table, the researcher can describe the result of

English examination in class VII HI, the high score is 70, the low

score is 50 and total average of students score is 58,6. On the other

hand, the limitation of English mark is 65 while total average of

students mark is 58,6. It mean, most of students have not enough on

the limitation of English mark (KKM)

Next, the researcher also observed the process of teaching

learning in the class. In the teaching and learning process, the teacher

taught 7 students with hearing impairment. Beside, the researcher

found some facts that happened in the classroom during in English

lesson. In teaching learning process, the students were low motivation

to study English because the teacher only use text book in learning

English then write on the whiteboard. So Learning tend to be passive

and monotonous. This cause the students uninterested in learning

English and make their achievement fall below the standard.

2. The implementation of power point media

This research was done by the reseacher on July 2017, to

improve the students’ ability in vocabulary through power point

media. This section covers the actions of research. It was conducted in

II cycles and each cycle consisted of four steps, namely: planning,

action, observation and reflection.

a. Cycle 1

The activity of cycle 1 was conducted on june 15th


Cycle 1 activity was in two meeting. In cylce 1, there are four steps

that were carried out concerning the aims of this research. The steps

were as follows:

1) Planning

In the planning step, the researcher prepared the teaching

learning design, such as, arranging lesson plan which was

according to the teaching learning process which was using power

point media. The researcher prepared power point media that is

appropriate with the material. The researcher also prepared

students’ attendance list, worksheet, the instrument of observation

cheklist, in order to know teacher activity in learning process.

The researcher planned the teaching media that would be

implemented in teaching vocabulary using Power point.

2) Acting

In this research, the teacher as a researcher and the

researcher as an observer . The researcher and the teacher greeted

the students when entered the classroom. .For English subject,

The teacher greeted the students by using Indonesia Language.

Usually for other subject, the teacher using sign language for

greeted but not for English subject. Next, the teacher asked the

student to pray together. For checking students’ attendance,

because there were only seven students on the VII grade of SLB

Autisma Permata Bunda, the teacher was able to see all of the

students who were present on the class without checking them

one by one.

The next activity is the teacher presents the objectives of

learning that day. They are; the student understand the meaning of

each public place, answering and asking a question according to

the material. Then mention the theme to be studied. The teacher

started the learning by displaying the material on the power point

slide using LCD. In the power point there are already some

pictures and vocabulary in Indonesian and English. The teacher

displays the image first. It aims to stimulate students and develop

their backround knowledge. The teacher then asked to the student

what image to display. After the student replied, then the teacher

displays the vocabulary of the image in Indonesian and explain

vocabulary in English. After introducing the vocabulary in

English, then the teacher spelled the letters of each vocabulary to

make it easier for students to remember it as the picture below:

Picture 1

Because what teacher teach is Hearing impairment, teachers

really have to guide one by one students to understand every

vocabulary that has been taught.

At the last, the teacher reviewed all of vocabularies. After

all of the process had finished, the teacher evaluated students by

giving a test.

The last, the teacher gave suggestions to the students to

study hard and also learned the vocabulary and asked students to

say hamdallah together then closed the meeting

The resutl score of the first cycle was gotten from the

achievement test. There were 10 questions

Table 2

The Score of Test at the Cycle I

No Name Score KKM

1 Dina Syafitra 70 Tuntas

2 Dini Syafitri 65 Tuntas

3 Fallen Ramadhan 60 Tidak tuntas

4 Rasyid 50 Tidak tuntas

5 Riri Dwi Margareta P 55 Tidak tuntas

6 Salsabila Nanda P 80 Tuntas

7 Syifa Maharani 75 Tuntas

Total Score 455

Average 65

According to table above, the final score of test was also being

counted using the formula as follows:

M = ƩX = 455 =65

N 65

From the analysis above, it is clear that the average of the

students test result of the first cycle was 65. There is improvement

comparing to the pre-cycle, but the students still had difficulty in

understanding vocabulary. Hence, the researcher decided to

conduct the next cycle and the teacher intended to give better

explanation to them.

3) Observing

In this stage the researcher also observed the learning

process that was helped by the English teacher as the researcher.

The score of observation were as follow:

Table 3




NO Pre-Teaching

1 The teacher greets the students √

2 The teacher asks the students’


3 The teacher introduces the √


to the students.

4 The teacher tells the objectives

of the lesson.


5 The teacher prepare power

point that have some picture

about public places

6 The teacher shows pictures by

using power point

7 The teacher asks the students

to name the pictures.

8 The teacher teach vocabulary

each picture in Indonesia and

English ( Spelling)

9 The teacher checks the

students’ understanding one by


10 The teacher give the test to the

student ( Complete and


11 The teacher monitors the

students during the activities.

12 The teacher provides feedback

to the students’ practice.

13 The teacher corrects the

students’ mistakes.

14 The teacher scores the

students’ performance.


15 The teacher concludes and

summarizes the lesson.

According to the result of the observation above it can be

concluded that more students joined the class more enthusiast

than previous meeting. It meant very good. They enjoyed learning

the material with power point media.

4) Reflecting

In the last step, researcher analyzed and evaluated the

actions that have been done in this cycle. Researcher and teacher

analyzed and discussed the result of the observation. It was

continued then to make reflection which one was should be

maintained and which one was should be repaired in the next

cycle. Based on the activity during cycle 1, the researcher noted

that there were some problems should be solved in the next cycle,

the problems were as follow:

a) Because of the results based on the observation checklist

in the first cycle was not satisfying enough, the teacher

and the researcher discussed about the activity in the next

cycle to solve the problems during teaching process in

understanding vocabulary using power point media.

b) When the activity in progress, need long time for Hearing

Impairment student to master the material. The material

should be repeated more than once. In fact, if the new

material is taught today, students do not remember the

material being taught yesterday. Sometimes, even new

material taught usually forgotten within a few minutes

after the material is taught.

b. Cycle II

The cycle II was done based on the result of cycle I. If the

result from observation tells that the quality was still low, so it was

needed another action in order the next cycle made some improvement

of the quality. The researcher tried to handle the weakness in the first

cycle. Cycle II was done on Thursday, 22 june 2017. The steps that

were done by the researcher in the cycle II were:

1) Planning

In the planning, researcher arranging lesson plan

based on the teaching material, improving the teaching

strategy, preparing the teaching aid, and preparing the sheet of


2) Acting

In acting, the researcher did the appropriate

treatment to solve the problem that was faced by the students

in the previous test (assessment). The procedure of teaching

and learning process in this treatment was the same as the

previous meeting. The main focus of the treatment was to

eliminate students difficulties in the previous meeting. But for

addition the researcher and the teacher started the lesson by

motivating the students and continued with ice breaking to

make students more enjoy to join the class.

In the second cycle, the teacher taught the

vocabulary by connecting it to the content as the picture


Picture 2


jikalau kita


After whole activity had finished, the researcher

assessed students as in first cycle. From the result, researcher

could calculate the mean of the students score. The result of

the evaluation test in cycle II was as follow:

Table 4

The Score of Test at the Cycle II

No Name Score KKM

1 Dina Syafitra 80 Tuntas

2 Dini Syafitri 70 Tuntas

3 Fallen Ramadhan 70 Tuntas

4 Rasyid 70 Tuntas

5 Riri Dwi Margareta P 65 Tuntas

6 Salsabila Nanda P 90 Tuntas

7 Syifa Maharani 85 Tuntas

Total Score 530

Average 75.71

The result of the table students achievement above,

it could be classified that all students was achieved . Based on

analysis of the result in cycle II, it showed that there were

increase from cycle I to cycle II. The result of this cycle was

also considered as implementation. It was better than the

previous one. The average of students test result of this cycle

was 75.7 with the highest score was 90 and the lowest score

was 60. The researcher concluded that the problems have been

solving using power point media for teaching vocabulary and

the learning process is effective to increase their vocabulary


3) Observing

As the previous meeting, in this stage the researcher

also observed the learning process that was helped by the

English teacher when researcher was teaching. The score of

observation were as follow:

Table 5






NO Pre-Teaching

1 The teacher greets the students √

2 The teacher asks the students’


3 The teacher introduces the


to the students.

4 The teacher tells the objectives

of the lesson.


5 The teacher prepare power

point that have some picture

about public places

6 The teacher shows pictures by

using power point

7 The teacher asks the students

to name the pictures.

8 The teacher teach vocabulary

each picture related with other


9 The teacher checks the

students’ understanding one by


10 The teacher give the test to the

student ( draw and write the


11 The teacher monitors the

students during the activities.

12 The teacher provides feedback

to the students’ test

13 The teacher corrects the

students’ mistakes.

14 The teacher scores the

students’ performance.


15 The teacher concludes and

summarizes the lesson.

Based on the result above, in teaching and learning

process, the teacher did all of their plan as good as possible.

The students joined actively response with the teacher

explanation, it can be seen while the teacher was presenting

the lesson they were paying attention enthusiastically.

4) Reflecting

In this cycle, the researcher motivated the students

before gave explanation. The students activity in learning

process was enough maximum they were more interesting and

enthusiastic in the learning process. In this cycle half of

students asked to the researcher about the meaning of difficult


B Discussion

In this sub-chapter, the researcher would like to describe and

discuss the findings of the research. As mentioned in the previous chapter

that in this research, the researcher intended to concern the implemntation

of power point media to improve students’ vocabulary skill.

In addition, power point media can improve student’s vocabulary

skill significantly of student’s at the first grade of SMPLB Autisma

Permata Bunda Bukittinggi. Typically, power point is very interested to be

implemented to improve vocabulary skill. Students have a lot of

oppotunity to understand of vocabulary and have active involvement in

Learning English.

Furthermore, teaching vocabulary through power point can be

enjoyable experience for both teacher and student. In fact, student can

improve their vocabulary after being taught by power point media. It can

be seen by students’ achievement in test each cycle.

In the meantime, the researcher presented the result of research and

the anlysis of the data were collected through pre-cycle, cycle I and cycle


Based on the analysis of the whole meeting, it can be seen that

there were some significant result from preliminary to cycle I and cycle II.

The improvements of students ability in vocabulary mastery can be seen in

the histogram as follow:

The histograms result of students achievement from the pre-cycle

until second cycle










Pre Cycle Cycle I Cycle II


Under achieved

The Explanations:

Pre Cycle = Total of Student Achieved and under achieved in Pre cycle (

achieved = 2 students and under achieved = 5 students)

Cycle 1 = Total of Student Achieved and under achieved in Cycle 1 (

achieved = 4 students and under achieved = 3 students)

Cycle 2 = Total of Student Achieved and under achieved in Cycle 2 (

achieved = 7 students and under achieved = 0 students)

In the preliminary research test, all of the students have been do the

test, and the average result was 58.6 with two students high limitation

(KKM) . In the activity, the teacher still used conventional method. The

students still had difficulties to understanding the vocabulary. It could be

seen from the result of students score and their percentage. Most of them

could not define words because their ability to remember was low.. They

can not understand English material well, although they were taught the

easiest material, they will be quickly forgotten. In the teaching and

learning process, only half students are active and enthusiastic to the

lesson. A half of the student did not give response maximally, they did not

being active by asking to the teacher related to the material. They just kept

silent and did the exercise from the teacher without understand the point of

the material.

In the first cycle, the average result was 65. It was better than the

previous cycle. The teacher began to use Power point media in teaching

learning process. Here, most of students joined the class enthusiastically.

They paid attention to the lesson, although there were some student still

did something else such as running and sleeping. They also do not

remember the material being taught yesterday. Sometimes, even new

material taught usually forgotten within a few minutes after the material is


In the second cycle, the average result was 75.7. It was higher than

previous cycles. It showed that there was some significant improvement in

students’ achievement. There was also improvement from cycle 1 until

cycle 2. Before the lesson began, the teacher asked the students to give

more pay attention to the lesson. She started the lesson by giving more

attention and motivation. The teacher make student relax and would be

enjoyed join the class. The teacher also gave a reward by gave applause to

the students who could answer the question from the teacher. In teaching

learning process, most of the students joined the class enthusiastically. All

activities in this cycle run well. Furthermore, the using of power point as a

learning media is helpful in the process of teaching and learning




A Conclusion

The research conclusion is presented according to the data which have

been analyzed in the previous chapter. From all the data analysis about using

power point media to improve students’ understanding in English vocabulary (a

classroom action research which first grade of SMLB Autisma Permata Bunda in

the academic year of 2016/2017), it can be concluded that the implementation of

using Powerpoint media to improve students’ understanding on teaching

vocabulary could be applied by using many activities such as spelling, give quiz

and completed with interesting picture. So, the students will be enjoying in

learning English. Besides, by analyzing the picture, students can read the content.

According to the data from result of tests and observation which have been

done and analyzed in the previous chapter, it showed indicators that the use of

Power point media to improve students’ understanding on teaching English

vocabulary is effective. It can be seen that using Power point in teaching English

vocabulary is more interesting to the students and more easy. Power point can

reduce students’ feeling of boredom, and stimulate students who have low

motivation; also there is an improvement on student’s score from one cycle to

another cycle.

B Suggestion

The teacher has to be selective in choosing a teaching strategy; an

effective teaching strategy, moreover, as a teacher (Teacher at any level), he or

she has to know what his students (hearing impairment) needs and in what level

they are in. The use of media cannot be separated from the teaching process to

Hearing Impairment Student. The use of power point is very helpful for the

teacher during the process of teaching.Teacher is hoped to be creative to get

students interest in learning process and more create the condition of class be

more fun. Teacher also hoped arrange the teaching and learning process well in

order to make students more active and gives respond well to the material.


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