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Beyond Active: How to Lose ‘Bad’ Fat for Your Body Type

By: Angela Ford-Reimche, M.Sc, Ph.D (cand), CETProfessional Advisor

The Body Types: Men and Women

“Which Type Are You”?

• Everyone has a dominant gland that determines their body shape, metabolism and personality

• How quickly or slowly, efficiently or inefficiently, your body processes food

• Each type requires different types of diets, exercise plan and supplements.

• Area of weaknesses of your metabolism that must be off-set by diet



Is there a relationship between Body Shapes, Types and Hormones?

• Four different body types• Each type corresponds with a certain

gland: Gonadal (ovary), Adrenal, Thyroid, Pituitary.

• Being one particular body type doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with your glands.

Importance of Fat Loss for Weight Loss and

the DifferenceThink Fat Loss, not Weight Loss!



Think Fat Loss, not Weight Loss!

Fat Loss

• Aim for maximum lipolysisis—the biological process of breaking down fat lipids and triglycerides in either the food you eat or that are already stored in your body.

• Mostly occurs in the mitochondria of the muscles.

• Exercise has also been shown to upregulate those lipolytic enzymes and improve mitochondria function, which is why working out helps you shed fat.

Importance of Fat Loss for Weight Loss and

the Difference

Muscle Loss

• Muscle requires constant work to maintain—we all know this. But if your attention is on fixing your diet or upping your cardio. in order to burn fat, that focus is probably coming at the expense of strength training.

• Plus, if you’re more focused on your calorie restriction than working out, you’ll almost assuredly lose muscle tissue weight Why? Not only is it a bummer to forfeit those gains, but muscle directly impacts your basal metabolic rate. (BMR)—or the rate at which your body burns calories both while working out as well as at rest. Less muscle means a lower BMR which means a lower calorie burn throughout your day.

• Muscle tissue also regulates your insulin sensitivity—the biological process that determines how well your body absorbs nutrients.

Water Loss

• One of the fastest ways to lose weight in the short-term is to cut .—that’s because carbohydrates retain some three times as much water as any other type of macronutrient. When you cut back on carbs, your body isn’t retaining as much water, plain and simple.

• Losing intermuscular water, becomes impactful after a few weeks, because muscle is 70 percent water, the tissue adapts to the dehydration and your muscles shrink and start to atrophy. You’re not only compromising the structural integrity of your muscles, but as you lose bulk thanks to the lack of water, you’re also triggering the whole metabolic dysfunction of BMR and insulin sensitivity that comes with losing muscle.

• The problem comes when one drop below 50 to 75 grams of carbs on a consistent basis.



Constitutional and Body

Types Program Mapping

Hormonal Body Type/Organs

Pleo Sanum Constitution Type

Rubimed Character Type

Thyroid Body Type

Aspergillus (lymphatic type) & Penicillium

Lively (Sanguinic/ Hysteric

Adrenal Mucor (congestive type)


Pituitary Mucor Type(circulation-congestion) + Aspergillus +


Intellectual Idealistic

Gonadal Mucor Type (congestive/ circulation

Hysteric (motherly types)

Underlying Factors

that Prevent Weight


Toxins (toxic over making up fat and sick)

Chronic Stress (anxiety, stress, pain and grief)

Excess estrogen levels and High cortisol (fat deposits in hips, large

thighs and stomach rolls)

Hypothyroidism-Underactive Thyroid (fat

accumulates all over)

Over-stimulated adrenal glands (stressors), i.e.

Cushing Syndrome

Depression (Emotional conflicts and blockage)

Exercise and Diet (Incorrect foods (often

are over-stimulating one organ and under-

stimulating another)

Medical Conditions and certain medications

Hormonal Changes in women (menopause)

Life Style Genes (Epigenetics)



Organs and mechanisms

of fat metabolism


Thyroid (a) enhanced utilization of lipid substrates; (b) increase in the synthesis and mobilization of triglycerides stored in adipose tissue; (c) increase in the concentration of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA); and (d) increase of lipoprotein-lipase activity.

Adrenal Rich in lipids, especially cholesterol , stress and administration of corticotropins causes depletion of cholesterol-mitochondrial cholesterol.Strongly affect the utilization of carbohydrates and fats, the conversion of fat and protein into energy, the distribution of stored fat (in particular around the waist and face), blood sugar peaks and valleys, and healthy cardiovascular and gastrointestinal function

Pituitary Plays a role in the mobilization and/ or oxidation of fats. Regulates adipose tissue physiology through multiple hormones

Gonadal (Ovary) Major component is menstruation, component changes during menopauseCholesterol and fatty acids, essential during ovulation and menstruation

4. Optimizing Fat Metabolism

A two-part process, metabolism is influenced by the way you eat.

• Anabolism, one part of metabolism, is the process in which energy is created and stored; smaller molecules come together to create bigger molecules, eventually building up to organs and tissues.

• Catabolism, the second process of metabolism, provides the energy required for cellular activity by breaking down carbohydrates and fats to release the energy



White Adipose TissueWhite

Why addressing toxins within the fat cells is important?• How Toxic Are You – Detox and Drainage: A Must

Optimize the function of the main organs of detoxification (liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and skin),• Mobilize the stored toxins from your fat cells, and• Move the toxins safely out of the body

• Water-soluble toxins are easily flushed out of the body via the blood and kidneys, but the fat-soluble toxins are a challenge for the body to remove.• Fat-soluble toxins such as heavy metals, pesticides, preservatives, food additives, pollutants, plastics and other environmental chemicals must become water-soluble for the body to eliminate them fully.



Liberate, Mobilize and Metabolize Fat

Liberate, mobilize and metabolize fat

Liberate, mobilize and metabolize fat

Fat metabolism protects the body

against toxins from sugar

Fat metabolism protects the body

against toxins from sugar

When the body burns fat it creates

compounds that counteract some of the harmful effects of sugar.

When the body burns fat it creates

compounds that counteract some of the harmful effects of sugar.

Take the Burden off the Liver so it can Focus on Fat Metabolism.

How Your Liver Burns Fat and Supports Metabolism

Your liver plays a central role in the metabolism of any type of calorie and helps support your fat metabolism and weight control. When the liver is overworked and undernourished, metabolic

wastes can build up within the fat and liver cells and recirculate back into the blood stream, causing inflammation and oxidative stress.

• A fatty and/or unhealthy liver unfortunately stores fat rather than burns it. When your liver and visceral cavity become congested with fat its primary functions become impaired and this will disrupt your metabolism, digestion of fat and nutrients, hormonal health, and increase your risk of other more serious diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and liver disease.

• When excess calories are consumed and after all glycogen stores have been replenished the excess calories are dumped into the liver. When this occurs too often this will contribute to an unhealthy fatty liver.

Liver’s Nutrient Requirement

B-Vitamins B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, carotenoids

Vitamin C

Vitamin E




amino acids

other plant properties



Diagnostics and Testing

Reba Machine & Testing Kits- Start of Program Check personal energy reading levels

Personal Readings Vital, Emotional, Mental, Causal

Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta

Specific Readings Energy Reserve (sulphur vials)

Tissue acidosis (lactic acid vials) Pleo Citro, Pleo Sanuvis, Pleo Form

Milieu Modulating Pleo Sanum Remedies Pleo Citro, Pleo Sanuvis, Pleo Form

Acute vials Rubimed Remedies Simvita, Paravita, Nurovita, An-X-Vita

Degree of Dominance Rubimed Remedies Sympathetic: Adrenaline vial= SimvitaParasympathetic: Acetylcholine vial= Paravita

Organ Testing : Zoological Test KitSupplement Testing: a variety

Specific exercises and food choices for optimal ‘bad’ fat loss for the different hormonal body types.



3. Food That are Glandular Stimulants

Nature or Nurture: The natural affinity for stimulating foods and cravings

1. Dairy Foods: The Pituitary Stimulators

2. Starches: Stimulating the Thyroid

3. Meats, Butter, Eggs and Salt: The Adrenal Stimulators

4. Spices, Fats and Oils: The Gonadal Stimulator

Thyroid Body Type



The Thyroid Type

Thyroid Type Women Men

At ideal weight Long, lean, delicate features, distinct waist (Aspergillus)

Long lean, streamlined, distinct waist

With extra weight Thighs, upper hips, lower abdomen

Thighs, flat rear, fat around stomach “love handles

Cravings Thighs Sweets, starch

Preferred snacks Sweets, starch Cookies, donuts

Caffeinated drinks per day

Cookies, donuts 5+ or more

Typical small health problems

5+ Fatigue (Paravita + Salvtonic + Pleo Citro

Typical large health problems

Un and down throughout the day

Ulcers, Colitis (Pencillium- ‘itis’)

Disposition Fatigue Lively, Changeable

When “down” Ulcers Depressed, Irritable

Thyroid Body Type • Cut back on thyroid stimulating foods

• Increase foods that are supportive and stimulating to your adrenals and gonads.

• Eliminate caffeine• Eat eggs daily• Eat plenty of poultry and fish• Can eat some red meat• Eat lots of vegetables



Thyroid Body Type

Meal Schedule Tips

• Eat Three Equal Meals a Day

• Keep specific intervals between meals (4 hrs btw breakfast & Lunch and 5 hrs between lunch & dinner)

• Your Danger Periods• Your Best Snack is No Snack

at All• Drink Raspberry Leaf Tea

Thyroid Body Type Sample Day Meal Plan


• 2 eggs any style

• 1 Tsp of butter, ghee or vegetable oil (use either to cook the eggs or on the toast

• ½ slice of whole-grain bread or toast

• 1 cup only of decaf coffee or tea, or raspberry leaf tea



• 1 cup any combo of cooked or raw veggies (can make a salad)

• 1 Tsp of butter or 1 Tsp diet mayonnaise

• 4 oz. poultry or fish (your choice)

• ½ cup of cooked whole wheat, brown rice, kamut, amaranth, or quinoa and or (1 serving of whole grain-1 slice whole-grain bread)

• 1 cup skim milk

• Raspberry leaf tea


Dinner/ Supper

• 4 oz. chicken, turkey, fish, lamb, beef or organ meat (liver, kidneys, or heart)

• 1 cup any combo cooked or raw veggies (see lunchtime)

• 1 serving of whole grain (see lunchtime)

• 1 cup of skim milk

• Raspberry leaf tea



Thyroid Body Type Exercise RecommendationPrimary Focus is STRENGTH TRAINING

● Cardiovascular recommendation: ● Workout that raise HR to 70-75%

of maximum HR, 4x/week

● (workouts with steady energy such as: swimming, jogging, or rowing)

● Strength Recommendation: complete set of

● Strength exercises at least 20 mins 3x/week-increase weight so as to continue to challenge your muscles further development

● (backpacking is good as it improves strength through carrying the backpack and endurance through hiking, so go outdoors)

● Flexibility recommendation; yoga positions or simple stretching routine:

1. Body Toning2. Back Stretch3. Fish Position4. Cobra Position5. Twist6. Modified Shoulder Stand

Adrenal Body Type



The Adrenal Type

Adrenal Type Women Men

At ideal weight Sturdy frame, strong, athletic (Mucor Type)

Strong, sturdy frame, strong athletic

With extra weight Abdomen, breasts, front of body

Broad chest, thick legs, arms & neck, “pot” or “beer” belly

Cellulite deposited Stomach, back, upper arms

Cravings Greasy, salty foods Greasy, salty foods

Preferred snacks Cheeseburger Cheeseburger

Caffeinated drinks per day

3-4 3-4

Energy levels Good all day, less in evening

Typical small health problems

Constipation Constipation, minor ache(Vit C- Right C or C-Boost + Carduus, NPN, Curcumin Boswellia)

Typical large health problems

High blood pressure High blood pressure, hardening of the arteries (Salvtonic + Nattokinase)

Disposition Friendly , open, practical Friendly , open, practical

When “down” Angry Angry

Adrenal Body Type

• Cut back on adrenal stimulating foods

• Increase foods that support and stimulate your pituitary and thyroid glands.

• Cut down on red meat, full fat cheese, and salty foods.

• Carbohydrates and dairy products are fine

• Caffeine - ok for you• Eat plenty of vegetables



Adrenal Body TypeHealth and Weight Maintenance Program Guidelines

• Your Rarely Food• Salt, Red Meat, Cream & Butter,

Shellfish & Alcohol

• Your Moderation Food• Fish, Eggs & Poultry, Vegetable Oils,

Light Desserts, Fresh Fruit & Vegetables, Refined Grains

• Your Plenty Food• Low-Fat Diary, Whole Grains, Parsley

Tea, Legumes

Adrenal Body Type

Meal Schedule Tips

• Eat a Light Breakfast• Keep it Light at Lunchtime• Dinner is the Main Meal• Keep specific intervals

between meals (4 hrs btw breakfast & Lunch and 6 hrs between lunch & dinner)

• Your Danger Periods(late afternoon)

• Your Best Snack is No Snack at All

• Drink Parsley Tea



Adrenal Body Type Sample Day Meal Plan

Breakfast• 1 cup yogurt OR ½ cup low-fat cottage cheese OR 1 cup whole grain cereal with• ½ cup skim milk (your choice)• 1 cup of coffee or tea, or parsley tea (with small amount of honey or sugar if desired)


Lunch• A large green salad (darker greens) with cucumbers, mushrooms, celery, sprouts, radishes, bell peppers, tomato or onions• 1 Tsp diet clear dressing or 1 Tsp olive oil• ½ cup sweet cooked veggies (beets, carrots, pumpkin, squash)• 1½ cup plain yogurt OR 1 cup low-fat cottage cheese or string cheese OR 3 oz. fish (no shellfish)• 1 small piece of fruit (apple, kiwi, peaches, star fruit, cherries)• 1 serving of grain-1 slice whole-grain bread rye OR ½ cup of cooked grain, brown rice or bulgur wheat OR ½ cup pasta• Coffee or tea, or parsley tea (with small amount of honey or sugar if desired)


Dinner/ Supper• 4 oz. white poultry, fish, meat OR 2 eggs OR ¾ cup of legumes (eggs 2x week or less and meat 3x a week or less), 2 Tsp vegetable• 1 serving of whole grain, brown rice or whole wheat pasta• Steam veggies as much as you like• 1 cup of skim milk• Same fruit as lunch OR 2 chocolate chip cookies OR fruit ice• parsley tea (with small amount of honey or coconut sugar if desired)

Adrenal Body Type Exercise Recommendation

Strong Focus is Cardiovascular Conditioning with a small amount of strength training. Always incorporate Flexibility training as well.

• Cardiovascular recommendation: • Workout that raise HR to 70-75% of maximum HR, increase eye

hand coordination by playing strenuous games like handball, squash or 1-on-1 basketball

• Strength recommendation: • complete set of strength exercise 2x/ week- using light weight (6

lbs or less for women, 10 lbs for men), large number of reps

Flexibility recommendation; yoga/stretching positions routine:• Body Toning• Back Stretch• Fish Position• Cobra Position• Modified Shoulder Stand• Locust Position• Twist• Relaxation Pose

• Meditation 10-15 mins, 1-2X/ daily for stress relief



Pituitary Body Type

The Pituitary Type

Pituitary Women Men

At ideal weight Small breasts, may be “childlike” (Aspergillus)

Boyish and defined shape

With extra weight “Baby fat” all over (Mucor)

Small chest, boyist & “baby fat” all over

Cellulite deposited Knees

Cravings Dairy Dairy

Preferred snacks None Milkshake

Caffeinated drinks per day

None, one or two cups None, one or two cups

Energy levels Better in the morning (Salvtonic + Pleo Citro & Sanuvis in afternoon)

Typical small health problems

Colds Colds (Bioboost, IMX, Thymus Eg, Vit C)

Typical large health problems

Allergies (Penicillium – ‘it is’)

Chronic allergies (Allernest + Pleo San Klebs)

Disposition Intellectual, detached, idealistic

Intellectual, detached, idealistic

When “down” Withdrawn, obsessed Withdrawn, obsessed



Pituitary Body Type • Eliminate pituitary-stimulating foods, and thyroid stimulating sweets and starches as well.

• Cut out dairy products from your diet and cut back on sugar, white flour, and all refined grains such as white flour.

• Eliminate daily products• Avoid refined carbohydrates and

caffeine (whole grains are ok in moderation)

• Eat plenty of fresh vegetables (especially fiber filled ones)

Pituitary Body TypeHealth and Weight Maintenance Program Guidelines

• Your Plenty Foods• Fruits, Veggies, Legumes, Whole

Grains, Yogurt, Cottage Cheese, Skim Milk, Red Clover Tea

• Your Moderation Foods• Poultry, Fish, Eggs, Light Cheese,

Vegetable Oils, Light Desserts, Coffee or Tea

• Your Rarely Foods• Red Meat, Spices, Sour Cream, Ice Cream,

Cream, Butter, Rich Desserts



Pituitary Body Type

Meal Schedule Tips

• Eat Three Equal Meals a Day

• Keep specific intervals between meals (4 hrs btw breakfast & Lunch and 5 hrs between lunch & dinner)

• Your Danger Periods• Your Best Snack is No Snack

at All• Drink Fenugreek Tea

Pituitary Body Type Sample Day Meal Plan

Breakfast• 4 oz. lean beef, lean pork, dark poultry meat, lamb, liver*; kidney*; or heart* (your choice)• 1 serving of whole grain- (your choice): 1 slice of whole grain bread or ½ cup of brown rice, whole wheat, millet, amaranth, Kamut, or quinoa• 1 cup of decaf coffee, tea, or fenugreek tea


Lunch• 1 cup any combo of cooked or raw veggies (can make a salad)• 1 clear diet dressing*• 4 oz. fish, chicken or shellfish• (1 serving of whole grain-(see choices at breakfast)• 1 small piece of fruit (apples, mangos, cherries, peaches, kiwis, start fruit• Fenugreek tea


Dinner/ Supper• 4 oz. white poultry meat, fish or shellfish OR two eggs• Any combo cooked or raw veggies as much as you like (see lunchtime)• 1 small piece of fruit (same choices as lunchtime)• Fenugreek tea



Pituitary Body Type Exercise Recommendation

Exercise theme is Mind/Body Integration. Combination of moderate amount of cardiovascular conditioning, with a large amount of strength training

Cardiovascular recommendation: Workout that raise HR to 70-75% of maximum HR, involved workout like aerobic and jazz dancing or ballet, Karate, tai-chi and other martial arts for mind body connection

• Interval Training 25 mins 3 days per week

Strength recommendation: complete set of strength exercises 3x/week-increase weight so as to continue to challenge your muscles further development

• Flexibility recommendation; yoga/simple stretching routine:

• Body Toning

• Back Stretch

• Modified Shoulder Stand

• Fish Position

• Cobra Position

• Twist

• Relaxation Pose

Gonadal (Ovary) Body Type

Create balance in your system by simultaneously decreasing stimulation to your gonads and increasing it to your thyroid and pituitary



The Gonadal (Ovary) Type

At ideal weight Small upper body, full buttocks

With extra weight Hips, buttocks, outer thighs

Cellulite deposited Buttocks, saddlebags Nattokinase, DIM

Cravings Rich and spicy foods

Preferred snacks Taco Lipidzyme + Digestizyme

Caffeinated drinks per day

1-2 Deepure Tea

Energy levels Best morning, evening Salvtonic + Pleo Citro + Pleo Sanuvis in afternoon

Typical small health problems

Bladder infections Solidago, Pleo San Prot

Typical large health problems

Breast lumps Nattokinase, Female Tonic,

Disposition Sensuous, warm, comfortable

When “down” Weepy

Gonadal Body Type

Cut out red meat, creamy foods, and fatty foods.

1. Eliminate Spices (herbs are ok)• Herbs such as dill,

parsley, basil, tarragon, and thyme

2. Concentrate on Chicken, Fish, and Dairy Foods

3. Take carbohydrates in moderation, even a little caffeine

4. G-types can be vegetarians



Gonadal Body TypeHealth and Weight Maintenance Program Guidelines

• Your Plenty Foods

• Fruits, Veggies, Legumes, Whole Grains, Yogurt, Cottage Cheese, Skim Milk, Red Clover Tea

• Your Moderation Foods

• Poultry, Fish, Eggs, Light Cheese, Vegetable Oils, Light Desserts, Coffee or Tea

• Your Rarely Foods

• Red Meat, Spices, Sour Cream, Ice Cream, Cream, Butter, Rich Desserts

Gonadal Body Type

Meal Schedule Tips • Eat Very Lightly in the Morning• Eat Lightly at Lunch: salad and a sandwich• Dinner is Substantial: main meal at night• Keep specific intervals between meals (4 hrs

btw breakfast & Lunch and 5 hrs between lunch & dinner)

• Your Danger Periods (late morning and late evening)

• Your Best Snack is No Snack at All• Drink Red Clover Tea: ease menstrual problems



Gonadal Body Type Sample Day Meal Plan

Breakfast• 1 small piece of fruit (apples, peaches, kiwi, star fruit or cherries)• Coffee or tea, or red clover tea (with small amount of honey or sugar if desired)


• A large green salad (darker greens) with cucumbers, mushrooms, celery, sprouts, radishes, bell peppers, tomato or onions• 1 Tsp diet clear dressing • ½ cup sweet cooked veggies (beets, carrots, pumpkin, squash)• 1 egg (boiled, poached or scrambled) OR small serving of low fat dairy (3 oz. low-fat firm cheese such as reduced fat mozzarella/ string cheese

OR 1½ cup of nonfat yogurt OR 1 cup low-fat or nonfat cottage cheese

• 1 serving of grain-1 slice whole-grain bread rye OR ½ cup of cooked grain, brown rice or bulgur wheat OR ½ cup pasta• 1 glass skim milk• 1 piece of fruit, same choices as breakfast• Coffee or tea, or Red clover tea (with small amount of honey or sugar if desired)


Dinner/ Supper• 4 oz. white poultry, fish, meat OR 2 eggs OR ¾ cup of legumes (no eggs if had at lunch more than twice a week), 1 Tsp vegetable• 1 serving of whole grain, ½ cup brown rice or whole grain pasta• Steam veggies as much as you like• 1 cup of skim milk• Same fruit as lunch OR 2 chocolate chip cookies OR fruit ice• Red clover tea (with small amount of honey or sugar if desired)

Gonadal Body Type Exercise Recommendation• Primary Focus is a combination of moderate amount of cardiovascular conditioning, full-body strength training, and additional strength training for the upper body

• Cardiovascular recommendation: Workout that raise HR to 70-75% of maximum HR, ⇈eye-hand coordination with workouts that make you think about what you are doing (jazz dancing, complex aerobics routines, or martial arts like kung fu.

• Strength recommendation: upper-body excise 3x/week and lower-body 2x/week. When doing upper-body increase weight so as to continue to challenge your muscles further development. Limit weight with lower body

• Body Weighted Squats alternate btw 20, 30, 35 reps everyday, break every 3rd day

• Flexibility recommendation; yoga positions or simple stretching routine:

• Body Toning• Back Stretch• Modified Shoulder Stand• Fish Position• Twist• Locust Position• Relaxation Pose



Gonadal Body Type Exercise


• Exercises that don’t work:

• Horseback riding,

• bicycling,

• skating,

• or moves that focus mainly on your lower body such as

• step class or

• power lunges,

• or swimming with a kickboard, are not recommended.

• Special Note for G-Types: You must drink at least 2 full glasses of water after each exercise session to help eliminate toxins you’ll be releasing from your system.

• Water helps liquify the lymph and pump it to where the toxins are being removed

Gonadal Body Type Changes During Menopauase

• Body not set for life, dominant gland ovaries wind down at menopause, in time no longer dominate your metabolism

• Your system will become dominated by your next most active gland, or secondary gland (the thyroid gland)

• Special Note for G-Types: You must drink at least 2 full glasses of water after each exercise session to help eliminate toxins you’ll be releasing from your system.

• Water helps liquify the lymph and pump it to where the toxins are being removed-• (add Lymf-a-drop + Lappa to the water)



9. Protocols and Supplementation for the Body Types

What Your supplements should do for you!

• “The human body needs 91 essential nutrients everyday”.



Protocols for Optimized

Fat Metabolism

Pleo Citro + Sanuvis to all body type

Fatty Liver Deepure + Cardunara+ Carduus)

Deepure 1 sachet + Cardunara 30 drops in (2 oz warm water) + Carduus 35 drops (in water 20 mins b/f meals)

Water Retention (ind lymphatic congestion)

Add: Lymf-a-drop + Parsagus + Lappa

Add: Lymf-a-drop 10 drops 3X/ daily + Parsagus 2-4 caps 2-3X/ daily + Lappa 60 drop (1 tsp) 2-3x daily

Detox withBraggs (Apple Cider Vinegar-the mother

Nestmann Detox Kit + Apple Cider Vinegar + Lemon Juice + Honey

Nestmann Detox Kit + (2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar + 2 Tbsp Lemon Juice + 1 Tsp Raw Honey in a cup of hot water) in the AM

Fat Burner Deepure + Salvtonic 1 sachet btw meal 2-3x daily + 1 caps 2x daily

Hormonal and Adrenal Support Protocol

Adrenal Support/ Fatigue

ASF + SuperB1-3 caps daily + 1 tab dailyASF + B-Complex

1-3 caps + 1 cap daily with foodAdrenum + SuperB + Simvita25-30 drops 2-3x daily + 1 tab daily + 12 drops 2x dailyAdrenum + B-Complex + Simvita25-30 drops 2-3x daily + 1 tab daily + 12 drops 2x daily

CytozymeAD + SuperB1 cap 1-2x daily + 1 tab daily

Liver, Gallbladder

Carduus/ A-Hepatica + Pleo Ut’s’ 35 drops 3x daily + 5-10 drops daily

Glandular Support (extreme fatigue)

ADBPlus + Nurovita + Thymus Eg and or Thymokehl:1-2 cap 2x daily + 12 drops 2X/ daily + 15 drops 2x daily and or 1 cap 2x daily

Nervous Tension Avena Sativa: 30 dropsOr Neuraplex: 2 caps 1-3 X/dailyOrNurovita 12 drops 2X/daily

Adrenal Type



Hormonal and Adrenal Support Protocol

Thyroid support (Endocrine Support)

Biothy + Thymus Eg1-2 caps 2x daily + 10 drops 2x daily

Biothy + Thymokehl1-2 caps 2x daily + 1 cap 2x daily

Thyroid support (Endocrine Support)

Lycopus + Thymus Eg: 15-25 drops 3 X daily (in water) + 1 caps 2x daily

Pain in the Ovaries + UTI Sabal Serrulatum: 25-35 drops 3 times daily + Solidago: 40 drops 3x daily

Ovarian Support Female Tonic : 1 Tbsp 3x daily in water + Sabal Serrulatum: 25-30 drops 3x daily

Nervous Tension Avena Sativa: 30 dropsOr Neuraplex: 2 caps 1-3 X dailyOrNurovita 12 drops 2 X daily

Thyroid/ Pituitary Types

Hormonal and Adrenal Support Protocol

Libido Pleo Chrysosan: 1 cap once daily + Sabal Serrulatum: 25-30 drops 3 times daily

Dysmenorrhea Pleo Usti: 5-10 drops + Female Tonic+ 1 Tbsp 2-3 times daily + Cytozyme O 1 cap 2x daily

Pain in the Ovaries + UTI Sabal Serrulatum: 25-35 drops 3 times daily + Solidago 25-30 drops 3 x daily + Pleo San Prot 5-10 drops once daily

Ovarian Support/ Estrogen Metabolizer

Female Tonic: 1 Tbsp 3x daily+ DIM: 1 cap 2x daily am & pm

Nervous Tension Avena Sativa: 30 dropsOr Neuraplex: 2 caps 1-3 X dailyOrNurovita 12 drops 2 X daily

Fluid Retention Parsagus: 4 caps 3x daily + Lappa: 60 drops (1 tsp) 2-3x daily + Lymf-a-drop: 10 drops 3x daily

Gonadal (Ovary) Type



Supplement Recommendation for the Body Types

Multivitamin & Mineral Combination

FN Multivitamin & Minerals

Amino Acid Combination

arginine, ornithine, glutamine)

Amino Acid Quick Absorb

Herbal/ Glandular Combination

adrenal support substance, adrenal cortex support substance, licorice root, buchu leaf

Adrenum, ASF, Cytozyme AD, ADBPlus

Body Type Tea Dried Parsley Leaf Deepure Tea

Anti-Craving Recommendation

For Fat Cravings: amylase, lipase

Lipidzyme + GarcinaCamborgia

For Carbohydrate Cravings: chromium, picolinate, magnesium, manganese, zinc

Digestizyme + Pleo Zinc

To Support brain functioning: L-glutamine, inositol, ginkgo biloba, cholinate bitrate

Pleo Gingko, TocoKrill, BiotrienolCogniplex

Adrenal Type

Supplement Recommendation for the Body Type

Multivitamin & Mineral Combination

FS-Multivitamin & Minerals

Amino Acid Combination

arginine, ornithine, glutamine Amino Acid Quick Absorb

Herbal/ Glandular Combination

thyroid support substance, anterior pituitary support substance, kelp, l-tyrosine root, spongia tosta 6X

Biothy, Lycopus

Body Type Tea Raspberry Leaf Deepure Tea

Anti-Craving Recommendation

For Intense Sweet Cravings: d,l-phenylalanine, l-phenylalanine

500 mg +

For Carbohydrate Cravings: chromium, picolinate, magnesium, manganese, zinc

Pleo Zinc + Digestizyme

To Support brain functioning: L-glutamine, inositol, ginkgo biloba, cholinate bitrate

Pleo Gingko, TocoKrill, BiotrienolCogniplex

Thyroid Type



Supplement Recommendation for the Body Type

Multivitamin & Mineral Combination

FS- Multivitamin & Minerals

Amino Acid Combination

arginine, ornithine, glutamine)

Amino Acid Quick Absorb

Herbal/ Glandular Combination

ovarian support, anterior pituitary support substance, uterine support substance, dong quai, damiana, black cohosh root

Female Tonic, Biothy/ Lycopus,

Pleo Usti, Nattokinase

Body Type Tea Red Clover Deepure Tea

Anti-Craving Recommendation

For Fat Cravings: amylase, lipase


For Carbohydrate Cravings: chromium, picolinate, magnesium, manganese, zinc

Digestizyme + Pleo Zinc

To Support brain functioning: L-glutamine, inositol, ginkgo biloba, cholinate bitrate

Pleo Gingko, TocoKrill, BiotrienolCogniplex

Gonadal Type

Supplement Recommendation for the Body Type

Multivitamin & Mineral Combination

FS- Multivitamin & Minerals

Amino Acid Combination

arginine, ornithine, glutamine) Amino Acid Quick Absorb

Herbal/ Glandular Combination

adrenal cortex support substance, whole pituitary support substance, thymic support substance, sarsaparilla, sobering ginseng

ASF, Adrenum, (Cytozyme AD / ADBPlus), Thymus Eg/ PleoThymokehl

Body Type Tea Fenugreek

Anti-Craving Recommendation

For Intense Sweet Cravings: d,l-phenylalanine, l-phenylalanine

500 mg +

For Carbohydrate Cravings: chromium, picolinate,

Pleo Zinc + Digestizyme

magnesium, manganese, zincTo Support brain functioning: L-glutamine, inositol, ginkgo biloba, cholinate bitrate

Pleo Gingko, TocoKrill, BiotrienolCogniplex

Pituitary Type



Protocols for Weight Loss According to Body Types

Protocol Remedies Dosing

Appetite Suppressant

Deepure + Garcinia drops 1 sachet 3x/ daily + 10-30 drops 3x daily 30 mins b/fmeals

Fatloss/ fat blocker

Deepure Tea + Carduus + Lipidzyme

1-2 sachets w/meals + 30 drops b/f meal

Burn Fat-belly, waist, thighs

Salvtonic + Deepure 1 caps + 1 sachet btw meals 2-3X daily

Metabolic Disturbance

Rubus + A-Hepatica orPleo Cerivi

20 drops + 20 drops twice dailyPleo Cerivi 5-10 drops twice daily

Males Nestmann Detox Kit (A-Hepatica, Solidago, Lymf-a-drop) + Cytozyme M

17 drops of ea 3x daily + 1-2 cap 2x daily

Females Nestmann Detox Kit (A-Hepatica, Solidago, Lymf-a-drop) + Cytozyme O

17 drops of ea 3x daily + 1-2 cap 2x daily

Energy Booster Salvtonic + Pleo Citro + Pleo Sanuvis + B12Folate

1 cap 1-3x daily + 1-2 tab 2x daily + 1-2 tabs 2x daily + 1 lozenge daily

Areas of Weakness:

Recommendations for The Body Types

Thyroid Type

Gradual steady increase in body weight

Thyroid Support Biothy & Lycopus, Deepure Tea, Nestmann Detox Kit, Gut Cleanse Pack

Fatigue, Sleepiness Vitamin B12 B12Folate, Nurovita

Poor mental focus Neuro and Cognitive Neuraplex, Cogniplex, Pleo Ginkgo, Biotrienol

Cold intolerance EFA, Women/ Men Daily Multi

AstaKrill & TocoKrill- FN Mutivitamin & Minerals

Hair-loss or coarse hair Hair Formula AstaKrill, Pleo San Strep (alopecia)

Dry skin EFA AstaKrill, TocoKrill, NeoCell Collagen Hair, Skin and Nails

Fluid Retention EFA and Diuretic AstaKrill, Parsagus, Lymf-a-drop

Chronic joint & muscle pain and inflammation

Joint Formula Ligaflix, Pleo Form, Clearizyme, MSM GLS, Curcumin Boswellia, Serraptase

Insomnia or difficulty sleeping through the night

Sleep Aid MelatoninB6 lozenges & spray, Aventa Sativa + 5HTP



Areas of Weakness:

Recommendations for The Body Types

Adrenal Type

Craving salty food Vitamin Multiple Vitamin & Mineral FN, Garcinia drops

Tired between 3 & 4 pm Energy Remedy Pleo Citro, Pleo Sanuvis, OptB12F, Salvtonic

Feel better after evening meal

Digestive and Acid Reflux

Digestizyme, Lipidzyme and Absinthium

Body weight accumulation around mid-section

Gut Repair and Detox IRK, Pleo San Prot, Gut Cleanse Pack, Deepure Tea, NestmanDetox Kit

Buffalo hump on upper back (below base of neck)

Musculoskeletal and Tissue Repair

Nattokinase, Curcumin Boswellia, Serrapeptase, Ligaflex, Pleo San Staph

Inflammation or arthritis in different parts of the body

Joint Pain and Inflammation

AstaKrill, NPF, MSM GLS+, Clearizyme, Pleo Form, Curcumin Boswellia

Allergies or asthma Remedies Allernest, Allerease, HydrastisNasal spray, Pleo San Klebs, Serrapeptase

Digestive problems Digestive/Gut Digestizyme, N-A-G, IRK, PleoSan Prot

Insomnia or difficulty sleeping through the night

Sleep Aid MelatoninB6 lozenges & spray, Aventa Sativa + 5HTP, Simvita

Areas of Weakness: Recommendations for The Body Types

Pituitary Type

Foggy brain in the morning

Neuro & memory remedies-

TocoKrill, Pleo Ginkgo, Cogniplex

Pot-belly Colon cleanse and gut repair-

IRK, 3C Complete Colon Cleanse, Deepure Tea + Cardunara

Low tolerance of fatty foods

Digestive aid- Lipidzyme, Digestizyme+ Absinthium

Pain or stiffness in right shoulder area

Joint formula- Ligaflix, Pleo Form, Clearizyme, MSM GLS, NPF, Pleo Sanuvis, Pleo Citro, Curcumin Boswellia

Stiffness or pain in the upper back/shoulder blade area

Joint formula- Ligaflix, Pleo Form, Clearizyme, MSM GLS, NPF, Curcumin Boswellia

Irritability or moodiness, especially in the morning

Remedy Simvita, An-X-Vita, Avena Sativa

Gallbladder problems Remedy Carduus + Pleo Ut’S’



Areas of Weakness: Recommendations for The Body Types

Gonadal (Ovary) Type

Premenstrual weight gain

Remedy Multiple Vit & Mineral FN, Parsagus, 3c Complete Colon Cleanse, Deepure Tea

Ovarian cyst Remedy Pleo Usti, Sabal SerrulatumPleo Chyrsosan, Nattokinase

Fatigue and brain fog Neuro & cognitive-

Neuraplex, Cogniplex, Pleo Ginkgo, Biotrienol

Pain in back, hips or knees

Joint pain formula-

AstaKrill, NPF, MSM GLS+, Clearizyme, Pleo Form, Curcumin Boswellia,

Lack of libido Remedies Pleo Chysosan + Female Tonic+ Sabal Serrulatum

Hot flashes Remedies Female Tonic

Night sweats Remedy Female Tonic

Excessive menstrual bleeding

Remedies Pleo Usti + emale Tonic

Stress Reduction Body Type

“The single most important factor in creating “imbalance “ in the system is STESS.



Different Body Types, Different Stresses

Body Type Stressability

Pituitary Type Stress: Problems of Physicality

Adrenal Type Stress: The Stress of Change

Thyroid Type Stress: Powerlessness and Physical Challenges

Gonadal Type Stress: Why some women Like to stay home

Pituitary Stress Areas & Emotional Conflicts

Pituitary Emotional Conflict Areas

5th Chakra- Throat Chakra3rd Chakra- Solar Plexus

Chavita 5 & Chavita 3

Pituitary Stressors

● Your Body● Emotions (yours or others)● Sex● Food (cooking, eating, thinking about it)● Being Sick (evening having a checkup)● Animals● Any conflicts that can’t be reasoned away

Organ Chakra Negative Emotion Detoxification Remedy

Thyroid gland 5th Humiliation Lycopus, BioThy

Neck 5th Holding on or not letting go 3C

Lower Jaw 5th Stiffness Polygonum + Nurovita

Cervical Spine 5th Lack ‘sweetness’ in life, resentment Rubus

Stomach 3rd Hunger for good feelings Pleo San Prot + IRK, Serrapeptase

Pancreas 3rd Pent Up Emotions Rubus + Carduus



Adrenal Stress Areas & Emotional Conflicts

Adrenal Emotional Conflict Areas

3rd Chakra- Solar Plexus

Adrenal Stressors● Unpredictability● Creativity (“the arts”)● Situations you can’t control with you willpower● Your children● Emotional complexity● Vacations where you don’t know what’s going to


Organ Chakra Emotions Detoxification Remedy

Liver 3rd Anger A-Hepatica or Carduus

Stomach 3rd Worry, dread Absinthium + An-X-Vita

Pancreas 3rd Lack ‘sweetness’ in life, resentment Rubus

Stomach 3rd Difficulty Letting Go 3C Complete Colon Cleanse

Small Intestine 3rd Lack of control/ Irritability Curcumin Boswellia + AvenaSativa + Pleo San Prot

Gallbladder 3rd Frustrations Carduus + C-Boost/ Right C

Lumbar Spine 3rd Thrust, Stability Lymf-a-drop + Nurovita + Curcumin Boswellia

Thyroid Stress Areas & Emotional Conflicts

Thyroid Emotional Conflict Areas• 5th and 3rd Chakras: Throat and Soleur

Plexus• Chavitas 5 and 3 (remedies)• Emotions;

• Chakra 5- Humiliation• Chakra 3- Lack ‘sweetness’ in life,


Thyroid Stressors

● Repetition● Continuing demands (from

other people or your environment)

● Details● Rejection● Pain (even minor)● Lack of change or stimulation

Organ Chakra Emotions Detoxification Remedy

Liver 3rd Anger A-Hepatica or Carduus

Stomach 3rd Worry, dread Absinthium + An-X-Vita

Pancreas 3rd Lack ‘sweetness’ in life, resentment

Rubus + Carduus

Thyroid 5th Humiliation Lycopus, BioThy



Gonadal Stress Areas & Emotional Conflicts

Gonadal Emotional Conflict Areas

1st and 2nd Chakras- Root and Sacral

Chavita 1 and Chavita 2

Gonadal Stressors

● Competition● Interruptions● Disorderliness● Asserting yourself● Risks (physical, mental or emotional)

Organo Chakra Emotions Detoxification Remedy

Kidney 2nd Fear, criticism, shame Bucco or Solidago + An-X-Vita

Adrenal 2nd Defeatism, anxiety Adrenum + Paravita

Bladder 1st /2nd Anxiety, ‘pissed’ off Solidago + Pleo San Staph

Colon 2nd Holding on or not letting go 3C + Nurovita

Joint 1st Stiffness Polygonum + Neurovita

Lower back (coccyx)

1st/ 2nd Trust , Grounding Lymf-a-drop + Nurovita + Curcumin Boswellia

Ovaries/ Uterus 1st Low Self Esteem Female Tonic + Pleo Usti

It is about the mind, body and spirit and giving it what it needs to be at it’s optimal

Beyond Active: How to Lose ‘Bad’ Fat for Your Body Type



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Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2000 Jun;24 Suppl 2:S109-12.Thyroid and lipid metabolism.Pucci E1, Chiovato L, Pinchera A.

J Steroid Biochem. 1983 Jul;19(1C):1017-27.Cholesterol metabolism in the adrenal cortex.Boyd GS, McNamara B, Suckling KE, Tocher DR.

Book: Dr. Abravanel’s The Body Type Diet and Lifetime Nutrition Plan