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History N Dec 1st The Israelites Lesson in cultural survival The Israelites have been enslaved, exiled, victims of

attempted genocide (BUT they are still here today.)Oldest Monotheistic Religion God has a name: “Yahweh” (turns into “Jehovah”) Yahweh is

$ Omnipotent= “all powerful”---Cando anything $ Omniscient= “all knowing”---Knows everything$ Omnipresent= “all present”---Can be everywhere at once

One historical source---The Torah Israelites main religions book. Mixes history and legend together Not ideal for research

Share by Two Religions Hebrew Bible= 24 “Books” (Chapters) Christian Bible= 47-73 chapters ! The first five chapters (The Torah) are the same with theHebrew bible

Old Testament (Part 1) New Testament (Part 2) Story of the Israelites Story of Jesus 4000 years ago 2000 years ago

December 3, 2014Part 1-Yahweh’s “Chosen People” Yahweh appears to a shepherd in Ur (Abraham Abraham takes some shepherded to Canaan (Yahweh asked

Abraham to build a country.) Descendants of Abraham= Hebrews.

Later Jacob (Abraham’s Grandson) has a strangeexperience. A man appears on night and fights him all night He wins The man is Yahweh- Testing Jacob Jacob gets a new name – Israel (“The one who wrestles

with god.”) Jacob’s People = The Israelites

Problem: Too many famines in Canaan. So they go to the place that ALWAYS HAS FOOD! Egypt!

Egypt makes them slaves for 430 years! *So- no country yet, just famine

Part 2- Moses Strong leader of the Israelites #2 (After Jacob/Israel) Yahweh appears to Moses, tells him:

1). You are an Israelite 2). You must lead the Israelite slaves out of Egypt.

Moses tells the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II----“Let mypeople go!”

Ramses says no (pharaohs are supposed to be gods.) Yahweh inflicts 10 plagues (=disasters, diseases) on

Egypta) Nile turns to blood, Frogs, Gnats, Flies, Animal

Disease, Boils (Blisters), Hail, Locusts, Darkness Every time the Ramses agrees/changes his mind. The 10th Plague

a) Angel of Death kills the 1st born sons. b) Breaks the dynasty (the worst possible punishment

for a Pharaoh) c) Israelites mark their doors with lamb’s blood d) Angel of Death “passes over” their homes =the

Jewish holiday of Passover Ramses relents (=gives in) then sends his army after

them. Confrontation at the Red Sea

a) Moses parts the waters (parts=to separate)

Part 3- A Deal with Yahweh The Exodus= the Israelites journey from Egypt back to

Canaan ( 430 years after they left in the first) a) Lasts for 40 years. b) Israelites start to forget Yahweh’s blessings.

Yahweh calls Moses up Mount Sinai for a discussion They make The Covenant (Deal)

a) Yahweh promised to love and protest the Israelitesb) Cannan would one day belong to them—Why Cannaan is the

“Promise land”c) In return, the Israelites will follow the

Decalogue…………….. (10 Commandments.) Commandment #1 = “Worship only me (Yahweh)

Part 4-They Get Their Kingdom After the Israelite arrive back in Canaan---They found

out that there were people!!! The Philistines arealready there.

A difficult situation: They are divided into 12 Tribes(the descendants of Jacob’s 12 sons) and they have noleaders.

First leader= Saul a) Started the Monarchy (rule by a king)

Second King= David a) Defeated Goliath as a boy (ultimate underdog allegory)b) Unites all the tribes c) Defeats the Philistines d) Sets up a new Nation-Israel (No more Canaan) e) Sets up a new Capital- Jerusalem (still fought over)f) Starts a 400 years dynasty. (The only “Years of

power”) Third King=Solomon

a) Son of David b) *Leadership Lesson-Recipe for a successful nation.

1) Get rid of enemies-enemies cost money. Solomon makes peace treaties Most important treaty is with biggest regional

power (Egypt)*This allows them to focus resources on the inside

of their country. 2) Find new revenue sources

Solomon makes trade agreements *Turn old enemies into trading partners. *Increase the country’s wealth (for other things)

3) Get the people working! (Building projects.) *Jobs ensure everyone has wealth *Jobs make everyone feel they are contributing. *Beautify the country (beautify=make beautiful)

4) Make everyone feel like they are part of somethingimportant The Temple

a) One central place of worship for an Entire Countryb) One central place of worship for an Entire

Religion c) Used all the finest materials d) But creates problems

The Law of Unintended Consequences

Part 5-All the Conquerors of Israel Conqueror #1=The Neo-Assyrians (top half-Israel)

1) 10 tribes are lost :D Conqueror #2 =The Neo Babylonians (bottom half-Judah)

a) Almost 200 years later (Why the term “the Jews” remained)b) Jews= people from Judah. c) First thing they do---->Destroy The Temple (crush

the symbol of their religion, nation, identityall in one)

d) They exile all the Jews e) THE PROPHET’S MESSAGE

1) Prophet=someone who interprets the will ofGod.

2) Jewish prophets-Isaiah, Jeremiah, etc. 3) Bad news: “we lost our land because we broke

The Covenant!”((It’s our fault)

e) Listen to us (the prophets) and we will get yourhomeland back for you

f) Good news: “You have a reason to be hopeful!!” WITH HOPE A CULTURE (OR AN INDIVIDUAL) CAN ENDURE THE

BAD TIMES INDEFINITEDLY! Conqueror #3= The Persians Kick out the Neo-Babylonians (“live by the sword…”) Cyrus The Great, leader of the Persians, allows the Jews

to return from exile Now Judah is a small state in the Persian Empire (better

than nothing) a) First thing they do REBUILD THE TEMPLE (for

the same reasons the Neo-Babylonians tore itdown)

b) No kings allowed so the Priests (Kohanim) stepup.

i. Marry people (keep the race going) ii. Taught people Jewish Law (bound the culture

together) c) EZRA (a priest) comes back from exile with a

mission (400s BCE) i. Takes all the religious writings makes the

first version of The Torah. The TORAH

a) Means “Instruction”(授授) b) A culture-in-a-book (Instruction Manual for a

culture) c) It contains: -Their religion

-Their history -Their law -Their language.

d) Establishes a Patriarchal society (=men are

“cultural authority”) 授授授BONUS!! Matrilineal (adj.) 授授授 Debate about the Torah was ENCOURAGED

a) The beginning of Judaism’s rich intellectual(=dedicated to thinking tradition

b) Makes the interpretation of the Torah flexible(able to bent)

c) Flexible means adaptable to changing circumstances The Talmud-a book of debates/commentaries about the

Torah (much later)

So the Jews have their land and their culture but NOTtheir independence!

a) They needed something to give them hope. b) The MESSIAH (“chosen one”)-who will bring them

back to glory. c) The messiah will bring universal peace and justice

too. Conqueror 4# By now Greek culture has spread throughout the West The Syrians, who rule this region, bring the Greek

influence with them (specifically Greek religion) Back to harsh rule – unlike Cyrus/ The Persians they do

not let the Jews practice their own religion – insistthey give up their faith (Break the FIRST Commandment!)

The Maccabees (1st Famous “fighting Jews”) refuse! a) Means “hammer” b) Led by Mattathias and his son Judah. c) USE HIT&RUN tactics. d) They win

i. Retake Jerusalem ii. Rededicate the Temple; hold off the Syrians for

2 years. e) This is the origin of Chanukah. (Hanukkah)

Conqueror #5---The Romans All the way to the year “0”-2,000 years since the

beginning of the story. Rome rules the Western World Judah goes by its Latin name: Judea The Zealots (2nd Famous fighting Jews-200 years after The

Maccabees) a) 25,000 Zealots vs. 60,000 Romans b) Jews put up a good fight (5 months) but Jerusalem

falls once more (no Rebels beat the Romans EVER) c) Romans destroy EVERYTHING d) Romans treat rebellions like weeds-pull them up by

the roots (or they will come back) e) 2nd Destruction of The Temple

Masada-The Last Stand Fortress atop a 1,400 ft. rock Last group of Zealots retreat there, lock themselves in

with supplies. This does NOT deter the Romans (never back down) Romans take 7 MONTHS to build a ramp to the door. When they break in—960 men, women, and children all dead

(suicide) a) Rob the Romans of victory, effort b) Die free

Romans freak-enslave scatter the rest of the Jews=The

Diaspora(授授授授) (The scattering – would last until the 20th

century) This should have been the end of the Jews… No Temple, no priests, no homeland-no chance? They did have 3 things

a) The Torah- “God was wherever they were” b) Rabbis (meaning teacher)—Interpreted the Torah

1) The Talmud=saved meditations, debates, commentaryof the Torah.

c) Synagogues (Jewfish HOUSE of worship)- place forsocial gatherings as well.

Review Covenant 1) Yahweh-----love and protect 2) Israelites----10 follow commandment *1 only 1 god----


Christianity Has Its Roots In Judaism 1st 5 Books of the Old Testament = Torah Jesus was born, lived his Life, AND DIED a Jew!

a) There was no such thing as Christianity until manyyears later

Jesus Storya) He had Jewish parents b) He was a Torah expert c) He quit his job and walked into the desert---

disappears! d) He returns, starts talking about “the Kingdom of God”

(meaning unclear) A New Message

a) Yahweh is not just “God” b) God wants justice for ALL – Not just the Jews c) God forgive everybody –Not just the Jews d) The “Sermon on the Mount” (Religious speech on a

hill)=most famous speechi. “Blessed are the meek..the sick….the poor in

spirit…”= The Powerless ii. *Everyone was used to thinking the powerful were

the blessed.

Used parables and analogies (Parable=story with a moral lesson Analogy=extended metaphor )

Jesus Story continue People stat to follow him (1st 12 followers=apostles) He gets more popular…. The powerful (Rome/wealthy/ Jews) get nervous… Emperor sends a message to the Governor of Judea: “Deal

with this guy who’s starting trouble in the desert” The Governor (Pontius Pilate) sentences him death BONUS!!! Sedition (n.) going against the government. 30 C.E Jesus is crucified (hung by his arms) *Crucifixion was an ordinary Roman method of execution. **This was NOT a bog event when it occurred.

a) Just a minor story in the “boondocks” of the Roman Empire.

It stops being a Jewish story 3 Days after he’s put in a tomb – his body is gone. Resurrection= rising from the dead *This is when Christianity officially begins (after

Jesus has come and gone) ***Maybe BONUS!!! Judas got paid with 30 pieces of silvers At first everyone runs away (crucifixion’s intended

effect) BONUS!!!Crucified Jesus in year 30 Over the years the stories start to spread After about 100 years people are officially gathering as


The source fro this – The New Testament (second part of the Bible) 1st four books= four different versions of the Jesus

story (with some contradictions) Jesus Stories= “The Gospels” (“Good news” in Greek) ONLY NOW does Jesus get a TITLE

(Christ = “messiah” in Greek)

From a Jewish cult to a new religion The “Jesus Cult” began with only the Jews in Judea

(Cult= a mall group who share a small (usually very extreme) religion) Peter (one of the original 12 apostles)

a) Brings what was then called “Christianity” to Rome itself.

b) *Brings Christianity to the “Big city”/center of the world.

Paul (the 13th Apostle-after the fact) a) Never met Jesus b) Was named Saul, has and experience “on the Road to

Damascus” c) Changes his name to Paul, decides to preach to other

gentiles. d) Carried the message to the gentiles (non-Jews) from

Asian Minor (Turkey) e) Spread Christianity to Asia Minor and Greecef) *Brings Christianity outside of the Jews g) Promised that those who believed Jesus was “the son

of God” (and followed his teachings) would achieve salvation (=eternal life)

Christianity and Rome (the world’s greatest Empire at the time) Rome tolerated Judaism (before the revolt) and the

“mystery religions” (minor cults)-Rome never tolerated Christianity.

Christians are persecuted (=singled out for punishment)BONUS!!! Seditio (latin) go-against government

a) Roman Emperors use them as scapegoats (=someone to blame)

b) Christians meet in secret c) Christians who are killed become martyrs (=people

who suffer/die for their beliefs.) People see that persecution seems to make the Christians

stronger. a) This wins the religion new converts (=people who

switch) Converts spread Christianity along the Roman roads, and

across the Roman-protected Mediterranean a) Use Greek and Latin

Christianity conquers the greatest Empire 313 CE The Roman emperor, Constantine, converts By 400 CE emperor Theodosius makes Christianity the

official religion of the Roman Empire. a) The Christians the began to persecute the pagans

(=non-Christians) Augustine

a) A Roman pagan b) Latin Philosopher

c) Convers to Christianity after a personal crisisd) Is baptized (=blesses by holy water) e) Combines Classic (Greek/Roman) thought with Christian

thoughtf) Becomes one of Christianity’s great theologians

Theology = the study of religion/god (theological-adj.)

g) *Brings an intellectual side to Christianity. The clergy (=the church leaders) become the powerful

ones a) Begin assembling the “official” New Testament.b) Start to declare certain beliefs to be heresies

(=forbidden belief) c) Heretic = people against the church’s teachings.

The Third Desert Religion- Islam Emerges 500’s C.E, The Arabian Peninsula

a) Bedouins’ (nomadic herders) travel from oasis to oasis (授授授)

b) In the oasis town of Mecca. i. Most pray to many gods/goddesses at the Kaaba (a

mysterious black stone in a temple) c) Muhammad is born in 570 C.Ei. Respected and honorable businessman with a wife

(Khadija)\ii. Is trouble by greed of Meccan society

iii. Spends time meditating in a cave d) At 40, Muhammad is visited by the angel Gabriel i. Tells him he is to be the messenger for Allah

(Arabic for “God”)ii. He starts a religion called Islam (Arabic for “to

submit) iii. *Khadija becomes the first Islamic convert

(Muslim) The Hijra Muhammad angers Meccan merchants with his antigreed

teachings 622 C.E – He is forced to flee with his followers to

Medina Medina welcomes Muhammad

He unites fighting clans into an umma (community) basedon Islam. a) Creates rules for living

Hijra = the journey of Muhammad and his followers fromMecca to Medina.

630 C.E – Muhammad returns to Mecca Defeats his enemies Destroys the idols at the Kaaba, rededicates it to

Allah. Spends next two years uniting more Arabs under Islam 632 C.E –Muhammad dies

Teachings of Islam The Quran = the EXACT WORDS of Allah as told to

Muhammad. a) “Final authority on all matters discussed in the

text” b) Not an interpretation of God’s words –God’s words c) Must be learned in original language – Arabicd) *Shared language = strength for Islam

No priests, people can access Allah directly Worship in mosques (=Islamic places of worship)

The Five Pillars of Faith 1.) Declare that “there is no God but Allah and Muhammad

is his prophet” 2.) Pray 5 times a day facing Mecca

Dawn + Noon + Afternoon +Sunset + Night 3.) Charity (=giving to the less fortunate.)

4.) Fast during Ramadan (= holy month when Muhammad received his messages from Allah)

5.) The hajj, a pilgrimage (=sacred journey) to Mecca) once during life if physically able.

“People of the Book”= Islamic acknowledgement ofJewish/Christian connections Muslims believe that Abraham, Moses, Jesus, etc. were

also God’s prophets- but Muhammad was the last prophet. Muhammad believed that the Kabba was built by Abraham

for worshiping the “one true god” Muslims believe that Hebrew and Christian scriptures

(=holy writings) contain some revelations—but the Quranis the “final and complete revelation” (*revelation= “revealed holy truths)

The battle among the people of the book Muslims believe Muhammad rose to heaven at the site of

the “temple mount” to pray with Abraham a) They built the “Dome of the Rock” Mosque to

commemorate this—directly in the middle of the ruinsof the Jewish Temple

b) This makes Jerusalem, and this spot, claimed by allthree religions as their own.

Where Islam comes into conflict with Western“Values” Jihad (Arabic for “struggle”)

a) Meant as an internal struggle with immorality(=ethical failings)

b) Often interpreted as a struggle to defend Islam

against non-Muslims (Such as the Crusades, or modern conflicts)

***BONUS: infidels (n.)= people against religions (Islam) c) * Sometimes used in the language of anti- Western

terrorists. Sharia (Islamic system of law)

a) Created by Muslim scholars long after Muhammad. b) Rules for ALL aspects of daily life. c) No difference between civil and criminal law. d) “Applies religious principles to all legal

situations” e) * No separation of Church and State

Role of Women a) Originally Arabian women had no rights, unwanted

daughters killed at birth. b) Quran teaches that men and women are equal in Islam

so long as they observe the Quran. c) However, over time outside customs have changed the

rules for women. i. Hijab (head scarf), burqa (full body covering)

ii. Seclusion (= isolation) of women * Conflicts with Western ideas of women’

The Geographical Equation (For a “super-culture”) Island/Peninsulas i. Sea-based cultureii. Sea-based transportation

iii. *Good at Trade. *Effect: Wealthy culture Mountainous i. Poor Crops = Need for Trade.

ii. Isolated communities iii. *City-States develop differently

*Effect: Independent City-States (Limited Growth) Middle of the Mediterranean i. Center of Trade= Center of Activity= Center of ideas

=Center of Culture diffusion. *Effect: Access to the most advanced culture and technology

(They get to choose the best of the ideas.)

The Proto-Greeks It all starts on the island of Crete..i. The Minoans (The Minoan Age (2000-1400 B.C.E)

a) Named for their legendary king- Minos (don’t know their real name

b) Great Sailors = Great Shipbuilders =Great Traders.c) Absorbed Egyptian and Mesopotamian ideas. d) Advanced Technology (Plumbing 4,000 years ago) e) Advanced Architecture –1st Mazes. f) Worshipped the Bull g) Symbolic myth: The Minotaur (A bull-headed monster trapped in a maze.)

Back on the Mainland i. The Mycenaeans (The Mycenaeans Age 1400-1100 B.C.E)

a) First “Greek-speaking” cultureb) Absorb all the Minoan culture/ideas. c) Lived in separate city-states with high walls (war

culture) d) Build a huge navy. e) Take control of trade routes f) Conquer the Minoans g) Become #1 power in the region h) Symbolic myth: The Trojan War-All Mycenaean

“Greeks” vs Troy. The Interruption The Dark Age (a mystery) (1100-800 B.C.E) i. Mycenaeans invade

a) The Dorians (Greek-speaking people from the north)b) Unknown “Sea People” (From the Mediterranean)

ii. How to start a Dark Age a) Step 1: Trade stops b) Step 2: People leave cities-communities lose

contact with each other Isolation (mountains make it worse)

c) Step 3: People deal with local concerns only (farming)

d) Step 4: People stop writing/reading (teaching it too)

Knowledge is lost iii. Oral Tradition keeps their stories alive- all we know

about this period iv. Homer – Wandering blind poet who “sang” epics about

kleos (=heroic glory) v. Stories already 400 years old. vi. Heroes known for eloquence (=powerful speaking

ability) as well as strength and bravery. a) Symbolic myth: The Iliad

1) Epic of the Trojan War 2) Agamemnon (Mycenaean/Greek Leader) vs. Priam

(Trojan King) 3) Achilles (Main Greek Hero) vs. Hector (Main Trojan

Hero) b) Symbolic myth: The Odyyssey

1) Epic of a hero’s (Odysseus) long journey back fromthe Trojan War

2) First “monster movie?”- The Cyclops. Scylla and Charybdis, The sirens, etc.

The Awakening of the great city-states The Age of Expansion 700-500 B.C.E The Age of Expansion

a) Reverse the process 1. Steps 1: population increase 2. Steps 2: Trade is needed/restored 3. Steps 3: Diffusion returns, Need for records

returns. 4. Steps 4: People learn to read/write i. *Adapt the Phoenician alphabet

(The “basis for all later Western alphabets”) ii. Barbaroi = People who can’t speak Greek (root

of “barbarians”) 5. Steps 5: Leaders organize communities

b) (500 B.C.E)- City-States emerge 1. The polis = improved Greek city-statei. Two levels: acropolis (=”high city” with

temples), and lower level with marketplace, theater, homes, etc.

2. The agora=an outdoor marketplace where men discussed and debated.

3. Citizens= official city members (free Greek men) 4. “Ancient Greece” is born! 5. *The foundation of western civilization takes


City-State of Ideas (Athens) Athens leaves the West with many strong legacies…

a) Part of our “cultural DNA” Greatest Athenian legacy-Democracy

a) The evolution of Democracy in Athens Step 1: monarchy (= rule by a single king) a) King was head of the most powerful familyb) Oldest son inherited King’s power (typical dynastic

trend) c) Problem: King needs help defending invaders d) Change: Asks the Nobles for help pay for bronze

weapons. e) They agree to help for a price- some of the king’s

power f) Eventually they all share equal power with the king.

Step 2: aristocracy (=rule by nobles/wealthy families_a) Problem: as trade became as important as strength,

merchants, farmers, and artisans challenge the nobles b) Change: non-nobles gain power.

Step 3: oligarchy (rule by a powerful few) a) Works at first b) Problem: City-states get too big food shortagesc) Farmers can’t keep up-- sell their land to the rich,

become slaves. d) PEOPLE BECOME UNHAPPY

Step 4: tyrants (rulers who seizes power by their own means)

a) Change: People supported tyrants because they promisedreform and aid to the powerless (foreigners, the poor)

i. *Tyrants use discontent to get into power (common strategy for gaining power)

People become unhappy a Tyrant promises to change things people put the new Tyrant in power Tyrant is harsh andgreedy People become unhappy again. Evolution of Democracy (Athens) Some tyrants DID help, best example: Solon a) Opened up more high positions—more opportunity for

regular citizens b) Loans to farmers to buy land, ended debt slavery—more

opportunity for farmers. c) Granted more outsiders citizenship –- more

opportunities for foreigners. d) Economic reform, more exports—more opportunities for

merchants. e) Building projects (jobs) – more opportunities for the

poor. ** Some tyrants share some power with the citizens

(seeds of democracy?) ***TURNING POINTS: Cleisthenes creates one of the first

legislatures (= law-making group)a) “The council of 500”

Bad Tyrants – harsh and greedy (today’s connotation) a) 510 B.C.E. –A Tyrants names Hippias is so bad they

kick him out. b) People decide to rule themselves Democracy is born!

Step 5: Democracy a) Athenian Democracy – how it worked i. Council of 500 propose laws

ii. Every 9 days all citizens get together to vote onlaws

b) Citizenship limited by today’s standards i. 1st Men over 18

ii. Then Men over 18 whose father was citizen iii. THEN Men over 18 whose father AND mother’s father

was a citizen. iv. Why the shrinking pool of citizens v. ….People don’t want to share power once they have

itvi. Final count: Citizens (15%), Citizen’s Families

(48%), Metics/foreigners (12%) – working classSlaves (25%) – could earn money but not quit…couldalso have families.

Male citizens continued to benefit from education (literature, art, music, philosophy, debate, etc.)

a) Women stayed home (cooked, took care of children, etc.)

b) * A legacy of sexism?? (Sexism= treating one gender more favorably)

Another Athenian legacy- Trail by jury City-state of Strength (Sparta) Sparta (descendants of The Dorians)

a) Dorians conquer a northern land-locked region b) Enslave the local population (helots= farm slaves)

c) 12 helots for every one citizen =nervous citizens. d) Citizens needed to be tough i. Officials examined babies, weak babies left to

die. *Strong babies make strong adults.

ii. At 7 years old – boys begin military training, move into a barracks (=military dorm) away from their family.

iii. Discipline is extremely harsh, adults beat children.

iv. Boys encouraged to steal for foodv. Graduation: kill a helot without being detected.

vi. At 20 years old – men marry but still live in barracks till 30.

e) Everyone (men & women) get physical education *Strong women make strong babies. *Women had the most respect in Sparta (trusted to run

things while the men were at war. e) Sparta becomes single-minded military culture. i. No need for luxuries; today “Spartan” = plain.