








OUMH1203 – May 2012


Question 1


Vehicle theft cases in Malaysia today become at an alarming

stage where the study shows that, in every 15 minutes, one car

is reported stolen (The General Insurance Association of

Malaysia-PIAM, 2011). According to statistics, vehicle thefts

in Malaysia especially in the Klang Valley are still going up.

The association revealed that in the first half of 2010, 65%

of thefts occurred in Kuala Lumpur/Selangor, rise about 18%

from 2009. PIAM said that during the six months of 2010,

10,232 claims for stolen vehicles had been received by its

members, costing more than RM170 million. Out of these, more

than 22% of the losses were incurred by owners of privately-

registered cars. Proton was the cars that were the most

stolen, accounting for 47% of thefts. Other makers were Honda,

Perodua, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Nissan and Mercedes-Benz.

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Source : The General Insurance Association of Malaysia – PIAM (

The Findings

From the graph given in the question, we can say that

there is a significant increase in motor vehicle theft in

Malaysia from 1980 to 2010. In that 30-years data survey,

we can found that motorcycle theft is the leader for the

total number of cases. Starting form 1982, motorcycle

theft cases increase steadily throughout the survey

period and it increase rapidly in 2003 until 2005.

Starting from 2007, the motorcycle theft cases start to

declined until 2010. This might be the result from

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actively promoted community campaign to help each other

in lowering the theft cases in Malaysia.

From the graph given, we can say that the peak year of

the most cases of stolen vehicles was between 2007 and

2008 where the total numbers of stolen vehicles reaching

almost 160,000 units. This represented by 140,000 units

of motorcycles and 20,000 units of private cars.

Another point that we can highlight from the graph is

that, the total number of stolen private cars was in

constant mode starting from 1980 until 2000. After year

2000, the number increased slightly and keep continue to

rise until 2010.

Suggestion to prevent vehicle theft cases

As an owner, there are several measures that can be taken

to prevent the motor vehicle theft in Malaysia. Among the

steps are:

1) Always park your vehicle in safe place

We have to consider of keeping our vehicle in safer

place such as inside the garage or at least inside

locked compound. By doing this, it can help us to

ensure our vehicles are in safe condition. It is

OUMH1203 – May 2012


also suggested that we should always park our

vehicle in properly lit areas such as in front of

our house.

2) Install extra lock or anti-theft device

We also should install a good extra lock to help us

in curbing the increasing number of vehicle theft in

Malaysia today. By installing this extra locks or

special anti-theft device, at least can delay the

theft process of the vehicles should it happens.

3) Never left your vehicle engine running unattended

We always see someone leaving his vehicle especially

cars, left unattended with the engine running. Even

just for few minutes such as for buying newspapers,

this can increase the chances of the said car being

hijacked by someone.

4) Never left valuable thing inside the car that are within view of passer-


OUMH1203 – May 2012


By doing this, we can prevent the break in cases

into our car and later can help us to save our



Our vehicles are very important for us. They can be used

to transport us to work every day. Moving from one place

to another will be very much easier should we have

vehicle of any kind such as car or motorcycle. Lost of

this vehicle can burden us in term of timing and even

financially. The proper storage of our vehicle at night

or even when we left for shopping will be very crucial in

order to prevent the theft case happen to our vehicles.

Total words = 567 words


Assoc Prof Dr Alias Mohd Yatim, A. P. (2011). English For Written Communication. Kuala Lumpur: Open University Malaysia.

OUMH1203 – May 2012


Hornby, A. (2000). Oxford Compact Advanced Leaners. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford Fajar.

Marc McYoung, D. G. (2008, December). Car theft. Retrieved June 2012, from No Nonsense Self Defense:

PIAM. (2011). Retrieved 2012, from The General Insurance Association of Malaysia:

OUMH1203 – May 2012


Question 2


As we all aware, one of the popular international company

is planning to set up a factory in our housing area. The

proposal to build the factory has been proposed to the

authorities involved and in the process of evaluation. We

all can see the proposed project through watching the

prime news at 8 o’clock on 20th June 2012 and it gives a

very positive impact to the surrounding environment.

However, as we know the actual results from the factory

is far beyond our expectation. It can lead to various

health problems to all the surrounding people especially

to those with health problems.

How do factories pollute the environment?

To give as few examples, factories can pollute the

environment through various kind of pollution such as

thermal pollution, chemical pollution, air pollution and

noise pollution.

Thermal Pollution

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Thermal pollution is when the factories will produce its

finished goods and eventually will also produce some

other by-products and waste. Waste those factories

produced are in term of water that normally hotter than

normal water temperature. When this water released into

streams, rivers or lakes, it will mixed with normal

temperature river or lake water and later will promote

algae growth. These algae are very harmful to river

ecosystem and can harm the fish and any other species.

Chemical Pollution

Chemical pollution is when any kind of chemicals

produced by the factories is exposed and mixed with the

environment. All chemical waste produced should be

properly disposed-off using the latest technology


Air Pollution

According to, air pollution or smog is a

mixture of smoke, fog or fumes that released into the air

and can harm our health condition ( The

air that is released by the factories can give negative

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impact to our health especially to youngsters, the

elderly and to those with health problems.

Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is a kind of pollution when there is

large amount of noise that disrupts other surrounding

people as a result from factories’ activity. This kind of

pollution can prevent the school children to concentrate

their studies and any other negative impacts.

Further Findings

According to, over the past 40 years

there has been a dramatic increase in the manufacture and

use of chlorinated chemicals especially found in factory

waste ( It is said that over the

centuries, human have give to the environment a very big

amount of chemical substances. Most of it came from

industrial waste.

Pollutions enter our air as emission and water effluent.

Factories pollute air by emitting nitrogen and sulphur

oxides that can poison our water supply.

Chloroflourocarbons (CFCs) released by the factories can

cause the greenhouse effect and climate change by lesser

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the ozone layer which can protect us from direct

ultraviolet radiation.

The great impact of the factory pollution to the human

activities as well as to the environment is very complex.

It can adjust the balanced situation in the chain of the

interconnecting ecosystems.


To conclude, I strongly urge everyone in this community

to make a protest against the proposed project to build

the factory in our housing area. There are many drawbacks

rather than benefits that we will receive as the result

of this factory operation. Potentially dangerous chemical

through various types of pollutions will be introduced

into our live once the proposed factory setup is


Total words = 556 words

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Assoc Prof Dr Alias Mohd Yatim, A. P. (2011). English For Written Communication. Kuala Lumpur: Open University Malaysia.

Hornby, A. (2000). Oxford Compact Advanced Leaners. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford Fajar.

Planet Agenda. (2010, December). Harmful Chemicals in our Environment. Retrieved June 2012, from Planet Agenda:

Wikipedia. (2012). How do factories pollute the environment. Retrieved 2012, from Wikipedia:

Question 3


OUMH1203 – May 2012


According to plagiarism can be explained

as an act or instance of using or closely imitating the

language and thoughts of another author without

authorization and the representation of that author's

work as one's own, as by not crediting the original

author (

It can be said that plagiarism is one of the most common

problem in not only universities in Malaysia but also

globally. Obtaining information nowadays is as simple as

just few clicks away, the act of plagiarism is something

that is very easy to commit.

The Findings

To kick-start this issue, let me express my own opinion

on plagiarism. In my opinion, the culture of plagiarism

has been cultivated as early as primary school where the

students were asked to produce project papers at their

early age. Can you imagine without proper guidance on how

to obtain the information, followed by giving credit to

the original author of what has been obtained, the

phenomena will continue until university level.

Types of Plagiarism

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There are several types of plagiarism exist in today’s

educational landscape. It can be classified into two sub-


1) Sources not cited

a) The ghost writer – the writer copy word-for-word

and claim as his own original masterpiece.

b) The photocopy – the writer copy part of the text,

without alteration.

c) The self-stealer – the writer borrows from his

previous work, and ignoring the originality policy

adopted by university.

2) Sources cited

a) The forgotten footnote – the writer mentions an

author’s name, but does not give specific location

of the text been obtained.

b) The misinformer – the writer provide incorrect

information about the source, making it hard to be


The act of plagiarism not only involved students but also

academicians as well as politicians. This act is said to

be an easy way out from the academic boundaries that

chain our daily life.

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For students, this easy way is just for reaching specific

academic ambitions and for the sake of passing exams. For

academicians, it is for the university recognition and

self promotion. The same thing goes to politician, they

plagiarized to obtain public trust and for own future

political mileage.

Ways to Eradicate Plagiarism

Before this easy culture become too hard to curb and

before it become a norm, several steps can be taken to

help in eradicate this habit. Anyone should play a role

to realize this agenda in our education system. It can be

taken by the students, academicians as well as

authorities involved.

Among the steps are:

1) Universities should have a very clear standards and

guidelines to punish plagiarizer, such as in class

assignment. These standards can be issued by The

Ministry of Higher Education as the body responsible

for higher education in Malaysia.

2) Academicians must help the student to change their

thinking on the act of plagiarism. This phenomenon

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cannot be eradicated if the ways of thinking among

students are still at the same level as before.

3) Learning institution should be equipped with

plagiarism checking software. By doing this,

university will have a good standards of educations

and can build public trust on plagiarism free

academic policy.

4) Finally, the act of curbing plagiarism should be

start as early as from primary school level. School

children must be informed that the act of copying

and pasting other persons work without proper

citation is a very wrong. Proper credit should be

extended once the pupils borrowed statement or other

persons work.


To conclude, everyone in the community should take part

in eradicate the problem of plagiarism. The steps can be

taken as early as from informing the primary school

students not to copy other person’s job. The education

continues until university level where here the numbers

of plagiarism cases were in the rise. The authority and

university itself can make the situation more positive by

implementing some guidelines on the plagiarism issue.

OUMH1203 – May 2012


Total words = 577 words


Assoc Prof Dr Alias Mohd Yatim, A. P. (2011). English For Written Communication. Kuala Lumpur: Open University Malaysia.

Danian, A. (2009, September). Plagiarism among Malaysian students. Retrieved June 2012, from Volume of

Hornby, A. (2000). Oxford Compact Advanced Leaners. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford Fajar.

Omar, D. M. (2011, June). Putting a stop to plagiarism. RetrievedJune 2012, from The Star Online:

Study Advisor. (2011). Plagiarism. Plagiarism , 6. (2012). Retrieved 2012,

Question 4


According to Royal Malaysian Customs Office, Malaysian

Goods and Service Tax (GST) is a consumption tax that is

based on the value-added concept. GST will be imposed on

goods and services in every production and distribution

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stage in the supply chain including importation of goods

and services.

In short, GST will replace the current sales tax and

service tax (SST) as it is said to be more comprehensive,

effective, transparent and business friendly tax system.

The Findings

The idea of introducing GST has been proposed by the

Malaysian Government sometimes in year 2011. GST will

affect not only accounting, finance, or personal tax, but

also involved all level of staff, including those from

sales, operations, logistics and even human resources.

GST is a tax on domestic consumption. It is paid when

money is spent on goods or services. According to the

Royal Custom Office, GST will be self-assessed which

means that business owners have to track the tax

collected from the customers and less with the tax paid

to suppliers. The balance will then be remitted to the

government through Malaysia Royal Custom Office within

stipulated time. Should there be any deficit after sales

and purchases tax, business can claim refund from the


OUMH1203 – May 2012


GST is said to overcome few weaknesses in the present

sales and service tax such as cascading tax, double tax

and pyramiding tax, tax erosion and leakages through

transfer pricing. GST also expected to increase tax

compliance and is easy to administer.

When GST is fully implemented, businesses are only

required to submit simplified tax returns based on given

formats. All records and documentations regarding the

transactions are kept in the premises for audit by GST


The rate for GST will be at lower rate if compare with

the existing tax measures. It is said that the proposed

rate will be at 4%, slightly lower than current tax rate.

According to Dr Chua Soi Lek, MCA President, GST will

lead to lower price of goods when it replaces the

existing sales and services tax. This is because GST is a

consumption tax, the more you spend, the more you pay for


The methodology sound to be very simple but the real

implementation will be very hard if the Government did

not take necessary action to educate people on what GST

is all about. Too few Malaysians understand that GST

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rationalizes and improves the collection of tax without

placing additional burden on the Government or the



In my opinion, with the implementation of GST, it will

lower our daily spending as the rate suggested will be

lower than the existing sales and service tax. I

personally agree that GST should be implemented. The

reason for my opinion is because of two things:

1) Our daily spending will be lower as the rate of GST


2) We can control our spending as the more we spend or

consumed, more tax is payable.

Total words = 489 words


Asiaone News. (2011). Cheaper Prices with GST in Malaysia. Retrieved 06 2011, from Asia One:

OUMH1203 – May 2012


Assoc Prof Dr Alias Mohd Yatim, A. P. (2011). English For Written Communication. Kuala Lumpur: Open University Malaysia.

Hornby, A. (2000). Oxford Compact Advanced Leaners. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford Fajar.

Malaysian Royal Customs . (2012). Retrieved 06 25, 2012, from Malaysian Royal Customs:

PGL Business Consult. (2011). How you can prepare for GST. Retrieved 2012, from

OUMH1203 – May 2012


Question 7


Malaysian must have a valid driving license issued by

Road Transport Department of Malaysia or well known as

JPJ if he or she wants to drive any kind of vehicle in

Malaysia. The driving license issued will be according to

class of vehicles that has been tested earlier. It is a

serious offence if one caught by the authority if he or

she driving without a valid driving license. The

requirement is not only for Malaysian but applicable to

non-Malaysian whose wish to drive on the Malaysia road.

The Findings

To be eligible for road test by JPJ, there is a minimum

age limit of what vehicle one should drive according the

class. Malaysian who have attained the age of 16 can

obtain B2 (motorcycle). Age 17 is for car license and 21

years old for those who want to get E license (lorry).

OUMH1203 – May 2012


There are several steps involved before we can obtain a

valid driving license.

Before the above three class of license test can be

taken, we must first passed the Highway Code test.

Nowadays the Highway Code Tests are conducted online at

JPJ offices nationwide. This Highway Code Test is

conducted in English and in Bahasa Malaysia. After

candidates passed with certain percentage, he or she will

be awarded with Learners’ Driving License or well-known

as “L”.

With the “L” license, he then has to enroll a Theory

Course. This course is normally conducted in the

registered driving school and will be last for one whole

day or 6 hours minimum.

In the first 3 hours of the course, candidates will be

taught on how to maintain a good condition of vehicles

and some other related matters such as maintaining

radiators, air-conditioner, and battery and so on. The

next 3 hours will be on the Practical Lesson on how to

handle situations while driving and normally conducted by

the driving instructors.

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Please bear in mind that the candidates must hold “L”

driving license for at least 3 month in order for them to

eligibly take for on the road driving course. This

driving course is normally using Perodua Kancil due the

size and low petrol consumption. Depending on your

driving standard, it will takes 6 to 10 hours of on the

road driving before you can be a good, safe and careful


Among the lessons taught in the road driving lessons are

slope climbing, side parking techniques and 3-point turn

maneuvers. Then, after you have fit yourself in those

three lessons, the instructor will show you one or two

test routes to be taken during the real test by Jabatan

Pengangkutan Jalan tester.

The real test will be handled by the personnel from

Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan and the test consist of two

sections – Part 1 is for Slope/Parking/3 Point turn and

Part 2 is for Route Test. Once you passed all the two

parts, you will be awarded the Probationary Driving

License or “P”. You must hold this “P” license for one

year without any accident before it can be converted in

Competent Driving License.


OUMH1203 – May 2012


The need for having a valid driving license is a must for

Malaysian for driving in Malaysia road. Person without a

valid license will be severely penalized should he been

caught by the authorized personnel. Even the procedures

involved before one can hold a valid driving license

would be very tedious, it is a must to ensure the person

driving on the road are at the best competent as

possible. This is to make sure the road is safe for


Total words = 573 words


Assoc Prof Dr Alias Mohd Yatim, A. P. (2011). English For Written Communication. Kuala Lumpur: Open University Malaysia.

Hornby, A. (2000). Oxford Compact Advanced Leaners. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford Fajar.

Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan. (2011). Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan. Retrieved 2012, from

OUMH1203 – May 2012
