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N ITM B E U 1,794. N E W A R K , N. J., K A T U IiD A V , ,U 'N E 22, IHS;).— K K i l lT P A (J I'X IM U C E T W O CENTS.F i r s t E d i t i o n .


Hm Aiuoautt A fr « «J Uinm ftt th« Ke* p«btJc4tn Cmuoiui ln»«irt«(l la tb«

HeMor# WUliout Oppoallion —A Very Clo*e MuiV^o IteeoUiMl,

Caucus drcr**« Tend red Tery nimplft Ibe eixkoMlie AiJertbei) in Oxmx ibe mi- ■utl iix h-vr ift'i nlxal. Tbe Urpubiiceiu hdce i i«ciir vbet ii>«y «>'rc koIukioiIo, end wbfn tb«7 bcAeri (n cut aikI ilMb Uem reily lo bntti ibb Luuil fl^urei in tbe inM rnm^m U'low tb« OM per cent, hmii, Uie UffDorreiiMl qol tij in ibttir eei li eod for tbe mtel pert ec* cci<tr trlibciui cocnwent Uiu Ajfur«e of tbe }i)nt]r. AJdexioun Jobn'on. wtio bid uo bli de k e (Able of ill of the Apiiropnilione ibtt bed U'en ARreed upoo in ceucui RKked. whcni lb*' cKirt bedAD <u retd tbe urdtoAnoe, Uul bli rolleigtieii e>peclAily tbe cbtlrmen of oommu* Icfr, u onkl ue-kt htiu tn fliib^ ihe amuuuia, u ii HA« ICO bald work for one ouin to du ail Alone. ThU piea<ent lUile (NuiiiMn^auierluKo tn'ide ihe DcmucrAk* cmlie, for they ktiow that ibt! ordinance bad boon «ii eet lo mudc.

lirUU not lake ltu>v toroduce tbeappriipii- iUoua la Ibe agitrival* flbb.WO. 'Ibo puLlK (klitUiK appropnaiiou traa ttiaUed dim a fMm fl'.f?.i)UiUn|L17,nnu amlUKetof tbeoibiToom' eilKi'e’* appropnaiionalUfTrred UkeiriiHii. Tbe |6n,M)0 (hit «M in tbe ortltuinoe for uproini tirii'li UAH cut out wiih oneelaab, atid AMOUinr lirm oi t . fr UO lor ibe earue purpoM wia merri- rdm lkuoilt- Uf. Julmion Mid Ibalilvku Widmloiid tbat tt-b inutirr tbouid bp ueud (or ihr upunini of Sgutb £levcntb tlreet If It Wiie ■Mil at all.

Tbcro oucht to be at Jeait tIO.OOl) lu lUe orJiuacue lor aireet opeuinKa, uid Ur liar' ilfcao-

" If the Aldfmian can ibow me bowiopnl tbai imomtt in and *UU keep ibe ordlnabce eliiilit Lbo Umu of ihe Law 1 wiii be willing U> do II/' replied Mr. /obnaon.

araarr FAvimi iteiu qo.The Item of |2S,0(M for ihe pavint aix! ra>

liaviiK; of Rtreeu waa cut out altogether on iniKlim uf the chairman of tba Finance OodI' Buuee.

-’ Wo would Uke to leiTe it la," taut Ur, JohiiMvii, "Uii Chv late DemoGrtUc TjeahiniurB bai Ml luaeaaeU tbe approfrlaiioni lu aime do* purtm«>nU itial ti ia Impoaibte. There ii, iiow> fter, aboul INU.OQO outaiHndfng of tbe capital fuiKl for pHTma. which will eume back tula juar, Ro tbat there imiit be oeerly mopey ciiiaurb anyhow.*'

TiU! tietbucmia (ailed (o lei I Ur. Jobnaoti ihai •umcotw bad bveu mlalulonnmg bun; tbat tb«rc wa on ly about ftib.lXiO of ibe capital fund cui.daiaijnt, not more ibao iony ernt, of wbich HAS cullocUbte, aud potuhly not over UvQty-hFe peroMii. ofwmcb will oome back loibe city tieacury ihiavear. The item waa airlcken oui o< «he ordtnanoe,

'i'lie iiuiii Of fy,o00 Kir Rratkiif and curbing WA' alao airil'kfil) out, Ur. iobnaon tayint tbat tbera wuiitfl be aumcieot utooey lo that tuuU AIM) tbit year.

AiderioaD Y<iUo| waa pleated wl:h a re- duo-d ti>prapnaiion of S4.UW) lo Uan work on tbe ucw engiae-houw) io uhi Teolb Ward, tim nu«l imporlanl ivduciiooa In ibt nimmUlee appropriBUoui were the reducing ol itaa amount for the Sireei Oommitieo to Ui&.llOO irimi ino.' BUOand tba redueme of ib« Bvwrr Cummiuae to tsardOu from 160,(X». Lam year the bitui t

HKEEZeu rUOM TIIK bHQHK.Impravementa at n«linar end g|iHng

Ijike—The Summer VUltore. Special 10tba EvkKiHa Niwa.

Rulm ae . N. j .. June 22.—The week at Beliiiar baa been an eiondm tly pleataoi one, aed rewardiPN of ibe cooJ w^alber fur a few dare peat a luge nuui her of rummer Rueitg have aiTiTed at the Tarunai b nieit grd eotiiira, A number of oxtenatve linproTemenia an* (n be mediauhiireHontbatwitl be regarded with much haiUfaciion by tbe iummet f ijourntri, A new buarilwatk U in be laid alung llieuctan Iroiii, which la haile<] meb delight by all. M?enlb aYrmie, iron Ukr itinuMnu-eait avenue. U lo n-celve a coai of clay, and NiuUi avenue, frnoi f iinmt to ihe bndgt. la lo to tquaUy lavurod Ihiwe improTemenu will ba greatly apnrerlated, eapedally by lUfjw who have equiiauea of Ibeu own. Ii la under- atiiod tliaf Lbo fot oo the auuibcmt corner uf Riiiih avenue and EalrKi will bt- duuaied by the Ocean iivACb AMocUtioo for firucuinpany parpewea,

A. R. Uunb aod family, of (rrafige, have ar- rlvtHl ai Bcln arand are ont'iipyiug t cottage on Kieveutb aveuua fortheeouuii The b«.J' mar Home, un Ji iih avenue, lurmerly known la Ibc Fihh , T< Due lloiivc, will, ihu scar, ba undtr tbe mauHaemciUof Hrv, K. I*. I'tdwail^' Oar, The huuae haa been thorunihiy rano- valod, and prcMmu a muck Bu>re plcwvnt and bunn-like appi'amoce than ever heiore. It la rumored that Ik-loiar wili number iVilmtei Richard T. Donnelly, of ibt Ui-vanth New Jeiwy Kcgiment, amutig Ita •nmener realdeiili thia acai-un. Joaepb H. Riehardaou, pfiwirtetit of the Uw and Ordi-r U‘ainc of Trenton, u oecupvlnx a rotuiae here ullL bii family. Tbe bow coiuge or 11. roitilcr, of Newark, has been raiaeU, ainl the ouDiracton are hurrying H along ai fa l as poAtUe. & Naplar, a pn>rol- nem Eaai (.irange mnu, wlii atwbd the lummer here wllh hU lamily, (JiMitae J. Kerry, uf Oranee, la a Beiniar a lmlicr. Tie uKuaUy a|i«rui<i the enllre riun i er on the noMt.

Fi'rinq Lame, June 22.->H|nlng lake la rtmt gruHliiginioftaca^tde Oily. TUu wurk uflm- pmvccncm hai RreaUy added to tbe atiraeilTe* ne*aot tbU rewjrt, Ur*. Henry r, Townaend, one of Hpring Iake*a palraua and aihnireri, baaJoM uiiinfleied lour hamWiiim cotiugra at the Ciirber <j{ Ijecoud and UoniBOUlb avenueN, The loctibm iaotie of tbe (ineat in ibe ptact', and the wiUafoa have been fitted up with every Oiinlurt and oonvenlauce. They wHi te oecupliiJ thb, their flr i acawm, by HoUon Wm- pcuQy. Krank P, Hnowdeo, Jnmea U. Robb ami Jami’i Buchanan IWeeae. Amungihe cottage pt'Ople here arc UIm Carrie A} roe and Ur Frederick Martin, of Rahway. They have pretty Vil1a< at Nonb 8prlua lAke.

U. K. Ui.ftiy anil »|(e, oi JPaieivoD, are en- Joying a vUit here. They are gurtu ai Uie rarleton, CoIodcL Rq ua King, of Kllstbuih, la numbered amutut fiprina l.air«'« pa'runt,

Ruben ft 0X‘*‘n. Jr., pnvali) aecr tary lobla fkiber, UbveriKW Green, will apeinl a portion of Iba kuid mer at thla place and tbe ftiate camp beaoquartera ai Sea GiK.

AaBravPiiu. June22[.V «tof].-T3-rlay flafi are flying on aN the h*ghotela ii d the aeaxtni is well under way. The flrai hup of the tumnicr will be given at tba Coleinao Uiiuae to-nighi, arvi several oihur hnteia will give opening en< tertaiomenU, m nearly ail bava a largo im of arrivals

Next week Ocean arovewlli eiperlment an tiie use of alt water for ilreet'ipriDiilng pur* fKwea. tfce supply cuinini froin a bugs reaervolr on lbo beach, wbk-h It filled hy meant of pampaoperated by tQt bewlydnvenled wave uoiur n-neniiy placed lo oporation. The water wUl be con<iuc(e<1 by plp«e lo various potoii in thetOi^D, where waaoua eau get tbelr supply. Tbe axpenui«Dt uf using silt water oq the

R»rh ^oaai low DA aw u U Claimed to be luperuK totee¥47,000. Boib <tep«inmenu will probably have to be helped out from tne onnunttmt fund briure the y<ar la over. Nothing aia put id the ordinance for acbool cooatrurtkHi and Bribing (or edutingent expeiwcs. ^haa the Republteana bad Aniabed cutting the oml. nance UJiut west ubder the one per osut. wire with A marila of akuul 1000 to ipare.

TU m M niA SM M BBOOMHKItPtD.The kdtowtiig taMe ebowe Ue amounti

Dppropriaied tbfi year, the aioooeu taked hw fcfo yaar and (ba amooat appropefoted In \9fA:

Itfi 17,000 00

86.000 OD ft ,000 ou<600 00

19.000 00 2,(VX1 on k.UllO OO

101,415 00

800 00 2lft.7ft 00 Ifli 462 01

«.00Q 00

34.000 CO- 9.U0O OO

13000 00siono 001.000 OO

16.000 (JUI 80.00U 003t.00U no28.000 00

1.960 00 30 0UO OO 2.0P0 00

iOO 00

3 000 00

0816 00 82.400 00

Ifl27,000 001117.000 OQ

46,1j00 0090.000 do.6.000 00

26,000 0(‘ a.ikio m- 4,600 OQ

101,41b 00

4,000 00 6.600 00

unooo218,706 Qb 148,462 til10,000 0121000 009.000 00

16.000 00 b0.i4IO Oi)!f,60u00

16,000 0030.00U UO 26,000 0036.000 W1,900 00

29.000 Oil 2,800 00

iOO 00


82,100 00

6,000 00

61,000 001071.147 «J 1 ,186,447 4011901,470 77 97L.M8 36

85.000 0071.000 00

i&oooo22.000 fO 2.&U0 00 8, MU (X>

74.3GQ 0020,007 00

800 00 186.1)10 on lliuuo 00

6,boo 00

24,(100 00 9.0(90 OU

I'lsOOO 00 47,(.UI tiO 2.M0 <N

<“* ........Tool ( «bum. iih)

Hubviyi Public


Biilldlan Brldgi’S. ......CroHawAlka...Sci'Ol maiu-

irnanc** ..Brhooi eon


bcheoli,..Pnlk-e-M......Fire.... .....Italer sup

pl>......«...tliy iiuapi-

tai....Z ,..Inflrnitry" ,„i Public j

ilvaltb..'Braen..... .Wbirres.....Contiugem

Puud. fioavenger...Tax oollec-

n >0 1887, ftty iJomo..Awc-rftliig

taitw..Plro ft»m-

tnliiee.......Imercat..Ba ha.........Brik tcaiuiw Ciading iDd

(.‘urblag...Pdruallw.,.New sewer

Oefir-foney,Fro.' Library lltb Ward

Kn,lWh Wud

. ilfflUe..Btroet open-



lilBltt.The ordloance waa ordered to third reading,

u d tt wilt be paawd ar a aubsequent meeting. Mr. Ketchaffl, Just beforo adJotiromuDl, made a Jluie parti ail apeocb, in which be showed how wicked tne l^mocreta to tbe fiegialaiure

teen {□ iDCreasing the appropritiknii to Uio police and lira depArtmecta.

ORDAINED A COLORED PRlEgT,Charles maiidolph Cncles YoiUd With

tbe Cjaakok aud Itirpllee,Daltimoh* , Jnne 2S. -Citdlniil Gib­

bon, y«tenliijf wdilDetl , tmiober or ilodaDd t l Bt Sal.plee'1 u d dL jM pb 'i ^mliiukH. Anioog utlien oo •hom tb« hxwun Wi,UKOWd tUDdolpli U iic!«.ieol-WM itudeni of St JOHt b'i, «ho oUltittlie ■w culotwl prlMt ordalnn] Id Ancrioo. H. la• naiiva of italUDioto, lod ku baaii all bli Itta• re.»laDl of itali eltr. H« «aa amoo, tba Snt

?■ Semlnaij, iba aim olDOleh Irmiliytion la to prepare priaati for work MwngooJowi (Kopifc -Hieia la but ona eo(-

*“ “ " “' 1' "“ »■ “ 8 wa. edu- 1“ »o m . and la

Tba Cardimil al.0lomsM HafferuitD, of Phila Ifiphta | ?h2I Catilcnl^ (lp*iD, and


82.000 00

80.000 00 M.OUO 00SftOOQ 001.900 00

2a.0tf) 003.900 00

lOOOU8,000 001.900 008,220 77


2,000 00

8,000 00

ThOCnn hlthau enaun I ' lock, e: a eioaa,

ifMioa and tba dnai biwia^ViiiSIS?

“f >« W,b«?Sdettba lenaun cut four iMkr olfracb

• « « « . Ttan

The elevai Ion ot oolured naeQ to |

m ^ mdnerea, " 'P carrjun, o « tha

AtUaaptrd t> Atawnla ■ Child, •wdal te tka kaanwo K n i.

EI221..* fciwjk Tburaday night a ehtld'a

gitum Uivanla Paiwler. » lau-year-old tirL

™<*d tbal Jobn UevelaDd, a HKt'S u ia u lfh i"* ! ^*• lb* p w f r t ) , - - -

••lalng awar-ftCn t M n £S ? •" * " » « f "rwiad tdS

S u .ill ^ larto ib?\hud".S?****" fwlBJIivWDiKBmw

•"fcipiid.bnltlu.p » « l w . imaalaad wlU ba

b « r « » 5 i • b , iMda and eaata

nry, IKN

‘k21S ^ “

B'eab wnier, keeping tna eerth damp for a louger pvrioit aud crystal ismug the lurtaca to •tuin ap axseil aa to make tke reads bard and amooib.

MIm Belle Tfcbencr, of Newark, aud her blend, Uiai Gtwate Drake, vJ EljiaiMth, were guwt • it ib« Cotaman Unuae tbli week, Jmm HeCrea and wifo iikI hUset Eila and Mamie Jfot.%ea,oi Aaiarsrraet, Newark, an summer* log hi otN of Ibe pveitr t«bt eotittai uo tba ’Terrace, near (be baacb. Job« W. VeiwhQ and fautty, of Newark, age gueals at Ibt f im End aud W. S. Castucr U at the Ibbitt

Mm. M. J, Invklp, ihe revivaiitt, wbo has baan louring the fioutb, M at bar eottage an Ooaan patbway, in tbe Grofe. David Decker, a Bigomndd merchaut, and bli wife areapcDd- ibga ibrtuigbtai tn« Oaoorne, In tbe Gmre. 8taiM 0. Head and* wJle, of Newark, ifcguesu ai tbe Hotel Ltewaliyn, In ihaUrovo. Mrs. Dr. Aunin tod MUa Pbgebe Anota, of Keaarfc, are at Ihe lamo houM!. Rev. George R Onoa. D. D., of Drew Tbeologicaal i f minify, UNdism, m ai (be Cam) lloD, In Ihe Grove, and Mrs. J. K. PimiiPA UhtG. Ulldred Ptillllp!i aik] W. ft Pbilitpa, uf OrangD, are coKagen uear the Au* dl’urinm,

Es Oeuator Jame L lUya, ol Newark, ia rvgwiervd at (be AUaiitlr, aiul Jotiu U. Uarria and wife, of kootciair. arc at the Hbeldorj. R. Uorau and laojiJj, ol Kaal Orange, are at tbe Alpha.

Mn. A, ft Relover a»t Mrs. B. Hfaervroed, ot Newark, am iiuppjng L>Miia inmtncr on Km* bury avenue, la (be Grove. Oliver AnkcieU, of Newara, la a gueat at the Uetiopoiiuui, but lesTta rhf»rily for a European trip.

Aui,u^ Uiii gueitsst Ibe Atlantic ate Will­iam Maiviiall aod ilieudure D. Fraaee, of New­ark. Tbe Mimes Bu>(, uf the same City, arc hoardlug uu AUauiic avenue.

1'he Ptffislen ufine otner botela ooutatn Ihe DatueaiiMhe fojloalng Newark people who are, or who huve been bi-re during (be week ; George 11, M Her, Coarles 0, Lehbacb. 0. H. rernlay, J. B. Finger, J. D. Howwr, M. U. KcfDO'tt, IMhlei U, Junk A. Ourthe sail Jureph vsalioD.

U. T. Bond, J. il. Bradshaw, Utaa Uary Brad' Shaw, Uta J. II. Phillips, Robert Cibblewo, Jr. J. M. lloiiget, u . K. Croai and J. P. Kbnwltii,of Orange, are stopping at vatioiu bouaet.

■HOT BY AN ANORY MUR,A Negro Killed on (lie Hceae e f Hla Oaa>

tardiv Crlioe.ajLUM BiA.fl C , Jnae 2 2 , - A i the

imsll station Ol Rickton. in Fairfield County, about ihlrty'nve mllee from this citv, a young Dfgio uaiufi] AiKly l aldweli ynltinlay jnet Mri, Bvukbatn, a respeetabJa whiU* woman, m a lonely road and atiauLted her. Mrs. Beck* bam made a brave teaiitaQce, but ChidweU waa a very powertui man aud aoon overcamab«F. Juatat hMllTno a daughter of Mrs. Ber k* noaiip abouuiaiuen yeoMold. approaotied the appi where her moiLrr teld in a ball-oou* aoMua oondiUon. I'aidnoll bad wtib blm a sbotguD, and aa tbe ypumc girl approachud he fire (bo ooniema Into her body and iheu fied.

The lact of the doul>le crime was sooudla* ooaerod, and a pomf, beaded by (be Bhenft, uarted in puriuli. Tba crlnunal was found lu hiding and wea captured wuhout trouble. Tbe Sljenffp reariD,! tyiieblrig, deiertnioed to bring htaprlronerlo (bis dty,. |qt safo-keeplug anUfor (hupurpoae took bimioRockton. Ilure barem . iQcd for a abesi time, until tbo anivalof tbe evening (ram. lu the meanlline, bow* ever, tbe news or (be enme aod capiurehad spread, and a crowd bad gathered near Rock- ton. Jiiat aa the (rain pulled up and the prlaont!r had b.*en hurried oo board, (iRy omq daibcd up to tbeifatioD. euicrod the car, and, iq ipUe or the realAUDc*k of tbs offloi-n, ibrew a rope around. Calilweiri oeck and pulled himutrtbe train, lie was then takeu 00 a run to tbe soeiie of hit oiitne and shot to death. Kim Beckham la aUlI alive, but dau- geruuaty wounded. Tbe Ivncbem were not dis- lulled.


Three Maa on tbe llarli Bnmar flnoeqiab to n Peeuliar Dlsewae,

BOSTOS, Jnne 28.- T h e b»rk Rkm»r, Cipuln Eiuery, at ibfo port from Tamauve. bad three men die on tbe paiwage. Tbe cap am refuses to give the namsa of tbe bmq or tbe oaiuro of their Lllnasi.

Hr, Page, tbe Boston agent of the bark, alio refuacd at fir«t to speak on iba lat^ect for pub- noation, but finally deckled tbat tbe MeU bad belter be made publift

'* When the bark kft Tamatave wiib a ctigo or hide','* aald Ur. Paaft " the memberri of tha crew were aeesilngly all well, but on nearjiig tbe Equaior a sort of diopalcai diaeve or scurvy broke out. and nearly all the men were airicken by IL lo eicb case tbe iigna ot tba dieeaae first appeared in tbe nature ofioraa on (be foet Deaiu occurred In three cases. Three otto men who were afflicted were kft at Bervniffi. The dotitors then oailed (be dlseaae ' beri' beri,' and aald (bat wbiia It could not be cured It was cot cOQtagioui.*'

Auewerew was shipped atBenoDda. Tbe Qaaramiof oOoen lay there was no use of de* talRloi tba bark al ((aafATUloe.


M» Hsim o f Iho TaM raM o fit«t«w an ’a KwtM»vary..Bwiieihad to be Mabtoc, 4 !

L am ca btib , P«,, Jnne 92.—0 - a e « lBloion CiDierDD U m i low and bellevnl tu be

WJBomeDt, J tn an

■ I''. i cun.'nMi'ipn.enl eoadJtwu » w urlaM tnj. led It b « eMUDuitxm of the iltKk ol Bte wott> ttt , BcburiKelved liute (imanuee lin eeT D ^ d«I Bomtof, t|Hl lUe tea ti <i[i«4Md w n •eon. Rb rlint lide w !ieial,nd egJ he b •peedilHii.'

The (lueral', phyetebs iM tnee Id eon- Heutaiieuddiee, bia R t, be)leT«) feebu nn Mpe o f U f MileDt MirnTiat » » W hoon,


One Man Ne*« Ilia Wife and leven Chil­dren browiiea tn a FI«HHl-Tha ViU

iage of Loee Alar Wiped Oat. Acres o f l.«m| ruder Water,

L ittle Rik-K, Ark., June 22,— Although tbe luaa of Ills lu Ibe ronemtusU Valley aaa uuu b griwor, (be results of that drcadftil dusMer, sull ireih m the minds of those who bavu fulluwod the neaapiper ac* countao; the llnniL it b u a awiuel ihc lacia uf which were giveo Ism uIkIh lo a Goarttr re* porter by (^ptalii '.Sawr' kauikinbury, ibo IVpiiiy L'liliul Hialeo Uaitbat, aihI a oiore pitilul Mory u rarely Iwaid uf, oixurrlug m It did arairr huini'.

(hi hb tnp lo (onway and Van Huren Ojqti* ties, (be oibet day, he learueO that diiriug a heavy rain norm ia (hal leciloo o(Uteh4aM last 8a(uri1ay tiight an oiJ tuaii named Kmiaer* acD bail (bu nikforlUQO to km hia wlfo ami irven childreii lo a Hood. Aa qi ar aa b« oould karn tborw lia l bet>n a trcuiciKLiua rala Dear ninlon. ibe Coimiv wmt of Van Bu>wo Coutiiy, on (be Upper K«d Klvar, and (t waa rtvar ibii pirn's Uie dtstfiesaing iu<ene lOuk place.

l':flniD«raon, wno la au old wiifor la Van niucn (*outi(v, WM wllh bhiaittily lu hW houae II night when Ihe sionn wan raging. Alter an boui'i ram, ihtt uatcr graduiilljr (loiAted bis buuae. and. fearing dauaef ImUtlc, be Kalliervd two of hla chitdrcn in hla ariiia aud muclu luf ih»* door, to cfcapc. As tho duor opeiiCfl a bilge log ufinal detUiH.] tn the emranev aud bQocii-d the litflo ones lYora liLvarnui.

All. i/m Dt-r TJiaai.They foil a( hts leel iii(o ih« swift current

and were loa(. He iLeii tuck up two mure, um Ml each arm, and succuedL'd In gcUlng out aim them safely, lelliiig bia wHq to follow wMh tl,e oHrers, tint In atiempUug w esoape in tbo Mime manner ihu mmhBr, with Iwo cbit* dreiL lu her armi am| ibrsn clinging ro Ul'T ilroiv, was carrlvd down with ihe floud and drowned. The laibcr and (wu cbll iwi, the only onea Isit iu a family of elevcu, escaped with tbelr lives.

Tbe nighi waadark nnd the folher with tb« only two >urTiV0Fs ol till large family iioud In waUM abi>va the waut cllugiog (o a (roe for •evortl tumra, aud «aen thewafoia aulwUled in Lbii morjilng n si'aicli wm ina«lc, and (ho dead bodies of the tntaiiur and seven cbilrtreu were dlacovered >caii«roc] here and tiji-ni lor cun- itderaU-* dwtanee around the plao*, Ihe cloth­ing having oaugut m unierttfiub and (he bodies he<d flui in thut wny. •|'wo cl tlie ocOwe were fouad lu tbe Ranlcn lot, a short dIauDCC from (he borne to wbin* ibey bad been etrru'd bv (be force ol tiig water, sud othervasfarat fitly yards Irom the hou*»e.

Captain FeulkcpLiirj mw a lU'igbtajT laid WeduetiitT, who will be had aniiieO in bury­ing i be witulc family next day. He was told (hat It was (he btwvkit klorm ihai ha« ever riaited thut j>cotloti uf ihe Buie, diwcnblngit aa a warerspont, and alibougb it lBate<l vuJy a short whi 0 It worked a Ices of llfo aiul pru|>- rnv tbatouingt be easily catimited. Ifnibera auflTered a like fa,« M tNiell Emerrou ha was uuabte (u fiud it oul.

A nuauB WIPkD OUT.Albajiy, Uo., JuD0 2L-At6;S0 P. U. Ibun-

day tbiR vklutty waa vlaliad try two cyc-uoes, «T (Hia tu mo pron .s. It Mnwk tbe rrame real- dean ol n, P. WiliLame, (bree miles east nf this city, and eutnpicialy demolisbed It. Mr. Williams’s nine-year oJJ son and hli mother- Ib'Uw, Mr*, (.'risptb, were loataiHly killed, Mra. Wiliiaia wur fataUy injiirod and ttarea cbiidrea were badly hurt. Tba cyclona wiped Otti iha liilie village ol Lcere H'ar dea royjng (ba itorAbouio aud goods of A c; Townsaud. (ba Baptist Church, achuolbouDe aod many midencea. Mr. Townaeud, tba poetiuaiter, ia (bought to be fatally injured, is also Mrs. George ^liiebaaq.

Many utber larmbousrw and ouibulldingt ware daattoyad, and it la iapotoble (o aetlmaia

damtMK. Al wailaiu’a ftaatiiag bwra yn* terdayactbralMliilKl dollars nm rfllnad andclothiag for tbs w m eri provided.

Tvkx>la, I»., June 21—A levere wind storm paaaed over a seci ten «f cuuairv * twawty tnilea west or here I'nuredcy otgbt, d diig much dam­age to cropt and fruttfl aud laytof dewD bams and foocea

a wATia srovi af atvood.* AtAtwotid ttaa<m»*d the oatute of a water spmir, at;d in a tew aanomoli mtat waa nio- mug nverai Inches deep llrougb aomo of the bustoeaa rr^en iba cHUro widtn. Tire Lake Folk (Mnaloverflowed Ita banka and id many low places much coniwai rolnc'i. A Mciion of railroad track on the Iddlanspolis, l>eeaiur and WtHtcro road waa washed out west of At­wood.

IUnv(U.b. III., Jmw 22.-Tba lUMt levero eleoiric iiurm of tbs seaiou was aapeneuced here Thurwlav niebi. The house of Fred Uag- uua waa Miuck by a bolt of IJgbtning, which iDeiamiy set Um building on fire.

Vakualia, UL, June 21—Juirfog a Ihuoiler- Tuuf«ij«y evening WliJiam Block, a ror peiiier, of fit, Elmo, tbiscuuniy, wu struck by itgbtniQg and insiamly killed.

THE E’ MESIDKNT AT CAl’K MAY,Cheered by Crowds at tbe BtatUii‘ -Fro«

gracuDie fur tJ>« VJalUirs,tAPE Ma y , June 22.—Th* PrMiileut

srri ved a 11 'ape May ntui last night oft special parlnr car 1C34 of the ('amdvn and Atlimic rallroad.asbe of (be moat magmaeeiitly fitted up parlor curt lu Ibe iUato owned by the Peuu- sylvattia ILMlroa'L

Tire run of ciigbty-fme miiai (o Cape May was made in ninety six miuutes. Tbe car waa then liken by an engiueol ibe Delaware Bay tad Cape May Hatliood. airivingat tbe point ai,9:49 o’clock. No kpeclal Incideut marked the trip except al the Point, where a Jarga cruwd iwatlert rtio arrival ol ibo ITrstdeiulal feirty, who aero lustily cheertd as they stopped from Ibe car.

The carriage was m bava fccu In wftHlng. but arriving a iif{ la late (be parly bad itarted on fool Ijtward (he Wanamaktr collage, and wbrn meeting u tbe Treaident expiemed a prcicrenw toooiiilQUe (he short diHaiice on foot. Beuaiorgeweil had litde them gioU oigbland reioraodwith (be car to Cape May niy, where bs JoiDHl bil fomtiy at4heir lovdy summer homa OU Wludeor avenue.

TUc President and Mr. Waaamakcr were waimly greeted by Hn Harrison and her fath­er, Rev. Dr. 8eoi(, Mrs. Waaaker not now be* liig at tbe shore. Mr. WanamakePs beautiful aeaildu manrion was eipjrlally briJliant, every room being ligbied up, Tbere was du iDtriwloa by reporierv amt oilier*.

The rreiitleni expL'cia to vlxfl Cape May City IhiR aAernoou, and may witncaa tb ; first exer- ciaes of-the wnson at tbe Capo May Athletic •Park la reeponae to an invitation exiooded by Ssnaior John £. Rcyburn, p-Hldenl of tbe as«o* claiJou. It IS expected that lo-morrow Preel* deal and Mrs. Harrison, iccoDpant^ by Geu* eral and Mr*, fieneii, will aiwnd ibe Cape May PreshyierUn rburch aud wlU dtoa with tba Menerai tbai evening.

DEADLY DUEL BETWEEN EDITORS.Ob* o f Them Shot and Klllad aad Us«

Ulhar Woondad.N kw Oru iam s , JuiiB *9.— kesgrs, 0 .

I^c'qiwt «nd A, T. Moquln, wliun m pecim lrofUieODWriind SmHMi, ,i,,| MWEpaptnlnme (own of TO)faoii*ui, lo ibi. eiau, b u . ihoMiiit tlTr«y fuiorOir Id ffoot of Pi, Jo<anh'f cotiog. iB TolbodtU*, Id .bio!) Hr, NoquiDWUitiDilDlb«U](lr, dpibi' rfoD tbe eouiid Ip Im tbiD in hear, «blle Ur, Ferqnut WM wopDded Id tbe. peed, bat net denerr- ODily. Ibe difflcultp Uciee lyoD * newepeiier eoDlrureivy wbjch bm been tolog ou lor tbo put week,

Tbe ScNti'nrf, of wblob Rr, NoodIo wm editor, «MU«d Keeguetof xetllDg drobt etetec nt ploolo. firqnet denubded tD epukieT, wljleh wm tehi ed, « id wb*o Uie two editor, met iber iipeued are on each other, with the retpu

To Aid MrA Meleel.Waghington Cnnitcil, American Legion

of libnor, b u apiHdoled tu t tJoiouiii'ier A T. Blmmond., E. H, Senior end P. C, Bblpmen u * cooiuimH to lake ciiarte of ibe com or (.'hru R.iwl, who wu a Diombet of the oigtiilallon. II le probablethat the poliCT ol tLOOP on Mebal'a Ills will be paid, Tu lecure the aoiounl pruol of dutb Diuat he loftbouiDliig, but when tbe prealdent of the ManiOeld Uaae Ball Club tod ihe m l. wipageot bon wboDi Reiul purebaaed hla ticket for the ill-rated train, No. I, alve in their iMtimunr the ca>h will proluMr )» paid Uta. Metacl. Tbe Newark and Booth Cfrauga Rune Car BeoeroIeDl Awiciatlan will giTO a pl( Dio at sbaotioa Park lo aid oT the HelUl luoU. aod dobata all the gate oiooer to tbat ol|eot The " lodlaoi" hare altead]r aald orei too tfeketa, and the eotnir oBciaitraod Irfendi ol Mr. Uelacl ban d l ip i^ of a eonilderabla DDDiber, Yealeidaf ite Dentacber VCteraiieo und Knegar >DDd TDD Newark, New for ey, not Uta HetM H5, Ihe tDitmui eoliocted IroDi the fnembeia Ibr her bebefli,

Aona Uflogaloii, a Utiln fill of W riaPW ■re*C b u rorwaidad U> Ihe Niwi DO that aha eollaoiad lot (ba biad tor Mia Relut

A SalcM* RdH .4 Is Potter'. PiaM.Th* ftieaila o f John M ean. lormerlT'

^UtSpringlleld avnoa who oomnliled ipl. ^ lu w by threw l i t hhaaaR loio the North U f or, baTaodlnoreree tbu au body w u ■». jowie# atm boned la Paitai'a field id New ^lm . RalM djM iiifetem idfwtt.M a

*’■^1 '• ift i' iT'lJii'- ifl ifa*i" i* 6i* • • cL

MlNRVtV FAMILIRM STAHVING.Th«S(re*t« o f llralriwcXMl l*H1*ri With

Kall-fismtAhrd PcwplwaBHAimvixi!>» 111, ,)nnc 2 2 .— Hun-

drvdacl chlMrvn weiil Miptcflfsi (o UhI tsmt mghi. Tbiv* lhoiiMt)>l iiuiipio are thrswivnc i wirii iiMual i<srvatkm. hrsulwuud In suinuig to UfRlt]. Wsr* Il not for (bs (set U(*t In Si'orcs of htds iiardcns ibe varly VL’gi'(st>l«s bsva t artiy ntatunri many * hiunsn (wiUg vkaiu) bsvti died from tihrvsiliiii befurs (tut. Ouc foinlly. omwiiUiig uf % foihcr. mntbsr trei vigbt obilMrvr), liavu IItciI lor ibre* days i>n ps>- iitiir-* Slid U-tUMw. For lifirvu yiwrs Una wtaiJ Aufiud fyr (Ilf c hici^o, Wilmington «ud Wu- mil (A) r«iid iWiADy. Uisuwoud is owuehI by Um riTi*orilUin. A. t. Suct-i, of Cbicogu, ki prfi*Uli‘ni, «m) Mayor P. 1). Cory It the »u- p«ritild>udiiit.

YvAri oso lbs coiupenysank Us fiisisbsft •ad sisrii.'d uii a oMirrr wbk'li bts rs-hullc<i in iiN u(ii«|iang X prarlKwl monuinh over the cotl foliRoi tbifMH'i'Uun Dl the (bate. A Ibo rou pHiiy grew in wMiKb it dscrvsMd lire wMcv of im rnipUiyes in i.STO Uic miDeni here were psM from E> to E a (Uy. Tbit pne* tum •KwDly <lccfemc<l year by year, lu tN77 tiic (ntupm made bu Btfcinpt lob*v6n tbv> former re- dtu’lionof ihoir wsge«. AfU'r b ilniggle uii' marked by vtolence (hey woie de1eRU‘'l.

‘iwu |fars imcr ihe m-i Is wm tiiHB mr. (to Wxy 1, tbe {•ompniiy fluvl (be kmIC at e gbty-eJgbt Ctnis a (on for diegMig and reiiic fi r uiMlitng tbe roBd, b ri-ducLmu of owr »W |«> CI O'. Ineii lire aigi** ol ln7i>. Thu ?U»rv- Irion pi ini hwi li<4>u rctcbeJ. Tile aim sr- ceHvd I he ifrms twcAnes they hid U), and Ihe mliiei Here LVi-rrun aim dieu. Every strike bad lK-4-n tin- slgnnJ l»r a fresh irapuruiiMm uf Uiiliaiw, linns or i;r|n>c« irtna tbe Stmm.

TIren tbe fouirein Kisrti'il b itoro and. i1- ihough the u.hik‘ 1 K wsgcidiit hot reach V?'> bmoDib. If aBb i'inic(ini iIiri be »Jioiild *pen 1 Hi ICMl flO of lilts Mim Bt in* »ux-e every oryuth. On Hay 1 lui, Ibr cumpBuy cut tlie Ksic H'vi-ti i‘(ul N lull. Ibu iiiluore hsid a iTH*cilMg and dr<"nh'»l lo slrlltc, They ie«aonefl thsitt aa«u rsfw uf kriimt<:oii, B'ri'aay. and phlTusuphlcblly cierlin'it trtulr piefvrenoe to aiarvtiioii Bud tdlci.m rmher itiBn iUrrotion Bn>. work, Tiw comfiaur. ibrongh ilaageut, iiot bed tbe men that ihey oi>uld starve.

Tbe peu|i e an> iiowMaiviug. Tbe sireeta are filled »Ub Imir rninlBliod eiillciren and adniu. Tire *fiectBrlf MBS atoi(»i lii'youd l»olu*f, i'n- le«a Uicni is b«]p b brcBdl not caDtHiTl proBWil,


r bo sup

READY FOR THE <*NIGGKRw'*A Hot«1 Proprlelor »tid HI* Revolver

Make Guosts Fsel llepreMedaMriUVT iloLLV. N. J.. Jmie 22.- T h e

WiNbiUKUiri Huimc, oucot'the i>lde<*( b<aillcrli‘ii tn t( cc»uiM>. Bos ill B klaisof situs 'M urs. day IU iMiiri-yuenc-c ul ibcBCriuireol tbs |jn> pneioT, Jtuscpti Hin*ri. who for kome liinc f-BAt had shoMU d.rWod syinploiiis of menul d«- rauRem-Mit lo rotiarquriieo of hti BLouk of pirtJTRis. I(«'gaii Iv 0 iBmo'.H •t'orilng rnnn. suit formerly owned Hill Girl An>( omcr fait borars. Tbiirwlay iHjvirt IlenMin, b y«>(iTig colur -d mail in the ctuploy ol ex-«b<rlfl Kmlt-y, • enl to Hie mlt etilraoeo of (be hoMd rev ha moihi-r, who w employed in (he cmahitst! mriH. 11‘-nR9n wbh itikiu; quietly wiibbls ucHbur wheu Ur. HogRU rkpUsl him.

"What tie yon diiing bufc 7" ho shuuriKl )n B nge. St ibe iBUie drawiug b revolver i'tuua his pocket.

"TBikmg to my wtrAber,’' rarpouded Hen- sen.

“ fret out at ooee, or I'll shoot you In your (rsulfsr yetle<J Heg n-

Tbe colored mnu uenlel no furiher invltB- Uoii. tad left In b hurry, ihoruughly angry, lu R lew mlrmtcR ho alro prociiiv‘<l a revulvtr oiMl retuine<l wilb tb« timoutirwl Intention uf Rhocxing KL>Kan, who at ouco touk rSaiige In the hourc. Itoutfii Rhjud xutrd uvsr lire botei ror B while, and lUred Hogan to show Ima* Ujif. Ibe towttsTWvpIo quickly got out of Lb* way In BnUcipattun ot a in i^ y . Ueruwci flDBlIy w n t BBBy wiih a proDikH toretunp •ud fix Ufo ho(*i pioprif lor at Usa first oppew- (uaUy.

Wotn supper (imo arrived ^HegBa surprMed the gittsu soil wBit«n by (gk ug j^rw ivor foom bis pocket and layirE k hnuMbMpfoig ■■ b« ate. rttaarlriag, sa h* JJd Bft ib«t hn wifitod tobem d y '-la cbm thti aktger cbbim •round •gain.'' This •etton namralry bad a deprosiiag eSMiuQ (bt lumaics uftandiniug' room.

The DsiiUtt <.'o«UM(i Dcculea Agslnsl irediBoy t'ulurod Cimreh.

Tire tviutK'il, oHlnJ ii|nm tli*•P)i<-a1 of r,.'riBli) m<HUlieni of IWmRiiy (juur< h (i-uliired,i i»n liink Etr et. who (i.ivu bcdi ex ctoiUHi Mum inciiiK‘D.b.p by (he .bumuaui fot--Uon In the i-huri‘h met Bijalu lari mgui it itrefci*u(h llR|itlAl (.'hunh. About IwerjiypiMlHvJiv'ludibx uilinxere and layiufii, were prea.nL JkV. t»r. W. W. Hityd rh<t%TichiunnanaiHl Usv, ||. |1. Wurlng, ufllre Finh Haidim huifh ai'riij a-K*]»rk. «>(grlevo'i mi-mbL-rx rlRiimd tbit mey had k-cn hiliyniiy exclinieil, ciMiiriiy to the |)0 ]|iv ol Ui'.> IlHimtCdrfUHuuiDriun Ttiet'hargi-B bK j tfiLOipil ihe DiiuT.rioMsI clrerariot ui Iho |ih, Uir of me Bclhsny CUuicli. iU'v. C. H loirili-k In legiM to (be isUir i jlid the i-nurn'll dcclme<i h) hive anyllilug b* lio Thk' foil siaiemeni of tne og- gncve l meuihdOt had W a ilMened m Uy (he CtAiuoiUhe wt'tfk Iwlofc bo<1 the t.V»urucd ma-(UigUM hell in lu-iuany Ci uroh, through It* rvf.f^Teuiaiivo*. Rti (qi|Hiriuuliy uf t(«(lt)g Iri »jilc

Fnruial 1UHHC hud W u Uy iho offiiyrsof (he CLHiiicll uiHHt H -tireuy ( liuh-li, bm uu rvpn-HMiii'.ivc iiMU*i oh‘irC:i w*w pn'*eut. 'inc pariur, Mr thirl.ok. had n'A*igrus.‘d lire exiai- iMfce of (hi' c«»um'ii it Ui tirsl jh;-«Ium by scud* Ingn coQiUiUuhHiMi louibing Uis irlioii ulihc ohurvli lu tin-CAJH* Ilf oiM- nl Hit' tidutlitlmenilR F*. Mr. Ittuiiilton. lh|% unit LliOLiuly Couiiiiiuik-Jiiixi the ouuucil rvctUYvii IT'JU) Uio UburLh.

Aiiera earefni nuiiy of Jl»« wiu>i« r«ic It Uiiaulrui u‘-ly v«>l4*il by u naiiigvul** ibo-r BguTli-ve.l tneuiKra had b en ill«jail> vvcluii* e«J Mom Mi’tliauy rlmrcli. I'ooirory (ii ilu> pulil aivl u»agi« iit UsplU ehiitehen. It wwi fiirihcr vutLil lu RilviNu |h(‘ cluu-i'h I ) nrniiM Iit ks furuur aerioii bihI ie. toru ihcie un-mtwralu I heir hU; ngtm.

Il \Ma fill) fiiMirer voted lo advliiv* (lii"-? agMiievoil nicinberi after they hul W u ri- aiuml tu iho fi-'luwrlini ol tire cliuu'h (t> lake (bCM fcllcra and iir.i(e w.Ui sunu- utUci Itniptiat ubufCh. a jd liM ii'u Uuhaiiy l uurvU dTCiliuM lii'n-iUirt ihein uisl give (hem IcUerw uf lUs- mSMuh llic reniinil r^Tommemli Id .nl U«|nUt cimn-lit’i \\v>i Id n*reiv»} fitmi Drijivc lo Ui-ilwhy CourcU U-licfN nfii1*mSi-Mii. and (ai aiiliiiolii ,rl Aul end rv'Higtmioii irom tiiai ohiin-h,

•'Ihw n*'ni( uf it>e falHuu to n'tiurc lire•varlvVid roL-mter-,” mkI b munti'r of tine council. " mil be lu cu( olf the ohii.uh Iruni lire fi-lliiBslnp of oilier Hapil l ihurcti'!*. Kv*ry Biipiisi rhiirch ui a I'idejwii-deni body. ]| aohurch cbooa a It may Ire p*r fl'Cily liKlcpeddi'iit, Ikk ti has to laku the o * aiiUa ol (heir Midi-iieudcirey, Tbi-utUy any wu Ciii rv i'Ji a ctiun-h is UirtmgU adv.ire oi (*oun nl 1' it relusc wc cuii adviof all cfmrchvs lo Int i( lliilie lltllll |( CDQlL'H to llH Tllries. Al- thi ii^b lUli pdily miKiil inok Vrry weak It K r ally vi-ry ►Iroug. fur ther»i I* nut an in* SUtiico of a U ipUlt Chnri'h in lOo country whieli iiax [RTreairenlly refiuwl m Iw'cn lo (lie i BitviL-e of a laigi> dihi inipartutl counrll. If IV-lbHiiy ■ hiinto wants tu du iwi II cao i«i| a cun ucM Olid Milmitlhc foelB lu 11."

MRA. HAVES PARALYZED.The ex-Preaident'a Wife fioddeiUy

fiU'ickvD Dow u Ht Her Hume.Fitk*ioifT, O., June 22.— Mm. HH.veg,

wife of ftutireriord U. Hnyea, whiiu killing In her room yeMenlay aiicmooii Ireiwecn H indi o olf-ck bed ill aprjplpciicsUeclk, which n*suU*a lu pBi al ybi« of liie rigbi s'.de.

Bince Ibe a'tac-fe aha bus been to a m'ihi <a)w KduuicuudiUoii. Al ilHi time of ibu uroke iin . Jlayci wa* Blteadtoi lowuire sewing, and M)al4'd Di-sr her ww one of Irer wiving aouren. Suddenly (he wooiait in>mc*-I wtaalsheibDUght was a fD>lle on Hn. HAyra’a foce and her h ad iligbily leaned toward li«r Khoajldcr. Hire td- dre«ed Mr*. Ilavca aiiiJ, reonvlDgnu reaponae, rau aud uit>eU Hhoi Faiinre lisyiv. who «i the tiffl* was eurenalBing cnmpaiiy.

Ora. Riec Shil llllhtib wsru fcumiuoiied, aud dh1 alt Id (heir power to ebi her Mr. llayca was in CotuiDbuA, but returtiL-'l laslcvcuing Rboat two houn aricr ihe uccorreDuf, Her aousHcoit and Ruiuerrur«l ir<re iu thu eriy. und fiufdut-d, who re«idiH m Toledo, arrived •b*.Ui7o'cltck. Webb iR Ml ffovelaud, hut IR expected home to-rlay.

Mrs. Haycabad lur irevcra] dayn been com- plalutog uf Quaibnena la ibo right urui and has bad some four of a stroke of ibU chtracicr. lierconditloiA Is rather seriuu*, but It umiUI that tbere la a chance lor rocovery. 8ln; bos netlber ipofceu Dor moved since the sbuck. The news was a severe biow to the farnlly, and III* eltixena and all ber maiiy fritmls are very anxious,

b r u t a l t r e a t m e n t o f a c h i l d .A B«J Nearly Marved and Ifts Body

Covered wllh £cata«Wti.MiN((TOV, DeL, J«n« 22 , - A

ahiJCklDgcare ofctueliy to su orphtu haK Jusi bevD made kBowti ai GeorgrU>uu, in thisbtoie. Several yean ago Waiter FruLCci, now ftAur* iCQn years of age, was isketi irum a 1‘bllaifoi- pbiB orphan home by Widitim J. fMby. a lanuer who lives near Gcurgeluivii. Special Ageui foiciul, of tbe Deiawaiv tiucieiy for tbe Prevention of Cruelly (o Cblidreii. weui to GeurgetowD yesterday and Invcaiigulcd ibe case.

The result waa Ibal Dolby wa<> fined taO aud cowi. aud BtoiUbrougbl tbe bov to ibis ciiy and wtli deliver bioi into (be esre of tiic I'tilia* delphla Borloty fortbe Preveaiionoi Cruvily to (.hkktrau. The child was found aimoNt iiftkcd and nearly aiarvei. Hii wlioJe hMiyand hli legs are a maasol oorrugatod cAt%. old ami new. Claused by lbo srMbluguf Acowbido. He waa compelled to sleep on tbe flour, irevcr wont to school, and aaacliivun hi ti c vvrgoof idiocy by (be brulal (reatinoul bn re<H'lviKJ.

Tbo bOj a feet show ludreailoiiR uf bavlng been (erribly Jruaenand b'Nilmuuy mbk given loabow tbai bad kuockeil ihu Hide foh Juw srnselns while bo was fullouliig ibe phiugb aud aould then leavu him lying to tbo lurrcwi until he recuvurnrl. Ihu ays ouj of brutal ircalmcTit has eonlmued lur yearN uuU tba iHtgbbrtn oould iiaud It nu lunger and uo- lifted tfM society.

PlllNUKTilN'H BXI-KIliriON.A Woll-aqnlpped Party Htarla for tbe

Lauda** of OregunDPttisom>K, June 22.-Prlm'Hon^H expedition (O (bo “ fred lamis’* of Uregun, under tbe learimblp of Profevaor Hcott, lull lor their bestiDatluu yc-tsrriay llioy will be gtoie nil the ml idio of Kepfemirer. They leave Philadelpbla to go tn (inialia. aud from tbcro lu Baker City, ttopplu.:; ai Denver and Salt Lakti Cliy.

At Baker (*ily they will Diuurii tbelr borsea aud ride lo tbo Jehu Day Biisin, nixkmg ibeir place uf encaiLpment abiui i:;0 diiIcs from lfak«r(,My. When Ihc (;aiup breaks up >oine will vielt (be YcHowiione Park Njtd calilurma. others wtli go W'lbr Fuiilbem fitales. Mlh>L of (betV outfit has been ioaiiod by (be Kiale ol New iuney and (be Federal Ouvcrnineai. New Jar- •effuroiiblnf riAoft aadtUcs, tenia aud (Aher oamplug uiensiii. and th* Uutkd Btalca a WHfua aud an open letler (to* Star De­partment by wbicb they cbn secure pruvbluoaat Coat, Tbe cuHego furulabis the sciuailfic in- airumcDts.

Tbu purp>«eof tbo expedIHon la to make a study of iho tertiary torafl lakcfl and ibc Juhu Day IBUDB and lo oolieot foMils lor lb« eoLiego museum. They aiaoexpociito fill up mo or three gaie in (be chain of evoludun. Tbe ob­ject of (he ex ped Irion li not study« hut dis­covery.

fohot Blniaair Through tbe Heart* lipeclal iHnatciyo tbe Nxwa

N ew Buunawick , Juno 22 ,— MHt> tbaw PeleraoD, of Perth Amboy, cofmnlued auieide iati eveolna by piaci ng a shoigun to bta heart and pulling (bs trigger wUb bU loot Hg bad been drinking besviiy.

A Fatal Doee mt Medlciae.N *w Bru n sw ick . Juno 2*2,—Joi»ph’'

rioldi. a loutif u n of Rlgbud riouio, of tbii. dqr, Uniuk * UMti* of oiodieine tnu DiorDlni •bill bR uoUur wu oul of tbo nooi, oiid b«<Upb HDD pRor, ^

Driub FMif'opun loOMralor fron toteti lnt-IHOTod iMil feoDUiiu. Nooeppw folMDlaf.M S(uaMnH.‘ 44v .

ACUimCIt BV A 1’ AIT0.I(,

Chorgo. A foluit Iho Mouowimoul uf tho Orange Pouiluiute.

Ad Oranifo pa]rer ycatcrdaF piililijtbod an aflUluvU made hy JuLn K -ougb, uf Orange, who baa been an iiiiuato of ibc I'uorhoure mualofibo ilcDciluiine ib* t>aH twenty y«ini, making several grave chargvs agulnsi Huiiert Mi’Cbcaney, suiierlniendcnt of ihe i*oorFsrm. Tbe iHlrlavli slirges ihat Mr. UuCbrsney bai iv-pi'a H)|y arid vegriabki raised on tbo rarm ; tbai Ire kept hla own bonre on ibo farm and led It al (be exrenreol (bvvUy; lint (Ire lufrermloiLdcnt Iraded vegetaliU's ala iicrebbur iiig aakiou for bixT an liquor ; that h* bud CHUMHi KeuugU (ocirl stones irom tire f.inn (o a bouRo bo wsa tmildiog at Urange Vaikty ; that Kutugh bad loeu oooipeifod lu help bi4i dig lh* oclliu uf lire brniw j that (au oJ (be Imuatei bad been rout tu wi>rk uu a faim owned by Mr. MciJbcauey'K foiticr ; dial Wr UdbcsiKsy bod U*(ti drunk duvriu of liiaca, iroiiucnriy gairiju Keougb out ol bed tu tUe li|d«]i«ff Ibt Dfchi to no alter freer tor him. ida tbaT Mr. Rui'IMvMy wouHt gat druok 8v ry timu tbai; dq wfOi to Orong*, and tUen the iumties wuutd get uuiblng to vat DQttI 9 or 10 o'eioch next morolDg. Ua( night Mr, UK'bcFUey declared (bat (ha rharces were eniiroly wMli- om fiiundaifoii, and told (bai be uouid muh* au affldaVft lo thatefflret. Ue declin'd Lliai he kept bis hflw* and ciiirkeiiB on tbe form with the foil kmfwk<dgi3 and consent of llj« Poor CutnuUtee, lUe-iiwor tbe burse on lh* fana tally paying fur lit keep. The fblukenn ai«o palfi for rbuinSfUfw wiiatcvci pnojure had Wud sold iroiu (he forin the idly had ruc-t-lvcd tbu money h r, hemUii, ss Ibe niouKily rcjiierts would s/wtv. Ibo; oiWr chsnica. ha alfincd, were iklselirodB. lold by Kuougb U-cause (bs Iheifttfor bad been rohjM-«i adroj-niou (u Uie pourhuiise wlreo b« ctmu ihere a few days agu Mr. Mc< beancf bcaraaguol rrpiiiatiou.

A c iij n e m : I'ONVEii.'sioy.

Ah an «x-Aaaa«*Hln, ToHa tVhat Led litro tu Clirlaliauity.

From the Man Frtneisro Kiaminer (.'ity-frobl podcilrlaua were eilHird re-

caaily by tha ckqucLc* o f the first t'lri- hi'W evHijgeirit wbo baa madn hia aiipiNir* ance Id tbat locality, Jl* atiituunced bis onoi* tti Ab Qui. H* did not chtloi uny ruunretioD niib cither lb* Halvallun Army or tb* llolineRH Oro«I. " T ph yiaraa*roI was a very bod man,’ siud he. *' WIihL yun call HiftbbiuilL-ra here, that’s whne I *ai In Canlon, 1 worked (nr a bic Maudaiin flficcL years, Duriof; tbat time I kilhd fifty-nue prop]* for money. Twcoty o f them were women. I will tell you bow I was converted. My njuBtcr sel hU eyes on a CbrUtiaD (Jblneso giil, but c-iuid not got her, so 1 waesetjt tu kill her.I waa lo rectlva $10 for (he act. J found her alooe Id the Iroase on* nlitht, und un her refutol to accompany mre to my nisstcr I told her sbe mustdie. 8 |ie a«ked time tb pray. 1 wot so afftrcl*d that thoknila (Iruppcd fruro my band, and iho Inoidont led luo (u CbrntUDity. 1 grew fo Jove her, and all* becftfu* my wife, Tbe prciiclier fit whose bouse ibe lived marrieLl ui.

''One night we were sciEed aud tarrlrd to tbe house of mv former mu'4ti;r. ue ordered me to murder ber, and ] rofu'od to do it. Then he said that anoilrer would perloriu office und tbai I ouuld end my days by bankari. H ii order woe obeyed In one taso. They diarube<l my wife and three ineu bound her, whilo h third cut off limb after limb. Bhopniyt dfor tbem while they were doing this oji long II shp had brraib iu her Itody,"

At this poiflt Ah Qul leMped inio tlif air and shrieked tbreo untarthly ynllB, wh:le tbe crowd who bad listened to tbe word itury siood aghast with sopprca-cd fx^iu- mtnt. He sermed lo lie insane for at letii ■ UriQUle. Then, wiping hi* aye*, he c i- claioiod; “ The next day I escaped and here 1 am.'’

Tbe exhortation which followed lablisl for ai least twenty roiuoi**, ond was in­tensely earouei. He said that be pro[M>h.'d to go all ihruogh Ibis laud aud toll the itory of his convemou lu aitow the power o f eruce,

O P G P N E I t A L 1aN T I :U 1 :^ T ,

It ifl as far from Oalrutla to Iktmfotyas It ti from New York ly jrenvar.

Krnpp Rturtod hia gun tocijiry in 1K‘J3 With nme men. The (Mm ifow emphtys H.uWJ peraoui.

Kooa Ifonheor tx iiuntlrer nno of the famous po.:|)lc oftho world who rslebruietheir •eveutreib blilbday ihu year, bue is aUU pulDriUg todu*(riuuiil>.

One (if th* latent ifovr'InomentN o f the coin-audrelui device la a chair, ih* nnt of Which aprLiigt up aulomatKwlly and i-lumpi lirmiy to the ijock. A cum rcioa>;i‘n it ami the iluer’a weight holds It down. It is Inmuded,Oi oouroe. for public places.

Tile tomb of Virgil at I’oniiippo^ juijt outhtds Naploi. is for sale. Tbe tomb is a tmalt rquare building with a dnmeil rrjof, I'andingon tbe hliliido among vliiuyuiMs and orchards, which originally couipuwcd ihe pool's (arm, FoTiacny (he urn conlaiuing (he inret’s •vhci occupied Goe ot tb* ten mcites.

A male Immty ghow ie U) bn upfned 111 Yleuiia, and Um dcdiiout arc (o be mailo t>y a Jury of womeu. Four |inz«t will be awarded —<}<]* to tbe bandoifiiisM mnii, ouu to lire ownor oi Ibe fluiret mufiacho, tb* third tr bini who bat Ibc larKctt DOS*, anti ib^ fourlU to in* eotnpetiuiT bxviog ibo IctM hair on bh bead.

If Any eea captain haa had n morn un* erealful and sucoesaful Ufo Huu .Csplain Nathaniel H. Fxlkor, pf Blitielord, He., lec him say *0. (wptalii Falser, who the other day Mid hii (a*t vesvei. tbe sdJKxmer Mes* sunger. oad luilrod irom busiuess, Was bum tUty-hlne^serssgo. TIben nlna yrsn old he weal to sea aud has folluwed it steadily evsr alttce. rniring ior(y of tbe sixty yrsra he bas been a captala. In IbiM forty yaan be bai never tort a nan, never had a maa die at •PA. never loat * spar ur »al(» and never oatled upon the uotiarwrllsn tor a ctui of iiuurauce iiCDrtfi


A Trial Rcvaalu thal Ihe Nolorloua and haugrrmi*Cblni'«e ARRMeiallitn 6'loitr- tsUes III (he lyuakcr Clly--TUe flaths

and ruiilsHmvnt uf SHrmilurst

rillLAO Pl.nilA , June 22.- r o r sev­eral tiays pR' l four t hiDarncn, all iiaimHl |jcc, , have tre**ii mi trial Air nmnlug a fan-ian game I in the tower part oi (bis city, liurnig (lie pro j oordiuga i1 lias li«t>ij (1ikiMn«ri.d |ba: ihf tmturt- ! tiUi and duMgertMis 1Uahbtiu1i<rs have IraiK iica ' of tlu'ir saMM'reuou here. Among iln< half- i buiidnKi (liMieM> niju laiirerwl in n^url ye*> ti ntay lu too (rial wot a Uit|e, bi avUy- jt'iiiil rhuianisn, wfo wimld !w sitiaK'il (nmi ; IhiUbcLiig iiianionicmiin ai'ronnl of inaikiat ' dcloriuido*. rcsuiiing M. lu (ernblc wounds ; iilHiu tils bead, link and ctosi. Ka was a< ttliri mis i hiDauisit. a llighhmdcr, who bati i l*iuilti s(n,H-t, New ^oili, incuidiiia DabiCMn

Fiov A I’tarer, MciirlHU'Ji an I wui.ann tk Svin. ll:« draU'Di at lUo Auicrioa-i Kx Ccsnir" 111 Now fork, jklio Idiv horw* Irere rn hn aikl lireru ngain, atui donicn Ihrmiubmil (hi H are and several ili-Hliro Midi* niv. W* hiivc big dcalcrA iu liic t\i-s( I'm slgitmg iiorHi-a tu iw, Micliidiug sireli an 1.0 kov Larh. of tiuU«t.jrg, lll.,''aud itoi ne'k Kvcii.ol iho l<HH'kViiriK, roii-i; ii, cavil id whom i* reA|Huiiitiin fur Miiy atiioinu u |i lo 9.hK\i uJ : t liarlo* I H' rekor, of Komnciiy, bovcrul !n>in i\iu.'M v.kuin aiui (Hiio, and niio (nun ImlTKtia. (lit'V ci.u'-ign lu>r OS tu n-< tu noil quick aii'i at miaU pnitli- - lU W !o #') rcf liiud. or tto jvr cnr'ood \\» will have rijiliiy lii'oil in r-undHy monung. and i.vj lur re'jti Tni'MUy's »au‘. Ino Unf*,'Aah' su. d Under a wiTauiv. Hhd Iniycf:* liavf mild t o'l'IiH'k ol Un- (Iny lo Jiunng llj ■ hhIo Ui ni ik* a nalurHtlcin u-ri. UV have one ilcaUr Mh.i ivniHitiR lull- |H rri-doeinly. M« tn t lJlllnIt lll' koif, lift liMir (‘ 111.- is [II. i.ioln-r hoys at Juiim* inid iHiniioiniiiy Ntii|f-< tn Iiuti.

Till-: ^lA'Iklt MI.MTt.U r lri'oaeii(4'il (o (cmm'll ikiid l(rr<-ri'pd--Tlie

ltroii4l flliiti-t I'avliig,Snm-wl'.it uin \jn‘i |i>i|lv Uic prujirMfi!

|l. .rfUiillU \\ Kicr roiiiihrl. n Inch lUg Aqucdurl J1< iinl IiIiM.lmI iHniridcriiig and adH-ptuI uKi-r iindiiigLl ytMt-nlHv ni riii re. nia !u un Hvi.ntr- aiu >' *1 llic iiH-f tmg Hi V<\uui 11 k ’ I n.flhi, Al- dcririNi li:tlliir-i |-r«!'i-otid u U wire ac«um- IRliumI by iLsiuipit' Iviur mnii lire-Mcn-iary o( llic bdiinl sliihti* ihiLl It bill! Uen uiipnivtsl by(liiit i<K|y. Riid toll II \\»n li.rMUFrint to f »uil-m In coiiioTmUy nllb ihr law Mr. HhIIhii] NBid Ihat H »|K.'Cinl iiivoMiig ought to Ui Cl red tu cunvidcr It. lie niioU' no luoiioll lo ihal cnH-r, inLWi'ver, and. Hre-onlitig io ilo- ciisunii of CiHmcil, Uu- cmiiiaci wai refoirod lo (he suoral ciimtiiUrec uu wnicr iiippijt.

Whvn rill* orduiniicc lu pave Mrond ilrod troru Ih-iJuvilu- avmiuo to (iuutcnn-iir airk-it with 'gi'tMuiio initld^il Rvpliuu” ctino up (jii ihinl ttadiUK Mr. UN-kwotal iviioivimI lik oliicct ion* toil tIo Mid (l;«t iw uii-Urdo»t,l Ihat Ihu Tti'iidfld u-|iIihII waa i'(*mrni!i-.l hy i DC lompany lliuC liod a ninn<i|ioJy of tl. Uo behcvdl thai li would uot make a lasdng paTuiDi-nt.

why (111 ill of lire |tn,*pfrty owners wcnMlso bully?'’ a’lloHl Mr Kune.

■■ It nmktfA a prcity rmveun nt mdoo rtrwt pm direri.*’ rv|ilUHl Mr. lankauift "and ihs pru[i erly nwuen', whllu they |*ay lbo first oii>unM) o( piildng It ilouii. do iiul have to |Miy tor keeping It Id roireir. Tbnl expeiiM iallau|K>n (nccity ai lurtc "

Tbe (Jii)iNouoo woi puywj by a vuio uf ayes los nays.

Aldvnnan Keichsm sahl tliHl th* p htmI CGinmitreo, of whicii lie was rhairraau, horeil to have III* rogaeswcil foumaiu tn posiUuu hioii Rficr Jill) 4ronipirollcr ( iinnell.T «eni « long coaimniikm- lion ro n»utie1j tn ndurjn*-* lo llio work oi tlio MtriMi I'miiiulseUHi and tire wm« uf ht« ofil .-* It Is puhltiliad uii arndlb'r iHigi.’.


A PdllitiA AgnlaBl (hn Tlayl*ig to b« L'irculaind la ftouth Urunge.

A iTicuib'T o f the South Oruritf* Town­ship Cuiimiitli'C Mid tbii morning Ihnt M-vcrul riSirlLDU nf (be lowiulnp inicmicd surling om Unlay with ii pciiiloii. ro (tii'Aliig lh* fximmllteii to laku ac-lion toward •upp'eAiing Hiinday u nplaylire on lh« gtOunde wc»t of (tic Mho i ing llirk. VlkurouK efTufls will tm tiimlr- lo scniru si nitny ilgiiaUircB rh ptMsilhIc lo the IH-Ilitoo, SO BH 10 luciliiain lire inline icirig nf lire forDmiffiH-myn, Ni'wtrk pnriics an: mid (o be heJilqJ Uic to*'Vcmrnt. 1( was oI-bj »hi-i Ihul many n-*-lilcUli uf llio tnwmhl|>are willing to tij;n a (x-llttou ak-ing tliu f.' to pr'inU Kuiiday Itall piaylrf No lorerrercni'o wilh tomorrow‘ % giiinr (■ njiiMi<h-tvil iirupHblc. Alter the New­ark rhib fiiiMo-fl risprroi iK tilp ahrond li is tbe idUMidnn ol (he illre-'tors to ilimi uoi iim* Wjijild Pirort gtouiids end piay regiiiarl) uu Uis new groundi.

Aljiiut til* OiHngcs,On Tii(“-il:iv cvcnnig n ivniipiirnenhrv

dIorreTwili In* given lo Cnj-ialn A H. Ms’i. Ili4->\s, uf rirangu, l»y tl<o «-vcoh*cii njcinfx'ti (.f(lit*cxi'i'urivi' roimiuiii-f un itie rM-cdi ri'c> p tioi) ni ihi- SrM-icly (*f IJio ,tnnv o Ifu- I'odmmr N" a tek- n of Jipincfiui on ui rd** hiUini hh uni­t-nil chuirijiaii of the r-oiiiio tlt-o It HilltN.* givuri III 1'(>fa>t Mnnu- Hull and •iivn* u>ll ri- Isid fnrriiiMy. 7lii*-iiviimI g;M-«re hI!| tooiudc ( lin-f-ii, (iViM-rtl I'nrkc, 1 1 (Acsl fViinl, an;, rit-fo rfll Kliiu. torrowpooilin-; u m-tury nt llic > ,n(' y gl lire Athiv ni ibr 1*( i-inim-.

Tin-i-!(»-ciinTi-ci.iondiici-n( Mn Ko-l firiiiii-c ,ti('|iL I Ili-Hii I lull Iaki (iikJiI Riluprel H pH o) jrcMi iiUnirt wnb ’ clcrcrrc to uiv dru b ol I (iiirdni-i' K. CoUiv, vvlio <ar-i uoc cjI ihi*« thivrs rd diB ciub, Rinl It wmh liL-ndcil (oult»'Ud (lh; funcrol tu u IrNSly,

lliu griuliuliiig and Juiilnr elox'-i'i! <i( ilsu hiKli »oli(Kii ili'tiarlirreiu of A-liiun-l S lired. KhhL OriiMK**, ghiit; in liilernMifig ethliiiibin ol llii'lrwork Iri inmlJi'iuaUcs iil Un,- wiiiNjI yc' lerday ariornoiMi.

The clip*lOg i-inrriBoi of f.. x. Hi-re ii'r l-ji-.i t»f*bi;s SUhnjI were fu Id til ibc si tirjrd nil Hur riwjii siiirei yt-KU-nlay afrermirni. lbo i i-r cisi'S emishU'd nf vucul ami Jiuimrii.-rilul umpie Uy Itn* p ipMi.

froorgi- M. s-uii bco ninl tVlllanl K. smith, of Orulju*!. lefi ycsrer-liiy b>r I'lilaUskN, ri. whi'ie Mr. hidnliPii on I'hnrwluy nvid will many Mlsa AmnnhihH Wlilu-hrttd. ni ibai pia-i-.

].iewullrti rouiicil Nn. 11. UiiMrii Fre. (croiri, uf rirango, Utl-Cled nfllivrs |usi olgiit u-- fnilowB : hl.Hlsriitof. |„ it. nark : vu- - nnpi.-f. al »r. (irnrizr liliickwreNl ; rfcuMlini' scrrciMry,H. !-. lijlit-uhs; fliiAnnal ic< n iwrv K. Wi- -k- ; riuBNuror, Hitiry M-ihr, chbpluin, W 11 Hbciley. ^

HiDc>' MriP h I Ihe jiii^ uf JifiOOo lia rwcu ri'c ivvd m uriiiigfl fur IncnucN.

■fill* rirnniio I'idice Hlatiiirv Is midi-rvoiriB nv- lendvL' rt'iHtirv Mud lrii|irnvcim.Mils on ih.- lovinr ll-Rir.

'III! lofM-rul of Mr' Joim Fslkin r, o/firnoL'i-, w-'ih hvi'l Hi tn-r into n-xlihnre!. li Ifmlliiu s'rt 1 I. St t/' yfAcrduy ulicriitHm. ’Ib - Ih V. r A, MbV'II <illj< liiu-d, n*«i"0-il iiv ihu lt» V. I>. A. W'aiiibsngb, I h--iiilenrii'nl will fx- inadcrli lloM-moinl. in-nr ULiiibi-itviiic. MMiwy.

MIm fhdiie JiiMld, duouliOr ljI rx-Aldcr iiiBO William II HinIiI, n( {irange. and J. Wurtlicy II inf, or Ni w-urk. were jmimcil h( hn rt*s(d'‘rif'f id till. ptiilnT pHrmii*. uy ifi.rr*- ►'(vci. on Tlmnd'iy cvemug. 'iht- H»-v In. 11.M. Hiorrii, ol ton hr-( l'fi;*bi n-tlnii nm o b, ('fJHHhd. V f. ItyiT-ouMiid H W. 1,).h,h, id Newark, wrio Uk! uptn-rv Ann mg ('oniilbnlmns fick nou U-dgr'd by ihn iln

ii'n-enMiiriiriu; •iilihcririiiigc.'Ii niiirisi lb npi al nre flS-'d (/) (mm (hn N col ds nf the cnnh-iim iJ Hih-Mntiimi-id. )tiH Jntin hnrke,In.iri il.i' fltU-hic {'ri-ibyu-[piti I'inirrii, hmI

Irmij l|i4-1 piK-i.rMH nf n fnlr h*-!d by lilUu girri ai the rnAKlnni-i-1 | Mr*. ('ii(ai»v.

n*-glnuHi« (o-rriiirfuw, tin* Kcv. Jnhii A. f'rui nil, of Sun Kiflii' i- :o, l ul.. w .11 siiidily On: (•iilint «d iliv Umvr hfr'-n Ci.ricri'f iMioiiril I durrh, l-'iu-i (iTiinirc. for Oiron inoiiihM, in i s eitnugn wllh ihc Kcv, K, H. Ttil-mi.

t'allllrcs ir( u M'neb,Tlierc were y.'M finliireH io rlie rnitei]

PiaipA re| nr'rel oi UmiHrfft niarlng he um-k, si'ivn‘‘t 1 1 111 (III- ineci-irinji wtv k nnd 177, HI.Hii and LM m Ihc Ciirri* u tiding uccks of ISKH, )Kf<7, an-1 Is.-u n'-pL'cilvely. J Lo loial numlH'r of riwiiin:A m ton yri tiHi staler, Janu­ary 1 imUie, isfr,(i7l, oumioi fi.tHIH m l«Hk,

klow tUo UuhiireAS U Maniiciid a FLtw M M I S H H O I X T K D .la Ih ia C (ty , — -

The wmi-wrekly pithlH '*ul« nf horsroi THE COMMON COUNCIL'S VOTE* ind nuili>Ji, wbteh bavs Ut+»ii It.dd ai W ItriHiil slroe( during ihe past mo'rih. have been nuc e*-wiiiil. Tin y atv lu-hl no a plan dill rout tr- m tha( pomml UJ shU’S by other deih-rw in lui* ciiy and H(it«. The firm iiwiis none ol ihe foin-esKihl; all iN-tng cnii'iRiiciln II hy Wl-sI- ern dcah-rH. There ti au «iiiiidOtiuieni to U(« oil iimllar to Uie noc hen>, and a’sn niie lo Neur York. Tl.o rales havn amiHinicd lo I lAi nr L-l lLca>1 a weui. iKjl jesleniiiy »a<r stock ow- iiix tixl-lMV In ■ ■hipiiu'iil.

**HitH-e MoinUr."'aatc1 a rormicr of (bs firni toa -Nl'vs r*|H)rii'r, " w* have sold niik'iy. brveii In-ud. The hooes ini g a l IJib wnv from l?j lo T’sVl I'hcy aro sii-d ar am'liiwi on Ttito'fato iinl Krklay-: ttiel at i>rivare aaie% on Oil c4nt-r <1av*. Ihiriynlno heNil wciw ' dup vmluial pilvnlu »a1i> un Uimlwv Rial forly M-veu I li rnc-.tUv At pnviil* and puhltn sale, tte piarii in lliin hire aih-r long cun- I SKlerMliim, acd w* imeu*1hi earry ti iml Tbe jsaii'H Sr* ailuiuhd iiy h|j lUe dcaU-rs nf liu'ikty- i

U'l n In iroiitde wlih his sociely Iberv sud Imd inrejy With nu life.

1'ho tisiinJ klohd »Ure ol the average Cbliia- in«n gau'way In a fii'ric icuwl, and hts vv* • si'-BrkU'd angrily wbi-n Lnwyvr J-*hBple]F rci*1 lo Itir jury (Lie ir4si»iHrinu of the rliartcr ami Tuiesida pr.iioHHl braneU of 'be lUp Kiug long, wliivh IN hutniie <d tbe tnauj uaim-s hy wlireb (bo llighlkindcm aro kuown.

till, niesiso TuMu muiitv....................Ill sc( birth told a immher <rf

rhInNOK'b hsd InhilkI (In ure«-1res tojelhcr undi-r (iic mnire ot Hip h uig Tong, eaeb nicen U't UaMiig c- iunhuid 46. Any uremlar of lh« MKieiy iiughi Ihi apiKiintol lo havo wai- ranis iKKiiHt Niid to H« nrv tliii sirvsl uf any ul Us eireiiiles, Hnlt.ieu iruut poim out the ir< In Cl In tn-arre%1eil and gu as wiini-tsi’* III ca ■ (d trml and U-NiUy agHiiret Ihcm. It «r- ro*'U-<l ere mint »]iu(ild trey money loi llii-ir ic- leoi-c rill' limni-y uiml-L be iquiii^y UiM-ied among lire Lmhii ii and ibu i-riAurier hM-aM'il Jiol w iilumi ihi- |4iyuic(it ol ilus money iti* I'licuili K ol ihi- Koeit iy miret be phHrt UU.'*! utilit eoiif.i icfl an i u niciui d to iiri-m. The mb's InuLcr proMde t (hilt III rasL uny jin mbers ol the mH ictj'Mioiild Imi arra«(i-.S slid liiH riwmed all ri-c legal eiivunw nl (lu-ir dvittoc winu-I bo iNiim- li> Ihe piicreiy.

Tliif IS ihc Drel I Hiic In Uhtch the lllgiiLind- CM, wluoe lerriLtc dvciU li[mii the I'acillc i'uiUstaro SO well ktioivii, liars taeii iKonstd tiifu firufrincitco iier*'. 7 Ire piew'iil Inal, bow- over. b,w bri'iiglil oiiulir incl (bai UiU po»ui ini unputioalhvij, lo ore utreih ail riilnuuiiii irciiiide, Ik fluurhlnuk lii-ri-, and Ihe iicn-l- (jUKNeniuf uHcb britncb IU lUu City boa twei] Hreatvil.

The IniriSIhm into (hv%o locicUos )■ ei- tnoicly ngl*l. '1% eanitidato kiieols, a[j<l, wirLb 111* cilgc uf a k«ct) sword placoxi aknhn-l hli ihruMt. Il hllo iho I uiul uf atuAhar ta prt icd agaiiret ths lou'k of hU uvtk. he charus mo kob-nm usili, the irentis aud pro- vlsluns of whirlk are inurn lerribto Iban lire wiUioPt cuncvptluuvul auy u(&*r kiiuwa organi- talton.

HOW TMfl IlATIf IS TAXaSTbeotili isiakeii upoo a rori uf shw hors*

tnadenf a Khorl ;ug wito Imir legs. I 'ihmi itils (he punishmiriiiofullviidi'pi U also eirtine-L Tbs ciiipnt bi siraptud lo itre )of iiud ton t-ic- cuilnncr, with a unsHleD i-Uih like a iMtc (jhiI Iraf. Jiamnmni (ho unforriinau) victlni Ills hack and ralvos until be gies tn acimy. Above all iMs till lb* cfligy of too-Joss ui Jim- lice.

Th* koelidy elects " bnodsmeu ' romj an­nually. aud their wont is law. llilrly-Uin-e •• hjicbet men'■ are‘ Worn lo do Hie biuding of Ibg lieailpuicu. W hen the CXiuncil of iH'aib agrees tlmi a Cbinaniib bai eouiimtlfd an lei that di-fs-rvi's doaih to* “ biu-bei men " arc InitrucKsl In kill hmi. and if iho'*' do uot en-r- citMliie illiigeiice In this lire; are tireiiuk'ivva pul undA*r rire hao. il la ddogcrutu for any ( 'bibaiiMin (u harbor a fugUlrc from tb* iw lc(y or Rill bun III rarapmg and il Is Ireraue* ibey are ufo iiwtde Iba organiiatluii, wbii* wUbinil (boy aro la amvauiii foiril, Uiai so luaHy Cbioa- roan Join ib« society.

Tbe aoeieties in this city an small In mem- bt'rsfaip, but whai they hav* is niaik- up of unt- tawid ercimnala who are uttoily reganll^ of bnmau )iic, A IfiglibiiiilHr baa the utmost eoDicinpi lor all law, will swear to abytbiug, nod would be Just aa willing to kill hie owu mother as anybody elM if lh* luelciy shnutd su dvOrec,

Tluvetolil* (iiaagCK,The gotjimer timpLihle on the Dclu-

ware. iNiidcawaiina A Wratera KaiiriMid will go loUi cflcrt on Munilay. Fuur iralua have been Rilifcrt on thii Miwrls an*! 6‘wm-x i fMicH, riiiJ fiiNieriat clian jci Id the ruuiimg ordi-tiol tiiu obJ tralNR Imv* is cn miidc.Tbo South Orange aciioinimidation trnlai will Ul nilluviKj oHIto Kahinlav mghl rub lu Unr ristowQ and tbu WiiliiRMigy uighi laUi run to Kutuuiit. Tho 7:1. I’ JM. train, oasl- Imiind, fn>in Kcmth Grant* hu'i k-en inkcn olf# There win t*e no tiHlu from Uio fcniil (0 Huhuken belwM'n 7:li srul 8.15 u’ linrk. Tilts cbaiig* wlH «rfou.dy liHfmvt'ii- leiKC rosldcnls aluug Uio liu*. Th* firri (Min hir Kuw Yo k wdl leave

OrBii,je at fi (fi, Mnffit.rowu pHv an ad- luiditbviijl cx|irt'iii, thn ldLHbniil>-li] and MntJlirliiir branch wLU iiavu ouh and two ibroiigb (rums will travH (h- iwi-eii IJokikcu and IIio'Ih:Ui Iowo. Kioni I'lMio .‘ in-ci >:u iIom, (iruiigc. m w traiim Will IcQVi' at rj;r»J nrid 7:lri I'. M. 'lire Hum lately leaving iirarjgu al 7;1S i* if. will bereaper b-avs at 7 fJd. t<evcr«l o'li'r cliHNKCi Iihvu b»eu tmi-if*.The on Ibe HliNmitlcId liiaiicii art! gn-ady pIcHhiil over lire gn-tit iin|irijvuucnl m Ibclr traiu m ttIcc.

llliMkiufietd and NontrlalnTim B'reimllcld Ifigli Sebrsd coin-

meniHTQenl will Im.i held on l'■rIllMy in |m> First ITcnijyterlan rhiirli. In riio evening WiHtmu H Tkriion pusl No 68. ri. A It., wiU JlrciH'iii Ihe 'rluNd with a hSiiiliKilnu I'oIUhJ Hiatcs (lag Tho gradiiaP-'i an-Anna r, Hi#w- rmi. Ik-rtlia A, rjrtwhnng, Jfennie W. KirnrialJ, flumie \V. Miid'win. MsIh-I kOiniBHiur riaiiie II. I'elonliei. Fva H. ftoydaui, l.auiu I’. V\ snl and IajijIso (Vfat -.

A hrciTHCkiT TfNierday noon mt fire in the ffNd ol Mrs. KcIum-'s limi'-c, on Sew Urnel, Moiilf'lair, lull Leljfrc siiv lUwia g tiud Imi-u (loire the (irv wuh vx(lnguhbt-<l with a pnll nf water,

A nuiniffrol yinmg mni in (dsn Kldgc havo organIzi.-rl the ( Ico Itidge J^wn ii nnu (,'juh with (he following ofllwra : Prcsidcot. Hitirv lic-riKm; vlc-'-pri'.d([Hiit, Koh i-n* Hart; M-cru- (ary and trea'iirn-r, f rederrek WiUlauii. Th* club hiis seciiri'f] groiitnisoil lllgtilmid aremu*, ijcarGU-it Hhlgc sveimu.

The Tm-mkra nl ihe rifon Khigo ( luh w|J| bold a lawn purl|i uu their grmimU to rnght.

Htunmlt Notes.T o-(1;iv 'n isHiiu of Ihc Hiltiimil itu-uni

severely rcprimaiidR mid rnilcires U o h- i1ou of (be TuwriNhi|> (’omtii'tU’n in viprniur Hjii UHtcr (vnilrucL HtUhniU firsl culling a pnhlu* uiceiliig Hihi coruniltliig tt>e (a-VfiByi-rs.

Two ruktni ritiLle ihfir ap(H‘uranr-c oil ilivrpMiii'Hia] KlrcciR of Humodi. ^roienhiy si illng eirro Ri(|i4 Hill) t-aying ilisy huiiM n-iimve Icelh Ui-nlgli( free oi charge Urey si-o-fix-d lu alioitl t4'J and U-fl(owii on lire lubinIgiii trnlD,

■J he cloHinR eierclicr of thi* public scijikjI n( New I’lovldcrKt: were Jrebl lout mgl.l. Mark- wUh's >,irinK haudol Urarjgs ww hi HtLcoilauc'-.

John FlFx|Hi(rU;k. of West Hnmnill, whm fjccied fioiri rondmtor MurgAn's liani lust tilghl for HcLliig IQ achsofilerlv maniicf.

W. A. Mariiii and fniuily have n-iiirnyd tu (heir bumloor remdeiice ul Ix/iig IftiJ.

Ill* (iiiipsl ViiK-yard.For tr n .ycurii oi iimio l<cv. .7 I.r sH r

Wells, with In'.jHTS ffimi fo'ihany l'rc*-riv- Icrnn ('hurcli iict oihcr rcilgiom worki-’ siT (henitv, has b«ld upon nr twli giu si rvici-s every Biiiiday oveidne on lire vH<-ani lots dur lug Ihu biitn(nrrw*a)-(in. IJiirlrig lire pn>( low wi-eka the church workeni tiiive had cn'clt ■] a high hoard Isnc* around lun l<ils im Hprui;* street and Beitnrmi nvi-tuis. und have pmvidv I (Iw (ificloauro wrrili (jrvmlotlAhIo Rents ; a l■‘ ge plalforui for aixpK fitly amgcrii ha*- krencrc'-t' d ■ud the puTtUon bon ken named lbs ” rii«|N-l Vitieytiti'^ Il will i*e uta*rre-l io morrow Hiii-r- ROOD at 4:i1 o'etork. Tbu I'isttoriij Ixinguo wl|) ling, acoompxtilcd bv the cornel, and shon addresoMi will Ij« mado by V. H. lIuRg* land aod olhi-n wtiu have aMisted In bnugiiig Uiu enterprise (ocimiplolluti.

A Formar Nalvalloiikt in Trmihl*. laiurn Markcnhridgc^ of Fnlr iitHi

Mulberry streutB, waa Rrr atlHi lasi night for U'.iig drunk aud ifi«unk'r]y. Abe wax mire a

'cHpraia Iti (ba Ralvadon Ai-m\. b*u qui- tho work after iK-liig married. Hlis and bur hua- band keparalod and Imuiw wriit to Eiirn|M-, rc- turuiD( wlib m,0(j0 iu gold, wbicb Hhc uifLUMl ber husband to «um* back, bul he n.dt»re(l. iMd tilgbl (be woman vloiicd bet moilmr-in- law's tiouio, and, becoming abmdvs, wns handed o\'er io au otficef. Jusiict* Kodrigo dJw- charged ber.

ArckiaAtnlly ftlint bg Hla brothar.,Thoudoffi Forrest, aged ftcvaiiteeh

years. Ilvini i f 12^ Willow piai-«, shot aud tvouiulod hw brotbef Waiisr, ^ tit yuara old. Urt High l aod was arreatod by Detecrive Uir- roll. TbetMior* wasbaodUUf a ehuap ibirty- two-oallb/o ravolror, wbeo tU* wtaiion ux-


KtcdUiii olTjccrK Imvfl bi-cn rfqii'"itsil to bnitgiliulr lmllol-k>g keys tu ihuoflicuuf Ihc n iy I’lcTit wiihnut dulBy.

T|m fliilijtTt of llnuh O. I'ciitHiwt'fl mlflri!«fl at (he lielleviilo Avenuu Hmk t ‘ lpu row evening will be : "A K<iail lu iTuudcw of Tbuughl, 8i,Mcch and Comhiui.”

Thu ftflh ftimivuroary and amiimer- night'H funllvai ol Lb« Ijiskor h iurary ^ .i-ly wTt) bo bebJ null Wo*ine»ilay ovemug ai Murs’« Hpringficltt Avcutio Turk.

(luorifd Yn 1(Ih. bu [foliflii, iiviiiq at 2Ti AtUm-i sltK-i, WM arrcRto'.i ihLa niurning with a lot (sl iuosi pipe wblcli h* bad stolen Iruni .iiciler A U^ii'i factory. Ve.ida was held for I he p«ciBi Sesoioiix *

The Eermx pBBflrQKi'r KailwHy Kni- ployaa’ Bcuufolebl AnoclAtton will hav* l(* MOutid annual ptcuio ai tkdadrmiaD Fark oo Monday- AgaiueoflMweball and oitkr atb<

Wurk of th* I'oiHlrUna-.An tfad«tths AtUtrusy.(;ennalTrHd*r*a tu J*

Frank Fort — Th* Knpubhraut•*Hl the HfdUtrtrrirtg HlJl*

Art,-. 1h - i l lr ,, l ijuriKan lit•il luuuUtt II,,. |!,.pu(,J„..u 1„ m ,( -'Dimnii OouiM'il pi-rm1iiiHl a voia last Dl|b4 OU itiA rojicUiH. or Dtuifirmatiuti of Follu* V o^ mlaaUMU-r Uiiiriai Marsh. Tbe yot* wai im| itricily iMtnltaii. but iba ImI)o( wvuhcrJ In Me, Manura rejsstom K wR« jiht k-p>re oibounw insni Ibsi Aiilrrman IVmp'ay, who t* Uro rscva:nie.rt nuiiorirjr ksikr, aitA* and mova4 lo (akc Mr Marsh i nams ( mn (be table.

■The hoiiniiitiuu.” Mid tha AUlpmi*Tx ■■h« been lying heio smca January ll, I8flft and i( ta niAMii rim* that PHu«(blug waadoiM Wllh to I.ei m mhI* bit fate on* way or un uilrer,"

Mr riarrigan aUn iifinl that aom* dvfloii* arihin \v lukfii. Ho raid thal be had begun t« k'hcvo ihai (iia Uvpiiidlfaiu warned a klug- wuiup and ma a iwirmcrij M Ikntooraili I'o*Hv* i\iiiiinlss»oru r, and b* wanted (o konv whuiwaH III* iiredsf wlib "Charlf*'* MartM rii'cid that h(i |tuliiu*g did itotsuii lU* majup-ify In I iiiiiirri. I'lia UrpnlillraiiR aald noihlng aH4iiii*4 Lahlug the utiiniiiailnn from llw lablft bill w hen Hto iuH wax callct) on (be quiailj^iA CimOrmuiiuD they bnaati in vnle ■* No "

kit, nvunit Kof voTijsa There wai no break Iti thva parliiau ordro

UuMl Mr. (iHdil.a’a nan;* wbh c«II(*#|. ||* r*> fiiHi.d lu vo(*. Mr. Van i<ie«iibfrah InKMeft upon al'HeiUi'i.’f, aud Hreit Mr. iioddla luhed l#(M Cki’tiRCMl,

• Tiu* Alilcrtinm from die NInlh cannot b« csi'U*i*»l Council m-rmitiL" lapi kTuiL d*tii Hin.

Home o<.« uukI* a motom to reliave Mr. OmV diN. iiivi u w.m nirvK ii by a tnixpil riermR?rairt an-l Hi-piibiL-rui v.,.e Tin.,, Sri Van IIlmisq, wi>» h:«l vi-lt'il mill iui Kepuhlmau cuUia|u«k to rijci-l. iliaugrel bia ImIIuI luuuifiiui, Alder* iniiii I'riiT iVns away. AH uf (be nliisr aUuwk lh piiMjcAiiB vuicil (0 reject, while (be uwai of th' tu L- fur n jihrmalKiu rcai-litHi only twelve

1 t i- Kc; idillcuni liHiaml lowanl Ihu door ax- picliiig itj era llu* Uujrur'i socirlary appeagnhli uiiolhci initnhiArion, kil tbi-y w«rediaa(s- P-inlcd. Ill* njicimn docs tun cbaiif^ ih« R-nndliig ol Mr Marsh In Uu* INUm* ifoar'i. Ha boMu mce luinl Ihc cuiiUrnatlioa of IdsevsKiW.

A I’UACa PUK J. XHANK PUXT.Kx Judge J. Frank Fort, who wns beaten la

(h*f.HW for Suiinior riensrai of ib* trcaiurf )K M Waihiiig(<m. hai iHAtn totvIcrcAaiM'Ibcc nitip r Hie Ailmin rifalldft liy AUor- net (iuin ral Miller, Mt Fori wna in Witminf- (un, IH I.. i( H|HT, hill fi,*m go „| aijthortiy A WAS icHfiutil that be had isrcivi-d a tcKer Iron lire A((.,rm-y-ri(*mrfll aikitig litiiilt he woul4 AC( cpi an H|ipolnimem wenh M.niQ, wUh pot- Kilnulipn alicaii fur blgirer iuiuorh anti aaiary. The IrlU r did nol suu.- w iiat lh* du’lra woiilA (*’. oiluT than tbat tli«y vrotibt nm-aHL Uito Mr Fiirl'A n'lidiog at W'aahlugtoa bill It 1r anp(ioM«1 Uiat lire lictjd of ibe l«gal do- iHifitui-iit ai rim Nailuijal U piitl Intenda (• <airikr ij|nn kfr Kuh too |HKittou of aMiitiTift In Jim i-ibiv, tfu ugu iberc Is uo erriainl| Ibai Ihat iurtnh* iR mnn-ct. One of Mr. FortUpe*- Hoirel Hii-iKIA held Llila njuruiitg (hat b*dtd not tliliik dial llic SK-Jiidgu would accept (h« ofl\l s, but ritai Mr Fun would goto Waitilttf- too nuyliour tioxt week (u ks What th* posiUoaWM-

THR BKVKNrX COU.KCTolUmir. f'liimi 0) Ibe k-iH-lnl Kai-x KepnbilcaBl

loukcil for III* ap HduiiDi'iii of * Hepublicti Biu'cowof lo Ifdemai Utvvnuo iolkeoiur KloU hre wt-i-k, hill Drey have uiiolher diMppoInb-

rmml (u add ui (bo foug ||«( of simi­lar M'Uiailoas. (loorgo A. llsUey wukt tu Waskliigpji igRt Halil rOay, bul IrougU UuN bo luiWR wUb him. Ua Wwliroidaf xk* iSitiaivr Wimaiu J. irtwaH srwnt to me city *« tbe Fotomao. Yciunfay b* bnagbl FreaMoDl lUrriaon ibrough from toe Nauenrt CkpKal !•

May In hii pnvaie (lalae* car. Tba fricocU M WlHtam B. tUillami and tba other oaodL dales wtui are in Hie rsec |q opputiiion la (•OAM'ge II. Ijirgr gtfrenod wiieu (buy thiyuftit iiiHi rill- big i'limdeu ica<l*r and (na maq qg(«,jAur at \1ahhinglun had U'cii ibui up l^ gel ber in thal luxiirioua roueb.

"H the I'rrdiii-nl acoepta Minb courtttfat fwiin ri,-i). nil Hewcll I dou'l s«i how bs oak fad lu ruiipruc-iiM by tf-pntnUug the ax Senro tor’s rr.iiididute. isirgc," a*iij oiiS of Mr. Will* taii.K'i Irli tids. mi'iumiuHv. Ihii monilug,

'lliB belief a OUR tiruiiger every day Ibot iN'miH-raiici uHcctor Kbxi will b« foil lti urnok until Htiiire liuii- Jij (hi! (all. ponibJy uaril aii«r Ibe Nuvi-itjiH't <-lecrion. Il is euu(**iJ*iJ tout (ii* ne* T.K'uiicy in my Rovuiiua Htpamireni will U; llibil by Hu OfpudilnjvtiLjiLALlarnaai AtIgiiAtiiq riuHeliberty

MIL iit rr'i jikbA AyiDiNTMxrrr,The pfrtiilun oi ailfici'Vl ihg arnirmsn~i$rTBl'"'

now j-u--tel11pe liijIldhiB.which uasbeengiTondj I’aiilK I'tAiilehiT, v't-e Jvrsmiao 0 Kourks, re- ni-A'-fl, ri inid l(» lx, worth f? a day lur actual (*i're |'U( tiMiiiiil rim cumptettofi ol iha nysy I'n.'iUng, TIa- i.ri'hilccl m UI nave lire i»pDoiul- m -il-it bh iiwtNiMid, who runki aa a rhivom* iii' ul lie-pe<'li»r (hisis lire uffiee lur whicb e* AideriinLii Jiiiiie* A. I'hrMlo, of tiia Kifril ttiir l, Ik tun.'d. li In RU'tl ihat llis iiiricrap> |•l>mlnlen|. will uo( l,ic rumk* for noarly * yutfyi-t

Ki-hiu(er H, JaekMm Is lieglnniirg a wide* Awwke euf»%u-'a jitr liie It* piiL-lietn iiomlnatlok Inrburii^Ate. Tma mi-cu he ha's be*u making HiC niJij-iH of Hie osT.l* arid his Inernla h|ve lu' t bito lien- aud Hicn: lo Uufxireewd uuariar* loud ut w-'ik. U Iren Mr. Jh* un,n ran fur Mavor K WAR RiiiimiM-d riiiu II deiPRifd ue would liav*A usik-iv< r foi ireiiJureiMiD as Sur/ugsL* uow. S'ln-itiiie Jj -i-fhit f.. MiiJiuaiiil PR Hi-qator K. ft Fi.-li iiri Ill'll lAotJrmg iur Ihc nuuilnailuN. Ihe llirce eorro-il r-oitioi proiuisca Iri be IllO tnortimcnvtjhu liuhi HniougiL Hit! KepubliriUM In iliiR i-otiiriy iliih 111.I. il is imylLle lliHt toe U iiHH-ruiN Nni> nuuiliiulc baitmul Kfouiur Hur*

Al IkK tllfc l!ei>l.''IKli HSU BILI..A fo'.v duva jLiru riurnd A. HulNfOt. the

Riokcr ol ihi- fo’puMii-iin 'lui* machiin:, nailed tidpiMicr lit I'li) i.ii'm ll'jfcl, JuiiC) i ’ll>, smueof llU'iejnl wi'ejU're' i| iiu- pariv loai-e li hy the Iricli-iii ol iheir uiiu-)n ihi-y eriniil not kliullc a Rpurk Hjih W(ru d bet ili« lo the Iwnitocririic Ai> ‘-j-iiiiily linlMfie'in i *u?t piCMHl i>y the late Ir b.'''<lauoe. L>so ineti.lHTN i>i lire I-Wk najiity Uir n-rc iiivlU'*) .i el iiioii|;li riie) illd ire(II i* kirewii In Pk'hI nreii- HihI rht- OonfiTfiiee vsii- a JIh.1 la-iurc mj lur na n-HuU.'i hic eum-cim-Hl.It MILK liupi'd Hiai W'ine scliciue might Ijo rH>n- fs-ive'l liir U-bimg Uu- luw lu ilreNn|-re*ne ( omt la.*(o>e Nu i'Iiiiht, hti', ili* (HW orR foLjuil ibala cunoui-blniidi-r OU Hie pari ol Hn-rminera of the act iuul leiHorod nil iji lUeir cfTiiruio uver- luriiw Hie iiiw hiirh’. ')'he •IclyinT In mnklng Hi* fimtl dmil of He' uel, Ecfi oul or it (he iwual liriiu eiiiiihe provl-ling iuhL u Khunid go tulo uf- II ei mi nil'll tiuuiy 'ihe •.imi'Nion mis ruurely omiiii-mioiiiii uii'i It Und toe rv-iilt (d iciideruig vuimIiIi' r lor II yeni N'l-wiirx’ i Alderniaij-c I)-*, irlei hill, iiui it WAR Hilt nre- iin-<tose id (bn iiiak iNfcly UI lawmukcri Hint u- iiUpiI foniloulely Ji.c dll-t>i-(u H-tiitR. 'Ure Juire term •■tibuKu- |m-nre I utiit iR JuHl drawlug to a doiM* ainl toe J-i'tgeii Oo nut eouvcire hj:hiii iiuliJ Noveiuta-r,'1 he net. iiwiiiu to tfm tilunder, do»w not go IntoL-lh-el iiiilii Jiity (, rtii j (tip Ke|iim Iciiii nwyi ri wnli till of iheir lojtenuiiv m’l'e mirtl ly lu'<le- v>-0 Jtov wnv (0 icHi Oil (^Hiiuimminiiily ufiti* re-t III tou pn.iH UL luiii. Ill iSuveiuLer It wUl Im (I'O Ihu,-.

cubll^u PlLEei.NiT hlVlMU.'l?.The r-nrlK'bt UiaL nil/k'CLti i[iieslli>n nacj be

rni'-rel und t Hre m-w luw mhi Ik,-on .\iigiis( 1, iHmj.iI six weekH lu'iii'c, wiipri umlcr Hie law of A(-rd Kiid lU siii>] Ji iiU'Dlb Hie romoioa( uuuuii ol Hill el(y iiin'l divnle riiu Hixlh Ull- lrn-( of rill-TiiirCcciMli IVar-i, pari of which KIier July ( wdl Is' IU Hm [hint aud pan lu (he Kvihlli A'M-riihJy Idririel. At Hm sam* Hine k (l.vuii-ri mu.*t In* made oi a!l of Hip pnlliriQ prtr- ciiicl'* in llio city wtiU-u at any cleeHoii iRSt VI ur t:n-.i ovu-r Ikai V'-rtes. flic l(A;|iUbii<-nnb did Hiluk HiAt by n-firiiug (o divide the BiiDi dis*tru-l III llip TliirU-i.-nlD Ward on AUKiri( 1 Uiyy

'iV>uM rul-c iin iMire (111 wliUdi lh* reliidrieiliig ai'l riil,4hl lio Lukcu inlo court and mj Hicy c.’Uld II (lieri- Wire uiiy kO'Sloii ai that aetisuu of toy year lo tAkc il io. fur it bi obviuat Hmi (he rcMidoms of that prei iiicl Could not vu(o uu(d Hide wnre (jollluu h.j(o ilduv iil th* A-tu-inhly line. I'liiuriiuidcty for (liu l<u(nh' licmiM th-* Nnvernm-r >*leed<m --vi ld trcnvcr iind lire pr<Mjp«iuon woiiTil u-tv-' lmmc by, auto speak, hefoni iL-jy r <u'd luiUf..' t1re!r urgiimeiK at Tieinun. ‘lh|-y will h (VO t? liulT Hnjlr cha- pcau'i to Ihc f u-vitnhlc, At Ihu Fru-iiieiUial *|ecd<-'ii hret laM ovur a Ke-iro uf proeiiicL-i fu thecity caM more tuon liUfl vufos. The Third dliMtilclui Ibu K(xih It aril aii>uc coat ovor 9U0. The vote o! lire taller in )!i87 czeecded tlOO, but riie Vuiumoii Omned oflaii year faded lo comply Wllh Ibe law a-iil divide UitiUj two parts. Tbe bixLb dLurIcL ul th* Tlilnuciirii Ward cast Till toUm, Mr mm It wuul'i have in lie divide d any*Jiuw, wbutoer m* Aaieinuly ttn*cm u or noi.

pUided, plao^ibg A brtl Iq Watur’a abdumeb. | Monday- A ganM of Itate bell end utikr atb*Thtbuil«tk«iw i7*lbM iwlnM i4> | l a *

Teachers Gvliig Abroad.A Ibricc ntiTubcrof tedcben o f tb«

IHxb Hobonl and gratnmar ecbuola have a^ raiiKCil ''10 spend ihcir summer vacatfon In (IiflurL'nl couiitnea in Europo. U(m ('fara W.

atirreuft vice-phiicipsloJ Uielllgt] Sohonli UiTO Barbara F. ( ‘rauc, MIn UiJlie A. Funt v and Mlro Mery Oltastead, of the lllgb HchOid. will tpuiuli toeir vaoaUuoa abrued. B0Bw(w«ai7 Icaohers al(og«tb*r bavv annouaoad (ball (enuoB of going, aiuI ^b*ra « a f follow ibrti exaisple.



Vte DlAir»iif>« ItvIwMM Admir< r«» l<*v«n »■<! Br-nus-^Tb* i*«Miltlv« miJ

ymUillM of life* HMUn, ihm tllrb M»k*.

If7 MeUior Hied U Ulk kb at aif hrstix, •fed iMi’kap for bor *ik« 1 tm food of tho ipilat, *}d-fii«b>0B<-d word. Bat Ut nt» Miy to iba bafioaioK ihai U bia a

of iU «wa, aod ibuuid not bo miitpplled.

lloud M3Tfl;I mofDsbrr. I frnwnl) ,

Illy liuie k>v«>n c«toeWith ■ pu y or a riu rry.

Or ■010* ueurJnvrnUK] tutD*.*'Wall, bo dori ool meoii loveia «i oil, ho

awoof beiQK.Ooe moj boTO • boou, t lorer, ou od-

alrer,m odoror, or •c:iKur»do, but addom aooy ootibifeo ooj two of ihroB lo Q&o !•■ dlfidnol, lod om r all Are to oof ooe rporh of her If fa, for the beau lo a ipeciof atuU ImtBOf Rlrlbood, and iftldom devriut ilio oQuetiag toodorneio of o lovtr, tbo blind 4olnii»i of the odiuirer, tbo Infiiltialioa fef tbo adorer, or the boneol ay upotbj afed belp uioeoN of ibtcoarade, who, bofferfr. 4m h ofloii dffolnp MOMiaJrri# into Irfcud- iMp porbapi, afior all tbe ouosiiuitiifBt'tor/ foUUofeibip beiirroo opaa and •ruoj'NU.

Bqi ibe beaut Toe leial What li b«f Who U fatT What ia ble orlgia, baWOat, apbtM of aetioa f

Tfli » 9i u nxacNiBKD.Let usdosrr bi bltn flist by negatWet.

Ba feood not b' jaung—io fact, 'ai> old boan” la • woil katwD cbaracU-r In flc> lioo, draiDfe, tad r«fot life.

Ha oafd to' be bitdiuiDf, aUliousb be laTiriiMf tl4aki b. ia.

U . k(r4 Mt be Inlelieclotl ur le.rneil— la fwl, I ac,er kntw ■ lirau alio ou .UIht, eUbou,h 1 b.,e be.wu tome min of whom eiber men *ild. " He Itn'l belf aarb ■ fool ai he loou."

He and uot he bierip fnr enbod, ei' fccU eaur.(e oi leedcniilp fniui him; nor aenl he he s httiuiH ueu, lur he It u.ti- ail; feund I,eii<lina the njantj hhi /ailirr M eonebiKl, rlH he. eci-aoulafed far him. ie het, the hiaa leduoMl to jh.ti njr end Mel «oik la the tun t Torlurn ef ol^eelf, MHltdluf OM of a iurruTialeg untr, Mid, or ee Indeetrioua dm, or e poor little Intioed poodle, or euj other hoi plea, aod beta low liltl. eoimal eueired Imo iiu- Mtnnil labor end fnreige puiwtlu.

Mot that I BiFin to *petk levereljr ef Ibelweu, for I don’t ; le fact, 1 llkchin ■bd reliie him, md tbouM be mllp euti J U ala. hloi out of lha world, but be he. kit liialia loll*, poor dear, like tua net of M. aadoBa batai letaa him p,iibed up to bba watt I hat deflua. tbma UuilU. QDAUTiil THar iiaxa mu rorutan. MorecTer. there i, a podilva M well ai a

aetatire ftrisaU la the recipo for a bean. He noil he |ood-oatund. and aletpi lead,, if Dot with a Hullr, at Irut with a alaiper; be uaai be quick nt npariee, area tbougb a mild one; be inntt hire a (tad BHUurj.ind a urtala adbailrearu of tawfb whieh will euabla him to pick up the Svatini poHamer thrc.di of loeiiilr talk, aad ctrr, tbeu to Juil the right quarter for repa’ltluo, ire mint nerrr brfataophudf'asaDoaetijna relatluneblp,, Dieodibipa and eomltlea, rod nirer b, aa, abaora »op upoo au,bid,‘a Itei or asjbodT'a remulett ftSlia tie mundlii- aorar and knp tbo oarrow path briwren kartalau fot.lp and parlltut reeudel, and erhUa alaaytbirlnxiomethlDg Inlerutlug ta aat, narar ta, ao,iblii| that could ba repeitad io hi. own or anrhodj aba’ideiriueat. He moil be .aiilliHiiiiil la the ai t*ut of lataemberlug the f.voriia lawoia culor, and pitlu oiu of the lad, to adWB ba la hii the aturatnt iltentlrr, end aiikiag fraerfnl little effirisgi In bur* Man, with iboM Ultra. Ha molt bare aaSleiool uii ta ba i Iwim wbrre ba li mated, and to ikllrull, rffica bliu^lf In bha preirDM of a lovat or a ferorad od- Mtrar or auotw; for one of tbe pecolierl- tla. of lha beau 1*, that ha baa bla lia*on. Ilka Ibi uiiubrooiii, ahd U not at ail ao* atpiabla out of li.

a DILUalOJI or THg DERIITANTa.But aveo u oae wilt luuieilinea cepri-

olanalj pmfer lalird, dried or plrkled MB'broom, to frob and lender vi ga* lablM, tbara will He IntcrTnl, In life, pi'r- hapi to im rae, «nd, whoo one tonia from a graml. paeiion, from tbo pcdettnl arhereoo one’# ulorer'a place# oue, oven from tbe aulid aatl.faeti.ii of a c.mradi’a boaatt ijmpatb,, and Ond, a whlmtlcal pliaiufc in tho ronvrraaliou, the coiopll- Kawta, Ibt ebll*ohat of a beau, and Hudi tb* aane rot and refroahmeot in bit eodel, ai In that of the lait fuh Ion able aural, at the lighteit of tuclel, coiuidlea,

Wa bare ipolen of the beau a, uu ad- Jonet of carl, girlhood, liec.uM It li mil, •a tapm.r who can be loug ronUut iu Iba aaciei, of a bean, or who ei porta any- tblng i«9ri(>us of him, or digui0i4 him iato u filoiil. Y«gng (firli uercr tb«SMfe wbu furyoUDd tliroi ou iboir eairsaca |•t•Mc^«ty; thity are all herMS of yo* iMOce, they all ore pouiblo loTere and kaibaodi, aud tbo be u, bfJiig lh« ojotk febylum aod tho luosl detuuustralive figure Ifl tht« DfW world, U ortvu pilcbi'd ujkiu by Ike doAHlmiJr as li«r id«al, and she U aorae- ifentt t good deal dliappoinUfd In finding bow frufuDy tou imall Ueisfur ibe “ glatt't fobu* ibe fiilD would lit upuu biialioul- 4t n .

rilE rCNALK lIUTTKKri.V. Oretilonallj tbe girl ii b rself a femiile

Iwiu ] not i belle, for lliii Is (|uile nnotber thill;. but a trlAer, « buLierny, nu tpUcuio-e roQ'-^ poriOBaliiy ausweilug prt'ciioly to IUi.tof iki beau, lu uirh a <tiu« ibe two keoDtse, pot friende, for to be a frieud re*

a ^iiret chartcteriatlci umtlirr of tbeoj }>oa- mtcR, but faailUiir ac(|uahitearo, even coiU' lull* In a cerUiu eeane, uud hpeud ■ grt'at IBMy Idle btnirs luguthrr iu just tbo way BM oeet a couple of hutf-ci flKa bovonug Ud dancing over a aunny pool or a bod nf ■txnonetle. kippy while tbe fine wouiliur Wi^ boa(«u down aod loat in the first Wild eradytTbity,

1 do not think ibe beaa often mnrriei; ItMemilo me id gUndiig through my feeQaalDlanc a on both iIiJah uf tbe witar Iksl he is geuerally a l>tciielor, or If not,

u one. Id elTtci a beau i« generally tottdij but iDteosely ic)fi%h nuder hit fetttHog aod ooorteuus lurfice; he wanLe h h iDDoey forbli owu pleoiurra, lod be hoe feliiildlDus burtDr of all (be auooyaucea •fed dliilioiionmcnta of uarrUge; add to tkk ibai be u neither tbe creuture of im* |mlM Bor of |u*iiion, not at all capable of feMlf*<forgetlul love, and tbe question at •nee arioeia why Id tbe world ihould he Mfry, lud tbe aDswer is, lie doo%—that


But altbiiugh ouly the young girl 1k m in ber Ipetu at asythlng uiure than V btfeu, be ti both valued and cberiabed by felder woisen, to wbooi, as I bare implied, 1m •eivei as i reereatlon, on anodype, • garigHfrom thoie relatlom of life wbow 8eyth and Intenilij make tbem ii often tkeniefoctuue oi tbe blmeiog prour hm . I am, ta foci, very fond of my tHmui, and deai*t beoitate to acknowledge It; but not lirabi world would 1 let them know (hat 1 •Hilder them u beaux pwr at flupte, •tfeDO probably not one of tbeui bat would b* offended, for the world bai grown eo foliB to oar day ibat no man U coateuKd to lee ktmiel' m itherj «ee ’* him, but |weNBi somelhiog else.

It WM not 00 io tbe dayo of oar grand- SMtherOp when Bnu Niahaod Beau Brum* aaoH, and • boat of their imitatoro, were sot only uonteut, bat proud to fill tbe role ofo beau, and were ouly diitromed lest ikey ibonld be taken for ootneihlng else.

A lOUUOL or BEAUX NAEUED. ' WouldM*! U be poMlble to roriee thU

(ulldHp’rii, Bbd suurt a oew ocbool of pro- ffoaiional beBnt^mtD who, fiodljig tliem- BoNmi od^ted by batore aod Ibolioa- Um for * tbe profMtion, ibould edn- «i*B theuMlTei for It, eUidy np tbe M mooler* of the art, and embroider opoo Ikolr metbbda all tbe added fincHe and MHarpHse dlemaaded by tbe advance of tkeagat It ii noily • euldeuC worth coa- •Morlngg and I rcoommoiid It to tbe nottoe of lay yottog molo fcieadi, leveni of

whom show a very pretty tsicot in 4bat direction.

Rut, pending Dili new depitture In the biitory of U>«ux. Ih; me iuipbire all my Icmate frU-iiils to be more precise Id their ciuiificaLloa of Ihclr msle pniiiaiutsnrf, for It ii really • grief (o bent a u>mlrr. ru’ ruiutii', ItroWiiiugtvkqiic adorer i|<oktn or as the "beau'* of hit idol, or tu have oue'a tolidf praettr si, coogenisl c>'iii* rtda dubbed by so iriAuig anain^orUi iniult ibe sweet illuiiout ami liJty ideals of a pair of lorers by ralllDg ftnmfa the besu of Jitlut. Mfrrrtfio wu a Imtu, if you please,and died with a Jeet atiuu bli li()s; but oue ciuool iumgiue blm iu ifunsv'i place.

LirrgKK84'E IN < i.AMiriCitTin}r.No, a>| dear gtrli, don't be slip hod Id

yoDr lioniHiiclaluie; and, sUhougli you pioy be lurroiindkd wiib tH'am, don't f»Di:y tlii'iu lovers, or tven linrtre admlr* ers, for your irne Im-hii mltDliei um^ly very ujurb rx<ept b-uiwlf, altbuurb • purt ef bh profrMion D to aesume the part of ■n admirer, net io you only, but to tbe oibc! dear 500 loward wliow he will flut ter in tbi course oMhe evirtinx.

Dau'tlell him lliaryuu duuT believe a wuid he aiys, aad don't try to got u too solid ground with him end find out Hov fir be is leally rloceri,', fur be dues not kuuw himself, and It ii iMsd ta te and bad polity tu fmee any nun to a cenfeaslon of lyroriuce, even to himielf, Nor run we break buaicrfiles oa tbe wbed, or liulid bouwN of Raap>bubb!e«: so be ( oulcDt to lake the l>rtu ■■ a Imnu, and v lue him for bis m l u»ri ind meriiN, wbirb are net to bedtiplw-d. UkJs.*i>'kANE


WHT WOUICM WAI.K.The heat rhybl(«l Traloluf end 01e«t

llaallJvrttf Kaorrlao for JKamalos. fn;n] lli« Albniiy Journal.

By the prroent system nf artiflrlsl life nineiy-llvt’bundtt'dtba of the Anioilron Women are invalids at Ibe age of twemy- five. This is the opinion uf geod medical aulbnrity. Uitiystetniitic eierclne, ever Use and work of one pirt of (he Ikh! / un* til It ii aboormaily developeil it (be r t» pease of other parm which are wholly iiFgleciid, tale linurr. unwholftome IolhI, leactivlly, fnipure «ir and unbcaltbruJ drnte ire a fuw of tbo feslures of arllQcia] life,

Walking in tbe o}mid air is latliilxed in by oooij^mtlvely few women. Wnli no aim In life but tj oliserve tbo Uw of fsab- loD, kill tlmt, and aniuse tbetuMilvei, Is ft aey wendtr women lose tboir boaUb aud CHiiuet Walk? Not ODO woitian In lea kooni bow to walk, To walk properly the chest ibould be thrown firtvsrd and upward, the shoulder btudos bold In thdr prosier plti^ thus llirovlug ibe whole weight of the body upou the blfw. This will prownrs the fl;iure and krrp tbe nuis* ele fltu and well strung. Women rtruld walk os Writ as men If ibi'j bod is free use and Dinsicmeul of niusclei, b ck slid Iliubi. It Is oDt of the queitlou for womrn to walk with skirts (liipping about their feet and waisU bound liy llgamres or biLdi. Womrb cannot walk wiib imvirly* crlhbrd, eabinc<| and conllried bvdios made stiff hy iloeli au<l c.irrying a dryg>»uda* store.

Hany women wbo say they rouli not (talk (WD or three milfw walk litioe lUal db(«iice doing tbe daily liuo«rlni|d wtok. Kv ry woman wlm It the mothi'r of a family, aod iskee care of nnd does the nrceesary work foi tlicm, U ford'd to Im* come a givat walker. If women could wear the utiie coiuforiihle yiiwns no ibo llreet ibat they do Iu the house they would be able to walk miles wlMmut fatHiin, Imt by the time they sre prepared for Walking they are llred out.

It would sei'iA to have liccu detconiUAt' ed times ruough io satUiy auy ic%i»oiiiiblo per-ou that If womeu wmiid treat IhriU'’ icivre riiloually, vIxoroiiHh-alOi wuuld (n) fblly Wilkin ibilr reach. Walking tu Lbo open ilr la the beat phyaicwl iriioiug, the (uoit beiUltful rxrrcGe, Mud the Uwt rura* live. 3i la a purmctus for all ills. Itove you • headorlieT AVulk Hoff. Areyeii troubled with nervousnus, sir'pplesitieti aod looi of ippfiUe ? Throw away your narcoticf, slinjulsntt, ionics and pafeut medklRes and take a walk In the open air. You will feel that life Is worth living. You will eat like• j iren and ilcep like a child.Women wbe ure cnntlnrd Id stuffy oflloM until they aie brfc'n-weary will find a biisk walk In ruin or lun a wonderful rei orative. A fri ab walk brings the color to tho pole face, makes the lnogiiid sl«-p clastic and the faded eyes brigbL It makes sirong p>or, weak bodies tbstaro always **on strike "•’-bodies wbuie pans but half perform their work, and do H with difficulty or pocHive {uiId, Some one BJiki, ** What li eo rAVe as i day In June T"A walk oit one of thuie days IiJurI ni rare. ltl« so rare that Imt few indulgs Iu It William CuUm Hrratit prcAcrvcd hii health and vigor until ho whs oigUiy-four yuan old by simple eiCTclie In tbeO|mn air.

Thyslcil iuidvquHcy la at the root of far more of lli(! vires and sin of lo>diiy than niorsl delitiquoivr.y and syaleaietie lotoii* Hod of doing wiuug. Home. gcHKl food, euiialdf ftoibing, freah air, lirtm Mid space for exerri-e—tlM4c are the atwjlutu uitfcs* sarivH of every humio being fiotn (he crndletothe grav and If ell and rm'h in gliTt to BPDorfi thorn, n'liihuHoii prcsifi dnwD upou our uuiiODul proarc R,


The high oorotic( of wide br.iiiH of liair r<■nl ■tup iimma (Mhct hiylonoruniiliirc

When taii*4onlum) j;Iovch go oul uf U'<biuD psiu a‘av-xrL‘un will lake lliclr pla<v.

Stiuw Uiiiiirla for HumiiH'r ure uIiuonI 1 1 M)l( Ui;o iu<l HTs held in piece by (h»e Wire,

A abade of pink, nhlcU u not ex- pruined by “iialnwin" or *'uUl r<i»e," ii csllu'd veal oulur.

Bone Imtiftha. with holes In Iho r#*ii(re toFKw (Ur>>ui(h, arc owj upou rtdIiiH hatiilH ofall dcACil|uioiis- *

UinkptUmt and fravod-out riu'hfn around the bulUuu of the ■kirlasrc coiuiug Into hiyh Jtror hxMii.

Hardiv a French Itouiirt is smi with­out some aaIidixIuiv of gold uiiher In tUu (hjiiiilh llaeil or In the t* uioihig

Home of tho fliio iTn iott’d Ixuinct cruwiiRcnibn>u1ere<i in metiil cost aEouddcA) Diorf! lb»n ttiL'it wfigtit iu giHd.

The Sloeve# of many Freiinh I'O’itiiiuoB efihiQ niHienats era Kiiberod Io h WHi'lbtud, iu tbe Issbionol uur arnuduiuibsn.

I'he lashioiuible glove for morning a<«rliul dark gipsi'd kid wilh lliitts bruoU, black sesiDLor MilubiUB'i uu too back.

French millinerB are tiyitig huid lo bring In fac« Iriamthix. vitht-r e ixm ur btnich 01 Uoaeii uiidsr toe eU|v of the buiinut bum.

To i» slyliwh the new dull jed wwllen jAcXcii imiai be upri) over Ioom skins of suft Color, witli here and ibere a touch of (be rt'd.

Paris eeDdu out (mroHols of hall allk. bair Vflrui, togcibor mUD oibers wsdo <H aJitresliiatnps of wstcrud sUk ami uiack laes.

PerNian bonnets «rd now so round and fisi ihat t wit deviarM a woman, (o tir RlyliRti, niual lit ou hvt heud pKos beiere puiiiitg it nu.

A prellv fiiiicy seen Ujn>i) n low. bljck lace gowu war sCratis of lirtu upec workjri, psKi»«il overHml under tbe arm, aud seetnUig to bu>d tbe l■( e foida iu iilace.

Flounces are coining in vogueugnin In srery blfle and siee., deep atjdiiarruw, btiumed or piukud ur Irayad out, ur (imged ur edged wiib iMce Or embroidery, or bound wilb ribbuu. —J’emjwnw'i JVi-msa

TtareMding tho Neadla,Beneath toeauUiiieru wiiidoH'wbure the suu*

beam<riay bole apd neek wllb every brenlli of air.

loleiK upon tier task uMiaamii; paiciiwurk,Hill dear old (jrandma lu her rockui cbair.

The boat dr by with (>aga nf pollen laden,‘iliB l.reexfii bring (be liagraiioa of toe rule

TuUiaudma, aa lue swayauuw lurid, now l«ck- ward,

Aud pliM ber toll wlib RpRciaeiei on uoie * Bo fu( Rbe aorkt that bouti llie.slors of iieodlos

'Abe children (lirijadei;l Jur bt; yesterday Are Bland iiifetu|Hy on ibi scariel awlnuiu

And alt ber Uiiie hei|>L>ni are awuyAll btil small IVd, a curly brnded yriuugnler.

Who at this ruDJUi'nt leavoa bit h uejea aud toys, . '

And wBicboi Oranfima in mund-eyed amise- taenv

As Dsedls first, thou to read, bur flugcw pol.s.VBe Ibinki It alraiiirt that ruch in old, old lady

Tbdo a ibtof tike that ahouUl vatniy try,Aud onco. uiiabtu to «avp Biteucs longsr, *

** OranUma, why do^ you put it lu lUs eysr' —(Arad JUwrieUyiwg.


fitr. Wraton ralk* Abnof Ooma Itecent ni<»riue'*l -oplft VViiu Ara blniek ar

Affaeterl i»j tl»a Graal Foree.eietlrltal KxetniifsMi Cruel*

The frequency with wbfirb ifven- elec- triral diMfuriwii'es have oncurred lb this hiralily within (he (mi( frw weeks hai ei- clu-J miifh Intortsl ubd arnoiig timhl pt r* s<iii« DO little alarm, it is probable tbit more buUdIngi hvvo lieeu darisagud and nmre people alruik or ueHrly itrurk by the lightning than rver h*tr«re la tills lo> cali(y in auih a briof |Hirita1. A Urge nuiDbvt ol faclurlei am! other bnildlugi Iiavo Ikvd struck, three churebeihave Ik.'Fd inuro or i ws liarueged,one touD was klljeil and sevnal peuple were reudored UDrunv iuoi frum reitiviug ahorka A part of one of tba factutiei struck was burned to the ground aod other ImiVy lO'sei have bern aiiatained fa cuoMHiurner of thees electrical disebargM.

DAHUBI ri/iSg KT IIAK9,Dunug tbe Ihuntlrr aUirtna there wrre

many dlutcbargea w liUk wr>re tnneli do nr than moat people proliahly rnalixed. Tbe dUtsnne of several of these froui bis resl- denoe on lilgb street were DjesfurtMl by Edward Weston, the luvealor. Home were only about 3,0(JD fed dintaut.

The phfnrimeus of the llglitnlng dfi- cltargf," Hr, Weilou s«hl, ** li now proved to be a oiurb mure coniplca maltcr thpo lias been gevL-ralty suppo^d. I'he ptind* pal dlsfhHTge cofiNiliuton a emull purl of tke acduD tpil the prlnrlpal disrhsrge it- self la Dow undunlood to Ihi of a very cumpUi nature. Urnh AUppoaed aiiigle discharge In teilityr-on* stats of au iiiHut use nunilH r of oscillatory or (HilsAtory dituhirge*', the oai'lllalions or pulavtlona taking ploc** with enormnua rapidity. Thrse nFcitliliubB or piiUatiotii of Ihe prlniary diachirge give rise to o(h< r acrondary or auhaidUry fllscburgcs, which latii' ere also rapobU of doing consider able injury. Tlius, for Inslanoe, the pri­mary dliehirge may take place In Draoge nnd ill oecillHtioDs may iH up poweriul BCcouflary discharpri iu Newark."

’* Would these eecuDdiry discbariirea be fetal r

" A peteoD might experlettre i severe ihurk in Newark from a diicbarge that aHuolly took piaoa In Orange. It tnipbt be fatal. KliciricUy oI this cberacter leetni to be iirupagatod by a Wftve-lihe nrtlon somewhat Rlmllar to that uf loutid, and (he place wbure tbe principal wave dlsturbiiace nrlglimiva la not Uia only pli 'e where the rflect mey be manifnated, Blnen Hie wivea of electric action extend nut in aU direciidDB fri^ tbe r otn* of diiliirbanoe and act up corresponding dli- (urliancei as tbe wave eihmdM Ihrmigb apace in other Diatter Incaled at a long dleianoe IrviD the urlglual centre of diar (urba&ce,

1.1KB WAVU AF 60DJ4D."Theorllon of flrcliic djsihRrgn ia some*

wbst Hnalsgoiis to that of Miind rmauallng from a luoiue fork orulbrr msonaut lioiy. Aliiioit every one knows (bat If a wave of Biiuod fi’ORi aurb a (Ublng fork or reioiiant b^riirikca ancirber lunlug fork of Ihe oarne pitch tbe Jitter lunluf forJt is also eot lu vihrntluD aud cDalts a Lole. TJie liutnau car ii a device which is capable of ri‘H(ii*uding to wavn of sound oJ aldely varying aniplHude and consequently r<<N cclvei the wave iui|iulici IVum aotiuding iKMllea There Is now Itule doiiht iSa( N>nnd, light and eleclHnlty nreali propngaled in a Domewhut similar manner hy wave action. Almost every boy baa tUrowa a nluDR In tbe cen>rr of a puDil ami noticed• wive travel irom tbe oeulre to (he edge• nd then reinra upon lUelf. Tbewavei in such a case extood out in circles from the c«fltre of dlHuritaDce to the edge of the pond, tho effucl diminishing ai the wive recedei from tbe origmt! oonree of dlilurbauca. Th a ia precUrly anslngimi to tho waves of electrical diaturbanre set up by a llgbtulng discharge. It Is now fi'nerftlly uudtrRieod that great damage may bo done by these waves at ouormoua disLaucea from the centra,

IKVlprriQaTlNA lilUHTWlAO."Dr. Oliver J, Uodgr," coutmood Mr,

Wctioii.^"haa given rriecial attention for ocveral yean to thetulject, and quite a good deal of InforBiatlon bii been olnalned lu regard to the phenomeua. No wry clear cnnuertlon of the nature of these very high proioure dUchtirgci has obtained uuul rotnparutlvfly reient periods. A wery ilngulaF lliing shout thorn U that they aecnn to dliobey all the fonimon Uwa ot olectrlcal artlon or dHrliarge. Thfi»e mppsrent exceptioui to the law ufdiicharge have now been explained, and are found to be in agrroroeut with laws previously conceived, bnt not fully tinderslood. We pretty well undrrataiid this now, that an electrical discharge la not the Inns* tiiUaiun uf electricity iu one direction only ami that tbe inechanlcal alrains of clce* trical action and discharge aie aumewhst analogous to the molecnGr atniua act np III gnujHjWilrr wbcQ a spark ti applied. All lbo matter eflictrd hy the clcciricnl di-cb<irga oeemi to l>e under a coinittmii of rnotmoui alteis. Light, elrt iriciiy and Diagiioiisni opfrute in vacuum ob in'rfccily as lu tbe air"

"What cxpinnatlon Is given for the cin«e of thnudrr aiormaT"

“ That is a meltiurologinil proMetu that has not liecn aolvrit. In general there peenii (o lie aotiie iadlrocl rriatiun hetweeu heat and tliA |inHliiCtlon oftliniidcr atorma. Home years ago tbe princl(de was held thil eloctrie auirins arujie from theevap- oraiiou from the suti'i rays, and thnt gtoalcr heat and greater evf((>oratioD reiulHd in great Ux< hiliij to eloiMrlcal dialurhuncua. Itocent iuvestigalioDi srom to leave tbli In doubt, and U may be said that no •ctunl cause for great electrical disturb- anccf Ii known. No doubt lbo inutlon of ibfl air under priiiwr coiiditioua In capahle of developing electricikl action. It is well undersio^ that the luucliuD of two dia- aiiDilar bodies ia always capable of pro<luo- log electricity, but jdit bow this ii ircum pliabed iiv nature ia uot at pro ent clearly understood,

eoui INTKREaTINO CABlCa.*'Are any atatliUcs to be ubiaiued to

show what tbe loss of life has been fruis there disturbanrei?"

"N o careful alatiatlcs have been kept for a nutnlter of years, but tho lo«« of life U relatively amill. There have been some very reuiarkiUo OAKS in which llgliluiug has ilruck pernoni, torn off their cloth* litg 01 damaged articles on Uiolr pcneni aud Dfl the ID to recover complctoly, In •cvcral ca*>BR people have had their watches fu>od in their ]H>cket. In ouc caso in New York • muT) bud naaily every atiioh nf clothing on bla hack tutu into rngs, and tho whole side of a house near which he Wk) auudmg wii torn uni, yet ihe man oiitirely recovered. There have been uuDU'Tous coses iu wlilcb shims have been torn off froni (be fim( of people who were left unharmed."

bl'CK PkATH INBTANTANKOUa,Mr. Weston said that dcotli fruin ligbt-

uirig wrus (ira iipally iiisiauttnoouR." This la due," he said, "to (he shock

iM'liig so severe. Fruiu auppom'd iusUnU- ncons dealli of people struck by llghlniag ipraug the idoa of excrulious hy eloc- tiieily. To iiuagiuo, however, Umt what U true of lightning is (me of tbe dytiamo oiachiue it abxurd. It takea oue*flftlctb of a Rcroiid for an linpruintion to be com mnulcated from any part of the liody to the brain. Now, fur death to be painloaa U U obvious life should be cxiincl buforo the expiration of that lime. In tho ei- |Mirmiema made with electrical apiiarstus death boti not takin place until several sccuuds after tbe curnint was received, nnd during that time the pain must be iincnse, Tim plan propuecd by the uulborilief Ik bound to pru«lnro sei'oiulnry injury to the tissue fioinediitig like the «ehKatii>ii fi-lt u^ tbe applioatiou of a red hot Iron (u the

.^iK^.yrhew. tb-R. > -x» cHy is applied. ^The mvlbod ahoulffodt be perurlU . It

wuuld be much niore huiDsnc to ase cblu- roforoi or ether, which produou uo appa­rent injury to the tli^ut. The cfTeot ii plejuant itUiet ihaB otherwise* 1 have

read tbe irport of ibe contmiMtonen which rccontnend the plae and ttie tow. They wean led to belivvo that death would be tQstan'aueoiia and paiulese. As it to propoied to apply it l( will nut fulfil the robdJtiuDS ei(*eci*-d, and nay he looked u(KfD as fully oa Iferbsroua H not more eo than banging."

iri.TlUAI. UHOGIIKSH IN TlltffRY.IJiHe Tree* of Iti* fMcolal Aplrlt Loll

In Mip "Irttar CIursos.Khira the 1 lorns.

J'rofccfor Vtenbery delivered en iddreaa ou "Collural J'rogrnM in Tuikcy" in Kx* etff Hall, Iiundon, the other evening.

He said that, except fur Ihe quiet and mmewbit tueltnchuly espreaaion of ble lountcfiMNce, which one might eilt tbe sea! of fatal tom and of MulmruDiodan airraee, the Turk was oa much i Knropcan oa our- selves In his drees be had entirely ap- priiached the FnglUh, except the bead* gear; the food of tbe up|icr rloS'iei was iitnrJy like our own, and In Ijiiarauiciucut lha Turk went even furttu'r (ban our- aelvoA Even the himn. dvridediv (be hlfeckeit point of Uie social life la the Ea t, WiM conk nuaNy undergoing eatcatial chaogeo. Of course, It would be tnach licitor if I hat horrid end inhiimau cusloni could havediaoppcarcdeuiircly, but female eduoaiioit muii proceed ua the way ol radical rcformi, and the key of that terri­ble lock rr>u|i{ only be manufactured In good girl arhouto Jlul picuir of sigus were farlb<i)niinf of the beginning of alraua- formatiou. In thair dress (He Turkith ladiM weru bcgionlDg to show better taste than before. The veil hail riaeu from the ryoe to tbo iip|*er lartoflhe forehead, and had fallen down from the middle of the iioae to the chin. We lu Europe itill lilHirftd nnder the ItnpreitJuti that tlig hareiB wa< sanctioned by the Koran. The Korau did nol spink of aoy rtslrictioDt to thu tighU uf womru.

In the habiUtluii, Id furniture, aud Id Ibe lorfa] inlercourae of the bettor elaao, hardly any trace was left of Ihe OneuUl spirit whirl] pervnded tho same rlaii ia Uerala and in India The llghtof Western culture, uoUcirahlo is the npfirr claaaca, WHS beginning already lo fienetmte to the lower iirala of aoctoly. Up to recent tlmra the Torka wore fuHowIng sirlrtly the Mohimiuedaij mode of teocliitig of bygone

which was generally of i rollgioua character, and aomeihlng like our owu scboloeliNRiu in the middle ag<'a There existed Ihreediffereni achooto, the primary schools, achooli correspond lug to the Eng­lish colleges, ai.d to the gyuitiaaiume of tbe (lenuRiii, wJicra icJigioUi Arabic, IVralaQ, geogiitphy. htotory, natural aciem«i, end Pretich wrre taught; and there wns alto a kind of •(hool where piijids were trained for ad- djImJod into Ihe miliuiy collrgcR. Fro* fevor Vainlxirry next dealt with the Jivu- goage and litoralnre of Turkey, The 'Turki had burrowed thuuiiuds of rorrian and Arable wurdi, soil they went so fur o« to enipioy foreign words even where tbeir own vernacular would have beea Jullv aufflrieot. I he Ottoman Turkish became H bnrriblfl medley of turce entirely differ­ent languaccs, of course, wholly unluletll’ gihle for the llliterato and lower tloso. Au eMeulial chiiiga for tlie heder had lakeo place. Inilradof the long icntencoi, ex- (eediog emuetlnaea over more toan two imgea, It had beramo a habit quite receully to write ihurt phravra, to me good Turk* iab words, luRtead of Arabic aud I'crilan, and to popularize tbe literary languiDe.

Tho prpsi had b-guD rapidly (o spread. In his own time (here wajt only one paper which w is read, aud (h.ii ouly by a few lidectcd perstins, while at preLeut tbe Turks litd a number of daily ptper% Aud the niiiDbor of readers were rertaloly fu large m that of other c'luntrie in (he southtnstoni purtion of Europe. During the rciga jf the pn se.ot HulWiw all bmiichtit ofonr modem science were doty cult!- vaiod la Turkey, and aijcnce ud religion were batter frlendi io Tnrkev than ovea here In Europe, and no Turkish Hnxlry would be uecL mry to take up the gauntlet agiinst ovcricaluus eccIcalAstlcB. In the (Dodera Otiumaa literature ill standard works on pilural iciencea ruuid bo fouud In good aud clear Turktofa irrtijiUtlona. What eurpriied liim moH In tbe tnodom Turkish Hlcrtture wav llie lesl ahiiwD to make the Turks arquiuited wUb the worllilea of our own puhlir life And with the heroae of ouronn literary world, lo a cotlvciieo would be found the biograpfaiee of tbe great English prinem, politicians, generato, pbilu ophen, traveller*, engineers and octora, and to see a Turk lutereated In tbo life or works of Hhskesperre, of Garrick, of Dnrwm. of Jamea Wnt of Herbert Spnncer and oilicrv, had certainly an uucotmtionly atrange apiiearance. The changea wrought did not appear only In alyle Hud language, bnt also iu the spirit aud tondency of Turkiah literature. It only to l>« re- gci'tted lUdt the Turk betruyed in hia modern lilerAlure a too tUvlHh imitation of the FrcDch, vrho were up to recent timea the favorlio tcachera In Tur­key, ' but whose modem lltirature was hy no lueaui apt to leave • betieflcial iDfluence upon tbe minds of a nation tending toward our Wostorn clvllixjtion. It would be cer* toinly much belter If Turkish literary ri'formeta would take for a p:Utcm the hcsltbler pruducia of English literature, and If pollliLA would not iufiueuce their literary laatci. Ihelr modern writers, such as Kernal Bev, 8hiua»«1 ElTendl, Ho­med Uey, and many others, were fully pen- ctratod by the new apirll, aud wero uol- luated by ihe beat deslro to serve tlioto cunuUy, and some of ibccu, brilliant liter­ary fenluHea, would do honor lo tho most advanced European nalltm. By tbeir strictly tiVCTwalchvd and often curtailed mcrtibgi they had already auen’tded in aroudng (ho foLding of pitrlotlMu and of national self-esteem, reelinga of which tire Turks, like all Moslems, were hitherto sadly lacking, but which, if properly fostered and widely di­rected, might bring forward results aiir- prtoing to public opinion In Knrop<>, tnd particularly to ibe cia of pollllriaUB who imagined that ihey had only to aliovel the corpse o! a Turk out of Europe and of Asia. This new tendcnL'y of rurkiah liter- Biure had gre«tly diniintohed, aud wnuid In the future still more dlininlib, the fan- Dticiam and bairvd of tlie Mohammedana of Turkey ftnaiuat us, Tho real luurceof that fstiHlicistii and Hverihon wu not at all the Koran, as generally aupitoaed, hut rather our |Mi1it1cal dealiuga witb the Turkish State, which were nut al ways very fair, utid which hid been mostly actuated by tbe (■■ommuu desire of in)uring the State iuiereais of tbe Ottoman Empire In every possible way

HENOVATlNd OLU CLOTItKN.Ilow Woru Gsrmeols nre Freilieusj Vp

by the Heoueere.From (ho AmcrloHn AnsIriL

it it a niystory lo many people how the icoureTs uf old clolfiica can nioJce ihcEu al­most oa good aa now. Take, fur lustouce, a shin; old coat, veal or f«ir of pauu of broadcluib, caieltuero or diagoiral.

I'be scourer makes a itroug, warcu loap- luds and plunges the garment Into it, aoscea ll up and down, rubi tho dirty placoa, if Dccessxry puts it through a accoud suds, ihoii rinses it through sev- crsl waters, and haugs it to diy oa the line. When noirlj dry, he takes It in, rolls H up for an hour or Iwn nud then preaftes it. An old cotton cloth is Uid on thu outside of (Jus rout, and tbe iron passed over that until lb« wrinkles are out ; but the iron is removed before the ateacn ceasoa to rise from tbe goudr, cIm they Would be shiny. Wrinkles that oro ob* •tinate are removed Jiy laytug a wet cloth

-tffver them and puyng the Iron over IhaL If any aliiuy plocei are vmd, they are treated ai the wrinkles are; the iron la lififd, while the full cloud of atc&ni riaei, aud brings the rmp up with it.

GIbtli ahuuld alwiys have n suds made ipeciallj fur it, ajit U(ftt which his been

TIIV FitOGKftfifi OF MANKINU.Th« Hanian lUe« Advaorliti tnalawA of

Itotoetoratlpg lAllli ClviHMtloB. Fivau Ibv Amuicap Aualy'L

A favorite liieme wlib the dyipeptic peasimiala, and evea roiooiun with gautlo- meu out usually uf the oeruleau habit, ia Ibe pbyairal degracrtcy of Uat human race, This complaint is nnt at all leceut; indi-rd, It la proljably oa uid il the aocoud

enraory iDVCdigailon to prova that it Is ftllariuuA, as in truth natural law would indicate I* lobe. In luy eom- petitive etamiuatbD thfi llutDorlc heruva lud other Jeg udarj notibka oja of course litrrcd out. The atreugth of Ajax, faurliuf vnal rock* ihrmgh tbe groaning air, and tbe speed of tbe fiyiug Atalinta, ara Just oa creditable asthe lung eap:U'ity of Boreas, or lha iniphibiutM powers of Ni*ptuna aud hia atteudints. Wo have unly tu deal wirb inibeuik rhuracters, aud here the mudein iieod uut ftor couiimiiRon.

Tito exquisite fiaurre of Phidloa and Traxltelea arr niaicfaLd In finah and blood among the tthlelci of ibe nlnetceath cent­ury, 01 auy one faiuillar with the thews aud sinews of uur niudcrn gladiator* caa atffil, OfthetportioftbeOlyinpIc gatneo, puglliitu hut dcNccnd(‘d tu us, and we have ao rstpei’tablc au aulburlly as Ur. Dsui,

•of the Now York Nhc, depqplng that Mr, Hullivan. of BoUod, hufore hia unequal couteata with (bat gteator John, Julia BarleyiHim, could whb hii naked flsU havi( tanqiiiibcd the aiotiDHt Grcciao Utxer, armed with tbe rrusbiiig rvsLua, that ever wore tbe ulivv wreath. In wreat- ling, and id fouinring, too, the present day hsM Us chiaipioDi, the equals of any that ever livid, lit the maiter of phyalctl eiiduiance, ihe RotitAU legionary baa been bold aa fir ouiatrlppiiig luodero coiupiAl- tiun. It la true (hat tbe Roman ontdier, inured from iKtyhuod to ibe exercioe of arm«, was capNbie of grcHt tbiogi, but the Kflghah artniri in Indio, In K ypt, and in othir pans uf the wuild, have displayed quite ns much heroic fortitade and endur­ance aa ever did the velursn legions of the (^ s in ; attd in Jil* capicitj (nr enduriaig and aufferiDg, Ihe explorer of the AretJu •nliturie or the African wild* bug uu psf- alld ID (be anuiils of antiquity.

Th(i skill uf (Wul-hUh. wIki severed (Jie neck of the ostrich Id full career with bii crfseenllc-hcodtd arroivi, was certalaly Admlrahle, hut It wni do greater thin that of rbc Knglisb who clefs the wiU low wHtid at 100 yard*, or of tbe ('urri^ bruti savHgo who pierces tbe floaiuag lurtle's hark hy shoulitig bla arrow In a piirabotle curve; and tbe frontichimafe, who Birlkes tbuoulD from between his com- rade' t fingers with a /<au bullot, shows ti equal finchse witb n Huperiur weapon. Tbe Tbrsnan htirhariau, Muximin, wbo ran oH day heyide the borw uf the Emperor 8ev( ruR, and who was des'lned liiniselffot Im* perlat honor*, titled thu Itoman with u- (onuhnient, Imt lie did no mure ihun the North Amerii an IihIIsd runner often iloee. and ouly that wliicfa ii tbe duUy lalior of the JapHiieae pilanqulo bearer.

llHuriibal led hia anijv acro*s the Alpr. and carried disrusy liilo Italy by bii unpre- cedunteil feat, but N ipulvou did tlie a.'KU thing, aud dra;tgrd hts caunou after him. Nuch inatadres can lie maltipned iiidefi- tiltoly, and they tit point to one cuiiclo- aiuD, that the phyelea] dc eufriicy of tb« pjeauuC man la purely mytbicaJ. Thla aigbiug over poAt grearuesaaiici proaent !•- c.' iunty has ex'sLed In all rlituet and under every condition of uiaaktnd. Tbo luxuriant fancy of the Orient bxi fsr siv* pissed the colder imaghiaLloDS of tbe W(w4 in tbi* siihjiK for we fioil In Ibe Elindfe* trodlUant thatamune other departed ble«- liiirs, litue Wiis when the age of cotmoui mortals was 80,iH)l} to JOO.OfXl yesra, and one ptculinriy vencrjblo chatscU-r, wbo lived in a pure and virtiioui antiquity, was made king when he was 2,000,000 yoAN ulA, ra1ic«d 4,300,000 yvai*, aud then, realfuiDi lira guverumeut, rounded out tbe citelo of life nitb a periud of lOO- 000 yrura spcql in quiet retirement Tbosa geiiilcDteti wbo regretfally depiore "iheae (it’gcncrito days " are moved by tbo spirit of tbe Eistern sage*, hot to a less grotesque degree, Out pre-ent civDltation, by uura iDp into a precsriuuA mauhood the cripple nnd tbe atArveilug who would have per- lithed ID a ruder aK**# ( y give a factor of weikne«a to the race, but ibis defect ii far outweighed by Ibusc added cumforts of Aiudern existence that have Increased Iko ipiin of llfu fully slxteeu per cent, beyond the lobgevlty of earlier litue*. There ia a aignificiiDce in this greater duration of bumiio life that ia not at first apparent; it n catiB an addition of sixteen per cent, to tbe brain and muscle power of humanity; ail aiignieDtAlioD of huuiau energy, and a saving in that moat wasteful thing, human death, that has done more than auylhing eUe to Drake poaaible tbo wouderful ad­vances OD all line* of material pfogreii that moke the nidetcenlb century tbe must wunderfDl epoch in history,

fen erab iou u f turn, hut it does n ot n q u ir e you are in netHr-*f T I T O R O U C i H L Y H O N K 8 T , R K L I A I I L Kluon tliiD 1 rnrwr, iDTC.liiHtlon to iiruv. . . . . . . _ .Furniture, Carpets, Ranges, litaliling, etc. — not tlie stuff

advertised in a sensational way, but GOODS that will not DISAPFOIKT you in any resj»ert—of course your own GOOD .lUDGMKNT aud the expinieuce of othe™ will tell you that it D SAFER to deal with a RELIAULE HOUSE. Ours is ESTADLISIIED ns THAT. Not an article in our Eleven Warerooms but wo can it’commend for DUHABlEITy, EXCELLENCE of FINISH, and PERFECTION of AVORK- M.AN'SHIP. We ask yon to examine our GOODS, and last, but not least, our I'RICES—Our System of Credit, which pv <!3 you a Coiiifortalde Home (and what is more essential) on your own terms. ONE-FH-TH DOWN and the bulanw! in such amonnts n.s is consistent with your means.


Bedfoooi Suits, Bedding,Lace CartaiDS, Refrigeratois,

Parlor Snits,Oilclotb,Poles,Wire Safes,

Ranges,Carpets,Window Siiades, 4Sc. Wringers,

Everything For Housekeeping, at

lamlltoD & Co.’s730-732 BROAD ST.



Tv examine ut niiee ami make All aeleetion from tlielarxe line o f biirgnins we ure offerliiif.

Per YiL, Worth.All-wool Inirrnlna - - - At 50e. »Oe.i4n|>er(tiie liiffrnin - - 4ftc. OUL'.Taps try ItniMHela - - n«c. 7«c.Taps try Ilrti-M'lH • • Oflr. OOc.llmly ItriiMMiU - - (11.05 ei.iia .Velrot . . . . - iki.ou V1.S5.AxiuliiHtrr - - - . . lil.tS e i .5U.ILoyal Wilton - - - - «l.fiO V^.DS.Alse CHIHA MATTINGS In great varletst, LiBoteQn, Rags,Ac., at ver; lovprices

OurapcMal haIus have always attracted a Urgv mmiber of buj ern frutu all patla pf ibn d'y ord uofeuirr. Ttiis the ianrcai q dantity and finest line of patlerti* w« have over oficred «l rotaU at ^ch lAIW 1H>WK PHIf;IW. Br>hi| the pMHlufi nf turown for(orlU! we warrant rfwy Cirpfl IS mpreH'ntfd. OUH N|‘:W rATTKKNS FOK THlB SEASON emtArace manr ixiotoa NuTcHle# auii New ( uluflaBisuiUbte to pKuuoit style of furaisblug.


4 C f & 4 2 W E S T 1 4 t h S T R E E T , N E W Y O R K ,

F A C T S A B O U T K O Y A L T V .

The Dnkecf Wtwtmiustcr is the lich- eel Ilf Queeu Victoria's bUbJ-clr lull real UrUaln, i

Tire Cbtar of HuoalA riMently celebrated ! bU forly-flith btrilHlay. Thl» (s a remarkRblo I fact wbvD tbe reuunl of plnls agalnkt bis life b i luuk»d at.

It is not atirprining that her rovol bigiinew (be I rincuiN of Wales la lusmg a lUtle of iho btuonr or yuutb, oouaidenitg tbal tou U urarlDg furiy-fivc.

The Queen Ketreut of Rpaia, while si Ibroeluuo, three llinei vi<it« I IQe Ainerlcan ikqiartmeut of (Da ItuorutdimaJ Kxpa*iJrmtiijd exprcaaed greal inuirual thi;rdr].

J Aily Haliaharv i« very unpopnUr in IxAiulfip •ocietfi. She aliocnpled tu pui pn areu* ga*it airs liy ri«iK>if uf ber binthand's poHiUon. Tbv other ladlci wuuld out have ll (bai way.

The tnniua ol (he ox-EmpiPK! Curhitto lajual now toward nilltiary and Juridical norki. which she OQoipeii her ailcuilauia tu read to ber bour* al a lime. Tliii b tbe twenry-flrtt year of bur vrtduvfbuud.

EniprcM Aaguflto Victoria, of Oe( tOHuy. iioea not tbink It unbcGumliig to hec dignity to personally raperlnteod her nursery, and she occoaluoallj’ pertiudei ibe Eiupcrur to ptui half on hour alone wii'i herself and (ha royal ubUdreiu and on luchocdatluiw dismlMm ctLTybody else rrora tbe obambvr.

'I'he ex-QaeeD of Hanover is ono of (h« nvi!«t OQVnpleicly lorgotten of the many oxlledi sovereigbi who live In aerluded pJacos m Kh- Mpc. 8lia recently oclebmlod her sevemieih binbilay, ftba livi-i at Utnuitdau with her son# the Duke of C uberland. Tna authuritles of (jmurrdvn ptcavuied her with couftatulalloas on ber btrthhay, and (here woi h torchlight pfMcniiton to (be royal reaidenca.

Viincefls Loiiia« iii at work upnn • ftatna of her mother, Queeti Victoria, wbick wilt heorcc((fd in due time In Kemington Oa*- deoo. UMU1C4L. The Queen will be represeiiieil an she appeoerd on (be eventful morning in June, inr, when ibe arose hastily from her bed lu nH'elve iheanuodDoeme' t of ber aurce uQ lu tbe throne. On Ibatialarastiiig iurasion the n-(H'ifed her RiDlsten in ber nlgbi-dreas with A ibaurl throwD hoailly over ber ihoulden, • (Nosiuma made ramtiior by tbe weil'koowu pamting ofttirGeorge tleyter,

My stock of Fireworks and Fourth of July goods is now complete.

I carry the largest and best assorted stock of Fireworks in the city.

Prices are guaranteed to be the lowest, and the quality of my goods is “ unexcelled.”

Look through my stock, and examine my prices before you place your orders.(

CHRIS. BEGEROW,4 1 3 ,4 1 5 B R O A D ST.. Jaoi;. sf Broaij Stale & Plane Sts



ASid, curie, per lb.............. ...................Add, Tif lam', per lb...........................Aind, Carkniiic, cnMlu,p<»r lb................-A«it CaiUiUe. iTi'Hiih, pure, pur lb....Alooliid ft-j per 4-eut.j per piiti........ .....Alum, per to................... ................ .Aqua Am munis. FFFF. per piul...........Itorax. wbule ur powdered, per lb.........


Boeawax. jwr lb.........................CfempbrxGiun, pfloer'a Hellued. per lb .,(lasilh* ikup, Couil'a Wbito, per lb...,t;!HMor Oil. pur piuL............. ...... .....Hwaet Oil. jf*f pim..... ................................... ioChiurldelJine, in paokagos, per lb.................10xfiiippew, per lb.............................................oqCream Tsrui, per Lb...................................... 40Kfomm Halts per lb.... ..... ............................. Out

'KsHetice Pvppermlut, j^rplnl............. .*, .fto^wmoe Jamaica Giiiter. Wr pint....... . .RO 'Flaxseed. wbuUiof gruund. ficr lb,................. 10Qtauber Holtt. iwr lb............................... MUtyourlne. per lb.............. ,ibIriasol lewder, pure u&coloiod. perlb ... .46Faregorlg, per pint..........................................K)Qulume, iiiiiihaie jiowdet. Ferouhce..... .46Huchelle HaUa. per lb..................................... uBaldhta Puwdart. per don., to tin box............ 20Biporbonaie Huda, per lb................................ 0-1gqlpbut, rullDij»owdi*r....................... ,10Quinine Pills (nirkf Davit's make), in

iMtUet ot lOO ptlla. 'i graitu each,per Hlft— ........................... 80

Soap Bark, pet th................................ W)

P K fiF U M liiiy .Bandkerchlvf Kiiract*# per onnee................. 26■ithei h>Wderx. per udiioe.................. .2bivjo|ne Wator b.-sl. poridnl.........................KDay Karr, HI. Thotnaa liuporled.per tH»l .90. Fli^da Aoier, pur boUlu.... ....... .80

TH£*8tf mvfi"



A EEW BAHGAINSiAlfflf4T. Lidiri ( nvasSbute, larvind but­

ton. »tth hrowugioU uiRiiaiiig<i, worked txit-tuiibules.

At kii«*sea' reuvas .Shoes, loee andbi.llon, wHb tirowu guai trlmtulugs tiM »>pring bii'liL

At tfHe.# Cbllil'a llrnirn Canrar Hhue*. beelfi, with Drown ipaflier iriinminp.

Al SI.VA. U*diva' Culori-d (iuai button and ]k<« Atiue*. uinra toe. isltU l)|ie, oolld leattMC liij^iBhuuL wurtb I2.U.

At ill.Dit, KilMet GimlI liutton stioetripmiK IkwIo. winked IjuitoniKilea.

At fft-ifi, ihlid'a Hu-:-et Goat butiOQ bNqo spring heulM, workei) Utl uuL"lu’<.

At 9hoM (‘Gild's Tan-Lxiiosed G<Mt baitoa ibuet. wllb h « K h^nd-marlp. fluxlhlo.

At T3c., liifonls' Tan Giwt buuuii shL’C hand nnad '.

At lAdlaa' Ruasot Oiwtoxfiirda. hand- roide, tipped aud plof . *(>d comtuofe ftiise.

At >1.49# Ifedlat’ RuiuetGuatOxfo'di. baqil- wtreil, llpril sJid plain.

If you intaod going oway. It wiM bo t wile policy lo eiamine our lini of Trunk#. Big# ind other neceiiitie# for IrivtL

Our Boy*' Ciolhing end Baby Cor. rioga value# cannot be equalled.

Wear for Men and Boy# In endteii variety.

L S. PLAUT & CO.o n m , 119 Bmd SI, '

NKWAUK# N. J.Free Dolivcries l»y own Wbl'UII*._______



Giles Good

Appetite, Hev

StraD tl, Qnlet

Kenes,Happy Days,

Isveet Sleep.A IH J W H U F l ' l . T O N IC .


THK MIWT Hl’FKNT m i! ANDMV<x;WWFL'L ItIjOiil) PIJJtiKIliitL likfpi'nnr lo aululiie.M Was about M )Mid « rahe of mal«rlKurottld

VHt iijrfiUv***--rtf>j’ ( iiudused for while coiiQn or wuoUeDTcfutlievlaJiF^ * -------- --used, lint will U< left in iUn waUrr, aud cling tu tbe cloth, lu tbi* niatiuer we have koowu tbe auuiu coal aud pnoulouvs tu be renewed lloie aud agaiU, aud havv all the look and feci of now mruieiiti, Guud broadclutb and In felloiir-clothi will bear ■uauy wmbiogs, aud look bettor every tliM boeaiiM of Ihea,

Tcillft I’aper, ywr tmoknge...... ...................... ohTh.rmotuelcru, mliabto.................................. 1A4(lilciil a Ik. peryanl..................................... i#8Oiled Mu'iirn, per yard................................ iiG«(•■ Island Twine, aji rotors, per ball..... .06TupU) Uriuhea from &r. to SOp

A GOOD TOOTH BRUHH F,OR Ife. Nall Rrufiliea fmni U . lo 50c. flair Hmsbe-s fron 11c. to )s4.00.QolH TouiliplckH. Or, yier bimeb.Pocket Cutube. from Bi*. lo I5c.

S0AP&Kuipbnr Boap, per cake............ ......................IJ( 'arloiic Hoap, per eake................................i'iTarHuap. per rake..^......... ............................)3Animal HfMp. per cak«................... laQjyucnne Boap (tmatparenij. p^t cake,,, .05


M .76

n .10 ..w


Summef UntletweaiLadle#' Ribbed Ve»t^ l?)c., SSc., 35c. ap(.enta' Ralbrig^aa and Bammer Mcrioo

RhiriB and DTarrec^ Site., 35c., TSc., 70c., 85c. op,

Ladies’ and Oente’ Natural Tfool, Runk* mer Weight, all aisce.

200 doseo Ladies' aod Children's Past Bluok Colton Hcms, % per oeat, leal than reguioi pries,

100 dozen Gents’ nnd ISoya’ .Silk Rcaifa, 22c., 44c., regolw price 2Ba, 7.1c.

Ocuta’ aud Boys' Flannel Shlrlil, PlaUi Colors, Whits and Fancy Btripea Largest Assortment in tbe Btots.

300 dozen Genia' und Boys’ While Mtis* lie Bhirts, quality and lit treU known to lie llie best of all io tba market

175 do* n Boys’ Waists—Flannel, Cam* brie and Calico—all prices.

25 dozen laulica’ Black Silk Mitts, special price 2.5c. and 50c.


G T A 8FREE OF (TIARGE, where Hut* are to be mndo#

K x t r n c t i i i f ; , 2 A c *

i v f t l i G n fig 2 5 c * E x t r a *i-elx, aa.oOi ffH.00 and aio.oo up to MasttO,

where Gold aiui PlatiniL ore umi).Botto Filling. ROc. up; Hllver and Plallna

Fimug. 7Sn# aud »l,QOi Gold Filling, ai.Mup.

A HeC of Tooth CAN be male fjr aff*aap and allow a HMALb prollL Tbuse we insko am equil to any and tiupcrmr to imst lAade lor ibot prii'e; but ii it bos never been uur hibit (o iBisicid Of misrepnfiwnt, we will say ibai thainatorial* from which they are mode «nrDhcee*

, (he pooreetj tbit CO# bebouthi. and we rertilnly advi!* thus* whoMr! y tbe cbenpeirt ii, e., i

cim aRhnl 4t lo get a GOOD wt uhlli (bey am about It.

FKMAUE ATTKNOANT.H O C B 9 J * A . Ms to_7 r . He

\ Hiinxla JO. 0 A# hL to ifi M,

Pure Martell Brandy, per qiuirt.............Pure UaJl(onii& Brandy, per qutft.........I’ure lloiithil Gin, per quart..................Pure Jamaica vt fit. Owx Hum, per quartriire New Eiiflaud Hum, pur quart.......I’ure 7*vear*oio Rye Wbukey, per quartJ'Urt Rye aud Buck, pt-r quart..............Pure Imponed port Wine, per quarU.....Puie Callfurma h>rt Wine, prr quitii......I Hie Imported fibeny Wine, perauan... Pure OallforDit Sherry VViue, (or quart...

PATEN T M E OIGIN EaN 00 Aftlclei from 75c. down lo ^ Aiticlm from 40o. down m spc. She. Anicle* irou laOc. down to l3(

H A N K S B R O S .D E W T I S T S ,

789 Broad S i, cor. Market


A lanre iluck at Hjawfu. caiimaU #011 Toilet Ooodi il rwlowi prtesA» s r F O U R P K F .s e 81 P I 'I O N O L E U K S I N A T r E N D A N C E ,Frmrrlptlima half price cliorgeil by other drutflita.EVKRY1 lil.Nii wJiiD a T PUTiTEs. liu n d re it Of v t lc lM we have not the tptoe

hem 10 teanUou. WK <XXUFV TWO XNTIRE flOILDlNCftl.

629 AND 631 BROAD STREET,Aud we open e the largeil and beet equipped drugitore in tbe State pf New Jeiiey '


__ ^ ^ y ^ W A H i c , ]sr. J .

WK aDAHANTKKn.rv KM enldtowearojidWlllutoiBilniO- ( Mint eirvice fot mcB iunfor ; .psrSed ever other Uoev m to ! rattier lie oom roeeh lewto ih« oud. fiMMUuHe toere«it prei- aiire|ttDoT)0trU(.'(ed flowof walvr ithl increoaedflexIhlllly.arellH ■ilraiftaxM Bvery wind of I4i« wlreoM^l^tw'lihpui Ipgvflii- , (tii er nneolUi

CA UTIOPT-Ttie mukinti ' vendliqr.or uae any hvrvico- aUeArmerod W1r*>heiind Hooe nol of our maHUfiartiirt m ou : iiimn(eiiient on on* or luore of otf* r"‘—■" —" ■ ■ '■ "wlik(_ _____data proeefutlon.■W.T. JUUNbON A CO.. U^^KKftXiK A BON,JHBI4. MVKR,HIHTNG A TbORNK.WM. HllOVE. art! tli« , plaoNli Newark 1L]ierpa|>u ! riioMrrati buy file Hoee with- ■ eui lUtNliiy to iJbiiMilon. hWttlerbury RuhlMir Co*i !RoleU'f'ra and owneri ot all >

IlieHjihln r Urlp ArmoJfed -Hnee haietniL j4P Warren fet#i Now Tork* ^


H Mtoaio, any vtoUtton nr • liko Will ureet with Iduuiik

only I

" ►orel(tlit )w »ra 1 Jioditumh px'w Inlolarabty. w lulled ttiywlf ilwid a amre of iiiiim. I nrew niiitid a metllrlrie worth lli* buitli* Ihnl hi-fd It.uir(|t t took Kiwk1rH>, wm a haupy'tlayler■iTte. ft ({avft uta appetib' ami RtrrnKiii. 1 <uo_ .. -.......JrrnitGi. 1 ftiolike tt top I fbinilLvevpry wonlol (bti.* TJiji 'l‘oo»e,HfihuylprvHI«, N. Y.

K aU ine oan token without any imertol med* kaliidvka. IL fep fr boUh*. or bIx F»oU1m fer 11 m>ld by d rtii^ u k or wmi by moU on receljti m

S . E . M . R I C E580 BROAD STREET,

WbsUeaaleiDd Retail Dealer to

Painters’ Supplies.Tb# Miy jcliMag bcQK la Ki'cark ahanesn

Alwsyi bs fcvnd a liitt lupply of iba bmi brand# of Wmi« l«#d, Idimed OU, VunUbes Win* doU Glas*. (kdon la Oil order, aod avoryUilQC taba ftjuud la ilist.el#ai pamtalan. Alntya

JtlllES I . COE A t o .


106 & lio8 Multorry S t,

fitoih c u n m «B*

_ _ _______ I11h Improved Eioitic 1 ru» r» me uuiy (M to exiUeo(;e Umli to worn wuh ibeulute cemtort piflitaDd day. Ol u rcttliw tiie rupture tmtin the harden excidoe ur levereat Mrotii, nbd wllL ellM a pemaueut aud ■poudy cure wlthmit r ford to Um age of tuefiatkeni. Exountoatiaa free. Lady In atieodeuce tor iadtoo. Head tor pamptatet.lMPKOVKii ELASliCTBUfiB CO» tffl Olid 8aH Dfuadway oor. flUi N. .

J ® ’S s s B ifi S 'r u u TB E A B 7 -M IX E D P A D H B T ’ > k '

A L L C O L U t t S .

Thomas & Goorter,'a O » M A J g K E T A T ,



Klim by , IJrl.;hJ \uunr W'lMimu.-wlio Tftkr. l i .r i j o f C'u.tAiai. — Th* liiu om il llvHiily of T « -d « j IMm . cJ.4.

N'j:w YncK, JuD* 21.— A fs hlantlilo fun. lion .1 Kuyl iMiii lull like m fiuliiaoilile fiin ii.l—tud fj^hlott aiij fuBFraU v j j i »•'< in tl). mojl ilriimllul romlilua. tioii. lUiijillJ KoimI kense li ruling nun.- duFi, .ud « lieu drill) unlrn tlie door of III!' rii'li luiiL—iinil be ii u rrneln lo ruiue in (hire i . tu p .u tba lliir.bald of the eiTii vfbu n r iu 111. breed Lj the .w rit af hit brow -n il Ib .t le left u( that irr loved it niiuniiUrd lu the trudrr ruFtciee el U'ltliir K.rib H iiiilrll; u poieible. No ciiiH' linng' Iroui llie door and no one gore to ihv lunrril eirept the genilemm of the hitiillf ; lliu borriule .rtiie . irtoltiiig from the iirnriirr of bgmerlcel woiueu being tbui ivoideil. Who liii not felt the v u ltitilj of a thow fniiFr.l f Aud who hai mil, at ■ little child, attnidid earloiii funeral, ooiiduded on whit it kiionu at the "l)ii> cb ” plan, ■ lirre ever}- Mi-called mouniir paid her ■burr fur rkllug iu the carriage led Ihrg all .(r]ip.'d fur rofreibiueiiti on the lea; beck T Fur uijw tf and a .aiall brother a gm id ea l o f lieaUbfnF exrrctee aat ob* Uliii 'l lu lliia wiig, aa a gmial uurie look uj to 0 (liiu'ral evrrj afteinoon of oor IIt o irhcu iJae wcitber waa pleakaut; wo never » i r the rorpte, In fact, 1 tbiiili wo hid a Ttrj Tiguo idea ta to wbal it wa>, bat ivtiknew verj well wbtu the under­taker raoie to the hack Johanna paid a quirler ■ piece for ue, and that when wo ttiipiail a little later on .be bad i drink of louiethiug In a tmall glate, while we ro- Jolci-d in pink iemonade. We looked with great rcipecc epon a Terjr old Irith ladg who wore a frilled cap aiidaho conidweep lendIj and to ordrr, and It w u laid o f her that .be hwt ‘ 'IxiulUul funeral uianoeu," We boptd that Hiiue d . j we'd have that kind ef maiiiicn, for we were told that the wae le- girdrd a. torh an acqeliitiuu that .he got her teat In tbe carriage foi nothing, and the geulleinan In the wbite apron who brought out tbe refreabinenta maile no charge for here. Alter a faw month, of tbcio enliTonlng dtivea ih a w a jw e apenl our ailcrnoou. bee inia known, and home mill after thit waa rigidijr enfoiced.

gNOLiin WQHiit aa McnHxai.It’ . EuglUh, loo, to ha a inotbar. Her

Uijctly ael the aiample. An KngllJb woman thinka Ufa im’ t worth the living, and It lan’L if <ha haaa’ t gnt toino .mall people who belong te her and who call bar “ Momma." They km.w that a child, by coniratt, makei Uia mother look ynuoger ■ad prettier, and tbe baudaomeet woman in londoB, gotten up it Mila and ftivola, will have eeated betide her a tiny monel of homanity in a cotton ftnek and a big itraw bat. Atmoit every Ametlcan woman who b u married an Engtitbman o f any ion baa prevented her adopted coin- try with twin., and among tbe prettleet are tbe two little buy* who drive out with their lovely metbei, I fn . K.nrke Kuuhe, while tlUlng very near them ie the quaint little cider lieter who an.weri lo that ald- tubiuned namo, Qyatbla.

TMK mjfoCKIIT IgAUTT OF TO-DAT. The innocent girl of to-day lean iater-

oiting .tody. She woan a gown o f while tur.h ; it'e gathered at the wai.t and per- ktpe >tDoekad a little, bot around tbe lower edge there Ig nothing bat • deep hem I the bodice ie a round plaited one of the i l lk ; a Toby trill ii about her seek and a ribbon glidlo enclrelee her waiat. Tbe sloevee are fall, pqSed bi.hop one*, and on her heed It a big leghorn bat with an Innooeal-looklDg banch o f ilowere oo it, aod a little gran, fiho lookt from under bar hat and wooden " how the gentlemen know oo mneb,* and "la It really true that eoma o f them dtlgk whlekey" and "ean anvbady have the heart to lay that the girlt In Iheeherat a n even a little, tiny bit bat "—and ebe atnttrn u when tbe n y . faef, u i f .be were saying tomcthlng that began with a greit big D ; then .he *' wonder, where mamnie Ie. and 1. afraid .he*, done wme- thing wrong," and hope, yon will o«t mlt- onderaiand her, and oh, dear, ifao I. lO fri;bleuedt The chnnere a n that you have ffii-inndertiocd her. That laneceat get-np la a m a n and a delnsion. Tbe feet in tbeir aoft leather ibeei can dance vigoran.ty until i s'cloek in the morning—the lithe dgure tbit ia hair revealed and half eonoealcd in tbe full skirt cm Menme a ba'liing dreaa that la, to put it mildly, riltaer teani, and the iiuall bandii that leera almost afraid (o perp out from the big ileevea ean held a full hind in p k'T or deftly pits chips i t a roulette table. Tbe eyes ihat look lo frlghicned from under that bat am pick out a winning b om , and tbe tweet red lipa that were ao ifra d o f Hying leme- tbiug that would be mimiideiatood can give a boaiDcie-lIke order to a district mos- lengcr boy about exac y bow her $d 1. to be played. I f danger lurkt In the eye. of auy woinun it may be staled aa a fact that It ii a lliouund timo. m on dtiigerone when tbe eyoa 1. ok frightened and the entire woman hcraclf is metaphorically re­lying u|ion yuB to tee her through the wiU .ofthia wcked w-.rld,

CAKIi THAT Is IS ILL BF.PVTC.That nius. o f ludig tUon known atangel

food, and which it would reqnin tha ■tomaeh o f an angel tu really animllate, I), Ihaiik the goddea. o f health, counted very Oad form, while tough .pongs enke, pond cake that suegeated tho riddle ae to which was tbe heavier, a pound of feather, er a penud of lead, aud that iiD.ay mix- turn knowD at Jelly sake, are, lobe iltq jy , in the loop. 'Tke loop will aot be proved by them. Tbe thing to do now ia to have a hot cako at bigh tea, and this Jeest be broken, not cut. It may be a pound cake with citron ov cnrraitt In ir, er It may be a much aimplei variety, though tbe enrrants and cliran are niiinlly put In brcaoM they please the men. For my own part, I have always bcliovid that if you have a deatre to min your digeetion and yont ia»le, do ft with aeimelhiiig worth eating and kill yourw lf on pin in cake that at lu l l taMu good and the death ia not elow, II la warranted within fifteen nlnutea to give you pain that ia IndeMribabtt, niiieu I nee the wonl. of a poeteea o f pauian and u y , " It ia not in the heart and not in tbe hnin," and leave tke rest te the laaeginatiaa. w hat tball you serve with your ioe. t The tinnue.t sort of wafers, or elie ch o » liny littlo cnkci that a n covered with grseo, P'ok or wbite mgar, and whicii have lu- durad many a imall wnmaii ta aak, *• Who vnitewMbtd tb4m T*

ruKt voa e u j f im w ia h ,II sEngnib, hilt Si’t very HBiihle. Whatf

The faah-

l>«vy.welght h r i, but .he

En;’e.x:';v;ac“trth’rgowna We Ungh absnl rera and white ■nualin oempme t h e . ^ “ w * t ! ,g ice cream, but while oppeaeil te the mix-

weamrg ftin ail darlog lummcr, In tha raonnuini, at the

*t"l'‘^thera'l * " « «oe« U gett C e i ^ in . *" I** « 'h H liM « i»the evening, and then what ig n ptvttv

^ . r e not heavy in weight And do aet P ^ i M h i a k i^ n e e g , tha duwdy air of

« a womig hw*Jwt gnttm ovw the na-o m .! !? 1 h m e if op In oneOf them In u n * ohill, . r fevtin,^ «m e yonm ff, then, in the flir that Ii hceomi.g to y o n - l l will m sh . i.„i.

triiufi lu niF< »jy ii(Mulf {| jri^gme It) b'tpnwni, hm l n tnhni-biliii*. ril n il you HilHinl 11, 10niiliiy Live s-,tcd.

A llUIllI 'd yvsrs ago there lived In the I lud of blue oyv. and bliruey a mqnetlwh

V Irt'b lady. Sbe had gulden hiir sod dark I brown ejes tbat luokod eilxbievenily out j ou tbe world. Her lady.hip danced uolll I her retbheelrd .boei weeied to make their I own mutic. Nhe sang until the blrdi

julned in tbe vborui—but ihe pouted.The pretty coquette w u not u U.ShI—

I It *a . true all the Itiah geutlomea adored her and iltauk to her wit aud beauty, but

I there was a quiet man, i gentle Quikrr, her brother's tutor, who ouly seeiued con- teieui enough of bet tiitU nH tu how lo her. Shall ■ beeoly endure tbist Never! blitll tbe toast o f many counties be ig- Bored t Surety not. And so my lady chose to study Letin. The lolor wwn teamed to love hi* pupIL Tbit WH not •Initige, But, oddly euoiigh, tbe lady fell le her owu uet, aud discovered that more thin .11 the gayly-dteeied gentlemen the loved this quiet Friend, and » one day her Isdy.bip waa oiftslng—ibe bed fl..!, Shu,Lady Barber* Uiiary.had eloped with a man weoM ruSlri wrro only ef plain lawn I The lovrre winght Ihit naw eonniry and made a home near the hanks of tbe Dela­ware, where msDy friend, did abide. But Lady Uarbira would wear her pretty bro- cadee aud high heeled allppen, and even le the ueetiog there was no ens who cared to reprimand her.

When her brown eyee were ctoecd in deeih bpt lover-lni.bend wslt|d for tha time when he should join her and w u peaceful among those who weie of hli own blood. One snmuier day there stood hefort him his grind-dsoghter. He Ihoiight be u w In her blown eyes the I ruth and faith of bis own dear love, and M he u iJ j " ( io d bleu you wherever you go, for yon are Barbara."

And H 1 am. ________ Bab ,

"JO H N -g" OBJBCT LEMOy.A Chinese gervanl W ho Folleweil Ills

HlaCreM'e Instenclloiis Too Cioseiy* From the Oahiniore Hena

“ There is no trouble In teaching a Ohlnaman a new Ibing, but the teacher b u to be extremely careful la doing so,” said Mrs, A, L. Lord, a promioent temper- •au worker who recenlly arrived In thia city from California, '■ 1 have heard many amoeiiig stories told as to how (kilhfully John eirrle. ent iF.trocUont, but I may u y tbe most auuelng w u loM me by a lidy with whom I stopped a ibert time ago. Tha lady had hired a Chinaman, intending to make a eeok ofh lm . The Oslutlat w u u apt to learn le any of his brethren, and made himself very neefel. A few days tiler bis arrival the lady af tbe bouse thought she wonld tuch him how to mike cakes, and, tbat end In view, bonght a few eggs. The Chinaman witched her every motion Intently. She broke one egg, bsjt It w u ‘ bad,* end sha tbraw It aw.y. The wceod was healthy and it w eit into tbe eng, Thea the other dlivc- tloni wet* carried out, and when ths cakes w en baked sbe set the Chinaman to try bu hand,

“ Tha lady paid no attanMon to him, end wbea done tbe cakea ke baked were u nloe u hers, Every day he baked them sad they were exeelieut. Da ene oecciion, several week, after tbe Chiusmaii arrived, Iheltdy entered tbe kitchen )n s tu tbe Cbln.iuan started lo make Uie cak e. Tke Cklnaman picked up one egg, broke it, and wltbout ske least besltstioo tbraw it ont o f the window. Gefore bU mltlrcu eoold interfere tbe secemd wae broken and pot ia tbe cop, ‘ Why, John, why did yoa throw tbat Ant egg away! It w u gw a.’ The Celettlal looked .olenmly into her face and u id , ’ llliM s do It.’ And after ieqalty she found he had been doing tbat every day for three weeks. John w u shown tbs right way and he never gave la y more Uonble In ihist line.”


" Jiisi

^■om i.g to y o n -H will maka ywnr hair It wm niakt year skin ledk

, ™d, ttilBlrtf k , , 0* lejil jooK ,oai “ Lady Botnehody or tha fiw bm m of ^mebodjr K lif d m r R B w l i A a u ^ r ^ * '« l Z d ‘i i “ . i '" r * * * '* ^ *«'*»*r p a p e n u <*l«d tha foabtoaable ftiBctiaa.

I ^ c d ma ft«m yane reafhrs u k i u » y X am ealtotllalL T k a m m AM

People W ho ** Nap," " ijwia,'Drop ON" and " Pawn,"

Bnrdetle In Brooklyn Bagle.Tha eletla la tha sort o f ilaap aflat din­

ner, aod dfteen mlnetee* wartb o f it it one o f tbe best daily InvestmenU of time a boty mtn or woman can maka. When yoo haven't time to take a ituta It it about lime you went off and died um e- wfaere. Slnmber iithe light eleep, varied by stertllng facial eommotioni and sodden spasmodio motions of tha limbs, aeeom- paniad by oompoloery Mleqea all aver tbe hontc, which la Ibe r » t o f Infanu, In- iOBioia is sleeping wide awake in a state o f im u bte imbeeillty. It le tbs comaoit lot of selretau and literary people, who are In neoil o f rest or idvertieing.

A " n a p " ia tbe pasring rest o f a sebool tescher who la J net fat enongh “ gone" to apjiear drceh/nl, and wMt aaungh awake to catch tne smart boy who tbioka that all Ibiegi are wbal they leem, A “ dese" te the hldeoni sleep of a mao who goeelo ileep with bis eyes wide open while yon are talking ta him, Axing npon you a gltiey stare tb it eendlei yonr blood end makes you forget w bil yoo were trying to ny . Then be wakes np and nye, idloti- sally I "Yea, y u j .last s o ; nerved bim quite right; end then?"

Ta "]iut drop off for n second" is the term applied by the offaader to the net of going sound ulcep lo ebnreb with one's head hanging over the baok e f the pew, the mouth wide open nad the operator tnorlng Ilka o bouse oAre entil the dtaeoa hiu him on the head with n eallectlon liaaket, or thaehoir riu i to e la g tk e lu i hymn, “ Nodding" in ebureh i. sleeping clear th rough the entire sermon, but without iBorlag, and with hssd hawed on the back o f the pew in front, u though in prsyer. Nobody la th e whole cbntcb, by ihe way, thfoks It remotely temniblet tha attitude of prayer except the person who Is ''aoddiog,"

To Jam yonrself np agalnetyeor fsther’s back, kick him black aod blut from witheri (o hock, crowd Um ant o f bed twice or Ikrtee daring tbe night, aod lo lie babUoally ecrau the middle a f tba had, ia the " lennd alesp ■ ef boyhood. Ta make terridc noieea with the noM all night long while lying like a log to eaa yoaitlaa it tbe "sweet aloep" o f the laboring man, who never g ivu hie noH a holiday. To pnne- tnote one’ , sloniber by sudden btood-enrd- llng yellt in ihe middle o f tbe night la called ''Bleeping" by people who qaafft Aegon of tbe New England national drink called pie for a nightcap JtsI befom going to ikep, To loH sound of the voloa o f the person addreulBg yoo, to buvo the room pnss fu a mlity blur before your eyes, and to sink into utler oblivion for about ten mtnetei, ta c.;ned "yaW Biag" by very polite people.

To fall o ff the ehair and touh yaartelf by knockiug your head igalaal a oem ei af nadiron* It what some people eaJI Joet “ clo.tog the eye*,” "T a M a tittle drowiy ” It the term applied to kit oendl- tieu by the oiiu who tlu pt uvan stotivoi put the placa where ha wauts to get off. I f be deean'l wake UU loma tlma the n a il duy he admiu that he vrat " alMpy.” To fold tha hinda opon tha breaal, neatla tba head ia tha folds o f a tnawy pilfaw, slralgblrn Ihe shapely limbe and am age tboAgure graoeftilly, with Ilgblly-elHed eyu to piM the night to a u M ef pleasant trsims aud entiamdBgvIsinns^wIth an ta- toiipanlnient o f soft, regular bnathlug, icarea audible to the people on tba next Uaek, It to sleap Hko a ChrlstlBB, n I da

■■ * ' " ...... 4' " 'Rapafo Aowg,

" And will It ba," said Hope to Bie," Usat ovar tba tnnw kwil auaa,And tot beokoumg Ugat at yant window

hrlgbtWll] guide bIm, weary, boma y " Or will It bt," u H Napa to aa," On a lumineFt srenUde,M'hsn tot lender glow qi ma •unsat's lew You tball walk .Ida by Mda t“ Or will It be," uld Hopatome," Wbei Uii Iky la dull sod gray And tbou downcp.1, be will « B a at lait Ana brightaii all iba da t* Or wUMi ba," uM Rapa toma,” Tao oisy put my piaturu by,

ong Ibe twit, ind Iba fottonttlcA t o Itok i l when yea dto t" O ft glatmingMS,*utd Rnpa tomt,* And a foil ibore, « lm and nraal,When heaiuIWitttbtlhiBaaad Ms Huntvar foltad lo nael,"

- J M AIMW M Aiafftasi'i JCuiitoi


U«pai*lla itt F^rtlMr f^dln M d !• tlM l>emlnl«B 4 Aitkda ih » i

ITIU rrotaabir I9«»m b « W *rk- 4«ur«M SoppljTi

Tba itoty o f tha glgaDtie growth o f tba petroleum productiou of ihi. cuunUj dur­ing tbe la.t thirty years is oae of the m ut Interestiug of all ibe aineteeulb century's woudetful rum anm of iuduilry and trada Men and corporstlons “have won colouai furtenee from ntluee'* vu t raarrvouaof the product, mod eicitemeut of .peoblt- lion b u rsged ever it, great rbtnges It to- dujtrtal aud homehoid economy have bean brought about by iu u u and io tbe leasa- ilty for tu traniporiatloB tad manlpola- tion ru t eoterprlsu bava bad their bittb.

Petruleuni w u dlscovere,] In Ohio u early t* luie, and In ItMu a bora for a salt well twenty-Ave milia from I'ittrburg developed two oil spnngv thsi ylelavd a barrel In twenty-four boure. ThI* w u tka beglouiiig of the “ oit fever," mild at Ant, but destined to rage u ipeculation hadnever done before in A raerlcA Nine veatuleter companies were formed iu Now Toth, land and righu were piirchawd aod expar. Imeoti were made looking to a means af puriiying the oil. It was In IdfiS that tha Aiat well was bored lo TIluavllte. By pumping ft gave about a thousand gallons Of oil a dgy, Boon iflrr wells o f from MO10 000 feel lu depth Aowed at tbe rale nf 3,000 barrels a dsy irom each well. Aa Immense excitement w u the natural cou- lequcDoe, and before Hie dose o f IbliU mare ibsii two tboersud wells had boen sunk to the vlclnlly ofO ilC ieek,

OBowTii o r iijB BusiNisa.Tbe trade hid Its period, o f suciku and

drpreailoD, but when tha buslnaee ceaud to be siiecnlative and Milled down upon a ■olid the prodiiclioii o f oil inrreaaed eteedlly. Every business In any way eon- neeted with tba oil rroalvad an immediate ■nd immense impulse.

It ie no cieggeratloa to u y that tba earth in the American Aelde b u baan bored in tgIQflO pisers, snd now yielda au anuusi supply o f more than 2,000,000,000 gilloDS. Compared with this the prenaae luppliei o f oil from vegetable and solmal KIIICCS sink into utter InsigniAcauar. I f tbe world's pToduetlon for tbe eniraal year wtra plseed la tha blue peireleus barrels, fkmillar to everybody, and tbaea barrels were placed eod to rod, shay would occupy a line more tbao 10,000 miles laeg, and stretch furtbsr than from New York to Pekin, via Loedoo, lloocdWe,aBt Tobolsk. ^

The eld Aneta af whaler, ira dying owk aod a new Aeet o f oil .totm eri b u ap­peared, already numberlog nearly 160 vee- Mla, 1 slogla one of which will convey In a trip from America to Eurepo more Lusep011 in ,iu lank, iban a whole Aeet o f Whalen to the happiest day. o f the wSalkii ludnstry ever bnoght home froni the Arclle Beas at Ibe tiose o f a seaaen'a opera, tioDs. And though year after yeac-tht cu th yields mara and more o f oil, tlse gen­era] supply .bow . no .Ign of .e r U « diminution,

OTIIEB eOUBCU OF BOPFIY. Kegatdtog petrolsum u eu American

product, people sre apt to forgel Ibat to rnsny parte ef the Old World It bM been fonod ia such great abundance u tu seri­ously curtail the export trade o f She Cnlled btatu. Nature iceau to have iSBg, tered this material with a lavish hand, Pelrolenm w u kuosru to thedreeh . Boment more than 2,000 yean ago. ffor cenUrles the .pting.and Welh o f tile Han- goon diisrlcs. Oft ibe Irawaily, bava safe plied tbe enllredlurmau Empira and large portion, of ^ndln, Baku, on tto w «t shore ef the thupton Rea, enpplfu Persia with the u m c mcaos el ee- enrlng artlAcisl light, white Kuuit “ stock o il" long ago aod ia producing it to large qaanlltiei, directing her gene now toward sbe far Eui, which heretofore the ArwnrI- can exporter* have regaided u peoaUariy thclx ewn marksL Th* Pari. Kothitbfld) bava tova*t«d two mtllions sicrllog in tha Baka indoslrv, Perma and Modena have ■applied mineral oil for IlSumfaillag purposes to Italy for more tban 200 yeiri, It it found in the Iilaod of fttuW ad; Cuba produces It; It Is.osn floating on tbe water in the viciolly o f vofoinoei, and Dew diicovetiei ire eouitanitj uenwitag Id different pitta of tha world.

ajIQIAKD In TUB T R aoi,England b u until quite eseeatly held

aloof from taking an loilve ihare ia this great enkrpriie, imporSiug her petrotoun lirgely ftoui Amerito aitd ttuHia. There la, bowtver, one mao who ie untiring to hw effort* to lodoee BritUb capital and ralerpriu lo eulep largely inlo th* li live budneu of developing the oil reglont of the Briil.h Empira H e is C ^ iIm Marvin, a Irivaller and a protiAo writer, Id one of hi* pumphlele entitled " Reg- land *e a Petroleum Power," be predicl* a wonderful future for the licrm eu oil Aeldi. Tbe wclla In Ibrn dblriel are but mere pita, and have been worked In a very_,,lmperfoet Ik.hion for close 00 to a eeuturv. Fifty yean ago Iba oolput w u about 93,000 tone a y a r . Tbe well, were from four to Ave feel In diameter aud dneendsd verlioally from tho top o f the plateau to depths of fsam 260 to 360 feet, and on tbe ilopa from totO to IM feet, which would make them Inm 100 to 200 feet below the level tff Ik* wster-conSM at It. base. Over each well there wu a rude crosslmr and dru ia by which an eirtben vestel called a dhara WB. lowered sod drawo up again by u man wins walked down an ioelined plane with Ika rope to whiob It w u allaobed, Tb* oil thus obtaintd w u poured Into snslhet gbata osntoining about Iblrtywix and a half pounds, and twelve or thirteen of thsH usds np a cart load. This oil w u at a dark green color and viield in son, eistsney, I l Is found to yield abouttevsnty per oenL o f bnrnlBg oil, with a Aaabtog pelnb twenty dogrwi higher than Ihal al the American olL

to w oa * TUB lOlllGaN PIILM.Bines tha aDnsxatioo from King T^aa-

biw English enlsrprlM is being atitaoltd te the district, and It It bsllsved t ^ t in a short tiu* tbe Tenaniyonnig wlH be la fkmoDs a. Bakn, which annoaily piadueta 20(^000,000 of gallons, Tbara at* otbar dislrlcts o f Bormah known to son tala pstrolanm which have aniy been ttper- Aclaliy examined.

Id funther pamphlet entitled " The Om ing OH A ff," Mr. Marvin caye that the wetten portion o f the Demlnfon o f Canada, smbrndne Ibe great Hackenata and Athabasca Vatlayss oontaiu oil dtpoMfo which will stactls the world. A lalasl committee o f Ibe Oanadiaa Banato at Ha lu t sesitnn teeoamcBded tbat a t n e la f aboai 10,000 iqnue b Hu be rem ved ftom u l* so ttinl Ha valne may ba more aeeog- ately tutod by exploialian and praeltail tula, ThlearutseossBeadedtoberaeiTed by ne metuiiepivitititsitM total, width ant witneu eatinuted at 100,000 mllee o f a l - bearing torrltory, Tbe gtnaial area Hr. Marvin uyft b brgei tban tbat o f all tte peliolsom dblrlett o f all the pimentoH- fioduelng eeunltlct pat together, and the Miestloa of tha best tsulbsm lactiob u a CrnwB domain b llkily to suaka It o f eoarmans value In the near fature and egUM it to rank amoDg tba eblef aueto o f tho Dominion.

T H OAHAUAN mUL FIILM.T hb oil bell etretthea the wfaoto db-

tanee In a northwsaterly diiaeAlon h a a Edmonlaa to tbe m « th o f iba Haakenato Hirer, a length e f qjtito KdOO mllBa The Atbilawa Elver rina throngh tba middle o f the dbtriot, whioh Includai t ^ whalt el the Leeur Blave Lake oa the Oee band, and laaebu tbttbaru o f Beavag Iwka e « tba other. The eompteltan e f tbe (Maw dian FielBe Bailway bos bronght tha a m - try wHbla tau b e f tb* wnld'h ttotm itto* ■waiu t ton, aad aviltobto Btaoaa for traoa- j N r t » ^ b y w t^m raragplfa Una a ra jll

A tort* WwiBlaa*Boodad W a n iw n to

E a rn e r l IM hansfo af urn's Cabtoatiddia kod ikikiHMM Wlilikeyk Imw fM n aM* wiS Z


A TYfICAI. SOUTHMCIf BOMHg«r « UMr^t* »*1iipt«t4oii ftMr>

ft ^ftftrUr offt Cftfttury A (o .Y*wft ih* K. Y. X«l«|rftm.

Wbilftdalviog jDU) the toIdiom a f tfa« Aftior Library, ibe tra ftlf io thk ooualry by 61t Chiirlfti Lyrll, iba «tDift«fti Eogllih K*tlo|Utf who Tiiittd hcTfi Ip thft lo ic m i •f Lift faTortd pnnuUftndwM ftsp ly tik wardftd, WM fiittiaed , lod in it wtafoupd * of ft typicftl Soalfarm hoop^*n ft pUoUli ju. Id phiob bo docs Juillco to ihe period dow pftMod isto bittory. Th« aphaiTftl la iht Hvuih hw oblitaniod mtay o f ibo ovidoiiiMi of thft prtviiliBg, If not BDifctuft], rvfiDCDieat ftbd euUurft wbieh zQftde many aftbo honiM « f ihoM ftftift"b«liDm dtyi thft rivali of the oaubtry hoDMft of Eniiftud.

Bir Chft[i«« Lyell ia hli Mcoad vUit d«- tcnbfft (sBft of ihotft piiDtftiiont Ip Gtorffift Ift 1M7. lie had arrived fti Dirien, Oa*. ftDd Wft« tbeift met by JamM U abiiIiod Oouper* with wboa b« htd oorrrftpandrd oa itooloKicftl motion aqd whom bid ftiroftdy xuentfoDed In bit proviout work tt thft donor o f i ipleodId oallftction o f fo « il rfttnftiofl (o ibe nuteam i t Wifthlngtoa ind of oiber liko treftiarei to thotof Phtlft" dftiphlft,

U« iftyi: Mr, Ooapf v cpme down thftrlwr lo meei ut in * Urg* «ftoo«, hullowod oat of ft trunk of ft tjogle cypreu, rowed by i l l DftBrovt, who wore sm ginf loudly ind keepiag timft to ibo ilroke o f tbeir fiftFL W* IbftD bticfto to Hccad thft Alto> mabft. For oiftDy ft mllft we taw no hiM" UiioQ—tbo itiUudft WM profoubd, but our biftck oftnmx'D atudo ihft woodi ftcho to ibiir toag. Fiftocn aiilet iborft tlirien wft am e io Uopetoo, ibo reaidcnrft of HftmiltoD Cuupftr* haviog ftrti pft«««d from thft river into o cftogl which traveried tbo low rice fit'ldft.

“ Uttebbuboftn Hid iti prabe o f the hH piU lllyof ibt SoQtbero pUntorp but they ftlooa who hove irivflled Id the Sopibrra Stato* c« d appreciftto tbe porlrct ciftft and poiiteneM wi(h which p liiaugor li mftdft to fool blDUftlfftt bomfs Uoneip Cftrrift|ft«, bctftU, Mrvftnta, all ftr« at hii diaponL £v«a bli IUtl« comferU am Cboagbtofp ftDd everythiog la don* m bwirtlly and DatuniUy a« if uo obllgfttion Wll eonfftrrrd* Tb«MHcriSmft mado by tba planter are oomparailvely aoialL ftince bla bfttitiifti wjlft of living 1» m> free and liberal that th^ ipeoM of a few addttioDftl IftmalM lu the faniily U tcarcaly felt.

there ii a warqi and geaeroiia open- DftH o f cbftrftrter in the Suntheraer which mere wealib and a retinue o f acryanta can­not live \ and tb«y have adigaily o f tuaft" nar, without itiflheHy which i l moat agrot" abl^

** One of the 8m lilanilvp called 9t. Slmon'ip the tuiaiDer mldenoe o f Mr, Oitipef, we vbitftdp and on oar way we laadod at BuUer’a lalaod, the retidence of Pierce Butlarp Iba boabaod o f PeDoy Kemble, whoee danghler, the Hou* Mill Lrigb, alii I ew3i tbe property. The g/opudi are adorned with orange treei, loaded with golden froiL We landed oo the Dortheaat eod of St, Simoo^a lalaod, where we were gratiSed by the eight o f a euioQi aaoond of abelia left by tho abo* rlginea* Here are so Ioh thna ten aoree, elevated in aoma plaoea to teo foot, and on aa average over the whole area five feet akpvft tha geaeral leveL cempoaed tfaraugh- •■I tbat depth of myriadaef caataway oya tar ibfili, Mr. Cbuper*i villa w u near tbte watePi edge, ihaded by veraodaa and by a aago tree and many Ictnoa treca, aomewhat lojored by the Uvte fro s t ; but Ihe Oliver, of which (here l ia fine grove here, are Doinjorcd ; lotne day they may be ealttvaled with profit Id the Bern blftodvi We greatly admired some fino data paltni which bear fruit* They were broogbl from Baasura, is IVrila, and have set luffcrfd from the cold*

** Durisg a fortnight's 4tay at Hopeton we hid aD opportuolty of aeelng how tbe ptanlcra live Id Ibe South, and the condi- He& and prospects o f tbe negro on « well- managed ettate. The relation of the ilavoe to their owners tfttmblva notblog fp tha Northern SUtca There ia ■ kercditpiy rtgird and often aUaehnioDt on bath sidsi, more like that formerly ra-

between lords asd their rmainers in the old feudal timee of Europe tban any- thing now found iu America. The ro- ipoutlblJlty o f the owner Is frit to De p e lt , and lo maottge a plsulatiou with profit Is DO rasy Unk, «o Uiucb judcmcDt ia required end eoch a mixture o f firmneM, forbearance and kindseve.

** The evili of tbe i.ftttm o f aUvrry are raid to be exhibited in tfactr wurat light when new lettlern coioo from free StsuH; Nertberu men who are full ofsctiv iiy , and who lirive to mabe u rapid furtune, wUlftig to rlik tbrir own livn In tu uu- bealiby cllnuatof and who canrtot make al- lewvnce for the rrpugiiaDce tocontiuuouR labor by tbe aepo race.

“ There arc 600 ueirroofl on the Hope- top riitftte, a great many of whom arci ehtldren and lorne old and iuperannuated. The Isttvr rias*, who would b« aopported fn a poorhouM Is England, enjoy here tu the cud of Ih^lr day a the socloty o f their Dctglibvra and kbafulk snd live in iargr, svparsto bouses a»Aigf)ed to Lhi'm* The negroes hav^ a hospital ttsigned (o them enntaiolng three wards—one fur men, one for women and a third for lyiris-m women Tte latter irtalwava allowed a mouth't rt’«k after their confinetncnl, an R<lvaotat;e Hivly eitjoynd by ibe hard working Bogiish pvaflstjta.

*'The DOgre motberi are often jo Fg. noraat or 10 indolent tJiat they esunot l>o troftted to keep awake and adEainGtor ■ardKtne to their own children, so tba rnktreas baaoftea to lU npall night with a m k negro child. In lubmltting to tliid ihiy .re sctuuei) b f mixed tiiolives^A lesttoff o f kindnsu snd a f o r o f Inslux the nrvIsM of a ilsv e ; but ifaese ittenliuR. AieeitJ stlaoli ths fie^rsce to their o.nner.,

" In xsneml ibsy nfuse to uke medlolie from .n r other hsnds but those o f milter sr miitres*,’ The d«v’s work consists of ■ ts.k, which, when dls- A*h A to exert tbemaelvei, Ibejr cun xet ih m g h In Ave hears, end then amuse ihsioeelvM In Ashinx, *nd h U the flsb tk*v tike, oitn mskiog esnoe. out o f the left!* oypre* Ires., and theso they sell for tbsir own proAi

“ The most severs pani.tameBt required witMn the list forty yesr. for i b ^ y of HO nsjroes st Hopeton wis for the theft o f one nexro fiom anolher. In tbat period there was Ao criminal act o f the totkest grade, " ___________ _

F A C T S A B O U T I N O I A N H .

Mnmbarof boasM occupied by ludians

The Indian ageodee ore d ity -o n e in

Sttimuted number o f Indiana in Alsik*M,00a

Tbo total Indian popnluUnn o f the Diltsd States MM7,7tl.

Nnmber o f Indians llvInH on andeaUivsHmi lands is AAU.

Number o f Indian church mcmberB iuIk* United Butss U lAMt.

There are ten iDdiao trsiniDg schools kittled In diftnul peri* of U» Union.

Number o f India iit. in the United Matts who wser ettlnii^ dfsts h 0,021.

Number o f lod ion i in the United ■Bet who can nod lu|toh is bnt 2t,A».

Komber o f Indiana in the United ■ales who son read th* Indltn lu fuace I* 10,- A M -A taatAiiiniBi,

Th* Munrer,Ihe lendHtps, hk* th* *wsd lu * of t ehlid,

•tew ourtooily bluned—a buth of dseth M l on the Aeiito end In lb* deihened wild

The ssphyr held it* bnstta,Mb wevcrSnt iltmont-work st llthl *od tosd*

Dappled tbs shlrcrlnt tiufsoc ol ih* brook— Ik* hlchiensd ripples in their smbutcade

Ot willows UiUlsd and shook.tb* salltn dsy |i*w dertsr, and enou

Dim ia.liSB ot pent enter 111 ib* shy— ffllii lumlilliit whstltof wrath cuss tqlllnf

*■>Th* cloni’s irtlUsfy.

Tkssloud shoe* pulon il■bl«kssllrorrsl—AB« then, m with s vseiifol cry of pain,

The MAblatiM AMMhed. ttrrtlwtA and. I w iJ l . e*«a

In revtUsd shied, of rein—MUM 1, itauMituied by wm* woodros* sit,

lowed wUh th* thlisty Hhec of tM sod—Mp AMptr tool bslmwed over, end my beeit

Bstnthtd wHh Ib* love of Ood ttooN Nkieseil Jtlrp.

HONE8T AMD TRUTBrUL.Old fljIvFsUr Vl*lu ths HiUar usd Frovee

Ult UiMsd C hencU r,Pros) the Artftniww Tt*vf llvr.

The Uiqur ww liUiuf In hii Ubnry, •mukloa a diu, niFenebtun pip*, when old BylvF.isr, * negro politirisn, ws| an-BOUUFSll.

" (Viuis in,” itid the Major, when 8y1- vertSF sppesrtd tl Ihe door.

'' y .s, uh , I thank you, i*h. I IhoDghl I'd com* in an’ toll yon dst II ain't outen d . nogs o' my srbili’ y, i»h, tor g fl .11 dem Truth Ward ulggrtv tsr vote fur you for Msyar."

“ t tni drill bird to heu It,” ths Major rsipondrd, "but 1 have no lotcution of runuiug for M.yor, Did you sre what tbe murniiig psprr taid shout nic

" No, ish,"“ I'll show you."Whrd the Misjor got up to look for tb*

paper hr put hi. plp« on the senlrr Uhls ; but when he looked for hit pips al'lrr rred- lug ths paragraph, he found that It w u gone.

"What did I do with that pip* F' he asked.

" Whut pipe, wh T"“ Ihe pipe t wt* smoking when you

came lu.'’" You ws'st smokin’ no pip* drn; dst Ir.

I didn't ire you KUkoklu’ nono."” IwM iTnokiug it whan yuu cirue in,

and 1 put It ou tlua Uhle wbrn I gut up to took for tbat pei^ r.*'

"You miiuler done It, aah, but I didn't i « you."

■' Hill if I put i[ there why Un't U IhareDOW If"

" Well, dat ain't fuT lua trr nay, Ym , Mb, dou) iiirgen down ilar in dr Trnlb Wiird piiya ai’ieiiiion trr rlirry wunt dat 1 aayv, an' da aiiiie gwlne tvf vute fur de man dat I puta out, Ino— Hin meek no ditfubL'e e fji 'i fiiT Mayor ur Jedge."

The Major law imoke Issuing froiu ttie pockvt of Hyivtatvr'i Unuii duNtor.

“ Ibj (vcrytFiing juu any, eh t""H it ’a whul da «l»oa, nah; n iferfack ,

dab'i jfit wbuir (la do);»*’'" That'a liecauite you awan beneat man." "Dal’i de xwufte. 1 baa no doiibl, aab. Oh,

il’i jeat ea May fur vr uian ter bi'boiip^L I bear folks roakln' tr great iniTnUmi 'Ixont er mau beiu' hnneal, ixiil I aiii'l ntber foDud It uo Irouldf. I jcH goon right erlong an* tenda tor my own buaiufsa an' k ill de truth. 1 neber couUl lee why nr man dat’a got any 'ajHick fur hiaMt'i wanler tell er lie. Man uiighier kuow dat il’a gwlne come home tor him aooaer ur taler."

The iDioke increaftpKt in voiufnf,“ Yea," laid ibe Uigor, " it cumea home

to biru aoooeror later and very frequonlly aooDer than hu vxpFcta.'*

" Dftl’e tone, lal) \ dai'a true. An’ 1 aU lua n y (at wy beyi, a’ l, ' Buy?, uu maltor what elae you 1i be trothfal an' honevt an* den de while folka gwioe tUn' by yon. No matter ef the Irutb 'pe^ri to work ciglu you at de time toll it, fur it ain'i gwina tor be long tlU you gwiue it«ud up uoipottod,"

Th© Major aaw tbat flylvMtcr'i coat-Ull waa OD fire, but the old scgro, aiUloK icrewcd around oo bii chair, whn alill un- mlndrui of an epproacbiogualauiity.

" Yet, Hyireitor. bonra.y mid iratbfulw OCM will alwayi wId.’*

"l>o It Air er fack, sah, an'dat'a jcit wbut I telia my boy*"

" You never told a He, I luppow.""Well, if J did It wue er uii|!itiy long

lime tigo. Wiieu I wua rr—murayfui bvbnno, I'i»e buroliig up! Whoupf I'no00 6 re."

He Jiunpud up, aod while be waa put­ting out tbe fire (be pipe dropped on the floor.

"I—I—I doarr un’erfltin’ dh yerc,” bp raid a« hr i ave ibc nkirt of ibo du >ier a fluat bwf«l. ** How d ii pipe couldvr got m dat pouket I don't know."

" I don't tbiuk U ift a ia ll itrangu," tbe Major replied.

" WJ o doflu f"" 1 don't.”"Ijook yerr, u you cu^*u' me right hero

in ycre owu lioftftv; youoonM fling in’ ont or tlnywation ainipr Hct er mau'd coat cr Are an den (romp on hiv frelin't i*y 'cuften'blui T You aim my «orkr folkv.1 tint got a’ciely wid you. Come 'alroy- in’ er luau'a cloi b©4 au' dfii lookiu' at blin wid I'pidou. I’tu gwinc.”

K K A I> T O K I L L T l f i lK ,

An “ OliMjakcu-BiU'kot" aortot' poethad bero uhliiig lu Tavor m au old p;umu, ilc Clvei teaMiiR aud NHy« ; “ Amt ro 1 love lli» u] I piano Hill." Tbat ie It c uuy A>VKrylii>:y tfjv(.>a It, cajHtlftlJy jf it N xiui ul i«i (’ lioi] uue who ktKiWft no muvic aitomptH (u piny It,

Thi‘TC is A laTK»*r [impurrion nf the l>oyi aimI alrli uf New JerAev iUiaii any oUirr Hiaieioths! ruMui wliu to Huinlay-ivtimol. It apiKjerx, by ttAdhib.'v m'Ccu'Iv ta.*rn, ihuc tUoru aw jim ebtiUl zWl.iyVi rliiidn-n lu ihu 1.W7 8tiDclay-M3Uuots uf .Vuw Jertufy. (lipt im«bl(0 tUMJA* A high grodo of r/.ixmlity Tor tUi> ut-ii geiirtaLlim lit Piturm of the Suil-".

EoifliKh cnsbiiinH ur»» hIowIv iuit surely lakiiiK root oiKl U-ldc rtiiiowcil In liii« (‘f.ihstrv, Th© litMl ma> In F>e iHkuii U|i l*< h ntiu,HU'J one lrniiri-4hUUhbi,r>i in iho i>|i| i-oiisiU'v. itts that ol buviiig hKU huiui) n over to© frtMit

fuMieo-i wln-nt p ^y(,F havo <1uuf. ] buy rcaiAUj iiui ouly aln-i the luncral. liu( .ru- qiP'nUy fur imminst afti-rwiird, Tbu blucv hrtiigltiS' give a very mxiybru u|'fi<’nrrti»Cu lu lUc iroDi.

rt aoriuM thut th© hlifh'-ni p-dul ul whli'h rCftU'rtr rDrH'on>lu-.>l(‘At uIihtxuIIuuy aro liiuiti' Il ou Ihu In I'tifu. Ht « Ih'IkIU tt|HutofuPt. iiurvar H uliugu Ituf m >vt’HUi«r 'Fi- etVAlorv In lltiiurNuu only n (•■in Pu-i li v. liiun

tne fijrmiT. rno RiaDun ' li rik"'NpiHk m ml un atllLud© of H,PIU lc©[. Tn Europi' tluTCMiru (iut two eiaUuiis el Any riiDRiileuiMf ii. tjrhi, tbcee bi'lug About lb,0i)b Mini (.-ftlively.

Experinifnin a<;aiii mruL' in l,otu|itn WlUi CArbodyn-imlie, iH<e of lli© lal> -t rx- plmivvf, Wuuki e©©iD lo^lmiv llul || puve n<>: Mim© imp»truMiA)lVAniAg)‘iiuVf‘r(irlmiirv ilynn uiite,among nihuiN ibnl ui nniiNifli'rHb'y r powflr. A(Hl itw geiicmtinn of m»ifH IrfB hoaoskr vapor u(L©n ex|)l(R](Nl ]ri r •nhnti'i iltiuiupuM of ntlriF-ylyncrlnc aIiHoIhJ bk U'li puria of R vaHotjr ol cMibun, nml ia c:Miit)';<,l lu be entirely uuatfvcuKl by waUt.

A lung period o f rain ami then n lon^r dry Uroa may give an "tLvPrugc raliUAll" ibut !■ allogcUH'i doci'ptivu, jn-l hr one oiiy live where tbe BVi-riuco tompEirature i« a cvnuui figure, which bionly niArkul on tha ihumioLij- etor BBIb mercury Jumpu by It nti or down -, and tboa one can bo no nearer tvnuforl than u man Hooid bo with one iianri frozen and tin- oiber bolk'd—tbc ovpragt; icnifiorAiiurc nf ihu two bandH being no prouf that hu war ia a ilAlo ol p«raonal ooitiiurt

DUFFY'S PURE,m a ltX « is k e v

— !::b»'i.iMiiiiiiii |'I'rrwnrr,,


Thla WMalie^ Ima keen uaeAt lu (he fAnlllea o f the Jeadlng peo|)l« o f America tor yftora* aod tie gveat r«put«Uoit Cor penty ie dae whellv te lu merit. U la a nedldaa, nod for weskDcaaca, laok o f life, eeltfa, malarta, piiaamQQla, oou- auftapllea or old «ce || Ii Inveluftbl©* VhaeniiHilewB deelera efien try c« antoUw tote ether whlekeya, elftlmlag they ore "ieat oa food.** De aot ha Impeaeft npon ftftd lake enty the fenaln©.

HALT WHiHKJtT CO,# _________ Rofthaater, M, T,

J D E J X j I O X O t J e

F o r B r * a k f a » t a n d i u p p o r ,



laiila, ffnppiii, ani Bgge

R E iJ S W a K J Ftei aii JiltCU RES P E R M A N E N T L Y T W I N t S S f

O A C K A C H I , H I A D A C H I a t l o w e s t P i i i C E S .AND TOOTHACHE.


THUMmUl» »0« lM CO ■ l.ltUii*rs, MA Nos. 177 and 179 HUISEY STREET.

NOTICE E XTRAO RD IN ARY.A t a Gl.l'.AT I'.XI'KSWK (owinq lo ilie iw ent .Toliii.liiwn ilwwirr), we tmve

lu-cn rnuUl.vl to MYiit" aniillUT l«im' invuinr o f tliisic Uliirt ik'licimiv l l e v r y S i'tii, i'iKi.istiiix o f » Ltntr F riiH S ta in l ami <t I 'l-cN i-rtn lllalii>i.', wtmh we will nivu fii every putvliunrr iit I II>, Toil ur lltililu* I'liwtlrr,

commencmaSatimlii.v, June 22. Wc Imvc » 1h» iu that inrul.Tiin flenunt 4.|ilrce T e n .S orv ii’i", wliiih wilt lie given umtrr the ounir miirlitiniia.

]& mlilillon lo tlww,- two iu.mniili'eiit gilla wr alisil ro.iUiiiiu Ihe I'lliffritVJ'll T lliiih tiirH , which are at iiiCM-ut ncat-u;; ench is sriieiiiiiin in uursioiva

B U T T E R .We are still h llliiK the llni'wl gilt «lgc Klgin Ilntler ut '23i', per Ih,, iimi u iKWKi

Hliile Unitor nl '22r.FANS.

In oHive |iri']iHratii>n, nii K.iS, wlildi we will ivimnii'iii'c In iliolrlluite im Hatiirilii.v, .luTto 'Jti, still Ihe Hillnwiiig wiifk.

T i l l ' } < i i { i : . \ r

T i l l ’. I'AT.Ai K TWtI-HTOUY (It AH-( FUnN'r, ^

738 iDd 740 BROAD ST„ ind 107 lAHKET ST., cor. WASBillGTON,

P I A N O S . P I A N O S . P I A N O S .

S. 0 . LAUTER CO.H T L I N W A Y ,C A I t l . i n t .k h ii i il s o n ,N. < i. C I I U 'K K i t I N n , H T IO K L IN ii,

Am) sll Sol mahen of piuniii. l.otU Uprifhl anil iHiiian.,

CASH OR EASY INSTALMENTSlNi'W Upnaht l1an.«Tn UL A large mimhur ol mn'i>ud haiMl Pianai fur

rttcAiaHfMi Nacrifi©©.




WHY YOU SHOULD TAKE ITIlat. hcc-auNF uu givu y< u 100 di©t'« lor Title *4. howtHfo© Wh* prini oe »h« My*I of th©

bouiu ;lip iiii'rvdtonU' nl trn<i"rnt HurreparUla, an l yuu kiiiiw juMt wliai yutj ate lahlng. Nn ptrn-cy a* u> in«rr<lmuK

au. IPCUILW u» vll"'*ntoo IO rurund yrxit \mir mimty II tihi nbiMhi tm iR'iitfril (rum ta b mg 1 ruriTiml iHrNftfMrillvL

4th, Ham'mUin' tliu rrc>vviit f'rug « o., who (lull,) rn«-<'4)h( 8Mr«4 i.irilla. aru ih© an;«iU

iti'btll TiniguiMn in thp Wtnt© nf N**w Jpt>ev. nml Hf© ivhriliie. and RUtli© th© n'lmtalinn aivl TnivgrilyoL llwir o iail tMUiDOx-tcn Ui© iu«rtiH ot 1 IV will (‘ar«i|inrnii,

d(b. Ill HP can BiHi will maiL yn t©*- itiTiiiuiiih iM.infour nun I’Uv of aliwdme unr>M i*f lthrnm»)L.Mri, hmn. Kl.liu-y l.l' fpldliHpiMta. Kirill dhcMfoOB, aio,. M-ooiixp l-tuHt byCn'fupiit KMr aiBirliia. fim : yrvir hamB and artdtT'NMm a \>tf lai carl (<> eiid wv mIjI mail you toBiMiiohiaia

(Hr- wny. ilipru ur.-', wUI you ooTHiiiU© lu{ev $1 (Ki or rven 750. Cor mfior tnuMi’ei-f H:ir 8- IMirillit BH'] kCi'rpl-ina It J'nloiH. t>fwhich ynn know innhiiis. ivhi*ii vmi ran titir rliHiV' rrpM'PTit MirwijNiril a Utt hcii’. n 1h) N- HiplktiOH jiwi iviiar T II iuLm**. amniavp rour inni]Hy p-IiiikIim) If vnii nr© illx jiLi-;k-<]7 c:uii iim-ibli-g rii' fii rpr iOfti:t iliK?

Mild- tiy (»LL1'«; rUMIMhY*NpwHi-k, NrJ.

Knriiiili' by Dniugnto ©v(*rj wLcri'. fiOo. [n»p kiicU',

ImproBlood, |

Paj n in thoHo^l, i-*,, ^

Fistula or Piles,

Colic, Pains,


Flashed Faco,


HjrrANY |j©rA>)tu imy vsi ttUi© rntniiioii. mlj i i fimt, U) coi.att|HiliN) (-ii|i<llti<inki of lIib |l| brnsch, and iv|i< Il lliny tri'U) U, tin'}'m«' *14 HD iH'i rijinK.driiPlIf puruiLlivn, winch ilicni nnwdy follows u rvm-U'Ki, kliii-li, In muny iii'miH UH, vcti-L'-iiJii J')k>, lli nmrrh-tl'lN, Hr.

von valiii' nmiliil lu Ud< lllc, Hin-iitlii iHiiri lilt. In,**' ifrip id ilritili'’ |nirirnlivi“ , u» they 'Uirply wi-'Ui'N niid ■Iptrlllirti' , l ut, iinL'-iiiV m-mi lint jiniii'41 Ilf n'liii'iticfe, KUITTl'llH, which, wliJIr » |ilniMlitl Lixitliv", tlniriiiialiiy to urUki'K all tin- m mIn of rUNr-u.- i' rk-hiiNiiig till' 'iliKid Mtid idii'vinL' Un-}iiu|i-rit hy n'Miovltig all iM-tintiiig hii«J lii.k-nTjtHi' mi (-n< iniiltUffiikA, wUhum InlljiTili'K nr hiiduli I'X- cUhig l!ip pnnr iilfi'('i©'t It mri Ih> n hi'il iMinn RA ;i N4|r© -md jM'Vi'r-fiiillng n'misty foi rLc Trv It and ymi will U (-ijiiviiiferl.

.SOU) IIY AUi I I !{[(;(;ISIS,

$ 1 ,0 0 0 R E W A R D IC A U T I O N O l ’ l>F '.C K I>T IO N

rm 1 itu Henuliti'liiren ot Ui. Wsrl4 t'amiiua

Tajior AJjDstalilB L a fe ’ Sloe.l.©riaiD jAiiliMt ilvftlarp, ittiHbl© to pronira onr

kLoff* direoi, arv mlIiI to be dtttoivliig ihntr (raiii of rbarac er by iiiPtooiU dpi'clvIiiK (o honaaC p©4ipl©. Wliii a i(tiir [«ir of uM myt©*infurfor Mb'>©H, yimiiably nunitiarvd at ait au©' lliKi Male 1)1 dam»gt<ql gnodp (buy try to altrent iiirnikvii ’u (huir aiurea, that they m«y m II Mime <fhi-ft(i ShiKlik bhoo at a ianre pruQi,

l.ftih©Bs B©wftr <»f Frftuil.Tppal awh tn i ■»)« ftllh Vialr d«w©fVliW OrMi-

trimii. Hd'inptnbcr. tlw OKNIIINK TAYI.UIt ttilOK l« Nir *©1© in Newark mtlv by

Is. f\ HArAHit, m iiROAi) *rr.K- R LhftL top Prbtted lSb(i»fttoir« of I.

(' HA/.AKl>Unn every pair. We guaiamee no,

VSo will p^y Ihp abova mwanl to aiit pprwiu iliai wiLl iiiovp that w© Onr8hoeiii Nrw. arlr fnany n'h©Tihu©onr Ac‘rrr. J*. r, MATlAKLi.

COWKOl.lhATKt) AlLl. SHOK CtK, __________________ __ LVNff,



.‘' I T O M A n i

A M * I . I V K I l C O M P L A I N T S .

CoDsamptlon Id 1888, *40,000 «a!s.Hottleil ni the N, ring in 111)111, Quariiq

BUii Half Hallflii tfoltlie,

HIRAM RICKER 4 SONS, Prop'rs.ihm'T ii HaieK.

New York Office, 1G4 Na-isaa Street,(TrlliUlis llullUmg.)

A T I t l C r A I L b y

Aaron Ward & Son,BROAD STREET.

Dy Ih '■ miiilei, iiftN© or Darrel.Ttm (Turi T.AiL-aa____________


1 C. ffitf.C U .S T O M T A I W m ,

N o. 13 l i j in k Stroot.Hew eral Corapifte gimk of Porvlin

aikd DiiNftivfLic

WOOLLENS.Speciillies (or the Stason:•tAvOO * •aa.flo fiirrrtNaa t o o h d k b


€OAT» ANI> TKATA. t ia .00 , t * 0 ,O0y •va .oo .ruoM «;u«KM<'Hicwes k a iu KOW AN4> W ltltt WALK DlAUOlf. AU^ ETC.

Tronsers To Order from $6.00 Up.


1R!I M lfgllu' leVVl



15 C E N T S A B O T T L E .•V l / i C e n t I t o lt l i ) o f O rcH i'cn t l l v l i i i r l i>r IIiHita w ill iiiukt* 5 li ii lu t iM lit' l*<-lii-iiiii»i IL iii l l iv i -r . NO U it i l i i i ! ' o r hi trill II i II t(. C o r Snli- b y t»i-iitn ;iK t« un it O r o f iT r i i-v i-r j w l ir r i - .

MiiiK UYCKESCEXT mint; co.,

NifW\KK, Nr J.

r - t H l fO K F O I t f jA D IR H .Keat Ib Ih© world. Kxntjtlnci Ui

•A.iHk UhNtiNk: HANJl-SkWhO HHORe •4 ,(H> HA’VlkKrW Kn WKI.T »H or„ •,‘i.AU n M .I l ’K A^U EAHINKlUV HHOIfi* frXTHA VALUK 1!ALP ftHUK. •sirVn IVORKlNr^AIAN^M RH((Ks

anti Kt.7A iHkYrY SCHOOL flJIOIMa IrauduU'u* when my natiiv ftiiti fidiB are not

•-tamiMNl im ItoHijin.W *u [RkllfiLAll, IlmtilliOBa Mftftfta

fiaftinlri© (V. [., IhMiRlitB KKrW) tiboea fw (■enilrnii'iF mid IvAiM©*),

|>UI aAlrft nvIfKMMAN fl(M X, KUO Mnrknt Ml.

f f t n . i r M riAKtiitievUi H»pk«t nl R O T/ a WKKnCH* too NitrliiKltold Ave. WM. ;i47 Hrond Ht,_________


Low est Possible Prices I

^ D 0 T Y ' 8 I »Health is Wealth! Emponum.

DRUNKENNESSOr til© Miiuor tfiiblt, roMlHv©ly 4'nrcd

by .arlujInisrpHiift; Dr. ll)iliiPH'a OublKM N|h‘HII©s

Il ' a I I P glvpil 11» ;l I Ill» or « lid©.- «; r t*e.l. ur III llf- to n-iof fon.t, w Cmul tl I* h r-im"# ,. !■ IIF tliU ihi- iN'iiC, u Lit© y liiirmbM, ui.if kult PtUri I ,i|ri riji.iiiPn|.|iHt| HiiiUhJy .-ui.", f tbi* f*Hl;l* lit\f .t i/iciii ntlv'ilriiiki r or iiii rilrnliol;i' 'a n-i-k. IT

F.UIX. liviT I ri,<iiii> ilniiiS irdn Imv© |i»-<'iMUHiH‘ri'Jii|A>riiU' Jii© ) w lig biive Liikt'O (r'>|i!<'ii Sfh'i III© ill ilir r < O'li'H Mith'int (i r k"owii>H)Hl (<)-l.iy U'hpvp tlipy ipill ih liikliMMH'ti.Hr iiwii hri'wli:. 4H I’liUi nroirtu tii .r'l fM'i',

flMAH. IL NMITH, A|(©ni, an I llrDiM* NMWvrk. N* J.



From and "Drr tola dfliu (J|»! riTlZFd<a'<UN MiHl'l CDMI*ANV will duiivur, ttiiywupru in tberltjr, <.-()KK<rf Ute'vury Leal (jnallty. enber largu ur bn>kcn, auij uerclully ©orucuud, tor litv luw pruM ul

r.ATMf F,Dv. K f*. U'»-T’h NkRVr *un DllAriN Tiikat-

HKN-L-.ii ijiiai-oili'prl H|iir,©c fill liixah.iM’ iMj'iniviii“;im>i. Fit-i, N©rvona SruralMln. ||©iii]. IU'I;H. Mi'i - fttIM Pli.'elrnlilili « ItlIS P I by LIik 1,H< ,i| Ul O rii. JI. tv iln-r>Hiifs-., Me ilfoj iS'iiri-H- tii),i "' ol iiip itiHli* ri'A>'liln/ I I I tji«ihJiiiy li'i'll© iMiim Tu lilt 1,1 k, lU i| •ii'iL)i J'ri'liiJiIlM P 1 l l l l \ I * . II . 1 >© M P J l , |yM>Yi llT I 'M M i t I II C l U l p r *«i, InYtii'iohir] I Mitiiori li'fikc'iurir )b> (ji ur I'kiTiiii I'if U-P liriJn wilf nr nyi r-irviliiiji'ii. p F f h Imjii I'lMiljkiiii urn- mmUi'H til-il lll••m. |l,o''ii p'l’ii.orfilk bm-H Tof t.ViU. m-ut by hi ,U |in |i 'bl ori n-.i !»' i.| |.ni.-

WK (ali.VKLNlhK SIX HOXKeH Till itlii lUij f WlUl i*ii )i ufiliT h- Bi'ird byi l l - f i i T r i i f w ’ t n Okiiaj. W * ' W i l lFM.i I 1,1© iriifi'luirii r iiur rtruu-ii kniiruulih' m ru- fiin I II *' mom-y it ttn- lll■lIlllH-llt (Iijf>« nut •'Ifpi'l itI I I ' - ' l l l l . i n o i l f l ' ; . IririiMHl „ | i ! y l i yW M. M. lO M 'M .f V, DrilKvid, Sol©

St., Nrwnrk* IV. «l>

New Jersey Phonograph Co.i f W n i f u . v u HI i c r jC T .

nirjiiijuniijibH niHt rhoiioerupb <*ra|itoirihonsi Dll' now on ©xiiibUion uL tlin td ibu < tiiii- jiniiy, Nil. HA hlHiAl) KIKKKJ, iJitUy fmm Ij A SI. uiJl't 1 1'. M., anil ]n>m2 iimll 5 F Af., wJieru ordorti ur.; rori iwil Inf tUhi’r iwirn- m©rit, IiihiriiiDcrjU will h'rcoilj Inr oimomirr* m a few (Ihvm, nrvi wkU bt> Utiilvured lo the r.rilcrf ttfbliiu' i*ti(>l.rulliitw, *lnj


Kflitl. t I/Ji KS imiiX/.F^t, MILVFItWAkk, LAt h i.ijni Ar.s’M,

(.A(li-KT Htl'KHPFitH. KK'.,




$2.50 PER CHALDRON Cut Thi8 Out. Pasta lu Your HatofM IMi helv. whkdi U a* me rule of about |3 W j»pT ton.

tinien by pffttal card aJdrewhed to flfi rlH lN T gt. )» wljl lie p' uHtotly ftllfwl. Wf

COLEMANOOLLEQC, N o w a r lc © r f . a *

Life rcDolannipi, ITiO. Write tor vlrculam, Kuq* tloo UjMpuper.BRAK<:irBC1100!r--^andaM We«t 12&4b it..

New Yo/a C Hy.A. W. DUDLKY. Ardent Prindnfil,

^ 1 OL£MAN, PrvvidDit


SUM M ER EXCURSIONS.Ail anangcmniiU aiadu Tor you a*


fJreateal variety Htotmvhip and Railroad Ttoketa. All linen, Drad© and Honu (>'d©r«, Fbivkb moiwy btHigbtand mW.


F f i U V U H l V


159 and 161 Market Street.


Our Leader is i l i U loches,VVAItIt.tNTKil ni.ll. TO l-.tIK,


E x c e ls io r M a ttre s s ,Cotton T o p , For $ 3 ,5 0 ,


J . C. M c C U R D Y & 0 0 .,5 6 9 B R O A D S T R E E T .Hair Miil(r©>"pk at all pni'ca FrDibor aud

fdhttrt'H) UHnuvHMine n «])kH’lnlly


FOR TENDER FEET.fiTo Udy Buffarera—M) UKKAK- 71K(I in: Flue Ion undrMcd kid

abuee. fU Ilk,© attov©. BUTT-»N8. •B.OP; lACt,

L90I BFAINO BIlrBi f l l c a - forully a0Preoift(ed by iDanvr* 'with Biiiiloni. ikirtM of InvaUd 1 K««t AT fllCilHT.

When liM/cure I donei. naoKft irwreiy lo itop thPtp tor u time end (ban ha^ topin rpUifnamdtv ] mean ft mdtoftl cure. 1 have lowl© Ui© dleaun© of Kl'm. ttlMLKFHY Of FALUNU Hli;KNk>it* a Ilie-Jorwrtinly. 1 wrarrant ray fejnody to iwro thALworsloiftiia. iWmtMe oilMira bare^w i la ng manon fbf nol now receiving a imra. Itom] hi oooafbra trftftUavftikd a Fr*«BoUI© of Ka tofftt- Itbl© ramedy. Give IGtiir^ anti Poatofnc ooeu yoe uotoina fbr a tfbtl, aud il wOl Addreia UK a U. lUKiT. UU l^ rl BL

iffliita. U

. & rMHItlNE,m BROAD WT.. Newark.

DEAF!lESSCURtkeaaaftAHHDiiiftaftf ' MiUfflytTWTMBakrr

V ^ h L ^ -a T H I L M ^ fl l -------f-JuUhUm Md thwiM ekm aH wrTiaiiillK FAUh An* h«

f f i s a t t J B H a g M B a t o w

A . D O M H E V W A D S W O R T H ,FRai.TICAL OMIClA N. apesleelsi. Kve- tluMa Dianwnd*, WUubia, Jtvslrx, M

BKUAD n a w ,Opil Old Vmva Ooek. M*«wk> A A


Frank A . E llis, Jr.HARDWARE


HECIANIi’ TOOLS.Electrical Department

lIiiiiHOM iiiiil Stores IlLtoil wttli ltiiri;lur Aliirnis, Oull JIvlls

utiil StH'ukliiif Titbi'H.GOOD WORK. LOW PUll'Ea

43 M A R K E T S T R E E T ,Near (XtirtlKWise.


C M IO cit.r> l i_ H 'S EMLi LISH

PENNYROYAL PILLSIXB CUBA tUAMCHS BIABS.jVW« aelltfotL «felt pniNbt■ wl mM( r«li|bl* pill Tareift, *

. He*fts efN jr inW hr ibnI.A tviidltiii>I-''l la (•K'AicANlo.F'a B A^.dk IHnewH* Briinde S in n.fol ib£tdUI« iHii"*,V iftta hiijahinNABaefoWfot v- ' M««t}i©p. AtDrHaclare AWpItritft jrN'tffftMnt WrKW wlui |ilitk «t^yf<n«n

N dfottCNlWM MMfoLfirfbk.ftevHi-4©e titfoAiiiRi far nrtlffvttr© laft• irellrf ftp© *h hye.eito t©Ntlmn>i>Ufr*w ift|lll_irk«■'*•7 nWIHi .

Nl©lAflfeK,»v"a*©r«*ie;.\rtii«rhi<iiiSii .ThiliMpft.

CONSUMPTION.Ihftve pceouva fniwty ter IbV abovedketyie.

bjr tii uaa uwuiftwia ol' uaafta ot tlia wonlainu aDdoifloiia abuHlijur hftva neea cumd IndMd, ao airenglf my ^Lii In in aJtteHff Ifteil wwMud TWO BOTTI.W* raju:,YAlOAaLKTMMATlSfciiftis a f e . ...........


N E W A R K E V E K I N G N E W P , P A T F R D A Y , J U N E 22, 1889.

p r u ’ a t f e

D A I L Y , E X C E P T S U N D A Y S ,

E T O Ilill£ M l P ! ll ) l iS t iD £ CODlljaBf,

*t No t (4 6B0A0 STREET.KpWArk, n* tio

t af iht mo//pp )

Dflive-fd h yc iiiie rt in any |;>*rt t'le city, i» d Orang* Hiifuasr^. Kearny, Sum n>it, Believ.i'#, Monlclai!. Bloomf e!d, and kil pointaJn U»ei County

Ma'I Bubscoptieni. five rioiters a y^ur, nr fifty cents a month, fiostaf/e free Single copies, two centi De'iveied by Cd'neis in Newifh. tan cents k week.

Ordinary adverliwmenta on third and fourth pa^os, ten centi a hne ag:ite

Advertitementi under heads of Wanfnd. To Lei, For Sale. Personal, etc , or-f cei>t a word, but no charge “esi than tt*n centi Mch insertion

ORANGf, N, JWilliam H t qrtOPi and HitiiTOf A Al'eri,

kget^ti for carrier dehvery and adv<iti;.(v menu.

BLOOMFIELD, N J C Cooper, agent for advertising p den for carrier delivery may be left at

Oancer’i and Vought Bros', News Mar»d*.

S A T r U I iA Y , J U N K ?2 . IrtKtt. _

XTew York Advertisements

• Fur llic tvnNlSl. NJ rti* teft ai ihe ofHf of rima Ni'eri;A> ('o,. M Iki kmau vlircl, b^lisrv II Xi A.

U., will U- inserted In samo (!■)'■


BOTY T D E T A X O I U llN A N ftr f<TANi>^.Ity lire ll lr k w n j lire t 'l i or.lim iiite

|AAM-d aiTt'iid rcHdiufi In the ('■uiumrju Cnunelt last nl^'Hi it w ou ld M‘(-m (tint caucD i adm fiiii-lrtU oo im c u e hauil, und a plentlfnt lai k o f a iru tln y on the other, <ton*pirp to innkr iDitnicl|)al D ienacrm eot a m nUer o f ii« rUfilniHy In a large p ro iio rt io n o l the City F n lliertto f Ihia tow n.

Krom Mfi»e o f the t ip U n a lo r y anrL h j d ed u ction , H|4»)offctic rrnr.'^rkv insde u[mii th e flnor *if the tbatuber It in igUl v r rn that the I^ ’^dslNMire, ii» its rocddMng with th e i f fa if i o f N't n a rk , h id furred tho A ldonurik Into ■ t ig h t c o r n e r w hen It eo m e i to rai&iiig te v e m ir i fo r thcMtji|sort o f t i l l vurUiui (leiratlm eiit^. i t was la id (bat Kuitc cu a c lm o n U di>|k>‘sc<1 o f aoTnethini; m ure ih m i fu t ly d lv e p e r relit, o f the cU y 'i tota l U i revetaiiea. T b i i l i troe , and It la true, too , that legia- l l t lv e loterferen ro w ith d tp ir tm c u ta l ip p iopria tlon s i i a grow tuK evil that caniiut Ire (xcn.«ed o r di-ri-ndcrl, T h e custom (a dain&abU, but (b e fart ca n n ot l>o trsriped tb a t the co u d ltlorii w h ich led to t h ii m e d d l ^ nre traceable to the in clb - (d a o f tk^V(»Ar<i o f A ldtirm on, W bi'n dt parllneiit apprupH alloua a re a d tio d In ciuruS i indtienred by u i ir o w pnlliiral b lw , w ithout rE'gard lo the real ucc'da o f th e mUMk'tpaliry, It l i nrsi surprising that m en o f tiu* opposilo fni iio u w ill aer k to eqnaliae tb c w rung through the lioy ii- la tum . Thus it il that on e fo l ly bruorlk a iwarcD o f ilia. T h e nppnM uiiiluiia. kow flver, w hich thcC m iiicU iitiisl iUHkc, aa directed hy tb e IjCgiHludire, are in tiui line o f good arrvice. T h e d iliy -dM llyiiig with th e po lice and Fire D oim rtm ent upvrnprlA’ tIoD i In the ^ s t w ork ed l l i ow n rchtritn. T h e A lderoicD muat d a u ce to the lu uo o f th e P olice anil Flrr : ('u m m isilu n rrt unw, and b eroa fler w ill pay the F ree Ijihrary OenK ulaiionrt J pi|H;r»

T b e e a m e v l e ffu r ta o fth o prcaa ui d the p u b lic to reiK-ue th e c i ty from (he re^ p r o B c h o f lU d ir t a lie e t a du(v» nut aceiu lo h a ve found res|>onae In th e Hoard o f A lderm en . A m o o g it the U em i which w ere pared to the q u ick i i the ippi-uprlB- lio n for re]>avitig atrecUi. F or tbU pur. poM t ^ jO O waa o r ig in a lly h K in Die bllL B y th e high and m ighty d t m e o f the Kepublitirku c in ru s , nlhruied b y the Council Ih«( n igh t, thla anm w u n i t o o l ; n o ta cuut was le ft in the t i l l for p iv . U g purposet, Aldm iiM D Juhnaon svlil that •W ,000 will 1>e avuilahic for repnvliii!(b e ouU taud ing fund. Ih il Mr. .liilm ioii to o k a ra lb rr ropy v iew o f th e sitn ilin u .I t w ill be better lo wait tu lice iiuw much l i co lir c llb le th is year and h ow inurb viiti get Into the fund . T h e Heiti u f Sd.'i.Ollt) fur open in g ilreeta was reduced to E.VHiu, a cu t p o m a ik cd tbnl (b e first eatiiuato may i c act dow n as w ild . T h e itrn i for grad­in g a o d -cu rb in g was lifU^L WHS Du' iclMtoIhuuie Item, and m uity uthcra, uiM-ly and uaw isiclr, pruned to a uilnlm un^

O f the ^Cl,(KHJi u hirli the A ld n cuen II] raise by tuxEtioii nlniut $ 12 \<KKI uiiHt he ippruprlaU d as d ire cU d by IjtglvlatJxa giandaie. ( i f reiirse this sum to the inp]iort o f c ity depiirltueutB. TJiun the Aldcrnken are left w ith ulnuit thu d in c t l a i d to dispuM:' u f hh tJiey sih' fit ainpiigbt the o U u j (h ptrltuenlN,

B ut there lire oIIm i^wuMrica wliii 1i the l>oard have to ilrn iv u n for revviiues. T Ikhc arc the liq u or licciiBe fct>, iiiir-4'Hi-4iHuOb licp o sc i fees und lnurliel-l:joU‘>e fee*, a^;^:lv- gatliiK nhoiil T h is huim Kihicdlo the li i i rcvolpi* .iTmkes a itiial o f ? i ,•>:<! . OCKI avaih ihlc hir D m (orn lm -i o f the city 's hu&liuoi. for th e year,

KKNF:U'A1, m M M » A S < ! i r '. 1 1 0 \ , M ayor lU y tice 's Spcccli at th e iHyiiif* o f

the coru iT btonc to t i c H ill I ln wery ■cuun lo hast' hu 'ii lllt'^O lt o f a tr i lm l (•nii-hci- «uee that eulh w ith hoth eJge>>. It luiiy have lulled s iunc h\l(>un kerpt r>i in to ii

. fancy (hut t ilt-liiu - i:in snlVlj U' hriki'ti On t in -o ih t ! h»iin!. tl 1ms ii i j ic tu l lu w life and kijiinr and a tii-iii- J'i|,'hiic,' t-jniit into the und i imU r I .ch^ iic.

T he me HI I-ink m il iu m uf that itTu.Er.»/i. lin n , ^lltiFlk’d tli k '^:il>l<al)i-]uciikinL‘ ii oti the iticrm n im Ni whcK . Iinve di-( idcd to u u k e iL iuW iJ iiiiil ilrii ii i i im d ui.iiisKUiKin uju-h saIuuii'-. upK-ii -lE iii' nud ’suiultiv

Ia II pn^-nMj Un i,i•top the h'ltli J form o f ibimisi im nl » ilJ i c i have iK'fnre it suiJi piHui m i msto l»C HlilM liiatetl. l lji-re i- no iliHi- ru lty in stoppinj^ nni Similiiy ■ tilriraiu- tfienl in lliie city lu k Iu i Ii ailtiin-^um is chinked . *J nis wa> o n ly n n i i c l v i-i-iM d. In the luivti-lii|.- Uk- c i v u isy iKHi t . cm . One tliina i» I 'v n h -m - tbnl the Ni w- ark B hkv Hall L'Uib w ill nut g ive np iu prufilHlde Kuuday plftyinjf until It h a s e i - hausiwi e v e iy leynl r^iiurt i(> pri^tci t il. T h e n rK aid olluu hn? hui] j-m li limj- stniKk'lf with n iuru itune, now lL *t ii hNs Ixfu ie it the ptcitinse o f lluiiiM-iiil mu cuss it ift most un lik e ly lo g ive tip thi- niie Ib ln g Aliii h seems \n Hautl htlWEt-u iii |,ip profit iiiiJ its lovs.

Gluure^ler is not a H iibU illi-Jp-m uti|:; placCr bm i f 1'iliKcD‘i lu iild, 1-y imlividijfc! app^’ils to the (u n r i, stop Himday h d i piav Jng Ihcrr, there l« li ll le dunbt Hint It w ou ld be p revn ilvd . H reoklyu ik H ciiy o f chi)reli(^, hut th e Euitg j!.liuid Hutulav gam es go oil year afu^r year. ThrrJfiM'emK In fact, (ti he In lu ibglu j. in to en forfum eut

laws in reniird to Hiibhuili obsrrv- a n c o a d fflh u lty w bieb dues u u t e i l i l in in ik ing tJ lijien l w ore b ped llc and kau

0 iw eep iu g Inca! eu acrm riiU .'t 'h a tlh r couHiituu-d uutlioritics o f BuuiU

d o v).vj,hjnK (Jm I 'aujci— .u n g cm cn t has b oco

carefti! to ju w ictvo good o rd e r , and as no l i q u o n u e so ld on o r tfUiut Ih^w ^ uiy ji^ «M J w c c M T I d E f^ d u g -t li iT ferip fc U to rs w h o a iio n d tb c gam es q u ie t and pH O tablo, T tw tow u ab ip ofHrtBla appar.

f« c l DO h o tt ilU j tow ard tb o voutura,

aud rtoiii ib e prevcn i onlhurk lu rtlv id iiflt, • iiiurnlly aud finaiif-lally l>«rked t>r the ! i'«a

• tul Onh-r I.' , h MI have tn tn-nke the jfie b l. if «iny i- m a ilt , rpainvi the eliih -tud ; ■(.•laid, pa n net. |

A Ufi^r |xatu>u o f the co u n ty dock nr>t iuok ii]><ni StimiM.T ball p laying w illi thi feeling fu tt r l i ln n l by Dn hU'i O riler lu aitue 's ini-inlreri. Smne even >vltn I'p- jiu^e <-p n «.Ylnuhv on llnil diiy dir ij<>! , (n n iiilc r U >infnl tu ( l i v e the biithidihk j kjibeii o r >' tml.Jifi h to lonk al o th e r p ' l - jp!(: duiiPi: il, ( veil ii]hui D iC h jlJiB lb. I*ni- I licoUiiy imbis the riM‘ at Si.ulli t>f.u<ie. |

W im le u r I ’.'C (In y n n y have 'b iue jn-u- j p^: have luil IrucIih I a l Ibe U iw hUil (h d r r Uiuyiiii i< -u n tly . ‘I'lUua have f liAUgid siiiH' the irt nilxcR ursvely urgneilthat lalof.uv sbrniM 1h‘ rl<h.i fl im S.iuidHy«out o f fu n ‘i1d'*rstinn tur Dm o v in v o ik e d iM ilrie li ri, and r< iv n ! ly verv li ltb ba* b i( ( i lu-Hiii fjo iu tliem nlK>ut Uie .SiimUy sndn « ^ler in u jiiily , liie !^niiitsy i i c • (li-lNiuehi ry hikI Itic i ii-i«>u->HEnh!N) peaiiitl, orauve iitid liHiitnii lia d c. Now, b o a t v ir ,11 deems thal a m u wed fight Is to be nmde

I upon v(oreS o f v a iIuua k in d s (bat arp cjm iud on B uod ays. IVrhap^ some grave ah n -ci iiiuy l*e e o i r n l n l in this w n ] . bnt Die wnrk m i l n u -d lo l>e don e K llh div* eretioii. T h e Ja w und ( in lr i Ij' itguc is ] 'i c ( ly JtifincnliAl jiikt uow , but nui p o w e r­ful eiiOiiirb to wn^ia nujeh d irro;(tL h ie ik* lug lances on w iruiinllle.

A JOdf, o r TIIK AhMA 'ROH.T h e H oittilh siioQ o f M nriin U uike,

nrrt'.tc'd on siisfiirion iu WnuiipeK a v o u e o f Ibp *■ W illiam s hr( I b e r f ," f« r whinn tlie fiprev^rnan Iniulerl fu rirltnre (o tbe fulat Cdltagr ou Avlilnnd avenue, W gins lo harrow d ow n Die m ysteries o f Die tragedy. T h c ji ' dues not M-ern Iu any doubt hLm U th t W illy uf the ieteiitlilrulion aiiiL thi n fore, it It fair (o Asvuutc that on i o f lln* acIiihI m o r d e r e n is in cm to ily . It is widl eitabJislied tlm l ib e re w ere tw o or three jM iMons engaged hi (h e n ch n l k illitig, and ll it t bU ogedhrr’ Soiite five o r six |x-fsiiuR w ere wmnecliHl w ith Ihe n m id e r nnd (h « rem oval o f Ibe eiwpac-.

lit unliiiMry r kst . of minder, for tl must lt« ndinlttfd (hat there uie degrees in this si) In of ciime, Die caphireof a priiH-ifial would k>e a umtlcr of the higlusi iintHiilAnee; in Ibis esse ft Is hard* ly so, iiiilcKi Ibeciim m al will ''H|Ucal'^ and give up the names of hli cmployerA. Ah a rule it 1a not uMial lo otfer ini* ■nullity 01 Indnu'iiieiit to tin Hctniil pHn* tipMl iu ah Rtroi'lons crinie, but In Ibis eau it nil{ 1ii lie safe am) exta.ijicnl tonlep out III ihe besUb irark, ’The men wlio Insti^nLcO (he imiidet of lb . ( ronlii• re m ore dA tig irotit lo w e h t y (han the m ere h ired m iarresnts w h o fierfietm tcd (he rr jo ir . T h e ta r tu t to a o f the nitmler* ere w ould m erely rem ove the " l o o U ” o f th ftT huga. It bi (h e ' ‘ T h u g i " MiemselviA w im a bou ld lN‘ i-aptntcd If sucliJy is to l.« jtru tecud Ju fu ture.

1 he elaltordiiuK o f preparation fur the •SAaMinailun w b icli bos bt'en laid hsre tip tn Elm pr< sent D m e in ip i(e o f the |ier> sislcnt cfTiuts o f a |Kirtlon (if the fJbicugo |Ki]ii-o lo im jiede the course o f ^usliee, air^rds su flicleu t prtKif t h it uo m ere in- dividunt and ^icrsouM) niulico ptoaipted thn iiiiu dcr. It la, Ih e n fu re , des irsU o (b a t ll ic rnaiiiNprlDgs o f am h a lror lo iii ccns]>UacUa should lie b ro k e n — inylunff,

A lU V t m C h I .A W C O N I lU^TIillirH .T iuT e si’on ji to be n o cud to the rum -

]ilicailim s in tho case o f M ind-rcjulet itishop, fu r a q u e h ilo n has been rAiMHl now w hlrb tnay a*MUtne w id e and lnif»ortnut piuta>rtiQiia. H e d id n ot leave m uch ot All evlulo, iLs value In iu g cstim ulcd to far nt $k'i(N), y i i over (hia a peculiar runteat it likely lo be fou g h t o u t in tb e ro n ria .

lti»>hop had l»oen divorL-ed frum b is first w ife in the Btale o f N ew V m k . and a ccord ­ing to th e iHwa o f D ia i Binte, under the circinusU nres u p on w jd ch the w lfu s a]o pllralion for d ivuree wav granted. B ishop was probib lted from rem arrying du ring her h fetliu c. H e, how ever, w ent to M in - ucBola, w hore ilio New Y ork proh ib itiou , fllisurdiy MiDUgh, b a i n o furee or validity, and there rnairiod kiaUtd TalK>r« w h o svis* tiiiiod n u r iia i reb illu n i w ith h im up to the tim e o f h b d c iiih .

H u fa r th c rm b ro g llo i i eonfiiicd to ib t rival elainiH o f UiNbop’a tuoLher, VJcauor ^ le id ic r lib h o p , and th e ai-cond w ife, Mdbi-l I 'a bor Ibsliiip, each o f w hom Ii m diMiHTiiibaJ le t u r s o f odm ltiiH liuliou, T b e niothor claim s that the aci'mul wife liat n o h'grii ca ia ien ce ih New V o i k Hiate, kh she could n o t l)c- ili^hoii'N law fu l w ife IN that Hlute, (b ou g h her im irdal rights w ould b ^ . uiiRViallaUe iu MinncrotcL,

The seillenjvnt o f ihu (|iH'i>tjoD wbethor Ml. IbslHip, 01 any ulbct nivn. could kgnl- ly live iii lioiMirahlc miirriage U'lalioiib with A miinvii in rertain Ntnti-s of the Dolon, yei Ih- lliiblv to prusei-iitinn fur lui* fiiorality for continuing (liaoe relalkiiis cUnvlicre, l» k new one, anil ilhiNtratis again tile iucmigmous Date iu Aliirh the divoM'e lartsuf Dio si vciiil spiles htaiid in n'latiOM (n 4’Heh oUn-r,

Neu.N ff4.iiii ( ’liiiin |n u f l lu m( 1 ju rp li x- j iijg nature. Nut iiniiiy diiys ngu Du re ivns eiibli'ii a htHteuii'iil Dmi i,i D ung (lliHug, wild -eeniA lo lie rie iiii4 r , wnv at iIchD i'h (lo<>r, iiliuiil tl^e Kline lim e it iymn iin tn l thill the as(ri»logri> iri Die i ly-il p ib ire lU I'i k ing hiid III-1 'll mil d (b e Kn ji> rtir lo eb iil 4l(i4vii on I'ailiMiii] e o u ‘>liii( lein els '( iierd tln ’ pertiu ioiii' 'liA i< i e o f " uni* ili- ili-v i)s "N o w l lu s ln lem eiil euim^ niuhg Di!>L J.i Hung ('h illig "]i-|L |il4’ 4'pti.l (be CdUtrnl nf Itiiluti)'^ Iu (he 111.I III u f ( liinn, und i( i» pi'4>p0'u-d (bill ('liiirig ( l.i T ung |>iumi ulln-i fi-llnw ) hliiill li;i\e cuiitinl iu Die hUuDi." Thi II i Ik-m' ia Die iii|itniiti(<i4 tlnil 'D ch d e i- w ill Hiu.ii In- in>i(-rd f - r Dn eun- DriiitUiii nf a rulln*;nl lii<n. V, kiu (o - Ivnu ." ‘1 1h- ill p:Dili nm d.s u p u i l t iD ir »en i;irk . '( l ie l in v n n im n t i^ipear* to ineui b iim m -* ." I t s u l ] In- iu lei4 <| ing lo liiiMi liKW llinse ii--trolf>'M 1 - were quieli-d, iiinl iiIm) u liu t- guii g (i> m u Difi CbineM- tiiilmud biiAiiie-*, |( Mould nut be Mir- pilsitig In fiml .l;iT (tuubl |H>slumig us ii andn iiii." M idi uite o r ( mo " t a i lh '' iiikI " Il hub* liu linn (.m |n|i.' '1 be lUMnipnlii-liv c p.rM-i rs o f (In ■ 'I .iitb W ifim l ” iiiiglit

eu 4-i1i nd In '* elu>|M*(iELs ''

D m in er li. t u l l 'r . "huKC Midib u deiilli lu ll 4’HU>L'd sneli m iilrspit-iol Mirrow IhiuiiiiboiK llu’ Ormge^. uac ii ■•( i rix'mu- livo <jf Die I 'e 'l (>|fc o f (lio huefcs^fn! busliM'jJi muQ. In ii-ilig e iil , cu ltured , pub- hc-f>piriU'(l. q u iik Eo ris(Kiud tu iA cry ap* PchI fnr p ln U iiib ro p ir und n lig io u s w ork, he cou ld ubiiosl ht lu lb d (b e leading cll-

'll in n lorulitT that h:ia inHuy men in n l io i in t lei Is a insl jirido. he livedIb c ie ii l i l l le ri-isoii to do iib l (hut his puliiu a I sm b u ion a w ou ld luive reah iz’ d. H e ivjig o n e o f tiit ftw very rli'li nieii \v)io h iin g in to the polihCAl field (jualiiies l•lll•vo (h e ir m on ey , Hiii d cu lli is ■ 111 aluohiW ' pu b lic cfilam itv.

T he npiHjintinciit o f W illin in E. (T a ip as liiiiled Mill'-.* Allurn^ y fur the WcHiern Disr.ricl o f V itg ih iii Is lurniul iio lice to Die imD M nbone tneti o f Dial 8 in t« Dial they ur-i " in the sou p ." Jt seem* Dnit Ihem itU Blulne circu la r r c io u t ly c o n c o c ( « l und cireulul4'd by (k -u cru l Mubuiit: wng largely the in^plraliun o f L a w y e r Craig, w id, whut is tooTc D ftiiillcant; this fnci is •tuled to .hnve liuOn com im iiiic iile il to tb e P resi­dent. A i H eonsequencu V irg in ia patron- ago, under H flIiou ed irccH on , th in Licstowed on a |n r»oual foe oC B ecr^ u ry o tb fA lc , cati-huvo b a t o n e iiu iihcalluu . T he Im- porta& l question fo r Mr. IPuIih! in em i. aider ii,, VVUat are y o u |(uing to du about i t r

K M 'T THK y i .U i WITH HIM.A Wnr IC|dii«<le U«r<«llrd hy (b* Taltorpil

fWiiri andAn old soldier eiiU'rtd tbocEIl>'0 of ibo

I). Hull Fne uii Mond ty. He was g r irx lid wIDi years of service and l^u-r y< ir-nf Lbur oil hi- Mirliigtn farm grix- kIuI, ( iki, wiDi age, fur time has Jiol )M-«>n nil* *iiirc 'tfN hut lus facr waa riidlHril as (h<( uf a Icbojlhuy free fur Use bulbla/s. Hr tsKik u ebuir aud said;

' wDreofT"' (ill for whtrvt”‘■Uj,y, foi tfclty^hurg. o f <*our*a. All

Ibr old boys are! goiofi aod wc D-i-(roil Dm tv erilog 1 th o u g h t I 'd c4>rno in und f boir yuu the 4jld llAg,"

' u v i i r“ >•11 icc ] w«i Color RergeHUt nf Ciim*

puny K. FirA Mbhigan Oavalrf- Wo V.I re If' niltcd and acut to C>uip l.yon at llsoitrADick Au^mat 21, IMH, (Dionel JiriHlhead, you know, coinNiamh’d. We were lu a s icr id lb H-ptrmiMir H . Idfi], atid Dll rigiiuMildid hard service during tbe SI hull war after tbat."

Tbc veteran wm Tbomwi il. Hhepptrd, o f Mailettc, SibiJac tAinuty, ami tin- rolofn }i4 Ih rti deHiti a great purlioti ul the war are kTill In hit cuiioaiy aud arc Inn prida iihd dt UgUkr As he UlU the story, (he hit of n d, white and blue hunting, uttered, rlcHliil and faded by ilia sun and ram of nmit} ficlda, awutkira a dignity and Inlrr- 1st (VoD hryond Umt wbkh tbe oolun liuvf of Iheir own right lo cvoiy loyal nitn.

HIm pberd t(K»k the roluri from the cninp al Mammimck and cairiad Diem lo tbe fruiit vrtlb hla ngipunt. 1'hc iiitu saw hot iMvioeand tuioy of them, inrliMtlug the gallant Colonel, never came b«ik^ Tiny fi ii|hi ihruugb (be ShenandnAb, on UHikh's advance and TcirrAt, In the ( itn- puigna uf Pops and lluraside and did y4>o- mHii Kirinue at Ihe baUle o f (ledyibnrg. Tiny were under Are up to May,(w ill* at W inehraier, at M id d U fow n , Riraa- hurg. llvrrDouburg, tJfaoj'o Coiiithousi, I'-iUr Uount:*ln, the second Bull Uuu,0 rcxpian aud T hurougfifarT (lap ,

E v ery w h ere the f i ig o f C om p any C w mCarrleil by HheppArd, and was torn und tent hy huatlle btiU'Ui. I l wan fresh In color Hod aonud In Usture when, hy order ofColone) BioJhead. it wai hung from the window ofthr OnirDiunse at CliNrleitnn, near Harpci'a Keiry, Inil Die women of Ihe town made it a Utgel, and when, wllh ihe inoTciuent of the regiuienl, it WHS tnkeii in, there were five Inillet boles to abnw the feeling o f the Irreconnllahki in }>Htlroata.

Ro It went UDill the day of the great flylpl Ht Oultyilmrg July 3, ThimHlicppiifd wtY rut off and miw that tlmrc wai< no escape fruBi capture. He litre the old llig, alrea^j perinraU-d hy si-vcnty* (wo hnihili, from IhesUfTai d hid it under bis riething. He wot Ukeu in turn to IJIdiy, tbonea to Belle lab-, to Havannah,( ImrloUc, Anderaonvllle, (luldslHiio, Mt* 4-nii, the OovctiikDi-nt shops In (four* gia, and Ixs Melltn, in (hr harob Rtale. Everywhere be kept the flag with him — soiiiL-tloie* hidden nijdrr hla rlolhing, noun tunes buried In Ihnaand, hut ulwsyi by Ills own (tare and a furDinate conjunc­tion of ciri'umstAncra, safe fnmi (ho envmy. At last, efioi fiOG days o f im- prin-nniont, tia wsteiHiiugvai and brought (hr flag aslfly home. It hat horn in hli cusIchIj coniiimously since Hrptrinl)er, IHfil, Hpd recelveid ail i(a wounds ovi-r his head, Wliiit woudi-r 1 hat he be is pruud to carry it Irack to fJettysi>nrg?

Mt. Rhepberd la now a farmer and is tiklng a comfuTlAbU case earned hr liU mouths of bard fighting und oihcf rnunllis of more terrible prlaoti lifm

Tlia C at INstlked WblAihng.Fritiii (be Uoufrew (mu.) Ui-rrury,

In A fimily Id town there Im a cut wtikli If niucb (tctied One dHV Ihn lad; of Uie bo'jao tol down lor a inumenL and cKbor lu n liuve hur levlliigs or •<■ a bl( of Jmi(»eeiit diu-rxmn. gave vunl to a little MhlHile. tuime* [liaieir tho pet cal sprang up (o lK*r Up and Mi(h liiahoalhod paw stnu k hcralilua- in (he lai-f. Tho lad Umughi tnu klmnge. hut at llrM hardly cuuueoied It wUb the wbhlling. Udoevi'r. a llllte lime aftE-rward, la uuoilior riKMii. abc happened to ri-peat tbe whistle ami InmiU'llaloly ibe cat ipranif up and struck her nguin. Thin time tbe lady (bought it tuiwr (« Die M lilatHiig which was giving ]>uuy (rfleoce, soil so, with laaUoe afirn'tbought," wtii*tied ighiiL 6tiru niiouyb the cat cha‘ liei wjHj siKHher Idow cqutre tn ihe faro, AIm>u( (he only {Mwdble expUnaiKEu ii that In liie »hlv til- Il ianided a call wm U>lng glvt-n to the pel di$. avid ira.Hj*alQU4 tberval.

I'niulsbkkable Kv(ilmre»Vnun tba ChlCfi|o TrKiniie.

'I'lic raL-iribpiw o f the IihmiI Hrientifiu asMK iattoo wcreopoQiug an ludiau iiioumt lii RoiMbi-iial Mlsouri. Ihehim l native irhu WKs ihuRing bhd already tlinvwa onLM'vt'nl ptuceH of 4-uriuus iHTtiery aad a tiuinbvr ol wna]vmi toeil in anoiQui iiHllan warute, Oppr(^4<-d Py (bi- host and clonuneas nf hR quaiti-rs be lotiiH U| hit euipiy {Kickoi iijwk for lliu piir(H>i*i< of liHViiig H rtitjled. The HL lAioi.t t^kniH iu IJk imrty loukcd a( U in iilti-r firM'tideruu'iih

lli-avetwr' he excUlaitxl In n lirnirM-. flive* MrlckunvrhlKper, "w'hai a highl) c-1tHiao.| rnie01 Ir-Juns tboiurngupd Inijldi’ts viAsr '

Auavrera la Correspondeula* t ‘ O. 1).—Leon Ablicti was hpfclnl

i vuimal ajBitstlns 8amuv1 KhIihO In me case, Hinl afier (tin ranrIclUin niadi.' an anwsl (o .tnilce McCarter on u tcphivtoallly. hut wni orcrmlLd. On the sauie p(>lnt presenu-d lo s hUherrouK hr utlorHanJ w-enrret Ihe pmotj- rr'* rvilea-* ■

J. W.—The 1'o«ritabl|E r HnniUteemon <if KiiitUi Orange ron'ive ti'- fivr (iacU iuuuHug. Mtifibrr or 11 j( thi iluiiiir lo uhu h yon iHir h/id nuy " rclalioc ' to Dii-Hiuidti]'IniAe l«Jl | liiYiugh a quDAtlon Lha Nswa l« not ahio lo uiiRMar.

F O I IIS y o v K N O W .

-Mip« N(»lMe lltlt, of this d lv , linn tjOvduaptd tunu Yiisi-nr (olU-ge miili himiirH.

- 'U is io tu l Dml MnniiK<T II. 0. Miiht luut sec’unKl n h-Mse of the Tiitfa Avi-nuv I hi-alrc ni Nua V{xK tor fire >cnn>, iM-giiiimi Mny Ilil'Xl.

- Kmnh C (VKoDh and 4hiii»ht4-r of<’, Icfi joetordu) for Mimpioiu'’, Mien

Mr O Kell y’l' S"H, (ieniKc l'-. u'Ki’iliy, s.vilwi lor 1-Miu|*c.

- Hmry It. Hiiiitli, o f iliUu-ity, son of rimtiui R hrulth, rceoiiud Ihu highest priii* for (U clanmlloii ul the I’oMimuomu Military Acnii- ci .v rcumichn'-mvni o'U ui u o)im> of rimi-iccn Cl I iiHTtHor. I'ho piilv (’iiuttHh ol a tmavy golil

iu Die VhA|>c of H I wlili anin*H-iipilon oti lh<‘ liQi'.i And Ihv mimiMoja Innv) gold 4M\‘ wbioh nvi jvjiiM die uuMlHi.

- (lovt-irnvr lirei-n ri-i't’nllv iiuoiml a I |■ll•lalH*.l"U under ttic grval s*'»il of Nm Ji‘rM*y.( ii>ii,rs-ill J hiH oft)Ci;iJ Hiil-<i;rr(pi|. ruusUliUlng } 4-u‘iii) K. 'lii»i(1, Urtugr-, a .loAlloe (?| the rcKcii,lotMVK the a vioa Jurh«]irltiH) In Ioum.-x (luirniv Hu n DisirK'l CourL Mf Tf^id ti«x Utri n prai- (i'-nl exiEr-ri' roe by iv sy ol drHv»lug *<md.

V Ills, mortga#t'‘i' and li ioil maticnlur uioro than forty >< nr

P K I t S O N A l . .

I'lioniH NpIboii Die Vi ruin ineulliar, 1r tuiw maklug a ivnir throngh IrL-Uiid.

troncral J o h n i' Hliw'k, ei-iloim«iH- slinn-r ol I'oiuiuoa ha reauiuiHl Ihu pracliiv of 1(10 ut ('lUctgo.

Mr. (leielnnd'a furtiiim. wIiIj'Ii hiw U-tvi grtaU) lucresAed by lucky invusiiiivnu in rvnl cKiOc, isQuw placed at (he tAai OiX' mark.

'iotik Kaat. the fnmone mncbimiat, Ims returned (o New York Erum Fruiicbcu, nod a ill tgaiu go to work uikhi the luetropuli-UUi idipuri.

The W h ite Houw' c h e f flavA that Piw i- dvni Karriaon iM ud on cidrtm '. hut inJaihs'a m>i pri-vent Ihm (rom liuvlni; dainty (IisIk'I pni'Hfijd for fftondi. Hv U I'upticulMrly fond of lislirmd on bt« yacbiMig (oy iigc rarely onU any thing cite.

R|K*yking of the Prince of Waloa re n,‘ii(D Marshail T, Wilder, the linmortiU, koM ; " I like B. K 11. Very itiuch. lla u nrv( na (nul tl Roma piople try to inNkH him out to be. tlR «>yi> nra liKiaoultul for tnal, aiid then ho on-

H guoJ Juke. Amaiiuhocnn Iniigh luiid uikI liaartll}' csunol be h bml man at heurL’

(iciieral Johw (\ Frenmut may U* sei'ii on hcuadvv'By, New Vurk, noMHilsyi. Il Mn* (tiirly three yesn ago, when lie wm forty- four yu-inoM, that be iuhhI as iho lintt Hi'puii- licviii caoJlilnlc for iTcsIdonI ot The IMilii- l hiiiie!<, bh ulie, JekHle. In lug an ruinauUc a figure III the CBint algn as, be IiimsHf asR. (ii-neral (''retiotu benn hii yeurs well nun en-

Jo»4lo ou hU much In ralltornin. lEis t;gure iL yei straigtii and Ilia uiotoiiiciiL spry. .- — ■-* ■ -» ----------—

Pi'eiillttrIu Hic coiubliirlion, propoTlIpp, nul prepara- ilmi ri| 111 ingredj uiu. IRknI's Kiiriapniilla nc- JNUii jdYsiHJs eiHrtrw herB.-Trthcr ■pceiMirAllOih en* hrviy mil. I'i-ouUat lu II dvnhI nauic at tnm.e,

Isa " lowerdfiirungth ahrood," |K0ulnu in Ihv |•hcllOui4■llal sales li. has allnineil, liool’A RMts,4j(ni'liJn 11 Ihe moat KiirwsAmi medidue tor puniyiiva ibe hicoii, gfiJug itratiilh, and crtsiibif an api>etUe. *•«

AHOIT TIIK STATK..(nliij M. Moore, of (1;irtrm. ia xlhdit

hiKhri a new m an o o ]b,>«jOacrei'-rgr -inol wlrirh he usv iih aloiip Ihe Wc^l Jcr'e|i iCn1lrr>oil al W o d iiin o ^ Ntiiin, in i afts May (^luriiy,

'f h c I a o h Iov !iiMi.4\ n l U »v;m f 'D y , ban (• ; fi s-'l'll lo the Ib-th»uv nuudty -.t-h/iril c(f FhiJa'^clpMa. uf w l.jrh l'u»lins«PT'.I'Ueral ltatiano<h«r It suiri-rnilviideill. and wlh ) « u«ed M a v i^ id e humv

ro to n e l H. I j, I f.rk iiiem i yeatcTil.vv rr -ceived fr->m Washlnuioii Lis fxiinmi<wioii m I'O'ittiiai'ler o l Jersey ('iiy Ife a ill Mic'eed IWtnH-*l(;f Jnliii f KbUy, the Iviuvs-raiic lo- i hiiiU'iit, V It till! (he u n i few ilayik

'H ie f]iuuri (if I^irdoriH hiM refiii^Ml tolllll•lle^(' Willi l}o ' Oeulh s*<tilenr4‘ of IV>1iO(, wliri was (-4>uur'td (if kilting iVjIliiiYhire Mt (iif 'ird In CM-pw-mher la»l (u secun> |I00 In Ca«h. and vrliula uiider serjtanca (4» Ik- baugtNi July I&

SuMitjoj L iD Je. o f BridK olw m , w h fw nilu I has t>scn BiTi'Cltd fiir Sume lime, PM Sijed survfi)lai»ti yesienlay alu-ntuon amt w ai ImuKl l>y Jii« k I u b sn g itif in an iHithnUdlnf pi-Nrl) dead, tie won rut down and im-dicat aid siimmurn d, liin K not espected (u live.

A imw ifM (vinipany, romtaMCtl of New Vnrk. { ‘bOadeiphla and K ln u M h capl-lAlMis, h«« fo-eii fiirnicd m F tixaM b with a r-ii]«itHl of tlOO.uai, and will prove a furmldalJo nvsl to ibi- gaalighl lODipaoy which lias b if» - pdiiri' hwl a luoiKfiKily iJ (In- clly i$|htiug

(Jver for ty prii-atH o f the (JaDialic Cljiirrli took part yostirday In (ho funeral ser­vice i ( Raw Bnitiswlrk over ib c Uidy o f Katliei Marteria. rd Hi. Jolm 'a Dburrh who dlf<t sud- rleiily Mmnlay while sf«nditig b(i vacadon lb thu huutb. U ubopO 'K arrrll preacimd th« aet- inoQ.

J . W . F re n iw ich haa d ia a p p p a m l from Camden, am) la aald (n have taken Lflweun t'X* Hiid |I,0U0 tNilon|ina ta bU tinployer, li iiiijk lliim|ilirej-s, ri-ai estate tk-alor at Third and Market klRN*La Au amatotir ■(-ireax of ridladi-liihla la Jaiiievcd lo It) impllimlni in thr>oiiNg m airadoH iifall,

T he m arx ia ac o f Miwi A n n a H . O reen , ila ifbuir or Ur. and Mrs- Elarllna (friN-n, o f (n-raii (irnve, and Kdwsrd JohtiaiMJ, o f AsUiry 1‘aik, took place yctterdsjr al noun. Ih eoere iijimjrwAa |or/uiined la Ibc (anloorupie<l hy the tiride'a (anitly hy tho Uev. |)f» CLaiidler, l>aiiioror ihe Tri-shytorlaii cluirch.

H. V iiu S c i i r r , a yrm n g Hon o t F^lwitrd Van driver, ol lim llugbin , wat drowned in ibe Heliwari’ Ilivcr nt-ar htx father's rasidence yea- lenlny. Ilclnu l am nepike ncU act, and nriMe earJy m Ihe m orning hi lakelliutn up Tbe iHiy,

was subject k> fli*, w «i fi>imd with hla IimhI over the kidu iH hla Lual m tbr(.4 IncJies o f WBli-r.

H i-iiry F. NcjK*;»n F nm ji N o. 32, Kona o f Veli-raiiK, inm sion o f New J<-r*vy. w m nmi- lercd ThnrNluy lugld a l Kcd Hank. This U the only colored ram p In tbe Wtaie. After ihe ii'U*(ei 'b e follow ing iifliw-rs a cre ]roialJe<t by Jow jili 1>. iJiighiab, (>f Hod lUuk, Major o f the Ni‘ w JrJMcy iJtvisIniir. (!N|i(alni, Alfred BenhU, Tirol I.IcNii'uant, Ciitetica KrisU; cauipcuun- oil, John Hrtitn, Hilas llocvcs and Ttieodure Trust- 'the cam p haa icri irmbilicri,

** H ov ln ii H lw ko ' wnii I lia Hana«From ttic li.Mtloii UIoIn$.

'I 'licre umnI ( o liv e in W a ld o ( io u n ty . Ml-. an iDm raiit sburm aker named Hialie, who imvor lived tn any house over thrqc iiKuiths at a Umo, and who w asoti tha g o so much Dial his acqualnianr«i ca ’ Ied bun " MriDrig IllKkc.'^ En addilluB l o t large fami­ly uf lx(ya aitd gtrla, he w m always accom - IAiikhI by a llurk o f lallhrnl hens ifaal w cnl with Uhn from place lo place II Is tan-rlcd on graM], i-hnrch goltig auDioiKy, (bat Iheoa tiena Lrcninc mmimhI Ui roovmg that when Ihey saw tin- abiKinaner'f M-anty Inrfrllurc coming ou( ol (heliuuac, they W(»utd walk u p lo lh e dour, tJiruw (bern-uivca dal on (Lclrliarks and would N« ifjcre until iJiake cam e oul and (led them (ivi-iiicr wiU) a siriug. More Lhan a doacu n ‘|MM«hW rviH cola (>f Frankfort, TnwpooL, H(o( kluu and RcArxjNwl m n vuuub fur (La re- luarkablc liilclih icnce ul UlNke'i Lena

Hewlh Cdaliua Fwid Iu ISawarg I 'u -d a / by M*lru|M»Lll-wa IdJa Ins* Uu.

Tram. Aioi»M.irk hlm4c.'25 1 flgdi'n Rl.......................... |. f.Vj Ju■J'ln>iiinH Knlifiv, J77 Ogi1i-ii at................ ,10 IHS OuTlmip«i W, >->imp-K)il, IJ4 Jtii>tti'ii p1.. .. ‘jn iTIMiO ’I iMiuian Mk-Untn*. 7H Nf-wiu li Ml ,...,..10 l.vj uoJntiM ( 'kit. 0] Ni‘W ]trk't ..............10 iw uuWill. ri'iiOi-rciVM (1 Munrt’C f»i.„......,... .l.'l ixi <ii)John ll<-lll|, n>-rgrii >,c ..............(U ‘M (10Al.ifACi l.k UA^Is''TI‘, Hiip>k

_________ iit»r. Ill »o> ami M nrkelftiwto.

T lic 1 tillr il s t a le s Inditslr la l lu A uranr* CoiiipitiiVr tMrd anil H-ifl H road a lre « t— liritD k< la lm s l*ald To-4 l»y,

I'rem. AmLl'»-l-cr Ki'h.s', h r ', IMfiwi- M .................... ni |l7a ugMiifl ''lurk 'iM lUl'h'U M ..................... Jxi U> i.|>K. ) , ll> r iKIiith y ht ............% 4 (p

I .HW A llt ' -S Tr.II 1-. H r MU IlMONtMSupt. Ni>«. irk iMsirtrt,

k-iuiui 11 HU____________________

B. B O L L tS A SON.J , Trs'-ucul llndcrtakoni auil Hinl>ulmoja.

l- imcrai imrlnrs No. 17 Mrltlijc Hi^inrouif.ii-inry mill ruiMgtip N<», wl JiimvHHl. lEH,irNHi(MuU>jNciii.>« fur iillP. I ‘il kkvR iroMiimlilc Ui un ilcji it' nu-nui Krrn 11. lh)llt-*i, rvanlcnc# No, 7H Funrth hv«: l'i.iiik H. lUilti's, No. l i Urtil^v *!•

'l elcjilionv util I'lU-1 / 6s WOODHUFF, 'J

rs u K iv r .A K K n ,lifU-'B (Old llCNUlt-lice. UK flHtJAU NI'UKKT.

N n ld im r 1m-1iiw- Kyuniitij NcwioflU*. TrrMiiuii stu-udrtnea Imyimil NighU

S u n b n i i f l o t l c t * .

T ihx- H sm aw ah rn cK iH , M arhel Hlriv-t. • lt*v In. e a " o j . i i - i 'o ' kH-rviM slo-iiirirra* a(!■ r: A M aii'lfl'p t' R K,i,»i1fc) ai-hurj-laai A M iiud JilU!* M. Hr iujC r» wcicrmic.

II M -av m 1IK1 r M, K Cii'M« M. i cat Ifrw atr.o* M..-V .l-.iin Alkii - ii. U JI-, K i'^of 1‘u*'- l e t v 'i 'h p AV lo.ti ( q I lA'i.'.'Jng sob C t -N o il.'s t r|ii>iivrs'' HmliIn) -a liool nl \ v»j»T -ti'r' ■» H( I- f/-

CrsTHAi. M. K- fhM'iuH. Market stre*i, near Mdi.i-r.-’ I 'r cu h ‘ ii>:tit I" VA M and at )>ju I'M. U y lh -p M u r. lU-f F. U fglehHrt, ( l i i i a t It M CniniAih-:'.i oi)i Nl / l i T. M. IHitiArL-n'S < lii-M Hi 4 T. U. Vc'pcr -wfvli'*' M V;30 T M.

Tn?.‘*iTY M F. I ’m a'Ti ( otuct Warren and iiw> wt'-clM. (lev W1I t »ni Ji.iy. j-a'tur. t^r-

li>C) In-Li A. M. hikI ? -Iv >‘ M A l Ihs rnomUiKH iviM*. s rmna l-y ti>s piwitnr. ' ‘ TliC H lUl Win* i.p-!'' !,> . / - I f - ' - n t t y l’ilHf! py Mr. Vsl- [

will ua^iil Ml Die evci lux r vioe.I Itp C nt vK uatu«r r I 'm h.cnrner o f llroad

hii'l JJiilj-.riN-lY. Ihe iiiwlnr |u-v. \V. K. (jruwi- li l>..ttiil 11;: .^ ;. al lA»i A. M aii-n:d/. T, M. Moriiihx *iin)i-i | I I4»-II rmns I-fiywliy,* Hermnn In 1h- l•fll(lW(-l by ll)«-<‘un(’iiniuon w-rwU'H, j^ven- iiig '•ubjtv'l lf,i I’Miiidilllun P>efeHt,''

i-'in*i HtcTi-'T'■jn-H/M hcrvliM lo Temjile liuai Jf-Aliuran, WatldiiKtoo hIicoI, nanr Will* u io Tin i-a-'tor, W. W lUiyd, |i. U-, wiH pie Th fll m il A W. im ‘ flop".*' A l ? M J‘. M .fii'w d l giM-Jt-ThU Wtili lUe liirla." HUTHlay iM-boui at

I' M . Ill Y. M r A. ItHJi. A ll are vrelru-mc FniMt MKni-iir-iT Taotv/ ita n t (7ni'iu-M,

Hill Htn-i-t, near llrn»<l lu-v. Wm R Ham- mund, piiMor S em ti t 1'ic,o InniaDU'^S) A. M. iwuojtHi, 'A Jtemarluible K«|a-rh'rnv." TV. I*. M. " A V**rr I iiU'xiMitnl ^uenilon." HolAHtlll** h<v)1 t.m I*. M. H m ogert are welcumnd in iliiH<fiMrcii. hhhi-' hH fn-".

Nr f.rus'H M I; i'n i H> H.OUnbjti ate., cor. Murray si T na bli g lo Uo |iUkU>r, Hev. AUk DM«nn, .Ir , in;xi .4 M. anUpNi, “ Having Kvery- i line b n (iipt*" T.i- I’. M-. sHfvl <i<s uoiler (ha h> Sjilrt'H o f niiiig Mi'c 'M Unlo'i. Kai-inno toy oiing ni*Mi H..H1 A. M-, VuuiK Men's l^nion. i l > r M . hahiAlti seliPKil. (i fa T. M -.yuuuf IWuple'S f-rlvIleKi-mw-iiiig

'I’Hii Jav hruKKT f 'n i c a t o f (hcKsv-ond Tce»- hylenan fUmr.-h.--lu-v 1. H, |•ulI em1l*. pMior. J'rca-imuc Hi lu ll A, M. hy IU<v. Mr. Nlek4il- ai-ii, o f Turk 4'iiiifih cnajH-i. sodTJU T M. hy hf*, ■ ....................

n t « i j f o r a » i * «• l . J U X K »T , KOK « A ! , I , TW 'M iTt'U V• ftlh u iiM a r«>oifia and cellar, lot ikixioe. prli-«

jrilJN J. tm VJNfc.ttC iiato n #1-_____ JJR

A u jo t !K M -;n aA i.F o f

n S M U A L p h >p k b t y

At I\ihllc AueUoii, tx< clUM an csUiia. On (he

When Htihy wARaUk. wagavahar Dula-rla;M iiHit nha wita a (.nnid, she cried for 0»Htorla;VS lien aim tcriuna MoiiR, aLiccliing lo i^sniorla:Wlieii alib iia<1 Utilldreu. sliegu-vv itism OiUMurla.

DEATHS.f 'l ,AUK.-O n June at, MlrliAcl OUik, Cgcd 4i}

yr-nrs, 7 irumlhH. llelaUvrs and friends or (He di-iv.iM'tl are rpHjHN-iftiTy to>lu<d pjaUviid th* funeral Irnm h a lute roahlemn, Nv. -VM l^nikaio HYcnne, kturnv, on Monduy, June &, a l'iT .M . (u. H. Tliia'e thiuri-b, Inietnuiol In Uie O iac* lei> o f Ihe Knly Hi-|pukrhrt*,

KA V.- Ain June 21, Tliomsa 1*.. auri o f Jolin And Juba Toy, s(««l %» VNATM, a iiiamtii srul U dafo. ItelKilvi'o and fncn-laoi ihatIa(-<'i<Hi‘<1 are reswet- rutty Invited to stlPfid the ftincral rrom the n-Krileiiif of lilaparenis, Nu. S77 Ogtlen HlriHil, on Mniiilor June 'J4. ut » A. M., to tlie rslhedrul, when-a Solemn lllgh Mum o f lieunleiii wiil be nili-riMii fnr ilie retnise o f hU soul, luli-rua-ut In thetV-mclery o f liie lirdy aepnl -lire.

IIKNIIV.-*On HiiiolHy, June 18. Imw. a t » A. M., I pamiTuI iilTiP'Wj John Henry,

HRi'rt W yi-iirn. 1 miinih and 1« iirtya It.-liiilviaafter n long muiIHged M yi'iirn, 1 ir............................ .................. .mill frn-niK mnl Hie njeiulH'ti, o f lleiniiier Turn Nu ;si. u . A. IL: Alplm IrfulKe Nu.IkRi, K. o f II,: (term siiU DaLte No. .VQ. K. of : Kiidowment IlHUk, K, o f T.; MiilualU hI^' No 87, K. u»d L. ol (k K ; 4Y»liiiutiUH iMHiijtf No. t, l.irrierdom viilA : Truth Wiinl Her- mmi Mulual i.<1lV liisur.nit^e Tompuny; HL MteidiCil'K Ik-Iieynloill |HOi|e|v ; 'rr‘ ot<mla ifciu-vry lent Hfir-leiy No. I ; J.ail)eii' ll->h I nnil llund Ho- uel-)- No. I,Ilf Jerjiey l l i v ; Herman ThitnerKo- ch-t) ; M.irUi't Wild tiunfeocra' jsiviviy, l-hiief- pTlM- linlldhig und f>rK(ii .AmHchl.iUi>>i, atnl (Vm- M<rdo(. Thu-iiix und («aini iiiU Hinging KH-h-tieH ore licrehy ii-iHH iPill)' mvili'.l III uticnil fils fujidrul from IiIn lai»- reHldem-e, im? Kerry Him-i, n-i Hllud ly, JUU* -;|, I|u4t Hi 'i I'. U. Iii1«rmriii1n WiXMlhiim ('i-ioi’ iery,

M A id'll',--!In June 2t. ( allmrlm-, daughter of Jiihnund IM h-v- ’u Mnloy. ngi*4l it y(*ara. Jiela- IneKanii rrh-inlfi o f its« ile-i-a-Hil mnl nieiohern iiftiicCJiilldH-h nl Mwry nrere-iH-.-ifnJiy IjjvIuhI in niieiiil llie tiinerU from [|iu rcMlikiixw of her p iien ii No. Wi ll|ecc4er street, on JiIondAy, June *1, III (>:-•> A. M..U» the ('utheilral, where a Hli;h Mh*vi o f lti‘ i]n:(-ii> will fo! iinere«l for IIim -o- |H0i-o( hi-r ooiil. liiU-rmcnl In the Temeiery of the Holy h*-|ni1i-lin!.

M ANM N ti, -I In Thiiriiiji!«y, June 2o, lH(tU, JulD A.. vtifV o f W«it4<r K. MHinilnu, (ie. i.>tiaH|, Atfod M veuFM Slid-J tiKHil Iim. tlelMlIvCM mid rrleuihi are Invili'd tnnlienil licr funerul rmKniiday, June2J, Ih-Hi, 111 'I m T W., fYnni ih<- rcsnleiicenf her dsuiili tiT. ^Ifh. Kiiimu K iKiugherly, No. ifTl ldifn]’eM« Mltti-I. InlrrUK JII 111 Miium I'^eatuni T-i-niulery.

MA^K. (Ill Jime'ki Mi 4 -*i il. Mhm>. In ills 7;id yi-<«r. Timtr.UHeivlieR w Jl lie hi-td at the reel ih n e n f.M ro , Jt-mi»i|i* n Hi.Imoii, 57 hpr ng hirn-i, on siiMilHy', JsioH JM, i*vei, nt'J I'. M. Itels |i\OH AuU frjHulw i»r the fitinl y ore reMpertfuiJy Jtiviii-tl Inimiiu-nl ul li vlnah'it Ti-meliry.

M (H'itlJ-'. (In JliiH*'J0, IKMi.TliomiMl MoUu'r^-, luje.l ai yf'HlH- Ui-lHli^-eaHinl fiIi*urjN are fen|h‘t-i fully ]jii iIih] Ui ettend ihi- fiiin-r,vi friini hla lule n-Hidniit«, No, 7ii Ni-ssark s in fi , on Hnndrt.v, June

h1 I T nl , In et. .low-jdi h S 1lUri-)i. I ritercueni 111 the lenreterj o f ine Iloli HiuiiiUhre.

TIItJ.M.AK Al Humkivo, N. V , oil Jons Zl.Hiimoei, mtl.v *-ti»Ul I'f t il‘ mli-Hnoon-t imd A ...... J.Thojose, fiyfd IH yeHre arul II moiillis. I4el*-Mveii and I’rtenlH are 1nv!U-ti lo niiend tiU AmerrtI from ihe ri>itid>-m-e id Ids Krjuuir.Uher, Joim IL Vuii Nume. Itehl kvciiiu-, lliopklyo, 41(1 HumlH) , lllm•‘J:l,ut IT. M- lni<-r;m-ii( si Ksir mount Ifa-mi-b-Tj- on Moinhij. Jiiin ‘Al,nl ie:X'A.M

lErsiulOel.W kliN I'R H .W , A ’ NK i r BiZo'cIock V U ,

A'-r.iiu i*. JirinUiin. adm Titilratiir, will uffkr for tale the properly

N I W I'AUK sTKKhrr,near Mult#jry. House wltb tot runalagioanil fiO iTttg wi Jiuraiid sircel For tuII jiarticwluii

^ h o WKI-L.Mi licaf l-aiata Ofilne. fJV Kroad nl

l^ trm HAUI BY


FIFTY liR h n U B I.E B V lU H N ti IAJTn

fkima (or rsaldanos and soma (srbiisiusai pur­

poses. eo



No hatter liorgsiiA ofFtrsd la Rswark..

For pArticbUus. Inqiilrtoi


K t II C U N T ijV HT.

SIqu* * * enS naam ata r H *nt.V i^ A K r i iw i r m t h kAI-DINK,

Kronltng oo WaablngWn Tark ; iiOSHraiioit In llis fall.

iVo. 41 AilaaitIcsL, near Irfimbanly at. * rooms and all Jinjirovemenla lociiioo very reniral* ’I'hiM huu-w- Is now iielni pul in order at coutidsr ahlaeapemw.

The secontl ami third slorlei uf N-n- W Broad a i, oppovia TrhiUy ('h iirch .t lOuioA all newly pa|K-r»«| aiid |»ainieit :t.laN]iHng. H. HKNNIH, Mdflity Kulidmg.

T.'il Hroid a i

trio iMAnior. Kveidng siihj«*i-l **l'h4< J.aal Hreat Met lo ig " M< o'HorrtycT meriing a:A> IV bl Htm-

iii>oJ -Ai T M- Al Ihe M-rvk-es every seal friM‘ mid (uery one SM-h'nn>t

Hill’ l l ) iMi-Tr-Ar OiMiHi 1). Kinney sirset. near lirosd Uev J. |i I.iiL'Ilsh, D, (1 twAnr.wilf

firrA< h HUliHlay ut lOJii A M, i-n I a l 7:4& F- H., iln last naruxtiM IjrlurcMilliig fur PMiope. ITayer

mii-Uiig V il A. M HUiidny s-'hOoi L v T. M. Frsyi-r toCxllog 7 }', M Youn< jicuplc's nuMitl'ia 'I'malit} eRcJilijB T.iV IteMUiar church nrsyer m eeting‘i'lmrw^ny n\siilngt:4&. A ll are fijvitedto uil IJiCH- me-ilojp.

TliO rtiurrh of Hod nieeta at llu lld en and TiaderM' ro^iiiu, Nu. HCUninn slrcei, every Huie dur K( t-jo P. M. H|N‘aklnxBi 3 F. M. by Rainuel Wlf»)ii Hiih>n'l. *' lleAiirt'iilim o f tbs Jusl."

Ifii-eiTAi. Ur riT JiAiiNAUiui lllg b and MoiitKoniery Mtit-eia Huuday aeryhw at 4-go 1*. M. All Meh-ome.

VocvHi Mkd 's (uiaiHTiAw Ao'kK'iArinx.rilhlun elreel. near llrond. itooiiix o|>e«i fri»in 0 t» 10 A. M.. and froui 2 lo $ J* M- WorkerV Tialulruri:UARiiU>:lu, to ig h l l.iv Hect-ctHry <v>f- roii-L lo-'^on la F ltm a u f Mi'idy for (tie Hummer Mimtlis/' At 4J-1 T M N tiien's UiaSHiiKH-ln-jii Hill l.e heM. A notn *r ol the workers wUl hjn-uk 11)1 ' ’Tho Kto*-y of a IiraRC V onDv Man. "J fu-u- uiil Ih- ipwHl vhiglOK by Ihe hou) Wlnneis' le-dgne.

Wi«ii-(ii's f'hristimi T'-inperarjoe TJolon, MuK iM-rry hir*i-( loMr .tla>k-d H'lrolay ni-ellnus si 4 iind . *•> 111 rtmuce of Wru Ifitirieol hod Mra C. H. Wurif.<i nt 'll Iji charge i>f Mra J. |i. Kiisgcruii). Trni«'iM-rvlce aS b:.w in ciiarge r-if I'uuiig Tt-ople'H I'uhiii’s riirUII-oi lemp'»ranra (Inlnn, No « Iii-lit-\U|e avemic H iii;lhy,4T M., the nioctltia will|lif> fliidrcviH hv Mr J. M. >.-i|M-iinhleX KVHUiiig 7: Ri. livUiy klomnan. Hilile clasa, ■J :»i. In i-lmrae o f ,>| r. M non-

Ml-'-*** llinhi-y Hn4 Innu-nn. 12 Acsdeivy rtreei SiMiitKy 1 and 7-4.* T M. l^uogH o f pea a -, tc-ul- (MUhlcH and short summary o f ei|M.-rJe-kcva ly MlHsitinapk, H dohy.M isi JHim-au. Ail s ln ii- )fHr*iiYirdi»My luvJls I, *'* j

llui^bfi i ’eiilRH-ootwill s)wik and Mrs. Feairu r(Ml will MUig at tlie Ih-nevllte Avsnua JOitk, t»- inOrrow evcoliia. at I Vi o ’clock. Kuniert: "A lloHit lo Fri-v-<b’in o f Thoughi, bp'eclii and CiOD* duct.'




R]»erlally. Mental and iliysical Deldbly, Rheu- mallarii, (Jcuil and all Nkin JiIihuuss. Head oflica,


( 1 T,.4HHWAItKANriJ>lNll IM O FAJ.l. K2NH8K g loaned for iiii-uiLwamt 4-xL-nrsioni ui

I>. A A. KAMUFI.’ H,(Virner Market find WMliIngton sta. 40b

1 AM en U,L AT m M AUK KT R t .” HPOT outli scR-oini hand ftirnhure. cotiuiera, aliow*


I AflfhX" IIAER- (INLY AHlHfT TW O JwiH-ks left, don't tuIhh II. (4ray and plalu

rwltclieatiiwl Ijmiks. etc.Jew Ilian liaif price. sTr _ I 'K 'r r r r h , Uauk. naar Hroud.

Om iKU VIIFR FI.AflH H .hX OF NOYKH A HAVIliHON, laikicr lUOimfiirlurerB, M

liriiogosu BNl

I^ATKSTH im .iK K A m .,Hohciuirsof Air-erican and Forrlgn Patonbi

Aliys’ In uslent 4?oihw iH.-toro iha 1> H. (VurtA HwiiMalciii and fOwirliAl Kngluoers aad Ka* iierU. (.kiiuullaUon friv, Itkt aim ItfM A K M K T HT.,aoulh aids, iwo ihMirs >veai o f Broad at The oKleai oaUlih ihed house Ui ilw HlaiA. T w M iy- Bve yeanf* experi<-nr«. Dei man sprHct-ft.

I JURE W A T K H H U P P L V - Pracllcal ecnklng i>f

' BOltKll, m iu AND IiR lV K N WRLLK

1>ea1er In Fnn-OMitd Lift J'uinpa, 1 Wiirrauieil unl'.rrt*e»lnf,

Wells i-lenuel and rep: t>neral » * KHTI'H Dl-ti W R i.b 'K,NTri<ATOlL‘ A « Cali or ad*

dresa, (JilAA lilt Ji. £>& ('AM i)K N HT.

SKAT AtXlim iTliN ri.K A T IM lH MAHK.......................... ,__; «arjuue-etl e ftiM-fll f.ihrn-H uot to i-haogs «xii4>r. Atcu-rdKm


(JA T .M iK lI A N ii D A Y KlIVKU iH All.VN -U-mI; niciirHiuIu, liesdn-tie um) u)l

Iriioiih'H hy i-h>c(riHb-- Ml lllti)AI> n’1’. &hI

IAOJl IN V A l.tllH WK MAK K TIIR KlNKHl’ , uiuHWiul(rati-ly nnvorin|ifv*;n*,iiu, Jl WAl.''IE

A Ul.. 121 MurkeisL 'IVli-i>hone.yi7

I AXVVKHH I I .W IM I TIIK liKNCAS Jtul*-. nfi-HHfumis, In rhnrML-WIN uh jiHi' com-

unnilcuti' wllh MlM4 J .r .d . rjji Faifjiiounl avi'.. Khr-dH-ili. N J, iJix

STKAM HAT rUI'XHlNU •hU.SJ M K.llMl'Vl.KH rtiid Ii.iIh tlnlslH-dlii From J txi.1 (isv«, id J. ||.

HKNKo \Nh, f i t Washniguni si., bciwt-en Mur- kel tiUd itnlik.

ITN1«*N KI’ ll .lW H AT Hl.KA L'JJ Kll Y I.A- ' HiH-.'sIniw I'le^AixUn nil tiH-lnit-h{ Mb u<ca P.

F lT /l 'A 'n t ir K . l t?i HiilN-y Hi., neurheiU ■wcT.-Vir\vrA i.,H irH rK i,K m iA 'n -:n tr itu m miuj-H f r li r uld ftdks who raniiiH ri'Rl nt nl|ht,lc.

perpn kngft iL WA «l l.'O.. rjl MiWkeTsL

AVr II Y K 'K F K U WITH Ul.iMlNKfart, lur-M lH, graunlstloih m-ar algliioilneiiH or

weak cyiM, whciu-h-rirotle ivlll wire you wUh4>ut juln or Hiilh^im. K11 mui.yijfcT ______Ml\ i ’' l l v A l :i ; Vtill 1»Ki£ f -WIIKN Tiuili^ V f su «1» have I Ci-ri tiisdc lo hear hy tlic -^ou-

ih-lpJl •■fhi’lKuf ch-« iriHlc, 111 ItH 'IAtlS ’r. Mlt *1 r tr fk /\ «V F K K ](K IIN IN NKWAUK I t > * e M r s Fciirr-rt h*-Clecirnde : iimatiMalUiri

mid one U-euiroeiit rrw- Ml IMUiAliHT. M)

fo io ii» l|i|i A i u j —V * —r i l l lK N ..J .E K ni! ltN l> A n )T .A tW ,(,)fT trH

1 loniiNhlp o f KrpDklln for (h<* yi>ar Ima, has dwen mljounmd tp J u!y tk, iwH Thuriklay, 2 P. M.. aikllhiary Hall, FrauKiln, KaM'i, t'nuntv.N. J

I t B, CDNNINiDIA’M.. . r-odN-tororXAian.UkUd JajM n, 1M»» gat

HAl.E-A Inmd-wme ih-rv house, ntoe rouniA. taurdry

wi|b Rtalirmtry Inha. baUiroaui. etc,, finished in harduojd .all modern roavetilcnceo. lot SVrICIS, aiM-Ai gruded. Sewered, curbed-and Uagged: ek-j vat 100 ftwt ahov# Urtowiter: approach Ibroujch the tiiieU part of Iha cUy. Ni ualJ cash |wyai-ni ; balanfc very ertjr lartiiA

F o il H.iLK--lnvBalniPnl laciirltlea. real estate bnala. sniuA froin g> to guiu. Dividend uf five i>er cent first year, six per t^aU second ysai

j . w a k d NMITH.Rooina • and *, Miu Hr-wd el.


(inRiae, 11 ruuEiis. all improvemaata, lot wxiKi,MajdeaRe.

House. It rooirit, all IcnproTeroents, lot UiQvIfiO, Arhugion s v e , b ist Orange.

jiuiiae. (•ot Mid Hiaeie. on Orchard •(, Ne'vnrk.


I.^Olt RAl.K -

l iinvatliiu marhineH furM lo ul lUMKNH'l'KlN'H, 1!I7 Wartilngtonst.

^ ^ K M d VAI, o f Ui->HnKNClt

D R II. C. IIKKDUY,ncaidonc*. rONTINKNTAli IlO T B l,. OfllM,

w l lu n A l) HTJCKlCr, near (rraiige ■tri-Mt 1 [oura, 8 lo V A. M. 1 lo 3, 7 to t I '. l f .Hotel tclcphiitie Nil. 383.Ofllr'C lelephonc No. ___ Mo

^rpItlTN U n. IIAHR.HATdllKlit 1 and Kenl< dress caaea, aLiO

Ltniksoii tool R. P. Mrl.lUH'*MA('K. &'J8 Mnwid at., upponlto

WasinugtooPark. Tntiiksrepaired atahort inr- U,ie.

7 5 CKNTH FIAN'OH TUNKD. RKPAtHKlA rt-Ririing, lone reiiorisl. eu-.,hy an exiiert. I ordors Al WIU.EAM ZIU M KH M a N A


r.AUOK HAl.K. OF FINK F U flN lT U llB . KI.K-


M. j . O'OONNOU, • * A U em oN R K R .

will sell at avlearoom. liS Id A U E in ' HT.,

MONDAY, JUNK M, iW ? p. W..

Parlor HuIIhIii Bugs, Rl)k I' Itish and other cover- liigM l'haiid>er Rulis. I'uli'iit FoMIdr Keda. Book- c-ases, Wardroliei, Hail HUndr. U. T. and Kkieo- stuii I'aliUfa, Ikibim-t M, T. Dreasors, Bureaua, Wnehstiiiula, fiUungea, Wei. Mid other Fledstesdai Chain, Hurhers, very line M-T. Mlrror-ltack iluf- fvU.odd Ciiulrs, cic.. etc.; about-10 Oarpeta in Vot- Vels, llriiscH and Ingruln, largo Hmyrna Mii.-ia, TOO yantsgoRHl new Oih-lr>lh, (Virled Ifalr and Other Mat(r4Vi--trM. HprlntCH, Portieres, Plrluren, Ulrrora, Jiiiats, Uinhr«>lla RiuinlH, lU-fi-lgcralors. flardeQ I tow-, and n varlrty o f other goods. 4lt


NawAHK, June 10, IM .

1‘ ropossls are suLldt^ fur supplylbf the Board o f txiur-iition wlU> s>»oui

lO C U m c VAItie*. M O «K OH LKHH, □ »


to be ilellverC!] on the grounds o f the


Filth ave„ eor. CljUct rt., mul pn-'pcTly groAed Under Hn d ni-liotiuf the IhwLrTP.RKupcriiilCJirtODl uf Krevll*>ii ami Uniwlra Meaaureinent to be fiiadr in iTMiik by tbe C'ily Hurveyor. W ork lob e ooniiiletc^l on Or before July 20, IM .

I'lOjKwnls Mldresoixl (O HKNUY C. K l.U M U, (ihairmaih nuud iw Infl ol Ihia ofilco On or before T uesds). June 45.4 P. N.

C1F>), W. PAflK,

3ftr__________________________________ Re"rctary.


T inA ittia i.ONKY Trfl.VNKD IHYJN FUHNITPHF wJ(Jn> ri'iic-ival Ult(K!KRV,fl3(Tai>e KL %)

V \ rA N T K .D -A T/IAN flF O FDH TJIMKR TV mimtiis; full nml chaiieJ iivurigadC as

nc«nrlty; rcfi‘ri'ii*»-H, AiUresi Ml l'H< I’d Pr, Iioji I». News office.

5 TO t PICll CKNT. F tm HALR. TiFAIi ealAle Mccar ties In hitiotiniA Irum 15 lo 4‘iiq,

iJiR-llcmhl imyable firsi ilny» o f seutomlwr, lfa-i‘rmt>cr. Msrvh end June. J. W A K D k M I l ’H.HUu Hniml St. r\>onis eand 4. (lit^ I n l U W h l<HAN ON HOM) AND RiP I \jr*\/\/V"m<>rlgii,ae st Riicr i"enL In auins nml fur ]x-Ho-ls lu amt tlir tmrrirwcr; ne Imnus nor {-omnila^lon txaL'lCl; all iici-ewiary papers (’arpfully prepared, 4‘Ua UI.KH A. FKIPK. cQiunMilIor at Uw, nn Pioa 1 n . jj*

K o a I a i i 6 V o u n 6 «

To s t o n FIUHAV A nK nN O D N .H hU lH lI- JhJiu'k Hkye lernor, alKinl ai* ujonUia old, lo.ig hair, iliin III pali-his. A libi-ral reward wfll tm

lAbl fur Us rvtiiru to MM JHUj a D hT,, corner of Kulbm. 3yt

J OHT .UI.Al’ K, W H fTK a m i ’I KLI.OW- JM)innd Imininidorf. fni nm',inl w-illiwjinhl

reUiftiiKl to PC W U X I AM H r. j «

I ()HT-UMiNKH mu>AD A N Im Tk KTiN T lX , I J lss in lfh l.a brlndle |mp wllh nickal 4X>llat,Ib'Warri ^ M w A4HI KH'JHK KP.

I DHT- ON -n ’ fMT)A ’i” « l.A C K A N D TAN. . !* wUl bejHnd if retuniedIn -ikiKOUrii sTH hT. m

j^ h -r iiK pe.a n h a n h t h u k k u p M o if ic A -i^rfains lost, la r n i f i tripu Npruce aL through linwMd b> iSiDagllrTi] iTW. uaar OnurUiotise HawsrJ *)u r s ir > r s^ «Q t '| fM A K IflP- - m

('usHtiiiil SI , O rs i^ , N J.. a two-aiory friine hmne. h ilw t Ul, in<idern Uuproveluctita. anil pi<*ntv o ftru lt ................price |5.(iw

I.aki'HDOl ave., buusa and lot. someirnll............. .......... ............................ priiv

Park live- unit riHVcUn jst., ll-r^k>t)i humic, lot el m ill, plenty o f frull amt shiuletrcHM,........... ................ . ...................price Kkiifiy

J. J. ttfllW IK A ( V., _____________________________ rZB UKOADHT.


Jirntse Hinith eth st, near horse cartk..........Ifmioe Houih8ih Ht-i heoi hurts CHra............ 2y<4}


la rge lio£je, 3 a-'n^s ground, (rv1ngt<<nWill e re b s n ^ fur inislh-r pvn|iert>.... . 1 i.mutiiipnivVd rUy pruiierty bievchatigr furafuJiii

frH-atnl clenr.J|g»u«v« ami tots in a'I parU o f tbs rlly from

IbiiO.i tot^LUNJ, (or sale orevchnngr............. - HOWKLI-.

I 'R O ll H A l.K -A DKHlkAllLK urc|>erty In

nil iinpruveme oiher huitae e.i the lot JUHN J. IiKVENK

J ' urn|>erty In iheUh W<ird; house uf 10 ro'uiLH: nil III ■ ■ .

IiMHI HAI.F.-( JIOK'K l/QTK ON THE P>- ' tHleofJuhu M. PhlU'u\ Wondslde; Und dry a,wl hehlilifttl: drainage rlrM-cliauj within 8 nun

ntvi' vtoflc <if Krlo or Ktdland DeiHits; atfceia Eluded,curbed and fliigsd ‘ fins iliide aiul frull trees, gas and waUr pipes Iu fn m tof every tot- t>?nij.R etsy lo purchasers who wlJl make n>eJ a n i Imniedtsls Intprovenienta Applr al IJI LINC’OI.N A V R . or HKWKS A t 'U lL L D W B lrg?i W ork!. Orangs and Dgdia ata ______

TORN FU, . '10ro<niLHjiripruvemenPt; lot M x i# : rixnu tobinhl an-

■ ..................... iV tS KZ t'lln ion St.

INOll hADK-KPKCIAL B A K lU IN T O HET- .L* tleewUle. houM-aiid lotAlieitntn ave.; huuse and lot Jlnmsalck hL: lou on llnntenlon st., tf-oi! sudgrOO. W M A. HOWKLL. real estate ohii-e, ;.9 iH rodH t -air

1/IOK HAl.K IIDUHK. » UOOMH, W ATKH g sJieH ler.ieiiientiellar and sewer i-nmiec-

tlonsylot MrIU) No muujnahle olTer refiiwsL IrKjulreon jirrmtsea. IH WKbT K INNEY Hr,, tuar IDk k___________________________________^

IAOlt HAT.K-HOrflK ON AHAMH HT., KIX ’ roomo, good u HI and riaterii; very llule caah

r«*qulre<i. OMl.KS F. QUINN, real esiate Mini luHuraiict*, 16 Mullierry, 2ni

1540lt RALK - A (Y)RNKR BTJHINRhh PRO?' 4Ttyoii tl ■

on w-llliiH uriJ. DKVlNV^.&OiititoniiL

4*rtyoii the Bowery, dorv iiayHng il per i^^nt. wllliit; pTh-c : a llrsVc— ' ------■------ *irh-c ; a llrsVclass laveilTnent. j o i l N

■ ..................... HHliV D i RAI,K AND KEL'HANUK^-HOUHhSI, F fiirins, ot and i-tola in amid locations. Auiiiy t(»T. W. IL UA') NkH, iiuuratire and KealKa- late.m t itruad r t . _________________________ 771

]N01( RAl,K-HOUBK.t| ROuMM,FITTEDFiHi ' -itanitllas; prlTsipjflOL MHOARSIDEBT. 4J(

AT FAC T O hV -T K K MACHfNKK,TlHHJS, riilurea a,*»i enlira eoulpmeot o f the HoothI I

I iranat 11 at Faciory-capa<ity 24 dosen |wr ilaj- fur Mile at a imraMik rayer pim-hiuw 1 leiHj the prem'sea. locbnung sitini iKilh-r, onfsvuTdblv U-rma Apply 10 W:

, r NapierN J. KUburn dt Taylor, Roulh Orange, N. Jc ire of F erryAN ai N J. Kliburn 4 '1 .. agCHtS for the properly,

, - ,H . CLAKKHON,ler,4KI Market At.. Newark,


HO IM XA N D liOT-UHKAP FORCABH IF sold at once, house and kir oh Murray et., Mb Wsrd 4 lut 32 feR Iront. Aildreiifl

an__________________Q FK ’K, Box l \ thUoUca.

N A T IV K l^ANiJ-THK m-WT ANUAlHtbNT lavliin b a n k , will not bust, alwava on ihe

grofiniL Elegant lots on Cllnlou PsrK,Clinton hve,, B adw r Bve., Jellff and Peshineaves., IHh Ward, high, ele^'ani ground,, fine views, In fact, dnetti tract o f larni to tbs city. Will »eli low for cA abof on monthly'psymsiiM ot |is per munth. ]g» slur fJElO m 1490oacb. htreeta n lllbe grnded, nirbed and fla g ^ l : that aerilou o( the city is Improving very r u t ; 1q (act. the l>nsi living part (>r the city. Dood title, guaranteed by tbe Fliielli* iXkiiipany. Broad fireet home cars u#<n Ihe tract; VO see It JOHN M. HUKNE1T. 191 Mar­ket i(L, Newark's Iteal f-Atale Man. Manager. 64n

'U W nm iH K AND IX)T FOR SADR NO. „ i Zoo Wafnul i l ; bU modern improvemeiita: rRmR-enh-iiiu> horse cars, f'aidi price ■En­quire F. FI KKC'IL 117 Oliver 6U Tl pNU


-IJK^'D I.IAKD Y HOOD REAL E8 TATK IN - I vtatmejiL. Address J. Z. E.. Box X., News

ofilce. Tti

(£ k «»r k rk W BUY ItOUHE IK KI01ITII ^ e > a / \ JW nrd; new l-rooiD houas, suitable fur two femUlea, ihcalhefi. oapered and Improve- mentR ; first ftimr now rcnHol for|H, aecono fo»or wlJl hr ng i]3 ■ rMh pH<« iLwo, or moo down, K* muulhly. JOHN DUNN, owDtr, 47 Clifton

d b A F v r v EV FAY'INQ TH IS StTM YOU (niy a new nven-room oottage,

rxmtnliilng water and be iter, lot M by 2(U foot, or will let for |)T per month, Apply to A. (i. WKINKlUH,l3GtfylVMiaTe.,or DeoffSD. Hardy, m<.!i»y sL

1 ' o r ' iJjhu ilitlng loU for CMdi; plieawaUte price andwnere sRunted. Addrwfal.'t _______________LOTj Bo e H, News office.

fiostrOlug,AT.-TW O NIDKLY FUR-

isbM j-onm'O'lng roonu (parlor Add t>ed-( \ ATI.ANTU«riilsb«d ronm'O'lng rooms (parlor rwtni, and either rooms | table board.

1J^ M ABBH Al.l.ST.-FUIlN iaH RD BfXIM H , rljviU i ur without b oard ; all Improve-

nieiiUL , uiq

aENTJtKHT..NRARrAJtK FL.-PLK AR. ani roonaa, with b o a r d , ____________Hb1 7

2 t !• FUDTON HT.-ALCOVK AND OTJtKH ^ftiridahed rouioB, with flTst-clajii lioard, 7ap

O Q l i n o V K HT., UOR MABKET, Nl-.AU j^O JlU h--N 'oeT p furhliLed room and t o m l : aJnOtahlelo-fcrd. Kq

• * r FDUM HT.-TWO CONNKCTINtJ ROOMH «> vninnly ftjrnlshod, iiitlsble for m m and wlfo

A i \ t-UlN'rON Kl’.-RfMiMH. W ITH OHvkithoul board ! tAhltf board, iis

,*r|kTAIlK HT. - NICKLY FUEN lBIlKD e lv fra o iu s , wIili or without board 1 ^ so lahM board I with uaenf tialh. ifis

r ;Q N K W BT,-]lO AhD , QKNTI.KUAN AND t lO w t fp . nod single geiilleiuat) and ladies: table iMtarillHa Week, jx

g * ^ k CUN'JXm B T .-B O A R m N a, A l.H O TPtytvlile laurd. ygq1 r I FI.ANK HT.^OOOl) HOARD, FLklAH- J . O - l .a n i ruuMOB, horns itimforta, 091

t > f T O FI.ANK ET. J'LKABANT RCKlMRjm I O w llh iK unl: all cohvenleocea. Olni

O O U I f i r m HT. - I.AIMJK. FUHNLSHKTl A p e J ^ rn in tro o m , withtwth; suitable for two genUMiieu ; with or wlihout l>oinL__________ ^

/ I I I W 8 T ,-P L E A S A N T HUOMHJ A r O with tmurdi hath and all ItBprnvw

menta. _______ 2 ^ 1

1 >OAUl>-flK<\)N'J>4iTOHY PRONT.AIXXIVK I Froum tulei, whh or without boant; central

lu -utluft Iu privhlp l,.nilly ; qu ei i ie .^ b irhood 5 ivriTiR moderaia Addrem U» F. W « News otibe _ gjp•f IDAHD-PLKAHANT FRONT ROOM IN DK- J.vllghtfnl eiimmcr location In lioaevlile ave.: very camventeni to Newark or New York. Aib urestil.. )tox 1, Kvanlog NewiofTtce, 4-liI *riAliH-D4X)D BOARD AND PI.KAEANT

J . f uKfms; one etipedsUy for man end wifo.b u r a n o k p i .

W ITH.......................... Ha

n (IA lU ilN d -K X r K I .I .is T BOAKII W r,M pie. a ;nl rooms lor married ixiuples or single

geiiiH ; terms rcKioituDle ; no bnaraiiig houaa for- n*i»Mt.oe. ei7 BHUAD. entram’OQn (.ourt 4^V f T 0 K L Y FURN lH irko'^ ltO O M S^w iTna N tioard; aJKO talde board, at

illl_____________________ la COLUMBIA ST.

I SUATIJI - 1‘LKABANT BOOMS,J >lpOrtrd,_al H> fcl.M W . _____________

K iA iu iiN fi-K x r E T .L ifr r b o a r d w i t h

I >I.Fu\HANT VUBNISHKD RttOMS W ITH i ur without board : every cunvanlauce ; home ciiwrurU Addn-HBJIBTATR 8T. bli

il)OM ANIl HOAEIJ v o n ONK OKNTI.K- jn in II ,4 M PLAN K M T. Hr

r|1AHl.K h o a k d e b s r A ( f BB AIXm M UrtS iluUiil U-ll II uh I hnaKtl a • lari tl r i •> n't,. ' 'ACT AlAaiMMfl-ilab-<i wHiig4>o J boartLpUfo FLANK HT. aZa

A N T E D -T W O OENTLEMEN BDARl)........................... i<ix


— iTTv i-'ikii I j r-.-ariCT 0 i; a k J}ervliuiriralafom lly. Address HOMK. B<ix

U, r»eww oTlice.

9 t i» t r n c t t a n .' S e b u h , KIc.

Q llO O T H A N il-V O U H U MEN AN OI.ADIKS I ^ wjiiiMmI lo leara shorthand ; private loslmc- tlnnulUj by A braoDual reporter i l« years' ex- Iteriemwt ne Atllurm; litaillq iii asi-iired for piiljUs, send for lister names « g ^ i aj-eo lteus; b w k and ciroalaia am . llA im iEO N .aleaoirraplw , m Bread(snci^Stvi . New-

3 1

t ld i l . l I lK H r Y HT. TWO IlKVR KODMH TO a i s / l e k ___________________ «•»

HAIHKYHT, Fl.lCAHANTFUHNJfliHFll ruums to le t ; privnU- riiuhy. G4p

4 i » HI.KW KKK NKWI-Y FCll-^ v ln ls h e d ruoui for grnlleman ; usv uf bat’i ; fjWHek,r / V * DIMTFl'.NTI] A V K HANIWINKHKO-

(iiior, 3riK>uiH, laundry and iilhar liuproveiuenU i rvmtuiin>de reuL A]>pty uu

O i l Q M I D BFHftV H T .-n K H . FJtf.iNT ^ l l O r u o i i k i for ge itleiueii, with bath. ;:2t

I P ItJ Mcr.nivUKV NT. r, iukim k w i t h eP O wslcr. tfo ; ixweniNlon liurne«ll itely. Its

O f jJ iD lO .U ) HT. - ’n iH K K OR FOUR * / i O ruom s. suiialiie fiu yenng men TU

AJ'.\ ltTMi:N’l>l IN NKW HOUHbX. H* AND tSUUiKh HI.

hi-<-orKl r«iof. im d d e ................. ...................... |rt «)NeK-uiid finer, corMcr Acadeiii.v..Third fl Kir ' Am dejiiy.................. . . H 00'I'iiird Miww. luilde . . ......... . H 00Fourth rlMor, 111. nvi (,'anai ............................. IZ 00Fniirli) iliior, hisnlr, Nn. 42n,........ ................ il 00

’I'licsatHiUMCT have many «-4<nvenIencea for ten ant«anr'ii Mdmnh wHlF-rafon-ual.'OHtMu' In oel tar. '>C*U'r tio^ex. Mater clo-wU amt stiilouary wjwih-HiiNi, with arraD:emeuU for dtying chith«.<i uni-uof 4.Ati Ih- hw-u i»y ItajuUlng ofJt.DtU»rat Academy st, ciitreii'v-.

AlSitapariint-ntrinf fmir rrK>mseHfh (niJlr-4.sec­ond and ihlr,t rii>nTii, No. 1« K->te\ st,|l2am l lit, ai-cordini: to lo-tation, aim Iwttguod iuomlsoii timl tb>er 76 Oran re si., Sa.4 7 1 ________ J. ir MKKKKR.Jt . M llroHlat.

\FUHNiHilKU 114K>M; ADSO A IIALI^ ^ rtHUn. H4 MAKKhrr HT _ 15

IyAHKMKST 'I’l l I.KP -HlinWHI.K FOR A kiue^-hank. J77 UAJLKOAD A V K Ueiit«A. Mt

M O TTCK — A d v «r (lM in e iit« nfader t b «

hefada o f ** lle lp W intod,** “ K io p lo y m e o l YTlinleit^** ' 'F o r Iteitt," •• L o st an d Pound,** • 'F or tl»l*.* ' “ K oardlar,** » r « r a o n « l , ” o te .r » r o p iib llsh a d M O d« C ent is W ord f o r rnaclj Ineortium N o AdverHaetn(,Q|

la k e o fo r leas t li »n le n c^enU an Inaonloifa

| *O X i(\ K I?IU t W ANTED AT O.Tr‘K~ ■ >Tw uiiiy-fl'e eiperlenrnl paper Imsmakeil*

p oo ls iea d y work gusts t-e<(; coioe iirep’uwl lo work V o ida.v (nornluK DHHuliN p a TKKT I 'A ? K k HVX fO .. IK Mai ket SI. *4

HO Y H .W A N T K D 1'KKD 7 0 ( ’FTTiNlJ diiwo and lolur ngioj-ktea, Apii’ y a ti'K A ff K

,i l:0'rt,, vurMer McHliurierand Olftei sla m


In Ui«(ImgiHuitieak Address,siaiiugage,

•ot lirklNKrtH, Box W, K vejjlnj N sw ao ‘hfe.

Ho v tVANTKD IN FAU Tim Y-O N K L lV -lug III nrigliloriKi^

4-t 'J4I W a HIUNUTDN A V K■ > r F F K I l-A N D HAO 1‘OI.IHIIKHR W a n T - l> e d . A|ip y ■( CRANK dUkJ.'H,cor UeWjtor-

ter Kud Onvi-mt*.

g’ l A RrKNTKUH WA NTKiTm X (IOOD Da iU \ ./peiiiers fur uiaide wurk. Appiv a to u ce .jo H ff I'. (JJOHKNKKIMl-jil, MS Eruuias at. 7-jk

^IHHDKKH. f< m i'IIK R H AND LKa U N K M ^^WAiiibd cm i-i»r«U JOHN IL BOWUllH A 0 0 ., Willlnm, nor. Hhipnmii al. nu

f llH lLKH H - WANTED, 1 FiH K TCIO H I -alifriiai curlers; sU-a<ly en*ploj lueut. good

ji rlca»s imid. w . Jl. MOONKV dr iKt., “


1 1

KOAD HT. O F F IfK l FOK HK N T- <.‘en(r«l l(iicatioii. Apply u»

JAMKH K ItAYR, 'lA Uruail si.

ROAD MT. KHtHF. TO KKNT. NO. 746 nU oA li KT. Apply on the iiioni:se*. 7'>i

111 HD FlJKiUH, ilNiVOi. Wa-fa nc-


rmiisv:. Ii^qnlrc-rd K l lA l i : (iin aTid Academj six

1.1 L.ST TO i.i-rr ■4'on o f f h i t i t h a n d Ihiviirto., Harrison ; also n a.rkull liocae. In-

qnUf on pn-im w s ur nl 42NFVS MT. Newark.liCt

I^jiAT TO i.nrr, f iu h t -( L f l a t , c o n -l.ui ij-^a t tin- Liie^d iii'pr ■veiiient-'. Iiniutre

At Nu. 418F L A N K 4 . ib-f# i-n-e ri-qjiiiri-d I7i

I.tOH ilKNT — l.AlMIK KTORK IN MAK- ’ kei sL; guild IniKpnai. Lncailon. Apply Ui

JAMf-JM ( . MAVH.TMl Itim.d Nt.

Fo n t KICK_ l.AROK, A lllY ROOMS ON tl:eHei-o'ul iiunr in a private hin<se; ue inrge

(vmilly iii-cd 'pply- Iiiuuiie Ml William m .. l ! i : l i - M A ?^ U K M .ftoF F IO L

F^CHNIBilKD llOOMfcl TO I.ICT FOR (IFX- ileiueit eui}-. iit MtlLHKltKY HT., set-ond

Hour. s-»r

I.'srU N lhH lit) tVtOMK TvV'O MlMiTIOS M u.m I'fwteftlfe, H P tN K sT . j :t

I.TURN’ is in c D iio o M , w m i ALI.IM FKOVK- MneuU!. ZuFl.NKHT. C'lr

IAOKNiNIIKD llOdM TO J.KT,'f ie ld ave. KlMKl.K gji

H oitisg TO Lprr NO. V. rTTw i .a s d m ruorus, bath, latmili v and a>t improviv

pruVMnuma lUmt tT>, Inquire uf uw.ierai IN JlKl.I.KVIDf.h: A v a 6d

o c m k T fi 1 . i-rr - loos m o c ti r t t h mt., hi x..■ « rimiris, laundry; rr-nl tl L Inuulrv 1B'4 H orT lI OllANOK A V K It

HO IW K T O J.K T W ITH m k v f n rim vm s, (v i ih a u d d o wsii-r, ul lUG Cbufii'i-as st- In­

quire Bl t.XJ.V(4Rh>vi HT. OOiI C R AFAUTMKN-J’K, W imUKN M'l'.,

fitim |17 lo (13, with linpmveijieiiU 4EC

7 0 LKT- L.iltriK AND MM A L L I Vrodnis will! all Inipruvi-ntt-nts.




nOOMM TM LKI* IN THK NKW HUEI.IHNO curnrr CJifUni and Ht-'-unth avea A ll 1m-

pruvemenia foaIJO O M H T O l.K T fN T ilK NKW lUUI-DINU .l\o>rnr.r ItOHK and HAHCI.AV MTH., Cllriton H i l l . ________________________________________KirO T O R K T O l.ET -<Jf>OD ColtNKJlHTOKBON ' THprlngfleld avc, In hnurnviiig lu oillly ; rent low. iiiu iilreurF.O A!tT2,liM H|irfugtleM a v e , or ItAYN BILTn Hrr«d at, oit

r|10 L F T -

F 'al, S Roema, 94 Mulhorry jit. ||S 08Hmiw,Hhurni:iii uve.. M roonie.................... M fiolIcmite.TOFjirk Nt,all tmj)rovcmenlA.......... 40 00

HutiMiwanil room soihei pit-vtufrliyiu let W. A.,

C2t __ lU>al Kslale OfTlce, 7J6 Hrund at.r p O LKr-FI.A 'l'M OH AI'ARTMKNTH in

i Hie Kiglitli W ard; very (-'nivHiilc-iit to rail- riuul.must de- lrHlda nvi«ht>orIjwKl. isnitnr. and n-ut iiKKleraie; six to nine mutiiH-a(| Improve- meiibk 0. IX WDOIAkJN, THI Hruiid sL i«p

r p r i T.ICT FUOM JULY I. 1840. house with «l* 1 ru. m i ; two lola ; gardcu under culiivutlnn :

r4-iir.Sl,i |U-r inuntli. Apidy un prem M i, 40U H. 'J'KNTh m t ., near Hoiiih Orange ave., or "SH (South KighCb bL, N>uark, N. J, oiq

riM> r.KT.-MJ-XXiND AND TMIIID FU»OllK S . wirtJi4 roouis ill each upd wnU»r, le renL at

cur. Newark sL and tbutrai sve.: m it low. Ain

Gly « t D. M. LVUN A MtJN-M lllLKWRitV IfT utIbJ UL _ juv

f|K> LKT- FAIlIvOTt Pr,OoTt. 4 ttOUMH, ttsK 1 o f UmMi and Isniulrj', lo a fomity without vhih

dreii. House in w, end incailon unsu p s e j. Apply on premli^s. NO. M MOUTH KTli KJ’.&at

rpriI.K T ~Z1T FAIllMOUNT AVF-, Nl'LKN- Jl d1(J realdinu-e, fl rooms, b»th and Isimlry ; all

the liDpruvi-meTila; Immedlnte jK>«k‘Hee'ia. tu> q u l^ a l l l* ^Irm nont sve. O. D llA K K 77hr p O I.KT IihMIhAHLB FLATK, CliN- J. tralty loeslert ; rent low lo good lenmita U'-

quire o f Janltur. tW FlnnHSL. near New st,. firrt flat,orH K N H y LANH, 14 Arrh sL 4a

r p o LET FOITR IWKJIUH. WITH HATH- 1 room, etc,, currier Tlilrtf-enth ave.

ami Urui«. Inquire on iirt-mbai, or ol t . lu FK1ND, U& Broome sL 7lr

It) I.KT lift KAMT K lN N K Y HT.. nOUHB,fl _ roT^ms. with oLhIiIs forHurS htirsoo. Inquiry

belasen 4 and fl P. U. HKVMOUIl A W flfT - IXHIK, 43 Lawrence sL K&a


r jl^ J -iK T TD K HK(iONn FUHIR OF NO. 7PtlSItA N , HO MarketSL

_ i indenst, m go'rit onVer. rent t l la ronuth : laa^hiii Immidiately. Apply JOHN W .K TIU -

f l V ) L K T -F O U k NICK IKKIMk. HIMXJND 1 floi>r. In Murtus r t , near High at.; Kenero)

liiiurovemehU Inqiitya o f J<OlHH UKIlHFKr.- pK R. 'as Morton sL-________ S7t

f| V ) I.RT-I.AJVJK HEAR OFFI(fR ItOOM, I with Kmall private ufflc-u, on second fiuor ui

7U Ui-oad at Inquire (if J. WfHB A HONri, ^

r p O LttT-HlH lHB Wt HOITIJ EIXTH HT.. 6 1 rooms. Imlti and waaliroom ; water und newer

rfjunoctlpti; rent |tl Inquire nent house, .JtH*|10 l.lirr -N t^ 1 «.U S .m BU KJM PlK U JAVjt

I B ruoMU eAi'h ; niurlern linpmveineiira foa ______ FltVN K LlN M.uLDM’ Tt\ Broads!.r p D LET-F(>!*R LAHHR liOOMMON FlRHT

1 fioi.>r with hay whiil(iW4 and thdinc doors, Iu Hsrrlay stn-oU Apply ITu JtkfKJMR HT. ett'I 'D LET JULY I, NKW HTOllK WHTH

I large hark room, largo 'V-ineMied cellar. In- quire tl JON sl or 27 Nesh tl a'- Tir

r iV l LKT SMALL, I1KAlll^mTrthOMNTA^N- i Ifij 9 ruoma,«-aler i.n I coh; rent low. Apniv

to FickD AKI*P, m Hrfiome su %q

riM> LK7’ 4 IWlOMH FlHHTFXXHHL CKN-A. IraJ loratlon, (Ntth. Die, Konl |tA, W., Nuws

riftO J.KT--S41 ItnOAD ST.. FUIINIHHKD 1 hall rrmw, ui-a o f hsUi; f |.2w pur week | aettin I

f i a t_ mt

r| 3 0 L K T -U m * K R I'AIIT OF llOljHK NO.** 1 Mlieimtuave. Inquire at 41 W. KI.N’NKY

rpO Lirr-F I.R A H A N TF U H N lH H K D R i OHS X ell (ruul, with batli. fi| fIA l> B V HT.

r i lO LKT--4 BOOiMH IN NKw I io UBe ! tlfi” ®J HUUrHOUANOK A V E B3s

r|V )L K r-4H O fiM H , AT 16 MU LDEllUY PIi. J inquireon premtHea.

r p O fjK T -4 IKKIMH, KKNT IM 0~INUUnTK JLw sU rtiK X A V E X

t>FIJ3DRH*ro LET, WITH lO W KK, KLKVA- ^ U ir and nil nioilerq |nii mvemeiiks, in new fam lo ir h.illdiilg, 91 Q Mulberry at Inquire at CTlAllf.lM N U LB 's,)! liuudinol at. Hq


4 BOUMB TO L B T -8D FI/KHl OF 1 » ------------------


________________ m WARWICK BT.


5 LA1H1K HiyOMMTO IIK N T -A T 103 BKLi Jb- V 'll.L E A V E . Inquire00 prem ia^ jsi

n lUKSMS W m i WATER AT 200 ORANORM ]'. Iieut I II 74t

V l o u « » * n t i i e a o m * ' U m i l f O .

TiOOMS WAN-rRlT- ? 1'NEDHNIHHKH JV m ornsforliths liousekoeip’rir. Addrcia at t Ing lot-allon ajid rent, DHlU-iH.MAK]-;iL Dux X News office!.

. a H ave. Ht

n llS’H-lMAKKRW ANTKD A FIlLST-CLAHa diia.itiaknr wlm iinipraUndH tba IjusItu'M. rllO F . F* F. JtANlHMJ'H, gri Broad at. ruum________ __

]L 'X PK R 1K N C K I) MKOHANlOAL irUAFlk^j ’jim iu , yuuiik m m piafei .............................{ iI (N K < X > ,,« RugleasL

YULM MA 71ft

Ii^Xl'KItlKNCKD IfAN JjN O N H K N IVTlR K lita-Hrls : HL-e learnera M7 UAKKKT JfP. Ob

^ftA K M HAND WANTED. AdtKin.H O BK E J ' nisu nliounierfiLsn lanillhing and farn.lOE, Apply o d Id Kimfieltl road, nuur Sunfistj F u n lM. h’AltJiKY. 714

( t t l t J . I I - W A N T K D , E X F K hlK N C K » 1 haridH Ui m-ike iiais-r l«x e v II UMIKiRN A HDN, 71 to gl jimitral ftve. ||

/ l O o i l K K W K H '^ A N T K jr"T O ~ A H M | jS A f ort's-uiuiki-r; uuiic otlwr ju-erl apply. t ’alL n-tiiu A turg, St U7 BANK HT., ring twice. M

i i


( t in t HJ.IM ANDMOUTHTHNIM HI'.,NKA« Sprliigfinld A\-e Fo>ir eiegamly linlahiKl

rn<iin--Hiid pisr./.t'i, lui) wiiidu", m sn ip msutel,WHlor. |-tr»c clo-ets, t^nluoud lluucn uJid ^urate iiaJl, n-m. Ri. iJit

OI’ KKWOkK W A N T K D . (HUL FOlHiKN- Ural huusi wurk ; refcia n.e required.________ r iA ix n tA V R ,A t j j i s i a r o o o D m a o i h m m t w a n t - Bd. h . l iA U n .« Y , W N .J . R ILUVU. 46tAN TO T A K E ClIAm JK OP A BACK

_ Hixip wanted, who thoronuMv (indprsftnuda ilyem r ur an ejk|K-rt dyer un hats. Addre^B IIA7X, Rui J, News odiie. Tw

'A r.R -.L A H Y w a n t e d A CLKVKlt, AD- ^Hve onlusliwly. skilled In waiting upon lartSV

(rade Call imraoually afti-r 6. MUin-ruileuiieul'a ofH< t . (Ml R BOA D HT.. Hbom T4, 491

r n iN M . 'in U W'ANTKD, a p p l y thj ■I tw( F r a n k WJ(».-4NKIt RluomfteldU

■ \ lf ANTKIl FIUmT-CLAW YOtiNH MAH VT fur LvB.od coiiti-In Dip r|iv ; eyporlence la

l-veid or groiwry driving preferriMl, rikmI p ^ t iu a lur the ru h l nmn ; mus( be capattle auil trixSly. M KALTII m U iA D (U . 418 Broad at m

A.VTKn- l-t*H TIIK UNITKD H T ,lT f« Army, ahJe-hodie'l, uimiarr-ed umn, !>•-

I'vuen Die agt-siff'D end £ - yunrs: vou<l pay, r ^ I 0 IS, clolhi HE and rued ica) alUaikame, Ajsity aft



A : - - '

M d I f I * a u 4 J i u i n m c r


DKAL REACH. NEAR UiNO IHlANOH. N. JA flrot-rlasa family hotel, open from June to

OcU)l«r. Fresh oitlk and vegetablea from Hath- uway Farm. Firsi-class acn’ornnjodalJoui and tnoderateprh-pa. Ad Ireta ____________________ W. H A TriA W A Y, PPopV.

H0TR LD AK AYKTTK -(£APK m a y C ITY, N. J. Open all the year; atrtoHy flrel-«laaft:

siHiaied dire i,ly on the nearh, opposite Iron pier, lu tes. HKMo H v u r r o R D E N iFxyr.P fo p .


IIBATH noU BS.Tnii beauUfol Mosmtaln Bta«ri opens (Mtrly In

jtiDA Bead for dreoUr.RATIQB B E D U e sa

f i t lo fl4 per week.I . W A B RSH COLBBCAK.

W T ^ N T K D “ KXPKUIENCKD C iiim K f TV sDti'hers and Julni'is; als:> supeflenoed

1amer4; itest prices and #>te*ily worii. WKJN* ij^AHTKN UitfiH..a7Wiir^(-tKt _________ O t

W AN TK H -K XrK BlK N CK D MANTO TIUN a iksiniig mui-hliie, muNl hc-wiuinff to m (M I o f uiwu. AddrpM NKWARK P i.A M N II

\ ir A N T K D AN KXPKlirKM^F.D COHHKT TV nuD-r Aiipiv at loruer of liluecLer and


Bi.mmil Ota

. % m p l o u i n c n 1 ^ 4 i u t a 6 «

A' IlKsJMNHint.K !’ .4UTV W IL L "t AK E thu Cafe o f n finhisliisl b-iuse durlrta tha

ii'a-im-e uf uwiu-r. A. TAYI.(jJL Oroni,^, k . J*. r.U . sd

OOK KiiKPlNH IK)XK HV 'I'HK lIU ttR - niiy niiHihHr ul gem-rut i-liatue tnkea

o f onii-iHi; Loykt oiieri#!,!, cloaed, eiJUHlucul of JOirR.NA If. lt<M A, Newa offlen, 0n



DAY'M w o r k PK(.T i-«T A N T w o m a n olahe-^ work hy the day. wusMiig ur Irojilot

t'\ H. HH.A W, laU lift Hank el. ^

n (»CKK\VlHtK-W ANTKD,KlTDATIONTY M yOliriE W e I'll wuman 2a y ea n o;d. op gen­

eral JiuiiwiAO k e r ; goOil reforem-e. Call a i 381 DKANUEHl', .4:aoawoman wai ft w >rk by the< U y._____________ ^

A 'lT E H K X P K I H K N f^ u lv i r E ^ f r i i f tliU n a .log iH-partuiuru wants u lOilHun:

beat n-tvi-<!ji e Addrean J. Z., Itoi D. Nuwauffi 0, for one wevk- u i

HOUmKWOUK-SITUATION HTayu m ii •ir}, lately liimJel, In am«l], private

rainJy 1 u<> i-onla Dl I'J.UM HI'. Ma

K Al>rf(MlNlN<* OR W HlTKW AH H lN a w a*)ie1: neal wor1uiuvii.<tblu and lowest im* siw leralea Artdre«

frrt___________CHAHLJS PK.NK, » Bahlwln at,^JJTUATION BY COr/JliKHMAN JN MOMB O iH a iiu-sa iilace. A d-ri-ssfurfiur daya *'D«al Ilefeteuit-a,' Hnx H. Nsae um e CM

Y OI'NI ) MAN UF 2D. HAD 9 YKAlb4 OF e'ciM-r.eniv 'n atRlonery ature.. Ad-heea fh. Dux T, Wuwsv m -e, H

f o r S i i ! » .

F 01 tH A U !-A 3H M 1H V K T O * J J lilrvc 'e ; twii-thlrd iiickei h.11 iK-nriiiis

Itiroiieliu 'it; In iwrfcL-loriltr; , i r l « |ra. liu iiilr, » l IJOJtC-JlAMl) HT, wl i l d v r i . K Fcm S a l e e x i -e h t 1 >rii»,,ii-iiirh. w . I'E.VK )iK ARn.-iLK Y,e*f» Health itrciul Ckx, 41s Jlro wt St, cua

Hl l .L l.M in AND ITKiL TAHLR FOR sale, Fifty doHars ea<-h. (j., Kvuning Neaa

ulBiv. Hr

1*R K A D , CAKR AND PIK BUMINRiH FOR •sair : ■Jfiltif a very guod tta4s i not afootoiT

iva.-»:iafuf be-llng : fhvaL, uTit-el^ w _____ H. KCHWa H /,,™ M A fkttll,T ,1N (I!N K ONK ElUKT OI.AWl El PTT J ’j linrae aulomaUnenirl ne and one aeventy Jioraa

for moIp cheap v ULk MAUIUNM (X).. X I'4 gh-H St TUft

lA O U M A (.K -T IIR IIA/.LKTDN UUUK’. AND f 1 plstua, utieaey lermai^y E.A IaMIw h iF tletyj. 12 Aoart»iiy at, I*e

*!* V‘ *t P A U i/in h ih t an^lUK. uatfrfa.Mtod as new; wlHbe sold

C'all ul 21 V. AVFRLV Pli, Stt

I ,lO It«A LK i Jn-IA P -A HOVT ON E ACnK OFO J DK.S, Tut llr Jwid sL gift

I.AOK H A U ',-K a N0V 1-tOBON^ A T “ ~ ia J IwImoQtave. a s

T * ^ 1** CHKAI'. A LATWJM.IJlBthe, -B fewt long. iLouidu-Ueadur, awl lu; o f it li icb c i; BiilUtilp tor s founUiv ; alsu a w ia lh r Utho, A|ju*y la lirN IiA h,'D lC K A O ) . Ht W hitest,, Nr-kv York. To he seen st Jisrlpm 'jtia W orks, lin(h?ft.. near « h ave.. New York. .'■*

IU n A N -F O R HALE CHKAP, A (H>OJI Mason A Hairilln organ, rtiu'wonl rjiSe.

AddreuM OHHAN, flm M, Sown nllU-f*.

E y lA N D -F O ItB A L K , VERY I-'LNK hQUAUR A rial.d 5 seven muNei, over-iruns fiasa carved l.-gs. nmiaiiftlly fiim June mid lu perrpot fin lc r ; uw«l lu.( ^hort Um e; ixctI p J i : st-lllor •IS*; hftva no ujto fbj IL Addrtta-c PIANO, Dot IL NoMsoffiie. ' ^

( W

I F '. - 'f 'O w m HAt.K AN HLEllANT (U*- I rliflK iilnr.n; r.llKhl. n. ,k.r, Inr*, kI . anA

H 1 inEro;', in -nts ; 11...1 hut ;i 11,1,1,11,.., , .u i:« l I Wll to i , « i t l„u ii.uA b« wld.A.mfow, M lIH llllo J .1, New.rillln..

i n N liWu !?; ‘ 'If ttl'l'ly 10 VI I'MKTOK*

A iiji-M .v f At* tlrwntivny, New Yurlt L'Jly. M

flOArefl'KR ' a n * NeH HoniHM, M. HnomA 12 AOAOkM VNT. t »

A N Kl.KOANT NO Hl|.KlIiEllAU 1 1 0 0 0 1 ^ o m a t JllNli.^MmiiaJc-s(f>re. Ti U;uik at, 441

fo 'tm BALK -nUHINRi^ T )IU lU J H f‘‘T N » I wfirkhorses mm,Unl.y ou hamL AU tioraes

(Cimraniew Id Its an rppruwitUMJ Or niuitey re- rolnrii^ , M. ctT JvI'H k U, city line, SprliigdeM a^e., Nowftr*. Jl. J- *

• II klhUa No. 7QLIVRR b'r a »

n ARNKHM-H)It BALK, T W ELVK hKIM single, asoorifd gradHe, and ana sol I y 4

quuure hornnsst usetf short (Ime os Hannueej will be sold luwlorloBBout. B liK iD U K hT. fifa

1 1ORmJi’B J t)!! BAI.R a n d K X C lU N U a

by A. U TIPM N .Biahles w and Kta ffatiirsl a v e «

L>>r. dctlen su, near CMnal hrldjff on Oratrsl _____________fetd w Jameagt.. N. _____________

M ill.K M -FD R BALK, A HOOD TEAM fllP ntuies. ycHDiE And sound; alau CAiU-nttv wagon. 7 0 L lV h 1 iH ’r. |p|

IjA B T r n p . FOR h orm rh ; (ft pKR m o n t SApply fnoifntd H jiw , muotitflold.

___________ ______J0H?4 H e r m a n A n u a

I J l I A lC m N -K O h HALK.'N EARLY 0 0 »J Asnidw, BIHUDHKmT. Me

1>ONVKOUBALK -AH PIlKTTV AB A PlO- lure A nd na jmiiftBi as it h lllen, nnly 4ye-i rs oNh UAIfe,. r .1.1 I ttl.ln luu ■ ■_ _ _w *A. __-■ niiu n« KPIIWII HI) a SUM

and very fiMt; slso slde-hitr hu...... A. .A |j' HT,, (-Or. JsckhOii,

........ ry tprice MM:i iA i iK in '


n.M, -i-MjwiY nnd hiirnen f ^ . SJ* BoU TIf


r . 0. BMITJI, M receiver.Appointed hy the Court o f (fttancery, will sail m

pii t>llc aticHon on t w prsmlsee in tr.f rear o f 1072 BROAD BT.,^9!Verlr, N. L ,

ON WKDNKMDAY, JUNE M, IM ,M 10 o 'clock In t'lfl forenoon, a lot o f lloraeE Wusoiis, Ble f bs, H ari«ii, IMaukete, LapltobOA W h Ijw, MLable Uienftllft, etc.

tJata {lOiRive TermBoardi. _

67tF. a SMITH,


_________ T D i m t » b .

/-V M K BItOOKI|.H*ND BTTin'HNINO V/<<hine w.inied in good order A U FAJUg (H lU rD A iX l., Market and ia>njret«ata. Wj

W AN rE D -l'D FUHHHABK A T a lU Y O L l;mitoc tie In EOnd order and prtoa lo w : ateS

wbrr*aeeru M-LIW IkiAV,EasiOraRta,H.J.fW

WA N T E D -T O nUT A H1LK RO UT*, O N » a e I ^labllahod and with a good p a /lj j* '

iTsdA Address M jjjK , R o i F, News oflOA *r A N TK D -O N B 110 BBS 1*OWERO.

flna. good and cheap, a. flABTr, IL ftt. I4TA

i J K i g

A v t * * m R l c t t i 9 « ^

D R E m H A ^ N o r w i T H O ^ '^ f ^ m K ^UHtghft ^ kCriL N, T. Van SAnft, M F W

atreeft, near N ew ; oopaymaaft nnlasawicnuBaW cu ttlo i and bontlnc dooa; Aklp paper patW B tdV lo t iw w T A lAemiM tirea STautagfa



flaw fCiiKf Krenctiin 'HHTdkelA'* HhAMr»A

Hbtith An»rrlc«n KkIiMjIU, whb h Vlotf o f Orl«D(«l

Fari& June 6.-*-Ai % rule PeiiKliin^,tbcr t1*R ifae grvtt tipo«iituiD

IriDg rcfreHliuieiitesukl iit duwit (u enjoy, tod feniilf jjirtiir. M^ny lake of the uooci'iip**^ hiiuM.*t in tbe Riiu lie THthtUliuu Huoitioc. it It thei that Llio eM«4tt uf tbe lruB1od?te^ tbr hun of Ih* wigwentonudunN,the bvrmilHge of lh« Aitec, tbe tent of tba Tartar, tbe aiunaiouBOt Gr>.-H% tod Kouf, are nil u-imiRed by the guy<*rtof citiK u*, callng tod drtokihp, end with do m na hu- yiiud the day. lu the alhyt the ch«ir» ire tu do duty tt laUet, U> ibe great aiinoyapte of ibc aiced and tbo weRlt, who cannot obtaio a teal. Ry W lu R two

BTi IhdiYidnal hat the right to a chair from the o;*euiiig to the cloaiuf of the fair* be too equally bire aoveral, aud n a r f ownerahip by placing thereon a bookman umhie11a» a hat. or couvert it into a clolhes rank, ai 1 taw one vialtor in hia thirl tieevei put h la coat aud veat on one ebiir. hit ahoM and atick on anuther hii feet being eneafed in alippera.

THK ILLUMINaTKI tUWKft.At 9 o^lock the crowd maued roand

the central garden lu icq the coloriisd foun> iaina play. It >a eitraorainary the little injury the teuple do to the youog gran, thu dowert and the driicatu ahrube, llow ' ever, irbiiu cloM tiiiarten are general, there li du roughnees, and every one it in>d humor. I'bc Eiffei Tower cuoi' nicncea to put on iU bracoleu '^^Ihit la, light up iU 6Vi holtt. No bettor idea can bt had of the miJeRlj* and awi'op of lliQ ha.'iu of the tourer than to view tbeliu* Qii-nae area of Iliumiiiaiiont, eitendibg trum Luitrese liiutroet. The lower will ou ibe ■•leNeiit peeaxiun bring all iU dia* m<iiid» out of the cue. Tbe central dome liuist iulu a flood of light ai if by magic; I dangrrlcNi conflaeraliou; fiom tieei Imug orange colurod Venetian larnpj; be* IwcMiQ abrubn gleam like cam cliiu tiny ird, white and blue electric Umpa. If only the Priuoesi Pansade had loaned the bingiog tree aud Talking Itird I Kound thegraeu plote, framing tbe bailna uf tba fuoiiuini, the gai aprinira into rolU uf flaming ribbons. The tuwvi la Jealuua, au thruwa i ray ot white eirctrio light on Ouiitcaa'a fountain group of Franco rn* lightening the world which imparta to the marble fltrurMa weird and piyalonoui tone of the moat powerful effect.WATrai?<0 TUK J-RIaatATlC rOtJNTilN. 7hecro<vd uttera a chorui of approba^

live oiuruiure, Suddenly there ihoota np a white peak of apray, like the aiioW' tipped turreta of the A)|.a playing hide* 8Ji<]'|o. eek. Then they ebaogo color like a chamoh'OD, to roee, grncu, oraoge and violet. At one time a vu t volume of Niagara spiav, an atmoaphero of warer dual; at ahotbr*v, a|rurnuoopia (lourJng furth Lrge l>eAdi o f colored water, while minor Jeta n)odc«>t)j drop mulci'Ooiored ahowci#. The crowd can ualy exprewi Ita culmiaating joy by Binging the '* Mar* aoilUiae." Tiie watera are variegalod by muUI-colored prcj'^cutra and the declrio lamp; each aheaf-pipo poura fonb 400 lyaaiU of watiT per Becond, Not to be b< aien tbe Eiffol Tower ouw burati into a il 'iy furnace of Bengal ligbi*. while on the He de Cyngc an roar of Are*wot'ka ii beard during half an hour, when tbo tky becumOB the home for parti- Oolnred a(4tr* and vant meridiaua, Orecinn linea of beauty, of flauic, iparka, roaetlei aod dcvicca.

CEHTaaL AMVBICAlf IXHIiUta If the vianur dOhiree to make a cheap

voyage (rmn Mexico to Terra del Funpo croMtDg the cciuatorial xouea,aod to acquire a knowledge of the uatural ricbneu of kbcae ooQotrlta in mincrala raw producti and native manufacturea, he ought to set out from the Eiffel Tower. Tbanka to plain fo rrllef, niapi, photofrBplia,iDOdrla, ilacUticul tablea made easy, cotiuiuea, type# Of houwB, flgurt» of oAtivea, one can be famllianaed not only with extinct dviJi- ■iLiorj, but with all the aclualiUei o f mod' eiu wanta, acholaBtic, industrial, emntner- eial aud agrlcuHurel, In 1878 Central aud Suutborn America orcupln) only 4,700 square yarda of ipaoe; the total superficies to-day is exactly four times greater. Un- abie to meet the deuiiiodt tor apaco tbe <0 (umiB»1oner& granted Bites where •‘Ome couuiries Mixico, Brasil, the Aigeutiue Kt'publifl. etc., have erected special pavil­ions recalling national arnhitecuirtf or rharactorUtica. Tho«« structures after the doan of tbe bhow will be taken down and rc'crecwd in their respective capiUls. The M«aican pavilion is modelled after an Altec temple— tbe most anuiont type of Mexican civilisation. It ia 230 feoi hiuR and fifty high. It has a grand ontranue by a flight of steps,.with oruanieoial figures recalling the fecundity of Ihe earth and the gods of Mythology. The Uniciur* •uggeeia a cloKd iron prison; the walls aic covered with signs of tbu desdest of ISDguagce. And to think o f tbe rivers of blood that ooee flowed In such places from hutiian sacrifices. The frescoes inside and the fittings o f the c u u are very remarks* hie.

The Aigentiue Republic hu unltodall that if rich in €<>lor,|eenanilc, enamelling and artUiic iron for Its pavihou. The decoration is, perhaps, a little too gaudy. At uigbt tho whole structure is a blase of rod and green buU's-eyesi and the effect produced U very curious. Brasil has a P-ilaro three storiee l i i^ and inrmounted by a vast cupola. Its'^grounds** are ad­mirably laid oat; It has bowers o f hllss, a lake that will bo heated to grow gigan­tic Victoria Reg (as, and quite a romantic labyrinth leads up to a conservatory of magDificent orchids.

TAVlLlONBOr vu g RtrOBUOA The pavilion of the Equalor repabMo

If one o f the prctiieai in the whole ooimo poiiUn lair. Its Brcbitectuit Is cziraoi* ' dlnaiy, and quite true to nallunility. Its ptoducts are well citsaed, not p il^ logetber. It is from thii country, it ! le ma, that all the Panama hats are 1m- ' ported. It sends even wlue aud beer, ! besides vegetable#, ivory snd embroideries. The VtiDczuula palace is a charming Louis XVtb iliurii|t6, ga j and iDdiielug. lu Irri-gulsrities ev*n are amnslug. It Is anreeably surrounded with flowery shrubs, and the greenest o f grass, l l ie In* tcrior U fitted up after the jpafio o f the Bpinisb cohitruciloDA *t ooee freehand cbeerfui. Full o f Interest from Its pretty Wood* Mud attractive desigus, la the pavil- joD of Nicarieua. Its roof Ji very orig- inal and covered wltb oruamentel iilei, piM*h)g la coiuc and graceful in pattern.

*«pt>hlioiif Oiutemala was among thelo accept the Invitation o f the Preuch

^ m o m e n t to send «h !b im , and lhes«i#pH ' Ihe most curious col-leptmn. ,n the whole show, U has a bar, where c»n tu t . ih , m „ t .gteeable

The ba.Jding com p „„« , .

nriD d u , ill verniibed red end .ellew

which injparu e chumlD* frebneu end harmony to the whole,

ODD OOMBlDATtOir.VlMtor. w,.ni.l d« well to « ,m lD . Iheu

A m encn re^lqn^ (h . , , ,| „ ,g j , , .

that they have got uver nine boniM, or pneiU, that daily oiEi’ iale in in fnll a«Gcr- doUU in a Uu»pur«ry psgoda, they may Urcouif more cbottfuJ. The junruala sug- gc<)t Ibat Julbs Ferry, who i* a free, tliinkvr, ought to aileud that |daco of aoLsbip and iry If it ran blot out bis i>uliTlci! iniqiiitiea. The unly Ollier |ieti|dc that indulge in ligiuui rxi-rrisci ou the Champ do Mars arr the Euyp'Una As the bud disappears tifhthd tbe horiaon llio Cafei in Mie rue du t'kirn nc longer heat tba (iartsaCAoi, ahtise hisarre uou-a float rhylbmleti and aiiiazinl. In the minaret of Kaid-lhy

I awry vucant spot u,o na al twang o f the Mutstia is hmrJ. right uierrily, the | chinlmg, "L a iliah ila Allsb! Mubatuiuinl

‘ he reel o d t io .l »»iure», the BoMhla,, o f the fane; lelr.I, '• S" e»B-I “ t with Eurupeen output., th e Bh plttiede d n Invelldee bM icoU eetion o f wmplee ofthe n tre u e B i,u The more

« *iiltod the mure wuodun li-dtepli.i. you Jla„ In tbu roe du Oelre j t «k «« tb to .

e-oup of coTfeo la th e U uorteh eafe; e * l . « of iMi, In th , U n „ g „ j „ omto, ,

x\tm of earuue In tbe ju v *n »e fc .m poni} B irtej the but* o f a Congo

0 * n e «i. Iron N.w

“ • door o f hi, hoDfelow. u he tktaki o f i* UbBlhej dtpi, aod elgbe el the seeMM' T M W Beap exoeJtent rueet Jeiaie le.t

iT er.^T bi T e r , ia .B * r « W r l7 iM w

rc'-oul Ahaul*' French say this acuppluation fur (he KiigMab to quit K^ypt. The Annamite^, who see marked fav«r- lies, havn stalled iheir vehiek*. c«ilod ppwiicr pONJiffvi, in op^Njiitmo to the Biith chairs. Tbeao poussn pousiM carruigei area small gig wiUi a Itnea bumi, whcie a lulive tukes the place of a qaiidrupcd (jc- Iwren the shalts; bo wears a musbrtioui- ibapt'd straw bat, aud a htuuse ornameuted with Lho signa of ihe Zodiac, lie alwsj* keepi drawing, unlusi you know the Indo'Cliiucae languase, or petbapA Vola- puk, lo tell ^ioj to atop, Aa cldrrly luily look a seat ia one of these flacrea a few evcuiiigs a g o ; she was cheered as the Queen of Madagascar, and genUemen touk off their bits as Her Majehty p.wsed by. tibe made frantic efforts to get dowo, and hit the Aouamlle with her paramo] toi slop, which made him go Ibo fis(«r. Ntie was getting aa red m a tomalo when laet seen.

Among tbe many novcilifi In this owarts Mifotiis, was a ronceri of real Chlnoite muKiCe o f morc&iux, composed 1,‘iOO y e m buinre Lhe Chriiiian ora. The concert wt'i given at j it c Body Institute, that heartt|uiiter« o f Intcrualiona) novoltiee. It wRi pTtevOod )>y to iulcreiling lecture by Oeui-ril Tcbaiig'Ki'l'oug, theSrtcroUry or iliQ Cbinere Lcga ion at r*r!s, on the contompftrsry lik-raiUTO of China. The music w*s Very piraslug, sweet aod me­lodious, recslliug a Hitlo Irish mnlody while (he lecture wai rscy, ani'cdolical and plciurtsque. We are only heg uiiiog to know the Ceiestial Ktapire.

Cri|NE.S|t WINS M.IKIIVG.The ] riKiess by Which Hire Is Changed

lu lo a Ueverags.From tbe cbinexe liocorOer.

Wine making is said to have rilsled for Ihiiussud* o f yfiir# before the iutroduciion

fdistiMliig. The process ii sliaple, Glu* liuoui rioe, or hwang-ml, Is placed over a fire in a largo iron pan and sufienod with warm wm^r. U ia ruade Inlo i thick, suliri Sort o f gruel. This steeped rice is pisovd ou a talile with raised edges to pr -vnul the fluid from oveiflowlug. Over the rice, woen in this sute, tbe leaven to aid frr- oientition iNsprinkled. Tbe whole ia then tnixod aud jnastu*d with an Iron masher and remains ip a large sioneware jar for sev* eral days. I f the wine is desired lo be of a sweet t^ste two daya are enough ; but for wine wituoui aweet taste four or five days are requirod. To make (he second kind of wine stroflger lhe Chiuete bri’ Wer ofieu adds*p(r-i, A 'ter all thli tbe wine, solid and liquid part* together, Is plscod ia a c(oib big. and this goes imo a pressing chon of W‘>od called eba, tli# wine press, A heavy skoue presses it down and tbo wine fi’iws out frum a sort Of teapot spout in the lid eo f tbe pross.

The remainder of solid matter is called Uau, and is used to feed anitnali or as a ff^rmrui. The uieibod of duiilllng was introduced lu the Yuoa dyna-ty. To the wooden cylinder wbicb holds the millet ibcre are three covers. The outer and opper one contslnt cold water and keepB tbe aecond one cool to eondeusc Lbe spirit. Tbe apTit rise# from the mftetied red millet below, which has been under ruauipulaiioa for several d*y«, aod passes ibrungh (be Arsi cover to tbe second. It here becomei conueusid and flows dowo the sides Into a tristigular truught which receivos it and delivers it frocD a ipoot, WUliami and Morrison*# dlciionary end Legs'a cUwtcs aoem to have been rompilvd with tbs impreulou Ihit tbo Chinese practised diitlllstiou in ancient limes. This is an error. Tbe Chinese only knew lbe ordinary process o f frrmenUiioQ,


tVbak bhould Be Done for Cattle aod Boritea* Coinfort In Nuininer.

From lbe Prairie Femivr.I broiiKbotii lhe West there Is more or

CM a pnst o f flues iu anmmer. In ibc pra1> rie rrglon tbere are the grceo heads, and near timber the dear Hie*, both veritable bloodsackerA The warble flr^ ihe large black warble flies that deposit their eggs on iMioka of eaiila and hones—are also not only annoving at Che time o f ova-poslt- ing, but painful and ^sbilitaiiog as the iBTvte grows. The bot-fliM, that deposit their eggs ou the limbs and od the breasia of horsui, occasion oauefa aonoyaoce to the Stock,

Tbe grnrral means o f avoidance o f all these disabilities is a dirk place to which the animals may retrro when not ieediug, and rspccistly (bat animals during flytime besllowed to pasture aigbt aud morning, and, * in fad , all night when possible. Wbrre the flies aie very had we advise

^hat all stock be driven to dark stablee from 10 A, M. until 4 P. M., eveu at tbe expcQse of giving Lhem cut furage during these buuri. :

Anolhor thing the careful feeder will do well to observe is to pay itrlct aEtenllon tbit stock have accesfl to water at all times, or at least at slated intervals, so that they may never got thirsty. Animals are very much like men In the matter of drinking. Soine days they sectn to require veryHUie; nlhvr days they take wbai may seem an inordiuato quautity. Never* tlicicsf, when required, the water should be aocesaible, and this In Hue with the (ritf BBving; A merciful mau fs merdfut to bis beaRt,*'

Rorel Heoiedy tor HbeiKuatlim.From tbs itoston Olobo.

“ Give me two lorije eelskins,” said n yotmg woman who entered a Norib Port drug- iliiie sltbc time a Olode man happened to be quenouhig his tbira ai tbe loda lounratn.

" Kc is kins I" eald the <3?ohemto(o ihe clerk, when lhe young lady had left wUb berpur- chnse. *' Wbat does ilie want oreoiikiuff'

'* Kheumarhm,'’ leid the drug clerk. "You’d be Kiirpiteed at tlm iitimbur of people who usu relskina rorrrieumdtisin. I know an old man witosc arms ami kgs are oompktrly strapped Willi tbom, and lie bcdeyM ibAi ibey proJong bla life. Wt> have more or Irsj call lor Uiem, tail I UTidemand lUai uptown siores don’ t keep them, ahUuiigh onue In ■ while tbeircusiomcra ask for tbom. We get our ikJni ol a Hsh dealer ou Alls Mile urenua He puTObaies irom South Uoidon people, who aelt the skumed cels for fbod, aud when the akini ii« dried, sell them to vartoui custoiaora, la many of tbe flab iiurason Aflauile ivcuue you will sees bnueb of the rkins siupeoded flrum the wall by a book. They are very oHy and aofl. and while 1 don't takeimicb stock in them, numben of propie bave impHolt faltb lo (beOi, I arc lofd that (hero is a Oerniati family lo Aonth Boston mat aelli (beaeealskLiM to varlooa people tbrough* ouuho linikKi Stalot and reailsei ainiigliule

. iiiootne tberETrum. ___________

WAIPS AND VAGABIES.Salt Ijike has luat nine pat ceaE ofitB

ulincB lo ibe lu t Hre jrieta It le e4tiinat«d tb it a riiaT d a . In a

city or 30(1,1100 pcOjile kill 130,000 woilta oT trade.

'llie ta i lilt o( Loa Angeles, Cal., fills 400 o.iltiinD« <s( noapirell type. It la a temnent el a burtted boom.

Up in Berkahira Oonntf, Maas., the rtitienek, ti hunted every nuiiiaer tor bit oU, ablcb Mnetioee feicbce 13 an ounua

Tbe men wh i baxa snccreded in get- Unt cltlim la Ohiabona ere otiled -’ Oh].. botners.** eiH] tbeie abo berea't ere reterrod IU u M Okhtbemelea.’ '

Pi»e bandied women In Tuklo and yukubima bee* eubMrilHd u • fund Ibr Ibe purcbM. uT t beadHime BtuJe lu be pteHuied lu Ibe eupreM oT Jnpen.

The skeleton o f tbe largest elephant errr klbed In India I, tu be ubuosd aad mat 1 lu Ibe miiHUiB ul Madrta *1— kitlelsii**. .. iudy len terleix Inrbeata baigbt, .

A sinentiit has disooTered that a ariid e'uetruiype Ute flan la a bellat oraduclor uT eleotrleoy • Hbea in aoonditlw tfieulunor MralD man wbea n«e Mia Hraln.

A Ra* aad wM lthy widower of Bath, lie,, *bo tried to dya bia erlsiled bair and ahubsie black, tmi laatead Iniued then tky M u4,biaiM lm Babtsto le eonrilaf Woaa.


tfSolofvd Mvu VVtiONS Timdo Dos Dacllned but Whu tlilU Make Llvcl(ho3 is

at It'-Ketiphig Outsiders Out o f the Work-.I.flailiucs Ainhl Huttt,

Five roDcB of hy-goite d*y*, wbna New­ark cUr.ens du|«ndcii for fuvl nliuvtt en­tirely upon ifomJ, Hill c iL t IQ the shupu of r-hiinnry sweitps. 'i'hHr biHiUfss b&s hIiuusI ditd out, bui the five oicu who Hill keep it up matiAga to<ke out livdiiiood*. i be heoilquartcr* o f the nuvn Is. at a rule, on tho causl bridge at llroad strcol, but they can be foumi likewieo on Mulberry aud Morbsuic strcoisa i'bc lurvtvurs uf the prolsssion, all colored, are Jlrnry Muslirow, Luwia Pip#i<Mi, John Smuh, rhouiM Taylor and Heury Sailing, All have been In the i>URitK'«s evtr since Ibcy CAD remember. Thov atill niaoigB to secure about iu lfa dozou cUimuejs a week each to clean.

'’ Goal ain't wood, and it donH m»ke soot lika it ought to,'* mid ou« oi tuc cU'inyxB, "but more cbimuiyi are really fonler to drty than ytafe ugu when I was u buy, and ll>e old uiau u«rd to lut me down with a ropn from tba roof. Thete wm fuu in it jomeiiaioi. I remeuiber si:ariug a woman aimoet Into fits ones by bouDCing Inlo ibo room through the firuplsce, aud o^suy's the eiLra *flp* ur M evy' I've piekfd up hg keeping qqlc4 ai.«nt (hiug* 1 lifiird aud saw Lbal people didn't want their ueiglitKira to knnw ofj*

Tiue BWRKP's OLTHTiath ULUBY.In tbe old days the " sweep ” was an

iustiluiion by hiaisell'. Us uiml to scare b:iA boys it to tba ways of thn righteous, and wus dupeudM) niton for bulf the g(ia*1p of the town. Dik or liule be wai always iuru o f hia applvjauk Sicnud Lbe tavern alovit %i night, whE-rc he leia i^ the per- souhI ifTiirH ot the cilitcns who liHd bou* orfd him with ilirir psirunage dnriug tbu dny, Tbe olditsi sl-igi'r* ien>aiuing of lliDsc who did the work in Ihadsvsor wood fircN are Bmitb, Fipsiito auc Mtjsb* ruw, while the others arc somuwhst younger.

*'t'hlianfy^ rtt'u't gft full of soot now Ri Jim told you," said one of ihf men, "but lliCT do gi!l choked up ail ibo sauir. You see tho flut# are a gn-atdcal smaller ihau tboy Uririd to l>e, aud a good doui of the brick laving is mighty flimsy work. The coti] gas so‘>n eale away ibe balf- inixed mururarmiod the tupatid down comes a bi ick. J hen the stove or healpr Wont draw, and after fouling with a stove* man A week or iwu they siMiid for ui. If ihoti/s a lirlrk or two goae frum (bo iop we know wimCa tba maitcr, and go fur Soim-linies it sbnie a small flue nearly riff, aud it's only a wuudrr (ieopto don't atuoiUcr in winter from ga#"

Two men are required tu clean eaeh chimfluy^ the work taking from in hour to half a day, according u> tbe uniouiii of labor required to louaea wedged hricki and entry ulf tba while S!:.boa, which in some ioslHucef harden dblil they attain almost loe consisuncy of «tone. Tbe JoWf«( price charged for roi-h chimnev Is $2.50, and from that figure to $4 or $4.50,

4 cLoav ooBFokArioif.T h e '• sweepA," while not members of a

labor union, are clanni-h. and owing to the sinalmesA of tbeir uuinhers In N&wsrk, hsvo maouifed U> stick togcihcr and keep the trade of tbe city llmilud iu flvo. No "Y ork er" or mnn frotn ouw du Newark sCiiDdi much cb m co o f joniuig theiyudi calc. He is loon giveu to under-land mat the field of rinploytne&i is limited and (bat (hero ii iiu room rpr more, riu.' ruKiilars bate thfJr ruuies and t.eem to know in soinu myiterious way when and where aork la to be found. No cut under if allowed in prices and (licy work together In barinoDy. Two of the uien, aflCT long years of service, lure mstigged to aavo quite inug little -urns o f bard ciih agaiMi ifaa day when ago or pbyi.cil dibahlliiy fhalJ compel them to hiy a-ide the hrasb aud f«ck and quit the work of deB4»*Ldiug the square ooios of brick and niurtar.


. i i u in j r u in m v r u i f i n i i i in i i i

Tlirtu Iij,lbr»’ worth o f fine eluthiti<c for It in money ; t h # f , « h . , l y»a run get at (lilt ereot eale. Ilut-weatlier riotliinjt nlnimt Rircn away. Over two tt,„u-.n,l ( 2 , 0 0 0 ) fw r jiick w aaA U ^ e r 0)811 an;! Vest., nt nit.ety-ei((lit (OH) entile ; wurtli Ihree .Inllttru (H ). 1.(11000 liii'iJrM (l ./J O O ) tlilk Al|«<» OoaU m $ 1 . 0 0 1 worth |lTr,. Kju, h,„iduai « l ,l Sommer Veete, «UkiiiJ., at twenti-one (2 1 ) eonle. I'oor hom liea ami filly linnet s ilk Mohair, I'oUKfo m il l)r«p J'Ete »nd Vwte it $ 2 . f l O ; worth f7.Stt. Over . i i hmolv,.,! (4100) onire t'uiiU attw ontylour iiuUi ( 2 4 . - . ) Come lj.rly . Ik.ii't r!ol«». Every tliiiiK will po mpiitly ; w. ™mu at .me,., vwle, forty om t, (U t . ‘ . ) ; worth 11..'Ct, Fiiiivy htri|...a lunl l.lon,, Dock V.wta■rt a iity livo Mote ( 0 5 f . ) ; worth tr..Vl. It.u ry l.ioon Diuk I-aoti, foriy tiiiie reuU ( 4 « . ‘ . ) ; worth Jl.T.t Twelve bum!re,l Hoy, r»ut« left yoV it fliW u «-uU (IB is ) ! worth |l.

He cautious, he carehil, make no mistake. The only genuine Hanknij)t Assijrntv Clotliinjr Sale in America is now going ou at 128 Mulberry Street, corner of Market Street, Newark, N. J.

Through th e sm ashup o f one o f th e L argest clothing houses the entire stock has been sent h ere to be sold, and everyth in g IS going a t 3 0 cen ts on the do llar, and th a t is all th e assignee w a n ts fo r the goods. This sale continues from d ay to d ay until th e entire stock is sold.

o < DON’T DELAY I AT DON’T M188 TH18 CHilNCE t>^You can g e t th re e (3^ dollars' w orth o f c lo th ing here for O n e D ollar in m o n ey . The stock consists only o f the fin es t and

highest class o f T a ilo r -m a d e C loth ing fo r M en , Youths and B oys. T o prove th a t this is a G enuine B ankrupt Assignee C lo th - ing Sale, how could w e nam e such low prices fo r Fine C lo th ing and sell it ? W e challenge a n y regular clothing store in A m erica to sell c lo th ing a t th ree (3 ) tim es those prices. In o rd er to show w h a t terrib le sacrifices are m ade, a fe w prices a re m entioned :

Men’s Ribbed Cassimere Pants, 59c.; worth $2.25.Men’ s Alt-Wool Fancy Striped Pants, $ 1.75 ; woilh $6.50.Men’s English Tweed Spring Cassimere Suits, $ 3 .5 0 ; worth $15. Men’s Fancy Cheviot Cutaway Suits, $ 5 .5 0 ; worth $18.


liitrt o

Ami Inufilri-il.)! of oUim- n)tijiiu‘<l. No troul)ln

c. y<)(i Uiat you gut lot jc n in i iH l i u i i k n i ] ) t A su ig iu -t ) t ' l o l l i i n g

Young Men's Nobby Sack Suits, $ 6 .5 0 ; worth $20.Fine English Diagonal Dress Suits, $ 7 .2 5 ; worth $24.Fine Prince Albert Corkscrew Dress Suits, $10; worth $35. Youth's Cassimere Suits, $ 2 .7 5 ; worth $12.50.

C mII jitn ! r u in im 'i,;iiii.-i t liu l c im im t in- u H 'M lio iu d ln 'i'i '. C m!) u tn ! r u in im 'D y o i i r s i 'l f . l''.V H 'vU iitU j w n iT jiiit in l .'is •hIio w g o o i in . I ’ u l i t i ' h .iicM iiicii in titti'iK la iU 'i* , \v)io w i l l wtiiiw y o u g o o ilN w l i o t i u i ' y o u lu iy

t l io ri|L;lit. j i l i ir o . N o I m m li H loro w i l l i l l i i s g i o i i t n a lo . * ^S ilk ', O i ir ( i i i iy h iili'.sn io iiiH iiro l o o u t o d in f l i o l ;ii ‘j ;o lu 'i r k h u i l i l i n g s

rf'luvMOUtiMl or tho or not. Miiko no

128N K W A iiK , N. ,1.

MULBERRYCOHNlCll M A U K E T STltKE'wltureiu wo fail to do U8 wo ailvorliso. Ojioii ovoiiin .k niilil

I’arlies ordoring giHxl.)) by mail will i!icto,>ir! [amt

Hiiilditi'fsi covoi'i'd willi liirfr,1) o'clock. Saltirdays untiliiioimy oivliT.


tl o’clock.rod Nigiix. Ail piotift Mold at (lie ] iHc.'m named. it'»,l>()0 reward


liaakruplod Ihu Fakir.On tbe aide lot near the Forepaugh

gmundiou Nigtli Dn.od Kicei tbere wtw a fiilir on Wednetday wbioe bnifil mmUted of theiiake aod riof aimeo, say* tbe Pbiladot. pbla AVwf. Tbu simple and umiumiE amufee- meui 18 played u Miowa: Tbe stake li pi homI in (bo grouad at H oerta'D angle, which loads U>u uniuitiatwd to belicvulbai ti i# eiuy to throw lbe flvo-lueb rings over It, wbereui tbe (cat u almost Impoi ilite.

Tbe falclr bad a crowd arfinnd him tntl was caking In the ditneo—tbiee "irlua" for len eaucs—wben a black-nmiiacbed, middle- Hiaed Bii(] wilked up and t aid bu‘d bet a dot lor be could put ibrce oui of five nioi (be vtake.

The fiiklr winked at tbe crowd and took tbe man up. Tbe tilnok-uiukuched strangur thraw five rings rspidJy one alter !ho other, and os ibrec nrtheni were on tbr siak« ibe thruaerwosln ntnwl; ceuts. They doubJod he(s and the B'ratiger won agiln. Then they bet 110 even (hat nmo rltigi out ot the first leu ibruwo oould uoi be put over the slake. Tbe wbulo leu JieUied lab ly, aud tlm fakir, os hu banded flO in silver over. niLI :

“ I'm brukv; wLai’a your buaincMf*" t'lM 1 dtaiributor al iLw Mid lbe

rlbg-ihruwor, " 1 ilun'l do aiiyikMig but Aitjg patiersoil day loug mU» the mouii)# of fifiy lacki." ___________

TravAllIng In Aneiael Uart.From Cbaiiorbux,

In the reijin erf the Emperor Tlieodo- #ti»(whudle<1 A, P.876), a ui«Blstrate of high rank bad (o goon luiDonsut Liuinun iroiu Anilocb (0 Cutiitandtiople. Ue buRun bis jour­ney one evening about Utiaei, ami by lUe Dine the HUS want dnwath# nuziday be was (u I'apiiodocla, 1C6 miloa Irom Atilioeb. On tbe mUi day, about noon. Me was at bis Journry'i end. Tbe whale dlatancu travctleil mor ni)1i>a. llbUMe were rL'ctvd unlbeRreaihigii- wsys al Iniervaii of Rbuui«ix oDiien. and each was provided with lurty horM'i. Those only who Irod ill Imperial maticlaie might use U10.M1 bonva, hut wuh their help it wua easy to iravel a hunJrod ratlcaa (lay with eumiofi. Suppoa- Ing. now, a gnwl general eta'.ii>u#u at NewcttsUe bad been obliged to repair'to Jr-ruMlem, be would have louuJ an excel lent nittd ihe whole way, fxoopt whi r# It wat> Inicrrupltd My tbe Kogliib cbannid, the Al|a and ihe Adriaiiu, He would go (bus: NeHnaaiic, York, Luudou, HuQlwIcb, Boulogne, Uiieims, Lyon#, Milan, Homo, Brunduiaum, Pyrraclilurni aod soacnni (he Adnaiio to Cimaianiuiople, liieuce to Anoyra, Taraus. Aniiocb, Tyre aud Jeruialem, In all 4,0H6 itumau, or 8,740 Kiigiish miles.

*'Ou# Han'e Heat Anol1iei:'*i FoUem.*’Blr J, Gnjaieojd In the Ktigliih Par-

figment tbe other day, (0 lllaHtaic the ancUuit i^ lb that ’ one idhii’s meat is anuUier mati'a pbluin," (hat he was onoe severely criHS-ex- amiued by a per.y uf Nuw 2«ala id cbleis who had gtrong views on (be depraved Engliah habit of uaUug what they called dftcayed cbeni . Ho mlgbi have lurtbpr elucidated lhe proverb wltb a long lut of eatahlei lu wblcb we de­light, but whiob oarinlD savogea cannot even menuon without a (oeling of repuliiuu. A while ago Pr, Finacb saw hero scraiching around In New Quinea viHoaei, and leartiod tbaMhedpfneitif fowl Ii good Rif PMblQg «• bepl lesiheri. The nativua could hsiMly con- uwive ibat biiman lieinsit would eat sticb a crtsttjre, and lit* bore idoa of iuuchlDg nu «ggi was eiinwgb (0 make a roiproUhib Fipusn 111. Chicken (aslberiw bowevsf. partioulnriy ofwhile be Ighieued the charmi (rf (boJeir sex wBen lanlly dapoeed iu their abundant filisas, and so, a ter ell, (heat gentle birds were not made wholly in vain.

Prayer o f mn Tnover,Uelplem, aioni t stand. Give me yanr bend

Lead me screws Die’s turmoil and despsK ; Tike me away to l^ove's sweet bJORaiim land,

Out or tbii darknesi loto light and air.Give me your hand to wandoi' through’ my

boif,Tb paw acrow iny forehead ; let 11 tnooh

Ny itpsjunonoe, UfatlnuriDUr you are fair Aod lender, flweel t 1 do not a&k tor

much;Give me year hand t

UidnFght has eloeed me round. Qiveme your eyeA

1 may wake lo see lirt*i loveliness,And Base Inio a mirrored pendlae,

Whore, wo may wsuder on, no no leoi f Give me your eyes that 1 may look ypu

tmougb.Untold your loni, dtocover bow your heart

Trembles tl love's awakenlug. Ab, yuu*r You wiu be meredoJ r Brel depart,

Give me yoor eyes 1

Tour wonad'i4 itkiry. ttto ooiuiarpart orgHtathekartfeiiglve you that endure j a.

O in BOW yoor heart, that 1 may ati ll round Wiib poafis M yraytr, and raaories iveita

Of deep tbtnkitfving. teiass reel pva toundA Why io peooe ouiof Mla'a dorkaone might t

Glva me your, heart t- t e i i R f Jtatf ria AaiiHai.

BAHIKB ON THK HTAGK,I.ltlle Folks %VUo llivn Got Uig ftalarlas

for Artliig.Pmm tberitUMnrs f.).8paiuti.

Hmce Luile IS'-ie Iji’ -he I'.vde miulc her- ti'll the pfl of N< w Yiirk !iy h«r prrfi'TUj- ance o f "L illie L<ird Kuuntti^ioy," Mn. Frances Hodtrsun BurrMti'# yotilbtui heru, cuDNMlcrsblc atientius has lM>en ailrscled to the driDiHiic pt rfornri'tijcui of ehlldren In general. Huw far cbildrtn arc suHU'pti- hle to draiuhtic inAtnlng, and wli*thor dramaiio (Hletil or g^tiins is pcrmHiiensiy' injured (ly the atiennptto develop it 111 child hood, are questions nuvr meetinR with much di#cuttfeiun, wnile mors than one maniffer, anxious to dnplicMtd Ilitle E ’sic's suoct-ui has in training Mdsopietiv pinh ebtrub wbum bn roDtomplatce brtoRiiig out as a star, and (u fit whom he ia having a play written, Just a Mr. Vincent Cruu>* mols buipii'ytd Nirholas Kicklehy lu ion- struct one to fii the puaip and tubs be had purcliored at sti suclion sale.

Tbongh Lhe grnrral opinion berelnruro baa not burn tsviifulde to ’*Infvut TMe- nomenon and Juvenile rriidlgios," si>d thungb ihe interesting fact rem.iinn List In ibe thratrical profcaaiun, as in evrry enbur walk of IHe, preoucioua L-biUlhuud seldom develops Itiio bnllunt niQiibuod nr Womanhood, jttt many of tho nioH( dU- Mugul-bcd hcUirs and aciro^tics of tJiaL in­definite perMid—**lbo olduii tim e'^-as wf]l as several of our own dsiy, bnpan their proresslonal caruer, not only (q cbild- huod, but in iiifanRy,

Theatn* goers of tho proaent day ire accus(4>med to sec drsmallc buhies persou iLed hr Urge dolli sip miveUijied in wistis that tbeir faces aro invisible, ITiere whs a limo in the o]J days of stF(?ck companira when a mtmagrr would no niore have thought of pruducing a play in which one o f the charsetern w:is ao lufaut nitboui a live weH ipriug of ph*a.Hure tbua be wuuld uf baviog the prioclpsl nisle cbaranlcr played by a lailor's duinuiv. Thcru was no trouble in procuring Imbloa lu iho'O diiys. Every thcatro bad a settled com- pany, and if uone of its menihers cuuld boiRt ol sn hifniiL tbere whs prvUy sure to be a doorkeeper, stagu carpenter, scene ahirttr or am^icisti wliu could.

There is scari'cly a promhient acLir or tcireia now in the profe-Hiun who iiu mtiulier of an old ibe^iirical fumiiy hub lias been carried on the Hisgc as ilie iufHnt to “ Mr. uud Mrs. iVicY Wtnte,'" '• I ho Swiss Cut tape," " Tlie M^riuer'a ConipaBf" or soote of the other numemui uhl-iime pieces iu which a Iwby is made (o plsv a prummcDb part. Every uf the chil­dren uf the late E. L- iJu’Wiport-^ Fanny, Lillie, Mav, Edgar L, and l l ir ry —'ILuh made his or her first appesraijce on any BUge at a very early pvrii>d of iu fa 11 lain ciisferTiGo. Bo (lid Effle KMsIer and licr mother, EfDu Murray, Oelore h(;r, at tbe Walnut Bireet .Pheatre, Pl)iia'Ud|>his, where ber fathor, John Murray, t»Uge Diauagcr for mauy years, riiochildrou of tho great Juulus Urutus Houkh were all made lo do dulf lu this WMy, hthI old “ U ncle" Jobu Ellalar the veUiraii artnr aud msna»cr. laughs hoaririy when he tells bow Muter Edwin Huotb kicked and screamed when La was earned mi~ut the age o f three moDths—as the infant iu “ Hodplatne, ihe Belle of the Fauhurg." '

Joseph Jefferson UiUi me th it ilie first initince 1q which he ever koew an aril- flclal babf to l>e sub*il1tuied for ■ real one WM at Uhariestoii, B C., Id 1B52. It was tiefore be struck tbe big liuiiinxa, “ Rip Van W iukie/' and he was playing a ppund of ecceutric and low comedy obarseters, aided by bis first wife, Maggie Luckyer, a very clever soubiel'.e* I'lie Laby who was to appear In ihctr favorite farce o f " Ur. and Uri. Fetct W hite'' WM suddenly taken ill and as It was found ImpORsibln 10 procure aoothor on abort notice a dummy or “ propi^rty “ bsby hsd to be subetituted.

It ao{ni>i1ineB happened that the ouly bthies obtsmaide would not tamely sui>mit to be carried Into lbe glare o f lbe fuotlighis, but would prutcit at tbe top o f tboir voices toaucb aa eituut as to luterrupi lbe dia­logue aod prevent the audience from eu- joying tbe play. Then tbe “ property “ lAby would have to be lubilDuted.

At length, fluding that itiia kind o f la- fkut anawered every purpose, that the pircea Mcmed lo go jo it is well, aud tbsl iheipectalonieflm fd Just as well pleased as wbeo live bibies, which were lufiuitely more trouhioeome, were ttaed, maeageri diiicerded ibe latter claMk properlybat^ reigned ropreme.

At length, wbeo no live babies Itwre b^n aeen on (be stage for many years, It occurreo to Kale Cisxtoa that a revival of the'oJd cuSitoEn of bavldf a real live baby ja pUye might prove a highly attiisctWe novelty to thcatre*goer« o f lbe present genvraMofli . Acoordlugly< she tried tbe fxp ^ iu eu t when ibe produced **A Doable M a rr ia g e in tble city le the fill o f iB79- Tbe rrealt proved that ibe w u rigbi, tbe real fiva baby n ik ln g tbe moss preaeweed fait gt Um pkne* When Dave

llrlaRro and .Limrv llcfirne hrouuhi uiil llicir “ ficaris of O ik " in i Im* sensotj uf IK7D-W), ihoy folliined Mihi ( ‘JwxLun'a ctAuipl^, Slid a live lube wis rioido the

pTiUiiiiw-nt fcaHir** of (be phiy, which U "(ill rtmiiniicB lo Ih-, sml there h*vo (well many oihcr pkex** nf luic yenrs hi wliicb real bahios have iiutue a pnmiluuit pin.

8'ftBe hahici often enrn • cv'-MIpdI stl- srirt, iHuallv rcccirinii fmni $10 to $30 jK-r week, (ogciliet wiib their CKpon^ca uiu) tb«>se of ibi*ir luo^ber or nlher rela'ive who travels with tbgm. Tims mai.y nn iTifaniilc aciur Or actrirrs support* 11 wlioto faindy. 1 i>e*o Itifsut* ere the p< t of the entire cumpiov, aod no floc^fouU-d rarer, vuluig] at iliou-^amlb uf jiuunds cr dollars aud eiilert-rt fur the Perliyorlhr FimiritTj it more soliriiously ui.d (arcfuily tr/umed, watched and t'liNrlcd.

(Ihildrail wIiu piny rpeiikljig psrisofu-n roreivo biglirr Hniiirk'i tliiiii rurtiiy ulder prrfvtmers. A luiln girl namwi Fr4-rich, who playid iho child Mmblrtiuo In "A Olehratcd Cuic," wln-n it whi first pru- doced at lhe Union TLesiru In theSf*a‘;on Ol JK77'7H, rcccivi-d uNaLry of $75 per week. rid i little liuly made hi that time fulJv SH great a frucecss lei thsl achinwd by Ikllu Elsiu l.yuu iu " Ijiitle Ijord FflUntU’ro.v."


G a v u iic sv 1 0

Why It U lh a t iiuys Gr»w f|i tn h«xnaiiDor4>d hiiJ Ki-liJNh,

Krum ' 'ouUi'h Conipatilun.(Vmriusy to wiiinan young and old,

should l>o a part « f every bov'v homo Lrain- luR. Wuhtiul it I.e is likely lo be liootisli and f'Clfi-b; aud a rude, uvetbcHriiig brolbn aud ton is in dangor uf develupiug luio an eixctiixr, discuurieuUH luidiuiid. lie Is likely to Udoug to iJie oiHhs of l-uyH who come into tbu hounu and say to Ihcir sinU'rs:

' ‘ Hire, Mary, jou 'vo pol the eliHir I al- WBVH liko to sit In. arid Knlble Las Ihu piijirr 1 wanl f Let m« Imve 1 hem I’ ’

lie receives the clislrend pHper wDli- out a wurd of theiikR, and iii>;n Nhys; " rbcTc'd a buiton off my ovcrritst, ami [ want oue gf yu<i girla ((, |,|jt j( before inoruibg. Mary, run and get my slippers.’ '

HisliHt Anil gloves aud nverro-il fnivn liRcn tiirowii down In diffcri-iit parts of thu room for hfs nmth-r ur s lier to pick up and put nwiiy. UU mntLer cumes loto ibi; roimi. nnd hcftayii ; ‘ ’Jnu' i Luppur most rcBtlv? I'm liaif-sti*i ved t"

" It win be ready In a lew tmuiiic^," bis tnolher replies,

"WolJ, I wibh you’d hurry il up,"At tho (Aldn hols served first, uud al­

ways hai thn beet of everything, h i.uursn well Citeuliltid to fuRter his sulfishncsj and aiilocruiic ti'oduiicioi.

In hla own homo ho H a sort uf despot. He feds lhat hit pcrMtjial eouifurKliunl.l bn (he chief end Mud aim uf his wife's life, A dciHyed dinner i»aii unfurgivKhlo offence, and » aliasing buloii Itringtt un mii acute a luck o f that dihsgrucahlu niuuitil disorder known is "the sulki "

Ho Is likely lu Uj- 01)0 of Eho nteu who keep tbeir >uHii while fadieji »iand in rho horso-cats, arguing while he iIucb so (hut ''women have just as much right lo st-jiul aa men."

Obtrusive dfsrourteny of this kind umt- ly always has its origin in ibo caily Lome lilfl of tbe turn who manirusta It.

M lftg. J 'ltO U fU K A N tlH A N C K .

Why Antliony Trollopa Gut UId uf Une o f Ills Cijaructersr

From Youth's (kwnpauiun.W d*uj Dickons w«s reuionatnsl<yI with

by hosts o f London Jadica fur killing “ Lit­tle Paul Dofubey," a critic ssidi ** If Dick­ens dob't kill Paul, Paul will kill Dick­ens." The critic ihought thm if Dickens bad allowed Paul lo grow up Inlo raau- bood, be, tbe author, would have failed Id fiitlog bItit to bis lurrouudiugB, and tlius Ibjuied his own reputation.

While AnlboD^ rrollow was'"writing "T h e Last Cbrunfele of HhtrcI , ' 'bo bur- prised a friend one day by saying to bitu, " fbere's the end of Mm. Proutfiol '

“ W b y f ' asked the friend.Mr« Tiollnpa replied tbsti he was writ­

ing one day la tbo club, while a group o f joung clerpymeo, gathered around tbe flroplace, were talking about tbe novel, which was appearing as a lenal. He oould nob help overhearing theta, as they praised tbe work, but agreed that Mrs PjTuadJe was bedomlagaa intolerable nuliauce. '.j

" Wh*l did you d o t " asked tbe friend, “ W elt” fepKcd Trollope, “ I haaJtated »

good deal what to d o ; but finally made up my tnlod and went up to them aad txplAlwed that 1. eoafdu'e hel|. lug what they were aayJug and I added, *lam very macb obliged to yoo. 1 am Anlbooy Trollope and PH go borne and km Mra. PruBdie,’ "

And ee ko did.

IlKK IIIIII.KII AH HR I.H.A ^iinet'Imtkiug Man » VlnUMe Kara

utid hniiKrrnciN t'liuclilo.Wsshlnglon t’l'i-. rhikiicIphiA

At (h'V»lilt >i'Nri uf age llullnr is a H»ruit, JMiltj irtTiiun, whi He tHiKyniiiictricjl figure,

Hrhm iiu ij Nt iiiliag, utiniiL’ cly rHfjiitiih yuu <»f iho l-uc llumy Wsr'l JSm'hit'i Hn-acbow hia wn.v nf slaiMling up is uhiiiisl fx.ieily litiu l('.<cf'h«-rs. l lii bend is hku limjainlu 1'*iHitli1iri’ii, fur wlmui Lo WMs Diinnil, aa Franklin luoloi In tlj« rivTivcuiini>sJ purtrait. It n Isigu, loii)* hiid hioriO, und (iuld frmu frunl10 hunk uii luji, while a tl I k enr- lait) of gray hnir fulls all HrnunU It,

. Ujjngljng S', the fcidn fvi h gray wLii- kf’Js whiclulo not n]ipcar lu luty plcime of liutliT iiiai I huVu seen, JHii face luuki

I rh'pluntliic, iL id Ju iht* Mrinklcu ai d I pulled llr-iL Mruu»d his eyes fnr all the

H'«rrl(l likcHii dciiliaiU’h, When ha hiiiRha . tiiio flcNh cluBia in ml over Loth hlscyea,

unil all ins wrinklHH rmno togctiipi in ti inoH rxlrutirdifiury fashion, llo dues not seem rrest eyed until you Juiik c)irM*tly ul him, hiH nis eyca are. ncI ohhqtiHT in Ins hfau, allimugh they are Just liiu i>ppusiio iiTigiu tu A ImlIkt at Iho iiuse

t Ilian on ihc uuicr hide. He ha« two piaics of lufie Im-ili, Hiul limy Uu nnt kHcU very

I well, lu (h:r wiicn lie l ilks ( hey am very I apl lo fall logciliiT hiiihlculy fliii! cut ufT ; every w n l ur twu. ul the time he

11 cl)ei*iiiB H bit ol ivhiio hprucc guiN,I Which he curries in an iild-fa-hjuncd jew-

tiled sriiifl'lHix Wlicu IL is i.u( ju hiN ijiuilLh.. His fMU! lb iiiic of llio must iuuhllc, hm),■ umlrr hia ilirerliun, ojio of iJie must In-

Icrcillutj IhaL J I vi'f saw. His sklu, wrlii • kIcU more liOiii qiiarniiv lUtii hipin (|ua]- iiy, Ih cnu>y aurl > <! lino tbn juu»t vsiy- iiig esfkrcsihiiui, and he um*s it fOiisUiitlT. NuW lie u]M 11s ills gr»-itl cvuliiL widu sjhtI, l) ngH his licml up suddenly, iMiffi uiil his bps Hud llurcluru his Itiin litliu gray iiriiRtiK lie, which plavi Hi) NTiiall a ]>-trl smut the Mrliiktc#. aud looks uiit si von from H fmwiihi;;, licciling furire t. Avaiiv, ho wrluklea nil his Ihcc lulu it »finlc, riukcH his i‘Yei RiiiuD. im kH in hia lips, hikI looks Vi ry luihl hihI ugmeahir, or hu Ukfs np M hunk, Judds It Juviugly lu his hrcsai, h> nils hu pyci rliHHy (u St (ho ws'iiT* ivu glasM'H or sjMvl-icha uf finy kind) und drinks it in.

Uiit hi* hiin-h, a sleep,i|:)irgiT‘UJsrliuf'lilp, r4>]Juwcd hy fui iti'cnml c<iiiviil»l4>ii.i)s njutt Htunliup uf uh, |(j(U'r la u gri-ai iiiHny inci) iTi oiic, mill Dili) uf I huiri is an aejur.

wiiillcl l.uvn luadeMi p/e.Ht ruiuedian. As It is, Im finds Ida hiRiriuiiic luhuil vmy useful, ar il fxiT i-pi il all Iho time, ]lul- hr isfllvvuys the lawyer when he is m Ids idl)<'e, Iniwevi-r ucihLIo mat r uinpsuiudahlu 2ai is elhcwh'-re, A lLliihtik h*'is ulvrav) bIctI, nil giunl, aatelirii) «»f chunrca. Jin - Inoks NIIU II ymiri;^ r t JiHh Lo i for i Lir iciisiin. llui. il is liiN vigi^riius tl.hikiiig,

I Aitd his mill Miirio vigoruus iuiku>g, j which imiko him hocui h cunipipitiivsdy 1 yminj iriHii. Ili) has uinurvolluiis rn Jinirt. * ; }|s>ciii rcmeinlifi Hpprirunlly aliminl any- I iJiiii;.' winch lie has ki-cu or heard ur read, i and Is hoDluiii 111 n Lms Lir h daio or a luniu.I H is |H'rfi'|Mniiis nru vs-ry (jnis'k-anil tom- .

pr» hcnsive, and he liMHiinu of ihe qirieke^t ' tongiius, in Dpi c of iho fuKc U oih nml cla'wiiig cum, 1 s vt-r ia-Hrd -a ruiigh (ujigue, lou. Die half 1 hut ho Ham ah'iit Jiis oi)ciids-H fur puldi'iitiuii is UMiliiJig lo Ihe lialfhe ssysHhoui tliOirVprivately. Ho liki s to be nillt'd a guod hater. Ha fnjnyi ' H fight, aod every sUinsging fict, aiifl rve-ry rnndTisting ailmr-sion, U ruUrd liko bwcliswiiig gum uiidr r his tongue.

Butler drmra well. He usu.iily weitrs a silk-faccil frockcsiuL with a b ruionnllre, always of tcverai fiowers, iu laa hutron- bola. lIawear<H hn^vy gold watcbrJibin, wi )i a pilol'b whuo) fora charm ansi buHvy gold cudbijltuns. In hia (dHr!:a b« is very ajii to woAf (hick CHrpoi--iip(vri, for it' is connected by a pissaircwtiy with the Lousq whare he lives while lu Wissbiiigton as (ho gucBt ul his niece, allliouglf* ho omtii tho house. I lls iho ujiddlo uiie ofttu; throe huDt of Oupe Aun grauJic up|Hjmtti (he H ipitol, which HVn pcucratlT luajpod to* gelbor and paiuls l siUI to toijrisU as HuIIl'F* bouse" lie wanis 10 sell thum lo tile Qovoriiineni fur |2.'»0,D00, Diore or (eaa, lo he used aa cuujiwiitce amt store rootui for Cong rein, but ao fsr has nut lieen able to get Lbe money nut of (rtnigrcss. Tho iqu them insist house K however, rented hy lhe Coast Burvej, whose build­ing ft i^Jolui, fnr alorage purposes, and tbe northstuoidst 11 jmriially rented try (loiigipas for conaruit<oo roomi. It woe In this house, then rented by Ssnator JuneSf of Nflvadtj that Preddf'ot Arthur carried 01) the goveruaiunt wheu be first came here after tho death of liarfield. j'he boUMji are bandaome,

UuBeFaofllie Is very plain. .It is In a rfttiall, rough, brick building Juat bock uf tbe middle home, and It ia divided Into two roonai, wbicb are (locaipeied, bave do wall deooraGoni exeept a dock, and no furnltore cieopl tbe abaolnts-ly Deceaiary Aeika,cbiira»a«i4 wdU>fiJ]«4 bfiokoaioH^U

v-«*/VvL/V'fca/'ys*^Tv4.r Io f till' vcTV tiljliicNt d i'«rrlp l isiu. O . f). B :urs-tf. H w hiro-lm ircd Im vrer w h o r c p r i- ocriU B utler in W ahhingum , und a y o u n g nm n w iili gulst-rinmo-d h[m-cuu'I(-4 w ho m anipuiaU '^ ihn (ypnw riU 'r very rHpiUlv, a rc hiN cum pinUuia lu the I'flici*. w h ilo liis iiitcill^ i-iit nnilriilMiul n f a iNisly errvH nl w aits in Ihn p.nHHcn nitlHml.,

TIIK J-UKAi llKH GOT KNI Hllh|i;i).A W**Rtcfrn l)snMint«i W h o Ils-Ui-vcrt la

H s 'lllng iHi a Mura I h h ig ,I-"Tom the Knina*<;uy Time*.

' ' Ys 's," oiiiij nil nld tp u i l 111 line (if 1I10 pnulruom s ynsriT'ltsy, " I h u r o Is a thrill n hnr»u rnos« yuit can iioL g o t iu any sithcr w ay. I'hn Ibrill is lriteii«ilh tj Just ill prn|Hiriinn a^yuiir nmiioy lots p o n e up U D llio u v t n l. W lo ii Hriiui*glvr hoHi O ’lJd- am illi Maid a l (hnypimiil Imi'k il i l r lc s n y c j r s Ago, ih o criiwd hIiijurI ilcR lroyed the grand stnnd. lu JlluM cauun u f ih n t-H' rilei»s*ril wills'll reigned 1 rccaJl tho a c l lm is n fa linvichcr fruffi E lkhsrL , w lin wiia present w ith a Irictisi. A h (h n lisirissiS Were X 'unIII', llie psr-un 's Irieia l, w Iiuhh narns! wuh r t4 cy , uml whu k n e w aJ>mii ns riincli u f hori^i's as hts did o f tl'p glasdit perind, rciii.i(heii a le -licf (h it Hiiinggli r in ig lil will ov er ilia M iuL Ttiin whh a L m t a? prnliahlH isi Mici l• | f■rl!•1Ic.- l M iner sh a rcp n h llr in Kiis-ui, nnd nnu o f 14jC (ra- ts-ru iiy uvcrPcariiiif the rem a rk u v ir - fliiwcd In A pruprtpiMnn.

" J 'll Iicl yiiti FiDOlu $'J0 he drtii'l,’ Jiosaid.

’ • I lie prsiucljcr was in lcrc^U -il, hiH «ump- wliHi sL<;4'knF, himI RihuMly jJisiteiiUM by p inch in g J 'la ry 'tta rm .

" T h u iln r l n:j8 Miiisic, and w illi (h e Wsird ' gsi ' the jii*r*fisrcjit spnfl ri'to irud Jus sifl- r b u t II disiii'i lake. W ith lliu hoiss-i on Ihu b^ck stretch Hiisl fiuiichs’d he r im u agaiti,b i l l I'ln cy wasij’ i ).<iiuu. Ah l i n y tu m id In to Lbe Hsirt'di (hu a»tiUu lhdds>, ivhu wim b 'h ijis ] ll ie M ild , w lih l l i r BH.Hi'UurlCi u f A m urlns ii ( i i r l , IihiI g ttlb 'ii i.hi- M>slli<>r) Jn a jiie ks l, l>iU hik d ih e r j ta k in g a ll charjifn , |iu |ii-d hiici cum jilils 'lv up. aud l- ik i i ig ib c r t - i i ir s 'u l eIjp rrH 'k kchI h im fo r tb i

NOTES OF NEW BOOKS.rulillDalluni of VarlsniM DefeerlpHoae

Frpsh Prum Hie I'ress.■The rarher tihlury of Iho HihU'S (b a i cam#

Into (lie Fouerniloii liultH-e nr siiUHciiueiit ba lha Rrrfli Himgi'li- Lir hiihqiendciicc, is rvpieia h u b Hill stunci ui llie sinigg.c* (*f h liHriy (is'opti im[ (Mily fur l i e irurm ol liIrtTly lilK hir ralH - enc<* iijHiti a vutIji fc'.il, |4npniiip d wUh abw -

j Wiiu-i wb>»'rtHaiik!im>sry b<eiliHii remlHrsHl pfia! exnnlni hemI Ii i-irduus “ Tbo liwu^y ui Var-

tiiunT," wMeli la nnu urtho w flc i iif **Hlorl(V of Uiu Hislui." iN-iriu piiMivii'-d by Uic 1). |/i- Ihrup iTmiiwrir, sil Ionian, ih a wi>rk lli«| u iil 1101 only pnive ui 4ifi4jMhiuR iiiti-rc4 In Uie na­tives u( ibo (Jre<‘ n MtHiiiUiTi Ku(i», but in ’ er- UHi lu Nil stiidriiUi ul nalluiiMi iilniury Tiie au- (hnr i» iiihii iii'uiiKi. ilMioly an V'laUrig llie koToitiilsni III iK*s!iieuiaiu a-id bci(iHui«iii iia earlier iinmny <h yo( wliti IndianiiirM re mi'i liiiuruulotiiai i(ri(". white (he (Mimdary flixjiul h (hal grtvc risu 10 llial larniim m*(ui "liotm: BiiHTdN" siiuwii as Uio Uroee MoundUii Jhi.i iiisdc iM iH-glmiiiigHtlrHihly plo- ti.n-Mpii‘ niel nOupied s b iiilu m Hicph-r in Uiu slury sil Uiu Mical Us vuiuilim. 4iuld IU vcplam mils grow up iVHjin o f the stiinlicst cd Ilic rNunerK, um n'^hb-m add (he ciiisjits o f the yniJiiy lU’ i iU>S s- wbilu UicH iile (iss Gie 0 a IB tif mivinn ivHi {fiu lirnl. ouuulo (he nnim al Ihjrtcen. siluiitis'il UMiie Asnencjn (jijiO'i h( uf u hiriy >eiir.-’ mniHult* fur lU rgM(>t wilhuiit paralk'l III lhe l.iHlsjry of ihw ummlry. UjK>a iti Null ihi gna i'Hi ul nmclsjrn letorin*-*lliu«-ni* RjisJ HUKaui-l sluu'ry urul iuu ui|H-iaiiue jirao- (ir'tli> hml innli. but loi luriy yeuiH lids a iila* (dry uf lhe ^llCe II iMimlsneil. uit 1 Mr l|ei- |Mii iiHs pmeliiDliy hn.j h ih' w iiel>i 111 svlucli (• liUior 'i hill lie liLS l■tKlf(w| s’.iii«'leN(luudyNij'l li.;w re.i'hrtsoi hiM uuUiruslrUuM .tsjry wiUiifiiy. B>i hHN pn'HuiiU-<i uui miiv for Vs-r- iiiu'ilere bill (ur AuiuriesiiH fl com icclcd , pftiO- (K'ul Hill] cu llr ii iiiiiA KpHy (if tim c ir iy Umua (fl fix* (Ipi-ii M'lUiilriJi) (^»n iH>riH'<’a Ih, Hdd'Tif (d liju an hcenmil irl liic tmirf rt c.r'iil evenlB Uiui iiuvi‘ esc.11.1'I publii! aiicnK on ,«usl liuj tin r>iHuii in bh fpioril, us far AS [1 01 blu m ill# p•(T at Ji!>> c'liiiinsn I, i m gluts Ui of arm and

ieRrnliig. Um! 'levidupmeui ui induHtrt and the cviillilmil (iJ taw*, cusUiiiit ntid liiHlidiUdlM to inci ( itie miHl'. ur ik grueJuu>, (omjH'rHlu BillV.1 IJHIU |H uph'.

—’till' IncruMiPe o f | Iie ''n ft pp-M-rTuliiNH ol all urli ” Is Vdiuininulls, s im] M gruwiiig 'J oe iid'sir) uf p:iiiMii|>. 11m- l>UN;rfl|>liM)!. orsniituuiit prucers Rii'l UiH tmu'liHjsjk.s uud ri>rtmini« o| (i-muiig wlilcb liHVH e<aii>s fiuin (lu prem ie

I the isK. l>sii (Ii cjicih, ukiiM iiinlie a rei-]KM e b if . . . . *- 1 .■ . 1 hhrur) ui lUctiet’ UfH 'Io tJi-Ij i u( ihsmu ihallikn a ghcMl. Nn lisir-u fur h tu j- j muji Le (iC'crUpi d hn In-lpf'i In li( n who a

pnn-II kdoH'tctl 'cof p. ii lo,? ihu'■Isihg e v e r inikdi: tUCli tpccil hH'ipU' or sii and HH Sijiiii'gK^;taiiin l<4 Uiu M uni w iili liin n i -b u f A ^UMU) lie cM mcsi Ihsi h|ii'<na* h^rn IVum i l i f ir iiieiiinl h d . K sery husu wa.H up and y i.lliijg, anil lh e I’ ih lisrl jirciu 'hi r, w ho niiiHt iirivc Had liiit 'jii ip m t- iiig hJiiiii] in liitf Vs-iii', furi'S'MiU nl h u p u lp il und ]ia*l jrnri, was fl nir i-liln g Jm csjHhiun iiriil Hliricking in r 'A -r c in s ' to Jm Lksl |iropnHili(iii, ' Heb him, Tnis-y, Ihurid ' r and ciuiu^. bi ( him 1 I'M i-pliL w ith y i/ii on it .'

"J i wa<s too likU', (Liaigli; u T'rsiydM lii't III t ."

(;ni UAGK DAMiKU.ilj« ufHtrkT Kriike KIcii Act In

rmil.jrimn Mu> 1 buMgu 'I nil -s.

A Mtoiy 11 liMd of lhe fninoiis l ’ ng1i.4ti Ailtiiiral, Sir .HyiMicy Smilh, w Iidhu I'bip, the Auiclnpe, In a icrrihle ulurm in Mio Noil II Sea. wiiH (Jiiveii iiniong the rds-ks,Hir'^ydd'y Mimiiium'd hia nfli-.i-ra tsitlie rah II.

' ' (ietitlemrn, yciii knuw inir ennslilion.We arc driViug mi lhe biSHki-rn, I ar- kijovyii'slge Ill'll 1 Cun dn ii ilbiiiL' niufc. If any of Vi>n l ao muku a HiiggeHtnin riuw ih tliM time,"

Micrr wii R iHjhrukcu silence." I In-tk Lberc Ih iioMiiiig lo bn dune hut

to nw,lit (lur fils '" He (mt-li.ii ihn biMI,'* I’ lrrac, liring up the coircs.i,"

A Mory caaift Irmii Hwiirc rl-*ii<l a year igu nl H tiimiiilAiit guido wlmsu hmiuo wuh nut preserved, He, with two oUht-, wa leading B pariy over one nf the mosL Jire*Ciplloua pu8-r| of tiiu bigiicr Alpb Iho rneii, as usual, wi ro tied (orikeh oilier by a bin" rorin.

Am they acaleit (he wO) of ice ihey sljp- |X'd 0(1 Lhsi ('<t|>o of a JriKhUul chHHru. 1 hli man was hI llin end uf tlio lupe. WHhout his vreight Ihero was Hehnneu fur Ihu oUiera to regaiu (hulr fouling ; witii il (hirrc was nuiiH,

He CBkt H glanc^ down Hi the dark ibvsv, fillenl with rilboudaitaRunWR, llieii drew hii Euhi Kyah, miMished oy lb Itnllu from t.n lii-it, nayinB q m tllj to Ihu “I.;!,'"*.ijiun next btm ;

" Toll uKithur how 11 wai, Jem.'*He rut the rupa and fell, never to be scon

by loorlal man Bgaiu.

’When Thay Wure New.Cimt j 111^)70.

1*1 ns tiiaue ti'iO.Nuodles luci] L&4&.Iilati'hei mailo 1K39 First east iron 1&4(.FlrrlnowsFWpor 1404.Coal used BN fuel IfOI.Huruaniea used ID Hb3. a -.lA-a(l ticticfls used IWl. , *Window glssH uwd IKK.First guld coin JI. C, INKl. **Tofiacou inirb<1b(w 11^1 Old 'i taruenlfliiisbud ik C 43a Euianclpaiton ivoclatoB'iuu J603.Faper made hjr Cblnoiw B. C, '£JD.BJtda trawlaiud mio Kn#U'b I&Kt. .

-dbawrvtiia /ottmmi

c<s: I'niiUn" iiin> b'-mJiicii. Ii ib [;m> of II (I UI*rrii(>,v,Ii > Ii4 |ikcwi»:i Ills-piiliPi ncr Miiny

ani d| Vnlnl (n Oiblct jpul fJl i|;iiuil\ tallh kUtkiiviiiun* luiii-hii-u l)tj-iri' IihIju* ui |inncug

, otliccviii value III llujK' ri'JVHUco.i |m lhe. bn iin"Uf,I - Apart from llir iliicri 1 aim iim'ivcrriserti, ns

II S'ciinmi'n iiil uncle. Uic AtiurUuiulur ctrt’y J.nbl]*! .-tj |Hi||i!i|||y M, i*II'Well A I . ikf ."si-,v nrit. iij] .|lI.> h liind (4

' inlnmmlMiu 111 n-,r-nii lo H un m'i-imhi/i, riui'S (Slid low 111 Ml Ui I I'nii'-i .'- i-in-s nf incRl.-''i'nnie V'jinc 1(1 rvrr; IkOv ' ii'MiiM*; t-i ld,-r.>im' jv*|lh1 iiK rn iln* I 1:1 (n.Ki'.'iii|il'ifi>4 4-v.-iy i'ii' rc witniQ Riirli hiinlN, «ii I iiv'cn ouii>:'b> f»l iNcni tm lar ai ('niinibi iukI N' Vs miiii'l-Mid an- com‘f.''i]ud fly nti rtMiiilP-U'ii' *\*Im;ii Ilf ifi'lrjiinii iuy Male swtn b ' iiiHiiuiilv I'lHii'l III ' rcrpiiH'd ►pi-olilI'C'fiM'fl I'lumi nl once 'Jpo phi jihIhti e aim Mini iJiui ij'il ci4 I- iioi. Lh u b'>.Nj>ss'<| i i ijia wiiik rtf a-I Il'i rn ’.lie foni'i-t c rciilrt'ion'fifII *' var.iMi' j'>\irirA,. ic,i:u-i- r wum-l in iIjo liM»' pii;;,-, dm- III • Il .li'M I ;(,si.ii) nf Um. liiwiialill-l i lCirt l>, '.'ll.(’ll III y |l|,|. III'W [. II-'IH) ura ).iiniUn.-(! jiiiiMit bi imiir c.iiborfUs' Millnml iiijiirr p. |lii< t'H ih-ihI •!' r[ic of rin- i-.ji'k, !liininri rm b Wi»iil<l (ciuM iM ui lo bsihi. U luny If i)t.p'ii Mint liirt ii>(ni mniiurel ju rio Healsimw i*fiui''l Mi iJ.c (Mii-chI .‘''bite- hii,i i nitiiWa Hfc pissvil ij( IT,IH7. rc hIi|''!i 1 A| nre dn.iy l - Llcs. ilMlli! snuul Nc* J r-.i*jr M CP-illb (•I rtlUi.ij, N.* Ill [. Ui«; In.) Um ofIrirly-iui-. ] J» r*W m-ccihaiy io an c.iknei hit'i Um Hl«';‘ < c«i lit Mil'-«IwM'nUcIy s n fstical vi.iSinnc, bill II umy N* |*.'f!i,i!(ct| n. rt[>i-ist Lhe

I1C-- Umsi lun iMuitiM kl'ancv■ CbiT il wUlmul, gifiiii; ih7'<U.. i s ruiirHc nl jii-

vRtiiMjyn an In (hr iirvt'Mif.nif iu, ii’soMrct'a and hu'Ok'F su.ii'lmi nt ili« Fhrnxi M.'{ Hoiii or lU« Alni'fii’im lU'i'iil'tic.

— I ri-flli'>nuifrt 44iiil ilf'vuUoii aimI high 'iubJ(* Jly III piirjctpl" iiici ( .ijihici HP* iNiriraTsd wlUi tniiubmc II eihy III “ Ttirfc Vi-ais,’' hy J'WpliiiM'. ('ui)iiis:>t{i .Si'PWLTiii, (rm)'ila(Kl fruia (hr iMTinsn h) Miiry [ baduid, and |ub)jH|>eJ I'T lUrcL Wc.NhiIv 4 C<», ’I hr chara'-'cr uf ilieIII 1 liriifi B.Hiir, (*iil» iiM imHSMtMi nrid imlurnal aOs;coort (or ln: young wlfn. (U.M)rvuH oirtru Uimu a tni.inl'ury plsoi! m hteruiur". Hie whurt

JK mtercniiiig, p.m! aiitl wrUlt-u wIEJi (ua simpllcily lhat i* piitTi-r

“ A KumUcr wh'-M h curliiini mnl lnciplicfthk) ro)ii|i(nnifl uf N bl*;kloj and a ciiivaipuufl ijcu- Ui'uiHii. niid wiiij laii-i pi qii’ic rill ihu lole nfritcuH, U Ibc UMMi luicfr.Uiui; uiiaMCier la

M"irc. Ihu biory o( ,ui Ani'im," hy War,.ii McAaUy <!k

nuftu II ho afier- V NPl Irf-fvmii'S llit‘ 'm-4ri‘’'h Nd iDwtliMl. WnnW)Ihu Kill's slviiin ihU'Ci uHJiin lur (0 (hi pro- IcuImI, and iiii*ii RtiC'udiJy scm'c (u doaKU-ei AMinua wioiiKe'l wnmuii lilIU Ibu aaniblar and Uo HCircHM M bt**..

— Vurc, Uk,' ].ca>lnjg laidy,” (h [i ihliAbed liy tint HUiiiti firm 'Jh ' (iiJu !.>agu Mys Iho liouli m wtlik-n liy "Uneol tlisj i'ruHiVilMn.'’ Toahet prsiu'iuioo ihu viriiur rofurs lecnts duotMlut.I urtisinry ibu rcadur wmii'l itukur mi.' iHicl froia Ilia ('unu-tili uf lhe b(X)k Umtii was ihe ilkeairi* cal pinfeHSkni). The ilicgsJ marriage ol a child (OB vdlalrj AN i bi» aticuipt to cialm her In a/ior vuani Bi fiif Mile is Ihu inaiii feature of itiu pluL. Jlie N oiy is unoaf rcuiArkablff fur iha uiuesiUy Willi Hiiich U {wnroya iK'Wv}>ap«r ansi ibiaincul life.

-*JiUijr U. buila, a ho Lbr wriMen a novel -w*- , bubitsfiesl la m#-

ManbaUan AcrieM, hiiM iwsi-d Uio plot nr th# wort upon itiv ronfusli/u of Iduuliiy arDWlQf oiM uf an Imane mati’s limurJuiiig Umt lt»i Iwata 1(16 name uf his suvnosed iVleiHt aud ibc Jat- luFs joms-SKiui sKciupl lo lukaairanEOat s>f Ibe delusinii and uiurp lbe fiiMuu maa'a niaiw la tbe world. llodsKWivnsavnrvbofly, auAliia UM lilt UbeaDd of (be hooit, alter many rorn- plieatloot bave accixrretf, Uuu the ibystoyy ■ ravaaiwi.


TENNIS IN Tin: I'AllK.r i l R T A T I O N S A C R O S S T H E N t T .

Sotporft In C fu lfJ il I'ltrk Th<P'Rei o i » m*r A tU 'ritu a ij* -• Ma«i llt« hua

C m b rH Ia Hoy tJ lr lA r -

K itw VuRK, J flur f i l — Nuw h (h e ■«%■ •qb Mrhi'b the turtle jutMli dimii » i h l j t the U iikJiU r ba1M»>alidttf, tiha k i n toO^aLral T^rlt aixt lei* ih e u iu liunt k^i Dii't’ irhllti Ur lualtfs B UiiUr « t treuin, Tlkrii e o li'<rrr Dru-KleiAj «>u M ondrtj llt tlb ib ifc^ bU buw MU'i b li-iera ua .in v o w j- iQ A O K rw Jof leliuB^Hiiorkv, h4mI ruojaJtr^a • f lh « d c iiR lilf o f ibe MSkide M4UTiiti;-

w brn* iQ htH m ind bt * p iit Hitur* d b jK D d

T^jjnii liM fiiily aptiiirJ iti uraaiDn «L | CVniral i*Ark, jn d every i lrar <luy all u f | t b e u n r Uuiidreil or miire ro u * li aru m ru -

by tanpby, KA)rkjMitt>as< d d e v n i m e f th e |(»io« o f a ll lU aitd ixiUt | ■bxriy from tb e procuciutii fouitKttei'* ■>> I knick -rb iii^krrr to Ib r l ir a tJ w jr d id aod U n rU L ied fiitbur Kud m aUou fu|:| o f j 4 « n . AU ar< iutrtrMied. IF ibMr ihton it J im'm DOl ari#r from profi.'irniT , orr-la lu ly (h o y bopu lor » bi i m lu q iu io u it i 'if v l i b ib fi pa«iiii*0, u id , tlarouah the Ibouj^htful i i t o f ix o u o f Uie P u ll txiMiiiliR- ■ k iaen , to pnufttM until tba-y bA«e|fti)ied prrf«(fiot> .

A ll d a y loD|t,.froa] 10 A, U. to 0 P. M , ibo oifibt acn* of vdvrt ynN-imsfjiril, wiOiitblf roli^il aud Icvrl m* i paflur ilovrM tbu i*4'kt tide of lha park, ia<ar NiuMy* A>srtU itrm*L, l« ruiite vi t-iMlinKly piuur- •pque by tbft variety and iHUMiiy o f (hn « 0aiau)tia aod the vlvai'i y o f Liir pl^yart.

TU b TKN.ilft DIUM.I t hardly aetima p^nU le ib a t tninia

ocmid be phiy*-d rX'A-pl lb a xpwriBlIy* ■daptrd dn'aa d ia l w>il n«>( boiNinin dl'ar* riD ited by vlolrnl ro n o iu f nor by raaoii- io f Id (b e a tr fo r a bail ilut miphi uib^r* w lM M oap r, ami tha p irk riiln are th a t " Ml unit iboCfi must Iqvarlaoly be w<>ru<" T b e rt fora^ I f you bn o f U>b Krullor MX, yoa lu ita t wear a bloune if itb luoie aiMvra, a f a l la k l r t cut aiiklo lensibi rubber-aoU'd ImidU ibue* aqd a aatufauy barniuumiik i t y lc Uiatiuitayuur fancy, tm i r t ih e r tfae ■iilor bat or yaohllnit u rno ra llyWorn, and but few o f ibeio-caJled u u u la M p i appear in the park rourM.

Hie nrriirr bad uovtr played (ennlv,but A brlpht yuoiif lady who OB>ni Norfolk, Va., ai brrn ad fe loivu, kladly oAered M> le t him ttt on ibe iround floor oo Iho Mob- ■iea] polDia o f ib « |«m r. She m id :

•^Odd, Uu^t H I T ho*ytrla w ho bava ■tllAef faoa, flgura nor dr«a« lo bo««t of art tbe belt pUyun, 1 lair thatpjatly •rwturo euue o i iba yruand ivt(h her Mcqnel m a (orfeeanly embroidered it-on Atf, and I warrant yoo ihe cannot play a UUJe bit, but ber cualutne f* remarkahly becoming, Yortder ebap with pumpkin yellow hlafpr oompUtcly ipoiU his lady’a d r«M of light blue and white by hii eboiro •fuolor) Why ooaldn’i he have clioite • wntral (Ini, u a tnin ibnuld y 1 douH nckon h« knowi how bad hli coat uiakei b e r f o w u ]M kJ*

A p i t r i c r j v p o .T b n ** pretty creatara^' referred t « w e n

A ak irt o f w hite flauoal ll| b tly a litrn d • ver the b ip iaQ il fro o t , with the e n d i o f a M d a ilk w ak hanging beklnd, and ■ pleated W iU l, w ith inrpILcn ileevM flnl^tied with A e n ff (b a t held four row i o f iiltch lnK . A le A M U a r bat, Ifitfiiaed w kb whHo Hbbao, m ia n i i l U y oa A h ea d , wuoae hair w a ta l- M a t b a t l o t g a lM u dark a* her large, i M l u o o i oyea, Sbe waa a perfect J n n o In flgnre, and l ( had to be adm itUtt (he * p r e t iy o re a to re ''d id not m aka an efli>rt ta p la y a " U u la bU,” do n i tM r w hat her • U liiy m ay havo boaa, and ra ih er than knaten her feoU M pi •« n a ch ou t b e r arm •ke perin ltied the ball tu p«fa her Into a a ^ o l a i n g eourt, and a ''th a n k y n u f ' A tc la m a tlo o from her parLuer o u v o d the HeanowAiog bail t* be (brow n hack to iM • W M ra T h e gawrt floiabed abe v ow ed b «t«e rr fe U g o H , pat oa the p ote it poialfale W hite b la ie r , and a ynang m in n o t la l«n> » l a o o Ittoie rtlaad an am bm ila and both aaeUaed an tk a g r iM beneath It# douW y pn ota ctlag ahade. In ftici, th e n m n n - ^ l U , w ith ita boT and girl aocom pafii- w e n t , seem ed to be qu iie a feature o f ten- a i l , and on e Lhat cannot help but hcconoa papu lar, tb<mgb pfohebiy nut w iib rea lly W nHW t playi?n.

A r a iA RSAVT'W wtm iT.A t an oth er u iu r l a y o u n g lady w h o

w o u ld p r a b ib l j tip th e M iU eaatSfO pound* OTotrdapaia, w ilk a red Tarn O 'k lia o ior Above a rea lly baiidagnie face, waa d a n lo g k i ib r r and tb llb c r Id Kbrceaafbl oh a ie o f Ik e hail. Sbe w ia one o f the beat player* and her ag ility waa •omelbrng lu rp n e iu g ,

bait that cou ld full w iih la ib e w hite Mae* o f the cou rt boutidanri eeeiiped her, M id w ith a blow from her racquet ib a M nt It lu c k ic ro a i ih e net w itb Uie a t u r llo a : • F ift e e u l u ? « r u I f m rep ly to A <(ao<»tlon. T ba w riter wua v ia l' k ly ib o c k n l K e had k n ow n co - gwrtlea triflin g w ith ro iif ld iu i y ou tbe •d th e ex to n t o f tw o aud evt^u three, but gueb w-ll^iiji'eaiHrd depravity lu mattera o f th e heart wa* abuut a dosiiU altove him . I lia canae fur alarm wua w ith ou t real I w id a t io n , h ow ever, for h ii gu ide rx - prhilnfd (hAt lo v e wan a trrin o f endrar* teen t for tJin fair pUyer^a con ipA oiiiU '- b fo tb e r - , probab ly— Hud “ flfieou " waa the Aum our o f p o ta li in the gsm e her p ley ln g w o o .

A t t liii iu nrturo a lu rk tcu Interloper In A t i l l bat becam e tbu ibluLug mark for tlm glb('4 and balls o f the plsyera, A woli> Airei'tod ball from (lie riirqiifi o f * pretty lillle blond, wearing a w lilto laMor cup, w h ite b loD ie wUli a UkIiI Uhm cuilar tum vel fiuiii the throat and a ph a iod blue and w hite shirt, ivut the liut frimi his kvad, and he wus glad to leck saCety In flight and tbo ncur-by wumla

A VKBV f-u itn v i-u r n iK ,Ata ouurt in tlid centra ol the gruiinda

weie four young tudify, one iu dark blue And red and htr partner in while. On the •iHer vide oiio youajj Ivdy wore a r.omlii- Aaliou dress of hlsck und whitof while ber pjruicr wafahecomliiglyarr^yvd iu red ami Wimo, They cua U a very prvUy picture, and were playing a spirited gniiie, AccA»rd- Ing to a puk t>fl*K'er, who iiutitl watching them, they were the only playeri in the lA rk ,

*• Hay/' nid bc« " toiuo of 'em uiakas met in a I"

W ith Im sliorl stick ho pointed with do- vitkin ton pufty of hit who were ha vin g Ibv joliieab kind o f ufltruiiiui acrovs the waU T h e y held this poaitiim a gootl part o f lUf afternuuu, to iba excliihiuti of many Atbcrt w h o pruUjIiiy came from a distam-iT t o en gage in the game.

It la a rule o f first com e find, served , n o cb ^ rg o b e in g m ade f j r the u m o f tb o g*ound*r aud a sinali bouse u e ir by m okarpu 0 f an o b lig in g uSlrial i« u iod for Ihe Five storage o f the appurstui, w hich M ast be kuppikd by IL« pJayufi lUeiii> M ife a

a x u r is ij iDi.KBS.P eop le all evt-r Ibo. cliy w ho play a t the

gam e repair to Cenlral Park fur ih c ir prac- U o i. i s d « « r j «trivii>K;pul(1i( tunvojH tice i /U 'f i P, M. briuKfc IU i|uuta u[ UDHiicM* IAo,tpi4f. Tbs L,t« coturrfl, wlt.> aru u.(] it t y tli« IXHt ptajBM au'l th e in u jl ptc ior - ••^uely d rew ed , a ir i t e to ttud ib e « u r u la k e u , aud lu u ia o j lu ito u ce . Ljr u l l l . l i U k t a irbu «Ui neitbei play nnr g i , « ilieU m m s g e to o i h m rauM iu k cu itu l.

T b l* U p a iU cu la rlt lr o « o f Baturdap ■ A e n iu o g . w hen alt tbo le d , p l t je r e Buck !• th e park w ith hutUaud, broth er aud W f n , fur Ihw u bia h olidar, and tho o p - 1 p o r ia e iiT o f p la p io g with a m en U n o t to W lig b tljr u ia ild rre d bp th e fe a iiu in e ■ l a d . W b a l m atter If b e caneot p !a , h » « lt i e - n a n r o f Ibe le n t le i a c i ! Bho iovea M a i fo r h i i mlatakea, for ib e ku ow e ha Wilt aU alb e iee tlen cc .

T e n a U aecma hi be pecu liar ly a lo c ia l p m e , r q o i l l f quIoTabbi to bulb w ^ea. A ^ e l t f a im and ttj^rn are u u re i m ore b *iu £ ^ w l thao w hen iu the act o f e t r l l i la d jk ^ a i l X h i i a dv ip ta iia U ^nowD . but a iaay

, J M u f lid le e are too iodeleitt to e e te r io to * 'P *’ ’ • * * “ *■ H* brneB l aa au

atercuae b t th e d e a e lo p a im l o f tb o entire A i a i e n l ayaUm e a o a o l ba d m le i , a e d la

, tU a M t ^ l a r U a U a n b ooBcia a n a boon i, '*• a ll »Ju i,w U i a « a i th e in ie lte i o f the ad- ---------------- ( t i u n i a lA n d e d , t . H . , J a .

! M ; M , C H i n ' i l A T .

EtycriaAiiiHig. 4diiH*.i>» A in*uI an do f lu lcre^ l.

Tti; fM ving tu 4 l o i i ^ b j i r o l the wurltl bpt f^ioM iK»H iiip oliicr hiitr is

n ui>i •''IU (if kpi'h lo llto lit h N'liii>>Kr.4 lu■(i3» lliis >e,1;. iturh* MPf'/ li.w 1 IpU* uj lli» d !■•• • wIj. i hjP v rc ilU i'l hon IihM hi|e*S.III.1 ''M b h r i(.i| a lll)n J *(1 bt • .liS '<* m iiii liM>hlt-r iir Tf n*sl)i t i Bibtoi !:<.*> pi>raul>o( ct'F tt li 4'U|ii- Vfitt p.A.r flcfri-ii ii-hi ni >rt- orlc^ (ipiii I l f s oH h-ir I Uii-lirii u>tn.ikc h<ith ti'Mi lUi* A f^r »d'h'-)l (hhio lln'bo ptlpu b l i n d ;n ltl > , let ,.r» <iO<lU'lr-iii hM.'-lp Ml rti ■ SMTe •Ihilt r* iiiiii .I'll u< lit' dtsir lu tiic • «.f rl .• V * . --i- i ...

ih-‘m . uiai*1i' " ik i f - w . -sh| ffU** #>l tikj [Sk iOU of M 'll l.t!. lUSl IU HllfIC f-iM't riijjili* bsvs Mhkli '•! liiMir rfU iav fiUiy «ltt-r iVHn> i‘U‘rtr»S b ijis Id-t 1 ij.sui* (»iM* III lilt.

hit la.iilti'r tO'S »i vr» lung vim ou;i ill ii> ir io t f bi r Sihir.lHy. aniJ!'>.m''lma-> p"r> iiiid t>E bi-< taMt-'XiiMiui ifU ttbd>'ii u e '- l ob 'dl hiS h r . Jl U Msr 1 UOt uiUv on <b# piitn)*,liui « :» » tsi lu f iMfi ii I ti.iuk, to f f-ieUin'd sr.q4]lia<i>a ili srrva' M L-Ml >irul Ml tVlIll

[*l»iilic tov Jtiic-i' Ul 1 I'UplI*tr. vi-ry laair HiMpti-D li i' ■ ' • 1 • e Icrh-i| irf >ail thfO runni (MiiT<d11 u; 1 u, n>>i srsit- u.iin tn>m Hit Ji gU . rbixil. Tbv tUioir’ truultlf U ih«ir r*ri'"H ani.ift lu kci-p litiunhiM ;i. II. ,4>nx .iMvr lb « r ii'mi-;. sa Ng« lUion Iwtr MrvKr> arV xl Viil'ic "

* * •H<mmlhiiig unitjitc i i the w nv u i a

k'Mcrija ml bsfe b.'r n b / Jsm-'a W Alb-iiul / / I Itniu.l ALrx*'I, w bn 1* Ufll hniiviii IU (hr pul.iir in s MTiii'T ul nriA-ps|rf<t 1 umiiiuiMiai- iliiiii iipbuldiiif prulilhllioii, an I s i io ss ■ moniih'f 4»f ihc Ib 'i.fvi iv A iciiu* r*ins'Pss (loMStl I'liun-iD, 1 Ril a Uvr.y VI iirrrj>rrK)i Riiii UoMli O l'r,iU'vo>{ 111 ItUeis sri.cb wt rv hI cr* w sjd pull i>iivd III |Mui|ililrl fiirm. Mr Aiinu tthi*. hy I hi* ufsy, i:> % Hvil |irf'-f,vm] uisii iml wiiiild jjfr i 'r !■’ *0 in 'fu il from Uli n|)|d'»rsf'(5 m iKsitjr niiir f'u r )VMr. uiil, t u - s Im*fsuiilsr sitil uiiuiy ir r(i<)s. Slid icnlHuis«kM ior hik |iJiuii«r»i|<h. Ul I1U n>iil h pUiSiArik|if> tshi'O of iiiniw:i s* Us i|s k. wiib .slri. Ahi'n by niR kiUi*. sinl iuu lluii bbd ifir p 1 Mire mi- afHttd ou S41-I Ah<l pruiiitl iitib s Itiiuf '■iN'e td.Il i« sl'oui loni by tr.u liii.'luta mii.. irscIhRi lisU Vrsy jin.i*" (ho jrikt , O p iilr tu the |i.« eiirr Il ih ii oi;>:shaiii II, slili'ii cliuwi lnf'<i]o(iiih)iilisc Scvrt’ u ry of the Truruiiry WiUilmn h e iriuiid MXl ourrf«|H)udiiut >H Hr. Aliim'a mmI a f i ’ hf M. ■iii|-niiM>N viyii.

In (lh« picture on th« led Mr. Ailvn (sgo 7Vi 's euga^fwl lu w ru .js s U-itor lu hti An t rUoiw, WHO tiurm^l him v b<*ti ti.' wus lIMIt end l« uiiw left vdwik u d Hr*. AJIou ikrusdlitx Uie IhtiowliiN la.lor, ]i)»t n-ivjTR.l :

'J'HkSki av liet'ARTMl.NT, WAAJiiNiiTOIV, AulU i. Ib«.

.Ite Jim tt V AVafirit, S J .;M y ni:AH His 1 iMg lo ijih .a you ti>r yun

raliicdl )«;Muroi April I. 1 ih i in hiii hvinpiiiiiy,M Well kinat, Willi yuur VK'WA Ul*Mii fiir•ubpftu ul hMii|fiisiMje im f iitc u luun, end sin pie w-d iti si'o cliiit you lisw luai no,if i>i itkr oUl nrv Ilium ilkii ^nbjivi I nb old he glHd lu w /iie ymt SJ Ituigih, Imt lim e will ihh |M-riiilt,

I hu e iu BMi'i k«v Lr Wrh'hv wneii ne vtkirs ibti cUy. 1 hhveun sbidihR sff'i'liiMJ for him, and smali^arKdollshted lo e 'e hMo.

UsHily end ■dneeiely, jusir inoitd,W, tVlMIHiM-

• * ♦T h e w id e . oliU iaalilulled d o u ijsm b r t l

hw d wood Iq Ibe NewRbfys' Uxlgiiif lUtUMS. presided nvwr by aiipshiKeiMJetii Vtfim«u.aiHms Umi lbs buys o f IU« ds^a o f lAH, w Imii tbo old bulldlnt, tl^.n a >cliovlhuu*e, am erected, wora very niueh liko tba sch u isn oltoe prskoqt, M> isr M lheust- of tb* p ick -tu iu Is cnitoariMHl. Mill kbowirig thmu|]i iiinutuer- ahla i*iHiis o f (AiN( call he teen the rwU'iy oarvad liillisis «Uinh It w nut hsid fur thv grsrKlistljHn o f the p m e it Co rru>RtMei w Ibosauf hoys who have Unra been kiMiwnaii s<maur Nowaik's best rills'iit, tamo of wlmm bavt jNitHRl sway. ThvM m ir ii , oijd ihe doM* IHOt. upnalha front ofihe buildlottn^aUiKUri[hai lam t t it io litlicaie (bat il was om w toe plana where Kewars yunUu recvivrd Minlr v4u oaiion ihruugh Uia medium o f iba pedafloaiH* and Mrcb nxl,

• * *T h e g m u o d b Hutne o f (b e laaa think lyr

nupulaUst parts o f iba city ii overrun ami iiudermliKtl by molao. A targo aiimber ut %$j dens wbirb art Irept by r««)dttUi in the iNil- •kiTiahavc Inkii utuiermlneil by ihuM dmunov Ufa Utila oiiimsls, ami a t'onalderaiiio mirutor o f young spruuta bava been dwnrnjsd. 1'ha puM«s IrequeiMly lonn nudergruutnl psasaacs which may easily ba fbllowad for adU isni'eiH dity frsi or inora. Tbem arv several means ataployvft with num or leaa Huceem lo cxu ir tiiiiiaM iberttu Oua u tha pteciiif o f cenmn kmttKd lj«ant (a ibair ptlba Iboyanx fomt o f tbcm , hill they suldoin rertxver fmm the elfvqlB o f aMUtrg (bcm. A Diimbi>i o f togvuioady contnved (rapt ora ala> used IkiiM of iheaa i n mmls eipraesly fw oainhing molrii. They bavo uo hau lint ora to a rranad (hat Willie Ihii tiiola l i panuiag hit otjuraa uiKtergnmcd and aiicuim srt Uia trtpi he ha fe d lg iihdsr It CO prcMwa:!. fn dlgviug undar U li UapU ia Hfimux flc -i (II «tw «l4s huiI ihsn an iheotbor, but tba drop doM uut isll mtui ivHb U It a aru tjiruug, amt the niii!a li (lien plarceil thWiuili tbo bod r by a riuoiher u( steal pMuit aiAwiMd to tba amp.

• * •P re t tv n e ir ly e v erv K iilv In tlilk Htoto

b u heard o f William K. hbarp. who year oUai year boa Ixwu iryiiig to teruru a t«*;^iiilailvv en> ■Mnient ntquinn’i lha Hhtle to buy a lot u( unpiiw (rf “ Kmilb's c'otuBtiU Hliuiry. ' Tdi* wvak Hr. Hiiarp leut alius to frkMid't and Fuca Imllsciluiliwtely Uie lulluwlng luulHOchaly la.ter, prlme<( nsAily on ftus while paper.

I>i<kr Htr--Tha Uovcrtmr hut ogam failixltu approve the hill pioviding fur plai-iirg m tliu public MMiouls copim o l KmUii'i ram and valuahla aarly or ooliinial bUtory at Spvr ■ Jersey, which proposiltoa w ii rr .ia g ly eirduw d hv all o l (he landing oducetnrs and (na inoflpruwtnuiu men o f all iMiil.ic*«, or rH creedb. and ul all nn>lt*M. sunn hi Uie Hute, aoi] whk-b has pa sea llireo 4wnMnt>lve iRiviaiotnrav. asCulluwi;

In iWf, when the bciiate was Repuhllcan and tbc Uomhv iK'inucuMC.

AuMti. lit IHHh, wlkVM both Hoiuvb were Re puplKMll.

And OKam. and Itwtiv. Id ibW (pmcilcatly nnitihum n), when both Huiimw were l>emu- crtiic.

IrupinnK’h as 1 wus InIctttIM in toe rmrnmirv, Idifc'iee tu cspresi my wauims*. MpfircfUiiiou o f ymir kind setvicm In tolniiFortlito toun ibauxh li hiMl hrvwne a law.

It I coil ii>rv« yi»u in any way at m y lim e I ihMi yuu will do me Ihe liiridiiiM to can

upiX) m«. Very tniiy yiniis.HlUiAW A. SlIAPP.

i1o|M) iliiY!> ali'iniil In Mr blmcp'i hrvost, and D<'SL wliilsr w 111 duubilrss had tilin nxiain tn(he liegUladvf lobby, w H haooiiy o f his bill, the old stuMc nn b ii fsca, and wlih the «ume warm handgrusp. worliliia t t the mme o|r iif. lauti-d purpuMi wdU a i:«r tosney wvMhy uf a beUar tad ukirv Uopvtiil i«m «.

• * •A caI w h ich h a u n t-J Elm stri’ ci,, Itclnw

Multerry, pndubty woo morn symisuhy aipl rpnro ciiH i^r umo any ffMou in iVcw

ark, |bi‘ i-ai hot a ]i enUar yttlca Mho'll ihp iiMioImhI Urn ruillngi or Ustk Up a |KMUumi in a Ub-A'mum dour hvr va il wm hk« um o Iha< 01 I) cniid, and a half dur-ti puilci-mro havo bi*ru li-guiltHi iiiio hmithig fur an uh,iuiiinuit in lam Ml ihe r i l l hnon ollhi- niBhl. lu stm siu Uw I'Ri i-aiiio to crlci aiVi] the ncH-.'ifsirs arv rr jnliiing. U ijjiLsi havu burn anay Mlt 'r niii|. niKiilwiu'ti piitovvci up her nmiKi noi'iiini ilIhfwI. fn h.r iimiU'iy tor her I utrnlmariAciii>,i Ua|ipvii«<l aloiiu, «Mnv)iiipamts1. u Im iH*nuritlly IS. hy I me. Im« [icI bull h rrlrr. Tluc vrAR|Ml llic •iliiHi Urn hou iho rai, snd In bvi* luhiuu'i Ihe Utirr whtdunc hantihR rurewr

• • •' ‘ 8r'c (h o t F o m iin ? ” wiic! an O ranup

horse car line coudticinr yesterday. pniuuiiR to a iihvly divwd rrwtlo W«iu, sal In ihe cnnhTofthi' vnhicia with a hitby smi-gu-d up In Ihn ample kilUi uf liard( >«s, ' iton'korank uu'Ciii. H.iv live*- it|i Muauwln'r# m-ai Uiu cixl of ihv Htd'. Binl ilie iKiriowt Labiri a!i urmmd her iiclghlAn li-Kii and bikes ciu 0111 tor an alrlim. (41s! He«li *tbn Emit noe os blui k as Uic ii*p ol spudna, and tu dny shv's gut a rmilatui, l/i* h tor yuuiwdl ”

It na* a itvi 'I he vvoinup did have ■ foffi'f*' ciiUrcd cliKd, kiitl was Irtiiia lo amii!.^ u. bivu V ar«. uku a nuiMWuy huii«c kiiis'toKl tha woman don u UP Hprinuli|.l.t uvuiine, InjorniB tu’ r hesd. ti\t w cikv later Him oanif uni nl an huapiial slid has uni'C ilevoiiH) hvr ihric ui curing 'u r lliv Unit* on*-* i»t wcmu'ii u lio out liv the dsy o> work, mic ukt’s Hip uimth mp I'l Mouni I’lciioKiM I i>iiic(rry iioii viirluiwpHrksHiHl iilivr uiid wcibh to rlud do-ligtil lu (iri work.

• * *l l c n r v K f 'v c r c , nmi nl un nx-aliivi*. m

on Un* PMirl III a good l■d^^•atlon, e w n IF he dOM aoi aiierwsrd sisaw vv»-ultD, Kviiry rwmc Uj Newark a year lau Itoiif A»uib rnroiina wKhoiic iiiv muioli'ei idea oi (bu iilptjais^i. Uc etiil>aik»i lu lh« I Ou piaik iMiklnum, but Um w hile lsi)B tuioiiid ib« "lour corner*” at llrout aud Markci sirfcfts gave lilm to midvr- •toiid ibut he wesii't wan(o l In tliM iMmirulur locality. A ljiW T ct lu to c I^Jiidon. I.ivsrpiMd auil UKrbe (lullding biuk uu micnsC In (ha boy •ml puiTlvoord him a apL'Ilint UmiX Nigh'i after uigUi Itiv youiig (<-lluw vouid M: M.>uti nm nlng over IMS hv (he Bid o f I'ornvr yoaligbpi iia l lu> llnatly uTadfrCil not only Uiis liMOk hut aIho '•(iidWHl grarnmaranii gt'uttwpny. TnilfH hv li luiiuliig 1111 plevutnr In a hlg InnUl- lug on Hroid H).n*cl ii( fiKi a tnunlh. ami at nixhi (uochrs im sabk 'bieU itci] in • turf o f quiui wiH'k day c v a in g or t-uiwlay-whool cIom al fpriugrivid a w u u c and EJruce itrevr.

In (h e ‘^Iccpini'ecari ^In rhe evening, weak and weary,« KiPeTist 1 (tM‘ sIceptoir.Lar;Found lUc iHitlvr huoiUty. dreocy,

Ab at eve ih« kotturs ori*.T p and di.>wn (he Mkla bp hosapri me.

Flung my bagRitgu liftit m i d ^ i f ,In my every wlun ho crowed b

Ttli inv reul o 'erfioeed w iihswrar,I.rmg I surd, im pbied, bnscehed him.

''( l iv e inviiuaiteiii rorihe ntgbt,"Till at lost' .lil^dibgfl n icbed falin

. . . . . - r (Low lowlyllowcBrvbe r*>r:er dun n iq nu 1

llrus led my gnrtufulA. m ciu iilae slowly, Fbutd,h|4 i^ liu wh«re I m g bt v«c.

Ttauv bctwCfO nmiiklad aoij pertw Time te vrer sblituig pow tn *

Jfi (tie eve wa beg ibeir quarter^Jn ibt awm Uiaf teg lor ourc.

— PPaMragtoa fbH.


Thn C'lly Ituyliig lu MHuy I 'lm -s r>f KchI Kslate, Init ^r-yli-i (Iiik fa luka Tllte

to I'-eCiw MR 11 (« a ift|H iw rm l by l-aw t o Ihi •lti‘ 4‘u im n aadari«m s H ade.

Tbrm yi in and a tilllu ovor a week b ivi puMf) liinrc JiidifC (I'-puc, at ib e re- qiMiRtfii the t'oiiiiiMin ruunciJ, ■piNMIilnl Ibn-c f fininiio-mni fii uiidi-r (lie HlarUn m.t to ailjtj-il Uia tux and a mA 'Iucui Hens, amo'jullijg to ucarly (U.OUd.iXHJ, Ibnl the ciiT lifTd ug'iiQkt tlui pr ipcrty ofiU cU i- •eiia K xi4 p ( d iirh ig a tow w m 'ks iii rum - uMrthe iHMfd hiv nisi cvi-ry iliiy Iture Atid U hai jiiTforim -d atapit Ih ic i-q iiu r te f* n( (he great <a-k that it.alurU d lu an-iru- plisb.

(jiin p lrn lli r J'tmcM I'. C ^ m iclly 1u*t night sent lo (:*»uu< il a ru m m m d ia iiu n review* ■ug p r i'ity lim ruugU ly (tie wurk o f the I'umniliMilMicrH and li ii ow n w ork and that uf bia predn • s to f tn 1 iHm: in cu n n e ilion with Ihr Miljiistjiie-nta and iBtea. H e ra lli attentiun, ton, to (h a fact that the f i ly , ihuugh lU L hor'aiil to d o so hy Iww, has never U k n t al« }w lu tenure i i l l e t u the prnperty tliMl it b a i (hjii- IiI in r( the R iiifloav, and be rccoruriiRiid-i that t h ii be don e at nrifM*.

O f (h o w urlh o f a m n irt u ftaxiw und UiM-wtmrnta th :it w ore mi HtHnd- rng in irtNf ih e m tiiM inp-dt nuruinl'aium ra liavcRAiNl uiHii !»|.rj(KhtHJO w orth uf liens, h-avipK $,Slld.-kgi w urih |4-t Ut m liti-l, O f tliu $i,.'kJii,iRp( w orth H'limiA'd. i»?*'T.ii(ki wirrth 111 rofiiid fl,;iircN have ll■■pn no ■! un- d*rt'o* haiiiiOT, and refuuiN mvcruig Ibn iwlannc, n« 'sr ly iMXl.llOO w orth, are w i th fir WMT lu titw nMutiuis roiirii.

In a l lu lo tuhle apperidi-d to t h i i com- • iin n lfH tlo ii ('n n ip tro lter preM'iils the fu lluw ing ilgurev, abowing the B 'ljus li'd value *.f (Its lii'O i agahiNt the pro(M*rlf t o l l KJid Mil' p o riion o f the pro|ierLy th a t idle r i ir lHiii-.;lit 111 h«(iaui« timrv W ert no iiidderv lu r i t :

Amnniit IfiualilmiH. by,

-ia leflfl. Jl. 1K17. . ir t , .V O « i I" N iv, ;£( iM-»t..... .. /.■.■.fij.ij ifl.iLu; mi

t>T(. n , IU fty.-'VM nJune 1.1. K W ......... IHN,7(1* W IV,.Ole 7b

Tutol......................... l7:if.H(ti 71 |iu:i,ouTJta co H iT n r iU .a u 'h wrATRMx?«T-

The te ll uT bl« comiDuiilckliuti prrweni- ed lost Dighu containing Mr, Cuuiieily’H rccuiaoicndatiuha, Ivor fi»llnww.

In irnmiiuH'M wilh w'oituD S o f (ba law urcoinig tne J) <i.ar4inea( o f KiaiBCu o f the f f y ik Newsrk, M l#i«orti(Mi my duty to iircRcnl10 100 Hie lolkiwlnv Farts .

fin- liMaiaiaiute iH (h r d u ic , during the set sli»a id imri, |ra<imi| a law cuLnmgaiy kiMiwn os (b e y sh tn oi!l Tiiw ( oiiiimin fu n n rd nf tin %»o\v year poR-ed a rrRi>luthin Ivvarint rtuf* Mas T, fwqiifti-(ii>,( ihc a|i|Mdnunsru ol ronnnits- diHtvts under lliu |»rovl*inn« ol »al t law. The uiMiri, aciina upuii Kin rcipi-vt o f tVainvil. madu (hu appotm m rn x which hcardatvJuna 12. MHL 1'iia iv»tnmlw|oiivri at uii<a* j a w i i l - wl with Ibeir Wkj^k, and up loda ia b iv a pre- wntod iwuiuv lunr rrp,wia. all n( which havu broil nogrtriiifil, Arter Mirli rnaflrniaiUHi (bcM- reroais Iwcamn ibe prupeny o f Ui«* lk*par( iiani ig Finaai'.'. an 1 ihn fYwiuiimlicf pnctw lR ua der (lie priurinuns nf the oar to mtll. I Aitd tii«( up to tba pfvsunl date Uh« propony eouaeraieU ill fljtooii o f the lwt!4Uy Aittf (vporU Ar» bw a wikl.

Ttie griiM aoKHint o f tn« lieu* putrered bv t|M /in ofa (VtormI lo bai bem tfM AD -0which the mty bai Uoughi in la valtw t(« ■ at lulluws - Al skIv iH (ton>her i t |fW7 fe . •Ml nale or March !^. iMCx. rr,,.fiM at «aio Octnbor tl. ISHV. KiT.-m A «ud at Inal 0 }m m11 1M9. H9.JP< ?a

Hh* Iasi RatoniK-rn'tl hi U lb« 0c4 *in4cr ■ ? direcliun, amf Uio vti4d y and rcteamb nutwo- tpient tnariHO hav« led tae lo iha lohuwUai lacia Rnd aunclURloni,

Hucti'>n V o f 4hi> Hartlo act emuotvari Ibe. c l i f to purvhaHa property oa individuals wiMbt. onrl dln*o4t the conros 10 be purvumt in nlaaln* tng (Ula, The firal pr^iaedurt U (M (Weaunta- (too o( ernfAc-itrt It Mile uf such o f lbo(irop- city OMilxe miy puK*iia«RN to the Muvor. who, m hebatf oF Lhn city, nhall t o fw tbu prop.*r notifVR on p-m lei at tntoruH Wh n liilu U obtiiliiml. (he pnwer tt vested in the t'oincnoii ■ (mnrlL wuh Un* cuiisentof (he gYnaiiec ('oin- mltiea, to sell ajut oruivey nw h pm|Rirty or any punton UMrvof l»y gikjd auik suOIl' ivih dead.

YUg MALIM Nut COMPLaTK.Nearly t'lgiitoun monltii biva paosorl stooe

tlm dale rtf lUe droi two mIeiB ttid eight mnnios have dapi«il iiiiee Uio dale uf the ifiinl. Yei 1 Hik! i,hero never has be en any aCikiD taken U'yiiod ibe mere rtiordliif of cordiiiwia tjf'Mh-, Thu offiuu bos Yinameil Um urniiicareH (a hot uf wbiub la witucxcili aud has tal«Ml tu pruRoni tba oatnu to Ui« Huuur the IfHvur. Thu aUiun led Im shown a large tUMKinb of ppupt*riy oold nnder the phi viaiois Of (he ant by ibsi tAimiumtlcr loilm cily. which proi>tir(v »tan-U on ihe hiRiki ol ilie nITtco bi-tittv In ihu oartiv coadiiiun as U'Fore (lie <ntub1l hiiv'iu of (he (.‘unnmtwto-i, aiul un the re|Mirta ol >aie on having been purchased by Lhcet.y cigliteen luouibN o^ .

I wviiM advise Uiiu itos ( imsf im llcr te* Iti- itruciod to at utioe pniR'iii iho oeiiiliCHtes of ■Mile lo the nliy lu Uie Mayor, l Hin aware iluil ouch oi'iimi will mvulvd iwrMidcratdu lugiK aud idonnal labov. tml dnein i( nol uniy iifCuiaary, hut oi l he InxtottC hriiMirtirii! * hir Ibe hitluw- mgrpM Ori«,to w it ; ‘The error M*lisrgLwhle (0•ho I nm|vi oiler's oilli'e lb (ho p.L»t ami pnvieiita re .liiu to itio Jra|>erte€( and iiniiuwiii'-alUu wHiditiLm oltliL* is-Ci)MB The reudcrlng o f ln . lornuuion as 10 Uic ouiidiCioii u f prujierty, on n'liucRt.Mbd thninnking o l la^arche^ i-uniiut Ir* ulvpii ur inndfl t>romntiy breanw »r (>ie cu-ii- mrwrniL* inulh'Kl^ m simiU«l with the umi*eau<l nut Aloce iUi4i'r«JV4<d. and teuiiiiiie « fInuHty him lU'ver boiui n'lirhe*! upiiu pr>i|ierty dupeued ol luid^-r Itoi iiruvuioitk oJ Ihe luw.

The is>ni|il.’iloti nl ibe work ol thu Martin CoTOinisdoiicr'i Kill M ih‘h«,M> sriUi-inciii ufrai'h pifw: <g profi-ji'lv odjoirisi by llion\ no u>c pari->f ih.*c4iy. will (UhUui Uic t m<> wnenAsyauiiuof p<-r.>’ iii4il lrdgi*r ammiip^ sor.h ii« thusxifN'rt in L.s UiluH Ft'po.-i Mlii-|y nusiiii mi m U •mi be |wa<-4h‘iilly c**toLili,br'd iioius- (he nceiOAitv nf tba Moggci'lnn.

ijn'tiHTA’rr ii> AtijiiiitK TtTi.g.Ft Is o f the higuest iniiKii i»nu;c, rrnin r bnai!-

ctal •aaodpom., UiutUtecit> «hnuid pno'cn] 10 ai‘L|iHcv (lilt* HR ApiT tily Of 4HM-obic, ber'o iw,

Pitwi Tb-anpM rntj'ol inicli tide muk athi< pnnerijf n iMilcr rm ?( ugiin-it the dolH Lhuu in li» pri-iH‘ iit relatiuo.

"ifCiintl When m in l«i ncqiilMd the property (CMkOR til h(* lAiaot'i. iiriil ivHI n*tiioiii xo until ib r m y wUl have isUnciEsl lUthuiu by• Il llLle.

Ily Mslti'ty uf i.uir (us orivaTOK*' Kystoru It will In* louod (bHi llin cjirryjiig oj Jimi this cJiarae- RCtcr uf pr..|M‘ riy, (bv whicli 1 menu nou pay- ina] In an o[N'o . iinseiUnd Htid yei taimldi' con* littuu, IR ine prituMial C4U»e ul uor yearly de-

lli'ieney In lemripia, pi retiif m uliiiiD g.iax atreiuuxe bumli. i'uiilrasL.iig tin* auiuuril nl prupm y puts llaSisI by (he n iy oihE-t Ihc Mar­lin o o iw lih ib c yearly dedcu iripiitrHl tuba itjMdc lip for (be (vtlri'incni ol maio.'itig uix arrearage bon U. Mini taitltig (bvauniimt yearly gidihi into ino arrearHirv hitouiu, iiRMig Ms m kj^lstba ycHTM ]o.v(. l«a.'>. l«Miaiid lMn7, dining whinp ihc (AXu« uuTS very proinplly jhihJ, u will be tuim>l tbiit llir nmniiiuM arc lii the re­lationship very nearly alike.

T b a n i 'c o f proiMfrly im dfr llic act In q iw - lion is hid fisr (hxcr mIoih®. tnu Inr till city -Icna fiMiiid iKBltwt 4mi|ie>Ty prior to llPkl. micb m o|R‘Mlog'‘ . gradiogR. onrliHifR, puviiiipt, M'WBih, cle.

If will U' fr-trii'inliertHl Ibnt tlic rersdpt* FfSim all MiuTPisi uduT rtiRti tiixfls wen* pl-dgcd by luw (o mi*Tt>d Mini sinking rural inr bonds kuniMias -iliTcl Slid itfwor Inuncvuinciii hfloilH; bill tbai (41S cily to ISHil amt 'MlmitHl ti&alt un­able to ccillccl enough out o f opeu clulaas mu.mfUliiR>to nearly U.OOn.ilOb m imy (he lu. n iLMt on Rueb dvoi. kiih'c tha upcrrulnn nf the Matlin nL*t. mii tally IIavc the rcccipfs bi^n iiim cicnt tor Ihe liiifr^sl, but quiia uo RinfNintb>(R lH*i:n pluecq p>iiic C'iHJiMd' Ilii* linking iiiih!. I h c •cijuirlijg o f Um« to prinjcrty ad- jiiRlad tud s<»lil inr heiiti o f the almvn rjsinrc hy tht cliy will still liirOirr eiilargu m iha inmie- dmto bmirfl the iv'ccipis pl«Mlgi*d m this ho- euuut. w ild* It tha properly pundiasvdby ihn eiiji Ix' lert In im pvciwnl enndutou li wlii lur- iKsh work lor tba (m ile brain ul hdiiri: Ivgisia- luTS and giva the I'ily a lu'-s avaluihlu aiweL

fvvr T‘ i AutnKK T ir i.t t l hsa teen contended thm li wuutd he tinjuU

on Ibu part 111 (tir city to arqiiiic title, l<d tiU' Aanircynn that lh « Fiu't In ijniu* ilia cimtrary. O baa Iba piopatiy ii ei|Kimt Fur sale sny |M>r- oiin cjii) pnrcbRM-, and stiuiud such purchiscr •uu(ua dwHl the Lhauec ul tjie owner iu rcciiv*fr Is tnialMndccd ; w hiilc If tb« cu y scenre the ilaert hii ehaiu'c uf reOcmptlun wi-uld yei ic- niMlnopcn,

Id QinuiiiAioQ let me hi>rw fur yonr iniracdu ata cutMidaratUm ot tbasu matters for Um iuf* ilicr rLiP^M Uiai yoiu* favtirahie aeiiou will ONilig lln i ufltcc Iq carrying unt ihu law creal- lag K'^wtiieU dviDandi Uia use ot all legal m«‘8ns forthepm cnjit iialieriiionor tii<lrhiedue<ts to the city-

Of lltw |1A3,0-U.7B wartli o f prtipflrly Uniglii by (lu) city undvT the hammer, ^ . lAve been arquiroii (0 all ex­cept w hich WHS lubl within thoa it luunihs that are pcrfu iiied u> the prop- e rtj '-aw iicn i ui redveiii th e ir poNiiWAiuns, A eauoa aa the city a cq u lrw t id e t o th e ' land am i Jtousei U iid it b u br»u(1it ta l i will find K atlf th e o w n e r of rutl eitalo here an d there a l f o v e r Ik e cU y. Thia property the CompLreli«r Ih iaka will have t « la ifl r t M u tio d t o th e h fy b ca l M d d tn .

li-m V K IL *i F O K O IM tK It .

T h e r irira l |}ccorMtliii«a lilv|disy«4l a t a b a ib b ^ n a b le l«imd aii T w blcj

T he fuFiuwing rx*r< rt Fruto tiic Jxindor) nf .t| <y, givna 01)106 h u v ii do-

ltui4R rrlutivc to d in n ' r table id u n t iiH 'h l:f hcre w itn 1 Ii:iri4ii)i:ly drv'iiratcd Uihlc

in Hruion strcrl a few nighia ago, TUo fl iwcrs wrtc fl*iin-rulurid tulijw, ipiiii'a and pirrii fejo. In the centre was a large •iivrr I'up fl)>d with these fluwcrs, and U the base wg.i a afar ohapi*irl mound of the same, in CRfU rxinnie point oF which eua a kpiiMto. Hilvcr candrU lira Mood on eiihcr wte nf this, ami at esrh t-Tifl worn stiver enpo, and aroun*! their h-iicv weru drclua ot the asme flower, i'hit rfferl when 11f(litrd up was vrrj liphl am i unique. <;sn(HiiunM and uMCU'mclte Will ba very niu b In livor t^fsin fur (aIiIr deioratiun. Anutlinr table was very ua* omimrin imlecd, and tutist have bec-n very costly. IV (lii: fluwrra uacd weru euKrely uf (hr fliieiL and UrK»u calcculiriaiiid fMife. t hue of liulioltopo, miguouftte and beg lui* h'AVen, arunged in diflcTcnL ■hated wreitlii; hut the imoll ol the hoiiulropo VMS rather ovrrpowcilrig. roinr labK» will not b« touch affeeud Ujfa snasito,

1 n iuit n ot forget to Dotire a v e r? ((ualnt d in n e i fu-hle in t'adugaa Hqunre. T h e ern tre was o f flam e-co lored p tu -b . T in* w;i« arranged so as tu look lik e tw o lle t i (•y the plush Iming pn i o v a r (w n pb-ees o f w ood, tong in pr'ip<irtjuu tu th e ir w idth, A br4«i liinip with runny hranciies hIou<Iiid th e lii(;bt r iHirllnn u f ir, the Ji^rhu bu^ng seen ibru uxli ruby gloas, l ju 4 in t and uii- I'oniniun urcbidv and U u pical hlm>ianji w ere ured wiiii coIu m I lra v c«, rikJ wi r« placed il q n u in t rci^iptocli-s, 'h c ln h k c lu t h wav e n l in d y u f Eharlrcnsi*

g m n i silk , w hich w>4A}daiL(d in wuiidruiHi fu ld i. In thn c c iiir e wtsi a la rgo ruiind hIrsh d l»h , w ith a Ju n iiin g b o n fe r ui am iden -iiair Fein, and in lh « u i id d l« u f i i w e ra v io le la artangpil in d r e l t s a n d pih-d h igh . T lio ou ter circia wtu ttia da rk Uiu- vmn, the v^ otid ib o grny Sou|H)liuu, and the im d llu wiiilOe Ibiw u tim aides o f the iHblcN, standing amnn(( th e w u n dru u i folds uf the silk d iith , w ere am vll w in to gJavM'« IlMcd illn rn a to ly w ith KuhirU u and N et- p o liitii violriB. Iternrc e v e ry p iste w ere ar* ranged Hitcruacu houqueva o f them , Mud at ihn lo r iie ra o f (b e table th ey w eio arrangod in cro^ccuta ; little lam ps in IbeA bap fiu f eKHl w ere doited about on tbo table, and lung sp r.iy i o f V itiegA lrd rreeperv w ere iw lu cd aruuiid ■nil am ong thnin. Jii|HineMi m niistets and driKOh* io iron held curiuu * frn iti. Nu mctMl hut Iron appaured un the table in ilto way o f ornam ents r i ie (^ n ifea w ore lu (he *ha{)« o f cu r iou s rapU tat. Holt- cvlUra ahujMd oi jtubllua held Oia uU lu (vtokcLa on tbciT t a c k i . O riental plutcK w ere u ied Ixitli fo r d iD oar and for deasert. T h e room w ia l ig b u d l>y iron baa^lng lawpR.Mhhdrid w ith ailk the ■uine culnr m th e ocntru*p1e<x*. A t 1 lu m h fo n at a very ch ic huUM th e table was dvcorattid With viuluta In iliadea ftom purple to wliire.

A t a very ■lowll d in n er I a tw far a ce n ­tre p itce th ree o ld -fiisb ion ed s ilv e r d c c jn - ter vU n d i place<l tog eth er l o l o u k l i k e t tr ip le Iwakel, fliJtd w llh w h ite nardism t ■wd fern, a ligh t huadla a tre lcb ed auroii m ade o f rihhuas and buwa,

A V K R D A W T t -R N irE ltF O O T .

IVwW Ml O ld M aanhm aii Kwaily V io tin i- Iced am lu n o e a u t *< FlIgrinB.**

Fr-wi tea M o v e r Newaatoriei have been to ld o n (lie

pUtUR M liiuvtrating th e v erd a n cy and iMtrri) in noi:euce uf "p ilg r lra i" and "to n - torfeek'* O ne o f th e best w h ich th e Alrwa n ew r c u lla la related In regard to th e mun- Bcr ! d w hich one o f th e old plaina roach* m ea up near th e 8uuth Faea got a new w agon . He bad hq o ld on e , w hich wav practically wurtbieaa, and b e had m ade m any eflurta to Iradn i t o f f to poas- iu g tra ln i and u a v e l le n , boX w ith o u t tu is o e ii . f i e wav gettin g cona iderah ly d lacoar- ig«<h w hen a lone " p llsr iiu ” appciired at the ranch and cam ped fur th e B ight. T h e pilgrim waa very greeD, a n d m b e w a i bound ov er the ■ o u e U iD i , had m any quevU oQ i t o oak abunt th e tnuuntiiD paar, h ow w id e it was, and w h e th e r w aguiu e x - perivurtd m uch d ifflcu ltv in getlln g thruughe l i e had a b ra n d -n ew wagon, w h ich iir iio k (b e ranch m an 'e eye , and ho d e tm t i in n i to play a bold gam e to gut it.

T tie o e f t m u rn in g (h u " p ilg r iio " saw (b e ram bm an very (‘ a re fu lly m eavuring h li wagoTi, and v e ry n a tu ra lly b A ca r iu t ity wae excilud , and b l i inquiriea w ere a iiA w em i by th ca u leu m avsurikqce fru(u th e raoclim an that tha w aguo wu* ju i t tw o in ch e i too w ide (0 g e t th rou gh Ihe T he p iler in i w ni duiufiMiudeil and HI a pi>rk u f truubln. F in a lly h it eyta re«(- (hI ou the o ld ra tlfe trsp o f th e ranchm an, w hich he meaHUred and found Lo be tw o inrhfit narrow er (ban bia o w n . H e pruiiijitly proposed a trade. T h e raoch- inau dcm iirred . I lia w agon w u o ld , to bo sure, bu t (hen it w o* oarruir cauu 4*h to go through th e p a « in ctse he should ev er w ant to v is it tb e S i l t l a k e valley . T h e m ore b e o b je c te d th e tiiuxc iiuporiunaw i the '* p i lg r im ’» becauu*, and fiiinily a trade w a i con^untw atod , the runcbioan geU in g th e n ew w agon an<i piic.keLiug a good roun d sum to booL Tito " p i l j j r i i u " w ont on b is w ay ro ju ic in g a t b it good furlune to g o U la g a w ngou which w ould gu th iu u gb the narruw (joa* ; but w lion be reJoh»d the w catern alupc lie m ust have rnaliacd bow bm lly hu boil been vioiim ir.vd, tdoce th e Huuth pars Is bruad ouuiigh to iDkroUaQ arm y tbruugli and not tba iiurruw gorge, harQly w id e en ou g h fur li W4guii, Which hud been p ir iu rcd to him, ami w hich he waa 10 w iU iug lo be­lieve .

IIEItlilN^a M AKItl.MLIC M A IlK tH '.

S U tlalIca tor (h e Y enr 1HH7 T h a t A relln u sa a ity li it r re « ( ln g ,

Krurn tha Ixmilnri HlnU\The published return of the marringci

cclelirated in £i<-rllu d iir iu g the year LSH7 Im luihur more Interestlug th.m itaiiHiicu) dueumentnof ihe Inud uNUiUly are. tlnly Ti5i out of Die unurriogea tmik placeIwlwaoD near bl<Mhl reloiioni. tjf bhi*a4> l l j w^re Imlweetj flrat rouains, and 8 were b eiw ceu unelrtuivd itu-rea. T h n reu jfu n . iiig iQiirriage wua (bat of a ntphew with b is aunt, Amung lUoAe w h o were aiarrlod were 2 boya of to mil if? g irls o f IR or un­der, toguther with 10 wntoworj of from 70 lo 77.1 divoned wnmaii of 7d uiad 1 widow of 75. The two la it murried men o f be­tween 45 aud 50.

In 12,:*6Ti cowl harhelort married Rprns- tera; In 8HI caNea bnrbelore married w hIuw i or divurerd wofnen, and in 1,4*1 aploAtera marrltd wuluweira or divorml muu , while io 522 cMoea whluwa urth* vorced women marri(Hl widowera ordi- vinrwl iiiuii. Two widow* and ons di­vorced w(H»i«n took bachelor* OJ1 their lifth huabandai and lix wldowa and (wo di­vorced wunien took oa their fifth busbaiul mmi who had been prcviouHly juarruni, white eight wUlewera or d ivorw l men married apiiisicrs after liuviug already buTicd or gut ild ot four wivot apim*e.

In many cases there was a roiuhlecabie dilfTeiKoof age lielweeii the contfacting particH. As many as M wouieu wor« 11(1 or mote jenrs loitngrr thnn their ImabRUda; 42 were Iroin 'JTi to 30 years younger, auil 123 were Irum 20 lo vearu younger. On tbo other hand, iu 4 7(W cas4>a tlia woman was older than her vicDm. In K4 mar* riagcilha differenco was botweeu 15 aud :i0 years; In 1 marriage U was 31 ynorv, and in aoolbrr it waa oa imieb oa 40 years, lu Iterliu, aa elaowliere, the young man’s funny Hi-eroj t* ligluly liirn to thoughts of luve in the iprlng rather than at auy othor lime, for tbo faVerito matrimuntel wooth is April, nut after April Oetob«r aeea more raarritgr* tbaa 4Uiy month, aud alao more sulcidoa.

F.V|>ertniont1ng W ith R a te .Frooi llie Bek'iiiHIo Am cncao,

M . H cri a,-wed {lie t ip o f th e t*U Imo ihohaek o fih o rot. A fier U liiu! Faken run ill il s new !«•]< ion, U out it u g m n* original iiotnt ui bjsfjim n, Tbe m now nor* I laWtevuraod lu poaUhin, the form arllp be­ing tile ruul. Alter »>mo tlmu it was Found that Uie new tall WM (u^nniitv^ k'onduaion, Wie nerVm ih ,4 iMLRMvrt ...v V ^ P dta n rda oa way. Pr. Ku«b boa raociitijr perfonwed mti exporinieiituu tony m ix Jn th lny cate* Uie talk united aattefbelorlly, but aerar, armt eight moulba iaier, was auy seaMUoa presMst Fn the Dew appeudegx


('Mptrira nf a Huaster That PevuurudDuinootle AnhnaU anil 4'blidrao.

j r iie F o il o f H jiiin (r r iu id a d ) (SairliA|K4lili*,hts the fo l lo w in g e x ira o rd to a ry ac*

1 count uf the dcpridaiioue aud capture* uf! I ujun-ter iD ake ;

fiuriMK (he UnI tw o m o u lL i it hae Ihcu a fiuXter of rrrqiieut mtnplaint among the

; inUabitoiii.-t o f the dUlricta east kod north i of Ariim, (hat (heir duDjealie aDlmals uf ' all kiiidA w ere toing loat iu a strange, tm- , espIsinHi n iiiin e r , usuiily at night.. Srairtif a dny to

witlioiit a goat or a pig, a cnlf or a donkey la'ing rvte^ctod bhim- ink'. ’u«i Nllerly even larger aiDij!ia]a, Kiuit* valuable iimles and borsea, bod gone lu |um ilin imutter domestic fry that had dis- sporired Oue Htindsy uiurniof the hi- haiiitiiil* uf Afiuta were tiiruwn into con- Riniiutioii by thn iic:wa tbtl three childrru liwl >IU»p|K’ Rrcd III tbu ward of (iusuopo during Ihr jm-t week, and (hey were sup |)o*>Mi lo havu lieiouie the victims of tbo ruidiqg rnnuster.

l uU-r in tlie nfieinuoq news waabruuglit fiom Arl|Hj that two children, Paul uuil lt'-«« i.^gr;uid, hrutber and siatei, bad Ikuu Iu*i,ot4non fiiiuiilsy and ouu cm that very ruonriiig. In thli iualuune tbe mother while sitiiiig in a state of Koil-alup>ir, moiirniiig ihu lo a o f hnr little danglHcr ItuMU, live .rear* old, who bad dltappuami Ul thu produds rouinl biT hut Halarday al 1100U wiihiiiil atij iroA'Hi Ih-itif fuDud of lur, was aiarilud by Itin Bcreams of her child I’ tul, who Was ptayiu| a few yardd from htr

U lotcd with horror, she tbeo saw hir child Rnvc|(i|H il ill the colla of tbe upiwr |Mri of ihu body of a (tolosaai snake, which glidrd awuy witti Its pruj into the d« plbf of till) furpRit, A number of the rvaidciit*! uf ibi* diRirirt, srtped With guuA to whose ranks Duw Mccuasurit*i were conUoitnlly LXiiuiiiCi Iwgau lu scour the country sfier the iiiako, smung lhara Jose Concept ion ■ikI I'lut IfCgruiid, 8r.. filbert of two child vlftiiu*, oil wbiHogriiD featuru waa written a quMicbleav dulcrmiaalios to wrusk voDi.fiice deup and dire un tiic tlcndish serpent.

Tno excitemfiit in Alima waa riiicd to the blghert pitch UD Tuesday whRD nuwi was brought (hut the great aerpeat had bcfu irwii on the Arliua heighia, aod that two more cbiidreu had been Harried offby him.

Thursday uioriiitig t motley cavalcade WMS WHii iwuino out o f Arloia lu a norili-^ erly direction. They were the warden and bis ptrty on ibelr way to tbe Bine Uniinlaltt, in the neighborhood of which teirch partiei had located the loake thu day hefure, lie had been leen by one of the htiuteri to enter Ihe Onachaio orvm in the hill aeparatwl fay a bollow feom tbe (BuualaiD, aod a cordon bad iraduallv been foruiod round tbe bill to proveat bis sallying uur.

Tbe warilen'e parly having reached tbe rtvei, aud another large party bolding iho entraiH'13 ou the valley in tbe norlberu side, asortuf ferlurn hope by the warden and priucipal fur roemhen of bi| parly was organiaed fur gradual entraoeo Into (be rtveruB as fir as tbe light o f day peue- Irated, preceded by a couple o f dogs held in leash by guldet. Nolbtog waa aoiiced fur some mlnuies a* tbe party itambird their way ov^r tbe ruugh ruofca, save the luum jaroftbe fall and ibe mounifal half screech of the diitnal gnarbaro birdx Bntas they drew nearer tbe pnul at tha foot of the waterfall the dog began lo get exotted ami to avince » decided inclination to run beck.

There w u snfBdexit ^iglu itreamliig through tbeeiitraDceatodiitluguiih preuy clearly all otyveu in tbe la lv lor iu tb« direct Hue o f tbe entraiiccx The party baited, both ur accouut uf tbe nornly dfe- poiilions of tbe dogs and becaaae one ol the guidea stated be had seen aotuelhiug moving in the pooh

With rifle* cocked, all eyea wera now fixod upon the pool. Tbe dug* now began to howl, and whether thu nolM zonsed Dm terrible occupuut o f the navu or be other* wite became aware o f the uxittonce ol tbe party, tha bead uf a monitrons snake aitd* dauty appeared on the surtaoa of tbe pool, and two large and loairous eye* bccamo fixed with a diabolical gleam on theintru- dorx

An angry hiaa, like the planging of a ifdlitit beam into the pool, iuacd from ib j hideona head. A muttered signal, and ■ volley rang with roverbersting echoes lb rough the cave*. Large stone* fell upon Die Jagged roof, and the startled gaacha- rniflew wildly in all direetiom, uttering ibeir dUmal icrvecb. The builJa had not been killed by the bullets aimed at bU head. With great rapidity he aeeoied to uncoil hla leagsh from the depthi of the pool, and with fuHv twenty-fire feet of his body raised and curved forward, as If (o dart at his a^sallante, be seemed to he emeriifing from the pool.

A lew whispered word* noDfled balf the party lo aim at bis head and the other ball' at tha cenirat part o f b li body, The av-tv oud volley produced the deDrad efTeot. IheCulofsal snake leapei} wholly out of the pool, aud with a Few terrible convuU lions, III wbioh he la«Ue<l the water aud tbe flour uf the cavern, be sank qnlvexlna (u ib(L ground, a Lbird volley for a qnietua luinflog bis oerU(n death. TbU fact was iii«u made sure of, anil the caves werosoun invaded by th« pursuers.

The moiiater wa* dragged oot Into the level and found to muuaure fo rty^ v r* feet, lh« (blckrtt part o f the body havlufj a diuiueter of two and a half feet. In color he wav yellow In the under paa( of bia liody, dark above, with dark ring* en circliug the M y , betwenn wbioh semi­lunar grnv durks served as rte'to to varic- gato tbi f-kin. He was opened by the am* vJirtoa of tome cocoa pruner*. In him ware feund tbe holf’difoalud body of a deer and a number , o f farina panperiR rurma, propahly bwmHuwimJ by him, wkii the body uf some unknowu and unferiu- Uftte cocoa contructor.

Tbe joy fu I fioncou rue, d raggi og t he inoti* btar, reached Arima, where ibe neoiasary •tepa were taken lu preterve the carcass fordispla.v iu the council hail of Fort ol HpMin. The cxciiitig 04*currence* con* nrcted with Ibis monster are atiil theeub jeet uf general dia>'U> *Iou and goratp,

O ltO W IN O I .U '0 R K :B ItO Q T,

tyiiare tt CoMva Ifrom aad EFuw Fra- pared f o r (he Narhet.

From (he Aniariean Analf>LNearly thme mlllioa ponuda of licortee

r>H»tarrived at tbe port ol New Turk dar­ing one week, rcceutly, from Smyrna, The lirpest abaro o f llcorlr^ noiv eomoi fhun .\ ia Minor, Line American bavlng almoet a monupr'b having braoebe* furluanufuutunng Dio extract fa this couutrv- Lirgp i|nantitiM uf licorice areiiDporu>d into tbu (Iniird Slates at a heavy expense of import duttes.

Alioui a year ugo it waa scUled beyond (lotiht that tbe aoil and elimate of Oallfur-* uia arc p^rfeetiy ailipted toils pioductiun.

Ucortee la prepared like boite-radl)h, hy means of root slips, which are removed from tbe lusio root. Tbe soil must be well FerUliZ'd and thorouglUy broken tu IhedL'ldhuf threw feet to,ipbuUn the baetrt'auU. The grest depth ia Deceiiary tu encunrace the roets to grow downward to esenpfl the great heat, not only of oqa, bat of several hot summer*, aa H takes thrci'

fou r years to (lu rfoct the roots far m ar- kill, d u rin g w h ich tim e the p laut nmst re­ceive con a U u t Hnd ca re iu l cu lilvatioD wUli lli4 pron g hoe. th e row s tw o feettpiiT\, and a fter e u t l io g the ro o t Dips Into lu ciiou i o f five o r t lx Inohes, p laut them iu vertica l IioIm m ade w ith a dIbbU , D x- tacD InchN apart, ob aervin g tu ifaruit tbciB several in ch es below the aurfeoe, and cover ov er.

As the growing Hcaion closes 4aeb au- tuiKD, the stoiutabcmtd be cut down and rcnioTiHl, and a .liberal ctiating of iji*Diifv compnsed witii rich hammock (top) soli. If the plant* have bcfo well cared fur, the root* may be lorga enough iu to harvest for market, tbongb four yewrs la not uRcomiuoQ. narvcatiiig is qait* a teiUout Job, and oD 'occouot o f tbe fieptb— two or three fbn—hai to be dose with a ipade. When dug the sWe n»U,.n*ad f, r propagation, are cut off, aed tbe main rouuaxe Naabed, dried and Obdlnoon. veoienteilaed: baiidles. s, .

N O B A N G IN O * NO F L A T .

C b a a fra u 'a T w o ICDFort* to G iv e a T e r - to r m a n e e In t ’ ea u a j'liB D ia .

From tbe B(>(on ftloba..Some yrnrs ago I piloted Frank Cban-

frsD over thu ItetiDiylviDia circuit, and aa it was m y Ilnl c iiK r ie a ca on tb e ” road ’* I was (Htticnlarlv antioui;^hat tbe tour slioula lie a aui^icss. not only for my im* m ediate livni-lit, fliiaD cially, b u t a lso Jur the puVte>so o f uriatiug a reputaMoa with

{ otucr iieliar a'lraitiona whom 1 propu<cd ! to ta'oe over the same territory liter ou.

I also de*ir«4l to ilaud well with the local managers, enniding me, as it would, to make advantageous atraugements aa to tcrni^, »li?„ etc.

The “ •■uuntiy ” ininagcr, aa a rule, il a iH-rulinr indiviilLial, (‘otuhining, aa be often ■litcM, the vunuiis duties of jaoitor, hill IHMler, tickot sailer and iw^na ihilter. H* is uau.illy a clever frilow, aud is his ex- pcnx'a are alinoht nothing, be easily earns a liuudiome incomt*. no tnaticr bow small tin* hu->in<'4< riHy for tlin star ur coni' iwny, his share ul Die riM-eipta Iwing quite u]J pr^dit.

lint where he psittenbrly ahiiica ami hrints h)s latcul talents to the fore is hii tcndiiteii to acf^mot fur h htd bouw (sud helms many uf ihuin dnrluK the teX'iON) willi It pritinpl ami r(*a*gnaMc rqthat in (hr oventof Iiuhimns hviiig uu?atii- fictoi J ho may ratoi down tbr ir ita men. Mger bimI diSKU-itcd alar, aud mdiu'e tbciu touxiiin villi the vIMaye on suuie future mriMiun. The following is a true itlusirii* Don. Wc hwd iihyrd all lUroimh Dim cuaI ri'iMoiis, ‘ Kit ” proving a ruRguct. and we ni'hi miing lip tliedHlian. VVe <oaDnit(‘d Ihc totir iiilu ill* wfjttern pcu'iUMi of the St.Kc. hm ou rcarhjiig Lickbavcn we found that i\c hid turt iiur Wjtterloo.

I fnrgi't uow ju it what our receipts were l!i:it nitfht, but U waa in the vicinity of $I'J Mr J-Iu.

Cliaijfraa wRi aioiply mad. H was his fira visit to that town, and he vowed it W')uld l « bis lost, aud, after tb* perlurru* ance, when the loial iHimager joine*l us at the luttol, tbo genial Frank dhl not miuue Ilia wufilo, :md it Ja well known tliat bit runes could he " both loud and deep 011 wrnNioua,

" W hat k ind o f a luwii li (b is ? " m id be; 'M im'* auylK xly Hv* heruY Do th e y ev er <oiiK* Ul th e t lico lre Y H ere wu brin g y o u u Now York succeoit, with n firaU-clasa cum- paiiy, and w e d o n ’ t play to e n o u g h in u acy lo pay fo r lu u H u g th e b ag g ay ^ "

" Nnw, my dear Ur. U uufrtu ," replied Dieniau of tbe opera house, “ you mitai know that we have had a show her* every night Fdir th* past six wc«ka, and our (xm* pie aredraimd o f modeyt Why, Cellera A Aapmau’s rHonpany Itit nicbi dnln't take !■ $5, and PilIV ‘ tlubliDa' bad to leave their Lruukt for thoir hutel biUs, Urdlnarily. this ii a flr«t clam town, aud you cao play to big mouoy. You made a hit to-night, and will >»« Ibe talk o f th* town. Now, if you ooald lie here on Fri­day the house wouldn't Im big enough to hold tbe people,’ '

" Wbut cydoua i( going io oerur then ?" asked ChiuWrau.

W ily , wsi’re godag to haug » m an here nuxt Fridu/, and ail tbe people will come fruB) miiea aronod. Yon coma back and plav, and HI give ymi ninety per oent. of tbe receipt* nml haul yoar baggage free, U'bat do you my f

Chonfrau looked at me anil t looked at Chanfi'nit, and as he seofaed to acqulfsce [ aiDcc pled the proposal, and theu aud there lifeuctl cuniracte for (ba return date.

The next day { wirtid several towns, changed dates, I'anceled tbe Friday night where wo were originally booked, aud, at much trouble aad some expense, arranged mattera so that we could give the goud folks o f LoukliAvi'n and vicinity oue more oppuDunily to witaeas “ Tb* Arkonau Travel tor.”

Friday came aud we rode all day, mak­ing a long jump, and arrived aWnt 7 o'clock. Aa It waa too late for mpper we hurried to tbe opera bonas,

Oue ibiog Kruck me at unco ai being L5uriotH, and that wm tbe total alMcnco of iwople on the atrecte. Not a man, woBoti or <ibild waa io aight, and the (owueMtned like a city 0/ lb« drad, wbcii I had natur­ally lookerl ferwMtd to a gala night—alorcs open, ciDxene ptomcnadirig up and down tbe maiu street and every seat in Uiu bouse sold before our arrival.

At Ht!J0 o'clock, and with nobody In the theatre, I mildly euggeaud lo the manager that be had better put out htagao, M we W^uld give no pcrtoiuianee, and nakid bini to cunne wilh me snd explain mat* tors to Mr. Chanfrtu. ile did so, and we proccedifd to Frank’* dreaidng-rooai at(ipcc.

‘MVbat ia tbe matter now? Where i*: that is'Ui von were going to bungto-d^iy f said my furious star4

"W h y, Mr. rhanfraii,” replied the local director, " we poxlpoued t)ie banging for auotbci: monlb.’ '

F T fL lX A T lO N U F F A F K Il*

I What aiay Be Fur A* the Age' liR ve iupe ,Fmm (III* t'npi'r IVutIU.

We live in paper buniea, wear pnper ; clothing and ait on paper cushions In paper care, rolling on paper whcela. We do a (uipfr btislDen over a laper (*outiteT, Imy-

ju g (taper guodr, paying aftb paper money :or charging them up iu paper book?, and 'dwil ill piipcr atockaoD paper raargioe. We M w raccflio patwr M u for paper prlee*. We go in paper tbeairw, wiiere paper actors piny to paper audiences.

Aa the age devcioiie tbe coming man will hv more deeply euniv«hvd iu the paper net. Ho will wake In lii* moruing aud creep from under hla papur bed, ami put on biM paper ilrcasiog gown aud paper Blip- per*. Hu will walk over paper carpets, down paper stoiro, uiid, texting liimtelf inII paper cJiair, road (h e paper uuws in tbo moruiDg paiief. A paper holt Will imU hlai lo bis hreakfbat, cnokr.d in apniMroven, Served on jnprr dishc*, laid on a paper cloth on a popet tahie. H e will wipe hi* Mpi with a pipor tiapkiit, aud having ptil ou Ilia piper ehaee, pap r bat and paper cunt and u k in f bis paper cane, he wi.l walk on A paper pavement or rtda in e pi tier carriiiae to his piper ofllre. He will uruAnize ps|»cr enterprihea ami make paper pfolll-w IU will gu to Enrol)* on puyicr sicanidiips and unvlgnle the air In papi-rIhiIIooih. lie will amolqu piiNir tohnrcu-stl a pi|vcr pipp, lighted with a jwper laatcb. lie will m ite wilh a jwiicr pmidh whittle [\t\tor Slick* wUh a pijter knife, go fishing' Wilh d piper ftsblng-rod. a paper Hue and a pnp»r btwk, aud pul hS* catch in a paper liftsKet* Ho will go sbooling with a psper guv, loadad with p:Mwr rtrtridgea, aud dc> fend hiv coQutry lu p»|wr tMte witli pvtier cammii aud pnp^r hnmla.

lltivluc ItoiNl hU pnper life and aebteved a iw|>cr fiin- and pnper wealth, ho will re* lire to paper leiauie ami die in paper pcR«i. J’here will be n pajicr ftineral, at which the DiournerM. dresstd lu ps|»fr crape, Wiii wipe their cypi with irnier hand kerchieft, and a piper prcBcbcr will preach a papnr wrniuu iu a pijwrpnijdt from ainpor text. He will lie m a laiper ciiinn wropped iu a pipir ebrmid, bis namo will lie engraved on ft- piper plate, and u paper henrae, adurnwt witb p 'pef phinuw, will rorry biin to tl papnr-linvd grove over which will l>* nilsed a pnper mumiment.

KImoH War BtUpietl*.' I t sceuia h n rd iv CKHllhJe to uh, who

cverj-llHDf tu be la ir In nor, that '*M*h liu ll •(Avagac OH Ui* tLiuirui, ol New ZualaiHl, rIiuuM 'ihaorvq i’*iiflcRk''ii louarU* ibu ir euc- niMii that p ill ti« to (be biusU. While they ure at wancUh th i‘ Kugiip'h ihcy in rtr ia h ly tend a DotiOi* when they aio Rolng ui ntaliq on adAi'Sc, RsU llwy w c fc ro iu i ii i un a filcnd ly vImH rimI 'U’slri**! ih lngs 'tu be ready fer llicnt. Tljoy Ui'Hight ( t vnry siraegc Ib tt tne SngjHh chd notVtvv ih n n almiifflr nodev. ituincilmuH two villages would f c i i i p X ‘war wHJa each mhiM and after H tbiing live pqcrs ell day they would (Ximo out ,ot ih Hr h iite forui lowani eVciUuf (lud rn(k the day's, ppfjpt \u ihu ino^urjcudly nay. Tha n e n Woniiog ijj,.y nouW begin Hgaiu, to krop it up «hirlii|| day* t iQ u ia u rtu irH ln ruc* evening as bcfuni in n v ir i of Mo«'lal (cm iioii. An tihl mliwfuiiary ttila 4«i^v la 0*10.01 ihriMi la iie m n tbe ocv.«paiua'oi‘ a fort.ieuc word to (hole awnilaun thab ihey were d iu rl of w»>\Uiui«. iun| the rtiicku,,. , t e d f Immediately aem In n fwsh aniip iy Oi“ . Sunday bo beta dilviiia w n in o on aj>aut be- (ivecii rwo hosHlotorti; atm tka wisrrh ralfnm each fo rt oara* ou t to ottead. and Mundav 1 lUurDiiig (bay ueiu to ilgbllBg 41 Ifeg li 41 g v tf

C * Q 4 l t H o t t C « » * A A i l r o A d f i

1(^M>irHi*IONKIt.s'KAl.H-JN piUWLAITriC j L V A N I A K M U d iA li.I uf tn iinifr ol the OfiWhUiN' i'uurl ul ihi*I i'uiMiiy i>r K‘i^at, U4>iria lit ■ ila>, iU-> •uinR-rliifrs,I riMlUlliSn 0 iClM RiniOUltiHl hy RN ll Ul (IlM iI ui4iUtruriiu>cRiiiM;urW'Uliiiiu K'H'.iilx.lie e>Ufed, j

m il Ri ll •( pUltKc: V*<||ihJR,«nh(* l'oiirll'OiJ*W III Ibcfityoi .NcR.irK, iiii Jlumiu.v. (!.c rtn*l iUy»f • jii .y i c i i . Hi 2 u't'inclr III iIir . f it mmiii, u|l Uiurl: t 'Ilii'i’U '(‘ ruin ir.u tHuf IrihI mmiI | r - umhhm, sitii.iitt in (II* >'iiy uF .S*R'.iili. l-Ss-R ('stumy.Suw

I'lic I'.riit T ru 'l m-.wiul X 41 K |i>iih( ou ' iW> rir lUi« .,7 Mad WKj aii'w t ninuly[uur r<'>'lmuc III ties fn-iii div itArtwr .Ilf l»iF*l>'i‘ttC Ali'l MiuUmiIII hlMtrth: tIu'JiiV ru4i- 'iihiK HHiiUi'rli 4)iMiir ihv 'Rfciil c.tHLHr y Hue irt j SI i-Ujiui su'it-Ct-lgliliun oU lut'hiM, liieutv -In illit* liuM i.'rjciy-int.r (n-i; iJumh-u

; III :t niirUu'ily ilirK I untH,4'iiii'ii Jf'tIKii Im .it-R; 1 ; tlie'iiij ii,k H wi'sirr V iluct-timi uiiu-ly four (•s-t,: toiiw; tnu>« pr**tMite' muvv>«*.1 Ui (iU-Nud II IMMDui KIwilMg hy •:*i*ii rn- 'ir-hHl ill Um K’UwM II I fiuiity ih'xititir'R uUI'O ill IIimM IS uJ t^cwla. |I Rl UUl

'I ll» HWi'IhliVlM'l—fhiglnitMit; Hi RpOMlUtU III' nurHieiVy nnU' nf Cu.’Hliml <-(r''i-l 'Jin* tiu jjin -l ] Rttil lwi‘ii(.y-as'«* Ftel vu-Ut.‘ri> ijnimUiHUuiMi 4-IhuI- e-l Fuf uiMirnor, RhU h<i 4- iriM‘r Is fi>rmc«t Uy UiflniCHi^ liun iiF (he jiurin^rl.r Hnv of tiic-rt- hu1 a iiu 'l RUil Lin? Rpsit-ny line -if a t r u i uf ' liiiil wlurh I'ni «>« piirrliH>H*<| of ! Juoaiih P lR c k fr e u i iScni'r ruunuig iii-rUi j tliuiy Uirv4 4iiil lliMS) f-Hirilit tsmt >hw jl.uiiiint] iintl live ihHiiiH m-uUi nflt its 'hu4 uiu‘’ fi/urlli fJuRi*fs enil (weiiit-live ifm ;(liriiCu ROUlh iIitiH- .iUil tUliH.'-liHiilUs il*-

%ru <’Ui> huiMlnd rhiI iii»> Fuh ko rhIU riii-ntmi Hiri'fi : (Uuiur tioit'i fitly-4X mirI o'le- fiiiirliMh*.,ri'»i »i'H( .iii'iif ilifllJie uFimM I'htM mil flvetH«;( (fttlie 4h|a o of N'g:il-M 114. to-M-f Uic Niiiic | >r4iii'"M i>i>uv)*yai( tu Lhe %ii<l WII uiM hllHliiif Im «U*I rt- urdicll'i aolil

lu iw>iu X, Jt OF iK-dlR, nt |rv* h4fl.

T1‘R Titirl T r i i ' I 'a ’ Im.tMa rui tha w ^iprly ■iL-lR <>rn iM-nnrV him* <-t .mrimw kI u puiiii fl(% U jHiiiic tiiiiHi''* iMnitatsi'iili -I'vt-n Frti U\!i.c u-a ^-■r.hi'tiy rrmti ilii'.u . u>‘ ■( iIi**'«mu»' un>t JWiir-r.ii . rruiHlhi-uei* rmttmu^ lUuii ■ iwiin'h-tM*-■ ml R Uiir »ir 14 Riilir uurlU litUr ■l»‘ srt )M HMd iliirly niiiiiilRn h ihi ir o itt Ij4* FihM : lliunre iiurMiuialily^HU ih'Uiw* uMil Jil'iy iii-aiUHl na-g41111’ hiliiilrctl iM|i) Tll'lv I.H’I <iK III lu>H to rt MlivK• iF Iliirly re»‘Mii whilli : lii**jue aUuiv I«ilr1 Iitn>«r ■hJmVU *4iV'r*U ill’Ria-.* MHli U‘|| DliliUlrS Wl U r\*niiy ilvi- f %*■,; n 4 iiu-ti'-c uloim rhv luii* ui th«tui h rrlufiire • outi vihL hy ’'^n i'iiHii l.iiui fr.jtutl n'lFii |i> Jiuirn*! 1 ll;’ liin. l«-:io( .-ulKli t'lgiil.' inu itPRiruH iiK’l UFll ItiUllilf-1 r.inS uUH iTtmice 1 iikI rtll.i UIU V -c f’lir it 111 H > tu thf pljir.’ Ilf . n< ^iiiiiliiu, l>i>iM4 liirt '...mi' lot'iiii iM iisc^elio |iC -niIu WiJUniil h^-ujllo. ui'<l Ikirnlha.) luu, his ‘siFu, lu ilteil ri'UinhU I}| u M lUul* l.-i'«..U|. 1- 1(1 r.iMik V. uf I’-nl-i, ill |hi«f.*ii, fill- Ilf a o j f i ‘. hi*, hy lh«« roiirIM v iKi-ri'lri o f‘’iifiiL'g.iiiml Williiiiii K ir.p .lrii-h .

Min 'ii, 1 1*.F iir.riK im iK ti. n i u 'i i ,Jo h n 11, in x iN j iK iu iv ,i'. l{.U(ll.V lU 'll.i).

i.1 (■uiuiu‘**iioii»*rs.

Is-<-si;x m r i t T . • NOTici': isvllri'i-'iy els I'll lllnt IV u Mt <iF AlLu'liUtt. 1 Hi Ihn

Hihl rtf JiHi.'iiUJty,!.', J v - |i!4 llytti*.,lr.,iicof)(i* IV, N)v|i',Juiihii.i Hyi'i'i'iiil !Ni|tiii‘ 'l Ifitiu. |irtiiiM'n lUtTHiIrt, *(('.. iVH.i'UII iho rUlhl-i Hi|i| rroUllJk ii.uiics n rtiiil i-iii- IS :chkU hui( I'luEiit'In, l.kiMln ).nd|<'m-Mi)'(Un>f rl k (■ro><huiii4, ik iioii-rrH -lU'iitiU’uhM', Fur ll't* 14110 lU luir Uutiisiiul ibKltini. iiMui l niilufiJit'iilHM'ij xi.ii) il I'uurt on (he hIue! t«Mr.ih <Uy Ilf A|iril. .1. It, l-sW- l(4-ttinijililr‘ uuJ j*4-Mirii>’ l Inio i-mirtiliiiy •'ttu’Ult'it hy ilw siu-rlll rtf cli(i ('oi)ists UII till' ch'vi'ii|>l i(rty ofSIhj , A, J>.. l-t»,

HA.M( l-.F* A. sM U ’ IF.I'jLTk

I'll I (1 sms WiM>i>l:r KI-. altunn / fijr iilHluilll'c. |ihU*'I A, IK, I'SI. inc

Jl aruii Trouk Una kiid United >4alte u i o Lou to. OiirtiiUun*r >fi.T Jl, ima, ir^t. in U i }Z . l UarKL’t St, art '.i uiuii, .sV»iirk. fu lh .w ,. *

S-BJA. M. KmU f.Hi«,iliiilj fur HHrr>-ii)4ir,4Nirg rtiki ti.* W«'|t, rtlih iMlolUiii l'>lH.-:.rHin lt:nM*K4i In I «ve,iHid, 'iulwln, fhirrt.u, n u r ululiHUd.St JrtJiKX to-J }• M. VV.vU-ri.

for HirrmolirK, Jilts urg mul lh»- u - s i ' w fh iMlluum i^rn ihnniiUciiHiirt* Im l*tivi!*ur.', i lo. iiMii»U.(li'Vvia i.i t'M,...' go, ,\icu)Laii*nml S(. ijiu K

".X; I', il. I’.u-irt,- Ksof^uiM rt;i|lr,wUh l*uu>moi PitUiOft Rr*sUjnmi.h wltlwui »-liimatiu f ‘iUfc‘44rv *JUH hir HO. *

For HrtUitiiurn, WoNbliultm. upd th* 'shiU, t#.S7. s r f, A'il. M. u .A. .M, 11.11.lilt’ll Kv uipiiL |i7,| ; HM*'‘ .f'nrlMr ('..rx 1I4,.S .V, M- : ,oi.j

l i h t a t k o ’ l•;u/..ylll•rl■ll m , m f.a u , iie>F.ioi'AM4( liirvuviit tu liie o r 'e r i f JuM-ihi I., Minm, Htirnitiuc uf tht- (SHiniy o f tliln*U)' ruiulo.oit tlip ii|)|ilU‘.vi<uu u| III)-uiHlerMixTim) e^^s1lfur of mill rlt" om ul, uotli’*' Ih hiTuhv k{ls*iii ludn* I'ltHlilurnIlf hh(i( U luthll iK Uv (ht* HiiiMi'rlhor Lituii-f iiath or iVihtiiuUuu iU*lf rinimsMini ^li'm uiilii iigiluU th»' »‘4l.-te <>r nnlil t l f c im-cI nldUnotna il iIUmfrom tltln tlolu, or tli^y wilJ th' Fort^wr liurriitiriiiu jiro (xniUiiM ur rw O sm u iiht* snrao iuj.ihi-rt tin* w ilw rlV r.

MKAH.May2(,Vi»W. -:4i

r i s T A f K UF JIlllAM M. lt| U j| »». lUh VrHwti-Inwall lilt to the or>li-r of I..

Muuh, serrom ta nf *he * 'oimtv i.f i -W i , Uu-i Uu’ lliuki, 0!| (!i«uji|jli HiluH ut (IHI liuilcnrigot^. arl

-ilrU «i? -giiij !H*il, u-iili-r h liiTKhya im * (II iha t rnliUira u f i.u e ihmiI (o I'XiilMl to the suh-i-rUiHr »iin<t%>v lutli or uDIriiintimi lUi'lr• hiiJii'inihl -irm sml* lucstln-ir the i-itJii*Mf >uUi1 i]c- I'liMH’il HUhlii iiiiH>UHiiiUiH from lli4R lUile. ur ltM*ywill >>e Feri'vrr b.icrt-il From pMim-i-uLlugor ru-• urt'r1li'4 die HrtiiH* rgAl ■uhi*i‘r|h>>r.

i-:iL]ZAiii’; i i i iuii>/>k -s May ll, r-oO. ‘i\i

■ .WTATKOr F.t.NNiK <4. I'lUiJIMAN. IJB- r>*«‘AH.iK JliniuiHl to too iSTvIcr ufJwwiih T. .Mniiu. Sotrnii-teof ih«» Onmtv of ib hcImvlluiUu.oil tliHrtpplinidori of ill* umlfr laiju-l luU mlnl’ trutor iif «*ht .lA'i'.tRoil, uiiflcr ].( I>»‘r*-hy i[tve» trttiw* I'retUuifH of stel •■•■vut HttAcvhlMt to dte MJliaur.lHTi muter oHik ur HjPi-mHdou. tlwlr I'lAininH lul itemamln iiiruJiiHi Ihe ui'nniildwfiHiWl w t'da iHiie utunlli- fV.iiti UikDlulcK hr- ihcv ¥.llll,ir.rtivvi-r liewu'-l jinwHniitln*; ur reL-overlha ihii: &vnie aaislunt (h>» 'iifwi’rlhi'r.

W lt.L lA A l 11. s u m i .April W. IS'lS. JUk

IjSST-\TKllF D A M F I. KT.'JAIllINKEi, UK-.'jinvi-'iHil,-h»r!C4’uu to (he nrilor -if Joviili i* MilHil fvifni-aiUHoIthoi-OMid.Vuf i Vs-i. ihteiUy-math', ooihooM|jloaUtuu of lite luuk-rHlgriMl on* l■''l11o uf sU'1 ih‘i'i-..L«-1, hixtei- H glvt-ri Uj(Ili'rmliioTdof -Bill lo t-xIilhU ti> tIu'niitn-Htor uiulor f> i4h\tt uflirjUiUi.Mi thuir I'-UdiiiH oiiri ileurtu'lH (h«> I'Maie i»f 1.AI1I ili’i'enH.'ilwUhliiJiliiPitiuurte»rh)«i IhiHtlivUi, or they will lie fiii'ever iHiruHl <'''0111 *iD»-e.‘iidua or rcHnjs'oriug the Mmin-ugrtUiei Ilie fluhsTJier.

-J A M ^ E. J O N fX.vprii nt m 5ik

|.1U T\TK lir ANNA M. UWiAN FaJhimuHitt to ilte «r«*ur ufJoeMphfA Miixin, surrUK«l*M( UM Oncuy i* K*r*n. OtteilayraiiUe, •ni (Im HpptltSdilnu uf (be iituteraf^ietleiLeciilor 0/ fikl'1 ilocsMHtiil, iiMire In lu>t* y atven lu the rnril- tma»rH|lhl (lecrt.1^ to eMhllHl Mr the MltSteilier iiHilermih •It- (iinruuo-lu)} tbulr rlnl>UHOH*1 il«- rTTimOnnanlnHi (h e**H teo f -n h tilc ’e.iNeil wtthiu iun«f laoiuhn fitui* (lilt iIuIh. » r (l)* x mtiriie. fur nvor liirm t From iiruie tultiy ur ruroverlug the I ime uijainnt the Miheurdwr.

S V fLi.lA U M, K tollT K fl.A p rin a .]S » . ;*•

THW «rm H F T (V>MUIM»»N* i-r. Xi-w.trk N. J.S JuMe i«, le-w.

S'uh'il iir«44>SL!S U'j't 1 e *V-H*Ivei( .-u ihla OrtlO' lUKlI 4(r«’ioci( F. Si..uf .MOlid ly, July 1, law, ter p.viiig

W K»T STKKCTfrom f^irliiffrtoiil nvoiHie to Moiitipniierv ^ ic f l .

The liiliou'luv iHAKoui the lUiiiHint u f work Lvi lie-ilOiie,owl Uiu lUKluiiuteiA b»> Iqnilnheil lu Ihe

rurtiuu rtiht-ouuiplvtiuii u( •ulU u o r g ;Kavvii dmiiMniu! >.1* IuuvIohI ir-Kinj S[iiwre

>'iiMM Of miHare trup nx'il blfv-b imvino. mA (liree thujnuuit iZjrRiJ m|uhM f<o( o f liaLauin bCHluc Hlune.

Plil<ten will HlateltiMir iirieen In wrUlrignwell AH In hiairen,

HidilerH uimhC rtpwtfy lu their pripo-wln (hi i fhmihl du^Hlmve wurlc iH-uH’orilert lu IIipmi. dsey

. •A'lll UlUl IhelUtelVM (O lllilsh Mini l OUluleie iha, ’wnteam nii fm ty eiiMi-emllve wurkliiK flnyx

J ha i«lunn-uml HHjeuUi-'itdouNtir d * u-ork i iui tw esrtmliieil >it C e ulUi'C o f Iha I Itv wtirvuvnr KhIsI (irc^aadn [o I e nmvsmjwnirtrt hy ipn ii.'>nw»it, InwrltluK, til tAfi Hiiruiieti. iholi, Mt liis time u/ t'liu ltw lu . ni’h iirup4rt«te,nmilify iiniu dmip r«.

. «ruil 11) I ly n i tlMUJJKKHIt rtf MM'h-prUtNMOl, luill■ hli'd llMuiwIven UmT, if the ■•uuirui't to ^Hsmnli'd to (lit peisoii or persma uiuk-

liur iM (lic.v will, iipun t ih e m r ^iaw’.vi'ilevl. • (h: inieHM hlnor ihe r «irrL ei lur the

F.iliMhl |«iori4irtU(e uf H|ii(| u o k : amt irmt if I tile ]M*rsni ur p r<>uuH uiiiit or n-fuMe to enn.-ute Luw'lnfMilrn('‘t. Ihey still puy l o r o il iy n f New- 14irk iUiy lUirerentn- te-iH-vHeu the ruiiih iu whieti he j orthev ssouM tiHVi’ b.-cn eiit t o | D |ouheaiu i- I |ilei1itit uFihe uunirMi (, au'l tluil svimh (>«q rilvluFNe'niiik in.-»y I* lo puy l|ie im t 'hiii hfhH'iSiiiK h> wiiuiii mtc:i (ptilriua nUud bu exie Klll>'r1.I I'he I'diHtnlUi-* on StfS'Cti uihl Hiithw! 74 rn- [s e n e iu ( eituu'i vi"41 u) riaht lUAei'4-])( ur n l f . i 'niiy oriill |>rOfMiAiil-> lur Uie hIhiVu work, un IVi-yjm-4y> earn iiuni mr Um iubrru-tol (liooliK■ Hr ilii-e-ilnu ufr-nm m n 1 uiiuuli,t J .V M .iN K K.W H.; C la'miAunfNlJMiel iNoitMilLlee, J11UN III N'KKl.K.TtVj_______________ Mn*et I ,,T!uiiilHniiiiu-r.

! t sh k s h m u n t v o n is K M 'r m '^ -N tr rr r^, i V l » berehy given thrttHli u>*e-*,ueni uinm ull : UieuwtierH i)f hli Uie kuMln unit r<n| iHy-u-illarly Iwai’Oied hv tho^ru'll-m lunl curtilnif iji ’! 1*>VI> HTUKW,Irf-iwcen SereuN’OiJih u h -iuM' 1111,1 KlglilrtontJi iivamiiv, ar4<i>rtUii!4 t« the provlHiuim o f .hi or-(lIlUJK V n( Ihc i lly uf \ewjirk, ••uiliUt.l - A n nt- illiunM etfi p,vn i.lefnr 1 ;h ifridliix wnl 1 urhliuruf JteytJ Mri’ft l(HjH4’en ^*l■eM(el•hlh avenue nui} Mlk{lii>eiit>i nvrmip," H|i<ru\iH| July II, iHn* h:n lii-nn irri'nured l y- the nintefs.unwl IVun'

•ini>4hmRrM.rt|nKiiiHeil ii> ihn ririiilMimiTt o f Uie 4 'oiuni'of l*>ex, tu muKc Mxnt ipee^Amani, omi

jthjit « rejHiritiy II (■ertlrtertta JM ss-rltlmr, h UIi uji aminiiHin.shiK muii umt 4vhislnli». hKowInu dio

j«*es iTiu iUM H-tineulS ii«4Hlri<it Uie ‘ «s er.d mvuern .p i4nliirty lw’jii*«iu,l A-i iiror«>«ipJ, 1im« iH-t-n du- ipiMle-l III du-nlPce ufiliH I ii^ rinrk o f ihurUyloFNi-sArk, Fur e.xuoilnalhifi by the lUvhh'H luier-:entiHl tiicruln.. Suhl*i!UH*<’iijieni fqr,ipr1rti<a nil lutM, iroi’isunrt l]mPi’»'lK nr lAiiil iunlnvil llatijeiiM ifurt-nUd. Ivluxou texh hWcm fsf | Min-fi from s.fvejurt,.|,tti enu>> lo • y lilHeriitit nveiiuu'

A '•l.ut" repri'teuw UJI cmire uli>( o f iHMd.WheHHW InrHUOV KIHHil.

All iM'r-ia-; ititereaioil lu aMiU uati-«<i»ent maj- lie hfuirii lx fore wild rumuUHHlmierH ou fb iirv ilay. the IH «iiiij-#‘verttli day uf Juno, |’«e. at 2 p M.. lit (lie iVuuipiteluuenr ru«m, Nui-iJ-{teciHHt Mofir'i. I'Hv Nrtll.

])niH Juno V*. taxif fA V iij v m NO. •FltKII'K KMKI.INtiiiUYHKN,

jsf ■fimmliwlofici'*.

NdV iC K i*F IN'I’KXTIIlN.w-tiimi.HJ N<*- tki> horohy idven that U la ihe Liitentinii jjf

thM onimmmrtinrll 0/ il»e D iy ^ f Newark, mi- •ter U11H by vlrlu#uf pruvtonua nf Hin 0,1 eiiWi icU • 1) Arri-iiv Uuvito 1111(1 Aiiieri'i dtaigiArterurthe r.4y. if Newark,' uiijifored MHr>:h H, kii7, ami the Mipplemi'iiM ilieMrj. tn order aipI laiuie u jiert erlu be ism'itrsuieil In

MhA J-TNTKKSTII A V T O l R frUMI Fh»v,| -(feet IU NuttIh Hi eusie, l,na»*(her tvHh i«H (lirtii|>]mrti‘niiiKvn (H'trm-ikry lu luinu'Hti' (he ■Millie, I HI > if .iiiPbiMnenhlona aa the i^iiiiniUtiw-

tirftlua«i-Hhad .llrvao.’-ki-li Panama im psuj u i j c l ihorrM nre r*

{|iic-:1ei i.i|»n-<eur thHr ni(jwi1upia Iji ssridmi iii me •‘ h-M ivmuiiltficiai'r'a oin**, mi nt toft»re ilii**Kjiiri,(laii i,f ten Jain firocn (be date ol thia n(vru*c.

Ily dlrccHun ut die cginnifin (VilinrJI.m 'N r fc r .R

.SIT"'*VT'iJTn'H (IF I.STKnV m iN' J T IiU D NIV aw ihM' IN herouy itivi'ii timUt lallie Jiitoutlun of................ I,...... . . NcMUfk. iiHiierMid by vlriuii o f |ims'te!»iw u f ihe m i cuMnwl r .,;” •'"■Hiulh-vlteiind Aiiii‘ud (Jieni.irtfif„f(i,rt C Ily o f Newark. nppm oM M ari-M i, iHW.fmd iko uipiih’iueiKN lhPreio,4o onter *i»d o*(j»<e u nine MhM’rioiwvm urhvUHlIn *^ , so d T H H K V K N fif H m K frr.from .laiHih HiFtettu r*AUa>>illr)ivp>rin*; tCKjvtJier widi nil ihe ii|i Hirf4?aHm*H n«'‘i*H*jrv to isuu- PMh IIu!( KMiie' uMd I*r MMrii illineitiilortt nS (Fi* I OriMinU*'* iiu ckiwii-Hund iir.tiuuarthrill dlno-t

SiiM'h purftmis ua rnay nlileii tliernlb ura rt-' nuiNtitl Id pr»*acnl diclroiile lifturtinsvrldHa nt tile s(re«l'('M(jnul»Rauiier's old -e un o f hefore die evulnitlnn o f led (lays from tl;*.triiJnf ihlanoik-r

uy iilrCollou-utklia (.kroirnhn HmmidlJOHN in -N K K

w w 1- * .A . douimlifiloiier.NcWftrtr, ,*i, J,. Jdiie 1A ImW.

Oi S i l s . s x c w ctHnKirKTi I’l l ,v n t i i i i )muling, Theuudemivruei} iierehy len lfv that

or ( lh iiin ,.- ..w . r- .i< u * ., ,„,il n ,,,.( ■nmirtt ini ■KoilHV-i'Vi-r.i ii^. ,| 7, H'fl u ,„| ,1. . , .on inw ll.iv lW nT n'lutl.n, | -l« liMnr tor 111. fo t hm-Mutliniinni-meul-v wIt.! .ur vu« lui-

o f Jlf'Uol elrect, lieiwifii Lll'C iivemj,. Uiid lionviTiii aT-trtot.wUli irunulii* ffbudrtil Aipliait luvr'iimut i

nwMHH'iiing nf a sln-ei to lie .•nJ|(«.1 a irila ’* Fti"7; I’ a .lilo HUr«l Iiiui tb«

.V(«ii7it, .-t, J. June II. ism.i:if.u tI,K S K, l l l l i ,

Pi' or roinm oni^lrK i],. « 1 1 I 'B U bh tt mSV

™ _______ . _ _ r i l , ( t n - ,.

1iM itiioi Apyait; ill (vcv'rtntem'o n 'tk im or*, o f tiie.rN'riHi.iUH’o o f di astjae iiie itoard uf apm**. initei (Wni itaviMion'uf 'ilhAiw wilt »!(■*• tvjnri of .Vm4^rtUlteli-,rt»*Hiiii.(*Uv Ifrtli.iromAha (bird .UlAidiiv In Jane tu the ihlrit Mtmdnv in July i»ro.evi-ry lUv frtim 9 A. ,W, in i j^ sf. i.HBiuTilrtya I».v. exiinaim*, Wba* pjrtlM luieii-

s .i 'i* i( im H n ,i ,T :7 ,'i i« ' '(U iY u !'i .» i 'A '>r'’ I'. M. For IteJum.jje o.iiv '.. iHJ' sl dfUly- ■ »■ •Fur JhiUiu1el[ilnH, Fipre-*. ; .jn i - v

A-M, >)..|IMII A* l.iumv,! FspiL;***, I'nIIm.u fiij-loT A .y.: i” * . i,*4. ix a .j j , • , -v.ii iij.t

an-l V n V. M. nuinu.y (mii>S IlM'F, ll.1v, U.fcK A. M ; (.ii, 4Ai. i.ti, 7:iA mid l\ M. Aauuv. 4U-HlH(rOl|. I III. U.A'i A. M . bU.HlIiij.Vl I’ M

Fur TmiJiuri. t:,n d,o, 7.1KJ., H.A h..(T 9V» (lu .a i.iiuiWil KNureMKlt/stHUit M - i-igi I.3J, - i l vjt.a.'27, 7..1K Mi.l M.-*)KomUiy. liO,a.Ai.yiai * 111! I'lSt A. H A H i t - 7.*jNtMV.JU I'. ,M. ’

Fur a Om iIU- l i ly , l.- j F. M. ‘ widi ih rou ib IVrkii C ir Htuu limjj. nnii l'.j]i }■. M, wo'k-djkya.

1'ur (Injie Mny, l.'.IU I'. M. w«ek-<Livp.Fur ftert tide i l iy *1111 Ureaii Cily, ag,meeh-daya.Kni lAjiig UrHni'li.Kltormi.FkrtitnUrove.sprlov

Irtihe, e»M(i)r(, Mnnnwioiill, f’rtinl ITc.iSthl, huIj p>-Uni»uulhv New j urn iiUil U>ii){ H>*Hiii‘h iLijg riKiil A.ji« V.:tHA. M .,l'J>i,lAj. l-H Hiiil AaiF. M. duily, e*i-ei>( sojidny. I#n Sumlny, MU A. .M. 4U<1 .jJti .M Ite nut Hiup ul (Ji'vnu Urus'a or A»uury F*rk'.m Hiiq tH>‘.

, MHt M-Isv Vi»RK.I.C is 'i FfurkH isl?v.ul SliUiOfl. .i.l'l. AIT, t i l l A l l

t:«.7.0iK 7.r,.7 :w T.U, 7, iC. 7-iC H.J0, AIV. s:i4 v»7, H-iM. lu.ui, hija. iu..t4. iteik n .ir A. M.: li«,>.M.; I'j ii, i,p., il'J. iiti, iU ,J .iv t i7, .K.iS, 1.HI. 4.UU. 1,„J. v ;l<, t-'H*. tIN AV, a. RS.e.Vi 7tiii.7,te, 7A.I a.’*, a.M. H.>i, iau4, K.’iU, il . sn„Liiiy tr.doH, j.Ki.ft I7.SUII ii.ikiu..»,, I i.dc;, ia.,ii lUI-K ll.iH lUI, A. M.. Ii»7. l.mi

fiq . I.' , Mil. .h4R. t : i . 7.-J0, a.te. 1 IT.'I. XK IIMU. |o.;!i F. M.,imd t.!.u* rjlgliA

I.V1.VH i eiil.v.-anMl suidou, 6.UI, u..j, (ua,7.iJl, . 7.J7. ».4'.7,j|. (.11, s*h.ii,:!?, te.u; PI,-II. 11,111 A. M.;

l i i i , UJ, i n , ir t , ;t;ci 4.IBL f . ’.T VH, i l lt-vu i-ii. 7*ts. 7.M. sail. y.'N, HK'/r mihI M.-iaiv su week iIhT-i

lu.elHiMt1 l..jJ I’ . .M. sujiilvs, t.flft, -1h> . M (1 V. lu Ul.iV Pi.*nk tl. I" A . Sf„ l i i . ! IlM., 1,.«. •iR«.l:AI'Mj uml 11. * I'. M.

JrfMVi' IhiHunt SlreH HUilioil. t i l , Alik. t-lS,«.»i, 7.+1.7.ii i.vtt N.ij, sri,!i.|.i.:i.-w.w.:-Hi iv>* MtdU . i l .t . M.; iVJ(, l.ui. 'Ml. 7Ja. i.’.'\V,4, U ' U (. -V:7,XU, T.K,, s:bK U. , (u u iiiid 11. 1 |‘. >U K u i n U v . N u l , I U ' J I . l U j . i , .M.; liu i li - 'i , 1..JU. i'H -iu , X‘:t. -t-vi.iA.. 1..U .m , m.i, a.51 7.tJ. »-iu, F iioysii.ih i 11.71 r . .11.

FIdiM M .IIlK K r SIHFKT HT.nT(»N.I'Or h;i ............... ^■il7uUhl.'i.»l,7.*lCL

7.‘tiT..‘i0U.lij -i wl. lu.u. II,d, I l . « M.; 1.1* iXT .»4, -I it, .U.-, 4. h|. 4..W, jyW. ,VU. j*> .VI7,.i.'vj, S'H, (bil7. )i.l7. B-'d. (i.V». 7,'f7. A 't, V.itLV. l'i UU-i F ,M.. rti)i| I2,r: Ulpht. S11h<iiv. I’ilT, Mn,y-*>,\xy. h iij. lu*]. ii.:j a , m .. I'ts-j, 1 ;;iv*i*i. apl

lU’i.rt * i Ho:. 7.1L, 7.,ii. tid , 1.JI, V.1M, M.;ii pl-alhX(Hiniil |*,T7 1*. \|. ^I'-T New llfOtiHivh’’h;, 11.17 uigU, e,17. 7.‘tt, 7.*i*,

N.57, W..V1. rtiul 11.ij .(. .11.; I'i-ki l.'JP,' AJK.j.'iu. &.U, ViN. X'JT. (l.^ j VI. il.flC rtiiil HUM' M roiiiilrty, l'i-17 )*.v.;y| hulI « l41 a . M.j l.Vi.iMj vJi 7.W, mil MorlU V) l‘, M.

Fiur WUiHlbi-fclrtM H).>l i'CMb Aulpov, R.ft1, •.:«(, Hiui lii.wA..\l., Iita,lu4, i.JH,.j;srt,xui7.ii7 J'. >(.. ly iiM lIi iil!(h(. thi Sinidiiyii, iii.r'i A .M. auiib.'Jl I uu F .M

Fur U hM: Sllll'Koiie, 1,«l A.AI.: 11*1, Ss» a m t. 4.t^ F. M., -billy , cvt'Piii Huiiititv,

Fur K((i.4a(uri III) I Itiwky ifill, 7.20 A. !il:. *iidi 1'. M„il.sliy *<xi cpi smi<Uy.

Fur ............................ I HHvhk-re, 7.BQA. U .n iv rL..A -S.XU'. M.,dolly,i’ x--vi>(u«mijHy.

Fur iHiUiiH’rtVIlP'. i.*l A. M., I'iu, X:S nnit A33I*. M.. -Indy, etMipt >uiui1jiy.

1-iF F:eiii:iizd>ii,T..'ii A IK. and 3JS 21 M.. dully. VK'Hpi 'kiiKlay,

For l*rmoeiu.i, T.'U, A *7. H.U A . M.; t.^. -MH. iKOli ■ml r.:|H 1'. M.. daily i-xi-i<p( Smid.iy

Fur IhMYiemoivit- UiifltiLaton gnif ('nnuteu. t.Jn ami I2.<U M.; i.:k, iS i. aa«i7..».F. .M., dully, 1-xi (*ut suiiil.ty. uii SnrnLU'. t*,:il A* N--1.:c: 2'. M.

Fur Fn-i’lKilr), Ft.rniiu iilAle, Muiiaw^Uart uiul suAilirt, vliiM-dimu'itl) Jua- iimt, 7,'*) uiid )l .i j A,M,,4.'.'aHi*iJ.ise 1' M.IV'Vk (Ltyx

For IfOMiun, \U j', M. ihiJIv,Fur aiuui^iyt). N V,-AH '(hr«m «h traUia cen.

Diet ut Jenwy t'liy with lio >>s uf " IliQokJyo Au- rwa.'’ anhrdlii,;(linii t(r.iiisfbr lo.uid from FYltuit- •druei, uvuMtim: ihmhiu ferriage umt >A)rj,uyi ucnKui (he <‘i(v.

NK\VA'OUK ri» NK(VAUK.For Newi*rU,-L *1 , «.>u, N.»i Ak), I.u»,7.:i».7.kiM«,,

*.»K!>.-yi. n>.in. K a iji .io . 11.10 M„ I'ilvaiiil liW m uu ; l.iu. t .k iiO i. 'i .u :{,iAi, XJi. x-Vi. 4 -»l, 4,-W, -xlMJ, 5.1U, u l , S.-Th. IJi', ->..jU. XiaitwlD,. X:aM.:in (i.iu. 7.-»K 7;i». a W, tUJ. lO.U. IF « l\ iU ■nd tlU iiild o te h t '’kii.dav iruluH, iki.'i, isJik i-ajs,, v.(\. |ii,uMu.ja, d.un, II.Vi M.; liUU mum; 1 i»l. tel», i..V), 2.111,1(1. i t j. 4.CI>, 4 .«, :|>IK^1L.|.U (kSlUlij. i.ilK T.dlL sun, HJ4, !l.uu, V.xi H05, IIjji} i ‘. . >1.. uimI 12 1-1 lllhllliirtit.

lu r furilmr liifintutCmi tee dm*trtble, to h* hud ihuih'PH •dUiH.'A liL'kvUi lur mL jhiImiii iiu the IViinny4Vnuui UuihT'S'id Uliil (iMiiHH'liOlis atul ii 'r ih s * * tiuim uiL'l lv>uK»a 'djeiHcR HtiiiuCiiui- ]tcav> oril e, .No. 7'<J llroml Mfcvt, or u( dte dvkcl uOlreal NlMrki’t stici-l StHllim.

IFN T K .U . ru U .ltoA l* iiV NKW.IKIMKV.' Arnuik''Hi‘-iitur iixina (umiiiuiiL'Iug ALjsy 1; .(


'J ruliifl liaive Urond street S(.id(>n fur hSituIwlh Atrti iUxteUeuLliFt, 7,PI, j.-'iii (Naa FUijuUiei.tiHHt uiiivj jta , w.ui, xaM, iu.te. huj, juw, n . i i a - m ., ltU7. I 111, I.Xl, lOS, :.x\ .\4«, 4.112,4..V1, r..u1, -VXi, 5.:>j. aiia,).i4 7.AL&xi iiud, il ix 1*. u . H am inyii.s^ ,

l.i«. i.i i. v «vA b ifblua 4tiip Hi Ferry ^ r o in ih l K dtotietb-'

port uml ut Miat l-Vrry ^ireui uu Htenul.Fur 2T.iliille.)l-«.iVnin. jAu, AX>, Wft. e .u Kuix

14.1*A. M.v l.Ui, IAS. l.ti, 1.40, Tud, iM ,

Fuf suHU'rsllhi.-j,te, xaj, ta.iii,iy»»A.M „u n , N(\ l a i X a i.i.».V iV A 2i,7 .JV7.*a.H.wi law, >1.

|J’»H’ I(H(WU-;.I*, OSS A. SL, hgo, 4 .» , &J2S,7.PJ A. M-. bir Mala Una N. J. <'. 2Jlv.,Bc(lil*-

iiem, AUrtdUiwit, .>Uut>h I'liKuk, eUv AM A- M.,rt>r Maid IJne .S. J .U Jltv , lo ik * '

ilutHiioiua*,Hi||b brhl'*r ltr4iH;i), Allefjb>n.u,SiTHMMli, \( ililuOlHmTl. TiUlUUUik, MlilinUuy

. Cliy. Huilirfiry, ei*.I l.uVl', M.. jiir Mnlu tJiia X . J. t l IXv., Altete A I .(im ti, MiiU-IU'liOBk.rtc. ^ I

i4n I*. .11., M:iiii irtUL* N. J, n FMv» MoPCh j riiuuk, seruntou, slmninkiii, eti*.I 4.11) 1*. .M.. W.ty for Mum N, J. t*. iMv.,‘ nikii iiridrtU HreUi'll, Uska tlnprtM'*Uia.; S..H'I' M,. pjTM.ilii l,ltj« S, J. Jjlv„ Allei^ituen . NLhi-I: cimnk.I himdaya, sw .V .\|. fnr I'lujiinelil ami ih ium t,' RnMk ; lU.i A. .U. svuy For Soiiiuts-IUh ; tZUii F.I M. wny fbr Ikiiwllen ; J.-kj F. svMy for ?nooo>c- fv ill* ; 4.A) 1*. M. wav f<ir Soiiu-j-ville uumI F'tenu in-tCMi L Mil F, M. Ihr •■•a.sluu ; IK M. way ftir leHiuil llrouk ; h*Jd F. M. whv for NumervUle,

I 7.'*l, 1 l i A. .M,; 'Uli F, ,M. Kir Himliury, lojsvl*' .bor^jLud WitIhiMietsurl-

Knf (Vrtli Aiuiioy. ftl."!. AiS, la ii, il.iS A . 31.,KB5 S.U, d.^, a.!U F. .>L sunduya. 0.12

i |.‘ r«lm l.I-a .IV tl.J» A. M., U l . 1.0, A 3: Fur l-iors* Jtran-'h, Oomu firm '*, e tc .-^ A , lA . M., l.-t\ 4.SI, 4 Nj, xi'-i I". ,M. Huudui'a lex ivu t tuO -eim (Jrovej i. M.

t4 ForTyki* disvr oud ik irn agu l-la i A -M .. 1.SS,For ViiialMid. Rrii:(cion-I. ffi P. M,Fur IrtikuwiHHl -\i> A, M., 1.15, tJRi, F. 3J.7*ur Atlanticniy~j.^ .i F. yj.

. Fur Tmultm u.Ci, i i j * a . At, 4.,VL . ll.’- i F- M. Sundiiya-Kjyi.xio A . At;, i js ,

Fur JMidHileJ|ihia-7.M, X A SKK. Il.a 4.0' I..U, 7.1-j, ll.'JSF. M. Kuuduyv.A. M., J.:ij.n.ja IV Al. '

For IbiU.niure •net WaHjilnutoti *.31, A.Af.; l.Ti, i:fci, uJij, l l .a F, JL riUHiluyK-8,:te .A. M.i

Druwmp-rmnii Curaliii uli rtny iniliia ninl S|*eu liiX <hro on iiteht im iui hetvreeu N>w A'urr, FidLulelidilH, Urtllmidru hikI NyHalihiBimi.

I ^ Kfw a h k asm .nkw auiVk .rr nil Ilrunrt .uul VarTy Htreei Ktm.uite' AlS.^ih

.(,SU.ftJl1,.H.4d.7-UI,, 7.411, Siu, AW, X«rB-aKM .^U. W, io,iw., PK4U, iijji, il.w A, M.: ^VJJW, l.lM, J.IM, U-W. 4.00. 4 4), uJXt, SAIL fi. Pi, »L]-/. t i i , 7. |f1,7..W, HJSl, M.w, f1,4\ n a i. ll !3 !V. M.'. I'idK, 11-ki, nilfhi, aiitu1ivv» -7 .« i. a.iB. puju, ii.'W A, M.: iX iiiJi,:, srm, 4jKK;kiw,-ti.UU, 7.fW, a.(«. w*l, 10.00. ll.'W F. M.

liUuv* New VrtfK from fool uF I.IFpr(e alrret—Al M*, (k.i»l. A.«. T.lW, 7.te, r,AK S*0I, SI... rt#i tl.t»1. T1.1J,‘.Uli|, lll,&i, PJ.1.i, M,«i, ll..ld .(. \ |. ' l i .M., li iu . 1.00, ia>.■iyw,.i.v, i.un, Kkiw .Um,A. lA..'i.ijo, I.j, (I..>1.41 W.7.IJI, 7.JI \l.V H.iu P.R.'i, Pt iK II-i’V 1- f: .'f. Ksmdnys 7.(«, 4.«o 9.(k iu,iiu n.iMi A. Al., i;!-jkim.; i.uL iiu , noja.(*Kfl.uj, i-KOXii,uu.iiiipF. M. '

l.h A. Ih. Kumluy7-?.*),U.lJ


.MOKUiHAND J(*SAKXl*IVlHll»!f).ITcsv J urk, foot o f ILirvla}- unit I'lirWinpher st\ iNwvimr sNeivnrk ui A U. lUirouKh mail

sruiii) i'lMHienilrtir fur IPMUiton ckter^Rptiiaa mid Ihehtef, Andover, Newunl, IlTHUrlivlIj* ptul 7rauki n, .'4troinlH>.oi , scrumoa, HInirtmrniutt. f W*varly, WJnlm, Hullate, C2e**^hinil. ruleihK Itetfoil (lihaijo, A , irtmia nnd iMisiCH Vteai-uiHi In thn IjEHilgh V* Uler.

Fu.nteniai* Pir HmMo aud ihiIikh We*( «u i (akeihrt 8.4a A. M, iiralit mi llohoken, witlimti p x irH iliijw atel EUero taXo tli«e,w .v. M. iruUi r<T the \va«l,

IJ.:h F. AL. Kitdiuu y.xpnm lur Humiqlti, Clug- bam, Mndiaon. UoiTiatuwn und uli anuluan weat to KomoiL wiinurtin;! fur Amtovnr, J^wteH, Jlmnciivllli!. Fninklln, MaiiimkH Um ok.- Wntof linn Hiftnidrihnrg. Nentoton, 1‘ lUaton, innm ton, WllUnharre iilnakumtoii,(jwwA VravAriy'and h-bulritunil le-ldgh Valhy.

4.«» l\ M .-iiaanm KiprertN, romiei-MHgfier Huo- cnRinnn amU^hftHter, Amluver, N *« 'lu n ,]jra n de vlUe, Oxford, ilanunka C'hniiK, Water (I,in, Ki^id^|(irK,yiT*uU(iii nnd lulirnnwhute •lotioM'' uod M oduli Vuliey. F. Sl.- RtprAM for ftdnmtlr, Cliftt-hjim. MAijltefi, Atonialflivii. Worrla plalnaL u*(k

aiul-'F w iloi* . nin«luimp4rm, I’ th *

nfoWllelq wiringa, I'.lipinii Birniilo aiuI nohita

vine, IbH'kiiWHy, liovar, IfuNkliig ith i^lumlKx'ii f» *

IilOJTHel(r wirjng*, hlmlm, BinTulo oud poBita Went and Nertli can t-ika lb* I.M p. M. ( i ^ lo Hulioken wBhunt lu tm churvu aou ih*r* taka tb* 7.15 IK M. train far m*

N K W A itK I V XKW V O ftlt-A H . A t*.7.00,7,#), 7..l7,7.fl, 7 , « 7 . 8 . I 1 7 , A 4 a , c5i,

Ptfl. i-hW, 11.^ IIJM X Si.:IIM , IM , 1 ,^ iU 40U ,8.Jd A47, Afll, i4 a tU iA a e , 4 .a » .5 .« .a » ,‘ H .5'p'll, k0»: lkW.jl.U « .» . lb.21. \0 . ^ IL fiF . Si u a d l lU t l f c

NKW J OItK VO .■aKWAriK-AM,7.m.7.30.7.'M, X.IID. WJO, dbl. HMh, KMU. 11.n\ A.M., 1110, i w , iz.gK'iJy,'iiy, -Wr^viu.aJa,.1 « ,4 , i£ 4 .1 4,.|IK8.iiv 3,t0, 5J1. AOI. 5/ii|, Wr>.kV

k U in iir iA .« , ii.iu, i i i i } '

F ’ii ’ 'NFl Lll1[RN-fi.»(1, 7.W, (.flfi am, 10. (X II,tt A. i f 1

Itw^aiKt, 4,tt. fkui, 464. (WI4 a,4d, 7.tfF, m , id ;^



ttma loguotrunaaiMnu^j

in f TWMl llt.

’’ I ,' “ '‘’ '‘*'-11 Wl-w i ’o r t rt. O fp .»lu Niiw.rli, TOnwr I M n n le ^

. 1- T<J Njffw VO BIC-dtuT.ig), 741,7.01, 1UM il<n Ji'uod* 1 (1V ,«A . a..iU7.AUu,Ia:HK .\I. ^ irtaoajur, N U W a UU t o FA i’ KIWON*. W KKK I-lAyr?- (.14,7.^ 4(4, kUl, hK-fK llAV Dunn ; L(m i«L 4,94 841, d37, 'k37, I'lT, IttiU. Ii.3l iBlJnte^k. ipru- rliya- 0.-» As M.. 4J4, T.i'j, livtt P. Mi

trojad aasurtuuu « «d t-'umniuiuilvu tfekela «t evw U y r*din-«i| raie* oam i « pracufUti i\T 0 i« cnm|M,Jijr'ac4ty or tleiax ufllcrt

Tlie (firei't and iiojinlitr Sliurl IJn* (i* j(u«r i^oDE, N yw bH rg,iM un, Aikhiiaiomh ife it Jar-

jfA, Muutic^ro, hnii*(ielMiiUik MiHMbtuqtoni" S^isia Tufi^ '

. ' c ’ -’ i- Y i i ' t i s r . K e i s , v . . fiuim-l, L ou liv llS IH. Usil.h H ausi. Uitr, Um

Tlirouoii ilrk iU iiiiliiu uH r- H iarlc .w u v m e i t t nml lom i In A . liTtltM im ia i. nrtuiiirtt M lW » u;h» i -yia-iimi rnau iu im . u m M E uhUuii. Issslilmi In I'lillmnii .Iril-litc-m oinu.ul rtu^knv'<»ui<i« lan i « m n T v l ftfrSn/A vj- In' !J * "TSHl. I ; '’ ' . 'T 'r * ™ -*» x .iiiM iB rt u m 4 — . .... ............ - u t i i i t titjum iM n « n ir , i .

I . r . V A H U I4 M M i w i

NEWARK EVENING NEWS, SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1889.k il l e d liY FIREWORKS.l i v e s l o s t i n t h e f l a m e s .

l a c lo ry r i n p lo | » * ' € • » 0 » l»y

b u k r - • A n A i i i« H r « i i H « fcuon«r

K ir t 'd O u >< l< -« ib frg i « t

\ Hite, ac< 'o iu p :in if'J HIV, oo-tn rert ^l.f^> Ii*»-ICTCUJU||| t i i lh fflh? w i» » k j ra ttb -

Dniib-fi*. i t IlmUm. Tbre«tak«>i tbi> n itn - . aud

{brw m J iujurK;* th it wiU |>robA-t,u tn l l l lT , Thv b in U m g , w h ich U ip. u r j io iy o f f k l i r m il i r e , t i 4«i lUe^toutid il-mrbT C. K. h r jw n lu ? . in l: l.u c r . i im J y in t iH h n c upper flout* by Hvyw# Hruibum, fdury d to l ' * u d f lr tw w k ik

N>i>D i t tu t fl o'dCM'k, w li l ie a m te ir iian « m vuitiug oti a cu:$t<imcr on lb«i ;C u iiu l fltMjr. l i t

t : in a I lkJ t w iuiu llre> (o rk f buhind o n *i-f the It), ah-ri, utiO(T.;nitMinli*-l, h^iWi'ViT, bygjiy lic y o n f j^ WBt4il, at thc ANn*(in^ci g iv iiiii the n itru i. Ttit* tl im<s ahot wUbi l t u o r i r a i r i i i H j - , c iiu lb ir u ff t u e i i .r i fw el <4 v<kh1 o f tho u icn to tb * n p iw r uti'1 in Kvv iium iW i ttiu denau aonilu: and *!• 3ifn,t lu n S'Shl iliv h iir i it * ot firrnorJc< u t ilifl**r. i>)it k i l l ;k u) 1 p r i fc r t pBo-.inm ijiiiu tii lo r ih iiM 10 ib c bu tl'lliiC -

( h a t l^ A ll# r t llnke. M ’-J Iw e n i) . n b o iv u em p lotc^ in ibe t iJ h i a'^orr, b n n r from a « m - dow ui)U l b t wa^ oh tk i'd to releaa* bt« bold, l ie then I d l id tbe g r iu n d , a idk iJ ig ll)« awttiuK i to 111' dCH'<;ni, b rra k lu K L i* l44’t . H * U16 taka ii lo the UasMcbOMMlii OM it<rtl Hu'piiii, *nii v»i\\ pr^bAbiy d i« Chorlva f . CalliJiun nud Thututw Patna, p*c'lci-rj', irkm vi>r« lo r k in f uu tin* lo u . ib floor, Ju tu iKd Itoin a i ju d o w In Ib e ir i r i f U . ISiina uaa kilUnl. abtl la l ia i i iu 'a Ih jit iic a ate d o u b ik ta latal.

W illla i* nr^-nrnltull1, w lio wap on (lie arrond fliior, ijid In f b u k i i iB tbc Haaira,b k ilin c n n iit lo r u iu ie waior tu«t bla wHjr a.>d lu ik i l d c j i in M li l . He u w i p K 'ind up hudly li-Jurcd. Hu b a bo tn ju ie d lu fc rn a lly by t i i iu k r n iiii i l U k iir ia t U i4 i he cam io t U te . A b(i<ly nh li-h wap taken ln>u) lh a b u lM lu g (o tik * Hjicgtie n 11 rvc<i{n i«?t liy Mr. H ry e i na fta inual (VinL Iho chJel {tarke , i h o wc.i o i ie o f i lk *

fB:p:o)ha u( ibe lirm . A n o ib o i body,ih a to ia l>u>, WH1 hIm i taken to llio naur(ni0,a lic ie II h v not yc i bucti )<k>nt>fl(Kl.

Ih e ll>m i»iii ployed Iw cn ty o r Iw e n ty 'f lv v nun *nU boya, aou were bury M lib Ib c lr boll* day iradc. e a rtin d a Mock i f SlW.tjgOlo M h ul n te io ra a a iid kT^ lOO Ui |(ii|\(KV w urtb Oi iMiii'y p<iO(IPr A IkJ^tt porUuii o i the atot'k I t riiine 'l, aUboiikb Ibc Itiiti u not k ita l. I b o

i« w i'll liuurpr).

I tB I^ ;N I> lN G V A T l t lC K E O A N .

Q a ra n io r r b i j a i ' a ftL lu filng^ L * l t * r to U io K r i l lM t i-A j i ia r lo t tu A aM oc laU m i.

(. iu T cn io r I h n y e r . o1 N e b ra s k a , hoa i f - r - iv i i i H iH ie r from John I jOi . aeorHory o t the I trK U r i-A n itr ii t i i Aiamclailon, 34 Behool l ire i 'l , lio 'id ti, Ul u ln ih ib e y | itu to ^ aKaiUbi the ep- ppo ln iu ip iil o t P iir ic k liakQ to be k t lu l i lc r lo c i i i l i u " iuKuUing lo Hm? aeivao o f UooenCy o f a ll m ic c it iiru a ," aud iben p m o fi^ t lo v il l ty . Mr i'fan. G uvuniut Tbaper rep lied y tts te rd iy Ul a lUnalng k t lo r , in a b ieb he t a y t :

' Hwn airofHM ii w riU m enU me In ta lt l i ig to (w»-ry c li i ia o o f the H tp u liH e ; lUey are ab- bunmni to every « fj.w ot Ju^l^{‘e and t u r piBy, Ttiev a rr dajtraitmg to h u m a n ity a tt il a re a d l*- liuuur to Ibe connts'y. m id 1 denounce theiQ and ib o ir a u ib o n w l i l i uuaieaaijred ladig;n&> Uof>. mnl U»er I'binjh] be b«M n p to fH ib J c rupriib iU iiti. W b j oorndituled you aud your avuc iaU aJudge*o fibe m odvuaaud a e ilo u io f mcitT By w bal auiborU y do you a r ra ia iitb e F rN d i'U i and Senate o f Uie U u iied H tiica fu r Ibe ap}ion iiu ien i and onuflrinail<>& o f P a inck J‘4tan u U m uder to ( ' t u l i r T bauk God ibey arv not re'poitidble for lu rJ i in to le m b ly Itu o lo n t b^goti Oh yuu and your at'MX'leieA have inuTua y o u r« lv » iQ be by ibe lauguag f u«ed >d t b t i cneular,

" i have known P a lrte k E R k n f^ r Rloe* b e * iiMutcd lu the o ily (H L lnno iu y e a n aRu. Ue J i l l a1wa)iS provun h iiu ae if lo be an uptbye i and hohifab^e loan , a ituod O iltiSD la every t r i« c t, Y ou can 00 more U rn n ib hla reputa- tum 1 1 h your v ile a iandert I b M tbe fou l b ird oi t iip h l (no aam il the cokIb.

' Y i'U M y be la a tu k id v e fto m the power ut B ilii.ibJU ilioa. Ob, you m la ij ik c ; you pbould have w n ite a ‘ B r ld ib tnJuiHce.' Y ouaay tbe oi'uduct ( if P a irtck Baan la now under loTcatl- Itaiioo by a ipec ia t coaim iaiUm o f B rjU -h Judaea aa la p a r iio iija ilo ii in w b it e ve iy d v i- h ied B u ie b ra o d i u a e n m * a ^ in a i life to d propeny. Uava you ao autwi tocgutlen bow CDuipletely and bow o v iTW he lm lus ly P atrick lignt) «ha tered one o t the m e n dfMMHKi!y at»d ilHCDDltif cun»pirariP8 lo b lacken b w o w n aud tba good nania o f P a m « U tiu iiv l ila n iy evereou- ca>ci«l, wh iab n p o au ra aeut o n a o U b c c o n - i i I r a itn lo dea ib and ie ll ib e c th e n to the i-ondeTuuallon o f ihg dv llla c id w o rld f

" TbeaeuUnieiita and lo *e o f your proiew Rinark nuHa of the ].ondon Ttmea in flue n e r* and « f I N dark *gn Mmn (h t a n ltk liieE itse n l ta d lib e ra l lend fiic iea ipward fr* f i io v e t itm e a t o f Iko D lnetnuu.h oeu inry. 1 daiubt a o i tha t It

had dead Jn tlmea the rack, the tar- lu re and tho in iju b ilu rm w ou ld have been your In t ln iir iH i la in Ihp for Bpeiviinc lib e ra l p r in c ip lv i and! aecnnog borne n ilo ,"

F l t t E D OM B Y I fA V T T A N A .

A * A fn iT r lo an K e h o o a a r 'v EK|»«jr1ene* ia Hamana flay, Hanto Uoimlu(o,

T b c sch oo ne r R a lU c , o f r r o r iu o e to w n , Captain Jo.opb F ii lio r , a rr lv o il at ffew Bed. , ford, Utvn,, yepierday from i d A tla n tic w bab log voya^ie. Captain K lsber t e lk o f a th r il l in g exiK rle iice la»t May w h ile a t Samaua Bar. H in lo iHiuiinyo. where be p u t t * to r water. He hell fireviotiHlv v ia ;le il ibo bay {on February fly, and waft boarded by the o flk e r o j Uia port, a Ueneral, w hoca tnc on board w itb aoid lpr* ut>:f lohpi!cieil the vetfieh i;apM lu F t f l ic r said be w ii ifn li iR w balina. and tb e U e D e n l pave h tiu l« ftu -aaion to roI wnud aod w u lo r aa fo ijg aa be •ta ye i in tha t v lo m tiy , On May 12 ih e achoon* c r again TnUed ihe w a te jiug place.

A i C o'cuxdk th a t evciung (iwe m ld le t i, under e o iiitiuud o f an officer, came d o m lo the Iwacb and flie d ten o r lll le e it abo:s a t tbc arliuoucr. The lo ld ic re were arinea w ith good A m i- fifiB rifb», Wuen tU ‘f began f lr i t i j i Oap- la io KihlMr WBi a l l w ith Ibo omeura, and a ll faamlft except the Mewnrd were on deck. W lih Uio hulle;a fly in g aboul, Ibe capta in haLl no opporiuD ily to ih o w the Am erican f la f . Th;) K iiillera oon ttnueil Urine, vod Cuptain F laher orocrad lU hauiht below and w eut dow n b ln i- aelf.

tA hen ihp Boidlera found no o n on d e< * they flred tntu iijo r« t*e l, h il l in g ib e copper cooler near ibe foremaai. l ( w a i » la ic w hen tho firlug atupiied Ib a in a p ta ia F i ib e rd id not d a n | f aaiioro fo r Ifear be would be ib o t In ihe dark. T lic D c it day h * dem anded ab ezptana- lion. Thft offluiala gave h m i no ta iia rac io ry aiJiwer, Kaytng they ib o u jih l l l ie re a ie l w a i a Bpdquh iQinggler. A i S pan lih vamela there- tb>aiit ca rry no boau on th e aldea, UbpialQ V iibet reaoHred loaaek b lgb e f a u t h o r lx Ae- •urdiugiy, on May Ifl, b e wcD l toG rudJua. elgbb uiUpAto lha w M iw ard , aud aougbL ao ib te r. v k w w lib Q * n * a t PappQo, w h o crdcrod a bnat aa1 w esldow D Iba t eventug w ith police oJfl- ciftla. A fte r viaHlug UieRChooner h * bad the live Mildlera trrea ied. Ib e y were ana igned ■ iH lliled , b u t ib ra * daya a fte rw a rd General Pappoo ruleaaed Ltien, g ir lo g aa b n tvancb lo I'ap ia ln FUher Lbai be fouM l ib e y d id ix r i k id any cue. A com p la iu i aga ltia l tbe H a y lla n Ooverameot w i l l be aem lo B e m ia ry B la ioe by CapiBlD F libe r. The tueu who d id the flriug were Hayllatw .


Y ii* h U a ta w r A a g m la V Ie te r ia flUghaa Y roaan M a n n t a in o a H o f V n y a g i* .

T h e H a iD b u rs 'A m e r ic a D r a w t A n - t<»U VIcLorla, (lap ia lb Alhera, w h ic h le it SomiiamuioTi on June 14, iw e lTe b o u n bebiurl the North Geimao L loyd ■taainer Trave, o tio c to anebor o ff the New Y ork l^ ia ra n M he B ia tion i i» i cTening ten m la u u ft ahead o f her r iv a l.

I a]itaiD A ibtra, o f the V'letofla, reported paaa- liig ibrea iceberge on the voyage. They were ow-'o on Ihe n igh t ot June H i and one o f tbe w ,J ftoiau one, wag not n o r * Uuui 4w yaida awav from Ibe ve iM i. th e V ic loH a bad b u t a abort Urae heron paawd ^ W b lw BiMt u ea m e r Oar-

* l WAa aboni 9;»> • “ * ^ a toahicr wax

l u w V m ' i ' I b o ^ ;

m n .n o u ii i ] , t h .o u U tn i» < j* * ^ I * W w lio trd .

iw ita K broad, I B , • ‘ “ u u I I d tM lo e it, ’lha o 1 ,b t “ • •

W M I T U t D * O P H o m * T

- * B o r w i ; r s . r t . dU h * ■ D a s ,

b l in d « i , d ^ ■ " • " •■ fw d o f L o n ,«i">Pbobl. * W « * t t o b .H , -

hora“ m L * ” *' w “ •> * *» "> « » * " b h*l«drh eUW roB w lion . U iv adown , „ d

^ d b * n f ? “

‘‘ • r " i * " • l ‘ tU« «W .B<1 b lu

‘ ' ' • J “ ™ ‘ “ X d .Ik 'Tar.i • * * * “ “ I ' *« < » < ■■m w .S S “ • *«• i™*

Y duiu iT .n ** b ln fl, b K n M a n .

• « h k I 'V ? * “ • *™ “ * "t a M D t

tb* wounded flngrr and applied the cu»tamary rrmedlce Aa tbe buyaathtrong aud bealthy xtOBMlouB fteeumwere npnvU-M. Atioiit fiv* wewktMlarwaad fniuk devdoticd a urong d*.- tike lor water Tbea ha had aJU iiuiio^ which be Irotbeii ai ilw tacuih. Fuv r iiiinued at m

four dayv ag>k, Ihe ayiuptomauf bydfO|»hulija b(>('(Naiug more IppHivut oTcry day Oil Uonlar. diirlBv a m, be tn»tbe«l ai IfaB Bcuib, ariapiKHl and >narit-d hkeadtigai lb(iae around aiaj, u i *i the bed ciuthlug aud fold blft mgtbf r tbai be tell aa if bo ahould Ula btt fouguo off.

Tuesday Frank bccamo apparently wwIIwhId and went uuidouta ki pAy. but W( nighilaJ] hr waa i lard wl‘h anoiber fll and bovmtiH’ dv Ihloua. Alter(hatibe 8n were rer-um'in and in- Wioaed Ul irrertly uulll yavleolay whan ihc boy dlrd.

Tb« pbjrilnan who hfe! mlended ihn tioy far a WMk behK* bln death inmU'd tiluj for (xmi< vuiucua, aud uld that death wa» iwd oauoad uy hydrophobia, or if u w » the iwrenta ouui'«*Ual iho teal faou irem bkti. aa the tmgvr whirth waibmeu bad entirely bealfil up wlieuiue boy called on Wedneftday at ihedot'tor'iulJioe IcrmeijiciuH Membera of the liuiaiy *t!rk lu the hydrophobia aiory aud are curroUrfaieil iw tba uelghb(>fa,

BLBILK'S IDYNTIVICATION.CxprwMiuan HartlnMui K*nllp I'lrkoJ

t lltn i lu l from Among 0*4 l**rhOD».Y oe L en ia y a i io lb e f l i n k w o n i« rif« 'd

which eumiaclahivka, who ra ouw a |tfU4Nicr at Wmidpoir. with iba juuriler ot fir Crr*n«a. Jt) the muruitvg Htirke wax takon buror>> ,lud,n Bdiu, He waa very iiervfjiia ami hk kiU'ia. hfoiok aa tt bu were Hulfunng wuh aj Uf, Wr. lloweil, fgunaei for iba proaccututn. u«ka>i (<a a reiuand until Ibe cviduuce uud U b* leady, iKK the priftoncr'a c lUiieuL dciumrvil. He M>ifl the evidenre on whith ilie Hmnrt Jury had kt- rikuieit Burke wu all In and waa available. ttJidfouihad Iwi'u Iniprisoiied fiw aomo and was doirmu that Hi# Lrial abuuld take piuoe aaajun *4 po«*lhle.

Mr. Howell replied iJjal iltey were ozpor(1u| tbe evhfoiicc, bul, Judging ircui |>aitnit|M‘n c u (« III ibene ualierv. the chnucca w ere ibre* Ut oiw ihal ifaero would Iwaiiueihizig wrong wlH» Hie ocrilhcah-i, and, lit ib ilca k c , they w ould have tu lie rciuntfid lo <’hiccigi> to be lumle alt righL “ And ! fear," ho aatd, ^ lhat Ihere would mia ba anmcluui evidPMv*. J hnva w riitru a lo n g teller hi Ibe Stau-'i Atforncy at i 'b ica go te:lltig b lm exdfH y ulial be wuuid Imvo lu d o ; ihul ho would bare fo provi* the romuHvuou oi lha prime and conueci Uic prlaorjer w ub it. Ki*- ihpMft reaauna he will probably have in bring wilhCBea (rriui Cliicngo."

Til* Judge di'cidi’tl U> fll the exaritliiMioa for Ill'll Wed e dDy. vrimi ilntc ciaila be a lurlbur roruaod for a fow daya ti lire evnlcuot waft ncf ready. Ibe Idcntiikarfou of llurlie yaaterday by kEnriiiMeri, Ibc l ltlcagn eipre««- niau a ho curled tbe goods lotbe l^rtaou C'H' lagfl. wai CkWiiife e. Fitly.iwo pi*r oii* were gathered In ibe Jajl yard, au.oug lb*ai ix'itig Iforke ai>d ftrverai (riauuertlu plain elulbea Tbpy warepUead lii tint and “ loid off.” Map ifuaun walked ftfowiy up nml dawn the llmi Hurke %ioud with tiia ktiiida In bU |-ockeia and with hUayevaaericd irutu iba I'bit'ago muu, but hU.nitwn eoally picked bun otiu

After oonaulU ilbm wUii th e autborH ice B urke ’ t uum her waa ivken dow n , a n d f t waa fipcn ly I 'a lc d by conunei lo r tb c j>ruaccuifou Uifil there waa do necemUy for furiber idauftii- catlon.

Burke boa employed addltiuoal oounaH, and wILHIght ogaiuM fxIiadiilfAi lu tbe very ia»t. Ailbougb duly baviTigtSO wbcnaitnimd, ft ft aoid be will nd lat'k for lunJa tor bit dcieacc.



!I CouleaOe m i t b « iH a u in n d —THewa o f ih «

T y r f wad Got*l|i Abwwa V wH m I ^ iw rla. T b « H lvaraM * A tlslid lu C lu b

aud T. M. C* A. Gamea*

hla light ibch turned to the

le a d ib t Qaitaok an' and blu

the McKw.l11 dtnp .|

A L IU le C h ild F o u n d W i th a H n a h * in H e r l .a p .

H . P . H fd d o n . w h o re n iJcA n o n th w c i i t o f DtnoM on, Tex.. look to th a t c ity ye rh -rday h it l i t t le c h ild B tillie to he Ireated lo r a anake b iU . About 6 o 'c lock y iia u n la y o io r ji ju g r i i * U tile 8 rl lo ft Che Jmu « e lth a on a io } to g a iber b lackberries n p tr Bfonc hprlug , Thu c h ild woa exia'cted to re tu n i borne aoon, zta Ibe fa m ily w a i lo keeve early to pa:<a ib c day w ith a nuigbbur. T liu c h ild b e t t if aU e jU B om *- th in g over as hour. U r*. U tn idcu lo U iC ipn n g . The uUOil w a a ito i ihc re . and the m other o a lle ii bornan>c lo u d ly acvem l R e o e iv in i norcftpiHiHc, th e le ft th e spring and w a lked lutD the b lackberry p tteta lo b u m up the ch ild .

Patung ibmugTi A c petcU ab* a a w a v c t ic w h ich made her a lu iiw l fa iu t w i,b ho rro r. J bu c h ild w eaaealcdunn rook ta d In b e r ia p w a i a forge re ttic inakis. The c h i d waa iM rry li ig tba ftoake, whine Jrewd wsa aJ lgb tly eierau-di aud m o rv ig in and fro. HomMimea ib e anake'a bead would almoat loucb tb e bpe o j ib * c h ild , w ho puabed I I away w itb o u i •p p e a r li ig u> e o fc r the anakc, T h c b U ld waa eo o u m p iu ie ly under Ibe tpcLi o f itae le rp e n l th a t I t paid no aUunllob to the m o iberj w ho avreenjcd ao Icnd ly th a t her hualwiDd beard hm a q u a rte r o f a n ifle d b ia m and harried <o t!>e aoene.

W oes M r, Heddon appeared th e m a k e pleo-rd Itae lf lo an a ltitud e o t bau le , am) ib e a ir v il4 « fo d w ith Ibe uoBe o f the m t lo r . lit. Uedden edrauced upon ib e m a k e , th e o h ild fb ll back aa i f lu a iwoon. end the a-rake s track I I Oh the UmiBb o f tbe r ig h t ban d , a nd the n Rwasg a i Uedden, w bo t iu e d t t w l f b a atone. lioddoQ aucked the woutn i, w h ic h , be is coo- fldant, raved ibe life o f tbc H u ie g ir l. Sa iara t a WM aUo e pp llr id 'lu Ihe uouud. T h * baud and arm o f th e lltU e g ir l were b u t v e ry t l ; i le tw o ilM i wbca th e wa* la ke i' to Deoufoun fo r in t im e n l .

The c h ild My* th a t ahe waa a it lin g on the rock p ick in g berriov whee the m a k e appcerc i, aiaJ th a t she waa unable to m ove w hen ftbe looked 01 i l * Iba t she waa n o k a lra ld o f It , and Ib a t when i t Waved tta b e a d to a D d f r o lD b e r bttw th e (eH Uke gomg to aJeep.

S A Y S r r « N O T Y E L L O W Y E Y E R .

A llw m lt l i O f f ic e r D e cria rea S p r g r o o D u d - caw H a * R e m it te n t F e v e r .

I 'h e q u a ra n t in e e a ta b llH h ed a t tb e rcftldenc? o f I'ap ia in W. H . lim tnp eo B , 173 Elwionck a ir r r i, B n-^klyo, ou Wedue:«hpr fosi, wbeu Burgeon im uonn, o f the iie a u ia iu p C o lo ti. w a i lound lo b e h iiff ir iu g Ir h s j ’eHow io v it , haa boon removed, a iid the ro h u iry p o lie rm au w ho had t« cn on guard ba* re turned h lid ii ih -a . The hea lth a iitho rihea f t irn i^ h t^ the e is h i oo> e u p a n 'i o l Ih r house with a change of c fo tb in i;.

]>r. Geurge V. Corivery, tbe B ro o k ly n H u n lih lu hp e rio r wbo made as c ia a n ia f to u o f Sur- geou Duncan. Iiaa made a MaU nMrm In rep ly10 Dr, Cyrus Edsou. In w h ich be roaeseriB bia d la g u o ii* o l Ibe caac aa y e llow fe v e r D r Con- very, Ui cuociualon, a«M : **Tbe queatlon sow11 w h c ib c r Hie pbyalclan 1* to be g n k le d by ly u p lo in a w h ich by th e ir p m e ticw a re ln d lr , | . l i o n and p e ra l l tr to o eritdo diseoaes, o r w ho her be f t to t« guided by a fu t im c i it o r penonaJ in tt'im L I f tbe la tte r, then the re f t n o it iln g tn be said, but u n i i l L b liq u e a tio a i i deci .ed 1 beit t l ie priv ilege, eveu i f 1 a ura I d doubt, fo g ive the bcnofll o f th a t d o u b t fai the c o m in u iiily ."

A ppofoet agalnsl the a c lio n o l tbp h ea lth a iiih o ftttea In auhjucftng Dr. Hubert, iw b o ba rl D m auoDdiMl Burgeou Dunoan, to q iia fa a tlu e w e* p nb itib ed ycsiorday. I t w m ftJgiH>d by aevaraJ p :o u in e a t phya lc laaa T o dfoUnguish w ith o e n a in ty Id Isoiarcd caao* betw i-en ye l- low le v e l M id oertam form * o f a ia Ia rji>M re- m m e n U e v e r f t o ften d tflIcuH , the d oo to ra aafU. T h i i lin t iru o iin m K of a p liy iic ia p w il l io u l pfooefia o f law and i l the a rb itra ry d ftc re t iu n u l (hetkum nlO A ionrr o i H eelih f t w r lb o u t urece- d e n t in (h r b ftio rv o f Ihu o kU n .

H aUb Ofboer K in itb, o f l ^ io k ly s , rcpcu lrd to the Board o f Heafth yesterday th a t « c a r iifu l M a lv i f t o f JDr. Duncau ft Illneaa ihow e^l ih a i ib e laMer suffered ffe in re m ttie n l fover, and not yeUow A ver, aa reported,

B U R N E D D P B IB W R A I . T H .

A D y in g M a n D w ilra y R •SO.OOO W u r ih o f G rw a n ho eka a i iA B w o da .

T h e to w n o f F m o U im K y .+ ia aicoK w lih o iK iie iB e n t. W lih a ia J , l l l l t n o , a w e a lth y and m fte r iy old m ercham o f th a t p lace, w ho f t though t (0 be on l i f t deathbed, yoa le tday ttag - g i'K d o u t o f bb bed, w h ich f t back Of b ia *!ore, and woQt In to tba lUira. H e w u fo llnw cd by an old negro, bla a tfondoot, w h o o i be (w lo red U) take a oertatn oatl keg a nd p u t i t i » the Are In bla rooai. The kog w u headed o o a t both • i id a and be (o ld the oegre th a t t t E ad * ia w nalfo In I t and lom e o b i pepat th a t be w labed todcM iroy.

Tbe n e g » did u d irec ted , l i t t le d ru m to g tb a i be w u o o u lg n liig to tb e fla m o i abo u t f30,0CK> in g neubock* a iu l G overoftoent to n d a B u t lu c h wo* Lb* c a ^ . Bik id a fto r th e act waa done » ftaU e m a a we&t to, a nd le e lb i a large p ile a f bkiru t a « jt i Id (be f irep loee. aoA w B o t K e n e d lo be tbe im o k in g rom alrw o f h u n ii papers, and fuapeciiog tha t a l l waa o o t rtg bL began u i n iM ^ ' v t v x a m ih a tlo n o f Oio eober, and found w hat to th e uokod eye wa< p ie iu ly v lftb le , a huge moM o f tn irnod greeobocha and (Joveroincut fou r per eeni. bonda

M r. U lK on b*a a w ife and oue c h ild , a p ro fll- ga ift riotb w ild ia u given tafm e g re e t dea l o f tm u h 'a l ie aud hla o l lk have boeu aepareied fo r Bome llm o, and there f t now p end ing a lu H for diToroe and B litnony aga inat h im by b ft w ifa A ffrea tde a l o r b l l t e in o i boa g ro w n o u t o f lb * Buit, end I t la (bougbi be p re fe rrod to «ve bis proporty tn aabca ra the r tha n fo r b t i w ife and a o n V I dAvtH ft. H e f t la o te ip o c to d lo l iv e M any d iy a and f t now too f te b lo to ta lk and m fdtaa to d ivu lge a ny Ik la g .

W h o re le th e B o a rd o f R o o l t l iTn A t JEcHftr qf 0 ft/% fte .‘

E tE '— K p o w I q ii f o o t n e D o itM ity I n f f J y - ! lo g ipaoe In your paper IB reedert, 1 v e n tu r t l o ' M k to r tb e M iD i. fie lng a re o ld a a to f F a iw le w a veo M . e b r, and having a * tU r r le w ^ ' o fe v r r y . : Ib ldg , 1 vem ure lo a ik w h a t f t t o i l to fa* d o n e , ' fo r f t I t ib e f lU b iru i t r t e t la th e o i ly . Tbe nabJeoU, being puoeeMe, do n o t w leh to raake a ny t ro u b le : fauteocnelfong iM if t * * dowe. o o d q u ic k a t tha t. Tbere h e io f o n ly tw o n ty 'iw o boufwelD ^ o u rb lo e k .* 'rv e a o e u s o t m ib o u e igh t d oe ton e o la r bouac* in one day. R o w f t tb a t t a ad U ila : No ftoa ib a n ib lr te e a ( i | ) , o ld and yoang, died, and aotso b iv w found ro o t* la our boapIteLi w ith in tb o foot fo u r i moutbe. O ught ^ ih o Board o i H o a llb lo -J ve ftig a ta and g o t a '* fo ir vfow** pT o u r » ft(L a D d ta a a lN M ttfh f tn ifa e g o tM r r f w o u ld Uk# « f c f lw ^ e l t t a t i l i t t C iH 4 * t o B u a b < l * , S»kt>

ORa « v f f iJ B T i m .

W o B C K rtfR K , J m ie 2 2 . — I d th e e iR h tfi lotimg ot ibe game with the Newark t‘luh vosti-ptey eiforneon PiU-ber Hurkeu. wUobwt Ihuii ueifliroiiQg hi* reliiaiaieuient on itie ISyrepsrer rlub by i'*ovlftiH work in ibe l«oi, wem *1) to and five runs wef* nitde by (lie vi4to»«. BradkT, ebti had al»o Just bem reiiislHted, played a tln« gem* at short, acivpt- luii eight chaiictu, k>u« ol ibctu difUcuhoues. Unmui's iMicblug waa very eflVcUve. and loa 8iuilJi dUliag'ilKbeil biiuaelf by bu good vsttrk at tbe bat.

Ih e s c o w :

h x w x h if. a. "■ FO. A. il"

Coftfan. r f ..........I.v liiiio ri, 1. r........

1 1 1 0 ftJ 1 1 ft ft

FleMn. l b ............. ........ 1 1 12 0 ftIfonafo, l i ....... . (I 1 0 3 ftHaye^. !lb............. ... 0 0 0 2 1)S la iftd l. 0. f . . . „ „ . . 0 0 3

tU '

M c lirro io tt, 21). .. 0 0 5 1 ftKmlth. I. a ........ ... 1 ft 1 * 1lit if ly . Ca............... 1 0 e >1

Tota l*...... ft ? */? l i ! 1Woh' XeTkll >1 is . r.t i. X.

- ■ J — -11 — —lirnd le lf. s, *.. . , 0 0 1 a 0fotJniffler, r. f . ..... Q 0 • 0 i ft(Jazui'kon, lb ........ 0 0 « ft 1 1Mvb>lcf, 2 i i . . 1 1 1 9 0A im f t 1, i.............. li 0 1 ft ' 0( u ilw orfh , f , (...... 1 ft i 0 1 ftJ 'lijcA 3 h ., .......... ti 1 1 3 1 1'V iiBim, c ................ 0 0 9 ‘i ! ftH u rk rl!. p 0 0 0 4 1 ft

T o ta l*................ . J « T t ii 1 3N ew ark................. .i> fi 0 Q e 1 0 ft • hW uH V ilto ............. fl 0 D 0 0 u t U 1 - J

IjArucd ruDS-W orcuiler 1, Newark 8. I'wo- t o w l)l(i'--klai«lei, Sinlih. HecrUicu bifo— AiisU . Dooina Siob«n b u co -O u d wortli (3), Jimos, Ktolds 02). Ifofly Firethare on bulla— A;mi'>, I amplun, I 'u 'lea rib , WiUuii. Duffy (3), tiooguii, bm lib. liU by pitched b a li- llra lfty , Hurkcll, MrDenniKt. first on crnirs-N ew ark k. Ulruck Dili—WjIfioM (2), UurkctI, Ilnwllcy, Mftii^elJ (fo, ruoRan, yi4‘ld i. Lmoms, L lay ia Ptjwo! haift-Ib iiry % W llw u 2. Wild o lt c b e s - DuoiuaB. 1‘im e—'Twobeura. Uiuptie—Brady.

Otiier Atlonlic HaiaeK.Other AUnntic Aa^A'intiot] gauioB re*

tu lu -J AS fo U o w i:A i lo w v ll-

]iiWlkLl> a. la. P.U.

Day, 2b................................ 2 0 t 3 ftKtttllK 1. f ....................... .. 1 0 2 ft 0D u v rr, r. I .................... 1 1 ft 0 ftt ‘ikSeV, e. f ............. ........... 1 1 1 0 0Ila jn iilo n , lb ..................... 1 fl 2 0

3 b ............. ........ 0 0 8 2 2k e lORx, a a.......... ............ 0 1 1 3 2S ullivan , |«............... . . . ft 0 0 1 ft

c ........................ ft 0 ft 3 0Toia la.................. - ......... ft 4 34 1 ! i 4

JkaoXY UITY. e.- Is . F.n. A.

KiiuV. lea, :ib....................... 2 1 ! t 0fliiN iid , c. ( .............. ......... 1 2 2 0 ftIFUrluo. l b ...................... 0 1 11 0 2ro c i. 1. f ........... ................. 1 1 1 ft 1tierlM irdt, 2 b ................... ft 0 2 2 0I.yniiSa r. f ...,............. 1 2 2 1 0H o flird , c ........................... 0 0 4 9 2IhHey, JI.............................. ] t 1 8 ftlo ing, K b........................... 1 I 3 6 ‘i

Tolato,......................... .. 7 10 27 ]Ii 7laCVWell.................. 1 ft 2 0 1) f t ' 8 ft ' 0 - f .JiT-4iy C l'y .............. 2 3 1 ( ft 0 1 ft • - 7^ c i i f l c e h liK —gia lii,, b u lliv e u , R e n t lu ii i ,

I r l l i i i id , FrfoL l^m g. s to len to^ea—l f t y (3), ftraUa, Dwypr, fftscT, K n o w le t ( i j , H lla m l CFlinen. I.v im * (2), f i r a l ba^e on b a lli— l^owcli U . Jewey C ity T. F ira l tv iie on orrurv— Ix iw od a. JeiHe.v lU y a. W ild p t ic b - t f t lc y ; pMBcd b a ll i- l iu m a w o (3), U offorq ( ^ . K iruck o n t-H o ll iv a n (3). Hulneaeo. O e rba 'ilt, Iftle y . DtiubKi pjoya—Long, GerbaMlt, aud O 'U if t i i : Knowieo, l.m g . and U e rh a n lt : Lyuua and O 'ilr lc n ; Balv, llo ff.trd . ta d O 'B rie n ; 8uHl> van, H am ilton , and D rlaohe t V a jp ire —Ma­honey. T in e --O n e boo t and fo r iy -flve ru iu- u iea

Al New Haven;

Won. U M .Booiftn......................... I I 10< levclH iid ...... .. ..-.a- W If lI ’D IIad '-ipb lL ,... ...... 20 IftNutt' T u rk ................... 84 wrb in a p o .............. ....... 20 26rnisfaUfK—-4-.... 17 2flI lk i lH U I^ I l * ..... ...p... IB 2HW eahliiv lou....... ....... 11 3ft

Si. l^ m f t .......A lh cde.........B io u k lyn ...... .ilalUlQOtl!.........ClQCinnail......K aaia« 2t('eluunbtu.^M.... .. 19l io u ftv il le ........... g


Twodjiiae UH--8ay. B:uiMon bulls—T. Lynch, n . L jneh. ('jifolJ. Blnick o n i-ilu u ry (2j, U. Lyurh Mooilu, T. Oorcoran. U lly , l ’m***ti b e l l ^ i ’ JtiJijfke. Wild pitch—borati, J<*Ao:i bftMt— New Hatoq 4. Hartford 6. Tiino game—Otft hour and Iwcoly luiuttlL-u. I’mtiire -H lu ta . _

D o r t F ro m Heay D ie o io M la .Other twroce yesterday resulled a<« f«j.

bwstManOMAL LkAOl'A

At Cleveland—New York 17, Cfttelepd fl,AtUba-ugn^rlitcagoa. J’biladelpDta 2.At lndtauB|>olu—ladianapolli ^ Wunbing-

foii 8.AKxaic.iM AMndA-norr.

Al I.nnftvilic—St. Ixiu ji?, Loutirllft S.Al Fbiladi'lpbla-Atuletlc 8 .1'l^umbu 0.A t t'itk.'iMuntl'^lMdimAtl 9, K u n s ia C d y Z

INTmNATiONAJ. LgAUUg,At bulTalo-BiUfofo 4 . T oledo L

MIDTH.k ITTATU I,g0.l>t;£.At N orfU ow a—i.iiueii Glaufo?, Hyrristown 1,At Yoilk—York 9, UerrftJiurti U.I'lie records ot the NarinoAl Jeegiio, Amcri-

rna AaioclAuwi ojui Atiomic Asaoi. ttifon chiba are as luiluua ;

NaVTOftAr. l.kAOlRtorrent

.7iiti ,fll7 .A9i .5% .433 .m .349 .%S

aHUfoAK AmOClATlPN.Won. LuHi, reroeiu .

... 86 16n .lEO19 .6'7015 .(HO

.610» ,4’,^' » .m44 .m

ATLAtinC AfSOCtAVlDN.. ^ Won. Ltai. Per cent.Jenoy C ity .......... .. 23 10 /« ?WUkiiabilie.......... 11 .6U7Hanford...... 21 13 .647W o r e i t s t w 21 16 ,6fANewark....,,...... . 19 16 .660UjweJl....,....„...........18 32 .371Kaaioo.......................10 2a .mNaw Haven................ 3 25 .242

T'bt New York Club bat rocured a ball gran ed at One Hundred and Fitiy-Aith atreet. the bariuitma of Ibe Kigbtb Avenue EleTai^1 Railroad. The ijmperty 1* known fautb as Uie Lynoti *(:1aie and tbe CotKin prufjprty, ft being owned by JaiuM J. Coogan. Tbo leew wi slgnwd on Tbundey. Jobn D. I'rltamiiw, t'&r> penter Haigbt and Archfteet Deery, who plaaoedtbe Buatoa and Pblladelpbia gratt<l< sioc ila, have algiuhI oom/oeft to eumplaiii tbe new baaa to l l pork by Ju ly E «> which day tbe Sew Yoika will relurn fopu tbolf Wtoicru 4rtp.

Aa lor u known the grend BUnd will be aliullarto that II EashlngioD fark. Tbe old ttaod ot Ibo Foto arounde wftJ probably go for old iuuober, wulie tbe aeau will bo tued In the now ottnd. It waa the idw of the Naw Yorka' manogeri «om* time ago. Id oue choM ground* won aecurad, to make Ii one of the nae*i tlb- lethlc grotifida m the worhL The loeetloeft one of the bwi. It ft Bare emrenftut rad nicfff eoay oi acceea tton the Ppio Qrounda Tbo walk from One rtundred aud BUteamfa ainei to tbe old grounda (Mnaumod ten mla< ntet. Tbe running time oq ibe Kigfiih Avraue Elevated rood Itora Om Hundred end SU' leeiUb itreel to Ooe Uundrud end FlAy-flfth airoet la exactly Mvep mioutoi. Ifet eniranoe lo tbe DOW ball park will be about f^ y foet from tbe nalrway of (ho One Hundred aud fllty-flftb Street Btadoo.

Hr. Dtvideeo, of the Loulevlll* Club, Myk be doesn't know whit he will do wuh the cluby but be aeiUedi np with all tbe playeie yeoterday. He layi the reasoo he didn't pey tb«m off while Bott wta beeiuae ft ha* alvay* beeo coafomifT lo par the hoy* wbeu Ibry 'get borne. Hi baa eaivd tbe AtauclitioD to old faun Unaodally, and he doean't aeem to be tn a hurry to aell ooL yeL He bad a talk yesieiday wllh Gcotge Rieger, who hoa made htm an ofleL u d Hr. fUeger juid : *' JJaridsoD waofo BMre for the eiob now than wbea be w e« •way. HJi reoiou iw thli recQurkebie demand ft tbet the elvb wlli be placing •* home. 1 teft|rapbed him on offbr the day oi tbe Aho-

kMeftOf. It wai. o f aourae. HwaiJer iheo wbai I had .prevlotaly medahim,’ M»d

^ Inclthri to give lithe^ " « * • • * •» » »®d ft only wafttag to ftt Btt |«4oe. He

•4 0 h* hoa u 0^ iropi onolber ft^WWMftOd By Bob Brown, of

the flaortw iwovni, fftrlitteu tu rn ieover<look tho foot that tbe porma who ta e hold of

naaTruFib. *• lE p.e. a.

T . Lynch, ll> ..................... 0 2 n 0 ftUanu. r. f . .................... 0 0 3 ft ftll,L 7 D c b . 1, f . .................. 1 0. 8 0 0ite r in . o . f . ......... ..............8 iv , fib................................






fftokler, a. a ...... • 1 0 B ftUoCabe.'^b______ _____ 1 1 0 ] 5Moolic. B ........... ................ 0 0 J 1 ftO 'UoOM ll, p ...................... 0 1 0 0 0

T n ta lt............................... 2 17 u 1ft tiM tV HAVEK. a. is . tr. 0. a. K

Hrady, r. f........... ............... 0 1 1 0 0( la b iil, 3b..,...................... ft 0 t 3 tihur*Jftt^Jt, ........... 0 - 1 1 1 lly ,c . r............. .............. 0 0 1 0 0(/R iw rlte , c...................... 0 1 3 1 0(BfldKao, 1, L , ........ 0 0 J 0 tiT , O i/i-uren, s. a....... .. 0 0 1 0 ftSeboeneub, lb . . . ........*...... 0 ft 0 0i m n , p ............................. 0 0 0 6 ti

Totals................ .............. (1 3 JC 11 2^lar1^or'l............................ 0 9 iji 1 - 2Nt^iv IJ a v e a .............. .....0 0 9 ft Q 0 - 0

tho ctuB wlU beve lo pul Booey la ft to make It go. 1 im) almnat ttrvd of fusing with the thlut, but J wm have oue more ontJafenoe with toy ayiHllcati* before dnftiplqg u," GImsshu ft laid up with a aore Anger ittd loiuney ft plriying abort.

The Newerk and Jeney <‘Uy rluba «H1 play oil Uic Buutb Orange eveoue grnoiMft toeior- run iftenKHin. ifae beuerlio will W i>oocDB and Duffy fur Neeark end Lwicy aud UuAurd 1w Jvnwy t'Uy.

A B O U T M A N Y S P O R T S .

Heaulte uf Room and Goe«|p Abeisi Turf WDd Alhletle Rveote.

T h e re w e re tw o s p le n d k l fln iafaea i t ^ ig h r w i Beach y M te id t) . lu ilieorewDfo^id U in d k w p o ld T i i l ie r . ibe lanH ile , iiM l (h e o o t- aiUtfi*. IkiUOJti s , ran a d cw l b ta t, and In th# lest race, e h ie h a v a l a uiifo, lUIUton luM t y rm e ie , ib e fov iirite , • dub# for (be money. The m a u ft i :

F W l ; a c r - Iforae gwo, he hvo-y-eoe-oldA five ^ H ' l j g i ; J tih u AiWimul w is i, C e u M u rs rro u d , >!«)■ Queen t h i n l ; tuue, I .W k M u tu a b p a td *► .55, Bh.ib.

M i i t i i Race— Pur>« 9606, ihpeoquaTtcm O fe oftl*. Long JoE k eon. huicki aerond. Grade third : tlDH,!. u s , Muluata pekd m iE . 9£l fll.

T h ird f ta o H - lY n e W'W, i i x fiitfonga. bou* V4Ulf won. V a o d c rg r iil aui'oud, Ocean th in l ; Hme, 1 liiV ^ MuiuisU iw ld flA T J . iB u tb ftebi «< k e tv )

FonrUi foice—Purie |Ma. for all agn. arvrn mrfouji,; 1‘lp.fiffenti, Keveiler ■ecoml. Ixwigt- luda tinrj ; URM, i » . Muiuoia puU flO Tf,

Ur«i«utlei(l tfuivdiLftp—Punw E>00. oue mile anj e furlong , I'ellier aud Buimle B. ilead hvii. J, J. O'B, (hinl ; 11*110, )! Mutual* O aidto . K 416 . 19 46, f ( l W.

b ix ih t tu c e -D o r i# foOO, for ttwee y fla^o l^ l* a iu l u p e a n l, one m ile ; Ueilatuu wuu. Car- ua*lcaecou ti. IHilhaiQ l l i lM ; tim e, 1.4L Mu- luala paid | 12. f i g> 63, „

N ine o f the i x f I o f th is »t av>n'a tb rtf-yoa v- oMa i r e poetuve kiertera fo r the A cue rirn r ^ b y Ul r i iu ^ g o t h i i a flernoou : O u to u n d . ReirJcvi-, :*p*»i(uue. Burceutn, Bpt>rt%io*a. lA iug ^ u ( » , p n ji 'io r Knnu , Dob Juae «ud Oooe AgalD. r r ix ito r K u o ll Ijm leal suauy wJuiirera, F lfo p A lr ld t w i l l r i ' lc b iiji.

- M a n ib iio ii W llkea won the 2.27 i i k I (lean Bmliii to tj 2.19 cioM race e l A lto i iy y ie ie rd ay .

- N ohH A fiuk irub g be* bvea pre-^ted m lio - n a lt rrt Spokuur w l i l i ihe to a u ll t i i l h la u k a iii id hiHAl w b k l i I ho c it iM iu o f hp^ ik tiie W, T., aubwTilietJ thn in^ ii«y fur. The auit 1* uinde u f l b e c u lu i r le im u d by the s u b lr . and ron-

o l • b lanke t. hU M l,M lior and ro lle r pwJ. I t f t o f Ibe bdCAl q u a lity ol blue M lk pluah. end lined w ith pole b lue enh-tMown end t r im tie d In (he fli>«hi q u a tily o f orange seUu, In la id w fth JapuucM geld . Tha in m iu ln g ('ou.ilhts o t afellufH^<l biDUIng n iu ru iig cm m pldcly around (be b luu ka t and hood, a uarrow J iy c r o f uranko tu i iu , iu lu id wH li gold , exfoDdiMg com pLiiibly around ibe suit, and cruamem B Ol exquuU u Ucr-lgu. M i ll* ino ie tia ! e i b iu -iiu g . l l i c : e u alM) a ocullupijti U ye riM ua u ilc iiH a- b a lf In o h c t w ide, c x ic n a iijg iba fu l l le ug ib ir f (he i im on the iw ck, i iia d r o f (he auni* o iu iv n e i a t Ib e b^ndlDg u u il urnam^Miia. The le iiv r liig , " e r'c*«uc, prtwetiied hy the d tiBeua <4 Bpokane F a ll* , W, T. " Is worked lim nA ud lo tiera i l l orangv m lk thread aod JapaneiwgoliL A ll b h id io f . on ixm enu i end UyL-r« ere *(>• pliilULHl Oil Ihtf I'L tu li w iin Variousi^hadea o f o ia iige and go ld u lk s and ib rre d s of Ja iw n u e gold, T L e s u lt n w l •jfiO

—The hMig postDoeod raoo L e lw w n I r i i h I j id ■ud F ia u k N . w o itH k e p lo re e l W averly H aik on the ilte rtttjfM i o f J u ly 4. By co ioeo i o l bu lb o w tie n iu c im ie w ir rr l r 'e lliu u 0 . f t H ^hea hrwti p c rn illle d to e n lc r !hfo r n ^ . Tho th r if t hoEwa ore m> e ven ly malehed in tpe iv l t h a t « great conte fi rn«y be Iv ikcv l for. The m alob l i H ffXfl Bweepstakc. There w ill be a 145 e ta** puiwe tJUO. Ibe .-eme day.

- O u T h n rw la y evening W C. Dobm. o f rn iH -e io n <'*>llegy and Hie New Y ork A tl i le iic C lub, ran In a cJuh b in d lrn p b i l l - m l i r run a i Travere iK laod, aud won it fm ie scralch lu w hat tt«« an iuH inc-a as Im . b,\\K The phenoinenal ttm e sol a ih le iua lo tfa iu k iiiv w hether t h i f f waa not aeiue n ils iik e m Hie iH#rftirman«?f, for l i ie lim e u i g iven f t ' i t a U i* Am vrtcan am a teu r reenrJ o t I tu. A> 2-3«, by L E U y e m lo U ie lu ll <kt 1366 ou Use M euba ilao A th le t ic C lub g ro u tid a M e u y e » o t th e o - ioB ttust I f Ibe cuunw prui-iw to ba corrvet, Uie mniTig f t reUuUlu enough u» be ecf^wp.ed. lo r bm iDg a had m i e f t not lik e Uuiing a x p r lu l reCf, am!, e- ibe ihri*# a u tc ive ia gn -e jf,it ftaa fo looHsunic th a t ihe c lo ck ltig f t g ji righ t.

—Slocum deiratrU Uiiutnigioo at Lepuliat New Haven ye>*t«nlar uiLer.jooe. and \rj ^o doing bBuiJy won ilto clmmpioftship trophy, which be bad heUl lor tbe to.m two yearn. Tlw aocte ;

C liaTrpion-.h ip R o u t id - l l . W. .Slocum heat ILF. HuuUiUiton 3—6, ]9—g, 6^2,

•CNiED DY lEKiaiUftSliXTuni—0, 0. 1 .1 1. 0.1.1, 0, 0, 6. t I MuiiUugUm—i, l, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,1, I, I, u. 0.

0 -^ ' biomitu—O' 0 ,1 ,1 .1.1, g, 0,0. t. 0,1, fl. 1. a 11, 1—10 « » . pB m A iu g i« D - l. 1 ,0. 0 ,0 .1 ^ 1 .1 .1, 0 1 6 1 Q

1, 0, u. o -« .faiucDa—g, 1. 0, I , 1, T, 1. 1—6 I lu p lm g io n — 1, 0, I, 0, h, 0, 0, 6 -2 .—Thv yacht Tiiaoia euii ibe racw from the

KaliTDa yeMierdiy by tiearly tavi'U DiiiiuhM. 'iheeumioAiy;

Match JlAce—(.;ourae, Lhlrty-lwu mii«a nrlzu iL iU . ■ ‘

R u d flg Elapsed C f^ 't'd, I,^Klh- 'lim*. 'Him*.

..K .in n « ..7 ^S 6 j . T f * «1 4 i ; l H

• r u t n j a k llD w i K u n n i iiin e fp c ii Ho tbe H u m , Oeieeu Hi. K.inua nerfii

mimite. MKtileen N.txmil> w iu l pr u , mju- uuM llr ty -n it ie becouda.

T a i l u b le .b o w , Uw tc iu a i ijjqgBiu, at eaeli immi: H. a

Tu l. l i jh ta li l i ) . ......... I !1S ;nTu S i in t td , i t y . . _ . 0 i l 12Tn . II 41 iktTa K ln iab ................ a Oil ilO

4 (M 22 4 !3 11-T h e eidlii-oareii lourn ille .iralubloway

rare hetnuun Ihe Yale and UntveraiiY o f Teim. ay lv tiila ‘ varallY crevn wa« mwwl la a liii(h t i.yci ilic Thiiuiea KIv.r a -nr«., fiom o a it 'a F .fty 10 Wtmliruii'a Tuliil, N i,» lamdun. and M a»*nu by 1 Btttby un . and uiu- bB lfleiiinn,. IhHjnal Utne—^ale. 21bU ; Teunaylyattla, 22,r4 , I h o -™ wiia b ow liw up t b , i t i . r a^alusl tbo d itaa , and o . o f Ibtt lin t t b r « im i » the watur was (|ulta rouith. To U i. uamat o lw n e r the taro appuared to be miwl tJatntli,* and lyotiiy Hjiitftteii, a fb ll . II a luatirrul (act It w u n » a t l f . . « f lor Vale, Itob I'oub’a oitluti lu tbo Y 'll . CPOW tal.-un? tbsv loft tJiuir quartarn w en ID win by Ihe anialt«i4 pteiiblB raatYin, oa ih .y did itni car.- lo B l f . Haryard any poiiiu a . to tbclr struogib. Tnufle ntden were cain.-d nui lu Itae toller. I h e fullDwIim lim onhio a lve . tho iltp . o f llid crtiira mid tho aiiaktu a ica o b h tlr m ilc :

Idatnace.lla l lB iU e ..............Mile.........................


.“ THU----, -4IT10SB1-.t . ie . JV im , Yolo. (V iin .

24 lid 24 24 24 24 26 2H

... 2.61 2.49 24.... a.bSVi ftmi.; 20

, ...............».49)ii S.4»4{ 30Twonulei................ 12Ud I2.07!i>; ts i le i .............. I5.IT 14.20 24■ibreaintlw ................. 1411 141212 ;n».S m i le s ................. a iM S ia i.M ;rjl uu r im iM i.. . ..............2400 ia . i l i.n

C. O. QiU. ol Drang., pulletl par No, 2 tn the Yale DoaL

eumproiula. bai been vrang d beiweeii flU UouTfe Dhtiwynd and Lord Durham in rim- nwnloo arlih tut groat Kngluh lurl araiHlal. Da UciTOher IX, U27, tbo thrl ol iinrUam in a ipoech. deuuuod that a ctn.lti iiotorioiu Jceliey wa. giiltiy of pulhrig hor-ci, and ilini a c.'rtaln well-known alible wai compinmni. for the eoiitlani la and-taii nimiliig ol Id biinen. TheMe oharKei caipo up boiiwc ih.. Jockey Hub. and, when uked tu aiplaiii, Lurtl Durban and Ihe Juokey au>|i«ci«d u4 laihiiig hutm w«i Charlcj V4oo.i, tbe liable was tna on.: oecupylOB oiunuBaat thetsfyini iioi„e. New market. Ile’liirlhar ebn(ed that Pir (leorgc employod Wood beoauw be waa a dbbomwi hwkiy and oanulaeit at leriun nalptacticea uu Um turf. TheJoukey CTuhiraiot ibeoplmon lhat Bit fltorge abouM bring u nut lor bbel, arbii'li no did, rlaliilng it)),Mb daniaen. The Jockey Uiuh ala» rtHuaeJ ta nta.ue thoul's ftiniua u a Joekey. Alter many delay, me libel auU wan mlrrml totbiov elewanlsof ihe Jo.ikey n n b -ib o Bight non. J. Inwther, II, T.. the Earl ot March and Prluoe holu kolT—aa ari.litaiotx and Ibey mel op June 10 la hear Ihe oase. Bif Henry Jainea appean-d for for throrgeaDd for t'barlat Hniaell lor Lord Ihif. ham. Bir (ioorge wti unOcr croka-citminaUiiB lor three Uayi.

~Ttae Guei Gun Club auareproaentailTea of other Hponiog orgamietlone bad a rouoltm at Ibo Jor»y City Ueighla Uun club'i giouudi In Horloo 00 Tbnraday. They had a Mg dinner •nd Iheo • team aboot to dtclde uhu ibould pay for IL William Hoyn caylalned ooe team and Fred (Jhiioby nooilier. The ooiidiiloui were ; Throe aquadi of (Ire meo each, to each loam ten birda, to eteb man htndicap riu.. and the groojsda (he boondarloa. qultuby’ i Icam won by two Midi, Tbe liidiir diul tcona wees; Toim I, Hquad A-8lewjtt klllod 9, Dioeedl i Uofer killed*. laltaMI I : g. B. Ileil- den killed f, nilaaed •; Tenuell killed 6, mined 5 ; Uunl killed t, mittod 4 {quad D— L. 0. Ueddeo killed 4, n iu d b i Dabhlue killed Id I Brelotnall killed X iulw.MY; uix killad T, mlaaed > ; Ui«Dea killed X mimed It. BqiMd C—Byao kilted \ mbned 1; Micholi killed T, m ta^ X| Leddy killed 1, mused t ; Uelalioh kfltad X mbaed i ; Quunby killed p, mUied 1 ; lolel klllod, l i t ; mUsed, IX Team X Squad A—Clamea killed M, aiuacd 9 ; Frcchl kilted X mused 3; lllhiu killed i, miiwd2i Thooiii killed T, mlaeedt; KIniy killed 4 nlmed 8 . Squad » -C . M. Heddea killed 9, mimed 1; Freeman killed X mimed 3 ; Bur. nalt kumd V. oinBn 1; Eaaat klliail 7, mimed I ; Whitehead killed X mUied X ^uad C - Vobfangerka killed X nalmail I ; Plwaie killed 2, mhued S ; Cainoilaii killed«, mlaied 1; Man4a killed 7. mkaed l ; l l l i i e p 4 ' ' ' mloa«l t ; laul kilted, lU ; mheSli lfret.aow Fetua waa roFerre.

—I l i l ganeially belfoyed In iportiiif clrolaa In Hew Orleenwihat the KDratn-SulUian priae Agkl will doma oCal AMIa Migt, In SL Tan> aaay Farleh. toaaa Laka f^tebartraln from KewOdgan. The aOetela of IheQiiwiiniKl t 'riiiiiai 4M« Ihe Bam toMMaaa lUUiowla haei heaa woeklhfhaid lo •aeon ihMaMaw

tloh, and ha«a offond Heh lodweemeau aidhnlllUtw lor Iraoapodlng a large cruwO Ihil It

T H I R H W I . IH H IA I i W O H m n X

la la id X ll ia lu 'a lu a o a g rrt hava ou id U lu o a lly | ^ W e rw h a a l* . A sw w .ia g h d ra n e w ro W llhateepied thum , aub^tvi lo a ruT4b<-r lu im i l f a - • la r l t l . b e r o a a T r a in ,lio n by focTenson w oan ha a rrire t. Abfta u From the Ika ion c o u r i.r .^ I r t ^ ih r e o m lw > m m N .w urlea iu , and w A g rh lle n ia D u> w h o m U ia a i l l lo r w u le - re a i i iM b) m e g u tw ii and I'nwcenl and Sa s i e e n i i , ig tn ii iu rw il U , * u . n.n<a lu .d , U » j i d . , « R „ i n * | . . T i „ ow lie u ol Ihe la iie r ' " flin e w il l e tro i en em p hU h e ilie e l the battle | a o U r ta lo ln * b y le p o t l io f th isgrouuu (xiaowt 2.UM ucn*4«a la q im lb * tow n f t ed v e s tu re be b ad ua od • NewODlrried fo r u>e tig h t. 1( ueii beivwctied Id au hour from New O rleau*. and w a hea lthy tree c iM in trr, w here ih v ra t i not raurb danger o f ou ia is rru |> ik ie i o f (be fight, Joha 1* W‘Rt- T t D i eolyra w v ift 0vviyui>il liy the cba ispn ih htroaelC 1 bey a /* w h iijr w ilb a * n * u tw ijo r .In Ihe lu ic lilJe f t t pft'turw ol ilia p ue liftt who f t to wear th o o i. In one o o rrifr ft ib i' A tue iica it log' in iTictfaer liia hart> of Ireland, lu lb*(b ird e ib a u m M 'k bimJ I d Ibe li>ttnb a kunburvi.

T B H K lV K J U in R O A M I

Cenleiiontji F r o m the t 'lu fa u ed tba T o u u g M e n 'a C b rle U a a A*»o4'laliu«s.

T l ie f o l lo w in g a re th e e u lttu e A>r tb e garu»w ih f t a ite ru o m i a l (h r jo in i p u ftiin fi o f bo V ou iig M en '* i ’ h r ix i l in A «-H iiftll''ii and »h*

k iv e rs iiio A ii t io i io n u b ra tbe le iie i'a gM U iid* o il L ib a i lu a v f i iu t ‘ .

One tjuu flr»H ]-}an l iJo ah -F . 0 Abft>L W A. Tuuipklna, A. ( 'u o i ln i l l , i l . T. Bullun, C. t ‘.W lllie iua a m i C <J. JUftx‘y. o f 1)10 R ivo rtidoA rlletic fl iib j a n d i b trlio J, ilo^el, A. Htaiid. Kiull Hrhlll. \ K I*niaweti4 and A. rre lf . e f the V. U. c'. A.

Twi>-fauiRke<l ED il-tw en ty yard H a u - r . A W iwriruft, jr . Abby*(, 11. T. Ifo liou , C i ' W illia tti* , t\ (}. l l a W j a ii i l 0 . E. H -m land. o l

N- A I , , and F„ S^chifl, f . K. U -nia ie t'ut, A. w a rn !, r . j (inge l, J, Bcbwanvriu^Ulor and F e n l Uuiip. o r t lw Y N . r . A.

Kqfh l liQ udret] aad-e iYb(y-jard- W alk — R. J I ltw d o iiU \ T. B. Kiiw«. u fih v R. A. t.‘., a iu l K. HanUpll, o . H a ld w u i aud C. J. (logal. u f llw i Y. M i\ A.

Kighi bnndrtnj aud i-iubly yard Ruo — K l le ru in , tx .T Bom io, U. K. Kowlatid, o l Uw R- A. c ., f j . X. J ftig la iii. 11 Hchwaia- w a rld e r aud F. Houp, ul l iio V, y . i ; A.^ H uordsg lirc ftA Ju m p -W. A. Ic n u p iiM a iid

f '. f WlUUuig, lilt, ^ g,rAMiiouetia, F, l l i» p , E. r c b l l l , C. J. G 'lge laud A. i roJg, OJ the V. ai. ( ' * .

. Jd itu iiag M igu Jmq|>..vk'. M Hrown a ix H '. C. W jlu tin a IH ib«» H. A. r , and C H U'toas ton *, F. llo k ft, U ja rle a J, Gtiuvl, K. .scbill, A. i raiju. o f this Y. U , V. A.

tK a iiilla q liruud J iim p -J, K H ill. L. F. BUll w»‘ h a i i i i t ; . t:. WiiiiBui.«. o f tbc IL A.Craig, r . E. Ia-m*i-«eoa, C. J ii iget aw l F. liofcp, ut Lite V. M. C. A.

F u llin g tb e S fa iA -W . U. Hhjwd, D# t t iU Fuxum . u f ih o K . A. r. K U-uio-^Mio, V Ibe ?■ M ^'r^A ^ ' " liciausl, oi

I'bu fak‘r»fc hfiu be o f *r<«clal ItUcre^l 011 ao- iviunt OI ibi-|«rtinppitiiiH>r two Iwal aih lelic organleuUiina nilviT irndtift will be Rwertjuu tg tbe lirst and *Li'oii>l tneurh fw u t . A gu ij uridei will topFf fOir-Uio the man scoring l ie niohl M n iA on (lie beaft o f rlvw p o tn is io lh * winner, ilmft

tu Uifoei'ipDil eiMi ti*H> (o ito Hurd, fo*- k l- ic i th{‘ feli.ive eveiift llitre wlU ft- ■ : s ) yuM n in -a M . a . hurice rucu lor ajcii who opver Won a m«ilu1 Tim en-rnv trv ; II. W ll.^ guu. V^ilituD Kowe, J. IliMrlroi^vr, W. KitbrrL C. k fftlcr . MelvUJi* i,ftr|»emer. James llnm pli h ‘y. H 'Haiilwin. Flaini lluliralo, H J ico tu i, rbttiles ftforvy o e d 1. c . Wbi-laud.

BAYA IT Vi MiFKRBTITION.A n A e n le t i t I .« g a i F o m i to (h e n ’e te r

C iu i t r o i ' t ('rillclMd.Til fkf N'fiffw of Ike Srutt.'

Sir — I uilmire vmir jwiwr anJ for Mie un*i iftrt egrti wllh yon on gcdtral ptincl- j4-.ft ; tn fad. during tbeiie foil iftyiii, whfh oiw-’s ttnpeUte U a( iba uiimasuio. I ruibi-r jireler iiic Nkw* lor my *ii|i|;)er ibeii lual ui a mufv rar- iMMiECCou'i rherucler. biuoiica Ina while thin :t will crop unt in your cntudion llial 1 caimul dl geM. During ihII cilortr rwrirvliam wstdiJui wlrhlnltfiise miormt ihe quoU on of our waior hupply. faaviiuc fjiilowvd 11 ihrunfti tba lieil id tbe canal ELwi LbrMigh all the qulhhit** Ihut uuly E lawyer cud uTKlen-iaod. wiiii ihEt pile Jif Hollar rver lixiunnj up iu-fure nu*, end linowiug. as a laxpayrr, I sbAri out nsen(ft (be rubull, I hojt aiohiat tancixHl i ouiild (lue tlit ibtrily Arab imvcnvrli ocx-nl, alihuugli afar off. lbs relreubing, 1uv(k> nliiig efim of pnr«, ip e r k l l i i f , c r y i u l w e D r ; u o i ih» h le lk 'id iig u-Jor ne gt*l while drawing liot aaior Imru uur Iritrbar liuiiera, the M»wag« itnprvstnalwl. car- CBxaooijtnuUoeU'd, body a<-l!h<] stulT wu now hEvebiu.xe, l^( Kgoniihliig to which, ailerilll- ihfEgloiM, cveo a J’Tuhihttlmiiat nil,:tit poi ii Willi pride aud diHnm! biiakt-a, and liHn:ijy cou- vmc»* hia more coovIvU! ihat to rvuily hail Menclblug {Hirer Eud briter liiou twei lo o(R*f him. Ob. for Ihe hmc I l o nol call, me visionary ; It is poa ihle, 1 asq goiug u> toy, piotoUe. hot. e ln t uuw ntgp;ig Um> tuMoi Hie qiubfalva R gua bon bvm\ draggvil lata i t ; e rifti cnoDstor ho must be. aa 1 tvojI lu your 1*4 evrnlng B Mnie in tue cliai'tw^umui ib# rv«fjiitt'>i- hiiinw ibet might urUc, tbe toUgwuig extrour- dtnary langnAge :

Irejerio tho Dmendtnitit finally made to r'-ed. “ forlke*uvbj InJunj'hoiiA or other Ju­dicial bv lilt* act Ilf tJgd or by Ito pub*hcenemy." TolM nior a Gigi wbo, V any art. would dt'prlvc Lu ( realum of pure wsu?r wbteh we brre to s.ich in abmitiRiice, bus ils peielW only inibH Fr^Pbitonan ft«|jef In ihu duCirUio ufoV-oDon. whicb bi<ft fair siftt fo to oowe one ol ihe tollehi 01 ibe |o»t. Huch tiigngbU cao eniniia'v only Jinui deprsiud toiiiga atcciied ill amHrnlUinn, anJ to cla« e pt-TonnaKNal, if sifrfl ihrrv to. aljriR wiihirixora, inJunouoDo and! jhHiIio crifiDlw, ft au

tiftuU and dlogruce lo any pood U0I. If ynii have u purionaiay, would ii mg !« toucr lo iraroe ibc wnUnicc. “ hy itieaciot Uovil, or by ibe public ciieray T' «ul iho hwcmcr UiiasniJ kindred idq as ari> rci gauil iuiu oblivion. Ibe liolier, Hniory itoufinua ilift lert ihul our chui- tviAiuOi ot Ued fbatigv; ok peojift |j««iac mom highly civIJIxoJ ibWr goift Llh-oiiib mure biv- Hblt>. The ftfry trimii'mn', ruliniojus God of my UiybociH f never bear of now ; he bwj eo aHrurllDii only lo Iho ilnpravtid In bi^ru Mb/ cannot we rid mI *clvH ffjfetcf of tb^o Rup.'r- «(ltiDiia :uKleiKl of iu<!or|>i.m(iiig thorn m our puhiic doewueuu aud icuohiug ibeiu 10 wir chil'IivD 7 1 vi'iitiiro iht! I’xsfrtbiti, anu 1 am tio Liwyer, lUal abouki any «(V%dr>n( toiall riiis m tn p iW u d n r tn a i l ia couijtn ip lhni n f auy oi Kiif W(»rlt, ibul fur any ttifoci ihal may Im i>nxlur«d, e ceus* will ho fmtrnl, aud tliHi u ualurEl 011P ; (hen to whul me is s ft'licf in the vniwrnaliliul, only (o siM IiirlEer myanry whoi IQ wjuic may MH*in libc myaicrioa.

I7iitb leirs no invcr>tigittioii,I t will liv e (oreviT.

Beiinft yon (‘uanoi sriuaro hr roRvtuAm niyllio. ba luvi* ibem, iirvrr *

Dcvift, OhnetR ai«1 Hods are msn’n creailoii,Ibey «xhf( unly lu luiagitiuLou.

liXNUT Hlllli,Hi HclltiViiiu uVfiuui, Newark S J

Junoll, IKSH.

A C T O I t A N D P L A V a

.John W i l l i w i l l n o t gu „u i l „ , fu ;,|j next HPtaon av e sUr.

MblDCift Mitcbcll HuileJ for (ieiiuanyIdM HalLJ^la]r ou Lbe VlutrE.

W. ,1. Hdanloii wilt not n turn frnni I'lnglind unlit la te In August.

. K . K m m c t huu engrorrHl STeuiIoWhite *■ bft leodleg Indy ia ncxl aeaKoi).

Henry I n in ? nml W iIaiui Knrrr'ti liavc LiHertutoed M erle W u ln w rlg h l In i imlun.

HiitncF Ilrew w i l l l ie luairinl l o l i l u i i v a IU n k li i. , lb e rlOwl dauBbter ul MeKcu llaiikiii, UU AllguU 1!L

Wollto F u l le r , lonncriv of |>Jwurfl K HUic’a foTtoA rcinrua to ihe Viage next aea KMi lu " lA ic i O n ."

A i l l i i u B . C lm w , t lw ( l l ie rD ir o f th e Bootb-Bercelt (2)uii«nT. #111 ip"uil lil. lun,. mer vacaiioti lu Bara luge.

F o r ‘ * H a n ( i4 A itcrv th e Rea,” M a n - agar (luv tave K u b u hM uln-udy aecurud G ut Tfcvick, yo un g Uo lund ]iui-katoQ« and W, i . Kerga»on.

O n e o f th e iJ o v e lU w in th e p ro d u c tio n o f H ow enl IL T iy lo F a a w ix c i i la r m c lijilram ii, " Ijo«( III A ir ic a .* ' w i l l be ■ real Hvu Luiuel EJid Ell o u ra u fo u ia u g

M iM i Je J ttie I tW if l lH le w i l l a tn r n e x t aeosonlD oTM w p loy w h ich lis^i Ihm-u w r iltc o lo f her by Hre f ’QBTlei Dorttnua, ibe s u lb o ru f "T h e Circiia R ider.*'

K a te C la z io n hoH lu irc h a a c tl th e r jg h ie (0*'CiFalu flftrift*'friAD tuiiiiagei A, M. IWI- eaer, and w i l l le n d l i on (he road next ocoiou w iib A r th u r Forrem la the tine (urt

P a t t i Ifanw w i l l n n ik a i i to u r o f t l i ia eoanlrf neat aeaaoD, a jipcariiiu lu lo rn era- ven'a “ H«iferr paw.- Hr. CrtToii will com. ev«f todlrraltbe production of the piece.

J u h n A . M a c k e y w i l l p la y th e p r in c i ­pal p a rt lu “ K ic k s and K ta w a " ' i new im inea l eou iedr by E d w in A lw a ll and J. a rm o j K iiaa , wbicfa H. X T w r lu r w i l l pruduca ueatacaaoi],

G eo ra e T , M c I t I I I x th e w e ll- lc n o w nclown, baa been tnaated for Iba i|«eiacle ol " K.Janka." and al eretr petforuiaiica will iu. laqiJoce bla woodeniil JnivHuii aci, wMcb la •Imllar to Paul ClnqueralTi ipeclalir.

Mlw U llio Akeratroiq begina her next •urriaf lour Auiuit It al BeVIcker'i Theai™ In Cklcaao, wham aba play' foi twoweeka. Nniaeaavb Him AkarMrom will ISII ibrea «n- faBementa Us Haw York, appaarlui lu a new plaj.

I.,a w re n c e B a r r e t t a a ita d fo r E u ro p e lial Hatunlir on ibe W'ana for a two mmitba' yacaUoo, When be reiuriHln XUBUit piepata. tknawlH b«(ta for an alaborate pruluelionar William Yoont'a new tri*ear of “ (JaDaloo," wbleb wUl be aaade known U Cblcaio Ode- bar?.

A t tbe Koval Court Theatre, I.iver- - v Jbsalawd, oai Mar ^ Pilll Horn waa pre-

S , , ■ ' * > * € . . . c * »coMly lull aiaaftyw allrar laa sernoa mliibl/ ■naortbad. Hlaa B o w waa lakan omplaial? bf mrrwlaa bm OBaTy inantBed lo aapiem bar pleaautaaad inaltiide far tba baau'fAU flN. Nlae Hew aaUa for Auwriea oa the Alaski /tilyXaadapenabaraaaaniiaiMInHainliafoiplaa- berlwkar AitlMiaiHn^aDiNM "N a in n Paw,-wiutaa b y Ib a a Ckaeaa, -

Y o r k ir a ia , H # la g member e f • pxuiu l- n e i i t s lc e i f f r ia b v re , u id ouo o f tba u le t - n i t u b e iug (u ke u l i t 4k ■ t im e w hen (be bitUEo w o i o u i lu u a to e re n re a p a r tic u la r o t i i r r U r . X . tU r te d o u t fa in iEe lf w ith a case o f o a iu p tm iu t r u * co ua tue rd o l tra ve l* i t o f t ly le .

A l he got in to th e L ra b th e U raka n itn i f i f u t iu r d h im th a t th e re waa on e ic u rv iu e t l iu t d a y , and i t w a t d a u b t fu l I f he could g e t E otMii. M r . X . w e u t oo aud fu iiD d tba ( f t f i i i l e r u t ) ; p a c k tJ , ao lfa « l *v e u tba aialea w e re f u l l . H e p o tk e t l , b o w a w r i t h a t IU one scat oat an F u g l iih iu a n , w ho h ad p ile d up l i f t lu g g a g e to o o iu p y tbeVUCUUl plui'O,

" l a l l i u a ra t ta k e n T " asked U r . X , w h en w ith aoiua d i f l i c u l t j be m od* b ft w a y to U ie luau.

T h e K u g if th n ia a lo o k e d up l U k tru e B rit is fa luau ls iica .

" C a w n t /a s e e th a t i t f t? * ' he re ipohdcd. M r . X . re p lie d b y c o o lly e w e r p i i i i a ll

tb e fu ro ig u « F t to lo n g iD g i ou to (he fluur e nd poioeaalug h im a e lf o f th e p lace tb i f t lu h le VECEutw H e to o k m b ook fto in h ft p o ik e t * 1x 1 began |g reuU, w h lla b ft le e l ' tu u U lU r e d o u t o f U ie f f ln d u w , e p p a re n lly n o t in th e b c it o f b u tn o r . T h e vo ln itia ch an ced tu l» “ F ic k w ie k F a p e r i, " aud ta he read U r . X . t ru o i ( iu ie t o t itu e chuck led E p p re e ia itv c ly a t w h a t be re a d ,

*' W i l l , nuw , w h a t a re yu la u g h in g o l? " tX e KugifthuiEu s u d d e n ly deo ianJed, U im iu g to th e o th e r . " W h » t i r a y u i r ia u lin g ? * '

Fickwick FaperA' " replied bii wm* paniua, re g a rd m g ib e i|MesbiuD oa ou ovrr* (ure of peai'f,

" H u m p J iF " m p o n d f td Ih e K iig lU li ' lu iio , *’ D ir k e n i, H o w u « foo l, ye k n u iv . '*

" J le l i ju l th o n i f t r i i r lu i ie to h r an Kn- g tjfobm E Q /' w a* U r . X .'e c u m llla to ry ^eply.

“ N o w , w h a t f t t h a t t " a ik iK l th e for- e lg i i f i i , re U 'h iu g t ig h t o f th e c h c ^ tm it ca<« iti (b e o th e r ’ * lapka

" I 'b a t f t m y c u e o r M n ip In i . ' '“ O f aun ijilua r " r e p c i l r d bt« I'ximpiinloD

w ith th e u iin o B i r u n tc n ip t . " Thca you a rc n o ib ln x h u t a l ia p m in F"

'* W b a t f t i bug iuun f "“ VVhy, j e e re , y e k n o w , U yo s r l l i

t ’u tigB b y 111111110* "“ I ’d b a v e y e u u u d rm la iM l. " te p lird U r.

X ., a flec tU ig a goud d e a l o f ib o apread- e ag le a ir fo r th e c :t e s U>o . " th a t 1 e v e r o u ik ie rd a l t ra v e l le r ; e nd m o re th a n th a t I am E A m e ric a n , a nd t l i a l n ttk e a i t a gtHid d e a l o f uoodew ro a lu u on m y p a r t to a tt iu th p Kama c a r w i lb tb a a lavc g f an F u g h ih amlonary,^’

l i e f lu a r is h e d • fa it io th is a ty le, and w o u n d u u by u y in g :

*‘ T b e muHneel rU io e n o f t b f t rn w coun ­t r y fai above on K n a lf th m a n , becauae w * e re a l l True and h ere "

A t tb i« m o rn e u l th e t ra in d re w i i i le a a lA tiu n , ib d u u o n j; tbu se w h o e u lc rc d the c < r wav E D e u o ro jc u i c o lo re d w om an w ith a b u n d le id h e r a ru ia . w h lc l i (,'u rm p n u d H j in dnoeiitW iB a tn h e r o w n p e r llio e o * . M r. X . recD gu ixe il h f t o p iw r lu u i ly . H e ru^a la biB p lace a ud fa tcko n e it t v ib r o ld w o m a n , w h o sw e p t ( ic r w u y th ro u g h tfao c M w d w U h p o n d e ro u ia w iy in g a and tu rch^ lejrt-

* ' ] [ • ' » , A u n ty , " be aa id . " H e r e f t a le a t end p lc a a iu t c o m p a n y / '

" H lea* ye r, b m ie y ," c h u c k M th e g l« im - (10 u id wm iiuM , " i ’s e a good deuJ lu i on fu iu p s n y a n y time.s t o t o n - r d » r, houey,'* «he c o n t iu u e il , a d d P o i- iu g th e K iig lixU rnso . “ 1 f t r a m t no Vaoiuq (o lo u k a t me d a l yi>r w a y , ‘S e t a lo n g ," «'

A n d ehti sa t d o w n w i t h a p rrv a d ln g n e '* w h ic h n e a r ly l u n l h i l i i e d th e n u ro rtu n s io R n lia b e r , w h o Kavpfda a tru ffp ln d , and In th e ood W M fo r r r d to a h e bd o u h f t pua liiuu nliof^etbpr.

W h e n D e b to rn A re B x e n ip l f r u i i t A rrestsTi) Iht f-'ffiltif of ihe Aru-j .

H j l l — O n . lu i ic Im u c i t iz e n o f O range pnjpuned lo sue a drliUMr who owed liUu a huii- dreil dotJar . when he oeuir from a dutsaf Ciiiiuty 1() Otaiftc lo aKond (lie reunion oi Uie MX'ioly (o svhich lie tohiiUTR. Tto excusg wm* liiM If ho sbouki sue bwdebtor In the wiuiiiy elneru to rca rdn ibu p le m ilf l Ifat-ing a luio- roM«1cm) (jould nm recover hft ifa-ia nn kwhiiiI ut "tUu riiiK " iu wLreli (lie savl di'blor lioltft an iiiiliK-'Ulial pOF-Uign. Four Justhuu to Um Peace III rboOrunavs'lechniHl lo ftiiif t buiii uitms for Ihe inim on lhai day. m ihey Juilgod UiEi a anil It oil Id not lh<. wiicn Uio iMmimotiM Wi* mirved till a nuidoiii of a dlHint t oitniy when be coino 4v Disogc lu the c*]»a(.-ily oj a auldii-r to Join a pub lic iwruJe. lleiuji«. th* crttdUor sa««, he imi4 Ium; hia huiidrni dto- ftp. Evil would to iiseiciw lo mjo hnn In illsu w ii c f^ iiiity

111 Ibo K<‘V. 9Uf. to N. } . . p, ;iso, Ito Irit rta tos I h i i "u v i-ry w tnw a sh a ll to p riV Ik tc d irom a rre tl, in a ll c iv i l aciio iM , u iir l i i* his n1n Q4vMi1y sliciKlHn^H) a t e iiy u u iir l ot in ik t pJiw'e when hlu HiP uJunruEhN lI have Ih t ii re- (^iiired hy a’ ih|Ketia p rov lo iw ly u iiii du lv wrveiL EtMl III 4o ln i (ca o d n H o rn liix fm iii co u rt." eic.

The law d iie t i i ix i ie ie ihatt » (ftla uU iiig d e h lc r (.rrs iilen l to a d ls ta n l co um y j canuol hesc rvv il uHU a Buiiirnviia M lien Jiu giniH lu ioa iio lb iT C'l.utoy. A c n -d i’»w Jiiw *u uudouhto l riK h t lo seiTC u m o iii ii/ iu * on r d liliu n e .i i li 'h m r when (lie la t la r can hu loum l Ml lhi> ooUMiy w to ro the fu rm fr rusiJen, i t Im r had In lv rp rc t i l iu ii dI iogjI law (o CfiricliHlo tha t a duiAijf (.’uuiiiO. he iHjuiitHMwi) BUiiply Iwcjiusu ■ w itu u '* u p r ir i ii 'i i i-d Im in arro.sL w to u he u huh|Hi-iiHL*d lu if itn u iio th o t I'ou n iy lo u u i ud ro iip l.

All triniry tonchliiK thiii polm rtri riI- dn-HBi:>i] lo A. V. Ji. ilo iH ’ /rn a ii, duwcrviJlH (;he aiilb<.ii to ‘ p iRcnro am i i'r<‘r« fle jji« for ,inv lie im u n fa c reyce"). w iiu f iro ii ip i- iiM ic in g ik e a t f j i r t jc i oD iiilou o f Ihc t»ropt*r iiJlLTprriM lu.ij ^ H ic li M i i i i i i i l 111 Ih u . w ho r*-pilc<1 nh miLgwh

" As (u l l i r n iartet to w h irh yiMi inski- n (cr- iiiK.« - Ih e rc .iu u i to J im [k*i*9I im Un>ui(H tu i. xi,q « xiiiuiDOU* lo to *i-t'veii liiK in u n u u who wh<i atU rm llfm u ]i«ri.dR Mi ihAt JM y-'o iu 'b r i^iunal U p roh iih ly im>w to ll>1< H'.Rlf or lu iyw h ito ' e ftr 'J 'li'Te Is iio law wli<iM-ver M*r iK. u u a ("uijhuiiiI p 'uu tu 'e In ic h cuun iy lu Hcrvu pfir1h>« w iih su inm oiis when lim y urv hi<re MiiOii any huai- n»'*i w h a le w v iT —Jfxf’ f p i a i r w M uoti or aa Him dsy ’ ’

J have h) Tuirid r J F (now ilced} whu iv- TiBwil Lo ls-»iiQ H •iin inK in ii to fai» n ovik I urt ihu du liihduM l ID K Niirt ih a l Tiad pj%i tota, bidore h im , The J I ' lU 'l'l i lm i Iho neiviae of R kum ioutto nr Mifajidjim. e Iu t hts (umri w si eijdiH l, im p lB in ilir, O elao 'lani or w lu icM lie liiro Ihvy hw l r i ' i i f l i i ' i l hum i! would uo i hu U h Iui l ie WHB une of t lic gticxly goiBU Justlct** u jiu d o no' cu iop iche tid Ihe w ide illin>ri:nRt: toUnHin MPn-Minga man and rc rv ln g u orMih(Ai‘ iia, on i j i t i i Whuri u pi rx^in i i arrMBmil Iw ’ iB d c p riv w l o f his l l le n y io i;. i and rc iiir f i. T-nt when a >unim<iu'i. or snhr.icnu, j i i ju i i i i i hHodefi IO a i'i l l* e iL no ona w in f-iitl(<r damaGc u u r iD e w ill he p ru lud iced, m> ink* prevM)ii>.:i iro m i< ro m .i] iiig m any vu te ri^n ie ur pleaMiTe I t o ' law uuipluys ib * wur-xl " i r r i * » lu u is u m wyua. __________ ___ ________ Kmh, K. Tx*.

J U 8 T H A L F A D U / F N .

A b iffo tT U T i a t? n iito ] iip , w l i ic h imn cu r­ried as m any a* i.70>i pDoHuugxri a i urie (luie, i i to fo o f ll le d up wMh kiallB. w h ic h WUl tw flih jd w iIk c a ttle od (bla iid o fo r (ramt|>orla;]oQ lo Kurupc, and each o f them w il l h«cN'cui>ied by

' SIX tiinlgrRulB ON the re iu ru voyage i f ib# resMel aKPuftMuccced to procuno^ for bar a fulj ciirguuf hULoan (ruigbL

S nyu ft W u H liin g to t i J o u r n a liu t ; T h eiiDprassioTi haBKfiaD aYirtotil th a t (b f t h a yery r v l l i i f o i i i A d m io fttra iio n . A i iu m h a r o l cji-vcr iiy p d c n te i n iv c i*k? D m d ri-m ia g lik e d iIuik- tera aud w n ilo g reU g ium ritoM tncQ ft on Uieir card*. They try tbla es|»cciany ud Privaia Bcc- m ta ry Haftord . wbo f t a v e ry seriouR, devuui ra d reve reo tia l to rt or re lluw .*'

T h e I t n l ia n W a r O ffic e Ihls d r d d tu l lo t ry tbe m ob illaa tito i o f a hUDdreii (toniHaad men la Ibe a n iiiu in . Tne greud isRiuRuvrce w il l be g ivvo 11(1, aiK) Iho whole ca iin lfy w ill be uoavulBcdi w ith tb ia tre m e nd o m e ip c iiia e m . w h ich w il l coot ffi,u(xi.ugu. a iarae p a it o f lua troop* w i l l be (aheii fro m th e m llr t iu , uu Uf Ui IM I the o o u u try 'i reodiueoi fo r war,

T h e K f o t la la n d j i r * on t h e m a te rnIbtoeof J ia ry U n d will find aprufUlq ibe 1unm;ii o f the fo lks iie u g ihe Hus<jui>tuiDna aud m ir lb u ta ry etreama. TboJuan^ of lOfB Hue ib« farech, and Jammed lo (be creeks aod uuveiarc cuUDi?«ta ariidei. Oua tpay-Rbore wrecker has • fine bOf.w eud cameav which fluited up- harmed ob a re tt Inio (}ueeuuowii (.rreefe.

C fa H a tin e N llw w ii , G m n io n da M ir ­anda, (be oDce lovely fiwede, k m changwl for l l iu wur*e. Bhe hoa hot fieded, b u t th e b is iHt- teoed. l ie f face ai t iro « l, he r icatupe* b''avy, and (fae e ip a t if to a o f her check* headiie ia- iBbed fhe e p p ire n l sixe to her onoe lutltuuR b lue eyeo. J le r b r if iK f i t r h a ir a lone jeiniuda the spooiator to ber fiirm er, cbaroie,

A b re a t l i io g r t o l ban ba« o d focovered oeoc ^M fle F la t Watfoo, HO m iles eaft o f ri F oM , TftA. U f t OB abaoduw d l orftoleQ weij, WO foo l deep, bu l tbe tub tug laauU ia tee l iu Ik F o r tw e lve hou r* f im b d ev a furloae gust o f a ir mahea (n to the lub lng , and ib # n ex t twelve b o o n oo e qu a lly itro h g g u t t ru ih e e o v t. Tela e e c o n w H h cbaiilowat re in le rU y .o u d . lofk^ ■ e b n a k ftoe fte ra atoUoed ta aft# l o g ^ e*. o w it tw a .

S T m u llG J ^ V ID E IIC E{ O f t t i« r a r e o f Hklw D fscases W b o o ia i I O th e r t t r t h M ts F a ll .

F o e r ta e f* S ye w rs , t'u v e r lM g I 'a o e . R r o d • e d K i f t l r r llu rtly W l l l i W h i le W rebm

I r<k la He<l, l l r h y a n d U le e d la c , H a i r a l l G o n e . W iirn l l lu m f r e d t o l IH d lu ra . F r o . D n u v u e d In r u r n b le . I u re d b y I u l lD u r i i K e iu e d le * .

- / f? lp *‘«ia«li> fir*t l i f i 'k * o u l im rayICII c im to . •i> rcaiiing e rn ite n iy u i*e , and al- ■nwi o o v rriu x toy ia«* i t ran ibm> m v cyce. and the p liy iu -lR ii wa* a ira ld 1 w u i ih l l i i * * inv

I r r i^ lg h i a iu w v lh u r I f sp rtm l a ll uvrT m y . lU'Eil. end m y b n ir a ll f r l l om im f i l I v a * ve

lira ly lo M li-a lvsi. | | fh r i i farukr toU on uay arms sud shouMi-r*. u n i i l « iy arms w e ir ju K

1 iii ip in je . I t iu v o tn l n iy v o liry body, in jr face, j bead aud •boukdrrttoM iig ih< wontL The w h ite . ►cub. lu ll oiJiiviRuUi iM iu luy bi*a«1, s h o u ld e fi I sud a rm * , (he skUi wuuld {ulckMu a ed be fm l I snd vor> Itcoy , end would rrack and U re il i f j erraU'hCHl. A f i r r ijuM iitlog in an y bun - • d n 'iU o l d'MlRrs 1 « rb p um on urcd I in ru te h to | Ih# ' i T i n i uj JlsUKuiJcv Ruil uiUT usiux Iw ii fatoUea

iV T ic r a a Kt^tiuvxinT, 1 ctU iU Rce a change . a n t uftiar I h a j l la k r i i lo u r M l l i f t . IWEB alrnORi c u n d : Rtiu u b rn 1 bod u*ed six tHAtli B o f 1 VTK'ltoS KXrtOlVKNT all*i toie l)<JX to (VTUTEA. and one oahe o U T 'n n a s f tn s r . I was cured u f ih o d rv a d lc l dlwiiBe irum w h ic h t had suffered for five ycs ri, 1 ih ia ig h l Ib e d u rSM w im M IvRvc N very 4lh']> w u r, faul lh « f lY M t 'a * K vv rtM lw d in 'd l l w ilb 'V il any w a f i. 1 CRhnto exprvaa w nh u |ien whet I aiifTito**! to - tto * uxlNg ihc 1 u riiM Bs KkNgtiiau. They tev ito m y i i i r and I te-'l U m v d u ly lo iv jv*m n ichd U id o . N / h a lf f t rae;i>rwl as g ia id 0* rv i-r. Ru>1 M> f t lus RvtwftUi | know to n u m ii- [ht to d iU v rc i ii jic rv u iii who hava usxM Uh ' ( I r t tn - B * K c v a m n i «ni| a ll have re c o iv rtl g teat bc iie ltt fra iu d ic lr <px'

M r.v IU>!4.4 X V U .Y , R u ckw a ll n iv . I'a ihoup i o,, Io w a

I ' l i lU 'u rn I ls n iM lie af'u rv c fc ry jrfJd lc* to s io n ix n ic , h ii iu t l ia fln it, tV rblfiv . h in d i i i i f . fa iiriiiiit i. itftJv . fa lou hy and p iu ip ty d to ' iw * ir f (be >'kiti. MWlp UIh I Id iind, w ith i iin i o l ha ir. Im u i p iuijjla ii lu s c m lu la , rx -Ccht iK ftS lh ly Ii-h iu /xw l*

field fv i-fiw J u re l*rli'c, n t l 'U H S , 3 0c ,fiosr. Ji’j i - : liKMjirKM |l. I’ rrpannl ny Ihe PurrxH amu i m c m u a l f i ia d iR A T io a ,lit r« loll,

Hrnd r.a '• How lo J’trti* i^tin Tn*vMm," to ijagc*. CAl ilIii<inaiiiJii- anil Ifti tiratliuuniRbi.

D ||U |I 'I> 1 ^ - M ucklic iu lo . nvl, nx igh . rhap|> (<^ I I T ia n d o ily sk in p iv iH iU ii by ( V n c i as

Kur n -K iiit t lii ir . In i|>h iv iiiti mul iirnUs-i'■ " (ftniel (MtliR

t JiftHiHl axpriMM

iF ^ if au|tiO)'[ng l l i r r i i y stM Iiwale i fiw I I f f x fin u jii- ilm ii- iil o f bri-1

>40 It llh llfllH H l-V taJUl UlkMVWl o f <1tyI1mo|.1i« I............................ ................'

Kni' v»<i i I n1 o f l) ^ f t III lui'apltAlssml InI'.vpa tiil h l*r Inh i'K iu f)' ...... —..... —•

I 'o i ih ^ aiipL o tl o f l l i f lii'p jirlu iwM l to

f ur n ijrd n i Mir, t ii^ xnlittt m iU in*i-jitiig Li, a ir IMfo fm '111 fcw»‘t s -- .................

f u r iv fu laa iiiiu rtud hi rv|bolrlire wIiMVi'^aan.l ili»*h».if luo

rriuV r t>i*4 f>«< 111 Mr«*^Ts --•AU................ . ........

vimKirf ih f w'HYCU’M r m i i l * ^ l >'ur RiumiMi o f un.-uDu•Jv.i imrsoual

11 AfM u r |tia7...1 «rr I iip|>Ori lifCatj lloJilv .

HK| im"

K i'lrrim ry JM, l«M......................... ........ 3,IW WAinl hIiw*, u h irtlf r ip -diil U r uril",iKiii

Ut riliM* wiJ HMio >iii i>4|itAl to 4Mic th ir iiim Ihv to to l lOiiuimt <i1 kuIM dt-Mt furOil’ iiHto!iM|iit4Mi iiMil I H>'Niem lif NuidIm iiiie . .............. Ou

A nd aino. R hirt ki-r I ix o f ftJ.THnUl j'hIh' iui nuniuiit •■ uul toihri'e i>*‘r <Y'uluuj nnysri. 'OI ' Vowark A ihmIiii* iiuard U>iii!a." to rrieu- hjiImIi lirf fniMl fur (Jie rr^lriii|illiitt iitnl uiiymvnt o f Si td iKiinle tuMiud by tijn Nvejirk A'liiCrijurt ho.iTd My i^oUiorlty of an S4-1 (jf iln» lajxuhitnrc id ilu'.-<rHlk. otp(pw J**!'-#/. niiprovel Miirch fl, IJVif

AmliiJRii. a U ir ih iT ojic. Iwl u n o rtM .hu topiiy LlM' mleren( iii>oiif:u,UMrt"rii«:Ue>l ileni rKnidn.'* b> snii.uriiy ul mi m l Ilf llir l.r^tKlnliir*' 4>r lh« nUlH Of New Jcr«j-.n[iprovciJ j(p[ || Jp, iOR* h o n oi,i

AMilslRe.erMrilirr auccUl Ux oril».Mlu turwlw an aiiiuuiil i‘i}ual lu hLi fierreiiUiiti Mil tliR Ud ll prnouMi ufsiini cS i"ii,u icn '«M ' a vinkMiu rund fu r the n -don ip tn iri and |»<i/in<'iii o f «HldiNMtda......... . ................. ..................

An I uiw>, a fijrU)4'r«|W 'iRltoii !ifffr»4i(D I>*y the iMirrcM iumui fias .n t" mim-i • uilon 1j<jn In," laiiir-d My nutliurMy or |1i<> lexhdwiiire o f the Hlntr Vrf Nuw.rtirtwy, uMpTovj'il rtFi rim ry 1j, m w ......

And alor, R riirlll^'r h|»o. Sal 1.ik of |:i,7hii Ul ralJie mu animim ei|Uit1 tn i|ir4H4 jme ceiituiii on ito- total Hniuiiin to mid deM, to t iT ife n olnklnK nnid furih-* nidempliou Slid ^mymejihrfWild bmrds *,7f0 00

Atiil rI-u), m fiirtbvi H]aei-<Ri i-ax of Ul |Miy Ihe IrjIcrH-ti iI]hiii ' i |.yIn* iHHida," Jeiijnd My niiilmrdy o f an a d to t l ie n f ilu- nutie o fNew JerM4v, aiipruvti] .Muri'h l.toSiiL.

Ami slM . a RirilMo HpJ'i'liiJ iNA or ei,;iU Uj m lw an aniiMiiil s<(iiitl lo three per a^nUnii oil Ihe UiUtl tUMinini of loiut deto, torreMetis.fikliiR fuito fur the rsJeinpi OiMiuJii.-ty-memtoMihlhonilA 4,?aJ gp

And aJui. s itiriher Ux of kJIyUJulu pay LiU'i:jler>--d ijpuo P.'M.giil "in* tenriit-n* ".ewm hrnidi,'’ hiftiejl hy au- t.iorliy o f dll lift o f the l«|js|atoro o f Ihe ftiuU‘ o f New Ji.tjn/ , spiirovedMarch-JB. MP«............................................

Ana almj, u fiirshe r siiecial Ihu to'


H ny Itiilj^o iih il C iltv o r ’ K U iii ite .JI NK TIMK T.IIT.E,

C o in n iB n c m g S u n d a y , J u n e 16.fon.n,.r n iK U K liV H.4KY Ip .v iM H .,* ,

•n iT * * 20 • • *

Far*, Round Trip, SOo.

t a i . l f II, IHD.Y I T l U i i u l i i la l i l I f .p , I , j 4 U fo M . U . I M . V . K K. A Y ^ I S Ku iT

1Yi.sHIN<IIIANIHniiail.Y.. -Nbu lion iliHibM iron . i . f i L iilk iJ iia a m a t

ANGLERIM TM Tacm y Unit , 11,,.1 tu , , H i „ , „ j j , A M-. lU-ekuiHf) Mivei. F i ' l Hivar. 4 A M V i r r «. N. IT, s J I A. U. i n i i i . n , w ttn a ll hi! J. K K. (K Y p i IV im . f iva tila K H d , . fo u r l l i - t f u |.,r lv i i ;» i r t i i i i t a l i, H. a t T iB in i. IS i. '* , I F i'fry .Ireo l, (Wm, „ „ iY u u t r iv a u iH U . lt . K .r e 'lc , '

Al. FDriTKU. viri'H niDivK F iii

' $ 1 . 0 0 .JHh.dMtlfi rrn in foavr*

G j * 1 iKrleRi rtaihm.VtoirllirefiEIOOllEXCURSIONS.

Kv«< :i(y

S U N D A Y .I .Tl'^lliNUIlAaNKis^- l(L i> lV K J > P A K X U m .Y

^ ilfi <'tii9pi fh iin Nanark. kvery day o f (he ts iv * the ip le iitfh l UcamiT. / H. »« lirV T .K R ^

Htalhiu,UuMiMAle. 10 -(4A. M.

Ticket* Al m Market ft amt tits oUihivw fe

IT STOPS T H E PA IN .iMt k gche. kidney tisbif, weak-

new, rtil'niM iMMn a n il m u M 'iiU r tmnir. hX).lKl>.MlM (INK MINI r t by ( l ie i I'TICl'RA AFCri I'AIN I'lukiTLK,

ih c iKst MUii u iiiy (u ila iita iifiD iiB pam S lin ug Idasier_________________________

Tint’ s Pillss I lw ii ilH io R (h e t u r p t i l l iv e r , s lr e p o lh e n a I I I * iM a e * lis « la ieM iis , rruu iJsteR ih e 1m iw > wIri is ih I o re lu it -q iu s lie il as a a

A N T l-filL IO U S M E D IC IN EI t t in w la r iw l i iU i r l i ' I s ( h e ir v ir ta e a mro w s iie ly re im au iM eda as Ih v v pDOOf-a# |»eru> 1«ar p r o | ie ^ i |e a i i ) r r v e in g i l i v » ye (em l i i i i u f h a t I . ie a s m iv s u g a r o o o ia i l .U orm m n i i l l . I * r l r r , 28 v t i .

S o l d H v e r y w h 4 > r e .

Offlee, 44 Murray Slroal, Now Y ork .

a DTV IIF NKWa IIK. A.M UllDINAtil K UK A m»*4. Una tmx>*H h ir iwn

H e ll iinnilM etl bv Hie rneiini)|» fVMiiieii u f ih el'i l> o i Newei k , IU !■> haWfo

(U'ldlciM 1. 'i'lM li ( I ll 'l l- U> iiM'wvifol.nUMiMl l iy iM e s M ill t'oiie-'U-d Jii u J himI friiu i Hd |iem>Mii reahlitiK, *n<1 hiiida ki(wie<l I 'l (lip i-ny u f NeM srk. ih i 'to i- iow Mg RiDihk, Ml wm>o Uuhtin; Lhe A(ri'i‘ i*u f lliB cllv tllT^UOto >’or Iho liiM i1i(eiiitiiM - Riiil 'Aii|>iHir1 i j f 1hi>

r o t ip n lA in u i liv fjir-M u ’iii K iir reg<ilH( n t. ile a id n ii m>mI ku vpn ii

Ih r i 'i ja ir 1 44- a ll I'pis ,111(1 hlahwuyn

' ilfi ('tihUi fh iin Nanark. kvery day o f Ih * ed the ip le iitf id ►(camiT. / H. »« lirV T .K lL

Icavo- Hew Y oik. I ih)( o f P ra iik lln ft.. n | A:Ai a M. ftinduyji. la k e Krje JimrM’h7.24of iV im xtl. vaiMH Hadrrftd ft 47. K iin irsn m tfokeU anM at e ll M io o n i i'ctir»iyl»ani>i. Krie am] fjrtieuw ootl I Ake K nilr MtdR. A«k Im M 'H l'V L K K (ifk toe . H a ll Ob Rk-aincr rhwbcr a tid plwaiair ibau aokj •m dorfo i F fth lr ia (s e k u nti InoiM. f'holee rtorvsbmenu, InH ud lng fanl Iwulled niuatt. anrYCii tui ibe boat

J. W tU N iY )X .

tu n HAWfi If All rjfK (.AAUhATtlltVVLA. ru)S Iff run statk. it is un t uust

ADVMUTiHlSM allA7>/r-.ft

m t g X S a * r t l « * t i i a n t * .

\ MSKMKM|iffT m i l H K X * .F n > i N ikT U iK l■>H nh> i-ti-PM UiMlsn M cre iiiim t niioit i i l |

I t i f o uf «d the l. i i i i f t Rnd n* I i-el.ile u# . liiltH i I) I ■ leilh d hy the cQiiMrm Mou o f a

‘ ” ,‘79

OV.Oni i«

liiM the jN ih lii- sm iiiid iin ie i m i For le p k i i l i i i f Mild M

M> |iMtilU' iHiihllrifofo .......................For the iiH u iirii'H o iv aurt rejMlrH ul

hrhfwp-i.Kor UiH cutiJiii-ui'daiii M^al ri'iw ire o f

crm ewalk I . . ................Fur the i i i r r i - I e iia ir t» ii uf |iuhiu-

W'heuft. US' IUa W i l l -s u if HjipriU iiie 1<4iii uiid u f •u u -a il ll lux . .10 i,ir> iiQ

Fur 4hi< a<iji|Hiri uf liulu.-ili ui m-hnnl* . . Oft) UD F ill Ihe iM 'the I'w lhe |b< |jir l

ment . .. . . , . . su,Tiri 'Ai]-<)r Uic s n i'iio ri r ifU ii' h 'lie I « ji ird iu -n i lii.Waij o j

n.iUu gu

iADii uu

ifiiun lie

t,d iu OD


a.iitiu ue

14/OiJ 00 •,wno 00

tk jn o 00

r.lTQ 00i&.niu uu

:«),ooh uoIft.liUI li)St.irO rviIJt St (fe>

ftl.OlO Ul

W.HHM ih 'u T i i j i S'l’RKFT,Irmu iViiTtal Hieniii- lo llrtiod ftreci, ril o i ’.p jir iu Hi.v n I lf sii lirdM m i - • ul tl.i- n iv h 4>w jitk ,e to ii rd Ml ord iniYii-r la iiruThle fur Uw I-Ulitlrin Uuiitjfu m-Wer hi W i*lbM iA lijiis liee l,f,B rfi I'vnlT-i) lu Ht<iiiilRlni«i.H|ii-rA>VHlJii r I t,Jww hee l>i-eii p it-u h i th e iiiiili-ra iK iia U .ira ' m * k>m *in iip jin in ie ihv Ihe I'lr.-n ii ' l a in i>f the I'tnm Iy id k v e i . lu inske s li| Re-ie<ieliient, n (^ Ih i l l ! rcjwirt d i i t i l l H-nt# In w r iiiiu t.w u h so Mci-(ri!iiiti.)-tiiV Ul Ip . ml sdmdM e, n fu m lu f th# ■“ ver I s *4,-wMnpii1« .iR Ih f t the ever I Hwnera le . u iiiir ly (r- vA In) i.r > fured id hm.n (h-hm Oe- ■■onu^l in die ud ve ni I e u i y u v ih i f I « (d tr i i f M w r V fur Bx.tu itiR lIu ii to Mil- u ir t *■ lite r- OHietl ih p i iln

K ul Hssen luiHd ium }irle*a a ll lots, Ira i 'f t eug | i in « - i'to i m l Mild le I r U ie l i d>'i- i<i 1# -s.-rM l R-i siM-e Id. l y ' i i : n (he n » 4 dile of y t -a h i i Ion Mreet. 'ro u i i f t i i r« l HViune to a liu a i 1k7 ft-ei n p 'ih III J mia laytieL

(•Il l(*e i-M t d 'le to tsai'ililD Mfi ftrevv, froratr ll 1.1 fwi.- la a piMiK IilT Im'- D rUi nf WMob.

tUktU 1 |il c •.A I t o " re i'rew n ia an vnifre i»ot • I UuiA

« ]ie her i«ra< nr rims I.AM jo rK i I-. inle.aYrreal In mikl R-sMwmieiit inAg

lip lie n| I e ore e I Ml I iiniiuliwiuiivi'R ue H-e'lm w- lU y. the 2ikh dey at June. s t y F H . a l Um I 'oiiin iliulu irt'r*'rxHNii, No-K (>RHK.aiil l . j i i r r (h te n * ii ^

OuiHd June h , ima.l iA V l f i V nU N u .Kllk-Ji K K U Fr.lNU lfiriBkM .K J. MKKK KJl,

C ia iin iM b ih a ra

O F F H ’K O FJ’H K fti'||F K T C » i« ftlM K P flN l4 ft,Newerk, h . J,. JuikelD, nwg

Kesh'd pr..ii. a I * w I Ml# ri 1 e veU a i Ihbi ufttcou im H ii .m --r i , M. M .. ot MuiiiiAV. Ju h * tA mea hir • 0 isirui-1 la h e-rm ri> hrld; e k -rum Um> Uar- r ar'vdrel r h >M Hiutil l ■ MliKiiniiSlil.

Idditoia will »t,iU (bftr Mraco* tu w ntlux aawelt M fl :nr«s.

Middrni muvt ^pm'ify in (he ir p r ip if td s ifa it,Hiimilii the Rl <IV« w ork b(i KW»rilM I L . i .iuii. IJm f w ill Wml IJiem sim ea tu Iliiftn wml ■'otiiuHa tbo K4MIB H iih ln L’l i r ly ■'on scut ve w u rk l 14 ilaya

Thfi |MaMiH land r| e"i|| id lu n s a rilie w ork >vui h# exm uliieil Kl lbs uflhe t o U i e lK y ftnrveyo*. Kr|«| lim iYm «lH In lieR-'Hoinpujileil bjr the i.!im-4-n L in w rlMi'X, Biirel en, w Ikj nhnlL, at Uu-1 U i« o f t d d l i i i i r n torh prnii.iA ,ift i| ii i( i^ 'M n to th .-jr ra- B|i<indhl|Ky III lh '‘ MMiuuni u f piU'-h pro ia w .l, aiol luiut Ll f nnelTe* t ‘ at IfU u i a o i i l f .«! )« aesn lod lu llie fwrw iti III |ll•^HlllH m uk iiia Ihi- p iu kmoI 1Im-.v w d L 0|H/h K n lv iiiR lO MWi>rfeiL lie oine o « h ft fir theirsufi.iioB for (I e faltlifiU iierfnriim fi-% to n d fl wrurk ;iu id th at iA toe penvin o r rvepRona »iuM iir refiioe tu r iw iiie Ruch iM iilru c li Uiey wfU tw y U ith e ft iv uf N i w ark nny dMTenuue le -w oRw1h« uin»towbU-h fm to Hey sruuld huve tm ueiiUiUHl uiitni ihe^w uip lR liim uf the v u iilr u i. sad..........'iii-n iliv — - - -

» iierMiirMiH ftm fl 14> e i K 'idw i.

H r i iy u f f iew ark nusy Iw nhlfted 10 ■my Ml* iierw iii ur |■e^l^ttul by whum Bin-fa cwfi.

>ur ,tw«i"«drig iiiHl Cid le illna (h r ta.xesid ihe a iiy __ .. .. ..............

Fur F irv 1iei>.irhm*ju « lunm+iive...... ..Fur ito* Mx^niviM ul Iiilu iu s l upuit Inn i'

je if iiry hetus-.Fur 1 u rrc iH m k i Siinhi s ii I iUHliiieiiwniee

ul iM itdii' huliia ..................................... 24iun III)Foi iltoMluHLluiui................ luu <0For layMia: and re ji.iir lu mdenuika i .ohi i|i>FiM a jti-ton( u f ih-to-iieiii-y «mi ■uiwoh'

M ifT iU -ir in-w “Swa-M.................... a.ilS OlF ill o u i]" ie ii. iir rv m i l MipivM I «if M Free

b ih p iry .................................... ib .e iu ft)Fur hunk a n il ladder house, T en lh

W o rd ................ ......... . 4,(Ml 00Fur MlriH'l ill) -u u 1.......................... 4,ju ii ly)he4-r On X A nd iti>tri. n f i i r i l e r H jw tiiii

Ir X oI lU.iwMii Ihu liH en^ lW 'w .w , ■ furi'W^I 'lehl UhhIh " iR'Mieil hv u u iliu rny of uu m l uf th e lii 'a > iHiure i>f t ile Stole u f New Jerw v, ii|>jinrve d K e h n iriry AI IWiA ........ ' ......... 00

A lid r Iru, m rn rih u r a.:i ’u il f '-s ul gl.-aO Ml |«ay (he i i i i i ' i i ^ i uMon i i(ngiJehl lnHut-1.*’ ftiiO 'l l«3 iii i ih u r llv irf sn u rt I lf Ihe l.i«.<uifn(iiri‘ o f (h r Slain nt Nvw J e ric y , »|itirA-veiI Jnliu.kPy ik.iNTl . . - ............................ 'Xt

A I'd Alwi, It fU 1 (her Kpi'i'lili <KI 4rf gS'i.iNO iu p i iv the iiitoriaAt u|MmfNijjnn “ n in Um II III I O'l-ln." ftaiieif h;i MiithurUy u f nn ll' I o f ih i- I V i- i . .h i ir o f th« HUte of New Je/.v-y Rinimvcd t j rilT . i"7 j. 31,tv ) 00

A nd alnn, u I'm IJier ai<> rtMi 1 1 ( uf flT.isiO Ul r.iiiW sn iiriH iuril e<|i|j»t (o ihreeiHW(>-nliiin on Hie |a>ui nsi.o u»t o fa j id• IH il 111 cn'sta *n;nMMii< r i l l i l li i r th M »d e m n ilo n K iid in y rn e ii iifMitd Im u di . J2 0w pi

A nil nino, H fo r th e r ;n|iei-i«l iFix i*f l . ’O.iJriw lu |u y I I mi Iiiu-re^t i i |mu'F 1UiM''UI' i l i 'tw l lMi|ir4iVenirii1 ; |] | 3 Mvj-r lamd",'’ Ih- ni4«l hy J iu lh 'ir il V rd an eel u f Ihe Iwif- ft lM lh re u f i;i«4 hiure 4if New Junwy,

MurchiiU. i t v i .............................A r i l a to r i at r h|x-<'Ih1 ikt ui (ii'i.ito

tu r ilw* nil Hniri'ini enii'il tu tlitl-e |hm ' I ' litUlU OU Ihi- (itliii n llluliiil 4i| •gihl il.l> h> < ri-.iU -H niehUu; liiinl foi ilje r>’de|ii|»ltiiii n d .i.-yi|i'-lil uf iiihl rxileft IQ

A iu l alB>, n f ijrili ' 1 ’.|M->-l.ii ( h t nf F^T.oiii(4f|i3y Lhe i|i1#ji-H( iiliuM | i .*«'-l.-kU"i-uf-jn r .(m l i ’ i i i l* , " t-n iikI h r an iho rity u f a iin e U J 11 ** f> x in t# liir ii <.l Ihe st«U- u f New .ler.w V, r i | i | i i i i i i-d .(ju ii l'I in fij if7,ouu lit

Aud u Ih'I. II f ' l f l l ' i - r 'I 'ly M l la t uf fl.-.'HO tu ruise Mil .Aioiiiirit lu u n r j j f ri:e l on on (h i i.u .il , u i mnl id mHi I , |* M .t 'n re i* t . . I. -Iluklua fliiu l fu 'ih e reiU-nnirsij'i i.U itu iy iiie m f-lAlil irfUeN I'i. WI 0i»

And m1«i i . m rtirHo-r M|ii-nUl id (IS -IQ lu ftts Lh ‘ In lF - ii j i ii^.<iiif:7i'jicK>..........Il/ii]iriJU‘MiMil l.iind ," K-mi. i| hy rtii.H iu rlty o f n il m i n f th<* leatHlnhire u f Ihe Ht 'le u f Nee Jl-rt#>. ii,ajiroverl K ehn inry f t . lM?h . . . W.pio Ul

And i i Im i. II fu r ilH T H(ie t i l fm n( flu iwiiUl p ly t'in Inlen-M iip<jii flvi.rwj *#•« •pr ih iiiiH,'* a t |it1 I y etdJioni.v rd uu «C. u f Iho ].«*J>lHlUlf o f (Iu- HlRft o f New J e jx -y , .jjijiiuv.sJ F rh H iiry IS,INI'' - ......................................... M.Sld (XI

.kn<l aJiMi, a fu r t i ie i M]u-etol h i i of Vl4.>(ti Ul rkiM s u ttu iM iijI e<Miiil lu ilu e e |w r• e iiliirn ou me I i i IhI tuium i.I u f-u .d ‘ mn’e t (m iirovi> Ivu n ft" Rurf "aeM w Iwurdi ' to ere He a u iukluu fund fu r the ii-den iptm ii and (M iyin i'iit• d m H d ftin d - l.i.'idO .iu

And slHu. H fu H lir r sjiei f t l t n i id |(,(SQIn raise hM u Uju m i vidmiHtetl ei|iiRl tu oio- |H<r n u a u o i uu ilw muu u f MkuiriHl the <-lty for nln e( liitpruve- in en u . snthecTice I lo ty> re im d n y d ip lu l l roenlium el n. l u f ihu;MiHrV (if t i.e S l. ile ul Noiw Ju r'ii-), tftt-Riule Ifth a>i<1 i 'M-j M u H lrik l'ii; hind for unlddeih iuiii;> ..................................... .. . 4;jnu iJO

And iiiMj. u h ir l l ie r C,ix u f f.( IWhi Ua |Niy lh a liiU-reiK U|iuu g^rl.uiQ

p ll'ilh -*w!|'M>1 iHiud-r " iKTijp'l liy «u ih o r ily id iiB u 'l <tf iln> lwi<fthitore u f Ilia- Ntste u f .New Jer.vey, i«|» A*i Uaia I

A n f m j ) i \ , \ M ' F 'm h u h v icu

The fu m iii i l ie ii on Hrh'geT rwwrv-* U* iliem^ "p Iybi Uie r iK lit ii> lU’ ie p i ur re iw l any or a ll jiro - wiA.ili fur Hip uIph S wnrM, rb they iiiR.y ijL>riii fwat r i r Hi* h ilP rn-l o f the r ty.

Jly ihre-Uuji u f Cm uiiioii rij« ju-t|.TMdSfAH r. J ir N T .

(n is ir lnan n f Mrhtc.'P lium iid lice . JHMN liU N K I. I .K .

♦>r K irtw t 1 'o ijiiu m > n-ior,

. , , ...................... JllT; K i l l T H H:-uOhtl-Ui-lMm o f R w w ar In

N o iir i i M M II sTUHi-rr.Jle ll urdii.!)iR| |iy iiie-fomitiraJi ro u n d ] to the

ch v '*f Newark mr ru llow t Hei'Jrhai I. A iri|»rai«w4*r4ih*H l■seofta1fu^1el Ib

No m Ii N lliih h l i f i i , Ieiwi4a-ii F ifth Avenu# sod K ix th a v i DUe,Ua;eiher*Uii.>ll UKJnhpiirleHiUKMi iin -iin u ry (ij<H iiii|deli-ih r wmie, and n f a iin lid i. nMinWiiiiR 04 t iis 1 'u fliu iluen uu Mowsra ium| J in iin . HKV sliMd dlrr<'h

M -e lio n i n iM il .v rtoJiiSPl l l UArphCdln-r-raO lo spjdy lu Lhi< H lin il ! I ’o iif f of the '(VHJiityuf l-n w i. In iw lia lf id Uau M ju r and OuDioiaaO x n ir llid th a s ii jd in y uf N«wrirk, for lha Ufo.ft ih in ii-n luri'iu iiD iisR iu jiu rn , urn! liie su|d (J 1 ■ul lU' n>Y« wheu iip iiu in iw l a'luM m w i Ihe - (MM alHiuej;eH. q | e.||>ei|«eH i t i . i i t r M til piMl im-tiL (WIWu Ihe -Uiliie '.lu i]! IiUl'P l'i<«u du|v HA-ar- tAliii*i1 aaiiil i f t Iwieil liy ihn ru i ir n u i i HmiurD) 1l|inJAll the Iiw nen o f I^Jlrts an . m l enliiKi I t l m id i'l ly , jH" o jn r ly i-i-ni-hie.i ihem ’iv, In p uiiur- U'Yii ith iii 's riy iiH luuy im tn Ibe adyatii.iae e ,^a hIuiU Ih .lei'fiied to ...fU lie , u ix i Iji 1 lum the HAig....ft. diim K"' inel eijienReo nhalk rxr-oi-d rhnamuuiil ol h iid (•em-nis, rNlrh exeam rIihII Ij* awwR-A'd up'll! miiJ paitl hy Ihe • l lv uf Nhw*it I(.

Sa-i'thiii .1 nitid ini|iri>v4-nieril mIjitI i ru' .luuM- mb* Cl tup et>‘d l i l t 'n r ihe *u)»ers‘ isiuii uud lUrs tinn id U u -n iy h iirveyur un i s t r ie i (^.nimlex uunr,wcuru ltor (o ino iin ivlsiona u f the I'lLy C liA rforUMii (irilhtHie n-i.

IfoaRud Juno r. iv f)I l lA l l lv R H K im . U

I 'm ld c d 4ir I TtiniiKm ( luiuiufL K i( . t 'jg A lliK lirH N ,

a , , .. r i l y n s r t t ,Apprrn.oi| June l l , ft'O.JlJHK i’ H K. iJA V.NH'1,


\ KS>N.sMi.;.\T F o il<R hi‘lt'h,v i; h

H K N F K n s i N H T Ic K . .. Rlaii at-leisiuani u|Hin jiff

Llie ow'ierh uf 111! h in 'ft mid fchI enftle ihmu- l ls r ly (M 'e lliH l i.y t ill- > r i ijA liii 'i lo i. to l l opH-nr in

K ie l ' A N il lU isK s | Ml': le ts ,(rum W iiiA ii'i MseuMi'tii iire -iue r airi-i^, iirriorT]-Inx lu Ihe p iuvlH iiiiiiiu r l l ..... . u f i l t i i (Jiiyi ' f N i-w.irk, ■ iii:ii<-ii All o r ili ii to r i'I I I |jroTii|p fo r Hie (-upRtriiH-liOii o f A awei 111 K l| iii and ItoM M.ra-1-ft, iPum Wlijjai m nveiHJe i l l llre iiiiu r P(ri-4-i, ftM[ir<ve.l Anaouil 17. Ihua has iK-mi prepant! hy ||u> inulepvt.-np’l Cnm MilHHh'uer* >iyfviUlU-<1 St th M tJr-ijIU i u r l of thsI'TlUliO Ori'.SM'l. (•' IIIHike T ih l UH4|-,.|i|f(ll, .iRlIU 'M II reiHKt iiy a -v r i l l-« ih iu wi ilui*-, w ith au AirumiMto.Vh'a in.ip rflid x .'lu i1iHr. tahuu iiK Hiaw-ei riil ar-«-,wj.i iil'< u«:iu i'( toeaurerAi nwiiura |AJ-Ullurly ft-iiellit*'1 at 'j|i>n-wtd, |iji.i r..-i4u tin. i- ia 1 id III Hu ■iflh'e rtfi1,i. n i y r h ' i k c»l lh<- 1 ly4if Newark, fur pT.uiiiuuiuni nv Uia p.ip(*st iu - Urranlid Lhvia in.

S.dd iW THiiienI I'liltMli'IO’T all lul ., Im rlT iiAiJ


PlMlnr (dot of lAilll,

•••iHiiienI I'u itiprlO ’T allJI ir'-tdHUf liind m ill ra'fol e iluh -h l ' .........U4 toun-Mihl. I> )jir Till IhiHi aidi-sul Kupi> from ilreim er MreSI to k l|>{> th i el.. rm h o ili H i'kwof JbippMiri-ul,, Iron. Jlow sin-pt (o W liia ii- S '.rifL

A " IviK " repre-iPntS w liefher ftrijH or Mnall

.All tH>rw»?iH(nTefe-le.i In A:iht lUMOVniiieiif inuF ft> lieunl ftT iire jld il I ciinml<Mhi u-m Oii Thiie-<i|:i}' Ihe iweiMy Ti-vefiliMh.y o f J uih ', ftsp. „ i j j', Sf.‘ A l Llie CuBiiiiiiwiuiieni' ruiiuj, Nu, f •'w i’ond fojor). th ly II >11.

K u la i June IA, isHi,J h W in HfiTiWH,F ilK I I 'K F ltF l. lN H if f iY S F HM ,,M K > :h i! :U ,

^ 0 ('oiiiimB'iloiierA.

N’ lrJ IH K IH JIKMKHY H iV lC N •i'H A T T u ls ( ^niuiUihlfaH:/-' lie rstohife ii|UJi>toi<^l h r iup..II ll 14..1 .*4 11. u J *... L.. t . . .i I . * ............... ...«I f t i i l i i i i i r r i IN Lhe L''jiiiii.> u l m ntoks aa

miMRwriipiil ol iM-aieilto iiieu i n il Ihe uwtiiirTur land ami re il eiiliaie lu Ihe n ly u f .NeWurk I te ro ll ir ly

* la lluwhig lifip ruvem uuU 10 m toIjftWJiiuJ (>y the I 'lly I jis iua y :

'n ie ixnmlnii lien o f a lewei In F laur iMiTY*t. fjOMi IMrtiri Ftn*ei Ui SVIJlixiii wreei ;

T I e ix jto iru i Uuu u f sewer 111 J>u Itei w n *1 ref^k, Irom Ih ifie # -ilro e i n» J,,y iV fe s l;

The iTHiTlrw th J ln if-1 Sewer lu I ln n il l lo ii Bln-ei. rnuti MrertiHii mreel U> Uniim .HlH.>et;

'J'lie criiMiU-iH-tloo to IS oi'wn- In MuU xtievd, fru iii I'ii-M le Aveuue lo IVirt'ory StrH'L ;

T h * eouTlrOi-tlini o f u m*\m t In .Huiilh Tenth nlr'-ui, from spHuaftwid avenue w Hi urn •niitH ,

The ix o iitru it on ufia sewer lu CJifidii Aveiiu*; iMirwi-en Hie M llhir'i^jk :«-wHr uuit s k Hi u veu 'ie ;

The i"u iih lr'n ilu ii of u satwer jii N iv iiiifi K t.-ei from (irauiK im lreti Ui Mui rm and fjMUk Juuru lA Hvenuci

1'he ra’IMig and ru rh inx u f I'luvideiM 'f Rliei.4i, fforn I'uMAieuceiiiie lu Bowery nlieei

llH vn me i Hieir r i’ijd ti uf iO<e>e:iieu( fur U'tos fiLs In UieOfll'-euf Hie d o rk sd Mid 4 uiii-l, and tl.ikt tim Judx* u f M ill ei^url lokt d rik i B it iin h ijr , fYO twenty-ise'-otol (Ihj- o f June, f td , «( UHi u 'tio i'k i l l III* riire ri'k iiii hi (he (hr>‘MH ik iu rlr iH im u t I h i ' t ’iHirihouM* lu ihunUy of N ew­a rk , h i the Hme hoH piM iiiur hp>r.iii; uny uhA'c- tiuiie ih . ii i iu v Iju n im ir lu the Ndd nAseHrtn.«;iis

JiwUrU Juns Ju, l-tol.JO SK FII (JHUi.T.

l l t y f loiiuM'l.

NrO T IC K HF IN T K N T iU N . |■L•|5J.I^ N f" I Hit It hpre'iy jriven Hiat i t f t the iu to tjllun to

iJi*(.t>niinoiHAiUiicli o f the i- ltv u f N 'ew irk uu- (ter aad n>- v lr lu o u f p ruvuh>m iiiftiK »A ii e iit lO A"A n A i't Ul lU'Vfte Him] A ........ . Ihe H iA rU ir o(Iht' ( l i y Ilf New'ikflt,” apjifi>vi*it Miajx-h | j , j«.,7HH'l lhesii|ip le rrts iil'i there-n.m onipr aurt <-nw.U' a p lf ft Buwsr to b t n ,) iii( r ii. |e ‘l In ^ ItJ 'JKiKN fourth (Ifso^h avem ieui FuiirUH'utlinveii:i*, IO|(l-Huu- wMli sU Hie R iip iiiie iiiirv iw uei-euturF (i> rvu ipk iie Ui««mie. im l uf xuJ i dlnivniiJutia iw U io ikMumiUi-r o ii Fu.vsrs aiu ! Jifiii.>A,'« Hia U rilrwet

Hui-h penmiiH nii n w y ot»le>,-l ihei-<-to m o rs- (loiwted foiin-AMnl Ih t'lt ulijui-lhiiHB la w r l i l i ig i i ' the Btieel C'lUC'miiJoiMliiijer'H utYli* toi or W lo ie U i*

8(,glM 00

tonM hw sna in rK iiii oqiiaJ In th rre pur o i'iit ii in , tbo U ito l am o ua lo f oslil O eU rto i'iO 'iteH ftu kJu ii fund fu r the reden ijilluD sod liij'inpn iik fH s Ic ilio n ift Ily iiQ 00

Fur sn w im iunt iioeewiiry lo in in iif t lt r ftn k ln g foiH l for rH c m n llo n o f '• MixarreHnuiS bonda." due I w . ............ .......

AndaliiO , A (a r ih iir apecUl 1st o f tsiXi to p tjr the h iU 'is ftt n|Hiii f J n w w utor lo .K la*' IsMAd hy a n lK ir tlty o f an nut n ftJie {.rg ls la tu ie u fC irH iA is u / NewJaroey, a p iiriive d S fa rd i f t . 1i*ft..........

And alao, a n ir t f to r wiiouiNl (sx u f fdOii to rslne a il a u iia in t (h|RaJ Mi th isu psr o rn tu iu UD Itaa to is l u n o u n tto said ilph i, to s aJiiklnx fiin il fur Iho reilemptJou und lu yrD o n lu f la id bauKl* BbO rO T iiu loroeoliixordljuinn-e wairMulaRS. ond tlitM

Ml Oommon ( . ^ m d l on FififigrevNRiHg, Ju os i l *

foaOKil <n


sud d a ly ordered U> a th ird reHdiiijf.“ - n E B 'ro g .If, H . P K V fl]

a e iM r t r . t t . / , . jB o t l i , i i t t . m J

ity (llriA llu ii ul Hi* Ikriiiriiim ('uoru H,J lH lN H H N Ik ia JbL

s iro e l lyiuiimesloiicr.Xowarlt. N. J ,. Jnrio f t , !>»». _______ I7n

■VT’H T rrK O F iN T K N 'n o N -F ( ;jti ii< rN H -m ;K i l f t hereby gUeii Ih u t- t m Ihv l i i ir i i i lu u o f Uio Cikiiiinort t'oito'-H III llie >-liy o f Newark, l ii id u r atid Ifv r ir ia u o f pruvla ion i o f ih * arf v iiH lbH j'

to . ( r l to KnclNf .kud AiiieiiiJ Uv« Chiu-lSf of th o I1 ty o f N i-w .iik .* approved .Sfkrrli i], is ft; anil tlie ntiiiu euienln iheiern' to order and i-Miia*

HHlJ l’PI K I.K V K N T rt K H lK U rr. fn.ui) HiiuUi orHiiKu ii Venue u»H|ariioiMfldevHauft to lie 0 |>«t)i‘d 'In lu-aord.irue wILli Ihu piaiiM in i)ie I ’Hy kiirvwy^'’r ‘» iifiln*, which tva« i-HUMeiKo hir iuodu by UioLktm iuiasluiioiii to Iny Si:it l ic e f tv ayenuos and MiHureT,

Sui-ti iwraunT HS uiHjf (>ifk»-t ihprs tu are rfr eiKmUHl in p rvM iit tliM ir uhjtMiihkis (o M-rttliikoe lb s H tru ft tViiNiniiah>ner'B oitli-*, ote ol’ beJure tfie flxp im bo a u i U»» lUya froau the iM tieof (Uft uMh-e.

JJy d lractloD of IbeCumniun O wiurixJO HN HirNKJCJaNi

f ik e ttO e --------- - - 'n o w m a « n . I,, turn I t . im k



T H E P U B L IC S C H O O L S ' P H A L A N X .

Sli HunAred iiimI J'liplU l niMli lh#<CourR* * Ellli«r by IfauarAry Work

|>ur1nc tbe Jcrm nr by Priniii the tilgli Ri«irulurfll<ip.

T h r e iv d i i th u fm m t lio i iu b l i r H'hnnln Uik yoRf ])unit>^r RiiAJ OrHii>R* ^70bimorurv griMtiuiii^ Mui ibe rcmatrKlfr *»• pu pUi Ufbo ifrrp ob iin 'l lo Uiki’ « biMil rRAmhu- iKib. 01 Uit hUmii Mu Uifm

li/r «&«<■■ iimtipu, Tbrre pre r p tip lllW bo bN»<' mu yet tN*mpO-lr.i ilie ir i i> tiDlnuOiiUR. but ttu-tr n-viilU « il l tx- «ijni,iua<'A>0luticHju mt (KM&:t>le. Ib i-h u iiitR ’r (>t HrtiKlnt>ir«Ip Itrffer by i i r (h iit ever PefntL- L,-»i yeur Ibera were &V7 |rHdiui(ee, of Lt»l wvreko4u>nirii pop.u.

Tbc l#iiD)im'T Avenur*, r iir< ln u l Hlrrer AndHuHK't Wrt'vi jk'niNiU bMVtii Jurpis tfrjMluulm«eiMWR, T lir ppwlmiitfii o f ir>t (K-imitiii-huiriiAb krhiHd are a>v<‘>t, tlin |M0inpMl4ii llu*Ihovtiiir ilrk lrw l ihc rk -# (n be u(><Luii<«il iiiiu the i>l <fl>! erxmmer k:oip>i».

HUMUKilhT tlRTS AM> KJCAMIKAUnrr .The pupili v( KhP TailaiM atPCniIp wbrjWB

yeeriy pkn«JiM4 wea fuiiod irorn thed iily re(*o<d u> txa r<HkJ ehO whiM rrH>dhKi WHR ipjo>l were (p in inn il on ihei rr<*r^t m bonorery t'U l e- Toop* whuee n nord -e+l be-

»*re r ie m ii iH , Fiie qi»eeOotw^ by ihu enpeEioleiKiviif Kisoano (iL i4 weT* b fh l in (he Uieii Mi'hoal b i| ufi iQ twUy «Dil 'Iburvlev. the pe[iur» wem «'iunilrie(l b* A N urrl nf ripcnloen mruiiplI’iK of I'jvoe h tfly primM- fa it, riee i>niiei|iHis it i- l h rit ere’ley r tin n itr UNU'iieni. Overtwo ( ity t wm*fn cerelul'y bohih rivur ine I'V ryiblns«Rs iPtue e* la ir!) trAh-M iillcelly piellb]•^

’• T T . i ' f f llie « ‘»rk,’' tplrt HuprTinieml tn l llurrIOMiT, " I t MwlOy MlitfHi'inrir. Jl Iboup A kucxI iMtCi-tutbiry eT< r»ip‘. NoO'ir ha*«ii(HupHiU>tl»««h]f t in t iiu iMie hai kuiib Into Ibe pir,"

tu l lo t luB i l ■ U'>t o( Uio ir id u a ie i;WAOtlNCTCiN rrKCKT,

IfoTHirtpy—JiiliA Ilmen, AilnU. At'bv. J. S'li# Thiim. K r't> rtK H ili ii , ('t»r oO<» MilN. lb K^tleti. Uihy licheA^ ( 'Itm It «m in rtn -. Al- biTt<M'u«Ji1rh, l i K Veil Jb'ii|tiiiTaL-n, K t ik i'lHtry, t'loreiico Ikiiiprii'riy , Am iir OiK-lirliiK, (kiith Uiikley, 0<>r>iyf Jmh-Ji . W iilenl llu>Jen, IkreM'mJ tb'nmier A i'l An-hHalil

K i im ln n '-P Irn r iM it A. t lM ik Ne.Me Bix'keb Ji'iiino rupheii. n I t W. i'ln rk , Nn-lie Uytutn, IlMiblie Ki-rinu, 0- It K AUIUr^l''iiu me Mnyrr, tUtui-be H Kiit«. Paiinke hinith,

Y> A lltn , Mery PUM-kvi. M«rum ! . I haM. E . t hjtmJW. M tto iiier, li iu te UinreliLHitc, l^bnenre N iehoi. C. D 'd lt IVtce. Alkie M. ^ lu ie ii'T , IV n o !4diwitv. Mlrtam V. B io idat l, JtKM M .r it rk , K fifili'tirk I I. Adeiii, V ie U irli Jtniwii, JoliD liKTia, V>iU>tin A. Ihim i, M tx lletm-ntliftpet, la irbyrl Jluffmtiip lU lneyi M Loner, Theodi^re U-tiel, rha rtP i F*. t ir r rh i. rn-UerP-k A tb-’Mir, <lc n;e 1‘. ym llh. UiciiunJ L WblUrmiirt-, John I'td tn r, Mircna Murna, Welter I t L'x«k, Kibcrt A. CuUit, AlfriNl Kiai'. C iiftio t H. UtnliM r, KlMMMt }1. Jnhtm>n. Otrar II. Heyi n , N tibun Uyi'ra, W il.itm I.. P m ldpp, W W A h i l\. Hcelue'i^ioil, U e o tio W. Iberp end H. Ijlw e M UuvUley,

utwecMi'R HTterr.H m orivy^Arte W indtifed, Jtinnle Ahrintf,

l l i in ie WiMeTt, leather Wment. U i i r t Cntiritsr, Aleude Welker, Meinte M. JUncxieb, Uuitto Ileiiaeer, Atlent O ieiil. Jue-e II U'liur, Aotv i t Buume, Kobo Haribmtii, l/n itM UeVe)', Otero Onertn, Amy Tr«?i«, l.m n i Ifflendp U>IIm h tuu, May Ihutnerj, M im iie Ja ih itm . Me HuiRriner, Jaiht Om'r.n, MrJlie Herki-r, JeB«iM Ho.ebliim, Ktltkord Fell, W liliem I'urtninit-r, Clereuce (Men, Otto hm ick, W iilieui Mib irlitHiiy« fleaiee iKicklejr, Wit. ate Nuilnmn, Jioub Nowioen, O iio Kersi, Albert Bruno, U i«n«i FitPOemld. Wulieui Bhio. I'euJ F it i l ' nekpoii. Vieior H 'lt iB t. (iiiateye Oehin, Kililk* t lrc h aod W ililem hleiller.

Kximuied—.loMeph Byrla, ( jh irira Bemlmon. Jol*n Hfenit**et, J. Aloaoi] KiwnOi', Jotiu L Btueer^ Frenk Hrimo in d tbuuiea K. Uarucil.

auuTH HAPeiT fT«p.irr.Honortry—Wery A, Bn-h. Mery A. Fevuey.

Knmbeih U bcnirUcu, M iry M. II. Hmiun, Muy Belle Tec er, JuKpU F. Itvruld uml Jolin 0. hetiuueedler.

KAeralutd^Finme Ueior, Amplm M. Gold- been. l4 icy A. Bmllh, l^ u i Buiier. W illlen iJ Hytnc,J«.hfi J. Coveniigh, W illiam II. FrBat>e, 6eor|« U U«ia, Lb e rin Ilum4, Fm lenek J. Be fUdd. Jeoiei M. [Imp, Ueorge A. I l l ik i , WIIKem A- Hock, (rhethip tA im o. I ltn ry F lIpMqnenli, Fk illp K. l in r e t j Jii'Ob f . FluFer, JtiM h U. Relh, Fredenek C, KcKkmih, Weller lo liH luy, Adulpta M h n lti, Petncc J. Troy end L llk e r l W itno.

LAPAYirre (rreBAT,Dohorery—Rmma It. Z li‘sl«>, <Ti»fe A. Todd,

io lt ie A. WouRter, R. Adelenk: Drew. Heonoi OimtmtI. Ktnme Oawh, Juui'iu klltry, Me Benjuqitn, Binme J. hextuaon, W ilhiim K. le e r, Kienk W'oodruff, Hnttne K OiMsr. AnriR T. ('me, Aibjr Macomte'r, r io ra Veil Weguiier, UftTR A. lx>ugle«>, Kimne Keutreuf, KnitiiA K Iteodl. Jen me Hi Beounoy, Rrioeiioi' V Kver- kerdt, Ktie tl, Oljuen, Ah'tenUyr Butts rm le.

Kiatuineil -Jubn U, FiiiuoBan, Iherlea K Traute

oiEPTMirr t f n r t f ,Hononry—W ill men HneMiuu,W. A IlleiiTell,

Toney (.'orriiigLon, A ttbur (onnet, Filwln Ihjren, Irylng Ikiy. (nUi Kble, Ucor|u liinjUl. Oanliu't Clnene, Frenk Ili.lT, James llowM^n, OunrBc iM h Je* o llenn, Fp d I^titbarh , Berry Hiller, tluwenl Fnrkur, nervnne Hkirtir, Wilh lan^K I piebeiiM’ii, AuuuatUiUenmalir.rhuilch W. tsiowen, W ther Pievtiua, A iln ’d Sirnucl, Fred ^ullln, Fiud Tuhenor, Fred Wotpl4'i,it‘ k, kb'phru Wvl!a, Harry Wi>«(i;TvoU. Ki^Her Ward, Ixiu ti Mntikmi, N'elJte iWuicbunuw, Hv'llic Foator, LulU BaUlvrin, KetUu lleHtilat)-, Ida Akli, KioreiiOe OjpiuLi, li>uL.<« tMnil, lia i Ik) Veil Nu>l, A llie Andirnien, Kiure Muyo. OraCe U lli f t . Flornuk^ Taylor, UoUu IVtiiiine tCin, Fiureiicr nm iiif*riiuip, HreirUx' b'tnah, AHee Cooley, llu tb A^^hbny, lu^rlhe ^e)K'n|li^, Bh pib BiJlcr, Hnnu t^>l|jiiin, K illy KnUui, Graow Amea, Vnslu H l-WIii:«i), Fiem-op Marlin, Lena Jobmnni. kiimilt* itrlis , Knni«, Ai;m>i(BaUhviii, JJe ln irn thy , Unnu I'erticivi, I iJuuoIki Fh illtp ', Ana W hiU‘bouse, Ju lie !liilnk>ll, ija l- ImTniU, Meriuu ilredby, J.nlu liiuren, l*k>r •ncv' Ki'Uuitnt ajid t’liu! Muikhuri.

K jtaoiinrd-U npc-i A. Tbmnax Ik 'lelicr, Monian W. l omtu. O urge \ \ . ( e ru r, Harry M. IKiuuiess, Frank 8. k.enoil, Krtn'ti H^irlland, Ihiinvl i'rU t'. Alb. r l 0. Uolwneim. Henry liuiiuk, (!i>nnnt ( ' HimpM.n, i'buri>a W . JJli'wati. rhe rlu t W. y(«U*rbury, Frank I', Mnl eehy, F loreiiw lione. lirei*u H. Thnmu.i, l. lw i' H. Ktinuae. llertlie V.. l.aird Aibllu Kom) iM ikb rriy . UateM Haiidinrtl, Jrn tilv Don;e. B iU li’ lUiUuno. Kiuma WlithdiueitKedie K;ronB, .\mie Thninet^, Mamlu Wumlx>!d, FauUnn TUinn, Klt^n'ni,'e H. i'»ii(h;r:s Bury K. MniiKlnk. (iertiud<‘ b!. ilrnwer KlylU i- A. H ixhI. Adiie K..HBni<oii, I>ju>» M. Knaiirong, A. HuI ih Wilkltison. K [iorciie I'uiiutii, th d ir ir thm «aUI, AUCe K 4'ar>o(ia, Clere R Hiil|ibrn, A i i IoUkMCh Kumniei!, i luru M. Mhl ilueurth, Allot’ W. llaUhwii, Adeline SVnil, I'l-irr''.Jh'iUie M. K<xh, Kheibi'ili L l*(iuii'i', liiunn W. FUiiier, Annie %i. Trlei', k>hiU K. W fils. I.uln A. Vim llovikti, liraou M. lkTgr« lx, Ksie M. Aafonl, (irfUa K. i runibur, iieelnoa Marley end Hmnie H. Ik w Iit

IIUHNKT KTUBKT.llnnnntry I.ia’-K i| r le Hnll, La'lle BliiI, ferine

Htddini, Mum v Onl. 'Milto H . li li , Annie A-l ky , Fanny n r if^n i, L ily Wind, i |iHihiU>- JCalWeb. ALi‘u Riui'rldgn, I'luru Uiinkinx. Uaimu llun , r.i'y LrOi iuhu, auuip Koro. Al- IrtM HyLcH. Mipme IlufHi', Mtiry llicJunR, M*d T l i ‘iuip.«oh,'Jeiiiiw Mnfkur. l afrlo Mo-n*. Mil- drvd n in r ie * ‘"BHh<ibury, liiom -ItnllKTy, iw vnl HyUiKT, JvriHne tiin lRuer ami Ada L. MaIiod.

E ia irm td -A 'M le Hlllo<, U»ni;-lla HniphiMi JeiuilB V iin m *. Nel h‘ r t^ ik , rm ra Jui^tbu^. H aIh I L)weier, MtituieKpox, Florvinnu liniiuis ter, Annie Uleaun‘, liUHw t nilo. J»miu; ■ nitvr. T lllie HvoTKe. Bury lU 'diim . Uim-rva Ungh Ion, Alla Kirill h. ChurU'a .\>tiesr, I 'l i i r k i tlieth'R ('uiteer. Jaia-n Im iry tiiiiif, Fnitik Dtickpr. i'au l Duiin, Wi|:i*iiu Kt-un<v. Nalrtitn O iin lnrr. 1U« l,iln -il, Ml*, u. iM cr Uu' ntaiiii*. Fetdlnuii'l SjtiuiTioM. Kivd ( lark Duvid Cohiirn, Kp iI (iroioi, I tiM|n|>Mjn llinloiiM in. DmiuJiil Mi’iO'r, F.<l«Hr<| tIori’Hii. I•'luuk r Tis, Hobfci Hit hiLU , John rhcnmin, huvai flm llli. fla iir le Vel-ur. Krul W hiluey, Hjm y WiiiU'rrniKp anil li< nurd

'i'tiH C m illtll tii'Hlej, [uti ili>i| pri:^ . vvAs kvi-ti by Middfid llarniiu ii, a iiit the ('i)iiinl.*eiiS Kji- fyuioinjitia, nej-oiid p-lft', hi* ( li'.rhs S .ilM m ii

CFATIUI. AVbM r.H'^nrirarj- r.n i |. N r t lk II. Frt'y.

Cb«r!oTie A. Iln]ii,jfri, Kninin Koesu-r, AiinU' C. UorclocE, t i it tb 1. Wi l.nnpti lij, ],y in {I, HorJt, Arlrdniile K. Uvnn, K>ii|e i \ hcUoii'i’ ti, Fred ilNldMln, Fri' U*r i i . im idntl, I 'm lr tn k FuiOvtl. ( liar.e ' T, Inmer, l i tn ry J lrt-rri: EuiU Vnlle i-iU r, l l . . r t i- i i F, Vnn iMjyt.i' A rth u r].. W<?ekH. b U m Zwi-iKI, Kmiuii fiiuu li, A'lala idpi . Ihdl a-ut Kind Vuilw u.lirr

EaeromuiU-ilary (i, lMrLer«Jtj. Ntlue M, Tuile, Anniy KvjU*r, Jilary k . id iS In iiii,, BprlhaA. Morgen, t.Uiile M. W'himu y, ldn r Wugnyr. FTttr. y KtHlun. I 'aku Ml Kujj . I r.oik Culver, Wilnaui L. Knulxon, T l.ou iiii Uiiui*,

lIOfJTDN MRFK'r.Honorary—'iV'iilB Ki-swl Ui-rUr llritnroLt.

IsiuUe lK‘ti, J.illie Uhrtmnn, Ih rilia llii lic r, 1/M)an tiunone. AliH 'lia h,ei2, lx>ia Khiuri, Frances Whiucar. Mumk lAiko ilrrthH l^-vy. Com B. M iller Atluiu Dmbaid, AlU-rt Utiiiu well, Clierlya Bieru, lCvcri;(L R VuiinB, llufokJWell, WlltlARJ <rUt nM.

Kiainined "A nn ie K lird i’ li, Cora B I ’ lugi.'. BUiubeih Kuujp-iawr, Kmma hinlH, Kil&dn'ib Hinkiiph. Kende KmiNi. lU i'lnd Jedel, Vi:ry Pfeffer, . Fiedurlck Zahn. Abrahuni I atwit, Henry lllia t, Fd»epl r , lt(K:ihlcM.«f|iir, Urns UtiiUuttii, JuUm FeidDjnri.

aoiTU AKinTU ■ .. noiiorar)'—Oracc Dnumnoiid, Uertru-lh K.

M etkfr, E, Flortnce i hitlinter, F lor-iHv K. TbOwlcM. KUj bvnu^a Futrice. 11 iio^^y rnnio,- Mary L. llm rw . l&lJth h'eke, Hchell-B *n U » U llltn Cook. W illR ia T. Lyle, Almira Bordan and Cmra A. Uaigur.

Ekemixred—Adds f t ruofiiBn, Grace Hiidiluo, ICiF ft. Floliejr, UiarlotLc A. K l ^ , Mary f t

NKWAKIC EVENING NEWS, SATUTIDAT, JUNE 22, 1889.Rver«on. Allot (fAicbe)l, Fmily L. Gfntop. Apara K Kane. JnMaK WoolrufF. Mabel Coi* lam, NichoN. ittiierjh« Baqau, Habal Busa. r liioh: 11 D irm ri.y, tiaurvtm ('fRK>*, No le f . fhlrndo, I dlle hfm.'h Maisar<'t F tir 'id . l.urlns r Mann, K h ntoR*.> r.tHifvc F k ii j'i , Mornsoii c r« ljc f . Hoy r . V nidt.-.h..ff, KuIkti II. H' D-mgiil, Fm I 1. J'ryor, W iiiiam r 1 btirrh. rttttrnp'l (j, ftH'per. Airreil K IhUlluinn. WllUain II D-'inotr. W.i: ac)i J DrIj, I h«rif,'» V. Mute, Jlrff'dd l»

kiT. It.livanl Ina>. I lKT .r-l G on 't. Karl JuhtiPMjii, K-bi tick aiMl H a'iy lb)u>t r

r.? WTi>NIliMinniry K :n ii A, Rmcrntl, TiiHe A Hnrh

lr>in, A b' li t i i i i^ i-ai ly ^ Krin*. l-d l'h 1.I A. V, M in i ' A. f.VH.k, L illiti L. M rU ami Ih-rilia K (jp(M I.

Ka.i tm w l W'HliBe4j D (,BiTAhr7i»t. A dyrl l.lM 'li, Fhnl J Muthr, Wai^yr K I'l-in iariun, John [ lik ^M i.ln H I l ickulshalH I^o roh liaM ‘>'.Haiii'ujJ Hi.I.p »n«mi. Wb iI*-? hi«iwlJ, JirfdtWintiK'l] utul I PstiHs Kiurfh.'l.

nr.rvKh RTKri:T.Il'in m a rj-K an ia Marns, AoIip W Horrir.

A 'la tj. I'luiKfii. Mihimh W Ft'i'i, Tlllle Mayer. Ileli-n (|. Ju-ibun, Ibiunah tlJ-cox, Iri'ni* G. IkitN'I. FIo .virv I Mnriuw. Maty K. IliiHen, Hilna Fn viutuj, Mam e (hlmey. AU*rio (iraiv* M III). trtii, A leo M llidilii", Aiiiile LG.ou h. IhiL’ v Kly»e h|Mie h. l.lla lieVia*, L,dti I li f l i 'T Plinoiu Muiki,1>n‘ ie Kthiirlarlt, l^ilu M N<h1s. Ki'llln IlnVi*. Aiinlr Ih'aiir. Kniiiin r. K|m T'^rhuridl, riara A fk'iariv, Ida WlihHuii. Minnie Doim, Wdl.trn i^ 'ir'ier, rhflflea I'. .*nmh, Albert WesU-rveit, Kntaiiel ITyiscnmunii, Gl|;ar (• Hoix, Fn-<l 0 t'hnmpi n M'>wut'l t*. WHIihmip, FklElip Km’ zari, AiMinl Myen, i W arrpn, Fani 1‘BiTmann. iMilen H iVull, lliofnaa J. K Kuiidoti lhim iu4 lUii er, UiN>rtni VV. Kidhran, la-mi.' I ihinfkJi.R, Harry I.. thhrR-lt. K.-h e iIi Farb-v, iMiCRr 11. t'rraim r. < tntrK’f F, Tuckir, Fte»1 r Uuriln and Man.u'd A h P ik .

KaainifUH|-.Til MLlltT c;nm L F<-iHMi'r, Iji' ii a 1 votj. riuvi- [» Kayri’, Gru(-n Maier. I'laru F. (\il»un it id .Mi Ik'I U. itiMiWfil, WHIN F Ht hipt* I. IvlMnnl J kniiM’, Anum t U -U tiiiiD, Fbrcr K Lott, Jolin llotiUT and Walter J Tl neb.

ai lIMFM AVIiFI r|liniMPur\ ■< h/l^ian-' l.ldrtl' I'a*

bai, II rih-i Kliiji-iJihk r, l.>dia ti KpiiiiB. Hup fii't l*L MU vioH, F L cmm c K. T'Chenur, Ji’imiu WiRfp. Cnoiii lu tj, <) Ihjoj,*. (-rrii.'u A. W »l« , tiia io |lrard-t).-y, I'liini lltidm l, kiirm k Kr simn, tiistHi IhM-ds. KhU' Vi'lkor, l . in o v h * VU'H, Jeniiif’ fH-:'iari5l. M*y IRker, Jirvm Wy» k- i.llj Mu) H dlc Mavr ia, i lurultel Duvia. in.r>u‘ Wuik'-T. tdR WairiiT, Rjllth Du'k nsou. Anreiia IlnweMs. J,<>uie .Mar?>liiull, MHrimi Willie, laiUie FrriiUM^u. Flo unot ttni ht<x-k, Bn Uii Idi'Vrtl, T.dy Hyura. fU;lb< ilKiiti-', Kva llaggi'fl), Kn HU Mofifan. G)U q Uniirm, Flur>-in.«> Vn eland. l/t^d-aW hip |df, AkOei Atuin ivs Metcil KioWu. Amy I.. i.fown, K Mab l I'a ra ^ , iim ro rlevomnd. klluulu U rnlhy, K. Aih I- I ii1ivim><i . AIuv p'I a>r, (Jiuleeimik, Hury (Inrrt-uu, MayI* H am m -1, Kurali F Manvi-pi. Ih iby T. 1'iul pile, W|d liu e h lig , 'T fh jn l Wuolsiij, Thouiiia .lami-ani, JMuu N|h<. r<.<r. K iiii' r Him<air,iritrnid FianM*, t 'lil io n Viemand, G lluriMnii*.'Hr Bun, FPiHji'noa Sower'. Alln-d II (’ai nn, Wal ler II. DU’I1l' ih »]|, Wlllhmi D. Uu(r>i i(, 1. A lL r il D dgi'. Fmtik P. McrrrIJ, Maniikd f t OUver, .lAmea W. I'lUiiiger, IIuidyivSndnriy niid Fruuk [L Vunboiiloii.

K x.lulling llaUkj Kdwanli, May Fri’ornnit, laAtio ItvIJcr, Klr4.imc bijurp, Titylor.i;iiiit.oUt-WlMielMiim). Minnie JlinM. Kva Hurd' ulU, Minmo Charlea, lUllIu CiKipcr, llagun, 1.!lata Umds, Mny Lullin'*. N‘i.‘ IIU' Diitiii, L ium Faleii, MIiiliIh !*nik-4. Miiinim Vaudi-r- Yi'i.r. Ibma Wiulp. Myra U ‘rli*‘r. Fm rerce Van (i«,iun, Jiditi Fli Herman, Fnilfni'iir Jarooua, Kilwln t'ljliiain, l liRrkn FliU'. Ilari'v d. V(n.>C' lii-tfk, tVioy Wilf'ox, llaruL'i UtL itiii. O rvlik Oyllvlc. Vrllllaiu Bmilh, Arlimr 'I ninnh n. <'Ih]> eniHj Fm iey, C lianti H e N e ly, Josi'pu ft Mipl, 1/)U f t Burkliov, K IwAh] Biihfr, Jobn Fnrtiea, Uciirgo Janm-, John H-ay. WaUir l'iirer«<iii, H> gUiiitd Whiilemon’,'Ihim ita tan'k, Wi luun (Rdden, Jriiirs lialh'y Fuitlck 11. Ilyrm-, Frank Doretnua, I'hariei F*uiuin r.

tVJiJjHlp W'lKRil.[[ofiorary—Jeatne WnKiiinfiyift, Mailn Humil-

ton. Jnaepbme W. tMimtutnl Aiimi L Klerabv. FxamiDot-Gnaiie Holmes, Hannah U. Bar-

r iio ii and i'arab f t t.'atillcld.UftkAlt HTHKICT likhkAh-PMlil.lHK tClUKIL

KiaimatHl -iluritt Gmloe leJuri, Liemy lir- latul, A tU 'rt Iji’bUiBOhvrand WilJlain A. i l e i i ' maun.

U b JiU L T li O F AN A L I.K O K O J O K E .

A M aa barIvuMl.v H u r i W h ile T ry in g (o A ll! Auothar.

W h ile M a tte l ('larkn on , wtui liv es on Ihe F ia iik lln road near Franklin, w ai on lux way homo drivloa a lior>e a[lBidirNi m a cart yovler«lay allcrtiomi, be saw a man ly lu ii iipou the rnatl, and al tbe aamu lime saw a hrirM diMppearlOK Iti Ib r dia<aiinr, iknicUiOlnii Uiai Iba man had been thrown from tbo horae,< Tark’ on aba liicd Itnin ibe rati and rt isenvunHl that i Ih» man was Hubert Cleary, a near tieighbur. Clcanr appean-d to b ; uDcuiiacloua ami moaned aa If Ingreti pain,

riarhuin hrtvd him iroio the roa<( Into Ibo Can and starbul to (ake hini liuni« When Ibe linrae was Halted O a r y nmauud plleunaly. Tbinktua that pcrhaia iha )<MHiia uf ihii huTvy n-lilclu raighl eutwo Ik i,K'eiipaiii s dratli btloru hu rvaeheil hit buiue, (lurkoon Ul.rill Cleary out nf the oari, pltieed uirn ii|M>n

tiMdaldc and dbivn liuiwi rapully lo iibiulu an L'aaior convc>anm with wlm!li m id a it Ibu iiijnrt'd ninii tinder medical altendaiiec,

When ClarkKiii reai-livd lilahoiue ha found noutie ihere'iu bolp hitn pxia'dUe intUtini. lie buirUtlly ukA Uio heavy liarae.<«i oil the bon>c ami wblluRoiiik atlrr r lighliT wt, (be anlinul fU rtrd uiKM iaiidi lurailt.'iil near (iie Ijarn. Aticr I’L'lnu II l Umiri* m Ibo field Uuaiiallyrt'- (|uln»a great deal ol pntlonec ami lim e in cttti’h Ibu liona* when witni»'d fur uau Till* fiiet iiicrraNt,'iM*iark*i>n'i ansicly . Atier lYiiii- ti'Sk coaxiUK wIlii fved m an eiideHsia (i> vaUdi (tu* Hiiliuu) Clarkhiii iirtx'uml a n pe ami, lying one end lo tliu Innni nctoti me' aide td ilie ikdd, lumtr an cltiiiL U) iTxnier ihe nnlmiil br irrndually mcvirtg up wiih ibe ...............1 m (ho njpe.W n il the [>i‘ni|drn‘ ion rihlim;] nti him m slroiifn> unil fliix'ouR for Mm:i xah'iy ui hh Inend ru rk - xnn bail iieurly nn-emiU'd in Oomenua tho I m o e o hcn ihe unlinul m ud i'a ■ ndiioii dand ai^aiiii't Ibe to(.<c and Punckt^l i U i Kmiu doHn.1 ho Toi^.'brrki). mill III Ki>mi< Havdim i'ruuIh hy l otli ClHrk-on and ilio lumo. W.ui ih*- r»t|jc emai),xleil HlHUJl libi li-gnahitnn dragged M>nu< dntunee over the held, lunl when the ro|ie llinikiy broke lUHln dm tli'kti hml l•eell lorn Irom hix knev tn H.i,' ui'icp-

‘1 he BnUiial llirn ran lnt(» the xUible. Clurk ^on IndoWCd, and H ilioUiilk i>U11triiiu si'Vf-rely fruin bis in jury, hnrrU'diy iniriiHva ij ii ic Irtic IhdiH mmuiil and dmvn lo ilic rv lia f ol bis Irkn d

W hen (;inrkM)ii ri'flidii’d llio where liu hud U'fl L'><-Rry lie Umnd the lidier still a|)pai- endy iit,c-jnM'i>)ii:( and moHidiut at Inlervuls t RU'liiiiy iiKing ihu m}m-L*d man up. ClnrkHon platTMi bill) ii|)iin ib<- uniom oi ilu wagon and htaiied fur i leaiy'* jioim-. ISliL'd iu^ar lhi> Ui Ut pliuv I Jurkrnn n|KUt loi-kinK Miut.nd wu- hiiTpriSi'd lo ( li'Hry h'np fi-oin Uu-iHo-k oi the WMgoo. h m-hU iiIy d.iivin'd upun rbuk vni'x lumd (hnl he whii Ih‘ (i>u iriad<- ihi- vu'tint o f a joke, GH ilmg mil n( iJie wajj-m he found Uenry stamliog sitmii^l thu fuuca enjoying a Imigh. Mndili-iml will) pnln ami ni ilic idi*.> 01 I'Clijif vii’(niu/.C'l lomirhftn rsn-m i liirkMiii appoweriud I loary. |l -(,-iu Uu- ali«-r hml iiiiii-0 i‘ .t| bdn inaiP’rs nr uas nware 1 1 tiiM rnendlv

neight o i ’a IiiuuiMmii.. < UikMui ini i kitoi'ki-d h in iJ n u ii Hod iviiP |.v imdm.{ him N-vort-l^ Thix iiioriMhg I li'iir.v in Ikdit-tiilo lonhiug lor Kijiiiru O'llrtgrti 10 htvi'Hr mil h wnriHiil iLKnlii-ii I iNrlunn tor tii<'>iii1t aihI liatU’ry. U ts noderstiKyl llirtl I lafkAi'ii sviU eiil. r a im n d e rnil (nr the injiiti'Ini n'cmvud whilu tiUeiiipP

mg lu (he iiiipd'.

ku lng h e r FaUier'a Mxinle.J o lit i Dsitrtnnii, w ill) wiiM one o f the

iin'hdM'ri ol ice (Irsl 1‘nminmi (u iu if U of | lH (r 7<m. .Ii.-d la»i Jum-, lent |n« nil o^lnP' v.iUud a iS l -dOd Itn left nii .ndy iiangiiler ■•‘ Rrah, Who thon ifo <.»i Jniiii I ’merviii Mrh ile lllH n> 11r>t nlle ihed iWi or sis !iR ) and he m ier\iaid tu im iid hwhih. I li^ dl u i-a «i pu)trui'te 1 ami in- kcui inr Ida UaugLi'L t In Ju’ early I nn id fi to iivirw> him. Mhc •niH k.-ermi; Innih.' with Imr hii'^lmiul andeljddri'iJ mi I’......-on -iT iet. hilt re-jom led loitie lu tLi-rii c d l (,ml Hlli-lidt d Ml (Ml Uin-iJr LsjiiMUiuilv u ill biH ili-uth. Alter ]u> iIi-hUi u aa.7 imind pjiit lln-fe hnd la 'einuf provisuni ihudn li*r U)> dinighiur, tii. ihut hia entile ei- iRte «i.n kd[ In Uie aM on him! iljivi the h,ul l)*‘eii iiittde I »• ndii.t Mr* I'aleiuni prvM in fd a lull lur her utviivs ms iimstt to iw>. la her duruig lux llinr » in ihv oxen dtlx . wim. tidTII- I 'd U to he w tifi-i ami i-p red 10 |>uv IL Kveeid y th« wiiinw Uikt’ ii ( seep, urn lo dn- bn: lunl di-rLiu-8 Ui puy It, aii-l Mtv I'liUTMio liu» htkeo legiii prucx'cd iu^u lo r> Cover the uinontiL

A lle lu iu i i t A v i-u u f Ttojr ^ lltx lo g . N 'l il l i . iu i ( 'liriH tup lio f, aaml l i i l w )

yeurf, lirta Iv 'U iin ib i'U ig fro iitftiheU jm u tau- ime »ioM! ■] liurwluy iiiiirniii,-. He luis lirom i hnir, blnek rjrm nmJ a h 'hi mi tiis t hin

A lw itya Jn iiiro v liig ,l''r -etlv nilur J h 1*, I .p Hit Con

liati> « u l ivniinii'me . itMc-ive Hlu-tHtu)i *, i lilt! IniiMui,; m i'tu ly jinu im K 'l J>y Ui'-ui h

uiid li'p'i iiniad Kliis-i, n.^d HK KiH)ii us'br> ur»* eiio,p eird m ;1i porupV'U io em iie Pin.J Ini'. u-iii|{ ih-; ik jii h-r odd-.

lor the iii:.||.iv ut tne luiei Knitli" . f pi i*u*. guilds and iiimKhi-'.1 in; -I w ni Ib- o ei| (m oi-n,-c,ii ^»airujoihh G-m Up ih lPl lln ^ w ill uiuk.-iid d i ioiihI iiuiN'e fvpiiiH rurih.' ns,* of leai-heiv Htidu iiifH- iiHiin U)i hiooiae Mif|xiepii. Uu loarih lln i n ilt Ik: lot a.,rk euiun-etml n id ilep .lrK ol pianos nm1 urgmu Tbe-m ntid imiii«niluT iiii| nn i-im ir.i n lueti, limy -a iII iiul.-Wlii plttm. Ilieir I'MidjiMiim'Pi m Uie Jn’ ml ot tiunr line oltrude. and a d l give ilu-m ilnlurgi’i ' l wntl pnitiu a iid iiig u i warcrot'ui-In Itit-uily m SUiiiv , *« ■

K le e lid d ly nm l Im provt^d A la id itiio ry .Fur ami InLiidhmm' prinhiut, jaiiomiM

W im A-ICdtei'a MmIpI t'nntjiig Kdubdshiueiit lltU auil idii .M tik i'i sdi.rt. Ink Ulouers ireu. TVItphonu MB.—Aflv.

Ktruw I ln l Fruaamg,^MRitiwr It vies and hats liinaliorl m from 8 lo

-b iaya. a l J. H. HeucitBha, Waabiimtuii n eet, bfiiTMa) Market uuJ liODk.-Aav,

t u b T H O D urR H O IIR f tO A tU .

McChoda Ity Which the Feat M if ||r Ijriven Out u( Jha HuuhCi

Frian Ihxu-H* I'p'.riK.fbe f'r*itnii buj; U nuir the mu'.t promt'

uont rDokriaUi in Amariia lo-day •tiul reuMy doi-i ibo moat damage. It itauor- tiionaljr fK-iind aiid i(» RiEiall Rise enablea It to Uidc MQ(i breeri in m cka In to whirU Gio nriHilRi or AdieTiiRii ruit i»e» poiibl liaril- ly push thtirfriiiil Imd, \Vl,tn fullgiohru il Oi’.vor o.'.reeJa fivC'eigliLba of aa Inrb fruRi tiio front of ibo head to iba lip of tho closed winga an I it ta ruiieh ligblrr lu I'&h'f Umii rliliec uf tlieuUu ra. Iiactdor viinra i'onUamaMy, tut it is uxiuHy nf a f* ry Ijglit bruwti with iwo dicker lougiiU' dinal itripcj nti the Iborm.

Ill the UEllhdn o f VVjnhirploii and fur< III r xoMiii Ibe. I.Voion Img enta cv e rF lii lo g w lileh routnins paaic, aiti], rtjn»er|ntiilly, H'albpafM'r, pliotugrNpbsatid eafU'Oiahy i*vr« tain kin<lH o f cloth liCnkbim tingi lu O er aeverrly from their atMeka. in i recen t o u iiiia 'ru f h » f t / . i / f (V uL I., p fl7) w ill Iw foufiil ati •i':er>iiitt o f oevere in ju ry d on e to eertain o f llie ini|Mirtant fttes In the freHMiry D eiiu tm en t iu W aaliiutU m , tho bm diuxR<J roAiiy Im porlxiit pu lillo (lucu* uienta iHnrig di«fi|turwi and d w l r u f e j . In th o cR Iv e o r the U uited H u ica ( 'ou st and Gendatiu Nurvay t h iy havn bt;r;<imQ an.iiG tolerable uuiaaneo hy natiug ofT the aur* face, and tb o blue and red (taint, froui draivjiiga oflruiiorlisnL inapt.

Hut we neni n ot clalNirato l i ir ih c r u i « n Ibndam aim wblub thoy do. H ow to k ill lliein ami prevent this dam age ia the (juoa* tUm.

Withnut (vtndcruiMUg other naefnt meaa> urcuor ri’iiiedics like In^rai, In the freo and perxutant uao of Uallfurnig Huhach, or aonie other freab and leliablo brand of DyrelhrniiMjr D< rsiau hiaeet Dvwilrr, we have the mnil lailafactnry menna ol deal* iug wiiEi iJila and the otln-r ruuchi i.

Just iHf/ora iiigblfall gu lui«i ihu drawer* and crieki of old furniture—lu fact wher­ever (here la a umck—and in i hn niornmK th*> ilonr will ho r;ovi ru] wilii dead and ityiiiK nr denioratiaeiJ aiiil pti-al^eid roHdu: , whirii may ciuilv 1r' swept up nr nlbtTWiMJ millefteHt and hurnwl. Withcli-iirdUitai and pervlHtencj in theau rmthiHla the post wilt Im iui^stuotiailr ilrivvM out nf a linuiw, and rIiouIiI ui vor Iw allnworl to gol full puuofviuu b j imtui- granU Bom without.

|'HE< IGI H VEGKTAlir.HN.Knldlnra IVlin Wmi'o KtUllariited by

Tham liuring tho War.Front Vnulh’s I umpaniuii,

Uuring tho nivil war Iho Federal loL diors inttcred acvi n ly at litnvi fur want of fresh veKvlibluf. and ttio riatiiiary (kiui' Luiiutitiu made it (airt of its buNirjCM to sup­ply tbu luck, ApjwaU for unbi-srurbutlex, aurli UR. (rotiiluea and oiilotiR wereaeot far and near, lud (InaHy Ciiun to Im spukeu nf laailliaily ua "aciirvy cireiiiHra.'*

'f h« rcRiKiiiis WOK iiuiuHiain and hearty, and Oitou the sueuts of the (ki(unila<-jou wore dixirihiuinir the precioai aturta—dvo potuloea lu a m^n, perhrp*, or three pota* rove and an oiiiou. How welcome they w oo oiiiy ho judged fiom ihefactLlut, after eaiing then', ihe irouiia Wi*re exhilar­ated Very murU if they had hoed taklog uitnutaiitfl.

A Ueriiiait Ti^eutemint csido iu to the ('ornniiiam it’a dv|)ot at Noah v illa .

“ Ihi yiiu kerp aaucikfuut lor the sol- dipri? '^ he aakeii.

I'hn attendant }H>lii(ed to an open bar* roL ['he Ijicutciiani gnuiped some o f the pceoioui prc(utru(iun and gaxtMl at it with uiolaieuing eyes.

" Y u i i Grrmana eat sauerk raut, d o n ’ t you said the agent.

*'No,’Mie Mclalnied, fhe trars by (bis time dropping froqi hli chcekt] * 'wo iwallows i d ' ’

Prutiihly few of the men ever realised l^furu that a few uuloai and potmoea nr a liUto BviUprkriUt might make all thniUSi-f- ence lieiwecn living and dying. WlmU'ver we may liduk of iUe Ibi-ory that mrn iluiuld live slU)()other on vegotablee, it is very eeriaiD tbiit they cannot live altu* gelber without (hvm.


A F urelgu l^aper T e lia a K e in a rk u b te btory About Goraa.

A cnrreapuiidcDi of Ihu hecue voiirhcM Eur ibn rollowiag story : For ahuiil tivoury years he wax In tlio habit of viiiilog two ur three times each .year a f.trni where wiis kvpt a floek o f gecef* mitulMirlog from thirty to llnttv-ilvo ip the early part of the winter ami lu the apriuR four or live, left fof breeding pur* poscH—ih m al«o geiieralty U'iug killed a tViv inoDtIii later, afiir ttiu new broods Iiiid atuiiipd their gruwlti.

In Ihe rnoiilh of July, IMl'J, on a feast day, the riiriiivr uiul Ids un-ti being ab^euL (hci wfie inritidten, and were at­tacked hy dogs, which killud tho most of thiMii. The ( H i t eveniEjg at twilight the fiiriiuT (Iioiiglit they rnust have htien at* UE:ked H Hmxid lime. He found them dying about in ibeir |icn much filghterird, but the dngR wero liowlieiu lo bo seen. Hio next day Ihia terror reappeared at the

Riiiuu hour, us il iJid on the foituwirig day and from that tioie ou. The correspond ont of, (he Jfrrue hid fiGpoiU'n . this fact, when, ten yeun later, he chiiueed lolx' on the fiifiii »no cvoiHiig nt,d heurd the rackting of the ap- pareiilly friglilvnid geeie. Whuu he aaktHl foi ail eiplaiiatiim he was told that this had been kept up from the time they hud tioeii uUaeked hy ihu dog«, that Ihero hud U’GD no re(itiltiuu ul iho HttucL, and that the lliM'k had beeu riurwed ui ihe Eueun- liiue lU li’Oyt three liuieA i f thUitkiry ia aril HnlJiuntirNled, we have a <-a;(0 of llie traiinioi ashin ortertor lo the iJiird gt-iier- atUm lu it family ufgecae.

T h ii tlo i-k!*li4>rry and lU ite ltc rry *They lire the o n ly umvi o f the jm p-

otHr tkrilea, MiyM a emilcmimrury. (hut have iioE been ImPEoviiHl tiy caluvahmi. M iiltlio aged men rriii rccuU tue i:im.< A h n i the Rlrsw- lo rry and h'scKfujcty neiu milder pinir, istni- m 'iii pla<-u froitj b ill ihey have been cultivut- <m1, itfnwu irum M-ud. and iliu nH iili la tho t-HitU'o-m; Ih-rrlrti whmh ninv uiiorn our tatib's. ihu Ihe liiieltli G’ rry we eul now Is UiesHroe w liic li tielcted Ihc [lulatexof our ureal grand’ ijiilK ’ in, Wunl haa ui-iiu Itirih u> improve Ibis m*rri, to gruiv it lu unr-ti-m (mm w-tnl, ami RL-lecl the varluly wJileh' gives Hie bcal r iy lill. U IX net gonenby known, b ill n-'ar y all mir edihiQ iilm ui and Iniits acre origlmdly wec‘ % or «d so in ifr iu r kimi a>i to U’ Ri'nietilv Ut for liMrivui l| eR. Ihu lor ccmuilcM genera- Moiis inaii lis t U'un unpruvliig Ins enviio ii- meiii, hut iiMC »-st7-c>»iiiy the grn'ui! ami (fu ll upon )ihbb he no« 1i(ei, Tha hmimn |hi1hIi* hm'K must tiRvo iHsm gicHtSy impruvedin ’vosiM liir. owing to iin- tlUh-rom.’e l>eloL‘enwhat trnlisHtid v -gcu b lcx w etland ivliul ttu-ylire- ThCfL'are Ihiiau who ilxink ihatthixpru- ce^R IS lo «o on, aim (lint o : m r wcedn will he t iriHvI ;tiio ij-Hiil plriiim, a: d Umt i y ■■e u I m: tTK'tlhBR lUu qtiEiufilv ot lihiti will lU' uL ieii|{lb•'urt'iu'iiul uu linmaii Iwliig wil! cv r d lu o f

slurvA i,ai.


P U R E ?Do tsMauufiicturers Publish all

tlio lugredionta Used?IS IT FREE FROM AMMONIA?Ag U i v ’ l] know n , n m u icn iu is

iin h e iilt l iru l in fouJ. tu u l il r ie a np ih h h ie ju l m a te riiil, ’

I'eoleclioEi to ro rm n n ie r flo f food ro n i- |v im u U lies in ih e ir u h i l i ty to eiuH)Re thiiHR niuiie fi-nni h e ii l th fn i HiilmliineeH. r u l i ’Rp nm niifae tn ro i-fi pub fiph jn n t w h a t th e ir liA h ing p o w d e r ia rnado of, do no t iis^ Ih p ir gonilK, b u t b u y iiiR lend


T h ia pow der W Adf ^ * 'yp iir t j ..4 rft-vnXA vui ■. « r . „ . . . . B 'lriiS fyjiii i 'a l i iw lH ji i iU o o f emlB, w ith * l i l l lo whuat f l i i i i r to | i i ‘ t'ai'T'vo i t . T h ia is atl.!# toa t iy th fl otR iiia l ana iyaua o f f l i iv e m im 'ii t am t R ta ln c h e iiiia lji, a n il phyaieianF, am i r lii. in ia ta o f B o a tila o f I lL a U ltth i'o u ,{h n u L I In, ly u n t i y .

Cl k v k u x il i lia u fu a iu i, A u i/ i t T , K . V-

NUl'KKHI'ITKINN O P VAXIILKKN.GdolJ and Had Mgi«» which the ** r /v -

fraalonnJ*" Always llaad.f«»m lb-' f'ilt«(ur« DiMailrft

J'crtiHp* n<i dfliw of pff.plc iu the wnrld Arc u tu p t 'm ilio iiv m Uin prufo^tlonal gainUeri, Jt ji very rir»’ ly that nne uf tbr fraU-rniiT la ftMind who la not only aii(>cfftltl«ua, bat morhidlf oo. Their tJrtann, Ihc WHy in which they get out of btsl lu tnr inurning, nhethrr they ace the new lo.xjri over the right or tcftaboulrli'r, action uf Anlmali and a thnuvand tfivGl ««c(.-urreiicet gunU the gambler lo hta tn-ive- iiji-Eiia and lead hitu topiaf ur uhtlairi fxnoi playing on certvin lUyt. Hnpemitiun fidluwB tha gnmhUr tothucanf ubleand ucvef leavft him. iiid there are hoiidfL'Ia nf tliQ fraleraity who would g 'iIi a gum»* at the MutMt abnold aiiylhiiig ba(ipef) Lu induno Ihetn tu believe that the faUB wi-rn Mgaiuat their wiUDJng at thub ponkular time.

‘ 'I have nut von at poker for luore tfaim a Tear nnw," rcmarkiyl a veteran sport lu a tHfpatfK reporter^ “ami I'll Icll you bow U bappened. I have a wbulcauine horror o f rat-, And RapeciiJIy uf block onei. A Httlu over a year ago I hiwj hecQ playlug poker the iiight befure aod hail won a handRumu itoku—1 awoke late lu theafi;4'i- b»fih, about iliiRk, and hurried out ot bed to dun my niotbea and try uiy lock again, feeling like a four-time wiobvr, Imagiue t»v fcHingi wheu A large block oat cuu- froiited me at the dtpir and for a time barred my poriage. Every time 1 would attempt to leave the rouin tIrU rat would hrixtio up « 0(J ahow dghi f finally htirhd a hnoijuck ot the creoturei itilking it fairly in the brad, and the onliual turned and rait away.

“ I will confeas that the Inridunt un­nerved me, but after ukliig a ' hraicr,' utid ciijuylng a lie*rty luptwr, I airulicd orinniil to a (Hipiilxr icsurl uud bought a stack id cliifM, aluing into a gamu where there wa« pli-nly of money and the plaien coxy 'ru trk x ’ fura prufriiiiuaal. 1 lu>t frum the itsrt—cuuldu'i wiu a pfil. And thii liaiidj I hml hratfti wiiuhl break a iniin'a heart- thri'cv, duahra, full hauda aye, vvrn fuiira— Would init win,fur iiie. Alter lo-*- )iig heavily landilciilv thought uf the In- udcn ta l my hotel, wllh the hiir block cat, and I ijuii right there unJ then. I dhiuT jduy for quiu* a While, hut dually, tliiii.k- ing the m|iH1 had plsmmI, 1 again oat m, hut lu«t as bi'ftfrc, utid that boa been my lurk right aluug. 1 bulieve the visit of liiotcalwiM a wurniog, and if 1 hail oiM-ycd it and not played that nlglit, I would not hare itiiick tbU tireak o f hud tuik. If my luck ever changM aiaiu I will nevfr much a card the aame day 1 lee a rat in the houie or ou Ihe aircet.’ ’

Aa thu narrator of the above uiiaurd rea- son for lofliijg it cwidi WAV evidtnllv Ini' haf'd W illi aujM’fr Itiou. he was oaked to rviwte other liicidt uti wliero card ptovcia had been purtmvd hy aclvi-rvity for out paying due h(Kd toalKUldcaDt nuruinga.

“ ['here Ih any number of Ihuiu/' he ton- tinm-d. “ I'Lere ia aumelbiug pcciHlar ahoiib it all, t will aitmii, but then are many who con tcxlify thaliil-luck uiaaliy follows a warning uf that kind, h may be mind'ftarling or an intuitive knowl­edge of whal h tu liappcu, but Ibute who duregiird (be admnnitiunt of their own reiuoning powen invarliiblv regret it. At the last meeting nf the Bt. Louis Juckey C tib a weli'kuowo sport lost heavily every duy until the dodug day o f the tnectiug. ills couiiniH'd itl-lnck hud nom-rved him. and lie had detenuiued Lo lei Ibe racii alone that day. Hut he coiildn'i Hiy away frum the track, and concluded to go out and look ut thv fun anyway, Oq the way out tho conductor o f ibeatreefccar failed lo collect fare from tbe aporting man, ami Just as be alighted frotn tho ear he lAW sotnetbleg ihiniog in the atrect. He iLooptd and picked It up. U waa a Rilvcr dime. ' Ih iogi are coming luy war lo-uuy,* be said,'and i'l| Ju»t put w few dollars on the ftnt race, anyway.' tfe did and Won. He repesUd and wou again. And that * laperaihluus * man, as yon wonM call him, not only won all bo bail lu^l during tho loccUiig, but came away with a clear winning of over $1)00.

“ ('(ow, there insy have been noiiiing sig* niilojiit In bis gcitiog that iree ride and finding that diiuf, but If he bado’E be- would not have risked adoltnr. Hta euper- siliiuK stood him well In hand, and be could never he convinced but there is lomelbiiig lu signs and Uicldeiits whush pfEtni pie a man to act, au 1 os a rule to act properly and sucreMfully. He wouldu^t tnku$tOfor iltMi tuckv t-n-cent piece be iuund in ibe street, and now wesra it m a watch dinrin. Hut the most supi rslitimis o f all gamhlera is the [uki r-pluy^r. The iliglilcfit' sign’ or anuovanre breaks farm all lo pierca. 1 om^ saw a poktr pinyer enter a room, reniuvu bi« coal, light a >'i( ar, invest in a stuck of chips, and tu he pulled liiM chair up to (he tahie bedisi.-ov- cred that ihrro was a cruefl-cyeil cnan in the g.inic. That settlid il. Without a word he arose, turned iu checks, and, d'liming fais cuat, left tho ronm. When A.«-i(vd what bia peculiar conduct meaut be rcplird:

“ ‘ WliT, 1 wouldn't pUy in a game of curds w ith a cruas-eyed btaa If hu'd give me his nmney,'

“ • W liff“ 'W ell, I can’t sav why. hut I have a

pri’inumiioii tlut it is hud luck, and 1 don't want to be pur»urd hy Hi luck rhut'e the only explanaiiou I cun give.’ ”

Anecdole u f M in d -re a d e r Hiahop.Aimi'dub-.'H oi thu late WaMhiughm

Irviiitf Kihhop nre iinusiiailv nll1crt>u myithu M:niiOaputla 7Vi?i«nr. A Ht. Liubt man ri-li» tiiiR -<iory of au m citlnd n h lrh look pime In itu! rom iln r oU lio SuuibiTM llu le l m that cily. Wu'-hlriKtun liv ug hulum, with wDum hv WAN iblking. wAlkiHl over tu L0ec:i«car snuid. anil. wtiilRKhu yuitiiK Diwn was Uaiidmg him KOEm; rngrnm ilsvana*. M ini:

" WoH. 'wuy doEi’ l you Hay lit ’” Kay what7" a.-;XLHl Uu> youtli."What you were tbhikiiiK. You thiHiglit a

inumcnt s o I UxtlieO like Maxwell" Mai- Hi‘ll vvHK the munlervr witociii a uiau'w tKxly up Mild |)tt<-i(eii U awav In a tnmk,

" Hii'til'll II I ihilirir' cictaimt-il tho young man, uiwrly ttnljlieigafclR-l unti ii tnnb<bttien', Willie rhe mhid-ri'ad. r. wilh pule, nt'ivous tacv, glldel Adli y out an Walmit siiecf.

T O W I l l M O A W A Y T I M K .#

'I'fae new Hnglieli gunbnul.-* uie uaui«lHficr liir-tN.

Linytv(M’s uro pliologruph priiiiamminre«.| an iint'n.

J)om<’Htic .Hkcltdoiis me usmnlly [ormed ofiiio Oniu'sofmiWMiuuu.

Al till' ftincmi of o vouiig man at ^lianiobio, I'n., Amr young laUiex were thopallbCKrrrv.

'I’pii tliotivaml eight hundred imd feu prrvons nonuiflrd to llio U-iji u( the Vlaahtiig- tun iiiontiiuciit lasi montli.

’ * OM T(H'umsch ' ' Klimimn iu imthmi- ly lor itc hlHii’ujciit lliKi evury yciLf ihc Rlrtn nt (Vuu 1 nlm u"t pri'Ulcr. uiid lPal aucli hm U.i’ci (he cBic lor tlity yi'Six

T Iutc kio liv e g trla in one o f the lldMiphrtCN UtmllniH n( Firmmti (ntmly. Ky.. aiel iht-ir names are Arkanwut, IxMiiiUo-k, is(i- iiesNcv, Florida hikI Virviuiu.

T i le u rnpric iM r i j n G c iru iin w n lc rin g -(■’ ftot*. ikHirUHUor L'ruchjiia FuK.hlu iisiuii, inhlH mlvl’rllK'uiriit " U‘n>ci-|it>4 riulo an vxivl- leni sliiiiou for friend!! ul ihc U'clipoii, eUiiu uwi a ridm i-riioia in tho haiifL'."

tarn Alli>n S p rin t is (he nam e u( Uudimurc’H mnah'sl tirodiKv sheiRuniy Hirce and (I Malt yt nrv (jld. but lu-r ]>mno plaMuc \t wimiliTTuI. HUo p.HyH ciiin-L-l> trum cur, rii'1 iliu ihw'uvery ul her fti.-i‘i!riiphshm'‘iii’ was made by h tm immu,

A (frnVf'Slotif' not vi-t, Iwontv years ohi. In Iho tO'iU of Uanthiipii, k'HrN ilihc[i|liiph, lUal hna a dtCiihdljr utituilic llnVut-i* ' juNA, Ri.\iss....................... f

UaHN HKi' 7, 1,)S) ; Ah IU( IH78. 'T lliA irn.iiii|iiM‘> iiuoin- •.uuliicd. Ho wa4 ]

very (soof tiiicoily cmiI rc iectol. •

A I'itro Ktinm lankd iru n trom inc l . K. l-tiUik-d Wntchuii’ i: in h fiitm -ky ; lOd haih'Uur MiL’a ( clubrulisl Uye nml IW'urbud (MnNkuys, lotir yean uUI, w lilr li wc arc ia-Flii;i si a iiiefu uomninl n ili-c .12.7i (Hraal. Fumy KuammoL’J. Teincy a and V. ***

VU-nlc pud KxcurHlnn I 'r in tlH g .TirltHN,’ |Kfl) i*rv, darn iiij{ nnlciK, oiivcElii-lrig

fiiiir , fu-i’tica mill bud jes prlciicd, cUtM(s-T ihau niiy ulAiT iHMisc 111 t ie loninei-s, Grovel hta(hcr<, Frlrucni, I lo U t'(sisc Gn-^L TuIif pboiH'fiol . Uct yiXit pcii.e.1 ticioTO you nlacd your o fihm .—Ally.

A woman wdio is aLna, uL-rvoiu and iieep- l«M. and who iuu ccild hauLta ainl leei, cannot (M l and oel like'a welt persun. Corier'a Iron Pllla equalise the olrcnlaliuQ, remove nervous- ben oaU g iva etnugth oiu m h-Adv.


Ib e Youthful Oaving for Food OJS IbdU rwHoo uf UvulUit

Fioin tho Amr'ricati Auilya l,fho Tr'atiun hetwueb appetite led di­

gestion la iu eenrral a fairly iJrfinitu one. At the umn tiiiio ii tnuht be ailowofl that Ibis rale It lirgnlp nimiiflcd bv ezerptrom. Many prr«oua are subject to Bioriud crav­ing to e u which foml cannot aa Lify ; and nioat of U4 kuuw auuicibtDg of the appe­tite of idieneNS, or habit, or of oervoui disiUiiMiiice the latter hearing avuggpitive iikcut-u Ul tim dfslre fur iiiEnulauU or Ihe frugrani weed,. Ukeu U> rtiieve oueukkl do* pri'Mion.

Apart from such cnnsiricratiooi. how­ever, there are obvltiui vsriatlona iu the ■icgrce uf ovruisl appetite in diflereot in­dividuals and it d'drerent puriuds of life. The man o f aedenUry bahils raonot cx- pcrlto rompple with one who ipeEjda a life of EDuvcineiil oot-oGiOOr^ iheoiaii arwl the wumau dilfer, iu du the younger and tho eidrr, and, in a uoUbie degree', tho hor itid the man. The vigorous appetiie nf huyhi xod U virtually a ayoonym ol bcaiih. A rateof d.iily consutnpliou which would id fiiosi men be gUittouy, is in young grow­ing lads aliuost too cummua to attract Dolice. Ihe expUnaiion ie uet difficult whet) we take into account two chief ron- cliiiuns of ezi&letice at this age—the growth going <m iu every orgin and tiRiuc, and a very hlteni allowance nf active bodily e i- (.Ttiou. Under the Llrciimatinces a spar­ing rule of dirt would he uuuatuiul ami In ju i luu*.

Them h, ofeenrM', aliuiitcvrn lu child­hood, which it is trite to say is ufu^a wrongly exceeded. Thore il no ige. how­ever, It which this form ol vxcasa la par- douabh', WhaU'.ver the surplus o f loml taken, mO't uf ibe svIMiidiilgctit yuung- aiera have been pruvidt-d by nature with » powf'F of dUpoaai which may largely Ut relied upon to eorifi't ita cou>cqueucci. Hcsiurus of matricilun are more when ihoy arn om(| to reguliilo ruthcr the whuie-oiiiciieia of food und the tiEuesof UMting tbun the Hhsnluiu quiiuily cnti' Hunicd. l lts a tiiU U r stage that we lu iy requlto lo ap()1y slrirLly iho fatiiHiar rule llmi One shuuld cat tu live Rtid not liv<i to oitl. A drgico nf a|ip!iraiit Pl.iii tltiism iu tlin mailer o f wiiolckoioo fuud ’ ud dtiak is In iho young both uauai and Jutdicious.

Now ftn g lu n d llAtliing Custom s.From II |li)N'oji JiCiier.

Thcro ia pn p lnro w h 'To m ore #H’rc n - Inc jd riix ol p r-p ric iv aru found than in New Kiu>nii']. Tu^o U ilhirni aa an IMuiirahoa. At nl.•^cunl lleueh uinJtAtu’ f popnluf rustoriH in tliu iHi'ghlxjrhiaxl o f IkHunii uft nny ftuo siiio- nier day yon vvjh Hud pienty uffcu ia lu uxeur- hluniNts w tio n rc lh v lr onn baih huusLR,‘ o lo »te<)k. TJirtt la tn ia y . (hoo) fair bu[ CE'ouuiiii- ciH cn.'iLturf's brh<glong walcrpnxifN wl(n tbctn, and, putUns Lhuiu on, dibruLo uiiuhtiusiveJy iM-math ilitrm on Ibe niwn I.eicU. Ik iiealh (heirorJiLiary eUKhjng they uminhy wear ihe ir UiilUmg Riitta down lo thu Pl.orc, and so s>o ftdnlty Bf.’cti ru etnerge inm i fhs protecimg nincKlriUi-hos luHy cquip|ie<1 fur n plunge Lei thooci'iin. When they co itii'ou t they put on ibu nii.cktntuahcB aaaiu, drup thu wci aorniCJits bciicsih tiiOai, and, iisving resunied In Uko (UiiiJiMT Ibeir iveryday gx^b. tMConie ououu.o.e v jiL le ,

A | i r t i f t C S la t iC B M *

l lA J IN f t A CQ.'B “ H tu i t l i : NKWHi.**AleiFa F u rillah lnga , W U li T rices Ju T b e lr

F iiv u r , A ru a HpecLal F r a l i ir e H are , ba iue W itb la id iea ' and Chlidreu^a ehuea.Men's F iiro ltn ings—The place whore gsotlQ-

m ru who have tweii carciew t lu u i the ir u i- (wiiUituTva f-ir ibeuR th ln is can lavu muiuiy.

Tftusv Ui'W sumiocr 'iiuR, 3 fur f l , Trv andbuy aainglo unu for fiUc. tl^turhero, liook hi

Thu Nu. 78 N igh uitnr.s lor 41M. Worth b Knit UuluighlMrui fur Wurth V8u.Thu No. 'H and Hero hb iru for VSiv, Hedurud

froiEi 45k*.• • • • • * * « • «

Tbe liioe trade lucreA‘’e) each week, espe- clsUy tboon Air tan-coiorud goal Huooh lo i an to lAi-r wear, o t abiuh we Imvu au CHueokhib sUittk. TbiDsc prli^w ckiiw lo -iiigtil.

lavhea' h iiH t farlgbt (ib)igolo Dulton shuos, With genuine baixl m we<t wvka, made ud com ■ ■lUii'MiWRe last, o il aiioaaiict wlilihs, froio A loE. ruRUior nrloB n.vd. l l i ia wuck unlv F2.U8.

lAdiea* HM uunHi)la Woukenpoosi biiUuL ihoeN. flipper ftixiHl and liH U i^ c a lf pMi<ut■ /VI iiPkv'i ■u« lllll■u. im i'UbIca rb m lp . regular pn c e llC 94 This week only tl.b ft

Moves’ beatquality (an goat huGon shoos, mwJe on Lhu H|>riiia bucl nr (xjiHDmii-M*nse Uais, lU wl U issm sues, regular price |L M Ib is week only | l 49.

Ml Hui' hno )saROHl locoohoov, w ith niedihm low heeU, alsea I 'i'io 2, regular price Tiua week oufy 6ft'., Lad W H)io«t tail goal Oxford lies, w ilh tips

and Kenuine baiHl-iiuwed, mode on iba laiuat style Isku. All w ld ih tend iisus. Duly 91.46.

Childreii’i fiurs l dungnlti and t in goal Oxford ties, tnadu on apriTig hevl Is-t, stid gunuliig hand sewed, fIseR to l i . le gu iirp ricu 92 23. Ib ia w tek Ubl> Uhc.* « • a •

I f you have not secured any o f (beMipcGlHl buigxioH iu Dinut-r and i\-a Heta you caimut spiiiit] part Ol thcivsL-k’B earning m- re pruhi- atily. Cutne in a f er ica (u-niabt and aeo lbs flue EiigliRh decorated in n iK r Ret ol 112 p.eoca, new siitpL', for 96 4:i; tbe-o mu cheap at |lo .

Another lot. wUh color <1 Duwurdeuoratior.s, unjEioscit, 31:2.42: wnrih 92U.

M ilt’ Ftrnc I F ilina inn iiu r Ret n f t02 plecrs, beauHful decohitioiisa-id abaiea, 921.4'J ; eUuLp a( fts . tf

Another lo t o f new shapeu and decoraliona, 112 DU'Cus, for 916.314.

Fine hrldgewoiHl lA^rcelBlu Bets, 123 picooi, 923.tl6; cheap at 93.V

Tea ’•ets ar 14 23, worth I f t Tea Rei«. W pieces, at fS hh, wnrrh l i .Frendi China Seta at fO.54%, wgrlh 9KI.Fiiiu China Tea S. la at 97.43, worth tiO and

H iThe China and glasB stork tu he round hers ia

laiKer and tm tr Mml clmsp"r and better In every way ktian yoiiM tln il any where, llobne A Oo.'a 3 Acre B *b ir

• 3 0 D , ^ 'F » U i i r s Qreut liankru(r( ruoviwr'a »Bie nf fine c in lb ’

ItiR now 111 lU il biwi, Si ourneruf Usclcel *ud Moibi-rry airecis.

Unonr the largefl ckafaing hnnaes in tbU (onniry t iu faii> d, nUd tbs entire skx:k. BuioutKlUK touvL't ftlOOJXiO, new and elegwut apniig aiul summer c.u ilm i.1 lor men, hnyi and c liildn 'ri, bas bi-uii sent here, and la seihug at ih irty-bve eo G on tbu doliur.

Men’s spring light &im 13.2A Men's ritjoviot Hauk Rniu,Hen's elegant rm awny [>tvaa Suits. H.7!L Mud'j Eng. clogonal Frliice Albert Hrcei

Suita. 9lQ.‘Jb.frieu’H ribiHKl UABS. r.inL<, Mxiy-uliii'(R5t> ris. Men’ s wool cai'a. I'Hols, iiiuety-ci(tln cis. Buys’ films, TisILu’ii n iavi|-fiv i* i6&) uia Youths' fiui a. liuLbv siylLM, 42.76.Rpntix Overunata, a il shadQi anti oolnn, 94 25. Wids wsle f iu iii fur dre»i wear. SK 7d.HoyV I ’aiitH, hnirteeu (U) cis. a pair. Thmi^andN uf other haigatua Kverytbiiig i t

tblrty-Rvu cenu on the dollar, a savlog of Bixiy-five ceuLsoii evtiy dollarRpem.

L^sll snd be coiivltK‘vi,l, No trouble to rJiow stock. Everything gusraiuesd os icpruiieuied orino iioy r*'iutueiC

Don't iurget name and hM’atlun,Ureal hsukrunt IteccIver'aHaiu o f fins C o lh ’

lug, CNiriier Msrlcet and UuitHfrry cln'’uiv, New­ark, N. J. Duuhle Urick liuiidinKa ftiiUrs b u ild i ii f i covorvd with n.**! Rtvm.

' u i( Hluvea.I t pays to exaimiio ihe iii cArchilly. The

Munhor 11 ihu pear oi o il stoves. A eoul huuM on a hoi day w tillia Muuitnr Oil l;tuve ftxplo- s iu til Never, w iit i u Munttor On fiiu re ; tue only ab uiU lcly Rale htovo Umt iUR'h all Hie work o f a mnev |vrh-e ]y, " A week'n tna l IfCe" o f I be MontUir Ull ,‘ iovo in lest inuiierits. Aguaev fur Newark and Tiuuilly a i l 4avvE\'iK«'s, W l and 613 IJroa4l

13,0U0 tn rn d ,HHodnem, calaiHciaancl vvety dlsoHROof the

eyes; detfnM-*, caiurEh and all tn-ail sud tb'<)*t troubles cured by Eiecirodp. Alt nrosdBt.

C a ry A K enay. p ln tu rs-trauan nm nufac- lurenA 922 Bruod Kreei. Pictures, IraEnei, kasitt. Mirrors, etc., Eugravlajpi, PalDliima, E tcb ln fi. VVater (^ in is and atl kinds s i ortLkur lu a ia ria ii Fxauiea motla while you w a it

F u r a ( lls o rd s fe d t iv s r t ry Ite s o h a n i'i in iia

THE BESTWashing Compound

E V E R I N V E N T E D ,H u 'W o a D n lv a - iu l F a v o r .

The store at 8(13 Broad street will be open until July 1 for the sale of the remaining stock of the late D. W, Richards,- af re­duced prices,



Absolutely Pure.TT.Ia nowde-r n^vj-r vr rlea A m»i rv<;l ot purity,

a lrm iu lli huA wtioli^MMimtii'SH. Morntd'oimmlciil tbau U ia o n lln a rv kini!B.Hud ra n ru t la s i i i l in

w.U» Ihc m ilU iadH uf luw ta - l.» 'm rl walHnl. Millm nr |il«o«pi>MteiHiwi|frw. SUdtmtv in mn*. IV>Y*I. UaNin u I^j WJ'Hh Ou.. lUSWalUA..H. Y.

Summer Sale.I W il l S la u g h ter Goods A w a y a t 50u

on the dollar.(imMls go t lo w l l . »n<) have to he fo ld a t .u c h r id ie u io u s lj lo w p i i m ih a t v .

»re no t p a i l ic i i la r ai w h a t prli-e we fe l l ih e n i. Please lo o k c a re ru ll . m e i Ih tv . few ite im , aud lu u v in ie yuun>q if hj- com ing U> th e plai-e and b u y w h a te ve r m a y .u t l




Offered inSiioelTade,I.4MliCH- l la m h w e lt D u tton Rhoes, put*

c u t t i( i, h ig h o r lo w h .e l ubm W auheti- fu *t s ty le , o u r le g itU r t ll. f iU slines, th is w n k Duly i aim's ‘J ) to 7, C, I t and£ w ide.

L u t l iw ’ W n iik e n fa 't l lu l t n i i , p a te n t l ip , n i/<» to 7, I t, K w ide ; our rrg . l:t,UtJ shoes, fo r I t i ia week on ly t l iW.

L a d le . ' rioug o la I tu t tm i, pa te n t t ip ur p la in , iv itn u iou .e n .c ur I s i . toi-, h igh o r io w heel, 10 d iffe re n t Biyltsi, elnee tu 7, o n ly *1.41).

lu i l i c s ' Um eo lnred 0.vtbrds, t ip , f i r m 21 lu 7. o n ly 7,'ie. t lo ld a l l over a t $1,00.

I,8 iiie 8 ' l i lu r e K id O x lun ls , s lz e j^ J to 7, o n ly (19c.; w o rth tt.OO.

L iu li r s ' ('me llo n g o lu 0 * fo rd « , hand- eeweil, bI» m 'JJ to 7, rom m ou sense, o r w ith pa ten t t ip , u o ly El.'dS ; w e ll w o rth fl.H!).

M isfea’ L 'inc D oogo la ISnttun, heel or Kpriug heel, pa te n t u p , siitea 11 to '2, on ly J l.2 . i [ w e ll w e r ih $1.50.

M iv e a ’ D tm jpda lin U o ii l ie d o r sp ring heel, s ires 11 Ui ' i , o n ly fl.O O .

M*sseti’ Pobhlo (h x it, s p r in g heel, B u t ton , w o rked In i tiooh o ies , sizes 1 2 U i2 , o n ly 75e.; w o rth $1.00,

M isses’ Ivow B u tto n , o r N e w p o rt Tie«, s iz c s l l t o 2 , o n ly 5 9 c .; w o rih$ I.U U .

M e n ’s C a lf C onR iw s, Lace j r B u llru i, sm ooth h ine rso le , l ik e hand made, sizes S to 11, l i p u r p la in , o u ly $-249

M m 's B u f f CengtesB, I j ic e o r B u tton , t ip o r p la in , fize .i 0 to I t , o n ly $1.49.

C h ild 's Canvas B u U oo , f u l l t r im iu e d , sizes 5 lo 8, o n ly 75e,

C h ild re n 's ( lla e e , s p rin g bcol, pa te n t t ip , sizes fi to B, o n ly 7Sc.; w o rth $1.00.

'Wo hnvo the lairptoitt aHsort- nieut o f all kliid.s o f lAtllea’ , Genbt', IMIhsch*. Boys’ and Clill- reii’ a IIIkIi aud Low Hhoos, ttlao CuiivaH Shoes, In tho city. Call and convliico yourself.

E . H E Y M A N ,2 1 8 -2 2 0

Springfield Ave.



ORIGINALaiul mnrt Mm^^nlratod pr«iiaraUun«f ItaklwL

bult|p» uuikLH m gi.lloBH. Fut) dlrrctloDa arn on lK>(ll«i for nMtViag adelkUulia, relreeb* Inguu l tvhoiaatmva

H O M E D R I N K IBar me O H I t l lN A I . u d lw,p Prlos aOe,.* * * " “ p i f t o u f e s a im oRoesaa.

The M utual BenefltL IF E IN S U R A N C E C O M P A N Y .

NEWARK, N. J.A M Z I UOPDs . . . P r^ a lie n t.Axmis (luurket valunvi, Jan. I, 'hi;i. 943,014,460,^ LiahliRies, New York anil Uo.'U.

8uiMlanJ..r.................................. 4t,151,937.33Furp lu* .......................................................................................... a,3G2,6'a.2lfiiirptitf, by ibniier N. Y. SiarvlariJ

(Am Kx. 4‘4 [’<’ '■ 'Cbt. lit'serve). o.7TH,25ia FoMcIrs A b s u ln t^ ty N u ii-K o rla ll iib le A fte r

Heoond kear*IN TAJIK OC LAf-KK lUi* |•ollCy l3 fO^TTlKUEPm

nixcKOA Kmit H8 iu value «f|]l ]iav fur; or. If prurt'iTUtl, a I'aUi-up iXiiicy lor Ul (uU v^ueii ihsui'<] In cxchRnau.

A flvr tbv HKJutid year. FoMdei are I ncon* tEOTAiiLi^ i^xcupl a< aipunst mteutkonol fraud; and ati ra rtd in n t a l iv rcridenos, in iM t Or oo0h> poUun fire frmaml

('Aim I.OAKS ire mode to the exteat M 90p«X ce >t of the re-erve value, where viiildi ORSigu- m entio f Uie l*uUcieac«Q be madu os oullaterij secunty,

l.oR>i|is fiaid tmniedlAlelj upon eomthletloD ■iKl appruval of prtiol’i.

IN ORDERToUt'dnceotip Iminciiso Stock,

wc are olfcrhi£f


D ep a rtm en t.Very fine fiArZKW FIIRT, at lOr.

' Ez-rahtic NIKKlNOfilllUt, ai 2ICs nHU>KKN'.4 KIKHKI) HUIRT, unljr 7e. U ru e hUu»4ofCHlU>Hk;N'l4fciUiKlB. ICc.

HOSIERY DEPARTMENT..4 Tcrv rinc lm!b>ner1 fu ll rejnUr-aKulg I'N-

BLRACllKDKX K. 7c fnlr.[.ndlm ' lu ll rvirutar luiiile, la tt Ulack HID-

IIKD llO S ft lie.1 hiklrcii'x fan Bhick KlBnftl) B08K. 7c.

Corset Department.W H W IL L N K I.L FO K T H £ N lkXT


soi’. m fiR n ra fur w’ftc.7fk‘ ror;iW’,

t l lio n m s K iK fur son. t b l d tiu 'd I'OJtSKri' WAISTS, only I5c.

Biggeat Inducomenli Ever MaJe.A SAtJN J'AKAfiOls, w itb kuHI cap, 22,'J4-

Ifich, uniy WclU M tIriiH U fill .K I'ARASO iA 24-im‘h. w ilh

gohl c p. warranU ii Uie tiC t iiiskt-, n:ilv OSt.100 A l.L -M l.K l*AUAM )[>, m ^1, 24 Il.uli, rtO

fuuiautuu for t ae year, <m)y 9175.


Gbv[s aiff Mitt DfipartiiiGits.IsAilies’ Biffi'k ant] ( 'o lo rftt TAFFLTA f ilL ft

G U jVRS, at Ific. pair,JsBilici lUiiL-ir SIT.K MlTTJ*, o»>ljr |{W'. r t i l ld r i ’li'A (’ivUhihI S II,K M I’1T>*, ft-i y IIV. U tllca ’ (Hack KM tlUG liJKllKD filL K MITTS

at tOc. pair.

U n m e n tio n a b le B a rg a in s In

Lato’ llDfleneir Departiieji1.000 piece* o f N HRDLK W< Ut K FD U : S< iv fl

w ill bu pni nn aulc Al rciuarkabiy iuw | Kori,

Dry Goods DepartmentWe w ill veil liu ! ve rt b I CRlNKI.Ki>KvB-

BUt KKR. IN .VX» iliffc ren l cuIobl. at V'-.i’, SA'lTKftN, }p lla h l oniJ nark (v)lni$i,<iU|^ 7 3o tUDurciit itiH il- b in I'A S U U K K ft t i iqi? 100 p i'W i o f LAWN d * ‘- 'lie yHfl.T U ft LA R U N I K tV L ftS U F DUliaii

» O O U liK .CHa LLTES, warraiitrU half wool. ouJv \i\i AU-Wool rAHHMHREH ami ttK N H U .tfi

C U lT II w ill be Kuta at rvintirkafaly iuw

i ) O N * T n i : g l k c t t o h i : u

T i l f t

Clothing Department(.'hildren'x Ft tiOOL FASTS, never ulTbn^

for iPMtiiau 40c.. l l i i i ucvk wti w il l i%li th w furJuo.

D r iv e l in S u m m e r C lo th in g .M ftj’fl I'R INKT K C tiA T a nd VFJ4ia Silk A I.F A rA COA l ami V e s if t ITJO other artiulOA lu (he ratuu line which w%

caimoi n ciKmid. Duu’l buy udU'mi U la y> uruw n Leuebt.

I t htualwnyx iMNi'n auearahlUbed fact mi tbk c lly aii>) vl'M nltr tha t wc n ro ih e Icailer') loan aiyivd, qUHlUica ami pnevH. Kveiy la ly skln emcriHlour lore dial bf iuh ium idB 0 (w a ll aa iitiic lo rily treau-U. aoU t^uVAi l; value lU kM

rcii'e Plhltt, Culored SAILOR HAHUit)iv.'y.

n»Ud for 15c.LOOO D iffe re n t S h a p e i

OF T tlK LATh^lT FASHIONS ItvR LAmBL A N lM .'ilt l.I'H R N , A f 10c.

Very tine T ltlM M K U U A rs at inc., l i f t 9150, 11.75, tim. r.'.25, nriO, 92,16, 93.uIm 97.9M, (ho tmeat luado,

D o n 't F o rg et to Call, even if You d o n ’t B u y, at

S . H e y m a n ’ sMILLINERY, 135 SPRINGFIELD AVE.,

208, 210, 212 SPRINGFIELD AVL1776. 1889 .

WHOL E S A L E AND RETAI L.T w e n ty -S ix th A nnual D isp lay o f


No. 927 Broad Street.T b* l t r , « t .Meriraont .n d belt v ir ie t, In Ihe e ! lj. A l l #»rr*n ted to be o f the b » l omlK,

.n o to give enilre M iistecilon, e. they hele fur Lite nu t tw eniy-d re ye a r. Ceper Cepeovtiit m ihlon. «mt i l l the uew i ly le , of C»p I-Utolt. H v ttovk luc lude i tbe w o rk i o f (ho (ulluwiif well.known flm w ;American Flreworksi Cn„ Kniidrn Fireworkn, and tho Eagl*

Firewfirks Co., Uiicvccllcd Fireworkn,A l l C o lo red th ia y e . r , A leo e ve ry th in g th a t- , h e w a n d M o re l I a l l to be •ob i al

MULLIGAN'S PRICES, LOWEST IN NEWARK!Be« I m ndi ol Tife Nw. 1 to to i tio fl sibell Torpedoe* ; tliiooee Bou,b Shell.; Pliw

or a ll hind., Horn Ic. Ui tW : Ooiden Hhower (.'andlus ; SieuI Bpahgl,-a C a nd le i: Telrwohe He pealing R o c te i,; Cohired Acrolile PlMinoto Cirelm j Klasl Oui» j Cauuon. ; F lying I’ lgaiiai H iim tii C a iid iM ; Sky Kia'lt ta ; Tneolored Unlun aud Winged H o cke ii; l-a ra r ii iw : lo iirb t ll lo n s ; Jumtio Cracker.; Vertical Wboula; Bnmh Shell. ; Kuaeue. l I'lowi* I-o t i; Houiiaoi.; Flyi) 1-ouncd S a rt; M ine, o l Hold and S ilv e r : Volca.mei Somll E a rlb i) iia k ti; Bengolia Lighia; blue L l .h t i ; Be irw iil.; Ral-erle.; Spangalelb; Urue hopp^ra; loauterui and UdllfKhnao) a ll k it id i; Cuiorrd Fire m evtirv va rie ty ; Punk, TordMiBJ y w ■. 1. t -a wd .A Mjaa u k. I n gl I . A l a Ain i . U * 4 .,^ .. 1 .. rl'ng____I k s _.. _ e ^ t . . ■ m _Bfxnk Carlndfiua. Table Knck*ia. Hbsou Wbei'lN, TtIhurIvb, elo. worka line, making the t;mudeat display ever vecii Id Newark, prlcot for large ditplaya at

In fan , everytfalna lu the FIt*' P a tiiM tu d U u b i should

MULLIGAN S NEWARK BOOKSTOREWhoM you alway* ire ttb e Bc« Good* for (ho ]ea»t naouey. I bave ihe U r« *s t Aavardaeottf CROQUET In ihe cH y . p r lc i* from Nt e'nla lo *4 per aei. Bev( MEXICAN IIAMIKW.'K, o i if t | l 26; coiured. 91.69, and (be only cuoipIvW a iaoriuob to l TENNIS RACQUETS iu Nowarki at

_____ M U U I M N 'S , 927 BilOtD S T R E E T .


LOOKER BROS.arc niaitiifiiclurcrsof Airnltiirc. SpcclalticH t« liiriitith tlie Par­lor, the Dinint'-ruoin, tho ited- room, and In fact every part of the, at uiir nsiml Low I’ rtccs. ’

It is a pleuKiire to sliow goods and give imiiiirurs any Infor­mation.

847 BROAD STREET0]>p. N. A' Ne Y. n . K t n *p o L

JEWELLERS.4 4 3 B K O A l > S T R E E T ,

M ckcil. A l t k l L

CABPET8 at cost * P A R LO R SUITS at cost BEDROOM SUITS at cost SIDEBOARDS at cost FAN C Y T a b l e s at cost LOUNGES at cost EXTEN SION TA B LES at cost M A N T EL and P IE R Glasses at cost FAN C Y CHAIRS at cost H ATTIN G at cost BOOKCASES at cost

D IN lN dR OO H CHAIRS at cost BED SPRINGS at co«t H A IT R ES S ES at cost CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES at cod R EFR IG ER A TO R S at cost OILCLOTH at cost LIN OLEU M at cost FOLD ING BEDS at coat RANGES at cost P IA ZZ A CHAIRS at cost


lliH o s Il .V a ii|lo r D73 Market St.', .

NEAR PLANE S T .___________NEW ARK . N.

S(19eRXt}ft!!.R i'PrlvoianalniftyvtrYOAperiiDW. Ko toMe B o o kko d C in u ltn r tf .B U O N . SteDOiimpkier^ 721 Bnod Btnet, Mew^ v 1l N .X

BUuatloDH fuaron- F R A T (K lU A tt>

COAL.Wa do not belong to Nettatk 0o»l

(Ion, and vtb are -Wa LTON RROTMKRi » aod » M. ^ - f t avft


■ u e n i t t i

N U M H E K 1 ,7 9 4 . N E W A I I K , N . J . . S A T l ! K I > A Y , , I [ ' N i : !»;», 1 H S 9 . — E K i l l T l » A ( i E S .P I l l C i : T W O C E N T a

Second Edition.DOWN 10 m LIMIT.

f i x i n g t h e t a x o r d i n a n c e .

T b t A in n u p U A tfr^e il n t i b «

p ti1)UvMfi Catii'U * l u r r i e d I* l h «

I f v M u r * W itt im it O p [» u iU if tE i« 4

V e r y € l v « « M u rc ia IU)«eUa<lr

C w it 'iu i drcrreft f h h I t h I v e r y airople

Ihe work uf Iho A id « rmeu In n im g up tb f u - Dual lax Il't ; tm* dIk DI. T I io H4>piilj!i<«iki knew rxa cily wUni Uicy w ^rr Roiuff lo d o , mid wbeu tb i'j bcKkn lo tut aii<l i l u b Iw m ia id y lo brio;; ibo u»i«l (igiiroa M Uie inrnrumHm beiow tb r one p rr rrcit. lim il, Ute DnoioeraU M t

i ly Ui tb o r keiti *ml fur ih t muvl part ac* cepted wnJxrut continent the of ibe b b - IcMnif. A U lrn a an Jo tm o n , who b id oo h li de k u labto in' ad <>1 tbe Bpproprlationi that bad t»r«n ixrt'fd upon tu caueua, aMke«1p w b tn ib r clerk tu read the acdihaiiiAi, that bti foJIeaituef, taKCiaMy ibe otialrmto of oummtt* teea, utould u m >«i hini iiib xu ig (he amoun(a» ai « waa tuo bard work for uue tnaa (o du a ll abme. Tbbt plcaRunt liille parilMip ^apterfun uaile U»e Hemoerali aiulle, fui Utey knew tiiat (be optinanee had beuu all art lo m uiic.

It did boi take lOTig lo reiluae tbe approprl iituoB in the igKr^gale tl6A,tMl. Th e puMio Ik h im g ap|iri>pTiaiiofi waa iia ihed down from

UUd lu fllT.ilon lu d ihotu uf tbeothepcooi* MiUtH.''^ nppropnaliuni suffered U ken tat. Th e •lo.uootbai uaa In ibe onlluanoe fnr opening vireeU wax cu to u t w ub oucalaab. ami huolbor UriQ ol IflAbO lor Ibe wm e pufpoae w b| ineerl* td IQ tl> u of It. U r. Jubnaon aaid that )i w w tudtrhbHMj ibai tbU Dionejf fbould be mad lor the opening of Houtb Elevenlb atreet If U W vit eae<.l at all.

“ ThE>re ought to be at leiat tlfl.dOO li) th t canlioanuo lor iirect openings/' i t ld U r . l i a r rtgan.

if the Alderman can ibnw me bow to put (bat amount in and itiU keep the ordlnauce v U iiin tbe llinU of ibe law 1 w ill be w lUiug to do ki/' lepiiecl M r. Juboeon.

0TREBT VaVINO IT IK I QOThe Item of |E£i>OOQ fur ibe latving and re­

paving of atreeu waa eut out altogctber on aaotiun of th « cbalrm ao ol tbo Finance Com-Ditiee.

'' W v would like to leave U tn^*' kald U r . Johi;«4m, "b n t the late nemocratic LegNialure lupi so Iticreaacv] tba appropriatlona toantnede- partioviita that It fi Impodnible. Tbere 1% bow - tver, aboul fw.ubO oubrlanding of tbe capital rand for paving, which w ill dyme back this jeaTp 10 that (heie m utt be nearly money ar»i>uch anyhow/^

The Denujeraii failed to tell Ur. J oI id io o that MNUeune bad been mislatuTattiig b t m ; that Ibere wa^ <Kily about tS&.OtiO of tbe capital fuad outttamllng, not more iban forty w n l. of wbleb was oultecilble. and pooitbly not over twenty five per cent of wm ch w ill come back to tbe c ily (reaaury ibia rear. Th e item waa itniiken out of the ordinance.

Tbe Item ol IH.OOO tor araJini and curbing wax aiao tdrlcken out ifr. Juboeon laying that there would be mdlcieDt money In that fund aUo ibbi year.

Alderman Yo uo g waa pleaa«3 w ith a re- ducpd appropriatloo of f t ,000 to Kart work on tba Dew engine-honae iu the Teutb Ward. Tb e mutt important reduciwas in the nmxmlttee appru[ir1aitutii were the red ucing of tbe am ouai tor the Btreet Comniluee to t6&<ioo from IM ,- loo and the reducing or Ibe Sewer CummlUec to |M,IOO from KO.OOO. L* it year (be BtiWil LSomiiiittee bad t71,00u and tbe Bower O/tntult- teeS47,000. Both dupartnienta w ill probably hare to be belped out hum Uie eoDtlogoiii fUud before the year la over. Nutbiug waa put in the ardmaaoe for school cimetruotlon and Botbkiig for contingeut eipcubea, When the Kepubltoant bad flnlabe<l cu U lo f tbe ordi- sauce itjust weut undor the one per eent. wire w kb a m a rtio of abunt fhOO to ipare.

T h i RkcoMMiMbKH,Th e iaUow lng table ahuwa ehe am ounH

■pprapilhted Ih U year, tbe am onuti askt^ for year end the amotiut apprufH lated Id ;

> F ~

Fnbllc kgbl- ing ...

fo o f endeJm a..........

ilfe e i end liigbweya.


PublicB ulldlngi.

Brldgoe.....iVneawal^... Bchoi mein-

tenanee... School enn-

alniclloo... JndusirltU

Schoo!*,..Police...........F ire..............Water itip-

o Fy^ iiuapi-fal........... .

Inflrm aryl...Public


1117.000 00

>5,000 00 10,000 00


dM Ulogentru n drund..

Beavenser T a x Dollec-

tioD«. 1847.Home.,.

AMMaliig taxes..

Fire Com-,m lttee.......

Interest........'B e ilu ...........:He fc lea'ions i Gradtitw and

Curbing....I B ldtw eiiu ,.., Wew aewer

rteflrtency. Free Library 1 1th Ward

Engine House..

U lh Went Sogine

Unuae. Street open*


10.000 00 2.AOO 00 B.000 OO

10L41A 00

Bnoov2J8.7AS no141, A&2 Ql

>,000 00

aiOOooQ 9.UOO oo

13.000 00 M. QUO 00 1,000 00

16,000 PI

aoooo 0024.000 in

28,000 001.900 00

30.000 00 2,00000

100 00

3,000 006.616 60

32.400 00

iOOO 00

5,000 00....llm j.H V w|ll,lS9,M7 (

v o u id eL im it . 971.648 »


86,000 00

71,000 00

4,500 0026,000 {

a.000 14,600 (

W0< 2ik,7fi6 ( m ,4£2 1

10,000 00

24.000 [9.000 (

15,000 ( 60.1100 (


16,000 UU

30.000 0026.000 0028,000 00


2,600 00 100 00

2,000 00

6,815 go 82,100 t »

6 ,0 00 00


32.000 OO 3 ,6(«00 3,500 UO

74,200 OO

20,003 00600 00

IW.UX^UO 114,000 00

6,500 0024.000 009 M Ou

15, coo 00 47.0U0 OO

2,500 00

82,000 0030.000 00 24,900 Oo

28,000 001.600 00

26,000 00 2,500 00


8,000 001,500 00

8,220 77 81,750 00

2,000 00

1,000 00

U,470 77

Ttie ordlnao M was ordered to th u d reeding, and It w ill po pasaed at a inbaequeul meeting. M r. Ketobam, )itfl before adjournm ent made e d u ie perthaa ipeeeb, In which be abowed bow w icked tbe EKmocrata In the Leglalature bad been In lncreet>lng ibe appropilaUoDi to Ibe police end Are departmeota

T H E w a t e r c o n t r a c t .

Preaeated to Council and Rererred-The BroMl S tre et Pevlnjg, ^

Somewhat o n e ip ecW ly the prapowd |6,flno.0W) walar contract, which ibe Aqueduct ■oerd OQhbed cooeldprltig and ecoepted after mldiiiight yeaierday tnonilug, made Iti appeer* anee at the msetlng of Couniil laat nlgbL Al­derman Ballaid presented It. It wu ucon.' I»nl»d b j . iimpic itiui (ton iha lacniirr o( •be boerd .i.tin i ibat H ta»d been ippro,ed bj w ii bodr, iud thei U v u forwenled to CXxib- o l In conronniif with the law, Hr. Ballard •ala tbal a ipedal aioellng oofbt to bo caltod J^iieWer IL Ho insde no iudiIqii (o that ™ ai, bowerer, and, ansordlng to iba ciiUum “ lainoii, ibo eonitaci waa nibirod lo Uio •Bjcial commltioo on walet mpply,

Wben Uie ordlnaaoe lo pave Brood •tree! ™ ^lISTlUo anoue lo (loaTemor •(net ™ .h..,.*''''"'.™ TnniUad aipbalt" cimo up

Vrtnw.v.’ *? undefBoodoonimtiort by

* a m B « h i l f i / r « k 2 {

d o ,n .“ ‘4 “ i ; j ' ' 5 r ' i j ? & '• n j-o w u frt wiiij* i h e i m l i t i , ‘ "Ij IP*Pf“ P- ? Pniiln* ll <Jo*a d ? ? S

aj'iJb.8 n.T"’“ “AldrnDtQ KercbiTD sak! tbal tb-

i5^S a n e r ! o I , T " ' ' “"* lensoomtonnlca.

u ? .!? ., '? ” ” ' I " m Ibo work ol Ibo• b'U b* work o f tala a ® »

It ■ publtibed CD anoUikr page

.A n o t h e r M o d * ) fo r C o p to ln M u r r e ll ,

i i i i l M S S . - t ' » P t a ‘ n H a m -t^ pmSIu IfOinWwaa-eaTia Pblladelphla « tho aieamitalp HiaMMirl,

lo w n <P* H t w b j a K .B o k o r , l* tila e n i of the baltlm ora Storage to d U th l*

'S J5 * ^fjfu pw iy . who presemed t^ p ta iu Uxm- Ih i‘ T } } ° >>*»liama g t U medal awarded by “ to Life.taeiog Beticvoieal AMOctation of N ew l^ J } ' Oktoi. b e t w l o i r t k F o t .

JJJpe^ from Un smm tooclatkoo. Iba

j j j ^ w i n W pieiBsted lo U p ta iu U u n e li on

IIHKKZKS FtiUM THE SHORE. J f i r iE K B ' F A M l M B t B T A K V I N O *

Ituprovemesta at belniar ami Bpriug l*mlie*'Tha Summer T U k to ra .

Sprdal (o tbe KvtKikO Kavrs.llKi.MAB, N. J., June SSL—'The week

at Belmar baa beeu ao exccifltpsly plcaaant one, and n^gardlfii of the cool weather fur a few dara pejii alarge numbor of summer guevtt have airtred at Ibo vartuiu boleli and cottagea A aumbpr of ixtenxive lmpr<ivemcuUi are to be Blade ai tbiB roKiri that will be reganti^ with much taiikfacilcm by the agmm^r aijuumera A rtew boardwalk ka to be iaUl alung (La oet-ail front, wbleb la bailed with delight by aiL Beveuth avenue, irom lake eveniie to Ocean areoue, la loncelvo a coal of clay, and Ninth avorMic, friwn F nnxii to the Lnuga., u to be equally fiavoml. 'ibo«« 1ra.prflTemeuu will be greatly sppredatad, capcdally by ihoee wbo have equipages uf tl»e«r own. It 1n unUi«r- strod that tbo lot Du the souiheatt coruer of Ninib atranne and Ksiroet Hllk b« dunaloil by tlu> Ooeju Biiiacb AaBOCiailoo for (iiv company purpoeca

A. K. Uanb and rainlly, of Orange, have ar- Nvt^ at Bciniarattd aru orccpyltig a cotiige 0*1 Eleventh avetiue for tbe teown. The Br|- mar Hon e, on Fkllh aveoua tormerly knuwn la the Firib Aveutw Houw, will, ihLa ^aar. be Under tbe managumeul of Mrs, E, 1'. tlaAlwuila* der. TJie bouM has been thoroughly reno* valctl, and prevents a much mnrv plcaMiut and tiomcllke appL'araiice than ever Ijuture, U 1i nimomd liiat Hk>ioiar will uutnbcr I'Dlonel Aicbard F. DonneJiy, of <h« Bt'veiith New Jeney Hogiment, ainuog ibi tummur rL'vktleiits this scaMxi. Jovpb R RJcbanieun, p •|ltK*tlt of the law and Order League of iVentoo, la occupying a toUage here wltli hH fatolky. 1’be huw cottage of H. Foinier, of Newark, Ijm been rawod. and Ibe ooniracturi arehurrytuf U along aa ftut aa powible. K. Napier, a promt- DMt Eaat Orange man, will ipvud liio auuiujer here with his faniily. George J. Ferty, of Orange, la a Beiniar ailmiror. He usually tpetidi the entire lumnier on (he coeat.

SPkl^<] t.Akk, June Z2.*-*Bprlrig la k e la fast gruwlijg Into a H'aside ciiy . Th e work o f im - pruveaiem bax greaUy added to Itie atlr»cu?f«* he<4ot tlila resort JUra. Meury I'. Tow iw i'nd, one of Bpniig lake 's pelroua aud admirer*, haa just cum I'lctad iour bandrome coUagee at the Quruer of mvoDd and tlcmmuuHi avenue«. The lociilun ijo iio D f the bmwt in the pUcc, and ibe eottagvi have been flued up w ith every cumiort sih I oonveukeuoe. T h e y wlJt la occupied ihtii, Ihvlr f iM aca»m, by KiHton W ia- penny. Frank H. BoDwdoi;i, Jamca M. Hobb and Jamea Uuchanau Itrecae. Aniung ibe cottage P ^ p le here aro Utsa I'arne A ) tee and U r. Fivdertek Marlin, of Rahway. Th e y have proily villas at Norib Spring la k a .

M. E. U u n y and uUe, oJ Paicnoo, arc en- jOTliig I tUU haie. They aro gucati at tbe Carletoa, (Xitouel Iturui King, of KlizalM th, is AUmlicrvdl sm uru Spring |.«ke's patruiui,

Aoburt 8. Or»ajn, Jr, private secretary to bis father, Gnvemor Uroeu, will spend a portion of the lOQimer at this plaou and tbe Biata camp besaquarlent si Sea Girt,

ASBi'arFAbK, JuM«22{6pecto/).->T0K]ay Hags are fly lug oti all Uto big htx^and the season is well under way. The hrsi bup of Lhe summer wild be given s( the (^letuan Uouk u>-ntgbi, Slid icviTsluUier hotels will give (ipeniog en- (erialDUkCuts, as bosdy ail have a large list of arrivaix.

Nsxi week Ocean Orove wUl experiment oo the use of rail wtier fbr sirta^t-iprlukliiv pur* pueiM. the BU]>ply eomlog from a huge rvseivoir on (he U'seh, which ie filled by meins of pumps uperau^ by the newly-lorehied wevs motor rcueoih' ilaced In opcralnin. The waler will be uoDducied by plpim to varluui pulnii in the ton M, where wagoue esu get their toppdy. The expE'rimeiit uf using salt water on tbe •troc'is bas been succe«rul In many Knglksb coast lowDa aud it is claimed to be superior to fresh water, keeptog the earth damp for a tobgcr pi-rkjd and crystaltunug the surface to such an exieul si (c make ihe roads bard and smooth.

Him Belle Tlcbenor, of Newark, and her filend, Mkas UtMle Ivake, Qi EHsabetb. were gue'-tt at the tAifeDan Houie this week. John UcCcea and wife aud Mto«i Uta aod Mamie Mci.:tcih of Asior street, NswaA, are summer­ing In Duf of the pretty lent cottages <m the H'rrece, nesr tb« beach. John W. Vaugba and lamily, of Newaik, are gucate at Lha WaA End and W. fi. Cartoer m at tbu Ebbitt

Miv. M. J. tnskip, tbe reyivalJit, who bos tiaeu iourlug the Bouth, la at her cottage on Ocean pathway. 10 the Grove. David Decker, B Bkjointh'ld merchant, and hU wife are spend* mg a lo:tiiigbt at the Utoorue, Id the Grove. Buum 0. Mead and wde, of Newark, areguesti at the Hole) Llewellyn, in ibe Grove. Mrs. Dr. Annin and Ui’-s Fbmbe Annin, of Newark, are al Ibe *ame h<»«f.e. Rev. George R. tkwt, D. D., oi Drew Tbwlc^ical 8L‘Uimury, MadiBoii, ks at the (.'hrn>!l(on. in ibe Grove, and Mra. J. K. PLUllpi, MinG. Mildred PhtlHp« ind W. 8. Fbiltkpi, uf Orange, ora colUgen near lhe Au* dlioTium. t

Ki-i*frtstor Jamei L Haya oi Newark. ii rvfiGiered al tbe Atlantic, and John M. Harris sod wife, of Noniclalr, are at the Slieldoo, H. Horan and foiuily, ol Eaai Orange, are at Ibe Alpha.

Mrs. A. 8. Bclover and Kra. 8. Sherwood, of Ncusrk, are Slopping lor ibc muimer on Em* Uurj ftvemie. lu the Grow. Oliver AnketcIL of Newari. ii a guest at the Meiropomau, but Isavis rh'tfGjr furu European trip.

Amcn^ iheguceUat the Allsnllo are Will­iam Mstsball and Theodore 9, Frasee. of New­ark. Tbe Mkwes Bull, of tbe same city, are buajdiiig eju Ailauuc Hveoue.

Tbe rcgoiere of ibe oibof hotels contain the □aiseNofiLc following Newark (wopio wbo are, or who have been bt;K during th«* week: George H. U Her, Cbsrlea 0. l^hboch, 0. IL Peruley. J. B. Finger, J. D. Jlowser, M. H Rcyno:'lf, Darnel U. Junk, A. Gurtbe anti Jo<apb Waiu)D.

G. T. Bund. J. H. Brsdsbsw, Hlsa Mary Brad­shaw, Uii. J. IL I'bJlUpa, Robert ihbbleuin, Jr.. J. M. Hodges, K. B. Crcai aud J. F. Knowlea^of Grange, are itupping at vaiioui buusea.

S H O T » V A M A N Q K T M O f l .

A H e g ru K il le d on th e Hceae o f H is D a s ­ta rd ly C rim e .

C o l.l iM H iA , a , C , J u n e 2 2 .— A t tbe tmall station el Rockion, m Ftlrflcld County, aboul thirty-five miles from this city, a young negro named Aody t'aidureJI yesterday met M n . Bsckham, a respectable while woman, m a lonely rtad and assaulted her. H n . Beck- b am m adoa brive reiUtaDoe, bui Caidweil WAS a very powerlul man and anon orarcam e ber. Just at iliU ltm e adaughter o f Hr*. Beck­man, alMut stxieea yean old. approached the spot where ber m oibcr iild m a lu lf-o o D ' icioua ornidlllun. I'aJdweit had w ith b lm a shotgun, and as tbe young girl a p p ro a c h ^ he Are i (be conienii into her iL d y aud then fled.

Tbe fed of (be double crime waa soon dis­covered. and a pewso. beaded bythefibenfl, started in puTiulk, The crlmlnaf waa found In bkdlbg and Wia captured Without croubie. The Bbenff, letTlfig lynching, delermlned tobriug bto piltoherto this dty for lafe-keepliig aud for this purpOM took him k> Rockton, Hero ha remiilned forashoiUl&in, Qiitll tba arrival of tba evsnlug train, In the meauilme, how­ever, the news of Ibe crime a&d capture had spread, Sim a crowd bad gatbared near Rock- ion. Jusl at the train pulled up aud tbe prisoner bad been hiirrleu on board, URy men doabed up to tbe itaiion, eoiorad tbe car, and, to spite of iba resfetano of the otfici-n. threw a rope around Caldwell's neck and pulled him off the train. H8 was then laken on a run to (be saei>e of bli ertme and shot to death. M Ibs Beckbam la illJl alive, buiUan* gECouiiy Wounded. The ivpchcra were oMdii* gutted.

B R U T A L T R E A T M E N T O F A C H I L D .

A B o y N e a r ly e ta rve d a n d H l « B o d y C o ve refi w ith Bears*

W i m i N O T O B , D e l. , J u n e 2 2 .— A ibt^ckirrg ca»« of cruelly to sn orphan bas just beun made known at Oeorgi'toWD, in ihUBiate. Bcveral yean ago WaJfer Kranoat, now four­teen years of age, was lik e n from sFbluulel* pDla orphan homo by W illiam J. Dolby, a farmer who llTf-i near Georgetown. Bpeclal Agent Ptout, of (be Delaware Society for ibe Preventkm of Cruelly to Children, w enl lo Qeorgotown yesterday aud toveidgated iha

Th e result was that Dofby was fined 920 and coeti, and fitoui brought ibo boy to tb it city and w ilt deliver blm Into llie caro of tb v F h lia - deiplilB floclety for ibe rravem io n ol C ru tlty toChildtsii. Tbe cbikl was found almnst naked snU nearly ataivei. [H i whole body and bis legs arc amssa uf outrugauMl soars, old and uew, osuruHl by the slasbiiig til sco w b uia H e was conifiellud to skop on the floor, never went to ceht^i. and was li liven to H O verge o f Idiocy by ibc brutal ircattuem ho received.

Th e boi’s fret show Indications ol having bevu ler^’iL iy Iroseuanrl tesUmony was g iven to ib o w tbal Dukby bad kt»ocke-l Ibc little fel­low senaiLvsi while bo was fo i'b v liiz the plou,;b auu would then U i m h im lyauj T o the lurrowa until be rerovered. ITita sys em of b to itl iroatineni has ooutinued ro rye trs u iilll IE^ holghliojn could Hand it uo longer and no* tlOcd (be society.

■ A Fatal Doee o f BledlelAo*Fpeclal to Um E v x n i m N a n a

H k w B r u n b w i c r . .In n e 9 2 . -* J o a e p h fields, a young son of EUrhani FieBta, of (bit eliy, drank • bottfe of modiclae tliis morning a bits bii mciber was oui of tba room, |ia died aoon oftar. .

Seiyawly M lne ra Enbniwbasl*

8y D K « Y . N . B. W .^ J n n a 2 3 .— 6 n v e D - ty mioeraareentomed Ina pit a( Naweastla. and It la doubtful wbethet they can be reeeuad Aiiva

The Biraeta o f Braltiwoud Filled WithH B l| -( iim t«h u d P e o p la .

B r a i d w o o u , I I I . J u n e 2 * J .- -H Q n - divds ol cbildmi Weld ■iip{.cr)CM to UhI last Digot. 7lifee thorieind pivple are ibreatetiod With actualaiarvation. HrsulwtNxl » lUrvlug lo ijeatb, Weta It not Cur the tact Giat In sciwea 0( little gartli'ui ibif early vegflabtva have partly matuivd mauy a human heiiig wuuul have died from storvailoti before thw. One Ittnily. rwetsling of a faihur, motbar, and fight rbiihrvn. have live*! lur three days oil po* laluea aud lelUicv. Fur finuen years Ibis man worked for Uit: CblcaKd. Wllmliigtou and Vvr- &iiJ<uUG(iaUx>ro|aiiy. Riat.iwoud la owned by ibU curporaiiun. A. L Sweet, ut Gbicogo, i« presidcDt. end Usyur K. B. Cory is ibe sti­pe no leaden I.

Years agu tbe rooi pan y sank lu nmsbaR and stariM on a (wi-ner wblrh has resullad m lla ( Aatniiig a pra»-tjcal muuupoU over tbe coal Del It UI this socllou ol lhe Htaie. As tha companv grew lu wealib U decreased ilia wages of Its eiup'uyet. In lifTU Ibe miners here were iwld fn>m |5 to t? a ilay. That (wice bas llemillly dei-rea*cd year by year. Iu 1877 lbs TnincTi mtuls au otumipi tu roatsi ihe funber re- durltonnl ihfir wsgei. After a iiritgile uu- marked by vtotenoe they were dcfcato<1.

'Iwn year* lator the icale was again cut. On May 1, KutH, the uoutpany fixed the seale al eighty vigiiiwiitii a ton tor digging end flfieeu roniB For jnhkliig tlie road, a rudueilou of over 8UU per etml. (nun (he wages ol 1H7U. Thestarv- aiioit iNikiti bad twen rosHied. Tbe men ac- ffplt-d ikiu leitns Ucausa iliey bad to, aud lbs Qitum were uvt'rruQ with men. Evury Mriis bad been tbs nlgoat lor a fre h ImpurUtioii of lUliani, Uuiiiur negroo iruu tbe Souliu

Then the (ompauy siarletl a sioru and, al- (butigb tbe mluQf's wag t dkl ikA rsacb gft a nionlb, It waa eiiwctol (bat be i>bould spend at U'asi llO u( ihia kuni at the siure every mooib, Oil May 1 lair. Ubs coni pan y cut thu scale aeveaceuia a ton. 'ibe uilocnheld'a meeting ainJ qeciOed lo strike, they reasimed thaiU was a caM uf Kervaiiun, anyway, aud philusoiihlcally deciaivtl llielr prvfereooe to Marvauun aijil tdtencea ra(ber itiau starvation auu Work. The cunit«uy, iliruugki JUageut, nutibed llie avi-a. iha( iliey ck>uld torve.

The pi‘up:e are uow><tatviiig. Tbe itrecta are (Uletl wlih bair-fanilehed children end ailiiittf. The P|N-ci.aclC was ainnnt beyuud belief, I'li- K-ss Uitre is help a bread not Couuot be tup-ptVttfd.

READY FOR THE •^NtGOGR/'A H o te l Pruprlet4>r n n d Ilia l U v o U a r

HokeGiieata Feel l>«|ireM4Hl.M o u n t H o l l y , N . J . , J u n e 2 2 . ~ T l i e

Washington Rouse, Otis of Uie oPlesi hi«llf>rkus lu (Tecrxinty. was in a staiuof siege Ibun- day In coittequMnce ol ihe actloni of (be pro- pnetor, Juaepb Hugati. who for some Umo pa»( haa abuwa decided aymptoms of mautal dv- rangement In eon^quunce of an aiioolr of peril ym, Hsgaji Is a lamoikS sporting man. aud formerly owned Mltl Girl aod other fast bofsfi. Thursday DeVKl Uensuti, a young rokored man In (be employ of ex-BherlffEmisyi went to tbe reareninnce of (be hotel to see bw molber, wbo ts cmpluyedi ID the enibUih- m*ut. UfDsen waa (slklog qukelly wltb bis mother wbuu Air, Rcgna repleci him.

'* What are you dolog hero 7" be ihoated to 6 rage, at (be same drinring a revolver from bla pocket.

'M’alklug to my mother,' leepoiided Hen- sen.

''Get out at onoe, nr rilibooi yoo Inyoor trickbP yelled Kegau.

Tbe cutorod man needed no fun bet IsvlU- ttoTj, aud left In a bnrry, (lioruugbly angry. In a few mknules be also procured a revolver and rciuniei) with (be announced inieoiion of ibooiing Kegan, wbo al once took rsi'uge la iba bou'C. Uenaeu stood guard over tbu bolel for a wbkle, and dared Regan tosbowbkm- self. Tba townigo(^ie quickly g(A wit of the way In anticipation ol a tragedy. Hensen finally went away with a promiae (ortiura and fix (be tqtci proprlstor at ib« am oppor­tunity.

When supper time onlvad Regan surprised tbe gueita and waltais by Uklig a revolver from bta pockiL and laying it beaida hli plate •I be ate, rsmarktng. as ha did m, (bathe wintaa to be ready in case that nigger came around igako.'* Tbia action naturalky bad a deprenatng effect OB Ihs Inmalea oftbedlntng-

T B B F H E B I D E N T A T C A F E M A T *

Cbaarad by Crowds at the 8 (atloa*-Fre- gramina for tba Vlsllora*

Cape May. June SJ2. —The Preaident im rvrk at rape May Point Iasi n ight on special pariiircar 16K of tbe {.igmdeQ sud AUsm io rallraed, one o U h e mosi miuttilHcently fined up parlor can In ibe kjimte owued by tlia Peua- lylvatiia Kaitroa^i.

T b f run ol eigbly one mllati lo i^t>e U ay waa (nude ID nlnctywHt m ln iu e a Th u cat was then taken by an cjigiAe of thv Delul^are Bey and Gape May Railroad, arriving ai the point a(,fl:45 o'clock. Notiiecial kbcKlcai m r ir k ^ lhe trip except al Iba Point, where a U rge crowd awaited me arnvfli o l rbo Pfemdchtial parly, w Du weru U itlily cheered iw (hey stepped from tbe car

The earrings was to have Ireen !n w aiting. Lut a n iv lu f a iitila late ibe party uad ataned up fool tOMsrd Uic WanainakeroiXiugt-, and when meoitfig 1i the I'rw idB iji exprewed a preierence to coni i line the short distance on Tool. Hcuaior Bewfll Lad lade them gtod uigbt aud reUirned with tbe car in la n e May m y , where b « JnlnKl hU faiiilly at their lovely lu inm ur home on H'lndsur ivoune.

The l*ri‘Sideui ami M r. Watiamakcr were warmly grouted by Mrs Harrl*ion and her felb- er, RvT. Dr. Hcoit, Mrs. W aoaker nut uow be­ing at Ibe pbore. Mr. W ananiaker'i LeHutiiul seaside tuauKiun was espi-cialiy brilhani, every room being lighted np. There was nu Initusiuu by repArleri nmi other*.

The President expects to visit Cape U ay C ily ib ii afierorioa, acd may witoens t b ; firm exer- dltes of (be leeaou at the I'ape May Athletic l ^ k in rmpQuae to an Invitation ex(end«<1 by fieuaior John B. Heyhurn, piesideoL of iho asw- ctauoe. It is exiKM^led Uiat to-inurrow Presl- deot and Uni. Harrlnoiip accumiiaiiled by Gen­eral and Mrs. Sewell, w ill aiiend the rape May Frcthyleiian churen aud w ill dine wUh tbe General iba l evening.

MRB* U A Y E B P A R A L Y S E D *

T h e e x -F re a ld e n i'a \Y lf* S u d d e n ly h ttie k c B D o w n a t H e r H o m s*

F k r m o n t , 0 . , J b i i « 2 2 .— M re . H a y f i , w iraofU utberriird B. H i j r n , wbtle .lu in e In hpr rwim yeitfrbajr *lt«rooOb belw^eu 8 *nA * o'cleok bad an apciplectic aitock, w hlcb resulted to paraiyvifl of ibe n g h i side.

khnee tbq attack tb e b ai been to a Kmk-iton- ickuus ooixIHloii. At (be tim e of ibe stroke U jv. Kayes was a iieodlng lo some sewing, aod leated near her was one o f bvr sew ing wouiso. Puddeniy tbe woman ooikoad what she Ibought w a s is m U e u n Mre. Hayes's face, aud her head Idgbtly leaned toward her sbouldkr, She ad* drecKil Mr*. Haves and, recelrlDgno response, rat) and called M ist Fannie Hayes, who at tba lime wo* cD^ertalDlug company.

Dra. Rica and H llb ltb were lu m uo na d , and did aik to ihclr power to aid b e r Mr. Hayes w u In Coliim buA but returned last evening about tw o hours after the occurrenoe. Her suusifrutt aod Hutberrord were lu the city, and Buruha.-d, w ho raaidea lu Toledo, arrived shout f o’clock, Webb is In Cieveiand, but la expected home to-day.

Mrs. [[ayes bad lo r several days beeu com- plalDlog of oumbopsa in (be righi arm aod his bad some fear of a stroke of tola character. U «r c^mOiuoti U ratlw r itu io u^ but It Is said Uiat lUcre ts a cbittce lor recovery, i^be bai neitoer spokeq noc movud iloce the iboek. Th e news wiw a severe blow to the family, and the cM lxeu aud all her m any frleodi are very anxious.

D I E D O N T H K V U Y A O E *

T h r e e M e n ow (l ie B a r k B a in a r fin e c u m b lo a r e e u l l a r D isease.

B o s t o n , J u n e 2 2 .— T h e b a rk Somarp Captain Bmeryp at UiJa port from Taroatave* had tbrne men die on tba pasaage, Tb a cap'ain rufusee to give tbe names of tbe men or tbe nature of their llinew.

Mr. I*age. the Boston agent of tbe bark, also reruscsl a( nn-t (erpeak un ibe subject for pub- llcatlou, but finally decided that toe tacta had belter tie mmla public.

*' When ibc b ^ k left Tamatove w irb a ^ r g o ol bMe>*/' sold U r. Face, " tbe lu m b e M of tbe crew were secaikngly all well, but on Hearing lhe Equator a aurt of diopeical dlsoaoc or fcurvy broke uuL and nearly i l l (be men wore sUteken by It. In each case tbe Bigns of tbo disease first appeared in ib t nature of aorea on ibs feat. Death occurred to three cases. Three other men wbo vciewLlfiicted w e n kcRai Bermuda, Tb e doctors tfaure called ibe disease 'b e r i ­beri,' aud Mkd (bat w hile it oould not be cured U was not conUgioos.'^

A new crow waa ahipped at Bermuda. Th e QuaranllDc o A ceii say there was uo use of da- U iiilng the bark a lQ uorantlne ,

T B L E G I t A P I I I C B R I E F S .


B h ip o w n e n a t L iv e r p o o l fin d b u t tie d iA c u tiy now to obtain i ug lu ll erews at t£dN eld ratk*.

T b e A o f t r t o n B u d g e t for th e n e x t Fees kodades oa aukmaia 8 ^ iba creaUoe ^ towtesa haavr bettartaa.

A d v k M fro m S a n o a w y tlust l i e a - icoant Th u n to a fe In q uirin g Into llMohargaa

L m i E R i k 'K , . A rk .p J u n e 2 2 .— Allhoiryh tbe Um of life liii (be ('on*'inaugh Valley doa-tor waa m uch g iva lrr, it bos a Bvttuu), lha facia of w blcli were givrn l u i ukght to a Ontrtt* ro- purtcr by raptm ii 'N e w t'* Fau^klnbury, (be Deputy Dulled Ntaiea Maiabal, and a more p iu lu ) *iurv M rarely beau) ol, iH ru n ln g aa it d id ncaivr bocuc.

On hk in p lo Conway aod V an B u w n fioun- tics, toe other day. ba learnci] ifaat during a heuvy rilu iio nn in that section o fU ic iiu tte low rfetunlay night a iiu M niati namc«l yiomier- ann had tho tnlsfur(ui»e io k »e bta wile and arven rh lldn -n m a n«Hxt. As u 'w r a* he riMUd leani ihere had U.** n a ironiciitli'iis ram near Chnioii. lhe cnunlv i^ « l of V n u Ih i T n (Niutily, on Iht; UpiHir Red River, au1 it wa^ near ikiu ptMw Uk ' dlHtrcHsiug Ktt'ne UK'k plaou.

Km iiirr-im , w ho ks an n)<J w i i Ut In Van B im -n (Vm id Il , was w ilh his fam ily m hk« honm.' at uiebt wheu me tium i wo» raging. A lU r an hour's ram. ibu H sicr grNiiuHlIy firvulM bis iionee. tiul, fnintig danger he gaitierL-dtu o (>f hia L'hiUliH'H m Ills arms and made fur Ihe d(KM. lo A h hm* diH»r «pcll<^l «hugi' litg all,Nil d(islH4Yl III the m idsrici! aud kuucktil thu lliilro iir* iTuni h isariu x

*1.1 liw T bl!T THHKR.T lic y fell at l.h h*L‘i Into tliw sw lfl current

atnl wsre btst. if r i Ih -m utoki u p ta n more, oui; hi aach «rui, snd ‘■'Kvx'cdiHl in gelling uui wkiti them M 'f lv . frJhng hie wife t«) lollow with llifnthi'TH, bill in a:U'liiplh>g (o cscsi>*‘ in the same niniiiu-r liie rrMiiUr-r, w llli iwt> c h il­dren III her arn»'» and 'hixHi clinging to her drow, wax cjirn+-'l down w ith lhe anddroHne^l. Tkip (aiher and iw u chik Ireii, ihu only mH's l•■fl in a tamkly of e lu u -» , escaped wilh their lives

The nlghl UHS •lariT and (he falhor w ilh ih^ uuly iwu iirvw orx jf hhi large fam ily sum*] In wofrr Hhuva ih<> w aid ciingm g to a ( r t « lur several h u a % and uhen the wdtora sulwldevi m lhe luornriig a ik'Hfch whn inrtde. and ths ih-ad budlL-s ol til# inuther and !M,-Tcn chiUln.^n acre discuvcTtrl K-aii«rc(l tiorr and ib iTe lor a oon- sidcniljK-dhlaiH'i* arniknd (lie uUcb, the clo th ­ing having cuugtjL m uiv lorbrush and llio kioillt.'f belli fa«l tn tliMl way, iNvo of the tasll'w were fLiimd In tbo ga-‘'l«‘ n bit, u shun dlsuiDCo friim Uie hnuMi. to Mheru they bait baco cvrtiod by the lorc.‘ of Ibe water, aud ulburx At far u lilly yarils iMrn tbti bnuse.

Ikp lalii Fanlketibiiry m w a m-lgliliot laH VVrHlni'Sday, w b O M l't he kiwi aiaisie^l In bury- l itg ilK whtilf* fiiraity next day. Ifr w a # told that It wxi Ibe hi-avlm i olorin toal ba< ever Tinu-d that Ncctiun of the Btale, diw cnblng it aaa waferr]HjiM, ami allhotiRli ll k*(«:d only a Ihnrt wbUe It wi>r<(e<l a bra of life and priqt- e r(y (bat cannot lje iju t ly L-allinaUMl. ir » th iT a suffered a likie fs-.e as Ijclail Krucr.oo he was uuable U> lifid || uul

A vniJLoe w ir r n o i t .A l b a n y , M o,, Jm i* r ,? i.-A i h:;ki K M. T h u rs ­

day tm i vicinity was visucil by two Cjc-oueH, or n o « In h in prnn -s. l i Mriick ibc frauio resi- d e m -t o lK . l\ Williams, three miles iiw t of this d ty . and cuninietuly (fraioiiabcd it, U r. WtlUaRu's riloe-vear old son an I hfe m nlher- in-tsw, Mra. ttisp in , were In s U n tly kilKfl. M n. W Uillniii wh* fatiiDy injured and three children w6ro badly hurt, Th e uyclrne w lm G uul tbu illMe vklisgtf ui U«ne ti'ar. deeroykng tbs stori huusti and r«f A. V. Townsend, the naptot c -u rc h , s-lioolhonM a id m any roshiehces. Mr. Tow nscml, ihe |*i>»t[aaitur, i* ihoughi to be isitkily injured, os u a lio Mrs. George k*tlncman.

M any other fnrmhuuses nnd ouibultolog* were deilroyed. and ii I* Inipoasible (u esUinate Ibe damaifcs. A la citisen'i uieetiag hero yea* ferday^Beverol hundred doliHrs was raised arul clothing for ikH lu lfrreri provided.

T w » u , 111,, June 2 2 . -A w in d storm paased u T irt ie o ilu o ol couiHry tw o o ly inilcs west ot bore Tnur^day night, doing m uch dam ­age lo crops aod fruUs oivd laying dowfflMtrus and fsBcet.

A W ATtn dPOlT AT ATWOOD.A t Atw o ul )Ua>um ed tlia natiue o f a wafer

spouf, and ID a few m om eaii water was ru n ­n in g sevaral inohv* deep tbrongh Komo of ihe

busmtes street lhe emkre w idth . Th e lA k o Folk ('anal uvcrfl(iwed l(ji banka enrl lu nuiny low places much euro was riiine-t. A m'cniHi of railroad track on (he Im liauijioll*-, D l'Ca Iu t and W (»icru rood was waaluni u ul w ed ui At­wood,

D a s v t l l e , III.. Ju i.0 22.- T h e nwai severe elecificfliorm of ih c bcoaou w m expcrleiK'ed here ThurwlKV itfiiht. '1’be house of Fnxi Mag- m u was struck by a bolt of llgb lom g, s^bjch InaianIJy m l Lhe building on flr^.

M n . U&giim wo* srir*;kei1 and it r<-4|<iir<Hl qiiH'k work lur Mr. Magnoa l t save her tuid bis two she plug child r'^n. '1 he r o ‘)de: .oe oi J'>ri>(ib I*aird was at^o srrm k HQd m -srfy < erMUislie^.], oil Ibc lamily recelvliig a a*jvere ibuck. Au* other tn ll killed sevcTAl cow*.

DAICAnK JN OTIIXn Pt.AriSH.llAfiTTOBn I m , Ind.. JuiP* 21— A cyclone

siruck liie Godfrey rersTve veXcriJay innruing. fibuh & li-tuttb'i barn, the largest In ihu uouo- try, was uUcrly destroyed, lucludlug U rm nu- p lfm iu ti. Several orchHnls were dL-sm^yed and 610,000 id valuable liuibcr.

T iie cyctoiH) pwiyd uvi-r irum Dorlbwssl (o souibeafal. A fearful wind and raiu fri||nwe<l the cyrfrne. WaUirs in tbe riv e n are higher than B( sny tiu e fbis year.

MONTirELLn. III. luuu 22.— A verv heavy storm vUtliv) Gua secUcm of the Htafe Tburaday nl'rbt aud the sirLam i are again uverttuMed.

Th e Hansniua R iver has spread all over the txAtom. and huudredtol teres of farm land* are under water, Much corn Is ru iu td , while many fiuldi arc covered w lib wec<la, lhe frng- cubtinund ralo huvjyg prevvem e'l ploughing. Considerable daioiige was done by the light- Qtng aud high wiod.

V a a d a u a , IIL , June 2 2 ^ I ) u n n g a thim der. atoroi Tuursday evtbing W illiam turtek, a car­penter of fit. Elmo, ih iie n uu iy , was struck by llgbtDlQg aud Instauily killed.

P I t lN C E T G N * S E X P E D I T I O N .

A W «lUeqak|i|MN) r w r iy h la rfe fo r th e lia d L w tid s ’ ' o l 4lreguo<

P r i n c e t o n , J u n e y J . — P r in r 'c lo n ’sicleniiilc expedition to the " tiad laiid* " of Ortgun, under the lua<frTahlp uf l^rofe^Kor Scull, left (or their clebimaLlui) yesterday. Th e y w ill be gobe m l the middle of .‘-'epturnlicr. They lo a vs^h llid clp h la lu gu lo Om aha, and fmtu there lo Baker C ily, stopping al Denver and Ball U k * CUy,

A t Baker City they w ill m ount their boraes and ride to ibe Jehu Day liitsiD, uiaking ihelr Idtca of Bucampmciit ab<mt RIO uiJiei from Baker CHy. When (be camp bn'uks up eume w ill visit Uie YelJowsLone Park am i Calllotnia, otberv w ill go to (h r Houlhern Ktolea. Must uf (he ir uuUU hi* been loaned by liro fiiatu ol Naw J«rw -y and (be Federal U o n -m m eo t, New Jer- M y furalshliig n fic^ wddlw i, teols am i U h e r camping utenilli, and the DiJited Sietes a WBgnu aud an opcu letter from ihA War De­partment by which they can secure provtsluus at oust. T b s cuUege furbishes the bcleniific io- ilrumeikls.

I l ie purptsHi of tbe expedition ij to make a study of ihu frrtlary lusstl lakes aud ibc John Day feuua and lo oolleoi fuwils lur (he college luuoeuu). Th e y also ex}>ect to fill up twu or three ga|4 In toe chain uf evuluiiuD. Th a ob­ject oJ (he extwdliioo la uoi atudy, bul d ll - cuvery.

DEADLY DUEL nKTVYERN EDlTORfLOne o f Them filiot and Killed aud (faA

Other VFouude<k.N e w O b i . e a n s , J u n e 2 2 .— M uw rff. 0 .

Focquct aud A. T . Nuquia, editors tvspecliveiy of Uie (bincl and BrfUinrC riv a l nei«Hpa{>ers In Ibe (own uf Tb ih o d au i. in ibis HiaU-, had a sfaorxing affray yenerday in front uf St. Joreph'siuliege tu Thkbodaux, in whtcli U r. Noquin was shot lu the body, dying rrum (be wound ill lewi ib in an hour, w hile H r. Kurquei Wat Hoqnikd la Ibe heHd, buL not daiiger- uutly. The ditncuUy arose rrnm a ticw M ^pvr CODiroTcrHy which h6a been gumg ou lur ibe past week.

Th e ficitfrwf, of w hich Mr. Nuquln wa*.v<11ior, •fcused Favqmd uf gelling drtinx stariH.**iiipiciilo. Kacquti detoatideu an apc'luQy, which.............■“ ........................... e d rwas refilled, ainl when ihe tw o ec1 iu>n met (bey o[)ehed fire un each other, w iiti the rciuU •Ukitd.

Ite lu lta A w w rd e d a Trlae*

Niw VouK. June 22.—Mr Htciiiita baa beea iDfurnaed uiat the (irlae of COO fraud, w blo h were offend by Prlacc Dadlsn, uf H ln - grella, for Ibe moet brfillaDt game ul the con- test pUyed between* Merari. fitctoiia and Tebigorit) ai Havana to January aud February last, bas been awarded by the Priuoo to the eighth |am « of tb i i oouleet. w bleb was won by M r. Bfelulli.

made by O e m in v (ba| tbe B rk U h Oohm i at------------------------------- . . .A pM b M N m f i i l io f Hifrtaikea te M aUAM .

A F o r in e r N e w a rk e r 's S a d d o D D eath*, Bpeolal lo the Bvewura NKwt.

^ — oo H uricerr

apfaiMl K ;w 'nloff^awailr, w m kiUoffett w U b a vioieTii b « 'n - orhage lost night at the CUy Assembly roome

beer, and w a lk in t out 06 UM o M E fo rw ii € m d (w a ebakr.

D rink Ifettyfe pure Bodawater from fetMt Im* proved Reel foUDtaiaa. N o copper pofeoQlqg- IQ » E to M H r « « L - A d T .


O a e M a n H«es I l ls W ife a n d k e v a n C i i iU

d r e n D ro w n e d In a F le < K l— T b e Vfl*

lo g s o f l..una S ta r W tp e iL 4luL,

A cre s o f L a n d U n d e r W a t e r ,

T h e B s p lls t i 'o iM ir ll Deekilea A gaiit* t l l r t lu in y C iih ire il C h u r c h .

The l'ibpf.(Hl iviutiril, mned upon flic •piHwi of Lvriain nii'uihura iu Beihauy ('liiir i h icnluTnl) Dti JLmk jitniei. wbn have fe-eii i-x olmiist from rm-mbenuiip by (he Uum m aiii f*.’-(Suii in Uic ciiuri’h uipi a ja li) la d m giu a i (lie euoiib li4|*iM rhurcJi. Ah^ni in c n iy pui'pieJnclwIiUK m liiiderw aii'l layincii, noro pres n i Rl-v Hr. W. W . lU.y«l w m ch<w n rhiktr«u«n MINI Ih-v. II. H. W aring, u fth e (■'IKU Bspliitt I'hiiK'li. ocUhI As ckrfs. T iib a,;grii*v*’'l mviubL-nctairm-*! liiat ito’V b ^ l U 'l'ii liU n fa llyriv lu d i-d . cooliaiy to the f>o>iiv id lU* Rspuktdi-nominaiioti Tlie fharocs also aitwie*l llie mirosU'rial tharacter ot the iia«tor of the Huihany I'huri-li, He* Ii. (lailtok fu rugarrt lo tbn mllirr |R>iiil ihe ctHtm-ll dccUiied to have aoylbliig in <iii Tbe full «la(^m eot of lire og- grieved rutuilo'vii bad Inh- ii kkaUMiiH) to liy rho (‘ifUiidl (hu w d 'k tirlurv simI ihs o«l>*urne<J niLvlmg wju hi-i'l to give Iteihanr I'l urcb. ih n -U Ih lH rvproaenUulvc*. su upporiiiuliy of sb iliai 111 shlo.

Kurnial iiutl«e had U ‘i‘n M'rro«l liy (he iiflli'om of lhe oiuiicll iiiMbn H -ihany ( hiij<*h, bul iiu repm*euiiiive i>( (ho church w a ." pn'seut. lhe pa-lor, Mr Garl ck, hud rciiiarii'a»^'‘1 (be (-iiiitb eiitv of Ihu ivnnicil HI (i* fin*! »o->-ton hy m-ml- lu g t i.i'muiuii)ra>ii>n hMuhiMg iha s iih m ol ihu Church In ihe of Olio uf |i)i» i xcludiik u irm u p ., U r klamil’oii. I hw ih u .m lv cnamniivicMiiuii tlio ooutu:il ruceivul Ir.iiui Ilia chnich.

Alter a laretiil siuilv of (he whole kioo U wax uiM*ulimiiibjiy voietl by a rising voto l lu i ihc'S igKrioviHL in<-ii|lH-Ts l.nd |aK>n iHeHAlIv *ai iii*l- r>l iKiio IVtliuny rim rc o , conirary to tb>' pnhty and iisagiv ui llti[>|i>t i'jnirHu.*s. It a a «fu ilh i-r volLil tu adMHc (hd cim rch to rei.-unsi.lur iia foriiU’T srlioii ami lesiuru thvae ua'inhurk lo iiicLr full r>ghU>.

It W4l> siiH hirtlicr voted to ivIvihc lhc"0 Bj-grlcvoil iniwnU r" aficr ihcy hud li»vn re- slurLHl to Ihi- U 'llo H 'h ip of lhe chun li U» iHtu (heir li ilcia Hiid ut^u p w Ih sum.* u U h t hu (.i.d chiirffi, Aiid III L'u-o HcMuitiv i hnrcli d* ullni'H ujrL'».Ujre Uicrii and jcivu Uu'in U-IUt 'i oj d i- m H rtl, lhe rtmm-il iHMuimoiidn lu h iI Hh |iI isI ckiuiLhui h ii lu w t iv i* Inm i or vivt* lo lu>i|4.iny (■(luioli k'Uer* tifdismU-iRl, tm<l to wtiUuuM ad iu l AUd innii ihui cinircb,

" 'lh e ic a ll Ml lhe lallure (u ri'^ihmi ihcaK^jrifV^il Uh-iulH'f>." saiii a nu iu Ih.t ui iiu* cuudcd, “ wiil I# to cut off (he rhuscii trom i Ik' ^•l^lahhlp uf otln r Iln p lM chnrcin*. Kvery Hh|-Us! chuxi'li I* a la-rfiM'ily lii*h*|K-ii. di'Ul biMly. I l a i hiircli rhuw s U may ho per-foctly iiMlcpc'.dum, hut It h a s U M n lio llie n .- ruU i of ihoir iiHlc|H!n<lcur}'. Th i-o n ly ***y ue u-m ruai'h a c h u n ’h h (b iuiigu advice ii( couii* cil. It U rehiw we can adviMo a ll clmrcla-s to lei U uluoe nnlkl it otimi-s ui it^seim R. .41- Uu-ugh Ihl* polity tuigia look vi ry aeak ii In really very Mhihg, lur iticrw u im tu iiin - rtaiKv ol A Ih.piisi cburi-h In Uio c»«uiitry which Inis lo-rmtinenlly rcrns*-,j m Iw itn hi ilie •dvicn ol a large tnnl lni|>iuliHl n ^ n n i . IfBi'lhany I'hnn-h wama to do on U esu call a

j u u t i l i • •cuuueif and Auhtml ilie facis lu n.'

TURNERS AT CINCINNATLN e w a rk M e m lro rt A r r i v e a n d W ill 4’q ii-

leat fo r (lit* l^rlsea, firvclol Disiwlch to lhe N rw a

C IM -I N 'N A T I . J i m - 2 2 . - T h e T n r u e m from Newark iT r iT r il hero last ulghi. There were foiirirt-n lueiubti'* of tiia Turiivcri'in, uinlcr icacher Ocoige Helkel, and aixfrcii ius.‘iuU)ni uf Ihc Vcrwu-ris Tiir jiverciii, w ilii T is c h c r A«)iiipli !»pjiJer. A lUigeiber liiere ar­rived from New Jersey w v n ily .ih r c c inciulmm Thero lia i arrivitl w ilh ihr* Newarker* T h i i omtuMlouera T . W. Kooler, E flar- wsjceii, 0. bclferl, II. I I . Dirtaiiy. A. Miller, L. K«ielln<.r, H. K u h riih , I . F. Hrciiijliig,

To n>glit (he l i « i wd| la> q]«gqi.h1 by Muyt.r Nu*l>y, o' GiU clfy. To -uiorrow lbs prlaa turn- litg w ill licgin, and l( i.*) LXiN>cied (bai Ibe Sicn- ark boy* w ill carry off ifiveral phaoi.

f iA W T H E f ^ K D N IN M IJ U D K R E R J I ,

A n Iiu p o r ta n t W M i i o m T u r n a u p la C h U cago-U ls fitory.

C u i C B O . J o n , 2 2 .— A m n n w h o elalavi lo bs an Im io r u o t w ito ns In tbe rro n ia cas* turned n p Inst iilghf. He IS George Fw itreuks, a hewa agent running on onepl lhe raUruads coruing In at the Urium Detox. Bruoksia a im « U man a bo utlw culy- Ibiee yesra old, is iDtalhgeai looking anJ a good talker IRa Slory U lo the effect th ir iho bight of May 4 bo was d riv in g In la k e View w ilh hisiweetheari, and (hat bapitcnin^ stuiTg Ashland avenue bo saw (lirge nicto ksKllug (he IruDk into the wukoii at tbe CH/lion ('oiiagc, sad tbal about hulf au hour later he *h w lh<* mnuM ueo dum pm g iho (x>itu-uhi o f Iho (r^irrk lutft Uis cap h In'.jii 10 w hich Ih c h m ly u lD r . CVuukn waa foiin l.

Ue also seya ihm be saw the m en diriinctly and ihat he w ill t>t- alifr lo h leo iljy iliutu, ami Ibal bia friTMiJo c u m io iil-n alMj i>aw incur mid tboi hbe, loo, will ut’ able lu j"kMiiily them, Ifr Is ready IO priMliiro (he yumrg wuiDsa aa axui liA the audiorllU^ wa .i her

Brooki*'* cxplaiiatma ui hia failure to id J hU aiory 1;cforc U ih t i L - w ai airani ut loaitig hia life, as he helK'veil ihe men iNiuccmcd m ib« mt-rder were w dcsp^raie ihni ilicy would kill any uiio who ihey ihuuKlil irilHhl lu r in p *■ « wilin>iatgain«t them, fin M id ibo kiiowlrnfre be poaw.a.e<l bad *o we’gh<-d cm lo* mlutf (hat be GuuhJ (nri keep K to tnurbelrafiy iungrr. and believing Ic was a d uly bcowc*! to hlnondf aud tbe cumminiity, he bad at la^t decided lo id l all he bud K-en. Hu fltsl supulHUnl lliet he he given i-rttecGoo. Th w w m pjxrwliwU ruin.

B/mfks told his siory itj ( ’o l d Ihihfiani, with wbuiu he wa<i clc*K!le<i lor over iw o him rt laW lofll nlghi. Re dcAcrllM’d ibe iliree men whom be few, r.ud lili du»cnpt!<in of oue is said lo (it B u ikc, U fr Wliiidpeg prlvoDcr.

O R D A I N E D A C O L O R E D P R I I M T ,

d ia r i e s K a m lu lp h D n cle a V e s te d W U h th e Cessocli « u i l S u rp lic e .

B A l.U M n H K , J u n e 22 -C u r t i i im l ( i l h - bona yedtrdsy nrilaJned a num ber uf shidciUs or K . fiuixplcc’s and fit, Jow p b 's ficmlnsrfrR. Am ong rAbcri nn whom Uio ton«uro waa tioslowed was I ’harlei Kandedpb Diiclca. a cuU orcik iiudonl of Kt, Jrs«crh’a. who will I* ihe Aral culruLKl prieti ordainw l lit America. He is a native of llaklinmrc, and has U'Cii all h u Hie a resident ol ihta city, (f r was Htooiig the flr^l to enier fit. Joseph's Bcmlnary, ilia aim of w hich Instllutiob |s lo p rejurv [.riuMi for work •mong <yjIorwl people. Tliuru is bul une etd- ored priest lit Ihl* country now llu wa* rdu- caied (0 Rijgland, urdaliietk In Hume, and ii uoiv Hfetionc'd Id lliincna I'hu CsrdiEial alto o r d a fw l M. F. HriTerman, of Phliurluipliiii; Rom aiio F -n e r, of (]falBJuwia, Spain, and Thom as C F a tre il, of Ohi'i, w ho ore ail study­ing foMhe oolurorJ mithlon work.

Th e services al tbo ( ‘Hibeilnil were very im- p rvu lve atid (ho laiibiC' of the higbi-si urtlcr. T liS (Jujtllnal odmliiiKierod liic tomfurc by cu l­ling with a [lair or M'lMurs four luckh ulf -aoh orovlKlate'i head i& th w u rm of a un-js . Then tiro caiiUWsw woB vesied w ub cushuck and ■urpllco ami the final bfrhalng boNlowfil.

Th e elcvaiton oi TOlon.*d men to ihc pm sihixd la SD pursuance of ibedocrco pusicd by Dm liuu Pfriiary t\>uncll iOMrnd cuhireil u jis 'lo n a nfi tu ^ 0 H*»uili lu work among Itic eolnreJ pu.ipit, T im r* n lln a l Is o) (ipli.lon ihat ro enuriho lr own race w ill liave more Jniluenoe ammig iJm i ^ r o ^ (haa white priests. Th e elevation ul Uacles 11 Ibe fln i step low ard carrying uul ihe dtjcroe.

T H E P R E b lD E N T ^ f i A r r u l N X M R N T R .

T w o M knlatars a n d Ih e C o n s u l-fJe o e ra k lo fit, H e te rs b a rg N a m e d ,

T V A fili iN G T O N . J u n e 2 2 .— T h e fnJlow - Ing arpcdnlmeiiU wero annomiced lu-dav :

John L 9revena„ of Mwlno, (o 1>e HihUter Kesldont (0 tbe ilsw a iln u frlaiids; (friitge Money, or TciiQfHiaec, (0 l>e Minister RcA:dciil to Lartguay and Uraguay ; John M artlu 4'raw> lool, of Obiu, lo bn Coiisul-Geiieral ai Ht, Fetersbuf|.

A tle m p ic U to A s s iiu lt m C hild* ipecist to the LvKKino Nxwa.

A ftB U R Y P a r k . *Fnnc 2 2 .— H h o rtiv belure 9 (/clock Tburoday n lg h l a child's scroema wen* bcartl oemlng froru a timely part or (be Dark opposite the (Ie|a4, and on invustl- gallon liMTanta Fowler, a inn 'ycar'Old girl. w a * rfo im d orrlirg In (he shnibtiery. Hbo ktatod that John (.'loveland, a lotty-i:car old man, bad lu ie i her there an-1 had aileinpicd to OfeauU h e r As ihe pasaeraby eatno up they saw Cleveland w alcing away from Ltie apii, and detained hltn uiiiJI an uftb er arn-KicI Jdm. lla does hot dcuy (be charge, and (he girl's pamnta, who k^ivp a small rcstauraui, say (bat Ibe hiun h u beea pAying grt‘a l a lk n ilo n (0 tbo child inr several weLika past, bul they fuipecieii no bad m ulivc. (.'frvdarjd wtb be belli Oh 6 charge of altcinpiod crm ilual as- aaulL He lax touw -painlcr by irade and came bet* from Newark about a ysAr egu.

Aecldenlally Bhot by His Brother.T h e o d o re F o rre a t, Aj^ed Bcventeen

ye sn . living at 1 2 ^ W illo w place, shut and woubJed his brother W aller, olglit years old, lost n lgh l and waa arrested b y Detective Car- roll. Tbeodore wks bandlkng a cheap thirty* tvro-oaUhfe revolver, wbeu tbe weap(in ex- plided, planilDg 4 ball In W alters aM um oa. T b s b u iU l has ucH.ysl been exlracfrd.

. r _

L i v x b f o OIU J u n e 2 3 .— I t l i probable tb it Ibe (riAl ot Mra. U a yb iie k , w bo fe charged wtib polsonini her husband.wlJl ba iranifrrred lo Ixmaofi, owing to the feeiing o f pr^jodtea w bleb exlais against bar bare. Bit Charlce RyisaJi baa beeu engaged to defend tin. May* brick.

4 1FNKH.4 I. T 4 HKItON DVtND.N a M iipti o f th e Vt^tirru liJe N (iile*iuau 'a

K c c ik «o ry * -tte llo v e il (o be Hkakkug.

I .A N t 'A K H 'K , [*a., J i i l f r 2? ( i t l i r m i 9linuii i'aon'n»u very li'W sthI (<► bosttikmg. l»caih niavLM'Curai sny HMmunt.

l . t AlPvriic) li n*«ral Miu-Vcaah mr*l In an liKcrvUW laj>t c \ < iu in : ‘’ (b -m rs l r aim Mil's pre-ent ('om i;i-, n «as snllnpHliHl, aod It ii a ruuiiiiualum *'t ibo atiick nl (Iv! weeks ogii, Ru h*#. fc iv iv id Uu!c Mu*toiiam*d situ-'e Tlmrs* liny luornliig, atid Uto oihI .» va^x-oU-d v iTy boon. H i« Tight aide u inralyiL-d and he i*ilA-LTllO'M

I'ho G o iu is rs p1>y«iiUn kiss Ui<n lii run- siniit alUu.diioov, l»it u i i (•e!u vo*l in-lio^ no hope of hpt |i«i i‘ut '•iirv Ting ins i'r Iroiirn.

'Ihe lu i 'c ra i 'i cuiidi ii'n thu uiuiiiuiy wax■u>ui the MiiLii.' o» Ih 'I iitghu

D U , r u T T E H I f D M K A G A I N .

I'a iu cr-II was turn in (.fitoaiicr ('m iuty, I'M., MsMh 8 IV'9 He v,n% loll an (vi'bwn at an ro fly o;‘i‘. I>it( rt'<-i-tvtHl a Ihlrl-iiglbU fkioi'alluii, Biiti fxvitii lit U a m Ihn|irtii|,-['s trudi' wbou ntno ) o h i* ol age Ho uiiriLi .| at K J*it>rii y'liaii lii taunc-li-r, llorria.Imrg Mild \\«oii)i>tjPiii, mid lu h..i up1-'ilnniil»*o (liHi 111 lJ«J0 h r ••ilnum n tlc^^- )'M|*or III IKiylv-hiivii. I ’M . sud in i to iii H arrl'tiiirg A n bOxu a* ho liod HriuiM iinU'd M'.lUim-iii cs|>ifrl bo (►■I’suii* KronoiiHl m t>aMSi(ig atiil III rodiuM-i i'iirisiru.-tli)ii iiitU .- C 'lilis l |inri of itu* - Uv It" UH- lu ra iln ic A<lju,l«u In in rnl uf r , l>’ ayUHIIin. llo lO.I* 4 i•-ct^ll I iiiiL‘<) Siaic« r«iiii ur III h l i ii-r ilir UTUI flid lllg IHU.

A l tfir U.'niJdioHii cmivoMlIu'i that iiunilu. h UsI Ah'MliHiii i.mcniii iit> siri (iglv >iip- la.riod lur 111,' I'M-alili'iiry. oihI aa’iiti lur 11.gV Im ) ‘ri'-ldv lies. I-Ill Ill liSfMi.,u) U llb oI'l i iii* y lrn m H di. 1> ,;aU 'ii i ri-M-nriHl Ii Ir u u ih in -s ' i i k i IiM Iu ailcr iifiuv' Mr l . im u ii m( L*iot> cAitol him (.. N ir rmhin^l •■* s .‘ii'lrtiv uf \'ar and hi'p^'ivod u j i i a I io (h r Kiiiiinn* dulioN uf Itiv niHiUuii. M l, I Muu it,n ilio h^Yrc-lWy*.hlli Mil J«U>tiiTV IL, OiutaUNin »i> (•uliiU'*! S ^ri'iiirs III l.ii slu, mill hi* udl n iKO iiiiduulitoiljy U'liilcd In a wrgo rtion>>.iT< ii>m - ciiri- tlio friciii1*(jip III iliu |ro>s*-riul iiii'i.indurum tho 1 n i l Wor 111# iH.iMlu.’till ci'ihdii triiiibnrt'iimt w .im (i'h*iirvd l>y Hit’ H i'U »o •'( |{, jui**.. M p 'v rs A t* i: ..<1, I n ..:, |.<i | Mr l.MH’Uln ti< >n n.' M'.|( M m > O r t a t t i i n l . g ,W l'll n ili'T Iiu h Ih '*| ilrim r Tin lO*, llEI i*i(i(AI ohArt' III Uto nv| r iud..i'|L ||i n-kiuiini hh M uit.*|r! (ij HinmH. Viivt min ' H, in •. .ui.| ti.

' lualiit'd 111 liunu- iiriti) Wgl. n Iu - ii ho ciprtPiM ’ m icd K a ’i-v K nstor, sni| iiiieil chairtiian oi lln- ru im ririi-r nu J-uii’ ign Alliitrs Liii (ha rrhfen.iMd Ml Mr 1‘ ino rcr in Howio iic-iit lu ihi Si iih 'c iiir die luiiiih linio iri pC:i, bill ro-lgiiLv'-UI luvuriif his nm huring llic )i-s ri i f b n ni'llvc pnlillo IIU< bi< ish i a (•MiAoffiii |nMi'u>al h'silor, iTooiii'MiU d n friu ig llie HtiLoy uf lhe RoimLilioHin pur; J in lviij-».yl. vwnia nml m nULiig A ^KruUg uidnvo iv .n H imusdun at bitgo.

l b * N o w a rli I 'h y ■ Ir ia n W h o Xufiferad T n r v il i ly T l i r o u g l i Ikie ( i r e a i

i B . ( i . F . Piithcr. id' U j O r i 'iM n l sirooi, wli'iKi' feilicr, Tiiirtiu-rtiiil pcr'alirnl in the ( oiiumaiigh fliMii.1. tCNoihVl h isi fiiOiMnNsvaia (hli niiKnuig, tisvirig cuuio dlroct Irwii Jimrwluwii. Ifr lint lu re im Hie i^liir’ lay

after Gie fiiHal, aud sf cr U'lug - miM'IIni lo j liavd huiMlriHls uf mus* mt «ir lie tlirm j riniio, arilrid at Jr'hiisuiwu on Urn next Wed-

U(‘»*tiv eiuriing. Ilii tirulbiT, J a I'uUor, (iias'.Lt tiirchaiiir ai i aiiio iile'i llinissfrHd W.rLi, bad aln'ally gun# toihoolty. Hr. Put­ter's (lafrnU bverl Bi MiMtivule, U'Iolmmi JuUiis t4'M(2 and<h. Uilh lUoni oas hi* bre Slid H halt )i-ar old nu.ibi r es* Jtuigb- tor and 111* two M«m r*L lhe elder ao.(or. Tiniii.i. arNiiiK tiincii'*-u» tdd, grew iii-rLi'U* AA Uie naier ni-i' lu Ih.' stU'Cla, sn-l n U ’u I f'n*>on mliKiicH iH'lura iho g n a t i*iivc CHin.-Mu- (mA Dr l llU•r'n liltlc giri And starloil fi.f iiip nth nearbv, Hbc ii«d Iwirlyreach*-! a I.... . ui ly when, ••ukll'g Iwck,aIa- i-hvs i|ii> uverw liidiiilng 1|. u I latili iho tinUM' and *.wei*ii II swa\. lhe L-iioTiui Dr h-'iit'j fa lur, nn'ilnr a<-d eLNctiienMi- yom II -1 f *■! r were finiml K in g *uimo dl>t..iicau|-..rl, h ill i ; . L --IJ Carrie*! suav |ii d tli-.*-ni iliroi'i,. U-* tiutit llie lioMw*. N'-Hf Mr*. ISd- roi - ii i>D «ji< u iiDie «H ohcl tH.Tii2ii;iiim N-me muhU aiu-u« Nut HimU-or vrdigu u| the liiitivrvii h a n in iiin t. was ilue<ii-r.tT I Ik m ic W I..TO llic IttOlliug M im d in live h*.'lul **Hu : Dr, I'olter diifie.; Jd> I'nv nl J*di:;slu U tK iiil ii.-hle 'orv I'e I I iniiiltli r I ii lu iho lu HirMvurh uf It.e s f in L CKlHinl y lie r « i -• ;l-.d KMi-iliiTil 1)1 t t .c )n i i le III Muudvaiti |•li*.T.r[. Ml ut-o bimlly iit tliirho u wiiU whiiiLi hi,. H!i* Ml qitJlmtHl cvei'v uieiidN;! {h t -Ixiiini

bAWLKSS HillHIJINDKRSt h e ir b r a n c h e s in PHILADELPHIA

A T r i a l Ki-veatM (h u t tlie NiklArkeoi

I fengertM u r h l iie «e AsRoefrtkiMt F1oar>

Is lir* In the ^ u a k t r ( ' I t y - H i * O a lh #

a m i ru Lilehm siiil o f (Hfendoro*

l l u ; MI'NDAV n .t l l .

ni(KNt>H AT J(»llNHlUWN.

alU r difeUWiUK Him eaUnidy. ml J-iined In Hie cunclusmn ■■........... Hmt not hs!i tban Hi.ftt! |K'M|doWLMu l()P!l III Ibc fli-oi). On Occuiitd uf ilii-geu- era! knualtnlgt: uf itiu pL-up1e puaieMAKl by life physidAns (ho tsiiitoate la lookvd upon aa r^- ilth fr.

4 DKAMATIO C(URT S€KNE.A ClilUk W h u D id N ut W e n i (u (U i w ith

Hri- Mtdlifir,T h ere Wiia u im isy n nd N iir -e w h n t fln i-

m il lr nt'ue in the aeto-.d Ilnur corridor of (he Cum df I'ourthimiH! this monMnr. In Judge J)e|ii]e'l court Mary Lytjcli N>ughl hi rec<iver lAWteplIon ri| hor HtX-yenrold<liiiigh:er. whuvtai in (he ciiAKpiy uf (a i]icr;uu t-u-v-iik. TiirL-v year* ago L in J.yiiHi'* Im-tmiid iltnl. an«i Mix fifri,eiis d^uk tiro duugliU-r lu rsl-u. No in* deiJiure fcipL-n uerii drawn, auil under ihcsu cireuui'^frni’t.a (he Judge, nu ip i licanun ul M. T tliLir(-11, cfjuii!M*i fur tiie rnnthLT, gra dicl u w m uf har^-oa lorpiM remAndiuK Hm child lo Its mulhei'N n un u iy . W !lh llie fiNriy weru •i>‘frra u> Mre. l.y iirL urul fru-ndA nt Uiu uiliur •iilv A ll weiv fpiieli-i,uiigli[ In the rvjiirtrivim w Ik -i m Iiu rlecipjuii wh«. given, bnl wiieii llig currulnr wns m irlie d hlgli nnr^t^ and MTi-ams ru n ihd air. The cbrol kji fc-d. yo;i,.,j thai me wuuld ruW af w ith lier im-lhcr, elniig In ’he umiian with ahum pbu had lived ntid rc-lUM-d til be |j«nlli*<l. ll .c n ihu wMuen lut/k a hm d In crying arjJ bc*«eeiiliig aud lullc Aiieh up -.ndy cryiug h o u im j enu indulge irs, The Jnivyer finnlly succeeded ill quieiiDg the panic* dnH n, aijik dm girl tsarfully lull lliu piaa- In ei*ni]iii.iy with her irndhcr.

O F F JN A H T (^ P i iI t t IK /R .

fC a trliiJS a m t T l l a n l u H u i i ln g D lh | j i« t o f T l i s l r f i r r lc a u f M h I o I i m i .

f lA N D Y H i m i k , N . .r.. .1 l i n e ‘J 2 . - T h e KAlriiiA luid I l ia Ilia fell lhe frst u( 'heir m l" * of match races today. 1 he cnurH* la frnm Buoy 15 to Die, Hamly Houk l.lg lii-h ib. gnmg Jnsideof thu KoulliWusi ApU litmy going h«h1 re- (uiuJng. A [ili-ing bn- xe Ii hlnwing uijt ol iha nurd]weal, Ihun luMirnig n t|H.'c-ly mid tivi.-ly rSM*. A l 1(I::10 tiulU yRehla appeHred nff ihn iferiliig Hue uml. u iiMial, liegsn ligiiiiug Jorput-KluiiM.

Th u sturi W04 made a( 1104:4'), Die K iiinua going over thi^ line The llin luliow' d al Buih yHchu oameil rjisitiMllK,i-ta>>alla. Jlhs, Jib loiorills and gall tnpfelh. 7'he race down the Hfeteu Ik liiid kh< re w b« n goiHi oiin, I 'h e l lU in n grbilnully uvcrbaul-d and [>«uc)1 (he )\au,i]ii io wiii-iwanl kkiiii yae'oiA weie going n( ii (remendn'iN • |M-ed iind leanng Hirnugh (he ch.q^py waves h k e a p u irof kieaiiibnAiB.

A S uit A g a in s t a L a w y r t Iifrm l«ap 4 f.

J iiK li i 'f V iin ArotlRfe yrdH cfrlxy d i« - Qiiwed the cum p'alhi chnrgltu cuuipfrxcy, made by Ahhie M. Jlruwii Law jur KL.lHjrl P. Bell. Liicrt hy exoiKrsDug Hie laiict from critiimaUMg iU (fit! inRticr lor w hich cum* plaint V.SM irhuto, 'lhe ehnrgu grew uu( rif till’ In'ublcs of ihu lallur firm uf Bonnull A BuwetM, In which Mij« B iuw tj'i nephew wm Intoreided. .Mum Ihuwii cinimed lhai Mic lind Ioen liidiieied t-y Mr. HeH'» ndvlec tu pign a iiuU-tor TJuO, f -r whic.ti alia received luj cult- klderiiliuu aud w lre h pIiu a fn ru iird had lu p iy . fdiu had picVluualy by sntl.oHiy ul her ih -k r, Mrs. ItoundJ. rigoid (he Inncr’M name n> obiigudoiiR uf lhe f-rm. ami hbc mi] s Hin( ihc was ilireateiied wHh pnji^ecullun fur forgery if she rufiucd lu iig u (be noto.

H l((h Nrchuol A lu m n i Gfflcer*,

A t thc! a m iih il itier-liriff o l D m H ig h fUrhool A lum ni Apw-i-lRdon Iasi m ghl. the fol. lowing ( ’filecra aeip eleelwl : I’ninrliMit frHili k . Heiiagb ; firhl vice |ir4alileul, Fjlm iiod I - J o y ; acecind vice (ifCHidenI, M ias Annie L. TK lieijo r , ireiiMirer, Heiinan K, L. Beyer; lecurdii-g st'creiary, WllliNrn t6duner; iv-rres- p<uidDig fecrelary. Mihm Draee kufr rts ; linan- elal Bccrclary, Kriwsrd K Hi pfi-r ; isKiiiiiiid Ihiaheifll ^erreiary, Mlm M. Ksuivu W i-im er ; bli^turisn, IToua^ur lieorgeC. Sunn ; lueiulHjr c f lh e sxccuDve couindmd', K iitv iin r in A h lcrsfy irograimne fuLowisl ttm regular bu&ltic J*

Tkte hvvr filnrket Htunds.A t A m e c l i n t f n f the M n ik et rom m ifi-

aioi f I 111 PrfSidciil Yirmig’s utfiiv IhkI nlghi ii WAV dcchlud (hut ibo ironi of lUe Pixiy.|iin.‘u niaihIk lu ereetc<i kinill ba ofUio Lest N onh KIver lirck. I'hcy w ill be eight fi^L-i'high, iwoiity-lwn fret deep ami the walti uru to Ic sixie-n 1nchr*H Iblck at the 1>aihi and twelve At (hu (op. Th e iin.-hilect wHl MibmK new pfrns an-1 toe CuiiinuhNioiura will make a l■.•locUun a W itk from uexl 'itouMlay.

T e a c h e r s G oin g A h ru od .A ^Aive iiu id Iict o f leuchcrtf o f tfiei

Jllgh fichrojl Bud grammar arliool* have ar- rungeil to spctKl thvir auium-r VAcalluti In (iJffen'Qt (toumrifs in Kiirup’.'. Mi-<s Digra W Orcciu-N vICL'-priuclpal o l the High s c lm d ; MIw Bailwra K. tram-, hlw Mllhu A. Fumto-r iml llhM Mary Olmsfrad, ufelliu High fidiuul, will spend Uieir vocstloiii sbroail. Itoinc IwciTty leachcrs aitogciherhavoarinuuiioed llieii in- tfiiUmi o f going, sod otburs may lukiuw (heirtxa m p ls .______________________

A l L aw r iv e r a H oa rd UIH. *in , o f 1020 ilroad 'K ln^ct,

l-a b u ro ra 111 W i l l i H lo o d ro lA u n lu g .-T H -u roseM u l I 'y p l io ld K e tt -r H siu irie ik .

J u l iN H T l I 'W N . I 'll. , J u n e III! IImIBunigab luer, a t»s-|.1puI hefp. n lid a fu rc k u UtNjfer. t u ih einptoytRl in c lra r i iig up ihc wn-rkage near ih i! IvnuAylvH ina R a ilrm -l hrldgc. Were t rp u r l-d dmiKcruiiiJy sick w ithbltMi'i ^tuiNudiig 111 M iH ra riiK

The ana biiKti-rcl ile H hared s ini‘ smi Ihu f r iu t wau-f ja/iM»-c«i (iicm . 'I he a ru * " M k iiIi iiic a were "ivoU cii u i i i • f a ll i r.i(Kirii<nj an l (he phys lc ltm * cXpnav UlHw bii|ie u l Hie n-. cuV(*ry o l Pdht'r, i l i e Jurcigti laltun r waj- sc iii tu a rillPliiMg hiicpilai, till] Jiuij.gaidm I m atbia huUH' III K c m r:!:c .

Tw o Dew COM'S uf (\ ph<i|d fcVCf WCfC to furltHl among llic w^»rkniuii i IiJp iui.-r. lug, ahd werv isk ' 11 to Hjo Red ( riwi RuNr'iial. The Ue-1 ( i<»A pcopio have ciiientyl hcad ijiiancm ue-tr (h)iicrn t llu N iin i'v '" fr'Ad- quevieis. 1 Ins urgatilAaiinu is ■(ill duing uinch good. j

A ll [bn hv’iil phycf-iani m .'i Ncr Idenlally a( tbo Bnlfuiil H r i -K H -iin ia i lari tiH-h(. 1lieyn-pr<w«(iUMt ah |ia ru u f lim ptneken c ily . aud.

A T c l l ' l i t n A gw lna t Ihw I ' l u y i i g (o Ue < I r c u lw rc i l III H m illi U ia u g c ,

A lii-'m ln -T I 't '( ' l l -S id i l h ih iin y H I'lm n*F lip 1 uliilulI'tHi sulil Ilu j IUi*nitrg thill |M Vi-r:d t' hldcnls ul llu- luw il-lnp U-U iulc-I • lur’ irii* niu lnday wUh * Iw-.lli-iU, fO <(|| ►im- Hu- u n iu iill l-•• lu IrLu ncle.u lo unid Ml|i|*’e .'lug :<uieliy I'h HI I lyli' . 11) llu v ’eniid u«*d ol Hu* 'J' lcd i.i,; I'liik V ‘c> I MiN ■ lliiirR m il In- mn h'lu bl-l'lMi- MR llu u,y >lgriHUMI-.V MR l* »V dilc III the l c D h in .s u HP III im d lu i u Ih i- iM li.e Cing uf I I I -C u iu t u m . .I ll New irk I 'l in l -h JU T ivud ................................... .. | i u.IP a 1-0 *11 IdIhMK li.i l;v rt**|i]i id.| Ilf Dm h .LM hlllp*n- w ilm g I) %(gu a ii-tiiiRm a-k.I'.g Di- ci.miiiiiUe 10 |ie>rjU Sud'layh d i plMVii B .Vo luieflefi-ncc \\ iih lu m mm wto fiiiiie ii n iu«i Icn il protj.itiie. .M h-rU i, New ­ark I hii. hiii^nuM UNpii-iH hi In p abri ad it ir (i n hn*-i>D-«u uf (ho dlru. i«»ry l i s i « n ion Ihc W ifrh i Ptrei i L’luimdn sml play R g uia ily uii ihtt new grv.'iiwU.

bruugbl suit in Iba Second l^ivtncc Court Uiti moriitni agtiusc Police fiidgeou Or J, ifrnry u s r k 10 reouver fSuO, siiegud lo be due bur tor butiG. Dr. Clark's dofauce was that h'e bad a full otfeai Id a bill for medical KteuilAiu-e ftiruisbed (b e plainiiiT, list n u t and boarders 1 1 (lie bouse. D eoliioa waa tosorred. |

lla rrtp q ii am i H ew ruy.T h e lu H o w m g in ;i Hh |. u l lh e eulw

lk‘rd'C)i In Ihe fimd lur the winUuMa pd ibi- liOiv ( i.iirr-li uf tlu- lluij i'luAb. iljrii«2>n, IhaX h la*t • ppuan-'MlIri i-ulu(ih Htul VHH iw-dl (h''ilU*r| ScIiIl IiiImt n ■ Juiii) w and M iiy liltPidali IfpOd, U,-v, ,M !'. DTuiinui, JDM. lui-n.uriHl hilti Ri-v Kbihcr McCwiHiy. friHU, itii'min-ial late Kci i'aihur Bctiidiaii. ti'4U g l iu l m .-in if (Ik - f'Hi un , M iiid ip ii-L iri eiirli, Miba Tlicrn>u ‘liitlie. .Mary HfnM alhcnm i I'aDn 1i.ii); Iim iuu- rjAl S.i»i eai-u. Panlck I'hDiiiklcMd’ iiu IS. D.ihh k and k-iduii hri<lg(-«, kiichat-i li'MAlh-y, VVidic Rie.l. Rii-Jiaut Hiiiu-I, Mary Ki-euiiii, M is Auu M^n^lh■hl, j ’uirick l.yni-h, PeU.'f J. BUil Aiiu rnao, B.i(firk and (allierltie Maher, rUMp Mriilcnnnu, Mh-IisuI k^alvb. Jaiiiev Micinhiiii KIiahIicIIi Hngtoa. Julm i un du n : win.low. tl.HJ, gill ul Hmi’ lUcRwxi hm-ra nirtd i!--.rU-iy. inemurfel (ic(-UA»i> I lu-uidM-m u| parmh ; tind riuty wlndpiwR, 9i ' 1. gift uf Guar- rluii Angel S4,ripH!, gift SmTii-i H csrl ‘ha-lrly ; nieuiwiaJ uiiiduw, J rjmi-n iiii-t i-llJicialM ih ( ' in . Hugh Hud liriilgei Mulligan, .Irdiu Mur­phy. IH-kr nikI lll-kry Itnuck, MiehaeMJ and la ih erln e bHiri-u. Jmitqih und Ur'ilgei MmD Uivwa, tldwaid and 51ary tine*'. Jeifintab D'Runrke. Ifrlen MuMcU. Rift Ol Michael A. Mullen, ( hddtcii ol Msry fim’lr-ty window, lIlKi, tiifiuorlal uf Bernard Jfrnry aiid gift of Ihutnnit niid ralherlna 14ihiirn , KHcn .Mclmii- aid, vrimkiw. All Ihs windows are uuw Nidw-iiTlbed fur with ilie cxcrpiJun uf Ibrce at IlfiONUd lour ttrJ cnch.

The PLPuindi w uf c (lerns o f Ariicgbin op IpoiuU 'I u |in-arnt lhe iHdiiluu fur int-rcahL-il tram M-rvu-c al tbo Arllngtoti Hisih<n uf lhe (rffcim oiKl U k i- Rjiilruoil (o (he iiiHJiagcincnl of ih c nasi, hiive re[Kitio<l Hist the (frnurai l^Rpi-nger ,4fcnL (issun-d (hi-in that mx ad Ii- ilunid ca>tlx>un'| aud ri-ie wv- ilHKuid itmus wlU hp piji M|f pii (he Arlmgipiu liln> Itblp.

'I lie <4tr ;r Imi kM*cji n|H-ij during Die r'a*-t Ihriu; eveui igb. m riirisl KplMuiPOl < iintdi, Horriwui, cIum-lI hivl oyonJng, it wor very sne-leMifnl.

Th e [ini pruci-c'ls uf the eidcnslninp'ut given by LLi' Viiimg Pi-upitf's Htpc e{y ul < hriHilati Ku> dcHVuruf llu- 1‘rvHhvrribjn ' liuii-h. A ilu ig lo u ,*i«l. lUHi l>i--U w ill <u .hrlUe-l'MVU.

1 hu cxl*-ii-l'2M ipf lhe JJsVi* Mi-Uiurj^al U . F.Church la In lug piiinUrJ.

A i)i<-vi-uii-n( Ifc oil |iN>( Lip rc1 -I raiu I v a grand d e n iu i-• iin iim i (he jniDM lin liu u "I iii«- re ttu ii 1m|pruvi.‘inei,lH in ilitiriNpu -Ihu, iie.i ly urgun- 1m -J Htl- d4-|puitjju*ii!. i|je iuirij»Diclhpii of sipii •duel WU(|-J' Uld eUp llh ' DuilMilg

1')m LtiierHid ( 'lull ul JluiriRun sn>l Ki-arriy w ill ceh-hfttfr July -1 In IdlMcipii ils ll. J ut* tm-ml ertt m il tneei lu-mi r n w aneriiisui atui arntriuc llu- nr toi of exen-ia<-a.

JhC pr.iciaiiuiiiuii lia* iH-en Ijiaucd agHiURf iiMiioErivri (litgN riu in ln g a l large in llatiiMPn. huiiiu ««ie Ik IpIIU-ij nearly L'very dav. 'fbia oiurmtiK AU Itolhm woman. Iiviiig on iCailiusd avt iiiie. wptH fiikihy bltlHU bv a d«>g. A pbvni- I'lMii was <-uiiLMl III and G U h tr Kuniu-dy shui (be (btg.

A — i'iiililTTn»n Kjlwraiil I’, FHrrcll hsi piir rliaswi he K turny htci/ftl, the nil.f al uillArrlsoii uri I Kciirny, luid will la* ed]iur-in- chlel. 'Ih niHx Dulflti w ill be Dm m nm igug (siiujr.

Tho adjniirni'd eunferi-iiee U-lwiion Llic Hur- risuN Oiii;i’ipji r Miui'il iiip*l Du- a Mu iii i -y " cpI Ibu U-tAWau', iii.ekiiwnniiA kU-l We*iuin lladrrpupi ( ppriilpany in re>-mi| lu Hn* arn-iini id late* ohargcil on ifo lu w n l ieiip-nTt-Ds i«Mtka iigiauki (Jmcuinpanv ih Ihiii g hi-ld IhiH almruLXPij luIbe 1rea,urcr>i utUct. iu Ifr-rlauit.

Ilc v Jaiiji-n K thHcli, pii h;r i;f lhe Flint iinp Ld r lioreij uf llarri«2in, w ill Ik* ppr-linnc-J nu Munrlu) i yen mg. I he i.|H-nltig luHre-a w j|| Im* delivered by Ui-v. Wliliuin KiilUiiMiii, ul KahwNy ; Dm el> jrt,-e (•» (ho r itnp|it1iiie by lu v. H I. K iim |p[> Slid lh e -b H rg f tPf ihi' ebUM h by Hey A. Anri^iru'ig. ul New lIuMJItlyii. I'tayur w ll r - -o lli -in l by Jli v H, h. Warring. Rev V t A. JniM-R w ill esii-i|pj Dm bm.-l ul f.dlnw- phip u(i Ix-baH Ul ihui*emur*uf Hm tiuigiilpur- bivvL

Th u Hu rlsnri l.uwu Tennli ( lull |npt night(•lecic'l MuMliew Hi-siuu, iire-fiib ii( , Jnim -illuriuii, Huerciary, and 'I iiuiiiMh I.ewis, ixeusnn.-r.

A l l l i i id llu raf) ICumi .Aw iiy.

A hu fN - lM -lo!iginu \ 'iH ii im Hetnarx,6 l .Meebaiiir p(re<l, cpinw!il rum^ ( xu iii iu i*n i anil MU l- l i lo d,iii)ML!i‘ D ir ninrning. l lu * a id i i ih I, w Ipc Ii fs tpili.d, uUM udl '.l-m dlug on flropid Hire I, iieur D u M u rrii nm l * H ail rudd. w b i'u Dm <.iriver onlercd a b u ii illn g in |prm-<-ai ni ereiTinn. The hfe»a‘ fr;(-aim- I r ig li i - c iicd Kl Die nm AUnInu i | p rn s ihh ig Irum isrid ra n a w a r 1( oa-phed acru-a Broail MtuKd and pliDiKorl l i i 'n thu H irnlows n( /.irun ioru jiiu 'a l.urU r sbu|>. Ui'ur Hn- corner ipI ('neR u^rucl. W indow kiiRtU's. giai«>anil llx iu rea ul-iu (iduHy dcm ulisim d. Bisimtotp und tiisugU ’ nn a stand In f r o u l i j l 1K i i i )jH‘j ' b Vegelublu lim rSel vu-r*: uouL brujidi-Hrl t.jripiigb ihcsTn.-cl, nud pj gei e n tl iO riiu n f cuiilUKiun fu lb iw i-il. Tiiu hnr->uwHS ir ig lK fiH tjr iseeridoU ui.<l (Iu- ,..<le>«iiik done (nt H-e un.iip iunaln nm*p. .Mn K u h e n y paid LPni two q iiH r iau f lluu r was (Ji<- < x tun t t i ttm p rn \|p |un * s i liumo,» fu- 1tiHil Ipecu iiiiiwu g H r suim- Uinu.J 'irJ joa Van Ncw> wrnU) to A ii| ii ;r iii ', 'n ile u ( f lm lib , ()f Ibu Bur* HU o f A rpoc ia iiil ( I jH rd h s , r t 'k ir ig H iat a^niRljiiiou be g ivuli Uic K lahe riy Is ir i liy . The JupUcc and rsp in iM M tM .u m i gave tiro WL'diau uniiiey fur [pri’M-nl nocilH,

T l ia < lu «]irt V ltify u rd .

F o r tell yt-iirH ur n io f ' I f -v .f f. af,-r WclD. wlM) hCp|n-rR Uulii liuhiuiy I're'-by- l -n n ii ( iiuroli an-1 uHiuf roMg".n* w<.;kerM) l IJio oily, ha." he'd n{pen nir (w d ghf p'i Vn-es evorv fiundny ev>-nlnL' uri lhe vm nrii Itpt.s d>ir Ing Hro suinmor KL-iiupM. r^nrit4g lhe pnpi h-vv week'* III- (h u )' h worli»rp Ijulu iimt r-r.-u -d a lilgli luartl ienni Aripiin-I iwu luis pin -Sprueo sto t-l ar.'l ItoJiipuiii hu-rme. nrii| u iv i- pnA l-J>rd Ihi- ^nejtwuiv wKh (spinfijrlahlp- m-iiU ; u largo plHiiurm fur al>uui Hlly aDiger-t liiu« U-tmurL-eiop] and the pnviDnri hiis U'en named tliu " (iipp]p I VlneyH^J.'‘ H wiD be opimed (o-m nrmw sUer* iii>ni) a ( C.i'j u'eiuek. 7'he Piallunn i.cugiin will amg. Htroitii anlrd bv the cornel, (iml Fburi addreipcs w ill be tUAilfl by F. H Ituag- laud an t ultu-rs a bo have anaiilu<l In I riugiutr the eiiierprlae iocum pfrltun,

ObjDCtail t o Ife lu g I 'u ila d Ih,J il i it l in M iM tir, M C iuia l jUreot. w iw

lent lo ja ll Ibis iiium ing un u wiirrunt j&*m d by J iu U cc Bliim . Mi,]tfr was paMtug the ctipthlug stnre of Mis. Tohon, 114 lA n iil slrcel, when %bu pulled him by Uic coal aoU ctidi-avun-d to »^ell blm satiDu goudu. Ifr rvsh(ed, and lat«r is ul- Iqgvd to bavu os aulied her two obildreu.

A RolmuDt A venae Hay KlsaldCiWilHiim Chrfetophftr, n re<l tiittfen

years, haa buan fulaaiug from 4G Beliuoai avo* DUS fincu Tbuisdsy nferoiDg. Ifr lias browD bauj blaok eyes aud a Kiar on lUi cbia.

t 'P i t l .A l iK l .p n iA , J d i i , 2 2 .— F b r w f - eoil diljr* [HLst fruir I hiQAuw'n, i ] i named h d v e U e u un trial fur rumiing a rstk^ion gaiM In the Itirter part ut (lit* eiry. Im nn r Ihn pro-(^’♦••Uiigs il hoA la*i;n disenvMvd ih il ih t DOCOtt- <MiR b ik I d niarruiM Iligh U u d o n have bfsBfbSi of il.e ir i-vjpriaHuu hare. Amnng ihe h a lt hundred l hiiie>m wliu gathenu in ro m l yew- I P lay lo WMieJb the Itla) w m a Istge, heivtly*1 u iitC binaniH ii, who would ba siiiglsd IromIhi- ll im ig ................. .. acn»nul irf RiarkediL 'Iim iitlu* . nnuiiliig ficun tembie wouodi (iptPii Ilia head, mu k and rljesl, Ifr w m i I aliii rt ih i hnutuiaii, a Hrghbinrter, wbo had U-eii iti uniibtf wlrh liL* SLaivly (bcrsarkil bad lipiH ly e .c .j(.,.l w dli bu Ufa.

Tile iihiMl -U pIu I Riaro of ths aver*g« fbtnmxniiii i svi-wpiy (u a ftcrt'o scowl, tm l his s v m Fpnrsli-d uiigrliy when t«awysr Hhaplsy rs«fl tu (tir ju ry lhe iraiislatmiii of ilis eharler roU'R < I A pr>p|u<ed biaucli uf ih t H ip fttnff 'J‘ I'g, wiiit n Is I Ul line ipf the many namse by ll.i- Highlppiiderp aru kuuwU-

T i u i ii r HiNu TONu mM-trrv,t l iH iliwuineni ( furfh ihnl i tiumber of

('h in m ie u hn-l U ui.d ilu -m «'lvcs tugclhog tin>h r U.U ii.iiuc ipf H ip Hing'lodfg. each mens* IpR-r I sv'iig ei-uifihii(«-«l 6*i Any member 0 ( thewH'U-ly uiuHH tie appuiiiU'd 10 have war- Piiiis iMiPii-d and (0 -i-cniu (liv a reab uf any of i(a cneiiiu-a, llreilireu uiud uut ibd eiieni >ii (•> lie Hin-M(s<l and go as wUaoMsa Ift oa-L-ol ir Ml au'l u-HiUy agam'.l (ham. Il or* n>*tei| eiietjiics shuiild pa^ hhxiFji fonhw lrro- lvii>-e the nifiicy uotiM bo rqiiAlty dlvklad! n iiio 'g ilkO liD'iiipMi Muit Hie I rio n e n rsfroasd. Itui u II hum lhe fHivtUeni ut ihig mofMy ths 1 ni'::> ,.! ' he MH'Irty iiiusi U - puswculSil upUleons i< ir<! nn<t •enn-iiceii to priHMv Tba nilea lurther } ri>snUu lliut iu csse Bjij roLmboif of Hn- WH ;■-(■ 'in iij i l Imi irroLted itol imikrlsonwdail li e csiKMi-cH uf ihclr ilcfrnoe would in- lH>t|)i h> lhe iMicloly.

'I h li 1% Llu- lirvi 4-Mi- In which Mia Mlghblndb erv wJiuM.- Ii-rnblo dtH-iIs u |hiii iha I'tolfia <■'4^1 MIL- Rii well kriMwn, hsvii Im-qu brought U 'lu |imiidiu i!it* Ih -k *. Thu piypcnl (rial, hu*r-• ver li.i* I-ri ught Old llin lael il:ni Hibi pvwsr* fill iiigiiiHjuilUci, lioluri' wtdcti all PbifiaiDSa (icm M c, 1)- ft' UTbhiug here, and (ha heod- q u iirien iiif eneli brunch in [ho oily haa b sM lucauit.

ih a Ihilfrtlirii lulu ihcss tnciiTles l i ox« treiiu 'ly rtgi'l. Ihi* raiidldsiw ktieafe and, W U tith e e d g - id s kecu (Word jdsuiaJ BgoliMl h (i Ihnud, uhilo (bn imlm «il iiHdber fe Idp-N j**t UKaiiiRt lhe liAck of his uerk, ba chHfiis Hie FetSmu ifetli, |lio and pro*vud.ini ul upI ie|) ura mure terrible Ibao Ui* Wilde I i-iriu-upinmsol any oHror kiwwQ orfani*KlU.OU.

Huw t l lg nATM lu TAKXN.Th e u a lli )» tokpii UfKin a »nri of iaw -hOflt

uiHile ill A 'h -iri .ug Uhh lunt legs. Upun (bk( Pie plIiilMhmi'liL of niteil-frrs li «lsu e iM u io d . TOe t 'lijfrii i>*-.(rajijH-d (*) ihi> kj; Slid tbe exw* ciit-p . 1. u'tlh n wiHufri) i-liib like B bOM ball lu t, l<unimeis Ibi* nufurinnatu vk'ilos upon bfe luLi k ruid calves iinlll bu d u i iq agony. AlxrK- hi^ibis>H ji Ills t flig) ufitroJoaa of lice.

The pru'icisr clucta "h e a d s m e n " seral-ai^ nntillv . ju d ibc lr wonl li law. Th triy -ih ro t* link lici men " aro pwnru lo do ibe bkkilag id tbe heoilRiiiun. When liu '(.\m ncl] of Death Bgru-t Ibid a ('hihBiiiBii hat rmnrailfed on sol ilia i ilcM iv c i ifrHih lhe " hairhei meo " aro liipirucied Up kill hurt, and if iliey do notexa^•liji* diligence In Ihin they art UtemaeivM pill under llro imn. It Is dangeruus for anyChiiiauiAii to harNpr a fuglilve fnim Hm poctety or III'] iiitn In-pcai>liig. and || is haciuig ibsy are Riife tiiRldc the orgniilsaunri, while wHbool iiiev are In c^mstaul pen), ihaisu niahy Chlefc* oiaii join (he wx-ieiy. ' ^

T h u Nocii llc i ill (Ida city ars im all lo n o * - fwiahlp. bnt M hai ibey bava Is siods ttpofoot^. lowed c rim tiu It who are uuerly m g a id k fe rf bnniau Ikc. A lligbbtndar fias (be uunosi c u n u m p i fur all law . w ill swear to euylbleg^ and would t « jiiut aa KW liig (o hill bla o w « m nllu-r M niiybudy cbis 11 Ilia socloly shoukl MilrC iti! r

F u lh ire a o f a W se h .

T h e n ’ w ere roiliirea in Lhe D n ile d fJintcR rei-urii-'l lo BrmWipri's piitrliig ihs w ee^ Hguijc-i 1 <■) jp the prefiHlIr g wot'k and 177, H I , |C)| unii |v| in the eorrspu inUiig week!of 1AC7 j'fHi and J^‘ 5 ri‘k|K-c<lvpljf. The total m m iher of luiitiroa in ihu t’nili-il •'ftalse, Jaaii* ar/ 1 lu d u lc , if .5,671. ogaluit 6,(M8 (u IftHab

A S ulr-ld e H u rle d In ito ltcr'a Flw ldt

'i h i'iV ic n tlH n f .folin f r r m e r ifof iin ^(•Miu'foDil avvmip, who ntimitilUed ni5* ciili- 111 M21V liv H irouing hiintolf li>to Ibs Nor(A I(!V> r. liAvc d!M.'tivcred lluii lu j (lorly was re-I r.*-ii.i| Sil l |p<ii:ed In iVrilvi’s Hlelil |q Neff < rk. llu II Ml Ills HA* lihuriHl ler $1,000;

C I T V N K W S N O T I i l g .

iff l\fr iimi Mrs. A. 1(. Wflilacfipperi li .g Hju Kurnmer ul ('luibaii].

L 'lw m l f . KiiisU'v huA routed 1 col-lagi' bl M rrrlMnwp fnr (be itirmncr.

M r. iitul M rv F . f ’o r ila m ll D ra k e 4 » d Miu< it'-rir-c|t! Drukc w ill s(k-up1 lh e(U um ex si

Fln tioii (iftircr* hnvo Irocri requroted to bring ilii'ir liupiril Ihp* keys lo Gm ofllCf ol (he o i y i li-rk wiilwiiit delay.

T l in I'u iip ir'^ iifin n o f H ia FvuiufeMi^gd ( hnrcli. Id • ourr Rirect, iii-ar Belmuiil avenue^

Icliiuii! U l iLirty-hrsi aunivcnory UKw illmurrovv

('••ntriil r o llc ^ e , Ih in v illc . K y . , h u f uiifiTri-*! liic ilcgri-<‘ ol fr-i'lur of Divinity upon U<‘V. r . T . liu 'o y , nfthu ILnet-vilici Dicah|(crlaii C b u ri ti.

'J'lic I 'iir t ic iilr r shop o f Cicorvo T . R a a d - frud. no Itnsiiirigi'in Avi-niiu, Hcllevllls, w bj Ciilcri-d liiRt niglit, nn-J aliunt flld wurth of toolf Wuro RroU'Li.

T h o lu m l fur Ihn .luhiiR tow u a n iff re n rci'idvcd al (liu .Mnyur's nnice up lo lU ls Oggr^ gidch?.'^( : 11. The only euijirihuilnn rcoelT<4 to-Hiiy »4w tv (mill

F re d W u lilrm in n a ik I W ill ia m A , Hnki-r w ill >Hil fur Kurfete on July II, tobeab* S 'lit M>vr*(ai in'HilhK They wUI make a Uxic u l Hro cuiirin+'id AD{| trig liiid .

T 'h (- m il ijc d n l llu ifh ( ) . IV n tee o fiF i icIdroHi' ul Ihc fip'ilcviHe Avenua Kmk U^mDr- riivv cvi’iiUig will l;c ; " A Ih'nd lo Fisedum ot 1huugti(, ► iwi-cb ftii'1 i'urjilucl."

'tT ic llH h iii j irv i-r -id ry and .n im ate r- iiig lir-i tosm j l ul Hie l.n>k<r fioefety wi l l t,c h li) re s t ' Wu'lin'i'lay vveiilog at M * -ii-» yp riugll-Id Ancnuu I ’urk.

T T i i ' K 'cp n ld ica u C o u n ty Cornniitt^fi w ill inr-i’-i Id imj Heimblican (hduri Iwsgue r'KunR B( luu 'ciock o-n Momlny muriitng toloke Rciinu on (hu dciiitj of fiar'Int-r ft. I'ntby.

M rs . I 'T id U iin d o r , wifi* o f M r. F r ie d - lander, (hn Icatficr insinilai'Miror, naJ her biuHu r. Ifrv M. K D m nftrcy,'ll I'lii.Hnirg, ifei, left fnr A visit to Goriuauy U i'ls y ou ibe aUAirip.-r kia* .

I l l " M'Verul (mM’iciA lim i'i iif K l, M a ry fr Phnn-ii nri- i[rratiKlijg fur a dramakO sml mijsl- C il v n ’vriiii'iiiM 'iK m Ie kdil next SlomSsy L-V' iil'u ; III >-r Mary's Hall Inr Hio lencrUol (be JuJiu-'iowu si.lfnri-rs.

I ie n rg " V n dd K , Hti K u li.m . liv in ic fit 'J'< A 'U riri vMi'i'i. was acfcsrivl ihls uiornlnff wuii) a )>d ui k-ioJ pipe wldch lie iioil slolad Irotn 4(1 Sfi-r/j feutur/. Vc-lUa wis bsidfi»r Ihc .'<fv»clHl itosfilniii.

T he coHi- o f \ frx ju n lcT B m lh ctw nKaiuat K. I'tihi kl (nr f.ig) fnr gfsxlssnld and ilellvered,wu* |dac*'i n'l Irini m Uiu K in t Dlslrfet Court ki-'hijb D ck 'itinn i Alleged a «.-( ufl uf flfiCL 'i 111- Wila c'uiuiimv'i.

'JTic f W x I ’liKHcnKcr U a ilw a v E m -filx u s ' Ih-m -vjlt-n i Afeuemduu will haro l(x k*c-iid Hiiiiual pioidi! at ( ‘aii.‘-l<>T)iNri 1'ork uO Monday A iinmv uf I'Hholisll and ufhnr alb* lucc w ill Ik uiiKMig Uiu aursL-DuQa.

Jn m c H V :iiiiTi> . an lla liim iMHitbliwk,I (Ill-rod lhe iPtm-ton*of Jatiji R Iv-ji-adoc, 447 hti> d 'P c L 'f , hn-t nlglir an i stulc Il'I, ifr woi arr. -i Cil tiy (ii1in.>r 5L J- Hyini. lliii momliig JnniifH- V:ui S'>-'K n uiiuhtod liitn ,fur (rial iU(lie S[v 1,'pil Sc'^biun*.

M r . .h ih ii.* K ^e r. H jrcl t - , i r t y -n in « ycArs, d>"d at hw home. WoshliigloasvemH! }f-»l--idijiy Qitrrni>ii», of a^Kiplexy, a iinr uniy tiro ilaya lUucsi. Mrs. Kucr bod tclt liL-r luMlxind to go duHmialni and wtfeB sfic rutnrned lie woi dsad.

A . W . M o rris , asEcil a^'Venly ypisM, (rf ?;i H ighlh arenuo, k-ll froui (he plidformofeor

uUht* Jlrnad sireid {'lie, ot Iho jiiticHou o t KIglilh aVikine and HrntuJ i U lh.-1. about 12:20 o'clock this aricriKMiu oimI was intdiy cut about tho hemi. lie wb) U k vn to bit home by Officer Juhuboii of H it ftccuQd Predui’t

‘ ru.-Jlt‘es o# thp S o u th E u d A t h - -ieiic Awc-ciation, foriBCrly (be B lilb Dfetridl Kepublicbii Club, Iasi iilgbt eltcuMl ib e « o(B- c i - n : iU w a ra B. Block, pfootoeal; Georf» Hang, v lcv -p csrid e nl; Fred J, Waikiii% feer^ (a ry ; Ferdinand. Weller, Basuclal Broretary ( £<lt(fo&d j . !4mUh, M O iUfet I J* u* Mueok, saf* (eaut-al-oJiDB.




f i M M O ^ fM c c A d m lrtr t ,iM s n u d Bm u «..T1i» BOd

■WdUl* UudUUaa ft Uu Uuui.NUUkci Ul* Ulrli Malt*.

p«u, ui.dt.dtba. I XHB i.iGIITiNlNG


M f owd to UIA ■boat m j tnuNS,»»d ^ h a |0 for bar ttk# 1 lun ruod of tb«

oM-fMbk»o<^ wonf. But )nt n* tnj t« ib f that It bni ■ ilftlnctln«Mio| of iU o«B , ob4 ibould uul Uo iHMppHed.

Hood Aftfa:1 rrnMObrr. I rrownit^f,

D Biy UlUv c«tn«IPO h i po»i uTBClimr

Or iuiii* (ron*-**Well, bo doTi iiiH iue»a Iw ou ■! ill, b»

iieftut tmiux.Olio BR7 b iv« h boiii, ■ loTfr, tn

Mhrar, Ml idoror, or h o>)inrad«, but prl<loin ■M17 cooM ni l o f two o f lh<M Iti OflO fn. I M t f t l , Aod QOVtr nil 6 vc in m i one rporh •f her Lirf, for tbo beiiu l« t nttrLhots of firJhood, ornl »rIduBi (Bn•laotlnf UtidcrtiLei o f 0 luverj tUe tiliud diioiJiiii of Ibe odoilrFr, G>t ^nf^Uit^uii •fihoodorer^ ot the bonefd M ^hilneM of theeomiitle, obo, hooi'Ttr. d«Oi oftrti rTerolup camarmi^f into frlc»id. iU p |wrii»fM,Rftor oil the iwOnfiii’ ’ ur/ifllol4uD.blt* boliiroti men oriit wooiau.

Bat the hrnuP The b fio j Wbit It h tt Who U b »t Wliat U hit orl|1n, hoMtot, Ipb( t r- of KL ik»ii T

TUI BKAU OKeUBtlirD.Ltta<do«tr hire firit by

H oa eod ootb fuMiif—in ftrt, '*en bMO* U 0 wtil hooNii cbofioitT la Q> iU>B, drsuuL, Rud real life.

Ho De d 1.0 bo bir<daMin«f i1ttion|h bo iorNrlihli tbiobi be

Ue Bred ooi bt* lalttlleduel or IroraH —U foot, t 01‘Ter htirw a Lxiiu who «4t oHhev, oilboBjih 1 bare known Munerarfi o f whom olbor tori) rrIU, * 'He lin’t bRlf tncli B fool is be looka.**

Bo pord not bo biaro, for eobodf r i- poet! BonriifiA or leadrfsbip from bini; Bor load be bo • botuirNO oiru, lor hr U UiQ«O1I7 foaod ipemliBK Ibn niOB*7 bt« fatlitr or RotBebmlf oIm baijii'ruiiiutai,ad for biiu.Jnlhet, the Uau ro lucAfd lo |R r»H7 Rudreal work it (he mo t forlam vf u^jerlo, reatiadlhg oho of a )h'rlor(nhr| renarj bird, or RD IndostrioBi ftri, or b poor Uttio troiafd potidlr, or t i i j other bulplcu uod bataiiM"' liule RnimaJ oorreod lain un- aataral lalwr aod forei|o pureuiti.

Not that 1 uean lo P]K*k •ovrrrly of Ibobeou, h>r I doaH j ra (art, 1 Ilke liLro Bod n lo e btm, Ritd ihouM Ui rtallj 10117 to irIm b ln L'lit of ibo world, bot bo ItoR bb. liwlu Irins, pour d^ar. like (no rt-Ri ofai« BfidoBO batoM« MO him poshed up toftba will ih it defliiN thooe limila,

q v iU T iu THAT MAKX TiiM mrui-Ait. Meroever. iburo k i pu>Ulv« r« well ai b

aofBilvr f in s o ll fo the n 'n ;« for a bruii U i nast be 7ood-patnr<d, tud alwMyi read7, if not wiik a amllo, at Irint wiUi a •lu|por; be Bjuei bo quick at npiiru)^, too l (bough e Dillil oao ; he mdst bivr b goad iaeiuor7 ,iiid arerUlti cMllinsivraess of loeifh which will rnable b ia to pk'k (i|i tbo ioHtlnit pooutBPr thtruda of eoridr talk, RBd carr7 ihon to inti the right q oar Ur f^r rrfMMltluD, Jie Dtist nrvrt fuOfeiaa7bod|'*ooanMfli}W». rehuloDtlilpe, frieodilii^M and PUBiUiri, end ueter bf asyebaoro nop upon anyUidT^i tooi or aaybody'e rciuotoet fril’a He louttdU- floeeriad ki^eptho narrow peLh btrt«r»»n baruloei |04«jp and |iorlIons ream)«t, and Rtbtle alwaytbivlogMmfthlBg InteresUns to MTi Beeer a j Beything that could bo repeated to bu own or aiirluKly oWadeiriaoDk Ha »u « i bf MBiliiuBfal to tb tc jto u to f renu mktriuftibe f*rurlu iowoti, eulort Bod pt-rlausei of (be M y to w btn ho fur the inutiJLtit RiUntirt-, nud AakiDi gratufu) Rule ufTiriugi lu bur" tto»7 with (buio ioRlf*. He mutt have MdUUot net to b« alwA.ri where he le « « 0Ud. n d (0 ikllfulljr efTu:o hlm-rlf ia tbo prreeiire o f a lover or a ftvomd att* Mtrtr or adorer | Ibr oue vf the pecullurl> blot of the brao Ir, that bo bat bia a> ».>on,Ilka the umtbroom, and 1« not at all a^ oepiablo out of it.

A DILUUON OF TUC PBnurAlfTA Bot even at obo will aomtUBjea esprl*

oiowaly preft-r ulted, dried or plckbd Bsa«hroom, Ui frooh aud tender vtpe* tiibtoi, there will bo LHlrrvnl) io life, k'r- bapo lo iU very end, wbua one lurua fruto A ^«od« jhiirko, fram ibo ptdesul arbereoB oue'i adorero plaeoi one, evnu

. IrotBibo lolid ntltfatflioii o f a cumnidi'a koweit lympalhy, and Bnda a wblmtlai! pUaMre m tiie coavernatlun, the cumpU- IBaBlA the ebit-ebit of a Ih'hu, aud Audi th* latBo rest and refrethtuant io bit oooletj at Ib that of the last fatbloniibln Mvai, or the Ilghteit of aoeieVr ceinv-diia,

Wa have tpoken. of tbe beau »t ju nd* Jaset of early Klrlho(»a, kciUM U itonly ■Q {RytANf who ran be Pour roolt-iit Iti llto aocUty of a beau, or wbo i ipt'ru toy* W>1d| Beriout of him, or di|mlAL:a him into AB idaal. Young pirit nevi't dataify the Usan who torTuuud tbem on ibeireiUriiice Iptoaooiely; they are all beruet o f ro' iBBBce, they all are posilbte loven and Vuebanda, and the beasi, being the inuat Abvluui and tbe moil diniooitrative figure ia the new world, It olteii pltrbed upou by the dibKhirfr her tdral, and the li lonio* tlBMt a gixxl deal dlauppointed in Audlng how wofu I ly too imaU he U fur (lie glaL I'a fobe^ Aha ftln would At u}m>u bit iboul* dttt.

riir; rKMAi.K buttkiipuy. OccABiuQaUy tbe girl It brr««ir a female

koao; not a belle, for this Ik guile anoUier thing. but a irifler, a bultorCly, an cpbrinu* tea—a perronality autwciiuK pToclAtly to tbatof the benu. In inch a caso ihr two keoDme, nol frlenda, fvi to be a friend ro- gjoirL't ch.irai‘ti-rlAl]ci nruiirr of llieiii ]m>i> AMWi, bulfainiliar acqndiiitaure,evnu com* vadM In a cerUin teate, uud spend a great Many Idle boiin lugelbrr Id JuU the way wneteeta couple of bulterAiea hovenug And daneinx over a suony pool or a bi'd of MiifBODeUei happy while tiio flue wattbor Ibmo, beakuduwn and luH In the fint wind o f advrnily.

] do Bol Ibiuk the brao often mnrrlet; ttaaeiMio me iu glanciog through my ArqBalDUiit’i'n on both Rid''i of tbe walcr Iktl be it grurrally a btL'helur, or if not, Naaoe u one. Id effect ■ boAu i« gearratly laildly but Intennly aelflsl) under bia iMiUug and uoorleout Mirftre; be wanU fcii Money fur hit own pleru urea, aud he baa BlMJdiuus horror of all Ibo anuoyancM And dliillahioumcnU of manlago; add to lU i that be la neither the creature of fui* BAlM Bor of pan.«ion. not at all capable of AMlf-fArgotlQl love, and the qumtioB at AA* ifisei, why in tbe world ibould be Annyr^aud tbe anawer it, Ue dou'ti^tbat Ik not olten.

r a a F A u i , f a u k world.Bni allliODgh only the young girl be-

llovtie in her Iwau ai aayibiug more thati A haan. he la both valneA aoU cberhhed by Wider woiueB, to whom, ai I have implied, Bt aervet av a rooreatiea, an RDodynr. a Teliga from thoM reUtioui of life whote

and Intcneliy make tlu'in u o ^ o the mUforlune m tbe hlutaing of our Hvee. XaMr^n loi d of n)y lioaux, endBaw t hwitato to aekuowledge I t ; but uot Ibr the world wuuld 1 let tUem know that t OOWKlder them at beuax pur w viatp/r, idnoB probably not one of tbem but would ka Affended, for the world hae grown to JUaolw oQf day that no tuau ie contented |» ^BM blDOMl* aa Ithcri aee " him, but poiBiaa aomethiDg elM.

It wa« not to in tbe daya of onr grand- Mokfaera, wbeu Beau Naeh and Hi-au Brum* NtwU, and a boat of their imiiaiora, wore N olM ly content, but proud to All the roly Af A bun, aod were only diiljeaed Jest ttay Rkouid be taken for iomelhiDg elM.

A aCBOOt OF BEAUX NEEDED.Woaldtt’ t It be jwulble to revive thla

gwlld.epirit, am) atart a new Boboul of pro- featoBal beaux'^ivcn who, A ml lag them* tetVM adapted by nature and IucUbi^ ttew 1r the profouloD, abould edii< tale tbeuaclvei for tt. ttudy up tbe Aid AiaaUre o f tbe art, aqd ambrolder upon th«U Motboda All tbe added floreit and AAierprlw demanded by tbe advance of tkeagef I t la really a aubjeot worth con- •IdariBf, and I gseewnmeud it to the nutiM ^ M j young Mato frlendk Mvenl of

wboM abow a direction.

Uni, peudlng this new depirlore lo tba ' bivlory of besux, lev me Inipluro all my lemalc frlemli to tw raorc preriae \n Ibelr cltMifleatiUQ of their male aninuinUn^e, for It la really a grief to hear a wader, ro' msntir, Tlrowuluyo-fiuo adorer •[Hfltm of ai tbe “ kieuu *' of bia idol, or to have one^iiolld, prartiesl, coagemal rMii' ride dubtiod by ao trifling amim'', orto Iniult the awert illiiiloDi and luftjr Id'Al* of a pair o f lovera by railing ftuweu ihe lrt*au of iafiirf Merentio wav a hrsu, If yoB pli>*»e, and died wUh ajw t opnu hil I1|m ; but one cannot ima|ibe him lo AowWoV plicQ.

DirFKHKNt'E tK ri.AMtprrATtriT*.No, Dty dear glrti, Juu't bealip-bwl io

yoor nomi'jif’ature; and, altlioURli you may ba surrutint^d with h a u l, dun't fancy iUt isi Invfra, or even alm’i ra admlr* rra, for yuiir »ruB Iwwu adini/ea Bui*i#dy veiy muth axerpl himirlf, allhuuah a (wrt of hti profcMlim la to aaowiHe (he iwrl of an admirer, out lo run unit, bill to the olhei dear IWI towafl whi»m ho wifi flat- Ur In Abe marie o f Die evening.

Uuu'i toil him that you believe aWArd ht aiya. and don't iiy i« get upuo ruIhI grouDil wKlt him and And nut huir fur be la really sitncrc, ft>r h« duci not know himself, ami 1( in had U'ta and IkuI poiiry (o force ajiy ihbd to a runp Hairm «f iproranw, even to hlnuelf. Nor can wa break butUerffie* on the whrri. or Iwi'd brm«ra of roip-Lul'LIeat mi lie rnntehl hr take the lieiu le a luwu, and v«liit* limi fur bii real iiaee and tnerlti, wlr{ h are not (0 beiiBipta>'<l. Mua. Ekank LKalia


Mr. ItraiMN lAlUt AlHMit Rome lliim il aitirtiia.-OtipIo VVI<« Are Mruck or

Afteci««<l by Us* (iraai e.lacirloal KsacuDmsa CruoL

read tbe report of tbe cemroliatonert wbkb raeoiDaieisd the plan and the law. Th^y wars led to behove that death would bu ifialiD'jauMHii and paieleea At It lapropoird to apply U It will net fulfil the LOBdilUne wip«rt«1, and may ho looked upon M fully M barUroui II not mure eoibafi hauging.* _ ____________(ri.T U IU I. FKCKiHEVi IN Tt'RRBT.


WIIT WOMEN MIOUl.D WALK.Tba ttoat I'hyMlcal Tralnlnf and Must

lloallhful Esorrlse (or |<'«iiialtta4 frT«n the Albany Juur.>al.

Ry the prrfwnl iy%tom of arlifli lal life Dincty-flvr-hundrriUhi of the Anirrirun women are invalids at the Eigfl Iwruly- five. Thll Is Ibe opinion of giu l medical autbr>rity. Unayatoinatic riiTcin*, ovrr BM and work of «Mc part of Ihe b>.>dy iin* til it la nbuurmaily duvilu|H>d at the rx- penre o f other paru which are wholly negtretod, laie hours, unwholoMiuiu hurd, liiartivltv, Impure air and unljialtliftil drwa are a f«w of the features uf artlficUl life.

Walking In the o|icd air li ludnU'cd lo by remparuDvely frw Wumcn. With no aim iu life but to observe the law of fash- iob, kill tiiiio, and aniUM ibeinsuivea, ia It any woudrr wurnrn lose Lludr lieaUh and cannot walk f Nut one wuinsn iu Ira knowa how to walk. To wulk pro|.eriy tbe cheat ahuuId be thrown firflard hikI upwanl, tbeabould«*r bladHi liidd lu ilii ir proper plarea, ibut thro ting the whole weight of the bwly upon the blpa. This will prem rve Uie fi^are and keep the iiius* eJe*Brm and wril atrung. Wornon ruuld walk aa welt ai men If ihi y bad as frre um and manicemerit o f UiUM'las, luck and liinha, U 1» out of Ibe quediun fut numcn to walk with *kiru flapping m1h>ui tbnr

I fed and weUU Umnd tiy MgaUirtti nr biiudt. Worot ti ranuot svalk with puvi rly- cribhed, ctbmcd and confinFd budioi Uinde •HIT by atoela and carrying a drygoiHla- •toie.

Mauy wuiuvii wbo lav ttioy ruuH nut Walk tWu or IbrM m ibt walk twice Diet dlrUincu doing tbe daily luni'sclinid wmk. Every wumaii wlio ia tho mutiir r uf a itiniiJy, and iakui care of aud dinw (he ur<tiaairy work fut toem, la forced to be* cooue a grtwt walker- If wfimrii roiiM wear the aime ouinfurtible pownt on ihu alrert that they do III I he huusu they would be able to walk inilca withuMt faU^nn, but by lUe (Imn they are prrpirud fur w.«tkiug ibev are tirrsl out.

It would »c« m. to Imve hern dcwunalrAl- ed Dmeavnuugh to aatiaty auy luasonohlu prt*'Oii that li wumeu wuiih) inet Itu m- ictVM reiionally, vigoroiiehi-alLh would l« easily within Ibrlr rr cb. Wulkliix in tbe open air ia (he br-al pliyaical trslnmg, the most hoaUlifnl tiercl<vs md thu M t run. tlvft. It ia a panacea for all IUa Htve you a hoadarlie f Wulk It off. Are you trouble with Bcrvou-.ueM, •IrcpIrasitCBi ■ud loaa uf appetUeT Throw away your oircoDcs, fttiiuulania, looioa and palcnt modicliies wtjil take a walk In the opcu air. You wUl feel that Ufa >aworth living. You will eat likea raven aud ilrep like a child, WoiDm wbe are conflnrd In ituffy oAcei until they are bram-wviry will find a b r ltk walk la raia or tun a wumlrrlul rriioraiive. A rtvah walk bringi the ruler lo tbe pale faor, makei the languid atrp claelic and (be faded cyci bright. It niakea atrung poor, weak bodle« lital are alwayi Nin atrlke hudlei wboie paria but half iwirfuriu their work, and do it with dlfn^'ulty or pusltivc paiu. Hoineune taka, ** Wliut l« iu rare ai a day Iq J n n e f A walk on one of |hu»e diiya lajuKt as rare. It )i ao rare that but few indulge in it. Wllllaui Cullen llrjaut preivived bu bralth aud vigor until lio wua etgluy-fuur yuan old by eimple exnrciau In tbe u|i«n air.

Phyelfil inadequacy U at the rewt of far iDuri’ o f Ibevkra and eiii uf to-day llian luural drllrnjucury and syatoaiatic Intru- tiou o f doing wiuiig. Homo, rqihI TikkI, •nitahir rtolhiug, frvah air, liinound spneo fur rxrrri*o—thoee are the abeuluto wccii* intlra of every buioau living fium tlm criid lctolho grave; and if ull and rm'b tu-gierl io Meura tlii'in, rslnbuDuu preoaua down u|wju Dur iiationul ptugresa.

T H E I tK U iN I N T l H T V U :.

The luKh rornn^l o f wide bnidii oftwir eoint’* up umung oilinr MylvsiifroilTiin'.

Wlicn tou-c«ilurod jiluvi^ go out of fu-Hliiuii puli' K'uf firuun wii) Utke Uii'lr pifli'u.

Slmw Nsiinoto for nnmmpr lire nlmnit as au/t ajt Uce am] arc Held iii plaru h> flue Wire.

A Bli:ule o f pink, whli!b 1m not ex* pri'hiivd by "AtilQuiu" or *'uld rote," iicaJluii Vi-a I fiilur.

Ikmo liuitohA with hoh« lu tbe ceiilre to sew liirsiUtih. arv upon r1>llii| baoUK ufad detcilplinuA.

riukNl-iiitt nml fiTiycd-mit ruches iruund (ho b >ttvxn of lha skirLi arc euiiilug into high favor again.

l la r d lv » KrcDcIi Isonncl la i w i i ’w ith - uul aomv ailimxlurt^ o f gold cUiitr in Uie buiinrt Uiull or lu Umi iFiiuiBiiic

Home o f the flue imisoitcd buiinrl cruwiot rtul'Toidi-ied ill lueul cost a|uo.ldctl Oium tUaii Dieir wctglU In gnid.

Tho alcevoa of iiiany FrHidi toHiKuM of Ihin luaicriala are aailirrod to a wal'ithaiKi. lu iba laablniiol otir grHinliDutUera,

The Irushionublc ghivo for morning wuarUufderk glai -d kid with ihrea broad, biavk aeauik or ihtobiugi un thu bark.

Kreni'h iDUliueri nre trying hard to bring Id face trlimaiQi. ollluu a lam or tonu'lk 01 fluwera uudar tba i<dga i>( lUu buuuai b{lm.

To lie styludithe new dull led woollen Jarkoti inutl ba vorn over looM akirl* ufrufl oulur, wUb bera and tijora a toiivb of Hit rod.

Tuiia aciide out paraaoU of ball allk, half vrivui, tu^ciber wlLti olhen muda ol altemato Mnpa of waicred sidi aud black laCA

Uendnu bonuets urn now so ronnd nnd flat UiaK a wli declares a woman, lu be alirlitti, mvul |H uii her head pleca beiore puiUtig II on.

A prettv fADcy sceu ujiou h low. bluck lace guwn vras alraiia of linu ujk'U work Jet, paKaod uvur arul uuder ILe ann, aud scemlni iu bold Qio lact fuhla iu place.

Flounces are (■oining In vogao again in every itylc aiHl iiae, deo|i and narrow, tiemuied orpiiikoilor frayed uul, or rtiu ed ur tMfed With lace or embruKlery, ur bound W'llb rtbbuu. ^Errujwinr'i

TbretMlIui tbo Noodio,UeuoaLh ihL-aouiiioiu vduduw wiicru Ibe iuu>

k>eauiPlay bide and leek svitb every breutb of air,

Intent up«»n Iemt Uirk ofliuitiug palebwurll,Biia dear old Uraudina in ber luckiug cbair.

Tbe bees tty by with bags of pollen s i'm<aea brtof ibe iragranoe ul Uie roM

TuUtaiiduia, as sue iwayinow lonb, now back­ward.

And piiBi bar lull wlib ip«ciaoifi ua nuw.80 fast (he works that msjii ihe rtora uf nm'dlca

The children ilirt!adc<l lor bi>r yvulurday Are RlaudtDg eiupsy on theseaiiol cuiUion.

And ail bur lliUa halix-ni are away. .All tiK KTnall IV'd, a curly.beaded

Wbo ■( lUlK oiumeul leaves bis b ucks and toy a,

And watebea (jrandcaa In roimcUeycd ataize* ' meul.

As needle Ant, toen (bread, her flugera felsa. Be Ibiuka it elrange (bat luob an old. old lady

To do a lUii g liku Llial ahuu.d vainly try, AuficrlcA uuabii- lo kaapMiiencu IniiKer,

Ci’auiliBA why doc^yuupui Kin ibe eyef— Uood UtMMkttfUlj/.

Tin freEjucncf wilh which aevefe elwc- liii-al illaturbaurca have wc uf«od i» tbia locality wllbin (he i*as( fi-w weeks has ea- rlirrj mnch liilcrcil and amang llmid per- iMiiia no Ihtb* alJirnj. It li prolsable that niura hnlldiuga bite t>een damaied and Dn'rc jEcofile airurk nr urariy strwtk by Dm Ughlnlng than ever taifurn In IhU lo- calUy in such a brief |Hrim1. A hrge iiutnlH'r b1 faclurLcs and iKber Lnildlugs have M -q ilruck, Ihrvu churchtahave l-wa mors* or bsi daujiRcd,ona man wan k ilM and aavcral ^wuple tserr- rctidcrcd uncunsjluus from receiving ihmlia A pari uf utie of ch« fiscloriva sirn>k wm Uirnrd tu Umi yrfMiud and utlicr liajvy Io->o(m have lorn sBHlalnad In cani>f«juenre of thea« olcrtricaJ dltrhargea.

I^ANOMl ri.oax AT HAND.During llm thund*T itormi there wera

many diichargca nhich wera tuueh d o er tbau luusl people |iruliahly rcalio»*l. Tha distamM" of M vvral « f th<n« fruin hli m l- delict on High atroct were mea-ured by 1-Mward We-loB, the luverjfur. Horae were only alMEUtn.nOU fccl rlmUnl.

The I'hcnEimena of the lightning dla» rliargr.'' Mr Weston oald, la now proved to Iw a niUf h im re rxiuiplei iiialtur than has lieMT generally iU]>(N*sist. The princi­pal diM'liarge ccinatlmtca n amall |mrt of the m lluu and the firiui ipal diwdiarge it­self la DOW understood to l>o of a very cuinplei nature. F.Ac.h HUppciOAl ailtgle discharge iu lealiLy eou* lUti of an Immense nunilH r uf Mdllalnry or pulsatory diich'srges, (be i»m IUhUum# ut piilssliuiti taking ploi'a with enurnimiv rapidity. Thcae Mwilljsllimi or puDnlmna uf (lie primary dlM-lurge give rlae to <Kh> r Ri randary ur aulWMliary rtirrliarges, which' latter are alao rui>ahle of iluliig ntusider- able Injury. I hiis, fur Inhlance, the pri*Biaiy discharge may Uka placa lu Oracjga aud its oacillutiuua nniy set up puwcrtul secondary discliirKra iu Newark."

Wuuld Iheif necondiry dlM'liargei be fa ta lr

" A i*rw»t* might niperlence a aevere shock in Nawnrk from 1 dlseharge that actually took place In Urauge. It might be fatal. KUdricity of this character •eeuii to be prcipiBiUvI by a wave-like actiuo ■omewbal similar to that of loiiiid,■nd the pile* wbvra Uia priucipal wave dlalurbtnra originatut ia not ibn only pltra where the effect may be manfeslwl,Ultra the wavH of electric as llon catond eut In all diTucliuns frotrii (be pentteof disturbance and set up currespoiidlng die- liiDtanres as the wave cilenda through spare lu ulhcr maltfr lucalcd at a lung iliHlDiice fiuin the original centre uf die* Imbaiicv.

I.IKR WAVRA or ariCTBD.“ The acriuii of eleclrif dlsihirgo ii some­

what nnalagoui bitluU uf auund cmanatlag fruui a iuhiug fork uruthcr rrsunaut torly. Almost every uiia knnwi that if a wave of Round fyuiii such a tuning fork ur rn-uuant bcsiyiinkra snolhor tuning fork of the tame pitch the latter tuning Turk la also act in vlhratiun aud emito a 1 ole. Ihe buMiu »ar II u device wbU’h li capable of rrapniiding to wave* uf auuud of wiilrly varjlng aiupl Uude and counqucntly rc- rctves the wave iiUpiilwiK fruin fiuundiiig b<Hllra Then? I*now iKlle di>iibt that ‘ OiMitl, light N»d ideciricily nre nil prcpngiired id a suuii-what utuUar iiuuner by wave acUon. Alinust every boy bia throwtia RtiiQe irt Die cen»re o f t |Miud and nuilrcd a wave travel fruni ibr eviitre lo Ihe c-dge atid then return b pun itself. Tbo waves In luch a i'a-*e cxU'iul uut In clcclei frutn the centre uf diatufitauLO to the edge of the pmid, tbe firuct dlmlDishiitg as the wive r»’Citdw ftom Ibe original enuvee uf disturbance. Th • la preciaely aualugous to the waves of elortiical dialurbauce aut Qp by a lightnlug dl-charge. It iatiuw g'Urrailv uiidirKuud that great Elamage may be d4»ne by thcM wavea at enormous diitaDcea from ibe centre.

iNVimTiaATiNu uoiiTm isa."D r. Oliver J. Lodge," run tin ued Mr.

Wvsiun, "has given iperial attention fur several years to theiuldBct, aud quite good deal uf lufurmatiun liaa been obtaiurj In FfgatEl to the phenurai'DA No very clear comirctloti uf the nature o f tbeae very high prea--UT« (Dm birgra has obtAlord until cumparalively rervnt |)criu<li. A very singular thing about Ibum 1# that they Mum to dbobey all the common lews ul clMlrical action or discharge. ThcM appiiE'iU cxceptiuustu the law urdischarge have uuw been rkpluiurd, and are fuund to l>e in agrrerm-nt with iawi prevloualy eonceivrd, hot nut fully uuderatood.We pretty well undrr«tRud thla now, ihat au ulcctrU-al dbehargo ia uot the Iraoa- rairsiuii uf electricity in one dicocDon only end that the mechanical Mtraiua of elec­trical action and dii^charce are <umewhit analuguua lo (ho muleculnr alr Dui lut up lu gnupowilcr when a sjiark la applied.AD Ihc luatlLT effiTlid by tho electrical di-chnge acciui tu he under a CEnidiiiun uf emirniuiii sirese. Light, elccincDy ami Biagnetism otwrulf! in vat:uum as pctfeclly iss In tbu air,"

"What eaplanilion li given fur the csiiu' uf 11)11 tuK-r ilurnvs?"

*'Tlia( is a meleurulugk'il prublem that has nut Iwi'n solved, in general Ibere eeenii to be aome Indircrt rclaliun l^elwcen heat and the pnaliirtiun ofthumler Rlurnio. 8nuin ycara ago tbs principle was held (liaM'Icclrin suirim arose rrumtheovap- oration from the eim'i myi, and that gi&Htcr heal and greater evH|>ornliim resulted In greet lia­bility to eli'cirlcal dislurbaucea. Recent iiivustigaUuni peem io Iravu this In duubt, and i( mny be aahl (hat tio actual cause for great electrical distarb- ancra ia kiiuwu. Nuduubl the muDuu of the air under projar conditiuni iscapAbla ofdeveloplug electrical acllun. It 11 well umlerstuod that the fiiurDun urtwodls- aituilar b Hlirs la alwiyi capable o f pruduc- lug electricity, but jusl bow ibis la accuiu- piiahed In ualure ia nol at pro'eut clearly UDdorstood.

aoHE INTRRIWTlNa ('AREA."A m any BlatislicR h« obtaiDod to

show whattbe low uf iifu baa been from those ditlurlWtoceijF"

"N o (wrefol ataiistica have been kept for H mirntier of years, hnl the low of life ia Tidalivcly "mall. Tbeic have liuen lume very runmrkahln cases lo which lightning boa struck |»erioiis, torn off ibclr duth- log or danioged ariidue on tlieir pvrsoDi and left them to nx^over cuiupleleiy. In several ctFCi people Jiavc hod their watohea fu(od In their |>ockot, In one caae in New York a man bail niurly every atllch of clothing OQ hli hack torn into ragA and the whole aide of ■ huuac Dear which he waitlftuding was turn out, yet the man entirely Tveuvered. Thvre have bech uumcrous coses iu which shoes have lieeD torn off from tbe fuel uf piople who were left (111harmed."

6Um HEATH INSTANTANEOIIAMr. Weston said that death from lighl-

ulug WHS pracLK'-ally InsianUneuus." 'i'hii ia due," he .said, " to the shdbk

being so severe. From inppostMl Instfluto- Dcoui death of people ftliuck by lightnlug sprang the tdea of ciccutiuns hy doc- li icily. To imagine, however, that what Is true of lightning ia true uf tho dynamo macliino Is ahsunl. It takes one'dRlelh uf a sucond for an ImprcMiion lo bo cuui- tuunicAlcd from any putt uf the iHidy to

#ihe brain. Nuw, tor death to be palnlcaa It Is obvious life ahoulil bo extinct betore tbe expiratmn of that time. In the ex- pcrirueiits made with «lm ric»l apparaloi death haa not taktu place until several SL'cumU after the cnrreitt was received, and during Dial time ti>o pain must be iiiiouie.

U ille Traeii n flh* OrlcnUI AplrU Lafl In Dim MHIer CiHiava.

Fr«>fn the Ii»ndon 4Kni«.Frofraaor Vambery delivered in addrvw

un "Cultural Trugr-w-i in Tutkey " In E i- ctor Hall, l^ndoo, Die uther evcolng.

He sabl that, exrapt fur too quiet and louiewhat lualincholy eiptuMion of bia cuantenanra, which nna might rail the aeaJ uf fstatHra and ul Muhamnipdan nirt-aaa, the furk w n as much a Euiu|ican asuar- selves. In hla ilrpHi be bud entirely ap­proached the Ku|li*h, earapt tbo head- gear; the food of tbe upper claaica was nearly Ilka utir own, and lu his amUM-incDt the Turk went even further than our- srlvei. Even (bu harem, Ucddrdlv tho blackest point of the im 'Ii I life ia the Ka*-!, woe cuniiimally uuderifoing ea*oBUal clianieo. Of cuorse, it wuuld b« nmeb Wttor if that horrid and liDinman co^Uini could havedimppMared etilircly, hut female educatlun muit pru :e<d ub the way ul radical rtfurms, and Ibe key of that terri­ble lurk could unlv be iiianurarturcd Ui good girl schuuli. Jlut plciiiv uf signs were torthi‘umlr(g of tha Ircglnnmg o f a trans- furmitiou. In their drew tha Turkl*h ludica were beglnulug to shua better tnato than before. The vil! had ilseo froiu the eyes to the uppec pnr( uf the torFhcad, iind Imd fallcB down from tJie mi<ldic uf the nose to tbu cUln. We in Kur>>pH still lnlt<irud uuder the Impresilun Ihat (he

i harem wai sin tlonfd by the Koran. The Koran did nul apeak of aoy reslrU tloni to the ligliLs uf women.

In (be hiihliAtlun, In furniture, and in ihe »ocisl luirrcuursa uf the bettor claxa, hardly any Irico was lefi of the Oriental spirit which (►ervndfd (he ssine cIhm in IVnia and In India Thu light uf Weito rn FuUure, nuDceahle In ihe upi.M'r cLwi>'B, W04 be.giiining already tu pcuctrale to the lowci strata uf locieiy. Dp to recent Limea the Turks were tolluwing etficDy the llohaniiTiCdaD mu<lo of (enchlng uf hyguae a^#A which was genenlly uf a rclitfions character, aud smue.hiug like uur uwu sclaolaailciam In the muMIe sgt-s I'herv cimImI Lhretdiffer) lit arheuK the primary ■choola, schoulH currei|Hm<l(Ug to Ihu Eug- lihh colleges, and to the gytnuatiuros of the (lermanA where tLligiuu, Arabic, IVraian, gcogniphr, history, hatoral aeieiM'M, and French were tought; and there was alto n kind of arhoul where papds were (raim.d fur ad­mission Into the inltlUiy colleger. Dru- touur Vanilierty next dealt with ibe Ihb- guage and lileratiire o f Turkey. Tbe Tuiks ho<] burrowed tbuKsanda o f iVrDan and Arabic word?, and they went so fur as to employ torcign words even where their own vernacular wuuld Luvu Iwua lully sulBHeDt, Ihe Ottoman lurklDi hvcwioe a horrihlfl rocdluy of three Milirely diffen- vni liuguagcf, of courie, wholly unintelli* glide fur the lllitcraie ami lower dosa. Au eauFtitia] ebauge tor tha kttor hud lukeu place. liisUad of the lung aenlenra*, ex- tending somftliiM'S over mure than two pages, H bad Uoome 1 habit quite rercully (n write short pliru'cA fu u-o goud Turk* lib words, initoad uf Arabic arid IVrDuu, and tu popuiatiie tha literary language.

The preii hod heguu nipidly to spread.In hi* own time th« re was only one paper which wts reoil, aud thD uuly by a few selected persiiBs, while at preNuiit the Turks had u mimU'r of daily papers, aud the uiinihut of rcadera were c<-tL*ioly 0* huge ai that of uDkCf cuuntrina in tba auuthrAstfiii purllun of Europe. Duriug the reign af Dm present Sullan all hranclies ©four Diudcrn «cWnce were duly culti- | vHted In Turkey, and iciuncs iid rcligioo were bettor friends in Turkeir than even here lb Europi'. am) no Turkiih Huxley would be iieceiwary bo Uke up Die gxuutlei against overtt-aluns erchaiasDfw. In the Biodera Otlumnu literature all standard works on nsturil scienesa roiDd he fuund in good and clear Turkiih iriudstlunt. What surprised him niuit Id the modem Turkish Ikcratiire wm the bciaI ilmwB to make the Turks acqnimted with the wurtbies uf our own public Itfe and with the hcruea of uur own iikrary world. Io a rallcetioti would he fuuud tbe biographies of the grrat Euglisk prluceo, politicians, gonerDi, phlln«opht«, traveller'*, englnei'n and acton, ami to tee a Turk iiitcraalcd lu the life ur works of Blmkespeire, of Oirrick, of Darwiu, of James Wats of Herl>ert Hr' 'iiccr aud others bad certainly an uurnnimonly tlrangs appearance. 'The changes wrought did not ap|«ar only In style and language, but alto iu the spirit and (cudiiticy ul Turkish literature. It was only lu be re­gretted that the Turk bctraycil in hii modem lilm lure a too slariHb JmitaDun of the French, wlio were up to n>cent liniM tbo favorsto teacher* in 'lur-

but whuM modurn Ltvraiure was by no | meins apt to IcAVU

Tbe IInn»D Haee AOfnnelai I■■ten4 » f llatorlurallnf WUli tivlliaatlon.

Frtan Uit AmurJiAn AoaJrb A favorite tbcois wilb the dyspepDo

ptssimiiia, and even rammun with Ronlle- nieii not u-ually uf the oerulean habit, Is Ibe physical de|cneracf of tbe bumaii mra. This compltiut U ool at all recent; lodeed, 111* probably as eld as the secood ireueraitoo of men, hut it docs nol riqulre more tlian • cursory lnve*il|a«lun tu prove that U is fallanuoi, as lu (ruth natural Lw would ludteale IS to be. In toy com- jK'htive ciaraluitioo tbe Homeric hcrusi aud other legendary nutahlea u e o f eoiirM h:)rrt<l out. The strt*nglb of AJaa, hurliog vast ru<-ks through the groaning air, and the auetM* of Die flying AtaUota, are juU M crfclitahto *H the lung capacity of Bureau ur (ha aeiphihluui |»uaMfS o f N^Ttuus and bis aUcuiliiKs. Wo have only to deal with autlieuDf i lur*ck(«, n»d hero tho niuduin ni-cd not ft ar cuiupuilioo,

Ih#. exquisite fiiuras of Phidia* and PNXib'les are niah hed lo fleeh and blitod among the a(liic(es of the nmetoeaih cent- Bry, as any uue fiUuUiar with the tbuws aod hiiiewi of our luuderu gladiators can alteit. o f the spurli of thaOlyroplc gatoea, pijgili-tu has dcNCeoded to us, aud we have ■ij rcijH-Ltahlfl au auihurily as Mr. Djna, uftheNew York Hnn, deposing that Hr. Bulllvan, of lloiloo, h.-fore Li* unequal euuU'sl* with that greater Juho, John B.irlvyc«rn, cnuld with bi* naked flit* hav* tauqui^bfd the stout’ at Orerbo Uixpr, armed with the crashing L-cfitus, tli:i( ever wore the ulivu wreath. In wiesl- lltig. Hinl in fui'lrwiiig, tuu, tbu preaeot (lay hia ill clumpiurts, the equals o f any that ever liv 'd. So the nmtter uf phystcal riiduranrc, the Roman legionary has Iwen held M fjr uulsfripping mudutn compett- tton. It is true that the Itoiuan soldier^ inured fruiu Ixjyliuud to tba cxereiaa of arm-. rspahlu of Ercsl things, but tba Kii|;liih urmhi In India, In EgflA, and In oDu f parts uf the world, have displayed qulto us much heroic torlllude and eudur- AURH ni ever did the voicrsD legiuus uf the (kciir^ I and lu hii cMpicily lureinluring and kuffcritig, (he explorer of (ho Arctic solitude< 01 Ihr Afrirtn wilds baa no por- sllcl ill Ibo suunL uf untlqiiiiy.

T bok 'H i'frarncHll4t who sevrri'd the oeck uf Ihu 04incli in fuii turucr with his crciiTUtk'-h''udid arrows, nas lerbiiuly adiuiriihle, bui It was no grcitcr than that of (be Kag1i'*h jeuuuu whoctefi the wil­low wiind at too y*td\ or of (bu Uarnb- Leau aavKgn wliu pirree* tbe fluaUng turito'i hack by rhouiiiig bia arrow In a pirahulk' curve; and the frontiersman, aim atfikea the rain from bciwran hituooi- ra-to's Qiigi ri witb a r.ile bullet, show* an cquii Qii'ssc with a superior weapoa, Tbe J'liTU'iau hurlKirldu, kUxitniu, wbo rao all day btbide the huFM} of tbe Ernpefur t^vc- rui, atid who wn dciilnH himself for Ini- pcriil honor*, filled (ha noiuao with as- tuuishDitsnt, hut he did no mure thab the Nurth Atuuiii-au liidiiu ruuni-r oBen doe^, and only tbai which 11 the daily Ulwir of ihe JapauMQ jralatiquiu bearer. |

ILuiuihul Ifd his army Kcro-s the Aip^, and carried dLruay iuio Italy by LL unpre­cedented feat, but N ii-ilcoii didlhewiCLe thing, and dragged h ;i cuuiiub a fii r him . | Hiieb iniliTH'cs cui bu multiplied indrfi- ^

If v«« are iu nml of THOROUGHLY Il'ONEST, H ^;^H LEFurnitnre, Cnri^ts, Runf^, H«i<Ung, etc. - imt tho Htulln.lveili..‘d in a oonssitionul way, hut GOODS '"jjDISAITOINT you iu any re.siM*ct—of course your own G JUDGMKNT and the exinuienre ofit is SAFER to deal with a KELTAH1.E IlOLbE. Ours is KSTAHLISUEI)dts THAT. Not anWarerooms hut wo can recommend for lUlKAJlMiii i,IiMANHIUF. Wo ask yon lo examine hut not least, our l>RU!KS-Our System of Credit, which KivesyonaComfoi'tahlo Home (and what is more e,ssfmtial) on your own terms. ONE-FlFTil DOWN and tho halunce in such nmoiints as is eonsisteiit with your iimaiis.


aCELLKNCEof FINISH, and PERFECTION of WORK- Li 1 M«nn> W» nsk von lo examine our GOODS, and Jaat,

Bedroom Suits, Bedding,Lace Curtains, Refrigerators

Parlor Suits,Oilclotli,Poles,Wire Safes,

Ranges,Carpets,Window Shades, 48c. Wringers, Washtubs,

Everylbing For Honsekeeping, at

f l a m l l t o n & C o . ’ s

730-732 BROAD ST.& 5 COMMERCE ST,o p p . POST o p r i r x .



iillHy, and they all |mIiU to oua r>mclu- tiion, that tha phyMral UeLiancmcy of tha piraent niHii Ja purely luythicaJ, Thi* alg b I iig over put g rviii iiru and p reiri] I in - j cipicKy lioa ex *u«J lu all rJiiuM aud under every cuodHiuo of luaDkiud. Tho | luiuriiMit fancy uf thuOrifnl h iu fircur- ; pinned the c«>ldcr im:(gliiatiinia of the Woi-i \ iu thiRKiibjt rt, tor we fliid lu the Uiodoo | tmditUm* Dnlaiuona ulhcr deiiareil hlcxo- | ilia*, time Wja wIku the ag* of cuuiiuon moriali w.w HO,OUO tu lOO.tKiO year.-i, and one ptculiarly venef.ibto charicLer, whu lived in « ptira and virluuui untitpiity, wai ititflo kiug when he wai 3,CHl0,900 year* old, reigned 4,ihXl,OOfl years theu, rellgtilng bl§ guvernmeiit, toiiii'led out thi cifrto uf Hfc will) a perioil o f 100,- 000 yrari Kpfnt lu quid retirement. Th»*a gcnttomtii wbo regrelfully deplore "(hoM di gcncratu dayi" are luovrd bythorplrit of the KuDero *age-, but to a ton gruh-equa degree. Our pm cot civillzitiun, by nura inp into * prectriuu* TuiDhooil the cripple ami the iturveliiig who would bnire pec- iihed in a tudi r age, may giv« a factor of weaklier to the rara, hut Ihi* defect t* far uutwcigliei) by bhiiaa ndded cocufurt* of Epudrra cxlateiich that have lucrcuncd tho epKQ of life fuliy eixtoen per eeut. l>eyoud (be lungevity of oarliur Dinea, There la a eiguiBc.*uc%{n thix greater duration of bumau life that ia out at flrat app4T«nt; it nifAna an ailditlun uf aiifcrn ^cr ceoL to the brnln aud mnacle power uf bnmaoity; ■I) AiigmeotailuD of Uuinau cocri;;y, and a oavitig Id thaloiusl wo-iteful thiog, human di'Kth, tint ha* dorm mure than uoylblDg «Ue to make pouible tbe wouderful ad- V'lucea DI1 all linex uf DJiterial progress that make the niuetcenth century the molt wonderful epoch in bliiury.

aii.1 in a k o a n e a r ly s c le e t io u f r o m th ew e u tu u tV orln^ ,

P e r Y d . W e r t i i .• a t HOe.

• * • 4 %5i'»c.

00<-.■ » « 7<>c.• • ■ 0 5 r . « O e .* - - S i . o d $ 1 .2 , ', .— « • ) f l .O O S l . i iA .• * * •KI.L’i S I .5 U .. . . itu .n ti

To ^xtun liio o t oTifo

Snperliiio In ^ n ilu T ftp H tr y llriiHKrlHT((|>f( try

ItruHM'lK V'elvKA xiiilfiN U T -Hoyit* W iHonAlso CBIHA HATTIfiGS in great Tarlety. Linolenra, Rags, Ac., at Ycry loxprlccs

OurPi^Mal Ktl.-x hav.' andoiuuujr.

ol^Fun oitniclpd u large number of buyer* ftuiD all parts of Ihu cl'y y TUi* i> Ibe larupsl qimuoly aii-i fluLitt (lueof ptUur.ia we have ever uflbanj at

n'tfili HtMirii l.dW DOWN iwiiig Ibe prrditci Of 'iirawn ftiWltw, wn warrantrarKl « m OUK NEW fAlTi;ftNR^ f OK IHls BKA-SON ombrara mmj

Clwkce Nuvelilet ami Now (olwIUBtiuiltoble (u pre*ent Ajr.a of funnahinj.


4 0 & 4 2 W E S T 1 4 t h S T R E E T , N E W Y O R K .

p im

HOT NEITHER NEIR.II m K u i s iAt 9 Ih47» I/idiei ( anvaif-ltux,!areantl but­

ton, atih hru#ugt*l imuioliig*, uurlied but*liinntJii'N. , .

At •l.33t MlmV tfiuvaa Hhoe*. lap* *b4 bnthiii, wiiii browu xuat uiiuuuagaaTUI prtng bLeit. ,At OHr„ ruiltj'i Pruwn CHnva KJiue*. Kprluf beeU, wiili brovni leutbor iriiiGidux*'

At iil-Ofl. L ilira* L'oiuuKt fDmi lulUm and lire ihrk'K, opera U>n, wlih (rpa, solid Icilbar llirwithmu. wurtli R t«. , . . „ ,

AI 9l-9^P DIasn' Kuoiei llual l iUon *hOH Sf»MU;: luvil, WurkeU luiUjoi.oira

(1iliiraiCu<«et Ural button iboa^sprli s heolK, wrirked I u( oubi'lcr

Al Wto.N (UilUfs Tnn-oilnii'd Oral I’U t^ shriM. with efwiua heels, h’*nd iTta<le, flexibly

At 78c»i Juf.intK’ Ian Uoat button btM«%^ A^*i TiV l-idiM' ItuMWt Grat Oxh Mo. hamt- Biade, Upp^ and plain, opera and cutiimOM

S1N49, \MAWff Ru9«etGo«tOifivd<. hand- eeweiUipiBdaKJpitto.

Jf yOB inlend QOino iw*y, H will M • w!»e policy to examine our line o f Trvnka, Baga end other neceiiiliei for trayel. '

OEir Boya’ Clolhing end Baby C ar. riage valuea cannot be equalled.

W ear for Men end Boyi In endleee variety.

L. S. P U U T & CO.II5i III, 119 Broad St,

mkVVAUK, N, J.Frra PcUvctIhi by o-ir uwu wat'un


Iwueflclal ' Ipflutinra op^m the minda of a naiiou teDdiug toward our WvHterti rivIlixktioD. l i would be cer- Ixiiily much bettor U Tuiklah literary refuniii’ ra would take for a p.ilierii (be bvaltblur producU of Eiigliah tileratcrv, mid if poliiica wuuld not iiiflucuce Llitir literary laitea. Tbpir morlera wntor*. ludi oa KcTYial Bey, Sliiimsai KffptMD, Ilo- Bicd Hey, md many ocheri, were fully pen clraU'd hy the ucw spirit, and wi-re aul- utatod by the brat de&iru lu M'lve tUtsir ruuiiiry, and sodib uf Lbeiii, brilihint litor- xry geuiiises, would do huuur to the niuH advanced Kuro|Tenu tiallou. Jty their strictly overwatchrd ami ufton curlallud luevtiugi they had already succeeded iii aruudiig the feeling of pilriuiiaiu and uf national aelf-estoetu, feelingi of which ibe Turks, like all Moslems, were hitherto sadly larking, but whichf tJ properly fostered and wi«elj di- m-ted, might bring forward rcsulla sor- priAlug (u public opinion in Kuropu, and particularly tu (he cioM uf pulilivluiis who Iniagliicd that they had only tu shuvel the oorpae ul a Turk out of Kurupe aud of Aaia. This new temlency of rurkiah htor aliire had gceilly dituioi*hrd, and wt»uld In the future lUll more diuiinUh, the fau- ■llcisin and hatred uf the Mubamruedana of Turkey agaiust u*. The n »l sjurcu of that fsnaticiiui and averaiun woh not »t all the Koran, w geuortlly suppusetl. but ralher our puhliral dcallnga with the TiiikiDi Hiate, which wore tiutali^ayfl very fair, aud which bad beeu muitly actuated by (be curumuu desire uf injuring (he State Luiercsls ufthe Uttomau Empire In every potolblftway. ______

ItK N U V A T IN O U liU CLO T|{ltH .

. ....rtj -.iijiiTy tu (be il•l ue xuiuctliliig like the eenHalion tolt on tho applicjDuu of a red hot Iron to the spot wbrre (he eleclrlciiy Is applied. I'he method ahuuhl not be permitted, Ik wuuld be Qiueb more hauiane to uiechlo- rufurfu or ether, which ptuducea noappa- reni Injury to the tluuu. Tba effect li pifeMiBl ratbar than otburwlMf t hava

Unw XVara OarmuBia are Fjeahaued Up b y (h a Hruurera*

from too American Analyst.It la a niyati-ry to many people bow tbe

scourcre of old cloDiea can make them al most ai good u new. TaKr, lot jubUdco, iBbluyuld coat, Teat ur pulr o f piuis of bTuadrIutb, cisiiinere or diagonal.

Tho scourer make* a strong, warni ansp- sud* and pluugn* the gsriucnt Into it, Hoirea U up and down, rubi the dirty plscfii If uecesaary put* H through aec^nd luda, (ben rinse* it through aeV' eril waters, Kud hangs it to dry on the line. When nearly dry, ho lake* it In, rolls It up fur an hniir or two utid then preasei IL Ad old cuUon doll: is l^id uq the eiitalde of Ihc coat, and the Irnn passed over that until (be wrtuklca are nut; hut ibe Ituu is removed betore the atcam cease* to rise frum the goud% elan they would be ibiny. Wrinkles that are ob- iliiiate are removed by laying a wet cloth over them end passing the iruu over that. I f any sbluy pincee nre leeo, they are tresird as the wrinkles are: the iron It liftcil, while the full cloud of slcsm rises, aud brings tbe nap up n ilb it.

Oluib sbuuld alwojis have a suds mad* fpecially fur it, a* It that which b«a l>Ufa naLHl tor white coDun 01 wouIIcd clothes ia used, Hot will be left in tho water, and cling Lo the cloth. In ll>l*> "^•uDcr we have kiiuwD the mine coat ami panf itouns to b« renewed lime and agtirq and have all the look and feel of new tarment!!. (lood broadcJulh and it* feUow-qluth* wilt bear ruany washingi, aod look better every lime because of thes.

F A C T S A H O U T I t O Y A L T V .

Tikc Duke of Vt catniin.4ter la tiio lich- ea1 of tjutH>u Vuiluria'ShuL ct*> laUrval briiain.

The Cxiir ol Uii’tsia rM'^ully ne1ebrut{*d bis rorYy-hito binhitav This (s a remarkable fact uljsn CheTrCTjnluf plots aeato>>l bia lifu la luuked at.

It 10 dot aurpriain|( that her roval htglmcu tor I'diicEwi of VValea is luemg « IiLile of Ilia bluom uf yuutb, couiidcDng that ibe U tu'^iiig torty-llva. /

llic Quern Kegeulof Himin, while nt Karralnns, three time* vl<llel the Amrrlran ! iliquirlniL'Ql of toe Imcrntllunal Expralilim aud «x|iroiaed great Inicreat IhiTcIn.

Ijuly Salishnrv U very unps^pulur iu Ixiiidun socLptT. Bhe aliumutod loputonsmk- gn it airs bf rewon of her hiUilKiuira jmioiiIou. 'llir mberlidlos wuuld Dot riaveittbai way

Tho mania nf tbs rx-EmpioM Oirhrttn DOW toward mlUlafyamlJuriillcalwiirka,

wbicb oh* oompcK ber auuniltuli to rcnil to Jmt houn at a time. This is the tweniy-Unt year uf b^wldowboud,

Fnipm i Auguflti Victoria, o f Ger­many, rtoea not Ibink tt unbccorDlug U> her digmiy to perwn^ly niperinteod ber nur*ery, and kbe uecaslODiLlly persuades the Suipcror to fKi-'Shalf an hour atoie with herself and the n»Tral cBUdran, sn-1 od iiieb uorasioaa disuiliAW everybody else truxa toe chorober.

Tho fx-Quran o f Flanover ia onei of (ho mint rampleisly lorgntten of the many exiled suverelgDi wbo live In sccludud pJacos in Ku- ixipo. She recenDy ceifbraieil her seveuiieih binhdiy. 8ba hvosalUauadsa with her sou, the luikoof ('uinberland. The autbortdes of GmumlFD pies«med her with congratulaUous on her birthday, ind ihore was aiorcblmbt pnicea.->loo to too royal lesideuc*.

I'riiKieaa Louiae is at work upon a iliiiie of her tuulber. Qiiten Victoria, wbieb will ba elected In due time tn Kensington Gar- Uuiii, UnututL Tba Queen will be represented ta Bpa appeared on Ibe eventful muraiuf Id June, 1387, wh«b she aroae kasUJy from htr bud to receive iheaiinuuDcemecit of ber auccesslun lo ihe ibron*. Od tbal 1 DtsiceUnf ooeosion she recoiv^ her Minibtsn In ber Dlgbt dtesi wUb a Lhawi thrown boiiily ovor her shoutden, a ctMiuine made fauiiliar by Ibe well-kbown pHiuting offiir George Iluyier.

My stock o f Fireworks and Fourth o f iuly goods is now complete.

I carry the largest and best asscried stock o f Fireworks in the city.

Prices are guaranteed to be the lowest, and the quality o f my goods is “ unexcelled.”

Look through my stock, and examine my prices before you place your orders.

CHRIS. BEGEROW,4 1 3 , 4 1 5 B R O A D ST ., J « , if Bmil, Sllll & Piailt SIS

LaiUee’ R ibl»il Vesi*. l 4 f , . 2Ec., 35c. o fGeTDIS* PEElbriggTTD EEnd Rotiiiitot SiETTlW

Sliirla suieI Dtaoers, ‘4 5 c ,3 5 t, 409., 70c, BOc. op.

sb' eI Cent*' NxtEiral W e» 1, Bum­mer Weigtit, all aixes.

200 do*e!i Ijidie*’ unii ChiUren’s Fnrt Blatk Cotton Hone, MO per ccEit. leM tSen n^ulikr prTT«.

100 dozen Genta’ anil TOitb’ Bilk 23c„ 4 4c , riiBulitt price 29c,, 75c.

Gemta’ and Itoy.' Flannel Bhlrta, I’laia Colors, White and Fancy Stripen, l.aTgeet Aswrtiacnt in tbe Btate.

300 dozen Gent*' anil Boy*’ White Mn*. Iin Shirt*, quality and fit well knonn to be the heal of all io th* market,

17S do* n Boys’ Waist*—Flannel, Cam* brie and Calico—all price*.

35 dozen Ijailica' Black Bilk opt cinl price 35c. and 50c



G O O D S A N D P H l t E S i -And, (Itrif, IWT lb..................................Aulil, Tansrio, pt>i lb..............................Arid, larlujHc. rrijfiu,per (tk................. .Aci’ij ( aibulic. criialiiL, pure, pur IL. ..*AicoboM,^ iH-rvuut.) per plui................Aluuj, |wr lu............ ;•••.,................... —Aqos Ammnrtia, FFFF. per piut............BtkTHi. whfvta or fKHvdt'fvd. per ib..........lioenwax, per 1b......................................famuht* Cum. IUbt 's Kcrined, net lb ..Coalllo Bnap. Oontrs WbUe. |a'r lu.........Cbotur Oil. per piuL..



Hivpct Oi |H!r plUL.... ........ .......^ lo rld e t'a»pi«raN. (ler lb. Cr “ -

lu par.kageK, per tb........

reom THrlHr. |Ter lb............... .............. -K|M<ua Halts. [« r Ih............ .......................Kweara PupiiermiDt, per pint.............. .Kneuce Janok ca Ginuer, per plot... KUxseed. wboluurgrouud. |a GIsiiber fiolla, per lb .Giyoerliie. per lb................. ..................- .Wliiwjcl peiwdsr. pure uDcolored. per lb...* "fUTcgima, per plut....... .........................QulniDO, lulptuLte powder, yaruUDCb.....Hocbelle Hall*, per lb...................... .Beiillita Vuwdsn, per duo., to (Id box......b.carbouHie Btsto. pL>r lb.........................

.Pulpbur, «»ll oruowdi't...................... .Qutolue P ill (Fsike Dsvii’s make), m

bottlci o( IDC pills, t grains etch,per lUO...... ..................... .................

Boap Bark, per lb....................................

. pvr to...

sinmuHs.Toilet Paper, per iwtktigu,..... .......................01K ruiumeUtn, lellublu............. ',1(eIikI fUk, JHT ysr-l.............. .........................i(Hlc l Mmliu. ftur yard................................... fH4-* hlsn-i Twine, ol' raioR, f«r ball............ (Tucilb linuhes frum &c. tu itOc

A («)Or> TOOTH imilHlI POK Mr. Noll Brutovi from Sc. to 50('.IlHir BriiHhrn fro'U llc. to HOQ.Quill Tix.lliniclui, fta |ier biinch.PucXcf (kjiulis fWiiD 3e. la 1&l',

SOAPS,8ulpbuP Hrap. per eshe...,............................. Icarliu ic per cakeTar Soup, per cuVt..... ...................... ......Animal Himp. per rave............. ............ .Glyrenue Huep (iraiupsrcm), per cako...

MEDICINAL WINES tind UQUORSPure Martcll Hraudy, per quart.............. |].aoKuru (bltroriita Hrsndy, perqimrt........ . ,ik!lPure lloliaud Ulo. per quart................ . .7FuroJa>iKi.>caorHt.tovixiiutD. perquart fl.lOPun New Kiigiand Mum, per quart............... &APup' 7-vear-okl hys tViiUkey, per quari. H.UO Pure Aye simI Rock, p T quart

WllM, par


Olres Good

tppetlte. Rev

Strength, Ool«t

Rtrres,Happy G ajs,

Isveet Sleep.A r O A V K l l l ' 'U I - T O N I C .



M DU ijVHi(AlK>ulHar;-.ulMra'eafmaJRrlnaiif‘<Hi1<l lie. Hihi vei KoKklne ciirEktl im>4if1cr I Iiad lioeeil wliti aliuuatsvery drug tn tlie I'loarntACiK (Hvln. J. t>. Itlrii, ti. A., t'bfmuu StoiylaUU Agrh cuiiural Liol>f«u

‘ 'F itru la b iy a irs I S fre Iniolerohly.tCUlied myself tlaad m M*ora o f luueo. 1 never fbiim l a n ie ilirtiie VMtrLii tha ho t(l« ih a ( held to uirjI J lotik Koakiin.e. 'iha tw m a a h.ij>pyitay fur Dio. I t KoSe me appetile unit Mie4iviU. I riia

IIVn t( top. T NUiiiil hy every wun) of Uilo,"— Ti>oi.’lVo:e,NchwylervlllB, .N. V,

KMkiiia ean he Pdieii w RUaui nur spariiU ined< k'nl »uivh«. tl.Q0 per lioKli-. ur six rioUJUB for Hold tjy dritgittia or ssMi by mall on rerolpi ot price.

KABKIKK oa , Ui L>uaiM » . « New Vork*

PER FUM ER Y.Hsodkerchief Rxirocl^ per ounce.................‘3Hschot PuwUuro, per ouncD....................Culowie Water biM. p<‘t |i|i»t............. . .BSBay Hum, St. TtmiCDus lm(>or(ed. per pint .80 fioriilB A*aier, per boitlo..................... - .80

Pure Imiowiert Pon 1 Puie (‘Olifnrula Port Wtov/per qiiori..

, par quart,.,Pure Imported Hherry Wlrw, per quart... Pure Ctfirorma Sherry W tiie, per quart..,

P A T EN T MEDICINES.|] 00 ArilclM from T5c, down to 6Ro. Ne. Artielua frtmj 40c. duwo to 95c. S5c, Aniciet irom 20e, dowi to 18c.


G A SFRKK OF flU BO X Wheiskou ire w t* mula

K x lr it i 't ln tr .W ith Oaa, 2Jtc. B x tra .

(Sets, •’fi.oo, StoOOand •lo.oo unto tsOaOit where (told and Ploiina are inod.

Bone Filling. 50f. up; Bllvcr and Pisttna Pll.iuff, 7(to. aud tlt.oOf FiHUag. VI.MU1F.

A Met of Te«h CAN b« mode fiMT andshow a 8UALL profit lliiae we make ai« equal In any and >>iipcnor to mnai made lor (bat prira; but as U has nvver bran our liahit to mis,i*4d or niisreprviWTi(. ws will nay (bat tha material* fi om whiob they are mode are neoaiN sari y the cbraped (1. p., (h4i ponroaU (bat oaw be (joutfhi. and we (^rtslnly advi:« ihuse who CHP alltinrd It to yvl a UOOU «ol whlls (beyoio about tu

FKMALE ATTENtlANT.iin iin e f 8 A, M. (• 7 r . M,HOCB1 ^ao*daya»8A,H*toUMU


7 89 Broad S t , cor. Market

A large siorli uf Sijonges, t'hsmoli and Tcdlel Qoods at redticfN) pritaa n r FOIIU i*KIWCKII>TlON GLKKK<f IN ATTENbANCE.Pnocrlption bsif price charred by utber dnigyiRtf.K\'KRYTHIN(i AT WiTToM PHlcKi!'. HundreiJiof articles we hive not Ibespace

hero (0 msndou, WE Oto?(fPY TWO ENTiRK BUILOINHU,

629 AND 631 BROAD STREET,Ami weo|«ra e the largesi ami best equipfFod drugstore m tbo State of New


; T s T E W A R K , IST. J .

W K (U rA B A N T W S w «(y tcot ■old to wear k|u1 wUliatlMtduun* i4 tn( Mrvtre fbr audi toegerturipd tn tT otltas Uraa sa laeDuei lU4joM.miieb iMwInlha *

end. IteMStanra togr»Pl pr**- Xa nirv,tinohfilrii4tedllowafwater i f anti incrtMoadflailMllty. ora Ua , j odvoiitatM. Every wiad of tba s g wire can be rat wlUuMt loomii' big or iirunlllrA

CAUTlON^Tba Builrinv, Tau(Hni,or uaeof arty barvlra ar.ia Armored. Wtra'boumi Hose not ef cmr manofbrtQre is nn InfHngeniani on on# or more of our {Hleot^ any vl^tiion of Mliicb wUf meet wt(b Imiua rilHts preoacDllOJi.W'-T. JOHNhUN d (\X.HOCKHIDfJK A IKJN.Kkh. MYKH,HIRING A 1 1IOHNR,WM, NHOVK. are IImi only w plaOKala Newark wtior#* pur- r ('baser lau injy tlie lloae wjtli- ^Ont liuhliily to EUktuilun, « tf*e^

W a la rb u ry R ubber t o , .Bote Hml owaart tk all 0

( ' e H|iliiriEtor Drip Arinor^ ^ X lit se i'ziteutiii. S D

19 W arrao t it ,. New T iyrk , ^ ^

$ .E.M .R IC E5 f t 0 B l l O A D S T I t E E T ,

Wbulouteand ^ to ll Dealer In

PainteraV Supplies.The onrj jobbltig Uousa tn Newark where can

tlwtyi be fouud « full supply of the bast brands of While Idad. Linseed OU, VaroUiiet, Win­dow Ulus, (-iDlor* In Oil« dry, aud averythlof to be Asmd In « Oret-oiiua pourt store. Alwaya at t u lowest prtoe. Ageal lot MoCteifciy'a liquid Uoyal Wood flUai, <



106 & 108 Mulberry S t ,cwbCuintM n .

RUPTURE CURED.TUa liuproved £i«atic l ruia is ihe outy irusl

tn axiateafit} mat ts worn wiib absolute nututort mglit and day, u tt rvnlrM the rapture updac Che hardest exercise ur sovertwl Jtitaib, and wUl efleuL B pennaucbt and iprady cuie wUboiK re-f:«rd to tba age of tbe patlotil. RxaTninaU^ ree. lA lj inaltondatice tor ledlea. Bend tof

painpblet. lkiPHOVKDCLAS11CTKU88(X>.. S gay l &i4 Uroadway. eor. la h it. N. T,

J 0 H N S “ M f f i T 0 S iK E iD Y I I I E D P A IN IS .


T hom as & Courter,3 tO » M A B lU i lT B T .



fnrn bjr m llri^htToHBg who Takni H«ei1 o f

Cu*loni«*< Thw InuorenlIk-Mutj o f To-daj IHMevted.

New Yor« , Ju m 21.— A faitiiiuM swiuud* Uko



fkHhiotiAhU fii»hiuutMk

•'id fjD ^nti al* (11 111)1111 coiubiiiE’

U i f ip i 'v (p if-o 1» r u t i n i n o w ji* (ittVii 'jtMtilt'Mih *ui<r». ttm diH>r of llli rh I' L1\ 1 ' l'tTlttiu,,IO lAJEllflIn t'liri* to p'"4 tilt bliold o f tho w u wlMimtiin In l'r*‘ nl hr iBe swoat of hU -ull iBtt i« iF-fi tiMi Wii lovud h <■(•»( tinttnl to iImi ii’i dfr m^reie# ofM. ihtT M.rih *R 4 'iw ilj w puMiblo. No erai-.- InHiR Hun' door and oo ooo pop4 to iho fuii«r»l eirept the geotiftmen of the fatnllT j the bt^mhle nuue* rMultiDg from the prrsftuie of hymeriCtt) women being iliui ivuidcd. Who liM noi fell tbn vultiwiiy of • iliow fnofT*) T And who has not, i i • lUlle child, alteri'lid VHiioua fnnnrali conducted on ithxt U known w ihn “ Dutch'* plan, Wbi-ti every Mhcalted uioorncf paid hot ■hvin- fur rsdliMf in the caitWfie aod thi-y nil m.'ppi d fur refrt'shnienK on llm way hai-kf For mjM'tf and i amall brulber a gri ll deal of lioaUhful exerciae wM ob- tiiimd In ibii way. u a gi'H al nuric took ui to a funeral every »ft«5rm)tiD o f ouiliven when Ibe wcilhei w u p le a a a u t; wonever mw the corpse, III fact, I tbiuk wo had a very va^ue idea u to what it waa, bat wo know very well wbeu the under* taiu-r eaoie to the hick Juhanaa paid a quarter apiece for un, and that wbeu we Hupped a liitle later on ahe had a driak of •omotliing In a amail glaaa, wblle we to- joicod ID piuk iemoDadp. We looked wilb great reepect upon * very old Ifwb lady who wore a frilled c«p and a bo eoold wrep loudly and to order, and it win laid of her that she bad **beaulltu1 fuBcral tnaDuera/* We hoptd that j onie day we*d have tbU kind of iDiinTien, for we Were told that the was re- girded aa such art acquiaitluti that she got her Mat la ibe carriage for uothlug, and Ibe geaLlciDao Id the white apron who brought out the refreahmeuta made do charge for heri. After a few monihi of l>)6«e euliveulDg ddvea ihe way we ipent ear alternooni be&inte known, and home rule afler that waa rigidly enforced,

ENaUaB WOUSB Af HOTUEEfl.h ’l Eiiflish, too, to be a moiher, Uer

Vajvfity Hi the example. An B&glitb womao thlaka life isn’t worth the living, asd it Isn't, If ahe baan’t got some small peuple who belong to her aud who enU her **ll»nitiuL“ They koitw that a child, by conirut, makes the mother look youuger and prettier, and the baudiomcst woman !d Ixmdon, gotten op in frilla and frivola, will have seated beside her a tiny morsel of faumsnitj in a cotton frock u d • big ilraw bat Almoat every American woman wbo baa married an £n|Ushinan o f any posilion has presented her adopted coun* try with twins, and amoag the prettiest are the two little boys who drive out with thi'ir lovely mother, Mm B lUrke Ri>ehc, while ritling very near them la the quaint little elder sister who anaweri to that eid< fisbioned nsme. Cynthia.

TURiMNoeSWT BEAUTY OP TO-PAT.Tbs innocent girl of to>dif isan inter-

«ting study. 8ho wears a gown o f white surah \ il’i gathered at the waist and pci* kapi smocked a little, but around the lower edge there is nothing but n deep hero ; tho bodice it a round plaited one of the allk { a Toby frill la about her neck and a ribbon gtidle encircles her waist. The aleeves are full, puffed kubop COM, and on her head is a big leghorn bat with an innooest'iookliig bunch of flowers on It, and a little grass, 8be looks from nnder her bat and wonders **bow the genLlemen know so much,** and * ia it really true that some of thgm drink whiskey,** and “ cau wybody have the heart to say that the girls in the cboroi •re even a ilttle, tiny bit Ikst**—and ibe sinltris so when she says fait, as i f she were siyiiig tometbing that began with a grest big D ; then she wonders where mamma is, ind la afraid ffae*a done some* thing wrong,'* and bope^ yon will not mli- inderitaud ber, and oh, dear, she is so fiitbtentdl The chances sre that yon have ml^undcrstocd -her. That Innooent get-up is a uare and a dolnsioo. The feci In their soft leather aboes can dance vlgoruu^y until i o’clock in tbs morning—the lithe figure that is half revealed and half concealed in the full skirt can msinme a baihtng dreisthat U, to put it mildly, rilher scant, and the iiusll hands that seem almost afraid to peep out from the big sleevM can hold a foil baud in p k r or deftly pile chips at a roulette lable. Tbs eyes that look so frightened from under that bat can pick out a winning horse, and the sweet red Bps that were so sfra d of saying Hine- ifaltig that wo^ld be misandentood can give a bufiDCBs-like order to a district mes­senger boy about exuc ry how her $5 Is to be played. I f danger lurks in tb e e y e io f any womjD it may be staled as a fact that U ii a thousand llmo^ more dstigerous when the eyes Ivok frightened and the eoiire woman b m olf iv mcUpborically re- lying u|gu y{>u to aee hir through the Wiks of (hit WhCked w r1d,

OAKB IHAt IS IM ILL BFPUTl.That iui«s of Indig'sUoQ huowii uangel

food, sod which it would require (he •toroach of an angol to really aisimllate, la, ihatik the goddess of beaUb, counted very hod form, while tough sponge cake, pond Cairo that suggeatrd the riddle as to which Was the heavier, a pound uffeatbers er a pound of lead, aud that mmwy mix­ture known as Jelly ouke, are, to be slangy, inthof^uup. The soop will not be im­proved by them, The thing to do now ia to bsVO a hot cake at high ton; and this must be broken, not cut, It may be a pound cake with dtron or enrrantn in it, or It may be a much simpler variety, though the currants and citron are tRuaily put in k'cauM they please the men. For my'own gnrt, 1 have always believid that if you have adeilrS to min your digestion sud year taste, do it with •omplhing worth eating and kill younwlf on plum cake that at least tastes good and the denth ia not slow. It is warranted wiihlu fifteen minutes to give you pain that Is indescribable, unleu 1 nse the Words of a pootees o f paasion and say, *' It Is not m the heart and not In the brain,** and leave the ra t to the Imagination. What shall yon serve with your tool I The thinnest sort of wafers, or elM those tiny litUs cakfi that are eovered with green, pink or white angar, and which have lo> fluced many a amsll woman to Mk, ** W bo whitewashed them v*

TUKB POR SUMURR ITRAR.It*B English, but lt*B very sensible. What f

The vreaiing of fhra all summer, Tho ftsh- loBsbls girl sends off ber seaUkln coat, and til her really beavy.welght rhra^bntshn wwrvM h«r rntnk oi nbte c«po, .Dd berblack beet be. to «ii|, ) , , , minniier lO-Bfc W aU aih abonl fora tad wbite

come to me )<y arrident, nor was H giveiime In hHpiUm, hnl 1 pFceivrd It b j inbeii'* Uiice. r il toil you about tt, since so many lisve uked.

I A hundri'd yeHrs svo (here lived In tbs; liitd of bhu* oypi sm) blsMiey a coquettish

tri'h Udy. 8lie hsd gulden hair aud dark browti eyes tbit tuoked ajlschievensly out oti the world. Her ladyship danced until hi r red-bet'it J sboei seemed (o make their own music, fihe sans until the birds Joined lu the rhorui—but she pouted.

The pretty ooquetts was net satisfied*— It WS1 true ill the Irish genUamen adored her and drank to bar wit aud beauty, but there was a quiet man, a genlle Quaker, her brother*# intor, wbo only seemed con* scloai euough of bet sxlit«nce Uj bow to her. 8(i»il s besoty endure (hist Nrvtrt Shall the toaat of msMv cgiinllM W ig' noredf Surely not. And oo my liwiy chose te stuly Latin, The tntor so'D lenrued to love bu pupil. That w u out ilmtise, Uut, oddly snoop h, tiie lauy fi U In her own net, knd dlicuvered that more than all the |syly*drMsed gentleman she lovfd thU quiet Friend, and so one day her lidysbip was mluing—tbs had fli-d. She,Lady Barbarallilsiy,bidelopvd with a man wboM ruffies were ooly of plain lawn I The lovers so^ht this new connlry and made a home n n f Ibn Iwnks of the Dela­ware, where many Wknds did abide. But Ijsdy Barbara would wear her pretty bro­cades aud high-heeled ilip|>ers, aud even in the meetmg then wm do oi.e who eircd to repHmaud her.

When her brown eyes were clo*cd In deslh Uer lovef*bushsud waited for tho lime when he should Join her and was peaceful among those who were of bis own blood. One suromer day there stood before him bis grand-iiMughlcr. He (bought he saw In her brown eyes the truth sod faith of his own dear love, and so he said : “ (lud bless yon wherever you go, for yon trt Barbara.**

Aud BO I am. Bar .


UspMtis Iw Fai-thsr India nwd Iw tbs l>siwtii U»a o f tnuwda that BrIUsh Cnp> llnllsU Will Probably Rons bs W ork-

iB f-U tksr EoatsM o f Rwfnly.

MJOltNW** OrVJlCT LESHON.A ChJnsso Servant Who Pol lowed Hls

MIstress'N Instmctioos Toe Cluieljr. From the BalilTnors Neaa

'^I'bere Is no truoble In teaching a Chinsman a new thing, but the teacher has to be extremely careful In doing so.** said Mrs. A. L. Tjord, a prominent (eroper- suce worker who recently arrived in this city from California. “ 1 have heard many amuiitif stories told as to how fiitbfhlly John earriet out Ipsirnctlons, hot I may say the most smusiog w u told me by a lady with whom I stopped a short time ago. The lady had hired a Cbinamao, intendiag to make a cook of him. The O la lia l was u apt to learn is sny of bis hretbren, and made himself very nsefuL A few days after his arrival thp lady of the house tbougbl she would teach him how to make cakes, and, that end in view, bought a few eggs. The Chinaman watched her every motjon Intently. She broke oue egg, bnt it wsa *bad,* sod she threw H away. The second was healthy and It went Into the cop. Then the other dtrec- tloDi were carried out, and when the cakes were baked she set the Chinaman to try hia hand.

**Tbe lady paid no attention to him, and when dons the cakea he baked were as nice as hers. Every day he baked them sod they were eicelUnt. On bos oocaaton, several weeks after the CUlbsmao arrivod, the lady entered tbe kBchen just as the Chinaman slaricd lo make the cakes. The Cbiuamau picked up oue egg, broke 1 and witbont she least hesitation threw It out of Ibe window. Before hU misireas could interfere the second was broken and pot in tbe cap. *Why, John, wby did you throw that first egg away? It was good.* Tbe Celestial lo^ ed lolomoly Into bvr face and said, 'Misses do it.' And after inquiry she frttnd be had been doing tbat every day for three weeks. John was shown the right wsy and he never gave any more trouble in that iioe.**

DJFPBREIVT WATS OF BLEEFiNa.JwatPeople Who "N ap/* l>sii»,**

Drop Off** and **Tbwd.*’Burdctle In Brooklyn Engle.

The ilesta H the sort o f sleep after din­ner, and fifteen minutest worth o f k la one of the best daily inveatmenta of iioie a busy man or womaa can make. When yon haven't time to lake a siesta It about time yoo went off and died some­where. Blomber Is tbe light steep, varied by stattllDg facial commotioni and sudden spasmodic moilotis of the limbs, accom panied by compulsory lileniwi all over tbe houM, which la the ra t o f Infanto. In' lomoia is sleeping wide awake in a itate o f inicable imb^liity. It is tbs common lot o f actresses aud literary people, who are ia need of rest or adveitiiing.

A '* nap ’* la tbe pusing rest o f a lebool teacher who ia Just far enough " gone to appear dceeitfuli, and wide enoogh awake to catch the smart bny who thiuki that all things are what they seem, "doxe** Is the hidcooi sleep o f a man wbo goes to sleep with bis oyei wide open while you are talking to him, fixing upon yen glimy atare that cnrdlca year blood and makea you forget wlist you were trying to say. Then he wakes up and layv, Id iotl cally: "T e « ,y M ; just so| served him quite right; and tben?”

To '^juit drop off for a MCond** Is the term applied by the offender to the act of going sound aileep in ebureh with one's bead banging over the back o f the pew, tbe mouth wide open and Ihe operator snoring like a boose afire nntll tbe deacon hits him on the bead with a collection basket, or the choir risen to ting tbe last hymn. *‘Noddiog” iD church is sleeping clear tbrough the entire sermon, but without snoring, and wUb bead bowed on tbe back of the pew in front, as though in prsyer. Nobody in the whole cbnicb, by the way, thinks it remotely reaemblea the at titude of prayer except tbe person wbo is ''Dwlliiog.”

To Jam yoariclf up against your fatheFi back, kick him black and blue from withers to bock, crowd him out o f bt-d twice or thrice during the nigbt,aad to He babitnaily across the middle o f the bed, tbe *' sound sleep ** of boyhood. To make terrific noises with ibe noie all night long while lying like a log In one poaitien ia the "eweel sleep’* of the laboring man, who never given bis nose ■ holiday, To punC' tuale one's slumber by sudden blood-curd ling yells In tho middle o f the night called “ sleeping** by people who quaff fiugon of tbe New EttgUnd national drink called pie for a nightcap Jost before going to sleep. To Iom loond of the voice o f the person addreisiag yon, to have the room pass in a misty blur befrre your eyes, and to sink into utter oblivion for about ten minutes, Is called “ yawnlDg'** by very polite people.

To fall off the chair and roose yonrteH by knocking your head against a corner of andirons Is what some people eall Jnal " oloilag the tyei,** ** To feel a little drowsy ** ia tbe torm applied to h ii eondl^ tion by the man who sleeps nvoq statione peat the place where be waule io get off. I f he doean't wake till some time tbe next day he admite that he waa ** aleepy." To fold the hands npon the breast, nestle the head lo the folds o f a snowy pillow,

«n i«i4 .1 iu i. n u nuivQ jaLnigbtvn the shapely Umbe and ivrengek ^®pare them to olives and^ % s figuce graceftilly, with lightly-dosed

JM (reim hnt »hU ,Jnrp of rfiblo^ jott i»B f t , good w ow U itanaotfrotn wcanog row during ■ummer. In tbs moonUin., i| fto •M.tde, or wh.tfTof ono gnu f t got ewl, Ihtre li n rftfn f t U , chUlinw, in toe cniiliig, nod thou wbtt ia w p n ltr or *h .t 10 becoming m lb« full loO y huir of the bi.ek bear ot tbe n ft brorro o f tho Jilob or nblo o-or • wblft gorre t Tbeoo for, aro not heaoT la wotghi and do not p™ ™ , thank goodneai, tbo doadg atr o f JJhlto ftanta. Tbo tatter u lw iji look aa « a womaa had Juat gotten orer the ma-

and wia bundling keraelf up la nan ^ b e m ft avoid alike ebilla or foraia. fw oia yontiolf, Ihoa, to tbo Rir that la

. '■ " ** yon—It will ntako your hairw kglow ler, It will make your akin look Wbftat, and, think nlH, you will look |nat ■ Lady Homebody or tbo Dnobrw o f fcoeoody Eiao dooa at her garden party,

" *'*• aoetaty papera lanailed the faakkmable fbnotiaa.» ^ 1. ' '“ “ *"*' • ' •nttera have racoatly resQbed mp from yuax renden - iH -g ^fiy Ism celled T h e a a M d t d M k

eyes to pus the oigki In n mist o f plenennt dreams snd entrancing vliioni, with an eo- comptnlmeut of soft, regulat hreething, icaree ndible to the people on tbe next block, ti to sleep like a CbristlRo, ■■ I d a

Hepe*o Braga*' Aud will It be." said Hope u me,*' That over the mow be*U eome.And tbe beokoalng Ughi oi year window

toightWill guide hltd, weary, hoaoe f" Of will It be,** HM Hope to me,'* On a lammcFi evsnUde,When the (ender gtoiv ol MUMt'i low.You I ball walk sUs b| ihle f**OrwlUttbe" wh] Rope to me," W hen (be sk|> le dell to4 gny Asd thou dovneiNt, he will eoae at leal And hrlfhlru all (he day t*• Or wUl n be." tsM Bspe to mep ** You may put np pleloiee IWt fiave one (he bert, end (he ikiikfaiieag T6 look el when you die t ** Of • gWemlet les," stld- Bope to bm^*• Add e lelr shore, oaUs and twees.Where hserii I wie like ihtne and toe Uea nevtt felled to Deet,"

IM to i to mrthKfi ifsfnitoti

The story e f Lhs gigantle growth o f the pelroloDm production of this couatry dur- ug tbe Uit thirty years is one of tbo moit

lulercstlug o f ell the nioetecblh cenliity’i oudcltrul remsnreeofiuduairy and treU<%

Meu and curporelion# *lisve won (m U>*4s) rtuure froni miutv*# vnsi rrwrvoiis of

(he prtdnet, roitd rxc irtm-tii ol hpciuis- (ion hu rsfTrd bVfT It, gii'iS «>hiiTg»ii in in* lU'LiUI snd houf^linlil erououjy luvo lK‘cn

HiKtiit by its uao sod iu tbs uecee- sl;y for ito traDspartetien and ninipula- tioQ vesteotcrprlsei have bad Ihcir birth.

Petrulcum was disoovtrrd in Ohio as early u 1819, and in 1845 a bore fur a uU well iwppty-flve miles from Tituburg dcveto|>e<l two oil iprmgi that yielded a barrel In twenty-four huuri. This was tbe beginning o f lhs “oil fever," mild at first, but desttoed to rtge u speculation had never done Itefore in Araerira. Nine vean later compaatos wrre fornitid iu New Vurk, land and rigliia were piircbastd aud exper­iments were rooile looking to a rneaxis of ]mrilyinx tbe ol). It wus In IMTiR that (be Urit well wsi bored in THusvillo. By pumping U gave about a thouwnd gallons of oil a day. 8ood after wells of from MW to 5*.)0 fi et in depth flowed at the rate of

.000 barrels a dny (ro(U each well. Au Dimenie eiritemeat was the natural coq-

icqiieocf.and before tbe close uf 18(>0 more than two thousand welts bad boeu sunk iu the vicinity of Oil Creek.

UBUWTIl or TtIC hUBlWEAB.Tbe (rede bad Its periixis of suceeM and

deprenlon, but when the business ceased to be Biwculative and m tiod down u|>oa a solid biaslj tbe piuductioo of oil iocreaMHl steadily, Every buArness in any way con- TiccUd with the oil rccoived au iatuiediato sod Imiuenie impulse.

It is so eiaf^gi^ratioQ to say tliat the earth lo the Americau fields has been bored io GO 000 places, and uow yields an annual aupply of oHire then 2.900,000.000 gallons. Compared with this tbe previous supplies of oil from vegetable end animal luiirces liuk Into utter ia«ignificance, H tbe world’s produi-iiim for tbe current year were placed la the blue poiruteuin barrels, fatnlliar to everybody, and those herrcli wrre placed end to end. they would occupy a line loore thau 10,000 cnilas long, and stretch iorther than from N 'w Y ork to Pekiu, via Loudon, Moscow and Tobolsk.

The old fleets ol whalers are dying out, and a new fleet o f oil sieaiucrs has ap­peared, already uumberiug nearly 150 vet- k Ia e single one o f which will convey id a trip from America to Europe mors lamp oil in its tanks than a whole fleet of whalers in the happi'^tdajs of the whaling Industry ever brought home from tbe Arctic &aa at the close of a oeaeou's opera­tions. Aod though year after year the earth yields more and inoroof oil, the gen­eral supply shows no sign of serious dlmiautioD.

OTUEB E09BCSS OP SUPPLY. Begsrdlug petroleum as an American

product, people are apt to forget that Iu many parts of tho Old World it has becu found in such great abuudouce u Lo seri- ousiy ctiitaii ih^ export trade of llie United States. Nature seems to have scat­tered this malcrial with a lavish hand, PctroleuDi w u known to the (Jrceki snd Homaus more thau 2,000 yesrs ago. For ceaturle!* the sprmgsaud wells of ihe Ran­goon district, on the Irawady, have sup­plied tbe entire Burman Empire and large porttnus of India. B«lin, on tbe west shore o f the U/a«pian Euppliri Pereia with the seme metus of oe- onrlug artificial light, while Kuuia “ stuck o i l" long ago and ia producing it in Urge quanlitlea, directing bur guse miw toward ibe far E u(, which heretofore ibe Ameri­can eipurtors have regarded as peculiarly their onu markeL The Parii Both-cbilds have invuted two millioai sterling in tbe Baku industry. Ptirma and McHleoa have supplied mineral oil for llluminatiDg purposes to Italy for mure ibau 2U0 years.It Is found ih* tbe IJand of Irinidad; Cuba produces it; it is seen fij.iting on tbe water in the vicinity o f Tolesnoex, and ucw discoveries are couataitily oi-curriug in different pvrts uf tbe world.

XNQLAMD JR TUB TttAPE.Euglnud haa uutil quito re<'eotly held

aloof from laking an active share iu this great enterprlw, importing her petruleuni largely from Arntrice aud Ruum. There is. bowever, one man wbo is untiring lu bis efforts to induce British capital aod enterprise to enter largely into the lurni’ live basiiioss of deveioplag (be oil regions of the Urili&h Empire. He iv Charles Marvin, a traveller end a prolific writer. In one of bis pamphlets entiilKd “ Eng­land as a Fvtruleum Power," he pre<Jicts a wonderful future for the UurmeM oil fields. The wells in this district are but Ditrs pits, and havg bt-vu worked Id a very Impi rfcci fusliion for close on to a ot-nturv. Fifty yewis ago the oolpdt was about iKI,0Q0 t(iDS a jesr. The wells were from four to five rr>et in dismctcr^cid drscended vertically from the top of ibc plateau to deptha of fiom 250 to 350 feet, snd on the slope frucu 110 to 180 feet, which would make them from too to aoo feet helow the level o f the water-courH at its base. Over each well IhvreW M i rnrie croMbtr and dnitn, by which an earthen vessel called a gimra was lowered and drawn up agalu by a man who walked down an inclined plane witb Ihe rope to which tt was attached. Tbe oil thus ubLlined waa poured into another giiars containing about tbirty-eix and half poundf, and twelve or thixleeu of three ma<la up a cart load. This oi) was of a dark green color and vi'»cid in con ilsteney. It ts fonud to yield aboutsevenly ])Or rent, o f burning oil, with a flasliiiig point twenty degrees higher than that of ibe American olL

TO WOBK TOR fitrtMEaE PIBLDC.since tbe iDDexation from King Thre-

bsw Eugllsb enterprise is being iitiactcd to tho dtiirict, and it Is believed that lu a short time the Yenangyaung will be as famous at Bakn, which atiuually produoea 200,000,000 o f galJoni, There are other districts o f Burmab known to oonuin petroleum which have only been super­ficially examined.

In BDotber pamphlet entitled ** The Oomlng Oil Age/* Hr. MatvlD says that the western portion o f the Itomipion of Ceosilft, erobradtig tbe greet Meckeasie and Athabasca Valleys, contain oil deposite which will startle Ibe world. A select committee of the Canadies Benato at its Inst sessinn recommended that a traei of about 40,000 square inllee be reserved from snlejotbatU fvnlne maybe more accur­ately tested by exploration and pnctiosl tetto. ThlsareerecomBieoded to bereMrved by DO mrena repress n ts the total, w bleb one wUneis estimated at 109,000 miles of aU- beaclog territory. The general are*, Mr. Marvin says, is larger ibtn that of all tbe petroleum distrkto of all the present oil- producing couatrlca pat together, and the •election of the best aouthein seettoD u n Crown domain Is likely to make il of enormous vnlnein the near iu tu n and canie it to ruuk among tbe chief iiaeta of tbo Dominion.

TBR OAWADIAX OIL m U M .*rbla nil belt itreUhen the whole dis­

tance In R northwesterly direction from Edmonton to the mouth o f the Msckenxle River, a length o f quite S;000 milos. Tbe Athalaaca River rnna through the middle o f ihe district, which Inclndes the whole of th^Xieeser Slave Lake on the one band, and tonchca (he shores o f Beaver Lake on the other. The wnipletioii o f tbe Osoo- disn Padfle Bail w u has hrought the ooua

A ¥Yrtt!AL nOUTlir.lUl BOHIE.DescrIpUM of m sfoorele I’Inolallen N«eiv

Vy Wk Qaertor o f • C«niiir| Ago.From Uu h. Y. I'eivsrem.

While delving into tbe volnoirs of the Astor Library, the travrls in this cwtiotry by Sir Citariei Lyvli. tho vmin«ut EugUib geologist, wbo visitod here lu tho lulerrel of hii favored pursuit and wm amply warded, was examined, and lu It was found a description of a typical Souihern borne, on a ptsntiili.>D. In which ha dose Justice to the period now pataed into history. The upheaval In lUt South Iim obiU*'reied manv of the eviilenrnii of IL« prt vadiug, if not oiiivirsal, rt fiiteiri'ut and r'lHiire whU-h ma.L* uieiv a fib o homrs of (Uom &aU'U*l<u>u dsiyi Loa rivals of tho omntry boUMJol FiigiAiid.

Sir CUarlOi Lfotl In bis wiond vifU de- reribfs oue o f those pbnulioas In IKergla in 1847, He bad airivi-d at Darku, Ua., aud was ibeia met by JamSs Usiniltoe Uouper, with wbom he bod curmimndvd op geoloKical matters end whom he bad aiready moutiouod in bis prevlons work as the doDor o f a splendid ootlection of fiwsll rsmaini to the museum at Wishlngiuo and of other like tceasurea to tbat of Phila­delphia.

H o i iy i : " Mr. Cluaprr came down the river to meet ui In a large uaituu, boUowtHl oat of a trunk o f a single rypress, rowc*l by i l l iickru^i, who were singlug loudly am! keeplug time to the strt>lie of tbeir oars, \Ve tlieu U'gan to asceml the Alta- msba. (\ir many a (pile wr saw no hsbL UtiOD—tbe solitude wm prufouml, buluur bla<‘k osnmrn mode the woods echo to their song. Fifteca miles s b o r / Darien we caiuo to Hoprton, tho n*Aldcnce o f | Hauiiltou Couper, having first pukseil from the river into s caQal which traversed (he low rice fl< Ids.

** Much bos been said lu praise of the bospilailty of tbe Suutlieru pUutor, but they sloue wbo have tcavclird in tbt> Southern StaU'S can appreciate the perlccl rsM and (lulitoviess with which a itrsuger Is mado to feel hinueirat home, llonei*, tarriagre, boats, servauta, all are ol his dlsp<Hial. Even bit little couiforto aro tbougbl of, and evoryihlug is dope as hrertily am) ntturaily •« if no ohllgstlou was cooferred. l'b«ao sacrlfirre mwle by the planter are comparMtlvpIr small, iluci! his hubitoa) siyle of living is so free at.d liberal that theexpense uf a Ian additional inmates lu tbe family ia scarcely frit Htill, there is a warm and generous open- n w of character In ibu Suutberoer «bu*b UietH wealth and a retinue of servants cau- uot give ; and they have adiguily of maa- iier, without ilLifueas, which is most agree­able.

“ One o f tbe Sea Island*, callod St. Slruon'i, the summer reiideuco of Mr. Couper, we vuitod, aod on uur way we landed at Butler's Island, tbs residernm of Fierce Butler, the lius1>aud o f FuMiy Kctoble, whoso daughter, ihe Hon. kliss Li'igb. still owns tbo property. The grouuds are vioraed with orauga trevs, loaded with golden fruit. We landed on the nortbcasl end of 8t. Simon's Duiid, where wo w a c gratiftcj hy (be sight of a curiuui mound of ibella left by the abu- riginoB, Here are no less than tou acres, elevated la some places to ten feet, aud on an average ovor the whole area five fret above the geaerol level* compuMd through­out that depth o f myriads of casUway oys­ter ihclD. Mr. Couper's villa wav near (he wateFi edge, abaded by Verandas and by t sago tree and many Icudod trees, nuinewbat injured by latn frost; bul theollTes, of wbirh there is a fine grove here, are uairijurtil ; so:uii day they uiny ite cultivated with prtifit In tho Se» iHlaud*. We greiiilv Hiliumd S"me due data palms which Iwnr friiil. Ibev Were brought from iu Perda, aod haveu(d Piiffercd from (ho ruld.

" llurjDg a forlnigbt'd bt'ij at Ilopvton we bsd an oppurUiniiy of Feeing liuw iho planters live In theiS<jnib, and thouotid)- tiQii and pr<r^pefts uf tbe negro on a wril- ruattoged estate. The rcluiioa of the slave* to ihcir owners rcsenibiis nelbicg in the Northern BtaUa. There is hcrcdilary rrgii^l and ofien ultochmciit on bulb sidi-a, more like that formerly ex ifih g bfl ween lords and their rvtainrn m the oldTeiidal times o f Euruiie (ban any ttmiH now futtnU in Aun-rica, The ro spoiisibility o f tbe owner is frit to ij* greit, and to munago u |dHiiiatimi ivitb profit is uo rasT t i^k, so iLueb Jodc^iicut ia rt quircd aud sucli a mixture of firmocM, forheariuice and kindness.

“ 1 he evils o f ibe sysitm of FUverr arn reid tu lie exhibited in their w< r-t bplit when new iittli r» coino ir<itn free Sl iu s ; Northern oietj who are full ofjie'iviiy, and who strive (o make a rspiil fiutunc, willing ifl rivlc their own Mven in nn un- heaithj dimato, mid who ruiiMit ruske a1 lowanca for the repugnaitcs tu conUuiious lafrir by tbe negro race.

“ There arc 509 uerrors on IIic llepo- ton riu te . a great manv of wlioin are. chddrvn aud rouio nh) autl FU]K r'iiitia:tlnl. The latter cta* *, who would Ik* supimruil in a |)our1imtsc in EuK^nnd, rnjny Ir'ie- tn the end of tlK ir d:iy-i tho six-icty of lluii iieighhurs ami kltiMfulk Slid livu in Isrce, eepiiratc houses SNsirnei) to them. 'Hie necriKw hfivu a hrmpilsi ass t!ned to Miem contniniijg threu warda—one for nietj, one fur womeu and a third for ]viiii;-.n women. Tha latter arculwimi allowed a rooutu'a re-lafUT their confiijenieiil, nii »dvjoiu(:p rarely uiijoytd by ibe bard-workiog English pi'saaiits.

“ Tbe negro mothers nre often to ig- nnrsui or 60 indolent tli’it (liey carnut lie tcuaicd to ki-ep awake «itd adiuiiii-ler medicine to their own cliiUlndi, so lie luMrcfs bssoftoii to ait upall night wiili a sick negro child. In subuiiUmg to this (hey aro actuated by mixed ii)oiivr'«—n feeling of kiudneoa and a frar of tosing the services uf h slave; but i Ihjw n(Leiili<iiia greatly attach tbo negroes to (bclT owncr»i.

*' lu general they Tufuso to lake roedicino from sny olher bsuds hut (Lcrh: o f their uihsUt or uiistrtss. The da>*M work consisiiof a task, which, wliendis- poied to exert tfaenjSiivev, llicy cui get through in five hiiiirs, and Ihi u aniii-<H Ibeuiselves In fishing, and sell llio fiih they take, or in making ctioues mit of the large cypress trees, and these they ■c l' or tbeir own profit.

" Tbe ruo^i severe pankhment cquin-d wllliin iho lu t forty years fur a l^ ly of 600 negroes at llopotou whs fur (bu theft of cue negro from another. In tiial period there waa no criiDimil tel of tbe highest grade. "

HONXNT AK1> TRtTTUFiUOld ny1*ea4ar Vklt« th« Molur «aa Froves

Ills (JuiMi Ctiwractar.From the XTksruaw rravallsr,

Tha U^jor was •lulii| la hi* library, srooktug a flue meericbaeiu pipe, when old Sylvester, a negro pollUclan, wat an- nounmi.

"U oiur^i." laid ibe MiO*v, wben Syl­vester appeared at Ihe doer.

“ Yai, aoh, I thank you, uh . 1 tbougbl I’d coma In an’ toll you dal it ain’t nii(en de range o' uiy erbltiry, lah, ter get all dum Tcoib Ward nlggcts ter vote fur you fur Mayor."

“ I am delighted to hear It,** the M:\Jur rFW|>oudcd, “ but I have no luloiitiun uf rtii'athg for Meynr, Dn) you see wbat ibe uM>rniiiu piper vaid about uio7*

“ N«, Mh." i ’U »how y<«tt.“

When Ibe Major got np to look for the paper he pnt bis pipe on the ccnlre-tHhle ; bet when be looked for hi* pl}H' alter rcuii- Ing tbe paragraph, he feuud ibtt H was gone.

“ What did f tlu with that pipe T“ he naked.

“ Whul pipe, oah V*" I h e |ii{ie 1 waa imoklng when yeu

reuto lu."“ You wa’ fii uRiiikin* no pipe den; dal b.

I didiiT sue you vnmkln’ none."“ [ wiiv siiMiking il when you rxnie in,

end I put it ou ihis table wbvu L gut up to look for ihiit paper."

“ You umuitr douo U, lah, bul 1 diiln'i lee you."

“ But if I put )( there wby )*u''t U there now y“

“ Wc)', dsi ain’ t fur me ter say. Yae, *ih, dem iiitrgiti dowu d:ir indvTiMiiti NV' ird puts erti-iition U-r ila-ry wuril del I wy«, an' fill »llu4 gwlnn tvr vote tur dc miui dal 1 piiln our, i«m -d >au tm-ck iio dkffonrs ♦f il’ s fur Msyijf ur Jidgc.**

The -uiv emoke issuing fruQi Iho jwrkcr of Sylvi stcr’ s lin<u duitcr.

“ ho t viT^lhiiig you s;iy, eh Y'“ DiFs whut da iliH's, s ill ; fur cr lack,

dMl’ t jest wbui d:i dor*,"Tbst's Im’Ouu»c you arc au hoiicsl man.''

hul’s do cauoe. 1 bea no doubt, »ah. hb. it’s jest fs I’Hsy fur er mm (er 1k> bimeo.I hear folks iiiukin* it greut miriition 'built er ruM) In'^u' honest, hoi I Hin’l iielier found it no trniildp. I |e:it goei right erliMig an' tends u r my own iiiuiucHs an’ trllh do (ruth. 1 nolH-r cuuld skc wby rr luun daFs |.-o4 any 'e K-ok fur hJsst'i wanter tell er he. Man otignivr know dst IF* gwine come home ter him evoncr nr later,"

Thii anioko ini reaMil in vnlurnr.“ Yre," raid tbe iljjo r , “ il cuun'a hno'C

to bliu sooner or later aud very fn qui'utly soom r tbflu he cx^ircta.''

" Dttl's irne, sab ; Jat'v true. An’ 1 al­ius My ter my boyo, a'l. ' Bny<*, no inatur what eloe you iv he Iruihrul an* huntvl ah’ dell de white folks gwiiie i(<in' by you. No matter e f Ihe truth 'piurs lo work cigiu you at de tiruo toll it, fur it ain't gwioo (or be long till you gwiiis stand up uuipotled."

Till' saw that Sylvester's ront‘(«Uw-ui on iiTv, hut the old n<'; ':rc>, siiuug icri'wctl around on hi* chair, w:m silil uii- luiudlui of au appruacbingoaiaonty.

' Yre, 8ylve>>Ler. huucs y and truthful- ness will always win."

"D o it fur rr fsek, aah, an’ dat's jci>t whili r tells niy iKjy-.'*

" You MfVvr Udd a lie, I MiptW'c."“ Well, if J did it wui! or mi|(hiy len!,'

liwe eigo, Wiioo 1 wok er-niu**y(ul |it‘ l>un-<, I’bC biirubig upl WJiuop! rue ou fire.**

He jumpiKl up, and nliilti be was put­ting out the fire (he pipe diopTwd on tho fliMir.

d —I —I (loan’ un’errst(ti’ dfr yerc." hr Fiiiil SI bo guvu tin- "kiit of the du UT a final Lwint. “ Miiw d jt pipi? coulUer got ui ilu’ ;w>i'kcl 1 don’ t know."

“ [ dou't ihiuk it is at all slruugc," tho blsjor replied,

“ Wbo doiiti F*“ I dun’ t."'* Look verf', H you ou/- o* me righl hero

inycreow u lions'-; voa ronio Ihiigiii’ out or sioywation at rue? !4i't tr luanfr coat cr fire an den tPoopon his frelin’s liy '(■UBcu* him ? Von ainl my rortor folks, I lint got s’cUdy wid yoti. Conic 'slrny* ill’ or tiMii'i oloi hei lifi’ dt n loukiu’ ai bun wid b'piciuo. Feu gwiiit'."

S T j A c r a s Q U

TR AD E p p B f i l M A R K ^

C U R E S P E R M A N E N T L YO A C K A C H E , H I A O A C H X

A N D T O O T I ^ C H E .


AT fraiHhIISTI Ago PXAttaS. fUE ClUftLES A. VOCElCirCQ.. BiltiMorl.MI.


laiiia, Wrappim. ancl RopcP A P E R S ,

Stt Ml Mai, ai4 JitsT W IN E S ,

A T L O M l^ ^ T P K IC K S .

Noi. 177 and 170 HALSEY STREET.

R ’NOTICE E U R flO R D lN IlR Y .

T A GliUAT 1TXTKN8K (owing to Ibo r *r»t .hdm*lovni di*oia(or), we Uare Ixtui emsIdiHl U im iire amitln r biigo liiviuoo uf vIi .ith' mu.'t di-l ciuii-* l l r i T j S<‘l!4, nmsiatiiig of a hwi|Ce F r u i t S friiu l and it IliNitiva,whii'Ii we will give to e'ery |umh«aer of I lb. Y 04 or Ihiklng Fowder,

iN^mmeui iiiji yftlubluy, .Tuiip We liuve nl«i in that invoh e ml cleguDt 4-picce IV t i S r r v l i ‘(S wtdeh will In- given undfr the aiuuo oici>IUio-iA

In flMldiiUm to timrw two niLqniiiii'PiU Kills wo aliall cmitimie the F .ii^rttvod TiIU )i)lt'i'i4 , whu'h bit at iire-teni cmititu such u seuiatioii iu our slutivi.

BUTTER.We are atill selUng tho llmwt gilt edge Klgiu Butter nt 'J.V, lar IK , ami a Kom)

Bute Itolu-c at i'> .FANS.

In » ‘tive prrpiH:di(b>, an elegant FAN’, whi-h we will mnimciu’o to dialribttto ou K,ii>nr>biy, Juno uuil the ildhiwiU); Wvi'k.

T i n ; 4 a £ i : . v r

T in : UAl.ACK TWU->T(HIY ( i l I'TinNT,

738 m m BROAD ST., and i!)7 MARKET ST., cor. WASHiKGTON.


B U l l K C U R E


AN 1> I . l V I O t ( 'O M i n .A l N T S .

ConsamptloQ in 1888, 440,000 gats.Ihdlled at the Kniing in Pinto, <^noHo,

and Half UuUori Boiilre.

H IR A M RIOKER 4 SONS, P ro p ’n ;


Now Y ork Office, 1(14 Nassau S treep(Trlliuue Hullduig-l

A T U IO T A IL liy

Haron Wafd & Son,BROAD STREET.

Py lh,> llctile, t’a-Mi iirlkirre!.r*^KNi> fo n r m n retire*___


s. D. L A U T E lt CO.,

S T l ' . I W V A Y ,O V lt I J '.U ,

N. I ) . r i l U 'K l O l l l N C , N T K I t l .l ta U ,

An.l »ll l» '« nil km iif I' in.a. both Upriahl oiiO N,o.rv,

CASH OR KASY INSTALMENTS!K>-» r|>rii:iil I*taii r Id l.ct.A Imuf iiutniK'r Ol SvV<md b'uu) riainis f«ir

rale at a Urea, earrifiuo.




dlou Podfie BaU w ^basbrougntue ooua- try witktwmeliaiiu liantioD ,indayiilillB V -^.,1>ortatloa by witenroy «r yipn line ire ailInflieated^__________ ____________ _

A P m MnaqUivIflifMt fiQB the V. 8. Bobd^ Warelioa«a tn Ktntoeky; ue bomU i f MlB’a Calakritod Byi and Bud^un Wbkknyit fiwir y«aw oM, which wanrewblng at a hmi« Bpaainal Hire, KLT9

Number o f bonoca occupied by ludious 21,233.

The Indian agencies are flixty-cne in number.

EiUmatofl nnmlier of ludinuB in Alaska Sfi.OCa

The total Indian population o f the United fiutes 11347,741.

Nuokber o f Indians living on and eulUvatiDg lands ia ,412.

Number o f Indian ebureb members in tbe l/Qiied BiaUa la 20,00.

There are ten Indian intlnijiK BchooU located in different p«r(a of tbe Unkm.

Number o f Indians in tbo United Blatst wbo wear eUiseuF dress Is 8t,fl21.

Number of Indians In Ibe United fitauw w ho can read Eogltib Is but 79,49&-

Number o f Indians In the United Stales Who eon lead the ladlao langus^u Is li - <a7.-14bawr Jowruof,

Tlia Shower.Tbe Undfeape, like tbe awed lace of a child,

Urew curlou^y blurred—a buoh or death Fell on the fielda, ood in ihe darkened wild

The Kpbyr bold lU breath.JTo wavering glamaui-work of nght and ahade

Dappled Ihe shlvrrltiit turfice ot the brook— Tbe frightened ripple* la tbeir loibuicade

Of wllkrws chrlJled aod ihook.Ibe funen day grew daifeer, aiid aoou

!>lei fiorboi oj paQi auger IH Ihe iky—With rum bilng wheel* ei wnthcame roUlai

' onThe ston&’» ajtUlery,

. ds cloud above pul on iis lAockeit frown— And t(>eu. ae with a veogcful cry of pain.

The llghtnini euticbed U-ilpped and fluuc It dewn

In revelled ihreds of mla—While 1, trjuivfigitred by some wondrous art,

fiowed wUb Ihe tblnty. ULie* of the lod—My empty auul brimmed over, and my heart

Drenehed wUh (he kivo ot (lod I I IfUiAnab Affcy.

K i :A i k T O K I L L T n u : .

All *■ Old-Oiikf i-iUn k« l ” lo rto f l Jia* wrrIliiiM HI laror 111 un olU piano UrN'ivc' itiul fM)> . " A eiT iu.11 L/vu ilu> ul )p auttb,.|i.” Tliiil t* llCBi>) i'Vi r>LiKly liivivIt. U6i>.iI’llly ird U oijL oi III. iiiK] atiu aLir kuoMM 110 imiNic n iniifit’v lu [• ny it.

Th'*rc i> H l(\fK"r |no(n>rlioii of Loya and uirls i>r Ni'vt o| any nilu r

in ih ‘ 1'hI<m a h o ’jMi |o I'litulii) _imuoI. il upiK-ut’'. l>y itiii-’ ii'S u-('cM*l» is.rn, tl>ni ihcpcsrei*J't «bi«il J'si.ui'i t-uiiiJf' n Sii ilni l.w/ ^umlay-tuLoOA ui JcriN y. iKis Ini'. uU.Uil lu in^ur- a b‘, 11 mcimIo ili>> loi tou no.’klHVUi'railuii 1)1 cihx ’M* uf ilic Stii! -.

I'ualifth uiHtoins. ill'* H l>u( mirL-lyiiiktiiK rtxiE mill (r-Ieih In ijuity.T il l ' Ik - i m ii(» 11} lx ' token ii[> I- II t iiiir ro a l une, H ii'l tme iui>K l. i III'? oM Io iM irt ', l iU iliAV ol tuviHK JibK btis' ir * (in'filie fr-ii.t t:f)i}rs ul liuiiiH'* .vlicft!: |i r-ui.* ha>"tlii'.i. t lu-y ruu-u.n uoi ouiy aior itiu 'mkihI. ( iir <)i|i'mly for iuuhIiia HitiTHanl. Tlic Iniiittnp liiv** R Yri’j' mi"nbri' n[ iT'-ninnco lo t.i'-Ifgm.

11 ar- 'ms th it (Iif* hi'rh'Mt piint uiS’liti'h rei-'ii nr cil.’F>'mill<Jii't unitniuii’ i-* 041 Uif* All'll^ 111 Pvnii :ii a In I'jlii >}t 14 uW fn'L Um »nr H oUi ||{-: l;iiN a wrull.t-r < l<- it:rViiii>ri III A'u.titauo uuiy a IiH'i-i'L lis^ilnmi;.t! f.irmcr ino ■‘ivliuii < ti !‘ik a f, ..k is atiin aliuiioe of 1 t.blD ruet. tu Kurun- i.i1 ui tuo MiitHifi*! ai any i''iti'.i‘l<"N),’.4* ii'luti:. lUre tKloi; Hiaiiii IU,>)UUai!il 11"<iu | <i rv-|>uc liTc.y.

I'xfH"Miru-nts ;i"iiiii m.iHc in l.o'uluii wlih iniffruljIIlu.liu, oa« of n»" 'll -tjilolilV Wwlllil *-l:m I'j (ll.ll |l[-ti C -'-Mime iiup rianl iM!v»inUgi"ii'ViT"r I|i; u v iiym •mile, SutO iM uUkt* Ihni ui coiio U ii.l, v x ■ rpuwitr, and ilicguiv rnliunoi iB-b i,' * Ij x;u: » va|mr H bi'ii e\('Rslc>l IO c'iiiii u i | i l i ] i ^coiDp eBiJ of ritlro-Kiyfuru.» ii!.*i il„ l U '< •.potu of n I'arliH)'ol < uiIh.ii, uur) it loIjecnliicly uiitttVocuul b / wairr.

A IdtlK o f [dill u I I l ien a lono(fry Uino liiST Kivj an ''nvu.iw*'- rAin’sSi'' iluii ii al4«);4Cibt:t iloC'pliVt*. J’l-l a-> oui> oiiy UVf Bhuro UuJ BTf’ruiie IcrniN rbum* u « co-.imiflipire, which l.ioiilv itmrkL’'! oj tiiu tlo I'iiu/ u Pier u (be mercury Jiiiu[>s by U u(i or diiwii ; and tbiu mip pun txMio c unlnri Uoimainuii would be wbU olio tiaiol trD/.j.|» niul i! <• niiipt botM—the av>-raKi> U’lui'Cimuni lA <t:j- two huiKl iMj priN)! (bul lie wur lu u aiaiu(U iieraiJiiAl Coiiilurt.



SARSftf f lRILLA1 0 0 D O S E S


IaI. Ik-ciiUM* VIP KIVU y< U |iiO do Cl lor (a> U<l. we prl’.t uii I|ii7 iiie

1.4IUU* til*'l ),'u■llvlll ui (■|♦'!•l\lll hufui-ttilH *. nil I \i»ti kiiuM ji]«A u liMt yiNi trr iiikuiK. No» I. rtV I A’ L*J UJ;»fi I cul'*.

.'M, |. i-Aii'41 ai< 1.11141 UUCP to MM'iin<| vmi‘ Mir ihui,. y ]| MMi no lx iiulU Iriimii'UiOti t rPMA’iiL

4tU. |.ui'.oii‘ il v ( n-MS'iil Itijii ( a , wbo j r. I biir.ii|ri"u I, nrp itn*ilrlrtii Unn.'u.'tA »'i tbv of Now J«*.-cyivii'l rciviMiif ami kink" Up n jmiahiHi mirl nit-K‘ ’ 'yhf ibxirr iAii iiO Uvp Bjcntaot 'lo O 111 ar-HprirULj.

Mil. n- «..«■«• wu tan s"'l wlD uiml yo to«- ilni'iulal ■ ' Ur ohm "Itv uf alv Into nir".4i f Rh'-'imn'MU liu'ii, KiUn-y ilH-a M ill dl' eii Skin dl-i‘-i'rK, pii‘,. S'S’},i.,p I hiil by I riM'oiil Siir a)>urii Ji. rn o • your iimofi ami u>b1r>H. oil a |tai ml Ptrl uj cr a:.4l we wl I lunilyou ttoiiiiiomah

a y ‘ \\ |}\, 1 til'll' gr", 1%IU row riimlmir to par flUU or even 7.j '. lor uitiur umkra f Hit-a jwrii'H un i ^p'fp 'ira p fat* nt M i 'ib i '.> f wbicbyou k'Hov im:li ri/, w huii V"iH on lur i'Ihm* I'lPM'xiii iiMfpiii (a lo.' tviii' M Ixiil- AirtJ fcrm v jiui r- I It V '" sn.‘ ihL Q’ .j vo’ir rrliiii' isl If vou i n ' mU ,.nlt(tin 1 iiv'l.liik'm- lu' t i II n'i

M.. I l.\ 4 (EOlJhNT frIU <. i OMCWV, Nrwuik. N..P.

JVirH.b- bv Ilni,i'.-ti vvorvHl,«r", AOr. |np

Impure Blood,

PatiniiitheHoad, iMjHi'i i v k

Fistula, or Pile:

Colic, Pains,


Fhinliod Face,



«WANY jJiTSoUr )-iiv I Ai IlKto VltMiltoll, Al IV i4i .-nlwi.'l •' uf -ilix||1 U-'.M'I . I J \.::i il Ib' y t:> ill il, lliUV Uni-i f 4 vti,.-ir.ii'u 'li i-(u r'tit>;ib . ..................

$1,000 REWARD IC A U T I O N o r i > r , c i ; i * T i o N

Krooi ibu Usnutai'tim r* of Urn Worldt 'a in i iLi.

Taflor Afljistalile h M Slioe,r t i iH jij Je ibuH , im ab lc h> pron in^ tnir

H i'*"* diM'Ct, ir e vai l Ui U* dun iuv iiiM ilm ir Ih i i> o f I'lm rac ur by itjvlhocln ilu e i'lv irg to brnf.'«t px-oplc \ t i i b s M < w (ie iru r ObJ Hvle, h iii- r to r t'h H>'4. p ro ia l> ly H m 'tnk a( iu i «U4> Hoi|>>Mleiil (liitib i^-< t ko'H '. (t'''V try tnaUrau( ■.(toiMimi o ih v ir fiUjTM. l i i s t Uvey may le l l huiiM' l M> sp .^tiorbl ) Hh<>e at a iSIYC }Tf>a(,

Ilf Friiurf,Ttotu *iM Ji #uii'R' with y.rtir ilir 'rv n ■ w>n-

UMMi't. U ,-iiirm tii'r. I l i r 4 i * ; N r iM '; T A V i .O l t 1% lo r ’ A to In W r m A rk fviviv |iy

I.. 4 . It>\/.VKI>. T71 1lKi>AI» HT,N W Mvilmilb" I'rl'ilMl HluMAMlio of U

c’ H.4>.AUl> to on ivt ry pair. We guvraiileeIliJ o il rr.

\\(* viiil piy llix sl'ore r^wanl lo eov H-rwin lliM l w Lit loxvu Umi H I' n i l 4Hir Hhoo m Su V' «rk iMnnv o hor ihiir 4>iir Ai( nt I.. MaKAUIT

i 'O N ^ u i . i i ^ A ' I l'U» A U .1 . M i t i i - : r o . , _________________ t.VS N , MA'-M


R O O T B E E R E X T R A C T .

15 CENTS A BOTTLE.\ ir. Cciif Hiioi« <tc «!i’os('i'ii(, I 'A t l i i r t I lf IC iiiiO r t f l l lim U i' a

o f l)>-lii-ioMH K o iil l l i 'c r . S o |:iiiliM ^ o r .S im liiiiM .;. F o r S ;itr l>.\ I l i ' i i " K J U I ' I O r o rrrHi‘ \ r i j « l i r r i ' .

MAin: iiYn o :s (T :\T iiu ru (’o.,

N H V A I M i , \ . .1.

C U .S T 0 1 I T A l M m ,

IV (7. 1 bulls Sti'fiot.Nt-w and i'uAutlele Hlock of Kiirelgn

and DuukhLo

W O O L L E N S .

Specialties for the Season:• • tXA.OO MtlTINOe t o OltDRM

rHOH Tiveuiiip l h b v -lOTH, WilltbVIiitlHi, MTC.

C4>ATW AND VIWTH. •th.OO. #t0.fld^ •Ve.lMLFHOM ('OtlKM^KKWe. NAIU ItUtV ANI* MIDU: WALK UlAUfrfk AIJ4, KfC. 0)

Trousers To Order from $6.00 D|i.

Health is Wealth!. w u - t . I O j AKA Ii

k-’ "ito r f.

Micrvlll bUK I bm I'llMoi.i i1ii In’*' ol lit iilU-lY H' 'vLi-tl .|l|1 il.-l 111 i| I'M' 'jl p* ni D1 1! l i !•: •, rvl.uh, H!i 'inn "u b i; « .iri'ic ‘ r, flt 'Mui' a lb" ' bHitl t iiy f II,ot I " nil 1 i'.i! mill lEli'o'-. it \if.iiuy t! I' p '.rto «ll' < r*-'«• :i KII-I- ,||H M'V< rTrv 11 RU'f you hID b« i ojivimi'o

II, h Im b. l\, •, ll"Morrli'.i-:-, H

III III Ini- llii, 111•iNii" p n in l i v — n.1 ".11- , b>ir, t i io . j , '■ ■, |.l I'J i'n- K B il •' |ib .iN ii.t 'j y;

i l l Ib i’ ki-lll Ilf o l j" !t i Yiti ll>t/ Ml I !»' ,H .,tii|'iH i r ! I ' , IlM I.- ' " i j i .1

•*l ■ • lb'ton Hn\IV Tfto:<T-fur thsl.Tl + , l» r/.bI'lii V "Ul nV ' >. IUm'I• 1 I.K III.I. ,,k.i IIIn'-s. ;ito 1 II EM 1 rt-4->‘b'ii 1) !1. ft.lUy.1 'I i'. ........ .

j.l 1' .1, ,<11 1 i|' "T


I Y-W*.

i;v AU luiniMsis,

CPiiilOr (tie l.iiftMii' i' i-RUHy ( imtiI

hy .A'linli'’ ‘'if'ilriK In-, IfiiJjo'k'^


~ -'l,..|ip,ini.n.i: .|ji rr-—

FOQ m e d ic in a l USENO FUSEL OIL

Tfale W hleher bae be#>n oaeJ Id tUw families o l the leadltig iHtopleof Anierlna tar yeare, and Its great reimiHUuii lur j parity to due wtaollv l« Ito mxriL It (• a medfrlne, and for weebiienaeii, lack o f life, eolda, m alarli, pneumonliit m o - nampUoti or old ago It Is Invaliialito. Uneerwpiilous doalera often try tn tlibMll.. tutfl other whlikeyo* olalniing lh*«y are **jnst as Kood.** l>o net be Impoiedr upon and take only the

HUFFY MALT WHI^KKT CO., Bochstler, N. T*

\ KU I- \ I I . ' . I m 1. l-.i,).‘.

411 ts. H. SMI'I 11.Adi Dco;m4 N 'Wurk, N. .1.



rn itu Slid <iPi‘r llito 'late ihu c r'I'l/f 'N ^ 'fiA **- M C lH o i M I'A N Y h IH ili'livor. unyHiu r^ In Ihf <'lly. <i OK !■: irf l!to m y 1**1 qualily, e.ilxT luruKiif bP^ii'ib ami cwr-biliy k iw u ih I i lur lUe liiiw pnuu ul

$2.50 PER CH&LDROfiofiM fk id ii'l i , wbivti i i a l lbs rate oit;> (NT itin.

(totori by prelsl cnbl odiitoHwd to iSdF IIO N T hX. w ill to p'f'iJipiiv Ultol. r.H(


\ six itikxi:s

w H. M. im v 7I4T iMo-

' II 1 Dy

.NiAViirb,Su|M A«l„

. 1 .

W . L . D O U G L A S $ 3 S H O E roH


in Ike world. KiHtnlno hls •.-F.ibl ^il'.Nl'lNK IIANfr-M'.W Kll IfllOB. • 4.00 flANIi-^HWKir W 'KI/rhlfriK. . WIi.AO 1‘4»I.14'K A ^li FAHMKilN* HH4*&

KXTIIA .%l.ri>: 4'At.F kHOK. •'J.'M WOI(KIN4iMAN''* MUOK.•4.lbt p|}iit nKTA KtiVS' K4'll4>tM. NIKIIM. ItaiiduiDuL wiiiui ii>y iiuiiiv sml priua sre raA

htMmjnol iHI tiiHlOtn.W -Im lMM'4il..XS, Hrerkttin, Masw.

Kunutiiie W. I,. ftouKlua • ‘.*.4KI Nkoes fot 4ii‘ifib'iit<‘ il find

I'Ik S.41.M HVliKKM.tN II4>I/, iHnrket Kt.

C tM U r M ( fA n il-I . ,» ( Kt,IDIT/. it W'KH'^4'Hi 1041 h|irhi|{IUdit AvSk \\>l. h i iN4JMt, :tl7 ItroHl si.

WE STARTwmi Tifx

Lowest Possible Prices I

o < D 0 T Y '8 t > oCarpet EmporimiL


Ffitlll KHl.T


in^ajul 1 ^ Market Street.

EXahTiiNE^OUR PILLO W SisH'uRK m il.

Our Leader is 23KK8 Inches,M Ai{(t.|NT»<l» .lift. T4> I'AIIL


7 . ; h i i t c o . M ) .s t u i j : i

ri,ii!,.f!Ta|iln mill I'I itonjiFiifTitiiMiDll' ii'i'.v UI. > xliililtii'ii hi lliu •.iibcu) u( Ibti I irii-|iMiv. Vii,' |5|;t ^Ii f l JlbK"'!'. *l»ily inmiU A M 'mtJ I P. Niil lining miiil -i V \r„ ftlnfTi! ui'I i> arc l>'<'•■.v••t Jur ciiJcr liMni iiMTJl h iM ru tric iito w il l to 'r i'iu ly to rn i i iu r i ic n m Jl lew iiMyN, nil i will bo ucliiL'Pcfl in ilis r.r l i " nt iT .n ;' iippi.L<illub«. fU ri

III I ■ liU''r]^i|iriMlUllN<\s.\ nr:ch, I i.'M KH, iua»b/.(■>*• H(j,vNtwAki':,

\.\i L 1 1 lu Ai:;*'. pi' 1 l!' Al.ltlM^ ,

CAI^PKT tiV. KKI'lJlrt, Kii'..

rwj o B i i J i o r o t r s

F o r B r e a k f a s t . a n d S u p p e r .


C O L L E G E . N u w a r l c . N . t f .I,m. ,cuiil.r.iil|i, Wtliu lur dicuUn. Mtii-timi Uii« pti|ier.B»AS,Urw.'ll001.-3>4 still 26n West 125lti tt.,

N.'w Yi>rii ruy.A. W, IlVUl-KY, K*'*lrb‘nt Priiinpal

ti. (Ol.KMAN, rnaibienl.


STo liBily Buffunsr»-.SO liKKAK- II.'WIIN, Hii« wft ui)dr«w.‘cU[J -li KAMI.KiM >Nu«L KU Jiko .tioro. I4UTT'iSa,t!l.l»..I.dl.I4

LMI; Hl’KIM) b .u a -I . ^ F i l l k y ip n m i l l c d f t t l la n v r .

' > wLib Bii' ion., (itrrtr* or Juv.lkl I KwtATWOliT. .• F. IL |-KBH<JIIC.

na BBOAn rr.. Newtrii, k. j.

m m i * r W ■ MUrcIi erurei>rhjfcirJ|--------------WblMsrt.


^ " leUrcIi erurera^reLiM* 4T1I8UI uifi(|l|

C*oT*mitoa so*OeWeTiftLr. IftF'ASiwUiar.SR . IsMea1k1 vkn all etbir WWwiSksr^u_______ ,f awwiSks Sad* mlo oeLT by

New Jersey Phonograph Co," I Excelsior Mattress,

Colton Top, For $ 3 .5 0 ,’SPRING BEDS, $1.50 UP.

J. C. McCURDY & CO.,569 BROAD STREET.riRir Mi«llri’< r« m ull |>iir"e. loiitLur sud

Mriil'p»s iCL'miVJtiln* hrim'idrUv

Frank A. Ellis, Jr.EARmRE

HEGHANli TOOLS.Electrical Department

lIoiiNris 'mid Stiirr.s liltr'il with Itiirtfliir Alitrms, C'till ItidlM

m id H iM 'ak iiij; T i iI)I‘H, cwm wuiiK. i.yw I'lium

43 M A R K ET S T R E E T ,N«ar AkiurUtoiiwi. Nkwarx. N.J.

-ik i'iios ii: B04.

CASHClUi lil.S

OR TIME.i AlilM'TWltlStoKK?’ ANEi



i . D. S8L0VEB. 10 BAHK ST.Cut TIiIh Out Paste in Your Hat.


SUM M ER EXCU RSIO N S.All annuttOTii iKB mido firr yuu at


vsrlcly .‘thMimibip and riHlIri-Mul TK kttLi. J>ra(l» ami Uoiivy Uitbin.Fiifi’lidi iTtoiwy (munbt qtnl *nUl.

I CURE FITS!Wbarf I wyctire 1 do not moan nu'rely to irtup

tlirirt frir It iniiewHi tben bavn them reiuriiiu ftUi. 1 riitAMiia null<Kl4‘ur«. I liavk mkdo tbr (IIm.nuwi, Of Kn-M, KI'll.Kl’HY tir KAI.I.rHU a lifr-kmtfNiii<ly. I wnrrutit my rnii«Hly (o >"ura UiM wuiw cttKo. IkiaiUM* irllierH Imva fakUiii tit ua rFAHitii hir rn»t now r»Hi lvln« h rure. oiHNifor a tioailar and k rkre Bulibi ot i

tk'tui at______ - - IT Itlfal-

lltilo r<ijn«*<ly. ills 'ir Ksbn-iut tunl I'twAuifl.v; ft coat!you it(Kh1iii(Enr N irlnl, nml k wlllrereycu A d d rra U li U. Cl. HOOl', UU Pearl H. Y.

C l-ift -W L o F u il 's ? £,l4G LiSM

jiu cBoca DiiifOKii tzm.iTk« nrl||4Nil. Miir imhw

«ndaiPHi-(i«t>l'v<ll hWEtW. '

FfrtnrM ■i*ll. I a,ora ir^lipioalato ft-wkir«uj#dibra wicli aa«p<wB. HAMS WAPEtt*.Cblfhattrr Ciipmlrjil <'n..TlmilRi'n No .pliMs.,Pn>

A , I > O I V l l t l * : V W A D S W O R T H ,PRACmCALOPTICIAN. fipeoUdwt, Byo- alua ta Dlamoniis. Waiuln^ Jsaobryt sla

•37 BKUAU ikTRKKT, opp. Old Town Clock, Nowark, N. J.


CJiiSUMPTION.Ibavea poRiuvs reuMUy ftii HMSboreUliMMaic

by Hrt UM Ui<fU3M.iuli> of uMM of ‘MFurft aina aBdiifJuiix stauJtu*: h*va hsoq ciinkh^^es^stoiiutiu; M . . _M Rtroiuj in my hJlh la Us iMikI tw o Iwm'i.KH PRKIC,V A LU A BLJ£T iU C ATftlFu t

__ wHli

l i

p f t v i v i ( $ v n k in g

FPfLrtHlDD A I L Y , E X C E P T S U N D A Y S ,


E ra iu Hcfi F&lillstum: C o w ;,At No 84 BROAD STREET.

A «w »rk , M. J,

(M iw *d b> c» 'ri»n 'x ‘ ny r*'* 0* **'•dty. «Ad Onngf. Htrrijoii, k*4rny. Sum mit Montclair, 6>oomfie!d. ami•II potnti In Eniei Coonty.

Mail lubicriptioni. <iv« doHirt 1 year, ot fifty GWila a montt., poitaj* f r « Singla oopiw, two canti. Dsityered by carnaii in Natniit. tar centi a waah

Ordiiiafy adyartiaamanla on (bird and fourth pafrai, Inn centi a Ima agate

AdvartiMmerti under headi of Wanted, To Let, for Sate. Panonal. etc , one cent 1 taoid. but no charge ten than ten centi •ach jnieftion

ORANGE, N JWiHiatn H Lotion and Hairiion A Ailnn,

■geeta for carrier delivery and advertiur* nanta eLOOMFIELD. N J,

C. Cooper, agent for advertieino.Ovdenlor earner delivery may be left at

Dancat'i and Vought Grot'. Newi itandi

BATUUDAV. JUNE « . « « l -

j e w Y o rk A d v e rt 'is o m e n ts

• rof the BVUftNU NKWd Mt at the oOee of Clart Netrcaard Co,, It UeeanUD ilreet, berura tl .30 A. H., wiu tie luecnad In aame rlayi

■O W THE T a x OHIIIMANCK NTANU'.By the allek way tlie la i onilnanee

pMiad feronrl read log In the Ouminuu Uettaell tail nlithl It woulil K'eiu that eeacai arlioioUlritlDii on one liaiid, anil • plentifol lack of ei rutiny on tke other, conijilre (0 make mnnlclpol MHMlteBieiil a natlrr of do dlUtrulty to a leaie yropuruou of tho City Fallieiiuf lliia lawD.

Fraa aomc of the ei]iUualory tint, hy dadaotloo, aiKilofetie retdorlie mide niirin the Baer of Iba ch iober It mlalii tentu that the l,e||»tature. In iti tnedilUne with lha itkiri of Newark, had forced Iho AMeraacn Into a tight cnriieT when It •oaoaa to latiltiE reeeauetfor llie lupiiort t f the nrloua deparlmenta. It wm •alA that Btate enactmi'iiti dliiioiirrd •E toiDotbiDi more than furly-llve par oaaL of the clty'i total lea revenuti. n i t la tree, and II la true, loo, that legli- latlee InlarfercDoe with departmental ap- ynprfatloiiH la a yrowinE tell that rumnot ha eunaed or defended. The ruttom le daoBoble, bat the rar:l cennnl lie etcapnl that the rwndltloDi which led to thia veddllny are Iracrahle to tbeuicth- lAa o f Iha Hoard o f Aldermen. Wlirn Bepaitaeat approprlatlunt are aallloil In aaaeai, Influenimd by narroir political Wax wltkont rr|ird to the real needi of the ■nalcrpelity, U ia not anrprleliiE that M l of tha oppoalto fantloo will lerk to ttnallae tha wrong Ihrougli the Iiepli' latere. Thui it la that one Tolly breede a ■wano of ilia The appronriatlone, hovteer, which the Council inn it irAke, w Alioeted by the Ijeglalatiire, aru In the Una i f (nod irrTlca. The illUy-'lallyIng with tha Pollne and E'ire Denartment npiiroprU- tlaoa to tha paet worked Ita own rcformi. Tha Aldermen nruit danoe to thn tune of tha Polloe and P in Cuoiulealoni'n now, a d hareallei will pay the Free Idhiury OtaoBlaoneti' piper,

T lo oarnnt effurta of tlie prrui and Ihe gahllo to reiriie tha city rtorn Ihu re-

« f lU iLrMti does uot «ecm to k«Tf /Mud mtx>aM in the Board of Aldorneo- AtnoDgit tb« Itemt which wore pared to the qqlck ii the «|ipruprit Um ' fpT reptrlof ttroeU, For tbh pur* pan iSfEyOOO w ii ortfinoHy «c(> In the M L By the Lifh and mighty decree •f Iba E«|)ubHwn oaucue, aStrmod I f thaOouueik lut ntghl, thie iiiitn wu cai M l; io ta otml wM left la the bill fur piv te f p«rpuae«. Aldennan Jolinion m Ii) thut IBD OOO will lie avellnbie for repHvlng frum iba MiMariding fnad. But Mr. Jobnion leak a rather ro«y view of lUe iltuaiioo, ItwUl be betUr to Wilt to nee Uuw lum h iieptlectible lliia year lud how mueb will gH Into Iba fond. The Item ur ftTtyOOO fur •featng atreelH wa« reduced to $T>,0il0g a •at N maiked tbal the flret cAUuitU uiay baaal down u wild. The it' Uj for f>rnil< b f aod curbing w u lifted, aa Wuk the nkoolbooea Item, end many olhrr«. wisely «wd nawlaely, pnnicd U> a uiiulmiiiiK

Of Ihf $(»71,<liO0 which the Aldermen will talto by tazsiion alioui itiuxt be^proprlitrd ai d I reeled by Legialalive PUdaie. Of course this eiiiu gttex tu the n fport of elly deparlmente. Thna the AUernen are left with about $T>lG,rN)(> uf Ibe dlrrct Iftioi to din|jiiie of ai llu'j aee ftl amongx the ulber drpArtutctita.

Bui Ihere are othe r auiircci whldi llie board have 1u draw on for rcvcmict. Tlicae are the liquor liccnio fucH, nnocclltiut'uua Ikeoiea fees and niarkot-liimm) fi-ca, agk're ^Ung about I' fR OOO, This huid acUlc te Uie tai rrceipti imakena mtal ol f.|,il31 BOO avallabiti for the coikIulM uf the i:>|y bMluM for ibc year.

EENKWAL o f bVM)AV FMION Mayor HHyuea'i speech at llie laying of

tbe corner at<me to the Hill Brewery bcemx le have bi'Ct] I be aotl of a verbal anickc Mee that euta willi both edgo^. U mny

'have lulled some tiloon kcciHTs ioto fu)cy that Ihe Uwx nm d>ari-ly Ik? br>iknv Ob tbe olhir huud, It hits jnjcTitd new life aad vigor aiul a fierce liglihug xpiiit tutu the Iduw and Order liCague.

The membrn iviiliiant of that orguiilxv-tloB, utbllE'd lint Sabhalh-tirpnlinig ii on Iba laerrafLc in Newark, have ileeideil to sak e remwed and eIuI* rmiii< d warfuj Ipou o|>eii Hilootia, open Nturus ainl fiuiitUy hate ball gamce. Bosnildy, tbiM-dhi i lo alop tba IhUo? form of RmuieuK-LC wiU nut luve before U lueb plain sailmK as seems 4a be Buticipaud, I'bcre is no ^reil liilll' Billy In atopplng any Snoday eniertHiu- Beot Id this city to whicli admlNHlon is charged, Titia was uuly rvcciiMy pruved. 1b the towuabEpa tbo carc rnsy hedifTor* BbI. One tbiny ii rvldout>--t1iAt ihu New­ark Base JI4I] Club will not givi' up Ita frofltBblo Htindny playluK “ 'Bll ithasva* Bauiled every legal eiruH to prulcit tt. The organ in i 10U has bad audi a long llruggle wiLli lulnfurtnne, Ibni now Dnl It bai be^ra it the ptotuiae of DiiapHal tuc- BeH It ii timal unlikely to give up the one tblng which fccms to stand hulwcon iL« h'g profU aod Ita great lou.

Qloticealer Is Dot a fUhhaih-uhservii>M pUoBplHil If eiliauna i-mKd, hy 1ii<lividtia) Bppeatoto the court, stop Sumluy lu]l play i X there, there la litlle douhl Hat it weald be prerenU’d, Brooklyn n eiiv efcblircbea, hut the Bang lalittid SumJiy (BmeB goon year aftor yoar. There aeema tfi feel, to he io bringing into eiifor. I'tuE'ril Stele laws Id regard to Bahhiib oh«iry> Bboea difficulty which duL r notiiU i lu naklBf efficient more Rpecidu aud lisa MyeepI local CDArtuietils.

ITieTui^SSlvstiljUod aullioritiesof South Ovanie win do an^blug to il(>p the gamoa Ii Improbable. The mAnagcment Las W u

. ^ _'eMrve good order, acdaiiio l lq a e n m aold on or about tbu giuutida

J iay eneieod in keeping tbu thouiasda of ■peeABlora who attend the gaoiei quiol and peaepable. Tbe townablp ofHi;liila Bppar> w ily feel bo boetilUy toward tba venture,

aod from the |iTusea( ou tlook lo d iv td u aU . m ora lly la d fluan cla lly Iflcked hy the I a w and O ld e r ig -ayu f, w ill have lo in a k e the dgh i, If any ia roadr, against th e clu b and Us side p.irliicr.

A large jfOriHui of the county docs not lock ujHiu SumUy hall pliying with the fcrlmg ruIrrUiurNl by Ihe Biw ami Urtler League's membora ftorae evan who «»|>- \Ht\c I'p. n salomu ou that day do nrj| roniider It siiifu) lo ehaKU Iho iKionding sphere or wntHl.iluus to look at olliPf i)<u* pic doing It, rvs'w upon llif Kahhalh, Par* tirularly Is this tbe Cs*c a| H-julh Orange.

Whatever olso they may have done peo­ple bavii not laiigbei! at the l*a# and Order li**ague n-(«ritly. Times bavf ebatigrd hiU4« Iho memhen gravely argued that silnons iliofild be rloai-d on Siipday* out o f t'onsld* ration for the oV'TWotkedl lisitenflirs, and itmiilly very liiib* Uaa btcn heard front {hNU about the Suiul-iy sods wauir iniquity, ihe Knnday ice crearn debaiiclirry and the vlcntui Huuday |e-aDsil, nraneoiDd banana tMde. Now. however. It seems that .1 reijewnt flf,'ht li to b? made upon stores o f virloiui klndi thii are opened on Bundtyi. Borha;>s sodjo grave ahuMii may be corrc<:tsd in Ibis wqy, but the work will need to lie done with dli* eretlon. Tbe Lvw and Onlnr L^aguo Is pietty InAsieotlal Just now, bul not p^jwer- fel enough to waste much sirengtb btoak* lag lances mi wlndralllr.

A t o o l o r TUK AMHAHaiNH.Tbe IdDtillflcjLiuu of UHriiD Burke,

arreLted on ausplcloo io Winnljicg ai one of the " WilJUma hrolbcrs," for whom the eipressman hauled furniture to the fatal cutlege on Ashland Avenue, lieglns to narrow down ihe myilerita of Ibu irngcdy. There du«x nut seem to l« any duuhl atiout the verity of tbe iili'ntiflrwtlufi and, ihert:' fore. U la fair U» aa^ume llial one of Ibe arbial Biurdf rere is In cmUxly. It is w e ll mUhliNhed lbat*tbere were two or three

rioni engaged lu tbo acliial killing, and that lUogolbor lomeflve cr tis |«rsoni were c^nnH-tiHl with llio murder and the removal of tbe corpse.

lu urdiuaiy cases of nnirdor, fur II must to admltifjl that ibero are dogreos

(bU style o f rrlBie, the rapture of a principal wiMild lie a mailer uf tbe highesl irupoilanne; In this rise it is bard' ly so, unlfBt the crlmmat will iq^eal " and give up the nsiuos of bit employers. As a ruio il Is not umisI to offer Ini- ruuiiliy 01 Inducr nient to an arlual prin­cipal iu an atrurluai crime, but in this case It tuigbl be safe and ci(K.dl«nt tostep out ol Ihe betien tnck. Tbe men who instlgaUKl Ibe murder of t>r. (Cronin are roore dangerous lo society than tbe mere brrsd mlscresnUi who perftetraied theentne. The eicrullon of themuHer* era would mrroly renn>ve the ‘ toE>U'' of the Tbuga. It Is the "T bu f;i'' thoniseivta who abould captured If louivly u to bo protected In future.

Tha elalKirtlion of proptralmn for the isassinitioD which has Wen laid bare up

to the pres«*nl time in spite of the per- ilitent cfTurli uf a pnrtlon of tbe Chicago jHillce to Impede tbe course of luaticSp affords sulIlrleDt Jiroof that no mere lu* dividual and persoaal malioe prompted the murder. It is, Ibercfure, desirable that the meinaprlngs of such alruclous ooQspiraclrs should l»e bruken^siiyhow.

llItIT TUKA W*r Kpluwde Uvcallvd by the Tattered

Htars and fttrlpea.Au old loliller euUrtd Ibt office t f the

f).tnilt h f f /VfM un Monday. He was gnasIM will) yosii of wrvice and lub r yt aft of ialtor on hii Mudilgau firm - ijrii- kImL loo, wJtb lur time has nut li'-en idle ainie ’tHV-bul lin f « « wa* radiant u ihit of a scboulhuy fro* for the holidays,He took a chair and laM:

Well, wt’re off."*'Off for w horef'“ Why, fur (ictiysbiirg, of course. All

Ibo old lioys arc going, aitd wo leave Iroil this evc-iiiiig, 1 thought I'd come iu and show you the old flag."

'■ W tlir'“ You SN! I w.’u O>lof W'-rgcBut of Com*

jwuy K, First Miihigsn Cavalry. We were roE'iUibed and weiiL to Camp Lyun at Hsiutraun-.k August 1£1, HUl. Colonel Broilbuad, you know, c«>tuuianded. We wero uiuvU-nd iu Hrpltuilwr 13, aud the regimiiut did bard aorvlce during tbs whule war after that."

Tbe velrr'iu was Thomas II. Hhcppird. of Marietta Hanilac (^junty. sud tbe colun be bor<i during a great putlluii of thu war i » Atlll in bis cutiiHly and ire liii pride and delight. As be tells tbe story, the bit of N-d, while Slid blue bunlirig, Uttvn d, riddled aud faded hy the sun and rain of many fields, asiunui a dtguiiy and inUa* Ml even beyond Ibst which tho colors have of their own right io every loyal ueu. I

Hbt'jdif rd took the'Culora from the camp at Hamminck sueI carried them le tb« front with bis rcgbiiool. Tbe men isw hot Service and uiatiy of them, liududlug the gallsut Coluiiel, uevrr came tiack. They fought thMugh Iho liheitandash, ou Binki'a adv:mce and rclreat, in tbe csiu- phigiii uf I'upu and liurnsido and did yeo­man icrm-e at tbe batllo of Oellyiburg, They wore uudvr fire up to May Hki3. twice at WjiichcvU^, «( MidiUeUiwii, Hiras- biirg, Harriaouburg, Uraugo Chmrthnnie, (lA- lar MonnUiu. Ihc icroud Bull iiun. O' r<»qiitn aud Tljortnigbrare (Up.

Kvcrywhoio the (l.ig of Huuipaiiy C was carried by Bbtipard, and was torn anil rent by bexllle bullets. It was fresh iu color and souncl in b.sture wlu-n, by order of tJoloubl Ibudhita l, it was buug from the window of the Huiirthotue at (Jbsrlcspm. near Hsrjwr's Fi rry, hut the women of the town ni:viA il a turgi'L and wheu, with the niovcmcNl of the reglmeiil, it WHsUkcii In, tliero were five bvltct Irnltm to show Ibe feeljjig of tbu irrecortdlaLies bi p4 ttj(esUv

l!to It weiii until the day of tbe groat fight at HhUydiurg July rj, l*kj3. Then Sheppard was cut off and ^iw that there WAimrckcapfl from CMpliire. He loro tlie old ll^g. alrcmly pertorUed by icvunty- Iwubuiletf, fritru the staff ai d hid it under his clnlblng. He was Ukrn in (uru le Libby. Ilioiue to B0II0 lak, to H^vaiiriab, ( barlollc, AnderMEinvilh;, Ootdslwio, Ma­con, tbe (iiivcintuent sho)»s ia (lour* ghi, and to Mrllun, in tho name Dtatv. Fvorywlmre bn k-pt the fiag with him — SEjinellruca hldilcii iiuder bis clotlilfig, fHiinelimcs burii-El 111 tho Nstid, IhjL alwiys by his own C4ire anil a furUiriale coiijunc- Hou of clrnitimitaiErcs, skTo frora the CQcniy. At last, nftri b(Nt dnyi of im priitiumeul, he wusciduugod ind brought ihe flag ssicly bniim. U has been In bis custody continuously since Hfpletnbcr, IHtJl, and retMilved all lls wounds over his bead. What wondtAf that he he la pruud to carry iC back to dvUyshurgf

Mr. Khephi'nl ia now a farmer and la liking a comfortablo i Bi»e earned by bis mouths of bnnl fighllng am) uLbir luonlba of laore torrihlu prison life.

o f ( l a y l o n , is a lm nl [ tusU rt a UEw w w n ou lu,'J>aJscie*uf gr»Em<l

aJ i' h Jjfowii-'’ alorjg jUl' W(-*t J ceer bailrijwlI at W o<ll.iuv In May rouuiy.I Ibo InJitglcv Hdusr, ftt <h'piui C ity,' ti iA'- 'n 11.1 ; It fhany iw*hfN)l of

l>IVO IU ^B I.A W CO N TItlE TK H FA. There srcfua to be Do euJ to the com-

pllcsU oDa Id tbe case o f Mlud-rcador Bishop, for a qiieitlou has botn raiseil now which luay tvauuie wide and Important proportions. He did not Icsvo much ot in estat4«, lU value being MtlQintcd so fur i t iTiOU, yet over ibis a psculiar cuiU esl is likely to be fought o u t In Ibo courts.

Bubopbadbocp divorced from bis first wife In the Slate of New York, and sreord Ing to the laws of that btatf, under the clrriiissUnras upon which the wife's ap< plloatlon for divorce was granted, Blibop was proliiblM from remarrying during brr lifetime. He, however, went to Mlu DeaotA, wboro the Now York piohibitlon, absurdly enough, has uo forco or validity, aod there nmirled Mabel Tabor, who aui- UiDod Disribsl relatlooi with him up to tlie tliuo o f bis death.

Bu far tbe emhrugtto li conflnrd lo iba rival cisime of Bishop's tuother, Lloanor Flrtchi'r Biahop, aud the socoml w ife , Mslwl Tal>or B ihop, each of wbivoi bsi dcm aiidoij lutu-rs i>( SEliniulsiralioii. Tbe mother claiuia that the ■ccond wife b a i do legal rilslrnce lu New York Blair, as she could riot Ik« Bishop's lawful wife to that Bute, lhmii(b her niarttal rlgltts would be unasiailahir iu Miune^ota,

The soiitlemont uf thu qiiuitiou whethor Mr. Bl«bwf), 01 any oilier iii-iii. cuitld luKal ly live lu huuoratilo marriage rcUtiuiis with a WEimaii in cortalu Hlati's of tho Uuioiif yet l>e liable to prosrcutUiu for im- muralliy fur coutinnlng tboie rrlaiiont olHWlicre, U a new oiic, and iHiiNlnili'S again the liicAingruons kUIo Inwliitb tbe divgrcp Uwi of tlie leverul stand lurelation to each utlior.

Nown fruiu ( ‘hlna Is of the imisl pET]iloi< ing ualurc. Nut many d;tys Kgu there was rahU-d a (tlHUmienl Hint LI lluiig t'ti vng, whuaecmato Ik* Breuiier, was aI ileulh's door; about llic SHine time it waast:ittd Hat the asUologcrs In (he r>yal pilaco at IVklng Imd persuailcdthr Pn iH rur to shut dnwo ou laUiLiad couitiiu-Hoii na uneul tho pmiicious devices ol "ouHhb eU-viU." Now Iho stfiteini'Ut rouirs ulong that Ii1 Hutig l!luMg "ba sam plnl llio CEmirnI of railways In the north of CiduN, and it la pro|>08i.'d that riiatig Cl.l Tung [401110 other felbiw] shall hsve control in ihu south." Tilth there B (he intimation llmt "tcnilf‘T< will snnij he Invited f r Ihr con* ftiru'lhoi of a riiilrorni froiu I’ehiji to ILm- Kow," The di'piiUdi winds Upwtth the renm k: " Iho llovrrmiii'nt nppesrs U>liitMU huihu'MS," It will Ik‘ iiiU-ieilling to bnrn buw Uiose nstroh»jf‘’ rN wore fiubdiHl, ami aUo wlui is gEiiug to run the ('hiticsc lillrotid Iui«iih-m. It would not l»e mr- lirUingtu find Jiy (lauhl [Kwturinp ni "a iniLiMluriti," vrilli ouc or two "Itiils" iind " a lllllo huttEm on tE>]i." The manipula­tive ii iwON of (III: '■ l.uile Wiaurd " niiglil evoii fileiid to " chopsticks."

‘ Pliila-b-iji'iSii, f»r whu-b IVutirasUT- ieii ffcl t Wanttuiike/ li sU|ii riritend'‘ijl, and will Iw UK'd SI • M'LScIa huiiie ^

rjihincl H. I). hirkinitrn yDalcf'lAV re- fvived rr->» WsainngKin his <vimmiwli>Q as Po imSNlef of Jehti-y Ciiy He wid auc'^ it I’i>*Eina.ler John f Ke-ly, Uif iK-toucrillc il- C'linie.m, wilhtu CiA Util few dsya.

The Cuurt o f Purdona li.w refuso*! tn irimtieru wPli (>'0 demb Mifiitiirw <if Ivilak,ubn wus r..iiVicn-<] of kUUiig bdiluibiru at(Ilford In Kepiember IajI lo wenre tlW In rajOi, and who li ineler AeutSDCv U> be bauged July IU.

SumuH L itllf, o f Bridgelyim. wboM Diln<) bsi be«u affi-c eJ fur Sutut lluie, eirafi«d simvillaiKtr iresfcnJiAji allernivm and wu IkiukI by Ills wife baijamg lii an ouilninding tw«rJ) dcHil. Ho WM I 'aI down and intHlitAl aul sumiMone<), hue It rug eip*H-Ud w tivo-

A new gna nompany, eonipcrsed o f Nuw YorV, J'hllsdAlpl.lA and Flisabcili caid- Ullsls. has lioen biftnod >» KlUtalwIb «lWi a capPsI uf llO0,iiiOfi. and will p'ruve s fiATuhlable rival to ibD huIIkIU comptiiiy wbicb hu hert- Uifore lud « lUonupEdy uf tbe dly ligiitiug.

Ov«r forty prleatw o f tbs Calltolic ( burvh luik put yMUrday In tbe funeral m<C' Vice Hi New Briinewtck overlbsU>Hof Fitlivi Morri'iia, ul Ht luTiii's ('burcb, wbu disd sud­denly Mmiday while «)wndin| hii VAcailon In (he HuDib Uisbop U’Farrell prcaclied thi ser- IllUb.

J. W. Prfnlwirh has di«pp«arc<l fmra Camden, and u m IeI to have iHkVD between tunu aud 11,009 behiiiglng to bu tiiipluj«r, I4UUU llumplireyi. tuhI esUile deaUr el Thml iiid Mariei itriTU. Au aniHU-iir ac(re«s of PbilaiJcIphia Is beHevcil to tju noiillcatwUo Ihr young man's dnwufail.

The marriasr nf M i« Atm* H. Given, daughter of Ur. and Mrs. llarttne (IrACD, of (iccan Hrovo. aiul Kdward JulinsEX), of A-lwry Part, viiuk place yuiltrdsy al noon. Theoofe- nmuy >»Hi jierfariiieil in lb« tenl ucciipled by ths hrjili*'s Uinlljr hy (he lU'V Hr, UiiaudUr, pa.3roruf Ibe I'rcKbyterlan clnirch,

H. Van St'jvcr, a young hoii ol F/dward Van Hclvvr. oi iPirlliirloii, was drowned In lb# Unaware Kiver near bis UUilt's rasideiico yea- turday He bad Hoinepiko nels ae(, and anjae eatly m the morning to lake them up. T)m buy, who WRt suljjcr'l U) fill, was fuuDd wUh Ins head inn the hide ol his bust lu Ihrce iiicDus uf witer.

Ili urv P. Sr|K).in ( ‘arup No. .Sons uf VrU riup, lUvisJnn of New Jith’J. wia niiis- ieri'd Tlmr^ay uigiii a( He<l Hank. Tbli U Hit tmly cnluri'd camp in (he f laie. tbe muder die folluwliif ufficciw were In-Ulled by Johtpii 1>. Uugtiua, 4«f IP-d Bank, Hajiituf Ibe Nei( J^rwy iMvuii'U; ( aplsin, Alfred Deimli; KUht Lb'UtciiAnl, ClsrtiM'o Frusl; uamp Ouiin- rd, JoUq lirom, Hilui Heevvs and Tliuudocs Frost. Ihc caiMp liaa l«n louinljers.

F ih«t llawHMiau Cnua m, Markrl slre tl.- ll»Y Hr PARiOii, iit^’ ijv ‘xirvii’E*'* UHimfrow ai I-t. A. M. and? i'< J’ « winil«y-*'lnailv Hi V14 a m i i iU A iP M Htuua* M wrlnoine

l l i i i a v f*iflHKT M h in u K -it . tear N>w » -CJ' lU'V J'.Mi A U m -in . H. H.paxUif I1 e viiir li p H' J‘j i n I M . agc»r: rtii'’-*!’ -M.iitUy a t.t >i-Vei|«*r '»»-rs u ** h1 '• r

r r .s ih iL M K Cin ar-H. Marliel SlrecL newaiiiiB-ri-. I ' f oiiu 11'» ai A. M a m ta i fw l M-. i'> di p -.i-.r, JU-v. K •;U M. nHi.iwili W'tuid Hi iV) P M ChildreuscUuw iLi ■* 1‘ M . Vf'jeT ■arvl-'*-al S V) I . M.

l orNiTV M K. Ci'ra^ H rorner Warren and WlIx-ytUiwiR Itev Wil I iiii lur. j-MUir- N-r- v l . i . / n i o A M lu .i iT i i i ' M, A tihvm orftm f wrvi--«- •-ruK.iiry ii.einuiUjr. ‘‘ niv W;'Ulu.r^- t i ! / 1 .huiiiicd Id U f. Yal-10 n will t»%4 In (il** OV-. |i»a*wrvltv.

T ji K ('K i vvu*i%r.i»f C iii 'a fiij Cfiriif’r o f It road afid lid a rwri-L Tlie pa>wop Hyv. W H {Jrn**.

w.Jl pri-B<U al lo A. M. and

n t « l W ar D a l * .t t n l i t X 'X (fT .-FO K T W O fW I lT.S f j h o 't . . . < H K im ..n 3r .ll.f , w l » . l ® - ' ' ‘™ti.«u JOHN J UKVINK. BCUnlou « .

\ N AUJODKNEH »*1 .K OltfB N T IlA L l-aoi-K R T V

At I’liMIt Au tiOn. 1) .-lu-. M • .m t. Otv Hit

W K ](N K «nA T. JLn K » .A^ratu 0. lH‘om*n. n*liiiiidWfali'ir, will olfec for


I'. H , UOmrr niisii’iC nlon. hermonloyoima Hiiic Mi'rt*i Uuiuu. lan p

p. M .youDg peo|ds’i

naar UullM-rrv. frO'itioa uu But apply Uj

Ka'JjVAuii'W ^N T,Hoose wUli lot running lo and uiJ alrret For hdl }>artiiulurs

WM A H O W K IX.Kcal raUil* UIW-V. Ta UrvaNl st.

M uvlnii l lJ a k e ’ wad HI* Uena.Frnrn the Ibwtou (ilutia.

'i here unKi t o Uvn 111 W a ld o C ou n ty , Uc.. an itluviwnt abuemakpr uam M IMako, whg iJvYor Jirml lo any house over throe iimnibi a( a lime, and who was on the go lu much (hat his acqualntancM ca'lyd him " Moving Ibakv " 1)1 addilloq to a large raini- ]y of lioya aivl girli, he was alwayi acc*an- IMiinwcl by a duck or laHbful bum that went with hiiu fruto piece 10 plHCe. B La Mwrleil on gExal. cburcb going uuiUE)r1lT, (bal Hisst buns lactine so usE-il lo moving 'hat wUuii (buy saw lb>* sliocmaker's Bcanly furiilturu coimtig out u( ih t huusc. they would walk np (n (he duor, throw tbuiD'-elvvH Ual uu tb dr Uckx and would liu there uuUl Uiukc camu out arid tlud Lliem (oii(‘ U.('f w iih a airing. Muru ibaii a duseun ftTfiULeble renldnili ijf FrankfoTt, Piuapect, ^(M-kton and HcAMport can vmicti fur tbe re- uiarhablu liilcHUunce ol Ilidke's tivua

|i !■, W.Jl L>- • .A ............... . - - - .. .M in 'lt-vsn iijw i; I,uyAlly. KeraiMiitu !#»• fgl.wHed by llm rginiMUiilnn xurvlr'e. Kveu- (lur u’ .lciM ; T1u‘ l*N»»illjiihjii l>ur«?»{.'

PiRwr R * i*tiht ctfunr it - ‘*#rvt'*ee ItiTeinidf li jiHi Jeudiuran, WMldnadHi Hireet. WiJl

1 lie w io r . W W.', Jfr.yd,l> wlUyrMrhel lotv A Si . on At 7 *1 P M IjC willI ‘ vk»-T*1Ii; WithWiH llirls. ' Wunday w KeuI it ! - p M l.iV . M ( A. 11*11. A ll Af« WPl<unis-

KlH-T MVlir-UifiT pHuTWiTSpT CHItPWH, Hill HtrPfi. DMir Jirowl. lo-v, Wm M. lUm-ni'^iid. I'hMiH ^FiliUJ. J'li-«J'hln<»UU,A»A If. Kii'»ti*i-«. ■ A n#*uiHrKJil'l# KxttPrlHOfW," T:*S P.M •'A \ >r/ liMijorUnS yutwAlon- Hja>r»tii- m.lKtot Idu r. M. Mrmugers are wsUv iu m m tliiR.rhurch. HaeiieM free.

►vf 1 ,1'KK'*. M K CiiraM i, nlnUift avp , cor. Murrwy hL Pn-a hii g by the paHtof. Hvv Allwil M um -fr.injViA M nid'KTi. ‘ lla flli* M ery- t .hi* l»ut 7 V> p. M . Hurvl.nB Under tliH111 apii’i-eof ViHMig M»‘n' men. bao A. M , Vou M . i4*i>),ail>Mhr^d. ei*! P- M , young privikHE* Jiu^'iihg.

T u b J * v HTwarr CiiAPur. o f UiPWacond Prew byutrien Chiin’h -iU*v. I. H. l*ulbwiujt.jiwMor Pr-w/fiiiiH » i hit* A M. h) lUv, Mr. win, u fl'.irk cruin ri tJliBiwl, an»l?JU I*. M. I'V tlie iiw-tnr. Kveiumt sobjipi>t. **Tlie last itri'at WvMuig" Mc'i fl prayer me-tlJiK BJVP. M. Hun- rtny-wd.iiEd i v ip M At thv w-rvlcea jsvery scat frEiwaiid ev vry one welpi'ii •

HnutJl Hai*t m t C hukiic. Klnnav atmet. tiiMr nriH'l Ih'v.J It KhrllHb. Hi l> PaxU>r,wMl pr^wh hoii'lay at tOiJOA. M. HBd al t *S F U., Im iBHi -<MBg{iiia iM'iDre-Hiilliig fuT KuroiH'. TTuyer iue<-t'tif Sts A M Holiday w.diool lift r. M- PravHr miHi'Uiiv T ]', M. Yuiibg iieupip s niM^Uof liiK'riwj fv*-filJig 7 IV tU-ifiilHr Itiurch iirpyi-riuwifnaTliiirvh»y Bia/ilugT.*!- All are 1nVil«lUl *11 MIUlMMIg .

The ciiort'ii o f (UhI meeta at nulbicrs and Tradi'M' rrHiiu*. No, .Ei(Pinion street, every tiuu- d*Y a tlA H '. M. H|K‘ ikl)iaaL3 P. M. by Heinual Wl aori. Mubjert. “ Pp-uree Hon o f Hip JusV"

H.mU'ITai. uv MT IlvttNAftxH (Vjf. ll lfh snd MonttfOiNiTy strnPia Piiinitjiy avrvlce t.W P. M. AllH ul’-ome.

Vul'Nil M kn 'S ClinintJSH AMtH IATtOM, riliiUio hlret-l. iip;Er Hn>*^l.-Jtuoiijn ifpi'u froiii ft

m A. M . ami rmni to 6 P. M Worker*’ 'rra .idiij i'la*n ut yiJ-i, Im E'd by HpcieUry Cni- 7P1IH. l.E'*Huii 1r " I'kKiis Ilf Klitdy for the Hiimiiier M ontiis” At 1:11 P M. a tnun’i ]riaANmi*pLi>ig win r*' haM. A m .m -er n| ibe wurkHfs wlU HiM.i.k uri‘ 'T ).e HUiry uf * lltave ^nuii< Mho" Thi>ri'AlllU’ alMglng by lliu honl Ntliiners' L i- ucop.

Wiim in’s nirlRlIan TempPMOco rTicon, Iful* iNirrv vln-el, jiiMr MuTki-i. ••huiulBy ni’VUiKH *11 a iiii: Vj, |JM-I«ari;p o f Mr*. Hallield Hu.t Mrs. tl K, Witr.I. Iilthle lit -i lO III Ph«ri{i* of Mrs.J. |i. pilKi'ur.Uil. ITnIihi Mirvliw at i/Al iui hai|a o f Vo llUt lS'<>]dM‘X t.'MtOO.

W om ui’s I'liM-tl III lPmpE'rsn(^ Union. Nn U Ki-ilt-vllJu avi'iitu- HiiotlMy, 1 P. M.. Ilie iihH'img wiil|lH» Hnfdr‘ -4SH<I by Mr. J. M. K-,pi'!isli«eir P:veiiiha,7;vi, li*<| |>y .\|n iiouman. Hiblu ct*M,, 1(1 i-tiiiratf lii .Mr Mixire.

M‘ vsli-E MiuUt'v and ....... an, II Ai'a>lerjiy Mn>et.Hund.iy * ami 7 C. J' M Hun*.'s nf p r . i - , le*li- myiimi hiiii Miorl *'iimn»ry o f l•*|W (l•■l'’eH I 'f &li3H Mnikei. Huiti by Mlsv liuucari. All etzan-gerMUTdliilfy liivpu 1.

Mo*b<> IVnwsful will HpE'ik Slid Mr.’LPpnte-com will xmg ,11 tbi- lU'ilPvlilp ATPiiue Ktiik. lo ­ll.urruw i#vt'iitmr. at T.4S o'clock. hufi]frt| "A Ibiiiii lu J-'reetli.m of TbuugUii pp-'io ti aiM Om- dg-l' *



r i f T Y LEM nA BLK H U lM »IN(i 1A>T^

fr/rua lOP realjeace and soma torbusioesa pur-

P'ises, 00



NnUitiAf Iwr.kInJ Lii N .w .riL

Fur parllculars, laqulreoiLKHAMnKNA A DRVOA,


fnnuag OD Washington Park; pnaseasiBii In lb* fall.

No. U AllAiillCsL. irair T.<oiubar4y i t . • rooms and all Iroproveinents. locatioo very ceniraL TblshtMiwii n- w being put In order atouaildar* aiile esiH-Qse.

Til# spcond and iMr l slorifti of No- iW Broad M.. oppDS'ia TrltiHy Cliurch.ft rouais. all uewly Itaiecml and p4lnl«d ’.bU ‘>iirtng

bAMUKI. R. BK SM R , y^dvllly Itutiding.

V41 Broad a*.

When Rally «osai<-k, wegnveherOL'ilorla;Wlmii bIh* w m a I'liil 1, she rrlM fur ('Mlotia; When sliH tte>ntiie Mi.m, HbPi'lung loVasturla;W L*u all* had CbilUt**, She g«ve Uism CMiortik

The Cal IHsIlked WhlsMIng.From ihii Herilrew (t^D.) Mercury,

In ft fimil.T lb town thiru U ft fat which la much One day ibe la<ly ufIbe hiniNO HAS iliHCU lor a muiDont, and cllhpr tu Tvllflve her lo. lingi or os a hit ul Inmtctwi dlvcniog. gnvu wta lu a lillie whlMle. Imuio- dialoly Ihc pci cat spranq up (o tnp and with ItHsbi'athed ]inw sirnck her a Mow ir lite (ace. Tlio lady thuugbt thia strange, but al llnd hardly cunnoctw) it Hlth Uih wblkllHig. ligwever, a llllli* lime aRLiwan], In tnuther Tiiom, ahw liAfi]icnm1 to it'pi’at Ibo whlido au<] IminetllNlcly the cal spning ii|i and slruck bur again. IhlH lime the lady lliongbt it uiuu be the whlslhng which wni KtvtiL) pussy ofTciiuc, ami HO, Hl(b " mallcu afuitdhuught,*' wbMltd again, bure enough lb>‘ cal clia-iiauO liei with anudicr hlnw square lo (he facu. AIhjuI the ouiy iMnMble cxidAiiariiii] la (ha( In tbe wUlt- tlp II fani'lM a cell wss licing glvvo to the pel dog. and wiuJcaUmi lUervat.

Onidncr li. Culliy, wluwie suddeu denlh ligg cull-fed *u ih a ld csiife iid aorpow llu ou K iiou t Mio was n n*|ircsutitn- live o f thu Ivi'it lyfX) uf Ihn BUriMSsful biisinc^w mao, Iiiudllgent. ruliMnil, pub* lU‘-spirilciL quick to rcs|>on<l to every ap­peal for idiiiHiitliroplc und ri'lii iuus work, lie could nliDoel bo I'kBcd ihu Uadiiij: clt- izi‘u III D localit)' that !iaa ruuny meii in w Imiiii it liH I* a jUNl pride, ll.ul ho lived Iheru U liUlo roissoii In duuht that his |KjlilUal aoiliiliuhs would liavv Ihhui rt'a! ized. H« was oiif of the few very rich mrfi who bnnq into the pnliiical tlclil qiiahtlea above their money. Ills death la AU aljsuluU' public calamily.

1'he apiioinluionl uf Willlani K, rrali; as tllilted St,it'>a Altornoy fur the VVuslfern ILsirict ul ^'irglllia Is fgriUHl iigtico to tho imti MhIiouo men uf that Slate thiit they ATo " ill lliQ ftuup." h leciui that thuautl- Bhittie circular recuriLly coucucti’d and cirutilaU-d by (Jepcral Malione was largely the iusplratluu of Liwycr Craigs and, what is uiure aigulficaDt. this fact la atated tu hnve been coiiimuulcalcd to the rresi- dent. As a coiiftcqucnce YirciiJa patron- affCj uuder Malioffe din-ctlon, thus b<v«Uiwod on ft personal foo of the Nncretary of Blalc, ean have but one iui|i1icaliou. Tbe iiu- porUut qucfttioD for Mr. il^alne to eon* aider is " Wbat oiu you going tu do aboutH r

I’nuilHlAkuble Kvideucei Frum (he Cliicago Tnl.mie.

The uicmhi TH of the local M’ientilic aMEkdaUon werHoiMnuig an Indian mound in i!kni(heiu( Miavourl. Hie lurml native who Hea dlaglng had nlrcady thrown out iwvcriil plei'ca urcuriMii.i {lOllery ai:-1 a mmtbL-r tit wentirmi nact] In anclont Indlitn warlare. OppresiHl hy the he:it Aiid cUiMmets nf bP quarti rn he (oamhI up Ills on:ply jHickvi lliiuk (or tbe purpHai i»r having U rvllllutl. Tba HI, Ixtiils ruluiiel In llip iwirty looked el l( In u(U.t bcvi'l dvnm'iil.

■■ JloHVCUN r he esclalimKi 111 a buer.xe, awe- tirlckou M btajicr. “ v, bai a h Rlil) nvill^d race 0( Injuns Ibetu innmid hinlden an- f"

Aiiawera In C'orretpundeuta.C. O, H.—Ijoou Ablh-tl wjiM up,"Hal

couh-vhI BHiikiliig Kuiuuel Kaliah In IDc case, and alter liio runriedua uibeIu au ap)»CHl to Jij Ige Mi'i arier on a IcchnicAlUT, l,u( Ha> uvrrnihKi, un the fftine |h»Uh ptt'YcnU’tl lu u liiglier cniiTl tiu altfirmud atcured the pruon- rr’R ri'b’an»,

,}. w .^ T h e Townuhlp ('ommUteemon nf Honth urniiyH juccivu Fi tor eai'li uiecung, tUii'dUT or nol tbe Otnnur (o a h icb you rvlvr liml any •■ri latlnu" (o tlu-iliiinUj Ihh* l4ill playing Is a qiiiutiou Ilia Nkws ta not able loAUivrer. ______^

F O L K aS V iH I K N O W *

“ Miws Nfellic Mil), of tliia city, 1ms grailuaicd Irom Vrsiat I'olU'gc wHb limuini-

It isbaid Hint Mamt^'r IL C, Miner has leciUtHi a icaxo of the Finii A vlmiuo 1 lu'iiire 111 Now Yoik lur llvo yi'on, U'guiuiiig Mny 1 DC si .

F rin ik P. O^IIciHy nml dan^hti’r, of f'rioigi', left ycRienlay (nf Mnriiiii*Uc, Mlph. li»-(lay Mr. 0 ‘ lbdliy'* euti, tlooigv C. O’Reilly, aniiiKl tor Rtiro|>c.

— l l c m y n. f'ln iO i, o f l ln o c i t y , wm o f (Mmrius II. riimth, ^H-elVvdthe liigbiwi pni'< fir dcc'itimillo'i Ul Ihc I’urdoiiiown MilMnry Acad- eiuy coiinniMici’Du-m oulol a i'l**s ol nliioioon iMmiH'UlorN, iLuinlxe i'ounI-im ot h bcMvy gold imHliil In 1!ic shaiKj nf h MhUceu Troai. with an lii«'ri|Kluii oil ibr> back and llig iirimu on h lu,-uv> gold lur wUich Kupiuriaihe iuihIhI.

— (J u v cn ior H r irn m 'c i i t lvconmnxsiiiii nrnU'r llie grcai schI <-f Nrw Jersey. i'Udiirs l ib ) bia ullh'icil iiUbigiH|ih, cmiNiUiiilug S3.'ri'ii(E 1-. 'l'o<]d, i.>rmi i'. a Jiuucc ol tne 1'e'aco, biiviuii tlic taiiia jiirirdirhiiu In IX ilx ( <miiiy Na * L>:>lrii 1 Uiurt. Mr Ims bhd n pme1I<'h1 i'st<cricma by way ot dniwlng IkkiJi. ii(‘o<K u Iba, m->rtgiiAos aud 1(K*I luaucrsior tuoiu ihau billy yt nrs


Thtmina NHi^on Fti^c, Ih c V irK in iaAiitliUT, IS non uiukliig n (our llirongli tn-iuml John (I. Bliick, cx-i'onvniis- t lonoi ol I'cn-iiima, ha« rcmniioil tbu practice gf law nt rinrago.

Mr. t 'lo v e lfim l'f fortnijA, w liic li b.Ts InHUi gicAlly liH?rps«p<l bv lucky liivosimeats lu ruiU ralatp. lsu>>w pltcHii at tha f-UO.lKXI murk

'loin NftAt, llio fiimmis curicnUirist. hA*-rt!luiinHl iu New Yutk from i Aii Kmuk isco, ami will Again^u tu work Mpou thu UH-iri.>poli' tan |gil<on

Tlic Will to Huusochef priyn ihut P icaI- floiU llarriKm la n. t an cplonra. L>ut iritado h'li pfA-vcul him bum liavuig dabily disn l>a'i«n.'d I'If frlciHU,.' Hi' la imrlKulady fund of fish ami on bla yachUiig voyagu rurLdy eats anyUnng else.

MpL‘.akiiii£ of liie Priiii'c c f Wulcfi re- ccnily htaiamdl i'. IViMcr, (be iitiioorbi, rniii : “ i like II. il M. very iioiuh. Mu la nol aa bud u sotno KMipIc try 10 make hlui out lo Lhv Ills eyes are tiKi xgii iul io|; ihal. and ilu'ii be en- Juya 11 giMl j'lke A iiiHtj who can laugh loud uud iicaMby rAinioi U* a liad luati ai bvarl.'

(•cncnil John C. Fri'iiiunt inuy. 1>e aocn on Ilr.iaiUay, New Yoik. nowadsyi. U wS’* tblr’iy-Miive yuan afio. when lie wnsi furly- (our ycMit' old, ibsi he iIiknI aa lUc Oral Hi piif>* Uuhh faudidnu* fur l’ re»UlcLii ol ib« Viili»*i| tflatca, bla w Itc, Josic. >lj( lng as rvmantlca figure In me eatiuMtigu Rh hu himself was. c;eiior*l Fri'iiioni iK'iifi bis yt-ara mdl aim en­joy* luf wlur Jo-ilo on Ibv iHiK'li lu ( Hliiiiniia. ILsligiwuu yet abaighl oinj (na imjvtLucut« p f y . ___ ________^ _____________

I'eru llu rin the ivimbtiiDtion. ptup'rtigti. and prapara- (bm of ItHbigitKlu-iiK, II-xNl'a H:'r4Aiumilii uc- CoiiiplihbC'' cuu'i H licru {iihcr pft parrtiionv en­tirely lail. 1'L-E‘ulKr III II'' iJumI imme ni ll■l|tLp, v‘h eh IJ n " luM-riotRlrcnglijHliruad,'' pi-ciil iir lu thcpliciinmuiiai t&rct It bha aiiaiDvd, IlnMi'i SHraMjKirilia b the time; NucE'CENim nio-llciue Inr puniylng iba bhofi. giving alranglU, aod cxfBUug au appetii*. *«•

hl('phch*N llciiuvuleiit no> h-ly.. liMiluirlent HiH'tuly No, l ( InadleV H m l mol

D E A T H S .C L A IIK --fb ) June 11, ftllcbopl Hark. ru|(hl 63

.vean, 7 uidiiIIi* (tHialivce niid frlcmls o f tiii> dit'e*’W*<l are rHH)»et-triihy inviU'd (oaUeitd the fiiiprni fruin tha lulu ri'Nl-le e'c. No. sol Piuuuo' avenue. Keurnr.oti Hun'ltiy. June S'. n t'iP M. Uihfc, I'bua'u (.'liurHi. Inb-ciueut in thu iVina- lery o f the KuJyHcpulchrw.

KA V. -O n June 2i, T lioinu P . Hum nf .fohn and Jidltt K*y, ugtHi lay VE<*iB. V luoiMlie Hud 14 Oaja llelnhveH BTi<l fr.en Ia tit llic dii cjinOvI jiIV ri'Nije.-t-fully Invlbul to Hltcud (lie finicra] froin the ri'tioU'rn-e of bla pervoiH, T»A 3?7 iigilen street, on MuJiilajr, June *s. *iV A. Al.. lu Uic t'ullieibal, where a H»li-niii iligh M-om o f tlcmncm will Iva Otn r.Hl fur the repo-u> o f ble mhiI. 1 iilufiuit'iil lu Uie I'euiclciy o f tbe Huly hepnl -tire.

HKNHV. -On Riinday, Jtme W, M.,HtU'r A long ami inHioful lliiieua John Henry.

M I MiunlU nt-d is d.iys. lU-laUvi-i•tnl trhMidv, nml the metjiiiers o f Hexaumr piMi^ No il. A. IL: Alpha iiO lge No,'dn, K. of 11.; Ocrniania U mUh No. tb, K. o f P . ; Kmlowmenl lu iik , K. of IM Ainlual bodge No. AL N> Hid L ol (J. H.; roligiihuA lioilge No. S. Order Mernv m in ; 'ivm ii Wnni tier- iiiKji Muinal I.Ifu InMiiTHiica l'<im(KUiy; h i

I’ciiliinu lloiicvo-...................., . . . , ... . . ............ IU djI hi>-cli'iy No, t .u f Jer-tey <1i v » benii*n Plutn-ut-mv- 1'U‘ ly ; Al-irkv* au>] OmdomT*' rhi it-iy; Ihiier prine IliuMllitc urjd l/>:tn A unh Uibii:i, uii.l fun- I or tu, Pti'Hiitx Mild (iHiuiiJilA 8mubig nk u-lLeu art' hcnU'3 r-'utu- irijlly liiinu«l lu atieud Pih fiim'F.illrum IiU IhIc reuliU-ti.-u. (M7 Ki-rryntre*-!. 0<i e:iimlii> . Jiicie ivw, eb i I*. M liiiU: luenLlu Wiioiii*rnl 0« n uu 'fy .

MAI-tiV. - im June ?l, (.'at'inrice, dnoghtcr of JuJirt ami llrU-c.-n Mnhiy, * 4i>il H y-Hiim, Jiel« livi'Skhd fricrnlN of.iln* liw-taw-d nh>l mi-iidjurs o f pit'(,'iiiliin-n (<| Uiiry Hrci.-Hih-b'ully Invliad in lEiictiil tlic luut-ril rrmn Che rE-RnIcm-e of pirejiM. Nn. V/> HlcEC'<er RtrE'ci. on MuuiImj-, jtjiii* a(.nie:'m A, M . lo iln* ( '■.icio"fnil. wlierv a lllrfh UiiBH (if IU-ipi.oin will lieulIcreJ iMt-lhi (Niw-Qi her HiHi). |iiU-nuc;i( In ihy I'uintliTy o f Mm Holy Kupiili’hre,

M ANM N O . -On TliiiratlBy, June » , IW , Jnll^ A., wife o f Wnltor K. M AUlililx, diNH’ lac-l, huwI >4

ofN M'ld'( ni'uiiiiiii, iuuKlivi'<i niiHi rnemu nre V ib>i! lu tiMoiid lier fijncrHl un Hmiilny. June

lit ■':ti P M . fTtim Ihe rt. sk!ein''.'iirherda!i :h ter. .Mr:*. I'.iuui'i Ic lionKberty, No. 27-1 Imfujyetta sin-ct. Iiiluriui-iilhi Memuii rSt-nAatd r«meiury.

M A-iK.-Oil Jiiue'AK Mi'B 's U. Miu**, In hts ?;id•IU, Pirm-r.d jwrvn w li lie held al ihe ri>HJ -n e o f M ri Jcitnclta K. H uIhoii, Spring

ain ul, on Mlii-laj'. June il. Ivfi. *c 2 p. M, lu-l**- hvcAHiid frliMi-lH nf Mil' f.uiili' are ri-Niiei thbly bivbuii. l(iU‘ riiioi)i ni IrvliLkbh'ii E'emeh-ry.

M.-iH'lKF.. -Ehi Jbine'Ai. K "i.’l'iioifuw Miilu re, are>i Vi venrx. llrl*Liecnairi fih-iiilH lire rcNiH*''( f^dly iii\ .te.1 to Hlieu'l Ulu riuii-ul friim bin htie ri-NliUne 0, N u. N i-w ii'k rf>>(, im SmnlHi-, J ii iie 21, lU I P M .toN t, jtMM‘i>ii'N riiiiri’h. I»u-riU't«j iu Ihti I eimUery nf the liol.V SeonU'lire.

I'KOMAS. At Itruoklyn. N. V , on Jima 11. Ktuiniel, ('Illy t'hibiuf t'.ehin-.-inmUi-|,ini| Aiiim J. riiuiuuif, Euicil lx yeiuH nml II monihA Uain- (•veil nml frIemU hni linlU‘>l lu alU'ijd Ids fiim-ril from (lie tvxjlem'e id htn ht:imir,i(bi-r. Jfn.n It, Vnn Same, 73 1let>l avemm,, on sundeiy. .bum H. ni I I'. Id. iuh-t tm-ni nt I'air- imiuid ('L-meb-ry' on Mimduy, JmieJi,:il hi;ti>\.m .


A haoii-uune new Imaae. nine rfioma, laiinilry with atalhuiary luha, liAihiCiOm. e b '. fliUitMHl In hardwD‘>J, all m oluro conveolancea, lul t fl lK , alreat graded, tewerwl, curbed and ftadMd: d « ) valion »9 fiwt ahova Udewaier; approach! brongh Ihe fiiieal part o-f ths city. Hmall caah paym ent! balance very i.*a«y (errua

^Ylk HAl.K -lnveuimwjt w 'urlile*. re*i MUte iMuiia. soma ftnni lo fteli. Ulvldaud o f five pur esMit fir A year, als p»-i <-enl. awuml year.

S. W A ltl) I and ». <M1 Ilniad sk

IftALlC (Ml HlCH t.Mouse, 11 rgoiDi.all luiproraiDeota. iol WslW,

Maple ava.

ll(Hise,l*Ti»nu, all imiirovetaenta. lotllOiJW. Arimgtuo ave , I6*al OrHAft

llousa, IjOI ami RUioIe. os Orchard at. Nmvark.

AAllDN F CONBIT,m Mruait n .

O O f ' _____ _O I KAUtKVHT. n .K A JA N T K U B N ls llK I) i 3 A fCKinii 10 let i private nuilly. _________

40ifiW J*d*'room for geallsuiau;|: wet'k.

uaa u( (m U< ;MS

O /k L iM IH .R R R n VailU ori

I k 1 LJBllOAB ^y 1 OriKinia w lU ble fbr you ng meg.

Y.-SOlt MA l.K -

(?hi-alniit at.. Orange, N- J . a (wo-alory lr*jne hnutf lulEiJxl.'tl.iniHb'rti bujirove-iiieiita, and plenty nf irtUI . ........price F '.W

Lhliew<M)l ave., imuw nml lul. some(riilt...................... . ...........................pri'W l.«w

l**rk *ve. *nd l!level,m-lMl, Hs'nutn bniiHe, lot oiiliU, uieiiiy Elf trull ami almdetrees.......... , .............................. prii-e H-ldft

J, J. A (^V,729 im u AM ^T.


House Moulli fith at. upht hoiwe c^ra..

^ /V TIH IITB K N TII AVK 11 ANllH^lMKHK(V , > l lun.1 « i » f . t .'■oin, h.ll,r.j>Bi. UUiidTv >ikI other (luprovetDeiita; reaaonable rant Apply onpreioUex.________

hT . - (V>nr. FKONT rooms fur yentleiuou, with bath. ®

U U i-D K ininV MT, J lUKtMf* w i n iT l ) O WHltr. |W i poaat^slow Im m edliwl y ^...................... h t . - t u r k k o u r u u B


A tt 'H iB l .H L(un'ortd rtiKjr, inside ................................ - I'p J™•N#iv>Md rliior, corner A'-ftilem.v.............. ...... W wThird llEJur, con er ALuniciuy ■ . j j »’Ihlrd Ilnur. Inside ........ ................................ - ]*KoEirtli riitof.iviiiertftiial..............................- ' fpowril. Iltxw. liixhie. No. tJ 4 ........................ .. M

Thexe hi>n***s have many (■onvenlem.'ea mr lem II osilMinh waltcm for r<u»1,4t)a] bias la t«l-lar. leucr imxei, water cJowita and atalSonxry WBOliVolM, wttli nmiDEenunU fur drylnt chilhee on f(K>f I'an he aeeii by imjulring orjaDliural Acmleiny-sU enlrun'-H,

A’ eiapt*rlmenlauf four riKimsaach on flrv t.a ^ Olid and thlr>l fioora. No. H >v«es a l , ftl'i and fl3, Ra-CMfilbiit 10 0i allon, *ml two good rouma ou lec- imdllngf76Uran<Bst.,lx. , „ . . .4Ti J. K MKhKKU. J r„ W Broad ab

M O T IC B —Aflvtirttaeiiiftnto « B d * r Mie

iMDdft o f 1Vftftlo*l*” **Em |»lajineok

Wftatod*** *‘ V o t B o a t ," ** L ofti f t i 4 F o u n d ,* * F o r ta le .* oDg,|||^dj^|; *• « roreopaL** etc.« ftre publlatied fti O dd C o o t ■ W o r4

fo r Dftob InsertloD. N o A d v o r t la e iu e o i IftkDD fo r leea ibftn to n OD&to fto Ids# ] Mod.



_ , 'I'wciiiy-tlve eipcrlent'eit paper boim ake(a Kooditeaily work KUaraiitee>1: rume urtpHreil ta> work Monday murnina. OMIBJltN PATENT FA PEH BOX CO . 316 Market at.

Hnvft W AN TKn UHRI) TO iluw oauddiinnnf irU' klon. A poiya

A (Hi'H.. rornftr itcW uorler and Oliver si a IE


lu Liia drug busi uMD. Addruia, ataUog agu,

BH ltl'B lN k-S8,U oi W, Evening News o » ce .

I v n V W ANTKh IN K ACTO U Y -O SK LtV- J e p i l l n uelgUI 01 hood.K l Ml WAMIIINOTON AVK.

l>t)FFEU.'4 ANII UAO FoLlHlIKltH WANT* A u p 'yatL 'U A N E A oO .’a .c o r McW hor­

ter *iid Oliver sia act

tA R P K N T K K M -W A N T K nm X OOODCAH ‘ - ‘ ........ • ‘ ...................IN

m.ipenlers for tiialdework. Appiv atouue.JOIlN

F.OW HiNllKIM KH, J lH lrw m e "

PTUNlHMXM ItlKlM; AL-H> krmmi. W M A K K k rT oT

IJAHKMKNT TO LKP-HUI FA H1.K ftlMt A J>m e.-li«m c. irniA M .U O AD AV K. H e iiM fi,^

1 ylUJAH KT, OFFirB-s FOH H K N T - J>iv*atnil locaUou- Aiiplylo

JAM Ed T,. HAYR.741 Broad sC

JJH OAD hT, Ki-oUF TO REST. NO. T*i im OAllKT. Apply on Mil? premise*. __ T'&i

/ (O K . Hl.VM A?J|i H<i1:TIITKNTII ftT.,NF.*K Il .rtpriiurHetd ave -Konr eleganll/, .nmsMid plmiisa, lo v window, mariiir mmitel waier, large clo.-atA, liardwugd ilggrs and sen- arnlBital! .rent, D* "**

1 louse Honih 8th i*t.. neAr liE'rse •'wra Ijsrj!# hmixe. 4 a< res rruuiid, IrviUfilun,

wMletcliarifefiirHmi.lli'rpriuuTty ... n,: w ■mprovert ruy pru|o:t.v btexchangv fi>r* farm


B u f t l f i t s s iB a t t c t * *JOKD OF NEW YORK.



ftfiO'laHy, Menial and Thyalml [>sblliiy, Bhem maliaau, Uout ami atl Hkin Diseavos. Hood olYtos,

4UH0UT11 W AH H lN iitO N btlUAHE, NEW VOBK.

/ " i i,.\ ssw A n K A N iim s m -x n F A i.L K iN D a V jf luamhJ for pli iilcaand esLSirsionxat

Ik A A. HAMIIRI.M,Oonier Market *ml Waahlngtoii sta 4fln

1' " a m b t i l l a t m m a u k k t k t . h po tc'ash aerund liaod fiiniUiire, cuuiiiiorA slinw>

free and cli*ar.Ilonws and lul* In a I part* nr the cUy rroui

Ibuouiu M-i,0*i. tor a*lH urexchaiict'.WM. A. IIOWKLL,

DM 71K Broad st.(OU BAl.K -C H O b'K l.OIX ON TH E »*• tateof John M Womliide ; himt dry

a.idliwillliRil: dr.alQ.ijefirwpcIxM; wilhin ftiiiln

(maex. tk'II.I.IAM JkUViH. MJAlfi^DT TWO

_ _ (bay and plalupwiwhea ami losius etc., lasa than lm;f prMe.K7r rK T riT 'H , B.iiik. near Hrwd,J AIMKh' h a i r -o n l y

jWEH'Ks left, ]>nirt ntku It.

O H llK I t Y1IUR F L A O F 0 l.h > m l’ Nf>Yh:BA ]>AVIi»u.>N, lanhler manulkclurum,

IkATKNF?* B B A K R A O nboili-itoniof Air erlcan and KoreKm Patenlv

A liys ' III patent isiiewt bcinre cha U.H. Ounrl^ Mechaalcal and Klei’ i rival Kjighieera aail Ba* tmria (.'unmUaljoii five, iiB ami bki M AUKI'n’ B1 *., sunilv aide, two d«Mirs wrrsd o f Ilraad *U Tho gMUHluMtiillll'iljud hoilaH lu the H|(it4E. l-wcDly- Dv« years’ Oei i i un spukeii.

J lU U ^ W A T E U B U P P L Y -.............I. o . _ . . . .W’ Kl.LH

...................... ..... -If ufBOHKIADUU AND OKIVEN W’ Kl.LHDO. i]cr In F(msui»d Lift Putiips,

.farrante«lii)ii‘-fracing.Well* olv.mO'l ftnd reualrint in

general. D a-RK ’U'H H f o WELL VK N Tri AT<HL*Dt I'all or ad-

dnsrt. CllAft. BU'IT. SM CAMDEN 8T.

n klALb ••

ACMUltlRON Fl.KATINOB MALE bialiie (if III rec hmi ri al 31k’. ii > ard ; ^lariiiitee Hneni fahrics not to chniiae oiilor. Aistinlkin

pti'albig uiai'h1iii>s tor Hale *k Hi^iSKNHTKIN’B. itfT Waalilnalon HI- Ktr


U K i r a H K N nnT,

Residence, CONTINENTAL HOTEL Office, «h4 HUOAUHTIIKE'L nearOnmgp attvet

Hours, 8 to B A, M. 1 to 3.7 to 6 F H.Hotel UiUiphune No. M-l.(Jflb'e relepjioiio No. f« l . Mo

irf^H U N K A, BAHKBa TCHKIA* I 1 and genla’ dnuM raaca, also

tool IxupL L. K. MiAOK

WaoliingtoD IhirklU'e,

M A l'K , &;« Jlnuuf SL. oppuslie . TYunka rejialred at abort no-

fT ni CKNTrt - riANUH TUNEH, HKPAlHKIk i Uroetriinii, lom* re-ilorisl, uU-.,hy au eap»TU

i V v e onler* M W 'lM JA M ZIHSi KHMa N AJtiUVH.fcUaUDncra.TSL’Uuion ave,

j J V t i r f l o n f t a t e s .

^ Y '-'L T IO N b a l k -



ukW walk n/ Kr.e rrr MuJUiid IVjkiU; atreeU

fiailed,i'Uri>e<l and iltt&gH-i; lina iliw lt ami truU rce.s, gas ami walcr pTiies In frEinl nf every lot-

terms easy lo pnrcliaxj-rs who will tuak* euoii and iniiiH'dlate lumiQvemcul.’E. Apply at Itl I.INCULN AVK , or ItKW ES A VIULLIFH’B Iron Wtirka. Ur^nj^iMiit aU.y o H BKKIIIABLE CUltNKU_ prnjjcrly In ibeoili Wiird , huuiie uf in rEX)iu.i; all FiiiurmHinciilH , hit UlilIB: rvnm tn hnlld an- other iKKixe o.i the ink JuJIN J. IjK VIN K

'22C'l1iiU>n St*

HALB-H!*K( (A I. B A IIH A IN IO HKT- tie esLils, hou?ieand lot shertam avf.; bouse

and lol IliiMinakh M. aiid^iOi. W U 72ft Hri>.:d Id.

■H., luu uii 11 tiiiii'r«i(Hi sti, 4VJUA.H uW K L li, rtial eaUto oftl-n,


IjSUU BALK- llUU^K. ft lUHJMs, W ATLH ‘ g.ui, Inmter. rt'm enl'‘ollar and sewer E'omi«c-

tlniiN; lot iiai'D. No' riManiiabie ofTer rebisetL liH|Uireon prcmlBca 14 Wl'JsT KINNEY B f.. near High- .________________ ^lA U niM A l.K ITOnsI-; UN ATlAMS KT., HIX r rEMmiS-gDoil well nml i'lxiern , very Inilecuiili r<H|UlreiU EgUINN, real estale niidInsurnn'ce, 16 Multieiry

I^UB RAI.K -A (Vm.S'KH Brsi.VKSis PHOH- ' ertyorj Ihe Howery, now paying II imrcent,

on selling iirh e ; a lirst-claM luvustuieut. JUltN J. UKVINT:, 23 I'linton f1.

hAl.P„ rms. 'ol and plols In goi>d huaiiUms. Apn'y toT . W. R. ItAvNi-Jt, Inauranru and ReulhA

................................... ASH T m it n KI/viRB.J ' rcTiHl’i h.qulrc nif K MAUN.OOr. Wo. h n -

uoi hue! Ar-a.lcmy six ____V4p

I. iL A t TO Lirr lYIK. OF FIIUHTH AND ' |i*vis sU. Iljirriam ; alsn a aniall lioiine. In­

quire on pri'iiuws, or At C NJIW Newark.S6t

I^’MRWT. ishltUNIi

ClORllERH. HTlTt'IIRlM AND I.KARNKUH >wanted on mrseka JOHN R. BOWkUtB A

CX)., WlllliDi, cor. **h'pmaii M. T9s

/ “1DRLKIW - WANTED, ] TTTUtTCLAm \ Chilli hhl curler*; Rleady employiuanL good nrlcea paid. W. IL MUUNEY * CU., No, ST N .J . K K ftve._______________________________ WI YHKHnMAKEIt W A N T K D -A FlltHT CLANS J /dteanualier who nnileralauElA the bualneav PItoF. HL F. BANDOLKH, BTI Brood bL, room IL M

1;iXI*KHIKNCKn MKUUANlCAt. nHAFTA- jm n g, youna m m prDfsrrad. Y U L I MA-

C » lN K U > .,M E im le ^ _____________________ 7U

IrtXl'KHJKNCKH HANDH ON (IKNTH'TJKTK liscarfs; «U o iM nisra M? U A R K K T NT. 4«r

11AUH IIA N D -W A N T U lj, A UUUD.HOBICa ' man who undersUoili milking ftud rarmlng. Apply old lUiKjiuUsId road, near rsonHsti 1*oeh].



Led. K. IIA BI LEV, 2i!i N. J. U. K a v e . « t

AI.AT TVi l.l'T , FlHXl'-CLASH FLAT, fON - ' Ul' I'lii a 'l Ihe itvLo-il (liipruveineiiie. Inquire No. t ld l‘ ! ,A S K ‘ L !U-tD L-nce required.

l A l K L B - W A N T K D ,^ t liandx to m ik* psEier huxDii. bON.TS lo a O iilral a v ^^ { K ) H KKWttR W AN TED TO ABHIHT * VdriwiUAker; none other nt«d apply, i^ ll,

to 1 at 867 IIA JftT\ Hug I w lo t _____ M

n OUsKWtl It K -W A NTKD, OIUL PUB OKN- eril Uoua-worii; refejD .ut requlrtul.

IU_______ lOtMT U AVE.

M A r i i lM f t r (HKID MACHINIHT W AN T-__ 0 ............... .................................

M .LN TO TAK E CH ARllK OF A RACK xh-vp WHJilPd, who tlmroiurhlv umlersUiHli

dyeing, ur an eipert dyer on bats. Addrera liA l>i, n o i J.N cw t olfiL'e. 7W

W A N T K D -A OLKVElt, A O „.alcllled In waitInK uiam ladieF

trede. OhII persoiuUly after 9, ^perraleudenCft ofthe. WJ KRUAli HT.. Boom r i _______________W

riv iN aA iiT ir w a n t e d , a p p l y t o 1 AH FRANK W|ft.HhfKKBlooiaflsld.

W ANTKD-FlltBT-CLAHH YUtiNU MAN for hresd route In llie tU v ; aipurleiice Id id or gro-vry driving prsterresl. good iioaRIna lur the riiiM m an '. nmotbe oapahif and trtiity.

jCiAU'>ir.ARV - -f^ tlv e x.ilealju1y, ale Hied

1.*oB r k n t - l a R 'ik m t u h e i n M \R-k*l bL; goial Ims oeM hicaUun. Apply b>

T-li JAMl->i L. MA VM.?(ft Broad at.

FUtJIt NUTL LAROE. A IR Y RffOMH ON Ihe.secnnil flmir In » private honae ; no Urge

lanilly need apply. Inquire ll'J William sU. Hiift-m a n k o k l l R iV k k k a * id or gro-vry driving preterresl. good iroalHna lur the riKhl niMD'. nmutbe oapahif and trtiity. H EALTR ilRI'lAl) CU. 4la Broad sL m

W A N TK D -fV m THE UNITED BTATCT Array. a'-lc-hoJlad, uninnrr'.eil meii, IjO-

tween the agex g f ’2| nnd IS I Ona. rlnUiingandDre''' 'Nu.kHBUAHK KT 6T.

years ; gotei pu j, ra- I On*. rh'Uiing and Difrlk- ol ailendHma, Apply at

r Uetuen ouiy.tlE»r.

r I m t n l'oi:!>fTl’-e. 14 PINP; i T.

manlJS. aii 1*1 N K HT.

SO MI^LUUHRY B r„ Bei-oiid Ktr


7UUN1S11KU HOUM. W ITH AI.MMPHUV^;- nanljs. ftil'INKHT. ____________________ ^

JRMHMF.nP.iKiM TU 11:1. W S rtP R IN 'L leldave, KIHKl.K._____________________ ^OCHK TO l.l-rr -NO. 16 ROW LAND KT„n t U ...................... .. . - - - - - -- -wT(>h rnodis, iMtii, iauadry and all improTu*

Inquire o f uWuer at IH 6>l

\T;'A N T K D - KXVKHIRNCaD CXIRBIET VT htlV-hera and Jolbera; alao eiperlenoed

hoiier-t; beat prirea and steady work. WEIN« OAHTK.N RHI.K.3&7 Market *4____________ W

W ANTRD’ K XF E hlE N C E l) M ANTO RUN H rtonriiii irmchlne: must lie wllllna lo aa

out Ilf Uiwii. AdUreea S e WAUK i'LANlNU M I l .L t U _________ ^

W ANTKIKAN KXFKRlKNCEl) lURHICT riOlcr. Apply hI rprner of lUoeCkec end

Bumitilt sta JAMK.S BOWKHM A UO. Ml

C m p l a g n i c n t I H a n t e S .

iiniVuinenia Kent tJ'i..IKI.LKVILl.K AVK.

Ar e s i*o n h m im 5 1‘ a h t y w i l l TAKH the cere of » f nrileheil hEmar during ll>s

'fA V L o il , Oiaiige.N . J«. the cere of » f

a l»“ nc« Ul owner, A>r .u .

n OliAfe TO I,KT-m »S HOCTR TTM .HT..SIX lr>[rlll, la'jmiry; rent |IL Imiiili


■|>OOK KICKI'1NU 1M)NK RY T H E R O H R - J in n y immlier ol hinirs, general chfirse Ukesi


___hifibandi-lo w*ier,al IOC CkMigrca* at.qtUre 61 tO N d lli’HS NT.

>r i C E Al’ Am M KN TA. M R lirK N HI I bom f 1210 fis, with IjiiprosenieiiLs.____^ 4

1VU0M.H TU J.KT-LAHUK AND rtMAI, I k roonie wHh all ImpruvumeiiU.

lo /jk l ftWiiM, idljam. _______JliUHNAL. Box A. New*oflK-e.

■ tamlited: otSB

3;iOU hAl.K AND ’ f..pms.

K XCH AM JK llDU.-<l->t, Appjy

ll fK lM S l.hT IN TH E NKtV IMJILDINt} Ikcnrner L'lUWii ami K-e'i d IIi avea. All Im-


1 ? "

tab*, n t Bruaii it.1AU U H ALK -ll(R JSft;il B O O M S.K nT Fnr«iR f ‘2 lamthes: ^rlce flJUft. H» u A IlHlDK^cr. Sl>

lOOIJsTH I .R r iV T I lE NKW lUMJ.DtNU k-romerUUHK and BAIUT.AY .ViTj,.(JUiiUni

H IM ,___________________ ________ a&rSTURKON

if»c»lliy: rent HprliigUeiil a v e ,


DAV'H w o r k PHoTLMTa NT WOMAN wishes work by (he day, w-oal-lug o r Irou log

ir. k ll.t \\\ call IIH Bank^l. _______________A

TTnVMKWOHK-WANTEP.HITUATrON BY i 1 h ynurtiT'SS eh-b w-uiiaii '2* yuan old. Mgen- prui hE>'ise-\Orker ; g»>04l re frre m *-.' Call a t % l OUANLKsr, AlBE) a woman w*i t^«.>rk by tba

_____ _____________________________________5 *A’lTKlI K.YFLUflSNUED F’ORE.’dAN IN the na-Eing lieparitnertt w-ants u |OUtton;

tH’<a ri'lereii'O Ad>llh*SM J. A , Bo* D, Newaufll^’e, Muuk, n *

1UUK TU LCT - eKm »D tUK^ *Hpriii«fleM Hve. in Imprn' low. Inquire uf F. O A lir^ ~Of HAYNRlLTTiRroalsI.

H a t FACTOHY-THK MA01!(M '5<, 1'iKill*.e -------- • ---------- ' .... - .......... -

s;Ion Of Ir jT o L ir r -

U H J ^ tnviME In MTHprlii

1 1 OUKFWURK-BITtJATlON W ANTED HY I I a young gUL lately lundeb Id emalli privata

'04 ....................I '-A I> (0 M IM N Q OH W'HITEWAHHINQ J \ iTHUieil; neat workmanaiilp and lowest poa-

fHiiilly ; uu puhial card*. U FLU,M HT, ’■AI>(0MIMNQ OHk ITHUle’

sisis rate*.

___llxinresaml entlra equtpEueruof the HuiithOrangB Ila i Fsotury ca^n lty 34 duaen per dayfur sale at a Iwnnon, B o y e r ...............1ea>e Die preTiLi Includlni

lloyer cun pnr<*hunE’ nr - iidlng ate.uii )>olli‘r, on

ftivurahle leriua. Apply to WH. Ii. CLABK^un. o*re of Ferry A N«iilvr, 4IU MHrkf*( si.. Newark. N. J. Kllburn A lAylor, hOUlh Urunge, N.J.. ogenla for tbe property ____ _ tTpTfUDhKAND Ixyr-CHKAl* FulU ASil IK I Lanld ntomie. liouheaiid lot (in Mnrriiy *t.,9th Ward ; Lots: rest trout. Addre'ta Bfi u ir irK , Hns n, iiiuo.iire

F'nt, 1 R.wms. M Mulberry ai - IliHiPie. Khernmn avt*.. H frmnw...

ATIVfc LAND-THL lil-Kr ANDislTUyiST aavlnga bank, will &->t luisi. aJwara on the

ground, fvlegaiit lou un CllnUni I'afk,(ClintonNavs.i Biulger ave., Jehff and Peshbieavt-a, utb Ward, blgh, ele/Hiii gruuml. IInu n lew*. In fact, flneattrart o f land in the i-ily. Will sell low for coata or on monthly pAyment* nl F* |>vr month. Ixiia lor gl-'iO to f4IjO vsi'h. hlreeUi will lie gmiled,

“ ----- " *'■-1 awllmi ot the city laI, Hie li«*t living twiii nUwd by Ibe iHtii'lUy

Broad slrevt Dorse i>ar* |wm* the .. .I t . JOHN M. nrU N feH T 191 Map.

ewark'i Keal Kstale Man. Manager. Otn


D oa lh C la im s F ab l lu Nriwurk I'o-tlay by ilvii-«|H>llU»a Lit* Ipa. Cq.

Kraitk, Ami.Mark h1ni*.2U (igilen st..................... .!•► |jii2 -si...........IK Keliay, 3'm uxdcii st ............... .10 l'J2 (si■j |j(iirft.1 \V. MJiipsEin. I'U lltiidl'il ' l .. i i IM IIITIuunaM MiUnlrc, 7.1 Nawiiik si........ . .h> I'l) illJulla<'air,ir2 Nr-wark-( ... . ,hi i.VMUtt‘ni. ] ‘«*iiih*>‘La*i. 41 Miiiirueiti................. l.( pi in)Jn:.n Ri'lil.v,‘2J lb>rg»ii s i....... (ft '24 ft)A (.LAN L*. B4?v*iL'iT, Supv.

_____ fiu . lij j.k1 Mil M irket Street*.

T bu C iiHoeI S ta les ImliisLrIhl Jiisnvattre 4'<»mpiiuy, K 4:iaQil K4.) Ilrnail s iru a i— D eHlhi'laliUM I ’nbl T o-day .

I’ rem. Ainl-l*i‘U-r KeliEie, I'l?', I'l/me si............... i>i gi7s unMurk sirtrk, iatitf.w-ii si. ..................m illK. miglK>ll«-l , bi Kiaiiiill/ St.................. u *s UO

Hl*\\ Altr» N. I S*n*s' lent.11 I.. DK Hll I1ME.IMI, Hiipt- Newark iMslnck

J->i.'.hiUHI * 1 . ______________________

i : .

U L n O e r l A k ^ r A *

B. BOl.LF.8 A SON. i'rai'hi’al t/u liTinliert and Finlmlmors,

iMi'rai t^vrittfs No. 12 Hrliigv sL. lli,Mmf.tr1«uy smi luurguf Nix J.uiivsnl. lf4Mr-H'si>ii>KVu'ln** (iir hire. E'h.irKvn fixurnnnbhi in i»h ilfiMTimVtil* I'lrrn II. Ih>l!s*ii, r<’ :'h>n<'e No. 7li h'uurih nva, Kriink lhUK«<. remJeU'S* Na 1? llndgext

'1'elepliiHHf' ;ilN Bl. • ________


UrSDFRTAKKft.Om<e -uvt’me. s(o lU toAl) KTlu.'gr.

N<-Ktt1iuif iK'liiH Kveuiiu News mil-a, FensiHinl aiteml ih.-e Day and NlqhL 'iY>|jt.QllV .Nu. ilK___________________________

p t r B D t l O U .

7 lA iA U I U l AND II.IV Kl'.VKI! UDAUAS- * 1>hh); iiH'iiP.iiKln. l)t‘tid.ii‘h<> mill aU ihru-1 IfimhUiss-an-il b) pU‘<'Uek1i' eii imuAD id

1AOU IN V ^L IIW WK M A K K TH EF(N F>T, miaidylh-aUMyfiavurisilis'i-re.gii. It. WAL'dl

A isi., I'Jl MarkfiiiL Ti-h-nhune-Ah'. •

I AW VkllH Il.tV rN 't TISK DL'Ne'A.N K.h- Ill I'aliforqla. In cliar,:e ulll |i|c.iau shiiu-

iiiuiih iive ^ Itb .Mlus. J.x..Ei, l'. l Falriiiunnt avi> i Klia.ilN-ih, N J. 4jr

ru A W ii A r r u i ’Js.'ONii. -h ' m m k r h t V i .kh E .si-d lirtt's IhiisInsI lu Iruii .1 tu.1 ilay-', hI J. II. II KNKt + .H N». '£ii Vt iMlon sb. U'twiifli Mur- Li'1 uiifl Ihiiik.

( ♦N tnN STR.VW H .U Rl.l-'ACHKHY- I,A- ' Uie-'MiirKW uf*-i-s«Hl Ml nil ilie IhIunI bKhih’s R. ] I r / l ’.M ’R lrK , i:» ib ds i-v n|.,nvjiriM»l] |.>wi,T..V>r

\ \ 'A i> n 'H I’ lCLKiMU 1 j.n D uriiii in u 'ji^ vv for old folk* who cannnil rest *l iilght.,6Ci.

|H-r jMg-kogK H. W A I H * C<i I2! .HHTkPtst. ^•\\r n Y ht rKKM w i t h jii.iNtiNf-aut, VV (vnir-M-u, arroiiLlHilon, n<Mr slgliiH<lm».a ur

wiMk vs!n>n t*li*»-irud8 ujll rutv you without |Min or BUlhTiiig. all Rlh)AI>H']',\ 1 M IV ARK VUL* DKa F WHKX THUC' (V wiiiU iiave Peeji mede tutiohr hv Uui wori-

dvrmi rlTix lsnfijhs lrude. Ill llRti.-Ui Kl'.-NKW.UiK

'hctro-li<; Miiisultailnii »4i HUl IA |i h I'. 6»i

will sell at ailpsronnv IM UARRETT ST,,

MONDAY. JUNE 2L al : P, M„

PnrKir nuUitn Kug*. KItk Pluah ami other rover luk*. I'hauOier Hiilts. Tab'iit FEiblIng Be'ls, Book- EqvHVA, W'Hninihe*, Hall Htand*. M T. snd Ekten* sign Ttsblea, Cabinet M. T. Dresaers, Rure.vgft, \Vi.sli*t.iiid*, Lounges, SVal. auJ other Retlalead*, C bnlra, R-a;kera, very fine M.T. Mlrror jack iluf- fiHs.odEi CiiHlrs, el.'..u1r.:al)uut -ttUnrpelrtln Vul- wt*. UruwU ami Ingrjdii, largeMmyrna RDqk, 100 ynrdafinod new Olb’lEHh,t*upled H:dr ami other M atn*4*i*s. Aprliig*. l*urlltT*s. Pii-ltires, Mirrors, liiiats, Umbreil.i HVamIs, llefrlgpriUnn, tlnnlea llo*e, aiiEl a vapiaty of other giwd*_________ ^

P r a e a « a l » .

I lO A liU UK KUUl'ATION,NawABK, June 90, lOftft,

l'ro|K)*.Ala are wtlrlled for auppiylug Ibe Boaril of Mucallou wllli about


to be Etollvercki on the gromils of li:s


riftli ftve., cor Ciiticr at., nod j»roi'«er!y graded umler Ihed ri'ctiuhol lb* BofiPil'a.'iujierllilemlBni Elf JCriHitun ami lU'iwlra. MeosurmueuL lo be niade 1» bank hy the City Purveyor, Work to ba Ei’iiipleled Oil or i»efore July 3ft, lit .

I'lOiioKala adsIrE'AAOil to IIEN'HY C. KI.EMM, t’iiairman, must lie left al thia offlee pn or tiefor# Tui-.elay, June iV 4 V M.

GEO. W. CAftE.*■ .

» r__________________________ K*iTfU ry._

iiirbad and ; (hat am llmi ol the city laImproving very root; In (m*t, Ibe IihsI IIvIuk yuirt of (be cUy. Ooort tllla. gUaranUiefi by Ibe KltbdUyi.ionip*(Xy ” * ------tract; gu hei *L, N i

'KTK't/ HnWH; AND DOT KOH BAI.B-NU, i 1 MO Walnut at.; all modern Iroprovementa; fonvenloiiUo home (■era. t^asli prb.e ftt.UUU. In­quire K. iMKBt'E, |]70llver*t. Tip

T>KIM LIAIILY (lOOD BEAL FBrATEIN* J viaimeut. Aildreax J- 25-B.. Bo* X, New* ortlE'u __________________ __ _f f lO H A W lL L BUY imUrtB IN EHIHTM C P fj" M JW ard ; new9-rm>m house.aulUiblefur two famfllP*, aheathod, na|»ereit anil improve- nienlH ; flmi Hour now rented for|l4, aestma (UKir will bring 113; itaali nil e U.9U0, or MD dnwn, nioiitbly. JUJIN 11. DUNN, owner, 47 Ollftun

0 f t 4 / \ / \ - n V PAYING T H IS SUM YOU if fi^ \ /l.y n a n buy a new reveb-rooin cAtage, t^nUlnliig water and litHier, lot 36 by Sh3 fbeL or will let (or 117 (M*r nionln. Apply to A. H. W K IN IllcH ,i36bylvauave./)r ueorgaC. Hardy, M Clay at_____________________________________V«

........... «13 t»

............... 41 iBiluiiiw.Tu Park rtC.,aii I m p r o v e m s h i a . . 40 00

lIiiUseHaii-l rouiiisoHiei iM rlsofi Lty hi let w. A. iinWa:p.i.,C2t Real Estate Uftl>-c. 7JB Bruad at.riM ) LI-n-FJ.ATH OH Al'ABTM KNTH IN1 Ihe Piighlh Warl i.yiTy I'E'nvieileiit to rail-

t'Mul, iiiimI de-drahle ne<nl|borliiMx4. Janitor, and relit iiiiNieniU': *<* lo nine nmin-s; all liopruve- uieiilJi O.C. WOULMeiN ,7*J Brond st Mp

r n u i-Er-K iiD M j r i . v 1 .1 » « b o u u with *ix 1 ro w* : te n lot* ; garden under niltlvalson;

rriit,D.i iRf inuMib. Apply on |urml>as, 40ft H. 'i'KN*lll Hf.. ne.-r bouth Eirudge ave., er £7 bOEilli ftHglith at,, Newark. N. J. VlqftM i LFT -HKVIND ANtJ T H IRD PLUE>H8. J. wMlHl rootiiiln eai h nnd water, to reut. at

ivir. Newark st, Mnd IVriir.El aVv;rent low. Am ply a t D- M. LYUN * WON'ts BREWERY^W ChUiU tL _________________________ tevT pO LFT-PARIXIU FU)UH. 4 RUUMK. Ur*K I o f bHtliaiidlunndry.toa MmSIy wltbntil i-liR-

dreu. llo u v in w. rhd IekwHoii uiiau p a ed. Apply 00 prvrulkett. NU. 2M HtyUTH 6TH H't'.64t

rn U L R T -IIT PAIRMHUNT AVK., HPLEN- X did reoideme, a rutuua, Intlh and lauu try ; all

the Improvi-amnta: Immediate |Nia*e<wUia. In­quire at Z19 Kairmoaiil ave. O, D llA K li 77br i ’ O LET DKHIRAIILK FLATh, CKN- 1 tmlly li»c»l«<l; rent low to good (eoimt.% In­

quire of Jaidtur, 197 Plane nU, near New sC, first flat,Of IIENKY LANU,]4 ArtiiHL __________4l

ri'TO LE T - FOUR TUKIMK. W ITH RATH- 1. room.etc..Routlietist roriiep TlilrU^enlh uve.

aiul Btui'e. Innutre oo itrciai ai, or o( F. L. FEIND, 116 Uruome hC Hr

T O LKT- n i KAHT KINNKY HT., HOUHR,# rooms, with stable furturft liuretuL Inquire !wtw*.>ii 4 and a 1*. M. t ttVMUUli 4 WHIT-

fdiCK, 43 I^awrenc* hl 66z

Adilres*-------- — 6itt CHAHI.ICH PKNK, tePalEtwliiSt,

SITUATION BY C O m R E D MAN IN ftOME k'S-neupbtre. Addieas fur four days, "Beat

Befvienitki, ’ Bn* B, Nsaa oIUeO. 41*1

Y OVU i MAN UP 90.exiB-r'ence hi siitlEHkery *ii?re,

llox T, News! n *e.HAD 6 YEAKH OP


V o r B a t e .

'I lID V O I.E F O B S A I.l :-A 9DINCTI VIinxIB Jjlb|i-yc.e; two-ihlfd nickel ball hearbiga tlirougiiuut; In perfect order; price >171. Inquire aliaO lU TIARD HT. M

B i c v c x e f o r h a l f - e x p e r t c o l u v -hlA-'kklmh. W. PENN BEAHDNLBY,care

Jlcalth HreOil (V)., 4IS Broad st. ___________ AMAND POOL TABLE FUE

Fifty dollars eai.-b. O., Evening Newi ttr

l l J U d A U D■■ ■

BKEAD, c a k e a n d PIK BOHlMKWl FOR ft.-»le doing a very good trade ; uliafikctoryDili ur hiltliig ; cheap, iirire Mfl.'

IL E. Bt irw A B Z.liO M arkets i.

I.^NfllNB - ONE FlTtetT-CLAHB FIFTY lihurse autoiiiaiiceiigliie and une ssrenty hona

00 ., «ILhurse autmiiaLcenglne and une ssTettP r<jr anl« cheap Y'ULe M ACTIiNE ' Eagles at.

f t c A l £ « t 4 t * ^ a n t c O »

T tyrs-W O U L D i .i k k t o b u y i o n i Jiiulldlng lola forEuudi; please state prlct*aad

where aituated, Addrans r t ___________________liOT, B o i K, News office.

H o a r d i n g *

mt. - t w o n i c e l y ruA*

K 'lor ami lioU- rd.

r j lO L K T -T U K KKOONTj F I/X H l OF NO. 7IhiH _ . .71 AN, lie Market at.


__ i good order. r-'UtlieNihiiseuilun linn.adUtaly. Apply JU llN W

0 ATLANTICnlsUed rnimro'liig rooms

room), atKl other ruoiim ; table

I K MAUMHALLflT.-rlJllNIHUKDROOMa, t lw itb or wltiiuUt board ; all iuipmve*

ment*. t»q '-PLEAb.

63h1 fT C E N T JlK S T .N K A R P A R ttP L .- 1 J II ant rooiiis, with bog^ lO iiF U I .T U N 8T .-A IA "0 V E AND OTHER ^ U f t i rniiihctl rooma, witfk lQ U R O V K BT.. crm . M ARKET, NKAH A e O H lg b -N ice ly fttinliilied room aud lo jr d ; also labia Lic.i,rd. ir.'q*> r PLUM HI'.-TW O C-LV'NMTrNU KUUMH t f t J nicely nirnlihed, Ninuble for m<n and alfe or iwQ nr three gtuillcmeu; with ur without board.__________ s,eA r\ C ldN ToN HT.-UUUAIW.‘i t y j w lt h o ^ ^ a r ^ table iMMnl.K J \ r A U k HT. - NICKLV PURNlHllKD « Jl-Zruoma, with or without board ; alsu table iKutrd ; with use o f lAth. 10*

“ Q N K W RT.-nUARU. OENTJ.RMAN AND f l O w l f r , and aluglegeiiLLoiuitnand ladles; table board M a w><«k. 7r

tnoulh BTUA-


(lour, la Morton r t . near High *1.: gcimral Iniiiroi'einpntH. inquirf Of liOUla llE lM jf'K l.r DKH.'a Motom ftU __________ ftTlriY) LICT-LARUK HEAR OFFICE ROf>M, A with aiuall urJraleuffire, ou sei'ond door of

Tk'i llhuid sL Itiqulj* o f J, 4 BONB, 3Q Bidik at, 16cq i o Lurr-TinrftK wi wmiTif h ix th 8t . ,6 X rooDta, bath and wanlmioro ; wai er Hiidi sewer

eoitnistloii; rentlPL Inquire iie it|nmse, W.aUHriNj Lhrr-NUR in.i tin i n loom fi kld a v e

1 9 ruorua aarh ; mo*lern iniiiruvememA ^ _________Fit VNKLIN M.OLDM- Tl\ Broad s‘ .rpO LKT-FOTIR I.AUOE IlOfiMH ON FlltHT I fioor wRh bay windevri and sllrllnv doors, In

Burrlayitn<at. Apply ITU BRiXJ.UKHT. 611r p u L O T -JU LY 1, NKW 81'm tE W ITH J large li«('k room, iiirge renientait cclkir. In-

quire 11 JON hX SL or H Ke*b ti |i. T r

Tin l.FT-HM AI.L, HKAK H ripsK (JUNTA FN-Int & rooma, v

D) KltKD /.K l’ l',h rooma. wilier iin lfhn * rent low. Aiiniy.*■' HriKJUie m. *“


r p u LOT ......................1- tral liKxiUoii, hiiDi, etc.

RUOM^ FIIWT l-T.fXJR, Rent >13, W „


» rr n u L O T -w i nituAD h t .. f o u n i h u s d

Jiail ruom, u.>* uf bath; >1,14 per week ; seLVAd

fp o u -rr _ - .I bh« m ,Q ave.

CLINTON I p t.yi!ilile lioard.


wlUtuut rumoval UHUL'ERVAlCrsnSNU TU^ i-\ V A N T K D -A I.UAN o r t m FUR THHUK

ft T lunotli*; fair iiuiiu* and vbudel iimrlgHgu as *•■< iirliy; good rp^rnine^ A'Mresi

ITlMSin', Rui u. NewSCfllce.

PER CKNT.-KliH MAI.K,dl Iny* nL W

5 1 - -......................-•‘State st'cnr Ill'S In alllouttEI IniMi M to ft'iiO,

'a miyaiUv first divys nf Ksph-ml-ur,jiixllands u . , liC'i'mta-r. Man-h aiti1,lime, 6ii' JlrtKidsU. riHinu ^uiid ft. b£t

I M loan on BUNIl an dO 1. 'inorlg.ige st ^jierruiiL in Niirusandh>r p^rlu-h to snil llie iHirruwer; mi tHimis nor lonmilsHiun tiacteil : aR jnnewirj' ^npersi‘ reful;y jirep.tre.1, rounselfor At lt«w,?V: Bro&l sL


i’ lr<‘iiimvtii Di>e.

'C o iD H ttIlipr p i l H HW.K FOB U N P A iP T .V XIii OF T il K I •looiisli ji o f FraiikMii for Hi" yi'iif ihv» ho*

Isvii til July IK, laoft. I'biiral.iv, : P. M„at Miiiiary Hall, KrsitKlio, Kwv«, i'oiiii'iv..\, J

it. 4 C D S N iM ill \M.(.■olJHHL'Uirof I'axa*

Dated Jane XL. tMB« lUt

C o 4 t n u b V o u n O *

I O H T-nN FRIDAY AFTERNOON,nu;i!4IT- jhlark' terrier, aluim an munlhs nld. 'oiig hair, thin In itah'beo. A bbural rewnt^A rtl Ite

t « l i fur He rvtniEi lo 666 BitCADelT., ccriiaror J-'iilbHb_____________ ________ ■'411

UHT IH.ACK, W H IT E AND YEU.UW - j ii ilo n d hnoiiQ^dug, >3U reward will be paid

,l/r«luriieil to IK2 W] Li.lA M HT. JX

OrtT-tYlllNKItniHUAl) AND tlJlKKN rt lH. Jlittt nlgMj 4 hrimlle nop wirh nickel it>llsr. wurdatftjf WAbniNli'l^NHT, 4XOsT-U>N TUESDAY, BL.4CK AND TAN

idgx- n;iiTabie reward will le LhibJ i(rotarne<l IIJ-JVI.SUUTH6TM OT. 1*

i jL ru K PLAN8 AND THUCB SPEClFtC/T. ^ lin o s bM , In going from Hpriu'e nt. Ihrough----- .----ig(linuaitl Lo BprlogrteTd .TT-.,LtewarJ uu relura b»«4>C lY U A N eiT.

JiLMr (

1 K t IH.ANK HT, -HOOD BOAHU. PLEAH-X i / J aid Imme COtiifurlB, (At* ) T Q p l a n k s t . PLKAHANT llOOMR ^ 4 O w itii hoard ! all cuiivenlcai'eii, >iiu

Q Q O H IllH ST.-r.ARtJE, FCRNTHllED 4 J O ^ f r o n l riKim, w!t!i l>uth ; anltnhle fur twol^ntlsmvn ; yUb or witiimit I n ird. mX «T .-P L K A K A N T^ 1 ,1 0 wUU buord;Dienla.

_____ ___ iumiMhbath amt all Imnrove-



r-t-_______ ^rnor.OT-FI.RA^ANTFURNlMHKDRt 0M8. 1 all Iront, with tiath. 41 HAOEV HT. V*

fllD I.ET -6 Uf>OMH IN NEW HOUHH. |U. RZ XjiOUrHOKANOE AVK,_________ BXafis o l,Kr~4HOuMl4, AT l> MULBERRY PI* X inquire on prem i sea, ist

r n u L E T -4 I((H>M», RENT MMi. INUUIRK i.ftibUHSEX AVK. 88*

2 FI4OOHH TO I.NTi WITH IY>WF.H. KtjKVA' lor and all mmleni inti rovemenU, In new (so R ry birduig, flitia MuRicrry at. Inquire at

CllAHLIlM nURS'K, tl Itgudlnut ft. llq7>OAtin •flBv'ONDWTOUY FBUNT.ALt.'OVK |>rvH>nUu lei. with or without lioard , i-eii

jo'-niliHj lunrlvatn f.i rally ; f u el l a iihbnrhn Icrmit uoileiaiu. Addreas c . F. W., N oitb e . ___________________ __ _______________ WF

4 IdLKO£ HOOUBIO I FT-RENT111lit ...................... ....... ...lao HP R] N u riK L D AVR»

4 r u o m s t o l e t - id F I/M iR o pIflt . -lOH W A B W K 7S ST*1 > o a h i> - pj.k a « a n t f r o n t b o o m in d k -Jyllghtftil niimner hx'Htlon In Roeevlile ave.; very iviivenifeci tu Newark orNewVurk, ' ' rtrers B., Bnji 1, Kienlng NewsoFUca.1>UAHD-(IUUD BUABl) AND PLEASANTJ > IO . - -

4 ROOMS ON SECOND FI/>OB, NEW* BAY wlndowhou^No-MLONOWOtt'...... ... '

I'ouuiB; one eapucluliy fur man Htt<( wife,euRANOKPri.


tOARl>OAnDlNU-KXPEF.I.F.NT BO.^RD WITH J ftplm-euit roum* for married couules nr single gsnt.-c; tenuH re.iiuuai>te ; no boarifii g-bousefur- LuaJItleai. 647 HHuAD. miiranfo on (^iitt. 49i>X J J C E '1> boank;

a n d n ^ o m * lH a u t« A *UNFURNISHED

Addnwa, SLit- I reut, ORLKs H AKEK, Buz X

IMSLY FURNISHED ; also table board, nt


T>OOMfl W A N T E D - f t XVnMm* (br llatil 1i0uwl«wti!ti>(. Aildnwa, SLit- liigHKitttlnD and reut, DRfcKi” * **’ *' - - - News unM.

1)I,KAKANT FUHNIMIRD HOOKH, WITH nr wiibniit bnsrti: every convenience ! home................ ■ ..... T K i-uiimfuihi AddrsasH HTA'J’K HT.

“IIIXIM AND ^JARD FOR ONE (iENTL&Jkm:mat>4aweidK. 4;BPLa NEhT. nrr i lA n i-R HOARDERS CAN BK ACCOMMO- X datud with guoil board at les PLAN EhT. Z2|

TWO ounllkmkn boXrd ^ In private family. AddreM UOMK,

______ *4sW ANTED

eminui 0, Newsoflfc

f i o t t l * O ltd S t in a m v r V I c a o r t * .J £ A T U A WAV liU U b i; ' ^

DEAL BKACH, NEAR LONG BRANCH. N. JA ftrst-nlas* fbmlly hotel, open ft-gni June U> Fresh tullk and vegeWdea FhRnTlaUi- B'ffny F'Hrm, Fintl-clajs aucomitiodatloui and mudcraieprloM, AddrtsK

'V • W.

S n * t t t i c t t a u .Schools* Bt«.

SnORTHAND-YOUNH MEN ANDLAOrES vraiiledto learn siiorlhand ; private Inatruo tlonoBly.bya uractlcal reporter; }$ years* ez-

pariSDca; no fidluraa; MioaUmiS sn-m^ (br pupils ;isnd (hr list of names of iuiniis In good L>oa1Uons; book and circulara tree. FRANK HAJ tSUN,sl«Bogra|>iiaf* m B r ^ Sk, N•l ,

: - c j O w m . T e

1;v)«fiAI.K-Tlll!IlA.!DKTI)N BIUW'. AMI> ' the New England uLnorje. on easz IL

AfJtlKiR K A I A , soicagt^nw. 11 Acadiumral. I3r

IfiQRKAT.E-PI.tlBH PARIJIH BUIT A N » rntw-dry«clH. gitod a* new; wUl be soM

tuw. C-all s t a W A V hU L Y FL, > 4

Ta OUhaleuh eaf- abou t o sk a c r k SV niimowii grasf. Apply to SYDN EY N. 0 ;DKN.7l!2|lrMul Bt. ' ' o io -w fi-x « -

HALK-FANCY ' nultiiofitave. PIUStJNH, AT IM

I ATH16-FOU SALK CHEAP. A LAlUl* Jiniiie, 2g Foet lung. dcMvtile-baader. awing o f 41 liirhis: siiKaiile fnr a fuiindiy ; nigo a amalliT................... - ___ Uy : ail

lathe. App'iy to DUNDAH. Dll'K A 00.. Ill While Ni’w Ynrk. Tu Iw teen at Harlem Irga Wnrhs, t4iih nt„ near 4tb sve., New York. Mk

0R<lAN-lfif)U HAI.E CHEAP, AUiioon A ItHnilin organ, romviO-'>d caaa.

Addrem UIIUAN, Bo.v M. pews ofh<-e.

1 >iANO-F<HlHALK, V R llY FJaVR K gU A R l PI.MIO; seven oi-in\e«. over>tcuug I'aiA

curved Ii'k*, inmsiinlly Huh IoiiqaikI Iu iterfeoi order ; oSfNl In.t nhurt tlnif; (xwl >37>; wIl (ur Il'Jl ;htivfl no ii!w Fbr it. AdJruai PIANU, Box IL Rsw«uf1h-e, M

I >FANO n m s a j .e - a n k l b o a n t u p * right iiIjiI'O; f.dluble in liter, Inrge M e end

a'l Impnmm-nH , u-*h.i lint Jmnnihi; losiewui e l l Hcnib' l(-a thru one^hHlf: n.u-t be aolA Addri'.-is MUrtii', Kuz Kewsoflk-u, 4y|lifXTAlfUANT AND DAIRY IN NRW J Work CitvfnfMlc Apply lo U.nVD'fSHTOBII AUENC)'. ilruadwity, Now York City.fpHK SrulNUFlKLD KOADHTEU AND I Warwick Wbeels fnr lBdlPf.T,nd ccuta.

New Homes, M. Rin»mH. 12 ACADEAlV ST. ITe

^ ^ r » » ^ j C a r r i a g « » , J tU .

A n KI.liXlAKT NO TfA-aillKHAIl IIIIOOV' nearly new, will In sold at a groai bar^a. Coll at HINIW’S uiuMc abira, 21 JIuiik it, 44f

L'Uil BAI,E-BUBIN»*h. DBAUaUT AND r wurkhuracs comMAiiLy on Imnd. All )inr«H guaranteed to ba a* renra'wntedi or money ra- reuiniwi. a . ciTl-XiUKli, cBy ima, Surlugfield ave,, Newark, N. J .________ . ______

w ^ oo iii___ite171OU HdT.E-CAHHlAOKH AND

' of all klmja N o, T OLl V KB hT,

KXCHANtJIand %2fi L uLriU ave ,

Ha r n w s b - f q h s a l e , t w e l v e h k t bsmgle, aoHOrled frodiw, and one soU a.iL

double liHrness; psQif short lime at Miniplesj will be sold low to cloie out, 8BtUlX>K]*T:Bfe

HOithFli FUR SAt,K AND hy A. U T II’ MIT.

dtahlea >21 and * a L^uin___ . .Cor. LcUeoBt.,nearCannlbrldirartiiOeatralaf«* _____________iq d a 3 JataeaaL.ii, Y*

M ui,ks- foh sa le , a oood tra m o r luu'M. young and aotind; alto cdj'p<'n(ar

wagon. 7 0 U V t f R » T i _______________mI ) 4 hTVBE FOR HORAESl >4 PER MONTH,iM p p ly InrllBMl, HhminFIfldlit JOHN UKHMAN A BFIO. £

P FFAlProN-FOft ___as new. 8BHI1KJKhT.


AH A n o eargolil lisrneaA ~ UTH

YIONVFURBALB^AM PRETTY X tiirj andoajnuitlensakillen.oiilyty and very fiat; Hl.w8ldc*|>sr buggy and 1 prtoeltyi;: the pony la worth |)uu. I3> 1 MABHKTkfl'., I'or. Juck&Oib wm^ K O E IV R IV S SALE,

P. C. flUFTIT, aft receErtr,Appointed hytbeOuunof chHiioeipi tatllaetlii

public atiolion on the prernlae* la it,# rear of 1037 jm O A D ST „ Newark^ N. J,.

OW WhdKFWDAY* fUWB M, 1 » . at 10 o'clock In tbe fbrcnndii, a lot of Horaab Waggiis, Hlelglia, Uani«a8, lUauketa, Lap R ob«4 Whim. Stable UtenftHA etc.

Saft|AMlUr4. TeruQAoaah. ___P. G SMITH.



NR aECQWI>U.AKI> frnFFEWlNd China ftranlad lu good order A. H. ,FAl^ ' ‘ D4 CO.. Market and Congrea* sta. m

W A14TED-TO FU RCHABB A THIOTOUM must ha Id rood order and prioa lo w : ataM

wharaaevn. B L L iNDHa Y ,K a n Orange,

X lN .j . 0|itm ai) the year; strictly fi]suuaUM dirai'ily on the oaiu.!h oppoaile Iron |— --------------------


Thia beautjftil Mountain Raeort ftpaai early In jODe. Bead Ihr (HroBlar.

r a t k b b e d u c k h .«U to f l l pat weak*

X W Aiutsr

r sftrrRD-TO BUY A MI LK AOUTC. OOTl■“*------^., .4v>ra offllOSt IM


*TTirANT_____________________TT chanp. iS. HAJIiIt. J. A. Hava.

I l v « 4 » m « f c t n s *TYRKBSMAEIWO, W m tOuV B W T T tira Wtaaght to Mra W. T. Vaa Zant, Rfi AmLi>*4^nawj aopaymaat nutaa acicoeaiMt osUiniand baSriBf dotM: aJjrapapivpiHAtBsqil ioiDMMBr Ijjfowtgnfaa armtagpa

J t T K E 2 2 . 18?


B .v U » |fi«iichBi«oHT*k« In " th® Show-'A (iUnr®

•ayth Auiyrlc*® ItiliHillXi wUli ■ Tl«lf of Orl»Bt*l

B rule ritU iiD i, (r»l cipoiitian

relrB^baicuti R itb ihem•nil ut10 (iiUoTi

FabIA Jufl® b-—Aivhea U)cf vi*U tba

lionii ou OTtry T»r»nt i[wl nod tislit Bitmly, tho

hniill P'''” ' ' ' * * " 'y po»w»»ii)u, f Ui» uDWCiii'i*d bouse* in the Kuo 4« THtbiioiioo Hara«ioe. lti> Ibni tbittho (»•<• of Ibo Tro*lodyl«i. the buU oftho w U fa m iof InditbAtbt berujllsye of the Aiteo. the Uiut of th* Torur til® lususloni 0( Grceoc nuil Bom*,» „ Jl'ieMutod by the *oytet of ciliMtu, uUvx uul dnnklnf. »■“ * '**•oad lh« d"J- I* fl” * ‘ ' ‘ ‘ y i n leiKil ‘ 0 do duty u tnWot. to tho *r«st lanoyonu of the ised oud tho weih, who CBBot obUIn * ooBt. By payiu* t " « u iu u Indlviduol hBi tho rlybt U. i ehilt from tho opeoing to the clooing of tho b l i ; h « can oqUBlly biro ooveril, »nd .• ik oBootship by fberton bhook, in ombiollB, b b it, or co D «tl It tBto • clothes rick, u I •»* one viillor in hu ihlrt •leoveo put hU coot lod volt On omckiir. blisbooo Bod itfck on mother, kli foot being enoBBod in illppon.

T g l ILlUHtllllTKD TOWER.At S o'clock the tsiowd mitoed round

the ooniril girdea to lee tho colored fonn- le iu ploy. It 1* extriordlniry the little io jofj tho people do to tho young (r iu , tbolhiirorieudtbedoliciloohrubi. H ow •ror, while cloeo q u rte r i ere Ronorat, there le no rough neu, end every one » in |0od honior. rbo Elflel Tower coin- menoet to put on lU " bnooioU ' '—tb it ii, light up ila IH belt*. No better Ide* can he bed of tho mgleaty end swrep of the hese of Ibe tower thin to view tho Im- Eionio ores of lIlummBtioni, eitepdlng fioia buttresi to hutlrou. The towot will on tho present occaiion bring til Itodia- nondi out of the cue. The eenlril dome hurst Into a Biiod of light u If by magic; a dingorlew oonfligratiou; from treeshang oringe eolored Venetiin lamps; be-Ineon ihrulio gleam tike camclliaa tiny nd, white end bias electric Umpi. If only tbo PrinccM Periaade hn1 loaned tho glDgiog I roe end Telklng Bird t Bound tbo grim plou, framing tho basiua of the founUlnA Iho get springi Into rolls of liming ribhonA The tower li jeilouA •0 tbrowi 1 rny ot while oloclrle light on Cnuttfu's fountain group of Kraneo on* lightonine the world which Imparts to tbo maiblo fl;uroai weird and myiterioui tone •f tbo most powerfal olToct.WITCIIISO T n i PBUMATIC FOtlNTAlW.The wood utUiri a chorus of ipprubu-

tiro mutinurs. Suddenly Iboro shoota up a white peak of apray, like the snow- tipped turrou o f tho Alpo playing bide- and-io-iook. Then they cbiiigo color like a chinieleun, to rose, greun, oraoge Bud riolek At ona time a vast volume of Hlagara apiuy, an atmosphere o f water dust;'at another, »|cornuropla pouting forth large bonds ot colored water, while miner jedo modeiUy drop multi-oolored ihewent The crowd can only cxpreia Ita cnlmlnating joy by singing tho “ Mar- teilliiH” The waten are vuisgated by moiU-eolortrd projeeton and the electric limp; each sboar-plpe pouro forth 400 qeuta of water pot lecond. Not to he beaten the Eifful Tower now borate into a flery ftirLitx o f Bengal lights, while on the He de Cyuge an immense roar of flre- werka la heard during half an hour, when the aky bceomea the home for panl- eulorod aura and vast meridians,Grecian linm of beauty, o f flame, sparky roscltea and devicet.

ORMTEiL AUEEICAN EXHIBITS If the visitor deatcea to make a cheap

voyage from Mexieo to T o m del Furgo, creaaini the equatorial loncAaod to acquire • knowledge o f tba natural riebneta of tbeaa eonntrlea In mlnerala, raw producta and natlvi minnCactareB, be ought to let ant from the Eillbl Tower. Thanks to pkna ew relief mapa photographA modeli, ■tatlitjcal tables made eaey, ceaiomos, types af honaea, flgurea of natives, one cau be Ikmlllarised not only with extinct civlll- iation. bnt with all the actualities of mod- aiB wants, scholaatio, Industrial, cominer- idtl and agilculturaL lu 1973 Ceiilril and Sontbem America occupied only 4,700 •qnara yards of space; the toul lupcrflclet la-day is exactly four times greater. Un­able to meet the deininds lor space the coDmiltlourn granted slUa, where some eonnlriea, Heiico, Bruit, the Argentine Bepoblic, etc., have erected special pavll- lonA recalling national architecturo or alnractcrlsticA. Tbooe stnictnrea after the cloia of tba show wiU be taken down sod n-orecled in thoir roapective capitals The Mexican pavilion la modatled after an Aalae temple—the moat ancient typo o f Mexican cisilintlCD. It is 230 feel long and fltty high. It haa a grand entrance by a flight of steps, with ornamental flgurea recalling tba facnndlty of the earth and Ika gods of Mythology. Tho struclura ■nggasta a cloaed iron prison ; the walla asa covered with signs o f the deadest o f langnagas. And to think of the rivers o f blood that ouea flowed to aneh places from human aacriflcaa. The freicoaa luaida and the flttlhgo o f tba cuaa are very remarka- Ua.

Tha Aigentina Bcpubltc haa united all that la rich in Color,|carautie, enamelling ■ad artlatle iron for Iti pavilion. The dacoraUon la, porhapi, a lilllo too gandy. Al night tha whale atrnctura Is a blaaa of rod and green hull'a-ayaa, and,, the effect prodnoad la vary cnrlona. Braiil haa a palace three aloriaa high and surmounted by a vast cupola. Ita " ground!" are ad- B inbly laid unt; It baa how enof btlsa, a taka that will be heated to grow gigan­tic Tletoria Segiae, and quite a rpmantic labyrinth leads Up to a ecnaarvatory ot magnifleent orcltidA

PATllIORE or THR BXPUBLICB.The pavilion of the Equalor rcpnhlle

la ana o f tha prettiest In the whole eoamo’- polilan fair. Ita arcbltacture la extraor- dlnaiy, and quite true to nationality. Its prednets are well classed, not pili^ latetber. It is from this country, It aacma, that all the Panama hats are im­ported. It aends even wine and bear, haaldat vegrtablea, Ivory and embroideries. The Veneaucls palace la a charming Loula XVUi itruclure, gay and aedneing. Its ICTCgolaritiea even are amusing, It fa •graaably aurroundad with flowers, shraha, and tha greauast o f grass. The In- tartoi is flttad up after tha palia o f the Bpaulsh construcliooA at once freah and ehaerftal. Full o f inlareat, from ill pretty woods and attraotive daaigna, is the pavll- loB of Nicaragua. It* roof is very orig­inal and covered with ornamental tiles, pleailng In color and graceful In paitern, p i* Kepnblle of Onatamala wai gmong the •rsfto accept tba Invitation o f tha PrenoU ^varam entto tend uhlblta, ami tliefa foBiii parhspe, one o f the moat cnrlona col- sactlona la tha whole show. It haa a bar,

van taste tha most agreeable w e t t n i the most grateful oup o f cocoa The build hig comprliea a ground floor, and an upper story with larracoa and VeiandsA In vamiabad tad and yellow woodg inUnpartsd with colortd ceramlo Which imparl* a charming fraabnaia and harmony to tba whole.

AH ODD DOKBIHATUM.Vlaltori wonld,do wall to examine tbeaa

American rag Iona, M they, along with tha far East exhibits, fo ra tha real orlginil Mtnrei, the novcUIai, o f the fancy falx, ■vary alament about them la In anch ooa, triat with Enropaan onlputa. The Bi- pliaads daa Invilldaa h u a eolJecllon o f nmplasoftha extreme East, The more II1* vliltad tha moro woadcra it diaplayt Ton Aaat in tba n i* dn Otlre; teka a tblm- h a-enp o f colTq* In the Hoorlib ca fe; a tuaaofbaarlB tha Hnngarlan Oaarda; A Bquor glaii o f enranoR In thafavanaaa Kanapong; anevaj tha bnl« o f a Cooge TlUaga j obaaiva that Oaniqua from Sew Wadaasm calmly aaiokini bla pipe before uadoororh ia bangalow, u ha thinks o f hli cBnaibsd dtpA Red aigba at the paaeara- ^ a* many axoallant roast Joints lost •or avar. Th* ToaqinoaeMaasuly.; jaaw

that they have got over nina bontaa, ov piteali, that daily offlclala in In full aioar- dotals In a temportry pagoda they may benoine more cbocrful. The journala lug- gcat that Jnlaa Ferry, who is a free­thinker, ought to attend that place of worahip and try If It ran blot oot hia poillicsl iniquities. 1'ha only other people that ioilolge in ro- Iigiuui cirrriaea on the Champ de Mara are the Egypllana As the auu dliippear* behind the hcriaon the cafFS In the rue du Cairo tsc longer heut tha deftskAAoSi whose hisurre uole* float rhylhmlaai and at iiaasrsl In lha minant of Kiid-lk'y ! iho nn-al twang of tho Muexxin is Uuird, chanting, "La illab ila Allahl Uohammrd rcsoul Allah!'' The French say this a eupplicatlon for the English to quit Eaypt. The Aaoimites. who sic marked favur- Ilea, have atarted Iheir vehicles, cillod poassss-poassaf, in oppoaltion to tbo Bath chain. Tbeaa posuirs poasscs carriagaa area atnallgig with a linco hood, wheie a native lakes the place of a quadruped be­tween the shafb; he wears a mush room- ahtpcil straw bat. and a blouse ornamented with the aigna of the Zodiac. He always kacpi drawing, unleaa you know tha Indo-Goincse language, ot perhaps Vola- puk, to tell him to atop. An elderly lady took a seat la ona of these flacroa a few eveningi ago; she was eheojod aa tba Queen of Madagascar, and gnntlcDro took oT their baU •• Her Us|eaty passed by. She made frantic efforts to got down, and bit tha Anuamiie with her parasol to atop, which made him go the Taatar. 9ha Was getting aa rad aa a toroata whan last seen.

Among tho many noveltlot In tills estaiit Ksrokiis, was a concert of m i Chlnaia music, of morcaani, cnmpuud 1,200 years hefote the Christian era. Xha concert was given at tbn Body luitihite, that beadquaitcrs of intotnational novoltira. It was preuedad by an Interesting lecture by Oourral Tebang-Ki-Tong, tha Secretary of lha Chinese Legaiioa at Paris, ou tho contemporary lUcrature of Chios, The music was very pleasing. swoet and rac- ludiouB, recalling a little Irish melody while the lecture was racy, anccdotical and piclurcsqua. Wa are only begiuuiug to know tba Celestial Eiupirt.


Into » tl»ver«f«.rrom (be ( ’hiuftM Heooriier.

WIuc making li said In bare forthoTuands of jrtan ttefore tho Introduction

fdialilling. The proceM ii Rlmple. Gin- tinoua rice, or hoang-ml, la placed over a fire ib a large Iron pRP ami wftouod with warm water, it la niAde Into athick, atviid ■ott o f gruel. This ileeped rice h placed on a table wilb niaed edgea to prevent tJie fluid from oveiflowiog. Over the rice, when in tbii tlate, the leaven to aid fer® tnenlatitin iiiprinkled, Tbo whole li then mixed and roaahfd wilb an iron muber and reuiaini in a largo aloueware ]ai fur aev- •ral day a, i f ibo wine la deairud to be of a •weet tute two dayt ate enough ; -but for wine wUhuul iweet laabe four or five dayi ; are required. To make the iccond kind o f wiiiQ stronger the Cbineeo brewer often adds Apirlt. After all this tbe wine. aoUd and liquid partr together, li placod lb a cloth bag, and tbia goce inio a pressing choitaF wood called cha, tbe wine preae. A heavy atone preases It duwn and the wioe flows out from a sort ofteapot ipoiit in tbe side of tbe prese,

Tbe recoaiDdcr of solid matter ia called t#an. and is used to feed auiiuals or ai a ferment, Tbe method of dutilUng was Introduced in the Yuen dynasty. To the wooden cyllndei which hulda the millet there are three covers. The outer and upper one (^otaina cold water and keeps tbe iccond one cool to eoDdenie ibe aplrit. The ipirit riael from tho softened red millet below, which has been under manipulatum for tevenl days, and paisea through ibe first cover to the second. It here becomes condensed ami flowi duwn the sides into a triangular trough, which reoelves U and dellven it from a ipont. Will lams and Morrlion^s dictionary and L«gg*i rlaulcs leein to have been complied with the ImpreMion that the Chinese praotised diatillatlon in ancient limea. This is an error, Tbe Chiuew only kuew tha oidlnarj process o f fermenbatioo, _ _ ___


Colervd Men ^Vhuss Trade llaa DeoHaetlbnt Who Can mU Mish* livellltiMtls

at Jl»lirepiug Uu'uidnm Out of She Work-F-lilletiiiicrs Ainhl •Soot.-

Five relics of by-guno days, when Kew® ark uilacns depended for fuel almost eo* tirely upon wo< , still,Cl 1st in tlie sbiipe of cimnney swtepa 1'licir buiinoM hM alnui«t died out, hut tho five men who iiitl keep H up manage Uicke out livelibuudj. Ibe beatlquartcrs of tbe men Is, ai a rule, on the canal bridge at Uroud ilrf«et, but they can be found likewise un Mulberry and Uocbanic tireeta Tho survivura of the prolmior, 111 colored, are lleury Musbrow. lienis ripsico, Jubn Smith. Thoniai Taylor and Henry Belting. All have been In the busiumever since they can remember. They sMlI manage (o •oenre about halfadoson cbimuejs a week each to clean.

Coal ain't wood, aoJ It don't nsks loot like it ought to/' said ooe ol tbe cleaners, *'bat more ehimnpys are really footer to day than years ago when 1 was a boy, and the old man used to let me down wilb a rope from Ibe roof. There was fuu In It lomrlltnej, 1 remetnWr tesring a woman almost liilo fits once by beuaciug into the room through tbs Arepisoe, aud many'i the extra *Ap* or 'levy* I've picked up by ker>piu| quiet about things 1 beard and law that people didn't want their neighbors to know nf."

T i l t aWRKp's OLD-TIKX OLORY.Id the old days the " sweep " was an

fusUtulion by himself. He ut^ to ai-are bad boys late the ways of the rlghteons, and wei depended upon for half tbe gusRip of the towe. Dsg or little he wei always sure of bis applejack around the tavern stove at niKht, wbi're be related the pcf'* ional affsire of the cltixcns who bad hou* ored biTi) with thulr patronage dunug ibo day. Tbo oldest itagurs remaluing of those who did the work iu the days of wood flros ire Smilb. Fipsicu and Mu«h- row, wliilo the olhtrs aro somewhat youuger.

'Chimneys don't get full of soot now as Jim told you," mid oae of tbe men. “ but they do gel choked up all tbo a»uie. You see tbe flues are a great deal stnalliT tbsQ they uitd to be, aTid a good diral of Ibe bricklsvlDf is mighty flimsy work. Tbe cual soun cate away the half® mixed murtsr around the lop and down comes a brick. TbE'O tbe stove or hbalor woiil draw, und aficr fouliug with a stovo-

a we<‘k or two they scud for us. If ihero'i a brick or two gone from tbe top we know wiutVi tbe matter, and go for U, SometlmeA it shuts a smalt flue nearly off, and It's only e wondrt that people don't smother iu winter from gas."

Two men an required to dean each chimney, the work uklng from an bout to half a day, ecciirdiog to tbe amount of labor required to loosen wedged bricks aud carry of! ibe white lAbcs. which In some lustaucos hardenuutil they attain almost tbe coiisislcucy of stone. Tho lowest price charged for each chimney U $2.50. and from ihal figure to $4 or |'1,90,

A CLOSE OOnrUHATIOlf.The '‘ iwecp^." while not members of a

lalrar union, are clannub, and owing to the smallncsi of their numbers iu Newark, have mooagcd to slick together and keep the tiiulo of Lbe city liailLed to five. No

Yorker” or man from oula dh Newark itAuds much cb&uce of Joining the syndi® cate. Lie is soon gtvcu to amlorstAnd that the field orumploymont is limited and that there is do nioin fur more. The regulars bavD tbdr routes and eeem to know in some mysterious way when and where work Is to be found. No cut under

allowed in prices and they work together in barmony. Two of the tu«n, after long yean of servire, baro maiisgrd to save quUo snug Little Rums of boril CMh against the day when age or phyilcd disability shall compel them to lay a ide tbe brush and sack and quit the work of desoeLding the square boaei of brick and mortar.

t h i ^ h e f o h o n e

( u i n n n n n f U T f i n n n n f i n m

Tliica dulUra’ wotlli of iiiia rlothiiiq for ft in money ; that's wliat you con gel al this great sale. Uot-wealher flolhinB almost given away. Ovat two thnu-ennl (V !,O 00) Raarsucker lUtA liliwet Coat* amt Vcrtl* at ulDaly-aight (IMi) rent* ; worth three (lolUrs (f;l). Fltloen hnmlreil (1 ,5 0 0 ) Silk AtFaea Coat, al If 1 .5 0 1 worth fl.75. Five Immlreil odd tinmmer Vesta, all Vimlfl at twenly-one (21) cento. Four hundred Rml fifty flneel Silk Molult, Fongco snd I'rap d ’ Kte Ooata End Vesta at l|t‘J . 5 0 ; worth |7.50. Over rlx hnndtod (GOO) Oflice Coota at twenty-lour centa (2 4r '.) Come Fm Ij . Uon't lirlAy. Everything wilt go rapidly At Blity-dvc centa (05< '.); worth

Silk Molult, Fongco snd I'rap d ’ Ete Ooata End Vesta at f|l‘J . 5 0 ; worth | noma at once. llarsolUiM vwta, forty ennta ( 4 0 f . ) ; worth |1.50. Fancy Striped and Linen Duck

Heavy Linen Duck Fauta, furly-niuo ceuU (4W c.); worth $1.75. Twelve hundri'd Hoys I’soita Icll yet at UsWii coata (1 5 o .); worth |1.VesU

Be cautious, be careful, make no mistake. The only genuine Bankrupt Assignee Clothing Sale in America is now going on at i:8 Mulberry Street, corner of Market Street, Newark, N. J.

Through the sm ashup o f one o f the Largest clothing houses th e entire stock has been sent here to be sold, and everyth ing is going a t 3 0 cents on the dollar, and th a t is all the assignee w an ts fo r the goods. T h is sale continues fro m d ay to day until th e en tire stock is sold. •

DON’T D ELAY I COME A T DON'T M ISS THIS CH ANCE I >You can get th ree (3 ) dollars' w o rth o f clothing here fo r O n e D ollar in m o n ey . T h e stock consists only o f th e f in e ^ and

highest class o f T a ilo r -m a d e C lothing fo r M en , Youths and Boys. T o prove th a t this is a Genuine B an k ru p t Assignee C loth­ing Sale , how could w e nam e such low prices fo r Fine C lo th ing and sell it ? W e challenge^ any regular c lo th ing store in A m erica to sell c lo th ing a t th ree (.3) tim es these prices. In o rd er to show w h a t te rrib le sacrifices a re m a d e , a fe w prices are m entioned :

Men’ s Ribbed Cassimere Pants, 59c.; worth $2.25.Men’ s All-Wool Fancy Striped Pants, $ 1.75 ; worth $6.50.Men's English Tweed Spring Cassimere Suits, $ 3 .5 0 ; worth $15. Men's Fancy Cheviot Cutaway Suits, $ 5 .5 0 ; worth $18.

Aiul liiimli'i'vl.i of oUuT biiigiUii.s ( ciiniKit Iwi iiifiiUuii.'il iiKHKiy niliiniL'd. No troiiMo In mIiow gouiis. I’olih* siile.siucii

tuKo llmt YOU got' <0 dll' light iihiro. No Itramli mIoh'‘ Rii

Young Men’s Nobby Sack Suits, $6 .5 0 ; worth $20.Fine English Diagonal Dress Suits, $ 7 .2 5 ; worth $ 2 4.Fine Prince Albert Corkscrew Dress Suits, $ 10 ; worth $35. Youth's Cassimere Suits, $ 2 .7 5 ; worth $12.50.

tiling wiinaiiti'd iw,q wlii’th'T you hny

nibti Ke,flBMi.OiK) Oeuu’ine iaiiliMiiit Assignoo diolliiiig


liiTt*. Ciill ami roiiviiico yoursoir, in ;iltt'iiiianii>, who will show you ('omiopicd wilh this gnut nalo.

Sail’, ('ill' only sah'snuiiiia are locali'il iu lluj largo Inii-k bnihiings


ropi'camitod or tha or not. Mako no

MULBERRY STREET,CO R NER M A R K ET STR EET, NEAVARK, N. .1 wherein we fail to do lui we udvt''. (>]h>ii evenings

i ’artiefl oideriiig goods l»y mail will iilease

Ihiildings roveri'd with large red .signs, niilil ti o'clock. Saturdays until 11 ]Mj,sf money older.

All goods sold at llie piires named, o'dork.

$. ,1)00 reward

Wbftt Stioatd IW Don« for Cattle »ed U orRei* C o m fo r t In Sanom er*

Prom the Pr«irle Firmer.ThroQfihout Ibe We«t tberft ti more or

ess a petl of flies Id lummor, la tbe pnl* no reftioD there ere the gieon heads, and near timber the deer flies, both veritable bloodsuckers. Tbe warble fly^lhe large black warble flies that deposit thair eggs on hacks of cattle aad honaa—era also not onij annoying at the time of oya-poiit- log, but painful and debllitatiog M the laivB grows. The bot®flies, that deposit their eggs oo tbe limbe and on the breasta ofhoreei, occasion much anaojance to tbe stock.

The genml means of avoidance of all these disabilities Is a dark pUCfi to which ibe animals rosy retire when oot feeding, aud especially that aitloiBli dnHng flyilnae be allowed to pasture eight and morning, and, In fact, all nighi when posaibLo. Where ibe fitei are very bad we advise that ai: stock be driven to dark stables frooi 10 A. H. until 4 P. M., even at tbe exr>euse of giving them cat forage during these bourj.

Anotbor thing the careful feeder will do cl 1 to observe is to pay atrkt aitcnlioo

that stock have acccM to water at all tiroes, or at loMt at staled luturvala, that they may nevor get thjrily. Animals are very much like men in the matter of drinking. 8ume days they seem to require very Hule; other doyi they Uke what may s^ro an Inordinate quantity. Novar® tbeless, when required, the water should be tccbSNiblo, and this In line with tho trite saving: “ A merciful roan is mercirul to hu boast,'* __________

Hoval Hemody tor Kheumatlsm*Frotn tbs floilOR Qlobo.

Give me two Inrire oelskina,*’ said youug woman who entered a North End drug' •lure at tbo Uma a OUibe mao hapi>onod (o bo quvnohlDg bis tbirti as tbe soda fountain.

iSelskins I" said She Otobe mao to the clerk, when (ho youni lady had loft with borpuf' chase. » What dost the want of eoisklnsr'

” RheumatBm,” sild the drug durk “ Ycai'd be rtrphsed at tho number of people wbo uao eOlikiMS fur rbeuinatdtCL I km>w an old roan whooe arms and legs art completely strapped with them, and he bcllevoa ibat shey prolong bli life. We have rooro or leu cell tor shum, but I undersuDd that uptown stem don't keep thoiD, alltjotigb once In a wbLIettieircusioiuera lak for (hem. Wo got our iklni or a Hsh dealer on Allaiitlc avenue, lie purchases rroro South Boston people, wbo loU She skinned eeli for food, and whet) tho iklna are dried, aelUhem (0 various cintomeri, In many of Sha fish sioros on AllaiRle avenue you will see a buucb of Ibo skins euspended from the wall by a bonk. They are very oily and eoA, and while 1 don' Uke much stock In them, numbenof peopLe have implicit faith in them. 1 am told (bat Uierois a Qorroan lantily In Bouth Bolloa Ibat lalU iheso eaiikloi to raricui people forouib- out tbo United fitatoi and rcaliaei atnug tiulo inoonte therefrom.

W A IFS AJfD V A G A RIES.Salt Lake has lost nine per cant of Ux

taUuw la'sbs last Are getts.It Is tstiinaled that r n in r day in

alt, of 200,000 [leopla klUa t£,000 HCWtU trade.

Tha tea lisl ol Loa AiiBclas, Cal., flll" 400 oclumns of oonpsitll Ifpe. B li s ismnsnt Dt a bunud tnum.

Up In Baikahtra Connty, Mass., the raUlssnate Is bunted every nnaaier for bis oU, wbteb someclnies kicbee K an nunca.

The man whn have sneoaaded In gal- Ung alslmi In OklstiOBia are called '‘ Okie- botnen,® sad these vrlio haven't irs raterrsd to ts " Oklthomalsia"

Five linndred women In Taklo and Yokohama bsva snhaetlhed to a Bind iat the puiGhtse of a tundsoma Bltfla to be pnsaDtad to Ihs EmprrM of Isfun. ^

Tha skateton of the btrgcst'qlephRnt ever killed in India Is lo be ailmoiad aad aant Id tb« mhHua St Madraa Tha ikslelsin la ax‘ aally tan feel six limbai la balght.

A acientlst has dlsoovarad that a solid e)katratyii* ilka glass l| a bailsj aoad«|^ aiMirtcliy nben in a oondiiloa oftensfoii strain Hun nbaa tna hna lUitn.

A flRv and wealthy widower of Bath, Ma, vho triad to dye tats grlsstad bair and whi^ei* blank, bnt Insuad toinad tbaa sky blue, baa ast baon lUa to go oouriint Hqaa. .



Baohrnpted the Fakir.Od the aide lot near tho Forepaagh

grounds on North Bniod street (bore woe a IkJrir CD Wednesday whose outfit consisted of Ihestaktaod ring aamei. says ibe Pbllodci- pbiaNewi. Thliblmple and enuemg aniuse- meot ii played as fuLIoiii: The slake la placed Id tbe ground at 1 oeitain angle, which leads (be uiiluitialed to believe tbii ii Is easy to throw (he flve-iacb rings over It, wbiTeu tbe feet is almost lmi<os'ibie.

Tke fakir bod a crowd around him and was raklag lu the diDiiw^ihice “ tries'' for ten

a black®mu9iacbcd. middle- sized (non wsllcod up oiid said hti'd bet a dol­lar ho could put ibroe out of five over tbe Blsko.

The fkklr winked at ihe crowd and took tbe iin up. Tbe black •niiisiached otranger

tbrew five rings rapidly one alter the oibor, and aa thrtH of ibem were on the stake the ihroaerweslu uincly cents. They doubled bclsBtid (he stranger woo again. Then they bet tld even (bat mue rings out ot the first ten ibruwn could Dot bv put over (be stake. The whole leu sellk-d sah'ly, and (be fakir, u be hsuded liO in silver oVur, said :

I'm bn>ku ; wbftl’l your busInPM?*' i'tn a dUtributur at the postf fllcc,’ ’ iiid the

ring-thrower. " Idon'i do euylbliqi but Ulng p«]«r9 aUdajr Long Into tbe moutiu of fifty sacks.” ____________ ______

Travolliiig Id Ancient Day*.From ChatlL'rlfOX.

In tbe reign o f the ^mporor Theodo­sius (who died K. D. 8TI11, a magistrate or high rank bad Id goon important husUieat from Antioch lo i'oniiaotlDoplo. lie begun hia jour- ury oueeTCufog about uusei, aud by lUe time tbo BUD went dowB tbe next day be wu la rappodocia, 166 miloe Irom Antlocb. On tbe sixth day, BiM'tU nooD, he was at bis Journey's end. Tbe whole dlalance travelled was 045 tmlct. Houses were erected on tbe great high- wayi at Inliirvaii of aljoul six nilioa, and each was provided with forty bonies. Those ouly who bad sn tmpcriel rnandtlo might use thC' e bnnii'i, liut wtih their help It was easy to travel a bundrod (utltis a day with comfort. Buppoe® log, now, ■ great general itatfjiiFd at Newcastle bad l>eon olillged lo niTalr to Jcrit:«olcTD, ho would have found au excellent rtiod Ibe whole way. except where It was Inierruptt'd by iLe Engihb chanDuh Ibe A1|ji and tbe AdriedCa lie would no IbUT! Nowcaatle, York, Luadoo, Bfui'lwich, Bouloguo, nheI1D Lyons, Ujlaii, Ruiue, Bruodtuluiu, Dyrracbluin, smj eo ecrcni ttie Adnatio to CcnslBbllncpIe. ibenc* to Aiicyra, Tarsus, Aadoeb. Tyre tind Jeruulem. In all LOW Komtu, or S,74U Kngtiih miles.

«Ona Man's Meat Aitnthar*e Potson.8!r J. Oorat said io the EiiKlieh

llaroent (be other day, to lltusttate the ancient Iruth that " one mau'i meat U encehar msu's potion," that be was once severely crcas*ex- amlued by a par<y of New Zeeland chlels who bed strong views on ibe depraved Ecgilah bebll of rating what ihuy caikd dfuajod cbee(«. Ho might have rurtbet elucidated Iht proverb with a iotii list of ealablMt la which we de­light, but wblob cerUlD savagoa cannot even ojoutloQ without i feeling of repulsloo. A while ago Dr. Finsch saw hens scntichiDg iroaod In New Quinea vlllaaes, and loomed that Ibe dumottlc fowl is good lor nothing ex> cepi fbaiberi, The netivet eoqld hardly ooo> eelT« that husaen bslegi weuM eel such s ertatiire. stid ibe bare id«a of lunching on eggi was enough to make a ruspsetable Papuan ill. ChickeD leaibon, however, panicuiorly of while, be Ightened iba ebarroi of tha Islr lai when tasUiy dispoerd lo their abundant frlues, tad so, Biter all, thcoe gentle birds were not made wholly in vatu.

prayer o f aa Emraeat Lever.llfiplesi, alone 1 stands (Hve me your trand

T/*pd me icroai life's turmcdl and desreir; Take me eway lo Love's sweet blosaom land,

Out ol this derknen Into light end air,Olya rne your band to wander ibrougb mf

hair.To pass snofli my forehead ; lei It touch

My Mpi Jtut onco, that murcotir yon ore few And tender. Bwaet I 1 do net ask for

ffiueit IGive me your band t

Midnight has closed me rouad. Give me your


That I may wake toue Ilfe'ilOTaliDeai,And goie Inio a mirrored paradise,

Where we may wander on, no leso, do U Dive me your eyes that X may look

ibrough,Unfold your sonb discover bow your heart

Trtm bles at love's ewokeDlug. Ab, yooi*You w lUbe merelfol 1 Krt 1 deport,

• U Ire me your eyes IBehold your suppliant 1 Give m« yoar hdut I

And that Is in It that li vary pure.Your woman's saBotny, the-oimaterpait

Of tlfu Ihot an^la glra ffia ibat endure; OiVa me your heoxt, that 1 may eet It nmod

With pesMs of prayor, and raekcles rvelte Of d*tp IhankiflTfiife Let me llBfJ Tva found

A way tt peoca out of llfa*i darkeoMe nlgbij Give me yoiw. brwrt 1 v

—Onwfif Apott hi AMWfeo.*

Little Folks Who ilnre Got BJg Batarles for Actings

From the plilstMirg Diipaich.Smee LIUlo ENie Ise.ille Lyd* made hfr-

self tho pftt of Neff Yurk by her perform- aoce of " IslUle txord Fiiuntleroy," Mrs. Fr;$ncci lludgwun BanuU's youthful hero, ooDsiderablc allenliun bos l>een attracts to tho drsmsilc perfijriuauces of children iu generiils How fur children are suarcpli- bie to dramnlic training, and whaber dramatic talent or genius Is permanently Injured by the atloiuptio develop ll iu childhood, are quesllona now meeting with much dtecuriiun, while mors than ono manager, anxious to duplitsLe little Elsie's aucccBs, has in training some pictiy pink chenib whom be eontempLaies bringing out os a star, and to fit whom he ta having a play written, just t i Mr. Vincent Crum* rode employed Nicbotis Nk-kicby to con­struct one to fit tbe pump and tubs be bad puFcbved at an auciioQ sile.

Though the general opinion heretofore bsi nut been faviirnble to "Infsiit I'bo- nomeoon " and “ Juvcnilo Prodigiw,” and though the Intere'iting fact remains that Id tbe tfaestrlcal profession, as in every other walk o f life, precocious childhood seldom develops into brilliant manbGLHi or womanbood, yet many of the most dli® tiogulihed aclors and aclrcsses of that iii- defloite period—“ the olden time " - o s well os several of our own day, ijegan their professiuoal career,not only in child® fauud. but in lufancy.

Theatre goers of tbo present day tro orcustooicd to sea dramatic babies person > ited by large dolls ao enveloped in wra|H3 that tbeir faces aro Invisible. There' was a time in tho old days of stock coropanies when a gninagfr wriuld no more have thought of prodiidtig a play in wbidk one of tbe characUTS whs od iDfaot without a live wcll-Bpricg of pleasure than bo would of having the principal male ebsracter played by a Uilor'a dummy. There was DO trouble in procuring Iwbius in tliose days. Every theatre had * settled oom* paiiy, and if none o f Its nieiuhcri could boast of an infant, there was pretty' sure to be a doorkeeper, stago car]»euU-r, scoite ihiftey or rouBician who could.

There Is scarcely a prominent setor or actress now in tbe profe)>8ioTi who Isa Tuerol>er o f «n old theatrical family hul has been carried uu the stage sji tin; iufitnt in **Mr. and Mrs, rcUr WIjIw'.” '* I’ho Swiss Cottage,” ” The M»riqer'i! Compas*,” or.iom eof Iho other ^uiucroui obl*tiiue pieces in which a baby li roado to play a prominent part. Every one of tbe cbd> dren of the lute E. L. Davenport—Funny, Lillie, May, Edgar L. and llarry~thu» made his or her firnt appearaure on any stage at ft very-early period c f infantile existenoA. 8u did Efiio Edslcr and her mother, Effle Murray, before Her, at Ibe Wftluut aireet TlicaUc, PJiiladtdiiliia, where her father, John Murray, was stage manager for many years. The children of tbe great Junius Brutus Booth were all made to do duly iu this way, aud old ” Uncle** Jobu Cllsler, tbe veteran srtnr : and manager, laughs heartily when he tolls bow Ma&tcr Edwin Bonili kickud and tcreatned when ha was earned ou—at tbo age o f three months—as the infaut iu ** Mftdrlaine, the Belle of the Faubnrg."

Joseph JefloriOD tells mo that tho first instance lu which he ever knew ati aril' fiolol huby tu bo auhslituLed fur a real one was at Charleston, H, C., in 1B53. It was before he itrnck the big bonsnxo, " Blp Van Winkle,*' and he was playlug a round of ecceutilc and low comedy ebarseteri, ilde(i by bia first wife, Maggie Lockyer, a very clover miibretle. The baby wbu was to appear In tbolr favorite farce o f " Mr. and Mrs. Deter White‘'•was sudileuly taken III and os it wh found Iropossibie to procure another on abort notico a dummy or “ property ** baby bad to be auMtituted.

It Bometimoa happened that tbe only babies obtainable would not tamely subrolt to be carried into tbqg1a(eorihe fuutllghla, but would protest atthetop of their voii-es to iuob an extent ta tu Interrupt the dia­logue and prevent tbe audience from en­joying tho play. Then the ' ‘ property'* baby would have to be subsiltukd.

At length, finding that Ibis kind of in- faul ODtwerod ovary purpose, tbst the piece* seemed to go |ott u well, and tbut the spectators seerord Jnat as well pleased ft* wh4o live bibles, which were Infinitely more troublesome, were used, maDagen dloarded the Utter clos*, and the property baby reigned snpreroe.

At length, when no live bablei hiTe been seen oo fhe stage for many years, it occurroD lo KftU Clsarton tbe old custom-IjilRAin VUtyt might pw-^w^blgbly aM.facttVO

' uoYMty to theatre-goers of the present generaUoD. 'Accordingly she tried tbe experiineDt when she produced Double Morrlige** in this city In the foil o f 1879 Tbe resaU proved that ake was right, ttkO real live baby making the most proBoaom^ kit o f the plcoe. When Dave

Brlasro and Jumca H^arno hroq^tht out Ihrlr "Honrts nf Chk" in the of1 ^ - ^ , they follows! Misa Cluxuui’a f I'tmpip, anil a livo baho w»s mailo the mo t pruminent feature of tbe play, wbicli it slill conlimres to In', and tbvrn have lieen many uth^r jiiri’4'9 of lute voari In which ri's! Imbius bavo burug a prumiutut part.

S'agc bahios often earn exeeUrnt sal- sri« , u.'iually receiving from $10 to $?0 P»t week, togrihpf wUlt their extN'DscH and Ihoie of their mother or otht'i relative who travels with them. Thus roauy an iiifanviltt actor or actrres supports a whole fomily. The*e infauta m* the pH of tho entire company, and no fleet-foolnd raver,

I IIKN m ’TIwKR AH UK H.A (Jucei-luoklM ii; M nii w (t)i a A la h ilt f a c o

I am] ttana riiUM I'hmikifi.I WoKhlngtou r<ir rh]la4lt*lpliiH IIvk'gM.I At srvnriy yrsr* of age UiilLi-r in a stout,I purTy wIk»hh unhymnirliival llgurv,I e<i|.4<M-U]]y when hu is iststjding, stranguly

remliidi you of the late llvnry Wanl I ileevher'i. Einmohow his way uf nIhuiIuik i ' up is almost exurtiy like ll)V-t-hii's. His

head Is hke Ikujainin L''i»iiiiii1ni’s, fur i whom bo was iDimrd, m FriiNklin luoka ! I In the <*otiventU)nai porlrHit. U m large,

valuid at thuusaiids of pounds r.-r dollar*,4i and oiitercd fuc (hu Drrbyorthe Futurity, rl is more solir-ilouBly and carefully prooiiied, I watehnl ami gusrile^l.

ridldren wbo pDy rpeaklng parfa often reeqive higher suiarioi m»ny ulilF<r | pvrfurmers. A liKln g rl named French, ! wbo played the child AfMdelainu in " A CelehraU'd ('Hse,” ahen it was first pro- ; duct'd at tho Union 8qu»ro Thealro in tho I season OMB77-78, nTidveil asaluyofyTTi per week. This lIUIo l;Mly mado at that | timo fiiDy bh groat a ^uvrees on that achieved hy liulii FslHo Lydo iu '* Liitlo * Isord Fauntleroy." ________ j

COUKIliWV TO WOMKN. ]Why It Is That Hoys (Irow Tp lo III- '

mnunvreri anti iFrom Youlb’i (ouipou ion I

(Vuirtcsy to woman yoirng ami oh), should lie a p&rt of every buy'shutne train- ' Ing. Without It he is likely lo bo bocMi^b j and selfl-ih; and a rude, overhearing ' brotbor aud sou is m danger o f dcvcluping ' into an eiactinpi diacourlcous Inishand. He ii likely to iH'lung to the clasH of hoys who come into the huuic and say to thciir si»t4‘r « : .

*' litre, Mary, jou've got Iho chair I !H- waya like tu ait in, and Katble h&. tho piH>er I WJinl 1 I et me have Ihcin !*'

flo reveivei the chair and papfr whh- oiit ft wurd of thanks, am! rhtn snvN;“ Tbcre'i a biiltoc off roy oveicuat, and I want one uf you girls to put it on befuro murnlDg. Mary, ruu and gvt my alippors.”

His hat and glove* aud overroat hiive liecD thrown down in difTvrvtit pints of the rooro for liis mother or H ler lo pick up and put awHy. Ills umtlier COTDCi into Ihe ro«»in, and be says: "l.'en't Slipper hiual rv^dy T I’ui half-^liirvid 1"

" It will lie reftrly iu a feiv utNutcje," bis mother replloi.

"Well, 1 wish you'd hurry It up."At the table hols served firRl. and nt*

wayi Jim the beat of everythiug, a cuurno well Cileulated to fontor his selllifimosi and autocratic tendeDViui.

In hii own home ho ii a «nrt of desp >t. He feels that bis personal cuiiifiirt slmnld be the chief end and aim of hts wife'ii life. A delayed dinner isun uiiforgivabln offutioe, and a rolKiing button brings uii an acute iUavk o f ihalfiisugreeibto qu-mIsI disorder known as "the suikB,"

He Is likely to one o f the men who keep tbeir seats while ladles stand in the horse-cars, arguing wiiile hu dues so that "women have )uit os much right to stimJ 08 men."

Obtrusive diKoortesy o f this kind near- !y always has iti origin iu llio early ligme liie qf tbe man wbo mauifost* 11.

luug iiid hrosd. and bald from front to Imek on top, while a tbl k ciir- Uin of gray h.iir fiiHi a)l around it, qjlDgllng at tbe side with gmy whis­kers which do not appear In any pldiite of liuLlor th.Lt t have lueu. HIn fai-e Icmki chiphanlinn. It is in the wrinkiea and pulled n> ah around his ryei fur all the world like an olepltanl'a. When he Jinigiis IbiH flvsli f.luBt'H in all oVLTboth bis eyes, and all bis wrinkles vumo Urgeihvr in a inuit extrnordiuiry failiiun. HeiluHsuot sri'iii rrort eyw) until you lotik direvtly ut him, hut bis eyes are set obliqucty in hh head. *Uliou«1i they arc just iho ojijwhito j porNO* as bo did of H-e glsrjnl

o f the very plainest Joarrlplinri. <). D. llirrcti, wlilU'-baired lawyer who repre-

lliitU't in Wa.shiiiglon. and a yuuug ni:iu with goM*rlninic<l S|>ocUil'1os who nnivlpuUtt's the lytHiwriler very rapldlv, n • Ilia ni tlie ulliee, whUi* hisliiUilllgciil rontrah-ind of a brnly servant wails iu the pasoago without.

TIIK THKACHKIt 4»>T ENTIiUSKH.A Wesrern llomItKe tVli4> nelievml In

llelMiii un n Kure 1 b(ug>Fri' ni (lie KaiiMUi' Cily 1 liooi.

"Yus," otLld an old «|K)Tt lu one of tho poolrooms ymterday, "there is a thrill lUml a horse race you ran not got in any olber way. Tbe thrill is inU^ndfieil just in proportion as your ronuoy has gone up on the event. When Hmuggh^r in'til H'dil. amitli Mind at I'levelaud buck thirU'oa yours ago, tho crond airmiat deatroyiHl the griind stand, lu illuiirallon of the ex* ritenreiit which relgtied I reeall Ibo aelhm scfa prnicN«‘r from Klklmrt, whg wii8 presHit with a frieud. At tho horsos wern iwirlug, the parsnu'H friend, whose tiiitno WiH Trary, and who knew sbinit ui


W h y A n llio n y T ru llo p s U ot Itld oE O n e o f m s U hnvneisrs.

From Youth's Cotiipaiilon.Wbcw Dickens was remonstrated with

by bosii of London ladles for hiilJng *' LU- tle Bant Domliey,*' a critic said: " K l>ick- eDsdon*tktJl I'anl, Tanl will,kill Dkk- eni/' The critic thought tbit if Dickens bad ftllowed Paul to grow up iulo mon- hood, he, tbe anthor, would have failed in fitting him to bfi surroumlings, and thus Injured bis own reputatiun.

While Anthony Trollope wss writing ** The Last Cbronlclo of Barset," be sur­prised a friend erne day by saying to him, " There*! the end of Urn. Proud is | '

" Wby?" ftiked the friend.Mr, Tiollope replied that he was writ­

ing oue day In the > club, while a group of young clergymen, gathered ftroond tbe fireplace, were talking about the novel, which won appearing at a lerial. He eoald not help overhearlAg them, a* they praised the work, but o(rre«»d that U n Froadle ww becoming ao intolerable nuisanoe,. -*ked the foleod.

^ ^ ' t rolTops, " I hesitated a ■ good deal wbat to doi but fltiBHy made up roy mind and weot up to them and expleioed (hit 1 couldn't help hvar- ing what they were taylng aud I added, ' I am vovy moeb obliged to yoo, 1 am Anthony^ i rottope and I'll go home and km Mrs, Protidie.*'*

And M be did*

aiiglu to a ffikUiaiuHo'S'-hicher at the nose than on the outer side, lie has two platiis of lalre twth, Nud Ihey dimot sllek very : woH, 10 that wheti ho tnJks Ihcy aro voty . iipt lo fait together sinlilctiiy ami 4’u( ufl every word or two. Ifust of the timo bo ii chewing a lut of white spruce cum, . wliich he carries lu wii olil-rjiishuMicd jew- I elli‘d inuffUiK when it is r.ol in his rouulb. |

Xlifl face la one of thg must luobilc, muiI, under hirt direelion, one of ilie most iu- tercHtiug that I ever SHw. ills sklii, wnii- , kh.d nioru from quuiHily Lhm Iroiu qiial- | ily, ifl easily worktd into the mo?t vary- liig cxpmsiutis, and he uses it coustanUy, IN ow he o|MihH bib e r f s t eycliiis wiili* N juft, | bringH his lic-ad up su ih lcn ly , putfa uilt h is )ip«, HTid llip rc fo re Ills llrin liit ln gray 1 Tnu^tuclie, wliH'b p iavs no stiirill a part aiiild the w rin k les , and look s <iut at you from a rtiiw iiiog, L*cHling lorirc. s. Acain , bo w rin k les a ll h ii iscu into u Mriile, j inaki'b fill eyes NURkll, iu c k i in his lip i, vnd loiiks very m ild and agiccsilde, o r ho | t fk e s up a Imok, b u ld i It lov in g ly lu liii lifcast, LwndH hia eyt-s ch «« ‘ly lo i i (b o I w eiin iHi o r i]HirUcU-s o f finy k in d ) 'and drin k * it in . I

Hut hi« laugh , a (Jeep'dsngi rou* r.lmchte, follow tid by ftu itUerLiJil coiivnluioiL.iN most , bturtlitjg o f ull. it 'it le r Is ii great m any ,men in one. nnd nun uf Mieu) Is un avlor. i Ho would have mado ti f;;r(:Ql conHoli;m. As ! iL ii, he linil* b is hiNlrionig hslcnt v e ry I tnefnl, and ( xi’r::l*CB It hI1 (he lime, llul- hr isalwayfl lire lawyer wlieu III! IS in his * ofiiee, bowcviT Hoclntih' »ml cotiiptoiunabie 'he is cfiseW’In re. At hi* ilchk bo (* nlwayi jHlert, on KUiird. wotchful of djNnceK. Ho I bxiks much yourjgcT ilioii ho is for this icKxon. Kill it is iii* viKurmi* thinking, and hi* alill niorn vigoroiiA lalking, whidiiiriikg liitii sctiiu a iiompuriilivply , yoiitig man. He hiw ft marVidloUi meuntry. llei^un rotneinbef ap|iurniilly itlinont aiiy> thing wlilcb be hin scum or hcunl or read, uihI is noldom al u lus* for h dale or a nil me. Ihs pctcepLiiuiB are very quirk and com- jiTcliensive, {Hid liu has ouo of iliu quickest Ituiliuo*, in sj'jfo of ilie fiilse U-clli and chewiiig'gniii, Hint 1 ever bcHrd--a rougb tongue, loo. ‘I he half that lie says ubvut biscuemica for pRblicalion is noihing lo tho half he say* fthoul them privately. Ho . likes to call C“{1 ft Roo'lhatcr. He enjoy* I a flRlit, Hiid every lUinsging fscl, anilevery iTirniniting uiUidseiou, l» rgllcd likobt* chewing gum under hi* longue. \

llullef dreftses well. He Ubunily weani 1 silk-foci^l frocklMiat with u houturmlrra, ! always o f sevei'Bl fluwoM, lu Ids buttoij- i hoi*, lie wears a heavy gold watdicham, I with a pllot'k wheel fur a charm and huavy gold cutf huUona. Inhisofllco bn la very apt 10 wi-arlbick cftrjjet-slipiwr*, for it i* ; C4>nnecie<l by a pUMftgewny wlih tbu houso ■ where ho lives while iu WaHiington os tliO guest of his oincv, although ^bsowni the | bouse. It is Ihp mldUle one of Iho Uireo . built of Cape Anil gniulia opfwsito the | Copllol, wblW) are generally luro|ipd to- j gclher and pointed out to touriaia as " Ben Utitier*B house." Ho wants to sell thoiii to the Oovenimfut for |1J'»0.000, more or less, to l>o used an corouiiltec and store : ro4«ms fur Congress, but so far ban nut been ! able to get lha money out ,pf (krugrun. Tbe soulhernnn»st house la, however, rented hy the Coast Burvey, whon* build­ing it sdjolna, for storage purposes, and the norlbenimOTt ii partially rented by (kmgreos for committee rooms. It was in Ibis boQM, then rented by Senator Jones, of Nevada, that President Arthur carried ou the government when ho flfst came bore after tho death of Uarfield. Tire housos are bandjonie.

Pullvr*i office Is very plsio. It !■ iu a •mall, rough, brick boildiag justbrnikof the middle housei, aud» I* I* dwjdcd intotwo Hwmi, w h ic h atewall dcooratioui except a cluck, aud no furniture except the aliaoluWy necessary AtakSr cbiiri, and well-filled b^kcasea, aUn

]irri*nl, riMiiiilkcd ft iH 'ltcf (lis t B inugglfr m igbt will o v e r (lie M aid. T his wus al^out a.q |Toh.ible t<» Llio oxpcrien i'tid turler ss a n -[iuhlic in ltn-i''iA, arid on e of tho fra­tern ity o v rrh c ir iliK the rcim irk over- fluwt^d in a proiiu^UicD.

*' ■ rU bet you $1W lo $;i0 ho duu'i,' he laid.

" lire pren'lii'f was Inlerostcd, biU sume- what NlHH'kwl. and ■llently pii)1c*lu.i hy piuHiing Trary's arm.

" T b e start was m ade, and w ilh Hie w«»rd ' g o ' the iMTHistoiit sporL nm ew ed hisuJTir but It d id n ’t U k e . W ith Hie lio is c i on H»e back stretch and h iu jchcd h p ra m e ugaiti, h ill 'J'racy w usn’ t ganio. As they turru'J in to l l i f ls t f c lr h th e H-idito Ibililc, w ho wiw hi hind thg M ild , w ith the aw islsnce o f A iiii-ricau (h r ) , hml g otten lh « alHlhou in a po< k rt, liu l his d r iv e r , Inking all H ihix ns, piilliHl him com iiltfU 'ly up. uml Inking ihu fi-iiirc. o f Hie iTHi k M-itt him fur Hie wire like a glioNt, N o Imrre fur a fur- Iniig ev er im ole Mich spci'd hi'f«;ry nr linca-, uiiii UN Hmnggh'T ' Amo to Lire fiu n l with Ike ruHi nf ii storm he cs rriiil tliu sp'-i'M^ liir^ fhm i ll ie lr nrental feel. F very mau w:is up and y ellir ig , and Hie Jllkhurt p ica ch ir , w h o m usi hwvc h id hitm il opi.rl- m g hloml in h ii vHu*. furgi-Hul al Ins pu lp it uiid pji‘ t iriite, w ai fluuriiliiiiB h iicush ion iiud J iliiick ing iu r-fcT cn cc to his lust iiriqM iiilioii, ' Hoi tiiui, *i>i»cy, (hitm Jir Hiiil H uuii, lM;i hliij 1 I 'lU p Iit witli you on il . '

" It WAS too late, tliough ; so Tisvy d id n 't iK-t."

Itnw lira re

l?t l>AN<iKK.Uie Hour ofMt-n AeL In

l*t.rll.From Ihe ciiicHgo 'I iiii"«

A hUiry IN lulil of Hre fumoui Kiigliih Aiiiiiiiftl, Sir Sydney Smilli, whore Hiip, (Ire Antclopi'. in « H rrildn slorm In Hu* Norlli Sc;i. was djivcn uiiioug the rock*. Sir Hjiliicy iuiuDiouhI tu* ollb'en Xft tiie cuhiii.

" Hentlcmcn, you krmwour rondiiion, \Vc arc driving on ihti hruikers. 1 ao kiiowlHlgn Hml I c-uii do iiiiHiing mmi'. If any of you can mnko asupgeUion nuw is the Hinc."

■J hero WAS unbroken slleiiec." 'i'lreu Hicri* U nuthliig to l>o done bnt

to ftWiill our fite." Ho tnuiJii d lha hull. " I'ltrae. bring up lb© eolTi'o."

A Nliiry rainc from Switzerland a year ago ol a numutftiu guide whoft*} oaiue w:is not prescrviKl. "He, with two oth»Tn, was leiwling a party over one of Iho most pre- CipitouH pftSMis of the higluT Alp*. 'I’ho meri, hi ui(i4 ij wero tied lo ear'll olhor by a long rope.

As Urey acuiod Ibc wall of Ic© they slip­ped on tbe edge of a frightlul ebaam. ’J hi* iiinn was fit the end of Hio rope. Without bia weight there wa* a chante fur tho otlrerv to regain Iheu footing; with It there was Duire.

IU cast a glance down at tire dark ahyst, filled wilii falhomlcsssnoW!!, iheiidrew hiS knife frum ins belt, wyiiig quittly to Ihe (uaii next liiin :

" Tell mother how it wai, Joie,"U© cut tbo rop© and fell, never Lo bosoen

by mortal man again.

Wlion They Wero How*Firet jury (HO.

Phil rnoile 1T)0.Needles used 1&46.MnU!li©s mails 1 ^ .Pint cast iron b'HiA Firrt uowsiA|ier HIM.Coal uwd as fuel IhM.Buruamca iiKOd In H(I3- Iscod poncIH used l&M.WUirluw glosa used ti\H. '■First gold W>lu B-C. liM.l>ibacOM luUuduooJ Old H*ilaio6ijl linlsiwd D- 0 *30.

T 'iaiiolpailoii proclainaiion IHW- l\sn..r fiiul© bv CliiaoM B. C, ' 70

NOTES OF NEW BOOKS.P u blloa tlu D s of T a H u iis P oscr lp tloM I

F re sh From Ih o P ross .•—I'b c rarilcr liutory o f (tiu Huit-'S (hat cam#

liiU> lire FoUTHiinii U lurc itr suliocqusot to ih# great AlriiggI© fiit Itideiiemloiic©, n rrplsis wllk ill© xUirlet ol lire sirugglee o f a b n n if p4‘opla iihI only iiir ib c Inhui u( lilivriy but fur exist- CHOP U|Kin N virgin soil, |NipiilKt> d wilh a^ior- hilu 'v w'licNU languliiarr b irillilj' rorjiliPi-<l |ifo©xcm ruftiiii pBiarduiM. "ThH iilsiiiTfOfVer-n iorii,''w h ich la ono o f 111© rcrios uf "fiiurles or (he Hiatoi." U^mg pul'iishi^l by Hi© H. tA- ttirnp ('oui|ianv, ot lUv'lmi, 1i n wi>rk -tbal will not m dv luiive id ahmrblng ItiWrusl to the n#* llvoi ul Ihe Hrireii Munuiaia Hisic, but of Inief- os| lo e ll Mnileiila o f uaUoUAi hliloiy. Th# au­thor In Joliti L. lb ‘u(ou. liaruly anredo'lngHi# Itt-vohiHon in oceupallnfi and wltlHtnem II# riirliiT blilury is yol dram ailc wilb Indisa warlere and Interoolunial klrde, while Ih# U'undary dijpnl<-i ihnl gave nsu m thiil rninmis ■ H o f "bG itib g u n h li" xiiMWU H« the (iroeW UounUlTi liny* uied© Its ticglmungii donMy pi#< Itin'.'Mpre and afloidmi a hnilinnl cliH|Hsr 1u Ihc Mury o f the great lleVuluUun. Amid Its venlant bills grew iip io iiren f Ih© stnidiesl of lEie (Brrjiorf, (lie flglitcn Kiid ihe clnwtni o f Ih# yi'iing Kcjiutilic, wiiii© Lire Hiate lioi. (lie c ana

'Of liNvItiM (#<'(1 Hie ilrs l, iH^talde Ibr original (hiru-oii, t 'liuK iod totlre Auiertcan Unto# al'er a fort 3* year*' sinigglo fur its n g liu wHhoul pAmJiel m Hic linuory ul ibe coiiutry. U|hjq llNS)>ti Ihr gri aii-tl ol luiKiurn leforiu i'IhecT ti- nail 'k ngmic-t ).la>ery and inU'mFreiano© -pffuy® llco.ll> i'ftd hlrlh Nul Uir forty yt‘B(i has a his­tory o fth if Marc iK-eii pn lilbhcd. ati-i Mr Hea­ton ban prrir-tnially ha'I a new fisid m which 1# laiwir 'J lifti he hm ialxircri niUHcli-iUiuiiily Mini w elifi w i-wiiiti-ri III h ii eulcrialaitig sU>ry will Uetjy. lie hill pro4i.'nrei| not only bif Vef- Tmiii(Hn< I'Ut lor aiujrfCAOH a uounected, p r io ticarand CiilcrrfthiinB (limy o f III© ©ally time#o f Ihc (rrecii Moiuiirttri Coininoiiweanh, M|dmg Ui Uhl Mil Niruurit <d Hic luoic rrcviii eveuls lUni b4Vc in'* I puljllii siieniioTi . tunl huN lu® CiiidC'il III hh record, a* far m r Ni:bk< m ih# ijwca sU ih ooiiiiuan'!, I'lO gtowHi o f oris mal learning. Ihfl i1< Vidopiuenl uf iudu.!>ir> sod lb# evnliiMoii of 1.4W4. cuiloina Slid lu iliiin lons (olire< t lire tjciiili ul a greoioui, (urn|>i<riile aud velinril |h uple.

—The lui'tsiuro r>f iJie ' ftri prt'SvnrsUvf ofa ll « r ls ''I* * vo iuu iU iou*. UTid Is grow ing. I'n# lUnniry u f p rm ltnK . ib v b iourriphliw o fc m liie Q l p r i i i ic n srid Hre linmJlKiok.i HmJ u innuali of p< lin ing w h ir 'll tiHvu C'nne fiu in iL© [■riosin Ibe Ihbi I'An d< I'lc 'cs w m h l mukc a rv^iiLi 'n tiia

I lIL re ry ol Un iji»4®l»ci* Tf,-lb*® I t ' t ul ll>c*e Ilio l ; nmy bo Uc-criN d sn lud | J.i> lu JUin w li«w lH l"S

lu ftiquin* n kiiu'A l«‘<h'e o l pr n tug liiu " I’tscU- c-il I'lmlur” iJiay U- I 'M - d. I l I i ihe w i- r i o f H.(i i lH in p .w li I In hirew ho Hm' piiUt&h>T. Many jftK'v are ili vnUf! i«> inhic^i mid dl.igrom*, islib »*iv;rusri>>iii l i i i i r l i l i ig biMiir'ii tia liii* in (<niilmg Olli'-cHor v iilu v (o llnc^j luurc le lisn ced lci (heh i] lin*tui.

— Ajmrf fr an H is'lircci viiinc to ad yen ca n . ns n C4»riiJiion‘i(4i gii.ilc. lire jHwTrrijii .Vrif'/zu/wv J)rtntt>rjf jiuh inu-'l aiiinmlly bv i.iiurgn F. KuwcM tV O l , nl Saia 'I'ork. iilTadi h tund u| iiinutimlton hi reg'ird to M an‘\ w«-iinfi*. clues Slid iiiwiis hi iliL® l.'tiJUd HthHi o f !fll•nl«'nllt'de Tiihni foevrryl«>Jy dcHirina Ui I-r.miij' jHOst.d

lo Hill - i i 'l iu x l•c)tl'lllhlft‘* evei n h' re wiiMnnm h Im ilb . b iv I oven i'i in .ji ie u( IJrein wi Inr as ('H nsil.i HrnI NesT'uU iid irnd n/** f'oniMjrie.‘<1 fly n il Hdm 'fuhic iv i-tem ol 'h d c x itig miy h 'n ie can In- i i in m il ly I 'u i i v l lu iu id thu rc q u lic l h[M.i Rw'ailuii loimd ai OIK «• lire imniwiK'ii Culm Uiftl unu uni I'll e lis« b' Oii I. •■lowi-l i-(i lb© H 'lig of Hw;i’rtii,iii< !g '.111' cn r** ' I i » ri:iiliiliu ii ol H o Yriri'iii'* >7iuiian* A Inmuiv c aiim-'l in ih«(till'|4ui*-, lU*l ui ■ ft de (TipiKUM.I iheluaireSlid i- lin a lfi. ik ii io ij l in y (Hiei.easpftfH.irH) ar# p iih ii« u r il " m la li t inure e .a la /n itn w iU m ut Injury lu lh c g -m ini -(‘ •lO' uf ll:c uorg, Hi*-iihIi m ull would ii-iuiliilv iidd 10 lu b in li I I may Ih> noted ilre l lire tu lu l m i!u l<<ru l in-rltM lnilSij iw uNiK'd 111 HK'Util,r®<l Stnle'* niid ('snsdanre ]'lnC4®«l Ml IT .liH , t i l ttlHcU L - ‘*-1 nf© du ly

Ol lire g !a re iF l'"a l N"W J Tsvy i t c fcdu- C»1 w il l! lU i. ■Rinding Nu. IS u ii the lu ll h -i uf lolly-H ire. It is ii'd iu.-f‘ ">JM*ry lu go c usci h itu lire MbU'slH'sol U iih H S h .r f ifc lf SJS'ishral vol iir f , b n n i u+sy lx* peninMid u» ri'iwKt His In lc rc tu if H im tioU.H > ‘ 'un ciesimlly g liim ^ I'Vcr 11 w itb o u t going tiiru u .(ii a I 'lu rre u l In® ■ liUcauii 0.'' ' l l ihc <ie'.Hi>pMu:iil. ri-w^ornut atnl h l f i f t i y HiaTidlng o f the v n riu u i K 'd iunv o i IhsAmeTleHlI lt t ‘ )>lliillc.

—i:iirellhbm-»3 nod'levuU ou ami Idah noldl* llg III ptiiicipln mid iiuUiliici Mtc ti'Hrsy*id with tounlifog fl ipUly In " riir^j byJirttqdilire, CumiiesHfichwcfre. tritiixlati.ft.1 f iu » liic Gerriren by M<iry I .''‘ufiuiil. and pubh'-bvd by rimid, MeSriHy rtii o. Tire oiiarnC’ tT uf Hi# old pA-fewnr, wlHi libi iiin>*ollib slid |nilrrual affwlnm (l»r liU young wife. dcHervus lUute (ban airanxliory |dsi*e m llreratnr*. Th# whole I'r7,.g IS iig«resiing. foal ami w riltiu wUii th# iiiiipin'Uy Hml in [Kiwcr.

—A gsinbirr wliut^ a curious and InexpUcaU# cuiii[H(iiml o f u blacking and a cbivtlruus gen- llFuiau. sod w ho tall* lo quite iHI (be rol0 uf cUficr, h the musi lntur©sUrig charicief m ■■ Merw, I b f Sl(»ry o f An A cinsb ," hv Alnrwti Kiili Kyjut, jruMtiheil liy Knud. Mcb'ady A Co. Hu an*i Iho y 'O iig wuiiihu who ufters w ar! iH'LHjtnci Hit: a<'U'«sa goLmiicrled, 1>cosiis# the ^ lil 'id v h ig luiliut' iviinm hi,T to Im pn> luciw.1. and llieii biipcdily sgice lo di^agniSL A ilsH in wronged wuuiitu kill* the aambier and Hie neircMs lu Ire* . *" -•> vsre, lilt I.4*adiug I.sdy, h publhhetl by the Hoare ilim 'I'iie Hllej-ngy Fftyn die look is urliieu by “ troo qt ihu Prujuasluu. lu w h^pnK cw lon ih u w rire r refers .w e u ii douhiluU f t r u h ily UiB fcader wuuM nevur Iroi#Iho ron tcn isof ihe i-onk Hialll was Umihoalri' cal urnfu-Mon. Th©ill»-KAl insrnoRe oJ aPhl fi m a v illa h ia u d biu ttiiumpl to claim bur Inaflof yean m » wile •» ihe iimln f-oturo w Ihe rdot. The sioiy I* moot fcrosrJtable fiw In# unreolliy with which U porirayi new«pap#f

w lio has wrirlen a dov#1 called ' ’ Kuaiyn’s p u »> h i.^ JO ih#MsnbalUt) Hurle.u, fi*a bav?d til# plot Ol h#

.3 upon Ih© confusion o f Irlvnlity xrow lof "mil id #0 iiwaiic tusu's itaaglhiiig ihot hnU-aia lb© name o f his supposed fr i«ndtii.M hvl«r- ref's ineceMiu) sltvujpf lo take atvaniw© o f iL aiibliuiunand usurp ibe inwii# nisu's pioo#

N W A T IK •EVDNmO KEWfl, BATUBT^AY, JUIO® 22» 1889.


• rrn M n W Ilu ^ n s M t I d C'd i iU a I T u r k T U d m |

tKtj»>Tiiiir AU**rovf»i»i» — ^ h f JUf I'luUr^Um w ith Itiif DniS (>lrl Ae^

coiB|iunliii«at-''M^Uah luMvIs.

K«w YuEK. JuDi'21.—Sow Ifl til* M4< •0& wiicQ liic miHlie limit u n iumitihlrl OB th« titlanUy bnlf-iiuiulMy, hin bliu ttflViilrti IVrk Diid lel« Ibu tuu tiuru biAirii t Dltlltf b« [u*k«4 ft b ios' A ltru u li, riiM i «iQ |i M* c Uro ulwity I'll htiii.UiiJ ti«

iii nv'- biMt«*iii tu tn aiivy- iiib I'.ii'W'l of i* i>wD <;ierk«, itud r<itu*ia>» Uf LJm- >1.11 1144 •>( tU( fO iniil*) W«U r til ' |im<- «!i.r-' 'B Eii ujiuU Lii tpv:i>l (iity ■'Hi ^u-i>l

lit' f t il l j nifHUtri U* IN Mofl Ei CtitiUti iVrk, trtJi » vtry lU tr ilt; til o( Uiu uhe buuijli»il oi juuru rou id ir« mcu- pltid by Ihtjipr, KEyly-divEsi d (levgli M (if tbe Miiir of ill igtw, all ihhi tudl unj, ■6Xm, tL« pi«c«fiuiHr iuknicktrbockeri iv-tllfc kniy-lie^'utd and

auii lUiiUon full o fy«rt. iuwreti tS. If tli4*>r iuHjLit

But tritH froiu [ifiiMiul p/otl''Ptsucy,.car- Itiiilj Vlit'jr Iui;h) lur« Utiot Mquouiuiice wUh Itii paitluio, ami, ilj/ougii tho tbougbiful rutfiaiuii of llin Paiii T muuiU- ■lotitn, to |ir*ciiiM uuiiJ Ui*i/ UtTogtiuinl lierfocUoii.

ALL a iy loD«, fruui 19 A. M. to (i T. M., ibe e ig b l tiit-a o f vnlvtit g iv i n'lWtiii. ■■iputLily |-oIlc(l »ud iovi-l m a p-trlur lli>tir, Oft li»« w pii »aJo o f ib « |»ark« li ia r N iiio t j- fourtli tlrei t, U iu«iia c ju r v d in k ’ y pii'tur- ftaque by Llift T ir u iy and iiaautjr o f Uie eetluftict aud Uk' vltNol y o f ib e plMjrart.

T i l l TK14NU Dliienf).Jt btnlly MiMiit tli*l> Itnnfi

eoftld bfl plny^d ftrept lu a tpaciftlJy- arltpitrd irean tbat wi>l not illMir-niiKftl by fiolont riinaiiik m»r by r««U'h- ing la 0i« air fur a bail ilul niiklii utbi-r- w fta and iba pirk ruloi arc Mmt

'tfiinW iboM mii't liirtriftiily b« ivora.'' TUerefora, if you bo of tha fteiitler tvi, yoti touat wear a blouso with looa* tloavna. arallikin rut auklu lenglh, ruMtor-aoIrd tcftuU ihoo* aud a lial <if an j Jmrniimioqa ilyto that »u1U jimr faocff but cUliar tbn ■iJor bat or yacbliug mp ar« Kroerallj wuru, ibd bill few of tb« iu-cttllcd teuuU (upiti'peAi In tbfl park rourla,

Tbe writer had u«vcr played (enuli. but i bright young lady w lioow m Norfolk, Vt»» at her nallte town, kiudly olfprcd to tet falm Id on the ground floor uti Ibe leub- ftlCftl pulntt of ibe gime. 8be tald ;

“ Odd, bu’t ILT Tbe girlt who have Aftltkar facft, figure auf draet lu hogRt of are lb« boii playert. 1 aaw that pteUy areature ouma o i the ground with her lar^uet in a gorgeously enihtuKteroo gret n bag, and 1 warrant you tbe eanuut play a little bill but bor nialuioo la reuiaikahiy baeomiai. Yundrr chap with pumpkio yellow blaacr completely fpolla bu la>i)'a dreM ol light blue aud wliite by Jiii ehuue of color) Why {^uidii't ho have cboirn a neutral tlut, aa a niio ahnoMT J dou’t rarkon he konwe bow bad hU uoat makea ker fowu look,”

A pxarBCT juiro.The " pretty cieilurer" referred to wore

a ikirt bf white flannel tightly thirrc-d ofer the blp^and ^ u l, with tbeeudeofa fedittkMih banging behlnil, and a pleated wilii, With lorpiine aleeTna finished witii acufllbat held fuur rowi of iillcbing, A red eallor bat, truuned with white ribbon, ■abJiaattUly on % head, wboee hair w*« al* ■»Mt bat Bit qalte aa dark ai her large, Janloout eyet. Hbe wae aperfnrtJaoo 1b flgdre, and It bad to be admitted Die *protiy creatniV* did not ranko an rffurl to play a " little bit,“ no niettor wbat brr ihUity may baee been, and mlher than kaalen ker fonUlepi or roicb out her arm ihe perratiiod the bell to piM her into aq adjeluini court, and a 'thiink you I” •gclanitilgn from bar parta 'r oaumU tbe ire MM lag ball to be thrown back to itt BWiari. The game Aniabed ibe rowed heraelf fatigued, put on the enteat po«aibte Wblto blaacr, and a young man not lu ten- nia eO'tame railed an umbrella and both ladiaed on the graaa benaalb Ha doubly prateeiiag ibade. to fkrr, tba auu uoi. brella, with Ita boy and girl act ouppani- toeat> reetned to be qoile a featureofton- bU, and une Ihit cauuot help but kwcuiue popular, thungb proUubly not witb really Barurtt playerit

A fA T g l1 E A V T ‘ W K rr3 |[TAt anotUor court a young lady who

would prubably tip the acaloi atSkOpoaudi ■volrdutmli, with _a red 1’ani 0 ‘Snamer aboTe a really baudrooie fane, win darling hither and ihithor in pucceMful oIimo of tho ball. Bho w u one o f Die beat pUyetH and her agility wm aomething aurpn»itig, No ball that could fall within tbe white U n« of Ihe pflUri houndartfw racHprd her, and with a blow from her racquet she aeiii It back icroM the net with the a«^'rl)l>n : •‘ rifleon luvet!" aa If m reply to a question. The writer waa Ti»i-bly thocked He had knuwu co*qBHtea trifling with conAding r<mlh% to the extent of two and even tbn>e, but •ueb a4’lf*-uiiufeaeed depraviiy lu maitora of the bcuri WHH alHiut a iluxeu a1>ove him. ill* fioae fur aUrui waa wUhuui real foundalhm, Lnweyer. fir Lis guide rX' plain«Hl ihit love wat a term o f endear- liH'ul fur the fair pliiyeT'a ijoiiipiniona— bniiUiTR, prulrihly—aud *' firieuii" was Die number of pomla in tbe game her pliylug w>»u.

At Dill juncture a Ini'klese Ititcrlnjier in a t>i]1 hat ^'cnmc iho ibiuiug murk fur the gibea and IvilU o f Iho players. A well. d:r»^U‘fl ball fr«.ni the riicqiul of a priUj Itiileblimd, wearing a whitci sAllnr (ii]i, whUe bhiuie wiili a llpln blue (ullur liinifd from Die tliToiU huiI h phaitnl biuo a'ld whib' skirt, ictU tliu but frnni Im head, and he wmi glad to «vtk saiv-ly In flight and Ibe ncur-hy wo>h1h.

A VEkv pttKrrv im iti ' ke.Ataoourljii Diu ouutruul' tho gruinnJi

weie fuur young ladies otic In ilAik ' ''tn d rqd and bu* parlucr In white. On the

oiber ^ e ouo yimcg Itnlj wore a cumhi- tmiiup dreaMof bUuk and wtma, while lu-r pirtiicr wj^boeunihigly urtAyed Iti ri-d and while. They uiiulo a very proUy picture, and were plariug a spiriti'd giiino, Aecunl- Ing to A purk otfli er, who Btood imU'huig Itiiiu, thty were iho only playeri iu tbu park.

" J av," laid ho, “ auiue gf'i-m makes me t in d r'

With hi« ihorl Bthk he imlnted wlDi do- fl'liitj tou parly of BIX who woro having Uic jollimt kind gf u flinutiuu arroAi the act. They held this piNtitiun h gngd of Dir iflvnioon, lu iJia cteluhion of many otiu-ra who jirubih y emuu fiom a disUni’e to eugugc Id the puiuc.

ll la a rule o f first come fln l served, mi ahArgo being madb f / i the mu of the grouudr, and a iinull hoiiao ueHrbyin•hhiyp of an QVIgli'g uftU'ia! is ust-d fortbe free storage of thu apparntus, wiiicb aual bo supplied by tho playeri thmu- Mtvua.

acLrraii ioi,i;kh.Teople all over the city who play at the

latue rupali to Cfuiral r..rk fur ^heir prac­tice, and every arriving^public couvoyaiice after) 1‘. M. Itrlnga.lU quota ol toniiis en- thoxlasls. The lato coiuera, whu aiv usu­ally the best plsyern and the mo^l prciur •aqurly dresavd, arrive to find tbe couru lakcu, audiu many insuacej by sdllsb Idlers w Up u jII ndlbet play n o r give iLeir yaotage to Olliers uiorc lu U ru iU d ,

This is jurtieularty true of Mstunlay aflaruuuu, wheu all ibo lady playm 11m:k to the park wUh husbuud, bruiher sud lover, for this ti Lis holiday, and iho up- porlunily of pl -ying with a rnao Is not to be lightly couiidcred by the feuiinjue tolod. Woat mutter If bo caiinot ptsy as well as many of tbe gCDller sex 1 H.iu loves hUi) for bia uilsukcHf for she knowi be Will attain excellvDcc.

T e a n ii seem s to be p e c v lio r ly a igcial rqajlly eiijoyfthjv *olHith« xns, A

BreUy arm and figure are uever mepru beau- tttol than when In the act of s in k in g a ■all. This advatiiage is known, hut m any Ijoug ladlcfl are too Indoletit to en ter into laesp n lo f tbe game. Its beuV'fit aa au avercise for tbe firvelopcueui of the eutirv

f t ; f j / * ! * * ! «y»tem ranuoibe dealed, an d lu tbe touQls count are a boon

> to an who will tvnil themaoiveaof ibe sti. Tauiageg tbantu alTurdcd, V, U. Je.

fjwt#*.-* 7 '" '• ■ ■ fij

LOCAL CHlTCnAT.C eleriA lN m g <iufe«ip l*enple m U

He tpPDlitgA orThea.’tv in g t4iat o i ir -h .il f o f D ie w m M

hxe oM tuuw i|i« piher hell is llVUig |w.*111*1 ■ “- rn n* sp p ). to Lite hj.fli \r-4iliie wi till* ’ ' ‘•ar. Tnvre wrn- ruw >ii tliw |lIh w luiftjli; iMiw many l.url liH’SfiTiH' lU Dn ir <‘i*ru|«'iipnk |,nil to n iUf 'O w IUj iiMirrk-r lo h'liiHlii Ni N'biul. lu s pur«n*p ol c c f ’s.n I ujij.A wcio f«o t i.ri*l uj-iniitrivfr-up'ti t '.« I J-(sii<r. Ibsir ciiMdrrii to itniliQ bpDi 6n<Ii in»v»r. M at »<IhaiI Imun Ibrw* ]*n|)il-biiiilel fu i... ir hui. > u*i Hihrr JiMgtiii to ui-lp m rh*-U'lrl ^bah r< mui - -t U* b - detiH In Uis b<HUM*. iw i-l-u vsvnl lu K«nis cm- |iloj meitL i iUmiIu, “ I kii««a," ^ n l ope i>Mbe twiuiiU ol H g r t '.n te , "tU et in mi.os osses fiii|ilia fanvf i;jii>:i*ti| it>i-ir «>.>uiiuii imh> •Iter ftA**nv McnllMI liaw 1m-4mi u.two’. ibcpiiptia vtirwi riiiihtt l.i-g 111 wn n>iig «u> en:u **1 lo 1»t 'rf ■'-ii-ni iiijr M- d *< m ‘ hr» » 4Hirtiiiii< ui lull ; t. ri ■* >0'.' Ill

t» l. J( .» * U ||.a <Hll' tr- [I'Jl ll**|ji|f N «. til Ihc 4 I'linh lih'g^AtJufe‘ ‘It ‘ Ti>*-* i f tt n .ilijt '■ inlic w ill, lew I i<' |it >'||« Ml« pli o ■ ' lUp'ttMiti >ory i*t«e. S n iii - ^,i« o<. tvniii-i.iv iwvu »'Xpre»‘ e>t inm im.rv Pif.eim i; nj>i i ‘ i<' «n>i srAit lU k innu IliD H !ali. cLotjl. in u whme UouIiJb h tftT.r (•riMlt CHiiiiiM sllnul m k t .p [U>li.iu

ii'iig iifli-r liH'jr rdn'l; so ugu uLeii ibtlr icrvictw are r»f > .t 'i**, “

* * •finm eD iiug im p|i)e p i D ie w av n f aIslIvrL'Sil Ijm h*YH •icviM’il ismMi M All<‘U. ui .'VI hitHi*! tire t. wbu it w«U kii >wiiiu Un- piilillf lo • vrii*-r t*l l■(■« |iu(n-t (vojrjufiit'ti- l|-H1l llplmMUlif prnh'bltUtil, Hit I aoit. MA • mrtiilKr i.f iho Av^i.u*‘ 4’«»nj*.icy4iidriSl i liuri-h, ban e .ivv y i-unirovrity wiili IJusii (i I III li*u*-rs wn:i‘i> wt-ro «i i-r-Used pnh-Pbvd In ^jniuplih l furru. Hr. Alwn-HLl I. by hr WKy, ih It M l'j 11 iw : Vf'l liiAii riinlWi >i't m Vi r tie tu p> 't *l inn i hi stiiiurani'i iU tniiiij iH'iUly lour v*i I) h s . o hiuiitniiy n' rI nieny ii 4*ihim, to d is <.Iicie s^Lellor Ins phoniMMih. II* Ls hwl ■ tiljtiugr.ipnItiki-ii ni Uiuju ll ui; ll <* fir k, wllh Hri AJIou by !*!■ tide, artil bS/* M><i n Iim I inn p.t liut-rii- g u rr fl on ft uiul ptiuiiHl iili b.s li-i^ f tlic.-o. l l It KHMic I'Dii liT live mrii. i.ii'l l■-Hl>ll(t linll Msy srDrfii iiio r-ntR-r O p «iie i -j iln* iiicinn l» lliM va|'iaiiftlii-M. wblcii RhoivM ihi-.di iiijilly LbftI HPCFiURry oX the 'ih;H*ury Wtuduni l« afrioinl trill CK>rrr«}Kiii<lc.ii o f Ml. Aileii's suti artil l A* tiiii-oiluon liihii,

Inibu picture (Mt ili’i leit Mr. Aikti (sge '0)It erg^.eil 111 w filiitf a h'ticr to hM An d I’hrU)#, w>iO hiiivcHt hiin .iptiu h» wur hUtr .• iHl W umms luA viutii o d. Mr . Ailuu It resiilnt Uie lolTnwing is.iRt, juAi m v iv r i :

TaXMCKY In.l’Ainvr.NT, WA-UIOuTlrN,April a, lb-9.

Jfr J im i it AUft*. ,V>w>4rT S J 'U y I’bAH hiH '1 i*rg lothiiiili jriMi for ytnif

riluoH 1-ilor ig April 4. 1 sin iii lu i tyriipHini.UN kiHi wt-d know, wnh yiiur vtrwt n|Hi.i in**Hui>|i-ul m loiiqM-iMio ' uiKi Ih* mlI>joo, uiul •m plei»L‘d hr M l- tbot YOU tu.V'J im.ia o l lld olil lira ii[)iAi ilu t KiihjccL i -h uid he ginil lo wiihf ><iM t i Ivitgih, i.iiH iuic wUl ri<H im lm Ii .

) faoi ■ 10 iDC'd fiov. k r filriciiv wimmi u* Tplia tt>U c ltf. f tuvu ill Hh'iJiiig •fT..i-tu,u fur blm. liid mill a lRtysrlt-iuim nl i*j>n>‘c hint.

Hftitllr end DotwJx'ir. voor ipienO,W. \AikUiM.

The wide, old-oialiiotifvl diHirjiunh of hard mimnI la the KeH^boyi' l/slKlug IliAise. pretldwl over by tPi|«tinlen<h'Ul Ytuoaii. t iQWB IliAi tho li")t or the (Itri uf tail, witeii tb<> old Ixuldlits, lhi‘U a tclnvilliuiuc, crsctril, wire very iiiiiih iik«> Uiu K-linlan ui itie pMknt. to lir m ihe imc uf liie jiok kulk' fs cotiocniwJ, hull' Im>w log Uiroiigli hiniHiii'r- able rosii of |tan>r enu bo «ecti me mijniy ctrfwl iiiillali Hhii‘11 ll Ls iioi iiaid for in>< irtadlalb^^n of Uis pro cut to rtHogitiM Ukoitdl lio)'i who bavu tlnre been known ts t>meiif NfwaikT beei eiUe rm, mirte ol wiiom bivs]tat>ed tway. Tlii.-o iii»rk«, tod |Iik dait*. lAM. ut><in lliR frunl oTllu* bnilditiuari' tlsiiiltii tbal tame Ol lo iBilU’tlo Lbai it wju< oocd iru< pine whAri* N.-werk youths ncvlvid lladr imIii ntlicHt iliruogU the lu.-diuiu of the (wdagogue and bbrb rud.

• * •T h e ground Id aoiue o f tb e I w thickly

Boplptlvil parts nr \ht ciljr Ib ovi-rnin uud iiiKloraiLriril by in ihyi a Isrgn number im gar dcniwhifb arc lep’ hy jvt><l"iitt In thfiiul- iSinahavo Men uiKliTmlnud to Ukuv dfRrnic Uvv lUlle a«Jmitlic and a cuufideiiribla mimMr oT young fprouts have tievii disrroyrd 'Jlie mtUiw Iri'qumilly form iiodi'rgriMimJ phr-l c*. which may easily be fol'owetl (nr a dlMsn<*4i uf Ally tect or more, ‘ilwm sre n t it h I hjcroa emp’oyiiV| with nurv or Ji m sucitm tneiUT' miiiaie lb<-in, One is ibe plectng of iwrnnti kiQds lit Tsieiit lu ihufr ptihi. They are rood uf them, but they suldnin rvCuver from the edMls uf esUnt tlicm A uuuiiier at ingt*oluiidy olllrlVl l tra|M are ilv> uieJ. Aocne gt iboM* are mide exprftwly fur caictiiog UKhlOf. They bava uu bait imi arc so arruii;i‘ i thai wIdV llvj mole h pursuing bD uuuraii undriground tu>l enmun «rs the Imp^Jie hii** to dl| umlrr U to prooeel. In dlvuing uiolcr the Uap It iv ifioiiig fir I CO LM10 side and then uu iliu uiher. bill tne dnai d'jus ut4 [all uiiUi both tl I ft are tpruitg, and ibe iiiulo it ibcn picrceit t'leiiigh ihe bri*lv by a uumbei' of atvei pulnls aUaetKM to the drup,

• * *Prrtlv ne-irly r^vervltKiv lu DiU Ktiti

has heard o f Wilhttit M iRhiirp, who year niter ystr has t.urn trying lo tn 'iirr a lAivltlsilvc en- iciiiieiU twqiilriiiv Ibo to buy n lot olonp.iM o f ' ‘ K m lib'i I'oluolal lUaiory.'' Tliii vu*4<k Hr, Klmrp sum aUkt* lu frk'udi uik1 Asw iodocrim ioatny Uiu loHowiiig melaiu-buly la^tur, pMiiiud iiVMlIy uii Him whlio piii«r.

l)i‘nrK ir-''lba lioviTuur tins aauin fiiilcilto ipitnivg ib f htU |iMivi«1iiig for plnriog in ihu public R<'lioo)s ro tjM o l S iq iib 'i rah» aoil valuable early oi ooiom ai UU- b*ry 01 Nfw Jer*,-y, wlneU prop- tti.ilon wni ft'noigly onUtMSid b) all o l iloi lf-(dii>g edurtUijii nn1 l<ie luosl prouiiiiont iiivn uf a lU 'iin io ol Hll iTcvili. and ul ml tirtiti'* n»MiR III iliff H sis, and wuleh has pa 'H*q lhn*e ti4tti«fni’ lve lA.<tf-slMlun‘A, a* lutlmTs;

1(1 INV], wUro tbe Hditto wa>* H<*publlcaii andIbi' llouMj iH'itiuurtiic.

Am«ui. in )a.ati. when both IIoumh wcncHHpMhbeHti

And kunin. and laxtlv. in |A<«} (pracUcjillY umsiiiimmDi when buin IIlhimw wi-ro IV ioo coal In.

1iis->miirh as I wan inii‘n*sUs] Ui the uir^asiiro,I ik'-ll« P> exiimis riijr iforiil e . appM 'liH ioo oljnmr hind te vi(!f« to brUiofur K iHi Icm Uisnlltoiiali h bml biMiin*' a l.iw.

II i can fttMvn vmi ill to y wny ai any Ijine 1 hr<|K! Ihtl yuu will Jo mi! iiui trlinlnc-ss to call lf|wii me, ViTY m ilv yiHirn.

UiUJAU V. t-HAlir.Uoti* sJi>jf" elcritnl In .kfr bMiicp’s Uru uii, auU

n '’ t1 HUiier will4Hiiiliiij,;f.R (iml him aatiu in itie IsiiTUlftllve lobiA, uu e ''o p y of ln i bill, Un* old amne on hia hirer nnd with ths vairM* wnnu handgrtsp, wmkhitf f r Ibu *nmn rifi iU-- le-iUHl p\U]Mic« w.lJi a iH.*i'i«r4>uL‘y wuriliy u f a bultei ami nmrt‘ iioia'inl iitoMt.

♦ * •A ciD w h i 'h liuiint d JCIm !4ln*i*t. hi low

MiiUH-rry, pnibibly wrM niur* Rvnumiiiv mi'l tut imirr m irdii4 limn any folino oi N'*w ftrt. I lie ca l biiftd p culliir vouw. Wlit-n rIm* cIIioIhhI tUo Tiiillng^ nr i.Hik n|i a (•uftiuou Ui n bii'CUu'iiL J hif her v'Ail was liki< liitUillm'UiII i-iilM, Hii'l a lisli ili>t 'll polU't m> n tiau u mU g illrd min tiniiiing iin .................. I h.Imii to the R'hl Ilnur- ol liii* nu lil Iam nrfhi the eat eHimi lu ijilif mmI the inm:,iLK>i'H aie re- jniLUig. lUiMMl have b s< oA -i-y uiUr iiiiit' iilghi \vl'i-ii po».:i\ hi* uj* her itMiiii iiie mil .1 hnwt. I'll fi r imulrly lor I'vr I'sir ifinJiM'HTilhi iiiimRiur*! iLioiig, 'iiVriiiuMLi t‘ I, aa i.e K«'iu-iiihy U. hy T'mv, Ilia |n'l hiHU rn* r Ju.eerrfii* d llu Ririmi loll nlHi tbe em, io rUi- uimuiea Llii laittc Uimiioiie lu' fjti'Ver,

a * a** Poo thai vvm uonY'' sjihl tiiv ilT ;n i4o

Urir*o car lino eoinlin-or yw-lerday. I'liiiiiing lo B iiiei'iy ilie'fMHi Iriuah* w .,o i.iii |o (iiu itmii’P o f Iho vebieiB wUli u hihr imn.KUilnp lu ibn ituipla fohli o f her o n n -. ' erNok on 'em. H.iu hvi?,-. u,i uniicun* i" rimr Uia end o f ibe tfJU'. uiht hip- bor* on h tnbm . a t mtiunJ iicf heJ>{idMiUiH>l an I t:iki]|i luii .nn Jor au airing, liial week she hml onu uh bUii k iv* the t<v i.l Rpiidei, and lo-Jay ih e 's g rt u mulaUo. 1/k. h I<jt yuuisell."

tl was w laei Urn woman did have a mfr<'0 - • uUrcU (diild, ami tn ing u> aiiiu-M.' il. Kjvi! V 'sr» ago a niiiuwn) Jiorbu kiua^kml tlm uniiifti) d.iiui oil K]iiin,-iul*l aveniiu, iijorn ig her hfHil, Kix weeks IhU r ■.lio *11 me om ,0 hh hoKiniul imJ ha** >nire doroUHl her time in csrnig 'uM Oe mtle t u o oi woinrn w ho p. ui.i liy III'- da V tn work. Mir i(ike« ihr h-Meex i-u;Ui Muuiii rleayiml 1 emeirrv u « ‘ l lu ih e variouspure* ami Ollier pU4 vs, uud levuit lu tiuj du-Iiglil 111 b«;i; wurk.

H on rv Kt**ver<'. mm o f nn p x -hU vo . U on Ihe nmd In a gmal mtii.-allon. n e n If ho ibxwhcilaUvrward arnti* we^hh, Henry rame loNvwai'Vw yrai axu (ntu FohUi i^inilma wlihoul Lhv rtuiiultmt i>luw o l tliv Mipuabvt. lie rmhaikuLl hi Ihc iHjo'uiack tmumes^ biu Urn white bo)ft the “ Inur eurm-rv” m IlnwJ•mJ ftUrkel sireubi fhiou giivo Jnni tu umUn- iCuftd tbsi ho wsbu'l wnnu‘ 1 <11 that pH ilinilir ii.ealiiy. A h ivyer lu ihw l,u»don. l.ivsrpooi arid ijiuln liiUding took «u iiueurt In ib « boy amt ptireiiutrd him a >ih?i1iiik buuk. Nuibi afler ixglit Uiu jum ig fehovv c.*Uld he M‘eii ivix nine over bift h^uon-hi iho aid uf minier gai* ligbu. nod ho ihmdy iiit>.u*ro<l fua only liitv IrtHik util ulro prwannar ano goiwrapUy.'loduv he Is iiiiiQibg iin vU-valor lii t big i.mld- Irig (111 lin-ad «ir»*ci Hi l-X.! a uumih.and at night luaetiis blY taldo breUiron m a hwl o f quasi ttook day ev ning ur hUnduy-rulioul giaHfe at t A lUiiJteld Nvomiii and Hrucc ilrevi.

Ill llio Nloo|diig'Cur,In tlif evan'ng, woak ami weaty,

Ki)i«r(*d I Uio ft)<H»pfni:-ear;Fuuuvl Ihe |iuriir huugbiy, dreary,

Aft ai eve lUe poiiorH an*.Vp Binl down the il-le ho hot*ae*l tno,

Flung my Imgghxi' lirre am! Uior\- ;In my every wish be eruMoJ me

T ill luv soul o'oriiowosl rtiUi»wcar. lATg I sued. Impl-jrcd, Iicw'«eb<-<1 him,

*• lino inr qiiaflers tvr ibe idahl,"Till at la-'t iri) idortthngi TPtrlicJ hitn

AuJ iio [ulU<u*d me rroai ftighi.In (bo niuriilng, f b ! bow hmty

UuijpJ Dm jmr.«r Juwu lo me I Bni* i(.n1 inv paimamii, m otntim e ufowly.

i'biceU bis pulia wlioro t m iabt pot\T h i» leuweon m ankiad amf pivtor

TIuiO la ever shliiiUK poa r n u Id lb«> evB ao bog ilndr qdarloft,

lu ibv ju u u Ui«y ls.-| lur uufa.•— H^UlifU^gq/^h


T lio n t y I lu y lu g lu M a u y IMoooa o f l lo a l

K slifo , but NwgltMtlDg !• t a b u T itle D>T -em a iU ls M juiH iw errd by l-aw

lu J>4»-.ltocuiiiiu«Ditatir»na H ade.

Tlirea jA tr* and a li lD e ov er a w tok h p i i ir 'l siiK ’ J 'jd g u ]) ;'p b e , at tbe re­quest uf the rAMiiMioD f'o u n e il, apfiuluti'd tbrec (Vimml«Ri(»n* rs in d i-r i b f M irLio a« tlo tdjii'it tbu t ix and A .............Ill Hen*,aumduU'iK in iiCuily (h'OMMjoO. that itin lii.r 'tvJ'l I'g.'jn t tin* j.r*p*'ny uf'lU^eiti- ft* 'IN l!.i'‘4jit , frw a* -u »nm-iiji r Di<* fiai IM* f ovi ly d>iv lineuLii-i ji lia- ;m rfoijnt-il alAJdl liirm -(luarto/Y

o f the grvMt Mft'k D ia l it started 1g a*4;‘j(ii-;j'U b.

(Vimptrtiller Janin* K. D untiH ly la tl night went to t'uiiui ii a ro in m u n U u D on review - itig pri-lly ihiirMiigbljr Die w urk g f Diu ninitnl4ftion«ri am i ills o w n w ork and thai of bis prideri'RVir in c f lic c ui conDoolnm with Die HrljuiinirTils and He ealfasltvo lion , pKi, tu th o fiMPi D iui 1 tie city , Dioiigli i i iD iu r /o d H) ilo-.Ru hy taw, Iihs in Vi-r Ulkwi ftltpa lu iM u rn t it le lo Die 1*rnp(-riy t lu t i i has i*Mii"ht In at tin; aiattlum, anil Jin racuu iu iciids tliat Ib ii Im* iluiu- at iitn n.

O f the. fJ.lKHJ.fHrf) wnrU j u f urrtiiTY nf ta x c in n i ;u>e-**no iila D ia l wrrM nuiAlitm]-itig III IdVil, ihtt a d ju«i(iJ"u t connniRftioqcrsliiive ai'ii'd np iti iftl,irik),iMf w orD i o f lienh, Jenviiix tV i w iiiib y e t b ) inJjli'f. l If Dhi *1,:iJMDI(H) wurUi n ilj'u iciJ , i/JN.fKJD wurLli III ruiiml ll^xbroa h a v o [acku s o d un- d r r t 'ie huniPiu r, Mini re fio its e n v eu n g the hiiUnee. iii'^r^y HkMfOO w n n h , are un tiH'lr WM.v (g Dh! H urlioii runm,

la a lilD e taldv K|»peuiJed lo t liii curi' mnnieafinii the t 'n in p ir id lrr iiim H its tlm follgv/ing fi^urn^, ih n w ioK th e u d jostn l viiluu u f Die liens a ica tn ft l 'th e ptn|M<rtv •*old ami Lbu p'lrD on o f th e pru|a*rl/ llt:D Dm city in beuHUte tb (!re w e re uobiiJiieri lur ll :

Saif fh-i .11, ii-mT. . .


. m . v . ' i r j

ikiu^bl by cUr.

t w;i 7M” N ». W l«NA .... *l AViiWl OH

twi ll, „ IU jaJUJifi IJ, 1 --J ... |y.^74j Lfij 7fi

ToUl— ............ •7J(.*^t:i 71 IIO.I.IHJ 7UTHK IVIMbTKnl.hKIt'a ftTATKMXKT.

T li iit i 'x tn f h li cou iin u n li aliuu pruNCut' I'd lis t nigrii, contAiTiiug Mr. C ounetly 's ^*(^|^nmendal^atlI, U aa follow n.

In ftueiirduniw wiDi mcciimi H o f Ibe )hw cn'aiiug Um |i-pai uf t'manu'r «r tbu r.iy III Ni'wmk. Ii IfS'om'W my dm y bipreumti lOVLNI llia(olbiwlMafii<Ui.

Tlu* l. iftJsliifM nfiltflHia'p, during lbs *eft- ftIuQ ol Nsfi, |w*-lD h law iNuuojonly kunwii aa iheMNrUuaei Tiiefuuinnn <Minie*il of ih*' xniu yenr piui*4* I a rt-H.-hitlon U*uriiig daia

.May 7, ri-<(iiL*-dng Iho H|ifxiluimvill <»( eifruiout- vloiierx iniduT L.iv |ir<jvl-iuOft ol amU law, Tijo ciinri, ariiiif ufioi) ih- n‘<pi.-Mt of Onime.h ma<lj Dm «i|i|HiliitiaL*ti s, w tdeh N ar dale June D. 1S1A. Thecomimvluntra ak imut' procteJ-

wiib iboir wiMk, sn-t 'ip loditH bavi* |ire- h'lib-il iiveiiC]rfoiir Fi'p iria, all ol nbluh bavu b t u cn'tr!rnif*l. A dei ftm'ii eMUilriba'igri ibun: reione iH-^amv ih* prrjiieny o l ibu JiejMwi’ueulnl Kmniie*. an t (bn coiiiptrobar priicee is un dar tliu [iruviiioQS o f Lbe ael losgJI, \ tliiit ilnti up lo lh o iirvMiiiLdab* ihepropvriy cmuinariihjd III fliteub uf (li« Lwunly-four raporu baft bean aj|d.

Tlin griM nm niiil uf itie Mena Ciivurud bv 1 hu fiiiertj ri'porijt refom'^t to has bueij rJl.flA? nf a Jui'h ilia nty has imiiirbl hi in valiio SlDil.OH, a« lullows : \\ nale of Outolier 'k). lAiT, 7M ; al m !u uf Hareli L>fi, 1A.AN, f:j.\Xi6; at lale gf 4)ei<)ber 11. IMl. lAT.bto.Al, and at that of Juu« IS. iWYk. llOSAH.TIi

The IsH ub* (v lc ff 'd tn h lha fiM 'imlar ray dlivciUjiu, anil the odKijr and rL-aerin'h am w qiiciiit iberctu liar« JeU ras Ui Lba fuJIuwihg luO ftohd eonclU'-toiift:

ticctloR V of ttni ttnrlJit act e>w|>owert ib« rltv to purehsia property n i imllViJualft wnuhl. and diivcii the otiinr m la* punuud tn iibiala- lugUlk Tha Ar.-ii pT'iceimfe D lbe prea*>ma- Hun oi iienitlcitoR M vile of luob of thonrup- er1> as Ihu ciJy purchaMS to the Mavor, who, tn boball of lbe u<iy. ih iH lervalbe proper ii'ilkN-i on riurilUA al lntel u l, Wh 11 UiIuL.a ula.Jiiud. ih*; |»w<'r is veated la ihe Com.non ruunai. wiih iho oimaetit of tUe Ptnanoi* I'om- raiuee, louli aud aaivey aueii prn|Hirty or any porllou iberiHif l>y guKl and luQlcIvm deed,

Tlia SALIM NUT UUMfLlTB.Nearly e'alUiM'ii a iou lh i tuviii paaand iiu(}4}

the dale o f lbe tlrii tw o featvs, and eight nrmiilhii have eiap'-#Ll i Iuew ilie dale of |bu lb Ini. Vet 1 heal ihura nuvor bus h(‘cn any auiuii takuu lM!y\iiiil the mere neordiiig ul i*urlib«tihi uf vaSo. The bas rciaiiied ibu ctirilOuaUn (a list uf w h ich li anneatsi) and hat fal'Oil tn yteMmt the muuu lu bia lluuur the Haycr, TTie animiJeJ list allows a lsrf,c amonnl of pru|M*riy otitd under tha prO' TiaiuiR uf ibn him by thn ikim plro'l^r luihu cHy, whn b pnipeilr *taii ) i ua the buoJci of irw ■■(Ibu lo-duv m Ibu saiou uun-liLl-'O as ix<(bre tiioe-Uihli-timinl oi ibu eoiumi^^lun, an.l uii thfl rciHHls ul iHle an hitving Ikmu puiubsauj |>y Uieci y el|>liteeti muti.Lis ago.

I Would iidiiiH) Dial lbe <'(i(nilfoller l>o In- itrucled lu hI uiiue pn'H**ru ibo euiiiH<aU>s ul Mill! loibu niiy lu (be Mayor. 1 tim awaiv* dint Mieli a-'ihm will luv'^ilve('oMitdiTAljle legal and dermal lah;w, IaiI duein It nut only ucivwiiry, tiuuif ih.i hi’rlO'Nl iiiiiKirt-kij*'' fur ihe [iiMuwmg tra«o.n, to w it ; l be erPi'rs cimrjf'iiMp lo ibu i otii|H oil' V s ufliiv III Dm pu'Hi aiiif |>rum>ni an* lino lo liiL* lmr*i*ili!cE and uubuihic*nlniu eiHiilillEiti ol ihi> ft eor-ia. Tlu> renilering ol in- lonnici'm in ih-' umidiUuEi g f prii|R.Tly, uu nHiULYi.niid the niiikiiig uf wan-uo* <‘uiim*t be glv)‘ii •ic lusdn iii'iimpliy tiei'aii'C ol (h*>enn. iMTH'iue iik'Di'MIr maiiiuiis.1 w ilh tho oEllri-and uiil diieu impruVH 1. hu*1 las'iuee a Finallly ha*. iit-ViT h v ii T" 0 bo*l ii|Hm proia.*r|y diapjbed u( UM'Inr 4Ik! pMivi'^imM ul itie luw.

'lUo nmipi lion ul ih<- iiurk u| Uio fnTUtl riiiiiimS'ionE-n un 1 w i]"'1n;ta seilV’mL'ni ol rHili |>U(‘i) n[ pcopjrtv HtiJUiieil by rbfin, onIh pad r tliL'i'lly wdt hs'^ieu 4(ie l.iiii wimmi n *V‘ l< in >'[ (x-r*-lul 1-d^. r hoiV'Ubkx. «n. r ug tlioexpi'M in b:s hiU l ri'port wbnly rixYiin nu'iiiN E'aii iRj t>r.inli'niiy exlubli.b rI llom u ihi* iii'4' R‘ 111 Ilf ll'v imgijcRlhin.

nnUUTAXT TU AIMI’ IKX TlTI.K It in Mf Ih** lilgiK'd biii>EV. Kiii't, irtrn a llunM

cUil inai Ihu city atmijid proi'esl'iuuniH !'■ U li‘ M Rp i"lil> LL-. |i-wohio, U'l'un'-H,

I iP -l- Jb (iiqiiiniig u f ancli (u lt uiak a Iht* |irk*pi'(iy H ll iTrr hmoI tigHlu*.l lliu dubi Umn in 1lR |ih M ilt h'luuuii.

Hoe.iiiit' When dill* 1r H'’(|dlri*d (ho prn;irrivL'L'B i>*A Ul Ih' iaiuiil*'. (Hid Will Ti-rmuM *-i inilil dll' ruy Will linte iXiin>vnH<l iu cbiiia by pav.lnj ol LUlf.

Uy u siu>D ol oiii MIX iirri'HrHgi) lyaium 11 w)U 1h) tuuinl iliril III*' oiriying t>i jiit-i Uu* cnarau-ll■■ll’ rMf orii|u'itv t4»v Miili'h 1 m >:|ti nui |My. iiic]i In Hiv n|>t*n. uuH^•lllt'.l Lti'l yot invnb^e cnii- >li(ii>ii, la ibv I'riui'pal c. . uh! uf utir yvaily i|q- li'iiii*7 111 iPCfi,iL-«, lo ruLiru luauniiig tax cm-aiaijH bi)ii'iN. I untr<sR(ih4 (b f iiiiiuiiiu oi

riy |i|jih by tin* rUy mueI. r 4tU* hUr- u iiiii 'iu iib (liM VAMiriy d 'l l o a rfEinm*.] iu Imjunvb'up u.r llio r Uii'inciU nf uiuiiuliig uix arri.'iLnLg(' ImiD r, mnl u k m u iLmmiuiniK ypurly g.iliw iivlo the Hrr>*ariigu ai'O'iiiiii. u-mg al<a>ls (lie vRarii IMl, iMSii and IviJ. during wbii'h lb ''uiiiM wore v -ry promptly paid, it will Iv <uund Dull (be amo'Uiifi nre In lhvru - lalioioUI'i very m.'ar.y aiiku.

Thera o o f pn 'pT ly im-h r Ihg a n (il qnes- D011 \* ii'K f.vr l«Y''R nliun*, bm I'T hII cUy ienii fli md *igulii4 tiro)wily prior lo JJiSil. Hli.-b hi ''P- nluA', jiiRdii'K*, iMirb ut-A, pavingii. w w cji, ell-.

II will la* ro«u-niUrt*<J llml Ilie rm d i la from iiliMiure't oDiei iliHn i» t e s worr pL dged by law lu Muli'ivsl in d kinking hitnl Icr iMtvIa kiiu» II Ah »irei-t stHi li 'u e i luiiuuveinetil biiHU; but Uitii ihr* V Liy m li 't i mill 'N Imiihl ii»«ll uii- iil'lii in ei'lhmv riuugli o iu o f u|>uu elaliua niiviiiuiUig (0 ur-srly 910JO.O0U In ]uLyUietii- i n-'i cm mich deM. Hlm'e (he (ijN'mihin nl tho Mith n aiii, tiu( uidy (laW Itia nKwijtift twR*n RutlieU'iit (or Ihe iiilefi.s<l, bill (|uUe an aiuoutit tiHR liL*en placed In ihe c v d iL o i the ijitkiuf lUiiil. Die siqu iilng o f d l le to properly aJ- jURKHl Hbd vi'd lor Iioiiei o f (licK bove U'llure hy ih ee i') ' m il m il (tiDher chiargi* m th e im a io - lilftU* liKim' Dio m v ip ls plntginl Uj Dili up. ooimt. wbi1« It the I ropi-rty purobftM.ilb> ihe city 1*0 lelt III ill prew-iii fu n d d iou » wlf| lur- niih W'lrs lor thu lu iiie b ia 'u ui fiiluru leguJu- fori and givs lbe rlly a le ^ avalliiblv akuvi,

Jl'VT To AiqVJHK TITLK.Tt hns fa‘cii (HnileiKltHl lba( d wmilil bo uiijihi

nn Dip f i r t bi the tUy 10 acquire tltip. 1a'( mo ■Mureynb (iiai tbn fti*t l*i itinle Iheoonirary. \UiVb the property la u ip o -e d fur mle aiiy }wr- ftuo can puichafto. aad iliuuid such purutuiMr lecuio del'd lbe chanco o f the owner lo reduver Is in'KlI Inilw'd , while l! (he cily kcturu ihe d<H*d hii eiiftiiee id rudumpMou miulil ye^ te-liiiln otN'U.

Ju CuJiulmJon let me hope for your immedl- ■te cobsidemDuq ol (bemi m atton for (he fgr- jb«i rianon ihai your Uvurable aetbiui will a«4tfit lb s (Rice la larrjnng ool lUv law cjval- lag ll~i>1ilcli demamls tbo uw ut all legal uieana InrDU' prompt cuU eciioauf Jbdcl>i«duc!(.->4 lo (he eiiy.

or tlie fl03,O4rf.7ij worlh uf pTuperty iHiunUt by tliu cily under the butnoier, title could IjHve Iwpo ne4|tnird toalltx- cept $l!i„'itlH.7j. wJiieli wxh suld within ihn all inmiilis ttml nre |HTioiu<M) lo the ]irnp- crly-oiTuert to redeuni Asftoeii as' (he dty acquin*a tilirtoilio land uiiif IiouBOA Ihul it has buuxlit ia 'it will find iliflf tbu uwuir of rual oiigtu hero and there all over the city. This propuily the (' tlnoka will have to be sold at aucUon to the highest bidden.

Ft.aWKIM r o n IDMCKIt.T h o F U iia l liernrH lbiiift l ‘l-ipli«y«<1 » t a

SitelilMiiablsi IxMirl'vn Tnlito.The Eohuwing i xirrrl from tin. Lfriwloh

fTn/rWMMier, ol M ly, flvea •oina nove) po- tloiis r»-lativfl to diniirr ULIe adoriinier.L:

rtirre wui n fl.Mruiin-.;ly dp(’ *raleil lai'If id l)ru(uii tlrnrl a few ui 'liti agu. The ll'*winwere iJsine-cidorrd tu)l|>e, ipinea ^bd idrrii feir. In the ruutre was a large silver nip fliloil with theiK- ilowers, and at the was ■ iIht *EhAfM'd DUiimd oftha *anie, In ear h *xlr*me p4dol of which wis a spliwd, 8ilV4-r caadrla- bra a)04i<] on nilirr sldo nf this, ipd gt 4-E'h i-jiil weiM Sliver eii|.A, ari'l areuiid I]j4-'p f i s *»<-r( I ifrl<-R'll Du: ■:'■(>>- fli*wer riu-« fT' - r ’tl,* M r.glifiil up » 'A veiv light it’d 'pmUtl ■. s ::*d n#irn-UM U**will ll. v*-ry n.u h in 'uvur aiftiu bir l^l'lc 'le* i>i‘ iimu. Ati-i !i< r itl'V wjr very nn-4V'(i»rin.n ll.•l -,t|, .md n.iM liave *jiOi-tly. as lbe fli)fr*-ra UN»*d wr-ra eulirclj 4if (ho fifteit ami calL'e^dsrinsbdjHile-t hae uf licllotTope, mlgmuivUr-ard iN'g^ula ic'LvCH, arranif4‘d la difiVcnit iha[H-d wreftths; 1*qt Ihe srnetl aJ Die he1iutr«po «a i rather overpowering- (>j)nr t»h)(‘4 will out be umob aflucted tills ReaRi.iu,

I mual but furgel to hollr'e n very qiialnl ■ liiiMer-iaiile m radoyMO HipiHro. Tb> ftulrf! WHS uf flamr-rulored plu-li.*Tbis waa am n gn l IU as to look like two tiers i'y the p'tisb beuit put over twn }iUn*s uf wniKl, lung ill pru|H rllun tu their width.A hraiR l.imp will' imiiiy lirimelirs MikkIoii thn tiif^hvr pAirDoii of Ir, tlie li^lju hoing K-i‘U iliFuugb ruby gliiss. (d'lvibl and nu- eninnuiii oiHiuU and tropical bloYsgiii** w»*re U4nl with culorni leavi*, ami were plarcd It. quiiitit m-rptfu-lrs. Mie tnbU' ‘Uitl. WHS entiT( ly of I'lui Mi'li i- grei'u nHk, wliidi «>« plaitMl in mmilruns fuhli. In the ccntcf was a largr* rt urul gluis dUh, with a hsnging Imrdi'r o( mnidcTi-irair fein, and in.the tnuMitiif it wurr; vlnlvfa KrrMiigei) in clretasnnd pihd lii;;h, Tire culvr i''»<-lo win the durk U*i'- «inn, thn seoimd the cray KeaiMdSiAu, ami Dm* imd Hr whito. Down Dm* ft’di-MirilM Ubira, ftUuulHig aninng Ihe woiiOr*>u« folds uf I Iiu silk i-!uDi, w* re smDI wlrt« giasw« fiilrd alleriiiitdy wiih Ku* dftn and pulilan viuJrts, Ih-furri-vcry plftlr w* rv sr ruiiL'4-d nltmiHU* kmr^mLi uf Dh-ni. and at (he corner* of tir UMw tiiry wviu arringi'd in f*r***«ui- . HUlu lumps ill lbe *lii|ie of rarll W'-rv doiD-d about on (he taide, and lung vpi ly* id vuric|.'a[«d creepers were iwItiMl ar*i«od anil umoiig ihrm, J.ipancorr miiiHlrii and dr igorii in imn held eunuiK friiitu. No metal but iron gpiMgred un llietaU**in (he way of ornmiiMit. Tho rarafti w«-rc in Die aliape of curJuua reptiliM, Kali nellarn shaped as goMiai held the aslt III Uaeketfl on their bucks. Orienu) platiii were used both for dinner and fur dessert. The room w*e lighted by iruti bunginglan)|ui,sbHd(M) with gilk the tiiiuc cutur na tho ccntru-piccc, Al a lunchcua at a vury chin buiiie the table WAY rlecoTEitr'd with vioJeu In ahadi-e fruiu purple lo white.

At a very Bumll dinner I ssw for a cen­tre pleco tlir( 6 old-fiiabionod silver deCin- tt*r siaiids phired Digetbor |4i look like B triple ba^kot, filled wiih white nurriaau.s anil fern, a light handle Blretobod acrosa niada of ribbons and Ikiwi.

A VEHDANT TENllKItFlMlT.H o w jan tftlcl Raochitiatt K aiH y VleUn<

Jfted an l im o ce u t **Fllgrlii).*'Fr >ni (he L>«uv*r Nowi,

Mtuy atorioi have been told on the plaiui u liiustratiiig tbo verdancy aud Kisterri inoocenue uf "pilcriiDa" aud ' ‘(ni- lerfct't." Due of tbu btiat which the AVica uow recslla is rotated iu rcgird to the tutu- ner Id wlijcii uue of the old plains runch- men up uenr the 8oulb Pass got a now wugnti. He Lad an old pno, which wa<4 pr;ictlcally wuribleis, and ho bad made many eJTnrUi (u trails it uir to paaa* log traiuB atiil travellers, but without sac- oo a. He was getting conaldrrably dlacour* aged, wbun a luae pdariai " apiLcared at the rani-h aud camped for tbe night. The pifgriiu was very green, and ai be was bound over iho uiuUniaiuB, had uaiiy questions to ask alMiut tho muuutsiu pav, hew wide It was, ami whuther wagona cx> perlencei] nmeb difli'jully la geitiug ihiiMigh, He had a braud^new wagon, whioU atrnrk the ranuhiuau's eye, aiitl be dtiUnuiiicd to play a bold game to got it.

The ijt-st ni'iruing tbe pilgrim " suw the rauulimiin siry eamfuily Dtca><nriug his wuguii, aud very uaturatly biseuDually was (riL'ited, aud his inquirlee were answered by the lolcnm asiutaiice from the ruiH-briiau (hat tlie wug'iO wu*i juit twuineliea too wide to gi-t (hr')ugh Die ]iii-R, The pilgiiiii i f i i duiufuumied aud m a pc( k of (ruiihlc!. Finjilly bu eyes red­ial uu Die uld rutlletr.ip of (ho randimau, which bu moutiiruil aud found to bu 1*40 inrbrs lunrnwor Ibaii bl| own. Jlc proiUiiDy pro|m-od u [rjile, The nuiitl)- m;in di'iiJurrcJ, His wa^uu whs uld, to be iurr% tut tbeii it was narrow L’liutipii to gu thioiigb tbu (uuu iu cuo ho hlaiuld eviT w.iui III vi!iit tbu Silt Like valley, Tbu morn he objected the uitiru iiuportiniatfl Ihe “ [lilgrlm” iH'iwnic, and linalty a trsdo wai cmi'iimmalcd, tlic rancliman getling the new waguu niid (HM-koling a good ruuud sum tu twol, I'liu “ pilgrim” went on bi» Wiiy rejuiicing at Ulft g'u>d foriuus In petting a wai'nn wbicli would gu Ihrongli the narrow pufts • but when he loaelitd the western slu|m In* must hivc rraliKcd iiuw Imdly lie lied bocii viuDtir.ard, siin-,e Ihn SmuDi pEi- i in iiriiud cuoukU i-o maruii an Hrmy ihruugh nod nui tho u.irruW gorge*, barely wide enough fur a w*H;uii, wbicb )iuJ hetm pictured to liiin, and which bo wjs to willing lo bo- liuvu.

MAltKET.SlHllHllca fo r (lie ¥t*.ir INM7 T hat A re

Umisuitlly liitorc<Hiig.From I Uhl lo.idoii Diob*'.

riiu I'UbJiRlu-J reinrn of Die iiii)rri.Dres ci'U-lir.DiHl in Ib rlin during the jc:ir 1--H7 is uiDigr inoro iiilcrciEDng tli iit atafr.-lteiil ducuiiiuiiU of Die kind UMiully ire. Only

out of tlie irL,lNl(l iuarri:igu.i Lm>k pluce iH'lwei'D ttear blood rclatiiin'i. Of Uiew.', 113 wi-TO l>olWiM!M Ural eou»ius, nod a kteru bolweuu U(iL‘i(a and niicis. J liu remnin- ing tuurri.ige Wiis that of a nephew wilh his auiiU AuuKjg iJiom who weru mHrriud weru boys uf Is aniJ 'il girls of Hi or iin- dur, togellior witli JU widowers of (torn TO to 77, 1 divurcvd wuiuan of 73 and 1 wkiow uf 7u. Tho two lunt uiurriiMi iu«u of be- twouu 4fi and 50,

III canes liEir.htlors married ipiu«.(i^rs; in Bsi casus bacholurs matriralwidows or divorced women, ami In 1,441 tpiusters iimrriid widowed or divoieed lut'u ; wbiiu Di (mbos widows ordi- vurcod womou uiurtit'd widowers ordi- viHciHl men, Two widows and one di- vorc4*d wumaii (oak bsi-helursHn their llflh hiiDiands, aaii sit widewa and two di vuregil Wuiuei) Umk Ri Ihoirllflh buahaiiiU inuii wbo hud been ptevlously uiarricd, whtl« eiglit widoweri or divorced meu married ftpUistors a^er huviug already buDod or gilt rid u( four wives sp iecc.

lu many cases ihero was a cuuside«-nblrA UiftVronca of ago betweeu the conirsctiug jmrties. Al m tuy us 34 women were ItO or inaru yeurs sminger Dmii ihoir huslundi; 41* WiTB (roiii 2u to 3(1 yesM younger, uml 123 wore fnnu iM to *Aj Tcurs ynuuger, On tbo other liaiul, iu 4,7QO cquis tbs womau was older than her vieliiu. In b4 mat- riugealhe (UrtVreueo whs lietween 15 aud 3b ye:(r>«; lu 1 luftrriago it woi 31 years, am) in auolbcr it vrmi aa nincb us id yean. In liciiin, ai elflcwlicre, (be young oiau s fancy seeinft lo lighily tom to iLoughit of lovo in tbe tprliig riilherDian a[ auy otJier tiincj for tb»* favorilo niatriuiouial mouth is April. Dut afler April Oi-tober ic«a morn iiiiirrijgi.-i than auy laoiitb, and also luore ftuit ides.

K t|irrlrnenl(ng U 'ltli rtata.Fr<un Ihe Scii-milig Aoicrit ii.

M. Uert si-wwl the tip of (he tail im o (he (jack uMbo rat, After It (ia*1 taken tvo 111 ns now p o - iU g c i j^ ^ i JKHf ehq*.fr#(i,Murigluai wiiKotlLitort'oi^.l'ub « a Uil ri-viExaed hi la*fllluib‘th«%»wi'r*'W‘ A!=" Ing til* funi. AHurwirue ilme^l was fmibd ibai Lite oew tiiii was Fcuftiilve. ConcluTlud, ihe nerrcH iBCTWition ceii carry Impnl»*aca4'h way. J>r. KOi-h has recouily perhiriuad itiia Mper.uienlon forty ran. Iu ihlriycaftoft tho ui|s u Ufl haiNftu’ lorlly. but atver, even 4‘ liilu inoiiibi laU'f, WHH any teniaUou present In Ihe new apircbdogc.

A TIIKILUNn gNAKB STORY.C'aptuif* o f a Muwstoe That Hevunved ■

UomaaClo Animala aird I'htldran. jThe PuU of Bpain (rDaldadj (i'HtritA

p'lbli^bi-i Dip fulluwing rxlrsordinary au- count 4if the dr-prtdaDuui fthd capture of u (Mom-lt r siKike i

During lbe Iasi two montbi It haft i*f*-D a niiUi r c f fi<-qiienl eoiDplainl aiuung D'C inhubiUnlt of the dUtiirts tuul and iiurth of Arifui, that thcr doiuesUc aiiimkis of all kiiiL)> wrre Lr irig Joftt in a •trRiige, nn- pi|ilaimd niinner, uiuilly al night. Bcarrely a d<ty Mciuvd lo pa**!without a Koai or a pig. a ^"if Hi a donkey being n-puried mua- log, iiid laiprly wen larger aiiimulSj ftuuie valuwhle mutuft amt hnrsiS, LriI gun* to |uD) the atuallcr dnmeitic fry (but liaii dii- apT^sreti. Oucr Sunday tuoiimig ih* in- liiibitiiits (if Arina were thrown into con- stL'rgiitiuu l>y it* newi ih'U Ibren 1 hitdr*ui bad dl'Sjq'Csred in the ward uf Oiisimpa during Du* jiaD we« k, and ihi'y wi-re anp IKrt'-d tu have IwiAiats tha viilims of lb* ruidiiig luuuiter,

l.iit' r in the Rdernorm ncwinsibrought from Ar1]>u thut two diililreu, I'sul and Ib'ah J.cgraii*l, brother aud Slftlei, Jiail Ihicr lun, iiiiR on Kulunlsy and nmi iin that very luorning. la thia iuilauc* tha nmDur Willie killing in a Rtuis of aemi-ihipuT, jiMKirriiiijr Din lou of her iiUle ilaugblrr fb'-H*, tivv yi-artul'l, who hid diftUp(H'Sitd in tlu‘ gnniMls round bir hut BiiunUy at noon Vriiiiuiit any (ruL-tet Vm g fuuiid uf liT, w !B starDi-d by tho ftfreams of her idiiirl Diul, who was jilaying a fvw yards fruni her

K'luti'd wiili liurrur, siin tlieti luw her (bud tfUVL lu[»-d in tba iHills nflhe upper p'lri r*f Diu l»u>]y ol a cuIommI snuke, wlik h gl"1nl HVmy vniu iU prey into Ihe lii pDift of the forr-siB. A numlkir of ih* realdcuLB (if ihii 'llstr.e'l, armid with bumb, (o wfatn-n riiiiks new tuMV&sgties were cuiitinuiUiy euiuing, lK-g,iu to iuutir (ho country af*er (he snake, atijong Diera Juia Cuurcpliun and i'lul I<AgraiHl, 8r., fstlivrs nf Iwn (hdd vN-tims. on whoto grira fenturei was ^flliCB a qururlileai dctPrtiihiaUua to wr* ak ipblpm'w dta-p tad dire go the Ir n-liak Nt.

Tt - * i itrMvnl tq Arima was raiwd (o t ' * ‘ ’ tpK«h(Hi Tuvwiay wL*-n newi WiRk#** ' iks4 tba great aer|rcnl had

a Oft (to* Alima heigbis, and (hat 1WC • ^aiMiWR dad (wen carried off by km

TkerwIsF BHiiiiinp \ loutley ravulcaile tti« im*n («. eio** (Mii o f Arloia in a nurlb- rily Hiii<*toa. Ihry were tbe wxidrit «tit| hU pirly oB ibnir way tolh* Ulue Mvimtalu, 10 Ih* neighburbuod uf wbi«di •t-an-b imrUoi had liK'aled tbe make tbu day befure, ll* bad h»*n *fen br voe of the hunter* to piiter the Husebaro CiVis is th* hill lepsiraliMl by a builow from the iMuuniaia, aud ■ corduu bad grudnallv been fuimid round Ibo bill to pruvuut hli aaltying out.

Tbo wurdiMi’a party having reached the caves, aud nnotlicr large party hulditig the eutrsuce on Ihu valley In the uortliem Mile, a sort ol forlorn hope by Die warden and prineipiil fur luemlicr* of bia parly was orguniztMl for gradual eatrauceiiito Die L’averns as far ai tbe iJglit nf day pe.rie. trated, preceded by ■ couple o f dogs held in leaili by guides. Nothing was noDced fur wBib niinutes as tbe party fttumiiled their way over the rough rocks, save tbe murmur o f Lbe full and the niournfui half •trevcb of Di* dlsoisl guachatu birds. But ai they drew nearer tbe pool at tba foul o f tbe watorf«|| tho dug bi-gau (o get excited and to eviace a decided inclinatioD to run back,

There waa lufllctrnt light ilr.eicalng through theentranreatodlstinguish pretty clearly ail ohjento In tbe ioierior in the direct ll| e of the entrances. The party baited, bulb on account o f the unruly dU- poiitions of tbe (iog* and becauw ono ol Die guldva stated be bad ie«u BoruelbiDg moving in the po«d.

With rifles cocked, all eyoa were now Axed upon tho pool, lb e dugs now began to bowl, and whether tho nuiio routed the ttrriblo occupqot of tbe cavea or he other* wi^ bocume aware uf the exiaUiUce ol tbe party, the bead of s munMrout snuke lud* denly eppearvd on the Burrace of tbe puol, and two large and iustrous *yca became fixed with a diabolical gleam on tb* lutru- ilcri.

An angry hiss, like tbo plunging o f a redbot beam Into tho pool, JjiBucd from ih^ Indcouft bend. A muttered aigual, and a vullcy rang wilh reverberathig echoes through the caves. I^rge stones fell upon the jugged roof, and tbo lUrtlcd gnaeba- mi flew wildly in all direclioui, uttering (beirdUtiml serteeb. The bnilla bad not been klllod by the builets aimed at his hvftd. With great rapidity he seemed to un Eoil bia length from the depths uf the piHil, aud wilh fully twenty-live feetofhia body rsiitd and rurveil forward, as If to (tart al bia B«ftallauta, beaceined to be emerging from the poo]., A tow wliispuriH] wurda notified half tbe party to aicu al his bead and tbe other half Ml the ce n l» i part of bis body, Tbe sec- uiid volley produced the d4*sired efluct. Miecuioksal stiaku leaped wliully out o f Die pool, and iviDi a few terrible couvul- Dimih, in which be Iftftlied the water and ibu floor of the oivera, ho Hank quivering to Did ground, h third vulley fur a quietus iiJturiog his rerUin death. 'J'hii fscl waa then miule sure of, and Lb* caves iveruM»oii invaded (ly (hi* jiurfUiTH.

T h e inonsier was dmgsed out into Iho level and fiiund tn m«>a«>ure lorij-scven 5-ct, the (hlckcst part of tho body b LVing u dminclcr o f two and a half ft-pt. In culor'lii' Wits iclliiw iu (be under pirt of bh body, dark tibove, with dark rings en rirding the hiHly, l>etwecD wLich scins- lunar gray disks M rved a*t spurs (0 varic* gate the skin. He was opened by Die rna- I'lu'tas o f sorac cn< ia pinners. In birn were found tbe tiair-di:,;U9icd body of a dvfT and a number of fanna |mu|H‘ ri+ furma, pj'opubiy iivallowt'd by tnui, with tlio Lh>Ot of SLjUto uiiknown and uulurtu- iiiite ciK'oa ciuitractor.

I'bn joyful rounnirse, dragging (he men-* stcr, reached Ariuiii, wlirre the mM'c*isary ktrpfl were tskini lo prtserve tlio CEireaiw for dll'pluy ill tbo rotineii ]iul] of I'ori oi HpiUii, Tbg L-xi’liliig oocurrencpi cou- tu'cieii with this nnmslcr arc sriN lbe tub jeel of general diih nssion and gu.-kip,

GltOt\lNU I.KOItUK HOOT.W bcr« It. 4'on»ca From and How Pr*.

pared for Lite Market.From lite Arusnean AuaiytL

Nearly tbtog luilhou pounds of licoric« root arrived at lbe |Mirt tit New York dur­ing one week, ret^uUr, froTii fliuyrna. The l-irgakt ehiiro gf llcorioa now comes from AkIx Minor, one American bavmg aliDoai a iuonoi>oly uf It, and Laving braiiclic» tor intuuraciuFing the extract iti this eotiiitrv. Large qiJanDlitsa uf licorice areiuipurud inio tbu DiiiDdSUtoa al a hoavy oxpt ust* of import dories.

Aliout a year ago it was cel tied beyond ilnuht that tba itdt and edniato ofCalitor* nia are pirtocDy adsptod toila production,

Llroriee is piepared tike horw-radi**li, hy mcatia of root slips, which arg removi^d from tbo main root, 7‘he soil muat be well fcrllilsid ami tboruugblyahrnkcn tu Die ilepLh of throe toot to obtAin Di« Usi TtJiiDt. The groat dcpih is neceifttry to enegurace the roots to prow downward tg rs(*ape the great boal, not only of oae, but of ftevoral hut sntuniurs, as it takes three or four yean to |M‘rtocl tho roots tor mar­ket, during which time tho plaut oiual re- ci'ive C45nx1aut and careJiiI fulElvation with Iho prong hoe. Layoff tbe rowi two fuel hpurl, and after cuUUg the root allps iulo •i'cUuDB of five or six inches, plant them in vertical boles made with a dii^blc, 6ix- toen ladies aparh obacrvlog to thrust (bi’W Bevcral Inches bolow tbe surface, and cover over.

Aft the growing «eaign cloieft each au­tumn, the fttoms ftlioiiU) be cut down and romuvixT ami a liln-ral coating gf manure cmiipruu'd with rich hamnsiick (ton) solL If the plaptA have been well ciretTiiir, lYie ■ may ()5 large enough in tbrceyetirB

lirt iiiArket, though four years la nut UDcomuioii# fUrqcsUng'u quite a tedious job, and uu ac4*ount of the depth— two or ihrw) fe n —has to beojoae with a spade. When dug (bu tide rood, Hfte4i tor prr^pagRDon, are cut off, bju] tbu main nnitiare wasbod, dried and tlediacoB- venient-ilaud bundles.

MO 0ANOINO. NO FLAT*Chaafrau'a Twu kffurts to filv* « Per-

lormenee In S'eanftytfaala.From the IkwioB Ok>ba

Home years ago 1 plloied Frank Cban> frau over (he ri-nmiylvaDia circuit, and as ll waft my fiml fipt-neDca on the '* road "I waa pstiii'ularlj anxious that the tour should be a suect to, not only for my Im* luediato btuefit, Aaaucialiy, but also for tbe purpose of croatiug a Tcputatiou with other ilellar attractions wbom 1 propo«ed lo take over the aame terDtory later on.1 sifto desired to fttaud well with the local managrri, enabling me, aa it would, to make adviutagcouft arrangements as to term*. ftr„ etc.

Th* “ muiilty " ctiinaper. an a rule, ift * peroliftT iruhvidnxl, comhining, ju be ofton does, lbe ranoui dimes of Janitor, hill p4F>U'T, tirket seller an < 4*ene shitter He ia o-*UHl!y a clever toitow, a n d ssb i*e i liotiftes are alunuHt untbing, hs oHSIly earoi a liand**oiiu> incrime, no matter bow smill th" t'udrif’Si m*y he for Iheitnror eom- rmny, his share of tbe receipts being qoil* all prufit.

But where he psrtirularly ihlurt ami briPBi bis laleiil laleots to th* tore Ift hi* read-n^w to account forabLd hotne (and he hoA miny of them during tbu l4'a OI0 wilh a pruinpt and reasonable excuse, so that in the event of iiu«iiiesii being uu^alift- toi’tory he may calm down the Into man. Mger at'd diRgusted H(ar, and induce them to acAin visit (he village on ftorue future orcuuon. Tbe fullowliig ia o. true llluslra- Dor, We bid phyed all ibroiixh ihec<ul regions, ‘ ‘ Kit ** proving a magnet, and w* wi-ri* piling up Diedsliar*, WocouDniit d thwUiur into lbe we»tora portion of the Suit-, t>ut nti rrscliing L'chhuveti we found Ltiut Hc had met imr Wau-rluo.

1 torgi‘t nuw jq>t what uur receipts were thftt iiiglii, but it was in the vicinity of $12 ur $1,5.

('haiJrju waa aiinply mad. H was lua flr>t to tbattiiWD, and be vowed it wuiild lie his laM, and, after the perfurm- anre, when the local manager Joiued us ai tbo liutel, the grniul Frank did not mince his Words, amt it it well knowo that hie curicM could he '* both loud and deep ou occaeiuuR,

“ WlmL kind of a town Is this 7" said be; " dues anybody live here t Do they ever (oiuc tn the Ibralre t Hero we bring you a New Vurk sucL'cas, with a first-class com- pauy, and w« don't play to etiouAi) money to pay fur luullng the baggige.'^

“ Nnw, Qjy dear Mr. Chanfraa, ' replied the man of tbe opera house, **yoa must k now that wc have bad a show her* every night for the past lix weeks, and our peo* plu are draiiitd o f inguey. Why, Cellers A Su|iiftBit'i company last night didn't tftks in $5, and PilCa 'D ohlib i' bad lo leave tbeir trunks for their hotel btlie. Ordiaarily, ihli is a first cIom town, and you can play to big moony. You made a bit lo-nighr, and will Iw the Ulk of the town. Now. if you could be here on Fri­day iho bouae would uT bis big caough to boid the pi'ople.'^

'* Wlml cycloDo is going to occur then 7' tiked Av’hdDirau.

'' Why, we're golog to hang 0 man here next Friday, and all tU* peopie will come from miles around. Yoa come biek and plav, and HI give you ninety per cent, of tbe ifi'fipto and haul your bu^age free. What do ypu My T

Choufnin looked at me and t looked at ('lianfrKU, and aa ha aceintd to acquieK** 1 Bccx-pted the proposal, and then aud there ugiied comrade tor tbe return date.

I bo utxt dsy I wired several lownn, changed dales, cineeJed tbe Friday night wlicro we were origiually Uigked, and, at much Lrouhiu and sotne expense, arranged QiBiicrs fto thit we could give tbe goi»d ioJks gf Lorkluf Oft and viciiuty one more opportunity to wUuess '‘ Th* Arkansas Traveller.''

Friday came and we rode all day, mak­ing a loDg Jump, aud arrived about 7 4 'clork. As it was too Iftie for luppcr we- hurried to the opera bouse.

Ooo thing struck me at ouo* u being uuiious, aud that waa tbe total abseoce af- people on tbe streets. Not a man, womaa or child was iu sight, and the lownAcemeil like a city of th* drad, when 1 hud oatur- ally looked forward to a gala uifbt—.itores opt-D, ritiseop pFijoicoAdlQg up and dong tbe main Blreet and every seat in the bou«e ftold before oar arrival.

At Ht30 o'clock, and with nobody in the theatre, 1 iwJIdly BuggcstcU to the manager that he had bettor put out his gxa, as wc would give no pcrlorfluance, and uk«-d him to come with rue lud explain mat­ters to Mr. Chanfrtu, Ho did so, and we proceeded to Frank’s drvftsiQg-rooai at004*0,

" tYbftt ift the matter nowY Where is tb it man you were going to hang to-day F' Bald my furious filar.

*' Why, Mr, Chaiifrau,’' replied the local director, '^we poHtpoued tho Jiauglng fur another uiualb.’'

LTlLI/ATtON UF FAt’ FK.Whnt May He LookfMl Fur As the Age

Dwetope.Fnim tbe Taper World.

We live iu paper bouses, wear paper clolhiag and sit on paper rnsbiuns In papir cars, lolliug on paper wheets. We do a |M4prr Imsiocss over a paper counter, huy- iTig palter goodfi, piying with paper money or charging them up lu paper books, and di-fll in pnp;*r utoclt! on paper msrgiQq, Wo row races in prtut.r boats for paper priacs. Wh go to paper theatres, wtiere paper actor!* pl.Ay to paper audiences.

As the Nge dcvelopfl tbe coming Diau Will be uiore deeply camefilii-d iu Die piipi-r net. He will wake in the uiomiug and creep flora under bis pap4*r bed, and pul OD hifl paper dit6!*log pown and pjipcr iii|i- pi-ff. Ho ft'ill walk over puper ojirpets, doAH pH}o*r stairs, and, seHtlng Uliusolf in a pai'er diair, read (he p>ip«r news in Die morning paper. A psp^r bell will cull him lo h Is break fait, cooked in a paper oven, serv4don p'per diuhes, laid on a paper clulh on a pipor lible. He will wipe kii Ifpi with A pkpt'r napkin, aud baviug pm on his p ipir iboei, pap r bat and paper coat sulI taking his paper cane, be will walk oil A paper pavement or ride In a p.iper carriage to bU piper uflioe. Ho will ormiuixe p tpi'r entetprises and make paper lirorUH, Ha will go to Kurupo on psprr fiU'Hinships and unvtpale (ho air iq papi-r balliNiue. He will acnoko paper lobac<.*oiii a pap r pip'*, lighted wilb a p.iper match. Ho will wi(te wilh a piper pencil, whittle p,ipcr slicks with a p per knife, go fishing wilit a pipur fiihiug-rod, a pEi x r line and u pip ir hook, and put hli cjiicb lu a piper basket. H h will go shugling with a paper gun, loaded with paper eaitrldges, ami de.. fend Ilia country in pt-per forls WiDi paper (isnmin and paprr bmubs.

Having lived his paperllfg and acbievis] ft piper fimn and paper wealth, bo will re­tire to paper ieisuie and dte in paper peatv. There wiii be ti paper fuucral, at wbu'h the mourners, drcsaid In piper cratrt, will wipa tbeir evei with piper hniulkcrobleft, and a papnr preacher will proauli a paper xerm<ju in q p iper pulpit fro4n a p-ipar tcxl. Hu will lie in a paper coffln wrapped in a pip,*r ihroud, h)s namu will be engravid uu a pipur plate, and a pjpi-r brarsn, adorned with p per plumefi, will carry him to b papur-Huud grave over which will be raified a paper monumem.

S l o t l t t * *

C'^TmSTwToNKnr'*NAl.K. - IWplJIW11AN4J* yuf Mil order ul Uie Or|<h»iW 4'curt yf to*

(luuiitj uf (■at*(. mad* Di s iluj-Db*' •Ui»»'nber-s com>vl«M>-'*ra a(>(adiitMd by mU! t-mirt, J41 UiS ui;AU«r uf (1.* Mtaieu/ WUll^m rJaeHiiK.deLvoMd, i«il| wll at jniOiiu\tmta«.uUhfi ouuni oiiMi in Ikei-ttyol nt*WMrk uD Mmntay, (••* OrH day ui July D(*Ei, «t S»'<-l(Mik 111 Di« E lfri.u(ra,ai1 Uiua* (hrt4-i-vrlaln Irai u Ilf (.-likI uixt ir->-ii)i**<N,iMuiiie in the* tiy uf NvwHrk, l*aM*x L'uUiay.N<-w Jeraty.

Tlie r 'ln it 'I fa* I H<-x(nii) irf a l a ^ a o l <hi D'« *a»<t4-rlv- Una S iK t'inn Hirta-l d ln a n i R iim y- fiiur rKviiiMi* nil fruiu (Imt auLiLlifjdd ruruvr t>f lAfay 'd* au<J Madinuii aLreeU; tlwure run- nlriM M)i(lM»rly alMiis Dt* Ra>d saslifrly pne uf MiiOL'aiTv 1 ro ii'le li^liiH 'n h-#l uis tm-lisu; Dvtiii-ela ’MiiMEsicrh-dlic* liun n1n*‘.y-riHir !»*«(;Lu % [H>rLh«rfy d1ra« i;ou etounini (eel M > Inclica; UitiMaid a wwlcc.r d iectioii nliitty fiiur la*-

Of She nra* iirriniiwM cdorpyed lo Ui*Raid WiiiUat bJrt!iiE>ily ■:atf*( n-uM«i( 10 (b» Knarv ('•t inty lWi(iM(«r SufUi-v lu Lhajh A. IH uf LW*dS at iiftre fiu»

riir Heii-nil Trart- Hcfinnins kl a point un ttu» nerlLK ily ‘-f C.icuimL iirLaii u4ie l iu u lr u l ami (wtniiy dvr (V«r>taaai<‘riy fninithesUMie fUmL- • I Ltr a i-ur.t*! whtih luh! <-orn«t (-4 furmwl by (.•.■interae t.un <>( the n u r llii 'r 'y hne ot 4'haiil- MUi a iie r l whJ Dl»* weaicr.y line o f • (rw -t o f a'lM'h f-'ra.i.Mi punhaM'Ll ofJ 'S e 'h HI.Lrft , tro iu lliCiMa ruo iU nt 111,rV ' U x iiy u THH aud Dire* I •uflliB d«Kr4«** aa»( one l>Oiiil|tE*( |H*I I'V r h-i-l. 1lil‘ii H #>UL-| !lrty a.i. and uMvr»u;lh «>Nl (aeniv |vc n**L;ih c lUi ftoaili ttiir(>--Dir«'i' «U’ l U irft-liH irU ift (i*>

rn?Hii west one l.u<i«lr*d and live fH*| in Bald V iHitiiut s tre e t; Uiauie iHurta AfteoBa and o'le-

f ii 'ir liid v .re e ft acm%Ura( D,«llnw ufsald ( (m e nii( " t r i^ l iw i-u ty i i v a t n lh r ^ila c o f b* a u n 04, iw-ny tba ja m * LffBiniara coii^c-vol t * U i* •A;il Wii.IrtlM l-J'i'llhg; by rir*> Fe OlJi-'l lo aai'l hi-ijliiLer'ft lUftiv lu IIomX X , £f o f IW«l1i , kI paa* .111.

•ni# T l i ip l T toil r# imiSiiM oh Ihe w w i^ r ’y Mite iifT|i)M-nMr'i< l.t(i« nr aveiiu* nt • Lw>1*it d '.- (a iitd iie '^undre iB B 'lftB ieau -a-veu IW (*1 tli.o ‘t<s ii'» r!b iT ly fto in liif* ■ o n in .i| the Shiite i.ii'L Mur- my sLi 'hA ; fruiU iheiKo rouniiia alonz lu n l T lrtu^ irn'r*) lin e or avciiuc uuriU r>iiir d '-.rrea ami ih irtv m Im ilM c'.irt iw c ’ i l v f l ie IW-i ; ih i-m * iiE > rM ie iiitiiy-to ii« ii« r*-!iiM id t ifty iiKUitea w w l one lii i i i i ln i it Slid nAy feel H it lm ^ f« lu a sire**! ufu Irtv Af( liiwVltn ; ibcR S hI'-im ail«1 Rim*t Minlh seve*L de» ia 1 a-.d ten iiil »uies wc ( lui Mi>-n«e fa'-t. .in I (' en t> nUmv me line </f M v lo l h-TvIuftire nmveVed by M ai'lien .Ir. •m l w b* ('■ J*u.t*a Vi‘1 liHUift, 41 iiK Miuih I'h fM tan■le-Ti'i^^ j*n'i dAy niMiiMexeiinl otM* fiuo 'i'et hml (Illy oiii' f f '• t ‘II ' * tu (tu* (*b.c ■ nf ti*- irl'MiluK, !<e ll'- Ln« a uie uiiiiti' luuraieliuI'e <*7i1 Miilllam h , |mi», umr^mrfdi h.iA'i- iriiL, hi-, wile, hi i1ce*l reeiMlMl In aald hU*. la lei‘s I>]11> e In li(H>k V. £1 uf l*ee<lH, »l {>Ji;r:i>4l,lr«H>ijfi»ny M - by the i ' 'e ir 'a * r ihc re in n f John--.liick jknil Wilh-im hLlrkpitr!>*S.

.MNy 'Ja,TM KliJ'.H U 'K If , P1MDT, JOHN II, lH.-'KMiKKHY, (’■-H.DlHV'jril.r*.

2:t t'nnamtftidmipix

n * i l r d « S * .

i .

Maori War Etiquette.It fli'cnia liiinllv credible to aa. who

beikt ve evcryihlax lo be lair in war, ibat ludi tialf aavagoft as ibe Uaoris. of New ZoilarHl, ^houlil ultscrve eourtesiea toward' (licit eiie- micN (list pul Us Iq (be blush. While Ibeyare a( war with ihc Ktigluh ihey lavartatily fend « notice when (hey an-golou lo make an iiliwk, an ifUiey werecotulng on a lilenilly visl( aniL dotiml ihliigs U) bo ready for (hem. They (hiHight It very itrange tbsl the hn ltsh did not give ihem iirallar noiipe, Bomenmes two villugi'i wmild go( up a warwitfi eachoiher ami after (tabling like Ugers til day (h jy would come out ol ib4>ir Uulo lorti lowaid. uwiilug and taili over Lbe day's

Wiwia bvulfc, .,-ia -liwp'il'uVdiinii d.,'-

I.1WRX <'IH(T1T nU ’ IlT.-.VOTirK IM jIn.T'-uy filven Li at ■ wrft rtf aiLu;li[LE«<il ai the

bihii>r J iw>|ilk lly If. Ju'Hp I ttyile, Jr .(ieonm W. K.vile, J‘ im ua ir>-il4-nuil K jde, pHrtneraIII ti-Niiv. eiL-., aii;ii:R*( (tie Mxiita aud crcdlta, )iiOi>e\ SEUiii (-1 - Ih. i(uo‘Ii anil enolteis, lainls na I t»-ueiiieiii-t n f 1-r***h ri h A. tinwliorW , u riii>i-f»ii- ■lent deiiLor. f-ir (I e »HJiiJ'd m.e ihuuMaiid do.lars l l ’••le•l ii t i io r (lie iiixjve ‘■ la tid tiuu rt u n ilm n ine (eeiilh day o f A|.rd. A. I'.. 1MW», lie liirnab le ninl relume*! 1 n ( " '( " ir ( duly ei«:K Oled hy llu* hJierlll*>r ihii (-(iii' iv nrl•: s*x on inr eirvei.tti day of Muy, A.

HAMCKL A. H M in i.'.■Jrrlt.

rirn/KuoN W'>oi'Ri-> r, atuirnry fur plaiiiliilli.baled fttny'JA. 4. U.. ftai). IXc

1 4MTATK (IK Kl.i/.AIIKI II W. MK.AR, I>E- I aceaoHj i'ursuaiit lO 11 fi o r or < f JuROph 1.. Muimu Hori’u-.aie nf tt*e ('iiuniy o f ftowen, Llila duy BUule. on die Hp|tllo.<(j0M ol the iiDdenisned exe* iilor ■>( ■-I'l do<e ■uhI, notUe -a lierei'V ntven d) (lie nf ami ileeeA.'Mwt igeih ltd l to tlieauLf* ribi-r uinler ualli or aftlriuHLuiu their elLlntR HM<I rti>miinil'iRgilii«4 (' e e»i (o nf said de -e msl wtLiiln nine ujuuUin from (Ilia d.u*. or Uiry w II k« lurever Inirretl fruai pro «<‘utiuH or rw overLug tlie soniL* HgalnW the sniiat-rilM’r,UJ*a>HOE w. UKAIX

Muy3i,lW!J.____ Mi1.1HTATK OK lIlKAftI M. KfUH>|CS. I»»> P.^ieaMv1-riiiSu .Ml (o (he order u f Jo»*jih

i(u n n ,K n rro 4h (« u ril:c •'oiiiUy <*r Kiwex. Linailay inade, gn the »U|ii1 ntlu'k lat the iiudem vned. an- iiini'Wu^ir.x Ol tLuft ilAts.. whI, mith-e la hernl'y flvuLi (u (h« rr i^ lito ra o f anld o« • iae*( U* e.t lu liU UUhewdia r i lH 'rn n ile ro a ili or «ft|riu.^ilun cl>**ir etairiia and dem uid-' a itd t if t ihe et4.i(fi o f wild de I'maed w il h in ii me iutmUi« f i om thta lU lo , u r (hey w ill l e forev*'*- h.trri il fn-m pTnaei-utlna o r re- 1 oVerin4 Um ftiimfi Hipii iM tlie *nOrai-(l1ie'r.

KLl^UKrH hHObB^ Hftytl.dVA * ai

I .IK I A T k OF K A N N fK O. FH K FH A W , [)A- ^^TPEiml. I’-iirsiLBiit lo lEit? order uf Ji>'*v|iii t.,

Munii^Mnrnij'.teoflhet’uuntyof F/«*eT,ih a taijty o fF /a w T .ia a ta y f'lwde.uii die .j>plu«U:>ii o f (he umleraw"^1 hJ- adoiiitmPir o f add dervofiotl, noth-e I* heret’y ilvfio lo (he iTflUun o f aald ■Imwaml Lu exhUiJi to Like wlitoi liter, muleroatJi nr oftlilaEtUou, (heirclalniftB ml <1eiriand*( oxalnit the em-de o f rhI'I d e T iM tl w t-nn nine m va ih^ from th ls ila lc .D r they Will ll* tgruvei' (oirnFHl fiMtu iinMi>t-iiiliiijf urreiDTOftha Uis fekmeagMlnar the o]bH‘rLI<er.

W IL L IA M iLApril 10. iS-a &.<k

p H T A T K O K U A N IK I. N. (J A ltr iN K H , l)F- JjE e .uw (i. K urM uiit U l i e order <t Jna,‘ id i U Manih HivjrroKbW uf the coLtnty nf Fi-H*x, th iaday nuwle, on theuy^dUaaioii o f (he undemLjtavti ex- p'-ulor n f s.ii'1 iT* . l ane I. nuticv Ir I.ervhy aiveii lu lhei-re<1u u r^o f wild de.w,uie.f to extifhkf lo the wilwa rtlie r ii inter o ith nr atArniMiEun the ir t-Laima atid dentum lHaigiin^ Uie eetaie o f u h l def-earu-d

............... ‘ 111within nine mniitliR from (tiladal*'. or ttiey willbe forever harro l from l ‘ — ------ ---Lite Riinie axalimt the sol

AprTlII 1WB,

he forever horre l from uro*« ut1iu( or re- ovorlug■ ------ ‘ ‘ “ ■— er.


LA W I'ATK IIK AS.NAM . N. I)I*A:KAHKU.J^JPiirauaiit to the or* er o f bioepli I.. Atutm, horrogutuol Hie i oiiiKy uk l*>*ei. Una day RjMile. ou Ui« appiio.ll *ou of me undi'riSif nod exei uior nr Mid det-eaeinl, (toll'« Ll lieie loMiecri>dl-tors uf said d*'>-vua>d (u f' to (he « h i nlier UJi'lcr Oath ur ufllrninUoa Kieir (-•mai'^H-id ils- mandaneuiiiHr (lu-ediileor wtld dei-eafied within niai* iikunih*i Auin Uiii data, ur (bay will 1<€ fbr ev<*r harred fritni pn>H(‘ "iu1iig uf itHtiVerlRg the aimefuni nnt(hemj!>VT|iH>r.


KKlL'KOr TUK HTHKhT fSJMMJMMION- T. ewilrk N. J., Jua<j lu, iswlO ,

hi',.led prnimsili art i p re .el’Visj h( (JiIs oJf«y* niiriMo'.-hiok K.M,.ur M.*m1 ly, July 1. ISi*, Air j i . f iu x

tVISiT MTUEKTffnni Hprinirflpld avenuo (o Montgoinerv sti-eeL

The ful owing taa ogt thv nrnuinit L,f work (o 1>e done, ami tOe riiarerlalR (n tQrii(nneil tn the LonatruLtion a.Ill itiutpiL-tiun u( aikU work e

(fivi-n (lioii.-und all bun Ired (T.srD) suiuirv yams of W|0<iro trap rm-k blm-k p:ivina, and UiiLw ihotwnd 14,00,1) square fiHil of £a:xUin hrid '.e spine.

Bidders will ataie ilifilr piic-m lo wrltlnfas w*U OR |n hguren.

Ilidders mii*t spei'lfy In thnir rripoMls lint. kliQiiiii Ihe almve work Ue*war<»ed tu Uicin, they wdl oiiiii ihi-iiiB'Evi'B to (liikAli uriii lomuli'te Uifi a me wllh ii fmty imi-e -uUve worLliig dnya

I bn phuia h*4 i|ieculi->il (huh of u * work lun h« exaiiiliifil ll U-euitti-e oft e I'liy wiirveynr Hotlpro|«ieuklMn I* aoi'ninjwiiieii i>y ihe lutiaani In wr.U iie. ol L.fuMireileii, w h o tlm ll, HLUiet-iibu <*f h'Uiln.: la -.I '-h nrnpoaklji, t j i i i i l i ly as lu th e ir re- "t im ib u y in Elieomontitof mk-r propiMwI. ami bl .d Lnritiseivr*n (tm i, i f the iv u ira c t be HWi.rdi'il lo Ihe jk*phoii o r perwnia mak- Ilia U:e pnnKwal, they iwlll. upr*o ift-v be’ {L< an aw trdihl, U c nue HS his or L iter *mre( e* (or Lhe f.U h fiit | f i bn-rrvaiii'e o f Mtnl w o -k . a 'd ((ml If iiEi-i«rHihn or P thofih oniK or rcfiiKe (o exe-ule B in-bi'Liiilraol,(hey a lllp *i,y lo u e . i ' y u f ^^w•■ iirk any difl'erriu-H iielween ih * Muii<r lo ■wbkrii lie or they wimUl lii.vvb -eu e n tc e l u io u iio o n n i- plAfton f>rnirroiiLni> L, iind lh a i w h i h Pie c ily ufNew»ir*t i i ia y l* ol>lked to pay t'le Lk-nnn nr jv'r»>iia hy whoiii nnc.t toi>(tact sUall bu exfi- ru in ii.

•n.e(J.mimUh‘<* or Mreeti »nd lllt<hw, re- serLfi (0 I *jn c vut fie miht to rtm-pt ur r<ii© t atsy or III! tor (hr atii vi* work, aa tiifyUl ty Oemn i*i‘'-t im the luicre.i of the Mty.

By dire*-lh*ii ori.'.nurin-n ' •uum-d,lA MAN H TANR.

C la rmnii ofStreat (.'ommitise, JMMN IIUNKKl.E

^ Mtrcel ComtulMlntier.4 WqiMMMKNT FOH Kl'INKriTM-N'iTICK

xx. la here‘i> Riven fu,W!('BiiK’'it upon allttro uiwuer* nf hH (he Luids Uhl n*Hl rijjpite ue u-hurly beiidtlHsI (i.v therradhiv aud curblita ui

ll ik V l) MTIiBl-:-r,1)Tfweeo Mevej.u-fi,uh avenue and Klx’ itecntll acciiuc, <M-Lt».‘dloi< lo li.e provijooiia of or- d nui.enf ihv i liy nt N*-#,irk. en'.llJfiil " An or- diiiaiuo In pL'oi I !e for t e nr nlnm and . art>inj!i>f Jhivd Hiivtt. U'tueon r-evi-uLtN'iuh avenue luid n#(hlw*rlii nvenno." oi.iirnied July Ji, hiia horn i»n*|n.r('d ty (h« utideraLtfiie.1 (him- MiiR loiier*, a|'|H]!|>tin1 iiy Uif f'lrcMlL 4*our( uf ihd ('uunty (if l->ser. to ina*so la d ase*n»etit, mid UjmI u rcpuri iiy n i-uriiiii',ti« in wrhhix, wlih au at'i'oniu.Liiyliit iniip mid Kiiedulc, al.gwL ia u>* W'i-ernl MSM-Miienfa ngnliivt the reveralrntners H*'*:-n’ lAriy tHiiicnto'l ai afortisaid, ii>ui ’*cieik dm p'-iieil in lhfl»*Jlh:eofLlie(-ily I'lerk of (nocity ..rN« \«ai-L, f'lr mauilimihia by ile pwrLfs int*r. efltod (herein.

fikid (-oinprijM i all Iota, traciamidpan-elrt (if land .uid i uhI i**iIu le IIkMo I'l hcnsH'oeil as-fore-ahi, lylmtoii tNjih aidca of n,,y(l jitnil,fnmi Sevcniotsrilh nvenuc to l-.1flii**'niii avenue.

A "l.ol" roprcseniM an en(lr« ptoi of luud, whether Inracor muiit).Adiiermtii Intarealod Ir. •d(laaxcNunenl may T-e ne..rd iM f.irr* ouhl rnmniiwiiouejiL on Thurs-

'lay, the iwenly t •Vcntli day nfj u m*, j«KV, at ? ]', M.,H((iie (.Xnnimauunenk' ruum. No. i iie oud flunrl, niy Find.

IkUed June i-’ , U*w.J M V lf t V ff t fN fl.K ilK lJ K F |( |- ;i.iN (J |lt;Y M K N ,«. J- M K E KK K .


VT4 l l i f c fib IN I K M ’IUN. |•(JULJU NO- ll.V 1-t licrehy |veu that it Is tbu hLtenUon uf

ti'’ «o.nmnfHonni ll()f (he i-lty uf New-irk. nn- and ny vlrtm* ijf pruv Ihiooh of ihfi ai t enlJi led All Act lo Itev aemkd Amen 1 th*(;*iarteroftlia

( ly III Nen.irtiJ apprnv«1 itnrch ll, Ita?. and iho *in|.pTmeii(a tin reio, to order am) canae a *wer lo X* moHini. lofl in

Ml-:VIC.NTfclKN'l'H AVB N im , frorn Hoyd Bifaet m Murrlaarenue, logeiher with a[| thQiipniiricmLiicaaRr-iet-nry to i-omp t'to the a.<nie. n I of R«'«h dime ia(oi\s aitbe l oramltUe Ulk Sew fit a iikkd lVAlno<efli<all dlrack

Mu h p-rftouft nft nuy u.ije t Iherupj are i*- i|UWdetinpreMerH their m>jei*U(»ia In wrULm at (ne Hi:efn 4 oinmiRaiuaer'a nffl a, on or lieftjre (he aipiradOAuf k>n day* froui the dato ot tlila notice.

liy direction of the Common 4Mum'1l.iUHN IIUNkKf.E.

» . HlrL**lC4JrauiMi*ioBM-_^Q .v irk. N. .T, Jurie tS. Ifinw. ignVrtX'IL'K OK lNtKNi'uTN.-t-ll jLW tiiw is Iktrfi.iy given knai It la Ihe (iitomton ni U"‘ t nuimninoeiiirlloftl.ocHy gf Ne«varh, Under anil by viruie uf provlaluiM gf ihe act fnuiUfd

Am Act Ui Hevlan ohd Atiieud ihe CliHrk’p of the LilyofNfWHrh,' apiimvoflUarch II, 1447.anU Lhe iiii|>pi-nii'iilaiiieieio,ig urder a id eau»e a pipe iiviAi r lo tn’ cun lriMiiHl Ip

Km'I’HHRVK llHMTBKFTr,mnn Juegh mreetto Wxieentlk avenm. togeiJiep

Hi«jmiieniin.ii no-nM-ry lo gmu- ■tlei« ( iB Riiirje, and of mmir uilmenaiuna a# the Oimikitlec on fWworftand nrainax**ball direel.

tlme and Tntci in (lie evening aa^toTe In's Au uloraiiiwlgiiary tolJj"uri g( Boeial h*umoii. ______

.liow In uDQoi (tiBM 1U t« w nn ih eoccu fin n iso ) a lort aoni wof4j ig th4?1r as-bllirais that they were Bhgvi of pruviftigufi. stHl lUe alhtekiiiw party liniiK'4llBt«l| seu i in a fresh supply. One HuutUy ha bold diviufi fiervioe od a spot be- iw gcn two h (»flls tons, and (he warfh-r* frain each fort cam e out to a lieod , atid Uoaday inormtic th«y « eui (o UgbtUig aa Uvtiy ai *vv,

fitie may oti'ect tiif'retn era

mTC-Aed to prcwtii iludr giV iiona in wrlUna mL uia Stieol OniiiiiiiHalunfir'a Ollli-eon or I elurs Uifi e*/ralion oftsii dayifrom U'«it.EWoMhlanoUc*. By dtrecUgji ul lUe (AJmriw'n i ’gnncll,

jtwiN la ifK k ii^fc, u u T . Mireel Commlwiuiier. New.-irk, N. J., Juno IJ, iftMi. pin

A rillK Dmiatnx. TheuntiamlKnod herrty t-ertliy iiiat I r j . T . ? ’ *-* “ “ “ toiiainii(fHliicllgn rP.dKTpv«ilng, Jupi.T |Mn niui/tiiiv

luR thusl reading, piovldiug ior Uit fti loiMiig lm|iruvem*iiw, via:

paviikrf of Hrmid fttreoL hcme«g Bolle-Trh^SId jI2.*h aetiulneTniadail Aftphalt parcitienl;

Th#oirtf>ii,g of I, Hiiret In be cuHei (Yirllfi'i Ft^ar Purtikic a(r«ei mid Ui* TohiUc

N'eipirk.N. J„ June 11 uwn.^ ,4'llAKJ.hX W. m r .L , .

. rrfiwtlenL uf i uakuiofl -tt* fa;m bkmtow, ^

- _________________________ • ,4 -''I'li'WABb o r AWi^RxiaiT

«>• l.etlrti; u r .n f ll, (Hbiie tlw B w n tor A w » intMi eiil Uaviwen ot I'wies wii] .t , «■ couet e f

«1 li i.l i r o e . ,* L1l» Hell, f tw , Hi* third ^ m lu T in J u ie ie Ui« third M owU r In JuIt, i«w, rV"/)- d iv from • d* M. n 11>. M. fsntuntnri »A U, |« U M , o im ih M i, when p u tI n tupw- W'fin ran seoinfi amo^iiit UMB whicri they huVfi

iH sm i (Mrrertmtts ran tlt«t» ba node. Aft win pieaie U k« aothw ihatitalalsto* onlyilaMtoeutarutoaaAinAkfi BkHJioiteraUoiia ^ _ t t U lB Y Or DARCT,^ BrsatoaoL

>K N .NM Y I. V A N ( A H All.niiAIk n i i arual Trunk IJ«i* and Unitad Nmaa Man (•ule, On aiKl after Mny W, IM, ty«n sh ih

Uarkvt K i eel Mlattgii, Nowara. hh fidh.w, *aSQ A. M. KojU.,dally Ibr lUrrianur;/ I'liio.

burg atHi L e W i« , wlih IhitimMo P^u>v WiPftUfh IO 4 *v*i.uid. Tuh-ig. (I ih a o nm - .a BMti andrtt laiUEft ABI K M. Wratern diii y flip H nm nurg. PU(B»ura i.nd iFih v v .^ w IU l*uUuian t’a'a-v Com Ibni'u-h eiir.rnJ rlianfeUi PiEio/ ur..., 4'I’l (nriatl.CWvi* u-id ii.h-a. go. ^uikihiauiKl HL louila.

a :« C M. l'r-i-;rt Ktureo* dally, with ftuHfuao Kd-l.kCc raraltjrvu^h « i4}ilhiI change Ui I'litHuiiruOiUi LlhlC.KU. *

Kur ftwli.tnur^ Wootilb&tdin, and Pi* mmiUi ft-'a, ikWA. M. Ditiiitol Kxnii*s,. pur'

oian Parlor i.k«rt,ki At A. M i: TJU. -j.3n 4.aY and a;ii V. M. is i Huud.».v, 11(7, 44)1 and V.-H \ n • 4..V1 HO I T. M. Kor Taltiojun-* o dy.T. tt i'. doily

J of ndlttdel|ihio, h'xiirei lllI, rt.47. 7..S0 XJL a.V,»,»»OjL» T‘dlui_ Ik I'arClOra., i l .> A. U.; U44, iaii'hi.ft) T. M. Hind jr I r a iia, liiT , l . t ' . f i c lo ji A. U.; 4.-Jj. i \Sy Alt, T.» and 9.30 M. ais am- mudopgii. T-UW, 11.4ft A M : &Jk'*ani| T.iM c M.

lu r Tremnn. 7.mF.7J». k 3 - n.SJ « ,»(lOitt l.lruiUiil L ». i:.M. ;.)to4 li, lus. l.ji, as7, i .u amt k.,u v. m Humhiv. liC .a o l . BJi'and W.SI A. M,; <1.25. A.«. Ltoauil AISJ T. M. ^

KYrr i(i«m h- I'liy. 1.3 ft. M. rwUh thruniti rorh*i Cof aktoL’he'ih ainl 1-JS P, ||. WL-ck-tUya

J-'or i:wp« M ly, ft. M. wnek-doyo Kikr !^ h laid Cliy ai.d 0<«an C.iy. l.ESft. It.

WfwKolaj'aKnr lAjiig ftratirli, Kh>ernii,0<'atia(|fo\fl.spring

Ijakp. Hca I i i r i , M«!nVainl..B, Poild ft ic .-M iil, rUta] uiiniaon the New ftgrwuiid Lijog lliain li Hohh r».id 2 U.».:k a M.. I liM .is ft . 4.4i am i f ts s ft.M dolly, e x 'f td Mmiday. Oi» MunUy, l.u.ft a . h ] and &.JL J* N. Bo n<M Mgp al Ch'wiu (•rora ur Aihury Turk un.*<nAlay.

F u ll M-:W YORK.I.BUV* Jlarkpt slroart nlainiii, Alfl, V47,S.IVI, 4.12.

7l'-,7.:4ll T.Sft, 7..r T.ftS, Kill, XIV. A S', » J a«'.)u7,>4, kak. iuuu, klu , iojb, ii.ou, im tA ..M .;lla i M . l.[Q. I.IA, .LiU, iH . 1*1U.S7. :4JU, 4.III. i,:>i.-4.ilL A.ll 4.1S, h a , «.V '.'e M, tlM.T.IV :.Jd. 7.4!> a*’-t K.«., k*j, I’MM, liL-ftn. ll.W k*!M Mu!..1.iiy ttiiliM,s.hi.ft<lT,K.kJi ’.g.:, iti.itPL4M, ii.isi. UAL A. M , lisr. iJ r . ‘i* g .iiS 157, a.-,7, 4.-10. 4 a*. &(U. u-kd, 7.1U, 7.a'. T.2S 7,ja I I'l N r . H.;u. iiMii, h'..V> 1*. M-.ond i2.«> iilgi'C

l.oaV(*< eiilr*HireH( M iLio4k,l.<tt. Ahx «.:£i.7JM 7.17, 7.4.*I T.vvi. >*.XI. K«i. K !7, Ig.ui. hl.JJ, ll.iM A H : 12-W, I IAI, U I, -11.1, lEpft. x.e, 4.IM. 4 Si. \,n. .1.M ft-'kl, T.te. T.'lSe AIM. 9.M, luoa lUid hi .'ii ft. M. wrwk ilnya-

I.Oas»4'l<o»(ttut Slreei K(-lLion.X12, Aft-,Al(l,S»L l..ft(>. M;:, j.-H 7.47, K'I7. B..7, K4I. Ikli, 0 E4.‘, ll.-ftK I'l a . )UVI. 11..W A. M., VlB, l.'M, tIM. A'i7, &.>tf.,4ftL4. j4,L.Si, O.Vf.'iH, 1.21. 7.41, K4(,S.lik. lU.'O w.4fiaml ll-ui ft M. •Miinliv, K'tt. S..V4,, (u..ftiHll.dkA. M.. ll.Xi, lioS. LXi, LS4. XOi XM AA4.!tl.4..i(i. ,'h«,rt.Ia.H^}.UI, 7.'£L K44, W.Ji, lSa h '.Ao'id M.lSd H. M.

lo-itve Knmmi: !air*.a*i MiatiuR. -VW. f.tA, 134, e.ft(,7 e> 7.4,, a A a a K<S',tl.(AI'.:*l. v.-'id IU.M k m\IM A. V ; l-.-.W, F.UI. li»4 t^tt. XJ6,X >4. 4.1'* AM.5. **7,*;.4;:. T.IK 7,;«, V..IN, hi.+4 Bud: 1|.;,I« ft. £NnidoV.K>n. K,ftH,H.». *„V(, iu£i, ll.lfiA . M.; lU n1 4 ^ l.w. t .H i4 4 ,.’UI,:LVU.;ns4.H X4L 4.16, iM, T.lJ, '(.a). v,5iii>ud tl »> p. M .

KM‘ -M MAklK7:i HVlll-hTT MTATU'N.Kor lu £.dw(n Hiid Hoiiihit]', J'J:,-(7EuglU. r,ji,7.afi

7.A:.7A i.MU, aU.1(i.U. II..Cl (Lift A. Mr. L.ti, XU. HH..13ft > .« 4.XI. 4..S, W , S.IS. ft.A S.4J, 4f7, *..Vi,Ii.i»|.iiir7.ai7. S.W,A4n.«, 7.:j»rKuJ, lUM S.4J.1II.W V, M .,*nd 1-117 liiKhU KkinUy. Fi-17.4’.M a so .a u . luia iu.m]. ii.xi a .x.: I'JdS. i.-ifi.xii,a .ii 4. H, 5 1*, ft 7.1(5, T-Xh aiCL 4 ^ KUO, I'JU, I'lUg,IKSasml ft !rt. *-•

l-nr ,Scw Hruuiwlok, IXfl ulgbl, l.47.7.iv*,7.SS, H.67. nml 11.4ft A.M .; I14K l.-A).-l.tS, 4.3a4U6, ML 6.M. s.?7, K.W, 7:«, i»> amt i*i,w ft. m!Hunday, (-J.47 r.itfiii,S.4S.v.l4 and lUEil A. M.; ItM, ) 4ft. &.<.A v.ra ond a .») ft. M.

I-CM* Wuuubridg* arwt (>rlh Arnhny, S.Sl, iSa il(unu.4J 4. 51.; |->.JI,1.'>I, UB.4 M.auLLU7 ft. M^ and 1217 night (;ii AtnnLyis lu u A. M. and S.M, I.U JPM

KW K:itl Hilitloiie, T.OO A. M.; ilM . U S and S.I& ft Ii .doily.OS'

KiMkiiun au-k Hih-ky JliU, ?J* A. M. aad *' l.d ly .ex rpi'UMiiioy.LTV ft, M .d.dly.e;

S'or J’ liilUpWfuri X A M.,dai

aud Re vhiero, 7.40 A. M. ■, . ._iiy,i!icfri4HuniJay.

Knr tomtM'rtvI'lK r.'A A. M., X S o jd iMft. M . dHtty ujtcwp4 -'uAdav.

For K:flm.rwfUHi,;..jO A. H. oBd Xtt I'. M., dolly, «ii'W|A Sunday.

Fur ftrliKVtna. 7.09,4fti7.11.44 A. M.; L » . IM , 4 « and C.*** ft. ftf., d.iily,cX' vpl Knmtay

For Mnrdenio'an, liurlhiitM'n and Oanir|*n,sjL S.U and li.iA A. M.; t.i*v, 'Lii, XM midTM ft M.. ■l.iJIy Bxirepirtuiulay. On Hiinday, ui,!|l A. M. 5,.t5ft.U

For Fm-hnW1, Funiili^dale, Manoaquan aod K o a o m . Vto M unipoiiU i JuD iA iun, 7.-j0 OJhd IL 4I A. M 4.^ aud &.Ja ft. M. WMik Uou-a

For ItO'ion, PtKf ft. M. dully. l*ur (iruijaiyn. N V.--AII (lirnugh irojns fon-

arcL at Jr-roey Cliy wKb 1*u lU nf -' llronklyii Aro iiAi.” Hin>rdingd|r4'*-t ir ir srer in and fioin Vnllow

avutdiiig douiilo h-rrioge and journeiyacrowi tb* cHr.

NF.w yiohJf TO ns:w a k r .F«„rNfi-wark.-VCIO. 4'(i. KBi. aw,7.iv,7.U,7.-ld,4la

AE10, k :3i. iiuu, fu.4i), ll.uu. A. M.; 1'J.IOaiul M- nu . I.4U, lU ', K.AI, AU9, ASd. 4.9), 4.1 LAI, L«), 4.5n, 6IKJ, 6.lh,5.'JU. 5 ^ , 6-D, li.iU, 4.l£ S.'.0,AAl,fi.4u. 7.H0, 7M. KAi. lO.U, II.-LS ft.M , Bail I'AU ni'dikknl. Hniiday irahio 414. S.(.4k,4kA S.Uu, H.4V laui, IMA n ai A. U.: U<IU Ikauo;l;t,sb. t.on, uai, lOO, a e . 4.<n. 4.90, ion. .lia, a m, aia.T.gaVjiLaiiU. kaf, aui, V.W, lu.15, ILVfifte M.. and 12 IS m.iinlitht,

Fur fiiiih .r mform.t'>n i m time (nb;* lo b * tkotl t ‘ 0 ih-Lut nttli-M. 'I'ickvLs hir all (Vkinta o « U>e ftiiii'HytViinm Ko:lr'i'ii1 and i-«Nme**t mi**, and beruia. ifi lluris and hoinnuR'- Uai-ka atint-CMM- puny’M i>i1i c, No. 7AI llrnaii «ti-««*t, or o l tbg UckM uiniwat MaraK HtrL<Bt HLitl -n.

( Ih .N rK Al. llAn.HJiAD Oft M aW 'JLHhM r. Ariun^'-in'inluf Irmu* lOUiiueiK-lUg M oj

NKWa KK a n ti tJ .l/.A llK I'H lU lA N rlL Trulna Ir.ive tlroiul i^irtutiBgiUoi) fbr KLiiotwiA

mid Ho*-. oota lS , 7.lg, 7,-iiU. (A fi KlUMheLjpott unly),K..‘>,aOu, u..i5,ltf.1u, lujts, IJ.IA. 11..& A. H.,12.'j7,1 '*5,, i l » , IM. xei, Ita, 4 $J, au ,, aa*. ISA K::b,ri.». 7.JA,att, I0.hi, ll.-JS ft. JI, rumdayik,4M '

AU tn.luBBtupal Kerry- « r « e i and KlltaiaS^ purl and al L<; Ferry atr^V't on idgiiaL

Kit l'|lllll1ed'<.l■5,7.h^T.SiI, KX5, *.10. «■», ll,S>A. M., Luu, I . J A , 3.47, I.ITJ, 445, 4u6. KM Lta,Hyh.7.l»,7.JS, SeH IdU. 1I.JR ft. M.

Fur r*um«,iU4 IMQ, aas, 10.3A.1I.(B A, M..I.fkVI..C,j 145 AI.I, Lit. 6.(ftT».8H5fi.ii.A.7.J^ f.M KJi. (alU.ilJ& ft. M.

(^BniiiigWM-7.10, a a A. 11., u » ,4 M a MT.lD A. M., (br Main Lin* N. J. c . U(t ., fietbita

hem. Alletiumn, Mam-:) ITiunk. etc, a:iS A. M.pdi- Ui hi Line .< J .C tkv., fokk*

Hiqw.cnm.'. l i l jh Hrlilge BraJic-h, Allei.iuwa, N-nthton, W tiunnapurq Tauuqao, Matiaaay CUy, Huiiuury, Me.

i.uu ft. M., Tor Main HUib N. J. 0 , l>tv., Atlfi^ town. Mmi bChunkL^^-

a e i ft. M., M ilji'L ine N. J. C EMv. M o « * CliLak, Hi roDt/ifl, Hljjungktn, ele.

4.U i>. H., Way for Main r.lne N. J. C. Uv**inan Hruhiu liraiich, Jotk* lInEUU.'ORg.

AM ft. M.. fur M.iln Line N. J. U iTiV., A U i» p i«u . M uch (.'hiinX.

Huiitittja, 491 A. Mr fur ftlalnneld and Uoaad BrooK . ’M.i A. M. war fur tkiraurvllle ; liu* ft. M. way fur IkineJlen : IJ6 ft. M. way for pic'iaiiie vide ; 4 ^ ft. M. way for Sniuervilla and Fiaok- ingiuij; S.ei ft. M. fur LoMun ; 4EUI ft, Kl. way (b* boitmi Hi Duk ' IU3> M. way flir HunirrvlUe.

A. ^i.;7JS P, M. fbr Suiibury, l a n ^ burgund Wilhoxiiqwn.

Fur fterlh And-oy, (U.V AM. tO.SV liJiS a . M., 435 4.M, 415 KiU ft. M.

For Freehnld-aM 11.26 A. M., IAS. 4.U. tM I'. M.

F.»r I.«ng BrafK-b, Orovf, etc.-& 2i, ILXA. M., M l, 4.02. 4.4S. (l2S ft. Id. letcoMto (L-euii (Jrovf*) Svtu A. JH.

Fur IVina HJvcr and HurnegHt-aa A. U., LM4fl& ft, M, 'For Vineland, RrVlKeinn -l. a P. M.Kijr ftjfi A. M., La, 4 Eft ft- M.For AilaQUr(.1(y-l..1B i*. M.Fi.r r iv ii(n n -? ja , V.15, iu ft A. M., 402. <M

Ai-. 7...5 11„6 ft. M. HutiUayfi-KJi, i . i i A. .IL. LM a»« ft. M.

Fut ftlillndeluhla 7A0, S.36, D.a, II.IA A. M ,A k^: v!i* “ ■ ‘ ’“ " ‘■ 'y * - - * . * *

Fur HaU innrf) and Wnahlnglun- lUIl. 11.IJI A.^ ^ ‘'h»ys fi.ju A UAl.^i h 4o, 4i54 1*. Jo.

Oraw Eih -r<K»n Ours on nil day trolns and s te «» lug Ctin on uhtU trutiie betwt-en New Y b r t ftldla'.eiinuiL UMlliUiuroiiniJ WaHhlngloii.

^ .Sk w a u k a m i m -:w y o ?i k .Fr*im and Ferry Kirt*«t Hraiioua- A l 41A

SAII. 44u.7.bHi7 Af, T.-«l),a.0(I. (LBl, s.4o gui> 4 m •.4i. i(j.i>i io 2b, lo.ei. a . if.-12.XI, l.'g.1.4U.2-UU.'.l»l, 4Ui. SJS. illQ, 4AU .5<a.ShJBL, KW S.4'i.7.lO. 7.S0,4».XlO, ijjh, W 3fi lu f fI.; 12.1115,13.40, ttlichl Knadayit-7^. ajA ^

10.110 (1.1*1 . M.; lIOuM.; LOU- JLIW, ofiu, 4uo,iSlk

S-4S, Ii. lu, li.nw, n.oi. «. ft, M.t 12.1115, 12.40, ttiKht lauQ, (1.UU A. M.; 1Z.UON S.UU, 7.U0, AID. V.(K), 1 f t . M

l,<M\e New York fruiii iui>i gf I.lberty stAl 4SM, 11.(10. O l , 7,«) “ ............9 ig, 11.14 9............. ..... ■■M., 11.41. -

LUO. 4 ^ 1 . 7.11k. ?», AUU, M IS. 4lL..v*, m.0,1,, man,it.un, n.;*> a . w .T a .to. LSI, XU0.‘,Lkl, Aim. 4.1(1, 4.'tti .5.00.

ais. fi.V), a4S,,«.l.i, <L«I, fi.4.5, 7 ll), 7.M I KLi AfiB. 9 4. ,, It.ts. IX ft M. K.i tid.iyH 7,to. AdO. i S iLlto li.JO A. !K., 12.1U M.; ].t*l 2.ill, 4U(1, 4ai0, i m Ato. Acm. 9.IIJ. 1UIU7. ILto. kXto ft. il.


rSlOUUJAANU K.v»KX IH V1KK1N)N ew \ orli, foot uf JtarE‘h,y and ClirlUnpher Mu I r v in g Newark uL* A. Jtf. (through bm3

iruin) co,)ii(H;iing for H<K;tiujn Suctuaurma aad Cufwter, Andnser, Nuwtnn, Jlmm-bvilto ^ Krauhi JI, hiromlBhure, ii.TaiUon, IhiigiiarnUiik. yih-o. iJAtLO. MavijrV, Kliuira, HuJfaJg, c l e v i lujiil, T iImIu, iHitrolt hihiiKn, Hu l,ouiM nad pul nt» W ral and In Ihn I «hlgh v illey.

I'liiKTi-.ilri lilt l|iiil'i,la uurt West o nl«k«tliB (Ha A. il. tritlii hi Ifiiliokan, witbool

UithU-V. JLUiUull- r in* w *M(kli44ft. M. Ki ltin F;\pre»*ior Bumraii, CHai.

narii, M.n(l>«n, Morrlsuiwnojiid all naliujin w « « tu IwiM5nn loiiiittiinn (nr Andovfip, NewUro, Hrum-iiviijH tmiiKlhh Manunko i'hunk Wntw'ruJiton. ftiUeton, iDiucBloa. wllaeemiire, ILueUamtoj), Oweitg. Waverlv aaa Flmlmafid ^iliigTi Valh y. w '*''i.fiy ana

4UI i-. m . -U huoii fCxpri-MBirgihietdlug (hr -‘Sum CMumiaaTiil (*(iesuu'„Aiidfivflf, Newkm, ilroacb* vllle, Osh>rrt. Manunka-ClmjiB, Wuler OajL Ktrpiidai>urg.(4.TanUiii ontl IntermadLate tuUona and lAiilKtrValley.

401 ft. U -- J lover Bvrr**a a»r Sununtt, Clia4 liam, Modiaon, Mgri-laiuiij, Murrifi PloluA. IMW- vilia, itnekuway. Jkover, Ihiaklng UlOgfioikd Uee> aanlyvilla

ftataeiijisra (br rfereutgu, Itlughaniploia Utlea JlMitlem HprknK*. Klmlra, HurrbJo and gotnta Went and North con U k* (Be 4A4 ft. ac. u a lo lo Hubokea wKhUMl e.\lrn ciiurge aim Uiuro Uve 7.16 ft. ai. train for UifiW eA

NKWAtiKlXJNBW VoHK-4.lLS.Zl 7 047ML 7.?^7.4?.7A7.10l7.tlLaiB. J y T t S

NKW VOllK rONKWAUK-.«.»,f.OO,7,ail,JJllilt, UO. UK), u i MU, IIMIIL UM, lijl, u ,» *JMj lira M I I in. aS). u«t. l A no,, l aJ . « , 4 A i . « , : o . m i l (tin. fD , Mo, S.I1I, n,nj.Mff^ 0 a i l It. a m uun, i i « ,

!.U ,7Ja,i..«,llU»ll« A. M,; Ilia. | /« .Y ii(g A u j u 4 . i . i H , o a ^ . « , « . i ) t , 1 1 1 * p J ' " ' - ' * '

ohASOK a r fU B U fi 'l l okANOK i.«,7^4 IA*, to*, JL44 A. m!? U.^i'iS’ vis* <•». 4*4, S.W, XiM » S

MI LHl RN —439, 7A1, 4.08, in L-t 11 m a M *

iNCMMET-UD,7jn, k,(n,i,(n, f4o id .fl.n 4 * a

KyfaiglliilkljJu and

Ferry siiuoioO lu Ngw York

Sf'Y.'JJTwMily.ihlrt « . Dcpiain newurka corner ftHBoalc aa

►and lo u n a V o A dtruiiSTr c a i

An,7.00, »;a, lUJA lla, n^iu; un


Tor*, WKrbur*, 0 («i.eii, iiKtilltiDiiii, Pwl Jw OiE£iEEipE|a. uiK|iiuliuiiJM, TEuiKluuDh i

' - vp-a.J-1 jaiM HAUAa id

isiS v ,.. ■ ^

•jimuahhiuom kicaeui a* i ^ U y wJured rates i-on ne procoied at Uk# tonkpuBj^ idly ur depot uiUcew

The alreiA and iH>|idhr Hltorl U n e lo New Y ork , HmvIm im , .|Hfci|giitjaBq»

Olevfilaml, Carry, Od Ci ',' MOMmita, Youzue- low(k, Akruii,jMtuiafleM. Dalton* Ikyiou. c C Sfellf-fi. SH, dAAila, tunsati (jiiy, UiaWes4, wmui west aud alt Aciulbsm DOiuta Throusii UckeU oud lagacaga ebMdtsto wesy city anil town lu tlie L'mied Htotea HyrTHi* g»/M farHartriieokta! fromyoitr linM todfiaE- nmloni iuooailnn in INidmaD drawlkig-iTHiraaikl idoeplatr Jxmr-liM oaa ba reatrvMl ajr any dai' Im the week, :iml luweai raliw. X juvl Ume loM^a

W . J. M V t o * l lv .d « i 'la u p i1. p, r iA O x a oMa-i ra«rt

r o K i W S , S A T t m i i A Y , J U N E 22. 1889.

k il l e d b y f ir e w o r k s . !LIVES LOST IH THE FLAMES.

r .n o r jr l i f - d u v i T I w r f W n i l n * « * -

1,1,. a - A h h t I . » d

t Iri-d 0 » - Ir .b »r* l8c'boofi»r

4 fiTf. *coontipani<«l t«y In. o f Ufr, ofr

loully- Tl.t! Iwildiiii!. ttl.ich h i y ,. ,i> w.i'k .inii'iutp, 1» im lUe™ .J.-I lUr I'f F* i:r.mut(ii. uii l.u.r iiri‘ Till' il'=«(am . gw/l. ibil ,

N.'i i 'l .i S ii'iilitli. while in . I»m«n «■•» ,,i,,i,'„p., »cu>tumcroii me «unnl Buoi. beuu i I'a.h louii. (ire « brill oua‘ ,l„, iPHirfW .............. hi'W'Ic

,os Mliti in. lietinfiirw.hir. « l i l ' ' iwnw ‘toe„'V>l>m> The Kiinra .hnt with ,„ ,n I MirtiUmlr ripulltr, Cbllllli ml (he «■

cl ii VMwl of (In m '*'*........... . iciiiuii‘1 mo OoiiMi lUMihe mill i]-

y| flf||' Url ul lltllvf-nii„i 1-made t perfi'H p«nJ»iiiOimiui M

biHiftmi.rv\IboHL! Ct/iillowi tuOi

Clikrle. .Ubhrt ( tf.J Iwnlf. ohnwi. raplovod lb Id" miw »brr, huni frura « wil- b o , uotil bo »m obm.-J W ralo.« hi* hi.,,i. Ila lien loll m l*'‘ ' «'"0n''p •'rllmig Ihe.wbiol* in ht< I'm™"'' ''I',1a iibou I'l the M«iMLliii*i(» (.oiionl VIOTilul. •ml ‘ ’‘ '"'t'-'i f.rtluliao «ml Th. lUB* fume. I 'edm , who werr .orkliil o" mo Imirlh Blew. Jiiiii|.eil troiii a iilmlo* In (heir miibl. f»m « nu klikd. Mid Ullbbuu'* liijur;(« ar« dtHUiiyu

wlKi wiiP on iIietMOnd fjiWT, 'luJ BfH'd fccr?jr« io rh» t k liic Hvc toitn(jcnif fur BMi»e « » t « lu t bii u«}-ami lOlUil ihivfdFUini Me ww vlcfcid up tnMo t. Me I» injtsrort lurrmafly by uutikr. nnd t1 I* reurrd that he ctimi.'I live. A t^ly li hli'h vaA l*kiD M;e imUilliti; lo (be jooniiw wAstfC<*ii'*e Ktiinucli'4A<L cUibil {MCkeS nbv ia’ I one of b«

fuipioyca nf tbo thui. AoiAIrh bod). tnstuU I'uy. a1«u lalcen in iliv xuui ue, tbi‘Jp M i»n» I'*’’ Kleiiliflh'Ll.

Its tlnn einpluycd IVteuty vt Iwcnly-fiTC Bfii kiiJ Kiyf. und buAy wilb Uuiir b»lJ' dtv iriu’e. They cHrrlcd * stock i f 1100,000 iiorlt uHIreworai snd |60|OOOUi x'tirtUeii lfeiu> Kuoils. A Imikc r irtiun Ul U)C tock Is ruimd, aitbuueb lb« .cm ii uU (oiaL 'Jko Irui u ncll jnsiii^. ____

liKkKHniMU PATKlClk tlO.iNi•»vttr>inr Thayer'S KilnK DK lerUar to

UbW tirlUsHw Aiucfluiui AAivrlatlutii(«>TPrt>or IhAyeri or NebmAka, Ims le-

srutd » liHier from John Ixin. toe^tiktj oi (he(^mertetn A-Mbicisiiun, H School i rod,

Bo>tnii, III wbu'b Ihi y p* 8fct iKAitut tli« np- niitmnieut of PatiM f' iah U> he Mu,l«iirio Clji'.i **. ” Ininil'liig fu ibe scuso of Heoaui*y of 111 iru(.‘ citlwhA" awl ihea procepU » vj.iir Hr. U mi Uovenvuf Tbayer ropiiiHl yaatcruay tDa*tn::lnf letler, la which be* Mys;

‘‘ kiicti hih CKiua M'ulifiienU Are InkaHlriijto•nry t liisen of (he Tiepubllc: they art ab- born'ii 10 cTtTjf sell « Jiiaiire ami fair play. Thes pre OegriLiiing to bumaniljr Atn) art a 61a- bonirr ip ibt uuuiiL'y. atnl 1 dvnoiinoe ibem aod tbetr aulhors wUh utiuieAanreil UulkitiA* ttoii nnO Ibey shintid be held tip lo public tcprol >iili>n. Who couPlilUieil yuj nitd your ■aticiM los judgea Dl tbe muiiTrs tod artloiit of MUT tiy wbal Aii.hurLty do you arralgu Ibe fKslo.-itt aod Beoaieof the Ucuied suictPw Iht ap[>oiialiiicDl and ronflmiAtion of I'Ainck S|iu as Elnl iet 10 CbillT Thank UmJ tbi y AifTKii ruHpiwIble for auchltitolcnilly lawtei.t btg«it-< Ml you and yuur A>hociaies haw | to>v<‘P your-vivcito beky (be lanfuage used in lii)t rculsr." I iiflve known Patriot Egan tTeraloee ba

tacahnl m tb« city of litncom yeafa ago. Ue iwialrvayi pruTcn hiroaelf to be an upiiybt sad bniinrable nan. a ckUaen la etcry WKi' ''O'! no more taroiali hli rrputa- Mn wt h yonrTtle siaiKtefi iban tbe fhul bird oJnlulii caa aaahil the oagfe,

“ Y->11 cay be ta ft fugttiTA 9010 Ibe power of biliwb jii- Uo*. Ob, yoo m i^ke; you tUould hitru arlMto ' Erhijti injualioe/ You i!iy the coftdur'i of Pftirlck E^ii 1i now under tureaM* IfMi.r. by ft spt‘cliU commiftidiin of BniL-'b JodecA ■ to pftrtkipftCion In what trery dfi' tun :^ e l r>ii4iha*xJiJHfl. Jgltiat life sod prtfH rif. Uftve you ao auoD h>r|P*(teii huw ttMplciely ftiul bow r*verwhelniioK'y Patrtok Ip u shattered ODd ot the meat (Iftslardly and dacDiilny ran^ptracica lo blacken bta own ftiid iba good naae of PamoUihatylllalDy caef con' eueiLdc wbicb etpotire mo( oocolthe^iD- aplrauin lo defttb and left the nUHin U) Uw oKMlrruiiaUDn oTtba civilised world T

“ The aoDUinenti and tone of your proleil HPciftck more of the Loudi^ TfmealRfiuenct'aaad afibadarkaectibhn ttit aullthtetiment and llbarel letMlvneiM toward Im foYcmmeui of fta nfnotaontii oeiuiiry. 1 doubt not Ibal II yen had lived In tbvma timet the rack, the tor lore and tbe inqulKhioti would bive been yooi luslruiiicnlftll lies ire speedlDg liberal prlnclplot and tecunny home rule."


Ao American tH'li(M>aer*a Bsperlenoa In itainaBa Itey. Hwalo Dorain^o.

Thew:booBer llrtliie, o f rrovincefcown, Oapuui Jo.epb Fi»lier, arrlvad at New DeJ- Ivd. Ma#a. jreiierdHy from an AUantlc wbal- I^TO(ft::e. t'aptatn Piaber tells of % Uirtrtmg ■xpcneiiro IaaI Bay while at kamsna llay, f%aP( biirnlnfio, where bepotin for water. He hud pu'VUHialv viiitod iho bay (oa February (}, •Dd wft'v boarded by ibe ofhixr of til# iiort, a Uouersl, wbocanie on board with sokMon and 1n»p.*cu lb# vesnL ('apaln Flabrr aalij be wuagr.iuy nbahnii, and the (.lOneral gere h1o> yam) »*k>d to tet wetuU and water loni as he attyeo in that vicinity. On Bay the miIioou- n again vitltcd the walering place.

At 4 o'clock (hat cvfdini five aoldieis, gndet cotnuiuiid of an offeeft came down fo tba btaeli aud fired ten or fifteen rboia at Uifl Hbooncr. Tbe loldlcTa were aftne<l wUb loid Aiacrtcan nfiea When they began firlui Cap­tain FiAlier was att with tbe ^ o«ri, ami all hamlN eccept the alewurd wer# on Ovek. Wlib tbe bnllera fiylng atatot, ibe captain bad ao opportunity to ibow U>e flag. Tbe mldlen cuDltoned firing, and Capiain Ftalitr arOeted ail banda below and went duwo bim- •eb.

When the aoldlera fmind no one on deck tbey flreil liiio tiifl vesael, lulling tbe co])per cooler near Uio roremasA U vei ao laiewben tbe ietiM shipped that (Aptaia Fieherdid mAdara go tsii(»ro for fbar he would be ahot In tbe dark. Tboneitday be dotnandcU an osplaua- kton. The offictaU gave bim no uMsfautory aaawer, ifajriitf they thought the venet was a Bpanlih tmutgler, Aa iSpaoUb veaseli there- abotilt carry ao boala oa U » atdea, tikplalo fliber rcadived to iMk hlgbef auiborl’y. Ac- eordli igiy, od Bay 11. he went toOrudJua. eight tatlea lo tbs weaiward, and aougb* sd UKor- Vlaw with aencral Pappoo. who ordored a boat anlwentdowb that evening whb pnlioeoffl- clala After vlillicig the wbooner he bad the fire Bol'iien arrest^. They were arrilgDOd and lilod, lAit ibree days aflerwanl Qeceril Puppo!) rolsBRed thcM, iiv^ni ai bts rutaon lo UpialQ Flsber that be fmod they did not ltd any one. A complaint against the tfayttan Government will bo sent to Secretary Utaino by Captain Ftsber. Tbe men who did the flrini weru Hayllfttii. ___


tbt womrSed fipffr and applied tM enstoeoary remedies. Aatbe bnywasalroni and healiby DO mnoQS tuuita wwie eapH'ted. AKwit fiva weeks aHarwanl Traiek deveioiwd a atrong dis­like Ihr w tar Tbflii bo bad nTit duilDg which be (roib#il al the nmwtb, fiia c 'nMaur at in- lervula ontll ipw dbiys ago, lb# lyiupU'inis (jf bydr pboLia t•##('nl1Bt more app'trciii every day, Oil Bcnlay. ilurinv a th. he (roibinl al ibiMnontb, and siiar«i'd like a dug attbiMC arvtuid bim. bil al (he Iwl rUilh1i>g and told bU mother ibai be icli as if ba ubould bite bu loiifitc idf.

luejday I'taak U'camo app#n>ni)y wellaLgala and Wrut emtdoorg to play, bulal nighttaU he wus»cfani1 wi h aiiiUbcr l l ami beca&tatie* llikv'ii Alter ttusl ibsflta were ifcnireai aiui >d- rroasL-d in aL'vcrUy unLlI yebUrduy when Ihe boy <11(4

The pbyMcian who liml aiteudi'd Ihe boy lor a wi^k before bU draib treated hlinforcjwi- vu:«UH)A, aiul saklihut deaiu wasmH cduscU by hyilioplHjbta. or tl u waa Ihe iwrouri coar>akHi ihe teal (arto iTnm him, aa the iiiuef wbteb waabtiie.i bad emMjr hialed up when the boy called no Wi duEHtday at ibr docPir'i obica tor mailleiR#. Meuibeo» otibe family slu-k to the hydrr'pliobiattuiy and aru ooiruburalgd by tbe Ufi|Jiburj,

HUKKK'S 1I>KBTIVICAT|(IB4Expreuainnn Mertlnaen Beally Picked

Htna Ont from Aiuong hA i'eraoeh.Vrwtcriiay Auuthcr Uuk waa forkful

which ctMitKTia burke, wbo la now a t«iNawr al WinnlipQir, wUb tbe Diurdi r ol Hr. tlmmn. Ill tl.# morning llurke wan lakeb Udorc ,1u>l<e llain, Me was vrry nervoiiu uml lii kii 'Oa hill MIS as if bo were uiih ai;iie. Mr. Mirwc!l. comiael f.<r the pruu;rulion, i'ked loi a rvu und utiUl tbe cvnlcLMW would tw leady. Uiigili# prlhonvr'k or untH deinurred. Ik* shM the cr.dene# oa which the Urand Jury bed in moirU l>urie wa« ell in ai>d wae avsilalile. HIscliuuLbtd been hapriaotied lur some time, Htid weft deuiruua Miai the trill ibnuld take place an imuu aa pcMthic.

Mr. Ilijwcll rop:(e<l tout they wcreeipccUng Ibe eri'ieece. but, Judging from |>estoxperumi'u 111 Gicvp uieth-rs, the chaiic^aurro three lo one tliultljere wi.uil bctU'taeibMiig wrong wiih too ccrMtiCvlcs. and. in Ihslcwhe, iht-y wuiild hft u to be rcttnvi.Mj m (bitcsgu lo Iac made all righi. “ Ahd 1 fear," lie 'said, (bi.l (tiers would iiol Lc mifili-ittiit evtdcucc. I have written a long letter Pi th# Stiilc'e Allornfty at t'lilougo teJI.if' bunesiiclly wbulhc would have to do; lliat he would liavu lo pinve the comunviK D oi the ernne end coiint’ct tho pnatnrr wub it. For Ibcc# rcosuiie ho will i.rubeb])'have to Uuig tmiicsaes iTom rbU ni’o."

'1 he Ju<ke flicldod lo fla ihi exHteiiiniJon r<,v m'St WcdiK'Hila)', when l04-re be a turtber retmuid lor a few days If llie evhlcuce wns not ready. Ih# IdentirirBtloii of lluike yesterday by klartiOMR, Ibo lAlcago express- uiHU wbu c#rte<Mbe goods loUieCarlagn cot­tage. was ciinploro. FiRy tuo prr?on« were gaUicrod Id iho Jail yard, #11100# them being Unrke uoU several |i rlaoneia In ptaJn ulotbes. Ibry werepLiceil in Hoe attd " oJY." Mar- iiascn walked sUiwIy up itiwl down tbe Uiw. thirkc st<jud wllh biabatidsin liis|OL'kcis and wUh Ills uy#« averted tooiii the rplcDgu man, but BATtlUM'n caiilty picks >1 biu) out.

After Oonanltatloii with tbe euibotlfifa 1lnrki)'i ouuiber was iDkei) down, aod it was openly siftted by umrMul for ibo prosecuMon (hnt there was uo im’t-aaity for furLher lUeidlll- cation.

Murk# baiemployod additional ooutMcl, and will fight agaiaal cxlradliniD 10 (be wry laat Although only baying ITiO when orrciMi'd, ii {• aaid be will not lack for lun.lj, lor bu dciciico.


Cualeati •# th# t>lmninwA—9l#wi o f tb# Turf anil OoMlp Akoot Tarl*4 F|sorl#.

Til# Blvarald# AUvIrtlo Club and T* Jt* C* A, tianiea.

W narrsTlH, Jnne 82,—In the elRluh mmng oi tbe game with the Nenarkflub TA*»(VMay atternoon Pilcher huikelt. who had U'cn ifltU^dlui hl» TMluamiviutiil ou Ibe Worevttat <dub by vxi'cHent work in ibe bi'i, wcin e'l to puicA, auil five rtuis w m mad# hy (lie Tblf'ws. UrwUry, who bad al'C Just been reiiisiMl<«l, playM a line game al abort, accvpi- ijg eight cheiicea, sume ck Uicm d:ITlcullonL>i iXioum’s pitching »aa very eftective, ami I**© fitmlh dbtmgulabrd blmwalf bybu|w>JAork et (he let.

Ibc acure:M cwsax. 1 a. k» P-ti. A L

t (mi|4i>i r. f . ...... ................ l 1 1 0 0lolnitoii. 1. r. 1 1 1 0 QFwid*. t o ...................- ..... 1 1 12 0 0iKk-nA p --------------- ------- fi 1 0 3 filiavvN ab ........................ 0 0 0 t 0Manwll, c, f........... . n 0 4 0 0McJifruiDii, 2b.......... . ft 0 1 5 0A(nii]i, a a ....................... i 9 1 1 0Dufly. c . ............................. 1 ti b ] *

I'etola...,, ................ . b 7 27 lb 1wiifin-Maa. K. IK. f.u. A. a.

Hroill#T. a, #......... ‘ . . n 0 a s 0arhvffier.r. .................... 0 0 0 0 u(WtBpK»i), l b .................... (1 0 fi 0 1.Mi'ihicr, i b .................... 1 1 I 'J uAlllllA i t . . 0 u 1 0 0ru denrth .c . f> ............. - 1 il 2 0 0Juiii'S 3li ............ ............ 0 1 1 2 1WlJhiiU, c ............................. 0 0 fi 2 0HurktiU, |> ........ ............ 0 0 0 4 0

To’ fti*.............................. •/ 4 ! M 16 1NcwiirkV)orcii.'‘ rr.

I) 0 0 0 0I) 0 0 0 I


I - ■!Kariiod tiKia—V orccdlor i, Newark 3. Two-

baae hllA-Melalcr, btnllb. Sacrihre hi(&— AnnK IkKnat. Hfolcn b-«#*-riitfworlh (3), Jijnes, Fields W), DJlTy. Firal baa* On Iwllr- Aniiis, Cr.Eii]iiiui, Oulworth, Wilaoii, Iinfly (J). Ttwigan. Smlih. Mil br idiched iMll^Bta Mcy. Huikcll- Mclietnndt. Flul on ermra—Newark Z airuck om-WiljHiQ 1,2), r.iirkclt, llrniik.-y, Manioll (3), (Vaigan, KiiUk, Kayea.l'a*wtNl haib-miiry^ >AII%od2. Wild idtchfN— Dootatk, Time “ Two houra. Umpire-Brady,

(Mlier A ( b k » t lc 'T lu a ie a .

Other AtliuUlc Aiwuciutwn (Fiujcs re*aiilti'd II fulloat:

Al liOwell;

Thn ftt«an#r Aw«net* Tletwtia SlghU Prosen Hawukaln# oa H#s foyaK#*

Tb# HambarfC'Ainerican nicer An- gueta Viotorla» CajviaiD Alheri, whicb le!( BoudmiiipioD OD June U, twelve bourn behind th# Horlb Ctaimaa Uojrd aieitnei Travo, came (0 inobof off tha New York QuaranUne fiiattoii last even log tan mipulei iBead of her rival.

Capum A ibara, #( the Victofta, reported pam- iOf ibro# icoberga on tbe voyage. They weie aeeti on (he ntgbl cm la n# LA and one of thens, a Maail on# waa not nor# thao iOO yaitlt away from tou veaaeL Tbe Viciorla bad but a abort time before paaaed tbi. White 8tar tteamt r Qer- Bsanlc. bound lor New Yotk. It was fUkiut BdW tfclock in the eveblof, and the tieaner was In lailiude 2Q°2F, longtnide 4SP».when a small berg wai leen off tbe port j»w, wma UO yutta awgy, u «a i toimr toau twcuty leci water, and evldeot-ly Ibe rcmalQi ofsome vaU ksa tnoualain*

“ iMlHm.toiurLoarar A »»j w ■un outlLi,*, or > m at ic« moun­tain wiiMb. Hen. The ohtel officer mid 11 lookou lo ta M l, 3M NM m,h™ Bd X o l t (»IM a- broad, though u wa*(mpoelble lo ae« Itdhilm'il, In tbe mghi. u w u ^m e mllea north or Ihe Vlctartt, which wu Ihiti In l»tl-iHde fco nj, ,o,j jongnua, ,50 ™ward of Ihe huge lee aountala tp,eared 1 MO^CI one. ruio* aboni IJO (h« i n ,B ^

WAS IT HTUBOPBOBIAT“ •»"> a» • Bw, W h* Hnirled *0*1 BU

LUa* » Dw(.Frank Hiller, fleveo ].ean old, nm of

•"•oa'aotiiterof lo o f Wand 11,.died ef whai ippeund lo beh , dropBoWa ,aitafdn,. ~ u,hnmll' Ti?“ **“ “ “ * " P’»I''0I "• « *>1*

“ * • “ “ " t '' '‘••dfou "ben * laije ^ blm, knock l i« him

Mb'* '*?r ! ? * • * (atned 10tho « 0W coildren uxl ton Uelreloitilai end then «n down ibe itreel. it n u teea to attack in Old mo„ ,nd knock dowu 1 lltUa «lrl and bite

‘'Of bed developed rmpiinoiorhidraphahu In tbe morntni end

P'” " ’** '* "P. •«' “ "«ot mud, orcke ihe be ir , cbeln u d leaped the leiioe. ^■'fal men c b , „ j the dot bnt U ditap- PWfwi mm hit not aince been leen.. “ '"O' ("O (ibon koiae b, b(a bnlliet•on nil m,4tHt m t lor ndfOfoi, wbe d w id

A Iilttle Ctilld Found WItli JiD Her L*wp.

H. IV Hrtltlan. wbe aonthwetitofMenoioD, 'I'#!., look to Oial yaaterdaybli tittle child Halil# to be (reMtij«l lur a snake Ixisvi'll........bil#. About fio'dock ycsiertiay aiofuiug the Jersey ('!’ >. httleg rl Iclt (he hiiu e Phb a pall on her atm to gather blaekborriCA near Slnoe Hpriiig. Tbv Clihd wu espL.'dcd to return boinusoon, as the faravty was lo leave early lo peiiih# day Willi a iieigbbof, Tbo child bring atrcul (blog over ao hour. Mra, HeLidrn proceCviivl to thespniig. ILm child waa not tbi-rv. and Uis tmAbur c«ilei1 bur aamc londly scv hal limn.Itecvivtog 110 response, she Itiil ib# spilng and walkHd into Ihe blackberry t'HcJi to hunt up lb# child.

resiing Chrangb Mi# palch ab# aaw a *ccne which rando bar almusAlatiu wiib horror. ‘Jbo chilli was ipatcd on a rock and In beriapaaa a large rattieanaku. Tbe cM d wai cafryiiig (ba spake, whuae h#ad was #Bghtly elevated aijcl moving to and frrx msincllmea tha anakv’s Jtnegd woujd attnnal (Oucb tbe Upaol Ibe child, who puklsed it away wHbotil appearfug to anger the iiiakc. The child waa ao cmupietely under th# ipell of lb# Acrpcnt that It paid no attention to Hi# mother, who screamed ao loudly that ber husband bcanl her a quarter oi a mile dlAiaiit end but ried i p (lie bCene.

When Ur. Huddeii appaarod the enakeplaocd Itoelf Id an aiHluda ol haiile, and the aii vibraltd with (be iKdae of th# raitiea. Mr.Uedden advanood upon (be atiakr, lb# child fell back aa if I'l aau-oofi and Iheinaktitnick it on toe tbuBb of tbe right baud, and then ipraiig at Hoddt'D, who felHed It with aeUnse.Heddsu fucked the wound, which, he ii c-oii- tldeut. saved (be til# of the liltle girl. SalAral i waa ahoapfiib'd to the wound, llie head and am of tbe Utile girl wore but very little surollea when abo waa laker to Duniiieon for ireaimcbt.

Ibe child saye ibat the wae litMogonibe ruck picking bertlea when Lb# snake appuariHi, and that she wa-i unable to move wbeo too looted at It ; lhai she waa ootatrsld ol K. and that when It waved ill bead to and frolo L«r face ebe felt Mk# fwng to alevp.


A Health Officer Derlnrea frurgeon Dun­oon Has Remittent Fever*

Th# qnArsntinci caGiblishod at the rcsldrne# of CaptaJu W. IJ. UtocapKoP, 17J Elauciiek aireel. Hreoklyn, on Wcdii# day, wbe»H4trgeon initKan. of th# eteainaiiip Colon, waa found lobr suff.nnf Iram yallow 1#vcr* baa been ramoved, and tbe eohtery poltcecuaD wbo had tirm oil guard baa roniuicd hliduUi'e.The brallb Autborili## furnitoed Uw eight oc-cupaD'i of ibo boiiik# with a citangeorcloibmg,

Dr. George V. ('-ouvery, llic Broohiya Heal to Inspector wbo mad# #a I'xammaUou of fo»r- gi-OD Durvean. hai made a atah'meni in reply10 Dr. Uvnia EtlMWi. In which he reasserts bis diafuoida of the raj« aa yellow fever* Dr. Cod- v#r>‘i tn (»DClualon, lays: “ The qiKillOD tinw11 whetber (he phyaldan la to be guided by lymptorna which by their pr#WT>ee are liKl(ir*.i- iiopg and peculiar to oerUtn dl«eaaea, or wha her be Is to be guided by Huitimehl («^r«nnal tnicre#!. If tbe lalicr, (ben (here It aodiing to be "ahl. but until tills qursduo is d#cl'i#d I beg tb# privilege, even if I were tu doubt, to give tbe benefit of ibatdonbtki ibe comimiaity."

A protest against th# action of the b#aJih auiborltleA In aut^entiai Dr. fiogert, wbo had first attamtod 8>iiioon Duoean, to qiittranilii# waa pubtlihrd yeticrday. It waa #lgo#d l.y aevaral prottiineiit physlclanc Todistlngubh witocertHiRiy Id bolated cakes behsteu yel­low Icm aod e#rtaiu Ibrmk of Datarloua ro- miftent (ever la often diffleuF. (he do#(ors aald.Tbta Imrifv-ouioeQl of a phyiiciaa wllbouL peooeKS of law and at the arhlirary dUcrelUm ol (he CcmiQiislDiter ol Ileal to la without prece­dent in ibe history o( Utuoklyn.

]ji abb (iftoar Bmitb, of llMoblyn, reported to the Boan) of H«ilih yp«tf rday that a enreful aTMlrtla of Dr. DnDean'N lllrivaa ahowoi] that Ibe Uticr suffered flnm ireEnUtenL fever, and hot yellow Aiver, aa reported.

b u r n e d d p UlS WEALTH.A D jln f HDD Dwelrofa B30*000 Worth

of Or##nbDo1if #nd IWnffa,The tn»n o f FrtnkKn. K t ., I» mtoK

with eidleraent. WlllI.ea J. nilton, .w u lib y and miter'iy old mercbani of that piio#, « ho Ik (nought to be on hla deathbed, yeaterday tiag- IL-ffKi Mil of hla bed. which la back ef bia etore. and went Into the aipre. He waa fallowed by Ul old negro, hi* aUeudaat* whoa be ordered to take a oertiln ball keg aad put It on tb# fire la bla'rDOio. The keg waa beaded ud at both #ndA aud be told (A# Degro that tl had a Ikw aaMi In ll and loae old paper ibat be wlabeil to desiruy.

Tbe negro did at directed. Uttle dreaming that he waa cousigoliiA to tb# Aamea about tJfi.OOO It) grai'ubecka aod GovemmeDt bonda But such w u the case, fform after tha act waa doD# a geatlcmaa weat In, and avetni a large pMo of burnt DBlIa in Ibe fireplace, and what hfemed to be Ibe amok tog reoaalitaof boiwt papers, and aiispecuui that all wu uot right, began to make an examlnalloaof Ihe aibes, and found what to tbe uiked eye w u plainly rialble, t huge u a » of burned greenbackg aod liovornnitim four per coni. bond*.

lir. Uillou baa a wife and on# child, a profit gate sob, wbo baa glvrn him a great dvalof iToub'e. He and hi* wHb hare been aoparaled for lom# lime, and there la now pending a lult for dlroree And' alimony agAiiua blto by bii wife. A great deal of blttainen bu grown out of (b* auiL and U la tbougbt he preferred to i#e bit pnmerW in attaea raiher Lbu for bit wile and BOO to lDb«rit H. He la noievpMttd lo

* litre many daya and ft now loo feeble to talk " BJbd relbaee to divtilg# aiiylblnc,

W h«r* ll ibo Board o f M#oRAt Tb A* JiMar aT Wc ff«m;

Bib —K nowing yonr generosity In giv­ing rpace In yoor paper to reidere, 1 rauture to ufc lor tbe same. Being anaklaolot Falrvjaw avenne* city, and having a 'iblr rlew ' o(erery> tol Bg. I venture to ask w bat ii best to be done,Ibr V 1* tbe flltbtoat street In rha dly, Tbe roaldenia, being peeceabl#,dorKH wlab to make any trouble; but acmdibiax mutt be dena, and quick at that. Tbe^ beiiig only twenty-two UuiMia**«irbtoc]E,^rveaa«n no laat ihan eight dooton enter boiiaea In one day. Uow la (halt And tbU; No Icii than iblrteea (ifi). old and-young, died, and atoae have found room la mir heapItAl* within the tiat Anic moQthL Ought not ibe Board of Healib lu- ▼wAifato end get » vlaw" « f our mmi aDdaeeabrwaeBaintBegiiUerT I would like to bnow what te aUlng Captatn BuftkelA D be m r ObUgaywiuB

Owff Off fA ll VnwA

laiwn.L 1 H. lu. ff.O. A. a.

Dtv, .......................... \ 2 0 8 2 IIHtiHa. 1. r ..................... I 0 2 U 0Dwvt'r. r, f........ ............ 1 1 0 0 0Cbm*v, 0. f ...................... 1 1 1 fi (»IlHmiUtdi, l b .... ............ 1 1 a 2 0|iriiti‘li#l, W).......... ........ 0 fi 3 2 2

Kflliwv. a. a......................... U 1 1 $ 2Huhlvan. p ................... 0 0 0 ] 0Uuliiawo, c ...... ............. 0 0 6 2 0

Tuiala....... ................. « 4 ‘44 1 a 4JLAPKY CITY. M. Ifi. A. K.

Kuow'Il'#. tlb................... •i 1 ] 1 0Ililimii, c. f ................... 1 3 2 0 fi0'Hfk.n l b .................. 0 1 n 0 2Frivi. 1. f....................... 1 1 \ fiGcrlvnhlt, 'Jb......... ...... D U 2 a UI.voik. r. r...................... 1 2 2 1 filirtflmd, c. ............... . 0 fi 4 8 21-wley. p ........................ 1 t 1 S 0l.Wbg. K *............... ....... 1 1 8 5 2

Tntnlt.......... .........— 7 10 *7 15 70 u sQ 0 1

SaCiidi'e bits-htalii, thillivan, Uamtlum, ffiland, Krlvl, lang. Slolun Day {3j,BUH*, D(»yi'r, t'Bscv, Kiiowl«(tJ), inland fj), OUreo, LytiOi llj. Fir l has# ou ImlIIs— i.owi n n. jprjey City 7. Pirn base mi cmim- l.owril 3. Jci>ey Hty 3. Wild plu-b—Usley.

batlf-OmuHto> (3|, llofTrinl (2). Hirui'k ovil—fiQllivaTi (31, ( fulnasao, Gerna di. Mtilev, HnUhlu playe—L#n«i Gerl accli, and O'Drteii; Knoelua Dug aiid tirrhanll; Lyons aiH O'Drlen; lH»1v, llolTord. aii'l 0‘ ilocii: Hulll- van, IJamtIion. aod DrtHCh#!. Uuipir#—Ma­honey. Tmte-Oiia hour aud forty-five min- uiea

At Kow llavou : ___ ____________HATlfri'HIX I A. fllB. IF-O.j A* | A

T. Liriirli, lb. - ...........Maiu). r f............. .• Lynch, 1. f . ............Ileiirr. c. l.............8iv. ^b........................-footler, a. a .............. .Wet •abe. 2b....................Mool'#. c .......................(/FuUDCll, p..................


s000 21ifi1




Total*.. ^ ''kew haver.




to' a.'


Brody, r. f...................... 0 1 1 0 fi(lahiU. Sb...................... fi 0 1 3 0tbirdork, Zb................... 0 1 1 1 IlAlly.r.f....................... 0 fi 1 0 0G'H^Tke, c.............. .GftlJlKin,], ................

0 1 It 1 fi0 0 1 0 e

T. (lurcorad, I. a ..... .. 0 0 1 0 0bcboaiipct, lb.............. fi 0 5 0 1Bonn, p....................... 0 fi fi fi fi

Tdtflla........................ 0 3 16 11 2Harllnrit..:. ............ . ....a ii' Oft t - 2Ni'W Havi'ii................. fi_0 U 0 0 - 0

Teo-liasq l»ll--Say. Bairt cm bails'—T. Lyuch, H. Ivincb, (Abill. liinick ou(-1iC')Ty i. ). H. Lyrn‘b B'wi'lc, T. rofcuran, lAily ball—[>'ltuurko* Wild pluh-lAnan. loft on IrtiHi-b— N uw M avcii t . I la r lM t l fi Tluw' oJ ga(UH—<Uic h“Ur and tivciily ujlnui‘.-H. ViupJro

J llu is . _ , ___

Dust From Huny Dfnmi»tu1s*Other ipimca ycatortlay r*aiilted as fol­


At ncvcland—Nva York F7, UeVelkiKlfi.Al riiicago—Chicago 1, risllmlelptila 3.Al fjidJeuaruiis—inO'anaiKilla ^ Washing-


At I/rtilsTiUf—N(. U»uia7. Ixjuisvill# 3,Al l'h))iidL-lphla—Atulctlc 3. l olttniljus 0.At Uuciuiiiitl—t iiH'liiiiatl fl, Katihasdly 2.

INTtaNATlOKAi, l.KAUUa.Al Huffaiii-hiiJbdo A Toktiol-

N inix X NTATlik I.RAirPR.A( NorrI'towii -('uiiati Giauta?, Nutrlslo^ii 1.Al Vorit—York B, lUmsbUTg 0.Ibc itcurdi ol the Nadmia) l/wgiic, Amvii-

cau AwLN- adOli and Atianlic A'^uciailou uiubs are as (ollutva:

NAimMAl/ LaAOtl

BiDi(»n.*.H.........*..... Bi iu -t"otlm lsnd.... . -■'*I’tillad Iphta......New York..........Chicago......... .I'lliHhurx...........InrtianapFrlG.....Washluglon.......

the etub win have to pot taooey (• h To make ttgD. I MB aheeat Uiei eg taoHag wtib ttmtblng, but I will have oae bnu# confareuce wUb my ayndfrata befoce droppleg ft.’* OleaatH) (a l ^ np wlib a aore finger and lomuey ta playlog stKWt.

Tbe Navark end Jer.ay (tty cluhi «1U play ou iM South Oranie avauue gn tiud* to-mur- row attvraoou. Tbe ballarioa will be fKMUia arii,i Duffy fid Newark amj UalL'y aixJl Jluflurd tor Jerecy (lly, _____ ___

ABOUT M ANY SPORTS*Resulta o f ILncei wpd UomIp About Turf

and Alhlatio Rtaala.— There W!*te two aiplen lul ftnHhfw at

UiMhtou Brtrh yf«t#rrtav. In Ihe (Ueanileld Ilanulrsp old lattior, tbe laiunti-, aiKl th# onlr SHler, Itoujiie b , rail a dead best, and In the lavlrac#, wblch wm at a nulv. BMllxon Vat I'arnuaie, ibo ravorite, a DOie for (b# money. Theresulia;

Flw Haco-^Pitr*# fifflo, ftirigo j-parolda fiveIbrltingi; J.ibn Atwimtl «u rt. Ceutauraet-ood,Mb) IJiweu liunl; tune, l.OtW Muiual»|Mid lA).^. M.35.

Vrcaid Kaoe-runa gViO. Ihree qiiarlffa of a Buie; D>ti| Jack won, I'eifi’U**''V oihI, liracieUilM; Ml,IV. 1.16. Htitiiali paid 12?- tl»-

llilrd Karo—Fnrve Rhio, n i ruTitmg*, Ptm- veuir Won, VBjHlcrfctul aocoiid. (Hx'an ihiM ; lime 1 Iiuluaiat«hl U'iTO, IIA7&. (HAp fluid lIckcK)

Fimrth R.,ro- PiiTve for all age*, rovew hirlopije; Tip ttlT wen, Reveller avcopd, I/Kigl- tiida tb iri; lltue, 1 30* MuiuaU paid flo.Ti),|M (6. grj >ja.

(irvi-utHilil llaiidicap-rurse one mile anti a furlnitg , Taliler and lU-unl# H. dead brti. J, j. O'H. thtol : lime, Mutual*luid 16. IM.I3. IV40. 141 MO.

biilb Ki<w--'Fune 1600, for IbrL'e-yvtr-olda auU upwBjd, one mile ; ItailiU'D won, Car- uagle aecMud. I\tlha?n iliird ; lUav, 144. Mu- iuaiH i«id |12, g) 7.V

Niti# of (ba bviU of (hi* ai Mon'i tlirae-yfac- old* are poaliive atarim ft'f (he American Derby al Cblrago Ihii afletniirtn * OulUiimd. Heirievc, Npubane, Sorrento, t<p"irt<man, U>ng fiatiro, I'nk'ior Kniut, lK»a Jive and Urce Agitn. Frictur Kitmi has loit mauy ailimrura.FI epalrick will ride biru.

—Mambrino WULca won the 227 and (lean Unrirh ih# ! lP-cia!(« ra<v #( Afbany yiftontay.

—N(ial) .-IrniKlruii baa iH-eii pro^eiiletl on bc- halFof , |io|[BQd aikh ihe iMMiitlful Idankntanil bum] winch Iti# cIlh'Iui or SfMikarM; FalD, » .T . suiM-riticd the Tii-dioy inr. Tne suit ia iuad>‘ rtf tho eohiTii claimed by llm xhIjU-, ainl II*:!* ot a blanket. Iirtnl, Miicr and roller (tad. tt M of tbu liiM-M quMhty of blue »ilk plusU, ami MVich] witQ ]wla Utuu eid 'Olowii and trlrumed In Ibe fineid (jcaliljr of oningi- *aUo, inlaid irltli ,1a{MLiii«a koM. 'Ihe triiujuliie cuimistiQt walitfa'il biiirling ruiUHi'g e'mi|.JutcJyarmiiiii tbt) blanket and huiHi, d iiarr.;w layer of orange larlti, Inlaid wnh guiil, eitcndmg (y,ni|dcud|r amuiiil tlie I. aniJ hx oinaoiE-niB Ol t-xquHlie dengn, ^ame mait rial aa biuding. I'hK c la i Im) a a<'a]IO(a‘d layer uiio aud ouv- bHlflridiLW wide, cxlelidliig Itiu full Jungih of (be stiu ot) the baclt, uiada of tliu witue Dialwiml BH the bindlog and urnaaivnla Tbe ieUehiig, " Npokout', ])riMnklQ).J by ih# r1( win ol 8|>olMne Falli, W. T. " It worketl in rMl<etl leiiur III nran i* Silk (bread ami JaiNJceaegidd*AR tiindti'g. ornamenu ahd Uy>ra #r# ap- pliqm i on Mm iluah wdb various >hMd#)i of mange ami g>'n<i aiUi and tbread* of Jat4iiicae uolii, Ibu luU (‘iHt

— ihv Loiig pufli-ooed rare liotwcvii Irish 1^1 Bud Frank M. wOl lake pmee nl Waverly I'ork oo Ibe altcriioon of July 4. By #0(00111 of bulb oaitcri the IHtiQ Mjrrci r'Hiil.iii O. ti. M, hu been |Miroii*.ied 10 enrer tblAruco. The thro# norM>«arvso evenly marched in rpecdthHla great content mar be lortkerl for, Iht' mati'b Is # giOU sweepstake-. ThLr# wtlJ be aZtucInsv, purs# li'Ofi. tiro r-am# day

—On ihnrsiisy evomng W, c. Dulim, of rnnroiiifj ('olUge and (he New Vf,rk Aililetlc (.'lub, ran in h club iiBudu-np hull lullo run al Traven IdIhm'I, anil won il from snatcii In wbal was atiuouue>Hl as Im. h>*4'>. 'ibe ptrououiOnal time a«l atbicbw to ihlnkin^ wbpiiicr tiler# was not mino uii- take m lbs fH'Normam'e. lor tbe lime a-* g vcii brats lb- Amviican ainalcur record of Ina. &r< 7-.''ni by I £. Slyerbiothe lali ol l SA' on Ibc Manbaitan AUileuc Flub giuiiiida Hauy an> ol ttie opin­ion ttiiU tl the (X /10 provee to tw ro roci, the Uairug is rtliAble emmylt b> bu atvepiod. tor timiui a Jia f m> # is imt like tituin.; a-p;iui rac'', add, a- Ihc tbh'« ’ lianrcloa><«iim# LhaUhe elucki.c is atj rUhL

—NUHmoi dcieMieU Itunungiou at lentil* al New IJav^n yesterday aiii-rmjuii, nsd by ni duliJi; liundy won Uir i-tmOipiuiiBtup trupiiy. whlcli ho had held the pus( (mo yeara. 'ha acore;

(liBTnpintikhlp Ruuni—11 W siucam IjcbL K. I*. UuiiUlialuD Ih—U, 10—8. fi—A

ecuaa by JNNi rJA.Wconin—0. 0. 1. 1, 1. 0, 1, I, 0, h, 0. 1. I. l -A liuiiiiagton—t, 1, 0, u, 0, 1, Oj (k 1.1, L

c - chlovum-O, 0,1, L, 1. 1,, 0. I, 0,1, fi. 1. Q, 1.

J, 1-10.■ llun(lugloTi-l. 1,0, 0, 0. 0,1, I, 1, 0. 1, 0, I, 0.

1, 8. 0 . 0--1.blocuai-0,1. 0.1, U 1,1. 1—fl. ilunlinuion—], 0, f, 0. n. 0,0, 0-2.—The yacht Tuaiiift Wuii Ibu racu fruni tbe

Katrina yi'-sierday by marly aeveu minuiei. Tbe ftuiomary;

Haicb lUc#--Coturae, thlrly-turo miles ; prt2o tl3U.

lUcing A' FLap-ed ('i-w’iMieijgib. ‘iiuie. 'lime.

YachtJi. Perl. Owners. N. K.a. ii. m n •TH(iula..:4.80 ,C. Oliver lacltn 4 l6 <5 4 00 4.iK«lrlui..TJ.^6j^‘ “ij* {.'.'ijJ'} 4 » *) 4 n «

vTuanla ailoisn Ksinna mtiRieen atenmt-.So tbe Titanta deluBt* Ibc Katrina Avv4>n

minules eigbU-cu scrouda sclual or six miu uiL-ii tlUy-h(tiu srcQuds.

luis hible shows Ih# sutial llc.m ami ilie gams at each point:

ttofl, and have offered vueb IndueeiBaeula and tartllUea for iraMiMWibig a larfi crowd B biaaid KllralD'a nanagertbava coodWtonallf acoeptad toem, tobjert to a ftirthrt ioveatlia- ISmd by Aevenvui wliau he errlTva. Ahtta la lhtriy4hrve mHaa from Ksw Orlrwna, and il rewch^d by in# tjuwn and Crewwut eud Fast Louisiana K«iiriw<ta. Tb# owner* ot tba lelirt lltit will erect an ansphliheatre al ihvtwMi# grcHini to e««i 2,1100 penoni lu tea# (he town ia aent;tod Air the fight. It cefi he icarlied In an hour truoi New Orkana. #n'1 w a bealtby plna tree coumry, wherv (here 1* not much daniet 04 on niierniptkio of th# ftghi John L HoUu van s e-'ion wm dcstgeed by tbe cbampmii biniiiidC Ibej ftTi a hue with a groen UonUr. Imhe tokldu- U a pteture ol the I'UgllBi <sboia to wi-ar Ibau). lu onvcurmr 11 ihc Atuericaiv Qag. fu aiudhcr (be barp of Irv-aiid, tii tlia kbibl ft ihanirut'k #»d In (he fnoilb a suubinM.



Cuntrilents Frnin tbe CTab and the VoiMif M#n*i LhrlsUai Asaoclattoa,The luijowing are the enlrira fur tiie

gaioe* Mill sirornoiin at (he )omi mi-'ednt '>f he Vraiiig M#h'« rbristlaii Afsri’M'iaima and (ha Hlveniide Aihiciui I'lub uu tbe lauei’a BrL'Uiida on avenup,

Onv-hiiiirtfvd'yard Itasb—F. 0 AW'Ol, W A. Toini'kiiift 1:. A. Woo.irufl'. U T. hkiUon, (' 0. Wlilismii ami C. a. lla-sfy, o f (be Uivcnml# AtbIPtu- riiih iiid 1 liftfJre J. (Ji*,#1. A. Brand, Kjiill N'hijl, I F. t4iua>aei'ft and A- I'raig, of Ibp Y W- !• A.

irro-bumliiMl and iwcnly-yard Run— A. WLiLKirntt, F. u. AblsHi. il. T Ikilion, V.i-. Williams. G Mabeyand U. K. Rowland, ot (tro R. A 1 ., and E, Hl bilL r. K Isiniawoiia. A Brand J ( igH, J. Schwarawicldur and Kurd ILwp, ot th# Y U. (' A.

K«:tu iMii.drvii-auit’L'iglity yardi Walk - K. Fbrsou and r. T. B. Kfmc, oftbe K. and

HundcM, ir. luiiOwiii aud C, J. <i(xel, iJl tb# M. r. A.

Kiffbi-iuimlriMl and yanl Huq Rlli'rvim, tl.T hoiiim, H. K. R*>wliutl. of (ba R. A. V., ami M. K ftaldwlrr, II NChwara- WHPUIer and F llivp. ul Ihe Y M. IV A

liuiiitiiig lined Jump W a Loiupklti* and I'. VMlliama ol iiu> K. A. ( , ami ■'<

Ismioea^na. K. Mivp, K. . chfU.CV J. GogCl and A. 1 raig, oj ihc V, M, (‘ A.

Kuiiii:iig liigii jiiinp—w. H. Bri,*irn aod ('. lit iliiain*, ul ib<* R. A. C , ami C. F- l-ciuas

ina, F, IltMp, (barlixt J. (Kgel. K. .‘ liilJ, A. I'rouf. uf Uu* V. M. I'. A.

NiaiHtiiig Utund Jiim)i-J. R, Hill, f*. P. HUU- well HiHlC. r tMUroiu'*, of (tio K. A. (.*(.. Craig, tv V. I,rnvu9ieiia, 1. J (bigel aod F. flivji, ul (hi« V, M. r. ,4.

FuiIiuK (lie StiL>(- W. M. Bruwn. I>e (Vill l*Ni nh. of 111# It. A I'.. U'lTiS'-fft'aa, F.

A i raig. C. S tiiL'clmid F. \Wivisud, oillu! V W. i' A.

J hu THcch »IH l»o Of riHT al fnifTivt no ac- (H.*unl 01 I lie |Mirii('.i|»atl''ii uf (no local atli ti'lic un;auiiJlMn<L Mivi-r lui.dah will U* AWaolc'i lu tiro first niid secmid tii

pvuni. A giilil medal will t«pro chii'«) lu Ibc lijgii Hi'utiiiig ilia mosi |oiut>, ou dll'Iridaul flyc i«dnn Ul the VHiimr. tinw puJutn lu uud uno lo Ibe Miird. He-

ihc aU'Ve cventa ttavre # iH Im' a ..’Jbyant ruu—a V. M. r, A- isivice rai's Inr men wim never wmi « nie lal. I'lro cnmcj au' . It. ' ' Iro- gall. (Nilliam Kuwa, J. HsMcUDeycr, W F h'-ri,

K#>'>lpr. Melvillu ('utppiiler. Jainca Ilunipu- rvy. d haiiiwiii, Flsiid Ifuiitaie. ]|. Jacuim*. t'bi rlcs Miffcy an 1 1. 1‘. W Irolaiid.


W ed. Loat. F crce ii liO .7M

2fi to .61718 .fifii

'M 17 .M 5.... 20 26 .135.... 17 2« .895.... 18 28 ,349.... n 30.CAM ASBOCIATIOM.

W on. 1/wt. P ercen t..... 86 18 .filfJ.... 33 17 .fiiifi.... SI 19 ,820.... 27 23 .540... a 2T) .510.... Zl 28 .429 ‘.... 19 29 ,890..... 8 4( .150

Tiienia. Katrina. Gain.II. M. H. li H a. U..(

To IJ)tlithh'p.- . 1 .'rf H4 1 flit 1 - -5 IJT u H ljri;i> >b iry . . ft 41 ta fj IJ 01 '1 .— 1 40To l.ialjt-hi|i,.... (141 0 41 :g K . - O -1To J''l U Mil).............. ... fi 50 uii U .ill ifi 'J'. (? V2

4 w ; i j i It l 11—Tlio #lRhL-on[e4.t funr-milo Birniglrlnua}'

nu'c Im (hpvn the Yale and Cihveisliy uf IVnu- sylvania'vsrslly crews wn» ruweit Jasioiglu cver ibp Tuhiiici Itivpr enurN*-, fiuui tialu's retry rt> Wl111hnipA Point, Nlw I.0 ; dc»n, ami waa won by Yaip by on# tmd ime tmif tetigin* Official liin''—YiiIp, 2AW), Friinsylvafla, Z'> '>1. A brovMi WHS b uvLiug up the ilver l (*lln t (lio c;pus, nriil over lb« Unit Miroe milmi tbe water wan quite lough. To tiro uasuHj idiser-rer (he r a n 'aiMicarod to be iD'jat pxciiltig aui iV L ii ly oonU'iib-d, wliilu OB a tnaLUxol (act it wa-s h MSlk'iver lor YrI(. Hub l u-ik's orders to Uu' Yale heioro tbev left liieir qiisrlcni were to win ny tbe suiallest poKBibie margin, os ibt'y dior)n(cnr#to give flsrvard any iHittrU 'u ibi'ir siruugtb. Tuu><h ordun were earrud ui.: lu ibP ieircr. I'ho fuMtiwiiig (liuc-abli-givt.-.i the time of th# crow* aud Uro air. kes at eadi fialf mile:

>----THta---- . ..-VTROH*!#—Yaie. Lenri. VaJu. I'enu

An Aurleut I orm In the4'niiirwct t'ridutaeg.

7u tkf Wfif/wiM iV An#*;Sill—I admire vour imfier mul fur tlic

Tmal iMTl agirc wllb you uh general pitncP pL-s ; III Tmci, iluring Lhcite tuidaya wluii oiic's Np[«iiU' Is n( dm iiiiTiiuiuiu, f rather prolcr ihu RKViS (or my Rii|>|S!r than r<Nid id a luuic car Ixinamui* cbamcler, but ones in a HldJe tbiiuj uUI ciopout ll) iniir eiijumus (hat 1 L'Hiiia>i dl ge-'i I>ur]i'g ilnsi'aIuiIc pcOod] am wHl< wlih Inroii'Mi udeu-st the qi'iwliun ol uur waior supply. h;ivi.iig fiilJiiuod II through (Lie beil uf die catinl Hihi (lin/Ugh all the legal qidlibies that uidj a'BAyercan iindi-rslaDd, viuh ii*44t pi!# (ifdodaia ever iuuniiiig up heiore me, Hiid knowiUB. i>a laapayar, 1 hhall uot esL.‘D|>4 ibw n-siill, 1 had alimat faiirted I euiild (UN# u>e llilr.'iy .'trah iriivcMer) M-crd, oflliouKh afarviif, (he rerro biug, li.vici-ntOog efTiHrt of puro, spurkllng, cryiial waror ; uoi ihe Mckenlug fsior v.e get while drawiug hot waler Tuan nur LUcIroii Imdorpi, Ihu Muw'ga imprtiRUste'], car ch-m cu!ilmmiiat<'.d, b*>dy dclllvd atufl wc ii>m huve In iw‘, bill Nxirolblng lo wlucb. adei ml- lrt£ ll ala.w, i vdi a l^olutuliunisl mlgUt iiuiiil aitli pri'leand uol^'?naki-s, am) lljcn h« euii- vincc Jus Tuorv iNuivlivial brodror that be roudy hmt N medu UR pinur liud belter lima U'er Ui ofl'er him. Oh. f«» Ihe lime I I'o hot Oil mu visionary; it is puaiibl#. 1 wan going to *uy, ]vrol>ablp. bu(. ala^! now amuug (be r#u ol die qiublAis a gou has Iwi'ii di‘tRgi*<i lido il ; a real irMiU'lCT bP must tio, os I road In your LaA i'vcnlug'a ie \i» <ii liroilllcuMi)*>nut diu roapmi-*] hihiHjs drot mighi arii.e. Iliu iultuwing uit/uor ilnrory lauguuga ;

I roici lo the amcnflmrnt ilnatly made tu n-#d. " tUnkes or by iti)uTiet«(ms, or othfr ]a- ilJehil proefKB hV Ihp ad oUfOd or hy the ptib- liceupoiy." To think of a Mod wbo, by any act, wuukd deprive i.l.n ( roaiuros of ixiru waiui 11 btcb we have In *iicb an abimdaiiii#. has ita [Mrallul only in Ibe Frottbvicr au bulicl iti Uiu iliKiirlne of etectloii. wliieu htda fair niod bi lie- cornp r-iip ol (he helleis ol the jert. Ruefi thoughts ran enianaU! only from depraved beingh slcoiK'd 111 kut,#rshti4>n, and toctft'ii a ]a’n.i>nal d4id, if sneU dure b«. alo ig mUJi Kirikura, niJunr-(ions aud puhhc eiicini#*, m an ]tj-.tiltand di4i,’ iiii'# lo anv yuo'l (Psl. 1| you muM have a |er oiroijty. uunM K hot bu ts urr lo iTuiup (he licutcrtoc. ' Hy die act ol devil, or by the public enemy T' HiM the auouer ibn and klndrod Idi'OJi aru ivrogbt d Into oblJviou, ili# IroL'vr. Hjslory ctjunruro Kit.i foci Urol o'lr coTi- ec|ii* i* ul iicMl eliHii Lc; ub s-oph* beeuiue mure bfguly rivil]SH,l Ifieir tiecum# roore ]uv abro. The fiery bruns ime. sulpuruu« Gofl of my liovhoud J hover hciiror now; he ha* au Btiraelloh i.>iiiji to ibe ilcpraveil In buai't. VVby enmiot we rid ouneivealLOvvcr uf (been su]>or- btJtions .Dblesd of ihLvriviialing ihum lr> <mr piihiip dOi'Uijjpnu ftud toaehJiik IhLm to our rhdiJrvuT J venture die HSftt'i-liun, ana I nni nu l.iwber, diet sli'iidd any occuleot l-H-laU Ibiu i-nlciprTS# rrnriiik ilifrCOUMrtiF'iMWi uf aiiy ptirl ui (J u iiork, but fur any effcii that may l-nMlut-ei). a caus# will Ik* ft.)iiiKl, and Itmi a natural oii#i Iheii ol wl>u( u e is a Ls-liel in iIju Hii;)cmutuial, unlv to itiil Juilher oiyalify m hul 10 Nunc may s'.'cm hke myniuriua.

Tfuih lear.i imf liivi^UgHnoii.U will live forever.

IhdMji* >0(1 pftnitot Njuare by r<*av)n Aie mylltf, Iw ieve (hero, nuvur!

]>'vd«, fihoHls and (lutH are man'* crnaUim, I hey exM (JiiJy lu lutAaliiaLtm.

liRSiiv Hiiip,111 llcItcviijA avciiUB, NcwHrk, M J

June 21, dvfj.

A MeiwliMre Ans«a1»fi Advwn««M Withn BrtUsbet wai a Train.

From lb# buauia Uiurler.A fcbileuian to whom the eAUer waa re­

cently Intrutliirttl, Mr. X- Ly uam#. uiado blinaeir ebterUinlng by repfiatiut thil •toty of -AM adventure ba bad on ou a Maw York train. II# ia a member of a promi­nent ileet firm Irore, and one o f the aalua- tnen lieing taken ill al i time when tba huuiie w.ta anxluua to teitoif a i«rllcu1ar orilrr Mr. X . aticted out btmaelf with a case o f uiupLoe lu Uua ouimutji'cUl Uave!- lingidyU. i

As he got Into tha train the braketuan | itifuiitosJ him lltat Iber# wa an exi-urkton Ihat day, aud it w u doubUul If lie could get a Krok. Ur. X. went on and fuuud tha cars Mt#rAlly packed, lo that even the aisles were full. Ho nolSecd, boweverf that in one lent «at an Kugllahmati, who h:id tilled up bts luggage lo occupy tha vacant placb.

* 'la U)ii arat taken F' aaked Mr. X., when with aomo difDcuUy b# made hii way lo the man.

The Fngiisbmau liiukrd up v frb true [Intiah iutotonen*

** Cswiil yo ace IhalRtaY" he Mr. X. repMfd by i-outly awcepuig all

(hu forrigot r'l belonging* uii to liie fl'uur and |H)eac! ing biuiscU of the place thus uimlc vaouuu lUtuuk a U>uk L'rotu bia puiket atid U'lCMu to road, while bta t#a(- Uisto aUred eutoflb# window, apparently nut m Ihe brat of Iiuujut. The vuliimo rbaiiirod to t»o *'Fa-kfrlrk FapcrV and aa bo Tcwil Mr. X. Iroiu tiimito Umu chuckled appreciative])' at wbai he ccad,

" W ill, now, what err ye langhlng alY" the KiiglialitiiHu Mi'idmly druiNiidrd, liiruing u) ibo other, ">Vbal are yuU rcftdiiigT "

" ■ I'u'.kwii’k ra[)#ra,' " r#|dlcd bl* com* peoioti, regarding the qiieatiuu aa an oter- turn uf |H*u(-#.

" Huiupht'■ roapondwl the Kngll'h’ luttn. *' IMckcUi. lio waa a fo'd, yu knuw. ’

“ Ifo bar] ibu lulMfoilune to an (‘-n- ali'hman," waa Mr. X.’* fuiicilialury reply.

“ Now, what If tlialT" anked th# for­eigner, taU-liing light of llie (dicataut cnae lu (he ollier'i hip.

I'bal is my caao of aamfilea."” Of aaiuple* ?" rojicitcd hi.) ruinpaiilmi

with the ulmusl coidcni|tL " Then yuUgf# nutliiUK but a h.tainsu T'

Wbal la a Uagmau V"" ^ hy, ye arc, yo know, If yo sell*

1‘iliipN by aimplp*.”*' IM have you undrrsl lud.” replied Mr.

X., aflVctiiig a j’ l'roi deni of Ibe api’i ;ul- eagle air fur tbo o ’cafl'-n, "(lin t I am a commrrrtal travoller ; aud nmrp ilton Ihat 1 am a Amcnesn. and llmt ninkca it a pu.iti dpsiuf i^nil#*cru*Um on my pan to iH lu the (mum car with theilaveol an Lngliab artstuciBcy."

He fiiiurRhM a bit in this stylo, and wuuml an bv Hayin,i<;

The nroauest riliren of thk) fro# coun­try la ab«>ve an KuLlirhman, b44-*iuiae we mr# nil fre# and i quAl hi '*

At (b b uiomeiiV the (rain drew Into a atiilint), aud among Ihnse who entered the n r wa* an cbi'raioua roluriai womm with a biindlp in hi r arTll wIiIpIi ruTrpHpumlnl Id itiiirousiuii* Ul her own jvirlllncat. Mr. X. tecogidM'd bis upiNiiiunify. He luao in hia place aud ln'rUutuMl to the old WDUiHfi, wlio swcjii liPi w:iv liiruufih tii# crowd with [HitiiteroiH fliviyioga •tiid lorcb* Inps.

" Her'', Aimty,” be said. "H ere U a ai'ftl and plpaaiut ciiitipaiiy,'’

" ItUn* yrr. honey," rliucklcd Ihe gi^u- (ic ubl wmuHii, "I'taea goui) deal aoi on rorupany any (liun. S<t «vc( il»r, hiMicv," slro coDtiniu'd, H'lilri'!>-iTK Uih KuttliMlmian. " Har amt no 'cu' iuu lu look at uie dat ycr .way. S( t along.

And ah# sat down vllb a prrvndUigne** whicb npsrlv Hnnililhlsd the unroriiinaui Hritibb* r, wbo ns'P*'d, ilnig;:lc<], end In tho end was forcul to «l»»inlon liU position ailu{;ethpr.

S U R T i m t n iD t II C EO f IMe Cure » f Hkf* Otaaaaaka W1i«i* dU

Uih«r MrthCHla r«ll.Paorlavl* S jrrar*, 4'uvarlug -

DBA Xulira ItiMly With White Hcaha. Hklw Hml, Itchy euil IIUadl«|. Hair all Uoiia. Hpenl lltmArada el Dnllar*. I*ri»- aaunood Incurabt*. Uured by Cutleura Hwa)»ilfea«My dia#i*a {paui1a!M«) flrvl hruke out no oir

lailcboL'k. Bproaouig acitMi* luy im«#. aiul ah ziKVit covi-riiig tu> ta«'e. U ran into uiy eye*, and tbe rbvrctan wai aifeld I wimhl bwe mv pvLMlght alu'^riher. It «iin-ail all over my hi 0.1, fturt mjr hair all fvll out. uuul 1 a a* vn- Ihely hahl licoileL H then,’ hrokc out mi my anu'aud obuuldcn, until tny anna «#rein».l u,.v bnr#. liniYi irvl my pntiw Ndy, uiy im'c. lU'Oil and BhoiililfPila'iug lb# viupil. Tucnhito n'ub-iclU-oti loMilv irom uiy bcml, al Miililcr*and anna , th# akin wcuhl iniclipii am* I*** 1 aiul very IlcJijr, an<l woiiUt i *#' * aud W« ml If BL'rah'btnl. Aber ai -n<luvg many i)un-dPi’tta of doHnra I >mv* p;vm«v»ic d liifiiraWe. I heard of the ‘ ith T MKxiiEpiga, ami after iMiiif two laAtk'* tlitirtiHA Kitmn.vaNf. I c«ajld *## *cliaiigo . an't nllrr I boii Inkrn imir lartiKe, l waaaliULWI Pimd ; am) when I bad *yw*l a)X biNtl- aufi uTici'KA U*Poi.VK.'T aii’ l u'.roUix i« CtTiilfa*. and on# cake dLCutIi V a.* Ntap, I wiscurpif of Ihf ilroBdlc. «Jl*C''SL'Iron) winch l liad »ufl#rt*d (or fiv# yran. I IhHiighl Jh# oi* eeaewinhl leave a vet) di-ep aiar. !uU the thTuna* Hxmriumennd i( wiih"WUovHcar*I L'aniim expreaa »*)(h a pen uPai I «otU‘rc;i la'- turv u-iug ibc f'lmcia* Rsjiai'i)*. »ncy

uiy lifa 1 iiV'l ll HIT ilniy i‘ » rros'in tnemi llrom. My hair la icaior#*! aa ever, ami sn w my cvinlijlii. I tuow ol a Im'I <*f iFftcn-ni priVkUi* ttl'o lia*# uw'1 (-Ii*' '1nM*l Hv RriMKHrH. amt all have rtai.uvid

groat Ivnerti lonn lUfir n«vMpa. KFM>y

liLakwv l iliy. ca'i" nu (o., towa. ('nlR'uni Itoiuedte*

rnr# every siH'ili-t of aioadxiuir. but'dlitlli'B.ilcliliu, bJn->,lmk. IniTUiU):. n.B'y. blMlcIiy amt pm'Uly 'Ib^aiL’i uf the sVlTi. »ralpaivi oimai. with l(c*oi hair, Ihmi I'iiupl'** lu■cix'lul#. c i ccpl laiwihiv ro1illiy«»w

wld fVuriwUrm i iTti'Uat, a>c.Aiivr. Aa.. !!tt-aU Vt>iT ft I’lcriarod by Uro 1‘oTiKft fiaio *Mi iiU-JiiLAi iuui‘oi!*riti?i, llu'l.iu.

tW’icud fur ■’ Mow (unite Skiu li'M’a'iw. ft4 |iagcs, [i(l iIIioiimFiiu- ami IDOU UnimusIS-

Hackluwd% rtal uMigh. chapp'd ami oily aiii pivvciiUal by firnciB*

Stacuttaltafita* ______

TheSli^tai& aH iit'taROLCONEY ISLAND

VIAfifty R ifi jfo ftin l ( l i i l v r r 's U otU e.

JUNK TTMK TAHLK.CoTnraenf'iii;^ SiinrtHy, June 16.

Fl-nmcr FKKMK DK hAHT leaving rni»* mru-iHl Wiimr, haH MaJrkvH *L, ul II A. lip and 1:A0 1'. M.

Fan, Round Trip, 50c.r## On IP.. 1*111 i« g.vruv of 8n nmf*r Time

Tain# (o IKO N FIK ll ami At* hi IT p- hv 1 XX U A iiL M A. H. F, A\KK'". f-upi

I AIMIlNd IIANKn J»A1L¥.* .\«v) bull doulji»')r«>n 1t}e) hnnuil vleaasw

A N G L E RIciivc* Trtculy litii Hi# I, #aai Uiv#r, at IM A U.. R i’kmtu aircui. Kix; Klr#r. f A-H.. Pipffi. N. It, s fO A. M ('.utmecfi ttlt'i all M. J. U K. cxinpi IViuuvirt'iia R K. Get visir lu-kcU) r r fVimnl'vanin K. it at T. lb HS! .P > i'n IVnj Hooil' rata periViiU') ivauii) it It Fat# 7V'.

AL FtMlKR. .Y n n i i'.hmrK ri>i


Hni’k ochc. k.ihicy Utoi, «cak- iiftt''., rbcuman''iii a"d inuHnilnr tmin' ft) UEvm n uNK wtNi ' a b>

,(lio ) 1 ll' ' m AMI I'Ata I'U’irMi. ib# lull aiu only m»)au(amoua pam kilnuapirtJ4lt:r


kmmi Late"S I . 0 0 .th’DiuM train l«iNhMutu* train hnvfi

|RiU-K suiiun.Fourth uve . Ncuark. v:ll A.H OreounuMil l*uk4-|iftlB

.-.^*s>i«..A.Ata.A ileav*’# Norih NfwsTkEXCURSlONSi s aUon.WLHstMdv. IdM

KVMIV A NLC t I Ikl F\ A V TrokPts at t^ MarketW w l w U f \ T « | s t and Ih# Matiom 7l

.’H.-iMlNti UANK-- HUM:v’KH FAilK. ONLYijo cch(p fliiin Nuuark. Kvury day of tbep „ . .................. .................

ui-ck III# aph'liiJid »>ira)u- r, J H Ni ilOVIdFH, h'Hvr- Now Yu(k, h«'l til Fraiikjlii s(,, at H.£J A. M Ftiud ij*. t ski* Fr|p llpiinrb 7.-4 ur IVuroyl- vsma UrttiriMd .147. Kvinir iuti lichcl' »uld at alt'>ls'<4iii iViiimylCBinu. Kn# ami OrusiixiHid take Uiitir MiU. Ask (or H(‘Hl'VI*LI< lictKi. Htit on« 'Hhror fttNxhi'r and chcauer than told uu dorki. Fistuita tuckl* on hoard. CltoioO n*(r#>liiut‘n(a. I’lrliiillMg but bodlcJ uiMtai ocrvoil uti (Itc luist.

.T W flAfffXIX.

TflK NKiVlUAfi Tint LAKU ST UlStVLA- fHJ*V jy run STiTK. IT AS JJttl HMHt Ain'Hurisiwf i iF /j/rv .

Mhnntotaa (hu Inrpld liver. *lr#nctli*i)* (b# dU#*mu urtuu*, r»aulul^silie bow- «1», arid ar<# uu«qitaH«rd u« au

ANTI BILIOUS IBEDICINEIn m a la r ia l c llo n c tB ih c lr v lrliroa arv w iilv lv rcm iem ** 'd . an l l i - f tniiroe*^ lia r iiruiM-Mlpa I* lr «r ii ig ili*' NyHlciii f i « m llkui poUMii, biteannti) Migur ooalvU. Ho** kiuall. 1‘ iL'c. ‘4A Ha.

S o ldOffice, 44 Murrey Street, New York.

AN llU)n^A^t'K ItKiiHuon (’iniiik’H of til#

( yITV OK NFWAliK.ting i.L»t<H ii>r IIM

tipii urildiucd by the *'tH iv ol N «***rk , »» fr* I.eiA ..

HiM iiyii 1. T iro l the ie it# iiw «ro 'V T*l» '-( l iV l" * # ’ A1|l) 4-4tlli*' t in l tJ| O 'l iUHI r«4llll Htl Jiprrtilrjnt T l- f t l l ’ Urf,m ill........ I I llro .Ityuf NcAurk, On 1«ilow ing Biiniv. in vril ;Knr llL li l i iM ll»* Rtr#cl«qf 111# ■•Hr tllT ,««IW For Uu- nmu+lvirou' r uiiA «u| pyri ni the

I'o T . 111 .SiiH.s JH (1 •riiii'’iii .........-Fur t#x>jl.n IV4. .......... it "f"' keeping

in rw 4ur i liU liw e y"l-ur rerfuUil'** imi'f 'ViiiK himI pn'lci s-

hia ihupiiulU'i;*iiuin1n»iuil I'.uk# Kuticpcrliig anil |rtt'l'l#nl»1 #*in*n'

Jersey Clty.M .......Won. . 23

Wllkesbarrt*.......... . 22 11Hanford.... ........... . SI 18Worcealer............... . 21 18Newark.............. . 19 18Lowell...... ...... . . 11 92Haitao.............. . . to 2t»New Have#............ . 8 25

dl. l/iul*....Aiblerto...................33Krooktyn....UaUiiuqro.................GiiiCinitaU....Kail 10* Ciiy..«iColtttnbu*.....IXNltSVJll#......


,ijW .6t>7 .647 .6hS.Ni#.mi.m.213

Tb# Hew Ycrk Club ha teeurod a ball ground at Oue Hundred and Fiiiy-liilh ttreot, thu torrolnusur (he Eighth Avudu# Elevated Rattroact. Tbe pmperiy la hnuwti bmb tu# Lynch ostate amt C-ougaD pruperly. H toing owned by Jftme* J. (Xiofan. 1'b# leaau wan tlgned on Tbunday. John D, CrtRitnlDt, (lur- pentar llal|bt and Arohfloct Decry, wbo plumed to# Uusloa and FbUadelpbie erand* ataixti, bare ilgiied conirocts to coojplele tbe new bate hall park by July 6, oo which day (he New York* will reiiira Dom their Wreieru iHp.

A* far BB known ih# grand itand will be aimllar to that at Woih1ti|ioo Park. Tb# old aland ei the Polo Ofouiids wilt prubably go tor okl lumber, w&ll# tbe seata will ba u4d lo toe uew flaod* It WM tbe idea uf toe New Vork*' maoagcraioini Gme ago, in cas# toe*# grouiidt were irDurad, to make It one of the floeat alb- letblc gronuda m toa world. The luoailoo 1* one of the belt. It la more nmvanleiil and moreoftAT 01 acoMi toan toe ihrio Orauodi. The wetk froiu One Hundred and fflxteuulb atreet to the old grutiudj cuusumed ten mio- utca. The ruDDing t>o>e on tbe Kigbtb Avenue Klevated road from One Hundred and filx- teento lUeel lo One Hundred and Fffty-flilh atrert U exact]j eevoD minute Tbe eutrance to tbe new ball park will be about forty feet from toe atalrway of tbe One Uundredtjgad FUly-fiffb Street StailoD.

lit, ikvktaon. of toe Loufavltle (3u^ reya be doean't know what be will do with tbe club but he lattied up with all lb# pUyera y wterday. H# reja to# reasQO be didn't pay Ihem off while Kaat wm b#c«tue ll bta aiway# been cuitomary to pay the hoya when they get borne, ila b u aakvd tbe Aaeoclailon to aid turn flnafidallTi and he doem i leeiii (o be tb a burry to sail out yoL Be bad a Uik yeaiarday with George Rlrgcr, wbo baa mad# him an oiler, an^ Mr. Blcgcr lald ; " Davldton vrauta more for tb# club dow tbaa wbeo ha went ■way. Hla rtaiao tor tola remarkable demaiKl titbat toa club wUt b# playing at boma. 1 telfg^h*^ blin ao oflbr the day of ibe Axso- cfa’foo fMCtiDg. U waa. of coune, imallar toan tfhai i hod prevloualy mad* bim, and tola W K*.": ' ' ' ^ ' to a U ^ to gtvaUtbe Ipugh, He aaya fit waola io aell and ft only w aM ^ lo gel hie ptlc«. Ua N|f ba hea no jp ic from anoibar lyodlcai# that 1a rtpnaiDted by Bob Bivwa, of tlM (Wfar-Joufuol 1MivM#Ltt aeama to over- Joek toa foei ton toe p e m e who laha ef

l>if4anre. liail lull#...Mihv

2-W -.>. 0iiO'jv: :w m

lU milv*................ S'lk.y :« &iTwo mile*................lim 1307 \5Z IM

lUiMm..................15 17 114 :yfTJinro mik-B............ IH.ll 1111:1 nt bla!4«)il#l....................ISIM .{-J i*Ifour nuk'M.............. :]350 2361 :i0

G. O. GilJ, ol Grange, pulled iwr Nu. ;; In llro Yale IxmL

—A comprumlKi Jia* fwon arrnng d Ijelwecn ^Iriirorgo rheiwynd end IXfid liurljum tu lsiu- nairfton wHb ibe groat KiigJibb tun M ari'lul. On lA'ceiuber IS. 18R7, Ibe Karl or Uti'iiein, iu a tpovi'h, rluctaivd Ibai a cerlaln Duiurjuii* Jitckcy wiiK guiiiy of pulling borM.-*, uiid ihHl a OL rtatii well-known itHlile aa* (rem p cuuue fur the HMittant -lu-aod-uiu rutiuliig tjf lUi boree*. Tbuse chargea rocju up b#ior# ib-' Jockey nub, ami, wbou aakeil lu cxpiaii). l*oril DurJMin aahl the JiiCkey aii#[«cicil uf puUmg boros wu (.jbatire Muol, tiro sroble Ha» tuc uuu occupying nromiKOB at cbeiwyml fiuMar, N'civ □i«rkeL He iurtbtr cbargfHt that Sir (fcnrgu cinpluye*! U'Cauro be uaa a Mi-hoDutUjockey and cunnived at aenoua uiulproui c-ua uu tl)e(urf. TlroJ'Xrkey Chibwaatil die opuiimi that Hir (icurg# thoutd bring niuii pirLb^l, wlilrb lie did, i'ixfculiig £20.0iri iiemfiK*.'#. Iti-j Jockey Uhib elao ruineeJ to r#l.i-iw WmKJ’a lieeiiM a* a Jockuy. Atiur many dcroy# the libel suit was roii'rrtNl in (hroe BU‘war<h>or >he Jockey (.'lut^lhe ftigltt flun. J. l.owlbcr. M. F., tbti Karl iX March ami Fnuco bod) kuH—bh ari'Uiauna, and ihey met on June 10 to hear lUe Ciiw. BIr Uenry Jmnre appeared for Sir Ueorge aud Sir Gharlea KiiaaeM (ur Lord Dur> hats. Hir George was under eruw-exaiuineduD fur (brt-e day*.

—The ftaiux Ctto i'lnb and repreb#ntailvci ol oiburs}N>ningurgauixallu!,ia bads rcunUm at (iH! Jurxey City lleigbta Gun ( tub's gn.iind* in Uarlun ou Thursday. Tbuy bud a Ug Olniur and ibeo a team abootto d«c!do wliu abouM pay for tt. VriUlatn iioyu ct) lairrod on# U‘ao]i iud Fred Quiraby onuUicr. The LiOEklitluiro were; 1 breeaquodi of five men each, luuuch luatn ten birds, to #acli mun handicap fmc, and (be grcaiude the bonodarkw. Ciuliuhy'x loam won by iwo birds, Th# fndiv dual )curcs were; Ttrem t, tkiuad A-fftowart killed ti, ml{ia#<l t ; Uuger klliad b, lulroid 1; H, 8. Hed- duu killed 7, ihlaeed t ; TcddoU killed &, mimed 6 ; ilunl kllied 6, mimed 4. fquad D - L. 0. Hedden killed 5, misaed 6; Bubhlge killed ID; Itrelotaall killed 8,mla«eHl2; Mix killed 7, mlnMNl 3 ; Uq|1ipb killed A mliewd i Squad C—Hyan killed B. mls^d 2; Nichols killed 7. miiiiid 8 i Lcddy killed 7, piliuted 3 ; UuInlMb killed 8, mlwe l 3 ; Uuuoby killed k, mljued 1 i UMI killed, 119 ; mU?od, S5. Tcain 2, Bqiiad A—4-'laa*#a lulled 10, mfeacd b ; Frocbl kilted miesed 3; Tilluu killed B, n)iiu«d2; Ibomoa killed 7, mtaaeilk; Klnay killed 6, mlmsdfi. Squad B—U M. H«ddeu kllkd mlM^ I ; Frecuan killed S, nalMd 2 \ Hur-ncitkllledg. luliMd l;KcBstktiled7, miHM'd 8;Wbll#htiad killed I, mlaHed Z Squad Vuti lAMgerka killed A mlwied 2 i Flume kiUcd X uilMd 8; Cirrlbgloti klU«d 8. mlroud 1; Jiurrta killed 7, lulaaed 6;Huyer klL#d 7, rnlmvd t ; total killed, HI i mimed, 9t. Jaooo Ptaia was referee.

—It la generally believed In iporting otrele* fwNewOrleana ibatifae Xllraln SulHvan prise fight wIM enme oft at Abita Sprlofi. in BL Tam- mapy Pariah, acrom Lake pbntohaiiraln /rout New Orleans. The ofoctala of tb# Queen and Creacent and the last Louiiluft lUUroftda have baan working bard" fo eecun ctfareeJeta

A C T O U A N |> l* L A V ,

.Tolni YVIliT will Pot go on the ruuil iiGXi season a* a slar.

Mnificio MiU'ln‘11 »:(ilcd fur Oermunv la.';! Hyu.nJNy uO Uro Worra.

W, ,1. Hi-anlun wiM not n'turn from Kugland umlJ lata lu Augunt.

.1. K. Kinnif^t b.ia enica'pKl MuchIoWhit# 0* hi* leading laly fur UMtwahuii.

Henry Irvimj utnl Wilson ISarfcii have cntenalned Uario Wntiiwrlglit In f/ni'lun.

I>row will Ih‘ muiricil (olllu dvi Rankin. Ibe eiUeat daughter uf McKu# Haiikiu, uu Aiiguat 15.

Mopie Fiitli'r, (oritifclv of i'Uw.inl K. Htcu's furci'a, rcUirua U> the stage ueat s#aM>n in *’’f On."

Arlhur IL ChfiAo, th# dirndor of the Ibviib-lturreit Company, will spend li)« sum- niur Vacarlta) In Karalr a.

For " Haode the ftea," Mnn-egcrtlutoiVQ Kalni lias alroady aecurred Hui liuvieh, young Ibilaud Uur')u»l<j>ne aiid tV. J. FurguiODr

Oil# of the nov#Ili(« in the produriloti uf Howard F. TaytaFi »|afUinilar uietmlraiiro,

m AJrica,"' will be a real live cauiel aud Ml ourauguutang.

Mim Jef'iiio HorMlnUn will gtur next B#aMU in a now play wbli-h ha* been urilteQ li>r her hy Mrs. f^barJu DoreiuuJ, (he autbur uf *' Tbe Circus Rider."

Kftto Clnaton hiw pnrrbjwftfl the riffhta t o '* Cap am Swin " from manager A. M. I'ai- mer, and wlii aeiid ft on (ho rcrod next scaaou with Arthur Forrest in itiu Ude part

I'blH Uoto Will inako u lour o f thie CoutiDy next luaaou, appuaring in 7om tT»- ven'a *' Margery Daw.’* Mr. ( reveu will come over to direct toe production #r tiro piece.

Joba A. Mfickay will pluy the prjnci- |>ftl pari la '* KN'ki a ^ Kitaft," a new imiMital comedy by YAnio Atw«ii and J, Armny Xiiai, which II. S. Taylor will produce pextscaaou*

(icorm# T. Melville, the well-known clown, baa beon eniiBgod for (h# speuiacieot •* Kajftnka,” ami at every perftirmirice wlU in- Inaluo# hi* wonderful Juggling eci, which la aimllar to Paul Cloquevall'i apeCiaUy. '

Miae Ullie Akeratrom liegina her next Btanioglour Auxustl2 at UcVlckeFs Theuire la Cblcago, wbur# abe plays fur twoweeka. NexLseaaon Ulaa Akerairutu will fill three eu- gagcmetili la Now York, appeariug Lu a new play.

Ijbirrence HarrcU eniled for Kurope tail BalUfday on the Werra for a (wo munina vaodtion.. Wbeo be returns Id August prupara- lionawlUbeMln (br an elaborate produulioii o( Wlllitm Young’* now tragvoy of "Ganelun," which will U# mad# koowo in Ghlrego Octo ber 7.

A t th# Roval Ounrt Tltcatre, Ijivtr- pool, England, on May Si, pqf ' ■ n»-•ontW \y th# inembpra of ber fiutupatt **..» « ocMdy and maadve stiver lea berrioa suitably Inacribed, Mu* Roro wu taken oomi4ct#iy I f furtwlu but managed to eaptem ber plfftaure and grautudt fw to# beandflit gtiL Mina Kom Bail* for AmerHNi Ob Ihe Alaska July A and opena her Beuoo AlMiBneapulistieptem- lwr 3 to ber Bh|Utb auecesi. enUUeff “ Margery Mwir/* wntteii by Tbm Cnvea,

VYhrm D e b f n t i A re Kiump i front A r re s t .Tif Ifif hl\lor

t S i u - O n - l i i n i i Iw a rlti/.cn o f O r:t iif (u f!rci|KWd (o sun Ii d<‘bU)r d Im <,ivv<-d h im a h on- d m f duliar^. wJmmi ho caiiio from a d it ia n l c m i i iv (0 (irantip lo a tli'N 'M b i.' r ru n lD ii o f ibu w ic iu tr lu tth ic h he b 'lo rie * I ' l i# pxriM e wa* l i ia t i f lie hhouM sue h ii i lc l i tu r ID ib e em m iy where iic riSHles ihu |ils iiilif1 (Ito liig a uun- iv t i ie n l } CoilM noi ri'cnviT bl> deh! on M'CtiUCil oi " (Uu riu ft ” in A l i i ' l l Niu tit:d deU or Loldaan tufiiiL-mial i»'»-Hioii Four JuMicn* ui Hie l'4'neij in (ll# iir*itx>-4 rli'cuni-'l lo Is'hiip a ai»in- moijk Uu Hii* in>*]i on that day. H'' (buy liiat a suH noiihl not He. nliru lUu Munimon* wa* oiMV«''1a uf a ill-liii!l rmiiiiyw h i-n be !^mv U) Oraiik'L* 111 the CiipucKy 4j( h•ul'llir to Join a public iivrad#. IIpiju#, tho crcd)lor itay*,Jie imi t los»* bit lUMnlfcrJ dol­lar*, a* It ndUHl be u.*pleits lo f#];i Uliii In hi') owo

In Um* H<-v. Wal o f N. J., p, ! ltu Inw sta ler H int ■•every w 111''■* shall Ih* pr-vlluKr-d (ro iij n rrc it, in n il c iv il Hciiuns. O oil;h{ iiiJi nr-^W narr a ru at any c u r t or o :lic r p la c whHTi )H‘ iil t. ndrH irovIm ll hav»* tnH-n n- qulro«l by S'ib(Hi'ija pii-vfoualy hih I i lu ly -m-d ih I and In yohfg (oa tid n (urouiK from c o u r t." e!i-.

The laiv (Lx** not *oih! (hut n •luia'iUlug dt-bfof residi'ut of a d}-*ljjit confiiyj r.anuot iH'ffiorveil ivUn aiUMunorji ulwn l>e gu<*s liiiu

(v-ii'ily. A >'n di or h.'i* an ijudou* r t i t l i t h) vf* ll HiiinuiuiiN o !i tt U M io iin it di'lrfor whrn th# IhU'T can U* liniKl in (111! LHHtnly wlien* t)](* loruK r rc irU* . Ii I4 a Ijnd ItsU'rpr ’trtti'Hi ol giHi'l ittW to c-oiiHodt’ that d chb ir caiMi'Jt. I* iiin im -iin -'l Mimjiiy iivc.iiive wilup-s I'l pnviU'iifd lr'>rn Bnirsi whm |ju Mili'Mi'ijued i<> g" li-t" aiiolhrr ci'Uiiiy lo a(U-nd ru n r l

An trqi'lry lo u r lili ia (h ii ]io lu t wii* ad d ri M i ’i I " S- V- i i !J " iii’ yn*aii, A o im ov ilio (the a in l i i i r u l ‘ P'HCin-u onJ f'>r in '-i l r m of I ill’ who h (•i^min'bTii to sC iir.'U i u iU iihm id Ihi: i-rout-r iiK # q > ri'!! iii i, ji uitucli H p o 'i i l o( |u)s, who f' |pii'-*l lit- iiiI.ini'H

“ to IhP iii-ilti-r ll* wiuH) y.iij maku oiu’c (t># rt‘ Ui.1'o f Ji-'U■ A lo !irH J»g ''l‘ *UHH-iimniou! to Ih' ix'i'V" 1 ui-oii u m:in ivtio #ai alii’ iiOhi)! n p:;ru<b' in 'hai <' ty «urti ii i{’liisai k prob'ilHy in')v "fi mi' ‘iiart* or n yu hcri- cU<- 7 lu r« hi l>» Ihd’ w IikiI v t iiT d D im ji notice 1(1 Ihii couoty to rorv* |iarlios nuUH»Uliin"lis wliPU (U»-y Ih i« njnm Hiiy hijsl- i)r«w wl'Hluji-vef—exfi'id m a wi'Ui-.i* or uu B tiiid iiy ■’

I hove In (iiln iJ ri l P (now d i'S 'li w lio r«- fused (u u>'<TO J) M iiiim i'iis lo ]h' h t i w f (,u iho dc{i*ndAul in H sun Ih fll lia<i J ii- l lif'u ri ir iu il Ih lore h iiu . Th '' J 1' l i ’d 1 Hroi fhn ftorvioe uf H runonuiiK, nr u th ;r h l > r^JUrt V).i*#ii«li:il, on |d .iin ilJ l, iH 'tf ii 'iu n l u i w lliM 'i^.lH 'lorul in y hi)d ri-iH‘li<'-ii hum# Woul'rl iiu l l>u ldv.l(h .He wamu# uf IL<* Rundy K"u'1r Jii-'ilii'i'a wIioiJu hut roinroun#ii>] iiip wi'Jt' 'lllbTioicu liei)v-eii Hrn driK a nian ami. nervine u I'lmin.mH, or Rubi'Ci-nH. u!i tViiDo II |H-rKnrj ih arroaludll# IS d«'pr>vi'd ul bii 1il>#riy to go and ruiurti. J*ut vsiK'R K uir.iiinii''.uf HUlou'nd, i« aioipu liau'lvil (tjachiM'li, ou (mi# wIIJ hiiJti'r (Iuuibxu, no ufju M di bi> pn'hi'Io't.'d. in> unu provenivi irout in aoy ot ptuuKiuu.Till* law I'uipluyi tii# #uni ‘ '#rru-1:" not *ud)“ U1I*. 1- F*. 'IXK.

J t 'S T I I A I .K A h O / K N ,

■ rpair# ufTVJtallr «»f

af./Hi) <ti tiA.Lm w

UlIS.011 cn3.'rill A) .1,'MJ III

, loi.Jl'i mNtHI Ul

lUtHj'i-dl' lill|l'llU|.H (•'ur me iiuisuiRuni' nodl,iiiii#-4......... ......... - ........For thi' iHUHinii 111"- MtO

4-j4M#twalks............. .Fur I'll' 4’uiii" i p»i6 Si'’4 Ul

aiOMHllH.L* lu ..\#l'f #|lplH|oUtill') iiikI 4iri»'ii-mhl Ike

For llro ho|i|muT nf uiOmlr ul •w.-tiooi*FOI UlP Nilj'lllOt of lio'I'ull'''' iH'tMrt

ini'iii .............. -r«u Uu* u!ipi-i-rl ofilu, l•■.l# i f I .riiiH ul, 1 For mtiMfljli'H ‘ I'P'O# u.lliwril«*i fur

I U« f lUll'/lll .ll.M'-hl ol ilM"* - -For hiii'oh'tiK'n* Kiid riui«|riiit of i tiy

Ilinllltsll........................... ................FoT rH.iUl of i'Mli ID hit"|'U ilBHhd in* hihJ Kir lnIlro'Hry. • ...........Fi>r Dip S4*(>,>uil uf Die Ik-ivriruutUil uf

I'olil i Hi .11.1.............. .................t-or rptfuiahuVi''t'' idiii'nod kiH'piMH in rop-dr li'»- |«i’ lt' 'WAPrn .

I-Oi ruiiii l:oi4 uml )('1'|ii<ih lu T4-|ialr I Iro wjimV'** no'l dO'ks of Ul# rU> . ...For ihe si’jne'i .• * *imlrw<l............ .For ainuiii't Uf uui‘olli'tlf.1 iitTwoml

t»HPHufiP)H?............F'U B-ipiHoT of I'liy Moui#.................ill! ri*-44"«HloH nu'J lolii' lloii D.e LriXi-a

luT I'JP I’ll)' .. .. .... ...1-'lm Fit# |ii'|Hir!niMh |■|■Ml liMlt■ .....Fur Dl# jHiyini-Ml ul mipiWKl iijMri l4'm-

p-ifricy iu.iii*4.Fur lurri'iu i'ijp-ihi % au I luaWitoUiiior

«j| |O|0i)4 bllliX ................ ..........Fur lipCHl'SiDioui............ . . .Fitr luyiir) uiel i'e|iiir nj il'li'«'H'k*., .For mil'Uiit of •I'-d'u-my uu u-irij**-

mwiip i»r lieu roo #n l-'iir iiu.liiie.mnLV uiol <4ii|i|iOl l ufa 1 t> #

Jjbf.iry....... ...............Fur hook soil luth.HT IKI-IHP. II'IjDi

Wurn ..... ............... ............. ..............FurHirtH*! oil o n * .................Will oil K, Aii'lulHU, a fiifll or |>r> Id

1*1 E uf (ri.'iiri) lu pii> tbe tiii'Ti'ti ujx.'ii "fili'tn) (Vipl ■■ 1% ri- I0 luilli'Ulh- "I 1..... 1 ''f D'C U->< *v

iHUiro of lliH hLib* of Ni w Jervpy, iije proved J’ Ki'nmr.v 25. IWi ................Ao-I idan, u forDier *, p Uvl t k 'd III |ray Ibp h-li'n T u|wiii •i n, rt'" Oih l IIIH ilebl iHiiiits," hriiiiiiil l<> Jiudinr Ll > Ian Lir-1 ■■fHo- I." ;i'b ion' "f Do* ; tdp ul ."Sew ,J»'T-e). .ijti'r-'Vfd JaiiUTy .11, imi.

AU'i aJMi. H flnDu-l |j| |.tk idlu iiiiy mi*ioir-iit >i upm fMu.Tu' i iin luri if j|1 I o idh. ’ Ih LII'.I III ko'IjoI lI v of an Ul I ul I P -* (oti I 'f Do' Mil '- 4if ,>uu .lri*ri/ a|i|oo\i'.l A| fi-?, I*; -

A lid #<■»>, a I'O Dll' M|ri<>-;u] I - X ut 4> ’.4MI lu l oiw* Mil I'MLUiiiJl t‘!|uiil 1(1 Dirm'|M-r (-*'010IM uo M e lohil ai! n i 'l( "f i i-l di-lii li>rru4l4>iii<llllOU:t nuid ) irUroie- iil-m|9ti>j|| umipij loeiit of nuUl IhiiiiI*

AlKl hIku ll furl her IhI I i 1 "f "'iJ ill ll.tV Do* IUl‘*rL‘ -4 il|*.i|iF'i'*l.iilli‘ H iw1 ImpruvPMiPol III a wt-r UmkI-," ro miod b> •.iiDiurhy ot iiii e**! uf Ho- IriJoliiK-ol l>"' Kt il4 of Ni'o JfiJta'jr , pro—-1 Man I ■*) t-wi , .

Ao'l r..r1)>i-i -I'O iNltn-L III |l.M)4i1 II r IKP HO limrj'iol !■ jiirtl 1" t!if«-pf.» r ii iiliiio oo M:i« !oul itlh on' III i-iiil iti ll to ri- b- 14 41 ik'iu' loo'l f#- l>" r+‘dooijp1lmili <ll> iiiii-iil ofri-il I ui.d*

Ao-I h « I, I fiinio-r K|ri- 1 11 I 'l "I pti.tiNi Ilf li.jy Ihe Hit n- l Ohuii'il I..Iiiofi.f*-I’•ll'l". ro-‘'0''l Ih HiilMollly ofull nH L ( I e l.i'i sIhI' rt* "1 Do* Hi .p- UfNuH ll■|•* 'L.H'|'l■l l•l l■r.!5l llTli

Ai.'lulH'i.a ruMo'i -IH' 1 - M -1 "I Hi: '•»!|H-r


\ N'-FM'-Mi s r MiK liK^I'Fn'M N vriOM |n1o-ri'l» .ir<-(i Dmtan oa ps iiipmI ' itoii nil

tto* uM iror* uf all tbo l.tivrla ann r# I esl.itc p# <■ -'dhii'ij Ml i'*I4UhJ 1i> Dim lo ir o in i -Dun >>ra-atfa lu M'A-IMSiiruN mUKl'T.(r<-in I'pnir*! Mieniio lo llriNol nti-pe\, pn-i-oritln* loUieplU nIi> m of hm iirUIII'*'C ' III ill# 4|(]ruf .NI Hrii-r, 4- lilt P'l 11 or'IhiMiHv lo pi IIvide fur (ha rrMMtnti Do 'til.i H-e.prln \V:L*Mo,cUjiialrro*i.f um I Pill I .1 IIVI* ojr 1" Mr" 4<l al n*#!. Npi>rr% i-l Jo #15, UW4 biM |ri*eii lo pp -rpti l y I op o n iii-i'a ia i-e i DnIh - nm-lotoTri piMilii'roj ill M'p i ir<iiii < lom of uia I n-mly of 1<.*-4<L.1o iiiukp a bl HMaPwlD'-ill, otul tb iMr'-|H>il V ■ ■ rll I at# III VMitdiu.'Aiiii ua t4<ri'U him-i.iliis o)>p u«l artiwlu n, ahoi4li); tb# arver l n a.-uiMiPiiH M in'** Hi# Pvor i uwopra I# iill.irli I r I'ditol I a furi'a id luii lueii ita* |io-it**d in tip oil ot t PI hy r i< k I f ) # I'hr4,f .Spsv t L «>n lion b>) Di# |H)rt n'nlar-ii» i-il ilron ill

M >d tiNM*H nroiit L tMuirl-e* all lot a. Iriu-ia ' a# p ji'p'i of I tid .>n<l I# i a la»p 11 .i- r n la.ii p trii a. plc p bl, !y ll! u . tba tv# t -bl# «f

SV all o '(111 ll#4'l, 'ro m I 'p i iT i l eV’ n u t to a1*1 n) iu7 (put i i u ' b "1 d m e ‘ Irpei.

tl# Do* ru I -Me uf Watldii V n tir**#'. u*om Ou iriltavein)' to u ledhl M7 Cpp n riii uf Wusta* in* lu < pi V '.A i4il*' r#i>rr*-o a an miUip |id>v nj Iaiio,ah# hnr Hp I4r rma

Al-iw-tu roint#'V't#i( In anlil a s-Miopidtiiay le i# I’ll aur- ri.jl < iitiiiiiiiwb>ioT* uu Wi-LlDBa* day. tl p'JHdi -Uy of Join'. I'M. hI i F M , at tharo'rmn aalooi-i*'ru4on. No, 2 l uor-, ('itg1( ill.

jimU'-l Juiiv M, law.] iA V I Ll Vol'NrI,FHFIl K hlLKI.INoKin fiKN.H. J. .VIKKKKR.

.Til Com iD iiM iuiw ra

O ’Hr.iliel II (|;if I I o' (

0. 'lOl toW.fiai un•,iiin 00

1. n.oio oujc.ini III1.0 b no

IF.(**J uumprn i«iM.uUi u>igH.'lll in i,h u hU


mu (Nl5. UII !•■nn'.) nil

gi.SS) tv4,'kr on6, -HII uu

ft,nuo to

•i.Vli' I

irFlrFnFTHKH'I'ltKKTC'i'MMIS.vniNKIl, .NPWf 14, >. J., Jhop'i-I, oo#.

lit I ll n]-J iri' nr# red aL (JlU ofHre J’. ^L, or Mu' luy, Jump ilil,

hir 0 >a n OHrit thirobiiea-rroaitbeMur-I a I ■ iri-il at 'M hoail 11 hJiHotrifjif.

iiiii '('IR HIM stair iiii-lr pi oaa |ji wrkling as well M ft uretMhUlma mo I r]ro<Mi> M ibrli pifpood* ihut, •ihiMit I tbe K uvu w !rk lb> fiwurilL' 111 I ,i'in. iber WilJ MioJ l1>i-m*H )(V4 ii> iMi'B'i ami niiiipieiu Id# NMina'H.titilb looty < oil Q<-o|.vo w or-lu 'taya

n'hp jibm* Kii'l ri)'p - II .iioih* "f ilu' lA'urk < uu haPHamlm*-1iitlliHoi1b#nfr pflty Huivoy.!' Maid proiriiH-Daih •■pa''-’<iiiiiuiil4Ml by (ii# ivir pi<t. In Kulioi;, of two puii‘l i-a. wliu al'HlI.pL (bu 1 m) ■ af I•t1lt1m( Ml VK'li au>h'>a.t'B (|'i.d'f>-Its lO t'ltif f#- ■p •n-'lb'Miyhi ineaMinu'ii '>r Pii-ll proi'iKHLi. iind '-..irii p ii5M»lvi"4t al ifi!'P ‘ ofiir rt To aviarird tn Fi# iroj-mui or |ta‘*'sou* lovltiin Die I'lUjHiart],ItiPV W M,U|hi0 (t-l-miro rU lUitrk"'!, M> miip os lilam tbe'r ai.r#t;a# At ( ' e rnliTiriil |HTf’>rmitn w CifNiiil wiirk ;and ii'Ht If Di# (vriam or iHTMitis piidr ur n'lbru- lurie ill# Mii'h lO'tli ji'1, i!<#.v will mi V lo D'#uiiv of Nr wurk mijr ih-dr*rpmv I a .wuaa lb# ' Qt'H lo wb|i-b lie or D i.Y Wioibl ItJlve liU#n eolMotl ojaiu (be i'0)ii|ilPl on r>f Uu-(Hiidr id aiid that Hhb ll tiro I'liy i»f Newaik iiuiv hO oUIUp I toIt'iy (1|P Ltereuo or perpoua by wiiuiu su: ii i-ou- raP( aimfl it* PKPt'i lal.

riH' rumuiiiiep oil Hrb'fpa r#H*rv# In llienk- srl' it Fi« 1 inbl (o 'o'rrpi ot rr:ei-i miy nr all urtp iu>i I-I fiir Dll' uU-'L# iv'irU.iia (bey may 0i-#m ipost fi(T Ibe I'll* rp-1 of Dieu ly.

iiy ll ret'L.oo of riilillnoix r'r-iiru'i|TlfDM (HD IU»*CT

(liHhrii.iM of I'rbljel'-minitlire. JUMN ilDNKId.l';

#!r isir#*'( I ■ooiniiir- 0't#r.

A ^ :


A T '

L" 11 11- >|U I4lliriUlill il! tl'n- i il;i uii D:>• tnlIII m <<|l- l| Ml .'f.'- 1 ■M Nil■ idUK luijr.-.l. aij.t.u, 11ll II .1 ....... r

An I liirtii. 1 r-iDI I-l 1l«-41.ii r I-UIJM,V Dl irili-r, hI 'lUll" HjM-.NPEll Ituli ' " roil

A big ocpim ati'uuoifiip, wUii’Ji fiue rvir- Tied as luai'j ox 1.7u0 iPUiMjutti'rij hi ljuil* lim e . Ir (# \m lUU.-<i up uilli •lalli, whb ll wiiJ 1* Milt'd wMbcDiilc ou iiD* mlt fgr irerispuita-iun lu Ftiroiu*. nod uadi uf U)i-in will beucr unipd by MX uoiiK'snUi uu the roiiifn vojHgf if Uio vtw eel pKcutaKiu'ib-cd In prucunug fur bvi a fuii Cargo uf hyuiBU ircieiit-

b)Ava fi \ \ i ip h i i i( [U in i n u r i i a i i a t : I ’ li#itnprb io lud ba* id fw aiiff<iBtt tD h tilv ia r t a 'vtpy r<*UxtuU>i AdMiinUlrNiirjD. A m im ta 'r ol c lever h ypo cn lc * have U k v ii lO drcaidog lik e in iu ia Uira s lid w n tliiK itd lftF iU i a pn iitb oH ii od lb # )r ftartia. They iry IIjIS i!l( i(‘Cla|])i on F n v u ia H#c r t ia r y I la itu rd , who la a very avrl'iuh, devout au4l reT#H!ullaJ soft ol r#dow."

Til# Itfilifin Wur Olllc# hiw ftpciiloi! to try the mobillaatloQ of a biindrcd ihinUMOd m«n In Ike aidaHnu- Tlia griu4 utanwuvrto. will be Riv^niip, and (he whole c<mu(ry will b# (Min Vill pun] with thiHlremi!iid<m« uxivtinidil, wbioh will uobt tJ.Mtu.imo. A iJiri c r^ii of tbe (ruofw wIjI b# taken from Lb# tfiHlD#. an to taai Ihe country's ivailiiKiM lur war.

Th# Kent Lelfinilore on tbo (‘UHtern Bhoreof Maryland will find a pruill Ju toe l(a*e# ol tb# talks aivuf toe Burquebhuna and ita Hibuiary streams. TboiiMiiaH of loua tiue ih# beach; and jammed in to<' ireaki ami (yivca are cuunllen#arlUUet. Onu bay-pliun! wrvrker bus ■ fin# burro fied camaxu which ftmiicKj uu* barififd on a raft InioQui'cnatuH'n Crrck.

Chrifitiufl Nilafidii, Coiioitwa de Mir­anda, tb# hhc# lovely Iweilu. boa cliauged for Ihe worac. bfie nu nut fadud, but ah# has fst- U'lied Her fare is broad, her (paturos hi'avy, and (bo (*xi>aniloti of her cbacka hoe dmilu' |sb#d (b# Bpturonl *tx6 of her tmvo luslroua biueej##- Her bright fair hair aioueremluda tho i];«ctfii#r oi her furaur cUaroia.

A lirpathing well hits been diaoovrrrtl uemr Eagl# Flat lltollnn, HO imiea enst of Ll F i r o , I t la ou atoAduned aftrelap a#li, goo feet deep, hut th# tubing M aull iotuOi In it. For twelve bmire raeb dav a furliiiu gmi of air niataea told th# tuhlng, (tod too wexf Iwrfrt burn anoquellyairoog gust ruabaa AH. T#M ocean with lb# utmeat raguUHty. find, m far, QQ bteak haa been ooUdod in the regular oo- i ly i . f ith lu -l ' j f 111-* |if'nl.'l:iU ii>L <.fI I . K l . l l - «|f N i H J II-W l lljl|LJ,.Vi.’llFr-bruHiy IS . , icsnhfj

A n il ulro i.H fuT llH 'r *|ri' 1 lI I m « ' i l (lOSiD tn P .>• t .' lllLl*ri PI Kp-Iil »I wW .I-l ..(III In ." a i lI 'i I ■ y t l " li- 'M 'v ' l l an (.ft tjf llie I e :| Uiliim itf L|'r< .'-lafi> ui N e w J p ia v , > | i I'IO ^*hI F*-UilJ l y ta,M ? j.............. ............................................... m .v o ijf i

A m'I IK'S", a 111' D ii-r t-jri'L'Uil 1)41 iJl tU ,:rUl«i r. I-H sn i III lUiil t irniD li> lti|ri< jx rI i- i i l in n O'l 1 '*• l» lp | p u if iim l <>r -p il' rilM rol i i i i | im v i ’ t i.P 'it Im iiiiIm " u ii i i " 'd i'iM 'r iH i i i ' lh " t " rin* .1# a k in k i ' iufii tal pir Da- l•‘,il•lrM•lMt hu-1 ............u# *n u l Iiund4 n.'dW i«

AN<l<il4|n H r iM llii> r H|iei'lpM»E <ti I i .d Cll) rmiH'iiii Piuu Dile-limali'Mi-iu.D I'lUU" [P‘ 1' • ' i ' " l " N '" a D ll' .<i|(il ii-i»"'j|-P l h i l i l i i s t th i 'U i iy Tar • • in e t liT in ruvu n im iiA . p i'D 'u n /.p -l lo b # riiUUHl r-y U # h .r il ju i ' i r l in iu '. l ri< l ' f I la - l.c r i S u llJ iP o f ( pH iJite ' i f N i l*' Jt'i-a-y. Ul I'x l. ilv i lr i'i a i i ' i ( -ra iit i' h HiriHliiK Hum I fu r m k I flpli' ipfu’y. 4,'’r*] to

A rid a i m -i U " D - 'M » . - • l a ' I r * " I f - U ' - 1* Dr j*4V D e lu l l rc -t lJ |- i |( #nl,)#AI '■ -4'll'l1ll V m l4 ," iHMiH'l l l) ,niI h u r l l v ' i f tiD l i t o f Dtp IJ 'iii)*- tu n - ( if D m- h l i ie i ' i f .Sew J i- in -y , .4li|iU>vi*JF i 'U n i i r v M i ia i ........................................ S,1^J W

A m t Illpr4, t) fuil"i-r ! P 'l.ll fcl' "flu ralrte rtli a :i-o im i n j i i l l Ui "IIP U iln l on rbe to i ' i l a u iU iii iU ii h,DlH * -m in r (U<- rP>li'm }iDuii pri(| I n y i i i i ' l i l u f n*«Ii1iriiiuN .............. ♦M"!" ta

A iJ - l 'lU u . rt f u iD i ' r Hj*' l a l L . i i»f # \T liil in r.iiw - n il m i. i. im l i . jn -il tu l! ir i-4 'j. ( r■ m i l ..... m i f.V T .'io r ’ N i-P iiirk Ai|UM.Jiift|[i«ril iriiiKl').” pi' Dale upuikir)b( luad fu r Uro i i ' i l fm p i io u .iio l |tM yiiiH n l u f K,il*1 i«m>n is-i,ii;4l by la i ' N r w u ik AijMpMiii t l lc t t r i l , f«y t i i iD iu r iiy o f» na i l ul tiiP i(4>>[|RlaliifP " i D m 'M rit i'4i|Ninv J or N.v. :Lp|>riis p I M/ifrh I], Is'H.. e.'Uu Uu

A uU m Ik i .H ia r l ln r VjH.'Jal tax lif|JU tJ)J lu l»-4y l l i i* M i(j'fP4l Ii|r iit i fir j,< ito ' f lu i i l - pD il«n ( ImimiI h, '' Ioah ' I hy a '.iti o r i lv n f t iu Ml I I l f H l# l-a 'l^n la iu ii' u f Dll- K b iteo l NL'tt Ji’DH'yviUipruvwi ■\|irDai, iio*... ii,un>to

■’ A a d n ls o .H f lir i l iH r h ik i-Ii i I I h * n fy l l.’r.l)U» ruJ<w a il H n iu u iil l■•jllltl Mi s iv p i-r iv n l i im O'l lliN tu U il n ii i-m lil ufM aidIll- I ll. Mi (*r('#l# H H iiik iiir f f i im l fa r tiro r iP i#m iiM un am i iM y iu # u l u f 4ti:U

• iHiods ' ..... a •• ..............................A 111 also, H TO I t l i# r b|hh ImI la x u f

|m y i i ip i i i ic r i- r i l o iim i |i'Jti,'i<l " I4 r]iu *i- H ilm i In n Ih." iivmiHl liy in iU iu n ir u f Dm 1.8 - ir iia lu rp u f Ui# HtwM* o f Ni'WJ#nry,ii|'pr«4vwl Ki

A'ld Miau.M filltuary JJ, i wi

Dl(TP|Hn-lul l.ix uf #l,7Vt)U) rnlw* *11 it,Ui(HyJl i'(lii-d 1'» Dire*' l-#r- ■ n’n'trHj'i rm Dtp iJflril #rtl«#lrfil flf PHld tlahi, tn''r#''tP # PlulDtii; m-jtl fiir Dn rroituTipliou Mini paymi'iit uf hu1<1 Ituml* N.740 to

And ul-*u, M fin Dior P|*‘r»il Ux uf #; «A) io pay th# IllM-rCW il)H»U tlNJO) . I.K Ua hmuli'." by iiuilMirliy or u/i51-1 of th« lr#. l*l‘»t!Jr# uf til'' HMlI# ufNow Jerw) .Mlipru*'#'! lil'Mk-- d.KWM

Ami ulsu, H fiWmoi Hpi4 lu> tn* "f 4( 74#U> rslML* mi Hiiiuiiiii D’prol )u i:ii«4< [htcAbtum oo F-# lutal miihiiihI nf *iid dpTH, looroiUasiUhtMlfumi fur dip reJuiiii'i 0-1 rtjiil p.4>’fiii><il uf Haiti Ih)iiiIh 4.7-I# uO

A luf al«i. a (lirlJiei i|i#t Ini mm uf #.4.-ii>j lU INio fin* Inlorr-Mt ii|kiii | A>,llSf ' tii- ta rro p i'iia H#\uT IiOmIh," ispiiDd liy bu- . tiLuriiy ofniiB-lul (la- t-px-s-a urp of t|j# siaV u f Now Jiirpoy, npiiravei ^Mtttoii •«. hW................................... 00

A m i pirn.H ru ill.p rx |i# rta iM iJ ol ttahlO Ul ro iro HU aiMouitl pt| to throe pur c r i it i iu i nil lua lutal uitiuunl o l aaid d#bi, lo n e itp dM uklm r l fu r th# r# iit*m pii')nam l }iiym #)H i>r«uil IhhuIs ta/*j0 oo

Yor a il a iiiiiu iit u» owury to ^o inp le u ' • ■ ................i i . r ^ i s

40,''JOO to

to# to

sinkiiiR tam l fur ra ileu iiillu ii u f 'arro iiraftp Iwmla," iiue \vo.............

A n il aho, u lu rtliA r *|t#i 'I.i I Ln « u f lA i i ui P y (lie DiU-MVil lltMIII l ^ ’.OUO ‘ w»M*rt o a U “ lMHueit bv n u llu iH l) 'o f n ti 'u fth i* i.Pxl-ilH turou fthaH Liiprtf New J#i^*y, uppnivpd Man li AJ. hvei... ,<

A u il a lwj, H n irln u r hitpl-ImI m m o f l i t f i m rsiiw nn arummt pqiisl tn ihr## per epiiHim uu )b« MMoi a iiin iiu l o f lu lu doht. lo u r# 'te n P liikiriu fund fo r the rp 'tan iw lluniiiK l p-irnu'-utufashl liomla T lio turPNuIri# i>rdlnMiuu wiroruKd s*#'Oua Dm#

In (Jomineu ( 0 ‘i# ''l* on FH iiiiy #v#iinii«, June xl, u«i. .„rt duly orfcml ta

( f i l l ' C te rt.- B « n ik . H . T . . i i i i i * r i , U W . . ril

rt -mill rttNCK '111 1'itiivinK Kin i ■■(iia'M i)ii uf B r ii'w e r In

S a i l l ' l i S I NTH h T IlK IC T .I k 'H n n lrt i (‘>1 hjr Dh* t i i im u u n t '< iilln ; ll u f U)#

I ,1 >- I.f N i'iv ii i k liri r .ru 'V R 'hriiHlim I. A iii|ri-*"-m*r nhn tl t# ctmslnninii ia

N iirU f N liH li Blr«ii*(. ie iW # # n F th b nvam i# arid h iv l l i n v i'i i lu, Mk ' i ' I he r H U li i l l D ie i'l i |n irU ' i.uHiaaIIP ■r'o.iry lu • L ii i iu i i ' l r Du' p.iU"*, aiai uflin-tiMuriN hit t ' lp I ru iu m liU 'i ' Ot) H#n #rn aJid t ira tn - UA# Pi aM 'H r# L

1 'I'h i* n i y < 'iiim w *1 h hP iehy il im - lo d (|^ H v i'ly D 'l- ( '1.4-u I l r i i ' i r t u f i la - i n i i u i y o l

in u f l l ; i i l i . f ' l r l i i i i i ( in n iru n aL nu ia li n f IbM w h i ' i i y u f N v # .* ik . fu r Dip up- |w>ii l□ l ( ' | | ( u l '1 'uJllr1l l o m a -r if , lU iit Ih # Miht ( l im - inlro II r-i * la 'll iH l|p i i :i I# 'I s' u i II uri^"ui lliu - u->ia,• ll4lUlL;'4> . Jl ' l-XJP-niW>i lll'-lll ri' 1 ill H llJ (||I|1IUViiieTii' wiie .i liK- -wiuie iltull iin 'e I avn iluly lUk-er- 1.ii.->H| Bitii >t# I ru'J i-y Dl# l u iijii'in rinim-ll),

a ll!' P u'.iiarri u f luiilp nu re-Ll m*U'# iB ll PpjHyiii *riV fill'll I'•■I Dll r f " >■, Ili p 'ipui!’

nortp^ aORT^ iv* nipy " # 1" On-»wlVi*uM K"u-'Uk a iu itiiip -O ro 'u .fil III . - • in lr i* . n m l i im o iu i thu hiU4 4 U-.I'-. iU ilu rK >"4 Illa l i'X |ii'fi'ro i4 h lia ll I'X i'C i'il th # H iia iliu l (I# >.,,111 li i- ‘ i i - ( lK riui'h t fci4 '«i h' i i i II U#

iVH'i I 'ifurn null p.i i) t<y ihn fitV uf Neaurk.|H4<-Iliii I H iil- i l i) i[ i r n v p i ia - i . t pI i i l l l»P .iiM ilPH iid

I.....I an n. D.a Bji|4i-i V !-• ml m ik I <)Ii # tluai»f fb " ' 'll'.' h u fu i u i iiia l Htn-i-l ( ■LniNih*>s uiror, a fn c ir iiin ir lu (M ) p ru v N lo t i* i.4f Ih # D ily I ' l i * r ie rBii'i I )J t'ljBia

F rii> n .lJn tti-1 I If Am.ri> F- !n i j„I'rcvhl# ll "fCi'miiiuu lOunrdI,

h. I I . I 'K M H K im i.N ,D jty r f o r l i ,

A p jim v p il J im # I I , ir#».J fJ r tK I ' l l K HA VNK.S.

Ilii Miyiif. ^K *r iF H s M fS T M -H I IK N K k T I '^ N D T K 'K I

( IT 'D tJ'it lU .o -a -v illiP ill l||r i; ii klJ f ) l 4 l. ira l. i lu a ! i i 'n l i ‘PMiie ptifiJ-

b .iT iy ll# - 'h i* -) ' > I h'- ' i i ’ . " ln i ' t iu u ' i f 4 la -n e r Id K J i 'J ' A S i r HDSK r^| IU '

I ru in W l" iiH "v*-ijL|fL If, i i r a i iu iT Sliei-i,. ru - it in j-1l)< lu tJ l" pui'i IhU'iln (jl lill lU thilMIll 1- i r l 'I lip l it/' i f N"-v> rk , "111 1 ''<1 l l ' '.r> l111 UK I - k l iiru T .il# fu r I liiL . u m l T’ l I 'U ' i ' i l L pA pr i l l K ip u pa<l lUt-w HtipaiH, l i im i W I.IH I-* UM-IIU4- III l i r p i i i ie r hUi'i't ii|-|irj>r-l Auicast 17. IwiS. iiH# 1'ii‘n iir>'^iiri<l hy M,K U in lr i-1- ll" I '( ‘mil- rii ll|•tK■.^t»«l hy II i-1 l r i u f ' ‘ y t uf III#I’u'.iil) lit -'M. 1-J.l.k'- P i-l 11“- 'I'lia III, .IlldDial 1 ii'ronl hv * ' i ri h a v in a r ihil, w.tu mdH< l'■llll}MU 1l !! Ill Lfj d'lii 4 'h |H |ii]p , riliiiwuiK U'#]p v#r-u h>4<a “ ' i i i ‘ i -1' i i u i l i -I I I I " B " . i-ra^ un ;u -raiMi.’iiii r y N- 4-nu-l s'! tifuii*-i-il i I1.1* < I'l-a '>#■|.(P* I ' iF l l I I I ' ' "IH- •• I lf l l a I i . y L k cif l|u> c I f ni N'-w .4r« . I 'll ' p « .+ i.1 iiM u n hy Uio p . i f l o i in- U -ii‘Kt.-.| U m ti l ‘ i

K ih l liM " .M iU 'iil r 'u n ip i'ln -s a l l lu l l . Iria-I-L . iia l p t l iv lN U n H ill III I Ji'H l a.iLiU ;i ih | i ' in iH-ariir- - e l HP n fL iii'r .1 'liro u ii i i i i ih M ili-M if ih*«- -n iw 'l. I i ia r j Ui4>imi-i -tli>-#> l i K l i ' l ' '- In i-I

u n iK ilh i4.ih*Hol Ul|*|> H lf- '-1. r n i i i i Jl'i-o ‘ U '# t lo \ l ' l ! i* " ' ' i i r . - i- l .

A " J ul' i'P|ii'-‘H ill# All eiiLirir |ilut uf hind, i.Tlia|lii'r Inrsi' ur .■'iii.'D

A ll jP tP » r!riin li- '" Ic 'l In P il- ' ptM-SHlM'OI m a j I n- li< -;ijil iH-furn 4 -I'i ‘ u liiia lN e lU 'ic i H UII T h llI« (lH y, U .iU W P iily r ii-v i- 'il- i ll I,v u f J i i i ic , MM, ,i1 I ' M.,Ml 11.4'f'iinmi'MHuin'rp‘ r>Hiaij. Nn I m-i'uihI lhior7, LT lv H <li. J June Ti.)i\Vll>FHi-.h'K I'ltl UNDlHfV'U-y.H. J. MI'.t^KUl,

Plo < m iii i i ls i iu iip rs .

N D I IDl*; M D h I I I ' HV m V K N T I I A ’] ’ I ' J I I 4llmJlilwl"u#f• h'-r#‘ui' n- i|i|iiiiiiti‘ 1 i.y ih#

r i r i t i l f (V i- i j i III 11 a >''1 m l) u f k i-> r , lu iiM 4k#aa aavsp jiM -iil u f fx i i i 'l i lA u im ji n i l l'•l-4lVl1J|-^M"t Inm i m a l f i ' . i i h* Du* m ty " f S e w .u k iro c u lla r ly lH‘iiaiiU-'l hy VIfu lu'luw-ll) iMi|iciiVPliroriLil in Nild

' /h l f i-T) ir iD 'i- lu m u f A 'kP'Ai'r III IHniie fi 11M11 'ourt 'Llt*i‘i III U'tJlMn) 4itiui‘l I

I ’ t • i ii.H in i' l-m i " I a -L* w i-r in Hh k # i v i i i - i tm * ^ tru m Im ru r t ' i l n ' i ' l lu J . iy H tm e l:

T iro M iiiH lru l - m 'ifH Noanu m )1 -'u ilU uh S lu e l. f r i l l u Itre iu B li PI re a l lu U IM'III a ll e a t ,

l '3a> (Siia iliDnU 'U i u l a h»'W"'t lu M "U .riM*#t, f ru lu I ’a B-4l<! .I'l a n m- |» JMiAi . y i l r iN 'l .

I hp "iiistrui U III ul a Haivai m Sli.iDi TenthsU ia-l, rn u ii .'H|m I I i r f ia h l .. v u u m t i i l l " lu -lUro-t ,

T i ip 4M ii» |r.a -i un " f .4 Muwer In C lin im nvv iam ; hef'a-N-u Ih e MIM ruuk w w a r j ia l H u f l i H UUII# j

T ill* I U>lrit r<44 I l l ' l l " f A fcnAHf i l l N'-Jl'll l l 111 •OH fr'O n U rn n c " hD> hI lu .M u tr l* ,) iii| I'A na i U:ii ii.M d a vp iiu e ;

'I I I# rA 'tlllK HU'i PIIPM i 'K o f J'lOVlitOia-y SlUM-i, fVijin I'.iH-viH . iv i- iiia - U> liuw pTy r-trw-l.

I I h Vi J ih -I i i iP lr f i ' l iu i I n f iiP ill f l ir ir i"u UI I1* In Uiaulfii-P ( ifD iV 4 'litrk u f -k )i( l'’tH iK , lUal I.1.4I Ihn Jialt-M a f ip h l c u u r l J i i ' i l l« ‘ til S rttiin :,.) ', t i p ua'nly-.Hn. u i i ' i i lu y u f J in w , l*< i, wtU'u u‘< 'u i'if 1 " Ul# ..........HII), In D i# ( ' i r iH i l lf tM if i f '» i i i i4 » )U » c ru iifU jm ii* - lu i h u u i y u f .Npie* a r i i . u * tha Unii* HiKl p iM c i'u f l i p - r n ; nuy u ‘-ifM> LluiiP th . t iiM ty la* iiiAiJp lu Ih i ' s>iai iiiU4'4Hm#iti*.

I).iie4l J im a lu. litnwJ D H K P It Od D I.T .

antj _ (liy iJmi'tw*}.vrivi'H'K |)F fS'i FNTio.'v.-l' S'l. a\ D ll ' I- hPiB’iy ir ly p ii D ta l ! i i* Dro u iu - i i l ln i i nf

■ UplfM im HniJ-laauu'JJ' u f I h u . i i iv i 'L f S i'W .jrV , un- , i le r rtia l I iy v in i i# n f p ru V 'iiro f iA r if t^ u n ti 'f O itiD W I " A a A ' L i i i IteviM - ViiiO A u ip ia i 1 liH i: |m ru * r u( (he (S ly f i f S e w iir l . . ’’ a p p ro v v il M . i l r l i D , lF)’i7, Mial rU4'*ii)>p'L-)]'.Pnl.* Lh#rH o tn 'jnlvr .laO l-uu :p a })Im aiiwwt u> 1*1' u ijN irm ( luI Id

IiKHiiKN Kl'HKl-rr,fryjM Hinit)i l>rjii»*p a van in* lu Fn iirirt'iiU iayenu#, Fm uthnr w ith a i i th a *pp'aiteRm ;ai?ti lun-oranry k i f y m p h 'lp D iflHrtltH ' i r n t i ' l nu-b rHnu'nHi.HiS ita UiP lO iu iiU llee un t--«'\ers and IfraiiiA^B il ia ll dirsi t.

hi4L‘(i iip rs in * as may iib'Pi-t Uipi-#io o r" 1 riiia^-lptHu iiraM i'fil U u 'ir uI ijM. U u lii III t t n i l i l l i p t Iri# A trv i'l U iu ilin .-o 4 lii! ii 'r '* ufTh# u " OJ h e liil# U ia a i i i i r j 'h o ' i o f r i- i i iln.vs f ru n i ih # f1 iil# a fH U * iiu ilc e .

I ly ilir«4 vitro o l III# V■i h i im o il O h im il.' . J i m s JJ( K K K I .K .Htreul ('uimnlMhinpr.

N flw a rk . N J.. Jun# R ____________

[ 'n t j -n t i d n • r F N i . i f 'N r m c a r s is I.erphy k I v# ii M i<lV i t is th e In tanD ou g fU i#

4 'u in m u ii CtaiiiL i ; u l ' Ih * I ' l l j* o f N e w a rk . an d liy v -n u e o f j i io v is k . i ia " A l l A l t 10 Hevl.-*" AU'l A n iH iid th#I h f l l l y u f N i 'w i r k , ' M |h 'ruvp il M .ipeli i l . IW ,

V r l l " ? "frvtifi* trill OrouHC av#ud*‘fU)Svringjij*iil avgnnfi WiMi cii‘4‘n-'l In Mt’io n b i f # j r * 'Um G u y H uA V i'i'T 'H U lH w , '''ffT im w jo,I141 mailB by Vnti uiMiim)^oii#re.tQ Jujaw 'I «tjr**ta|avonups and "tpH ireu _,

h u r l i i 4.«raur).'i w " u h j^ ’t lliP rB it i a re r i " qu4‘* i# ti lo p r iw e iii Ih e lr ijJueuttaiia ln w r l l ln i ; a t i t e W reet O m n iiilw im u T 'a o ft li '# , on o f w o r e L lir p x ^ r a t lo n u f tan d A y* team D»# d e l# 0* to w

% T 4 W h« i. o tW , .

Kawark,M. J., Juu#Mr«#* OeauaHoldutr.

u-uw. . >*•


MR. MARSH m m m


W « r 1( » r th * r o 1ltlrA*OH.<Att o m c a i : i id » r|k«i AU4i r n r } > G e i i « r i » k U > J .

Vr^Bk F url — I b B KopubMiAnri•lid Lk« ItB tlU ii'ii'llu f H ill.

AlWr (ItMluiuK llic ffimtinn Tor•li Bt'Murw ib« Acpiit'lurun nrm>r>l)> in lb« O*iunjon OxiixMl {KfiuhU'il ■ IbM nl|U( tm ikv or cuiiHrm«(ioD o f I’ohnr 4 oun-Kih«h)(h-r riianet Uir»(i. '] Ito \u<e wti mil HricUy panii«i», bm ibr Im HoI i-iWiMed in Mr

rt>re>lon Iiw b k )u4 vljonrri-to iiii lumI Ai'li'rm iii itt-iuifCT, w ho li tbeH'4ioirn>JP'il initioilijr lrxl» 'r, Rmni anU oioviil toldht' Ur MAith'R TiBtnH I uni tlie likln

“ Tlifi iiotiiTtialirNi." Mill th« AiiJi-rutaTi, *’ bM bi*vni Jyion hert «inu^ jHiiuary II, IN'Ai, pod li to alAiH Utitu tUtt MimclbiiiH »Msdmi«■lUi IL Lei m aeliie kU Uiv uu« tony o< •Uter.”

Ur. i l « jn t « n i Imi uri»<l iliiifotneilvflm le defkMi l « Uk^u. Uc MkiO lin t ht LaiI Ik a W to IwlU-Te ib « ( tbe ncviibliinifu A ani»l i nrptup Bird nid i> l.w m ocnl lt>r i>em^nfiulc

<'utuuil*ttiuii>-r, tn*i bo Hniiroil to kih.w wkat uA) ibe aa»u«r Hlib "n ia rM o " Mamb • icrp t iIml hi* r<ilUKto <1>i1 not kuU ilie m'ljor- uy luUMjuciU The R>'|'Uhhr«iin M li Iictbintf ■|iH(i«t U k liif the buminHihru fnnn uM e, Mui M bell iliu roll toil* oni oa thi! i(ueitluD ut dBalinnatlon Lbcy begin to rote " No.’ '

MN. OlbUi* KiiT VuriKGTbera WM Bo Wm A In U »i nntor

vutli Ur. (IttoMHi'i oem e m a litre -Awed lu viA«. Ur. Vmu Ketoitlu riiii iniMuil Bpuii AJ4CM(wof, And tbeu ilr. (i«ddla loN exctoH^d,

'*Tn« AUlermin (tmit the NinUi cem vit lie m ’Uto!>(i ttulne* < ^ B c il p e n u iu , ' *»kj I'reirAcni Hill.

kunip iNit in*de ft luoUoij lorelM iie Mr. Hwt dto. ■iii'l il WM i'lrric'd by • mixc<1 Ih'iaucfiillc ftwl Ih-Mnlilb'ftU Vote Thun Mr. Vnn iluutei), v iiu Bud voted tolLb b li Kofiubhonn roiliif)nv« to n-ferb cbininl hii bulbH lo nmOnn. taftii rriiv toni ftwkjr. All of Hie lAtJcr iIxiM’ii Af-pniihCftm rukd to rx'Ji'Vb wb»le <bu IianI uf kbv Totn Air r^Kilinoftliun rcjti lui] ooly ttoelve.

T bo Kvpnlilicfttii louiuil townnl (bo ilourai- pw'liiift In ire (he M eyor'i ■oiiiutarv ii{<pi'iii « l(b ftri*Ain r niMutmlnm, bn( tb«y vt ere li puliiteiL The r<Ji‘Cii'-n dixi* nut rliftiige (bo Mindli)|orMr UHn>h lu Ibf! IkwrU. IIl-bolkli uffitto uijUl ibv iuuiliiufttlijo ol k li luc- •nwjT.

A rt.<rii FuA j. ritkKx Kimr.Kx Jinbrfti. Frfthk Knrt, urUn whi beft'^n In

|b« nnto fui Koltdbir (toiiierfti t)f the Treftinrv berwrlnjoTit fti Wm Ihui; ! iii. hai Inien b«iiileri <(l ft)> 1 flUue lim br Uie Ailiu:ibaltrilUiD by Alhn- M)r (i«i)<.'rftl MiHtir. Mr. Ktiil tom lb Wilruliift ton, Ud., UMifty, but /Tout kootl fttilliofllF li wtn Irnntei] tint be hud reoelv>Hl • luiler Irum Uh‘ AlUirncy (jenerul ankmif him if he wniiid ftiaropl ftn «pt>ohr(iiieiii w o tb with |k«MirtMIlfto ftbbftd fur btHher bouuraftiul laiary. T be letter did nut tob il the ilit'lot touuUl be. oibcr Ibfti) Ibnt ili«y tooiibl oet'oiiil lito Mr, K orl'i ruidillog i t Wtchluibin U il II to fUpiKwd Uiftt the hr«d uf tire b‘tx i purutu'iil ftt tbr N itinuil C ip it il rhlendittu ■ritilfr upon Mr piaUKm ol RSfttiUnllb b li oltlut!, Iliuocb ilHTe U no rrriftiiiiy Ihfti Ibftl purmtre to Oiirreet. One o f Ur Furt'iper loiifti U'toUrbicftMl Ibla biortijuft lliitl he 4iid Uul ihiuk Ibftt il»« e«.Ji|(1gft toiiuld ftcix'pi theoflicto, but Ibftt Mr. Ki>ri touu<d ip ito Wultlui;- loti ftujboto next week lu mhi m but Ibe puullioo

r m CY)LiB<T(>Miiir.Some of Uh! bopT ui E e e i kepubiicftni

tonkrrl tor I he ip|iulMliiM‘til uf ft Kepiiblioftii weryftMir 10 Inlerbfts K w eiiuc Colkcidr K hki tliw toeek, but tkey buifl luiotber dienppilnl- (Pent to ftdd to Uie bnui Jbt or ilini- tor •ei)iaLl4in«. UeorRO A. lUtoey wrot to Wftslihiftkin Juif 8ftUir4tfty, but broURbi kaek uo oewa with b lia Oft Widoptoftjr e i- Itoofttor Wilt Iftui J. Hft well w ebl (u the city on lAe Pup’iDNc. Ywu-itiftjr be brixiffhc P m ldeut ktorrlKin rbrnngh from fii« Nanooftl (topiiftl to Cftpc Huy lu bw pftVftie palftoe 4dr. Tlie frltiidt •t WiUlftm It wiiliftoto ftbd the uibor candi A tivi who ftfe Id the race in app4diiKrii to Beunti II. lJirf« froftuftil whe4i ibi<y tltou^bl Ibfti ib f b if .ilBiinien le(u1er ftixl ibe mftu of power ei WkihiniUm bed been ibut np t o le ib er in ibftt ruxviriotte rMfteb.

*' if (b« PreiltlcDl ftrivpii niob cuurteUea from Uenfral Bewell I d ou 'i m o how he tun toll to reclprucftle by ftppojudnif ibe ex 8euft> tor'i (undidato, lA rve," ifthl mie uf Mr. Will kkixu e fr1eii4]ft mournhiliy, tbto m jrnlDit,

T b t belief g^owt Mrowuer every clxy thui Mvnidcrfttlc t o11q<K<w Klort will t « 1«A In (rflirt feBHl eume lime In (be fftll, puMibly until ftlier Itkft November rtomton. It to cuiu\‘d fd (hat li e ■ext TiCftocy m the Hevenue Lkvpirtmeni will I t Oiled! by (he appuiutm ini o f Atocrmftn iH gUiiiu Dufteiiberry.

Mil. bUTtlCHEJl't irrOlWTXIMT.Ylie p4iiUloD o l iupi.‘ry1 ing ftrcbiieut o f ibe

■tw potuflieu UiIhllnR.wblcb hA»tK*vMgivenlo H u l 8. itoUlcbrr, vice Jeritnilib lyKourke, re- B oved, li luh] to be W4>rtb f7 ft iluy for ectuft] lliiw pul to until (far ouinplelwm uf the new buiidlnR. T beirrh ilect will hftve Uie 4ippuiui- kBQUiDl b li ufttoleiit, w bo re u ii « »• (Mtvom- BtD t Inipeckir I'faie u ibe 4 > ff lo e for which ti-AklermNU XimM a . (hr]«tle, 4>f Uia Filib WfthI, to ilfttod, l i la m id >h«l ibe lutk-r «p- poiotmenl wUl not be uiailtt lur nearly a yvftr y e i

SebuyleT B. JenkiOD li bciitm lng a wide' tWftki' rftuvaNi Jnr tbe Uepnbhian tiomiiiillnn A>rbum iale. Tim week be ba-< liecn innklng the ruimdi o f the ward*, and b1« fnciidi have B e l bbn here ilIJ there in unexiwried 4|iiar(en har4i It work. Whp]i Mr. Ja< Kmhi ran fur Uavor M wsiauppouHl Ihfti 11 deivftivil ha wuniil luye ft walkover for noniiiiatioii ai ^urnytute now Anrrngete Jow[ih U Munuaml ex l^cnalor K H Ftoh trv al<« woi k big fur tlie iiomuiHi !■ m. 1 be thn'C 1‘OTiird cuiUrvi tirumiaei to iw (lie rumi inlenwiiMR (k b l «ioi>ng«t ih« Uepiiblienm iii Ibia 4Wiiiity ihl* fa it It la la.w'-lhle (hHlilie Pemoi'iftiM may nuinliiftiehamnel Kluii lor Hiir voRute.

Arrr.ft the ftxmxTiiKTiNb kill A few duvt iigo Garrcl A. Itotwrt. tbe

Mukerof tbe Uepuliltrnn Htute mai'hiiiv. ral!it«| top 'tber fttTayior’i llotfti, JarK'y n iy . w me of Ibe legal wm<iiore4 lO ipp parly (I'lwn ij b> ihe frtrliiin td Iheir luinJi lh«-j m uld itkii kindli' a •pari thal wuU <1 ael die to llir iHo'iocifliiC A«- •rnikUy Hidiklrieiltj^ avi pHOHit l>y the laie Ijcgixlxum', Tun iiieinluTi (>l ihe }>i<h' x i\aimy Bar were inrirc^l, aud LDiiugh liic)- liid unt gn,It la kuuH h In ha-ftl circles thal I be conreivnee Wfto ft r.fti Imlure no k r wa rrsiilU are lorntniioil l l wftii hoped ihftt iuno<i lelieiur m igbl Ih' beivia] tor thi; law iti theSu; rt loo I'onrlbelore ^o^flllU•r, Iml the luwjeia fouii.J ihai a Cunou.* hluuiicr nu the patl of |h<-ftiimeix u( ttiv art Inv I leM'laniil nil nr tN'ir e!l>>rt«i Ui over- throw (be law ftiUlQ. The (lertoin-i Ik maklni' the Anal dm il uf ihe wet, ia(i uui ol it ih« unial IliiftI rlauae |•mVllhu|t thiit ii klnmhl g-i iiitn el foci iiiitiierltaieJy. TiU! nimihliui rnlirely buinifiX linul aii-l U Inul the reinu < I leiidermu Viirtbh*ii l4ir a year N>-WHik'« Aidi-rniaim- |Pr trie! bin, b it It W'Jia ihe one i i r 'ia ir nl llin Invi bu<ly of lanm aken lhal rt tulic l lurnnuU-ly (ur tbo Ibe Joue lenu - I (In'Kiipr«iiia ( onil in tail tirHat <K 1o a cbR^' and the

(lu a<>( eunveim At;a!ii mml Nnvrmia^r. The act. uwIun Io itie bUioil' r, d(a-r< tiot R'* bii4i •ffiii'l niitll July i, Hti'i (he'Hii luvv>t i> wtUi nil ol lin'ir liicctioiiy were uiiuI.Ih Iri de-Vl' ' Any way Id itwl tin 4-uoliUuiiiitinltlT nfUie ftci lit (he ptx'jwht torni. lii Nuvi-itii cc It will be b u late.

hti.liHo fp n :K (T [iivwiiif.HThe Piirhoii>t ihfti any ti';ai i|Lie-.tiotv cuii t f

nt-'a.'d UtuUT llie m'ft (Jkw will Ik- nii 1.tboiil ktx 'kii.'ckft heiicif, when imiler lliv iftw oi April ZH, 1KS.V tiinl u««upph meins Hie i ntiiimiu ll^ini-il Ilf III city uiiinl itivele tbe i^ixth dls trii'l o f Ibe ruirtveiiib Wtird, pun of wtiu'li after July 1 will tw hi Ili4> lUinl Mini purt liithi' Kigbtb A»iH lutily Itoin i't At lliu kame tmie a 4liVi9itmi lutir-l be nin>1e ol All id ihe iHilling pro tiJiCii til the I'liy wbicb at any vJc4Kimi Ih!>1 year eiAi ov I lAU rMh"a. I tn-Itcpiibhi an* -IM (bink tbat bv ivf'u> Tig (u dh id i-il.c Hihiii 4]ii- lri4‘( 4 )liii» ibrrlci Dill Vtaxi •UI ;Uii;U'i 1 un s hoobt rube )iii eftite iM) Hb.rh Ihe rintMiii tliig act mlirht ie eikvo Hilo eiHiri mnl mi (tiev coiibl It (here wu' uiiy n n ilinl m aavn • I

I'ttr I4i lake n In (nr ii u* id-v.'- h itiai tit-' ill> Of hill prv< Uii'l i'Din>1 uuL vi-te lUdil

H‘ yi i

tbara were pnlllog Dlafna on laAb to4)«a of ibv AweruMy ii»«. ItokKiiinatoiy (ur ll»« Hapub- iicanaUu' November eleetMat wiMili iwover aitd lb* pcuni^km would have ROhe Ny, antovpvak, Ijeforv Ui«y onii'd mriiitf Ihfir ArgU>B<'0t M TrchNm. T(i4;y will have to doff ilivlr rhu peaits tu Hie lueVilftOk*. At Ibe l*r«i'biauUat viccUoH )ft*( rail over a •'iviri’ ol fireclncto (u Hwf city caul mure tnaii QUO vo'e«. The Ih lrd du tHniur the *'<uth Vi ftrtl ah be 4‘iixi over UUO The riAe 4if Uie laiier in iha? eii-eialpJ dO), laitUie f>unainii Cltmnni o f laat year to euiiirdywiib rbe law ami iJivale H mb* iwu parla. Ib e 1* ith of ihn fhlrtccuth Ward e*ti 7Slvo((w, w M baiu wiiiihl ha vi to tw d iv id ed any- buw, WbniJiar 'tie A*« rn(>ly line cut Hftir ii>A

* 'ItOHeiir. A l l I HIM HALEA.

iluw lh« IliiiHitraa la ftiwiiafail by ft Flrtu In I III* City.

T h e a rn ii-w to k ly niiftlif' nrhorweaaii'l mtjU!*, whtrli have Ik ati hi>jd it AJP Hruftd i(ri'*'l diirmti Ihn paal raouih. hav'* laien luir eejalul Tuey ere hubf im ft plan diffaronl fn m (bat pur*iml m iftliw bv 4)iber dealora m thiacity and H’ Bift. TIm> tirru own* hO<ift nl mebt»(«ev Mihl, ail ia’ttig erNiaiRirftii to It by WeRl* am di-ali'r*. Tlicra la an aMUMtobiD4nil ia Ibipiuii alinilar lo Ihe uiie here, ami fti«o one in New Ynrii. Too wsira toive ftinminted lo lOOnr m i hrft<t B wu«-l b(4l icalanlfty wfta lUwk ,ow lug uxlelay In a atupmenl.

*' Kiiice Mim b iy ," aanl ft iDemlier o f Iba Ann in a NfWft lefi'irliT, ‘ we bav« Bold Dtorty w-vnn head. The bonut brt-g iJl ibo way from fT3 lu 'llw y luitMiid at ftuetlun on 1'UiVilftyii Jiiid Frlilftya aiid al private lalM un rm (Aliur dayv. ThlrlV ulii« bearl were ilisp'aiftl 4if at private Mto on Mouday and hirijr-M'feti I u I in'wlay a l private ainl public *aUj. W eiLftrledm Hna line afU-r Imig erjn- ttileraliiiii, ntid wft mieiKl k> earry U iHtl. Ik e lalcaftra atten4l4-d by all ilte diAlurt of rwauty fimrtb Birovi, New York, lucmiJlni ttoliiiiAii, Fuh a iHwrr, UaBrlMi'h ami Wbiuam A Kiifl. llie (Icftlerv at Ibe Amcrii'ait Kx ehariRe lU Hew York, w ho liuy hnraai bare in fjft »Dii| ibvra again, ami rlealura (bn iahnnl the S a e ami leveral ftonli'm in Um city. Vt> Lava big dcHh'ta m ihoHi-at (uiiaifuing ftrwat-a to Ua, IijrIiiiIjuk viirli ea Koy Manb. of Hali'ftlujrg. h i , and irmuiaa Kvera, nt tbc Hpjck Viinls, Hiili‘ug4i, 4wirh n| wliton la rai[i4jna)bln for ariy «himjttt i]pto|.VK>,i<Hj. rliarlci iHirliei, uf Kuhiiu ky, w vi'ral friiiri iViniiyivAiiia aud frhm, anil one Jrmn tmilana ‘ibey i'4milgn ImiMW to lift to acti ijiihik aii'i at im all pmntA fl fib tofh jAT Ik ftd, i.r t>(1 jair cartnu*!. Wa will hftVti eighty liCH’ i III himday iu4>rnitiR. aim! KjO for next iuc^dt&y’a u lc , Thn touatnarw ftoid Uiidur a Harriniy. ait4l buyer* haw until (.u'ohrfc uf tlia day loltowmR the sale to innka a aaiiriliclory tiwi. hnvt< mie i1»*nl4‘r who ri'tiiaiiM berk" peiinAiimHly. Ha in SViHlam Hli-keri, of t tiler Fa1i<., la Kit i«rliiur buys ai boiPi Mild tiuntIMuallT Nhi(»* lo hliii,

A ( '( LHKII fiV A I’ AHI^r.K,

C lia rg e i ARnliiMt Urn Mnnngi'iiiftiit o f the O ritu ge INiiiibotiMWi

An Oram;rr fuiih r yriiterdrtjr piiMiehiHl an aflldavit niadu by Juiin K«oogh, o f (iraiiRv, who lifti luwiu an InnukU* 4 (lie Cilv I'uorbnusxr MHftl o f Hie liiiic dnrliig (be patl Iweiity yean. DiMkitiK tevcrHl grave cfiarg4fti agamel Ilnli«ft Mc(‘h4)they, lu iw iiiiieodt ul uf (be l'4iut Farm, TU«ftin>invit alh-gev lh al Ui, UcCheeDtiy h n reiw'ftiiKlly mM vtiRcUhb-a raneil tm tbv farm . Ibal he kept iiki own horte on (be farm atei l4rd It at Hit cx tK ti'roJ (he d ly , that ilia ■ijprMub'iidanttradiHlvcKalablrH ate neightNii- hig aftloun for lioer and litinur . lhal ho had eaii-t(?l KeiMiRli t4i curt atones Irom Ihe f iruv ro a luiuise ho wan biiilitmg at (franca Valley Hjftt Keoijgh had laiuiMOtni'Clled lo b f lp h u i d ig lh a t^ lla t uf Uiu UiiiiKi ; tbat (w4) ul tbe IntUHian had been lon l t4> work on a farrn OMt[E(Nl by Mr Mel hi’iuey'v fatlier ; lh*l Mr. MeriiiwMey had bi>i n druuk 4loaena Of Hiaea. lre<|UCo(ly gellliiR kcon gh <ml uf bed In iba oiiilLlleuf ihtf ulght bi gu aflurlieer for bim, and that Mr McrheMiey wutod get drunk eri ry lime tbai he wem (n Orange, and tlicii lha mnialea w4Hil4l gel noibing to ca l until t or 10 o’ clock n eilBBorning. J«at n ftb l Hr. Mcrkiwiivydeclared (hai Ihe ebergiw were eniliviy wilb- nut AuirMiaii.nn, and mtlil that be wonlil make an im davit to that efTecl. lie det’larcd mat he kepi hia bnrat amt cbiekeiM nn ibe farm Hltb (be fb|] kiinwJedae and l'oumuiI uf the I'iior (lornmiVee, (he u«e o f ibe hurau un Ibc fanu tolly t>ayhiR P>v it« keep. The ehlckena ft|»o palil tor rbemaeltea. Wbalevcr {iroduco had been Mold fruni the farm Ibe rlly had ret'elved Uia mutity lur, he aatu, ea the luoiilhly reporla would ijmiw. Tbe 4iUie)' i^bargea, be allcftv}, were fulaehmHia, told hy Keuugh Itecauiia the Ibe lallrr bad Iw« d refntoil adniuuiton to the poorhmiM' when ha 4'uin4) Hierv a few daya aro K t. Met beanuy beata a rcmmI rrpiitatiun.



P U R E ?D o ts Manufacturers PubliBh all

the IngrodientB Used?IS IT FREE FROM AMMONIA?

' A s in w id ] k iin w r u iin iU H m iH m iinhualthful in fmxl, ami dri4>g uji tbo

P rotuctiim lo con fitim urs o f finul rom - p o u n d * tto!« in t h i 'ir uLirHy to ■'liiK'iMe ihoBe m itde fr o m huH llIiful HtiF^stBrirna. VnlpAB inAm ifActiirnrB puli|i*lt JokI wFjut th e ir hA k ln^ lY iw dnr in m iu ie u f. du uul UA6 tUeir giHidiM, hut h tiy in stead


T h l * p o w d e r l « ro m le r n l y o f B l r i r l l y p u r , r .iT d P i o f l a i U f , m id a l r i c l l y p u r , I H n u r I x i u k t , o f t o d l i , w i t h , liU l e w h e t t d o u . to p r e « ,r v e I t . T h l e in

b jr l h « 0t1i i : W i n . t y M S o f f l o v e n i n i H n t t n d f i u t o c h e u iia U i, a n d t i h y a l d a n e , a n d c h n m w tB o f B o a n l a u ( b e a ltfa U m n n f h o i i l t h r c o u n t r y ,. C L a v a u a i r B a o r u t s i , A u i i v T , N . T .

T H E P U B L IC S C H O O L S ' P H A L A N X .

>N« H u n d red a ad Stmly f^uplla PlulAh Ihe C o u ia a K itb e t by H o n o r a r y W orfe

U u rin g th e T e r m o r by J’ aaaleji Ilia H igh H citool KaitniiHalHiii,

A b o u t th e flranguA.On T tiw d a v eWQing a MmiplinipatorT

tlionfr will ba Riven lo raplaln A. M. M*h thewa, ufO raiifc, hy ihe aevantiH'n iru'nilieFi tif th ea im iH v e (*oDiruill4"fl oti the rfccnt rtri>p ikN) nl Lhu Hoclety of Hk Army ul Uir Putoniac. ti a t4jkDn uf apprpclai lUM of bto la iMin aa gcu- enil chairman ul the ruuifnliuii. U will Iw given Id I'ppcr UitMte Hall and I'DVkm will Ih> UhI fur thirty. Tbn lnvtl4-d gursla wilt Inctudp (Jfnrvriior Urern, Hcnfriil farki', u( Wnt J jiiil, orxl (toiicral Kmg. 4torr4wi>4»iHhng aifrclary of (be tixUe-i of the Anuy ul Hie I’lXoioai',

The exmidve muinitHco of Ibe l-jui Oraiivp Kepnhltcan fliih litid mghl adopu-Al a ael ot rdNwinllutii wiik re(ei\'U4x to liia deaih of QHrdner 11, (A)!by, w ho wan um* ot iheiiffiivr« of Iba t'iub ftinl It wax tlcndiil loallvud ibo funeral in a IxMly.

The irHilualiEiR Nnd jimlur cIabmm o f lha high K'bODi rlepantiietil of A'-lUaud IkluAii, kasl Oruofir, Rhve an nilvn'Hilng rxblhltkm uf Ihidr wiwh ill maiboiDaliiv at iba ichuul yes- lenlay altoniooii.

Tbtf riu*mg t'xrrf'taea nf L 8 Kolicil'a East (Jraiiga h'lUoo! Hvre behl at ibo ichonl on fiar rlaou Rtrccl y4.-«len)ny encrnntiii. Thu tXer rikCM i'DiiBiol4Hl of viK-al tod InstrumHiilal imi*U' by Hie piipibi.

(iLHjrRe M. Hitphen and IViHaril K. llmUh, of OnmiP', left yeittenliiy (or ralHlA.>kft, (1, wbi-ru Mr. hoti'Jirij i>u T1iui>i1ht next wiU marry MliW AliUWitilba IVljiiHieud. of Hial piaea.

I.leweliyti ( 4mu4-iJ No II. IJuldoii Star Fra toriilt}. Ilf nruuge. ulecioJ odnvra tail iilglil as f'Ulcw.A : Mixlrrulur, I. II. I'laik . vb'o iiii.K|or- fttor, U(‘orirv lllui kwrxpl , retxirillug sforrUry.K. K. lhU«o'm: (toam ial worelnry, E l'e*‘ki , iTeMurvr, llaury M oh r, ubai>lu1a, W. II bbelley.

KIik'd Mnrrh 1 (ho anni of ll.VfUU has bwu rv<‘i jved m oraiiito (4>r IiilmiMv*

'The OruiiRe ItoiH-e .^iKlInh is unilerRoiiiR cx toniiVf rvpalnaiul tmpriivenu-iitaon iha luttm lliur.

the (imr'ral of Mm John Knlkuir, ornrAUire. wiek hel'l ai tier IhIo rePUiei.L'o, II HuilHui BhiM I a t ‘i u'l'IiN k yrniordny afivninnn, Thv Key F A Masi n uftn Uhil, «k|j(.lLil bv (lie llrv D. A WiiubKiigh. Ibe ||Uorliti-ul whl Lo taU'lM Al HttKi>iuu>ul. near l-amlawlviue, (D-diV.

Mim UiiKic A ikHlit, (iaiighut iifex Aliier [TiHii Willinm il. l>4Hld, i>f Orange, and J. VVinHey IliiiK, Ml Newark, were inart'usl at Hie rvkUlriu'e III Hitf hrldi-'s pHrenli. f '.i i tM.tre i<iri'4d. nn I ImiMlwy evi'iimg. 'i he Kev. Hr. II.M hinrri, 4)t tb f KuM 1‘ rton Thnieh. nnirliili'd, \ I' liyer-tuiHjjJ 11. W J.ymia, uf Ni'uiirk, wrie ihi* nstierv Anioug iiitiH'lbnUMTii Bcknou liftlgerf by Hiq i1n

aru'i>('i>niiiiilti'<' ul ihe orwngeMcinorltil Hripnal ora iJTd fd jiniu ttiu ol the lentL-iinuil/uU-Mnmmi'iii. I t 'd Ircm Mn John Ihirke. tlHO Irnni the iliiM .lo Frevlirkzinii nMiii:'ii, a ’nl

from the pii.K-MMiiii ralr lipid by liltlu g.ilKfti the reviilcniv d| Mrs ruuruy.

Ik-ginniug lu-itiirri(»w. llie Kev John .A I'limin. u( Sun Kninri'm . i Hl.. will surplv tJie■■nlf'it lit Hie Hrnve s tn e i ('unategHtiotial I imrHi, t'.a'.i tirimco, lur Ihrec ruimlbs, in ex- cbuii^e wiHi Ihl-H a' v K II, hi|;au.

T o A M Mra. MetxrUVaHF1ill^Um Ami'iu'nn t.ei*ion

r>f!]niu»r, I(hb npfNiMitl^l I'nnl i'4iiutiiMU'iiT K. T. l^lnmiuml", K. 11. Senior ami V C. Hbipninii o* a L'liiiitJiiUei' lo Cake ehitTge uf ibo ea*(- o f ( brid Merkel, wit • w m a nuNnlx'r uf tto" org'UiixaHim. U U ptolmbleihNi Hie poliry ul uii Mciwil'p lilc wiii tw iwii'l Tu --uciire the aiiii.'iiut priPil o f death lUiiM Ih' lLHiliOt>iiinig, !iiil when the pre«sdf>iit ul llic MHUXtk'Ul Uiihf Hall 4'li)ti nml Hip riul-

ngetit lium Mi-wpl pureusM'il Ida lie lid fur Ihr;! ill lair'l trn ii. N-> M. alve in ilii'ir U«i|iuuiiy Ih-- e« h will p iiirttUfy l)a [nU | Sfti. WcifK'l. Tin* N4'«a:k ami Bmitb Oruugi- Hi.r-e Cfti Hallway IteiiAivolaul Aftkft'lMimn wUi r4v« a U’ln ic al hiKX'tiiig Hark 111 m<l o l lha luud. and d>>tiu v nH itu''giUi* luouey to (hat uh|«M'l The ' liidinun ” Iiavd aln'itily adil over Jfti lirkcEi. anil ihc ismiH) ulhi-^aia an.I Jrkinls o( Mr Moin'I havo a Oi^u-ld.-raidunumlN-r. y^eumlny Im' Veieraiu-iiiindK rugei iHuul voii Scmtrii, Now Jurcy, at'tit Mr-. M Im>1 ll-i, llm um'Uint cuIIllUi I irum ilu? 10 uitftTp fur |u-r bdit flT.

Am a Livii'R-lon, a IKHe giil o f 4 1 httiie Mfier, liAP hirwinl-'d lo t h - N lwstlU iliai iho Otdiecl’ il lur (bu ii in ' hht Mtv Mt’ i*«l.

tiling Il4‘r Fiither'a Esliila,John I')4t< lil'dU wli'i bito Ilf (ho

‘ ui> ndH'r< Ul H'o (IfsM mmiiiHi i iiiiiu'l't ul Hair- i ikiii, iliiil Ihv4 June, loftolug an i dfiU- vhIiu iI

B‘i»IU(NXI. Hu k-n an only iluaghli'r. ,'Hrah, wbki ic<-nerkP Hie wile ol Jubn i au-r uu Mr

I i‘Ahuiiiii'fl hrot ivHc died live ur iixvaie i AK-i und lie uil,ernai\l luarned again. Him 111- , Ui'-a wii''* pri'tmotLHl Hii<l be Stfiit tor hk daUiili- I t-r in lUv wiriy |>un of li to iiurvo IiItii. She

'Aftp lu.-vuug hiMb"L> with her hUAhiind and ! chi'ilri'n i.'i I’lih-rpcm blff-ei. Inl roNiumleil lo [ Ihe fa Fii'i'p ('dll and attended al Ina iK-iisido I (xmilftniiy u iHI Uia daa'h Alter hk deiilb II I >vix.*i tourwl ilial (bere hxil iicei> iiu pii>vl*U‘U I m ido lur (li > dimgliicr, Iml Ibal Jilt etilire OP' : la<o Was lull to t-bo wglgw and that aho hid I been made I let-iiirlx. Mi's. J'aLvrauEi pn-M-ul-

ed a bill (ur M-'t 'e-vh-ei u tmi"« lu ber (a h erd u rm g h < H ln f'i to tho e a n iit il i, whij aiiiiiuiifd U to bc^ coirpc-i Hiid

' iigned ic ]ki'v It. Keteiii y Uie ivMuw ba« j taken exceje iun (o i&e hid and di'Olmea Ui |<ay

It, aud Mis rati-rnAD baa Inkch It-gal piucauil' iDRir to reci’Vi-r Ibe nipmml.'

B lc c l r k lt y a n d Iiuprnvai^ M achinery .Fur (tuto'H ami buudiiKMue (irlniiUR, tAtrotiiaa

Wiu A.Jliikci'a Mudci RiJniijiR: EMibliiibuieiit.‘iiTZiDd'Ail M ark«t hliuul. TglepMoite MM, — Adv,

“f,uk bluitora ite<a

T )ie irrarliLit*** fn»m Ihe p n b lic arhooFa Hum yotr iiuinLM>r 8ilu tifihuaa ftbuut 370 are hoierrarr irwdnatoa uDd tbu painaindij' are pu­pil* wbij wi-rfi uh igLvl to take a Anal rxam ina' Hud. (jr ttiR lairer Mlw'Ut xp) preteii ad tbeiil MTivwi lor etaiuitiBiK'D. Tbvre are a few piipflM who have not yet oiiinpleleil their ex- aiiiinatlorwi, but (livlf reftblU p ill aiiii(j4|iiiN><l aaaoub aa iioiamie. I b e ciUtnb»'r uf gradmitea la larger hy lar than ever belore. Idukyear there were MT gradual«% o f Whum Iki wuto bouiirary pupils

Tlift Fuumier Aveoip*, ChevtttuL MreetaiKl ; Ihm p'i hrpi"«l (k'liuola have large RTMluallng 4'iunva The Rrailuattk >»( Hit <lermaii-Knglkb HchiRilan* Riven, IhH pilrieipal irf tbo arhuol t»avitii^k*-ir«ic} the cIm lo lit; aaawm ail like the p iiP n o i ilMgrAmruar bcIk a Ib.

uoftOftARv uirra akd axAHiNiTtom.Tbft puplla o f the vtrIrftM arboula srbriio

yearly alatMliiig waa tmind Inrui lha dally rerxBVt lu ba Rood and whoae C4)n(Jiict wax food warn prirmotoil uD that rernrd aa honorarv pu|dla, Tlinw wh4Pftt n-eonJ (all be* low gift*! ware rxaummij. T oe qupaHiHia wen) prepam l by tiM aupermiemtetvt. Exarniiia- itoni were bold lu tbe ih gh ftchtwl Imtnl ing on luHMlay and Thuntoay. Ibn [apera were oxHialned by a boanl (J pxaiutnan (Hmshtlng of aucua futlf priticl tMix, Tiee prku*i|iaU and Brat grplu Rtammai leachpni. Over iw o daya were tpeiil la rvirolully Romg over th* paprra. EverjHililR WftK drjue fta fairly aud ayaUiDiftlJevLIy ai piw* mHiIc,

*1‘ha r c n il lc f Ibe w o rk /’ aaid Hnperlnicnd anl Marrlnger, “ la highly wtlafa4'(ury. 11 ftbopp a giMid xaiMai lory average- No one ha* ahbt up Inpi tbe ahy ami ito 4>nc itax auiik Into Hip pH."

Fuliuwiuf II a Hat o l the graduftlea froiu aacb BClJUid :

WA.ftniw(miT4 (rrniJCT}](Uiurftfy--Jdha Driien, Ada (L Ahhy. J. Nil*

Hikon Kp(rlla V Jlxhir, I'Dr.-eitu Mllla. Agms H. Ikvli'ik. Milly KtiLiwah, ('tera It >•) rt'-ran*. Al- iie tu '. f ’e<(r1r’k. k. S. Van ip-tHhiivM'ii, Katie ('D-iry. Fliiiptu-,' IvoURtn^tiy, Auidc (Im liring. K htb Oakley, Heurgi' Inwh, MiHard Huidun. lUTiuund H.itoim-r u'ld Ari hH-abl Miller.

Exaudiii'il —H'-nrutift A Ibiylls Nellto IbHjkiH. Jeniito rnsi.ab. Kda W, Clarli, Kediu Hyuinn, lia«ldle Kernm, H. }( K. MIIEur, Khii Die klt^yer, lllaiiidia H H>#i*, Kaniiiu Huidh, F^liih K Alton, Mary itockil. WarMiti I- lufthf, Kiift Uari'iiac. .Moi-tor, fjxxlrHutetuKise. Floietjoe Nlchu^t, Ib lla rri('<", AlliU M. HrJirKiu-r. Itor-io Hchwny. Mtruim F SiudilanJ, Jp^ae M. I lark. Fn-th-nck li. .Ailaio. Victot H lhi»wn. Julm I'ftViH, WtHuiin A Ihiun. Mai Hcnieudmgrrr, l,er(ittrl Huirmab, Milai-yl M U rli'f , Tlu'urluro IftnUd, Clm fiM F. MHtrlll, Frederli'k A ki.Hldy, U(virue 1'. Mnilli. lllnhitid r„ lA'hiurnniH*, Jidin Furkur, Bdarr-us Uurna Maltor Jl. Cuuk. Elliort A. ( ur(if, A lfm l F/Irc. CUiTofil k fiaidiier. F>lwtHn1 II. Jf>hnwiri, (htrar If. Moyifa. Nulhuii Mycra, Wdliuitn 1. I'||UI1|«, FAlward li. KculiergiH^l, UftOige Vf. KUarp ami H. Kilwant litMd.\loy.

I.AWHlKrt trTKtKT.llonnraiy^Adft VSuudiituil, Jimiile Ahruna,

Ukmie WmU'fi, FAUiur Wliraiit, l>«nra I'xiurler, Miiudo M ailer. Mamlu AI. Him'urk, (biuto llainwi'r. Allciia Oiaul, Jiaic 11 irhar, Amu la HourTH*, k<aa' HaiHiinaii. I.hiuIw! MeVvy, (Jrnce (Jik«Mu. Amy Iravia. l-IW e ItUaml, bullie Futm, Mtiy Hltimian, Hiuiiia l^ h ia u i, Ida Fufgeahei, Jivle Uiu-rm, NoIIm llarkcr, Jtiwie llolohkina, Kstward JVIi, lAiiHaio Farminler,( lamiKW jh'an, (H io HiMck, WUJiato Mil- wllRpky, Jaiiici Ihmliiey, W m aic Nuiinian, Jir^ib Newman, OHo KaraL Alliert Hnjim, Hharien KiUitoraiil, VViihuin |ilu.«, Fftul Kied- rifkaun, Victor Henatle, Huelave GvbJo, Kikito Urtf^b aAd Wtldam Fle^ller.

Kxanito(*<l-JoM^ph llrrla, Hharlrw Itaiidman. John llam revei, J. Alinuii F|a'nr ', Julin \> llmwer, Frank flrnno and 'Ih4i(utia FT. haroeit

iniTK MARKKT mKr.TT,H4murary- Mary A. Hutb. Mary A. Feaaey.

Kliiiibvth L K 'liadim b, Mary M. If. Himuu, May Ibdle Tea cr. Jtfti-pb F- Ueruli) am lJotiii 0 . Hidiiisiacilivr.

FianitokO-^llpm a Bayer, Amelia M, (Fold- lifttdt. Lucy A. SrulHi, 1‘nul Hauer, WilllATn J Hynm, John J. liavaDugb, W illiam If. Fraxeu, (Jeiirga L. IJau, i bnriuk H a v e , FriMlrrlck >. Hft.'ncld, JaiuM M. lla ya Qeorgu A lin-ki, WilliAin A. Iloeh, (?harlei {.oinax, iU iiry F. klanpianlL Philip I*. Afurnt, Jacoh F. Pfulfur, Juhu* (J. Hath. F ^torm k (!, Uorkrtch. Waller todllilHy, Adulph SeUulia Palrtok J. Troy aod llaitwri Wilum.

LAlaVCTTK rTHRW.tfounrary—Kuiina II. Ziegler, ('-ota A. Tudd.

Iftittie A WukPier, E. Adtlnidu Drew, kaciiel OatnunrI. F-Jiiiba lltu ili. Juuuto Kllcy, hit Henjatnin, Emma J. li4Wiiiaiu>, W lliiaio !£. Keer, Frank I^uodruff, F ^u ia K. Ober, Anna T. ca>e, Amy Mai'uiabur. ^'toru Van Waguii4;r, riara A. IKaiglHNi, Ktmna Kauernuf, F^uima E. Wojidi, Jciiuio M. Mttuuiiey. ErTiiaiicu V. Ev4jf- banlt, Ella M. (Hlucri. Ah xajitlcr Uiiiu ('ralR.

ExqUilned—Ji'bn il . Fiuuegau, (barlga K Trauia

ait>TNlT BTRKXT.lluimniiy-^-Wilham iliierman.W. A. HlauvaK,

1imc> (arringiiiu, AiUinr (onneU Fftiwln iMiren, Irvliig Hay, O lio Gblu. neurge (i4ndd, (lurflneT Hreetie. F'rHiik llud, -lamcN M«w-un, liuiirge Udi, Jex e Hann, Fn-U U-tilbacb, Harry Miller. Howard la ik er, ( lareui'u ttuebr, Will' lam lleniivlimuen, August lliitehmaifr,Cluirli‘9i W. biiuwari, Waller HU'vciii, Ailred Wetiuel, Fri-fl FmiHi, Finl Th^benor. F'rcd WinxIiTi-ek. BlepJicu Wellft Harry W eplejvcil, Ki^uar 1Au(d, Units llftlikma. Nellie Ikrtohcunw. N»'H|u FfHilcr, l.ijlu llaldwln, Notliu ]toft^1 ly. Ida Aftb, F luruttou llg^luu. iVttl, llm-Hu \ an NuM. AItu' A iahruian, Flora Mayo, (rrace MHtor, I'lureiio-' 'i'aykir. Itoito rwnning' on, KiuruiiCti ( bamia'nuix, Jh-airieo SialUi,

Alice Cootoy. Kiilb A»hto-y, ilcrllia Dureuim. lle^Kin Aldlcr, Alanu i'admu.'4. Killy FjHhar, Hia4'c Amet. Vi>glu AleWtaitid, F'laiieea Martin, IcfLit Joimsun, Mltinlu Hi io . May Kodi*, Aaiivi Piililwin, llu lcurrofby, Iaoik: I'unxitis, Ulaiicbu JHolli(«, Alla l iillcliDusa, Julia Uidwcll, llul He TmUi, Maniiti Mrietli-y, l.nlu Ihurvu. Fk>r- vuea Schwaraaml Ihinl Miirkbarl,

Fliaiidneil—UuU!fi & llvi be, Thumaa Bet- cliei, SturgAU W', rond ii. Gc-4irgQ W. I'arier, llariy U. iHniRlaui, Frauk 8. McncM. F7riH-ii klHillaiid, Daulul I'licc. Alb-.Ml U. kuWrtaoo, Henrr kenek, riHfuril simpMto, i harjet W. Ktiuviiri, I Uarlet W. SiHJeitmrg, Frank F. Mul- i-iHiy, F'luA'iire fxiug, (imeu M. Tbuiiias, U u le M. KuaiiM', IWriha FI l/uirtl. Addle kluort', Iba t iHMiabcii.v, Mal>c) Faudlurd, Jtniuo iKJvsia, Ni-tllc lUltlwui, Fbiiiiia W'liiwhi-ad. NcHb'yiruug. .\niin Tliuniaft, Mamie W vmlKild, Pmdinr 7-aliti. F'li>n'iu'c 11 sniiders, Mary K Munaick. Urnrude R. llrpwer.UlrUsf A.Fluixl, Anna K- 8fln«ou, Uni,a M. Ku.stlrimg, A.'ltolia Wilkiii^oii, E I nreiia ('uhatil, H4-dwi|> ifiiit- Wftid, A lice E. I’araoiiA I 'ia ia H, Kiii|ihrn, AidoineHe liuin-nvil, > lara l i Middii-wuHb, AdOu W Balilwoi, Adellnu Weil. Ltiitle i'wien<, Uvrtha M. Kix-h. Klixabe'-tb L. Sipder. (inice W. iMaltirr, An.un M. J'rlre. Edllh F; WcHa, Uda A. Van Houlen. lim ce h BergreU. Kate M. Aifuhl, (Jrettii E, CrowCUur, beatilca Marluy aud Uiiinie M. llcw lll,

m -RStr KTuerr.Meiiorary Lisi- Ktiile Ikli, tx>'Llo HiHI, EiIiib

Hcddcn. MtnuieCoil, T lille tin lth. Aninu Aab ley, F’aiidy I n w n , L'iy W.-nl. ( Jiarlulle Kaiueb. Alice Luweriilgu. I'tom Hawkiiin,kUmui iiviU, t.lly 1.4-i.leinHti. Aiialp Kurc. A l­in 'd Kykxw Minulo lluiai'. Marv Hu-hthU, Mary TIiMtnpMni, Jqiiuib Iili-rkcf. Cam g Mu\<ru, MU* dn-4l llHrr;ioD, ( liurto* Hnhibury, Ttit>m*ia KoHicrjr, liiivid ILuUui'T, JiTunie J.'inlawur and Ada L MnhuJi.

K xiiiD iiud-.\ d d if Slilea, I'uruedft 8iil|)heii, Jentilr S atiueKi, Net lo Uxik, Clara Jacohu*. Malal Utwi-ret', Mlnniu Sel'i, Kloruiica Ibuiniv (er, Amiic Ptoxim\ l.,eiia i nile, Jcuiul' tarler, liHiu (ii'-.iTge, Mary Ikshton, Muirrva lictgh- tun. Adii liiiHih. r'harle* A oley , Hliarlu* lll'ft'H, t liarlca I'oitgvr, Jamua l)alryiii|de, Frank Deekur, Paul Hiniti, WHIiiuu Fcarcy, Nattian tilirdiitr. Ho* Lull’ ll, F'ritl Uoun. IV(ur llo- loiouc, Ketdinand SaUmti>rk, KahI Clark. HAvid C4diurik, Fred (jhMUi, TbL»mitoon llHiblnwiii, InmioiU Mcrcvr, U lward FlurgAii, Fiauk kL-r Tii, KubuH Utl-bnur. M u ) Hheiuian, Itevid fimllb, cluude VuWYj Fred Whitney, Uarry Wuib im ulc Aiid Howard Stn-tb.

The Umtrell fliM al, the find pnte, wat woa by Mihlri d llnrriion, ati-1 tlic I'haiiibkUN'k F.n- cycb'peLlia, wrcuiid |Ml*e, by Clurlea liiiUvbufy.

egSTKAL AVl^M'K.llunorary-E U a U Hcbrvit*. Nellie 11, Frey,

Cbarhuie A Ho]i(H'n. Flumm ('. Ki-eaivr, Annie C. V4ireliSLa. b lt ili 1 .Mi I-hiikIi in, l.yiila 11, NorJt, A'lcImUe E. Kyan. Katie C. b4'lnHj!cn, Freil UaUUHu F'rb<lerieK C. llabbill, KrvilerU’k l.itolftl 1 iiarii’.* T FeMer. Henry J Lhiiicl.efg, Kmll VoiUveilcT. Ih rla-n K. Yen Dnyne, Aztbnr I. W eek', Ulw in Zneifi'l, K.iima A. SniUh, Adelaide C. Pell and Fluid VoltiH'lLi'r

KXBiuiiii'il Mary (■. InokiMHiii, Ndht’ M. liilto . AtUile Keyler, Mery K McMi.nan, Hi-rltift A Morgnn I i/xto M VMnniM'y, Ida C Wugner. I'rux e K;i>uki. Caleb MrKnry, Frojik (diver. W'ulimn I. I'auhun, Thouuii Hiiikc.

HOliTuN orKKl-rT.lIu^iornry-'-Ti'uu: Kc' h I. Ut Hiii Ih-lnir'ch,

Iaiui-v Dell, t iHie IUiriu,nn. IkriliA llhUi-r, l.MHun l■’■n-l(lg, Ai.'.ehit D.etx. U ’la FJ -ton, FrHiicen Whilifvir. Mtimle E.-UID. U rlUa U’Vy, Cura H. M'lb-r. Adiini Diel-ulil, Allft-rt ilullo- well, ChHflw lueiil, bderuit Yuniig, Haruld Wed. VSttiiain LiuU ru>i

F?inmini-H—Aimie Flirllrh, CurH ft F'higg, KllZ'iliC'.b Ndogem-r, Pjiiuia Suihi, Kllaulft'tb Kiidoudi. Miiuie bnnlh, K*i hel Ji-del, Miiijr p!4Her, Fn-iluruk Zitim, Alirdliiini Thdify Hlrvi. KLNHrtl i ’ UiH-HiiL’slKTger, LoilW lieiiUiHii, Jnliiib FcUlman.

ftuvTii EbiiiTii ifrirKrT Uoiinrary- Grn<e ‘UruniiDoiul, (torlnule F.

Keeker, E. FloUMice i hHi'ilci:, Flontnerj R, TbowleM, Kuibeitila F Jifti'y Crime, Mary U lU irli, K-IUli ft akv. Urnce 0 . St lieU- barOt, UHian Umk, Willh m T. Lyle, Almira tidydaiii and Ctira A, Cuugur

ExauHiied—Alula 13. CuemiJi. Qraoa {{udaon, Uay E- Fudey, cbarioUft A. E iola . Uary JL

■ - .. ..

Ercrarai, Alloa Gatohell, Emily U Clinton, j Agiwft E. Kane, JdJta F WiH>iruff, Mabel fo-- | lardi Edllb NicboK, ( a lberlne Dugan. Mabel Hi m . F:.ln4>n- Q. LK-ouflIly, Ikiurulte I'rakl*'. Nei'to F. Gtb-nd'r IftUie J'-vacti. HarRatet poflrod, fai<’lua C. Manu, U. IViimae KwRica, (iWDiae F KifbJ, Morriauu ('. (k>lycr, Koy C, VandurhufT, KiJibefl H. M''l><aiga>, Frwl I . Pryor, William T. t buruh, ttemuel C. Cooper, Allred E TlibUcbm, Willlare If. £>eru<'i1(, WlliiAn J. Dalv, Charlea Hi>re, Uam ld |i. Meeker. Kil-warit lixay. CJiftonI i*rvall, Karl JubiiBuu, William Ni'Uenck a iel lU rry Doften.

ARwixr.v ita g a r .flonorary-K tljtb A. Ilancrolt, TllUe A- Rnrb

lelii, Aitoe Ihjrna. KnUy H. Kraia, Edith I- Iaiic, r arne A. laxg^k, l«illto 1*. U iU aielllerfha fl . Oppal,

Kuur.iiio4l -W allace D. (larrabranl. Alla-rt Unck, Frgil J,,Mnller, Waller K FHjH#riun, John Kikcr.Oiiu H KnckuiahaUH.Iato rabbaM-r, hairiuei Hllbermann, Waller Hpawu. Juiiu WiuiX4'ti aod chariea Kiuelei.

ouvb.M aTHxrrrHonorary—Nallia ilarna. rlarlie W. Kornx,

AflaG. Clauwitf, Kinnto W. R d % TiHla Mayer. Helen (J. luniH^n. Jlaiiiiab Mli-r-oi, Irene (1. hrnwl. Fkin-uc^ J- Murrow, Mary K Hallati, Kdiia F>k’auiaci, Maime (Jibitey, Alooft Gt*'4(i, Grai'u N. il«Marlh. Auce M fiobbi*. Annie 1.. Oaucb, Itoixy Ely, Liixie spiw 'h , IJU J»eVoi*. Lulu Harper, Hibnia MarkaTdvito BcUa/laeh, Iftilu M Ncftii, Kuilla Davia. Annie Hearn. Fbnoia L. ElseniirhiuitU, ( iara A. Itolauy, Ida Williams M iodie Duun, WilLaio Hatlen-r, Cbarlet P, em lib , A lbert C. WattorvcH, BNioual Flctacbmaun, Kilgar C, Hurt, Frc4l 0 . Ghamplin, liow ard fi. W illiam s FislJle Keegan, AUgiMl Mytjrv. rH-orKe Wam-n. Paul Carruig 4>o, WliJuti B. Hcitll, Thomaa J. K bewnJun, inuttioa liuicar, u w ege W. Bultivau, Uwla 1. Dawklna, Harry U. HcinicU, Frank Farley, (jocar H. CiYmucr, (.bariaa F. TdUkar, Fred c H ta in and Kh)uuH a . hioele.

ExatuiuM l-THde MdU-r. (data U BciKlder, Ln'ti A. Lvun. (irare H hayre, (Jrace Kai'ur, (/lara K Wilaunaitd M ubclU. Ik-nwell, WilUs K. Srljlegnl, EiJwanl J Kuiiw. Augual J^hrtiHU. Muirr Kliioit, Juun Hu nor and Waller <1. Ivuob.

RUMwea Avxm^Allunijrary—rhfb*ticd« Punteciail, iJdaE. Pax

km, Ib-tllia HlMwmakcr, Lydia U. Hiirlug, liar- r1<‘L E. htoveiii, FtoiuuCO E. Ticlieuur, Jcniito fGiarp. (AtoUtia G. tMwrrji’ , Grace A. Weln, lirorg tkordsii’y, (!lara Uritbui, Ulunto Ep atom, |b-e*iQ H'ocDx, K ale Volkar, Emdv Iki- vicB, JciiJiit Iif'inAnrat, May Itokt'S June W'yt k- off, May iK'lto Miiw la, (diiraliel Itovla, iK-nu’ IVaikcr, l>U Warnr/, Fjllth Iiickni'Miii. Ann-drt K u w rlk Hdtlu Mar.'-hall, Marion Whita, UtUia Fci^uoiju, FluiciRNi lioi (■ri.»ik. Hr--an. ftk-vcll, laly Hyt-ia, ItoHc lluggHity, Hn^ll Murgmi. Udi-c lUigcr^, Florence Vri eland. liOuLaWhip plc. Aguca Audr--ws Hcluu Hrowii. Amy I„I r4)i.vd, E Milled Ctorkc, (irocu Clcvclatni. Mditilu L, Htlby. K. Adcto CtinvteU r. A l-cs K ( orr, N 'Kiu iin li-r-hiiik, Mary (iarrlMuo, May H Haiijujcr. Sarah F) Manvem, Dabiy T. I'bil pHi. Will huHiing, I liflitn] Wm-l^ut, Thoinrui Jatnciim. p)au HiH-iu'cr. K hii-f hlnlMHI.lUnihl Fraxd', Cliiton Vicelatul. G Duremu*. lltxjpcr Hall, Fn-Jt'ficft F4iwnrs AHrt4l B. Canois Wai­ter II, idiJuiFHXi, Wtiiiam H, l<U|«ml, I. AlU rt I> dgu. Frank Ii, Jilcrrdl, Haiuto;l E. Oliver. Jftjiica W. Huiugcr, lurdycahU 'icrly and F ruuk IL Vanliuuiun.

E ll uiJihMl-iiacito KHwards Kay Prccmaiv, IiUllto Hi'llur. FncHiiof bharp, Juexle layinr, ('huriulic Wbitohuu>.u, Miunm ittidrl, Kvu Hurd ■ail, Mmme Chailea Hattie Om ger, Uilu llagnu.claru Jlimbi, May Ludlow, Nellie fhinn.I. ixiiu F'ali’s Miiiiili’ Parks, Maggie VanibT- V4H-r. Wi-na Whim, Myra Decker. I'loreiic* Van (Jpiftiti, F'lMH-nuati, Frcttoriek JacubiM, F^iwln 1*01080), I bnrtoa t ir o s Harry B. Vug- hu4*«, Prt4-y Wilcox. Ila^)ill ilaftH!:l, GfvUl# OkPvIc . W llliaiii hiuith, Arthur Tnifttiauii, Hlar- uucc Fraley, i h a n w McNelly, Juaeph K. iMrd, Iftitl E. HiickU’c, Elward IbiJicr, J4ibu Furliea, Gfu«Vc Jauic-'.. Jidm K4-ay. Waiter Pa»er!*oti, H-Rliiuhl Wbiucnwtfe, Ihom aa Luck, Wi Uhui (iL-ddea, Jaiuea Halley pHirtok 11. iiyrD4^ F'raiik iDtoDiTii. ChariM F’lileluT.

UM-OKlb IMUnoLlloimrxrv—Jcaiou Wachingtuu, Matia Jlamii-

tod, JuiM'idmie W Nt4iu1 and Anna U Kienby.Exutidnod -Gdsato Uulmea, llannab H. iJar-

rinkii and sarab E i'a iifltld.URIJLV aTARgT 0R|IUXI4 Kjeoi.miJ w u o u u

Eiaiuinad -M arie liuulae la'fort, Henry Iff- laud, Albert ii 'b u iacber and William A. H err uiBon,

B A A L K H TATE T U A N ^ rE R N .

Im p orlftd t D o n v e y a n re a HerorrtiMt lo th e County tJurIng lh a W e « k .

The lu liowiDK viMe the m o re im -portanf real ealate Uupveyan^a recenJed lo Ibe uuunty tiurmg liie w rv k :J. G. Bead), vt aJ ears to E C. U- WaP

kins, M uniclair............................................H.JWOBaiur inaamc. Montclair.................... .........U. W HliickwHl to 1. W. renpiea,

Orange............................ ;................................J. H. H. ihidninad ti» J. Dugbl. u I

Braluliiali pt 'tiS w Higb At b liT 7 ......... e,3&0F A. Hruwii to F. i . Kuaioer, 4i aFhip*

uianar&xHO^.................................................. 4,0u0U F. ftiirguai In K. Murgcsi. Jr., w a

badger av JfiH u Clintuii av JlbxtuA...... .. 2,fiu)C. U. 1 ainbliutl to W. k . Luder, rKiutb

O range..................... IS.ftMFraiiCia Ciutle to J. Cieury. w a Aiiue*

duel It i 3d av 29xlUil....... ..................... 2,4«iIkTuanl I'oyuu to U. 1>. llrtiukA Eaal

UraufP. ............................................................ 3,‘JOOH. W. I ullainkUii lu T. A. EiHturi, UJuum-

held....... ............................................................ B.bWGbnatito* HeUmtrto J. Keller, waOharh

ton ai 1'A’i n MuiitoiKnery t>i ^IxlnO......... 8,100A. L Iiettdlx luJ. (L lleiaei, ealiiagdalne

BtTixitourggHt'jAxltAi............................. 2.000Margaret itonuixly hi J. i otgti;e. Orange. 3.ti,''i0Amxi I M d et a| lu ------Ihighl. Mnniclatr 3.r>,']UJ. T. Dnttoy to M. (.1 timlth. F^ii omuRC, 21,?£0II. w. im iy cf 10 (i. a . Huimuiin>', u i

PftTk !>Y, cor latid rut 1. U. Kdbnrn ■iUxlfO................. ......................................... 1ft,UCO

[}. K, FayerwcaHier to hcbuu! Dibirud Nu 3 Muiitolalr, M om clalr........ .............. a.UOO

Elaft^d KiioiiTnnMms h) FVigfUhpau,Id lin g Ion a(............................. 3,000

('tiih.irluN Hftrluiiinn lu G. Kintger, nO cor ruutdei) and ( at'tiiel hiM, 2Tixl9u ?,000

W. F. Haviiuieyer lo H. t^bctmrJ, F-aatDtangc......................................... ................ 7.412

R, W. Hetcer to II H. MHlcr. ch MountPn* av. Hi7 n M av irK»x2,''fL'............

Wiil.htn Hill U) J. Piidilr n B Aciideniy bt8ux62........ 5,200

John liuiliTnorbiT to H Knilcr, n aOrauge it 3.A w Nc-hill vt'JhxlUT.......... 4,l5u

J, M. Jiu-r[iies Jr. lu L M. KI»*Hm, BuuthOrange ....................... 2.400

Juiwob KcHer lu (i- Kmcg>T, w a Cbarhi4»n ai !,:& u MutKgumcry t1 ^TixlUd......... 3.100

H. li. Iftiokrrta N. r . J. Flngiiah,i'lmtui). 72,‘.*50 F. K. Mnmli. Tna*icr, to H. WeoA * w'4'or

lijnHmaii ami Mnnigotnery vtsi^xlOO.. 2,200 ' J (^ MeDoii&ld to Htoleii. n a h a iik it

i'lXHW ........................... 2,509Gerhard Mcmieri to F, tTicilialer, n e 4?<

Avi.>u av ami Hroomc kI, M i 7i1................K A Morris to C. I . \V4^ka......................... 2,au0Freilerick MUJcriiig (o T. F'. Ilf>4'c. coi

landiJ llulTman nml G. Bi b mitt, con-• taluilia ‘ ^MUU acrL-a................................... lj,oooC. M. Nelbiin to A. M. Netam, w ■ Ml

Pleai-anl av/AWa OouverfH’urai. 7-jxJW i'l mKi Wldiaui Nurttvii In (1. II. i>im<b(on,aa

Itomlinto it ............................... 2,yoo(iertniiit.'OvrhvrftUI tnC ^temiul, n w cur

Fainnoum avau 'l 15ih av. fVi.Giiu............ 2,700T. I . PriiViei, iruati’c, to H. Ma-cheiicL

al. as uiiarry *(. 4i iv ituyticn si, jMxkj. a.uoo M. F] llriHy lu 8. MuIXehhiu'her.e ■ W'<-«i

Pt 179 Hum Nurth Montgumoty n ftixTHJ..................................................................... S,ft00

Wlldaui |lid«*tnam t«5 II Trier, w ■ Hrnadb1, fiH i tirisillrtlcil bt 32x1-10........... 3,t<H

8ajii4j hi A H. Meyer, w n llumd pe, nGreciinli'U *t :K lxlW .................. 3,00&

SI. A. Scull to F. Fl Muisc. * r cor Ei<nand Amily iia 27xUft............. .....................

E i:. rWalv lu I', K tVariiian, Milbuni . 5.4(XI W. F’. S4-bftdcrU»J F l'ch , es Itankii) ii

220 n SpOnglicId nvc :g lxh » .............. 8,HiyJ, l ' Sbrftf U) A. II. IUvKiiuti4?l'.t.4 4,tKiUJ. F. A. Stuit< indii inO Khiuk. i ■ l am*

neh nl 2,!(0A, ('. StUi’ IU'y to H. M rUiHiili'y, N canik

Meft4lon« ................................................. 2,‘J>4W. F THylur to \V. E Striker, l-:axt

Orange ................................... 6.(100U W. lu'liL-uor Id II. M. Mmnley, 4 rracis

Kewafk McfliluWf........... . ... ... 9,3?.7H. W. lu-liviiuf tu J. W. StU'klrr. Jr.,

Orange - . . . . . 2j*j0The ili'Uaril Sivliigr Im-tiUjiiuu lo V,

lUft4 k. hlrai st. b.ixioHniito to II M. Sny>.ier. n n rhomi'i-un st,

LX» fruiu uraiigoxi. W * l4 'i ....................... 2.U00Tito Urtvor Aw. cltv ul Newark Ui F. Ml-

VL'i>i'dt), w a Newark i l, itL! ii Acaila-*1, Wl'J? ............................ 4,000

The Muiiial LHC Inn. I 'o. ol N V. tu TA hiliMin, lll4>'inricJd.............................. ..

HeUma W enxto J KnriiinnM. (Ihituii . .. 4.*kNl A H. WlIkiiLHiin to IL G. IftMiker, Cliiitou 16,12-ftI. M. W dUamx lo 0 . Ivteraon,»’ , ... ,t(i0Same in A. IK'Vims NuwurK .Mi'uduws .. 2,5<liiE C. Wih<un to II IL loaiki-r. v ilntm i..... 10.7r>0imndhaa Vuniig to A. Headier, c * priw-

P4*«( xl t'OxlOJ . ........................................... 2.r<0

K m X T S o r AN AIXBOBO JOKB.A Hid IcrtonnlT if art WIUI* T rjlo f Ig

A id Aa<AhergWhile Murlia (lurkwin. wlw HTef on

Ihe Fitiiklm mad tiaaf Franklin, waa Oh bw way hume drivtog a hnna altacbcd to a cart ycvKfilay ali#-ruig>o, ba law a inaa lylriR ut-oo Ihe rca4j. aud at the lanw tliD« law a borw) dijMpiManng In ibe dta'artcu (uiK’to'Jluf H»1 lb>- man ha* I lc*cQ tbmwn frinn lha bor«e I larksuD ahxhtod Hum iJie cart aTid*lltOUTert.<<l that (be (nan waa Ruben Cllaary, a neariHightnir ( i4‘ary apiteftr* d to bn unouiiacitontand nii)«ii«d aa If In graa( iwln.

i.'lutk'uii lirp<<i him in>iu the road tolo Hit carl and slftfted ui take blm tainie. When the huna- waft ftlafled L eary mfimiwl pttemniy. Ibiukiug lhat {rcrbapa the F i l in g uf the iN’nvy vehU'lu might cauaa' lift ocm ipaiiri • kail) before he rea<-be<l h ii ttirfnc. ('larkMMi hh id ( ieary out u lth eoar i. placed bun upon the Miadstde aiid d tovc hnma raiddiy to (jbtalii an eaiii'r uonveyanne wUb wLkh to place tbe liij lin'd man under Hied leal aiivhdahco.

W ban I'iarkMrn reHchad blxhuuift hafuuml uo Dxa ibera to J(cl|) liltu eijiicdile raaU«n. He biirrMHlly look the h»avy hariaBx ud' the huna and wbllugrjmg alter a lighlvr lei, Ihe anltoa) gtarun] 4i|g)n a lun liiraAuid near tbe l«ro . After being l< t Uxiae m the Hald )l uauaHy re* quirea a greut (hral or patieiM’e and lloae to Caleb liip hurae wtiun watiled fur uaa 71)la tncl inenaavil Markt-on'i auxivly. After frulP kifa L-uaaiug Willi fret] m a n endeav(g 10 cateb tlic animal t larksuo prtAuted am pe asd, tying one emi to the lance upon one xhle uf Ibe field, made an cflori to corner ilieaalm al bygrailu- airy moving U|> wilh ibo other end ol lha h.ipe. WiHi tbi' |•4;(Rpl^a'lu(l rullingoU hUDinsUeanii HOd arjx'uus for Hie aalfty ul bis Irlrml Hark- luii bad nearly lUreeitlud In eorneriug Ibe Loop wbeii the anliual made anahleu daaii aKahiat Ihc rup4i and xnurJKKl Clafkftou duwn. ll ie 01)81 hruke. and in Muae wav wai caught hy Itoiu I larkMto and ibe tmrae. With (be rope eutaikgted alorui bU leg Ciarkftiju wiadragfe4l •mac Lli^taiice o w r tbo Held, aigl when Hi* mt>e nnoJty btuke again (Ha flcih Itad beau tiirn Irum hla knoo ii> iJia Inakp.

Ibe ajuiNat than ran lain Uie atable. flark- fton hiliowed, atal adliougb xuBaring aeveraly from Ills Injury. burrl4KHy baroea-sKl ilia Irac- thaia anuna!; and tlrove to lb* rcliaf ui bin(ruiijil

WJien riMrk4(^3i rcacbtHl (he place wbere he bad klu .'leary be luiJiJiMlie lalier ilh i appar euliy Hrua nml moanidg al IrdcrvalaI'fin-tiilly ilfluiR Ibu ntjuroil man up. i'iarkium lilani] htin dikjo Ibe Ijuilooi o f the wagon and siarU-d fur cicHry'b liumc. When vicar tbe lai ter plftca Uarkion upuii Im'klng aruund was Kiifpnw il to ftw n »ar jf h-ftp fnun the b-u k ul iIk- wic.;iin. Il sii bUmly dawned ur>uu ( lark Mild linii'i thiit bu woe t*uiiig mad* Ihc VicHm 4>fu)ukL> (hdiiitg 4>ulof Ibe WHguii Jte found I h'Kt]'otHiidlug ftgaiiiftt the fem'a tMijuylug a limgh. Muihlr'iicil w lib [siln un<l at tbo idan ul k ing vlclim iicil ui f-ui b an cxieiil < laraMUi ipprnocDvd rieery. Ifa Iimu Ibc ,alii r litol Liiiie 104 xpbuti inatu'ra or was aware ul lua irluielly m'iKUliu’a liitouriiju^ | loxx-tuu had kiiuckiU h.mditwn ami waa jauindiiig niin w^vrrcly. Tlih miirnlnv f'lm ry uoa tn Iklli-vilto irvtiong lur H|i)|ru o ifugen tu iwi-ar nut a wariaut ogaiiisi I'larlrMJii lur nft’ ftuU imd l^iKcry. U !■ iiiider^trHal th.«l I iarkftun will ant* r a cuunU-r Mill lur Ibe hijiir> he leivivaU wbilu allcupi*Ing to LBleh ttie boOe

A Fitrtiter Nftlvatluiiial In 1 1'uuhla.M n rk i'J ibridgc, o f F uir a n d

MuUoTijf slreeia, waa arttMad liM nlfUt fur bi'iiig ilraiik Hud disurderly. 8be w m 4jiuoe a cxpiaiu In the Salvatmu Aimy, but iiiili lb* Wiira aflcf U-liig Uiame4L 8b* and her biia- IhiiiiI ftepxraicd un*l Laura w rni to Europe, re* iurnm.{ with in goUL which xbo uJIbnol ber hunlHind to com e back, but he ruluaod, jAxl uigbl the woiuau vbdlutl bur juutbcr-fn* law'a bouM. and, becoming abusive, w u iian4|P4| uver to au officer JiuHce KurlrLgio dUv- cbxrgcd her.

AI way* Imprtsvlng.

fauy will cumniciii4u uaienslvu aJlcraiiouB in lie I

andcumpl,.v.......... — ..................

ing, UHliig the flrKt fluiirH (sir Dlt'iee*

hulldnig receitlly plucl>a^u.l by tli»niat Hid 6f>9 11nHi<l t.lioft. B.iil an wmli as ibey

lira cumplibed will ui'cupv ihe c iu iic build-

Directly after Ahuuii l 8. D. lAiiler Oim will cum

h sn 04

nrifi tor (tiu diPiUv 4>l tuo lineruf pi!n4W, gramU ami upnglus.

Tuc hceoiid (Inior- Wilt U' u tHl fui ktcncrai uu,ru- rumoH. On itic tbint floor they wlU nmko ad dbiunal iiiiisic r<.H>i)iii Uif (h<' ns > nl luftchcra rtiulA iRtgi- riWMU lur vUmigp p4ir(H>**"C Tb* fniirM) flih r iiiJl be lur work I'unmHhxl i llh rvpilo oi iMani.>i and organ?*.. Tliata* anti many o(li'-r imi[4<vein-.-tip9 wimh Ibc).- wdl nmlLti wl'l pljice ilii'if 4-!*iiibildiim‘iit-.fti ihe head uf (belt IliK' nf [radc. imd will give ihom tbe largest And litH'H pnmn Audutgan narerMums lu Ihe city or Stste. _________

A Furr NHnttilBnldtrcrl Irum (be L'. S. l-omleil Wan'houre in KciiUuilV', lUO buirvl* uf MlH'fe ( clabcaU.-d Itvo and IhHirbnn Wliiskeys, lour yeatw 4>ld, wiiWn W'CuT*M.'Umg ai a nicro nuudnal prl 'e, tlL75 pcrKHi. I'unty guaratiiwaii. T criicy g Hfu..i7il ■ml 7i Market iL ***

1'IpiiIc aiuI F'xriirftliiD FrlntJng.'I'lckcTA. {)4kH ern. iiHiU'MM urdt-ui, mlvcrtiping

rnn>. r>i c('4'8 aivl UidKC prlnivd rU}-a|HT llmii any ntner imiuc iti ti<c busliicw^. Grover lliuilu-r^ I'rlnicfp. 1 b> 9 ('^^la -tri'et. Teltj- 1>himc ftU(. (let your piUva bcluru you plact) your uw era—Adv. ^ ^

A woman wdin u weak, nervous and ilcep- icM. and who hoa 4-4-iltl baud'! and feet, eamiiA lieci arid act like a well I'arict'ft ItuhFill?, etiuallik* the circulation, rumnv* uervuu*' )!«■■ and givii BtrvuKtb and raat.—Adv.

Ttmoe Qi'W aututner Tiaa, 3 fur IL Iryand uy B single otw fur bOc- tlnawbarc. Lojx at The Na 73 Nlghlahirii lor 4'Jc Worlb

J i p w c l f k l ] b a U c « « *

IIAIINK A 4'Og H ■■8IOBB NKffK.**Men'a FumlBhlnga, With Fricea ia Tli«lr

Fitviiri Are a tG>*vlal Fewlure Her*» bo-«ue With LftiHea’ and ChIJilrea**hliiOea*Jd4’u‘a Fumlsbing^The ploea wh«r*geQtte>

mvti who have tAi n tarcleiM about ih4*lr ex- peuditun-x for (hcae tliliigA (»n xav* moiicy.

- ----- ■ •utner TI-- *•••-•* " —or bOc

llfftiKoit OuUtig l^ltu for 69c, Wurth 96c.Tb* Nu. J4 aud Hero Bbirtx for 89c. Hediicod

frmi) 49e.The iboe trade tDcreaseii each week, eape-

pially .(hiwo for laD-colored goal Shuea lur lum- utet wear, uf which we bava ou euuimuux stock. Thcae prtcua clove lo-nigbl.

Ijadka* Ihiaai bright dungula button Rboea, wllb genuine iiarHt aewe4l weita, tnadeuDcom- miNi-'emw JaK, all Alxoa and wlJihi, from A lo E. rugulir prioe IL98. TbK weak iHiiv Bl.98.

l^ lea ’ hue doueula Waukeupbaat button ■ftouv, alifder fuzed and rinu^ calf patent leatbvr lip, regular price UW. Tbli »ve\ only

Untsee’ beat quality tan goat buitoo iboea, made un the ipnoM ueei or (iomnaofl'Vense bmift. all wl-iiUa aD)i ilM^ tegular price tl.luft. Ihia week only ll 49- w 5 *

Ml a*h' Atto laD goat lace iboee, with medium luw beeJx, siiet 12 lo 2, ragular pnoe I1.2&. Thia wc.k only Me.

Ladle*'fiuesl tau goal Oxford Ilea with tlpa RU4l Benulii* bavKl-A4twe(1, (Da4le an ih* lalc^ ■Lyle iBida ftJI whftha and slaca. Only 11,49.

Chllilrvu** Jlnest d<jDgu)a and Ian goat Oxf4jnl tlea modo on epriiig bca>l bkd. and genuine handaewed, ftlxe lo ll, iegiilaipric4i>t2.£3. Ihu week <ml| INlc.■ • « * * * « • • * •

If yon have not eeeured any of theee t|«4:lal bargaiiM In Mdeh-t ami Ti« Seta yon cauturt iutiudp8trtol Ibe tveuk'a eoriilug prolil- aniy. cismu In afiur (ea cu-nlKbt and re* (be Bnu English d4'4'uraled l>im»'r Bet ol 112 Diecea, Dvw aba|H‘. for f9 A3; ibci-e aru cbcftp at tl&.

Aiiutiivr lot, with ('olcr'il fliiwariMooTatiuni, uuitlaxud, fU.42 : wurlli V2U; '

Imiiu French cbitia DIuoi-r 8i>i of 1(}2 piecca, bi'BUlilui decorattoua aiul ihapoa, 121.42; cboap at Bift.

Auuihrr tot of newehapei and dci'craHoua,112 pieceo, for yuv%l

Fine Hrlngcwuuil Forcelalit B«l», 125 plecei, cheap al tHTi.

Tba elft al 64 28, worlb 66.Tea ScU. 66 ptocca at 62 »ct, wnrih 91.F'reikCh Chum Set* nl 6« {£(, worth 6H).Piiia China T«a84-l«a1 67.43, wurlh 910 and

Il2-Tbe china and glam utock to ho found hera la

lantur nml llui'f ami choaper anil better lu every way toan you'll Hem) anywbarw. llahneA Co.'ft 8 Acre I In jar.________

•800,(K>0 FailureOrcnl benkrupt rcL-elVtir'a tale of fine eh>lh

Ing now In toil blaai, ai ourucrof Market and Mulberry tirei’ia

Dihj uf Uto largeiA GkAhing hoiiaea In thia f4iiiiitry has fkukd, and ibe entire itock, atiuHinilug to uvar new and elegantanriug hiuJ autunn-r ciuthing lur mau, t»uya and cuiUlrci), has been acnl (iHrc, einj la aelang at Itiirty-lkvc cei U ou tbu dollar.

Men's spring light ca»a. 8iiiH. 9-1 25.Ken's ('bcviot Hack Sints. 9>Y75.Men’s ch'ganl < iiiawny Drcn Huila, 66.75, Urn's Kng. ciagonal I'riaue Albert Hresi

iuIlH, 610.25,Meu’s ribbed caaa. rahti, siiiy-nlne cl*.Mcn't wool cam. I'aiiiA, muety eight (UH) eta Hoys' hu:ia, plaile l, iiiiiHy -Ilvc (W)c(a YdIUIib' 8iu ft. nobby Myles, 4275.Fpnug Uvcrciiata, all aha<lra and colors, 94-25.\V 111* Wale 8ulta liir dreiH wear. Ih 75.Huyi’ I'anlA haini-en (Ulcta a pair.Thousanda uf other batgaiua tvarylbmg at

(blf(y-i)vu c«nu on the dohar. A aavlug uf ■ixiy-flve cems uii ev*ry dullar opent.

Call ami be uuiivluriHl. No (cuuble lo show ■lock. Evarythmg guarauiced ax repraaeaicd or money reinrne*).

IKm't fonrvt naroe aiKl lucatloo.

POWDERAbsolutely Pure.

This rKiwdftr never rarlea. A manspl of pnrUy. atraoaih and wiiult w-roeneW. Mou'e>-4moinlrikl Iftjin the Or<1in>«ry kllMlA.juat miLiiol l-ftauld in i4imi»tiUnn with lha uiulUtodu of low UiortwelRht. alum or jilmspbalo itow dera. fl*W4lwWyb»

ns. Kotak HAKiNU Fuwnxa Cd.« loa Walf^i



O M inSlioelfade,l^ Ii(^ ’ Hnnil ueU Billion Bhoca, ]K(t>

I'nt lip, hi|?h or Inw hi-el. h1«i Wanken^ I'tmt l i t t l e , o u r re g u U u ' |> .L50 ahoen^ tliinw e t k duly ) Hizew t o 7, ( J , iJiuul L w i d e . .

lA ilic a ^ Wfttikeurait B u t t o n , p A l o n t t i p , a i x M 3j[ t o 7, (J , I I , B w i d e ; o u r f i 'g . | :J .U U h Uo c m , lo r t h i4 w e e k o n l y $1 08.

Ladie'*'’ IXmyolu Kulton, patent tip or plain, I'oniinou or Ikix toe Iitj h or low licel, 10 dillerciit rIj Iba, aizes 2 to 7, only $1.-111

r^wliw' tan colored Oxfonln, lip,2\ lo 7 D u ly 75o . iHold a l l o v e r » t $ l IK i,

IgAdiPfl’ iHiice Kll Oxfords, sixes to 7, o n l y (tiK;, f w o r t h $ 1.00,

l i A d i e o ’ lin e Lto n ifo la O x f o r d s , h a n d * a e w e d , to 7, c o m m o n ftcnop, o rw i t h p a te n t t i p , o n ly $ 1.2o ; w e ll w u r i b I 1.K 9,

Miasc»' Fine Dongob Button, bc«l or uprmg heel, pnts-nt tip, sizes i l tu 2, ooly $ l.‘2o ; well worth $l.5l>.

MtsefA* IX m ^ ^ ila B u t t o n , h e e l o r s p rin g h e e l , flixea 11 H i 2, o u l j $ 1.00.

I ’ e h b lft ( r o u t , » p i i u ;» h e e l, I 'W t ton, worked butlonholes, oizep 12 to 2, only 75c,; worth |1>D0.

MirtBW' Ixvw Button, or Newiiort Tie*, e ize a 11 bo 2, only 59c . ; w o r i l i $ l .o O .

Meti^a Calf CooRrefbi, Lace of Button smootli inuersole, Uke hand made, siicA 6 to 11, tip or plain, only $2.49.

Meu'a Buff Congress, Lacq or Button, t i p o r p l a i n , aize a (I l o 11, o n l y | 1. 49.

C h i l d ’ s C a n v a s B u t t o n , f i i l l t r i m m e d , aixee 5 to 8, o n l y 75c.

Children’s Gtscs, spring heel, patent tip, sixes 5 to 8, only 75c.; worth $1.00.

W e h a v e t l io l a r g e s t a H sort- n i c n t o f a l l k in d s o f T^iOdics*, G en ts*p M is se s * , B o y s ’ a n d C ld l - r e u * s H ig h a n d L o w S lio e s , a l s o C a n v a s S iio e s t in t h e e i ty . C a l l a n d c o i i v lu e e y o u r s e lf .

E . H E Y M A N ,218-220


Summer Sale.I Will Stoghter Goods Away at 50a

on the dollar.0 (kmIs Rot W sell, »nil have to be m>W at such ridiculnoalj low priee. that w«

.re not (MtUciilnr at wturt price wo m U ihetn. Fleaee look cnrefall| « t « tb n . few itciii-s, uul I'onviiscejoutveif by comLog to Ihc plate and boy whatever may suiL

GENTS’ UNDERWEaDepartment.

Very (Inc OAl'ZK elllRT. ti 19c.Elite fine MFHlNOunirir, ei ac.t ini.intEN a kibukd hiiikt. unit it, Larte ilnsuK'UlUJitkN'SeillRm K«-

HOSIER? BEPARTBENT.A Turv hue Impirte'l ftill ragiOaMnads

7o pUr.l4Kliw' lull njgular-mude, ftifit Black RIB-

HKH IIOHK, Ito.( bitoruu’al'oM Bluck HlKDKD HOKE, 7C-

Corset Departm enttVE 6V1LL SELL FOH THE NEXT

TKN DAY*We. niRSKW fiH '2!te.75(' (•( FTTH fur »9c.

91 «XJCOJt-'‘ *a'^f4>rf)0(’.Chl.druu’aOOKhKT WAISTS, only 15c,

Biggest Indbcemenls Ever Mide.A : AT1N l'AHAk(Jl., with guVI cap, 22, 24-

In- h, only 59cIIMHI-'dlU HM K rAUA.SOieK. '24-mch, wtib

goltl c.ip, warnmi-'d ihc loj-t umko VK.l:iO ALlrHlLK I'AKAHOI-H. m 22. 24 UJch, no

giiaraiktou for "uc year, uiily ft 75.

i m i H .\ L U I N

G13VES and Mitt Begartraeiits.Uilipb' mack iml I'oloreil TAFFETA SllK

GUiVIV'. at Ifto. TMlr.Ivaihvh Hlftck KII K MlTI'H, only 10c. ('iiiljrcn t ruluiml SJi.K Mil'll, auly lfk U<1U*' HlDCk EMbKOlHEUFUi i^iLb M llT S

a i 14c. piilr.

Unmentionablo Sargalw In

Lata’ Dilmir Daiartiaeal1.000 plccea of NKROLEWORV PLOCNilNq

wiH toA pul ou xale ai rcioorkality Inw pric^

Dry Goods DepartmentWevrfti oeli the vary taai (TRlWElaK Kwrn-

SUi'KKH. Hi itilferent culm,ai7)4c, HA1TKKN, H> iiKbland (tarh cu(oni.uai* 71/

(I.Ruri'm Kliad-a lit CAHHHKEE, a4 i0 i2 100 i-UtCi iff LAWN ai2!^. yxrt.TUE LAlEiiT UE D M as

UOOIMeCM ALLIKH, vrarraiiti d ball wool, onlv 12 All-Wunl OAMIMKKEH anr| HKHRlEfU

ClvOTIi w1-l ba told al muiarkablr taw prta«D O N ’ T N E C L K C T T O S E E


Clothing DepartmentChildrcu'N Hi'llOOL I'AWTl oerat oOered

for Icta Mail 4uc.i Uiix MOvk we wui aklubewfur 25c.

Drives in Summer CloUiisg.Mcii'a CRINKLt: COAT and VOnU titlk Al-l'Ai'A IXIA’I aod VEH18.5uiJ utber Uitlclua In Ibc »kme hcift wbleh »e

cariiui ut‘ uL)4>ii. Bun’I buy oalcw U K far yi’Ur own loriiulU.

It ba.« alwayx bcctiancstablShed (xcliii tbK fUy atj(] virjilty ihat we aru lIm laaden l&ali a>'>, ([iialltiea aiuJ phuei. Iftdy whirnieirvii cur -lore am'l bought co>i6 of os waa laHaiacioi'ily iruaied, aud gui md valtia ftw herIbOIK'f I

Chiulrcii's I'laiu, Colored SAJU7B D i l l for lUi.

1 .0 0 0 OllTerent ShtpMOF TIIK I.AltXT FAStmiNH KlK LADII^

Ml.VdKii ANU 0 UILI1KK.V, AT IVe.Very Mie TKIUMEP lU ni el Me., tt.39, t i-V ti'.s, rAM, t2.1^ tLog I. 97.^ . ibo Imeal uiada.

Don't Forget to Call, even if You don’t Buy, at


208, 210, 212 SPRINGFIELD AVE.1776. 1889.

W H O L E S A L E A N D R E T A I L .

p i T F O R A K I N Q l



ORIGINALand moat otwoentrated prepiu-atltm of Itaklod.

tyMtlia make 10 R JInita. Full iHreetlona are on each botue f4ji making adell44tiiie,rBtraetir likgaiul wkuleauTna

HOM E DRI NKIBuy the OKIHINAL anil bsMb Prtoe flSOta


Twenty-Sixth Annual Display of


No. 927 Broacd Street.Tbe ]arge«i oftuorunenl and be«t variuly m (ba cHy. AH warranted to be of liw bMI q oalfty

and to givu entire Nitblactiuu, a» tbuy hnvcfor ihe pa.-il (weaLy-Ave year*. Papar Oapa by tka million, mid all Ibe duw Myli>n ol Cap Puouls. tdy Mock luciudua tbo woiki of U « tollowtng

I wetbknown tinna 1I A i i i « r i o a i i F irew «rk .H C o ,, F .m iiire F i r e w o r k s , a n d t h e Eag^le ' F i r e w o r k s C o ., I 'l i e .x c e l le d F i r e w o r k s .

AH Colored Ulii year. AUo everyttiltig tbet’i New und Hovel | ell to b e eeld el

MULLIGAN'S PRICES. LOWEST IN NEWARK!Rcm i.ran[lB0fnre(Yiu?k<fs, Noa, liulO; Poft Shell TorpciloCT; Cblneit BocnbShallr Flatf

Dfall klndn, from ic to tJ ); OolduTi follower Caa<He« ; Si«ol iHpanglfd Candlea; l^lcaonw R«- waling kockeia: ColuraU AuroJil« IMwiuiura ('ircle« : Hlast (iuiis; ('aunowi: Fiyinc Pifwmi? Roman Camllv^; Sky Hftrk. tx; TrUuilored Unlun and Wjngetl RockcU; PaiMUtca: loiirl/jlhoiw i Jimbo Uraekepi: Vertical Wheola ; Bomb bhellx i RoobUm : FlowffPci[s; Rfnupicia; Five Puiiued Blara; Kmea of Guld apd SIItm : Vol«MO«i Small F.artbfjnakca, B«ngolla Liguta, Blue LighW ; BcrpcnM: Baiiorleti SpannletK: Orw»> hopperp ; LAinieriii ami Hallotina of nM kmdi; (Julorfd Flrc m every variely - Puak, TbrdlaL Blank 4'ar1rid|«?s. Table Rockeia, Uoxrm Whecli, Trlanglco, etc. In fart, everviblng in Iba Fliw worki line, making Ibo graudeil display ever xeeu tu h'ewurk. Bartiea and UiAa ibooid art prk'oi for large dUplaya al

MULLIGANS N E W A M BOOKSTORE,WheivyoualwayagetUif! Boat Goodn for (ba leoM money. I hava tba Lartvit Aenetmeol ol CROiilbr in Ibe city. Fdcea Atim S8 ounte to per a«(. Hciit URXICAR nAHKOCK nlslfc 9126; coiured, |1.0o, and (be only complete aniorimeQtof TKSNISRaC’QI BTS tBKowark, at


ijllrc&t i’aukrupt KeCk.'iVet'* Sale of fine C'oth- lug, curiivf Mnrai'l atid Mulberry ilrceu, New ark, N. J. iKmlOu hrkh iKnldlnga l^udre Uilldliiga covervd with retl aljua

Oil Ijtavtta.U p4(yN to examine i)i4'm carciuMy. The

Mnnliur la llto (wcrul oil Moves. A coui bottoa uiiahoidav uiUia Mnmtor Oil Stove- Explo- flunl Nev4-r, wttli a Bunlinr UIJ blova: Uia 4>uly nb oliitoly rale suivo liiat doc’B all lha work Ufa rauQe |a‘rfcc ly, "A wock'« Inal free " uf Ibe MouKnr OH Hinve to IckI ilamcrita AgE-iicy tor NuvuiTk and viciuUy ai Lawrvnce'i, 611 and C16 IlnHil ktrtM'H

13,MK) Cured.BIlDdoeaa, CHlaiuma hih] every dlaeaaeof tba

eyed; (IcahicftT. Caiorib ami aft bcail and i| 4iMl iruiiblNPSCim'dJ BMCc mle. Ml Broad bt

Cary A Kenny, pictbre-lrftiue uianafa^tureTi, 61!2 Uruai.1 atreeL Hioiuroii, Kramer tAoala, Ulrron aie., Kugravinxi Palnlinga Kcbhiga Water ('oiun and all kimuul arttala* lualariaJa Fraiaea mode wblla yuj waji.

For A dlB4>rdiire4l liver try Baeoham'aPHlj,

The Mutual BenefitLIFE iNSUflAMCE COMPANY,

NtWAHK. N. J.AM71 UODD, . * . rreildent.Abs« is (aiarkvt valnei), Jan. 1, '89. 943,514.460 N Liaij|iUl4» , New York and Kosa

Standard.................... ............ - 40.151,997.08PurTiJu-i ................... ...................- S,«2,52a.2lSurphie, by fornieT N. Y. Btan lard

(Am Kx. 4? per cout. Itmrvcl. p. im,;:™ :<iPuHclea Abiuinlely Neriv Kerieltable A Iter

n m n iTHE BEST

W ashiRg CompoundEVER INVENTED,

W on LTnlvaraAl Fnvovi

btrnw Iliat r r 4.‘aa(ng.Siimiocr itylca atvl hala llninhod In tonm 3 to

Odayx, at J. II. livuegaiiM. 223 Waabimrlou Abd ^Adv.

The store at 863 Broad street will be open until July 1 for the sale of the remaining sjtoit*- the late D. W.'Richards, at » dueed prices. * "■


y iO N A R D RICHARDS,■" , Attys.

Keoeind Year.In caae op LAivtaibe Pulley Is contikuidth

FORCE 4IJ 10U2 BBUX viiSua will fiftT fnr.or. Ifpri'U-rr l. a Paid-up Pulley ior Hi full valuaii iHiHd. In ezebnnKe.

After the Jtoc utd year, P ollda i ara I noon- TitnraBLt, except ai ogaiiMl inleniimial fi-aad; 4Narf fifi NVitfrlrffoKit ni fo rerUStnot, frticd Or oocu- palfunorr rnaoivd^

Cash I-oanm are made (o lha fxtonl ot 00 per cent of the ra-MTTe value, where valid a‘'flgn* men Hi of tba FoHcica cau ba made m oulluiurid aei'iuUy.

Ixnaiffl TNiid 'mmedlalaly upon complellou Rod approval of prooft.

LOOKERa r c n ia im lH rtiircrH o f n i r n lt i i r e . 8|ii.'divU iejj tu tiir it iH li t h e P a r ­l o r , t i le U i i i i i i i f - r o o n i , t l i e M ert- r o o i i i , tim l III f a c t e v e r y p a r t o f t l i e h o u s e , a t o u r i is i i i il l> o w P r i c e s .

I t is a p lea-H iire t o s h o w goocl.s a n i l g i v e tii*| iiirers a i iy h i f o r - iiiatioii.

84 7 M O AD S TR EETOp"p. y. * V Ve H.

IN ORi:>ERT o R e c l i i e e o u r I m m e n s e S t o c k ,

w e a r e o f f e r in g



Alterations!CARPETS at cost P A R LO R SUITS at coat BEDROOM surra at cost SIDEBOARDS at cost FAN C Y T A B L K at cost LOUNGES at cost EXTENSION TABLES at cost M A N TEL and PIER Glasses at cost. FANUY CHAIRS at cost MATTING at cost B00KCASES,at cost

DINING ROOM CHAIRS at eoet BED SPRINGS at cost M ATTRESSES at cost C H ILD R EN ’S CARRIAGES at eoak R EFR IG ER A TO R S at cost OILCLOTH at cost LIN O LEU M at cost FO LD IN G BEDS at cost R A N G ES at cost.P IA Z Z A CHAIRS at cost


I f f i o s p a D l l o r i i73 Market St.,

NEAR PLANE S t .M s t ip a r t m e i it S e

JSW eLLEN t,4 4 3 B H O A II S T K B E T .

H M T i L a £ a . B ,


.SHORTHiygD;ttau by pntcUcal vatbalTm kecoKee. 16iPrivata

_ _ _ _ _ _ ________ ^'iDKnifr>y pntcUcal vatbalTm kecoKee. 16 yvar#

axperienoa. No Jklftiraa, filtualloitM guaiatb teed. llookftudCIronlafa ii«« . F R ^ I fK U A H - l i » O N , auDograptur, 721 BroM ik m t, N«w^ W k^Kei.

COAL,Wa do dM boktog to Nawatk Om I tk tkm, aiMl wa are wC“ - • • - ---*

WjlLt ON BKOTHl Kr hv«. O id on \