Download - EURAXESS ASEAN Newsletter 3-2019 - Dear Colleagues,


EURAXESS ASEAN 2019 3rd Quarter

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to the third edition of the EURAXESS ASEAN quarterly newsletter 2019.

A new EU-Singapore initiative will encourage top Singaporean scientists to join research teams funded by the European Research Council (ERC). This agreement with the National Research Foundation Singapore (NRF) is the fourteenth international agreement of its kind. It forms part of the ERC’s global outreach strategy, which aims to make Europe a hub for research talent. Read all about this new development in our Briefing.

In September, 408 early-career researchers have been awarded European Research Council grants in this year’s first completed ERC call for proposals. The highly-coveted funding will help individual scientists and scholars to build their own teams and conduct pioneering research across all disciplines. The grants, worth in total €621 million, are part of the EU’ Research and Innovation programme, Horizon 2020. This edition’s Hot Topic features an interview with one of the recipients, Dr Nicholas Kurinawan, who hails from Indonesia and now carries out research at the University of Eindhoven in the Netherlands.

We hope you enjoy reading our newsletter, and welcome your feedback.


October 2019 | Issue 3 | Page 2 of 19



1 BRIEFING: European Research Council (ERC) and National Research Foundation (NRF) of Singapore sign Implementing Arrangement ............................... 3

2 IN FOCUS: EURAXESS Prize Winners 2019 getting ready to meet research peers in Europe ................... 6

3 HOT TOPIC: Interview with ERC Starting Grant Winner Dr Nicholas Kurinawan ............................... 11

4 EURAXESS Countries in Profile – Malta ................. 14

5 In Case You Missed IT… ........................................ 18

6 About us ................................................................. 19

October 2019 | Issue 3 | Page 3 of 19


1 BRIEFING: New opportunities for Singaporean top talent to join European Research Council teams in Europe

A new EU-Singapore initiative will encourage top

Singaporean scientists to join research teams

funded by the European Research Council (ERC).

This agreement with the National Research

Foundation Singapore (NRF) is the fourteenth

international agreement of its kind. It forms part of

the ERC’s global outreach strategy, which aims to

make Europe a hub for research talent.

The initiative, officially called an Implementing Arrangement, was signed by the

European Commission's Director General for Research and Innovation, Jean-

Eric Paquet, and the CEO of the NRF, Prof. Low Teck Seng, in the presence of

ERC President Prof. Jean-Pierre Bourguignon and Singapore’s Permanent

Secretary for National Research and Development and Chairman of the Agency

for Science, Technology and Research, Ms Chan Lai Fung. This signing took

place on 6 October on the margins of the Science and Technology in Society

Forum in Kyoto, Japan. The new scheme aims to encourage high-caliber

researchers supported by the NRF to make research visits to Europe, where

they will temporarily work in ERC-funded teams.

Director-General Jean-Eric Paquet said: “Cutting-edge research holds the key

to a better future for citizens in Europe and beyond, and global scientific

cooperation is essential here. That is why I welcome this new initiative with

Singapore, which hosts much scientific talent. It is a win-win for both sides as it

will encourage further collaboration.”

The CEO of NRF Prof. Low Teck Seng said: “NRF welcomes the new visiting

researcher collaborative scheme with the European Research Council. This

initiative will facilitate exchange of ideas and research experiences among top

research talent and benefit research efforts of both Singapore and the EU. We

look forward to fostering deeper connections among research communities from

both sides through the research visits by Singapore-based researchers and to

catalyse opportunities for top ERC-funded researchers to spend time with their

Singapore-based collaborators.”

ERC President Bourguignon said: “International scientific collaboration is

fundamental to push the frontiers of knowledge together. Since its inception in

2007, the ERC has launched a string of agreements of this kind with funders

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around the globe that are R&I leaders. I am very pleased to see this new

scheme to encourage Singapore-based researchers to join ERC teams. It both

reflects the quality of research talent based in Singapore and confirms the

ERC’s and Europe’s openness to the world and attractiveness to top scientists.”

Also present at the signing ceremony were amongst others Dr Subra Suresh,

President of Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and

signatory of the very first agreement of this kind between the ERC and the US

National Science Foundation (2012), as well as Prof. Tan Eng Chye, President

of the National University of Singapore.

Before the signing ceremony in Kyoto, the ERC

President visited Singapore on 3 to 4 October to

meet NRF leaders and to raise awareness of

ERC funding opportunities in Europe through

events organised by EURAXESS ASEAN. This

included a roundtable hosted by the EU

Ambassador to Singapore, Barbara Plinkert,

which enabled an in-depth exchange with

Ambassadors to Singapore of EU Member

States and the Presidents of e.g. NTU and NUS on the importance of

international cooperation and mobility in science and technology.

The ERC offers long-term grants in Europe to excellent scientists of any

nationality and in any field. To date, nine Singaporean researchers based in

Europe have been awarded ERC grants, of which all are early- to mid-career

researchers. This is the highest number of all ASEAN countries.


The European Research Council, set up by the European Union in 2007, is the

premier European funding organisation for excellent frontier research. Every

year, it selects and funds the very best, creative researchers of any nationality

and age, to run projects in Europe.

To date, the ERC has funded over 9,000 top researchers at various stages of

their careers. It offers four core grant schemes: Starting, Consolidator,

Advanced and Synergy Grants. As of 2019, ERC Synergy Grants are also open

to applicants based in host institutions outside Europe.

With grants open to talent of any nationality, the ERC aims to attract top

researchers from anywhere in the world to come to Europe and encourages

non-European scientists to join teams led by ERC grantees. Over 60,000

researchers and other professionals have been or are employed in ERC teams.

Estimates show that around 17% of team members, who can also be based

outside Europe, are non-European nationals.

The first initiative to encourage talent from outside Europe to temporarily work

with ERC grantee-led research teams was signed in 2012 with the USA

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(National Science Foundation, NSF). Such agreements, formally called

Implementing Arrangement, then followed with prestigious funding bodies in

Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Japan, Korea, Mexico and

South Africa.

The ERC is led by an independent governing body, the Scientific Council. The

ERC President is Professor Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, whose mandate runs

until the end of 2019. The ERC has a budget of over €13 billion for the years

2014 to 2020, part of Horizon 2020, for which European Commissioner for

Research, Innovation and Science, Carlos Moedas, is responsible.

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2 IN FOCUS: EURAXESS Prize Winners 2019 getting ready to meet research peers in Europe

The EURAXESS Prize Winners 2019 have been selected! The five

researchers are the winners of this year’s Falling Walls Lab

competitions in their respective countries and institutions. The

EURAXESS Prize is part of EURAXESS ASEAN’s support of the

Falling Walls Lab competitions in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore,

Thailand, and Vietnam. The aim of the Falling Walls Lab is to

promote scientific and entrepreneurial vision and to initiate and

promote exchanges between young scientists and young

professionals across disciplines.

The EURAXESS Prize has a value of 600 Euros and offers the unique

opportunity for the awardee to visit a research lab or university in any of the 28

Member States of the European Union. The Prize serves as a career-

advancement bursary enabling the winners to expand their professional network

through linkages and future collaboration with their research peers in the

European Union.

EURAXESS ASEAN will be documenting the Europe trips of our winners on our

Facebook Page! Each of the five winners competed against other high-calibre

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participants who each had only three minutes to present their research projects,

ideas and initiatives to a multidisciplinary jury.

„The idea is actually an alternative way in capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) in

greenhouse gases. CO2 is the primary gas of greenhouse gases that drives

global warming and climate change which continue to rise every year. This has

cause snowmelts, rising sea levels, severe drought, extreme whether events

and others. The current technology in capturing CO2 in industry is by using

amine but it suffers several drawbacks such as it has high vapor pressure,

corrosive and it requires high energy input for regeneration. Hence, a new

solvent to replace this usage of amine is highly needed. A green salt called ionic

liquids (ILs) has been proposed as a new alternative in capturing CO2. ILs is a

salt in liquid form which compose entirely of cation and anion which can be

changed independently regarding the properties that we want. In my research,

we used amino acid as anion since it has amine functionality. Amine has high

reactivity with CO2 which would then increases the CO2 absorption. But some of

these ILs suffers the problem of having high viscosity which make handling

difficult. By polymerizing this ILs which is known as Amino Acid Polymerized

Ionic Liquids (AAPILs), this ILs turns to solid form which eases the handling.

The CO2 adsorption capacity for AAPILs also higher almost double than other

ILs and amine. This AAPILs also can be recycled more than 5 times with the

efficiency of 90% sorption capacity in the 5th sorption cycle. Now, this is the

perfect candidate in capturing CO2 to replace the usage of amine and would be

beneficial to the industry and to the environment.“

Falling Walls Lab AIMST (Malaysia) 2019

Dr Maisara Shahrom binti Raja Shahrom

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

'Breaking the Wall of OC2 Capture in

Greenhouse Gases‘

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“My innovative idea is to simplify the dam construction process to save time and

money. Using lightweight concrete modules that we’ve developed, we can build

a dam structure faster and cheaper. The design of the spillway is also unique

that will allow water flow and trigger more aeration which generate more oxygen

for downstream for the benefit of the river’s ecosystem. My research project is

unique and useful especially for construction projects in remote areas because

it can be done using manpower without heavy equipment. I’ve already started a

prototype in a weir and small dam structure, and I hope in the future it can be

implement on a much larger scale. Construction will be more effective and

efficient; in consequence, we can use the remaining time and budget that we

saved for other good things.”

„In the competition, I shared our approach to accelerate and de-risk vaccine

development, which leverages our team’s unique ability to uncover the changes

in molecular pathways that underlie our bodies’ responses to vaccines. Using

this platform, our team generated a safe, effective Zika vaccine candidate in just

six weeks, instead of months and years with the traditional process. […] I

strongly believe that this work is able to transform the vaccine industry, which

has been underfunded due to the stereotype that vaccine development is

Falling Walls Lab Jakarta

(Indonesia) 2019

Mr James Zulfan

“Breaking the Wall of

Damn Construction”

Falling Walls Lab Singapore


Dr Poh Weijie

Duke-NUS Medical School

Breaking the Wall of

Lengthy, Costly Drug


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lengthy, costly and risky. Even today, vaccine development still involves a high

degree of guesswork without proper understanding of the molecular changes.

Our approach is guided by the molecular changes in our body in response to

the Yellow Fever vaccine, a highly effective one-shot vaccine that confers life-

long protection. Not only are we able to speed up development, our vaccine

candidates are superior in the safety and efficacy aspects.

„Our innovative idea actually stems from a plant disease called bacterial wilt

disease that has affected many economical crops around the world such as

potato, tomato, chili, and tobacco. This disease is caused by bacteria. Recently

we found a virus that is capable of killing these specific bacteria. While the word

“virus” may sound alarming since it usually reminds us of infectious disease like

influenza or Ebola, these viruses are safe to human and only target the bad

bacteria. These viruses are extracted from natural soil, so they are safe to the

environment. We then further improved their strength so that they are even

more effective when used in eliminating bacteria.“

Falling Walls Lab Thailand 2019

Dr Udom Sae-Ueng

Thailand’s National Centre for Genetic

Engineering and Biotechnology


‘Break the Wall of Pathogenic Bacteria’

Falling Walls Lab Vietnam 2019

Mr Nguyen Ngoc Khang

Breaking the Wall of Nitrogen Oxides

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“My idea is to introduce a novel catalyst in vehicles and industrial factories for

the treatment of nitrogen oxides (NOx), which are toxic air pollutants and cause

serious adverse effects all over the world. The unique structure of this catalyst

provides outstanding stability and activity for the reduction of nitrogen oxides in

exhaust gas thus “Breaking the Wall of Nitrogen Oxides”. The total amount of

nitrogen oxides (NOx) released worldwide is about 115 million tons per year

and is expected to increase rapidly due to the industrialization and growing

populations in many countries. These pollutants have detrimental effects on

both human health and the environment. In humans these pollutants affect

respiratory and lung function. NOx also plays a role in the formation of fine

particles (PM), leading to several negative health effects. NOx pollutants also

make vegetation more susceptible to disease and affect plant growth. In

addition, it also reacts with other pollutants to cause environmental damage.”

About Falling Walls Lab

The Falling Walls Lab is a unique competition that provides young students,

researchers and entrepreneurs a platform to present their innovative ideas,

research projects and social initiatives. The challenge is to present this in just

3 minutes in English!

The Falling Walls Lab was initiated on the 20th anniversary of the fall of the

Berlin wall. Inspired by this world-changing event on 9 November 1989, the

question of every Falling Walls gathering is “Which walls will fall next?”

Falling Walls Labs are part of the annual, internationally-renowned

conference for breakthroughs in science and society, the Falling Walls

Conference. It fosters discussion on research and innovation and promotes

the latest scientific findings among a broad audience from all parts of society.

International Falling Walls Labs are organised by academic institutions

throughout the world – many of those with the support of the EURAXESS

Worldwide team. The winners of each international Lab travel to the Falling

Walls Lab Finals in Berlin, which takes place every year on 8 November. At

the Berlin Lab, 100 innovators receive the opportunity to present their work in

front of a distinguished jury and attend the Falling Walls Conference on 9

November where they meet the world’s top scientists.

The FULL INTERVIEWS with our 5 EURAXESS Prize Winners 2019 can be

accessed at the EURAXESS ASEAN website.

October 2019 | Issue 3 | Page 11 of 19


3 HOT TOPIC: Interview with ERC Starting Grant Winner Dr Nicholas Kurinawan

In early September, four hundred and eight early-career

researchers were awarded European Research Council grants in

this year’s first completed ERC call for proposals. The highly-

coveted funding will help individual scientists and scholars to build

their own teams and conduct pioneering research across all

disciplines. The grants, worth in total €621 million, are part of the

EU’s Research and Innovation programme, Horizon 2020.

The results of this grant competition show a greater diversity of

nationalities than ever before: researchers are from 51 different

countries of origin across the world.

These Starting Grants will help the selected scientists build their

own research teams, creating an estimated 2,500 jobs for

postdoctoral fellows, PhD students and other staff at the host


Joining the ranks of this year’s awardees is Dr Nicholas Kurinawan,

a graduate of National University of Singapore and currently

Assistant Professor at the Department of Biomedical Engineering

at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands.

Nicholas was awarded the prestigious ERC Starting Grant for his

work on dissecting the dynamics of the physical interactions

between cells and the extracellular matrix. He and his team will

develop ways to mechanically manipulate cell behavior using

dynamic substrates and materials. EURAXESS ASEAN caught up

with Nicholas to find out more about him and his research.

Hello Nicholas! EURAXESS is an initiative that supports mobile

researchers. Can you share with us the different stops of your research

career so far?

I was born and raised in Indonesia. After completing high school, I moved to

Singapore for an undergraduate study at the National University of Singapore,

majoring in Mechanical Engineering and minoring in Physics. Then I stayed in

Singapore for a PhD at the NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and

Engineering (NGS). In the PhD project, I developed multiscale characterization

tools, based on spectroscopy and micromechanics, to study cancer metastasis.

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For my postdoc, I wanted to enrich my knowledge on the behavior of

biopolymers inside (cytoskeleton) and outside the cell (extracellular matrix), so I

took up an offer from AMOLF, a physics-oriented institute in Amsterdam. Part of

this postdoc period was supported by a personal Marie Curie Fellowship, which

gave me a lot of independence to personally direct where my research was

going. In 2015, I became an assistant professor at the Department of

Biomedical Engineering of Eindhoven University of Technology. My current

research integrates what I know about the cell, cytoskeleton, and extracellular

matrix to understand cell response to biomaterials and to translate the insights

for new regenerative medicine approaches.

Your research career has taken you to different places across the world.

How has mobility helped you develop your career?

The most important benefit of mobility that I felt is the chance to experience a

variety of scientific settings. Different groups in different countries have different

ways of working, priorities, communication and leadership styles, publishing

strategies, etc. All of these are shaped by the context, such as local culture,

expectations, institutional responsibilities, and personalities. You only get

glimpses of these in normal research collaborations, but you have to be inside

the system for considerable periods to start to understand the underlying

reasons and rationales. In research you have to work with a lot of people

coming from various backgrounds, so understanding these can really help not

only career-wise but also in making personal connections with your colleagues.

You have just been awarded an ERC Starting Grant to work on a rather

fascinating topic. Can you tell us a little about it and what you are setting

out to achieve?

The basic premise is that cells are physical entities that have to physically

interact with their environment, be it the natural extracellular matrix,

biomaterials, or medical devices. Lately, there is a growing appreciation of

these physical interactions, and a lot of effort is being spent to examine the

effect of substrate structural and mechanical properties on various cell

behaviors. However, most of these studies are ‘static tests’, whereas it is known

that the extracellular matrix and biomaterials can dynamically alter their

properties. My project will address this gap by investigating the dynamic

physical interactions between cells and their environment, using a combination

of smart materials, cell manipulations, and computational modeling. The

outcome is expected to yield a novel toolset to spatiotemporally control cell–

materials interactions for directing tissue regeneration.

What encouraged you to apply for this specific grant?

The ERC Starting Grant specifically encourages high-risk-high-gain projects

that have the potential to revolutionize a scientific field. This is precisely the

nature of my research idea, which does not fully match the criteria of many

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other funding instruments. The amount of funding is large enough and flexible

enough to build a critical mass to make the idea happen, which is especially

useful for an early-career PI. Moreover, it is a highly prestigious grant that can

really help my career in the future.

What single piece of advice would you give young researchers beginning

their careers in ASEAN?

Find a niche. Find a subject that is uniquely your own, given your scientific

background and interests. This may mean staying away from ‘mainstream’ or

‘hot’ research fields, but it will not only prevent unnecessary head-on

competition with other, perhaps more established researchers, but also provide

interesting opportunities for collaborations in the future.

Thank you Nichoals and good luck with your project!

ERC Starting Grants

In Brief

Postdoctoral researchers of any nationality can strengthen their research independence by establishing

their own research team at a host institution (universities, research institutions, companies or

international organisations) in any of the EU member states or Horizon 2020 associated countries.

Who can apply?

Junior researchers who

• completed an excellent PhD, generally between 2 and 7 years ago

• are at the beginning of an independent research career and have already shown research


• have a promising academic track record

• present a ground-breaking and ambitious research proposal

Further requirements

The host institution must employ the researcher for at least the duration of the project. Applicants must

provide a letter of commitment from the host institution.

Type and extent of funding

Funding of up to 1.5 million euros, in exceptional cases up to 2 million euros, to complete a research

project of the researcher’s choice. The researcher’s salary may also be (partly) paid out of these funds.


Up to 5 years.


Applications must be submitted online by the researcher on behalf of the host institution through the

Funding & Tenders Portal. ERC Starting Grants are advertised once a year. The next application

deadline is 16 October 2019.

October 2019 | Issue 3 | Page 14 of 19


4 EURAXESS Countries in Profile – Malta

Malta at a glance

The Republic of Malta is an island country situated right in the heart of the

Mediterranean Sea, yet close to the European mainland. With its rich history,

dating back to 5,000 BCE, Malta is often referred to as an open-air museum.

Along with its history and heritage, Malta offers 300 days of sunshine, sea-

sculpted shores, azure waters and delicious Mediterranean cuisine. The island’s

lifestyle is modern and welcoming, providing a good base for families. Malta has

excellent local and international public and private education, with all schools

teaching in English. English is one of the two official languages, along with


Malta is considered as one of the safest countries in the world, especially when

it comes to natural disasters and crime according to the 2018 edition of the

World Risk Report.

In recent years, Malta has experienced above average economic growth and

has been ranked as the fastest growing economy in the Eurozone for the first

half of 2018.

With efficient support features in place, the island is also an attractive place for

business. The government understands that a healthy private sector and an

overall pro-investment climate contributes to the country’s sustainable


Moreover, Malta is on its route to becoming a leading innovation island. It has

made important strides in key technological areas by establishing the first

Research and Innovation

Landscape of Malta


October 2019 | Issue 3 | Page 15 of 19


regulatory framework for Block Chain, Cryptocurrency and Distributed Ledger


EURAXESS Malta has produced a video that gives a brief overview of the

Maltese science, technology and innovation landscape. Watch the video here.

Maltese Policy, Strategy and Funding opportunities

The Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) is the

governmental body responsible for Research and Innovation (R&I),

space, science and technology in Malta. MCST is responsible for the

National R&I Strategy, the National Action Plan and the National

Space Policy.

Being the official contact point for the EU Framework programme for

Research and Innovation (Horizon 2020) and the PRIMA initiative,

MCST is also the managing body of the national funds for research,

namely the FUSION programme and the Space Research Fund.

MCST has a team of National Contact Points ready to assist you in

finding relevant partners, appling for funding or resolving your project

related queries.

MCST regularly publishes calls for proposals under various funding

mechanisms, some of which are highlighted below:

FUSION, a National Funding Programme, is supported through Malta

Government funds and managed by the Malta Council for Science and

Technology. The main objectives of FUSION are: to raise the level and profile of

locally funded research; to ingrain research and innovation at the heart of the

Maltese economy; to spur knowledge-driven and value-added growth and to

sustain improvements in the quality of life.

IPAS+ provides researchers with two options:

• Option A aims to foster mutually beneficial international relationships

between local R&I-performing academic or private entities and foreign


• Option B provides opportunities for Maltese entities intending to submit

a Horizon 2020 (H2020) proposal as the coordinator of a consortium to

engage a service provider (local or foreign) who will be supporting the

applicant through proposal writing and submission.

The Space Research Fund provides financial support for research,

development and innovation in the downstream Satellite Earth Observation

(EO) sector, specifically projects that deal with the processing and exploitation

of data collected through EO satellites.

Valletta (source: shutterstock)

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Malta’s research landscape

The University of Malta (UM) is the highest teaching and research

institution in Malta and was founded in 1769. It is a publicly funded

institution and caters for 11,000 students which include over 1,000

international students from 92 different countries and comprises over

1,000 academics, and approximately 800 technical and

administrative staff. The UM is made up of 14 Faculties and a

number of interdisciplinary Institutes, Centres and Schools. The UM

is actively participating in MSCA projects and proposals.

The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) is a

vocational education and training institution. Established in 2001,

MCAST offers 180 full-time and over 300 part-time vocational courses

ranging from certificates to Master degrees.

Malta Enterprise is the country's economic development agency,

tasked with attracting new foreign direct investment as well as facilitating the

growth of existing operations. The agency has developed various R&I

incentives for the promotion and expansion of industry and the development of

innovative enterprises.

The Malta Life Sciences Park (MLSP) provides an international class facility for

life sciences and information technology development. The MLSP is designed

to promote research and development and to spur the growth of the life

sciences sector in Malta, building on the base that the country developed in the

pharmaceutical industry during the last decade.

Based at the University of Malta, TAKEOFF is Malta’s first technology business

incubator. The programme is specifically designed to help innovators and

aspiring entrepreneurs create successful science, technology, engineering,

creative media and knowledge-based startup business – taking them from idea

to investment and, well, to takeoff.

Malta is also home of a number of private companies which main core is

research and development in various sectors.

Upcoming developments:

• Construction of new center of excellence for aircraft maintenance

which will include ground breaking facilities.

• A state-of-the-art laboratory dedicated to medical cannabis

research is being set up in Malta as a result of a memorandum of

understanding between Malta Enterprise and the La Sapienza

University of Rome.

EURAXESS in Malta – ready to support you!

Marsaxlokk (source: shutterstock)

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EURAXESS Malta is hosted by the Malta Council for Science and Technology

and is ready to assist you if you choose Malta as your host country or you would

like to cooperate with Maltese researchers!

PlumTri acts as a platform that facilitates networking and knowledge sharing

amongst stakeholders in the Mediterranean, involved in the spheres of research

and innovation and serves as a ‘one-stop-shop’ for information on relevant

funding opportunities and events in the EuroMed region.

Be part of Malta’s Research and Innovation landscape!

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5 In Case You Missed IT…

The EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) to take place in Trieste (Italy), 5 – 9

July 2020

ESOF is one of the best opportunities for

everyone from leading scientists, early

careers researchers, business people, policy

makers, science and technology

communicators to the general public to come

together to find out more about how science

is helping us advance today. Find out more

The Asia-Europe Sustainable Connectivity

Scientific Conference (AESCON) to take

place in Singapore, 26 – 28 Februray 2020

AESCON is the first scientific conference on

Asia-Europe sustainable connectivity, bringing together researchers and policy

analysts working in the field of international connectivity, globalization and their

impacts on sustainable development, with a particular focus on AsiaEurope

connections. Find out more

New Website for Horizon Europe – the next EU Funding Programme for

Research and Innovation

The EC’s proposal for Horizon Europe is an

ambitious €100 billion research and innovation

programme to succeed Horizon 2020. Horizon

Europe is being built on three pillars: excellent

science; global challenges and European

industrial competitiveness; and innovative

Europe. Find out more

Stay updated on European Funding Opportunities – Sign Up for the


EURAXESS Flashnotes are bi-monthly

emailers on European research funding and

mobility programmes.

To join our mailing list, please send us an

email at [email protected] with the

heading “join Flashnote mailing list”

October 2019 | Issue 3 | Page 19 of 19


6 About us EURAXESS ASEAN is a networking tool for European researchers active in

Southeast Asia and for international researchers wishing to collaborate and/or

pursue a career in Europe. EURAXESS ASEAN provides information about

research in Europe, European research policy, opportunities for research

funding, for EU-ASEAN and international collaboration and for trans-national

mobility. Membership is free.

Visit us at and Join the EURAXESS ASEAN community.

EURAXESS Worldwide networks have thus far been launched in North America

(USA & Canada) Japan, China, India, Korea, ASEAN (currently focusing on

Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam and Indonesia) and Latin America and

the Caribbean States (currently focusing on Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico and
