Download - Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1936-10-15



~ Driv;~ ========:::::::=::::;;_ I :iquor Store WiU .... /

Close Homeoomln, 'hI' 101'{ Cily slo te li"uor ~ I ~lo!>(\ fr" l11 1:30 p.m. to 4:10

on HomeComing Saturday. • AtOI'(> wil l allen at 8 Q,m. Sal. ny mo,·n lng .... net 01,,"" for Ihe

at 9:~ O p.m .

v's U roodles I Potatoes I Tomatoes

Ike Milk





~IOS00W, Oct. 14 (AP)-RUtI­sla toni gIlt demanded blockade or Portuguese port-s t.O prevent shipment of anns to the 8p&II. Ish iMUrrents. An orflclal COOl'

lIIunlque called UPOIl the neu.­trality committee to urce the British or French navy, or betJI, to patrol PortUPeIIfJ porte, The Russian ii_nils, the COII\mUll· Iqe sllJd. werl! hnded. dlreetJy In the rorm of .. nole to Lord PIYIllOIlI h, chairman 01 tbe lStlanls h. nOl)ollltlll"VlIll'tlon, com·

IllIHee In London.

LONDON, ()et, 14 (AP)-LMd rlymoul~I, chlllrman of thfI spallish non.intervmUlon eorn· mltteel, UllIJgbt turned dOOW'll

Russia 's "virtual ultimatum" ilemandlng that t~ rommiUee be recoJlvftled Immediately to discUIlS alleged neuJ1'lIlity vtoo. Intlon.~,


I 0 If) a e"y'. Morn'", N e "' , pap e r

FIVE CENTS The Associated Pres. IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1936 , , • •



Shower. Today ~ IOWA: Sbowent today and ....

alcbt, becomInc lenerally fair tomOn'Ow, (JooIw tomOl'l'OW,



3,000 Fans Rally; Troop Cheering Through City Streets Mr~. Si1JlPs.on, Says Amasse~ · · · · .-.:...:.. · .. . .. ~ · · · · · .. ........... . ........ ~. Friend of KIng, Wealth a Penl

Pep of the spontaneous varIety last nl~ht marked the opening event of the 193& Homecomlng-o. pep fest iwhlch began On t he eaat la wn of Old Capitol and wound up a t musIc

'hall where 400 of the more t ha n 3.000 participa nts t ook part in a .. tatewltle broadcast.

I At the mass meeting members of the football team we re presented

~ I While t!LllS ent huslasllcally yelledJ

FIRST HOMECOMING EVENT ~:~ Slat::~ct:u:::verY thea· Plans Divorce To Democracy SuccellS In the Jowa.I11lnols game

WOl! preciJcled In the broadcast by LONDON, Oct. a (AP~An "aml-Prof, George Haskell, chairman or cable" arrangement tonight paved 'the Homecomtng executive commit· tbe way tor the vlv~lou$, dark 'tee, Ronald carlllen, cheer leader, eyed Mrs, Ernest ' ("Wallie") SImp. CorneliUS Walker, Iowa tackle, Rob­ert Harter, presIdent ot PI Epallon lIPn, American.oborn friend of Eng-

.----President Asserts New

Deal Has Saved Free Enterprise, Profit

p i, Coach Osskl Solem, Wayne land's bachelor King Edwa.rd VIII, Ca:TCAOO. Oct. 14 (AP)-Presl. Mason. Iowa. end. and Hygen8 to oblsln a dIvorce from her hus' ,lent R oosevelt t old l he na tion lO. ~Ji), who gave the woman's band

NEW ATTACK Alpha Della P I ~orori t y. cap. lajned lJy H~len ·rm ner. A4 of lI[1nn eIlJ)O II ~. :I'lInl1 " conlinue\l

. J1lg ht that American democracy ha.<l· \l ng le of tho ga me. Tbe Rult , It wos announced by thlll

Only known damage done by the husband blmself. has been set for ,merrymakera was a brOke n pane In !hearln, 'before Jus tice Jawke at II. J efte l'l!on hotel door IIond severa.l .the IpswIch assizes, opening Oct, 27 . b roken li ght bulbs In the Engle rt "The caSe will not be defended." th POter sign. A tew cars were \SImpson authorIzed the Associated .rocked. but fo r the mos t part m&m- Pres8 to announce, "beyond that I bel'S or the crowd gave vent to their "'a ve no Ii.latement to make,"

been menaced by "concentration oC h and POWel·... particularly ll~

I:he lQ.8t 12 yeal's of r~ubllcan ad­.. nlnl st.ratlons. and tha t the new deal "above all" had tought to break " Ihe deadly grip" of monopoly 0", the business of the country.

HAN MARTIN l)J~ VAL. DJi:trlLE.'l IAS. Apaln. Oct. H i i\PI-~'rp"11 IlMdes at Moor ish l'pln(ol'c",nen ts 8w~pt on agaInst roll'eatlng govprnm~ nl t roops tonight as wen.ry ras 1st soldiers rl ung dawn th el .. llJ'flI s for a. sleep ot exhaus tIon III thIs mOllnlni n v 1110 Ire 40 miles west or Mad'·ld. T he new ons la ught followed upo n a day of >ltra.­legle , retreat. lU ring socia lis t torc s Inlo a steel t ra p, ane then a smashing counter-

• 10 lead the HOll1Rcoml ng lk'tdge ~3 1e laAt nig ht wlJ h :l. sa lQ o f

3.800. ot t he tota l oC 8.784 re­pOI·ted by Prof. R udoll)h A. K II Pver. chalrTll!l n of the ITom{'. coming badge commltlee.

Toda.y's Score e nthusiasm in cheers alone. GrouruJs

--BEAT ILLINOIS--Then, speaking of what he caJted

"fairy lales and bogey-m en" whlcl1 he said republican leaders were using to apread fear. the presiden t a dded:

. Illlack which hurled the gov-rntnent mlll tla. back three

mllos. F'u lly expecllng a soclal­I"t a ttack. the iasclsts a Uowod cn~my fo rces to advance Into a "blind a lley." ~ctween st rong wall s of Insurgen t torees, lead­Ing to San MarUn .


AlPha [)efta. PI .................... 3.800 Gllmrna Phi Bel a ...... .......... 3,005 PI .t& Phl .... ... ...... ............. 1,979

TOta l ........... _ .. ... .............. ... H,7H~

a nd t he Iowa ba nd played, Each ~layer W lUl g reeted by cheers as Co­.captains J ohn H lld a nd Ted Osmalo: s ki p resented them .

Gigantic Pep/elt Tomorrow Night

The climax to H omecoming pep

seSlllons will be tomorrow at 7:30 p . 11Th. when ardent Hawkeye.. converge on t he wes t ter race ()f Old Ca,pltol Irom f01l 1' central points In the city to pa.rtlclpa te in a gigantic m~ meetlng.


FotlOWlng t he mass meeti ng, stu­dents. headed by a section of the IOwa ;band. trooped down t he Old CapItol wa lk. brleny mIlling a round the cor n m onument at I owa and CHnton s t reets, Erection was begun yesterday of the monument. w hIch '8 beIng const r ucted as a n archl, l ectural likeness ot the EmpIre ~3tate building.

Before a crowd of 3,000 in a pep mceting last ni~ht on the east ~idc of Olel Oapitol, Prof.

. The tour lines of march. three 100 by sectlQns ot th" University ot .Iowa band li nd one b y t he drum and bug le corps. w lll begin at 7:15, wi th marchers to meet at the points at 7 p. m. A crowd eQualllng the record th rong ot t he last two years, 62,000, Is a nllclpated.

'rORYO, Oct. 14 (AP)-ToykO drafled tonlrht a IIeCOnIt five year raUroad eltteDlilon procram 10 shove an addition., 1,600 miles or trade rlrltt to Rusalals " bllCk door" on the Soviet-Man. I'houkuoan bQrder, The new lines, proJecled throu,h Ihe bleak IUld {Jandlt-Infested areas or AfoJl. g olilt , would enMIe Ihe .I8pan. ese military eOlPma oo to padc. II' .... "", 10, .. 10"".1 t illy IJOIut .... I he rrontler wllhln two or thJ'l'e dnn. The npl\vork f raIlways \Va's planned dlredlr "l' th" .l lllla n,se a rlllY general s iaff i", Toley!).


Harry Barnes olLtlined pInus for Friday's mass meeting. Various prominent alumni, state of­ficia ls and university will ta lk at the event.

Down Clln toll street, the throng standing on the roof of t he canopy surgM to WashIngton street. par- over tho hole I 0001', led HlJ.wkeye lading to Ihe ,Jetferson hotel for an· rooters, whlle fnns fllied t he . lobby Pther volley of yells. Cheel'l,eaders .and street outS ide., Nearly all .. trat·

tlo was halted, though a few cars .glert theater, where any a.ttempt and buses p lowed thrOugh lbe Lhe cl'owd might have made to crowd. , force enlrllnce WI1.S fors ta lled by t he . !l{e)(~ ra llying point was lhe En- l)resenCe ot two poUQemen. Police

Mega~hon e8, fla res a nd nolsemak­crs will be distributed a t the foul' meeUng places: Quadrangle court, Delta Ch i house, SIgma . Nu house,

(See HOMECOMING, Page 3)

--------------------~----~" ,-----

$8,000,000, of Federal 'Funds , To ILucUle . Ahlf~ . Nea~ pea~h As J h Ct' Pa t 3~ Years Result of Automobile .A~cldent; o nson oun y m S 2 iTwo Others Receive Injnries

BUNGER THREAT Seeks ',Liberal' Supervisor Frank Krall Chain Tax taw I Administration ~e:;l:~~ S:~~icS Called 'Unjust'

LAST CHANCE While Car Overturns Rouuding Curve .West Of Coralville

MAN ILA , Oct. 1G (Thursday) :APJ-lJ",'~S L resul ti ng from tho Ilweal uf Slal'vlllton Incl'easeu I" typhoon.sldckcu nor tbern LU20n Island tooay lUI ·t he total of kllown dead rose 10 ~ 2li a nd olrJclols IIU I'I'IM to combat. the lllonACe of the ~ 1 8ellse. Sarno or. neilLls 'stlmaled the deaLh toll us high as 678. Bl'! d t he numb!lr . 01 missing' lis nlot~ t han 500, A cO" "esponocnl for t he Manila ually Bu llelln ucported the

. tllI'e" l or p"bllc dlsol'der WIl8 l"r"I'uslnj; hI Nu(>va 1;:eIJa, p ro· vince.


Nomination Deadline ----Lall()ou Says New Deal Ily M VlD DENTJ\.N Cbuin Stores' Attorney For Cadet Colonel Today L ucille Ahl fC. 25. 221 Chu rch

MOI'I' lhan el/tht mlillon 1l0UarR 1 II C f I Ch Urges Ruling Appea All nomlnl\lIon" tor honorary street. a clol'k In 3. local depa.rtment as on usee ange or fed',,,,l monry have !'H>on poured \Btore, WDS n~ death at a n eal'ly

B Afflr' lne.l cadet co lonel must be ~ubmltted f Witb Progress Into Johnson ~01l11ty 1l1wlng thl:' e (I hou r th is m ornin g as a result 0

laRI lhr~~ Gnd one· ha lf Yfnl'R. n. ,.. " (AP'- by this evening to the otflce at Col. injurIes receIved a t 1 2:15 wben the . wMnrrNvTO .•. Gel. 14 ,- George F. N. Da.lly, head of the car In w hich she was rldlnlC ove<'~

CIlAND RA P InS, Mich .. Oct. 1G· survey rCleR'II'ct: yp~l'r( !by The supreme court loday Il~n l'd , t ur ned . wh.ll ~ rounding a curve 8.

(AP)-Cnn tendlng Iho new deal hM County Supcrvl"or Frank J . J<.1'1l11 [owa's chllin AtOl'O tnx Inw 1l.'ISIllled qua rter mile west of Coralville. Two I m ilitary department, A ny women s ~

Iorganl28tiOn may submit a nomlneo con fu sed cha.nge- Wllh progre"s. shows. This Still'! Is a wcrkly aVer- f1'l "dloorlmlnatory" [1no defended pther persons were Injured" COy. Alf "M. Landon callcd lon l;;ht age of $6.8l ror ' earh ramily In ja.>. constitutional. ' to r . the honorary posi tion. ThQ Inju red are: fo r a "forwar(I-looklng IIbernl gOY . Ihe rOllnty 0 1' a tolal of $9 14.80 Tho sta,te asked Lhe hlglt tribunal A faculty committee w111 select 'Mlss AhUr, crushed chest and sel'-

f' rnrnfl IH/ ' bHJ('d \)pon pl'in ri r1 r- !II

I ~sled hy limp Ilnd pxpClir ne<> .

~o r~verse a t hr"e.judge federa l fi ve women according to the follow· ~ous head injuries. for eaoh fa ",'lIy rOl' til p~rlod. cOllrt's d~c'"lon. l llat a section ot t

~ '" ln g qualifications listed In the orde r Helen Simpson. Jowa, apartmen 9 .

WOODRING VNIIU/lT 1.tlr, c8t It em l\'In act Im p()"lng- a graduoled tnx h d""'II.I'tment store bllyer severe

~ 11Y g l'O".' S rocelpls of "111\1'11' s l.ore" of t heIr Imporlance: Cha racter a lJd " ' " , 'rho 11).l'g~st si ngle Item in UIl' u ~ c • • 'head gash, 'fro~ l'nt"11 ."n les Won Invai ld. Pel'sonalily. activities on the cam, d C I II

" W II know frolll hIs tory und (,'om


TIJUi!\, Oct 14 (AP)-FII'II 'wllke out. III a. prlvale plaue I'ft i'rylllg lilUTY WOIWlrlu .. , ~re, t:try ot ";aI' , Jusl . • rlu the .ta"e­orr hel'll late t(i!\ IY but quick nwn~lIverlng hy Ihe pilot landed lh~ ship sarely and 110 one wal hurt. Woodrln&, 111ft ., frr mJu· j ll~s lalpr 11\ another Planfl lor RIIIII, Okla. , to 1n8kfl 8. 8~h t.onighL Shortb' atter he left the ground, Pllnt .t6e Reed, 10Mnllr 1II1n)' flyer, di""flver8d tlttl be­lIpath his Instrument board, lie ' sweretl (Iulrkl" 811d lan.led speed. Jly In 1. CI'OHII ''lflnd, The plalle ~rollnil looped, but WIR only , Ughlly damaeed,


't's' CRA.SH CHrCAOO. Oct. U (AP~

t he ho.r(1 school of elCpHlel1co tha t total Is $3,~00.OO O In tedera l land ..." ~ - - • Harold Edwar s of h cagn, I.. Branding the pmvlslOn "u nJustl pus. 8cholastlc stannlng a nd np· a sa les man. 8calp wounds a nd pos.

we desert the old trul h .• oll ly at our blink tlnd comml8slon IOllnR: llnrt JJ\equl tnblo and wh.Jmslcu.J." J . C, llearance, s ible InJuries, jlPI·It ." thl) ,,·epuI1I1 e.o ll nrP~lde n llal l ho second la l'gesl, thaf pr , $1.388.- .Gn l\"ble. ot lol'lwy< COl' tho chain I The winner, chosen by a vote of The C06ch In whICh the three were

i>Onl lOCe said . 463 Is fo r oOI·n • . hog. wheat. s ugar. /ltOI'Q syslems which bl'Ough l Ihe ~h d d 1111 s tudents , will rldlnr turned completely over when r~ndon spoke to a " rowd rrom 3 r n la,1 a lld be ne tl l payments undel' low~ I' C~l1 l' l action. ul'ged thn t the e a vance mary Edwards. the drIver, lost control

hOlel ba.kony alter a dny's cam . t he A.AA. Of this tota l. $83,3 14 has' declsioll appealed shOUld be al' I'be presented ut the MlIl lary Ball whJle roundln g the curve. w;,cordlng

been a llollelt' to the county by thG '!""'''d. In January. to Sherlft Don McComas, A heavy 11algnlng th rough Mlchlgan's lnnns · works PI'Ogl'cRS Itdmlu l9lrallon bul ii===;===========~===============::jj tog. which tell over John",n counly ~rla,1 conters. bj'lnglng \vllh him d hos nOl yet bee n used. 1 II late lOlll night, obBcured Edwards' personal endorsemen l (rom the all, Tho largest group to I'eeellie a id I NEW BAND INSTRVMENT view, according to McComas. tomoblle sta le's fi(ggest Industria li st . from lh ~ govcl:nmoll t Is the to ml· The three were brought 10 Unlver,

PI'S. ove l' COUI' 1~' lIl1on do ll a rs hav· s ity hoeplW {or emerge ncY tl~at· ILcnry FOI'd. Ing IlI'C Il QJlollr(! ro,· t hat pUI'JJOSO. ment this morning, 111189 Ahllt had

R r fen1ng to the C "Qnd RanldH IIthllzcd List I not recovered conoolousness at 4 a.m, lurnl tul' Ind,,"t ry . the Ku nsan P.,x­empli rtNI his plc tu rc of Ihe "b~st"

govnrnm<> nt llH a. " I)rog,'p"slve npp ll ·

pallon or old tnllhs" ,bY' sayin g:

"Tho I.'roflftrnan wh oBe . 1, 111 I" ,·e·

.. pon8lble to,' I.ho s uccess of you! (amOUR Indusl ry hel'e d id not sta,r t by dl fIC8r~lng good di'slg ns which are stl ll mmous. even Ihough M me of t.h l"ln Go back \Va y beyont'l th l!> .horse and buggy days. On, the con·

Th I l~ I1J l zed list as relell-,cd yes · terdO), by RUPBI'vI Ro l' K1"a ll ,r0 l. low":

RrroMtrucUoll Flna nQe ~OrpOI'lL·

tlon loans. $862. ~ OO. ' . I lTome OWI1~r .. l.oan c0l1pol'all on,

nrm-to I'm loans. $828.146' . l~cdP I'll1 ]-foil"lng. 1l10<1 ~ rn l ?.f).1I0 1l

lon ns. $fiG.3GI. Fcdcml Land ba nk and COn1-

mission loall,q. $3.300.000.

Edwards' car was not badly dam· aged.


Sees Work Of 'Amateurs'In . School Theft

Thirty eleva ted l'lders wero shaken up a nd 0110 was Inju red tollight In a rep.r ond cQIII$lon nt a 'Soulh side atatlon when the c...... ot one 'traIn , Atollp('d It abrUPtly In an effort to seize a. purllll Ana.t.cMr whO ha,d just allghled . 'l'1te halt.ed tmln. on Englewood locol. WO/l rammed by the followlnlf Howard street· Jllckson parle exprell/!. The

, lrary, thoy chcl' lshe,l a na respected CrOP. ' r edl a nd d,';)ught 'I' cllct

10un A. $1.07U. Chief of Pollee C, O. Patne saJd lut night tl1a.t It break.ln at the Iowa City hllJh 80hool, wbere about $3001 was stolen , may have been "an am8teur Job""

then .. " , Corn. hog, Wh~a t: sugar relltal 1t1l(1 bcnprJt fluY Il'lCntol. ' 1 , 3 88.~63.

Ji'Nle,'ol E rnorgency !'telle t a !1.­mlnl tl U'Hlioll bene rlts, ~ 1 7 3 .G·1 8.

, I'I!Or Platform of the former a"d the control bOlt of the second

The no~,lneo aald Ihe new deal "too otten hU H been Ilbel'Il1 only In tile IIllepdln g or othQI' pOople's mOMy" and agaIn pledged a, bnJ· ancl'd b~dget without depriv ing the

j needy Qr help or t he farmer of ald. General R&vlval Seen

Rcse Lllcluell t· Rura,l n ehabU ~a,­tlon lou,n •. $10.252.

R e 8 C t tl 0 III e nt AdmInIstration, tUI'1ll debt rcducd on. $31.616,

Heaettl('ll1l(>l1t R lI I'll 1 Rehahl~lta,-

"Thllre Is a p088lblllty," . PaIne saId, "t/lat It a~ an Inside job. The window through whIch the burglars gained entranoe to the bUl\dlng Will left unlocked. That mtght mean a lot ot thin ......

lmili' were s(\lhltl)red. "Once the trOvernment at \Vaah,

------------- Ihaton 1\88 'heen res tored to a n er· [Iele!lt and conallluUona l baals." hC saId, "there 18 going to bo general revlvqJ of confidence throughout

j tho oountry and cOllfldcnce Is the rororulln~r of r eal rceovel·Y .. .

I The Wei." hockey tCIIlII will 'II\4Y.

!'ho Unlverhlt)' of Jowa, ,women'. hockey loom on ' the women's­lelle tleM ot ~ o'clOck 1\11" after, ~n f)O ", I

"Under this Ildmlnlslration wo 'I#l.vo nl84e the pOOl'est r~~ord III our h1atory In recoverIng (rom hart! tlm~e, , , ,

"The country hu been rlpo for rcqovery for tho IlUIt two years. , . . once all thll! coneumer demand 18

The ttemocmllc women'. Ofganl. rel.lII!d. the problem will not be !l\tJbn will me~t at 7:10 tonl,ht at where to find jobs for the unem· def1ljlCl'Iltlc h~adQIIBrtlVl, 127 .8, Ployed. The tlisk lhen will he where CUnf.On flr"t. : to tlhd !Worker. tor the wor","

tlon gl's nts, $822. " Public ' Work s I\d'l1'lJnl s~l'atiOn . cx­

l>e ndlllll'e~. ~fiG. 4 3 1 . Civil Works ntlmlnlatra llon. fM ­

Cl'n I N't>endltul'Os. , IH ,6 70. Nl'l<i" fLllotmr nl H. louns lind

grrtntR. $766,900. • J, RA ttllotmcril fi,

gmnts . $ 4 2~. G8 l .

WOl'I;6 ProgrCRs IIdmlnlsiratlon, loans ande g ronts . ' 83,314.

(,,"otU1~nt IIlld c8111nllt~d COSL­Al! OI'hr r " !lU" OR 11 1'0 act UII I CJU>en. , dlt ures.)

Toto I gov~rnment eXflendltures III county, $8 ,123,774, ,

This unusulll. instl'ument, called a glockenspiel, ' has been re­cently purchased by tIle Ullivcrsity of Towa band, Thomas Ayres, A3 of IowlL Oity, is pillying Ih~ lYI'c-l~ke in~trument, whieh may be 11 eard above all he rest of the band mUllle, Ayres placed superior liS a clarinet player in a national contest when he Wlill in Iowa Oity high school, and last spring appeared over ~fajor Bowes' amateur how:. . ___ _ . _ ____ _

}''ntrance to tho offIce of Principal W E. Beck wu pined through 8. boiler room wIndOw. Chlet Paine saId. lind thO burrlnr. knocked the comhlna,tlon frOm t he 8choOi sate, takIng _tudent activIty funda kept there,

All Of the 10118 WIUI covered by Insurance, pnnclpa.1 Beck lIa.ld.

P<lllce Chief Paine saId there "mla'ht or ml&'ht not" be a,connectlon between robbetl.. 1I0!l4a.y · n~t In whlcb ,.. .. n houlM!lt were enterc4 anet Tue8day nll'ht'. bUl'8'lary, "Thls hlah acbool job _s quite a btt dlf­{trent," J'aID. d ......

Adultery- the only grounds for div orce under BMtlsh law- will be Ithe means DY whIch the slender, Jiark haired Mrs. Simpson, former­ly Wallis Warfield of BaJtlmore. Md., will seek to cut the legal knot \'IVhlch hu bound he r to the tall. hand some ex,officer In his majesty's crack Cold stream guards regiment Jlurlng recent months of estrange'

" You have beard how anlagonls. ~ Io to buslnes9 thls a dm1nlstratlon Is snJd to be, You haVe heard a'll about tbe dangel'S which t he bu 91 -,n 88 of America. Is supposed to 00 l aci ng If this adminIstration con-

ment, UnUM. The actual dIvorce ~Uon. under "The a nswer to that Is th E'! record

ordinary elrcumstances, Is a mere of w hat we have done. It was thJ8 l ormality, conslsUng of only a, few .dmlnlstra tlon whIch saved the sy&-minutes testimony, te.m of private p rofi t and free en -

No ~f_ce to King terprise aCle r it had been dragged . Under no circumstances, It wall to the ~rlnk of ruin by th ese same

s tated, w111 the name of KIng Ed- jea.ders who now Iry to scare YOu," !Ward be me';Uoned In court, nor A few moments later he rema rked will any r eterence8 be made to him, that the "st r uggle" aga inst mono])O-

T he a nnouncement of the Impend- Iy Is a, stru ggle for a nd not against Ing divorce (\,Ctlon climaxed a long tAime rldan ibllsl ness-a strug&'le to ',seMes of r eports t hat t hey had preserve Individual en terp rl9& a nd reached n. pa.rtl ng of the ways-r eo economic freedom. ports which gathered Impetus when The president spoke Crom t he SIll)psOI\ remaIned In London. wblle ;r\ag-festooned stage of (he ChJea,o Pl8 keen.Wltted WIre joIned KIllC' )!!tllalum to thousands oC people Edward's I!)'D8I1 party of guest& cramnwd Into every nvalln.ble ""at-. p!.board the $1,500,000 s teamyaeht F our years ago In the 9flme hall h .

Nah ll n durIng the klng's recent hoI· >lLccepted t he dert\OcraUc nomlnallol\ fdAY crul ile In fhe Adrlatfc 'sea. fOl" the, ptesldeocy.

A tew hours berore Simpson ad- He cla imed tonlghl that Ihel'e hail .mJtted hIs wife ha.d flied suit for rJ lvorce, lhe Tumors of a, de!lntte estrangemenl gained s treng th wo the coupl.-; b roke up their menage In 1a.shlonable Bryanston coun. Slmp­~n m OVed Ollt, bag and baggage, to the rig idly exclus ive C lIards club, w hile Mrs. SImpson moved Into her ,new home In Cumberland terrace, within a len · mlnute d rIve of BUCk­Ing ha m palace,

Quietly. a week ago. she had star ted moving out o[ the Bryan­.ston court apa l'tmenl_ s ma ll but II1xurl081y turnlshed f lat where KIng Edwa rd. according to Lhet Bri tish news·magu2lne "," / req\lently d"QPped In for afternoon tea. I

Giant Parade For President Thousands in Chicago'

Line Streets for 2 Miles to Cheer F.R.

I CHICAGO. Oct. 14 (AP)-A mam­jmoth parado-estlrna.ted to number: 150.000 mllrchers b y Barnet Hodes, In co-charge of the demon8.lratlon­moved IhrOllgh two miles of crowd­packed ChlCSlgo ,8treels tonight in a masa scale trIbute to President Franklin rio Roosevelt.

Riding! In an open car behInd an "'Beort of 30 motoreycle policemen. tho president overtook the proces· s lon 8.8 It pa.saed between densely packed lines of spectalors on Madi­son street.

H e WSIJ greeted illy waves of a p· plaUAe a8 he swept by on his way to tho chlllll&'o .tadlum. where he Uellve red one ot the major speechu or his campllJgn.

Thousands ot onlookers along the route from MIchIgan boulevard to. .th.9 big arenllo stood . as many 8.11 2S de~ on coqeated sidewalks, ollmbed on bolte" and cball'll, perched on trucks and automobile to))8. and craned from wIndows ot ;to."erll\lr hotel_, office bulldlql, clubll and storee, . Offlcl&.ll were unable to a.ccurate­Iy cllolculate the .11Ie of the enormous turnout, but Police CaptaIn TbomR.II Kilroy said. he fhrured the BPeCta. Itoi'll _re maue(l 16,000 to a block along tile 18-block line or march.

Traffic from tbe loop to the Ijlke front along the route WlUI paralysed, Long lin oS ot cal'll a.n~ trolleys were halted,

All tbe ohlet executive, followed by llIlnole and natlonal leadent In ~ 20 oafo motol'<, AP~hed the jarena. long bea.mII from .a.reb lll'hts r.ked the IIklee, tire works ellPlode,t. Music bla.J'lld trom IOIID4 tl'lloki. ._. ~ _ __ _

~en a. recovery trom de pression thAt could not "lWlt happen," a nel Ithat It Will! the new denl that had >Ilccepled "the regponslbJl lty to sa.v. bus' ness-lo the AmerIcan SY8· ·tem ot private enterpli se a nd eco­nomic democracy." And h e added It was n. recol'd " unequalled by any government In history,"

"All that t his adm.lnlst rat·lon ho ~

,clone, all that It Pl'oposes to do-­that thi s It docs 'Pl'opose lo dO. " MI'. Roosevelt assel'led . " Is to USe eve\')' power nnd authorlly of the fed.ero l government to ~I'otect the com · ,me rce of America. from tile seltlllht forces which ruined It," .' •

Insidiously during the la.'>'t 50 'years, 'but "par ticularly durIng lhe 12 years of preceding adminlstra, lions." he said . an "abuse of COIl ­centratlon or economic power" had ,been growing liP,

"A dange-rou8 thing was happen­Ing," he asserl.ed, "liJI.l f of the In­dustrIal corporate wealth Of .' th " country had come under the control of les9 Ihan 200 huge corporatiollSJ . " This concentration of wealth 8 nd power has been built UPOlt

j<lthe r people'S money, ()th.el' people's busIness. and other people'" labol.

"Under thIs concentra tion Inde­-penoont bu.slness was allowed (0

exis t only by sutferance. It ~ 'been a menace to the social system. hs well as the eco nomic sytltelll. 'wh.lch $te ca.ll American demooro­cy. " . He said lhe "previous adm·lnlstra.­ilion" han done nothing toward sav · Ing ,busln_. adding that the funda­m ental I'I!8.~On WIlS:

" It W IUI blgh .• flnnnee-minded­manned and controlled by a handful of men who ·1n turn cont rolled, and by one tlnanolal device or anothe r­took theIr toll trom the greater part of nJl other businellll and Ind\l8tl')',"

.He hastened to explSiln then that when he apoke of htlh finAnce "U a harmCul t~tor In recent yean," he WlUl speakln.- of a mJnorlty which Includes: , The type ot IndlvidullJ who spec_ ulates with other people's money, ~he type who l8.ys popular govern. Inent cannot be trusted and tha( control of bullinell8 &n<l of govel'\l­~nt "shoull1 be vuled In tbe handa ot 100 or 200 all-Wl188 IndlvlduelSJ controlling the pUl'8e "trln,s of the na.tlon,"


Students Arrested On Charge of 'Mischief"

Three student" of tlie Unlve ... lty of Iowa. were arreated by police lut night on chlLl'lr8l of "mallc1ous mlB­elVe(" for d_troylng HomeoomlD&' IItreet decorations In front or .strub's dep&rt.ment atore, One of the boys turnl8hed II. 1)0 bond and will a.ppear In poll~ oolll't SWlday.





. ,~oullce Complete Program ,:For WOJ.Il~~'8 ellA\? CpDclave

~~i=~~~f~~i~~~~~1~'HE~~D~Aa~Y~IO~W'AN~.~I~O~W~A~c~n~'r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r~rI~{U~R~S~D~A~Y~'~O~C~T~OB~E~'R~15~' ~1 ~ERSONALS "Joy-ous"

Alice Lampe, Iloclal 'Worker in H · Burlington, speut the week end at OmeCOmID!! tbe home of her parents, Prof, and! """

Iowa Federation 0/ Women's Clubs Convenes Here' Oct. 29; COIivention Will Take Place lit It'iue Arts BuildilJIl; 100 Women Expected

~~~; :~~ee~llIard Lampe, 821 N. Footballs Will Soar A.s

• . A·"· 1\1rs. Wesley c. MucDowell of

CIVcago has been a. guest this last:

Jimmy Joy Plays For Friday Dar~cc

Iweek at lhe homo of Dr. and Mrs. ,. Complete plans rOl' the 28th anuual convcntion of the fil'St tlistl'ict of tile 101"11 Fedel'ation of 'Vomen's OIubs h er e Oct. 29 .Frank C. Tlt~eJl , 23~ S. Summit Balloons in lhe shape of football!!

1 '" \ )street. Mrs. MacDowell was n for- 6ncl stl'eamers of b lack and gold will nil( 30 have b~n ~nno~mced by Mrs. Thomas RCCl!e, 1~4 ul81~d ~er resident of Iowa City durlng carry out Lbe Homecoming themo aWDUl' cOUl'I, district dIrector. ' ~he years 1931·32 when her son. ,when Union Board Ilresents the

l'I·~tl.rill~ the department of public welfare, of which Mrs. J mes GolsetH, nttended Iowa City jlfomecomlng T,nrty at IOWIl Union C. W. l\1aplcthorpe of 'l'oledo is state chairman, t,lie eO!lVentJOD nigh /lchool. Friday night. "UI lake place h' tho fine aliS • . _ Jimmy Joy a nd his orcllestra, n,uUdlng oC the Unlvel'sily or Iowa. chorus of WllIlamsburg; preseula. PhlJelulI G. MoH, 311 Orand ave. playing b<>lween two la t'ge goal-

More than 100 women are expect· lion of junior members; music, "YeS. nue, head of the brac department posts, will furnish the mttl<lc tOt' !I'd to atlend I h(j HessionR, with 10Cl\1 terday Meets Tomorrow," 1I1rs. H. of children's bospltal, retul'ned the evening. A drape will [arm' org'olnlzations who are a[f11lale1 C. Houghton of Red Oak. Tuesday from a month' s vacation. lhe background fat· the letter "I". with lhe stale fedprallon ,,"l'vlng' president ot tlje I owa Fed~raUop of "11\1 .. Lowa Fights" slogans will be as hostesses. The Art Circle, thel \Vomen's Clubs. Mr. and Mrs. Cparles Merrifield, In evidence everywhere. N.N. club, tho I.F.E. club. the Iow~ FrIday. pet. 30 'Mr. and II1rs. DOli lI1el'fltieid, Mr. a.nd Programs fOl' lhe parly will bEl City "'oman's club, the West Lucas 9 (L.m.-Open torum, led by lIfrs. 1\1rs. .Lawrence Merrlfleld, Gladys of IJlllek leather'clte engraved wilh 'Voman'. club a.nd the Entre Nous Houghton. · an!! Harold Merrlfl Id majored to a coed of guld. club wlJl 110 In charge, witb }.frs. 9:45 a.m.-Club e"tel1slon. Mrs. Marengo today to attend lite funeral Chaperons tor the occasion in· W. L. Bywater heading all commlt- Bmil Hesselscbmidt of KaIOiIa, trea. or their gralldl)lOlllQr, Mrs. Viclor elude P ,·of. and M .... Leo E. T ..... vl., ters as local chairman. 1\1.r8. F. II. "urer at the Io'va. Federallon o~ TrimlHll, wlto died Tuesday. 1111'. a.nd Mrs. William H. Cobb, MI'. MelnZ('r Is tho conven~lon secreta,,), Women's clubs. and M,·s. 1'eo Rehder, Prof. and '" d '1 G J h t 0 I III/·s. R. A . Kuever "nd Dr. and "n "rs. eorg 0 nS on conven· 9:5 a.m.-CofIlmun ty club pro· Dr. OeOL'gO S. Eallton or the col-tlo I . J ,... th HI Mrs. }<'. TL Petersoo·. n rt'aBlII . ... ects. ,. ... s . .'\.1' ur nclcnnan of ~ege of dentistry left for Sioux Cily

('UI1nt.f fI,~irl lit'n Wltpello. " iyeste rday to al!end tlte annual Tho Homecoming pa rty, tlte (il'st COtl I I I I 1 I 'I "' 1 " 55 -CI b I I of the two PEu'Ues which Unlol'l! n y (. HI rnw" IIr U<" "l·~. ", . .: a.m. u list lules, Mrs . . .meetlng of lhe Northwest DIstrict

mcr Meyer of Slanwuod. Cedar coun' Charles Cloughy of Ft. Madison. ty, Mr,;. Arthul' Reed of Burllllgton, 10 a.m.-,~lillglng led i)y Mrs. L.

iBoa.I'd sponsor!4 ann ually, wil t !bEY Iowa ,state Deoml soclely. Dr. a" Infol'l"..1 dance between thd

loes Moines cOllnty; lIIr.. "\V. G. G. L;l-WY~I' of Iowa Cily. Easton will give a ' pal)er .on "'rho IItours of 9 ~1Jld 12 l) .m. Importance of Posltlve Technic In

P~IIC6 of Fairfield, Jrff~ .. son (!oun1.y; . 10:10 a.m.-Reading ot lhe mill' Mrs. I"l'allk 1\'alr. of 140well, Henry ,ules.

Amalgam WOl·k." Ftel"rns From Tl'il' I r. J. \Vllliums, 32'1 H uLcl,lnson. roullly; 1\11'8. Foresl Olsen, 430 S. 10:15 a.m.-Presenlatlon of coun·

Johnson street, Johnson county; ly chairmen. 'Mrs. \.". P . Roser of r.~L. Madison, 1 t a.m.-Rel)Ol·ts, endowm nt and

M,·s. C. C. Lyman of Correction· ... venue, I'ctumed ye"lerdllY from a I (vllhl Is visiting hor daughtcl', Mrs. 10 day tl'lp to Minneapolis. Minn. N. F. Sorg, 110 S. Linn s treet,

• Lee (,oullty; 111 1'8. \\' llIIan\ Hiller of foundallon funds. I to

Oakville, Louisa counly; Mrs. S. C. 11:10 a.m.-"SI\l'ns and Symbols." . Snider at ·w 81 Lll>crty. 1I1uscatlne( Mrs. Eugen Culler of Des Moi nes, Thomas Connell Jr. , 420 S. Val~ rounly; M,'lI. W. IT. Knolt or Farm. tlrsl vlce,pl'esldenl of lhe IOwa ':E-ed. ~ul'en street, Silent TU08U"y In Dav· Inglon, Van Buren c(Jlm ly; ~!rs. T. cratlo~ ' of ' Women's Clubs. ' \ nporl Ull busln 8S.

V. Knerl' of KIlJuml. Washington. 12:15 p.m.-Luncheo n at 10wal COUl)ty; Mr8. Hay BVllna or Norlh' Union; Mrs. F. W. Noble of Ft, English. Iowa counly. Madison presiding; "Tho EducAtion·

Mrs. Roberl Olbson, 1029 E. ourl .street, SPent Yesterd .. y In BU1·lIQg. Ion wilh friend •. So<:lal ai(aJrs will be Intet'sJlcrsed! al Pl'ognl.m for the Pal'cnt," 1ofrs.

Iwlth buslneBl! meptlngs, entertaln- ,May Pardee YOUlz of the Itfwa ChUd mont. and val'iQus spc clIPS on th~ Wel( Reseo.t·e11 stallon . • ', \two·day pmgro.m. a~ announced by 1:10 ".m.~Male quartet, lnclud­AlrR. Re""" . • ~ollowlng 18 u. day 1>1 lnl( Alan H. Grlnsled, Donald Mlli. day account of the rnliro convenJ j ett, Clo.ude Buxton and LothfOp

Mrs. C. C. Nutting, 022 K Wash· pngtQn st"cet, will leave tOllight fOl' t:!OUlh Bend, Ind" to visit hal' son, PrOf. Willig Nutllng, an Instruclol' ~t Notre Dame university. AloI1'3 echedule: Smllh, accompanied b~ DrextlJ 'Mol· ,

Thursday, Ort. ~O lIson. 9 a.m.-Registration at lhe (Inc

arts building. · '0 l1 . m.-AI18~1l11> Iy ~ Ingl ng, led bY

UU'Vlyn Ilumillon or Wa~hlngtu", In.

10:JU a .lU.-lnvuealllJJ) , MI'ff. R . N. ilIreEvoy.

lQ:!5 a.m.-Welcom~. Mrs. W. S, J)yslnger.

10 :2 0 a .m.-ReslIons., Coni Smllry of Wiu(J~ld .

10:30 a.m.-Annolll1l'cm~nL"i, Mrs. 13ywtLler; 1)nsJllcs:;J HCH8iofl. I 10:35 a. m .~"Publlc WcJ(ut·" In' tho Iowa Jl'ederatiQIt or Worn I1'S

Clul>s," Mrs. Mal)leihoqlc. 10:45 a.m.-uThe Chlwglng Com·

munlty." Prof. ante· l'lulffe~ oC lhe 'Unlverslly "r 111\\11 Hol'i() lugy rh'· lPor.ttnf'nl.

11:15 1\11'.. C. II. Tynel' oC alem.

ll:~ ij'tH. rnll' ArncrJ~

can Hom, Education . Luncheon at lowll. Union-Social

~v ... lfjll·e, Mrs. 1'. P. Hollowell or l!'t. Madison: Detection and Conl rol of TuberculoMIH, 0,·. C. W. Maplc· thol'pe of Toledo; "rI'Ort of yc",' book contest.

1:16 p.m.- Solo, J\IIlsH HafIliILon. 1 ;25 p.m.-Repo'·l_. fine urtH de,

, UljutfIle'jl. 1:45 p.m.-"New Polnlll of l'n1'

)l11<Yl11I In Health Work," Dr· !\l. ill. ~rne .. or lIlo college of 1l1c\ilclne.

2:15 p.m.-Dj.(·us.lon. 1('(1 by 1\1,·s. CI)llrles McLaughlin uf W"shll'G'ton, ila.

2:40 p.m.-RLpo, Is, p~t,J1c af[alt·s, IIChollll'llhlp and loan. n wa H l'vlce.

3 p.m.-"On lhe WIlY 10 Miami;" Il'tlrs. Engeno Hendy of Grhllwll. lI;ene\'aI federatlon director.

3:30 p.m.-Qpera burleHqu(>. music idepal'tmenl or 'h(> lOwa Clly Woo Im£tJl 'S club; l·ece88.

, '1 :ao p.m . ..,))islrl~t cllo l'up, dh·ecl· led by Mrs. lexander Ellet!. 'qIuslc.

llalrma.n of the Iowa City lVoman'pI club, accOJ11!)anied by Mrs. Maud 'Whedon Smllh; hal'mony e1uJ>

1:30 p.m.-Reports, allout revision, Imotlon plclures, rural and urban, women.

1:40 p.m.-Report of election; Invl· talion fo r 1937; rellorta of ' rcgistra' lion l\nd re~ol uLion c6mmlttees.

Mrs. F. R. Llntieman and Itel' daughte", Helalnc. of Janesvllle, '",rls., arrived Tuesdlly to visit at the home o( Mrs. C. C. Nutting, 022 ill. Waahlllgton all·cel.

2 l).m.~"Soolal Security," pt'ori Mr. a nd Mt·~ . William Oay. 221 ·W. p. ])aykln ot the trnlvcrslly of IS. Ollbel·t stl'eet, (tDd Mr. and Mrs. l()wa sociology depart'1'enl; reading' )Bu"r Wolf of Tlfr.ln attended tlH' of minutes, adjoul·nmet'lt. funeral of Jean Fageu at Cedar

A cpurtesy tea will tollow thd Ral)lds Tuesday. coocl"slon at the reguln,· oonven· lion progrl\m. '

- 'BEI\T l,LLINOI __

200 W ~'.qen Jt!~'Jd Samuel Kirkwood

Dr. and Mr~. Chari s Logan of Kookuk will n.rrlve today 10 VISlll un(il Sl1'lql~y with Mrs. Hqzel II1c· Kilighl, 215 Wool[ avenue.

C . r ..11__ .MI'. and M'·8. Jllmes Lo"s, lHj o"'V~'ftl("" U~~U>WJ Is. ))ubuque s U'eet, attended the

Two hundred persons attended, lho ,S[\ l)':ll'llwopd convention of

~un eral oC Sa.m Vigos at Davenpol·t Otl 1,'ue~(Iay.

Itho \VofIlen'f; Relief corps N(). '78, M,·. aod Mrs. David Owen Thomas dlslt'let NO: 2 of lhe Grand Army' 01 NoW Orleun~ , and M,· •. Thomas' of tho Republic 'fuesday. ilnotlter, Mrs. Robert Pratt of SC1'an-

NIJ\e corp~ wera represented, and \lon, Pa., arc guests at lhD home lhose fl'om outSide district 2 were of ~fr8. MarG'llret E. Thomas, and 'Des ~tolnCll, 1I14sClltlne, Glcar Lalle, '1DIlzabe~1l Thomas, 424 E. Jefferson Washington and F~It·fleld. 'Jjtl'cct.

MfS. C. W. Lafler, Rock Island, Ill.. ]ll'r~l~cnt of tile local order, Mr. '1'homas was graduat (\ [rom ppenep the conycntloll al 9:~0 a.m., the college of comm~l'ce In IU07. and Mrs. Roy SlrlLl1ley, cha.pla in , '1Ie is now In CQarge of the Gene"al orfe"cd a rcadlt)g Crom the scrlplure Jj;leclt'lc cpmpQ,ny In New Ot·lcalls. and gave a pl'3.yer.

~1l<llLke'·. Incluped Mayor Thomas I?olly Prahm of Cente!' Junction, E. ,Marlin, I\Jrs. Anna LarkIn 'an~ gradua41 of the school of joumalism AliCe Worthman of ~rord. last Jun~, is now working on tlte

The ne"t cOnvention wlU be given. 'Monticello J<:xpress In Monticello. by til ReeSe F,IOYd COrl). aI' WIl· lIamsburg.

-Dt;IlT H ,I .I NOI S---

To A.tte"d ChUTe/, Mee~ l'he Rev. and Mrs. Charles S.

WllIiIlms, 226 S. Lucas slreot, 'Mrs. !~ru.ncls A. Buttey, 333 S. Lucas sLr~el, ~lrs. F~nk A. Danlle\', 420 ,s. Lucas s treet, and Mrs. Fannio .Brown. 335 S. Lucas slrPl1t. will altcnd the Synodical meeting of llite Pr,~bylerlan c hll r~1t lIt Musb&.· lin\) ~oday.


F-·· ~'rmi.l




$12~J5 .... . ><4

W·S. M . B. A~ams, 14 J G ill. Col­lege street. Is In University hospital ilor treatment of Itcr eyes. SilO will II'CLUrt1 homll 1'1 two or three weeks.

W! Before The Lasl

Minute Rush

Dial 3138 Send your clothes today so

they will be back in plenty

of time for the game or the


PARIS <:leaners



$16@ .Blts o[ PerSian, ~ILn)< , Oalyak tni1i , Ihese turban" and toques. The),'r6 vet')' popular 1.0 wear ·wllh lit new

.. -- • • 1"-


• coal~, a nd In lite sma,l'lest Fa 11 colors.

Head Sizes %1·'4

fezc~B~sque Bere.ts Are Smartest for the Game

Alt <the poplilal' brlghl colors fo,' football wear. La .... ellt and mos~ cotnPloto election In nil Iowa CllY. In I)ve,l')' _11 81~j\' ,


Prepare For Homecoming Drc 's Up YO~1I1' Outfit with Nt~w Accessori(~s for Homecoming

NEW C 0 ~ l' U M E NEW LINEN HANK· IES, colorful printed or hand . made de· signs ....... 25c to $1.00

FLOWERS to match your outfit, .............. . ...... ... ...... 2~)C to $1,00


SCARFS, wool or

silks 59c 1.0 ,:; .95

NEW BELTS, -including styles as pictured in Vogue. S uedes, pat· ents and othel' leather .. 59c to $1.50


"COCKTAIL" JEWELRY, beautiful gold finiSh set with simulated stones of ruby, lapis, emerald and onyx, Earrings, brooches, bracelets and rings, $1.00

THE, MUCH IN VOGUE MAMMOTH RHINESTONE BROOCH, worn with so its, afte[l1oon dresses, a nd evening attire ....... . . ............. $1.00 to $4.50

Full Usbt'"'' in N.,w Idl!H!i . jn Handbags

Excepticnal styles, every

(Inc t.ailored to a queen's

tas le in I.he neat, clean

cut matter that has

nlade Yetter's the Hand·

bag Center of Iowa City

••• lovely to look at •.•

compllnionable to carry

because of their practi·

cal inside arrange';ents

ant! fittings.

SUPERB ANTELOPE SUEDES, smooth calfs and grained leathers, includin~ the famous "La (;arde" bags .. ....... .

$1.95 to $12.50

Your initials mpunted at a slight additional cost.

"S1MULATED" LEATHER BAGS, large selection, exceptional value!" " ........ . $1,00

Two delightful shades you'll want the minute you lay eyes on them: Sparkling and exciting all through the season, Blend or match them with your new ensembles and walch the ultra·smart result;

Bl'Ownlaaf ;' ; ; a neutral brown for brown and black, Cedar ; •• a llqhter brown for wines, qreens and nayy,

Phoenix stockings are firmly sheer yet have a special talent for resisting weMI

Others 79c to $1.35

BEAT ILLINOIS Nuli'·t, I .. 1"rall'l'llill,oj; "lid SOI'm'lIie_low", Ii 1111 IlIiIJoIH colnrs In :lG· jlldl 1·"lureLl lIuiltin!\' for d lComlir,);·. Sp",:lal pricetl by th e bolt.


WONDER SOFT KOTEX, economy ~ i ~e box, 4 dozen in box ...................................................................... 69c

TOILEPUES KLEENEX, 200 s h eet ,boxes, w hite or colors, 2 for 27c KLEENEX, 500 s heet boxes 32c, 2 for ................ 61c CASHMERE BOQUET SOAP in gift boxes, 6 for 49c 50c IPANA and other Tooth Pastes ............... ......... 29c 50c DR. WEST or PROPHYLACTIC Tooth Brushes 39c 75c NOXZE.MA CREAM ............................................ 42c


U. S. RUBBER RAINCAJ'ES for the game, full length, assorted colors . .. .. .. ...... 98c to $1.98


OIL SILK RA1NCAPES ...... $1.98 ClllLDREN'S RAIN CAPES ......... .

. ... ................ 59c to 98c Shop early in the week to avoid last minute rush in case of rain.

"VAL SHEEN" Cl'own Tested

Washuble SATIN SLll'S

Plain tailored tl gore style as pictured, e Per­s piration resistant • • • adjustable s h 0 u Ide l' straPs, • , fine workman· ship, reinforced seams generous length , , , full cut hips

a nd ~ccur. $1.98 ate s izes .... Dark street shades ••• Rust, Green, N a v)" Black, Wine, IIr British Tan,

(Second }'Ioor­Lingerie Section)

Something New!

Dainty satin stripe

pauti (,."!i illltl IJ .. as·

siel'.' !if'ls III l'ustel

colors, set . $1.29

Hy Kayser which

means perfect •••

snug fitting

finality garments.

"Be Wise, Buy


Foothull IIus ILs Heroint's, Too! YOII (' lUI M'e Iht'1I1 ILt 0 111'

I; lovu rOlUllel' ill ('olu,'S to IlJu'JlltlIul,o wllh YUU1' big ~IUlli.' hnll'fls, Hny day! '1' ''1\'' h:t't',J ,\ UUf IlIwtis Wl.U' UJ, They \\'u~h , they \\l'al', IItcy lIlah YO U"

1t",,,ls 10011 hlJt'tU. Ju. l, a.-Ie fu ,' I{ayscr'~ g·luvc •.

WOOL·BAH, HA::;KB'l"l'B, KAY.flAH, !\.AY ·~U EDE, and Hand' Sewn Lcathercttc . . .......... ' (i9c to $1.00

FINE QUAL1'1'Y IMPORTED KID, HUE~E AND CAPESIUN G LOV ES in all Ute new fall colors -Black, Brown, British Tan, Green, Wine and Navy ............. .......... .' ............. $1.95 to $1l,!)5

Men! Don' t Mjss This ,One Suve 20%

10,()OO Uuitt'f l 'ftuzor Blatlt's

39(-l'ad>!I!:" uf "0 H1atle~

,e DllUles l1u[lr""Wl'd trll"llItdillollllJly • lielluiull i'im'dt.ll i'ilu'giml !jl l'C l • Blade. ~'it 1£Vt" ·.\, Willi 1("011 II Mull. "I UOJl~lt ' I£tllfll lI awr • lla)'(I£, .. ~1 lind 'J't" iillt" '~,f by I£It'd ,·I., 'l 'lit'I'mlc J'rul'C8s

: iSftllrlJt)ue tl in ~'ill cl't'd 011, i'il.el'ilizl'tl '1' .. il)l ~ '('esled


Homecoming GU(

PI olninellt Out-of-f State Officers, Bo~ Weelr. End 0/ F e,'ltivities; ....

Governor To Come .. , Sat1l rday Morning

A large Itllmbcl' or Iowa slnlc officials Hnd pr'omillent alumni of tllC UniVl'T'sity of Iowa have already accepted invitations to attenu Homecoming festivities on the niversity oj' Iowa cam· pus I beginning tomorrow and continuing throughout the week end. L~d by Gov. Clyde h Her·


ring, who has informed univer- Yesl Sill' orrJcll'ls thfll he will arrive In concel InWfl. C"il y Salllt·(\a.y mO,,,, I n!;. ec· pedal! ccptlln('('s will l,e 1"E'('~Lved today and see r( tOnlOI'l'O\V, quite

Among lM pe"sons who Will be I met nrl'~ for lIomecomlng o,'e Rush BuL· whose ler or hlcago, president of the John I Iowa Alumni association. and weel{s Geo"ge 'I' . Ba.k.,' of DavenpOrt, he m e pJ'esiil ent Ot' the luwa. R,tatp hoard of !'due. lion .

Mernb ... , 01' BOllrd , Other mfmbers of 1he state board

who will be hp,·., InClude S. J. Gal· \'In of Sheffield , Anna B. Lawther of Dubuque, 1\[rs. Cora E. Simpson of Decol'ah, Harry 1I. NeM of Slg· Olll'ney, Henl'y Shull of Sioux City, Thomas W . Keenan of Shenandoal\ and John P . Wollace oC Des Moines.

W. R. Boyd or Cedu,· Ra,p;ds and W. II. Gemm'l1J and W. O. NOtil of .Des Main s, finance committee member., and Mrs. PaU line Devitt of Oskaloosa, n forme t· memlber of lhe board of education, have aiM Indl·

"P Joh" but· to ii'


And that lleadql Falher dally. cruSh and nc No ou Father to the

ruted their intpnllon, 10 nt,end dldn·t lIom~romll1g [estlvllie". the N

Stale Officials God . . Stale oCflclals who Itave accepted

Iheil' invitations Include Cong .. ess. man Edward C. Eicher of W/olshlng· lOn, la .. Ray MU'Tay, secretary of Sgri('ullUre; C. \\T . Stol'ms, stale olldlto .. ; R. E. P\llmer. superintend· ~nt of the . school for tbe blind; W. P. WoodCOCk of Lhe board of conser· valion ; 'John K . Valentin.e or Cen· lcrvlll<:, member o[ the board or as· Bessment and review.

Earl Hall of Mason City, F. W. Sargent of Chicago. J. B. Weaver and l~rbert Utterback of Des Moines, ~Ray Murphy ot Ida Grove, pa.t naUonal commander of the American Legion, and Irving H. Knudson of Jewell also will be eUe.l. of the university.



Art goinl IJlste meet bugu of t peop "pea 1.OIU lucta lettel man "Inm the pUgl1 ,woul out.

1 W~ terday, black, walked loolted

]{uppa. Alphll T1lela tel's a' Mrs. C. H. Merrill at Oskaloosa the po

Is visiting a.t the chApLfr house for murdel two days. there I

Alphr~ Sigma Phi Paul Shepherd, A 1 of Sioux City.

Ilnd .·onest Hali . Al of Mobile , AlA., were dinner glioMa la~l eveillng.

up 10 flce. wa.nt~

most ( Cooks to rind

Sigma Alpha Epsilon Announcement 1!J made ot tl,a Iii f.

pled!;lng of Chal'le~ Vernon Neal, Gardn. A3 of Des M oIMS, "no Jn~l< Long, then t A3 of Fal,·(lfld. eheet1 '1

from J Theta Tfl.n was 0,

Announcement Is mode of tbtl me III> Initiation of Pr<ul Asohenbrenner, lures. E2 Of DYBnI'I. and T,ouls B,II I er· !Worth. E4 of Chicago. thy M

.chalrm Alpha HamilL 1{"PI"t Harlan

John Riley of Oskaloosa spent Des N 'J'uesday and W edneRday at , he A3 of Btou.E>.

Currirr rrall ,Tim. HOmeC'omlng deeot'allons for thf1 aJu mnl

dormitory wlli be In cha l'ge of Doro' ner g~

A volel thAl risk of " INuI highway, Tra.vel the Oraft(

IOWa CUy and (Jedar na.lil! I[\re t)Om'enleJlt - 11 compi

dally. There lire tmlns e ..... , to 81 udent needs. Regular til

reclueerl a5%. You tan pUlallaJIII nuy 'ridlPt tor only $4.00 CO

to door r,ul ant! ta.xl r;ervlee 75c; $1.40. TrRVol Ihe Ol'llndlc ROil ... 1

• ffilng

::;ize hox, 4 dozen ..•..•.•.....•.•.. ....... . 6!1c

ite I,r colors, 2 for 27c 2 for _ .. ___ ... ____ . __ 6Ic

gift boxes, 6 for 49c ............ _. __ ........ 29c

Tooth Brushes 3ge .. _ ... 42c

HAlNCAJ'ES lot· full length, assorted

........ 98c to $1.98 EN'f RUBBER

...... 98c CAPES .... $1.98

RAlNCAPES ......... . ........... ...... 59c to !lSc

in the week to a void r ush in case of rain,

elhing Newl

salin slri l'e

a JUI 1.ll' as·

)ic ls ill pastel


Kayser which


f'iui ng

HBt- Wise, Buy


Too l M't.~ f 11(111 1 tl f OUlt

("lIlU, te r ill I'uloo's to wll h you r lt ig

j Wl'l't ls. li lly day!

llel'I' ~ 11 111' ha nds 1'hey wlt,h, UWY

I he) '''UIUI YUu" luu ll "HUJJ. Jusl,

I'UI' Hay;,c"'1; ~ Iuvcs,

J\'AY ·~UEDE, ... ....... SOc to $1.00


S UI'~OE AND lIew [all coJors -Wine and

.$1.95 to $IUJ5

. 1

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1936 . - THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY --Homecoming Guests Include I Homecoming PI ominent Out-of-state Alumni, ~ (Conlinu~u I""om Poge I)

Moore Wins Accident Suit

State Officers, Board Me~hers 11I:~oF~::IIIc:.::~pg::,~~~~,~g~a~:. =-$

wlll b .. allowed 10 nark after 4 p. m . T he ju ry In the C8.8P of Uhlmann

against Moore, a. damage suit re­'t!u ltl ng from Ill) automobile accident , lI'etu rned a verdict ror lJ,e def~ndant yesterday In tile district court,

Week End 0/ Festivities,' 1III1I_' ..... -.--e-... III ...... U'IIIIIIIIRlW_ tomorro\\ 011 Ihe Ride adjacen t to thA Cllml)US On .)pff~r90n and Wash ·

Govprnor To Come 41)f)U~ Satllrday Moming Till:




,Ington stre~ 18 , from Clinton .treet

we"t to the CatnllllR. 1 '1l~ meet! II/(, will lJe brOlu]c08t

ovt',' WSUI lit 7; :10 , wllh VI'I'gll Tacy ltH ('Ommr nlatOl',

Other JlOIlI E-('OIl1lng pr'ogrrullSi

which wOl go uVN' the alt· are the /Tom€(:omlng P",.ty at » p. m. to­morrow. i1 mURlc "eeltal al 10 a. m . ,l'\olurday, an(l tl'" Footl1O l1 g'flme, comments on which will be broad-

M,.s. Nagle Honors Out of Town Guests A lAl'gp nnmbel' oj' Iowa s t a l l'

officials Ilnd pl'ominent a lu mni of the Univt'l'Sity of Iowa have already Ilcceptec1 jnvitations to attend Hom('coming f.estivities 0 11 the Un iversity or Iowa CHm­

pus Ibeginni ll g" tomorrow and continlling throughout th(' week end.

erutt, (wginnlng at J :311 P. m., ,by lIIIIIDIIlID~IIII111111_.III1.UIIIBIII~1II111111 Star .. Ye ll<lllu. Between halves of

Jfonol'1ng Iwo out ... or .. town ][ome­comlnl: VI8Ito,'~, her' sisier-in-Iaw, l.fl'8, CIll'1 E. Olander oC Wlchlla, Knn" and Mrl!'. Han'Y B. DuPlan ,Ir, 'of Chicago, M'·8. Uland Nllgle en­tertained al a lunch 011 bridge yes­t<I'day at he,' home 147 KORPr ave·

LNl by Gov. Clyde J;. Her­]' ing, who ha~ inf'ol'med univer­sity orrlelals that he will at'rlve In lown. Clty Satn"!lay mOI'fllng, ac· ceptant' •• will be ret'l:'lved todtty and tomol'row.

Amollg Ih" persolls who wi ll be hel'e lor lIomecomlng al'e Rush But· Ipr of Chlcllgo, president of lhe Iowa Alumni Dssociation, and George '1'. Baker of Davenpo,·t, presldrnt of lhe IOWIL "l"le board of rduratlon.

Members (If Bonrd , Other members of the state board

who will be hp,·c inClude S. J. Cal· vln of Sheffield, Anna B. Lawther of Dubuque, Mrs. Cora. E. Simpson of DeCOrah, llul" 'Y M . Neos of Slg· ollt'ney, Hen .. y Shull of Sioux City, 'l'hOmAs W. Keenan of Shenandoal:\ and ,Iolin J'. Wa llace of Des Moines.

W. R. Boyd of Cedu,' RaPids and W. /I . Cemmlll and W. G. Noth of ,Drs Moines, finance (!ommtUee members, and Mrs. PuuJtne Devitt of Oskaloosa , 0 (oml er membe,' of the board of eduratlon, have alAO Indl· <'lied theh' Intent/on to al(end Homecoming fcstlvilies.

Sta.te Officials Slate offlclals who accepted

their Invitations Include Congress· man Ed"\l .. d C. Eicher of W/LSblng. 10')., lR .. Ray :\fun'ay, secretary of ag, ·II 'uUu,·c; C. W. Sto .. ms, state audita,·; H. E . Palmer, superlntend­~nl ot the. school for lbe blind; W. P. Woodcock of the I:>oard of conser· vallon ; 'John K . Valentine of Cen· te"vlll~, member Of the i)(lHrd at as· BCSf(ment and review.

Earl Hall of Mason City, F. W. Sargent of Chlcag(), J. B. Weaver and ll.el·bert UtterbaCk of Des MOines, Ray Murphy of Ida Grove, pasl natiOnal COlnma nder or the American Legion, and Hvlng If, Knudson of Jewell 11150 Will be guests of the university.


• j HOUSE TO HOUSE I HaPI)!1 Alph:. Theta

Mrs, C. H. Merrill of Oskaloosa Is visiting at Ihe chapler house two dllYs.

AI/llt ll Sigtnn. Phi Pnul Shepherd, Al of Sioux City.

and l~orresl Ball , AJ of Mobile, Ala., were dlnnel' glleRts Ill~l ('veiling.

Sigmtl. Alpha Epsilon A.nnouncement Is made or tho

pledglnfl' of Charles Vernon Neal, A3 or Des MOines, und Jock Long, AS of Fahi'leld,

Tllftit Tall AnnOlJncpml'nl Is mode or the

Initiation of PMII As~hel1brenner,

E2 of Dyaa"t, and T.oul. Butl!',.­./Worth , F:4 ot Chicago.

Alpha H oppa. I{a ppa. John Riley of Oska loosa spent

'rue. day and W.dn.MlI.y A 1 the Ibou. !).

('un'ier Ha ll

A Oa,y Yeslerda,v, bein g- It. dullis l1 dllY, J

COlltOlltrl1ted on seeing peopl&-e8-peelllll)' those I '" be. n meaning 10 see ror sometime, but ha d never quito got arollllli tl) . . . Firs t of n il 1 lUet It. rll,ther coiorrul gentle,n»n whose mune is John LongmllJl. • , .John hll8 been bacll roO' about t wo woelut from New YOI'll, N.V., whr,·,­he met J<' alh.r Divine, . ,

"Presiden t :Roosev~ I I," said John, "sure Is a. w unner'ful man, but mos~ colored people 1 lall,ed to In New york thought ~lhpr

Divin e ougbta gel hi. job." ..•

And John proceeded to t ell me that up"talrs In his dilapidated headquarters In the heal't or Harlem, Father Divine feeds his people twice dally. . • Thousands of dal'kieB crush into that great, long room, and no one ever goes OUt hungry .. . No One Is asked to contrlbu Ie; yet Father Divine was investigated as to t he SOurce or his funds. They didn 't find out ... That may be why the Negroes ure convlncrd he !.9 God . ••

Anywa.y John Longman is going oround shouting "pea.cp'· ins tellu of hello to everyone 116 meets. . • DOW1~ on South Du­buque, where ho cleans oul ono of t he resta.uranls, he llleelS people-<>t bis own COIOl·~, ... i1 h

" 1)eaCe, friend." . , , Incidcn!aU.v, Lorl!rman-tbough he was re­lucta nt to talll a bout it-ha's a. Jetter f'l'om Divine's r ig hi ·bund m a n asld ng if Long man wl)uJd "most kindly help God help the surterlng ones out of tJ,eir plight." , , • Whether J (j lm ,would or wouldn't, I didn 't lind out. , •

I was In rather a bad mOOd yes' terday, anyway . .. Even my new black. suit didn't cheer me uP, , . 1 walked down East WashingtOn and loo[{ed at people and the movie thea· lers and then wandered around at the police slation waiting for some murderel' to be bl'ought In .. . But there a ,'e no murders ... 1 w!llked UI' to Nyle Jones' employment of· flce, a nd noUced thaI sOllleone wanled a nlght,shift cook ... 1 al · mOsl oecicIed LO lal,e the Joh. . . Cooks with new black sulis a"o hurll to find . ..

I" for ft chat wilh ('ollnt ~' A/:pnt Gnrdner, und out [,galn. • . And t.h t'n back 10 100 ortiee. , . Only note WIlS ,. s ma llish fellow from lJollywood, I thinl, his lIame WIIS ()a.vl!l R Olh, who wlUlted 10 tell mo II oon I, some new Colnlllbia Ilic· III1'e8 • . , AII!I J li s tened to h ol es

Ihy May Wilson, A4 of Waterl oo, .chairma n; Vivian Crlque. A4 of Ha rlan, Miria m Hutchins, AS of Des Moines, a nd Ruby DpmPRPY, AS of DeWi lt.

Theta. Xl J im L indsley of Cedar Rapid",

alu mnus or the chapler, ner g uest Tuesday.

J\ void the rl8k of !\ bad 8mash. UP on the blghway. Travel the (Jrandlc Route between

Iowa. City and Qedar RapIds. The schedule8 ~,re col1\'enient - 11 complete round trips

,1uU),. There are traiN! carty and late suited to student needs. ReKular fares have been rOllu~NI 350/0 . You ran purehaae ,. 10 Rlde-10 ' nu)' 'rlullet for I)nly $4,011 COmplete door

in IIClOr rllil Ilnd tlIolIll senlcl! 1lkl; ronnd trip $ IAO . , 'rll\'el the CrllntHc Rou",! '

1he gam{), a. memher of yeRl,l s nUIt and Mr,., Olond!'r arrived Iowa and 111111,,1" learns will be In- Mr.

Iprvl<.~\"t'd . '1"uE'sday for a wpe]( PtHL viSit with

L"lnal <v<nt of t hI' WI'pk end. ves- Mrs. Olande .. '" purl'nt". Mr. ane) PC'I' Hel'vlc'I" h.v thc' Hey. Willis J . M .. s. L eI' Nngl" , tll7 I,: . (,oll~ge Kln~, will I., III(Jadc,,"! Hunday III "Ireet. a J) l1l. ' An nillmnfl. cor thl' lJnlv~I'Rlly of

'I'h~ music deparlm ('nt will Pre- ill inois, :\irR. DuPlan has been In .. enl a F-I on'l(>coming jll'ogl'nm Sat­urday al 10 a ' m .. In which Bevel'll l members (.r th e music department and thf1- lIIliv l;;' l'xity chorus wIll IlQr­t1c ipat< .

At the gnmp Ratu .. ilay, the 120-plec~ lJnlve .. "lty of 10wl1 band Itl ,unifoo'm will parat/,· 'larllng at 1 :~O and cOnllnuln <;- hetween halves. A pagpant will hE' pl'('I~pnted b~tween

'hnJv~s h)r the lhand , drum CO I"pS, , uml>let'H, !'lingel'A, PontonJers,

C"Jde "nr1 I:l!'a rer" and pel's1l1ng Rl f ]Pli, '1'111' pugell,nt I'p-p l't?Aents th~

~l'ac1ltlonal n'lIl'- "lIRlng ceremony. lTlal'philig or II1£' IXlnd, ona other""

ent pl'l llinmenl. H" I,enl'RIII will Ix> ,thlH SlflE."rllOtill a t 1:30 In rown. sta­

dium, QI' in ( 'U Rf> or rain . In tho armory.

about ('olumbip. pictures lor hull a n hour Or 80 a-'t1 received :11'1 invita­non to a preview of one u('rni g's \'\'lrll" nol, rar hence .• _

And lastly inl o the o/fl('e did ilrOI) one Howard J{el·cham of neg Moines, "j1o O'8 h~re for 11

('ouple of days . .. Alld I\ etchU'l\ relaterl thot he Is a "<olor en. gi nee ........ Jl e works Co,· New Vorll companies and selects ,'olors for cars, fo untain pens and interiOI' deCOl'lI lion .• , He went to the University ot I owa, fumbleil through camlllerce cal­lege and did drawings on the sld~. , • Now h e's getting $200 n weel<-or thereabouts-for dOing nolhing but det!lding wlmt lhe I)sychologicn I effect a I{reell IJuiel' wi ll have on the <uston,PI' this fa ll ..• 0,. wlteth· !'I' Am't Madge ·"jill b uy It I)Ur ple or !l YfllO,v rou nta in. lJ(' lI-and "h~· . . . ft's it v!,'OY nice job HrtrhUIll Mid . .. Aud ( agreed ..

IOWA Clly since Sunday and will reo lmOin fo" the game SfLllll'day. She Is the gueSL of ber sISl~I' and brother­lin-law, MI' . nnll :\f"s. Frank D. Wil­liams, R Bella Vista place.

- B EAT I Ll.f NOlfl-

Club Women Asked To Bring Cards To

Meeting Tomorrow

Mernbe,'s of ihe Iowa (,Ity Wo° man's dub aro I'C(I'I"8l<'<1 to b r ing f the lt' mern])",r.hll> ca"ds to tile gen· rul cl ub m~ellng tornor,·ow o.l 3

,p.m, in tho 1'rlnlty gpl"copul Par­ish house. Mrs. Frnnk A. Da.nner, hostess an!l sergeant·at-Ilrm., w1l1 hlile I hem at the door. .

-IlEAT Il. LI ::<Ol8--

Theta Pledges Feted At Thompson Residence

The pledges or Kappa Alpha. Thela Wert) entertained by Mrs, W, S, Thompson and he" daughter, Jean. A3, at a tea fl'om a to G p.m. Tuesdo.y at their hOrne In tho Burlington o.parlments.

Mrs. Florence A nderson, chaperon of Kappa Alpha 'fhetn, poured.. Cuests Included mpmhers of Ihe ac· tlve chapter.

Orange and brown rhrysanthe-mums and orange candlcsl1cks ear­l'led out the Hallowe'en theme in l:Iecoratlons.

- BEAT n r,Il\'OI8--

Mrs. Charles Fieseler To Entertain Group ·

Mrs. Charles FteSE'l~r of C'oralvi lle I will be hostess for the American ,Legion auxiliary bridge Jlllrty to,' mOrl'QW at 2:11i p.m. at her home. /

The public Is invited to attend.

BEHIND the scenes, in many a capture by G·men, will be found the service provided

by men (and women, too) of the Bell System.

Law enforcement officers make frequent use of both local and long distance telephone service. They depend on the Teletypewriter, for quick and ac­curate transmission of written messages. They tighten their nets with the aid of yet another Bell System development, police car radio.

And 80 the telephone, with products and services grow· ing out of it, helps to ~ake your life happier, broader and more secure.

There's Sturdy

Fact in This Airy

M Y T H*

b,V(UtK~ Fir.lttlme you buy Myth, you think you're giving in to a ll1l1uriolll whim. YOII soon learn belter - its fragile look is only a mylh. For there's plenty of strength Iwisted Inlo Ihe fine silk threads. Among Ihe lovely Fall' shodes-

Happitone-to wear with block Cheerlbrown - 10 wear with brown Merrtgold-to wear wilh worm colors

First, fl'IOOt,

Ubecau •• you ' lov. nice thlngs"

~apes .Raincoats

98c Tt hns been kn own to rai n during fonnel' "Homecoming" occasions .•. at Strub's you will · be "qhowereo" wi th new IIlyle coats a nd capes. Transparent color silhouette of a ll sl)k, 1.98 to to 2.98. Rubber RaJ ncllpes are a v ,M ue Qt 98 .. c.

STRUB'S-FlrlIt Floor

Yea! and Hooray!

New Sweaters

1.98 2.98

New k nits, new col­ors, new t r ims these sweaters m uch wanted 1)ecause of Ihek style and valu e. All manner of neek­Jlnp~! Single p n·d fwln Rets,

STRllR'S ....!.111il·sf. Floor

For These FOOTRALL Season

Barbam S H 0 1 E' S Joyce ,

,Brown ,



The wide strap O:dOI'd8 wllh new heel, In Bucku with bll pertora· UnnH. ' ,

Fri nlred l\iIt.lll a nd perforations. 8ucko wUh built · \Ill lepthllr heel .

Suede '




'Tire aftemoon tJ& whh po' lnteG ton,ue Bnd ~ -' II t leather "8tre&mIlDe touches."

• The ne'" !au model, the coek. tall oldonl, Clvee 8mlll'lllllil PH well 811 comfort.


Are You Going to


STADfU r ROBE $~.9 r.

Strub's again enter the field ..

cross the line ... and score (l

touchdown with the b est

" lines" in history-tlnd a

"backfield" of stellar values!

Slwp and Save at Strub's!

Top H:uIIlIe

Handbags They will be suede to rna,tch your gloves . . • and to be in step with s tyle! New grain leathers. too.

STRUW8-First Flollr

There' .!! a Flai,. 10

Skirts 298

A f lair for smartness calls for III flair in your Rklrll See the nelV wools, flan nels and hert'lnghone m1xtu res at Strub's. Sizes 24 to 32. S'l'R lIU'S-F irst F loor

Here's A. SpellbiJl,ler I

Cabretta GLOVES $1.95

'Congratulations are in order for these new stitched suedes ! Black, brown, chaudron, green anel wine,

STRUll'S-Flrst Floor

NEW JEWELRY 25c to $1.00



Tho Assocloted P ress IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1936 . Central l'rcS8 Association

VETERANS RErpURN TO IOWA LINE PRIOR TO LOOP TILT, Hawklets, U. Hi Play on Foreign Fields Today Gene ,Ligget.t

own ' o(fcnslvo weapon" which Ino ' Coach 8010'1\ wli l eviden tly be elude a bag or new and deceptive !'cady to "~ho()t the wO"ka" &Ilalns~ plays. giving vent 10 the fact that (SCI) LeOC1l'BALL-, Page 6l

City High Set For Franklin Game Tonight

UawkJcls Tackle For of Week Rapid Gridiron

2nd On

With all halldK on deck Ilnd In

, Expected To RivermenPrep 10,000 Seats See Service AN ILLINOIS FLYER

For 2nd Loop Remain F?r Tilt l 'omorrow HomecomIng

T('n IIlvll~lIlf l ..,tl ldilll ll spn l ~ left

~t llli plu~t,,,· !III bi d(' :.;atllnjay-~u('l.

Solem ExpcCls Many From Tt·jck Pluys

O'·t.llIge and Blue 11

" 'V{I

---, Journey to MOlllicello

For Tough Con les t ; Blues ill Condition

wa~ tilt ' IIIrul"l'nal iun ~"Nftc l'(\ay Oil (null Illi lIui~ t hu I they h".o 1>J'('l)tlI'~

lIw lIc kc L sllle rIll' Ihe IlIirlOi~. low'~ l'Il for 1-;0ulh"' 11 Clllifol'nh. lasL Sat·

I fu nlt.'l·omlllg g'umc,

Charles Gallhrr suld Uml lidwl

1,,(' .1"11'0 fo r llntlle. CI1) hig h wi ll journc) to \ 'eda r Ha.plds tonlgbt Lo lako Oil Lhe lo"rallklln hig h school ouLtll on Wit park field. This will be tho ~"conll game tor tho Hawk· I ct~ U,IH ,,,·<'k. UH Clinlull wa.~ tied o to 0 horo last Monday nlg ltt.

I'~ol' tire !Second nlghl 111 !'oJUcc('s- order~ arc sUll arrtvlrlK ~lt. u. g uod

lilull. CUM;h .)0)' Kistle ,· drilled hi!> ,l'llte and thal hlij early week pre· University hl~h Hchoo l rOIl(l)all diet hi" of " crowd of mOl'e limn team hard and lung ycste"d<1)' aItet'. 40.fJOIl tl.pp"l'~nlly "till holt!" soot! . noon. In 1'r~ l)al'lllion fa" lho Bluc's I r~ saJId thaI fans coming to Iowa Hecond Little Elghl confere nco tilt 'Ill' II I Iho last millule Saturda.y of lhe aoa6011 with 1 hn IlIllI'l"'ful are nH.~urc<l of b~ln~ ubll' tn hu y M . .onUceLio agg l'cj::allo ll 011 the 1,,1- ;'caL-; III I he I",rma,. ' I1 t 8tol1,l s. tf'I"S (jp)d ~om()J'''ow llnrWI100Jl at. rrlckcls wi ll b(' on lin l£' liurlng' L11(~

3:30. ;.nol'lling a.t Whelstll","" (lI·tlg s lo"n

UI"fluy ," said CORe ll Ossio Sol em

pl'iOt' Lu yeHl(,rday's lengthy urac­

tice, l"l"hcy Wet'e not able- to open

till a/;itlnHL I he T"ojans and hence

will huvo tM11' bag or lrick pla~'ij

ana n'~zl('-rl(\zzlc's I'eady to spl"ing 4galll >;1 us," h o ('ontlnued.

Thoroughly (' 0 " v Inc e 11 thai Z'lIl1lko will prcsent his [l'lei,y at· taek to th,. Iowa!!R Salurday. lhe ]r)wu 1l1(,lllor cnntiuut'd lo drive his nwn tlH"O Ll ~h a 10llK dc[(\n~ivf' sc('jm~

mu<:c "1:,,1,,"1 thr r'·e"hm~n . w ho Wf't'O (lxct'U lill g a, val-il'ty of plaYd

Uti"·,, [1'Our the 1111 IIi l'O llerlolre.

"But would your wife like ii, Mr. 8eanl!lGrpe, if YOIl raised my salary'" "Miu Ogilvie, T save mOllgll OIl Twenty Grands IIJ do ii, tmyWilY'"

I"mnklin 18 ('"pectc'l to VUL us " Imng l).Il a!;,,,l'cgatlon on tho fIelt! t\lnlghL a.~ dlt! IIntnn. Tho Parlor city boys am rc\lUIc~1 In possess ... hN' fy IIn o ami " rust. hard· ('Ill~rglor;' v!lekflcld.

Nt"n I I:' "i{I'ough. who IIt'gu n thr .l'ltlln\.}C'l' OIIP, 111(\ ILtlll ~lI(' u frlcn ill

.season as a "1'<'Oflf l Icum l'n<l. 8f'em" lhe floldhllusP. allil at lhe lWO s[,,· lo h :llVn WOn u rJl'sl tt-UIlI be-I' ll! at ~ 1I11111 licke- l orCiN'l'! ht·gillnlnJ.;' n.t

In pI'at' lIcCI I ht lasL l\, 0 \lays ('"acl, Hrl'I> (:ornrarl< has mpl~d

out CIlJIY drlll~ tl) his I'egul",r ~la rL·

en!. Tit!> baekfl Id has como In fOI' ~h" hardesL work, however, as the !allure to 8CO " 0 agai nst Clinton wns laid al tile d oo,· of weak plunging !power. A specially Improvised can· I'as hUL'kcr hM 1"'1," used In all lend avor to add mo ... · tTl'lvlng l>OW r 'La II", lI~ht IALlI,· Ilawk backs.

The [i ,'"1 s ll'l ng line hao little

g'urtl'!l. I'l J)N'rerCllcc lo 130h CamP' 11(10n. Ion and .Ji)i BJIlIl1{h'r, who wpr monopolizing- th e )Jo!'ilt lon ('urli{'f' j", Stll\(' Vetel'ans R~rul,cl'atp I" oubl" with Lhe 1I1Ini I'lmnlng al·

'ol'lJlu.('k Will (JrvlJlLhly Rturt tilt' Hllmo team 'with two exceptiuns lo­\nlg .. t . Lh"t open"u Ihe Cllll ion fray. trhls l~all1 will tie CUll'lpo,('(i uf AI

WIe r anll Capl. Jen~ No,·!;uUI'd. f'wh: J( I 'IIIlY f\.\(J':"I.'i and " fundy Malt ..... tucl'I~R; Bill II1N,rd1l11 ulld 1:;"lJ !'; II III (. 1'. !lUMll"; UflU J)fck Wack. c('nlt1,', ,] ' 11(' Mluriing ha 'k fi 10 unit

J .l'O HtI,sicll i~ lin!' of' Coach Bob Zuppke's outstanuing 80p11O' l1Iore hUc\ls and a bl'illiauL open field ITI11l1el'. A halfback, he tips I hr ~ 'ull's III lH~ plIunds ami is 5 fcet 10 inches tall. !Ie h,dlN fmlll HIWkJ'ol'd, III ., un(l will stal't the g'11l1l(' flw thl' llliui hrre ~at lInlay.

Yell Expert! cotch Hoctor Keep

Miuue ola Rooting Honors 42 Years

Irish Mentor IGives Gridders Hard Workout

Lho SCWMln. HI ' sll1.rtcd at the guard llO"L f.,,· KIstl l' r ug"lnst Wesl 1,lb· erty IWlt Friday.

Monticello I" 1'CllI'e.cnlc<l U)' a. la!'g(' alld powerful line which ts buill around Tom I';d~n . 185 pClund cent.er_ F rom ,,"-"ilion out. t Iw ned anti Dla,:k UfH;'I'l'ga­

Lion Is JIl.lIIned l,; y "u!;ged and l'aJl~'Y plaYf' I'H. 'J'urnulTow 'S (:onl(·~t

will ltUll'k thc..' fil'~1. limp t his ~ell-'

son that til RlvOI'mc n lI'lVC !;on<> to batlle ollt·wcl~hed .

Bt'hlnd the rOI'Wlu'f! '''t!.i l, Co.u,h B.oy M oOl'(' hH~ U. !lO(('I\1 licorillg fIIlt ..

chiJ1e. Junior Hobert, halfuul'k. iFl

" cI ve'·. "billy ,·unn er. and b<!hlnd l/1e' ex!"{'p! IUIlUI blocking u[ L«'w(t\

Cox. "u""od hlocklng Uul'k, 1I 01le "L has I)/'e n ahlc to uccounl (oJ' lJ.,

g "cat deal o( M()nU'~ 110\\'erfu l "~o"lng drlvc... In ,,<lllIUoll KI'II' ,wtlt t~ox. 17:' l'OUIIO Is ... CUllUn)lp 11no plullgf' l'.

- Will " .. cvmpo'cd or Bill Burkley. lluarU'l" k . Kf'ith 11 01(1. and Eldon l larizl'k hlllOJacktl:, anll Juhn Gray. tullhaelc l'l. IUl-IH and (:ray, \\'ho did _lul Hla. (. aga illb l litO ,olver dly ltc·alll. J{)()lwu gOOt] jn U.u,L (I'ny und

~liLV (~ won lJU.el<. their alarll ll il u.ssIy-n­~nt> lll" for lnnl.~ht"~ Co nl~SL. ____ _ 'Iotw l{iHtI("\11l"1 cn will gO on t o th o

I" 111.. ClinLon [,· ... cas lho C lly ~llSh pa"""w tllltwk looked spoLly NI';\\ YOJtK. oPt. 14 (AP) 1' 1' III du " to fallulo IIr tho rece ivers 10 111""",.,,1" . w hOl" II", foolh,,11 YIi, Ihtlng nil to lhtl hUll, I n OtlW I1 gaml'8 01 1 lho Jlawklf't. schedu lo lho ing-~ I'willl)(' ulong on thf'h'vic tQI'Y

The air waR filled wilh footbaUs n£'Jd ill gUO{L phYSJcILi cOlldition

'a:-\ Sl. rat's w nt U1I'OUSh a signal p,gain lomol'J 'ow. St.!yt'I'ul u[ I tlC dif· (Irlll lalil night. III Ilr("p tuulioll rOl.l flc'ulUrs whif'h OC('tII'I'c d In Ihe \Vcst

Llbc l'Ly fra.y have t; e n 1"v'H'd oU L lIt f'i,. C']ul1 h with Roo/:lcvclt. ncudpmy' .lhis WCf'lc.

lla.MslufC u.ttack hUJj I-*-, n potC'nt. anti ~vlth the lIa"" rec'I,lvI" ·. com ing In l'ur thel,· .hUl'o IIr u"lil Ih I .... t til" I Ill, •. lhl" ", ""'1, will undoubt· edly l,fO w,,"d t{)nh~hl to a. gn:ab i<xtOilt.

ma.rl' h. the 1)1,1",(, I"HJl..,- 11i H little" al Aledo. III .. lomorl'ow aflcl·noon. ------------__

- JU';,\'l' 1I.1,"OlS-

U. Hi Harriers Open Season's Battle Today

plUlIlp ~kol{'iI "hIde,.. w hu li lUI held Ph\Y ln~ against u. larger t ea.m,

hl 'i I'opulal iOIl Hti c' hh'r nuil'll' mllkt:I' Coach Father' J[nl'ry Ryan Is uul1d­ror' 12 Y('(ll'l" , hIs offense around Dick l[cn ly and

lJr, Juhu CUIIl IJI.J l'lI wa..'i .M iII Il C- lOOn Ncwhiggel1, two fast baCks, who ean tOHH lila pigskin liko llro­

Hotfl'~ fi.')(l 'h ~ 'f" I ' h:'-lUJ(o I', leading ~·etn-s lonala.

10.000 Hwcdl'S lIlI'ough the '\\'cc.od~ as On LL vOJ' lalion of I owa's ~ncJ­

"fflclal vuellJ I~Cl' at fooU., 1l gUll1es fL"ound ,play. "Foozy" Neubauer f"(lm IX!I" tu ltJIJIJ. OV(H' bi s 42 tal<08 hl.!:J lurn a.t. pitching lbe- ball

to w .. lllns receivers. All In a ll It yeul'tI, the nui l:ly Scot, 1I0W In his will lIteraHy rain (oollla lJs at.

Glkl yea" hut J;'ui n~ li lL"lJIl Ior, hwm'l [Un ois town when the IrIsh sta.rt

mI N"" d It "1I1gl~ 1-llnncR"lli hOllle thelt· oCrel1 ~() and take to Lhe ali' gam'. A II lold. he has mi>ltlcd only In an aL lemllt LO regIs ter the ir fl

- ~ five u.way from hom e-on c al "'·Is- vlct.oJ'Y in four starts, ~ t;lIlvt.· l'slt)" hl~h 'H l~ Illan crO!iH- l'oll s ln , on(" at. Sianfonl and ~hl'eo }'or the flrat time thl~ wok, 'vuufll r y l"HJIl tl'f'kH II o l'/ hwnnl to ttl Michigan. "MoisY" Aaron r eported for prac-0lwl1 tI ... l't3H iTllf·l'lll'ilnln. ... lh· hnn-Jr ,- "!('11C ,'Olu nd duclul' u nd hiM (alllous lIeo 'bu~ did not tako part IJl any M:3!-'1J1l III n dllal tlrrUU" \\ Ilh .\}r- yell, "J l ook 'Pin 4'OW.'· J I·a.d~ u. rahlfl con tac t. li is hanll y possible that. ](Inley 1I1t; 11 ~(" h OHI UI1 l1w UOllll'l1 STOtll) o( Minl1cMofn football r!lI1S 110 will Uluy Ju tho coming .!I-n.y,

HC",. ·H 10llr;' Itlst.trlt'" tmll In 'e(lur' fl'om llll' Routh St. Pllul Rlockya"dR I~d GaLens. who Injul'ed hi" a l·m. Ra,Jid s thhs aflrorllf)ou, al1d packing houlo.p ,I f.t:tt .. id, Dt~kcd JlllS lha doctOl"'~ permission 1..0 I ·.rh j~ lU(oel th lH Hrtr' 1IH1011 W II hi' !Ill! wil h maroon llnd gol(1 1H'nliuntH, pal'" in lho game, th J' by Ht.l·coglh-, lh III" ·L com1wtlliclll I h~ !\ 1\('rlJl f' ll, I I If' ,p steaming u huulpl'"R u nd thei!' " !Illig the forward wall cons iderably, ha\'~ h ilt) thi s ;\"NlJ', , ', If"1 .\1 I,', ka t/·"!' occupy n choi('c l'Uon nnLl - 8JoJAT JLL1~'Ol~

('nq)f" nll~r h rui f01l1' 1"1 / 1'"1 IIJlUll IJ III 4tH a g l'f'!lt ~huw whllp lIl r- i!' E;lkhal'l. l{nn" bas na1l1{'d Its city who~n Iw {'nil n~ l.\ '1'1'1' 1111 1 who J.:rlrlll'fl lI gJadhltors UI'C rnUlllillg thO pu,·k after n. (asl-st.l?ppl ng native

Zuppke Seeks lilini Replacem,ents Prior

To Iowa Encounter

CIIA~[pArGN, Ill ., Oel . H (API-Coui'll. lIob ZUJJI''' & devol ­t!d most or his attelltion h~ !1Ii· nois l'oscnJ'fl!i Lotin,y, !JucldlJg I't' ­

placem.ent. ",ute";ul. ~sPccirll l .r fO,' tho Iilla. Andy (;Iused'.i. 1.9:I·poun,( tlU'lde, lIla de It !;()(lfl impl'cssiou and IH'OiJably will be IL<;(.'d fl'equenlly ill 1, Iace of (lpne Uykst,.. ... w Ed Skan]fI.

eOl.UMBUS, Ohlu. (AP) Pe t cJ 1'1('k u" IH'CsI'nlcd by Lhe fr'osh hul Oale9 and C ha" ley lfa'tlrlch . Ohio lnOian PUMS plays. forward. later. State's flrst.strlng tackles. took als. and ev',,'y other kind Imagln. their regular turn in praetlCG yes· able. gained wiLh l'egula,' success 'tel'day tor tho first time In a fOrt· against Lho Vars ity. ~llghl. having recovered from In . Artel' the long de[e nsiv<, session , jUlies. , lho HawkeYe" polish ed o[f th It,

All youifovorite:stars'in a 50ng­iammed, dance.-'crammed grand ,slam of a big,: time musical romancedeaturing the most

WE CEHTU'V thal we have inspect.

f:d Ihc Turkish anI! ))olllcsLic1'\1h1ICCOS

blended in TWE 1'Y (;RAND cigat:euIJ and lind them tiS line in smoking qual. ity as thosc used in cigarettes costing as much as 50% more.

(~.,J) Sci!, Putt & Jlu:ohy ID~ (In u;,llaoolahora wph ' O:fJtXfJ tytrl)

, : -=

will hI.' "Il'lt'" I~ ' I,1'I1I1.: .. .\\ 1, li1 p il' o:JpIJEll lI on , HUll G lenn Cunningham,

('lIll1 tl'Y

('onlppli llllil ;I n ': ;\Ip,\"t ' rl'i , (:. Millt .. ''' , H obl)i ll li :tIId '-ill" ·!.'r", ( Ha l" othf'I'

,,~t. ' Va.lI","f' 'II-! • \\flil) has nevcr(

ganl('l'('ti u If'It << r. 1M u. capa.hlo flU'­

~e,' a ml Ie CXIJI'ct<'{/ tv como lhrOII!l'/I thIs YPul'.


The Producers of "Mr. Deeds Goes to Town" present another gay comedy·drama with the same vivacious stur-


CON'! 'I NUO S SltO\\','

THROlTGH '!'llli ' UPPEJ(

110 R FROM 1:15 TO U :3U

1 ~ \lJo;RY DAY.


2 More Great. Shows and Only

Cost You

26c Afternoons Evenings

Inc]udes State Sales Tax

DAO[A5T F 1937"



FOOTBALL FLASHES Showiag the Spectacular 1985



NO.1 FEATURE Your favorite actin swell show.

NO.2 FEA Another great sho ... great cast.

in a

A Param~unt ' Picture


,,'Just, • T.IMlll'I TODAY ENVS


THURSDA Y, 0 TOBER 16, 1986

Brool,lyn Not In Junior Loo

H.Y S(JO'l"fy RI .... t;;\\ rO L'LK . ( wI. II /t.P)- 'l'I1() lf rar

Il rooklYil VOlI!:,,"" IV III '1(11 hire HaUo l-.l Ll 11Ulh, 'ro il Y llllZZC''Ioj (II ' a ny olht.!L' 111'01

Am(\J'h'an league Ulull lu lllanage vuh the Lcal11 . ~tel;II'11 W. McJ(c~vcr.

gl-yelll'.oIJ 1)I'esl!l~nt "r lh(' c lub, ~llld tudl.L),. ti l

Ithe) Wlln

" ' Vc abvllt !IU uJllJllcu tlulHJ for l.h~ Job. mwil or t heJn fnml. goOd men , a nd we oll~ht t o be tLillo to

j::~1 " I<ood l\'.l1lunal league,' " lit ur tht· lot." MeKoe'o,' liIlld.

'1'1 lu 1 ~ l stf.;

n1a n ItUIIlVI' Gives .l lOb lo Lllzzcl'i

HumOI'S 1' lrClllaled tuday lh ,lt IAlZzerl. v ' It.' nllt SCClH1U baiSC"m lL li u f Inti 11

,a"OU 1h,' Nt:'w YUl' lc Yankees, wab )'l' lm.;' t4l.ld t·(/II~ld"'rl·(I a.'j tlw S uCcl'RHII I' to CU~it'Y ITIa(l~

;-;t ngr l, depused nl ~tn:lgcJ' uf til l:; dlnn Dodge,.".

' ''l'hat'l:J nOIl ~e ll M!," r ou l (;d .A-fC-

" ,·evo ,·. "A n this t 'llk ahollt Hulh III'' i 01" allY uth(;,· Am rkan Uf

l l'l.lQ"l ll'l' H'QUing lilt" joh is the uUllle" 1\IU'O

1;;<1 Ca l'I'oW, buHin~s munug(,' I' or j liYC ~ 1 1C Ynnk ('r~, Ulrih (IiHC' t'ccl tt C'd I 11<: dtll t'~

Laz~ori j'UnlUJ', t IH l 'p 'rh !\l.,( tal ' th,) I)l"e:-;;

"'1' II Ht '~ 1I 1) to MUIIU #{Cl' "M . ""'lu t h y, Hf' ll !J

luf t'O lll'~(', hili I d u n ' t tid II I .. TOll Y

\'multl ,,'anl 10 go illHl 1' 111 HUff.!

l\JcCUl'thy wOli ldn ' t wunt lo h-t hinl gil." III ' said.


Th \\ hu g l ' l1 (' I

], w. Itu l h. WIIO I<' I'L (Ill' L'hpMl\',.. N. ,r .. Ull a. ltUIlUn g- l l"ip l ulia )" im;IRtou willl

thal ht' HU ll was eag-er fol' a. chal1ct! \~lIP1H

u: th J ~ob :\lc.P1 : " J think Ul'uui<l,rl l has til( '

BITS abou~


Tl Ri Tin



nel's l

CIi AMVA ICN. II I. (!Opccl .. 1 tu The allvn D,lily I OIl:tIl)-JIilnlJi" fllulhalt whic h

Jllayer.~ "I," II<lent thaI Lhl'Y have a duy m ~uud I'!tlllll' £' to .'itan tl ll'l,. Big" T f'fI on(>-ha

l'PUson I"v l)C'atillg- lU"'ll, al't· maldn~ were J

I'll udy ful' ltlf'il' mOI'('h nil InwH ('ily, Hon , \'

• • • .1ironn

'I'he lJIilli i'Uluud will CIIII'l.iu hel's ~''';day lIIurnili/{ at i o'dol' I, fOr ('hie~g", ,,;hN'c lI ... i .. ~III'''; III

(·U!·s will I){' swild'ed h, I Ire ICIWII IK!;"' '' III 10:30 U.III ., 111('11 h~a" flll' Mlllhlll wh!' rp I hl'Y will arl'ive al 2: 15 ill Ihe aflcmooll.

• • •

him. '

WU~ 1: rl'hp

ha vf' I

Virgil wi ll I ' L;


i\I 8,,11 01' TOll

l '11IEl' WILL !llil(ht at ~llJlIllc

• air" 111'0<:1'''' I" tI,(, 1I'I(h He h"o l Tile al ille tle fi eld 1'01' It bl'l ef 1I,"lJ()l'l ng " tIP,,!;,1 ,"P. although they wiil Slft'll In Dav· [h's l 0

CIIPort I"l'iday nigbt. Tlt f' ste>po J'C In vadel's. ~~lo l l n o is a comvllment lo Geol'!;c wlunln (<:IgSj ~l·n"err. coUCh of Molino 11lg l1 Ia.,l "choul. oldtlnte 11linl hack. fur wllom flOWe" . Coach 8(1) ZUflpke and his stu Cf 1:!"eSI htIVr hIgh reg'Ll·d. 1"01' the ' lflc l'I100 i1 the "u lll'aclice the Illayc l's will don on ly wCll'kin sweat s 'lits and game s hoes. ICUnt II

• • • I allho ll~ TIm bljuad will dr,lJlrt I'm' JIJWIl thl'ougl

I 'ily by Hook hht./'d ~I,"'l'ia/ in lill

(rain Sahll'd(,y f()I 'C IIOOIi III II 1'11l1 11 IJl!

0'('(0/'11, QI'I'ivllllr It!, Ihe HILmll. 10WIl "" xl S (' .\ ~ ~l:llliUII\ III 12: 1r,. 'I'hry wi ll

'cl,ve ItL 4: /r. uftN' the 1:1"111', MatiiSOt t he HCIl, n,11I1'lI1J11:' hy Ihll !>lImo !,!llIft·.

t • •

Dl';~,g.\T LW HOlll ll p"11 Califol'·

nla'N 11011'("'[111 ll'am hus not low ered th~ II,o"ole of lh you ng Jlllni. '(.111) I'cldlze I hel l' mlsta.k(·s

Ye IOI) " Chltl'le!<

'I' he I

llnol~ h "lIntrluulc<! to Llle Tl'oJan l )olnl ·lotul. yet ~el .

ZU'lJpIIC'S YOlill/l'slc l'ij tlo Ilotbcllevo of IheM( they wlli rnak" Ihesl' II1lslakc~ agal n. Tlw otl

• • • lhllUgl1 'l'/IV JIIilli I "'alit~ (hl' iI' la.,l, i ~ Included

to ~tull I~~ Ile~~ IIlIll elusive Oz· 5"01'"" [ d e Iihl""01l ~, whll~l' llrl'rOl'! Il ' ('illicit IU ICCS aguinsl U(('lli Ills t Y"llI' ",'e (lfl''l of I'ehl iu vh'ill lIINIlII' ·.I'. (,ivill/{ sl~III IIt gl't'rtL lH'aiSr ~ " JlHvic Uavis, HO /l Sill'

Soul hl'l'l1 .j 'IfJi,.()/·"iIL'~ 'I " (~I'II'I" OVPIl I nil' haclI, thuy 110 1101 Ihillk tho host of 'I'rojall i ~ It, g l'I'Il' a ll !JIl('" flel ll 10 be J, r"""er liS 'he IlIIlUZilljl' (lzzic. III . A lthf

Put together more than a dozen of I movie l'avorites-season witll Benny GI Symphony Orchestra---and what have 193'1;" which starts to~ay for 5 dayS a Ii few of the reigning favorites of thE coloosllI cMt,..-.Tnck 'B('nny- Shil'lol' R Mm' !tayu. Dob DW'JJs- Bell ilY Cc

, c


THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11'" 1986 .. THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA ITY --Brool,Zyn Not Interested II FOOTBALL \ Phi Psi Hol~8

PREDICTIONS L T I J · L pM - --------. eague ops

Varsity Baseballers Sl~ Indoor Drill

n unlor 00 anager II) ,I,\C 'I\ '1.\lIIC In Gr.ed Battles 'f1Il1RSnA Y


011\ weather scored Itll Initlo'l vl"tor'T ovor lhe Iowa baseba lL ,quad yesterday and Coach "Pops" Harrlsoll m oved )1l s proleges 1nto \.hc lleldhouse for their fll's L Indoo" dl'l\I of the season,

III :S()01"l'V RI!:WI'(/I'> ,\'BI\ rll!ll';, ' II'I. IliAI') The Irnw,'hIH" Iii 1111' Natioll 'cl " 'U!;UP,"

B"noklYIl I)u""o l'. will 1101 h"'r .I3ulJe ~'IIlld Ih" ImlX', "'lIId I thlllk l 'd Hull! . 'eollY 1 .a~;,:pl'l 01' a llY othol' pl"ob{Il)l y hnvc 111111'(' ucluul ca~h

Am~l'ical\ Il' ugue mUll tu 1Illlnllgc vu lll<' till're III"" anyw herc CiS<), tho tea,." ISteviam \V , ~J oJ({!.evc r ,

~HO<.lr-ol" IJ"esl~enl ot th club, 81M tod"'y,

" 'V(o hu.vt,: ut)(Jul ~II I lll illli l';,IUUII~

(or lhc Joh, Il1UHI t,r th" l11 from good

'l'UIIM h ,Iub '''I'hat'" It tuugh job to ul'I,ly for, don 't knuw who to apply to, but

,they know J'1ll InlcNsl",1 If IhC)' want me."

mC'n, anll w(' oughl tu bt' alJll' lu Th(\ jJrooklyn Ij,lt ll ulllJII c.'onlin ucd ~rt " gOOd National I 'IIl'Ul'l' Ullt or lo ito COIlHIHtCllt only III ItK Incon ­cho 101," McKoe"p,' HIli", /llstclIcy, J ohn ()oJ'nlQn, business

UU'I/VI' O;VL'S ,Job 10 ""zzc,'1 Humors ('il'('ulatcd toda y th tlt manag('" ul' the duu." }luld th n ew

manag I' Pl'obubly wou ld be nal11cd J.oU1.t:.('ri, Vl'te r'an ~(>cond baseman of ~I'ullnll Nov, 1. ,Judge M cl(c(>vQL' ltw NC'w YOl'l{ Yu.lI k c<'s. wa~ 1Jt'i1l ~ 6ald Ul(~ H.Ullount.'('ment wou.d btJ l'lIl1~ldl:n'd ll.~ tho ~u ('('(l~"tH' tu ('UHI'Y lnlltJ t' tll lh t. lLn nual lJil'WOOIl wrlllH'S' f)lengt'l , dl'po.!wd nliwugl',. 02 l ll l:: dJnner ill N(.l W YOl'k eU l'ly In Li'ell . Dodgen\. I'uat'j,

41, JIHH •. (' It ., I:J; rrtAllkllu (ft"fiflr Hf'VII"')

I"IUI)A Y IAlcu l

\J'luth 'J' lIu I:li , . UiR:h I),

J(OOlticwflt MU ILIlr',r (1\II·du. III ,) ~O; :-.L J'''L'I'I U.

'" idfilc \\' est .~II !'tl1"UH 1\lIollllllfH J3; CIJUt'Ul"tilu O.

Klln.loflirC '\·~~ I".ru'l ; j Oiln,,"o O. Klrk1u ' lI1l" II ; !oollrillgfl"hl 1',· hr'f. O. North 'J .. kntlt toIllllr 13 ; '\luurlu'Lul U. loin" II. IhLlwlll ~tltlf' , ~; OnuliJU V, Urn I", .:l i (rf'l¥htulI i . ~htl'll" ll }.' I~ J:l; .\U gLU."1I1II (~ . n.) U. J'ur po:olI" 1; 111111111 ... f'ollrl{" O. nll,f'f hH\U 27; ",.nn O.

t:'U.t .\rk'UIHLI"i II j Ot'urge' WU lS hu',klufl U. T.' IIlI,I,. Ja; ( 'Rrll .. "I,' 'I'rc-' h U.

Soulh ~uujh\Ve,dl'rn 7; ( 'lmltuJllJuJtIL 0, I.AlUI.lfiu"M. Tl"('h l a; lIuft 1I"!oohllrs- O. )Ih.rtll, J,' lu " I:i; (tulllnN O.

fal' wr~1 " , ' hUl'tj 11 OIlHt.-' IIM,' , " foal 'cd Mc>

Kl'C"'CI', "j\11 thl:i t a lk UhOlil Huth (JI' Luzzc.l'j trl' tiny utiH"'· ,\merl~an

leug'ue,' golll ng til e jol, I" Ihe IWllk,"

HI ; hll'hll (b(,uthern \1'11111..,11(' 11 e Of I hl' Ilfl Il"pllcatlon. fu, ' lI'" job, ~l'Ullch ) u,

11111'Ollft,' rnl'cJ' rU lnors point to I h ebO ' SlIlllu U,.rbl~.j~ , ~~;;I;~~~ :~ J .. U\.I"I' ,le U,

J ~d I:arrnw, hURII1 (.>t-ls JlHlIlaf,~ r or riVl' I fH.'1) UM. th f' (J utHttt.ndluJ; cu ndl­

, he )'onk(,·!t, 01,<0 (11"" "",1il oll lhQ "at~>; Illll' lclg'h QI'Imc5, m'.LI1u\iel' or l~lZZOI'j rUI110r, til LlJllit,vilJc> C ljIOIlCIIi ; Cha)·h.,·y

l"J. 'ru ,\ld '''l'lh)' 1)1'('",,'n, managel' ur tilC il1clnl1llll ' ·'1'hul 'H UP 10 Ml.t l lUKO)' l\ l eCnrllI Y, It,ll ~; V;w,: h Wlu.'ut. one·l1llw l)U(ig-ol'

h, r l'U"IO", hili I ,llIn ' t Ihlllk 'l'()IIY NI" ... l.a.zel'l unll HUlh, wtlullJ It) HU illid L' 1I1 KUfe

~ 1 l'('arU,)' woul<lll't wunt III 1"1 hln, Tlw , I' LJlOtU' thal UI.I'I 'Y ~It ' f'hail ,

who will I'cllrl' ;Hi vil'e- pfI'.sidrml and ~IJ," lit" Hllid , gent' ,'u.1 mUIlUg'f' I' o[ till' RooR Nov.

I ,fica I 111\\', \ 1:1; H ,I, INtlIS 7,

Uig 11c n "IInJUt' )! Ii ; t 'hl" ll gO H. ~j 'hraMk'. II ; llifthell ll 1, " lhlll" .. fJ'h :!U;; '1Ie'hl"" ,, II , Ohitl ,"'lith' J~; 'urO""f"'I""1I 7. :\utr., UUIl It' Il : \\ ''''''\111",111 Ii.

llig Six

I'hl KIII'''u. P si. last YaQ,I"I! tnlru­

IlItI,'ol cha mpion rootball at;grega­

lion , ,'onllnuCd la Ita ",Innlng stride

10.,"1 <,venlng 1>)' defeatln/f tllo .nelta

c hi club, 9 to 0, In the othel' lwo

gll ll"'" Illn.ycd at. Ma)roI;o flel"",, Pili gp~lIuli PI won over the Sigma. Nw; 28- 14, and Delta. UpsilOn cha.lked up " fo rfeit win from A, T , 0 ,

DlcI{ 1.ozicl', spee"y Phi Psi IIl1c~­

man , Inlercepted a long Delta. Chi IlIlHH o. 'ld outul81aneed tI,e field fOl' lhe Qnly touepdown of tho game, '1'10 " tl'Y (or extl'a. POinL was UI\-8UCCCHS( III , EarlY In llll) sooond half IO f lhe c ncounter, the Delta Chis' long pas8CS bhr!lQtened to b"intr 1'c­~u ltH, but the nham]>s l'cp!l9.tedly held them (1'0 111 the goal line, In ~ho last nllnut s of the gam~, JIm.

, Only a fow men l'npOI't ed and tho Ilro.cUce was limited to a little throwIng , WOen more candidates ~urn out It III planned to lower the nets and let tho pitc hers and ballers lake beavler work-OUts,


Balsamo Surprises; Kayoes Eric eelig

' tf" • ". N8W' YOR,(, Oct, 14 (AI')-HaI'rY

Ba.lsamo, Ih~ bQ~~el'lng brakcmllJ) trom tho subway, bflunced Eric Se,,­Ilg , Gennan I'Cf~g~C, Pllt of the mld­pie -weigh t piptul'~ loniglJL with a. speedy kno~kpllt In t)1e !io'RL. ,'ound ot. J.I,l II' tel)., )'Qu!ldor In th e New Yor~ H'ippQ(!romc,

Honk, Phi p si and fornwr Roosevell counted two lnOl'C touchdowns while flash, kicked hiS third field gool ot holding: Sit;fI1/' Nil to the 14 polnt.1 thl" Hca.~on to place his tlub In a lthtly had &(I,l'nered In tllC fh'St half, klld wlilch was ,H)" er eDuangcl'ed, TI:wll\ l3cech~n. \VaIL 11lerslclncr, (,

nhl loJpsllou PI ",nd ,Slb'1))a Nu IShlndler /I.nd Dn,vo Bolu\)n "lade lho 111u.yOO close fool ball lhl'oughout Lhe touch~l>wr's fql' tho vlclOl's, '1'om' fi l'SI hai r IIf theh- tU!I8le. cndlng the ,l,ouden ant! ,Cion O~II carl'lecl tho lIe,'I",l 1 lilli, Aftcl' the rest pe,;od. bali ;tcrOj~ lhe goal IIl1c fpr LhO thc I'hl I::". l'(l!<arled to paSSing' and JSlil11~ Nu~,

Football---(CunUnued (1'001 1'lil:'O 4)

(;oach ;':ullilke a n" h is entoul'age,


paSlltng wllh Ihe"O two "peed .... and pigs kIn flipJ) "S Illa),l ng Ih e l11ajo,' I>Ul't In Ihc attaCk ,

Corney \Valkcl', who s uf[c,'Cd a. muscle InjUl'y Lo his rlghL sldo uurlng Tu sdaY'8 I)ractlce, walch­ed tile drill In civilian clotMs yes­terday, a cne L lggelt allio failed to

Venner Knocks Out O'Shea in 9th Heat

With Right to Chi~

Wllh Ozzie "'Immons u.nd Bus h I'el)ort because of his 1,U1led muscle

DElS ~tOIN8S , Oct. 14 (AP) .Bob"" Venne" , liaatlngs, N b" 'l>choo1maSlel', knocked out MIckey O·Shca. Chicago, tot tIle ninth round of thoh' scheduled te n rlJund bCJu~

,lonigh t,

_______________ \\1 11\ his right leg, F'rank .Bula~8 Is

O"I,V four anll ono,hulf hou,'.

will bo Silent in I"wu City by the lllli\'~rB lty o( illinOis foot· ball Ilarly Il.ull ,"ost or that lillie the pluyCl's " ,ill be attending t.O the bllsin~ss of the Ifomccomlng ~III1lC wittl fOWl ..

The Jllilll trll) IJlafls, revealed ycsler<4ly 10 Ib'rl,p),,, otridJ&ls. call for players und eoac"cs to leM' l'llIlIloJ)uil(,\ Fri~q)' ai, 7 q:U\, Aftcl' alTh' I,,!;" in Moli11C lit 2:15 1),lI1" tl, y will work qut On tile l\loJine lJigh ~~hoolllel!1 the" will make headQlIarler~ hi P/Lv­~np()rt,

Their rlU'S will I", hooked 10 Il

fOQIball sll<'dal trill" frlJm Oa\', v~nllort SllturJilly lIt II ".111" ar' rl"lll III thp s llldll1l11 beil'g s<'h duled ro,' 12:111 1',11', The visilors ,~III del>!u't llt 4;45 11,111,. allOli1 a lIulr hour "fler Iho Aauw.

lAmh working" togoe th e,' In 1hc lJ u,wk illlckfi('I(1 tf1 p Ollpusltioll can look [01' plent)' of lalerals and

Jlurslng a bruised shoulde r, as Is Homer HarrIs. bu t botb mcn ex­pecL lo .,eo ac tion Saturday, HruTls will likely get the call at end,

Nea,'ly a.1I at the vcterans, wIth the exception at tho Injured men, com,pose(t Lhe ttrsl sl l'lng combina­tion In last nIght's dl'IIL Harris and Lannon wOl'kecJ at ends, L1nden­,,,eyer llnd DcHear got thc ca ll at ~ackle., Fa"I'oh and Gallagher per­tOt1ncd at g u,,"d while Co-Capt, Ted Osmaloskl Wll8 Ilt center, Co­Capt, John llild. Ozzle /3immons, Bush Lamb and Glenn Olson tormQd 1he IjIlC kCleld combination , Gallagher In th e line, al1d Olson In the back­:fIeld , are thc lIew faces In tho lineup,

-Bt;,\T II.L'I NO IS-

Ithough badly bellLen a lmost f,'om th Qutset, the vetptan Illinois ,Ught!'r mIxed readily uotll counted out,

Vc nner knocklHl Ollt his opponent wltb a dght, flush on lho chin, u.{ter felnLlng with ItlIl ler~, O'Spea, whD had lbCen In bad shape sev/.lral LImes bc[ore tital, llajrged alfl4l1st tho ropeS and W08 pushed to thCl floor by Vennel', where ~~ Iu.y u'JtIl Ref­eree Tony Legourl IuI.d countcd Inlne, '1'he Ohlcugoall msc jU8t ltttc~ Ithe t en count, too late to rcsumd the IjC ntl) ,

'l'h IOlier took two olhe,' nll1e cou nta, once u.{te,' belog !,ushed IoVOI' In th fou"lh round, and again In Lbo sevonth. w/len a solid left

Evcfhar~us QUllif Football I hook lo lhc jaw put 11'lm down, This ANN ARBOR, Mlc h" (AP)-Chds hlQW ll,'eclpitatcd the bes~ exchango

Everha rdua, senior quurlorhaek ot tho bout, tar a Cter getting to his 'Whose 25'Yard pillcekic k accounted !feeL O'Shea tOI'O Inlo his opponent !for Mlehlgall's only score agnlost land Slugged toe-to-toe wIth him, A Indiana, wlthul'ew from the Wolver- 'hard I'lght near tile cpd of ,LIla fight IllIe squad yesterda.y beMuse a. head caught Venoer flush on the juw and conseusslon s uffel'od two weeks agO when tho gong rang the laltel' a.p­continued Lo bolher him, Ileared to be ,bew;ldered a.nd groggy.

Hull" \\," " II'fL (v, , l 'h "H'l" ', N, Y .. 1 , IVuu ld ""H U"" Ihc suone I)08illoll UII a, itlmUII'; tl"ip lvt/u)., ill~IHtcc1 with the J)OOgt l'R )'I'('clved SomO

Ihal Iw still W,L, cagc ,' I'UI' a chalice ';uPIJU't when It WIl.8 lea m ed Ihat II. tilJ ~4)b ),lcPhall ha~ Required living ", uar-: IOJ lhinl.; IJrouklYIl im s til" lx,tlt t~ l 'S in Nm\ VOI' Ie.

Ilmil )o,l lll,' '!7; ( 'urllC'lI N,IIt.·IU' 0, Okh.holllil ~ O ; .(UII'''. '' H. i\1I'rlltl~UI· :!O: K tU' ''II .. lo( tltt,· n. l\tlt'lllgull l"!tnft~ 11; .. \lI""ollrl O.

MIII,II,' West \\' 1.\"" l lIgIO" ( ,\(H,) 7: nu~ton l V, uuttrr 6; !.\IolIl·h,·",f, ',.. I).

low" 1"l'llt4.' 'l'rhr l'l, II; ( 'Qe O. UrPuuw i: J1~ ".tll"',t lll(' 0, Auhurn III ; urtrull G.


4191 I~'fan Want Ads Bring Results IUAL


BITS about

PO b1


CltA!\IPAlGK JIJ , (Hpct'ial l tl The Daily 10wan)- llllIIO'" J,,"lI1<\1I

1,Iajers ('oofidl'ut lhllt tlWl' hav(' a

):0(1<1 ,'h'JI','o ttl "llll'l IIwlr Big T"n I"':).!·;f'1l Ily I* util lg' {uwa, un' tflnldn!;

I'cady ful' their nH1" ch "n Iowa Cily,

• • • 'rlt" Illilli slluud will c llIl'al1l

ht'rll ~"I'"-Iny UlVt'l liug at 7 u ' .'ltH"li

for t 'hiCHI;O, \\,here tllt'it' "'I It'd" I I'a,." "ill II" swUrh e,1 10 lhe J(l1C'11 1"1.",,1 III 1t1 ::W a ,III ,. I h"11 I"'a" [UI' Mtllill~ witt"'" I h,.y will arl'hc til 2:15 in tll~ aUPI'noun.

• • •

Trackmen Get Rigid Workout Tim,c Trials Feature

Pr 'parallons For Iowa·mini Fray

Cum! h Bresnahan

night sent hllj cr081:J country I' un·

11(: , '" Ihrough a lime Ll'lal In 1)C'e llaC"

allun ro" llie cumlng ]lIInols meet , \\'h le lt I" to lake place place Slitu", liay Jrlol'nlng at 10 :::10 over' a two and on,',h" If mll(' COurHC, The hurrler" were l'lil'l~1 by lh ~ .mel .... y Bob Nel, S(,", whilp CaPt. 11'0.111 Nf'J::iOJl and Jimmy Lylr ('ame 111 close behilld h1m, ' I'he time t'ut· the flr~l man WU!i la::!{j,

Th l' nUnolM l(·'tnl I. eXllcdcd to hu Vf' lin ('X("' IJliona ll y t'UHt lnan in Virgil '_-lat ll'I', Olh"'I's who lJI·o1.w"bly wi tl "UII ()I' ,11<' llli II I In clude llluTY (htinplo(, IlCl. rol,l M h:-I'I, .Iuck Mklach, Al ~{'hllf'idl?l' alld clUlt ,1' I '~ I Jo'I'HY~Pl'

III' TOIIJ ~;<lcli,', und pOMslllly boll" ( '"lulOwn ISlrell!rf b

_-, uIlI Qr J:t: Slmw'on U. ... ""ur1h l>1.l1wtu. U; ~t. J.uui~ O. Oberlin fl01 lTfuuU",,, ft.

Ohio uuht·t,.I , ) IH: KNit ~hl' " (t .

Jt.11~1I I. ; U.·'oll II. St. 'i{'ln (-'fll. ' l 1:. ; lIu .. k pll n, ~(,"(i, til_kOhl I:Ji J.\luruh'"Hldr 7. Hllltlwill-Wnllue'f' J 1; "' I~lerH

Ser\!!, 1,

I ~a~t .\lbrl"h l II . [\lurlh 1011 '- . Huff"l., 13; .1""(r('11 0 , ,\mlH'r ... t I ll : Hut'hc"It«'r U. Hut" '" J3; \tJlultJ o. \\'l1lu.nn ~ 'W: UO"dl~11I 7. TuhHlf' 7; ( 'olltfllfl> II. ( !OlUlllbhl ~O; Vlr,ICJn1u 1\111, JII Wt. O· ( 'OMH·1l 1:-1: I'bl"1u'uIotf": 1. J)lJ.r,,,,,uut II :J8: n rO\\ II II. J +'ordIUltn ~8: \\'~.\" II /'~hu r~ II. F'rilllklln- .Uurs hull '~n: I ",Inub II, (; ~nt'\" fI Ct: l)u , ';H- ":lIdn", (I.

;\run It : IIArHlrll 7. \\'t.~II'~An (i: .1("('1"01'(1 0 , 1101 ( ·1'0 ..... 2 0 ; 'lItuhatholU II, I'tllln H~!l' (' 3 1; I.,' hlgh O. ;\11111 ... 2(i; "",,'("11 fI ,

no~t()11 ('u ll l'gr 21: '1' \\ IhIHlI,,,, 'lirr 0, J\or(h ( 'arolltHI ~U: ~e", 1+ urk 7, Nnr'h ( 'l lrolllllJ I"1h.ij' 7; . ,'urulIlH O. ('UUloit C;1II1rll :,w; ~orwJl'h O. "rlllt'rion :!(t; .·.·.IfIl'-~ I, Mniu 7. I·Ut .. hurKh :t l : ))Ufllle,oj il e O. ~Iilltlh'bl"·.' J:t : nCII"l~('h.I' r U. Uut,ICt'rN I ~{: ~J,rhllC'rlt'lrl 0. TurtH 1:1; ( '(,O lh.v 0, N .. H ' :$; ' ,,, ltI 7, " 'Ul lUIU\U II : \\ .·/lilt' ru 1"QryJ8I1ti II ,

Su ull' ,\l llblllU8 2U; Tt' ru1t' .. ,Pf'I 0, ( ')hulrl .." f'r(,i;h, It'r-wn I •• ( t('urg lu. 'rel' lI 7; I)uk" It. ."lor Jdu 19; ~li:h'~J U, IUf'" 14 ; U('OrlJili '7 . J .. un ;,oJuHII 20; "'-\lI,,~I HIoIJ ul,J 7. ML"'~b.'lltlh'I'1 Mille ;! I; , .Ulula ('6\' Or-

Ie"".> 0, .....



TJlJ~SIS REQUIREMroNT8 Approvcd Bond Papcrs

(ilpeclal P,'lce for Rllam Boxes) Ilig t! Grade Carbon P ap er

TYPcwl'lLers to Rent-


Thc ~to." with tha Reel SIgn

ClCl~si~~d Advertising Rates


C & D Cleaners speclu IIzo Jn

O<lol'Ie88 Synlhetlc Clean Ing Called for & delIvered tree

227 S, Dubuque DJal 6468



(Podiatrist) 213 ney Bldg,

Phpne ~126 Uou "S 0-12 and l - r.

Evonln(s by A.pPOJo~tment

..... - ........... ~.., ....... * ,...... .. _ ....... 1Iac11 '"Ir. Ja the dv • ..u..-.-t aut '" _ .... 'nI. ""tbc. 'Tor Ial.,· .... a-t," "lMt, ... 1ImJl~ '11" .. the 1I'f1J1-.... If ....... III -.IIW la ... ~ __ Mr



tI wer" .. the ad. III. BUIll"', aaeS ).ttAi .. • tineS ad are to II. _lIt.d .. on. word,

CI ... W.d eS~plq, 800 P'I' IIICh , BUlln_ .,." ,.1' oolumn /llell, 16,00 per month, (llaultl.\f adYlrtJ.lq .. b7 I p.a. ..,.. III .....

IIdlI4 the 10Umlll' lIIomllJl',


MAnville Heta-hta. Rea.eorur.'ble. D1a.I 172"


"Crystal Clean" Your Wardrobe!

Tl11')1' WILL iIlighl ill ~Iulill"

• clild ()I'O('PI'ti to till' hi).:"h I'il' h Ull I nUllettc fi eld fOl' Il h .. l~r IImhe"lng ,III)" altlwlIgh Ihey will """ 'll in DUv, enport I"rldoy night. Tilp s l"llurC In Moline Is a conrpli'Tl enl lo Geol'!;c IOlg_J Senlleif, ('oaCh of Molln n hlgll sl.'hooi. oldUm o 1Ilini 1;;l£k. fur whom Coach Bub ZUIII)ke and hl8 s laff haye Illgll rega,'d, 1"tll' Lilt· "f[cl'I1lJOn (ll'actlce Ihe playe,.,. will dOn only sweat su its and game shoe:::,

'1'Iw IllLnolH Il'am i~ of unkilowil "lI'~nglh , as Ihe coming meet I" t1w fh's t one of tho . ellson for the In, vaders, The IO\\l1 t;liUud, ill easily wInning f"ol11 Gl'lnnell Ilnd COl'net! lasl week, s howed conSiderable POWCI'.

~outlLt'ru !lh,' lhudJ.llt I :l; 'Hntll'rhll1. fl, - " ~ 'I'ex", 14; "",,10' 7, BEAU'l'Y PARfJOHS PARCEL TRANSFER AND BAG-

• • • 1'h" '''lIIllel wili dcpal', fo, ' IOWlL

('il), It} "Ru,'k Ihlalltl hllt"'ial (,'a ill SaturdilY rll" CIIOOII III lL o'.locll, ""I'ivlu/:, al Lhc 1I ... ,lI<, {'~l' shHliUm at 12: 1r;, ' llht'Y will Ipl" 'O Itt 4:1;' lIftPl' Ih,c !("l UIIC. r~lcJl'uilllt' by 1101' &l'1II0 mu"' ,

• • •

DJ.o;~'J;; ,I'I · ln' StJI,lh" ,'" Ca tll",' nl:l'~ powt'l-ful 1('tUl! JiliN ,wi

lowered the InCl,'ulp of 01<' YO lllll:' IIIlnl, {vhO n· theil' mlstukes

Bresnahan feelM Ihat LI'e ' "I' 'cd In Ih e I'Ul1l1el'. 1M HIltl8hlCtOI'Y, and Is wurking Huw 0 11 UlP developmen t of teal11 wOI'k more thun a nything cl,*"

I al though he did send his hlu'r1 I'S lhl'ough [' 100 YUI'II das h last nig hl III an effort ltl bolsle ,' [t,c _tl'etch runn ing,

l owu h; luuklng" beyond the race next Salul'()ay towu",1 the " Un at .. '\Iudisoll with \Vts{'ollRin, later in the "eagon, lt nd Is u,ltel11ptl ng to de­"1'1011 11101'0 talenL from J oh n Silko, Ch, ... le8 a ,'~e ll , John Sch midt and 1,1 '01' (Jol ,lsml lh ,

Nu",h~I' Bllh'alli s The Jlu,noor or en lr les COl' LII 11

I1l1ol~ hl ll 'anll 'II"I" a rfait' I. uo\ .u;

rtlnld~uted til lh T"Oj,Ul "oi nt,lotul. yet ~c l, a lltl it iM Posslblc lhal OnO

'l'e ••• ('h,I'Uan III l 1"'X.~ "gglcH 7, GR' • ""m ARM'- "age, Carey's delivery scrvlce, ,'I." ) I .II~ 13; VIrgin I .. 6, BEAUTY SHOP, ""'" I f' J{N'tucky ~I; W.'hln~I OII- I ,.· . 0, strong, Parking space always Dial , 290.

,1\'''L VI, .. I"I. 7 ; n.-, VI~inl .. W.o- !avaliab/e, 409 E, M k t t ~---------------1'3"" 0, ar e 8 reet, COAL

\\';JIlH",-')lur" !!U; Oullrord 0'. U)ial 3274.

F,u' \\'I·.st --------------l ha" ~Iuh· '20: Url,rlluUI )Olllll(' 6, C',\llruruhl H; l ,f' , I ... \, 7. l'uJurtldo ~~; {'olunulu ~lhl "li 0, tt"h JW; U NIH'r ' :1. 1"I'elu1V ~Ilth, 1ft; .. 'hUC:lj tarr 'rdlrl!l, 0, I'lonhu_1it ~tafl' 7; (on-f' !")' ti' IH ,. II, New 1\It\I'ko toaa ft' )!fi: fW l\lf'xil'O

Mllltnr,,· 6, Whit-til'" Ja : U('i,l,h'utttJ 7, OregUll 7 : ldf\hn ,. , Sunt" ( 'If",. :.:7; 1"11(1 o ffIJH~ '1'~ hrH, U,

t)quttJt.'rhl l ulitOfllUl :':V ; Washlultoll lState U,

'\·"~'IUlgIOn :!1: Or~I'f} H ~ tR j~ 0 , roi l . lU1trY'N III ; :-.rHl " 'rltn,.t'i('H 6,

- ut; i\T lI ,r,I'OIS--

YETTER'S BEAUTY SHOP OF-fcrs the la lest In beau ty cultum,

Dial 5(;42,


"/llI80nabl, Dlal 3883.



COAL Prices are sLilt reasonable and we are giving 25c per Lon discount for cash,

Better fill your bins now before the rush comes,

!oh,~st~~ S~al CO.

When Your CIQLhes Are Thoroughly CLEANED They Stay CLEAN



TWO S" fOR .&


LeVora'. VarsityCleanerl Dial 4153 23 E, Wash. St.

AcJ'oxs Stl'eet SouLh From Campus

WANTED TO BUY LOANS ZClj1(1kc's YOllnll""lc,'lI do not believe of lh~~c f01l1' mCn may be enlCl'ed, blhed 1"'Otluul 1)(' Is n'ga,'det! a., a they will lIlukl' lhf'Hf ' II11liLukeH Ugul ll , 'I'hl.-' othl' I' thn-'t' lOllY run lll:'iu, al· ,;ood lH'O!'llHlct, I:;howim;;- wil iiJlg-JlI'S~

24 'hOUI' : wl'OCkcl' -;; tvlce;' 6X'p t Pllln~ and body work, \\'lUihilll\" jubl'lcatlol1, hatt~ry 01],.,',,1I1\i sud J;e lll.'ra l Inechanical wq"k,

IF==========:::!I WAN TED '1'0 BUY: MEN'S I rr;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ • • • UHllIgll lh ell' finI shes would noL be anll I'ullnrn&" aggn' As iv('ly,

'l'II,· JJljUi ,'pali'r /III';" l:o s it io, Included In till' la""latlun of lll. I:!alu rdny'. r,'O'" ('oUl ,I, y "'lasP Is to s lop IlJII Ilt'lll I1I1tI "h,slve Ok SI'OI'PS (01' lho wcel, seh dulell til "lUl'l jlls t "ilRI of til zle S hll'lIOIIS, WhOM' l:H!rloJ'IlI' ('out' '' R,'""nuhan has leCl l hemai ll Sla tli um..I.I. t.eot ... 8~ .. 11I1.ll. 011(>

IUJce~ agl,ill\ 1 lh"l1l In'l, .f";II' UI',' Plto't of the fa ll ll'uck 11'0"'( to A~' ant! thl'cc'(OIl I'I " s lIlII es ttI'ound Lbe Ilrltl iu "h'ifl 1l1('IIIf)l'~r . (iiviu", slslan l ("one h T ed Swenson. 8WCJl ' U'ac l<, und IH'arwh oul on }'inldJin 1(I'fllL I"'ai'" Ill' Vuvil' J)a,' i~, Hon "1)~ lI t lll r majol' l l1i"t ot lasl 1>011' ,'0(11'"" III " oll'(,,,ltou" rouL!! SlIutlJrI'll ( 'JllifOI ' lIllt'~ ' IUfI.I'lCI'· oyenln g wo"'dng with hlll'dlN'S, 'l'lto b"wl'c winding up U,!) two al1d IIlIe-

hact', Ih lIY tlu IIIlI Ihink Iho IJ sl or lhe, f ,'cij lllllUII Cl'Op secm:; Il ulf mih' I'll" III tt1. odgillul sL:\l't-'J'rojan Is II'> g l'pat an OIINI rlelcl 10 he .Iohn Collin ge of ~" Plaines, Ing point, '.rhe tim~ I" lo be )o :ao rUIIIIl'" (I~ 1IJ11 III11I1Zi llJ:' Ozzi,', 111. A lthough he IH rill' fj 'um a tin - " ,nl.

Try Us,

clothing, s hoes, etc, Shoo repalr- Quick Lonns On-SALE- FUUNl'l'URE lng, Kimmel, Dlul 3609 , 21 W, lIur- Watcbes, DI,.mouds, Rjugs, Guna,

l:I'r UDl 0 COUC tr, l_l_n_g_lO_D_,____________ Motor •• 'l'Ypowl'lter ., HOUR 1.-1 and 5- 6 I)aily,




HOCK-lilYE CO, Room 8 over Bot>rner'. Dru


MO!O~ CO. II U, \\-ashingt of-St,

FOR SALE~ \. Ji.fTNIA'rURE CAM- holstcring and I'oflnlshing, Mo-Donald (formcrly of MoNamara'.), Dial 4950,


LaSl': SLACK lilVJllHSHARP PEN, InlUala l',L ,M, Rowllfjl, Dial I

2567, I I

------------------------ , LOS''!': ,I.AVIJlNDER ~Ht.K ' T}M- , breUa. In E, E, build In$', }(ewal'll, '

UJlal r,xl, 479,

I~ST: WJIll'E WlRm l:!A!RjllD lorl'iH, tall erect carti, \ Named

TIllie, Rowal'd , 1)lal 961 L


om, Ii' 3,5 lelia , Dial 2G06,


FqR SALE ... ~i6 Motl~T'1'1

Coach, t..llj.o New,


WA1'li.oJ-STUDJlJN1' l.AUNDRY, Vel7 reaeonabJe. call for and de­

ilyit)', DI4LI 5528, tMate", Dial Ext, .308,

APARTMENTS AND :FLATS i\V:A.NTED: STUDENT LAUNDn~ ____ .,-_____ ...... , -'P"-_' Reuonable. \1allod for anll de-

FOn JUllN'l' - FUr!!'!' <l~A88 ' Iverod. 01 .... 2248,

.trlot1;r 1IID4.rn ~pta, ~., W" NTED: S''''''D'''N'l' LAUNDJW, IIII(UI'III,hll«, ~ 4UI, .... '" ...

, • , l'oalonu.h!o, Ca}le,d tor and /10 ,


WOR R8N'I' : DO UBLE RPOM , UN-. FURNITURE UIlJPAffiING 4NU do"gl'Uuuale girls, Close lU , DIal

Upholstorlng, C, m, Stanflelll, 101 5557, Web,ter, Dial 216' or un, ______________ _

I"OR. R8N'1': LARGE DOUBLE room tor mcn, 015 N , ClintOn


DANCING 8CFl'ooL - BALLROOIi' ~l l'cet, Dial U336, tango, tJl.Il, Dial 6767, Burlde1

botol. Protc .... or Hou/lh1on. FOR REN'l': SIN(:t..E OR DOUBLE room wosL Hldo. COL' IIl CIl stud nls ,

SERVIC~ STATIONS ' Dial 4~8G , --------------------BOOST YOUR


Time to Change MO'!'\JJt all, {:I<;AI~ {)LL •

I"OR ~EN'f : DOUBLJo: ROOM l!' Oll undergl'uduuto I\'h'ls, CIOtIO In,

Dial 55!i7,

ROOM 1"01' 1U}NT: SINGLE OR double , ClUlin. comforlablp, "ulot,

011/,1 A.qolph Novail, 3129,

;OR REN'l': nOOMS, rncnl, Dial J5 20,



TYPEWRITERS RENTED Ask about our special

Student Rental Purchase Plan


122 Iowa ~we, (near Iowan)


LONG OI81'ANCm and IIInerai haulln" FurnltW"e movld. craWl! Mil .hlpped, THOMPSON'S TRAN8J'IIIl 00_

Dial 1884

Long distance lind generfll Haullng, Furniture Moving,

Crating and storage


DI\lI 3711.1 ,



Now IS The TIme To R cgi8tcl' 1·'01' (urlil er InCol'l1tatlon call al the otrlce,

205 ~ E, WaSh" DIal 9303 0" 5274


DA.lmY TRANSFER Movlng-Barl'lIoIfe


8tQra.o OrOl~ COUIlLry H&uUq

Dial S~7J


W' ANTI'lD---'\ u " ... lnl U' Jour loa all' ... I

work. J:louH-Ca.r-1'r IlPJu. .l.. I NOVOTNY'S I

,U So, C\lo lAIn



Announcement With the Greatest , PrJde

we Invite you Lo copte I nand 111speot

on showing or New Fall and Win leI' Woolens

of Unusual Excollence tor tIne

Made to Measure Clothca



lOS\{, E, WlIIIl1lnlltO/l St, Over Whllbltone'~ DrUI' IILOI'O


FOR ll'EN'r: LIGHT HOUSE­I"QR )~1!lr:1': ~rl"~OV1'J1? _ VV.n- ilv ered, Dlul 6947, nlsbed AP!lI'tl)1e!lt, Balh, bot,

w~ler, ~lok,8r, prl~~Lo entranoe, it,Ill.! LAUNDRY Wom( DON ~ 1,'()Iot ,'xposure heaLed !range, D~l 2,11, j>ILrU iliaI' peOlllo, ~'I'eo dellvcry, ----___ ~ ___ .....;..-:...' Dlu.l 2671.

"'Rl 10: A !>8 'AR IwlnXPID"R'l'S INSTAl ... , AllOT Hg,lj'l'BR ( ' J.I';A N SI'MtK PI.UQS CLI<;AN BA'I"rlilHY UJJIOC' K W , CAHB, AND HHAKI~S - 1:1\'

IIOUSEROLD APPLIANCEB keepil,g rpomll, Beat, light, WaleI'

ron RENT- VACUUM CLI!lA.NIlIRi' a nd gII.8 lurnl8~ed, P~I ~a91 8 to 5. or wue.... JacQon IIll1Ctl'\o CI> Dlnl 370~ IIlttr 5,

P~t together mOre than a dozep of radio's brightest stars-add a libet'al helping of top mOVle fa.vorites-season with Benny Goodman's Orchestra and Leopold Stokow ki and his Symphony Orch6Str~nd what have you got? That's light - "Tho Big Broadcast of 193'1," which starts topay for 5 days at the Englert Theatre, The picture above shows jUijt a few of the reigning favorites of the airwaves and silver screen whc, go to make up the 0010.'18111 (,1\.'It..--.Tnck B('nl1y- Bhil'loy !lo, .'I-Rny MilirlUp- GoOl'g(. R11I'J1H und r,t'llci~ 1\111'11 -Mm'lhfl Iln.yc, Bob BUl'Jls-DCl1lJy GOOdllillll -Leopold Stok()WIlI l- au:1 girls! Ifir!ij! lJida I!

rr.ROV.f)D J~ItCffP'!'fElT'l·E ....,..--~--------lIPart.I1lCnt tor gll'l.. CIOIHI In ,

lieallOllll..blq, Dlul 9628,

FOR RENT-TWO JtOOI( APT. W,(NT~D: 8TtmElNT LAUNDRY, Dial 6488 after • p~, I Reasonable, Dial ~801 , __

~'on 1\ ElNT: THREE nooJ,J FJJn: WANTEJj ROOMMATE nlellell apartment. Dial 1111,

FOR iENT: FURNISHlDP bART. mont, 128 Brown stl'88t,

WANTED: ROOMMATE BY STU, dent boy, Close In, With or

!WIthout IIghl hou.ekeel)lng prlvll-------------- CII'e8, Dial 6685,

U~E,D CA~S WrSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE: '1932 FORD Y.:J VJt;:, __ ~, ....... -or------­

lorln IIplu,,!', MOLor r!'I'IIJ,C-~ ' I.n !'OR 8AtJt lUDOET PIANO IN ,10M , $27r), DIal 92D2 or [Tnil-or"' ,' IIC10Cl IICl1l,lI1!IUt" 116 ill~. WnO(l , .fty extemlol\ 849t. 1a"'1I:

~1I1N - M ETIJODS -M l'lKl,;lLA NDII:II!;

WANTIllD-PLUMBINQ AND beaUng, LNew Co, 211 .. W .....

InJrtoa. P/lon. ani, WAN'I'FIP: FTTRNACl'l RpfpAIft-

lng, ehect lIlelal work or fill lilna., air condltlon/nr. 0111,1 48.0.

DJaJ 1'1", -"-H""O""a-SES-f'O-R-a-E-NT--

MALt ~ObBR~ HOME, CL~AN 1.114 with .. r .... - Pial 8161,

Evenl nge 15 .. ,

FOR RENT: room house,

MODERN "ElVlllN 803 ' lev.lltll ave·

RPJNT; 8¥AL1o MODPJRN hOUJIe, ."at row," City. DIa 4481 _

IIltCir 6 p./TI,


l!tW _ 8..r00 J:tO\ sa, univerllllY\ Heli,ht.. D~I 2,875.

. '


Johnson · County r o. Start Republicans, DelDocrats Open Final Driv~ • In --------------~~-------------------------

Sharon Are

Center, Morse, Scenes of Rallies;

Parties Plan Many Appearances

Leads F.R. by 4 Votes in First Local Poll DonaJd Merrifield Injured at Airport

Yesterday Morning

P1111slng for a brIef sTlne,-, or music

""nly pr(Osldenl who vrr hnd a and speech · ma klng a t ;\rorse last

hpnrt." T'rOKre~.lve 'R<'puhllcan F .

"-. Mrycl'lI ilf Iowa City night

f1aye<l lhl' 1 roover Pro. os "the

/lIght. Johnson coun ly rcpuhllCJln8 took. their bond. their speakers an<lt lhelr line of cars on to Bolon. rally. Ing a ll good lAndon·ltes to thO

8vmbol or tl periOd ot money ~upport or t heir candldatPs. <,hangers" 10\ a s~ech berorp 100 WD80n pM ks

P MOOR lit I h~ Shllron Conl<'r high Vlgorou"ly declA red A !lomey IStewart Wilson. chalnnan or lowal

Mey~rs and SIBt~ RpI".PA.nlo. Clty's 'Young Republican league. WI he spoke at the stop In Mol'S(',

""n uRoy S. Mpl' er w I' the "The constltUtiOIl with the varlou!! pl1nclpnl ap I1k~r8 at th" 'It'llt COlln· 1 phase8 of /:ovornme nt lJ\at It es· O· tlemorr:lti.c mlly or thl' ~nmpaJgn. tnbllaheH 19 the onl y t h ing that

"~Io001 lost night.

MpYf'I·s. n ,..,publlcan pORlmoRt.r .. lands between you a nd th e lype tOI' 11 ypO ''9. declo .... d he "ppnrntl'd or govcrn n\cnt tha t Is ontra lling • fr 'llll tllp "epuhllcRn ptl.l'ly ~Ight dom Inating and eomptet Iy belltlng yPtil'S 1I1{0 lH·('.uuN~ \ "lhfl J)tll'ty or ~l'ff\any And n ussht."

ty wn~ plied up nl lI.1' .JohnllOn COllnty Rink bulldillg. whPl'e mall)' .... r Iowa Cliy'R prOf~8slonnl men have- thpJ,· offl('(lH. Th(>rp. OO\'Pl'llor l_'<ndoll IlOlI .. ~ 22 votes 10 Roose· Vpll'R R(Wl'll III tile bollotlng.

'1'11(, mOl<t "naJsten lly repu bllcnn office In Lh~ hulldlng was 314. John· ,"on county O. O. P. headquarters.

I c.oll'nty Bank Buildjng

,I Deci(lc. Result With I

.At the Uons club m.l'tlng yesLer· day, 15 nwm bel'" voted for Landon. nino for Roosevelt Olld elghl-none uf whom signed· nomes-for t he "o~lu li st nomlnce. Normnn. I 22 RC)luh1ican Votes

_ __ ·J'h<tln:tll. ' Vlllinm Lemke. Ulllon J! ~llul,lj(o:Jn IwtUitt('f' oov . AJf M . party {'', )~ecelvcd (ln~ vott',

LJllu11l1l ye''' .... ln y 1"11 P,· .. ~ltlpllt College uf law I;Ludents or llle prahldl,... I), HOm-H'Vfllt by f')IU' VHt(.~ l1nh· ... ' 'Rlty or Iowa who W(ll'p eon ..

laNN1 1i(\.1 12 tn 12 fOI' ]lOORevelt itl tho fil' t dlly nf 1'h ... Ollily "nct l..ond"n In thei,· vl)le. One vnled JO\, .. 'ttn'l4 ('It.}' IlUlI c-ompus. pollEt. (0)' ga.rl Browder. JSuh .... 'IIWnt Iloll. 11'111 )l(' laken dally (UI' t h~ next tWl) W(,E'kK.

Today's hlllllJtlng will lnchlll .. the

TlH' Daily Townn

Pr('sid.'lIliul Poll

Whieh (:tnrlillIlL(' do YOll

fllPPOI'l I('('tioll '!

ill Ihe coming

Th,' 11l11l11llt{'(1 l'esulLS I'ollow: L n,]. R{)R. T ho. 1,<'111.

Lion s CIUII .. 15 9 8 J I

.T. • Bank bWg. 22 n 0 Coll ege of L/l\\" 12 12 0 0 Chemlstl ,v 17 19 II 0

8ducallon 8 10 a 0 ,LllJf>rtll Al'ili 22 25 U \VOlt!fl!1'!i J:ym 16 8 1

Selin rfi'l' hall . 12 23 0 Bu"IIII''''' dlsl,1rl linton f"om &~.t 'Vn~hlngton to ('ollege :

17 J:I 0 EnglllePI·. hldg. 14 ~ I) 0

n"IVI'I'Ally ""Ii If. I~ 0

'I'f >'PI r. ] 69 16!i , ,

o o


To Dedicate Sitc OCt. 23 lst County Trad,ng Post

Will Be Marked By Concrete Monument

Donn l,1 j\{l"'J'lflf'l,I, Hor, Mflhlell

lUHt', i ·t.~C'p lvpd U HIIgIJ1 contus)oh

,,/ Ill" heoli Y Iprd!lY morning AL

10:~r" wilen h/.' ""R t"i]Jped be~ "'Wf!Ptl fl. h'II(')< aHc) a Mh'OIll NI!OVfl l at

the Jowa C ity nl rpol't.

1 Meo'O'lrjpld WtlS allemlltlng to al· Itach a small chl\ llI betwoon \he tru Ck anr1 I h~ Ahovel. when the clutch gl'HhOI'd, nn,l he WIlS pi nned

Ceremonies tor the dedication of a helween th(' two. lie Willi Immell. permanent marker at the site ot ialely tnk~n 10 a phl'slelun's oftlc~ .'I'ohn"On county's first Indian tl'ad .· Jor Il'elllf11(>nt whl"'I' I,.. "egalned Ing post will take place Oct. 23 conliClolIsnpsH. at 2, p.m .• O. A. Bylngtoll, secretary! Mpr',/rieltl \ wnH """klng QIl tlte of the Johnson County Old Selllers T'W.A 11I'lIj,'pl I" M(lend I he runwnl'l

a"d Histor ical assocl')tlon said yes· fJ-'::.;:t ::t::I1'-'=========== ~erday. -

Pla~ed bcslde the PI aaant Valley: rood immediately south of the place. whOre the road crOSses Snyder creek <1Il lhe cast sld~ ot the Iowa river 'flve miles south ot Iowa Clly. the monument w ill be made of concrete and bell. I' a bron?e tablct. I

.r. A. Swisher of the State H lator.1 lcal soclet)' wlll give th. mDln ad· d1'N'8. 1\1 I'. Byington said. I

'fIll. YNlr mark. the 100th nnnl· verMI')' of the erection ot JohnROri cnunty'~ W'Rt tl'lldlng house by .fohn. (lHbert. ng~nt of an. Amrt'lpllIl f",' company.

YUrt! Villi

• 1I0t. WIlt'll

Lintoln hnd gotten Into the hand. l.Ater ut Solon. Attorney Wilson or moMy.cllnn!:"r. who m''''" ho opened the pl'ogl'am at th C.S.P.S. drlvpn from the tempI .. !" hall.

'" (Ihl not IpBve Ih,' I·cpuhllonn.; "Nine m n of the s upreme court ,My lert me. \Yh~n thpy threw have stood alon&-the wety men. mvoy all the prlncll,les far which th secondary d\lfenae-hetwecn uS 1 slood ami WenL Jnto the political and complete control hy lhe presl· 'j{l1m • t1iey wPr. nO long!'r a party dent ot all governmelltol Cunc· of thp p"opl,,!" shouted Meyol'll. tlons," he IIO.ld.

"'I'h" billionaire" or the Boovar Slims Up Conviction

' I 'h~ curve of jU \'('n il deli nqnency in Iowa City has ~on(' fll)lI'n more thlln 50 per cent since the establishment of the Iowll City Recreational Center, ODe of the f ive actil'iticf; SUPPOl't(·tl I't'O';1 fLmds of the commUllity chest. If the community ciJest J'cceil'('s support, juv('nile courts will be made unnccessary. ('t'ht' abovr sketch is on(' in It series ill ustrating the activities of the rommun· ity chest .)

o o o o





OTHER _ ......................... \.


Lodge Officer Tells Of Lodge Activiti

M. E. Jeske, supreme lOdge audl· tOl' or :'.Iooseh~rt. Ill. . " llOkp on rlllh Ilf'tlvitJes thl'ough<lut tho

The .Iohnsoll Cunnty Old Si>lIlers and J!lstol'lca] association I'e pnlly ,lrclded to mal'k the placos prom· Inent In Johnson county h1810ry.

- HEAT n .U NOIS--

Bla"ner~ Cogswell File Claim Against

H. Walker Estate

• ",hnilll l>lrution 1.lI'~ .lUIII hcenu~e Summing up lb a.o.P. convlc· Ih~lt· vrlvrt hfls hern tnk~n tl.wny tlon, th~ speaker fin ished, "JC the from them. ,\ Ild Uuodon Is Hiollply Ill' scnt trend of federal conlroL Ii. pawn of big business lind IJoOVM." moving Inlo vrlvllte lives contin ues.

Tfl lll~ lin ,' Ia lo rSRUfS dlctalorshlp Is not Ol. com PI to :'.fl'I'C r. tho fll'llt chP.lrmlln of the .tretell of t he Imagi nation ."

I1(lProprln.tlnn8 committee to como Attorney Kenneth Dunlop. c ha ir· from Johnson oullty. onCinlng man ot the republican service league. himself to "lat~ 188UI'S. declared. deCln d the major cam.{lIllgn Issue. .. We dldn'l walt (or 60 years to do "00 we want t be government at

"lImet hlng; \V~ went to work as "'ruohlngton meddli ng Into our busl. f>()()n U.8 we got in otrlce." neRS at every turn ?"

HI'lnglllg th illustrations down " Orlftlng From DetJlO(raQ " 10 JoilnFOn COUnt)'. he oold, '''I'hls {'ounty got back mor~ thun they 1'111 In (In taxes). Lest Yl'ar tl reo fund ot tn.x.'!O uonounllng to $143 .• :m~ WIl8 given to us.

" Relief n.ccounted Cor tile apelld. IIII:' of $4.000.000 In Johnson county Ifl.J< t yool' whllu ('CC cIOml"l rp· ,Ived $r.OO,OOO."

A ltornoy F. J3. 01""". chall·m. n (I f thf' l'(l llIIly l't'lIU'ul 4.'OlHfnlllee,

who J}resldr,l. ulso ItHI'odlIl'Pr]

"Aro we going Lo surre nder th", tr edom and liberties we've had In the past for tho sake of prom laed IIIlcurlty?" he demanded. " W o're dl'IClIng away [rom. democracy. These ar& the things lhat made AI Smith. JIm Re",1 Il.nd the oth I'll

tUI'n against Ihe Ildmlnlstrutlon at \Vashlngton ." I

"Americans WIlnt lo live hOIl~81ly and Indusll'lously. bring UP theit' chlldr n to happy Rnd successful

Co. Receipts Are Rp.duced This Quarter $82 Less Than March;

Lower by $259.25 Than Last Quarter

county receipts tor the th Ird

quorter of 1936 tolaled $885.16. R. J. Jones, coullly reeol·der. 1lllnouncCd 'yesterday. This amounl was U59.-25 less than Ihe prevIous quarter ly collection nnd $82.80 les8 than the first report In March.

Of Uw totlll ('olle~lprl ,Inrlng Ihe IMt qllllrtnr. $41.1G was turnp<l over to the Budllor. nnd Ihe rPlllolnMr

Jo'runk ({I"II , cnndldat(l Cor the hOllrtl or ."prrvlso1'8 In Johnson , · t)ullt:\r, who guve !>.t.ntlslws COln ...

plied by l\1'1's. Annie Dickie OleROn.

lives. and we ('AII't <10 It "'lth the went lo tho (:(lUnly tr~aRurel·. T IIO Ideu. that am coming out of Wash. lHources of the funds allocated to Inglon." cried Attorney Du nlOp. the treasurer are $101.00 In IIeMs.

IIlIlonllJiy ItIlOIVII dronocl'l1 tic sPOfIk. "1'. On the (,",ount of f('(IN'1l1 1011n& 1111{1 grants r~crlvpdl In thl~ COUOllY.

ALLol'ncy Olsen ulllo In trod uce<l tlo(' followlnlr c<lndlwlles: Leo Sle­yak, cnndldlll Cor tr~:tHul'er ; :aUlo Novy. ('(f.nuldatc for r('col'ilcr; R. Nl·IlAO'l Millpr·. cantllulLte for clerk; ll:ln Peters lind FI'ank ({",II. cnn·

"Tho govcl'nment Is a business." $178.GO In mortgages, $397 In chai· AHorney a. C. Nolon, 11Iltionul leI. $05 .20 III releORelI a nd Asslgn­conunlttecmnn. expltt.lned. "OUI' "epreHc n tlllive~ UI'e lis mAnagers b.nd tho cltl~ ns Its stockholders. You know thtH when a hugln,as goes hllllkrupt. a recelv<,r LOkl'S chargo find the .tockhold~r" hflV" ! nothing mo ro to sUY. Tho on ly thing we CJln do IJ! 10 (lroflt by

ments, $1.50 for concealed WCOllons . nnd $497.60 mlscellan ous. •


Funeral Rites For Lillian L. Lockwood

Wil' Be Tomorrow tll<lnt c. rOI' IJOOI'<11 or HlIllet'vl;oors; oLiler countrIes' ,lownrnJ IR nnd pl·e· I Funeral E!<'1'YJce fOI' 1.1I11n.n l..Ind· Ed !:lu lck. condldo.te for r ~lectlnn Vent our own." !\ILy Lockwoo(l, 67. wil l be tomor row ,,~ Il.udltor; I~ Baldw in. candldnt6 fOl' r(>(!lccllon (18 allOI'n~y , and Dorl

o\h'ComllB. COl.l1dJdotp for reel~ l lon '''' .du-'rirr.

"We hnve o. righ t fi nd 0 ilu ly to at 2 n. m. a l th~ Fedcl'uterl Call· expreMS our d4sapproval If we don'l grcgallonru Chlll'eIl at waucoma. like thi ng .... he con tl n u~d . "1 do nOt Bunal will he In I he WaurolTUl. cem­,uy It critically. I say Il (P.l rly und Nel·;. honef tly." Attorney Nola n told his ~ rrs. I ~oeh \\'ood died a l 8:25 tI. m. lI . teners. "La ndon spems to me y""terMY at t h~ home of h~r

Tit L<'(;C cattle Industry Is second the ' better mo n fo r Our h llRlnPHs ;jnughter, M.·s. \Y. II . Gmndruth. (,nly to the Jl<'lrol,um Indu"try tn execut ive." 724 S. Capitol stroot. w hl'l'c s ho was "17.0 In CalifornIa.. -BEAT lLL1SOIl>-- taken II I S unday . lIer body will 1'C·

THE OLD HOME TOWN a..w~ •• U.8. 'atont 011 ...



THINKI/'lG OF -nit:. \ DITTO TW/NS--

~ -----'--SI(J I.. 1-£1' '-OsS 1"'40 COHTeST

.&.T ~.

IT L.Ool(S AS T~OU~~ ""OM ~~





maIn n.t. the McOov('rn r1l1H~ I 'ftl IHIIl'" .untll tomorrow mOrnIng. Name

MI'A. rA~I'wood WlI}! ... gI1Hh"lt~ of tIpper Iowa unlvel'slty, anti lL g","d. ii,,,,,, ('Ill, nul" ,'Y 1'11110, thp .Tuhn",," uate nUI'6() Of a Mlnneallolls hos· ('OlllllY (·lJItrthuIISo. Tlrare~OO1'9 ot plta1. She was a llfe long resident tlw UnlHr"lty or Town. merchants IOf Waucoma nnd had be~n nctlvp and 11I1 "itlNl.q tll~1I on ,,'ashlngton In all town ncUvllies. , Rtl'PPt frum Cllnlon, to LInn .treets.

She Is survived by two daughters. Completr tolals yesterday gave Mrs. Grandrath of lown City. alld Ln"oI"n Hi!! "oII'S; Hoospvelt, 165; Ma.rgurel LockwoOd of Housto n, Thomflq. 14' [.omkp. 1. !lnd J31'owuer.

pnllll tl'Y bPfOl'p the Towa ('jly ~~oOAe A $4.867.19 claion ogn.inst the es· lorlgp l(1at night . tate of Tlenl,}, O . \Vnliler waA fll~d

I'll1n" fur 1·1u.s" 1IIIIIIlIIOII In the rlpl'k'" am,·" at Ihe ,·o llrt· l)<'I ' n l}(Impoo(ld fl'om Nov. 1 lO Nov. g al WhiCh limp the Dav~nl1ort staff

'and drill tearn. national champions or the MOO9(l lodge, will be present.

• • I Mercy Hospital News I • Admltted'

I HlLl !i(\ )("t.;tf'I'd.n.y by ~lH I'gfl"Pl .T . 11111 II IlC I' an ,1 Or3CO COI4'"wrll. I

'rhc claim wll:-; mad(' .u8 tlw r('~ uJl

of an agreement iX'twecn th e dc· I ceased attorney and the to\vo women 1 in whtch Nttorney Walker was to " 11111111' Inv~"t ~4.9~7.19 f"om tile OSlwloosa. • National bank. 11M.

Tex.; and two graridchlldrpn or 11. '1'111'<'0 I """itwl Illlt! fifty vCJU·... Alic~ Pugh or \Vest LJberty. Baahkil' Is an auLonomou .. repub· Iowa City. H I' hu!Obond 111'('(,<,'1,·,1 W"I'(' ca,,1. Yel'onlea [ranson . 311 N. Linn 110 oe lhe Union of Soviet Socialist

=h=<.'r= 1o=, =d=eA=1 h=ln=I:9:18:.========I.=";:11;:0I'=,,=, =" ::I=";'''':' I:::IIl1=p:;r=p:;"'':'i;;;V;;:1' =m=.~"j=O;rI;;:- ::sR~t 1=·O~<.'t=. == Republlps.

• \


Wh.lher you .Ing In Ih. ""rto,-o, 1 •• 1 hum In 'OU, mo,nlng lub. b. kind 1o ""', Ih_I. A clea, ... 1 .. ,

o IIghl ""ok.-Ih., go to­;eM;;;. ~ "'-deli .... _ ...... _. 5tI.cI ! !!r.!<k,.

- Irs a Liqht Smoke! In HarmonY,with Your Throat More marvelous than any invention is the "music box" inside your throat. But so delicate. ' ,. with its maze of membranes! No wonder so many stars of the movies and radio say that for them a light smoke is the right smoke. Luckies are a light smoke

of rich, ripe·bodied robacco. Luckies hit the right

note with your taste! The only cigarerte with the tender center leaves of the highest.priced tobacco

plus the all .important throat proreaion of the "Toasting" process. Remember-the only cigarette.

So reach for a Lucky and be lOnd to your throae!


* * NEWS FLASH! * * 205 Guests at Ritz Carlton in Atlantic City

Plav "Sweepstakeslll

People on vaClition play the "Sweepstakei,'" too. In one week alo ne 20S guests at tbe fashionable Ritz Carlton in Atlantic Cil1 remembered to lend in their entr ies fot Your Lucky Strike "Sweepstake.." We say that's combining fun with (ual

Have ~ entered yet? Have you WOD

YOUt delicious Lucky Str ikes? There',muc on the air. Tune ia " Your Hit Parade"­Wedaesday and Saturda), eveaings, Linea,. judge, and compare the tune.-thea tt'f Your Lucky Strike " Sweepstake,."

And if you're aot already Imokia, Luckiel, buy a pack today Il.IId try tbem. Maybe you've been milling IOmetbla .. You'lI appreciltF tbe aduntage. of Luckie. -. Light Smoke of ricb, ripe­bodied tobacco.

Three Dinners Scheduled For Local Workers OWrman G. Zeithamel . Outlines 10 Points

For Year's Work

! ,'l'be open!DB Bhot In • olty-Wid • membership . drive of the ROy L. Chopek post or the Amerlcatll LelJ\on will be t ired Monday d • p.m. with a din ner a t the Moose eI\)b roome. George Zeltbamel. eh&1rman at the membership drIve, taunounoed \aSt night. Two more ~el'll will p during tbo /ll'eek.

Each worker In the mcmbershlp drive 18 pledged to ca ll on at lea8t H membersblp prospects and to a t ­tend the three dInner m eetings. A lIumber of preltmlnary canvassM .bIve &Iready b..,a made. and the total memllershlp Is already )lilt year' a at tbls lime.

ObJec,I.e1 TWs year's to objectl vcs of ~bo

local poet of the Am.Mcan Ler lon. II outlined las t night by Mr. Zelll, . amel, Include:

(1) A 250 m embershIp minimum; III a permanent bamo for the post; "' citizenship service; (4) Amen· eanl8lll; (6) employment; (6) govern. ment al lf for widows a.nd orpha.ns; (') care for the disabled; (8) un(­' tl'l!al military service; (9) na.tlonal d~f.nse, a nd (10) In ternational pe&Co.

The Worker8 The wOl·kers. who are under the

. upervl8lon of '''Buck Prlva16" GeorgO ZCltba.m.el. tollow:

COl'porala - Delmer M. Swnplo and Ha.rry W. Graham,

Clerklt-Don l)Qvls a nd George Sheels.

'8eI'gciOnts - Claude Reed. ~llI s Crawtord, {,yInah Bu rdick. Robe,·t v tigt, Walter J. BaITow, Dr. 11. n. J¥obstln. FrlUlcl. J. Boyle a.nd H . 1. Jennings.

Shook t roops: Squad I-Robert Vogt-Colonels

Ben W1.ltebook. Char les Ken nett. Will J . Ha¥ek and Alec Brown. I Squad 2- ElUs Crawiord-Co1-onels Robert Schell. Lou E. Clurk. Wil liam Hughes. Glcnn Mellllll a nd Lew Burke.

Squad 8-L)'Ill&I\ BurdJck.-Col· onols D. P. Mwrls. Gordon DIns· more. Bam Harrill, Frank Mezik jLJld E verett Means, : Squad 4-Waller Bilrrow-Col· one]. William H. Bender. Charles Flesel.r, William It. Hart and Kenneth M. Dunlop.

Squad "-H. H. I n.cooocn-Col. onel. Charles Smlth. George Storbll.. ThofT..., E. .MiI.r tl ll IlJld William While.

Sq uad 6-<:1t\ude R'eed-Colonela Fred C. Swank. B . IIf. RIckett ... J , A. Dean. LeHlle FretJWIck and Clem 8ba.y.

Squad 7-H . I . J e n nln.gH-Col· onela Lloyd Howell. Bert Lewis. Roscoe Taylor and Edward Soens.

Squad 8-Francls Boy te--Oolonels Ed RAte, Leo carmOdy, Da n R oth and Roy Butterbaugh.




WbM do Ton Wok of the s~e liquor tootrol law? Wb,? II tile", .-J more drlnldul' ..- than betOl'd it ,... , ~

IIey Bu!Jbt', 118 8. DocI,e street. III '-ranee &pDt-I doll't UIlIIk "'I rlrb$. 'I1Iere _DIll to he mlll"l$ jrlakinc IlOIr dIIID hef-. We ....... baVe '-I optloJl.

oIlII'I1e L. Plum, 116 ICJIfJI avfOo .... a l"II'fUme ... toilet ,DOds lllaaufacttrrel'-l tIIJDk It'e rot· Ie .. "--' It II • Iodal e~ " ilia. lIltosJeaUDC HQUOI"I. IUlcI r dealt lleUeve til", lOVel'llmeDt IhoaIIl do It However. there .... , .-n e. tie more driak· .. IIIIW' .. • ,"",l

IIiIph PartIlns. '''7 Ill. (Jollere .,., .. ~ ....,t-Aa IoIaa 1[\ &her In .0111, to drtok. they

~ II weft ." •• place to bt&r

Dr. E. J . Amleh. 124 8 . LuCIUI -treet. & dentlllt-l thtnk It's do· Inc talrlJ well. It Ie oontro\Unl' til, 1111 oJ! liquor and /lot al· Iowia, 10 much ot It to ro throu,h bootlei' hand • . Natural . Iy. tlltre II mOl'll drink tal'. -II&enrt B. wn-. 111 B. (IGIIe,.

..... .. ~I7.temot ~ II nWlnl, &ODd, .. Ifj

"-lttI.. ......... '1'h.... .... Meta .. '" !eel estrelhe 41rbak1Dc,

10bn H. eunief', UI N. Dubuque athet, • proprietor of • mlillo _bop .... J 400't hell.vI tbe IOVlrnment IIILIht to conlrol It. It aboul4 be 'llder Individual ownenhlp jUlt Uke ~ber ato..... I thlnlt. the drtolt.ll1l' II'-. "Orllt beto ....


corded 8<lr. I:tlop ·W , J . 150 IIJI

time I iS tewal telted; ibond --


ty r o. St~r~_A_m_e_rl_· c_an_L_e_g_iO_D_M_e~m_b_e_.r_sl----:1i-=-p_D-=--r_iv_e_N_e_xt------:--M_o_n_d_a_y

• lIot~ '11111

• ,,"I \AlII



.. " with

* * [Sweep";"

Three Dinners Scheduled For Local Workers OuUrman G. Zeithamel , Outlines 10 Points I For Year's Work I !rhe opemDC Hot In III city-wid. membership ' drive ot the Roy L. Chopek poet of the AmericaJII Legion wlll be tired Monda.y • p.m. with a dinner at the Moose c\llb rOOlll8, George Zelthamel, chairman of tbe membership drive, aonounood last night. Two more


ll~,.e:"" Ct-\~R\.n:" SiRN'\6ERS ON i~\S \S\..f:\~l). GO CLE~N


~el'1l will (ake place during tho I?,==:-;::::=:-:-:-=:~~ __ /Nee)[, II

Elach worker In the membershLp 41'lv6 Is pledged to calion a.t 14 membership prospects and to at­tead the three dlnnor meetings. A Jlumber ot preliminary canva.ssy have already b~n made, and the total membership Is alreo.dy above laBt year'l at this time.

Objec&lye. Tbls yee.r's 10 obJectlvcs of tbe

local post of the American Le,lon, u outlined last night by Mr. Zeltl, ­lII\el, Include:

By Segar

II) A 260 membership minimum: 1%) a permanent hOllle for tho post; I'l citizenship service; (4) Amen­e&nll!ll1; 15) employment; (6) govern­ment aiel for widows and orphans; III C8.1'e lor tile dlsa.bled; (8) unl­Yf1'8al military aervlco; 19) national defense, and (10) Intel'llu.tloual peace.

The Worker8 The workers, who lU'e uuder tbe

• upervlslon of '''Buck Prlval&" George Zoltbam,el, tallow:

Tenants of Planned Community -\ Thondon to Talk. jll

Center To Meet This Afternoon • Ali Bar Meeting •

Corporals - Delmer M. Sample and Harry W. Graham.

Clerkll-Don Davis anu George Sheels, Serg~Uls - Clauuo Rocu, Ellis

Crawford, Lyman Burdick, RObel·t vQgt, Walter J. Barrow, Dr. II. II.

WiJ1 Consider Problem Of Space From Plans of Architect

J'tcobscn, FrllJlcls J. Boyle and H. All representatives of the organ-1. Jennings. Imtlons to be housed In the pro-

Shock troops: posed communlLy center will hold a Squad 1-Robert Vogt-Colone1s ~eellng this afternoon at 2 o·clock.

Ben WNtebook, Charles Kennett, In the council chamber of the city Will J . Hayek and Aloe Bl"Own, hall. The meeLlng will be held

Students Elect Class Officers John Gray Chosen To

Head Seni'or Group; Burger for Juniors

I Squad 2-ElUs CrawCord'-'Col- to go over plans Cor spaCe. Memrers of the junior anef senior onels Robert Schell, Lou E. Clark, The architect's plans will be classes ot IOWa City high scllOol met WIlliam Hughes, (lienn Means and II.val\ablc for the first Ume at this yesterday mnrnlng and nlccted oCtl· Le", Burke. meotlng. ccrs tor the school year.

Squad 3-L)'lIIIIJI Burdick-CoI- Tempora.ry plans fOI' the con- I Jon" amy was ellasell president onel8 D, P. Mwvrls, Got'don Dlns- ,strucUon Include: lot the senior class with Don Gra·

A dinner af tho Johnson County Bar assoclaUon will take place to­alight 14t 6 o'clock In the dlnlng Iroom of Ihe Jecre!'son holel.

Prof. Har;'lson '.r: '!'homton of the 111.tory. dCllarLmclIl wi ll sllCak at th . dlnnor.

$5,000 Asked By Malmherg Suit ~ains~ H. P. Lowe

To Open in District Court Here Today

more, Bam Harris, Frank Mczik Ground floor _ basketboJI court, ham as vlee-presldent, Detty Ma.rtIn, &I1d Everett Means. 1..__ Hearl ngs In the au i t for $5,000

/handball court, sbOwors and locker .,,:cretary-lrcusurcr, and Anna 'd : Squad 4-Walter Barrow-Col. a.mage!! asked by Edwin MaJmberg-

rooms and work roon18 tor lhe re- Wachs, faculty advisor. onels William H. B&nder, Charles against H. P . Lowe will open In Flcseler, William R. Hart and ~rcaUonal cepter and other super- The juniors elected Warren Bur- tho dIstrict court at 9 o'clock this Kenneth M. Dunlop. vlscd groups. gor presldenl, Dorotby Souccll, vice- .mol'lling. Tho suit Involves Injuries

Squad &-H. H. Jacobscn'-'Col- Ground floor mezzanlno - oUlce president; Arlo RA>gcr8, secretary- sustained by Gladys Malmberg In an onel. Cb&rles Smltb, George Sl(u'lla, <;pace. a. small kitChen , a large treasurer , IlJld Robert poulter, fac· b.utomoblle a,ccldent Sept. 10, 193:;. Thotrui.'J E. Mariln IIJld Wll\lalll. ~oeUng roomo play rooms and 'ulty advisor. I ' 'I'M accident occuned all the! White. check rooms. The Boy and Girl \ Miss W.,ehs was choson as ad· Iowa prlmary road H3 Il eal' Oak ..

Squad 6-Cl"udo R'ced-Colonels organlzatlolls would have! visor by botll classes. aud slle de- du.le, when the two·yeal'-old girl Fred C. Swank, B. U. Ricketts. J . lhelr oUicee on the mezzanine, and clded on the senior class. Mr. Poul- suffered bruises and aUeged lacera­A. Dean, Leslie Jo'rellWlck and Clem tbe oWce for tbe director ot the ler, who received the next lion of tho tongue. Tbe plahtt!t('s

center, dressing rOOms plumber of votes, a.utomaUcaJly be- .petltlon alleges tho defendant was Shay. :and the large auditorium with ' the! came junior advisor. responsible fOr the accident as ho

Squad 7-H. 1. Jennlngs-Col- meeting rooms tor bOlh adul~ F1red Jones acted as chairman for did not observe the right at way. onela Lloyd Howell, Bert Lewis. groupS would be located there. 'the junior elecUon, whIch. took place The jury tor the trial was em-Roscoe Taylor and Edward Soens. First fJoor-a large auditorium In the school ca.(eteria, and Cbarlell paneled late yesterday and will list ..

Squad 8-Francls Boyle-Oolonels Trnschel was chairman ot the sen- 'en to the hearLngs tbls morning. Ed Rato Leo CarmOdy, Dan Roth and stage, office space (Lnd a lobby.

... Housed In the otrlces would be thel 101'8 In tllo study hall. Altoruey Will J . .Tackson and tho and Roy Butterbaugh. -BEAT lLLINOl!l-- law fbm at BYington and Rate wlll

BM'~ I" ".wO 0 Red Cross, tho community chest, -~. --" 1.,- represent the plalnUff at tbe trial :

Women's Relief Corps, Iowa City G I Talk On Woman's club, Parent-~cher as- es er to Attorney David R. lItuler and thel soclallon and lbe building ou.ger. D 1 f Hi law flom of l\1e~ser and Nolan are



Groups would be all use of a.udllorlum for plaY8, meetings,

conventions and showe. -BEAT ILLJ1«OlS-

Glee Club Backers To Meet Monday At

Recreation Center

eve opment 0 ver a.ttorneys for the defendant.

lA, Col. E. JD. Gesler, district en­gineer of the Rock Island &rea, will ~peak al tho second meet.Lng ot the associated studon.ts o'f engineering, Oct. 22 In chemistry auditorium at 7:30,

HI s add ross will be "The neveloP-' ,ment of the Upper Mlsslsb1pPi for

Woo Cools BulIdlngs , SACRAMENTO, Cal. IAP)-1l'hls clly patronl:oes hom e Industry In lU~ 'l!nUllual way. Thore Ilre il .... ge rice .paddies north of here. and a. local itIrm buys the rice hull ash and rna.nufacturcs material to Insulate buildings against tho. Intense valley

QUNtion Navigation ." heat of midsummer.

Wha& do 1011 Ihlnk of the state , Adults Interested In glee club =======:;:::==================== IiqllOr eontrol lawf Wb,.1 1& t.bere will meet at the recr allonal center /IIl7 IIIGI'I! drfnldnc now than befonl iMonday at 7:30 p.m ., Esther Krau. it 1rII \IMIIlIl? phoar, director. announced last ~ Plight. The group will then go to

Jt.o, 8UIbr. 3111 8. Dod,e ~ he First Unitarian church, 401 .. IDIuranee aceat-I don't tblnk ilowa. avenue, for practice. Mrs. II', rI,h$. 1J'b __ IDII to be monl Howard Bowen will be in charge. Utakm, now thaD "font, We ......, "Ve '-I option.

~errIe L. Plum, 7M IOW'I> .Vl!­II,",. • .JMII'fume and toilet pods IllllnufllClw err tIdnk W. ret· .... lIecaaIIe It .. III todal CI'InIId It fleD. ~tUr UqUOl'll. UId I M'. belief. tbe rovel'llmflllt IhouId do It Howenr, there .... , IfIIeIIW te tie more drink· III( now .... resvJt..

5 Booked by Police FOl" Minor Offenses

The tollawloll' namell were reo corded yesterday on the polloe led­ger. RU88ell McNaully, failure to' IItop at a stop sign, H and costs: ·W. 1. Day, disturbing the peace , ISO and cOSt8; R. W. Lockwen, over· time parkIn&" $1 and costs; Frank

IIaipb Panoll5, lao1 E. Collee' Intoxication, $10 bond tor-........ Insuranoe .... &-As _ telted: Ray Cox, Intoxication, $10

" Iller are coin, to drtnk. tbe)' IJ;:.:o::n:::d:::fo:rf;:e=lted=. ======= ....... WtII baYe a ~ t.o bui -k.

Dr. E. J. Amish, 124 8 . Lucas street, .. dentlat-I think It'8 do­Inc fairly .... 11. It I. centroUlnr the .-Ie of liquor and not .. 1-klwlnr 10 muoh of It to CO throurb bootl .. hand •. N .. tuzal-11. thin! Ia more 4.rInldnr.

8Itnrt B. wu-n. Al 8. Calle ... .... III ..... ...,......,.. 1Q'.&em of eeatnl II ........ eI, aood ... iii -.... ........-. n.. ... ...... Ie -. Ie. • ........, 1IrtJaIdq, -101ln H. aunler, UI N. Dubuque .net, .. proprietor ot & mueto IIIhop ..... dOll't btU,ve the lOYernment outbt to control It. It shoul4 be 1IDder Indhl4U&l ownerehlp juet Uk. ~Iler ttorel, I think the 4rlDldlll' \II .. won. ~ore,

Every 5s Candy Bar


Dunn's Oc,tober

Sale Coats ....-$1600





Phoebe Omlie Will Land At Local Airport

<Bhe "'1MI th flnlt woman to recetve a lnlfl.llPOrt license.

Mrs. Omlle's tour Is un,ler the .auSplcCII of tne women's division o~

,tho domocratlc national committee. I Plans to bavo Johnson county. women meet Mrs. OmUe at the air­POI'l and La ontertaln at a tea have Inot been completed, but It I, poe~ Islble tha.t thtl Iowa Union !I1I8.y be lused tor the ~ea., acCording tol Mrs. Minerva. Knlght, president or the

Lions Club Hears Debate Night Club Discussed;

Intemational 'Night, Homecoming Planned

all L10n.s· clubs In tWs district hwI been noUBed.

OUC8tS Guests present wero ~. A. Shinn

of Ft. Collins, Col., Commander Walker and ~Imer Dewey, com­mander" of the lowa. City American! Lerlon.

The Dally Iowan conducted tbe first of a ~erle/l of pre·election polls ~o be taken within the city and the university before the election.

Suddenness of Flyer's Visit Will Prevent Campaign Speech

women's organization. Robert J . Bla.kely, A4 at Onawa, -BEAT nUNOI8-- ' and Addison C. Hickman, A3 ot Orow8 ~ord l\lelollS

Masons to Hear I" j WEATHERFORD, Tex. (AP~ IIfo'S. Phoebe Omlle, n"oi.ed woman ~IOUtXh CltY'bj COtDdUrCLed a. I debalLe Despite dl'ought a.nd without u. se ot

M R d P , on e IIU ec 0 a un vera t)" flyer who ds touring the counlil'y In ott ea __ oelD5 ' I ht I b t th I h Irrigation, S. L. Phillips, farmer

~ g c u a e nOOn unc eonl the Intcrests of the reeleetLon of --- - of the Iowa. City Lions' club Ye&- JIlcar here, gl'ew two watennelon8 PI'esldont Roosevelt, wJl\ drop hel" Prof. Frank L . Molt ot the Unl- ,lerday. of record prOJ>Ol't1ona, One weighed

versity at Iowa. IIChool ot journalism Prof. Paul Olson ~ In char~e 113 pounds, the other 114., "Win with Roosevelt," & will read poems by and about N... ot the program and Attorney Ed on tile runways at the Iowa City groos before .lbe Ma.sonlc Service Rate presided. ,municipal eJrport 4 p . m. Sunday. ' club at its regular ncon luncheon Haskell l Flying here frOm ConJlcll BluU" tomorrow In tho ]IotQljonlc dining Prof. Georgo HaBke\l, cbalnnan MI'8. Omlie will not maJee a cam. rooms. -BEAT ILLINOIS- I,~ I I of tbe HomecomIng executive com-palgn epeech, as tile 8uddenn088 of mlttee, made 8everal HOIDecoming lhe decision to stop here lett little Mayor Marihi Taiks ' -announcements and Prof. Harry G. limo fOr pla.nnlng a rally, Attorney !Barnes. chalnnan of tbe mlLSs moet· F. B. Olsen, Johnson county cbalr- At Camanche Rally lng, explained ,brleny the procedure ma.l~ ijald. ror the FrIday night pepfeet.

Mrs. Omlie's 10,000 rmle trip o1'lg- Mayor Thoma.s E . Martin was Earl Kurtz, chalmla.n of the gen-Inated at New York and will take \speaker last night at a repub\lcan ~ral commIttee In charge ot ar· hOI' as far west as Colorado. FOl1Jller lrally at Ca,rnanche. The meotlng in range~nts for International night "peclal assistant or the naUonal ad- the Clinton county town W8.8 at 8 Oct. 27, rsported that the district jvtsory comm1tteo 1101' MlronauUc:s, p. nI. govemor would be present aad tbaa

LIVERISH FOLKS CAN'T ENJOY UF£ VotdtlpeUon, headacllU. nausea, b.d dl.-elJtloo, .c)ur etomacil, bWouaeMt dln:r IP"UI, blo .. lI.... with poi, bId breatb. Urea. beaV7. wOr'O<ooout '&ellD •• take aU the Jo out of Ute. llier )Dut; secrete 2 qllarlll of healthy bUe a da,. or wut-es l\Otumnwte In ."Item, t_ d_YI fn Into. tin... If your lin .. fA Ilu .... lih, .-et,.. bU., to (lowln. rJabt aad 8ee bow Dlu.e.h better you reell Wb7 IlOt try this remarkable preaerlptloo­Dr. Mobane', ,itDD9fl (FOUR NINES)? A.k at Glb ... or ]>0".' DI"lt .. Store 1 If ft.uJt8 doa't make yOU reJolce over this treatment-your mune, back f It oot. In Iowa Cit" and your de.aJer cannot IUP­piTt ,end " to Dr. )Jebane MedleiD." Co" .01 N. Ave., Dept. iO' .. C, Ohioan.

, Don't Forget to Put These on Your.Shopping List·.," . - . . .


Suede Leather JackeL $7.95 Value

. ~ S6.50

I First quality selecl.ed 8uedO I.ath or In coco.. brown color. Slide

~. fastener Irollt; tWI> slash pOckets. Reve1'sed ler trilll, lllllt cl>Uar. cuffs and w~8tband.

Sw~gger Suede Jacket $ 14>.00 VaJue

58.75 Jllj;lt qualliy tbroqbout Iltat wouJd cost more If It weren't lor Sears Golden JubRee. R~el'8e leather coliar and inside facings. Adjustable side buckle 8traps. .Just &he thing for a football gaDle 011 a brisk Oct.ober day.

Unlined Dress Gloves $1.50 Quality

SI.OO Stylish, long wearing gloves lor men. GOOd quality chrome tan· ned capeskin leather. "til'hed, back. An outbtandJllg vnJue at tbis low price.

Searl 4·Star Goldea Jubilee Royal ASGot Sbirts

• When it comes to shirts, we're mighty particuJar-and on Royal Ascots we're positively unbending! If the fabric isn't perfect, if the buttons aren't sewed on just right, we'll have oothing to do with it at all! Royal Ascot, we repeat, must Jive up to everyone of our quality specifications. Choose from deep tone thor­oughbreds in navy, chocolate, wine or green in the popular new Duke of Kent style or trubenized collar models in navy, chocolate, white, blue, or fancy patterns, Finest pre-shrunk eombed cotton broadcloth or woven shirt­ings in fast vat colorings. Generously cut ••• expertly fitted. To appreciate the "insid~ facts" Qf this ".4-Star" value, get inside one of the shirtsl

Pullover Sweater

Sturdy pul/over hall wool 8W6al6r lor gcueral outdoor WOIlr. Strung. ly knit, brusbed wool fue. Shirred back. TaJ.un flUlteoor.

...--...--- Tuckstitcb Vests and Panties

2.Se All cottltn.

Sma.II, n.ediWl1 aud IHrle sizell. Peacb color.

Be warm ,and COlIt17 durl~ the fIIme.

Rubber Rain Capes .... 791' Be prepared for raJnr weather. 48 In, 10DI', full cut. RoJaJ. Blue, Brown. Oreen',

$1.00 Value

Sandy Nevin Shoes

"Saad,r Neyln" travels In the baI~ circles YOU'q IlDd thea. wherever well dreseed IDIIn gatber. That" why they are 110 popular on the Iowa campOlI. U.oo Value.

Keep Warm with an Indian Blanket

'1:&5 .a-Sturd!b woven to wlth,tand the punlahmenl of football ,amea, motorlq etc. Pan, lour nller Im)IOI't.fId uuI AmerIean cotton. SI .. 81 ••

MIlO hUllq n&Wt, BIalik.... at ,1.18 II11II .,.J8.

Men's Dress Sox

19a Appealing patterns created to please the college tnan. Well

.knit hOll\er7 with rayon body, rolnfon:ed heel aud toe, double soles. mercerized ribbed W!ls.


Co#lt Style Sweaters SI.'. All 111IOl, wIth or withont col. lars, Slse 1M to

44, Colors, brown, navy,


Lined Leather Gloves

$1.00 Ohtqme u.nned lamb8k:ln, with fleeced cotton l/.I,IIIi, NeatI)' stltohed backs.

$1,30 QualIty

THE DAILY IOWAN 1'uWI .... d ev • .." "' ...... In" Mooda, by 8t1a4.1

Pa ....... tllll:n. J.De.oq,ora.ttii" .t Itt-In Uw. avena., raw_ ell" la_

ao.I of Trult.e. : Frank 1. Mott. OdJ .. K PaUoD. lDwf.ft ll. )Cecilwen. Karl E ~Ib. ICI ).e.n W. WltmH, Fr@d ~ Jitoraln. CharlM Webb, Amot PI!A .... n. n OMrt DeTbey.

.- lor. .Po,",LIL PU .I'-h •• WIlJlam 0 l l errlt.t,. ~t to the Publllh ...

Sht~rtd .... ~oml clUl!r rnan matler ali the- POltotttee at IQ"a oCY .. 10 ..... under the aet or conSJ"MII or J. 1 n. h~tton .. __ B~ m&ll. 16 pe. yu •• b,. _ri .... I '

c.tnt .. w~f!'lcJ)'. " pu year , h .......... o.illtfKl Pr ... II flxehulv~y •• UU t"d to t Ot

~DubUeation ot aU new. dJ.-patcbe. credlLe4 to i L gr bol otb..rwIM crpdlt~d in lb la papal' a.nd ..J~ th e toeal new. ..... lIabe<t MTOlo.

"l:n1T01IJ L DEPAR'fMEST I Co Oo<ldll .. . .. ,.................. £Dlwr

t t:-'ur J 14nldr t _ • •.• • .••••• • •• • )( __ n •• lnl' .dnot .. r '. l&iU .. 't •• ••••• , •• •••• •• ........... • Cky Editor

Bcu HaCAn . • •••••.•••••.• • •••••.•• SPort, HldJtor JACk W&.t8OU •• ••• ••• ••••••••••••• SEtOn. Edttor tie~ty BraVWLlD&ll • _ •. • ••••• , •••••••• ,... Boqle ly £dUoe _1<1 Tw:k •• .. ................ , ....... 14 ...... 4Ito. ¥,.ry 11 Burke • '" •• , . .. '" . Carnpu, E4JlQr I

"'_pn:t Gord:<Jb " ..••.••.•• • •• ,.. " ..... Eure Editor Dar.nH- Hutt 'P1Nur. Editor ......... S'Ul,, ' wi-ti_· ....

8tat~n Bra"nln.

BU81l'I1t88 DF.PABTMIlNT Donr&ld J . A.' r ft ••••••••• •• • • AdverUsln. f&n •• er or- .. lI.jIJUL ••••••••••• •• ••••• CI ..... IMJ"'" ....... APM W. Schmidt ••• ,.......... •• ' •• ,. ".. AOeauntaru


Let.', Discern Between J.

Rmedyilm mrd Pep

LA 'P NIGHT" l'nthnslasti c pep ses· sioD, "hi Ie It mdicoted bo\v beut

Hawkey s npport I'S til' on an 10w8 vi -lory ov r Ulinol , S I'ved to sllOW whllt hould be rlollr to enab l tomorrow's giant

mas.q m!' tmg to run of[ with proper pre· .-tenon and with Oll t property damage and

~. First, when .Tohnny }{ikl addre!!Sl'd tht'

crowd hI' had to compete with the loud sounding llydrauTic (>ngin(>ering whistle . Admitteri, tll e whistl lends atmosphet·(, to th t' occasion, but nnt when It lS blown at the w rong timc.

Second, the suppurt of high scbool stndents is welcome so long liS they don't indulge in rowdyj~ln . Last night a nnm­bel' oi hig h sehool s tll dl'nL~ interrupted thl' Spl'nRPI"S IInrl I'on wildly lind HJmlpssly through Iht' crowt.l. And nftCl' Ihe pppfpst d~~p('I"sf'd l'I'om tilt' Old apitol Rite, nc' cording to pol ice it WIIS these same hlgh schoo l st lldf.'nt~ who plaYf.'d a prominent Pllrt in rocking CaI'R, demandmg entraMC to a local theater guarded by police and in oOwr WIIYl'I lending n (l!sfllvot'llble lonch to th spssion.

IJ 1 's show tilt' team IVP IIrc ]00 pt'r cent in back or it , bnt. It,t'ij also discem betw I'll rowdyism aml JlPp whi lr in the proces .

Ishmd Em,pi,.,. Mepls Island Empire

SUBTLE ORENI' Rf{ C'J'A JN on ce again has drllwn till' \ I'nt h or a grcat neigh­

bor rot' Its (lohpy in lllninl~ining a vast I'mpir1'. 'l'hi~ till1!' .J ttPIiJ1 has lodgl'd ihe protest, a protest. against r ported loans 10 Chiuo. 'I' ll(' Jopllnl'MO goV<'rnment. fpllrs that sn ch a loan might hI' intl'ndf'd 1'01'

currency refOl'ms 01' l'p[)lenishments or hinese Ill'maments

The island pmp ire of Ihp {'RSt suspccts 1hal. tbp island I'mpi l'p 01' Ihe west may be aiding C hina flgail1~t tUl'thel' "mAna 1'­merit " h.v ,Japan. 'I'h,., .fapanes govern­ment sees in thl' lORn II virtual gpstlU'C or encouragem nt to 011 ins1ll'gent Chlilese s toi c thol is bottling o'"ainsL Jopanes oe­cupalion and t.l velopm('nt. 'I'hi. cloes noL pl ea s!' .Tapal1 in III last. A lrcady Japan has d emonslratpd clclll'ly I hilt sh e feels /I.

natnrllJ interpst i n Ih (' w e lCal'e o f Asill . FiI"St she repuU!('d R.\l S~ill, then conqnered Manchuria and set lip th e puppet state of Manchoukllo . ']'wo Y!'IlI'S ago sh e gain d control of six northm'n (ll·ovince. in China. The path or occnpation I ads ove r inland, to the eonsteroation of Russia and its man­date ov r Outer Mongolia.

The meteoric rise of Japan as a world power in the last 30 yeal"R haR given Great Britain just cause 1'01' uneasincss. The shrewd ,lapanCl (\, wi , to the indlls trinl ways of the w s t but COllI nt with their feudal civilitotion, have usurp ed first one and then anoth r pre 'IOtt~ Eng lish market . Always these conquests }Iave been gained by underselling. But by IIny yardstick society cllre!! to nse .fapsn has c mployed penectly legitimate m ellns That this arouses Great Britam is only an unavoid­able by-product of the ever inereasing eon ­test for economic market.s;

Any 8vowal of tension b etween Japan and 01'('lIt Britain would have solntary reverberations m Europe. Already Japau is be ing sought as an ally by more than one European power Hene , nr\\! wOI'ld ententes may be in the malting.

'An Ideo! Hi,hWd¥ Safety Campaign

MAYBE WE'RE WRO 0 but we be­lieve we've strllck tho ideel highway

saCety campaign If people are sti ll os sllp4tl'Stitioufi liS w e think tbt'~, are then it will work.

Nine times out of ten when a black cot crosses our path on the highway, we drive pautiously forever after. Even though we know a black cat, If honscbrok('o, is no more dangerou than a brown one, W . till will be expecting a calamity on that particular trip. We labor under the stark conten­tiol! that the hard luck the black feline will bring us may be anything from a flat tire to a headou collision . Prom then on we toke no chances that wc might ordin­arily eVl'n tbough we attempt to laugh at snch a silly superstition Down rleep we are no1 quite so convinced.

Now for tlle plan : Why ean't the fed­!'ra1 government, with all the money at its disposal, put It black eat patrol on the

ontskirts of every city, village and bam­If't in the COUDtry.

Fot exam~le, on North Dnbuqne street a cat patrol with six shiny black cats could carry out the cherne, with two eat work­ing eiglil honr slim.

E\:ery lime a ear comes roaring down the Dubuque rn-ee hill in violation o[ all city s p eed laws, the cllt master wOlild turn II.

big black one 100 e to t a1" across the high­way in front of the peeding auto. Tho IlfC ct would be in Ulntaneous. The nu t At ~e 'wheel would be bawled out fIrst by his wii lor beiug unable to stop quick enough to .keep from traveling that VOlt of the road tJ:a.versed by the cat. After that everyone in the cal" would be on edg the rest ot tlle tl'ip. H ence slower driving lind less llceidents.

The total cost or keeping a bloc k ellt patrol oh the hignwllYs would not be large. A cat mal/tel' and a pound of f ish II. day would do the tl'iek. Of COUrs6. there is al­ways ihe thought of l1~w are you gOJng to get the cat aero the Ilighway, if h doesn't want to go. But theu we'r 8\11'e Ihat could be worked ont by som e cienHfic r elleat.och.

Enjoyi",, 'lmliaR, _ ! . ~ Sulmelj

IN INDIAN sun:;mel' 'nature is like a dying mist who uses ail the brightest colol"R

of his pa.lette in a lost pl'Odlgal displ1l1 of beauty. All over the land the hill s and vlllleys · aro glowing with riotollS (.'0101' liS

r t'ds and goldR and tanl! g rlldl1lllly rE'plo<'e summel"S somber green

The trees are donning their gayest gar­ments for one final bit of life, recklessly 10 ing away tbeir pre lOllS golden leavcs to purchasc a few mote daYH of freedom before the long capt1Vity of wint r

And liS the comfortable warmtb of aHel'­noon sltlmbcl'S away into blue hazc, do yon notice the sad s tillues8, t he bl'()llthle8.~ hush f It seems alS if on boisterous wind, one frowniug dark cloud would shatter the pi('tnre.

Now IlS the splendid snuset I'p ln "tan!ly l\'ll llnl'a the red glo l")' that eov(,l'('d nil th!' sky, the peacefut go ld n moon f1ont!; in the en t, large lind Set ne. Bonfires lind dewy foliage add 11 ton g to !lIC c lean, v.cstiul nil'. And ont of the calm mght. tomps a vague ch a lle n ge, a tantalizing long ing- for advenLure. On such a nigh t , on (' j"eclii, /;om ething eXCiting must befit II.

Let lJS make the most of this last R('fISOn of glorious weat her. Milch too soon will com!' th!! me lan choly g r llyl1ess of Novem­ber lind th bitter cold of wintel'.


Wasliington World By CnARLEs P. RTEWART

Central Press Staff Writer

WASHINGTON, • tate Cordell IIuLL sin~le Hoo veltian presid nf ial fight.

O. . - Secretlll"), of" IS th most "aluablc a S('t in Ihp pending

The irony of th e situation is tha t thl' prcsidrnt ev idently rated Hull rathel' ('heoply !It ( il'st except for decorativc PUt·­poses. C learly he rccognu!'c1 that tile '1'en ­llPRserun would look wcU, as a r ol states­man, at the head of hi ~ cubinet. Ot1]('1'­wist' hI' would not have appointed hi m .

Bllt thill, tla' prt'SidenL was very ht III' in sympn t hy wilh Ius appointee's econom­iC' philosophy be!'amf' obviolls sppPdily.

n ULL'S DOCTRINE 1 knew Corde ll llull PI'cUy \Veil , Il~ II

r epresentativc and then as a senlttol·. I knew him to be a firm believer In the

doctrine that AmE'rican prosperity is de­pendent upon world prosperity lIe tood cOlll!istently- for tho break mg down of in· ternational trade barl'iel'S--"1.1l1tntelli gent tariffs ftud monetary exchange inequnli­ties.'n it was announced that he wns to have the seeretaryship of statc, I took It for gr'Ilnted that his policy WIIS to bl:' the Ildmini.'Jtration'R.

Plainly so did the theu Senator Hull. A day or. two berore Franklin D . Roosevelt 's inaugnration the senator gave out to the pre!!S t be statement, forecasting, exactly a I would hav expected him to d o, nn mtemlltional progrol!J of t h SMt T h ave s nggested.

• • • POLlCY REPUDIATED AT FIRST A coupLe of days later the incoming

PI'esident Roosc\'elt made hi s inaug ural address.

In ' efrect h e said that international co­operation is all right, bnt that he was in fa.vor of "pntting first things first"­American prosperity ahead of the prosper­itv of the remainder of the world.

. 'I'hi~ i1l o.k. , of course-a sentim!'nt that ('very American must indorse

Nevertheless, it was an utteranee which jUllt after the HuH statement, appeared fo be a. complete repudiation o[ Hull. Not to c rllieize the presidential declaration, Rnrely it wonld seem that Hnll should have b cn warned against g!)ing Ollt on a limb, os he did, with the ccrtainty tbat it im­m!'dintely would be sawed off back of him .


Personally, I did not understond how Hnll could accept the state secI·ctary. hil) under the circumstances

J suppose matters had gonc so far that hc could not help himself. . Then Protc. sor Raymond ]\foley was wished upon him as an llssistont- wlth lI11tholity supel·iot· to his own.

Thill W88 a trifle too much. J 1magine that even Hull, mild a nd diplomatic 8S hc is, might havo quit if Molcy had not been elim ina.ted. If he bad quit it would have been a mightily unplell88nt ineident.

THE DAn.y IOWAN; IOW.{ tm,· ~ THURSDAY, OCTOBJilR 15, 1936

A New Yorker

At Large

B)- JACK IS'I'I N N NM' :-lEW YORK-Pbyllls Bentley Is '

a crusad r •. . I he same Kind ot "a. crusader as Sinclair LewiS.

Crusading hns, of lat. taken on a rather nnplcll8llnt connotation. as It It were 30 per cent lire and 70 per cent meddlesOrneneS8. but In the. case of Miss Bentley (und Mr. !:1'WIs. tor I hat matter) It Is only high Indlgnntlon, 8 t a rising tide ~vhlCI\ thrl!atens to envelop what sho te l ms "per.onlll freedom:'

Miss Bentley I~ a slight womo.n , as mUd In II.ppeamnoo as one ot her Yorkahlre spring mornings. He~

;tah·blonde hair Is Wind-blown. Her teat urell are tine and 8en~ltlve

IIIer annall figure H ems extreme ly feminine, even when ah Is garbed In English tweeds.

.au~ MIss Bentley carries a torch and In her quiet, British way. she manages to wuve It over a grent deal ot te"raln Flr9t. It WRS tor the economic order of. Ihl nll"s. ond changes In lh~ 90c lal o"de r wlough~ by economic pressure ... R emem­ller "Inhe.ltunoo"? And mOre 1'e· cently It hus had to do with a great passion against tllclatorshlp . . . as pxemllllfled by ··Freedom. Farewell"' . , . a I)arabl In lerms of ('lIIUS

Jllllu9 CaeRar. No. she d()()s not thlnll there 19

any donger of dlctator8hlp III Eng. land . . . but ~hc conttnont '" 1[/ wHit an ene"vntlng fevol thnt In· pvliably begel~ dlctatOl "111 1) \ nd dictatorship hroadens th" cll'av<lge h.twoon Englllnd's rlghl on<1 lefl lL I"n'( that. tllough thut ralsos 1II1R8 Bentley's Indignation to a ~I'ea t pitch " It Is simply I he mel'o proximity or a pOlitiCal or· dt'l~ ",hie h . !-Ihl' ron lends, Bl rlkes AO

(leelll y n I Ilw "oOts or persono t freedom

~II"" Bf'lllley "Iso I~ wl"ltllllg her lorch fOI' Ih" "Illtle th~nter" move· mPllt. fOI' "ultu, e in Ih. 111'0v lnces. :a nd for Ilw modern novel. Shc haM I,,) patience with th people who 110Id Ih~ no vet Is dead H not ani)' I~ not <-'v n moribund. she declares. but ha" devplope(I mOl'e lIve/l I hnn a cat ... and has each of I hem at WOl){ 011 i1 dOZl'n fron t s.

Allogethel·. ~1I"s Henlll'y orfp,c<1 liS a {(enfl·ou. (lose of Indignities und cach of thl'm 0. deltghttul ontl. dote fOI' Ihe US lin I phlpgmntlcs of our vi..lllng" British rousln8



HOLLYWOOD-..'lo rar thl8 ypur. I he roll' payln({ the blgg~sL (lIvl. .le ndH d~ thot of the prl~1 In "So n F,'oncl9CO" S)")enc(\l"" ' rru.('v ItS th~

j,l,a" who Is III of,lIng 'l" ucy WnH III 111,· 1)('clIlIar po.l.

lion ot Lell1g In donnnd III H olly. "ood. bul hI' wa. no gl'~aL shall~8

0.1 Ule box ofllce Many dll'eetors or Ihe few nat·

~l1'aJ o.CtO,·S In town H~ II .... ployed rI1o.ny finl' rolc", notahly that one fr\ "Fury," but tho oharacte .. dl(1 not excite lhe Kympa..lhy of l\udJen­('~~ A merJ('an movit'goel'R must. l!l{e 'tho characte,'s to like the Indlvldu-l nls playing them.

Tracy's Iwlest was bot h worldly, nn(l mlestly Nevel' for an In~t.nllt

f1'd he lose sympathy a trick hl I)oth the wrlUna- and the acting. 9rlg,nally 't WM Intended to have il'racy Knock Clark Gable down . .. ncr Oable<. the p,·lest. re­semlng his Intrusion.

Jloes I>M sUy ThIn&" A Cler many conferences !lnd dls­

cU,8810119, It "'u.s decJde() 11mt hfl I'lhould do the pl'lestly t hIn g and not "hIt Melr. lhu. engagi ng In whol would hay amounted to II. bmwl. H W8g eHta:bll~h~d earlier, In the boxing sequence. that Tracy wa" of floormg Gable.

Economy, lTollywoo<! st)'le: A film. couple (he's an executive and she'a 0. s lar) who h!love a. joint Income ot "evernl ~housan(ls a week, decIde<! they'd havo to economize,

They did It by prohibiting the lIorvunts f, om ,,"'ng thc Ilhone foq lIersonal co lis (hecause of the toll

OFFICIAL· DAILY BULLETIN Tomorrow is Anniversary

• I .... lD the tJNIV1!lR81Tt (lALIlNDU .., IClbed­

aJed In the oftlce of tbe preeldent, Old Oapltol. ltelDl lor the GENERAL NOTIOES IU"e dellOtllted with the munpu. edJtor of The Dally Iowan, or may be placed lD the boll: provided lor their depHlt In the oIfl_ .f The Dally IowlUJ, GI!lNERAL NOTI0J:8 mllllt be at The Dally Iowan by ":30 p.IlIo &he day ~cecl1q flnt publication. NoUcee wUl N01' be accepted by tele­phone, and mUllt be TYPED or LIlGIBJ.Y WR1TrJQN IIIIlI. 81GNlIlD by a r<>tiponillile penoA,

,"0 1. X, o. 90G Oct . Iii, 1936

University Calendar Thlll"s. lay, OI'toh~I' In. H1~6

800 p.m. Gelmap club. Iowa Union cafl.'t<'l·la, Friday. oetobel' 16

Of Ether Demonstration . NINETY years alfo tomorrow, at the MaR1!achusetls Ce,lerllJ l108plllll In BoslolI, '" little I!""OUP of men \V I e II"tlltlnJl" Imjlntl"n ll y In t he sllI'glen l

ampllJt heater. A p11 l1ent wns 1ylns-011 the toble-. having- forUn d himself 10 pub­mit to the re-moval Of "congen ital

a but

)lel\l' D". WOI'l en hlnl!'elr hat! U8B/I many sub .. tfln",,_ lncllldlng hypn", ,lIam and llleRme"I"m--l)llt tMy "'ere \0.11 humbugs . whq,l IIUJ knife wa~

/npplilld to Ille })Rllen". ".>!th, hf\ Immedlalely nwoke.

But pi way" rue,·t alltl loody to Ad. vance. Dr. W; rren hnd Ii.tpned Id 1)1" Morlo,,·. account of hO," he hAlt pulled leeth I1l1de, II" Innu~nce, nn4 had decidE'll to glvl\ him n Irlal Thl. W!'" tl~ ll!Omitl!\" nppolnted and Dr.

Homecoming. superflcln l VIL~- 1\1orton Wn.~ Latp AR time weut on

8 '30 P Ill. 8 ao pili. 9 00 P ",.

Malhemallcs Contel.nce• Senate Cham))pr. clllu I' tumoul' ~he Imp;Lllellc of till! little group Reception and lll'Ogl'illn ror men. Triangle club. jusL 1:>1'10\\' the ,turned to .~nger. D,' MO'lon. they, R cept/oll anll progl'am to .. women. UnlvPISlty Cluh, Jaw on th .. let~ thonght . WIl.8 Oll~ 01' ,ilp long line IIom omlng part)'. Jown. tfemo"lul Union. sl II e 0 r til e

of humbu>:lI-h/\ hat! lJecoll1 PIlM Salln'da)" Ol'tol1el' 11 ne c k" But IcKy At I h .. \(Jell. or rollule or ex •

Homecoming neither I no }In- r III II ... 1I1athemullcs Conferellce. Sellate Chamber. lIent nOI' the pesu"e rom a PU) c (1 mon_tra. 0.,

200 p,m Football ILlinOis VS lowa. Iowa Siadi um. ~Ild ha(l d<>el(lr(f not 10 'WI)e'" 8.30 l<.In. Monal' BO!lJ"n- Slafr alld CIrc le Annual Homecoming Brpoll. 1'00m, nOl" t he "As Dr. MOrLOIl h'lM not un'lvtl\

fnst. JOWIl. UnIon. g l'OUP of BUI'geons, loolletl lUlythlng I p,'"stnn" he 10 olhp l'WiBp enguged:' HIIIIIIIlY, Oetqlwr t8 Ilke an O])ol'atll1g room YOll mlgh~ said Dr "raJ"re~ at IlI!lt . h~ 0. ha rd

800 p,m. Unlv rslly Vesp I'S: Rev Wlllls.T. King, Iowa Union Lounge. 1"lIte" thiS lGth or October In uny voice, ~nd chOOfllllg nil III"U'ullIent MOlld" .\,. ONoller U ,hO""J hll In the WOI'ld. tunted to the patient to begIn. The

7.30 II m. Brhlge. 111111' 1'Slly dub ' 1'1 .. , "UrgeOM WOI'B 1()I1g. tOI mal )feeltng8 ot the l)/ltient hav!) IIpve~ TlleslllIY, Octobllr 20 11Inc\( bl'oudclolh tl"Ock coats, there been rE'ConLed-ovel'ybo<]y b l!!e ha~

316 p.m. Concert. United Slat s Navy Band. Iowa Union Loungp. 'vus not a stel·, le gOWlt In Sight; wl'ilte l\ On l~ngth Oil the matler.., 800 p.m Conce,'t Unltf'd . tAles Navy Band. IOWa nlon LOllng(>.

WedllPsda y, Oet(lber 21 they had not even ,oI led llOCI, Ihe n.l IL may be \I'ondered whether M 4'30 r m. Orgnnl • .atlon Of hOI·U8. University c lub cu ffS of Ihpl r 8hll'IR 01' ('o"t s1ecves. WAS dlsappolnled 0 ' relieved Alter

ThursdllY. October 22 "rhp re WAS no wash bowl for the~ all. this dl'ug was a. n~w thi ng". an,~ 7 30 p.m. Meellng ot A ~"Oclo t <'d Stu<lenls of gnglneerillg, Ch~mlstry to WMh their hands. lhey <lId t hat though he had conSClltC(l to II Y I ~

Audlto,lum artel' the operatiOn because then, 'l>cl'haps the opemUon wou ld no( lit. 800 pm, I n1verslty r. cluro John Er~klne. lowfl. :l1:I'11101'i9 1 Union tho hand~ would be bloody and nced so bad afte l' nil 1)1' Will ren had .,

Frldal'. Ortoller 23 It. TIle Inst ruments were IlIl(l out Irepulo\l"n fo,' Qlilcl(l1~sS In Allen 1 no pm. /la"Unlnn l_e<'IIII'C. ClWll,lstry 1l1l,lItorlllnl.

" I - they woul() be cOnspl CuoU" loday things. I Satul'dilY, ONobrr .. hccn""" or theh' bon and wooden But just then Dr. Morton enteN'd, ~ 110 1,Ill ll lile . lInlve"'l1y (]u(,. Ihn ndles 'I'hey hM ,I)eell \lashed H I' hnd Lecn delayed becauSI' Dr A.. .\lundaY, October 26

4'10 pm Hound I "bl~ try Otto :-/(' ''1 nih, "VI~ual Educullon Ilnd the and POII~hed 0. felY dal's ,beror • find A Gould a zoologist alld fri end ot HociSlI Sclellc~,." 1;('II"to (·hnmllpl·. 01<1 Cfll>llol woul<l ~)p !lgalll nftpl' Ih opcraUon. AgassIz s, "ltd .ugge~tpd nil lin;

ROO I) III lh'u<luatl' c(l lll'gp I('etu,'" by ot((, N(,lI'·ath. ":"fnn ,ul,l HnolPly hilt not hailed-that mlghL affect Jlrovel1lcnL In Ihe "I}!lamtus. and 10' A. Hllhl""," of >'cl<'nee." ,hem ls,,·\, nll.lltorillm Iho lempe l' Of the I<nlve_l1Ilr sll'r- get her Ihey lind 'nl nil nil night 10

'rIlPs,I:Il', Ocfohcl' 27 IIlzI'd III nnv WilY , Fl""Unge It. ~nn Ilm-(:"I1<lllall' colleS" 1('(1"",· hy AliI" 111<11101111, sPnn l" rhIlDlbe,·. 1'1 S It" fo ill AI Dr " 'nll'<'"',, tlb,' upl .. Well, Old (1upltul. 1()1 ~ \Va 110 t'l))ptlfJ II t' T ~

Uu.colIl»n le"III,,, h\ Arl~s Iflvlllclw. "AnlllloPolOglcfll "8x.!llora. p<,sthesla 111 th o roo Ill. No ethe" ~ il vou"pnllcnl IR rcadv." D,· Mor, iltlom~ In AI{l~ko,' chflrnlfolt J'Y tllldIlOl,Jl1Ill. I CUll'" No smell of elhel'--Ihft.t ton J oned OVCI' ant.! lhr keen , swpcl

730 )I .m BI'ldgp. t"tlv(, I'slty "Ill" would spcm ,clueer to .1 nnllenl In a. ,~mell of ether f, lIed Go s urgica l op, Wedn~flllay, Od(>b(lr 28 ~lwd<', n hospital. p, filing room fo,' t he fll st lime.

230 p nl , OrganlZlllion or an group \ nive"slty club I Elh"" DiscoveI'cd Soon he \\"08 nble to S1(l'. " Dr. \Vo" 7 00 )l III L (l('tlll(\ hV Pl'OrPflNOl' Rot)h (,hllmil'lll \f auditorium Bllt lhlll was tl1f' l '[LUSf' of thP 1'~)1. your pnU!tnt IA )f'-ully," nod In ..

'rhlll'~'lftl· . OrloJ"'r 20 Impallpllc . lwenlls" LL few rJ9~. 00- cl.t11110IlSly thl' oM genlleman made 8011 ]1111 \\ 'ffS ,('rn ,'onfp)'Pll(,t' tI,·bnt~ , NOI'th"l?~jflrn VB lowo , J\facln:Jde

IIII.)IIOlllln, fOIl' . It Millis!. D" Wl\IInm T . (1 , Ills Incision In ullOul rive mlnules ICI'id,,),. Or/olle,' :111

7 ~O I'''' l/ .dl/l\\'''·''11 IWlly. Illtlve.'A llY tllll) "flllIl'(tll~' . OrtolWI' 81

800 pill. ("onep, I Jfisph,. II' ItPI". v'olinl"t. 10'1'11

General NotiCe!) flaml Tiel,pt!!

Fnlon lounge

The follOwing tickets (or conc~rt" hy \lIe UnIted Stntns Navy Band are. lnva\l(1 nnd pel'sons hol(lIng ticket. heQl'ln>: lI'e"" numhPr~ "r" ""I<ed to report al tlla IIrltet o(flrl'. RMm lfi. MIl.I" ~tll("O BUII(lmg

Aftellloon. aGo. 1337. and 1490 to ]f,01l );;vpnlrllr. 28. 270. /lnd 14'Ili 10 1500.


SdUlfllllu nf EV4'"lItH The preslrlpnL's "tnep will Of,nlll1np I hlH yonr 10 reNII',! " "ehp,IIlI.'

of ev(>rttl'4 with III \'Iflw lO'\'~II'r1 hplnmg rnPlilty nllli Atuc]pnl!i fivold COn

fllcl. In tlIlIP" "f lI'I'tl" 1'''. rOllC"I'18. ""nrer",n PH. ]Il'og"ams ant! eOClol pvpnts. Kindly ma)(p alldltorlunl nnil rOnr!) t t'r.f' I'votlnn s Oft fill AS POI! ... sl bl~ III nllvuH"p of tllp (late "I 11,1' ('Will

llllvfrslfy YO'Pfl' i'\(' I"vlre The n('v \\'1111" I J.::IIlU. Ph D. (1I,lll1gul"hr<l Npg"o Ipo~p .. on(1 llrp~l.

dpnl or Gammon TIH'()lo~lcn l ~)mfnnn, AlIllntn. Gll, \\lll R1) on " li'ohh for Thnl's 01 <:rlsl." on Hunda~. 0('1 lti. al 8 III1J 111 lowa trnloll 1)1 Rlllg I. D mp l1lbel' or I hp !'1lltll)l1I11 prel\chll1):: . "Hsloll made up 01 Oul standing J)1 f'ur IH?l H. who \\'111 vl!=ollf IOW!l ()ptOhPI 1 R ig 21) l1nd('l~ thr 1I11~I)k f'~

or thp PPtlemt COUllI'll or ( hll" he" or Ch, I.t III Amel'lcn H8NATD BOARD ON VF.RPERS.

zoology Seminur Thp regular meellng of Ihp zooluJ.:Y semlnn,· \\ ill h" hpld On Frlllny. Oel.

lG. itl 4 ,,'doc II III l oom '1117 of Ilw zoolOgy btlltrl"u~. D,' Pled liCk Crescll. .111 will APpal< 011 "f'!lll(iles III i11" Mplnllollqlll 01 Jn Seol . I)ullng 1I1N.1mOI'· phk Developmenl .. .1 IT BODINE.

/ lPl,nAIl (' 1111' The (11'::11 meeting nf Ih(' r;.t'''f1~fl'l cluj) wlJl bp. l1t~ lll '1' hUI ~tlt1y . 01' H"

D,', SPQnn will le(,1 til ~ on hiS (:xpe)·I(ln~(lS In

Blow by Blow

.\lOrlon. llad allpronched the senior 1I~ had dl"scct~d out the lumor The .' "II:'''on pf 1/", g'I"OIIP, D', Jonn Col~ patlenl had made no ~Ign or puln, UIIS 'Wallen . and had lold him that ,no,' any Rt,'lIgglc When he did wake lip ha.1 ell.coVele<l n mNhod Il)' ~II} he rel11!lm h<' 1'('(1 nothing uhaut which nalients cou\(] be made 111- tho opel3t10n . f"pnslhlc (" .. IIlg a aurglcnl Ol,crallon 'pellt1emCll," DI , WM I pn ""41, - 11\' I he Inhalation of sulphul"it; . thl. IS no humbug" PU"," 11 lVO' something that th" 'l'lme ha, pl"Ovecl th" truth of hi. !'ill ry:icn I wm'ld had long lVonted to

RI).ln 1111" ""mmer, 'rh"I'(' will h{' election of off,cers on<l "lnglng gvery. I onp Intel"''',r.1 In a Gel'JIl3n "Iub L. ~(/ ITIl,PEGARDE HTn:LOW

Sell is f 'l lIb 'fh It' \\ ill lip no HIf'(·'llJl-r or Rronls (' hlh on Thul'F«lov. OrrObt~I' l'i


l' " I vN,,1t Y 'rhea I PI' 1)811 ('1" 'rh,' I,n,,"(' slnrr fnl UII' uP" Unlve, Slly ,hp"t.r will lie ~p lecled at

onep P osillon!i u!i 11Shf'lA ~ec tlon hpn.d~, nttf'n(1nntR. M (,~H'tt1. will bl1

filler! rOI'l h(' enl It', ~pn""n ThORP Who are IIltl'l ""tell III ohlsllnhl)f plnce. (In th, fltnrr \\ III ttlfLia' oJlpllC[lUon with (he rn!ln:H~rl' or lhfl tl1(,:1ter, roon\ H·II, 01 ~~hllefr~1 hull. dnlly e>:,>fOPt Th,,, ",lu,' from I 10 ~ p.m, ond dtrll" PXl'f'J')t TU('Isday (10m 4 to ~ P nl , Thel f' (Jt f' opHllnS"R rOJ Uf}1 h mPn Bnd \\ompu .

\1' ,\ LIjACF. A nOATER

Unh'crsil.v Thea ler T( ket Sn lfRlI1 ell Apllllcnllon. for po""lon" wi til the Sjll~8 stute ot 1fnIVPl'Slty thOOler

shoul<l bp marl" at once 10 111(' buslnes. mllnnger or lhe theater at lhe thente,- buille.s o{flce. I'oom g'A of Schaeffe" hall (lally excr'Jll Tbursday from 1 to 2 pm and daily excepl Tuesdoy from 4 10 fi pill. COl1lml.slons nrC' l'Olri ill l'flsh ThflJ'e J'J no I'N:;U'lction as to pPt!=lrJnS who muv malce np· pll( 's llon


Fo"pign SI mlpn'. Tlw si'lI",lule,l nIPeling of the Jl1t"rno.\lollol SIUdent" """oela tlnn for

~ ·II"",lny. 0,'1. J 1, hns bpen postPOIIC(/ uolll Tu". daJ', 0<'1. 20, at B p.m. (Continued on Poge 9)

In the ,


Roosevelt Takes Stump; Minor Campaign Issues Evaporate

IProvided by the (}emocratlo Nllliollul Committee) Ex·Gov. ,Tames l\f Cox or OhlO was t h(' rlcmoc l'ahc cand ldatp

fOI' prcsident m 1920 IIe 18 II. keen stu d ent of politlClll affaIrs !lnd It n emocrat of u nbend ing loyalty t o the g r rllt prm ­Clpl('s o f popular governm pllt.

Governor Cox delivered a radio address wh ich WIIS on~ of the landmarks of lhc present campllign . He asked this ques­twn " What in an pI'obability would comp fr om Ml', RonsPl'rlt's defeat 1 " His answp)' foD olI's in part·

Charity, Education Nicked For Million; Collector Wins

(I>rovlded by the nepublleftn Nallonal COlllmttte~)

(Overheard in 0 l'e~ /allI'an f ) Boy Friend-So you're voting fOl' Roo_ eve'lt 7 Gi rl FI'Jend-Yeah Bo.v l~ ri(Jnd-It'1i east YOll $13. G Il'1 l!riend-Ypah 1 Boy Frit'nd-Yeoh. 011'1 FI'iend-What do YOll mean , " Y eah'"

clla,'ge) and by discontinuing tM "First and foremost-mR~S dIscontent 1'hl' New York Times

Boy Ft'lend-HCl'e's wllat 1 m can You get $25 a w('!," Thnt's p lenty mor e than nlost g irl s get. Well , Roosevelt's new "~ccur­h.v" IIIW goeR i nto ('rr~c t next .TalluAry. YOIl'11 pay ona per ce,,~ of yOlll' salll l')' Into t hut fun'l 1'hol '" 25 ronls " w~~I'-$ 13 a l'enl~ Oll,t of what yOU (\'u r'n

l1urchose or lIoltled water for the phmse. this well when It says. help. " 'IL would lw blind not to al>Vl'ecintr' ti t full value. and 10 wish to

'rllelr chaufreur wns tclllllg me conserve fOI the uneel taln days wh,ch lie ahead. I he unquestioned con· uholl~ II . He was amused. r,d nee whlch'lIll' Rooscvell enjoys umong the .IIA(I·esHcd mnssea who Gets C~lted hove !leen Ihe rOI'St vlctlmH of the deprcsslon' .\ certain stnr of many years' "Second-With.. relmhlican president I1IHI ~, rlelllflCrll/lc Hcnlllo

Blanding has becom" so egotistical (whkh Cllnllm ht' Nlvpr8l>d by this eleNioll) lYe wOllld hlll'e .. goverll mPllt that hll< friend. avoid hIm AS mil ch dlvilled ,,/:.111181 Itselr III pmergency timeR. n... posslhle. "Thlrd- WI\ 1I'0t,Id ho commlltlng o til selvP" to tariff pOlicies pregnant

He's happy only when the talll Is with the germS of nell' dep'esslons. They Illmost destroyed us bofore.

about himself and hi . accomplish- ;~:~e~V~~I~~: 1?:~:~el~~~tlJ~~~n~om~:~~~I~~e maef~:~,,~e~t:~! ~~ldoellrpl~~'~t I~~~ ,nent,' H ~ ynwns when tile cOlwer- clearing up 'rh" day or stall llil y In wOI'I(j curl cncles Is In SIght With Jjalion turns to equally Inleretltlng this is c'. mlng t11 e breaking down of trade barrl~rs. II would be u.eless PC01}16---<l1 mom Illt e, eAting ""b- to provide th rough [lscal I·ca ... ·angem~n t.s 1he 'acilltle8 of trade If we jecla wAlIM oIlIRClv". In and rCfusotl tl) trMe

ThOS() Who know him MY his Is "When Secreta l'y of Stot~ .Hull. wllh n patience and 0. fa ith Ihllt have Hollywood'. tnl'pmoot cuo" of "go- bepn rewn,'Md. undel'Look 10 ".labllah reCiprocity ag, ('ements. he found manl:t 35 natlono hlltlng us with 11. hale whiCh on ly J\merlMn exporters knew.

In a. warehouse the other dUy~ j.H e fOlln(l IltUe encourageme nt. }Ie prol'oked the amusement rather kl than Ihe Intpl".t of othel' lal1<1" III tll plr view Ihe villain or Ihe !llay

where T wns ransae nil' some an- was IU1ll"nrlng. 8plf.rohed as thA hero l19 vll18' 11Plp&-1 to wrtlck til e clent photographic Wcs. the running w(/rld. he wns nllw p ,oposlng to .ave It l-lislol"y will accord lIfr Hull board of nn Imported cn,' serVed 08 II. high 'plnee fo,· accompll.hlng In th face or these con(lItlon. n He m. .... desk. Aftel' n. while. l became Ingly Impos-Lhle tno)l . curlou" to kn ow who.~ Cfl.r two" SOCIAL SECURITY MENAfEIJ usi ng "F'01l1'lh- 1'hc "PllUhllco.n ell ll(lIdll le woulrt tlll'U socia l 8el'urlty over to

Tt WR~ reglstprc,l In Mae Murray'8 the stnt~8. 'l·hl. III " favol"i lc 10lY Miller to 011 III'ogress. 'rhe 9118e8S· rt And . 80me /t ueslions brought ment on Industry fo r social 8ecu"l ly must lip nallonal and unJrol·m.

Oth rwlse. we would have unCulr competitiOn omong th e states. Bomo Ollt . t he cur III Moo's It has .Load things vital to tIle gen~1'U1 welfllre ru nnol be leU to the stute •. TIlO In the same spot s ince 19211. when child lallor slluallon 18 Ilroof of that 'rhe difficUlty Is that Ihlo Is .. lIhe s lol"l'd It . The bill ll.Ifalnst It 19 mollel' Of OUI' Inlen81f1M Indu_lrlnl life; someth lnll" Ihp rep ublican can . hearly $900. dtdnte has not otrlc\ll.lly encountered In hi. public a rI'lce.'·

GIt'1 Prl~n<l-Ycah? lIoy FI'lend-1' ah. An(1 lIe"e'A somNhlng. How mOllY l10hA or " I OC~'

Lng,< clln you get fOl' $13' Two dozen? (;11'1 P .. I~nd-Nol nw. but It eo n be done It 1,Ikes ROIlIP shopping )30y F ,lend-And who.t do they cost you? $13 a yea,'? flir I I"rlend-Mllre. Dcllcnt1s on how mtlch [ splurge l:IOy l~rlc n<l-lVcl/ . kid. oven If you (Ion't splllrge. you'ro 0111 It cOII I)I&

or dOz n Plait s oC Siockings whon you voto for Rooseve1J. Okl J"lIend- 13ut do n' t r g t ".ec lIl·ltl''' ijomplim(' " Boy FI'lcn(I-No Thut's ano thr!' pipe d"eu Il) If thl" Roosevell Inw

wou ld worl<. 1"d bl' rOl It myself l'm vollng rOl Lnn()On h~QIISe his ""ecurl ty" pilln \Viti wO,11 And nOt Boak you nnd me 10 <l pa lh befor. WC'I'O old nou gh to get "security" Ollt ot It.

0111 J~ l en(L-Wpl/. I n(!V~1 kn ew that heforO. Hoy 1~"el1d-No. and 1\ lot or olher 1I00plo ,lon·l. (lirl F,.lend-Yeah, that·~ 8f) flOI' Frl~nll-Yeah.

IANDON J'LEOOE.t:; RJ<:AI~ , ECURfTV l1(' re Is what Ooverno,' Landon l'IUy~ on 8Oclll. l Spourlty "A lways. III prosperity ond <lApt rSRlnn. t here Is I/le evPr pre"fnt drend

of u PENNILESS OLD ACID. "We PI'opose .. , to P' ovlde fo r every American cltlften ol'e" 86 the

8Ullplrm\otAI'Y pnyment nOQ"spary to 'fIve a mInimum JncOme BUFIj'[· 'TI';N'I'1')) PRO'rlDG'I' HIM on lIER FROM WAN'r

"]lly critlclHm of tilO p"cscnt ar t Is NOT lhat Its l/urpoSc IR bi~d. TI 16 tll"t thl ll ac t will Involvo CR UEL DISSA PI?O rNT:\1 EN 'I' fO!" lhORo oC Oill llcO\lo leasL ablo 1(1 l>elll' the shOCk or dlllltPPQltllmentt

" rr lVe wilt put the plan on ~ sound 'Inuneln l IIl1sl •. we cnn offord tl> hp r~InERAL 'ro OUR OLD l?)]OPLD.

"To Ihp 8 our ol(l people. our worker. strllggling for betler con· dltlons. our Inflrm- l WJLT. NOT PROMffiE THE MOON. 1 p''Oml'' only whol 1 KNOW CAN nE PERFORMED I"


Dr. Tucker To Retire After 16

, I

Years' Service , Dr Frew A. TuckPI' 18 relll'l ng thill month ufter 16 yeu rs' service; 88 mll.nl4rer of the blO('hemlstry 8UlI;8 room On (Ifth fl onr of the chemiStry building. ~. Tucker attended the Un lver·

~1t1 of Jown In 1890-97 • n(1 1897 98, Theq he went to t he Hnhneman )fllfllcal college In hlcago and WRS

,nWllalPit from t he"e h\ 19ijO ).tter hiS grn,luo.tlon. Dr. Tucker

practiced one<ilclnp for 12 years 1n lf8rshalitown and 'Oe8 Moine" Be­taullC of til health . he was forced to spend tbe nex~ eIgh t yeal's On n: ranch In New Mexico. comin g- to ~1lJ position In t h" eh~ml"t ry hlll l<1-Ing In 19 2~

Dr, Tucker's plllnf< for lIIe fulure are Indefinite. btlt he expectR to ~peQI! mllcli time on a tract of In lid thal ho owns on routc four

John It. Thom(IR, who hn s heen In charge of the s lore room 011 second floor ot the chemistry bUild­Ing for roul' years. will succeed DI' Tucker In the IIlochemlstrv slorl' room


DrS. Ba'rnes Heeren To Attend Convention

tlr Milford E B-1rn". ulld Dr nalph II, Heel'ell or tile college of mc,helnc 11'111 lenve Sunday for New Orle-ans 10 ialeJ1(l the nnnlw i con W~lltlon of thp AnH'rlrnl1 PHhlie HrA hll a"soria,lon. I ,. Bal'nes I .. " mrl \)el' 01 Its gnvel'nll1g I)(,~"l

The hiihos~ peak In 'l'&X&JJ

11""1\ luuned Qf'flcln l/ y. C:uodalupe 1'''''1<. afler YCUI'S or bl>lngm'lrllc<l Pl\ ,n&PH vn rrollsly aR Guadalupe point. £) Cupltn n, Slgrrol mount .. ln nnd GuadaluPQ pook.

F.ish~s- .. I

At Home Collection of 2,000

Result of Hobby; Valued at $300

By J;)ALE ~fcCUBBlN I Thcre are 2.000 Irol)lcnl and semi tropical fish In Iowa III toda\' he· rn.U96 Emond Crown didn ' t wanL In INl.Vf' hili collccllon at home- when Ill" rnmo to schoo1.

tIe abandoned 01 n t~n 11If'1~ ,~(l ll ('(". \ IIRll l l

hlon fo,"' yeu". fllIO wl,en II left I 114 SPlltile. Wn~h to teneh schOOl lit

Hlteman, There he begall to devel- I op hJ R 11ot>hy int('nsfvcly. nnr) wh(>n

/Ie decided lo come back to school ~or gradua to work he WI"'t" to Prof J II Bodine askln~ Jf the zo­ology d pa.rtmcnt would 'be Interest­('d In taking over Ihe collection The tLn9Wcr WO,S a.. poSitive, "by all

melttls." a nd now pal ts of his col­lection may be found III llniverslty high school. City 111gh. bola nv build­Ing, bota nv greenhol1f1(, Ullcl :l,Oology onne.:,

He values hi. fish Ilt $3(1)1 but hn .. ~A d otrel's of , l Orn ,' " ,Inglp IXlIr or his 1'11""1' Asiatic beauties

!fo ndmlts that hI' hns .. 'fair cQI­tl'<lIon lIut 111. n.mhltlon Is 10 Ilos8e~s

"pair or those "Chinese climbing 'lsIt." and

••• (Continued from Page 8.)

)fUM'S caCe. 1>fr. Bang wi ll Rpeak on • nnd friends nro urg~rt to be Ilresent.

Ulliversit~, University players w ill have open hOllRP.

11"011\ 9 to 12 n'clock a t t h~ npw thealer.

Concert 'Eicllet .. All pCMlons de,lrlng reserva110na fO"

.holjJd obtain. theh' IlcllAlS berol'e Oct. 2U lit Ihe Helfelz concer t wlli be placed on 8ulp. 15, music "111010 l:lIIlt(ling.

Morlar noard Stnft a All visiting and r Hidi ng alum nae of

ore InvltC(1 to attend Ihe annllnl J Ilatnrday morning at 8:30 Pleaso nOl lllter Ihan F .. lilItl' night.

St llll ent~' A There wVI be an organlzat!Ollfil meting

lIance In the Y.W CA. con fel'ence I'oom at ] AI! Pm All p"ogort:>RHlvr l\, mln(/ed s ludpnl R a

\ rprRC Wrlll'rs There will be n ~onfer(>ne<, or V(' I'se wrll ... ·"

In room IA In SehA"ff"r hall. .

Pers hing HI All acllve members or P .. Rhlng Illflps Will

day. Ocl ]5. At 4.10 fl Ul

lIeIJnt e Tryolll~ On Oct. 13 and H Intercollegiate dchate

tnt\~ see the 11utlc(ln hnol·(l. 100m 11.


Ilerrcationlll ,",WUIIIIIII

RecreatlQnal swimming lij orfe, crt Friday 4:4"0 to r. 30. ~'u cS(I":v lrom 4 o'elOck In&" from JO O'CIOCK to J I 4fi fOl all unlv~I'8Ity m nl with the hood or th,' dC[l91'trnpnt.

OPen hour fo r fneulty. fAculty wlveR. grad at, students and II.dmlnlHtra tlve s taff IR ovenlngs from 7 ao to 8'80 Lo~kel' fee s hOll IIfflce.

Unh'erstl,\' Lecl AIr John Elral<ine. P" orCA8or or Ji)~gIl S h n I denL of t~c .TullllnNI Rt'hool at Music, on(1

Opera C0lllj'lIny. will (1~lIver 0. Unlv~""lty IInlon LollnrO on Thll l'sdlLY evenin g. Ihe auspiCes ot llio Benal Doal d 011

Adml8R \ ' n 10 the lec ture wil l be by 10 fl.cully and stlldent s on TU"sday an(1 Any tiCkets which remoln on Thur",lnY will NtIJc. BENJ. F .

~CTOBpm 15, 1936 •

tsary t

onstration . D.

'nIT D hln~!>61r had IIM1 nC~R-lnl!l"dlng hypn/H ,mcI'IRm--lJlli they were : when the kolro WO~ .1\ patlent'8 flOBh , ntll f.woke. I alt'n n nd read)' to ruI, iV~rren had l1HlPned td account of how he had IInd~I' lis Influence, Rnd to giVe him n lrlaL '!'hI. '"Ing nppolnled, and Or, IMP. As (lme wenl on Ice of I he 1111 Ie 8'roup Iger, DI" MOl'lon, they g onc or tile long II~ - he hnd 'become pan, Iden. or raJlul'e or ex, a public. dCmonRlralion

dcd not to app al', forLan hM nOI al1'h~

;, Is OrheT"wls{\ engaged,"

I'ren at lu"l, I III a harot ,liooslng IlII Instrument ~ pn,Uel1t to begili. The .he patient hnl'l; Ileve~

'd-Ovcl'Yilody ~ l'" ho~ ength OIt Ihe mailer.., )e won~ered whether bQ

nted 0" reJleved A:ft.~

r was a new thing, III\~

ad conscn tee 10 try It, (}llerallon wou Id not be. nil, Dr. Wanen hlld iii

01' Qli i Ilness In slidh

I len Dr. Morlon entert'd, delayed because Dr, A.. mologlst nlld frl~nd ot ad JluggestE'd an 1111-I I he ul>llarnIUS, un(1 10, 1](\(1 ~a t "1' all nlghl 10

'o r ren'>! lLbl'Upl, "I\'elt, ienl IH I'eutiy," 01\ Mor, ver find t hr h:een, sweet el' fill(><1 n. surgical op, n fOI' the fil'Rt time, ah)£' lo say, ;'Dr. 'Val' ..

tiE'llt Is I'('fitly, " and Ill­Il~ old gPllt I('mall mad& In abou l rive mlntltEs

'ted out Ihe 1umor, The made 110 ~ Ign or pain, ~Ic, When he did wuke 'ml)('re<i nothing nhout II.

1, " D" ~ ,,~ni!' ren ~"


provcd th" trlltll of hi.

·rs and s ing ing. Every. f'X: .... R n Ii; f;'l'JIo:l.OW ,

'I loy, Odobel' Jr,. MA..,{[NE REMIS,

p ,' will he .elecled at ntR, et c{OtP I'n , will be t{Ol1 In oblalnlng places rr or 1 h .. 1 hc. ler, rOilm

I 10 2 IUJI , an,1 dully nil'" for 001 h m-n Bnd


IU1cn ot Fnivprslty theater of the theate l' at the dally excE'pt Thursdol' to 5 p,m, COnl mls.long

illS who mul' malee UII·

LL,\C8 A , COA'I'ES,

IIdentR o"sor ln Uon fOl' ny. 0<'1. 20, at 6 V.In"

Nicked tor Wins

Commllfe.) ,/1) '('I t Y

L" 7 't. $25 II week. T1lO t's ~£'veJt's new "sceur· Vo n'lI puy Oll () pet' , n wef'I<-$1 3 0 yrar-

, mo ny Iln h's or .tock·

Ie. HOlIl/' sho]l))IIIII', yelll'? )lurg&, ~('. you' .. ,. out f1 couple osevell. itlI O? tr thl" TIoosevell, loll'

II' LaIlCIOn heen use his 111 me LO (II'O lh I.>eror.


URfTY Hccurlty, tho .. vl'r ~ri'"Mt drend

~n cit I.en over &6 tI .. Ilmum JllComa BUFIl'[· N'r, a IIUI'poSe I. btl(t n Is ITMEN'r 101' I hOS8 of /Inlm~nl" In sit:J. "'~ en" offord to

rgllng for beller con· fiE MOON. 1 pl'Oml"


Dr. Tucker To R~tire After 16 Y~ars' Service 1 Dr, Frew A. 'rucker Is r tlrJng thlJl month nIter I n y~arR' servIce! 48 manager 01 the blochemlslry sttfll room on fifth flonr of the eh,lntstry building.

Dr. Tucker attended III Unlvel'­~II' or JOWl\. 1n 1896·97 and lsn·9S, ThfO he r>'ent to th~ Holtneman ){Ildlea.l coUege In Chicago anrl was gradllllled ,~om t)lel'e Itt 1900.


you CAMIi H"~ TO Gr:r M~ 'TO mil ON ~oUR.. Wl<OOINc5 oumr. so '{ou COll~D !luB InN 1HAT You WON PHIL: 'THAiS '10U~ G AM!: ~~I


NOSOD'! .. ,-----'


IF,/OU WANrWAQ..­ANI> - 1l1e3ATTL~ jS

ON .~I '/oU'Re ASKING fOf2- li.¥ ...---'1


'(oU _. If 'k:lu TAKE S'fLVIA .'


Paul Robinson \'lHO DOE'SSHI;. lHlNIC SH(; IS f.l I ~\JI;: PHIL lAP, Bur SHE CANi" MAICE A MONi<t:'I OF 1"11: ! 1'M TAIG-ING HIM



Board Adds New Memhers

, ~,


Tho UnIon Board. last nIght, all~

nounced tho addition ot two neWl

members, appotnted by tltelr 1"lM

spectlve coli goes ~o serve Cor tb~ ­

year. I

The students are Marian VauJl8li N3 or .Dysart, representative of th~ SChool or nursing, and Gordo~ Prange, 0, repreeentatlv8 Of th" . ~duate college, • '

-lIl1AT ILLnlOI8-

Students, Staff To - l Entertain A1l1mna~

Aftel' hIli graduation. Dr. Tucker practiced m.edlCllle for 12 years 1n Marshalltown and Dcs Moine., B('· cauSjl ot III health, he was forced to spend the ne"t eight years On n: milch In New Mexico, com ing 10 1t19 position In th~ chpmlstry build· Ing In 192p.

Dr, Tucker's p lans for t.he future. Ill'<! Indeflnltc, but he expect. to ppeq? mllcll time on I\. truct of lund that he owns on route four,

John H. ThomaR, who has bepn In qharge of the "tOI'o room 011

serond floor ot the chemistry lJulld· lng for four years. will succeed Dr. Tucker In the biochemist ry stMI'

Nationally-Known Welsh Hock~y Team Will Toda ·'8 WSUI Battle Iowa Ci~. ~~ar~~ . T h! ~ . .~f~~r~.o~~ Pr~gram Tonight Caps

List of S'ocial Events Planned for Visitors

45 Members Chosen For Choral Group

1 Travis Will Write Chapter for Book

Pror. I.e 'E<lwnrd TravL~, dir tol'

of the slll'eeh clinic, 'will ontl'lhute

a chap tel' 10 0. symposium on cere' bral palsy that Is being arranged by Marlon SlI'aus" of St, Lout~, lifo, The book wllJ pl'obahly he publl~hcd early J1ext year,

Alumnae of the women's pby~\,cn'

.educatlon. department are to be en.,

~rl'lalned during HOlTM)comlng"-'blq

)!II udon ta and Ilt~ff m~Olbers ot t~

deparLment. A hocleey !fIlllLCh between 1\ \WI-­

vOl',lty alld an alumnae . te~ win be J16Jd at the wQU1el),'s athletlo tleld; Sa,tUl'day at 10 n.. 'l1,l. • i

room, -IIEAT lLLn-'ors--

Dl'I!, Bdtnes Heeren To Attend Convention

1)1', Milford E , :an "llI'R and DI'. nal\lh I r. Heeren of the colt ge or mediCine will leM'e SundAY fop New Orl~n. 10 attend the "nnllal con· VCllllol1 or Ihe Am~I'lra n PlIhlie JlMllt h "R.orluIIOI1 , 1),-. BorncR Is 0

inN [wI' ot' It . g-ovel'n ln g IXlOl"t

Tho J>ll!l.k In 'l'exa.s ha.a ilet ll namPu officially, CuadaluPe IJ€ak, a ftcr ~>('OI'S afbelngmarleed pn. Pltl)lff variously 9" Guadalupe point, EI Capitan., Slgn.~l motlntnln an" G\lad~lupe peak,

tis~~s­At Home Collection of 2,000

Result of Hobby; Valued at $300

By OALE l\feCUBRlN I There are 2,006 tropical und semi ­Il'olllenl flRh In Iowa City todny be­('I\llae E. mond CI'own dldn'l \l'anl to Ir",vl' 1,1. collect Ion" I 110m" whl'n hr came to school.

'rhe Iowa City hockey team will

mept the nalional 'Welsh team In III

~natch t hlll nflcl'noon Ilt 3 n'clocle

nit the alhlctic field.

A lin .Ion .... . manage r of the W elsh

,lrnm, anU 1 [1'11'11 Eiliolt of MJiwau­

l<e~ will tlmpil'e lhe game. Pro­

gl'am~ giving Ihe num S ot the

Phtyo!'f< onll ('xl)loining the I'ules of

11u' g-nlYld will he dlstl'lhlllPd ftt the

fi<'lll , SI)('ctlltol'S will 1>e Ilrlmltted wllhou,t chlll'gO to b leachers erected on 1110 weat end of lhe grounds.

Playcll In fArge Cltfl'l!

On llwh' tOUI', t he Welsh hav(\ plnyed ma lc h"s at Pill"hurgh, St. 1.,0,,1. anl\ WU'hltll, where they wOnj 011 games by " lal'l;re Huu·g ln.

Tit" Welsh p1nyer. will 1'0 dl -eSRPd. In se rlrt l,louSCR a.nd s tocl{l llp~ and! hilia 111111,' ": while titl' Towa City II. will weal' white slocklngs alllt lJ)OU SCfi with ,:;recn SpOI'tfi. suits.

A dinner' thIs ('venlng t Iowa Unioll will climax the list of social pvenl. planned rot' the vislto1'S. .Prof, Eliz:lbeth Hal.ey, head of the' women's physical education departJ /nwnt. will serve as toastmJstress, Mnry Vince nt , A4 or Dc" MoineS, president of t he local hockey' cluJ>, will (lellver the welrome, and B. nfilR. cU Illnill or the '\\' pIsh learn. will .l(lv<' Ihe relJponse,

Otht ... HI I(S d H' I"S ur the even ing will h" Ann D, .To nes, managcr oC the

H e abandoned nn {"at'IIPJ' ('o lh'e.. visllln¥! h'um , alltl I-i'l'unce~ .fones. hlon fOIll' yeal'l< "go when he lE'ft A4 vC Iowa Cily, Sen tile, Wp$h, . to teach schOOl lit I Prof(o,,-~ol' lIaIseI', I)r siding at tile HI tel113ll, T),crc he 1>egfUl to devel- luncheoll veslel'!Iay nOnll at Iowa Oil his hobb)' Intl'nslvclj' , and whl'n nioll, i"i.I'oduCNi th(' speakc"" /10 decided to COme h",cl< to school Dean GeDt'go F, Kay of Ihe colleil'l> ~Of gl'lldUalO work he wrote 10' of lillcmJ art. gave tlt e welcoming Prof, J. H . Bodine •. aklng If th e ZOo address, C'. Davies responll~d In, ology deParlment would be Interesl. behalf of the "\V Is h team. ~d Itt taking over the collection, The 1'otll'eel Cpmpus answor wos :1. positive, "by all All the We lsh visitors were taken. means," and now pal'ts of hIs col- ,on an extensive 10m' of th" univer­IflCtion may be found al Universlt¥ sl ty campus dU"ing the COUl'll~ of high school. City high , bolun)' bulld- Ihe aftcrnoon . In8', .botany greenhollRc and zoology Tho visitors were honored at all nnn ~, afternoon len, at Iowa Union yes-

H& vatui'. his fis h nt '30~ hut 110!j ,tE\rday, Uosless;>s whll"t<'ll with ~nd offers of $10 fOI' n sIn gle pai~ the ten, WOI'O PI'ot Fro nres Zulli, of his l't",,~r Aslat Ie benlltles,

If.:; admits that he has 11 1alr cui. Irctlon but 111' amhitlon I. to poss('SIt a pall' ot tltOBe "ChlncBe cllmlJlng ,111/1," and tl'~in thrm to wnlk li P nn Incline inlo lhe nOUlll'llIl11,

lu:!n Ll of tilt: l1Onll" economicS1 depa I'l-1m Ill. PI'Of. Nellie A ul'ner. of th<l Engll"" <le llart ment, and Mrs. EVCI'­ett Plass, 407 MelrOSe roul'L

I I !

E, Blichonan, phYSical educntion Instt'nctor In D gll'is' 8C llOOi at Linn.

Bulletin--(ContinUed from Page 8,l

~[unn's care. lIfr. Bang wIll speak on "College Llr~ in (,hlna," Members and friends 01'0 UI'gP~ to br presen t, 1ll')CRETARY.

Universi l,y Pla.yers University playcrs will hnvc open hou"~, l'llltur<hy morning, Oet, 17.

from, 9 10 12 o'clO{'k Ilt th ~ nelV theater.

Concert Tiekclll ,\11 perRons de , Il'lng J'eScrva110l1 s (or the unlverAily COncert COU I'SO

.h01Ud obtajn thell' ticleet. Iwfore Oel. 20 flt which limo Rlng lO ~Ickels for tho Heltet~ concert wi ll be p lAce,1 on sn ip. 'I'leleet" 11.1'8 on Bnle at I'oom 15, muslo Atudlo building, . fl , RIGH'rER

l\forlpr BOPi'll SIMI lind ('irclo ~ll vlsil ing and reSiding alUll1nllO or Mortar Boo.rd SlIlff and Circle

are Invltod 10 alleM the onnllo l Homecoming breakfast al fawn, Union, Saturday mOrning at 8:90. Plcoso make l'egervallon. at Ihe UnIon desl. n"l lntel' than Fl'idn.v night. gLIZABETJI SCHRAMM, Secretary.

Cadet ('oloncl jill sororllies and cooperatlvc cJormltol'les

picture of their candl<1at~ tor honorary cndH commnndonl h.v Oct, 15.

, t udentll' Alliance

mUst hnvo the nallle Ilnd colonl'1 In the office of lhe


There wl,ll be an organiZationa l meetIng of the Llbel'a l Students' ai, lIance In the Y,W,C,A. conlel'ence 1'00111 aL lown Union Sun(lny, Oct, 18, AI! P,m, All proA'roRs lvel), minded s ludcntR "r~ Invltrd to nttend.


VN'RA Writer. There will be a ronf renc~ of ver~r wrllel'R nt 7 p,m, 1'hurR/1UY. Oct. 1 G,

In room JA III Schn('ff(,I' hnll, • g . F. rIPER,

'per"hllll( Rltlfts All active meml!('rR or Pel'R hlng Tunes wil l 1'~)1ort nj Ih~ nrmOI'Y, Thurs·

day, Ocl, l6. nt 4:10 ~,11) l'.E.DFODl,l~ flUHRlSR

J)ehnlo 'l'ryollls On Oct, 19 nnd 14 Interco llegillte debate tryouts wIll ho held, FOr de­

InliR Hce the hullet ln hoard, I'oom ll. Schacffflr hn 11 , A. CRAIG BAIRD .

Ue<>rcalionlll SWhlJlIIllIg' ReereaUqnal 8'wlm mlng I. oceered Monday, WedncedllY, Thursday and

Friday 4:40 to 6:30, Tu cMlIY from 4 o'clOCk to 5:30 and Satu rday morn­InA' (rom JO o'clooll to 1'1 :4& tOl' all unlVCI'Blty women: faculty by arrllllgE>­,",nl with ,the head ot lh t) depal'trflAnt,

Open hour for faou lty, faculty wive", grad uate students, wives at gradu· at, students anr! admlnl.trotl\'p staff la orferNl ~rue8day al1<1 Thursduy ... nlngo from 7:30 to 8:30. Locket, Cee shoulrl be paid at tbe treasurer's ofnc6, MARJORIE CAMP,

Unlversltv Lectlll'c ~rr, John lUrsktnc, p ,'Orc"sor of E~!l'lI"1r lit olumhhL Unlv{Orslly, Prosl·

dt.nt or tne .Iulillftl'd I'Ichool ot l\J"Mlc, a nI! Ol l'ector of the ~,.ctropolltan OJlera COlllPal,y, wi ll dellvel' a lJnlvc" RllY lect urc In tho Iowa Memorial Unl"n Lounro on T11I11'8d"y ovenln S'. OClobpr 2211'1 , fit plght o'c loc ll, unrle,' Ih. auspices or th e SOtlAto OvaI'd 011 UnIV'WHlly ".<'tllI·CR.

AdmIHs.\ ' n to the lecturo will h(' by tklccl. 'I'lcle.IH wi ll he available 101,." ulty aM 8l11dents on Tu cedllY " 'HI Wf'(lne.doy ot the Uni on. Desk , Any' ttckets which remnln on 'rhur-dny wi ll ". nvnilllh io 10 Ole general tlIttIIo. ~ENJ. l'. SHAMBAUGH, Chall'man.

TO MEET WELSH TEA.M a.m. - Your m'"lne friend, Graycli! Reeves.

9:Jli a. m.-YMterdny'.III mOlllod fay or­It ...

9 :301 8 .rn.-Theo book .hplf, Dorothy Brow ....

16- a..m.-BroOklyn symphony. )0:16 a.m.-Pre-vi ws '*'nd review".

Clare AdaJlUl,. ]0: 3(11 a,. rn.-Mornlng rnelOdIE::8. 10 :60 a.m.-Progrrtm co tct\(lflr !lnft

we''ler r~~ort. Virgil Tn('y~

11 a.m.-Wltbln the clflSflroom. re­ligion -and contempor&ry letle~, Prot. Chrls tla.n RtcbM'd..

ll :G O ll.m.-ll'arm tla;lbe~. :aDb Mitch ­ell ,

l2 rnoon-Rhytbm ramblefl', 1 J).nl.-IllUlJtr4ted mUllicA I chi'll! .

B (I>rnlce Da.labam. 2 p.m .-Poetic Interlude, Cecil Wll1(lns. 2:10 p..m.-WJthh\ th& c1a'8S1'oom, his­

tory Rnd ethics ot journnlism, Prof. Fr6d .T, u...ell,

a p.m.-The oampu!J mlr-ror. J Il.fle Fifer .

3: 16 p .m .-Afternoon. musicale, 3:30 p.m,-TrAvel'lt rndl'O r evi ew, Cec il

\'YUkln., 3:6 p, tn.-\Vfill1. tnvorile1t. .. p,tn.-Ame."lcn n h istory rillt Iloitl by

American art irfflS, Unlvnrlf;lty Qr ].fl e})l -8a ,~ lIerl" •.

4:800 p.m,-Eh,1llf'lllfLry Frnllcl1. ~1I8U..'"

b~th Barbeu. ft:Mt It.fII.-The Dftlly Iowan Dr 1he AIr. o p.m.-Dinn er h'Our 'program. 6:60 » .m.--Communlty Che08L prolJram. 1 p,.m .-.Cblldrel,1'. hour. fhe iaITH\ nt

th e- story book. 7:9~ p,m.-Book ~Ik, 7 :45 p.m.-Album ot . :rUsts. S p,m.-Il'adlo Child Study club, OUld·

ing ,the mleme' ..... tary SC}'H'M)-l Chl)rl, Jnw<fL ChHd W (' Re8ei8.l'clt station.

8:3() p. musiCAl e, Mrg. .Jacob VILn der Zee.

8 :16 p.m.-JuniQ[' Academy of 9cl­enCG Ilrog-ram.

If p.m.--Communi ty theo.t@1" or the air. the Washfngton rarnn. lPur Plltyeu', ftUlll Smith. directo r.

9:30 dorm.ltory review. 'VII ­IfOn hou.l&.

f) :4ts Jl.1n.-'lbe n.Uy Jow8.n M the AJr.

Herald Stark to Direct Choral , Symphony In Concert Soon

Forly,flve students have been chosen membel's of chol'ol symphony,

Heral" Stark or the muslo depart· ment announced loat night. The

group will present a concert Ul about

t hl'ce weeles,

1'h. member" or the ::rltll .cello,;

of the gl'oup 11I'e Sal'ah yoth, Q:

MI'". E<lgnr ROell or [OWl\. CI~ : Mar­

gat'et Brandt, C; Mat'y E. Gearhal-t ; Mary Bleano,· Johnston; Comella Sch"auger; ArlOWYlt MOlT, A3 ot Falrfi Id ; Allco Mlkulasek, A4 of Newtnn ; Anne Mlkulasek, Al of Newton; Clara 'Nuckel': Mav!. Smith , A3 of )owa City. nn<\ Cynlhla Ash, Al of D 8 :MolncoS.

Sapl'lll1oa lncl"d~ Beulah Gatt.oT\ ; Ml\xlno Baxter. AI or "'haL Cheel'; lIfa~y BaldWIn. A1 ot roMl. City; 1..01' tta Ba.xte,', A1; DOI'Othy Hoops, A2 of CaIVlL; 1 sabel Suell; Mary LouIse Cutler, A3 of CouncIL BlufCs; Oayle Gildnel', A4 of Marshalltown; lIIU"gl1" et Done ..... 4 or Iowa CHI'; Mal'y J ean Bear: EvelYll Crary: Elizabeth Miller, C4 of MaFedonJa; I,orene Julll, 0 or W'est ,"Ibe,'t!' : A Illene Bakel" A3 of Sergeant BluCr; Maxine Schlanbusch" A4 of Iowa Cit~· , and A"lene Danielson.

TenOrs are Charles Hammer, At; I Robert Livesay. A 3 oC '1'ole<1o; Art Moeller; N orris Neveln. C4 of Mason 'II y; Rob(>I'L Whltehnnd, G of Nor·

man, Ol<la,; ,r"lll1 Hugh" ano A 1935 cenRU" RI1IJwed CnHrornlnrUchnl'd Ruck,

Ito ,be first among .. IO!ffi In tho Bass singers !lrp AI'thtl\' Conelly; - 1)aily Iowan Plloto ~verogo value of 1lal'ms. LOthrop Smith of I he cl1cmiHtry de·

'l'hrs(I two sl'!s or ~isll' I'S lIr(' illcluded in tIl£' Unjversity of pal'lmmt; Cel'a.1d Dcwlcw, a ot Towu hOl'kl'.l' tell III rhosI'lI to play against a team from Wales in a i>-------------~ •. i::ul'eka, III ,; Lcland Barlow; Hll gh gilmp at 3 n '(' I(wk 1hiR arternoon on tlw women's athletic field. New Books I COCI'shool, A:J uf WIllOll Junctloq; Left to right 111'(' 1Iaz!'1 VinC't'nt, A4 of Des Moines; .Teannette • • Carls Nlesle; Heill s Housel'; Prof.

]\of V' AudiHon Alspach of tho music de· alld Marian , ml1ll('~', hoth A3 or MUR()I/tine, and IIry meant, ' Grace Van Wormer, nctlng d1rac- partment, and HaYuen HugheS, A:! A 4 0 rOes r oi n('s, 'tor ot UniversJty IIbrarJes, yesterday' of W8-~hlngton , la,

,Plly, " 'a les, and G, Carlel" membel'/40 WOOlI'll interesled in hockey at 0/' th~ I~nm wl~ieh loul"'d l"I'a rrcp (he ' vomen's a lhll'tic field yesterdaY' and ])(>nmal'k In 1M3!!, eO:l.('ltetl nbou t, a f'I(. rn()on.

Cuthbert Leavcs To Accept Po ilion Hli

isconsin Tencher NichOla. Cuthbert or th~ <llOloSY­

d portmcnt. 11"" resl«nNI his posi­tion lwre to accol,t 0. I)oslllon 8-'\ gm(]uate assistant to Prol'ossat' Cole, well.known g~neUc l Hl nt the I ' nlverslty of \Vl sconsl n,

Mr. Cuthbert h8-~ Ilccn a grnul1 -ate ass istant llere and fOl' the last two summers hIlS servecl oJ the Iowa Lakeside laboratories.

Thomas M, Parso ns, a former member of the department 'Yho fo,' tho past yellr has bf'en eml)loy~d at Yellowstone Notional park , hos been "Ililoinied to the vacancy.

'rhe (trst hl'lck hou se In Coll(umia \vo s :bullt III 1847 [It HUtl('I' l'll lo by C:corgo Zins,

Heads Bl'Ow" U.

Dr. Henry Merritt Wriston

Dt·, Henry Mel'l'itt WI' is l on , prcRidcn( of LaWl'cnce ('oLl ege, Appleton, Wis" became the /l OW pt·esident. of. DI'own llni­versity, l>J.·ovid nee, R.I. DI'. Wl'iston was nomed to succet'd Dr', C lol'cncc A lt g llSllls Blll'bom', who retired .iJl J anu81·Y.

Dpmocl'atic Women Will Hold Meeting

At Demo Quarter&. ,----------------~I

The democratlc women's organIM.·

t Ion of Johnson county will meet

tonig ht at 7:30 at the democratlc hendquartcrs, 127 S. Cllnlon street.

lIfl's. Minerva Knight wltl preside ovel' 1he meeting. Mrs, Blon Hun· tel', Mrs, Evans 'Worthley and At· tOt'n"!' Will J, JII.C!<SOIl will diSCUSS' tho social security act,

Mrs. Alexander Elilett and Mrs. ToOl \Vnlsh will ,lca d the group stng· In~ witlt l\[)'s. J. Van e1er Zeo at the plano,

Roll call wJil be taken by wards and townshipS, ano tho c(lmmlttee wom~" will llO called upon for their l'~ nol'l R ,


Famous Missouri Painter to Speak

At Tonight

, Prof, L es tel' LOngman, head of ,lho graphic D.nd plaStic Ilrt depart­ment, wl1l In~roduce the g ue8t f~p~akPl', 'l'hornas H , Benton, a. fa­mous Mls~our,j painter, at lhe Iowa, "rllRta dinner tonight In the 1Ilemor­lal Union llt Ames.

P OI' tho Inst sevell years il he,s l>C(!n the c ustom o~ the Iowa State collegl) Memoria l UniOn. l)(lard to en­tOI'laln the Iowa artist. who have rnOlll'I'"tpd in malntoJnlng exhlbltll In tho bll ildlng.

A ,barbecue pi nle attended by !moro thlln GOO mcn WItS held In n 25-acl'e subtarrru\efl.n cavern at a lrocJ{ quarry n~r Independence, MO" during lhe summe r heat w,,"vo. 'J)ha OIl vern tern perat"re waB 65.

·1 A.'tnou~e Change i Of 4th Ward Poll, 1

• • Fourth ward voters wllJ use tha

!SImmons lIfotOl' om pony, ]20 a. (lllbcI't street, as 11 polling plllCe this yenr In place of the burned Amel'icnn Legion 'building. It was IIlnnounccd yesterday,

1'ho other election polls, tit'; courthousc, the city ha.1l, tbe C.&.A. hull and tho rOw,t City bottling' ]WOl'ks, will remain the l1li me. All election polls will bQ open from 71 . ,m, unll 8 p.m.

announced the following selection -nEAT lU.I Nors--

ot trook.q recently added to the Seals, Doillhins Have Mixed

library : "The Devil Theory at War."

Charles A. Bearel; "Jeffersoll in Power," Cla.Ude O. BoweTf~; ,j'fhe ColonI7,a,t1on or Westem Canada." Rl>bert Engla,nd ; "Higher Education and Sociely," "Tho Fundamcnta1s of Motley," Henry Houslon.

"American Life In LUerature,H Jay B, Hubbel; "The Economic De­velopment ot South Africa," Wcltlel H, de Kock; "America at the Cross­roads," Alfred M. Landon; "Ireland." J. Chartres Molony, and "My Lifo In the Russian Theater." Vlndlmlr Nemlrovlteh·Dantchenko.

Members of tho Seal~ an Dolph· lins swImming clubs met at the pool In tbs women's gym nasiul11 Illst ~ligh~ tor 0. mixcd swim. It was the­ftI'st swim of Its kina this season, .. Allabel Leachmlln, A4 of New Virginia, is president of the wo­m en's club and J. Harold Sears, A3 of Davenport, of the men's.

--BEAT n,U~OlS--

'J1he Abbott ot l\1lsrul_ was an an­cient title for the mMl6r of revels durIng ChrisLmaB.


Iron out j

your laundry •



Let that d~Ddable coUeee pal, Railway Ezpreu, pick lIP &ad ahip your laundry home and back for YOl1 "ery week. You will fiIId it gloss,. ,oiq­euy, fait, iIIezpenain. \

Kenly DOtify the faUra YOIl willaeud the pack­ICe by Railway Eltp&'elll, aDd uk theJD to retlll'll it the __ WlI)'. YOIl em WIld it collect too, you mow, aDd while OIl that aubject, we can add, only '" Rail .. ,. Eltpr .... TIle folb will IUICIeraWld. It ••• keepiq acCOllDta, pa7iDr billa, to .Y !lOth­lac of apare cbaace. . I

YOD'U fiIld the idea «onomiea1 an round. The .. jnj_ rate is low - oul,. 38 centl - aometimel I~ PleIr:-ap IDd delt.ery by motor .. hiele aIId j __ bac:laded ill the tlbipping charle. It'. tbe I&DM with lhippiq ba'Pce or anythiuc elM W :tWIWIIJ &&.1' .... Sq arrapce ,oar ebippinr ciat" .., pbaae call tID the Railwa,. 2ltpreu apat. aDd iItII't ...

For Service 01' Inforlllation Telppltf)"e Phone 4864

416 E. Burlln,totl St. IOwa City, IOWa




L / (

'[lho visitors will be honored at Ii! I latch eon on the ,}oIVJi, Union I!\l~

por<)h at noon .

"Store /01' Melt" . , FOR SOFT COLl.AR COMOORT




.. ,' .. " ... , ,,'" ."IIIIGW L •• ILI'

..... t 6.., AIIIIIOW ' HIItt

NEW "TRUMP" Life Time

IIrrow Collar.

$2.00 . ., ..



Then see our sp'etial soowing /or



3 SPEIDELS ~;3 129 So: Dubllquo St. (


Professor F. L. Mott Will Edit fBest News Stories' of 1935·36

prot. Frank L. J\fott. director oC will DJlSlst In editing' the book. tll(\ sellool Of Journalism, will edit the U35·36 "News Siorle •• " whlcb will appear some time In March . ProCessor Molt recently signed the contract wIth the Houghton Mit· tlln publishing company.

Prof. Edward F. Mll80n of the iBchool ot joumallllm 'OI"iI1 compll~

!tile qu~on8 for the student's !edition.

A board ' ot cooperating ediloN! iIllld about 35 journalism! heada fl'om different parts of the country

Kappa Beta Pi Law , Sorority Plans To

Re-establisJ! Here

The lCap~ Bela Pi law sorority. ILcUve bere Lwo years ago, may be kenewed. It was learned yesterday, jHflI. D. W, Cowan, .eeretary to !Lbe dean of the collego of law. and .,aulloo Kelly. Iowa City attorney.

The first two volum~s of "N'ews aorles:' publlshQdJ by the CUO

Ilress In Iowa City, came out In 1933 and 1934. Tho next Is to bo a biennlaJ volU1l'l& printed In thl> 8Ohool and tradl> editions. 'rbe ten­~tlve title of the latter will be "Man Bites Dog."

"New8 Stories" fa a collection ot the beat news storlfll! from various papers and pubUcatlons ' eho,en by the board of editor. from their parUcular region,.

TU,)ing In.

with • •

Jean Thompson

104 8. C1lnlon 81reet, are cooperating "'ltll tbe sill: women students of the An alert J'OUII« ladr In t~ office

01 MaJor Bowes bad made .. tabula. \college ot law tor 11$ re·establtsh~ tI I ... - --' ,- h'-'" " ent this tall. on 0 ...., .... ~.OW! WlQII ... W ..,..

I Tbe advanLages of /Jucb a &Toup II&teD«8 apeD his name In acJdree· t.oould be tbe contaol$ mado witb &Ina: oUlll to him. Variouel;r It baa pLher wome~ lawyers at conven- bean written Mr. MaJor Bowes, tlo08, aCCOrdlog to Mrs. Cowan. AI Major Do_, MAyer BcnraI, MaJer o:el'talo grade 1)olot would be the! Bowes, ~ Bowfe8, Boze, 80M, ~~(Iulrement for admltLance. BoIoes, no-&, Boa •• Botr, Bow!t,

The faeully baa sanctioned tM ~ Bow' Bows, Bose, BoM, Bowles. ~ Bones and Boles. ADd, tbe IacIY

lnovement and Miss Kelly and Mrs. adds, OOII8Idfrable malt has nached Cowan aro awalUng' tho approval blm aildreslied morely "AD rlcbt. all ~f Mrs, :Mary Wrtght Hand of rI ht," iltlverside. 111., ,Lbo lut active m8DlJ g ber 10 tl1ll1 'Untversity.


Robert Hogan Heads Senior Jourllalists

Rolltlrt Hogan, A4 ot Monllcello, /loBS elected presldont ot the ~enlor l!Ou rnallsm yesterday acter, Inoon.

Other ortlcers elected were. Lilli", itd onsanto, A4 of Balboa, Canal !l;';me. vice· president and Don Cahal· nn. A4 ot Iowa Clly, secretaryJ Itroosurer.


S.U.I. Mon Writes Account of Meteor

An articlo by Bemrose Boyd ot ,IJ,o lIlI.\themalics department, "The 1\1 ~lCor of Juno 12, 1931," has ap­p.·arod In the OClObeir 188U(\ of Pop-1I1:lr Astronomy.

omputatlons of the meteor's lPath and a discussion of lis fall. ... hHOrved by the writer trom Koo-o 1<ul(. comprl8e the a rticle.


German Club Will Hear Prof. Spann

-Major BtnVe/l, BIne, Boa8 and ele., IB on tbe air tonight at 1 o'clock CBS,

Mardl of Time "'1'ho Ma1'Oh of Time" 18 on at

8:30 (CBS) tbe same lime u.s the NBC Sym.phony orchestra.

- Tho deedll of a mother, a bridegroom I!.Ild a atarvtn&, youth were recounted and dra­mntlzod when their names were placed in nomlnatton tor the "Command Appearance of the Kate Smith Award" durin&' the "\3t1.ndwagon" broadcast over CBS lost ThurSday.

Tonight, at G o'clock, one of the three heroes will appear and re­ceive tho $500 each week ,by MIllS Smilh. They are chosen by audienCe mall. In addition }'OU

may bear the Le Brun slslers and musle of Jack MUlcr'lI orchestra.

Bob Burn~ BOb Burns. the BaJJOOker, DOW

has at&ned a _paper sJDdkat, 1C0lumn cOIllnct fot' S%6,OOO annul· ly-wblch, with radio and theala1 Work, Is said to bring bill lneome to $400,000. E1~hLeca moolh. back

j Pror. Menl) spann or tho German ... - proud owner of a lHlCoad~ IIcparlment will givo an llIustrutcd •• laUd CIII'. IlEAT lLLINOlil--JUcture tonIght at tbo first moettng lI.hls semester of the Unlveralty GCJ'man Chlb In Iowa Union at 8 o·clock. rroCessor .spt<nn's lIlustrtt­t >d. loctnre will be on his experlen· Ce8 In Europe last summer. I PomlfJ.nent organization ot tho club will also be discussed.


Hosman Is Spealiee At Oxford Meeting

Two memlltlre ot tha )lome ocon· omles department staff and tbree 'homo econoMIcs students attended tho Installation meeUng ot tho 0:1:.

... ___________ ~ ford blgh school homo economics

Ox Romt at S/laron .\ club at Oxford IlISt nlgbt. 10no Hosman. who Is stato advisor

Set"' A.nnual A.llair , to bomo economics clubs, spoko on • • "The Mea.nlng' of Home Economics."

Helen waite, ot one bOmo econ-'1'he 6econd Thursday In Octobery omlcs department, WIIS &Iso a guest.

has 'lltlen set as the perma.nent date' Bernadine Notestine, AS of ~e ..... for future ox·roosls at 'Sharon jn ton; Ella SaM. AS of Salem, 8 .0 .. jOrder 10 avoid p068lblo conIlIcU\ \md :Margaret Gardner, A2 of 10_ wltb otller community MUvIUee. Pity, represented the University or I The SUCC868 of the ox·roan la8~ Iowa Home Economics club. rrueaday guarantees the evont as an jl.nnuai acralr. At that t.l1Jl9 over 1.600 bUns, a8 loaves ot bread, 35 gallons of 1)e8,8 and 66 gallona of jce cream were consumed by too J ,400 persons In a,ttenda.nC8.

PonIe. Replace Bouquets LONDON (AP)-Many brides this

fall are CIlrrylng dIllnty pocII.etlIooklII In "la.oo of bouq uels.

NEWER:··. I • ,



arid Crepe

Blouses SelliDr from


to '4.98

" . Skirts $1.98 to $4.50 KickPlerit,

Hem FuUn.e .. 8uttoru n;""" ike Front

Fall Color.




'THURSDAY, OCTOBER Iii, 1~ .. -.-~ .... - .. ,

----- -::::: - - - -- - ----. -------- - - ---

o ay • •• is the


of Iowa City's Newest 8a.nk ,

At 9 A.M. October 15, 1934, this bank first opened its doors to th~

people of this com·munity.

Since that morning., deposits have continued to grow ~nd are

.still increasing - more and more people like the many services

of this 'bank - and the friendly spirit of' its personn~l.

~ur Progress in Deposits: Today's Statement: CASH OR ITS EQUIVALENT:

Ia1tial Deposits ........,..,. 000,000.00 Cash and Due From Banks ................ '97(,234.28 U. S. Bonds ....... : ......... ~ ........................ '240,368.75 Other Bonds" Securities ....... _ ........ . $136,688.26

6 Months ........... , . , , .. $1,329,574.80 ,1,351,291,29

12 Months , , ........ ". , , , ,81,529,049.17 ,

Overdraftl!l .. ............................... " .................... . Loans and Discounts ............................. ........... $ Bank Building _ ............ ~ .................................... . Furniture and Fixtures ............................. _ ... .

None 694,815.82

58,300.00 20,000.00

318.81 Federal DepOsit· Insurance Corporation ........ , -.;...----18 Months, . . .... . ........ 81,787,897.68 $2,119,725.92

-Capital Stock ..................................................... 100,000.00 Surplus a,nd Undivided Profits ....................... 35,712.45

Today: ..... , .. , ......... $1,984,004.47 Deposits ............................................. : .............. $1,984,004.47 Federal Tax Account ................... _ ...... _ ........... ~ 9.00

. $2,lU',725.92


The officers, ilirectors, employees a~d stockh()lders of t his

bank join together in expressing their sincere appreci~tion plac.

ed in our organization by the people of this com~uqity.

Iowa State Bank & Trust Co. -. . . ~.. , . ' .., -OFFICERS

Ben S. Summerwill, Pres. - Philip D. Ketelsen, Vice Pre8.

M. B. Guthrie, Cashier

DIRECfORS Dr. f,. M. MacEwen - George Keller - Frank Krall- Guy A. Stev'e~

Philip D. Ketelsen - George A. ThompeoD,

Ben S. SummerwiJ,l

I.· .

.. ...



DES MOINES. Oct. lli (AP) -G len Jones, 18. ,OUI1J1I.W1I, lIuode .. fO"11&I sLalement to· nI",t "lIIlttlnl that he alld Delos Oerr, 8toekton, 10., stole tbe car of Ralph scott after wowldlng Scott IUId toSlilng him Into 1\ dltch, Glen Schmldt, chIef of tho st .. f4t bure .. u of Investigation, suJd tonight. Schmldt said tb .. t the state· lIIont W&8 obt.Ined from JOlles

by oUleers at F·lIlrneld. -BUT JLLJ,NOl_

TO USE FORCE SALINAS, Cal., oct. 15 (AP)

-Sheriff Carl Abbott rolled 200 deputized citizens on special <luly tonlghl "Lo meel further troublc with (orco" In tbe let· tuce strll<e area, where pollclI

I used gas and clubs earlier today 10 lurn back plckela ma.rchlng repell.lcdly on barri­caded packing sheds. Forty-

I • th ree persons were arrested on picketing and uniawful assem· bly charges and SallnnJI turned teMe again ov~r the pr08pect of further violence In the pro· longed strike.


'TIDE'S TURNED' BlRM~GIlAM, Ala., Oct. 15

(API-Myron C. Taylor, board .h,drnUUl 01 th.e United States Stool corporation, coupled an· nouncement of .. $%9,000,000 eX' PIIIlSIOll In this atool produclnl;' ccnte, today with a doclaraUon "the Ucle has turned-the rhythm of recovery hils boen reesta.bllshed," TlI¥lor, who saki he foresaw II "progTesslve reo sumptlon of full operatloo of America's ust productive en· terpr\ses," Jollied W. A. An-in, president of the Uolted States Steel, In describing tho pro· gr3m in the BlfmlngblUll dlstrld a. the largclSt In t./lo industry sillce tho depression,



Bronx county court jury tonight conVicted EIlzu.Il<lth Smith, 18· year. old unwed mother, oC sec· ond degree manslaughter lor klllulg he,' day·old baby !boy by urOllplug him trom the roof of a slx·.lory tencment hous" last April. 'rh verdict, carryl'1g a maximum I\enalty oC 16 years,

J wa" relurned arlOl' the jUl'y IJad dell berated muro Ihan eight lIu ,. 1'<1-



(t\I')-SIIUors union officials an' nounced tonight their locals were reJecting a propo8lO\ for II

strike Yote as proposed by lhe Joint repro8entlltlves Of water· front unions In th" current sblp· ping labor crisis alId' that the orl;'anlzatloll would give the fed· eral IQlLrltir!lo cO!llmlssion "ab· Mlute Iwd unrestricted ooopeca' tion." -E. 1-'. Burko, socrolary of tho t'OOks and stewards union, !Old ftoy I"arroll, represontath'e o[ the marine firemen, ~Id Ulelr wllons were cuulemplatlu, a slmllur to the sallors union.

-BEliT LLLL"iOl8--


sla's dictator, JOI.<eph Stalin, to· night broke h.18 loug silence on tho Span lsi, clvl( war and de· clared that the "'(l'eedom and llberatlon of lhat naUon" was Lhe concern ot the wholo world. In hl8 tlrst public utterance ot vlewa On tho Spa.nlsh situation. !lt~lIn , "" secretary·gcneral of tl" iJommllnisl pa.rtl!{ Ireplled 10 greetings sent'\:ty tho Spanish communist party to Iho cornmu­nlst po,rty of lhe HOvlet union.


EARLY HEA.RING LON 1)0 N, Oet. 15 (I\P}-At.

lornoY8 today pI'Ilpared Mrs. F.ruMt (W"'I!e) I;llIIp80n'8 dl· vorce suit for lUI earl, ,-". Inr, JI0881bly before ~ end or U,e month. ThiJI bel'utlful Amerlean friend b' KJnc Ed. ward VUl 1M . lulnl her ship broker hUJjb¥'d on chllrColl of 1nIfIeOIIduet, the only g~d8 fl/l' divorce In !l;ncland. He .... nounced h~ will IIOt ~oDteet the lellon. Her .ult will lie beJll'll lit lpllwieh, one or the preyln. tlal &MIle cenk",. on .. il&te

110 be !lOt I;awrday. -BEAT Jl.LUiOLS--

FURIOUS BATfLE BALAS, Spall" Oct. 16 (AP)­

Fallelst troop., pt'elllllDI' on , Oviedo, wllere a body 01 10Hur­

gents Waa hold""&, out qalnst government attacke"" ioul'~L a fUrluus ',.."d·lO·hand bltttlc wltll govemmanL nllIllllwnen entrenched bafOl'e tbo city lo­nlrhL Col. Martin ,,101110" W· e'-t column foulht III ,..a.y to within lea.. than tour pili,. of

Oviedo, ImporLant nortll'IV".rn 8P1W\IIIl olLy\


ncellor I~II

lho bu night, .ure."

"Tht those told ~

houMcs thing pIe,"

Tho lichool IIOmeOl 'h,ro."


'l'br( JIon8 lolt n zal ... ",ceora

NilIl that down In tl:> euted p~opel

!the O(

t.loD L