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Kornina. ,. by ltiona

d --tobbina ~ to Tex.. oblnK, Who I, areo sqUadr:t, at Kelty lIe~

, lert Smith neld n on a Ct

t. Leavenwo~ l{elly field. wag !lYing flgh ling P1i.~

Speed 0/ Itl wa'l

he ~atlJrd"avt I{eu,

to ~'

---- ,---------.

Yolwne 27

THE WEATHER Rum~whl\t unsettled Sntul'IJay; cool.

~r In ,'onlt'al lIurtiulIK IIlU~t· I~' 'ah' SUlldny.

8 PAGES All A&rreulve. Pro~",

Dall, Newlpaper

ets Iowa City, Iowa Saturday, October IS, 1927

• ra Ie

MARKET REPORTS Associated PreM furnllhes daIlJ"

reports of gra,ln, Uve.toek, a.ruJ bootl!>. See pa,e ~,

FIVE CENTS Number 101

Wabash Clashes With Fighting Hawk Eleven Today Counci~ Meeting Privately, Takes Favorable Action First-St~ing Men

Will Start Clash Against' Hoosiers

Emporia Editor . Editors Conclude Speaks at Meetmg

"., "':. . Two Day Meeting

Vaughan men Arrive in City from Cedar Rapids Today

The Ilrobllble Iincup.~:

10"IA WABASH CarllJOt I orprlmm ........ LEiLE................ Viner

, Sehleuaner I or J1Sscn ........ LTIJJT .............. Loer (c) Westra ............ LOILG ......... McCorkle Brown .................. CIC.................. KlmeR Roberts .......... RGI RO .............. Tnylor Nilson (e) ... _.RTI wr .............. Chonl'Y Cooley I ' or Cuhel .......... REIRE. .... ....... La thm.r O'Neill .......... " .. QBI QB ........ Oemldeau Schmidt .......... LlII '-IT...... ........ Cortell Glassgow I or Smith ........ RHIRlI ................ Bayer Annll ........... : .... FBI"'B ............. ... L1ser

Ayerage weIght or lines: Iowa 111, Wabllsh 183, Average weight of bB~kflelds: IOlVa 174, 'Wabash III, Average weight of teamH: • • • • • • Iowa 190, Wabash 174. 'fth' 0 I

Officials: r teree, Lec DanlelH Ite pens owa (Loyoln); umpire, A. Ornl1nm (O,'ln·

nell); field judge, O. E. 'relU(llo Serl'es of Lectures (Knox); head linesman, IT, L . Ray Ollinolfo.

Tunlng·up exercises for the In· yaslon of the Swedish no,'th by the UnlversJty of Iowa tootball team will tak& plilce at Towa field this nfter-

Big Ten Teams -. in Action Today Iowa VB, Wabllsh ~lichlgall VB, Wlscousl n Chicago \'8, Purdue Ohio \ -8, NOl'lh\lelile"n ~liIlJlesol .a " S, IlltlitlJUL Jlllnoi8 VP, 10\l'n Stale

noon when Wabash college tangieR lIlth the Hawke)'es, It will mark the second meeting of the two leams, lown takIng the only (ray played thus (aI', 28 to 7.

The Wabllsh team , thlrly Rtl'Ong, under Co.teh Pete Vaughnn, will not arrive hero un ~1I noon but they hell a lVol'kout In Cedar Rapids ye~ter· dn)' and al'e pronounced tit fol' the rontest. Meanwhile Iowa was tal)er, Ing oft Its tr-nlnlng by holding a IIgh! signal Mill and a punting prac· tlce, Although the llawkeyes ha ve not shown the abi lity wh Ich char' actel' lzed theh' Illay against, Ohio, In the last (ew wOI'kouts, they will be rendy when the opening whistle blQws. Inclement weather condl· tlons hove hamJle,'cd the Ott! Gold "Quad hut despite thIs the men got In HOme harcl workouts lind al'e In gopd sholle [or the IndIana coliI'll" lans,

IJa,wks Outweigh HOOSiers As In their previous gumes lhls

BenSOn, weIght advantage resta with thl Ilawkeyes, They ora sixteen )lOunda heavier to a mnn lhan the eleven thot Coach Vaughan will pre, Bent, nn advantage that Is expect d tu deel(le the Old Gold superiority,

Jmns who WC"e doubtful ON to thl' . ' - -(CONT1NUElD, PAGE 3, COTJ UMN 4)

Coolidge Confers With Army Chief

WASH1NOTON, Oct. 14 (,4) - A White ,"Dillie dlllClosllre that $8,000" 000 certainly-and possibly $14 ,000" 000 would be uskell of the n x~ con, t:ress fOt' new hOll611'g oon~lructlon

lor the al'my, was the only echo In Offldn l quarters todny ot the Hud· dtn J)I'esldentlnl rl'call of Mojoj' Ol'n· ernl Chnl'leH 1', Summert\lI, army rhlef of stnrt, f,'om his west coast tOur to confer with Pl'csldenl Olil ·

Ildgt on tlrmy ulJllget Illatte,'s, Summerall 1M scheclu led to Ill'rlve

lIohday morning but thll time fur hli conference with p,r~Hldcnt hUll hot been ,8et,

!1e81dent COOllllgO ha6 nll'l'lldy d~, I'~ to III'P" OVtl a budget It In ot 11,000,000 for now CUllijtr~ctlon fo,' tile nl'my, but Is ulldculdc[1 wllOthl' I' 10 en~W "enu~At (01' th $6,060,1100 lor~ho ~ame Illll'POSO which rall~d In tilt ' deflclency bill In the I l'8~ con·

Et PI'~sumnbly his talk wt'lh Gt I'ftl Summerall mt\y]j In co/I ·

n wltb the ncce~"lty tOr M(\­III( that IlmQIIIlt to the U,OOO,OOO ne" nPllI'oprintlon,

Il WOH ' expl!Un~d at the whll~ hollllel thut ap[lro)wlntlol1Ji fm' I'~' Jlilr. to amw qUl\I'tel's hud totall{'11 11!.liOO,OOO, slnctl 102o, tMt !lmOllnt ~Ing trom II'cn<'ral tr~1\8UI'Y (UnIIH, ~')d; not from the sl1eolal houHlng '!"1l, It waH Htressed t,' ,at only tho II,tIIO.OOO rOl' II!)W uonstru~tlon had .. ,el been nllproprlated to cany Out the UOO,OOO,UOO houslnte pl'og­!lIU,

First Speaker on List Emphasizes Value

of Civilization "CIvilization is more just In this

age than In any othe,· age th e wo,'ld has known," R.'lld \Vllliam A lI<'n ' Vhlle, edlto,' of the E mporia Ga7.ette and well·known author last night In a unlvel'81ty leetu"e In natural science at1(Htorlum.

In the genial mannel' seasoned wltlt homely jok4IB tbat heR m •• de the " ' lIliam Allon White style of edltOl'lal famous thl'ou,hout thl' count.,~" he reviewed the forty·three Yenl's or country n~wspaPl'r hletory. The changes that have taken place In thp newspallel' fie ld , he feels ex­emplify the fu ndamental changes that h:tve taken place In the life of the people ovel' the SIlmc period of tltIle,

Atlvertlshu~ Uegin8 The t'ditol's of the eighties drew

a nice line b('tween beggardy and blackmnll and PaY day wns oCten II. ,ll'cary holiday, In thoso days ad· vertlslng was not n paying proposl. tlon, But along about the first of lhe ce ntury something began to hal'Pl'n to lhe world. Dry goods m~n h~A'an to advprtl!«'. A go"" "d· vf)l'tlser at that time orten had a monthly bill or ns much as $2fi, Thel'e was no boom and no mo,'c people, hnt buslne~~ begnn to .:rolV. Peo(,le Hpent more, A divine dlscon· tpnt wns stinging the people, Ad· v('I 'tlslng stimulated th e readers to dl'sh-Q luxul·les. By 1910 a good uti· vertlslng bill was often os much liS $500 a month. Sub8crlptions qund, rupled .

Then one day the first automObile advertisement was brought Into the office, a nd today the movie and cur ad_ amount to more than the adver, t1~lng of any other bualne88, Adver· tiRing, At I'. White feel. , Is the slt'ong<,sl age nt of a just clvlJlz[Ltlon thp world has ever known . It h!(M Cll used a genel'al competition In the Rtan llnl'(1 or living, During th e pa· r lo(18 of 1900 and 1910, politics ILl· tempted to bring 'lbou t Boclat nnd In·


Cuatomel' Finds Proprietor Dead

in Repair Shop A. W . Knapp, Pl'opl'lotor ot nn

a utomobile radiator repair shop at the corne,' or College and CIIDltol Alt'e ts, wa.q found tleacl by I, cus­tom I' shortly nfler 7 n.m. yestel'dllY, Death WIlS cnused by hea rt le8101l, lIcrol'lIl ng to Coroner George Moresh , who Investlgatell the cOHe,

KnallP had no ,'e latlves In 10wI\ Itl', His SOli Murray, who II1(e8 In

Dl'l ,'ott, was noll tlNI of Knapp's dea~ h a nd funeral 8nangementa a.'e beIng held III) until he arl'lves,

The body Is at the Beckman fu· nel'lll home,

Fort Dodge Man Pulla Gun on Self

I~ORT DOD(1(i), 0 t, 14, (IP)-Mel· vln lIurll'Y 37 yelll's o'd, 18 In a crlt· Ical cOlllllllon In a local hospltRI Il.I!

n l'eH lIlt or an Rccldenlt.1 shooting while hunting phensonts neal' KllnA­whll lU(lO )', Hlood trnnHtllslonR will b'{' 1'{'ftOl' ted to In (1 n erfort to RIl Vl\

his litp, r:- "I ('nd~ with 1J\II'Iey QIl the hunt­

Ing t ri p @0 1(1 he r eached Into an au lomoblle to get hi. gun, The bar· rei \Vas ])olntell toward him and as he pullecl the Kun (nlln the eeat It waA discharged, "ending a lORd oC ahut Into hl8 abdm04ln , '

at Football Game Journalists Debate on

News Questions in Convention ConlereJI~ Program

9:00 a,m·, Why I Adopted the 12 em Column, H. L. GrIffith 'Of the Clayton County Register,

9:30 a,m" Arranging /L New Plant tor Maximum EffIciency, Don L, Berry, of th& Indianola Record ahd Tribune,

IO :OO a.m., Copyreadlng on the Sac Sun, S, M, Stoufter of the Sac Sun.

10:30 a.m " My New Job ; Why' I Took It, Fl'ed M, Pownall, univer­sity editor of the University Of Iowa,

11:00 a.m .. Shop Talk, managing di­rector E , F , Tucker,

12:00 m" Luncheon at Iowa Union, 2:30 p.m" IOWa-Wabash football game. Iowa newspaper men are consid­

ering all the phll8es of their chosen profession In the conference of the southeastern dlfttrlct of the Iowa Press ussoclatlon, which Is meeting In Iowa City this week·end.

l!~orty -flv-e editors registered yes· terday, a sUght Inc,'ease over the a.t· t endance last year, The l'cglstratlon will be completed during the meet· Ing of the editors In the senate cham be,' of Old Capitol this morn· lng,

The journalJats registered at 10 a,m, yesterday, and attended busi­ness sessions all mornin g nnd after­noon, They were the lunch on g uests of the Iowa City chamber Of commerce, and were entertained at Iowa Union tor dinner, Last night they attended the address by WIl· lIam Allen Whlt~, edlto.' of t~ Em· poria. (Kan,) Gazette, who gave th.e opening number on the university leclure program,

The welcome yesterday morning was made by I~rank Luther Matt, dl· rector of the university 8cho01 ot journalism, In the absence Of P resi­dent Walter A. Jessup. President J essup was unable to be In town yes­tl'l'day but will speak to the editot's a t some time during the program this morning (Saturday), E, F, Tucker. managing director of the association, thanked Mr, Mott In be­half of the editors.

The committee on resolutions I ap­pOinted by Mr, Tucker , has Jor Its members C. M. Richards of the To· ledo Chronlole, Carl Ol'aewe of the


Giles Arrives at Cheyenne Field

English Pilot Makes Flight from Here

in 12 Hours Capt. ~'rederlck A. Olles, plloting

the alt'plane, the "Wanda," from De· troit to New Zealand, \l\nded at the flying fIeld at Cheyenne, Wyo" at 6:30 p.m. yesterday, The Dally Iowlln was notl!led last night, Otles left Iowa City at 6:45 n,m , yesterday, attel' having been Btatled hel'e fol' Beveral dayB ""htle awaiting repairs.

"Landed at North Platte, Neb .. Ilt 1:15 o'clock, with a stl'ong hellll wind , Left at 4 o'clock for Ciley­enne, reaching the t1ylhg field there at 6:30 o'clock, Machine and en' glne 0, K , Will proceed olily to Ellko tomorrow,"

This message Willi contained In u telegrnm laRt nlll'ht from the aviator to Richard Vetter, Aa Of Da venpo,·t , Olles asked that The Dally Iowan lie told ot his progrelR,

When captain Qtlell went to Smith field Ilt 5 a ,m, yelterday to muke flflal prepa~atlonll for the tught, It was still dark, He attached to the IVlngs the emergency landing fla,'eli. which In cil.1I11 of 0. forced landJn g are used to illuminate the grounl1,

At 6 :35 a,m, Captain Gllea Itnrted the motor for a tut, and ten minute" later was on ble way to North Platto his first gtop, His plans were to IlI'oceed In ellHY Btages to San Fl'an­CIBOO, Aftqr a three day stop thol'o to ovel'ha u I the 1)lane a nd get pro­visions, he will tak~ off (or Honolu­lu If weather conllitlons are (avor­Ible, He wanh to make the flight over the Pacific While there III (I

full moon ,

CHEYElNNEl, Wyo" Oct. 14 (Al')­Capt. FoI'ederlck Olle$, English avltl· tor, plans to t~k8 orf from Stili },'rancll!co next Wednesday on his rtlght to New Zealnnd by way or Hu.wall, he announced tonight aUor landing a t the Cheyenne nlrpor't from North Platte. t-Ieb, Gllea, (ly. Ing 0. Hellll Bluebird, started hi" weltward flight from Detroit lIntl took otf thlll morning from 10wl~

City, Iowa,

Mrs. Grayson Before Take-off

Mrs, Frances Grayson at Roosevelt Field with Brice Golds­borough, navigator, and Wilmer Stultz, pilot, just before the take-off to Old Orchard en route to Copenhagen, Denmark.

Legion Campaign Begins Tuesday

Bond Salesmen Have 1,000 Prospective


Baird's Debaters to Tour England

Iowa Picked as Sole Representative of

U. S. in 1928 With the req uest that the"a be a The Unlvel'slty of Iowa has been

f ull display of American rlags dec· selected by the institute of Inter­ol'atlng the streeta, the $66,000 bond I national education, whIch sponsors campaign fOI' tL new building for the all In~ernatlonal debates, as the only American LegIon will stnl't Tues- I'epl'escntotl\'l' of the United States dnf, for a dehatlng tour of Gl'eat Bl' itoln

The American L<>glon are seiling during the 1928:29 season , the bonds to complHe the financing In 1921. Bates college sent a de· of u. building large enough to hOuse bate tl'tlm to ]~ngland at the Invlta­the scattered public entN'IIl·lscs. oC tion of Oxford university. P,'of. A, tho cltr, CJ'IlIf( Baird, who is now directo,- or

'rhc Nunpalgn stal·t~ with a din. debating at lOWlI, was In chal'ge oC ner at G p, m. In lIw chambe,' or th .. tJut~s ttmn. commercE' rooms, with 11101'e thnn The following year t he institute two hundrell wOI'kel'B attending, bl'O,ught n team fr~m Oxford to the About ],000 prospective purchasers ' United States, 'flus Wa.\! the tl rst have already been obtained . t,'lp I\. E ,'ltlsh debating t~am had

made to this countl'Y. StIlce that No bulldlnlt of this type has e~er time, an American team has been

before been Illanned In Iowl\. City sent to England each year. anrl this one will be bullt so as to The purpose of th e deLate!! ac­mEet the \'a.'lous n('eds ot this com- cording to Profl'sor Bal I'll , Is t~ de. m unlty. velop a. bl'ller understanding be-

Fourteen Die in Automobile Crash

Trolley Strikes Car Containing Grotto

Team, Friends INDIANAPOLIS , lnd" Oct, 14 ,

'A')- F'oul'tepn persons wer e known to have been killed and twenty·four njured, five pl'obab'y fa.tally, when \ Dnlon '1'ractlon company tntel'lll" ban struck an 11 utornoblle tra iler Itt Emerson nvenue and Honeybee tine on. the Qutskll't8 of the city Lbout 9 o'clock tonight , All of the 'lend and Inju red except the motor mlln anel conductor ot the Interur· bUn were mem bers ot th e Sllharo G.'Ollo drill t ellm of TndlanBllolt s 'lnd re lllliveM a.nd friends of the Grotto members,

Nine of thp ilen d were Id entl[led Into tonight . Flv~ in a.ddition to ' I", fourl~en known d 'ad were mls· sing according to Crollo 111 em bel's, Pullce suld tilPY \)(>J1eved th e five m~n were dcad,

Th e IIUl'ty numb I'lng slxtr·f(v(' pel'sons were In II truck a.nd a tra U· PI' bound to,' n ba l'n dance In tbs oountl'Y,

twel'n tho two countries, 'fhe lowtl team will debate seven

0 ., eight J':ngllsh un lvl'l'slties and have the opportunity of Ilbservlng student life of England by living at the college halls. The tour will be made ut the c!o,sl' of the English summe,' ses~loll, In May.

Freshman Cheer Leaders to Make

IFirst Appearance Fr~shmen cheer leaders will be

given their fll'st opportunity lo show me,'lt at today's game with Wabash, It was originally plo.nned t o have the fl'eshmen make their debut at the Denver gamp Oct. 29, but the yearlin gs h ave s hown so much pcp tha t Claire Schaap, dean of Iowa )'ell leaders, decided to Ict th em worl' toda)',

or the three men selected In the l.'youts, L'lwrence Cai n, A3 of Sioux City, Is the only one who has had any e)(PCI'I~;'C. lie served for two years us a r lll'er Ipllder .. t MOl'nlng' side college. Tlw olhel' two lire Don· a id Duda n, A 1 of \\'ellmnn , and Ro­Illnd Evans, Al of Dn venport, both Of whom "Schuupy" expects lo come thl'ough in flno shape.

'fho freshlllen will wpur the unl, forms of the reguill" lende rs llnd tho \'etemns will be on hand only to alll In the pinch ~,

White Condemns Compulsory Military Drill; Favors Hughes for President

Dy 1{;\'l'IIER1NE O'l\! '\RA "I decid edly 110 no~ ("VOl' complll·

SOl'y milltal'y tl'nlnlng, It Is undem· Jcratlc to force mill tflr)' tmlnlng on a ny group ot cit Izens In lim" of penco when the count ry Is In 110 Immed ia te (langer," 90.Id William AI · len WHile , ed itor of th e EmllO"la Gazetta of Em))orlll, I{ rLn" yestur' day 118 he I'ode through the sll'pots on hlH r :rst visit to Iowa City.

'fhp gl'Nlt I11ftn from n Amall town look a s tand on the prl nclplcs IIf democracy when he salcl, "10m op· posed tu conlPlIlslon of .. ny kInd. "

Wrote Presldentlill lIIojtrapllleA The mlln who for more than a

quartel' of [~ centul'Y h(l~ helll~d

t01'1ll the opinions of tI IUl'l(o COlli'

munlty lhrou gh hl ~ cdltOl'lnl 1)llg~ ,

who hus W.':ttllll llilimllt bloer", "h ' p~ of lwo of OUI' g rentcs t Ill' ' 81, tW IlIA and who ho 'dM IL dream In h l:l ht'llrt Of an I (lenl democracy WIH v~ry gl'llV UA ho expressed hlmljelt (111 the pl'oblem of compulsory mil · Itnrlem which 18 beaomln, mol' and more a bone ot contention throujfh , out tho country,

"MlIllrlrlAm or n ny compulsion," he sata, "Is Inconslatent wllh the

prin ci ples of the d{'mocracy toward which we ['S II' 11ntlon a re sllPlloaed· Iy struggling. Demo~l'Ory shou ld lx, made 80 dear to th hpal'ts of the dllzenM t hat they will delight In Bcrvln l{ It. It this Is to bo done throllllil mli lta I'y tmlnl n/-: In th e echools It 6hou ld bl) elective other, wi se It Is (lele(l.l1ng Its own c llds, "

TlIAcuRsCS ('011111111' Elrrtlull 'I'/)('n cho nglng the RuhJect wllh

n lwlnkle In his k('~n b'lIe eYCM tend a ge nlul Rmll e he (lxpre~sell Ithnsell on polltlc~, 1>'~w m~n 111'\' I:Iett~o' tltLell tn ~XIII'P.B thpmselvps on thnt tOllle tltnn WIlt'ul11 Allen White, Acrortllng to hl ~ own words lI e love~ pnlltlcM linn nothing tH mo" c tqsclnaUng to h im,

A AkNI who th I1Pxt pl'nHlllent would h~, h~ Hnlel , "Hughes ," then ndded, "but lip Is 100 old, All who Ato od th e Ileijl chnnce or A'P Ulnl{ th e tl nm ln ntl on II r!' tOo old. [Om tor Hoovor," then , In a hUlllorous'y rp, poor udS' l11(ln~ ot lhe g reat major­Ity, ad(1ed, "but Il!l won 't /l'et It,"

n~II(lVI'8 Fllrmf'r8 Unorrl\nlletl Th.. (fu'mers will never bl'come

OI'/lt\nl7.{Ocl pnouP:h tn form n n~rlv, (CONTINUlilD, rAOlil 3, OLUMN 2)

Mrs. Grayson to Begin Trip Today

if Weather Good Aviatrix Gives Dinner

on Eve of Flight Across Ocean

OLD ORCHARD, Me" Oct, 14, (A') --'fhe pa.rty which halO waited on the SIkor8ky plane, "The Dawn," for -days nnd weeks, tonight took en n. Ilvller spirit, with the a.1moat (:fI ' trunty that Mre. France8 W, Orayson and her companions would hop off tomorrow for Europe. The group of forty, tonight made mprry at a fareweJl dJnner,

Mrs. Grayson presented each newspaperman and the guests will an autographed photograph, Groups lf newswrJters lind cameramen prll ' sonted sktt8 to remove all thoughts of tomorrow's ordea\.

Favorable Weather The weather rePOfta were promls'

lng, according- to Pilot Wilmer stultz and Navigator Bryce Gold, borough. Unles. a dleturbance de velops on the trans·Atlantic route betore morning, they were conCl, lent thO t at last they wou!d be on their way.

The critiCism of the Belfast, Ire' land , News, Joseph Devlin's news· paper, which decried distance flights by women and recommended that Mrs, Grayson's relatlve8 take her home, was received with a Bcoft, Ing laugh by the Long bland real· tal'.

J)enl1lll.J'k Awaltll F1Yt!1'It That MI'1! , Grayson 18 8upported

In this attitude was shown In the latest cablegram from Aage Acker:

"Denmark awaits you, Don't bP Influenced by an)'thlng but your OWIl judp:ment,"

MrR. Grayson today decided to 'behind the two evenln~ gown! A nil the IM'vel'al Ulodish accessoriI" that sbe had especially l1e&ik'ned for the reception she nnticlpates IJI l!;uroPt'. "EverY pound count8 to· morrow', thereafter, we will find a wny," ehe said,

The to11sman ot the trip Is an old 'i1ver coin from a pot round on tho nncestral Sikorsky estate, neal' Nlev, Russia., and presented by Mr, and Mrs , I gol' SIkorsky. :mxpeMe have said the coIn dates to t he reign ' f Sultan Bas't, or Persia, In the seventh and eighth centuries,


Davidson,. ~ird Poll Big Returns

Winter Praises Clean Election 'of College

of Commerce T,n one ,ot \he cleanest elections

which the college or commerce ha. l'ver had , according to Pror, Sydney G. Winter, of that colle,e, the Alph&. l{uPI)a P~I ticket In conjunction wlLh "Tammany club" swept the election,

Don Da.vldson, ot Cedar Raplll& WIl8 el ected prelldent of the senior clltss of th e college of commeroe at the elections yesterday, Floyd Moore Of GuthrIe Center, WRS elect, ell vice-president and Helen :doody ,)f Grundy Center, was chosen secre' ta I·y-treasurer.

'fhe junior class elected Morrll I.all'd ot Mason City, president; Bert Boehm of Ogden, vlco·presldent, an~ [{oth l'vn Smltlt of Iowa City, secre· tary·trea8urer,

'''l'a lllllllLny c'ub" Is comJIQaell of "ommprce students who are melll-1)(11' 9 ot Roclal fraternIties, hut who arc not IItf1l1ated wIth G,'eek lett<lr commerce organizations, and a few I!tutlents not alflUated with either I11'OCeS810nal or Boclal organlzatlon8.

Davidson Ie a member or Phi Dcl­til Theta, and Oommerce club, 'Mool'e Is a member of Delta ChI, ( 'n rnm."~p cluh and apprentice ploy· erR, Helen Moody II president of Gamma EJpallon PI, woman's honor­ItrY commerCe tra.ternlty, president ot Pillar u.nd Chtl.piter, women's commerce organization, a member Of the Inter'PI'oteeelonal sorority councll, the Commerce club and PhI Omega PI.

Laird belongs to Phi Kappa Slg· mo. Ilnd Commeroe c~ub, Boehm Is president of Alpha Kappa Pel, pro· res. lonal commerce fraternity, 11 member ot Commerce au lb, and of Chi Kappt\ PI, lIocllll fraternity, Knlhryn Smith Ie a member ot Kap, pa Deta, rellglous organization of the Christian church, a member 01 ('ommerce club and Pillar and Chap· ltel',

Robben Loot Bau ORAND TOWER, 111., Oct, 14 (A))

- Robbers , took U,100 tram the Firat National bank bere thle after' noon, AccompanIed by a woman who remained In tbelr oollpe, ~wo men drove to tbe bank whlah they entered wIth drawn revolvera, BCOOPed up the money an4 fled,

EXTRA 32 Persons Die

in Collision of Freighter, Liner

NEW YORK, Oct. 15 (Satur­day) - (AP) - The Norwegian freighter "Boo,gen" wUh thirty· two pel"SOJl8 aboal'll. slIonk within fifteen minutes after a coUlr8ton with the trans·A tlantle liner "Pans" III the maIn cha.nnei about 110 half·mUe south. of the statue of liberty thlB lJ'I.ornlng,

The "Bseg,en" came from Skeyn, Norwa,y, whUe the "Paris" WII8 outWlll'l1 bound when the lUJcldellt occUJTeit ROOut 3:00 a.m, E.S.T.

Thirteen 8urvivol'lf were land· ed at the pier by poUoo boaBt.

Dutch Steamer to Land Elder and

Pilot In Azores Flyers Abandon Plane;

Continue Journey Toward Paris

PARIS, Oc t. 14 (iP}-Captaln GiJOS of the Dutch tanker 80rell­Ifrncht, which rescued Ruth EI. del' and George Haldemnn f!'l'm the sea, tonight sent til e Asso, dat~d Press the fo\)o\vlnl:' IIIllsS· age:

"Steamer Darclldrecht will land crew aIrplane at IIOl'lll, Azores, alTiving Satur,ity,"

PARIS , Oct, 14 (IP)-Ruth Eldel' 'lnd Gpo,'ge Hnldoma n, rescued tram the sea by the Dutch tanker, Daren· d"echt yesterday, will set thell' tellt on land tomorrow at Hort.n, tb. Azores, for the first time sInce they hopped oft Tuesday afternoon from Roosevelt f1elll, N, y" In their iJI· fated plane, '''rhe America. Girl,"

It Is understood hel'e that PariS, which wos their g01l1 when they climbed Into the plaue, 18 still their destination and that they wl1l con· tlnue their journey here by the more ordinary means of transport.

It is likely that the two flyers will lanel \Vlthou~ even a. too th·\)r ush, for It Is believed t hat a ll their be­!ong lngs wel'e destroyed when their plane took fire as an efto,' t was being made to 11ft It aboat'd the Eal'endrocht, The plane Iles be· neath the Waves or the Allanilc, a mass ot charl'cd w"eckage,

The tenor of nil the comment In the Parls newspapers Is that the flyers had a miraCUlOUS escape, that they ought to be congratulated, but at the same time, told not to do it again, It Is likely that 1I11ss Elder will get Quite a. welcome for the French have shown g"eat admira­tion for her spunk alth.ough they doubt the wisdom of the course she tried to pursue,

The crew or the Junkers plane D·1230 and Lilli DllIenz theIr pass· enger, who cro,ssed trom Portugal to Horta today, are expect d to be among the first to welcome tbe American flyers to the Azore8 ,

The committee of American avla· tlon enthusl!lsts who wa ited all yes­terda y at Le Bourget will welcome Miss Elder and Haldeman on their belated al'rlval In Paris-nt some raHway station some day next week,

Daring Aviators Establish Record

PERNAMBUCO, Brazil, Oct. 14, (A')-Dleudonno Costcs ancl Joseph I.eb,·lx who hopped from S t, Louis , Senegal. tbls mOl'nlnl{, landPll at l'OI't Natallnt at 11:40 o'clock to, night. local tlmo.

Costes and Lebrlx, by hopping (rom S negal to Brazil hn ve accom· pllshcd a f eat which hUH long dtr. tenged aI "men-1I. non·stop flight across the south Atlantic, Th ei l' elapsed time was IIventy·one hours , fifteen minutes, showing their aver­age speed to havQ been slightly un · tier 100 miles an hO\ll' fo,' the 2,000 mile trip,

Name Administrator ROCKFORD, 111" Oct. 14, (A')-An

administrator tor Uockford dloceee will be nnmed within f ive days, It WII~ Ilnnounced lo/lt1y by the Rev, Lawrence Prpdl)l'cMt, socretary 0/ he late Dlshop Pele,' J, Muldoon ,

"onsul to l'R of th e dlocese nrc \0 elo~1 tho OWCI.ll.

Road Contraell Let SHENANDOAH, Oct, 14, (~-­

Rond oontracta totalling mor thAn Sl ,600,000 for work on Pall'o and Fremont county hlghwny s to I .. done next aprlng will be let thl8 fnll , I\.ccor~lng to Information recelve~ here from the omoes ot the Ilate highway commission at Amell.

Chamber of Commerce Provides Cost of

Installation Iowa. City Is going to have eight

traWc slgnalR, Work will be started Immediately

:l.nd will be completed, It Is believed by Homecoming week-end, Nov, 6,

Financed by the chamber of oom· merce, the movement waa decided On by the co uncil last night, meetilllr l.B private citizens a.t tbe conclusion )f their regular 8es810n, Final per· 1uaslon was obtained from the 'athel's by the ofter of Frank E, {oung, city engineer, to dtvert to .he InstalJa.tlon fund trom next year's budget, $2,000 eet astde for ' Qulpment for his department,

Convinced of Advantages Headed by Harry Bremer, ,'h r.l r

n lln of the lighting committee, rep· ' sentatlves of the chamber of :Or.l·

nerce presented to the ' assembled "roup the chamber's propOSition to pay for the Installation of the Sill' oals until such time as the (,lt v 'ould assume the payment out of lext year's budget,

Convinced ot the advantages of nstalling the traffic sl,nals at this _Ime when the cable tl'enche~ a l'e 'pen fo,' the In':.ta llatlon of t he new lighti ng system , members of t he council held back because lh~y 'o uld agree on no way to meet Lhe payments with the budget a lready lVerloade\l,

After a n hour's arguments, whel' , t times the proposition seeme6 lloomed to fa ilure, C. C, Roup, chui" man of the finance commIt te", 1· most moved the group to acuept·

nCe of tha proposa.1 by his pilI· _Ive pledge that "provisIons would be mado,"

Then Mr, Young's offe,' was made, lweeptng aside all opposl tion, a.nd the council members, acting how· ever, as private clUzena, .unanh,.,ous. Iy voted to accept the OUer ot the chamber of commerce,

l\Ieet Monday Morning With the agreement Of the memo

bers of the city council to assume ultimate payment ot the Installa· tlon costs, the lighting committee ',f the chamber of commerce will meet Monday morning to arlange de· tails ot the project, earl T. Stach. who holds the contract fo r Insta.lllng lhe ltghUng system, and W, E . Schwab, eleCtrical engineer will ad· vise the committee,

Somc bids are already In the hands of the ohamber ot commerce,

The s ignals will be Installed at the inlersectlo n of Washington 8treet with Linn, Dubuque, and CUnton streets; at the Interse<:tion of Du· buque street wi th Iowa. avenUe and College street, at the Intersection of Clinton street with IOwa avenue and College st,'eet; and at the Inter· sectfon Of College and Linn atreeta.

Albanian Minister Victim Murderer

PRAGUE, Czecho·Slovakla, Oct, 14, (IP)-T8ena Bey, newly appointed Albanian minister to Czecho-SlovlLk In, was aSBallfllna.ted hera ton ight by a n Albanan student, Aglvlabb liebl, while he was dining at IllS hotel.

Bebl Wll8 arrested Immedlate y He calmly admitted his Intention to kill Tsena because he said Taena wlsh~d to betray Albania to Czecbo· Slovakia..

Tsena Bey was a88lgned to Czecho·Slovokla after he had been withdra wn as Albantan minister to Jugoslavia when 'Albania and Jugo· slavla severed dlp'omatlc relations last June.

The severance of relatione fol· lowed upon the Ilnellt of an em­ployee of the Jug081u.v legation at T irana on a oharge Of esplonagc , The dispute waa aettled In .TU'

when Jugoslavia withdrew '1" objected to In the na to and Alba n!a l'eI01'''.1 employee,

In Lonrlon tOl\t~hl f,~:II' " Pl'essl'd 1hM thl' Ii·, ~In"tiun might renew Balkan troubles,

Comer Mexie~ Rebels MEXICO CITY, Oct. 14, (JP)n.,

eral Alvaraz, chief of th" n"~ i

11.1 8t(ltf. annol1nrer1 thIs ~( .,"" that ferleral troollS llnller th l' 0011\

mand ot General Escoba.r had dla' covered General Al'nulfo Gomez, with only thlrty·flve of his follower, "t ill with h'm, In t h'" HUl1.tu1sno r o, glon or th e state of Ve,'a, C,'UZ. A hattie waa be'teved Imminent,

DeCcnt, capturI1, 01' npMh I', h" llE' Wfll'E' the onlv Illtl'rM tlve~ for r;pnPI'ol r: ()I1I~7. nn" I~ 1111I·t\ ,fi " fo low('r_, O"nprlll .\l HlI'll~ ~uh\

Seize Klan Records TJUVERNFJ, AlII." Oot. 14, (JPl­

Recore1s a nd nnr!lphernn lh or t h T ,11verne K IA Vf'rn nf thp T{II 1(111 '( T(lnn WN'!' 8pl,,"11 t"rlnv In hoh" 'f "r the speclal grand jurv I n'1 l1l rln~ I,,· to wholp~nlA tIn"!!' nr~ , 1nil J 'II"~ Flsdnle Of Blrmlngha.m, grand drll' !ton or the klan I n AlabAma.. wu. quostloned lUI to Its actlvltle ••

Page 2 1

vii:,) ,, ""JI ,Ill 'N(ll The Daily Iowan, Iowa City

, I I

c 1

Sororities u Fraternities u Women's Clubs Graduate Students

Will Hold Mixer, Dance Next Friday

A mJxer and dance tor graduate students Is 1>lanned to Ujke place F.ldny, Oct. 21, at Iowa Union. The

' " affair wlll bo the first IIOclal event " prepared for the Il'radUILte college.

and Is enthuslltstlcally DI>proved by " Denn Cltrl E. Seashore,

The committee tor the party In· eludes Ruth Gray, G ot Parsons, Kan,; 'Dalen R. IIflord, G of Chi· ~ '.go; George Steep, G ot Eldora: Laura Potter , 0 of Iowa City; Allee Kemp, 0 of New Hall'lpshlro,

+ + + Delta Oarnnlao'S Holil Tea for Chaperon

Two hundred guests were enter· talned at a tea given by the mem­bers of the Delta Gamma sorority trom ~ until 5 n, m. Thurllday atter· noon. The o.Ualr was In honol' of their cbo.peron, lIfrs, Mayo Shearer Stump.

In tho receiving line with Mrs. Stump were loll'll. George R. Oay

• ot the alumnae chapter, and lIar­rlet Cammack, pl'esldent of the ac· tlve chapter,

Mrs, Dean "V, Llerle and Mrs, Crace Chaffee presided at the candle· lighted tea tables,

+ + + Country (JIub Women Win GOlf Tourney

Yesterday afternoon the Iowa City country club women were host· e~ses to a numbet' of University club women Ilt a lunchcon and solt tournament.

The luncheon was served al 12:30 at the club house, eighteen being present.

Aftet' luncheon, a golf tournament W81I held resulting In Victory for the country club women, They Won ail 1"'e of the matches that were played, the tinal score being twenty. fout' up, The Winners were Mrs,

has, 11', Ward, Mrs, John Hands, Mrs, William Pool, and Mrs. Fred Racine.

'rhe committee In charge of the In· vltatlon meet was cOmposed of Mrs, Pl'eston Coast, Mrs, R. A, Kuever,

" and Mrs, William Pooi. + + +

Solect Delegates to LQ«lge Convention

Mt'S, Oscar Bowman of Iowa City, and Mt's, Mary Johnson ot Frank Plerco ha va been selected as dele,

" gates to reprc~ent the sl;>: lodges In this d l$ tl'lct at the state convention


Mrs, Samuel Rogers and husband of Boston who filed a $25,000 suit against the Postal Telegra~h cOJnPany QV(!I' 8i telegram delivered to Rogers reading: I Are you still here? Come see me. Need some money, RQse,"

Phi Tau Theta. Phi Tau 'rh~ta. a nn ounees tho

pledg ing of " ' Uilam Childress, A3 of Oskaloosn, William Ku nde. A2 of :0 B Moines. 'fl'u{'man 'VlttclTle}'er, 01 oC eclar Falls, a nd MLlI'Shali Thomas, A2 of Port Madison,

+ + + Delta Delta. Delta

Del!..'!. Delll~ Delln. SOl'ol'ity an' nounces the pleclglng or Jldon A, Linkey, 1\ 2 of Nevada.

+ + + Deltr. Gamllla.

HanJet Cammack, ,fI.1 ot Oslta· loosa. a nd Julia Holihlns, A2 or Cedar Rapids, at'(' spl'n(ling the week·end at Miss Robbins' home In Cedar Haplds,

+ + + Ohl 'Omegll

Mrs, L, 0, Roynl o nd 1I11"s Samh Leader of Marengo al'c spcndlng the week·end with DOl'Othy Royal.

Lrtul'lL Ceal'hOl't, ,\ I of flpl'illgvl\lo, Is leavi ng today for Springville where s he will ~pen(1 the week·cnd.

+ -I" + Alpha I'hl AI pha.

Athena Gives Last <If Open Literary

Society Meetings 'I'h e lus t ~crles or women's Jlter!l-l'y

"OClelY open meetings was held whcn the Athenas met In the women's lounge of IOwa Union yes· tCJ"(lay (rpm four tp six I>, m, After the following progro.m, presented by members af the society, t}lere was " Bocla I hou t': vacal so108, Velma 'I'obln, A3 of Iowa City; d~nce, lla l"ox, A2 of P ella and Tqeresa Toa· 8in l, A2 of sibley; rll~dlng, Mary McLftughlin, A3 qf Davllnport; poctry, Kulhryn Smith. A3 of Iflwa City; plano solos, Mal'tha J , Grpte· wohl, A3 of Burlington, and por· oU.y Boege, A3 or LeClaire; pa~er, lIelene Henderson, 44 of Omah~, Neb ,

+ + + Catholic Women to

whiCh Is to be held at Keokuk, be, C, -y, Smith, a grnduate ot the

Hold Convention at Davenport Oct. 23 .. 24

ginning next Monday, engineering college In lD24 Is 0.

Th'e lodges l'epl'esented will be the house guest at the Alpha Phi Alpha. M b • -tl D p t D'o em ers OL 16 ave-n or I·

Gwendolyn Moore Weds K. Brooks

at Sorority House Gwendol)'n Moore, A4 of Kno,<vlile,

daughter of Mr. anti 1111'S. C, E. Moore ot Knoxville, becamo the blide of Reith Bl'ool"., A3 Of Corn· ing, yesterday !Ll 5 I), m,

The ceremony took place at tlte Kappa Alpha Thetn 1I0Ul;O, tile Rev. 1m J. Hous ton otrlclatlnc-, Gla{lys Johnson, A3 of J']llswot' lh, and BarbaI'lL Kittredge, A3 pt Iowa Olty, were bt'idesmalds, nnd Ned I Turnel', A3 of Coming wrt~ best man. The wedellng ma rch wa~

played by Albct-la Gels, A3 of ~rus·

sllon , 0, A forl11al din nCr WflS held at the

sorority house Illlmedi~'tely ufter U10 ceremony.

The bride Is a member oC Kapptl illpha Theta aocia I sorOI'ity, Kal'Po. Phi lIletllodjst sorQI'ily, Whitby lit· oral'y socIety, und tho proso c lub. She won nWllerals In h'ocl,ey and was 0. member of the freshman com· mission. She Is at pt'ese nt employe.1 as exeoutlve secretary Cor the unl· v~rslty theatr~.

Mt'. Brooks Is employed as assis t· ant QlIs hler In the ocrlce ot Secretary Bntes, BOtil will continue thelt' worl, In the university.

+ + + SpartOf(t, W \lods

Wlord Ims been I'ccelved of the marriage of Ruby 'Woods of D es Moines, t o Hildreth S, Spofro"<1 Ilt Logan, '\'est VIt',glnla, Octobcr J 2. Both arc fOl'lllet' s tude nts of th!) unl· versity,

Mrs, SllUffol'tI, the do.ughtel' of Mr. and Mrs, D, L, W ooels of Des Moines attended the university for tOUt' yeal'S and WIl S a meillber or Kappa Phi, Melhodist sorol"ity.

Mr, Spaffol'd Is the son of Mr, anel Mrs, L. W. $pufrQrd of J ,,\VU City, t'ecelvlng his dcsree trom the col· lege of englneel'ln,g h OI'o last June. He is now engaged In sani tal'y en· glneerlng work o.t J>ogan, 'V, Va,. where the new homo will be made.

+ + + COllventJ0.fl of Slxt,', District Closes To«lay

OSKALOOSA, Oct, 14 (A')-'.rh o an, nual cnnventlon or til e sixth dis· trlct division of the Iowl\. F odel'atlon of 'VI' omen's clubs closed Its session here today without designnti ng n site fOt' the n ext meeting. No Invl. ta tlons were extended for the con· ventlon site next year.

Mrs, William Milcrl~t , Sioux City, state preside nt, 8 nd !\f1·S. Galen Til· den at Amcs, first vice jJreslde nt ot the fe.deratlon , addressed delegates 81Isembled here from eigh t counties,

+ + + Carnatlon Rebeka!), tho Iowa City houso this week·end. Mr. Smith is I' easan Council of Co.thQlic wumen Rcbekah, and the lodges tram Lonel employed as superl ntenden,t of the will hoW their annual convention at Tl'ee Oxford Solon and Frank A, A, Alexandl't, Constl'uctlOlI com· D 0 b 23 "24 This PIII'r-Ollllls p ' , t J K it aven port eto e.. an... .

lerce, pany n ansas ,y, ~onventlon is essentially a confer· Robel' t ,Yhltels arl'lyed Thursday The cpnvenllon Will last four days. Alfred Wilson , A2 of St,. Louis, I~ enee of Individuals anll organlza.- morning fmm Los Angelos to join

Mrs, Johnson Itn<\ Mrs, Bowman ~~nl~I.~g the week·end In Cedru lion'; enga/(ed In Catholic activities. his wife and vl~it [or 0. few days plan to drive through Monday and p~, The pt'ogram will Include men and with ,'tis parents. ])t'. nnd Mr/!, 'I',

, r emain for the entire scsslon, + + -r women throughout the state prom- R, ''IhlteiB, Lexington avenl.\0. + + + Alplm Tau Omegl\ inent In welfare worl<, including Ruth Rola ud returned to Chlea.

, ]J ,~.O, ~Jelllber.l\lllet Mr. nnd J\lrs. Gent"ge Van Vorst, Drumm of Pes Moines, the Rev, go Thursday night aftpl' 0. few days at Smith Dpme or UnIon l1l11, 111., "r'e vIsiting their Peter O'Leary of Des Moines, John viSit at tho h omo Of her fa ther, M.

Mrs, Arthur Smith. 421 S. Lucas ~on, GeOt'Hl', who Is It juniOr in the l .opp, dean of the social sc.ience de· I . Rolj\nn, , stl'eet, Wj\S hO,stess yesterday after' lIberul arts collcgl'. portmant of MlUqueUc university ilt Mrs. J. J. Sinn of Manning will '. noon to t~e Iowa City P. E, 0, Inem, E'l'od StillwelJ, L3 <If Sioux City, Mll wo.ukee, ·Wls., and Mrs, George V, spend the week.end \\"Ith h er daugh .

bel'S. Mrs. F, H, Jt'onda and MI~s Is spendJng this weelc·encl at his lIlcIntyre ot Chicago. ter, Luclile, a sophomorc in the unl. Chu'a Daly wero assistant hostesses, hom!!. Iowa City ,,"omen who will take verslty,

Mrs, L, T . Lawyer, lYll 0 was sent + + + part In the convention are lJ~len , lo"'ancls D , Shay and Lucille Ilt a delegate to the Supreme con· XI Phll'hi Madden, second vice pr~!Ildent of the P.ratlhes, both of Iowa City wer e ventlon of P. E. 0, members held Meml>el'~ of XI PHi Pill dent,,1 frit· cuuncll, Calh'erlne Mullin, Catherine married yesterday at 4 p, m, by Jus, jn Ok/nho,"", CIty last week gave 0. t ernlty Will hold theh' annual fall lJaschnagel, and Katherine $chnel· tlce of the Peace BUas J. IIug hes .

'. r eport· Mrs. J..u.wyer returned Sun· pUl'ty tonight at the cltal)te[' house del', day afto.' enjoying a profitable and ill 711 East ]lurllngtun stroet. Interesting ~onventJon program. Jones' orchestra will J)lay and c:hap·

Sandwiches, coffee, and Individual erons w\ll bo Dr, und Mrs, E. S. pumpkin pies wel'O served a.~ 1' 0' Smith und Dr, l.l. 1" , DelVe!.

+ + + Musician. Attend

All-Bach Con~~rt ireshments, Tho traternity announres the + + + pled~lng of Elroy Wilt, A l of North·

'. Dertn Zetll " Esther IIelmn, AI, a nd Mat·tlla

Blasel', A4, nrc spending tlte week· end at th'!!ll' homes In Davenport,

Evelyn May, Al, and Haze! Hink· h ouse, A1, are visiting at their homes In West Liberty this wook· end.

Helen Shevcland, A4 of Roeholle, Jll., will spend tho week·end In Mo·

.. line.


wood , nnd 'WlnlCred Heltel', Al of Melcher.

Thomas Giles, proteB8ol' of plano, lind a group of four music students,

+ + + lJO,rvcy Declter, A3 of ~Ioux City, Alph~ XI Delta I Alton Ill. Kuech;nann, A4 of Bur·

Alumn ae membpl's Of illpha. XI IIn;;;ton, Addison A1lspach. G of Delta so rority met at ill e bome of GrundY enter , and Harry Thatch· Mal·tho. ''VoodbuI'Y Inst even ing. l'r, G of Ruthvon, returned by Mi~s ' VoOdbul'Y o.nd Esther Sharp motor last evening fl'om Des B gors w et'e h os tesses. IIlisa Avan· l\(oines whel'e thev n tt~.,"n" ~~ -" . elle Pagelson of the active Chap tel' Tlach contest presented by tliQ ~DC4 was a guest at lho meeting, IIsh plllnlst, lIarold Samuel.


. And We Have Them J •

" All Styles and Colors ~ " •


Left to right: Thomas Roadel'lIi, Frank O'Neil. George Mintzer and Owen McTierney, assista.nt U. S, attorney'.3, lQoking over contraband reel of Dempsey-Tunney fight film which, somehow or other, got into New York. 'rex Rickard has been subpoenaed to explain all about it.

Zetagathians Hear Pastor's Address

in Open Assembly The n ev. Arthur L, "'c~thel'ly, of

Ih '" Unltal'lan chul'Ch, drllvel'etl a tnlk on "'I'he At't or. Rtuc1yln"," at the open m et>tinl! of Ze tugatilian Jlt, crary socloty lust night at 8 o'clnek at :.\etngaLili a ll hall. 'rhls w~'s the fil'st or a series of loctul'es to bo givon by loenl m en at ZctagaLhlan IllPctings.

1I1usic u ntl 0. humorous debatc compl~ted the program which hn d been I1.t'I"angell to ncquttLnt the vis l· tors with the worl< ou)(1 the PU I'J)OS(' or lil e society.

A series ot ploys to be presentetl with lIesperlo. IItel'lu'y SOCiety ha.s hern arranf,ted [01' tho yen I". rpllC in· t",'est Rholl"n RO fA t· hns given thv nlen's sorleties co n fldence In (he success of the yool' and IIIot" fc:t· turps arc und o,' way for future pro grams.

Freie Does Field W crk in Oklahoma

Alvin Fr(>le, Instructor in the de' IJltrtment of gpolot;"y, sp('nt the sum· mcl' doing geological work in south· west Oklahoma, He spent th(' greater part of his timo in lhe An' l Itdarko basin, northwest of the AI" l)uCkle mountains and north of tho 'V lchlta mounta ins . The basin ex' teml .. in thl' "pan·handle" or Texas.

IIII'. Frelo's study center~t1 maLnly I IIIHln "sPPI·tainlnJ( th e origin am! ('I{.

t ent of the sediments of the ha"ln, His resenl'oh work done on this trip will fUl"fll sh part of lhe material for I1 ls doctor's thesis.

1>111 Hoppa P si

An infol'mal da ncing party Wa$ hl'l(\ at the l'hl K appa PSI chaptet' hou se la,t night.

Mush- was furnished by th e Ft'i· vo\lty Five,

Miss M, C'lmllbeli, o.nd MI', and Mrs, ',",uteI' Davis wel'o chal).,.Ol1s,

+ + + C~ lj lisllpa Pi

Dinn('I' gueats at Ihe Chi Kappa PI house Sun(\'lY will h(' PI'Qf, and 1I1rs. Charles 1'lppetls, a nd Prof. and Mrs. A. Ct'aig Dairtl ,

+ + + AI(Jba Delta T)i

Pauline Sh"rp. A~ of Detroit, Michigan , was a dinner guest at th'C illpha Delta PI house W ednesday evening.

WSUI Program

The following \lro,gram will bo given ove .. WSUI toclay;

9 a, m, Markets, 10:30 a. m. News hour, music,

2 p. m. Iowa· ,Yo bash football game.

7:30 p, m, Irene Ruppert, vliin· I~t HQd pianist, Velma Tobin ac' companlst.

A Marvelous Picture


T 0 Fit An-y Purse Evenilll Go~ns-



,. ,.

$20 to

$50 You MUlt See Th~m t9 Appreciate Valuea

• • • • • • • • • • •• ...............~ + • 1 ......... t • t • . ,


We have just received a l~rge assort-ment of formal evenin.g gown~ .

The models we are showing carry with them that loveliness and distinction which can only be found in adaPtiQns from the famous Paris customers.

I~wa qty's

Fashion Ce"ter

Second Floor , I

Take the Elevator

( \ ~ I • f "A

Saturday, October 15, 1927 Saturday, Oc

rco L -Social


Events: Hij Phi E ps ilon 1'1 • - Mrs. Jol Bartow to Report

Visit to Summer Sci-:nce Congress

Phi Epsilon Pi en tertained Mr, 0 ( and MI·s. 111. II. Cohen of Dill! pen Moines, M I'S. L . O.'ansley of Cedar

'---' 1'1'0 (. Edward Bartow, head of the

chemistry deportment, will lecture Monday night at 7:30 p, m . at the Initia l meetlnl; of the loW;). section or thl? il.l)lel'lean chemistry society, His Hubject will be "Observation In F.:tll·oue dUl'lng the Summer Vaca' lion of lQ27,"

Rl\.plds, nnel MI's. N, Chapmun at W h Iowa City, o.t dinner last IIlght. it

Dlnn.., .. guc"t~ o.t the ohnptcr hous.

Professor Bartow was 0110 of the c\plegates to th e meeling of tho Inlel'n>ttlonal congress ol l'UI'O and ItJlpil~c\ chemistry held at 'Varsa"" Poland and his trdk will Incl ude a nmo.' t of the meoting of the co n· greflS,

The lecture w I\] also includc a cJl sc u ~sfon Qf his visits tQ Industrilll plant~ In Poland, l'ro.neo, Dcnmnrle, n nn (lorma.ny, "'pe sa lt mines, the fac tol'y of arliflclal si lle, t extile mills, and a plnnt for tlto fixati on or 'lill'oS"cn lire points of partleulat· Interpst.

PrecedlJ1!, Ihe meeting, there will be I' (linnel' Ut 6:30 p, rn. for the members of the American chem· Islt'y society aIHI theil' guests, at the illnha Chi Sigma house.

PrOf. L . Charles Ralfol'd, local councilor of the lown section of the sooiety, wi ll report on tho Detroit meeting oC the A morican Chomlcal socle!}·. Pro!es~or Hopkins of Ill inois uni·

versity, discoverer of a new clement culled IIUnl um, will lecture at the November meeting of the clull ,

- ..




and Favors

OIYI, Cat, Witch and Pumpkin Cnrapoal'd Cut·O\lts Crepe Paper Hats

D ecol'ated CI'e!l!! Po.per Lllnterns -- Shades

Tallies -- ,Place Cal'ds

Thllrsday" nig ht were Dt's, ,l'nlow and Goldberg of the u'liversl t)' ho., plttti.

+ + + OE'l'tu, SI,Wllb Delta

Mrtl ' le ,\ro lll ng, E 2 of l~ sthpl'vlllo, 1M .~pcndln!; tho wcole·ond at Hazel. ton.


Dolores Del Rio

us "Carmen"

F ires The Senses!

Unitarian Church

Arthur L. Weath·

erly, Minister

Service at 10:45


SCIENCE: The Foe tind All~ Qf Religion

Attend the Game and Help

BEAT WABASH! and then visit the Hawk's Nest for

your refreshments

You'll Clnd the Whole gang het'o­telling OC Smith's !lunt, Bab catch· ing 111 0 pass, a nd qlassgow's plunging and rnd runs -- In r'lcL footbali and lk'!.wk's Nest o.ttnOll· phel'o 0.1'0 fast becom ing Insepal'o.blc,


HAWKS NEST Under the new Valencia


The Episcopal Church 8:00 A. M.

The Holy Communion Being the tnird Sunday iu the month, this is

the Student Corporate Communion . Breakfast is served in the parish house after the service,

9:30 A. M. Children' I Church

10:30 A. M. The Nuraery is Open

Bring your young children to the Nursery, A com\)etent nurse is in charge and will keep them fbI' 3'OU, free of charge, while you are at Church,

Morning Service and Sermon 10:45 A. M. 4:30 p, M.

Confilmation Claaa This class is open to all, whether contemplat­

ing confirmation or not. Today'/! lecture is on "Church History."

6:00 P. M~ Pariah Supper

To hear the Rev. Wallace Essingharn. A few reservationil are still available. Call 804,


Group A Follow

of 1\ TOI'" Y'

North l~o·

1'1'01'. 1 L I" 9:30 a. m.

of seeUl'lng by pupil. il Parke.' Joiln'

JO a, m, AC: UOJl oC I.h (' f the tcachlng omctI'Y.-l'l'ol

10:30 n, III

matics nnd S E, Sinught,

, D\:

2 p. nl . Fool vs. Iowa a t 1

Mathcmatics :ll1d towns a ll u In Iowa City ye second Il nnua I erg of rnd them" unde.' the a us!>! educatiOn a nd IIInlhematlc~,

The i"dday O]1l'ned at 9 :30 I Old CaI>ltoJ. AI and welcome w, \y, Chittenden department,

C. N. Mills, mllUcs a t the S Hity nt NOI'mnl, ference with a junior hlg l\ 5ch problem~,

Pl'Ofessor 111111 or the junlol' b Inception In lSHE He divided the cUrl'lculu!l\ Int< present day Ilee lorlal, methods ' psycholol,'Y" oC t

~lrs. Joll Eisio Parker

Park high seho( IVIlS presc!,\ted to n short dIHcussl 01 the talk of 1 theme of her 1 pat'lson of cIa Q:::.r and C classes." cd out the, diffe ' found in the m (he Instruction ( 1lllpeamnce o[ I

com]h1I" e[ fore tests hn. VI!

Ins- to thq... spea .IVery fow ch

made after this MI'll, John son ~L

('omp:lI' ~rr9, John son

Unrlh'c thing. II

He lacks the 01 lind consequentl) himself a. a stu (his kind It grOL iug Is necessary C student learn, ~'r9 , Johnson, ' I~arns t hrough ~ necessary to giv opportunity to ! posslblc,

Prof. H. E. f the guest speak« Johnson on the I in the intelligen ing that In his had louml that

C stutlent" gr, gl'Oup immccJiat~

had been cured The third spen

se~slon, Prof. Ul m"thematlc" <l


/ \ -81

-v -So


- Al R -

Saturday, October 15. 1927 C\

The Daily lowah. Iowa City , r Q t • ;- co I .

tlt~ High School Mathematics Teachers FinishPr l I ----- 1 •

~ Mrs. Johnson to ~~ '~I~:~l,~~: 0\~1;~;~~.~~~~~01~~~:;1!: 'Tv.:versity School Fiwflt1'lSl trsintagrtMeCnlash Organl·zed Labor to ntertalncd 10Ir Iy, "Tho bl'lght nnd lh e dumb," 4 U Cohen of ~ 0 C --! r l'rofcN~ol" Dnkl'l" explai ned t1wse dlf· H N C ln~ky of Cedar pen orne ence rCI·cnccs (ollowlng the c\MNlflcatlon as I ew ourse ~gaipst ijoosiera

Officials Believe in Stillmunke's Guilt

r~~~~~:~l~:u: With Discussioij ~::~~~:~!~~~;;~~~n~l:~he:~~~~~e ~c~~ Gids Get (C1~NTINUED ~'j{OM PAGE 1) Enter Active Politics 1'0 DI·H .. I'Blow morning ses..siOn of lfte confl'rence. • play of lho Ingwers ","coached ng· Investigation Reveals

Merchant Clutched $1,000 Cash

ulliverslty has. 'rite conference dlnne,· Ill~t ve· Instruc~ion In Use gre,,-¥-lIon In the Ohio frny will hav Group Attends Game ntng, at wilich PI·of. J . F. iUl y act· M h t hl;' OPflOl·tunlty tOc\ay to (letcrmlT)e Carpenters, Joiners

Reenter After Separation

to mrn In obullnlng an elght·hou r dn:, IInli oil (f~ld WOl'kol·ij throughou L the country III cutLhll( down lhell· hours of labor. oC J~slllel· l'llie

at lIa~el:




is is is


Followl'ng Close ed (I" to(tRtmaRler WM rollowN! by of ac ines whethc I· th~ awkcyea played ovql' an Inful'nll.,l synlPQslum . .... ! lh II' h()ac18 01' wel'e jll ~t nt\.ll1l'~l

of Meeting Glrle of the eighth gradc. a t 1 h,c whclI lI1CY h eld th e hlj:"hly toutod

Ingham tp Speak University school arc takltHl :1 HpCC· J3u cl(c)'e eleven On cv('n t el·ms. Some hold that the Iowans hlu1 an "un"

TODA V'S I'ROGIt;\;\[ Inl courPe In honlp nl('t'hanlc!\ nt doy while ij tlll othet·1I contend that 1,0:-; A N(HJr.l-.:~. I)N. H. (II') Ol'.

North Hoom, Oltl Capllol Here Wedne<>v,day J1 a.m. on 'J' u('~dIlY" an(\ '1'hllrKdays. lot"O'IV(I\lSmat chhClnlleo.rmal play oC the Old gnnlz('<i l"h(ll· CIO.NI Its .lnnu'll COli· Prof. ll. L. Hlpt7-. p,·esldll1l~. .. The course htls oeen a l-rnngeel oY gr~H~ hN· today With ., d('tcl·mill:l· 9:30 n. fll .• I.ddl·e~": JlIN hoc1H 1 I I I h tilt t· I Itt Louis Newkirk. instructor In bnOf) I n the Incup w 1 c 1 Cone tlfln to 1>"r C P<I (' nc IVC y. lU no

of s('('urlng origin,,1 thinking --.. Vaug-han will send agai nst the as u. party, In lh nallonal )lol:lIcltl uy pUlllls In gcom(,L1·y.-"~islo Harvey I ngham, cdltol· or lhe Des wol"l(. Il Is not the Mme one which lJ a wkcyrs a l'e three velcrans who campaign or 132R. 1,lrkcl· Juhn~Ln. l\1g.jncs n ('glstcr, wil l Illlcak at a the ])OY8 take, llut Ims boen \;orkcd al·e In th eir thh·d ycar of eompetl · 1'h ~ flnnl a(\monilion of " 'IIIi/lIn

10 lL. m, A(ldrc~s; The aJlllllca- unlv('rs lty rount1 tllllio conCcrcn ce out especially Cor tile girls. pon. They sta rted their college foot· (;1·<'1:'11, prcHI(lenl of llw .t\m(,I·lc,.r, lion of tlle funellon I·o ncellt In Wednesday , Oct. 19, In 1I10 sf!na tc The p urposc or the course I" to IJal l carcer on Iowa field three yeal·s F l l ~rall\ln of Labor, In bringing-the teachIng or a lgl'hl·" and ge· clHlmoer of Old Ca pItol. 'l'ho cdlt01· teach !(l d R Lhe ueo a n" c"r o or ago wh~n th ey outplayed a lHl out· the fortY ·Hcve nLh 'lnllual conveh· ometl"y.-ProL C. N. Mills. will spenl; InCorllln\1y of hi s recent mechanical devices 'n the hOlue and scol·Cd the Hawkeyes the first haJ( lion to (In cnrl, was that <'Itch 111 ~h1·

10:30 :t. m. AddrC"s: 1I1athe· t ri p abrOad. communltl'; to teuch ti1l'llJ the t1s~ of but faltered In th e seconel a nd lost 1)er do his 8hlll"0 In tho bl!)" pollUcll1 matics nntl Bunshino.-Prof. ll. lItr. Ingham visited the lc:\.dlng the commonest tools; to 1lI1l1; e liHlm out. g(>8tures next year. E. Sinught. ('()untl"ies of Eln·oflo with a party It 11101·0 effic! nt pal·t Of t~ c fa",\ I)' 1'ho Iloosle l· s a r e rcputed to . be I\. Th~ fe!1('rut:OIl, whOsl' !{nthHillg

DiSCussion of Amel'lean newspAI)N· 1I1CI1. ne gl"OUP, anti also to give Ihem a li gh t a l1q fast team that has a de.\(\ · tills year wnll declared ill' C;rcen t il

('ontil'l11l1 It1'1':1t" & hoolH Thc I·esolutlon COlnmlttec'H rp]lOl·t

]ll"tlhdl ll,.. wOI'k or th (><1l'I·'lt.ion'" (){]uratiooal bure[lu condem ned · rur· ul achool~ Of t,hl' rnunny as In~cle·

qlln ll' Hnd <ie"eribed nq '"\lcrntclou:f "'htLt it !!rlld WCI·C Icgls'atlve ilL· tempts to determIne the conlents o( ~or:nl n.nt1 h;ologl< .. I "clc nc(' In pub· 11 13 "~hool tex t books. 0]11)0,,11 Ion (\o"plopell but the report wns car· !lucl .

White Opens Iowa Series of Lectures

HICKAUDR\' (LUJ, Oct. ].I (i1')-Th n tl f1Ulhs or ~,Ii·. nml 1\11'11. (: 01'~Q

l"tillmunkr:; on,l Ule!!" 1'·'1.!l';~trt"

N:l.lrpn~, I~ ye;'r9 c\ I, ,'·m'o hellll~ . 'lYE"'tigatNl trllay ill ,m effort to ,Iptennlne ,;hcth«· t11l"im thllt 9 VCI t thclr 110 (lro001 "·clln~~du)'

nl",ht W~H nrrilknt.l\l c~· I II~cndlll,·Y. ::;U>;I)lclon tlDt ::;tj;lmunl, <:, n l?c:1I

m~rclmnt, hau I~nl ell lhe nil r '11,<,,1 I'\lgs round mor tll l.~d:, or 1)' wl\' and dn ushter was "I)" n·;thc'lo(1 whE'1l a >:ultc·' c cC'ntninln:; ,\ thou!'· 'lnd dollurs In c·,"h :In(\ Import·lllt documents was fonnl (Iutel'l'.i III hl~,

hantl ns he lay all'ctch 11 upon t'te floor.

A cOI'oner'r; jury wiH IJn ('q~I"~ll 2 I)· m. Footlxlll g"Ot~: ,\'uba-Il wall ]It\l" ticulorly Inl reste4 In the knowlc(lge or rel a t d scien ces· Its ly aerial aUacl, which ht\~ ac ount· be a rOUI·s~ In ('con~mlc~, IIerl1nll 11)

\'s. 10wo. aL I owa ~'lell1. 1V0rl(lnr,s of the wol"id court, of purp08e Is also to make them !amil· ed ror Its three vlctol"lc8 thl8 8ellso n. none that could hc ('xtended by [tny Mathematics te:lchcl·S tl"0111 cltle~ which ho Is an advocale. lar with t' lec trical dcvlcps. an,l to 'l'he eollqglans offensjve wOO]lons In· unlver"!Ly "Ill holrl n(>xt year'~

nml to\vns nil UV('J" the stat(' arJ"lv~d Defore Ipavlng for ¥ut.upo early In 'i"h·e tlWln u. consumer's knowl • ..:lge elu de u. lat('ral pass play whlcl. has conv('ntlo~ at New Orleans be~ln· In lown. City YeHterdlLy to atl('nd tho the sum mer , Mt·. Ing ha m was hon. or lhese lhtn!;s. J.>ecn effective. AlIllluys at'e '1t a rted nlng Nnv. 2l.

«('ONT1NUED l~nOM: PAGE I) I within two d~r< , It hn~' her·n fin· _______________ IIUUncc(l, nno! until thell 'nv("·lIg:\t · dUHll·!,,1 reguintion Ll1I"ClUgh law. Jlll t Ing- official.; have refu;Jeu to lI11I'e in this decade, what the (ol·mer ,I,-c· llny statemE'ntR.

~nd annual ronfc l'cnc(' of teach· by II- IJanquet In Des 'Molncs. '.rhe gil·fs arc being t a llc;ht II) the (rom the same formation that Notre f 'II'pontcl·1! a n,1 ,Joinl'l·s Rc·cnlet· , I ~ I I I Id h el ctrlcal , woodwor lr , finlshln", ceo Dt;ll{e usef$. The Hooaiel· qua rtel·· "'h '· I,·lilor executive declared the ers of mal )cmat CS lC nl';"· ' I' ore which celebl·alcrl Lho twenty·p(t\l a h· ·r ,. ~ v

unller tho aUSlllc 9 of lho college of nl vCl"snry of hi s 0(1I tor8hl l) of tile m ent WQrit, Illumblng, auto I11cehnn· back "tapds dir-cetly ba~k ot center out.tun(lIng develo]Jnw nt at (he co n· education and the dCI)(\l"tmen t of Register. Ics, a nd metal soldering llivislons. thus cOvllrlng up the ]llay more tll'U\ "pntlon was the rl'-enlry Into tht, 11"lholnatlc'·. In tile electrical divis ion, th~'y lpa t·n If the bacl<fleld tool, other orrens lve 1lull<lln" tl·a,le8 departmenl fold of - " Mr. lng-hAm wn" grnrluat ocl from ~

'1'116 Frl<lay mornlng session th .. University of I owa with the class to fix doorbolls , rell1ace fuses , and ]losl tl ons. the United Brothel·hood of C"l.I'pen, Ol~n.d nt 9·."0 Il,· tile I)OI·lll roon' of to connect radio sets. In \\ool1wol"l( orrell and BaYN· arc the 111gb t"rll ancl Joiners. 'rh:s was effected ~,<, ., of 1880. In the words of Prof. Fred· Otd Capitol. An Introductory s\)eech erlcl{ J. Lazen of lhe school or they a r e taught the use of the s imple llghlll In the 'Wabash backfield that ill nrc·convention confc\·en("e artcl "nIl Il'elcome wns given l)y PI·of. ~. I h I hand tools. are eXI)ected to cause tho H awk· I the <"I"·penters ancl joiners had slood " journalism, " MI'. ng UI1I H 110W con· . L \Y. Chittenden of the mathematics How to apply pulnt and varnish , eyes somo WOITy. Captam oer, apnrt fl·om the huilding trades unit dep'lrtm .. nt. slderecl one of the most brilliant and to I~Cinlsh fll!"l1lLlIre Is ~)([)lain· McCorkle and Vlnel' r ahk as their I for morc th an six years as a I'CSUIt

journalists In Amedca· I thlnl{ lha t eel In tile finishing divis ion. In outstand ing linemen. l" JUI·I,,('lctI011ul (ll.~ut~. C. N. Mills, professor of m::Lthe· I II I I ('ot c . n e fo • ,I .- ,

adc fougllt for most bltte l'ly hos becl1 accom plishcd heyond greateRt Inlllg. InlllA". It has been clone withollt l ~g· islation through maSij ]1rot111 0110n, by [Luick saleR and ndvertirlnb".

8UI1llus )<'or .1ustirCl A great rr<)nornlc surpl\lS h as ])~cn

1)lIed up thnt llIl" bl'Olll!;ht ohollt n common justice ncvC'r lmown b eroro In th(' hlstcn·)' of tl1 (' WOl·ld. Otlwr n a tions have horl cCOlloml' lIul"pill!l but it has heen based on tho i)ittcr· n eAS of iniustke.

t w )(' a gr, ('xp rIc C r plumbing the (;h'ls arc Icnl·nlng to )<' it-st TelLll! to S tal't 'I'mlny·s short session of the tell. ~;~I~~ ~o~::~al~~I~Q, ~~~~';~ll~;i;~~: :,l;~~'.;, who will he Iwlvllegc(\ to h eat" fix ruucei~. III cement work the~ No shock troops wi ll start the ('!"ntion was mtUlted by dcellU.lltlon~ fln"n~lc~ l~nlt~~~; 01:~rl~' ~1~12~~(H~~h ~~Ill~ r~rcnce with Il dlscuF~lon of the make flower box~s and leal'n how game (or Iowa, Coach Ingwersen has that lnule unionists :u·e not ]l'\CI· the toil and turmoil It has c,"u~ed. junior hlgl\ school and ~otntl u( Its to mix (·cment In small quantities. Indicated. 11e will probably put !lsts. It was said that thl'Y wCI·e As rcnlut'les go by th ere .wtll be l\ problems. Wh' C d The method of fixing punctures, and fot·1I1 an ev~n stronger team than o)Jposecl to war, but reauy to fight n ew motive In liCe. l~very 31(0 ha s

1'1"0(e5501' Mills tl·acPd thc growth Ite on emns lubricating CtlL·S arc taught in auto the one whiCh started against OhiO lor freedom. hnd n. n~w Jl~yr·hololtr !llld n. nm\' of the junior high Rchoal fl·om It. Military Training mechanics. 'The .-;ha"pening oC whlcb means that Ani'll! will be at Tho conventio n, only about halC man. Our great economic freedom Inception In 1888 till the 11\·(>scnt day. knives Is taught In metal soldering. fu llback and Cooley at end. These of wllnse m0mbe .. ~hlp of nearly 400 I~ gOing to produce" !;l"ealer man lie dtvl(letl the junior bl!l'h IIchoul two men strengthpn Iowa In two cle· ,'/(l' lH·pscnl at the fit\lll Re,,!on. th:ln eny ar.;e 11:l.:.: 'n. 'rhe te!lr cunlculull\ Into fOUl' ]lhase~: the (CONTINUED FR01l1 PAGE]) pa .. tments, ))unling ll.l1d forward "otetl unanimously in fnvorln'l n motivE' in thP ]lngt th'tt hn ~ lil.ompL. present day nee(ls, scl(>cUon of rna· or In tact to playa VCl"y Inlll01' tant Baltimore Woman passing. It was Al"mll who threw commlltec declaration that trude eel mnn to build up this wl'ullh will terlal, methods of tcachll1~, and the part In any national electlon. 'l'he S k f H six consehUlive completed ]lasses unlonl.ts ure;c frlcndlY r lations !)e· drop," 8,ll.1 l\1 r. ''I"hlt<:'. psYcbology of the cu .... lculum. c('mlne; ]1residentlal electloa will lIot pea s or ome against 0 10 whil e It was Cooley tween nallons o( :\orth Ame .. lc,t. '1'1)(>11. as hlB tlnal words, he dellv.

'[-. Jollnsoll Spenl(s E 'G who got of! a few fo .. ty and forty· "" '0 m·e not J>adfis ts" I I· I • (I I ·1 Elsie ~)~~ker Johnson or the Oal{ be In[luenced In the least by the conomlcs roup five yard 1(lck8. ""'(' Arr not paclf"t~," thc I.('pon OI'P(" Itt r 1110 ;',,\goo' 0, 1(']l1l 0 •

(arm group, ho thinks, which forms ophy tha t 11:18 !;uided him through Park high schOol at Oak Park, Ill., ,t baslg (Ot. his holding that Dawcl! JURt who will start at the leCl saW. "\\"1' al"e ready to (lght fOI al\ hiB life. was flre~~ed to the conf~rcnc(> aft'I" and Lowden do not ~t'lnd nlUch Elizabeth Shannon, he!ld of the tackle position fOt' Iowa Is uneer· OUI· ('conomlc and political I"i!(ht.. "Nothing Is so well worth whtlc a short d



l1fand !j~llcl~lltlO~Iinl g cha nce of getting thl! repulllican ~~a~)(l.t.~lt~nellnJt\l.t °J(n.tltduets.~gunt :O/Inltlm~~:, tal In. JeStse~ thlalss appekarbedti~t·tlhat BI ut we dllcPlo .. e, 1ylels, a

l Ohor[: ",COnom · 0.11 to follow one'" ,'Islon", whntrver

of the La It 0 ro e8Sor" s. '10 nomination. "Though," he dlpIO." ,,, 0 ~. ro e mos 0, 1 wee U J las c as we DR po tea WAr nrr. 1I11'y arl', and trust the ]lower of theme of her paper \\"ll~ .'.\. com· matically added, "evcrythin!( Is a ll Md., Is being brought to Iowa City been chll'fly to get him l"eady fOl· "Labor mver wili SUlTc>ndu· it' 1·!g\1t(,OU":1P ~S to mnkn UUl" (I rca 11111

It is hl'lievcd by nei~hhol·~ thnt Stillmunkcs. who Is .aitl to have quarreled with his wl(e about tllcir hURlnc,,~, wnit~d until Ills wifo antI t1~ L1l=;hter J·etlr~d, IlghtCll the fi r", and was oV('reome with clea,lIy (UIIIOS hcfore ho ("(lul,1 \cave th" rOl'm. In <I'llHtiulI to tile 1II0npy In the "uitc~s(', II IHlrst' containing

From the

-. .....

Paris Cleaners Phone 68

parlson or elno::.!·oom t('~hnlquc In A guess WOl.1t so fill.. ="10 one knows under tll(' aUSI)lccs of the nomo 8 co· the Im]lortant c lash with the Qo· rlghl to fight for freedllln lind we como tt.lle." ijod C classes." Mrs. J()l\m;on Il~lnt· anyLhlng for ~ert.."" nomics club .• 11," ShannOn will !,:Ive phers next week. Present Indications 1J()lIevc lhnt 110 country Is fully (I·e' __ ===============-========= cd out tJ~ dlHerE'nces that ~he Im.l Speol<ing again, as the mlssien'tI'l. a lecturl' on wooel block printing are that Schleusnel· will Stal' t with pOlitically until its wOI·kers art !o\lnd In t\'e mcthods neceSS3.I'Y in (or the i(leal (]pmocra~y an(1 tho 1><> Monday fit 4 :10' I)· m . In the auditor!· J ssen I·eady to rcli(>ve him. (ull. fn>e I'conomlcaJly." the Instruction of thedse I;I·OUP9

1· Thle Itlcal sagC', I1 C So.l Ii, "lhe part)' SY3 u mAnoCexO:,E',.llII'toll(E' ~~~:,~ns~~l:,C:O~?sil~~~K 'I'he fight fOl· rlgl

lll h~lfblack posl· ThE' convcntlon VOIC

I e<1 lets arPld,rov ,

appearance of 0. Stu ent fila <p~ t t ell1 i., not essential to ,1~11I0rt.'1I.' ~ " tlen has becn cont nul'u t lis weel_ III of ,t measure call ne; or e ern rom paraUycl)· ell")" to pi:tce him hp· \\." haven't a llemocrncy }101l". jllst will be o))rn to thE' 11Ublic ali <lay and it Is uncel'taln ·whether Glass· lion as~lslalll'e to ="IE'W 1'01'1< fh·1' (ore tests have been given accord· ~'>III"lhlng we ('all by thaL Jlall"', :I!onday In room 202 of the home reo· gow or Smith will s tart. Both are Ing to th(>,spcaker. ilut \\".(, nrc progressln.;." nomics hulldlng. AlIcC' BrJghal11, as· ground gainers of abilltl' but Glass·

·'Very (ew changes have to b.' ][~ admitted that I)olltlca l parties ~Istunt \ll'ofessor of home pconom· gow holds 3n oulllidc edge because mnllc after this sight t:iasslflcutloll, m.c not the ]lower thcy would IIk~ Irs will bE' in charg-e l,f the exhibit. of 11is more general all·around use· ~h~. Johnson staLed. I" h" but that lh~y aro successful antl she will be assisted by memberS fulness.

('ompam StlUl rnts machines for gC'ttlng lhe l)Coplc to of the Home Economics club. Oth~l· ehan'geR which are apt to be l[rs. johnson l)olnte<1 out two Ills· vote. Miss l:ihannon'R w(wk is natIonally made In tile Iowa lineup are the end

Unellve thlng~ ahout tile C student. '. ' ['hp (I.ouhle with OUr national Imown and she Is consldere(l one ()t posl liollH. Carlson has been ou t J1e lacks the ability to cone,'ntmtc fJoJitll'~1 pnrtles? Ju~t arterloscler. the autllo~itie~ In hel· chosen I>I·an ch most of the week with an IntecleeI lind co n~e'lucntly fails to ul~tln;;ui~h fJ~ls," he conclu(INl. of worl{. She wlll come hot·e after arm caused from a boli while Orlmm hlmSl'lf as a stullent. In n class of ( 'l":tlt-iz(s Collcj.(c .Journalists having mad~ an exhibit in the wom· hall been out with a similnt· ail. this kind a gl·oup methOd of teach· "'I'he chief fflult Of tho eo]'('ge. pn's elull 110UHe at K1.nsas City. menlo Doth, however, worked out


as "CARMEN" Ing Is necessary. ··1 find lhat th" trained joul.nallsl-ol. any othC'r. fo .. Next shc will gO directly to New yesterday and one of them wlll be r student learns by succes~es; said III t IIIntter-" a.sorts :\h .. '\'hlt~, York fOI· a n exhtbit at the Art Cen· at left end when t.he game opens. Mrs. Johnson, ",,·hi!p the A tynn " JH that. he alls01utcly can not "pell. t~I·. Either uhel Ot· Cooley wll\ be at Fl·res the Senses.' 1 arn. thl·ough mistakes. It is thut;. t l(I1ow U. younr.; IlCII'SP:LI1C1. 111(11\ 'l'h0 exhibit and the lecture will t he other flank with present condl. lIl'C8ssary to give th(> C stud<>nt an I"I.;ht no,,". who hn.s jll~t gra,luat<:', ' be Ollen to anyone who wishes to tlons lavol'lng 'ooley l)ecause ot his opporlunlty to sLleceE',l tt~ oftl'n as f'.Qm Harvprcl who Rpells tile wor<~ attend. l\lcl11iJcrs of th e home eco· ~U])erillr punting abllltj'. llOJ8I'ibll" '"weu\" ".u .fe.1. nomic. (]CilOrttncnt and th~ art de·

PrOf, H. E. Sla\lght, anolhel· or " If I harl m~' way." contlnllCI~ I ]lnrtmel1t will be espeCIally inter· :~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~'~4~'~'~'~.~'~'~'~'~'~.~.~,~.~,~, ~.~.~, ~,:.:.~,,~. :,~'~'~~~ j l the guest speakers, que:;tioned MJ'8. :\fr, '\~11it(\, Hwhen a ~tudcl1t "'l~hed ested. i.· . . . . . . . ; . Johnson on the Importancp' oC health t ~ .ad at from colle"" 'IS li e A tea wlll be ht'ldl nfter th e lecture . th I till f L II t 1 • Q ~ [ 11 e ", ' t I I r til HOI e E no· JO e n e gence () s u en s "' ~. (.[1)110 up lO I.ccclvp a rliJlloma. tJlP 0 p: ve m~m )(>I"H 0 en, Ing thaI In hl~ own cXlleri~nce he nomks club the opportunity to m eet had foun(1 that It lar!;c num b<>r of rr'·~I(lIng oWc"!" wO\lltl [11.(> tllrec l\1iss Shannon.

\\"orrl~ at l.ltn. n nd if he f:LlIl'c1 to C ~tullents gn,lun.t"d i lito the A. "111'11 tho~e thr('(' 1I'0rel" correctly,

group Immediately Ilft01' tilelr health ha,.k hc SllOU!11 go. not for onc. hut htU! been cared fol'. (or fnul' 8101'e y<,ars of college tra in.

Tho t.hlnl spenl(er or lho mOl"lllns- Ing." tiC~slon, Prof. Un. P. Bukcr, of the ~I

Elementary School Children Receive

Physical Exams mllthemllll~" dppartnwnt. snoke



Building Pennit ('II V In spcO"lol" c. A. l{nlPhor

c,·,u.INI n bu·I<1lnl'" pprmi L yC'stenlay 1'1 Mo(frlt an ll B·akesly, rea1tOl·s r', r th(' rrrrlion or a bungalow nn nUI1t1cll lIlt·pel. 'I'll valIJ e or tho £[o]lerty wil l hI' ~3.500.


1>l ol"e t hnn 234 ohll(ll·cn Of the un I· vcrHlty e lementary school were !dvE' n physIcal l'Xllll1 ln atloll~ by Dr.

11Rrles Jlawk , Of U,,.. ph ysical ('(lu· cnllo n dcpartmellt 'j'hurwluy and Friday.

For Results, Use Iowan Want.Ads

'rhe E'x:l1l1l nallons \\'el·~ formerly con(luctl'cl hy the stu I nt Iwalth de· partment, hul the L1l1lver·slty physl· ["0.1 eclu(·ation del13t'trnent, untlel· th e rllr etlon of Pau l 1;;. Belting, wli t had ch[lr~e.


New­Better Millinery

Trimmed Hats- Individual in Style­No Two Alike- Oferr Exceptional


The flared cuff, the side "wings," deftly-con­trived tucks-trimly tailored hats with flatter­ing lillie "nose veils" half concealing the eyes, and metallic skull caps with their rich colorings. You will enjoy choosing ~ hat that is at once in­dividual, wearable and becoming from this inter­csti ng collection,

i i




Bobbed and L~rae Head Sizes


Univ~rsity Book Store

on the cqrner






I .. -, -.. --·u··,~~.!c-!. · - -



What 'about a big Juicy Steak with 1M ushrooms · etc.


Jefferson Hotel Cafe ALWAYS

SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER ................................. 1.25

Music Sunday, 12 to 1 :30, 6 to 7 :45

Music Daily G to 7 :45


TABLE D'!IOTEl DINNER EVERY DAY ............ S1.00




IJ"UNDREDS of new OVC1·ccnt., to Ge­l. lect from - Distinctive - E"d~­

sive - Out of the ordinar~'. Sec o~:l" smart winter coat~ for the Col!ege M"D

Select One for ch Game Today

r Page 1

?;'~G :1I111 IL dlnmoll,l l'lnr; wun fuund t:!IIler one o[ t ho lJ",l~.

:\11". llnr1 :\11.,.. Ktlllmnnl<l" \\,el·o de',,1 wh(·n l"I'acho,1 I.y II rel'l,l paving crr\\" Cnmll<'d n ~,·hy . II' 1 their dnul>:ht~l · wn~ I ",lIctl r 1m tit!' flame~ to dl!' the n~'"t mornln!': l\l

a Dubuque ho"])ltal, ~~I·~ v'n" awak· ened h~' the flome". ~he Lold 11O"l1lto.l nttend:l1lt~, to ~PO her molhN· on the liN] an(l her futhl't· crouchc<1 In l\



Fifty Cent Lunches or a In Carte Orders

Eleven to Two

Afternoon Tea , Two until Five

Forty Cent


S~venty~Five Cent

Dinners a la Carle sc··vice Fi'.'e until ~_ven


Me,ll Tickets

12<1-2 E. W 'h:ngton

--~( --==-.,;

nE.\D lOWl N i~' :<IT ADS

..... 11:.01' 'I'D "IOCU.~ 1' .... file -'-I. ted Pr.- .. esulU8lftlJ' .UtJe4 te -

II< .... pubheahoD of all D.... .u.p&tch. cre4lte4 tAl It .. DOl otherwl"" credited tD LhJ. paper. ad al80 1M '-I ,_ JMI~ tlMnla. __________ _

Sdltortal OM.. • .... 8 __ om .. ft., I.L

IW.&.&D 0 .. T.CI'I' .. I • ~,,~ l... Jololl. chairman; EWell !II. Ma.cJtweu; RaT­

"uU 8. Klttred,,"; S,dney G. Winter; Earl m. BeIlIU; •• 1.. I!:. H Ioll,·I'lIOD. J 0l1li Falvey; Fre<lerla 8cbneUer; " Kirwin.

II)D1ToaUJ. 1'1'£1'1' ............ If_ K.U<IP- . -BcUtAlr

,\Ia.1I WII8CJD ... ___ .... __ WaDqlng B4itAlr

:1:: ~o::~. ----- _ l City Editor. lIMber J'uJler ..... _____ _ damPIM Edlt4J' c..t.uoe G. ..,..... ~t, Editor t.o.o K. P.t8J'M11._. __________ lIpon. EdItor J.maa BetU . .... _. ___ . ___ ._---A.uUItaDt Span. BdItor I.mea I(. !.on& ... ___ .. __ -Alumni Editor W'ranklln t.. Ur .. oryoo _________ ._. __ COItUlID18t IDdltb CoboieD_ ......... _ .. _. __ .. ___ .... ____ ..... __ BooIt Renewer

aVlIllIBBB BT£n ,. "II ..... '1 l:tl.iI~ooeclL ._oo ._. __ -_ . ____ .Buatne. JIaIIager " Iiarl'7 Harp .... __ ._. _____ ._ .... ___ Clroul.tlOD Man .. er

'um 8 . Or.tin . . . _______ .. Clualfle4 £dv. WaD.,er tlu 8. Galhlher._ .. __ .. _. __________ ._--AoeowItaDt

•• <rlc A Schn~lIer _ ... __ . _____ .. __ --Advert'-l.all ANla&aDt

Saturday, October 15. 1927 UUMT ._WII aDI'I'O.

EdwIn B. Green

New Traffic Lights

FOLLOWING the successful operation of tbe stop and go signal at Washington

and Clinton streets, the city council last night adopted a resolution to provide traf­fic lights throughout the business district. It is hoped that the lights can be installed by Homecoming.

The project has ' been made possible through the cooperation of the chamber of commerce and business men. They have agreed to advance the funds until the city can meet the financial requirements of the lights.

Installation of the signals will be another step in the progress of Iowa City. Illinois has uniform traffic signs, and municipali­ties in Iowa are fast realizing their advan­tages. Ranking among the first, Iowa City shows its alertness and metropolitan spirit.

.An equally significant fact is the unity between the council and its constituents. There is no pulling at opposite ends; the merchants and their representatives in the city government are working toward a com· mon goal. With the continuation of this spirit, there is no limit to the advancement which the city can make. The new traffic lights will remain a a monument to the concerted action of the ci tizens.

The R. O. T. C. Elsewhere JOW.A is not alone in its struggle for free­. dom from the bonds of compulsory mili­

fary training. .At the University of Wis­consin, where such drill is voluntary, a movement has been started to abolish the R.O.T.C. unit entirely. At Northwestern university the war department is about to recall the R.O.T.C. officers because the vol­untary enrollment has fallen so low that it does not pay to maintain the corps.

The Daily Oardinal, student newspaper at the University of Wisconsin, yesterday amiouDced as the fourth plank in its pro­gram for the school, ".Abolishment of the local R.O.T.C. unit." In an editorial dis­cussing the military training situation, the Oardinal says:

Bty college militarism we mean the fQrcing of an UDwilling student body into stiff khaki and itchy puttees; we mean the attitude of the powers-that­be which creates and maintains a stu­~ent cadet corps on the campus; we

, mean that injection of the war·spirit on the campua by means of martial music fUJd ill.fitting uniform; we mean that costly official idea which leads to a

'yearly expense of thousands of dollars upon outfitting and instructing an R. O.T.C. corps which, at best, learns but little more and is only slightly more effective than a troop of Boy Scouts. This, we believe. is an excellent descrip-

tion of the merits of compulsory military training. We hope that Wisconsin will be freed of all military bonds, just as we earn­estly hope that military training will be made optional immediately on this campus. Steps can be taken later to remove all such training.

Mjlitary drill at Northwestern university is voluntary, the unit being maintained 80

long 88 the enrollment does not fall below • 100 students. Now the registration is hov­ering at the 100 mark, and the war depart­ment is considering the removal of the unit. That · achool also maintains a naval unit which it will undoubtedly lose, because only thirty-five students have entered. Think of it, oDly 135 students among the thousands at Northwestern care for military training. What further proof of its unfavorable re­ception is needed t

The same situation will undoubtedly exist at the University of Iowa when the com­pulsory requirement is finally removed. It is only fair to the student body that they be freed from taking work in which they have no interest and can find no benefits.

Tail Ligbts for Bicycles CmEF OF POLICE C. F. BENDA has

requested' that all bicycle owners equip their vehicles with lights. He pointe out that with shorter days there is growing ' danger of accidents, because motoriBta sel­dom see a bicycle at mght uDtil they are too close to stop.

Chief Benda '. request Ibould receive the cooperation of all who ride bicycles. Soma IOrt of a tail light would be auffioieut " it

1M Daily Iowan.-I .. ~-' SatUrday October n, T927

is Dot DeeetlBary to have 1\ bead light. Tho rider can easily watch for approaching cars from the front, but it is impoSl ible to judge how close a car is that is coming from the rear.

The automobile driver approaching a bi­cyclist from the rear is at a handicap, in that he is unable to see a rider who may be pedaling along in a shadow until he is too close to stop. Often a cyclist will veer out from the side of a street without the auto­mobile driver having the slightest warning.

The automobile OWDer is required to have a tail light on his machine for the protec­tion of other drivers. In turn the bicyclists should furnish the car driver with the same proteetion.

The Democratic Keynote

SEN. JAMES A. REED, of M:i souri, in addressing a state meeting of democrats

at Sedalia, Mo_, recently sounded what is thought to be the opening bomb, the key­note of the 1928 democratic campaign_ Pre­vious to his address he was endorsed by the state committee as the democratic candidate for president.

Wisely, he touched only on general issues and made no attempt to formulate a solution for any problem. Instead he assailed the present administration with great vigor and announced that "the times were ripe and rotten ripe for change. "

That, naturally, is the tendency of all such keynote assertions. Praise the party loyal, denounce the party in power, stir up sentiment and await results. The blame, of course, falls on the president and his sev­eral aids. Mr. Mellon, secretary of the treasury, is hrought under particular fire by Senator Reed. The treasury is not being conducted in an efficient manner, accord­ing to the Missouri senator.

Senator Reed is a great statesman, a great politician. His whole heart is with thc democratic party. In 1924 he aro, e from a sick bed to strike a final blow for his P81'ty against the election of Calvin Coolidge. ne has continually given his best effol'ts for the democratic organization though they may not have been entirely sueces.~ful.

The Dance of Life "LIFE is a dance and death i. the end of

the music. "Mussolini. There comes to everyone a time when he

is forced to pause in the midRt of the bURi­ness and gaiety and realize the serious side of life and the brief span of years allotted to our existence here. Experience is a hard teacher, but one which makeR us consider the bigger factors of the world which are so often overshadowed by the trifles and frivol­ities.

How unfortunate it is that we fail to un­derstand the greater glories of humanity until they are snatched away from us and we are allowed time for reflection in the shadow of sorrow.

We seldom realize thc priceless value of a friend until a smile has ceased, dancing feet are still, and happy laughter is si­lenced.

Let us bury our petty jealousies and en­mities. Let us set aside a moment in thank­fulness for our friends and companions, in resolution to appreciate their worthlness­lest we forget until too lat _

Prime Minister Baldwin says that war between Great Britain and the United States is lmthinkable. Of course, we must expect intermittent firing upon King George by "Big Bill" Thompsdp.-Mil­waukee J oltrnal.

When football teams feel afraid of their opponents, they play "on the defense." Real faith and downright strength are con­structive and aggressive.-Cedar Rapids Gazette.

The signs are that it will be an unusu~ly hard winter: Bears are laying in large supplies, and a man who was strolling through the park in Columbus, Ohio, was at­tacked by squirrels.-DetrQit News.

Add to embarrassing moments: When a still explodes in your basement.-Milwaukee Journal.

-- ,'"-_.' - } - -

Aaother War to Ead War TIME

Ten years after the world war. Earth, jazz-mad, haa wiped out al\ memory of ten mJUlon YOUng men who died In battle.

CJASTE Halt a dozen war lorde: French.

German, English, Japanese, Italian, and American.

SCENE Versailles. Hague, Berlin. or what

have you? • • •

French War Lord (yaw n In g)-"Great gun 8! I

haven't had any fun since I chased the MoroccanB out ot Africa."

.lap Wa.r Lord (Stretchlng)-"Me neither, brother.

Wish the lads over In China would start something."

English War Lord (SmUlng)--"Well, I've got Indio.,

thank heaven!" American War Lord

"And I've got Mexico." Italian War Lord

"Banana. oH!" Amerlcn.n War Lord

"Nope. Standard." All War Lords

"Ha. ha. Ita." German War Lord

"Y wish we could get the kalaer bllck."

Amerlcn.n War Lord "Say, that·s an Ideal What's the

matter with Hlndenburg?" German War Lord

"He's too old to start anything. But Italy there haa Mussollnl."

Italian War Lord "No. no. The Duce Ia busy with

his baby." Engllah War Lord

"Damn Benito. I suppose with 0.

fllmlly now he'lI get enough fight­Ing to keep him busy_"

Jap War Lord "Well. this peace Is Irksome. We

ought to throw a big racket!' American War Lord

"How much Is It worth?" English War Lord

(Meanlngly)-"Gosh, think about the glory of war. It you believe It, It·s so. Don't you ever think about anything but money?"

American War Lord (Hotly)-"And don't yOU ever think

of anything but territory?" English War Lord

"I'll bet British Atrlca against lIawall that you aren't prepared for a good fight:·

American War Lord "Oh, aIn't I though! Say, I got

the R. O. T. C." English War Lord

"What·s that?" American War Lord

"Why. they're a bunch of college saps. We fool 'em Into thinking they're gettlne a good physical edu· cation-and then show 'em how to use a gun at the same tI me."

All War Lords "Ha, ha, ha.."

Jap War Lord "Does It work 1"

American War Lord "There's no harm In finding out.

It'll be good tor tlte sugar." German War Lord

"But I thought there was a lotla peace bunk floating around In the United States."

American War Lord "Silly Idealism. Say. IIssen; how

about the Geneva confab them paCif­Ists forced Us Into?"

Jap War Lord "That was good. We sure put one

over that tlme_" English War Lord

(Adjusting monocle)--"Heh, heh . Imagine sending 0.1\ the admlrala to It peace conference, the 8uccess of which would have lost them thelr jobs!"

All War Lorda "Say, that waa slick."

German War Lord . "Hoch! Let's have another drink!

Pre-war stuff. too_" American War Lord

(]3iushlng)-"I'm an American. I don't Indulge." (Joke.)

French War Lord (Looking around)-"EverYbody's

psychology okay?" American War Lord

"Sure; but why spill It?" (Pause) "Say. we've got a good navy, avia­tion Ia looking UP. our aclentlata are giving us the latest chemicals. we have thousands ot well·t r a I ned young men. newspapers and movies to spread patriotic propoganda, and generally speaking. well prepared for a damn gOOd fight."

English War Lord "Here. too. But In any acrap Eng­

and America would have to hang Widt ~er Editors :::::::::::::================= together." Jap War Lord

Sensational Claptrap (From 'Il!te Waterloo Courier)

Recently an Iowa newspaper which boasts of its thorough coverage of the state pu b­lished in its Sunday edition a "feature" story alleged to depict the corn-and-nico­tine side of an Iowa eo-ed's life. The arti­cle was embellished with illustrations, some pbotographs, some" artist's impressions" of what might be happening beneath the cam­pus elms.

As is usually the case with such efforts at sensation, the text of the story failed to jibe with the pictures and captions. It was full of generalities, rumors, dark hints and in· sinuations. It made no pretense to author­ity, its author seemingly being content to implant a general impression of wild and reckless goings-on.

Such cheap claptrap, which avoids back­fire through want of definiteness, should be beneath any reputable newspaper. Espe­cially should it be beneath a newspaper whose editor-in-chief is an alumnus of the institution such publicity reflects upon.

CirculatioD, of course, is the great god of the counting room, and it must be that a mistaken notion of bow to increase circula­tion lew to the printing of such rot. In juatiee to our achools and colleges, in whose good name some Iowans take great pride, public opinion should rise to condemn this IOn of thine.

"Ob, you'll hang, all right." italian War Lord

(Rubbing handa)-"Flne, tine. When does thl. war start--and why?"

German W.r Lord "Ach! Why not a war to end

war?" French War Lord

"That', old atuttl But there's some starving Armenians we m,-ht pln.y for sympathy."

Engllah War Lord "Fine. Japan. yOU run your navy

down and capture the PhllllplneB. I'll come to Amerlca's aid on that, and we'll all get drunk and throW a party In French Indo-Chlna. France then comes to Japan's help. Italy back.B France. and Germany will sit tight and furnish munitions for both aldes_ Howzat? We'lI meet here In tour yean and divvy up like we did lru!t time at Parla."

French War Lord (Holding UP wine glaas)-"Here's

to a more horrlble war than ever betorel"

All War Lords (Exeunt, Ilngln&)-"Just anothor

war, just anotber war. my·), mon-e· e.-e.y .. !"

(Curtain) -F.L.G.

FORT DODGE. oct. 14, (.If')­Thouaand, ot hunters began an an­nual trek into northwoat IOWa In quest of the elusive phea.eantB, when the three·day MalOn opened todaY. In Wortb. Hancock and WinnebagO cOllutl .. , ! , ' d._\



I C~ l' 1J.iINK 01' AN'I''niI",G MOItE-

• IN£LCI IT'S CLOSet> -fALM,03T"


fu. l'UT IT ON 1I1E. FLOOR ~

f 011 INEI..L IT '~ THE: 81ST Ie" .... 00-' .. t-I~"" 1b G'I>T 1)1\1.$~I!l)

" .. I> C'~TC~ T..,,, TR~''''

-"OW-oo!' FOAc;'OT .1> PUT • • IN • MY l>1iesli. SUIT

Official Da~l» BUlletin me Book World Letter to the Editor

The Un~ver8ity of Iowa Bulletlus and annoUncements for the Official DaD)'

Bulletin column mun be In office of tbe dJl"ector of the 8chool of journaUsm by 4 p.m_ to .ppe .... In lIbe follow·


The Higher FoOlishness, by David NO Starr Jordan, Indianapolis. Dobbs­

'1'0 the Bdltor-DI·. E . B. Reuter'8 faculty motion to make military tralnlng In the Unlvel'slty ot Iowa optional I'!tther than compulsory la a red flag to the American Legion, wbose spokesmo n, DI·. Love, Is quot. ed no saying, "'fhls movement (to make military training optionili. Is tostered by the Red element who seem vastly superior mentally to the Individuals who tostCI' and propa· gate pacltlsm." He later speaks ot the supporters of that movement as "pink' 'and Says. "You can not call them Americans for they are not white enough."

Ing morning's Dally Iowan. Volume III. No. 21


October 15. 1927

Prot. Albert Parker FltQb of Carleton college. wlll speak on "Why we believe In God" Sunday, Oct. 16. In the natural science auditorium at 4 p. m. The Rev. Ira J. Houston will act IlS chaplain. The university chorus and orchestra will assist. G. G. BENJAMIN.

CO~1ERCE LECl'URES The college ot commerce announ ces two lectures by Dr. Frank Bohn,

Monday, Oct. 14. "The Economic Aspects of Present Do.y Interno.tional Relations" at 10 a. m. in the cbemlstry auditorium. and "The New Eco­nomic Map of the United States" at 2 P. m. In the geology lecture ,'oom, old science building. The public Is Invited.

C. A. PlULLlPS, Dean.

CIJEl\IISTRY SOCIETY Prof. Edward Bartow will be the speaker betOl'e the Iowa section of the

American Chemical BoclElty Monday . Oct: 17. at '7:30 p_ m. In the chemistry auditorium. room 300. Subject: Observations In Europe dUring summer of 1927. The public Is cordlnlly Invited.

STEPHEN POPOFF. secretary.

nOLlTICAL SCIENCE OLUB The Political Science club wlll meet;lt the home ot Mr_ and Mrs . II. C.

Dorous, 1603 E. Court, Monday. Oct. 11. at 8 p. m_ G. G. Andrews will read a paper on "The elSloteenth century conception Of nature."

BRUCE E. MAHAN, secretary.

BOTANY .CLUB Room 408. phYSics building. Monday, Oct. 17, 4:10 p. m. Richard T.

Hartley will speak on "Mutation In relll.tJon to erolutlon.'· All Interested are Invited to attend. W. F. LOEHWING.


The preliminary JIst of oWce,'s ot t: lnstructlan and administration Is being distributed by campus mall. Report corrections at once by mall or phone to oWce of universIty editor, tB\~phone 73.2. Keep your copy until the final directory Is Issued. F. M. POWNALL, university editor.

HUMANIST SOCIETY The Humanist society will meet Monllay. Oct. 17, at 8 p_ m .• at the home

ot Mary T. Mueller, 420 E. Jefferson street. Prot. B. H. Bullh will apeak on "Unlverslty Conditions Abroad." J 'IULDA TAYLOR, secretary_

UNIVERSITY 'THEATR~ '!rICKET SALESMEN Studenf,l! who wish to sell UnLver'l~y 'l1lea.tne seaaon tlQketa are reo

Quested to reglste.r at the office In 1'0011110 liberal arta bulldlllfl'. The cam' palgn wlll be organl~d and the first mejltlng of .aa.1esmen will be held this week. ;\

A $5 season ticket will be given to each Ilalesman sellinI' 16 tlcketa. Two dollars In cash will be given to each s8.Jesman sellinI' ten lIckets In addition to the first fl1teen. An additloba.l prlEe ot $25 In eaab will be given to the student who sells the mqr,t l:leuon tickets. FIfteen' dollars wUI be given to the student seiling the' 1ieC:onc! la.rreat number an(f $11) to the student seiling tbe third largest ndm~r ot t1cketa.

E. c. MABIIt; director, Unlverl1ty Theatre.

VACCINATIONS AGAINST SMALL POX AND TYPBOJD Students who have not ·been vaccinated aralDJIt smatl pox and typbo'14

wIthin the last five years are urged to do , so at this time. Studenta are ottered this care at the oWces of unlve7'lty physician. to etudents, Jeff­erson and Dubuque streets. On entranqe 'Btate your purpose as desiring vaccination. Obtain 0. statement of vaccma.tlon whether cared tor at tlleee oftlces or by private care. J

Undergraduate \ Notices JOURNALISl\f CLUB IDlNNER

Any student desiring to join the Journ,a\lsm club. which will be ad­drellBed by prominent. joul'nallats during the year. may, sign the paper on the bulletin board In journalism building. iExplanation. of the club are also given at the top of the paper. RUSSELL WlLBON.

FELLOWSHIP LUNCH There wlll be a Fellowship lunch at the M. E. church Sunday, Ocf • . 16.

Pleaae notice the change in hour from 5;S() to 5 P. m. \ VELMA JOHNSON.

RAPPA BETA Pledging services will be held Bunda.Y, Oct. 16 at 2 p. m. at the Chrls-'.

tlan church. All old members are required. to be presel1(t. Anyone dealr· Ing further Information call 1183-J. KATIlRYN SMITH.

l\JN'ril company, $~.50

David Starr Jordan artfully bur­lesques pseudo science In "The Higher FOOlishness." \Iuotlng with apparent Eerlousness the more asi­nine arguments which men have ad­vanced for the explanation of the universe. He devotes a section to wraiths or shades (commonly ca\!ed gh09t8) and weighs the evidence of their existence.

Suddenly he drops the argumen· tatlve tone long enough to develop a comedy of errors about a Danish gentleman who became separated from his wraith. While the man remained confined to his home. the detached shade. In his form wrought all sorts of mischief.

On the title page Is a qupll\.tlon from Druno. summarizing the theme ot the 'book: "Ignorance Is the most delightful science In the world because It Is acquired without labor or pains and keeps the mind from me1Ilncho1y_"

The science of Ignorance the au· thor has renamed sclosophy. It does not demand tested and verified human experience as n toundatlon fOI' lts conclusions. because lite Is short and humanity demands quick returns. Cause Ilnd etfects are also discarded as human devices. ScI­osophists are the sort of good peo· pIe who "have on!y to heal' or Bud· dhism to become converts to It."

Sclosophy cODies trom Instantan· oous and Intuitional processes which can never be proved wrong because the sclosophlst will not listen to proot. A Bclosophlst will Issue deC­!nlte assurances that close the door Ilgalnst 0.\1 future heresies.

Thus 0. group of 8closophlsts closed the question Of evolution once and for all by resolving thaI. "Man was created by an Instantan· eous proce89 without previous ani­mal parentage."

As an illus tration ot the tradl · tlonal principle which sclosophy rests; Mr. Jordan tells of a medieval argument concerning the number ot teeth which a horse has. One young tellow, who was not a schol­ar yet. proposed that they count them. But Buch a method of gain' Ing knowledge waR contrary to th~ teachings of the Fathera. and 10 the echolars resented the SUggestion fiercely.

Theretore. the disputants ruled that the number of a horse's teeth must remain "an everlasting mys· tery, because ot a grievous dearth or eVidence."

"The Higher F'ooIlHhncss" con· talns mllny striking present-day similarities In methods or finding out scientific tl·uthe. The author ridicules the unscientific m.ethod 'by apparently agreeing with the conclusions drawn. until he has led the reader gen t1y from logical be· lIets to the most absurd Impoaalbll , lties.

Sclosophy draws conclusIons such as the following: "The Infant lovep to Ileep with the cat because a turry SImian tail coiled around thf' ancestral neck during the race's earliest lullaby. A baby laid on n shelf moves Its limbs precisely as ~oe8 So sea·turtle under similar 11m· Ited conditions. It Is comforting to know. . .that we can also (In reo \'Ined titillations) recall the joyS and

OOSMOPf)LITAN VLUB gl'orieS of their far-ott days!" The regular Initiation ot the CosmopOlitan club wUl 'be held Saturday, ~\Qmetlme the burlesque 18 even

Oct. 16, at 8 p. m. In the libera.l arts drawing room. ~II old memhel'1l of mor~ eVident. aa "By a wlse provl. the club as well as those entering for the tlrat tlme4 are expected to be slon nature. half our ancestor. present .• Friends of the club are Invited to' attend. were ll'!rIS, and thAre II therefore

I. WERHERT, president. at least" vein of girlish Innoconce I In the molft hard·bolled sinner."

SATURDAY LUNCH CLUB MEM~ SRIP \ Apart ft:om satire. the book con· oPel'1lOns desiring membership In the Ba.turday Lur( ch olub for the com· talns mIlny Wlhts of Imagination

Ing Year should Bend check tor ,S. enololing stamPe«,. "It.addr~ enve- which Mr. Jordan, a SCientist at lope. to Henry Wilson, 102-B. Quad., as lOOn lUI po,.rble. The membershIp Stanfoi'd university of Calitornle. Is limited to 925. Tlcketa Will be sent oat In the CYrder In wbleh appllca.· would find no room for In his every· tlons are requested. VERNON LICHTEjl .. STEIN, Pl't!lident. day Ufe. It IS an amu~lng treat·

{ ment ot "What Isn·t." having lIttl~ IOWA l\lEN'S PAN HBLLBNIC OfIUNCIL \ • more relation to Bclence than "Al-

Letters regarding ibomeCOmlnl' to ~J8 IleDt to (alumni alanr with the loe In Wonderland:' chapter letters are available now at t buun., office of The DIW)' The author, after he hl\l created Iowan. Prealdenta pl_ call for the-m as lOOn ali »osllble. In hIs reader a mental set agalnit

0'rl'0 C. BAUCH, »relJtlent. leelo80phy tly hie sflUrlcal accounts -- .". ~ of It, uae.. close, the book with II'

IOWA CITY HOOl1a!lY CLUB PRA(J'ftCE I chapter _tUntr forth tbl true alms Tuetday and Thurlday at f:8() p., m. Anyone who wanta to p1a.y Ie of _olence.

ellalble. Come to the women', hD9ker ~~d. , XARJORIl!1 CArMP' -ElllAbetb Amlle.

Pretty names. arent' tht'y? Now, calling the other r~lIow names Is poor argument. and usual!y the re· 80urce of the man who can do noth· Ing else. Everybo(ly I" familiar with the <lebater who started a fight when ho saw he could not po.· sll>ly meet his opponent's argu. ments.

One might well ask the American Legion ot Iowa City to look alter its own aftah·s. and not meddle In those of the university. Ie the Ie· glon does thllt. many folks teel thot It wlll have Its hands full. Many calm. rational observors are begin, nlng to wonder It the Americiln Le. glon Isn't degenerating Into a hody whose chlet occupation seems to be fighting the Imaglnory bogies of redlsm and pacifism.

But to the point. The eduCiltlon· al value ot compu'sory military training In the University of Io\\'& Is very doubtful. Most of the men take It because they have to, and 'ook upon It elthe,' 118 "hokum" or tyranny . Since the attitude ot the qtudent to his subject hilS mlkh to do with the cducationaJ value or tbat subject, how can military train· Ing posses much educational value?

Ou r legion friend" fea I' that If military traIning IR mllde optional almost nobody will take It. But what does It matter? At bost. mOl· tat;- training under existing condl' tions at Iowa has a very question· able value. Modern SOCiety demands self·dlsclpllne; mllltary training en· COI'ces externlll discipline. Modern society needs that kind of discipline that comes trom within Ula indlvld· ual. and not that forced upon him Crom wlthollt. As a form of edu· 'lIltion. military training Is the very lowest type 'because It is external '\nd because It Is condemned and despised by most of the men whO rue forced to take It.

Why shouldn't mlUtary tralnln!t be optional? Compulsory training 1urlng peace Is not only thoroughly un·Amerlcan. but It Is thoroughly contrary to the whole spirit of An· <;-Io-Saxo n liberty. England. Aus· tralla, Canada--do those countrle. have compulsory military tralnln~ In time of peace? Peace·tlme com' pulsory military training Is dis· 'Inclly un.Amerlcan; It Is distinctly European, and largely Prusslan; It 's mllltnrlsm 01' Pru8slanlsm In ac' tlon. To end It we poured out our blood and troasurc In the World war. Shall We 'be untrue to the men "who lie In Flandors field?"

A .E. Evnn8. Iowa City.

Faculty Members Talk at Academy

Three representatives have been chosen to give \lapel's hefore the Na' tlonal Academy of Science ot tbelr seml·annual meeting to be held at the University ot 1lIlnols. Oct. 18, 19, and 20 In Urbana.

Milton Metfessel, national research /ellow In psychology will tell ot "The collection of negro songs by phOnal­photogra phY . "

Lee E. Travl~, notional I'esearch feUow In PIIychology. will read a paper on "The correlation between intelligence and speed conduction of nerve Impulse.!'

Prof. H. L. Rietz, head of the mathematics department, wlll apeak "On a property of frequenoy dlstrl· butlon of the powel'1l and roolt of variate. Qt Klven distribution."



in. T927 ';" -. IBrigga


N •

= -Editor ~ULlTARY

B. Reuter'S ke military Iity of Iowa mpUlsory II lean Legion. ove. Is Quot. ovement (to optional, Is

lement who ntally to the and propa.

'r speaks or lovement as mn not call ley are not

'hey? NOl •• , names 1$ al!y the I'e· can do noth· is familla r

started 0.

uld not pos· mt·s argu.

e American look arter

: meddle In It tbe Ie·

ks feel that rull. Many

a re begin' nerlean Le, Into a hody lems to be

bogies of

: educallon· y mUllnry ty or Iow& of tbe men .ve to, and hokum" or :ude of the 1S mtlch to I value or ltary train, mal value? Ill' that It Ie optional B It. But

best. mill· ling condl· ~ question· y demands :alnlng en' j. Modern f dlsclpllne be Indivld· upon him

ln of edu' s the very s external nlneel and

men who

y tralnln~

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horoughly i ,'lt oC An· - nd. Aus'

cO llntrle~ tmJnln:

- time com' ~ Is dis'

distinctly c usslan; It lsm In ac' ~c1 out our ']1e world o the men

':l?" ::E. Evans. [OWo. Cit).

.ers 1emy ~ave been .. 0 the Na' e at their -e held at ::>ct. 18. 19,

"} reaearch ~Il ot "The .y phOnal.

l·e8eo.rclr I read 0.

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F N wn<1lentc. giving added tcsll l1lony

,.. t t) t

Becky A Serial of the Price of Glory by RAYNOR SELIG

Movea Feature Market and ena ea1 ews to the t undamenta l sou ndn ess of tile Stock Market 't ne't" cr edIt Ritulltion a nd lending confl·

What HilS Hnpllenccl 80 Far "Show JI1I~s 1I1,'cCI08k~y In.'' Be<:lly ' McClosltey, young ond Becky ntered, and the servant

good lookIng U'ylng to make her way closed the door softly behind bel'. alone In ew York. finds herself without a pORI lion on New Year's leAving hel' alone with Abelard. Eve. Dan Scarlett, who lives by JleckY'H fnc~ was an Impressionist

Rtudy of n s leepless night. 'rhe sha· hl ~ wlls , sees her huddled In u. UOOI" dOWH till het· cheeks were not lill cast war. Ilnd persuades her to go to dinner with him. lIe klssPs her. Uy lIw lung lasheM. , She alalls his ruce and threatens to "'V·well?" Abelal'cl was stUdiously brain him with a bottle. Scn" lett ~aHunl. " Whut gets you up 60 eol"·

ly? Want a r up of teo.?" sees Becky In a new light. She tells I :pcky "hoole her hN'd. which was 111m sbe hlL!l no money und no pl'us· f'ioHcly hOu nd hy a turban of dark peete. Then sho sings a IIttl" song I' eel velvpt. Cor him. Scarlett realizes she hos &- beautltul voice and mak S Ii lJal" "NothIng ... sit down. Boris. a nd (aln to finance her un ti l she gets ~~~~~~ YOUI' lunch. All I want Is to started 1! she wlli let him .marc In "Sh'shoot away." ber protlts. Becky gooes to I~er room Ilnd prays the Lord to lot h o,' TIut Becky, having made t h'e sug·

gestlon. showed no sign of following alng well. get enough to eat a nd It Ull. Sho merely slipped off her ht lp her to meet a man' sho has shabby coot. and , hoisting up her Been making purchllses In the de· sleeveless crepe dress, wWch was partment slore where she worked. IMt year'a and several Inches too ot whom she hoa made , an Ideal. h bet "'h b Sea 1 • I fl h long. flung herself on t e rug on , ,~Ug h I' ettt Sj I n u~nce d s e the hear·th, nnd rested her chin on ,e ... a canoe 0 0 n a , roa way her clenched hand . -cb·orua. Scarlett UPbraid, her for Abclar<l, calml y sl llPlng tea a nd not playing" the game and Induces crunching small squares oC dry thin ber to go to a studio party given I toast watched her !tlmost furtively by BorJa Abelard on the chancE' I' 1 fIt t b • that ahe may meet the rich ,John F.~. A~nA n~ muc, 0 w U\ wen on e· tabrook her Ideal. At tllP fllll .ty hind the lm"I'ler of hE'l' still face,

, "('nslng IntpnRity pent UP. lhl'obbln~ Becky Is thrust Into a fountain wllh lumult. hnmlnenl ('on/cssion. And ber clothes on nna taint.. Abelal'u Aloelllni WOR sl1pnt. hlR dried. (Lscetlc Dlli\'lly sends his guests awny and faN' pX\lre~slonle~s under the ragged has Becky taken care of. 111 onlhq Nl '(' of huh'. but A helal~tl was tlll('d afterwards Becky mee:s B~tab"o(}lt WI~I' lhought. even with t>urbulent In the studio. Slle Is lather dlalllu · thought hi' bl'aln wakened to rare • IODed. . She tells him Sh~, wishe~ al~ l'tn~~~ Il; hiS IntuJtlon.

"I dunno, Boris." Becky pulleel of( her turban . tossed It IlCI'OSH the room, then stood. runnIng 11er fln· gel's Incessantly t hrough her thlcl, blnck hall', ana sta"lng tlxedly at Ahelard. "He says he does, sce? But I can't believe It. I'll novel' be aule to believe It. that's just the trouble. It just naturally don't 8 em possible."

Hel' underlip was quivering. anti Aho rastened h er teeth: In It. stub· bo rnly trying to maintain 80me de· gree of calm.

"That's s·s11ly." Abelard remarked practically. "Why shouldn 't any m·m·man love you •. Becky?"

"It's ... Oh I dunno how to eay It. Boris, It·s a kind of love. I want hIm to be just. what do you calJ It?-lnCatuated . I want a man that respt;lcts me. see Boris? say Boris, darling. tell me the Lord 's truth. Do nice men. I mean te~rlbly nice men. see?-do they ever r eepect­chorus girls?"

The unpleasant suspicions whIch had been crowding In on ,Abelard's mind abruptly came to m climax.

",Vlho Is the m·m·m·man?" he asked almost fiercely.

Becky told him. "Estabrook?" For the a'econd time

that mornIng Abelard dropped hlH monocll'. This tlme. however . he did not replace It, but held It between his tingers. so that It vibra ted slight· ly. as they did.

(Contlnu~d In Next 10 ••• )

Copyright 1926. )(Ing Feat_ Syndlcate, Jnc.

NEW YORK, Oct. 14 . (JP)-Con' fUsed price movements charactel" I!ed today's stocl< market. The op' enlng was fairly strong In vlow 01

tho unexpectedly small decrease In Federal ResCl'vo b,'okers' loans. but

.. ".'.', .... ' ... Market for Com

Breaks as Active

Demand for Wheat

prices "old off rather sllal'ply In ·IIICAG. Oct. 14. (JP)-Actlve eXllol·t ,lCII11111l1 fur wheal. with buy·

the afternoon on the rulRlng of the In~ or whent fUlure deliveries call money rate fl'om 4 lo 4~ pOI'

cen t. The clos in g ",h(('h WllH Irl·pg· ulal'. was featured IJY bu1l1 sh demOnSll'lllloriH III 'l few ralls and speclaI U"". call ed about $lO.OUO.OO() ill

loans In I'eflectlon of tho govel'll ' ment wlthdmwal of tllnus to meet tourth LIberty loan Intcrest pay· ments , clUe tomorrow. ThiS prob· ably accoun ted tor the stiffer call money rates, whi ch are bel ieved to be only temporary. Time money and commercial paper rates were unchanged. Prompt over·subscrlp· tlon of several large bond offerings this week was accepted as a n Indl · c"tlon at easy credit cond itions. de· spite Ule 1098 Of gold through ship· ments a broad lallt month.

Foreign trade figures sholV{'.1 n favorabl e balance ot $8".OUO.000 [0" Soptember, nlthollJ:h expOI·tR wore s u b~tBntl!llly b~low thokP nr tllb SRme month last y~III ·. .A [llrtll!'I' slight Incl'ea~e in sl~el nJiIl operll ' tions was I'epol'ted. a nO I hOl'O w a.'i U bette)' clemand fol' COllPC'I·. Most of thA public utility earnlngR tepor ts publ!sll ed during the dill' . Including America n Telellh one. lIlod" tavol'llble comparison with the thlnl quar ter or last year. 'V'estern Union ),elnl: one of the few to "how a <1~c1lne.

agltlnat R' l1lultl\ncou~ se lin g of corn, lIJ'ted whellt values today, a nd bl'o ke tho corn mlll'k et. ~'I'esh guropean Ilurchuslng- of ~o,·th American wheat tomllNI obout 1,000.000 bush· c l:i Iiu'!{ely domestic sr,·lng. All de· IIvcl'lrH of rOI'n touched n. new low· pl'lce reeo l'L1 fo ,' lhe ~easun.

Closing quotations on wh eat were fIrm, i1@~c to !lc net higher'. where· as co m finished 1c to 2~@ic down . oats unchanged to Be ott. and pro· visions a.t 2@50 decline tu )Oc a.d. vance.

U nlooked for upturns In wheat quotations at Liverpool , and . persis· tent adverse weather reports fronl Canada. as welt as likelihood at mUl'e reductions In estimates Of ' yie'd In A ustralla, ull tended to lift tho wheat mnl'ket. 'rulk wns cut'· rent that owing to tlrought the Au. tmllan c,'OP this season wouhl AnlOunt to only 100.000.000 bu shel~ . 60.000.000 bush pIs II's8 than llUIt yelll ·. Meo nwhlle. worcl was r · ('('Ived that as a l'e~ult of co ntinued exc<'sslve molstu l'e In Ctloa<1a cou n· try rnarltetlngs of wheM hu vo been docrl:'3sed 36 ,000,000 hushels com· parpd with the samo time In 1926.

Heavy seltlng or COI'II

he had never come. b F,(abl'uok InrtpC!(1 AucJard waH v "y sure that IInds himself Int~rested In Iwl' and Becky. whom he culled In his mind klnes her. She smndR dazed bero,'!) " Ul!' whlt~ lotus" lIecause sho was him and tells him she CXIlccted palC'. and frngllC'. nnd pure, was on him to be different. Estabrook the ev(' of that blossoming which apologizes nnd Becky tells him what Abc13l'(1 had some day hoped to see. her Ideas of rcnl love nre. Later she And he waR Alire, too. that it was not sings and Eambe'ook tells hpr she (or him timt the white petals of the has a great voice and t.llke~ her Imagln"ry flolVer were destined to to ber shabby little room In his unfold.

I-Iowa Grid Nolet

Hf'av~' ucCllmulfltlon of l'll'lp ('om·

I man. which advanced '110"0 than three points to wllhln :t rl"lrllon "!'

, the record high. and a Rubstnntlal gain In Chpsapenl{o & Ohio I'~vivpcl

e~pecla ll y In the late cleallngs . HOUS~H willi eilstern cOlln Cti0l1 8 wero aggress ive on the bear side, amI founel the mal'ltet devoid a lmos1 Of RU PPOI·t c1~Jllte klt ' lng frost In parts of IllinoiS and Iowa. Oats W('rb Influenced largely hy the ac· t i,." nr "'n t' '1 ,

Something In the nature of

car. She shows him that she Is In It must be said that Abelard had love with him. Dan Scarlett calls; had hop('s or this Decky who spoke urges her to·get what sho rnn out In 1111' arcenb; of n. slum with the of Estabrook and tells I,er not to tone oC a nlghtlngalp, and It may be /001 hersel! with any illusions tha t Ildllecl that those hopes were burlea Estabrook \vlll marry her. Becky (ar in the silences of which Abelard prays that hIs tenl\)\o words may was capable hefore Berky ever spoke not be true. on that winter morning. NOW GO ON WITH THE STOnV l!'or Abelard. watching furtively.

()HAPTER XII Party calls were hardly in order'

In Abelard's group. but on the morning after the affair at his stu· dlo three visitors arrived-separate· Iy. Abelard. dressed In a. green silk dreSSing gown embroidered In purple flamingoes. was sitting before hi~

fire place drinking t~a-he nevel' drank anything stronger-wh~n his first 'guest was announced by the Japanese servant.

Abelard. usually In full command or his muscles. a llowed his 'tJ:stonlsh· ment to gain enough head\Vay eo (hat he raIsed one eyebrow; releas· Ing his monocle. It fell without a Bound on the thlok carpet. \loiid Abel· ard picked It uP. dusted It delicate· Iy wltb a sUk handkerchlet. and nod· ded to the Jap.

Last Times Today To see the best pidU1:e this famous actor has eve'; ap­peared in.


"The' Prince of Headwaiters" If you miss this picture

you are passing up a good ,one.

also showing Latest Pathe News Mike and Ike Comedy

Usual Prices

saw the set lool{ that was on the pale oVill of Becky's {aee. nnd saw that Becky's eyes. behind those shadows which were not merely the shadows or her long lashes. were deep wi lh a sort or sorrow, aild with something else that he did not care to name. So. In the encl. It wM Abelard who spoke first.

' '''Yha Is It, Becky?" he stuttered. very Ci,retully seWng down Ills tea cup.

"D·yol.\ know then, Doris? Has he been hel'a ?"

Abelard flinched at the eager anx· lety of her voice.

"No." he replied. "Nobody's been here. D·d·d·do I know him ?"

"Oh HOI·ls. 1t·s terrible, somethlng's ho.ppened to me!" Becky Jumped up and stood, with her own elmracteri,,· tic defiance, head back o.nd hands claRpPd behind her head. "Oh, noth· Ing like you'd expect." she went on with a. sort of tired violence. "But something 1 dldn't expect. Some· thing In IH"'~" she touched her breast. See?"

"Ar('nt you b·b~lng a little h·h·h· histrionic. Becky?"

"Doris," she returned, letting her hanOs fall hopelessly. "You·ve. been the best friend a girl like me could have. better than she should expect to have. You're 0. square guy, BoriS. tt ever there was one. But why in Goers name dldn't you tell me how It burt-this thing they call falling In love?"

Abelard made no answer. but he pushccl the brenk fast tl'tly away tro lll him, \Vitll II. sort of disgust.

"[ tell you It·s awful Boris." Becky sto"med, as though the quiet man before her were to blame for the course of nature nnd the law at soelety that, attempting to govern, thwarts that course. "It·s worsen being hllng'·y. see? Lord I ba ven·t slppt 0. wlnk-I been walk ing up and clown my room like one of these ani· mals In 0. zoo. I dunno what to do abo ut It BO"ls .•• she ended plain· tively.

"W'h·what Is so wrong? Doesn't you,' young m·m·man ,'eturn yoU[' af· f('rtlon?" ----- '--

Minnesota Becomes Interettedi SInce the display at IIre!l.t football

by the Iowa. team In the OhIo State game, Minnesota IS evIncing Interest In the Hawkeyes. Three ),{Inneapo!ts newspapers will run big "Iay·outs" of Iowa pln.yer8 wltbin the next few days. The Iowans play 30t the Gop· her homecoming next Saturday.

"Funl1l''' Names Scatce While otber Western Conference

football ,squads have playet·s with very IIfunny" n o.mes, Iowa ha~ only Plgna.telli. And even the Rock ];'0.118 ,

III .• llophomore's name cannot com· pete with Puckolwartz. Michigan; Magnabosco. Indiana; Oosterbaan. Mlohlgan; and Mltterwallner. Illinois.

IJawkeYe8 Bear Nlcknalt\fls Some of Iowa's football players

Ilre bette!" known , by their nick· names than by the eognomems be· stowed upon them by their parents. For example-"Splke" Nelson; "Bab" Cuhel; "Blackle" O'Neal; "Boney" Grimm; "Ernie" Young. aml "Dlnty" Moore.

Six Yean- Ago A sorry homecoming was that at

Mlnnesola In 1921. For Aubrey De­vine led his chllmplonshlp team to a 41 to 7 triumph-the largest score eve" registered by Hawkeyes against Gophers. "Duke" SIa.ter . Gordon Locke. Lester Belding. Chet Mead. and Glen Devine were Aubrey's chief assistants In the wreckIng of the nor therners.

What Othel'll s.,. Although a weEl!< has pallsed since

the Ohla State·Iowa football game, these comments by a Buckeye ex· pert make Interesting reading. They were written by Lew Byrer. sports editor of tho Columbus CItizen:

"Minnesota. ntJnols. Wisconsin. and Northwe8tern will know they've been somewhere when theY finish battling that Iowa team. For Iowa showed Saturday one of the great. eat llneB In BIg Ten hl8tciry""-1\. line which averages 199 pounds from end to end and Is fast enough to meet and not only stop but THROW BACK, a powerful end·~uttnlng at· tack of the kInd that Ohio State has' built around Byron EbY.

IOWA has backs who can ram tho line. circle the ends, and use torward pas8efl. Iowa has . defenders who can tackle with b9nl!-crushlng torce. In shOrt, Iowa ha.I! Just about everything & good fqotball team needB-except a


Tonight ., t . , r Jiggs and His

CO'LLEGIA T,E Eight-Piece Dance Band

'. • < .

encla· a ~erl P. Seilhatner An Approved Dance Fred Schneller

I'eporta of II.n eat'll' elN!lslon In th e Van Swerlngen mel'ger CIlSC. Oooil buying wa., also noted in "Vabash common, atlhough Ihe day's gnln was small. Other raCs attracted lit· tie Interest.

Oene"ol Motors ('omOlon was again turned over In lal'~" VOIUIII A. but It cloRed unchnn'icd :If 13R~. U. S. Sleel rom man tOllchc(l 14~~ nnd then sQld down to H6~. closing Just above that level for :t npt loss of a pOints. Bethlehem opcn('c1 Il

point higher. but wnR unahlo to maintain the J<aln . l'olol"a'l" Fuel was bid UP eal'ly foul' polnls to 83g, and closed near tho top.

Oalns In $ome or tllo ~J1eclaltlns

ran aa high as ten nolnts. About a. score of Issues I'eached now high ground tor the year. amollg them American Home PrOducts, Amerl· can Linseed preferred, ('otl'. Intel" national Paper, Rudlo Corpomtion. Madison Square Oarllen . Lnmbed. Cushman's Macy. May DepArtment sto,·es. Rossla Insul'ILnc~ nn,l Mid · land Steel Products ll referrod.

Anothe,· shart> br~Dlt In Spal11sh pel!etd!!. fo llowed hy Il. hrlsk l'~cov ·

ery, and further gain In Dutch gull· del'S to withIn three pOints ot "ar· Ity, we .. ~ the con!l·a.litlng f~,tljrC'" .. I the foreign exchange nllJl'l<et. Othel' ...,.!fpC! ~hl')",pn lItl1p r hnl1 RC',

Ing wave ctl'T'ed corn prices tlown sharply after a fnh'ly steady ton e had been shown early. The cash ,lemand was tulr. and eounU'y liul" chases at old co,'n wel'o light.

Thel'e \VerA fnll' offerings of new corn. according lo some receivers.

H('ceipts were 11i2 cars, with prt · mary receipts of 686,000 bushels against ),048.000 hushels ,\ year ago.

Pl'ovlslons likewise reClected lhe ilownward trend oC the corn mll,·ket.


N.EW YOlt){ Stocles-Steady; Midland Steel

I'I'olluct8 IJreforl'ccl up eleven point •. Bonds-Quiet; $50.00.000 RenUm·

bank loan oVel··subsCt·lbed. ]"o['elgll pxchanges - Irregular;

Dutch gul'llers lit new 1927 high. Cotton--);;usiol'; Cavorable weather. Cnffee-lligher; firmer Brazilian

marl<et. CH[CAGO

"Vh"at-]~ll"In; rains C,mada.. C'orn-]i;nsy; largel' country after'

{nJ.t~. £

Cattle-Steady. Ho~s-lrll'ln.


Today AND Sunday He's over in Gay Paree, this irresistible

lady lover- immaculate, suave, sophisti­


"As Y ott L'ike H'im"

And a Knockout Comedy Special I !'CUR,ED IN EXCITEMENT"

Late News "Garden Orchestra" I Matinees-30c; Nights-40c; Kids-lOc


- Continuous Shows-

Tod~y AND Sunday Last Times

Monday EMC;LERT y ~..., 1-: • .... 1\.- T I~ r .. ,

Last Times Monday

CROWDS! Attendance Records Will be Broken!

PRICES NOT ADVANCED! Matin.,~s-40c; Nights-50c; Kiddies-25c


"Bick" Featuring Original Road Show M~8ic: Score I

dence to In vestal's. ',."., 0·'0*0 , 0 0' 'ett··'Q'·'··O t! .,t .. "

1Jnu~ual activity wos recorded In the foreign division. In whIch the majority of securities moved fl·ac· tlonnlly lowe,' on \>roflt.taklng und presumably some llquldRllon to lltko allvantogo of the n('\\1 bonds. J·ul· Ish 's co ntinued to r lsc. advancing

8'1'00)( l\J /\RKE'J' .\VEnAGES 20 i ndo 20 Rall

Fr!tlay ............................ 175,31 141l-.85 ThurSday ........................ 175. 74 14k.n.~

Week "go ................ .. ..17(;.61 150.00 Yeul' ago ..... ................... 131;.74 120.15 lligh 1927 ...................... 170.06 162.95 Low 1027 ..................... 141.28 125.58

'1'otol Iltoclt sal08. J .971,400 shares.

NEW YO lt l{ S'I'OCI\S American Can ... : ........ G5~ 64 641 Am. Locomotive ....... 105. 105l 105A Am. Hmell. &. Rcr ... IOn~ J68 )08 J\mel'lcan Rugal· .... 91 R9t R9~ Am. 'reI. & ·rc!... ...... lSH )82~ 1821 Am. TobaJ;cll .. 13 ...... Hil tliOU 151 AnllCOnd(L CO['lIer .... 1H 471 47i1 Atch. 'rap. & H. 11' .... 19 Le 190 191i1 Baldwi n Loro ........ 251.\ 261 l 261l Deth. Steel... ... _ .......... 6Gt 5511 li5~ Chesapeake & 0 ....... 21 J!! 20a 21l~ Chrys'er Mutor ........ fi6~ 55~ 55~

Consolidated OilS ... . 117\ 115~ 115~ Dodge Bros .............. .. I G~ 15~ ) Gl Dupont De Neill ..... a30~ 330Q 3372 gl'le n'lIh·on.1.. ......... H!I 1;0,\ 68b General Elccll·ic ..... 137 134l )343 U~n. !\Iutm'H (II~W) Ian 138 \ 1381 1-1 UtlHO" r. 1 01 OI'R ... 74 i 72 72~ Intee·. l1al'veslpr· ..... 2~G~ 223 224 National RIH('ult ... 14!i 1~ 3~ 143~

~. Y. Cenll'ul. ........ 16t; 164W 16511 '!'Iol'!h Am. ('0....... 631< 62l 62i T'cnllsylvll1lln. .... 06: GOl G6i Rlnclnll' Con OiL.. I GA 1ii~ 16~ Southel'n l':",ifl<' ... I ~ 3 I 22~ 1221 Southern n y _. 134 133~ 133~

<;tuelpbnl(el' ('Ol'tL. ... !i7~ fiOj 570 Texas ('ompa ny........ 50 49~ 49i U. H. Ruul>e[· ......... 52~ 51? 512 1J. A. Steel... ............ 14 8& J46~ lIC~ Woolwol'lll & ('0 18r.~ 185 J 86~

( 'IHCMlO S'rOCI{S (",JflC"A(10. Ort. ) 4. (iP)-OrcIclal

closing )ldces on Chicago slack ex· "i1Anite: AI'moul' pl·eferreti. G6~;

~llt1<1lewPRt Utll1UI"<I. 113 ; Pln('s W In · te'·fl'onl. 54~; Swlrt & ("0 .. 125; Swirl rll t~ l ·nflt lnnnl. 2li2; TJ. S. Gypsum 102~; Wah l. 12~.

Dolores Del Rio as "Carmen"

Fills The Eye!

Another Sensation!


SUNDAY The Stars of "What Price Glory" in a new interpreta­tion of Prosper Merimee's famous "Carmen."



Dolores Del Rio

- with­




f>VES Of

RME Yes! Merchants' Tickets good every day in the week but Sunday. Price, 50c-­but it only costs 25c with a Merchants' Ticket.

ComPetition New

Bonda Reaults in

Irregular Market

n point to 10 fOl" the f irs t t ime, NE,V YORK, Oct. 14. (iP)-.\I · lhen relinquishing a ll theh' gaIn.

though Irregularity In the Jlstctl Activity and strength at a rew In· market today reflected the compaU· dustl'lals telltured the domestic de· lion or nearly $200.000 ,U OO In now parLment. New peaks were I·each· bonds In two days, several widely d by Loew G's, bolh with and with · Hcatlel'cd Issues were bid u p briskly, out warrants, Intel'l1ational Paper some Invading now high terl·ltoI'Y. !l's and Ceneral Asphalt 6·s. Profit· Prompt over·subscrlptlon oC the tnkl ng IMp In tllo dny. howeve,· . S50.t}00.000 oerma~_~~n~~~ nway most of the aaval1co~;




also showing

Scenes at the Iowa-Ohio Football

Game taken last Saturday Afternoon

and then we have

IThe 'Latest Pathe Newa

Relected Comedy, entitled "Rushing Busiress"

-Usual Prices-Elaine Bair at the Pastime Organ


The Clever Star of "The Cat and the Canary" in a Rollicking Farce Comedy

.... '\J "~lV.I"" -A~ . ~~.:W 11..


PRICES: lOc·50c--but it will cost you only 25e It you use Merchants' Tickets-,good every day In the week but Sunday.

Page' ' , , Saturday, October 1 5, 1927 The Daily Iowan, Iowa City -,-I" - (, M

Big T en_, _F_e_a_tu_re_s_T_h_re_e_O_u_ts ____ ta_n_di_n--==---g_G_f_id_· _C_'o_n_te_s-,"--ts_T_od_ay ~ Wildcats Tackle PUf!ddF;!eMk~;an Bulldog Captain Returns to Fold I

Bucks; Michigan State Aggregation

Meets Wisconsin Boilermakers Exhibit

Football Talent to Maroons

(,I II CAGO, Oet. 14 (AP)-The c hampionship hOlles oC at leaat four \\'C'stl'rn confer ence levena will olthel' bE' rills d 01' rulne<1 tomorrow, when all but two member8 oC the Dig 'J'en-Iowa a nd lIlinolu-move against opposltl0l\ that ImR, or ClI· pects to have 1I0mething tn Rrty In the disposi tion or the 1927 title,

Three games stand out on the 8che(lu l~, with Northwcstern meeting Ohio State at Columblls; 1I1:1chtgan battling , \ll seonsln at lIr.adtson, nnd Purdue, a c hampionship faetor fo,' the Ch'st Ume within fl gcneratlon, t!lngllng with the Maroons at Chi· engo. 1n th'C other contest, 111 In· n~ollt rlg Ul'es to have tnlrly nsy opposition Crom I ndiana a t Bloom· Ington, while IllinOis mects Iown iOtnte In Urbana, ~'nd Iowa will 8mooth out Its fOl'lnnlion ngalnst Wabash nt Iowa City.

50,000 At Chicago Th e three ma jor games wlll uruw

crowds ot 40,000 to GO,OOO cach, with the Chlcago·Purdue battle attract· Ing a throng of 50,000, the largest that has Jammed Into a Chicago f ootball fie ld, with th Si ngle excep· tlon oC the Arm;-·NcLvy game al Sol· lllel' Field 188t CaU. Tlle,'c uro two r~c\90ns Cor the Intercst In the S'nme, the flt'st and foremos t being Unlllh (" 'l'cxllS" ) Welch , the aO·year·old p ur· due hct lfback who dcfeated Harvard J9·0 0. week IIgo ulmost slnglo ha nd· cd. The olher Is the mystery eon· Il('('t~d with the !lfaroons. The re· fu~o.l oC Stagg to work up much worry over the Bollerm al<erS, gives the Impression that Stag~ llas some, thing to spring on Purdue,

Northwestern will collide with the ]Juckcycs at Columbu8, appal' ntly not In the best of condition, hut thnt does not m~an very muel1 In these days or "bear" stories. Ohio State I~ reported to have a long casua lty lis t. a lao,

WU(lcats Prlmctl Tho game will see Dicit Hanley,

l\"orlhwestern's new coach , racing ' ''estem conference opposlLlon for tho fh'st lime, and the chances a re thol his tcalll, perhlLPS t he best No,'thwestern eleven of r ecent years, will tnke tho fleltl against Ohio, pl'lmed for Its utmost "ffort.

1II'r. "I;;nXON. Oct. 14 ()P)-C01" nell college's r"otM Il team, conQu("l" ors DC Beloit In a 3 to 7 game lrull we~k, will t e~t Its st"ength again ~:\tUl'dny against M Ichlgn n SIal col· l('gc til F~l"t Lan5lnl';', Mich., In the IlJlr(1 I:llme DC lh e SNUlon.

A Ilacl,fleld capnbl(> ot n\Elklns rh'st ,Iown att"" fir~t !Iown was exhibited agu/ nst Deloit. Crabtree, vete"an hal[hack, gay!! n g,'eal I)erforman(;(' DC Ol"!n (Jeld "\lnnlng, and ook and Schenken, n palt' oC bophomo"e bJ.'ck~, Indicated that th yare worthy oC vnl'sity aMlgnmen!.. J n Ilddltloll ('Mch na,'ker has three let ter·backs a vallabl -Scott, qUltrter; .MeG rath , fullb:lCII; and Brlck~on, Ila lrback.

An nedal aHack worked wllh suc· ce~8 both agaloHt 11elolt and In the opener at Wisconsin,

Allhough the COI'nell line Is stili somewhat Of an unknown quality clue to It preponde,'ance of 8Opho· mol' nllHerlal , Barkl'r III (lepen(llng upon Captain LelalUl ' VlIson, st ilI' cnd. and Mldkltr, A II· ] OWl!. guard, 10

bolster the defense against Ul e at· tll('ks of the Michigan Slllte back· fJ 1(:'

U Righ Harriers Out Race Kalona

Coach M. F. Ca.rpentel"s uni vcr· "Ity hlglt cross country ~<tuud chulked up the second victory of the senKon }'I'ldny nrtemoon when It de· feated the Kalona. hll""l school har· riel's In a tlVO mile jaunt ovel' the university COllI'Se, l'ho ~col'e wa~ Ir. hlgl! 6, Kalona high l G and til tlmo was 11 mlnut sand 30 .5 sec· on/ls.

I J,.,'hCl't Dill len(\ wi th (lil (!tlg uf 0. few sl)conds ovel' a ptaln Char· 1\'8 Yan EPI)s and ' VlJlhlm 'ozlne who tied Cor second plo.ce. Other LJ. High men who ran were: l"l'od Dover, Homer Dill, Charles Slem· 1ll0nH, and John '''lIson.

The Kalona squad Is coached by L. G. Zehr, and InCludes Eve.'eU Hc('.~, Clyde, ,Paul Dennett, 1-tnIJ" \Adams, MUl'lin Thompson, Wilson Glngcrl .. h, Virgil Wleden· hoft, Logan Relr, ' V\IIlam Kearn, and 'WIIHam Ledman,

Missouri Tutors Use Twenty-six Men to

Defeat Penn, 26-6 Glenn ThlstJewalte w ill havo hla OSKA1.00RA, 0 '1. 14 (A»- The

",,'lacon wi n eleven 011 exhibi tion tn 1\!I~801ld State Teachers coli ge root. confcrenec play for thl) first time ball team from ]{trksvillc uscd since h e has takl'll charge at Madl· twenty,slx m!'n In defeatlnt; P nil son . 'fhe former Northwestern college hN'C today 2G to 6. ('Onelt has Ins tilled such a Al1ll'lt to Scoring In the first '''"'~e llerlodii, win In the ranlts of his Car(lInals tho Teoachers mlul., good on every aM tiw rcsult or two vlctorlcs scored Htyl~ or pluy, with Simpson, Slm· 1n "wa,'m'up" gome9, that It may m<'nH, ProtIvo, <.:I·fllg brothers anll 1odl11-( (IIRast I' to the " rolvl)rlnell. In Do\vnlng malll';tS gain l.rt~r lI'aln . a ll likelihood, th e game will rl'solve Only two ~rorlnS' oPPol'tuhltJes

Captain "Bill" Cook who after disagreement with Coach Ossie Solem was asked to turn in his uniform. Cook repented yesterday and will be in the Bulldog lineup that faces Pitts­burgh today,

East Des Moines Beats West, 25 .. 7

Dl~S MOINES, Oct. 14 (JP)-Com' plctely outplaying their' anclcnt rl"al~, gast Des "'loln,'~ high sehool decisively deCenteo<1 " 'CHt high In lhelr annual encoullt~1' here thiH afternoon by It SCOl'C or 2" Lo 7,


The gome Illnl'k('(J th(" last al'llpq," nnce of th" two sch(l<ll~ on thl' grlil· Iron as " 'est high will hI' !limed Into an elementary antI junior high >{'hool in 1!128. Rlvnll'Y between the two Inslllut\ons {lilIes bnck to 1893,

T{c,'naha n, l;;~~t DPH lIrolnps' Rtar fullback eounte(1 th'N' touchdowns (or the Red and Blnrk In!<Utullon. Hus8el\ Flshel', brother of ))I\l'l'l'll FJshcl' who wus a membel' of the

Iowa. varsity In 1923·24, challtad Ul1 "'pst HIf\"h'S lone slx·polntel'.

" 'Ith the !las,lng of '\'est High I hlrty'two y~ars of traditiolls are ~hatlered, Prouauly the most tam· ous of footballcl'B turn ed out by Dcs Moln~~' oidpst high school w("'e the Devine b.'othcr!!, Aubrey and Glen, Who lut('r Hla'Tcd with the Old Gold , raul 1\1 Innlcl<, former ]OWIl guanl, Illso came f, 'olll " 'est high,

Western Union Wins LF: ;\IAn13, ON. 14 (A")-'Yestel'n

Union collego cume frolll behind III the third pcrloll to dereat Yankton, (S· 0,) college 16 to 7 hel'e today. 'Phe ,'IAlto,'s werl) leading 7 to 3 at the l'nd of the H('cond ne "lod, Th e plunging nnd end I'uns of Capt. Kook fOI' th" Tele!!I'apherH and thp nil 10UIl(! plnylng of ;\fendel and 'Val'. den fOr Yank Ion featured the grune,

1l,e1C In to a rorward paRsIng duel, came P erm 's way, a flt'~t pel'lod ::.~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~~~-:::;. :~~~~;:::~~~~~~~~~~~ In whICh the Badgers stand an even drivo cnding on Kll'ksvllle 4·y:u-(1 ~ .. " • • .... .. .. cllance, line Whe't an attemptell I)lace kick

Michigan F tl\'orcd was tni~sed, and a desl)emte final Mich iga n , because ot lt~ long quart l' passing a nd s lll:ll:lhlng Illarcl!

>;trlng oC victories tn lhe thlrty·flve rUlTyln/{ thl' btlll ovcr, Qulrc made

y('ars of foothall relations, Is a hot :t=h():=:S::;C::::0i:"=' ========== ravorlte, howevel', even though -Coach "ll urry Up" Yost has turned tho job this year over to Tud ,Vie· m a n.

Minnesota, with Ca pt. H erb Joc~t· log , a ll ·Amel· lcan fu ll back, On the " Idolincs, figures thnt the game wllh Jl1dlana will he n thIng 11'101'0 tha n n. wO"kout, a lthoug h Pat Page, the llew cuu.cll of the Uooslers ; has by no m('ans conceded thlH.

FOOT BALL R EItUvrs Jlowll.rd 43; J acl<sonvlJle Norlllal 0, College of OZark 12; Atkansns Col.

lege G. Clemson 25; ]i:rsklne 6. 'p!'lnghlll 19; noi ll ns O.

One of the -Best Screen Performances of all



She Always Likes New Places-


"Delicious Meals Always"

Service from 11 :30 to 1 :00 and 5 :30 to 7 :00

THE TOWN AND GOWN 12Jh So. Clinton Street Second Floor

(Next to Coasts' )


Phone 3920-J and We will deliver six or more barbecue or chicken

sandwiches from 8 :30 p, m. until midnight . Located on COl'ulvHle Pavement

Open from 4 p. m. until 1 &. m. Managed by E ilIy, Student nt the Univel'sity


Le Jac et

Yes - We Have

tots of Them Black Horse Hides Blazier Style

Brown Suede with Leather and Wool Knit Collars and Cuffs

Indian Tanned Grey Horse Hide With Fancy Linings

Blatk Weatern Pony Jackets With Fur on outside, also in the Blazier strle

A"d th(! Plain 30 inch Black Horse Hide

with wool lining

And at Prices Tltat WHI Appeal


Come in and let us show you the best and largest as· sorUnent of this class of merchandise shown in town

We alSO catry a full line of breeches and everythin~ else necessary for the out door man or woman

BLUM'S 127 East -College St.

¥ •

Important Games Billed In Valley Conference Today

Kansas-Kansas Ags, Drake-Pittsburgh

Chief Games KA~!-lJ\S CITY, (kt, 11 (A')-l':v·

el'y lItls~ollrl VuJlI'Y Cootuoll team I'elume" Ite "ch\'dule tOI1101'I'O\\' nr· tl'rnoon, ~Ix of th\' le:lIlI" 111l'Nlng ~ach othe,' In thn'c Iml)Ul'wnt vul· le~' gaJll~s, anO the (jlh"r fuu,' nw('l· Ing In Itnportunt intCr'f;('ctional ~tt'ug!rle~ .

'"rhe KanR...1.~·J{anSt\""" At~g'lo {.;Jl n1t'

lIkp ly \\"111 be w.ltche(l clo"cly tomor· row, ' ,',e flnlll :It;ln<1l n~ In the con· ret encf;' d('pC"ntling eO I1~ ltierallly up­on It" Out('OIllI'.

MIssoul'l and Nt'broslm al'c eaRily favorlleu to d!'fc:lt '\'u~hill~ton and GrinI'll, I'NIP<'ctlvcly.

'rh!' Kun"'l, A~i'I(''' Itn \"0 vlrtUllly r('('ov('I-ed f,'om IIlJU1'1(', "u,tllll1od In the Missouri gomo tl':O \\'('CkA I\g<l, a nd ,vllI hear dOWll nil L~l.wJ·('ncf" to­morrow with a. IW;LVY, crnrty rIght­Ing teum, tl'nlnetl "lth " ,nyste l'Y shirt a nd a Ul\llgOI'O U" ]I;lsslns thrent,

:\li~soUl 'i lto:uly Th e Jayhawl,~ HI'I'N'" cCluully

strong and versatile. Tho ,",,01'0 to· Illotrow will IIlwly not 10(\ "" onp· shlM Os la"t yea,· ,\hell till' ,\t;gleH won ~7 to O.

Th!' 1II1~"ourl '1'lg('I'" (11'(' !'c,tlng Ilt I:lt. Louis t(Jnlllht fur th('lr gll!110 with " '''shlngton lInl\'('r"lly tomor· rOw, .Althoun'l the Hcal'H havo al· !'('ady furccd out tho cI"'l1lplol1~hh)

kill homo. A~gles, tI'ey <Ill Ilat [II" peal' as a "lrong 1 hr~at to Mlssuurl'" sUj)l'emacy, lIlissuul'i', th'HL ~I"lllg

hack (Ield will hc' lIf'IIChNl tOl1l0l"l'(lW "M ICl.!<t Hatunl:\y '"1I e~s tile 'l'l c:~"~ I-:~t behind.

(Jrlnnell J )ln ~'!I Nr''''"~ lm l\'elJrCl.!<ku'~ H<:cond 1<':t111 11"" I,,'"n

dOing pr"tly well against I ho yar­slty tills Wl'"k :mtl may tulw t,1O field agetln"l Grlnncll tOIllOITOW.

Oklahomll will 1)(' "hy the- rHle [lrlll of llaHklnK tomol'row In tile I'I'elgh· ton gamo at l\'ornr ;lh, but "ueh starR 0", Ray L('Cront', ~1tH)npr, \\'nl'a \Inti Urake, prohably will fill the gap.

The Oklahoma .\"h'I~" lire 111 ]1001'

condilion ro,' tho Invu,lun oC 11t('

Colden Avalanche frolll .'Ifnl'(luette. 'rhr Aggie,. have a IO"t: 1I"t ur In· jUl'ed stars ami the t~UIll hilS \leen rl"·U1 ran~E'd Hlnc(! last week's dl'ub­bing hy hUnnesota.

LltHt 1'('portH Indk:tt(, Iltnt ('o:t(:h iOolcm'" Dtnl'" tram will f'nlel'bln Pltt~hur~h unh·er~It ,.· nt J)p~ ~Ioln H

without I,'le Atnr Cllptltln Cuolc, who \l'a Iked off the C1eld u ftc,' trouble d e· "elor( 1 among the 11(1111111 Ihl :i wl'e\{,

low" State ('ontInul', Ihe vlllIl'Y's I'onlarl with lhe Dig Ten :u l-"hanu, Ill., tomo ... ·ow, meetlnl~ tho lfl1lver· ' slty oC Illinois,

Football Results Ohio Wesleyan 7; ~lal'shllll (W.

Yn.) 0, Southern :lIethodlst 34; Rice In·

HlIlllte G. Lake Forest 0; Ripon n, Kh-ksv\lle (lIli"sourl) 'l'cllc!1crs 2G;

Penn College G. St. OInt 12; Luther ColIl'/{p 7. Up!>l'r Iowa, 14; Simpson, 13, "r('~tl'rn Union College 16; Yunll'

ton ('ollege 7,

Braves Give Dave Bancroft Release

NEW YORK, Oct, 14 (.4')­

Dav~ llnncl'Ort, mann!;"er and ~hurtfJtol) of the l1oslon lWav('s, hn..~) Pl1 givclt his unconditional I'eleasc [\l.d will Pial" with Brool, · lyn n~xl !-'eason. '.'11's Wila diH· e lo~ed today uy Emil FuchH, l'reij· id nt or the 1)oRton du\), wit" .. <>Ieascrl Oancl'ort at the latiN's reQuesl.

Bancl'oft'p, rden~f' wn~ ob· talned In a ro.ah tmn-ncllon Iif" l\\'('('n til<' tWo ('IIlIlS, l1"lloklyn (If.

flcials announcl'd. Tho)" dl(l nllt dl;;c1os~ the amount, hut It W,l" ('stimnlrcl to bl' nbout $UI,OI)O

Entries Continue in "Ladder of Fame" I

'n1(, sunshlnt' yestl'rday ~~nt ReV. I "1'1\1 of thl' l'l1tmnt. In the Ladd~" --:: -===----;----

MEET , , , • • • TIlE ,

of ji'llme ;rolC tournament out to playoff til mlltches wh l h have teen ecll('dulcd fOl' 8('\"('ra I dJYR, !Jut IIhkh WO"(' unaIJk to bt' Ill:LYCII on account or the \let and told wca·

I thc}'. I Illtl'old DI'll'e1.1I1(I, In!Jt,uclor In

men 's phr~lelll !'du.':llinn !laid y.e!!.

terdllY that nlOl'e me" were en tering dolly anti If I he \\,,'" Ih e!' remained fit for play, thl']'e \\'oul,1 be several ch'lng-eH in lhl' IIn('·u!, of the tournn. nwnt. '1'wel1ty·rtv(' In!'n h'lve signed u), ~f) fllr, uncI nnal'ly flrtc'Cn mutches hu\·c hCl'i1 ))layctl,

Her Latest 11"ld Greatest

Pastime Next Week ,

e 9 Humming Collegians 9

T -NITE Eddie Flynn and Bob Sibert.'s




10 A 2:JO p. M .

Iowa field T' ket C01.1POx' No. 3

ye~r Ie 1 00 or $ .

Children 25,


Blue a Baffi1 wit~

Stinrol Starr


Match lenCOld 10 alnrOlit 001 Coach J,,~ S

J 5, J 927 'I' · .. T '11· ~ .. r ht (] • II •

Saturday. October 15, 1927 The D~ily Iowan, Iowa Cib r Page 7

""~ University Hi Holds Strong Marengo T earn to 'Scoreless Tie


Blue and White Baffles Marengo with Pass Attack

Stinocher at Fullback Stars with Ford

and Dennis

Malcberl ngaln~t n more C')lor' lenct'.d teant nnd outweighed by alm01!t thlt'ly 1'0unds to the man. Catch Jock S lloln·.~ UnIVOl'RIlY high IJTIdmen not only succecded In hold, Ing lhe slrong MIlI'ango high school eleven to s 0·0 tie ot MOI'eng-o Illlt OUlpls)'ed thom. 'Pbe l\llll was l'qlL . In Marengo's Lenltory durin,:: lIw I sreoler parI 01 lhe gamo whllo the unh'ers\ty high gonillosts WCI'C n,'v"I' In danger.



By RUII Westover Eastern T earns in Headliners Today

Notre Dame Meets Nav},;" in Feature

Crid Battle NEW YOl1K , Oct. JoI UP)-.I "bit::

gltTl\o" t ~rt8e nCWS 1I1,e the Ca.ltll that cOllies IJNol'(l It st(ll'm or It. tlni~h fight 10",10 ItIl'Jf f~lt In tho cast tonlt;ht.

Arriving Ml'ly this ycar. Lito open season on l 'lll' , 1I1.t.lllC8 brought ,t pOlI'el'ful Notl'e lJ/lm IlI'I 'ny out or

I the west to lJnltlnl()r~ " ,' lel'e It ehlgh· es with the Navy on lhe morrow. In other helLdllne iJnttlel!. Yale a nd Hal'·

I Yal'd , IlOt)1 ~llUll 'LI nl;: fl'om !lefe'll H, meet HI'own ollli Holy CI'0$8 raspp!!, tI \·ely. PI'II)C ton ll~lecs on W (IRh'

.-~ lilrengo has one of lhe best trams Ivun IJlackmcl'e snal'ed severltl Luther's Fumble in Last Minutes Gives

St. Olaf's 12.7 Win i .. TTTTTTTTTT ...... T ... TTTT ... TTT'J': of health. will c1oso for this time,

1 with al\ my love and I"~"es, Bucs Receive Series

Checks From Landis Hawk Harriers in

Time Trials Today

Ingtoll and which held the Ti · gel'S to a. tlo Illst ypal'; Colu mbia and

olgllte fight , It out In a battle of N('w York stute l'lvals; Pennsy lvan· la t"le9 to holl1 Its "e(l~On'M recol·tI

In Iltelrcia.s. hovlngbcen UJl{lefc'lted 1)['"808 which neUcd ~hort golns but In 1\\'0 l'Olll's-llUt tile Ilasslng. the nlul'engo eleven wC I'e a)Jparently plunging, nnd end runs of the III irned for n )J.lHIl otta('l, OM the U. Sktlnmen Mil Ih~m Inrrled. [n high hays wel'e gU:U'dNI closely. !pile of the IInc to buck which aver· I l\Jt. Vernon , N xl aged 113 pound" tho U. high ball WillI lite exper!eIH'e of this h>1I'd lote\'!j 11'01'0 unahle to make con· gllllle I'chind them. the university sl tent gtllns. high S'lUl1l1 will have 1'08Irl' cha nccs

Shein SltUslietl of )Jutting lilt. Vel'lIon and Gmnt

Rush Dennlo lH'oved the oefenslvo slar of lhe game. Four limcs h~ broke away for gains aWl'oglng 25 yards and with his Mckrlcld ll1at~" romped for twlco as m:1ny [il'st downs as their Weighty OIII)OncnI8.

Cqach Skein Is \\'ell pI ased with tbe work of his men a nc1 especially Ihal of Ernest I~ord at right tackle. ond Leu Sl\nnckcl' at fullback. This II Ihe second Intcr·!)Cholnstlc !(lltnC of foothall for l<'orrl hut he ~tf)o(1 out Ill! thr best dMrnslve man on th" field. Captain Virgil Rowers 1 )lny~d

o! right end in Blllte of I' bad anlde. !lolh Bowel's nnrl hi. f1ankmllt('.

high of Ceoar Rapids In tho "~uddet· hut wiSE'r club."

'rhc lineup: U 11 [OJ[ l\fAm~:-lGO

B1ackmel'e ..... LEI LfiJ ... A,ldlngton Stover ...... .... Ill' l!.T .. .... ... .. . VORS

lIunter ............ T.O I LG .. D. '1'omllklns ,Tones .......... .... ...... C'IC '..... Slayma],cr Thoma ............ .. 1<01 RCl M. 'rholllllkins j.'ord .. .. .. .11'1'1 Jl'J' . ..... Seh radol' Dowers (c) ... 1m:1 FtR ... Wndell (c) Johnson ......... . QBI:lu.. Shcetonhelen Dennis .......... . .l.lJll..lI ........ .. .. .. Kruse Kay ................. . nnl Ill!... .... ... lIomelite Stlnaeker ....... FlJl ["B....... ..... Jenlclns --_.---- .. _---

ReCeree: Inman, Cl·lnnell.

DECO HAlf, ct. 14 (A»-Sl. Oluf college (lefeatC(l Lulhcl' 12 to 7, hero tuday, unCI' a [umllic On St. Olaf's threo yard line ha ltcd Lulllel"s march toward a ~ ('on(l Rcore In the closing minute of play.-

Thompson scored fOr St. Olaf In the H('cond period on a line plunge . ,\amodt added nnother countel' in the t,'llt'd perIod by pI u ngl ng oycr aftel' a [i0 yard Illarch.

Pa8.'(,~ and ends run8 S('orpd for Luther In the foul·th jl<'rlo(l. when M. Olson luggNI the l)all LG yardll ror a mm·ker. He hl1(l jusL mil(le a 50 ya.rd l'lIn when tile errOL' WU$

"ommitted In the closing minute of )llay.


t OUR Extr,,-~lInn ::-to play seconC1 t team ll!\,aln~t Iowa hcr~ "'hon Ultwk·

CROW ) eye II' cln.~h wllh qOIII,el"s 0)1 the "Swedes" Honwcomlng next Satur· day. FI~sh:-Edltor·s cOJ'I'cction-

II JI1ak:e secQnd tenrp 1'e~(l "first team By and shQck troops" all rest O. 1(.

1'f!;TE IUwi I Ed. ~15)Jm. JAWN --

Ii I They've gone wild, Rlmply wild ... J':...-... -... - ...... --... -... -... - ... - ... - ... -... -.x-, ... - .... -...... - ... - ... - ... -... -... ..! ... ~ ovel' the low!\, team JlP at 1I11nne·

GoO(] mOl'nlng, (r!enr1~ and '\-a. aJ}oll~. Scouts fol' the Gophel' eleven batih fans. Nice dny. eh what? reported to Dr. Clarence Spears thllt

the Uawk s 1001< better thttl\ the -- championship team or 1921.

011, Ain't That Nk:1l ,Is we havpn't heen I'oln'f so darn

bad. we'I'e gCll ng t" give out Lhe (lope agilin On football gameR to he P11lY d tod;l~'. '1'hey migllt be wl'ong, but at the samo limo everYbody makes mistakE'S 01' else they wouldn't put erasers on leod pencils.

Stond by fOI' YOllr n11nOII11Cer. p:-

CHICACO. Oct. 11 (JP)-'l'he PIUs· blll'gh PIl'tltes' $111,843.39 dlvld lll1 fl'ol11 the world's 9cl'lea WIIS tllvltlcll tonight by Kenesaw 1IIounlt"n J.antlls. basebo ll commlRslonel', Il1to twenty·slx fu ll shares In accol'd(tnce l\llth the vote or'the players. Each Of the twenty·slx Pirates. Includln;:; Hazen "lOki" Cuyler. I' celved a c\leck for $3,D85.48. Adam ComoI" sky. outfielder who joIned the c lub fl·om the Wlchll!t Western Lcngue team In the last fortnight of the scaSOll , W38 gll'l'n ,2vO. S. E. WIlt· t~r8, tl'llvellng s(,Cl'ot;)I·Y. "ecelvcd a huH share of $1.992.74.

-- involale against Pen II Strt.te, Wllile COttell G. F. Dl'('snnhan gllve his I LaCayetto'S scoring juggernaut taco cr03~ counLry sq uad a brief work. I<les 'Vest VIt'glnlu. out yester(lay In prcpal':ltlon for tho On pallel·. lhere 84'el)1ed little t n

. . . chooso botwe('n Notre Dame antI lime trJals wl1Jch arc to be held Navy. both of which ,'lave played today at 11 a. m. A strenuous wot·),· two gamcs and won them both out '1'hul'R(]ay nig ht s howed that the A Yale terun 1\ hlch ¥lumbJed be· men Ilre \\'orl'ing togethcr In good gOI'e Oem'gln ao(l a tll'own (lloV!"l' shape. I that lo¥t itl! rh'st glll11fl III two yoars

to Penn la~t woclc ,u·s rMed On even At L"le stlll1C time that the Iowa terms.

grldmcn clash with Minnesota In I Pril\ceton hopcs tq r.'teck 'V.t~h · the laltcl's homccomlng ela~8Ic. tho ington nnd Lec. Hu\'val',l, on thc Iowa harl'i~rs will mutch stddell j other 110n,l, meets It forn) lC\nbl(' foo wi th the Cophe,· nggrego lion in the in Uoly rO~B whi ch hilS l\pt been Old Gold's initial 1027 cQI11Pclltlon. scored Upon as )'et.

The Daily Iowan


Huskers Outweigh Pioneers j,INCOl. :\. Nebr .• Oct. 14 (Al)­

GOing Inlo lhell' tu~slc against N'e· bra,;f;a univerSity llere tomorl'ow wilh 11 tcalll which averages tour· trcn pounds to the man Iightel' lhan the llusker grid eleven. the Grinnell PioneerS took a ilecl'pt workout on tile lIT~morlal ~tll(]fum field this of· trl'l1oon to finish orr the team fOI' tlte gal1Je. Punting featured the I)mctlcc of t he Scarl~ t clad c rew, with Coach ~{e:1I'g /ltlll IntenL upon ~t'lI'tlng his second (('allJ agains t tl1e Iowa Invaders.

Captain Henderson Leads Hawk Gym Team in Daily Drill

Here they 01'(':

IOWA, 20; W:1bnf·h, O. ( 'linton, J3: Iowa ( 'ity ,G. lIIil1ois, 17; Am s, 6.

Iowa's gym team asplranls Ilave PUrlluG, 12; Chic:tA'o, 6. heen drilling dally In the new gym Minnesota, 32; Indlalla, G. since the [irst of lhe scmosier. \\,itil • NOI'Ulwe!:tern, 12; Ohio Stute. 9. ('aptain ·W. D. Hendel'son, MI of Tn. l\lichJgan, 19; Wisconsin, 12. 11<,pcndrnco, le:Llling Lho team this Pittsbu.."h , 20; Ol'al,e, 7.

Classi,lied Adverti_i_g as "CARMEN" year it is hoprd thOt tll0 Iowa rym Ncbl'8Slm, 21; Gliollell, 3.

team will belle" its last yeal'~ rec ( ~lI'llplI. 12; l\lkhigall State, 6. urd In which they \\'on from 'Wlscon BrowlI, 19; Yllle, 6· Hln and 10Rt to Illinois and ~llnncMOUl. Mi r,oUl'i, Hi; \\'ashinston UllivCI'Sity, by c!o~c m:1rglns. O.

The a hsence oC Carl A. Noe, i\l~ Arl1l~', 21; Bav i.·l<;II,ills, O. Fills the Eye!

Rtpr~Je.ta""cul Volle .ale. pr<we .hlo

, lObe 0: banner Velle )tin, Wrlle for InfoI" ..,Ion on Ole" "'a'N. .bJe, co,operDtl-,e Frandli,e-,our I'fe"" O,"Porf1<n"l'


Two wonderful Re.tauranl.

and Sandwich


of A mana an,] ,John ]). [,'ul1cr, 11[3 'ol1'c Hame, 17; NII\,~', 6. of Keolwlc m~mb~rB of last yrol 's l'nil'('I'Sih' ot Southern Cl\lilol'l1i[l, 7; team. will be gl'eaUy telt. nut It Is St.anfOl·", O.

= expected that th~h' plAces will b3 .)etmlt, 14; Colwnbia College, 3. competently fi11~(1 by the time the FlorMa, 13; ICen/lIeI.y, Ii. !lrst dual meet rolls around. l{.l\Jl~aS, 19; 1{lInsas AJ(~ie", ~.

Although the dual meets wi til fu.n·llrll, 17; lloly CI'Of3, O. otheL' Dig Ten t~ams Qre not sched Coillmbia, Ili; ('olgatf', O. uled until arte!' the lleginnlng of !\lah:Ullu, 24; Georglu 'J'erll, 7. ncxt "('mester, It Is asl<cd that aU Okhthillllll, 18; Creighton, 6. candidates repol't regularly. Anti BIOWII, 21; \'ale, 6, Coach David A. lJal1mgal'tner ex l'aJifornia, 20; Oregon, 6. trnd~ an urf(cnt ,owenl to ali fresh --Illen lhat al'e the least Interested In Friday aflel'noon. tllC sport to rCI10l't to him Immedi Deal'est Friend Jawn:

• ately. As I haven't Il~en doing mllch o{

Haskell Downs Des Moines U. 13 to 0

LAWRI'lNCEl, [(ans .• Oct. 14 (JP)­'1'he Jiaskell Indio ns won a stubborn contested game wIth Des MoInes unl· ,'<'rally here today. 13 10 O.

The first IlnIr was scoreless, but Ilate in the third perio(l Cros~, qual" . t!' .. hacli, made- a 10llg poss to L

IJrlc:h tmlln for a touchdown 0 nd I Ill" I{'y kicked the goal.

I n the last ne.-iods McCombs. lIas 1«' 11 lackie. blocked fl punt on the 10 yard line and Beol'ell lhe seconll touchdown, Hawley missed the goal.

Velie oh" a line 0/ 1~lly «Qui,.".. car. on 1:"00 eI\a ... u, rang. in,. from the Swndo''ll Sb, 2·Door Sedan at $ll U.o .he Ro ya l

Sedan Of ,titUS.

anything today 01' In ['V·t the post coul>le oC d,ws. will lIen )'OU a. little note lo tell you Ilow 1'111 getting [LIong'. Crops al'en't h'lll where I 'm staying although the rains th~l

we've bcen having have put the roads in prelty mcan ,h3pe. I don't know much news bllt I thought I would tell you my all·stur varsity team. It fr; o\\'s: "Limburger" Muson. centol'. "Sleughfoot" Kelsh, g uard . "lligh fever" Fuhrman, guard, "Out of boun (18" lIIlIl~I', tackle. "Dandruff" Madden, t3l'klc. loJessc JnmeH" Yo1tng'~ encl. "'I'orona<1o" Johnstone. end. "Instantcous" SmcelcH, hnlCbuck. "Taraian" Malon('y, hnl{hoclc. "Raln·fuce" Bunn, fullhack. "Spaget" Pignatelli, fluarterback.

Captain. coach. hellrl medical Sti ll· e.-visol', head lincHnHln, referee, un)­plre, and field jtl!lg-e. PignatellI. Others who c1csel've ltonol'Oble m~n· Hon , nre: HDlnty" l\fOOl'C, "'Voman's delight" I\: el, "Scarfacc" \VilBam· son, "CDntagious" Kinnan, "As_ pllllit" lAUOI·. "Slt,'lk" Ji'orwaltl, "Swede" Je~Hcn. ana "SII nt Col" COI·son. suhslltut.e8.

P. S. "Glldll Gray" CHlchl'lst coulU he mentioned tiS n ~ullstitutc. too.

I think the tonm i~ :1 (Janc1y and we arc going 10 nl'l't1l1gc games with <: r~alville. North Bn~lIsh, Dough. Cl' ty . Cedar RapidH. Charles City, Du· buque, Doone, .Drs ~ I olncs, Clin ton, Plel'e, S. D ., Chicago, Austin, Minn., Ilnd What heel '.

JIoplllA' this Cinda )'01\ In the bc~t

.. "'\ rOt ......... tOr it. jIO'"


'" wI1I'1i burol'c "anlo t"day-Coll ('C)I'UC1iRnn III 4110i betC\\'etll a & H'-~ I & 12.



RO)'AI Sedan, $11;35, FuUy Bqt.lppcd, F. O. B, Moline All pric .. , F. O. D.


G-at a -"laiV Ackno"/~tlv.t1 · ·.4" -hy the Worl' Our New

Number With a get·a-way that is the marvel and envy these advantages: motor an~ chassis cush. of the autotnotive world, the powerful Velie- ioned in rubber, eliminating all rattles and built Airplane Type Motor a hoo til you inand greasing worries; full force feed lubric<l­Out of traffic like a phantom-so flexible is tion, reducing friction and wear to a min. it to changing traffic conditiontl.Pick·upand imum. 81% of all Velies produced in 19 acceleration to seventy miletl an hour takes years are still ill. service - a record exclu. Ies& time than it does to tell about it. Plus sive to Velie, and a vital reason to influ· the Airplane TVpe Motor, Velie possesses ence your selection of this outstanding Cil l".


lli<O+ll!.' ,

J. A.. O'Leary Velie Co~ On Half Block South of Po t OWe

• 18

Red TOil Cab Co.

Want Ad Rates

One or two daY8 10c line Three to five days, fa per

Uno Six daye or longer, 6c per

line Minimum cllarge, ROc

Count five words to the Jlne. Elloh word In the advertise· ment must be eounted. The pretlJc:es ";For Sale," "¥or Rent," "Lost" and similar ones at the beginning of ads are to be counted In the totul number Of words In the ad. Th'S lJumbBr and letter In a blind ael Ilrll to be counted as one w\1rd.

Cla~slfled ci1l!Play, 50c per loch,

One Inch bUlllnesa c"rds pel' month, ,G.OO

Cla,elfled advertising i n by 6 p. m. wm be pubUshed tl\p followIng morolnl!'.




ftdly furnished approved room on fll'st floor with prlvaLe entrance. SuJtable tor 3 men stud ts 01' mar· rled couple. l"our 1<9 from oampus. 20S3W.

DOU13Ll~ HOO]l[-FOH MEN, minutes walk Crom libl·ory.

pel' month. Phone--3731·W. 1~I1Ht D~\ rllport street.

SIX S!2 217

FOR RE}lT-FIVE ROO~[ UN· furnIshed modern, heated apart·

ment. Close to campus. PossessIon SePt. 1. Phone 1625·J.


housekeepIng cpt. with prlvllte bath. aCso double room for men. 328 Brown.


LOST AND FOUND LOS'I' J ~1\V 1~)'J~1l l"ILI'l'i~HN tTY

pin. Phi Chi. around Unlvcl'~lty

hO"llltal. Jnltlili. IV. 1'. 111., numool' 78[,U 01\ Imrie. Hetllrll to .Dally Iowal1 urtlc('. Uewanl.

l?OUND-CHBCK MADl~ PAl'· able to cash Cal' $5. " ' rile I' Illay

have same by (';tilinG' at Iowan .)(. flce and paying for Lhls ad.

WANTED - CLEANlNG AND J<'OUND-PAIH OF SHELL·RIM· Fon IlBN'i'- L.-I.llOB FllON'r preSSing. suIts 80 cents-Ernest Illed glasses In Illack lenthpr ease.

\\C~t rOom alll)l'ovet.l. Two single l{ehrel'-l'hone lB92 ·W. Owner mllY have same by calling al LOWl\n business oCtlce. heds. 1'hono 3037. 432 S. Dubuque.

1~Ul1NlSIJI':J) HOO:lI lcOlt HBN'1'­Double 01' ~ll1gle. :;OG S. Dulluque

Phone 2021:\\,.

FOR RE~T-APpnOVED LAROE sl ng le modern room close In. $12.

17 E. Hart·lson.

\\'ANT]':D - 1" 0 R 0 TOURI:.lC, 1l10d~1 1923 01' Illter. Phone!- LOST-DROWN LI',A'l'HEll HI Ll"

320·1· IV. 113·D. Q"nll. foW on campu_, conL.'llnlng $11.11" n l~() r; ('hf'( ' )(, l.I~.ndQr

WAN'1'ED- ,TOD W1Jl(,11 WlLL leave nt Iowan uWce. give 1'00111. Address XX- '1'lte ------------.----------.---Dltlly lownn . HIl\G CONl'Al:-l·

TYPING WANTBD "RA'I'];;!'! VERY Ing 5 kpy~. Owner Illll.y have

~'OR RENT: APPROVED ROOMS I'cnsonnllie. 3flme by call1n'l' at low~n offIce and

Phon!'-1027·"" artel' pnying for tl)ls ad . • for men $16 doub:e room. 1038 E. G ,,·clocl ..

Burlington. -T-.-'1-'J-N-.O------------ F'OUND-LADY'S FOUNTAIN PEN ~ J\~I) rOpy 'VORI{ Owner may ha\'e same by calHnl( ~lolle at I'cusonllble mles. Call at Iowan office. l<1entlfylng and pay. TWO ]"llONT HOOMS. APPROVED

ror gil'is. lleflsonable. 60·\ S. Van Puren.

SINGLE AND DOUBLE nOOM fo,· Illcn students. 408 S. Dubuque.

3448·J. Ing for thIs ael.

POSl'rIO:-J' \\'ANTED-BY I~XPl!.:R· ----------------------lenced coole. Phone--33SG·J.

\\·.IN1'ED '1'0 m: y A 'OLLEGE W'AN1'Bn-l~AMlLY A:-J'D BUN'· 1100M FOR TmN'I'-S(NOLE Ot: ponna1lL Phone 1279.

I.OST-IlLACK J;EA1'l!l~1t Ci\ SE containing Shaertel' fountl1.ll1 pon

a nd glasses. netut'n to Iowan. He· wal·d.

die wallhlhg . . Soft watcr used. dOUble. 22 E. Court street. LOS'!' -A DUOI\,N Lt,;A'l'H8Il HELP WANTED Call for Ilml dellvel·. Phone ~067·W.

HOME LAUNDRY ANI) ·MEND· Ing. \VII call fOI' and de l!ver.

Phone 1983-4ll E. Washington.

\\,AN'1'l!lD - LAUNDRY, S T U· <InnIs laund!'y a sneciaUty. phol1ll


I~OH nENT-DOUBI.E HQOM ]0'011 llIen. No.5, moolll ']'('J'I'U,e .

DOURL}: TWO'f FOR R1'U.DENT ttl 335 S .ClIlIton. OG·j·W.


1\' ANT8D 1"] VF: MEN 1'0 WORK ho[ul'e gllme SuturdllY. Cull Cor·

nelison at 4007 nftel' 7 p.m.

v\'AN'l'ED-S'I' U!)!·::.l·l' Gnu. WHO wUI \l'ol'k fol' hO'll·,1 ami 1'0l'm In

goo(1 home. Phono- 2199.

pocketllnol, "onllllnlnl; I\dtll'e~"cJ lettel'. Cull 2477. Llbol'lll r(\w,"·d.

FOl1 HENT-J,AIWI'; I"URNlSll · erl 1'0001. $10 fol' one S15 {or two ,

Ccntlemen IlI·eroned. Phone-HOW.

LOST-LADY'S BBO\\' N L1~A'1'1l· OJ' purse In Htudy j lu!! .

leave at Iowan oC(icc. Flnd~r

STUDEN'r LAUNDIl¥-7 G 3- W. IrOn. RI~N'r-A PA HTMEN'l'; FUR· AUTOMOBILES call tOI' and <laUver. nl sl1Prl ot IInCUl'l1 ishAII In new LOS'r - DAUK SlJ EL I..·IUMMEII

bu: ldlng wllh every modern con· i"On SALN--l"OHD '['OURING 19t1 glasses In blacl< coso. Hetul'n tq venlence. Phone 436 or 2;;n·J . r,;oOd ti res. A.I motor, stal'lo~' IOlVan oWce.

I,'OR J :gN'I'-FURN [SII gp TWo 1(ell- 3901. LT' O-ST-~-S-'I-I-E~L-L~'~R-l"'~-[ -G-L~A-';-S-I~~~-l.-:\ WAWl1!)D-S'1'UDEN1' L.\ UNDHY.

Phone 273G·L\\,.

WANTED _ LAUNDRY WORK I'QPm D.)J;u·tmenv.. Y ry Wlll'm, Black CUll('. Hotum to IOW llll. Coli 173·W. model·n. Phone-303,W. GARAGES l\cwul'll. ------------------------

FOP. SA~~E~..\~~Y'S HAC, ! ' coon f\.\1' cOIlL and hl'own corllcul

Prolessional Directory ('oat. Size 36. At wholesale cost -----------------------------------------------price. n In tlll'estM call at 127 EJ • Co' lege street.

Ron SALlD':"''I'WO BOSl'O:: IIUL1~ dog~. Mpther and ptl!>. n~:!

~fD.tlI30n. Phonc-Ji I. W .

,,'OR SAI.I<}-.stFJBRJ AN i';(~lT;R 'el j!lCqul.'tte. neo!ConabJe I! tllken at once. Ph ne-41 L

'FOR SALE-l"UR COAT. PHAG· tlelllly new. 1"'hono ~.Hii·\I'.

I,'on SALg-1'!')~ nom! 1I1ODEHN house. 1581.


l"OU llI~~T-CLOSll: IN . W~LL 11elttl'II furnished ligh t hou sekeep·

Jng al'llrtl11 ~ .. t H. Ileeently repn.pol·ed an(1 ]llllht~c1. Dl'pY~1"s-520 E . Washington bOlll~VII I·II.


rnrVNrFl J,I 'lSSON8 FOn TJARt· Iwt 01' s!llCo\lhonc I>~' experlcn eO

l1lualclo.n . J'ractlenl InatrucUon, n PMo no hie rl, tra. !074·W. --- . DA N(' IN(I tH'HOOJ •. 1'fIOD<J<l lH.

Burlcoly hOI~I , Prof. 110\,[8·hlo n. --(- 4

PRlVA'rJlJ DANCING LgsSON~. fOI' OIlPolntmllnt. Phont- R912 .

~~YP.fI r:XAMlNF:Tl )o'nl~''l .~ . M. GI 'COr, Ojltlc\l1n,

.--_P_R_O_FE_S_S_IO_N_A_L_-.\ , __ S_H_O_E_R_E_P-:-A_IR ___ .I.--__ T_A_I_L_O_RS ___ _


Diseases of Women IN STYLE $35,00 Over SIa.nta'. Store HUSA BROTHERS \'

40 cents will dyo your TAJI.OR CllntoD Street brown s hoes blCLCk. Corner Col1~ge and Dubuque 8t8. I

Hours 2 to G P.l\f, All Kinds of Shoo R epairing Above CItizens Bank ,



AlwayS Roady to 00 U ()an MlJeace Dalb

Tel. 2425


Chinese Hand Lnundry

Phone 662

Will call for aDll tJellver

Expert Wllrk

RClUlonnble Price.

SatiftCllction Guaranteed

Work Ouaranteed

.Joe Alberts SHOE REl'Am

Acros8 From Englert



College of Dentistry

Open to r ClinIcal 1'!~l'vlo. Be".' n lng Sept. 19, 102 7. Hourl-10· 12 D. m ., 1·5 p. m.



us 80, Dubuque Eugene Steam ~rmanen&

WQ,\'e8 $111.00 )I:,(11f'I't .... rh" ... ng

rlt on" 1299 ,J ~l:Irl'l'l_7r.r

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Save the Difference $1.00

Suits Cleaned and Preued

WHY PAY MORE' Ellpertl IU'II ae your lervlce here, WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER

RONGNER French Drr Cleanlnr

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Piano Tuning Del>enduhlf' /lOll l')ffJe lt'nl Servlco

2G ycurs g"'llorlplll.'O Hccuntl1lellll\'(\ by 11I'omlncnt


W. I" MORGAN 1130 J('lt'I,WO/)rl

l'hnl1l\ l 'I~:;

, .

., .

, .'

- -- -- -- ~ - . ~

Lat~ City. !pork. Campa.. lUi' jJ I -.. nL!jJownif Publi,ahed E'ftry Mornin ••

and Wire News Reporb - . • Except Monday. by , . Student Publications Telephones .{:SUO- JlO. Jll "' lDiSltorlaJ II •• Iowa City. Iowa. Saturday. October 15. 1927 ,

InC:9rporaled ,.

Council Grants $74,275 Paving Contract on Ten Streets Horrabin Company Offers Lowest Bid

for Improvements Dimity Brothers Make

$9,265 Proposal on Sidewalks

On a bid of $74,276.65, the WJI1lam JIorrabln Contracting company was 11 warded the contract for the sec· ond pnvlng program by the city councll meeting laat night In regu' lnl' session.

Twenty·tlve thousand square yards of reinforced concrete will be laced In short stretchea on Dubuque, Rundell, Fairchild, Ri'vel', Black HAwk, Benton, and Johnson streets, Jackson aven ue, Morningside drive, and Templin road.

Other companies submitting sealed bids were the Buecher Contructlon coml>any of Burlington, the Central Engineering company or Davenpol't, nnd C. W. Shirey of Waterloo. Works 1186. The contract will pro·

The contract for the construction of 47,000 lIQU8re feet of sidewalks Willi let to ~mlty Brothers as low· est bidder. The figure named was $9,265.86. Sidewalks will be laid In various parts of the city. bul lhe construction centers chiefly In Chau· tauqua Heights and Sunnyside addl· lion.

Reroof Hose Huuse A third contract was let to V. J.

Moraveo for a new tin ,'Oot on the Alert hOse hOuse, 2C>1 N. Linn slreet. His bid was for the amount of $183, Schuppert and Kondelka bid $196 Ilnd the lowo. City Sheet Metal Works $186. he contract will pro· vide thal lhe work must be com· pleted by Nov. 1.

An ordinance forblddlng the parkJng of cars on the south side of Market street Crom the enst side of Vo.n Buren street to the west side of Johnson street was given Its sec· ond reading.

An ordinance permitting the In· dependent school dlstrlcl to erecl II. sohool building In a I'esldence dIs· trlct ot Iowa C;:lty was given Its first reading. he achool house Is to be constructed at the west city limits and W. Benton street, thence east 669 teet, thence no,'th 316 feet, thence west 069 feet, thence south to the place of beginning.

Seek Railroad Cl'OIIslng Property owners who live north

of the Rock Island track and east of Fifth avenue requested that a cross· Ing be Pllt In over the C. R. I. & P. Ry. tracks at flCth avenue between Court street and B street. June 4 the railroad company was given ten days notice to put In the grading, Ilut no action had been taken.

City Solicitor Hayek Willi Instruc· ted to take the matter up w,th {-larry D. Breene, Rock Island agent, Since the railroad company did not Install the crossing, when .-Iven ten days notice, It Is possible that the proposal may be presented to the railroad commission tor set· tlcment,

AsllS for Drtveway William H. Palmer was given per·

mission to cut the curb twenty teet on Mu~catlne a.venue and twenty teet on Court atreet. He wtJl reo move .the gas pumps now on city property to his own property. The new Ilrt'angement will be Ii means ot avoiding accidents, aa the buildings

= Look Who's Comingl

Pastime Nelt Week

which have been obstructing the! L al C d Among ma tters referred to the

view there will be removed. I OC omman er street and aJley committee to report 0 0 .; naI at the next meeting was 0. petition pposes puO [rom the ValenCia ballroom, 6 S. Du· bUQue street, to put up a wood M°1:!I. T" frame sign six feet out Crom the lU;Lary raInIng bulldlnl;. .

The same comml ttee and the city engineer Is lo deal with a requeat Scabbard trom the Nu Sigma. Nu fraternity to establish a grade on Righ land ave· nue In Manville Heights. The petl· tlon stated that the contractor In charge oC building the new r.·aternlty house oCC Beldon avenue Is now "eady to put In the dt"l\,eway, the grade level has not yet been eatab· lI~hed.

and Blade Favors Present


Lone Tree Downs Tipton to Collect

Fourth Triumph Lone Tree 's "Unscored upon Coot·

ball team adde<1 Its fourlh victory to Its string yestel'day by downing the heavy Tipton team by a 88 lo 0 800re. 'V hen lhe final gun sounded Lone Tree had the ball on Tipton's lhree·yn.I'd line, with the coil first and goal.

Stars tor Lone Tree were Flake at quarterback, and Captain Rife at center. Tipton '. best player wn.~ lhelr captain.

Besides their four victories. <1"lach Bridge'. oggrpgatioll have tied one game, p:aylng against Columbus Junction.

Continued OPposition to the mo\'ement to make ml'ltary tra.lnlng optlonl1l In the university Is being met f1'om the local American Le· glon and Scabbard and Blade, hon· ora "V m!Jltnry organization.

\V. B. Gipple, commander of the local Amerlcl1n Legion was emphat· Ic In his demand Cor preparedness. "Of course mlllta"y training should be oompuIRory!" Mr. Gipple ex· claimed last night.

"Everyone knows what would happen If the course were made op· tlonal. Very few, If any, would ta ke It. Thon In ease of wa r, wha.t woulrl happen? These people fos· tering lhlN move are thinking In terms of today onl~ What about tomorrow? We are not living only today; there are generations to come that will elthe," pl'oClt or not profit by this move,

"Moat nR8uredly making milltat"y training optional will make the co urse lighter fo,' freshml'n . Bvl. dently the backers Of this mov" see how man~' will take a ha,'d

Local Girl Scouts I course 11kI' this It It Is optional . Don't the people think of the olrl

Sponlor Sale for alogan 'He who III not prepared Is

P 'B the (lrst to get Into troub1e.' Get arent I anquet the Implication . Those boys n eed this training not only tor wa,', but

1'h girl scouts of Troop 10 will a'so for whatever position In lite hold a. cookie sale at Clinton and they wish to filL :pon't encourage Washington street~ nt 8:30 a. m. lhe boys to be cowards. No renl today. The money will be used for man Is afrnid of hard wOI·k . Don't the dad's and mother's banquet to be slackers. be held Saturday, Oct. 29. The girls "Of course, this Is my own per. have IJlanne(\ lo prepare a nd serve 80nal opinion of the whole business, the banquet themselyes, although So tar the legion as a whole has complete arrangements have not not made a decision In I'egard to been made. the movement."

'1'roop three, Girl Scouts, met at At the regular meeting oC Scab· 4 P. m. yesterday al St. Patrick's bard and Blade, the to1\owlng reso· school under the leadlll"ship or Mrs. lutlon was passed : 1\. G. Derksen of 703 S. Clinton "We, lhe members of D company, street. Patrol leaOers of the troop 1st regiment oC the national society a l'e Dolores Kelly a nd Shlela Fahey. of Scabbard and Blade, In regular The corporals are 1I1a,'garet Fltz· meetin.2". In Jew of the action tak, patrick and Betly Fahey, en by the Ity oC the State Uni·

A party for a1\ the gi rls In the verslty of Iowa, o.ot. 12, and bellev· Henry Sabin school was heM yester' ling that military ,service Is an obll· day al 4 (J. m. a t the Bchool build· gatlon oC citizenship, a.nd that the Ing by troop two. A play directed ~reaten opportunities aCforded col. by Annette Casper was presented lege men for the study of military by the scouts. science plac~ upon them certain reo

Rhind Boy Improve. A report Il1st night at the unlv cl"

alty hospital said that Scott Allen Rhind was . IIghtly b(ltlel". Scott Is the 3·yen.r·old son of the Rev. !llld Mrs. John G. Rhlnd, and was se ..... lously Injured Oct. 3. when 8truck by an automobile. '1'h(l child wt ..

unconscious for over a w .. ek and I .. now in a seml·consclous slate.

sponslbllities as citizens, hereby reo 80lvo to preserve and develop t he essential qualities of good, efflclenr oCric(lrs; to prepare ourselve8 as ed· ucated IlIpn lo lake an active part In combating lh's IWtion; and above .. 11 to 8nread In tellUl"Ollt Information concerning the military require· ment8 of our country."

Thp resolution waa signed by F . L . Kline. captain of the conwany .

Answprlmr the ch""i(t' thn.t th"


Airplane Rides

Five Passenger Planes

Licensed Pilots Air Mail Field

Sunday Last Day Here

· ~++II~I.IIIIII.II'II'I+.lllllllllltt'

MOTOR OILS 50c Gallon.:

Sold direct to you through our cash and carry store8 at the . wh91e~le price makes it possible ' to sell Y'JU our entire Ii ne of strictly high grade oils and greases at this big saving.

Bear in mind that American Motor Oi I is not a second grade oil made to sell at a low price. Instead it is far superior to many so-called high grade'oils. We rec­ommend 1,000 miles service in your car before it need be drained and refilled, and 60 hours' continuous service in your tractor. Eighteen different oils to 8uit your particular car, tractor or machine. Try our non-chatter in your .Ford.


Less Than 5 Gallons, per gallon ................ _....... . ...... ! .......................... ~Oc OJ) Serviced in Your Car at, per gallon :......... .. ......... _ ................... 7Oe

2 Quarts for .......................................................................... . , ... : ... : ... ..... 35c

Let Us FUI Your Transmission and Differential With the Very Beat Gear Grease, lb. . .............................................................................. : . .15c:


American Petroleum ' Co; IOWA CITY STORE-127 SO. CAPITOL STREET

,.,,, p"""""", 'ff" """"" 'ff' "'" u'" u .... ,' , .. , .. , .. ," 'i"'" .....

Instigators of the movement have nad no military training and hence are not tit to judge the Importance Of the matter, PrOf. GeOl'ge D. Has· ken , oC the department of econom, Ics says, "Prof. Charles Tippetts, the man who seconded the moUon when It W!1.8 bl'ought up at faculty meeting, was a captain ot InCantry In lhe Ame,'lcan Expeditionary Corces on the French fl'ont, and Ie now II captain In the United States ReHerve corps alld an honoral'y m~mber oC Scabbard and Blade.

Editors Conclude Two Day Meeting

at Football Game (CONTINUED FROM: PAGE l)

Waverly Independenl Republica n, and W . T. \Vol"lman oC the Malvern Leader.

Mr. Mott closed the mOl'nlng meet· Ing with a talk on "'l'he Field of Journalism," In whlch he summar· Ize(1 the Increasing SCOIJe oC the profeS8lon . He especially mentioned the number Of hou se organs and journals oC societies which nre being established, Ilne1 st ressec1 th e place which women are finding In the newspapel' profession.

At the lun cheon In the ,'ooms oC the chamber of commerce, Harry B"eene, Jk'l~t pl'es;Ilent of the ol'gan· Izatlon, welcomed the editors to the city. Mannglng dlreclor 'rucker maile lhe response, and MI'. While gave !I. short talk,

The afternoon seRsion In Old Capl· tol senate chamber opened wilh a lalk by Philip D. Adle,' of lhe Ke· wa nee (111.) Star·Courler on "Cct· ling Circulation without a Premium Contest." Mr. Adler g radu ated from the school of journalism In the unl · verslty In 1926. Since lhe time he hn.~ been In charge of the Star,CQUI" ie,', th e ci rcula tion has Increased from 3,8 00 to 7,750. MI'. Acller des· crlbed the way In which the In· crease had been brought abqut by Increasing the number of pages anil of country correspondents, setting aside special pages such as cily and soclely, chan ging the rates, working with the ca,'rlcr boys, and Intensively cultivating the field.

Frederick J . Lazell, associate pro· fessor In the school of journalism, spoke on "Training for Journal· Ism." MI'. Lazell dl'scrlbed the cur· ticulum which is offered In the school, and dlsculISed the way In which the students use The Da lly Iowan as their laboratory. Mr, La· zell stated that he believed that journalism should be made a. reo Quired subject In the university,

,Vard Barnes of the Eagle Grove Eagle took up lhe subject of "Prob· lems In New8paper Consolidation." Describing his own expet"lence In consolidating newspapers, Mr.


Meats "Tender as Butter"

The delicious flavor of our Meats call for a sec­ond helping, We take pride in offering the very highest quality ob­tainable and at our prices you at:e assured a

. real bargain every day.

Iowa Cash



If You Can't Shop in Pel'8On, Phone 92-

We'll Deliver It

403 Iowa Ave.

Barnes atated tilat It Is necesaary that the mel'chants of lhe town be abSOlutely sold on lhe conSOlidation proposition.

'Pictures In lhe "'-eekly Newspa· per," was th e topic discussed by W. C. Jarnagin or the Storm Lake PI· 10t·T I·lbune. Mr, Jarnagin exhibited a number of his own papers to 11· lustrate the use of pictures, and ad· vocated a more general use ot these fealures.

"Too much hostile and hypocrlti· ca l mnttel' tinder the name of newS Is used In the mel ropolltan papers ot today," nsserted J. N. Stonebrak· er ot the Webste,' City Dally Free· man·Jolll'nni In his talk on "Better Journalism. "

ChElrles Cash j ,'., of the Anamosa Journal opened th e discussion on "SpecloJ Pages and Special Editions; Do They Pay?" 1Iis belief was thn.t ~peclal editions nr(l usually a detrl· ment n nd 8pecia I pages a n asset to a pa pel'.

W. N. J(u eneman of the Knoxv\lle Journal continued the dl8cu~slon and exhlblled editions and pages which had been prepnl'ed by his own papel',

"The spednl page mus t be used with dlsc" elion," he said. "Use it as much nR possible but dOl)'t ovel" work yOUr field.

A discussion by Ed M. Smith of the 'Vlnterset Madlsonlan on "The Value of nn Editorial Page" closed the afternoon sellSlon.

The edi tors who have l'e~lstered fol' the conCerence ,"'e: Lor lmN' J~. l'alloll. (JowJ'Ie; ]:;;. F. Tuckpl', Den · Ison; Jack~on nllzard, Ce,101" nap·

Kiwaniana Choole Peterson, Council

Bluffl, Governor The new govel'nor oC the Iowa·

Neb,'aska. district ot Kiwanis Is H enry K. Peterson, Council Blufts. announcec1 Cliff Palmer, local rep· resentatlve to the convention at Kenrney, Neb. Rlon Dow', Fort Dodge man was re-elected treasurer.

A discuss ion ot the problems of Kiwa nis clubs comprised the main fea ture of lile convention.

Fll"st prize In the district corn contest In which ellch club submit· too an ear of corn went to the Mis· sOUl'1 Valley club. A la"ge banner and a gold m dal were the awards.

Newton will be the scene for the distri ct convention next year·

Ills; P. D. A!l1er, K E>wanee, Ill .; C. '\1. Richards, Tol do; I\Irs. C. M. Rlcha"c1s, Toledo; H nrlette Amidon, Toledu; J umes W. McCutcheon, Aft, Vernon: ,,' . ~. Kueneman, Knox· ville; J. N. I'ltonebrake", Webster Clly; George C. 'l'ry kl!fl , Webster

Ity; C"harieij W, Do.w, Des Moines; :'.1. F. King, MaQuoketa; arl F. Growl). lVave,'ly; Vemon M. Vlent, sumn r; J oseph Kelley, \Vashlng· ton; Charles A. Hacke, Lone Tree; W. P. Wortman, ~1alvern; Mrs, W. P. \Vortmnn , Mn.lvel·n.

Loral Men Ueglsler H. W. RILl'nes, Eagle GrovE>; H .

H""k"I·. Town rltv: H. L. Griffith,

Elkader; Mary Orlt"th,I~lkader; I New York Writer Helert GrlCf\th, Illikotl r; .\11" . a nd Mrs. E. E . 'l'aylol', Oelwei n; Mr, llnd Speaks at Local M .. e, I-1. Hoyer, O~1.veln ; I~. Llnott. • Iowa Ity; Don L . BeIT)/, Illl1;llOol,,; Commercial Club Mrll. Doll L . Bel"'y, In dianola ; 1<'. J . Lazell, Iowa Cay; Ed I'lmlth, IVlntpl" eel; F, M. pownull, fown ('Ity; Az(.1 :M cllrallh, erooklyn ; ?\lrll. A. W . I3ushnell, Stanwood ; :\I arlon lJush· nell , Sta.nwood; J. L, Papcs, ;\llu'lon, J . Lewis Papca, MIlI' lon ; 1 .. A. Mer. 1'111; JlledlllpOIlS; Walter F . Ca"8teM, Olin; Clarice Miller, Olin; H .D. Shephard, Defiance; J. K VittI<, Morning Sun: Portel' Colvlnl{, Wash· Ington; Evelyn Gibson, WllJIhlngton; J . Illlllot Grayson, Washin gton.

"Newspaper pcople are no 101lg' er coming f .. om th 'bark ottlc .. '," I. the sta.tement of Willia m Allen White, editor of the EmpOria O IL'

zelte In making II. shOrl HJ)('e<:'h Ilt'. [ore the students In th e Journlllllllll IIChool Yesterday aCternoon .

Mr. White sold thnt thc ti m!' 18 ov,r when ed ltol'll I1n(1 newspap ~

people work up to the f .. ont ofll<'(' from the "back room," that th ' 1)(>'" pie Who are really making ~00<1 In the profession are not th084' wit h only a practical expe"lenc but th .. ~~ who are spending nt least t"'o YPI\l'R

In II- school of Journalism. "The more college training you

have the farther ~'ou'll gpt now·n· daY8," were Mr. White'" words anti he went on to say that lhe,'e IH n large field open In jourJ\l\lIsm for those who are trained (or It.

I"mnl' Hllhn, ft'!ltul"c )Vrl ter lor lIw New y: ... k 'l'IIllPR an~ New York I';vl' nlng PURL, wil l be l h e apeak!, lit til<' I" j{ul"I' lunt'h~ol1 mcpt\ng or tht. chnml..-r oC ('ommp,'co Mondav nOlln . D~ will "1~'llk on the g~nel1ll subj .. "t ot "Th{' new fco numlc map ot thl) nlted Stales." usi ng hla ex. pcrlpnrA (I~ wrltp,' unci traveler III [\ toundl1t1ol1.

AI 1" . Hohn ('omE'S lo Iowa Cily rn· dCI' the all"plce" or lho college or commerrp, lie will deliver Il. series ot Ie<'LUI'CH Ilf'ror(l varlou~ /fl'oups On thl' Cam l}UR t!U1'lng lhe tim he 18 In tho rity.

One of the Beat Screen Performancel of all



"I agree with George White that Luckies are the Best"

t .. dthat tv 0\1, too, will ~ give tl Cl(y STltlI{1~ . Mild ~\~ ~ ...... e",

al\.<t t>~ eatest pleasV'" flo.est Ci 1iellow1 the (Xloked. ~~tett:es You ever s baC>' c d.e of the cpoicCstdtoatld

()S ge bi 'ProPerlf a L~11 and el\ded with ril'cat sl'W' th 6~ ocess"'-ete is an extra pt

"1 " no ~'S TOASTED ~. harShness, not a bit of bite.

Said Flo Brooks to Lou Holtz while waiting for their cue to i appear in llManhattanMary." i

I ;,..' ,

George White, ' Producer of

George White's Scanda18, writes:

. "1" tM theatTe world, Lmkies have beC01'rn! a[,.. most unit.oenaL Stage follcJ arc wr.Y critical -wica tnlUt be kept in condition, throat ir. rit4tiola .. II handicap. In 'George While's ScGnda&', mott actor, and whose ~eI are imPortant smoke Luckiu boch lor wke fWoUctiola and finer /f'''lOr. Fur these ftCIIOnI llWc/cr them. too."

'6 .... ' .,

It's toasted '-~ Throat Irritation-Ng 9!!!gh.

[ ,--:;;­

Volume 21 ;:;----

Ra General for