



1.0 Introduction

This chapter introduced the background of the study, the

statement of the problem, objectives including the general and

specific objectives to which a researcher focused to, the

research questions and significance of the study will be also

contained in this chapter, furthermore, this chapter introduced

the limitation of the study that might occur during the

researching processes.

1.1.Background of the problem


The history of condoms goes back at least several centuries and

perhaps beyond. For most of their history, condoms have been used

both as a method of birth control and as a protective measure

against sexually transmitted disease (Bernett, 1994). Condoms

have been made from a variety of materials, prior to 1th century

chemically treated and animal tissues (intestine or bladder) are

the best documented varieties. Rubber condoms gained popularity

in the mid 19th century, and in the early 20th century major

advances were made in manufacturing techniques.

Condoms were the most popular birth control methods in the

western world. In the second half of the 20th century, the low

cost of condoms contributed to their importance in the family

planning programs throughout the developing world. Condoms have


also become increasingly important in the effort to fight the

AIDS pandemic (Collier and Prometheus, 2007).

Tanzania is one of the counties were the adveritsement in

television is leading which is contributing in increasing of

HIV/AIDS problem. Dar es Salaam as part of Tanzania where there

are many media around it led to increase of HIV/AIDS where about

million inhabitant are affected due to the advertisement of

condoms in television.

Latine America has a word is third highest rate infection

followed by sub saharan Africa and South East of Asia. In Europe

the rate of advertisement of condom in television is not much

more as to compare with the sub saharan countries where the rate

of HIV/AIDS increase day to day due to much advertisement of


condoms which encourage people to pratice more sex (UNAIDS,


The most advertisement of condoms in television of Tanzania do

not follow the ethics and principal of advertising where they

just show advertisement at a time children not yet sleeping where

encourage those children to use that condoms.

40 millions people estimated to live with HIV/AIDS which is

impact of condom advertisment and 1.4 million die in latin

America and 42,000 in caribbean. WHO and UNAIDS estimated that by

the end of 2003, 1.88 million people being live with HIV/AIDS in

the 52 countries, the majority of these (1.3 million) in the

countries of Eastern Europe. The sub saharan Africa has just over

10% of the world population, but the area is a home to close two-

thirds of all people living with HIV from 23.1 million to 27.9


million. In 2003 between 2.6 million and 3.7 million in the

region become newly infected with HIV and there were between 2

million and 2.5 million death ( TACAIDS, 2004).

Condoms once considerd “taboo” is beginning to make an appearance

on the small screen. A number of leading broadcast networks, as

well as cable channels have in recent years quitely let go of

long- standing policies prohibiting contraceptive commercials.

But several still prohibit advertising for condoms even through

they accept advertisment for other types of birth control.

Those that do run condom commercials often have restrictions

about when and how they may be advertised. (Kaiser, 1998).

The issue of condom in the world brings a big challenge to human

welfare. In Tanzania studies show that up to 2001 more than


500,000 individual died of AIDS and the number is expected to

increase about 600,000 by the year 2005: (TACAIDS, 2005).

In this research we are going to look at the assessment of dume

condom adverts and its impact to Tanzania and the research will

use the advert of dume condom which is shown at ITV television

station. dume condom stud is a product of Tanzania marketing and

communication (T-MARC). The dume condom which is show is called

“Mwanaume wa kweli” whereby a man is showing how a real man

should be by doing a lot of things like saving people from

different matters and the then it has shown that a real man can

be trusted by everyone and that to be a real man you should use

dume condoms.


Dume is a high quality, mid-priced condom brand that delivers

protection from HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases as

well as unwanted pregnancies. Dume is supported by the American

people through the United States Agency for International

Development (USAID).

T-MARC’s goal in marketing Dume under TSMP is to help reduce the

prevalence of HIV from 5.7% to 4.0% by September 2015. 

Dume’s target market includes those who are most at risk of HIV

infection, thereby maximizing its public health impact.  These

high-risk populations include mobile populations, sex workers and

their clients.  Specifically, Dume targets urban and peri-urban

men aged 15 to 49 in the more affluent 4th and 5th SES


(socioeconomic status). Surveys have shown that HIV prevalence

among more affluent men is higher than that of less affluent men.

Dume sales are supported using mass media communications

including television, radio, print and outdoor advertising.  In

addition, the brand is promoted at events and through

interpersonal communications at truck stops, mining sites and

other high risk areas. Dume condoms can be purchased from a wide

range of outlets including duka la dawa, bars and kiosks. Brand

distribution will prioritize visibility and penetration of

locations where its target market frequents including urban

outlets and those located in local hot spots where high risk

activities take place.



1.2 Statement of the problem

Condoms have been heavily promoted in practicing sex to prevent

spread of STDs especially HIV/AIDS for they are cheap and

available in the markets. Some times they are given free from

different health institute and when they are used properly they

can be 95%-100% effective against unwanted pregnancy and

prevention of veneral diseases.

In this context Television has been airing these commercials

adverts to make sure the message reach the public to creat

awareness and prevent them from acquiring STDs, HIV/ AIDS but

still there are people in who have different idea towards dume

condom adverts despite their level of education, income and

cultural perspectives.


Therefore the aim of this study aims to look at how these advert

of dume condom have lead to behavior change of Tanzania’s. Since

the start of the disease there are so many ways which used by

different media to disseminate the message through television.

Despite the television has been airing the dume condom adverts

but still there is a need to look at the behavior change of

Tanzania’s over the adverts. Thus the reseach will try to assess

on the behaviour change that is due to dume condom advert do they

real lead to early sexual behavior change among Tanzania’s.

1.3 General Objectives


An assessement of Dume condom TV advert and its impact to


Specific objectives

1.To assess the perception of Tanzanian’s towards Dume condom TV


2.To determine the whether of Dume condom adverts motivates

sexual behavior habbits.

3.To examine the message Tanzanian’s get over the Dume condom TV


1.4 Research questions

1.What is the perception of Tanzania’s over Dume condom TV


2.Do Dume condom TV advert motivate sexual behavior habbits?

3.What message do Tanzania’s get over the Dume condom TV adverts?


1.5 Significance of the study

The study was to help the society and condom suppliers to be

aware with the perception of youths and adult behaviour change on

Television’s Salama condom adverts and their impacts to

Tanzanian’s that particular type of advertisment, there fore they

will be in a position to understand better ways of modifying and

change their publication methods in order to reach and help the

targeted audience. And also the government to support the condom

suppliers to make sure that message reach the people.

1.6 Definition of terms


Advertisement is any paid form of non- personal communicaation

about an organization, product, services or idea by an identified

sponsor. (Bellen and Bellet,1995)

Commercials is also the type of communication in Television to

persuade people to by particular brand of product or service.

Condom is a sheath commonly of rubber worn over the penis (as to

prevent conception or veneral infection during coitus). (Webster,


Television is a widely used telecommunication system for

broadcast and receiving moving picture and sound over a distance.

(Schofield, 1998)





The research was to show how different scholars and other

researchers have discussed and make their convergence and

divergence knowledge in relation to the study topic, also through

other scholar works I will acquire great knowledge about the


topic and I will be in a position to fill in the gap of knowledge

which is important to incorporate to the study problem.

2.1.1 Conceptual Framework

This theory state that viewing a screen of any programme lets say

dume condom adverts a person will automatic remain to have

concept they get about the dume condom adverts.

The simulation theory is actually based in philosophy of mind,

especially the work of Alvin Goldman and Robert Gordon. Then, the

discovery of mirror neurons in macaque has provided a

physiological mechanism for the common coding between perception

and action and the hypothesis of a similar mirror neuron system

in the human brain. Since the discovery of the mirror neuron

system, many studies have been carried out to examine the role of


this system in action understanding, emotion and other social


Simulation plays a significant role in human cognition.

Simulation theory is an approach to the question of how people

attribute mental states to others. Mental-state attribution is

variously called folk psychology. Theory of mind reading or

metalizing, it is a species of Meta representation and activity

in which mental states (beliefs) represent other mental states.

It is generally agreed that ordinary people engage in mind

reading from an early age.

The simulation theory is not primarily a theory of empathy, but

rather a theory of how we understand others that we do so by a

kind of empathetic response. The theory holds that humans

anticipate and make sense of the behavior of others by activating


mental processes that, if carried into action, would produce

similar behavior. This includes intentional behavior as well as

the expression of emotions.

The relation of this theory to the study is that, the adverts of

dume condom are shown on television and Tanzanian’s are watching

the adverts, it will help the to make use of condoms, but what is

the impact to youth when expose to the adverts that Young people

realizes that the dume condom adverts which are being technically

produced resulted to their change of mind and the way they live

as majority become habitually Television viewers. Feilitzen and

Vila (2002) “explained that, in the other countries young people

are important targeted group for the media companies and

particularly their advertisers, they are now days exposed to a


steady stream of commercial messages because of its power of

penetration, Television has unique position as advertising

media”. Behavior Change and Television Adverts

The paradigmatic shifts of communication for development were

also evident in the design of communication strategies to address

HIV/AIDS. Developing countries placed emphasis on the behavior of

individuals, escalating the importance of behavior changes

communication which had been the popular and dominant world.

Behavior change is premised on the belief that the urgency of the

pandemic necessitates a high focus on individual behavior and it

thus tries to encourage people to make informed choices (Deane,



2.1.2 Theoretical Arguments.

Theory of mind is a theory insofar as the mind is not directly

observable. The presumption that others have a mind is termed a

theory of mind because each human can only intuit the existence

of his or her own mind through introspection, and no one has

direct access to the mind of another. It is typically assumed

that others have minds by analogy with one's own, and based on

the reciprocal nature of social interaction, as observed in joint

attention, the functional use of language, and understanding of

others' emotions and actions. Having a theory of mind allows one

to attribute thoughts, desires, and intentions to others, to

predict or explain their actions, and to posit their intentions.

As originally defined, it enables one to understand that mental


states can be the cause of and thus be used to explain and

predict others behavior. Being able to attribute mental states to

others and understanding them as causes of behavior implies, in

part, that one must be able to conceive of the mind as a

"generator of representations". If a person does not have a

complete theory of mind it may be a sign of cognitive or

developmental impairment. Advert power to purchasing behavior change.

Theory of mind appears to be an innate potential ability in

humans, but one requiring social and other experience over many

years to bring to fruition. Different people may develop more, or

less, effective theories of mind. Empathy is a related concept,

meaning experientially recognizing and understanding the states


of mind, including beliefs, desires and particularly emotions of

others, often characterized as the ability to "put oneself into

another's shoes." Recent neuron ethological studies of animal

behavior suggest that even rodents may exhibit ethical or

empathic abilities. The idea that the form of media influences

our mind of its contents suggest even the form of media content,

whether a news story ,advertisement, or episode, persuade us to

adopt particular way of seeing that content ( Mc luhann’s 1964)

meaning that there is the great relationship between the media

content and people’s thoughts and this has supposed change their

mind and thinking in which Herman and Chomsky (1998) described

the key issues in the relationship between dume condom adverts

and the manner in which audience respond to it, has been analyzed

from various theoretical perspectives that some have seen news


content as essentially ideological as having the power to limit

and structure the audience perception.

However, Fcinstm and Adrian(1999) says it is very transient being

on the screen for only a few seconds and it is difficult for

viewer to respond directly because there is inevitably going to

be a time lapse before any action can be taken that why the

Television advertisement have to get the message across precisely

without becoming boring or persistent because of too much

repetition and this will get the attention of the audience to

think for a particular type of commercial and gives their own

judgment of what influenced exposed to them.

Not only, that advertisements seem to encourage age extravagant

expectations because they are more dramatic and vivid than the

reality they present to us with images and then make them seen


true (Fcinstm and Adrian, 1999), but it depends on the type of

commercials, there are commercials are preferred by youth because

they real present their life living in the sense that Rock and

Enzensberger (1974), says others have seen the advertisement as a

constant recurrence of reutilize journalistic practices and still

others have seen news content as primarily directed by commercial

criteria, based on assumptions about what audience “really” want

to watch. As the result they confuse our experiences and

perception of the real world of offering spectacular illusions.

In addition to that, Television has long- term effects which are

small, gradual, indirect, but cumulative and significance, the

heavy the viewers of Television program are probably had higher

impacts of Television than others (Gebrbner and Larry, 1960) it


means that the Television programs especially commercials

programs has indirect and long-term effects.

On one way of the research understanding by Marshall (1995)

explained that media shapes how we as individual in the society

think, feel, act and how society are operates technologically.

People learn, feel and think the way we do because of the message

people receives from media, Television, easily capture human

interests and finally make their goals of judgment and change of

their perceptions.

Basically the raise of Acquired Immune Deficiency (AIDS) threat

made salama condom adverts very important and that will bring a

positive public health benefits to make sure that people use

condom effectively through the condom adverts. However condom

commercials especially Television can be effective only if the


society is willing to discuss the use of condom. Most partners

are not ready to negotiate the use of condom with their sexual

partners since they fear to be seen as they are not faithful to

their relationships.

There is still a contradiction between religious leaders and

condom use commercials world-wide. Tanzania’s Roman Catholic

Church is still opposed to condom adverts and use despite of its

ambitious HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns. Once the Roman Catholic

Leaders lamented that; “The advertisements of condoms encourage

young girls and boys to engage in sex because they are told to

use condoms. The church would continue to advocate abstinence and

fidelity. Once the government stops the importation and

distribution of condoms, people will stop sex with multiple

partners and slow down the spread of the pandemic.


2.1.3 Knowledge gap

From scholars point of view a research report on “impacts of

Television condom advertisement on University students’’,

2008/2009 explain that majority of Tanzanian’s had sexual

intercourse using condom after seeing those adverts on Television

although most of female are embarrassed when they see condom

adverts while number of male got awareness when they watch, so

they argue that watching dume condom adverts on Television is not

a bad thing but at what time and with who that is what lead to


From the Americans in 1987 research to see the attitude of adult

and adolescent concerning condom adverts on Television, the data

suggest that majority of adults and adolescents approve of condom


advertisements on Television but in a detail way they have not

discussed concentrating only on how youth perceive Television’s

condom commercials particularly male’s dume condom adverts.

Therefore with that reason there was a need to conduct the

research on an assessment of dume condom adverts and its impact

to Tanzanian’s. This means that despite the adverts of dume

condom are shown what is the impact to Tanzanian’s in terms of

behavior change after seen the adverts all the time does it

motivate them into sexual behavior. Also on how Tanzanian’s

perceive towards commercials when they are exposed with the

intention of encouraging marketers to think on how they plan to

advertise condom’s adverts on Television medium channels.






This chapter consists of research design, area of the study,

population sample, and sample size, sampling techniques, data

gathering techniques, data presentation and data analysis.


According to Krishnaswan and Ronganatham (2007:44) define

research design as a logical and systematic plan prepared for

directing a research study. The research was a case study. The

study design allowed the researcher to collect data on a single

phenomenon whereby data was collected at one point in time. This

design considered useful, as it was relatively cheap but enabled

the researcher to capture in-depth information about the


assessment of the Dume condom TV adverts and its impact to



Kinondoni municipality was purposely selected as area of the

study since it was the area which had populated with large number

people and it was the area where there are different classes of

people educated and uneducated, adult and youth, higher class of

income with middle class and lower class of income. Kinondoni

municipality is the biggest municipal council in Tanzania with

the square kilometer of about five hundred and thirty one

kilometer (531 km2) with 27 ward Namely; Bunju,Goba, Hananasif,

Kawe, Kibamba, Kigogo, Kijitonyama, Kimara, Kinondoni, Kunduchi,

Mabibo, Magomeni, Makuburi, Makumbusho, Makurumula, Manzese,


Mbezi, Mburahati, Mbweni, Mikocheni, Msasani, Mwananyamala,

Mzimuni, Ndugumbi, Sinza, Tandale and Ubungo. It has the total

population of one million three thousand nine hundred and

thirteen. (1,083,913).

In Kinondoni Municiple Masaki ward was representing the wards

which people of higher income and middle classes stay like

Oysterbay, Mikocheni, Kunduchi and Mbezi beach and Mwananyamala

ward was representing the wards where people with lower income

and poor standard of living stay like Mazese, Masasani, Kawe,

Magomeni and Tandale. Regarding these reasons it had enable the

researcher to get the intended data with logical evidence.


Secondly most offices that deal with information about HIV/AIDS

were and still are located in Dar es Salaam these include

Ministry of health, T-Marc and media house.


Kothari, C.R (2004 pg 55) defined population sampling as a plan

for obtaining a sample from a given population. The sample of the

study was those who are watching Television Dume condom adverts

in Kinondoni Municipal area whereby in that municipal the

population was one million three thousand nine hundred and

thirteen (1,083,913) people. The research was using a simple

random sampling technique where it took 100 youth from the

population and youth age (18- 29) will be selected as a sample

and another 100 adult from the population was selected and adult


age (30- 45) was used as a sample. The reason to selects this

sample was to serve cost and time. In other words, this sample

had facilitate accurate collection of data hence it reduce cost

and time.


This refers to the number of items to be selected from the

universal to constitute a sample (Kothari, 2004 pg 56). The study

had involved a sample size of 50 respondents presenting the whole

population of one million three thousand nine hundred and

thirteen (1,083,913) people found in Kinondoni municipality. 25

respondents where youth and adults from ward 1 that is Masaki

whereby Masaki was representing all social classes and places of

people with higher income like Mbezi beach, Osterbay. 25


represent where from Mwananyamala ward both youth and adults

whereby this ward was represents all wards of lower class people

with low income like Magomeni, Msasani.


Kothari, C.R. (2002) defines sampling as the process of obtaining

information about the entire population by examining a party of

it where the results represent or portray the characteristics of

the entire population. The research aim was simple to get in-

depth data. In the study, the researcher used simple random

sampling technique to get population sample represented the

entire population of Tanzania’s where the researcher had chosen

the sample according to the purpose of his study. The technique


offered equal opportunity to all members of the population of

being selected.


Methods of data collection refer to techniques, tools and methods

used in collecting and analyzing data.

According to Rwegoshora (2006:65) data are facts and other

relevant materials, past, present, serving as bases for study and

analyses. Example the type of the most important programs in

informing the people with hearing disabilities


Focus group discussion

Focus Group is Open-ended interview with a group of similar

respondents who engage in discussion about a specific topic under


the direction of an interviewer. The interviewer is usually an

outsider to the organization and may take a directive or

unobtrusive role.

Focus group discussion was conducted whereby there was a

moderate; the discussion was conducted in Kiswahili and English

language. The number of people in the discussion was varied from

6 to 12. Also they were picked randomly. Each participant was

given ample time to respond to the question posed by the

moderator. The discussion had involved youth and adults and the

researcher used 25 people both adult and youth, male and female.


The study employed the questionnaire technique to collect data

from the field whereby the questionnaires were sending to


respondents to answer them and they were returned to the

researcher for further analysis. The questionnaire contained both

open ended and closed ended questions because open ended

questions gave the respondent a chance to provide more

expressions and clarifications while closed ended gave the

respondent opportunity and simplicity of making a clear choice of

his category like age, sex and education. Questionnaire were

distributed to 25 people both adult and youth and both male and



Is a skill-set that seeks to identify, locate, manipulate, format

and present data in such a way as to optimally communicate


meaning and proffer knowledge. The purpose of putting results of

experiments into graphs, charts and tables is two-fold.

The research data was presented in terms of tables through

qualitative explanation data in the sense that one can understand

the trends and the different attitudes or perception of

Tanzania’s concerning Dume condom’s adverts on Television.


Data analysis is the task taken by the researcher to analyze

after collecting them from the field (Kothari, 2004 pg 18), the

analysis of data had required a number of closely related

operations such as establishment of categories, the application

of these categories to raw data through coding, tabulation and

then drawing statistical inferences. Descriptive analysis was


employed to describe/analyze all data collected on the topic “An

assessment of the Dume Condom Adverts and its impact to


The researcher had analyzed data by tables of responses. The

analysis also employed tables to present the collected data from

the field.


Limitation of the study was interval time given to conduct

this research is so limited due to the collection of data

and make their analysis as well as presentation. Also lack

of enough funds was another problem because this particular

type of research need some much money for transport and

facilities to enable successful data collection.


Furthermore, this study was done under pressure of time

because it was performed while the class sessions are on

progress something that led to lose its credibility as a

hot topic in the field of mass communication.

Delimitation of the study was although the time is not

enough as well as shortage of fund, I had chosen the best

way of sampling technique so as the time spent was short

and enough to get all the findings of the study as the

resullt to better research presentation.




4.0 Introduction

This chapter gives the findings as given by respondents in the

field on the assessment of Dume Condom advert and its impact to




By using questions from the questionnaire, the Researcher

presents the data as follows:

4.1 Demographic Information

4.1.1 Gender

Out of the total sample of 25 respondents, the researcher worked

with 15 respondents (60%) who were adult age (30-45) and 10

respondents (40%) were youth age (18-29). It is well illustrated

in the table below.

Table 4.1.1 Respondents’ gender variation



Male 15 60

Female 10 40

Total 25 100.0


(Source of data, field data


4.1.2 Age

Out of 25 respondents, 4 respondents (16%) were of the age

ranging from 10-15 years old, 5 respondents (24%) were of the age

ranging from 15-20 years old, also 5 respondents (40%) were of

the age ranging from 25- 35 years old, the remaining 5

respondents (20%) were of the age ranging between 35-45 years old

and 1 respondents (4%) was age 45and above as indicated in the

table below.

Table 4.1.2 Respondents’ age variation



10-15 4 16

15-20 5 20

25-35 5 40


35-45 5 20

45-above 1 4

Total 25 100

(Source of data, field data 2013)

4.1.3 Education level

Out of 25 respondents, 7 respondents (28%) were youth of

secondary education from two schools namely Makongo and green

acres, whereby 5 respondents (20%) were business people from the

Mwananyamala and Magomeni both adult and youth, and 3 respondent

(12%) were youth from Masaki and Mbezi beach while 10 respondents

(40%) were adults from different organizations as illustrated in

the table below.

Table 4.1.3 Respondents’ education variation


(Source of Data,

field data 2013)


The findings are

presented in line

with the research

questions and their

attendant research

tasks as follows,

4.2.1 Frequent of watching TV

Respondents Male Female Tota




1 2 3



2 2 4


education 2 3 5


education 1 2 3


5 5 10

TOTAL 11 15 25


Out of 25 respondents, 20 respondents (80%) had said yes they do

watch TV, 5 respondents (20%) had said no they don’t watch TV

frequently as shown in the table below.

Table 4.1.4 Respondents’ Watching TV




Yes 20 80

No 5 20

Total 25 100

(Source of

data, field data 2013)

4.2.2 Coming across Dume condom TV advert

In the question asked respondents if they have ever come across

Dume condom TV advert, out of 25 respondents 20 respondents (80%)

had said yes and 5 respondents (20%) had said no as shown in the

table below


Table 4.1 5 Respondents coming across Dume condom TV advert

Dume condomTV adverts. Frequency

Percent (%)

Yes 20 80

No 5 20

Total 25 100

(Source of data,

field data 2013)

4.2.3 Last time watching Dume condom TV advert.

Out of 25 respondents, 5 respondents (20%) said that they watch

dume condom TV advert in a week time, 5 respondents (20%)

responded by saying that they watch it more than 2 weeks, 5

respondents (20%) said that they watch it a month ago, while 5


respondents (20%) said they watched it a year past as shown in

the table below.

Table 4.1.6 Last time Respondents’ watched Dume condom TV advert.




In a week

time5 20

More than2 weeks 5 20

A Month

ago5 20

A year

past5 20

Total 20 100

(Source of data, field data


4.2.4 Remember how the advert was.


However respondents were asked if they remember how the advert

was out of 25 respondents, 15 respondents (60%} said they do

remember the advert and explained it, that they said advert start

with a man who was known as “Mwanaume Halisi” because he was

using dume condom to keep himself safe but also the same man used

to save peoples life and make people feel safe around him since

he is “Mwanaume Halisi” who is using dume condom to be safe him

and his partner when having sex. 5 respondents (20%) said they

don’t remember it and they cannot explain it. It is described in

the table below.

Table 4.1.7 How Respondent remember the advert

Respondentremembering theadvert.



Those who 15 60



the advert

Those who

do not


the advert

5 20

Total 20 100

(Source of data, field data


4.2.5 Message they got from Dume TV advert

Among 25 respondents asked on what message they got from Dume TV

advert, whereby 16 responses (64%) indicated respondents said

they got a positive message on how to have a safe sex, 4

responses (16%) shows respondents said they didn’t get any

message out of the advert as shown in the table below.


Table 4.1.8 Responses showing respondents’ the message they got

from Dume condom TV


Source of data,

field data 2013)

4.2.6 Is the advert motivating you on doing sexual behavior habit

Message they got

Frequency of responses

Percent (%)


got16 64

No message 4 16

Total 20 100


However 25 respondents were asked does Dume condom TV advert

motivates you on sexual behavior habits, hence they gave their

responses as follows; 5 responses ( 20%) who were adults from

masaki ward said yes by seeing the advert it motivates them in

doing sexual behavior habits. 5 responses (20%) who were youth

from mwanayamala ward also said yes it does motivate them in

doing sexual behavior habits in a safe way. 5 responses (20%)

youth from mbezi beach said the advert does not motivate them

from doing sexual behavior habits. 1 responses (4%) from adults

at kinondoni the advert does not motivate them from doing sexual

behavior habbits. Those who were motivate both adult and youth

said that seen the dume condom advert of Mwanaume Halisi make the

motivated into sexual behavior habbit by seen the advert and they

start to think on the use of condoms and want to have sex the


same time with a woman. Also the advert motivates them even those

who have not used the dume condom said when they see the advert

they wants to try to use them since they are motivated into

sexual behavior.

Table 4.1.8 Respondents motivating in sexual behavior change.


motivating in

sexual behavior

Frequency Percent


Adult from Masaki


5 20

Youth from

Mwananyamala ward

5 20

Youth from Mbezi


5 20

Adult from 1 4



Total 16 100


ource of data, field data 2013)



The findings are presented in line with the research questions

and their attendant research tasks as follows,

4.3 Demographic Information

4.3.1 Gender

Out of the total sample of 25 respondents, the researcher worked

with 15 respondents (60%) who were adult age (30-45) and 10

respondents (40%) were youth age (18-29).


Table 4.3.1 Respondents’ gender variation



Adult 15 60

Youth 10 40

Total 25 100.0

(Source of data, field data


4.3.2 Age

Out of 25 respondents, 5 respondents (20%) who were youth age

ranging from 18-20 years old, 5 respondents (20%) who were also

youth age ranging from 20-25 years old, also 5 respondents (20%)

who were youth of the age ranging from 25- 29 years old, and the

remaining 10 respondents (40%) who were adult of the age ranging

between 30-45 years old.


Table 4.3.2 Respondents’ age variation






10-15 4 16

15-20 5 20

25-35 5 40

35-45 5 20

45-above 1 4

Total 25 100

(Source of data, field data 2013)

4.3.3 Education level

Out of 25 respondents, 7 respondents (28%) were youth of

secondary education from two schools namely Makongo and green

acres, whereby 5 respondents (20%) were business people from the


Mwananyamala and Magomeni both adult and youth, and 3 respondent

(12%) were youth from Masaki and Mbezi beach while 10 respondents

(40%) were adults from different organizations as illustrated in

the table below.

Table 4.3.3 Respondents’ education variation

(Source of

Data, field data


4.4.1 The


about dume condom


Respondents Male Female Tota




1 2 3



2 2 4



2 3 5



1 2 3

Others 5 5 10

TOTAL 11 15 25


Out of 25 respondents, 10 respondents (40%) who were adult said

that they do understand about dume condom advert and that it’s

the advert that educates and help Tanzanians to be aware about

the use of Dume condom in order to have a safe sex. 10

respondent (40%) who where youth said that they do understand

about Dume condom that is to keep the aware to have a safe sex. 5

respondents (20%) who were youth from Magomeni said that they

don’t understand about Dume condom advert as illustrated in the

table below.

Table 4.3.4 Respondents’ understood the message

Respondents who understood the message



Adult 10 40

Youth 10 40


Youth who did not


5 20

Total 25 100


of Data, field data 2013)

4.4.2 Does the advert motivate into sexual behavior habit.

Out of 25 respondents, 10 respondents (40%) who were adult said

it does motivate them into sexual behavior habit since the advert

makes them feel like having sex, when they see the advert of dume

condom it makes them think and want to have sex at the same time.

10 respondents (40%) who were youth said it does motivate them

into sexual behavior habit since to them they are young and some

have never done sex and seen the advert it motivate them to want

to try to use the dume condom and this make them motivated into


sexual behavior habits. And 5 respondents (20%) who were youth

said it does not motivate them since it’s just an advert that

educates them and keep them aware as illustrated in the table


Table 4.3.5 Respondents’ motivated by the advert of dume condom

Respondentsmotivated by theadvert



Adult who are


10 40

Youth who are


10 40

Youth who are not


5 20

Total 25 100


(Source of

Data, field data 2013)

4.4.3 Interest with Dume condom TV advert.

Out of 25 respondents, 10 respondents (40%) who were adult said

that they have interest in dume condom advert is that it educates

them and keep them aware about the use condom in order to have a

safe sex. 10 respondents (40%) who were youth said they are

interested in Dume condom advert since it makes the aware of

diseases which will infect them when not having a safe sex and

without making use of condom. 5 respondents (20%) who were also

youth said they are not interest in Dume condom adverts as

illustrated in the table below.


Table 4.3.6 Respondents’ interest with dume condom TV advert


frequency Percentage



10 40



10 40

Youth not


5 20

Total 25 100

(Source of Data,

field data 2013)

4.4.4 Message they get when watching Dume condom TV advert.

Out of 25 respondents 10 respondents (40%) who were adult said

that said that the message they get is educative and make them

aware of having a safe sex and to talk to their children about


making use of condom when having sex. 10 respondents (40%) who

were youth said that the message they get makes them more

educative and bring awareness to them. 5 respondents (20%) who

were also youth said that they didn’t get any message they only

got entertained as illustrated in the table below.

Table 4.3.7 Respondents’ Message they got from dume condom advert


frequency Percentage

Adult who

got the


10 40

Youth who

got the

10 40



Youth who

did not



5 20

Total 25 100

(Source of

Data, field data 2013)

4.4.5 What do they think about Dume condom TV advert?

Out of 25 respondents, 10 respondents (40%) who were adult said

that the advert is good since it educate them and bring awareness

to the people about the good use of using condom and been safe

from disease. 10 respondents (40%) who were youth said that the

advert help them to have more knowledge and educative in the good


use of condom. 5 respondents (20%) who where youth also said they

don’t think of anything about the dume condom advert as

illustrated in the table below.

Table 4.3.8 Respondents’ thinking about dume condom advert


frequency Percentage



10 40



10 40

Youth who


think of

5 20



Total 25 100

(Source of Data,

field data 2013)




5.0 Introduction

This chapter concludes what has been discussed in the study

introduction, literature review and finding of the study. The aim

of the study was to make an assessment of Dume condom advert and

its impact to Tanzania whereby the study aimed to assess the

behavior changes and television advert, to assess the advert

power to purchasing behavior change. This chapter deals with the

discussion of the findings which bases on research questions.

5.1 The perception of Tanzanian’s towards dume condom TV advert

According to the findings from the field, Tanzanian’s do have a

positive perception about the use of condom although they are few


who still take it as an entertainment to them. As it was found in

the field media help a lot the advertising to send the message to

the people but everyone have their own perception others have

seen it has a good thing to send the message to the people and

others have seen it as an entertainment and nothing they get out

of the advert. This was supported by the study of Marshall (1995)

explained that media shapes how we as individual in the society

think, feel, act and how society are operates technologically.

People learn, feel and think the way we do because of the message

people receives from media, Television, easily capture human

interests and finally make their goals of judgment and change of

their perceptions. Although they are different perception it

still has shown that people do still watch dume condom Advert and

this can be supported by the study of (Gebrbner and Larry, 1960)


Television has long- term effects which are small, gradual,

indirect, but cumulative and significance, the heavy the viewers

of Television program are probably had higher impacts of

Television than others. It means that the Television programs

especially commercials programs has direct and long-term effects.

5.2 To determine whether dume condom adverts motivates sexual


According to the findings from the field respondents who were

adult from said the advert do motivate them into sexual behavior

habits and respondents who were youth said the advert do motivate

them also as youth to involve themselves in sexual behavior

habits since they want to try and see how effective is the dume

condom which has been adverts. But also respondents who were


youth also said the advert does not motivate them into sexual

behavior habits but it makes out using condom when having sex,

respondents who were adult also said the advert doesn’t motivate

them into sexual behavior habits. In this findings it shows that

people are more motivated by the advert of dume condom and that

led them to involve themselves into sexual behavior habits in a

safe way though. Also they do get more knowledge and awareness

about the use of condom whenever they are having sex. This can be

support by the Theory of mind. It is a theory insofar as the mind

is not directly observable. The presumption that others have a

mind is termed a theory of mind because each human can only

intuit the existence of his or her own mind through

introspection, and no one has direct access to the mind of

another. It is typically assumed that others have minds by


analogy with one's own, and based on the reciprocal nature of

social interaction, as observed in joint attention, the

functional use of language, and understanding of others' emotions

and actions. Having a theory of mind allows one to attribute

thoughts, desires, and intentions to others, to predict or

explain their actions, and to posit their intentions.

5.3 The message Tanzania’s get over the dume condom TV advert

In the field the findings where that the respondent said they

got a positive message out of the dume condom TV advert, where

the message they got is educative and help them to be aware of

using condom when having sex in order to have a safe sex and free

from diseases such as HIV/AIDS. But others respondent said they

didn’t get any message from the advert. This shows that they are


large number of people who are still getting knowledge of how to

have a safe sex out of TV adverts. This can be support by the

study ( Mc luhann’s 1964) meaning that there is the great

relationship between the media content and people’s thoughts and

this has supposed change their mind and thinking in which Herman

and Chomsky (1998) described the key issues in the relationship

between condom adverts and the manner in which audience respond

to it, has been analyzed from various theoretical perspectives

that some have seen content as essentially ideological as having

the power to limit and structure the audience perception.

But Fcinstm and Adrian(1999) says it is very transient being on

the screen for only a few seconds and it is difficult for viewer

to respond directly because there is inevitably going to be a

time lapse before any action can be taken that why the Television


advertisement have to get the message across precisely without

becoming boring or persistent because of too much repetition and

this will get the attention of the audience to think for a

particular type of commercial and gives their own judgment of

what influenced exposed to them.

Not only, that advertisements seem to encourage age extravagant

expectations because they are more dramatic and vivid than the

reality they present to us with images and then make them seen





6.0 Introduction

This chapter is discussing recommendation and conclusion on the

findings of the study.

6.1 Summary


The findings have shown that the people are watching dume condom

advert in Tanzania but not all get the message that is been sent

to them about the use of condom. Even though the advert is been

kept in a way that people can understand easily but still they

are some who see it as part of entertainment to them. The message

been sent there is for everyone to be safe and protect themselves

when having sex.

6.2 Recommendations

To solve the impact of television advertisement is to understand

on the real impact of bad use of condom instruction. To suggest

prevention and to provide solution to the real extent of the

impact of the dume condom TV advert. As the concerned there is a

need for the society, government and international community and


organization to make basic changes on how the advertisement

should be made so that many people can be motivated and learn a

lot about the uses of condom through advertisements.

6.3 To the international community and organization

1. To increase more effort, by educating people and make them

more aware on the impact of condoms televisions adverts. By

doing so they will be helping people to get more message

about the use of condoms and how important they are to them

inorder to have a safe sex and be free from diseases.

2. To collaborate with other government to ensure that every

media house, artist and local organization in the country is

fully involved in the fighting against HIV/AIDS by providing

condom adverts and different programmes about condom either

in the form of drama, film or talk show which will


elaborates more to people on the use of condom against

diseases and to be safe from venereal diseases.

3. To set standard follow up which ensure that media and

advertisers makers are using the given fund to performing

the presented plan. Thus to say there should be a follow up

on media companies which are been paid to advertise o the

condoms adverts that if the advert they have been paid is

advertised as it has been planned so that the audiences will

get the required message which was intended to reach them.

4. To increase more effort, education and awareness on the

impact of condoms television advert which encourage people

to practice sex. Thus to say the Dume condom advert is not

there to make people practices sex but to make them aware of

having a safe sex at the right time. So the advertisers


should learn that not to adverts condom in order to make

people practices sex through to make them aware and educated

on the use of condom.

5. To give more priority to effective components television

programmers, organization than others and intercept some


6.4 To the government

The responsibility and obligations of the government include

safeguarding the wellbeing of all citizens regardless of various

complexities and dissimilarities there for, the government has to

do the following;

1. To institute laws which ensure that the television adverts

respect human culture through moral and culture


chrematistics under social norms. That the adverts produce

an advert that will provide an educative message and the

advertising companies should make sure they provide and

advert which gives an educative message and which does not

destroy ones culture.

2. The government should not only permit NGO’S and media houses

to make and air on television only but also to make a

follow-up on their impact on the society. The government

should take a follow –up on the advert which are been

adverts by the NGO’s and the media houses if they really

provide the required message to the people.

3. To promote good advertisement on the impact of condom and

discontinue bad ones which can led to sexual behavior. The

government should make sure the advert of condom which is


shown should not be there to motivate people into sexual

behavior other than making people aware on the use of condom

and educate people on how to prevent themselves from

venereal diseases.

4. To reduce the adverts of condoms which are shown to

encourage sex. The adverts of condom which are shown and

they are seen to encourage sexual behavior should be removed

and not to be shown in television.

5. To reduce taxes to the media houses so that the adverts can

get enough airtime.

6. To establish a program and elaborate policy which consider

the condom television adverts.

6.5 To media and artists


1. Media companies should advice the advertising companies

of condom adverts to use local artists and set their

adverts on Tanzania culture and aspects.

2. Media should reduce the cost of advertisements so that

the advertising companies can be able to advertise more

about condom and deliver the message to the people to

be more educative.

3. Media should over look at the condom adverts before

they air it out to the audience in order to avoid

interference with human culture and the advert that may

mislead the viewers and cause harm to them. This will

help fro causing any misunderstanding with the



4. Media should provide more time for the adverts of

condom to be aired out so that the people can get a

chance to view it more and get the message since people

do have different time to watch the television so by

doing that everyone will get a chance to watch the

advert of condom at his/her own time.

6.6 To adults and parents

1. Adults and parents should help youth who are mostly

likely to spend more time watching television on

understanding about the advert of condom and not to

watch the advert and put it into practice.

2. Adults and parents should also spend time with their

children telling them about the use of condom and


educate them not to involve themselves into sexual

behavior after watching the condom advert just to

practices the use of condom.

3. Also adults and parents should educate their children

on the important of using condom at the right age and

the importance of having a safe sexton be safe from


6.7 To youth

1. Youth should not look at condom advert as an

entertainment but take it serious and get the message

and learn the importance of using condom to be safe

from diseases.


2. Youth should always be aware on the risk of not using

condom when having sex and so they should learn more

through the adverts and be aware about diseases when

having unsafe sex so should always consider using

condoms when having sex.

6.8 Conclusion

The finding led to the conclusion that, condoms advertisement

makers have to rethink on what they make and feed their TV

customers on issues related to the positive campaign against

HIV/AIDS and their impact to the society. The survey of impact of

Dume condom television adverts in Tanzania is knowledge based

survey, a cross cultural and cross sectional of the age under

eighteen (18) to above 45years old.


The research was conducted at Kinondoni municipality in Dare es

salaam region and involved both male and female respondent at

least 40 questionnaires were distributed as methodology tool for

data sample collected and about 45 respondent participated in the

focused group discussion.

The findings provide a comprehensive picture of the knowledge,

altitude and behavior of Tanzanian towards HIV/AIDS adverts on

local television. Many organization, health centers and media

were implemented in order to provide awareness to the society as

the respondents of media says their task is only to bring

awareness to the society and to give relevant information also to

sensitize the masses.

All in all the television advertisement could not avoid the

killer diseases by help changing the people behavior as long as


all people from society have different perception or organization

can suggest its ways to make advertisement on HIV/AIDS. As all

Kinondoni must control and direct the advertise makers and

contestant the way forward to keep effect of HIV/AIDS ant to

punish those who make the advert which led to sexual behavior.

However the study was concerned about that assessement on dume

condom advert and its impact to Tanzania, the research found out

that the media was quite considerable in the showing of the dume

condom advert which have help people on been aware of the use of

condom in order to have a safe sex.



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P.O. Box 77588 Dar Es salaam, Tanzania

Tel. 022 276 0426, Fax 022 276 0432, Email

Dear respondent, this questionnaire aims at helping the

researcher to understand the impact of Dume condom TV advert to

Tanzania’s for the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for

Bachelor Degree of Arts in Mass Communication of Tumaini



You’re therefore kindly asked to complete this work within few

days from the day of submission to you. Be assured that your

contribution is highly appreciated and shall be treated strictly



Put a tick in the bracket

1.) Sex

Male { } Female { }

2) Age

(a)10-15 years { } (b)15-20 years { } (c) 25-35

years { } (d) 35-45 years { } (e) 45- and Above

{ }


2) Education level

a) Primary education { }(b) Secondary education {

] (c) Technical education { } (d) University

education { } (e) Others { }


3.) Do you watch TV?

No { } yes { }

4) Have you ever come across dume condom TV advert?

No { } yes { }

(5) When was the last time you watch Dume condom TV advert?


A) in a week time ( ) B) more than two weeks (

) C) a month ago ( ) D) Year Past ( )

(6) Do you remember how the advert was? Explain.




(7) What message did you get from Dume condom

advert? .........................................................








(8) Does Dume condom advert motivate you into sexual behavior


How? .................................................














P.O. Box 77588 Dar Es salaam, Tanzania

Tel. 022 276 0426 Fax 022 276 0432.

Dear respondent, this focused group questions aims at helping the

researcher to understand the impact of Dume condom advert to

Tanzania’s for the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for

Bachelor Degree of Arts in Mass Communication of Tumaini




1.) What do you understand about Dume Condom TV advert?

2.) Does it motivate you into sexual behavior habits?

3) What are you interest with Dume condom TV advert?

4) What message to you get when watch Dume condom TV advert?

5) What do you think about dume condom TV advert?







2 Ream@8000



3Pinting 47@700

5photocopy pg.@50

Spiral binding



2 People @14,000 x 4

Mills for two people

Breakfast @1000 x 62

lunch@ 3000 x 62

dinner@3000 x 62




= 16,000/=

= 2,500/=

= 98,700/=

= 12,000/=

= 10,000/=

= 10,000/=

= 56,000/=

= 62,000/=

= 185,000/=

= 185,000/=

= 43,000/=

= 683,500/=