

1. Password :Before starting the CES test in the web, you will be provided with:

Password Applicant ID.

Please get this from the Head of Crewing Department. This password has a time limit and regular changes in periodically changes in a few days laterEngineers are advice to have a calculator handy and paper ready before the test, there could be some calculation needed.

2. Go to the below websites :

3. Log in by Key in :Company: RafflesLogin: applicantPassword: XXXXXX ( that is provided to you before you take the CES test )

4. The Crewing department shave registered your details in the system and youare to search for your ID to start the CES :

Click Search :

Click :


Search for applicant

Key in the your ID provided

and select Applicant ID

Your applicant will appear and click it

5. Assessing the CES test

Select and click the ID or surnameor first name

Click CES test

6. Select criteria for new tests

Test criteria

Depending on your rank or instruction from the crewing department to select the required following criteria :

Test Type Initial test select STCW

Department Select the department you are from Deck or Engine

Level Select the level according to below :

Management Captain , Chief Officer , Chief Engineer and Second Engineer Oprational Second Officier, Third Officer, Junior Officers , Third

Engineer , Fourth Engineer, Junior Engineers

Support Deck , Engine and Galley Ratings

For Deck Department , Vessel S elect the type of vessel you will be signing on

For Engine Department Guys , Propulsion Select the type of vessel you will be signing on slow speed , medium speed

7. Click Start test


8. Start the questions ,select the multiple choice answer and click Next to the next question .

9. Answer the last question and Click Finish test

10. Getting the Test Certificate , click test certificate

Click Download

Click CESTestCertificate.pdf to get a copy of the Cert

11. Retest Function Areas.Depending on your Total test Score and the Function Area results , in the case of poorly performed areas , you will be directed to do the function area test .

Same as before login process applied as before, but this time select Test Type Detailed

Select the Function Area where you are required to do the test .

Depending on your rank as mentioned select the Detailed subject and start the test .